The modern world economy is characterized by high dynamics in the ratio of the level and rates of economic growth of its constituent countries. The speed, quantitative and qualitative indicators of this process are constantly changing, becoming its distinctive feature, especially since the second half of the XX century. The differences in economic potentials are most evident in the interaction between developed and developing countries. The very appearance of these categories, of which the second category is relatively quickly filled with new content, reflects complex deep processes. The term "backward countries" was quickly replaced by the more correct "developing", then generalizing "third world", which became widely popular. In 2010, such an authority as E. Maddison, a British economist and author of major works on historical statistics, expressed the opinion that the third world is over1. The recently proposed "rising" and "growing" countries record qualitative changes in the positions of this group and, as a result, the renewal of the structure of the world economy. The book of Professor, Doctor of Economics of VA. Melyantseva " Long-term trends, counter-trends and factors of economic growth in developed and developing countries "(Moscow, Publishing House "Key", 2015. 80 p.) is devoted to a topical and very complex topic - deep, sometimes dramatic changes in the ratio of economic positions of the main groups, developed countries (WG) and developing countries (PC)*. This division has become a key element in the analysis of the modern world economy. The title of the paper sounds a bit heavy, but it reflects the multi-level nature of the peer-reviewed research, which does not involve unambiguous answers. In a brief Introduction, V. Melyantsev notes a noticeable decline in economic and geopolitical stability in the world. The indicators presented in the text show significant differences between the two groups of countries, especially in regions with a predominance of developing countries. "Contradictions are growing between and within countries and groups of countries" (p. 4). A certain paradox is the formation of a long - term trend against this background, during which humanity, based on technological achievements and, no less important, institutional changes, moved in 1950 - 2014 to an average annual growth rate of 2.5 - 2.6%, compared with 0.9-1.0% in the previous 150 years (p. 5). The author does not consider it possible to predict the growth of writes how stable (irreversible)it is this is a long-term development. But we can assume that the capacity of the productive forces that already exist, and especially those that are being created on a modern technological basis, provides some (unfortunately, not very reliable) grounds for maintaining growth rates that benefit all groups of countries. From the above indicators, it seems that the topic of sustainable development, which is currently fashionable, is rather of theoretical interest. The repetition of economic crises both regional and global, and the next one, despite the abundance of predictions, comes unexpectedly, indicates the growing instability of the system as a whole. This has become one of the inevitable results of the growing volume of financial transactions, the speed of movement of their flows with limited control over them. The current crisis is marked by a massive withdrawal of capital from developing countries.- * Following the author of the book, the review uses these abbreviations (author's note). emerging markets, especially China, Brazil, Indonesia, and Turkey. This is characterized by constant criticism of global regulators, primarily the World Bank, the IMF, and the WTO, for their inefficiency in mitigating these fluctuations. With reference to S. Kuznets, the 1971 Nobel Prize winner in Economics, who studied the patterns of changes in the structure of GDP and employment, the author examines the features of modern economic growth, which began two or two and a half centuries ago. This relatively short period, by historical standards, saturated with wars, revolutions, crises, and revolutions in the methods of production, led, as emphasized by V. V. Putin. Melyantsev, to a qualitatively new phenomenon. The economic feasibility of investing in a person has been identified as a profitable / promising placement of funds that changes not only the economic base, but also the social, including cultural foundations of society. Human capital is now a popular socio-economic category, having appeared relatively recently, it has taken a stable position in all areas. The scale of national allocations for its development and improvement has become an important indicator of the state's success/failure. I would like to assume that the recognition of the importance of such investments indicates a certain humanization of world development, but rather a practical approach works - a healthy and trained employee is more effective (more profitable) than a frail ignoramus. The author's calculations show that the average annual growth rate of aggregate factor productivity, including through improving the quality of labor, is noticeably, although unevenly, increasing in both groups of countries. In a long time interval, the advantages in the scale of this indicator are retained by the RGS. For example, the number of years of study is more than twice as high in the RG as in the PC-18 years versus 8 (p. 12). This rather traditional, though important, indicator is supplemented by a more modern one, which largely contradicts the thesis about the stagnation of the RG - V. Melyantsev's data on the 8-10 - fold gap in favor of this group of countries in terms of per capita R & D expenditures (p. 39). The problem of improving the quality of human capital is directly related to overcoming global poverty. The paper provides a clear formulation of the ambiguity of this category, which accompanies humanity throughout its history. Raising the standard of living of the population and increasing its effective demand "turned out, as a rule, to be positive externalities for the development of the economy" (p. 10). According to the World Bank, the number of poor people in the world allegedly declined markedly in 2015, falling below $ 1 billion for the first time since it was recorded. people - up to 702 million, 9.6% of the world's population, compared to 902 million in 2012, 12.8% of the world's population. The reduction of poverty outlined in the UN Millennium Development Program, adopted in 2001 and then criticized for the unreality of the goal, was formally achieved, first of all, by increasing investment in education, especially in medicine and education, by international organizations and on the basis of interstate agreements. The most rapid expansion of education, including higher education, occurred in countries where it became widespread (massification), with the exception of sub-Saharan Africa2. Despite all the contradictions of globalization, this process and its important (visual!) component-demonstration effect provided by modern ICT tools, stimulate positive changes in the PC. In this regard, V. Melyantsev emphasizes the importance of changes in their state systems, using the good but somewhat forgotten word "decent" institutions, meaning improving the development environment (p. 13). In relation to this position, the "institutional capacity" mentioned by the author is important, in other words, how effective the created institutions are in ensuring the intended goals (p.45). The results of external influences and borrowings were not the same for different groups of countries. Among the laggards were the countries of the African continent, where high rates of demographic growth were combined not only with insufficient inflows of foreign capital, but also with its inefficient use. The World Bank's new poverty index of $1.9 per person per day, adopted in 2015, will significantly increase the estimated number of poor people. Governments in a number of countries will be forced to increase budget allocations to support the most disadvantaged, which is hundreds of millions of people. The problem is complicated by the fact that most distribution systems are accompanied by abuse of officials and embezzlement of funds. Against the backdrop of the financial crisis, international organizations will hardly be able to significantly increase their allocations for projects to further reduce poverty. Noteworthy is the change in China's demographic policy-it is allowed to have a second child in the family since January 2016. The strict birth control that has been in place since 1979 has made China a country of an aging population, with a majority over the age of 60. It can be assumed that the increase will be mainly in rural areas, since the growing urban population, which accounts for about 50% of the total population, is less likely to increase childbearing. If current trends continue, the share of women in the global population will continue to decline, with all the negative consequences of this process. Differences in the quality of life between the two groups of countries in the global economy in 2015 became one of the main reasons for the collapse of immigrants from the Middle East, partly African, to the developed countries of Western Europe. It is not difficult to assume that this is only the beginning of a new process with far-reaching consequences on a global scale. The fate of developed countries is described in the reviewed work as "secular stagnation", but is mitigated by the possibility of a different growth (p. 15). V. Melyantsev lists the scientific and technical achievements developed in the WG and which have become the basis for cardinal global advances based on ICT. However, progress is not always unambiguous, the instability of global GDP growth has increased, and the efficiency of the economy as a whole has decreased (p. 22). One of the consequences was the transfer of business activity to the countries of the periphery, the creation of new industries there, taking into account cheap labor. But there are also significant changes. The importance of this factor is falling, and wages are rising in modern production facilities in China and India, which until recently were reserves of excess low-paid workers. One of the paradoxes of modern development is manifested in the outstripping growth of wages in the PC compared to the RG, but, of course, not in absolute terms. The current outflow of capital from emerging markets limits their investment opportunities, increasing competition in the global debt capital market. Analyzing the recession in the Russian Federation, V. Melyantsev, among other explanations, along with the aging of the population, names such a psychological factor as a decrease in risk appetite, a necessary feature of business. It is important that the author noted this connection, which, unfortunately, is often overlooked when considering economic processes (p. 27). However, it is not entirely clear how risk aversion is combined with the growing "financialization of the Russian economy, and above all the US" (p.31). Finance is the most volatile area of the modern economy, especially developed ones. Back during the Great Depression, there was a joke in the United States that someone needed one dollar, but cash, and the collapse began. Now that cash is rapidly being pushed out of circulation, cryptocurrencies have begun to function, hackers are becoming more active, and technical failures in the maintenance of this area are repeated with frightening regularity, any fluctuation in it can become a sign of another crisis. Or, feel the difference, "secular stagnation"? Of particular interest is the section devoted to the "Asian Economic Breakthrough", a region of which Russia is a part. The list of advantages that have contributed to the economic success of a number of its countries includes such internal prerequisites as pro-market reforms, and external ones, for example, integration into international value creation systems, as well as the influx of foreign direct investment in the zero years (p.45). The same institutional capacity mentioned earlier had a positive effect. India and China, which are different from the point of view of the state structure, taking advantage of the favorable world environment, showed the highest GDP growth rates in 2000-2014, overtaking the United States (see graph 13, p.47). The author's analysis of the reasons for this success highlights pragmatic liberal reforms (p. 51). But this path was beyond the power of a significant number of Jailed states, politely called failed. In the dynamic Asia-Pacific region, they indicate difficulties in implementing the policy of economic breakthrough. But even successful countries pay a high price for success, primarily by environmental degradation, especially in China and India (pp. 59-60). In terms of air pollution, the 20-million-strong capital of India ranked 1st in the world, and it is unlikely that its ecology will be improved by the order of the Delhi municipality to divide the flow of cars on even and odd days. The author's conclusion is preceded by two epigraphs. The first - "Qui, ne se reforme pas, est mort" - equates the absence of reform with death. But countries, like people, have learned to survive with unresolved problems. The second is "If there is a will, there is a way " - optimistically believes that the presence of a goal implies a path (p. 66). But, as history shows, the goal and the way to achieve it often do not coincide. Modern economic development is "turbulent", as defined by V. Melyantsev (p. 66), occurs in different variants, does not always bring the expected results, rejects the usual (past) forms, implementing new trends. Import substitution, now a popular slogan of many governments, has little in common with what countries implemented in the early and mid-twentieth centuries. This is a natural result of qualitatively different external and internal conditions, reflected in the reviewed work. The new technological order and the power of ICTs are changing the content of economic processes, even "imposing" themselves on countries that neglect them. In these conditions, it is difficult to expect sustainable development; rather, it is an exception that is possible in the short term. V. Melyantsev concludes his publication with the words about the reasonableness of conducting "a pro-market, pragmatic and rather active policy by a national state..." (p. 80). Everything is theoretically correct, but as a practical matter, it is difficult to implement. As always, V. Melyantsev's work is rich in detailed factual material, well organized into graphs and tables. The extensive bibliographic database and detailed references to recent publications by Russian and foreign authors are noteworthy. I believe that this study should be recommended to students studying the problems of the modern world economy, as well as to a wide range of readers who want to understand the complex processes taking place in this area. But they concern everyone... E. A. BRAGINA, Doctor of Economics, Primakov Institute of International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences 1 The Economist. May 5, 2010. P. 73. 2 The Economist. Special Report. March 28, 2015. P. 4. Permanent link to this publication: LGreat Britain LWorld Y G
For Immediate Release November 5, 2019 EMILYs List Congratulates Wendy Gooditis on Her Re-Election to Virginia House District 10 WASHINGTON, D.C. — As races continue to be called in favor of pro-choice Democratic women across Virginia, EMILYs List, the nation’s largest resource for women in politics, congratulated Del. Wendy Gooditis on her victory in Virginia’s 10th House District. EMILY's List President Stephanie Schriock released the following statement: “EMILYs List is proud to congratulate Del. Wendy Gooditis on her re-election to House District 10. Since taking office, Wendy has fought for quality affordable health care, strong public schools, and a fair redistricting process. She has proven herself to be a true advocate for Virginia families, and EMILY's List is thrilled to support Wendy as she continues to be a voice for all Virginians.” EMILYs List, the nation’s largest resource for women in politics, has raised over $600 million to elect pro-choice Democratic women candidates. With a grassroots community of over five million members, EMILY's List helps Democratic women win competitive campaigns – across the country and up and down the ballot – by recruiting and training candidates, supporting strong campaigns, researching the issues that impact women and families, and turning out women voters to the polls. Since our founding in 1985, we have helped elect 150 women to the House, 26 to the Senate, 16 governors, and nearly 1,100 women to state and local office. Nearly 40 percent of the candidates EMILYs List has helped elect to Congress have been women of color. During the historic 2017-2018 cycle, EMILYs List raised a record-breaking $110 million and launched a record independent expenditure campaign. We helped elect 34 new women to the House, including 24 red-to-blue victories; enough seats to have delivered the U.S. House majority alone. Since the 2016 election, more than 50,000 women have reached out to EMILY's List about running for office laying the groundwork for the next decade of candidates for local, state and national offices.
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Roma Tomatoes are a variant of Plum tomatoes. Both have similar appearance and taste. But what is the difference between plum tomatoes and Roma tomatoes? Let’s find out. What kind of tomato is a plum tomato? A plum tomato is a small, oval-shaped tomato that is usually red or yellow in color. Plum tomatoes are less acidic than other tomatoes, making them a good choice for salads and other dishes where you don’t want the tomato flavor to be too overpowering. Plum tomatoes also have thicker skin than other tomatoes, so they tend to hold up better when cooked. How Is The Texture Of Plum Tomato? The texture of a plum tomato is smooth and slightly firm. The taste is tart and acidic. The skin of the plum tomato is thin and delicate, so it is essential to handle them with care. When cutting plum tomatoes, it is best to use a sharp knife to avoid crushing them. Other variety of Plum tomatoes There are several other varieties of plum tomatoes available on the market. Some of these include: Roma: Roma plum tomatoes are a popular type of tomato used in cooking. They have an oblong shape and are red in color. They have a firm flesh with few seeds, making them ideal for canning and sauce making. Estes: Estes plum tomatoes are another type of Roma tomato. They are slightly oblong in shape and have a deep red color. They have a firm flesh with few seeds and are excellent for canning and sauce making. San Marzano: San Marzano plum tomatoes are a variety of tomatoes native to Italy. They have an elongated shape and are red in color. They have a sweet, slightly acidic flavor and are often used in Italian cooking. Know the best substitute for San Marzano tomatoes. Amish Paste: Amish paste plum tomatoes are a variety of tomato popular among canners and gardeners. They have a large, pear-shaped body and are red in color. They have a firm flesh with few seeds and are excellent for canning and sauce making. What are plum tomatoes best used for? Plum tomatoes are small and oval-shaped with a deep red color. They are slightly sweeter and more acidic than other types of tomatoes, making them ideal for use in salads, salsas, and sauces. Plum tomatoes also have fewer seeds than other tomatoes, making them easier to prepare. When shopping for plum tomatoes, look for those that are firm and free of blemishes. Avoid tomatoes that are soft or have cracked skin. For the best flavor, use plum tomatoes that are at peak ripeness. Store them at room temperature from direct sunlight until you are ready to use them. What are Roma tomatoes? Roma tomatoes are a type of tomato that is oval in shape and has a flattened end. They are a Roma variety, which is a type of plum tomato. The Roma tomato is an ingredient in many recipes, including pasta sauce and pizza. Roma tomatoes are a variety of plum tomato that is oblong or pear-shaped with a pointed end. They have a more elevated sugar content than other plum tomatoes, making them sweeter in taste. Rome tomatoes are less acidic than other plum tomatoes, making them ideal for canning and cooking into sauces. Roma tomatoes are available year-round. What are Roma tomatoes best for? The Roma tomato is a popular choice for canning and making tomato paste. It is also used in salsa and other sauces. Roma tomatoes are best for sauces, salsa, and canning. They have a firmer texture than other varieties of tomatoes, so they hold up well to cooking. Roma tomatoes are also lower in acidity than other types of tomatoes, making them a good choice for those sensitive to acidic foods. What makes Roma tomatoes different? Roma tomatoes are a type of plum tomato famous for cooking. They are oblong in shape and have a lower water content than other types of tomatoes, which makes them ideal for sauces, salsas, and other cooked dishes. Roma tomatoes also have a higher sugar content than other tomatoes, giving them a sweeter flavor. Check Also- Tomato Puree VS Crushed Tomatoes What is the difference between Plum tomatoes and Roma tomatoes? Look and Appearance: Roma Tomatoes VS Plum Tomatoes Roma tomatoes and plum tomatoes are both popular types of tomatoes, but they have some key differences. Roma tomatoes are more oval in shape, while plum tomatoes are more spherical. Plum tomatoes also tend to be smaller than Roma tomatoes. Taste: Plum vs Roma Tomatoes When it comes to taste, plum tomatoes are generally sweeter and less acidic than Roma tomatoes. They are also juicier since they have higher water content. This can make them ideal for eating fresh or using in sauces or soups. Roma tomatoes, however, tend to hold up better when cooked. So if you’re looking for a tomato to use in a dish that will be baked or grilled, Roma is a good choice. How to use Plum tomatoes and Roma tomatoes Roma tomatoes and plum tomatoes are two of the most popular tomatoes. Both types of tomatoes can be utilized in various dishes, but they have some differences. Roma tomatoes are a type of Italian tomato that is oblong in shape and has thick flesh. They are usually red in color, but there are also yellow and orange varieties. Roma tomatoes have fewer seeds than other types of tomatoes, making them ideal for sauces and salsa. They are also lower in water content, making them ideal for frying or roasting. Plum tomatoes, on the other hand, are smaller and rounder than Roma tomatoes. They have thinner skin and contain more seeds. Plum tomatoes are sweeter than Roma tomatoes. Shelflife: Plum Tomatoes VS Roma Tomatoes Roma tomatoes tend to have a longer shelf life than plum tomatoes. This is because they are less likely to spoil and can last up to two weeks when stored properly. Plum tomatoes, on the other hand, have a shorter shelf life of about one week. They are more fragile and can quickly become bruised or damaged. Therefore, it is essential to handle them with care and eat them within a few days of purchasing them. Are Roma tomatoes and plum tomatoes the same thing? Yes, Roma tomatoes and plum tomatoes are the same things. Roma tomatoes are oblong and have thick flesh, while plum tomatoes are oval in shape and have thin flesh. Plum tomatoes are also sweeter than Roma tomatoes. Can You Substitute Roma Tomatoes for Plum Tomatoes? Roma tomatoes are a type of plum tomato that is popular in Italian cooking. They are slightly oval in shape and have a deep red color. Roma tomatoes are also known as Italian tomatoes or paste tomatoes. Plum tomatoes are a type of tomato that is oval in shape and has a deep red color. Plum tomatoes are also known as Italian tomatoes or paste tomatoes. Roma tomatoes and plum tomatoes are used in Italian cooking and can be substituted for one another. When substituting Roma tomatoes for plum tomatoes, it is essential to remember that the two types of tomatoes have different textures. Roma tomatoes are firmer than plum tomatoes, so they will hold their shape better when cooked. Plum tomatoes are more delicate and will break down more quickly. Suppose you use Roma tomatoes in a recipe for plum tomatoes. In that case, you may need to cook the Roma tomatoes for a longer period to soften them. Conversely, suppose you are using plum tomatoes in a recipe that calls for Roma tomatoes. In that case, you may need to cook the plum tomatoes for a shorter period to prevent them from falling apart. In general, both types of tomato can be used interchangeably in recipes. However, it is essential to consider the tomato’s texture when substituting. Check More- Best Substitutes for Plum Tomatoes Q1. What is another name for plum tomatoes? Another name for plum tomatoes is Roma tomatoes. These tomatoes are usually oval or pear-shaped and have a lower water content than other types of tomatoes. I am running a few minutes late; my previous meeting is running over. This makes them ideal for sauces, soups, and canning. Roma tomatoes are also less likely to crack or break open when cooked. q2. Why is the bottom of Your Roma tomatoes turning brown and the top staying red? There are a few reasons why this could be happening. 1) It could be due to uneven watering, where the bottom of the tomato is getting too much water, and the top is not getting enough. This can cause the bottom of the tomato to start rotting while the top stays red. 2) Another possibility is that the tomato plant is not getting enough nutrients, which can cause the bottom of the tomatoes to turn brown while the top stays red. 3) It could be that the temperature is too hot or too cold, which can also cause this issue. If you’re unsure what’s causing it, try checking each of these factors and see if anything seems off. Once you figure out what’s causing the problem, you should be able to fix it and get your tomatoes back to normal! q3. Are Roma Tomatoes Bigger Than Plum Tomatoes? As the size of Roma tomatoes can vary greatly. However, in general, Roma tomatoes are larger than plum tomatoes. This is because Roma tomatoes are typically grown in a more controlled environment, such as a greenhouse. In contrast, plum tomatoes generally are grown outdoors. As a result, the size of Roma tomatoes can be more consistent and often slightly larger than plum tomatoes. Q4. What Is The Difference Between Plum Tomatoes And Whole Tomatoes? Plum tomatoes and whole tomatoes are both popular types of tomatoes, but they have some key differences. 1) Plum tomatoes are smaller and have a more oblong shape than whole tomatoes. They also tend to have fewer seeds and a thinner skin than entire tomatoes. Also, plum tomatoes are sweeter and less acidic than whole tomatoes. When it comes to cooking, these differences can matter. For example, plum tomatoes can be a good choice for dishes where you want a sweeter flavor or a softer texture, such as in sauces or soups. Whole tomatoes may be better suited for dishes where you want a heartier texture and more acidity, such as in stews or chili. Ultimately, everything comes down to your particular preferences and what you’re making. Q5. What is the difference between a Roma tomato and a regular tomato? Roma tomatoes are a type of plum tomato. They are oval in shape and have a pointed end. Roma tomatoes are less juicy than different types of tomatoes, and they have a higher level of acidity. They are used mostly for cooking purposes because of their firmer texture. Roma tomatoes are used in various dishes, such as sauces, soups, and stews.
SILICON VALLEY, California – The whole world – even Microsoft – came to realize that Internet Explorer was a useless old relic, burying it alongside its old cousin, Netscape. With this, however, they sought to create a new browser that would capture the hearts and fingertips of internet users everywhere. Meet the newest contender from the oldest name in the arena: DeNIE, or “Definitely Not Internet Explorer.” Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella spoke briefly about its improvements over its notorious predecessor: “Basically, there are a few cool new gadgets which could have been just added in to Internet Explorer in an update, but the real change is the name. DeNIE is a new brand that people can explore with fresh eyes, whereas Internet Explorer was something that most people immediately steered away from.” Microsoft’s analysts conducted extensive research on the existing browser giants to determine what made them popular in the first place. The result was simple: they weren’t Internet Explorer. We had the pleasure of test-driving their new software during an interview; when it was mentioned that it felt and even looked exactly like the old browser, Nadella agreed. “Again, as long as we deny that it is Internet Explorer, people will use it. To be honest it’s the same exact browser, just rebranded – same security issues, slowness, and clinginess to legacy features.” DeNIE is planned to release with Windows 10, which the company is considering renaming to “Not Made by Microsoft” to pull in users from the ever growing Apple and Android fan crowd who once again, according to Microsoft’s researchers, only made the switch because of the name.
Sony is reportedly set to pay its Japanese staff their largest bonuses for more than two decades, as it prepares to announce end-of-year record profits. The electronics and gaming company is set to post year-end profits of around $10 billion (£7.2 billion), which have been significantly boosted by a surge in demand for home entertainment as people stayed at home due to Covid-19 (Coronavirus). As a result, the corporation is set to pay out the equivalent of seven months’ salary to staff in the form of bonuses. Japanese workers are usually paid two bonuses per year, and their regularity means there are largely considered as part of their normal salary. This year’s bonuses have swelled due to Sony’s gaming business reportedly posting is best-ever year, thanks in part to it shipping more than 4.5 million PS5 consoles since launching in February 2020 to the end of December 2020. “We are currently on track to meet our sales goal for the fiscal year of more than 7.6 million units [of PS5 consoles], but we have not been able to fully meet the high level of demand from customers,” said a company spokesperson. Sony Music has also posted strong results, with recorded music revenues up 17.5% year on year. The seven-times salary bonus figure is a rare occasion where Sony will pay more than the union recommended amount [which was 6.9 x salary]. According to Glassdoor, Sony is rated 3.8 out of five for the level of benefits it gives staff. Earlier this month, a report from the NPD Group revealed that the PS5 was the fastest-selling console in history over its first four months on the market.
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The DesktopServer plugin provides information to the DesktopServer application about your live site. But it requires a valid admin login. So as long as you are using secure passwords on your live site, you are secure. Read all 25 reviews The mac version of the software work, even if very slow. The windows version is a disaster. i cannot import website from desktop server to desktopserver beause as said by an error message the "files path is too long" !?! It screwed my internet connection which is now very slow and very unstable. I cannot download anymore big files without being deconnected, only light communication (like loading an internet page) à 200 kb. Once i tried to download a big file, to connection stop while still connected to the wifi network. I will probably have to reinstall again if i cannot repair the current installation. At last, custumer support is only 1 year. After that, no update, nothing... [ redacted ]. And you learn it after you bought it because it not clearly indicated on the purchase page. Most issues of the forum are never solved and there is [ redacted ], all related to connection error and slow connection. It's half a scam. And that for __100$__/year. The tech support from these guys has been outstanding. Even with my initial free version, they were onto Skype to talk me through issues I was having getting the software running (was Skpye blocking ports). I've since upgraded to the Premium version, and deployed two sites - both deployments required assistance (not DesktopServer software related issues) and they were quick to respond and get the sites working. Highly recommend especially if you're new to building and deploying sites. DesktopServer has claimed approx. $200 of my dollars for the last 2 years and they will never see another dime from me. As a "premium" subscriber here is what I enjoyed. 100% of the time voicemail. Not 80, not 88, not even 95%. Guaranteed if you call you will go straight to voicemail. Hours later you will get a call back. In my case I waited the better part of a day. Back and forth hemming and hawing, could not get my ftp to work. Ironic as I sent screen shots of my ftp working fine. e-mails are "forgotten". I would sit and wait to see if anything had been done - it hadn't. I would inquire, nothing. No reply of any kind. FINALLY I gave up and found out about Duplicator and am going that route. WAMP - Duplicator - lack of disrespect = winner in my book. Oh and saving myself another annual subscription fee. I started with the free. Moved right to the paid and am on my first renewal. Aside from the products ability to deliver predictable performance, it has addressed a good number of annoying issues a developer needs to deal with. The support team is SUPERHUMAN. I would be running the earth if I had such dedicated and engaged team mates in my company. The only areas of darkness resides in the area of documentation. Organizationally and contextually it can present a challenge to navigate and consume. This is however offset by the tremendous support resources available to customers. Great product! Thank you for making it for WordPress! Update: On my second renewal for the paid version! Documentation has improved! Looking forward to the next release. Having been a premium user of this plugin for a few years, I'm ready to move on to something better. This started with much promise and worked OK, but having developed 20+ WordPress sites using this, I can in all honesty say that it has only deployed without a hitch twice in that time. Every other time, there are bugs, exception errors and dropped/cancelled deployments. I've deployed to numerous hosts, shares hosting environments, VPS environments, etc. and the same things occur. The poor support forums don't help resolve this easily as you spend even more time trawling for answers. Having spent numerous hours trying to solve issues with this plugin, I'm over it and the wasted hours it has cost me and my business in fixing what should be a straight forward process for the majority of sites. In nearly every instance I need to upload files manually and create a fix on the fly to resolve errors that this plugin/software creates. Buyer beware on this one, go for the free options out there that will get the job done properly. Nice dream but it can turn into a nightmare... Desktopserver is pretty much a must have for any Wordpress Developer. There are other options, but when everything is added up, in most cases, this will be the best choice. Although the direct deployment has some issues with some providers (yes, even a major hosting service), there's simple workaround options and, in my case anyway, the team at ServerPress stepped in and did the deployment for me! (Note: I am a Premium Member). If you haven't tried this plugin, you owe it to yourself to do so. “DesktopServer for WordPress” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.Contributors 1.6.2 – May 23, 2018 - add sanitizing of API inputs. - add translation wrapper function on translatable strings. 1.6.1 – Jun 2, 2016 - reset value of ds_deploy directory for (old) XMLRPC API calls for better backward compatibility 1.6.0 – Jun 1, 2016 - Add custom endpoint API as alternate to XMLRPC. - Accommodate servers that are missing DIR magic constants (bluehost). - Updated MySQL interface to PDO; resolved “Unexpected Response” pertaining to mysql_connect deprecated warnings. - Transfers htaccess last to prevent accidental lockout during deployment. - Error reporting fix provides more feedback. - Supports hosts running PHP 5.5.X - Updated support for GoDaddy’s non-standard, ever changing, SUBDOMIN_DOCUMENT_ROOT definition for addon domains. - Added support for GoDaddy’s REAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT, supports subdomain and addon domains - Added temporary session details for processing database thread in chunks. - Added expanded memory and timeout overrides for limited hosts. - Enforce correct file and folder permissions - Add fix for deployment from/to Windows based systems - Allow only users with core update capability only - Added deployment functionality - Re-coded into OOP
BARE International announces Melanie Cihak’s well-deserved promotion to the US Deputy General Manager role, recognizing her two decades of exceptional service and contributions to client services and Customer Experience (CX) strategies. As Deputy General Manager for North America, she will lead BARE’s regional strategic initiatives with a focus on client relations, project management, and innovation. This promotion, along with recent key organizational promotions, demonstrates BARE International’s commitment to recognizing and cultivating internal talent. BARE International, the global field force leader in customer experience research, is thrilled to announce the well-deserved promotion of Melanie Cihak to US Deputy General Manager. This milestone celebrates Cihak’s 20-plus years of dedicated service and outstanding contributions to client services and Customer Experience (CX) strategies at BARE International. Melanie Cihak brings to her new role a wealth of experience that spans over 20 years, during which she has consistently demonstrated an unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional results. Her profound expertise in client engagement, combined with her strategic insights into VOC/CX strategies, has significantly enriched BARE International’s service offerings. “I am both honored and thrilled to embark on this exciting new chapter with BARE International,” remarked Cihak. “I am eager to collaborate with our expert team to drive innovation, surpass client expectations, and lead our organization to continued success.” As the Deputy General Manager for North America, Cihak will drive BARE International’s strategic vision for the region. Her extensive background in client relations, project management, and leadership will be instrumental in advancing innovation, streamlining operations, and fostering continued growth within the organization. “I am immensely pleased to announce Melanie Cihak’s promotion to the US Deputy General Manager role,” stated Jason Bare, President of BARE International. “Melanie’s years of exemplary service and profound understanding of client needs have propelled our company forward. With her leadership, we are poised to continue delivering unparalleled insights that enable our clients to elevate their customer experiences.” Earlier this year, BARE International proudly disclosed its certification as a Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) company, exemplifying a steadfast commitment to fostering diversity and inclusivity within the corporate landscape. The organization also recently unveiled promotions for two remarkable team members. Michele Jowdy steps into the role of Director of Business Development for the Americas, leveraging her extensive expertise and strategic acumen to propel regional expansion efforts. Likewise, Gyselle Rodriguez assumes the Global Director of Operations role, responsible for the seamless orchestration of operations worldwide. These advancements underscore the company’s dedication to nurturing internal talent and pursuing excellence across all facets of its enterprise. About BARE International: With a legacy spanning 36 years, BARE International is a pioneering global provider of customer experience research. Catering to a diverse spectrum of industries, BARE International operates in more than 150 countries, supplying actionable insights provided by their in-house field force team that drive customer satisfaction, loyalty, and business efficacy. Learn more at http://www.bareinternational.com
- Time of issue:2021-11-19 16:45:06 In modern enterprise procurement management, the management of suppliers is very important. As the source of the supply chain, suppliers have a special position in the supply chain. The quality of raw materials will have a direct impact on the finished products, product quality and even production technology. For more than ten years, Zhuhai Zhendong has been committed to establishing a continuous, dynamic and closed-loop scientific management system for suppliers, and building a process-based, data-based and dynamic supplier management system through effective means. Zhuhai Zhendong Company supplier management regulation process: 1. Supplier development procedure: supplier data collection; fill in the supplier's basic data sheet; supplier contact; sample identification; apply for supplier evaluation. 2. Supplier evaluation procedure: form a supplier evaluation team; evaluate the quality, price, delivery date, technology and production management of the supplier respectively; listed in the list of qualified suppliers. The order and purchase procedures are as follows: purchase intention; inquiry; price comparison; negotiation; price; order; delivery; check before acceptance. 3. Supplier evaluation procedure: evaluate the quality, price, delivery time, service and other items of suppliers every month; List the evaluation level of each supplier; Reward and punish according to regulations. 4. Supplier review: review the qualified suppliers every six months; In case of major quality, price, delivery time, service and other problems, the supplier can review at any time. 5. Unqualified suppliers shall be removed from the list: unqualified suppliers who want to re-supply to the company shall be instructed and re-investigated. This is how we require our suppliers and also our own. The quality of all raw materials and auxiliary materials is related to the quality of Zhendong's products, and affects the handling ability and timeliness of major quality and after-sales events; It concerns the real interests of all customers in Zhendong. Therefore, our company has formulated strict management regulations for screening and evaluating suppliers to eliminate unqualified suppliers in time. Through the implementation of supplier management measures to increase the control ability of procurement business, and through long-term, trusted and guaranteed order contracts, suppliers are required to continue to provide stable and reliable production raw materials. Zhuhai Zhendong is confident to become the best supplier of printed board consumables and equipment in China and the world.
Category : List There are heaps of cooking applications on iOS, yet Kitchen Stories goes above and beyond than most with highlights like video guides, well ordered photograph guidelines, and similarity with Apple's tvOS, and additionally WatchOS for matching up shopping records. You can make custom cookbooks to spare your most loved formulas, read useful articles intended to motivate your next feast, and exploit a convenient implicit estimation converter. Even better, Kitchen Stories is accessible in 12 dialects. Gracious She Glows incorporates in excess of 95 plant-based formulas that aren't just solid, yet additionally look to a great degree staggering. Beside commendable photographs of every formula, you're furnished with a portrayal of the dish, well ordered directions, a rundown of tips, and healthful information.Everyone fears the minute when it's at long last time to part up the check. Tab makes it simple. The application enables you to snap a photograph of your receipt, assign things for people in your gathering, and split up the costs, assessment, and tip. You can impart the receipt to others, and the application even backings Venmo — so there's no reason for that one companion who dependably appears evade the bill. For those hoping to roll out a few improvements to their constitution, MyFitnessPal's Calorie Counter application is great. The application enables clients to take pictures of standardized identifications to discover sustenance actualities for any nourishment item, and make objectives to achieve your coveted weight. Microsoft's portable friend application for the Xbox One enables you to explore Xbox menus utilizing your cell phone. The Xbox application offers similarity with generally dull Xbox applications like informing and accomplishments. The PlayStation application offers an indistinguishable fundamental usefulness from SmartGlass, with the exception of it's for your PlayStation 4. View trophies, create messages, and peruse the PlayStation store with this application. A few recreations additionally incorporate second-screen usefulness for a more profound play involvement. While it may not be the ideal arrangement — driving you to utilize your telephone notwithstanding your Switch support for voice visit — Nintendo's simply discharged Online application offers the most advantageous approach to play Splatoon 2 with companions, and along these lines gains a spot on this rundown. Right now, Splatoon 2 is the main diversion the application underpins, however this is certain to change over the coming months. One year from now, Nintendo will start charging a $20 yearly expense to utilize the Switch's online highlights — yet until at that point, the application stays free. Jerk's versatile application brings the wide universe of amusement gushing to your fingertips. Visit with other Twitch clients, see your most loved streamers' channels, or watch recorded video of best gamers and occasions. The Twitch application is AirPlay and Chromecast good. For enthusiasts of League of Legends, Instant eSports has you secured with live scores, breaking news, and match recaps for even the most MOBA-insane buyer. The application additionally includes the capacity to line groups or players to stay aware of measurements, and also the capacity to visit with different fans. Cry is useful for looking into any area, be it an eatery or tool shop. Yelpers write inside and out audits, and you can read all their terrible and decent remarks. It has an accommodating guide see, as well. With Resy, you can discover eateries around your territory that have been tried and endorsed by Resy's group. You can peruse under various channels, for example, area and feast write (regardless of whether you're in the state of mind for breakfast, lunch, or supper), or utilize the pursuit instrument to reserve a spot in light of accessibility.
DRMA Books 45%YoY Increase in Net Profit in 1st Half 2022 By : Nata Kesuma | Tuesday, August 09 2022 - 13:45 IWST PT Dharma Polimetal Tbk (“DRMA”) INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta, Augusts 8, 2022 – PT Dharma Polimetal Tbk (“DRMA”), a listed company engaged in automotive component manufacturing business posted a net profit of IDR143.62 billion in the first semester of 2022, up 45 percent from IDR98.98 billion in the same period the previous year. The increase in net profit was supported by an increase in sales, other operating income, financial income, as well as a decrease in financial expenses and tax expenses due to deferred taxes. During that period, DRAMA managed to record a 22% increase in sales to Rp 1.59 trillion from Rp 1.31 trillion in the same period the previous year. The increase in DRMA sales was in line with the increasing demand for components from automotive manufacturers. Strong optimism for the post-Covid-19 economic recovery has led to an increase in car sales in Indonesia. According to Gaikindo data, total national car sales in January-June 2022 reached 475,321 units, an increase of 23% from 387,873 units in the same period in 2021. "We are grateful, because the efforts of all management have succeeded in leading to good achievements in the first semester of this year. We hope that this good performance will continue until the end of the year," said President Director of Dharma Polimetal, Irianto Santoso. The sales growth has slightly exceeded the Company's 2022 target of 20%. As for net profit, this year the Company is aiming for a growth of 50%. Meanwhile, the company's income from other operating increased 62% to IDR98.25 billion from IDR27.07 billion. As a result, the Company's operating profit during the period increased by 30% to IDR201.17 billion from IDR 155.19 billion in the same period the previous year. In this first semester, the Company booked financial income of IDR3.55 billion, compared to IDR840 million in the same period the previous year. Meanwhile, the financial expenses were down at IDR23.19 billion from IDR26.22 billion. Therefore, DRMA managed to post a profit before income tax of IDR181.54 billion, up 40% from IDR129.81 in the same period the previous year.
Theodore the Studite Our Venerable and God-bearing Father Theodore the Studite (759-826) was a hymnographer and theologian as well as the abbot of the Monastery of St. John the Baptist in Studios, outside of Constantinople. Following the death of Emperor Leo IV (775–780) in 780, Theodore's uncle Platon, who had lived as a monk in the Symbola Monastery in Bithynia since 759, visited Constantinople, and persuaded the entire family of his sister, Theoktiste, to pursue the monastic life. Theodore, together with his father and brothers, sailed back to Bithynia with Platon in 781, where they set about transforming the family estate into a religious establishment, which became known as the Sakkudion Monastery. Platon became abbot of the new foundation, and Theodore was his "right hand." The two sought to order the monastery according to the monastic rule of of Basil of Caesarea. During the period of the regency of Eirene, Abbot Platon emerged as a supporter of Patriarch Tarasios, and was a member of Tarasios' iconodule party at the Second Council of Nicaea, where the veneration of icons was declared orthodox. Shortly thereafter Tarasios himself ordained Theodore as a priest. In 794, Theodore became abbot of the Sakkudion Monastery, while Platon withdrew from the daily operation of the monastery and dedicated himself to silence. Theodore had been a monk for approximately 20 years when he took the initiative to revive the almost extinct monastery of Studios in the imperial city of Constantinople. Under his care, it became one of the shining lights of Eastern Christianity. This did not deter successive emperors from banishing the faithful Theodore and exiling the community. Theodore's revival of the Studios monastery had a significant impact on the later history of Byzantine monasticism. His disciple, Naukratios, recovered control of the monastery after the end of iconoclasm in 842. Elements of Theodore's Testament were incorporated verbatim in the typika of certain early Athonite monasteries and are in use to this day. The most important elements of his reform were its emphases on cenobitic (communal) life, manual labor, and a carefully defined administrative hierarchy. Theodore also built the Studios monastery into a major scholarly center, in particular through its library and scriptorium, which certainly surpassed all other contemporary Byzantine ecclesiastical institutions in this regard. Theodore himself was a pivotal figure in the revival of classical literary forms, in particular iambic verse, in Byzantium, and his criticisms of the iconoclastic epigrams. After his death the Studios monastery continued to be a vital center for Byzantine hymnography and hagiography, as well as for the copying of manuscripts. Following the restoration of holy icons, Theodore became one of the great heroes of the iconodule opposition. His great theological contribution, On the Holy Icons, was written in defense of icons during the Second [[Iconoclasm}iconoclastic]] Period (814-842). He is also known for his writings and influence on monastic reform. His feast day is on November 11, and the transfer of his relics from Cherson to Constantinople in 845 on January 26. He and one of his brothers, St. Joseph the Confessor, Archbishop of Thessaloniki (also called "Joseph the Studite"; 762-832; July 14 and January 26), are known for their work on the Triodion, the service book for the first three weeks of Great Lent. The first Lenten weekday canon is attributed to St. Joseph and the second to St. Theodore. - (GOARCH) - Venerable Theodore the Confessor the Abbot of the Studion, November 11 (OCA) - Translation of the relics of the Venerable Theodore the Abbot of Studion (OCA) - St Theodore of Studion, January 26 (OCA) - The Venerable Theodore the Studite (Prologue of Ohrid) - Theodore the Studite from New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, Vol XI: Son of Man - Tremellius at the Christian Classics Ethereal Library - Theodore of the Studium from Hymns of the Eastern Church at the Christian Classics Ethereal Library - St. Theodore of Studium from the Catholic Encyclopedia at the Christian Classics Ethereal Library - Theodore the Studite on Wikipedia - Theodore the Studite - Writings of St. Theodore the Studite - Medieval Sourcebook: Theodore of Studium: Reform Rules (d.826) - Theodore Studites: Testament of Theodore the Studite for the Monastery of St. John Stoudios in Constantinople (PDF)
... our focus ... - Mission & Vision - We are a company in permanent innovation, whose mission is to integrate quality , professionalism and entertainment on every trip. The purpose is to deliver in a way committed and natural an excellent service to our clients. Our goal is to create unique quality trips according to the unique needs of our clients, all implemented with high standards of excellence and quality . We offer our clients the best organization and service , oriented to solve all your travel needs.
Anxiety is a prevalent mental health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. Despite its prevalence, many aspects of anxiety often go unspoken and overlooked. This blog post will shed light on some crucial truths about anxiety that are rarely discussed openly. Understanding these hidden aspects can foster empathy, support, and better mental health awareness. - It’s Not Just Worrying – Anxiety is often misunderstood as excessive worrying, but it goes beyond that. While worry is a part of anxiety, the condition involves intense fear and apprehension that can be overwhelming and consuming. Anxiety can manifest physically, leading to symptoms like rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, and even panic attacks. It’s a complex emotional and physiological experience that cannot be easily dismissed as “just worrying too much.” - The Mind-Body Connection – Anxiety doesn’t solely reside in the mind; it profoundly impacts the body. Prolonged anxiety can lead to various physical health issues, including tension headaches, digestive problems, muscle pain, and compromised immune function. Moreover, anxiety often coexists with other mental health conditions, such as depression, making it a multi-faceted challenge that requires comprehensive support and treatment. - Anxiety Triggers Can Be Unpredictable – Anxiety triggers can vary significantly from person to person and are not always obvious. While certain situations may provoke anxiety in some individuals, others might experience anxiety seemingly without any external trigger. It’s important to understand that the root cause of anxiety can be complex and may not be immediately apparent. Supportive and non-judgmental communication is crucial when discussing anxiety triggers. - Anxiety Can Be Isolating – Anxiety can make individuals feel isolated and misunderstood. The fear of being judged or labeled as “weak” can prevent those experiencing anxiety from seeking help or confiding in others. This isolation can perpetuate the cycle of anxiety, making it essential to create a supportive environment where people feel safe discussing their mental health struggles without fear of judgment. - Seeking Help is a Sign of Strength – One of the most vital truths about anxiety is that seeking help is an act of courage, not weakness. Many individuals hesitate to seek support due to mental health issues’ stigma. However, acknowledging and addressing anxiety is a significant step toward healing and growth. Whether talking to a trusted friend, seeking therapy, or consulting a mental health professional, seeking help is a sign of strength and self-awareness. - Recovery is a Journey – Recovering from anxiety is not an instantaneous process. It requires time, patience, and commitment. Each person’s journey is unique, and progress may come in fits and starts. There might be good days and challenging days, but it’s essential to celebrate even the most minor victories. Individuals can learn to manage anxiety effectively and lead fulfilling lives with consistent support and coping strategies. Anxiety is a complex and pervasive mental health issue impacting millions worldwide. Understanding the unspoken truths about anxiety can create a more empathetic and supportive society. It’s crucial to remember that anxiety is not just excessive worrying; it affects the mind and body, and its triggers can be unpredictable. Seeking Help is a brave act, and recovery is a journey that requires understanding, patience, and compassion. Let us break the silence surrounding anxiety and embrace a culture of openness and support, where mental health is prioritized and individuals are empowered to seek the help they deserve. Together, we can foster a more inclusive and compassionate world for those facing anxiety and mental health challenges. Suppose you are struggling with symptoms of anxiety, depression, or any mental health challenge. In that case, it might be time to contact a professional counselor for help. Contact us at [email protected] or call us at 312.525.8887 to set up a free consultation with a therapist in the Chicago area.
Additive manufacturing (AM) is the name given to a family of manufacturing processes where materials are joined to make parts from 3D modelling data, generally in a layer-upon-layer manner. AM is rapidly increasing in industrial adoption for the manufacture of end-use parts, which is therefore pushing for the maturation of design, process, and production techniques. Machine learning (ML) is a branch of artificial intelligence concerned with training programs to self-improve and has applications in a wide range of areas, such as computer vision, prediction, and information retrieval. Many of the problems facing AM can be categorised into one or more of these application areas. Studies have shown ML techniques to be effective in improving AM design, process, and production but there are limited industrial case studies to support further development of these techniques. Additive manufacturing (AM) is the name given to a family of manufacturing processes where materials are directly joined to make parts from 3D modelling data . This is generally done in discrete planar layers, but non-planar processes also exist . AM enables various advantages, particularly when compared with traditional manufacturing techniques, the enablement of mass part customisation and greater part complexity on the macro-, meso-, and micro-scales . Other advantages include not requiring any hard tooling and enablement of on-demand manufacturing . Despite these benefits, drawbacks include a lack of inherent repeatability which has led to difficulty in gaining certification in some sectors . Another drawback is the lack of widespread design knowledge and tools tailored specifically for AM and the above-mentioned benefits that are enabled . While, to some extent, applicable to all major industries, AM development has been largely driven by the aerospace, automotive and medical sectors . The major driver in the aerospace and automotive sectors is to reduce component mass whilst not hindering performance . A wider range of motivations is seen for medical applications of AM, although patient customisation, improved biocompatibility and performance is a common theme . AM is also often used in consumer products, with mass customisation and light-weighting both being common motivations . Machine learning (ML) is a branch of artificial intelligence concerned with training programs to automatically improve their performance. With this broad definition in mind, there are different types of ML which may be classified as supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised, or reinforcement learning . Shinde and Shah identified five key application domains for ML : Of these five domains, computer vision, prediction, and information retrieval have applications in AM. More varied exploration into these areas has been enabled by recent advances in graphics hardware which have allowed for faster optimisation of ML algorithms on large training sets . These advances have allowed for the implementation of ML solutions within AM environments. Across design, production, and process, improvements to current practices in AM require significant expertise in operators and designers . To leverage the benefits of AM, the design, process, and production become significantly more complex . In design, mass customisation requires deep knowledge of the links between the variables being changed as well as the requirements of the part. Similarly, increasing part complexity, either to lighten the weight or deliver improved performance, greatly increases the difficulty in designing suitable part topologies. As a result, these goals often come with large time and/or computation trade-offs. There is little orthogonalisation in AM parameters: for example, in material extrusion, increasing extrusion temperature may improve layer adhesion but may also increase stringing. As a result, optimising process parameters for specific parts or new materials can be a time consuming and costly procedure . Furthermore, part consistency is essential in sectors where AM adoption is most likely, such as aerospace, but variation in part quality both between and within machines and builds presents a barrier to more widespread adoption. Variations can include inconsistent part geometries, porosity, and functional performance. These issues encompass the management and interpretation of large amounts of data and knowledge. Such problems may be eased through the proper application of ML methods by reducing the amount of human or computational effort required to deliver satisfactory results. 2. Additive Manufacturing This section details the various AM processes and use cases to provide an understanding of the current position of AM and the barriers limiting adoption. This understanding will be further discussed in Section 4. There are a number of different AM processes currently available—ASTM categorises these into seven types : There are three primary reasons for the adoption of AM techniques, including production of more complex geometries (than are achievable with conventional manufacturing approaches) without increasing cost, mass customisation of components, and supply chain disintermediation. 2.1. Complex Geometries AM’s layer-by-layer approach to manufacturing means that it can produce geometries that would be impossible for traditionally recognised manufacturing techniques. This has three main applications: light-weighting, performance optimisation and part consolidation. Light-weighting may be achieved through topology optimisation (TO) or latticisation. In TO, a part is analysed based on an objective function, such as stiffness, and material is removed from the design that contributes least towards this function. This produces a more topologically complex part that can more precisely, and with less mass, meet its specification. Latticisation involves permeating a unit cell throughout the internal volume of a part. This can be done to remove mass but may also be leveraged to produce custom material properties or improve biofunctionality, such as with the design of auxetic structures for implants . Fundamentally altering a part with a design for the additive manufacturing (DfAM) approach can enable further performance optimisation that would be impossible if AM was not used as the manufacturing technology of choice. Using hydraulic manifolds as an example, traditional designs may use drilled out through holes and plugs to create the required internal channels. This creates undesirable energy and pressure losses whilst resulting in parts with unnecessarily large masses . By redesigning the manifolds for AM, without the constraints of straight, orthogonally intersecting channels, pressure losses have been found to reduce by up to 29.6% and part mass has been reduced by as much as 91% . Despite this, recognising which features require redesign as well as how to go about said redesign is very often dependent on the expertise of the designer. Many large assemblies are designed in that way due to limitations in the ability of the manufacturing process to produce complex geometries (e.g., tool paths and undercuts). Reducing the number of parts in an assembly can reduce maintenance requirements, lead-time, weight, and production and non-recurring costs. A case study for AM part-consolidation is presented in Table 1. While the benefits of part consolidation are tangible, it may be difficult for designers, especially those inexperienced in AM, to select appropriate candidate parts. Table 1. Profitability analysis of the effects of AM-enabled part consolidation of a high-bandwidth, direction tracking antenna array carried out by Optisys LLC . 100 pieces down to a 1-piece integrated assembly 11 months down to 2 months 2.2. Mass Customisation AM’s lack of reliance on tooling combined with its expensive materials and low production speeds (relative to feedstocks for more conventional manufacturing processes) make it best suited for high-value parts with low production volumes. This feature of AM is most beneficial when the part under consideration is bespoke, thus enabling cost effective production of parts customised for an individual consumer’s needs or wants. The three sectors where this is most commonly used are medical/dental, packaging, and consumer products . A selection of examples from each industry is summarised in Table 2. Table 2. Prominent case studies of mass customization across its three primary application areas. Bespoke hearing aids Hard and soft tissue biomedical implants Custom casts, splints, orthotics, and prostheses Custom-fit ‘direct digital packaging’ Custom-fit running shoes and insoles While scanning allows for conformal shapes to be easily designed into a part , sophisticated design of the part’s mesostructure is dependent on designer experience and computationally expensive tools, providing a hurdle for mass customised parts due to the lack of tools for this task. 2.3. Supply Chain Disintermediation Due to its ability to manufacture parts on-site, AM allows for lean and agile manufacturing. This is particularly of note for requirements such as spare parts, where the demand is highly variable. Liu et al. concluded that AM has the ability to increase supply chain efficiency for spare parts in aerospace while Hernandez et al. concluded that AM has the ability to significantly reduce supply chain disruption for the United States Navy. These benefits may be further leveraged should the production of AM parts be made more repeatable through greater part consistency and geometrical accuracy. 3. Machine Learning This section details the different types of ML and outlines common use cases relevant to AM to highlight the potential of the field when applied to AM limitations. Supervised learning algorithms fit hypotheses to labelled training datasets, those where there is a known output. The trained algorithm may then be applied to unlabelled cases to predict the corresponding label. Supervised learning is itself split into two categories: classification and regression. Classification problems have qualitative labels, i.e., classes such as whether an image is that of a cat or not, whereas regression problems have quantitative labels, such as estimating the age of a cat based on an image . Neural networks (NNs) are popular tools for supervised learning, especially with large datasets. These algorithms seek to emulate a brain by implementing layers of connected neurons, as shown in Figure 1. NNs map an input space onto an output space, which is usually of different dimensions. The implementation of NNs allows for non-linear decision boundaries to be inferred in a computationally efficient manner. More specialised NNs also exist for specific application areas. For example, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) utilise convolutional layers to identify features that may be present throughout the input space. CNNs are most often used in computer vision tasks, where similar features, for example vertical lines, may occur anywhere in the input space. Figure 1. A fully connected NN with one input layer, two hidden layers, and one output layer. Circles represent neurons, which apply activation functions to the total sum of the products of the previous layer’s activation and weight pairs. Support vector machines (SVMs) are used in supervised learning tasks: traditionally classification but they are capable of regression. They calculate relationships between data in a higher dimensional space using a kernel function and placing a hyperplane decision boundary between classes to maximise the margins . In regression tasks, the hyperplane is selected to best fit the data . SVMs perform well for high-dimensional data but when there are far more features than training examples, they are prone to overfitting the training data. However, this can often be overcome through careful selection of an appropriate kernel function or through regularisation. Unsupervised learning problems attempt to infer patterns from unlabelled data. Since these problems do not have a label to compare against, they are often more difficult to evaluate. There are various types of unsupervised learning algorithms, with the two most common types being clustering and association rules. Clustering, also called data segmentation, algorithms group data into clusters. The data within each cluster are such that they are more closely related to each other than any data in a different cluster . Association rule analysis, often called market basket analysis, seeks to identify prototype values for a feature set such that the probability density at those values is relatively large . Reinforcement learning considers the optimisation of an agent’s interaction with its environment through a reward signal . While supervised learning extrapolates its output from a set of known scenarios, reinforcement learning operates without known training scenarios for the reward signal . Despite this, reinforcement learning is disparate from unsupervised learning in that it is not attempting to discern hidden structure within the data but optimises said reward signal . This section presents prominent research and findings of ML applications in AM. Applications have been grouped by their area of application with AM, in accordance with Wang et al. . 4.1. Machine Learning for Design for Additive Manufacturing Multiple studies, notably by Sosnovik and Oseledets , have utilised ML tools to accelerate the TO process. This was enabled through the implementation of CNNs whereby: Whilst not removing the need for the SIMP algorithm, the method presented by Sosnovik and Oseledets , demonstrated that ML can be effective in drastically reducing the computational workload required to run TO. Results ranged from 92% intersection over union accuracy for input volumes of just five SIMP iterations, to 99.2% after 80 . This work has been extended in further studies by Banga et al. and later by Harish et al. , which looked at 3D implementations for cantilevered beams, with Banga et al. obtaining a binary accuracy of 96%. The implications of these studies show that effective implementation of ML into the TO workflow may allow for: Biomimetic designs are enabled by AM but it is a major challenge to generate metamaterial structures with desired properties. Gu et al. effectively utilised CNNs to be able to generate structures with predictable strength and toughness . This study built up three unit-cell “building blocks” from two jetted materials: one hard and one soft. These three building blocks were then randomly assigned to each of the 64 cells in an 8 × 8 array and then simulated to create a training example. In total, 80,000 training examples, or 10−8% of the possible combinations, were created to train the CNN which was able to predict material properties. The model had a normalised root mean square deviation from the simulated results of 0.4926 on the test set. AM specimens were then produced to validate these findings. Here, the use of ML allowed the researcher to accurately screen the whole design space in hours compared to years for conventional simulation-only approaches . Recent works have also leveraged NNs to generate lattice structures based on required mechanical properties. Jiang et al. developed a methodology for designing an ML implementation to determine optimal design geometries to produce desired properties, for example, stress–strain curves . The methodology was implemented through the design of an ankle brace with three zones, each with its own distinct mechanical requirements: maximum torque, range of motion, as well as stress and strain in two orientations. An NN was developed to define the design parameters for a pre-determined unit cell that would meet these requirements. To train said network, simulations of random sets of the design parameters within acceptable ranges were carried out to determine their stress–strain response under the given maximum torque. This was then used as training data for their model. The resulting regression model, with the same amount of data available, was capable of generating structures with comparable errors to conventional methods, but with improved computational efficiency . Due to the nature of the NN architecture used, however, performance could likely be further improved through gathering additional data. An additional problem faced in DfAM is in knowledge dissemination: helping designers learn how to best design their parts for fabrication using AM technologies . With the number of AM-specific design features growing, tools for designers are increasingly required : ML has successfully been implemented in creating such tools. Yao et al. developed a flexible hybrid ML tool to recommend design features to inexperienced designers based on three designer-coded categories: loadings, objectives, and properties . The tool produced a dendrogram for the designer’s part and compared it against a hierarchically clustered database of existing design features . An SVM was then used to target features based on their similarity to the designer’s coding for the part . Despite only considering functionality-specific features, after testing it with inexperienced designers, the tool was found to effectively enable the exploration of AM design freedoms . 4.2. Machine Learning for Additive Manufacturing Process Within the domain of AM processes, ML is applied in two main areas: parameter optimisation and process monitoring . This section will outline the current states of these areas. 4.2.1. Parameter Optimisation Process parameter optimisation is often a manual and time-consuming process, making it costly. Similarly, manual process monitoring/control also creates additional costs. Since manual parameter optimisation requires the production of large numbers of samples, there is readily available data for the production of ML tools. Said tools, which make up a plurality of the research on ML for AM , largely take the route of optimising key parameters for a particular quality indicator or set of indicators . PBF and material extrusion are the most common AM technologies to have had this type of tool developed. Many studies have been carried out to optimise parameters for powder bed fusion processes. A summary of the parameters studied as well as respective quality indicators are shown in Figure 2, with porosity and fatigue life identified as having the largest variety of process parameters linked to them. In addition, porosity is the leading quality indicator in the research, with at least five studies implementing machine learning algorithms to optimise process parameters [28–32]. Liu et al. built on previous efforts to develop a “physics-informed” model rather than a conventional “setting” model. The two model types, along with a third combined model, were found to provide similar performance to one another (within error margin). In addition, the novel “physics-informed” model was identified as being more easily generalised to other machines, although this was not tested. Figure 2. Matching diagram relating PBF process parameters to quality indicators from successful implementations. Adapted from Wang et al. . Many studies have also been carried out to predict and/or optimise quality indicators for the material extrusion process. Figure 3 shows a summary of which process parameters have been linked to which quality indicators. Comparing Figure 2 to Figure 3, it can be seen that a much greater number of parameters are considered for each quality indicator in material extrusion over PBF. This may be attributed to lower part costs in material extrusion over PBF, thus allowing for more training samples and potentially more complex ML implementations. NNs can capture non-linearities more easily than simpler regression models, making them the prevailing algorithm for material extrusion process parameter studies. Figure 3. Matching diagram relating material extrusion process parameters to quality indicators from successful implementations. Adapted from Wang et al. . A key area for optimisation in material extrusion is component surface roughness . Li et al. built a predictive model for surface roughness based on build plate and extruder temperature, build plate and extruder vibration, and melt pool temperature. The model used AdaBoost, a learning algorithm that is an ensemble of various weaker algorithms, and was able to predict surface roughness with a root mean square error of 0.7 µm . DED processes have also had parameters optimised as discussed in the literature. The bulk of these works focus on controlling aspects of the melt pool and resulting tracks, including: track width and height [34–36], melt pool geometry , and thermal history of the melt pool . More recent works have studied the properties of the final part: Narayana et al. built a NN to predict built part height and density from laser power, scan speed, powder feed rate, and layer thickness. It was found that these parameters were all of significant importance for density whereas scan speed and feed rate had the largest effect on build height. These findings were reinforced by the model’s prediction accuracy of 99%. Similar to material extrusion, DED produces parts with poor surface roughness . Xia et al. , used an NN to model and predict surface roughness based on overlap ratio, welding speed, and wire feed speed with a root mean square error of 6.94%. A small training set was identified as a major limiter on the model’s accuracy . ML for process parameter optimisation in binder jetting has a lesser volume of literature associated with these aspects: Chen and Zhao developed an NN powered software tool to recommend layer thickness, printing saturation, heater power ratio and drying time based on user defined preference for surface roughness as well as dimensional accuracy along the Y and Z axes. Their software also predicted surface roughness as well as Y and Z shrinkage. The error in these predictions was found to be 1.98%, 5.38%, and 16.58%, respectively. It was suggested that improvements could be made through use of a larger training set or by reducing the model’s independence by implementing an element of physical modelling . 4.2.2. Process Monitoring While parameter ptimization may help to improve process predictability, it cannot eliminate failures entirely . With print failures contributing significantly to the cost of AM parts , process monitoring techniques able to detect build failures and defects are necessary. Various ML implementations have sought to solve this problem and fall into two categories depending on their input data type: optical and acoustic . Optical monitoring solutions are the most widely used, with the data often coming from digital, high speed, or infrared cameras . In PBF processes, where the bulk of monitoring research is currently concentrated, the most common target of these computer vision tasks is the melt pool. From thermal data of the melt pool, Kwon et al. trained a CNN-based program to differentiate between high, medium, and low quality builds with a failure rate of under 1.1% , allowing for potential time and cost savings. Other works have used optical data from laser melting plumes [44–46] for similar quality classification tasks, with Zhang et al. [45,46] finding that the best results are achieved when melt pool, plume, and spatter data are used together to classify part quality. The most recent work found a type of NN called a long–short term memory network, to be most effective in prediction, with a root mean squared error of 13.9% . Optical monitoring has also been implemented for other AM processes, including binder jetting and material extrusion. Gunther et al. used optical monitoring to detect faults in binder jet parts based on the frequency and density of brightly coloured pixels. The algorithms employed here were not provided, nor was there discussion of the accuracy of the employed model. In material extrusion, optical monitoring has been implemented for in situ defect detection . Wu et al. used a classification algorithm to identify the presence of infill print defects in material extrusion, allowing for greater confidence in final part’s quality. The study achieved an accuracy of over 95% but did not consider other vital quality indicators such as precision and recall. Li et al. used in situ optical monitoring of a material extrusion process to determine dimensional deviation with zero mean error and a standard deviation of 0.02mm. Acoustic monitoring is a newer and less widely adopted method of monitoring a build mid-print. These techniques rely on characteristic acoustic signals that relate to part porosity and melt states in PBF processes as well as process failures in material extrusion . Advantages of acoustic monitoring solutions include the lower cost sensors compared to optical monitoring techniques . ML algorithms applied also vary from supervised CNNs to clustering solutions. Researchers in these fields have achieved confidence of up to 89% for porosity classification and 94% for melt-pool related defects , showing acoustic monitoring to be an effective method for flagging problem builds with less need for post-print examination and testing . Acoustic monitoring has also been applied to material extrusion processes. Wu et al. used acoustic monitoring and an SVM classifier to determine if the extruder was successfully pushing out material with an accuracy of 100%. The SVM was also able to identify extruder blockages (normal, semi-blocked, or blocked) with a 92% accuracy. 4.3. Machine Learning for Additive Manufacturing Production In AM production, as well as implementing strategies discussed in Sections 4.1 and 4.2, additional tools have been developed to aid in general production planning using NNs, and manufacturability through a variety of methods. In addition, research has been conducted on ML implementations to replicate CAD geometry from acoustic signals produced during manufacturing, creating concerns around data security [54,55]. Printability and Dimensional Deviation Management Models have been developed to aid in the identification of printability of components in material extrusion and PBF processes utilising CNNs and SVMs, respectively. The use of NNs has also been shown to aid in reducing print time estimation error for PBF processes from 20–35% to 2–15% , enabling improved management of these machines. There are three sources of dimensional deviation in AM parts : the material (shrinkage and warpage), the machine, and the file preparation (e.g., resolution reduction due to conversion from CAD model to STL file format). ML has been used to correct these in PBF , where NNs were implemented to first optimise part orientation, reducing deviation due to the machine, then modify CAD geometry to account for thermal effects on the material. Khanzedah et al. implemented an unsupervised learning algorithm, a self-organising map, to analyse and assess point-cloud data for the dimensional deviation of parts made with material extrusion processes. Their implementation was able to sort the part’s deviations into discrete clusters based on the severity of the deviations present, which allowed sub-optimal process conditions to be identified. Noriega et al. used NNs to compensate for dimensional deviation by modifying the part’s scale for material extrusion. Their two NN implementations were used to reduce deviation by 50% for external dimensions and 30% for internal dimensions. In a more robust study using the AM of a T4 spinal vertebrae as a case study, Charalampous et al. were able to achieve a 25% reduction in dimensional deviation at a 1:1 scale and 33% at a 3:1 scale. Other studies have looked to correct dimensional deviation in binder jetting and DED processes. Shen et al. presented a study using CNNs to predict dimensional deviation and compensate for it via translation, scaling, and rotation of dental crown CAD geometry to be manufactured by binder jetting processes. The CNN used a voxel-based approach where, in the analysis of the implementation, each voxel was deemed to be correct or incorrect. This was then used to generate F1 scores: a single-value metric used to evaluate the model’s recall and precision. The predictive model and compensatory model both averaged 94% for their F1 scores. Despite this, no physical samples were manufactured so these findings are unverified. In DED, the dominant method of dimensional deviation correction is to optimise the geometry of individual tracks through the optimisation of process parameters [33,35,36,64]. This partially corrects material and machine errors but not those associated with the file preparation process. Caiazzo and Caggiano developed one such model to tune laser power, scanning speed, and powder feed rate to achieve a specified track geometry with mean absolute errors of 2.0%, 5.8%, and 5.5%, respectively. An alternative approach was presented by Choi who built a predictive NN for multi-track height based on laser power, powder feed rate, and coaxial gas flow rate with an accuracy of 96.63%. Choi queried their model for optimal results: 300 W, 3.7 g/min, and 6 l/min, respectively. The vulnerability of material extrusion machines to intellectual property theft was identified by Al Faruque et al. and Hojjati et al. . Al Faruque et al. showed that the noise emitted by stepper motors during printing can be recorded and processed to infer features of the print process: This information was used in a physical-to-cyber attack to reconstruct the CAD geometry being fabricated. Both studies utilised non-descript supervised classification and regression models to determine the features and feature values, respectively. Geometry was successfully reconstructed with an average axis prediction accuracy of 78% and an average length prediction error of 18% . Unlike most applications discussed, IP theft is an aspect of AM that is harmed by ML. This must be resolved if AM, particularly material extrusion, is to be made viable for security-sensitive applications. 5. Conclusions and Prospects In research, ML has been shown to be effective in furthering AM design, process, and production. In AM design, ML has been used to accelerate tools, explore new materials, enable the identification of property–structure relationships, and aid novice designers. TO acceleration and material exploration have limited scope in their current states and need further development to work with larger design spaces or with finer spatial resolutions. Property–structure relationships have the potential to be useful in functional lattice design, but current implementations have inadequate transitional regions and accuracies that may be too low for some industries. There are also insufficient case studies to support further adoption of these techniques. Design feature recommenders in their current forms are quite robust but require curation to remain relevant and, like functional lattice design systems, need further case studies to be developed to support their adoption. In AM process, most work focuses on process parameter optimisation. These are effective in optimising process parameters for one or multiple quality indicators. Despite this, these optimisers are machine specific, and no studies have been identified that attempt to produce more general models. Without such developments, many samples will have to be produced whether the final process used for optimisation is manual or through ML. ML has been successfully used to improve the predictability of AM production techniques but has also been shown to be able to exploit AM processes and enable IP theft. While there have been no real-world reports of this sort of theft taking place, it remains a hurdle to be solved to make AM, particularly material extrusion, a secure process. Overall, ML has had a positive impact on the prospects of furthering AM adoption and improving its value proposition. That said, most ML applications for AM are not robust or trusted enough to be adopted in industry. As a result, research efforts should focus on further developing these tools for real-world use and reporting industry case studies to build confidence in their efficacy.
Welded structures made of duplex steels are used in building applications due to their resistance to local corrosion attack initiated by chlorides. In this entry, the material and technological factors determining the corrosion resistance of such steels are discussed in detail. Modern two-phase ferrite-austenitic duplex stainless steels demonstrate an excellent combination of high strength and relatively high corrosion resistance . Due to their fair ductility, the risk of catastrophic brittle fracture initiation is considerably limited . Nowadays, the particular impulse amplifying the development of new types of duplex stainless steel is driven by increasing demand for crude oil mining from under the seabed. It translates into the need for the design of specific corrosion-resistant oil transmission installations both at offshore platforms and oil tankers. The newest, fourth generation of duplex steels has been designed recently for this purpose . These materials design actions were taken to balance their microstructure and to equalize the ferrite and austenite corrosion resistance . A typical microstructure of properly balanced duplex stainless steel is given in Figure 2. It includes ferritice (dark) and austeniteic grains (light). The chemical composition of duplex stainless steel is limited by thermodynamic stability of austenite and ferrite and also by nitrogen solubility limit. Stability areas of duplex steel with respect to combined Cr + Mo mass fraction are given in Figure 3. Below 20% Cr + Mo, there is a risk of martensitic transformation of austenite. At above 35% Cr + Mo a δ-ferrite instability and formation of harmful secondary phases may occur. Reduction of nitrogen content in hyper duplex steels to maximum 0,4%, which is below solubility limit, is a result of technological difficulties of metallurgic process caused by high nitrogen resilience in liquid steel temperature. Balanced duplex stainless steels are theoretically located at a 50% ferrite content line in Schaeffler–DeLong diagrams (Figure 4). However, in practice in properly balanced steel microstructure, the ferrite—austenite proportions range may be wider. Duplex steels usually crystallize from a liquid in the form of δ-ferrite. During alloy cooling, the lattice structure stresses increase because of Fe replacement by elements with larger radii, e.g., Ni (Figure 5). In the areas with a higher concentration of austenite-forming elements, the A2-type ferrite lattice structure is transformed to an A1-type lattice (with 25% larger lattice parameter) at δ-solvus temperature. This phenomenon is accompanied by a decrease in tension and a simultaneous decrease in inter-granular borders energy. This is an enhancing factor for δ → δ + γ transition. Due to the presence of alloying elements, there is an increase in Cr, Si, Mo, W, P concentration in A2-type ferrite lattice and Ni, N, Cu, Mn, C in A1-type austenite lattice. The transition appears to be diffusion-limited. As a consequence, the newly formed austenite assumes a lamellar (island) structure. Out of homogeneous δ-ferrite, a two-phase structure δ + γ is formed, with its components varying from one another in terms of corrosion resistance. Chrome and molybdenum (ferrite formers) strongly increase the electrochemical potential. Consequently, the corrosion resistance is concentrated in ferrite. In austenite, only an interstitial solution of nitrogen can significantly increase the electrochemical potential of steel. Nitrogen present in most duplex steel increases the kinetics of austenite formation. With increasing nitrogen content, the high-temperature equilibrium δ + γ area expands towards lower Ni concentrations, and the temperature of austenite formation increases. It may increase even to the temperature of liquids, which means crystallization of a small part of austenite directly from the liquid metal. This applies especially to SDSS and HDSS steel grades. For these grades a significant increase in the transformation rate δ → δ + γ occurs, which, with sufficiently rapid cooling, makes it possible to avoid the negative effects of shifting the TTT (Time-Temperature-Transition) curves on the time axis towards the origin of the coordinate system (Figure 6). For this reason, nitrogen-rich steels can be cooled in the temperature range of 800–1200°C, without the fear of exceeding the final ferrite content above the permissible level of 60%. Figure 6. Schematic TTT diagram (specified for the critical range only) typical for duplex steels. The arrows next to the symbols of the elements show the direction of the changes in the steel structure under the influence of that element. The accumulated allowable exposure of the lowest alloying LDSS grade to 1000-800oC temperature range without harmful precipitation may even reach 10 hours. The same exposure for standard 22% Cr DSS grades is usually shortened to circa 30-60 minutes whereas for the most demanding HDSS steel grades it is only 5-10 minutes. Steel pitting corrosion is an electrochemical process that takes place in halide-containing electrolytes. The corrosion of this type (Figure 7) attacks the material locally and quickly perforates through the metal, causing the loss of tightness. It has the highest intensity in stationary solutions due to their uneven saturation with depolarizers, i.e. oxygen or hydrogen ions, and the resulting formation of the so-called concentration cells. The intensity of pitting corrosion increases with the temperature of the electrolyte. Mixing the solution equalizes the depolarizers’ concentration at the metal surface, thereby slowing the progress of corrosion. A permanent polarization of the cell, i.e. blocking the anode or cathode reaction, may stop the progress of such corrosion. Figure 7. Chloride pits observed in duplex steel. A simplified diagram of the steel pitting corrosion mechanism is shown in Figure 8. At ferrite/austenite interfaces and defects, i.e. non-metallic inclusions (especially sulfide) or secondary phase precipitates (including carbides and nitrides), the passive layer can be easily punctured by aggressive chloride anions. A local, short-circuited corrosion micro-cell is created with a small anode area and a large cathode area. A consequence of the disproportion of the anode surface to the cathode surface ratio is a high anodic current density. Fe2+ ions dissolve into solution and are consequently captured by Cl− anions to form iron chloride (FeCl2). Around the pit, a cathodic depolarization reaction takes place (oxygen-type, hydrogen-type, or both-types), which maintains the operation of the electrochemical cell by balancing the electric charge. In the right of Figure 1, the values of Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number (PREN) have been given for each group of duplex steels. This index is used to evaluate the pitting corrosion resistance of the steels in a chloride environment. The PREN indicator refers to the thermodynamically stable steels, i.e., the steels after their final heat treatment. In the case of duplex steels, the following formula given by Herbsleb is used to calculate the value: PREN = Cr + 3.3Mo + 16N In this equation Cr, Mo, and N are weight percentages of the corresponding elements. For SDSS and HDSS steels, which contain W or Cu, different formulae may be used. These are as follows: PRENW = Cr + 3.3(Mo + 0.5W) + 16N PRENCu = Cr + 3.3Mo + 15N + 2Cu PRENEXT = Cr + 3.3(Mo + 0.5W) + 2Cu + 16N In these formulae, the content of a particular alloying element is given in its mass percentage (%wt.). The PREN values range from 26 (for LDSS steels with average pitting corrosion resistance) up to above 45 (for HDSS steels with high corrosion resistance). In both cases, the resistance is significantly higher when compared to conventional steel grades. However, the values of PREN should be treated as comparative data. The final selection of steel for a given application should be based on tests carried out in a given corrosive medium. The usefulness of the PREN indicator for estimating the analogous resistance of welding consumables is limited due to different welding techniques that can be used and hence the different levels of nitrogen introduction into the welded melt metal. The terms “high corrosion resistance” and “average corrosion resistance” should be therefore interpreted as relative measures. The appropriate use of duplex steel demands the welding engineers perform thoughtful actions based on well-established engineering knowledge. A commonly applied routine-based approach to welding admittedly leads to obtaining the expected mechanical properties of welding joints. Nevertheless, it does not guarantee the concurrent obtaining of required corrosion resistance for the joints. It is known that the corrosion resistance of joints in the chloride environment impact zone reaches only 50%–80% of the parent material corrosion resistance
University Non-Discrimination Statement Old Dominion University does not discriminate in admissions, treatment, employment or access to its programs or activities on the basis of race (or traits historically associated with race including hair texture, hair type, and protective styles such as braids, locks, and twists), color, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), political affiliation, marital status, veteran status, family medical and genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or disability, as required by The Civil Rights Act of 1964; The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended; The Age Discrimination Act of 1975; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Virginia Human Rights Act; the Governor's Executive Order Number One (2018); and other state or federal laws and university policies (1005). ODU prohibits sexual and sex-/gender-based misconduct, discrimination, harassment and interpersonal violence, including sexual assault. ODU also prohibits discrimination against employees or applicants because they have inquired about, discussed or disclosed their own pay or the pay of another employee or applicant. As an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer, ODU promotes the full realization of employment opportunity for all persons, including minorities, women, individuals with disabilities and veterans. ODU bases all employment decisions only on job requirements. These efforts apply to all employment actions, including but not limited to recruitment, selection, hiring, promotion and compensation. Any member of the ODU community has the right to raise concerns or file a complaint regarding discrimination without fear of retaliation. Any and all inquiries regarding the application of this statement and related policies may be referred to the Director of Equity and EO/AA Marcus Porter.
MSE 298 Seminar: Chemical Composition as a Tuning Parameter to Control Functional and Structural Properties Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry California State University, Fullerton Abstract: The relationships between the crystal structures of extended compounds, their chemical compositions and the properties they exhibit allow for a rich design space yielding desirable materials functionalities. An understanding of these relationships can yield design principles that allow high-performing materials to be obtained more rapidly. For materials chemists, some of the knobs that can be controlled towards new and useful materials are structure and chemical composition. Our group works toward developing an understanding of tunability and control of various properties of inorganic pigments and controlling thermal expansion in inexpensive materials. The connecting link between the distinct classes of properties discussed is the control of transition metal identity, oxidation and spin state and coordination geometry. The research within these themes will be approached using a combination of innovative synthetic methods, local- and long-range structural characterization and property measurement. Bio: Professor Joya A. Cooley obtained undergraduate degrees in chemistry (B.S.) and music (B.A.) from Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina. Her Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry at UC Davis focused on understanding thermoelectric phenomena. Following this, she completed a postdoctoral appointment at UC Santa Barbara understanding magnetocaloric. She has been an assistant professor at Cal State Fullerton since 2020 and her current research focuses on (i) understanding structure-property relationships in materials exhibiting anomalous thermal expansion and (ii) color tunability and heat-reflecting properties of cool pigments.
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Vidya Balan supports FTII students, signs letter to presidenttext_fields Mumbai: Padma Shri awardee actress Vidya Balan and screenwriter Anjum Rajabali on Thursday threw their weight behind the protesting students of the Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) by signing an appeal to President Pranab Mukherjee to intervene and resolve the issue. Vidya who is also a part of FTII Society and Rajabali, who is the head of screenplay writing at the premier institute, joined 190 filmmakers in writing to the president. The letter urges the president to declare FTII as a centre of excellence and an autonomous institution, de-link FTII from the information and broadcasting ministry and to grant it autonomy. "The Ministry had arbitrarily chosen Shri Gajendra Chauhan as the Chairman of the Governing Council, a position earlier held by eminent film-makers like Shri Mrinal Sen, Dr. U.R. Ananthamurthy, Shyam Benegal, Girish Karnad and Adoor Gopalakrishnan, among a host of other eminent appointees. This appears to have been done in haste, sans due diligence or widespread consultations," the letter, sent on Thursday, says.
The Davos economic forum's two-day special session dedicated to Russia will open in Moscow's Marriot Grand Hotel this Monday. The decision to stage a second Russian Davos after the first one in 1998 was made at the economic forum's European session in Salzburg last July. Russia will be represented by Vice-Premier Alexei Kudrin, Minister for Economic Development and Trade Herman Gref, Energy Minister Igor Yusufov, MPs, economists and entrepreneurs. About 70 executives of leading Western industrial corporations and banks, and international financial institutions are to attend, with statements expected from World Bank Vice-President Johannes Lynn, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development President Jean Lemierre and World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab. In all, about 350 participants have been registered. The conferees are to focus on new trends, future reforms and prospects to affect the business environment in Russia, according to Tierri Mallere, one of the organizers of the Moscow session. He noted that this event is meant to attract investors on revealing that the situation has largely improved over the past several months. This is evident for those who stay in Russia, but is not so for those who live outside its confines, he said. Besides, the forum ought to determine steps for furthering economic progress in Russia, continued Mallere. Among these steps are reforms in the customs service, taxation and corporate management as well as moves toward WTO membership. The latter can be a point of heated discrepancy since certain Russian industrialists and politicians reject Russia's early WTO joining as damageable to the national economy. This session is reported to deal more than ever with security questions. The forum's director Masha Levinson has confirmed that the session will not ignore the tragic events of September 11 in the USA. Federal Security Service and interior forces are to be on their alert, which is connected not only with threats from terrorists but also the expected action by anti-globalization champions as well. The forum organizers are assuring that the situation in the Russian capital is under control. But there is evidence that anti-globalists under the mask of tourists have been arriving in Moscow from the USA and some European countries over the past fortnight - their number ranging from two hundred to several thousands of people, who, apart from quite harmless environmentalists, may include inveterate extremists. They are to go hand-in-glove with Russian radicals. In a RIA Novosti interview, National Bolshevik Party leader Anatoly Tishin has confirmed the intention "to be active" in anti-Davos riots, "if", he reserved, "there is such an opportunity." Tishin blamed his lack of resolve on "the number and manners" of Russian law-enforcement bodies, noting that "anti-globalists have a better life in Europe." In his opinion, all will depend on "whether it will be possible to gather a critical mass of people in one place." Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said during a meeting with journalists that Kyiv could be Russia's ultimate goal in the special military operation in Ukraine
Voters will not let Nawaz win elections, claims Imran RAWALPINDI: (Suno News) Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf founder Imran Khan has claimed that the people will not allow PML-N leader Nawaz Sharif and his candidates to win the upcoming general elections. Talking to reporters in Adiala Jail, Imran said that the fundamental rights of the people were being infringed through the “worst crackdowns” on the PTI leaders and supporters. Even basic human rights were being flouted in the country, he said. The cricketer-turned-politician further said, “My lawyers are busy in election campaign therefore they could not appear in the court today. We will fight the case fully. Judge, jury and prosecution all have connived against me. This legal match appears to be fixed.” He raised a question, “Former PCB chairman Najam Sethi has said that the decision in cases against me would be announced by February 5 and I will be punished in the decision. Where did Najam Sethi get the information from? Everyone knows wherefrom Najam Sethi gets his information.” He demanded that the court summon Najam Sethi and ask him about his comments on the sub judice issue. He said that the trial is going on since the ouster of his government but Nawaz Sharif was being provided with full protocol. Everyone in power is lying about providing level-playing field to the PTI leaders, he said adding that Nawaz Sharif’s only hope is that “someone” else wins help him win the elections but the people will not let him win. Last Tuesday, the former prime minister filed petitions in the Islamabad High Court (IHC) for bail in the Toshakhana and £190 million corruption cases. The PTI ex-chairman filed separate bail petitions in the IHC in both cases. The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) director general and the investigation officer have been written as respondents in the petitions. It was stated in the petitions that bail be granted until the completion of trial and final judgement. “Cases against me are based on malice and political revenge,” Imran Khan said.
Vacuum packaging is a food preservation process that helps extend the shelf life of meats, fish, or cheeses. But, Do you want to know how long vacuum-sealed cheese lasts? Well, it depends on the type of cheese. Don't worry, At Enrique Tomás, we'll explain everything you need to know in detail! How long does vacuum-sealed cheese last based on its aging? The first thing to consider is that not all cheeses can be vacuum-sealed. Fresh or soft cheeses, for example, are meant for immediate consumption and therefore are not sold vacuum-sealed because they should be eaten as soon as possible. Cheeses that are not fresh can be vacuum-sealed, and the more aged a cheese is, the better it will be preserved. Semi-cured or aged cheeses are the ones that retain their quality the best, and you can buy them in two forms: whole or as wedges. - Whole: If you buy a cheese wheel, keep in mind that it doesn't need to be vacuum-sealed. The rind itself protects the cheese, so once you have it, you can wrap it in a dry and clean paper or plastic wrap and store it in a cool, dry, and dark pantry. It will last for months. - Wedge: On the other hand, if you prefer to buy only a portion, it's better to choose one that is vacuum-sealed. As we mentioned earlier, the rind helps protect the cheese, but the wedge has already been cut, and therefore, the cheese has been exposed to oxygen. It's challenging to say how long vacuum-sealed cheese lasts because the answer varies depending on the cheese. To make sure it doesn't go bad, just check the package; the manufacturer will indicate the expiration date there. It's as easy as eating it before that date. What happens once the vacuum is broken? Just like with other foods, once the vacuum is broken, you should consume it. Once you open your cheese wheel or unwrap your wedge, you'll need to eat it as soon as possible. The best way to preserve cheese after it's been opened is by storing it in the refrigerator. The suitable temperature for storage depends on the type of cheese. For example, semi-cured and aged cheeses are best kept at around 8°C, but soft and fresh cheeses require lower temperatures. Many modern refrigerators have a compartment specifically designed for cheese storage, but if yours doesn't, don't worry. Ardiona's Aged Sheep Cheese by Enrique Tomás Once you start your cheese, the best thing you can do is place it in an airtight cheese container where it will be perfectly isolated. If it's semi-cured or aged, leave the container in the vegetable drawer; the cold won't affect it as much, and this will prevent it from cracking, drying out, or breaking. If, on the other hand, it's a softer cheese, it needs a colder temperature, so place the container in the upper part of the refrigerator, where it will be colder. In any case, no matter what type of cheese you have or how you buy it, the most important thing to remember is that the best place to preserve food is in your stomach, so... Eat it as soon as possible!
Pocket Bubbler 2.0 This is a big upgrade to the standard EO vaporizer pocket bubbler. Larger glass bubbler holds a good amount of water and least likely to get clogged from excessive use. Best of all, this bubbler works with your lanyard to slip through the hole in this glass vaporizer bubbler, offering balance and stays upright. Perfect for concerts and festival use as an under the shirt bubbler/vape product. Caution: When using this product on the go, don’t dross your arms across your chest, you’re likely to break it!
Title: Tim Hardaway Jr. Net Worth: A Rising Star’s Journey to Success Tim Hardaway Jr. is an American professional basketball player known for his skills and contributions to the sport. With a successful career spanning several teams in the NBA, Hardaway Jr. has managed to amass considerable wealth. In this article, we will explore Tim Hardaway Jr.’s net worth as of 2023, along with five interesting facts about his life and career. Tim Hardaway Jr. Net Worth: As of 2023, Tim Hardaway Jr.’s estimated net worth is around $50 million. This impressive fortune can be attributed to his lucrative NBA contracts, endorsement deals, and various investments. Hardaway Jr.’s dedication to his craft and exceptional performance on the court have undoubtedly contributed to his financial success. Five Interesting Facts about Tim Hardaway Jr.: 1. A Basketball Legacy: Tim Hardaway Jr. comes from a basketball family. His father, Tim Hardaway Sr., was also a professional basketball player who had a successful career in the NBA. Growing up, Hardaway Jr. was inspired by his father’s achievements, which motivated him to pursue basketball as well. 2. College Basketball Success: Before entering the NBA, Hardaway Jr. played college basketball for the University of Michigan. During his time there, he showcased his skills and earned multiple accolades, including being named to the All-Big Ten First Team. Hardaway Jr.’s impressive college career helped him gain recognition and popularity among NBA scouts. 3. Rising Star in the NBA: Hardaway Jr. was selected as the 24th overall pick in the 2013 NBA Draft by the New York Knicks. He quickly made a name for himself in the league, displaying his scoring abilities and versatility on the court. His performances earned him a spot in the NBA All-Rookie First Team, solidifying his position as a rising star. 4. Stints with Various Teams: Throughout his NBA career, Hardaway Jr. has played for multiple teams, including the Atlanta Hawks and the Dallas Mavericks. These team changes provided him with opportunities to showcase his talent and further enhance his skills. Hardaway Jr.’s ability to adapt to different playing styles has contributed to his value as a player. 5. Philanthropic Endeavors: Beyond his basketball achievements, Hardaway Jr. is actively involved in charitable activities. He has supported numerous causes, including initiatives focused on education, health, and community development. Hardaway Jr.’s dedication to giving back showcases his commitment to making a positive impact off the court. Common Questions about Tim Hardaway Jr.: 1. What is Tim Hardaway Jr.’s salary? As of 2023, Tim Hardaway Jr.’s annual salary is estimated to be around $20 million. 2. Which NBA teams has Tim Hardaway Jr. played for? Hardaway Jr. has played for the New York Knicks, Atlanta Hawks, and Dallas Mavericks throughout his NBA career. 3. Has Tim Hardaway Jr. won any awards? While Hardaway Jr. has not won any major individual awards, he was named to the NBA All-Rookie First Team in 2014. 4. What is Tim Hardaway Jr.’s height and position? Hardaway Jr. stands at 6 feet 6 inches (1.98 meters) tall and primarily plays as a shooting guard or small forward. 5. Does Tim Hardaway Jr. have any endorsement deals? Yes, Hardaway Jr. has had endorsement deals with companies such as Adidas, which have contributed to his net worth. 6. How many points per game does Tim Hardaway Jr. average? Hardaway Jr.’s points per game average varies throughout his career but hovers around 15 points per game. 7. Has Tim Hardaway Jr. played for any international teams? As of 2023, Hardaway Jr. has not represented any international teams. 8. What is Tim Hardaway Jr.’s highest-scoring game? Hardaway Jr.’s highest-scoring game occurred in 2017 when he scored 36 points against the Memphis Grizzlies. 9. Does Tim Hardaway Jr. have any siblings who play basketball? No, Tim Hardaway Jr. is the only member of his immediate family who pursued a professional basketball career. 10. Has Tim Hardaway Jr. ever been selected for an NBA All-Star Game? As of 2023, Hardaway Jr. has not been selected for an NBA All-Star Game. 11. Is Tim Hardaway Jr. active on social media? Yes, Tim Hardaway Jr. is active on social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter. 12. Does Tim Hardaway Jr. have any investments outside of basketball? Hardaway Jr. has diversified his wealth through various investments, including real estate ventures. 13. What is Tim Hardaway Jr.’s college degree? Hardaway Jr. graduated from the University of Michigan with a degree in general studies. 14. Does Tim Hardaway Jr. have any plans for life after basketball? While it is unclear what Hardaway Jr.’s exact plans are, he has expressed interest in staying involved in the basketball community and possibly pursuing coaching opportunities. Tim Hardaway Jr. has not only made a name for himself in the NBA but has also garnered substantial wealth throughout his career. With an estimated net worth of around $50 million in 2023, his financial success is a testament to his hard work and dedication. As he continues to excel on the court, Hardaway Jr. leaves an indelible mark on the sport, inspiring aspiring basketball players worldwide.
I’m a firm believer of, more than a mouthful is a waste. Sometimes when I’m searching webcams I will search for small tits cam. There’s always a decent amount of cams to choose from like there is with most searches. You will find small tit broads from all over the world that can’t wait to show you their hot bodies. So I have a few favorite girls I’ve found using this site with the most recent being you_are_my_sunshine. She’s a fun little girl from the United Kingdom with an out-of-this-world sex drive and she likes to cum on cam. She put on a great show and I’ve gotten to know her while I’m tuned in to her shows. Before the shows start I always make sure that I stock up on tokens, especially with sunshine. She gets personal with you the more you give her tokens. You can tell she’s the kind of girl that loves showering her men with attention. Some girls use an interactive vibe and they will let you control it for the right price. Also, it’s always a great idea to tip your cam girl just like you would your waitress or stripper. It’s the one way you can guarantee she will know you appreciate the time she has put into having a fantastic, entertaining show.
For several years, wide oak boards have been best-sellers among homeowners. That is a very classy alternative to more classic narrow planks. The customers often worry how a wide oak board will look in their home. We have decided to write this post to discuss this flooring option in detail. Usually, we associate narrow oak planks with rather formal interiors, especially manors or castles. However, wide oak planks will look casual or formal, depending on what effect you want to achieve. Interiors that are glamorous and elegant need a combination of traditional and modern elements. So, if you want to get the final result of your dreams, you need to bet on creativity and complement your urban lifestyle with one-of-a-kind flooring of your choice. Nowadays, rooms in our houses and flats are getting smaller. Exceptions include obviously loft apartments and open plan flats. This opens up new options for us in terms of interior design, but at the same time poses a real challenge. Rooms that are smaller stand for lower heating costs and obviously are cheaper to decorate. However, a lot of our customers are concerned that they will go beyond limits when installing wide oak planks in their small interiors. But, it’s not always like that. Carefully think through all the aspects and have in mind the final effect that you want to achieve – then wide oak planks in small interiors can be perfect, making the room look larger, especially if you go for a light oak floor. But, if you’re going to lay a floor in a large interior, then you’ve got plenty of possibilities. For big rooms, both wide and narrow planks are an equally good option. However, a wide plank can also render a huge interior look more in proportion. The next interesting tip is to use wide oak planks together with narrow oak planks. It’s an effective method to bring in the walls of a large interior. Interiors that are wide or narrow frequently pose a challenge for homeowners struggling to make a choice between a wide or a narrow plank. Just like wide planks can fool the eye and make a small space look bigger, wide planks can also be used to make narrow rooms appear wider and long rooms appear shorter. These effects are similar to the effect that specific clothing can have on us, making us look taller or shorter, thinner or chubbier. It’s a very versatile and classy flooring option, so don’t be sceptical and afraid of making it your choice. Read on to learn more about great wide oak planks which you may be interested in when planning on a flooring project. Let’s start with a dining room or a bedroom. How about a wide plank, warm-toned select engineered oak UV lacquered wood floor? Its attractiveness and stylish elegance will enchant your visitors and delight the eye of your family members. With a lot of appeal and irresistible charm, it will take your interior into a whole new dimension. Try combining it with stylish furniture, or very modern items to get the look you’ve dreamt of. For bathrooms or kitchens, we’d recommend you a natural engineered UV lacquered oak floor, which is black brushed. The UV filter provides protection from light impact that could damage the floor with time. And due to the magnetic appeal, your friends will not be able to tear their gaze away from it. For a lounge choose wide select engineered oak click brushed UV white oiled board. By using it, you’ll make your interior appear larger and brighter. Additionally, it is suitable for underfloor heating. The result is a very elegant room with very pleasant atmosphere. These wide oak planks will offer a perfect starting point for any room. You’ll be satisfied, no matter your preferences. In this article, we’ve presented you will several flooring options for wide oak planks and discussed their impact on the overall look of your interior. Most importantly, get creative and don’t be afraid of taking risk. Try out different options which may at first seem risky or unsuitable. The final result you can achieve may be outstanding if you only dare and let your imagination run free. But if you’re not convinced to taking a decision yourself, or need some help, feel free to contact us for support and necessary advice. We’ll help you make all the right choices!
If you had to make a list of some of the most critical elements of running a business that most new entrepreneurs don't think enough about until it's far too late, bookkeeping would undoubtedly be right at the top. On a surface level, bookkeeping is simply the process of keeping accurate, thorough records of the financial affairs of any business. But once you begin to dive deeper, you see that it's about so much more than that. It's what allows you to maintain a proper cash flow — something that has long been a major pain point for any organization. It's what allows you to make more accurate and informed decisions regarding growth. More than anything, it's what allows you to start making a plan for the future, which in and of itself is the most important benefit of all. Handling bookkeeping on your own can quickly become a full-time job, which is a bit of an issue since you already have one of those on your plate. But by keeping a few key things in mind, you can enjoy all the benefits of this process with as few of the potential downsides as possible. The Art of Business Bookkeeping: Breaking Things Down When it comes to small business bookkeeping, it's critical to understand what you should be doing and, most importantly, when. The financial health of your organization has both short- and long-term ramifications, and the only way to control your own trajectory is to make a list of what you should be doing and why. On a weekly basis, for example, you'll want to pay close attention to things like your cash flow statement and variable expenses. Cash flow is exactly what it sounds like — the money coming into and out of your business. If you're not paying attention to this, you might not realize that you don't have nearly as much money coming in as you think. This is especially true if you're waiting on client invoices to get paid but have no real idea of when they were sent or when they're due. You cannot assume that just because your revenue says one thing, you have an equal cash reserve sitting there waiting to be taken advantage of. Especially in the situation with client invoices outlined previously, that isn't always the case. If there is a sudden business opportunity that you're trying to take advantage of or if you need to pay for an urgent expense like a new piece of equipment or machinery, this is not the time to find out that your accounts don't have as much in them as you assumed they did. Therefore, you need to have a constant idea of how much cash you have on hand, along with the amount of money required to manage critical aspects of your business. Variable expenses are a related concept, which themselves are defined as those expenses that don't have a fixed monthly or annual rate. If you took out a loan to start your business, it's likely that you have a set, predictable monthly payment. Unless you miss a payment and get hit with some type of penalty, that number isn't going to change. Marketing, however, is something that changes all the time — particularly if you're experimenting with all the different types of campaigns that you could run. If you've invested in digital advertising on sites like Google, you're probably not going to hit upon the perfect campaign right away. You'll need to run tests to see what works and what doesn't, which will ultimately impact the amount of money you'll pay. If you move into the world of print advertising and run newspaper ads or design fliers, this too will come with an entirely different set of costs. As a result of this, you need to make sure you understand what your variable expenses are at any given time. Only then will you be able to make the smartest and most informed decisions at the moment. Additional Considerations About Bookkeeping Likewise, there are a variety of important bookkeeping-related tasks that you'll want to perform on at least a monthly basis, too. One of these involves getting a business snapshot — something that gives you a clear, concise idea of where you currently stand and the impacts of the decisions you've made over the past 30 days. A business snapshot will not only give you insight into things like your cash flow, but you'll also get to see sales, expenses, income, and more. The key thing to understand is that these snapshots actually become more valuable as time goes on. You can compare the last several monthly snapshots to uncover trends and patterns that you may have otherwise missed. This, too, gives you insight into what you can do to improve your operations. On a monthly basis, you should also make an effort to stay up-to-date on what all your expenses actually are. Yes, there are certain “costs of doing business” that you'll never be able to totally eliminate. But if you take the time at least regularly to look at where your money is going, you put yourself in a better position to find room for improvement. Case in point: Maybe that investment you made a few months ago isn't paying off nearly as well as you'd hoped. Unless you look at and understand exactly what you're spending, you're not necessarily going to realize that. Armed with this information, you can eliminate these types of expenses and free up valuable cash so that you can funnel it back into other areas of the business where it can do the most good. Finally, when it comes to a topic as important as bookkeeping, it's important to acknowledge your own limitations. Especially as far as things like taxes are concerned, the stakes of “getting this one wrong” are simply far too high to go at it yourself. You're a business owner, and while it's absolutely fair to say that your “can-do spirit” has already gotten you quite far, if you're not comfortable handling bookkeeping yourself, you shouldn't feel obligated to do so. Enlisting the help of a trained, experienced professional can immediately help you paint a clear picture of where your business currently stands from a financial perspective and where it might be headed, too. They'll use bookkeeping software that, when combined with their own insight, can help make it far easier to accomplish all the tasks outlined above and more. A financial professional can step in and make sure that you have a solid foundation from which to build from, all while freeing up as much of your time as possible to focus on those tasks that actually require your full attention. If you'd like to find out more information about all the best practices that you can use to get the most out of your business, or if you just have any additional questions you'd like to go over with someone in a bit more detail, please don't delay — contact our office today. Sign up for our newsletter.
The education system in the United Arab Emirates has undergone a tremendous revolution. From traditional methods to modern systems, this journey reflects the speedy development of the nation. Knowing how education in the UAE has developed provides a glimpse into societal changes and possible future developments. For this reason, we must look at the past and present state of the education system and predict future trends. This exploration also has more than mere academic interest. It illustrates the UAE's cultural and economic development, showing how education is a foundation for progress. Historical Perspective of Education in the UAE Before its modern form, education in the UAE was part of cultural and religious traditions. It was a system designed to meet the needs and circumstances of a society quite different in nature from today's urbanized environment. This historical setting is important in understanding the extent and significance of changes. Its flexibility and sense of community marked the traditional education system in the UAE. Early Education in the UAE At an early date, education in the UAE had been mainly informal, focusing on family and community life. Kuttab, or Islamic schools, also played an important role. These schools specialized in teaching the Quran, Arabic reading and writing, and simple arithmetic. Home-based education was common, with parents and elders teaching practical skills and culture. This type of schooling was not only a question of literacy and numeracy; it was full-scale education geared to the demands of that time. Because of the values and needs of society at that time, the focus was on experience and traditions. On the one hand, children could be closer to the family and comprehend the wisdom of generations. However, this approach significantly slows the integration of new educational approaches and solutions. Fortunately, economic prosperity has offered a new path to academic boost. The Influence of Oil Discovery The discovery of oil in the UAE led to radical changes in the nation and its education system. With this windfall, previously unknown amounts of money were invested in educational infrastructure, and a new era had begun. - Expansion of Schools and Universities: As oil money flooded in, schools and institutions of higher education sprang up all over the Emirates. - Curriculum Development: More resources would enable the UAE to offer a more comprehensive and varied curriculum with modern sciences and foreign languages. - Teacher Training and Recruitment: With the wealth gained from oil, the UAE could invest in teacher training programs and attract highly qualified teachers. - Technology Integration: Money was spent putting technology in classrooms, preparing students for a globalized digital world. International Collaboration: With oil wealth, the UAE could arrange joint ventures with prestigious learning institutions worldwide. As a result, the quality of its educational system and international image improved even further. The changes brought about by the discovery of oil catapulted the UAE's education system into modernity, paving the way for subsequent advancements and reforms. The country's leadership received a stable source of income and managed to convert the oil dollars received into the minds of young citizens. Moreover, people received unprecedented opportunities to expand their academic horizons and make the country a better place. The services of companies such as Essaymasters.ae can also be considered new opportunities, since now students have a better chance of analyzing assignments in more detail. The UAE government took significant steps to modernize education in response to the changing global environment. These efforts have helped turn the country into a knowledge-based economy. Over the years, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has made major strides in creating its education system. The Ministry of Education was set up in the 1970s, a decisive step toward centralizing and standardizing education throughout the Emirates. Compulsory education came on the scene in the 80s. All students were guaranteed an opportunity to study until a certain age, raising literacy and educational levels throughout all strata of society. In the 1990s, the UAE began to focus on higher education. The government established many universities and institutions to promote higher learning and scientific research. In the 2000s, the UAE sought to excel by making its educational content equal to international best practices and stressing quality in education. Efforts to integrate these elements into the curriculum thus became a focus for innovation and technology in education throughout this decade. With this change, students were prepared for a future world dominated by digital and technological development, equipped to face the challenges ahead confidently. These milestones show the UAE's determination to develop an education system suited to its citizens and one that will rank it as a world leader in education. By the way, essay writing in UAE schools and colleges is also one of the modernization efforts that young students should not forget about. The opportunity to gain a clear understanding of writing processes comes through producing polished papers with a clear structure and quality research. The Current Education System in the UAE The country's pursuit of a competitive, knowledge-based economy is reflected in the education system today. It combines traditional values with modern educational techniques geared toward preparing students for a globalizing world. The UAE government invested constantly in educational reforms to increase quality, prepare itself for the information age, and attract international talent. This continuing progress shows how serious the nation is about developing a world-class education system in tune with its diverse population and ambitious economic goals. Structure of the UAE Education System The UAE education system is structured progressively, guiding students from early childhood through to higher education: - Kindergarten (ages 4-5): Developing basic skills, social behavior, and foundational knowledge in a playful environment is its focus. - Primary School (Grades 1-5): Focuses on core subjects such as mathematics, science, and languages, gradually introducing social studies and arts. - Preparatory School (Grades 6-9): Maintains the core subjects. Introduces more specialized topics and prepares students for higher education. - Secondary School (Grades 10-12): They choose a track (academic or vocational) and concentrate on subjects that will help them with their future education and work. By the time they have finished secondary school, students take standardized examinations to see if they are fit for further education. In these stages, the curriculum is balanced between academic knowledge, practical skills, moral values, and physical education. Universities and colleges in the UAE provide undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral-level educational programs. The curriculum and examination systems of these institutions are adjusted to international standards so that their graduates can both compete with and excel in the global environment. It also hosts a number of international universities and branch campuses, widening its range of educational offerings. Cultural Diversity in UAE Schools The multicultural society of the UAE is reflected in its education system, and within these schools, we see an interweaving of cultures, languages, and outlooks. This is due to the UAE's role as an international trade center, attracting people from all around over. In the UAE, because schools welcome students of different backgrounds, cultural exchange is part of daily life. This diversity enriches the educational experience in several ways: - Broadened Perspectives: Exposure to various cultures brings a richer understanding of the world. Students become more empathetic toward other people and more open-minded. - Language Skills: In a multicultural class, students often learn and practice several languages. - Preparation for Global Citizenship: These newly multifaceted students are equipped for global careers as they learn to get around the intricacies of cultures. - Innovation and Creativity: Different groups provide different perspectives, making for fresh approaches to solving problems and completing projects. Diversity in UAE schools is an excellent way of preparing students to live and work in a complex global village. The path of innovation will give this country a brighter future! It reflects the UAE's commitment to innovation and future readiness that technology plays a central role in its education system. Technology has been increasingly integrated into teaching and learning processes in UAE schools. Key aspects of this technological integration include: - Smart classrooms. - E-learning platforms. - Educational apps. - Online assessments. - Teacher training. Not only does this integration optimize the learning experience, but it also means that students in the UAE are proficient at using technology – a must-have skill in today's world. The implementation of new technologies, strategic decisions, and extra opportunities gives the UAE a chance to become an academic leader. Future Directions and Challenges Coming from an ancient culture, how can the UAE education system walk a path between its own unique heritage and keeping up with global standards? Education in the UAE is about to embrace a tradition of integration with innovation. The concepts of sustainable development, technological integration, and global competitiveness are all involved. These changes will require continuous adjustment and investment in infrastructure and human resources. UAE Vision 2030 UAE Vision 2030 is a strategic framework to turn the country into an information-based society. Education is a major driver in development, innovation, and social progression, which this vision strongly emphasizes. Key goals of Vision 2030 in the education sector include: - Emphasis on STEM education; - enhancing critical thinking and problem-solving skills; - promoting lifelong learning; - international collaborations; - fostering innovation and research; - inclusive education. UAE Vision 2030, therefore, has a primary educational objective of preparing a workforce capable of supporting and sustaining economic growth in order to ensure that the UAE continues to be one of the top nations in different areas. With this aim, the plan's broader economic targets are linked directly with its own specific educational aspirations. Challenges and Opportunities The United Arab Emirates has done a great job of modernizing its education system, making rapid progress in recent decades. At the same time, the country is still faced with challenges, such as the need for more Emirati teachers. The country's population is growing, as the standard of living allows children to be educated without thinking about financial aspects. Also, the country still needs modern technology and balanced integration of technology, taking into account cultural, religious, and regional nuances. However, these challenges present opportunities: - Investing in teacher training programs can enhance the quality of education and attract more nationals to the teaching profession. - The need to integrate technology offers a chance to develop innovative educational tools and methods, positioning the UAE as a leader in educational technology. - Collaborating with international educational institutions can bring new ideas and practices to the UAE. - Adapting the curriculum to focus on critical thinking, creativity, and digital literacy prepares students for a rapidly changing world. All the challenges described above can easily be transformed into advantages that will help the UAE become a leader in quality education not only among Arab countries but also on the world stage. Given a far-sighted and correct academic strategy, the country will easily cope with temporary difficulties and, most likely, will surprise the world in the next decade. All of the above aspects present the UAE’s educational system as innovative and one that is developing faster than others. The country's government has a clear plan and sufficient funds to implement innovative activities and the best technologies so that citizens can realize their full potential and make the UAE a world leader in research and academic discovery. The challenges looming ahead, such as the need for more Emirati teachers and dealing with technological advances, are big but not insurmountable. They provide chances for education sector development and innovation. As the UAE works to achieve its bold Vision 2030, the educational system will certainly be one of the most important factors determining this nation's future. From policymakers to parents and students, everyone should read all they can find out what's happening in UAE education. A rapidly changing world means that the nation's future also depends on the continual improvement and reinvention of its educational systems so that generations of students can meet each new challenge they face.
How we operate? For your comfort, we use a simple 4-step process 1 Tell us what you need Fill the order form Placing an order has never been so fast and easy. Our single page application website ensures a supreme speed of all your operations. Just press the “Order now” button and let the system intuitively guide you through the process. Submit the paper details, upload files, and provide contact information – you are almost done! Start with “essay masters ae”, add the subject, topic, academic level, and any other details 2 Secure your payment Submit payment details Choose the most convenient payment method among more than ten available options. You can be sure that your payment details are safe with us and will never be disposed to any third parties. Once the order is paid, we send you an official confirmation email and you can just relax! Select one of the safe systems our online essay writing service relies on to process the charges 3 Take a break Enjoy your life Everything is clear here; you can just enjoy your spare time or do more important things while we are working on your paper. You can always get back to us during the process to check on the progress of the work, we are available 24/7! Relax and enjoy the free time you have saved by letting us take over your writing 4 Get the essay Receive your paper All the works are checked thoroughly before delivery, and you can be sure that the writer did his best to meet all the requirements. Let us know if you need any revisions and we will do it for you. If everything is okay, just approve the order and download the final work. We will wait for your next order. Download the final version of the essay that meets your requirements
You know youre an adult when you start actively looking for a job. This is something that almost all college students have to go through at one point or another. While I would love to tell you that applying for work is as easy as applying to the university, its not. It can be quite challenging if you dont know any resume writers service and dont know what youre doing. Here is a basic guide through the application process that should give you a rough idea of whats in store. It may not guarantee your employment, but at least you can feel accomplished after you read it.Finding Job ApplicationsSearching for applications is somewhat of a personal process. First, you need to think about where you want to work. Do you just want to apply to everything you can, or do you want to work in a specific field? You can check out my post on 5 Great College Jobs that Pay More than Minimum Wage for a little inspiration, but as a whole, you just need to think about which jobs are going to work best for your schedule.Once you have an idea about where you want to work, you can go online to see if the store, restaurant, or other place of business has an online application to fill out. This will save you from having to drive all around own to get applications. If you cant find an online application, you will need to go to the place you want to work and actually pick up a paper app to fill out. Yes, this will take a little more time, but you have to suck it up and do what you have to do.Filling out Job ApplicationsA basic job application will ask for a name, address, past job history, social security number, etc. This is all necessary to add you into an employment roster should you be hired. You can figure out most of the job application on your own, but there may be parts where you need to put a short answer to a question. These answers are meant to reveal snippets of your character so employers know whether you will be a good employee for their business.If one of the questions involves listing your flaws, try to still make them into positive characteristics. A good example of this may be: I work too hard, to the point that I almost exhaust myself, or Im overly passionate about projects when I get into them. These sorts of flaws imply that youre a good worker, and they sound a whole lot better than Im lazy and I dont bathe. You have to figure out which parts of the truth you want to reveal, and lacking hygiene is not one of them.
What is an Expository Essay Publication Date: 03 June 2022 Among the wide array of essay types, which we all learn to write in high school and college, an expository essay has a very important role to play. It is the essay type of choice when it comes to preparation for graduate-level research writing. Why do professors favor an expository essay over many other essay types, what is the purpose of an expository essay, what is a thesis statement in an expository essay, and how to write a good expository essay? Let’s quickly find answers to these and many other questions in this dedicated article. What is an expository essay? An expository essay is a distinct type of academic essay, which exposes, or informs the reader about something. It is characterized by a formal tone and clear and sometimes even academic vocabulary. This is why instructors love this essay type, as it basically teaches and prepares students for their senior-level research works, such as thesis or dissertation. The purpose of an expository essay, as taught in all schools and universities, is to tell the reader about a subject, concept, or idea. It literally exposes the audience to a subject matter. Writing a good expository essay requires the author to thoroughly study the topic and present it from a holistic and objective perspective. Bias or subjectivism is an absolute antagonism of an expository essay. How is an expository essay different from an argumentative essay? People often confuse these two essay types or at least don’t see a difference. The key distinction between the two is that an argumentative essay always assumes taking sides, i.e. for the author to show off his personal position and to present an opinion. Whereas, an expository essay always requires an author to stay neutral. The role of research in an expository essay You cannot write a good expository essay unless you know the topic well. Almost always this stipulates researching your topic thoroughly (unless you happen to already have the necessary knowledge). As soon as the topic becomes known, you should start researching it. Remember, that the purpose of an expository essay is to inform and educate the reader. This can only be done through a holistic presentation of the material and by staying unbiased as an author. Experienced writers also recommend finding at least several strong examples for your thesis statement in an expository essay and arguments already on the stage of research and preparation, as there is nothing more informative and convincing than a good and timely example. The structure of an expository essay Only rare and very talented writers can compose a good expository essay without prior crafting an outline of their work. To be able to objectively present the material and to thoroughly expose the reader to the subject matter, one needs to think in advance of the structure of the work. A typical structure of an expository essay is not much different from any other essay type and contains the three basic elements, introduction, the main body, and conclusion. At the same time, there are some unique requirements to each part, which are unique for the purpose of an expository essay: - A thesis statement in an expository essay (which is always found in the introduction) must not reflect an author’s personal position. It should be concise and neutral and reflect what you are going to tell your readers about in this essay. For example, “In this paper, I attempt to analyze the role of games and other innovative approaches in modern education.” - Special attention should be paid to the main body of your expository essay. Since this is an educational piece of writing, short and crisp paragraphs and phrases should be your priority. Consequently, avoid long paragraphs and complicated formulations, as they contradict the purpose of an expository essay, and make reading and comprehension difficult. - Closer to the end of the main body, and sometimes also in the conclusion, a technique called “hunger for more information” is often used. It means that you should encourage the reader to look for additional information on the subject, and by doing so make an emotional attachment to your work. In any case, one shouldn’t forget that a good conclusion must not deviate from a thesis statement in an expository essay and should always stay within the boundaries of the topic. Examples of topics for an expository essay To wrap up the above material and to provide more information for our readers on the topic, let’s provide some possible expository essay topic examples. Who knows, maybe you will find your expository essay topic here and write the best essay ever? - Global warming and human activities – is there a link? - Universal basic income – pros and cons - The state of affairs in the movie industry in the 21st century - What is the root cause of street violence in the USA? - Why the modern education system is going through a crisis - Shopping online: the past, present, and future - The benefits of part-time employment for students - Nurture vs. nature – how do we become who we are? - How does cryptocurrency work? - The five benefits of hiring motivated employees - The USA Civil War: driving forces and outcomes - Top 5 best tourist destinations on the West Coast
Green Clay Superfood Hair & Scalp Mask with Rosemary, Raw Honey, Aloe and Apple Cider Vinegar - Regular price - Regular price - Sale price An essential part of a regimen for healthy hair, scalp and beard, the Green Clay Superfood Hair Mask gently detoxes and cleanses the scalp of residue and dandruff. It is step one of the cleansing process, a "pre-shampoo". Handcrafted with Ayurvedic herbs such as Bentonite Clay, Amla and Fenugreek, as well as, Aloe juice, Apple Cider vinegar and Rosemary essences, it acts as a clarifier and natural balancer, promoting hair growth and a truly healthy scalp. Recommended for scalp concerns such as dandruff, psoriasis and eczema. Also recommended for beard health and growth. Key Nutrients and benefits Bentonite Clay: Detoxifies and Clarifies Apple Cider Vinegar: Detoxifies and restores proper pH Aloe juice: Promotes growth, softness and proper pH Amla & Fenugreek: Ayuvedic herbs for thickening hair and stimulating growth. Honey: Moisturizes & Antibacterial Rosemary: Renowned herbal remedy for hair growth and health. Wet hair thoroughly. Apply clay treatment to scalp and roots. Massage well into scalp. Next, smooth clay from roots to ends of hair. Rinse well with warm water. Repeat process if hair/scalp has a lot of buildup. Follow with our Aloe Apothecary Cream Cleanser. Keep product out of eyes. Discontinue use if irritation occurs. Aloe juice, rosemary hydrosol, Bentonite clay, raw honey, organic apple cider vinegar, french white clay, amla and fenugreek, optiphen (paraben-free preservative), rosemary and peppermint essential oils. Why the Green Clay & Aloe Hair Mask? 100% Clean & Nutrient-Rich FREE of Gluten / Sulfates / Silicone. Detox & moisturize hair with bentonite clay, aloe, apple cider vinegar and honey. Multi-tasking & Inclusive Detox, Moisturize & Feed follicles! Plus, improve hair growth and retention. For heads & beards. Cleanse thirsty strands without stripping! Handmade with love, healing ingredients and intent. Tested on humans. Never animals. Green Clay + Aloe Superfood Hair Mask FAQs Will this really detox my hair? Clay is an essential superfood for detoxifying skin and hair. Combined with Apple Cider Vinegar and honey, our Mask is a clarifying treatment that won't strip your hair dry. It gently removes scalp buildup so your follicles are happy and healthy. Why is a clay treatment necessary? Do you have dandruff? Or maybe the occassional residue on your scalp? Clay treatments work to remove buildup and pollutants from your scalp and hair. This residue may be blocking your follicles and contributing to scalp illnesses, which keep your hair from growing. Our Mask is a multi-tasker--it's a detox, cleanser, detangler and follicle food. Here's to happy hair growth!! Will this help my dandruff? Many of our clients use this for dandruff. Your scalp and follicles will thank you! Can I use this on my locs / beard? We definitely recommend this clay mask for beards! We do not recommend it for locs. It's a richer treatment and not watery enough for many of our loc clients' needs. Do I use on wet or dry hair? We recommend wetting hair first, before applying. The Mask can also be used on beards. In the Media
Europe’s leading ETF providers, including Invesco, iShares, SPDR, DWS and Lyxor, have joined forces to provide investors with a ‘consolidated tape’ of aggregate ETF trading data in one place for the first time. Driven by the increased demand for transparency in ETFs since the introduction of MiFID II at the beginning of 2018, the Bloomberg ETF Aggregate Volume feed incorporates over the-counter (OTC) trades as well as those listed on exchanges such as the LSE. At launch, the service covers all European listed ETPs. The aggregated volume field shows the 90-day average aggregated volume across exchange and OTC venues and is updated on a daily basis. Led by the ETF issuer and trading community, the ETF providers that have come together include Invesco, iShares, SPDR and DWS. Jim Goldie, EMEA Head of ETF Capital Markets, Invesco, says: “The obligation to report OTC trades in ETFs post-MiFID II has presented us, the industry, with an opportunity to demonstrate the true liquidity of ETFs to our clients. This has previously been a challenge as even though trades were being reported post MiFID II, there was no consolidated tape, which allowed clients an aggregated view of trading volumes in one place.” The launch of the new service comes at a time of growth in Europe’s ETF market with total assets in ETFs and ETPs listed in Europe at USD783 billion in October, against the US figure of USD3.05 trillion in ETFs listed in the US. Fixed income ETFs and ETPs listed in Europe saw net inflows of USD946 million in October, bringing net inflows for 2018 to USD12.24 billion. MIFID II, introduced across the European Union in January to improve market transparency and strengthen investor protection, made it possible for the first time to get an accurate assessment of all ETF trades across the continent, including the estimated 70 per cent of ETF trades that previously went unreported publicly because they were OTC. Invesco believes that the increased transparency that MiFID II has brought is responsible for much greater use of ETFs by institutional investors in Europe. Goldie adds: “The industry has come together for the benefit of all stakeholders to showcase the liquidity, transparency and strengths of the ETF market, and we expect this service to further catalyse the growth of the sector. European investors continue to invest in and benefit from ETFs and we as an industry are responding to that demand. We expect the consolidated trading volumes via Bloomberg will expand in 2019 and deliver additional functionalities and information.”
You may have been receiving messages from your angels. Angel Number 213 is one of those messages. It is a message of balance, optimism, and reassurance. This message helps you manifest the things you want in your life. It is also a message that the Ascended Masters are guiding you to do. So, how do you get your Angel Number 213? Listed below are some tips to help you manifest your desires. Angel Number 213 is a message from your angels If you are having a difficult time making decisions, you might be receiving a message from your angels. Angel number 213 is a combination of the master numbers 1 and 2. The number 2 represents change, while the number 3 is a sign of positivity and joy. The message from your angels is to use the power of positive thinking and to trust your intuition. The message of Angel number 213 is meant to help you make positive changes in your life. The message of Angel Number 213 is to have faith in your own inner wisdom and to trust your intuition. You should follow your inner guidance, but never be afraid to speak your mind if you see a mistake. Your angels are with you, so don’t be afraid to ask for help if you are feeling discouraged. In addition, the message of angel number 213 may encourage you to open your heart to receive the guidance of your angels. It is a sign of optimism When the angel number 213, or a positive energy number, appears on your tarot cards, it is a sign that you’re optimistic about the future. Your positive attitude and faith in your abilities will benefit you in the long run. While the universe guides us in the direction we want to go, we must always remember that we’re responsible for our own destiny. Angel number 213 represents personal freedom and personal choice. An angel number 213 will guide you through difficult times. It will allow you to take advantage of opportunities to change your life for the better. It will bring stability and happiness. However, it may also come with negative signs. You’ve been letting negative influences get in your way, so releasing negative thoughts about yourself will allow you to open up to a positive change. In addition, you’ll feel closer to your angels if you make the effort to open up your heart. An angel number 213 shows optimism in many aspects of life. You should take the time to focus on your dreams and desires. You’ll be able to manifest the peace and happiness you’re seeking. This number focuses on achieving your goals and setting yourself in the world. A positive attitude is the key to happiness and prosperity. Be brave, stand up for yourself, and live your life with determination. It is a message of reassurance If you have seen the Angel Number 213, it means that your attitude is on the right track. You have faith in your actions and your choice. There is no need to be afraid of the unknown. This message comes from the angels, who want you to succeed. Despite the adversity you are experiencing, it is a good time to think positively and take advantage of opportunities. Your confidence in yourself and your abilities will help you succeed. The message from your angels is meant to inspire you to follow your dreams. You should follow your heart and listen to your intuition. You must be strong enough to trust your intuition, even if it is contradictory. Angels are your inner guides who will direct you to success. If you follow their guidance, you will be guided in the right direction. The best way to receive this message is to use positive affirmations. It is a message of balance Your angels are telling you to focus on balance and trust yourself. This number is a blend of the numbers 1 and 2. The number 2 resonates with balance and duality, partnerships, relationships, personal will, and insight. The number 1 is associated with new beginnings, initiative, self-leadership, and taking action. The angels who guide you on your journey are there to help you reach your full potential. Angel number 213 can also signify striving forward and leading. As a result, you are likely to need support to accomplish your goals. If you are not receiving enough support, you should consider whether your ambitions are too self-centered. You should also think about how you can improve your relationships and get more support from others. Your life will be more successful if you put in the work and make the necessary sacrifices. Your angels may have sent you this message to encourage you to focus on positive thoughts and faith. You are being called to purify your mind of negativity and seek healing. A positive attitude can help you manifest your desires. Positive affirmations will help you get rid of things that do not serve you. The angels will allow you to create new experiences. Your desires will come through easier than you ever imagined. When you are in a positive mindset, opportunities will flow your way. It is a message of harmony If you are a person who often feels overwhelmed by life’s circumstances, it may be a good idea to pay attention to your inner guidance. Angel Number 213 can also represent new growth, new goals, or relationships. These can be very encouraging signs. Despite the fact that it seems to be inconvenient, the number also carries many messages of harmony. Here are some of the meanings of this number: The angel number 213 symbolizes your soul awakening and the time for change. The ascended masters want us to remember that the universe exists beyond our physical senses and that God is with us. This message of harmony is meant to help us awaken our true potential and be more compassionate towards others. It also encourages us to open our hearts and receive the angelic guidance we are meant to receive. You may have experienced a difficult time in your life. For instance, you may have struggled financially or experienced relationship difficulties. You may also have experienced resistance at work because you had the wrong idea. But if you are experiencing a difficult time, the message of angel number 213 is to be patient and remember that your hard work is about to pay off. New plans or paths will be made and people will start to listen to you again. It is a message of positivity When you see the angel number 213 in a dream, you should take the message of love to heart. Love is an intense and consuming feeling, and if you’re trying to attract a mate, you must first understand how much you value yourself. If you’ve been hurt by others, you must love yourself first. This message also shows that you should prioritize your own happiness and healing. The number 213 represents a new beginning and soul awakening. The ascended masters are trying to make us realize that the universe is infinite and beyond the physical senses. The number 213 is a sign that you’re moving in the right direction, and you shouldn’t let fear get in the way. As long as you keep a positive attitude, you’ll find that your trials will soon be over. If you’re facing a challenging time in your life, you’re probably wondering if there’s a way out. If you’re receiving Angel Number 213, it’s a good idea to seek out positive thoughts and keep your head up. Your thoughts determine your future, so don’t be afraid to focus on your grand dreams. If you’ve been feeling down, you’re not alone. There are many angels available to help you move forward and feel happy and fulfilled. It is a message from the Ascended Masters Reincarnation is a process of reincarnation, where we return to the Earth in order to make amends for past actions. This process of rebirth allows us to grow and become one with God. The Ascended Masters have completed the cycle of reincarnation and are now working on raising the vibration of humanity. They are always present and waiting for us to open our hearts and allow their energy to reach us. In order to ascend to a higher level, humans must experience a life of many challenges, lessons and rebirths. This process of self-mastery is necessary to leave the physical body and return to the spiritual plane. The Ascended Masters face the same kinds of life challenges that we do and choose to express their full magnificence in incarnation. So, this is a message from the Ascended Masters for us. It is a message from your angels Sometimes when you hear an angelic voice, you may dismiss it as your imagination. If you do hear this, remember to follow their advice so you don’t have an unpleasant experience. Angels often communicate with us through other signs, as well, and these can be as subtle as faint vocalizations. The sound of a chirping bird, soft bells chiming, or music without a specific source might all be signs of an angel’s presence. When you hear a faint voice, acknowledge it and ask for more clarity. When you receive an angelic message, remember that it is a sign from your angels. If you receive an angelic phone call, this means that your angels are sending you a message. This message comes as a warning that things are about to get better. The angels want you to know that when they help you, things will start getting better. Don’t be afraid to seek their help.
I am running geth to sync to ropsten testnet. I verified that block 0 are identical. However, seems like the local geth doesnt sync as high as the ropsten.etherscan.io site claims and checking individual blocks showing different transaction. I am a bit confused on what is going on here. Any insights would be appreciated. Chris I would recommend to clarify your topic as to whether or not you are talking about the ropsten testnet and just that, or the ropsten testnet and a local testnet that only exists on your node. I'll touch on both though 1) Geth node doesn't match block count on https://ropsten.etherscan.io Give your node time to download the entire blockchain, ropsten has millions of blocks to download, and even more millions of state entries to download. To watch your progress when attached to a geth console you can use the eth.Syncing command. 2) roptsen testnet and local testnet not the same Block 0 is the genesis block, and is the only block generated by a human, and sets the initial settings for the blockchain. You can use the same genesis file in different networks, but it doesn't mean that the two networks will be the same. For both your local testnet and the ropsten testnet to match you would basically have to redo every single transaction from ropsten, to your local testnet.
The passing of veteran actor Ronaldo Valdez took an unsettling turn as a disturbing scandal unfolded surrounding the unauthorized leak of a video capturing the aftermath of his tragic demise. This incident has thrust three police officers from the Quezon City Police District (QCPD) into the spotlight, leading to their immediate dismissal over their alleged involvement in the dissemination of the sensitive crime scene footage. In this article, we delve into the Ronaldo Valdez Police Video Scandal, exploring the intricacies of the incident, the swift response from law enforcement, and the broader implications of this breach of privacy in the age of social media. As the controversy unfolds, it prompts critical reflections on ethical conduct, responsible use of technology, and the need to balance transparency with sensitivity, particularly in the face of such solemn circumstances. The Incident Unfolds The saga began when a police officer, stationed at QCPD’s Station 11 (Galas), recorded a video as the first responder at the crime scene where Valdez was discovered lifeless. Subsequently, another member of the same police station shared this video within a Viber group. Adding to the gravity of the situation, Lt. Col. Reynaldo Parlade, the station commander, was also held accountable and relieved of duty under the principle of command responsibility. Swift Action by QCPD QCPD director Brig. Gen. Redrico Maranan wasted no time in responding to the controversy, ordering the immediate dismissal of the implicated police officers. The severity of the situation prompted this decisive action as the leaked video raised concerns about privacy and ethical conduct. Police Spokesperson’s Response Philippine National Police spokesperson Col. Jean Fajardo expressed regret over the incident, emphasizing that the video was never intended for public consumption. Fajardo stated at a press briefing in Camp Crame that if the footage was captured for documentation purposes, its dissemination on social media was a regrettable and unauthorized act. Investigation and Potential Ramifications An ongoing investigation aims to identify the source of the video and those responsible for uploading it on social media platforms. Fajardo noted that individuals found culpable for the leak may face both administrative and criminal charges. The QCPD has sought assistance from the PNP Anti-Cybercrime Group to remove the videos from online platforms. RONALDO VALDEZ VIDEO! pic.twitter.com/JcLs5O2wuJ — Mr.t13 (@emptying70687) December 20, 2023 The Viral Video and Its Contents The leaked video, which quickly went viral, depicted the sensitive moment of retrieving Valdez’s body from his residence in New Manila, Quezon City. The actor, also known as James Ronald Dulaca Gibbs, was found in a bloodied state, seated with a pistol in hand. The QCPD is actively investigating the circumstances surrounding Valdez’s death. Outcry from Valdez’s Manager and Public Figures Valdez’s manager, Jamela Santos, expressed outrage over the video’s circulation, appealing to her online followers for support in raising the matter with the National Bureau of Investigation. Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte strongly condemned the invasion of privacy, pledging a thorough investigation and sanctions against the involved police personnel. Belmonte called for a comprehensive review of emergency response and investigation protocols, emphasizing the need to uphold the rights of all parties involved in such cases. Public Appeal and Condolences Fajardo urged the public not to share the video out of respect for Valdez’s grieving family and friends. Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte echoed this sentiment and extended her condolences to Valdez’s family and friends, recognizing the actor’s significant contributions to the entertainment industry spanning over five decades. As the investigation unfolds, the Ronaldo Valdez Police Video Scandal serves as a stark reminder of the challenges in balancing transparency and sensitivity in the age of social media. The incident prompts a broader discussion about the responsible use of technology and the protection of privacy, even in the most tragic circumstances.
BRUSSELS – The Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) in the European Parliament, Renew Europe Group, as well as the Greens/EFA in the European Parliament, released statements on yesterday’s adoption of Reports on the Western Balkan countries. S&D Group: Time to start accession talks with North Macedonia and Albania The Socialists and Democrats confirmed their clear support for a European perspective for all the countries in the Western Balkans and call on the EU member states to finally start accession talks with North Macedonia and Albania. Tonino Picula, S&D MEP and co-ordinator on foreign affairs and the European Parliament’s Rapporteur on Enlargement in the Western Balkans said that the future of the Western Balkans remains within a strong and united European Union, and that the group encouraged them to continue the path of reform towards EU laws, standards and values. “We also remind the EU Council of its responsibility toward the Western Balkans and we express our dismay at the Council’s continued failure to start accession negotiations with Tirana and Skopje, even though both countries have ‘done their homework’. Bulgaria’s veto on North Macedonia is unacceptable. We call on member states to keep their word. Further delaying the Intergovernmental Conference that would start the negotiations will jeopardise the credibility of the European Union in the whole region”, Picula said. Andreas Schieder said that, following the formation of the new government after extraordinary elections, now was the time for Kosovo to resume the dialogue with Serbia. “All the parties in the parliament should show responsibility and come to an agreement concerning the election of the new president, to avoid another snap election. The EU should do its share too and finally grant visa liberalisation for Kosovo, which fulfilled all requirements”, Schieder said. Demetris Papadakis stated that it was regrettable that the EPP Group is focusing its efforts on watering down the critical language of the report. “In Serbia we have not seen convincing results in areas such as the judiciary, freedom of expression and the fight against corruption”, Papadakis said. Renew Europe Group: Albania, Serbia in need for improvement For the Renew Europe Group, North Macedonia demonstrated continuity regarding its dedicated commitment to the European path and the understanding of the need to implement stable and inclusive democratic reforms, especially by taking important steps to strengthen democracy and the rule of law. MEP Michal Šimečka, Shadow Rapporteur on Albania, welcomed the continued implementation of the EU accession-related reforms, but it highlighted the need for improvement in some specific sectors: “The upcoming parliamentary elections will serve as an important test of Albanian democracy. We are expecting them to live up to the highest international standards”, he said. On Serbia, Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament regretted the lack of progress in many areas of the country’s reform agenda and the fact that there has even been backsliding on issues that are fundamental for EU accession such as rule of law, fundamental rights, media freedom, and the functioning of democratic institutions and public administration. Nevertheless, MEPs welcome the fact that EU membership continues to be Serbia’s strategic goal and that it is among the priorities of the government. MEP Klemen Grošelj, Shadow Rapporteur on Serbia, said that Serbia’s path to the EU is wide open, the path is known, the advantages and disadvantages are known, as well as obstacles along the way, and now it is up to Serbia to find the will and energy to follow this path quickly, efficiently and in the interest of its citizens. MEP Ilhan Kyuchyuk, Shadow Rapporteur on Kosovo, welcomed the country’s efforts to implement reforms and to maintain constructive neighbourly relations throughout the region: “It is high time for all EU member states to recognise Kosovo and allow its citizens to benefit from visa liberalization because all benchmarks have been fulfilled since 2018”, he said. Greens: Reforms must not remain just words on paper Viola von Cramon, Greens/EFA MEP and European Parliament rapporteur on Kosovo and shadow rapporteur on Serbia, stressed that the announcement of the European Reform Agenda of dialogue between the government of Kosovo and the Commission is welcome, but it cannot remain just words on paper. “We need to pay close attention to the implementation, and to that end, we support Kosovo in its reforms to the rule of law, the judiciary and public administration, and we want to work together to tackle corruption and organized crime”, she said. She added that the normalisation of relations between Kosovo and Serbia and a binding legal agreement are central; this would also fulfil the prerequisite for accession negotiations and possible EU accession for both states. The Kosovo government should take the necessary steps to seize the opportunity for EU accession.
Linda is an Investment Specialist with ADB PSOD Agribusiness Investment Team (AIT). Over the past five years, she has been leading AIT’s investments in East Asia, developing/leading investment projects in other Asian countries, and supporting Chinese companies to expand abroad. Linda’s specialty includes project origination, structuring, and execution, negotiation with C-level clients, portfolio management, and client relationship management, etc. Her investment experience covers the entire Agri value chain and extended sectors. Linda has worked and lived in Asia and the Americas and has substantial work experience in Africa. Before ADB, Linda was working for IFC Global Manufacturing, Agribusiness, Services Department, based in Washington DC.
In 2017, at the age of 37, I began the process of trying to get pregnant through IUI with donor sperm. Though my fertility was given a good prognosis, I had three unsuccessful attempts. It’s common to have to try up to six times, or more, before obtaining a successful pregnancy, but I was out of savings. I had visited the Evermore Centre at the age of 30, but decided then it wasn’t the right time. Adopting was always something that had been on my mind. So, I left the fertility clinic behind and began the process of applying for the adoption waitlist. I am currently still waiting to be released. While I was going through my IUI procedures at Aurora, I was also studying to become a certified journal therapy facilitator. The Journal to the Self workshop is a 12-hour therapeutic writing course delivered across several sessions that implements various styles of journaling to experience self-care and problem solving. This course was created by Kathleen Adams, who was voted— along with Anaïs Nin and Anne Frank — one of the top three most significant influences on contemporary journal keeping. Power of thoughts and words Part of the certification process is taking the course for yourself, of course. The majority of my assignments were focused on my desire to become a mother and the heartbreak I was experiencing after each failed attempt. I found immense emotional relief from the act of writing my way through my thoughts and emotions surrounding this journey. It might seem far-fetched that the simple act of writing can have a profound effect on our emotional state of wellness, but here’s why it works: The physical act of writing stimulates cells in the base of our brain, known as the reticular activating system (RAS). The RAS filters information and brings our attention to the forefront, helping us to focus. This part of the brain is not activated to the same degree when we type. Writing changes the way our brain processes information, which might explain why it has such a profound effect on our ability to process and work through emotions. I tried IUI only three times, barely scratching the surface of giving myself a fair chance and it weighed heavy on my heart. On my mind are those who have been going through this process for years. I am in awe of the fortitude required to endure that. With you, of course Having experienced how much the course helped me, I would like to offer a course dedicated solely for men and women, single or couples, going through the process of fertility treatments and/or adoption. If we come together as a group experiencing the same thing, it will create a safer and more comfortable space. This would take place in the earlier-mid part of 2020, and I’d work to find a suitable time for those interested. There is no experience required to take advantage of the powerful benefits of journaling/writing. Please send me an email if you’d like to take part. I would also like to offer a 20% discount off the course for anyone going through fertility/ adoption.
Since its establishment, Ever Nimble has helped many different organisations improve their IT strategies, business processes, and cybersecurity. Thanks to our experienced and qualified staff, we’ve been able to bring many different businesses into the modern world and help them to thrive. We are always looking for ways to not only help other businesses but the world at large and that’s why we’re proud to announce our new Gold Partnership with Keela, a company at the forefront of technology for nonprofit and not-for-profit organisations. A brand new partnership There are few companies that are a better fit for a partnership with Ever Nimble than Keela. Founded with the goal of becoming the technology used by nonprofit organisations all over the world, Keela is the evolution of decades of experience and ideas. Keela has helped to improve the technological functionality of many nonprofits by providing them with tools to achieve the best possible intelligence, analytics reporting, and AI. The aims of Keela are perfectly aligned with those of Ever Nimble, with their focus on helping customers work more effectively and efficiently while providing the perfect tools so that they can do just that. A company with the right experience Not only does Ever Nimble have experience supporting companies of all different kinds with their IT solutions and strategies, but we have worked with multiple nonprofit and not-for-profit organisations. Not only are our values fully aligned with those of Keela, we understand many of the specific needs that a nonprofit organization may have when it comes to everything from cybersecurity to cloud services to business process improvement to IT infrastructure. In many ways, nonprofit organizations are very different from many other businesses out there and we understand how to help them use their IT to maximise their personal selling points. By partnering with Keela, we are able to add our strength and experience to theirs in order to help get the very best out of everyone involved. Improving what Keela does best Keela is fully dedicated to helping bring nonprofit organisations into the modern world. By helping them move past slow, outdated technology, Keela’s software provides nonprofits with the tools that they need to manage practically every element of their fundraising. At Ever Nimble, we know that we’re in a perfect position to help Keela keep doing exactly what they do best to an even higher standard. We know that we can ensure that the necessary IT infrastructure underpinning Keela’s software is essential to helping many nonprofits function properly and because of that, Ever Nimble can help to be the backbone that keeps many nonprofits going for years to come. By combining the strengths of Ever Nimble and Keela, we are truly excited about the incredible innovations to come in the world of nonprofit, and not-for-profit organisations. This is a partnership that is not only sure to bring out the absolute best in both Ever Nimble and Keela, but to bring out the best in a whole range of nonprofit organisations around the world. Please contact us if you would like to discuss Keela further. Alternatively, click here to get a personalised demo from one of Keela’s nonprofit experts.
We’ve been on the run a bit, driving here, there, and everywhere, yet some of my most favorite days are when I don’t go anywhere, and we cook for days on end. No grocery trips, no hurried anything. It takes a bit of stocking in and sometimes simply making do with what you’ve got on hand, and that’s okay. Two weekends ago we had a small dinner for eight on Saturday night, a pizza lunch on Sunday, and poolside early family dinner Sunday evening. I started prepping on Thursday, thinking about a seasonal menu and organizing the workflow. Saturday night was fully planned out, Sunday just kind of evolved. Ethan, Lindsey, and Rory came out for the day, and I told Lindsey I would make her lunch and dinner, I think I like to entice my family and friends to visit with promises of being fed. With flour and yeast on hand you can make pizza crust quick, anything else in the pantry can be fair game for toppings. I used the rest of the Italian sausages from the night before as no pepperoni around, while mozzarella and fontina in the fridge are always good staples. The olives had to go, so sliced those in half. We moved away from the house and down to the pool for an early dinner, I simply reheated the garlic mashed potatoes from the night before, had some green and yellow beans blanched and tucked away, tomatoes from the garden, made a fresh salad, and sliced the extra beef tenderloin I roasted the day before. I’m a big believer in doing multiples, food favorites or t-shirts, when something is good, go in twice. Homemade ice cream both nights made fresh each day, I’ve been having a thing with that, no photos though, by desert I’m usually not much good with the iPhone, and that makes my husband extremely happy. Every day dress and cooking at home.
UK to Remove All Countries from Its COVID-19 Red List The good news to all travellers planning a trip to the UK soon is that all the countries included on the red list of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland have been finally removed. In practice, it means that travellers do not need to undergo a hotel quarantine upon arrival in the UK anymore. The red list comprised the countries considered as the COVID-19 high-risk. On November 1st, 2021, the UK government removed the remaining 7 countries, and now all travellers from the entire globe are allowed to enter the United Kingdom under the same conditions. No one entering the UK is obliged to book a quarantine accommodation at the hotel provided they are fully vaccinated against the COVID-19. Not vaccinated (or not fully vaccinated) passengers are still obliged to self-isolation. All arrivals in the UK, no matter their vaccination status, are required to fill out the UK Passenger Locator Form before a trip. Despite the fact that the UK red list now is empty, the system of classifying the countries according to the ongoing coronavirus situation will continue in force. The government of the United Kingdom will be reviewingthe number of cases around the world and may add some countries to its red list again. UK Red List Due to the coronavirus spread, the authorities of the United Kingdom decided to introduce the so-called traffic light system classifying the countries according to the level of potential COVID-19 risk. The red list was designed to comprise those countries where the number of cases is the highest one. Until recently, passengers arriving from the countries included on the red list were obliged to undergo a hotel quarantine, which entailed the cost of over GBP 2,000. Currently, since no country is on the red list, quarantine is no longer mandatory for fully vaccinated travellers. Nevertheless, it may change due to the constantly changing COVID-19 situation in the world. 7 countries recently removed from the Red List - The Dominican Republic UK entry rules for not vaccinated travellers - Provide the negative result of the PCR or lateral flow COVID-19 test within 72 hours prior to departure - Book two COVID-19 tests that must be taken after the arrival to the UK - Undergo 10-day after arrival quarantine Other changes in the UK entry requirements - Starting from November 22nd, 2021, the UK will allow entry to travellers who have been vaccinated with Sinovac, Covaxin, and Sinopharm. They will be also exempt from quarantine requirements. - Travelers aged under 18 who arrive in England will be recognized as fully vaccinated, which means a quarantine-free entry for them. They will no longer need to take neither the 8th-day test nor the pre-departure COVID-19 test. They will be subject only to post-arrival testing. The new changes in the entry requirements to the United Kingdom are one of the most liberal in terms of the coronavirus-related travel restrictions introduced by the different countries in the world.
In this episode, I speak with Nick Lambert, Chief Executive Officer of Verifiable Credentials startup Dock (www.dock.io). Nick shares his experience becoming Dock’s CEO at the start of the pandemic, the progress Verifiable Credentials (VCs) has made in the past few years, and what the crypto winter means for decentralized application startups. We also discuss Dock’s products, use cases, and the role a platform like Dock’s has in identity verification. Thank you for listening. For the best experience, watch the full video at executiveseries.peakidv.com as well as access the transcript and links discussed during the conversation.
World of Warcraft: Dragonflight’s First Content Update For 2023 Released The first content update of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, the new expansion pack of World of Warcraft, which was released in the past months, was released recently. As you know, World of Warcraft’s new expansion pack Dragonflight was released in the past months, and then the content calendar for 2023 was announced. Now, the first content update of 2023 has been released. Dragonflight Content Update Details Dragonflight’s first content update 10.0.5, previously announced on the 2023 roadmap, is out! Important contents are as follows: New In-Game Feature: Trading Post Merchants opened their shops in Stormwind and Orgrimmar. Players can get their monthly 500 Trader’s Tender rewards from these stores. They can complete their monthly goal to win more Merchant Auctions. With Trader’s Tender, transformative items including mounts, pets and cosmetics can be purchased in the shop. New In-Game Events: Fury of the Storm Players can access the Primalist Future through the portal in the Temporal Conflux in Thaldraszus, fight the Primalist’s powers in the Primalist Future to obtain Essence of the Storm, and receive rewards including equipment and mounts. Updated Transmog Options Transmog buffs can now expand their collections, as Common (white) and Weak (gray) rarities are also available during transmog. New User Interface (UI) and Accessibility Features New add-ons such as the ability to edit the XP bar, bags and micro button bar are coming to Edit Mode for players to explore. Additionally, new controls have been added to the accessibility settings for players affected by fast movements during Dragon Riding. Class Balance Changes Skill trees are also getting some fixes, while balancing changes are being made to the abilities of a few classes. For more information on the 10.0.5 update, see the World of Warcraft website. You may be interested in: How to Download and Install GTA 5 Mobile (Android)?
There’s nothing more spectacular than traveling the diverse, otherworldly Galápagos Islands where blue-footed boobies nest, giant tortoises roam freely, and unforgettable landscapes are surrounded by turquoise waters than by boat. Five days at sea is enough time to see the most iconic species, experience activities from hiking to snorkeling and enjoy everything on board the ship. Traveling on a boutique ship ensures you’ll get to experience the incredible biodiversity in the Galápagos since different species and landscapes characterize each island. During this five-day sailing, you’ll find penguins darting through crystal-clear water, and marine iguanas marching along pristine beaches. First stop, Isabela Island where you’ll see the infant and juvenile giant tortoises. Next stop, Elizabeth Bay where you’ll take a zodiac to visit the Marielas islets—home to largest penguin colony in the Galápagos. Click below for details on this trip.
AG Classic Car Tuning provide a mobile and private garage based service, specialising in the tuning of classic cars using carburettors, distributors and early mechanical fuel injection systems. Around 80% of our work involves travelling out to a clients home/garage/lock up and then going through a comprehensive health check list based around the carburation, ignition and tuning of classic car engines. We cover all car engine sizes from small 2 cylinder air cooled Fiats, MGB's, Alfa's, Fords, Rovers and others.....all the way through to V12 E-Type Jaguars and big capacity American cars. We tune cars for the owners enjoyment, improved reliability, easy starting and also modified vehicles being prepared for local motor club events, hill climbs, sprints and other. Many of our clients request our tuning support for vehicles being prepared ready for sale, or at the other side of the process when the car is a new auction purchase and the owner would like the carburation, distributor and ignition timing checking over in readiness to hit the road. Please feel free to visit our website to place an enquiry or for further details (www.classic-car-tuning.com), The FB group for AG Classic Car tuning, or our Google Reviews, or simply catch us at a classic car show or event in the North of England for a chat sometime.
Located in North Scottsdale, The Ravenscroft is a premier concert venue featuring performances by internationally acclaimed artists and local talents. This multi-functional space has become a central hub for music enthusiasts seeking an extraordinary live performance, boasting a state-of-the-art sound system, multi-sensory experiences and an intimate atmosphere. Situated just off Bell Road and the 101, The Ravenscroft is nestled in a quiet plaza boasting 30,000 square feet of venue space. The music hall has two distinctive music experiences, including an intimate 200-seat concert hall, Ravenscroft Hall, and a stylish lounge, Jazzbird. Each room offers a unique experience catered to the audience and performing artists. The cozy concert venue of Ravenscroft Hall redefines the live music experience with its state-of-the-art sound system and close proximity to the performances. This space has a seating capacity of 200 individuals and is renowned for featuring Grammy Award-winning artists who embody the finest traditions of jazz. A distinguishing feature of Ravenscroft Hall is its unwavering commitment to audio excellence. The venue boasts exceptional acoustics, enhancing the auditory experience for attendees. The acclaimed Meyer Constellation sound system ensures that every note, chord and nuance of the music resonates with unparalleled clarity. Regardless of the seating arrangement, the audience enjoys an optimal listening experience, fostering an intimate connection between the artist and the listener. For those seeking a multi-sensory experience, select shows at Ravenscroft Hall incorporate projected visuals that complement the musical journey. This thoughtful addition adds an extra layer of immersion, captivating the audience and transforming each performance into a truly unforgettable event. Adjacent to Ravenscroft Hall is Jazzbird Lounge, a contemporary haven with a theme reminiscent of an urban New York City jazz club. Jazzbird Lounge is both a pre-show gathering place and a post-performance retreat, providing a unique and sophisticated atmosphere complemented by handcrafted cocktails, wine and light bites. The lounge hosts a diverse range of musical acts, showcasing popular and emerging local talents. This adds a dynamic element to The Ravenscroft’s programming, ensuring there is always something new and exciting for patrons to discover. The Ravenscroft is open Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, visit theravenscroft.com. 8445 E. Hartford Dr. Scottsdale, AZ 85255
17TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR A ON JULY 26TH, 2020 (R. 1: 1 Kings 3: 5, 7- 12; Psalm 119: 57, 72, 76- 77, 127- 130; R. 2: Romans 8: 28- 30; Gospel: Matthew 13:44-52) FR EMMANUEL INEDU OCHIGBO SELL ALL, BUY ONE AND GAIN ALL! The new pastor of a Church got up one Sunday morning and announced to his congregation: “I have good news and bad news for you. The good news: we already have all the money we need for our new building project. The bad news: the money is still in your pockets.” The 13thChapter of the Gospel according to Matthew shows a significant turning-point in the public ministry of Jesus. Before this time, Jesus would be seen teaching, preaching and healing in the Synagogues and in the Temple, but now, he is on the street; the seashore has become his Cathedral, and the boat has become his pulpit as the religious leaders are violently turning against him. Also, in this chapter, Jesus fully develops his unique method of teaching through the use of parables. This chapter alone presents seven parables from Jesus. After training his apostles to a considerable extent, Jesus sent them out to proclaim the arrival of the Kingdom. Signs and wonders accompanied their proclamation, but they also faced a lot of opposition. The challenges they faced began to bring about such questions as, “What must we think of this ‘Kingdom of Heaven’, which changes very little of real life?” It is in answer to this question that Jesus gives the seven parables in Matthew 13 about the Kingdom of heaven. I shared with you two Sundays ago that in this liturgical year, the Church dedicates three consecutive Sundays to reflect on these seven parables. Two Sundays ago, we reflected on the parable of the sower (the first of the seven parables). This parable is an encouragement to the preacher and a challenge to the listener. The preacher, who is the sower, must keep sowing, for the harvest is sure, no matter the challenges along the way. On the other hand, the parable challenges the listener to take some responsibility for the outcome, since the outcome of each good seed depends a lot on the kind of soil the seed falls. Last Sunday, we moved over to three more of the parables, namely the parable of the weed and the wheat, the parable of the mustard seed, and the parable of the yeast. The first answers those who wonder why God allows evil people to co-exist with good people, while the second and the third are in response to those who question the humble beginning of the Kingdom of Heaven. Today, we reflect on the last three of the seven parables. The first is on the buried treasure, which a person finds, sells everything, and buys the land where the treasure was found. The second, which is like the first, is on a merchant searching for fine pearls, he finds one, sells all that he has, and buys it. The third parable is on the drag net that hauls every kind of fish to the seashore where they would be separated, the good from the bad. But who hid the treasure that was found in the first parable of today? In those days, it was common for people to bury valuable objects especially in times of wars when they needed to relocate. They buried such valuables with the intention of coming back when things were settled, but most often they died without coming back to the land, and without telling anyone about it. It was one of such valuables that was found in the first parable. The first two parables of today present the kingdom of Heaven as the most valuable thing we can ever imagine, and that there is no action that we can take that can be too drastic to acquire the kingdom of Heaven. In the first parable, the person found the treasure by chance, while in the second, the merchant found the fine pearl after a deliberate search for it. Similarly, some people find the Kingdom of Heaven by chance. Maybe, they go for a social gathering, visit a friend, in marriage or something else, and in the process they find the Kingdom, while some others intentionally go in search of the Kingdom. It does not matter what route a person takes; all are welcome! The first two parables of this Sunday share three important steps namely, finding, selling and buying. Both of them found something of great value, either by chance or as a result of a deliberate search. Next, they had to make themselves worthy of what they found by letting go of, that is, selling all they had before coming back to acquire what they found. Similarly, in our spiritual journey, we need to take these three important steps of finding, selling, and buying. Of these three steps, the middle one, which entails letting go is the most crucial and most challenging. The finding can be easy, either by chance or by deliberate search. Jesus says in Luke 17:21 that “The Kingdom of God is already among you.” Deuteronomy 30:14 says, “But the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart.” Paul repeats the same point in his Letter to the Romans 10:8 saying, “The word is near you: it is in your mouth and in your heart, that is the message of faith we preach to you.” A good example of one who found this Kingdom by chance is one of the thieves crucified next to Jesus. He was not searching for the kingdom. It only happened by chance that he was crucified on the same day with Jesus. But he took advantage of that chance, and on that very day, Jesus told him, “Today, you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:43). Finding the kingdom does not solve it all, we must be ready to give something up. There were two thieves beside Jesus on that day, but only one was ready to give up the old ways to embrace the new. We all know for example that coming to Mass is the right thing to do. We know that loving our neighbors is something good. We know that being in government, it is good to be responsible with the resources entrusted to us. That is why politicians are usually very saintly during campaigns. No one has ever promised during campaigns that they would not pay salaries to workers or that they would embezzle public funds. They know the right thing. We know it is good to respect everybody. We know that racism is evil. We know that it is evil to be violent. But are we ready to sell to gain what we have discovered? Are we ready to let go of things that keep us from participating at Mass? Are we ready to let go of that false sense of security that comes from stealing the money that is meant for the public? Are we ready to let go of that distorted feeling of comfort that comes from making others to feel uncomfortable because they do not look like us or talk like us? Are we ready to let go of that distorted feeling of satisfaction that comes from retaliation or violence? It is easy to know the right thing to do, but when it comes to letting go of the old habits it becomes difficult. A great lesson from the first two parables is that as soon as they discovered what they valued, they wasted no time; they acted immediately. King Solomon in the first reading was asked to make a wish. Like the men in the first two parables of today, he decided to let go of every other thing and to ask for the gift of wisdom. Like Solomon, let us pray for the wisdom to recognize the great treasure of the Kingdom of God and the grace to act immediately. The beauty of this choice is that nothing we give up for the sake of the Kingdom is lost, for scripture (Matthew 6:33) says, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” Allelu Alleluia! My Dearly Beloved in Christ, the message today is: let go, and let God!
Cindy Crawford is the beauty behind this meaningful beauty product. She has started her career in 1983 as a model and became one of the renowned models in her years, making history to various magazines. She then later on entered the business world to introduce her discovered beauty product to all women worldwide. When Cindy quit her modeling career and became a mother of two she pursued her ventures on the product line. She said that, “Beautiful skin shouldn’t have to cost a fortune and every woman should feel that she is the best she can be, every day.” In order to enable her to share the wonders of Dr. Sebagh’s beauty and skin care line of products to all women out there, she finally decided to collaborate with Guthy-Renker. The beauty skin care product was then improved into a more refined stability by Dr. Sebagh. Through the collaboration Cindy finally made her way to share the skin care product to all women worldwide. Cindy Crawford Meaningful Beauty is one of the main products of Crawford’s beauty line. The product is an anti-wrinkle cream that contains a rare extract, French melon which is extremely effective anti-oxidant. The cream prevents free radicals that cause premature aging like wrinkles and dryness of the skin. After several studies and experiments on the rare French melon, Dr. Sebagh discovered the superoxide dismutase, a powerful antioxidant. It took Dr. Sebagh 15 years of research before discovering this rare antioxidant. This innovative extract is enriched with organic nutrients such as lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10, and other minerals that are designed to minimize appearance of wrinkles and repair damaged skin to achieve that youthful look. He discovered that this antioxidant could be extracted from the melon and can be made into revolutionary core ingredient of Meaningful Beauty’s exclusive formulas. Cindy Crawford Meaningful Beauty is a 7 step beauty and skin care regimen that is specifically made to correct premature aging and to promote glowing and youthful skin. The regimen includes skin softening cleanser, day moisturizer, night fluid, eye fluid, eye cream, neck cream, masque and glowing serum. Many have tried the product and some of them are not yet quite satisfied with the results because they can’t complete the regimen. Some say the 7 regimen is difficult to keep particularly to busy individuals. But if you are really want to achieve a flawless skin; you may want to try their product.
When it comes to skin care, a person must be realistic about it. You are definitely not going to be looking like you looked in your twenties when you are in your fifties, and all the cosmetic surgery and anti aging skin care treatment is only going to be a temporary measure. However, you do not have to despair; there are ways and means by which you can look younger for a long time, even when you are biologically supposed to be in your fifties and sixties. Is it possible to look ten to twenty years younger? Is there a natural way in which one can achieve the perpetually-young look? Well, the answer is yes, but it will take a little bit of effort and self-discipline. So, let us look at the best natural anti aging skin care tips and techniques that are going to be the eventual envy of all those who behold us in the future! First, one has to start with a little bit of self-discipline. Stop using chemical-based makeup for a while. If you really have to use some sort of make-up, look for something that is made up of one-hundred percent natural products, without any sort of chemical fillers to preserve them. These natural products are going to consist of extracts from plants and flowers. These products are also definitely not going to have any sort of harmful side effect on your skin. So how is it that the use of these products will help in natural anti aging skin care? If your skin is being treated regularly to a lot of chemical-based makeup without getting a chance to breathe naturally, well, you should not blame it for looking so tired and old before its time. The only problem is that the beauty industry has based its marketing strategy on targeting children and teenagers to start experimenting with makeup because of the “desirability factor.” These children are going to start looking old by the time they reached their twenties. By then, they will already have fallen prey to the subliminal idea that they are going to look ugly without any sort of makeup. This is definitely not true. However, not many people advocate the natural look because it is supposedly “not cool.” The natural look includes not using any makeup inside the house or while you are asleep, so that your skin can get a chance to breathe. Do not use any sort of chemical-based skin treatments to make it look younger. For example the usage of Botox to get rid of those lines and wrinkles is okay as a temporary solution, but what are you going to do when they come back with a vengeance? Natural anti aging skin care is going to consist of exposing your skin to a diet of plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh air and fresh water, while avoiding direct exposure to sunlight, and see the difference. Do not fiddle around with your skin much – leave it alone. People who are obsessed with the state of their skin are normally the ones who go in for the latest anti aging skin care fad without checking up on whether or not that treatment is going to suit their particular skin types. Keep your expectations realistic, and do not expect your skin to have the elasticity it had when you were in your twenties. On the other hand, if you are in your twenties, do not expose your skin to harsh treatment to make you look like you are in your forties!
Similac checks are valuable vouchers offered by the Similac brand, allowing parents to enjoy significant discounts on their formula purchases. To unlock the full potential of these checks, understanding how to use them effectively is crucial. This guide delves into utilizing Similac checks at Walmart’s convenient online platform, helping you navigate the steps and maximize your savings. In this article: What are Similac Checks? Similac checks are essentially coupons issued by Abbott Nutrition, the makers of the Similac formula. They come in denominations of $3, $5, $7, and $17 and can be used to purchase Similac products. Similac checks can purchase any Similac product, not just formula, such as prenatal supplements, toddler drinks, and bars. Can I Use Similac Checks at Walmart Online? Yes! Walmart accepts Similac checks online, albeit with some limitations compared to in-store use. Here’s how you can redeem them: Step 1: Add Similac Products to Your Cart Browse Walmart’s website and add the desired Similac products to your cart. Ensure they are eligible for the check’s redemption (usually mentioned on the check). Step 2: Proceed to Checkout Once you’re satisfied with your cart, proceed to checkout. Step 3: Apply Coupon Code During checkout, look for a designated section to apply coupon codes. This might be labeled “Promo Code,” “Discount Code,” or something similar. Step 4: Enter Similac Check Information Type the unique code printed on your Similac check as the coupon code. Remember, each check has a single-use code. Step 5: Verify and Apply Double-check the code for accuracy and click “Apply” or the equivalent button. Step 6: Review Updated Total The system will automatically calculate and deduct the check’s value from your cart total. Review the updated total to confirm the discount has been applied correctly. Step 7: Complete Your Purchase Proceed with your payment information and finalize the order. A few things to keep in mind? - You cannot combine Similac checks with other coupons or promotions on the same product. - Similac checks cannot be used to purchase shipping fees or other non-Similac products. - Check the expiration date on your Similac checks, as they are not valid beyond that date. - If you face any issues applying the check online, contact Walmart customer support for assistance. Tips for Saving Money with Similac! Stay Updated on Similac Promotions By keeping track of exclusive deals and discounts offered by Similac, you can combine your checks with ongoing promotions at Walmart, further amplifying your savings on formula purchases. Subscribe to Walmart’s E-Newsletter Sign up for Walmart’s e-newsletter for regular updates on the latest sales, special offers, and exclusive savings opportunities. This allows you to stay ahead of the curve and maximize the value of your Similac checks. Explore Walmart’s Subscription Service Walmart’s subscription service for infant supplies, including Similac formula, offers additional savings on recurring deliveries. This option provides convenience and affordability for busy parents. Where can I find current deals? Visit the Similac website or call 1-800-227-5767 for Similac deals. Check the Sam’s Club website or app for their current offers. Using Similac checks at Walmart online can significantly reduce your formula costs. Following the above steps, you can effortlessly redeem your checks and maximize your savings. Stay informed about additional promotions and programs to stretch your budget further. Recommended: Can You Return Unopened Formula to Walmart? Frequently Asked Questions How long are Similac checks valid? The expiration date for Similac checks is typically printed on the front of the voucher. Can I stack Similac checks with other coupons? Yes, in most cases, you can combine Similac checks with other applicable coupons or discounts Walmart offers. What if my Similac check isn’t working online? If you’re encountering issues applying your Similac, check online, verify the expiration date, check for typos in the code, and ensure the chosen products are eligible for the check. If the problem persists, contact Walmart customer support for assistance. Where can I use my Similac check online? Retailers like Walmart, Target, CVS, and Amazon accept Similac checks online. Look for “Promo Code” or “Apply Coupon” at checkout, enter your check’s unique code, and click “Apply” to see the discount. What about Similac Rewards? Earn points and coupons for buying Similac. Redeem points for free samples, photo books, and more on the Similac website. Use coupons for discounts at participating retailers online and in-store. Find a list on the Similac website or call 1-800-227-5767. Can I combine Similac coupons? It depends. Similac checks can be used with other coupons for extra savings, but only at participating retailers, not online. Other Similac coupons may have different terms and conditions. Generally, unless otherwise stated, one manufacturer and one store coupon per item are allowed. Can I use formula checks at Sam’s Club? No, Sam’s Club does not accept formula checks. However, they accept vendor checks from Enfamil, Similac, or Purina brands. Additionally, they offer their own instant savings and discounts on selected items.
I was contemplating what it must have been like for Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist. She went through childbirth in her old age, knowing she would not live see her son minister and having to wrestle with the religious and political tensions of her culture. It can’t have been easy. This is an imagined letter written from Elizabeth to Mary (her cousin and the mother of Jesus), inspired by the events told in Luke’s gospel chapter 1, verses 5-25 and 57-80. By the way: this piece was so popular when I first wrote it, that I wrote a sequel: a monologue from Mary’s point of view when Jesus is 12 years old and they travel to Jerusalem. If you like this sketch, be sure to read that one too: Skandalon: Mary teaches the boy Jesus. Elizabeth, a delighted mother whom God has mercifully remembered in her old age, To Mary, my dear cousin and blessed mother to be, Peace be with you. It seems but a day since you returned to Galilee, and yet I know it has already been some three months. Please forgive me for taking so long to write to you.Continue reading His name is John: Elizabeth writes to Mary
The experience that started it all has only gotten better with age VIP treatment that's woven in Our most powerful and intuitive on-site customization experience The versatile and fast customization experience Endless array of customization options on glass, shoes, wood, & more Let your words do the talking: our vinyl plotting technology turns verbiage wearable art.
We will contact you shortly. A Separation Agreement, or Deed of Separation can relate to a number of formal agreements, including: ● Property – agreements can be made about who will live in residential property such as the family home, as well as decisions about how commercial property will be split or who will manage it● Childcare – childcare agreements will decide who children will live with after the separation as well as parental access arrangements. These agreements will also incorporate whether maintenance payments will be made, and if so, who will contribute to these payments● Mortgage – this will decide who is in charge of paying for mortgage and rent agreements, as well as bills, and what percentage of these each party will pay● Savings – jointly managed investments and joint savings must be split or agreements must be made on how they will be managed, and a savings agreement will formalise these decisions● Possessions – an agreement on possessions will decide what happens to property with large monetary value (such as cars) or items with sentimental value (such as old furniture)● Pets – this agreement will decide on living arrangements for any pets, as well as access arrangements. Choosing a separation agreement is something which should be considered carefully before being entered into. In its own right, a separation agreement is not legally binding. This is why most couples look for the final legal closure granted to them by a divorce and financial court order. A separation agreement, however, is still a formal contract that is written up by expert professionals. Our team will ensure that any separation agreements we write for you will be able to be used in court. Separation agreements can be made legally binding when it comes to divorce proceedings, as long as the person who has written them knows what they are doing. The reasons that some people choose a separation agreement over a divorce are: ● It makes the divorce process quicker. When you have a written contract of agreement with your spouse about what will happen with your assets, finances and children in place then the divorce proceedings will run more quickly. As long as both parties still agree to the conditions that were agreed on, then this can help you save money on the costs involved in getting divorce as well as the stress that a long divorce might put you under.● If you have been married for under a year. Unless a couple has been married for over 12 months, then they are unable to start divorce proceedings in the UK.● It is useful for those who do not want a divorce on unreasonable behaviour or adultery. Couples who do not wish to cite blame to either partner can use a separation agreement to make sure that neither party can be vilified in the divorce proceedings when the split is amicable.● It gives couples time to make decisions. A separation agreement gives couples time to think about how they wish to proceed with their relationship without taking the huge step to get divorced. This is all while arrangements for the care of children are in place as well as the split of finances, property and possessions. Contact Expert Separation Lawyers Our team of dedicated family law experts are on hand to deal with any Separation Agreement issues you might have. We know how difficult going through a separation can be for you and your family. Our expert team endeavour to provide all our clients with a friendly, professional and reliable experience. If you have any family law matters you wish to take care of then we suggest you contact us immediately. Speaking to a solicitor early in the separation process minimises problems and ensures that you get the best outcome for your circumstances. We ensure the impact on your life is minimal, and in particular disruption to any children under the age of 16 is negligible. If you wish to speak to a member of team today, then do not hesitate to contact us. You can contact us by filling in our online contact form here, or you can speak to a member of our team by phoning us on 020 3962 0756. We look forward to hearing from you.
In line with industry trends, live music is the greatest draw: one in four publicans reported increases in takings of between 25%-50% on nights when they have live music compared to other nights and seven out of ten reported an increases of typically between 10-25%. Pubs and other grass roots music venues are a fundamental part of the music industry; a point underlined by Horace Trubridge of the Musicians’ Union who said “Pubs play such a vital role in many musicians’ careers and provide an essential platform from which talent can grow. Demonstrating how music can really benefit pubs underlines how intertwined the two industries are. ” It’s not just live music that is bringing in and retaining customers. After a period in the wilderness some publicans are deciding to reinstall jukeboxes in their venues in order to put the music selection back in the hands of the people. Named after black American juke (dancing) joints that evolved from coin-slot phonographs, the Jukebox came into being in 1910 with the mass production 달토셔츠룸 of 78 records. However, it was after the introduction of the 45 record in 1949 that the jukebox came into its own. Records were expensive during that period and the best way to listen to hard-to-find American imports of the latest Elvis or Bob Dylan hit was to insert a coin into the slot of the local jukebox. The jukebox held its own all the way through to the late 80s even surviving the arrival of the CD. The fashion during the ’90s to control the pub atmosphere and the rise of dance culture led to a severe decline in numbers but the greatest impact came with the advent of the iPod. Why select a track from a limited selection of CDs or 45s when you have the whole library of the world’s recorded music at your fingertips? However, iPods are primarily for private use and do not bring people together or provide the same focus that a jukebox can. The Hawley Arms, a London pub frequented by Amy Winehouse for much of 2007, discovered that its jukebox was just as much of an attraction as its selection of fine wines and ales.
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CanFarm is the result of an idea that started for me back in FS13 with the Kazakhstan Map. Harvesting the enormous field that took up most of the terrain kindled my love for flatlands farming, and after some time researching, I discovered other concepts more common in Canadian farming applications that peaked my interest as well (grain augers, pickup headers, and swathers). CanFarm’s goal was to showcase the beauty of central Canadian farming (from the Alberta foothills east to Manitoba). The map isn’t specific to any one location in Canada, but the small town feel, wooden grain elevators, and highway system are definitely reminiscent of many places in this region. On this map, you won’t find any pre-established grain storage facilities, farm sheds, or animal zones. Instead, the map is fully designed to maximize the use of GIANTS’ new in-game landscaping tool and the abundance of placeable objects available in the default game and for public download on FS19.net and beyond. The map itself is on a 4x dem. SeriousMods, Dale3887, FS ScreenShots, Silverrookie, Bulletbill
No Products in the Cart The world's leading waterborne finish, providing unsurpassed scuff, scratch and chemical resistance. Bona Traffic HD® is for hardwood floor owners with an uncompromising attitude towards durability, lasting beauty and sustainable solutions. Significantly outperforms all urethane finishes, including Bona Traffic, in durability at 24 hours. Very low VOCs - less than 150 g/L, nonflammable and non-offending odor. Unsurpassed scuff, scratch and chemical resistance at full cure Full cure in 3 days No sealer needed over a stained floor Exceptional build with excellent flow and leveling
MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) Multimedia messaging service (MMS) is a standard way to send messages that include multimedia content to and from mobile phones. It extends the core SMS (short message service) capability that only allows exchange of text messages up to 160 characters in length (although generally 3 such messages can be strung together for a longer message). The most popular use of MMS is to send photographs from camera-equipped handsets, although it is also popular as a method of delivering news and entertainment content including videos, pictures, text pages and ringtones. It is also used on a commercial basis by media companies as a method of delivering news and entertainment content, and by retail brands as a tool for delivering scannable coupon codes, product images, videos and other information. Unlike text-only SMS, commercial MMS can deliver a variety of media including up to 40 seconds of video, one image, multiple images via slideshow, or audio plus unlimited characters. MMS messages are delivered in a completely different way from SMS. The sent message is forwarded to the carrier’s MMS store and forward server, known as the MMSC (multimedia messaging service centre). If the receiver is on another carrier, then the MMSC forwards the message to the MMSC of the recipient’s carrier using the Internet. Once the recipient’s MMSC has received a message, it first determines whether the receiver’s handset can receive MMS. Before delivering content, some MMSCs also include a conversion service that will attempt to modify the multimedia content into a format suitable for the receiver. This is known as “content adaptation”. If the receiver’s handset is not MMS capable, the message is usually delivered to a web-based service from where the content can be viewed from a normal internet browser.
Matt Wallace recently posted on this blog and mentioned a project that he and his family are working on in memory of their daughter, Nevaeh. She was a beautiful little girl that brought much joy to their lives and Matt and his wife Jamie are trying to build a playroom in her memory at the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin where she was cared for. Spread the word and hopefully we can help them "move that mountain." Because this hospital is located in Wisconsin, it reminds me of another great place for grieving families that is also located in that beautiful state. If you haven't heard of Faith's Lodge, go to http://faithslodge.org and learn more about this wonderful retreat center that makes it very affordable for families to get away and replenish their hearts.
The Clean Saint-Martin Association recently organized a new voluntary cleaning action, more precisely at the Whale Observatory (road leading to Oyster Pond). One thing is certain, the volunteers of the association have not been idle! Throughout the morning, a lot of small waste was collected: caps, cigarette butts, bottles, bits of plastic and fishing nets ... As a reminder, let's not forget that this little waste has as much impact on nature as the big one, or even more! A cigarette butt pollutes up to 500 liters of water because of all the chemical components it contains, and takes more than 2 years to completely decompose. A plastic bottle cap crumbles after about fifty years! And before disappearing, it breaks down into microparticles, which can be easily ingested by the elements that make up the food chain, to be traced back to us ... By the way! Hats off once again to all the volunteer members of the Clean Saint-Martin Association who do not hesitate to devote their personal time to protecting the environment. Well done ! _AF 6,354 total views
Emirates Printing Press Emirates Printing Press, since its inception in 1974 with five state-of-the-art print facilities in Dubai has emerged as one of the leading converters of high quality innovative packaging for Folding cartons and Flexible laminate customers globally. Our comprehensive product range under one-stop-shop offers remarkable packaging solutions with creative design, pre-press, press: 12 sheet-fed and 4 rotary gravure with HD flexo combination for folding cartons, rigid box & litho laminated corrugated cartons with in-line metalized lamination, finishings like cold-foil, hot-stamping, security printing, embossing and die-cutting in one single run helps to unlock a customer’s vision to reality in a stringent time frame. EPP’s green field production facility for Flexible packaging encompasses four ten color presses – three with gravure in-line registered cold seal and one with offset-flexo-gravure combination, Four laminators (solvent and solventless), Five pouch making machines, Heat Seal Lacquer and wax coating machine, Slitting machines, Shrink sleeve with perforation and Lidding foil punching machine. This plant has a capacity to produce 1400 metric tons of diverse variety of mono, 2, 3, 4 ply laminated films in roll form with registered cold seal and substrate combination of PAPER/ BOPP/ CPP/ PET/ MET PET/ MET OPP/ ALU-FOIL/ LDPE/ OPA Films. Our pouch making includes Stand-up Pouches with window, 3D pouches with front/ slide/ pocket zipper and laser score for easy-tear, Quad Seal pouches, Sustainable LDPE and PP based pouches, large format bags and Coffee Pouches with valves. EPP’s presence in the national and international market is portrayed in various trade-shows and exhibitions like Cosmoprof-Bologna, Fachpack-Germany, PPMA-UK, Foodex–UK, Packaging Innovations–London & Birmingham, Luxepack- New York, East Pack-New York, Pack Expo International–Chicago & Las Vegas, Summer Fancy Food Show–New York, Gulfood Manufacturing–Dubai. For more information, please visit our website: www.eppdubai.com
Farmer's Metro Pouch Meet the "Metro Pouch," a fashion-forward purse that combines style with convenience by offering a hands-free approach to everyday accessorizing. This chic and modern bag is designed for those who value both fashion and functionality. With its sleek and contemporary aesthetics, the Metro Pouch adds a touch of sophistication to any outfit while allowing you to move freely without the constraints of traditional handbags. The clever design incorporates practical features like adjustable straps and well-placed pockets, ensuring that essentials are easily accessible while keeping your hands unburdened. Whether you're navigating a busy city or going to an event, the Metro Pouch elevates your style game while providing the practicality of hands-free convenience. Have you already made something using this pattern? Share it on our Facebook group FDQuilts Projects » If you notice anything on our patterns that need corrected, please contact us through our Contact Page »
Did you know the most popular icecream flavours are cookies and cream, chocolate, mint choc chip and vanilla? Think of all the play opportunities and snacktivities that can be be created with those flavours! Decorate these trays with coloured loose parts, playdough, coloured sand, play with fizz or use as a fun snack tray. This is perfect for fine motor, pincer grip practice with tongs and tweezers. We 3d print our sensory trays from PLA, which is a plant-based bioplastic derived from renewable resources, such as corn starch, tapioca root or sugarcane. This tray will withstand wet sensory bases, like water beads, food and fizzy potion play, just remember to HAND WASH and immediately dry after use to prevent moisture absorption and warping. We don’t recommend immersing in liquid for long periods but a little splash and fizz will be fine. PLA is not hydrophobic and may absorb colours from paint, fizz and food. Hand wash only. Exposure to extreme heat (in a dishwasher or direct sun) will damage the natural materials this is made from and shorten its lifespan. Bioplastics are designed to biodegrade over time, unlike traditional plastics. If cared for well they will last for many years. Dimensions: H 27cm, W 14cm, D 1.5cm Inclusions: 1 x Large Icecream Cone Trinket Tray / Bioplastic Sensory Tray (2-piece). Pictured here with our Sundae Cup Tray, which is available to purchase separately. Recommended age 3+. Use under adult supervision. NOT to be used as a teething or chew toy. © Beadie Bug Play 2023. Images: @the.connected.playroom @beadiebugplay @mypixiesatplay Connecting play with nature.
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Since 2019, a majority of the current Supreme Court has expressed interest in revitalizing the nondelegation doctrine, which prohibits Congress from delegating any of its lawmaking power to regulatory agencies in the executive branch. Unfortunately, relying on a highly deferential application of this constitutional principle, the Court has not invoked the nondelegation doctrine to strike down a statute since 1935. That contributed to broad delegations of rulemaking power to regulatory agencies in the decades that followed. A reinvigoration of the nondelegation doctrine, accordingly, has the potential to restrict the growth and power of these agencies, better known today as the “administrative state.” This has made the nondelegation doctrine highly controversial among some in the academic community and those on the political left. The Court’s base of support for a revitalized nondelegation doctrine began with a dissenting opinion by Justice Gorsuch—joined by Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Thomas—in Gundy v. United States, and an approving separate statement by Justice Alito. Justice Kavanaugh, who had not participated in the Gundy decision, expressed a similar interest in considering the nondelegation issue later in 2019. Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who was appointed last fall, is an originalist (applying the original meaning of the Constitution) and may well be a potential sixth vote in support of the nondelegation doctrine. A counterargument by University of Michigan law professors Julian Davis Mortensen and Nicholas Bagley appeared earlier this year in an article published in the Michigan Law Review and entitled “Delegation at the Founding.” In it, the authors say they have refuted “the claim that the Constitution was originally understood to contain a nondelegation doctrine.” Although the paper is a lengthy review of the discussions and controversies that occurred before and after the Constitution was drafted and took effect, it misses the forest for the trees. The paper’s principal error is its failure to give any significant attention to the importance of the constitutional separation of powers and the arguments of James Madison in the Federalist Papers. The nondelegation doctrine derives its importance directly from the constitutional separation of powers, and Madison argued repeatedly that dividing the government’s powers among the three branches in the Constitution was the key to preserving the American peoples’ liberties. Madison’s arguments were made directly to the people of the original thirteen colonies, principally through the Federalist Papers, and were discussed during key state ratification debates. Thus it is reasonable to assume that Madison’s strong views about the Constitution’s separation of powers were one of the reasons that the people ultimately approved the new constitutional structure. Accordingly, Madison’s arguments are by far the most important evidence of what the people who ratified the Constitution believed about the separation of powers, including whether Congress could delegate its legislative authority. Madison presented his views on the structure of the Constitution in Federalist Nos. 47, 48, and 49, none of which was even cited in “Delegation at the Founding.” And Madison could not have been more clear about the significance of the separation of powers to his view of the new Constitution, famously noting in Federalist No. 47: The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny. In other words, a strict separation of legislative, executive, and judicial authority was essential to preserving Americans’ liberties, and that would include what Madison argued then and afterward—that in observance of the separation of powers, Congress may not delegate any of its legislative authority to the other branches of government. Moreover, Madison believed that the checks and balances among the branches (such as the president’s ability to veto legislation, Congress’s power to appropriate funds for the other branches, and the judiciary’s power to see that the other branches stay within their assigned roles) were also key elements of the separation of powers. Thus, he wrote in Federalist No. 51: To what expedient, then shall we finally resort, for maintaining in practice the necessary partition of power among the several departments, as laid down in the Constitution? The only answer that can be given is, that as all these exterior provisions are found to be inadequate, the defect must be supplied, by so contriving the interior structure of the government as that its several constituent parts may, by their mutual relations, be the means of keeping each other in their proper places. It should be no surprise, then, that Madison’s views would be the source of all Supreme Court decisions afterward that cited restrictions on Congress’s delegation of its legislative authority—initially, in Wayman v. Southard in 1825 (“The line has not been exactly drawn which separates those important subjects which must be entirely regulated by the legislature itself . . .”), through Field v. Clark in 1892 (delegation of authority to make the law simply “cannot be done”), through Panama Refining Co. v. Ryan and A.L.A. Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States in 1935 (where Congress was deemed to have unconstitutionally delegated legislative powers to the president)—so that there is a consistent thread from 1825 through 1935. Since then, the Supreme Court, using a new and more ambiguous rule requiring only an “intelligible principle” in a statute to avoid a finding of unconstitutional delegation, has never found an unconstitutional delegation of legislative authority. However, the Court has never abandoned the principle that such a delegation is not permitted, even though delegations may not have been found in particular cases. If Mortensen and Bagley had hoped to make a case against the nondelegation doctrine, they had to counter Madison’s views, but they did not even make a serious attempt. As noted, Federalist Nos. 47, 48, 49, and 51 were not even cited in their paper. Instead, they argued that the political philosopher John Locke—who was widely seen by theorists and others at the time as the source of the idea that the people had delegated their power to make the laws to the new Congress—did not have a fixed or immutable view of delegation. Locke believed instead that a legislature could not “alienate” or “transfer” its powers. Needless to say, neither that nor the views of many members of the first few Congresses, is relevant to a determination of what the people thought at the time they voted to adopt the new Constitution. On the evidence of the Federalist Papers, the people believed that separating the legislative, executive, and judicial powers as much as possible was the most important question of constitutional structure, and we have no evidence to the contrary. Thus, the authors’ summary statement, “Forget the debate over whether the nondelegation doctrine is truly dead. It was never really alive to begin with,” is entirely fanciful. At best it is wishful thinking, with no support in the Federalist Papers or the dozens of succeeding Supreme Court cases that have acknowledged the separation of powers as the source of the nondelegation doctrine.
I have a barrel in my hands. I can drag items from my inventory to the barrel, and from the barrel back to the inventory. The items appear (visually) similar to "attachments" on the barrel. I can also "View Contents" on the barrel. The barrel is permanently stuck open, and cannot be closed. I have not been able to drop the barrel, even after logging out and back in. Throwing it does not work. I can climb ladders with it. I can't pick apples. I'm not sure how it happened. Possibly I drank a canteen while the barrel was in my hands. Here is a link to a video demo:
Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry has been awarded a $5,000 general grant from the Ausherman Family Foundation in Frederick County, Maryland. This funding will help our ministry provide over 10,000 additional servings of meat to the hungry through local food banks and feeding ministries. “The Ausherman Family Foundation has been a regular supporter of our mission to fight hunger for the past 17 years! Their faithful generosity is a strong indication of how deeply they care about the needs of local individuals, children and families in the Frederick area,” said FHFH Executive Director Josh Wilson. The Ausherman Family Foundation is a private foundation, established in 2006. The Trustees envision a vibrant community where committed nonprofit organizations effectively work together in a spirit of cooperation to advance superior charitable outcomes in Frederick County. The Foundation’s mission is to empower the passion for change in Frederick County, Maryland. Protein and meat products are one of the top items needed by food banks. The expensive price of meat and its limited shelf life prevent it from being a readily accessible food item by food banks. The meat donated to the food banks and feeding ministries by FHFH will help provide much needed nutrition to people in need. On behalf of FHFH and those in Frederick County who struggle with hunger, we thank The Ausherman Family Foundation for their generosity and support of our mission to end hunger.
Helping Our Neighbors During this unprecedented time the number of people struggling with hunger is increasing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The already existing millions of people who have struggled with food insecurity are affected as well as additional people who have suffered a loss of income. Those struggling with hunger include the most vulnerable – children and seniors. A loss of income could change people’s eating patterns, resulting in poorer nutrition. Adequate and balanced nutrition is needed for a well-functioning immune system for everyone and for growth in children. Protein is a vital component of a balanced diet. When there is inadequate income to purchase the amount and quality of food for a balanced healthy diet, people often turn to food banks, food pantries and feeding ministries. Unfortunately, food banks, food pantries and other feeding programs often list meat and protein items among their top food donation needs. Farmers and Hunters Feeding the hungry has provided more than 20.5 MILLION servings of meat to food banks, food pantries and feeding ministries since 1997! In this increasing time of need, please consider helping others who are struggling to get enough to eat. - Donate deer or livestock. CLICK HERE for a list of our participating meat processors. - Make a financial gift. CLICK HERE to make a secure on-line donation. Your donations are tax deductible. Our hearts and prayers go out for everyone affected by COVID-19. Together, we can help each other get through this difficult time and help ensure people in our communities have enough to eat. Thank you for your continued interest in our mission of feeding the hungry.
In the realm of botanical beauty, few flowers evoke the same sense of elegance, purity, and grace as the Lily Starfire Encore. With its captivating allure and stunning appearance, this exquisite floral gem continues to enrapture hearts and gardens worldwide. A reincarnation of nature’s artistry, the Lily Starfire Encore represents a synthesis of timeless sophistication and natural splendor. The Enigmatic Lily Starfire Encore: An Introduction The Lily Starfire Encore stands as a testament to the perennial allure of lilies, boasting an intriguing blend of traditional charm and contemporary refinement. Revered for its striking appearance, this cultivar is characterized by its commanding stature, vibrant colors, and delicate yet robust petals that unfurl with grace. Origins and Evolution The Lily Starfire Encore owes its lineage to the Lily family, renowned for its diverse species and variations. Born from the intersectional hybrids of Asiatic and Oriental lilies, this exquisite bloom emerged through meticulous crossbreeding and selective cultivation techniques. Its genetic makeup intertwines the grace and allure of Oriental lilies with the hardiness and adaptability of Asiatic varieties, resulting in a floral masterpiece that thrives in various climates and conditions. A Symphony of Colors and Varieties What sets the Lily Starfire Encore apart is its breathtaking palette of hues and captivating variations. From pristine whites to rich, deep purples and vibrant pinks, each bloom is a tapestry of color, offering a myriad of options to complement any garden or floral arrangement. Cultivation and Care Cultivating the demands a blend of attention, precision, and appreciation for nature’s intricacies. To flourish, these lilies require well-drained soil, ample sunlight, and moderate watering. Proper care involves regular pruning of spent blooms and providing adequate support to its majestic stems, ensuring a robust and vibrant display each season. Symbolism and Significance Beyond its ornamental value, the holds symbolic significance across Universally regarded as a symbol of purity, renewal, and devotion, these lilies often feature prominently in ceremonies, celebrations, and floral arrangements signifying profound emotions and heartfelt sentiments. In various contexts, these blooms have been associated with themes of resurrection, enlightenment, and the cycle of life. Their inclusion in weddings, religious ceremonies, and memorials underscores their enduring symbolism and emotional resonance. The Lily Starfire Encore in Contemporary Culture In modern times, the continues to captivate admirers in myriad ways. Its timeless beauty and symbolic significance have made it a favorite choice for floral artists, interior decorators, and landscape designers alike. From adorning elegant bouquets and centerpieces at weddings to gracing public parks and botanical gardens with their ethereal presence, these lilies infuse spaces with a sense of sophistication and natural allure. Conservation Efforts and Future Prospects As biodiversity and conservation efforts gain momentum globally, preserving the genetic diversity and sustainability of flora remains paramount. The Lily Starfire Encore’s resilience and adaptability position it as a potential candidate for ecological restoration and horticultural initiatives aimed at enhancing natural landscapes and fostering biodiversity. The Lily Starfire Encore stands as a testament to the beauty and resilience inherent in nature. Its captivating presence, vibrant colors, and symbolic significance continue to enchant admirers worldwide, transcending time and cultural boundaries. As this floral marvel adorns gardens, vases, and landscapes, its elegance serves as a reminder of nature’s artistry and the enduring allure of botanical wonders. The Lily Starfire Encore, with its grace and charm, embodies the eternal essence of floral splendor, inviting us to revel in the magnificence of the natural world.
At FeelGood Fibers, we are strong believers in the power of affirmations. We understand that the words that we speak are powerful. These words directly affect our thoughts, emotions, and actions. The way we talk about things, whether it is about the people in our lives or about ourselves, has a huge impact on how we perceive a situation. Without being conscious of it, we can be having a negative impact on ourselves. For example, if we only focus (or focus too much) on our fears and worries — we will be focusing more on our everyday failures versus our everyday successes. It will become a self-fulfilling prophecy where we feel the deck is always stacked against us. However, we have the power to change that perception by using words for positive transformation. Through affirmations, we believe we can make huge differences in our lives. What Are Affirmations? Affirmations are positive statements that help us overcome unhelpful or negative thoughts. When we repeat them often enough and truly believe in them, we can start to make positive changes in our lives. Positive affirmations have also been shown to lessen the effects of stress, anxiety, and poor sleep. The science behind why positive affirmations work has a lot to do with thinking about the future. When we connect a positive feeling to how we think about our future self with our values and sense of self-worth, we can create positive change. How Do I Start? If you’re not in the habit of using affirmations, at first it can seem awkward to tell yourself how awesome you are. (Because you are!) But trust us, once you start practicing your affirmations regularly, you will be amazed at how quickly things will start to flow and change! To have the best chance of success, affirmations should build upon beliefs that you already hold to be true — ones that you’re looking to enhance. That way the sneaky subconscious part of your brain won’t try to counteract your affirmation with sabotaging self-doubt. Affirmations can be repeated up to three to five times daily to reinforce the belief. A good time to practice is when you are brushing your teeth so that you can repeat your affirmations in front of a mirror. (A post-it on your mirror never hurts!) Another method is to repeatedly write the affirmations down in a journal for five minutes straight. Affirmations to Boost Creativity Here is a list of ideas geared toward boosting your creativity. Begin saying them out loud and watch what happens next! - I am a creative soul and I express myself freely. - I follow my creative ideas to see where they lead. - I have unique ideas and I enjoy sharing them with the world. - New and original ideas come to me freely and easily. - I practice my creativity at every opportunity. - My imagination is full of endless ideas. - I use and grow my creativity every single day. - Creative energy flows through me at all times. - I am proud to have creative energy that nurtures and colors my world. - I am brave enough to take creative chances. - I am capable of achieving my goals. - My confidence in my creative voice continues to grow. Do you have any positive affirmations that you use to boost you up? We’d love to hear! Like what you read? Check out 4 Ways to Build Confidence and Beat Impostor Syndrome and 5 Tips to Tackle a Project When Feeling Overwhelmed.
$20.00 – $39.50 The KONG® Ring is designed for long lasting chew sessions offering enrichment and satisfying a dog’s natural instinct to chew. Made from KONG natural red rubber, the KONG Ring provides ultra-durability and added nubs to give your dog a delightful chewing experience while promoting healthy teeth and gums. - Enriching, durable toy supports appropriate chewing behavior - Promotes healthy teeth and gums - Made in the USA. Globally Sourced Materials.
Enter: argireline. The active is often referred to as “Botox in a bottle” thanks to its ability to inhibit muscle movement in almost the same way as the real deal—no needles required. Moreover, it boosts collagen, giving your skin a smoother, firmer appearance overall. To be clear, this isn’t Botox, so you’ll want to level your expectations accordingly. But if you’re looking for an accessible alternative that you can snag for as little as $10, no needles required, this might just be for you. What is argireline? “Argireline—which is written in ingredients lists as acetyl hexapeptide-3 or acetyl hexapeptide-8—is a peptide that works by hindering the release of neurotransmitters to activate muscle movements, producing a Botox-like effect,” says Jodi LoGerfo, DNP, a cosmetic nurse practitioner. “Argireline has also been shown to help encourage the production of collagen, possibly increasing skin tone and firmness. Studies show that it can improve the appearance of dynamic lines and wrinkles, especially in the forehead and around the eyes.” And how does it do that? “Argireline works on the neuromuscular junction just like Botox does, but with a different form of action and revealing a different result,” says Rebecca Marcus, MD, FAAD, a board-certified dermatologist and founder of skincare brand Maei MD. According to a 2021 study that called argireline “a safe, needle-free alternative to Botox,” the ingredient works by “inhibiting the release of neurotransmitters in the neuromuscular junction, producing a botox-like effect.” In simpler terms, this means that argireline penetrates the deeper layers of skin and targets the neurotransmitters (aka brain chemicals) that stimulate muscle movement. This keeps the muscles from contracting, which prevents them from causing wrinkles, leaving skin smooth and firm. How does argireline compare to Botox? “Argirilene’s effects are temporary and much less dramatic than those of Botox,” says Dr. Marcus. While Botox can completely erase wrinkles and lasts for months, argireline needs to be used more regularly to see comparable effects. According to 2018 research, a twice-daily application of the ingredient reduced wrinkles by up to 48 percent over four weeks. “Compared to Botox, argireline’s effects are much more subtle,” says Dr. Marcus. “In addition, Argireline yields a very temporary effect, whereas the effects of Botox can be expected to last around three months.” Divya Shokeen, MD, a board-certified medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatologist and founder of Ocean Skin & Vein Institute, adds that argireline is especially useful for those who are not yet ready to undergo more invasive treatments like Botox but who still want to see similar—albeit temporary—effects. “While both argireline and Botox work by targeting the facial muscles responsible for wrinkles, they are not interchangeable,” she says. “Botox is a prescription medication that is injected into the muscles and paralyzes them, while argireline is a topical cosmetic ingredient that relaxes the muscles. Botox is generally more effective than argireline, but it has more potential side effects and requires a medical professional to administer it.” If you’re looking for a Botox-like effect that doesn’t require a trip to the dermatologist’s office, argireline is the ingredient to try. Shop argireline for skin Dr. Dennis Gross, DermInfusions™ Fill + Repair Serum — $75.00 Clinically proven to improve the look of fine lines, this offering from Dr. Dennis Gross is a plumping, firming masterpiece. It contains argireline, four weights of hyaluronic acid, four different peptides, niacinamide and ectoin to rejuvenate the skin and act like filler, in that it visibly fills lines and gives the skin a plumper, fresher, bouncier look. We’re sold. Estée Lauder, Revitalizing Supreme+ Youth Power Creme Moisturizer — $98.00 Estée Lauder’s Revitalizing Supreme+ Youth Power Creme Moisturizer is so beloved that it has just under 3,000 reviews on Sephora at the time of writing, and we can see why. Its ingredient list includes cactus stem cell extract and hyaluronic acid to drench skin in up to 72 hours of hydration, and hibiscus morning bloom extract provides lifting and firming properties. All of these powerhouse actives come together in a gentle formula with a luxurious texture, that smells beautiful. Paula’s Choice, Calm Rescue and Repair Weightless Moisturizer — $33.00 Your new summer moisturizer is here! The feather-light formula keeps skin hydrated and nourished for up to 24 hours, with argireline, mushroom extract and squalane working to reduce redness, fine lines and helping to keep your skin barrier healthy. A great option for sensitive, oily and combination skin types, it leaves skin looking bouncy without clogging pores or causing any irritation. Peter Thomas Roth, Super-Size Un-Wrinkle Eye Concentrate — $200.00 This is no ordinary eye cream. It contains no less than six neuropeptides (including argireline), plus matrixyl 3000, a dual peptide, to reduce fine lines, wrinkles. and crow’s feet. After four weeks of use, 91 percent of testers agreed that their under eye area was left feeling soft and smooth, and 86 percent said that their skin felt tighter and more taut. It’s also suitable for those with sensitive skin around the eye area, and those who wear contact lenses. La Mer, The Revitalizing Hydrating Serum — $255.00 Though on the pricey end of the spectrum, the Revitalizing Hydrating Serum is a light-as-air formula infused with microdroplets of green, brown and red algae, which is designed to absorb deep into the skin’s surface quickly and efficiently, plus antioxidants to prevent the skin from free radicals and, of course, argireline to target fine lines and wrinkles. Simply apply one to two drops over your face morning and night. The Ordinary, Argireline Solution 10% — $9.00 The Ordinary is renowned for its affordable formulas that actually work, and its argireline-infused Solution is no exception—so much so that it frequently sells out because fans refer to it as “Botox in a bottle.” Apply on the forehead and around the eyes morning and night to see results, such as smoother skin, lessened fine lines, and a brighter, firmer complexion. 111SKIN, Celestial Black Diamond Eye Cream — $300.00 In addition to argireline, the 111SKIN Celestial Black Diamond Eye Cream boasts a cocktail of impressive ingredients, including centella asiatica to boost collagen production and plump fine lines, arbutin to improve pigmentation, and fine diamond powder to ensure the ingredients are absorbed by the thin skin under the eye. Yes, please. Medik8, Liquid Peptides 30% Complex Hydrating Peptide Serum — $62.00 For the price point, this serum really packs a punch in terms of its ingredients. It features a blend of peptides (including argireline) to envelop your skin in plumping and nourishing goodness. It also uses a Matrixyl 3000 complex to further reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, plus hyaluronic acid for its hydration properties. Bonus? It’s also vegan, cruelty-free, and alcohol-free. Our editors independently select these products. Making a purchase through our links may earn Well+Good a commission.
Pigeon and Bat Removal Lloydminster, SK Are you struggling with unwanted pests? Then you need the expert and knowledgeable team at Feral Peril. Our proven track record guarantees 100% satisfaction. We are certified, eco-friendly, and budget-friendly. We handle all sorts of pests, from bed bugs to raccoons and everything in between. Whether it’s your home or office we are your answer to safely and effectively ridding your space of unwanted pests. Pigeons can most often be found in the downtown core, on the rooftops of buildings and homes. What makes these seemingly harmless animals dangerous is their droppings. It’s acidic and corrosive and can cause structural damage to any building. Respiratory infections have also been found to happen due to inhaling the spores of a pigeon’s droppings. We offer a variety of methods for removing the pigeons, as well as equipment to prevent them from coming back. With Halloween and scary movies, bats seem to get a bad rap but it’s only a myth. These creatures are actually a big asset to our ecosystem and eat up to half their body weight in mosquitos. Again, we offer a variety of ways to remove these little guys and put preventative measures in place to keep them from coming back. Whatever pest you may be dealing with Feral Peril is your solution. Give us a call today to discuss your options and get your free quote. We’re here to assist you and make your space a pest-free zone. We have decades of experience and have helped hundreds of families and companies. Feral Peril is a well-known brand in the pest control industry with multiple pest control products that we sell on a daily basis. Many building engineers, builders, pest control contractors, and businesses purchase our pest control products. Check our online store: Following are some of our most popular products that you may want to buy: Pest Control Services in Regina, SK If you would like your pest problem taken care of professionally, we’d be happy to help! PEST CONTROL AREAS WE SERVE IN REGINA, SK North Zone: Argyle Park/Englewood, Coronation Park, Northeast, Uplands East Zone: Arcola East, Boothill, Dewdney East Central Zone: Al Ritchie, Cathedral, Centre Square, Downtown, Eastview, Gladmer Park, Heritage, North Central South Zone: Albert Park, Harbour Landing, Hillsdale, Lakeview, Whitmore Park West Zone: Dieppe, McNab, Normanview, Normanview West, Prairie View, Regent Park, Rosemont/Mount Royal, Sherwood/McCarthy, Twin Lakes, Walsh Acres/Lakeridge
The InfiRay Outdoor MINI MH25 V2 is a compact, lightweight thermal imager designed for handheld or helmet-mounted use. Its unique design allows for seamless operation as a handheld monocular, and it can easily transition to a helmet mount for hands-free use. The MH25 V2 is powered by a 50hz 12 μm sensor and features next-generation MATRIX III processing for an unmatched viewing experience. I addition to the features found on the original MH25, the MH25 V2 adds several highly requested features including an upgraded AMOLED display, an upgraded eyepiece, and onboard video and audio recording. Flexible Mounting Options and Friendly Operation For hands-free operation there are 2 mounting points designed to allow for a wide variety of dovetail helmet mounts. The Mini's display icons flip automatically when orientation is flipped. The MH25 is operated by an intuitive clearly labeled menu and user friendly rotary button. This one button operation has positive clicks with each selection and allows for quick and easy operation without having to search for any buttons in the dark. Power Supply Options The Mini is compatible with CR123A, CR123, 16340, and 16650 batteries. Using 1 x 16650 the Mini will run for 3 hours, and using the included power cable with a 10,000 mah USB battery the Mini will run for 18 hours. DO NOT USE 2 x CR123A batteries with the 16650 adapter, it will permanently disable your device. About InfiRay Sensors IRAY technology has been developing and producing infrared FPA detectors, thermal cores, and other thermal products outside of the US for more than a decade. IRay has completely independent intellectual property rights and is committed to providing professional thermal imaging solutions across the globe. More than 50% of IRay's employees are R&D engineers and IRay has been awarded 219 technical patents. 8X, steppedObjective Focal Length 1.0Objective Focusing Range 2 meters to infinityHorizontal Angular Field of View 17.5Vertical Angular Field of View 1375 YardsEyepiece Focal Length -4 - +3Display Type AMOLEDObjective Lens Material Manual FocusDisplay Resolution Features & PerformancePower Source 16650 BatteryVideo Output Analog RS-170/NTSCImage Capture YesCountry of Manufacture Under 10 SecondsWarranty 5 YearsRun Time White Hot, Black Hot, Red Hot, RainbowUser-Updatable Firmware 32GBExternal Power Source Environmental SpecificationsIngress Protection NoneOperating Temperature Range Sensor SpecificationsDevice Technology Thermal ImagingSensor Resolution 640×512Sensor Pixel Size 12μmSensor Frame Rate 8-12 MicronsSensor Type InfiRay MICRO IINon-Uniformity Correction (NUC) Manual, Automatic, Semi-Automatic
Last Friday the Boccherini Trio opened our concert series at Palazzo dei Diamanti. We will see you at the next concerts! → Friday 19 May h 7pm Alexandra Conunova violin, Denis Kozhukhin piano music by Enescu, Bartók and Brahms → Friday 26 May h 7pm Elisabeth Brauss piano music by Bach, Mendelssohn, Brahms and Schumann → Saturday 10 June h 5pm Gile Bae piano music by Bach and Chopin Admission to the concerts is free, however you will be required to buy the museum ticket to access the venue. For more information click here.
Available in 2 skeins sizes: 255 yards/2.3 ounce skein 470 yards/4 ounce skein This colorway transitions from pale aqua ICICLE through smokey teals before ending in rich deep green RAVEN. The yarn is shown in cakes for display purposes to better illustrate the color transitions. The yarn you will receive is in a skein. Select colors from this gradient are available in the ICE AGE six pack collection. 80% Superwash Merino, 10% Cashmere, 10% Ultrafine Nylon The terminal semi-solid colors for this gradient colorway are also available: Please note that every care has been taken to accurately represent the colors. However, there are often differences in color representation between monitors. If you are unhappy with the yarn you receive for any reason, you may return the yarn for a full refund minus shipping costs. Please refer to our Returns and Refunds Policy at the bottom of the homepage for further details. A circular fade (aka an infinity fade) arrangement of colors! 14 mini skeins (70 yards each) for a total of 980 yards. Kashmir: Each skein contains 70 Yards (980 yards... View full product details Colors inspired by deep inky autumn nights, grey mist filtered by moonlight and the vivid jewel-tones of purple and green found in raven feathers. Kashmir: 80% Superwash Merino Wool / 10%... View full product details This colorway was inspired by the vintage watercolor illustrations in my childhood Grimm's fairytales collection. Aquas and teals broken by cherry, orange, and squash yellow with many additional hues where... View full product details Available in 2 skeins sizes: 255 yards/2.3 ounce skein 470 yards/4 ounce skein This colorway transitions from DAMSON through raspberry and russet before ending in GOLD. The yarn is shown in... View full product details
– Chapter 1: Your First Book In Story Development – Tell Me Your Story: this is an introductory chapter where he asks you to jot down your story idea. – Story Comes First – Writing Comes Second: in which he cautions against jumping into writing pages, because one is likely to get lost in the narrative jungle. Rather have a premise sentence formulated first, because it will act like some sort of map of the jungle. Meaning there should be a way of [[../_001. Atomic Notes/Combining Save The Cat with the Anatomy of the Premise Line]] – Storytelling And Writing Are Not The Same Thing: in which he distinguishes between storytelling and writing. They require different talents and different skillsets. And this book is about the former. – The 7 Step Premise Development ProcessThe 7 step premise development process is designed to give you a repeatable, reliable and validated methodology to consistently produce stories with narrative legs that can survive the overall development process; or at the very least help you to realise your idea is a dud. – The “science” of premise development lies in the construction, which is what this book is about, and the “art” fo premise development lies in natural story sense and the ability to identify efficiently each of the essential components of the Invisible Structure – which takes practice, practice, practice. – Premise development normally takes a month or more to get right. It is the first step in developing a script or novel, and it is the most important step, so take the time – do the heavy lifting at the premise stage. When writing, if you find yourself going off in tangents, you go back to the premise line and read it. If it still makes sense, keep writing. If not, redo the premise line. – From page 158. “The other thing (other than knowing the difference between a story and a situation) that separates a pro from an amateur is having an intimate understanding of the moral nature of any premise idea. If you are writing a story, then the moral component can make or break your script, and if you can master this single story structure principle, then you will have a foundation tool Tha twill deepens and expand every story you tell.” – Keep in mind that the Premise Development process is not a quickie or a magic bullet, but rather a precision instrument that takes time, finesse, practice and patience to master fully. It involves a lot of testing, and going back and forth as you write… Chapter 2: What is A Story Premise And Why Should We Care? – Common definitions on Story Premise: in which he puts forward some current definitions of story premise, and tears them apart. The reason why we should even care about Story Premise is because it is one of the most powerful story development tools out there. – Historical definitions of story premise: this is self-explanatory. He really liked the one that Lajos Egri put forward. – A Working Definition of story premise: “A Story Premise is a container that holds your story’s right, true and natural structure by delimiting the 7 essential limits of the story heptagon: Character, Constriction, Resistance, Desire, Relationship, Adventure, Change. He calls these “The Invisible Structure”- or “the 7 well-springs that feed the story river where we sail our boats.” I like maps. I prefer to think of these 7 points as the elements of any good map. A good map has elements such as a)Title – the heading of a map. b)Compass Rose – a part of a map that shows the cardinal directions/other directions. c)Key – a part of a map used to define symbols on the map. d)Grid – the set of lines that show coordinates on a map. e) Scale – the part of the map used to show how big it is in actual size. – So my working definition of a story premise is “A story premise is a map that represents the arrangement of the emotional elements on a specific narrative landscape by delimiting the 7 essential elements of the map.” Dunno if that helps any, but it helps me a little bit. – So running with the map analogy, a story premise keeps you on the charted territory and prevents you from traipsing to where the dragons be. Chapter 3: The Invisible Structure The Invisible Structure is a structure we cannot see – it’s an intuition, a feeling. It’s that “thing” about a story that makes you feel it and you “just know” it’s right: you’ve got something on your hands. There’s a quickening of the heartbeat, a sense of tense excitement and hope. This “thing” is the powerful filter that helps you pick ONE story idea over the hundreds of others competing for your attention. – The Blinding Ball of Information: All the invisible structural elements come to you in one blinding flash of light, a gestalt, that you can’t actually describe but you can feel. A moment when you “see” the whole story, without specifics, but you just “know” it. But the details are not clear. – The Invisible Structural Elements – Character: The best ideas have ONE HUMAN BEING at their core. You feel this at the gestalt moment – one human/ anthropomorphic that has a journey. – Constriction: The sense that something/ someone forces the character to go out the door their soul – literally or not – and go on a journey. Some kind of motive force that causally and logically pushes them. Again, this is a feeling – it’s nothing tangible. – *Importantly – this motive force that forces them to move is just what the Universal Physician recommended – the blood-letting, the excision that’s needed to make them better, more alive, more aware – aware of the lie they’ve been telling themselves – so Constriction and Moral Component are linked.* – Desire – the Character wants something – you sense it strongly – you don’t know what, clearly, but you know they deeply want something. You sense the wanting. If there is no deep want – perhaps indescribable at this stage – then you won’t have a clear story. – Relationship – You sense the Main Character (M.C.) is going to have a group of people or a person – a team/ teammate – who’s going to be pivotal for their journey – they’ll go with them – for good for bad – but not for neutral. – Resistance – You don’t know what, but you get the sense that there is going to be opposition – maybe faceless and nameless at this stage – but nevertheless and impeding force that will cause chaos, disruption and confusion. – Adventure – a result of the pushback above, there is chaos and unruliness – that’s drawn out over a long period of time – the middle of the story. And there’s a vague sense of DIRECTION/ motion/ forward momentum. – Change – You sense that this character is not going to end up where they bang – there’s a telos they are going wards that’s different where they started from. – Backing Into The Story – It takes skill that moment of vision – that sense of wholeness of emotion – into constituent parts THEN into a premise. Most writers “see it” and “feel it” and then hurry off to write so as not to lose that moment – but then they get lost in the storytelling jungle, backtrack, and waste a lot of time and energy. – The Premise Sentence takes the amorphous feeling of a story into a tangible premise sentence expressing that single unity of emotion in words. This is what is called The Visible Structure. – *NOTE: The Invisible Structure is an important part of the Premise Sentence’s 4 Clauses…* Chapter 4: The Visible Structure Every story moves from abstract, inexpressible feelings to THE CONCRETE. Often times, that feeling stays in your head as an “idea” or “concept” and takes years before it’s born. It won’t let you midwife it or induce labour. When an “idea” or a “concept” pesters you to be written, it’s pestering you to give it a visible structure. How the Invisible Becomes Visible: Moral Component & Constricting Event Chain of Desire – The Invisible Made Visible – Protagonist. The concretisation of Character. – Moral Component & Constricting Event. The concretisation of Constriction. It answers the question “Why now?” It’s some person or event that makes the Protagonist get out the door by illuminating their LIE/ moral blind spot. It is also the concretisation of the immoral effects of said blind spot on the people/ places around the Protagonist. He’s hurting people either by commission or ommission, based on a false belief that he has. Others can see the Lie/ Blind Spot, but the Protagonist cannot. Then the Moral Component comes along and “waves” from the blind spot, drawing the Protagonist’s attention.The Constricting Event must limit the Protagonists’s options/ time by supporting and reinforcing (not questioning) the LIE. THIS STEP TAKES THE MOST TIME… brainstorming a Constricting Event that supports, ramifies and reinforces the Lie, creating a sense of inevitability… “of course the Protagonist is going to go out the door!” – Chain of Desire. The materialisation of the invisible Desire. It’s called a chain because there are server sub-desires that stem from the main desire that stem from the Lie. The simpler all of this is, the better. All the links of the Chain of desire are visible and tangible, and all are necessary ingredients that are needed to make the overall goal achievable. ** Normally broken into 6 Acts/ Motions. These are the building blocks of the house, the ingredients of the cake… and each often has a sub-desire associated with it. – Focal Relationship. The materialisation of the Invisible Relationship. The focal character personifies the relationship that the protagonist will be working in with one or more people to achieve the goal, and this relationship is absolutely central to the storytelling. – The F.C. Focuses the story by driving the middle part of the story, by being a window/ mirror/ reflection character into the protagonists’s LIE/ moral blind spot. They reflect back to the M.C. Some aspect of themselves that makes the inner moral conflict of the MC. Comprehensible to the MC. The MC. May or may not pay attention to it. – There is usually one F.C. But sometimes you can several who act as windows into various angles of the LIE. This doesn’t mean that the story is an ensemble , necessarily. – The Audience has 2 ways in which to touch the soul of the M.C. 1) through the M.C’s personality and 2) Through the FC and the Focal relationship. – Opposition: This is the materialisation of the invisible resistance. A good story has different forms of opposition, but the indispensable one is the Antag. – The Antagonist has the same overall desire as the MC, but is driven by a different motive. Not sure if this means that he’s driven by a different LIE. – ALWAYS MAKE THE ANTAG FAMILIAR WITH THE M.C. Make it so that they know each other due to some circumstance or other. This ensures that the Antag’s attacks are tied into the M.C’s Lie and each move the Antag makes exposes more and more of the Protag’s lie. – Plot and Momentum. The concretisation of the Invisible Adventure. I find it interesting that the 6 Act structure seems to be considered as separate from the plot. It’s like the Chain of Desire (6 Acts) are the Ingredients, and Plot is the recipe? – The recipe (I.e. Plot and Momentum) need not be too detailed at the Visible Structure Stage – the detail comes in at the Outlining Stage using other tools- but what matters are the 4 key actions in the recipe. LEARN THESE 4 KEY ACTIONS IN THE RECIPE: 1. Overall Midpoint Stakes: The point in the story where whatever objective, tangible thing can be lost goes up in value/ impact / size by tenfold. 2. Protagonist Midpoint Stakes: At the same point in the story, what is personally at risk for the Protagonist also goes up, or comes into existence. Good movies don’t take the pedestrian choice where the Protagonist discovers that the Antag is an old friend/ colleague/ lover/ relative. 3. Doom Moment/ All Is Lost. The point where the Protagonist uncovers the LIE and goes into a real existentialist crisis, questioning long-held beliefs. 4. Final Resolution. Subjectively, the Protagonist heals their lie and embraces TRUTH and as a result, what they want changes. They get what they want but realises they don’t want it anymore because what they want has changed. Now what they want is healing of the lie. They becomes their Truer-Self (TRUTH) *OR* they embrace the Lie more fully (tragic ending *a la The Godfather)*. – Evolution-De-Evolution. The materialisation of Invisible Change. It provides a tangible, exact, measurable, visual answer to the question “what will the invisible change look like to the outside world?” – The Premise Sentence Connection: This tool is what helps with making all the visible structure coherent. – *NOTE: The Visible Structure is an important component of the Short Synopsis. You won’t use it overtly in the 4 Clauses of the Premise Sentence, but you’ll use it quite overtly in the Short Synopsis Worksheet.* – The Premise sentence is a map that delineates the natural structure/ limits of any story and hence provides a guide for keeping the development process on track. – The Story Structure – Premise Connection – The Premise Sentence is a tool that physically takes your Invisible Structure and transforms it into a Visible Structure, and arranges the Visible structure into a coherent whole. – Anatomy of a Premise Sentence: where he analyses the elements that go into constructing the premise sentence. These are 4 CLAUSES, as below. – Mapping the Invisible Structure: The Four Clauses – Clause #1: Protagonist Clause…*An event sparks a character to action, that…* – This combines CHARACTER & CONSTRICTION (hence the LIE and all the stuff that goes with it such as the wound, the flaw, the fear, the immoral effect). In this clause, something pinches the character and inertia stops – he/ she is pushed into a new line of action. – This one clause is meant to capture both the Protag’s Moral blindspot and flaw, and the constriction that is related to/ built out of it. This is hard to do well. – Clause #2: Team Goal Clause…*joins that character with one or more other characters acting with deliberate purpose toward some end…* – Combines DESIRE & RELATIONSHIP… The character joins with one or more people acting on some tangible goal with purpose. – If you can, make it ONE PERSON, not many. It makes for stronger writing. – Clause #3: Opposition Clause…*when that purpose is opposed by a force of resistance bent on stopping/ frustrating/ opposing them…* – Combines RESISTANCE & ADVENTURE…. The character’s actions meet with some force Tha generates disorder and/ or chaos. – 4 wonderful questions to craft/ find your Antagonist, are: 1. Who wants the same thing as the protagonist, but wants to beat the protagonist to the punch? 2. Who knows the protagonist best and can use that intimacy to manipulate the protagonist? 3. Who is a reflection of the worst kind of person the protagonist could become, unless they change? – These 4 questions open up beautiful vistas in antagonist-craft. Again, try and have ONE Central Antagonist, even if there are others. – Clause #4: Denouement Clause….*leading to some conclusion/ resolution..* – Combines ADVENTURE & CHANGE…the chaos leads to change and a new moral effect. – The Invisible Adventure traverses the 3rd and 4th clauses because chaos is messy and it stems from resistance, and creates the change. – In this clause we get a clearer sense of what the final stakes of the adventure might be. – Premise Analysis: It’s okay to have one long clunky sentence, because this forcefully prevents you from sneaking in backstory, adverbs and adjectives into the premise sentence. – Put all the story there. Don’t try and be clever and hide the ending to leave them wanting more. Just say it as it is. Chapter 6: A Story Versus A Situation *Situations are parts of stories; they are not stories themselves.* Understanding the difference between a story and a situation is one of the most valuable tools you can develop as a screenwriter. This is because, when one wants to make a property that is sustainable, you can’t build it out of situations e.g. You’ll never have a *Gravity II, Godzilla II, Contagion II…* – What is A Story? A story is the combination and interplay of character and plot that is a metaphor for a human experience leading to change. The key point is a change in the emotional life of the character. – *The Magic Formula.* Character = Plot = Story. – *What is a Character?* The combined effect of the personal motivation that generates a causal sequence of actions resulting in emotional change. – *What is A Plot?* Plot is the causal sequence of scenes that constitute the “what” of what happens in a story that originates from, and is at the service to, the motivations behind the choices made by a character. – *What is A Situation?* – The reason why situations are so common is because writers work very hard at more and more “hook-able” openings and story concepts, but have little or no facility at generating a sustaining a satisfying middle. It’s much harder to come up with the middle than with a banging opening. And the irony is that, you can be quite successful with only banging openings and high concept stuff… attention grabbing fireworks. – Situations are only about entertainment and engagement, not about relationships or character development. – *The Five Components of A Situation.* – *Protagonist has a very weak or no moral blind spot/ lie.* – *The narrative is a problem, puzzle or predicament with an obvious and direct solution.* – The narrative does not reveal personal motivation but rather tests a character’s problem solving skills. – The Plot twists around the puzzle or predicament or mystery, but rarely gives insight on the character. – Situations begin and end in the same emotional space. – *What do I do if I have a Situation and Not A Story? •* Chapter 7: The Moral Premise *This is the single most important element in storytelling. If you successfully achieved a story with a protagonist who had a compelling and clearly defined moral component, your story would simply fall into place.* – What does Moral Mean? – Very few writing teaches and commentators articulate a clear strategy for creating characters with convincing and sustainable moral components. – Moral refers to the life of the will, the will being the highest faculty that a human being possesses, enabling him or her to want what the intellect perceives as “good”. When the intellect is darkened by a false belief, something that is held to be certainly good, the will (person) then freely wants that good thing… and this harms the people around them, because it’s not really a good thing. – What is a Moral Component? – Moral Blind Spot: a core belief that is false, yet held as true – generated by a fear to which they are blind. This generates a flaw. – Immoral Effect: the flaw has a negative impact on others, and the protagonist is in denial about it. – Dynamic Moral Tension: the protagonist keeps making choices based on the moral blind spot and the immoral effect. – The Passive Protagonist: generates scene-level action based on external events that force them to act. – The Active Protagonist: generates scene-level action based on the blind spot and immoral effect. – Because this Section is so vitally important, I am including all the examples from the book, below… – “Consider the following examples from literature, theater, and film: – Sunset Boulevard (screenplay Billy Wilder, 1950) – Protagonist: Joe Gillis (William Holden) – Moral Blind Spot: Joe feels he has no real value. – Immoral Effect: Joe uses people for advancement, even as he demeans himself; he manipulates others to look good. – Blind Spot-Immoral Effect Connection: Because Joe’s lack of self-worth haunts him, he seeks out situations that remind him just how “less than” he really is, despite his hunger for achievement and the need to be admired. It is his ironic lack of value that drives his lust for being valued by others. – Amadeus (play Peter Shaffer, 1980; screenplay Peter Shaffer, 1984) – Protagonist: Antonio Salieri (F. Murray Abraham) – Moral Blind Spot: Salieri feels he is lacking talent, real genius—he’s ordinary. – Immoral Effect: Salieri cannot tolerate anyone excelling at his expense, so he must destroy them. – Blind Spot-Immoral Effect Connection: Because Salieri is driven by a core fear that he is mediocre (i.e., ordinary), when faced with real genius in the form of Mozart he obsessively drives Mozart toward his own ideal of perfection—and Mozart’s doom. – “Of Mice and Men (novel John Steinbeck, 1937; screenplay Horton Foot, 1992) – Protagonist: George Milton – Moral Blind Spot: George fears he will be obliterated by the world if he lets down his guard. – Immoral Effect: He must compulsively protect Lennie from the world, or else it may destroy him—Lennie being a metaphor for himself. – Blind Spot-Immoral Effect Connection: Even while he resents his role as protector, he so completely identifies with Lennie’s vulnerability to the world at large that he dooms both of them to a tragic end, when he is forced by his fear of the world to “protect” Lennie in the ultimate way: taking Lennie out of the world that threatens to destroy them both. – The Verdict (novel Barry Reed, 1980; screenplay David Mamet, 1982) – Protagonist: Frank Galvin – Moral Blind Spot: Frank is blind to the fact that he sees himself as valueless and not mattering. – Immoral Effect: He sees people as targets and easy prey for money; people don’t matter, they’re just a means to an end. – Blind Spot-Immoral Effect Connection: Frank takes advantage of people because they have no value to him, beyond what he can manipulate out of them, but he feels this about other people because he has no sense of worth about himself. He would not hurt other people if he found himself valuable; which is exactly what he does by the end of the story, reclaiming his own humanity.” – Excerpt From: Jeff Lyons. “Anatomy of a Premise Line: How to Master Premise and Story Development for Writing Success.” iBooks.
The performance of music involves the physical expression of musical material in a complex and multimodal process. Furthermore, musical performance involves a sense of 'flow', or immersion in the creative act, that can be better understood through a careful and holistic examination of data captured from this complex physical activity. Flow is especially relevant in improvisatory performance contexts where musicians must make real-time decisions about content and its expression. The project detailed in this paper involves the design and creation of a low-cost protocol for collecting simultaneous streams of data from improvising human musicians that are performing from a common score. The protocol records and synchronises audio recording with body-, facial- and physiological response tracking with a ground-truth annotation through the reported flow of a performer. This association yields a robust dataset that serves to capture the complex and multi-model process of making music 'in the flow'. This dataset can be a useful tool for a range of applications, such as creative AI practices, music generation in game engines, music information retrieval and humanisation of static systems—e.g. MIDI file playback and sound processing parameters. Human Data Interaction: Legibility, Agency, Negotiability Engineering and Physical Sciences Research CouncilFind out more...
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LIC Customer Login | LIC Portal Registration | LIC Customer Care Helpline Number | What Is LIC Toll Free Helpline Number LIC’s online services are a step toward providing the best services to LIC of India policyholders over the website. One can easily register on the LIC online site to gain access to and use their e-Services. From the convenience of your own home, you can access all the essential services through the web portal. Why waste time in big lines when you have such wonderful services? The LIC Online Login Process also saves a significant amount of time and money. Let’s have a look at the entire LIC login Process in this article, which will help you learn and practice the process without any issues. Table of Contents LIC Customer Login LIC has introduced several online services to satisfy the needs of its consumers. The ‘LIC Online Login Process,‘ which allows you to register for LIC online services, is one of the most important features. To connect to your account and get the information you need about your policy, all you must do is create a User ID and Password on the LIC online site. Every person with a LIC policy should use the company’s LIC Online Login Process, which is very straightforward and hassle-free. You don’t need to squander your time waiting in huge lines. You don’t need to phone them again and over when you can acquire the information you need by going to the LIC’s official website. Why Should You Use LIC’s Online Services? The Life Insurance Corporation of India’s online platform is useful to project that delivers on-demand service in only a few clicks. Many services that formerly required a visit to a branch office can now be accessed online. You don’t have to go to a branch office or wait in long lines to get your work done with these services. You will also receive several additional benefits as well as information about the organization and its rules. To begin, you must first create an account on the LIC’s web portal. To use the Lic’s e-services, you must first register on the web portal. You can access the following online services by connecting to your account on the LIC’s web portal: - Policy Details - Policy status - Benefit illustration - Assignment and nominee Proposal and policy images - Online payment - Loan status - Complaint registration - Claim status - Premium related queries - Revival quotations - Policy conditions and other features Who Is Eligible to Use the LIC’s Online Services? All existing LIC policyholders in India can easily register for LIC’s online services without having to pay a single penny. In addition, LIC has a fantastic feature that allows the insured person to register his or her spouse and children. Individual registration can be done with one’s spouse and children, which eliminates the inconvenience of registering on the website separately. Individuals will, however, be limited to registering for insurance that they have purchased in their own name or in the name of their minor children. If the children reach the age of 18, they will need to create individual user IDs in order to continue using the e-services of LIC policies that have been approved in their names. Couples who are married can use the same account to register their policies. Both the husband and wife can log in to the LIC site using their own User ID and Password. New User Registration for LIC The steps to login and register as a new user to check your policy status online are outlined below: LIC Customer Login Procedure for Online Premium Payment [Registered Users] Premium Collection Channels and Modes at LIC |LIC’s Website Payment Modes |Easy Bill pay |Premium Point agents |Retired LIC employee collection We hope that the previous explanation of the Lic online premium payment process with the aforementioned stages by enrolling online was helpful. Let’s have a look at how you can make payments without registering. LIC Customer Login Process for Online Premium Payment [Non-Registered Users] LIC Customer Login Procedure (In Case of Forgotten Password) Because we have so many things to remember in our daily lives, forgetting our LIC account User ID and password is a regular occurrence. However, this does not imply that logging into the LIC website will be difficult. The procedure for retrieving the LIC account’s username and password is simple and painless. How Do I Register My Spouse/Child in LIC Online? - Log in to your LIC account using the ‘User ID’ and ‘Password’ you created. - Select the ‘Spouse Policies’ or ‘Child Policies’ area that you want to add. - Fill in the details with information such as your date of birth, policy number, and so on. - Select the ‘Submit’ option, which will add and register your spouse or child in the same account as you. - From the ‘Profile Management’ menu, confirm and check the registered spouse/child details. *Note: The ‘Policy Number’ and ‘Date of Birth’ should be identical to the registered policy number and date of birth. LIC Customer Login Procedure (In Case of Forgotten User ID) Helpline for LIC SMS If you are unable to leave your home for any reason and are unable to attend the local LIC office, send an SMS to the LIC hotline number. There are two numbers on which you can send the message: 56767877 and 9222492224. in the format specified below LICHELP<Insurance Policy Number> to 9222492224 or 56767877
PAN Card Delivery Status | PAN Card Speed Post Consignment No | Track Via Pan Number | Track PAN Card Delivery Status After the applicants have successfully applied for the PAN card then the next step to undertake is to check the delivery status of the PAN card issued by the concerned authorities of the Income Tax Department. All of the applicants can apply for the PAN card by using the official website of NSDL and you will also be able to check your delivery status by using the official website of NSDL. You can also check the status of your PAN card by taking into consideration the official website of Indian post and given below we are sharing all of the information related to the PAN Card Delivery Status. You can also check the procedure of Track Via Pan Number, Speed Post Consignment No Table of Contents PAN Card Delivery Status PAN card is one of the most important documents that is required by the residents of India. A PAN card is a very important document for doing business or any kind of financial activity in India. It is used in income tax and other finance-related procedures. It usually takes 15 days for the Indian Income Tax officials to process the application of the PAN card. In these 15 days. The applicants will be able to easily check out the status of their PAN card. There are a lot of procedures through which you will be able to track the PAN Card Delivery Status. Most of the information related to the PAN card can be taken into consideration by using the NSDL official authorities and you can also take into consideration the official website of India Post. India Post has allowed tracking numbers in various formats so that a person can know the type of service based on the number itself. The speed post tracking format is as follows:- |India Post Service |Tracking Number Format |No. of Digits |Speed Post (EMS) Domestic |International EMS Articles to be delivered in India |Electronic Money Order (eMO) |Express Parcel Post Track PAN Card Delivery Status There is a very easy procedure through which you will be able to track the PAN Card Delivery Status and given below we are specifying each one of the procedures:- Through Speed Post - If you want to check the PAN card delivery status through the Speed Post Official Website then you will first have to click on the link given here - The home page will display on your screen where you will have to enter the consignment number. - Enter the captcha code and click on search. - The application status of your pan card will display on your screen. Through UTIITSL Portal - You will first have to visit the official website of UTI Infrastructure Technology and Services Limited if you want to check the status of PAN card delivery. - The home page will display on your screen where you will have to enter the application coupon number or your PAN number - Enter your date of birth or any other details mentioned on the web page. - Enter the captcha code and click on submit to check your application status. - Go to the official website of NSDL in order to check your PAN card status. - The home page will be displayed on your screen where you will have to select your application type - Enter your acknowledgment number and captcha code. - Click on submit and status will be displayed on your screen. Through Name And DOB - You will first have to visit the official website of NSDL by clicking on the link given here and the home page will open on your screen. - You will have to select your acknowledgment type. - Now, tick mark the option called name and enter all of the specifications related to your name. - Enter the details related to your date of birth and click on submit. - Your application status will be displayed on your screen. - 1800 222 990 It normally takes up to 20 business days in order to issue a pan card of the successful submission of the PAN card application by the applicants. The applicants will have to visit the official website of NSDL PAN to apply for the correction of change in the PAN card in order to change their PAN card delivery address. If you want to get an electronic PAN card then you will have to pay Rupees 66. The PAN card usually takes 15-20 working days to get delivered to your address after the application has been submitted which includes the time of dispatch of your PAN card as well. You can track the status of your PAN using the acknowledgment number. All of the applicants can file a complaint by using the customer service representative present at the official website of NSDL.
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FINANCE EA DAILY BUSINESS NEW SUMMARY Equity Group arm to build Kigali Financial Towers in $100m investment EH is the investment arm of the Nairobi-headquartered regional lender. The towers are some of the buildings of the Kigali International Financial Centre (KIFC) to host key financial institutions in the country including global investment banks that Rwanda is targeting to attract…The EastAfrican Tanzania, Kenya face off over maize amid shortage, soaring prices The maize shortage in the country has seen flour prices rise from $1.40 to about $2 for a two-kilogramme packet within a week, as millers slashed production by half…The EastAfrican US rate hike inflicts pain on Kenyan investors, firms Aggressive interest rate rises by major central banks in the developed world are causing pain to Kenya’s businesses, households and investors through costly loans, losses at the Nairobi bourse and weakened shilling. The market outlook turned gloomier this week after the Bank of England and the Swiss National Bank followed the US Federal Reserve in pushing up interest rates to tackle soaring inflation. In the UK, the Bank of England raised rates for the fifth consecutive time while the Fed delivered its first 0.75 percentage point rate rise since 1994, with the aftermath echoing thousands of miles in emerging economies such as Kenya. Experts say the rate hikes in the developed world are encouraging capital flight from developing economies, raising the rates on sovereign debt and destabilizing their currencies…BusinessDaily Ex-NBK boss loses Sh1bn fraud suit against CMA A court has ruled against former National Bank of Kenya chief finance officer Chris Kisire in a suit where he accused the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) of breaching his rights in a fraud probe that is estimated to have cost the lender close to Sh1 billion. In the case, Mr Kisire also sought the court to overturn a Sh1 million fine and the ban from holding office in listed companies for three years for cooking of books and Sh1 billion fraud allegations. He wanted the court to declare that the regulator violated his right to a fair trial for issuing him with a “notice to show cause” in March 2015 without furnishing him with sufficient details of the allegations….BusinessDaily KenGen to ship in electric cars after installing charging station Catherine Nyambala, an engineer at KenGen, said the power producer will in the coming days ship in electric cars to test the station and help with data that is key to boosting policy legislation for e-mobility. The revelation comes barely a month after Kenya rolled out the first electric bus as the shift to e-mobility gathers pace…BusinessDaily
Choosing windows for your home can be one of the most challenging aspects of your remodeling project. Windows are an important aspect of your home. It contributes to the look and functionality of your living space. So, when it comes to replacing windows, you want to do it right! There are so many different options available that it can be hard to know where to start. If you start with your budget and desired look, you can narrow it down from there. Read on to learn more about the many types of windows out there. Different Types of Windows to Enhance Your Home When considering potential windows for your home remodel, there are many options available. Windows come in a variety of different window styles, which are suited to various purposes. Following are the several types of windows, each with its own appeal. 1. Casement Windows Casement windows are a popular option for both new and existing homes. They feature a single panel hinged at the side which swings outward and is often operated with cranks. This type of window offers excellent ventilation and insulation. It also provides an unobstructed view of the outdoors while still protecting the home from inclement weather. Homeowners should consider their personal preferences when deciding on a style of casement windows. Single-hung, double-hung, and canopy styles are all available in a variety of shapes and sizes. Additionally, casement windows can come with optional features such as interior/exterior finishes and impact resistance. Also, a selection of hardware including knobs, cranks, and latches. No matter the style or features, casement windows provide beauty, security, and durability. 2. Awning Windows Awning windows are an excellent choice for those looking to add natural light and air circulation to their home. Awning windows provide several practical benefits, such as noise reduction and improved insulation. They often open easily and tilt outward from one side or the other, or a combination of both. They can be great for controlling energy efficiency, as well as providing ventilation. Awning windows come in an array of different styles. This includes traditional wooden frames, contemporary vinyl frames, and even custom-built frames. They can also be easily incorporated into more traditional interiors and modern exteriors. Additionally, they are relatively affordable, making them ideal for those who want to upgrade their home aesthetic, but stay within budget. 3. Floor-to-Ceiling Windows Floor-to-ceiling windows are an elegant and eye-catching way to bring light, air, and a beautiful view into your home. They generally cover an entire wall and run from the floor to the ceiling. These tall windows can be almost any shape, including square, rectangular, or arched. These windows are most often seen in sunrooms and living rooms. They can be single, double, or even triple-panned. They are especially popular in contemporary homes and are a great way to bring in natural light without sacrificing privacy. When considering floor-to-ceiling windows for your home, be sure to also consider the best treatments for large windows. This ensures that you have enough space for the size and placement of the window itself. 4. Horizontal Sliding Windows Horizontal sliding windows are a great option to consider for your home. They provide a large opening to allow lots of natural light into your space and the interior of your home. Additionally, they are extremely efficient and airtight which makes them great for both heating and cooling your home. Horizontal sliding windows create a slim, unobtrusive profile which can help to modernize and freshen the look of your room. They come in a variety of frame material designs, ranging from aluminum to vinyl. This can help match the look of your home. Installation is relatively straightforward and cost-effective, making them a great choice for your home’s windows. For superior energy efficiency, airtightness, and modern design, this window is an excellent choice for your home. 5. Glass Block Windows Glass block windows are a great choice for homeowners who need window strength, privacy, and a unique style. There are several glass block window types to consider for your home. Straight-framed glass block windows feature tightly bonded glass panel frames. They are typically the most basic choice for homeowners. Vented glass block windows are perfect for keeping bathrooms and other rooms well-ventilated. Sealed glass block systems feature small ventilation pockets to ensure a tight seal. Half-height glass blocks allow natural light to enter while also providing a level of privacy due to their shorter height. Patterned glass blocks have a decorative look to them and come in a variety of patterns. Framed glass blocks are a more complex option as they feature different frames and glass textures and come in many different shapes. Whichever type of glass block window you choose, you can be sure that you’ll have a durable and attractive addition to your home. 6. Round Circle Windows Round circle windows are truly unique. They feature a beautiful center-oriented design, creating a stunning focal point in any home. Round circle windows are available in various materials. This includes wood, aluminum, fiberglass, and vinyl, so you can customize your window to fit any home aesthetic. Also, round circle windows come with diverse glazing options, like laminated and tinted glass. You can find one that fits your specific needs. Furthermore, their round shape will bring more natural light into your home, making it more welcoming and brighter. Because of their many attractive features, round circle windows are a great choice for home improvement projects. Things to Consider When Choosing the Right Window Type Windows can provide beautiful accents to your home and make an eye-catching statement. Consider the material, style, and size of windows to fit your home’s design, climate needs, and practicality. Location is also important; if your window is facing a lot of sunlight, you may want to install low-E windows to protect your home from the sun’s heat. Before making a decision, be sure to research different types of windows to determine the most suitable style for your home. Call a qualified installer today to get the perfect window for your space. Did this article help you? If so, take a look at some of our other blog posts for more informative reads.
Poker online is a great way to play the game you love at the convenience of your own home. The best online poker sites have a variety of games available to players of all skill levels and abilities. These sites allow you to play poker for real money or for free, and are perfect for beginners. You can use your computer, tablet or phone to access online poker tables. Some of these sites also offer mobile apps, so you can play from anywhere, anytime. Many sites also have special promotions and bonuses that can increase your bankroll and your enjoyment of the game. The key is to read the terms and conditions carefully before depositing any money. You might need to meet wagering requirements or earn points before claiming bonuses. There are also poker-specific websites that provide training programs and strategies to help you become an even better player. Often, these are run by professional poker players who can teach you everything from basic strategy to advanced techniques. Some of these sites also offer free lessons that you can practice on your own. The more you learn, the faster you’ll be able to improve your skills and win at the poker tables. While playing poker, you’ll be challenged to make a lot of decisions and think quickly about your actions. This helps to train your brain and improves your critical thinking skills. It also trains your problem-solving skills and develops your attention span. The ability to focus and concentrate on the task at hand is a valuable life skill that you can apply to just about anything. It’s an important skill for business people, teachers, students and anyone who needs to be able to focus their attention on a specific task. You’ll find that the most successful poker players are disciplined and can control their emotions. They don’t act out of emotion when they’re tempted by a strong hand, and they don’t take risks without doing any calculations. They are also courteous and thoughtful of other players, which is a skill that will come in handy throughout their lives. Poker online can be a fun and exciting way to meet new people from all walks of life. It also helps to develop social skills and turbocharge your ability to communicate with others. If you’re looking for a fun and challenging way to spend your spare time, poker is the perfect game for you! The online poker industry is booming, and there are so many different websites to choose from. Some of them are based on traditional games, while others have unique rules and specialized events. It’s worth a little research to find out which sites are the best for your tastes and preferences. Most of the top poker websites have a simple navigation system that splits cash games, tournaments and Sit & Go’s into separate categories. This means that you can easily find a table of the right level for your skills.
“If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever” – Thomas Aquinas With the market indices at all-time highs (the Sensex touched 40000 and the Nifty touched 12000 on 23rd May 2019, post the election results), it will be pertinent to congratulate those retail investors who have benefited from it. They have benefited because they have stayed invested through the bad year that 2018 was, and therefore benefited from this run up in 2019. Such investors are in a minority today. Most investors either have never considered equity due to fear and lack of awareness or keep their investment to the minimum because they do not want to take the “risk”. By staying away from equities, they avoid a “risky” investment and invest their hard-earned money into other “safe” investments – bank fixed deposits, corporate bonds, gold, real estate. But, is this really less risky? What investors fear in equity is the volatility that is associated with it. By investing in less-risky avenues, one is avoiding this volatility. When one looks at risk in this way, defined as “volatility”, then yes, equities are riskier. But, as an investor, the actual risk that you should be worried about is not achieving your financial goals. After all, of what use is the avoidance of volatility risk in the short term, if one is unable to meet one’s financial requirements in the long term? If you are investing a sum of money without a particular goal and time-frame in mind, then you are making 2 mistakes with your money. - One, you are not setting any expectation from your investment and therefore cannot review its performance over the right periodicity, and take appropriate course corrections. - Two, you will unnecessarily track the movement of your investment frequently and get impacted by the volatility, and since you don’t have a goal or a target in mind, you will move to take hasty short-term decisions with that investment, maybe at a loss. To understand this better, let us look at two commonly occurring scenarios - A invested Rs 500000 in shares on the advice of his good friend at work, who traded frequently and hence was “knowledgeable”. His friend said that markets are doing very well and if he invests now, he can get a good return in a short time. Instead, 4 months after he invested, the market saw a steep correction and A saw his capital come down to Rs 400000. Not wanting to lose further, A sold the shares at a loss, in 6 months. - B bought a second house in an upcoming suburb and took a home loan of Rs 80 lakh for this purpose. He bought this house because the suburb was slated to be close to the new airport and as per everybody he talked to, the area was slated to explode in a few years. Unfortunately, the house took 3 more years than planned to get possession, and the location still hasn’t developed to that extent, and hence isn’t yielding a decent rental. B still has nearly another 10 years to repay of the loan, and the outstanding loan is more than Rs 60 lakhs. Do these sound familiar? So, what went wrong? In both these cases, the investment was neither planned, nor reviewed, with an underlying purpose. And hence, while the vehicles (shares, house in suburbs) themselves may not have been poor investments, wrong actions were taken (sell shares early, hold on to the property too long). The first step in investing is to identify what is the goal one is investing for, and what is the time horizon that one is investing for this financial goal. Once one has identified the goal and the time horizon, then the logical next step is to identify the correct asset class (or mix of asset classes) that one should invest in, in order to achieve the financial goal in the most efficient manner. This should, of course, be done while keeping in mind one’s risk appetite, but years of investing as well as observing investors, leads me to say that risk appetite is not something that is static – this evolves over time, through one’s experiences as well as knowledge. Once one looks at the investing process in this fashion, volatility as a risk is something that gets taken accounted for while taking the investing decisions. And hence is not something that as an investor should worry you, since you have planned for it. In order to achieve one’s financial goals, it is important that your investments not only grow at the right pace, to create adequate wealth to meet your goals, they should also be in the right asset classes so that you have the money when you need it. By investing in so-called “less-risky” avenues, one is putting a sort of ceiling on the returns one can earn, by sacrificing them at the altar of short-term volatility. In addition, one is actually exposed to both liquidity as well as inflation risks. By not taking “risks”, one ends up encountering the biggest risk of them all – not having enough money when one needs it, and in the right form so that one can access it easily without any trouble. So, do yourself a favor and look in the mirror and ask yourself this – do you know what goals your investments are helping build wealth towards? And how many of your investments are actually helping you create wealth that is both, beating inflation and helping you meet your goals? Finwise is a personal finance solutions firm that helps individuals and families plan for their financial goals, follow their passions and achieve financial independence. To receive our articles through email, pl enter your email ID here and submit on “subscribe”. For consultations, please reach us at [email protected] or +91 9870702277/9820818007. Image by Gino Crescoli from Pixabay
Sunday night I made it to a fire in the 18th Battalion on Chicago’s westside at 1521 S Kilbourn. Engine 38 arrived to find a 2.5 sty ordinary vacant building completely boarded up with fire on all floors. Companies had forcible entry issues with steel bars behind the boarded up doors. Once the crews finally made entry, they encountered heavy fire and could not make a push. Battalion 18 ordered companies to go defensive and pulled a box. Both Engine 38 and Engine 113 (First companies) had frozen hydrants on Kilbourn. Engine 99 (3rd due) found a good hydrant a block to the East and fed Engine 38. Engine 95 came up the rear in the alley and deck gunned it. 95’s hydrant guy used 200′ of 4″ and broke down a fence and stretched to a midblock hydrant on Kenneth. Full gallery is on our site. More at Chicagoareafire.com
It’s fair to say that the coronavirus has plunged many businesses into chaos this year. From restaurants horticulture, storage to travel, business owners have been left surveying the damage, consolidating their assets, and reassessing their 2020 forecasts. Amid self-isolation and social distancing, hand sanitising and furloughing, we all need a break. It would be wonderful to get away from it all, if only for a weekend, yet as could probably be predicted, people across the UK are very dubious about travel. Staycations look set to be the norm for many people in 2020. You only need to look at the statistics to discover this. After Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, gave the greenlight to domestic travel at the end of June, one staycation was booked every 11 seconds! With such strong competition, how do you catch holiday-makers attention and maximise the earnings on your buy-to-let property investment? By following these five tips. Attract Attention with Great Marketing As the old saying goes, a picture tells a thousand words. Homely, warm, and welcoming pictures of your holiday let investment property, in HD, is a great way to attract and hold the attention of holiday makers. Pictures should demonstrate the ambiance of the property, what it feels like to stay there, not just ‘this is the bedroom, this is the kitchen, this is the lounge’ – that won’t inspire anyone! How do you do this? Think about how and where you take pictures. Put yourself in the shoes of guests, what do they look for in a holiday let? What aspects of your property must you absolutely show off! Do this and you’ll have their attention. However, images are just one aspect of the marketing. There’s also how you write about your holiday let. You want to beat the competition and get loads of enquiries, paint a picture of what it’s like to stay there. Can guests enjoy a lovely evening relaxing by an open fire with a mug of hot chocolate? Tell them. Are they able to enjoy the picturesque scenery, walking along the rolling hills that surround your holiday let? Tell them. Be Competitive with Your Pricing Most of us have a budget when we go on holiday. Often the price of the holiday is the decision clincher. If your accommodation is simply too expensive, guests will stay elsewhere. Too cheap and guests may wonder what’s the catch? Getting your pricing right is paramount. You need to set price points that allow your business to gather the required revenue it needs to keep going, but not too much that you price guests out of the market. If you don’t know what to charge guests, look at how expensive your competitor’s prices are. This will differ depending on where in the UK your holiday let is. The Peak District is often quoted as taking the top spot for the highest earning region for holiday lets in the UK. North Wales is a similarly good earning location for holiday lets. You will also need to consider the standard of your accommodation and how close your holiday let is to local attractions and amenities. If guests can take advantage of a plethora of fun activities, like building sand castles on the beach, cycling in lush forests or great eateries, you can probably bump up your prices somewhat. If there’s not a whole lot to do but enjoy the peace and tranquillity, your prices should probably reflect this. Heating your holiday let can be a large part of your expense. A wood Burning Stove can bring savings in cost of gas and electricity while enhancing the ambiance. Offer Sumptuous Accommodation You want your holiday let to create an environment that guests don’t want to leave. A big part of this is furnishing the property to the highest standard. Cosy rooms, comfortable settees, luxurious beds that offer guests the best nights’ sleep they’ve had in years and a kitchen with all the appliances and utensils guest’s need to rustle up scrumptious meals all contribute to accommodation that guests will praise to the high hills. Remember that when booking a holiday let, guests are looking for that ‘home away from home’. Accommodation is a big part of this. After all, no one wants to stay in a holiday let with door brackets that fall off the hinges, icy showers, or dirty bedding! If your holiday let is near the Cornish coat, it’s wise to invest in décor that reflects the environment. Light, breezy rooms and simple furniture and furnishings will work wonders. If your holiday let is in the Scottish Highlands, traditional furniture with a rich colour palette that’s study and comfy is probably the best way to go. Wood flooring and double poster beds will also add a sense of rustic splendour to rooms. If you really want to cultivate that homely ambiance, you can’t beat a wood burning stove. Perfect for nestling next to with a warm mug of coco on a cold evening, they offer not only a focal point to the room, but a focal point of the whole holiday experience. Cultivate that Year-Round Appeal Having a steady flow of bookings is key to owning a successful staycation holiday let property. And this is something that everyone can achieve – even in these trying economic times! You need to make sure that, wherever possible, your holiday let has something for everyone, even people who holiday during off-peak times. You can earn a pretty penny even in the winter because many people like to take short breaks to recharge the batteries in the colder seasons. With sufficient financial flexibility, you could change the furnishings in the winter. Simple chairs and couches could be replaced with luxurious lounging Chesterfield sofas. Soft furnishings rich in winter colours could replace lighter, summer tones, you could even install a hot tub or fire up that wood burning stove! Now, we’re not telling you to make wholesale changes as the seasons do but think about this: holiday makers are attracted to accommodation with seasonal ambiance. It’s all part of creating that ‘home away from home’ ambiance. Add Those Important Touches As all holiday-let property owners know, today customers aren’t shy about voicing their opinions after their stay. Websites like Booking.com and Expedia score holiday homes based on customer experiences. Properties with good reputations are often inundated with booking requests, for obvious reasons! So, how can you ensure maximise booking requests? Well, one easy way to do it is to add those personal touches. It may not sound like much but having a piping hot shower, iron that glides along fabric, straightening clothes with ease, fast fibre internet, decent coffee maker, even selection of games for a family to enjoy should torrential rain stop them from exploring outside can make all the difference. Remember that when holiday makers are searching for a staycation property to let, most websites give them the option of search filters. If you’re property doesn’t have sufficient sockets to charge devices, a microwave oven, integrated washer and dryer or wood burning stove you’re risking losing potential bookings. Even in these difficult times, if you maximise what your holiday let investment property can offer, you’ll maximise your chances of being fully booked all year round. Follow these five simple tips and you’ll surely offer potential guests exactly what they’re looking for when choosing their next staycation.
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TICKETY BOO FINANCE Professional Business Finance *The tax relief shown is for illustration purposes only. Please contact us to discuss how tax relief can work for you or alternatively your accountant will be able to clarify matters for you. Please note there is a documentation fee due with your first lease payment.
One of our greatest strength that keeps us ahead of our competitors is having a global brand where we can arrange a property transaction with ease from our operations both in Nigeria and the UK. Read More… First Choice aims to provide our clients with an unrivaled and professional service to the highest standard, as expected from one of Nigeria and UKs leading independent residential property specialists. In 1991 Our first office opened its door in the UK with further opening our Nigeria Office. Since then First Choice Estates has built a formidable reputation for selling and renting good quality properties. 5th Floor Cocoa House, Dugbe, Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria. +2347049249272 175, Ogudu City mall, Ogudu Road. +2349020509122 First Choice Lettings 52 Railway Street Chelmsford Essex CM1 1QS. +44125345800
Police in Kano have declared their preparedness to quell any disturbances that may arise following tomorrow’s Supreme Court judgement in the appeal filed by Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf of New Nigerian Peoples Party against his sacking by the Appeal Court. The police have assured residents of their safety before, during, and after the Supreme Court judgement on the governorship elections. State Commissioner of Police, Hussaini Gumel, gave the assurance during interactive sessions with journalists in his office in Kano on Thursday. Gumel stated that the command has implemented security measures to allow residents to carry on with their legitimate businesses without threats to lives and property. He said, “We have mobilised sufficient armed personnel to provide security at all flashpoints, including political party offices, the State Government House, INEC HQ, banks and commercial areas, mosques, churches, recreation centres and motor parks before, during and after the judgement. “I am giving 100 per cent assurance to all law-abiding residents of the state to go about freely with their daily activities without threat to lives and property.” He said armed security personnel would be in all identified strategic locations to ensure that they embark on surveillance duties and provision of physical security during and after the Supreme Court judgement.
Integrated Functional Fitness The fitness professionals' framework to succeed in the 21st century. "Integrated Functional Fitness is the holistic and collaborative coaching practice that aims to improve the physical performance, physiological function, and the emotional state of our athletes as we coach them towards achieving their goals." Integrated Functional Fitness is based on these seven pillars 1 - Align Goals How much time should you take in your initial assessment of a new client? What clues should you probe for? How do you interpret the results? How do you decipher their goal into a well-thought-out process? 2 - Coach Habits Habits are subconscious, and yet we learn and establish them consciously. What habits will make up their growth and development process? How can their habits be coached in and coached out? What does the habit coaching process look like? 3 - Coach Foundational Movements And Variability We were born with a pre-programmed set of foundational movements but as we grew up we forgot them, and became more rigid and fragile. So, what are the foundational movements and how to teach them? Training variability is essential to nurture resilience, health and performance. Do your clients squat at home the way they squat in the gym? 4 - Coach Intentional Movement We move habitually or intentionally. Your goal is to coach people to move well intentionally so their mind and body learn how to move well habitually. How do I teach intentional movement? 5 - Progress Holistically We must look beyond loading parameters when thinking of progressing a client. Does the efficacy of their recovery habits allow progression? 6 - Coach Recovery For how long should a person sleep? How can I coach my client to ensure adequate recovery? What makes a comprehensive recovery program? How does breathing impact stress and vice versa? How should we breathe when recovering, training and throughout the day? 7 - Build An Integrated Practice Can we know it all? Can we become experts in all our clients' need? We are coaches and movement specialists that can help our clients attain a tremendous array of goals. Our client's journey on the path leading to their goals is not entirely known, and in order to adequately support them we have to reach out and collaborate with nutrition specialists, doctors, therapists and other healthcare professionals. Integrated healthcare is the path forward and so, we must support and accelerate its spread and evolution.
Pulsar Helion Xq50f Thermal Scope In a world where night vision technology has become accessible to elite forces, thermal scopes are emerging as the critical advancement for shooters everywhere. Despite the multitude of options saturating the market, discerning the best thermal scopes can be as difficult as making a mark in pitch darkness. This guide seeks to illuminate the top picks spanning various categories, exhibiting the peak of thermal imaging for varied shooting enthusiasts. Whether for seasoned marksmen to budget-conscious beginners, our selection exceeds mere price tags, zeroing in instead on unmatched performance and quality. Explore this comprehensive exploration of thermal scopes, where cutting-edge technology meets practicality, and learn how the priciest options might change your shooting experience. Keep reading to unveil a world where all shots is as clear as day, even in in the dead of night. Pulsar Helion Xq50f Thermal Scope. An Introduction to Thermal Scopes The history of thermal scopes dates back to the 20th century at the height of the Cold War. They were initially designed for military use the devices were created to recognize heat signatures providing an important advantage in low-visibility environments. In the past technological advances have enabled thermal scopes to become more easily accessible and versatile, leading to their wide-spread use today. Thermal scopes are vital in the modern world. Pulsar Helion Xq50f Thermal Scope They offer a unique perspective that the human eye cannot provide which allows us to see heat radiating from objects, animals, or even people. This is particularly beneficial when hunting, as finding game in low-light conditions can be challenging. But the benefits of thermal scopes extend beyond hunting. They also identify heat leaks when conducting search and rescue activities, wildlife observation and home inspections. Understanding Thermal Scopes So, how do thermal scopes function? They are at the heart of their operation. scopes detect infrared radiation which every object emits. The radiation is then transformed into an electronic signal which is processed to produce an image of thermal radiation. The image appears in different colors, with different colors representing different temperatures. Several thermal scopes are available on the marketplace, each having unique features and specifications. Certain models are specifically designed for certain applications, such as hunting, or for home inspections whereas others are more versatile. Be aware of factors such as resolution and detection range, as well as refresh rate and battery life when selecting a thermal scope. The Best Thermal Scopes for Your Money If you’re looking to find top-quality thermal scopes that offer an excellent value for money, here are a few options: AGM Global Vision Adder Known for its high-resolution imaging and long detection range this scope is popular among wildlife enthusiasts and hunters. AGM Global Vision Rattler and Varmint These scopes have excellent image quality and a large area of vision, making them ideal for hunting and surveillance. Pulsar Thermion 2 XQ35 PRO This scope stands out for its built-in streaming and video recording capabilities as well as its high-resolution display. Bering Optics Hogster Vibe A compact and light scope with a high refresh rate, perfect for fast-moving targets. InfiRay Bolt TH50C This scope comes with a large resolution and a range of color palettes, allowing flexibility in different conditions. ATN ThOR LT 2X-4X 320 A broad scope that can be customized with Reticles as well as a sturdy design that is suitable for all outdoor adventures. Here’s a quick look at these scopes, based on their primary attributes: |AGM Global Vision Adder |AGM Global Vision Rattler and Varmint |Pulsar Thermion 2 XQ35 PRO |Bering Optics Hogster Vibe |InfiRay Bolt TH50C |ATN ThOR LT 320 2X-4X Best Thermal Scopes for Hunting For those who love the excitement of hunting, a thermal scope can be your best companion. Pulsar Helion Xq50f Thermal Scope. It can turn the night hunt into a thrilling adventure, providing an unobstructed view of your game, regardless of the lighting conditions. Let’s look into the top thermal scopes to hunt with: InfiRay Outdoor RICO HD RS75 This thermal scope is a hunter’s delight. It has a high-resolution display with the highest quality of details even in complete darkness. The wide field of vision is a feature that hunters appreciate, as it permits spotting game in a variety of environments, whether in the open or thick forests. The RS75 also has a detection range of up to 2000 meters, making it ideal for hunting in long distances. ATN CORP Xtreme Definition ThOR 5 XD This scope thermal is famous for its wide detection range, a crucial factor when hunting. The customizable reticles add to its appeal, allowing hunters to pick the one that best fits their preferences for hunting. The ThOR 5 XD also comes with a high-resolution sensor as well as an ultra-sensitive next-gen sensor, ensuring you never miss a single detail. The Trijicon IR Hunter is a robust thermal scope designed to withstand the toughest conditions. Its high-resolution images provide excellent performance in all conditions, whether looking for game in fog early in the morning or the late night darkness. The IR-HUNTER also has the Enhanced Target Recognition (ETR) system to ensure that your game stands out from the background. Other Features of Thermal Scopes The modern thermal scope is more than just heat-detecting devices. They come packed with additional features that enhance their functionality and user experience. Here’s a list of them: - Wireless video recording/broadcasting capabilities: Imagine being able to record your hunting adventures and share them with your friends and family. Many thermal scopes now offer this feature, allowing you to capture and broadcast your thermal imaging adventures. - Sound recording capabilities Some thermal scopes take the recording feature further by including built-in microphones. This lets you record audio along with the video, bringing an additional dimension to your hunt. - Customizable Reticles: This feature lets you to choose between a variety of reticle designs, ensuring you have the most effective aiming point for your goal. - WiFi/Bluetooth capabilities: These features facilitate streaming and sharing of images and videos. You can share your hunt on social media or stream video footage on your mobile devices. - Different color palettes: Thermal scopes provide a variety of ways to present the thermal data. This makes it easier to interpret the images more clearly and pinpoint your targets. - Electronic compasses can help you navigate your surroundings more effectively and ensure that you don’t lose your way during your hunts. Where to Purchase and What to Expect When you are looking to purchase a thermal scope it is crucial to choose a reputable retailer. This will ensure that you receive a genuine product and can avail after-sales assistance. Some of the top retailers are Amazon, OpticsPlanet, and Cabela’s. When buying a thermal scope, also take into consideration the warranty and after-sales service. These are crucial in the event that you have any issues regarding your scope. Most manufacturers offer a guarantee that covers the possibility of defects in materials and workmanship. Pulsar Helion Xq50f Thermal Scope. Maintenance and Care for Thermal Scopes The proper care for your thermal scope is vital to ensure its long-term durability. Here are some helpful tips: - Keep the lens clean: Use an absorbent cloth or a lens cleaner to remove smudges and dust. A clean lens ensures clear images. - Storage: When you are not using it put your scope away in a dry, cool space out of direct sunlight. This will protect the delicate electronics within the scope. - Handle with care Be careful not to drop or bump your scope, which could damage the delicate internal components. Always handle your thermal scope with attention. Here’s a quick guideline to keep your thermal scope in good condition: - Clean the lens regularly. - Store in a cool, dry place. - Do not expose yourself to extreme humidity or temperatures. - Take care when handling to avoid physical harm. - Check regularly for updates to your software. By following these tips by following these tips, you can ensure that your thermal scope remains in top condition and continues to provide high-quality thermal imaging for years. User Testimonials and Case Studies Nothing is more satisfying than listening to real-world experiences from users to learn how thermal scopes perform in the field. From experienced hunters to professionals who inspect homes thermal scopes have proven invaluable in a variety of situations. Let’s take a look at some testimonials and use cases: “As a hunter, I’ve discovered my thermal scope to be an absolute game changer. The ability to spot games in low-light conditions has never been easier. The high-resolution images and the customizable AGM Global Vision Adder reticles have significantly improved my hunting experience.” – John, an avid hunter. “I utilize my thermal scope for home inspections. It’s amazing how it is able to find heat leaks and insulation gaps that a naked eye would overlook. It’s a must-have tool for any serious home inspector.” ” – Sarah professional home inspector. These real-world experiences demonstrate the applications for thermal scopes in practical ways and show how they increase effectiveness and precision in a variety of fields. Legal and Ethical Considerations While thermal scopes have many advantages, knowing the legal and ethical considerations regarding their use is vital. In certain regions, the use of thermal scopes to hunt is subject to restrictions or prohibitions. Here are a few things to remember: - Always read local laws and regulations before using a thermal scope for hunting. - Respect the wildlife around you and use thermal scopes responsibly. - Remember, ethical hunting involves fair chase. Thermal scopes shouldn’t provide you with an unfair advantage over the game. The Future of Thermal Scopes: Trends for the Next 10 Years The world of thermal scopes continually changes, as technology pushes the boundaries of what is possible. Looking to the future, we are likely to see a variety of exciting trends: - Increased resolution: As technology advances, we can expect to see thermal scopes that have even greater resolution, providing clearer and more precise images. - Wider detection ranges: Future thermal scopes will likely be able detect heat signatures from even greater distances. Pulsar Helion Xq50f Thermal Scope. - Smaller and more compact design: As parts become smaller and more efficient thermal scopes will become smaller and lighter. - Integration with other technologies: We could see thermal scopes that integrate with GPS and Augmented Reality, which will provide enhanced functionality and user experience. Storage of Your Thermal Scopes Proper storage of the thermal scope is essential to ensuring its efficiency and longevity. Here are some suggestions to keep your scope in top shape: - Keep the scope in a dry, cool location. Extreme temperatures and humidity could cause damage to the delicate electronics within the scope. - Keep your scope clear of direct sunlight. Long exposure to sunlight could cause the colors of the display to fade. - Consider using a protective case. This can protect your scope from damage and dust and make it easier to carry around. Frequently Asked Questions Which thermal scope tops the list for performance? The best thermal scope varies according to the specific requirements and budget. A few of the top choices are Pulsar Thermion 2 LRF PRO, Zeiss DTI 3/35, and Trijicon IR-Hunter Which thermal scope offers greater image clarity? The thermal scope with the best image quality can vary, but top-end models from brands such as Pulsar, Trijicon, and Zeiss are usually praised for their image quality. What thermal ranges can be utilized by the US military? The US military utilizes a range of thermal scopes that are used for various applications. Brands like Trijicon as well as FLIR are well-known for supplying troops with equipment for thermal image. Are thermal scopes part of the equipment used by snipers from the military? Indeed, soldiers snipers do use thermal scopes. These scopes help them identify heat signatures, which is vital for identifying targets in low-visibility situations. . What’s the best thermal scope available for purchase? The “best” thermal scope to purchase is based on your individual needs, preferences and your budget. The top-rated models are those like the Sig Sauer ECHO3, ATN Thor LT 160 and Pulsar Thermion 2 XP50. Thermal scopes can be a useful tool with many applications. If you’re a hunter wanting to increase your game, a nature enthusiast who wants to be able to see animals in peace without disturbing them or even a homeowner who needs to find heat leaks, there’s a thermal scope to help you. Remember to consider factors like resolution, detection range, and other features when you choose the best thermal scope. Most important, I like the unique perspective that thermal imaging provides. It’s like looking at the world with a completely new lens! Pulsar Helion Xq50f Thermal Scope.
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