In 2006 Russell Brand exploded onto the international comedy scene. He has been named Time Out’s Comedian of the Year, Best Newcomer at the British Comedy Awards, and Most Stylish Man by GQ’s Men. His UK stand-up tour was sold out and his BBC Radio 6 show became a cult phenomenon, the second most popular podcast of the year. Before the fame, however, Russell’s life was anything but glamorous. His father left when he was three months old, he was bulimic at age 12, and began drinking heavily and taking drugs by age 16. He regularly visited prostitutes in Soho, began cutting himself, took drugs on stage during his stand-up shows, and even set himself on fire while on crack cocaine. In 2003 Russell was told that he would be in prison, a mental hospital, or dead within six months unless he went into rehab. He has now been clean for three years, and hasn’t looked back since. This is Russell’s amazing story.
CMQ/OE Exam 70 Questions with Verified Answers A-B-C analysis - CORRECT ANSWER A systematic collection and analysis of the behavior observed of an individual or a work group for the purpose of dete... rmining the cause of specific behaviors. acceptable quality limit (AQL) - CORRECT ANSWER The quality level that is the worst tolerable process average when a continuing series of lots is submitted for acceptance sampling. acceptance sampling - CORRECT ANSWER Inspection of a sample from a lot to decide whether to accept or not accept that lot. There are two types: attributes sampling and variables sampling. In attributes sampling, the presence or absence of a characteristic is noted in each of the units inspected. In variables sampling, the numerical magnitude of a characteristic is measured and recorded for each inspected unit; this involves reference to a continuous scale of some kind. acceptance sampling plan - CORRECT ANSWER Specific plan that indicates the sampling sizes and the associated acceptance or nonacceptance criteria to be used. In attributes sampling, for example, there are single, double, multiple, sequential, chain, and skip-lot sampling plans. In variables sampling, there are single, double, and sequential sampling plans. For detailed descriptions of these plans, see ANSI/ISO/ASQ A35342. accreditation - CORRECT ANSWER Certification, by a duly recognized body, of the facilities, capability, objectivity, competence, and integrity of an agency, service, or operational group or individual to provide the specific service or operation needed. For example, the Registrar Accreditation Board (U.S.) accredits those organizations that register companies to the ISO 9000 series standards. accuracy - CORRECT ANSWER A characteristic of measurement that addresses how lose observed value is to the true value. It answers the question, "Is it right?" ACSI - CORRECT ANSWER The American Customer Satisfaction Index is an economic indicator, a cross-industry measure of the satisfaction of U.S. customers with the quality of the goods and services available to them-both those goods and services produced within the United States and those provided as imports from foreign firms that have substantial market shares or dollar sales. action plan - CORRECT ANSWER The detailed plan to implement the actions needed to achieve strategic goals and objectives (similar to, but not as detailed as a project plan). active listening - CORRECT ANSWER Listening closely to what others are saying (for example, rather than what you think they're saying or what you want to say back to them). activity-based management - CORRECT ANSWER Managing with an accounting system (activity- based costing) that allocates costs to products based on resources employed to produce the product. ad hoc team - CORRECT ANSWER See temporary team ADDIE - CORRECT ANSWER An instructional design model (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). adult learning principles - CORRECT ANSWER Key principles of how adults learn that impact how education and training of adults should be designed. affinity diagram - CORRECT ANSWER A management and planning tool used to organize ideas into natural groupings in a way that stimulates new, creative ideas. Also known as the KJ method. agile approach - CORRECT ANSWER Means to change rapidly to meet changing customer and business direction. Also see lean approach. AIAG - CORRECT ANSWER Automotive Industry Action Group. alignment - CORRECT ANSWER Action taken to ensure that a process or activity allows traceability from an action level upward to support the organization's strategic goals and objectives. alliance - CORRECT ANSWER An alliance can be the first step toward a partnership. See partnership/alliance. alpha risk - CORRECT ANSWER Type 1 error; rejecting a process or lot when it is acceptable. Also see producer's risk. analogies - CORRECT ANSWER A technique used to generate new ideas by translating concepts from one application to another. analysis of variance (ANOVA) - CORRECT ANSWER A basic statistical technique for analyzing experimental data. It subdivides the total variation of a data set into meaningful component parts associated with specific sources of variation order to test a hypothesis on the parameters of the model or to estimate analytical thinking - CORRECT ANSWER Breaking down a problem or situation into discrete parts to understand how each part contributes to the whole. AND - CORRECT ANSWER activity network diagram. A management and planning tool used to diagram the sequential relationships of events or processes or deliverables. The critical path method (CPM) and the program evaluation review technique (PERT) are derived from the arrow diagram. andon board - CORRECT ANSWER A visual device (usually lights) displaying status alerts that can easily be seen by those who should respond. AOQ - CORRECT ANSWER Average outgoing quality. AOQL - CORRECT ANSWER Average outgoing quality limit. APICS - CORRECT ANSWER American Production and Inventory Control Society. appraisal cost - CORRECT ANSWER Costs incurred to determine the degree of conformance to quality requirements. AQL - CORRECT ANSWER See acceptable quality limit. AS9100 - CORRECT ANSWER An international quality management standard for the aeronautics industry embracing the ISO 9001 standard. ASME - CORRECT ANSWER American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ASQ - CORRECT ANSWER American Society for Quality, a society of individual and organizational members dedicated to the ongoing development, advancement, and promotion of quality concepts, principles, and technologies. assessment - CORRECT ANSWER An estimate or determination of the significance, importance, or value of something. ASTD - CORRECT ANSWER American Society for Training and Development. ASTM - CORRECT ANSWER American Society for Testing and Materials. attribute data - CORRECT ANSWER Does/does not exist data. The control charts based on attribute data include fraction defective chart, number of affected units chart, count chart, count-per-unit chart, quality score chart, and demerit chart. audit - CORRECT ANSWER A planned, independent, and documented assessment to determine whether agreed-on requirements are being met. Common types of audits are of the quality management system, processes, products, and services. When an audit is to check on conformance to a standard, specifications, contract terms, or regulations, it may be called a compliance audit. audit program - CORRECT ANSWER The organized structure, commitment, schedules, and documented methods used to plan and perform audits. audit scope - CORRECT ANSWER The depth or extent and boundaries within which the audit will be conducted. audit team - CORRECT ANSWER The group of trained individuals conducting an audit under the direction of a team leader, relevant to a particular system, product, process, service, contract, project, or standard. audit types - CORRECT ANSWER "Internal" or "first party" (organization being audited by itself), "external" or "second party" (an organization conducting an audit of a supplier, customer, or other company), and "external" or "third party" (audit conducted by a registrar or another party). auditee - CORRECT ANSWER The individual or organization being audited. auditor - CORRECT ANSWER An individual or organization carrying out an audit. autocratic management - CORRECT ANSWER Autocratic managers are concerned with developing an efficient workplace and often have little concern for people (theory X assumptions about people). They typically make decisions without input from subordinates. These managers rely on their positional power. autonomation - CORRECT ANSWER Use of specially equipped automated machines capable of detecting a defect in a single part, stopping the process, and signaling for assistance. See jidoka. availability - CORRECT ANSWER The ability of a process or equipment to be in a state to perform its designated function under stated conditions at a given time. Availability can be expressed by the ratio: Uptime /Downtime average - CORRECT ANSWER The sum of all the pertinent data divided by the number of observations collected. Also see mean. average chart - CORRECT ANSWER A control chart in which the subgroup average, X-bar, is used to evaluate the stability of the process level. average outgoing quality (AOQ) - CORRECT ANSWER The expected average quality level outgoing product for a given value of incoming product quality. average outgoing quality limit (AOQL) - CORRECT ANSWER The maximum average outgoing quality over all possible levels of incoming quality for a given acceptance sampling plan and disposal specification. balance sheet - CORRECT ANSWER A financial statement showing the assets, liabilities, and owner 's equity of a business entity. balanced scorecard - CORRECT ANSWER A financial statement showing the assets, liabilities, and owner 's equity of a business entity. balanced scorecard - CORRECT ANSWER Translates an organization's mission and strategy into comprehensive set of performance measures to provide a basis for strategic measurement and management, typically using four balanced views: financial, customers, internal business processes, and learning and growth. Baldrige Performance Excellence Program (BPEP) - CORRECT ANSWER The Baldrige National Quality Award was established by Congress in 1987 to raise awareness of quality management and to recognize U.S. companies that have implemented successful quality management systems. A Criteria for Performance Excellence is published each year. Three awards may be given annually in each of five categories: manufacturing businesses, service businesses, small businesses, education institutions, and healthcare organizations. The award is named after the late Secretary of Commerce Malcom Baldridge, a proponent of quality management. The U.S. Commerce Delartment's National Institute of Standads and Texhnolgy manages the award, and ASQ administers it. The major emphasis in determining success is achieving results. batch processing - CORRECT ANSWER Running large batches of a single product through the process at one time, resulting in queues awaiting next steps in the process. BATF - CORRECT ANSWER Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. bathtub curve - CORRECT ANSWER Also called life-history curve or Weibull curve. A graphic demonstration of the relationship of failures over the life of a product versus the probable failure rate. Includes three phases: early or infant failure (break- in), a stable rate during normal use, and wear-out. behavior management - CORRECT ANSWER The management methodology and practices adapted from B. F. Skinner 's theories: a practice used in managing people. behavioral theories - CORRECT ANSWER Motivational theories, notably those of Abraham Maslow, Frederick Herzberg, Douglas McGregor, and others. benchmarking - CORRECT ANSWER An improvement process in which a company measures its performance against that of best-in-class organizations (or others that are good performers), determines how those organizations achieved their performance levels, and uses the information to improve its own performance. Areas often benchmarked include strategies, operations, processes, and procedures. benefit-cost analysis - CORRECT ANSWER Collection of the dollar value of benefits derived from an initiative and the associated costs incurred and computing the ratio of benefits to cost. beta risk - CORRECT ANSWER Type 2 error; the possibility that a bad product will be accepted by a consumer. See consumer's risk. bias - CORRECT ANSWER A characteristic of measurement that refers to a systematic difference. Big Q, little q - CORRECT ANSWER A term used to contrast the difference between managing for quality in all processes and products (Big Q) and managing for quality in a limited capacity (little q). binomial distribution - CORRECT ANSWER Defines the probability of successes from a given number of trials. Black Belt - CORRECT ANSWER Full-time leader responsible for implementing Six Sigma process improvement projects using pertinent methodologies, such as DMAIC, DOE, and others. Usually, the Black Belt trains the Green Belts, and often serves for a two-year assignment overseeing eight to ten Six Sigma projects. blemish - CORRECT ANSWER An imperfection that is severe enough to be noticed, but should not cause any real impairment with respect to intended normal or reasonably foreseeable use. (See also defect, imperfection, and nonconformity.) block diagram - CORRECT ANSWER A diagram that shows the operation, interrelationships, and interdependencies of components in a system. Boxes, or blocks (hence the name), represent the components; connecting lines between the blocks represent interfaces. There are two types of block diagrams: a functional block diagram, which shows a system's subsystems and lower-level products, their interrelationships, and interfaces with other systems; and a reliability block diagram, which is similar to the functional block diagram except that it is modified to emphasize those aspects influencing reliability. Bloom's Taxonomy (levels of cognition) - CORRECT ANSWER REMEMBER - Recall or recognize lerms, definitions, facts, ideas, materials, patterns, sequences, methods, formulas, principles, etc. UNDERSTAND - Read and understand descriplions, communications, reports, tables, diagrams, directions, regulations, etc. APPLY - Know when and how to use ideas, procedures, methods, formulas, principles, theories, etc. ANALYZE - Break down information into its constituent parts and recognize their relationship to one another and how they are organized; identify sublevel factors or salient data from a complex scenario. EVALUATE - Make judgements about the value of propised ideas, sokutuons, etc., by comparing the proposal to specific criteria or standards. Create - Put parts or elements together in such a way to reveal a pattern or structure not clearly there before; identify which data or information from a conplex set is appropriate to examine furtger or from which supported conclusions can be drawn. body language - CORRECT ANSWER The expression of thoughts and emotions through movement or positioning of the body. [Show More] Last updated: 2 months ago Preview 1 out of 8 pages CQM-C Exam 40 Questions with Verified Answers,CMQ/OE Exam Terms 2017/2018|101 Questions with Verified Answers,ASQ CMQ/OE 34 Questions with Verified Answers,Ready, Fire, Aim" by Michael Masterson Exam... By securegrades 2 months ago *NURSING> EXAM > EDF 6225 Foundations (Breaux) DECK 1 Exam 48 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT (All) EDF 6225 Foundations (Breaux) DECK 1 Exam 41 Questions with Verified Answers Decrease - CORRECT ANSWER Negative punishment is to _____ as negative reinforcement is to increase. Negative punish... By securegrades , Uploaded: Dec 17, 2023 *NURSING> EXAM > Telemetry quiz 66 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT (All) Telemetry quiz 66 Questions with Verified Answers Rule of 1500 - CORRECT ANSWER Calculate rate by counting the number of small boxes between 2 consecutive beats and divide into 1500 8 small boxe... By Nolan19 , Uploaded: Dec 14, 2023 Business> EXAM > CPSI #2 and CPSI Exam 20 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT (All) CPSI #2 and CPSI Exam 20 Questions with Verified Answers 2010 Standards for - CORRECT ANSWER Accessible Design Test method for accessibility on safety surfacing for playgrounds - CORRECT ANSWER... By Nolan19 , Uploaded: Dec 11, 2023 Business> EXAM > CPSI Registration Exam 98 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT (All) CPSI Registration Exam 98 Questions with Verified Answers How do you know if a a number on a profile is a SSN or a profile number? - CORRECT ANSWER SSN starts with a 0 followed by 8 digits, profile... By Nolan19 , Uploaded: Dec 11, 2023 Health Care> EXAM > NFPA 10 Standards for Portable Fire Extinguishers (Part 1) 74 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT (All) NFPA 10 Standards for Portable Fire Extinguishers (Part 1) 74 Questions with Verified Answers What is the scope of the NFPA 10 (what does it deal with and pertain to)? (1.1) - CORRECT ANSWER Appl... By securegrades , Uploaded: Dec 09, 2023 *NURSING> EXAM > Certification Course for Playground Safety Inspectors Exam 212 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT (All) Certification Course for Playground Safety Inspectors Exam 212 Questions with Verified Answers What was the first equipment recommended to be removed for safety reasons? - CORRECT ANSWER Giant Stri... By securegrades , Uploaded: Dec 06, 2023 *NURSING> EXAM > CPS Practice Exam 55 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT (All) CPS Practice Exam 55 Questions with Verified Answers Novel ideas that will be useful. - CORRECT ANSWER What is the definition for creativity for this class? fluency, flexibility, originality - C... By securegrades , Uploaded: Dec 06, 2023 *NURSING> EXAM > CRAT exam 53 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT (All) CRAT exam 53 Questions with Verified Answers The first negative deflection noted in the QRS complex - CORRECT ANSWER Q wave Atrial fibrillation with a slow ventricular response has an - CORRECT... By securegrades , Uploaded: Dec 02, 2023 Business> EXAM > ASQ Quality Glossary Exam 200 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT (All) ASQ Quality Glossary Exam 200 Questions with Verified Answers Academic Quality Improvement Project (AQIP) - CORRECT ANSWER A forum for higher education institutions to review one another's action p... By securegrades , Uploaded: Nov 29, 2023 Health Care> EXAM > Orange Theory Test 42 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT (All) Orange Theory Test 42 Questions with Verified Answers Corporate mission statement - CORRECT ANSWER Our HEARTBEAT is to deliver proven fitness results for a healthier world. Niche fitness Mission... By securegrades , Uploaded: Nov 27, 2023 Connected school, study & course About the document Nov 29, 2023 Number of pages This document has been written for: Nov 29, 2023 Avoid resits and achieve higher grades with the best study guides, textbook notes, and class notes written by your fellow students Your fellow students know the appropriate material to use to deliver high quality content. With this great service and assistance from fellow students, you can become well prepared and avoid having to resits exams. Your fellow student knows the best materials to research on and use. This guarantee you the best grades in your examination. 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Zoo simulator Planet Zoo is growing this week, with the Africa Pack. The new DLC expansion includes Meerkats, Fox’, Penguins, and more. Just make sure to feed ’em One of the best looking park sims in a while, Planet Zoo from Frontier Developments has just gotten quite a bit bigger. That expansion comes in the form of the Africa Pack, a jumbo dose of fresh content for the game. Included is a whole herd of new animals to tend, and enclosures to build, along with new architecture and more. Look good? Ready to gets started on your zoo-dreams? Well, you might be in the market for some advice then. Fortunately, Frontier has also sent along a list of some things that would-be animal-tenders should know before then get going. Scroll down for those tips, and make sure to check out Planet Zoo: Africa Pack, out now on the PC via Steam. Master Meerkat care Meerkats love to dig, and their sociable colonies can grow to include up to 30 animals. Their space requirements aren’t huge, but be sure to make plenty of sand and soil available in their enclosure so they’ll feel at home. You can also keep your Meerkats amused using the tunnel and bubble machine enrichments. Perfect your Penguin enclosure The African Penguin is another animal that doesn’t require too much space, but with the potential for their population to grow to huge numbers, you may need to give them some extra room! Their new curio ball enrichment item is sure to keep them busy. And don’t worry – the African Penguin is used to warm temperatures, so you won’t need to provide snowy terrain! Keep your Fennec Foxes happy The playful Fennec Fox is another small mammal zookeepers should easily be able to make space for. To ensure these bright-eyed, big eared animals are kept entertained, use enrichment items like the tennis ball and provide plenty of sand to play in. Make way for the Southern White Rhino While most of the animals in the Africa Pack have fairly low space requirements, the majestic Southern White Rhino bucks the trend. While they tend to spend time in small herds, they cover a huge amount of ground. Make sure enclosures are large and varied, using mud baths, sprinklers, herb planters and more to keep things interesting. Don’t forget about the Sacred Scarab Beetle Sacred Scarab Beetles, while technically pretty low maintenance, can still benefit from some care and attention. Make sure the temperature and humidity are just right to manage their welfare, so your busy beetles can focus all their energy on rolling their dung balls around the exhibit!
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Redirect Login to Activity Stream I want users to get redirected to the activity stream when they logged in. However, I want them to see the static page when NOT logged in and when they logged out. In short, I have a landing page that I want visitors to see when they are not logged in and it gets redirected to that when they logged out. Otherwise when they login, they should go to activity stream. - The topic ‘Redirect Login to Activity Stream’ is closed to new replies.
B&A News Brief – New Regulation on Plantation Business Licensing As an endeavor of plantation sector development, the Minister of Agriculture recently issued Regulation No. 98/PERMENTAN/OT.140/9/2013 of 2013 concerning The Guidelines for Plantation Business Licensing (the “Regulation”) which came into effect on 2 October 2013. This Regulation repeals the previous Minister Regulation No. 26/PERMENTAN/OT-140/2/2007. Certain key provisions as provided by Regulation are as follows: TYPE OF PLANTATION BUSINESS There are 3 (three) types of plantation businesses set out in the Regulation , they are: (i) the cultivation of plantation; (ii) the processing industry of plantation products; (iii) the plantation business which is integrated between cultivation and processing industry of plantation business. Every foreign legal entity or individuals who wish to conduct plantation business are obligated to cooperate with domestic plantation business by establishing an Indonesian legal entity. The Regulation provides that there are 3 (three) types of licenses need to be obtained by plantation company. License for the cultivation (Izin Usaha Perkebunan untuk Budidaya or “IUP-B”) is for cultivation of a plantation with an area of 25 (twenty five) Ha or more. For the plantation products processing industry including palm oil, tea and sugar cane, the business need to obtain license of plantation business for processing (Izin Usaha Perkebunan untuk Pengolahan or “IUP-P”). Moreover, the cultivation of palm oil with an area of 1,000 (one thousand) Ha or more, tea with an area of 240 (two hundred and forty) Ha or more, and sugar cane with an area of 2,000 (two thousand) Ha or more, are obligated to integrate with the plantation products processing industry and must obtain a license for the plantation business (Izin Usaha Perkebunan or “IUP”). A palm oil plantation company, which has obtained the IUP-P, is required to divest its shares to local farmer cooperation for a minimum of 5% (five percent) on the 5th year after the company is commercially operated; and is gradually increasing to a minimum of 30% (thirty percent) by the 15th year of operation. The palm oil plantation company that does not fulfill this obligation will be given qntlistrative sanction from warning letter until the revocation of the IUP-P. FACILITATION OF COMMUNITY PLANTATION DEVELOPMENT A plantation company that is applying for the IUP-B or IUP-P with an area of 250 (two hundred and fifty) Ha or more is obligated to facilitate the development of the community plantation, which is at least 20% (twenty percent) of the total area of IUP-B or IUP-P. The facilitation must be completed within 3 (three) years along with the development of a company plantation. This obligation does not apply to the legal entity in form of a Cooperative. THE MAXIMUM AREA OF IUP-B AND IUP The Ministry of Agriculture aims to limit the ownership of the plantations by one company or group of the plantation companies (two or more companies that are under the same management, financial relations or owned by the same person or legal entity) both for IUP-B or IUP. More information can be found below: |IUP – B |The Maximum Area (Ha) |The Maximum Area (Ha) The above area limitation does not apply to State Owned Companies, Regional Owned Companies, Cooperatives and Go Public Companies. THE CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES Article 42 of the Regulation also stipulates that plantation companies shall implement corporate social responsibility. In case the land used in the plantation business is derived from Ulayat Right (the right controlled by a customary law community), the plantation companies are obliged to hold a deliberation with the holder of Ulayat Right and to incorporate the deal between them in form of an agreement. For further information, please contact: [email protected].
Buffalo Bills Free Agent Target: Marlon Mack The final player is one that has played only seven games over the past two seasons but if he is healthy, could be the biggest bargain at the position this offseason. Marlon Mack was a fourth round pick by the Indianapolis Colts in 2017 and had 1,999 rushing yards between 2018 and 2019 with 17 rushing touchdowns. Then in 2020, he suffered a torn Achilles in the first game of the season. He returned to the Colts last offseason but played in only six games and after the Colts were not able to trade him before the deadline, he was a healthy scratch for the remainder of the year. Mack is a big unknown at this point of his career after essentially not playing for the past two years. However, he has shown he can be an effective running back when given the chance. If the Buffalo Bills want to add a player who could step in as the primary running back but doesn’t want to invest a lot at the position, Marlon Mack is one of those moves that could be low-risk, high-reward for this upcoming season.
Ubisoft has recently revealed the second season of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege Year 6: North Star and its new indigenous Operator, Thunderbird, coming from the Nakoda nation, a North American First Nation, in addition to an entirely reworked Favela map, and more. Trailer below: In North Star, players will discover a brand-new Defender: Thunderbird. She can deploy a Kóna Healing Station, which heals any player – ally or enemy – close to this device, even if they are downed. The Kóna Station has a cooldown between each charge. Thunderbird is a low armor, high-speed operator, equipped with a SPEAR .308 or SPAS-15 as primary weapon, and BEARING 9 or Q-929 as a secondary weapon. In addition, North Star introduces a reimagined Favela map with rooms, better map overview and improved navigation. These changes will improve readability, making sure players always know where they are and where they are going when playing on Favela. On Test Servers, two new features will be tested: a revamped armor system and activities after death. Players’ armor will be converted to additional health so they have better visibility on their armor’s impact. Additionally, players will have new activities after death, with Attackers being able to control their own drones while some Defenders will be able to use their gadgets after their death (including Maestro, Echo or Mozzie). These changes will have a strong impact on gameplay and need to be tested to get players’ feedback. They will be available on the Test Server only and will not release on live servers at North Star launch. Other additions in this update include: ⦁ Scoreboard 2.0 ⦁ New corpse icons ⦁ Bullet holes fix ⦁ Operator balancing (Melusi, Mira, and Maestro tweaks and Gas Propagation rework) The Test Server for North Star will go live on May 25th. The Test Server is an alternative version of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, allowing players to test upcoming gameplay features that will make their way into the main game itself
Get ready to weigh anchor, sailors! In a flooded world where only a few islands have survived the rising waters, you play a seafaring adventurer searching for answers to this great upheaval. Long ago, gods and dragons ruled the world. Now, magic remains, but what of the mythical beings of yesteryear? Welcome to WAVEN, Ankama’s ambitious new production that offers a new perspective on the tactical multiplayer RPG universe. After the hit DOFUS and WAKFU MMOs, Ankama is unveiling the first trailer for the free-to-play game coming out in 2023 on Windows PCs, Macs, tablets, and smartphones running iOS or Android. WAVEN: A new take on a tactical RPG WAVEN takes you to the dawn of a new era. Choose your hero, equip your best spells and set sail for an incredible odyssey. Sail from island to island in a vast world full of colorful creatures, gain power, refine your strategy, and uncover the secrets of a world adrift. WAVEN is a new roleplaying game experience that is accessible, fun, and immersive. It combines adventure and turn-based strategy, inspired by the best tactical RPGs, with deckbuilding mechanics and valuable items to collect. Alone or with friends, face off against multitudes of burlesque monsters of increasing difficulty. Master the elements, cast powerful spells, summon mythical companions, and battle your enemies in close combat or from a distance to defeat them and win tons of loot! Gain experience to upgrade your hero! Defend your “Haven Island” from attacks by other players in a brand-new asynchronous mode or prove your valor by entering the doors of the “Kolossium” to challenge other players and become a legend yourself. This is a really ambitious project that we believe in immensely. We can’t wait to present WAVEN to as many people as possible in its best version yet. Everyone at the studio put so much work into making this game a unique experience, and we’re really proud of the result. Anthony Roux – Creative Director and CEO of Ankama
use code “love” for free shipping Girly Glamour. The Brenna mini is an ultra feminine mini inspired by the metallics of the 80’s. Styling & Fit Model wearing a size XS Throw on your dancing heels and add a cute matching metallic purse 94% Polyester, 6% Spandex Hand wash in cold water and lay flat to dry All Burdash designs are handmade to order. The turn around time is 1-2 weeks. Please message us on Instagram or email [email protected] for all customization inquiries or rush orders. Thank you for supporting my small business xx Caity Burdash
Based on Forbes´s preview of the video marketing trends of 2016, the company Hyperfine produced a fantastic infographic. According to the infographic there are 5 important trends that one must keep in mind when creating video content in 2016. The five trends are: - Branded Video Content - Video Landing Pages - Use of GIFS - Live Video Streaming - Using Videos in Email Marketing Campaigns By implementing these trends in your marketing campaigns you can benefit from increased user interactions and conversions, as well as a boosting your brand image. Video marketing has seen a huge rise in popularity of late. Hyperfine is a video production and animation company that works with businesses across the UK. The following infographic results from Hyperfine´s tried and tested methods of video marketing in 2016.
Down Under Tours Down Under Tours are Cairns and The Great Barrier Reef regions leading day tour operator. We are so blessed to have the magnificent World Heritage listed Wet Tropics Rainforests right here on our doorstep. Our comprehensive day touring program takes full advantage of this and encompasses the magnificent destinations of Kuranda, Mossman Gorge, Daintree, Cape Tribulation and even further north to Cooktown. We can cater to the diverse needs of conference and incentive programs, ranging in size from 1 through to 500 delegates, with options available for delegates to join scheduled tours or enjoy private chartered experiences on bespoke itineraries. Our experienced groups touring department can assist with creating a unique itinerary for your program including the region’s best Wildlife, Rainforest & Cultural experiences.
The highly anticipated Nestlé Nigeria Media Awards 2023 promises to be an exciting edition with an impressive 118 submissions received from a broad range of the media at the time of the official closing of entries on November 16, 2023. Announcing the official closure of entries, Nestlé’s Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Manager, Victoria Uwadoka said, “I want to thank all the participants who have submitted the diverse range of entries, showcasing outstanding creativity and professionalism within the Nigerian media. As the stellar panel of judges commences the process of carefully evaluating each submission to determine the most deserving recipients, we eagerly anticipate the announcement of the finalists at the ‘invitation only’ award event early in December 2023.” The Nestlé Media Awards 2023 ceremony promises to be an elegant celebration of vibrancy, innovation and excellence in the Nigerian media in 2023. Stay tuned for the announcement of finalists and winners!
2024 Ford Bronco Sport View Photo Gallery 2024 Ford Bronco Sport in Ypsilanti, MI The 2024 Ford Bronco Sport is an impressive SUV that offers a combination of style, performance, and safety features. Whether you're driving on city streets or exploring off-road terrain, this vehicle is designed to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. The interior of the 2024 Ford Bronco Sport prioritizes comfort and convenience. With spacious seating for up to five passengers, everyone can enjoy a comfortable ride. The cabin features high-quality materials and a modern design that creates a luxurious and inviting atmosphere. Additionally, the Bronco Sport offers ample cargo space, with a versatile rear seating area that can be easily folded down to accommodate larger items. The exterior of the 2024 Ford Bronco Sport is rugged and stylish, reflecting its capability and adventurous spirit. With its iconic Bronco design elements, including a bold grille and muscular stance, this SUV stands out on the road. The Bronco Sport also features durable body cladding and skid plates, protecting it from off-road obstacles and adding to its rugged appeal. LED headlights and taillights provide enhanced visibility, ensuring a safe driving experience day and night. The 2024 Ford Bronco Sport offers impressive performance both on and off the road. Equipped with a powerful engine and advanced suspension system, this SUV delivers a smooth and responsive ride. With its intelligent four-wheel drive system and various driving modes, including Normal, Eco, Sport, and Slippery, the Bronco Sport adapts to any driving conditions. Whether you're navigating city streets or tackling rough terrain, this vehicle will provide the performance you need. Safety is a top priority in the 2024 Ford Bronco Sport. This SUV is equipped with a range of advanced safety features to protect you and your passengers on the road. Standard safety features include a rearview camera, blind-spot monitoring, lane-keeping assist, and automatic emergency braking. Additionally, the Bronco Sport offers available features such as adaptive cruise control and a 360-degree camera system, further enhancing your safety and peace of mind. The 2024 Ford Bronco Sport is an exceptional SUV that combines style, performance, and safety features. Its interior offers comfort and convenience, while its exterior showcases ruggedness and style. With impressive performance capabilities, this vehicle is ready to take on any adventure. Safety is prioritized with advanced safety features that provide peace of mind on the road. Discover the 2024 Ford Bronco Sport in Ypsilanti, MI and experience a remarkable SUV that exceeds expectations.
Read time: 3 mins 31 Jan 2024 Love of snow varies from dog to dog. Whilst some revel in a fresh blanket of snow, others would rather stay inside and keep warm. Generally, most dogs find joy in playing in snow as it is new and exciting. Breeds with thicker coats, such as German Shepherds, are more likely to want to play in snow for long periods. Those on the smaller side, such as Chihuahuas, may wonder if you've gone mad as you step outside. Dogs, being naturally playful and curious, find the snowy landscape to be an enticing and stimulating environment. The soft, cold texture beneath their paws provides a sensory experience that invites them to partake in various activities. The cool temperature of the snow adds an element of refreshment, particularly for dogs with thick fur coats. While dogs generally revel in the snow, responsible pup ownership involves ensuring their safety and well-being during winter escapades. We recommend equipping your dog with a cosy, insulated coat to protect them from extreme cold. Limit their exposure to extreme temperatures to prevent potential harm, and pay close attention to signs of irritation or frostbite on their paws. Post-adventure, it's essential to dry them off and wipe their paws clean. Dogs have a remarkable ability to regulate their body temperature, thanks to their fur coats and a layer of fat beneath their skin. However, similar to humans, they can feel the cold, particularly in extreme conditions. Observing your dog for signs of discomfort, such as shivering or lifting their paws, is crucial. Taking your dog for a walk in the snow can be a delightful and bonding experience. Yet, precautions are necessary to ensure their safety. Using a lead is recommended to prevent your dog from straying too far or encountering potential hazards. Choose cleared pathways to avoid icy surfaces that may cause slips, and revel in the joy of a winter stroll with your four-legged friend. Although dogs' paws are a lot tougher than our feet, imagine if we had to take a walk barefoot in the snow. They would be in much need of a pamper afterwards. Our dog’s paws aren't so different in this respect and caring for them should not be underestimated. After each snowy adventure, inspect your dog's paws for signs of irritation, cuts, or frostbite. Snow can conceal sharp objects or icy surfaces that may pose risks to your dog's sensitive paw pads. Exposure to cold and snow can lead to dry, cracked paw pads. Consider applying a pet-safe paw balm to keep their pads moisturised and protected. Long hair between your dog's paw pads can collect ice, snow, and salt, causing discomfort. Trim any excess fur to prevent these issues and make it more comfortable for your dog to walk in the snow. Investing in dog booties can provide an extra layer of protection against the cold and potential harmful substances on the ground. Ensure the booties fit well and allow your dog to move comfortably. Rock salt, otherwise known as grit, is used to de-ice roads in the event of snow and ice. It is important to make sure that your dog does not ingest any rock salt, as it can lead to irritation of the gastrointestinal tract and, in severe cases, poisoning of the kidneys and brain. Ingestion of rock salt often happens by accident, it can get lodged in dogs paws and when they try to dislodge it they actually end up swallowing it. So, it is crucial to check their paws after a snowy walk.
Read time: 1 min 24 Jan 2024 Having a positive association with mealtimes is a key part of making sure that your dog licks their bowl clean, unleashing all the benefits that fresh dog food has to offer. Here are some tips on how to do just that. This will help to ensure that you pup knows when it's time to chow down. ⏰ Feed meals at the same time everyday 🧸 Use their cozy, familiar spot for meals 💭 Let the food stay for 10-15 minutes, then store it until the next feast. This helps your dog to understand that options do not exist. 🎉 Turn mealtimes into a joyful occasion, rather than simply a routine task. Bonus points if your pooch does the mealtime butt-wiggle. 🔥 Spice up mealtimes with interactive feeding toys, making eating a fun mental workout for your dog. 🏅 Shower your pup with attention praise when they finish their meal! It's like giving them a gold medal for doing exactly what you hoped for.
There are lots of styles of wedding celebration photography. There are reportage, portraiture, traditionalist, artistic and extra. There is no person right design – it depends on the couple’s style, spending plan as well as wedding celebration place. Listed here are the main styles of wedding event digital photography. Read on to uncover which design will ideal suit your needs. We’ll likewise speak concerning the differences between these styles. Inevitably, you’ll need to choose based on your individual taste and also vision. If you want to get one of the most natural photos of your special day, a reportage design wedding celebration photographer could be an excellent option. Reportage style wedding celebration digital photographers are not interested in disturbance or regulating the activity, but instead capturing minutes as they take place, creating gorgeous images that inform a story. This design is excellent for pairs that intend to appreciate their special day and invest quality time with their friends and family. Right here are some tips to select a reportage digital photographer: There are several different types of wedding event photography, and also each has its very own advantages. For example, some professional photographers focus on style photography, which concentrates on premium clothing as well as the details of the day. Some professional photographers specialize in style digital photography, as well as they can develop sensational photos that would make any publication proud. If you are thinking about employing a fashion professional photographer for your wedding event, it is a good concept to take into consideration the style of their past job, as well as what they have to offer. A reactionary style of wedding digital photography has its pros as well as disadvantages. Although it can be consistent and also dull, traditionalist wedding photography has its advantages. A traditional wedding digital photographer can record the most effective moments of the huge day as well as can recover the training course of celebration events. A standard wedding digital photographer complies with policies to capture each information and will certainly put images in sequential order. These photos are easy to recognize, as well as a bride-to-be who selects this style can rest ensured that her memories of the wedding will certainly never be faded. An artistic design for wedding celebration photography consists of several styles and also methods. Some wedding event photographers prefer the more standard appearance, while others are extra bold and experimental. Traditional wedding celebration photos consist of presented and also timeless presents, along with group shots of the pair as well as their entourage. Other styles consist of candid shots, which catch the most all-natural moments of the wedding event. While these designs are much more conventional, they still supply the groom and bride with ageless memories. There are several benefits of aerial wedding celebration photography, including the chance to record one of the most crucial moments of your wedding day. Taking pictures from over needs specialist devices, and also you will certainly need an HD electronic camera. Aerial digital photographers will also be able to take images of the surrounding scenery from an unique viewpoint. Using different picture settings, such as sluggish shutter rate, can produce stunning photos of your wedding dress. Airborne professional photographers often utilize the landscape as props. If you have any questions regarding wherever and how to use just click the up coming page, you can contact us at the web site. Continue your pursuit to get more associated content articles:
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Virat Khullar, AVP & Vertical Head, Marketing, Hyundai Motor India discusses with BW Marketing World about the long-standing association of Shah Rukh Khan with Hyundai, getting Deepika Padukone onboard and more The court was also informed that Amitabh Bachchan had sent a legal notice to a gutka company featuring his advertisement, even though he had terminated his contract with them ITC Sunfeast Dark Fantasy and media partner IPG partners with Akool to utilise Generative Artificial Intelligence Technology for fan interactions The campaign has been conceptualised by 82.5 Communications and intends to reshape the benchmarks for aesthetic appeal and long-lasting quality in household textiles In the recent times, the company also faced high-profile board departures, several valuation reductions, delayed financial statements, and a legal struggle over a $1.2 billion term loan Your e-mail information will not be shared with anyone else. And it will be used only to send out our latest news. BW Communities is an array of business news websites targeted towards niche communities and readers across various industries
When it comes to property, there is no one right way of doing things. After a few years of property ownership, homeowners will often think about what they should do with the equity they’ve built up. In particular, they often consider expanding their property portfolio. However, that thought bubble often appears as they are trying to pay down their mortgage on their home. Both options have their own set of advantages and disadvantages, and the decision ultimately depends on your personal financial goals and risk tolerance. Here are the pros and cons of both paths. Debt freedom: One of the biggest benefits of paying off your mortgage early is the peace of mind that comes with being debt-free. It eliminates the financial burden of monthly mortgage payments and provides a sense of financial security. Increased equity: Paying off your home loan reduces your mortgage debt and increases the equity you have in your property. This can be especially valuable if you plan to downsize or sell your home in the future. Lower financial stress: Without the pressure of mortgage payments, you’ll have more disposable income to allocate to other investments or expenses, reducing financial stress. Tied-up capital: Paying off your mortgage requires a substantial amount of capital. This capital could potentially be invested in higher-return opportunities, such as additional investment properties or other assets. Reduced liquidity: By allocating a significant portion of your savings to pay off your mortgage, you may limit your ability to seize investment opportunities or handle unexpected expenses. Higher borrowing costs: If you decide to borrow against a property that’s already paid off in the future, you might encounter higher borrowing costs, as interest rates can fluctuate. Income generation: Investment properties can provide rental income, offering a steady stream of cash flow to supplement your income. Tax benefits: There are potential tax advantages associated with investment properties, including deductions for mortgage interest, property taxes and depreciation, which can reduce your overall tax liability. Portfolio diversification: Owning multiple investment properties can diversify your investment portfolio, spreading risk and potentially increasing your overall returns. Landlord responsibilities: Becoming a landlord entails significant responsibilities, including property maintenance, tenant management and legal obligations. It can be time-consuming and stressful. Market risk: The real estate market is subject to fluctuations and there’s no guarantee that your investment property will appreciate in value. Conduct thorough research before purchasing to mitigate this risk. Vacancy risk: Investment properties may experience periods of vacancy, leading to a loss of rental income. This can strain your finances, especially if you rely heavily on rental income. If there is anything we can do to support you in your property buying journey, please contact us. *This information is general in nature and does not take into consideration your individual circumstances. Please contact us for further information.
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Media Beat: Super Bowl Ad Rates, Black Press Changes Hands Also in this week's roundup of media news: Rogers turns in a bullish Q4, Fox hits an earnings wall and Steve Paikin talks the future of news. Rogers reported its fourth-quarter net income fell 35% compared with a year ago. Costs related to its acquisition of Shaw Communications Inc. trimmed its generally positive report that was released Feb. 1. Revenue for the quarter totalled nearly $5.34 billion, up from nearly $4.17 billion a year earlier. The increase came as wireless service revenue rose 9%, helped by revenue from Shaw. Total revenue and total service revenue increased by 28% and 30% in the final quarter, driven substantially by revenue growth in its cable and wireless businesses. Wireless service revenue increased by 9% in Q4, primarily by revenue from Shaw Mobile subscribers acquired through the acquisition of Shaw Communications Inc. Cable service revenue increased by 94% in Q4, again primarily due to the Shaw transaction. Media revenue decreased by 8% in the quarter “primarily as a result of lower sports-related revenue associated with a distribution from Major League Baseball in 2022.” - Agreements for satellite-to-mobile coverage with SpaceX and Lynk Global. - Satellite-connected wildfire sensors and AI cameras connected to Rogers' 5G network for early wildfire detection. - First carrier to activate 5G services for all riders at all TTC subway stations and busiest tunnels. - The report added that the company had secured number-one spots for flagship radio brands 98.1 CHFI, CityNews 680, and KiSS 92.5 for the Summer 2023 ratings period. All three are in Toronto, the nation’s most populated market. Black Press Group Ltd. is being sold to Canso Investment Counsel, Deans Knight Capital Management and Carpenter Media Group in the U.S. In B.C., Black Press owns 67 community newspapers, including 23 on Vancouver Island and 13 in the Lower Mainland-Fraser Valley. “Black Press Media intends to continue to operate its 80-plus local news publications – online and in print – as well as its lifestyle magazines and various customer solutions services within Canada, with its head office remaining in Surrey, B.C.,” the Kelowna Capital News reported. According to the company, Black Press was founded in 1975 by David Holmes Black (no relation to Conrad Black), with the purchase of his first publication, The Williams Lake Tribune. Today, Black Press has a print reach of more than 4.5M readers across Canada and the U.S. and publishes 150 daily and weekly newspapers, magazines, and websites. The combined online audience exceeds 19M users per month. Additionally, publications and local media platforms operated by Black Press' Sound Publishing, with 30 titles and associated websites in Washington's Puget Sound region and Alaska, and 25 daily, weekly and other publications and websites in Hawaii operated by Oahu Publications. Black Press employs approximately 1,200 people between the Canadian and U.S. divisions. TVO newsmagazine’s The Agenda anchor Steve Paikin joins host Sean Speer to discuss how journalism has evolved over the course of his career, the opportunities and challenges of working for a public broadcaster, and what he thinks about the future of the news media. The episode is part of The Hub‘s Future of News series in which The Hub‘s editor-at-large, Sean Speer, will be in conversation with journalists and policy thinkers to explore the challenges facing the news media industry and the respective roles of business and government to establish sustainable models for producing and distributing news and information. Notable is the fact that the new feature series series is supported and funded by The Hub’s foundation donors and Meta. According to Guideline, a measurement service that taps into the transactional data of all six major U.S. media holding companies, the average rate for a single 30-second unit in the 49ers-Chiefs showdown was US$6.47 million a pop. That marks an 11% increase versus last year’s rate, which worked out to $5.83 million. Overall revenues were US$4.2B, down from $4.6B a year ago. Net income was $115M, compared to $ 321M a year ago. Affiliate revenues were up 4%, a $5M increase, while ad revenues were $348M as compared to the $451M reported in the prior year quarter, "primarily due to the impact of elevated supply in the direct response marketplace, lower ratings and higher preemptions associated with breaking news coverage at FOX News Media, and the absence of the Men's World Cup at the national sports networks. Other revenues increased $124M or 80%, primarily due to higher sports sublicensing revenues at the national sports networks.”
Cannabis Seizures At U.S./Mexico Border Fall To Historic Lows By many measures the border shared by the United States and Mexico has served as ground-zero for the war on cannabis. It’s no secret that for many years cannabis, among other things, was smuggled from Mexico into the United States via various entry points along the nations’ shared border. Starting in 1996 the demand for cannabis smuggled from Mexico into the United States started to be impacted by domestic cannabis reform in the U.S., with California becoming the first state to pass a medical cannabis legalization measure in U.S. history. Between 1996 and 2012 several other states also passed medical cannabis legalization measures, many of which involved the launch of a regulated industry, and in 2012 two states passed the nation’s first set of adult-use legalization measures. Every state-level industry that launched in the U.S. further reduced the demand for smuggled cannabis from Mexico. Cannabis is still smuggled into the U.S. from Mexico, however, the rate of it happening continues to dwindle, as reflected by recent seizure statistics from the United States Border Patrol. Below is more information about it via a NORML news release: Washington, DC: Federal law enforcement agents are intercepting historically low quantities of cannabis at the southern border, according to newly released data provided by the US Department of Homeland Security, US Customs and Border Protection. Federal statistics reveal that Border Patrol and Field agents confiscated an estimated 155,000 pounds of marijuana at the US/Mexico border in 2022. That is down almost 50 percent from 2021 totals and continues the dramatic decline in seizure volume that began in 2013, when nearly 3 million pounds of cannabis were confiscated at the southern border. Some experts have previously speculated that licensed retail access to cannabis products, which began in Colorado and Washington in 2014 and is now available in almost half of all states, has significantly undercut demand for imported Mexican cannabis. According to conclusions provided by the US Drug Enforcement Administration, “In US markets, Mexican marijuana has largely been supplanted by domestic-produced marijuana.” Separate data published last year by the Government Accounting Office and elsewhere indicates that interdiction efforts along the US border now typically involve the seizure of small quantities of marijuana and no other controlled substances. Drug seizure statistics are available online from the US Customs and Border Protection website.
Quebec new-media entrepreneur and philanthropist Daniel Langlois has been found dead in Dominica, along with his partner Dominique Marchand. The couple had been missing for a few days. Their bodies were found in a burnt-out car according to Dominica News Online, and local sources contacted by Radio-Canada, including the resort they both managed. Local authorities are questioning four people of interest in relation to the deaths, including Jonathan Lehrer, owner of Bois Collette Inc., according to Radio-Canada. In 2018, Langlois took Lehrer to court because of a dispute concerning the philanthropist using the Morne Rouge Public Road, which passes through Lehrer's estate. "The entire community on the island is in mourning following a devastating incident on Thursday, Nov. 30," said a spokesperson for the Coulibri Ridge resort in a statement to Radio-Canada. Simon Walsh, the project manager at Resilient Dominica — a non-profit affiliated to the Daniel Langlois Foundation — also confirmed the reports in an email sent to Radio-Canada "We have lost the incredible team of Daniel and Dominique," he said. "I am sorry to have to bear this horrific news." Jacqueline Dupigny, Belgium's honorary consul in Dominica, says she last saw the couple in early November by a river. She says her last memory with the couple, with whom she felt she shared a bond due to her mother being French-Canadian, was filled with laughter and smiles. "It always was lovely seeing Daniel and Dominique," she told Radio-Canada. "Dominique was probably somebody who was probably more open in the public and she had such a warm and friendly personality her smile just lit up a room." She says the community has been grieving the loss. "There's a mixture of emotions ranging from anger to distress because this couple did so much to elevate and enhance Dominica and Dominicans," she says. This year, Langlois was given a Meritorious Service Award for his contribution to Dominica's sustainable development during a ceremony marking the country's day of independence in November. There will be a candlelit vigil by kayak later this week to commemorate the couple, according to Walsh. Global Affairs Canada said in a statement to CBC News that it's aware of the death of two Canadians in Dominica and that it's also in touch with local authorities to obtain more information. A pioneer in animation Langlois founded the firm Softimage which produced 3D animation software that was used in movies such as Jurassic Park. Loudon Owen remembers when Langlois first came to him in Toronto with his vision for Softimage looking for investments to grow the business. Owen says that at the time, Langlois had a "Bill Gates dream." "Gates wanted to put a computer on every desk; Daniel wanted to put 3D animation into every computer," he said. "And he wanted everybody in the world to do 3D animation because he'd fallen in love with it and he wanted to share that." Owen ended up following Langlois to Montreal where the company became extremely successful. Langlois eventually sold Softimage to Microsoft for $200 million in 1994, with Owen by his side. Owen suspects Langlois's endeavours resulted in the creation of at least 10,000 jobs in Montreal all while transforming the film industry along the way. "Virtually any animation you see anywhere — on a computer screen, in a movie, in any context — ultimately derives from what was done at Softimage." Owen says that seeing Langlois turn his ideas into reality while thinking 10 years ahead was "incredible." Langlois was also behind the creation of the Ex-Centris cinema in Montreal in 1999. He and Marchand first came to the Caribbean island in 1997 and began working on the luxury off-the-grid Coulibri Ridge eco-resort. Two decades later, it was opened to the public in October 2022.
An excavation on the Greek island of Evia uncovered an unknown temple near the Temple of Amarysia Artemis still overflowing with rich offerings. Heavily used altars filled with ash found in the temple feature alabaster, vases, jugs, amulets, and jewelry. The majority of the temple dates to the 7th century BC, but archaeologists discovered portions of the site that are even older. The archaeological finds kept coming for a team of 50 researchers on the Greek island of Evia. But the kicker may have been locating 2,700-year-old altars full of precious jewels and historical remnants. Nearby the ancient Temple of Amarysia Artemis on the country’s second-largest island, archaeologists discovered another temple—this one from the 7th century BC. And it came full of highly used altars, according to a translated statement from Greece’s Ministry of Culture. Notable for its 100-foot length, symbolic of the hundred-meter temples of this period in ancient Greece, the find was fully uncovered in 2023 and features exterior walls and an arch on the west side. More intriguing, though, was the “significant number of structures found inside it,” the team said. These structures included several hearths that were likely used as altars. A horseshoe-shaped altar was the most unique of the designs, and thick layers of ash—which was rich in charred bones—showed steady use. “The possibility that some of them predate the temple cannot be ruled out,” the statement reads. “The first level of use of the horseshoe altar yielded pottery dating to the end of the 8th century BC.” The find didn’t stop at remnants of altars, either. The team found Corinthian alabaster, Attic vases, and locally-made ritual jugs. They also uncovered treasure of a shinier kind: gold, silver, coral, and amber jewelry, amulets from the East, and bronze and iron fittings. The temple was built of rough bricks on a solid foundation of dry stone, showing that the ground was still swampy at the time of construction. Along the inner wall, the temple features pillars to support a tiled roof. The team discovered that there was likely a fire that destroyed a portion of the temple, which led to brick partitions being put in place to protect the remaining sections, and to a new section that was likely created at the end oof the 6th century. In what the researchers believe are some of the oldest sections, they discovered Geometric period bronze figurines representing bulls and a ram. A clay bull head from the Mycenean period was also located on site. And the site overall stretches even deeper into history than the temple itself, with test cuts showing remains of buildings from as far back as the 9th century BC. “Although the investigation of the earliest of these levels has only just begun, the first discoveries suggest that the cult had its roots in the centuries after the end of the Mycenaean period,” the statement said. Further excavations on the hill where the temple sits confirmed “imposing walls of the Early Copper Age,” the Ministry of Culture wrote in a translated Facebook post, “that undoubtedly belongs to a system of fortification of the prehistoric settlement.” As researchers continue to discover older sections of the surrounding site—many showing the ancient way of life outside of the temple—they remain intrigued with the growth of the sacred temple on the landscape. Even if all the gold jewelry has already been found. You Might Also Like
Chanel couture sets, under artistic director Virginie Viard’s watchful eye, are powerfully simple, each one telling a succinct story to accompany the parade of looks. This season, Viard turned to the button, a humble yet freeing piece of craftsmanship that Gabrielle Chanel utilized almost 100 years ago as a symbol of ease and free movement for the 20th-century woman. This led Viard to consider the grace and allure of ballet, with strong, lithe bodies performing complicated movements like it’s nothing. The collection brings together elements of masculine style with a coquette flair, in a way only Chanel can. To bring context to the show, Viard enlisted Kendrick Lamar, Dave Free, and Mike Carson to design the set: a single, massive double-C button looming over the runway, surrounded by a screen playing The Button, developed by pgLang, written and directed by Dave Free, scored by Kendrick Lamar, and starring French actress Anna Mouglalis, supermodel and activist Naomi Campbell, and actress and Chanel ambassador Margaret Qualley. Qualley opened the show in a classic tweed jacket, juxtaposed by a dainty transparent skirt and ruffled collar. The opening looks were all in crisp white tweed and featured painterly touches of color, contrasted by delicate tulle skirts, making the Chanel ballerina come to life. Viard cited the Ballets Russes of Léon Bakst and Sergei Diaghilev as inspiration points for the vivid palette that slowly makes its way into the collection, from saccharine pastels to rich pinks, blues, and greens. In contrast, there were looks that reimagined men’s ballet jackets in tufted tulle, which proved the most alluring in terms of wearability and modernity. With couture, the devil is in the details, and this rings the most true at Chanel, with a stable of specialist ateliers under its purview, like Lesage, the premier embroidery specialists, and Lemarié, feather- and flower-makers. This go-around, lace, feathers, and ruffles were exacted with delicacy, and the perennial bows even made an appearance, notably on one skirt embroidered with hundreds of miniature pink bows. The dancerly addition of opaque white tights and bows in the models’ hair drove home the elegance and ease of the looks. One could imagine swapping out the strappy low heels for pointe shoes and watching the tulle and ruffled looks soar across the stage. The finale bride this season was frequent Chanel model Loli Bahia, dressed in a short metallic dress cocooned in billowing tulle sleeves and a massive train, light as air yet grounded in realness, something Viard has brought to the Chanel woman over the years, making her couture, yes, a bit less fantastical, but much more promising in terms of longevity and relatability. You Might Also Like
PATRICK T. FALLON/Getty Images Justin and Hailey Bieber have officially been spotted at the 2024 Super Bowl. On February 11, the Biebers were spotted sitting together in Allegiant Stadium in seats marked with their names. Hailey went for a casual version of the mob-wife aesthetic, pairing an oversized (possibly faux) leopard print fur coat with a white T-shirt and light-wash jeans, her visibly longer and darker hair worn down with a smoky eye and heavily lined and glossed lips. What else would you expect from the Rhode Beauty founder? For his part, Justin was dressed in a silky Marine Serre button-down (emphasis on down) with jeans and a backward black cap. For once their looks did not give dressed-up girlfriend, low-effort boyfriend. In fact, I’d say these looks are pretty equally matched. I do have questions about the full bottles of mustard and ketchup in every shot, though! Of course, it wasn’t just their outfits that were in tune. Justin and Hailey Bieber were caught in 4k sharing some sweet PDA moments, per one video shared by the NFL TikTok account, set to the viral song “Little Life.” The sighting didn’t bode well for rumors that Justin Bieber would be joining Usher on stage during the Super Bowl Half Time Show. Considering Usher’s role in Bieber’s early career, fans are expressing disappointment over his absence. Despite the lack of Bieber, Usher’s Super Bowl halfime performance was stacked with famous guests including Alicia Keys, Ludacris, and Lil Jon. Usher delivered on his promise to wow us with special guests during his Super Bowl halftime show. Originally Appeared on Glamour
The famous brothers, who are currently on a limited-city tour following the release of last year's 'Table For Two' album, tell PEOPLE about how it's been "a blast" performing on first tour since 2012 The two brothers have been making music together for years, beginning as children through their former Nickelodeon series The Naked Brothers Band. But Nat, 29, and Alex, 26, have evolved as artists in the years since, releasing their debut album, Black Sheep, in 2011, followed by their 2016 EP, Public Places. Finding their groove further with their sophomore release, Table For Two, last year, the pair — who have also found success in the acting world — are taking their unique blend of alternative pop-rock music on the road for the first time in more than a decade, which is something that feels surreal to the duo. "We haven't toured since before COVID and I have this song that I wrote about my dad's illness that's taken place in the last five or six years, and he's doing much better. But I've gotten to tell the story on stage, which I haven't really gotten to talk about before," Nat exclusively tells PEOPLE. "We did a meet and greet after and all these people were coming up to me and crying and opening up about their mom's sick or their dad had passed away, and I never had that kind of connection with an audience before like that. Boston was the first time. ... It was really beautiful." Of kicking the January shows off in Boston on Jan. 21, Alex tells PEOPLE, "It was maybe one of my favorite shows we've ever done since we were young." "It was really, really, really fun. The crowd was crazy," Alex continues as Nat adds, "We're playing with this new guy, Allen, who's an incredible keyboardist and singer and also plays a lot of bass in his left hand and can play all the lines from the record in his right hand, so it added a lot." Alex notes that it's "honestly just been so fun, especially this Boston show and revving up for it that it just makes you want to do it more." "I think you can have an idea of what it's going to be like, which could be good, but I didn't know it was going to be as fun as it was in Boston. It was so fun," the Hereditary actor continues. "It was fun practicing for it. It was fun performing. It was fun talking to all the fans afterwards." "I think maybe when you're younger it's harder to connect or something, but I know that now when I talk to the fans at the show, you can really talk about what the songs are about and have fun conversations," he adds. "It was really a blast this last Boston show, so I'm really excited for Chicago, Houston, Dallas, Decatur and New York City." To make their time on the road all the more seamless, they have a series of must-haves in tow. "Throat coat tea, honey, lemon cough drops, bottle of champagne," notes Alex as Nat says, "We've been doing a lot of healthy tofu vegan food." "You need a lot of winter stuff. I mean, we have a little run in Texas, which hopefully is going to be warm, but pretty much it's been all freezing cold. It's going to be all freezing cold," adds the Which Brings Me to You actor. The famous siblings also have carried over the tradition of their pre-show chant, which Nat notes that "we've been doing that since we were little kids." Never miss a story — sign up for PEOPLE's free daily newsletter to stay up-to-date on the best of what PEOPLE has to offer, from juicy celebrity news to compelling human interest stories. Many of their upcoming dates are fully sold out, including their performance at Brooklyn's iconic Baby's All Right venue. But the pair know that their January tour is a precursor for what's ahead, including an upcoming appearance at an Arizona music festival next month. "I think this is just the beginning," Nat teases. "We're excited about the festival. I hope we play some more festivals too. That'd be great. We're just compiling all the songs from the new album and it's really exciting." Tickets for Nat and Alex Wolff's tour can be purchased here. For more People news, make sure to sign up for our newsletter! Read the original article on People.
Media and data company Thomson Reuters is considering licensing content to AI firms, Bloomberg reported. Its top executive said the company is "open-minded" about working with large-language models. Other publishers, including Business Insider owner Axel Springer, have struck AI deals. News and information company Thomson Reuters is considering licensing some of its content to companies that build generative artificial-intelligence tools, Bloomberg reported on Monday. The company's top executive said Thomson Reuters is "open-minded" about working with large-language-model, or LLM, providers. "We've been in discussions with a number of those providers," the company's CEO Steve Hasker told Bloomberg. Thomson Reuters offers products across various sectors, from its legal research tool, Westlaw, to its news and media division, Reuters. The company's vast data sets could be particularly useful for companies like OpenAI, Microsoft, or Google that are building generative AI features. Access to information from news sources may become increasingly important for AI firms if more users turn to chatbots over traditional search tools when looking for current information. Some media companies, including Business Insider owner Axel Springer, have already signed licensing deals with AI providers. Axel Springer's partnership with OpenAI will incorporate content from the publisher's properties like BI, Politico, and Bild into ChatGPT results, along with story attribution and links to the original articles. Apple is also in discussions with some news publishers to gain access to content to bolster its generative AI efforts, per a New York Times report. How LLMs are trained and what constitutes fair use of content has become a hot-button issue in the fast-growing AI industry. Authors, artists, and other rights holders have signed letters or launched lawsuits against some big AI firms, alleging they used copyrighted materials to train models without permission. Music industry lawyers are putting together playbooks to protect artists and labels from an onslaught of AI imitators. And, the New York Times filed a lawsuit in December against Microsoft and OpenAI, alleging "unlawful use of The Times's work to create artificial intelligence products that compete with it." A spokesperson for Thomson Reuters did not provide additional comment to BI on Bloomberg's report by press time. Read the original article on Business Insider
New rules for owning American XL Bully dogs have been put in place in the UK after a spate of violent attacks - but not everyone agrees the legislation will work. XL Bullys aren’t the only breed banned under the Dangerous Dogs Act. They have joined Pit Bulls Terriers, Japanese Tosas, Dogo Argentino and Brazilian Mastiffs on the list of breeds deemed too dangerous to be domestic pets. When we asked for your opinions, many Independent readers were concerned about the uptick in recent attacks involving the Bully breed - and several claimed “history is repeating itself”, labelling breed-specific legislation ineffective. Some readers argued that certain breeds are “dangerous in the wrong hands” while others said “all dogs are ultimately a danger”. Here’s what you had to say: ‘No place for them’ Of course they should be banned they are dangerous killers of people and other pets. No place for them in modern society ‘Deadly in the wrong hands’ Being a dog lover, I would have been on the anti-dog-axe side, that was until we [my son and I) had an incident with two vicious XL bullies (with no ears). Ok I know it was the owner’s fault, they even laughed when the two dogs lunged at us. I had never known terror of a dog until this incident. It knocked me sick for several days, especially thinking about what would have happened if they’d have pulled the owners over and attacked us. These dogs are, without a shadow of a doubt, deadly in the wrong hands and the deaths/injuries are testament to this. My neighbour has a cane corsa and he’s a beautiful dog, because his owners have taken time out to train/socialise him, however, how many people are prepared to do this? Pounds all over the UK, are full of unwanted/untrained lockdown/cost-of-living dogs with behavioural problems. In my opinion, if people [like my neighbour] want certain large breeds that can be dangerous in the wrong hands, by law they should: 1) Have to take out third-party insurance 2) Training should be mandatory 3) Muzzling when in public 4) Breeding of these dogs should be strictly regulated and done by licensed breeders This should stop the appeal to those people [like those we came across] Too extreme? Then do you want to continue seeing death after death? ‘It will be another breed next’ So, the XL bully is banned because IF it did flip and went for someone/another dog, because it’s larger it could cause more damage than a smaller dog? So shouldn’t you be saying ban all dogs that are large? I can guarantee it will be another breed next, Cane Corso, Belgian Malinois etc. It’s like saying someone small and 5’5” or below should get a lesser prison sentence for GBH than someone who is large and 6ft because they have “less power” or could “cause less damage”? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. And now you want me to muzzle my harmless dog so that he can’t defend himself if he gets attacked? Okay then, let’s throw someone handcuffed into the middle of a fight and see if they can defend themselves. How can you discriminate against a breed purely due to its size and power because of a few cross-bred dogs that the owners have been irresponsible with and NOT trained properly? Bullies can’t even be reactive now, if someone stood on the other side of the street shouting at you, you wouldn’t shout back no? But a “safe” breed of dog can go mental at a Bully but even he even barks back then he is the issue?? STOP BLAMING THE WRONG END OF THE LEAD. ALL dog owners should require a license to own a dog. Big or small. BSL DOES NOT WORK. The only people who are suffering here are the responsible owners who have exempted and will follow guidelines to keep their family member safe. The people who have let this breed down and who are responsible for bringing a dog up to be dangerous will not follow the guidelines. This will solve NOTHING. ‘History is repeating itself’ History is repeating itself yet our government is stuck in 1991! Nobody cares about science, expert opinion and the opinion of professionals in the canine field. What was the point of the dog control coalition? What was the point of DEFRA’s own funded research to help to understand the reasons behind these dog attacks? All was there black on white and yet they chose to follow hysteria and back of napkin so-called evidence. The government enabled dog abusers to continue the abuse, breeders to continue their dodgy business, and owners to lay their hands on dogs that they know nothing about. It seems to me that somebody is paying the gov real good to continue this farce. ‘Owners should take full responsibility’ I am totally in favour of the ban being ditched. It’s entirely down to the owners to take full responsibility and educate themselves on dog breeds that may fall into the category of dangerous. How about educating the potential owners of these pups before being allowed to own one in their home? ‘They need to listen to genuine experts’ If the weekend is something to go by, the ban on any breed DOES NOT WORK. We abolished capital punishment yet find it acceptable to have BSL. This was a bad move by the government, yet again. They need to listen to the genuine experts, not be a minority pleaser, all the time. ‘Having an animal as a pet is a privilege’ The breed-specific ban doesn’t work and never will. The problem is not the dogs it is us humans we seem to think we are the superior race but we are not, every single life on this planet has meaning and should be respected. Having an animal as a pet is a privilege and we should respect that and do everything we can do to keep our pets happy, healthy and out of danger. The problem is people will buy a dog purely on looks and without understanding the breed and their needs and they haven’t got a clue how to read a dog’s body language and how to train them. I think the whole dog industry and laws need a good shake-up and people need to understand their dogs better. I am so fed up and upset by this XL Bully ban and so many innocent lives have been lost due to us humans. Things really need to change. People kill people every day, so should we wipe out the human race?! ‘The problem is owners who cannot train their dogs properly’ As someone who has grown up as a young child around breeds that everyone would label dangerous, I would not label any of them that. From Pitbulls, American Bull Dogs, Dobermans and Rottweilers: all large breeds are the loveliest dogs ever in my opinion, as friends and family who own them train them and show them affection and give them boundaries at the same time. They are loved and treated like family members. The problem is owners who cannot train their dogs properly from day one as a puppy. It’s very important to socialise them with other dogs at a young age also. All these things shape the kind of dog you end up with as they grow into adults. They need time and patience to train a puppy and if they don’t have that then that’s where the problem begins. I think it should be mandatory for all dogs to be trained properly and socialised. Training can be costly though if you don’t have the time yourself to do it and need professional help and I think this is what owners also need to take into consideration when deciding if getting a dog is right for them. I think it should be the owners at fault not the breed! ‘Treated like unexploded bombs’ To recap here, breed-specific legislation... Is unsupported by scientific evidence - there is no evidence that so-called prohibited dogs are any more dangerous than any other breed. (A 2019 study found only 8% of dangerously out-of-control dog incidents involved prohibited breeds). Has failed to protect the public - dog bite hospitalizations haven’t gone down (if anything, they’ve increased). Has led to thousands of non-aggressive dogs being euthanized or treated like unexploded bombs simply because of the way they look. So, it’s ineffective, not supported by scientific evidence, and condemned by pretty much every animal welfare group and most of the British public, which begs the question.... what good is it, then? Rather than perpetuating this pathetic, reactionary and ill-informed cycle, what the government should be doing is changing course and setting right what has wronged so many. ‘We can’t definitely say BSL could never have a positive impact’ Is BSL a magic solution? NO Could I design a better solution? Yes Could I design a better solution with the resources available which doesn’t further restrict and fine all the responsible dog owners out there? No Are Pitbulls and their derivatives, the Bully, more dangerous than other breeds? Yes. All over the world. They do more damage and can rarely be stopped. They routinely kill animals but this often isn’t a statistic collected officially. We can’t definitely say BSL could never have a positive impact because there have never been the resources to enforce it. Plus a lot of deaths are essentially due to people for whom anti-social behaviour is the norm and we don’t have that many solutions for people who just don’t think ahead and consider the consequences. You can have all the stiff prison sentences you like but these people believe it doesn’t apply to them so they don’t change their behaviour. Once your family member is dead there is no bringing them back so we are stuck with trying to restrict access to the most deadly weapons/dogs. ‘The public need to be protected’ I know that there are some very responsible owners out there with some lovely dogs but the public need to be protected against those that are not. I don’t believe it’s fair to pick on certain breeds but the XL Bully is so incredibly strong that they are impossible to stop if the worse happens. The only other option is to have ALL dogs on leads in public places, with maybe the bigger breeds muzzled too. My personal choice would be for that option as even friendly smaller breeds are a nuisance off-lead if not properly trained (and most of them aren’t). I know this won’t be a popular option but surely it’s better than euthanising innocent animals. ‘All dogs are ultimately a danger’ Breed-specific bans do not work. As it’s reported and said, they’ll just move on to another breed type - then another ban... All dogs are ultimately a danger! And I would say there are generally five reasons why a dog will bite/attack another dog or a human. 1. If it is forced into a corner and/or fears for its life or owners. 2. If provoked. 3. If trained. 4. If ill-treated. 5. If not given enough exercise or socialisation and becomes frustrated because of very high energy levels. Just as humans do! It’s not the dog, it’s the owner of the dog that is to blame for the incidents that have sadly happened recently. Many innocent dogs and people are trapped in this awful situation. Look at the terrible situation of teenage knife stabbings... do we round all teenagers up and leash them? No we treat them individually, so why can’t we do the same with dogs? The XL Bully ban is unfair and wrong! They were bred to be loving family pets but because of a few, dare I say idiots, the majority of decent, loving dogs and their owners are labelled the same and put through this hell and cost for those few... Repeal the ban and work on legislation that will actually work for humans and dogs alike. ‘Just too dangerous’ The problem with XL Bullies, which doesn’t seem to be mentioned enough, is how inbred they are, whilst I’m sure there are responsible XL breeders out there too many of them are breeding too close to the line, with both the RSPCA and Bully magazine reporting on sibling and parent offspring matings occurring regularly. There is a strong association between spontaneous aggression in dogs and inbreeding and these practices produce dogs, through no fault of their own, that are just too dangerous, that even in the hands of responsible owners can still be dangerous. Add to that the amount of lazy owners who do very little to train their dogs and it’s a crying shame but I don’t believe there is a need or place for this breed in British homes. Some of the questions and answers have been edited for this article. You can read the full discussion in the comments section of the original article. The conversation isn’t over - there’s still time to have your say. If you want to share your opinion then add it in the comments of this story. All you have to do is sign up, submit your question and register your details - then you can then take part in the discussion. You can also sign up by clicking ‘log in’ on the top right-hand corner of the screen.
February 07, 2020 2 min read Firstly, it’s important to know that the type of machine you use will affect the coffee’s heat retention, which relies primarily on the quality of the materials. Semi-commercial home machines, most of which have brass components, will offer greater temperature stability during the espresso extraction process. Also, the more powerful machines have boilers that are faster to return to their optimal temperature, which is a major advantage if you’re using the machine at the same time as someone else, as each coffee will be excellent, one after the next. One last important point: you must allow the machine enough warm-up time before using it. Yes, it will be hotter, but the machine will reach its optimal pressure levels for extracting the perfect espresso. But if you don’t have this kind of machine, we have two useful tips for maintaining the heat of your espresso. Like the brew group, the portafilter and filter should always be very hot when you use them. Once again, the quality of the materials will affect the espresso’s temperature. With low-conductivity materials, simply rinse these two components with the hot water produced by the machine before adding the ground coffee. It’s simple and very efficient. Another trick is to keep the coffee cups on the machine if it has a cup warmer (heat diffusion from the top). If the machine doesn’t have one, you can go straight to the rinsing stage using the water from the machine before brewing the coffee. February 16, 2024 3 min readRead More
Morsi Tops Twitter Poll Even though his account has been inactive for some time now, a study by Digital Daya shows that Mohamed Morsi ranked in #14 in a list of the top world leaders on Twitter, in terms of popularity. Find out who else made the cut: The Interim government has been beaten in the popularity polls by former President Mohamed Morsi, a new study claims. The poll by Digital Daya, which ranks the popularity of world leaders based on their number of Twitter followers ranked the former President at no.14 (786,651) in December 2012. However this year's study found that the current government's @egyptgovportal barely reaching the top half of the list and scoring less than 45,000 followers. Morsi, who currently has more than 1,900,000 followers on his inactive account, previously sent out a series of tweets negating the legality of his takedown by the military. The former leader's tweets were made accessible to both English and Arabic audiences as the social media site began testing a Bing-powered English translation tool on Morsi’s and other prominent Egyptian accounts. Turkish President Abdullah Gul also scored in the top 10 global leaders after increasing his audience by over 1.5 million people to approximately 4.1 million followers. Gul has been a strong supporter of the social media platform despite Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey having called Twitter and social media “the worst menace to society.” Meanwhile, the UAE PM, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, ranked in seventh place as part of the annual survey, netting more than two million followers.
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Danelo Cavalcante, a convicted murderer who escaped from a Pennsylvania prison on August 31, was captured on Wednesday morning after a 14-day manhunt that involved hundreds of law enforcement officers and put the rural community on edge. Cavalcante, who was sentenced to life in prison without parole for stabbing his ex-girlfriend to death in front of her two children in 2021, managed to slip out of the Chester County Prison in West Chester by squeezing himself between two parallel walls and climbing over a fence. He also had an outstanding warrant for another homicide case in his native Brazil. The escape triggered a massive search operation that spanned several counties and involved local, state, and federal agencies, as well as helicopters, drones, dogs, and thermal imaging technology. Cavalcante was considered armed and dangerous after he stole a rifle from a garage on Monday night and exchanged gunfire with the homeowner. The breakthrough came on Wednesday, when a burglar alarm alerted authorities to Cavalcante’s presence at a vacant home in Pocopson Township, about 10 miles from the prison. A state police plane equipped with infrared cameras located Cavalcante hiding in the woods behind the house and directed ground units to his position. Pennsylvania State Police arrested escapee Danelo Cavalcante. The news conference begins at 9 a.m: BREAKING: Escaped prisoner Danelo Cavalcante has been captured, Pennsylvania State Police said. A news conference is scheduled for 9 a.m. https://t.co/fqecJtdb0T — CBS Philadelphia (@CBSPhiladelphia) September 13, 2023 Cavalcante was taken into custody without incident and transported to a hospital for evaluation. He was found to have minor injuries from exposure to the elements and insect bites. He was wearing clothes that he had stolen from another residence earlier. Pennsylvania State Police Lt. Col. George Bivens said at a news conference that Cavalcante’s capture was a relief for the community and a testament to the dedication and cooperation of the law enforcement officers involved. Take a look at some additional recently published content from us: - Woman Arrested for Setting Fire Inside Target to Steal Baby Formula in Buena Park - Petaluma Woman Arrested for DUI, Using Stolen Work Truck “The nightmare is finally over,” Bivens said. “This was a very dangerous individual who had nothing to lose.” Bivens also expressed his condolences to the family of Deborah Brandão, Cavalcante’s ex-girlfriend who was brutally killed by him in 2021. He said the family had been terrorized all over again by Cavalcante’s escape and hoped they could find some peace now. Cavalcante is expected to face additional charges for his escape and the crimes he committed while on the run. He is currently being held at an undisclosed location under high security.
A tragic shooting in Miami Gardens has resulted in two people getting injured. Learn more about the incident here. Tag - Jackson Memorial Hospital In an unfortunate incident that took place early Thursday morning, a man was shot and killed outside a home in Little Havana. Learn more about this case here. Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami-Dade county is facing a high-inflow of patients as the COVID-19 vaccine has become available for the public. Read on to know more.
Ways to Reduce Financial Stress and Improve Mental Health Today’s generation is growing very rapidly in terms of professional means and expertise. A lot of small children have the skills that not even a 30-year-old can achieve through experience. This increasing competition causes a lot of stress and work pressure on people and eventually, their health condition starts deteriorating causing a reduced human lifespan. That is why you should know the proper way to cope with financial anxiety about money so that your health doesn’t suffer from any major troubles in a very small age itself. There exist some important ways in which this great financial stress and eventually deteriorating mental & physical health can be brought back to normal. If proper implementation of these ways is done, then effective results can be received by the people. Ways to Reduce Financial Stress & Improve Mental Health – Following are some impactful ways to reduce financial stress and improve your mental health to a great extent: Have a Creative Side to yourself – Always have a creative side to yourself so that you will automatically release all of your stress there. Find out the Root Cause of your Financial Anxiety – Find out the root cause of your financial anxiety and then implement the right means to remove it. Perform Yoga & Meditation to Calm your Mind – By performing Yoga and meditation, you can calm your mind to a great extent and release all the anxiety that is present in it completely, whether it is related financially or due to any other factor. All the above ways to make your mental health much better than before and also, keep it consistent irrespective of the financial stress that you may suffer from are very helpful for everyone. There is the big necessity for these ways in today’s world and so, everyone should know them properly for the betterment of their mental and physical health. If you are dealing with financial anxiety to a terrible extent and want to find some way out from this mental stress, then the healing process starts with you itself. You don’t have to roam around finding ways to make yourself healthy mentally if you know yourself properly and engage yourself in some hobbies along with your job as well. Therefore, building a solid mental foundation irrespective of whatever financial situation you may suffer will only be possible with your sheer will and determination.
Naomi Feil was solely 8 years outdated when she moved into what was then often known as a house for the aged, the place her mother and father labored. Residing there till she left for faculty, she realized firsthand, by trial and error, find out how to consolation and talk with older adults. When she died at 91 on Dec. 24 at her dwelling in Jasper, Ore., she had devoted her whole profession to discovering methods to consolation disoriented older individuals and their caregivers. Her daughter Vicki de Klerk-Rubin mentioned she died of most cancers. Mrs. Feil was a 24-year-old social employee, convening a gaggle of sufferers recognized as “senile psychotic,” when a employees psychologist on the Montefiore House for the Aged in Cleveland laid the muse for what would develop into the strategy she known as validation remedy. “He taught us when emotions are ‘validated’ they’re relieved,” Mrs. Feil defined on the web site of her nonprofit Validation Coaching Institute in Nice Hill, Ore. “‘You’re validating your residents, serving to them launch their ache.’ When social work college students requested me what I used to be doing, I answered: ‘Validation.’ And so a brand new method of relating was fashioned.” Her methodology requires caregivers to empathize with disoriented people in an effort to scale back their stress and help their dignity, fairly than attempt to impose actuality on them. “In the event you validate somebody, you settle for them the place they’re and the place they’re not,” Mrs. Feil (pronounced “really feel”) usually mentioned. “In the event you settle for them, then they’ll settle for themselves.” As she refined her strategies, she based the nonprofit Validation Coaching Institute in 1982. She directed it till 2014 when she was succeeded by Ms. de Klerk-Rubin, her daughter. “She was a pioneer on this space of person-centered dementia care,” Sam Fazio, the senior director of high quality care and psychosocial analysis on the Alzheimer’s Affiliation, mentioned in a cellphone interview. “What’s key in connecting with an individual with cognitive impairment is to satisfy them of their actuality as an alternative of anticipating them to satisfy us in ours.” Her concept, like a associated one known as therapeutic deception, was not with out its critics. The primary objection is that it condones mendacity. The British Alzheimer’s Society has mentioned that “we battle to see how systematically deceiving somebody with dementia may be a part of an genuine trusting relationship.” Others argue that mendacity, or accepting a affected person’s delusion as actuality, is justified when it’s within the affected person’s greatest curiosity. There’s nonetheless no consensus. In keeping with the Validation Coaching Institute, greater than 9,000 individuals in 14 international locations have been educated to speak with individuals with declining cognitive talents, particularly dementia, by expressing empathy. Mrs. Feil wrote two books: “Validation: The Feil Technique, How you can Assist the Disoriented Previous-Previous” (1982) and “The Validation Breakthrough” (1993). She collaborated on a later version of “The Validation Breakthrough” with Ms. de Klerk-Rubin. She and her husband, Edward R. Feil, an expert filmmaker, collaborated on numerous documentaries, together with “The Interior World of Aphasia” (1968), which was positioned on america Nationwide Movie Preservation Board’s movie registry in 2015. Gisela Noemi Weil was born on July 22, 1932, in Munich to Jewish mother and father. By the point she was 5, her household had fled Nazi Germany for america, the place her father, Julius Weil, grew to become director of the Montefiore House for the Aged in Cleveland, and her mom, Helen (Kahn) Weil, ran the house’s social service division. After finding out at Oberlin School in Oberlin, Ohio, and Western Reserve College (now Case Western Reserve College) in Cleveland, and incomes her grasp’s diploma from the Columbia College College of Social Work in New York in 1956, she married Warren J. Rubin. Their marriage led to divorce. She then moved to Cleveland and returned to the Montefiore House, this time as a member of the skilled employees. She married Mr. Feil in 1963; he died in 2021. Along with Ms. de Klerk-Rubin, her daughter from her first marriage, Mrs. Feil is survived by one other daughter from that marriage, Beth Rubin; two sons from her second marriage, Edward G. Feil and Kenneth Jonathan Feil; six grandchildren; and one great-granddaughter. She and Mr. Feil moved from Ohio to Eugene, Ore., in 2015 to reside on their son Edward’s farm, the place Mr. Feil, who was affected by cognitive decline, obtained full-time dwelling nursing care, piano classes, portray courses and validation remedy. Within the early Nineteen Sixties, when she began working with disoriented individuals over 80, Mrs. Feil realized that serving to them to face actuality was an unrealistic objective, one that may frustrate the caregiver and the invalid alike. “Every individual was trapped in a world of their very own fantasy,” she wrote in her first ebook. “I realized validation from the individuals with whom I labored,” she added. “I realized that they’ve the knowledge to outlive by returning to the previous.”
I do business in the following manner: Professionalism: I have the unique ability to understand complex issues, analyse them and develop solutions; I have in-depth knowledge of sustainable development programmes, sub-programmes and projects, with a focus on the economic, social and environmental aspects and their relation to national development policy and planning, including equity and gender-specific dimensions; I have an inherent ability to work under pressure and to use limited time and resources effectively; I have flexibility to adapt rapidly to changing situations; and I have the capacity to ensure that the highest possible quality outputs are produced. Teamwork: I am a leader who works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals; I solicit input by genuinely valuing others’ ideas and expertise; I am willing to learn from others; I place the team agenda before my personal agenda; and I support and act in accordance with final group decision, even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own position. Planning & Organizing: I believe in collective development of clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies; I identify priority activities and assignments; I adjust priorities as required; I allocate appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work; I foresee risks and allows for contingencies when planning; I monitor and adjusts plans and actions as necessary; and I use time efficiently. Leadership: Over the past 20 years I have endeavoured to serve as a role model that other people want to follow; I empower others to translate vision into results; I am proactive in developing strategies to accomplish objectives; I establish and maintain relationships with a broad range of people to understand needs and gain support; and I anticipate and resolve conflicts by pursuing mutually agreeable solutions. Judgment/Decision-making: I identify the key issues in a complex situation, and come to the heart of the problem quickly; my principle is to make sure that I gather relevant information before making a decision; I consider positive and negative impacts of decisions prior to making them; and I always take decisions with an eye to the impact on others and on the Organization.
Recipe: almond joy chocolate pie Almond Joy Chocolate Pie 6 to 8 servings 20 miniature Almond Joy candy bars or 10 large bars 3/4 cups graham cracker crumbs 1/2 cup granulated sugar 1/3 cup cornstarch 1/4 cup Hershey’s cocoa 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 cups milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 16 miniature Almond Joy bars or 8 regular, cut into 1/2-inch pieces (place candy in freezer 15 minutes for easy cutting) Sweetened whipped cream or whipped topping Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Lightly butter a 9-inch pie plate and set aside. Place crust ingredients in a food processor and process until mix is thoroughly blended. Press onto bottom and up sides of pie plate. Bake 10 minutes. Remove and allow to cool completely. In a medium saucepan, stir together sugar, cornstarch, cocoa and salt. Blend in milk and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly with wire whisk until it boils, stirring for 1 minute. (This will be very thick.) Remove from heat and blend in vanilla and candy pieces and stir until melted. Pour into pie crust and press plastic wrap onto surface. Refrigerate until set. Top with whipped cream when ready to serve.
Dogs are like humans in many ways. As with humans, they can be sensitive to their environment. A multitude of different offenders can drive your dog crazy, and result in obsessive licking, scratching, itching, and sneezing. Sometimes allergens can even drive your dog into displaying odd behaviors like scooting across the floor. Though in most cases these allergens are harmless, some dogs can have strong reactions to them. This happens when their immune system reacts and their body tries to rid itself of the offending agent. Symptoms of allergies in dogs can manifest in responses that will make your dog utterly miserable. Of course, that means by extension you are miserable, because no one likes to stand around and watch their dog suffer. Signs of Allergies in Dogs Some of the signs your dog is suffering from allergies may include more obvious signals, like itching and scratching (especially when it is excessive). If your dog’s itching results in moist, red, scabbed-looking skin, there is definitely a problem. Sometimes dogs will experience runny noses, itchy and runny eyes, as well as suffer from canine ear infections. Their ears may itch and at times ooze a foul-smelling liquid. Some dogs may itch along their back or around the base of their tail, although this is typically seen more in dogs with flea allergies. Sometimes dogs may sneeze, vomit, and even experience diarrhea due to an allergic response. Dogs may lick constantly (even obsessively), as well as chew their paws. Sometimes dogs may even snore because of allergies that may be causing inflammation in their throat. Also, if a dog is suffering from any sort of secondary bacterial or canine yeast infection, you may notice hair loss coupled with scabby, crusty-looking skin. Unfortunately, no dog is immune to allergies, and sensitivities can develop at any time in a dog’s life. It is thought that some breeds may be more susceptible than others, but it really boils down to the individual dog and the current strength of their immune system. Types of Allergens Dogs May Be Sensitive To Another thing dogs have in common with people is they can be allergic to just about anything. However, as with people, some things seem to be more common than others. Dogs can be allergic to things like: - Dust mites - Tree and weed pollens - Cigarette smoke - Cleaning products - Fleas and flea saliva - Flea medications - Food allergies - Prescription medications - Even certain rubbers and plastics Allergy Treatments for Dogs So, what can you give a dog that is suffering from allergies? It really depends on the type of allergen, as the type of allergen will determine the type of treatment options that will be most effective. Common treatments for allergies in dogs are often medications meant to suppress the function of your dog’s immune response and keep the immune system from attacking itself. Some drugs that your vet may prescribe for this purpose include steroids and/or anti-allergy medications like Atopica or Apoquel. Unfortunately, drugs like Atopica and Apoquel can sometimes do more harm than good. It is recommended to be cautious with these medications and to do your research before giving them to your pet. Some of them can increase a dog’s susceptibility to more life-threatening conditions, even as they suppress your dog’s immune response to the offending allergen currently causing them grief. It’s up to you and your vet to decide which medications may be right for your case and your dog, and up to you and your vet to decide if your dog needs any medications at all. Occasionally your vet may recommend a special diet, or recommend prescription dog foods intended to treat allergies. While some of these special foods can be beneficial to your dog, still others can contain harmful ingredients that could make your dog worse. Foods that contain a high starch content and foods that use fillers are two examples. Still other foods promoted as hypo-allergenic can contain MSG, which has been known to cause brain damage in dogs. When considering dietary changes, it may be wise to prepare your dog’s food yourself so that you know exactly what is going into it. Then you can ensure they are getting healthy nutrition that is supporting their recovery, not fighting against it. If your dog’s allergies do require medications (such as may be the case with certain airborne allergens that can’t be removed from your dog’s environment), here are a few that are typically prescribed: Sometimes your vet may recommend allergy injections to help your pet build up an immunity to certain allergens, instead of just treating the symptoms and relieving the itching. These allergy vaccines may help reduce the number and severity of symptoms over time, making them a more attractive option than many other drug treatments. In some cases, antihistamines may be recommended. One of the more well-known medications sometimes recommended is Benadryl. Just bear in mind that these types of antihistamine medications won’t work on all dogs. This is because histamines aren’t the only culprit when it comes to what is causing their itching, something else could also be triggering a response to itch. These drugs often must be combined with other types of medications to be effective. Immune Modulating Drugs and Cortisone Sometimes vets may recommend immune modulating drugs to suppress the immune system, and in very severe cases, cortisone drugs may become necessary. However, cortisone should only be used under close supervision by your vet, as they are very strong medications that can cause significant side effects. Fatty Acid Supplements Sometimes dogs may benefit from daily fatty acid supplements like biotin and omega-3’s. These supplements can bring quite a bit of relief to skin that is itchy, plus keep your dog’s coat and hair healthy. Coconut oil may be useful for this as well. Either way, it’s a win-win. Special Sprays and Shampoos Specials shampoos may be used to help relieve itching and prevent secondary infections, which is a common occurrence in dogs with allergies. If you don’t like using shampoos, you can also find sprays that offer similar benefits. If your dog has any hotspots, sulfodene sprays in particular may be beneficial for them and help reduce the redness and irritation that leads to painful itching. Flea Prevention Medications If your dog is suffering from a flea allergy, they may benefit from a flea prevention medication that is applied topically. Even the bite of a single flea can make a dog with a flea allergy utterly miserable, so if your dog has this type of allergy, it’s important to be proactive in their treatment to avoid any undue suffering. Natural Alternatives to Allergy Medications for Dogs When you want to avoid oral or topical medications, there are several natural allergy therapies you might try instead. These include: Quercetin is sometimes used as a natural antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant supplement. It’s a flavonoid found in a group of phytonutrients that comes from fruits and veggies. Some research suggests quercetin may reduce allergy symptoms by preventing the release of histamine in the body. This flavonoid is found naturally in foods like broccoli and apples. However, you might find quercetin more beneficial as a supplement, since the dosage is much more concentrated that way. Another natural treatment option is bovine colostrum, which can be given in powder or pill form. This supplement is believed to help suppress the immune response, and is also thought to be an anti-inflammatory and antihistamine. It is thought to work by helping to build up your dog’s natural antibodies that help them to combat common allergens. Gut bacteria is a very important component in treating allergies successfully. Prebiotics and probiotics are essential, and giving your dog sprouted seeds can be an excellent way to provide these things, as well as give your dog important gut-supporting vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. It is possible this is why dogs seek to consume grass when they have a tummy upset. For a topical relief measure, you can try applying brewed and cooled green tea to itchy skin. Green tea contains polyphenols which offers anti-inflammatory and antihistamine-type effects that can be soothing for your canine. Fresh aloe from an aloe plant is healing and can reduce inflammation in dogs because of enzymes contained in the gel. However, the gel must be from a fresh aloe plant. The bottled stuff in stores does not usually have the necessary enzymes to provide significant relief. Baking soda is another inexpensive and well-known natural remedy used for calming inflammation. It can be used as a paste, or you can dilute a tablespoon or two in a spray bottle full of water. Simply spray the solution on your dog’s skin (after a good bath, of course). Witch hazel is sometimes used as a natural treatment option for allergies. It can be applied to itchy, rash-covered skin several times a day. It can also be used in your dog’s ears, and as a dip for their feet when their pawls are itchy. Witch hazel has a high level of tannins which work to repair skin and reduce swelling, making it ideal for allergy sufferers. What Else Can I Do for My Dog’s Allergies? Try wiping down your dog with wet wipes after they’ve been outside or on a walk. You can find pet grooming wipes just about anywhere, and they are a quick and efficient way to clean your pet up and remove offending allergens and dander until they can be given an actual bath. Just make sure that whatever wipes you use, your dog is not sensitive to those as well! Bathe your dog regularly. It sounds super simple, but sometimes simple is what works. You can use hypoallergenic and anti-itch shampoos specially formulated for dogs with allergies for best results. These are shampoos that contain soothing ingredients like oatmeal or evening primrose oil. Just be careful that you don’t go overboard with bathing your dog, because that can backfire and make skin conditions in dogs worse. In between baths, you can soak your dog’s feet when they come indoors to remove any outdoor allergens they may have picked up and wind up carrying into the house. Avoid over vaccinating and over medicating your dog. Unfortunately, too many vaccines can cause your dog’s immune system to overreact and open the door for allergic reactions. Antibiotics tend to wipe out the good bugs along with the bad bugs, which upsets the delicate gut flora that is critical for a healthy pet. When given too often, medications like these can wreak havoc with your dog’s immune response. Keep Your Air Clean Consider purchasing an air purifier for inside your house, to get a handle on dust mites. Use cleaning products that are nontoxic, and make your home a no smoking zone. These three things alone can have a significant impact on your dog’s indoor environment and as a result, their health. As you can see, there are no one-size-fits-all treatment options for dogs with allergies. The type of treatment required will often depend on the type of allergy your dog may have, and sometimes that is not always easy to pin down. It can become a “throw spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks” type of scenario, which can be frustrating. If you suspect your dog may be suffering from some sort of allergy, is wise to take them to your vet and enlist their help in narrowing down the cause of the problem. Then your vet can recommend the best treatment options available that will be geared specifically for your dog and their unique set of problems. - “Top 10 Allergy Fixes For Dogs.” Dogs Naturally Magazine, 16 Oct. 2018, Accessed 6 Oct. 2017. www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/allergy-relief-for-dogs-top-ten-remedies/. - Khuly, Patty. “My Top 10 List of Over-the-Counter Human Meds to Use on Pets.” Vetstreet, Accessed 6 Oct. 2017. www.vetstreet.com/our-pet-experts/my-top-10-list-of-over-the-counter-human-meds-that-can-be-used-on-pets. - Coates, Jennifer. “What Can I Give My Dog or Cat for Allergies?” PetMD, 18 Apr. 2013, Accessed 6 Oct. 2017. www.petmd.com/blogs/fullyvetted/2013/april/allergy-season-for-dogs-and-cats-30092. - Vogelsang, Jessica. “Can I Give My Dog Benadryl and If So, How Much?” PetMD, Accessed 6 Oct. 2017. www.petmd.com/dog/care/can-i-give-my-dog-benadryl-and-if-so-how-much. - “8 Natural Remedies For Dogs With Seasonal Allergies.” DogTime, Accessed 6 Oct. 2017. www.dogtime.com/dog-health/50789-8-natural-remedies-dogs-seasonal-allergies.
Complex relationships between greenness, air pollution, and mortality in a population-based Canadian cohort. Crouse DL, Pinault L, Balram A, Brauer M, Burnett RT, Martin RV, van Donkelaar A, Villeneuve PJ, Weichenthal S. Epidemiological studies have consistently demonstrated that exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is associated with increased risks of mortality. To a lesser extent, a series of studies suggest that living in greener areas is associated with reduced risks of mortality. Only a handful of studies have examined the interplay between PM2.5, greenness, and mortality. We investigated the role of residential greenness in modifying associations between long-term exposures to PM2.5 and non-accidental and cardiovascular mortality in a national cohort of non-immigrant Canadian adults (i.e., the 2001 Canadian Census Health and Environment Cohort). Specifically, we examined associations between satellite-derived estimates of PM2.5 exposure and mortality across quintiles of greenness measured within 500 m of individual’s place of residence during 11 years of follow-up. We adjusted our survival models for many personal and contextual measures of socioeconomic position, and residential mobility data allowed us to characterize annual changes in exposures. Our cohort included approximately 2.4 million individuals at baseline, 194,270 of whom died from non-accidental causes during follow-up. Adjustment for greenness attenuated the association between PM2.5 and mortality (e.g., hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) per interquartile range increase in PM2.5 in models for non-accidental mortality decreased from 1.065 (95% CI: 1.056-1.075) to 1.041 (95% CI: 1.031-1.050)). The strength of observed associations between PM2.5 and mortality decreased as greenness increased. This pattern persisted in models restricted to urban residents, in models that considered the combined oxidant capacity of ozone and nitrogen dioxide, and within neighbourhoods characterised by high or low deprivation. We found no increased risk of mortality associated with PM2.5among those living in the greenest areas. For example, the HR for cardiovascular mortality among individuals in the least green areas was 1.17 (95% CI: 1.12-1.23) compared to 1.01 (95% CI: 0.97-1.06) among those in the greenest areas. Studies that do not account for greenness may overstate the air pollution impacts on mortality. Residents in deprived neighbourhoods with high greenness benefitted by having more attenuated associations between PM2.5 and mortality than those living in deprived areas with less greenness. The findings from this study extend our understanding of how living in greener areas may lead to improved health outcomes.
Cape Hillsborough Nature Tourist Park is committed to protecting the environment in which it exists. Recognising the importance of our location within Cape Hillsborough National Park, we will abide by all legislative and regulatory requirements under the Work Health and Safety Act, Work Health and Safety Regulations, and the requirements of the Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection. Cape Hillsborough Nature Tourist Park understands the benefits of environmental management and will fulfil its legal and community duty by taking all reasonable and practicable measures to prevent or minimise harm to the environment. Cape Hillsborough Nature Tourist Park will promote environment awareness amongst all staff to increase an understanding of environmental matters. Educating our visitors and guests will also form part of our environmental management program. To achieve these objectives, we will: - Maintain or enhance our product while minimising our resource use and operating costs - Achieve compatibility between economic development and the maintenance of the environment ensuring proper consideration is given to the care of the flora, fauna, air, land, water and the community - Comply with local and state government legislation and guidelines relating to the impact of business on its surrounding environment - Provide a safe and clean environment - Limiting the impact that the business has on the surrounding environment through thoughtful and careful management of its activities. Our Sustainable approach includes the following: - Provision of low-level lighting near the beach to prevent turtles being misled during laying season - Re-use of discarded or unwanted resources that can be repurposed within the park grounds/office - 100% recycle all waste water via our onsite treatment plant to be redistributed onto gardens and lawn - Shower heads are low flow - Toilets are dual flush - Hot water heated on demand only, by gas - Guests are provided tips for a sustainable stay within their check-in brochure - Use of electric powered buggies - Installation of eco-friendly washing machines - Recycling programs in place for paper / cardboard and drink containers - No intentional feeding of wildlife - Wildlife carers with the provisions of being a location to re-release wallabies and kangaroos that have been nursed back to health
Freediving Instructor Course Learn from the best Share your passion for freediving with others by taking the next step to become a professional freediving instructor. Our highly experienced instructor trainers will equip you with the knowledge and skills to teach others how to freedive safely. Run a Business Once qualified, you will have full access to the latest teaching and course materials, manuals and supplementary e-learning platforms. Our instructor trainers have run freediving courses throughout the world and will be able to help you realise your dream of being a successful freediving professional. Our freediving instructor courses are certified by Pure Apnea which has the highest standards for both sport and adventure freediving. As a Pure Apnea certified instructor you will be able to confidently teach freediving courses and present your successful students with internationally recognised qualifications. Adventure Freediving Instructor This Pure Apnea Adventure Freediving Instructor Qualification Course (AFIQC) is open to experienced recreational freedivers who are already Adventure Freediver II certified. Sport Freediving Instructor This Pure Apnea Sport Freediving Instructor Qualification Course (IQC) is open to highly accomplished sport freedivers who are already Level 3 Master Freediver certified. Meet Our Instructor Trainers Pure Apnea Master Instructor Trainer Stephan is without a doubt the most experienced freediving instructor and instructor trainer in Southern Africa. He is also an eight times Namibian freediving record holder. Besides representing Pure Apnea at the highest level, he has also had exposure to the freediving education systems of SSI, AIDA and Apnea Total. Having worked as a freediving instructor in Bali and Moalboal, Stephan has a wealth of knowledge about traveling and working as a freediving instructor. Pure Apnea Master Instructor Trainer John is without a doubt the second most experienced freediving instructor and instructor trainer in Southern Africa. He is also a three times South African freediving record holder. John is one of the founding members of Pure Apnea and has authored or co-authored all of its freediving manuals. He was instrumental in the creation of the Adventure Freediving courses and is passionate about sharing his love of freediving both as a sport and as a recreational activity. Frequently Asked Questions Want to know more? Maybe these FAQs will provide you with the answers. Where will the course be run? We will spend a large portion of the course at our freediving centre in Muizenberg, Cape Town. However, for the in-water modules we will make use of private or public swimming pools, the Blue Rock Quarry in Somerset West and the ocean. We will primarily utilise the quarry for depth modules of the sport freediving instructor course and we will favour the ocean for depth modules on the adventure freediving instructor course. However, if ocean conditions are bad during either course, we will use the quarry. What is the difference between the sport and adventure courses? We use the Pure Apnea freediving education system which is split between sport freediving and recreational freediving called ‘adventure freediving’. Although other freediving organisations sometimes refer to their courses as ‘recreational’ they are all in fact based on the sporting disciplines of freediving. Pure Apnea is currently the only organisation to have developed a freediving curriculum which is tailored to the type of freediving practised by recreational freedivers in the ocean, without the use of dive lines. The instructor courses are also separated along these lines. You can choose to either qualify as a sport instructor, as an adventure instructor or as both. Will I be able to find a job after qualifying? There are job opportunities at dedicated freediving centres like Cape Town Freediving. Full-time job opportunities might not be as readily available as part-time jobs though. Internationally, jobs frequently open at freediving centres in the major freediving hotspots like Bali, Cebu, Panglao, Dahab, Koh Tao etc. If you are planning on seeking employment at freedive centres that teach sport freediving courses then it would be best to enrol in the sport freediving instructor course. While working for an employer is attractive in terms of ease, we encourage our instructor candidates to be entrepreneurial and start their own freediving business. How long is the freediving instructor course? The absolute minimum duration is 14 days. Instructor candidates who are fully prepared, are natural teachers or perhaps have teaching experience in other fields will find this sufficient time for completion. However, we encourage most of our candidates to extend the course duration by teaching courses at our centre after the initial 14 day course period. This instils greater confidence in their abilities as an instructor and helps them get off to a smoother start. How much does a freediving instructor earn? A full time freediving instructor, working at a freedivng centre, with 1-3 years of teaching experience should earn upwards of R16,000. As a self-employed instructor the earning potential increases. The average beginner course costs around R3000 so to earn more than R16,000 per month will only require teaching 6 students. Will my instructor certification be internationally recognised? Pure Apnea is an international organisation with instructors based all around the world. Your certification will be internationally recognised. You will be able to secure liability insurance from international insurers. You will also be able to access facilities that require proof of certification. However, there is no central organisation or body that regulates freediving. Therefore, when crossing over to another organisation as a student or as an instructor, most organisations will require an assessment. This also applies to students and instructors from other organisations who want to crossover to Pure Apnea. If you apply for a job at a dive centre which uses another organisation’s education system, they will ask you to crossover and most likely require an assessment What is the difference between Pure Apnea and other agencies? Pure Apnea was founded over a decade ago in response to the poor quality and declining standards of freediving courses. Pure Apnea has set the highest standards of all freediving agencies for their instructors. So the major difference between Pure Apnea and other agencies offering freediving courses, is the quality of its instructors. For example, some scuba agencies allow their scuba instructors to qualify to teach freediving with the same performance requirements as a Pure Apnea Level 1 Freediver (beginner). Holding a Pure Apnea freediving instructor qualification will set you apart from the masses of poorly trained scuba-freediving instructors. Why enrol in a freediving instructor course? Some freedivers enjoy teaching others how to freedive and want to learn how to do it professionally. Others would like to travel overseas, particularly to tropical island destinations, and supplement their income by teaching freediving. There are also some freedivers who do not intend teaching much, but are motivated to achieve the highest level within freediving education for their own satisfaction. Some freedivers want to establish and run their own freediving business. Then there are those who are motivated by a combination of some or all of the above.
Absolutely nothing becomes anyone much warmer than just a beneficial sexy OnlyFans photographs capture, as well as in modern times, no one can get its eyes from the actually ever-expanding, NSFW system (especially when a number of their favorite superstars article seem to on the levels!) For people who you should never know, OnlyFans are a registration-situated program which was situated back to 2016, and you may became outrageously popular usually. Since there is a number of stuff on the internet site, its used mainly for NSFW posts. Of several sex experts swear by the system, generating the big bucks due to their juicy images and you can movies, and inside modern times, many superstars has registered during the on the website while the better. Usually, many a-listers possess hopped towards OnlyFans show, certain being for a few months just before deleting the account and lots of shopping for an insanely higher quantity of triumph on the system. For those that possess existed, they frequently discuss how besides performed it link into another type of height the help of its fans, but you to definitely their rely on has actually leaped (we like to see it!) From Baywatch stars to Disney alums, so many stars have been turning up the heat with their sexy OnlyFans pages. See which stars have the steamiest OnlyFans accounts below! Denise Richards and you will Charlie Sheens eldest di Sheen produced headlines every where shortly after proclaiming she was signing up for the platform back in , appropriate turning 18. She listings dramatically NSFW posts, looking like a confident and you will glowing deity in every snapshot. Having $20 30 days, admirers is hypnotized because of the blond beauty. Now, Benson keeps a couple of additional OnlyFans account, one that’s $20 30 days and you may holds a lot of NSFW VIP stuff another 100 % free membership you to uses a cover-per-article design, and is a little tamer. Anyway, fans is enjoying that it region of the Disney alum. Celebrity and television personality Coco Austin revealed for the Feb nine one to the woman is the new superstar to become listed on OnlyFans. Austin established the news headlines to Instagram posting good alluring picture of their unique supposed pantsless with just a flowery robe. “Sure, I am toward OnlyFans today… You simply will not regret it.. ??,” she blogged regarding the caption. Rapper Iggy Azalea announced on Jan 13 that she is the newest member of the NSFW platform. According to Assortment, the Australian native plans to stream exclusive and uncensored photos, videos, music, illustrations and poetry as part of the “Hotter Than Hell X OnlyFans” collaboration. Denise Richards entered the new registration-established website back we Sheen announced she is joining it. Since that time, the woman is produced individuals turn brains with her NSFW postings and you may sexy behind-the-scenes outtakes she postings on her Instagram. The former Genuine Housewives out of Beverly Slopes star charges $25 a month for access to all of her exclusive content. Blac Chyna’s OnlyFans is easily among the many steamiest and more than well-identified on the website. She registered into , offering admirers personal articles for $ten 1 month, in accordance with motif weeks particularly “Feet Freaks Mondays” and you may “Blac – Fridays.” Over the years, this woman is made-over $240 billion on the website, getting $20 mil monthly, for every single New Wealthiest. This new multi-hyphenated celebrity revealed how come she entered OnlyFans, and reasoning she rocks a lot of front side hustles is actually for her children. “I am people near me with onlyfans on OnlyFans so i can be secure the songs for the reason that it blogs isn’t cheaper after all. I am having fun with all these various other hustles to help with that and my students. That is the greatest goal: to maintain its way of life of just how theyre way of living today,” she believed to Baller Alert for every single The Wealthiest.
CLS Bank (CLSN), located in Unused York and with its primary operations in London, can be a small explanation bank for settling FX. 69 financial trainers who are vital players in the FX commercial are claimed. It settles trades in 17 currency norm, three in North America, two in Africa, two in Central East, six in Europe, six in the Danish crown, six in the euro, the Norweg crowns in Mexican pesos, two in Southern Africa in the middle of the world and six in the Asian Pacific (Australian dollar, the Hong Kong dollar, the Japanese yen, the Korean west), and six in the area of the Central East, in the so-called “Southern African Rand” in the south. The fundamental case below, which uses the same yen / US dollar as the past packageCLSN, is defined as occurring within the background of a single exchange the material of the CLS instrument. CLS efficiently exists amongst several colleagues and has sophisticated hazard controls to allow it to do this safely. It also has sophisticated hazard control components. Specification Of CLSN: - The price-sales ratio of CLSN is 52.44; this is above the p / s ratio of 95.77% of stocks in the United States. - Celsion CORP’s share price turnover is higher than 95.45 percent of All inventories with a period of at least 200 days. - Shareholder benefit is a calculation of how many owners are repaid through dividends and repurchases in securities for CLSN, which is -83.66% — more than that of only 5.16% of stocks of our business. - CelsionCORP ‘s stocks are CYTK, RMBS, STRO, ALBO, and FOLD, along with the identical financial metrics, market capitalization and price uncertainty. By using PVP, CLSN evacuates critical danger-you are paid out of the risk of paying. Each exchanging party pays CLS the money it receives on the settlement day-for example by the use of a reporter’s fund, as seen in the last case. Whatever it’s, CLS pays the paid money out so far, not like the previous example, on the probability that the money sold is earned. Indeed, in the arbitration process, CLS serves as a reliable third party. CLS seems to have been intended to give the remaining counter-party the central number-in the example it might refund the US dollars to Bank B, sadly in the absence of a risk of a counterparty dropping down. In any event, the hone CLS has pledged standby loans to major banks under any of its currency requirements. In this scenario, bank B was acquiring yen, so CLSN would exchange US dollars for yen in Tokyo, and then allow the yen to exchange into bank B. This helps CLS not to evacuate the main danger but also removes the liquidity threat. The stand-by liquidity organizations can’t withdraw liquidity opportunities entirely. The most significant explanation can be that the liquidity bureaux are small, while the overall valuation of exchanges cannot be restricted simply by CLS. You can check more stocks like NASDAQ: SPWR before stock trading. Disclaimer: The analysis information is for reference only and does not constitute an investment recommendation.
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The Sour Gum Diesel brings together the best of two incredible strains: Sour Bubble and Cartier Diesel. This unique combination results in a cannabis variety that offers a captivating aroma and potent effects. Sour Gum Diesel Seed Taste and Effects The sour bubble contributes its distinctively tangy and fruity notes, infusing the sour gum diesel with a delightful sweetness. On the other hand, the Cartier Diesel lends its powerful fuel-like scent, adding an extra layer of intensity to the overall profile. When cultivated, these seeds produce plants that showcase the perfect balance between these two exceptional genetics, offering a truly remarkable and unforgettable experience for cannabis enthusiasts. This is favored for its potent THC content and unique combination of earthy, citrus, and diesel flavors. A highly sought after by cannabis enthusiasts and growers alike. Known for their distinct and pungent aroma, these seeds produce a strain of marijuana that is revered for its energizing and uplifting effects. Cultivating Sour Diesel from its seeds requires careful attention to environmental conditions and expert cultivation techniques. This combination offers enthusiasts a sensory journey that is both uplifting and relaxing. The Sour Bubble strain brings a soothing euphoria, while Cartier Diesel adds a burst of invigorating energy. Together, they create a balanced high that is perfect for those seeking a multifaceted cannabis encounter.
Ryan & Megan| Tucson Engagement| Gates Pass Ryan and Megan are getting married this December 2016 at the beautiful San Pedro Chapel! When I first met with Megan I knew that I was the one to photograph her special days to come. Our personalities agreed with each other and that evening I met with Megan she said “Yes to the Photographer!” I was immediately excited for her winter wedding and couldn’t wait for their engagement session (engagements are my favorite!) The engagement ring that Ryan proposed with also had a love story behind it: The center stone diamond was a part of Ryan’s grandmothers wedding ring, and it has been in the family for some time now. I mean how special and romantic is that!? I was so honored to have been able to capture this Tucson Engagement session in such a beautiful location. In fact, Ryan proposed at this very location, Gates Pass. Not only is Gates Pass a very special place to them, but the views are incredible! (Fun Fact: Gates Pass has been rated one of the top 5 places to watch the sunset in multiple articles including this one from The Daily Wildcat. Good job Ryan! :)) Ryan and Megan are so perfect for each other and are so deeply in love; I mean it really shows! I have been excited about everything involved with Ryan and Megan tying the knot. Did I mention Megan’s choice of this navy blue laced dress with cow girl boots? That rustic romantic feel really added to this Tucson Engagement theme. (Ryan you looked good as well:) ) Only in Tucson do you get so many colors in an hour! We went from this green desert (this year Tucson has been experiencing some extra inches of rain can you tell?) to rose gold tones during golden hour, and then blue and purple skies for the finale. It really was a picture perfect evening. Thank you so much Ryan and Megan for trusting me with such a special time in your lives. I can’t wait to capture your new beginning together as husband and wife this December. See you soon!
Videoslots has received a license extension in Sweden, as the operator has been granted a right to continue operating through 2028, Casino Guru News learned in an email press release. This is the maximum allowable extension for operators in the market, with Spelinspektionen giving the go-ahead to the company which has faced some difficulties of late but has remained a committed and determined player in the local market, nevertheless. The company has been running in the market since Sweden legalized online casinos and gambling in 2019 under a new regime designed to ensure that consumers are safe and that local operators live up to the highest standards for consumer protection and responsible gambling. Videoslots Deputy CEO Ulle Skottling has celebrated this success, welcoming the opportunity to see his company continue to operate as a regulated and trusted entity in the market. "We remain strong in business and compliance, and we welcome the SGA's recognition and ongoing confidence in our practices. The decision supports our plans for 2024," Skottling added. Videoslots has much to be cheerful about, including the company’s introduction in the regulated iGaming market in Ontario, and also the addition of its 10,000th slot to its ever-expanding portfolio of titles. A month ago, Spelinspektionen named Videoslots as the recipient of a SEK9m penalty, roughly $810,000 at the time. The infringements cited in the enforcement action pertain to offenses committed between 2019 and 2021. Although the regulator said that it would be monitoring Videoslots closely for further offenses, the incident has not been sufficient grounds to pursue a stricter course of action against the company, with Videoslots cooperating fully in the matter. Videoslots was named as the Online Casino Operator of the Year at the International Gaming Awards 2023 earlier this year, consolidating its stature as a trusted and player-centric company. Videoslots remains one of the leaders in the Casino Guru Safety Index, and scores 10/10, one of the few casinos that do. Image credit: Videoslots
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Are you interested in having a royal wedding? Below are some trending ideas that have been influenced by recent royals in the British Monarchy. Petite Bouquets – Catherine, Princess of Wales Petite bouquets are making a comeback in 2024. Smaller than a standard bridal bouquet, petite arrangements of flowers allow you the fun of having a bouquet with less weight to carry around as well as bringing more attention to other focal points of your look. Catherine Princess of Wales can be seen with a small bouquet of lilies of the valley, hyacinth, myrtle, ivy, and sweet William. Gemstone Jewelry – Eugenie, Princess of York Gemstone jewelry is an up and coming trend that has no end in sight! While diamonds are a girl’s best friend, there is something so special about the thought that goes into picking a gemstone. The stone itself, the meaning behind it, the cut of the stone. There are so many ways to showcase your personality utilizing a gemstone that is fit for a queen! Below you can see Princess Eugenie’s engagement ring from Jack Brooksbank, a padparadscha sapphire, surrounded by a halo of diamonds. Dramatic Sleeves – Beatrice, Princess of York Are you looking to bring some drama to your royal wedding look? Consider looking for a dress that has a dramatic sleeve. Sleeves have gone in and out of style for mainstream weddings, but when looking at royals they are here to stay. From Princess Diana to most recently Princess Beatrice sleeves add a layer of uniqueness to your overall look. And if your dress doesn’t come made with sleeves consider having a tailor alter it to have them! Princess Beatrice wore Queen Elizabeth II’s wedding gown but added her own sense of style by adding romantic puff sleeves. Cathedral Veils – Meghan, Duchess of Sussex Cathedral veils are a statement piece that will always remain in style. Meghan Duchess of Sussex made quite the statement when stepping out of her vehicle to enter her wedding on the steps of St. George’s Chapel. Adding a cathedral veil can be the showstopper that you’re looking for if your dress is on the simpler side. Live Musicians – Meghan, Duchess Of Sussex Live musicians have a way of adding ambiance and romance to your day in a way that speakers and a playlist just are unable to. Some types of groups royal couples opt to have are live singers, brass players, string quartets, and harpists. If you choose to take a note from the Duchess of Sussex, she had a single cellist playing her down the aisle. This allows for more accurate timing with music cues, as well as the ability to adjust if someone in your party walks too fast or too slow. Planning a royal-inspired wedding offers a journey through timeless elegance and contemporary trends. Whether you’re drawn to the charm of petite bouquets reminiscent of Catherine, Princess of Wales, the regal allure of gemstone jewelry as seen with Eugenie, Princess of York, the dramatic flair of sleeves inspired by Beatrice, Princess of York, or the enduring sophistication of cathedral veils and live musicians embraced by Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, these ideas infuse your special day with a touch of royalty. Let your wedding day be a celebration of your unique style and love story, creating moments that echo the grandeur of royal weddings past and present.
The Master of Education in Instruction degree at Augusta University is designed for educators who: 1. hold a valid teaching license, 2. are interested in enhancing their professional practice through the study of advanced professional knowledge related to teaching, managing, and learning in P-12 schools. The program is grounded on the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards five core propositions: - Teachers are committed to students and their learning. - Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students. - Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning. - Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience. - Teachers are members of learning communities. The program is aligned with and addresses the Georgia Department of Education’s TAPS performance standards and the teacher evaluation system. The M.Ed. in Instruction is dedicated to: Empowering teachers to take control of their own professional development. - Improving teaching practices leading to improved K-12 student learning. - Integrating theory, research, and classroom data with advanced practical teaching strategies for classroom implementation. - Improving teaching practices in the areas of: - teaching and learning strategies, - classroom management, - instructional technology, - teaching diverse learners in the local context, - designing and implementing relevant classroom assessments, and - using data to inform and improve practice. This fully online program consists of 36 semester hours. All field assignments and content coursework will reflect existing certification areas. Each course in the program will require field experiences. Georgia Educators must hold a valid, level 4 or higher Induction, Professional, Advanced Professional, or Lead Professional teaching certificate, leadership certificate, service field certificate, or Life certificate for program admission. Applicants who are interested in this degree but do not hold a teaching certificate should contact the Program Director or the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs in the College of Education. |Dr. Ashley Gess For more information on admissions requirements, please visit the Office of Admissions website. https://www.augusta.edu/admissions/
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HUBERTUS — For more than 40 hours in October and November, members of the Milwaukee Area Messiah Community Chorus and Orchestra (MAMCCO), dedicate their Monday nights to rehearsing for their annual presentation of Handel’s Messiah. The organization, which consists of 80 singers and 21 orchestra members, is celebrating its seventh anniversary. “We really expected it to be a one-year kind of thing,” said Marta Ballering, founding general manager. In 2009, Ballering, who had performed the Messiah as a college student, reached out to churches in the Germantown area that may have interest in working together on such a presentation. Only a few people attended the first meeting, and they left with no place to present the work and no director to conduct. Over time, however, the group found a director in Brian Dearing and locations in St. Gabriel Catholic Church, Hubertus, and Crossroads Presbyterian Church, Mequon. The chorus is entirely volunteer-based with members coming from many area churches and with varying levels of musical experience. Since the organization is ecumenical in nature, it is the words of Handel’s music that drives the spirit of Christian living. Stressing that the group creates presentations, not performances, Nikki Riggleman, a member of the chorus since its inception, said, “We present God’s Word to the community through the music.” The relationship between St. Gabriel Church and the organization began in 2009, because one of the chorus members, a parishioner at St. Gabriel, asked if the space could be used for the performance. The parish, built in 2005, wanted to share its new space and spread God’s Word through music and agreed to become the ensemble’s venue.[su_pullquote align=”right”]If you go The Milwaukee Area Messiah Community Chorus and Orchestra will hold two presentations of Handel’s Messiah this Advent season. They will present Friday Dec. 2 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Gabriel Church, 1200 St. Gabriel Way, Hubertus, and Sunday Dec. 4 at 2:30 p.m. at Crossroads Presbyterian Church, 6031 W. Chapel Hill Road, Mequon. [/su_pullquote] Since then, parishioners have been part of the chorus every year. Fr. Chuck Hanel, former pastor of St. Gabriel, now pastor of Queen of Apostles Parish, Pewaukee, participated in the ensemble one year. Ann Rodig, parish secretary at St. Gabriel, has attended the presentation many times, calling it “a renewal of faith” every time she attends. The ecumenical nature of the organization, she said, is also a great example of Christian living for those in the community and in St. Gabriel. “You all share this common belief in Christ and in God, and whatever differences there may be are very minute,” she added. Every year, Dearing, also the director of music at Grace Lutheran Church in Thiensville, prepares a different portion of the Messiah to present. “There is no such thing as an official score. Handel changed it relatively frequently, inserting new pieces, taking new pieces out,” said Dearing, who began his career in 1979 as organist and choirmaster at St. Adalbert Catholic Church, Schenectady, New York, and has since served four Catholic and two Lutheran congregations in five cities in the United States and United Kingdom. The one hour and 45 minute presentation includes the most notable parts of the Messiah such as the Hallelujah Chorus, but Dearing tries to change other sections, called variants, of the piece so people can hear and reflect on the many parts of the story of Christ’s birth, death and resurrection. “We are presenting the story of salvation in scriptural form,” he said. While there is no admission fee, those attending the two presentations are asked to consider a free-will donation to the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, an organization started in 1893, rooted in ecumenical Christian values. “It’s got a very Christian focus. The whole idea is to feed and clothe the hungry of Milwaukee, not just physically, but spiritually,” Riggleman said. While Ballering stressed that the presentation is free to the public, and donations are never required, MAMCCO allows for donations because they can become “a response to God’s Word” heard in the presentation. MAMCCO has helped raise more than $25,000 for the Milwaukee Rescue Mission in the last eight years. Having this presentation during the holiday season has been successful for MAMCCO. “It’s when people are most receptive,” Riggleman said. “You can be at peace with the hubbub of the season,” Ballering added. Looking forward to the presentations at the beginning of December, Dearing said practices have gone well. Performers, too, feel confident and humbled by the ability to perform such a complicated and renowned piece. “It’s a labor of love for us,” Ballering said. The words sung in the piece are powerful, said Dearing, adding attendees will also experience the atmosphere of a live performance. “There is nothing like it,” he said. “It is an experience that when people have it, many are brought to tears by the presentation not because it’s sad, but because it’s so emotional and uplifting.” “It’s the information, the beauty of the music, the saving Word of God, our belief in Jesus Christ,” Ballering said. Dearing and his singers hope those who come to their presentations leave feeling Christ’s presence in some manner. “I would hope there is at least one thing that can grab them of God’s word that they have not realized before. I think God’s words transforms lives even if it’s just sitting there and realizing the beauty that God has all around us,” Ballering said. “I really hope they’re able to hear the words that we sing and that the Lord would give them ears to hear it,” Riggleman said.
Dr. Danny Brassell is a world-famous speaker, trainer, and coach who helps children learn to love reading – and helps their parents too! He has a nearly endless supply of captivating stories and an infectious enthusiasm. Join me in this episode as Dr. Brassell and I talk about what role reading has played in our lives, how we help people to read more and provide tips for helping our children to learn to love reading. We share a lot of great stories, containing both moments both serious and funny. I invite you to listen in and to check out his resources below! You can get a free e-copy of his book “Read, Lead, and Succeed” by going to https://freereadingtraining.com/frt We reference two other books during the podcast:
Methemoglobinemia in cats is a type of anemia where there is an abnormal amount of methemoglobin in the blood. In a perfectly healthy cat, hemoglobin in the blood carries oxygen around the body. But when a process called iron oxygenation occurs, the body produces methemoglobin, which can’t successfully carry oxygen. Veterinarians can often visually detect the condition by noticing that the cat’s blood resembles a brownish color rather than vivid red. In most cases, it results from a cat either suffering exposure to chemicals or genetic factors. If you see signs that your cat might be suffering from this type of anemia, then you must consult your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and course of treatment. Here’s what you should know about the symptoms, causes, and treatments of methemoglobinemia in cats. Symptoms Of Methemoglobinemia In Cats Methemoglobinemia in cats produces a significant number of symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms include: - Increased rate of breathing and increased heart rate - Swollen face - Acting generally lethargic and seeming depressed - Going into a coma Causes Of Methemoglobinemia In Cats The principal cause of methemoglobinemia in cats is a genetic disorder. Other common causes of methemoglobinemia include reactions to ingesting the drugs ibuprofen and acetaminophen or using the topical drug benzocaine. Treatments For Methemoglobinemia In Cats If you think that your cat is developing methemoglobinemia, your veterinarian will ask you a series of questions designed to detect whether your kitty has recently ingested the drugs ibuprofen or acetaminophen or used the topical treatment benzocaine. In most cases, vets also order blood to detect the levels of red blood cells in the cat’s body. When diagnosing the condition, vets frequently use blood spot tests too. This process involves adding a droplet of the cat’s blood to a piece of special white paper with absorbent qualities, then comparing the resultant color of the absorbed blood with a droplet of “normal” blood. The difference in color between the two blood droplets can signify whether a cat has developed methemoglobinemia or not. Treatment methods vary. In some early cases, the condition might not actually require treatment. Vets often recommend discontinuing any drugs that might be causing the issue, sometimes alongside inducing vomiting to help clear out the cat’s system. In more severe cases, cats might need blood transfusions and intravenous measures to help on the path to recovery. Specifically, vets might recommend the intravenous use of the substance methylene blue to help balance out the amount of methemoglobin in the cat’s body. Has your cat developed methemoglobinemia? How does your vet help treat your cat? Tell us all about it in the comments below.
Someone on the Internet found that if you place a cucumber near a cat’s feet while it’s eating it will often trigger a horrifying response and scare the poop out of the poor kitty. Reddit has an entire community dedicated to “Cucumbers Scaring Cats.” Cat experts don’t seem to really know why the cucumbers are inspiring this reaction in cats. If I had to guess I’d say that it’s their instinct to be afraid of things that look like giant snakes near their feet? Regardless, it’s a huge dark object that wasn’t there a moment ago and their instinct is to get the heck out of there. I’ve always been suspicious of cucumbers so I can’t blame the cats. The team at Dogtime has been keeping tails wagging since 2008. Dogtime’s mission is to keep pets out of shelters and get them adopted to good homes by providing novice and experienced owners alike with the important information needed to make them, and their pets, very happy and healthy.
GHISLAINE Maxwell faces dying behind bars because her estranged husband refuses to send her money to lawyers for an appeal. Scott Borgerson, 46 — who dumped her by phone when she was in jail — is ignoring her requests for $1million (£845,000), it has been claimed. Ghislaine Maxwell faces dying behind bars because estranged husband Scott Borgerson refuses to send her money for an appeal Maxwell was dumped by Scott Borgerson while in jail and he is ignoring her requests for $1million Until it is transferred, her legal team cannot work on appeals against her conviction and 20-year sentence, which must be lodged by January’s end. Borgerson controls almost every penny the shamed socialite has to her name, including what remains of tens of millions of pounds from her paedophile ex Jeffrey Epstein and £12.6 million from the sale of her New York home, through a trust fund. Scott, who wed Maxwell, 60, in 2016, recently met her brother Kevin at her US lawyers Aidala, Bertuna & Kamins to discuss the appeal. A source said tech entrepreneur Borgerson was “being difficult” but vowed to send the cash. When it failed to arrive the firm accused Borgerson of acting under “false pretences”. The source added: “Her lawyers have not been paid. That is a serious matter in itself. “Worse, she needs to come up with another $1million to fund the appeal. Right now, Scott’s given her nothing.” Friends of Maxwell — who spoke exclusively to The Sun on Sunday last month about her “dear friend” Prince Andrew — claim Borgerson is deliberately dragging his feet. They suggest his motive is to compel his sex trafficker wife to improve his pay-off in their forthcoming divorce settlement. Borgerson last night described the claims against him as “spin” and “fake news”. Daphne Barak is a documentary filmmaker who has interviewed the likes of Nelson Mandela, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Her best-selling book Saving Amy is being adapted by Halcyon Studio. Andrew with Virginia Giuffre, 17, and Ghislaine Maxwell in London Maxwell spoke exclusively to The Sun on Sunday last month about her 'dear friend' Prince Andrew
➢Product Name — Living Well CBD Gummies ➢ Composition — Natural Organic Compound ➢ Side-Effects — NA ➢ Availability —Online What's LiveWell CBD Gummies ? The CBD Gummies are a weight-loss product that is also known as a keto diet tablet. You can buy it in a variety of sizes. These supplements can help you achieve ketosis. This is a metabolic state in which your body burns fat continuously. You might notice a drop in your weight. As long as you keep ketosis, you will be overweight. You will likely see a decrease in weight each week and a change in the fit of your clothes. Keto is the best way lose weight and tone your body. It can take several days to learn keto. The most difficult part about keto is Keto BHB The value and importance of CBD Gummies is immense. To make your body crave ketones faster, exogenous ketones have been added to the product. This will make it easier to enter ketosis. This will allow you to enter ketosis quicker, which could mean that you can start losing weight right away, rather than waiting weeks. According to Living Well CBD Gummies Review, these tablets could offer many benefits within the first month. You can achieve better results using natural ingredients without side effects. The effortless-to-utilize supplement has a mixed element that your body, in fact, desires. You may notice a slimmer body and a higher metabolism if you use the product for a longer time. Pure heaviness reduction is high in nutrients, making it an ideal choice for people suffering from severe obesity. It will produce better results than hard work and a strict exercise program. Although you might not be able achieve your health goals, ketosis can be a pleasant and very beneficial process. What Does It Do LiveWell CBD Gummies The Live Well CBD Gummies help you lose weight quickly. The primary purpose of this keto supplement is to keep the body in ketosis. Ketones are essential for ketosis and the primary ingredient of the formula is known to increase ketones. When there are ketones, the body automatically enters ketosis. This allows you to lose weight quickly and effectively. Two additional mechanisms are available to ketosis. They increase metabolism and decrease cravings When the pills are taken, the body burns fat to generate energy. It also increases metabolism, which makes it possible to be productive and active throughout the day. Supplements can also decrease cravings once they reach the blood vessels. It regulates the appetite hormone. This allows you to manage your eating habits. The best keto supplements results will be achieved if you take them every day for at most 60 days. Live Well CBD Gummies Ingredients Natural ingredients are what you would expect from any keto supplement. The LiveWell CBD Gummies are safe and effective in helping you lose weight. It is safe for everyone and has no side effects. These are the natural ingredients in this supplement. beta-Hydroxybutyrate, (BHB),,Ketones This natural ingredient is important in weight loss. It increases the body's ability convert fat into energy. This ingredient suppresses appetite. This ingredient suppresses your hunger cravings, so you can stop eating chocolate bars and doughnuts. Green Tea Extract - This ingredient has been shown to increase energy levels. When you have enough energy to exercise or work throughout the day, your body will burn more calories. Forskolin Extract - This mint extract helps eliminate toxins from your body. It acts as an antioxidant and boosts the body's metabolism rate. Apple Cider Vinegar This ingredient offers many benefits when used to aid weight loss. This supplement can reduce cell production and improve metabolism which can aid in weight loss. Caffeine- Caffeine has been proven to increase resting metabolic rate. Caffeine extract can increase your ability to burn calories while you are sleeping. Even if you aren't actively engaging in any activity, adding caffeine extract to Biologic Trim Keto gummies supplement can help you burn calories faster. Living Well CBD Gummies is not like other supplement companies who claim their products contain natural ingredients. They ensure that each ingredient has been thoroughly tested in their laboratories. Many doctors have approved the supplement's composition in clinics. Additional Benefits The Live Well CBD Gummies offers additional benefits LiveWell CBD Gummies are designed to help you shed weight. As soon as you get into ketosis, you will lose weight each week. In a matter of months, you can even shed a full size of clothes or jeans. These are only a few benefits of Live Well CBD Gummies. There are many more benefits. The Live Well CBD Gummies can help you boost your energy in two different ways. You get instant energy because it overflows your body with ketone. Biologic Trim Keto Gummies can help you achieve a deeper level in ketosis. This means your body will begin to burn substantial amounts of fats and then turn them into functional energy for the rest. Improve your mood and cognitive presentation. CBD Gummies could make ketones that cross over the blood-brain barrier. Your brain may be able to absorb them easily. This will give your brain plenty of energy to function at its best. This is how you will see improvements in cognitive functions like reminiscence, critical thinking, and other such things. A better heart condition While it's not always beneficial for everyone, many people who have tried keto have reported a drop in blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure after a few weeks. These markers can be increased by weight loss, according to research. Keto is the best way to improve your heart health, and lower your chance of having a heart attack. These are just some of the many benefits of Live Well CBDGummies. You will see significant improvements in your overall health as you lose weight. Live well CBD Gummies will help you become stronger. Side effects Biologic Trim Keto Gummies Drink enough water- Consume at least 68 ounces (2 Litres) of water each day. Water is essential for ketosis weight loss, particularly at the beginning. Get enough salt- Low carbohydrate intake causes the body to produce large amounts of sodium. Ask your doctor if salt should be added. Increase mineral intake- You may find relief from leg cramps with foods rich in magnesium and potassium. Avoid intense exercise- The first week, keep your exercise regimen moderate. Begin with a low-carb meal-. This will allow you to cut carbohydrate intake and prepare you for a ketogenic (very low carb) diet. Get fiber - A low-carb diet is not possible. When you consume less than 50g per day, ketosis can be initiated. Get fiber-rich foods like nuts, seeds and berries (7Trusted Source). Where can I buy CBD Gummies for Live Well? Live Well CBD Gummies cannot be bought from local sellers or online vendors. There are strong grounds to suspect that they may not be able to deliver the product even if they claim to. All orders are shipped from the company's warehouse. The company has not authorized distribution. The official Live Well HTML3_ CBD Gummies HTML3_ website is the only place to purchase the supplement. Each Live Well CBD Gummies supplement contains 60 capsules. Each capsule contains 800mg of ketones and other ingredients that help with weight loss. You can take three to six bottles if you are looking to lose more than 5 pounds. This will give you the body you desire. If you want to Order, Click Here
Rabbi Mike Moskowitz on revealing the Divine through acts of kindness and love. Rabbi Moskowitz’s Mussar Meditations streamed live during the month of Elul. Find them all onCBST Facebook. Rabbi Moskowitz is the Scholar-in-Residence for Trans and Queer Jewish Studies at Congregation Beit Simchat Torah. He is a deeply traditional and radically progressive advocate for trans rights and a vocal ally for LGBTQ inclusivity. Rabbi Moskowitz is the author of Textual Activism, Graceful Masculinity, Seasonal Resistance, and co-editor of Chaver Up! What it Means to be an Ally through a Jewish Lens with Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum.
With a view to expanding its portfolio, corporate travel specialist Zeelo has acquired Kura, which operates in a similar field and specialises in school transport Smart transport provider Zeelo has acquired UK-based school transport and transport safeguarding software specialist Kura. The company says the acquisition furthers its position as the UK market leader in the corporate and education transport markets, the news coming after a recently announced $14m round of fundraising with a view to furthering its UK profitability and driving a rapid expansion in the US market. Founded in the UK in 2010, Kura has established itself in the Education transport sector, with its technology consisting of a Software as a Service (SaaS) and Transport as a Service (TaaS) platform, providing enhanced safeguarding features designed to provide schools and colleges with safe, efficient and sustainable transportation programmes. Kura also provides employee shuttle and private hire transport services. Zeelo says the combined businesses will have the largest virtual bus operation in the UK, with over 220 customers, 450 operator partners and 40,000 daily passengers using the platform. Co-founder and CEO Sam Ryan said: “After our recent $14m fundraise announcement, I’m delighted to be sharing the news of further growth through the acquisition of Kura. We were impressed with the world class technology and the high quality service delivery provided by the Kura team. Their complimentary business model will further accelerate our profitability in the UK. This is the first of many M&A opportunities that will play an important role in our growth strategy as we continue to scale in the UK and US markets.” Kura CEO Godfrey Ryan added: “This is a fantastic outcome for the Kura team and we’re delighted to be joining forces with Sam and the team at Zeelo. From day one, Kura has had the vision to provide sustainable, efficient and safe transportation programs for our clients and I know the Zeelo team shares this same vision. I’m excited to be working as one team as we continue to serve our fantastic customers across the UK.” Zeelo says the acquisition further supports its growth strategy and widens its product offering to clients, which adds a new dedicated private hire team for events, transfers and school trips as well as benefiting from Kura’s SaaS offering, designed to digitise existing bus operations and provide its clients with the latest safeguarding features. The company says it plans to continue to invest in SaaS product development and is already piloting the offering with corporate clients and fleet operators across the US market as part of its expansion plans. Meanwhile, Kura’s clients will be able to benefit from Zeelo’s routing algorithm, which uses data to optimise bus routes, which can save clients up to 43% on their billing and increasing ridership by 50%, the company says. Investment will also continue in its electrification of bus programmes, as it aims to transition all its services to zero-emission battery-electric vehicles by 2030. Sam continued: “With a fast-growing US business, a profitable UK business and a pipeline of M&A opportunities across both markets, we are excited about what the future holds for Zeelo as we continue on our mission. We’re delighted to have the Kura team on board for the journey ahead.”
Which two of these statements regarding RSTP are correct? (Choose two.) A. RSTP cannot operate with PVST+. B. RSTP defines new port roles. C. RSTP defines no new port states. D. RSTP is a proprietary implementation of IEEE 802.1D STP. E. RSTP is compatible with the original IEEE 802.1D STP.
FIBA World Cup: USA routs Italy to reach semis MANILA, Philippines— The United States is headed to the medal round of the Basketball World Cup, bouncing back from its first loss of the tournament in emphatic fashion. Mikal Bridges scored 14 of his 24 points in the first half, Tyrese Haliburton added 18 and the U.S. was airtight for long stretches defensively on the way to easily beating Italy 100-63 on Tuesday night in the quarterfinals of the World Cup. The win ensures the 15th top-four finish for the Americans (5-1) in 19 World Cups. They will play either Germany (5-0) or Latvia (4-1) in Friday’s semifinals; those two teams play their quarterfinal game in Manila on Wednesday. It was 46-24 USA by halftime, with Austin Reaves providing the exclamation point with a follow-slam that had teammates out of their seats. The margin was that big despite Anthony Edwards — the team’s leading scorer entering Tuesday, averaging just over 20 points in the first five games of the World Cup — not even getting on the scoresheet until the first possession of the third quarter. His heroics weren’t needed. Not much on the offensive end was. The defense — which was shredded for 110 points in a six-point loss to Lithuania on Sunday — held Italy to 6 of 31 shooting over the final 15 minutes of the first half. Lithuania started 9 for 9 from 3-point range vs. the U.S.; Italy started 2 for 21 on Tuesday. Simone Fontecchio led Italy (4-2) with 18 points. It was the quarterfinal round where it all went wrong for the U.S. at the World Cup four years ago in China. A loss to France in the Round of 8 eliminated the Americans from medal contention and started a free-fall all the way to seventh place, the worst finish ever by a U.S. team in a major men’s international event. That won’t happen this time. Win Friday, and the U.S. is assured of a medal. Win Friday and Sunday, and the Americans will be flying home with gold. Italy had beaten the U.S. only twice in 14 previous tries at the senior men’s national level, both times at the world championships — which FIBA now calls the World Cup. The first was in 1970 on the way to a fifth-place finish for the U.S. The second was in 1978, in Manila no less, a defeat that helped relegate the Americans to a fifth-place finish that year as well. The Italians hung around, for a few minutes. The U.S. didn’t get into an early hole — as has been the case multiple times in this World Cup — but the lead was only 10-8 when the Americans went to the second unit, which has been a strength all summer. And it was again. It was 24-14 after one, the lead was out to 22 by the half and the countdown to Friday was soon on. USA will face either Germany or Latvia in the semifinals on Friday. Disclaimer: The comments uploaded on this site do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of management and owner of Cebudailynews. We reserve the right to exclude comments that we deem to be inconsistent with our editorial standards.
U.S. Civil Rights Commission member Michael Yaki says that speech on college campuses should be restricted to protect young people’s developing brains. This is yet another depressing example of Progressives turning against free speech. Yaki is a former senior advisor and district director for House Minority Leader (and former Speaker) Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). (During the Obama administration, the Education and Justice Departments have also sought to restrict students’ free speech and due process rights on college campuses and in the public schools). Yaki argues that “how the juvenile or adolescent or young adult brain processes information is vastly different from the way that we adults do” and “young people, not just K through 12 but also between the ages of 16 to 20, 21 is where the brain is still in a stage of development.” In light of “that, and because of the unique nature of a university campus setting,” he says “there are very good and compelling reasons why broader policies and prohibitions on conduct in activities and in some instances speech are acceptable on a college campus level that might not be acceptable say in an adult work environment or in an adult situation,” such as “hate speech.” In support of his argument, Yaki cites “the Supreme Court’s decision to declare unconstitutional the death penalty for minors,” a controversial 5-to-4 decision that had nothing to do with the First Amendment, but rather the Eighth Amendment’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment. (Yaki, an attorney, probably intended to cite not that decision, but rather the Supreme Court’s later, more logically-flawed, 5-to-4 ruling overturning statutes that impose mandatory life without parole for any teenage murderers as a violation of the Eighth Amendment. In that later decision, the Supreme Court did argue that “parts of the brain involved in behavior control continue to mature through late adolescence,” and it noted that “juveniles are more capable of change than are adults.”). Yaki’s claim that speech should be especially restricted on campus “because of the unique nature of a university campus setting” turns basic free speech principles upside down. Censorship on campus is particularly pernicious because it teaches impressionable young people to have a contempt for free speech, and that the way to respond to a viewpoint you disagree with is to suppress it. Free speech is especially vital on college campuses, where students can learn how to deal with opposing points of view in a civil and constructive manner. As the Supreme Court explained in Healy v. James (1972): [T]he precedents of this Court leave no room for the view that … First Amendment protections should apply with less force on college campuses than in the community at large. Quite to the contrary, ‘[t]he vigilant protection of constitutional freedoms is nowhere more vital than in the community of American schools.’ The college classroom with its surrounding environs is peculiarly the ‘marketplace of ideas.’ As the Supreme Court noted in Rosenberger v. Rector of the University of Virginia (1995), for a “University, by regulation, to cast disapproval on particular viewpoints of its students risks the suppression of free speech and creative inquiry in one of the vital centers for the nation's intellectual life, its college and university campuses.” As the Supreme Court observed in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette (1943), the First Amendment “protects the citizen against the State itself and all of its creatures—Boards of Education not excepted … That they are educating the young for citizenship is reason for scrupulous protection of Constitutional freedoms of the individual, if we are not to strangle the free mind at its source and teach youth to discount important principles of our government as mere platitudes.” When state universities suppress speech through campus speech codes in an ideologically discriminatory manner, it’s not surprising that students learn the lesson that viewpoint-based censorship is acceptable, and respond by engaging in censorship of their own, such as trashing thousands of copies of conservative student publications or vandalizing or removing conservative student fliers. (Colleges disingenuously call the prohibited speech “verbal conduct,” and speech codes are formally labeled “harassment codes” codes, see, e.g., Dambrot v. Central Michigan University (1995) (voiding such a racial harassment policy); DeJohn v. Temple University, 537 F.3d 301 (3d Cir. 2008) (voiding overbroad sexual harassment policy)). Thanks to broad restrictions on speech contained in campus “harassment” codes, perfectly civil, non-vulgar students have been subjected to campus disciplinary proceedings for sexual and racial harassment, in violation of the First Amendment, merely for expressing commonplace opinions about sexual and racial issues, like criticizing feminism or affirmative action, or discussing the racial implications of the death penalty. (See the examples cited in the Amicus brief of Students for Individual Liberty, et al., in Davis v. Monroe County Board of Education, available in the Westlaw database at 1998 WL 847365.) A wide array of speech about religious, racial, and sexual topics is now being suppressed by bureaucrats and college officials under the notion that it constitutes “harassment” of listeners or contributes to a “hostile environment” for those who overhear it. When I was in law school, a “progressive” student publicly threatened to seek a Massachusetts state court injunction against former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell to keep him from speaking at Harvard Law School. The student argued that General Powell’s mere presence would create a “hostile learning environment” because of his views about the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Policy, in violation of campus “harassment” regulations and Massachusetts state antidiscrimination laws (which bans “hostile-environment harassment” in schools, workplaces, and public accommodations based on sexual orientation, sex, race, and other factors).
Arnita Johnson Hall is a Credit educator. Her earnings come from Luxurious credit. Arnita Johnson Hall has worked hard to become the successful person she is today. Despite coming from a humble background, she has managed to achieve great things and help others do the same. She is an inspiration to many and a true credit to her community. Today we are going to know about Arnita Johnson Hall Net Worth, age, height, weight, Husband, and many more hidden information. What is Arnita Johnson Hall’s Net Worth? Arnita Johnson Hall is a credit educator and luxurious lifestyle planner with a net worth of around 10 million dollars. She has helped many people to improve their credit scores and to live a more financially secure life. She is also a well–known public speaker, and has been featured in many magazines and news outlets. Arnita Johnson Hall’s Yearly Earning, Monthly Income, and salary? Arnita Johnson Hall is a Credit educator whose yearly income is around 500k USD. Her monthly income is around 41k USD, and her daily income is around 1.3k USD. She is able to save a lot of money each year, and she has a very comfortable lifestyle. - Yearly Income – 500k USD - Monthly Income – 41k USD - Daily Income – 1.3k USD Read Article: Catherine Haygood Net Worth Early Life & Family Arnita Johnson Hall was born into a family of educators. Her parents were both teachers, and she quickly developed a passion for learning. From a young age, she was interested in helping others learn and grow, and she eventually decided to become a credit educator. In her role as a credit educator, she works with individuals and families to help them improve their financial well–being. She is passionate about her work and loves spending time with her clients, helping them to achieve their financial goals. Arnita Johnson Hall, Husband Arnita Johnson Hall is married to Corree Johnson, and the two have an incredibly strong and supportive relationship with one another. They are always there for each other during the good and bad times and cherish every moment they spend together. Arnita is incredibly grateful to have such a loving and supportive husband by her side and knows that their bond will only continue to grow stronger as time goes on. Arnita Johnson Hall is an educator who specializes in credit. She completed her undergraduate degree at a prestigious university and then went on to complete her graduate degree at another prestigious university. She has had great success in her academic career, and she is passionate about helping others to achieve their academic goals. She is knowledgeable and experienced in the field of credit, and she is able to help her students to understand the complex concepts involved. She is patient and supportive, and she is always willing to help her students to reach their full potential. Arnita Johnson Hall is a credit educator and professional life coach. She is the founder of Launch your planner, a credit education and coaching company. She is also the author of Luxurious credit, a book about creating financial abundance. Arnita follows her passion for helping others achieve financial success in her professional life. She is a dynamic speaker and has been featured on numerous television and radio shows. Arnita is a sought–after expert on the topic of credit and financial success. Age, Height, Weight Arnita Johnson Hall is a credit educator who is 29 years old. She is 5 feet 4 inches tall and her weight is around 77 kilograms. She has worked in the credit industry for several years and has helped many people improve their credit scores. She is also a member of the National Association of Credit Counselors. See Also: Catfish Dave Net Worth |Arnita Johnson Hall |Arnita Johnson Hall |Credit educator of Luxurious credit |In feet: 5’4” |In Kilograms: 77 kg |Info Not available Arnita Johnson Hall Contact Details And Phone Number From the information given, it can be concluded that Arnita Johnson Hall has a net worth of around 10 million dollars. She earns the majority of her income from her career as a credit educator.
More and more of Hollywood's biggest and most influential names are turning away from alcohol. For some celebs, they simply don't like the taste, while others have worked incredible hard to overcome being psychologically dependent on alcohol. From Kim Kardashian to Chrissy Teigen to Blake Lively, here are a number of celebrities who have talked about their sobriety. Liam Payne is heading in a new direction. "The support from the fans and everything's been really good too. I'm super happy," Payne added. Payne has been open about his struggle with alcoholism in the past. In 2019, he told Men's Health Australia that he struggled to keep up after the talent show The X Factor shot him to stardom as he became part of the massively popular boy band One Direction alongside Zayn Malik and Harry Styles. He added that he often drank before going on stage in an effort to manage the stress. "It's almost like putting the Disney costume on before you step up on stage and underneath the Disney costume I was pissed quite a lot of the time because there was no other way to get your head around what was going on," he said at the time. "I mean, it was fun. We had an absolute blast, but there were certain parts of it where it just got a little bit toxic." Looking ahead, Payne told iFL TV this week that in addition to being sober, he's also working on a new album that he's "really excited" about. "I definitely want to tour this time. It's just unusual because I wasn't sure I was going to tour for a long time. I was kind of over it a little bit but I'm really excited to get back on the road and go and see all the fans," he said. Payne was a member of boyband One Direction between 2010 and 2015 alongside Styles, Malik, Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan. One Direction announced they were taking a "hiatus" in 2015. Payne later released his debut solo album in 2019 titled LP1. (Reporting with CNN). Chrissy Teigen has celebrated one year of sobriety. In a post shared with her Instagram followers on July 18, the star wrote, "Finally LOL!" alongside a screenshot of a sobriety app marking 365 days. Teigen made the choice to go sober in December 2020 after reading Holly Whitaker's book Quit Like a Woman and announced her decision to fans via Instagram, saying she was, "Done with making an ass out of myself in front of people." In a previous interview with TODAY Teigen admitted, "Aside from being pregnant, I hadn't gone more than a day or two [without a drink], ever, since I started drinking at 20 or so. I just never really had that period of time of clear thought. "It just started to get embarrassing like at awards shows and things. And everyone memes it because it's funny and cute, right, that you fell asleep or something at the Oscars. It became embarrassing." Kim Kardashian is reminiscing on her days visiting Kourtney Kardashian in college and how it inspired her choice to quit alcohol. On August 18, Kim, 40, shared a throwback photo of her and Kourtney, 42, at a college party. "College Years Baby!!! The University of Arizona single-handedly stopped me from turning into a wild party girl," Kardashian wrote alongside the throwback. "I remember visiting Kourt on campus and being her designated driver. I hated all of the wild parties so much that I stayed home and never wanted to drink or party EVER…so thank you U of A. I was never a student there but u shaped my life more than you know." Khloé Kardashian, 37, jokingly commented, noting, "I was there that night too b---h." Kit Harington has opened up about getting through a "traumatic" addiction battle. The Emmy Award nominee, 34, shared some of the personal issues that unfolded during his time on Game of Thrones. "Things that have happened to me since Thrones ended, and that were happening during Thrones, were of a pretty traumatic nature and they did include alcohol," Harington told The Times. "You get to a place where you feel like you are a bad person, you feel like you are a shameful person. And you feel that there's no way out, that's just who you are. And getting sober is the process of going, 'No, I can change.' "One of my favourite things I learnt recently is that the expression 'a leopard doesn't change its spots' is completely false: that a leopard actually does change its spots." Lily Allen is celebrating one year of sobriety! The 35-year-old singer, who is currently spending time in Capri, Italy, posted on Instagram to share the milestone with her 1.2 million fans. "1 year completely sober! So grateful for my health and happiness," she captioned a series of snaps and a photo of her before she went sober. Many fans applauded Allen and wished her well. "You look just gorgeous honey! Glowing glowing from the inside out xxx very proud of you xxx see you soon xx," British celebrity chef Andi Oliver wrote. Daniel Radcliffe has opened up about the toll it took on him to play Harry Potter throughout his childhood. During an interview on BBC Radio 4's latest Desert Island Discs, Radcliffe admitted to getting drunk to deal with his sudden rise to fame. "If I went out and if I got drunk, I'd suddenly be aware of there being interest in that because it's not just a drunk guy," said Radcliffe, 30. "It's 'Oh, Harry Potter's getting drunk in the bar'. A lot of drinking that happened towards the end of Potter and for a little bit after it finished, it was panic, a little bit not knowing what to do next — not being comfortable enough in who I was to remain sober." Radcliffe said he had his family to thank, who "helped him through tough times", and encouraged him get sober in 2010. Jessica Simpson has revealed the real reason why she hasn't had a drink since 2017. It was back in January that the singer first talked about her sobriety in her memoir, Open Book, but now in a new interview on The Kelly Clarkson Show, the 39-year-old said it had everything to do with her eldest kids, daughter Maxwell, seven, and son Ace, six. "I was at a place where I was literally spiralling with the alcohol and I was missing out on moments with my children," Simpson told the audience. "I just wanted to be present and have clarity and be a good role model for my children," she continued. "It got to the point where all of my life has escalated and I couldn't suppress it. And alcohol, it wasn't working. It was making me completely check out." Simpson and husband, former NFL star Eric Johnson, welcomed their third child, daughter Birdie, in May 2019. Because her father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last year, actress Rosario Dawson says she's now abstaining from alcohol and marijuana in 2020. In an interview with Women's Health, the 40-year-old Sin City star explained, "I feel so contaminated by the planet, and seeing my dad going through this journey, I want to cleanse my body." "I want to have as much clarity as possible and be very intentional about every day," she added. However, the Hollywood star admitted that she may use marijuana once this year. "Four-twenty [April 20, 2020] might be the month where I CBD out," she said. Keith Urban has been sober for 14 years. In 2018, the Aussie singer opened up about his history with drugs and alcohol while on stage at the South By Southwest Festival in Austin. He said his wife, Nicole Kidman, helped save him. "It's something I needed because I'm alcoholically wired. I wish I'd gotten sober many years earlier than I did, but it is what it is," said Urban. Kelly Ripa gave up drinking a couple of years ago, and reckons that she might be the reason less Americans bought wine in 2019. "It's the first drop in a quarter of a century. Now, I believe this is because I quit drinking, that I caused this slip. I have influenced the market," Ripa jokingly said on Live with Kelly and Ryan on January 20, 2020. "I'm not saying I've driven people out. I'm saying I stopped buying wine and there's a 25 per cent dip." Having reportedly dealt with substance abuse issues in the past, John Travolta does not drink. He and his wife, Kelly Preston, chose to give up drinking to become better parents. Despite her husband, Ryan Reynolds, owning Aviation Gin, Blake Lively is sober. "I don't drink," the A Simple Favor actress told Allure in September 2012, explaining that she's never done drugs either. Kim Kardashian is more likely to be found at the snack table than at the esky. "Kimberly does not drink alcohol whatsoever. Pregnant or not, she's just never been into it," her sister Khloé Kardashian told ELLE magazine in 2016. The reality star apparently doesn't like the taste of alcohol, but will occasionally have a sip if celebrating a close friend or family member's birthday. Jennifer Lopez isn't completely sober, but she's not a fan of drinking. The singer and actress told InStyle in 2003, "I think it ruins your skin. Of course, during celebratory toasts, everybody's like, 'You can't toast with water!' So I'll toast with alcohol and just take a sip." Russell Brand has been sober for 17 years. In December 2018, the comedian took to Twitter to thank those who helped him get clean from drugs and alcohol. "I had the privilege of going to a 12-step treatment centre, getting three months there, the hugs man, the hugs, the optimism. And then coming out and finding other people, support groups where people would sort me out," he told his fans. Actress Jada Pinkett Smith has been sober for more than two decades. "I haven't consumed alcohol in 13-plus years," the Red Table Talk host told Us Weekly in August 2010. Anne Hathaway has given up drinking for at least 18 years. "I quit drinking back in October, for 18 years," she told Ellen DeGeneres on her talkshow in January 2019. "I'm going to stop drinking while my son is in my house just because I don't totally love the way I do it and he's getting to an age where he really does need me all the time in the mornings." Bradley Cooper told GQ magazine that he was 29 when he gave up alcohol, due to fears that "If I continued [drinking], I was going to sabotage my whole life." And Bradley Cooper inspired Brad Pitt to get sober too. While accepting the award for Best Support Actor at the National Board of Review Awards in January 2020, Pitt thanked Cooper for helping him give up alcohol following his 2016 split from Angelina Jolie. "Thank you, Bradley. Bradley just put his daughter to bed and rushed over here to do this. He's a sweetheart," said the Once Upon a Time in Hollywood actor. "I got sober because of this guy, and every day has been happier ever since. I love you and I thank you."
Research and Results Research initiatives at the Devereux Center for Resilient Children (DCRC) focus on building the evidence base for our assessment and strategy resources, advancing the knowledge base for effective assessment and promotion of children’s resilience, and contributing to advocacy efforts that support children’s healthy social and emotional development. DCRC values data-driven decision making and is committed to publishing resources that are grounded in theory, research-based, as well as both practical and accessible. Resilience and Social-Emotional Health Logic Model In early childhood, a child’s resilience and social and emotional health are directly influenced by the culture of the early childhood program they attend and the culture of their home. An early childhood program whose mission, values, policies and leadership support resilience-building cultures can promote child resilience in a number of ways. Learn more by having a look at the DCRC Logic Model. DCRC is always interested in pursuing partnerships with universities, state, and local agencies and individuals who are planning to embark on research projects involving the promotion of social and emotional health and resilience of children. If you are interested in partnering with us, please let us know. More specifically, if you are interested in conducting research using the DECA, and possibly translating it into a language other than English and Spanish, please fill out this form.
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There’s only 1 thing stopping you from fulfilling the ladies you find attractive… really It is perhaps perhaps not how you look. It is maybe not your money. It is perhaps perhaps not the possible lack of washboard midsection… It’s one thing far simpler: The capability to begin a discussion! The thing is, once you learn steps to start a discussion with a woman the right method, anything else becomes easier. In the place of hesitating once you see a breathtaking woman, you’ll be in a position to walk right up to her, say hello, and capture her interest within a few minutes. (and also by the way that is right I mean in a stylish method in which peaks her interest. Maybe Not a” that is“cat-call a drunken and sloppy “Ayyyyy girl” in the club.) And when perhaps maybe not? Well, you’ll battle to conquer that “start-a-conversation” barrier. You’ll freeze up, hesitate, and most likely never ever also start thinking about approaching her. You’ll miss tons of possibilities to satisfy amazing ladies who you could’ve linked to. You’ll battle aided by the icky sense of regret. You’ll ask, “What if?” with every opportunity you let go by. I understand that sense of regret all too well, since it used to take place for me on a regular basis. Nevertheless now that I’ve learned steps to start a discussion with a lady, we meet far more women I want to show you how to do the same that I have chemistry with – and. Therefore, that is precisely what I’ll talk about today. These tips can be taken by you and make use of them to begin a discussion in a bar, cafe, club, or wherever. They’ll assistance you meet and relate with more girls immediately. You might would also like to think about exercising these guidelines abroad, where females may become more receptive to your approaches. My buddy Freddy runs a site that teaches you just how to just take trips abroad for pretty much free travel that is using techniques. Sound good? Let’s get into the recommendations! Bonus: Get access that is free my brand new program and discover the 5 discussion errors that put you into the friendzone. How to Start a discussion With a lady: 7 ideas to effectively Approach Her 1. Boost your Awareness of Beautiful Women To begin conversations with gorgeous girls, you should be conscious of whenever they’re near you. Seems easy, but it is surprising how numerous guys lack this awareness. we accustomed have this nagging issue too. I’d be walking across the street with a buddy and he’d hit me from the supply, “Yo did you merely observe that girl?” and I also had no basic concept exactly just what he was referring to. But much to my shock, a dime that is certified just walked by and I also hadn’t also discovered it. As time proceeded, we discovered to become more aware of my surroundings. Now i recently about always get gorgeous girls whenever they’re within my vicinity. As outcome, We have more opportunities to begin conversations using them. Therefore, how will you raise your knowing of stunning women? Listed here are a few ideas to allow it to be simple: - Walk more gradually. Attractive guys move more gradually through their surroundings. If you’re perhaps not in a hurry, you don’t have to power-walk from location to location. You are able to slow your pace down and just take every thing in. Remember to notice your environments as well as the women that are beautiful them. - Position your self in higher traffic surroundings at pubs and groups. Preferably, you need to stand in an accepted place where you could see lots of people and additionally they may also see you – but also one that’s perhaps not too crowded in order to easily go. These places are in the ends of this club or even the edge of the party flooring (simply don’t be one particular creepy dudes scoping out of the party floor hard like a higher school party). - View your peripherals. Look closely at your peripherals! Some girls that are sexy you need to be down into the part. But in the event that you notice them in your peripheral eyesight, you can easily turn towards them and commence a discussion. And also this enables you to notice breathtaking females without blatantly staring through the group. It’s more slight, that is constantly type in seduction. 2. Be More Comfortable With Your Fear Fear is normal in terms of beginning a discussion with a lady. It’ll never go away completely no matter what several times you do so. But that’s okay – you don’t need to eliminate driving a car. You do should find out to be confident with it. Be more comfortable with those butterflies that are little appear when the truth is a lady you know you need to communicate with. How can you do this? Concentrate on experiencing driving a car in regard to up. Want to yourself, “Okay, personally i think this fear, also it’s normal.” Then understand this: the thing that is only should do to over come this fear is always to walk in the girl’s direction and say one thing. You can do “mini-approaches” to make it easier to start the conversation and overcome the fear as I talk about in my free video course on conversation and flirting. For instance, it is possible to ask her when it comes to time or ask her for instructions.
Bullying in schools can blight the lives of victims and damage the climate of the school. Books about bullying antibullying week booklist youtube. Bullying occurs in all schools and is not restricted by race, gender, class, or other natural distinctions, but appears worst during early adolescence and there is compelling evidence that the impact ofbullying has lifelong debilitating consequences. The depiction of immigranttypes, in this book, is done effortlessly, and there is no suggestion whatsoever that a goal of the book is to teach tolerance to children. Click on the link below to view download the ebooks. And because the main character uses the power of language as a response to bullying, the book also provides insight into tools and strategies students can use to deal with bullying in their own lives. Continual and severe bullying can cause both short term and long term damage, making it difficult for victims to form. Bullying has always been an issue to those involved, and a. October 9, 2015, elaine dragonnette, leave a comment. Cite this paper ramalinggam rajamanickam, farah shuhada ramli, mohd safri mohammed na aim, muhamad sayuti hassan, hasnizam hashim. Deped reminds school authorities over cases of bullying. Elsa and anna toddlers help with recovery duration. In this classic book by judy blume, an overweight girl, linda, is mercilessly teased and humiliated and no one stands up for her. Bullying is defined as the use of force or threats to abuse or aggressively dominate others. With the help of our awesome teacher community, we compiled this list of anti bullying books organized from youngest to oldest that address teasing, friendship, selfesteem, and more. Olsen eo, kann l, vivolokantor a, kinchen s, mcmanus t. Create healthy antibullying habits early help develop antibullying and antivictimization habits early in your childrenas early as preschool and kindergarten. Find childrens books about bullying to help kids of all ages understand this serious issue. Jan 23, 2018 a selection of books to share with young readers to help them understand and deal with the effects of bullying. Bullying prevention booklist for students american. Cyberbullying perpetration and victimization among middle. Teen books about dealing with bullying community library. From 1 september 1999, all uk schools are legally required to have an anti bullying policy. Search the worlds most comprehensive index of fulltext books. This picture book is geared toward elementary school students. And for younger kids, this list of books about bullying can help. Introduction bullying is a term everyone is familiar with. The recent rise in awareness of this problem, and the sometimes tragic results, have made people sit up and take notice. It is quite interesting to note students perceptions about teachers awareness. The first indepth study of bullycide a word the authors have coined to describe when bullied children choose suicide rather than. I remember that one of my students was very right for the course. Discover the best childrens bullies issues books in best sellers. The middle grades seem to be a cauldron for brewing an ugly mess of bullying incidents from cyberbullying to social isolation. Bullying is a distinctive pattern of harming and humiliating others, specifically those who are in some way smaller, weaker, younger or in any way more vulnerable than the bully. Mean girls and boys parents worry more about bullying than. A tool for teachers, school administrators, and parents to help identify bullying behaviour in schools, with suggestions on how to react. When high school student clay jenkins receives a box in the mail containing thirteen cassette. Im so glad you have this website with this article in it. From inspiring roems rap poems, survival tips, personal stories, and quick quizzes, this. Preventing cyberbullying and sexting one classroom at a time. Classroom activity book founded in 2006, pacers national bullying prevention center actively leads social change, so that bullying is no longer considered an accepted childhood rite of passage. Books on bullying for older students as students grow and mature, the nuances of bullying take on new meaning. For information on child and school bullying, see my pages on child bullying, child abuse, and links to sites and organisations tackling child and school bullying. Despite implementing anti bullying prevention programs in almost every school within the united states, europe, and some initiatives in lowincome countries, yet bullying is more pervasive problems in schools than any other problems. Teaching children the simple act of kindness and encouraging others to do the same, goes a long way. Covert aggression includes a thirdparty, achieved through rumor spreading. Defining bullying among students from criminal law. It focuses on the importance of schools developing a trusted support network within the community that provides students with avenues to report. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to describe the camp us bullying experiences of senior high school students in a cer tain secondary school o f davao city, p hilippines. Students reported the occurrence of physical intimidation preventing younger students to access hallways. Bullying books empower students, parents and school. Hiding the truth about her mothers neglect and the brutal bullying she endures at school, noelle is terrified when her longtime crush starts returning her feelings, compelling her to face her fears. These books not only show the dangers of bullying, but also model appropriate responses to it. Victims of bullying tend to try and blend into the background, in hope that the bully or bullies will leave them alone or cease the torments. Broz the biggest obstacle to antibullying programs is. The holy spirits approach to bullying christian reformed. Additional books in this series can be found on novas website. Taking a stand and alerting those in authority are essential to stop the hurtful, damaging cycle of bullying and cyberbullying. It has been edited by three experts of world standing each of whom is personally at the cutting edge of the research in this field. The casey and bella antibully curriculum by jane lovascio with casey and bella 62 pages pdf view. Books about bullying for elementary schoolers scholastic. The results show a negative impact of bullying on math scores and the magnitude of the effect found was greater among girls. For 25 years, smith has been at the forefront of international research into school bullying. National bullying prevention center resources book club. Disparities in adolescent bullying and substance use by gender identity. For many victims the misery extends over many years and affects every day of their lives. To help your elementary reader in grades 3, 4, and 5 better understand the difficult and pervasive topic of bullying, share some of these recommended reads. This is so important because even if kids are not bullies or victims of bullying themselves, many are bystanders to it. Cyberbullying is the willful and repeated harm inflicted on another through the use of computers, cell phones, or other electronic devices. Coach your children on what not to dohitting, pushing, teasing, saying na na na na na, or being mean to others. See more ideas about bullying, books and books about bullying. Find the top 100 most popular items in amazon books best sellers. Books about bullying for middle schoolers victims of bullying are often shy and tend to be physically weaker than their peers. Bullying is now widely recognised as a serious problem that affects many children in schools. The survival guide to bullying covers everything from cyberbullying to how to deal with fear and how to create the life you dream of having. Using literature and digital 21 storytelling to create a safe. Offers a look at the life of four highschool students and the personal struggles they face, including tisha, a girl who feels out of place because of her mixed race background, and ryan, the star athlete who treats the school like his own personal. Dec 30, 2003 internet bullying with the click of a key, bullies are humiliating their peers. Reviewing the latest findings on bullying perpetration and victimization, we highlight the social dominance function of bullying, the inflated selfviews of bullies, and the effects of their behaviors on victims. The females reported more cyber bullying, off school premises, through text massages and social media outlets. This, the first major book devoted to bullying examines these questions. Dec 20, 2019 bullying problem among high school students the impact of school life. Help a child to understand the different types of bullying from the attention seekers to cyber bullies to excluding bullies, to intimidating bullies, to physical bullies, to rumor spreading bullies, and finally to verbal bullies. Talk about the issues surrounding bullying at school and. Books about bullies and bullying for teens and their allies. Students who are chronic victims of bullying are often the same children who are rejected by their peers. Aug 08, 2018 when a librarian frustrated by bullying in her middle eastern school asked god for help, he answered. Oct 19, 20 awesome book to teach respect in the classroom. They began by trying to learn more about where bullying was happening. In this updated edition of the bully, the bullied, and the bystander, which includes a new section on cyberbullying, one of the worlds most trusted parenting educators gives parents, caregivers, educatorsand most of all, kidsthe tools to break the cycle of violence. Books about bullying for middle schoolers scholastic. Talks about why people bully, how to deal with bullies, different types of bullying, and prettymuch everything that has do do with bullying. Bullying involves the repeated abuse of power in relationships. Teach children about body ownership, respect, feelings, choices and recognizing bullying behaviors jayneen sanders. School bullying is not new, but it has been a long and constant problem. Im glad there are people out in the world like you that help prevent bullying. Asante, swimmy by leo lionni, the diary of a young girl by anne frank, to kill a mockingbird by harper. At orange high school in pepper pike, ohio, students responded in a different way when they witnessed bullying in their school. Some books deal with cyberbullying, while others portray the oldfashioned kind, with kids experiencing it facetoface. Bullying is an act of aggression towards someone, and can take on many forms. The authors are developmental psychologists and also mothers who felt that even very young girls were being affected by social issues among friends and. Some students chose to interview middle school students, whereas others interviewed adults family, friends, school officials about their experiences with bullying. Its sad, but true bullying is still a major part of the school experience, whether its lowlevel meanness, or outright systemic discrimination. School violence and bullying among sexual minority high school students, 20092011. Its easy to picture bullying as obvious teasing that happens in the schoolyard, but it can take many different forms, from cruel namecalling to physical threats and rumors started from behind a keyboard. Presents interviews with students who have been bullied, as they describe their experiences with peers, parents, teachers, and school administrators, along with. Educators may find it difficult to differentiate between teasing and bullying among students. It can take many forms, including direct verbal and physical harassment and indirect forms such as deliberate exclusion and the targeting of individuals using cyber technology. Talk directly to your child about what is going on at school. The males reported a higher rate of physical bullying on the school premise than the females. The effects of bullying can be serious and affect kids sense of safety and selfworth. Pacer provides innovative resources for students, parents, educators, and others, and recognizes bullying as a serious community issue. Patchin weve been discussing the importance of school climate as it relates to bullying and cyberbullying quite a bit on this blog see here and here for examples. Hergert principals across the country continually express concerns about how best to deal with bullying. With the school year beginning, books about bullying can be a great resource for children dealing with bullying, or for parents trying to help their kids. Department of education to take an aggressive stance. Bullying is a pervasive problem affecting school age children. Bullying involves some threequarters of a million children in the united kingdom. Have torn, damaged, or missing pieces of clothing, books, or other belongings sudden unexplained injuries have few, if any, friends seem afraid of going to school, walking to and from school, riding the school bus, or taking part in organized activities such as clubs or sports with peers. I was a bully victim myself, i didnt know what to do, and i kept it to myself. Middle school, the worst years of my life middle school 1. The dark days of hamburger halpin by josh berk when will halpin transfers from his alldeaf school into a mainstream pennsylvania high school, he faces discrimination and bullying, but still manages to solve a mystery surrounding the. In middles schools, 52% of students reported bullying happening more frequently in the classroom, but it decreased on the playground. That was 3 years ago, and now i want to try and help prevent it happening to other people. This brief examines the relationship between these laws and school climate and resources for lgbtq youth. Antibullying policies and enumeration infobrief health and. School bullying and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. Its more important than ever to teach students about the negative effects of bullying and to do so as early as possible. I will be adding books to this list that i think are good for helping children deal with bullying situations. Bullying, school students, enforcement of law, criminal justice system, malaysia. She presently works as an elementary professional school counselor at stafford primary school in west linn, oregon. Cases, interviews, surveys plus advice from leading experts on dealing with bullying. Top 5 nonfiction books about bullying the cheshire. Most people are aware of bullying yet the subject has been strangely ignored. Over one thousand students have entered the school in the opening of classes. Learn about na news, events, programs, information, and student recognition. The effect of bullying decreases in the case of students who have a female teacher. Booktopia buy antibullying reading list books online from australias leading online bookstore. Today, bullying can no longer considered as a trivial social problem that can be taken lightly. These antibullying books can help bridge the topic. This book is an important addition to the literature on bullying in schools. With rich characters and meaningful plots, these books will support your anti. Preparing all students for success in a changing world. These books not only show the dangers of bullying, but also model appropriate responses to it for kids in middle school. Leadership for schools that care for every student. Signe whitson is a school counselor, national educator on bullying prevention, and author of six books, including 8 keys to end bullying. Four steps to bullyproof girls in the early grades by michelle anthony, ph. A number of states have no promo homo laws that prevent positive portrayals of homosexuality in school health education. Teen books about dealing with bullying community library network. Bullying ranges from simple to more complex forms, where the bully may have one or more counterparts who are willing to assist him or her in the act. They can display terrible behavior in the class just to get attention from the other students in the class which will eventually distract them from focusing on the lesson and on the teacher. Over the last 25 years a burgeoning research program on school bullying has led to new insights into effective ways of dealing with it, as well as new challenges such as the advent of. Bullying issues are often reported in the mass media and have garnered attention not only in malaysia but also abroad. Defining bullying among students from criminal law perspective. How to help kids who struggle socially psychology today. New data from the largestever survey of lgbtq students shows homophobic remarks and verbal harassment in school leveling off for the first time in a decade, and victimization based on gender expression increasing. Jefferson elementary homepage north arlington school district. Llaura barbouraura barbour school counselor laura barbour, m. After youve read these picks, share this buddy or bully. The ten fiction titles in this collection are geared toward upper level readers with the. See more ideas about bullying, books and effects of bullying. Author and oise instructor larry swartz shares his favourite fictional books for children and adults that deal with the issue of bullying. Failure to address this issue will have bad consequences for students in particular. Books to support antibullying lessons in the classroom. Score a books total score is based on multiple factors, including the number of people who have voted for it and how highly those voters ranked the book. Bullying is a serious issue, and reading childrens books on the topic can help kids understand it. Bullying in the middlegrades curriculum middle matters january 2005, volume number 3 by leslie f. Bullying effect on students performance sciencedirect. My secret bully by trudy ludwig author and abigail marble illustrator this book, written for elementary students, touches on the issue of friends who bully. Many schoolbus drivers in north america assign seats. Find all of the following books about bullies and bullying in the teen fiction section of the library. I highly recommend this book to anybody who is getting bullied or anybody who is just curious about the subject. Regarding where at school bullying occurred, 50 students 11. Books about bullying for middle schoolers scholastic parents. Denise rodrigo, a senior high school student admitted that she has lost interest in school after being a victim of bullying by her classmates due to her height. Im not a mom, or teacher, but actually a 7th grade student. Although some bullying occurs outside schools as students make their way to class, the 2009 indicators of school crime and safety statistics show that most bullying occurs inside the nations school, and that only a third of those being bullied report the bullying to anyone at school. List of books and articles about bullying in schools. Its about a classmate who is ridiculed by bullies for wearing the same dress to school every day, while other students stand by and do nothing to. Older students shoved younger students in the hallways and knocked them to the ground on the playground. Incorporating kids books about bullying can help children learn the warning signs of bullying and encourage them to discuss their feelings and experiences with others. Due to the large number of students, bullying has become one of the serious problems in the school. In the lighthearted picture book, part of the series by anna dewdney, llama llama and. Today, bullying can take many forms, beyond just name calling or physical intimidation in the halls, and it can be hard for a parent to be vigilant when. Understanding school bullying sage publications ltd. Bullying can begin as early as preschool and intensify during transitional stages, such as starting school in 1st grade or going into middle school. Books about bullying kids grappling with bullying can check out our list of relatable books for various ages, from picture books to tween and teen novels to memoirs. Bullying in sc hool is a significant problem worldwide and is one of the most common antisocial behaviors among adolescents and children. After surveying classmates about where they had witnessed bullying, students created maps that showed where bullying incidents commonly took place. October is national bullying prevention month and, though its a hard fact to face, our children will be exposed to bullying in one form or another sometimes as witnesses, but sometimes though we hope not as the bullied, or the bully. Sep 26, 2017 books for parents and other caregivers about bullying. Each chapter looks at different age groups of bullies, their targets, and the bystanders. Finding story books about bullying isnt easy, especially if you are concerned about scaring your young child. High school student daelyn rice, who has been bullied throughout her school career and has more than once attempted suicide, again makes plans to kill. Every day activities like going to school can be overwhelming. Parents worry more about bullying than anything else.1375 1653 722 899 1599 939 1486 138 1073 1576 144 315 1302 392 957 1118 701 1554 177 274 697 1619 51 641 1666 1171 1301 387 243 1434 1102 1393 1170 155
Taylor Swift needs to get from Tokyo to Las Vegas this weekend. Chances are she’ll be using a private jet to get from Japan’s capital — where she is performing Saturday night — to Sin City, where boyfriend Travis Kelce and the Kansas City Chiefs are playing the San Francisco 49ers in Super Bowl LVIII on Sunday afternoon. The pop superstar certainly won’t be the only person using that mode of transportation to get to an event that attracts people of great importance, fame and wealth. So where are all of those planes going to park? Hopefully Swift or whomever makes such arrangements for her thought of that well in advance because Vegas is completely booked this weekend when it comes to parking spots for private jets. (A representative for Swift did not immediately respond to The Times regarding the singer’s travel plans.) The Federal Aviation Administration said in a statement that it expects 3,500 more takeoffs and landings than usual at local airports — including Harry Reid International, Henderson Executive, North Las Vegas and Boulder City — this weekend, with about 500 aircraft being parked at those locations. The math there would seem to indicate a bit of a supply-and-demand issue. “This is the first Super Bowl in Las Vegas,” Joe Rajchel, a spokesperson for the Clark County Department of Aviation, told The Times on Thursday. “You would expect demand to be high and it has been a high-demand weekend. People want to be here — whether or not they’re going to the game, I think people just want to be in the city and be around the activity.” The FAA has a slot reservation system in place for parking and airspace at those airports from Feb. 6-13 to help regulate the anticipated high volume of air traffic. Reservations for parking planes at the airports are handled by fixed-base operators. Clark County serves as the fixed-base operator for the Henderson and North Las Vegas airports, and Rajchel said the slots at those locations will be full all weekend. Two private companies — Signature Aviation and Atlantic Aviation — handle those operations for Harry Reid International. A statement on Signature’s website says that parking at that airport has “reached capacity for the duration of the Super Bowl event” and that there’s “an extensive waiting list for any cancellations.” A representative for Atlantic told The Times on Thursday that its slots have been full “probably for a few weeks now,” adding that the size of the planes was a factor. “If it’s much smaller planes we can fit more,” the representative said, “but for this event we have much larger planes so we can fit less in that aspect.” The two fixed-base operators that serve Boulder City Airport — Boulder City Aviation Services and BFE Flight Services — reached their slot limit long ago. BFE manager Randy Saenz said his company could actually accommodate more planes. “People are begging and asking me to give them a slot,” he told The Times on Friday. But, he said, “I can’t. It’s not in my capability. Boulder City was given a small number of slots.” Saenz said he expects the FAA to “tweak” its regulations the next time the Super Bowl is in the area. “I don’t think they really understood how much traffic goes through this airport when there’s a special event in Vegas,” he said. Saenz added that he still has space for certain small planes or helicopters that don’t fall under the FAA’s restrictions, but most of the people looking to park there this weekend don’t have aircraft that fall into that category. His advice to those folks? “Call a year earlier,” Saenz said.
If you need to replace missing teeth, you have probably heard about dental implants as a treatment option. But how do dental implants work? How Do Dental Implants Work? Dental implants are made of titanium and are used to create an artificial tooth root. They are made of strong material in order to serve as a permanent foundation for the artificial teeth. This foundation is created when Dr. Chaney drills into your jaw bone and screws the implant into your jaw. Don’t worry, you’re under sedation for this procedure! In a few months, the bone will fuse around the titanium post to create a solid, permanent foundation for the replacement tooth. Next, your replacement teeth will be screwed into the post. You’ll have the smile of your dreams because those replacement teeth are custom made to match your natural teeth’s size, shape, and color. What Are the Benefits? First, dental implants allow your replacement teeth to look completely natural. As mentioned above, the replacement teeth are made just for you so that they fit seamlessly in with the rest of your natural teeth. They are also a great option for replacing missing teeth because they are permanent and fixed. Other replacement options such as dentures can slip around in your mouth and can be uncomfortable to wear. Another benefit is that implants won’t alter your speech. They are also easier to eat with. Finally, dental implants can last for a very long time. As long as you properly care for them (by brushing them twice a day, flossing around them at least once a day, and eating a diet that’s low in carbs and sugars), they can last for twenty-five years or more. Am I a Candidate? A healthy and strong jawbone and healthy oral tissues are essential to qualify for the procedure. If you think you might be a good candidate for dental implants, give us a call to schedule a consultation. We offer flexible financing options to help you afford the smile you desire.
Independent fund and corporate services provider, the Aztec Group, has been selected by Epiris to provide administration services to its £821 million (€926 million)UK mid-market fund, Epiris Fund II. Fund II, which has reached £821 millionin commitments, has a global investor base, with 46 per cent of its investors hailing from North America, 32 per cent from the UK, 18 per cent from elsewhere in Europe and four per cent from the rest of the world. Epiris announced the fund’s first investment in February with the acquisition of Portals, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of paper, or “substrate”, for banknotes and security documents. Other investments to date include consumer magazine publisher TI Media, country club operator The Club Company and global auction house Bonhams. Epiris targets control positions in UK-headquartered businesses with anenterprise value ranging from £75 million to £500 million, deploying between £40 million and £150 million of equity in each investment. The firm has a top-decile investment track record. Aztec Group, which currently administers over €290 billion for more than 300 funds and 2,600 entities across six jurisdictions, has supported Epiris with the fundraising and launch activities for Epiris Fund II, and will provide ongoing administration services to the fund and its investment holding vehicles from its Jersey offices. Simon King, Director and Private Equity Specialist at the Aztec Group in Jersey, commented: “We’re delighted Epiris has chosen to work with us. It represents a real endorsement of both our administration capabilities and of Jersey as a leading funds jurisdiction. The UK mid-market is a sector we’ve specialised in since our inception, so to be recognised for our capabilities in this field is particularly pleasing.” Alex Cooper-Evans, Partner of Epiris, added: “Aztec Group’s experience in the UK-mid market sector coupled with their outstanding pedigree in fund administration made them the natural choice for our outsourcing requirements.”
Dr Vapor Warehouse Vape store in Mechanic Falls 04256 ME Dr Vapor Warehouse Vape Shop based in check out here Mechanic Falls 04256 ME - Shop CBD Protein Bars, e-juice by premium labels such as All Day Shorty Made In UK E-liquid, Cold Fusion as well as Mums Elixir CBD For Skin Care - Acne, Anti-aging and Various other Skin Issues Huge number of people have actually profited from CBD oil for improving their skin conditions. From acne, to wrinkles to minimize hyper pigmentation CBD can do wonders for your skin. CBD as skin care CBD skin care will certainly not obtain you high since this does not have any type of psychoactive homes. CBD is removed from the industrial hemp and not cannabis. In addition, CBD oil is not like hemp seed oil. CBD oil is having greater concentration of antioxidants than hemp oil. Individuals who have utilized it have actually obtained good outcomes in short duration of time. You need to know that all CBD oil which remains in retail rack are FDA accepted and also are approved from International Language of Cosmetics Ingredients, which suggests it is safe to be used as a cosmetic by individuals of any ages. CBD for acne as well as acne susceptible skin Acne is a skin condition where the skin gets inflamed as well as the oil is deposited in the sebum glands. Painful and also cystic acne is normally bring on by hormonal fluctuation and can likewise be treated with CBD oil. CBD oil aids and also has anti-inflammatory residential or commercial properties in quick cell regrowth. This helps in minimizing the acne and also the swelling at much faster rate. It aids in soothing the skin and has actually obtained soothing effect. Within couple of weeks of usage, you can see much more clear skin and also reduction in dark areas. Additionally, CBD oil has got hydrating residential or commercial properties, it makes skin soft and also flexible. CBD hydrates and also decreases the excess oil production of the glands. It likewise stabilizes out the moisture as well as oil material of the skin which indicates your skin will certainly not really feel completely dry, while you are using it. Because it is non practice creating your skin will certainly not depend on it. If you cease the usage after obtaining desired outcomes you will not experience any type of breakouts back due to the withdrawal, this recommends that. People all over the globe has made it a charm staple for its benefits. CBD for creases and also Anti-Aging We experience creases since our skin loses its elasticity and dampness. CBD is a possible biochemical agent that locks in the dampness and offers hydration to the dried skin. It is likewise power packed with cell repairing properties which means it increases the procedure of skin regrowth. Consequently, you will certainly not see striking changes after few weeks of usage. CBD for hyper coloring As per research studies starting from children to senior people virtually one third of the world's populace experiences active coloring eventually of their lifetime. Hyper pigmentation is a skin's defense mechanism to eliminate unsafe ultraviolet rays. In this process, the skin generates massive quantity of melanin. Therefore, the skin darkens unusually. CBD has powerful anti-oxidant and also helps in skin restoration and revitalisation For ideal results you have to utilize this oil with CBD night lotion as well as keep it over night. Massive number of individuals visit here have actually benefitted from CBD oil for enhancing their skin conditions. CBD skin care will not obtain you high due to the fact that this does not have any type of psychedelic buildings. Acne is a skin problem where the skin gets inflamed and also the oil is deposited in the sebum glands. Additionally, CBD oil has actually obtained hydrating properties, it makes skin soft and supple. It additionally stabilizes out the moisture and oil content of the skin which means your skin will certainly not really feel dry, while you are utilizing it. issues & responses Mango and Strawberry enthusiasm by 88Vape is often a tropical Mix containing notes of ripe-tasting mangoes and strawberry which have been topped off by Daring icy spearmint. accessible in a 50ml 0mg short fill with place to your favourite nicotine shot of alternative. the electrical Tobacconist Ltd abides by the Distance advertising Act (2000). If, once you have bought items from us, you decide you not want them, Then you definately have 28 calendar days where i was reading this to return them and we will refund them in comprehensive within just 28 days of your cancellation day (which includes any postage and packing paid out) assuming that the packaging continues to be unopened. 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Also, charging overnight ought to be prevented. for those who smoke (or used to smoke) more than twenty cigarettes per day then 18mg-20mg is recommended (20mg is optimum energy now authorized under UK legislation). fantastic review ive not tried using the ones you might have, but i Zour eLiquids attempted the caramel nut cheese cake & for the value its you can find out more bang on ... 22nd Zour eLiquids January 2020 - nameless compose an assessment > just after staying on sub-ohm direct lung mods / tanks for an excellent couple of years and little by little creeping back to cigarette smoking, I chose to go back to Principles and acquired a Smok Nord with nic this salts in mind. As I've explained in other opinions grape vapes are certainly one of my favourites. It is usually great to determine another juice enterprise applying koolada being an enhancement rather then a principal component. due to the fact we make all of our individual vaping liquids and continue to keep your complete production system in-dwelling, we need not try and canopy any extra overheads. The cost savings we make Listed here are passed right on to our clients.
Practical Magicka (Vapor Viper-North) Vape Wholesale in Newbury 03255 NH Practical Magicka (Vapor Viper-North) Vape Wholesale in Newbury 03255 NH : Shop CBD Dried Fruit, ejuice from leading companies including Epic Juice Made In USA E-liquid, DIG Juice and Vape With Aloha eLiquids CBD For Skin Care - Acne, Anti-aging as well as Other Skin Issues Right now, CBD oil has gotten a great deal of popularity because of its various uses. Massive number of people have benefitted from CBD oil for improving their skin conditions. From acne, to creases to decrease active coloring CBD can do wonders for your skin. No, these are not just marketing tricks but it is backed with truths that you should recognize. CBD as skin special info care CBD skin treatment will info certainly not obtain you high because this does not contain any psychedelic buildings. CBD is removed from the commercial hemp as well as not cannabis. Furthermore, CBD oil is not like hemp seed oil. CBD oil is having higher focus of anti-oxidants than hemp oil. Hence, individuals that have utilized it have actually gotten good lead to short period of time. You must be mindful that all CBD oil which is in retail shelf are FDA authorized and also are accredited from International Classification of Cosmetics Contents, which means it is risk-free to be made use of as a cosmetic by people of any ages. CBD for acne and also acne prone skin Acne is a skin disease where the skin obtains swollen and the oil is transferred in the sebum glands. Excruciating as well as cystic acne is typically trigger by hormonal variation as well as can likewise be treated with CBD oil. CBD oil aids and has anti-inflammatory residential or commercial properties in rapid cell regeneration. This aids in minimizing the acne as well as the swelling at much quicker price. It aids in calming the skin and also has got soothing effect. Within few weeks of use, you can see much clearer skin and also reduction in dark areas. Furthermore, CBD oil has actually got hydrating residential properties, it makes skin soft and flexible. CBD hydrates as well as lowers the excess oil production of the glands. It additionally cancels the moisture and oil material of the skin which means your skin will not feel completely dry, while you are utilizing it. Since it is non behavior developing your skin will certainly not depend on it. If you stop the usage after obtaining preferred results you will certainly not experience any breakouts back due to the withdrawal, this suggests that. Nevertheless, people throughout the world has actually made it a beauty staple for its benefits. CBD for wrinkles as well as Anti-Aging CBD is a possible biochemical agent that secures in the wetness and also provides hydration to the dried skin. It is likewise power packed with cell fixing properties which means it increases the procedure of skin regeneration. CBD for hyper coloring Based on studies beginning with children to senior people almost one third of the globe's populace experiences hyper coloring eventually of their life time. Hyper pigmentation is a skin's support mechanism to eliminate unsafe ultraviolet rays. In this process, the skin produces substantial amount of melanin. Therefore, the skin darkens uncommonly. CBD has effective anti-oxidant and aids in skin restoration and resurgence For finest results you have to use this oil with CBD night cream as well as maintain it over night. Massive number of people have profited from CBD oil for boosting their skin conditions. CBD skin treatment will certainly not obtain you high since this does not have any kind of psychedelic residential or commercial properties. Acne is a skin problem where the skin obtains irritated and the oil is deposited in the sebum glands. Additionally, CBD oil has actually got hydrating homes, it makes skin flexible and also soft. It likewise stabilizes out the moisture and oil web content of the skin which suggests your skin will not feel dry, while you are using it. as being the TPD regulatory act restrictions nicotine e-liquid bottles bought in the united kingdom to not more than 10mL in whole capability and no more than PNW eJuice 20mg/ml of nicotine, shortfills give a simple Resolution for vapers who want in excess of exactly what the restrictions allow for this link merchants to sell to buyers in the UK. As I've reported in other assessments grape vapes are one among my favourites. Additionally it is terrific to check out A further juice organization applying koolada being an improvement as opposed to a main ingredient. 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This 88vape e-liquid PNW eJuice is made by using a nicotine salt components, which provides a smoother plus more gratifying inhale when compared to straightforward blends. mainly because we make each and every bottle read more of vape juice ourselves, we have finish Regulate over the method. This allows us to go Expense savings on to our prospects. VG 80% E Liquid - to be used in sub-ohm tanks only, this sort of vape juice presents a richer and sweeter flavor and massive clouds! count on a lot less of a traditional throat hit and a lessen nicotine energy. you can find additional gold by total tasks,for instance browsing,searching shop,inviting friedds and so on.Redem it for cashh and withdraw it into your own bank account. within the Vape it is reminding me of the consume from my youth but I can't place my finger on it. I preserve thinking of um-bongo but it's actually not that. obtain the right toughness for yourself by deciding on from our two nicotine strengths – 11mg and 16mg. in case you’re hunting for a stronger throat hit just boost your energy. each and every 10ml E-liquid bottle has actually been made which has a lengthy plastic nip to additional info ensure it couldn’t be much easier to fill your clearomizer. Do you may have curiosity to save your wallet when you puchase the products at 88 Vape? It' as simple as a pie to realize this would like by producing by far the most of 'Dessert Flavour Vg E Liquid very low selling price from £3'. PNW eJuice help save the two time and expense. 27th May 2020 - Anonymous Write an assessment > This Liquorice flavour would be the just one I like ideal. click to read I also like The point that it's a clear liquid. The 16mg toughness is finest for me also. Pineapple Punch - It is like a superbly diluted orange squash but taken to another stage with generous squeezes PNW eJuice of pineapple. the extent of sweetness With this liquid is cooled down with the zing of the spearmint and helps you to make each inhale and exhale flavor a little different.
Delta Extrax Hydro HHC Gummies Sours FLAVOR PROFILE Our Sours Hydro HHC Gummies feature premium HHC cannabinoids. You will find… Out of stock Our Sours Hydro HHC Gummies feature premium HHC cannabinoids. You will find that the taste of these gummies provide a sour beginning but offer a sweet ending. Also, the flavor has a sweet blend of different fruit melodies. The experience is somewhere between Delta 8 and Delta 9 THC. However, at 10mg of HHC each, you’ll discover that our Sours come with the right amount of HHC to provide you with a good time. Consume 1/2 of one gummy to start to establish individual tolerance. Increase dose in increments to reach the desired effect. WHY CHOOSE DELTA EXTRAX Where Delta Extrax surpasses the competition is the little number of extra ingredients we use. Sourcing only the best Hexahydrocannabinol (HHC), we then take the cleanest terpenes and infuse them to bring you products that will not disappoint. All of our Hydro Collection products are lab tested for quality both in the raw form and in the finished product. ADDITIONAL PRODUCT INFORMATION 25 gummies per pack 10mg of hemp-derived thc 250mg of HHC Corn syrup, Sugar, Water, Gelatin, Citric Acid, Natural Flavor, Pectin, Vegetable Oil & Carnuba Leaf Wax, Food Coloring, Natural Hemp Oil.
No. According to article 4 of Senate Practice Fundamentals for DMP, students who are in their third year cannot apply for the DMP even if they had not taken any course from the third year. Yes, you can apply for it. First, try to keep your GPA as high as possible (keep in mind that at least 35 credits at the end of first year, at least 75 credits at the end of second year must be completed and your GPA must be at least 3.00). In addition, if your first major program consists of some elective courses during your first and second year of education, try to choose the one's that are equivalent in your second major program. Thus, the number of credits you need to take will reduce in your second major program. Carefully examine the curriculum of the second major program specifically prepared for the DMP students. If it is not ready yet, inspect the full curriculum of the second major program that you want to apply and refer to related DMP coordinator of the second major program to get some help. If you took and passed the course, apply to the related Faculty by a petition for the exemption of the course. You can be exempted from the course if its content is found adequately equivalent. Department of Chemical Engineering- Telephone +90 (212) 285 3413 Department of Chemical Engineering- Fax +90 (212) 285 6587 Department of Chemical Engineering- Address İTÜ Ayazaga Campus, 34469, Maslak/Istanbul İTÜ Information Technologies Directorate © 2024
Steel Toes vs. Composite Toes Work BootsRead More Setting a place for worker safety begins from the ground up. It’s paramount for skilled workers to maintain footwear safety at all times. Just a single misstep can lead to all kinds of severe injuries, disabilities or worse. At the very least, it wastes time and harms your well-being. To get safety started on the right foot, you’ll need a comfortable and protective shoe. Craftsmen are aware they need all the right tools to get the job done, and the same idea extends to shoes. In specific trades, particularly those that regularly work with electricity and similar hazards, it is important to acquire shoes that reduce the chance of electricity-related accidents at work. In all, there are three types of safety footwear one can purchase as far as electrical protection is concerned. Each kind of shoe serves its own special purpose. Electrical hazard shoes: Rated as EH, these shoes are generally insulated to help ground the worker from electricity in the event that he should step on electrical equipment or a live circuit. In addition to this, such boots may come with composite or steel toes in order to extend safety to the toes. It’s common to think metal in the shoes would be bad in an electrical environment, but it’s actually conductive only when touching other metals. Metal in boots are enveloped in non-conductive materials like rubber or leather. As such, it is perfectly safe to wear these kinds of boots in an area with live circuits around. Rubber outsoles are also a good idea, particularly those designed to be slip-free, as well as abrasion- and water-resistant. Anti-static shoes: Boots classified as anti-static are made for workers who are in environments that must avoid static electricity. Such shoes are designed to dissipate the collection of static electricity from within the body while still providing some resistance to electrical hazards such as from live circuits. Typically, these kinds of boots might be classified with SD or ESD tags. Conductive shoes: These types of shoes are designed to provide some protection in environments where accumulating static electricity is a hazard. Workers in these environments usually handle volatile, explosive materials. These shoes are made with cements and materials that have no electrical resistance. When looking into these kinds of boots, they may be called static-dissipating, which means it reduces how much static electricity builds up from moving and walking. These boots will dissipate the electricity and make it less likely that a static electric spark will ignite. However, these boots to not have any kind of protection from electrical equipment or live charges, making it a poor choice for environments with live circuits. It is important to note that, regardless of the type of boots, protection is deteriorated in the event of exposure to humid environments, wet environments or developing excessive wear on the heel and outsoles of the boots. Electricity is a useful tool but can be quite the hazard; most people are already aware of this and are careful around it. However, it’s the less obvious hazards that can be the most dangerous, such as on a construction site where exposed electrical cables could be severed or ignite from an accident. In order to protect a worker from these kinds of threats, there are electrical hazard and anti-static boots available, many of which are now standard for such tradespeople. As the name suggests, electrical hazard boots are the best to protect against electrical hazards. Anti-static boots provide great protection against wall socket situations, rather than high voltage protection. When you’re in the market for a new pair of electrical hazard boots or anti-static footwear, there are a few tips to keep in mind: Join our mailing list to receive the latest deals and special offers!
An early E3 trailer has been released by Sketchbook Games’ announcing the cross-platform release of their new indie project, Lost Words: Beyond the Page. The creative team of Lost Words is made up of gaming veterans who worked on Fable 2 and the Harry Potter games. As well the creative writer of the Tomb Raider series reboot, Rhianna Pratchett, who penned the story. This pool of talent is sure to provide a tale that guides players through a magical written world – full of love, loss, and grief. The trailer is delightfully charming and does a fantastic job of drawing you into the story. Its combination of artistic mediums, including animated watercolour drawings, 3D landscaping, and interactive gameplay make for a unique experience. Lost Words: Beyond the Page also reminds me quite fondly of another popular 2D side-scroller, Unravelled, which combined a charming art motif with a well written story to great effect. From here the trailer pulls at the heart strings and really makes you want to hear the end of the story that is unfolding right before your very eyes. According to publisher Modus Games “Lost Words: Beyond the Page is a narrative-driven, atmospheric puzzler set inside the pages of a young girl’s diary. Following an immersive story by renowned games writer Rhianna Pratchett, players guide an aspiring author through the wondrous fantasy world of Estoria, where words wield immense power. In Lost Words: Beyond the Page, players interact with the words themselves to solve challenging puzzles and unique platforming segments to progress through an evolving landscape.” Lost Words: Beyond the Page is due for release in December 2019 and will be available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Additional information and content can be found on their official website. With the release date being rather close it would be a real delight if we got to see a preview of Lost Words: Beyond the Page hopefully at this year’s PAX in October.
We hope you love what you've ordered! But just in case you're not 100% satisfied, we've made the return process super easy. How Long Do I Have To Make A Return? You have a maximum of 30 days from the delivery date to make a return. Do I Have To Pay For Shipping When I Return Something? You'll need to pay for shipping the return yourself(there will be no handling charge for returns). If you are not satisfied with our product size, we can offer free product exchange.But you need to pay for the product shipping fee. Can I cancel the order It depends on the status of your order. Unfortunately, if your order has been processed and is waiting to be shipped, or has been shipped, we will not be able to cancel the order. Please note that we cannot cancel orders that have already been shipped. Therefore, please wait for the package to arrive, you can keep the package or contact us to refund the refund. Please do not refuse to ship, because undelivered packages will be destroyed by third-party logistics. How do I make a return? 1.contact us on: [email protected] 2.Select the item(s) you would like to return, indicate the reason, and submit. 3.Chicmatchy Customer service will give you a return address 3.Print the return label and securely tape it on the outside of your return package. 4.Call the post office to arrange a collection or drop off at your nearest post office. Note: The company address is not the return address of the package,and the specific address will be sent by customer service email 1. Products that Worn, Damaged, Or Have The Tags Removed 2. bodysuits, lingerie, underwear, jewelry, accessories, cosmetics, pet products, and any other items for which return or exchange is noted as not being supported. 3. Free gifts cannot be returned or exchanged. 1. Please do not send your return to the sender's address on your package. This is not the return address and will affect the processing of your return. You should only send it to the address on the email we provide even if you are using your own shipping. 2. Please make sure you don't include non-CHICMATCHY items by accident in your return package. We will not be responsible for sending back those items to you. 1. Refunds will be processed within 7 days(working day) after we receive your package. The refund will be issued to your original payment account within 5 business days. If your order doesn't include any promotions or discounts, you will receive a full refund for the items, equal to the price shown on our site (Item’s original price). 2. The original shipping fee and insurance are non-refundable. NOTE: If you have any issues with your return, you must contact Customer Support within 90 days after your order was first placed. - Free Standard Shipping On Orders Over US$49 - Handling Time: 3-7business days - Standard Shipping: : 10-20 Business Days - Receiving Time = Handling Time + Shipping Time We currently only support shipping to the following countries:United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, United States, Germany, Italy. All product prices listed on the Services are exclusive of shipping charges, but includes local sales and use tax and other taxes or fees (where applicable)that you will not be charged at checkout. |Standard Shipping(10-20 Business Days) |Standard Free Shipping(10-20 Business Days) |$49.00 and up
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Diagnosing Silver-Russell Syndrome Getting a diagnosis of a rare condition, such as Silver-Russell Syndrome can be a drawn-out process. In the UK, it can take over four years, on average, to get an accurate diagnosis of a rare condition. This can be a frustrating time for parents, and all concerned. It can also be a time of wrong-turns, dead-ends and misdiagnoses. It is crucial to get the diagnosis right, as the diagnosis often determines management and support options. Diagnosing SRS poses particular problems as there is often a large overlap of SRS symptoms with many different conditions. A crucial breakthrough in Poblet, Spain, in 2015 saw 36 leading international SRS specialists agree, by vote, and representatives from patient support groups, including the CGF, the elements that are distinctly SRS. And a year later the conclusions of this meeting were published as the First International Consensus Statement regarding Silver-Russell Syndrome. Consensus statements are vital for increasing understanding and awareness of rare conditions, which greatly improves the diagnosis process. The consensus statement regarding SRS recommended using Netchine-Harbison Clinical Scoring System (NH-CSS) as a tool for clinically diagnosing SRS. A consensus statement is a public statement on a particular aspect of medical knowledge, agreed by a representative group of experts to be evidence based, they are vital for increasing understanding and awareness of rare conditions, which greatly improves the diagnosis process. The consensus statement regarding SRS recommended using Netchine-Harbison Clinical Scoring System (NH-CSS) as a tool for clinically diagnosing SRS. What is the NH-CSS/How Does it Work? The scoring system identifies six factors (clinical criteria) that are considered statistically strong indicators of Silver-Russell Syndrome. It actually works by statistically ruling out Silver-Russell Syndrome and therefore, if it can’t be statistically ruled out then SRS becomes a strong possibility. If the patient scores 3 or less out of 6 they are determined not to have a clinical diagnosis of SRS (however a score of 3 can result in continued clinical suspicion). The scoring system is relatively straight forward, it is a score of 1 if that indicator is present, and it is a score of 0 if it isn’t. The end result is a score out of 6, which makes it easy for a physician to interpret and is flexible enough to allow for some missing information. What are the Six Clinical Criteria? SGA (small for gestational age – birth weight and/or birth length) SGA is a term given to a baby that is born smaller than normal compared to other babies born at the same gestational age (read more). Score a point if: the baby is equal to/or less than 2 standard deviations (SDS) below average. Standard deviation is a measure of how spread a measure is around the average (or mean), in this case weight and/or length of babies born at the same gestational age. This would mean the baby is in about the smallest 2% of all babies born at that gestational age. Postnatal growth failure Is a term (and not a great one, because you haven’t failed at anything!) used to describe babies that are not growing as expected/normal following birth. Score a point if: the baby’s height at around 24 months is less than 2 standard deviations below the average for babies at the same age. OR the baby’s height is 2SDs below the mid-parental target height. Standard deviation is a number used to tell how measurements for a group are spread out from the average. The lower the number, the closer it is to the average, the higher the number the further it is from the average. The bell curve above shows that 2SDs (the dotted lines) below the middle point represents around 2% of the population. Relative Macrocephaly at Birth Macrocephaly means your baby’s head is larger than other babies of the same sex and same age, measured by head circumference. Relative macrocephaly considers the size of your baby’s head against their weight or length. Score a point if: your baby’s head circumference at birth is equal to/or greater than 1.5 SDS ABOVE their birth weight and/or length SDS. For example, if your baby’s birth weight was -2SDS and their head circumference was -0.5SDS then they would score a point. Also known as frontal bossing, this is where your baby’s forehead sticks out beyond their face when looking at them side on. Score a point if: your child has a protruding forehead between the ages of 1 to 3. This is where all, or part of one side of the body is smaller than the other. Score a point if: there is a leg length discrepancy (LLD) of 0.5cm or more or, there is arm or leg discrepancy that is less than 0.5cm but two other parts of the body are asymmetrical. Feeding Difficulties and/or Low BMI Body mass index gives a figure that compares weight against height, and in children also considers age and gender. It is used to give an idea of how healthy your weight is. Score a point if: the BMI score is equal to/or less than -2 SDS at 24 months old. Or, score a point if your child is using a feeding tube. If the child being examined scores 4 or more on the NH-CSS then it is recommended they have genetic testing. The genetic testing may confirm Silver-Russell Syndrome. However, the testing might come back “normal”, which means no genetic cause has been found. If this happens then the score of 4 or more on the NH-CSS can be used to give a clinical diagnosis of SRS, BUT only if the clinical criteria that scored a point includes BOTH protruding forehead and relative macrocephaly at birth. The large head in relation to weight at birth is a distinguishing characteristic of SRS that almost all SRS children have. But macrocephaly can be present in other conditions too, which is why it should be used as an indicator of SRS unless other clinical criteria have also been identified. Get in Touch If you have any concerns regarding any of the above, or want to chat to us about it, please get in touch: Email Us or Call us on: 0208 995 0257
What will my child be learning? Our Lighthouse Pathways™ page provides an overview of our age-appropriate curriculums. Our balanced approach to learning provides opportunities for individualized skill development, group learning, self-regulation, and inquiry-based investigation with a focus on 4 key areas; Confidence, Connection, Continuous Improvement, and Curriculum. What is Children's Lighthouse doing to prevent the spread of the coronavirus? Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Children's Lighthouse already followed strict practices for health and cleaning that met or exceeded state and local standards. Since the coronavirus outbreak, we have implemented additional procedures and follow the latest guidance regarding social distancing, symptom monitoring, and sanitizing procedures. How do I find a Children's Lighthouse School near me? Enter your City or Zip into the Find Your School box at the top of our website. From there you can find your nearest school and see location specifics like address, phone number, and hours of operation. You can also learn more about the School Owners, Directors, find a menu, and see what events are planned for your child! You can also schedule a tour right from the website! How can I find out more about tuition rates? Find your nearest school and give them a call. The friendly staff will be happy to let you know enrollment and tuition rates. All Children's Lighthouse schools are individually owned and operated, and rates vary by location. I'm interested in working for at a Children's Lighthouse Early Learning School. What do I do next? All Children's Lighthouse schools are individually owned and operated and hire based on their specific needs. If you're currently a Director or a Teacher looking for a new opportunity, head to the Careers page and see what jobs your nearby Children's Lighthouse Early School is hiring for. Are Children's Lighthouse Early Learning schools licensed? Yes. All Children's Lighthouse Early Learning Schools are licensed before they ever open their doors. Being licensed means that each school goes through strict evaluations to ensure it is in compliance with the most up-to-date requirements from local licensing officials. This ensures the well-being and safety of your child. Licensing officials also conduct regularly scheduled visits to ensure compliance. Do you have a waitlist? Enrollment availability varies by locations and may fluctuate throughout the year. Please contact your local Children's Lighthouse Early Learning School to find out. Do you have any discounts or special offers? Any special offer will vary by location. Give your local School a call and they will be happy to let you know of any offers they have! Is Children's Lighthouse a daycare or a school? At Children's Lighthouse, we're committed to excellence in early childhood education. We live each day by our Brand Promise: We create a safe, fun, and happy place that gives your child confidence, a sense of comfort today, and a lifelong love of learning, friendship, and community. What is a day at Children's Lighthouse like? Each day at Children's Lighthouse begins with a parent or guardian entering the school using their unique access code and an initial greeting by our friendly front desk staff as each parent or guardian signs their child in for the day.After that, your child is taken to their classroom where they start their day! For infant children, our Lighthouse BRIGHT program supports the development of higher thinking skills through a curriculum designed to build healthy brains at the earliest age. Pre-school children will excel with our CARES curriculum featuring The Learning Wall, Learning Lesson Session, Centers That Shine, and 3E: Outdoor Curriculum that involves exploration, experimentation, and exercise. Your school-aged child will get to experience our xSTREAM Quest before and after school program is an exciting curriculum based on STREAM labs in a Questing Studio where Questers earn Solo, Team, Community and Outdoor Cog Badges on a path to becoming a Quest Master. In the process, they learn using their higher-thinking skills in creative ways. A day at Children's Lighthouse also includes nap and/or quiet time (depending on age), outside play and learning, and provided meals. Each Children's Lighthouse Early Learning School provides breakfast, lunch, and snack. Special dietary requirements can be met for your child! After a fun-filled day, a parent guardian will pick their child up and go through the same sign out process as the morning. Visit our Lighthouse Pathways™ page to find out more about our age-appropriate classrooms. Are your teachers certified? All of our teachers meet or exceed the required state and/or local regulations and have access to continuous training provided by their state and the Childrens Lighthouse Franchise Company support team. Teachers are continually trained on aspects such as health and safety regulations, curriculum, education best practices, and more. What items does my child need to bring with them to school? You have probably visited us on one or more occasions, and our intent is for you to have a smooth and informative enrollment and orientation process. We want you and your child to feel comfortable and welcomed on your first day at our Children's Lighthouse School, and we understand no matter how well prepared and excited a family may be, the newness can also be a little scary for everybody. We do not consider any questions or concerns you may have to be unimportant or silly. To help you prepare, here is a list of suggested items to bring on your child's first day, sorted by age: Diapers, wipes, premade bottles labeled with your child's first name and last initial, diaper cream/ointment, sleep sack, baby food (if applicable), at least 3 extra changes of clothes, and pacifier (if your child uses one) Diapers, wipes, diaper cream/ointment, sunscreen, a lightweight blanket, at least 2 extra changes of clothes including a pair of shoes Preschool (Twos and Older) A lightweight blanket, at least 2 changes of clothes including closed-toed shoes (consider more if your child is toilet training), training diapers (such as Pull-Ups®) if your child is potty training, diapers if child is not potty training, sunscreen Sunscreen, refillable water bottle Your child's teacher will communicate when items need to be replenished. What do I do if I want to open my own Children's Lighthouse? If you're interested in owning your own Children's Lighthouse Early Learning School, please visit childrenslighthousefranchise.com to learn more. Our Franchise Development team will follow up with you within 24 hours of your inquiry.
Our team of licensed and bonded specialists are dedicated to providing top-notch chimney care and cleaning services to our customers. We understand that chimney issues can arise at any time, which is why we strive to offer same-day service whenever possible. Our team is committed to fair pricing and transparent communication throughout the entire service process. At Chimney Care Service, we guarantee prompt and efficient chimney repair and installation services for both residential and commercial clients. Our team of highly skilled technicians is equipped with the latest industry tools to handle any repair or installation project quickly and affordably. We specialize in chimney care services, including chimney repair and installation, chimney cleaning, and dryer vent cleaning. Our team is committed to delivering trusted and expert service to our customers. We proudly serve the Oakland, Berkeley and San Francisco. In case of emergencies, we offer prompt and reliable chimney repair services to ensure the safety of your home or business. Contact us today for a free quote on our chimney care services. At Chimney Care Service, we provide top-notch chimney care and cleaning services to customers in the area. Our team of experts is dedicated to ensuring that your chimney is operating efficiently and safely. We offer a range of services, including dryer vent cleaning, which is crucial for preventing fire hazards and maintaining the longevity of your dryer. Our team uses specialized equipment to remove lint buildup and debris from your dryer vent, ensuring that it’s functioning properly. In addition to dryer vent cleaning, we also provide comprehensive chimney care services. Our team will inspect your chimney, clean it thoroughly, and identify any potential issues that need to be addressed. By scheduling regular chimney cleanings and maintenance, you can prevent costly repairs down the line and ensure the safety of your home. I recently had Chimney Care Service come out to my home to clean my chimney, and I couldn't be happier with the service I received. The technician was prompt, courteous, and did an excellent job cleaning out my chimney. I highly recommend this company to anyone looking for quality chimney care. As a business owner, I was in desperate need of someone to repair the chimney at my restaurant. I called Chimney Care Service, and they came out the same day to assess the damage. The repairs were done quickly and efficiently, and my restaurant was able to reopen in no time. I highly recommend this company for any commercial chimney needs. I recently purchased an older home with a chimney that hadn't been cleaned in years. I contacted Chimney Care Service, and they were able to come out and clean the chimney the very next day. The technician was friendly, knowledgeable, and did a thorough job cleaning out the chimney. I will definitely be using this company again for my chimney care needs.
Welcome to a world where your home’s comfort takes center stage – “Breathing Easy: Elevating Your Home’s Comfort with Dryer Vent Cleaning” is your guide to discovering the transformative impact of this often overlooked service. Beyond the simplicity of drying clothes, your dryer vent plays a crucial role in ensuring optimal performance, energy efficiency, and safety. In this article, we’ll unveil the importance of dryer vent cleaning and how it contributes to a more comfortable and harmonious living environment. Get ready to breathe easy as we delve into the secrets of maximizing your home’s comfort through expert dryer vent care. Understanding the Core Benefits of Dryer Vent Cleaning Dryer vent cleaning goes beyond mere maintenance – it’s a key component in elevating your home’s comfort. By removing lint buildup, debris, and potential blockages, you ensure that your dryer functions at its best. Not only does this translate to faster and more efficient drying, but it also contributes to energy savings. With a clear and clean vent, your dryer works less and delivers more, ultimately enhancing your home’s overall comfort. Safety First: Mitigating Fire Hazards One of the most crucial reasons to invest in dryer vent cleaning is safety. Over time, lint accumulation within the vent can become a fire hazard, as it’s highly flammable. Regular cleaning significantly reduces this risk, creating a safer environment for you and your family. Breathing easy means knowing that your home is protected from potential disasters, and dryer vent cleaning plays a significant role in achieving that peace of mind. Optimal Performance, Minimal Hassle A clogged dryer vent can lead to frustration – longer drying times, clothes that aren’t fully dry, and even malfunctioning appliances. By scheduling regular dryer vent cleaning, you’re investing in optimal performance and minimal hassle. Say goodbye to damp clothes and hello to efficient drying cycles. The effort you put into maintaining your dryer vent pays off in the form of consistent, dependable performance that enhances your daily routine. Expert Solutions for a Comfortable Home Elevate your home’s comfort by embracing expert dryer vent cleaning solutions. With the assurance of safety, efficiency, and optimal performance, you’re taking a proactive step towards creating a more comfortable living environment. Breathing easy is more than a saying – it’s a reality when you prioritize the care of your home’s dryer vent. Experience the convenience, savings, and peace of mind that come with a professionally cleaned dryer vent, and discover the true meaning of home comfort. Your Trusted Partner for Home Comfort: Chimney Care Service When it comes to ensuring the well-being of your home and loved ones, Chimney Care Service stands as your reliable partner. With a reputation for excellence and a commitment to delivering top-notch solutions, we are the experts you can trust. Our seasoned professionals possess the skills and knowledge to handle your chimney and dryer vent needs with precision and care. From comprehensive cleaning to meticulous maintenance, our services are designed to elevate your home’s comfort and safety. Don’t settle for less when it comes to the heart of your home – choose Chimney Care Service and experience the difference of working with a team that values your comfort as much as you do. Experience the Difference: Visit Our Website Today Ready to take the next step towards a more comfortable and secure living space? Explore our website at https://chimneycareservice.com/ to discover the full range of services we offer. With a commitment to transparency and excellence, our website provides you with insights into our expertise, customer testimonials, and a glimpse into the level of service you can expect. Your home deserves the best, and Chimney Care Service is here to deliver. From chimney cleaning to dryer vent care, we have the knowledge and dedication to make a positive impact on your home’s well-being. Contact us today and let us become your partner in creating a home that’s truly comfortable and safe.
Our ‘Access and Achievement’ team ensure that all students’ individual learning needs are catered for. The specialist, knowledgeable, passionate and experienced team work alongside students, parents, carers, staff and other stakeholders to ensure that all students can access all they need to achieve their potential. The team is comprised of specialist teaching staff and up to 20 Teaching Assistants who work with students who need additional help accessing the curriculum in lessons and throughout the school day. The Access and Achievement team work to identify individual student needs and to provide specialised and targeted support to ensure that all students fulfil their potential. Whether a student has a Special Educational Need or Disability, English as an Additional Language or struggle to access the curriculum in any way the team endeavour to ensure that appropriate support and provision is in place to ensure that they can access the curriculum and achieve their very best. This support can take many forms: Literacy & Numeracy tuition; in-class support; small group work; one to one sessions for Dyslexia with a specialist teacher; one to one support for other learning difficulties; access to specialist equipment or programmes or time in our THINC room. Students working with the Access and Achievement Team will be provided with clear targets for progress which will be regularly reviewed and shared with all stakeholders. Specific interventions and bespoke programmes are carefully orchestrated and closely monitored to meet the individual needs of each student ensuring that there are no barriers to success. The department also offers an invite only break, lunchtime and homework club, which are all places that students identified can meet, study, complete homework and socialise. Please do not hesitate to contact the Curriculum Leader, the SENDCO or the Access and Achievement Coordinators to discuss any concerns regarding specialist provision for your child. Please find our SEN Policy below, this contains information about our provision, resources and making complaints. SENDCO, Assistant Headteacher / Director of Access & Achievement - Ms. S Wickstead Curriculum Leader - Access & Achievement: Mrs. S Stapley Assistant Curriculum Leader - Access & Achievement - Mrs. A. Dawson
It's different here - We Care about you! Those are not just words, but one of our guiding values. Imagine having the support you need to be successful and feel valued. From your boss, your co-workers, your “customers,” your company. Imagine that support helping you to grow and thrive. It’s not hard to imagine, it’s the CLC way! CLC offers generous benefits that support the physical, mental, and financial health of team members. Benefits include: - Full Time Team Members are eligible to participate in one of our competitive medical plan options (including a free option), one of two (2) different dental plans, a vision plan, Short Term Disability, company paid Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment plans, and Paid Time Off that starts to accrue just 30-days after hire date. - Part Time Team Members are eligible to participate in one of our competitive medical plan options (including a free option), dental and vision plans, and Paid Time Off that starts to accrue just 30-days after hire date. - Leadership Team Members are eligible are eligible to participate in one of our competitive medical plan options (including a free option), one of two (2) different dental plans, a vision plan, company paid Short Term Disability, Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment plans, and Unlimited Paid Time Off. All elected benefits start fast – the first of the month after 30-days with the company. CLC is excited to offer Full & Part Time team members the option of participating in one of our competitive medical plan options including a free medical plan! For those who participate in the Health Savings Account, CLC will match your dollars! Team members can immediately participate in our 403(b) Retirement Plan with a match that starts a year from their hire date. Team members are eligible for dental and vision insurance plans, with full time and leadership team members also eligible for company-paid disability and life insurance. Full Time and Part Time team members receive competitive Paid Time Off that starts to accrue just 30 days after hire date. Leadership team members are eligible for Unlimited Paid Time Off. Our most effective recruitment practice. Up to $500 to the current team member who refers a new team member. Unlimited for all positions – all team members eligible; paid in increments over 6 months. Our signature Clinical Mentorship Program has made a significant difference in the quality-of- care older adults receive and the retention of highly trained team members. All clinical team members enjoy the guidance and friendship of a trained mentor for their first year at CLC. Nursing mentors receive a Mentor Bonus of $300 – 500, paid over the course of a year in increments following completion of mentor and mentee evaluations. Up to $6500 in resident-sponsored scholarship and tuition assistance funds available to further your education. Free professional services and assistance to help you with all areas of your life. Through the Payactiv financial platform, team members can instantly access up to 50% or up to $500 of their net earned wages instantly for a flat $5 fee in the pay period used. Free to enroll, no payday loans, no credit check. Through 98point6, CLC team members have access to low-cost, on-demand primary care delivered via secure text by board-certified physicians. CLC puts high priority on recognizing and rewarding our team members with a range of programs including our state-of-the-art online platform with customized Reward options allowing team members to earn points for service anniversaries and when they are recognized for a job well done or going above and beyond. They can then spend those earned points from a catalog of thousands of items and gift cards, offering a completely personalized experience. Investing in team members directly impacts the quality of care and services provided to older adults. See what our commitment to workforce innovation means for CLC communities. Hear from CLC Team Members I came back to Clermont Park with CLC because it feels like home. It's in my heart. It's more than just a job for me, because my coworkers and residents are like family.Angela Brown CLC has encouraged and invested in my growth many times since I started as an administrative assistant years ago. I’ve been offered opportunities to learn and to influence – joining the We! Belong and Ethics committees. I was given the opportunity to move into a new role on our Donor Relations team. CLC is a place where you can step up and say “I have an idea to make things better” and know that you will be taken seriously, whatever your title.Stormie Foust Maley I am here because I want to help people, and be somewhere they care about you. I'm the first face they see when they come through the doors, and I greet them with a smile. I love when people stop by to say, 'I truly appreciate you.'Ian O’Neill Every day I am motivated to go to work, knowing that I am appreciated and that we are all after the same goal.Taylor Park As a CNA, I have a voice. I feel empowered to care for each resident individually. I help them live their best life.Tracey Cook I have been here 12 years and I am excited to come to work every day. Christian Living Communities is pretty darn near perfect! We are constantly improving as an organization and as ourselves.Jan Franken There is super communication between nurses and the whole department. Everyone is willing to help, which encourages you to want to do more because you feel valued.Junior Kakembo You can be yourself and your gifts and talents will be utilized here. If there is an opportunity to grow, just ask and the leaders will try to make it a reality.Andrew Sharp I have grown so much over the past 33 years and it has been easy. You have the freedom to do your job, to be creative and innovative.Jim Kok Our team members have huge hearts, live our values, are given freedom to do their jobs effectively, and are made to feel like true members of the team.Olivia Mayer Stop imagining your dream job and go get it! This link leads to the machine readable files that are made available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. The machine-readable files are formatted to allow researchers, regulators, and application developers to more easily access and analyze data. Healthcare Bluebook publishes the Machine-Readable Files on behalf of Christian Living Communities medical plan partner Regional Care Inc. (RCI)
The African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church is rooted in the Methodist tradition and, while largely African-American, welcomes all races, nationalities, and cultures. But the story of the AME Church commands more than a simple definition. Born out of a desire to right racial inequality, oppression and social injustice, the AME Church is a community of trailblazers that holds the distinction of being the first independent Protestant denomination to be founded by black people. Explore a Christian Ministry Degree – Request More Info Today! The Philosophy Behind the AME Church is As Relevant Now As Ever First, an explanation of what African Methodist Episcopal means: African: The AME Church was organized by people of African descent in response to being discriminated against by the white members of the Methodist Church. Methodist: The AME Church mirrors the foundation of the Methodist Church, both in its doctrine and in its style of worship. Episcopal: The AME Church operates through an episcopal form of government, meaning that it is governed by bishops. The mission of the AME Church is to “minister to the social, spiritual, and physical development of all people” and its motto is “God Our Father, Christ Our Redeemer, the Holy Spirit Our Comforter, Humankind Our Family.” The AME Church’s theology remains largely Wesleyan-based, although it also embraces Black Liberation Theology – an effort to make the gospel relevant to the unique needs and challenges of American blacks. Mirroring that of the United Methodist Church, the AME Church prays and professes the Apostles’ Creed. One of the major visions of the church is to continue to carry out the spirit of the FAS out of which it evolved. Rooted in the spirit of social justice and dedicated to its mission to freely spread the gospel, the AME Church remains strongly connected to the Methodist Church. In fact, it’s important to remember that their split from the Church was not based on doctrinal differences, but instead on the social realities of the time, which included slavery and oppression of people of African descent. How the African Methodist Episcopal Church is Structured The AME Church follows the Methodist connectionalism polity, which essentially means it has a clear hierarchy where all levels of leadership are connected through a network of loyalties and commitments, with the local church being the smallest structure within the church system. The AME Church is home to 20 Episcopal Districts that are located in no less than 39 countries. Every district is led by a bishop, who serves as its chief officer and is elected for life (retiring by his or her 75th birthday) by a majority vote at the General Conference, the largest gathering of the United Methodist Church that meets once every four years. Presiding elders, who work directly under the bishops, are responsible for supervising the preachers within their district. Annually, the presiding elders report to the bishop of their district, where they make recommendations for pastoral appointments. Pastors within the Church receive a yearly appointment to a church. The AME Church is organized into the following districts: - District 1: Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Western New York, New England, Philadelphia, and Bermuda - District 2: Baltimore, North Carolina, Washington D.C., Western North Carolina, and Virginia - District 3: Ohio, Western Pennsylvania, and West Virginia - District 4: Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Indiana - District 5: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Oregon, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming - District 6: Georgia - District 7: South Carolina - District 8: Louisiana and Mississippi - District 9: Alabama - District 10: Texas - District 11: Bahamas and Florida - District 12: Arkansas and Oklahoma - District 13: Tennessee and Kentucky - District 14: Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Code D’ Ivoire, and Togo-Benin - District 15: Cape, Namibia, Kalahari, Queenstown, and Angola - District 16: South America, Caribbean, and London - District 17: Zimbabwe, Zambia, Zambezi, Congo, Brazzaville, Katanga, Kananga, Kinshasa, Mbuji-Mayi, Rwanda, and Burundi - District 18: Lesotho, Swaziland, Botswana, Mozambique, and Northern Lesotho - District 19: South African Provinces of Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal - District 20: Malawi and Zimbabwe Vernon AME Church – Standing As a Symbol of Resilience More than 100 Years After the Tulsa Race Massacre Though the exact events leading to what would eventually would become known as the Tulsa Race Massacre remain murky, to this day, a prevailing theory is that a black man, Dick Rowland, either stepped on the foot of or touched the arm of Sarah Page, a young, white elevator operator. When the elevator doors opened, Page screamed and Rowland ran, leading to what would be one of the worst incidents of racial violence in the United States. Between May 31 and June 1, African Americans were shot dead in the street and more than a thousand black-owned businesses in Tulsa’s thriving Greenwood area were burned. It is estimated that between 100 and 300 black residents lost their lives that day. While most of the town was being looted and burned to the ground, Vernon AME’s basement served as a safe haven for terrified residents. It turns out that just one building in the African-American community of Greenwood survived the two-day massacre – barely: Vernon AME. With just a burned basement intact, residents began to reconstruct the church using its salvaged bricks just 60 days following the massacre. Because the church was a haven for the black community, both before and during the massacre, it became a symbol of resilience, healing, and social justice for Greenwood’s black community. By 1928, it was fully rebuilt. Its congregation grew in size to between 600 and 1,000 in the decades following the massacre and the church became instrumental in the Civil Rights movements. During the 1950s and 1960s, Benjamin Harris Hill, the pastor of Vernon AME, participated in marches and demonstrations with other white and black pastors. True to its mission of giving, Vernon AME has been feeding the community for decades. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic (March 2020-July 2021), Vernon AME provided more than 400,000 meals. In 2021, a major restoration began taking place to preserve the church, mark the 100-year anniversary of the massacre, and honor the lives of those who were lost or forever changed during the massacre. Efforts included restoring the church’s 21 stained glass windows, adding a prayer wall, a new roof, and ADA accessibility, and renovating the basement, which will hold a future museum. The work was funded, in part, by a $250,000 grant from the National Fund for Sacred Places, a cooperative program of the National Trust and Partners for Sacred Places. How the AME Church Was Founded and Grew to Become One of the Largest Methodist Denominations The history of the AME Church is rooted in the social injustices brought against the African-American communities in “free” states in the late 1700s. In many congregations, black preachers could only preach to black congregations, and church services for African American congregants were relegated to a separate gallery within the church. St. George’s Methodist Episcopal Church in Philadelphia challenged segregation and became a place where African Americans worshiped alongside whites. Rev. Richard Allen, a trailblazing black preacher, became an assistant minister there in 1786 and also conducted prayer meetings for African Americans. Thanks to Allen’s arrival, attendance among black worshipers increased. However, these changes also resulted in increasing hostilities among the white officers and members. During this time, the growing attendance at the church made space an issue. Allen approached church elders with his vision of starting an independent Black church and was rejected. Instead, they built a balcony area and soon, black parishioners were relegated to this area of the church, essentially segregating them once again. Disenchanted at the unwelcoming and antagonistic attitude toward the black parishioners that began developing, Allen, along with the black worshipers, left the church. This wasn’t the first time that Allen used his high-profile position to combat the injustices brought against the African-American community. He, along with other free blacks in Philadelphia, established the Free African Society (FAS) a few years earlier in response to black parishioners being denied aid from the charitable funds of the church. The FAS ministered to the unique spiritual and social needs of black people in Philadelphia, particularly the oppressed and needy. Building off the FAS, Allen and his congregation, along with several black Methodist congregations in the Mid-Atlantic region, broke off from the Methodist Church and founded the AME Church in 1816, where Allen was consecrated as its first bishop. A wide-reaching desire for religious autonomy also led to the establishment of AME congregations in New York, Boston, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Washington D.C., Cincinnati, Chicago, and Detroit, eventually spreading to the Midwest. As new AME Churches were established, Allen continued to stress the importance of social justice and social protest as the unifying force of the Church. Many of the churches during this time had secret basements that were used to support the Underground Railroad. The most significant development of the AME Church occurred during the Civil War. As the Confederacy collapsed, the AME Church welcomed newly freed slaves to their denomination and began a period of rapid growth below the Mason-Dixon line, which allowed membership to reach about 400,000 by 1880. Because most of the AME Church’s congregants during its earliest days were illiterate and uneducated, Allen pushed educational efforts. By the 1840s, educational programs were taking shape. An AME Church is New York was one of the first to organize a school and Sunday School, while a number of AME Churches in Baltimore began educational societies, temperance societies, and an educational society that prepared young men for ministry. Bishop Henry M. Turner, a missionary-turned bishop for the AME Church in Georgia, was a big name during this period, authoring the Genius and Theory of the Methodist Polity (which laid out the general rules and constitution of the church) and spread African Methodism into Libera, Sierra Leone, and South African in the late 1890s. At the same time, he promoted the AME Church in Latin America, pushing the denomination’s presence in Cuba and Mexico. In the years that followed, the AME Church continued its storied expansion, growing to a membership of about 500,000 by 1906. Today, the AME church is home to no less than 2.5 million congregants spanning five continents, making it one of the largest Methodist denominations in the world.
Chronic Pain Resources! Please see below links to some resources for people seeking services, information and contact with people and organisations that are in the business of assisting chronic pain sufferers: I wish the ring (this Chronic Pain) had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened. (Frodo Baggins) So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide, is what to do with the time that is given to us. (Gandalf the Grey)
Operating since 1984, we’ve designed, provided or put in hundreds of other energy power methods in Canada and across the world. And this summer, backed by the corporate’s monumental sources, Makani started constructing a second-technology, 600-kilowatt wind turbine, which may one day generate sufficient electricity to energy 300 properties—as many as the most important fashionable land-based turbines. The most common form of tidal energy technology is the use of Tidal Stream Generators These use the kinetic power of the ocean to energy turbines, without producing the waste of fossil fuels or being as vulnerable to the weather as different forms of alternative power. Amongst sources of renewable energy , tidal energy has historically suffered from comparatively excessive value and limited availability of sites with sufficiently high tidal ranges or move velocities, thus constricting its whole availability. Smith and Taylor (2008), in their e-book Renewable and Various Energy Assets, define different vitality applied sciences as “these that aren’t derived from fossils fuels however that also are considered nonrenewable” with renewable power technologies as those who harness vitality from an inexhaustible supply” (sun, wind, waves, biomass, falling water, heat generated beneath the floor of the earth). Nuclear power or nuclear power is the usage of exothermic nuclear means of nuclear binding vitality to generate helpful heat and electrical energy The time period contains nuclear fission , nuclear decay, and nuclear fusion Presently the nuclear fission of components within the actinide collection of the periodic table produce the vast majority of nuclear power within the direct service of humankind, with nuclear decay processes, primarily in the type of geothermal vitality , and radioisotope thermoelectric generators, in area of interest uses making up the remainder.…
Date of Birth Andhra Pradesh, IndiaEdit page Tottempudi Krishna (1 September 1950 – 21 October 1986) was an Indian film director and screenwriter who worked in Telugu cinema. Known for directing revolutionary films, his notable works include Pratighatana, Repati Pourulu, and Neti Bharatham, which have won the Filmfare Best Films Telugu. He won four Nandi Awards and was the founder of Eetaram Films. T. Krishna was born on 1 September 1950 in Kakuturivaripalem of present-day Prakasam district ((then in Guntur district), Andhra Pradesh to Rathamma and Venkata Subbaiah. Krishna completed his B.A. from CSR Sharma College in Ongole. He directed Neti Bharatam (1983) starred by Suman, and Vijayashanti; Vande Mataram (1985) starred by Vijayashanti, Rajasekhar, Rajendra Prasad; Devaalayam (1985) starring by Late Sobhan Babu, and many more. His film Pratighatana (1985) was the story of a woman's (Vijayashanti) fight against corruption and criminalization of politics in India. This film was later remade in Hindi as Pratighaat starred by Sujata Mehta and Nana Patekar. His last film Repati Pourulu (1986) starred by Vijayashanti and Rajasekhar was released after his death. He was the co-founder of the banner Eetharam Films with his partner Babu Rao Pokuri. Krishna married Koteswarmma and the couple had two sons and a daughter. One of his sons, Premchand, was an aspiring director but died in a car accident in 1995 while directing his first film. His second son Gopichand is also a notable Telugu film actor. Gopichand started his career playing the role of villain but in later films, played the hero. His daughter is a Dentist.
For details on how terrorists have entered the United States: How is it that seven and a half years after September 11, and nearly five years after the 9/11 Commission published its 2004 Final Report and the 9/11 and Terrorist Travel monograph whose purpose was to explain in detail how the 9/11 hijackers got in and stayed in the United States, we are still discussing the issue? Not one 9/11 terrorist entered the United States via Canada Department of Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano's April 20, 2009, comment agreeing with a reporter that the 9/11 hijackers entered the U.S. from Canada was more than a minor gaffe. It was a serious blunder. Whether or not the Canadian press was baiting the DHS Secretary is irrelevant; what is relevant is that any DHS Secretary who fails to have sufficient grounding in the facts surrounding 9/11 – the most serious breach of our homeland security in history – to refute the press upfront is raising serious questions about this administration's interest in actual homeland security, versus some other agenda. Ignorance, Ms. Secretary, is definitely not bliss. Magnifying the blunder is that Secretary Napolitano has made clear through her statements and actions up to this point that she has little interest in 9/11 or in the 9/11 Commission's findings and recommendations. Review her comments and there is no reference anywhere. Offensive, perhaps, to 9/11 victims and lessons learned? Counterproductive, perhaps, to U.S. national and economic security? In 9/11 and Terrorist Travel, my colleagues and I never mentioned Canada, because the hijackers never entered through Canada. In fact, I – being responsible for all investigation pertaining to entry into the U.S. – investigated all potential leads pertaining to entry from Canada. At one point I had found a Mohamed Atta (the same name as the operational lead of 9/11 and first pilot to crash into the WTC complex) that ended up in court in Buffalo for illegal entry from Canada, if I recall. I pursued the lead but later determined through other facts that it was not the 9/11 ringleader Atta and, in fact, there were no direct links to 9/11 via Canada other than Al Qaeda associates not directly linked to the final plot. To set the record straight, let us be clear: the 19 hijackers entered through U.S. airports showing immigration personnel passports – often doctored or newly acquired to hide prior travel – and visas acquired often with incomplete or inaccurate information. This is what we said in our Preface: Chapter 2, "The September 11 Travel Operation," is a detailed account of how each hijacker acquired a visa and entered the United States. In all, they had 25 contacts with consular officers and 43 contacts with immigration and customs authorities. They began acquiring their visas in April 1999 and began entering the country in December 2000. They successfully entered the United States 33 times over 21 months, through nine airports of entry, most of which were on the East Coast. The U.S. has a problem with terrorists within its borders America harbors terrorists. Years of porous borders, a good economy, and an open society marked by free association and free speech have meant that getting here and staying here, raising money, recruiting and training, all happen within our country. While the threat from within remains, we also know that Mexico’s open borders and excessive violence breed a lawlessness that alien smugglers can take advantage of, anonymously enabling terrorists to enter. We know that in the late 1990s Hizballah used this method for some 200 plus young recruits from a convicted Lebanese-Mexican alien smuggler. (For more, see CBS News 2005 piece "Stopping Terror at the Border"). We know that within our borders citizens such as Jose Padilla and Adam Gadahn – the latter still on the FBI most wanted list for "treason and material support to Al Qaeda" – pose a threat to the world's security. More recently, other American citizens have surfaced with recruiting videos from Somalia, including two American men who identify themselves as Abu-Muslim and Abu Yaxye who left the U.S. where they say in the video they had a "good life and good education, to fight alongside our brothers of al-Shabaab" (linked to Somali pirate activity as an alleged arm of their fundraising activity). In addition, my 2005 CIS paper, Immigration and Terrorism: Moving Beyond the 9/11 Staff Report on Terrorist Travel, showed how 20 of 21 terrorists who applied for naturalization between the early 1990s and 2004, received citizenship. Canada does not admit it has a problem with terrorists within its borders The northern border, however, has presented a different issue. A cordial relationship with Canada, alongside being the largest trading partnership in the world, created an open, relatively unchecked pre-9/11 border. Yet despite 9/11, and perhaps because 9/11 did not involve Canada, Canada continues to refuse to acknowledge that they also have a homegrown terrorism problem that does, in fact, create cross-border issues. (See, for instance, this recent piece by a former Canadian immigration official.) Add that to a long-standing history of fighting border security measures on the basis that they are not Mexico, and Canada continues to argue that the only issue on the table to discuss should be trade, period, end of story. Perhaps the biggest standoff of recent years was the policy battle between the U.S. and Canada over the 9/11 Commission recommendation to require a "passport or biometric equivalent" from Americans, Canadians, and others crossing our northern border, known as the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI). Despite repeated claims by Canada that WHTI would shut down ports of entry and border crossings and no one would comply, WHTI was implemented with exceedingly high compliance at our ports of entry. That program has proven a success and even Canada is no longer fighting the final implementation of WHTI at our land borders for June 1, 2009. Canadian terrorists set their sights on the U.S. I testified before the House Small Business Committee (Novemvber 2005), House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration (June 2006) and Senate Finance Committee (August 2006) on issues of Canadian homegrown terrorism, fraud, and 9/11 Commission recommendations in regard to Canada. In those testimonies, I provided pages of specific information about terrorist cross-border traffic and what the U.S. needs to do to stop it. Some of it has already – or is in the process of – going into effect, including WHTI. I also addressed border incursions by suspected terrorists beyond that of Ahmed Ressam, the al Qaeda associate and Millennium Bomber caught in December 1999 trying to enter from Canada even after the French had repeatedly asked Canada to look for him as a terrorist fugitive. There are plenty of other examples of cross-border traffic, but perhaps most disconcerting are those terrorists with Canadian citizenship who have set their sights on the U.S.: 1. Mohammed Warsame was born in Somalia and sought refugee status in Canada in 1989. He became a naturalized Canadian citizen and moved to Minneapolis in 2002. He was arrested in December 2003 as a material witness in the Zacarias Moussaoui case. At the time of his arrest, he was a student at Minneapolis Community and Technical College. In January 2004, Warsame was indicted and charged with conspiracy to provide material support to al Qaeda. Warsame has admitted attending an al Qaeda training camp in 2000 and 2001 and receiving military training (weapons, martial arts). He attended lectures given by Bin Ladin and even sat next to him at a meal. Moreover, he fought with the Taliban and provided financial assistance to al Qaeda members in Pakistan once he had returned to the United States. See Immigration and Terrorism: Moving Beyond the 9/11 Staff Report on Terrorist Travel, p. 25. 2. Abderraouf Jdey studied biology at the University of Montreal. In 1995, he became a Canadian citizen, with news reports indicating he used a fake Tunisian passport and a claim of asylum to stay in Canada. In 1999, he received a Canadian passport and traveled to Afghanistan. This is what the 9/11 Commission said about Jdey: Abderraouf Jdey, a.k.a. Faruq al Tunisi. A Canadian passport holder, he may have trained in Afghanistan with Khalid al Mihdhar and Nawaf al Hazmi and received instruction from KSM with Atta and Binalshibh. A letter recovered from a safehouse in Pakistan, apparently written by Sayf al Adl, also suggests that Jdey was initially part of the 9/11 operation at the same time as the Hamburg group. A videotape of Jdey's martyrdom statement was found in the rubble of Atef's house near Kabul following a November 2001 airstrike, together with a martyrdom video of Binalshibh. While both Binalshibh and Khallad confirm Jdey’s status as an al Qaeda recruit, KSM says Jdey was slated for a "second wave" of attacks but had dropped out by the summer of 2001 while in Canada. FBI briefing (June 24, 2004); Intelligence report, interrogation of Binalshibh, Sept. 11, 2003; Intelligence report, interrogation of Khallad, May 21, 2004; Intelligence report, interrogation of KSM, July 1, 2003. 9/11 Commission Final Report, Notes to Chapter 7, p. 526. 3. The FBI is currently seeking information on naturalized Canadian Amer Al-Maati. He is also listed on the National Counterterrorism Center website as wanted. His name was found on documents in Afghanistan. He is a licensed pilot who had vowed to hijack a plane and crash it into a U.S. building. In August 2004 there was an unsubstantiated report that he was seen at the Nantucket Airport. 4. The FBI also lists Canadian citizen Faker Ben Abdelazziz Boussora who is known to have a suicide note and concern did exist that he may try to reenter Canada to plan a terrorist attack. He is believed to have possibly entered the United States. The FBI site currently states that Boussara "is being sought in connection with possible terrorist activity within the United States." The list goes on. Canada has gone to great lengths to cooperate on border issues involving infrastructure and intelligence at ports of entry, and worked side-by-side with our Border Patrol, and remain openly engaged diplomatically with the U.S. on these issues. This is of grave importance. Yet, a denial from any democratic country – especially our neighbor with a shared 4,000 mile border – that terrorist travel is not an issue for cross-border traffic does not make either country any safer. As James Carafano and Frank Cilluffo suggest in their April 22, 2009 report "Canada and the United States: Time for a Joint Threat Assessment," to even begin such an assessment requires both countries to acknowledge problems within their own borders. A month of missteps March 16, 2009. Napolitano refuses to describe the threat from Al Qaeda and spin-off and affiliate groups overseas as "terrorism," instead labeling such activity "man-caused disasters." She defends her change in rhetoric to the German press by stating that she did not want to induce fear in people by discussing terrorism, and proceeds to neither acknowledge the events of September 11 nor the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission. See "The Department of Man-Caused Risk Preparation?" April 16, 2009. Napolitano publicly endorses a poorly executed DHS "intelligence" report that labels returning overseas veterans and others as "potential terrorists" who (nebulously) fall within Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 113B, § 2331 definition for "domestic terrorism." This statement is made in contradiction to her March 16 statements about terminology no longer deemed politically correct for “international terrorism” as defined by this same section of the U.S. Code. More specifically, it was reported that she said: "I was briefed on the general topic, which is one that struck a nerve as someone personally involved in the Timothy McVeigh prosecution." Perhaps some personal involvement in the 1993 World Trade Center or New York Landmarks prosecutions, the 1998 African Embassy bombing cases, or any of the couple of dozen federal terrorism convictions post-9/11, may have broadened her viewpoint of the definition of "terrorism." April 20, 2009. In editorials like "The Border for Dummies," the Canadians are questioning how Napolitano got her job. The exchange between reporters and Secretary Napolitano on April 20, 2009 and her follow-up correction went like this: Napolitano: "…to the extent that terrorists have come into our country or suspected or known terrorists have entered our country across the border, it's been across the Canadian border…" Q: "Are you talking about the 9/11 perpetrators?" Napolitano: "Not just those, but others as well." and then her April 21, 2009, official statement trying to clarify her comments: "I know that 9/11 hijackers did not come through Canada to the US. There are other instances, however, when suspected terrorists have attempted to enter our country from Canada to the United States. Some of these are well-known to the public, such as the Millennium Bomber – while others are not due to security reasons." Why the facts matter What is most regrettable about the 9/11-Canada gaffe is that Napolitano's official statement that "there are other instances … when suspected terrorists have attempted to enter our country from Canada to the United States" is accurate. However, the gaffe overshadows the fact that no matter what her defenders are saying now, she has shown herself to be ignorant of a key 9/11 fact. It is bewildering then, that Sen. McCain, whose legislation (co-sponsored by Sen. Lieberman) created the 9/11 Commission, has repeated the Secretary's latest gaffe, intensifying an already somewhat justified verbal offensive by the Canadians. Sen. McCain cannot claim years in Arizona immune to the effects of 9/11 on the East Coast as a defense, as Secretary Napolitano might want to. Nor can he claim that his ideology is out of sync with the practical application of 9/11 Commission recommendations, which appears to be the case with the new DHS Secretary, at least in some instances. While supporting a fellow Arizonan may be a politically important for Sen. McCain, defending her on misstatements of facts is political failure. What is most disturbing about both the Senator's and the Secretary's blunder is that they are discrediting not only our relationship with Canada, but a valid U.S. stance that there is a terrorist travel issue with Canada. Both politicians are proving that the 9/11 Commission facts, findings, and recommendations with regard to terrorist travel are still valid, and still stand no matter what party is in power.
Business phone systems which are specially made for office use are of premium build and high quality specifications and configurations. The use of phones such as Cisco IP Phone 7911 can bring several benefits for your business, regardless of whether you have a few dozen employs or hundreds of them. These phone systems are easy to understand and manage and use data from your own secured network for operation. This not only leads to cost savings but is also brings more productivity on a day to day basis. These phones have state-of-the-art control features which make them extremely efficient to use. Benefits of Cisco IP Phone 7911 - This phone has enhanced memory capability to support several added options and application features. - It offers CallManager line side security from Cisco which protects it from external threats. - Just like other Cisco Unified communication systems, the user interface is easy to use and efficient. Cisco 7911 User Guide IP Phones vs. Analog/Digital Phones There are some basic differences between these two types of phones and both have their pros and cons. However, one is believed to be better than the other in many ways. Given below is a simple comparison between several aspects of using analog or digital phones vs. IP phones like Cisco 7911: - Mobility: The best functional quality of IP phones is that they are easily movable from one place to another. You can pick them up from one desk and place them on another without any issues. The phones will retain their extension and still have the configuration info. Voice-Over Wi-Fi phones can be easily carried all over the building. However, this is impossible with digital phones. - Diversity: One of the major reasons for the popularity of IP phones is that they are available in many versions. There are options like Soft-Phones that run on computers and Voice-Over Wi-Fi phones that operate without a wireless connection. Besides, there are the usual IP phones that appear on desktops. However, analog phones do not offer various options. - Remote Maintenance: Lastly, it is easy to access and maintain IP phones from a distance if all the required permissions are provided. The configuration could be checked and changed on providing the permission given by network administrator. Therefore, remote maintenance and making configuration changes of IP phones is much easier. With the various recent advancements in communication technology, IP phones have come to be used in most offices all over the world. They are capable of handling huge call loads efficiently, every day. In this, there are hardly any digital phones that come close to their functionality. The Cisco IP Phone 7911 is simple to use and highly interactive. All the control buttons on the surface as well as the screen are easy to locate and use. The display settings can be adjusted according to personal requirements. Like all other Cisco phones, this too offers added benefits like paging, voice call, and intercom. This state-of-the-art technology can bring several benefits to your office and make the call management highly efficient.
THE BOND TRADE CORPORATE TEAM-BUILDING EVENTS ARE GROWING IN NUMBER – AND IN VARIETY By DIANE MEHTA ON most afternoons, Corey McCarthy and Antonette Maysonet are hard at work in the offices of Optimedia, a SoHo media agency. Today, though, they’re stalking a Greenwich Village sidewalk with a different agenda – cornering a passerby who looks like Paris Hilton. By the afternoon’s end, McCarthy, Maysonet and coworkers Krista Maloney and Christina Henrich need to photograph themselves with a celebrity look-alike – as well as a police officer, a street performer, a product belonging to a client and numerous other targets. So they approach the Hilton doppelganger (“Has anyone ever told you you look like Paris Hilton?” Maysonet asks) and coax her into posing for a shot. Today it’s all part of a day’s work for some 70 Optimedia employees, who are going head-to-head in a scavenger hunt run by City Hunt. The game involves splitting up into teams and roaming the city solving clues and meeting various other challenges. If it’s an unusual way to spend a workday afternoon, it’s becoming less so. Looking to build loyalty and improve communication among co-workers, companies are increasingly turning to team-building activities – and the range of those activities is growing, be it scavenger hunts, bungee jumping or battling at paintball. City Hunt’s business – largely scavenger hunts and clue-based museum adventures for finance and pharmaceutical companies – has grown about 40 percent per year in the last three years, according to CEO Ben Hoffman. Why the rush to get office workers to put their heads together in a different setting? Event companies and experts point to a number of reasons, including a younger work force, a need to retain and energize workers in a tight labor market, and a desire to foster face-to-face interaction in the age of digital communication. “People used to go to work for one company and stay there 30 years. Now they work for three years and move on. So everything they’ve learned – institutional memory – gets lost,” Smith says. Companies “are all looking to make sure their teams can work together, be productive, and want to stay.” That’s where the off-site exercises come in. Whether you’re building a boat or hunting around town for hidden caches, you’re solving problems – as a team. An entry-level person may have more tech experience and be good at something that an older, more experienced worker finds challenging, so roles get turned around. Ideally, people learn to respect one another and communicate better. “Team-building events build listening skills,” says City Hunt’s Hoffman. That was the hope for Edwards Lifesciences, a firm that creates pioneers technologies to treat cardiovascular disease, which recently completed its first City Hunt competition. The alliances created during team-building events drive sales by fostering a sense of solidarity and cooperation among the sales staff, says Jayne Balaguer, regional sales director for the firm. “Salespeople are out working independently, and team building helps them stay connected to the company and to each other, using each other as resources,” she says. What she finds is that team building helps salespeople get to know each other, talk more, share experiences – and, importantly, share their sales successes. It also helps keep the team consistent and teaches new people just coming in. “Our division is growing, so we’re adding reps all the time. You end up having two separate sales forces – guys who’ve been here for a while, and guys who went through sales training two weeks ago. You mix them up, and you start getting cross-pollination.” A day at the races There’s yet another reason companies are turning to team-building events – to show their employees a good time. Hanging around outdoors on a workday isn’t a bad perk, especially if you’re jetting across wakes on the Hudson on a gusty day or poking around MoMA for a masterpiece that’s your next clue.
Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. EAST LANSING, Mich. — At its meeting on Wednesday, April 15, City of East Lansing staff members and the Summer Solstice Jazz Festival (SSJF) Advisory Board made the decision to cancel the 2020 SSJF due to the COVID-19 crisis. The festival was originally scheduled to take place June 19-20 in downtown East Lansing.“While it was difficult to come to this decision, we believe it’s in the best interest of public health to cancel the festival,” said Community Events Specialist Justin Drwencke. “In the meantime, we are going to focus our attention on the 2021 festival and are looking forward to next year’s event.”Staff are currently working to contact all performing artists and will be inviting them to participate in the 2021 SSJF if they are available. Vendors and donors will also be notified of the festival cancellation and any necessary refunds will be provided.Additionally, the SSJF Advisory Board is exploring the possibility of a virtual festival and is making plans for a ticketed, live jazz event in September 2020. The City will provide an update when more details become available. Monday - Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.