stringlengths 107
Send us links to other Osgood related sites and we will include them below.
The web site is always being updated.
PARKMAN OSGOOD was born and raised in the Bronx but, as a young man, headed to California where his father (William Parkman Osgood) was born and his grandfather was a 49er. He was named for his first cousin, Francis Parkman, a prominent historian (below) but adopted his father's first name and was known as Bill. He worked for gold mining companies all over Northern California, Idaho and Alaska. He was a pilot, served in the Army Air Corps, and worked in an Oakland shipyard. He married Catherine Parker (below) and they settled in Santa Cruz where his mother had been living since the late 1930s. They built a house made of adobe bricks and had two sons. He worked as a car salesman and then stockbroker. Bill had two cars that won awards in car shows including the Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance. He passed away in 1990.
CATHERINE (PARKER) OSGOOD was an artist and mother who lived in Santa Cruz, California for nearly 60 years. She passed away in 2009. Click here to learn more about her art and travels.
EDWARD S. OSGOOD (1823-1898) came to San
Francisco from Boston by ship around Cape Horn in 1849. He resided near the
northwest corner of California and Powell streets and later near the
southeast corner of Pine and Leavenworth. He was employed by Mark
Brumagim & Co. (banking) at 100 Montgomery Street. His brother-in-law was
Jonathan Hunt, the San Francisco tax collector in the 1850s. Edward graduated from Amherst College in 1844. His first son (William Parkman Osgood) was born in San Francisco, and his grandson is Parkman Osgood (above).
Colonel SAMUEL OSGOOD (1748-1813) served in the Washington Cabinet along with Jefferson, Hamilton, Knox and Randolph. He allowed his personal residence in New York City to be used by President Washington as the first executive mansion. Osgood led a local company of minutemen into the Battle of Lexington and Concord and rose to the rank of Colonel. He was Speaker of the New York State Assembly and became the first president of City Bank of New York (now called Citibank). Osgood was appointed Chief Naval Officer for the Port of New York by President Thomas Jefferson. This portrait has been in the President's Room of the U.S. Capitol since the Lincoln presidency. He is Parkman Osgood's first cousin (four generations removed).
JAMES RIPLEY OSGOOD (1836-1892) founded the publishing firm James R. Osgood and Company and published for Walt Whitman, Henry James and Bret Harte. He was the advance agent for Charles Dickens' U.S. tour in 1867. He was also Samuel L. Clemens' publisher, and among other books, published the first edition of "The Prince and the Pauper" in 1881. Osgood traveled with Clemens (Mark Twain) down the Mississippi from St. Louis to New Orleans by riverboat. In 1883 Osgood published the book that resulted from that trip, Twain's "Life on the Mississippi." It is said to be the first book composed on a typewriter. He spent his last years in London where he was buried. He is Parkman Osgood's first cousin (two generations removed).
JOHN OSGOOD (1595-1651) was our first ancestor in America. He and his family lived in this house, which is still standing, on Cottingworth Farm in Wherwell, England. John brought his wife and children to America on the ship Confidence in June 1638. They were the first settlers of Andover, Massachusetts. Their home was at the junction of Osgood and Court streets in what is now North Andover. He came to own over 600 acres of land. All of the above Osgoods are descendants of his. Samuel Osgood is his great-great-great grandson. Edward is his great-great-great-great-great-grandson. Parkman Osgood is his great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson.
Osgood Pond in North Andover, Massachusetts:
FRANCIS PARKMAN (1823-1893) is
considered the nation's leading historian of his day. He explored the
American West before the Gold Rush. He lived with and wrote about
native Americans all across the continent. A three-cent stamp was
issued with his portrait by the U.S. Postal Service in 1967. He is Parkman Osgood's first cousin (three generations removed).
GEORGE S. PARKER (1863-1937) founded
the Parker Pen Company in 1892. Parker Pens have traditionally been
used by the president and other officials during ceremonies for signing
bills and treaties. He is Catherine (Parker) Osgood's granduncle.
GOTTFRIED ERNST GÜHNE was part of Napoléon’s army and marched to Moscow and back in 1812. Only six-percent of Napoléon’s soldiers returned. He was awarded the Médaille de Sainte-Héléne. He is Parkman Osgood’s great-great-grandfather (on his mother’s side of the family). www.OsgoodAncestry.org OsgoodFamilyAssociation.com Osgood Family Crests
Mr. Dick Osgood of Wolfeboro, New Hampshire is compiling a new Osgood Genealogy to bring forward the one published in 1894.
Osgood Family Crests |
Reflection UI is an open source Java GUI builder based on reflection. It allows to build in a few minutes complex and fully functional user interfaces (data binding included). More information here.
OxyGenerator (formerly called GenerateXY) is a pragmatic framework for MDD (Model Driven Development). It focuses on simplicity and allows to have an instant feedback of the development system. No constraint is imposed on the target code that can have any structure in any language. New generators can be easily developed while existing and ready-to-use generators […]
Swing Testing Toolkit is a Java-Swing GUI testing framework. It uses a semi-automatic test case generation approach aimed at reducing testing instructions to the bare minimum while ensuring that they are as relevant as possible. It is not a universal GUI testing framework. It focuses on a single library (Swing) to guarantee its level of […]
This is a Java library generating a great number of color combinations for theming Swing applications. More information here. |
We were honored to be interviewed alongside Theories of Atlantis and Fivefoot4 Distribution for the latest issue of WorkInSkateboarding.com. Kelly D. Williams discusses what sets Permanent.co apart from other distributors and explains what he looks for in a brand to distribute. Thanks to all of the shops and individuals who help keep Permanent going. Check the full interview by clicking below. Check out our jobs & internships page here.
Interview courtesy of WorkInSkateboarding.com
Work In Skateboarding: What is a distribution company and why are they important?
Kelly D Williams: The way that we classify distribution companies in skateboarding is a bit different than other industries, but basically a distribution company exists to offer support to an assortment of like-minded brands and make it more feasible for shops to carry the product. By support, I mean that we join brands together to share resources like warehousing, sales, marketing, etc. Their importance is only as strong as the brands themselves, combined with the willingness of the customer to support the brands as a collective.
When did you start Permanent Distribution and why?
I started PERMANENT.CO as a brand agency in 2013 before really considering it a distribution company. There were some great brands that were not getting representation in the US, and I wanted to help make the stuff that I was into available here. Actually even before that, the concept for Permanent came from my experiences with my brand Broadcast Wheels. I was facing some challenges with distribution of Broadcast product, so I began speaking with several of the large Distribution companies in the US about partnering. It seemed that the Distribution companies that wanted to bring on Broadcast were ones that I didn’t really feel good about for various reasons, and it usually involved them wanting to dilute the brand by cheapening the product or messing with the team. I viewed that as a certain death to the brand since I founded it on high quality USA made urethane, a diverse team, and didn’t want to see it reduced to something mainstream and generic.
What did you do before Permanent Distribution?
Permanent Distribution is actually quite small, much smaller than it may appear on the surface – so not only did I work on other stuff before this, I also continue to work a pretty demanding job while running Permanent. I’ve got 3 kids to support, so I rely on other income. But before starting Permanent, I worked at a few jobs in skateboarding like eS Footwear/Altamont, I worked for a couple of years at Black Box, and was most recently Creative Director at DVS. Hopefully Permanent will continue to grow like it has so that I can dedicate more and more time to it. I’m in no rush.
Did you study, if so do you have a degree and do you think it helped you with setting up Permanent Distribution?
I originally attended college to study fine art and design, but began to be interested in the business side of things and changed my major. I received my Bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University in Business Management & Marketing. I would absolutely say it helped me with setting up this business. A lot of people say college is a waste of money and time or that a degree is nothing more than a piece of paper, but I’m really thankful that I stuck to it and finished school because not only has it helped me in my entrepreneurial endeavors, but having a degree also helped me get many of the jobs in the industry that I’ve had up to this point since having a 4 year university degree is a major point of differentiation when applying to work in skateboarding. A skateboarder with a university education is a unique and powerful thing, so I’m always hyped when I talk to skateboarders who have decided to continue school after high school.
What skills do you need to maintain a successful distribution company?
I don’t know – I wish someone would write a book titled “Skills You Need to Maintain a Successful Distribution Company”… and then make a movie about it so I could watch that since I would probably not read the book. I’m just taking a ‘slow-and-steady wins the race’ type of philosophy. I’m measuring our success by 2 things: some form of growth each year (even if it’s small) and most importantly, selling brands that I believe in and that bring something unique to skateboarding.
What makes Permanent Distribution different from other companies?
I suppose the main thing that makes us different from other Distribution companies is the origins. I’m just a nobody from Nowhere, Idaho. Most Distribution companies are started or maintained by current pro skaters, former pro skaters, or some deep-pocketed tradeshow titans searching for the fountain of bro. But I’m just in this because skateboarding has always been an important part of who I am, so I strive to make this work. Secondly, Permanent might be one of the only distribution companies to use multiple woodshops and be transparent about our factories. I feel like our customers like to know where their boards are made, and I am proud of who we work with. It’s a bit of a logistical nightmare at times [to use several woodshops], but each brand uses its own special recipe, manufactured with that region in mind. I want Permanent to preserve the notion of quality and craftsmanship, so nearly all of our product is made in the USA.
What do you look for in a potential brand to distribute?
There are so many brands out there. Some might say too many. So a positive and purposeful relationship with the brand is important. As an artist, the first thing I notice is the overall art direction. Everything from the name of the brand to the graphics to even the way the team is documented (and who is on the team, etc.). Of course most skateboarders tend to notice these things first as well, but it’s really important to me. The other thing I look for is product quality and manufacturing. How or where is the product made? Can the brand share suppliers with our other brands, etc. One of the new brands we are distributing is called Format Systems Mfg (http://formatmfg.com). Really excited about that. Not all brands would fit well or work at Permanent, so I have to be very cautious and particular about which brands we take on to distribute.
How do you attract brands to want to be distributed by you?
I don’t really know what has attracted them to us, to be honest. It’s a small world, so I think that if brands appreciate the mix that Permanent distributes, they can imagine their brand fitting well alongside the brands already on the roster.
What are 3 of the most important things you do for the brands that you distribute?
Sales and communication support, introducing their brand to skateboarders who haven’t encountered it yet, and offer help with US production because most of our product, even from the International brands is made in the US.
What are 3 of the most important things you do for the shops that you supply?
Help promote and support them thru our own marketing efforts. When shops receive a fresh supply of product from Permanent, I always try to help spread the word thru our channels. We provide product to shop riders and donate product for events, as well as offer low minimum orders and other promotions that make carrying Permanent easy for the buyers. We have close relationships with most of the shops that carry our stuff, so I’m really appreciative of their support. Permanent would literally be nowhere without the shops that we supply.
How else do you work with skateboard companies aside from just distributing their product?
There are several really great skateboard brands that surfaced around the same time as ours. We have good relationships with these guys, many of these brands are run by close friends of mine – and even if I don’t end up distributing their product, we exchange ideas, give each other support, product design help, etc. Since we distribute more than just boards, I often work with other skateboard companies on rider-related things. In other words, product collaborations, team stuff, etc.
Is there anything you do as a distributor that people may not expect?
People might not expect that Permanent is probably the smallest distributor in the country, not an entire building of employees. It’s sort of just myself and 1 or 2 part-time (but really dedicated) individuals who help me. Our product is shipped from a pretty awesome warehouse in Boise Idaho. Why? Because shops can get their orders within a few days of shipping, anywhere in the US.
What are some pros and cons of the distribution business?
Pros? It’s sort of a dream I’ve had ever since I first started really getting into skateboarding. In the early nineties I looked at all of the new brands starting up and joining forces, and it was a movement that I wanted to be a part of somehow. Cons? Terribly low margins are available for the distributors, a really competitive landscape, and my FedEx bill. All that boring business crap that nobody wants to hear.
What are the different roles at Permanent Distribution and how many people do you employ?
I employ 1 fulltime employee. Me. But the good thing is that I’m always Employee of the Month. I suppose I can’t hire anyone for at least a year because I had to order 12 plaques with my name & photo on them. However I do have several VERY helpful individuals that fill key roles at Permanent. These friends, people helping with sales, and the team riders are certainly what make this thing work.
What do you look for in sales staff?
People who aren’t flaky. Salespeople that are committed, focused, and willing to take some shared risk are surprisingly hard to find. I find that the types of individuals who have built their own DIY skate spots or started their own brand, zine, or shop have that magic spark. We don’t actively “sell” using the same methods that most companies do. So far it’s mainly been word of mouth and a few friends who have taken the role of part-time salespeople. There isn’t a national force of Sales Reps or an internal Sales Staff or anything like that.
Why is it important for Distribution companies to be owned by skaters?
That is a question that could be answered in a hundred different ways. But most Distribution companies are owned by skaters or former skaters anyway, at least the hardgoods distributors. We’re the only ones crazy enough to do it despite the minimal monetary reward. I didn’t start skateboarding for monetary rewards, it never even crossed my mind. Luckily, there is absolutely nothing appealing about the financial statement of a skateboard distribution company that would attract too many vultures. The vultures seem more interested in poking around at all the stuff besides skateboards: drinks, headphones, sunglasses, video games, or whatever other stuff they can come up with that smells or looks like skateboarding. But as long as the majority of Distributors are kept in the hands of skateboarders, and skateboarders are sharp enough to know the difference, we’ll be alright.
What are some tips for starting a successful distribution company?
That depends largely on what your definition of success is. Like I mentioned earlier, the way I have defined success for Permanent is slow growth and being proud of the brands that I distribute. So in that case, starting a successful distribution company is a result of knowing what you consider success and sticking to it. [end]
Special thanks to the folks at WorkInSkateboarding.com and Samantha Chami for conducting and publishing this interview. |
April 28, 2007
hey Pete, its me Hiep, you made me that sneaky pete with the laminated shaft
and moori tip a couple weeks ago and you wanted me to write some words for you
to put up on your website.
The cue definitely caught all of my friends and fellow players attention the first time they saw me play with it, they noticed i wasn't playing with my usual cue and loved the way it looked. personally, i think this is one of the best playing cues i have owned ( and I've owned a low-end viking, a McDermott, and a Lucasi). I can definitely see a difference in my game. it was my first time playing with a laminated shaft and my stroke seems to have a great improvement. Even better players that are familiar with me have told me they see an improvement in my game, one even said 'you're gonna come up real fast'. Even though a big part of it has to do with me as a player, i can't help but think the cue has a part in how my skills are improving. |
Pietra hotel is located in the heart of Bangkok on Ratchadapisek road, offering easy access to all major entertainments and shopping centers via MRT Subway. Close to the Airport Expressway, Airport City Link and BTS skytrain. Pietra, newly opened, an intimate property with a total of 75 rooms is constructed in a contemporary modern architectural style, outstanding amenities and services with the traditional smiling Thai hospitality. Pietra is the perfect choice to make your business or leisure stay with us worthwhile.
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East Wing, rooms have one-bed room start with Pietra Suite raning from 47 sq.m. with living room, dining room and pantry. Featuring a shower Junior Suite ,room of 94 sq.m. with two bedrooms, rooms have either one king size bed or one single bed,two bathrooms witha elegance living room, 6 persons dining table and a heavy cooked pantry. Executive Suite,room of 124 sq.m. with three bedrooms.All rooms have king size beds with three bedrooms with shower. Featuring with a huge living room,6 persons dining table and a heavy cooked pantry
- free wifi |
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If you're in search of fast and easy profit, actual estate is usually not the place for an inexperienced person. What they usually find yourself with is an expensive lesson. If you are jut moving into actual property, start small so as to take the time to learn and may use the time to develop a community of people that can aid you.
You will need to run a credit and background verify on each potential tenant. Irresponsible tenants might cause injury that may cut back your property's worth. A background verify can not guarantee that your tenant will probably be bother-free, but it is going to minimize the risk.
Now you shouldn't have any issues with stepping into actual property investing. It is a tricky market to get into typically, however once you get some apply with it you should have no problems. Use the great advice you bought above and it is best to be capable of do just wonderful with this form of thing. |
I am linking up for the Five Minute Friday. The FMF is hosted by Kate Motaung on her blog Heading Home. Today’s prompt is “Good.” Write for five minutes; unedited.
God created the light and called it day and created the dark and called it night. Then he said, “It is good.” And on the 7th day God looked at the world God created and said again “It is good.” Then God rested.
Later God sent God’s son into the world to die on a cross for our sins. But what is good about this day in which the crown of throwns is placed upon his head? What is good about Jesus breathing his last? What is good about Jesus just the day before sitting silent among his accusers and washing his disciples feet knowing that some of them would soon betray him? I don’t know about you but I have a hard time finding good as I stand and watch my savior crucified on our behalves.
But the thing is God loves us so much that God sent his Son into the world. But then on the third day, God reminds us of the good God has when God raises Jesus from the dead. It is good when the women come to the tomb and find the stone has been rolled away. It is good when we see that “Easter says you can put truth in a grave but it won’t stay there (Clarence W Hall).” It is good when we find the holy hopeful found in the Easter promise. It is good when we cling to the love of this one who gave his son for us. It is good when we come and can triumphantly proclaim “Christ is risen. He is risen indeed! Alleluia!” |
At Punderson, we have done different things for fall tournaments. This year, we are not planning on having Nightmare on Pine Lake (if there is interest in Nightmare on Pine Lake, please let Cupcake know, that would be a mid-late October event), we are NOT having the WTF Open (which was last November in connection with a Friend’s of Punderson Benefit Dinner which is not going to happen this year either). So, what did we come up with? The Pine Lake Open
What is the Pine Lake Open? It is a tournament for players who like to challenge the Blues at Punderson. Two rounds, both from the Blue Tees. First round Blues to short baskets, second round Blues to long baskets.
We hope for a good turnout, even though this is a first-time event, as we are looking to make this an annual tournament. If you didn’t get to play in Pun’s Labyrinth, or did, and want another shot at defeating the course, this is it.
As this is a first year event, we do not have any “extras” planned at the moment, and more details will be coming soon. |
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The poker platforms are expanded worldwide and it offers a great chance to the poker enthusiasts to see poker as more than just an outline of gambling. Recreate yourself by playing poker online and it would be an astonishing experience apart from your regular works. BandarQ is one of the most famous poker games that let you to have immense level of enjoyment as per your wish. It is your responsibility to search for the reliable and steadfast poker site in the internet. Start the game of competition with other players in the BandarQ game at any instance to win huge intensity of income effectively. |
Every year, ticks are the source of illness for many humans and animals across the USA. Although tiny, the toxins that ticks inject into the bloodstream can have a huge and lasting impact on the health of those unfortunate enough to be bitten by them.
The most well-known health issue caused by ticks is Lyme's disease. However, scientists have recently discovered a tick-related disease called alpha-gal syndrome. If you or a loved one suspect that you may have developed alpha-gal syndrome, then here are the answers to four of the most commonly asked questions.
1. How do ticks cause alpha-gal syndrome?
Alpha-gal syndrome is caused by a sugar molecule that is transmitted into the bloodstream when a tick bites a human. Most frequently, it's caused by Lone Star ticks, which are found in an ever-increasing number of US states. For some people, this molecule can trigger an irregular immune reaction that develops into an allergic reaction to red meat and other food products derived from mammals such as dairy products.
2. What are the symptoms of alpha-gal syndrome?
Many of the symptoms of alpha-gal syndrome are similar to other kinds of allergic reactions. These include skin irritation, swelling of the mucous membranes, itchiness, and gastrointestinal upset. The symptoms can be mild through to severe. In some cases, it can lead to anaphylaxis, which is a very severe and potentially deadly health emergency. Severe reactions are often found in people who have been exposed to tick bites more than once or who have a history of allergic reactions.
3. Is there a cure for alpha-gal syndrome?
Unfortunately, at present, there is no cure for this syndrome. The symptoms can only be avoided by not eating red meat, such as beef, pork, and lamb, and avoiding dairy products that are known triggers for an allergic reaction. Once diagnosed with alpha-gal syndrome, it's highly recommended that a sufferer carries an epinephrine injector in case anaphylaxis should occur.
4. What do you do if you suspect you have alpha-gal syndrome?
If you suspect that you may have this syndrome, it's vital that you seek help from your regular doctor. They will then most likely refer you to an immunologist or allergist for the diagnostic testing that will confirm the presence of alpha-gal molecules in the bloodstream. These specialists will also organize for you to carry epinephrine in case of anaphylaxis and to develop an emergency response plan for suspected allergic reactions.
Running your own business can be incredibly challenging, especially considering how complex today's world is. In addition to worrying about things like product development and customer acquisition, you also have to focus on avoiding the legal challenges that plague many companies around the world. I wanted to make things easier for other people, so I started this blog all about understanding and resolving business issues. Check out this website for great tips, tricks, and information that might make things a little less stressful for you. You never know, these tips could save you a lot of time, money, and effort. |
Who pays for hospice care at home? This vital question leads us into the compassionate world of Sahara Hospice Care, where our mission is to ensure that individuals facing life-limiting diseases or injuries find solace, comfort, and unwavering support.
At Sahara Hospice Care, our commitment goes beyond the realms of traditional medical care. We firmly believe in eliminating financial barriers, especially for patients navigating through the most challenging times of their lives.
Embark on a journey with us as we present transparent and compassionate solutions for covering the costs of hospice care in Houston. Explore these four payment options, each designed to provide not just medical assistance but also emotional support and a compassionate environment:
Option 1: Medicare Hospice Benefit Program
Experience the unparalleled benefits of the federally-run Medicare Hospice Benefit Program. This program is dedicated to providing quality end-of-life care without imposing undue financial strain on individuals and families. At Sahara, all our hospice services, ranging from comforting home care to comprehensive spiritual support, fall under the coverage of Medicare Part A.
To qualify for Medicare Hospice, individuals must be 65 years or above, have a professional hospice diagnosis indicating a life expectancy of less than 6 months, and willingly choose comfort care over curative treatments.
Option 2: Medicaid Hospice Program
Similar to Medicare, the Medicaid Hospice Program’s benefits and requirements are determined by the state government. If you seek coverage details, we recommend referring to Texas state hospice guidelines, ensuring that you make informed decisions about your loved one’s care.
Option 3: Private Insurance
Multiple private insurance companies in Houston, Texas, extend coverage for hospice care. The criteria for these services remain consistent, whether offered through an employer or purchased privately. However, it’s crucial to note that services may vary with different insurance packages, and certain private insurance firms may impose a cap on hospice care costs.
Option 4: Alternative Financing
For those exploring alternative financing options beyond public and private insurance, there are avenues such as Tricare or Veterans Administration health benefits for veterans. Additionally, reverse mortgages and potential discounts from healthcare agencies for hospice home care can be considered. Our team is dedicated to helping you navigate these options, ensuring that financial concerns do not hinder your access to comprehensive hospice care.
If you find yourself with questions or concerns about who pays for hospice care at home, we encourage you to reach out to us or visit Medicare coverage for hospice care. Your journey towards compassionate and caring hospice services begins with Sahara Hospice Care, where we are dedicated to providing unwavering support during these challenging times. |
One of my creative team members, Elisa Hubbard (EHStudios) recently started documenting her scrapbooking process… and I was just enthralled with watching someone else scrapbook. It’s like scrapping with a friend, and getting to watch their skills over their shoulder. So I decide to share with you all!! Please feel free to follow along with Elisa as she creates her couple of her digital scrapbook pages.
Layout #1: This Perfect Day
Layout #2: Merry And…
Credits: Mad for Plaid collection by Sahlin Studio |
- market research
We will make sure that this is the right moment for your company to enter the Polish market.
- establishing business relations/ building sales networks
We will find potential contractors for your company.
- conducting the recruitment process
If in short of the right human resources, we will search for the best specialist in your line of business, who will build up the sales network for you.
- payroll service
We will be accountable for managing employees and handling remuneration. We will attend to all the issues required by Polish law.
- employee documentation
- registering in offices
- drawing up contracts
- calculating working hours and holidays
- settling business trips
- compiling pay-rolls
- calculating advance personal income tax payment and contributions for social insurance
- organising all the trainings
- compiling declarations
- paying remuneration
- ensuring a well-equipped workstation
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It has been a ritual for decades. Whenever American policymakers travel to India, they sing paeans to the beauty of Indian politics, to the country’s diversity, and to the shared values connecting—in the words of multiple U.S. presidents—“the world’s oldest democracy” and “the world’s largest democracy.” This rhetoric may be gauzy, and it is certainly grandiose. But to Washington, it is not empty. In the view of U.S. policymakers, common democratic principles will be the foundation of an enduring U.S.-Indian relationship, one with broad strategic significance. The world’s two biggest democracies, they say, can’t help but have similar worldviews and interests.
“Our common interest in democracy and righteousness will enable your countrymen and mine to make common cause against a common enemy,” U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt wrote to Mohandas Gandhi, then the de facto leader of India’s independence movement, during World War II. During the Cold War, successive presidential administrations tried to get New Delhi to stand against Moscow by arguing that, as a democracy, India was a natural enemy of the Soviet Union. When President George W. Bush struck a breakthrough civilian nuclear deal with India in 2005, he declared that India’s democratic system meant that the two states were “natural partners” united “by deeply held values.”
Yet again and again, India has disappointed American hopes. Gandhi, for example, frustrated Roosevelt by prioritizing India’s struggle for freedom against the British Empire over the war against imperial Japan and Nazi Germany. New Delhi not only refused to align with Washington during the Cold War; it forged warm ties with Moscow instead. Even after the Cold War ended and India began strengthening its relations with the United States, New Delhi maintained strong connections to the Kremlin. It has refused to work with the United States on Iran, and it has made nice with Myanmar’s military regime. Most recently, it has refused to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
If making democratic values the cornerstone of the U.S.-Indian relationship has always been a dubious strategy, today it is clearly doomed—because the very notion of common values has itself come to look fanciful. Ever since Narendra Modi became the Indian prime minister nine years ago, India’s status as a democracy has become increasingly suspect. The “world’s largest democracy” has seen an upsurge in violence directed at its Muslim minority, often whipped up by prominent politicians. It is trying to strip citizenship from millions of Muslim residents. It is muzzling the press and silencing opposition figures. The Biden administration, having cast itself as a vocal champion of democratic ideals, therefore finds itself on shaky ground whenever it characterizes the United States’ partnership with India as one of shared values.
But it continues to do just that. In January, for example, the White House declared that the two states’ joint technology initiatives were “shaped by our shared democratic values and respect for universal human rights.” In June, Modi will visit Washington, D.C., for a formal state dinner meant to affirm “the warm bonds of family and friendship” that link the two countries. In February, however, the Indian government made it difficult for a leading Indian think tank to raise money, a major blow to intellectual freedom. In March, Modi’s party removed one of India’s most prominent opposition politicians from Parliament—explicitly because he insulted the prime minister.
Yet even as the two countries’ shared values have grown weaker, their shared material interests have only gotten stronger. India and the United States now have a clear, common geopolitical foe in China, and each understands that the other can help it win its competition against Beijing. For the United States, India is a massive, pivotal power in Asia that sits astride critical maritime routes and shares a long, contested land border with China. For India, the United States is an attractive source of advanced technology, education, and investment. New Delhi may still have close ties with Moscow, but the uncertain quality and reliability of Russian arms mean that India is more open than ever to buying weapons from the West instead.
To capitalize on these complementary material interests, however, the United States must dispense with the idea that shared values can provide the bedrock of a strong relationship, justifying its high tolerance for New Delhi’s behavior on the basis of a bet on long-term convergence. Rather than considering India an ally in the fight for global democracy, it must see that India is an ally of convenience. This shift will not be easy, given that Washington has spent decades looking at New Delhi through rose-colored glasses. But the pivot will encourage both sides to understand that their relationship is ultimately transactional—and allow them to get down to business.
American leaders, especially liberal ones, have long believed that democratic institutions are a defining feature of India’s identity—and the reason why New Delhi deserves Washington’s support. In 1958, for example, then Senator John Kennedy introduced a bipartisan resolution to increase assistance to India, premised on the idea that it was vital for the United States to support a fledgling democracy against communist encroachment. India’s “democratic future is delicately and dangerously poised,” Kennedy declared in a landmark speech. “It would be catastrophic if its leadership were now humiliated in its quest for Western assistance when its cause is good.”
As the former diplomat Dennis Kux wrote in India and the United States: Estranged Democracies, “The effort succeeded.” During President Dwight Eisenhower’s second term, Kux notes, “US assistance grew substantially, surging from about $400 million in 1957, to a record $822 million in 1960.” Eisenhower himself seemed committed to India’s democratic future. As the president stated in remarks at the opening of the World Agriculture Fair in New Delhi in December 1959, “Whatever strengthens India, my people are convinced, strengthens us, a sister republic dedicated to peace.” Six months later, Eisenhower signed a breakthrough multiyear deal with India to deliver $1.28 billion in food aid under the United States’ Food for Peace program, because India’s domestic farmers were routinely unable to meet the country’s food needs.
But if Kennedy and Eisenhower hoped that praising India would turn New Delhi into an ally, they were sorely mistaken. In 1954, Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru had explicitly declared that his country would remain nonaligned in the Cold War, rankling Eisenhower. Kennedy, as president, hoped he could bring India closer by having Nehru visit Washington in 1961, but the trip changed nothing. The prime minister rebuffed all his efforts to bring India into the United States’ orbit.
As Kux recounts, Kennedy’s Cold War successors were similarly frustrated by New Delhi. President Lyndon Johnson found Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s 1966 criticism of U.S. involvement in Vietnam to be particularly galling; his ambassador to India later recalled that the president’s reaction ranged “from the violent to the obscene.” Gandhi’s subsequent decision, in 1971, to conclude a “Friendship Treaty” with Moscow was later described by former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger as a “bombshell” that threw “a lighted match into a powder keg,” inflaming relations between India and Pakistan. And in January 1980, when India’s permanent ambassador to the United Nations effectively endorsed the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan, President Jimmy Carter was livid. Carter’s ambassador in New Delhi told Gandhi “what a devastating statement it had been from the American point of view and what a terrible backlash it had caused in the United States.”
Nonetheless, U.S. policymakers often praised India in the following decades, and policymakers continued to argue that India’s democratic principles made it a good partner. In his address to India’s Parliament in 2000, President Bill Clinton asserted that the strength of India’s democracy was the first of several important lessons it had taught the world. The administrations of Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama routinely employed the “oldest and largest democracies” formulation to describe Washington and New Delhi and their longtime ties. In a 2010 speech to the Indian Parliament, Obama repeatedly stressed the unique bond shared by “two strong democracies.” He then endorsed India’s effort to obtain a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, suggesting that cooperation between India and the United States on the council would strengthen “the foundations of democratic governance, not only at home but abroad.”
Obama’s Security Council reform has yet to materialize, but it is difficult to see how India’s performance at the UN would ever live up to U.S. expectations. In the UN General Assembly from 2014 to 2019, only 20 percent of India’s votes were coincident with those of the United States. Even when votes on Israeli and Palestinian issues (on which the two states are even further apart) are excluded, the figure rises to only 24 percent. By comparison, France voted with the United States 57 percent of the time overall and 67 percent of the time when Israeli and Palestinian issues were left out. This divergence shouldn’t be surprising; India has routinely walked away from the United States’ biggest international initiatives. It has never joined a Washington-led trade agreement, for example. And it has never given much more than lip service to Washington’s drives to expand democracy, whether in the immediate aftermath of the Cold War, during the Bush administration’s efforts to promote the so-called freedom agenda, or during the Arab Spring of the Obama years.
Hindu nationalism at home leads India to promote illiberal aims abroad.
Despite these disappointments, the Biden administration has continued to push for closer ties with India, leaning hard into the two states’ supposedly common values as it makes its case. President Joe Biden invited Modi to Washington’s two democracy summits, and the prime minister delivered remarks at each. In a May 2022 meeting with Modi, Biden said that cooperation between India and the United States is built on their shared “commitment to representative democracy.” When Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited India in July 2021, he said that “the relationship between our two countries is so important and so strong because it is a relationship between our democracies.” And on a March 2023 trip to New Delhi, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo praised Modi as an “unbelievable visionary” and declared that the two states were united by democratic principles.
But yet again, New Delhi has frustrated the White House on policies related to liberal values. It has, for instance, maintained ties with and sold weapons to the military junta that ousted Myanmar’s democratic government in 2021. New Delhi plays an active role in multilateral groups critical of the United States and the West, such as the BRICS, which also includes Brazil, Russia, China, and South Africa. And it has continued to stand by Moscow. Shortly before Russia’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, India went ahead with purchases of Russian S-400 air defense systems, despite the threat of U.S. sanctions. Since the invasion, India has abstained on every decisive UN vote. It has refused to entertain any economic restrictions against Russia. It even began purchasing more Russian energy after the invasion began.
India’s behavior regarding the war in Ukraine, in particular, has angered many of New Delhi’s biggest supporters in the U.S. Congress. “Frankly, many of my colleagues and I are puzzled by India’s equivocation in the face of the biggest threat to democracy since World War II,” said Senator Chris Murphy, Democrat of Connecticut, who chairs the Senate subcommittee responsible for South Asia. “At a time when democracies are closing ranks to condemn Russia’s invasion, it is troubling, to say the least, to see India, the world’s largest democracy, sitting on the sidelines.”
New Delhi’s position on Ukraine certainly cuts against its espoused values. But it is far from India’s biggest democratic failure. Since winning two sweeping national victories, one in 2014 and another in 2019, Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party has made India’s own attachment to liberalism more and more dubious. The BJP has hollowed out institutions that can check the prime minister’s behavior, including by politicizing India’s civilian bureaucracy and turning its Parliament into a rubber stamp for the party’s priorities. Modi also tolerates no criticism in the media, academia, or civil society. The government, for example, imposed an outright ban on a 2023 BBC documentary that detailed Modi’s role in the state of Gujarat’s deadly 2002 communal riots. The organizations that compile the three biggest rankings of democracy across the world—the V-Dem (Varieties of Democracy) Institute, Freedom House, and the Economist Intelligence Unit—have all downgraded India’s score since Modi took office.
New Delhi’s democratic failings extend beyond eliminating checks and balances. The BJP is deeply intertwined with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, an organization that aims to give India an exclusively Hindu identity (and to which Modi belongs). Created in 1925, the RSS was modeled on interwar European fascist groups and charged with promoting, in the words of one founder, “the military regeneration of the Hindus.” This goal was directly opposed by Mohandas Gandhi and Nehru, who championed freedom of religion, celebrated diversity, and defended minority rights. That is why a radicalized Hindu nationalist and RSS member assassinated Gandhi in 1948.
India’s autocratic turn creates many problems for the United States. One is that it simply makes New Delhi less trustworthy. Democratically accountable leaders need to justify and defend foreign policies to their own citizens, which makes their decisions more transparent and predictable. Authoritarian decisions, by contrast, are far harder to predict. In addition, the more ethnonationalist New Delhi becomes, the less secure India will be. India is home to roughly 200 million Muslims—almost the size of Pakistan’s entire population—and it has an extensive history of communal violence. By repressing its minorities, India risks its tenuous stability in the near term and mounting and debilitating violence in the long term. And an India consumed with internal security challenges will have fewer resources, less bandwidth for foreign policy, and less legitimacy to play a constructive role beyond its borders.
India’s Hindu nationalism at home also leads it to promote illiberal aims abroad. Hindu nationalists believe that one of their top foreign policy achievements has been mobilizing overseas RSS-affiliated groups in the Indian diaspora to lobby other capitals, including Washington, to support BJP initiatives. Hindu nationalists also believe that India should be a sprawling, civilizational power, and many of them say they want to create Akhand Bharat—a greater “Undivided India”—in which New Delhi would build a “cultural confederation” of territory stretching from Afghanistan to Myanmar and Sri Lanka to Tibet. In 2022, for example, the RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat claimed that this could be a reality in as little as ten to 15 years. His statements raised questions about what a Hindu cultural confederation would actually mean, and they have prompted at least some regional consternation about whether India’s drive for leadership will be as peaceful as the country claims.
Despite the obvious evidence of the BJP’s illiberalism, top Biden administration officials have avoided publicly criticizing the Modi government. Instead, they have brushed aside concerns by declaring, as Blinken did in 2021, that every democracy is an imperfect “work in progress.” Presumably, that is because Biden believes that expressing any concerns about Indian policies would cause too much harm to the relationship.
This fear is not baseless. Like most countries, India does not like to be criticized, so an honest airing of grievances would not go down well. But the current, disingenuous approach has its own price. Soft-pedaling concerns about India’s authoritarian slide, for example, weakens Washington’s ability to champion democracy around the world. In fact, it might actively encourage democratic backsliding. India is no garden-variety struggling democracy: it is the world’s most populous country and a leader in the global South. When Modi uses his association with Washington to burnish his democratic credentials and even to strengthen his self-serving narrative that Hindu India is “the mother of democracy” (as he declared during Washington’s 2023 Summit for Democracy), it sets back liberalism everywhere.
Praising India’s democracy also makes it hard for Biden to build the domestic political alliances he needs to cooperate with New Delhi on security. Many powerful U.S. constituencies, including evangelical Christian groups, are deeply concerned about India’s poor treatment of minorities, its crackdown on religious freedoms, and its stifling of the press. The New York Times and The Washington Post, along with other top U.S. media outlets, run stories and columns on these issues so frequently that BJP leaders have gone out of their way to label the publications “anti-Indian.” And influential figures in Washington are expressing growing alarm about India’s illiberal policies. In March 2021, for example, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chair Bob Menendez wrote a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, asking that he use his upcoming India trip to “make clear that in all areas, including security cooperation, the U.S.-India partnership must rest on adherence to democratic values.” If Biden continues to emphasize principles in his pitch for better relations, his calls could face mounting opposition.
India’s turn away from democracy is deeply unfortunate. But New Delhi is still an invaluable partner for Washington. In addition to being the world’s most populous state, India boasts the world’s fifth-largest economy, the world’s second-largest military, and a significant cadre of highly educated scientists and engineers. It has a large arsenal of nuclear weapons. And like the United States, India is deeply concerned about China, which it sees as a dangerous power intent on challenging the regional and global order. In a way, now may be the best moment for the United States to cooperate with India. The question is how far Washington should go.
In many cases, the decision to help India is easy. When China began encroaching on Indian territory along the Chinese-Indian border, prompting deadly clashes between the two countries’ militaries in 2020, Washington rightfully provided New Delhi with urgently needed cold-weather gear and intelligence on Chinese positions. It also expedited already planned deliveries of surveillance drones. Since then, U.S. officials have correctly concluded that they can have far more candid discussions with India’s leaders than they have had in the past about defense cooperation, both on land and at sea. They hope that the threat from China, combined with Russia’s disastrous invasion of Ukraine, presents Washington with a once-in-a-generation opportunity to decisively (if not immediately) get New Delhi to shift its heavy reliance on Russian-made military gear to U.S. systems.
Greater U.S.-Indian alignment on China also means the two states could cooperate on certain kinds of technology. Washington, for example, could work with New Delhi to develop alternatives to Chinese-built information and telecommunications infrastructure as a means to compete in a global industry that Beijing has threatened to dominate. The United States could also speed up its efforts to diversify essential industrial inputs away from China and toward India. New Delhi, in turn, would benefit from new economic investments.
U.S. cooperation with India must be tightly targeted to countering China.
But Washington must be careful about the ways it deals with New Delhi. It must remain keenly aware that India’s desire to work with the United States is born of circumstance, not conviction, and could quickly disappear. New Delhi, after all, spent most of the post–Cold War years vacillating about what role it should play between Beijing and Washington, and it often signed on to the former’s initiatives. Even after the border clashes, China and India have roughly the same volume of trade as India and the United States have. New Delhi is still part of the Beijing-founded Shanghai Cooperation Organization. And many Indian policymakers and analysts would much prefer a multipolar world in which India is free to navigate flexible relationships with other great powers to a world led by the United States or defined by a new cold war between Beijing and Washington—a world in which New Delhi must take sides. One of New Delhi’s greatest fears is being indefinitely consigned to the geopolitical sidelines.
For U.S. officials, then, cooperation with India must be tightly targeted to countering immediate threats posed by China. It is fine, for example, for the United States to conduct joint military exercises with India near the Chinese border, as the two states did in November 2022. It is also fine for Washington to strike transactional deals that obviously advance U.S. interests, such as a deal that gives the United States access to Indian seaports in exchange for finite technology transfers or additional intelligence. But when U.S. policies do not clearly enhance U.S.-Indian cooperation with respect to China, they should not receive the benefit of the doubt. The United States should think twice, for example, before approving a proposal General Electric put forward earlier this year to co-produce and transfer U.S. technology to India for advanced fighter jet engines. Washington may benefit from a better Indian military in the short term, but the GE deal could strengthen India’s indigenous defense industry for decades, which might not serve U.S. interests in the long term.
U.S. officials must understand that, deep down, India is not an ally. Its relationship to the United States is fundamentally unlike that of, say, a NATO member. And India will never aspire to that sort of alliance. For this reason, U.S. officials should not frame their agreements with India as the building blocks of a deeper relationship. The country is not a candidate for initiatives such as the AUKUS deal among Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States (which will help Australia develop nuclear submarine technologies) because such deals entail sharing important security vulnerabilities that only sturdy liberal democracies—ones with broadly shared values and aspirations—can safely exchange. India’s uncertain commitment to democratic principles is also why Washington will never be able to share intelligence with New Delhi in the way that it does with its so-called Five Eyes partners: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.
In fact, Washington should qualify its support for greater Indian participation in the international organizations to which New Delhi already belongs. India’s voice is essential on the world stage, especially because of its vast and diverse society. But considering how often India and the United States diverge on important issues, it is not a bad thing that no one has taken up Obama’s proposal to offer India a permanent seat on the UN Security Council. Washington should similarly temper its expectations for the Quad—the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, among Australia, India, Japan, and the United States. The White House clearly hopes that the Quad can be an Indo-Pacific league of liberal democracies. But given India’s identity, it simply cannot. What the Quad can do is better deter Chinese aggression in the region, and it should dedicate itself to that task.
As the Biden administration pivots away from seeking an imaginary relationship based on values to acknowledging a real one based on mutual interests, it must be forthright. The administration ought to explain to Indian and U.S. audiences alike that shared concerns about China and a wide array of other common interests create strong and constructive incentives for cooperation; there is much that the two sides can do together. But Washington needs to cease endorsing Modi’s BJP. It must stop altruistically subsidizing the rise of another illiberal Asian giant. And the Indian government should know that its domestic political decisions have the potential to complicate and endanger relations with Washington. Indian voters should know that, too.
The Biden administration should also write and publish more reports that accurately depict India’s record on human rights, freedoms, and democratic practices. Such analysis should then become required reading for U.S. leaders, including Pentagon policymakers and uniformed officers, who need to understand how undemocratic the world’s largest democracy is. These reports must be scrupulously accurate, because they will certainly draw fire from Indian diplomats. But Biden should not worry that U.S. criticism will derail cooperation. Unlike Chinese military activities, a critical report from the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom does not materially threaten New Delhi. If India and the United States are going to be strong partners, both sides need to learn how to navigate serious disagreements without sweeping them under the rug, even if that means suffering some unpleasantness along the way. U.S. officials can unapologetically explain the American perspective without being undiplomatic, just as their Indian counterparts frequently do.
Many U.S. opponents of the Modi government would go even further, arguing that criticism of India’s democratic shortcomings should be bolstered by active U.S. government initiatives—such as giving material support to Indian rights groups. Some critics have even encouraged Washington to withhold U.S. security cooperation unless India rolls back recent autocratic measures. But New Delhi is likely to balk at conditional defense ties, and pro-democracy investments will not be effective. India is almost unimaginably enormous and complicated, making it nearly impervious to outside political influence. As a postcolonial state, it is quite practiced at resisting, ignoring, or mitigating external interference. Better, then, to leave the task of strengthening India’s democracy to the Indians themselves.
U.S. officials must understand that, deep down, India is not an ally.
For now, that means the United States will have to deal with an unsavory government in New Delhi. But for Washington, this is nothing new. The United States has spent years cooperating with regimes it dislikes in order to bolster its security. At one point, it even worked with the country New Delhi and Washington are now trying to outcompete. The Nixon administration’s 1972 opening to China was intended to exploit the differences between Beijing and Moscow to deliver a decisive advantage to the United States in the Cold War. It succeeded: President Richard Nixon’s gambit deepened splits in the global communist movement, helped tie down Soviet army divisions along the border with China, and provided Washington with additional leverage over Moscow.
What followed, however, is much more controversial. Nixon’s opening eventually led to a deluge of U.S. investment in China’s economy and cooperation across many sectors—including, at times, defense and security. The United States’ contributions helped China quickly become the world’s second-largest economy. Washington instead should have had a greater appreciation for the ways in which U.S. and Chinese interests would most likely diverge as China’s power grew. American policymakers could have then lowered their expectations, narrowed the scope of official cooperation, and even ruled out certain types of commerce. In hindsight, it is clear they could have partnered with Beijing to contain Moscow without contributing so much to the rise of a peer competitor.
India, of course, is not China, and it may never pose the same sort of challenge. And New Delhi’s authoritarian turn has not been total. Despite the government’s best efforts, India still has free (if not fair) elections and a vocal domestic opposition. Americans and Indians can, and should, hold out hope that India’s diverse society will remake India into a liberal democracy more fundamentally aligned with the ideals that Washington seeks to uphold.
That, however, is not where India is today. The country is instead led by an ethnonationalist who tolerates little dissent. It is in thrall to an illiberal and increasingly undemocratic party, and that party’s grip on politics is only becoming firmer. Unless that changes, the United States will not be able to treat India as it treats Japan, South Korea, and NATO allies in Europe. It must instead treat India as it treats Jordan, Vietnam, and any number of other illiberal partners. It must, in other words, cooperate with India on the reality of shared interests, not on the hope of shared values.
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About the Photo Collections
The SCRSS Photo Library holds over 60,000 images covering all
aspects of social and cultural life in Russia and the former Soviet
Union from pre-1917 to the present. It offers an invaluable visual
resource for publishers, picture researchers, designers and drama
students, and is backed up by the excellent SCRSS
Library and Archive.
The SCRSS Photo Library was established in 1943, when Britain
and the Soviet Union were allies in the fight against Nazism.
The war produced a galaxy of brilliant Soviet war photographers
whose pictures were sent to the Society for use in exhibitions
and fund-raising events to support the war effort. In the post-war
years the SCRSS Photo Library continued to receive photographs
from the Soviet Union on all aspects of Soviet life. It grew further
with the donation of the important Cicely Osmond and Huntly Carter
Collections covering the 1920s-30s. It also includes the Society's
own photographic records.
General Photographic Collection
The SCRSS's general photographic collection is in the process
of digitisation and is available online through TopFoto at www.topfoto.co.uk.
The general collection covers a wide range of themes. It includes
images of early collective agriculture, industry, education and
daily life in the new Soviet state. There are photographic records
of key historical events and individuals, including the Tsarist
period, the Russian Revolution, the Great Patriotic War (World
War II) and the first moves into space. There is a wealth of material
on cultural life - film, literature and ballet (including production
photographs and portraits of key figures), Soviet posters and
sport. The collection also covers cities, regions and the republics
of the former Soviet Union.
Special Photographic Collections
These special photographic collections are held in the SCRSS
archives. With the exception of the SCRSS Photo Archive, they
are fully digitised, but not available online. The Society can
provide publishers with low-resolution thumbnails by email to
Cicely Osmond Collection
This important collection provides a detailed visual account
of everyday life in the Soviet Union during the 1920s-30s, with
particularly rich material on Soviet education and training. Find
out more about the collection.
Huntly Carter Collection
This important collection comprises over 300 photographs relating
to Soviet theatre in the 1920s-30s (theatrical production stills,
photo-portraits of leading figures in the Soviet theatre, and
snapshots of journalist Huntly Carter with Soviet actors and directors).
There are also photographs of street scenes and new architecture
in Soviet Russia in the same period. Find
out more about the collection.
SCRSS Photo Archive
This collection holds the Society's own photographic record of
events and personalities from the 1940s to the present. Find
out more about the SCRSS Archive (including non-photographic
Visiting the Special Photographic Collections
The Special Photographic Collections are open to SCRSS members
and non-members on a research basis only. Access is strictly by
appointment only. Research fees and image reproduction fees apply.
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President Biden’s nominee to lead the Space Force said Tuesday that space is a “war-fighting domain” and argued that China is America’s greatest threat in the region.
Lt. Gen. Bradley Saltzman appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee as part of his nomination process Tuesday. Senators pressed him on what threats Space Force faced and what his goals were for the branch moving forward.
“The most immediate threat, in my opinion, is the pace with which our strategic challengers, first and foremost, the Chinese, are aggressively pursuing capabilities that can disrupt, degrade and ultimately even destroy our satellite capabilities and disrupt our ground infrastructure,” Saltzman told lawmakers.
“It is one of my earliest priorities to make sure that we’re on track to build and field effective capabilities and then train the guardians to operate in a contested domain so that we can counter this activity by our strategic competitors,” he added.
Sen. Tom Cotton, R-AR, later pressed Saltzman on whether he believed space was itself a war-fighting domain rather than a domain where the U.S. placed assets that assist warfare in other domains like air, land and sea.
“You mean that space itself could be a war-fighting domain, correct?” Cotton asked.
“I do,” Saltzman responded.
“OK, so the timeless principles of war that have stood the test of time from Alexander to Washington to Napoleon to Grant would apply in space just like they apply here on Earth. Right?” Cotton pressed.
“I agree,” Saltzman confirmed.
Space Force is the newest branch of the U.S. military and was founded under former President Trump in 2019. |
Simbed Learners School’s mathematics club acts as a catalyst for igniting students’ passion for mathematics, we create an engaging environment that encourages exploration, problem-solving, and collaboration.
The Simbed Mathematics club isn’t about just solving mathematics equations, it is a combination of interactive activities, competitions, and a supportive community, students develop essential skills and a deep appreciation for the beauty and relevance of mathematics in their lives.
Students play interactive board games like Mathables and Uno cards to create an amazing math learning session. They also learn the algorithms involved in fixing a Rubik’s cube.
By nurturing a love for numbers and logical reasoning, the mathematics club equips students with skills that extend far beyond their academic journey, empowering them to excel in various fields and embrace the limitless possibilities that mathematics has to offer. |
Eastside Greenway & Cuyahoga County Greenway Plans
Teaming with Parsons Brinckerhoff and LAND studio, we completed a greenway plan for the east side of Cuyahoga County in 2015. Recognizing there were areas where County residents didn’t own cars, we knew there needed to be safe alternative routes that supported modes of transportation, such as biking and walking. The goal of the plan was to fill in the existing greenway and trail network’s missing links, and better connect residents to jobs, recreation, services, commercial centers, and natural resources.
SmithGroup led the public engagement process along with the evaluation of appropriate greenway connections, identifying specific trail alignment recommendations, suggesting new trailhead locations, and developing a phasing strategy for moving forward into design and implementation. The team utilized an extensive GIS analysis considering criteria such as connectivity, economic vitality, health and safety, and environmental assets. The robust public engagement process including three rounds of public workshops. Each round of workshops included three separate meetings in three different geographic locations in order to reach as broad a spectrum of the population as possible.
The Eastside Greenway Plan was so well-realized that the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission, in conjunction with Cleveland Metroparks, decided to complete a plan for the entirety of the County. Our team identified a web of potential greenway routes across the county. These routes were then evaluated and prioritized using a GIS-based and community-input driven process to determine the benefits, challenges, and implementation opportunities for each option. The team used broad range of innovative public input tools, including ArcGIS-powered web maps and collaborative digital planning applications.
By improving and expanding transportation access to essential services such food, healthcare, and schools, these plans will help reconnect county areas and residents that have been disconnected for far too long. |
That house was actually the Hennepin Canal Trail visitor's center. After atepping inside I also met Ken. They gave me a slew of maps and some rare Clif bars I've never tasted before. They were both very helpful and so before I left I signed their guestbook.
For more information:
Friends of Hennepin Canal
Illinois Department of Natural Resources
16006-875 E. Street
Sheffield, IL 61361 |
College students must perform completely different creative works. Upon getting all the information to assist your statements and a detailed outline, you possibly can finally Exemplification Essay Topics move on to the writing part. Comply with the tips and methods from the Exemplification Essay Example Define section of this text to put in writing each a part of your essay.
In paragraph 1, write one sentence outlining your subject, and one sentence describing your thesis assertion. Check out these exemplification essay matters and select the fitting choice to put in What Is An Exemplification Essay writing your paper and impress your audience. You’ll be able to take examples from your individual life, historical past, scientific analysis, magazines. Most importantly, do not forget that examples should assist the thesis assertion.
Finally, wrap up your essay with a conclusion that restates your thesis statement. You should not be mentioning any new information in your closing paragraph. As a substitute, an efficient Exemplification Essay Outline ending paragraph will wrap up the points from your example paragraphs and provides the reader one final opportunity to see your thesis statement.
Personal examples – Are subjective however often taken from the author’s own experiences and are great to explain the creator’s own ideas and ideas. Write a conclusion by restating your thesis statement and remind the readers what the essay is all about. It’s https://handmadewriting.com/blog/guides/exemplification-essay/ achieved by briefly referring the audience back to the main argument. Be sure the ending gives a sense of completeness to the readers.
Insights On Effortless How To Write An Exemplification Essay Methods
On this chapter, the author additionally presents the reason and understanding of the type of readers and viewers that may profit from that particular How To Write An Exemplification Essay essay. At the end of the introductory paragraph, the writer presents his stance over the topic in the type of a thesis statement.
One of the best time for learners to observe cursive writing is when they join grade three. Principally, this apply should proceed in grade 4, and, by the point children are in grades 5 and 6, they need to write cursive letters with little difficulty. As mentioned within the previous part, instructors should train learners starting How To Write An Exemplification Essay with lowercase alphabets after which uppercase alphabets. Nonetheless, for fast perfection, college students should practice recurrently, each in the college setting and at home or in different social settings. In essence, correct follow is a secret to the quick mastering of the artwork.
Comparing Quick Plans In How To Write An Exemplification Essay
The usual apply in cursive writing is first to grasp the way to construct alphabets. Principally, the age of pc usage has replaced this essential apply in many studying institutions. In this case, one of the best and quick strategy to studying cursive writing is to start out with lowercase alphabets. Here, mastering find out how to write b, f, h, i, j, ok, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, and z is important as they all start with the upward stroke. Whereas some have strokes that fill up the line’s whole top, others have strokes that solely attain the dashed line. In flip, some letters, like ‘f,’ go beneath the bottom line. Hence, students need to begin with the letter u,” as it’s the best to be taught in this writing fashion.
Body – three paragraph. In the third paragraph, you will need to refute the counterargument and write that the statement is right. Discover the main weakness of the counterargument and describe it. Thus, you will current the subject from two sides, however ultimately, you will persuade the reader of the integrity of your judgments.
Now that you have written down the ideas to jot down the content to your essay, conduct research to search out sturdy supporting info. Analysis the subject effectively to search out out relevant materials to back up the principle argument of the essay. As said earlier, writing an exemplification essay might be challenging if you are not conscious of the basics. To make the method of writing easier, professional essay writers have gathered some simple suggestions.
Insights On Painless Secrets Of Exemplification Essay
Create a mind-map of different subject ideas. To do this, browse the internet for websites that include exemplification essay matters. Join with our prime writers and receive writing sample crafted to your needs. After getting defined your subject, the following step is to gather the material on your essay. Since an exemplification essay is heavy on details and examples, it’s important that you just gather a ample quantity of knowledge to support your ideas.
A profile essay, or article, is a bit of journalistic-cum-literary writing. The goal is to current factual info on a given topic (particular person, place, animal, or event) whereas writing with an individual tone and elegance. On this article, we will develop on the idea of a profile essay. We may even sort out what a profile is and what function profiles serve. Lastly, we will current methods for making ready your research and strengthening your writing approach, in addition to provide tips about structure and potential matters. |
The project “The Rights Understanding in Sport Toolkit (TRUST)” brings together partner organisations from Ireland, Netherlands and Portugal and aims at developing a programme on human rights education tailored for sports practitioners working in educational institutions, highlighting the key role of sport in promoting human rights.
TRUST promotes ‘sport as it should be’. TRUST was funded through the Democratic and Inclusive School Culture in Operation (DISCO) program of the European Union and Council of Europe. It consists of as a training module, for use in schools, colleges, clubs, and the wider community, providing resources for teaching human rights in and through sport and embracing a human rights approach to sport education.
In the ‘Online Course’ and ‘Audio Visual Library’ tabs, you will find theoretical and practical resources that will help foster effective rights-based Sport Education.
Visit the TRUST Website here: https://trustsport.net/ |
President Obama; If You Really Want To Reduce Healthcare Costs, Effectively Reform The Medical Malpractice Tort System: Part 2
Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE
President Obama, as you know the real truth is elusive. Every vested interest has an agenda to protect. My agenda as a long time practicing Clinical Endocrinologist, now retired from active practice, has been to preserve the value of the profession of medicine and permit the delivery of the best clinical care possible to patients. Society has strayed from these goals. There are multiple problems with the healthcare system. They are interrelated and must be solved simultaneously.
The present malpractice liability problem leading to the practice of defensive medicine is a huge problem for the healthcare system. It is essential that this problem be solved before meaningful cost savings and increased quality of care are realized
Malpractice attorneys dismiss the system of adjudicating malpractice liability as the cause of significant defensive medicine costs. They claim that they are the protectors of mistreated patients. You will soon receive a 29 page document defending their claim and dismissing the significance of defensive medicine.
“Trial lawyers are preparing for a fight, starting with a 29-page research document they will send to Capitol Hill in an attempt to convince lawmakers that lawsuits have very little to do with healthcare costs.”
The malpractice attorneys will attempt to make a compelling argument. I suspect they will have little real scientific evidence to prove their point in the 29 page document.
Donald Berwick Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management Department of Health Policy and Management has never been a friend of practicing physicians. He has frequently pointed out the defects in the practice of medicine. Recently Don Berwick made the following off the cuff comment in response to a question after he addressed the American Medical Association (AMA) meeting.
"What about malpractice reform?" the first questioner asked when Berwick opened up the discussion to attendees. He was a physician, and murmurs of approval rippled through the crowd.”
Berwick’s answer didn’t please the questioner and many of his colleagues. “The data just doesn’t back up the claim that malpractice lawsuits are one of the top drivers of healthcare costs, he replied.”
No one was brave enough to ask Dr. Berwick to show them the data for this conclusion. I have read Fooled By Randomness twice. I am starting to understand that all expert opinions are noise unless they are confirmed scientifically. Even then conclusions can change as the knowledge base changes.
In November 2008, the Massachusetts Medical Society published a survey of practicing physicians. The purpose of the survey was to get a sense of what practicing physicians (the generators of defensive medicine) thought the incidence of defensive medicine was in their practice. I was surprised it was not published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
“A first-of-its-kind survey of physicians by the Massachusetts Medical Society on the practice of “defensive medicine” – tests, procedures, referrals, hospitalizations, or prescriptions ordered by physicians out of the fear of being sued – has shown that the practice is widespread and adds billions of dollars to the cost of health care in the Commonwealth.”
The devil is usually in the details. The details found were the details at ground level. It was not speculations by experts or secondary measurement. The defect in the survey was the fact that was a survey (surveys have its scientific defects) even though 900 practicing physicians in eight specialties in Massachusetts completed the survey. Its strength is the survey links practice to costs.
“The Investigation of Defensive Medicine in Massachusetts” is the first study of its kind to specifically quantify defensive practices across a wide spectrum and among a number of specialties. The study is also the first of its kind to link such data directly with Medicare cost data.”
Physicians self reported on seven tests that might be used in defensive medicine. They were plain film X-rays, CT Scans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRIs), ultrasounds, laboratory testing, specialty referrals and consultations.
Based on Medicare reimbursements rates in Massachusetts for 2005-2006 the eight specialties surveyed generated 281 million dollars in defensive medicine costs in outpatient clinics. Their practice of defensive medicine also generated $1.1 billion in unnecessary costs for hospital admissions. The big winner here was the hospitals. Hospitals might not be motivated to fight as hard as physicians to eliminate defensive medicine because defensive medicine serves its revenue generating agenda well.
The estimate of a total of $1.4 billion only includes 7 tests and 8 specialties in a 900 physician sample. Massachusetts is a small state. If we assume all the states are the same size and multiple by 50 states we are talking about $70 billion dollars wasted on defensive medicine.
If the survey included all specialties, all physicians, and all costs including the cost of malpractice premiums and physician practice time lost in litigation in all states, my guess would be the cost of defensive medicine would be ten times the 70 billion dollars. A $700 billion dollar cost for defensive medicine is an unnecessary cost to the healthcare system. This cost can be dismissed lightly or yield to unscientific expert opinion. The result does not include the emotional toll on physicians being sued and the lawsuits effect on their ability to practice medicine.
The legal system for handling malpractice claim is very costly. A more logical and cost effective system for adjudicating patients harmed by medical error needs to be instituted. |
Optimism is hardly in short supply amongst football fans at this time of the year, but it’s hard to see anything other than a season of struggle for Blackburn Rovers.
Steve Kean recently offered his opinion that, within four years, UEFA Champions League football will be on the menu at Ewood Park. Unless the competition’s parameters change drastically to allow for more clubs from each country access, it is difficult to foresee how they can dislodge three of the current top six sides in the Premier League during this period.
David Dunn has taken things a little slower, this week suggesting that as things stand, Blackburn are capable of at least finishing in the top ten this season. Again, when all the other clubs in the division are taken into consideration, this is likely to be an opinion not many outside of this particular Lancashire town are likely to share.
Ryan Nelsen, meanwhile, has expressed his disapproval of the criticism which has been directed at the clubs Indian owners, the Venky’s. The New Zealand international has called for fans to be patient, insisting there is no cause for panic at their lack of transfer activity, and that the new regime has the club in their hearts and the future is nothing but bright.
Despite this call for calm, Rovers fans can’t be blamed for nervously glancing towards the panic button. Their team, remember, survived relegation only on the final day of last season, and despite reports of the owners making £30million available for Kean, they have so far failed to make a single signing aside from Myles Anderson, a 20-year-old defender who last term made just one first team appearance for Aberdeen.
It seems laughable to think back to January, when there was talk of David Beckham and Ronaldinho being targets for the Venky’s. Indeed, such fantasy signings have continued to be mooted in recent weeks, with Emmanuel Adebayor, Jermain Defoe, Axel Witsel and Mirko Vucinic all being named as fanciful wants for the proud winners of the 1995 title. Yet perhaps such targets should be placed on hold until that Champions League qualification is secured.
Equally as worrying is the departure of Phil Jones, a £16million signing for Manchester United. Granted, this was a deal Rovers would have struggled to block, but six weeks have passed since and no replacement has yet been found. And with Christopher Samba continually linked with Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur, it would hardly be a surprise if their other quality central defender was sold before the window shuts next month.
Dunn’s opinion Rovers can finish in the top ten this season is that of a supporter of the club, which he has been all his life. In reality, such a final placing would, with this current pool of players, be a fine achievement. Of course there is nothing wrong with aiming high, but unless new faces are added to improve the squad in the coming weeks, a seventeenth placed finish would probably be acceptable. And with two of their last three fixtures being away to Arsenal and Chelsea, fans should be hoping safety is secured before the final straight.
Revealing his belief that the club will soon be rubbing shoulders with the likes of Barcelona and Milan was not a wise move, but you have to feel for Kean. The shock choice to replace Sam Allardyce last season, he was charged with the task of achieving something his predecessor was certain to achieve anyway – and he almost made a pig’s ear of that. The only thing more certain than Ronaldinho snubbing a move to Ewood is that if results at the start of the season are poor, it will be the Scot who pays the price and not those who appointed him in the first place.
Follow takefootball on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/takefootball |
Deviltry, singing skeletons, and undersea mayhem make things merrily macabre as the demented denizens of Halloweentown welcome their Pumpkin King in their own wonderfully warped way. While sweet rag doll Sally looks on amidst the eerily animated bony band of the vocalizing Skeleton Tree, the delighted Devil (plussed with pewter tail and feet) and the charmingly repellent Undersea Gal give Jack the highest compliment possible: he made flesh crawl! Behind the scenes, the puppet kings (and queens) animated 227 individual characters for the grisly engrossing tale, leading to the creepy characters celebrated by these ghoulishly spook-tacular sculptures. Devil entitled “Debonair Demon” is limited in production to the year 2010. He is 5” in height and was sculpted by Patrick Romandy Simmons. Comes boxed with certificate of authenticity. |
Join our community of golfers by rating a golf course you've played. Select from our global golf course database of over 38,000 golf courses in more than 200 countries. You can review with a simple star rating or rate up to seven categories and add photos and videos to your review. Need some help getting started? Check out these tips. |
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Single-family home currently rented in the 40514 area. Recently renovated residential rental property. New range, freshly paint, new carpet, new vanities, new light fixtures and other new flooring. This home features a fluid open floor plan with eat in kitchen open to living room and french doors out to the large deck. Home also features a formal dining room and an enormous master bedroom. An extra room off the formal dining room is perfect for a home office or another living area. Home is located in a very desirable location close to shopping and minutes to downtown just off of Clays Mill and Man O’ War. Full finished walkout basement with 1,200 square feet and roughed in bathroom. Large walk in area by 2nd and 3rd bedroom. 4th bedroom in full finished walkout basement with large windows. |
When it comes to standing out in a crowd, don’t look up, look at the flooring under your feet. Look down. Have you ever walked a tradeshow floor and did nothing for fifteen minutes but look at the flooring an exhibitor is using in their booth? In many cases, you can’t ignore the floor. It’s quite an education on the use of a variety of flooring options for today’s exhibitors. If you’re not taking advantage of any of them, it’s a sure bet that many of your competitors are.
One example of a client we work with, Schmidt’s Naturals, has used custom printed flooring in both of their recent Expo West presentations, and to say it helped their exhibit stand out is an understatement. With the ability to print custom graphics and messaging on the floor gives you a (no pun intended) leg up on the competition.
Another client, Dave’s Killer Bread/Alpine Valley, didn’t use custom printed flooring, but instead chose to separate the two brands in a 10×30 space by using one type of flooring (printed vinyl) for one brand and another type (black carpet) for the other brand. Great way to distinguish the two brands in a single space.
Printed carpet is also available, using the dye-sub technology to add branding to the soft carpet below your feet.
Another approach that draws attention to your booth space is to raise the floor by two or three inches. I hear this is very common in Europe. The edges in this case will often have a slanted walkway or entry to help visitors avoid tripping hazards. Raised flooring also lets you take care of all wire management underneath the flooring, and it’s easy to change out the surface from show to show.
Whatever you decide on flooring, there are multiple opportunities that should be considered to give yourself a visual edge in drawing attention of attendees. |
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his hands and gags his mouth. She mounts him and starts making him sniff her bare soles. Her thick soles cover his mouth completely while she smears sweat all over his face and nose. Caitlyns sweaty shoes have been on Jasons mind for some time, so he sneaks them in quickly while shes not around. In spite of this, she suddenly enters and catches him red handed! She cannot believe he tried to smell her shoes without her permission! As she throws him to the couch, she ties his hands up and gags him. She mounts him and begins making him sniff her stinky soles. She grins and smears her sweat all over his face and nose, covering his mouth with her thick soles completely. The smell of Caitlyns sweaty shoes has intrigued Jason for a while, but she is out at the moment, so he sneaks it in quickly. When she comes in, she catches him red-handed! Shes furious at him trying to smell her shoes without her permission, so she throws him to the couch, ties his hands, and gags... |
The search for the absolutely perfect cotton T-shirt continues. T-shirt wearers around the world seem to be endlessly searching for that ideal T-shirt that is so soft and comfortable that you never want to take it off. They want a cotton T-shirt that also fits perfectly, never fades, looks great on everyone and never shrinks. Some things are practically impossible to find in a T-shirt while others are quite possible. The super soft cotton T-shirt definitely does exist and is surprisingly easy to find.
While almost all T-shirts are made of cotton, what makes some of them much softer than others? You can pick up 2 almost identical T-shirts and they can feel very different to the touch. The difference can be attributed to a variety of factors. Quality of course makes a huge difference. You must also pay a premium for quality. Therefore expect more expensive T-shirts to be softer, while cheaper ones will be less so.
One of the main factors is the type of cotton your T-shirt is made of. Cotton grown in certain areas of the world such as Egypt, Arizona and other places is softer than that of other areas, because the cotton fiber can grow longer than usual under ideal conditions. These long fibers that result from a longer growing season can then be made into very fine yarn which produces the softest of fabrics. These extra long fiber cottons are amongst the highest quality cotton on the market. Soft cotton shirts are typically a sign of high quality.
Another thing to look at in terms of the quality and softness of a T-shirt is the thread count. If the tee is made of high quality fabric, it is likely to be 200 plus count, referring to the how many threads make up an inch of the material. The higher the thread count, the better in terms of quality and softness, however you can also have high thread counts without the quality. So beware, finding high thread counts may not mean that you have a soft T-shirt on hand. However, a general rule of thumb is that fine thread means a soft fabric.
Special techniques also ensure extremely soft cotton fabrics. Combed cotton helps to remove any remaining tough fibers before cotton is spun into thread. This is typically a more expensive type of cotton, though it is definitely softer than the average. It is well-known that T-shirts made of combed cotton are softer and more luxurious than many other T-shirts on the market.
If you are ready to find a perfectly soft T-shirt, try ordering a custom-made T-shirt. You can choose the color, style, quality, cut and design that you want. You not only get a great shirt that is soft and comfortable, but you can have it say anything you want it to. You can customize a great shirt for every occasion you can think of. You can show pride, beliefs, passions and more with a custom-made tee.
Get your perfect T-shirt custom-made today for the ultimate in luxury and comfort. |
One of my posts from 2010, “What do you need to live video stream your event?” is one of the most popular posts on my web site, according to my stats. This post also leads to a large number of emails from folks with questions about live streaming.
I had a great question and answer session via email with a reader the other day and wanted to sure my answers with all of you. I hope that this is useful to you and answers some of the questions you might have about live streaming.
The reader’s questions are in bold below, with my answers below each question. — Douglas
First, let me say that I am a big proponent of starting to stream in any way possible and then building up the quality of your streams as you go. This allows you get some of the benefits of streaming while still learning and building up your equipment. Perfect is good, but done is better. I recommend jumping in and just “doing” it — even as practice. You will learn so much.
1. What type of cameras do we need? We were going to start with 2 (2 different angles), but we don’t know what TYPE of cameras we need. What do they need to be equipped with?
You can use anything from the built-in webcam on a laptop, an external webcam (check out the Logitech C920 for an HD one
), a Firewire-capable camcorder or high-end “TV” cameras. I am not an expert on the high-end stuff, so I will have to leave that to more knowledgeable folks. That said, anything you can get a video signal from can potentially be used for streaming. You may need to run analog cameras through some sort of switcher or analog-digital convertor to connect it to your computer, but if you have a video source, you should be able to stream it,
2. We need a switcher, yes? We’ll be switching from 1 angle to another during the stream.
If you want to have multiple cameras, yes, you will probably need a switcher. That said, on a very low-end scale, you could also have 2 webcams and then switch which input is being used by the streaming site at any time. This is a pretty low-end way of doing it, but it works and would allow you to experiment a bit first.
If you are looking at video mixers, here are two examples from Amazon.com:
Roland V-4 4-Channel Video Mixer
3. We were told we also need a streaming encoder. Do we?
A streaming encoder is used for higher-end situations. Basically it is just a locally run piece of software the pre-encodes the signal before sending it along to the streaming site. For most free streaming setups, this encoding is done by the site. You may not need this initially.
4. Can a switcher and an encoder be part of the same equipment?
Yes, there are a couple of systems that have been introduced lately that are basically rack mounted streaming “systems” that include switch, encoder, a PC with network/wifi, etc.
Here are two systems I have seen recently:
5. We are NOT looking to TAPE the concert for later viewing. Do we still need a “capture card”?
Most streaming sites will also record and archive your show for later watching, but you can also capture a copy locally yourself. In this case, your local copy will always be of higher quality than the streamed version, due to bandwidth limitations, etc. I think archiving your streams is a great idea as you will always have many more views from the recorded versions that you will from the live stream. Live streams require people to be in a particular place at a particular time and so limit the number of people who can “attend”. Recorded versions can be watched whenever and wherever the person might be, so more people view it. This is not to say you can’t charge for access to these recorded versions. You don’t have to give them away for free.
6. How LARGE a computer do we need? What type of capacity does that computer need to have?
You want the fastest computer you can get, with plenty of memory (4GB-8GB) and several large hard drives (1TB+) Audio and video files can grow very large and you need enough space to hold each show, archived shows and editing space, if you want to edit or convert the files.
7. How do we get the live feed onto our website?
When using a streaming service like uStream.tv, etc, they provide you an “embed code” that you simply copy and paste to your site or anywhere else you want the stream to appear. It is just a small snippet of HTML that should work nearly anywhere.
8. How can we sell tickets on their website via Pay-Per-View?
Sorry, that is outside my knowledge area, unfortunately.
9. We want the best quality — HD — that we can get, although we’re on a very strapped (i.e., small) budget.
Surprisingly, even a consumer camcorder can take quite decent 1080p HD video. The streaming software/equipment/service/bandwidth will always be the limiting factor for the foreseeable future.
I hope this has helped a bit. My knowledge is more at the level of the “beginner” live streamer, so I am not sure what more I can offer. |
UFO sightings often come in bunches, like southeast Michigan in 1966. After a few days of sighting reports by civilians, on March 17 two Washtenaw County Sheriff’s deputies, Sgt. Neil Schneider and Deputy David Fitzpatrick, said they saw three or four red, white and green circular objects oscillating and glowing near Milan about 4 a.m. They called Willow Run Airport officials, but radar could not confirm the report. Two more Washtenaw deputies, Buford Bushroe and John Foster, chased the same types of objects three days later. Livingston and Monroe County residents also reported seeing the objects. The Detroit News carried the police chase story and a drawing of a quilted football-like UFO with lights, dome and antennae. When Dexter Patrolman Robert Huniwell saw the object at 9:30 p.m. at Quigly and Brand, Washtenaw County Sheriff Douglas Harvey ordered all available deputies to the scene. Six patrol cars, two men in each, and three detectives converged on the area. They chased the flying object along Island Lake Road without catching it.
Farm owner Frank Mannor and his family said they came within 500 yards, “It wasn’t like the pictures of a flying saucer and it had a coral-like surface,” Mannor said. Carloads of students from nearby University of Michigan and Eastern Michigan converged on the area after hearing radio reports. The Air Force sent in “Project Blue Book” astronomer and UFO expert J. Allen Hynek, who drove around for two hours and 45 minutes. “Swamp gas” he concluded. “Marsh gas usually has no smell, but sounds like the small popping explosions similar to a gas burner igniting. The gas forms from decomposition of vegetation. It seems likely that as the present spring thaws came, the gases methane, hydrogen sulfide and phosphine, resulting from decomposition of organic materials, were released.” But William Van Horn, a local civil defense director and pilot who claimed he had seen the UFOs, was outraged by the report. A Hillsdale native, Van Horn said he grew up next to a swamp and knew more about swamp gas than Hynek. “A lot of good people are being ridiculed,” Van Horn concluded. Each day, Michigan at the Millenium takes a look at the people, events and ideas that have shaped our world. NOTE: The above image is real but from a San Diego case file. At the time, Allen Hynek was supposed to debunk all UFO sightings for Project Blue Book. He finally became a believer after many sightings researched proving to be possible alien craft.
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Sherco 2016 2 Stroke Range
Like all Sherco models the 250 SE-R 2-stroke benefits from the latest technology and it is also equipped with an electric starter. The valve openings are electronically controlled and are a function of the
ignition curve which provides perfect throttle response. This is the secret of this engine, it is unanimously recognized for its efficiency at both high and low speeds. The chassis, meanwhile received upgrades based on the recipe that has made the Sherco reputation: perfect handling and adaptation to the demands placed upon it by the rigors of enduro racing. This year the bike is equipped with a new exhaust, new footrests and a reinforced rear subframe, it is equipped with higher quality components and should show improved resistance over time. |
Mommy notice today that I started a new demanding sound, I scream now. Previously I would normally make noices like I am hungry or sleepy but today I started to scream if my demands are not met or I am left alone unattended.
Today because mommy was too busy making "Tong Yuen", a chinese dessert made from glutinous rice flour. Auntie Jin came over the our house with Kylie and play with me. But later Auntie Jin brought me over to the house and when Ser Yi carries me, I started crying. This was when mommy heard me crying from the kitchen, mommy walked out and try to call out for me which made me cry even louder. I stopped crying when mommy started holding me.
Mommy today also touch my gums and called daddy telling daddy that my tooth is coming out soon. Seems like mommy is even more excited than I am. Mommy also started feeding me with NESTLÉ Rusk which I could easily finish half of it.
Daddy and mommy took video of me getting up and walking today,
Some photos taken today
Click here for slideshow.
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Moss Vale in the New South Wales Southern Highlands was once a market town and is said to have been named after a herdsman, and former convict, named Jemmy (Jeremy) Moss, who lived in a bark hut near the present railway station. His employer, Dr Charles Throsby, pioneered the district in the early 1800s. Settlers in the region established farms, raising sheep and cattle, growing fruit, potatoes and cabbages, among other things. The rural ethic continues to this day, with more than 150 artisan food and wine producers stretching across nine distinct communities in the Highlands.
The farmers, winemakers and food producers have banded together to form the Southern Highlands Food & Wine Clusters, which have been designed to entice visitors direct to the region’s farm gates.
I am hoping that this Good Things article will encourage you to discover that there is more to Moss Vale than meets the eye. Indeed, as you will see from the map below, Moss Vale offers a delicious destination for food and wine enthusiasts.
The Moss Vale Cluster was launched recently at Peppers Manor House, in conjunction with the relaunch of that beautifully refurbished property.
Driving the initiative is NSW Regional Business Leader of the Year, Brigid Kennedy, along with my friend, Food Path pioneer Jill Dyson. The project has been made possible with the backing of the Moss Vale Chamber of Commerce, and Destination Southern Highlands.
"By working together as a food and wine community, we have made it easy for people to get hands on with their food source, and buy direct from the farmer. Visitors can also stay on the farms, where they can enjoy an authentic taste of Highlands country living," Brigid explained.
The farm gate experience adds to the English village charm of Moss Vale, with its historic heart, grand heritage residences, and winding highland roads lined with European trees. Food lovers are spoiled for choice when selecting a base for exploring the cluster. From cosy country cabin stays on a working Angus farm at Pines Pastoral, or the living canvas of local lifestyle designs to be experienced when staying at The House by Them, to the decadent new Garden suites at Peppers Manor House.
Foraging for fresh local produce is just the beginning with Paddock-to-Plate cooking classes offered at Fox Hill Farm, Italian Food Experiences at Tre Porcellini, or unwinding with a glass of wine or cup of specialty tea on the wide verandahs of the Farm Club Tea House.
There is also a variety of Moss Vale eateries to visit, many of which offer local farm produce, great tasting food, and exciting experiences. Add Bernie's Diner, Katers Restaurant at Peppers Manor House, The Porterhouse Bistro, Il Pranzo Cafe, The Post Cafe and Bar, and Tooses Wine Bar to your list of places to visit.
Producers within the Moss Vale Cluster include Highland Organics, Maugers Meats, Park Hill Garlic, Mt Ashby Wines, and Southern Highlands Wines. There's also the Railway Street Farmer's Market.
If the food and wine showcased at the launch of the Moss Vale Food & Wine Cluster is anything to go by, then Moss Vale should be at the top of your next food and wine destination.
Moss Vale Food & Wine Cluster launch - postcards and morsels...
The Good Things team enjoyed the launch of the Moss Vale Food and Wine Cluster, and an overnight stay, degustation and breakfast as guests of Peppers Manor House and the Moss Vale Food & Wine Cluster. We made our own way to Sutton Forest by private vehicle.
Apart from the lead image of the Moss Vale bandstand and the photo of the roaring fireplace, all of the images used in this article were kindly provided courtesy of Peppers Manor House and the Moss Vale Food & Wine Cluster. (To my huge disappointment, my little travel camera was not playing nicely).
For more information about the Southern Highlands Food & Wine Clusters, visit the web site. For more information or to book a stay at the award winning Peppers Manor House, visit the web site.
Tell me dear readers, have you ever been to Moss Vale in the New South Wales Southern Highlands? Have you stopped in to explore all that the area offers? And you like the idea of the food and wine clusters as much as I do?
Cooking and writing have been a lifelong passion.
Join me as I share with you my favourite recipes; postcards and morsels from my travels; conversations with cookery writers
and chefs; and news on food, cookbooks
- Liz Posmyk
NB: I use Australian standard measuring cups and spoons in my recipes. |
const vs define:
We may call it "prefer the compiler to the preprocessor" because #define is often treated as if it's not part of the language per se. That's one of its problems. When you do something like
#define RATIO 1.653
the symbolic name RATIO may never be seen by compilers; it may be removed by the preprocessor before the source code ever gets to a compiler. As a result, the name RATIO may not get entered into the symbol table. This can be confusing if you get an error during compilation involving the use of the constant, because the error message may refer to 1.653, not RATIO. If RATIO was defined in a header file you didn't write, you'd then have no idea where that 1.653 came from, and you'd probably waste time tracking it down. This problem can also crop up in a symbolic debugger, because, again, the name you're programming with may not be in the symbol table.
The solution to this sorry scenario is simple and succinct. Instead of using a preprocessor macro, define a constant:
const double RATIO = 1.653; |
History Theatre presents series. Hosted by Dane Stauffer, star of History Theatre's smash hit original musical Glensheen (which is returning next summer to St. Paul and Alexandria), the show also featured Dane's talented friends, including some of the Glensheen cast. Dane is an amiable and personable host, and the evening was full of songs, skits, laughs, singalongs, and touching moments, just like those holiday variety specials of old.
If you're going to do a musical variety show, why not get the Twin Cities' favorite pianist Dan Chouinard as musical director? Dane was smart enough to do that, and also enlist his brother Kris to play in the four-piece band. The cast included the women of Glensheen (Jennifer Maren, Ruthie Baker, and Sandra Struthers) singing some lovely Andrews Sisters harmony, and reunited Dane with the fab singing men of When a Man Loves a Diva (Julius Collins and Ben Bakken). Rounding out the cast was the always hilarious Beth Gilleland with skits and stories, and Leslye Orr on sound effects. Performing solo and in groups of various sizes and combinations, it was a wonderful showcase of #TCTheater talent (see songlist below).
The set of Beyond the Rainbow: Garland at Carnegie Hall (closing this weekend!), was festooned with Christmas trees and other holiday decor. The cast was dressed up in festive gear as well. The evening featured a couple dozen holiday songs, as well as some non-holiday songs that had special meaning to the performers. Most were traditional, but with a nice mix of more contemporary selections, and some fun new arrangements of familiar songs. In addition to the music, they did a few old timey radio comedy skits, my favorite of which was Dane and Beth's sketch about a very modern couple. And what truly made the show truly special is that the performers shared their memories, losses, and loves, all of which come together for that bittersweet holiday mix that we can all relate to.
Coming up after the holidays is another special event at History Theatre - their annual "Raw Stages" new works festival (including a new Hatcher/Poling musical). 70% of the plays and musicals that the History Theatre produces are originals, and Raw Stages is an important part in that development process.
Here's the songlist from the show: |
Ready to Row
A rework from way, way back... The rowboats on the lake at Mohonk Mountain House, waiting for guests; it was an early favorite of mine,
just a year into photography when I shot it. Seeing it in my archives this week, makes me really want to go back for another weekend stay.
© Chris Budny
Copyright for this gallery photo belongs solely to Chris Budny. Images may not be copied, downloaded, or used in any way without the express, written permission of the photographer. |
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At a Special Work Session on Monday, December 18, 2023, the New Kent County Board of Supervisors appointed District 3 resident, Amy M. Pearson, to fill the unexpired term of the late Patricia A. Paige, who passed away on November 28, 2023. Pearson’s term will end on December 31, 2024 after a November 5, 2024 Special Election to fill the vacancy for what would have been Paige’s third term on the Board.
Pearson is the Chief Financial Officer for the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission, where she has worked for 13 years. She is also a former Assistant Financial Services Director for New Kent County, where she worked from November 2001 until October 2010. She has over 30 years experience in financial administration/management. Pearson has also served on both the New Kent Planning Commission and the Board of Equalization after being appointed to both by Paige, and has served as the New Kent County representative for Plan RVA. She is also a former New Kent County Chief Election Officer.
“I am truly honored by your confidence in me,” Pearson said at her final Planning Commission meeting on December 18. “Make no mistake though, I could try the rest of my life and I could never take the place of Ms. Paige. She truly was an icon and a voice for New Kent County. And although I can’t fill her shoes, I will give it my all to be the voice for the District 3 citizens of New Kent.,” she said. “Like Ms. Paige. I am a listener, a thinker and a doer. I assure you I will be accessible and I will give 110 percent.”
Pearson was chosen from a field of 24 candidates and was approved unanimously by the Board of Supervisors. Board Chairman C.T. “Tommy” Tiller, Jr., who also served on the Planning Commission with Pearson, said that she was the most qualified and experienced applicant for the position. “The residents of District 3 will be lucky to have her as their representative on the Board,” he said.
Pearson and her husband Ned have lived in New Kent County for over 20 years. They have three adult children and four granddaughters. |
So, as we all know, I have problems. One of those problems is insomnia. Another problem? I like to read.
Those two problems sometimes combine into an unstoppable force.
When this happens, I often find myself in bed, reading Reddit.
And, because using a computer while pretending that I’m totally going to sleep, no really is uncomfortable, I’m usually reading Reddit on my phone.
We also know that I have this blog.
These two things combined last month into a truly cunning plan: why not download all the Reddit apps and see what they’re like, and find one that isn’t 100% intolerable.
So, I did that.
So, yeah, slacking again. What have I done recently? Well, there was that week that I spent in bed [probably depression related], and then the extra day I spent in bed [my intestines exploded — it was very yucky], so I haven’t been doing much of anything.
That last day I spent in bed, though, I ended up experimenting with a free trial of Hulu+.
I won’t be paying them.
I was going to do a post about something else, but it’s going to take a while. There’s going to be images — might even be stuff I drew.
But I’m not.
I’m also not doing any of the other post ideas I have lined up.
Instead, I’m procrastinating. And I’m posting about it. |
Today I have something special - a kind of surprise from me and 7 Dots Studio. Something similar to blog-hop but more a kind of a journey around the world - to the places that are in hearts of all 7 Dots Studio Design Team members. Be prepared for something unusual - grab your coffee and sit comfortably. Are you ready? So please continue reading.
You know, that 7 Dots Studio DT members come from all over the world - each of them wants to share a piece of their "daily world" - to show you places, towns, cities, countries, where they live. And we are especially happy that in our times, there are no distance, that could be an obstacle in sending things around the world. 7 Dots Studio products are in each place, where 7 Dots Studio DT members live. I would like you to know 7 Dots Studio has a store, where you can buy their products and they can ship them to any place in the world. So no matter how far or how close to 7 Dots Studio you live, you can always order your favourite supplies and they will pack them with love and send to you (always as trackable, priority post).
On top of the great journey, you can start in a while, or you have just already started on 7 Dots Studio blog, hopping on our DT members blogs, we would like to offer you a special discount for our store - 15% off everything - it is valid for all purchases till September 9th. So you have 2 days to visit our store and decide, what you would like to order. The discount will be available after using a special coupon code.
When you visit all the blogs in particular order (info below and on each blog there will be information about previous blog and next one) you will gather all letters (not all blogs have letters for you - please remember it), and all the letters will be your coupon code valid for any purchase in our store till September 9th.So are you ready? :)If yes, please start hopping.
The first blog is: Keren Tamir - https://kerentamir.blogspot.com/ here is the full list of blogs in particular order, so if you would get lost, you always can take a look at the list below and to be on track again.
7 Dots Studio - http://7dotsstudio.com/archives/241...
Keren Tamir - https://kerentamir.blogspot.com/
Anna Wiśniewska - http://smakizycia-wiosanka.blogspot.com/...
Anna Rogalska - http://annar-mojepasje.blogspot.com/...
Fiona Paltridge - http://pastichescrapbookstudio.blogspot.com/...
Louise Nelson - http://louise-justloolabelle.blogspot.com.au/...
Natalia Shaligyna - http://fraumuller.blogspot.com/
Riikka Kovasin - http://paperiliitin.blogspot.com/
Eirini Tsaima - http://renagym.blogspot.gr/
Cindy Brown - http://talkis23.blogspot.ca/
Sanderijn de Bruin-Mittendorff - http://sanderijndebruin.blogspot.nl/...
Anastasi Kuznetsova - http://scrapbarsik.blogspot.ru/
Sandra Bernard - http://saisir-le-moment.blogspot.ca/...
Marina Syskova - http://marina-solnechnaya.blogspot.ru/...
Olga Eltysheva - http://tykovka22.blogspot.ru/
Nastya Istorkina - http://istorkina.blogspot.com/
Nathmaël Nathalie Dalibard - http://nathmael.canalblog.com/
Kasia Bogatko-Skoczypiec - http://scrapowanieciri.blogspot.com/...
Marie Johansson - http://www.createwithoutlimits.com/
Marta Łapkowska - http://artistycrafty.blogspot.ie/
Tusia Lech - http://tusialech.com/
So to sum things up:
- visit all blogs in particular order
- enjoy photos and videos from the places our design team members live
- gather all letters to receive 15% discount for everything in 7 Dots Studio store
- come back and leave them a comment here with your order number and they will also choose one random person that will receive free shipping on that order.
I have no letter for coupon code.
And now - welcome to my part of the world:
And as a treat from me - I have a litte giveaway at my Facebook page. Just follow tap the Facebook button above and you will be redirected to the right spot. |
Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) continues to be reported to truly have a higher bleeding price than conventional strategies. pantoprazole group weighed against the famotidine group (3.5% vs. 12.7%, and complete resection rate between your two groups. To conclude, pantoprazole works more effectively than famotidine for preventing delayed blood loss after ESD. resection Acetylcysteine is usually not accomplished using conventional methods like the remove biopsy or cover EMR (2). So that they can overcome this restriction, endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) methods using a selection of knives, like the insulated-tip or the Acetylcysteine triangle-tip versions, have been created (3-5). ESD can totally remove affected mucosa by dissecting through the center or deeper area of the submucosa (6). The top specimen extending in to the submucosa achieved by submucosal dissection methods allows definitive pathological evaluation of resection margins and invasion depth also for huge tumors higher than 20 mm in size. This would most likely create a lower recurrence price than piecemeal resection (1). ESD can perform an entire resection in most sufferers, but it can be associated with an increased risk of blood loss than traditional EMR (7). Although blood loss during ESD is normally treated with techniques such as for example electrocoagulation and hemoclipping and poses no scientific issue, postoperative or postponed blood loss, alternatively, continues to be reported in any other case (8). Avoidance of blood loss after ESD can be therefore a significant clinical concern. For stopping blood loss after ESD, histamine2-receptor antagonists (H2RAs) or proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) have already been administered. Nevertheless, few studies have already been designed to investigate the potency of H2RAs or PPIs for stopping blood loss after ESD. As a result, the purpose of this research was to evaluate the relative efficiency of pantoprazole and famotidine for preventing delayed blood loss after ESD. Components AND Strategies We executed a potential, randomized, single-blind comparative trial. All sufferers going through ESD for gastric neoplasm between Sept 2005 and Sept 2006 had been one of them prospective Acetylcysteine research. They were arbitrarily designated, before gastric ESD, to pantoprazole or famotidine medicine. Within the pantoprazole group, pantoprazole 80 mg (a launching dose) was presented with intravenously 2 hr before ESD, and 8 mg/hr of intravenous pantoprazole was presented with continuously for the very first 24 hr (maintenance). At the next time, pantoprazole 40 mg was presented with intravenously double. From the 3rd time after ESD, pantoprazole 40 mg was implemented orally for eight weeks. Within the famotidine group, famotidine 20 mg was presented with intravenously double daily for 2 times, beginning 2 hr before ESD. From the 3rd time after ESD, famotidine 20 mg was implemented orally twice Cops5 daily for eight weeks. The signs for ESD had been followings: gastric adenoma (no restriction in proportions) and an early on gastric adenocarcinoma (well or reasonably differentiated; size 2 cm if raised, 1 cm if stressed out; no ulceration; no lymph node participation or metastasis by CT) (6). Sufferers had been excluded if indeed they got a previous background of higher gastrointestinal medical procedures or vagotomy; known hypersensitivity to pantoprazole or famotidine; current usage of aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, or corticosteroids. Feasible problems of ESD had been discussed using the sufferers and their family members, and written up to date consent was attained before entry in to the trial. The Ethics Committee of Chonnam Country wide University Hospital accepted the treatment process. The allocation of sufferers to treatment was completed by sketching sequentially numbered envelopes, each formulated with a previously motivated, arbitrarily selected assignment predicated on a desk of random amounts. Investigations before ESD Demographic and scientific characteristics, including age group and gender, had been recorded. The positioning, size, and histopathological kind of lesions had been documented before ESD. Sufferers had been evaluated for infections by fast urease ensure that you endoscopic biopsy specimens. Biopsy specimens had been stained with H&E and Giemsa. The current presence of infection was regarded negative only when rapid urease ensure that you biopsy specimen had been both harmful. ESD ESD was performed by endoscopic submucosal dissection technique using an insulated-tip diathermic blade for resection. Following the procedure, how big is tissues specimen, any instant problems, and histopathologic results had been documented. ESD was regarded complete once the neoplastic tissues was circumferentially encircled by mucosal and submucosal non-neoplastic tissues (2). ESD was regarded as imperfect when neoplastic tissues was present on the mucosal and/or submucosal margins from the ESD specimen no extra resections on the periphery of tumor have been used that demonstrated tumor-free. |
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A Vox Motus/National Theatre of Scotland Production with the Tianjin People’s Art Theatre of China. First performed Oct 2013 at the Citizens Theatre, Glasgow.
Dragon – Production Trailer from National Theatre of Scotland on Vimeo.
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Gangubai Kathiawadi Becomes Alia Bhatt’s Highest Solo Opening Film, Surpasses Raazi!
Posted on 26 Feb, 2022
The much anticipated - Gangubai Kathiawadi featuring Alia Bhatt in the titular role, helmed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali hit the big screen this Friday. The film opened to a solid number - 10.5 Cr on its Day 1 and is expected to pick up over the weekend, especially in metro cities. The advance was phenomenal which added to the bumper opening.
Alia Bhatt starrer opens up with double digits despite the theatres in most cities (especially Mumbai and Delhi) having 50 % occupancy, and limited night shows surpassing all expectations and making it the highest female-centric film opening. Riding high on critical acclaim, Gangubai Kathiawadi is touted to be Alia’s best performance to date. From industry insiders to audiences, the film has been lauded by everyone alike.
Calling it a solid start for the film, a trade portal quoted, “Alia Bhatt is easily the top female star today.”
Vicky Kaushal who had attended the special screening of the film had shared,
“Absolutely shook by the sheer brilliance at display in this film. SLB Sir you are a master! And @aliaabhatt don’t even know what to say about you…breathtakingly amazing as Gangu! Hats off”.
Anil Kapoor too took to Twitter to post,
Netizens too have hailed Alia’s commendable performance. A user tweeted, “M sure this film break all record's So I just happened to watch FDFS of #GangubaiKathiawadi & my goodness I couldn’t stop praising Alia's Performance as Gangubai!”
The film also stars Ajay Devgn, Vijay Raaz, and Shantanu Maheshwari in pivotal roles.
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Sonam Kapoor: Will always champion an Indian designer on international platforms |
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For those who remember the days and months that followed 9/11, there is an unnerving feeling of déjà vu about the Hamas attacks on Israel.
The same shocking images of carnage and grief dominating the news. The same disbelief that anyone could be so hateful, so monstrous, so evil as to do this to another human being. The same outpourings of support and unity from around the world. The same shared fear that this could easily have happened to us or our loved ones.
Now once again the drums of war are sounding on the world stage, not that they ever really stopped. Israel is preparing to invade Gaza, the Palestinians are nearing a humanitarian crisis, and the rest of the world is bracing for whatever blowback comes next. |
James Rickards: When Next Financial Crisis Hits, Elites Plan To Freeze The Financial System Worldwide
As the dollar dies, so will the US military, Israel, Argentina and anyone else foolish enough to shackle their economic future to a collapsing currency
China's major shadow bank Zhongzhi declares 'severe insolvency' with a $36 billion shortfall, signaling liquidity problems in the $2.9 trillion Chinese shadow banking sector.
Argentina's President-elect Javier Milei said on Friday that the closure of the country's central bank, a signature campaign pledge, was a "non-negotiable matter", according to a statement from his office posted on social media platform X.
"Wars without Gun Smoke"
Venezuela is the country with the highest inflation in the world, with an increase in consumer prices estimated at 360 percent in 2023, according to the latest figures from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), published in October.
Rebunked #139 | The Impending Monetary Collapse | John Sneisen
Chinese authorities congratulated Javier Milei on his victory in Sunday's runoff but warned it would be a step in the wrong direction for Argentina to cut ties with Beijing.
Kudos to Javier Milei for winning the Argentine presidency on a platform of sound money, low taxes and slashing government spending. Like me, he's a follower of Austrian economist Murray Rothbard, whose "Man, Economy, and State" I first read at
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According to the latest monthly poll conducted by the Global Strategy Group and North Star Opinion Research, some 61% of respondents said they disapproved of Biden's handling of the economy, while only 36% approved.
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"War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives
Several dozen owners of transport companies on Monday blocked three major Polish border crossings with Ukraine to protest what they say is unfair competition from the neighbouring country's businesses.
Who controls global wealth?
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Is The Panama Government About to Collapse and What Would That Mean for America?
(Bloomberg) -- Vanguard Group Inc. is taking its last steps to exit China and shut down its office in the 29 trillion yuan ($4 trillion) mutual fund market.
Zelenskyy thought he was protected. He thought he could do or say anything and still be the 'head honcho'.
The El Niño weather pattern has sparked a drought this year across Central America that is creating extreme congestion at the Panama Canal, prompting some ships to turn around and seek alternative routes.
In this episode, Sal Mercogliano - maritime historian at Campbell University (@campbelledu) and former merchant mariner - discusses the situation facing the Panama Canal and the announcement by the Panama Canal Authority to reduce the number of trans
The shipping giant A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S reported a slide in profit and revenue for the third quarter, forcing the company to take a defensive position by eliminating upwards of 10,000 jobs as falling container rates and waning demand batter the glo
A new article in The Guardian details the enthusiasm among the masters of Wall Street for the wars in Gaza (and Ukraine), issuing "buy" orders all around for US weapons manufacturer stocks.
The only way that we can continue to have cheap food is if we have cheap energy.
Are the Chinese selling US dollar-denominated assets to buy gold?
Japan's era of negative interest rates will end in coming months, and the implications for world markets will be enormous, with US Treasuries set to suffer the most, according to the latest Bloomberg Markets Live Pulse survey. |
Before getting into as litigator professional, one needs to understand the exact meaning of litigation. The profession deals with legal method of settling the controversies or disputes among people and organizations. In the process, the case is brought before a court of law to make it suitable to hear the case.
There are professional lawyers and litigators who have successfully taken this profession as career and are leading state cases. Jonathan Bunge is a litigator partner in Kirkland of Chicago. Over the years, he has tired over 30 cases and handled state & federal cases successfully.
There are different areas in litigations, and one such is civil litigation which is also known as Sport of Kings. Civil lawsuit is basically the suit that falls outside the scope of criminal realm. The civil lawsuit encompasses diverse areas like personal injury, wrongful death, employment law and others.
This litigation area is largely practiced by law clerks, attorneys and legal support staff. Moreover, it is the highest paying legal practice area among other law career.
Let us now check the litigation pros that should be known:
- It’s rewarding to assist clients: During the course of litigation case, it is obvious that litigator becomes close to client. Clients keep in touch with the litigator regarding the progress and other information. This certainly helps both the parties to stay connected for long term.
- Its pays of well: Attorneys who are specializing in civil litigation are paid well compared to other attorneys. In addition to the fees, they are also offered with compensation and other perks.
- Diverse Work: While working on a certain case, litigator comes across general understanding about different process, rules and standard deadlines that are important to know. On certain days, the litigator may also perform duties including advising clients and researching on documents needed for the work.
- Best Profession during recession: According to the study by National Center for State Courts, it is found that during recession the litigation profession was in rise and more number of cases were filed. This certainly shows that the profession has a great future.
- Gives Opportunity for Trail Experience: One of the best things about this profession is you get the experience of working under courtroom, which attorneys and paralegals may take long time to get in. They advise clients and develop case strategies in the courtroom.
- A transferable Career Option: Litigation offers a career switch option as it helps to hone diverse skills. These skills can be used in others of laws and legal options. The profession also helps in expanding general knowledge of researching and communication area.
Mastering into this profession depends on how the individual takes it seriously. Litigator can find it hard to get into the profession, as the competition in the field in increasing. So seeking advice from experts will be great help. |
Reviews of Three Theatrical Shows and Technique DVDs
“Fantasy Bellydance-Desire”, “Outi Wa Bas”, “Bellyqueen: Ultimate Fusion”
by Elianae Stone
posted January 17, 2014
This segment of three DVDs was fascinating to research. I am comparing Fantasy Bellydance-Desire, Outi Wa Bas, and Bellyqueen, Bellydance NYC-the Ultimate Fusion Experience. Although each DVD was very different from the other, all had an aspect of theatrics or stage performance to them. It is safe to say that there is a style of Bellydance for everyone.
Fantasy Bellydance-Desire from World Dance New York is Part two in a 3 part choreography series for Intermediate/Advanced dancers. This DVD features the talents of 3 dancers, Blanca, Naraya, and Darshan. Blanca teaches a Cabaret-Fusion Choreography, and Naraya and Darshan teach tribal fusion pieces. All are talented dancers, with beautiful costuming, masterful choreography, and great lighting and sound. The DVD is very well-produced, with a main menu featuring each dancer and performances and credits. If you click on each dancer, however, you are directed to a separate menu where the dancer describes the “character” you will be playing, thoughts or tips for your practice, or rituals to prepare yourself spiritually for the dancing. Each dancer then launches into a full performance of the dance, then a thorough breakdown. In short, there are about 35 buttons that you can click on for different features of the DVD.
I think this DVD is definitely geared towards more advanced dancers, as it claims, but it also is very fusion and tribal-orientated, which could encourage or discourage some dancers.
Also, in each dancer’s section, much of the intricate choreography is learned without repetition and without music, although there is a music practice segment at the end. There is a separate music menu in the credits section, as well, so that one learning the choreography could purchase the music.
I think that this is a very creative offering, and that fans of World Dance New York will appreciate the talent of the Instructors. However, this DVD encompasses so many styles of bellydance and western dance, it would take a strong, patient dancer to get the most out of this DVD. A great study-buddy for the advanced dancer wanting some fusion choreographies.
Rating: 3 Zills
Outi Wa Bas
This DVD was a live full Egyptian bellydance show by Outi in Cairo. Outi is a popular Egyptian-style bellydancer, and this DVD was very well-produced. This show, by comparison, was a live full Egyptian cabaret show, and the theatrics presented were traditional to Egyptian culture and dance.
The show had excellent sound and video quality and featured a live 9-piece band and several singers, as well as Outi and two male dancers. There were 8 songs performed and I liked how each was introduced on the screen by name, and even the style was designated, such as Shaabi, Saidi, or Khalegy.
Outi has always included musical and historical knowledge to her dance DVDs, which I think is a boon for anyone who appreciate the art of Oriental dance.
Outi achieved an astounding 8 costume changes during the show, one for each song, and had very professional costuming for the modern Egyptian style, which typically is a lycra skirt/bra combo. She performed two songs with male dancers, and it was interesting to see them work together and to see their differing styles of movement, and the play-acting and costuming.
Outi is very experienced and talented at Modern Egyptian style bellydance, and I would like to see more offerings by her defining the modern Egyptian style to Western audiences. Her loose style, combined with gestures that coorespond to the song and singing along with the band demonstate her knowledge of Egyptian music and culture. I think for any affectionado of Egyptian-style bellydance, they would enjoy Outi’s friendly, organic style.
Rating: 3 Zills
Bellyqueen: Bellydance NYC The Ultimate Fusion Experience
I watched the performance DVD, Bellyqueen, Bellydance NYC the Ultimate Fusion Experience, and it is all that it claims to be. The show, which was wonderfully produced, featured a lot of fun, funky New York flair, and more fusion than I can imagine packed into almost every number.
The video and sound quality were fantastic, and the DVD had a great title and chapter menu. As far as the dancing goes, Bellyqueen has a very strong, synched-together troupe.
The dancers were very physically fit and well-versed in not only bellydance, but modern dance, hip-hop dance, theatrical dance, African dance, and many other modalities. Each piece was very different from the last, and the dancers were given chances to express themselves as individuals as well as part of a group.
There were several more traditional pieces, such as Rakset Al Asaya, and Betwannes Beek, intersperced with very fusion-styled pieces, such as Afro Funk and the Drum Battle. Many theatrical techniques were used, such as dance fighting, mime, usage of dancers in the background as props,etc. One huge highlight of the show was having the live band Djinn come out and perform, as well.
The finale Drum Battle was a bit much for me personally, as the dancers were doing a “dance-off” in Hip Hop gear, bellydancing, breakdancing, fight-dancing, using Modern dance, Grande Battement kicks, handstands, splits, acrobatics, etc. It was truly fusion! But, throughout, the energy was great, the dancers worked very well together, and I think this would be a really fun and uplifting live show. In the end after bows, the dancers even run into the audience and start dancing! There was definitely a global party atmosphere.
Rating: 3.5 zills
It is obvious that much has changed in belly dance over the decades, and now fusion is everywhere. Anything and almost everything can be incorporated and integrated into belly dance, and productions and tutorial choreographies like the ones in "Desire" and "Bellyqueen" make that point apparent. But there is also still a demand for the more traditional styles of belly dance done well, also, and productions like "Outi Wa Bas" offer these as well to the belly dance aficionado. Whatever your taste may be at any given time, there will be a show or choreography to suit your taste.
Outi Wa Bas
Ready for more?
- -13-14 Grace and Sass!, "The Veil with Hilary Thacker","Arabic Jazz Fusion with Galit Mersand", and "Ballet for Bellydancers with Brianna"
This grouping of DVDs was enjoyable to review, as it dealt with many things that I personally enjoy and find graceful and useful, such as veil work, and Western dance technique, such as Ballet and Jazz.
- 12-18-13 Bellydance & Baklava in Ohio, A Family Business Devoted to Great Food and Belly Dance for Over 40 Years!
“We have the longest-running weekly belly dance show in Canton”
The two DVDs that I received for review and comparison for Gilded Serpent were by a group and individual with whom I was unfamiliar. In fact, I had never heard of either one. Both had their strong points, but in my opinion, were fraught with significant problems also.
- 5-16-12 Gypsy Flair Romani Party! 2 DVDs with Fun and Energy in Mind! Ansuya’s Istanbul Nights and Liz Strong’s Turkish Roman Dance
I reviewed two very pleasant, fun DVDs, Istanbul Nights by Ansuya, and Turkish Roman Dance with Elizabeth Strong. Both DVDs have much to offer, and are surprisingly different from each other in their interpretation of Romani Dance and teaching styles.
- 4-4-12 Fire and Ice, Sugar and Spice! Mystic Moves With Ava Fleming and Hip-Notic Bellydance With Kaya
I have had the pleasure of reviewing two very good DVDs: Mystic Moves with Ava Fleming and Hip-Notic Bellydance with Kaya. Both dancers adhere to different styles of Cabaret or Oriental Bellydance, and I found their approaches both engaging and refreshing!
- 11-16-11 "
Through the process of comparing and contrasting these two DVDs, I learned that in our technical age, although there are many people out there that have knowledge that can and should be shared, production value really does count for something.
- 12-3-07 Bellyqueen vs. Barbary Coast: It’s an east coast west coast showdown! Gina Grandi puts on a show of astronomical proportions.
Comedic timing, clever costuming and an endless supply of mojo bring about the wonderment of the early settlers of the California gold rush, with a taste of burlesque, and a taunt of influences from around the globe.
- 12-14-04 DVD Review of Bellyqueen’s Bellydance Jam
The videography is still excellent, even in the darkened club setting,…
- 6-27-07 Outi’s CD, "Al Amoura" Review
I think that there is something for everyone on this CD as it contains some very useable pieces of music for performing.
- 9-17-12 Goth Fantastique, Fantasy Bellydance: Magic DVD" by World Dance New York DVD Review by Martha Duran
This DVD is a good choice for dancers who are more into ritual, sacred, experimental, and related fusion forms of belly dance
- 5-17-12 Fun with Fabric, Three DVDs for those with Fabric Festish Affliction, Kaishi Chai’s Expressive Belly Dance Veil, Jrisi and Devi’s Fan Veil Combinations, Veil with Aziza
If you’re like me, you have tubs of fabric and always see the “need” for more. But our love of fabric is NOT just manifested in our stashes and projects, it’s also reflected in our dance, our beautiful veil dance and more recently the fan veil dance. Each of these three DVDs offers something positive for different dance goals.
Truthfully, I had never laid eyes on an authentic belly dancer, live or on film at that point, so I hardly knew what to expect.
- 1-3-14 Red Flags Before the Green Light, My Experience as a Club Bellydance Sponsor
For some reason I assumed my problem was an oddity. It was not.
- 12-19-13 From Obscurity to Mainstream The American Journey of the Afghani Dress
Interest in Afghani folk clothing and designs began in the late 1960s due to the influence of the hippie generation. As this fascination with folk arts developed, mainstream America took notice. Along with the granny dress, maxi dress, and peasant dress, the Afghani dress was a perfect addition to our wardrobes. |
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Listings provided courtesy of the REALTORS® Association of Maui.
This information is believed to be accurate. It has been provided by sources other than the Realtors Assoc. of Maui and should not be relied upon without independent verification. You should conduct your own investigation and consult with appropriate professionals to determine the accuracy of the information provided and to answer any questions concerning the property and structures located thereon. Featured properties may or may not be listed by the office/agent presenting this brochure. Copyright, 1995-2015, REALTORS® Association of Maui, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Listing information last updated on February 23rd, 2024 at 6:15am HST. |
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Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Fresh tomatoes are back. That's the first sign of Summer for me. As soon as I start seeing them in the store, it's tomato salad time! Such a simple recipe. It calls for only a few fresh ingredients and I wind up with an amazing, bright, flavorfull dish that everyone is going to dig into.
This is the time of year when the tomatoes come back to life. They are that beautiful robust red and are packed with flavor. The little cherry tomatoes are my favorite. They're amazing with a simple balsamic dressing. They make a perfect side dish for anything that you serve. If the crew is coming over to watch a few games, you need to have this in your culinary repertoire.
This recipe is super easy to prepare. I like to use some fresh minced garlic in the salad. It plays off nicely with the fresh basil and minced red onions. The dressing is as complicated as olive oil and balsamic vinegar. It's a classic. It goes well with sandwiches, burgers, wings, grilled meats or anything else you can think of. You and your guests will enjoy this so much, don't be surprised if someone dunks a piece of bread into their bowl to sop up all the juices. That isn't a bad thing. Try this soon because I guarantee you'll be making it all Summer long....
1 container cherry tomatoes,
rinsed & sliced in half
1 quarter red onion, minced
1 small garlic clove, minced
4 large basil leaves, sliced chiffonade style
1/4 cup olive oil
1/8 cup balsamic vinegar
ground white pepper
Add all the ingredients in a mixing bowl. Toss thoroughly to combine. That's it!
I hope you try this. Trust me, it's a winner!
Until I see you next week, keep homegating!!
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
I was invited to a last-minute "Road Homegate" last week and needed to whip up something fast but tasty. Boy did I come up with a ridiculously fast, but outrageously good recipe for the occasion. It has only 4 ingredients, cooks up in the oven in an hour and will get you lots of raves: Honey Sriracha Wings!
I still had a half bottle of sriracha left from when I made some lime-sriracha popcorn not too long ago, so I wanted to use it up to make more room in my fridge. I combined that with some honey and good ol' grated lime zest. I roasted a 3-lb package of wings, and slathered it on the wings about 15 minutes before they were finished. Oh my. Pull down the blinds, dim the lights and dig in. But don't forget paper towels and wet naps. These little buggers are sticky! The sweetness of the honey offsets the heat of the sriracha, while the lime zest comes up from the rear to brighten things up. It's a nice combo and works well with the wings. You can also use it on chicken, ribs or pork. So invite the gang over to check out the games, whip up some of that spicy glaze, get some towels and get ready for some serious munching.
Honey Sriracha Wings
3 lbs chicken wings
2 cups honey
1 cup sriracha sauce
2 tbs lime zest
Pre-heat oven to 375-degrees. Place wings on a sheet pan and place in the oven for 45 minutes, turning halfway through cooking.
Place the honey, sriracha and lime zest in a bowl and mix thoroughly. After 45 minutes, baste the wings with the honey mixture and place back in the oven for another 15 minutes. After the 15 minutes, remove from the oven and unleash on your guests!
This will be a great go-to dish when you don't have time to do anything else at the moment. Trust me when I say that this is a winner!
Hope you try this and if you do, please let me know how you liked it.
See you next week and keep on homegating!
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
I was preparing a couple of dishes last weekend and wanted to make something a little extra. I felt like I needed to have something a little sweet, but also a little salty - and then maybe even a little spicy all at the same time. I thought about it for a short while and came up with an old classic of mine: Sweet & Spicy Pecans!
I had developed this dish several years ago when one of my pals brought me back about 5 lbs of pecans straight from Georgia. I came up with a salty, sweet and spicy coating for those gorgeous pecans and the recipe was a hit. So every once in a while I'll pick up a bag of pecans and make the recipe. When you pop a few in your mouth, you're greeted with a salty, buttery, mapley, spicy taste that forces you to go back and pop a few more in your mouth. It's a pretty quick recipe that your friends and family will really enjoy.
Sweet & Spicy Pecans
16 oz bag whole pecans
1/2 stick unsalted butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup dark maple syrup
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1/4 tsp ground white pepper
1/4 tsp salt
In a sauce pan on medium heat, melt the butter. Add the rest of the ingredients (except the pecans) and continue to cook until the brown sugar has melted down and a smooth syrup has been developed. Add the pecans, toss and coat throughly.
Pour out onto a sheet pan and spread out. Let the coating cool and dry (about 40 minutes). Place in a bowl and serve.
Leftovers (if there are any) can be saved in a plastic storage bag. These keep about 2 days - but chances are, they aren't going to last that long.
So there you have it! This will be a hit and might become a go-to staple for you when you need to satisfy that salty-sweet craving.
I hope you try it! So until next week, keep on homegating! |
|Mayhem MVP Felicity Gregory (#7) in action against Sheffield in Sunday's match (Photo by @haganovaphoto)
Sunday 16th July – British Para Ice Hockey League
Mayhem 0 – Sheffield SteelStings 4
The Mayhem sledge team put in a spirited performance in their final home game of the regular BPIHL season but lost out 0-4 to the Sheffield SteelStings at Planet Ice Widnes on Sunday.
The Widnes based side have been without a number of key players this season and it has always been looked upon as a period of transition, with an eye on rebuilding for next year.
Despite the eventual scoreline, this was actually a very entertaining game to watch with lots of end to end action. The Mayhem matched their visitors in terms of puck possession for long periods but were just not able to make their chances count in front of goal.
The first period played out goal-less, leaving the Mayhem fans with some hope of seeing their team pick up their first win of the season.
However, Sheffield’s numerical advantage began to pay off in the second period and they finally opened the scoring in the 17th minute.
It took another 8 minutes until the next breakthrough and, once again, it fell to Sheffield who doubled their advantage and took a 0-2 lead into the second period break.
Darren Pomfret once again put in a superb performance in the Mayhem net and did well to keep the SteelStings attack at bay but two quickfire goals for Sheffield in the third period within 34 seconds of each other finally put the game beyond the home side’s reach.
The result meant that Sheffield were confirmed in the remaining spot in the end of season Play offs – much to the delight of their sizeable and very vocal travelling support – while the transitional Mayhem will finish bottom of the 5-team league table irrespective of what happens in their one remaining game.
They now have a long wait until 20th August to play their final game of the regular season away to the other Sheffield based team, the Steelkings. |
Heritage Link Brands Hot
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Heritage Link Brands is the preeminent importer and distributor of wine from the African continent and its Diaspora. We are the largest company in the United States dedicated to importing and distributing wine produced by indigenous African vintners and people of African descent throughout the world.
There are no user reviews for this listing. |
Linen is a gorgeous fabric for the summer months! It can be used for anything from garments to home decor. Janome Maker Carol Ware decided to choose a fantastic fuchsia linen when making high-end shorts for her nephew!
My husband and his nephew (Allen) have a special relationship. I heard about it back when we were dating. Because he lived in another state, I didn't actually meet him until years after we were married. Well, recently within the last three years he has really been very present in our lives. He has a very kind demeanor and will do anything for my husband. Let's say he's more like a younger brother to us than a nephew. Anyhoo, he is quite stylish and a "Label" man. He wears Gucci, Ralph, Louie and buys expensive cologne. So, imagine my surprise when he mentions to me - Auntie, I want some fuchsia shorts! 😂
He said he has been looking everywhere and I believed him because he loves stylish clothes! I just happened to be sitting in my sewing room as we were talking. I asked him if would linen do?
Linen is a premium fabric and I knew it would be of his standard. So out from the stash table came some - you guessed it fuchsia linen. It had been taking up stash room for about three years and I had a lot of it so why not. Now, I do NOT sew for anyone except my son so he understood the magnitude of my yes.
I told him, I will do everything just be ready when I need you. He was quite excited and said this was his first custom garment. I prepped my machines and got to work. Not only was this a good opportunity to flex my menswear muscle, I could also do my Janome project. (I'm a Maker ya know! LOL!!) I measured my nephew that day and we had one fitting and the rest is photo history.
The pocket was embroidered by my Janome Horizon 15000. Such a smooth and flawless job it does! The monogram is one of many designs that come on the machine!
I used the Airthread 2000D to serge the fussy linen edges. I also had fuchsia serger threads to make pretty insides. I made sure I lined the inside of the shorts to minimize the wrinkle factor. They have elastic at the waist, fly zip, and wooden beads to finish off the shorts. |
Luckily, September follows August and is one of my favorite months, because it contains one of my favorite weekends of the year, when I get to teach (and learn!) at the Southern California Writers Conference in Orange County. If you don't know about SCWC yet, click here.
The schedule for LA17 (in Irvine) is up and the workshops and speakers are listed. There is so much to look forward to: Not just Pitch Witches, but a Pitch Witch query class, my ever-popular (if I do say so myself!) expository class, and an early morning ("early bard") read and critique on Sunday. I'm even teaching a brand-new workshop on content editing—about what it is, exactly, and when writers need it.
Aspiring writers ask me all the time why they should go to a writers conference and I always tell them that you shouldn't go to just any conference, but that there are some very good reasons to go to SCWC.
1. You'll learn about writing & publishing & marketing, from successful writers, editors, and agents.
2. You'll get feedback on your work-in-progress or that manuscript you think is finished (or is it?)
3. You'll make contacts in the world of publishing that'll help you succeed in this ever-evolving biz.
4. You'll meet your “tribe” and make friends who will understand and support you (I sure have!)
5. You'll get out of your lonely writing room.
6. You'll have a blast!
I hope you can make it to Irvine this year—there's still time to register and to get a hotel room at a discounted SCWC price (if you book a room by Aug 29). |
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You can pick up this multipurpose app here: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/iwatermark/id357577420?mt=8
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This is cheap, easy and brilliant. Give the developers 5 stars in the app store for thinking of this idea and sharing it so people like me, who have no idea how to use photo programs, can watermark our work too! |
Another factor that plays a direct role in moulding our character is the environment in which we are raised. If this is not a consistent thing or is just a peer pressure situation it does not permanently change your... ...elements and measures the degree of hotness and coldness in a place. Chapter I: Research Problem/Topic Our parent’s morals and ethics whether right or wrong, will become ours because of belonging to the family unit. Thus, latitude is an important factor in influencing the temperature of a place because it determines the amount of SWR received from the sun. Students looking for free, top-notch essay and term paper samples on various topics. Would you like to get such a paper? ...What Are The Factors Which Influence Individual Behaviour At Work? The whole doc is available only for registered users. There is still assumptions made about a person’s gender that can lead to discriminations taking place, for example people may assume that men should be the ones out working and making the money, and women should be at home looking after the children. * My Lifestyle has the famous and prestigious trainers (MC Van Anh, supermodel Thuy Hang, singer Viet Tu …) that always dedicated to students. The study of demographic factors is significant as it helps managers to pick the suitable candidate for a particular job.
My parents and the elementary school I have attended have helped socialize me. C. Statement of the Problem…………………………………………….7-8 Chapter II: Research methodology The context of identity is fraught with complexities and as a result, there are many factors that influence our overall persona. As a result we often make decisions on our identity and personality in order to conform to groups within society. Every person looking to the world differently and interpret things from his/her perception. It is these influences, of both conforming to society and thriving on a sense of belonging, which moulds our final identity. July 2012, Vol.
Gender must be defined before the factors influencing it can be identified. Teaching the Syllabus presents the idea that we have somewhat failed to instruct a child on the basics in life. These factors are family, friends, culture, gender, personal interests, appearance, environment and many more. Some of the factors likely have more impact than … Abstract The History of the Philippines includes the Spanish ruling and colonization for about three hundred and thirty-three years (1521-1898). Marco Polo's Influence on Christopher Columbus, Family, Friends and Fame: Handel's Roots and First Influences, The Influence of Media on Perception of Beauty, Ask Writer For The basic difference between the two is that health is a definite requisite for one’s life, while fitness is only a measure. process that must be understood completely before it can be practiced effectively. CLASS: | FB0601 | It implies that there is scope for change, that one’s personality is not necessarily constant. It stretches on, to musicians and other famous composers. which contextual factors impact the strategic decision-making processes. First of all, what do you think is the essence of popular culture? limited or have produced contradictory results,... ...individual’s ‘personality’ is their unique and relatively stable patterns of behaviour, thoughts and feelings. F. Significance of the Study………………………………………….10-11 Rationale My Lifestyle is a soft skills training center, specialized in professional training courses such as master of ceremonies, bartender, magic and vocal. 1990's, we still know little about strategic decision-making process and factors affecting it. There are many constraints influencing identity, for example, material, social and physical. Yet, another two centuries were needed for a significant change to take place; this was Christopher Columbus’ voyage. In addition, My Lifestyle has its own categories on MyTV which are produced by the company itself. Your beliefs and values make you think a certain way, this makes you act correspondingly, and these actions become your characteristics as a human being. The temperature of a place is affected by a number of factors such as latitudinal location, seasonal variations, albedo of the place, contrasts between land and sea and elevation. There is relation between these factors. Essay, 6 pages. LECTURER: | Trangdtt | B. Culture could be represented through the art, sport, customs and traditions, food, language of community. A person can perform well in the organisation if his abilities and skills are matched with the job requirement. Enter Without So Much as Knocking, presents an extremely powerful message of the dangers of conforming to the values of a consumerists society, in which individual integrity and identity have been made redundant. The desire to belong is another significant factor that can influence our identity. For instance, group of people might go watch rugby because they would like to support the local team and wearing T-shirts which symbolise that team. The adult figures in our lives can positively or negatively affect our identity. There are four aspects to an individual’s personality: body, mind, heart and soul. It has always been assumed though history that man were more important than women and that they should have more rights them women, but it’s improved. Research Design……………………………………………………….11 A person's identity is shaped by many factors such as nationality, race, ethnic group, physical appearance, culture, talents, interests, language, and religion.
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Photography is a hobby that I really enjoy. With all the editing tools available, it's easy to add colors to a picture that were not inherent in the original photo. When I saw this scene, I was astounded by the beautiful colors; so I decided to post this photo with absolutely no colorization added. This is how we witnessed this colorful scene.
I find taking photos during our extensive travels to be quite enjoyable. I hope you enjoy these pictures that represent special and unique memories. |
Community of Support
We have 2 grandsons attending college out of state and away from family. While visiting with them about the upcoming year and the unique situations, I heard a common statement.
They both said they were going to campus to "build a community of friends". I love that expression because it speaks of hope, commitment, and setting goals. I am confident these 2 young men will surround themselves with a "community of friends" to enrich their lives and education.
Grievers can learn from this approach. At a time when support is so important, it may need to come from a new source. In a way, we enter a new phase of life that is unfamiliar and uncomfortable at times. Many of our friends cannot face the emotions of grief, they are uncomfortable, so they may keep their distance.
Will you consider "building a community" of support? It may come from others who have experienced a similar loss. New friendships may develop as you share your grief journey. Do not be afraid to open up and share your story.
It is important to "build a community" of safe people, positive people, those who encourage and support you during this difficult time. It is not that you are necessary vulnerable, but you are in a new place in the journey of life. This may be time to "build a community" of support.
I believe in you. Please do not hesitate to private message me if you need to discuss this important step.
Bob Willis, author
"A Guide for Grievers"
NEW CONSTRUCTION!!! Imagine living in a custom-built two-story home on 1/3rd acre with a close proximity to the lake and the rights to the beach! Be prepared to fall in love the moment you enter the home, which features a dramatic open concept design boasting a large Great Room adjacent to the Kitchen and Dining areas! You'll appreciate the upscale interior finishes already included, such as luxury vinyl Flooring and a Gourmet Kitchen with 42" Cabinets, Quartz Counters, and Stainless Appliances. The spacious Kitchen also includes a large center island with breakfast bar. The Owners Suite has a large walk-in closet, en suite bath with double bowl sinks, shower and private commode room. All this plus a lookout basement. NO ASSOCIATION FEE!! The price reflects Exterior Elevation A. Hurry while there is still time to make your customizations and color selections. Builder also offers a floor plan with main bedroom on the first floor. Lake Zurich offers many exciting community activities for residents to participate at numerous Parks & Recreation Centers throughout the Village. Close proximity to shopping, dining and the lake! (Picture above features elevation C, with additional features and $30,000 price upgrade.) Please look at the area picture. We are offering Lot 2 for sale.
26 Beech Drive, Lake Zurich, IL 60047 Find on Map
$645,000 ($239/SQ FT)
Estimated $3,086/month View My Payment
4 Bedrooms | 2 Full Baths, 1 Half Baths
MLS#: 11976627 | Status: Active |
I want this car since my husband car has broken.Tesla it is. The price of the car is over 100.000... still.. No gasoline needs. I once thought about Leaf car, my neighbor said it can not go far away,and he was so worried if he can go back home or not since short of electric charge.
I need 100.000 dollars. However, how can I earn that money to buy it. I should make business bigger? If I have a chance, I want to start my business at Sea-Tac air port with other reflexologist. I am WA certified reflexologist 😌so that I am fully allowed to do reflexology there.
I need a business developer who can help me to start it. 😉
Anybody interested in? 😁 |
So from Kendal we sped off to Windermere – to be exact Windermere Town. I thought we’d end up by the lakeside, but I forgot there were two Windermere’s – the Town (station) and Bowness-on-Windermere (lakeside).
We hadn’t been to Windermere Town for years and it was a lovely little wander. Since the last time we’d been there more cafes had popped up. There were of course a few charity shops, but didn’t prove to be fruitful pickings for Neil.
There was the big homeware shop with lots of knick-knacks to pick up for pressies and the home. There were very trendy type shops selling very well designed knick-knacks you never thought existed. Even the charity shops were packed full of vintage knick-knacks for all occasion.
Slight blog detour / rant – I find the word vintage is a word that has become over used of late – it’s just the posh word for second-hand. The word second-hand doesn’t quite have the same cachet and it does annoy me when people use it to disguise the fact they are selling over priced, second-hand stuff they found at the local charity shop or car-boot. Rant over…
There were lots of tourists taking time out having a coffee or a beer in the street side cafes with outdoor seating. Outdoor seating in the Lakes is an example of hope in what is essentially a very damp place. One has to ensure there is a waterproof or brolly close to hand just in case. Otherwise that afternoon the Gods of weather were being rather benevolent – well for that moment at least.
There was a Booths supermarket nearby to cater for the campers and self-caterers. The station was a stone throw away from this little industrious centre for coffee and light bites.
As we were driving down towards Windermere Lake it dawned on me what was niggling me, there was the other Windermere – Bowness-on-Windermere. Doh! We would have stopped if we had more time, but we needed to get to Grange-Over-Sands. On the whistle stop drive through I noticed it had a lot more high street shops and less twee than the last time we went there. It was also rammed packed full of people and there’s a big lake too.
Note to self – there are two Windermere’s. |
Supporting Our Kids To Get Ready, Get Set, Get Active
The Allan Labor Government’s latest sporting grants program will bring more Victorians together through sport, encouraging young athletes to join their local sports club and discover the benefits of being active.
Minister for Community Sport Ros Spence today announced applications are now open for the latest round of the Get Active Kids VoucherProgram to support children and families from across Victoria with the cost of participating and playing local sport.
Through the program, eligible families can apply for vouchers of up to $200 per child to use at their registered provider without the worry of upfront costs. Each voucher can be used to pay for memberships, registration fees, uniforms, and equipment across a wide range of sporting codes and recreation activities.
The program encourages children to participate in physical activity and maximises support for families who face additional barriers to participating in community sport.
Based in Melbourne’s west, Rise Netball Club has been a registered activity provider across multiple rounds of the program. Alongside welcoming newcomers, the program has also seen kids remain involved in netball to develop and hone their skills in the game they love.
Since the program started in 2020, the Government has distributed more than 115,000 vouchers to eligible families, ensuring more young Victorians can get in the game.
Importantly, around half of the recipients in the most recent round of the program indicated they would not have been able to participate in their chosen sport or activity without the voucher program.
For voucher recipients to be eligible, they must be aged 18 and under, a Victorian resident, named on a valid Commonwealth Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card and named on a valid Medicare Card at the time of application.
A special consideration stream is also available to support children residing in Victorian Care Services, temporary or provisional visa holders, undocumented migrants and international students aged 18 and under at the time of application.
The Victorian Budget 2023/24 is providing more than $11 million for initiatives including the Get Active Kids Voucher Program to help keep Victorians active and healthy and address key barriers to participation.
Applications will close once the allocation has been exhausted. Vouchers can be used up to 30 April 2024.
Families can also continue to claim reimbursement for expenses incurred from 8 May 2023.
For more information about the program and to apply, visit getactive.vic.gov.au/vouchers. |
It’s been a relatively hectic time on and off of Maketh-the-Man, giving us some time to take things away and give them a much deeper test drive. One of those deeper test drives I speak of, is bodycare products.
It’s an important part of our daily routines and with so much choice out there in the market, it’s imperative we make the right choices. Harry’s grooming brand known mostly for their shavers and subscription plans, moved into various other products such a face washes and hair care.
New line on the block is the new redwood scent Harrys shower gel, an exhilarating blast of coastal woodlands. The costal woodlands is easily detectible the moment you lather it up, making you almost forget you’re showering in your home bathroom. An ideal feeling to have whilst trying to cancel out the sounds of the outside world getting into full commute swing.
Does it do the job?
As a shower gel itself. Besides its intense and powerful scent, Harry’s shower gel gives a deep cleansing wash and at first, doesn’t feel like it dries your skin out initially. The aftereffects of leaving you feeling smooth and conditioned as they say it does, is subjective in the most part. It has a good initial feeling on the skin, but in time you don’t remember that feeling much further on through the morning. Not a bad thing to be honest and if you’re like most people, you’ll probably be moisturising anyway. On the positive you don’t walk out of the shower feeling like you’ve just been pushed into the sane dunes of the Sahara.
It’s made with zero sulphates, parabens and dyes which for me, makes it worth buying in to. Nice to know ethically speaking that you’re not dowsing yourself in the deathly tonics of commercial production.
Harry’s new Redwood shower gel is available now in a 250ml tube, directly on the Harry’s website priced at £5. Additionally if you want something smaller to travel with, you can grab a 60ml for £3.
Worth a go and hope you enjoy the fresh blast too. |
So that you can supply you with comfort and enlarge our company, we also have inspectors in QC Workforce and guarantee you our greatest service and item for cupro cotton yarn
Innovation and Win-Win business". Welcome to visit our website and do not hesitate to communicate with us. Are you ready? ? ? Let us go!!! |
29 May 2011
No Anchor : Real Pain Supernova
No Anchor, is an organic entity. 'Organic'. There's no more appropriate term for them or their music. I'll tell you why.
Their sound is straightforward and direct, without any fancy trimmings. Their engagement with fans is more intriguing than marketing. And the effort that goes into their packaging and merchandise...if only every band had a talented artist as a member. Although I'm yet to see them perform live, I'm told on good authority their shows are tribal, intense and a little bit mad.
So it is with great interest that I sit down on this peaceful Sunday afternoon to write this review of No Anchor's full length album, Real Pain Supernova.
I'd say it's a pretty safe bet assuming the title is a play on the Oasis song Champagne Supernova. And it's kind of appropriate, as you couldn't reach deeper inside the abyss to find a band less like the Oasis blend of Beatle-esque, radio friendly, Metamucil-style pop. The version of Real Pain Supernova that I am reviewing is the digital version; there is also a longer format vinyl edition, but no CD format. The track listing for this digital version is:
1. The End | 2. Wolves Bite and Disappear | 3. Dead Pony | 4. Gatton Bohemia | 5. Shut My Mouth | 6. The Perils of Small Town Living | 7. Come Again | 8. Key Cutter
The End opens the album with sparse death metal chords and vibration, lightening up with a seductive bass melody, and ultimately evolving into a bass and drum driven howling eruption. The end is the beginning, and on to Wolves Bite and Disappear, a wall of sound Phil Spector would be proud of. Primal is one word to describe it; screams from the gut, a cacophony of melded musicians creating an intense - sexual, even - peak and release. Dead Pony begins with a deceptively gentle opening, then quickly leaps into a pool of vocal fury. Melding metal and punk, this song pretty much ripped my ears from my skull and probed my brain with its angry little fingers. At 2.30 minutes, it indulges even the most dedicated windmill hair thrashing desires.
Gatton Bohemia's title intrigues me. When I was a kid I picked veg with my family in Gatton, a rural farming community, so the words 'Gatton' and 'Bohemia' just don't form a logical pairing in my mind. Although, where better to remove yourself from the mainstream than the sticks? I can't tell what words are being sung - and the band member I spoke to on Twitter said they're not an important part of experiencing their music - so I can't really tell what the intent of the song is, lyrically. This is a bit annoying for me because I'm a lyric hound, so I've tried to just sit back and absorb the music and the overall vibe. This song seems - to me - to represent some kind of frustration, desire to escape. The vocal atmosphere is of insanity, of chains waiting to be broken, and reminds me of John Lydon (if he was backed by competent musicians, which I would never really call The Sex Pistols!). The experimental, ear-splitting noises drove me to the edge of my seat - I hate high pitched sounds...they unnerve me - so if the desired outcome of this song was to make me feel really uneasy, it succeeded. The drumming toward the end of this track is phenomenal, the bass relentless. This song is insanity in a jar and is physically exhausting to listen to (it goes well past 17 minutes in length). And I like that about it. I enjoy being challenged with music versus digesting little bite-sized, radio friendly pieces that ultimately offer no creative satisfaction. I can see why you would buy this album on vinyl: the textures, I believe, would really suit that format. I can imagine lying on the floor at night in a dark house with this blaring on my stereo, feeling the vibrations shudder through my body.
Shut My Mouth is the most 'commercial' of all the songs, and while I type that I'm laughing because it's not commercial in any sense of the word. I mean, it's got a definite groove, song structure, and it's fun to thrash along to. I can imagine people with shorter attention spans really digging this track. The Perils of Small Town Living initially sounds like a different band entirely; it's almost gentle. The vocals echo and resonate alongside a jungle rhythm, tempting my headspace into Mojo Risin territory (is this what taking peyote would feel like?). Completely different to the rest of the album, but the drumming draws it into the Real Pain Supernova family and it has a big metal finish. Around the 4 minute territory I'm reminded of early Jane's Addiction. I think I could fall in love with this song, and this is the one that has created a burning desire to see No Anchor perform. Come Again once more reminds me of Jane's but with a bit of Sonic Youth thrown in for good measure. The final song, Key Cutter, is a more traditional rock song structure which vocally sounds like another local band, SixFtHick. I would've omitted the female vocals at the end, as they just don't sit well with the rest of the album and are a little jolting. However, a miniscule criticism. Another grooving song to end the album.
For me, one of the fantastic aspects of No Anchor is that their music resonates with the faint memory of genres - particularly from the '90s grunge, experimental sound - but I can't pinpoint any precise influences or bands they particularly sound like apart from, perhaps, an overarching Melvins vibe. That's pretty great, because it means No Anchor sounds like No Anchor.
What a surprising, amazing album with a powerful impact. Respect.
Band members are: Alex Gillies on drums, Ian Rogers on bass/vocals, and Donovan Miller on bass/vocals. The album was released on 9 May 2011 and was recorded and mixed by Donovan Miller at Nowhere, mastered by Mell Dettmer, and additional textures are by Lawrence English. The fabulous album artwork was designed by the multi-talented No Anchor drummer, Alex Gillies.
All images on this post have been taken from the No Anchor website and remain the property of the band. |
Valiant Hearts - The Great War [Ubisoft Montpellier, Ubisoft, 2014]
Valiant Hearts - The Great Game
This game was a truly unique experience. At what is usually a down time for games as developers and distributors gear up for Christmas, Ubisoft dropped this wonderful gaming experience in our laps. Available on Xbox Live, the Xbox One, and the Playstation Network, it is downloadable only at a well-worth-it cost of $14.99. On its face, this is an old-school platformer with puzzle elements. However, it turned out to be much more than that when played. Set during World War I, it is a heartwarming story about four characters from different backgrounds whose paths are wholly intertwined.
Karl is a German living in France. He is married to Emily and they have just had a son, Victor, when the war breaks out after the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand. As Germany and France declare war against one another, many German citizens are deported from France, including Karl. Like so many others, he is drafted into the German army against his will. Throughout the game, his greatest wish is to return home to his wife and young child.
Emile is Karl's father-in-law. More importantly, he's a Frenchman. Even though he is fairly old, he is also drafted into the army, but on the French side. During the war, he sharers Karl's worries about Emily and Victor. Both he and Karl are able to share their experiences with their daughter/wife through letters. It was one of the only ways to communicate during the Great War.
Freddie is an American soldier that has enlisted in the French army. He is out to kill the infamous German military commander, Baron Von Dorf. Von Dorf led a bombing campaign that killed Freddie's wife and he is out for revenge, no matter the cost. He befriends Emile in the process as they both share the same target, since Karl has become Baron Von Dorf's zeppelin pilot. They are both joined by a dog who is used to solve many of the game's puzzles.
From Belgium, Anna joins the war effort as a nurse in the Red Cross. Her starry-eyed optimism is soon dashed as the horrors of war take their toll on her dreams of healing and helpfulness. Even though the massive death toll is overwhelming, Anna does her best to help all the soldiers she can, one injury at a time. In her travels, she saves Karl, Emile, and Freddie at various points throughout the game.
Not only does the game have a heartwarming story, it is full of facts about World War I. For example:
The Debacle of 1914
In the early fighting the German army made swift progress. After invading Belgium, they marched on Paris in late August. French troops retreated en masse and units were outflanked and repelled, taken prisoner, or killed. The months of August to September 1914 marked the bloodiest period of the war with over 180,000 French casualties alone. The French authorities described the debacle as an organized retreat; the war to win over public opinion had begun.
These facts were paired with real pictures from the period, giving them particular depth of meaning. The "War to End All Wars" was one of, if not the most, pointless and bloody protracted stalemates in modern times. Trench warfare paired with technology to kill more humans for less ground than at any other time in recorded human history.
The soundtrack is by a group of composers that were unknown to me. Most of it is classical with the majority being played on a piano, although a few contained full orchestration. All of it was amazing. I've never played a game and immediately gone to iTunes to buy they soundtrack before, but I'm listening to it as I type this even now. I've never played a game before in which the music was so good as to almost be another character. Even if you don't buy the game, take a listen to the soundtrack.
Baseline Assessment: 9/10
Penalties: -1 for being slightly repetitive in the puzzles. It never became truly annoying, but some of the puzzles were a bit overused, particularly Anna's.
Bonuses: +1 for the best story line I've played on the Xbox One, bar none.
Nerd Coefficient: 9/10. Very high quality/Standout in its category.
POSTED BY: Brad Epperley--Video game addict who recognizes that the first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem, Nerds of a Feather contributor since 2012. |
11o Miyuki Seed Bead -- 4F -- Matte Silverlined Dark Gold
11o seed beads are a favorite of most beaders, and can be considered the benchmark of the traditional round rocaille. Size 11 seed beads are used in bead embroidery, loom weaving, and bead weaving stitch techniques such as peyote, spiral and brick stitch. Miyuki 11o's include over 600 colors and finishes, making them a perfect choice for picot lace designs, edging, and netting.
Approximately 1250 beads per 11 gram package |
We have lots of bike gear on SALE this time of year, so grab some super sweet gifts or something for yourself! Save $40 OFF these 661 Comp full face helmets while they last. SALE PRICE $99 (MSRP $139.99)
The versatile Faction sets the standard in skate-inspired helmets with superior style, fit and comfort. Old school style and dual certification, makes the Faction perfect for bicycle or skate use. Many colours and sizes in stock at both Outbound Cycle stores in Westbank and Kelowna.
Whether you’re into pointing that front wheel down hill or more likely to push it against a starting gate, the new Bell Drop is what you’re going to want on your head. BMX, freeride, slalom, four-cross, or downhillÑthis lid was made to do it all. The hand-laminated Drop was designed from the ground up by |
The Situation at Vicksburg.Grant's movements — the late fight at Port Hudson, &c.
We have received a copy of the Jackson Mississippian as late as the 2d inst. It says a rumor prevailed there the day before, said to have been brought by a messenger from Clinton, that Grant's army was moving from Vicksburg "towards up the river. " The Jackson correspondent of the Mobile Advertiser, writing on the 31st ult., gives that paper some interesting information. He says: ‘ The golden moment for taking Vicksburg has passed, and future events rapidly culminating will soon settle the question of its future destiny, either of its being the strongest stronghold of the Confederacy or a Federal garrison. If Grant, after compelling Pemberton to abandon the indecisive field of Baker's Creek and then forcing him to hurriedly throw the Big Black in his rear — I say if he had followed up his advantage by advancing his fresh troops, he might have gone pell mell into Vicksburg with a large portion of Pemberton's discomfited soldiers. The point at which he made his attack on Tuesday was the most vulnerable, and on Sunday night it is my opinion that Grant could have carried it like a "flash, " but he dallied until Tuesday. Meanwhile Pemberton eat no "idle bread." It was dig, work, work; and by the time General Grant was ready to "go and see Gen Pemberton," his house had been set in order, and he was prepared to "receive company," and Grant received one of the most bloody entertainments of modern history. Right gallantly did Grant's men rush to the charge — they had been flushed with an ephemeral success, the booty of Jackson and an abundant supply of whiskey, and forward they dashed with an energy worthy of a better cause. But all in vain — they were numbered with the dead — and with all of their freshly committed crimes suddenly ushered into the presence of God. The robbers of Jackson have met with speedy bloody deaths, but no Christian burial — their bodies are the food of beasts and birds of prey. I have not learned whether Grant wanted to bury his dead or not. If he had Pemberton would not have permitted it, for it would require stouter hearts than there are in Grant's army to march or charge over the Golgotha in front of the Vicksburg batteries. If Grant, on being so murderously repulsed by Pemberton before Vicksburg, had wheeled round and marched against Johnston he could have done an immense deal of mischief and dealt us a heavy blow. By so doing he would have forced Johnston back on the east bank of Pearl river, and would have for some time yet prevented him from successfully massing his army in a strategical position, while he would have had control of, or rendered useless, the New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern, Mississipppi Central, and Mississippi and Tennessee railroads. As it is, Johnston has these roads, with but slightly inconvenient breaks in them, and thus holds and commands this part of the State, and in a few days in all probability, the rear of Grant will be at his disposal. Grant has shown himself to be a sleepy booby, and we may "thank our stars" that a more enterprising General was not at the head of the Federal army. Grant is moving along the Yazoo, and is seemingly threatening Canton or Vaiden. If he has gone "fishing for a bite," he will certainly get it during the coming week. I expect to "change my base," and tell you of other bloody deeds, and I feel confident of victory; but, once for all, let me say to you that the stake of Vicksburg will be a series of battles and of army movements. If not, then the siege of Vicksburg will be speedily raised. The latest news from Vicksburg shows that the investment is quite complete. The lines of the enemy occupy a convex position. A want of water of necessity compels this. There is said to be a large spring four miles west of the Big Black bridge, to which the Federals have fallen back. Its supply of water is represented as being good. From below our news is uncertain and confused. That Banks has landed at Bayon Sara there can be no no doubt. He and Augur have moved to and are investing Port Hudson. --But little or no fear is entertained for its safety. The Chaplain of the 12th Louisiana, just from Western Louisiana, states that Smith's forces pushed those of Banks so hard at Vermillion bridge as to capture his wagon train, consisting of 900 wagons and teams. Banks came to Bayon Sara on transports from Alexandria. Yesterday the city was full of rumors, all of a good nature; but believing them to be sensational I did not telegraph them. One was that Kirby Smith had pushed on after Banks, and had crossed over at Port Hudson and joined his forces with these of Gardner. The report is possible; but I hardly think that Smith has yet the banks of the Mississippi. At Port Hudson Gardner has the means of transporting troops across the river, but the Federal fleets are above and below. The Monitor fleet is reported below coming up. It is reported that the Federals own up a loss of 39,000 since landing at Grand Gulf. I give these as reports. Yesterday morning the Federal cavalry made a dash on Bolton's Depot, twenty miles west of Jackson, and burned the depot, together with 900 bales of cotton, said to belong to the Government. It is my deliberate opinion that every bale of Government cotton will be burned by some means, and charged to the general account of incendiarism and accident. The former will have the longest finger in the pie. ’ The Mississippian has the following about the Port Hudson fight: ‘ A surgeon just from Woodville conversed with several Confederate soldiers who were in the fight at Port Hudson last week, and he confirms the news of a complete victory to our arms. The soldiers informed him that General Gardner pursued the flying Yankees after their repulse at the entrenchments and routed them completely. He also confirms the rumor of Grierson's defeat. ’ |
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Outdoor play is such a huge part of our day at Pine Trees and we are always looking for ways to improve our nursery and the experiences on offer to our children. After much consultation with children, parents and staff we have had a little mini makeover! Scott put his engineering skills to the test and produced amazing results. He kindly built us a new water play sensory board, a new sandpit and a two new music and sound interactive boards. This children this week have had a super time exploring these together which has been lovely to see! We are also awaiting the arrival of a super new community playthings water and mud kitchen interactive station and outdoor building block set which will offer the children endless experiences outdoors. Please feel free to pop in and have a look next time you are dropping off your child. Or come and join us for some fun outdoors! |
Welcome to my toy collection. I collect a wide variety of different toys from throughout Pop Culture. I enjoy making and purchasing custom figures (since I'm terrible at sculpting) to help finish teams that were started but never finished by toy companies. The goal is to have all of favorite media in toy form. I still have a long way to go! Site is updated regularly so come back often. |
27 Feb Steve Wozniak: Users Losing Privacy to Tech
At the recently held Economic Times Global Business Summit in New Delhi, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak said that users are losing control over their privacy because of technology, and it may not be restored any time soon.
The computer engineering legend also said that humans should have as much privacy as they would like. However, companies like Amazon, Google, and Facebook employ highly targeted ads which do not compensate the user.
He also remarked that humans need not fear losing their jobs to technologies such as artificial intelligence. Wozniak added that while such technology may disrupt the current nature of jobs, this will only give rise to different kinds of jobs for the next generations.
Source: Economic Times |
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[REBOL] Onwards and Upwards
From: sanghabum:aol at: 6-Jun-2001 5:05
Hi guys, Any VID experts got any idea how to render text vertically? I'm trying to draw a bar chart, and the Y-axis is crying out for text that goes up rather than along. (I wrote the other day that I was trying to run before I could walk with Rebol, and many this proves it). Thanks, Colin. |
Welcome to the Concord High School
It is a Website devoted to the school, its students,
and its alumni who live and work in cities and towns
throughout the country and around the world.
|Concord School District Web pages
|CSD Web site
|Alumni Web pages
|CHS Alumni Directory
|CHS Class Quick Contacts
|CHS Class Contacts & Reunions
|CHS Distinguished Graduates
Make sure you check our
to see if your class is having a reunion this year.
This page will be updated as information is received.
Class organizers please advertise your class reunion here.
For those of you that have not visited Concord for a few years, there have been many changes at CHS.
Concord High now is for grades 9 - 12 with over 1,800 students. |
Many years ago, I wrote an article about the Confederate monument in Nashville’s Centennial Park. I ended by describing how Nashville citizens who were frustrated with having a monument to segregation in our most iconic location (with a symbol to democracy–the Parthenon–at its center) couldn’t respond even with an interpretive sign, let alone removal. The Tennessee Heritage Protection Act prevented cities from enacting ANY changes to Confederate monuments without state approval.
This frustration was one of the main things that drove me to law school. The law prevented education from serving as a compromise or solution, so I needed to learn how the law worked and how people could work within it or change it.
Now, I’m proud to share that my law article on this topic was just published by the Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law (JETLaw). The article is called, “Grey State, Blue City: Defending Local Control Against Confederate ‘Historical Preservation.'”
Here’s the abstract:
Confederate monuments have become lightning rods across the American landscape. While these ubiquitous symbols have spread Lost Cause propaganda for over one hundred years, they have also instigated unprecedented protest and violence since the 2015 Charleston massacre, 2017 Charlottesville rally, and 2020 George Floyd murder. In response, southern state legislatures have passed preemptory “statue statutes,” laws that obstruct left-leaning cities from removing Confederate monuments. This Note compares the political and legal strategies cities and citizens have used to overcome these legal barriers, both in opposition to individual monuments and statue statutes themselves. Using Tennessee’s Historical Commission waiver process as a case study, this Note reveals how commission-based statue statutes act as objective façades disguising partisan bans on Confederate monument removal. Therefore, this Note urges that cities shift their energy from seeking waivers against individual monuments to publicly challenging historical commissions and statue statues so that citizens can regain legal pathways to peacefully and safely remove Confederate monuments. |
- Visit Us
- Worship & Formation
- Stewardship + Giving
God speaks into our lives, not just as a church community, but in unique, distinct ways.
This year, many people in our parish have stepped up to boldly proclaim how God has moved in their lives -why they were called to St. Paul’s, why they continue to make this parish their home, and how the work of stewardship gives our community the tools it needs to do what Jesus’ love requires.
We’ll be publishing a new story here each week during stewardship season, so stay tuned!
October 6th –Why St. Paul’s (Kahn Branch)
October 13th –Why St. Paul’s (Elijah Mills)
October 20th – Why St. Paul’s (Drew and Sunny Peterson)
You can also enjoy some of our most moving and popular stewardship films from past pledge cycles below:
“The Least of These” a short film about St. Paul’s Grate Patrol with Tina Mallett
“St. Paul’s Virtual Hymn Sing” by the parishioners of St. Paul’s |
Sally Picciuto has become an award-winning REALTOR® by providing an experience that exceeds her clients’ expectations and focuses on their satisfaction. Highly regarded by her clients and professionals in the field, Sally has earned several awards for her achievements through the years, including Top Agent for Listings Sold in 2020 and Top Agent in 2019 for Seven Gables, ranked the highest in Orange County per agent productivity. Since 2013, she has consecutively earned Orange County’s Five-Star Professional Real Estate Award every year.
As a resident of North Tustin for over 20 years, Sally focuses her marketing efforts on the entire community of Tustin, in addition to the neighboring communities of Irvine, Orange, and the coastal areas. She offers a deep understanding of the needs of first-time buyers and sellers, has worked extensively with luxury clientele, and is often quick to use her skills as a parent to help families find homes within the boundaries of excellent schools. An aspect of the business that she finds particularly rewarding is getting to know her clients on a personal level as it is crucial to her being the best possible resource for them and understanding their needs fully.
Sally brings a wealth of experience in the fields of sales and marketing, including a Bachelor of Science degree in Business and Marketing from Indiana University. She has had affiliations with several Fortune 500 companies in the pharmaceutical and medical fields as well as Merrill Lynch, where she worked as a financial consultant. Sally has completed advanced studies as a real estate broker and holds a Graduate Realtor Institute designation.
Sally is a happily married mother of two adult children. She is both a dedicated parent and fitness enthusiast that finds great joy out of traveling, cooking, and entertaining. Outgoing in her community, she has devoted time to several local organizations, including the National Charity League and Young Life.
Today’s buyers and sellers need a trusted resource who can guide them through the complex world of real estate. The testimonials Sally has received from her clients through the years reflects a level of integrity and dedication that is uniquely hers. On all fronts, she truly embodies the classic Seven Gables professional – locally-minded, client focused, and passionate about the life she leads. |
As Christmas and New Year’s Eve draw near, holiday gatherings are in full swing. Elevate your home’s appeal for your party with these quick and effortless tips, ensuring this year’s celebration is the most memorable yet.
Engaging Food Stations:
Ditch the conventional sit-down dinner and introduce interactive food stations for a lively way to cater to and amuse your guests. Consider setting up a hot chocolate bar and a cookie decorating station. Complement these with a vibrant drink station featuring unique holiday cocktails like the cranberry Aperol spritz. Simply enhance a traditional Aperol spritz with cranberry juice and garnish to craft a flavorful holiday beverage suitable for both Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Don’t forget the classic mulled wine, a delightful Christmas cocktail with roots dating back to Ancient Roman times.
Transform your home into a festive haven with standout decorations. This season, gold takes center stage. Integrate touches of gold and red into your decor for both Christmas and New Year’s celebrations. Consider the following:
- Mason Jar Lights: Infuse your home with ambiance by filling mason jars with twinkling fairy lights and ornaments.
- Themed Tables: Unify your home with festive holiday tablecloths and centerpieces to establish a cohesive theme.
- Pinecone Displays: Embrace the enduring theme of nature in decor with pinecone and berry displays, adding a cozy touch.
- Candlelight Ambiance: Create an enchanting atmosphere by incorporating candles of various shapes and sizes. Also, line the walls and banisters with twinkle lights to add to the coziness.
A holiday party wouldn’t be complete without games and activities. For an extra dose of festivity, align your holiday decorations with a theme for your guests. Set up a personalized photo booth area to capture memories from the day! If you are hosting a New Year’s Eve party, create a “resolution station” where guests can write down their goals for the upcoming year. If you are hosting a Christmas party, ornament decorating while watching a holiday classic movie is a great way to entertain your guests.
In conclusion, crafting the perfect holiday or New Year’s Eve party is all about creating an atmosphere of warmth, joy, and shared celebration. By incorporating a thoughtful blend of activities, from nostalgic movie marathons and lively dance floors to interactive trivia games and creative resolution stations, you can ensure that your gathering is not just an event but an experience. |
Davis Pool Maintenance Logo
Davis Pool Maintenance were one of the sponsors on The Brookfield Rural Fire Brigade Calendar. Because they didn't have a logo they commissioned me to design one for them. They are based in Chapel Hill, near Brisbane.
They can be contacted by telephone on (07) 3878 3446. |
The US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has found that Tesla’s Autopilot system was partly to blame for a fatal accident in which a Model S collided with a lorry.
Federal investigators say Tesla “lacked understanding” of the semi-autonomous Autopilot’s limitations.
The NTSB recommended that car manufacturers and regulators take steps to ensure such systems are not misused.
It said the collision should never have happened.
The crash, in May 2016, led to the death of Tesla driver Joshua Brown, 40. The driver of the truck, which was pulling a trailer, was unhurt.
“In this crash, Tesla’s system worked as designed, but it was designed to perform limited tasks in a limited range of environments,” Christopher Hart, a member of the NTSB said in a meeting to discuss the findings of its investigation.
“Tesla allowed the driver to use the system outside of the environment for which it was designed, and the system gave far more leeway to the driver to divert his attention to something other than driving.”
In June, the NTSB released a 500-page report stating that in 37 minutes of driving, Mr Brown had his hands on the wheel for just 25 seconds.
At the time, the lorry driver told the Associated Press that Mr Brown had been watching a Harry Potter film when the collision occurred.
However, the NTSB said today that there was no evidence that Mr Brown was watching a film while he was driving.
The safety board added that the lorry driver refused to be interviewed for its investigation.
The NTSB found that both Mr Brown and the lorry driver had sufficient sight distance to afford time for either party to have acted to prevent the collision.
The investigation found that Mr Brown’s inattention and the lorry driver’s unwillingness to give way were both primary factors of the crash.
The investigators could not find a reason why Mr Brown was inattentive.
However, they confirmed that neither driver was fatigued or impaired by alcohol and drugs, and neither driver was distracted by a mobile device.
Following the meeting, the NTSB’s report included seven safety recommendations requiring car manufacturers to add safeguards to prevent automated vehicle control systems from being used outside the conditions for which they were designed.
“At Tesla, the safety of our customers comes first, and one thing is very clear: Autopilot significantly increases safety, as NHTSA has found that it reduces accident rates by 40%,” the car-maker said in a statement.
“We appreciate the NTSB’s analysis of last year’s tragic accident and we will evaluate their recommendations as we continue to evolve our technology.
“We will also continue to be extremely clear with current and potential customers that Autopilot is not a fully self-driving technology and drivers need to remain attentive at all times.” |
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and whole-exome sequencing (WGS/WES) have grown to be increasingly affordable and accessible to individuals. also designed for make use of in clinical look after individuals with undiagnosed genetic anomalies specifically. As WGS/WES becomes more accessible the family member lines separating study direct-to-consumer tests and clinical treatment will blur. As these lines blur it’ll be important to thoroughly delineate the correct role for hereditary professionals in check purchasing interpretation and delivery of WGS/WES outcomes. To date a lot of the honest discourse has centered on specific preferences as well as the need for the autonomy of both individuals and individuals in genomic study. Respecting specific autonomy is vital but there’s a risk that unfettered autonomy will result in self-directed genomic tests and medically unwise health-related decision producing. Focusing primarily on specific autonomy is difficult because as holds true in all respects of health care and study there can be an essential part for professional common sense in genomics. Whether or not genome-scale sequencing is conducted in a study study the center or with a direct-to-consumer business several decisions need professional judgment. First an explicit decision should be made regarding what inside the genome will be queried particularly. In many circumstances only a chosen group of genes ought to be analyzed to reduce confusion and decrease the risk of fake positive results. Look at a physician who’s wanting to understand a patient’s obvious predisposition to tumor. It may quickly become economically efficient to activate in WGS with this diagnostic establishing but it wouldn’t normally become professionally accountable to regularly query the genome for many genes the majority of without any bearing on the reason why the check was ordered. For instance querying the position of this individual’s PSEN1 gene (which when mutated highly predisposes an individual to early-onset Alzheimer disease) will be justified only when there were audio medical reasons for doing this and if appropriate pretest guidance were completed. Alternatively study centered on gene discovery may reap the benefits of querying the complete genome. Depending on framework radically different conclusions will be appropriate concerning the degree to which a genome ought to be analyzed. Professional judgment is vital for deciding the perfect approach. Second the interpretation of WGS outcomes should be methodically approached. What degree of evidence is necessary before assigning pathogenicity to a specific variant Raddeanin A (which you will see many)? Which directories ought to be consulted to greatly help adjudicate this is of selected variations? Once again responsible answers to such concerns require professional professional and knowledge careful preparation. Third what suggestions should be designed to individuals who go through sequencing and who should make those determinations? The influence of genomic variation is understood and its own heterogeneity is huge poorly. Some outcomes will become easily interpreted and can trigger very clear and straightforward suggestions (eg a higher risk of avoidable cancer necessitating regular colonoscopy). Additionally suggestions will be nuanced tentative and predicated on imperfect data highly. When tips for CDKN2A administration which have medical implications are created based on genomic information whatever the framework Raddeanin A where that info was generated the average person becomes an individual and the discussion becomes section of medical practice which requires the participation Raddeanin A of an authorized doctor. Formulating and Raddeanin A presenting such recommendations needs professional expertise responsibly. Professional expertise subsequently Raddeanin A requires skilled (deliberative evidence-based thorough and responsible) medical judgment. Professional medical common sense establishes medical reasonableness; a theoretically possible type of diagnostic or restorative administration that’s reliably likely to create a higher balance of medical good over medical harm for the average person patient. These types of medical administration set the typical of care and attention. The physician includes a legal-and also ethical-obligation to provide to the individual all the clinically reasonable options for the administration from the patient’s condition but identifying what is clinically reasonable can be a function of. |
A travel blog by a girl who just wants to see the world.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Travel Photo Tuesday: Gloriette at Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna Austria
The Gloriette is a gorgeous building built at the top of the hill behind Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna, Austria. I have visited there each time I've been to Vienna, and have many nice memories of hiking up the hill in the heat to get to the cool and relaxing cafe inside! There's also an old fashioned hand water pump behind the structure where you can refill water bottles! I can't wait to see it again when I visit Sis for her wedding a year from now! |
Before you go to the polls and vote or don’t go the polls and vote out of anger or regret or frustration or grief or disappointment or whatever emotion you are feeling right now, recall this quote from Barack Obama during the 2008 campaign.
Someday we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth.
We didn’t get all the way there but we started. That moment hasn’t come, yet. Those who said “NO we can’t” spoke louder than those of us who said “YES, we can.” Maybe we thought it would be too easy. We didn’t realize how much some would fight NOT to care for the sick, NOT to help the jobless, NOT to stop the oceans from rising or the planet from healing, who would NOT want to end an unnecessary and unjust war or secure our nation or restore the image of our country. We know now. And now, we have a choice. We can abandon our search for the moment Obama describe or we can pick ourselves up and continue on the journey, a little wiser but more determined than ever to be able to look back and tell our children and grand children that we didn’t give up on the moment and because we didn’t it finally came.
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