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दे॒वेभ्यो॒ हि प्र॑थ॒मं य॒ज्ञिये॑भ्योऽमृत॒त्वꣳ सु॒वसि॑ भा॒गमु॑त्त॒मम्।आदिद् दा॒मान॑ꣳ सवित॒र्व्यूड्टर्णुषेऽनूची॒ना जी॑वि॒ता मानु॑षेभ्यः ॥ (५४) | O Savita Dev! You are the first of the gods. You provide nectar and good fortune to those who perform yajna. They then expand their rays (in space). They strive for the life of human beings. (54) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
प्र वा॒युमच्छा॑ बृह॒ती म॑नी॒षा बृ॒हद्र॑यिं॒ वि॒श्ववा॑रꣳ रथ॒प्राम्। द्यु॒तद्या॑मा नि॒युतः॒ पत्य॑मानः क॒विः क॒विमि॑यक्षसि प्रयज्यो ॥ (५५) | O priest! You are brilliant, poet and charioteer. We worship you with the best intellect. You should engage yourself in performing yajna with the best intellect, you worship the air with the best intellect. (55) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
इन्द्र॑वायूऽइ॒मे सु॒ताऽउप॒ प्रयो॑भि॒रा ग॑तम्। इन्द॑वो वामु॒शन्ति॒ हि ॥ (५६) | O Indra Dev! O wind! These sons of yours have prepared for you by squeezing somerus. You come to receive somersa. May Indra Dev and Vayu Dev bless us with peace. (56) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
मि॒त्रꣳ हु॑वे पू॒तद॑क्षं॒ वरु॑णं च रि॒शाद॑सम्।धियं॑ घृ॒ताची॒ साध॑न्ता ॥ (५७) | Mitra Dev and Varun Dev are pure, efficient and sin-washers. We worship them with a watered, simple intellect with ghee. (57) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
दस्रा॑ यु॒वाक॑वः सु॒ता नास॑त्या वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषः । आ या॑तꣳ रुद्रवर्त्तनी तं प्र॒त्नथा॑ । अ॒यं वे॒नः ॥ (५८) | O Ashwini Kumaro! You are young and beautiful. You come and sit on the seat of Kush, you are with a tendency like Rudra, you come. We have prepared somers for you diligently. Please accept it. (58) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
वि॒दद्यदी॑ स॒रमा॑ रु॒ग्णमद्रे॒र्महि॒ पाथः॑ पू॒र्व्यꣳ स॒ध्र्यक्कः।अग्रं॑ नयत्सु॒पद्यक्ष॑राणा॒मच्छा॒ रवं॑ प्रथ॒मा जा॑न॒ती गा॑त् ॥ (५९) | The hosts worship the gods with the mantras with the highest letters. Somerus has been squeezed with stones. Scholars consume this somras. (59) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
न॒हि स्पश॒मवि॑दन्न॒न्यम॒स्माद् वै॑श्वान॒रात् पु॑रऽए॒तार॑म॒ग्नेः । एमे॑नमवृधन्न॒मृता॒ऽअम॑र्त्यं वैश्वान॒रं क्षैत्र॑जित्याय दे॒वाः ॥ (६०) | O agni! The hosts did not know anyone else as a pioneer without The Scientist. The hosts have known you as immortal. Humans increase the world to conquer various fields (60) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
उ॒ग्रा वि॑घ॒निना॒ मृध॑ऽइन्द्रा॒ग्नी ह॑वामहे। ता नो॑ मृडातऽई॒दृशे॑ ॥ (६१) | O Lord Indra! O agni! You are fierce and disruptive. We call upon both of you gods. Please give us happiness in situations like this. (61) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
उपा॑स्मै गायता नरः॒ पव॑माना॒येन्द॑वे।अ॒भि दे॒वाँ२ऽइय॑क्षते ॥ (६२) | O hosts! Prepare the someras desired by the gods. Somerus is holy. You sing more praises for him. (62) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
ये त्वा॑हि॒हत्ये॑ मघव॒न्नव॑र्द्ध॒न्ये शा॑म्ब॒रे ह॑रिवो॒ ये गवि॑ष्टौ।ये त्वा॑ नू॒नम॑नु॒मद॑न्ति॒ विप्राः॒ पिबे॑न्द्र॒ सोम॒ꣳ सग॑णो म॒रुद्भिः॑ ॥ (६३) | O Indra Dev! You are rich and green horses. The deserts are brilliant. He inspired you to destroy enemies like Ahi, Shambar etc. They sang praises to you when they rescued the cows. They always approve of you. O Indra Dev! You are VIPR. You come. Please drink Someras with the Desert. (63) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
जनि॑ष्ठाऽउ॒ग्रः सह॑से तु॒राय॑ म॒न्द्रऽओजि॑ष्ठो बहु॒लाभि॑मानः।अव॑र्द्ध॒न्निन्द्रं॑ म॒रुत॑श्चि॒दत्र॑ मा॒ता यद्वी॒रं द॒धन॒द्धनि॑ष्ठा ॥ (६४) | O Indra Dev! You are wanted by the people. You are fierce, courageous, intelligent, fast, energetic and very arrogant. O Indra Dev! Dev Mata Aditi conceived you in the womb. The Marudagans have praised you faithfully. (64) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
आ तू न॑ऽइन्द्र वृत्रहन्न॒स्माक॑म॒र्द्धमा ग॑हि।म॒हान् म॒हीभि॑रू॒तिभिः॑ ॥ (६५) | O Indra Dev! You are the destroyer and protector of the universe. You come to us. Please come with your great glory and protections. (65) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
त्वमि॑न्द्र॒ प्रतू॑र्त्तिष्व॒भि विश्वा॑ऽअसि॒ स्पृधः॑।अ॒श॒स्ति॒हा ज॑नि॒ता वि॑श्व॒तूर॑सि॒ त्वं तू॑र्य्य तरुष्य॒तः ॥ (६६) | O Indra Dev! You compete with all enemies. You crush the wicked. You produce happiness. (66) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
अनु॑ ते॒ शुष्मं॑ तु॒रय॑न्तमीयतुः क्षो॒णी शिशुं॒ न मा॒तरा॑।विश्वा॑स्ते॒ स्पृधः॑ श्नथयन्त म॒न्यवे॑ वृ॒त्रं यदि॑न्द्र॒ तूर्व॑सि ॥ (६७) | O Indra Dev! Just as parents protect their baby, you protect us. When you fight the enemy. Then the entire Shanru army gets scared. (67) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
य॒ज्ञो दे॒वानां॒ प्रत्ये॑ति सु॒म्नमादि॑त्यासो॒ भव॑ता मृड॒यन्तः॑।आ वो॒ऽर्वाची॑ सुम॒तिर्व॑वृत्याद॒ꣳहोश्चि॒द्या व॑रिवो॒वित्त॒रास॑त् ॥ (६८) | O host! We perform yajna to the gods. O Aditya Dev! You are good-minded. You are pleasant. You give us permission. Please adapt the intelligence of your enemies towards us. (68) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
अद॑ब्धेभिः सवितः पा॒युभि॒ष्ट्वꣳ शि॒वेभि॑र॒द्य परि॑ पाहि नो॒ गय॑म्।हिर॑ण्यजिह्वः सुवि॒ताय॒ नव्य॑से॒ रक्षा॒ माकि॑र्नोऽअ॒घश॑ꣳसऽ ईशत ॥ (६९) | O Savita Dev! You protect us and welfare us with our homes and your own resources. You're gold-tongued. We bow to you. (69) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
प्र वी॑र॒या शुच॑यो दद्रिरे वामध्व॒र्युभि॒र्मधु॑मन्तः सु॒तासः॑।वह॑ वायो नि॒युतो॑ या॒ह्यच्छा॒ पिबा॑ सु॒तस्यान्ध॑सो॒ मदा॑य ॥ (७०) | O priests! You prepare someras by crushing with stones, squeezing it. O wind! You plough horses, bring chariots. Please drink somers for pleasure. (70) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
गाव॒ऽउपा॑वताव॒तं म॒ही य॒ज्ञस्य॑ र॒प्सुदा॑।उ॒भा कर्णा॑ हिर॒ण्यया॑ ॥ (७१) | O Lord, in the yagna, she is a stream of water! You protect the earth. This is proof! You prepare somers by crushing, squeezing them with stones. Both your ears are made of gold. Please listen to our praise from them. (71) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
काव्य॑योरा॒जाने॑षु॒ क्रत्वा॒ दक्ष॑स्य दुरो॒णे।रि॒शाद॑सा स॒धस्थ॒ऽआ ॥ (७२) | O Gods! You are king and skill. Please come to this yajna and complete the yajna. (72) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
दैव्या॑वध्वर्यू॒ आ ग॑त॒ꣳ रथे॑न॒ सूर्य॑त्वचा।मध्वा॑ य॒ज्ञꣳ सम॑ञ्जाथे। तं प्र॒त्नथा॑। अ॒यं वे॒नः ॥ (७३) | O priests! You are divine. Please come to this yagna with a chariot shining like the sun. We have tried to prepare a wish for you. (73) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
ति॒र॒श्चीनो॒ वित॑तो र॒श्मिरे॑षाम॒धः स्वि॑दा॒सी३दु॒परि॑ स्विदासी३त्।रे॒तो॒धाऽआ॑सन् महि॒मान॑ऽआसन्त्स्व॒धाऽअ॒वस्ता॒त् प्रय॑तिः प॒रस्ता॑त् ॥ (७४) | Soma is holy. The light of their oblique rays spreads far and wide. They are all over the bottom. These rays hold semen. These rays are glorious. They hold the world from all sides up and down. (74) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
आ रोद॑सीऽअपृण॒दा स्व॑र्म॒हज्जा॒तं यदे॑नम॒पसो॒ऽअधा॑रयन्।सोऽअ॑ध्व॒राय॒ परि॑ णीयते क॒विरत्यो॒ न वाज॑सातये॒ चनो॑हितः ॥ (७५) | In heaven and earth, agni is hosted. Agni illuminates everyone. We use agni for yajna. Just as a horse wanders everywhere, agni moves everywhere. (75) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
उ॒क्थेभि॑र्वृत्र॒हन्त॑मा॒ या म॑न्दा॒ना चि॒दा गि॒रा।आ॒ङ्गू॒षैरा॒विवा॑सतः ॥ (७६) | O Lord Indra! You are the destroyer and the giver of joy. We worship you with the best mantras. (76) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
उप॑ नः सू॒नवो॒ गिरः॑ शृ॒ण्वन्त्व॒मृत॑स्य॒ ये।सु॒मृ॒डी॒का भ॑वन्तु नः ॥ (७७) | We are your sons. May the immortal gods please listen to our speeches and be welfare towards us. (77) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
ब्रह्मा॑णि मे म॒तयः॒ शꣳसु॒तासः॒ शुष्म॑ऽइयर्त्ति॒ प्रभृ॑तो मे॒ऽअद्रिः॑।आ शा॑सते॒ प्रति॑ हर्य्यन्त्यु॒क्थेमा हरी॑ वहत॒स्ता नो॒ऽअच्छ॑ ॥ (७८) | The intellect of your sons is pleasant. We have squeezed someras with stones. You can plant your green horses, plough them and please come here. We sing ukth mantra for you. (78) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
अनु॑त्त॒मा ते॑ मघव॒न्नकि॒र्नु न त्वावाँ॑२ऽअस्ति दे॒वता॒ विदा॑नः।न जाय॑मानो॒ नश॑ते॒ न जा॒तो यानि॑ करि॒ष्या कृ॑णु॒हि प्र॑वृद्ध ॥ (७९) | O Indra Dev! There is no one better than you. No god is richer than you, no deity scholar is more than you. No one like you has been created, nor will it arise. No one has done or will do the same thing as you do. (79) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
तदिदा॑स॒ भुव॑नेषु॒ ज्येष्ठं॒ यतो॑ ज॒ज्ञऽ उ॒ग्रस्त्वे॒षनृ॑म्णः।स॒द्यो ज॑ज्ञा॒नो निरि॑णाति॒ शत्रू॒ननु॒ यं विश्वे॒ मद॒न्त्यूमाः॑ ॥ (८०) | Indra Dev is the eldest of the bhuvanas, fierce and hostile. All the gods who protect them in the yajna please them. Indra Dev does good to everyone in the world. (80) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
इ॒माऽउ॑ त्वा पुरूवसो॒ गिरो॑ वर्द्धन्तु॒ या मम॑।पा॒व॒कव॑र्णाः॒ शुच॑यो विप॒श्चितो॒ऽभि स्तोमै॑रनूषत ॥ (८१) | O Gods! You are very rich. Please increase our speech. You are agni-like characters and pure. We want to know you all. We are praising you. (81) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
यस्या॒यं विश्व॒ऽआर्यो॒ दासः॑ शेवधि॒पाऽअ॒रिः । ति॒रश्चि॑द॒र्य्ये रु॒शमे॒ पवी॑रवि॒ तुभ्येत्सोऽअ॑ज्यते र॒यिःति॒रश्चि॑द॒र्य्ये रु॒शमे॒ पवी॑रवि॒ तुभ्येत्सोऽअ॑ज्यते र॒यिः ॥ (८२) | To whom the whole world is a slave, to whom all the Aryans are slaves, the generous people are enemies to him. May Indra Dev bless us with Ayushman. They should give us wealth so that we can consume that money. (82) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
अ॒यंꣳ स॒हस्र॒मृषि॑भिः॒ सह॑स्कृतः समु॒द्रऽइ॑व पप्रथे।स॒त्यः सोऽअ॑स्य महि॒मा गृ॑णे॒ शवो॑ य॒ज्ञेषु॑ विप्र॒राज्ये॑ ॥ (८३) | Thousands of sages have strengthened Indra Dev with their hymns. They are capable of doing thousands of tasks. They are as wide as the sea. They are very glorious and distinguished. In the yajna, the glory of the Brahmins is praised according to their words. (83) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
अद॑ब्धेभिः सवितः पा॒युभि॒ष्ट्वꣳ शि॒वेभि॑र॒द्य परि॑ पाहि नो॒ गय॑म्।हिर॑ण्यजिह्वः सुवि॒ताय॒ नव्य॑से॒ रक्षा॒ माकि॑र्नोऽअ॒घश॑ꣳसऽईशत ॥ (८४) | O Savita Dev! You are gold-tongued and well-being. You protect our homes from all sides. You protect us. Sinners cannot take over us. We bow to you again and again. (84) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
आ नो॑ य॒ज्ञं दि॑वि॒स्पृशं॒ वायो॑ या॒हि सु॒मन्म॑भिः।अ॒न्तः प॒वित्र॑ऽउ॒परि॑ श्रीणा॒नोऽयꣳ शु॒क्रोऽअ॑यामि ते ॥ (८५) | O wind! Please come to our yagya that touches heaven. We request good-minded hosts to come from you. Som is sacred, bright and extremely beautiful. We offer this somers that came to earth from above for your drinking. (85) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
इ॒न्द्र॒वा॒यू सु॑स॒न्दृशा॑ सु॒हवे॒ह ह॑वामहे।यथा॑ नः॒ सर्व॒ऽइज्जनो॑ऽनमी॒वः स॒ङ्गमे॑ सु॒मना॒ऽअस॑त् ॥ (८६) | O Indra Dev! O wind! You are well worthy of the invocation. We call upon you very well, so that all our (intimate) people become disease-free and superior-minded. (86) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
ऋध॑गि॒त्था स मर्त्यः॑ शश॒मे दे॒वता॑तये।यो नू॒नं मि॒त्रावरु॑णाव॒भिष्ट॑यऽआच॒क्रे ह॒व्यदा॑तये ॥ (८७) | The people who call upon you for their happiness, surely the people who invoke the friend God and Varuna Dev to fulfill their desire, the human beings call upon you to give them. Please fulfill their wishes. (87) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
आ या॑त॒मुप॑ भूषतं॒ मध्वः॑ पिबतमश्विना।दु॒ग्धं पयो॑ वृषणा जेन्यावसू॒ मा नो॑ मर्धिष्ट॒मा ग॑तम् ॥ (८८) | O AshwiniKumar! Please come to the yagna. You adorn the yajna. Please drink milk and juices in the yajna and shower money. (88) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
प्रैतु॒ ब्रह्म॑ण॒स्पतिः॒ प्र दे॒व्येतु सू॒नृता॑।अच्छा॑ वी॒रं नर्य्यं॑ प॒ङ्क्तिरा॑धसं दे॒वा यज्ञं॒ न॑यन्तु नः ॥ (८९) | O Ashwini Kumaro! Please come to the yajna, give divine and truthfulness. Devgans are well-wishers of human beings. They should come in line in the yajna and please destroy the enemy. (89) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
च॒न्द्रमा॑ऽअ॒प्स्वन्तरा सु॑प॒र्णो धा॑वते दि॒वि। र॒यिं पि॒शङ्गं॑ बहु॒लं पु॑रुस्पृह॒ꣳ हरि॑रेति॒ कनि॑क्रदत् ॥ (९०) | Som Dev has emerged from within the moon. Som Dev is bright and colorful. They run towards paradise with a thick roar. May they shower wealth on us. (90) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
दे॒वन्दे॑वं॒ वोऽव॑से दे॒वन्दे॑वम॒भिष्ट॑ये। दे॒वन्दे॑वꣳ हुवेम॒ वाज॑सातये गृ॒णन्तो॑ दे॒व्या धि॒या ॥ (९१) | We invoke God for our desired accomplishment. We dedicate our desire to God for our desired accomplishment. We wisely invoke the deity. (91) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
दि॒वि पृ॒ष्टोऽअ॑रोचता॒ग्निर्वै॑श्वान॒रो बृ॒हन्।क्ष्मया॑ वृधा॒नऽओज॑सा॒ चनो॑हितो॒ ज्योति॑षा बाधते॒ तमः॑ ॥ (९२) | Vaishvanar Dev is immersed in the surface country of heaven. Vaishvanar Dev gets an increase from Havi. Vaishvanar Dev destroys darkness with radiance. (92) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
इन्द्रा॑ग्नीऽअ॒पादि॒यं पूर्वागा॑त् प॒द्वती॑भ्यः।हि॒त्वी शिरो॑ जि॒ह्वया॒ वाव॑द॒च्चर॑त् त्रि॒ꣳशत् प॒दा न्य॑क्रमीत् ॥ (९३) | O Indra Dev! Usha Devi comes before the feet even after being feetless. O agni! Even when headless, the heads of creatures inspire. O agni! They move forward by speaking from the tongue of humans. Grow with hundreds of feet a day. (93) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
दे॒वासो॒ हि ष्मा॒ मन॑वे॒ सम॑न्यवो॒ विश्वे॑ सा॒कꣳसरा॑तयः।ते नो॑ऽअ॒द्य ते अ॑प॒रं तु॒चे तु नो॒ भव॑न्तु वरिवो॒विदः॑ ॥ (९४) | All gods are meditative and coordinated. May all gods bless us with all the splendour. May all gods give us glory today and to our generations in the future. (94) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
अपा॑धमद॒भिश॑स्तीरशस्ति॒हाथेन्द्रो॑ द्यु॒म्न्याभ॑वत्।दे॒वास्त॑ऽइन्द्र स॒ख्याय॑ येमिरे॒ बृह॑द्भानो॒ मरु॑द्गण ॥ (९५) | Indra Dev punishes the udadandas. They drive away violence. All Devgans want friendship with them. O mary! All of your gods want friendship. O God of Fire! All of you want friendship. (95) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
प्र व॒ऽइन्द्रा॑य बृह॒ते मरु॑तो॒ ब्रह्मा॑र्चत।वृ॒त्रꣳ ह॑नति वृत्र॒हा श॒तक्र॑तु॒र्वज्रे॑ण श॒तप॑र्वणा ॥ (९६) | O host! You should recite elaborate mantras for the deity and the marudgan. Indra Dev is vritrasurnashi. They destroy Vritrasura with a hundred sharp arrows. They are hundreds of yagna performers. (96) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
अ॒स्येदिन्द्रो॑ वावृधे॒ वृष्ण्य॒ꣳ शवो॒ मदे॑ सु॒तस्य॒ विष्ण॑वि।अ॒द्या तम॑स्य महि॒मान॑मा॒यवोऽनु॑ ष्टुवन्ति पू॒र्वथा॑।इ॒मा उ त्वा। यस्या॒यम्। अ॒यꣳ स॒हस्र॑म्। ऊ॒र्ध्वऽऊ॒ षु णः॑ ॥ (९७) | Indra Dev becomes intoxicated with Someras and increases the strength of the host. He and Vishnu Dev Yajaman, like the former sages, are expressed by your glory stotras. (97) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
यज्जाग्र॑तो दू॒रमु॒दैति॒ दैवं॒ तदु॑ सु॒प्तस्य॒ तथै॒वैति॑।दू॒र॒ङ्ग॒मं ज्योति॑षां॒ ज्योति॒रेकं॒ तन्मे॒ मनः॑ शि॒वस॑ङ्कल्पमस्तु ॥ (१) | As the mind wanders away, it also travels away in sleep in the waking state. The mind is far-reaching, luminous, the originator of light and the only light. Let our mind be full of welfare resolutions. (1) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
येन॒ कर्मा॑ण्य॒पसो॑ मनी॒षिणो॑ य॒ज्ञे कृ॒ण्वन्ति॑ वि॒दथे॑षु॒ धीराः॑।यद॑पू॒र्वं य॒क्षम॒न्तः प्र॒जानां॒ तन्मे॒ मनः॑ शि॒वस॑ङ्कल्पमस्तु ॥ (२) | Mystics perform yajna etc. work with this mind. With this mind, patient people are engaged in the best work. The mind is unique and respected among the hosts. Let that mind of ours become full of welfare resolutions. (2) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
यत्प्र॒ज्ञान॑मु॒त चेतो॒ धृति॑श्च॒ यज्ज्योति॑र॒न्तर॒मृतं॑ प्र॒जासु॑।यस्मा॒न्नऽऋ॒ते किं च॒न कर्म॑ क्रि॒यते॒ तन्मे॒ मनः॑ शि॒वस॑ङ्कल्पमस्तु ॥ (३) | May our mind, which is enlightened, conscious, patient and elixir in all beings, without which no work is done, become full of welfare resolutions. (3) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
येने॒दं भू॒तं भुव॑नं भवि॒ष्यत् परि॑गृहीतम॒मृते॑न॒ सर्व॑म्।येन॑ य॒ज्ञस्ता॒यते॑ स॒प्तहो॑ता॒ तन्मे॒ मनः॑ शि॒वस॑ङ्कल्पमस्तु ॥ (४) | May the immortal mind with which everything is known, from which the past, present and future are accepted, through which the seven priests (would) extend the yajna, may our mind be filled with welfare resolutions. (4) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
यस्मि॒न्नृचः॒ साम॒ यजू॑षि॒ यस्मि॒न् प्रति॑ष्ठिता रथना॒भावि॑वा॒राः।यस्मिँ॑श्चि॒त्तꣳ सर्व॒मोतं॑ प्र॒जानां॒ तन्मे॒ मनः॑ शि॒वस॑ङ्कल्पमस्तु ॥ (५) | Just as there are hes in the wheel of a chariot, in the mind in which the mantras of RigVeda, Samaveda and Yajurveda are established, in which the knowledge of the minds of the people is imbued, our mind should be filled with welfare resolutions. (5) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
सु॒षा॒र॒थिरश्वा॑निव॒ यन्म॑नु॒ष्यान्ने॑नी॒यते॒ऽभीशु॑भिर्वा॒जिन॑ऽइव।हृ॒त्प्रति॑ष्ठं॒ यद॑जि॒रं जवि॑ष्ठं॒ तन्मे॒ मनः॑ शि॒वस॑ङ्कल्पमस्तु ॥ (६) | A good charioteer keeps horses under control. Moves to the defined location. It is he who keeps humans under control, taking them to the designated place. May our mind, which is established in the heart, which is ajar, which is moving, become full of welfare resolutions. (6) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
पि॒तुं नु स्तो॑षं म॒हो ध॒र्माणं॒ तवि॑षीम्।यस्य॑ त्रि॒तो व्योज॑सा वृ॒त्रं विप॑र्वम॒र्द्दय॑त् ॥ (७) | We praise our father Indra Dev. They are great and strong. They killed Vritrasura. He established his power in all three worlds. (7) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
अन्विद॑नुमते॒ त्वं मन्या॑सै॒ शं च॑ नस्कृधि।क्रत्वे॒ दक्षा॑य नो हिनु॒ प्र ण॒ऽआयू॑षि तारिषः ॥ (८) | O permission! Please approve of our wishes and benefit us. You increase our sacrifice and our age. You star us. (8) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
अनु॑ नो॒ऽद्यानु॑मतिर्य॒ज्ञं दे॒वेषु॑ मन्यताम्।अ॒ग्निश्च॑ हव्य॒वाह॑नो॒ भव॑तं दा॒शुषे॒ मयः॑ ॥ (९) | O permission! Today, you get our yajna recognized among the gods. May the agni of Havi Sister be kind to be generous to us. (9) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
सिनी॑वालि॒ पृथु॑ष्टुके॒ या दे॒वाना॒मसि॒ स्वसा॑।जु॒षस्व॑ ह॑व्यमाहु॑तं प्र॒जां दे॑वि दिदिड्ढि नः ॥ (१०) | O Goddess of Siniwali! You are the sister of the gods, with many hairstyles and a child to follow the subjects. We have invited you to accept Havi. Please accept the havi and give us children. (10) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
पञ्च॑ न॒द्यः सर॑स्वती॒मपि॑ यन्ति॒ सस्रो॑तसः।सर॑स्वती॒ तु प॑ञ्च॒धा सो दे॒शेऽभ॑वत् स॒रित् ॥ (११) | Five rivers join the Saraswati river with the same source. Bahi Saraswati became famous in five ways in the country. (11) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
त्वम॑ग्ने प्रथ॒मोऽअङ्गि॑रा॒ऽऋषि॑र्दे॒वो दे॒वाना॑मभवः शि॒वः सखा॑।तव॑ व्र॒ते क॒वयो॑ विद्म॒नाप॒सोऽजा॑यन्त म॒रुतो॒ भ्राज॑दृष्टयः ॥ (१२) | O agni! You are the first to be revered. Rishi Angira has revealed to you. You are the God of gods. May you be good for us. You have become a marudgan poet and scholar. You are a friend to us. You have come to know about the desert. Marudgans have become omnipresent from your heart. Your heart is equipped with excellent weapons. (12) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
त्वं नो॑ऽअग्ने॒ तव॑ देव पा॒युभि॑र्म॒घोनो॑ रक्ष त॒न्वश्च वन्द्य।त्रा॒ता तो॒कस्य॒ तन॑ये॒ गवा॑म॒स्यनि॑मेष॒ꣳ रक्ष॑माण॒स्तव॑ व्र॒ते ॥ (१३) | O agni! You are ours. Please protect us and make us rich. Please make our body strong. You are a revered and protector. Please protect our children. Please protect our cows and us continuously. (13) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
उ॒त्ता॒नाया॒मव॑ भरा चिकि॒त्वान्त्स॒द्यः प्रवी॑ता॒ वृष॑णं जजान।अ॒रु॒षस्तू॑पो॒ रुश॑दस्य॒ पाज॒ऽइडा॑यास्पु॒त्रो व॒युने॑ऽजनिष्ट ॥ (१४) | O agni! You are born from earth. Fire has emerged through knowledgeful action. They are soon ignited by arani manthan. They are bright and amazing. They get more spread from the air. (14) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
इडा॑यास्त्वा प॒दे व॒यं नाभा॑ पृथि॒व्याऽअधि॑।जात॑वेदो॒ नि धी॑म॒ह्यग्ने॑ ह॒व्याय॒ वोढ॑वे ॥ (१५) | O agni! You are omniscient. We set you in the middle navel of the earth. We dedicate the HV Form Fund to you. Please bear it. (15) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
प्र म॑न्महे शवसा॒नाय॑ शू॒षमा॑ङ्गू॒षं गिर्व॑णसेऽअङ्गिर॒स्वत्।सु॒वृ॒क्तिभिः॑ स्तुव॒तऽऋ॑ग्मि॒यायार्चा॑मा॒र्कं नरे॒ विश्रु॑ताय ॥ (१६) | Indra Dev wants power. They are the best speeches. They are scholars. We praise him like Angira Rishi. We praise them with good praises. Renowned for the leadership of human beings, they worship them with the mantras of rigveda. (16) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
प्र वो॑ म॒हे महि॒ नमो॑ भरध्वमाङ्गू॒ष्यꣳ शवसा॒नाय॒ साम॑।येना॑ नः॒ पूर्वे॑ पि॒तरः॑ पद॒ज्ञाऽअर्च॑न्तो॒ऽअङ्गिरसो॒ गाऽअवि॑न्दन् ॥ (१७) | O host! Salutations to the great glorious Indra Dev. Host! For the happiness of the great glorious Indra Dev, offer havi, with which our ancestors and ancestors worshiped. (17) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
इ॒च्छन्ति॑ त्वा सो॒म्यासः॒ सखा॑यः सु॒न्वन्ति॒ सोमं॒ दध॑ति॒ प्रया॑सि।तिति॑क्षन्तेऽअ॒भिश॑स्तिं॒ जना॑ना॒मिन्द्र॒ त्वदा कश्च॒न हि प्र॑के॒तः ॥ (१८) | O Lord Indra! You want a harmony like Som. You squeeze somerus. You wear somers. Som provides somras even while enduring the harsh behavior of human beings. Food is forced. (18) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
न ते॑ दू॒रे प॑र॒मा चि॒द् रजा॒स्या तु प्र या॑हि हरिवो॒ हरि॑भ्याम्।स्थि॒राय॒ वृष्णे॒ सव॑ना कृ॒तेमा यु॒क्ता ग्रावा॑णः समिधा॒नेऽअ॒ग्नौ ॥ (१९) | O Indra Dev! The ultimate (extreme) distant place for you is not too far away. You plough horses called Hari and please come like Hari(horse). We pray to you for your stability and strength. Yagya is being performed in the morning and evening. This stone is to squeeze som. It is meant to ignite the samidha agni. (19) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
अषा॑ढं यु॒त्सु पृत॑नासु॒ पप्रि॑ꣳ स्व॒र्षाम॒प्सां वृ॒जन॑स्य गो॒पाम्।भ॒रे॒षु॒जा सु॑क्षि॒तिꣳ सु॒श्रव॑सं॒ जय॑न्तं॒ त्वामनु॑ मदेम सोम ॥ (२०) | O Mon! You display a lot of might in wars. You are an enemy, army, gopalak, force protector and a good residence. You are the winner, the success. O Mon! You make us happy. We emulate you. (20) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
सोमो॑ धे॒नुꣳ सोमो॒ऽअर्व॑न्तमा॒शुꣳ सोमो॑ वी॒रं क॑र्म॒ण्यं ददाति।सा॒द॒न्यं विद॒थ्यꣳ स॒भेयं॑ पितृ॒श्रव॑णं॒ यो ददा॑शदस्मै ॥ (२१) | "Som offers milch cows to the hosts who offer them sacrifices. Such hosts provide fast horses. They give heroic sons to the hosts. Som provides a domestic son. They provide a hardworking son. They provide a skilled and obedient son in patriarchy. (21) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
त्वमि॒माऽओष॑धीः सोम॒ विश्वा॒स्त्वम॒पोऽअ॑जनय॒स्त्वं गाः।त्वमा त॑तन्थो॒र्वन्तरि॑क्षं॒ त्वं ज्योति॑षा॒ वि तमो॑ ववर्थ ॥ (२२) | O Mon! You grow all these oozings. You raised the water. You raised cows. You expanded the space. You made the world astrological. You have been kind to remove darkness. (22) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
दे॒वेन॑ नो॒ मन॑सा देव सोम रा॒यो भा॒गꣳ स॑हसावन्न॒भि यु॑ध्य।मा त्वा त॑न॒दीशि॑षे वी॒र्य्यस्यो॒भये॑भ्यः॒ प्र चि॑कित्सा॒ गवि॑ष्टौ ॥ (२३) | O Mon! You are divine. You give us money with your heart and make us lucky. You win us in the war. No one can stop you from donating. You are very strong and very fearless. O Mon! You give us the happiness of both the worlds (earthland and heaven). (23) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
अ॒ष्टौ व्य॑ख्यत् क॒कुभः॑ पृथि॒व्यास्त्री धन्व॒ योज॑ना स॒प्त सिन्धू॑न्।हि॒र॒ण्या॒क्षः स॑वि॒ता दे॒वऽआगा॒द् दध॒द् रत्ना॑ दा॒शुषे॒ वार्य्या॑णि ॥ (२४) | Savita Dev explains the eight worlds and illuminates the earth. They illuminate the seven seas and the three worlds. They publish various schemes. They are golden-eyed and are going to hold immense gems for the hosts. They are going to give a lot of money to the hosts. (24) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
हिर॑ण्यपाणिः सवि॒ता विच॑र्षणिरु॒भे द्यावा॑पृथि॒वीऽअ॒न्तरी॑यते।अपामी॑वां॒ बाध॑ते॒ वेति॒ सूर्य्य॑म॒भि कृ॒ष्णेन॒ रज॑सा॒ द्यामृ॑णोति ॥ (२५) | Savita Dev is gold-handed and extraordinary. They inspire the sun between both heaven and earthland. They destroy diseases and darkness. The sun illuminates both the worlds with its beauty. (25) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
हिर॑ण्यहस्तो॒ऽअसु॑रः सुनी॒थः सु॑मृडी॒कः स्ववाँ॑ यात्व॒र्वाङ्।अ॒प॒सेध॑न् र॒क्षसो॑ यातु॒धाना॒नस्था॑द् दे॒वः प्र॑तिदो॒षं गृ॑णा॒नः ॥ (२६) | The sun has gold hands (golden). They are the giver, the giver of welfare, the best of happiness and the light. They are the destroyers of demons and evil. May they please be friendly to us. (26) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
ये ते॒ पन्थाः॑ सवितः पू॒र्व्यासो॑ऽरे॒णवः॒ सुकृ॑ताऽअ॒न्तरि॑क्षे।तेभि॑र्नोऽअ॒द्य प॒थिभिः॑ सु॒गेभी॒ रक्षा॑ च नो॒ऽअधि॑ च ब्रूहि देव ॥ (२७) | O Savita Dev! With your grace, we should follow those paths in the land of space, which are your best paths without dust. May we be fortunate to follow those paths of yours. We can walk those paths of yours safely. Please say you message to us on those paths. (27) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
उ॒भा पि॑बतमश्विनो॒भा नः॒ शर्म॑ यच्छतम्।अ॒वि॒द्रि॒याभि॑रू॒तिभिः॑ ॥ (२८) | Hey both Ashwini Kumar! Please come to the yajna site and pray. May you please give us happiness. Protect us with your own defense tools and give us happiness. (28) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
अप्न॑स्वतीमश्विना॒ वाच॑म॒स्मे कृ॒तं नो॑ दस्रा वृषणा मनी॒षाम्।अ॒द्यूत्येऽव॑से॒ नि ह्व॑ये वां वृ॒धे च॑ नो भवतं॒ वाज॑सातौ ॥ (२९) | O Ashwinikumaro! You are visible and powerful. You put our speech into good work. O Ashwinikumaro! You put our Manisha (intellect) into good work. (29) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
द्युभि॑र॒क्तुभिः॒ परि॑ पातम॒स्मानरि॑ष्टेभिरश्विना॒ सौभ॑गेभिः।तन्नो॑ मि॒त्रो वरु॑णो मामहन्ता॒मदि॑तिः॒ सिन्धुः॑ पृथि॒वीऽउ॒त द्यौः ॥ (३०) | O Ashwinikumaro! Please increase this yajna with your defense tools today. Help us mitra dev, varun dev, aditi dev, sindhu dev, prithvilok in protecting the money provided by you. Help us in protecting the wealth provided by you. (30) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
आ कृ॒ष्णेन॒ रज॑सा॒ वर्त्त॑मानो निवे॒शय॑न्न॒मृतं॒ मर्त्यं॑ च।हि॒र॒ण्यये॑न सवि॒ता रथे॒ना दे॒वो या॑ति॒ भुव॑नानि॒ पश्य॑न् ॥ (३१) | Savita Dev rides on a golden chariot and travels while watching the people. They rid the earth of darkness. He inspires all human beings and gods etc. in karma and humans etc. (31) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
आ रा॑त्रि॒ पार्थि॑व॒ꣳ रजः॑ पि॒तुर॑प्रायि॒ धाम॑भिः।दि॒वः सदा॑सि बृह॒ती वि ति॑ष्ठस॒ऽआ त्वे॒षं व॑र्त्तते॒ तमः॑ ॥ (३२) | The night goddess completes the earth with darkness. They complete the space world with darkness and pervades heaven. In this way, the night goddess is pervading everyone with darkness. (32) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
उष॒स्तच्चि॒त्रमा भ॑रा॒स्मभ्यं॑ वाजिनीवति।येन॑ तो॒कं च॒ तन॑यं च॒ धाम॑हे ॥ (३३) | Usha Devi is amazing. May they be blessed for us. May those wonderful treasures hold for us. With that money, we can provide for our children in a proper way. (33) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
प्रा॒तर॒ग्निं प्रा॒तरिन्द्र॑ꣳ हवामहे प्रा॒तर्मि॒त्रावरु॑णा प्रा॒तर॒श्विना॑।प्रा॒तर्भगं॑ पू॒षणं॒ ब्रह्म॑ण॒स्पतिं॑ प्रा॒तः सोम॑मु॒त रु॒द्रꣳ हु॑वेम ॥ (३४) | In the morning, we invoke Agni, Indra Dev, Mitra Dev, Varun Dev and Ashwini Kumars. In the morning, we invoke Vanaspati Dev, Bhag Dev, Pushan and Rudra Dev. (34) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
प्रा॒त॒र्जितं॒ भग॑मु॒ग्रꣳ हु॑वेम व॒यं पु॒त्रमदि॑ते॒र्यो वि॑ध॒र्त्ता।आ॒ध्रश्चि॒द्यं मन्य॑मानस्तु॒रश्चि॒द् राजा॑ चि॒द्यं भगं॑ भ॒क्षीत्याह॑ ॥ (३५) | We invoke Aditi Dev in the morning. He is the conqueror, the fortunate, the holder of the fierce world. It has been said that whoever the rich, the poor, the patient, the king is, they worship the desired wish Siddhihetu Sun. (35) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
भग॒ प्रणे॑त॒र्भग॒ सत्य॑राधो॒ भगे॒मां धिय॒मुद॑वा॒ दद॑न्नः।भग॒ प्र नो॑ जनय॒ गोभि॒रश्वै॒र्भग॒ प्र नृभि॑र्नृ॒वन्तः॑ स्याम ॥ (३६) | O God! You are the pioneer of our path. O God! You are the provider of money in the form of truth. O God! You are the provider of progressive intelligence. O God! You generate songs for us. O God! You generate horses for us. O God! By your grace, let us become leadership children. (36) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
उ॒तेदानीं॒ भग॑वन्तः स्यामो॒त प्र॑पि॒त्वऽउ॒त मध्ये॒ऽअह्ना॑म्।उ॒तोदि॑ता मघव॒न्त्सूर्य्य॑स्य व॒यं दे॒वाना॑ सुम॒तौ स्या॑म ॥ (३७) | We become good-minded and wealthy by the grace of the sun. We should get money in sunrise by his grace, we should be rich in midday and sunset by his grace. (37) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
भग॑ऽए॒व भग॑वाँ२ऽअस्तु देवा॒स्तेन॑ व॒यं भग॑वन्तः स्याम।तं त्वा॑ भग॒ सर्व॒ऽइज्जो॑हवीति॒ स नो॑ भग पुरऽए॒ता भ॑वे॒ह ॥ (३८) | O God! You are rich and lucky. By your grace, we hosts should also become rich and lucky. The host invokes God. Please come to our place and make our yajna and all the desired works successful. (38) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
सम॑ध्व॒रायो॒षसो॑ नमन्त दधि॒क्रावे॑व॒ शुच॑ये प॒दाय॑।अ॒र्वा॒ची॒नं व॑सु॒विदं॒ भगं॑ नो॒ रथ॑मि॒वाश्वा॑ वा॒जिन॒ऽआ व॑हन्तु ॥ (३९) | We perform yajna and bow down in ushakal. We carry out sacred activities in ushakal. Just as the asavanavati chariots are moving, may God bless us to make us old and with superior wealth. (39) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
अश्वा॑वती॒र्गोम॑तीर्नऽउ॒षासो॑ वी॒रव॑तीः॒ सद॑मुच्छन्तु भ॒द्राः।घृ॒तं दुहा॑ना वि॒श्वतः॒ प्रपी॑ता यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ (४०) | Just as Ashwamayi Veeravati and Kalyani Usha Devi give ghee and milk, so please Prabhat Bela to do our welfare. There is ghee and milk for us. Remove the dark obstacles of ignorance from all sides. May all of you gods always be kind to us. (40) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
पूष॒न्तव॑ व्र॒ते व॒यं न रि॑ष्येम॒ कदा॑ च॒न।स्तो॒तार॑स्तऽइ॒ह स्म॑सि ॥ (४१) | O God of God! Let us put the hymn in your brat. Let us never perish. We praise you in the yajna and wish you. (41) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
प॒थस्प॑थः॒ परि॑पतिं वच॒स्या कामे॑न कृ॒तोऽअ॒भ्यानड॒र्कम्।स नो॑ रासच्छु॒रुध॑श्च॒न्द्राग्रा॒ धियं॑ धियꣳ सीषधाति॒ प्र पू॒षा ॥ (४२) | Pusha Dev is our guide. When desired with a mantra, they destroy the demons and provide enemy-destroying means. May they please use our intellect in the best of work. (42) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
त्रीणि॑ प॒दा विच॑क्रमे॒ विष्णु॑र्गो॒पाऽअदा॑भ्यः।अतो॒ धर्मा॑णि धा॒रय॑न् ॥ (४३) | Vishnu took the whole world in his three legs. They are sitting with that power holding the worlds. (43) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
तद्विप्रा॑सो विप॒न्यवो॑ जागृ॒वासः॒ समि॑न्धते।विष्णो॒र्यत्प॑र॒मं प॒दम् ॥ (४४) | Brahmins who wake up and live by performing yajna vidhi, they attain the ultimate abode of Brahmin Vishnu Dev. (44) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
घृ॒तव॑ती॒ भुव॑नानामभि॒श्रियो॒र्वी पृ॒थ्वी म॑धु॒दुघे॑ सु॒पेश॑सा।द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी वरु॑णस्य॒ धर्म॑णा॒ विष्क॑भितेऽअ॒जरे॒ भूरि॑रतेसा ॥ (४५) | Heaven and earthland have been strengthened by the power of Varun Dev. Heaven and earth are superior and are without old age. They are the basic source of strength. The earth is ghimasi, a refuge of the worlds, has the ability to exploit extensive and special sweet juices. (45) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
ये नः॑ स॒पत्ना॒ऽअप॒ ते भ॑वन्त्विन्द्रा॒ग्निभ्या॒मव॑ बाधामहे॒ तान्।वस॑वो रु॒द्राऽआ॑दि॒त्याऽउ॑परि॒स्पृशं॑ मो॒ग्रं चेत्ता॑रमधिरा॒जम॑क्रन् ॥ (४६) | Those who are our enemies should be defeated. Let us obstruct those enemies with the ability of Indra Dev and Agni. May Vasugan please make our mind fierce, mighty and overdeva. Rudragana and Adityagan please make our mind fierce, mighty and ruler. (46) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
आ ना॑सत्या त्रि॒भिरे॑काद॒शैरि॒ह दे॒वेभि॑र्यातं मधु॒पेय॑मश्विना।प्रायु॒स्तारि॑ष्टं॒ नी रपा॑सि मृक्षत॒ꣳ सेध॑तं॒ द्वेषो॒ भव॑तꣳ सचा॒भुवा॑ ॥ (४७) | AshwiniKumar's are imperishable. You both come with eleven times three (33) gods. Both of you drink sweet drink with eleven times three(gods). You protect us and increase our age. You destroy our sins and enemies. Be our helper. (47) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
ए॒ष व॒ स्तोमो॑ मरुतऽइ॒यं गीर्मा॑न्दा॒र्यस्य॑ मा॒न्यस्य॑ का॒रोः।एषा या॑सीष्ट त॒न्वे व॒यां वि॒द्यामे॒षं वृ॒जनं॑ जी॒रदा॑नुम् ॥ (४८) | O Marudagano! These hymns are dedicated to you. Please make you happy these banimayi praises. These praises are honorable and best fruitful. You come. Give us the desired happiness, education, food and age. (48) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
स॒हस्तो॑माः स॒हच्छ॑न्दसऽआ॒वृतः॑ स॒हप्र॑मा॒ऽऋष॑यः स॒प्त दैव्याः॑।पूर्वे॑षां॒ पन्था॑मनु॒दृश्य॒ धीरा॑ऽअ॒न्वाले॑भिरे र॒थ्यो̫ न र॒श्मीन् ॥ (४९) | The seven sages manifested divine creation with praises, with verses, with proof. These sages followed the former sages. These dhir rishis took them to the desired destination just as the reins carry horses to their favored destination. (49) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
आ॒युष्यं वर्च्च॒स्यꣳ रा॒यस्पोष॒मौद्भि॑दम्।इ॒दꣳ हिर॑ण्यं॒ वर्च्च॑स्व॒ज्जैत्रा॒यावि॑शतादु॒ माम् ॥ (५०) | This golden wealth is life, domination, wealth and confirmation. This golden wealth is generated from the land. This golden wealth is dominating. This golden wealth is bright. Please give us this golden wealth victory. (50) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
न तद्रक्षा॑सि॒ न पि॑शा॒चास्त॑रन्ति दे॒वाना॒मोजः॑ प्रथम॒जꣳ ह्ये॒तत्। यो बि॒भर्ति॑ दाक्षाय॒णꣳ हिर॑ण्य॒ꣳ स दे॒वेषु॑ कृणुते दी॒र्घमायुः॒ स म॑नु॒ष्येषु कृणुते दी॒र्घमायुः॑ ॥ (५१) | Demons do not hide this golden wealth. Even vampires do not hide this golden wealth. This golden first born deities are the ode, the Dakshavanshi Brahmins who hold it as a golden ornament, the gods also give longevity to humans. (51) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
यदाब॑ध्नन् दाक्षाय॒णा हिर॑ण्यꣳ श॒तानी॑काय सुमन॒स्यमा॑नाः।तन्म॒ऽआ ब॑ध्नामि श॒तशा॑रदा॒यायु॑ष्माञ्ज॒रद॑ष्टि॒र्यथास॑म् ॥ (५२) | We tie the gold thread that dakshabanshi (Brahmins of Dakshavanshi) tied to the king with hundreds of armies with a good heart on our body to attain the age of hundred years. We are old and old. (52) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
उ॒त नोऽहि॑र्बु॒ध्न्यः शृणोत्व॒जऽएक॑पात् पृथि॒वी स॑मु॒द्रः।विश्वे॑ दे॒वाऽऋ॑ता॒वृधो॑ हुवा॒नाः स्तु॒ता मन्त्राः॑ कविश॒स्ताऽअ॑वन्तु ॥ (५३) | Ahirbudhnya, Aj, Ekpat, Earth, Sea and all the gods please listen to our praises. May all these gods please increase the truth. We all invoke God. We all praise God. All these devgans of the poet host should be protectors. (53) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
इ॒मा गिर॑ऽआदि॒त्येभ्यो॑ घृ॒तस्नूः॑ स॒नाद्राज॑भ्यो जु॒ह्वड्टा जुहोमि।शृ॒णोतु॑ मि॒त्रोऽअ॑र्य॒मा भगो॑ नस्तुविजा॒तो वरु॑णो॒ दक्षो॒ऽअꣳशः॑ ॥ (५४) | We offer this speechless and ghee-filled sacrifice to the Aditya Ganas. We offer sacrifices from Juhu of wisdom (a yagyapatra made of palash wood) to the Aditya Ganas. Aditya Dev is a chirping publisher. Mitra Dev, Aryama Dev, Bhag Dev, Varun Dev, Daksha Dev please listen to our special praise. (54) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
स॒प्तऽऋष॑यः॒ प्रति॑हिताः॒ शरी॑रे स॒प्त र॑क्षन्ति॒ सद॒मप्र॑मादम्।स॒प्तापः॒ स्वप॑तो लो॒कमी॑यु॒स्तत्र॑ जागृतो॒ऽअस्व॑प्नजौ सत्र॒सदौ॑ च दे॒वौ ॥ (५५) | The seven pranas present in the body are seven sages. These seven sages protect the body by becoming lazy. Even while sleeping, they attain the awakened soul in the seven worlds. Even in this situation, they are constantly engaged in protecting the creatures. (55) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
उत्ति॑ष्ठ ब्रह्मणस्पते देव॒यन्त॑स्त्वेमहे।उप॒ प्र य॑न्तु म॒रुतः॑ सु॒दान॑व॒ऽइन्द्र॑ प्रा॒शूर्भ॑वा॒ सचा॑ ॥ (५६) | O Brahmanaspati! You get up. We want to take divinity and come to you. O Desertion! You are a good donor. Please come close to us. O Indra Dev! Please also come with them soon and live with us. (56) | Convert Sanskrit Text to English |
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