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Remember those three things, LIFE,Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ?
Yeah , health care IS a God given Right. | 0 | not toxic |
It is based on science and it is a fact. There is no god. | 0 | not toxic |
She must have anger issues over Trump leaving her. | 0 | not toxic |
my huge hope would be that springfield would grab the people of eugene by our collective lapels and slap sense into our "deciders" and that votes from a more conservative, stable community would balance eugene and balance the crazy - i think property values are more in eugene...generaly speaking.
diverse voting is good - polarized politics is not. to get ideas out there and talked about... i think the more input, the better. | 0 | not toxic |
Yes snickering for the childish Liberals who probably also get off on jokes about flatulence. | 0 | not toxic |
Oddsmakers in Europe are betting now that he lasts less than 4 years. The best bet is impeachment. | 0 | not toxic |
Aye, but that seems to organize threads by the age of the original post, not the subsequent ones. Case in point, you posted your reply in this thread 4 minutes ago, but it is still listed based on Andree McLeod's original post. | 0 | not toxic |
Good idea. I'll try to find out. | 0 | not toxic |
Oh, I agree that "CJ will get 20-40 yards when the line gives him a big hole" and that's the main problem, the OL isn't making those big holes.
That said, on the majority of 3rd or 4th and short, when the play call is to run it, CJ has been the chosen RB to attempt it. Unfortunately, he has failed way more than succeeded at gaining the neccessary yardage to convert... and yes, the OL has a lot to do with it. I too hope they correct (or have corrected) the problem, it is a big problem. | 0 | not toxic |
So? That's your option to get your own proof and present it. Why haven't you? | 0 | not toxic |
FAKE NEWS ! | 0 | not toxic |
Just grow some balls and protect what's your white trash Valley residents. Take off your belt and discipline your children when they don't listen. Take away their lifted Chevy pickups you bought them on their 16th birthdays. I swear you millennial parents are the saddest things I've ever seen. | 1 | toxic |
I concur | 0 | not toxic |
What truth, Mr./Mrs. Cryptic? The asserted truth of my comment? I'm confident that my kindergartner grandchild would out-test you in a college criminology course. | 0 | not toxic |
When Rob Ford became mayor of Toronto and then predictably exploded into controversy and incompetence, it was an anomaly. Equal parts sad and funny, but a relatively inconsequential anomaly. Then he ran again, and was doing well in the race when he pulled out due to illness. It left a queasy feeling in your gut to realize that so many people would vote Ford again after his disastrous first term.
Now we look ahead to president Donald Trump. It turns out that electing wildly unsuitable rich populists isn't an anomaly, and this time it's anything but inconsequential. Mr. Trump is a raging, textbook narcissist. He really believes he is incredibly intelligent and well informed. When he forms an opinion, he knows in his bones that it's brilliant. So this man, his self-confidence completely unmoored from reality, oblivious to how little he knows and profoundly incurious, will be given the nuclear codes and take control of the world's most powerful nation. What were his supporters thinking? | 0 | not toxic |
Russia states that they were having communications with Trump's campaign before the election. If true, this is the #1 reason to reject Trump.
But really, he's almost certain to be inaugurated. But because he's so undisciplined and dishonest, it would be a miracle for him to make it through the next 4 years without being impeached. The only way that can happen is with an invertebrate congress, which it appears that we may have, including our own reps. | 0 | not toxic |
Yes indeed.....growing up in the sixties until early 70's then to university was indeed one of reasonable ease and predictability....especially what seemed less complicated. That ended, or so it seemed, with the ability to watch atrocities committed by the US in Vietnam while consuming dessert in front of the television. It sort of ruined my appetite from then on....... | 0 | not toxic |
I agree with your observation that Charlottesville was a "state sponsored riot" clearly facilitated by the Mayor, Police, Civic leaders, and Gov. McAwful. Their agenda was nakedly clear. To foment open violence and begin the non-stop race-baiting of the GOP. We witnessed the fact that despite hundreds, literally hundreds, of public felony assaults, virtually no one was arrested. The DNC continues "The Resistance" to mobilize violence and to stop Free Speech. We saw the DNC playbook at Trump's Chicago rally in 2016, the Inauguration, in Berkeley, in Charlottesville, etc.
Yet the most effective methods to counter extreme messages like the KKK, etc. is to not attend their rallies. When they march in empty streets, to bellow taunts to no one, to rage against the air, and to lash out at nothing, it quickly eviscerates their "juice". Tragically, many groups I don't agree with have an absolute Free Speech right. It's why we have American Democracy. A fact the Left continues to debase. | 0 | not toxic |
That is true. And I voted for Bill and met Hillary during his stump for re-election here in 1996. But you see no similarity to the Democrat witch hunt of Trump on every platform available to them? Your previous comment about why Hillary lost was simply another tone-deaf temper tantrum that doubles down on the mistake Hillary and Democrats made before the election You cannot promise to punish success to give to failure as policy and then vilify those who you intend to punish and win elections. Hillary's history, behavior, and platform- along with the sneering of her followers- were the reasons for her stunning and well deserved defeat. Regardless of what President Trump does or does not do, did or did not do, that attitude will keep people in his corner who are educated and successful as well as those who are not educated but who work hard for what they have and who are sick and tired of being told they are beneath contempt by people who gain from creating problems, not solving them. | 0 | not toxic |
Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, who grew close to Ryan when he was archbishop of Milwaukee, called him a "great public servant" with an "obvious solicitude for the poor."
Tim Dolan is absolutely shameless. | 0 | not toxic |
World resort cities really do not need a lot of gas stations. They are not real cities. They are more like a cross between Disneyland and a cruise ship.
As long as there are good roads for the short trip to the airport, with its flights to Hong Kong and Beijing and Shanghai and Chongqing, and as long as there are gas stations near the airport to fuel the high end cars jotting to the airport from Kerrisdale and Shaugnessey and Dunbar, that is all that the world resort city needs, that is all its millionaires need who work overseas.
No need for hardware stores or books stores or corner stores. And the service workers who dash in and out of the world resort city (teachers, nurses, etc), they can buy their gas and goods thirty miles away, where they live, in the service enclaves of Surrey and Port Coquitlam.
They key thing to understand here is that world resort cities are not real cities, in the culturally traditional sense of Canadian cities. | 0 | not toxic |
no one can, people have rights to live on streets and some always will | 0 | not toxic |
Everybody wants a handout.......pathetic | 1 | toxic |
NP> The biggliest - to infinity and the end of time - absolute mostest ridiculous in the history of ridiculous. Ever. Believe me. | 0 | not toxic |
I'd blame the RCMP for not investigating this guy more thoroughly in 2015 and building a deportation case but the reality is the Liberals would have just kept him around anyway. Officers probably throw their arms up in frustration and move onto something else where they might be able to get something accomplished. | 0 | not toxic |
Really? I can open the front door of your house, stroll through your living room admiring your collection of liberal party coffee mugs, and then just leave. No problem.
No laws broken according to Alceste.
More proof of that two tiered system of justice liberals believe in. Laws just don't apply to them!
Lol!!! | 0 | not toxic |
Just imagine someone claiming a loss after selling half of the fish they bought. How does one lose with a 6000 percent profit? | 0 | not toxic |
Don't waste time reading the article "A source says somebody somewhere did something illegal and they might tell us on Monday or Tuesday, if they can find that somebody."
Seriously, is there no real news? | 0 | not toxic |
President Trump would do well taking the advice of Rush Limbaugh:
When a caller (or other complainant) is determined to vent and make a total fool of him(her)self, shut up, get out of the way and let him/her do it. It makes the host look good, which is the whole idea.
Have a Nice Day and to Hell with the ankle-biters. | 1 | toxic |
She's been fairly quiet, in fact. But she has every reason to speak out now: the U.S. president's behavior has been dreadful. | 0 | not toxic |
The US and China have both already ratified Paris
And the EU just approved it and will officially ratify on Sun Oct 2 | 0 | not toxic |
He's the white Obama..same rhetoric...same attitudes..same everything. Not him..please not him! He will ruin Colorado even worse than Hickenlooper. | 0 | not toxic |
Where is he ranked amongst quarterbacks? I think the Titans will improve each season and be contenders. Atta way to go Marcus! Hawaii loves you! | 0 | not toxic |
Oh, c'mon Allen. Housing bubble? OK. Immigration bubble? Nope. Not even a refugee bubble, although because there's so much border-jumping action within the a few months, that's the perception. But overall? Nah. Suggest the government is right on target. It's just happening differently.
Boomer bubble? Sure. Back in 1960. The great die-off has begun. It's always that way when a good percentage of your cohort is over 65 (I'm a leading edge boomer and today (Let the bells ring out!) I celebrate 71 years.
Debt bubble. Could be. Yet, savings rate--according to the good professor here--has actually risen a bit... | 0 | not toxic |
There's another issue here, how can the dept of elections allow 1 person to run for 2 different offices simultaneously? They should have stepped in and stopped that. | 0 | not toxic |
You must be new to Alaska, or have never travelled to the bush. Or both. #25years | 0 | not toxic |
Once more, astonishing and disgusting levels and kinds of human averice respect no ethic or gender bounds.
At the expense of badly needed quality medical resources for rural Alaskan men, women and children; and through the abusive, bureaucratically facilitated theft of millions of American taxpayer dollars, - taxpayer resources generously granted specifically to these "nonprofits", these "leaders" have betrayed their own, and the rest of us who have, through deeds and dollars,, long supported Alaska Native aspirations and equity advances.
This gross abuse and diversion to "the elite" and upper echelon leaders who have been entrusted by their people to "do the right thing" is not unique nor a first - but it is terribly disappointing. This is a sure way to destroy good will and support among both taxpayers and the more ethical and responsible Alaska Native leadership. | 0 | not toxic |
Anyone who thinks that bilingualism is "growing" in Canada is not playing with a full deck of cards. The destruction of English Canada continues...French Canada is next in line... | 0 | not toxic |
When natives give up their dependency on Canadian money, to create their own economic system that meets their own needs independent of Ottawa without breaking all our laws in the process, , then I will believe they are honest, and not just opportunists. | 0 | not toxic |
Except no one besides the protesters themselves were hurt in that case, Richard. Occupying a Federal facility... yeah not really the same thing as mob violence and bloody attacks. | 0 | not toxic |
The legislature wouldn't do the job. Now the governor is taking the hit. | 0 | not toxic |
Since they can't agree on anything, can we get a whole new group of those willing to run the city instead of petty issues being focus of whom we now deal....... | 0 | not toxic |
So we can all pat ourselves on the back as we sit in the dark. Freezing our a$$es off. Brilliant. | 0 | not toxic |
Is this your way of saying that the NDP does not have a snow ball's chance in hell of winning??? Clark is not that good, the NDP is that bad | 0 | not toxic |
Zuma and the ANC days are numbered. | 0 | not toxic |
I've said from the beginning that the "Russia hacked the election" story was utter nonsense.
Julian Assange (WikiLeaks) has stated that he didn't get the DNC and Podesta e-mails from Russia, and there's no reason for him to lie about that.
Further, if the Russians did have those e-mails, and if they wanted them exposed to embarrass the Clinton campaign, they would simply publish them on RT-news.. along with editorial comments.. no need for WikiLeaks!
I don't doubt that Russian government cyber experts (along with many others) are hacking U.S. government and business... but the "hacked the election" story is hogwash! | 0 | not toxic |
you live in a mini home yet skeex? 100% bicycle? | 0 | not toxic |
You might want to read it again and closely this time. Not only will you then know it is not about 1963, but also that he is talking about a deep cultural inclination towards the anti-intellectual. He recognized how false information, conspiracy and ignorance could quick move through society in old times prior to mass media.Culture and norms are the drivers not hardware and software.
And news publications frequently ran two publications a day and hit the eyes of a mass of people. Rather than all the fragmentation of digital media, the effect was powerful and concentrated. Just like the effect of mass pop culture in the past which could create social phenomenon (unlike today with fractured cliques), the old way created waves of genuinely wide and deep movements of anti-intellectualism and paranoia. But since you like technological analogies, you talk about 6 or 7 tiny, tinny transistor radios when the traditional mass media was one stereo channeled turned up to 11 on massive speakers. | 0 | not toxic |
So sad to see the level of delusion that some folks cling to | 0 | not toxic |
The past administration spent significant resources and energy affirming civil rights for everyone. The joker that just got elected has made it clear that he selectively supports rights for some. This is what we are concerned about. | 0 | not toxic |
If you have ever asked how much damage can one man do to America....here is your answer. | 0 | not toxic |
No worries, this circus act is managing a scandal a day | 0 | not toxic |
I did not assert that I know the contents of HRC's speeches. If you don't like reporters' reports of eyewitness accounts, so be it, but I find them entirely believable, that is, the recollections by persons who were there that they were basically like high school assemblies for inspirational speakers, or like pep rallies.
It appears that you have had to put words into my mouth in order to discredit me. I find that both puzzling and reprehensible. But thank you for the attention, I think it reflects well on me, so far! | 0 | not toxic |
If you are so terrified--don't drive. If you are not capable of manoeuvring the traffic safely make a better choice. Choosing to drive two tons of steel is a responsibility. Take it seriously. Slow down. | 0 | not toxic |
I am not a Trump fan. In my view he ranges from properly characterized as a bad joke to an abomination. Nevertheless, I hope the new leaders of the Daily Dispatch dispense with type of opinion piece. Frankly, even if I largely agree with her, I don't care what Jennifer Rubin thinks. The only people I want to hear from are Alaskans. I care naught what Cal Thomas, or Christine Flowers or Leonard Pitts or Michael Gerson have to say. Or any of the rest of them. I like to read Paul Jenkins and Shannyn Moore and all manner of local folks. | 0 | not toxic |
The problem with the internet is that ignorant people can remain ignorant, and get all of their information from sites that only pander to their ignorance.
No matter how ridiculous...here's a fascinating article about how some teens made a lot of money posting Fake News about Hillary Clinton on right wing websites.
https://www.wired.com/2017/02/veles-macedonia-fake-news/ | 1 | toxic |
Yep, we've already seen how the left treats Trump supporters. | 0 | not toxic |
He's not a woman. | 0 | not toxic |
still don't get the reference.... can you explain? | 0 | not toxic |
Charge the truck driver and/or the coyote with 8 counts of murder and 20 attempted murder. | 0 | not toxic |
Not fake....just always biased. | 0 | not toxic |
1. I never assumed that "no one" has truly grapples with the Church's position. I do maintain there are many who are disdainful toward the Church's reasonable teaching that human life worthy of protection begins at conception.
2. I don't really doubt the Church's ability to heal. What I really doubt is the ability of many of the Church's antagonists to accept the Church's good medicine.
3. You say, "As a woman in the Catholic Church I'm fully aware the church places greater value on a fetus than on a woman." You can't be "fully aware" of a Church teaching that doesn't exist. Where has the Church has ever said such a thing? I just see more hyperventilation here,
4. You say abortion is "morally fraught," but it is a serious moral problem because life begins at conception. If it's less than that, no moral problem. But you say it can be done "only as a last resort." Would you say that regarding the life of a newborn? Of course not. Why should such a procedure be made safe? | 0 | not toxic |
And how does that relate to the median income? Price alone doesn't matter without the context of income. | 0 | not toxic |
A fat broad with a tatoo. Sorry that does not nail it down very good. We got lots of them. | 0 | not toxic |
"Some said romantic relationships fell apart when their partners found out they could not get pregnant again." Coercion is a strong term - if a surgery was performed in this way, that is troubling. Still, it sounds like these women had had multiple births. How many children had they had before tubal ligation was suggested? Were their children well cared for at home? In most families, parents have to consider whether they have the maturity and finances to provide security and love for their children. Multiple pregnancies should not be the measure of a 'romantic relationship' because romances tend not to last, and they should never form the only foundation for a pregnancy or series of pregnancies in any society. It's time for our society & governments to be clear about the responsibilities that go into raising children. Parents have to consider how many children they can afford - by extension, how many can governments afford, relying on the tax base? Babies are not mere 'after-glow'. | 0 | not toxic |
He is as annoying as a fly at a picnic. I'm sure you know what that means. | 1 | toxic |
Thank You JESUS Trevor is benched Oz won u five games that Super Bowl year I think he will do a better job than Seimian would have. I can't believe it took this long Vance Joseph sucks guys I was getting ready to put up a billboard again in Denver ala Orton Tebow save this season a lot of football to play keep it positive guys lets Go Broncos | 0 | not toxic |
--Read Gianluiggi Nuzzi' 2015 expose: "Merchants In The Temple: Inside Pope Francis' Secret Battle Against Corruption in the Vatican." Here's a review from Fortune magazine: http://fortune.com/2015/11/06/pope-francis-merchants-temple/- | 0 | not toxic |
Raven, you're just about spot on there. | 0 | not toxic |
Was President Obama wrong in 2012?
“Governor Romney, I’m glad that you recognize that al-Qaeda is a threat, because a few months ago when you were asked what’s the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia, not al-Qaeda,” Obama said. “The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years….When it comes to our foreign policy, you seem to want to import the foreign policies of the 1980s, just like the social policies of the 1950s, and the economic policies of the 1920s.” | 0 | not toxic |
LOL...Which animals? Doesn't matter as the mag size for hunting is usually specified in the regs. (Even IF the "standard" magazine for a particular firearm is MORE than what is specified for hunting....you can purchase hunting mags.) And yes, fully auto weapons ARE hard to get. I know of only one person in this area (I'm sure there are more) that had a .50 cal M-2 machine gun. He shot it competitively. Have fired one in the military, and they ARE sweet to shoot. I've seen experts able to fire one round at a time. Don't have a "pop" gun, and don't need a rope...I have a gun. You'd NEVER bring a rope to a gunfight! As to Miller, he just explained the left wing plan to disarm the populace. Which, the rabid left admits... personally...if you don't want a gun..don't buy one! | 0 | not toxic |
The stupidity and arrogance of U.S. foreign policy is indeed exceptional. | 1 | toxic |
Like I said -- disagree with progressives, they call you blind.
I forgot to add that they also often quote the bible to "prove" they are right.
By the way, the "you have eyes" verse seems awfully self-justifying and very one size fits all. But let's not forget that Jesus' reference to the yeast of the Pharisee and Herod had zero to do with the putative wisdom of allowing in 11 million unskilled illegals and turning a blind eye to the dangers of radical Muslim culture. | 0 | not toxic |
Trump told gtm that whatever the problem, it's Hillary's fault.
And gtm knows that Trump never lies. | 0 | not toxic |
CBC and their moderation was unCanadian in their articles and lead up to the last Fed.
election. This in my opinion is what happened in the USA which resulted in Americans
frustrated with their Governance and resulted in anti establishment backlash.
The Liberals lack of transparency, failed promises, foreign policy and lack of proper
vetting of Immigrants, spending our children's future does not bode well for Canada. | 0 | not toxic |
A very good point you bring to the fore st1d...I almost got your profile name horribly wrong! Since the Nixon administration, much has been done to further enhance the legal protection municipal police departments are allowed, with the general public's own personal rights suffering the most. This has been the norm for some time, and it has been a quiet movement based on instilling fear in the public whose knee jerk reaction is MORE law and order. | 0 | not toxic |
Ski area reservations are tracked and it's clear where each visitor is coming from, either by their home address, or by their address from their credit cards. It seems he's just emphasizing the effect that having a racist president is having on our economy. | 1 | toxic |
This state is way way beyond the need for a state income tax. Of course, Tim Eyman won't support that as an alternative. | 0 | not toxic |
The BC "Fiberals" are desparate to get the pork barrel back. Shameless! | 1 | toxic |
When is the Satan interview being broadcast? Milton's piece on the Father of Lies was a great read. | 0 | not toxic |
I worked 42 years to get to retirement. UBI would allow people to by-pass and retire really, really early. Having said that, if we could eliminate the UI, Welfare, Handicapped Income Supports, and Disability Pension administrations over multi-levels of government AND ensure people don't retire really, really early because they want to smoke dope and ski, then I'm all for it. | 0 | not toxic |
They also said the end very likely would happen in 1975 and even commended (in the watchtower) witnesses for selling their houses and pioneering because of it.
But 1975 came and went!
They also said (for many decades) that the end would come before the generation born in 1914 passed away. In fact up until 1995 it was written inside each Awake magazine cover.
Only they then had to change that meaning as well (including the Awake masthead) because that generation CAME AND WENT TOO.
I mean be honest with yourself, Aislin.
Jehovah's Witnesses predicted end of the world, IN WRITING, numerous times. Not once did they come true. They truly are known for False Predictions the world over.
JW's used to forbid Vaccinations and Organ Transplants (calling a life saving transplant "Cannibalism") for a combined 33 years.
How many people died listening to JWs on these things? | 0 | not toxic |
They including the Chump should go work for NASA because all they do is take up space. | 0 | not toxic |
Uh-oh the community grew up around O.C.C.C., must correct items ill be Federal 'must do' too. | 0 | not toxic |
I had no idea you had a front row seat to Kathleen's mind. Must be interesting in there. | 0 | not toxic |
And see how well that works out for other's in the area. People often don't realize how time sensitive these type situations are, how fluid they are and how quickly life or death decisions often need to be made. | 0 | not toxic |
Jobs aren't important, huh? Nor is cheap energy? Too much bs to respond to in your 'comment.' | 0 | not toxic |
You do realize we are the most welcoming provence in canada right? I am guessing you spent very little time in other places around canada. They will hate you more than any newfoundlander ever will. Most of us are just very ignorant and know nothing of the outside world. And those of us that do know that we have a hidden gem of human compassion in newfoundlands people And Wish to preserve it. I hope you understand it is nothing personal. And the term CFA's... I have NEVER Heard of it. Now the term Mainlander... That's the right term you are looking for... Comes from aways... OMG That Does not even sound like a newfy term... SMH... | 0 | not toxic |
He's probably making this up to hype his new show and the Denver Post fell for it. | 0 | not toxic |
What percentage of homes in other cities are vacant?
Perhaps you might look at New York, London and a few large cities and see how they deal with this instead of trying to invent something that has probably been done already? | 0 | not toxic |
Last I heard they were barricaded by police at a different baseball field, so I am sure they are still trying to figure out what is going on. Heard from Jared Polis this morning. Quit trying to be partisan. | 0 | not toxic |
The school year for teachers runs from August 10-May 31, so you're a bit off on the 70% estimate. Teachers work 50+ hour weeks during the school year and still work during summer. I have 165 students. Every day I have to prepare lessons and assessments, teach classes, grade all the assessments and record everything in the grade book. Then there are disciplinary issues and phone calls home to parents, meetings with counselors and special educators, individual education plans and 504 plans, performing mandatory "volunteer" work after school hours, and sponsoring a club (required in DougCo).
Even if it only takes me 3 minutes to grade each student's work: 165 students x 3 minutes each = 495 minutes. That's 8 hours and 25 minutes of grading at least once or twice per week.
In summer, teachers attend professional development and are required to take classes to maintain our proficiency and earn relicensure credits. There's also CPR, first aid, mandatory child abuse reporting, etc., etc. | 0 | not toxic |
So, if the nature of man has not changed, then the will of God for our intimate relationships with others has not altered either. We may know more but this does not alter the fact we were created for a purpose. Indeed, if anything, science has underlined the coherence of "old fashioned" values. | 0 | not toxic |
This story was done already just yesterday.
To reiterate, Montreal's DEMOCRATICALLY elected City council voted UNANIMOUSLY to declare itself as Canada's fourth SANCTUARY city (after Toronto, Hamilton and London.)
The cities of Ottawa, Saskatoon, Regina, and Winnipeg are the next to consider declaring themselves sanctuary cities.
Let these anti-democratic Breitbart bigots RANT ON !!
They will lose yet AGAIN and AGAIN fighting against the real will of the Canadian people. | 0 | not toxic |
Of course that's what will happen. No doubt about it. | 0 | not toxic |
John McCain, nonsense. A ship's captain can provide better training and drills for his officers and men, and follow good watch procedures, without the taxpayers needing to throw hundreds of millions of dollars at the navy. | 0 | not toxic |
Until just before negotiations started, Trudeau didn't provide any list of negotiating demands on the grounds that he didn't want to negotiate in public. Then at the last moment we got a set of demands about gender equality and climate change, etc. that looked more like virtue signalling than any practical set of bargaining demands. We were also told that Canadian negotiators would walk away from the table if the Americans wanted to get rid of the Ch. 19 dispute settlement panels. Now he says that the Canadians will stay at the table no matter what. For some reason, these breathtaking switches of position leave Clark and other fawning Canadian journos quite unfazed. The Liberal caucus should ditch Trudeau, and replace him with someone with a mind before it is too late. | 0 | not toxic |
Actually, the law is very specific. Only dogs can be service animals. The rest are classified as "comfort" animals, and businesses, airlines, etc. are not required by the law to accomodate them. The may choose to like the airlines, but it is not required. This is a pet peeve of mine. These cheaters are making it more difficult for those who are in real need. It's time to license them so there is no question. Kinda like handicapped parking... I can't just say I have a disability, I have to apply for a handicapped permit and display it when using that parking. Licensing would solve the problem for everybody... another simple solution that should have been enacted a long time ago IMO. This situation would never have happened. | 0 | not toxic |
We should ask ourselves. How important is a San Francisco consulate office to our national well-being and our relationship with the United States? I spent two years in the Bay Area, so please do not give the argument that we have an office there because of Silicon Valley. | 0 | not toxic |
I agree with The Holy Father and you. However, Msgr.'s mission is to minister to these men. If he started protesting against The Death Penalty, the prison officials would kick him out. | 0 | not toxic |
Subsets and Splits