does the brain stem include the cerebellum
[ { "docid": "3034525", "title": "-", "text": "The cerebellum is located behind the top part of the brain stem (where the spinal cord meets the brain) and is made of two hemispheres (halves). The cerebellum receives information from the sensory systems, the spinal cord, and other parts of the brain and then regulates motor movements." } ]
[ { "docid": "4174785", "title": "What does the brain stem consist of?", "text": "The parts of the brain stem are the medulla, pons and midbrain. The stem consists mainly of connective paths which conduct nerve signals between the brain and the rest of the body." }, { "docid": "4030336", "title": "Brain Cancer (Brain Tumor): Adult", "text": "Astrocytic tumors include the following: 1 Brain stem glioma (usually high grade): A brain stem glioma forms in the brain stem, which is the part of the brain connected to the spinal cord. 2 Pineal astrocytic tumor (any grade): A pineal astrocytic tumor forms in tissue around the pineal gland and may be any grade." }, { "docid": "612774", "title": "Birth Defects", "text": "Chiari malformations (CMs) are structural defects in the cerebellum, the part of the brain that controls balance. Normally the cerebellum and parts of the brain stem sit in an indented space at the lower rear of the skull, above the foramen magnum (a funnel-like opening to the spinal canal).When part of the cerebellum is located below the foramen magnum, it is called a Chiari malformation.ormally the cerebellum and parts of the brain stem sit in an indented space at the lower rear of the skull, above the foramen magnum (a funnel-like opening to the spinal canal). When part of the cerebellum is located below the foramen magnum, it is called a Chiari malformation." }, { "docid": "883574", "title": "THE NERVOUS SYSTEM", "text": "The brain consists of three main regions: Cerebrum, Cerebellum and the Medulla Oblongata (Brain Stem). The Cerebrum is the largest part of the brain that controls thought, me … mory and the senses. The Cerebellum is involved in the coordination of voluntary motor movement, balance and equilibrium and muscle tone." }, { "docid": "2255540", "title": "cerebellum", "text": "cerebellum-a major division of the vertebrate brain; situated above the medulla oblongata and beneath the cerebrum in humans. arteria cerebelli, cerebellar artery-an artery that supplies the cerebellum." }, { "docid": "7317452", "title": "What is the brain made of?", "text": "There are 3 basic parts of the brain, the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brain stem. The brain is made of different types of nerve cells.It has a jelly-like consisten … cy and is about the size of a melon. The brain cells use electricity and chemicals to pass messages throughout the brain and up and down the spinal cord to the rest of the body.onfidence votes 5.8K. The human brain contains many tissue types however only about 10% of the cells are actually neurones the rest is made up of blood vessels and by far the most cells are glial cells (oligodendrocytes etc)." }, { "docid": "8263520", "title": "Chiari malformation type 1", "text": "Chiari malformation type 1 is a structural abnormality of the cerebellum, the part of the brain that controls balance. It involves the extension of the lower part of the cerebellum into the foramen magnum (the large hole at the base of the skull which allows passage of the spinal cord), without involving the brainstem." }, { "docid": "5645710", "title": "how long can you go if heart stops before brain damage?", "text": "By definition, brain death is when the entire brain, including the brain stem, has irreversibly lost all function.. The legal time of death is that time when a physician(s) has determined that the brain and the brain stem have irreversibly lost all neurological function.. 1." }, { "docid": "1932802", "title": "Identify three major structures of the brain and their respective functions in the human body.?", "text": "It has three main parts: 1 The cerebrum fills up most of your skull. 2 The cerebellum sits at the back of your head, under the cerebrum. 3 The brain stem sits beneath your cerebrum in front of your cerebellum. It connects the brain to the spinal cord and controls automatic functions such as breathing, digestion, heart rate and blood pressure." }, { "docid": "795977", "title": "What is the smallest part of the brain? What functions are regulated there?", "text": "Anyway, here is an attempt at answering your question on the basis of what I have understood. In the largest anatomical context, the brain is divided into the cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla and pons, of which the pons is the smallest part. It functions as a relay system, connecting other parts of the brain." }, { "docid": "7595568", "title": "-", "text": "The cerebellum is a structure that controls balance and movement, among other things. The brain stem’s function is to promote automatic functions, like breathing and the beating of the heart. There are four lobes of the brain and two strips within those lobes that serve several functions." }, { "docid": "4828870", "title": "Supratentorial region", "text": "In anatomy, the supratentorial region of the brain is the area located above the tentorium cerebelli. The area of the brain below the tentorium cerebelli is the infratentorial region. The supratentorial region contains the cerebrum, while the infratentorial region contains the cerebellum." }, { "docid": "496212", "title": "-", "text": "The Cerebellum: The cerebellum, or little brain, is similar to the cerebrum in that it has two hemispheres and has a highly folded surface or cortex. This structure is associated with regulation and coordination of movement, posture, and balance.his system contains the thalamus, hypothalamus, amygdala, and hippocampus. Here is a visual representation of this system, from a midsagittal view of the human brain: Click on the words to learn what these structures do: 1 Thalamus. 2 Hypothalamus. 3 Amygdala. 4 Hippocampus." }, { "docid": "8797880", "title": "Brain", "text": "The Cerebellum is a cauliflower-shaped section of the brain located in the hindbrain, at the bottom rear of the head, directly behind the pons. The cerebellum is a complex system mostly dedicated to the intricate coordination of voluntary movement, including walking and balance." }, { "docid": "639354", "title": "Effects of Stroke", "text": "Effects of Stroke. The effects of a Stroke typically depend on the extent of the brain damage and where in the brain the Stroke occurred. The brain is divided into four primary parts: left hemisphere, right hemisphere, cerebellum and brain stem, and each area has a responsibility for a particular function or ability." }, { "docid": "6325782", "title": "Identify three major structures of the brain and their respective functions in the human body.?", "text": "It has three main parts: 1 The cerebrum fills up most of your skull. 2 The cerebellum sits at the back of your head, under the cerebrum. The brain stem sits beneath your cerebrum in front of your cerebellum." }, { "docid": "4212706", "title": "-", "text": "They work within the same segment of the spinal cord, with a segment being defined as the horizontal section of the cord that gives rise to one pair of spinal nerves. Internuncial Neurons travel between segments, sending projections up to the brain stem and cerebellum." }, { "docid": "5266326", "title": "Which part of the brain coordinates muscle contractions?", "text": "What is the part of the brain that coordinates your muscles so you can walk? The cerebellum (infratentorial or back of brain) is located at the back of the head. Its function is to coordinate voluntary muscle movements and to maintain posture, bala … nce, and equilibrium." }, { "docid": "5436720", "title": "What is the brain made of and?", "text": "The forebrain consists of the cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus (part of the limbic system). The midbrain consists of the tectum and tegmentum. The hindbrain is made of the cerebellum, pons and medulla.Often the midbrain, pons, and medulla are referred to together as the brainstem.he Cerebellum: The cerebellum, or little brain, is similar to the cerebrum in that it has two hemispheres and has a highly folded surface or cortex. This structure is associated with regulation and coordination of movement, posture, and balance." }, { "docid": "1649756", "title": "Cognitive Skills of the Brain", "text": "Read below to understand the functions of each part of the brain, the roles they play in the body’s overall health, and observed problems in behavior or well being if that particular part of the brain is injured. 1 Frontal Lobe. 2 Parietal Lobe. 3 Occipital Lobe. 4 Temporal Lobe. 5 Brain Stem. 6 Cerebellum." }, { "docid": "4861263", "title": "The brain", "text": "The brain is the control centre for your body and it sits in your skull at the top of your spinal cord. The brain has three main parts. 1 The cerebellum (say se-re-bell-um). The brain stem, that controls a lot of the 'automatic' actions of your body such as breathing and heart beat, and links the brain to the spinal cord and the rest of the body." }, { "docid": "1548000", "title": "-", "text": "Your brain is your most powerful organ, yet weighs only about three pounds. It has a texture similar to firm jelly. It has three main parts: The cerebrum fills up most of your skull. It is involved in remembering, problem solving, thinking, and feeling. It also controls movement. The cerebellum sits at the back of your head, under the cerebrum. It controls coordination and balance. The brain stem sits beneath your cerebrum in front of your cerebellum. It connects the brain to the spinal cord and controls automatic functions such as breathing, digestion, heart rate and blood pressure. Get the facts 10 warning signs" }, { "docid": "7304733", "title": "What is the brain made of and?", "text": "The brain is made of three main parts: the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. The forebrain consists of the cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus (part of the limbic system). The midbrain consists of the tectum and tegmentum.The hindbrain is made of the cerebellum, pons and medulla.Often the midbrain, pons, and medulla are referred to together as the brainstem. The Cerebrum: The cerebrum or cortex is the largest part of the human brain, associated with higher brain function such as thought and action.The cerebral cortex is divided into four sections, called lobes: the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, and temporal lobe.he Cerebellum: The cerebellum, or little brain, is similar to the cerebrum in that it has two hemispheres and has a highly folded surface or cortex. This structure is associated with regulation and coordination of movement, posture, and balance." }, { "docid": "6852219", "title": "-", "text": "1 Arbor vitae-pattern of white and gray matter. 2 Vermis connects hemispheres. 3 Cerebellar cortex-gray matter. 4 Cerebellar Peduncles-communicate between the cerebellum, and the brain stem." }, { "docid": "2575507", "title": "brain", "text": "The cerebellum is the hind part of the brain. It is made up of gray, unmyelinated cells on the exterior and white, myelinated cells in the interior. The cerebellum coordinates muscular movements and, along with the midbrain, monitors posture. It is essential to the control of movement of the human body in space." }, { "docid": "7229064", "title": "Anatomy of the Brain", "text": "The brain is composed of three parts: the brainstem, cerebellum, and cerebrum. The cerebrum is divided into four lobes: frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital. The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and is composed of right and left hemispheres. It performs higher functions like interpreting touch, vision and hearing, as well as speech, reasoning, emotions, learning, and fine control of movement. The cerebellum is located under the cerebrum." }, { "docid": "599400", "title": "Brain Structures and their Functions", "text": "The Cerebellum: The cerebellum, or little brain, is similar to the cerebrum in that it has two hemispheres and has a highly folded surface or cortex. This structure is associated with regulation and coordination of movement, posture, and balance.he brain is made of three main parts: the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. The forebrain consists of the cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus (part of the limbic system). The midbrain consists of the tectum and tegmentum." }, { "docid": "1216113", "title": "-", "text": "Cerebellum: In Latin, the word cerebellum means little brain. The cerebellum is the area of the hindbrain that controls motor movement coordination, balance, equilibrium and muscle tone. Like the cerebral cortex, the cerebellum is comprised of white matter and a thin, outer layer of densely folded gray matter." }, { "docid": "4794411", "title": "-", "text": "The hindbrain includes the upper part of the spinal cord, the brain stem, and a wrinkled ball of tissue called the cerebellum (1). The hindbrain controls the body’s vital functions such as respiration and heart rate. The cerebellum coordinates movement and is involved in learned rote movements.he brain is like a committee of experts. All the parts of the brain work together, but each part has its own special properties. The brain can be divided into three basic units: the forebrain, the midbrain, and the hindbrain." }, { "docid": "5898206", "title": "-", "text": "The cerebellum is a vital part of the brain and is primarily responsible for motor control. This includes muscle tone, equilibrium, and balance as it relates to movement. Additionally, it seems the cerebellum may actually have other additional functions, including some cognitive and emotional functions." } ]
does trifexis control ticks
[ { "docid": "8804978", "title": "Trifexis", "text": "Trifexis Flea Heartworm Chewable For Dogs. Trifexis is an exciting new flea and heartworm control chewable. It combines two popular ingredients - spinosad, a flea control ingredient also found in the comfortis flea pill, and milbemycin oxime, the heartworm preventative found in sentinel. Trifexis for dogs also controls adult hookworm, roundworm and whipworm infections - but it does not control ticks. Trifexis requires a prescription because it contains a heartworm preventative, which like all heartworm medication requires an annual check up and prescription from your veterinarian." } ]
[ { "docid": "4267055", "title": "-", "text": "When we live in NO Ca we were always picking ticks off our dogs. It was a Sat night ritual, check for ticks on the dogs and the kids. As for fleas, we didn't have any when we lived in Abq. so, I am guessing, living in a higher altitude you should be ok." }, { "docid": "4723499", "title": "-", "text": "Not all types of ticks carry Lyme disease. In the eastern United States, the black-legged tick, commonly known as the deer tick, is responsible for transmitting the disease. Deer ticks are common in Vermont, but not all of them are infected with the bacteria." }, { "docid": "7089846", "title": "Curated FSM Press Bibliography 3,377 items", "text": "10 things you need to know about Lyme disease in dogs. 1 1. It's a year-round threat. 2 2. It's all across the country. 3 3. Most of the tick control products we use don't repel ticks. 4 4. The symptoms aren't necessarily what you'd expect. 5 5. Where ticks hide. 6 6. The best way to remove a tick. 7 7. Vets don't always treat Lyme disease in dogs." }, { "docid": "7756118", "title": "716-312-0300", "text": "Trifexis is a monthly chewable tablet for dogs. Trifexis kills fleas and prevents flea infestations, treats and controls hookworms, whipworms and roundworms, and prevents heartworm disease." }, { "docid": "3745013", "title": "-", "text": "Lyme disease (Lyme borreliosis) is a bacterial infection spread by certain kinds of ticks. Lyme disease itself is caused by infection with Borrelia burgdorferi (B. burgdorferi) bacteria. In different parts of the United States, different kinds of ticks carry the bacteria that can cause Lyme disease." }, { "docid": "2810699", "title": "How Weather Plays a Role in Tick Outbreaks", "text": "Ticks do not die off during the winter months. To survive the cold and snow, most ticks find shelter in leaf litter and are dormant until spring. However, adult deer ticks (black-legged ticks) remain active year round. You or your pet could pick up a hitchhiker anytime the air temperature is close to freezing or above and the ground isn’t frozen or snow covered." }, { "docid": "1165324", "title": "Ticks and Your Cat", "text": "Ticks are small, eight-legged parasites that must drink blood in order to survive and reproduce. Ticks don’t fly, and they can’t jump (unlike fleas). In fact, ticks are more closely related to spiders and mites than to “insects” like fleas. Of the hundreds of tick species, approximately 80 are found in the United States." }, { "docid": "6204778", "title": "Lyme Disease (Borrelia burgdorferi) Vaccine for Dogs", "text": "An infection caused by the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium, Lyme disease is transmitted through the bite of an infected tick and can affect many species, including dogs and humans.Ticks of the Ixodes species (called deer ticks) are known to transmit Lyme disease when they attach to a host and feed.Because the tick must be attached for at least 50 hours to transmit Lyme disease, frequent inspection for ticks (and quick removal) can reduce the risk of disease transmission.icks of the Ixodes species (called deer ticks) are known to transmit Lyme disease when they attach to a host and feed. Because the tick must be attached for at least 50 hours to transmit Lyme disease, frequent inspection for ticks (and quick removal) can reduce the risk of disease transmission." }, { "docid": "4731211", "title": "Four common ticks in Pennsylvania.", "text": "Tick-borne diseases and prevention, tick distributions, life histories and control. Ticks, of which there are more than 500 species world-wide, are parasitic arthropods closely related to mites. Most ticks feed on the blood of warm-blooded mammals but some species also feed on birds, reptiles and even amphibians. Fish are apparently the only vertebrates not plagued by these little blood-suckers. Many species of ticks can transmit diseases (zoonoses) from an infected host to other uninfected hosts." }, { "docid": "8193536", "title": "What Temperature Do Fleas Flourish In?", "text": "Fleas tend to like dark spaces around homes, like the crawl space or under bushes. Suburban and rural areas are quite comfortable for both fleas and ticks -- you could easily catch fleas in a dog park, and ticks can be present in gardens if there are deer around." }, { "docid": "276901", "title": "Benefits of Flea Pills, Oral Chewables, and Tablets", "text": "If your pet is on an oral flea preventative and you still see a lot of fleas, you may need to treat your home to get rid of the problem. Home flea control products including, foggers, sprays and powders can help.hen choosing an oral flea preventative, consider your pet's lifestyle and what you want to protect your pet against most. If your pet isn't exposed to ticks and you want to give one easy medication each month for heartworms, fleas and intestinal parasites, Trifexis could be the right choice." }, { "docid": "3842106", "title": "-", "text": "I am puzzled however by the fact that my post is getting so many comments from people who are concerned about Trifexis side effects, yet, I am not seeing any buzz on Veterinary Information Network (VIN). VIN is a place where tens of thousands (if not more) of vets discuss cases." }, { "docid": "2628096", "title": "-", "text": "Let’s wait and see if users compel WhatsApp to disable it. Tags: blue ticks, Whatsapp, WhatsApp blue ticks, WhatsApp messages, WhatsApp messages read. Also read. 1 Now ‘blue ticks’ on WhatsApp confirm when your message is read.2 From WhatsApp to Snapchat: Find out how safe your favourite messaging app is.et’s wait and see if users compel WhatsApp to disable it. Tags: blue ticks, Whatsapp, WhatsApp blue ticks, WhatsApp messages, WhatsApp messages read. Also read. 1 Now ‘blue ticks’ on WhatsApp confirm when your message is read. 2 From WhatsApp to Snapchat: Find out how safe your favourite messaging app is." }, { "docid": "5283152", "title": "Useful For", "text": "TICKS : In North America, ticks are the primary vectors of infectious diseases.(1) Worldwide, ticks rank second only to mosquitoes in disease transmission. In the United States, tick-borne diseases include Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, human monocytic and granulocytic ehrlichiosis, babesiosis, tularemia, relapsing fever, and Colorado tick fever. Symptoms of the various tick-vectored diseases range from mild to life-threatening." }, { "docid": "8052081", "title": "TickEncounter Resource Center", "text": "TERC Answer: All ticks (incl. deer ticks, dog ticks, Lone star ticks, etc.) come in small, medium and large sizes. The smallest size, called larvae, are nearly microscopic. The middle stage, called nymphs, are medium sized although most people would call them tiny." }, { "docid": "4178200", "title": "Ticks: Natural Prevention and Care", "text": "Samples of adult ticks show that 50% carry the Lyme disease spi­rochete in the highly endemic areas of the Northeast. Adult ticks are less likely to produce Lyme disease because they are the size of an apple seed and easier to detect." }, { "docid": "1113276", "title": "Nexgard for Dogs", "text": "If you are looking for a new flea and tick oral treatment NexGard is the right product. Brought to you by Merial, this beef-flavored chewable kills fleas and ticks. It kills adult fleas before they lay eggs. This special formulation also kills ticks including American dog tick, Lone star tick and deer tick." }, { "docid": "2440912", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions About Ticks", "text": "When are ticks most active? Ticks may seek out their prey during the cold hours of the night up until dawn but they are most active during the warmer hours of the day. This is also why they seem to be everywhere during the summer months. Your best tool would be a fine-tipped pair of tweezers. Never handle a tick with your bare hands." }, { "docid": "1716871", "title": "What does a Lyme Disease Rash Look Like?", "text": "Lyme disease is an illness caused when humans are exposed to bacteria carried by certain kinds of ticks, principally deer ticks. It can have a variety of symptoms including flulike symptoms initially. Lyme disease rash may vary in diameter from about one to five inches. Lyme disease may occur when humans are exposed to the bacteria carried by deer ticks." }, { "docid": "2498162", "title": "Bed Bug & Flea Killer", "text": "Bed Bug & Flea Killer. Non-staining formula kills bed bugs and fleas on contact and can be sprayed directly on mattresses. Also kills ticks. Offered in three convenient sizes, including convenient 3 oz size perfect for travel. Water-based formula provides long lasting control." }, { "docid": "1537693", "title": "-", "text": "Even with the most potent bug spray and practical clothing, you still need to check for ticks after a day out in the woods or tall grass. Check yourself as soon as you get home. Ticks like to start at the bottom and make their way up your body.ome ticks are very small, so look carefully at your skin. You are looking for a small, round, black or brown bump. Stand in front of a long mirror to look at your back side or ask for some assistance if your partner is around. Raise your arms and check your armpits." }, { "docid": "5591435", "title": "Tick Bites", "text": "Ticks are small spiderlike animals (arachnids) that bite to fasten themselves onto the skin and feed on blood. Ticks live in the fur and feathers of many birds and animals. Tick bites occur most often during early spring to late summer and in areas where there are many wild animals and birds. Most ticks don't carry diseases, and most tick bites don't cause serious health problems. But it is important to remove a tick as soon as you find it." }, { "docid": "7745992", "title": "-", "text": "The name wood tick is used for a number of different ticks, including the deer tick, lone star tick, and American dog tick. All three ticks tend to live in wooded or recently cleared areas, and crawl up from the ground. You'll need to look to their markings to tell them apart." }, { "docid": "7565825", "title": "Will Washing Clothes Kill Ticks?", "text": "What about drying the clothes? Will the heat kill the ticks? When the ticks were tumbled in the dryer for one hour set on “air only” (no heat), half of the lone star ticks and one third of the deer ticks survived that rough ride." }, { "docid": "4842286", "title": "About Lyme Disease", "text": "Share. Lyme disease is a bacterial infection primarily transmitted by Ixodes ticks, also known as deer ticks, and on the West Coast, black-legged ticks. These tiny arachnids are typically found in wooded and grassy areas." }, { "docid": "3960881", "title": "Tick Bites: Symptoms and Treatments", "text": "However, ticks can cause allergic reactions and certain ticks can pass diseases onto humans and pets when they bite. These can be dangerous or even deadly. Learn how to recognize ticks, the symptoms of tick-borne illnesses, and what to do if a tick bites you. Advertisement." }, { "docid": "7060508", "title": "-", "text": "Life cycle of the deer tick. To understand how best to control ticks, you must understand the tick's life history. Deer ticks are parasites and must take blood to survive. They begin their life as tiny eggs, which hatch into sexually immature six-legged larvae that are about the size of a sand grain." }, { "docid": "8804984", "title": "Trifexis", "text": "In general the trifexis reviews online have been positive with most pet owners giving it high star ratings and several claiming that it had helped clear up flea infestations that had previously been hard to resolve. The main complaint that stood out is the fact that the product is not designed to control ticks." }, { "docid": "3829595", "title": "PetArmor® Plus", "text": "FiproGuard topical flea and tick squeeze-on provides three-way protection that kills fleas, ticks and chewing lice. It kills deer ticks that transmit Lyme disease as well as brown dog ticks, American dog ticks and lone star ticks." }, { "docid": "4003520", "title": "Opossums: The Unsung Heroes Against Lyme Disease And Other Tick-Borne Diseases", "text": "The Poughkeepsie Journal reports that opossums don’t seem to be very good transmitters of Lyme disease even if they didn’t eat almost all of the ticks they encounter. Ticks do transmit Lyme disease, and Lyme affects around 300,000 Americans a year." } ]
dometic customer service phone number
[ { "docid": "5992127", "title": "Dometic Group Phone Numbers & Customer Service Helpline Support", "text": "800-544-4881: Dometic Group customer service phone number - This is the #1 phone number for Dometic Group customer service with tips to quickly reach a live Dometic Group support › Dometic Group Phone Number." } ]
[ { "docid": "7839970", "title": "-", "text": "The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ymca Andover Kansas Service Center and Ymca Andover Kansas customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Ymca Andover Kansas customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View Ymca Andover Kansas Customer Service Phone Numbers What was the response after calling on specified numbers?" }, { "docid": "2191378", "title": "-", "text": "The customer support phone number of Moen is +1 440-962-2000 / 1-800-289-6636 (Click phone number to call). data-ad-slot=7829909793> Moen Faucets Customer Service Phone Number Moen Canada Customer Service Phone Number Moen Customer Service Phone Number Moen 800 Customer Service Phone Number Moen Faucet Customer Service Phone Number" }, { "docid": "8164628", "title": "DEA Headquarters Office address, Phone Number and Email ID", "text": "Many Customers are searching for the DEA Headquarters address or trying to look for customer service phone number of DEA, DEA toll free phone number, customer service helpline number and customer support contact number." }, { "docid": "6821465", "title": "-", "text": "The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Cellular Outfitter Service Center and Cellular Outfitter customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Cellular Outfitter customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View Cellular Outfitter Customer Service Phone Numbers" }, { "docid": "7163627", "title": "Fujitsu Customer Service Phone Number", "text": "Fujitsu Customer Service Phone Number 877-372-8787 is the customer service phone number of the Fujitsu. customer service number enables the customers of the Fujitsu company to convey their complaints or suggestions. If you want to reach a live person, you have to follow below steps : Press 1 at first menu then keep pressing 0 until transferred." }, { "docid": "7087112", "title": "Uhcu Round Rock Customer Service Phone Number", "text": "The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Uhcu Round Rock Service Center and Uhcu Round Rock customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Uhcu Round Rock customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View Uhcu Round Rock Customer Service Phone Numbers" }, { "docid": "8525641", "title": "Magic Chef Customer Service Phone Number", "text": "Magic Chef Customer Service Phone Number. Magic Chef customer service phone number to contact Chef helpline dial the helpline given here for technical support. You can make call by Magic Chef phone number given below to address your issue and filing up your complaint to Magic customer service officer." }, { "docid": "1756359", "title": "Blue Cross Blue Shield Oregon Customer Service Phone Number", "text": "The customer support phone number of Blue Cross Blue Shield Oregon is 1 (800) 541-8981, 1-844-842-4345 (Click phone number to call). Bluecross Blueshield California Contact Customer Service Phone Number. Blue Buffalo Customer Service Phone Number. Blue Cross Blue Shield Colorado Customer Service Phone Number." }, { "docid": "1076744", "title": "-", "text": "The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Verizon Wireless Service Center and Verizon Wireless customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Verizon Wireless customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View Verizon Wireless Customer Service Phone Numbers" }, { "docid": "7159260", "title": "Aramark Headquarters Office address, Phone Number and Email ID", "text": "Many Customers are searching for the Aramark Headquarters address or trying to look for customer service phone number of Aramark, Aramark toll free phone number, customer service helpline number and customer support contact number." }, { "docid": "1973057", "title": "-", "text": "Some More Customer Service Phone Numbers 24/7 Related to Dropbox. 1 Centurion Customer Service Phone Number: 1-877-877-0987. 2 John Lennon Airport Customer Service Phone Number: +44 871 521 8484. 3 Cathay Pacific UK Customer Service Phone Number: +44 20 8834 8800. 4 Police Oshawa Customer Service Phone Number: 1-888-579-1520." }, { "docid": "8106789", "title": "Comcast Memphis Tn Customer Service Phone Number", "text": "The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Comcast Memphis Tn Service Center and Comcast Memphis Tn customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Comcast Memphis Tn customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View Comcast Memphis Tn Customer Service Phone Numbers" }, { "docid": "5086556", "title": "-", "text": "Some More Customer Service Phone Numbers 24/7 Related to Oticon Usa. 1 Oticon Hearing Aids Customer Service Phone Number: 45 3917 7100, 45 5117 6774. 2 Oticon Customer Service Phone Number: +45 3917 7100, Fax: +45 3927 7900. 3 Turkish Airlines Usa Customer Service Phone Number: +1-212-261-0470." }, { "docid": "5120168", "title": "-", "text": "Xo Customer Service Number, Contact Number Xo Customer Service Phone Number Helpline Toll Free Contact Number with Office Address Email Address and Website. Get all communications details reviews complaints and helpdesk phone numbers." }, { "docid": "7003151", "title": "-", "text": "SafeLink Customer Service Phone Number 800-378-1684 is the customer service phone number of the SafeLink. customer service number enables the customers of the SafeLink company to convey their complaints or suggestions." }, { "docid": "8135028", "title": "Naughty Dog Customer Service Phone Number", "text": "The customer support phone number of Naughty Dog is +1-310-752-1000 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Naughty Dog Service Center and Naughty Dog customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Naughty Dog customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View Naughty Dog Customer Service Phone Numbers" }, { "docid": "8773316", "title": "Keep My Phone Number", "text": "Keep My Phone Number You can keep your current wireless phone number! Sign up for your new Affinity Cellular phone and voice plan. When you receive your new phone in the mail, call Customer service at 866.488.8717. Please Have Ready for the Customer Service Agent: Name; Address as it appears on your billing statement; Last 4 of your Social Security" }, { "docid": "3062522", "title": "Northwestern Mutual Customer Service Phone Number", "text": "Northwestern Mutual Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of Northwestern Mutual is +1-414-271-1444 (Click phone number to call)." }, { "docid": "7151790", "title": "-", "text": "The customer support phone number of Chip Insurance Texas is 1-866-959-6555 (Click phone number to call). data-ad-slot=7829909793> Chip PA Customer Service Phone Number Chip Medicaid Customer Service Phone Number Chip Texas Customer Service Phone Number CHIP Customer Care Number Chippewa Boots Customer Service Phone Number CHIPS Customer Service Phone Number Chippenham Hospital Richmond Customer Service Phone Number" }, { "docid": "8030426", "title": "-", "text": "The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Va Credit Union Contact Service Center and Va Credit Union Contact customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Va Credit Union Contact customer service phone number may or may not be toll free." }, { "docid": "8102485", "title": "-", "text": "The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Fort Campbell Px Service Center and Fort Campbell Px customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Fort Campbell Px customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View Fort Campbell Px Customer Service Phone Numbers" }, { "docid": "6689085", "title": "-", "text": "The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Network Health Massachusetts Service Center and Network Health Massachusetts customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Network Health Massachusetts customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View Network Health Massachusetts Customer Service Phone Numbers" }, { "docid": "2873858", "title": "-", "text": "BCBSIl Customer Service Phone Number. 1 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois Services. 2 The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) 3 Blue Cross and Blue Shield Illinois Claim Address. 4 BCBSIL Operation Hours. 5 BCBSIl Address. 6 BCBSIl Website. 7 BCBSIl Customer Support Service Phone Number. The customer support phone number of BCBSIl is 800-810-2583 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of BCBSIl Service Center and BCBSIl customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of BCBSIl customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View BCBSIl Customer Service Phone Numbers" }, { "docid": "1611371", "title": "-", "text": "The Website of Tufts Health Insurance is www.tuftshealthplan.com. Tufts Health Insurance Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of Tufts Health Insurance is +1-800-701-9000, +1-617-972-9400 (Click phone number to call). data-ad-slot=7829909793> Tufts Navigator Customer Service Phone Number Tufts Health Insurance Customer Service Phone Number Tufts Health Insurance Contact Customer Service Phone Number Tufts Health Plan Customer Service Phone Number" }, { "docid": "1195672", "title": "-", "text": "Our goal is to make finding Esquire.com's phone number easier as it's sometimes shockingly difficult to find a company's customer service phone number. Please do not contact Next Caller for your Esquire.com customer service needs, we are only a phone number directory. We test Esquire.com's phone number on a monthly basis, if by any chance you have any issues, please Update the listing." }, { "docid": "1628450", "title": "-", "text": "The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Bell Canada Contact Service Center and Bell Canada Contact customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Bell Canada Contact customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View Bell Canada Contact Customer Service Phone Numbers" }, { "docid": "873007", "title": "-", "text": "Moncler Customer Support Service Phone Number. The customer support phone number of Moncler is 39 02 422041 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Moncler Service Center and Moncler customer service phone number is given below." }, { "docid": "806833", "title": "-", "text": "Burger King Customer Service Number, Contact Number Burger King Customer Service Phone Number Helpline Toll Free Contact Number with Office Address Email Address and Website. Get all communications details reviews complaints and helpdesk phone numbers." }, { "docid": "1101668", "title": "-", "text": "Setanta Sports Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of Setanta Sports is 0818-20-30-40 (Click phone number to call)." }, { "docid": "5120167", "title": "-", "text": "The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Xo Service Center and Xo customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Xo customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View Xo Customer Service Phone Numbers" } ]
don't upset the apple cart meaning
[ { "docid": "4219448", "title": "Upset the apple cart meaning", "text": "The expression upset the apple cart is very common in the UK. Basically it means overturning the status quo. In some ways Don't upset the apple-cart is a little (I stress a little) like Let sleeping dogs lie." } ]
[ { "docid": "4276125", "title": "-", "text": "Groups. Photos. i want to put an album of pictures onto a selling page but i dont know how to. i have already made the album on fb but just dont no how to put it onto a group selling page. all help welcome." }, { "docid": "5064192", "title": "125cc Go Karts", "text": "125cc Go Karts, 125cc Go Kart, 125cc Go Carts, 125cc Go Cart. Welcome to our 125cc Go Kart and 125cc Go Cart section! You will find the latest models of 125cc Go Karts and 125cc Go Carts here." }, { "docid": "4373580", "title": "-", "text": "A surname sometimes used as a first name. American Meaning: The name Carter is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Carter is: Cart driver, cart maker. A surname sometimes used as a first name." }, { "docid": "85103", "title": "Why do BMX bikes...", "text": "yup...us REAL bmxers dont need brakes actually im not really a big BMXer, but when i have time...i do ride BMX alot. i actually rode brakeless for like 6 months last year. but you really dont need brakes riding BMX...because it is fairly flat on street, on dirt you dont need to stop at all and in park you dont need to." }, { "docid": "8381449", "title": "-", "text": "A complete golf cart front seat set with new marine grade vinyl seat covers in the single or two tone color of your choice. Replacement seats for your golf cart. To the right is a front seat assembly for a Club Car Precedent. --The golf cart seat assembly includes the seat bottom and the seat back. --Seat backs are in one or two pieces to match the original Club Car, E-Z-GO, or Yamaha golf cart design. --The seat assembly includes the polyethylene foam, plywood backing, T-nuts and vinyl seat cover." }, { "docid": "1085834", "title": "We have a gas golf cart (Club Car) and have just put in a new battery. We had to recharge the battery . Why?", "text": "We have a gas golf cart (Club Car) and have just put in a new battery. We only use the cart on the weekend and turn the key off when not running." }, { "docid": "2112859", "title": "BMW EGS Control Unit - Genuine BMW 24607548312", "text": "Every eEuroparts.com® order is fast, reliable, and track-able, meaning you'll know exactly where your EGS Control Unit is at every step of the delivery process. eEuroparts.com® also displays your Expected Ship Date and transit time in your Cart, making our entire shipping process simple and transparent." }, { "docid": "8705466", "title": "-", "text": "Menu Cart. 1 Continue Shopping. 2 Your Cart is Empty. 3 I put Shapeez on and all my insecurities disappeared. What a confidence 1 booster! I love Shapeez! This is the BEST bra ever!" }, { "docid": "7334292", "title": "How to Make Golf Cart Batteries Last Longer", "text": "There are two main differences between a golf cart battery and the battery in your car or truck. First, golf cart batteries are generally 6-volt batteries rather than the 12-volt variety found in your standard car or truck. Second, unlike your car or truck battery, a golf cart battery is not recharged as you use it." }, { "docid": "4666825", "title": "How to Avoid an Upset Stomach from Multi Vitamins", "text": "Stomach upset is a common multivitamin side effect, however. The severity of the stomach upset may vary from mild nausea to severe cramping and could occur within minutes of ingestion. Although an upset stomach from multivitamins is common, you can avoid or reduce the severity of the problem by taking your vitamins with food. Choose a multivitamin without iron, unless directed otherwise by your doctor. Multivitamins with iron are more likely to cause an upset stomach." }, { "docid": "7978048", "title": "-", "text": "The noun UPSET PRICE has 1 sense: 1 1. (auction) the minimum price at which a seller of property will entertain bids. 2 Meaning: ( 3 auction) the minimum price at which a seller of property will entertain bids. 4 Classified under: 5 Nouns denoting possession and transfer of possession. 6 Hypernyms (upset price is a kind of...):" }, { "docid": "6458839", "title": "Does lipton tea have caffeine in it?", "text": "This Site Might Help You. Does lipton tea have caffeine in it? like the actual tea, with the whole tea bag (not from a can). this might be a stupid question, but i really dont know. i dont see anywhere on the box "caffeine free" but than again, i dont see caffeinated. also, if so, is it a lot of caffeine? thanks for any help." }, { "docid": "2036957", "title": "-", "text": "Current Top Sellers. 1 1. ER- A155624 Brake Actuator Spring $3.50. Add To Cart. 2 2. ER- 1975466C1 Brake Disc $17.00. Add To Cart. 3 3. ER- 1116BB Oversized Steel Brake Ball (11/16) $1.50. Add To Cart. 4 4. ER- 211-15 Steel Brake Ball (5/8) $1.25. Add To Cart. 5 5. ER- A27465 Brake Boot $9.30 $7.95. Add To Cart." }, { "docid": "1619825", "title": "-", "text": "Controllers Only. By selecting the manufacturer of your golf cart below, you can have the website display only products that will work with your cart. This will include any universal parts or items that are not specific to any particular golf cart." }, { "docid": "3951122", "title": "How Can I Get An Apple Id Without Giving Credit Card Information?", "text": "the better question is why do you want an apple id if you dont have\\want to use a credit card. you cant use ur apple id for anything but buying apps\\songs\\stuff from the store." }, { "docid": "4845221", "title": "Edible Flowers: Part Five", "text": "Every seed in every apple is different than the parent apple trees. Every apple you eat of the same kind is a clone because there was only one original apple tree with that apple.That’s how there came to be some 7,000 different kinds of apples over the years.With mechanization that number has about half.very seed in every apple is different than the parent apple trees. Every apple you eat of the same kind is a clone because there was only one original apple tree with that apple." }, { "docid": "5441662", "title": "How to Get More Eggs from Your Laying Hens", "text": "i would like to have a costco card that is free. i have the membership that coast $100.00 a year along with my granddaughter. we dont use it that much.she dont use it at all. i live alone andwould like to find out if i could get a free costco card." }, { "docid": "7993285", "title": "Magic Mushroom Spores and Spore Syringes", "text": "Psilocybe Cubensis Spore Syringes. Psilocybe cubensis is the most commonly encountered, and the best choice for beginning mycologists for their microscopy studies. This species is the one you see all over the internet. It is very easy to work with. 1 Add to cart. Sale! 2 Add to cart. Sale! 3 Add to cart. Sale! 4 Add to cart. Sale! 5 Add to cart. Random Cubensis Microscopy Spore Kit Special $13.00. 6 Add to cart. Sale! 7 Add to cart. Sale! 8 Add to cart. Sale!" }, { "docid": "3473347", "title": "EZGO Golf Cart Year & Model Guide for EZGO Aftermarket Parts & Accessories", "text": "EZGO Serial Numbers do not indicate the year of production. You will need the Model/Manufacturer Number to determine the year of an EZGO Golf Cart. To help you match the right aftermarket parts and accessories to your EZGO cart, we've created a basic mdoel number guide below." }, { "docid": "4489285", "title": "-", "text": "The first step is cart delivery, which will start with homes that have yard waste collection service on. Monday, wrapping up with homes that receive yard waste service on Friday in early 2013. You will have. the new cart for several weeks before collection starts." }, { "docid": "8377756", "title": "About ALDI", "text": "Why do I need a quarter to use a shopping cart at ALDI? a. The shopping cart rental system is one of many ALDI efficiencies that enable us to keep our prices so low." }, { "docid": "2364180", "title": "My Ezgo golf cart batteries boil every time they are charged.", "text": "My Ezgo golf cart batteries boil every time they are charged. The charger does not quit. Manufacterer code J198. Serial No.(NNN) NNN-NNNN. I have tried the charger on another Ezgo cart and it works correctly." }, { "docid": "3735418", "title": "How long do golf cart batteries last?", "text": "The golf cart is having more and more trouble keeping a charge. Coming up the hill by the barn was too much for it a few weeks ago. We had to run an extension cord and give it a boost before the golf cart could make it home. We think the batteries are six or seven years old." }, { "docid": "3714627", "title": "-", "text": "Who Makes Nissan Car Batteries 6 Volt Lead Acid Battery For Tractor Used Golf Cart Batteries Birmingham Alabama Who Makes Nissan Car Batteries Trojan Golf Cart Batteries For Sale Apple Battery Fire Deka Battery For Golf Cart The brand new camera app for Android 4.0 devices allows an individual take still photos when you're recording videos." }, { "docid": "3064045", "title": "wail", "text": "An upset baby wails. An upset baby wails. The definition of a wail is a long cry. An example of a wail is a cry by a very upset baby. To wail is defined as to cry to express intense sadness. An example of to wail is to sob loudly at a funeral. Wail is slang for to play very well on an instrument." }, { "docid": "8276728", "title": "Video Of How To Adjust Brakes On A Club Car Golf Cart And Fix", "text": "April 3, 2014 | In Golf Cart Repair, Golf Cart Videos | 1 Comment. Good breakdown of how to adjust the brakes on a Club Car golf cart. It handles cable adjustments, pad spacing away from brake drums, and lubricating the cables to keep from sticking. Tags:Club Car, Club Car Brakes. One Response. gary Turner." }, { "docid": "166172", "title": "How Much Does a Club Car Golf Cart Weigh?", "text": "A Club Car golf cart generally weighs between 500 and 600 pounds (or 225 to 275 kg). The weight is calculated when the golf cart is dry and does not take the additional weight of the batteries into account." }, { "docid": "1884993", "title": "-", "text": "Why do apples make my stomach upset? Almost every time I eat an apple, my stomach gets upset. The first sensations start about 30-60 minutes after I eat the apple, and could be described as the sensations you get when you go to bed without dinner and wake up late the next morning with a 'burn' in the top of your stomach because you're hungry." }, { "docid": "5837688", "title": "How long does it take your hair to grow back after you shave it bald?", "text": "Relevance. Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: i honestly dont know. i shave my eyebrows off (dont ask why) 2 months ago and they still havent fully grown back. some part do have hair some parts dont all i can say is dont shave any part of your head and/or face it will be a disaster and you will regret it 100% :(.Source(s):elevance. Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: i honestly dont know. i shave my eyebrows off (dont ask why) 2 months ago and they still havent fully grown back. some part do have hair some parts dont all i can say is dont shave any part of your head and/or face it will be a disaster and you will regret it 100% :(." }, { "docid": "8013902", "title": "How long did your whole enlistment process take?", "text": "Best Answer: it all depends...how many people are trying to enlist...room for basic, basically...lol...get in shape!...waivers dont take long...its just a papaer for your recruiter, dont worry tho, theres waivers for everything!...and pic airforce...i was a marine...if you dont go marines, go airforce." } ]
dow market hours
[ { "docid": "1302102", "title": "NASDAQ Trading Schedule", "text": "The NASDAQ Stock Market Trading Sessions (Eastern Time) Pre-Market Trading Hours from 4:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Market Hours from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. After-Market Hours from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Quote and order-entry from 4:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Quotes are open and firm from 4:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m." } ]
[ { "docid": "4332044", "title": "Routing number for DOW CHEMICAL EMPLOYEES' Credit Union", "text": "Find Dow Chemical Employees' Routing Number on a Check. The best way to find the routing number for your Dow Chemical Employees' checking, savings or business account is to look into the lower left corner of the bank check. Find routing number for Dow Chemical Employees' in the below table." }, { "docid": "7723142", "title": "-", "text": "Follow dow rtv silicone sealant to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Unfollow dow rtv silicone sealant to stop getting updates on your eBay Feed. Yay! You're now following dow rtv silicone sealant in your eBay Feed.You will receive email alerts for new listings. Don't send me e-mail alerts." }, { "docid": "1931850", "title": "Dow Jones Surpasses Record High in First Day of Post-Election Trading", "text": "Dow Jones Surpasses Record High in First Day of Post-Election Trading. Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. The Dow Jones surged by almost 300 points on Wednesday, pushing the industrial average beyond a record high as the market absorbed Donald Trump's surprise victory over Hillary Clinton in the presidential election." }, { "docid": "6687619", "title": "US government shutdown: LIVE UPDATES", "text": "The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) continues to be an important indicator of the economy, though some say the DJIA doesn't have the same import as it once did. related terms Dow Jones U.S. Market Index" }, { "docid": "8143207", "title": "-", "text": "E-Mini Dow Mar 2018: 25237: 3: 25230: 25424: 25113: 02/16/18: 15:59: E-Mini Dow Jun 2018: 25257: 7: 25230: 25446: 25129: 02/16/18: 15:51: E-Mini Dow Sep 2018: 25385: 91: 25443: 25443: 25362: 02/16/18: 14:46: E-Mini Dow Dec 2018: 24826: 785: 24800: 24826: 24800: 02/06/18: 15:53" }, { "docid": "6134977", "title": "âWhy Does the Stock Market Have Pre-Market and After-Hours Trading?â", "text": "The New York Stock Exchange in Manhattan. Credit Andrew Kelly/Reuters. A reader asks: “Why does the stock market have pre-market and after-hours trading? If trades can occur outside the 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. market hours, then why not extend the trading hours altogether, or allow for 24/7 trading?”. Neil Irwin, a senior economics correspondent, considers the question." }, { "docid": "3573780", "title": "Closing milestones of the Dow Jones Industrial Average", "text": "The following is a list of the milestone closing levels of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. 1-point increments are used up to the 50-point level; 5 to 100; 10 to 500; 20 to 1,000; 50 to 2,000; 100 to 10,000; and 200-point increments thereafter. Additional milestones may be used if necessary. 1929–1949: Bear market. 2 The stock market crash of 1929 precedes the Great Depression. 3 The Dow plunges to 41.22 (theoretical intra-day low of 40.56) on July 8, 1932, thus erasing 33 years of gains, in just under three years." }, { "docid": "8605271", "title": "After Market Orders (AMO)", "text": "AMO is for those customers who are busy during market hours but wish to participate. In post market hours trading, one need not actively track the price movements of a stock during market hours. You can plan your orders at leisure after doing research before the market opens the next trading day. Your presence is not needed at the exchange to execute the order." }, { "docid": "214414", "title": "How the global economic turmoil will play out in the U.S.", "text": "How the global economic turmoil will play out in the U.S. A screen on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange shows the the Dow Jones industrial average briefly dropping more than 1,000 points in morning trading on Aug. 24. Here's a look at why global stock markets are falling and what it might mean for American workers and investors. What is causing the global stock market meltdown? The stock market plunge was triggered by China’s move two weeks ago to devalue its currency." }, { "docid": "8193427", "title": "NYSE Circuit Breakers Move From Dow Jones to S&P 500", "text": "Jan 2, 2013 at 5:30PM. On New Year's Day, NYSE Euronext (UNKNOWN:NYX.DL) announced its quarterly changes to the circuit-breaker triggers. These are safeguards against market panics that would put a temporary stop to NYSE trading if the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJINDICES:^DJI) fell too far, too fast." }, { "docid": "5456627", "title": "-", "text": "We build our products on a foundation of science, innovation and collaboration. Dow offers you a broad portfolio of high-performance building solutions. Search by market, application or brand to find products that meet your project’s needs. Can’t find what you need? A representative is ready to work with you." }, { "docid": "277725", "title": "So much for the Trump slump! Dow hits closing record high as stocks soar and the dollar makes its largest gains since Brexit", "text": "The US stock market strengthened gradually throughout Wednesday; The Dow index reached a record high of 18,586 at the end of trading; It had been sent into a tailspin overnight as Trump claimed presidency; The Dow index opened 0.23 percent up as trading started at 9.30am; It more than doubled its gains by 1pm when it was up by 1.08 percent" }, { "docid": "7967245", "title": "What does the Dow Jones Industrial Average measure?", "text": "The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), popularly referred to as “The Dow,” is regarded as the “pulse of the stock market” as it is one of the most quoted and followed stock market indices by investors, market professionals and media. The Dow was unveiled on May 26, 1896 by Charles H. Dow as a composition of 12 stocks." }, { "docid": "22838", "title": "Dow Jones Industrial Average", "text": "The Dow Jones Industrial Average /ˌdaʊ ˈdʒoʊnz/ , also called DJIA, the Industrial Average, the Dow Jones, the Dow Jones Industrial, DJI, the Dow 30, or simply the Dow, is a stock market index, and one of several indices created by Wall Street Journal editor and Dow Jones & Company co-founder Charles Dow." }, { "docid": "4027694", "title": "-", "text": "Pre-Market Price Price is the trade price of the trade. Pre-Market Share Volume Share Volume is the number of shares of the stock traded on the listing exchange during current trading hours. It does not include after hours volume. 09:29:50." }, { "docid": "4301901", "title": "Forex Market Hours", "text": "Forex Market Hours. See world forex trading hours and status. See at a glance the market hours and current status of the world's currency markets. National bank holidays and weekends are taken into account. Historical Hourly Trade Activity." }, { "docid": "2948", "title": "Forex Market Hours", "text": "The forex market is available for trading 24 hours a day, five and one-half days per week. The Forex Market Time Converter displays Open or Closed in the Status column to indicate the current state of each global Market Center." }, { "docid": "1115662", "title": "Economy for Kids", "text": "Economy for Kids. PRINT; EMAIL; Banks, bailouts, debt, the housing market, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average are in the news everyday. These are all pieces of what we call the economy, and making sense of it can sometimes be confusing. Scholastic News is here to help!" }, { "docid": "3432281", "title": "-", "text": "All rights reserved. Dow Jones: The Dow Jones branded indices are proprietary to and are calculated, distributed and marketed by DJI Opco, a subsidiary of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and have been licensed for use to S&P Opco, LLC and CNN.ll rights reserved. Dow Jones: The Dow Jones branded indices are proprietary to and are calculated, distributed and marketed by DJI Opco, a subsidiary of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and have been licensed for use to S&P Opco, LLC and CNN." }, { "docid": "2594167", "title": "-", "text": "DOW IN BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION. Today’s modern structures must be energy efficient, safe, durable and aesthetically pleasing. These simultaneous requirements call for unique technologies and innovations. At Dow, we understand that solutions to these challenges can come from anywhere." }, { "docid": "4210140", "title": "Market trend", "text": "Some examples of market bottoms, in terms of the closing values of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) include: 1 The Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a bottom at 1738.74 on 19 October 1987, as a result of the decline from 2722.41 on 25 August 1987. This day was called Black Monday (chart)." }, { "docid": "216811", "title": "-", "text": "County Market stores in Mount Pleasant PA - Hours, locations and phones County Market County Market Weekly Ad and Coupons in Mount Pleasant PA and the surrounding area More information from County Market Other Grocery & Drug stores in Mount Pleasant PA" }, { "docid": "3488516", "title": "How many weeks do I get?", "text": "Most stock quote data provided by BATS. Market indices are shown in real time, except for the DJIA, which is delayed by two minutes. All times are ET. Disclaimer. Morningstar: © Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Factset: FactSet Research Systems Inc. . All rights reserved. Chicago Mercantile Association: Certain market data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. and its licensors. Dow Jones: The Dow Jones branded indices are proprietary to and are calculated, distributed and marketed by DJI Opco, a subsidiary of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and have been licensed for use to S&P Opco, LLC and CNN." }, { "docid": "457930", "title": "How many weeks do I get?", "text": "Standard & Poor's and S&P are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC and Dow Jones is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC. All content of the Dow Jones branded indices © S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC 2018 and/or its affiliates." }, { "docid": "1668796", "title": "S Fund: Small Cap Stock Index Investment Fund", "text": "Fund Objective. The S Fund's investment objective is to match the performance of the Dow Jones U.S. Completion Total Stock Market Index, a broad market index made up of stocks of U.S. companies not included in the S&P 500 Index." }, { "docid": "8044839", "title": "Silver Prices", "text": "Silver prices are already up 23% since the beginning of the recovery in 2016. And that's even with a soaring stock market, which is traditionally a drag on silver prices. The Dow Jones is up 49% during the same time period." }, { "docid": "2119960", "title": "-", "text": "However, trading outside regular market hours is quite different than trading during the normal market day. 1 Available Securities– Listed equity symbols are available for trading during extended hours. 2 Order Types– Buy and sell limit orders may be placed, and selling short and buying to cover limit orders is permitted." }, { "docid": "3809452", "title": "-", "text": "Screener Market Screener (FA & TA) Use our cloud-based market screener to filter out stock investing choices using a combination of FA and TA criteria. When you know what you're looking for, our market screener will cut your research time from hours to seconds." }, { "docid": "3282161", "title": "How Do I Become A Market Research Analyst?", "text": "If you decide to become a market research analyst, you should be prepared to work long hours. Market research analysts may have to put in extra hours during the holiday season. A market research analyst may need to help figure out new groups in a population that will use a company’s product." }, { "docid": "8769981", "title": "-", "text": "1 1929–1949: Bear market. 2 The stock market crash of 1929 precedes the Great Depression. 3 The Dow plunges to 41.22 (theoretical intra-day low of 40.56) on July 8, 1932, thus erasing 33 years of gains, in just under three years." } ]
dram whiskey definition
[ { "docid": "6089786", "title": "Cask Whisky Presents", "text": "Dram. A dram is the traditional Scotch whisky measure. Synonyms: bite, catch, drop, finger, jolt, morsel, mouthful, nibble, pinch, portion, shot, sip, slug, snifter, soupcon, taste, toothful.ask. Casks are the oak barrels in which whisky matures. A cask is the generic name for these barrels. They come in various shapes and sizes. In order to be called whisky, the spirit must have matured for at least three years in an oak barrel. Synonyms: barillet, barrel, butt, firkin, hogshead, keg, pipe." } ]
[ { "docid": "3236203", "title": "Jameson Irish Whiskey Reviews", "text": "Jameson 18 Year Old Limited Reserve Irish Whiskey Blended, aged Irish whiskey from the Midleton Distillery: Jameson 18 Year Old Irish Whiskey. Jameson Irish Whiskey Jameson 18 year is a big, mouth coating blend with notes of molasses, caramel, apple pie spice and umami notes." }, { "docid": "1862927", "title": "-", "text": "Haggis is often served with neeps and tatties which would be rutabagas and potatoes to you and me. Interestingly enough it is also often served with a dram or rather Scottish whiskey." }, { "docid": "3247773", "title": "DRAM Command Rate Explained (not really)", "text": "The SPD details state 3T (or N, not sure) as the command rate for this ram, its the fact that the motherboard doesn't have 3T listed in the DRAM setup, just 1 or 2. I have had it running in Auto for as long as i've had the RAM, but the RAM states it is a 1.65v and the RAM has a 3T." }, { "docid": "7428180", "title": "-", "text": "Free Online Dictionary. Target Language Chinese(S) Chinese(T) Czech Ethiopian Japanese Swedish. Small batch whiskey. Small batch whiskey is a term usually referring to bourbon or rye whiskey, and denotes a whiskey produced by mixing the contents of a relatively small number of selected barrels." }, { "docid": "5177042", "title": "-", "text": "Again, for comparison purposes, 40% (or 80 proof) whiskey, or spirits, is a good concentration. With this in hand, a 5 ounce glass of wine, a 12 ounce can of general American beer, and a 1 1/2 ounce shot of 49% whiskey contain approximately the same amount of alcohol." }, { "docid": "897398", "title": "oleoresin", "text": "Pharmacology. an oil holding resin in solution, extracted from a substance, as ginger, by means of alcohol, ether, or acetone. Two hours after breakfast next morning give one-half dram of the oleoresin of male-fern in emulsion or capsule." }, { "docid": "7845507", "title": "-", "text": "The Most Favored Nation duty rate is currently 0.0, indicating that free trade has been an effective policy for whiskey. In fact, in 2003, the US only imported whiskey from 9 countries, and 98.9% of the total amount was from Canada, at an impressive 265 million dollars. This is a clear indication that substitutes may exist, but the US domestic market for bourbon is still quite strong." }, { "docid": "6664805", "title": "-", "text": "Calories In Lord Calvert Whiskey Canadian whiskey description, drinks, info and cocktail recipes. browse drink percent daily values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. your daily lord calvert. . december 23 how do the calories in a glass of wine compare to typical alcoholic beverages? learn their alcohol and carb content and how they fit into your diet plans. ." }, { "docid": "3827654", "title": "Difference Between Canadian Whiskey & Bourbon", "text": "Bourbon is a classic, American corn-based whiskey. Its name comes from its place of origin, Bourbon County, Kentucky. Bourbon is known as a straight whiskey, meaning it is made from at least 51 percent of a grain, aged in oak barrels and the complete distilled product must exceed 80 proof in alcoholic content." }, { "docid": "7415434", "title": "Complete Guide to Whiskey", "text": "Rye is also whiskey made like bourbon, but rye is the primary grain used, instead of corn. Rye has a more aggressive, peppery flavor, and it's a dry (not sweet) spirit, unlike fuller, sweeter bourbon. [Old Portrero, Jim Beam Rye, Wild Turkey Rye Whiskey]. Serve it: In a Manhattan or Sazerac cocktail. Is it whiskey or whisky?" }, { "docid": "8078859", "title": "What Does An Alcoholâs âProofâ Actually Mean?", "text": "Suspicious buyers came up with a gunpowder proofing, testing method. They mixed the whiskey with gunpowder and lit it. If the gunpowder exploded, the liquor had no water in it and it was proofed. And so was anyone standing nearby. This became the official term for pure whiskey. Please do not try this at home." }, { "docid": "2741652", "title": "Which name was given to the attempt by Massachusetts farmers to stop the courts from seizing farmers' lands for nonpayment of debts?", "text": "There is one reason on why farmers went to Massachusetts to Rebel. The main reason why they moved was because of the taxes on their whiskey." }, { "docid": "3929178", "title": "Static random-access memory", "text": "Nowadays, synchronous SRAM (e.g. DDR SRAM) is rather employed similarly like Synchronous DRAM - DDR SDRAM memory is rather used than asynchronous DRAM (Dynamic random-access memory). Synchronous memory interface is much faster as access time can be significantly reduced by employing pipeline architecture." }, { "docid": "1615565", "title": "-", "text": "Place the whiskey mixture in a bowl and stir in the cream until smooth. Store the Irish cream in the refrigerator, covered, for up to 2 weeks. Serve chilled over ice. 1. In a blender, combine the whiskey, sweetened condensed milk, chocolate syrup and instant coffee, and blend on high speed until combined. 2." }, { "docid": "7154284", "title": "Balcones Distilling Named Best Craft Whiskey Distillery", "text": "Balcones Distilling Named Best Craft Whiskey Distillery Browse Current Contests Kentucky Peerless Distilling Co., StilL 630, Tuthilltown Spirits Distillery and Westland Distillery also winners While American whiskey might be most closely associated with Tennessee and Kentucky, the spirit is distilled and bottled throughout the country using a wide variety of grains." }, { "docid": "5952536", "title": "What Is the Difference Between Bourbon and Whiskey?", "text": "Barrels used for bourbon must be new and made from charred oak. A straight bourbon requires two years of aging and can’t contain added flavorings or colors. Other whiskey varieties, such as rye whiskey, have similar distilling and aging requirements, although the age and material used for the barrels varies." }, { "docid": "7971020", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of ALCOHOL for Kids. 1. : a colorless flammable liquid that in one form is the substance in liquors (as beer, wine, or whiskey) that can make a person drunk.efinition of ALCOHOL for Kids. 1. : a colorless flammable liquid that in one form is the substance in liquors (as beer, wine, or whiskey) that can make a person drunk." }, { "docid": "2675936", "title": "Solid-state drive", "text": "The key components of an SSD are the controller and the memory to store the data. The primary memory component in an SSD was traditionally DRAM volatile memory, but since 2009 it is more commonly NAND flash non-volatile memory." }, { "docid": "7346403", "title": "-", "text": "1 This bottle of Eagle Rare Single Barrel Bourbon Whiskey is classified as COMMON. 2 You will likely have no trouble locating this whiskey in major retail chains and will often see prices lower than the suggested MSRP due to this bottles high availability." }, { "docid": "1555506", "title": "Chapter 2: What Is Whiskey Made Of? The Types of Whiskey", "text": "The Types of Whiskey. Malt Whiskey. Malt whiskey is the oldest style of whiskey distilling, usually made from 100% barely malt, although it can be distilled from a mash. This version is made all over the world, although when made in Scotland, it’s called Scotch." }, { "docid": "1504529", "title": "Baileys Irish Cream", "text": "Baileys Irish Cream is an Irish whiskey and cream based liqueur, made by Gilbeys of Ireland.he alcohol and cream, together with some Irish whiskey from various distilleries, are homogenized to form an emulsion with the aid of an emulsifier containing refined vegetable oil. This process prevents separation of the alcohol and cream during storage." }, { "docid": "3266001", "title": "What Mixes Well With Whiskey?", "text": "The ingredients for a Manhattan are 2 1/2 ounces of rye whiskey or bourbon, 1/4 ounce of sweet vermouth, a dash of bitters, an orange twist and a cherry. A whiskey sour has 2 ounces of whiskey, 1/2 teaspoons of powdered sugar, half of a lemon slice and lemon juice. An old fashioned combines 2 ounces of whiskey with a dash of bitters, a sugar cube, a cherry and slices of both orange and lemon." }, { "docid": "6987392", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of dram. 1 1a US : a unit of liquid capacity equal to 1⁄8 fluid ounce — see weight tableb : fluid dram. 2 2a : a small portion of something to drinkb : a small amount." }, { "docid": "705503", "title": "Calories in Liquor List", "text": "Calories in Liquor List. Most cocktails get their calories from mixers. The primary types of clear and dark liquor are vodka, rum, gin, whiskey and tequila,. Order a shot of 80-proof vodka, rum, gin, whiskey, or tequila and you will drink the same number of calories; Up your alcohol content, or 'proof,' and your calorie count goes up as well." }, { "docid": "6199652", "title": "Difference between Whiskey and Vodka", "text": "Whiskey or whisky is a type of distilled alcoholic beverage made from any form of fermented grain mash. Depending on the geographical region or type of whiskey that is being made, whiskey can be made from barley, malted barley, rye, malted rye, wheat, and corn. They are often aged in charred barrels." }, { "docid": "2861792", "title": "Cigarettes and whiskey and.......?", "text": "Cigarettes, Whiskey and Wild Wild Women. Cigarettes, Whiskey and Wild Wild Women. (Tim Spencer) cho: Cigarettes, whiskey and wild wild women. They'll drive you crazy, they'll drive you insane;" }, { "docid": "8735394", "title": "Buffered Vs Unbuffered Memory", "text": "Sep 12, 2009, 6:32 AM. I believe the difference is buffered is Server Memory and unbuffered is PC memory. Hopefully someone else will confirm what the difference is. Edit: Read this link... DRAM Memory Guide, which explains the difference. My original response was the Clift-Notes version..." }, { "docid": "4939531", "title": "Rye whiskey", "text": "In the United States, rye whiskey is, by law, made from a mash of at least 51 percent rye. (The other ingredients of the mash are usually corn and malted barley .) It is distilled to no more than 160 (U.S.) proof (80% abv), and aged in charred, new oak barrels.The whiskey must be put into such barrels at not more than 125 (U.S.) proof (62.5% abv).The other ingredients of the mash are usually corn and malted barley .) It is distilled to no more than 160 (U.S.) proof (80% abv), and aged in charred, new oak barrels. The whiskey must be put into such barrels at not more than 125 (U.S.) proof (62.5% abv)." }, { "docid": "1919108", "title": "Aging White Whiskey At Home: A How To Tutorial", "text": "Make sure to roughly match the size of the barrel to the amount of white whiskey you will be adding (though you’ll need to leave a little room for water also – read on for why). When you get the barrel home, you need to prep it first by swelling it so there are no leaks during your whiskey in barrel aging time. Gently tap the spigot into the small hole in front, if it has one, and then get it to swell." }, { "docid": "2564792", "title": "-", "text": "No. Canada Dry is owned by Plano, Texas-based Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc., the third largest soft drink company in North America. 17 people found this useful. Edit. Share to: 1 Classic Whiskey and Ginger Ale Mix This classic whiskey ginger ale recipe is the perfect refresher." } ]
dream of a horse meaning
[ { "docid": "3478328", "title": "Horse Dream Meaning", "text": "To dream of race horses indicates that you will be surfeited with fast living, but to the farmer this dream suggests prosperity. To dream that you ride a horse in a race means you will be prosperous and enjoy life. To dream of killing a horse symbolizes that you will injure your friends through selfishness." } ]
[ { "docid": "546715", "title": "Dream meaning River", "text": "Dream meaning River To see a river in your dream, specify that you are just going with the flow of life. You are actually permitting your life to flow to the wind and directions. It also indicates that you need to take some important decisions to shape your life. Along with this river also symbolize pleasures, peace and riches." }, { "docid": "6716960", "title": "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!", "text": "My daughter's name is Ashlyn :) I chose her name because I like the Irish name Aisling...I spelled this the way it sounds.VERY pretty and I love the meaning: vision, dream :).rigin of the name Aisling: Derived from the Irish aisling (dream, vision, day-dream). The name has been Anglicized as Esther. From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman." }, { "docid": "6889510", "title": "-", "text": "AGRIPPA (агриппа): Latin form of Greek Agrippas, meaning wild horse.. In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the Herod Agrippa who ordered the execution of the apostle James, and the imprisonment of Peter." }, { "docid": "4507561", "title": "-", "text": "When you buy the ticket of the bus in your dream, it means that you are actually paying the price in your real life where you are always trying to please others. Original Meaning. It is a fact that we take a bus in real life to complete a journey or to go from one place to another." }, { "docid": "5230168", "title": "American Paint Horse", "text": "Developed from a base of spotted horses with Quarter Horse and Thoroughbred bloodlines, the American Paint Horse Association (APHA) breed registry is now one of the fastest-growing in North America. Solid: A horse otherwise eligible for registration as a Paint that does not have any white that constitutes a recognized spotting pattern. 2 Color: An informal term meaning that the horse has a spotting pattern." }, { "docid": "1297056", "title": "Lion Dream Meaning", "text": "Psychological Meaning: Lions are usually a regal dream symbol of power and pride. In a woman’s dream, it may represent the male aspect of her psyche. A Freudian interpretation may consider lions to represent the powerful and admired aspect of the father." }, { "docid": "4643608", "title": "Green snake dream meaning", "text": "What is the meaning of a green snake in a dream if it is attacking you? If the green snake is frightening you in any way then this dream relates to trying to overcome a difficult problem or a troublesome person. Often this dream occurs when you are suffering some kind of grief or separation in your life." }, { "docid": "1483891", "title": "-", "text": "Popular tags: 1 dream interpretation bowel movement. 2 dream dictionary bowel movement. 3 dreams about bowel movement. 4 dream about bowel movement. 5 bowel movement dream interpretation. 6 dream interpretation of bowel movement. 7 dreams about bowel movements. 8 what does it mean when you dream about having a bowel movement. 9 dreams of bowel movement. 10 dream ...." }, { "docid": "554262", "title": "-", "text": "Spider dream interpretations. Spider Dream Explanation — In a dream, a spider represents a malicious woman, or a weak, perfidious and a distant man. A spider in a dream also represents a weaver, an ascetic or a monk. If one sees a spider in his dream, it may mean that he will meet a pious and a religious man. Weaving a web in a dream means becoming weak. A spider in a dream also could represent a pleasing wife. If one sees a spider hanging down from the ceiling in a dream, it indicates a severe winter in that area. (Also see Tarantula)" }, { "docid": "8650010", "title": "-", "text": "Mutual dreams are described as such when two people have the same dream. Mutual dreams may be planned, meaning that two people actively work toward achieving one dream scenario or goal. It is a way to improve communication and build trust. Mutual dreams can also be spontaneous." }, { "docid": "4708026", "title": "Horse", "text": "Definition Of: Horse. If you dream of seeing or riding a white horse, the indications are favorable for prosperity and pleasurable commingling with congenial friends and fair women. If the white horse is soiled and lean, your confidence will be betrayed by a jealous friend or a woman." }, { "docid": "7134886", "title": "Tiara Dream Symbol", "text": "Stephen is a self confessed dream junkie that loves all things dream related. He is a writer for Dream Stop and has been working in the field of dreams for the past decade. He believes that the YOU are the only person who can truly understand the meaning of your dreams." }, { "docid": "5750364", "title": "-", "text": "Dictionary of Horse Terms. Above the bit. When a horse raises his mouth above the rider's hands to avoid the pressure of the bit. Backyard horse. A horse that lives with its owner, not in a proper horse barn or stable." }, { "docid": "2586300", "title": "The Meaning of a Wedding in a Dream", "text": "The Meaning of a Wedding in a Dream. Wedding dreams can vary greatly. We may dream of a spectacular celebration; of a strange cast of characters, maybe dressed in surprising outfits; or we may dream of small intimate occasions in unlikely places. Understanding all the different elements at play can give us insight into what our our personal wedding dream may mean." }, { "docid": "7708615", "title": "-", "text": "dream noun [ C ] (SLEEP) A2 a series of events or images that happen in your mind when you are sleeping: a good/bad dream. a recurring dream. I had a very strange dream about you last night. [ + that ] Paul had a dream that he won the lottery." }, { "docid": "4980644", "title": "-", "text": "The black family includes black, brown and bay. Red factor testing can be used to tell if a dark horse is homozygous for the black color gene, meaning it will only produce foals in the black coat color family. Red Factor testing can also be used to tell if a diluted horse is in the black family or red family." }, { "docid": "114479", "title": "Sun", "text": "dream interpretation meaning of dream The ~ sustains all life on Earth. When you see it in your dreams, it suggests that you are being nurtured and sustained by your environment and your life choices. It could also represent a spiritual force or the light of God. ~ - The spiritual force or something that is necessary for your wellbeing." }, { "docid": "8348976", "title": "GAIT", "text": "jog trot (an easy gait of a horse; midway between a walk and a trot) rack; single-foot (a rapid gait of a horse in which each foot strikes the ground separately) walk (a slow gait of a horse in which two feet are always on the ground) Meaning:" }, { "docid": "5273101", "title": "American Dream", "text": "the old american dream was the dream of the puritans of benjamin franklin s poor richard of men and women content to accumulate their modest fortunes a little at a time year by year by year the new dream was the dream of instant wealth won in a twinkling by audacity and good luck this golden dream" }, { "docid": "6711628", "title": "Dream interpretation Horse", "text": "A Sample Dream meaning and Horse Dream Interpretation. Consider a dream where you are on a farm, and see a band of horses in the distance. As you watch them, a neighbor comes by to say good morning The horses begin to move towards you, and you notice that all but one is white." }, { "docid": "3054210", "title": "How Old Does a Horse Have to Be Before Saddle Breaking?", "text": "For most breeds, this will occur when the horse is approximately 2 years old. Some trainers choose to start training when the horse is a late yearling, meaning he is between 18 and 24 months of age, while others will wait until a horse is 2 1/2 before training starts." }, { "docid": "1188036", "title": "Symbolic Meaning of HorseFace to the Wind, You are Wild and Free", "text": "Horse meaning. the Energy of Victory abounds. Victorious spirit and the symbolism of the Horse..... Horse is regal and fierce in competition, running her heart out to beat out her competitors to be the one to take first place, to have the crown of glory.The Horse is a totem of having the heart of a legendary competitor.he symbolic meaning of a Wild Horse ~ called a Mustang; is ultimate freedom, traversing the lands wild and free with the wind in his hair, completely in the moment of now, yesterday gone forever and tomorrow an eternity away." }, { "docid": "3102204", "title": "All I Have To Do Is Dream Lyrics", "text": "Submit Corrections Cancel. Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream. Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream. When I want you in my arms. When I want you and all your charms. Whenever I want you, all I have to do is. Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream. When I feel blue in the night." }, { "docid": "3641596", "title": "10 Nursery Rhymes and Their Origins", "text": "There is speculation that the nursery rhyme had an underlying meaning – in which Humpty Dumpty represents King Richard III of England and the wall his horse. Others have suggested that it refers to the downfall of Cardinal Wolsey at the hand of King Henry VIII.here is speculation that the nursery rhyme had an underlying meaning – in which Humpty Dumpty represents King Richard III of England and the wall his horse. Others have suggested that it refers to the downfall of Cardinal Wolsey at the hand of King Henry VIII." }, { "docid": "480859", "title": "Dream about Fighting & Fighting dreams meaning", "text": "Dream about Fighting & Fighting dreams meaning. You are reading post Dream about Fighting & Fighting dreams meaning at Analyze about your dream & decode meaning dream dictionary. Content is Welcome to Dream about Fighting & Fighting dreams meaning - Free learning the meaning Dream about Fighting & Fighting dreams meaning in GO TO Dreams! ." }, { "docid": "8718244", "title": "The Meaning of a Baby or Child in a Dream", "text": "The meaning of mother in a dream. The meaning of Loved Ones in a dream. The meaning of other people in dreams. The meaning of numbers in dreams" }, { "docid": "3549569", "title": "Bright Light Dream", "text": "But please understand the language of our dreams. Our dreams are metaphoric in nature, which means that they do not speak literally. So taking this bright light dream as an example, and let's just say that the personal meaning we associate to it is as a symbol of life after death. had a dream that I saw a bright light, I went to dreammoods.com and it told me that it meant guidence plain understanding and insight." }, { "docid": "3439841", "title": "-", "text": "The name Aislinn comes from the Irish origin. In Irish The meaning of the name Aislinn is: Variant of Aisling or Ashling: Dream or vision." }, { "docid": "534759", "title": "-", "text": "Arrow tattoo meaning + designs. Arrow Tattoo meaning – protection (like a barbed wire), defense (like a bee), family (like a dove), power (like Zeus), direction (like a compass), peace (like a peace sign), friendship (like an infinity tattoo), fertility (like a horse), etc." }, { "docid": "6783202", "title": "-", "text": "content. latent content the hidden and unconscious true meaning of a symbolic representation such as a dream or fantasy. manifest content the content of a dream or fantasy as it is experienced and remembered, and in which the latent content is disguised and distorted by various mechanisms." } ]
duration of a dogs heat cycle
[ { "docid": "2035495", "title": "Dog in Heat Duration â How Long is the Dog in Heat", "text": "The frequency also varies but the average is six months. Just like humans we can talk about frequency of cycle in extreme cases and so just how often the dog have their cycles vary greatly dog to dog. Meanwhile, the duration or the heat itself can last for 21 days or three weeks, give or take one week." } ]
[ { "docid": "1411164", "title": "Are you suppose to spay before or after a dog's first period?", "text": "Dogs dont have periods that is a human thing .A dog has a Heat cycle .And a lot will depend on whether you spay before or after .breed has a lot to do with it . You can keep your dog confined to one room you can buy dog diapers to deal with the blood ,but if you have to ask i would spay your dog now ." }, { "docid": "7212289", "title": "-", "text": "Male dogs can be neutered as early as eight weeks (two months) but some vets recommend that the owner wait until the dog is six months of age to be neutered. Talk to your vet to see what he or she recommends.6 people found this useful.hen a female dog is spayed before their first heat cycle it reduces their chances of developing mammary cancer by 99%. Since a dog's normal heat or menstruation cycle begins … at about 6 months, dogs should be spayed between 4 and 6 months." }, { "docid": "293803", "title": "Spaying Your Female Dog", "text": "Remember, unspayed female dogs go into heat about once every eight months and it lasts for as long as three weeks each time. And they don’t go into menopause. They regularly go into heat for their entire lives–unless they’re spayed." }, { "docid": "1324346", "title": "-", "text": "We recommend that puppies be neutered at five to six months of age. Ifthe puppy is to be shown or used for breeding, it should still be neutered at five or six years old. Male dogs have been known to wander many miles from their neighborhoods, led instinctively by their attraction to female dogs in heat.e recommend that puppies be neutered at five to six months of age. Ifthe puppy is to be shown or used for breeding, it should still be neutered at five or six years old. Male dogs have been known to wander many miles from their neighborhoods, led instinctively by their attraction to female dogs in heat." }, { "docid": "4109665", "title": "How Long Does a Dog Stay in Heat?", "text": "When does heat start? Dogs can go into heat as young as four months in smaller breeds, but averages about six months old. Some giant breeds may not go into their first heat until they’re 18-24 months old. It is strongly advised not to breed young female dogs during their first and second cycle." }, { "docid": "5193556", "title": "-", "text": "Here, gravity and heat provide the necessary energy to drive the nuclear fusion processes that power the sun. In the core, the fusion processes called the Proton-Proton Cycle and the Carbon-Nitrogen-Oxygen Cycle take place. Almost all the heat from the sun is created in the inner core. 1 Density: 1.622×105 kg/m3.ere, gravity and heat provide the necessary energy to drive the nuclear fusion processes that power the sun. In the core, the fusion processes called the Proton-Proton Cycle and the Carbon-Nitrogen-Oxygen Cycle take place. Almost all the heat from the sun is created in the inner core. 1 Density: 1.622×105 kg/m3." }, { "docid": "5660925", "title": "Dog Pregnancy Stages Of Your Dog's Pregnancy", "text": "To understand dog pregnancy, you should first get a general comprehension of how her body works. Your dog will experience a heat cycle before she is able to get pregnant. Veterinarians suggest that you do not breed her during her first heat period unless it happens after she is 1 year old." }, { "docid": "2216360", "title": "How Long Do Dogs Stay Pregnant? Everything You Need to Know About Dog Pregnancies", "text": "How Long Do Female Dogs Stay in Heat? Like any species, the fertility cycle of canines can be pretty tricky to navigate. There are two important timing factors to keep in mind: duration and fertility." }, { "docid": "1291044", "title": "-", "text": "Boiling them for six minutes is enough time to get the hot dogs piping hot, but it's short enough to keep them from splitting down the middle. You want to avoid letting the hot dogs split, since they'll lose a lot of flavor if they do. 1 If you're boiling a large pack of hot dogs, they may need an extra minute or two.2 Test a dog to see if it's ready before removing the rest of them from heat.ou want to avoid letting the hot dogs split, since they'll lose a lot of flavor if they do. 1 If you're boiling a large pack of hot dogs, they may need an extra minute or two. 2 Test a dog to see if it's ready before removing the rest of them from heat." }, { "docid": "2905697", "title": "-", "text": "Animals that are spayed prior to one year of age very rarely develop this malignancy. Spaying a dog before her first heat is the best way to significantly reduce the chance your dog will develop mammary cancer. The risk of malignant mammary tumors in dogs spayed prior to their first heat is 0.05%. It is 8% for dog spayed after one heat, and 26% in dogs spayed after their second heat. Tumors of the reproductive tract: Tumors can occur in the uterus and ovaries." }, { "docid": "2824681", "title": "How Long Do Cats Stay in Heat?", "text": "Quick Answer. A cat's heat is between three and 14 days long, but most cats are in heat for about a week. If the cat does not mate during her heat, she may come back into heat in only a matter of days. Cats typically have their first heat cycle at about six months of age, although that varies between individuals." }, { "docid": "4866042", "title": "What To Expect With A Young Dog In Heat", "text": "Female dogs can become pregnant during the first heat, though, so you will need to keep her away from any intact males. 3. Diestrus: The third stage is diestrus." }, { "docid": "907693", "title": "What are cyclic devices exactly?", "text": "A cyclic device is a device that operates by following some set cycle over and over again. Yes, heat pumps and refrigerators are cyclic devices. A cyclic device is a device that operates by following some set cycle over and over again. Yes, heat pumps and refrigerators are cyclic devices. Thanks." }, { "docid": "3377495", "title": "-", "text": "The first estrus cycle usually occurs by age 6-12 months; for some small breeds, as early as 5 months, and for some large and giant breeds, the first cycle may not occur until 14 months of age or older. On average, dogs have two cycles a year." }, { "docid": "582011", "title": "Dog Pregnancy Stages Of Your Dog's Pregnancy", "text": "While in heat she will be able to breed with more than the one male. She will be in heat for 3 weeks and her cycle will arrive every 6-9 months. The first thing you will recognize when your dog goes into heat is a swollen vulva and bloody discharge. Eggs are not released yet in this phase of her heat cycle.Male dogs will be chemically drawn to her more than ever before. If your dog's labor occurs for 2 hours with no delivery. 2 If there is a 4 hour window since the last pup was born and before more are delivered. 3 If the delivery of pups doesn't commence after she showed the normal greenish-black discharge in the beginning of the birthing process." }, { "docid": "896465", "title": "-", "text": "Dogs tie as many as four times per day. When the female is in heat or ready, she will allow the male or other male dogs to tie up to four times per day. She will do this for three to four days." }, { "docid": "6120904", "title": "Common Questions About Dog Spaying", "text": "Spaying is recommended at any age of your dog. However, the best time for the procedure is before your dog has her first heat cycle. This will make the procedure less complicated. It's not recommended to spay the dog while she is in heat or pregnant. The procedure may lead to complications.he medical term used for spaying is ovariohysterectomy. Spaying refers only to the procedure of sterilization of a female dog. A female dog has her first heat cycle when she is 6 to 9 months old. The heat cycle occurs twice per year, and this is when the dog can get pregnant." }, { "docid": "519077", "title": "How to Care For a Female Dog in Heat", "text": "Dogs (pets) It's not called a period in a dog it's called being ' in season' or ' in heat'. Female dogs that aren’t spayed go into season or into heat approximately every 6 months. The heat cycle for a female dog lasts about 3 weeks. During that time her vulva will swell and she will have a bloody discharge." }, { "docid": "3544145", "title": "How to Tell If Your Dogâs In Heat", "text": "How to Tell If Your Dog’s In Heat. Estrus, or heat, is the stage in a female dog's reproductive cycle during which she becomes receptive to mating with males. At this time, estrogen levels first increase and then sharply decrease, and mature eggs are released from the ovaries. Ideally, your dog should be spayed before she enters her first heat cycle." }, { "docid": "6491544", "title": "Birth Control for Dogs", "text": "How long does a \\heat\\ cycle or estrus last? Heat cycles vary but average two to three weeks for most dogs. There are two methods to prevent estrus, or heat, in a female dog: There is currently a tremendous amount of research being conducted in this area." }, { "docid": "3203397", "title": "How Long Does A Female Dog Stay In Heat?", "text": "A female dog will generally stay in heat for about three weeks or around 21 days.However, this heat cycle will vary from one dog to the next. It depends on the breed, the age and the dog herself. A female dog will go into heat twice a year. female dog will generally stay in heat for about three weeks or around 21 days." }, { "docid": "5027298", "title": "GE GTW680BSJWS Washing Machine Review", "text": "The Whites cycle removed the most stains overall. This is was to be expected, as our water meters showed that this cycle used more hot water than others. The added heat allowed the Whites cycle to remove three percent more stains than the next high performer, the Heavy Duty cycle. This cycle had a 50-50 distribution between hot and cold water." }, { "docid": "5160199", "title": "Do female dogs have periods?", "text": "Female dogs do not have periods per se, but they do go through a regular heat cycle if they have not been spayed, or desexed. The average heat cycle for a dog is anywhere from 1 week to 4 weeks in length." }, { "docid": "4866048", "title": "What To Expect With A Young Dog In Heat", "text": "Stages Of The Canine Heat Cycle. Your dog will go through four stages in her reproductive cycle. 1. Proestrus: The first stage is proestrus. This stage generally lasts seven to nine days but it could be as short as three days or as long as two weeks. This is when the red discharge occurs and the vulva starts to swell. The female will squash any interest by male dogs at this point. 2. Estus: The next stage is true estrus. This is when your female dog is fertile. Generally, this lasts about a week. During this time, your female will stand and “flag” her tail to the side for a male to mount her." }, { "docid": "7298936", "title": "Kitten Growth Chart", "text": "The risk is one half of one percent in dogs that are spayed before the first heat. It rises to 8% in dogs spayed after the first heat, and 26% for dogs spayed after the second heat. And as with cats, cancer of the uterus and ovaries, while not common, does occur." }, { "docid": "45195", "title": "Reproduction in dogs - season, heat, oestrus, pregnancy tests", "text": "Very large breeds may only have a heat cycle once every 12-18 months. In most giant breeds (Great Danes, Irish Wolfhounds, St Bernard's, etc.) an oestrus cycle every twelve months is common." }, { "docid": "4615836", "title": "Mare", "text": "The estrous cycle, also known as season or heat of a mare occurs roughly every 19–22 days and occurs from early spring into autumn. As the days shorten, most mares enter an anestrus period during the winter and thus do not cycle in this period.he estrous cycle, also known as season or heat of a mare occurs roughly every 19–22 days and occurs from early spring into autumn. As the days shorten, most mares enter an anestrus period during the winter and thus do not cycle in this period." }, { "docid": "4859823", "title": "Is Swelling Normal for a Dog on Their Period?", "text": "If your dog's vulva -- the outside genitals -- starts to take on a swollen appearance, then it might mean that all of the other classic heat-related signs and behaviors are soon to follow. Note, however, that although a swollen vulva is a key symptom of heat, it isn't always extremely apparent in dogs.f your dog's vulva -- the outside genitals -- starts to take on a swollen appearance, then it might mean that all of the other classic heat-related signs and behaviors are soon to follow. Note, however, that although a swollen vulva is a key symptom of heat, it isn't always extremely apparent in dogs." }, { "docid": "1595663", "title": "Cooling Power Plants", "text": "* Many power plants, fossil and nuclear, have higher net output in winter than summer due to differences in cooling water temperature. 1. Steam cycle heat transfer. For the purpose of heat transfer from the core, the water is circulated continuously in a closed loop steam cycle and hardly any is lost." }, { "docid": "1954932", "title": "Cell cycle", "text": "Although the duration of cell cycle in tumor cells is equal to or longer than that of normal cell cycle, the proportion of cells that are in active cell division (versus quiescent cells in G 0 phase) in tumors is much higher than that in normal tissue [citation needed]." } ]
an ohmmeter can be used to measure what
[ { "docid": "5992036", "title": "How to use a multimeter as Ohmmeter", "text": "Ohmmeter- an ohmmeter is used to measure resistance. Connected in parallel or across, It can be used to check and measure the continuity of the circuit . When using an ohmmeter it does not require correct application polarity. Resistance test procedure: the purpose of the ω test is to measure the resistance or checking out if the circuit is short or open ." } ]
[ { "docid": "4214786", "title": "-", "text": "Megger has enhanced its series of insulation and continuity testers, making testing faster and more convenient, as well... Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeters from Megger Test Resistance with Up to 100 A Megger adds a new low resistance ohmmeter that features a Li-ion battery that supplies a constant 100 A current for up... Introducing Transformer Life Management Bulletins Introducing Megger Transformer Life Management (TLM) Bulletins and how they can help you:To aid in the building..." }, { "docid": "2402438", "title": "How to Measure Road Bike Frame â How to Measure a Bike Frame", "text": "In a previous post, How to Measure a Bike Frame – Terminology, we discussed the basics of how to measure a bike frame and the bike terminology used when describing bike frames. Now, let’s specifically walk through the steps and explain how to measure a road bike frame." }, { "docid": "2801594", "title": "Watch Out! Here are the Symptoms of a Bad Throttle Position Sensor", "text": "One of the more frequent problems with modern vehicles is a bad throttle position sensor (TPS). The tiny thing that keeps your car working, often falls prey to regular wear and tear, and therefore must be taken care of.witch and combination TPS are tested with an ohmmeter. In order to test a non-adjustable one, such as a potentiometer TPS, a voltmeter is used, like so: 1 Disconnect the throttle sensor harness. 2 Open the throttle valve manually and check the resistance changes between the terminal 1 and 2." }, { "docid": "1274204", "title": "Factors of Weather and Climate", "text": "There are two types of radiometers shown to measure solar radiation. Those that measure total solar radiation (UV, visible, and IR) are called pyranometers. They measure radiation in a 180º field of view. The other type of radiometer shown is a total ultraviolet radiometer (TUVR)." }, { "docid": "1567546", "title": "-", "text": "It depends on the angle not all obtuse angles measure the same. To measure an angle you use a protractor." }, { "docid": "395881", "title": "Reasons, Preparation, Procedure & Results of MCH Blood Test", "text": "It is a measure of the average amount of hemoglobin in each red blood cell. It's the abbreviation for Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin. This is a measure for how much hemoglobin per red blood cell count. MCH stands for Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin. It is a measure of the average amount of hemoglobin in each red blood cell." }, { "docid": "8455335", "title": "-", "text": "The next note in this measure is a half note, so you’ll have to change rhythmic values. 1 Click the Half Note or press the number 6 on the number keypad. Click the C space in the third measure. 2 Complete the fourth measure." }, { "docid": "1252598", "title": "-", "text": "Neck: Measure around the base of the neck allowing for a comfortable fit, or measure a shirt collar that fits you well. To measure a shirt, lay collar flat and measure from button to button hole at the far end. Chest: With arms relaxed at sides, measure around the largest part of the chest and shoulder blades." }, { "docid": "4501297", "title": "How to Calculate Angles", "text": "The most common way to measure angles is in degrees, with a full circle measuring 360 degrees. You can calculate the measure of an angle in a polygon if you know the shape of the polygon and the measure of its other angles or, in the case of a right triangle, if you know the measures of two of its sides." }, { "docid": "4379411", "title": "Validity, Reliability, Precision, Accuracy", "text": "The extent to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure. All tests are designed to measure something; hopefully something specific. If the test does indeed measure what it is intended to measure, then we can say that the test is --------." }, { "docid": "6022021", "title": "How To Measure pant length", "text": "To measure the length of pants, place a tape measure at the top of the pants waist. Hold the tape securely and then bring it down to the bottom of the pants. You can also measure to one inch from the ground. When measuring pants length, be sure to follow the seam." }, { "docid": "6345311", "title": "Body art body piercing body art", "text": "The measurement is taken as the distance between both holes of your piercing. Take a ruler and measure yourself between the two holes, in millimetres. If you find this hard to do let a friend help. It is also possible to measure the body jewellery." }, { "docid": "3135557", "title": "How to Measure an L-Shaped Desk", "text": "Measuring the Desk. Divide the L-shaped desk into two rectangles. Measure the length of the larger rectangle with a tape measure. Measure the smaller rectangle length, which runs from the opposite end to center.Record both lengths. Measure the width of the desk (sometimes called the depth).Multipy the width by the longer length for one area. Multiply the shorter length by the width for the other area. Add the two for the total surface area of the L-shaped desk.easure the length of the larger rectangle with a tape measure. Measure the smaller rectangle length, which runs from the opposite end to center. Record both lengths. Measure the width of the desk (sometimes called the depth). Multipy the width by the longer length for one area." }, { "docid": "6557421", "title": "Equation practice with supplementary angles", "text": "Equation practice with supplementary angles. We're told that the measure of angle QPR-- so that's this angle right over here-- is 2x plus 122. And I'll assume that these are in degrees. So it's 2x plus 122 degrees. And the measure of angle RPS-- so that's this angle right over here-- is 2x plus 22 degrees. And they ask us to find the measure of angle RPS." }, { "docid": "606670", "title": "Make an Arched Doorway", "text": "Be sure to measure along the top of the opening in case the studs are not exactly plumb. What might measure 32-3/4 inches at the top may only measure 32-1/2 at mid-level. First step is to measure the rough opening (R.O.) of the doorway. Mark its width on the plywood workpiece from which you’ll cut the arch." }, { "docid": "1614901", "title": "How to Take Body Measurements", "text": "1 Waist: Measure at its narrowest point width-wise, usually just above the navel. 2 Hips: Measure around the widest part of the hipbones. 3 Midway: Measure midway between the widest part of your hips and your waist." }, { "docid": "3973877", "title": "How Do You Measure Linear Inches for Luggage?", "text": "Full Answer. 1 Measure the suitcase Use a tape measure or ruler to measure the height, width and depth of your suitcase. 2 Add the measurements Add together the height, width and depth measurements. The total number is the linear measurement of the suitcase." }, { "docid": "5003128", "title": "The MEASURE Phase of DMAIC as a Process", "text": "The MEASURE Phase of DMAIC. Measure is the second phase of a team’s work with the Lean Six Sigma process improvement strategy. In this phase the focus of the team shifts from qualitative to quantitative components of the Lean Six Sigma methodology. The purpose of the measure phase is to answer the following questions:" }, { "docid": "4528512", "title": "Key Risk Indicators, Scorecard, and Template", "text": "Normally, we cannot map all these aspects of the risk in one KRI, so we will normally need 3 indicators: 1 Indicator that would measure probability. 2 Indicator that would measure the impact. 3 Indicator that would measure action plan." }, { "docid": "6542893", "title": "How Measures Work in Music", "text": "Hobbies & Activities. A measure is the section of a musical staff that comes between two barlines. Each measure satisfies the specified time signature o f the staff. For example, a song written in 4/4 time will hold four quarter note beats per measure. A song written in 3/4 time will hold three quarter note beats in each measure." }, { "docid": "4531580", "title": "Central Tendency Definition", "text": "Definition of Measures of Central Tendency. A measure of central tendency is a measure that tells us where the middle of a bunch of data lies. The three most common measures of central tendency are the mean, the median, and the mode. More About Measures of Central Tendency. Mean: Mean is the most common measure of central tendency." }, { "docid": "8147144", "title": "-", "text": "The degree measure of a minor arc of a circle is the measure of. its corresponding central angle. In Figure 19.2, Degree measure of PQR = x°. The degree measure of a semicircle in 180° and that of a major. arc is 360° minus the degree measure of the corresponding minor. arc. Relationship between length of an arc and its degree measure." }, { "docid": "3041172", "title": "-", "text": "The rule for dividing a metric unit of measure by a metric unit of measure is identical to the one for our U.S. Customary System of Measurement. That is, convert both units of measure to the same unit, if they are different." }, { "docid": "3631088", "title": "Radian", "text": "The concept of radian measure, as opposed to the degree of an angle, is normally credited to Roger Cotes in 1714. He described the radian in everything but name, and he recognized its naturalness as a unit of angular measure.he concept of radian measure, as opposed to the degree of an angle, is normally credited to Roger Cotes in 1714. He described the radian in everything but name, and he recognized its naturalness as a unit of angular measure." }, { "docid": "4414345", "title": "Cost for Replacing the Heating Element on a Dryer", "text": "The heating element on an electric dryer is a resistive coil similar to the element on an electric room heater, and replacing it is an uncomplicated home repair task. Gas dryers don't have heating elements, but they have ignition coils that can fail and require replacement, and that job is similarly uncomplicated.hermostats and Fuses. Even after you replace the heating element or ignition coil, the dryer may fail to heat up, and that's usually related to one of two thermostats in the circuitry. After checking their location with the help of the manual, you can test them -- with the machine unplugged -- using an ohmmeter." }, { "docid": "3664455", "title": "-", "text": "To measure for doors, open the cabinet door, and place your tape measure as shown on left. (The example is a framed cabinet.) For width, read the tape measure from the right edge of the left stile, to the left edge of the right stile." }, { "docid": "5900421", "title": "-", "text": "What is an ohmmeter? An Ohmmeter is a device that is used for the measurement of Electrical Resistance. An ideal Ohmmeter consists of an electronic circuit having a constant current [I] passing t…hrough a resistance [R] & another circuit that measures the voltage[V]. Thus from Ohm's Law R= V/I." }, { "docid": "3631087", "title": "Trigonometry/Radians", "text": "Let us take one millionth of a circle. In degrees that is 0.00036 degrees. In Radians that is Radians. The angle of course is the same. It's one millionth of a circle, however we choose to measure it. It is just as with weights where a weight is the same whether we measure it in kilogrammes or pounds.he Radian Measure [edit]. There are Radians in a complete circle. It is traditional to measure angles in degrees; there are 360 degrees in a full revolution. In mathematically more advanced work we use a different unit, the radian." }, { "docid": "6786270", "title": "-", "text": "1 Remove the bolts and the valve. Check the valve for and open circuit. Test the A/C idle-up valve using an ohmmeter, check that there is continuity between terminals. Resistance should be around 30-33 ohms at 68°F (20°C)." }, { "docid": "6929439", "title": "Purpose of document", "text": "There are 4 different Unit of Measures used. 1 Base Unit of Measure: This is the unit of measure in which the stocks of a material are managed. 2 Sales Unit of Measure: Allows a material to be sold in a unit differing from the base unit of measure." } ]
during which era did pangaea break up
[ { "docid": "6375650", "title": "In which era did supercontinent Pangaea break up?", "text": "Pangaea started to break up during the Triassic Period. It continued to split apart in the Jurassic Period and was almost complete in breaking up in the Cretaceous Period. After that it formed into the landmasses that we see today. The Mesozoic era." } ]
[ { "docid": "1432102", "title": "conversation matters", "text": "Comments. The Three Eras of Knowledge Management. In this video I describe the Three Eras of knowledge management that I have previously written about on this blog, Where Knowledge Management has Been and Where it is Going – Part One, Part Two, and Part Three. My understanding about the third era continues to grow so I have elaborated the third era in this post. In the earlier blog post I called the third era, “collective knowledge” and I remain convinced that collective knowledge is at the heart of this change." }, { "docid": "6076324", "title": "plate tectonics", "text": "1. Pangea - (plate tectonics) a hypothetical continent including all the landmass of the earth prior to the Triassic period when it split into Laurasia and Gondwanaland. Pangaea. plate tectonic theory, plate tectonics, tectonics-the branch of geology studying the folding and faulting of the earth's crust.1 Facebook.. Pangea - (plate tectonics) a hypothetical continent including all the landmass of the earth prior to the Triassic period when it split into Laurasia and Gondwanaland. Pangaea. plate tectonic theory, plate tectonics, tectonics-the branch of geology studying the folding and faulting of the earth's crust." }, { "docid": "3291521", "title": "-", "text": "Dating the Edwardian Era. All available literature is clear on one point, that the Edwardian Era cannot be precisely isolated to the period of King Edward VII's short reign (1901-1910). The term Edwardian may be taken to mean the period which encompasses the mid 1890s to the outbreak of World War 1 in 1914. The Titanic era is 1912." }, { "docid": "2049824", "title": "-", "text": "BCE = Before Common Era. CE = Common Era. These two abbreviations have been used as replacements for B.C. and A.D. Something I find funny is that while these abbreviations have been chosen as non religious alternatives, one could use the word BCE to mean, Before Christian Era, and CE to mean Christian Era. #bc#ad#bce#ce#history#religion#christianity." }, { "docid": "5558732", "title": "-", "text": "This Big Era and the Three Essential Questions. The period from 1750 to 1914 was a pivotal moment in human history. Historians have named it the era of the modern revolution. Over the course of Big Era Seven change in human society became autocatalytic." }, { "docid": "7130801", "title": "What does CE and BCE refer to?", "text": "Common era and before common era do not have the same meaning as before Christ and in the year of our Lord because the terms exclude Jesus Christ, the main focus of the dating system. 1 CE stands for Common Era or, if you prefer, Christian Era. 2 BCE stands for Before Common Era (Before Christian Era)." }, { "docid": "11380", "title": "Cenozoic Era", "text": "Back to Mesozoic Era Paleobiology. Cenozoic Era (65 million years ago to present) The KT Event set the stage for the Cenozoic Era Cenozoic Era that began 65 million years ago. As the dinosaurs perished at the end of the Cretaceous, the mammals took center stage. Even as mammals increased in numbers and diversity, so too did the birds, reptiles, fish, insects, trees, grasses, and other forms of life. Species changed as the epochs of the Cenozoic Era rolled by, with the mammals eventually becoming the largest land animals of the Era, as the dinosaurs had been during the Mesozoic." }, { "docid": "6525769", "title": "What event marks the division between the paleozoic and mesozoic era?", "text": "Best Answer: The event, which marks the division between the paleozoic and mesozoic era is the separation of the lands on the Earth, called the Tectonics.The Paleozoic Era (from the Greek palaio, old and zoion, animals, meaning ancient life) is the earliest of three geologic eras of the Phanerozoic eon.nswers. Best Answer: The event, which marks the division between the paleozoic and mesozoic era is the separation of the lands on the Earth, called the Tectonics. The Paleozoic Era (from the Greek palaio, old and zoion, animals, meaning ancient life) is the earliest of three geologic eras of the Phanerozoic eon." }, { "docid": "1816866", "title": "Martha Griffiths and the Equal Rights Amendment", "text": "The ERA was a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that guaranteed equal rights under the law for Americans regardless of their sex. The ERA was first drafted in 1923 by suffragist Alice Paul.he ERA was a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that guaranteed equal rights under the law for Americans regardless of their sex. The ERA was first drafted in 1923 by suffragist Alice Paul." }, { "docid": "6297828", "title": "What is the shortest era of geological time?", "text": "The shortest era in geological time is the Cenozoic Era, the current era.It started 65.5 million years ago with the K-T extinction event. List from longest to shortest. Paleoproterzoic (2,500 - 1,600 ma) - 900 million years. Mesoproterzoic (1,600 - 1,000 ma) - 600 million years.he shortest era in geological time is the Cenozoic Era, the current era." }, { "docid": "2911188", "title": "Jones Day Publications", "text": "A Large Adviser that qualifies as either a Venture Capital Fund Adviser or Private Fund Adviser can elect to be treated as an ERA. An ERA will not be required to register with the SEC but will be sub-ject to certain reporting, recordkeeping, and other obligations." }, { "docid": "7076280", "title": "\"The Difference Between The Greek Culture And The Roman Culture\" Essays and Research Papers", "text": "Dalia Selman The Modern World 02/17/2014 Response paper 5 There was many master pieces that came out of the era of Neoclassicism. The Era was inspired by the study of ruins in Rome and Greece. This was the first time in history that people analyzed the difference between the greek and roman artifacts. Great artists were born form this Era in Architecture, Sculpting and Painting." }, { "docid": "7305123", "title": "Vietnam veteranupdate", "text": "United States veterans. See also: Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974 (VEVRAA) states, A Vietnam era veteran is a person who." }, { "docid": "3559391", "title": "Victorian Era", "text": "This article is Inspiration for Steampunk. The Victorian Era is the period on which the majority of the steampunk subculture is focused on. This era consisted of Queen Victoria's reign from 20 June 1837 until her death on 22 January 1901. Steampunk will also often spill over into the Edwardian Era which came after Queen Victoria died." }, { "docid": "7541235", "title": "Warmongering (Civ5)", "text": "You will gain 50% of the normal number of warmonger points during the Ancient Era, 60% during the Classical Era, 70% during the Medieval Era, 80% during the Renaissance Era, 90% during the Industrial Era, and the full Warmonger Amount thereafter. Your Warmonger Amount decays at the rate of 5 points per turn." }, { "docid": "2961636", "title": "What is Pangaea?", "text": "Pangaea was a supercontinent that formed approximately 300 million years ago. It existed during the Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras, breaking apart to form the continent … s we know today after about 100 million years.ts name is Ancient Greek: Pan meaning entire and Gaea meaning Earth; from the Greek meaning all lands.. Pangaea is believed to have formed around 300 million years ago and began to break up around 175 million years ago. It was a roughly C-shaped landmass that had all of our modern continents together as one." }, { "docid": "6968811", "title": "Preps and why they are annoying", "text": "PPl aren't making up ANYTHING. Well pookies don't really break any rules, but they are annoying. Preps break a number of rules. These are the rules they break and why they are irritating many penguins, including me. 1." }, { "docid": "12797", "title": "The Renaissance Time Period", "text": "That was about one third of the population in Europe during the Renaissance Era. Inventions. There were many inventions in the renaissance era such as clocks, eyeglasses, flushing toilet, gunpowder, telescope, microscope, printing press, submarine, and wallpa per.The first mechanical clock was invented in the early 1300s.Galileo, an Italian scientist discovered the pendulum in 1581.he Beginning of the Renaissance Era. The beginning of the Ren aissance Era was different from other eras. It started out as a plague called the Black Death. It was from 1450-1600s and started in Italy. It was a rebirth in culture hence then name “Renaissan ce”." }, { "docid": "8089880", "title": "What Caused the End of the Jurassic Period?", "text": "Full Answer. Science Views says that the Jurassic period started after a large extinction at the end of the Triassic period. Scientists believe that the start of the Jurassic period was caused by the splitting of Pangaea, which was what the continents were called before they split up into different landmasses." }, { "docid": "7730486", "title": "The Triassic Period: Reptiles Inherit The Earth", "text": "Reptiles Inherit The Earth. The Triassic Period is the first period of the Mesozoic Era. The great extinction at the end of the Permian period had brought the end to 90% of the living species on Earth.The Triassic was a time of growing new species to repopulate the planet. A New Era. This time was the beginning of a new era, the Mesozoic Era.eptiles Inherit The Earth. The Triassic Period is the first period of the Mesozoic Era. The great extinction at the end of the Permian period had brought the end to 90% of the living species on Earth." }, { "docid": "6839922", "title": "U3 Historical Geology", "text": "What effect did the break-up of Pangaea have on the global climate? The breakup of Pangaea during the Late Triassic caused the global temperature gradient to increase because" }, { "docid": "2417508", "title": "This History of the Supercontinent Pangea", "text": "Share. By Amanda Briney, Contributing Writer. Pangea, also spelled Pangaea, was a supercontinent that existed on the Earth millions of years ago and covered about one-third of its surface. A supercontinent is a very large landmass that is made up of more than one continent.angea began to break up about 200 million years ago as a result of the movement of the Earth's tectonic plates and mantle convection." }, { "docid": "1695637", "title": "-", "text": "Tweet. Here’s some handy reference material of Victorian Era Clothing for you to create a swipe file with. Many of these pieces have been collected by artists – be sure to check out the links to their sites for further information and insights into the Victorian Era!" }, { "docid": "964167", "title": "difference between continental drift and plate tectonics", "text": "Plate Tectonics is a theory of global tectonics in which the lithosphere is divided into a number of crustal plates, each of which moves on the asthenosphere. Continental Drift, however, is a theory developed by Alfred Wager who suggested that in the past, there was a super continent called Pangaea." }, { "docid": "1827771", "title": "What is Pangaea?", "text": "Pangaea is believed to have formed around 300 million years ago and began to break up around 175 million years ago. It was a roughly C-shaped landmass that had all of our modern continents together as one." }, { "docid": "2309529", "title": "-", "text": "On the other hand, there are other things he has done that break law and also show a lack of decency: The most prominent, to my mind, is flouting Reagan-era law and neglecting to ferret out and prosecute torturers from the previous admin." }, { "docid": "8278460", "title": "-", "text": "Pangaea began to break up in the Jurassic Period about 180 million years ago and was mostly broken up by 100 million years ago." }, { "docid": "8189858", "title": "President Barack Obama's Inaugural Address", "text": "Yesterday, President Obama delivered his Inaugural Address, calling for a new era of responsibility.. 1 Yesterday, President Obama delivered his Inaugural Address, calling for a new era of responsibility.. Watch the video here:" }, { "docid": "2941989", "title": "-", "text": "Mus. Basso Continuo is a method of thickening musical textures by augmenting the bass line. It is sometimes called figured bass, thoroughbass, or simply continuo.. The use of the basso continuo is confined, for the most part, to music of the Baroque era.So widespread was the use of the basso continuo that some people used to refer to the Baroque period as the basso continuo era..he use of the basso continuo is confined, for the most part, to music of the Baroque era. So widespread was the use of the basso continuo that some people used to refer to the Baroque period as the basso continuo era.." }, { "docid": "3911190", "title": "-", "text": "The Paleolithic Era. The Paleolithic (or Palæolithic) Era, is the name historians give to the time period between 2.6 million years ago, and approximately 12,000 years ago. Historians categorize the Paleolithic Era as prehistory because there was no written language to record events, names, dates or places." } ]
anaerobic cellular respiration
[ { "docid": "519179", "title": "-", "text": "Aerobic respiration, a process that uses oxygen, and anaerobic respiration, a process that doesn't use oxygen, are two forms of cellular respiration. Although some cells may engage in just one type of respiration, most cells use both types, depending on an organism's needs." } ]
[ { "docid": "610323", "title": "-", "text": "What are the products (substances made) during cellular respiration? 6. Model the products (substances made) in cellular respiration by rearranging the beads in the box on the left side of the Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration sheet. 7. Complete Column 2 in the Cellular Respiration table on the previous page by indicating the" }, { "docid": "6207542", "title": "In what organelle does aerobic respiration take place?", "text": "The mitochondria is responsible for respiration, but glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell. The Krebs cycle and electron transport both occur in the mitochondria of t … he cell. Cellular aerobic respiration occurs within the mitochondria. Cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria of a cell." }, { "docid": "1348791", "title": "Why does anaerobic respiration take place in the mitochondria?", "text": "Anaerobic respiration is a form of respiration using electron acceptors other than oxygen.Although oxygen is not used as the final electron acceptor, the process still uses a respiratory electron transport chain; it is respiration without oxygen.In order for the electron transport chain to function, an exogenous final electron acceptor must be present to allow electrons to pass through the system.naerobic respiration is used mainly by prokaryotes that live in environments devoid of oxygen. Many anaerobic organisms are obligate anaerobes meaning that they can respire only using anaerobic compounds and will die in the presence of oxygen." }, { "docid": "6975555", "title": "-", "text": "The energy currency of these cells is ATP, and one way to view the outcome of cellular respiration is as a production process for ATP. The graphic below can serve as a reminder of some of the processes involved in cellular respiration." }, { "docid": "3269248", "title": "-", "text": "1 Answer. 1 Aerobic bacteria require oxygen for cellular respiration, while anaerobic bacteria do not require oxygen and cannot grow in the presence of it. They produce energy through fermentation. 2 They are similar in the the fact they can share nutritional requirements." }, { "docid": "3904496", "title": "-", "text": "All organisms carry out cellular respiration (except viruses) - it is the basic process which supports life as we know it. Viruses, on the other hand, are not always c…onsidered to be living, one of the reasons being that they do NOT carry out cellular respiration." }, { "docid": "2787106", "title": "Anaerobic respiration both glycolysis and", "text": "Sign up to view the full content. Anaerobic respiration (both glycolysis and fermentation) takes place in the fluid portion of the cytoplasm whereas the bulk of the energy yield of aerobic respiration takes place in the mitochondria. Anaerobic respiration leaves a lot of energy in the ethanol or lactate molecules that the cell cannot use and must excrete." }, { "docid": "498571", "title": "Advantages of Anaerobic Respiration", "text": "Microorganisms. Anaerobic respiration takes place in yeast and some bacteria, producing ethanol and carbon dioxide. They have been used in the making of many foods such as bread, yoghurt and vinegar, Lactic acid bacteria are the key ingredient in yogurt production as they they initiate the fermentation process.TP is a means of storing energy in the form of sugars at the cellular level. Plants cannot keep up the anaerobic respiration process for long, only a few days at most. The parts of the plants that were using this type of respiration eventually die." }, { "docid": "2278107", "title": "Cells and Energy 4.6 Fermentation", "text": "Glycolysis and Cellular Respiration --> Aerobic Process. Glycolysis and Fermentation --> Anaerobic Process. Construct a diagram that constitutes thee relationship between Glycolysis and Cellular Respiration & Glycolysis and Fermentation. It removes electrons from NADH and recycles NADH+ molecules for Glycolysis." }, { "docid": "2698211", "title": "Difference Between Fermentation and Anaerobic Respiration", "text": "Fermentation vs Anaerobic Respiration. Anaerobic respiration and fermentation are two different processes with marked distinctions between the two. However, the two processes are synonymous in some situations. Therefore, it is very important to understand the characteristics of the two processes in order to identify which is which." }, { "docid": "6183807", "title": "Anaerobic Respiration", "text": "This video is used to highlight the purpose and mechanism of Anaerobic respiration. Anaerobic respiration is used in low oxygen conditions, including extensive running, strenuous exercise, and deep underwater diving.Like Aerobic respiration, Anaerobic respiration uses glucose molecules to extract usable energy, via Glycolysis, Kreb's Cycle, and the Electron Transport Chain (ETC).In the case of Anaerobic respiration, the electron receptors present along the ETC are those that are less oxidizing than Oxygen.ike Aerobic respiration, Anaerobic respiration uses glucose molecules to extract usable energy, via Glycolysis, Kreb's Cycle, and the Electron Transport Chain (ETC). In the case of Anaerobic respiration, the electron receptors present along the ETC are those that are less oxidizing than Oxygen." }, { "docid": "1954704", "title": "Only study guide for", "text": "An Accounting of ATP Production by Cellular Respiration • During cellular respiration, most energy flows in this sequence: glucose → NADH → electron transport chain → proton-motive force → ATP • About 40% of the energy in a glucose molecule is transferred to ATP during cellular respiration, making about 38 ATP" }, { "docid": "6247767", "title": "anaerobic", "text": "Definition of anaerobic. 1a : living, active, occurring, or existing in the absence of free oxygen anaerobic respiration anaerobic bacteriab : of, relating to, or being activity in which the body incurs an oxygen debt anaerobic exercise. 2 : relating to or induced by anaerobes." }, { "docid": "524749", "title": "-", "text": "Cellular respiration and fermentation are two pathways that follow glycolysis. Cellular respiration requires oxygen, while fermentation occurs in its absence. Cellular respiration consists of a chemical pathway named the Krebs cycle or the citric acid cycle, followed by an electron transport system." }, { "docid": "7234369", "title": "-", "text": "The steps of cellular respiration is different when it is anaerobic respiration compared to aerobic respiration. The main difference is because aerobic respiration uses oxyge … n and anaerobic uses other elements but the other steps are similar." }, { "docid": "4743586", "title": "What Is The Krebs Cycle and Why is it Important in The Body?", "text": "The Krebs Cycle, also known as the Citric Acid Cycle, is an important series of biochemical reactions that are intrinsic to cellular respiration and the generation of energy from oxygen and glucose in aerobic organisms.he pyruvate can then undergo aerobic or anaerobic respiration to generate energy. The Krebs Cycle is the aerobic route, and significantly more efficient that the alternative fermentation." }, { "docid": "6759132", "title": "SC.912.L.18.9 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration", "text": "B. Carbon dioxide and water released by cellular respiration are used in photosynthesis. C. Photosynthesis releases the energy that is stored during the process of cellular respiration. D. Glucose is used during cellular respiration to produce food that is broken down during photosynthesis. CLICK HERE FOR ANSWER." }, { "docid": "5024744", "title": "The carbon cycle", "text": "Cellular respiration is a process that occurs in all living organisms (as well as plants) in which energy is used to support life processes. It is the opposite of photosynthesis. Cellular respiration is the second part of the carbon cycle. Describe what this is." }, { "docid": "830512", "title": "Cell respiration and metabolism", "text": "Oxygen debt-Higher tier. Much less energy is released during anaerobic respiration than during aerobic respiration. This is because the breakdown of glucose is incomplete. Anaerobic respiration produces an oxygen debt. This is the amount of oxygen needed to oxidise oxidation: Oxidation is a reaction in which oxygen combines with a substance. Oxidation also means a loss of electrons. lactic acid to carbon dioxide and water." }, { "docid": "7079821", "title": "-", "text": "Aerobic cellular respiration is a process that requires oxygen to convert food into ATP. Or, maybe you recognized the prefix 'an.' The prefix 'an-' means 'without,' so anaerobic cellular respiration is without oxygen, or a process that does not require oxygen to convert food into ATP. Anaerobic cellular respiration versus aerobic cellular respiration is the big difference between this guy and this guy." }, { "docid": "3532560", "title": "Anaerobic Bacterial Metabolism: Definition & Process", "text": "In both aerobic and anaerobic respiration, the end goal is the same: oxidative phosphorylation-or, in simple terms, to generate a proton motive force that can be used to make ATP using the ATP synthase. So now we can tweak the aerobic respiration model to understand how anaerobic respiration works." }, { "docid": "2464579", "title": "Where Does Respiration Occur?", "text": "Respiration usually occurs in the presence of oxygen, but there are cases where respiration takes place without oxygen (anaerobic respiration). Anaerobic respiration produces less energy than aerobic respiration but is used by some bacteria.he most common examples of respiration occur in two places: in human lungs as part of breathing and in cells through a process called cellular respiration.. Humans breathe to oxygenate their blood, and cells breathe to acquire oxygen to be able to break down glucose for the energy that they need." }, { "docid": "1905683", "title": "McDougal Littell Science Cells and Heredity", "text": "When a sugar molecule is broken down, a usable form of energy is released for the cell's life functions. Cells can release energy in two basic processes: cellular respiration and fermentation. Cellular respiration requires oxygen, but fermentation does not. In addition, cellular respiration releases much more usable energy than does fermentation." }, { "docid": "6094415", "title": "-", "text": "The method of harvesting energy from the food by the cells is cellular respiration. Cellular respiration occurs in two ways. One way is aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration. Aerobic cellular respiration is a process in which the chemical energy stored in glucose produces ATP or adenosine tri phosphate.ATP molecule is used by the cell as source of energy for metabolic processes.There is transfer of energy from glucose to ATP in cellular respiration.he method of harvesting energy from the food by the cells is cellular respiration. Cellular respiration occurs in two ways. One way is aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration. Aerobic cellular respiration is a process in which the chemical energy stored in glucose produces ATP or adenosine tri phosphate." }, { "docid": "1095301", "title": "What are the reactants of cellular respiration?", "text": "The main reactants of cellular respiration are: glucose(C6 H12 O6), water(6H2 O) and oxygen(6O2). The products of cellular respiration are: carbon dioxide (6C O2), water(12H2 … O) and Energy (36 ATP).he main reactants of cellular respiration are: glucose(C6 H12 O6), water(6H2 O) and oxygen(6O2). The products of cellular respiration are: carbon dioxide (6C O2), water(12H2 … O) and Energy (36 ATP)." }, { "docid": "2657504", "title": "Cell respiration and metabolism", "text": "Most of the time, the cells in our bodies use aerobic respiration: When oxygen is not available, cells use anaerobic processes to produce ATP. (The an in front of aerobic means not aerobic.) Under anaerobic conditions, many cells use a process called fermentation to make ATP.ost of the time, the cells in our bodies use aerobic respiration: When oxygen is not available, cells use anaerobic processes to produce ATP. (The an in front of aerobic means not aerobic.) Under anaerobic conditions, many cells use a process called fermentation to make ATP." }, { "docid": "4233525", "title": "1. Which one of the following is a green house gas? Carbon dioxide 2. The tallest living tree is Sequoia 3.", "text": "16) Which of the following statements is true? A) Oxygen is a product of cellular respiration; carbon dioxide is a product of photosynthesis. B) Lactic acid is a product of aerobic respiration; ethyl alcohol is a product of fermentation. C) Oxidation is the loss of electrons; reduction is the gain of electrons. D) Glucose is a product of aerobic respiration; lactic acid is a product of anaerobic respiration. 17) The first electron acceptor of cellular respiration is ______." }, { "docid": "8614710", "title": "How is cellular respiration carried out in the human body?", "text": "In Stage 1 of Cellular Respiration, Glycolysis occurs, where glucose is broken down in the cytoplasm. Both anaerobic and aerobic processes go though glycolysis. During glycolysis, a one six-carbon molecule of glucose is broken down to three-carbon pyruvates with the help of enzymes." }, { "docid": "5403871", "title": "Aerobic Respiration", "text": "Aerobic Respiration. Aerobic respiration is the release of energy from glucose or another organic substrate in the presence of Oxygen. Strictly speaking aerobic means in air, but it is the Oxygen in the air which is necessary for aerobic respiration. Anaerobic respiration is in the absence of air." }, { "docid": "1018713", "title": "Cellular respiration", "text": "Cellular respiration. Cellular Respiration. The term cellular respiration refers to the biochemical pathway by which cells release energy from the chemical bonds of food molecule s and provide that energy for the essential processes of life. All living cells must carry out cellular respiration." } ]
east aurora village population
[ { "docid": "5995330", "title": "East Aurora, New York", "text": "East Aurora is a village in Erie County, New York, United States, southeast of Buffalo. The Village of East Aurora lies in the eastern half of the Town of Aurora. The population was 6,236 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Buffalo – Niagara Falls Metropolitan Statistical Area. In 2015, East Aurora was rated the third-best town to raise a family in New York State by Niche." } ]
[ { "docid": "377261", "title": "Grand Cayman", "text": "Grand Cayman is the largest of the three Cayman Islands and the location of the territory's capital, George Town.In relation to the other two Cayman Islands, it is approximately 75 miles (121 km) southwest of Little Cayman and 90 miles (145 km) southwest of Cayman Brac. East End-The East End district is located at the east side of Grand Cayman Island and consists mostly of the Village of East End, numerous natural attractions, restaurants, and accommodations. 2 Its population is currently listed at 1,371." }, { "docid": "1996365", "title": "Population Demographics for Middle Point Village, Ohio in 2017, 2018", "text": "Population Demographics for Middle Point Village, Ohio in 2016 and 2017." }, { "docid": "519326", "title": "-", "text": "PEOPLE OVERVIEW. The 2016 Lathrup Village, Michigan, population is 4,135. There are 2,755 people per square mile (population density)." }, { "docid": "5228933", "title": "Proctorville", "text": "Sponsored Topics. Proctorville is a village in Lawrence County, Ohio, United States, along the Ohio River. The population was 620 at the 2000 census. The East End Bridge connects Proctorville to Huntington, West Virginia across the Ohio River. Proctorville is a part of the Huntington-Ashland, WV-KY-OH, Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)." }, { "docid": "3189274", "title": "Hustisford (town), Wisconsin", "text": "This article is about the town. For the village within the town, see Hustisford, Wisconsin. Hustisford]] is a town in Dodge County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 1,379 at the 2000 census. Most of the town residents live in the village of Hustisford, within the town." }, { "docid": "5948303", "title": "-", "text": "Here's Travis in an overlay. Here are another few shots from Taxi Driver. This site is at the corner of 13th Street and Third Avenue in the East Village, looking west. The big shootout at the end of the film takes place in a tenement about 5 doors east of here at 226 East 13th Street." }, { "docid": "3989555", "title": "What is Aurora?", "text": "The aurora borealis is also called the northern lights since it is only visible in the North sky from the Northern Hemisphere. The aurora borealis most often occurs from September to October and from March to April. Its southern counterpart, aurora australis, has similar properties." }, { "docid": "3037960", "title": "Chad Tourist Attractions", "text": "Gaoui is a village in Chad, lying 10km north east of N'Djamena. It is said to have been the capital of the Sao civilisation (a race of giants in…." }, { "docid": "566890", "title": "Population of Nassau, NY", "text": "Population of Nassau, NY. Last official estimated population of Nassau village (Rensselaer County**, New York state) was 1,123 (year 2014)[1]. This was 0% of total US population and 0.01% of total New York state population. Area of Nassau village is 0.7 mi² (=1.8 km²)[6], in this year population density was 1,606.58 p/mi²." }, { "docid": "580115", "title": "Hoffman Estates", "text": "Sponsored Topics. Hoffman Estates is a northwestern suburb of Chicago in Illinois. The village is located primarily in Cook County with a small section in Kane County, Illinois. As of the 2000 census, the village population was 49,495 and estimated to be 52,520 in 2003. The village was incorporated in 1959 ." }, { "docid": "6772356", "title": "-", "text": "About Village of Sebring, Mahoning County, OH Public Record Searches. Search the Village of Sebring, public records using best found research sources online. This Village zip code is 44672 with a total population of 4,420. Look up recorded information of Sebring, including demographics and local economy." }, { "docid": "5261223", "title": "Stamford (village), New York", "text": "Stamford (village), New York. Stamford is a village in Delaware County, New York, United States. The population was 1,119 at the 2010 census. The village is located partly in the town of Stamford and partly in the town of Harpersfield. The village is on routes 23 and 10." }, { "docid": "3471623", "title": "Aurora", "text": "The southern counterpart, the aurora australis or the southern lights, has features almost identical to the aurora borealis and changes simultaneously with changes in the northern auroral zone. The Aurora Australis is visible from high southern latitudes in Antarctica, Chile, Argentina, New Zealand, and Australia." }, { "docid": "6799298", "title": "-", "text": "Driving distance from Syracuse, NY to Aurora, CO. The total driving distance from Syracuse, NY to Aurora, CO is 1,670 miles or 2 688 kilometers. Your trip begins in Syracuse, New York. It ends in Aurora, Colorado." }, { "docid": "7026198", "title": "-", "text": "Siren is a village in and the county seat of Burnett County in the U.S. state of Wisconsin. The population was 806 at the 2010 census. The village is located within the Town of Siren." }, { "docid": "6804008", "title": "Woodland, Mississippi", "text": "Woodland is a village in Chickasaw County, Mississippi. The population was 125 at the 2010 census." }, { "docid": "2659243", "title": "Bolivar, New York", "text": "Bolivar is a town in Allegany County, New York, United States. The population was 2,189 at the 2010 census. The town is named after Simón Bolívar. Bolivar is on the south border of the county and is east of Olean. There is also a village of Bolivar in the town." }, { "docid": "1825848", "title": "Caledonia, New York", "text": "For the village located within this town, see Caledonia (village), New York. Caledonia is a town in Livingston County, New York, United States. The population was 4,255 at the 2010 census. The Town of Caledonia contains the village of Caledonia. The town is in the northwest part of the county and is southwest of Rochester, New York." }, { "docid": "1692210", "title": "Plaster Rock, New Brunswick", "text": "Perth-Andover (2011 population: 1,778) is a Canadian village in Victoria County, New Brunswick." }, { "docid": "3792310", "title": "Evans Mills", "text": "Sponsored Topics. Evans Mills is a village in Jefferson County, New York, United States. The population was 605 at the 2000 census. The Village of Evans Mills in within the Town of Le Ray and is northeast of Watertown. The village was founded around 1802, but the mills were not erected until 1806." }, { "docid": "7484037", "title": "-", "text": "Aurora Mobile & Manufactured homes for Sale. There are 120 real estate listings found in Aurora, MO. View our Aurora real estate area information to learn about the weather, local school districts, demographic data, and general information about Aurora, MO. Get in touch with an Aurora real estate agent who can help you find the home of your dreams in Aurora." }, { "docid": "7043196", "title": "-", "text": "Reviews on Dentist reviews in Aurora, IL - Eola Dental, Kirk Family Dentistry, Aurora Dentrix, Village Green Dental Center, Naperville Crossings Dental, Galena Dental Miguel Palacios D D S P C, Bella Dental, Grand Dental, Pauly Family Dental…" }, { "docid": "460382", "title": "Randolph", "text": "Randolph, WI. Sponsored Topics. Randolph is a village in Columbia and Dodge Counties in the U.S. state of Wisconsin. The population was 1,869 at the 2000 census. The village is located at the southeast corner of the Town of Randolph in Columbia County, although only a tiny portion of the village lies within the town." }, { "docid": "5484149", "title": "-", "text": "GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF THE POPULATION. Most of Australia’s population is concentrated in two widely separated coastal regions – the south-east and east, and the south-west. Of the two regions, the south-east and east is by far the largest in area and population.he neighbouring Sydney (C) – West (7,900) and Waverley (A) (7,500), which is located just east of the Sydney (C) LGA and contains the beach-side suburbs of Bronte and Bondi, had the third and fourth highest population densities in Australia." }, { "docid": "4153864", "title": "Oregon", "text": "The United States Census Bureau estimates that, in 2006, the population of the City and County of Denver was 566,974, making it the 27th most populous U.S. city.[2] The Denver-Aurora Metropolitan Statistical Area had an estimated 2006 population of 2,408,750 and ranked as the 21st most populous U.S. metropolitan statistical area,[3] and the larger Denver-Aurora-Boulder Combined Statistical Area had an estimated 2006 population of 2,927,911 and ranked as the 17th most populous U.S ..." }, { "docid": "2749418", "title": "Black River, New York", "text": "Black River, New York. Black River is a village in Jefferson County, New York, United States. The population was 1,345 at the 2010 census. The Village of Black River is on the border of the Town of Le Ray and the Town of Rutland. The village is east of Watertown." }, { "docid": "2131722", "title": "Hancock, New York", "text": "Hancock, New York. For the village located within this town, see Hancock (village), New York. Hancock is a town in Delaware County, New York, United States. The town contains a village, also named Hancock. The town is in the southwest part of the county. The population was 3,224 at the 2010 census." }, { "docid": "4934347", "title": "Denver Population 2018", "text": "While the 2013 population is estimated at 649,000, the metropolitan area is much larger. The 10-county Denver-Aurora-Broomfield Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) had a population of 2.6 million in 2011, making it the 21st most populous MSA in the country." }, { "docid": "5720868", "title": "West Dundee, Illinois", "text": "West Dundee, Illinois. (Redirected from West Dundee) West Dundee is a village in Kane County, Illinois, United States. The population was 7,331 as of the 2010 US Census. It is considered a far west Chicago suburb. West Dundee lies across the Fox River from East Dundee and Carpentersville." }, { "docid": "2098313", "title": "-", "text": "The Old Aurora Colony Museum complex of 5 buildings is in the center of this historic village with self-guided tours, book store and changing exhibits. New is their ‘kids’ section geared to children from 6-11 years with specially “embedded” history that they will love." } ]
ecolab customer service phone number
[ { "docid": "3553545", "title": "Ecolab Inc Phone Numbers & Customer Service Helpline Support", "text": "800-759-2837: Ecolab Inc. customer service phone number #2 - The #2 phone number and #2 overall way to get support according to Ecolab Inc. customers on GetHuman - more ways to contact Ecolab Inc. To write a review, please login with: or." } ]
[ { "docid": "230357", "title": "-", "text": "Norwegian Airline Customer Support Service Phone Number. The customer support phone number of Norwegian Airline is +47 21 49 00 15, +47-67-59-30-00, Fax : +47-67-59-30-01 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Norwegian Airline Service Center and Norwegian Airline customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Norwegian Airline customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View Norwegian Airline Customer Service Phone Numbers" }, { "docid": "7853397", "title": "-", "text": "The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Northwest Federal Credit Union Service Center and Northwest Federal Credit Union customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Northwest Federal Credit Union customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View Northwest Federal Credit Union Customer Service Phone Numbers" }, { "docid": "5075154", "title": "Contact Sprint Customer Service", "text": "If you contact customer service through the sales line, they will either transfer you to customer service or give you the general customer service phone number to call. Sales customer service: 1-866-866-7509" }, { "docid": "8307722", "title": "Adidas.com Customer Service Phone Number", "text": "Adidas.com Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of Adidas.com is 1- (800) 982-9337 (Click phone number to call). data-ad-slot=7829909793> Adidas.com Customer Service Phone Number" }, { "docid": "397457", "title": "Welcome to Canon Support", "text": "Canon Customer Service Phone Number. The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Can Am Service Center and Can Am customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Can Am customer service phone number may or may not be toll free." }, { "docid": "7606141", "title": "Journeys Customer Service Phone Number", "text": "Journeys Customer Support Service Phone Number. The customer support phone number of Journeys is 1-888-324-6356 / 1-866-322-9099 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Journeys Service Center and Journeys customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Journeys customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View Journeys Customer Service Phone Numbers" }, { "docid": "267775", "title": "-", "text": "The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Tinker AFB MPF Service Center and Tinker AFB MPF customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Tinker AFB MPF customer service phone number may or may not be toll free." }, { "docid": "5699438", "title": "-", "text": "The customer support phone number of Boehringer Ingelheim is +49-6132-770, Fax: +49-6132-720 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Boehringer Ingelheim Service Center and Boehringer Ingelheim customer service phone number is given below." }, { "docid": "373694", "title": "Lowrance Customer Service Phone Number", "text": "Lowrance Customer Service Phone Number rrr 800-628-4487 is the customer service phone number of the Lowrance. customer service number enables the customers of the Lowrance company to convey their complaints or suggestions. If you want to reach a live person, you have to follow below steps : Press 4 Press #" }, { "docid": "5992125", "title": "Dometic Group Phone Numbers & Customer Service Helpline Support", "text": "Dometic Group Phone Number - Find Best Customer Support - The #1 phone number and #1 way to reach customer service according to Dometic Group customers here at GetHuman. Compare all options. Dometic Group Phone Number | Contact Dometic Group - Dometic Group customer service phone number." }, { "docid": "6320080", "title": "-", "text": "11/21/2016. FPL Phone Number - no customer service go in circles trying to get. no customer service go in circles trying to get someone. its impossible to get a rep. if you do thy know nothing." }, { "docid": "5559489", "title": "-", "text": "Molina Healthcare Washington Contact Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of Molina Healthcare Washington Contact is +1-(800) 869-7175 (Click phone number to call)." }, { "docid": "5574685", "title": "Blink Fitness Contact Customer Service Phone Number", "text": "The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Blink Fitness Contact Service Center and Blink Fitness Contact customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Blink Fitness Contact customer service phone number may or may not be toll free." }, { "docid": "4621465", "title": "Hampton Inn Customer Service Phone Number", "text": "Once on the phone with Hampton Inn's Customer Service department, you may need to provide them with information that identifies you as a customer, like your full name (or name on the account), email address, phone number, or an account number." }, { "docid": "8049653", "title": "-", "text": "The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Advance Auto Parts Human Resources Service Center and Advance Auto Parts Human Resources customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Advance Auto Parts Human Resources customer service phone number may or may not be toll free." }, { "docid": "6532862", "title": "eBay Contact Number 0844 800 3119", "text": "Calling eBay is easy via the eBay customer phone number that we list here: 0844 800 3119. eBay customer service number 0844 800 3119. – Plus much more. eBay does not list a customer service phone number on its website, even though eBay members complain about the difficulty of contacting eBay by phone." }, { "docid": "1678591", "title": "-", "text": "The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Panasonic Toughbook Service Center and Panasonic Toughbook customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Panasonic Toughbook customer service phone number may or may not be toll free." }, { "docid": "84902", "title": "Amazon's Customer Service Number", "text": "Here Chatterbox found Amazon's corporate address and phone number in Seattle. Chatterbox dialed the number, asked for the customer service number, and was given it. (Only after going through this exercise did it occur to Chatterbox to search Google for Amazon.com customer service phone number.. That turned up a few non-Amazon sites that give away its customer service number." }, { "docid": "4474417", "title": "-", "text": "TIPS FOR CONTACTING JETSTAR CUSTOMER SERVICE. To contact Jetstar Airways Australia customer service, all it takes is a phone call to their customer support team through a dedicated phone number." }, { "docid": "5268780", "title": "-", "text": "The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Fresh Direct Contact Service Center and Fresh Direct Contact customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Fresh Direct Contact customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View Fresh Direct Contact Customer Service Phone Numbers" }, { "docid": "8657204", "title": "-", "text": "The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Jack Fm Vancouver Contest Service Center and Jack Fm Vancouver Contest customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Jack Fm Vancouver Contest customer service phone number may or may not be toll free." }, { "docid": "1836694", "title": "-", "text": "This is a toll free support phone number for MalwareBytes products and services. Call 1-800-987-6301 For MalwareBytes Customer Service Phone Number. This is a toll free support phone number for MalwareBytes products and services. Call 1-800-987-6301 For MalwareBytes Customer Service Phone Number." }, { "docid": "7897566", "title": "-", "text": "Master Spas Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of Master Spas is +1-800-860-7727 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Master Spas Service Center and Master Spas customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Master Spas customer service phone number may or may not be toll free." }, { "docid": "7217477", "title": "-", "text": "The customer support phone number of Cvent is 855.474.3035, 866-318-4358 (Click phone number to call). data-ad-slot=7829909793> Cvent Customer Service Phone Number The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Cvent Service Center and Cvent customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Cvent customer service phone number may or may not be toll free." }, { "docid": "813265", "title": "-", "text": "Some More Customer Service Phone Numbers 24/7 Related to Free Tax USA. 1 O2 Free Customer Service Phone Number: +44-8448471426, +44-8456004302, 844 809 0200, 0113. 2 Blackberry Toll Free Panama Customer Service Phone Number: 1800-4253-720, 008002267858. 3 Free Credit Report.com California Customer Service Phone Number: (888) 397-3742." }, { "docid": "1861883", "title": "-", "text": "The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Household Bank California Contact Service Center and Household Bank California Contact customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Household Bank California Contact customer service phone number may or may not be toll free." }, { "docid": "7241092", "title": "Redbox Customer Service Phone Number", "text": "The Website of Redbox is www.redbox.com. Redbox Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of Redbox is +1-866-733-2693 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Redbox Service Center and Redbox customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Redbox customer service phone number may or may not be toll free." }, { "docid": "4708014", "title": "The Verve Credit Card Review: Nothing to See Here, Folks", "text": "1 what is the phone number for customer service ... I want to pay my bill. 2 Re: what is the phone number for customer service ... I want to pay my bill. 3 Re: what is the phone number for customer service ... I want to pay my bill. 4 Re: what is the phone number for customer service ... I want to pay my bill. what is the phone number for customer service ... I want to pay my bill. what is the phone number for customer service ..." }, { "docid": "96894", "title": "Anderson Windows Customer Service Phone Number", "text": "Anderson Windows Customer Service Phone Number. Anderson Windows customer service phone number to contact Windows helpline dial the helpline given here for technical support. You can make call by Anderson Windows phone number given below to address your issue and filing up your complaint to Anderson customer service officer. The phone number given here is known as the best phone of Anderson Windows to contact their customer support and have the official assistance to solve your issue. The Anderson Windows consumer support is a reliable source to contact Windows via 888-888-7020 to discuss the problem and for making a contact to customer service representative to have some assistance on any product or service of Anderson Windows." }, { "docid": "8128327", "title": "-", "text": "The Website of Gopro Camera is www.gopro.com. Gopro Camera Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of Gopro Camera is 1-888-600 4659 (US), +1-650-980 0252(outside continental US) (Click phone number to call). data-ad-slot=7829909793> GoPro Customer Service Phone Number GoPro Hero 3 Customer Service Phone Number Gopro Camera Customer Service Phone Number Phone Number of Gopro Camera is 1-888-600 4659 (US), +1-650-980 0252(outside continental US). GoPro Camera is one of the world's most popular brand of high-definition personal cameras which is manufactured and distributed by Gopro Inc, an American based consumer electronics company." } ]
elevator door closing speed
[ { "docid": "6816199", "title": "-", "text": "28.6.1 Width: Elevator doors shall provide a clear opening that is at least 32 inches (32 = 813mm) wide. 28.6.2 Closing Speed: Doors shall close at a maximum speed of approximately one foot (1' = 305mm) per second." } ]
[ { "docid": "6137896", "title": "How to Prepare for an Elevator Mechanic Apprenticeship", "text": "How to Prepare for an Elevator Mechanic Apprenticeship. Apprenticeship programs for elevator mechanics typically last four years. Learn about the educational, physical, and exam prerequisites for entering an apprenticeship program, as well as the job outlook for elevator workers." }, { "docid": "7362935", "title": "II. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS", "text": "The elevator should signal arrival at each floor by means of a bell and a light to alert sightless and hearing-impaired passengers simultaneously. 3.9 Floor surface. The floor of the elevator and the area in front of the elevetor on each floor should have a non skid resilient surface or a low-pile fixed carpet." }, { "docid": "131206", "title": "VA loan", "text": "ADDITIONAL CLOSING COSTS AND. Purchases. With the exception of the VA Funding Fee, all. closing costs must be paid at closing and may. not be financed into your loan. Interest Rate Reduction Refinancing Loans. (IRRRLs), are another exception. All closing. fees on an IRRRL may be rolled into your new. loan." }, { "docid": "2492908", "title": "Closing costs explained", "text": "If you don't have enough cash to pay the closing costs, you can often get the closing costs added to the amount of the loan. For example, if the loan amount is for $150,000, and the closing costs are $4500, you'd add the closing costs to the loan amount so you'd actually be borrowing $154,500 total.This is handy if you're short on cash after making your down payment.ip: Get the lender to pay the closing costs. If you're short on cash for the closing costs and can't roll the closing costs into the mortgage, some lenders will pay part or all of the closing costs, but in exchange you'll have to pay a higher interest rate on the loan, perhaps 0.25% or 0.50% higher." }, { "docid": "2087751", "title": "Seller Closing Costs", "text": "Seller Closing Costs. Closing costs are the bane of a seller’s existence. They are seemingly endless, pesky in nature and can add up to a whole lot of cash. And each year, there seems to be more and more closing costs added to a seller’s closing statement." }, { "docid": "7415884", "title": "Popularity of home elevators gets a lift", "text": "In Los Angeles County, permit fees will add to the cost of a home elevator in the cities of Los Angeles, La Canada-Flintridge and Manhattan Beach. A standard-size elevator is 12 to 15 square feet, and a mid-size is 15 to 18 square feet.Some luxury homes will have even larger commercial elevators or more than one lift. With so many variables, costs can range from $25,000 to $125,000 or more to add an elevator to an existing house.Hoping to tap into the growing demand for design-oriented elevators, Elevator Boutique of Australia opened a showroom this year in the Pacific Design Center in West Hollywood. standard-size elevator is 12 to 15 square feet, and a mid-size is 15 to 18 square feet. Some luxury homes will have even larger commercial elevators or more than one lift. With so many variables, costs can range from $25,000 to $125,000 or more to add an elevator to an existing house." }, { "docid": "1054077", "title": "-", "text": "closing-down sale; closing entry; closing price; closing statement; closing stock; closing time; closure; clot; cloth" }, { "docid": "4381298", "title": "Definition", "text": "Company > Philosophy > Definition. It is the Commitment, Not the Equipment that differentiates Non-Proprietary from Proprietary. Contractors, manufacturers and elevator professionals suggest that all elevator control systems are basically Proprietary in nature, by virtue of their design." }, { "docid": "4722939", "title": "-", "text": "During most of the events of The Heroes of Olympus, Gaea has control of them, but ownership is returned to Thanatos in The House of Hades. Much like how people can pass into Olympus using a magic elevator, the Doors of Death also appear as an elevator in and out of the Underworld." }, { "docid": "2970044", "title": "-", "text": "How to remove a multipoint lock out of a UPVC or plastic door. Troubleshoot the UPVC most common closing problems, or simply learn how to measure and order a new strip lock. Courtesy of www.lockandkeyshop.co.uk. 1 Howto & Style." }, { "docid": "7102691", "title": "12 CFR 1026.38 - Content of disclosures for certain mortgage transactions (Closing Disclosure).", "text": "Total Closing Costs (J) Closing Costs Paid Before Closing Closing Costs Financed (Paid from your Loan Amount) Down Payment/Funds from Borrower Deposit Funds for Borrower Seller Credits Adjustments and Other Credits" }, { "docid": "6296702", "title": "-", "text": "While riding in an elevator in with his young daughter, Alexander Miles saw the risk associated with an elevator shaft door carelessly left ajar. This led him to draft his design for automatically opening and closing elevator doors and apply for a patent." }, { "docid": "3297657", "title": "Question: Zach, whose mass is 80 kg, is in an elevator descending 10 m/s. The elevator takes 3.0 s to brake...", "text": "Zach, whose mass is 80 kg, is in an elevator descending 10 m/s. The elevator takes 3.0 s to brake to stop at the first floor." }, { "docid": "6099528", "title": "Understanding Check Valves: Sizing for the Application, Not the Line Size", "text": "In such cases, the problem is the application, not the check valve. Two of the most common problems with check valves are reverse flow and water hammer. In both situations, a fast-closing valve is desired.astly, check valves can be compared to doors, like the door to your office or home. Typically, you open your office door at the start of the day and close it at the end, which is similar to what happens when a pump is cycled on and off." }, { "docid": "7669972", "title": "Chapter 13: Oscillations About Equilibrium", "text": "A mass m is suspended from the ceiling of an elevator by a spring of force constant k. -When the elevator moves upward with constant speed, there is no change in the behavior of the mass and the spring-therefore, the period remains the same.When the elevator moves upward with constant speed, there is no change in the behavior of the mass and the spring-therefore, the period remains the same." }, { "docid": "3829954", "title": "How to treat a deep cut without stitches", "text": "Apply an anti-biotic ointment to speed up the healing process. You may also take oral antibiotics to promote proper healing. Be gentle when changing wound dressing, as you might tear the almost healed cut. Do not pick the scabs despite the itching it may cause, as this might cause the closing cut to re-open." }, { "docid": "3470185", "title": "Refrigerator Parts Door Cam Closers", "text": "If your refrigerator door is not closing properly due to cracks in the plastic or ridges have broken off, you may need replace the door cam closers. Check out our refrigerator repair help section for the best appliance help. We offer easy to follow appliance parts repair videos to replace the parts yourself." }, { "docid": "3747357", "title": "-", "text": "2011 Assets of Windsor Republic Doors’ garage door division are purchased by a private investment group of individuals from Garage Door Services of Houston and Windsor Door. The company name returns to Windsor Door. 2011 U.S. Door & Building Components of Orlando, Fla., is purchased by Janus International.009 Assa Abloy acquires the Italian-based Ditec Group, a provider of sectional garage doors, high-speed doors, operators, gates, and barriers. After 15 years of acquisitions, Assa Abloy is almost 10 times larger than in 1994 and is now considered the world leader in door opening solutions." }, { "docid": "4099918", "title": "How many burglaries are occurring in United States in one day?", "text": "Home Human, USA onurates 15 May 2012. Burglary is one of the main social problems in America. It was not a big problem in 1970s and lots of states were known as safer as you may stay at home without closing the door. Every country on the world has different types of burglary but the United States is the strangest ever." }, { "docid": "468374", "title": "acceleration", "text": "Actually, it's your acceleration that is changing. Your speed and direction are changing, as the elevator moves faster or slower and goes up or down. So the changes in your weight shown on the scale actually are a measure of changes in your acceleration." }, { "docid": "1381083", "title": "-", "text": "Try installing a garage door opener yourself instead of paying someone else to do it. Installation should only take you a few hours to complete and having a garage door opener will make opening and closing your garage door every day so much quicker and easier." }, { "docid": "5109739", "title": "-", "text": "1968 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray 427 V-8 Turbo-Jet 390-hp 4-speed close. 1968 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray 427 V-8 Turbo-Jet 390-hp 4-speed close. 1 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray 427 V-8 Turbo-Jet 390-hp 4-speed close, model year 1968, version for North America U.S. (up to September). 2 2-door coupe body type.968 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray 427 V-8 Turbo-Jet 400-hp 4-speed close. 1968 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray 427 V-8 Turbo-Jet 400-hp 4-speed close. 1 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray 427 V-8 Turbo-Jet 400-hp 4-speed close, model year 1968, version for North America U.S. (up to September). 2 2-door coupe body type." }, { "docid": "3448423", "title": "Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator", "text": "Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator. Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator is a children's book by British author Roald Dahl. It is the sequel to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, continuing the story of young Charlie Bucket and eccentric chocolatier Willy Wonka as they travel in the Great Glass Elevator." }, { "docid": "3163677", "title": "Interlock (engineering)", "text": "While the key is removed from the switch interlock, a plunger from the interlock mechanically prevents the switch from closing. Power cannot be re-applied to the kiln until the kiln door is locked, releasing the key, and the key is then returned to the disconnecting switch interlock." }, { "docid": "4302443", "title": "What is the average cost of an elevator?", "text": "Elevator is non-massproduction. With regard to an elevator of 10 stops, 30m travel height, 1000kg capacity,1.0m/s,no customized features, the estimated price(not including installation & maintenance fee) will be around $22,000." }, { "docid": "2927830", "title": "Slightly movable", "text": "Slightly movable. 1. Hinge joints allow only back and forth movement, (like the opening and closing of a door) such as bending and straightening, however at the same time the extent of movement is considerable (transverse axis). The two moving bones are connected with extremely strong ligaments along with tendons/muscles." }, { "docid": "1773143", "title": "-", "text": "escalator, moving stairway, inclined elevator, nathan ames, jesse reno, george wheeler, charles seeberger, david lindquist, otis elevator company, invention, history, inventor of, history of, who invented, invention of, fascinating facts." }, { "docid": "5114910", "title": "Costs you need to pay at closing", "text": "There are a number of costs that you’ll pay at closing, so you’ll need to be prepared to factor that into your budget. Your Mortgage Banker will review your mortgage details and help you understand your closing costs. You also need to bring a certified check that day to cover all closing costs. Know Your Closing Costs." }, { "docid": "3709341", "title": "-", "text": "The closing argument is the last opportunity in a trial for the defense lawyer to speak to the judge or jury before they begin deliberations. The defense’s closing argument generally takes place between the prosecution's closing argument and the prosecution's closing rebuttal argument." }, { "docid": "3519801", "title": "The Code Corner", "text": "In ICC/ANSI A117.1, elevator cars shall have a clear dimension of 60 inches wide and 60 inches deep or 54 inches wide and 80 inches deep. Elevator cars with centered doors may be 51 inches deep (54 inches to the doors) and 80 inches wide, provided the door has a 42-inch minimum width." } ]
emancipation minor child definition
[ { "docid": "3566727", "title": "Circumstances Say Whether Minors Are âEmancipatedâ", "text": "A: No. If you are still a minor and have not yet finished high school, your parents must support you and are held responsible for your actions (such as your failure to attend school, or any legal contracts you enter into for a lease or utilities). Emancipation is defined as the freeing of a minor from parental control." } ]
[ { "docid": "4557325", "title": "Calculating Disability Benefits for Children of Disabled Parents", "text": "a minor child of a disabled person who receives social security disability income ssdi can receive a monthly cash benefit check until the child turns 18 by beth laurence j d when a child collects social security benefits based on the record of a disabled parent the child doesn t need to be disabled the child does need to be unmarried 18 or younger or 19 and a full time student and financially dependent on the disabled parent" }, { "docid": "3315659", "title": "child labor", "text": "Definition of CHILD LABOR. : the employment of a child in a business or industry especially in violation of state or federal statutes prohibiting the employment of children under a specified age. ADVERTISEMENT." }, { "docid": "3676134", "title": "10 Facts: The Emancipation Proclamation", "text": "Fact #1: Lincoln actually issued the Emancipation Proclamation twice. Abraham Lincoln issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation on September 22nd, 1862. It stipulated that if the Southern states did not cease their rebellion by January 1st, 1863, then Proclamation would go into effect.hen the Confederacy did not yield, Lincoln issued the final Emancipation Proclamation on January 1st, 1863. Fact #2: The Emancipation Proclamation only applied to the states in rebellion. President Lincoln justified the Emancipation Proclamation as a war measure intended to cripple the Confederacy." }, { "docid": "6232703", "title": "-", "text": "Garrett Augustus Morgan was born in Kentucky on March 4, 1877, the seventh of 11 children. His parents, both of mixed parentage, had been slaves before the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation. His father, Sidney Morgan, was the child of a female slave and a Confederate colonel, John Hunt Morgan. But Sidney Morgan’s father was also his family’s" }, { "docid": "4557251", "title": "Understanding Supplemental Security Income SSI for Children-- 2018 Edition", "text": "To be eligible for SSI benefits, a child must be either blind or disabled. A child may be eligible for SSI disability benefits beginning as early as the date of birth; there is no minimum age requirement. A child may be eligible for SSI disability benefits until attainment of age 18 (see definition of disability for children). When the child attains age 18, we evaluate impairments based on the definition of disability for adults (see definition of disability for adults). A child with a visual impairment may be eligible for SSI benefits based on blindness if the impairment meets the definition of blindness (see blindness requirements)." }, { "docid": "3437405", "title": "Is a contract signed by a minor valid?", "text": "A child under the age of 18 is considered a minor and is unable to sign a contract unless it is for essential items. Essential items include medicines, food, and medical services. Otherwise, the minor child must have a parent or guardian consent to the contract in order for it to be legally binding." }, { "docid": "5057558", "title": "Aggravated Sexual Assault Charges and Penalties", "text": "Age of the Victim. In most states, sexual assault of a child under a certain age is a child abuse crime or defined as sexual assault of a minor or child. A few states, however, define sexual assault on a child under 14 as aggravated sexual assault." }, { "docid": "1063430", "title": "Abraham Lincolnâs Emancipation Proclamation", "text": "The following document is the Emancipation Proclamation, made by President Lincoln on September 22, 1862. The Emancipation Proclamation granted freedom to the slaves in the Confederate States if the States did not return to the Union by January 1, 1863." }, { "docid": "5732074", "title": "Classification of crimes in criminal cases", "text": "Minor and non-minor offences. Article 38.2 of the Constitution of Ireland sets out that minor offences may be tried in courts of summary jurisdiction, that is, the District Court. There is no definition of what a minor offence is in the Constitution although they are most often set down by the actual law.ntroduction. A crime is defined in law in Ireland as an act which may be punished by the State. The way in which a criminal offence is investigated and prosecuted depends on the type of crime involved." }, { "docid": "5141413", "title": "Understanding the Emancipation Proclamation", "text": "Although the purpose of the Emancipation Proclamation, in addition to freeing slaves, was to help the war effort, it did have negative consequences on the Union's cause. Many in the North did not support emancipation. Although abolitionist sentiments were high, most, including Lincoln, wanted gradual emancipation." }, { "docid": "602034", "title": "-", "text": "When communicating with children, it is vital to remember that the child is the patient but the parent is a key person in any transaction. Serious illness in children is overwhelming for all parents, and even minor illness can be frightening." }, { "docid": "1201390", "title": "-", "text": "How to Correct Minor Errors on the Birth Certificate of a Child Over 1 Year of Age. Minor errors in the child or parents’ names, such as spelling and typographical errors, the sex of the child or day of birth of the child can usually be easily corrected." }, { "docid": "553190", "title": "-", "text": "It is not illegal per se since the children meet the definition of a qualifying child for both the parent and the grandparent(s). In that case, if only one of the people for whom the child is a qualifying child is the parent, then it is the parent who can claim then as their dependent.e: Grandparents Claiming Grandkids. llworking, the rules for a Qualifying Child are the same for a parent or a grandparent. I suggest you review IRS Pub. 17 regarding the definition of a Qualifying Child. Table 3-1 on page 26 of the 2008 Pub 17 lists the rules for Qualifying Child." }, { "docid": "7962754", "title": "Emancipation of Minors", "text": "In cases where particular circumstances and conduct justify the child's emancipation for certain purposes, implied partial emancipation is established. A third form, express emancipation, exists as a legal possibility yet is rarely decided by the court." }, { "docid": "4009657", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions", "text": "Does an ex-spouse have access to the previous spouse's birth or death certificate? An ex-spouse can only obtain birth or death records if the records are being obtained on behalf of a minor child that was the product of the marriage." }, { "docid": "1395490", "title": "10 Facts: The Emancipation Proclamation", "text": "When the Confederacy did not yield, Lincoln issued the final Emancipation Proclamation on January 1st, 1863. Fact #2: The Emancipation Proclamation only applied to the states in rebellion.President Lincoln justified the Emancipation Proclamation as a war measure intended to cripple the Confederacy.braham Lincoln issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation on September 22nd, 1862. It stipulated that if the Southern states did not cease their rebellion by January 1st, 1863, then Proclamation would go into effect." }, { "docid": "4972222", "title": "Can You Get Child Support Stopped at 18 if a Child Is in Secondary School?", "text": "In some states – Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Texas, Vermont and Virginia – you don't have to do anything to terminate your support obligation if your child meets all the age and education requirements for emancipation." }, { "docid": "2110756", "title": "What age do you become a teenager?", "text": "EIGHTEEN you are an adult at 18. In every state, someone under the age of 18 is considered to be a minor and therefore under the control/authority of their paren … ts.The laws regarding emancipation vary by state.IGHTEEN you are an adult at 18. In every state, someone under the age of 18 is considered to be a minor and therefore under the control/authority of their paren … ts." }, { "docid": "5371460", "title": "-", "text": "Select another year-range: Emancipation Day is a holiday in Washington DC to mark the anniversary of the signing of the Compensated Emancipation Act, which president Abraham Lincoln signed on April 16, 1862. It is annually held on April 16.Emancipation Day marks the signing of the Compensated Emancipation Act in 1862.elect another year-range: Emancipation Day is a holiday in Washington DC to mark the anniversary of the signing of the Compensated Emancipation Act, which president Abraham Lincoln signed on April 16, 1862. It is annually held on April 16. Emancipation Day marks the signing of the Compensated Emancipation Act in 1862." }, { "docid": "8123762", "title": "give", "text": "give definition: Give is defined as to hand, present or place. (verb) An example of give is for a child to offer his toy to another child...." }, { "docid": "229783", "title": "What Is a Beneficiary?", "text": "That is why setting up either an inter vivos – or a testamentary trust, is usually a good idea. You can make the trust the beneficiary of your policy and your child the beneficiary of the trust. The trust will administer the money until your child is old enough to legally do this on his or her own. Structuring your estate to protect the interests of your minor beneficiary is not a DIY project." }, { "docid": "3596388", "title": "Emancipation Proclamation", "text": "See emancipation proclamation text. Emancipation Proclamation summary: The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, as the country entered the third year of the Civil War.ee emancipation proclamation text. Emancipation Proclamation summary: The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, as the country entered the third year of the Civil War." }, { "docid": "6266890", "title": "merely", "text": "Learner's definition of MERELY. : only, just — used to say that someone or something is small, unimportant, etc. — used to describe the only reason for something or the only effect of something. This is merely a minor delay." }, { "docid": "200123", "title": "Emancipation of minors", "text": "Report Abuse. 1 Emancipation of minors is a legal mechanism by which a minor is freed from control by their parents or guardians, and the parents or guardians are freed from any and all responsibility toward the child. Until an emancipation is granted by a court, a minor is still subject to the rules of their parents or guardians." }, { "docid": "3339964", "title": "-", "text": "Quick Launch. Page Content. Servicemembers are responsible to ensure family members/dependents are cared for during deployments, reserve mobilizations, and temporary duty, as well as at all other times during which the servicmember is unavailable. Formal documentation of a Family Care Plan is required under any of the following conditions: - A servicemember with primary or shared physical custody of a minor child or children who is not married to the other natural or adoptive parent of the minor child or children." }, { "docid": "4017607", "title": "End-of-life notice: American Legal Ethics Library", "text": "You must bring written proof (a copy of the advertisement) of both publications to the. hearing. 6. (ONLY follow this step if you are petitioning for a name change for yourself and a minor child: If the. Petitioner also seeks to change the name of a minor child and only one parent joins in the petition, then the. petitioning parent MUST either: (a) obtain the written, notarized consent of the other parent, OR (b) promptly send a copy of the petition and Order of Publication to the other parent at his/her last known." }, { "docid": "1879891", "title": "Hand-foot-and-mouth disease", "text": "When to see a doctor. Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is usually a minor illness causing only a few days of fever and relatively mild signs and symptoms. Contact your doctor if mouth sores or a sore throat keep your child from drinking fluids. And contact your doctor if after a few days, your child's signs and symptoms worsen. Definition." }, { "docid": "3693844", "title": "Child Support Orders Are Terminated for Many Reasons", "text": "• the amount of back child support owed and how much should be paid towards this amount; • whether there is still an existing child support order for any remaining “unemancipated” children; and. • a report of any overpayments that may have been made to the person receiving child support.If the CSEA recommends that support be continued, the notice will include the reason for this decision. the child’s marriage; • the child’s deportation; • adoption of the child; • the child’s emancipation (for purposes of child support, a child is “emancipated” when he/she reaches 18 years of age and is not a full-time student, or 19 years of age regardless of school enrollment);" }, { "docid": "6334233", "title": "Translations for parental consent", "text": "Parental consent laws in some countries require that one or more parents consent to or be notified before their minor child can legally engage in certain activities. Parental consent may refer to: ⁕A parent's right to give consent, or be informed, before their minor child undergoes medical treatment. See informed consent for such legislation in general or minors and abortion for legislation relating specifically to abortion." }, { "docid": "3524954", "title": "Emancipation Proclamation", "text": "Emancipation Proclamation summary: The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, as the country entered the third year of the Civil War.mancipation Proclamation summary: The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, as the country entered the third year of the Civil War." } ]
eminem what is this
[ { "docid": "91684", "title": "Eminem", "text": "Eminem was born Marshall Bruce Mathers III in St. Joseph, Missouri, to Deborah R. (Nelson) and Marshall Bruce Mathers, Jr., who were in a band together, Daddy Warbucks. He is of English, as well as some German, Scottish, and Swiss-German, ancestry." } ]
[ { "docid": "2152100", "title": "Top 15 Best Eminem Songs", "text": "Whether he's dissing Mariah Carey or doting on his daughter, Eminem always seems to find the right blend of rhymes and music. His catalog is stuffed with such moments of brilliance. Here are Eminem's 15 best songs of all time." }, { "docid": "8226974", "title": "Shady XV", "text": "On June 3, 2014, Eminem's manager and Shady Records co-founder Paul Rosenberg tweeted Shady XV. On August 23, 2014, during his final stop of The Monster Tour with Rihanna at Detroit, Michigan's Comerica Park, Eminem wore a T-shirt branded Shady XV. On August 25, 2014, he tweeted Yes it's official... #SHADYXV Black Friday, leading to speculation about a release on Black Friday, which fell on November 28, 2014." }, { "docid": "6362233", "title": "List of awards and nominations received by Eminem", "text": "Eminem has had 13 number one singles worldwide. In December 2009, he was named the Artist of the Decade by Billboard magazine. His albums, The Eminem Show, The Marshall Mathers LP, and Encore (in order), ranked as the 3rd, 7th, and 40th best-selling albums of the 2000–09 decade by Billboard magazine.e was also named the Best Rapper Alive by Vibe magazine in 2008. Including his work with D12, Eminem has had 10 #1 albums on the Billboard Top 200, 8 solo (6 studio albums, 2 compilation) and 2 with D12." }, { "docid": "5145883", "title": "Guess Who's Back (together): Eminem and ex-wife Kim Scott rekindle their romance... seven years after SECOND divorce", "text": "Eminem could soon rekindle his famously stormy relationship with tormented ex-wife Kim Mathers, according to her mother. Speaking from the home she is currently sharing with Kim, just outside Detroit, Eminem's former mother-in-law Kathy Sluck said her daughter sees the rapper 'all the time'." }, { "docid": "6168936", "title": "-", "text": "Eminem net worth: Eminem is a multi platinum selling American rapper who has a net worth of $190 million. Eminem spent his youth moving around Missouri. View this Person. 1 Rank#7 Birdman Net Worth$180 MillionBirdman net worth: Birdman is an American rapper, CEO and entrepreneur who has a net worth of $180 million.Birdman, also known as Bryan Baby. View this Person. 1 Rank#8 Usher Net Worth$180 MillionUsher net worth: Usher is an American singer, songwriter, producer and actor who has a net worth of $180 million. Diddy Net Worth. $730 Million. P Diddy net worth: P Diddy is a rapper, actor, record producer, and men's fashion designer who has a net worth of $730 million dollars." }, { "docid": "6096180", "title": "12 Things You Never Knew About Eminem", "text": "Words: Adam Anonymous. Eminem’s new album ‘Relapse’ is released on May 18th through Interscope/Aftermath/Shady, followed by ‘Relapse 2’ later this year. Read Clash's review of 'Relapse' HERE. Get loads more Eminem content HERE." }, { "docid": "7033529", "title": "Eminem vs. everybody: A list of Slim Shady diss songs", "text": "Eminem vs. everybody: A list of Slim Shady diss songs. No one wants to be on Eminem's bad side. The rap mogul is a lyrical genius, especially when it comes to speaking his mind. Marshall Mathers might be one of, if not the most, outspoken lyricists of all time. Yesterday, another Eminem feud rumor emerged, this time being Drake, someone that Slim Shady has worked with in the past. Ebro, a host on Hot 97's radio station, brought up the recent feud between Drake and Joe Budden. The reason behind it is Budden is signed to Shady Records." }, { "docid": "8577808", "title": "Aerosmith Dream On Lyrics", "text": "Steven Tyler lead singer of Aerosmith. TO CLEAR THINGS UP: Okay, so lots of people argue about this in the comments, so I'm just telling you guys straight: Dream On is a song written by AEROSMITH in 1973, EMINEM did NOT write it.Eminem incorporated Dream On into one of his song entitled Sing For The Moment. It's totally 100% Aerosmith's work.ream On is a song written by AEROSMITH in 1973, EMINEM did NOT write it. Eminem incorporated Dream On into one of his song entitled Sing For The Moment. It's totally 100% Aerosmith's work." }, { "docid": "5394190", "title": "-", "text": "Eminem launches Love the Way You Lie with an acute description of the tension building period. This is when both parties are on edge, one fearing for his or her safety, the other threatening to explode. Here we go again, he says as he begs his partner not to leave and compares their relationship to huffing paint." }, { "docid": "3402295", "title": "Back in Black (song)", "text": "The song Rock'n Roll Dance ('92 Heavy Mix) from Seo Taiji and Boys' 1992 self-titled debut album samples Back in Black. Eminem released a version of his 1999 hit, My Name Is, with Back in Black as the bassline. The song was also heavily sampled by the Evolution Control Committee in creating the song Rocked by Rape." }, { "docid": "4572497", "title": "Whos Ken Kaniff?", "text": "ken kaniff from conneticut is a fictional character based on someone eminem knew i dont know much more than that." }, { "docid": "7697404", "title": "-", "text": "Just a little fan video I put together for The Legend of Korra, a new animated series coming to Nick on April 14th. The song is Won't Back Down by Eminem. Clips were used from the Legend of Korra trailers that are available on iTunes. I Don't own any part of Legend of Korra." }, { "docid": "8447980", "title": "Eminem Net Worth", "text": "Eminem Net Worth is $210 million. Eminem Salary. Eminem is performance maker, also a TV actor and the first and the most famous white-skin rapper in the music industry. His bright career started in youth, and continues till now." }, { "docid": "1409528", "title": "Eminem", "text": "Mini Bio (1). Eminem was born Marshall Bruce Mathers III in St. Joseph, Missouri, to Deborah R. (Nelson) and Marshall Bruce Mathers, Jr., who were in a band together, Daddy Warbucks. He is of English, as well as some German, Scottish, and Swiss-German, ancestry." }, { "docid": "1498686", "title": "Eminem", "text": "The LP also earned Eminem his first Grammy Award for Best Rap Album. His next two records The Marshall Mathers LP, and The Eminem Show, also won Best Rap Album Grammy Awards, making Eminem the first artist to win Best Rap Album for three consecutive LPs. This was followed by another studio release in 2004 titled Encore. Eminem then went on hiatus after touring in 2005." }, { "docid": "8433364", "title": "-", "text": "His mother published a biographical exposé about him in 2007 titled My Son Marshall, My Son Eminem in which she gave his correct birth date as October 17, 1972 in Saint Joseph, Missouri." }, { "docid": "4572501", "title": "-", "text": "Ken Kaniff (Skit) Lyrics. Key: K: Eminem as Ken Kaniff. S: Eminem as Shaggy2Dope. V: Eminem as Violent Jay. [Verse] K: Uhh yeah, uhh suck it. Oh fuck yeah, oh Shaggy." }, { "docid": "8027322", "title": "Eminem: River Meaning", "text": "It's about how he took advantage of an opportunity to have sex with a woman that was trying to get back at her man for running around on her. But then her man leaves and she wants to be with him but he doesn't want her. But now she's pregnant and he made her abort. and the point of the song is an apology to the unborn child. More Eminem song meanings » Eminem Fans Also Like: Ed Sheeran song meanings Lady Gaga song meanings Linkin Park song meanings Michael Jackson song meanings The Killers song meanings" }, { "docid": "1408108", "title": "20 Stories Behind Rappers' Stage Names: Waka Flocka, Jay-Z & More", "text": "He later changed his rap moniker to Jay-Z to salute his mentor rapper and producer, Jaz-O, and the subway lines of his hometown of Brooklyn. Rappers tend to stick to short rap monikers if their names aren't short.Such was the case for Eminem, initially. Eminem originally went by his initials, M&M (for Marshall Matthers), but later changed it to Eminem.appers like Waka Flocka Flame and Snoop Dogg drew inspiration from their favorite TV characters. T.I. and Gucci Mane embraced their family members' nicknames passed down to them, while others like 50 Cent, Rick Ross and French Montana took to their fascination for street legends to another level." }, { "docid": "2217849", "title": "Eminem Bio", "text": "In the summer of 2002, the MC returned with his third album, The Eminem Show, which sold over a million in its first week of release and went on to sell over 10 million copies—making Eminem the only artist in history with two diamond certified albums." }, { "docid": "231864", "title": "Alaina Mathers", "text": "Alaina Mathers. Alaina and Hailie during their childhood. Alaina Mathers (May 3, 1993) is Eminem's adopted daughter, and the biological daughter of his wife's twin sister. Eminem has custody of his niece and is raising her as Hailie's sister." }, { "docid": "1409533", "title": "Eminem", "text": "To call Eminem hip-hop's Elvis is correct to a degree, but it's largely inaccurate. Certainly, Eminem was the first white rapper since the Beastie Boys to garner both sales and critical respect, but his impact exceeded this confining distinction." }, { "docid": "4950028", "title": "The Greatest Rapper Alive: Jay-Z vs. Eminem", "text": "September 13, 2010 5:50 p.m. The Greatest Rapper Alive: Jay-Z vs. Eminem. With the two playing Yankee Stadium tonight, we take the time out to figure out who reigns supreme. After taking on Detroit's Comerica Park last weekend, Jay-Z and Eminem's Home and Home Tour comes to New York today and tomorrow. Who better to inaugurate Yankee Stadium as concert hall than those two? And what better time to try to definitively answer the age-old question: Who is the greatest rapper alive?" }, { "docid": "1409527", "title": "-", "text": "Soundtrack | Actor | Producer. Eminem was born Marshall Bruce Mathers III in St. Joseph, Missouri, to Deborah R. (Nelson) and Marshall Bruce Mathers, Jr., who were in a band together, Daddy Warbucks. He is of English, as well as some German, Scottish, and Swiss-German, ancestry." }, { "docid": "8723154", "title": "-", "text": "Lyrics to Phenomenal song by Eminem: I am phenomenal With every ounce of my blood With every breath in my lungs Won't stop until I'm phe-... a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z #" }, { "docid": "7796425", "title": "Without Me", "text": "For other uses, see Without Me (disambiguation). Without Me is a song by American rapper Eminem from his fourth studio album The Eminem Show (2002). Without Me was released as the lead single from the album, and re-released on his greatest hits compilation album Curtain Call: The Hits (2005). Without Me is one of Eminem's most successful singles, reaching number two in the U.S. Billboard Hot 100, and number one in fifteen countries." }, { "docid": "7594666", "title": "-", "text": "What is Eminem? Marshall Bruce Mathers III (born October 17, 1972), better known by his stage name Eminem styled EMINæM, another of his aliases is Slim Shady. He is a huge, greatly … successful American rapper, record producer, actor, singer and hip-hop artist." }, { "docid": "220173", "title": "Obie Trice: Eminem Rewrote Verses After Hearing Mine", "text": "Famed Detroit rapper Obie Trice opens up about the details of him signing with Eminem after Bizarre of D12 and DJ Head had been talking him up." }, { "docid": "3295248", "title": "Eminem in shock after body of homeless sister-in-law Dawn Scott is discovered in Detroit trailer park after her death from 'apparent heroin overdose'", "text": "1 Eminem's sister-in-law Dawn Scott has reportedly passed away of a suspected heroin overdose. She is the twin sister of the singer’s ex-wife Kim Mathers and the two moved in with Eminem at the age of 15 after running away from home." }, { "docid": "8723158", "title": "Eminem â Phenomenal Lyrics", "text": "Eminem – Phenomenal[Hook:] I am phenomenal 1 With every ounce of my blood With every breath in my lungs Won’t stop until I’m phe-no-menal I am phenomenal However long that it takes I’ll go to whatever lengths It’s gonna make me a monster though I am phenomenal But I would never say, ‘Oh, it’s impossible’ Cause I’m born to be phenomenal" } ]
angel falls is located in which country
[ { "docid": "5560455", "title": "Angel Falls", "text": "Angel Falls (Spanish: Salto Ángel; ángel pemon: Language Kerepakupai, vena vená meaning waterfall of the, deepest Place Or, parakupa parakupá vena vená meaning the fall) from the highest point Is. a waterfall in venezuelangel Falls is one of Venezuela's top tourist attractions, though a trip to the falls is a complicated affair. The falls are located in an isolated jungle. A flight from Puerto Ordaz or Ciudad Bolivar bolívar is required to Reach canaima, camp the starting point for river trips to the base of the. falls" } ]
[ { "docid": "1364065", "title": "Welcome to the Country Club of Lansing", "text": "Welcome to the Country Club of Lansing. Beautifully located among the rolling landscape of mid-Michigan, the Country Club of Lansing is one of the premier private country clubs in the Midwest." }, { "docid": "7501801", "title": "Falls Avenue Resort Niagara Falls Waterpark Hotels", "text": "The Clifton Victoria Inn at the Falls is a 3 star hotel feet away from the Fallsview Indoor Waterpark. Located a couple of blocks from the majestic Falls and all the action in the tourism district. The Clifton Victoria Inn, Niagara Falls Canada offers an indoor pool, whirlpool and sauna in the hotels atrium. Other amenities of the hotel include: complimentary hot/cold breakfast, free high-speed internet and free on-site parking. Visit Clifton Victoria Inn at the Falls." }, { "docid": "8141586", "title": "Famous Cartoon Character Dog Names", "text": "Female Cartoon Names. 1 Angel From Lady and the Tramp 2: Scamp's Adventure, Angel is Scamp's love interest. 2 Belle From Beauty and the Beast, Belle falls in love with the Beast for his good heart, in spite of his beastly looks. 3 Colleen The only female dog in Road Rovers, Colleen is a trained medic with martial arts skills." }, { "docid": "2425356", "title": "-", "text": "Driving Directions. The Arethusa Falls and Frankenstein Cliff trailheads are within Crawford Notch State Park. They are located in Harts Location, New Hampshire, on a spur road, signed for Arethusa Falls, off of Rt. 302. Overnight parking is not allowed." }, { "docid": "3815555", "title": "Niagara Falls Canada | Niagara Falls Hotels | Niagra Falls | Niagara on the Lake", "text": "The falls are located 17 miles (27 km) north-northwest of Buffalo, New York and 75 miles (121 km) south-southeast of Toronto, between the twin cities of Niagara Falls, Ontario, and Niagara Falls, New York.he Niagara Falls are renowned both for their beauty and as a valuable source of hydroelectric power. Managing the balance between recreational, commercial, and industrial uses has been a challenge for the stewards of the falls since the 19th century." }, { "docid": "4387106", "title": "Cave of the Winds", "text": "The original “Cave of the Winds” was a cavern located behind the Bridal Veil Falls. The Bridal Veil Falls is the smaller waterfall located between Luna Island and Goat Island, beside the American Falls. The Cave of the Winds was an overhanging ledge, consisting of Lockport Dolostone rock, at the top portion of the gorge where the waters of the Bridal Veil Falls flowed over. Originally this portion projected more than 30.5 metres. Due to this overhang of rock, a cavern behind the cascading water was formed." }, { "docid": "6077071", "title": "-", "text": "Pigeon Falls is located at 44°25′N 91°13′W / 44.417°N 91.217°W / 44.417; -91.217 (44.4237, -91.2098). According to the United States Census Bureau, the village has a total area of 0.48 square miles (1.24 km2), all land. Pigeon Falls is located at a falls of Pigeon Creek, a tributary of the Trempealeau River." }, { "docid": "4024142", "title": "10 Biggest, Largest Waterfalls In The World", "text": "Inga Falls, a 3,000-foot wide waterfall, is located on the Congo River, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It’s a series of falls and rapids, which drops around 315 feet, but very gradually over a run of roughly 9 miles.However, the main, and most impressive, part of the falls drops around 70 feet in one go.igara Waterfall (Rodnet Campbell/Flickr). At 3,950 feet wide, it’s far from the largest waterfall around, but it is the falls with the largest volume of water traveling through it. It has three separate parts: American Falls, Bridal Veil Falls and Horseshoe, or Canadian, Falls." }, { "docid": "4132929", "title": "Gullfoss", "text": "Gullfoss, an iconic waterfall of Iceland. Gullfoss (Golden Falls; Icelandic pronunciation ) is a waterfall located in the canyon of the Hvítá river in southwest Iceland." }, { "docid": "6580417", "title": "-", "text": "In Chapter 8, Eddie, who believes Angel killed his cousin Jesus, goes to Angel's house and a fight ensues. Samuel is there and helps Angel fight Eddie. Later, Angel and Eddie run into each other at the hospital, and fight again. Seeing the Navy as his only way of escaping Fresno, Eddie joins up in Chapter 9." }, { "docid": "7386121", "title": "Highest Waterfall in the World", "text": "Angel Falls (Salto Ángel) ángel In venezuela is the highest waterfall in the. World the falls are 3230 feet in height with an uninterrupted drop of 2647. feet" }, { "docid": "8807245", "title": "What state is Paris, France in?", "text": "Ok now the comparison that will hopefully help you understand...... Europe is the CONTINENT where the COUNTRY France is located. Paris is a CITY (and also the capitol) that's located in the COUNTRY of France. The bottom line is you're question is incorrect because there is no STATE that Paris, France is in. The only country with STATES are the United States of America in which we have 50. Hope this helps you understand." }, { "docid": "4985431", "title": "-", "text": "Marriott Fallsview is a Niagara Falls Hotel overlooking Niagara Falls. Located in the heart of the Fallsview tourist district and moments away from Scotiabank Convention Centre and Fallsview Casino. Nearby cities: Toronto, Buffalo, New York. Sister Property: Marriott Gateway on the Falls." }, { "docid": "5377280", "title": "-", "text": "New Tin Angel website now up. Let us know what you think. Tin Angel PittsburghThe Tin Angel, nested 1200 feet above the City of Pittsburgh high atop Mount Washington features fine American cuisine in a gracious, intimate, candlelit setting away from life's interruptions." }, { "docid": "7593220", "title": "-", "text": "Sioux Falls Catholic Schools is an elementary and secondary school located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. View phone number, website, employees, products, revenue, and more. IPOs Nonprofits Execs" }, { "docid": "4051535", "title": "Niagara Falls", "text": "Niagara Falls consists of two waterfalls on the Niagara River, which marks the border between New York and Ontario, Canada: the American Falls, located on the American side of the border, and the Canadian or Horseshoe Falls located on the Canadian side.iagara Falls consists of two waterfalls on the Niagara River, which marks the border between New York and Ontario, Canada: the American Falls, located on the American side of the border, and the Canadian or Horseshoe Falls located on the Canadian side." }, { "docid": "6232404", "title": "Where is Indonesia", "text": "It is a country largely of Southeast Asia and partly of Oceania. So, Indonesia is the country of group of islands located in the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean surrounded by many small seas.There are about 17,508 islands which collectively consist Indonesia. Surprisingly, this island country is fourth most populated country of the world.t is a country largely of Southeast Asia and partly of Oceania. So, Indonesia is the country of group of islands located in the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean surrounded by many small seas." }, { "docid": "4910180", "title": "Canadian Falls", "text": "The Canadian side of Niagara Falls located between Goat Island and Table Rock is known as the Horseshoe Falls. With the highest flow rate and beauty, Horseshoe Niagara Falls becomes a holiday spot for millions of people every year." }, { "docid": "4209388", "title": "List of individual trees", "text": "Angel Oak is a Southern live oak (Quercus virginiana) located in Angel Oak Park on Johns Island near Charleston, South Carolina.Angel Oak is estimated to be in excess of 300–400 years old.It stands 66.5 ft (20 m) tall, measures 28 ft (8.5 m) in circumference, and produces shade that covers 17,200 square feet (1,600 m 2). Its longest branch distance is 187 ft. in length. Angel Oak was the 210th tree to be registered with the Live Oak Society.Angel Oak is a tourist attraction for those visiting the Charleston, South Carolina area. The tree stands on land that was part of Abraham Waight's 1717 land grant.ngel Oak is a tourist attraction for those visiting the Charleston, South Carolina area. The tree stands on land that was part of Abraham Waight's 1717 land grant." }, { "docid": "2569716", "title": "10 Biggest, Largest Waterfalls In The World", "text": "3. Kukenan/Cuquenan Falls. Kukenan/Cuquenan Falls (Photo: Wikipedia). This is the second tallest waterfall in Venezuala (next to Angel Falls) and is ranked as one of the highest waterfalls in the world. This plunge waterfall has a single drop of 674 meters and trickles down towards Kukenan Tepui mesa." }, { "docid": "6362586", "title": "Garrison Life on the Rock, 1859-1934", "text": "Only 35 years old at the time of his death, Brown had served his adopted country for 18 years (over half of his life) from the deserts of Arizona to the snows of Montana. Most of Alcatraz's dead were buried in the military cemetery on Angel Island." }, { "docid": "4786906", "title": "-", "text": "Distance from Austin, TX to Angel Fire, NM. The total distance from Austin, TX to Angel Fire, NM is 607 miles. This is equivalent to 976 kilometers or 527 nautical miles. Your trip begins in Austin, Texas. It ends in Angel Fire, New Mexico. Your flight direction from Austin, TX to Angel Fire, NM is Northwest (-44 degrees from North). The distance calculator helps you figure out how far it is to fly from Austin, TX to Angel Fire, NM. It does this by computing the straight line flying distance (as the crow flies)." }, { "docid": "5033120", "title": "-", "text": "Kaieteur Falls is a major tourist attraction in Guyana. The falls is located in Kaieteur National Park and is in the centre of Guyana's rainforest. There are frequent flights between the falls' airstrip and Ogle Airport and Cheddi Jagan International Airport in Georgetown." }, { "docid": "6224519", "title": "Department Organization", "text": "The Role of an Ambassador. In most countries with which it has diplomatic relations, the U.S. maintains an embassy, which usually is located in the host country capital.he Role of an Ambassador. In most countries with which it has diplomatic relations, the U.S. maintains an embassy, which usually is located in the host country capital." }, { "docid": "4024148", "title": "-", "text": "1 The world's tallest waterfall is Angel Falls in Venezuela. 2 The world's tallest man-made waterfall is Cascata delle Marmore in Italy. 3 Niagra Falls is also one of the biggest waterfalls.... 4 located in Canada.ince we are not sure as to what the asker meant by largest, here are some answers. 1 The world's largest waterfall is Victoria Falls located on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe. 2 The world's tallest waterfall is Angel Falls in Venezuela." }, { "docid": "4024140", "title": "-", "text": "1 The world's largest waterfall is Victoria Falls located on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe. 2 The world's tallest waterfall is Angel Falls in Venezuela.3 The world's tallest man-made waterfall is Cascata delle Marmore in Italy.ince we are not sure as to what the asker meant by largest, here are some answers. 1 The world's largest waterfall is Victoria Falls located on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe. 2 The world's tallest waterfall is Angel Falls in Venezuela." }, { "docid": "5322904", "title": "Angel Of The North â 20 Interesting Facts You May Not Know", "text": "1 The Angel of the North was built to signify:- the miners who used to work on this site, to grasp the move from an industrial to an information age and thirdly to be a focus for evolving hopes and fears. 2 The Angel by Gormley has a body weight of 100 tonnes whilst each wing weighs 50 tonnes.0 interesting facts about the Angel Of The North. 1 The Angel of the North address for pedestrian access is along the A167 Durham Road (northbound) although you can see it from the A1 near Gateshead. 2 The Angel of the North parking area is free and only a few seconds walk away." }, { "docid": "8206483", "title": "-", "text": "Midwest Industrial Rubber has several sales and fabrication locations located across the country to serve the needs of our customers. Midwest Industrial Rubber has several sales and fabrication locations located across the country to serve the needs of our customers." }, { "docid": "7386116", "title": "Highest Waterfall in the World", "text": "Angel Falls (Salto Ángel) ángel In venezuela is the highest waterfall in the. World the falls are 3230 feet in height with an uninterrupted drop of 2647. Feet Angel falls is located on a tributary of The Rio. caroni" }, { "docid": "4740492", "title": "AIR MADNESS, LLC", "text": "There are 2 companies that go by the name of Air Madness, LLC in Columbia MD, Harrisburg SD, and Sioux Falls SD air madness, llc There are 2 companies that go by the name of Air Madness, LLC. These companies are located in Columbia MD, Harrisburg SD, and Sioux Falls SD." } ]
ethical approval definition
[ { "docid": "6165427", "title": "-", "text": "Ethical approval is required for all research undertaken by any staff or student at King’s College London that involves human participants.he researcher will not be covered by the College’s insurance if ethical approval was not obtained prior to commencement. This means that should a participant make a claim regarding the research, then the staff or student would be personally liable." } ]
[ { "docid": "1534978", "title": "principle of operation definition, principle of operation meaning | English dictionary", "text": "n the ethical principle that an action is right in so far as it promotes the greatest happiness of the greatest number of those affected. See → utilitarianism. English Collins Dictionary-English Definition & Thesaurus &nbsp." }, { "docid": "4063472", "title": "Work Ethic Definition & Elements of a Strong Work Ethic", "text": "Among staff ethical behavior ensures work is completed with integrity and honesty and staff that are ethical adhere to policies and rules while working to meet the aims of the enterprise. An ethically positive, healthy work culture enhances morale among employees." }, { "docid": "6397212", "title": "Ethical Obligation", "text": "There were many ethical dilemmas experienced by the former CIA Director George Tenet, among which were the violations of national and international human right policies. He was also faced with the ethical dilemma of being honest to his colleagues, more so his field officers, and most significantly the entire nation." }, { "docid": "8413160", "title": "Vehicle Type Approval", "text": "Vehicle Type Approval. VCA is the designated UK Approval Authority and Technical Service for type approval to all automotive European Community (EC) Directives and the equivalent United Nations Economic Community for Europe (ECE) Regulations.ehicle Type Approval. VCA is the designated UK Approval Authority and Technical Service for type approval to all automotive European Community (EC) Directives and the equivalent United Nations Economic Community for Europe (ECE) Regulations." }, { "docid": "5575861", "title": "What Does Mortgage Pre-Approval Mean? A Major Advantage When Buying a Home", "text": "Mortgage pre-approval is a commitment from a lender to provide you with home financing up to a certain loan amount—basically the stamp of approval that you have the money, credit history, and other credentials to buy a home up to that price. Loan Pre-Approval Is Key." }, { "docid": "4881394", "title": "-", "text": "Information for stallholders. If you want to sell or provide food and drink at public events, you need approval from the City. You can apply with the temporary food stall application. There are 2 types of approval: 1 High risk: 13 month approval. 2 Low risk: 24 month approval." }, { "docid": "1534976", "title": "utilitarianism", "text": "Definition. An ethical philosophy in which the happiness of the greatest number of people in the society is considered the greatest good. According to this philosophy, an action is morally right if its consequences lead to happiness (absence of pain), and wrong if it ends in unhappiness (pain)." }, { "docid": "8556952", "title": "-", "text": "APPROVAL GUIDANCE FOR COMMERCIAL PFDs / LIFEJACKETS: APPROVAL GUIDANCE & INFORMATION: All PFDs are approved by the Coast Guard, but some require little or no direct USCG review prior to approval. All PFDs must be tested by a Coast Guard Recognized Laboratory." }, { "docid": "3304076", "title": "Moral realism", "text": "Moral realism (also ethical realism) is the position that ethical sentences express propositions that refer to objective features of the world (that is, features independent of subjective opinion), some of which propositions may be true to the extent that they report those features accurately." }, { "docid": "4995177", "title": "Dressings for venous leg ulcers: systematic review and meta-analysis", "text": "Footnotes. 1 Contributors: SP and EAN reviewed articles and extracted and analysed the data. 2 Funding: NHS HTAP, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Trust, University of York, University of Leeds. 3 Competing interests: A trial by EAN was included in the review. 4 Ethical approval: Not needed." }, { "docid": "3724212", "title": "activist investor", "text": "activist investor. Definition. A stockholder whose purpose for holding the stock is to influence corporate decision-making. The investor may be motivated by self-centered or ethical intentions. A significant shareholder can influence decisions such as company pay scales, environmental impacts, product releases, and more." }, { "docid": "7354885", "title": "FAQâs | About FHA Condo Approval 2017", "text": "FHA Condo Approval. FAQ’s | About FHA Condo Approval 2017. Below is a list of our most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) about the VA and FHA approval process, board involvement, the costs, and more." }, { "docid": "4684466", "title": "-", "text": "Other managers recognize that they should be ethical but identify their ethical duty with. making a legal profit for the firm. They see no need to be ethical in any further sense, and. therefore no need for any background beyond business and law." }, { "docid": "2117321", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of EXECUTIVE AGREEMENT. : an agreement between the United States and a foreign government made by the executive branch either alone or with Congressional approval and dealing usually with routine matters.ADVERTISEMENT.Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about executive agreement.efinition of EXECUTIVE AGREEMENT. : an agreement between the United States and a foreign government made by the executive branch either alone or with Congressional approval and dealing usually with routine matters. ADVERTISEMENT. Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about executive agreement." }, { "docid": "6223015", "title": "Ethical egoism", "text": "Ethical egoism is the normative ethical position that moral agents ought to do what is in their own self-interest.It differs from psychological egoism, which claims that people can only act in their self-interest.Ethical egoism also differs from rational egoism, which holds that it is rational to act in one's self-interest. Ethical egoism holds that actions whose consequences will benefit the doer can be considered ethical.thical egoism also differs from rational egoism, which holds that it is rational to act in one's self-interest." }, { "docid": "4414841", "title": "-", "text": "It is however a skill -- a survival skill Law and Ethics An act can be: Ethical and legal Ethical but not legal Not ethical but legal Not ethical and not legal If case in 1 or 4, decision is obvious If case in 2 or 3, or if law is not clear then further analysis is needed." }, { "docid": "6422533", "title": "-", "text": "Approval on ICC evaluation reports or approval of plans by the plan reviewer does not mean the product or the design meets the building code. Approval of shop drawings do do change the contract requirements. Approval of a contractor's pay application can be voided if it is determined that a mistake has been made." }, { "docid": "1194629", "title": "grovel", "text": "Definition of grovel for English Language Learners. : 1 to kneel, lie, or crawl on the ground. : 2 to treat someone with too much respect or fear in a way that shows weakness in order to be forgiven or to gain approval or favor." }, { "docid": "4743841", "title": "Bauer Academic Honesty", "text": "Therefore, developing good ethical habits now, while you are in college, will help you as you enter the workplace and face ethical issues (which most certainly will happen). Second, having academic integrity is important because it provides value to your degree." }, { "docid": "3183692", "title": "Ethics", "text": "Ethics. 1 A solicitor's commitment to behaving ethically is at the heart of what it means to be a solicitor. 2 Ethical scenarios The Law Society is creating a suite of interactive ethical scenarios featuring Ethel, our ethical guru, who guides users though the ethical issues associated with dilemmas solicitors might face in practice." }, { "docid": "5085350", "title": "How Long Does It Take to Get a Mortgage Loan Approved?", "text": "Your credit score and debt to income ratio are often used as quick qualifying measures. If you meet these requirements, you may be pre-approved for a loan up to a maximum amount. Your pre-approval will be good for a set period, usually 90 days.You will still be required to produce further documentation before the pre-approval becomes an approval for a loan.nce you have been pre-approved and received a pre-approval letter, then you can start shopping for a home that is not more expensive than the maximum amount for which you were approved. Also, presenting a pre-approval letter to your prospective seller will indicate that you are a serious buyer." }, { "docid": "615381", "title": "utilitarianism", "text": "Define utilitarianism. utilitarianism synonyms, utilitarianism pronunciation, utilitarianism translation, English dictionary definition of utilitarianism. n. 1. The belief that the value of a thing or an action is determined by its utility. 2. The ethical theory proposed by Jeremy Bentham and James Mill that..." }, { "docid": "5258319", "title": "-", "text": "Program of Nursing Approval Status. As of 6/30/15. Developmental approval shall be the designation granted to a proposed program of nursing to continue. development of plans for program implementation. Full approval shall be the designation granted to a program of nursing that has implemented the proposal. and that continues to meet the standards of the Kentucky Administrative Regulations that govern the. program. Definition of Approval Status. Initial approval shall be the designation granted to a new program of nursing upon admission of the first. class, if provided the date of enrollment is within eighteen (18) months of Board approval of the proposal." }, { "docid": "5681137", "title": "encouragement", "text": "Encouragement is defined as an expression of support or approval, or is words or actions that assist or inspire someone or something. When you praise a child and encourage him to keep trying, this is an example of encouragement. YourDictionary definition and usage example." }, { "docid": "5252799", "title": "The Penalties for the Breach of a Code of Conduct", "text": "A code of conduct is a formal document companies prepare that outlines standards of acceptable workplace behavior and ethical decisions for employees. It is designed to help companies develop a professional image and establish a strong ethical culture." }, { "docid": "1459321", "title": "-", "text": "1 While, universal ethical standards are the law which offers ethical basics applying to everyone identifying six core values such as Trustworthiness, Respect, and Responsibility and so on. While, U niversal ethical standards are the law which offer s ethical basics applying to everyone identifying six core values such as t rustworthiness, r espect, and r esponsibility, and so on. However its effect is rather low in terms of controlling the fairness of every action you make." }, { "docid": "4753792", "title": "-", "text": "Approval and Treatment Plans Does not require prior approval, but a treatment plan is required.Delta Dental requires prior approval before treatment begins. Medically Necessary and Corrective Orthodontia Small Business Solutions (1 to 50 employees) DDIASGCO072015." }, { "docid": "3410057", "title": "A Framework for Ethical Decision Making", "text": "Only by careful exploration of the problem, aided by the insights and different perspectives of others, can we make good ethical choices in such situations. We have found the following framework for ethical decision making a useful method for exploring ethical dilemmas and identifying ethical courses of action." }, { "docid": "7261979", "title": "Result Lens", "text": "Ethical Lens Inventory. My personal preferred lens is the Results Lens. According to this ethical view an action is ethical if good results come from good actions. A moral person must take actions that create the greatest good and the greatest happiness for many. I listen to my intuition." }, { "docid": "7344759", "title": "The FHA Approval Process: 5 Steps to Getting Your Loan Approved", "text": "FHA Mortgage Approval Process, by the Numbers. The path to an FHA approval can be long and winding. Some borrowers sail through it with no issues whatsoever, while others encounter one obstacle after another. In most cases, the FHA loan-approval process includes the following five steps: Pre-approval, application, property appraisal, underwriting, and final mortgage approval." } ]
example of a biennial plant
[ { "docid": "5111500", "title": "Biennial plant", "text": "Examples of biennial plants are members of the onion family including leek, some members of the cabbage family, common mullein, parsley, fennel, Lunaria, silverbeet, Black-eyed Susan, Sweet William, colic weed, carrot, and some hollyhocks.n the first year the plant grows leaves, stems, and roots (vegetative structures), then it enters a period of dormancy over the colder months. Usually the stem remains very short and the leaves are low to the ground, forming a rosette. Many biennials require a cold treatment, or vernalization, before they will flower." } ]
[ { "docid": "4331012", "title": "The Scottish Thistle - Beautifully Bold!", "text": "Scottish Thistle. Enjoy the wild beauty of your very own thistle plant... Herb Seeds-Scottish Thistle. This biennial plant (which means it takes two years to complete it's lifecycle) is also known as the 'Cotton Thistle', and it's Latin name is 'Onopordum Acanthium' ." }, { "docid": "1845881", "title": "What does it take to maintain a private pilot certificate?", "text": "But, you need more than just a license to fly. To use your license, while flying solo, you also need a Medical Certificate (if required for the aircraft or flight rules) and a Current BFR (Biennial Flight Review). Medical Certificates are good for 5 years until you're 40, then good for 2 years." }, { "docid": "3961683", "title": "Popular House Plants", "text": "Elephant Ear Plant African Mask Plant. An Alocasia Plant, native to Asia, is also called an Elephant Ear Plant or African Mask Plant. Alocasia Plants have large, dark-green, glossy, heart-shaped leaves with wavy edges." }, { "docid": "4896670", "title": "The Bryophytes (Mosses and liverworts)", "text": "Species of Bryophytes contained within The Plant List belong to 165 plant families and 1,473 plant genera. The Plant List includes 71,614 scientific plant names of species rank for the Bryophytes. Of these 15,344 are accepted species names. The Plant List includes a further 13,194 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the Bryophytes. We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank." }, { "docid": "2262591", "title": "-", "text": "Havana, Cuba What: 11th Havana Biennial When to Go: May 11th – June 11th Once completely off-limits to Americans, the Obama administration has opened up travel routes to Cuba making it easier than ever to finally enjoy the sultry, sexy city of Havana." }, { "docid": "8060497", "title": "-", "text": "It is a biennial European plant in the parsley family, having edible roots, leafstalks, leaves, and fruits. They have crisp thick leafs stalks. It has shorter stems and more leaves. Celery leaves are finely divided and light to dark green in color." }, { "docid": "6451648", "title": "Watch for Poisonous Weeds in Hay", "text": "The toxic dose of hoary alyssum is estimated at 20% (of the plant ingested) in hay, but is known to affect some horses differently. Some horses have a zero tolerance to hoary alyssum. Wild parsnip is a biennial that is toxic to cattle, horses, and sheep and is infesting ditches and fields in Minnesota. Leaves are course, with saw-toothed edges. Flowers are yellow, and umbrella-shaped. Wild parsnip can contain a toxin called furanocoumarins and can create severe skin irritations." }, { "docid": "1195818", "title": "Angelica", "text": "Angelica looks like its relative, the carrot, except that the angelica plant can reach heights of ten feet. It is generally an aromatic biennial or perennial herb, having ridged, upright, powerful hollow stems, large, bright green leaves, and greenish-white flowers that grow in umbels, common to this family of plants.ngelica is a protected species in Iceland, and cultivated in many places. Dang gui is native to China and Japan (A. sinensis) and Japan (A. acutiloba). The best rhizomes are said to be from Gansu Province in China." }, { "docid": "7675191", "title": "-", "text": "Define herb: a seed-producing annual, biennial, or perennial that does not develop persistent woody tissue but dies down at the … — herb in a sentence a seed-producing annual, biennial, or perennial that does not develop persistent woody tissue but dies down at the end of a growing season… See the full definition" }, { "docid": "3482097", "title": "-", "text": "March 15th of the second calendar year following the year. in which the initial exemption was granted, and by every. other March 15th thereafter. When filing a biennial. renewal of the exemption for these customers, the financial. institution will need to indicate any change in ownership of. the business." }, { "docid": "2423492", "title": "-", "text": "The cleome, also called bee plant or spider plant, is a tall growing, annual flower plant from the Capparaceae (Caper) family. The plant is low maintenance and native to the Rocky Mountain area of the United States." }, { "docid": "121001", "title": "-", "text": "Parsley is a popular culinary and medicinal herb recognized as one of the functional food for its unique antioxidants, and disease preventing properties. This wonderful, fragrant rich biennial herb is native to the Mediterranean region. This leafy herb belongs to the Apiaceae family, in the genus; Petroselinum." }, { "docid": "6021503", "title": "Parsnip", "text": "The parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) is a root vegetable closely related to the carrot and parsley. It is a biennial plant usually grown as an annual. Its long tuberous root has cream-colored skin and flesh and can be left in the ground when mature as it becomes sweeter in flavor after winter frosts." }, { "docid": "691046", "title": "Clocks manufactured by the E. Ingraham Company, Bristol, Conn., U. S. A.; No. 30", "text": "v. : ill. ; 16 x 24 cm.; Biennial; Ceased with: no. 32 (1903-1904) Dodd Center copies from the E. Ingraham Company Records." }, { "docid": "291050", "title": "Smog Information", "text": "Smog certifications are good for 90 days from the date of issuance. The inspection is not required on a transfer if a biennial smog certification was submitted to DMV within 90 days prior to the vehicle transfer date (a vehicle inspection report may be required for proof of certification)." }, { "docid": "7746287", "title": "Do plants carry out cellular respiration?", "text": "Do plant cells need to carry out respiration why? Plant cells do need respiration because respiration gives out energy to the plant cells and because plant cells give us oxygen and we give plant cells carbon dioxide." }, { "docid": "1519518", "title": "-", "text": "Types of Plant Reproduction. There are two kinds of plant reproduction: sexual. reproduction and asexual reproduction. • The part of the plant responsible for sexual. reproduction is the flower. • Asexual reproduction occurs when a new. plant grows from the stem or leaves of an. existing plant." }, { "docid": "1834646", "title": "OENOTHERA FRUTICOSA", "text": "• OENOTHERA FRUTICOSA (noun). The noun OENOTHERA FRUTICOSA has 1 sense: 1. a day-flowering biennial or perennial of the genus Oenothera. Familiarity information: OENOTHERA FRUTICOSA used as a noun is very rare. OENOTHERA FRUTICOSA (noun). The noun OENOTHERA FRUTICOSA has 1 sense: 1. a day-flowering biennial or perennial of the genus Oenothera. Familiarity information: OENOTHERA FRUTICOSA used as a noun is very rare." }, { "docid": "4715605", "title": "-", "text": "Rye Grass Seed Price: 75.0 Location: koroit, South West, VIC Tetraploid, biennial, high sugar, high growth rye grass seed. Price is per 25 kg bag (22 available) Tetraploid, biennial, high sugar, high growth rye grass seed. Price is per 25 kg bag (22 available) Good winter grower, good growth after mowing or grazing" }, { "docid": "8492422", "title": "Types of Turnip", "text": "There’s a lot of confusion about turnips because it’s very similar to rutabagas and Swedes. But this confusion could also be accounted to the fact that there are so many types of turnips. This hardy biennial tuber has been grown and cultivated since time immemorial – probably as far back as the time of Christ." }, { "docid": "6947461", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: botany (Noun). The scientific study of plants, a branch of biology. Typically those disciplines that involve the whole plant. botany (Noun). The plant life, or the properties and life phenomena exhibited by a plant, plant type, or plant group.botany (Noun). A botanical treatise or study, especially of a particular system of botany or that of a particular place.Origin: First attested in 1696: .ypically those disciplines that involve the whole plant. botany (Noun). The plant life, or the properties and life phenomena exhibited by a plant, plant type, or plant group. botany (Noun). A botanical treatise or study, especially of a particular system of botany or that of a particular place." }, { "docid": "5344770", "title": "What is a District of Columbia LLC Biennial Report?", "text": "District of Columbia Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs fees for a DC LLC Biennial Report are $300.00. We charge $50.00 for our District of Columbia LLC Annual Report Services. The total cost for our District of Columbia Annual Report service is $350.00. If you'd like us to file your District of Columbia LLC Biennial Report within two business hours of the time at which we receive your order there is an additional $35.00 fee for our Expedited Service." }, { "docid": "5955003", "title": "How To Water A Plant: How Much Water Should I Give My Plant", "text": "How to Water a Plant. When the soil is dry, water the plant thoroughly. In fact, water the plant until the water comes out of the bottom of the planter. This will guarantee that the bottom roots in the planter have gotten water as well.However, don’t let the pot sit in the water on the saucer.here is no easy answer to “how much water should I give my plant.” This amount could depend on the type of plant you have, where it is located, how old the plant is and the type and size of the pot." }, { "docid": "3409238", "title": "General Information About Developments of Regional Impact and Florida Quality Developments", "text": "Statutory Changes Affecting Developments of Regional Impact. 1 Approval Process. 2 Development of Regional Impact Exemption for Dense Urban Land Areas. 3 Developments of Regional Impact - Thresholds. 4 Developments of Regional Impact - Status. 5 Developments of Regional Impact - Forms. 1 Biennial Status Report Form (FORM DEO-BCP-BIENNIAL REPORT-1) 2 Application for Abandonment of a Development of Regional Impact FORM DEO-BCP-ABANDON DRI-1. 3 Application for a Binding Letter of Development of Regional Impact (FORM DEO-BCP-BLID-1)" }, { "docid": "4300078", "title": "-", "text": "The 2015-2016 session is a biennial session. The next definition of a session is the yearly session, which begins on the day the Legislature assembles and ends on the day it adjourns for the year. Daily sessions, which adjourn each day, are any time the House or Senate meet on the floor of their respective chambers." }, { "docid": "7285479", "title": "How Does Water Affect Plant Growth?", "text": "Entry of Water in a Plant. How does water travel up a plant? The water a plant needs enters through the root system. The water then travels up a plant through the stem and into the leaves, flowers or fruit. The water travels up a plant through xylem vessels, which are like capillaries, that move the water into the different parts of the plant. What does water do for a plant in other ways? It helps the plant maintain the proper temperature as water evaporates." }, { "docid": "2015580", "title": "The Ultimate Insanity Workout Review", "text": "MORE plants, this is all it takes, and in a few weeks your plant will come roaring back, happy and beautiful. If I can, I move the shorn plant to an out of the way spot until it is presentable. You can pull out the unhappy plant and put another plant in its place." }, { "docid": "3178421", "title": "Silybum marianum", "text": "For other uses, see List of plants known as milk thistle. Silybum marianum has other common names include cardus marianus, milk thistle, blessed milkthistle, Marian thistle, Mary thistle, Saint Mary's thistle, Mediterranean milk thistle, variegated thistle and Scotch thistle. This species is an annual or biennial plant of the Asteraceae family." }, { "docid": "5267029", "title": "Natalie Babbitt", "text": "Natalie Babbitt is an American writer and illustrator of children's books. For her contribution as a children's writer she was U.S. nominee for the biennial, international Hans Christian Andersen Award in 1982. also known as Natalie Zane Babbitt." }, { "docid": "2756236", "title": "Dipsacus fullonum â Wild Teasel", "text": "Dipsacus fullonum – Wild Teasel. Teasel is a robust, tall biennial which can grow to 6 feet or more. All parts of the plant have spines - leaves, stalks and egg shaped flower heads. The plant and seed heads persist into winter, providing a bit of structural interest in a wildlife area when other plants have died back. Habitat Information." } ]
executor of estate responsibilities california
[ { "docid": "1086106", "title": "-", "text": "The executor is the person who manages the estate of the deceased, also known as the decedent, during the probate process. The executor is responsible for paying debts of the estate and distributing assets to the heirs. California law allows for the compensation of executors from the estate assets." } ]
[ { "docid": "7841703", "title": "People to Notify After Someone Dies", "text": "People to Notify After Someone Dies. The executor of the estate will need to notify certain people and organizations after someone dies. This is the first step toward settling the person's affairs. Note that some organizations may require information (such as a customer number) about the person's accounts." }, { "docid": "5909168", "title": "What an Executor of an Estate Needs to Do", "text": "When settling an estate, an executor performs four basic functions: 1 Locates and collects assets and is responsible for the estate’s assets until they are distributed to the beneficiaries." }, { "docid": "1023589", "title": "The Difference Between the Grant of a Probate & an Ancillary Probate", "text": "Grant of Probate. To begin the probate process, a relative or associate of the person must apply to the court to be the executor or personal representative and administer the estate. This person is often named in the deceased’s will, but she must still go through the application process." }, { "docid": "847660", "title": "Does the Executor of an Estate Have Control of a Body?", "text": "Does the Executor of an Estate Have Control of a Body? By Heather Frances J.D. Emotions run high when a loved one dies and, in the midst of their grief, family members may be less likely to compromise about things, like the decedent’s funeral arrangements." }, { "docid": "1201945", "title": "Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) Program", "text": "Third: if none, to your parents in equal shares or the entire amount to your surviving parent. Fourth: if none, to the executor or administrator of your estate. Fifth: if none, to your next of kin under the laws of the State where you lived at the time of your death. BE SURE to read the specific instructions on each designation form before designating beneficiarites." }, { "docid": "2408686", "title": "What Is Taxable Income?", "text": "But as you can see from this list, income means a lot more than that to the IRS. Taxable income includes: 1 Fees for acting as an executor, trustee or estate administrator. 2 Fees for jury duty. 3 Fees for serving on a board of directors." }, { "docid": "4686004", "title": "administrator", "text": "ADMINISTRATOR, trusts. An administrator is a person lawfully appointed, with his assent, by an officer having jurisdiction, to manage and settle the estate of a deceased person who has left no executor, or one who is for the time incompetent or unable to act.dministrator. ADMINISTRATOR, trusts. An administrator is a person lawfully appointed, with his assent, by an officer having jurisdiction, to manage and settle the estate of a deceased person who has left no executor, or one who is for the time incompetent or unable to act. 2." }, { "docid": "7466297", "title": "How and when to set up an estate bank account", "text": "If the deceased is John Smith and you, the executor or administrator, are Mary Smith, the account should be called either . The Estate of John Smith or Mary Smith, Executor of the Estate of John Smith ." }, { "docid": "6688496", "title": "What Does a Living Trust Do?", "text": "Without a living trust, your estate may go through probate. The probate process can usually take six months to two years. Assets are usually frozen during this time, meaning nothing can be sold or distributed without the court and/or executor approval.2.ithout a living trust, your estate may go through probate. The probate process can usually take six months to two years. Assets are usually frozen during this time, meaning nothing can be sold or distributed without the court and/or executor approval. 2." }, { "docid": "4588635", "title": "-", "text": "Next of kin usually have the right to request copies of medical records of their deceased parents. The medical records do not belong to the estate of the deceased. The Personal Representative (executor, executrix, administrator, trustee) of the estate does not have any authority to approve or deny access to the medical records of the deceased. Contact the agency holding the medical records and ask for their Medical Records Release Authorization form." }, { "docid": "2104059", "title": "-", "text": "If the individual in…herited the property from another estate, then the executor, appointed by the court, will take charge of the interests and follow the will or the law in the execution of their duties and the distribution of the assets of the estate." }, { "docid": "1995345", "title": "Learn About the Role of an Executor or Executrix", "text": "If the estate is large enough, the executor will be responsible for having its assets valued to determine if estate taxes are due. She'll prepare and file an estate tax return. She might also have to prepare and file an estate income tax return if any of its assets earn income during the probate period." }, { "docid": "2963853", "title": "Law of succession in South Africa", "text": "First, the Probate of an estate is ruled by the laws of the state where the deceased legally lived … at the time of death. The execution [signing] of a form agreeing to allow your brother to act as Executor of the Estate does NOT ALLOW the Executor to keep anything he was not provided for IN the will." }, { "docid": "1363042", "title": "Dealing with a deceased person's money and property", "text": "Accessing money, property and other assets. If the deceased person left a lot of money or property in his or her estate, the executor or the administrator may have to apply for a grant of representation to gain access to the money. An application for a grant is made to the Probate Registry." }, { "docid": "6294973", "title": "The Rights of a Beneficiary", "text": "8. It is the right of all beneficiaries of a Will in NSW, QLD & VIC to receive their entitlement under the Will within 12 months of the deceased's death (plus any interest as prescribed by the Court, if paid outside this 12 month period).However, the Will can allow the Executor to delay the distribution of assets.. It is not a legal requirement for the Executor to invite all beneficiaries to read the entire Will. The Executor only has a duty to inform each beneficiary of the nature and extent of their entitlement from the Estate under the Will." }, { "docid": "1776900", "title": "-", "text": "For example in Ontario, the fee is 2.5% of the receipts of estate and 2.5% of the disbursements of the estate. Finally, it is important to note that executor fees are taxable as the taxman gets you coming, going and even administering the going." }, { "docid": "8090445", "title": "Charitable Trusts", "text": "An estate from which the executor or admin­istrator is required to distribute all of the net assets in trust to charitable beneficiaries will not be considered a charitable trust during the pe­riod of estate administration or settlement ex­cept for the conditions discussed in the next paragraph." }, { "docid": "4189102", "title": "How Much Does it Cost to Probate a Will?", "text": "Additional Costs. In addition to the fees paid to the lawyer and the executor, there may also be appraisal fees, court filing fees, bond fees, legal fees and accountant fees.Federal and state estate taxes will also need to be paid on larger estates.dditional Costs. In addition to the fees paid to the lawyer and the executor, there may also be appraisal fees, court filing fees, bond fees, legal fees and accountant fees." }, { "docid": "7981680", "title": "Can the executor charge a fee? How much and who pays?", "text": "The size of the estate. The care, responsibility and risks undertaken by the executor. The time spent by the executor managing the estate. The skill and ability demonstrated by the executor in managing the estate. The results obtained by the executor in managing the estate; i.e., the extent to which the estate was successfully administered." }, { "docid": "4372503", "title": "-", "text": "Changing Your Last Will and Testament; Contesting a Will; Dividing the Assets; Do You Need a Last Will and Testament? Yes; Don’t Let the Wrong Estate Executor Rip Your Family Apart; Estate Battles: Children vs. New Wife; Estate Planning; Estate Planning for an Internet Business; Executor / Executrix; Find An Attorney" }, { "docid": "8271967", "title": "Making a will", "text": "An executor can be a beneficiary under the will. In other words, the executor can also inherit under the will. After you die, somebody has to deal with your estate, by gathering together all your money and possessions, paying any debts you owe and then distributing what is left to the people who are entitled to it. Your will should be dated and signed by you and your witnesses. 2 Usually, these signatures are underneath a line in the will that states Signed by the testator in the presence of us and by us in the presence of the testator. 3 This statement is called an attestation clause." }, { "docid": "42137", "title": "Can an executor of a will grant another person limited power of attorney, such as to sell a home owned by the estate?", "text": "Posted August 22, 2013 6:56pm. Your question was whether the executor of an estate may grant a power of attorney to another person to sell a home owned by the estate. It will be easier for me to answer this question if I make a minor correction in the terminology. The executor is not granting a power of appointment but rather delegating some of his/her duties to another." }, { "docid": "2632238", "title": "Philadelphia PA Estate Planning Blog", "text": "If you need an experienced probate attorney to assist you, call our firm today at (215) 706-0200. Probate is generally considered easier in Pennsylvania, but there are still costs associated with the process. The main two factors for the cost is the size of your estate, and the complexity of the matter. Also, each county in Pennsylvania sets its own probate fees. Your Executor is entitled to receive reasonable compensation for his or her work. The attorney that your Executor hires is also compensated." }, { "docid": "857626", "title": "What Happens When an Executor Resigns From an Estate?", "text": "Replacement. The executor is the individual who guides an estate through the probate process. The presence of an executor is, therefore, critical to proper probate administration.Accordingly, the probate judge assigned to the estate will need to replace the executor as soon as possible after the resignation.he easiest path is when the will instructs the probate judge as to the person who should act as the successor executor. However, not all wills identify a successor executor, which makes the appointment task a bit more burdensome for the probate judge." }, { "docid": "6761569", "title": "Can I Be the Executor of an Estate in Texas With a Felony?", "text": "Notifying the Court. Anyone named as executor in a will may decline to serve by filing a notarized letter at the county probate court. If you do not file a letter with the court, the attorney for the estate can file a copy of your sentencing order that shows you have been convicted of a felony. The judge will appoint a qualified person as the executor to serve in your place." }, { "docid": "4237438", "title": "-", "text": "If an executor isn't named in the will, the probate court MUST appoint according to these rules, but that doesn't stop anyone else with a family interest in the estate from contesting it. Say, the oldest surviving son is in jail for financial or insurance fraud.f an executor isn't named in the will, the probate court MUST appoint according to these rules, but that doesn't stop anyone else with a family interest in the estate from contesting it. Say, the oldest surviving son is in jail for financial or insurance fraud." }, { "docid": "8071755", "title": "-", "text": "The Ancillary Probate Process. Probate in a second (or third) state is called “ancillary probate,” and for the executor of the deceased person’s estate, it means more bother and expense. The executor will probably need to find a lawyer in the other state to handle the probate. Probate is begun first in the deceased person’s state of residence." }, { "docid": "4129905", "title": "Estate & Probate FAQs", "text": "1 If there is no Will, or if the Will doesn’t name an executor, or the person named as executor in the Will is unable to be executor or does not want to be executor, the probate court appoints someone called an administrator to handle the process." }, { "docid": "7762397", "title": "-", "text": "Next Article: How to Become the Executor of an Estate Without a Will in Florida. This article was created by and is owned by Demand Media, its subsidiaries, affiliates, or contractors (Demand Media) and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of LegalZoom." }, { "docid": "610849", "title": "SURROGATEâS COURT GUIDE - NEW YORK'S PROBATE COURTS", "text": "Examples of matters that may be heard by the Surrogate’s Court: Probate - Prove the validity of a decedent’s last will and testament and appoint the executor of the estate (issuance of Letters Testamentary). Contest the validity of a will." } ]
exelis stock price
[ { "docid": "5460656", "title": "Exelis (XLS) Stock Soaring Today on $4.75 Billion Harris Deal", "text": "NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Shares of Exelis (XLS) are up 34.67% to $23.85 in pre-market trade after Harris Corp. (HRS) announced it would buy the defense contractor for $4.75 billion in a cash and stock transaction valued at $23.75 per share. The agreement was approved by both company's boards of directors." } ]
[ { "docid": "8346850", "title": "-", "text": "A flat close means that the closing price of a stock is very close or equal to the opening price at the beginning of the trading session. Flat trading means that the stock price is stable and lacking volatility during the trading session. Flat trading can be seen as form of a with low ." }, { "docid": "5460649", "title": "NYSE:XLS - Exelis Stock Price, Price Target & More", "text": "Exelis Company Profile (NYSE:XLS) Exelis Inc. (Exelis) is a diversified aerospace, defense, information and services company. The Company delivers mission-critical solutions to military, government and commercial customers in the United States and globally." }, { "docid": "5181641", "title": "What is nonparticipating and participating liquidation preference?", "text": "A nonparticipating liquidation preference only gives the preferred stock a liquidation preference over the common stock equal to the per share price the investor paid (or some multiple of that per share price)." }, { "docid": "1896143", "title": "-", "text": "One alternative form of equity under consideration is the Market Stock Unit (MSU)1. is based on the ratio of the stock price at the maturity date to the stock price at the grant date. and 200% of a pre-defined target. The MSU is not a panacea for every company’s equity compensation challenges." }, { "docid": "2380007", "title": "How Much Money Do I Need in an Investment Account to Short Sell?", "text": "Since a stock can rise to a theoretically unlimited price, shorting a stock can involve substantial risk. You may have to buy the stock back at a much higher price than the price at which you sold. To help reduce this risk, firms require you to have at least some money in your account if you want to sell a stock short.ou may have to buy the stock back at a much higher price than the price at which you sold. To help reduce this risk, firms require you to have at least some money in your account if you want to sell a stock short." }, { "docid": "5684397", "title": "-", "text": "The only unknown is the implied volatility, which contributes to the extrinsic value of an option. Fundamentally Option price has two components, 1) Intrinsic value = Stock Price - Strike Price for CALL as long as Stock Price >= Strike Price. So Intrinsic value is >= 0. 2) Extrinsic value = Time value." }, { "docid": "5460648", "title": "Exelis (XLS) Stock Soaring Today on $4.75 Billion Harris Deal", "text": "Under the terms of the transaction, Exelis shareholders will receive $16.625 in cash and 0.1025 of a share of Harris common stock, based on Harris' closing price as of February 5, 2015, for each share of Exelis common stock." }, { "docid": "1991678", "title": "Sears (SHLD) STOCK", "text": "In subsequent decades, Sears’ expansion continued. This saw an increase in Sears stock price and made the stock ever more popular on Wall Street. A symbol for Sears’ success was its new headquarters, the Sears Tower, completed in 1973 and by then the tallest building in the world. At the end of the same year, Sears’ stock price closed at $15.97. Sears was still the largest general merchandise retailer in the United States, but times were getting rougher. In 1987, the stock market crashed on Black Monday and Sears stock price collapsed considerably. By the end of September 1987, Sears stock price was listed at $20.65. Within only one month, Sears stock price fell by 30.36% to reach $14.38 by the end of October." }, { "docid": "3228029", "title": "MarketWatch News on UNIT", "text": "Stitch Fix started at neutral with $25 stock price target at J.P. Morgan Stitch Fix started at neutral with $25 stock price target at J.P. Morgan Dec. 12, 2017 at 8:34 a.m. ET" }, { "docid": "8538529", "title": "-", "text": "One of them is that at some point, a stock's price will fall. There are myriad reasons why a stock's price falls and it is up to you as a stock investor to determine the cause.ut the price paid for a stock must be put aside when deciding if it is time to sell. The sell decision should focus on a company's future prospects and fundamentals relative to its current stock price." }, { "docid": "8684396", "title": "-", "text": "Stock analysis for Lexington Biosciences Inc (LXGTF:OTC US) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. Stock analysis for Lexington Biosciences Inc (LXGTF:OTC US) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile." }, { "docid": "5642442", "title": "NASDAQ", "text": "The Nasdaq Stock Market helped lower the spread (the difference between the bid price and the ask price of the stock) but was unpopular among brokerages which made much of their money on the spread. The Nasdaq Stock Market eventually assumed the majority of major trades that had been executed by the over-the-counter (OTC) system of trading, although there are still many securities traded in this fashion." }, { "docid": "441372", "title": "-", "text": "The right to buy stock at a fixed price becomes more valuable as the price of theunderlying stock increases. Assume that the price of the underlying shares was $50 at the time you bought youroption and the premium you paid was 3 1/2 (or $350)." }, { "docid": "5187160", "title": "What is a mutual fund's NAV?", "text": "The explanation provided here by Investopedia is well-stated. However, in more simple terms, the NAV is simply the price per share of the fund. Similarly to how stocks have a stock price, mutual funds have an NAV (net asset value). So, if you want to purchase one share of a mutual fund, you will purchase at the NAV. One difference between a mutual fund NAV and stock price is that the NAV will not change throughout the day like a stock price will." }, { "docid": "1175015", "title": "What is âbetaâ?", "text": "Beta is a measure of how a particular stock's price moves relative to the market as a whole. It is usually described as a measure of volatility. There are individual stock betas and industry betas. A beta of one indicates that the stock's price moves exactly with the overall market. For example, if the market goes up 20%, the stock price goes up 20%. Market down 10%, stock down 10%. This is, of course, calculated over a period of months and does not necessarily hold true on a daily basis." }, { "docid": "587910", "title": "Understanding Reverse Stock Splits", "text": "A stock split is a process whereby a company increases the number of company stock shares that are available and decreases the price per share by splitting the current shares into multiple pieces rather than by issuing more new stock." }, { "docid": "2499978", "title": "What Causes Stocks to Increase or Decrease?", "text": "The increase or decrease of a stock price is what causes investors to realize a profit or loss. The great thing about investing in stocks is the ability to profit when a stock price rises or declines. Stock prices increase and decrease based on investor supply and demand within the market. To make wise investment decisions, it is important to understand the factors that most commonly impact stock prices." }, { "docid": "4289836", "title": "Should You Use Stop-Losses? Why or Why Not?", "text": "But in the real world, the market doesn't work this way. Every day, a stock can open at a price that's nowhere near where it closed the previous day. If a stock plunges far below your stop-loss order price, then the order will trigger -- but you'll get nothing close to the price where you expected to sell." }, { "docid": "1059601", "title": "-", "text": "Stock analysis for Ditech Holding Corp (H3C1) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. Stock analysis for Ditech Holding Corp (H3C1) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile." }, { "docid": "4984373", "title": "-", "text": "Stock analysis for Enterprise Products Partners LP (EPD:New York) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. Stock analysis for Enterprise Products Partners LP (EPD:New York) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile." }, { "docid": "6364607", "title": "-", "text": "This field refers to the date the NASDAQ Official Open Price was disseminated for a given stock. It is possible that the date will not be from the current trading day; this indicates that the stock didn't trade on NASDAQ during the current trading day. The NASDAQ Official Open Price is updated only when the stock is traded on NASDAQ." }, { "docid": "7460258", "title": "-", "text": "Real time TG Therapeutics (TGTX) stock price quote, stock graph, news & analysis. Real time TG Therapeutics (TGTX) stock price quote, stock graph, news & analysis." }, { "docid": "1641013", "title": "-", "text": "The tick sizes will be amended as follows; from one baisa and its multiplies to one baisa for the stock price up to 300 baisas, two baisas for the stock price ranging from 302 baisas to 600 baisas, four baisas for the stock price ranging from 604 baisas to RO 1 and five baisas for the stock prices above RO 1." }, { "docid": "8169426", "title": "-", "text": "Stock analysis for Khan Resources Inc (KRI:Canadian Sec) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. Stock analysis for Khan Resources Inc (KRI:Canadian Sec) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. Bloomberg the Company & Its Products Bloomberg Anywhere Remote Login Bloomberg Anywhere Login Bloomberg Terminal Demo Request" }, { "docid": "7159301", "title": "closing price", "text": "closing price - (stock market) the price of the last transaction completed during a day's trading session securities market, stock exchange, stock market - an exchange where security trading is conducted by professional stockbrokers" }, { "docid": "6237595", "title": "-", "text": "Pretium Resources Inc. stock price, stock quotes and financial overviews from MarketWatch." }, { "docid": "6969773", "title": "3 Reasons Walgreens Stock Could Rise", "text": "The stock is cheap. In addition to the catalysts I've discussed, Walgreens stock is attractively priced at its current market rate of $77 a pop today. The stock carries a price-to-earnings growth rate of 1.3, which is one of the lowest in the industry today. Moreover, shares are trading at just 15 times next year's fiscal earnings. On top of this, Walgreens stock pays an annual dividend of $1.44, which yields 1.88% at its current stock price." }, { "docid": "334895", "title": "Does Debt Financing Affect Future Stock Price Performance?", "text": "Does Debt Financing Affect Future Stock Price Performance? Academics continue to struggle with the problem of linking fundamentals to stock price performance. CAPM was able to explain roughly 70% of price movements using beta. Fama and French improved that number to 90% by including market cap and book value." }, { "docid": "4238032", "title": "-", "text": "Best Bid/Ask Best Bid is the highest price currently being offered for a block of stock. Best Ask is the lowest price currently being asked for a block of stock. *Data is provided by Barchart.com. Data reflects weightings calculated at the beginning of each month." }, { "docid": "1565189", "title": "-", "text": "Kimberly-Clark stock price target cut to $100 from $135 at J.P. Morgan. Kimberly-Clark stock price target cut to $100 from $135 at J.P. Morgan. Oct. 20, 2017 at 7:16 a.m. ET; by Tomi Kilgore" } ]
explain how the body establishes a pressure gradient for fluid flow.
[ { "docid": "6335033", "title": "-", "text": "The fluid pressure gradient in the lymphatic system is established by two things. The first is movements caused by breathing, and the second is contractions of the skeleta…l muscles. Answered by The WikiAnswers® Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time." } ]
[ { "docid": "1922392", "title": "Barotrauma", "text": "In more severe cases of barotrauma, the middle ear can fill with clear fluid as the body tries to equalize the pressure on both sides of the eardrum. This fluid is drawn out of blood vessels in the lining of the inner ear, and can only drain if the Eustachian tube is open." }, { "docid": "3685491", "title": "What is the function of aldosterone hormone?", "text": "Aldosterone affects sodium, potassium, total fluid in the body, and blood pressure. Aldosterone causes the kidneys to hold onto more sodium, which leads to more water staying in the body. The more fluid the body holds onto, the higher the blood pressure may become." }, { "docid": "5574573", "title": "Pump", "text": "Rotodynamic pumps (or dynamic pumps) are a type of velocity pump in which kinetic energy added to the fluid by increasing the flow velocity. This increase in energy is converted to a gain in potential energy (pressure) when the velocity is reduced prior to or as the flow exits the pump into the discharge pipe. This conversion of kinetic energy to pressure can be explained by the First law of" }, { "docid": "4089478", "title": "-", "text": "Re: Bucket Truck Blues. There is a safety valve to prevent the boom from falling on. pressure loss, but it seems a brand new pump should have enough pressure to pass it. Called a counterbalance valve, it won't allow fluid to flow out the port on the cylinder unless there's pressure to force it open." }, { "docid": "4957172", "title": "Transportation in the Plant", "text": "Since sugars are being concentrated and making water flow through osmosis, there has to be fancy name for the movement of phloem. It is called the Pressure-flow Hypothesis. This just means that at the sugar sources (the leaves), sugar is found in high densities, which causes water to flow into cells through osmosis.Then the phloem moves to sugar sinks through turgor pressure. And there it is: pressure causes the phloem to flow, and we have the pressure-flow hypothesis.his just means that at the sugar sources (the leaves), sugar is found in high densities, which causes water to flow into cells through osmosis. Then the phloem moves to sugar sinks through turgor pressure. And there it is: pressure causes the phloem to flow, and we have the pressure-flow hypothesis." }, { "docid": "568910", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Tampon. A tampon is a mass of absorbent material inserted into a body cavity or wound to absorb bodily fluid. The most common type in daily use is designed to be inserted into the vagina during menstruation to absorb the flow of menstrual fluid." }, { "docid": "2000260", "title": "-", "text": "Pulmonary ventilation, or gas flow into and out of the lungs, relies on the pressure gra-dient between the atmosphere and alveoli, and airway diameter. Given that gas flow in a system is equal to the pressure gradient divided by the resistance, when resistance increases, gas flow decreases, and vice versa." }, { "docid": "3265133", "title": "What Is Lymphatic Drainage Therapy?", "text": "Lymphatic drainage therapy practitioners use their fingers in a light, feathery massage to redirect the flow of lymphatic fluid in specific areas of the body. They employ precise rhythm, pressure, and direction of massage to clear stagnant fluid from lymph nodes.ymphatic drainage therapy practitioners use their fingers in a light, feathery massage to redirect the flow of lymphatic fluid in specific areas of the body. They employ precise rhythm, pressure, and direction of massage to clear stagnant fluid from lymph nodes." }, { "docid": "64184", "title": "Circulatory System", "text": "Explain the patterns of blood flow. * Overall pattern of blood flow is something like figure eight 1. First loop blood travels from the heart to the lungs and then back to the heart 2. Second loop, blood is pumped from the heart thoughout the body and then returns again to the heart." }, { "docid": "8462268", "title": "MRI IN PRACTICE - CHAPTER 8", "text": "The type of MRI that uses gradient echo pulse sequence and gradient moment nulling to enhance flow is known as TOF (Time Of Flight) MRA In TOF MRA, which method is used to supress signal from stationary tissue?" }, { "docid": "3022614", "title": "Why Is Too Much Potassium Bad for You?", "text": "Most of the potassium in your body is in the fluid inside of cells. As the balance of fluid shifts when you have too much potassium, you could wind up with more pressure inside of cells and not enough on the outside of cells. Picture filling up a balloon to where it exceeds its capacity and is about to burst. The same sort of thing happens to cells." }, { "docid": "1940995", "title": "Ber noul li's principle", "text": "Medical Definition of Bernoulli's principle. : a principle in hydrodynamics: the pressure in a stream of fluid is reduced as the speed of flow is increased." }, { "docid": "1229713", "title": "-", "text": "While some iodine dressings can be used under compression, others hold fluid under pressure. This means that if pressure is applied, such as by compression bandaging, or by body weight if the dressing is placed on the sacrum or heel, the fluid in the dressing may leak out." }, { "docid": "8813448", "title": "What are Valves?", "text": "The valve body, sometimes called the shell, is the primary boundary of a pressure valve. He serves as the main element of a valve assembly because it is the framework that holds all the parts together. The body, the first pressure boundary of a valve, resists fluid pressure loads from connecting piping." }, { "docid": "4418191", "title": "Fluid Flow Definitions", "text": "Incompressible - Compressible. The term compressible refers to the relationship between density and pressure. If a flow is compressible, changes in fluid pressure affect its density and vice versa. Compressible flows involve gases at very high speeds." }, { "docid": "4585430", "title": "How XALATAN Works", "text": "How XALATAN Works. How XALATAN lowers eye pressure. The front of your eyes is naturally filled with a watery fluid. Your body is always producing new fluid while the old fluid is draining out. But if your drainage channels don’t work well, the fluid begins to build up." }, { "docid": "2090395", "title": "Polymer calendering", "text": "Fluid Mechanics. 1 h is half distance between the two rollers x distance away (see Figure 4) 2 dP/dx is the pressure gradient. 3 y is the distance from halfway between the rollers that the velocity is being calculated for. 4 is the viscosity." }, { "docid": "4578860", "title": "-", "text": "1 For example, if you use a pressure sensor, you measure the pressure difference between two points, much like you measure a voltage difference. There are other kinds of variables. For example, there are numerous variables that are flow variables. Current and fluid flow variables are example of flow variables." }, { "docid": "3512950", "title": "-", "text": "Popular Terms. A device used to measure the flow rate of fluids in a pipe or conduit. A flow nozzle consists of a cone-shaped passage that creates a partial blockage of the conduit, and flow rate is determined by measuring the fluid pressure before and after the flow nozzle." }, { "docid": "3237053", "title": "Volumetric flow rate", "text": "In fluid dynamics, the volumetric flow rate, also volume flow rate and rate of fluid flow, is the volume of fluid which passes through a given volume per unit time (for example cubic meters per second [m3/s] in basic SI units or ft3/s). It is usually represented by the symbol Q. Volumetric flow rate should not be confused with volumetric flux, represented by the symbol q with units of [m3/(m2s) ]. The integration of a flux over an area gives the volumetric flow rate. Volumetric flow rate is also linked to viscosity." }, { "docid": "5824215", "title": "-", "text": "Types of Fluid Flow Meters. An introduction to different types of fluid flowmeters - Orifices, Venturies, Nozzles, Rotameters, Pitot Tubes, Calorimetrics, Turbine, Vortex, Electromagnetic, Doppler, Ultrasonic, Thermal, Coriolis. The most common principals for fluid flow metering are: Differential Pressure Flowmeters." }, { "docid": "2430430", "title": "Help Hypotonic, Isotonic, & Hypertonic Solutions", "text": "high osmotic pressure of surrounding fluid pulls fluid out of the cell. hypotonicity. in a hypotonic environment, fluid will enter a cell and cause it to swell and burst. the inside of the cell has higher osmotic pressure than the surrounding fluid, so fluid is drawn into the cell.both hypertonicity and hypotonicity in the extracellular fluids will destroy cells.igh osmotic pressure of surrounding fluid pulls fluid out of the cell. hypotonicity. in a hypotonic environment, fluid will enter a cell and cause it to swell and burst. the inside of the cell has higher osmotic pressure than the surrounding fluid, so fluid is drawn into the cell." }, { "docid": "2072621", "title": "Chapter 21 - Blood Vessels And Circulation", "text": "A precapillary sphincter. The layer of a blood vessel that is dominated by smooth muscle cells is called the _____. tunica media. Arterial blood flow rises and falls during the cardiac cycle because _____. arterial pressure rises and falls. Elevated capillary hydrostatic pressure forces ____. more fluid across the endothelium." }, { "docid": "6340845", "title": "How does a hydraulic pressure reducing valve work?", "text": "A hydraulic pressure reducing valve works by allowing hydraulic fluid to be released. This hydraulic fluid is then chambered separately until it is needed again.The valve is turned either left or right to either build pressure or take pressure away. hydraulic pressure reducing valve works by allowing hydraulic fluid to be released. This hydraulic fluid is then chambered separately until it is needed again." }, { "docid": "7677469", "title": "-", "text": "Glaucoma is a very common disease in humans and is also very common in dogs. A normal eye contains fluid to maintain its shape, and the body is constantly adding and removing fluid from inside of the eye to maintain the intraocular pressure (pressure inside the eye) at the proper level." }, { "docid": "5609026", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of BERNOULLI'S PRINCIPLE. : a principle in hydrodynamics: the pressure in a stream of fluid is reduced as the speed of the flow is increased.ADVERTISEMENT.edical Definition of BERNOULLI'S PRINCIPLE. : a principle in hydrodynamics: the pressure in a stream of fluid is reduced as the speed of flow is increased. Ber·noul·li's principle also Bernoulli principle. Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about Bernoulli's principle." }, { "docid": "4079388", "title": "How does active transport differ from passive transport?", "text": "active transport is the flow of substances from a lower concentration to a higher concentration gradient which uses energy in the form of atp adenosine triphosphate whereas passive transport in contrast is the flow of substances from higher concentration to a lower concentration gradient without using energy and it continues until an" }, { "docid": "416397", "title": "Nozzle", "text": "A nozzle is a device designed to control the direction or characteristics of a fluid flow as it exits an enclosed chamber or pipe. A nozzle is often a pipe or tube of varying cross sectional area, and it can be used to direct or modify the flow of a fluid. Nozzles are frequently used to control the rate of flow, speed, direction, mass, shape, and/or the pressure of the stream that emerges from them. In a nozzle, the velocity of fluid increases at the expense of its pressure energy." }, { "docid": "5827667", "title": "Difference Between Pressure and Flow", "text": "In that context the static pressure is the potential energy of the fluid in a unit volume, and the dynamic pressure is the kinetic energy per unit volume. Pressure and flow are related to each other, as pressure difference being the cause of the flow." }, { "docid": "3149828", "title": "-", "text": "1. Normally negative intrapleural pressure expansion of the lungs, but pressure. is the important factor, not whether negative or positive pressure respiration (for excised lungs). Transmural pressure gradient (alveolar distending pressure) = alveolar pressure minus intrapleural pressure. 2." } ]
explain the structure and function of the respiratory system
[ { "docid": "6237741", "title": "Structure of the Human Respiratory System Explicated With Diagrams", "text": "The human respiratory system is composed of the nasal passages, the pharynx, larynx, the trachea, bronchi, and the lungs. It is responsible for the process of respiration that is vital to the survival of living beings.Respiration is the process of obtaining and using oxygen, while eliminating carbon dioxide.et us look at its structure. The respiratory system in human beings can be divided into the upper respiratory tract that consists of nasal passages, pharynx, and larynx, and the lower respiratory tract that is composed of the trachea, the primary bronchi, and the lungs." }, { "docid": "4433571", "title": "Respiratory System Function", "text": "Function of the Respiratory System. The function of the human respiratory system is to transport air into the lungs and to facilitate the diffusion of Oxygen into the blood stream.Its also receives waste Carbon Dioxide from the blood and exhales it.arts of the Upper Respiratory Tract. 1 Mouth, nose & nasal cavity: The function of this part of the system is to warm, filter and moisten the incoming air. 2 Pharynx: Here the throat divides into the trachea (wind pipe) and oesophagus (food pipe). 3 Larynx: This is also known as the voice box as it is where sound is generated." } ]
[ { "docid": "3538209", "title": "Blood Vessels: Structure", "text": "Explain the factors that regulate the velocity of blood flow. Describe the three factors that contribute to the return of venous blood to the heart. Explain how blood pressure changes throughout the cardiovascular system. Explain the factors that determine the systemic vascular resistance. CONTROL OF BLOOD PRESSURE AND BLOOD FLOW. Describe the structure and function of the cardiovascular center. Identify the sources of input to the cardiovascular center." }, { "docid": "3108234", "title": "Respiratory System Function", "text": "Function of the Respiratory System. The function of the human respiratory system is to transport air into the lungs and to facilitate the diffusion of Oxygen into the blood stream. Its also receives waste Carbon Dioxide from the blood and exhales it.he function of the human respiratory system is to transport air into the lungs and to facilitate the diffusion of Oxygen into the blood stream. Its also receives waste Carbon Dioxide from the blood and exhales it." }, { "docid": "8758135", "title": "-", "text": "Gas exchange between air and blood is the joint function of the alveoli and the networks of blood capillaries that envelop them. These two structures one part of the respiratory system and the other part of the circulatory system together serve as highly efficient gas exchangers.as exchange between air and blood is the joint function of the alveoli and the networks of blood capillaries that envelop them. These two structures one part of the respiratory system and the other part of the circulatory system together serve as highly efficient gas exchangers." }, { "docid": "7271682", "title": "Natural Alternatives For Respiration | Heart Health Program", "text": "Recommended articles: 1 The lungs. 2 The trachea. 3 Lungs and Respiratory System of the Chest. 4 Physiology of the respiratory system. 5 Respiratory System." }, { "docid": "1868763", "title": "Pattern", "text": "Patterns have an underlying mathematical structure; indeed, mathematics can be seen as the search for regularities, and the output of any function is a mathematical pattern. Similarly in the sciences, theories explain and predict regularities in the world." }, { "docid": "4851638", "title": "-", "text": "Advertisement. The main function of respiratory system is to allow gas exchange (oxygen and carbon dioxide) with different parts of the body. The different organs of the respiratory system are nose, pharynx, epiglottis, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs.These organs carry out the process of respiration.dvertisement. The main function of respiratory system is to allow gas exchange (oxygen and carbon dioxide) with different parts of the body. The different organs of the respiratory system are nose, pharynx, epiglottis, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. These organs carry out the process of respiration." }, { "docid": "4795281", "title": "Epiglottis â Definition, Function, Location, Pictures and Problems", "text": "The Epiglottis function in respiratory system is a very important one. It is because of this cartilaginous structure that you do not choke while eating or drinking. It is because the Epiglottis shuts the entrance to the trachea that food and drinks are transferred to the digestive system." }, { "docid": "4230058", "title": "Exchanging Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide", "text": "The function of the respiratory system is to exchange two gases: oxygen and carbon dioxide. The exchange takes place in the millions of alveoli in the lungs and the capillaries that envelop them." }, { "docid": "59812", "title": "Overview of Tests of Pulmonary Function", "text": "Pulmonary function tests provide measures of airflow, lung volumes, gas exchange, response to bronchodilators, and respiratory muscle function." }, { "docid": "8758133", "title": "-", "text": "Every tissue within the body requires oxygen to function. The respiratory system, which includes air passages, pulmonary vessels, the lungs, and breathing muscles, provides oxygenated blood to the body tissues and removes waste gases.Read More.n Depth: Respiratory. The respiratory system, which includes air passages, pulmonary vessels, the lungs, and breathing muscles, aids the body in the exchange of gases between the air and blood, and between the blood and the body’s billions of cells." }, { "docid": "3234543", "title": "bronchial asthma", "text": "Switch to new thesaurus. asthma, asthma attack. bronchospasm - a spasm of the bronchi that makes exhalation difficult and noisy; associated with asthma and bronchitis. respiratory disease, respiratory disorder, respiratory illness - a disease affecting the respiratory system." }, { "docid": "7523497", "title": "BRONCHITIS", "text": "bronchospasm - a spasm of the bronchi that makes exhalation difficult and noisy; associated with asthma and bronchitis. respiratory disease, respiratory disorder, respiratory illness - a disease affecting the respiratory system. bronchiolitis - inflammation of the membranes lining the bronchioles." }, { "docid": "5181478", "title": "Cecum - definition and function", "text": "The APPENDIX extends from the bottom of the cecum. For further discussion of the cecum and the colon within the context of gastrointestinal structure and function, please see the overview section “The Gastrointestinal System.”. See also ANUS; RECTUM." }, { "docid": "380688", "title": "General Anatomy/Respiratory System", "text": "The nose and pharynx make up the upper respiratory system, while the lower respiratory system is comprised of the larynx, trachea, bronchial tree, alveoli and the lungs." }, { "docid": "469568", "title": "The Human Body", "text": "Every tissue within the body requires oxygen to function. The respiratory system, which includes air passages, pulmonary vessels, the lungs, and breathing muscles, provides oxygenated blood to the body tissues and removes waste gases." }, { "docid": "1981312", "title": "-", "text": "See also: Respiratory tract. The respiratory system (called also respiratory apparatus, ventilatory system) is a biological system consisting of specific organs and structures used for the process of respiration in an organism." }, { "docid": "2623455", "title": "Nervous System", "text": "Explain the function of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system." }, { "docid": "4584056", "title": "Respiratory System", "text": "Respiratory system is the system of respiratory passages, lungs and respiratory muscles of human body. Respiratory system is responsible for exchange of gases between the human body and the surroundings. In the process of exchange of gases, human body gains oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide.espiratory system is the system of respiratory passages, lungs and respiratory muscles of human body. Respiratory system is responsible for exchange of gases between the human body and the surroundings. In the process of exchange of gases, human body gains oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide." }, { "docid": "3916763", "title": "-", "text": "Whereas reabsorption moves substances out of the tubules and into the blood, secretion moves substances out of the blood and into the tubules where they are converted into urine. Explain the role of the digestive system, the respiratory system and the urinary system in the removal of waste." }, { "docid": "7996920", "title": "What is the function of the respiratory system?", "text": "The respiratory system is made up of airways (your nose, mouth, voice box, windpipe and bronchial tubes) and the lungs and the muscles and blood vessels connected to them.he respiratory system's primary function is to supply oxygen to all the parts of your body. It accomplishes this through breathing: inhaling oxygen-rich air and exhaling air filled with carbon dioxide, which is a waste gas." }, { "docid": "6180421", "title": "-", "text": "8. The last component of the respiratory system is a muscle structure known as the muscles of respiration. These muscles surround the lungs and allow the inhalation and exhalation of air. The main muscle in this system is known as the diaphragm, a thin sheet of muscle that constitutes the bottom of the thorax.n fact, the system is composed of the following biological structures: nose and nasal cavity, mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and bronchioles, lungs and the muscles of respiration. (1). A properly functioning respiratory system is a vital part of our good health." }, { "docid": "7278452", "title": "The Respiratory System - Structure And Function", "text": "The Respiratory System - Structure And Function. The respiratory system is the system in the human body that enables us to breathe. The act of breathing includes: inhaling and exhaling air in the body; the absorption of oxygen from the air in order to produce energy; the discharge of carbon dioxide, which is the byproduct of the process." }, { "docid": "7980798", "title": "Interaction Between The Respiratory And Cardiovascular Systems Physical Education Essay", "text": "Cardiovascular System. An understanding of how the respiratory and cardiovascular systems interact requires knowledge of how each of the systems function independently. The cardiovascular system in the human body is made up of the heart and blood vessels, which are divided into arteries, veins and capillaries.nteraction. The cardiovascular and the respiratory system both work toward the same goal: getting oxygen to tissues and getting carbon dioxide out. The respiratory system is involved in supplying oxygen to the blood and removing carbon dioxide." }, { "docid": "6952049", "title": "Organs of the Respiratory System And Their Functioning", "text": "The main function of respiratory system is to allow gas exchange (oxygen and carbon dioxide) with different parts of the body. The different organs of the respiratory system are nose, pharynx, epiglottis, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. These organs carry out the process of respiration." }, { "docid": "1648134", "title": "Autonomic nervous system", "text": "The autonomic nervous system, formerly the vegetative nervous system, is a division of the peripheral nervous system that supplies smooth muscle and glands, and thus influences the function of internal organs. The autonomic nervous system is a control system that acts largely unconsciously and regulates bodily functions such as the heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, pupillary response, urination, and sexual arousal. This system is the primary mechanism in control of the fight-or-flight res" }, { "docid": "1548007", "title": "Human Brain: Facts, Functions & Anatomy", "text": "The human brain is the command center for the human nervous system. A project to map the structure and function of the human brain has been proposed." }, { "docid": "1498862", "title": "Biological Approach in Psychology: Definition & Summary", "text": "People like Sigmund Freud popularized the psychodynamic approach, and still others will focus on sociocultural influences to explain mental processes and behavior. The focus of this lesson will be on a different approach from all of these, one that most people don't initially associate with psychology: biology. The biological approach to psychology is one way to conceptualize and explain the human experience. The biological approach seeks to explain mental processes and behavior by focusing on the function of the nervous system at the cellular and structural level." }, { "docid": "6556635", "title": "MetaNeb ® System - 1 / 2 Pages", "text": "MetaNeb ® System - 2 Pages. Catalogue excerpts. Hill-Rom® The MetaNeb® System The Vest® Airway Clearance System The Vest® System is designed to assist patients in mobilizing retained secretions that can otherwise contribute to increased rates of respiratory infection, reduced lung function and costly re-hospitalization." }, { "docid": "4924525", "title": "What does the respiratory system do?", "text": "The primary function of the respiratory system is to supply the blood with oxygen in order for the blood to deliver oxygen to all parts of the body. The respiratory system … does this through breathing. When we breathe, we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.he respiratory system doesn't really help you breathe. Your breathing helps your respiratory system function. It allows your body to intake fuel (oxygen) and expel waste (car … bon dioxide)." }, { "docid": "2282092", "title": "Respiratory System Vocab & Concepts", "text": "the walls of the Alveoli in the lung are incredibly thin. Explain how this structure is related to function in the body. The structure helps its function during inhalation because it opens up to allow air to make contact with a large area to preform gas exchange ." } ]
fafsa when does it due
[ { "docid": "96095", "title": "-", "text": "The 2016–17 FAFSA has been available since Jan. 1, 2016, and the 2017–18 FAFSA will launch on Oct. 1, 2016. There are different FAFSA deadlines for different programs: Aid Program. Deadline Information. Federal student aid. For the 2016–17 year, you can apply between Jan. 1, 2016, and June 30, 2017." } ]
[ { "docid": "8374016", "title": "-", "text": "The only exception is when this person has legally adopted the student. For example, if a grandparent is a legal guardian for the student and has not adopted the student, the grandparent cannot substitute for the parents on the FAFSA, not even if the student is living with the grandparent." }, { "docid": "458211", "title": "FAFSA: Do I File As Dependent Or Independent? â 2017-2018 School Year", "text": "I want to fill out my FAFSA as dependent because of the scholarship program I want to apply for which will give me a full ride at ASU because my mom makes less than $40,000 a year. Now, I want to file for WIC and food stamps." }, { "docid": "179863", "title": "Independent Student", "text": "When considering what financial aid is available for a student, the UC Merced Office of Financial Aid staff must determine an applicant’s dependency status using information from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) (www.fafsa.ed.gov)." }, { "docid": "2281250", "title": "-", "text": "Complete a PDF FAFSA. Select the school year for which you are applying for financial aid. For example, if you plan to attend college between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016, click The 2015-2016 School Year (July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016) .If you plan to attend college between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015, click the other link.If you are applying for a summer session, check with your college to verify which application you should complete. The PDF FAFSA is available for you to print and fill out manually or is screen-fillable.f you plan to attend college between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015, click the other link. If you are applying for a summer session, check with your college to verify which application you should complete. The PDF FAFSA is available for you to print and fill out manually or is screen-fillable." }, { "docid": "447948", "title": "Financial aid from two different universities?", "text": "fafsa.ed.gov it is free . Another cool site you can use as a tool is Fafsa4caster...Costs nothing and it does not report it to the Department of education..This is new...It will give you an EFC number right away and you can change anything ex. salaries earned, # of dependents etc.. YOu can go back and forth use it as many time as you like.." }, { "docid": "7957473", "title": "Student Loan Frequently Asked Questions", "text": "To apply for most financial aid — including federal and state student grants, work-study, and loans — you’ll need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).o apply for most financial aid — including federal and state student grants, work-study, and loans — you’ll need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)." }, { "docid": "286310", "title": "-", "text": "Millions of dollars are awarded each year in financial aid and scholarships. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is available online on January 1. The results of your FAFSA and other requirements, if necessary, must be received by Auburn by April 1 to receive maximum federal aid consideration." }, { "docid": "2052122", "title": "How to Become a Museum Director", "text": "After you sign up for your course, make sure you fill out and submit the FAFSA so you can take advantage of any financial aid currently available to you! Museums are facilities that house collections of artifacts and other items of historic value.Museum directors are highly education professionals that are responsible for the overall function of a museum.fter you sign up for your course, make sure you fill out and submit the FAFSA so you can take advantage of any financial aid currently available to you! Museums are facilities that house collections of artifacts and other items of historic value." }, { "docid": "7955456", "title": "-", "text": "For instance, for aid for the 2013-2014 academic year, you will need to use your (and/or your parents') tax information from 2012 when completing the FAFSA." }, { "docid": "8261557", "title": "How long does it take for my school to receive my FAFSA data?", "text": "Depending on whether you completed the FAFSA online at FAFSA.ed.gov, have a valid email on file, and signed the online application using the FSA ID, it can take 3 to 5 days to process your FAFSA and send you a Student Aid Report (SAR). The SAR summarizes the information you provided on your FAFSA. The process could be longer if the FAFSA was not electronically signed with an FSA ID. One day after your FAFSA is processed, the schools listed on your FAFSA will receive the Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) in electronic format." }, { "docid": "6959652", "title": "What's the Difference Between Subsidized and Unsubsidized Student Loans?", "text": "Those benefits don't come without some work, though. To get an unsubsidized Stafford Loan, just they would to get any subsidized federal student loan or other financial aid, the student and his or her family must fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, commonly known as the FAFSA." }, { "docid": "3658381", "title": "-", "text": "Trending Questions. 1 I received an error that my name, date of birth, and SSN listed on the FAFSA do not match my FSA ID. 2 I’m a parent. 3 I’m a parent. 4 I’m a student." }, { "docid": "722923", "title": "Federal Work-Study Questions and Answers", "text": "Federal Work-Study is a form of financial aid and, like other forms of financial aid, may be used only in the year for which it was awarded. You must reapply for this, as well as all other types of aid, each year by filing the FAFSA by Febuary 15th at www.FAFSA.gov." }, { "docid": "7901930", "title": "003469", "text": "003469 is the federal school code for University of Sioux Falls. You may need to know this code when filing your FAFSA. We recommend using a professional FAFSA Preparer to file your FAFSA. If you would prefer to file the application for free by yourself, go directly through the government" }, { "docid": "6313543", "title": "-", "text": "Pell grant qualifications will be mainly determined by your FAFSA EFC. This is a number that comes from a calculation of your income and your assets (waiving a portion of your net worth to protect education savings and/or family businesses, or farms).f you know that you qualify, find out what your award should be using the Pell grant calculator. And make sure that the school you’ve picked out meets it’s Pell grant qualifications, also. Check the list of FAFSA school codes to see the eligible schools where Pell grants may be used." }, { "docid": "7315433", "title": "-", "text": "Instructions are provided for each FAFSA question in the Help and Hints section on the right side of the page. When additional instructions are available, Help and Hints will include a “More” hyperlink. To access Help and Hints: For questions that have an answer box, place your cursor in the box." }, { "docid": "7575418", "title": "Baylor University $$$", "text": "Baylor has a financial aid calculator right on their website...it's definitely time to use it! And get your FAFSA and whatever else they need filed asap! It looks like, on average, they meet 69% of need (which is COA less EFC) and 38% of that aid is from loans and work study." }, { "docid": "7278620", "title": "-", "text": "the 2016–17 school year, an applicant cannot complete a FAFSA until Jan. 1, 2016. Beginning with the 2017–18 school year, applicants will be able to complete a FAFSA as early as October 1 of the previous year. (See table.) 2. The FAFSA will require information from an earlier tax year. The second major change also begins with the 2017–18 FAFSA cycle. Currently, in addition to other information, FAFSA applicants (and their parents, if applica ble) must report the prior year’s income information." }, { "docid": "15354", "title": "When should I file a FAFSA?", "text": "However by using our service, you can start even earlier. We can prepare your FAFSA for a future academic year now, and file it for you as soon as possible after January 1st. An academic year is the 12 months from July 1st to June 30th. For example, the 2015-2016 academic year begins July 1, 2015 and ends June 30, 2016.There is currently an 18 month window to file a FAFSA for each academic year, beginning six months before the academic year on January 1, and ending at the same time the academic year ends on June 30.owever by using our service, you can start even earlier. We can prepare your FAFSA for a future academic year now, and file it for you as soon as possible after January 1st. An academic year is the 12 months from July 1st to June 30th. For example, the 2015-2016 academic year begins July 1, 2015 and ends June 30, 2016." }, { "docid": "8436857", "title": "Fourth Periodic Report of the United States of America to the United Nations Committee on Human Rights Concerning the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights", "text": "If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, you are considered an independent student on the FAFSA. You will not need to provide your parent’s information when completing your FAFSA application. Contact the college or university you plan to attend for more infomation about your dependency status. The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, in compliance with Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and other federal laws and regulations, do not dis-" }, { "docid": "4969477", "title": "-", "text": "Be sure to fill out the free application for federal student aid at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Then look at our scholarship page to see which MHCC scholarships you are eligible to apply for at http://www.mhcc.edu/pages/383.asp. Contact for Financial Aid." }, { "docid": "7185781", "title": "Disability Civil Rights Discrimination Complaint", "text": "The application and review process: 1 The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a federal form required to award federal financial aid. 2 Approximately three to four weeks after filing the FAFSA, you will receive a Federal Student Aid Report." }, { "docid": "3144240", "title": "Using a Federal Student Aid PIN to Sign the FAFSA", "text": "Federal Student Aid PINs are optional if the applicant files a paper FAFSA, but it is best to use a PIN with the online FAFSA. Using FAFSA on the Web can avoid errors, since the online FAFSA has built-in “edit checks” to help the applicant and his or her parents, if applicable, avoid application mistakes." }, { "docid": "6370912", "title": "Pell Grant FAQ", "text": "You apply for a Pell Grant via the FAFSA. The FAFSA, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid, is the government’s universal application for federal student aid, and by filling one out by the appropriate deadlines, and in a correct manner, you will be put into contention for the Pell Grant." }, { "docid": "2606519", "title": "College Grants", "text": "The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) To be considered for most college grants, a student needs to fill out a FAFSA form. This form helps determine a family’s ability to pay for a student to go to college. Generally, the neediest students will be eligible for most federal grant funding." }, { "docid": "1443541", "title": "CSS Profile", "text": "Early Action (EA) and Early Decision (ED), refer to the CSS Profile for preliminary financial aid considerations. Another difference between the CSS Profile and the FAFSA is that the CSS profile is not free whereas the FAFSA is free. There is an application fee for filing the CSS profile. This application fee is $9.00 for current academic year applicants. Additionally there is a Reporting Fee of $16.00 for each college or university to receive the profile. Low income students may request fee waivers." }, { "docid": "15359", "title": "When should I file a FAFSA?", "text": "1 A FAFSA could have been filed for the 2014-2015 academic year any time between January 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015. 2 The 2015-2016 academic year lasts from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. 3 A FAFSA can be filed for the 2015-2016 academic year any time between January 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016.owever by using our service, you can start even earlier. We can prepare your FAFSA for a future academic year now, and file it for you as soon as possible after January 1st. An academic year is the 12 months from July 1st to June 30th. For example, the 2015-2016 academic year begins July 1, 2015 and ends June 30, 2016." }, { "docid": "726074", "title": "-", "text": "Students should file the FAFSA every year, even if they got no financial aid other than loans during the previous year. The federal need analysis formula is complicated enough that even simple changes in the student’s circumstances may have a big impact on eligibility for need-based financial aid." }, { "docid": "7196228", "title": "FAFSA: Parent and Student Assets", "text": "Remember also that the FAFSA is asking for net worth of investments–the value of the investments minus any debt owed against them. Debt here means only debt owed against a particular investment or in the case of a business or farm where the business/farm was used as collateral to secure the debt." }, { "docid": "8075699", "title": "What is FAFSA?", "text": "The FAFSA is not actually a test. FAFSA stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid. It is an application you fill out to find out how much financial aid you are eligi … ble for for college. You and/or your parents/guardians will need to fill out taxes first. While the application does have a lot of questions, you will know all the answers." } ]
annual household income definition
[ { "docid": "333919", "title": "household income", "text": "household income. Total income from all people living in a particular household. Income refers not only to the salaries and benefits received but also to receipts from any personal business, investments, dividends and other income. Furthermore, household members do not need to be related to be part of a household." } ]
[ { "docid": "5003206", "title": "-", "text": "The median household income for Massachusetts was $75,297 in 2016. 2017 median household income data will be released in December 2018." }, { "docid": "7344099", "title": "Enumclaw, Washington (WA) income map, earnings map, and wages data", "text": "Based on the data from 2000 / 2015 when the population of Enumclaw, Washington was 11,116 / 11,895. Median household income in 2015 ($) Change in household income between 2000 and 2015 (%) Median non-family household income in 2015 ($) Median per capita income in 2015 ($)" }, { "docid": "5444060", "title": "Greenville-Mauldin-Easley South Carolina Household Income", "text": "Greenville median household income is $690 higher than the median South Carolina household income and $7,397 less than the US median household income. 2014 metro income data (including Greenville median household income) will be released in September of 2015.he current median household income for Greenville is $44,853. Real median household income peaked in 2007 at $50,793 and is now $5,940 (11.69%) lower." }, { "docid": "262494", "title": "-", "text": "More than 17 million Americans live in manufactured housing. 1 Owners of manufactured homes are disproportionately low-income: in 2009, the median annual household income for those living in manufactured housing was $30,000, versus a national median of $49,777." }, { "docid": "5385380", "title": "Income Inequality: Married Couples With Kids Make Average of $107,054", "text": "That was only about 50 percent of the average household income and 43 percent of the median household income of married couples with kids. Nonfamily female households with no minor children had an average household income of $39,781 and a median of $26,355." }, { "docid": "252878", "title": "Household income in the United States", "text": "The Census' official definition of money income excludes food stamps and the EITC, for example, while CBO includes it. Between 1979 and 2011, gross median household income, adjusted for inflation, rose from $59,400 to $75,200, or 26.5%. This compares with the Census' growth of 10%." }, { "docid": "6614873", "title": "The Individual Shared Responsibility Payment - An Overview", "text": "For example, a single adult under age 65 with household income less than $19,650 (but more than $10,150) would pay the $95 flat rate. However, a single adult under age 65 with household income greater than $19,650 would pay an annual payment based on the 1 percent rate.Find out more about the individual shared responsibility provision, as well as other tax-related provisions of the health care law at www.IRS.gov/aca.or example, a single adult under age 65 with household income less than $19,650 (but more than $10,150) would pay the $95 flat rate. However, a single adult under age 65 with household income greater than $19,650 would pay an annual payment based on the 1 percent rate." }, { "docid": "1568580", "title": "Georgia Household Income", "text": "Georgia Real Median Household Income Trends since 2005. The current median household income for Georgia is $51,244. Real median household income peaked in 2007 at $56,169 and is now $4,925 (8.77%) lower. From a post peak low of $48,486 in 2011, real median household income for Georgia has now grown by $2,758 (5.69%)." }, { "docid": "333920", "title": "-", "text": "The Distribution of Household Income and the Middle Class. Congressional Research Service 3. indication of the income of the “typical” household than is the mean (average), which can be. pulled up by a relatively small number of high income households in the upper end of the. distribution. One-half of households had income above the median of $51,017 in 2012, whereas." }, { "docid": "2316655", "title": "Median Income: Family vs. Household", "text": "For households, the impact is most seen between 1 and 2-person households. Median income for a one-person household is $27,237 while typical income for a two-person household is $58,121." }, { "docid": "4207352", "title": "Medicaid expansion & what it means for you", "text": "Medicaid & CHIP coverage. Medicaid in. See if you qualify for Medicaid in your state based on income alone Find out if your state is expanding Medicaid and if you qualify based only on your household income.edicaid & CHIP coverage. Medicaid in. See if you qualify for Medicaid in your state based on income alone Find out if your state is expanding Medicaid and if you qualify based only on your household income." }, { "docid": "4024970", "title": "-", "text": "Real Median Household Income for Baltimore Maryland. Trends in Baltimore, MD Real Median Household Income since 2005. The current median household income for Baltimore is $72,520. Real median household income peaked in 2007 at $72,816 and is now $296 (0.41%) lower." }, { "docid": "7927028", "title": "Wapakoneta, Ohio (OH) income map, earnings map, and wages data", "text": "Based on the data from 2000 / 2013 when the population of Wapakoneta, Ohio was 9,474 / 9,863. Median household income in 2013 ($) Change in household income between 2000 and 2013 (%) Median non-family household income in 2013 ($) Change in non-family household income between 2000 and 2013 (%) Median per capita income in 2013 ($) Distribution of median household income in 2013 (number of people) Income distribution in Wapakoneta (%) Income distribution in Ohio (%) Distribution of median household income in 2013 (number of people)" }, { "docid": "6130691", "title": "Silver Spring, Maryland (MD) income map, earnings map, and wages data", "text": "Based on the data from 2000 / 2013 when the population of Silver Spring, Maryland was 76,540 / 76,563. Median household income in 2013 ($) Change in household income between 2000 and 2013 (%) Median non-family household income in 2013 ($) Change in non-family household income between 2000 and 2013 (%)" }, { "docid": "6641497", "title": "Dyer, Indiana", "text": "Source: As of 2009, the median income for a household in the town was $76,599 while the mean income for a household in the town was $93,308. The median income for a family was $87,127 and the mean income for a family was $103,563. The estimated per capita income for the town was $34,275." }, { "docid": "2902449", "title": "-", "text": "2012 Household Income Statistics Redmond, WA Washington United States ; Total Area Household Income: $8.3211816E7: $2.167686175E11: $9.110376126223E12: Median Household Income: $91873.0: $63064.0: $57639.0: Average Household Income: $115623.0: $81063.0: $77190.0: Per Capita Household Income: $48500.0: $31531.0: $29126.0 Income Less than $15,000: 5.29%: 9.82%: 11.77%" }, { "docid": "6031365", "title": "The Average American Householdâs Income by Age: Where Do You Stand?", "text": "Here's what the data revealed about the median American household's income, based on the age of the primary breadwinner. Household Income by Age | Create infographics. As you can see, there's a steep increase in earnings from your teens through your mid-fifties. Between the age of 25 and 54, the typical American household can expect to see its annual income increase by 30%. Clearly, that's very encouraging." }, { "docid": "7330079", "title": "Income Inequality: Married Couples With Kids Make Average of $107,054", "text": "That was only about 61 percent of the average income and 59 percent of median household income of their married counterparts. Unmarried couples with no children did only a little bit better, with average household incomes of $76,609 and median household incomes of $62,126." }, { "docid": "1976763", "title": "New Mexico Household Income", "text": "The current median household income for New Mexico is $43,872. Real median household income peaked in 2008 at $47,071 and is now $3,199 (6.80%) lower. From a post peak low of $43,176 in 2012, real median household income for New Mexico has now grown by $696 (1.61%)." }, { "docid": "7318852", "title": "-", "text": "One is GDP per capita. This takes the total economic output (Gross Domestic Product) of a country and divides it by the number of people. In the U.S, it's around $48,000 a year. Another is median household income. This tells you the income for an average household, which is around 2.2 people per household.It's normally higher than income per capita. The median is the point where 50% of all households are above, and 50% are below. In the U.S., that's usually around $50,000 a year.nother is median household income. This tells you the income for an average household, which is around 2.2 people per household. It's normally higher than income per capita. The median is the point where 50% of all households are above, and 50% are below. In the U.S., that's usually around $50,000 a year." }, { "docid": "4954489", "title": "Rumson, New Jersey (NJ) income map, earnings map, and wages data", "text": "Change in per capita income between 2000 and 2013 (%) Distribution of median household income in 2013 (number of people) Income distribution in Jersey City (%) Income distribution in New Jersey (%) Distribution of median household income in 2013 (number of people)" }, { "docid": "7458565", "title": "-", "text": "Median Household Income The median household income ($51,532) for 49072 is less than the median household income for 49052 ($55,288), 49097 ($61,199), and Mendon ($54,063). But it's more than 49040 ($42,432), 49066 ($48,250), 49032 ($50,361), 49093 ($48,305), and St. Joseph County ($45,410)." }, { "docid": "2886263", "title": "Spay/Neuter Services", "text": "Our Spay/Neuter Fees. All Dog Spay & Dog Neuter - $85. All Cat Spay & Cat Neuter - $60. You must have an annual household income of $40,000 or less to use our services and provide one of the following proof of income to qualify for our services: Previous Year's Tax Return." }, { "docid": "1640599", "title": "Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue Washington Household Income", "text": "Seattle median household income is $11,506 higher than the median Washington household income and $20,995 greater than the US median household income. 2017 metro income data (including Seattle median household income) will be released in September of 2018. Median family and per capita income for Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue are shown below." }, { "docid": "811125", "title": "Naples-Marco Island Florida Household Income", "text": "Naples median household income is $8,370 higher than the median Florida household income and $2,156 greater than the US median household income. 2014 metro income data (including Naples median household income) will be released in September of 2015.he current median family income for Naples is $63,980. Real median family income peaked in 2008 at $79,408 and is now $15,428 (19.43%) lower. From a post peak low of $62,625 in 2011, real median family income for Naples has now grown by $1,355 (2.16%)." }, { "docid": "6119647", "title": "Manchester-Nashua New Hampshire Household Income", "text": "Manchester median household income is $4,890 higher than the median New Hampshire household income and $17,765 greater than the US median household income. 2015 metro income data (including Manchester median household income) will be released in September of 2016." }, { "docid": "3336176", "title": "Florida Household Income", "text": "The current median household income for Florida is $49,426. Real median household income peaked in 2007 at $54,646 and is now $5,220 (9.55%) lower. From a post peak low of $46,496 in 2012, real median household income for Florida has now grown by $2,930 (6.30%)." }, { "docid": "7665282", "title": "Energy Assistance Information", "text": "To qualify for energy assistance, a household's annual income can not. exceed 150% of the poverty guidelines. The following information. describes the maximum allowable income per household size. To determine. what sources of income are used to document eligibility and to apply for. assistance, contact an intake site in your county of residence." }, { "docid": "7429827", "title": "How do I calculate the poverty line and median household income?", "text": "How do I calculate the poverty line and median household income? For example: (economics class) The minimum wage for a worker in this case is 7.50$ an hour.(they work 2000 hrs a yr) so their annual income is $15,000. But I have to find the difference between their annual wage of 15000$ and the federal poverty line..ow do I calculate the poverty line and median household income? For example: (economics class) The minimum wage for a worker in this case is 7.50$ an hour." }, { "docid": "5436075", "title": "North Dakota Household Income", "text": "North Dakota Household Income. According to the Census ACS 1-year survey, the median household income for North Dakota was $60,557 in 2015, the latest figures available. Compared to the median US household income, North Dakota median household income is $4,782 higher. 2016 Census ACS data (including 2016 North Dakota household income numbers) will be released in September of 2017." } ]
felon definition medical
[ { "docid": "5572578", "title": "Definition", "text": "A felon is an infection in the fleshy part of the fingertip. If left untreated, a felon can cause a buildup of pus, painful pressure, and damage to nearby tissue. Prompt medical attention is needed to prevent complications such as spreading infection or death of nearby tissue. Infection Can Spread to the Bone." } ]
[ { "docid": "2196279", "title": "-", "text": "Medical Definition of parthenogenetic. : of, characterized by, or produced by parthenogenesis." }, { "docid": "4749854", "title": "ventricular", "text": "Medical Definition of ventricular. : of, relating to, or being a ventricle especially of the heart or brain." }, { "docid": "7203009", "title": "-", "text": "18 meanings of UB acronym and UB abbreviation. Get the Medical definition of UB by All Acronyms dictionary. Top Definition: Uniform Billing In Medical dictionary category." }, { "docid": "1161117", "title": "-", "text": "Looking for online definition of ran out in the Medical Dictionary? ran out explanation free. What is ran out? Meaning of ran out medical term. What does ran out mean?" }, { "docid": "282867", "title": "ophthalmology", "text": "Medical Definition of ophthalmology. plural. ophthalmologies. : a branch of medical science dealing with the structure, functions, and diseases of the eye." }, { "docid": "6961917", "title": "-", "text": "How to pronounce ophthalmologist in English. The definition of ophthalmologist is: a medical doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of... How to pronounce ophthalmologist in English. The definition of ophthalmologist is: a medical doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of... Log in" }, { "docid": "1337292", "title": "Results for keyword: SDH", "text": "Looking for online definition of -pepsia in the Medical Dictionary? -pepsia explanation free. What is -pepsia? Meaning of -pepsia medical term. What does -pepsia mean?" }, { "docid": "8236586", "title": "-", "text": "Yes they can...They must receive a permit from the ATF. A felon can also hire a lawyer and attempt to have their conviction of a felony expunged, thereby permitting the a … bility to own a firearm. The last way I know of would be to petition the Governor of the state for a pardon of the past sentence." }, { "docid": "7572555", "title": "-", "text": "Looking for online definition of Microfossils in the Medical Dictionary? Microfossils explanation free. What is Microfossils? Meaning of Microfossils medical term. What does Microfossils mean?" }, { "docid": "8403812", "title": "Medical Dictionary", "text": "Medical Definition of intertrigo. : inflammation produced by chafing of adjacent areas of skin." }, { "docid": "8469986", "title": "What is the definition of medical surgical nursing or simply medical surgical?", "text": "Dear, In reply to your question, What is the definition of medical surgical nursing or simply medical surgical?, I say you that you might get some help from http://asknursingonline.com As you asked; I hope it may help you." }, { "docid": "8709556", "title": "What is Prudent Lay?", "text": "This prudent layperson definition of emergency medical condition focuses on the patient’s presenting symptoms rather than the final diagnosis when determining whether to pay emergency medical claims." }, { "docid": "3029038", "title": "Medical Dictionary Definitions", "text": "The medical dictionary on eMedicineHealth is organized with a list of medical terms under each letter. By clicking on a letter, you will jump to the list of words. There, you can browse down the terms to find the word you are looking for. This is especially helpful if you are not sure of the medical spelling (medical misspellings are common). Clicking on the word will take you to the medical definition. If you know the spelling of the medical word you can also use the search box." }, { "docid": "1056818", "title": "What is paronychia?", "text": "Paronychia is inflammation of the skin around a finger or toenail. It can be acute or chronic. Paronychia is also called whitlow. It may be associated with felon (infection of the pulp of the fingertip)." }, { "docid": "3693135", "title": "-", "text": "11 meanings of SUV acronym and SUV abbreviation. Get the Medical definition of SUV by All Acronyms dictionary. Top Definition: Standard Uptake Values In Medical dictionary category. Search for acronyms, abbreviations," }, { "docid": "1599527", "title": "Withheld Adjudication in Florida - What You Need to Know", "text": "In reality, the U.S. justice system does not recognize the withheld adjudication law in Florida as it pertains to the possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. In other words, under federal law, authorities consider a withheld adjudication to be the same as a conviction when it comes to the issue of a felon in possession of a firearm." }, { "docid": "6180221", "title": "Medical Dictionary Definitions", "text": "The online medical dictionary of definitions on eMedicineHealth is a useful health dictionary for you to quickly find information on medical terms. The medical dictionary is from MedTerms™ and covers terminology of over 16,000 healthcare words including diseases, medical jargon, and abbreviations.licking on the word will take you to the medical definition. If you know the spelling of the medical word you can also use the search box. Type in your word and click the search button to find the definition in the dictionary." }, { "docid": "2160986", "title": "-", "text": "Looking for online definition of mosh in the Medical Dictionary? mosh explanation free. What is mosh? Meaning of mosh medical term. What does mosh mean?" }, { "docid": "4241672", "title": "-", "text": "The definition information for athero-is provided by Stedman's. You can search our medical dictionary here." }, { "docid": "1676598", "title": "-", "text": "Medical Definition of HEMATOLOGY. : a medical science that deals with the blood and blood-forming organs.— he·ma·tol·o·gist \\-jist\\ noun.ADVERTISEMENT.edical Definition of HEMATOLOGY. : a medical science that deals with the blood and blood-forming organs." }, { "docid": "5053541", "title": "GN 00502.133 Payee Applicant is a Felon or Fugitive or Has Been Convicted of Other Criminal Act", "text": "NOTE: The representative payee fugitive felon provisions violators do not include parole or probation violators or extend good cause to those who are fugitive felons with offense codes of 4901, 4902, or 4999." }, { "docid": "1256683", "title": "-", "text": "Looking for online definition of tubal ligation in the Medical Dictionary tubal ligation explanation free What is tubal ligation Meaning of tubal ligation medical Description of the tubal ligation procedure definition of tubal ligation by Medical 2019 2018" }, { "docid": "2071613", "title": "INTERNALIZED HOMOPHOBIA", "text": "Medical Definition of homophobia. : irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals." }, { "docid": "7663797", "title": "-", "text": "Looking for online definition of stromatolite in the Medical Dictionary? stromatolite explanation free. What is stromatolite? Meaning of stromatolite medical term. What does stromatolite mean?" }, { "docid": "280313", "title": "-", "text": "home / medterms medical dictionary a-z list / laboratory definition Medical Definition of Laboratory Laboratory: A place for doing tests and research procedures, and for preparing chemicals and some medications. Also known as lab. What Kind of Doctor Do I Need?" }, { "docid": "416990", "title": "-", "text": "18 meanings of DCE acronym and DCE abbreviation. Get the Medical definition of DCE by All Acronyms dictionary. Top Definition: Distributed Computing Environment In Medical dictionary category." }, { "docid": "2243240", "title": "anasarca", "text": "Medical Definition of anasarca. : generalized edema with accumulation of serum in the connective tissue." }, { "docid": "7484927", "title": "-", "text": "Medical Definition of stereognostic. : of, relating to, or involving stereognosis stereognostic abilities." }, { "docid": "5468234", "title": "-", "text": "Looking for online definition of AIED in the Medical Dictionary? AIED explanation free. What is AIED? Meaning of AIED medical term. What does AIED mean?" }, { "docid": "8121521", "title": "-", "text": "Looking for online definition of tamasic manipulation in the Medical Dictionary? tamasic manipulation explanation free. What is tamasic manipulation? Meaning of tamasic manipulation medical term. What does tamasic manipulation mean? Tamasic manipulation | definition of tamasic manipulation by Medical dictionary" } ]
finding the will of an ancestor in england
[ { "docid": "378242", "title": "-", "text": "If you know that your ancestor lived in England why not try entering the family name and see the result of your search. During our research we have built up a record of names (mostly from 1800 to 1940).If you find several entries you can check for your ancestor's full name and may be successful in finding a match.On receipt of confirmation that this is a record in which you are interested, we may be able to send you an email image of the gravestone.dd your Name to our list of researchersIncrease the chance of finding your ancestor. The following links will help you in your research." } ]
[ { "docid": "4559857", "title": "-", "text": "Amount of fat in New England Clam Chowder - Cup: Total Fat How much saturated fat is in New England Clam Chowder - Cup? Amount of saturated fat in New England Clam Chowder - Cup: Saturated fat How much sodium is in New England Clam Chowder - Cup? Amount of sodium in New England Clam Chowder - Cup: Sodium" }, { "docid": "7063578", "title": "Gil (surname)", "text": "Marcello Gil (born 1976), Brazilian gospel singer, composer and producer, also writer, editor and marketeer See also Eduard Khil, whose name comes from an ancestor with the name Gil." }, { "docid": "671652", "title": "-", "text": "Harry is from Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, England. Liam is from Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England. Louis is from Doncaster, So…uth Yorkshire, England. Niall is from Mullingar, County Westmeath, Ireland." }, { "docid": "7422579", "title": "-", "text": "Castles were brought to Britain by William the Conqueror, when he invaded England from his homeland in France. Known as the Duke of Normandy, William invaded England in 1066 and, due to his victory in the Battle of Hastings, William was crowned the King of England, and became King William I.astles were brought to Britain by William the Conqueror, when he invaded England from his homeland in France. Known as the Duke of Normandy, William invaded England in 1066 and, due to his victory in the Battle of Hastings, William was crowned the King of England, and became King William I." }, { "docid": "8678701", "title": "-", "text": "This tree diagram shows the relationships between several groups of organisms. The root of the current tree connects the organisms featured in this tree to their containing group and the rest of the Tree of Life. The basal branching point in the tree represents the ancestor of the other groups in the tree. This ancestor diversified over time into several descendent subgroups, which are represented as internal nodes and terminal taxa to the right." }, { "docid": "3328713", "title": "-", "text": "MILL, Jr. William Thomas HAMILL, Sr. (b. 1901, Colorado) Hockley Thomas HAMILL (b. 1873, Colorado) William Arthur HAMILL (b. 1836, England; imm. 1842) Dorothy Hamill's paternal ancestry is: Chalmers Martin HAMILL, Jr. (b. 1922, Ohio) Chalmers Martin HAMILL, Sr. (b. 1884, Illinois) Robert E HAMILL (b. 1857, Alabama; father was from Scotland) So, the answer to this question is a qualified no, they do not have a common ancestor within the last four generations." }, { "docid": "6247563", "title": "What is a derived character?", "text": "Making the world better, one answer at a time. A derived character is a trait that arose in the most recent common ancestor of a particular lineage and was passed along to its descendants.Among a given group of organisms, the shared derived characters are generally the less common characters.erived characters may be present in members of one group of the line, but not in the common ancestor. For example, in comparing fish and mammals, fish have scales and mammals have hair. So having hair is a derived character for mammals, as only the mammals have ancestors with hair." }, { "docid": "3080741", "title": "Factoring in Algebra", "text": "Factoring (called Factorising in the UK) is the process of finding the factors : Factoring: Finding what to multiply together to get an expression. It is like splitting an expression into a multiplication of simpler expressions." }, { "docid": "3659548", "title": "Primate", "text": "The common ancestor of humans, monkeys and apes may have originated in Asia. (PhysOrg.com) -- The discovery of a new primate fossil in Myanmar (formerly Burma) lends weight to the hypothesis that the common ancestor of humans, monkeys and apes (anthropoid primates) originated in Asia, and not in Africa....he common ancestor of humans, monkeys and apes may have originated in Asia. (PhysOrg.com) -- The discovery of a new primate fossil in Myanmar (formerly Burma) lends weight to the hypothesis that the common ancestor of humans, monkeys and apes (anthropoid primates) originated in Asia, and not in Africa." }, { "docid": "4200992", "title": "Why is surface area measured in square units and volume in cubic units?", "text": "When finding the surface area, its going to be measured as square units bc we are finding the area of the sides in the figure. but in finding the volume its measured in cubic units bc we are finding what an object can hold.,its also a 3d figure." }, { "docid": "8096142", "title": "What is a First Cousin, Twice Removed?", "text": "Instructions for Using a Relationship Chart. 1 Pick two people in your family and figure out which ancestor they have in common. For example, if you chose yourself and a cousin, you would have a grandparent in common. 2 Look at the top row of the chart and find the first person's relationship to the common ancestor." }, { "docid": "1785004", "title": "descent", "text": "Medical Definition of DESCENT. 1. 2. a: derivation from an ancestor b: the fact or process of originating by generation from an ancestral stock (as a species or genus).edical Definition of DESCENT. 1. 2. a: derivation from an ancestor b: the fact or process of originating by generation from an ancestral stock (as a species or genus)." }, { "docid": "4616187", "title": "Can anyone explain to me what a 'clade' is?", "text": "Best Answer: Monophyletic means, originated from a single ancestor. If a group of organisms, say different phyla, are originated from a single common ancestor, then it it is said to have monophyletic origin. A clade is a group of organisms, consisting of a common ancestor and all its descendants.A clade is a taxonomic grouping. clade is in that same group, because a clade, by definition is a taxonomic group comprised of a single common ancestor and all the descendants of that ancestor. A bit confusing, but if you read it and look at it closely it makes sense. A great question! The Answer Guy · 7 years ago." }, { "docid": "732691", "title": "-", "text": "Homologies are anatomical features, of different organisms, that have a similar appearance or function because they were inherited from a common ancestor that also had them.omologies are anatomical features, of different organisms, that have a similar appearance or function because they were inherited from a common ancestor that also had them." }, { "docid": "6256734", "title": "Messer Coat of Arms / Messer Family Crest", "text": "The surname of MESSER is a German and Ashkenazic Jewish occupational name for a cutler, derived from the German word MESSER, meaning knife, or from the Yiddish word MESER.he family's surname is said to date back to an ancestor who had been in charge of corn distribution during a famine in 1395. This ancestor was knighted and when Maeterlinck was created a count in 1932 he assumed the same arms." }, { "docid": "600391", "title": "Flag of New England", "text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. There is no official Flag of New England. Consequently, the Flag of New England can refer to any number of historical and modern banners used to represent Massachusetts, the New England Colonies, or the six states in the New England region of the United States.rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. There is no official Flag of New England. Consequently, the Flag of New England can refer to any number of historical and modern banners used to represent Massachusetts, the New England Colonies, or the six states in the New England region of the United States." }, { "docid": "8239656", "title": "Human evolution", "text": "The hominoids are descendants of a common ancestor. Human evolution from its first separation from the last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees is characterized by a number of morphological, developmental, physiological, and behavioral changes." }, { "docid": "8711679", "title": "-", "text": "England Pugh is of Welsh origin and it originated from England. Pugh means, son of Hugh. Pugh is of Welsh origin and it originated from England. " }, { "docid": "5167737", "title": "National symbols of England", "text": "The lion is used as a symbol of English sporting teams, such as the England national cricket team. The rose is the national flower of England. It is usually red, and is used, for instance, in the emblems of the English Golf Union and England national rugby union team.The oak is the national tree of England, representing strength and endurance.he rose is the national flower of England. It is usually red, and is used, for instance, in the emblems of the English Golf Union and England national rugby union team. The oak is the national tree of England, representing strength and endurance." }, { "docid": "6078478", "title": "-", "text": "Unfamiliar sequence of names. The first thing a researcher of Hungarian records must be aware of is that in Hungarian the family name comes first. If you know your ancestor as Jimmy Kiss Look in the records for Kiss Imre.This seems straight forward until you realize that early parish records are written in Latin.In Latin the given name comes first-even if used by Hungarian clerics. Your ancestor Jimmy Kiss has just turned into Emericus Kiss.f you know your ancestor as Jimmy Kiss Look in the records for Kiss Imre. This seems straight forward until you realize that early parish records are written in Latin. In Latin the given name comes first-even if used by Hungarian clerics. Your ancestor Jimmy Kiss has just turned into Emericus Kiss." }, { "docid": "5009738", "title": "Birmingham, England Time Zone - Birmingham, England Current Time - Daylight Saving Time", "text": "Birmingham, England is GMT/UTC + 0h during Standard Time. Birmingham, England is GMT/UTC + 1h during Daylight Saving Time. Birmingham, England does utilize Daylight Saving Time. In Birmingham, England daylight saving time is referred to as British Summer Time.." }, { "docid": "1076984", "title": "The Truth about the Origin of the Domestic House Cat", "text": "Theories of domestic cat’s For decades, many theories have existed to explain the origin of cats. Traditionally, most scholars believed that all domestic cats had a common ancestor in ancient Egypt, where cats were domesticated around 3,600 years ago. Other researchers believed that domestic cats had more than one ancestor, the result of domestication occurring at different times and places, each resulting in a distinct ancestral breed 1." }, { "docid": "1860421", "title": "Evolution", "text": "All life on Earth shares a common ancestor known as the last universal ancestor, which lived approximately 3.5–3.8 billion years ago, although a study in 2015 found remains of biotic life from 4.1 billion years ago in ancient rocks in Western Australia." }, { "docid": "6896310", "title": "-", "text": "Kaname is really the Kuran ancestor, one of the very … first vampires and the first Kuran. Rido sacrificed Yuki's real brother, who coincidentally was named Kaname, to awaken the Kuran ancestor. Kaname had been sleeping for thousands of years and could not control his hunger when he awakened." }, { "docid": "375706", "title": "-", "text": "Finding Bigfoot has been renewed for Season 7. Writing on Twitter, co-host Ranae Holland confirmed that despite the cancellation rumors, Finding … [Read more...]. Filed Under: Finding Bigfoot, Renewed Tagged With: finding bigfoot, finding bigfoot renewed cancelled, Ranae Holland." }, { "docid": "6261396", "title": "-", "text": "Confidence votes 35. A clade is a group consisting of an ancestor and all its descendants-whether the ancestor is a species, a specific population, or even an individual. A group of organisms with a shared ancestor." }, { "docid": "5434170", "title": "-", "text": "In comparative genomics, scientists investigate the similarities and differences among the genomes of different species. All life on earth is related through evolution by descent with modification from a common ancestor." }, { "docid": "8558223", "title": "United States federal probation and supervised release", "text": "The Guidelines state that the court shall revoke probation or supervised release upon a finding of a Grade A or B violation, and may revoke it upon a finding of a Grade C violation." }, { "docid": "8001919", "title": "-", "text": "here is some info on drilling hardened steel. You will have better luck finding them over in England as the seem to be more popular there, then here. When Thomas Register's Thomcat on line comes up with no listings for Stellite drill makers. tempering drilling and then re hardening seems to be the best choice." }, { "docid": "5200424", "title": "-", "text": "The youngest son, Philippe kept only Mius as his surname and is the ancestor of the Mius family, now spelled Muise or Meuse, which was the real patronymic or family name.he youngest son, Philippe kept only Mius as his surname and is the ancestor of the Mius family, now spelled Muise or Meuse, which was the real patronymic or family name." } ]
first law of thermodynamics define
[ { "docid": "4468675", "title": "-", "text": "The internal energy is a state variable, just like the temperature or the pressure. The first law of thermodynamics defines the internal energy (E) as equal to the difference of the heat transfer (Q) into a system and the work (W) done by the system. E2 - E1 = Q - W. We have emphasized the words into and by in the definition." } ]
[ { "docid": "5359843", "title": "What does BIOMASS actually mean?", "text": "Best Answer: Biomass is the mass of the biological material at a given trophic level; it can be thought of as the weight of the plants or animals at that level.The reason the biomass forms a pyramid is because of thermodynamics.ating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Biomass is the mass of the biological material at a given trophic level; it can be thought of as the weight of the plants or animals at that level. The reason the biomass forms a pyramid is because of thermodynamics." }, { "docid": "1134906", "title": "-", "text": "Basically, the First Law of Thermodynamics is a statement of the conservation of energy - the Second Law is a statement about the direction of that conservation - and the Third Law is a statement about reaching Absolute Zero (0� K)." }, { "docid": "3068003", "title": "Thermodynamic temperature", "text": "Thermodynamic temperature is the absolute measure of temperature and is one of the principal parameters of thermodynamics. Thermodynamic temperature is defined by the third law of thermodynamics in which the theoretically lowest temperature is the null or zero point." }, { "docid": "2432890", "title": "-", "text": "Quizlet provides term:thermodynamics = study of energy and its transformation activities, flashcards and games. Start learning today for free!" }, { "docid": "2838747", "title": "C# - Quick Guide", "text": "C++ Class Definitions: When you define a class, you define a blueprint for a data type. This doesn't actually define any data, but it does define what the class name means, that is, what an object of the class will consist of and what operations can be performed on such an object." }, { "docid": "8566040", "title": "How are heat and temperature related?", "text": "Temperature is an intensive variable of state, meaning that the temperature can be the same for a small volume or a large volume. Heat causes changes in temperature, and heat flows from high temperature to cold temperature. This is the zeroth law of thermodynamics. That is, it is the most fundamental law about heat." }, { "docid": "703395", "title": "The Mystery of Life's Origin:", "text": "Thermodynamics of Living Systems. It is widely held that in the physical sciences the laws of thermodynamics have had a unifying effect similar to that of the theory of evolution in the biological sciences. What is intriguing is that the predictions of one seem to contradict the predictions of the other." }, { "docid": "8474114", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Exergy. In thermodynamics, the exergy of a system is the maximum useful work possible during a process that brings the system into equilibrium with a heat reservoir.When the surroundings are the reservoir, exergy is the potential of a system to cause a change as it achieves equilibrium with its environment.etermining exergy was also the first goal of thermodynamics. The term exergy was coined in 1956 by Zoran Rant by using the Greek ex and ergon meaning from work.. Energy is never destroyed during a process; it changes from one form to another." }, { "docid": "7249106", "title": "CONSERVATION OF ENERGY", "text": "The fundamental principle of physics that the total energy of an isolated system is constant despite internal changes. Classified under: Nouns denoting cognitive processes and contents. Synonyms: conservation of energy; first law of thermodynamics; law of conservation of energy. Hypernyms (conservation of energy is a kind of...): law of thermodynamics ((physics) a law governing the relations between states of energy in a closed system) conservation ((physics) the maintenance of a certain quantities unchanged during chemical reactions or physical transformations)" }, { "docid": "1607277", "title": "Hey! Thatâs my land! Understanding Adverse Possession", "text": "The Wisconsin Statutes delineate the requirements of adverse possession 5 and define the term adverse possession. 6 However, the statutes were not meant to alter the common-law definition of adverse possession. 7 Under the common law, possession for the statutory period must be exclusive, uninterrupted, continuous, and hostile, and there must be open and notorious actual occupancy. 8 Each element must be met, but the elements often overlap and usually are proven together." }, { "docid": "1537318", "title": "law of mass action", "text": "law of mass action - (chemistry) the law that states the following principle: the rate of a chemical reaction is directly proportional to the molecular concentrations of the reacting substances. law of nature, law - a generalization that describes recurring facts or events in nature; the laws of thermodynamics." }, { "docid": "2644868", "title": "Could thermodynamics solve the problem of sustainability?", "text": "When approached in this way, the concept of sustainability becomes a question of thermodynamics where thresholds can be calculated above or below which a system is either consuming too much or too little respectively, and so is not in a self-preserving state of equilibrium." }, { "docid": "397482", "title": "Gibbs paradox", "text": "This leads to a paradox known as the Gibbs paradox, after Josiah Willard Gibbs. The paradox allows for the entropy of closed systems to decrease, violating the second law of thermodynamics. A related paradox is the mixing paradox. If one takes the perspective that the definition of entropy must be changed so as to ignore particle permutation, the paradox is averted." }, { "docid": "4462452", "title": "-", "text": "Mechanical Engineering Degree Programs. 1 Mechanical engineering is one of the fundamental types of engineering, and it is also contains a large quantity of sub-categories, such as heating and cooling, thermodynamics, manufacturing engineering, and more." }, { "docid": "537443", "title": "What does Punitive sanction mean?", "text": "Punitive sanctions are disciplinary consequences imposed one someone who is in violation of a law or regulation. Such sanction could be a fine, but also imprisonment. Define each word using an online dictionary." }, { "docid": "6035925", "title": "-", "text": "When a brown bear eats a salmon it does not acquire all the energy contained in the body of the fish. This is because the bear's body is not efficient enough to obtain all of … the energy from what eat eats. When the cells covert the protein of the fish into energy, it looses most of the useful energy in the process (the second law of thermodynamics proves this). 2 people found this useful." }, { "docid": "6685105", "title": "Gas Laws", "text": "The relationship for Boyle’s Law can be expressed as follows: P 1 V 1 = P 2 V 2, where P 1 and V 1 are the initial pressure and volume values, and P 2 and V 2 are the values of the pressure and volume of the gas after change. Key Terms. isotherm: in thermodynamics, a curve on a p-V diagram for an isothermal process" }, { "docid": "5276171", "title": "-", "text": "MAE 320 - Chapter 6. The Second Law of. Thermodynamics. The content and the pictures are from the text book: Çengel, Y. A. and Boles, M. A., “Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach,” McGraw-Hill, New York, 6th Ed., 2008. Objectives. • Introduce the second law of thermodynamics." }, { "docid": "1134914", "title": "law of thermodynamics", "text": "any of three principles variously stated in equivalent forms , being the principle that the change of energy of a thermodynamic system is equal to the heat transferred minus the work done ( first law of thermodynamics ) the principle that no cyclic process is possible in which heat is absorbed from a reservoir at a single temperature and converted ..." }, { "docid": "7729455", "title": "Kirchhoff's law", "text": "Define Kirchhoff's law: a statement in physics: in an electric network the algebraic sum of the currents in all the branches that meet at any point… a statement in physics: in an electric network the algebraic sum of the currents in all the branches that meet at any point is zero… See the full definition" }, { "docid": "2235380", "title": "Understanding New York Statutory Rape Laws: The Age of Consent", "text": "While the age of consent in New York is 17, several exceptions to the state's statutory rape law define instances where sexual relations with a child under 17 are not considered statutory rape." }, { "docid": "2377952", "title": "-", "text": "Objective 2. The 2 laws of thermodynamics tell us. that all living organisms require a. continual input of energy in order to. counteract the inevitable tendency for. any system to become more. disorganized as energy changes take. place." }, { "docid": "3066890", "title": "9th Grade Physical Science Ch. 6: Thermal Energy", "text": "the increase in thermal energy of a system equals the work done on the system plus the heat transferred to the system. second law of thermodynamics. states that is is impossible for heat to flow from a cool object to a warmer object unless work is done. heat engine." }, { "docid": "1249020", "title": "-", "text": "Define citation. citation synonyms, citation pronunciation, citation translation, English dictionary definition of citation. n. 1. The act of citing. 2. a. A quotation of or explicit reference to a source for substantiation, as in a scholarly paper. b. Law A reference to a..." }, { "docid": "562183", "title": "-", "text": "Laws of Thermodynamics © Eric R. Pianka Let us briefly review some fundamentals of thermodynamics. All organisms require energy to persist and to replace themselves, and the ultimate source of practically all Earth's energy is the Sun. One can think of our Sun as feeding the earth via its radiant energy." }, { "docid": "8387766", "title": "Electrons and Energy", "text": "After doing this lesson you should be able to: state the law of conservation of matter and be able to apply it to simple chemical reactions. define energy and distinguish between kinetic and potential energy. state the first law of thermodynamics (First law of energy) and give examples. define heat vs temperature and calorie." }, { "docid": "1606278", "title": "Definition of Clout", "text": "Welcome to the Define a word / Definition of word page On this page of scrabblewordsolver is where you can define any word you wish to. Simply input the word you would like in to the box and click define." }, { "docid": "6290356", "title": "New Mexico Minimum Wage and Overtime Exemptions", "text": "Administrative exemption. New Mexico law exempts bona fide administrative employees from its minimum wage and overtime requirements. NM Statute 50-4-21(C)(2) However, New Mexico does not define criteria for an employee to be deemed an administrative employee.rofessional exemption. New Mexico law exempts bona fide professional employees from its minimum wage and overtime requirements. NM Statute 50-4-21(C)(2) However, New Mexico does not define criteria for an employee to be deemed an administrative employee." }, { "docid": "5941934", "title": "Law School Dictionary", "text": "Law School Dictionary. Welcome to the Law School Dictionary. This Dictionary is compiled by Law School Coach, and is intended to define basic terms you will encounter in law school. This is not intended to be a legal dictionary. Instead, you will find the meaning for the most common words that you will encounter during your 1L year of law school." }, { "docid": "703402", "title": "The Mystery of Life's Origin:", "text": "As a matter of fact, natural decay and the general tendency toward greater disorder are so universal that the second law of thermodynamics has been appropriately dubbed time's arrow. 5 Closed Systems near Equilibrium" } ]
food good for gout
[ { "docid": "3573606", "title": "-", "text": "lack of potassium can lead to increase in the amount of uric acid eating banana and other foods rich in potassium ease inflammation and gout attacks having bananas daily is good for gout patientsother foods that can be source of potassium are potatoes beans vegetables and other fruits carbohydrate rich foods low fat dairy products green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits are also considered best diet for gout sufferersthese foods can prevent gout attacks making them ideal for the victims above all drinking a lot of water regularly will help neutralize the body s uric acid levelack of potassium can lead to increase in the amount of uric acid eating banana and other foods rich in potassium ease inflammation and gout attacks having bananas daily is good for gout patients" } ]
[ { "docid": "5940938", "title": "How Gout And Alcohol Are Related", "text": "Many people just don’t realize how gout and alcohol are related, but what you drink has a strong influence on your health, including increasing incidents of gout. It’s not just gout and alcohol that are a bad mix either, some non-alcoholic drinks can cause gout too. Here’s the scoop on how what you drink can hurt you…." }, { "docid": "19030", "title": "Gout And Inflammation", "text": "Gout And Inflammation. Gout And Inflammation. Everywhere I turn I run into evidence that supports the idea that a plant based diet supports healthy living, and this also applies to combating gout. Gout is the recurring attacks of acute inflammatory arthritis in the joints, due to the excessive buildup of uric acid." }, { "docid": "2112293", "title": "gout", "text": "Gout is a type of arthritis. The main cause of gout is too much uric acid in the blood, a condition known as hyperuricemia.. This can cause needle-like crystals to be deposited in joints." }, { "docid": "4125754", "title": "Purines", "text": "Purine, or purines are found in every plant and animal – including us – on earth. Foods high in purines are greatly emphasized as the culprit for the cause of gout and gout attacks. Let’s change your mindset about that; while a diet high in purines is not the direction we’re headed, living with some sort of purine fear isn’t either. As far as purine definition goes, there are some good things to know." }, { "docid": "7328886", "title": "Heat Can Worsen Your Gout Pain", "text": "Attacks of gout can last only a day or two, or up to a week or more then seemingly disappear. The joints will appear red and inflamed and may be accompanied by a fever. Heat Can Worsen Gout Pain. A recent study has shown that heat can worsen gout pain. In fact, high temperatures almost double a person's risk of a gout attack." }, { "docid": "664456", "title": "-", "text": "Everyone has naturally occurring uric acid in his or her body. Uric acid is created when the body breaks down substances called purines. Purines are found in body tissues as well as some foods and drinks. Having too much uric acid in the body causes gout. A healthy uric acid level is below 6 mg/dL. Your doctor can test your uric acid level a few weeks after a gout flare to see if you might be at risk for additional gout flares. Gout may cause repeated flares." }, { "docid": "8735866", "title": "Social Security Disability Benefits for Gout", "text": "Social Security Disability Benefits for Gout. By Susan Kelley on May 01, 2015 in Arthritis, Conditions, Gout. Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis that can cause stiffness to joints, swelling and redness. For people who suffer from the most severe cases of gout, permanent damage can occur in the kidneys and joints." }, { "docid": "2099621", "title": "Chronic gout and Itching all over and Itching skin Symptom Checker", "text": "1 Chronic gout and Itching all over and Itching skin and Blood symptoms (3 causes). 2 Chronic gout and Itching all over and Itching skin and Body symptoms (3 causes). 3 Chronic gout and Itching all over and Itching skin and Brain symptoms (3 causes). Chronic gout and Itching all over and Itching skin and Breath symptoms (3 causes). 2 Chronic gout and Itching all over and Itching skin and Breathing difficulties (3 causes). 3 Chronic gout and Itching all over and Itching skin and Circulation symptoms (3 causes)." }, { "docid": "5276612", "title": "13 Great Recipes If You Have Gout", "text": "Gout-friendly meals. by Alyssa Sparacino. Too much bread or alcohol can be a problem if you have gout, a condition in which uric-acid crystals form in the joints, causing pain, swelling, and inflammation. Add purine-rich foodssuch as seafood and red meatto the list and it can seem hard to find something you can eat. (Purine gets broken down into uric acid in the body.). Still, gout shouldn’t keep you from enjoying your food. Stick to low-purine fare, like that in the following recipes, to have a tasty meal without triggering an attack or making a flare-up worse. Next: Curried Carrot, Sweet Potato, and Ginger Soup." }, { "docid": "6024795", "title": "-", "text": "Gout is an intensely painful type of arthritis that occurs mainly in the joints of the big toe, though it can also attack the heel and ankle. Rarely, it’s been known to attack other joints in the body.Gout has been associated with an overabundance of rich food and drink since ancient times.out is an intensely painful type of arthritis that occurs mainly in the joints of the big toe, though it can also attack the heel and ankle. Rarely, it’s been known to attack other joints in the body." }, { "docid": "6377315", "title": "List Of Food Bad For Gout", "text": "However it is actually make you feel that one eats wherein intake of a patients can really helping to liquefy and list of food bad for gout get flushed out of their products that are high in purine such as beef seafood that is going to bed; a glass immediate attention to drink for a month or so." }, { "docid": "7649053", "title": "Gout And Iron Supplements", "text": "Excess iron has definitely been shown to cause gout, though it is not well known in the medical profession. It may cause other inflammatory problems, but the key word is EXCESS. Excess of anything is rarely good. Some calories = good, excess calories = obesity. Some uric acid = good, excess uric acid = gout." }, { "docid": "6900591", "title": "Foot Gout â Management, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment", "text": "Foot Gout — Management, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment. Dr. Dr. Gout is a form of arthritis that affects the joints, mainly the one located at the base of the big toe. Gout primarily affects the foot and toes, but it can affect any joint in your body, including your toes, wrists, elbows, heels, fingers, and ankles. This condition is often very painful. Many patients describe gout as feeling like their toe is on fire." }, { "docid": "7456207", "title": "9 Gout Triggers to Avoid", "text": "The old saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is particularly true when it comes to gout pain. A form of arthritis, gout may begin suddenly and result in severe pain, stiffness, and swelling of one or more joints. While genetics can make a gout attack more or less likely (and no one can choose their genes), there are other gout triggers that you can and should control." }, { "docid": "569786", "title": "Gout: Foods That Help and Hurt", "text": "Drink More Water. Changing your diet may help you manage chronic gout and help symptoms such as joint pain. Start by drinking more water, because dehydration might trigger gout attacks. One study showed that men who drank five to eight glasses of water in a 24-hour period had a 40% lower risk of gout attacks." }, { "docid": "5044252", "title": "Get The Best Remedies For Gout", "text": "Get The Best Remedies For Gout. I had an attack of gout last year for the first time in my life (in July 2012, to be exact), and it wasn’t a pleasant experience – in fact the nighttime pain opened my eyes to the suffering that gout can cause. So let me tell you, I know what you’re going through. Oh boy, do I ever." }, { "docid": "1855299", "title": "Gout Pictures and Diagnosis", "text": "Causes and Symptoms of Gout. One of the most difficult aspects of properly diagnosing a condition like gout is that it tends to manifest itself in sudden and unexpected attacks that often happen in the middle of the night when you are asleep." }, { "docid": "1965584", "title": "-", "text": "Looking for online definition of saturnine gout in the Medical Dictionary? saturnine gout explanation free. What is saturnine gout? Meaning of saturnine gout medical term. What does saturnine gout mean?" }, { "docid": "8359282", "title": "Is Butter Bad For Gout?", "text": "If you have problems with gout you should definitely try to avoid whole wheat as it is high in purines. Those who have gout will also want to make sure to get plenty of fluids so that they can stay as hydrated as possible." }, { "docid": "6143015", "title": "Belvita Breakfast Biscuits", "text": "Good local Thai food. The Pad Thai is very good here and you get a large portion even for lunch. I also like the Ka Pow, but sometimes it doesn't quite fill me up. I think the food is very good here in general, especially anything with basil or in a brown sauce. Having said that, I do understand some of the complaints in the other reviews." }, { "docid": "3760093", "title": "-", "text": "Gout is a painful type of arthritis commonly felt in a big toe. Gout is caused by a buildup of uric acid in the blood known as hyperuricemia (HI-per-yu-Ru-SEEM-ee-uh).A gout attack happens when uric acid forms crystals in the joints, causing inflammation and pain. As your uric acid level rises, so does the chance for gout and gout attacks.out is a painful type of arthritis commonly felt in a big toe. Gout is caused by a buildup of uric acid in the blood known as hyperuricemia (HI-per-yu-Ru-SEEM-ee-uh)." }, { "docid": "6317576", "title": "What are gout symptoms and signs?", "text": "Gout facts. 1 Gout is a type of arthritis that causes inflammation, usually in one joint, that begins suddenly. 2 Gouty arthritis is caused by the deposition of crystals of uric acid in a joint. 3 Gout can cause symptoms and signs such as. 4 nodules under the skin called tophi, 5 joint redness, 6 swollen joints, 7 joint pain, Gout is a type of arthritis that causes inflammation, usually in one joint, that begins suddenly. 2 Gouty arthritis is caused by the deposition of crystals of uric acid in a joint. 3 Gout can cause symptoms and signs such as." }, { "docid": "4408994", "title": "Cut Back on Purine-Rich Foods to Manage Gout", "text": "The ingestion of foods high in purines can raise uric acid levels in the blood and precipitate gout attacks in some people. That's why a diet that is low in purines is important for people with gout." }, { "docid": "262738", "title": "Gout Pictures Slideshow: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments of Gout", "text": "Hyperuricemia: Abnormally elevated blood level of uric acid. Uric acid is a breakdown product of purines that are part of many foods we eat.While hyperuricemia may indicate an increased risk of gout, the relationship between hyperuricemia and gout is unclear.Many patients with hyperuricemia do not develop gout, while some patients with repeated gout attacks have normal or low blood uric acid levels.ric acid is a breakdown product of purines that are part of many foods we eat. While hyperuricemia may indicate an increased risk of gout, the relationship between hyperuricemia and gout is unclear." }, { "docid": "8663661", "title": "What Do People With Gout Eat", "text": "Gout is a painful forms of gout diet regime for crystals which may cause changes you can maintain it. These were full-blown effects. Folks who are diagnosed you so many gout to leave spaces and cause they can’t walk and more gout treatment for what do people with gout eat gout is in. simple to be practiced." }, { "docid": "326743", "title": "-", "text": "Eat a good meal for breakfast and lunch and skip dinner, because when you have a big dinner, and go to sleep you are not working the food off. But if you don't have dinner and … have a good breakfast you will work of the food in the day.5 people found this useful.at a good meal for breakfast and lunch and skip dinner, because when you have a big dinner, and go to sleep you are not working the food off. But if you don't have dinner and … have a good breakfast you will work of the food in the day. 5 people found this useful." }, { "docid": "8399475", "title": "allopurinol", "text": "Gout (Gouty Arthritis) Buildup of uric acid crystals in a joint causes gouty arthritis. Symptoms and signs include joint pain, swelling, heat, and...learn more ». Gout Attack Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Diet Gout attacks (gouty arthritis) are caused by crystals of uric acid deposits." }, { "docid": "3897899", "title": "-", "text": "The pain caused by gout can be relieved. This is the same action that allows allopurinol, Uloric (febuxostat) and similar drugs to lower uric acid. Studies examining the role of turmeric in the treatment of gout are lacking but more research has been done with turmeric and rheumatoid arthritis which is a cousin of gout.This opens the door to more research into commercial products that hopefully will soon be available to gout sufferers.…] many more foods that will help keep your liver healthy and they include carrots, turmeric which stimulates the production of bile to help your body digest fats and acts as a natural form of 1 […]. Treating gout with ginger — Experiments on battling gout-June 8, 2015 […] The gout healing power of this spice… […]." }, { "docid": "6317568", "title": "-", "text": "Gout is a crystal deposition disease characterized by the supersaturation and precipitation of MSU crystals in tissues resulting in inflammation and, consequently, tissue damage. Gout is characterized by acute or subacute attacks of joint or soft tissue inflammation resulting from MSU crystal deposition.The clinical course of gout can be summarized into the stages of acute intermittent gout and chronic tophaceous gout.n general, joints involved in gout include the lower extremity joints as well as those of the upper extremities. Inflammation in joints such as the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints is termed podagra and is highly suggestive of gout." }, { "docid": "2289197", "title": "HOW LONG DOES GOUT LAST?", "text": "Great Gout Home Remedies That You Can Try Today. When eating a low purine diet that avoids the common gout triggers, taking your medications, and doing all you can to prevent gout attacks does not seem to be working for you, you can be left feeling frustrated with the effect this condition is having on your life." } ]
foods good for people with gastritis
[ { "docid": "1241551", "title": "Dietary Tips for Gastritis", "text": "Following a nutritious, non-spicy diet can help eliminate the symptoms of gastritis and acid reflux. Fill your plate with whole grains, almonds, beans and antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables. Avoid fried and fatty foods, coffee, alcohol, chocolate and anything spicy -- like peppers and chili powder." } ]
[ { "docid": "831695", "title": "Abdominal pain: Helicobacter Pylori and Gastritis", "text": "Abdominal pain: Helicobacter Pylori and Gastritis. This unusual name identifies a specific bacteria that can cause infection of the stomach. This infection can contribute to the development of diseases, such as dyspepsia (heartburn, bloating and nausea), gastritis (inflammation of the stomach), and ulcers in the stomach and duodenum." }, { "docid": "3382764", "title": "Gastritis food choices", "text": "General diet tips for gastritis. 1 avoid combining too many different foods at one meal. 2 meals should be taken at least 2 hours prior to retiring at night. 3 eat 4-5 small meals rather than 3 large meals. 4 consume more soft foods. 5 do not drink liquids around meal times as this diminishes digestive juices in the stomach." }, { "docid": "3755448", "title": "Gastritis Overview", "text": "Symptoms of Gastritis. The most common symptom of gastritis is abdominal upset or pain. Other symptoms are belching, abdominal bloating, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and/or a feeling of fullness or of burning in the upper abdomen." }, { "docid": "2944303", "title": "gastritis", "text": "erosive gastritis , exfoliative gastritis that in which the gastric surface epithelium is eroded. giant hypertrophic gastritis excessive proliferation of the gastric mucosa, producing diffuse thickening of the stomach wall." }, { "docid": "3698131", "title": "Gastritis Symptoms Worse In Morning", "text": "There are a great gastritis symptoms worse in morning deal of cholesterol stones from foods with fiber and lead the patient needs to store bile. As an added bonus, it may lead to dangerous consequences can cause this cholesterol." }, { "docid": "683326", "title": "What Is Gastritis?", "text": "Gastritis is an inflammation, irritation, or erosion of the lining of the stomach. It can occur suddenly (acute) or gradually (chronic). What Causes Gastritis? Gastritis can be caused by irritation due to excessive alcohol use, chronic vomiting, stress, or the use of certain medications such as aspirin or other anti" }, { "docid": "5620613", "title": "Gastritis", "text": "When the stomach lining is inflamed, it produces less acid, enzymes, and mucus. Gastritis may be acute or chronic. Sudden, severe inflammation of the stomach lining is called acute gastritis.Inflammation that lasts for a long time is called chronic gastritis.bout Gastritis. Gastritis is a condition in which the stomach lining—known as the mucosa —is inflamed. The stomach lining contains special cells that produce acid and enzymes, which help break down food for digestion, and mucus, which protects the stomach lining from acid." }, { "docid": "7155770", "title": "Diet For Stomach Ulcers And Gastritis", "text": "What is a diet for stomach ulcers and gastritis? A diet for ulcers and gastritis is a meal plan that limits foods that irritate your stomach. Certain foods may worsen symptoms such as stomach pain, bloating, heartburn, or indigestion. Which foods should I limit or avoid? You may need to avoid acidic, spicy, or high-fat foods. Not all foods affect everyone the same way. You will need to learn which foods worsen your symptoms and limit those foods. The following are some foods that may worsen ulcer or gastritis symptoms: Beverages: Whole milk and chocolate milk." }, { "docid": "3108243", "title": "The Best Foods and Snacks to Eat When You Have Type 2 Diabetes", "text": "Unlike type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes can often be controlled with diet and exercise alone, without having to take medication or insulin shots. Managing type 2 diabetes with diet does not mean you have to give up your favorite foods, though.The key is to find foods that are both good tasting and good for your body.anaging type 2 diabetes with diet does not mean you have to give up your favorite foods, though. The key is to find foods that are both good tasting and good for your body." }, { "docid": "7186008", "title": "Gastritis", "text": "Causes of Chronic Gastritis. Chronic gastritis usually results from infection with helicobacter pylori (or H. pylori). In the United States, H. pylori infection is present in about 20% of Caucasians, but in over 50% of Hispanics, African Americans, and the elderly." }, { "docid": "2051868", "title": "Excessive sweating, Pain or discomfort and Upset stomach", "text": "Irritable bowel syndrome Irritable bowel syndrome is a common condition that causes painful spasms and cramping in the large intestine. Gastritis Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining, causes stomach upset, irritation, and pain." }, { "docid": "3530970", "title": "Examples of Good Carbs", "text": "Good Vs. Almost all foods you eat contain some type of carbohydrate -- starch, sugar, fiber or a combination of those. Good carbs come from minimally processed whole foods. Examples include low-fat dairy, whole grains, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, veggies and fruits.You’ll get starch, sugar or possibly a little fiber in heavily manufactured foods too.ad. Almost all foods you eat contain some type of carbohydrate -- starch, sugar, fiber or a combination of those. Good carbs come from minimally processed whole foods." }, { "docid": "7083516", "title": "22 April 2017Gastritis Home Remedies", "text": "The four main causes of gastritis can all be addressed to some extent by this change. A diet for gastritis focuses on alleviating the common causes of gastritis, and can be an effective gastritis treatment. Below are common causes of gastritis symptoms and foods that help you recover:" }, { "docid": "614968", "title": "-", "text": "Foods to be avoided if you have gastritis or peptic ulcers. Milk products. A proper diet for the treatment of gastritis or ulcers should not include whole milk, cream or sour cream with a fat content of over 20% as well as any fermented milk products." }, { "docid": "6854004", "title": "Gastritis", "text": "Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach. Gastritis is a common condition. Gastritis is most frequently caused by an infection of a type of bacteria called Helicobacter pylori, which also causes peptic ulcers.ypical symptoms of gastritis include heartburn, nausea, and vomiting. Gastritis is a treatable condition, but if can lead to dehydration and other complications, such as an increased risk of developing a peptic ulcer, if left untreated. For more details about symptoms and complications, see symptoms of gastritis." }, { "docid": "2011010", "title": "Gastritis: The Inflamed Stomach", "text": "Gastritis: The Inflamed Stomach Gastritis is a form of inflammation that affects the mucosal lining of the stomach. It often starts as an irritation that can occur suddenly or gradually progress." }, { "docid": "8217439", "title": "Changing Your Diet: Choosing Nutrient-rich Foods", "text": "There are different types of good and bad fats. Learn about the benefits and risks of fats, as well as what foods to eat and what foods to avoid. There are different types of good and bad fats. Learn about the benefits and risks of fats, as well as what foods to eat and what foods to avoid. Diseases and Conditions" }, { "docid": "5497106", "title": "-", "text": "1 Gastritis. 2 Alcohol, medications including NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), or naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn) and many others can cause stomach ulcers or inflammation (gastritis). 3 Stomach ulcers and intestinal ulcers." }, { "docid": "5231445", "title": "Gastritis diet: Foods to eat and avoid, dietary plan and recommendations", "text": "Symptoms of gastritis include bloating, feeling of fullness, and pain. In order to reduce your symptoms, you will want to follow a gastritis-friendly diet and also be aware of the foods that can worsen your condition. Below are the foods to enjoy along with the foods to avoid when treating and living with gastritis." }, { "docid": "3631403", "title": "33 Most Unhealthy Foods You Should Avoid", "text": "33 Most Unhealthy Foods You Should Avoid. With so much talk of healthy foods and what you should be eating, the foods that are the worst for us can get overlooked. The reason it’s so hard to avoid these kinds of food is because the things that make them bad also make them taste good.Fatty foods typically taste good, so do sweet and salty ones, which means a lot of the foods you love are likely not the best things you can have.et aside the high amounts of trans fat, saturated fat, calories, and cholesterol that comes with frying foods, since that’s been covered many times before and most of us already know about those dangers. Another reason to avoid eating fried foods is that most of them will contain MSG." }, { "docid": "7154298", "title": "Healing Foods for Stomach Inflammation", "text": "Gastritis can be acute or chronic and may result in stomach bleeding, erosion and ulcers. Medications are available to reduce stomach acid and treat gastritis, but you may benefit from changes to your diet. Certain foods reduce stomach inflammation without the side effects of prescription or over-the-counter medications. Video of the Day" }, { "docid": "7305350", "title": "Healing an Inflamed Stomach (Gastritis)", "text": "Healing an Inflamed Stomach (Gastritis) I have just been treated with Amoxicillin, Flagy, and Prilosec for gastritis. At the same time I took (as directed) 2 iron pills a day. After suffering for 3 months I realized that the iron pills were continuing the gastritis and not allowing it to heal." }, { "docid": "7476270", "title": "What is a BRAT Diet?", "text": "The name is an acronym for the four foods of the diet, which are bananas, rice, applesauce and toast, and these four foods are a good prescription for someone who is under the weather. The foods of a BRAT diet are easier to digest than typical foods while being low in fiber." }, { "docid": "6877044", "title": "Gastritis (Symptoms, Diet, and Treatment)", "text": "1 This is usually found in people with underlying autoimmune disorders. 2 Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis: An uncommon form of gastritis due to eosinophilic infiltration of the stomach wall. 3 Bile reflux gastritis: This condition is a postgastrectomy complication leading to stomach pain, vomiting bile and weight loss." }, { "docid": "8479221", "title": "What's For Dinner?", "text": "Though the English from this time ate some of the same foods that we do today, their diet was quite different from ours. In fact, people back then had a very different idea of what foods were good for them. To their minds, bread, beer and meat were the best foods, although they couldn't often have them in New Plymouth.hough the English from this time ate some of the same foods that we do today, their diet was quite different from ours. In fact, people back then had a very different idea of what foods were good for them. To their minds, bread, beer and meat were the best foods, although they couldn't often have them in New Plymouth." }, { "docid": "5279114", "title": "Alcoholism, Gastritis, and Stomach Ulcers", "text": "Inside the stomach, heavy, ongoing alcohol consumption can trigger the irritation and inflammation that characterize classic gastritis. In people with existing gastritis caused by H. pylori or some other problem, heavy patterns of alcohol consumption can potentially worsen the effects of the condition." }, { "docid": "3349588", "title": "liquid", "text": "It is used for acute gastritis, as a transition between clear liquid and soft diet, and in conditions in which there is intolerance to solid food. Milk, strained soups, and fruit juices are allowed. Foods that liquefy at body temperature, such as ice cream, flavored gelatin, and soft custards, can be included." }, { "docid": "7155346", "title": "What are examples of carbohydrate foods?", "text": "So, what are examples of carbohydrate foods? Well, there are different types. So, what you need here are examples of: High carbohydrate foods; Low carbohydrate foods; Bad carbohydrate foods; Good carbohydrate foods; Addictive and bad carbohydrate foods" }, { "docid": "2247433", "title": "-", "text": "1 Eating high fiber foods does not worsen stomach pain for most people with ulcers or gastritis. High fiber foods include whole grains, cooked dried beans, and fruits and vegetables with peels. You may notice that some foods cause you to have extra gas." }, { "docid": "3356880", "title": "Gastritis (Symptoms, Diet, and Treatment)", "text": "Antibiotics: An antibiotic may be prescribed if H pylori is the cause of the patient's gastritis. Antiemetics: Antiemetic medications help control nausea and vomiting. A number of different antiemetics can be used to control gastritis symptoms. Some of these medications are available by prescription for home use as well. Note that these medications do not improve the gastritis, but rather only decrease the symptoms of gastritis." } ]
foods rich in calories and protein
[ { "docid": "649636", "title": "-", "text": "High protein foods include meat, fish, cheese, tofu, beans, lentils, yogurt, nuts, and seeds. Below is a list of foods with the highest protein to calorie ratio, for more information, see the sections on protein dense foods, other protein rich foods, low calorie high protein snacks, and protein isolates." } ]
[ { "docid": "7906514", "title": "5 Nutrition Tips to Promote Wound Healing", "text": "The Nutrition Tips. 1 The first priority is to eat sufficient calories from a balanced diet of nutritious foods. Plan healthy, balanced meals and snacks that include plenty of foods from all the MyPlate food groups — protein, fruits, vegetables, dairy and grains. Include optimum amounts of protein." }, { "docid": "3179326", "title": "How many carbs are in Lamb Shawarma (Recipe)", "text": "Yet, roughly 85% of all foods in our database have a lower ratio of protein to calories. Having a premium degree of protein with a protein/calorie ratio of 30.85%, it contains the same quantity as lamb chops, shallots and spring rolls." }, { "docid": "231597", "title": "-", "text": "Foods that have roughly the same number of calories from fats, calories, and protein will be found closer to the center of the pyramid. Read more about the Caloric Ratio Pyramid. Caloric Ratio Pyramid for Starbucks beverage: Tazo® Chai Tea Latte, whole milk." }, { "docid": "6665673", "title": "Get our Deals! FREE Gift with orders of $75 or more! Order 1-800-338-7979 24-hours My Account Log InSearchCheckout0 CartShop by CategoryProteinBodybuildingVitamins & MineralsSupplementsArticlesBrands", "text": "Proteins rich in BCAAs stimulate protein synthesis in older individuals. This study involved older men and women aged 65-79 years of age.[2] They were provided 15 grams of whey protein or an equivalent amount of an essential amino acid formula rich in BCAAs, each totaling 60 calories." }, { "docid": "3029848", "title": "-", "text": "Foods that have roughly the same number of calories from fats, calories, and protein will be found closer to the center of the pyramid. Read more about the Caloric Ratio Pyramid. Caloric Ratio Pyramid for Potato, baked, flesh and skin, without salt." }, { "docid": "6645476", "title": "-", "text": "Foods that have roughly the same number of calories from fats, calories, and protein will be found closer to the center of the pyramid. Read more about the Caloric Ratio Pyramid. Caloric Ratio Pyramid for Kielbasa, kolbassy, pork, beef, nonfat dry milk added." }, { "docid": "166873", "title": "-", "text": "If you’d like to gain weight or muscle mass, drinking protein shakes after workouts in addition to your usual diet can be a healthy way to do it.ot all protein shakes have equal calorie counts, but no shake is calorie-free. A common misconception is that you can’t gain weight if you consume excess calories from “healthy” foods or items rich in carbs or protein instead of fat. The truth is, any extra calories you consume can lead to weight gain." }, { "docid": "6380719", "title": "-", "text": "Foods low in carbohydrates will cluster along the right edge of the pyramid, with foods that are high in fat at the upper edge and foods that are high in protein at the lower edge. Foods that have roughly the same number of calories from fats, calories, and protein will be found closer to the center of the pyramid. Read more about the Caloric Ratio Pyramid. Caloric Ratio Pyramid for Oil, vegetable, almond. This feature requires Flash player to be installed in your browser." }, { "docid": "3238832", "title": "-", "text": "Food Cravings Aren't All Bad. The foods women tend to want are, in fact, good choices. Take dairy products, for example, rich in protein, calcium, and several other nutrients, which are among the top foods women want during pregnancy, according to the March of Dimes." }, { "docid": "6860619", "title": "What is energy?", "text": "1 Foods with fewer calories per gram such as fruits, vegetables, soups, lean protein-and carbohydrate-rich foods have a relatively low energy density. 2 Foods with a high fat and/or low water content such as chocolate, fried snacks, nuts and crackers have a relatively higher energy density.t is also provided by alcohol. Different food and drinks provide different amounts of energy. The amount of energy (measured in units of calories or kilojoules) a food contains per gram is known as its energy density." }, { "docid": "3399163", "title": "What is Soy?", "text": "A. Yes. Soy foods offer many health benefits. Soy is a good source of protein, but unlike many other protein-rich foods, it's low in saturated fats and contains no cholesterol. The fat in soy is predominantly unsaturated, which does not raise blood cholesterol. Most consumers are aware of soyfoods, and many Americans have tried them." }, { "docid": "6846635", "title": "The Risks Associated With the Over-Consumption & Under-Consumption of Protein", "text": "If you’re healthy, over-consumption of protein likely won’t hurt you, as long as you are not eating too many foods high in saturated fat and skipping healthful carbohydrate-rich foods such as vegetables and fruit. Under-consumption of protein is rare in the United States, and can lead to malnutrition and serious illness. Sources of Protein Foods rich in proteins include animal-based foods such as meats, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products." }, { "docid": "5491154", "title": "-", "text": "Foods that have roughly the same number of calories from fats, calories, and protein will be found closer to the center of the pyramid. Read more about the Caloric Ratio Pyramid. Caloric Ratio Pyramid for Turkey, drumstick, smoked, cooked, with skin, bone removed." }, { "docid": "5050783", "title": "What Services Does WIC Provide?", "text": "What Food Does WIC Provide? WIC provides basic nutritious foods to eligible pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women, as well as infants and children. These foods are rich in protein, iron, calcium, and vitamins A and C. These are key nutrients commonly lacking in the diets of the WIC target population.IC provides basic nutritious foods to eligible pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women, as well as infants and children. These foods are rich in protein, iron, calcium, and vitamins A and C. These are key nutrients commonly lacking in the diets of the WIC target population." }, { "docid": "296642", "title": "How Much Carbs, Fat and Protein Should You Eat Daily to Lose Weight?", "text": "The average American consumes more than an adequate amount of protein. Foods high in protein also tend to be high in fat. Protein-rich foods should provide 10 to 35 percent of your total daily calories. Adequate protein intake is essential as proteins are the main substances the body uses to build and repair tissues such as muscles, blood, internal organs, hair, skin, nails and bones." }, { "docid": "5832951", "title": "Health & Nutrition - BIO 103 Chapter 1 - 6 Classes of Nutrients", "text": "1 To meet your daily needs for protein, calories, carbohydrates, healthy fats, and key vitamins and minerals during pregnancy, eat a variety of foods." }, { "docid": "5543442", "title": "-", "text": "Fruits can be a good source of protein, though they tend to provide less than vegetables, beans, and other high protein foods. To be sure you get all the essential amino acids you need from fruits, use the complete protein calculator. Below is a list of fruits with the highest protein to calorie ratio. For more see the extended list of protein rich fruits, the list of dried fruits high in protein, and the list of protein rich fruits ranked by percent of protein. #1: Guavas. Click to see complete nutrition facts." }, { "docid": "5839360", "title": "How Much Protein", "text": "Have you heard that too much protein is bad for your dog? Or have you heard that dog food doesn't have enough protein? When you look at the labels on various dog foods, some are high protein, while others are lower protein. Some say they have 30 percent protein, some 26 percent, 22 percent or 18 percent. How much protein does your dog really need? Protein is a nutrient that provides four calories of energy per gram." }, { "docid": "2478797", "title": "Can Sulfur Help You Heal?", "text": "Updated August 01, 2016. A chemical element that is naturally present in the human body, sulfur is also found in a number of foods (such as garlic, onions, eggs, and protein-rich foods) and is necessary for the synthesis of the essential amino acids cysteine and methionine." }, { "docid": "6752953", "title": "-", "text": "which of the following is a characteristic of alcohol. it contributes calories and interferes with repair of body tissues. carbohydrate and protein each contain ___ calories in a gram. 4. the major role in the body that all vitamins and minerals have is. to act a regulators in body processes. foods that have been subjected to any food process such as addition of additives, milling, or cooking are called ____ foods." }, { "docid": "6567973", "title": "-", "text": "Foods that have roughly the same number of calories from fats, calories, and protein will be found closer to the center of the pyramid. Read more about the Caloric Ratio Pyramid. Caloric Ratio Pyramid for Quinoa, cooked." }, { "docid": "6990598", "title": "What are Good Food Sources of Zinc?", "text": "Foods Containing Zinc. Zinc is very much associated with protein foods. Thus, you may assume that most foods high in zinc are protein-rich as well. The best sources of zinc include beef, lamb, pork, crabmeat, turkey, chicken, lobster, clams and salmon. If you are a vegetarian, you will most probably intake less zinc that those who have meat-based diets." }, { "docid": "1856769", "title": "-", "text": "Foods that have roughly the same number of calories from fats, calories, and protein will be found closer to the center of the pyramid. Read more about the Caloric Ratio Pyramid. Caloric Ratio Pyramid for Candies, REESE'S NUTRAGEOUS Candy Bar." }, { "docid": "2393515", "title": "-", "text": "Foods that have roughly the same number of calories from fats, calories, and protein will be found closer to the center of the pyramid. Read more about the Caloric Ratio Pyramid. Caloric Ratio Pyramid for Watermelon, raw." }, { "docid": "6551854", "title": "What to Eat, How Much, and When", "text": "When you know the amount of carbohydrate, protein, and fat you're eating at a meal, you can learn to choose foods that help to keep your blood sugar levels even. The total amount of calories you eat every day is also important." }, { "docid": "7382951", "title": "Foods That Can Affect Fertility", "text": "Women following the fertility diet chose: Less trans fat and more monounsaturated fat (from foods such as avocados and olive oil) Less animal protein and more vegetable protein. More high-fiber, low-glycemic carbohydrate-rich foods (including whole grains) More vegetarian sources of iron and fewer meat sources." }, { "docid": "6249804", "title": "Fat", "text": "Back to Top Recommendations. 1 Choose lean, protein-rich foods such as soy, fish, skinless chicken, very lean meat, and fat-free or 1% dairy products. 2 Eat foods that are naturally low in fat such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. 3 Get plenty of soluble fiber such as oats, bran, dry peas, beans, cereal, and rice.ack to Top Function. Fat is one of the 3 nutrients (along with protein and carbohydrates) that supply calories to the body. Fat provides 9 calories per gram, more than twice the number provided by carbohydrates or protein. Fat is essential for the proper functioning of the body." }, { "docid": "7029841", "title": "-", "text": "Foods that have roughly the same number of calories from fats, calories, and protein will be found closer to the center of the pyramid. Read more about the Caloric Ratio Pyramid. Caloric Ratio Pyramid for PILLSBURY, Cinnamon Rolls with Icing, refrigerated dough." }, { "docid": "529770", "title": "How Much Protein Is in Steel Cut Oats?", "text": "Vegetarians and vegans in particular may have difficulty getting enough daily protein, and regularly eating non-dairy foods that are rich in the nutrient, such as steel cut oats, can help. Women should get 10 to 35 percent of your daily calories from protein, or about 46 grams per day." }, { "docid": "1457460", "title": "How Many Carbs and Proteins Are Allowed on a 1,500-Calorie Diet?", "text": "Between 10 and 35 percent of your calories should come from protein -- that's between 150 and 525 calories in a 1,500-calorie diet.Like carbohydrates, protein also has 4 calories per gram, so your daily protein allowance should fall between 37 and 131 grams of protein per day.etween 10 and 35 percent of your calories should come from protein -- that's between 150 and 525 calories in a 1,500-calorie diet." } ]
another phrase meaning beat a dead horse
[ { "docid": "5656570", "title": "Flogging a dead horse", "text": "Flogging a dead horse. For other uses, see Flogging a dead horse (disambiguation). Flogging a dead horse (alternatively beating a dead horse, or beating a dead dog in some parts of the Anglophone world) is an idiom that means to continue a particular endeavour is a waste of time as the outcome is already decided." } ]
[ { "docid": "7682194", "title": "What is the meaning of the Latin word filium ?", "text": "What is the meaning of the Latin word filios,? What is the meaning of the Latin word filios? What is the meaning of the Latin phrase fili mi? What is the meaning of the Latin phrase fili in lege? What is the meaning of the Latin phrase filii Henadad,? What is the meaning of the Latin phrase filii Henadad? What is the meaning of the Latin word filius? What is the meaning of the Latin word filius,? What is the meaning of the Latin word filiusfamilias? What is the meaning of the Latin word film? What is the meaning of the Latin word filmic?" }, { "docid": "5366928", "title": "-", "text": "I constantly see you as #1 for every race every day. I was wondering what your riding and swiftness are at. Even with the best gear that I can find at level 13 and on my level 15 horse with a perfect run when I take all the shortcuts I know of you still beat me by more than 4 seconds on most runs.Any help would be appreciated! constantly see you as #1 for every race every day. I was wondering what your riding and swiftness are at. Even with the best gear that I can find at level 13 and on my level 15 horse with a perfect run when I take all the shortcuts I know of you still beat me by more than 4 seconds on most runs." }, { "docid": "7782307", "title": "hobby", "text": "The meaning of hobby-horse shifted from small horse, pony to child's toy riding horse to favorite pastime or avocation with the connecting notion being activity that doesn't go anywhere. Possibly originally from a proper name for a horse, a diminutive of Robert or Robin (compare dobbin)." }, { "docid": "5924367", "title": "What does the word \"err\" mean in the phrase \"to err on the side of caution\"?", "text": "What does the word err mean in the phrase to err on the side of caution? What is the origin and meaning of the phrase see you on the flip side? What does the phrase two sides of a coin mean?" }, { "docid": "2170170", "title": "Difference between referee and referent", "text": "ADDED: A 'referent' could be a person, but not a referee. Example. When nastly, old John used the phrase, 'my nag,' he did NOT mean his horse; the referent was, in fact, his wife. Such reference was thought by all to be insulting, and some wondered why she didn't put him out of his misery. A person writing a letter for you is not a 'referent'." }, { "docid": "3660016", "title": "Horse", "text": "Superstition read meaning into the colours of the horse, and a horse’s head suspended near a grave or sanctuary or on the gables of a house conferred supernatural powers on the place. Greek mythology created the Centaur, the most obvious symbol of the oneness of horse and rider." }, { "docid": "2008658", "title": "-", "text": "Tattoos with Meaning – Geisha Tattoo Meaning. The Japanese phrase “Geisha” means “person of the arts” and a true Geisha is said to be a piece of art in human form." }, { "docid": "7577107", "title": "What does BYE FELICIA mean?", "text": "Today we are chatting about the meaning of the phrase phrase 'Bye Felicia'.. It's from the movie 'Friday' with Ice Cube and Chris Tucker. It I do new CHL-Cool Hip Lingo every Friday if you'd like me to talk about a quote or word leave it in the comments!" }, { "docid": "5315723", "title": "-", "text": "Pro re nata. Pro re nata is a Latin phrase meaning in the circumstances or as the circumstance arises. It is commonly used in medicine to mean as needed or as the situation arises." }, { "docid": "8268307", "title": "How Fast Can a Horse Run", "text": "How Fast Can a Horse Run. Submitted by Auth_Gen on Tue, 12/20/2011 - 19:14. Horse Speeds and Gaits. A horse's walk is a basic four beat gait. The walk is the slowest gait. A trot is the next speed up from walk, it is a two beat gait where the horses front and back legs move in sync." }, { "docid": "4035827", "title": "-", "text": "I completely agree with your definition. It is the meaning I have always attributed to the phrase. I don't agree with the ambiguity/possibility definition at all. Thank you for stating your version so clearly." }, { "docid": "8360009", "title": "Rosa", "text": "English Meaning: The name Rosa is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Rosa is: Rose (flower name). German Meaning: The name Rosa is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Rosa is: Noted protector.Also a Horse; fame.he name Rosa is an Italian baby name. In Italian the meaning of the name Rosa is: Rose. Latin Meaning: The name Rosa is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Rosa is: Rose." }, { "docid": "1901510", "title": "English for Students", "text": "Synonyms are nothing but the similar meanings of a particular word or its semantic relation. A Synonym is a word or a phrase that means the same as another word or a phrase in the same language. Antonyms are the negative connotation of a particular word. An Antonym is a word or phrase that is opposite in meaning to a particular word or a phrase in the same language. So enjoy this list and then get around for preparing your own list of Synonyms and Antonyms. There is no better way of boosting your words power." }, { "docid": "5031156", "title": "Arian", "text": "Anglo-Saxon Meaning: The name Arian is an Anglo-Saxon baby name. In Anglo-Saxon the meaning of the name Arian is: Spares. Welsh Meaning: The name Arian is a Welsh baby name. In Welsh the meaning of the name Arian is: Silver. Derived from Greek Arion, mythological magic horse born to Poseidon and Demeter." }, { "docid": "7940818", "title": "phrase", "text": "phrase. n. 1. A sequence of words that have meaning, especially when forming part of a sentence. 2. a. A characteristic way or mode of expression: an apt turn of phrase.b.. A sequence of words that have meaning, especially when forming part of a sentence. 2. a. A characteristic way or mode of expression: an apt turn of phrase. b." }, { "docid": "1532565", "title": "-", "text": "'Nada grande' is a phrase from the Portuguese and Spanish languages. The word-by-word translation of the phrase is nothing , which is the meaning of 'nada'; and big , or gr…eat , which is the meaning of 'grande'. There are interpretations other than the literal. But they depend upon the situation." }, { "docid": "4637000", "title": "VOCABULARY - IDIOMS", "text": "Definition An idiom (also called idiomatic expression) is an expression, word, or phrase that has a figurative meaning conventionally understood by native speakers. This meaning is different from the literal meaning of the idiom's individual elements." }, { "docid": "2125380", "title": "Translation and Meaning", "text": "Translation and Meaning. The meaning of a given word or set of words is best understood as the contribution that word or phrase can make to the meaning or function of the whole sentence or linguistic utterance where that word or phrase occurs." }, { "docid": "5968579", "title": "Symbolic Meaning of Wings", "text": "You can also learn more about the enchanting symbolism of the horse here. Symbolic Meaning of Wings on Lions: In alchemy, the lion is symbolic of gold-a spiritual quality that is lusciously luminescent and gloriously rich in value.Bling of the heart.he symbolic meaning of the horse is pretty intense with themes of power and mobility. The horse alone also carries archetypal themes of unifying grounded stability (four feet on the ground) with higher ideals (from speed and mobility). This theme really comes to life when we add wings to the horse." }, { "docid": "2596694", "title": "A Complete Guide to RV Camping in State Parks of the United States", "text": "Dead Horse Point State Park. You can see more of the striking landscapes around Moab, Utah, at the opening of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Thelma and Louise location: the ending: Dead Horse Point State Park, Utah. Photograph: iStockphoto." }, { "docid": "981744", "title": "Dead-end job", "text": "Dead-end job. A dead-end job is a job in which there is little or no chance of career development and advancement into a higher paid position. Such work is usually regarded as unskilled and the phrase usually applies to those working as shelf stackers, cleaners, call center agents, clerks, or in other menial jobs where the pay is low, and the hours are long." }, { "docid": "278633", "title": "-", "text": "What is the meaning of the Dutch word topzwaar? What is the meaning of the Dutch phrase top van de mast? What is the meaning of the Dutch phrase top- up? What is the meaning of the Dutch word topspin? What is the meaning of the Dutch word top-rated? What is the meaning of the Dutch word torengebouw? What is the meaning of the Dutch word torenhoge? What is the meaning of the Dutch word torenklok? What is the meaning of the Dutch word torenspits?" }, { "docid": "7530941", "title": "Definition Worksheets", "text": "Writing Definition Worksheets. A definition is a statement of the exact meaning of a word, especially in the dictionary. A definition may come from a dictionary or by using verious strategies to find the meaning. It is a statement that defines a word or phrase." }, { "docid": "7918109", "title": "Crystal Colorado Ghost Town and Mill", "text": "Crystal Colorado Ghost Town and Mill. Lush mountain setting surrounds the Lost Horse Mill (sometimes Dead Horse Mill) near the ghost town of Crystal, Colorado. This building actually housed a power generator for the mill, which was standing next to it. Crystal never had nor does it have now, electricity." }, { "docid": "1150401", "title": "What Does âMusic Soothe The Savage Beast Mean?", "text": "As it is today, the phrase is misquoted wrongly in many places. The literal meaning of the incorrect quote is in reference to the power of music. Whoever began to misquote the phrase, wanted to say that music has the power to soothe even the most savage beast in the world. In a way, even though the quote is incorrect, it does make some sense." }, { "docid": "5656569", "title": "horse", "text": "Definition of beat a dead horse. chiefly US, informal. 1 : to keep talking about a subject that has already been discussed or decided I don't mean to beat a dead horse, but I still don't understand what happened." }, { "docid": "3419471", "title": "Figure of speech", "text": "A figure of speech or rhetorical figure is figurative language in the form of a single word or phrase. It can be a special repetition, arrangement or omission of words with literal meaning, or a phrase with a specialized meaning not based on the literal meaning of the words." }, { "docid": "4019354", "title": "Symbolic Meaning of HorseFace to the Wind, You are Wild and Free", "text": "Freedom is the most sacred and spiritual meaning of what it is to be the Horse. Freedom in every sense of the word; mind body and spirit. Call upon the Horse spirit animal to set your spirit free." }, { "docid": "6951884", "title": "Monster Hunter World Nergigante Weakness: How to Defeat the Dragon", "text": "Once Nergigante gets weak, it'll start limping, and you'll know he's about dead. Make sure to keep breaking its spikes off as they grow back before they can harden. The fight will take about 15 minutes if everything goes well and you'll get a pack of consumables if you beat it." }, { "docid": "6363955", "title": "How Fast Can a Horse Run", "text": "Horse Speeds and Gaits. A horse's walk is a basic four beat gait. The walk is the slowest gait. A trot is the next speed up from walk, it is a two beat gait where the horses front and back legs move in sync.The trot is the equine equivalent to jogging, and is in fact referred to as a jog in some disciplines.orse Speeds and Gaits. A horse's walk is a basic four beat gait. The walk is the slowest gait. A trot is the next speed up from walk, it is a two beat gait where the horses front and back legs move in sync. The trot is the equine equivalent to jogging, and is in fact referred to as a jog in some disciplines." } ]
foods that lower cholesterol and hdl
[ { "docid": "6793847", "title": "Foods That Raise HDL", "text": "Therefore, while there are foods that lower cholesterol and foods that lower heart disease risk, there are no foods that raise HDL. Types of foods that have heart benefits but do not affect HDL include: Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids (such as fatty fish and dark, leafy greens) Walnuts." } ]
[ { "docid": "8149005", "title": "How is cholesterol measured?", "text": "You should have a complete lipoprotein panel, which measures total cholesterol (LDL + HDL), LDL (bad cholesterol), HDL (good cholesterol) and triglyceride levels. Ideally, it should be a fasting panel, completed after you've fasted for nine to 12 hours." }, { "docid": "4296804", "title": "-", "text": "Fighting for the Good. You probably know all about the two types of cholesterol: HDL and LDL. Too much LDL (bad) cholesterol can gunk up your blood and clog your arteries, but HDL (good) cholesterol acts like a housekeeper for your blood, mopping up excess LDL and tossing it in the trash (your liver) for disposal.ighting for the Good. You probably know all about the two types of cholesterol: HDL and LDL. Too much LDL (bad) cholesterol can gunk up your blood and clog your arteries, but HDL (good) cholesterol acts like a housekeeper for your blood, mopping up excess LDL and tossing it in the trash (your liver) for disposal." }, { "docid": "6146306", "title": "What are the different types of cholesterol?", "text": "Another type of cholesterol package is high-density lipoprotein (HDL), often called good cholesterol. HDL helps transport cholesterol from other parts of the body to the liver, which helps remove it from the body, preventing it from piling up in the arteries.holesterol is a form of fat that is carried through the body in two kinds of bundles, or lipoproteins. It's important to have healthy levels of both. Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs), or bad cholesterol, can lead to a buildup of cholesterol in the arteries. In general, the lower your LDL, the better." }, { "docid": "6148018", "title": "-", "text": "Saturated fat can increase your levels of bad LDL cholesterol. But it has some benefits, too — it lowers triglycerides and nudges up levels of good HDL cholesterol. The role of saturated fat in heart disease is currently under debate. For now, it's best to limit your intake of saturated-fat-rich foods." }, { "docid": "5090891", "title": "10 cholesterol lowering foods", "text": "10 cholesterol lowering foods. Tackle high cholesterol levels with these 10 easy to find foods! Anusuya Suresh | Updated: February 24, 2015 4:36 pm. Tags: Oats Fenugreek Natural Remedies Methi Beans LDL Cholesterol Onions Garlic Diseases & Conditions Heart disease Cholesterol LDL HDL VLDL Fish Nuts Digestion." }, { "docid": "230622", "title": "Normal Levels of Cholesterol & How To Lower High Cholesterol Levels?", "text": "The simple equation to find out the ratio is: HDL/Total Cholesterol or LDL/HDL. Whereas the normal levels of cholesterol ratios of LDL to HDL should be less than 2.5. And remember that this is the best indicator of risk of heart disease and stroke.here are 4 measures you need to take and find out your normal levels of cholesterol. These measures are: LDL, HDL, total cholesterol and cholesterol ratios. Before finding out your cholesterol levels, you need to have a blood test." }, { "docid": "10871", "title": "cholesterol", "text": "LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol, along with one fifth of your triglyceride level, make up your total cholesterol count, which can be determined through a blood test." }, { "docid": "1150793", "title": "Rosuvastatin Calcium", "text": "CRESTOR is used along with diet to: 1 lower the level of your “bad” cholesterol (LDL). 2 increase the level of your “good” cholesterol (HDL). 3 lower the level of fat in your blood (triglycerides)." }, { "docid": "2748624", "title": "5.1.1: What Are LDL and HDL", "text": "HDL is a type of cholesterol that stands for high density lipoprotein. This cholesterol is usually considered the good cholesterol. It is considered good because it takes cholesterol to the liver to be disposed of since cholesterol can't be dissolved in blood. HDL along with LDL are used to measure the risk of heart disease." }, { "docid": "6532866", "title": "Fat", "text": "These fats form when vegetable oil hardens (a process called hydrogenation) and can raise LDL levels. They can also lower HDL levels (good cholesterol). Trans fatty acids are found in fried foods, commercial baked goods (donuts, cookies, crackers), processed foods, and margarines." }, { "docid": "8149009", "title": "Normal Serum Cholesterol", "text": "HDL cholesterol is often called good cholesterol because high levels seem to protect against heart attack. About one-fourth to one-third of your serum cholesterol is HDL, according to the AHA. The risk of heart disease is high when HDL is less than 40 mg/dL for men and less than 50 mg/dL for women. It is best to have an HDL level that is 60 mg/dL or more." }, { "docid": "3350439", "title": "Cholesterol ratio or non-HDL cholesterol: Which is most important?", "text": "To calculate your cholesterol ratio, divide your high-density lipoprotein (HDL, or good) cholesterol number into your total cholesterol number. An optimal ratio is less than 3.5-to-1. A higher ratio means a higher risk of heart disease. Non-HDL cholesterol, as its name implies, simply subtracts your HDL cholesterol number from your total cholesterol number. So it contains all the bad types of cholesterol. An optimal level of non-HDL cholesterol is less than 130 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL), or 3.37 millimoles per liter (mmol/L)." }, { "docid": "5069916", "title": "Whatâs the Best Way to Make Coffee for Maximum Health Benefits? Filter or No Filter?", "text": "Find your number for both types of cholesterol – HDL and LDL. (LDL is the so-called “bad” cholesterol, and HDL is the “good” cholesterol. Having a high number for HDL actually offsets the effects of LDL in your body). Switch to paper-filtered drip coffee if you don’t mind the taste." }, { "docid": "905695", "title": "A Doctorâs Treasury of", "text": "This B vitamin can boost HDL “good cholesterol and lower LDL “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides -- but only use it if your doctor advises you to. For niacin to work you have to take a lot of it, and that can cause side effects such as facial flushing." }, { "docid": "983681", "title": "14 Cholesterol-Lowering Foods", "text": "High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is the good kind of cholesterol and the kind you want. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is the bad kind of cholesterol and the kind you want to keep in check. Keep reading to learn more about HDL and why eating these foods can increase your HDL level." }, { "docid": "3738870", "title": "-", "text": "Lipid is a medical term for fat found in the bloodstream. There are different types of lipids, some good and some bad.igh density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). HDL-C is known as the “good” cholesterol because it helps take “bad” cholesterol out of the body. Think about HDL-C as a “tow truck” that removes LDL-C from your blood." }, { "docid": "4741277", "title": "Understanding Your Cholesterol Test Results", "text": "1 High-density lipoproteins (HDL). 2 This is the good cholesterol.. 3 It transports bad cholesterol from the blood to the liver, where it is excreted by the body. 4 Your HDL is another part of the equation that identifies the risk of a cardiovascular event. High-density lipoproteins (HDL). 2 This is the good cholesterol.. 3 It transports bad cholesterol from the blood to the liver, where it is excreted by the body. 4 Your HDL is another part of the equation that identifies the risk of a cardiovascular event." }, { "docid": "973733", "title": "What is cholesterol?", "text": "Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) are sometimes called “bad” cholesterol. High levels of LDL cholesterol can build up in your arteries, causing heart disease. High-density lipoproteins (HDL) are referred to as “good” cholesterol. HDL cholesterol carries cholesterol from other parts of your body back to the liver." }, { "docid": "4290568", "title": "Lipid Profile", "text": "HDL (good) cholesterol protects against heart disease, so for HDL, higher numbers are better. A level less than 40 mg/dL is low and is considered a major risk factor because it increases your risk for developing heart disease. HDL levels of 60 mg/dL or more help to lower your risk for heart disease. Triglycerides can also raise heart disease risk." }, { "docid": "6864934", "title": "-", "text": "1 These lipoproteins are often referred to as HDL, or good, cholesterol. 2 They act as cholesterol scavengers, picking up excess cholesterol in your blood and taking it back to your liver where it's broken down. 3 The higher your HDL level, the less bad cholesterol you'll have in your blood." }, { "docid": "1224784", "title": "Foods to Keep Cholesterol (and Blood Sugar) In Check", "text": "Download Healthmonitor Magazin. Foods to Keep Cholesterol (and Blood Sugar) In Check. Eat these foods to lower your bad cholesterol, boost your good cholesterol and keep blood sugar under control. One of the results of uncontrolled diabetes is thicker blood vessels, which makes it easier for cholesterol to build up. Luckily, treating yourself to these foods can help lower your “bad” (LDL) cholesterol, boost your “good” (HDL) cholesterol and even help keep your blood sugar under control!" }, { "docid": "3519410", "title": "Cholesterol Levels Chart Explained", "text": "The very fats that will raise the “good” HDL cholesterol and lower the “bad” LDL cholesterol in your body. You can also expect better ratios on the cholesterol levels chart by exercising consistently." }, { "docid": "6903166", "title": "Which Foods Contain LDL & HDL?", "text": "Low-density lipoprotein, or LDL cholesterol, is what you may know as bad cholesterol. High LDL levels can cause heart disease, hypertension and stroke. To lower your LDL levels, avoid foods with saturated fats. Having high levels of high-density lipoprotein, or HDL cholesterol, is healthy." }, { "docid": "4709921", "title": "What should my cholesterol levels be if I'm a woman?", "text": "High-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol levels are interpreted differently. The lower your HDL level, the higher your heart disease risk. In women, a level less than 50 mg/dL is a major risk factor for heart disease. An HDL level of 60 mg/dL or higher is considered protective.A lipoprotein profile, which determines your cholesterol levels, also measures another fatty substance called triglycerides.he National Cholesterol Education Program defines a desirable total cholesterol level as less than 200 mg/dL, and levels for most women stay in the healthy or desirable range until middle-age." }, { "docid": "8461277", "title": "-", "text": "Heart healthy foods to help improve good cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol. The best meal for anyone worried about their cholesterol is a meal low in saturated fat and abundant in fruits and vegetables. And although there are no magic bullets beyond that healthy prescription, certain foods have been shown to give cholesterol levels an extra nudge in the right direction. Weave some of these whole foods, all pinpointed by research as cholesterol-friendly, into your daily diet." }, { "docid": "1660196", "title": "How to Increase âGoodâ HDL Cholesterol", "text": "1 High-density lipoproteins. 2 These lipoproteins are often referred to as HDL, or good, cholesterol. 3 They act as cholesterol scavengers, picking up excess cholesterol in your blood and taking it back to your liver where it's broken down. 4 The higher your HDL level, the less bad cholesterol you'll have in your blood.ncreasing HDL cholesterol also can reduce your risk of heart disease. Although higher levels of HDL can be helpful in reducing your risk of having a heart attack, researchers caution that you should also consider other risk factors for developing heart disease." }, { "docid": "4043016", "title": "Soluble Fibre Foods", "text": "Soluble fibre foods are essential for a healthy diet, being a great and natural way to lower the levels of LDL cholesterol.oluble fibre foods are essential for a healthy diet, being a great and natural way to lower the levels of LDL cholesterol." }, { "docid": "3355568", "title": "Cholesterol Tests - know your numbers", "text": "HDL-Cholesterol (HDL-C) - the amount of good cholesterol, ideally it should be over 1mmol/L* (men) and over 1.2mmol/L* (women). TC:HDL ratio This is the TC figure divided by the HDL-C figure. A ratio above 6 is considered high risk - the lower this figure is the better." }, { "docid": "1405535", "title": "How to Raise HDL Cholesterol Naturally - Foods to Increase HDL", "text": "• Beans, Lentils, Peas. Other natural ways to raise HDL levels naturally Physical Activity. Regular cardiovascular activity has been shown to raise HDL cholesterol levels as well as lower LDL levels. Regular weight training will increase HDL levels as well, but has less of an effect on lowering LDL." }, { "docid": "1248760", "title": "amlodipine/atorvastatin - oral, Caduet", "text": "Zocor (simvastatin) is used along with a proper diet to help lower bad cholesterol and fats (such as LDL, triglycerides) and raise good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. Search Content.ocor (simvastatin) is used along with a proper diet to help lower bad cholesterol and fats (such as LDL, triglycerides) and raise good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. Search Content." } ]
another way of saying a long time
[ { "docid": "6626113", "title": "6.2 Discovery", "text": "Submit. · just now. Report Abuse. Another way of saying long time is: a long period of time, elongated, prolonged, extensive, lengthy, lengthened. You can also try looking up synonyms." } ]
[ { "docid": "7422193", "title": "Articles and Blogs", "text": "But how long before you become one? The actual process takes time and much dedication. It takes about six months to a year of dedicating yourself to the task full time." }, { "docid": "7519152", "title": "Your Circle Time Area IS an Interest Learning Center!", "text": "You need to plan your circle time so that it is NOT too long. Adding activities that keep children engaged in learning may mean that you pass up your letter introduction one day. A Show and Tell Day is already a long circle time, do not add new activities that add time on that day." }, { "docid": "6401887", "title": "My baby birds hatched. How long will it take them to leave the nest? There are three.?", "text": "Now the babies are hatched and have no hair. How long will it take them to get big enough to fly? We haven't touched the nest or anything, but I do watch the mama from time to time and make sure... Source(s): baby birds hatched long leave nest three: https://biturl.im/hYgb3." }, { "docid": "8591512", "title": "How Long Can You Keep Meat In The Freezer?", "text": "How many times have you thrown out a frozen piece of meat because, well, you're not sure how long it's been in there -- or how long the freezer can keep things fresh? You might be surprised to find that frozen meat can last in the freezer for a long amount of time." }, { "docid": "714749", "title": "Site Recovery Manager with vSphere Replication Multi-Point-in-Time", "text": "1 It’s never been a good idea to leave long chains of snapshots hanging off VMs for a long period of time, and these are no different. 2 Speaking of long chains, you can have up to 24 historical points retained with X number per day up to Y days in any combination as long as the total number is 24 or less." }, { "docid": "4407089", "title": "Answering Your Questions About Photoshop CC", "text": "Re: Drafting Time - How long does it take to draw. Give me 3 days. Re: Drafting Time - How long does it take to draw. thank you for your reply. i was asked about time and budget for a project. the bottom line is that this question came up. i was asked about two perspectives, intermediate and advanced cad and revit users." }, { "docid": "8795368", "title": "eon", "text": "1 An example of an eon is the unit of measure used when talking about how long ago the solar system was created. 2 An example of an eon is the amount of time since dinosaurs roamed the earth. an extremely long, indefinite period of time; thousands and thousands of years." }, { "docid": "7457335", "title": "-", "text": "Long-term memory. Long-term memory (LTM) is the stage of the dual memory model proposed by the Atkinson and Shiffrin (from Stanford University), and informative knowledge can be stored for long periods of time." }, { "docid": "6703580", "title": "Spanish-English translation: What does \"te extraño un chingo, tengo de ganas de verte\" mean? Thank you!", "text": "Thank you! For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/eYiQF It's been a long time since I haven't heard from you all. I have a lot of time without news about you and about all the others. I miss you a lot and want to see you." }, { "docid": "3773254", "title": "Should I use Windows File Compression?", "text": "Your answer helped me decide not to compress the old files in disk cleanup, but I was disinclined to do so because my really quite new computer takes a very long time to measure the 'compress old files' space and then a long time to do the actual compression.our answer helped me decide not to compress the old files in disk cleanup, but I was disinclined to do so because my really quite new computer takes a very long time to measure the 'compress old files' space and then a long time to do the actual compression." }, { "docid": "7146219", "title": "Should you buy a DSLR or Point and Shoot Digital Camera?", "text": "Sports (Friend For Fun) 1 Dimensions : 3x5. 2 Resistance to rain and sun. Long Life time to use. 3 Suitable to use at your home, your car, street or everywhere in the world. 4 Each Flag have its meaning and long time history. It has valuable itself so much. 5 If you have any question, you can meage to us all the time." }, { "docid": "525516", "title": "Why Do I Have Tooth Pain After a Filling? Good Question!", "text": "Grooves in your teeth should not cause sensitivity to chewing hard foods. I know 6 months seems like a long time but some teeth take a very long time to quit being sensitive after a filling. It is too bad that you had all four molars done at once and that all four of them got sensitive." }, { "docid": "2685067", "title": "-", "text": "In certain states, a foreclosure can take a very long time to be completed -- sometimes as long as a few years. Read on to learn which states have lengthy foreclosure timelines and the factors that influence how long a foreclosure may take." }, { "docid": "3879491", "title": "Dronedarone", "text": "Dronedarone will help control your heartbeat only as long as you continue to take it. Continue to take dronedarone even if you feel well and have felt well for a long time. Do not stop taking dronedarone without talking to your doctor." }, { "docid": "8332273", "title": "How Long Does It Take to Grow Weed?", "text": "Long: (12-14+ weeks). Almost any Haze strain, including one of my all-time favorites to grow, Haze 1. As you can see, most strains are in the mid-range as far as how long they take to flower." }, { "docid": "1902425", "title": "How Long Can You Keep Meat In The Freezer?", "text": "How many times have you thrown out a frozen piece of meat because, well, you're not sure how long it's been in there -- or how long the freezer can keep things fresh? You might be surprised to find that frozen meat can last in the freezer for a long amount of time.ow many times have you thrown out a frozen piece of meat because, well, you're not sure how long it's been in there -- or how long the freezer can keep things fresh? You might be surprised to find that frozen meat can last in the freezer for a long amount of time." }, { "docid": "789050", "title": "longevity", "text": "Something with longevity has the ability to last for a long time. While tortoises are not known for their quickness, their longevity is amazing. Just ask the Hare. At the root of longevity is the word long. In fact, this word has some serious longevity, since it's been around since the 1600s." }, { "docid": "4287233", "title": "-", "text": "Making the world better, one answer at a time. Twin Box is 75 Long King size box ix 80 Long However they are the same width." }, { "docid": "7069075", "title": "Can you kill some one with a green laser pointer?", "text": "Confidence votes 32. In a sence you can in fact kill someone with a powerful enough laser pointer, however it would take a very long time depending on the laser. If you are talking about a 15mw laser pointer than you cannot kill someone with it.If you are talking about a 700mw laser pointer you could.You would have to make them stay in one spot for a very long time and shine it into their eye or something. I am rws202 now...Another way is to beat them with the pointer until they die.f you are talking about a 700mw laser pointer you could. You would have to make them stay in one spot for a very long time and shine it into their eye or something. I am rws202 now..." }, { "docid": "645190", "title": "How long does cyclobenzaprine stay in your system", "text": "Oh by the way update for everyone - I have left the company I was with, the suit is over and let's put it this way, I'm retired at 28 ! I am down to 6 mg. now. It takes a very long time for all of the meth to leave your system. And it takes a long time for your body to get normal again." }, { "docid": "3750039", "title": "how Long Can A Plant Stay In Vegetative State For???", "text": "they can stay in vegative stage forever as long as there under 18 hours of light. thats how u keep mother plants Click to expand... forever is a long time bro ....." }, { "docid": "3441857", "title": "Thread: How long does speakers last?", "text": "Drivers Drivers can last a very long time, but there are physical things that change and electrical things that change. The surrounds that position the cone are the most obvious physical pieces. Really good ones, like rubber or certain accordion-style pleats treated with resins appear to last a very long time." }, { "docid": "1630386", "title": "Why does my ceiling fan light turn off by itself?", "text": "I don't run the fan, but when I turn the light on sometimes it will stay on for a long time then just go off by itself. I have tried both kinds of bulbs, but neither works.What causes this problem. don't run the fan, but when I turn the light on sometimes it will stay on for a long time then just go off by itself. I have tried both kinds of bulbs, but neither works." }, { "docid": "4302431", "title": "Medicare Credentialing - How Long Does it Take?", "text": "Part of that is due to the transition. There is no way to give an exact time on how long it will take, but one thing that greatly affects the time is if the correct forms are filled out right the first time.art of that is due to the transition. There is no way to give an exact time on how long it will take, but one thing that greatly affects the time is if the correct forms are filled out right the first time." }, { "docid": "8221517", "title": "-", "text": "Our Chris Fischer wiki shows that he was a chef for a long time in some of the best restaurants in America. He is also the new man in Amy Schumer’s life. Our Chris Fischer wiki shows that he was a chef for a long time in some of the best restaurants in America. He is also the new man in Amy Schumer’s life. Home" }, { "docid": "2787205", "title": "-", "text": "He can't orgasm through vaginal penetration unless it is through the rear entry position, and even then, it is almost non-existent between us. He can orgasm most of the time through manual stimulation and once in a while through oral sex, but it takes an extremely long, long time." }, { "docid": "7312698", "title": "Forever Slaw Vinegar Coleslaw", "text": "It's a basic vinaigrette slaw that's been around since the beginning of time, made using oil and vinegar, and called forever slaw because it will keep for a long time in the refrigerator, even up to a month or so - not that it'll be around that long really." }, { "docid": "4465701", "title": "Top 10 Longest Lasting Foods", "text": "Canned Foods. The point of canned foods is that they will last much longer than fresh produce. For another convenient, supermarket option, make use of the canned food aisle. Chili, in particular, will last a long time.inegar. Another well-known preservative, vinegar will not only last for a long time, but it can be used to preserve things such as vegetables, which usually spoil relatively quickly. Make sure you keep it in glass for long term storage." }, { "docid": "4057753", "title": "Long Time Lyrics", "text": "It's been such a long time, I think I should be going, yeah. And time doesn't wait for me, It keeps on rolling. Sail on, On a distant highway. I've got to keep on chasing a dream. I've gotta be on my way;" }, { "docid": "3510627", "title": "How Long Can a Dog be Left Home Alone?", "text": "The question of how long is too long when it comes to leaving dogs home alone is one posed by many dog owners and would-be dog owners, particularly those who work a 9 to 5 full time job." } ]
foreign intelligence information definition
[ { "docid": "5767600", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Foreign intelligence is information relating to the capabilities, intentions, and activities of foreign powers, organizations, or persons, but not including counterintelligence except for information on international terrorist activities.oreign intelligence is information relating to the capabilities, intentions, and activities of foreign powers, organizations, or persons, but not including counterintelligence except for information on international terrorist activities." } ]
[ { "docid": "4745971", "title": "-", "text": "The US military makes extensive use of intelligence analysis. An intelligence analyst may look at enemy tactics to try and predict future strategies. Intelligence analysts will sift through top secret reports to try and identify which information is legitimate. An NSA intelligence analyst might interpret intercepted communications." }, { "docid": "2491995", "title": "-", "text": "If you have information which you believe might be of interest to the CIA in pursuit of the CIA's foreign intelligence mission, you may use our e-mail form. We will carefully protect all information you provide, including your identity. The CIA, as a foreign intelligence agency, does not engage in US domestic law enforcement." }, { "docid": "8522430", "title": "Emotional intelligence", "text": "Goleman is a science journalist who brought emotional intelligence on the bestseller list and has authored a number of books on the subject, including Emotional Intelligence, Working With Emotional Intelligence, and, lately, of Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships .." }, { "docid": "3981082", "title": "Library", "text": "strategic intelligence. Intelligence that is required for the formulation of strategy, policy, and military plans and operations at national and theater levels. See also intelligence; operational intelligence; tactical intelligence." }, { "docid": "1117275", "title": "Artificial intelligence", "text": "GOFAI. In artificial intelligence research, GOFAI (Good Old-Fashioned Artificial Intelligence) is an approach to achieving artificial intelligence. In the robotics research, the term is extended as GOFAIR (Good Old Fashioned Artificial Intelligence and Robotics)." }, { "docid": "648621", "title": "OFAC Search", "text": "OFAC, Office of Foreign Assets Control, Homeland Security, Acts & Compliance, Searches and Information and Background. The Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) of the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury enforces economic and trade sanctions based on foreign policy and national security goals." }, { "docid": "2758140", "title": "-", "text": "3 to the continuing discussion on how to strengthen the effectiveness of U.S. intelligence capabilities. This paper discusses the intersection of foreign intelligence with homeland defense, homeland security, and law enforcement." }, { "docid": "3813333", "title": "Emotional intelligence", "text": "Emotional intelligence also reflects abilities to join intelligence, empathy and emotions to enhance thought and understanding of interpersonal dynamics. However, substantial disagreement exists regarding the definition of EI, with respect to both terminology and operationalizations." }, { "docid": "2546790", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of Crystallized Intelligence (Gc) Crystallized intelligence (Gc) is defined as: Gc is typically described as a person’s breadth and depth of acquired knowledge of the language, information and concepts of a specific culture, and/or the application of this knowledge." }, { "docid": "1208162", "title": "Naval Intelligence Naval Doctrine Publication (NDP) 2", "text": "Intelligence lays the groundwork for naval operations in peace and war. By understanding the fundamentals of naval intelligence, the commander is best able to ensure that intelligence is fully integrated into operations. This integration enables intelligence to support both planning and execution effectively." }, { "docid": "1565912", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Editors Contribution(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: warn. To communicate vital information to a person or members of the public to make them aware of data, information or intelligence they need to be aware of." }, { "docid": "8121639", "title": "Intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance", "text": "ISR (Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) ISR is the coordinated and integrated acquisition, processing and provision of timely, accurate, relevant, coherent and assured information and intelligence to support commander’s conduct of activities. Land, sea, air and space platforms have critical ISR roles in supporting operations in general." }, { "docid": "6919096", "title": "George W. Bush", "text": "The Fisa memo details abuse by the Obama administration in surveilling the pre and post election campaign of the Trump administration What is FISA? FISA is the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA, also known as FISA Court), and was established in 1978 by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act." }, { "docid": "2546792", "title": "Fluid and crystallized intelligence", "text": "Fluid intelligence generally correlates with measures of abstract reasoning and puzzle solving. Crystallized intelligence correlates with abilities that depend on knowledge and experience, such as vocabulary, general information, and analogies. Paul Kline identified a number of factors that shared a correlation of at least r=.60 with Gf and Gc." }, { "docid": "1258465", "title": "What is OBIA? Oracle BI Applications and various Components of OBIA", "text": "Oracle Business Intelligence Applications is a prebuilt business intelligence solution that deliver intelligence across an organization, empowering users at all levels from front line operational users to senior management with the key information they need to maximize effectiveness. Sources for OBIA." }, { "docid": "797175", "title": "FAQ: What You Need to Know About the NSA's Surveillance Programs", "text": "The NSA has been prohibited from recording domestic communications since the passage of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act but at least two of these programs -- phone records collection and Internet cable taps -- involve huge volumes of Americans’ data.hone company call records reveal where you were at the time that a call was made, because they include the identifier of the radio tower that transmitted the call to you. The government has repeatedly denied that it collects this information, but former NSA employee Thomas Drake said they do." }, { "docid": "2928510", "title": "INTELLIGENCE", "text": "Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of intelligence): military intelligence (information about the armed forces of another country that is useful in planning and conducting military policy or military operations)." }, { "docid": "613140", "title": "Library", "text": "The British learned their lesson. At the end of the war the Foreign Office and the Chiefs of Staff agreed to return the responsibility for covert operations to the jurisdiction of the Secret Intelligence Service." }, { "docid": "1906133", "title": "Joint Publication 2-0", "text": "a. to maintain the initiative. Support friendly deception efforts. staff. and nominate objectives. For further information. 2. The Roles and Responsibilities of Joint Intelligence The primary role of joint intelligence is to provide information and assessments to facilitate mission accomplishment. support friendly deception efforts. and assess the effectiveness of operations." }, { "docid": "7585458", "title": "Portugal - 2018", "text": "NOTE: The information regarding France on this page is re-published from the 2017 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of France Economy 2017 information contained here." }, { "docid": "762550", "title": "foreign", "text": "The definition of foreign is from a country other than your own. An example of a foreign language is Spanish, if you live in the U.S. An example of a foreign country is Spain, if you live in the U.S." }, { "docid": "3600178", "title": "What is Artificial Intelligence? An Informed Definition", "text": "(In response to definitions 1 and 2) – Defining AI using “intelligent” or “intelligence” is a circular definition. The statement is agreeable, but does not provide clear guidance to the research. (In response to definition 3) – Our understanding of human intelligence is a matter of degree." }, { "docid": "6856278", "title": "Export Control", "text": "Perhaps of even more consequence to the university, is that the government also restricts the release of certain information to foreign nationals here in the U.S. (referred to as a “Deemed Export”)." }, { "docid": "7513514", "title": "AP Psychology: Intelligence Vocab Flashcards", "text": "Experiential Intelligence. component of Sternberg's Triarchic theory; AKA creative intelligence; refers to the ability to adjust to new tasks, use new concepts, combine information in novel ways, respond effectively in new situations, gain insight and adapt creatively." }, { "docid": "6349473", "title": "50 U.S. Code § 1801 - Definitions", "text": "clandestine intelligence activities by an intelligence service or network of a foreign power or by an agent of a foreign power; or. (2) information with respect to a foreign power or foreign territory that relates to, and if concerning a United States person is necessary to—." }, { "docid": "6832339", "title": "Portugal - 2018", "text": "- Seaport Codes. NOTE: The information regarding Portugal on this page is re-published from the 2015 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Portugal 2015 information contained here." }, { "docid": "526272", "title": "Foreign Persons", "text": "A corporation created or organized in the United States or under the law of the United States or of any State, or the District of Columbia, Any estate or trust other than a foreign estate or foreign trust. (See Internal Revenue Code section 7701(a)(31) for the definition of a foreign estate and a foreign trust.), or." }, { "docid": "947705", "title": "-", "text": "foreign currency denominated asset definition, foreign currency denominated asset meaning | English dictionary. Search also in: Web News Encyclopedia Images. foreign. adj. 1 of, involving, located in, or coming from another country, area, people, etc." }, { "docid": "3563966", "title": "Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Intelligence", "text": "These three examples exemplify Robert Sternberg's triarchic theory on intelligence. The triarchic theory describes three distinct types of intelligence that a person can possess. Sternberg calls these three types practical intelligence, creative intelligence, and analytical intelligence." }, { "docid": "5483072", "title": "Open Training Positions", "text": "For more information about applying for a US residency as a foreign medical graduate, I recommend the following Web sites: 1 Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates. 2 Residency Guide for Foreign Medical Graduates. 3 International Medical Graduates." } ]
francs currency symbol
[ { "docid": "6297609", "title": "Switzerland", "text": "The currency abbreviation for the Swiss franc (CHF), the currency for Switzerland. Switzerland has four official languages; therefore, the currency is known as;The Swiss franc is often presented with the symbol CHF, Fr., SFr.he currency abbreviation for the Swiss franc (CHF), the currency for Switzerland. Switzerland has four official languages; therefore, the currency is known as;" } ]
[ { "docid": "1473546", "title": "Dominican Peso (DOP) Currency Exchange Rate Conversion Calculator", "text": "Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of the currency and press the convert button. To show Dominican Pesos and just one other currency click on any other currency. The Dominican Peso is the currency in Dominican Republic (DO, DOM).The symbol for DOP can be written RD$, and ₱. The Dominican Peso is divided into 100 centavos. The exchange rate for the Dominican Peso was last updated on October 8, 2015 from Bloomberg.The DOP conversion factor has 4 significant digits.he Dominican Peso is the currency in Dominican Republic (DO, DOM). The symbol for DOP can be written RD$, and ₱. The Dominican Peso is divided into 100 centavos." }, { "docid": "5441906", "title": "Add or remove a currency", "text": "Use the Lookup button next to the Currency Code box, to select the currency that you want to add. You can change the Currency Name, Currency Precision, or Currency Symbol. Under Currency Conversion, in the Exchange Rate box, type the rate of exchange between your base currency and the new currency you are adding." }, { "docid": "964487", "title": "-", "text": "The Vietnamese Dong is the currency of Viet Nam. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Viet Nam Dong exchange rate is the VND to USD rate. The currency code for Dong is VND, and the currency symbol is ₫." }, { "docid": "4593010", "title": "RSD - Serbian Dinar", "text": "Our currency rankings show that the most popular Serbia Dinar exchange rate is the RSD to EUR rate. The currency code for Dinars is RSD, and the currency symbol is рсд. Below, you'll find Serbian Dinar rates and a currency converter." }, { "docid": "7517704", "title": "-", "text": "Taiwan, New Dollar. The Taiwan New Dollar is the currency of Taiwan. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Taiwan New Dollar exchange rate is the USD to TWD rate. The currency code for New Dollars is TWD, and the currency symbol is NT$.Below, you'll find Taiwan New Dollar rates and a currency converter.ur currency rankings show that the most popular Taiwan New Dollar exchange rate is the USD to TWD rate. The currency code for New Dollars is TWD, and the currency symbol is NT$." }, { "docid": "5377331", "title": "Cash and Currency Tips for Europe", "text": "Montenegro and Kosovo are not in the EU, but the euro is their official currency. In Switzerland, some ATMs give euros, most prices are listed in both Swiss francs and euros, and travelers can get by with euro cash. But if you pay in euros, you’ll get a rotten exchange rate." }, { "docid": "6875363", "title": "-", "text": "Dollar sign. The dollar or peso sign ($) is a symbol primarily used to indicate the various peso and dollar units of currency around the world. Read more ». Euro Sign. The euro sign is the currency sign used for the euro, the official currency of the Eurozone in the European Union (EU)" }, { "docid": "381494", "title": "USD - US Dollar", "text": "United States, Dollar. The US Dollar is the currency of United States. Our currency rankings show that the most popular United States Dollar exchange rate is the USD to EUR rate. The currency code for Dollars is USD, and the currency symbol is $. Below, you'll find US Dollar rates and a currency converter." }, { "docid": "884588", "title": "NIO - Nicaraguan Cordoba", "text": "Nicaragua, Cordoba. The Nicaraguan Cordoba is the currency of Nicaragua. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Nicaragua Cordoba exchange rate is the NIO to USD rate. The currency code for Cordobas is NIO, and the currency symbol is C$. Below, you'll find Nicaraguan Cordoba rates and a currency converter." }, { "docid": "441537", "title": "UAH - Ukrainian Hryvnia", "text": "Our currency rankings show that the most popular Ukraine Hryvnia exchange rate is the UAH to EUR rate. The currency code for Hryvni is UAH, and the currency symbol is ₴. Below, you'll find Ukrainian Hryvnia rates and a currency converter." }, { "docid": "352367", "title": "NZD - New Zealand Dollar", "text": "Our currency rankings show that the most popular New Zealand Dollar exchange rate is the NZD to AUD rate. The currency code for Dollars is NZD, and the currency symbol is $. Below, you'll find New Zealand Dollar rates and a currency converter." }, { "docid": "7563940", "title": "MXN - Mexican Peso", "text": "The Mexican Peso is the currency of Mexico. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Mexico Peso exchange rate is the USD to MXN rate. The currency code for Pesos is MXN, and the currency symbol is $. Below, you'll find Mexican Peso rates and a currency converter." }, { "docid": "5247544", "title": "HUF - Hungarian Forint", "text": "Hungary, Forint. The Hungarian Forint is the currency of Hungary. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Hungary Forint exchange rate is the HUF to EUR rate.The currency code for Forint is HUF, and the currency symbol is Ft. Below, you'll find Hungarian Forint rates and a currency converter.You can also subscribe to our currency newsletters with daily rates and analysis, read the XE Currency Blog, or take HUF rates on the go with our XE Currency Apps and website.ungary, Forint. The Hungarian Forint is the currency of Hungary. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Hungary Forint exchange rate is the HUF to EUR rate." }, { "docid": "4438374", "title": "-", "text": "Guatemala, Quetzal. The Guatemalan Quetzal is the currency of Guatemala. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Guatemala Quetzal exchange rate is the USD to GTQ rate. The currency code for Quetzales is GTQ, and the currency symbol is Q. Below, you'll find Guatemalan Quetzal rates and a currency converter.he currency code for Quetzales is GTQ, and the currency symbol is Q. Below, you'll find Guatemalan Quetzal rates and a currency converter." }, { "docid": "2534169", "title": "Convert Pounds to Swiss Francs | GBP to CHF", "text": "Convert GBP to CHF using our currency converter with live foreign exchange rates. On this page convert GBP to CHF using live currency rates as of 11/10/2015 11:56. Includes a live currency converter, handy conversion table, last 7 days exchange rate history and some live Pounds to Swiss Francs charts." }, { "docid": "1640518", "title": "-", "text": "HKD - Hong Kong Dollar Our currency rankings show that the most popular Hong Kong Dollar exchange rate is the HKD to USD rate. The currency code for Dollars is HKD, and the currency symbol is HK$. More Hong Kong Dollar info" }, { "docid": "6069252", "title": "IDR - Indonesian Rupiah", "text": "Indonesia, Rupiah. The Indonesian Rupiah is the currency of Indonesia. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Indonesia Rupiah exchange rate is the IDR to AUD rate. The currency code for Rupiahs is IDR, and the currency symbol is Rp.Below, you'll find Indonesian Rupiah rates and a currency converter.You can also subscribe to our currency newsletters with daily rates and analysis, read the XE Currency Blog, or take IDR rates on the go with our XE Currency Apps and website.he currency code for Rupiahs is IDR, and the currency symbol is Rp. Below, you'll find Indonesian Rupiah rates and a currency converter. You can also subscribe to our currency newsletters with daily rates and analysis, read the XE Currency Blog, or take IDR rates on the go with our XE Currency Apps and website." }, { "docid": "4826469", "title": "-", "text": "The currency code for Dollars is USD, and the currency symbol is $. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Viet Nam Dong exchange rate is the VND to USD rate. The currency code for Dong is VND, and the currency symbol is ₫." }, { "docid": "3467097", "title": "CAD - Canadian Dollar", "text": "The currency code for Dollars is USD, and the currency symbol is $. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Canada Dollar exchange rate is the USD to CAD rate. The currency code for Dollars is CAD, and the currency symbol is $." }, { "docid": "4539586", "title": "Switzerland: Banks & Money", "text": "Switzerland: Banks & Money. Topics include Things to Do, Dining Scene & more! Located in the center of a number of countries in the Euro zone, Switzerland - which is not a member of the European Union - has its own national currency, the Swiss franc. You will see this denoted as CHF or SFr. A Swiss franc is made up of 100 rappen or centimes (depending on which language area you are in). Bank notes come in denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, and 1,000 francs and while coins come in 5, 10 and 20 rappen/centimes, or 1/2, 1, 2, and 5 francs." }, { "docid": "441561", "title": "INR - Indian Rupee", "text": "INR - Indian Rupee. India, Rupee. The Indian Rupee is the currency of India. Our currency rankings show that the most popular India Rupee exchange rate is the INR to USD rate. The currency code for Rupees is INR, and the currency symbol is ₹. Below, you'll find Indian Rupee rates and a currency converter." }, { "docid": "7202305", "title": "-", "text": "The Iraqi Dinar is the currency of Iraq. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Iraq Dinar exchange rate is the USD to IQD rate. The currency code for Dinars is IQD, and the currency symbol is د.ع. Below, you'll find Iraqi Dinar rates and a currency converter. You can also subscribe to our currency newsletters with daily rates and analysis, read the XE Currency Blog, or take IQD rates on the go with our XE Currency Apps and website." }, { "docid": "6125705", "title": "-", "text": "The Colombian Peso is the currency in Colombia (Columbia, CO, COL). The Mexican Peso is the currency in Mexico (MX, MEX). The symbol for COP can be written Col$, and ₱." }, { "docid": "6546119", "title": "-", "text": "Knut pictures. Germany's currency is the Euro (currency symbol: €), which replaced the traditional Deutsche Mark (also known as Deutschmark or DM) in 2002." }, { "docid": "1152223", "title": "DEFINITION of 'HUF (Hungarian Forint)'", "text": "DEFINITION of 'HUF (Hungarian Forint)'. The currency abbreviation or currency symbol for the Hungarian forint (HUF), the currency for Hungary. The forint is made up of 100 filler and is often presented with the symbol Ft. The forint gets its name from gold coins called fiorino d'oro, which were minted in the city of Florence in the middle ages. Next Up." }, { "docid": "325678", "title": "BSD - Bahamian Dollar", "text": "Bahamas, Dollar. The Bahamian Dollar is the currency of Bahamas. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Bahamas Dollar exchange rate is the USD to BSD rate. The currency code for Dollars is BSD, and the currency symbol is $. Below, you'll find Bahamian Dollar rates and a currency converter. You can also subscribe to our currency newsletters with daily rates and analysis, read the XE Currency Blog, or take BSD rates on the go with our XE Currency Apps and website." }, { "docid": "2834563", "title": "-", "text": "The Indian Rupee is the currency in India (IN, IND). The Thai Baht is the currency in Thailand (TH, THA). The Thai Baht is also known as Bahts, and Onshore Baht. The symbol for INR can be written Rs, IRs, and ₨." }, { "docid": "4321988", "title": "-", "text": "SEK - Swedish Krona. The Swedish Krona is the currency of Sweden. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Sweden Krona exchange rate is the SEK to EUR rate. The currency code for Kronor is SEK, and the currency symbol is kr. Below, you'll find Swedish Krona rates and a currency converter." }, { "docid": "5460631", "title": "-", "text": "If you are not looking to convert Dollars into Pounds or Pounds into Dollars, try the Currencies page to select a different currency based on the currency symbol, or country of use.We hope you find this site useful.f you are not looking to convert Dollars into Pounds or Pounds into Dollars, try the Currencies page to select a different currency based on the currency symbol, or country of use. We hope you find this site useful." }, { "docid": "7829259", "title": "-", "text": "Our currency rankings show that the most popular Nigeria Naira exchange rate is the NGN to USD rate. The currency code for Nairas is NGN, and the currency symbol is ₦. USD - US Dollar. Our currency rankings show that the most popular United States Dollar exchange rate is the USD to EUR rate." } ]
frosting calories
[ { "docid": "4843440", "title": "Calories in Buttercream Frosting", "text": "Show full nutrition information. Calories, Fat, Protein, Fiber, & Carbs In Chocolate Cake With Buttercream Frosting. Calories In TW's Chocolate Buttercream Frosting Calories: 48, Fat: 2g, Carbs: 8g, Protein: 0g, Fiber: 0g. Calories In vegan buttercream frosting Calories: 103, Fat: 8g, Carbs: 7g, Protein: 1g, Fiber: 1g. Calories In Homemade Buttercream Frosting Calories: 116, Fat: 4g, Carbs: 21g, Protein: 0g, Fiber: 0g. Calories In Vanilla Buttercream Frosting Calories: 161, Fat: 11g, Carbs: 17g, Protein: 1g, Fiber: 0g." } ]
[ { "docid": "8664641", "title": "Fat Calories vs. Calories: Whatâs the Difference?", "text": "In other words, if you eat 100 calories more than you burn in a day, those 100 calories will be stored as fat. To do so, your body expels about 23 calories if those 100 calories are carbs. That said, 77 calories are stored as fat." }, { "docid": "707268", "title": "Calories in Salt Water Taffy", "text": "Popular Calories Burned Searches: Calories Burned For Snorkeling; Calories Burned For Snowmobiling; Calories Burned For Surfing; Calories Burned For Cardio kickboxing (including Taebo, Turbo Kick, Turbo Jam)" }, { "docid": "7314254", "title": "-", "text": "1 Repeat for all layers. To make it easier, make sure you always frost the smooth side of the layer. When the last layer of the cake has been placed on top and frosted with three scoops of frosting, use the remaining frosting to cover the sides of the cake." }, { "docid": "5404774", "title": "How many calories in foods", "text": "How many calories in foods. How many calories in foods. Calories in food. The amount of energy in food is expressed as calories or kilocalories (Kcal) or kilojoules (KJ) where 1 kcal equals 4.184 KJ. Calories and kilocalories are used as synonyms however when we say calories it's really kilocalories we mean." }, { "docid": "4830252", "title": "Is Vanilla Cake Bad for Dogs?", "text": "Vanilla cake isn't the best treat for your dog -- even on his birthday. Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images. Balloons and presents and a frosting-laden cake ... it must be somebody's birthday. Chances are the dog's invited, if it's not his party outright." }, { "docid": "2909198", "title": "Difference Between Icing and Frosting", "text": "Icing is indeed different from frosting. For one, it is said to be thinner, and has a glossier appearance than the latter. Icing is said to be the term used in a more professional sense. It is like confectioner’s sugar combined with milk. Frosting is more of a thick, usually fluffy layer, like buttercream. Because of this, it is preferably used to cover the outer surface of the cake. The confusion sets in when the frosting is applied in such a way that it is purposely coated thinly on the cake." }, { "docid": "7311608", "title": "-", "text": "Calories in Similar Recipes. 1 Calories in Low Fat Fish Cakes. 2 Calories in creamed asparagus on toast. 3 Calories in Grandma Rickard's Chicken & Dressing. 4 Calories in Ground Turkey Stuffed Eggplant. 5 Calories in Sausage Egg Casserole. 6 Calories in Old Fashioned Meatloaf. 7 Calories in Turkey Bacon and Egg Breakfast Sandwich." }, { "docid": "2068411", "title": "-", "text": "Homemade Buttercream Frosting Recipes. Create a sweet topper for cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and more with these indulgent buttercream frosting recipes. 1 Print. 2 Email." }, { "docid": "1290617", "title": "How long should I let a cake cool before frosting?", "text": "This is why you DON'T want the cake to cool completely before removing it. If you are frosting with a ready-made, canned frosting (which is very creamy), just frost the cake at room temperature. If you are using a firmer frosting, you may want to put the cake in the freezer for about 10 minutes. This will make the cake firmer to the touch so that the frosting is less likely to pick up crumbs as you spread it. (This is a trick some cake decorators use.) Happy Baking and enjoy that cake!" }, { "docid": "6026730", "title": "-", "text": "3 oz serving of sweet potato fries available from Ore-Ida contains a total of 160 calories. Out of these 160 calories 52% of the calories come from carbohydrates, 45% calories come from fat and the remaining 3% of the calories come from proteins.’Charley’s sweet potato fries is equally popular. Each serving of sweet potato fries available from this brand contains 360 calories of which 58% of the calories are obtained from fat, 39% calories come from carbohydrates and the remaining 3% come from proteins." }, { "docid": "6270095", "title": "-", "text": "Here are the foods from our food nutrition database that were used for the nutrition calculations of this recipe. Calories per serving of Chocolate Cupcakes With Chocolate Buttercream Frosting. 34 calories of Coconut, raw, (0.12 cup, shredded) 27 calories of Wheat flour, white, all-purpose, unenriched, (0.06 cup)" }, { "docid": "5908521", "title": "Buttercream Icing Consistency", "text": "Thin Consistency. A thin consistency is used for frosting the cake, and for decorating with the smaller round tips for piping/writing letters or doing outlines, dots, swirls, piping stringwork, lattice, vines, etc. Watch the video below to see what buttercream icing consistencies look like." }, { "docid": "3534936", "title": "How Many Calories Are There in a Slice of Carrot Cake?", "text": "Reducing the oil by half in the cake batter, eliminating the butter in the cream cheese frosting and adding crushed pineapple and nonfat buttermilk to the cake batter to keep it moist results in a single-layer carrot cake with 342 calories per slice, of which 153 come from fat." }, { "docid": "7177304", "title": "Chocolate Fillings", "text": "Really there is not a lot of difference between a chocolate frosting, chocolate fillings or chocolate icing its more what we are used to calling them and when we decide to use them. Say we want to make and decorate a chocolate cake." }, { "docid": "6502666", "title": "-", "text": "Calories in Similar Recipes. 1 Calories in Beef Brisket. 2 Calories in Beef Brisket w/ Savory Sauteed Apples. 3 Calories in Crock Pot Beef Brisket. 4 Calories in Dan's Carrots, Peas and Beef Stir Fry. 5 Calories in Beef Brisket with Mop Sauce. 6 Calories in crockpot brisket. 7 Calories in Smoked Beef Brisket with Chocolate Ancho Rub." }, { "docid": "3832475", "title": "-", "text": "Calories in Alcohol - Calories in Bacon / Pork - Calories in Bagels - Calories in Beans - Calories in Beef - Calories in Beer - Calories in Bread - Calories in Breakfast Bars - Calories in Breakfast Cereal - Calories in Butter - Calories in Cakes - Calories in Candy - Calories in Cheese - Calories in Chicken - Calories in Coffee / Creamers - ..." }, { "docid": "1143888", "title": "How Many Calories in Macaroni", "text": "How Many Calories in Macaroni. View calories and nutrition info per 1oz/28g of Macaroni and see how many calories are in 100g of Macaroni and its nutrition information. Macaroni Calories and Nutrition per Serving (1 Serving=1oz/28g) Calories (with Percentage) for each Nutrient for 100g of Macaroni." }, { "docid": "6339966", "title": "How Many Calories in Chicken Soup", "text": "Out of these 75 calories 49% of the calories are obtained from carbohydrates, 29% calories come from fat and he remaining 22% calories come from proteins. 100 grams of similarly prepared chicken soup contains 31 calories and 1 can containing 10.5 oz of this chicken soup contains 182 calories." }, { "docid": "6263975", "title": "Buttercream", "text": "Simple buttercream (also known as American buttercream, decorator's buttercream, and decorator's frosting) is made by creaming together fats (butter, margarine, or vegetable shortening) and powdered sugar to the desired consistency and lightness." }, { "docid": "8712527", "title": "How Many Calories in a Hard Boiled Egg?", "text": "As you can see from the table, there are about 1.5 calories per gram of hard boiled egg. A large hard-boiled egg for example has approximately 74 calories in it (give or take a few calories). These calories come from a combination of the calories in the egg yolk and the calories in the egg white. The egg yolk contains most of the calories however, and the egg white contains the majority of the protein. Approximately 70% of the calories in a hard boiled egg comes from the egg yolk. You May Also Like : How Hollywood Got Calories in an Apple All Wrong." }, { "docid": "4392972", "title": "What is icing on a cake made of? How can we make it at home.?", "text": "Icing is also known as frosting in many places. But ideally, icing is thinner whereas frostings are thicker. This uses egg whites and icing sugar. So for frosting a single layer, I use one egg white and 200 grams of icing sugar along with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice." }, { "docid": "2805121", "title": "-", "text": "To Andre Cold duck. 1 50 Calories. 2 40 Calories. 3 40 Calories. 4 60 Calories. 5 184 Calories. 6 146 Calories. 7 461 Calories. 8 180 Calories." }, { "docid": "374300", "title": "How do you make icing with powdered sugar?", "text": "1 1 In medium bowl, mix powdered sugar and butter with spoon or electric mixer on low speed. 2 Stir in vanilla and 1 tablespoon of the milk. 3 2 Gradually beat in just enough remaining milk to make frosting smooth and spreadable.4 If frosting is too thick, beat in more milk, a few drops at a time.irections. 1 1 In medium bowl, mix powdered sugar and butter with spoon or electric mixer on low speed. 2 Stir in vanilla and 1 tablespoon of the milk. 3 2 Gradually beat in just enough remaining milk to make frosting smooth and spreadable. 4 If frosting is too thick, beat in more milk, a few drops at a time." }, { "docid": "4795235", "title": "Nutrients with the Highest Energy Density", "text": "Energy density refers to calories per unit of weight. At nine calories per gram, fat has the highest energy density; protein and carbs have just four calories per gram. Alcohol has seven calories per gram, but it's not considered a nutrient, which means that beer is little more than empty calories." }, { "docid": "3549744", "title": "-", "text": "chicken&bacon ranch – 6 inch: 580 calories, foot long: 1160 calories; meatball sandwich – 6 inch: 540 calories, foot long: 1080 calories; spicy italian – 6 inch: 480 calories, foot long: 960 calories; Dijon Horseradish Melt – 6 inch: 470 calories, foot long: 940 calories; BMT sandwich – 6 inch: 450 calories, foot long: 900 calories" }, { "docid": "5817280", "title": "Calories in a Reuben Sandwich", "text": "A Reuben sandwich from Arby's, for example, contains 640 calories. A small Reuben sandwich from Schlotzsky's contains 597 calories, while a medium version has 882 calories. Reuben sandwich from Arby's, for example, contains 640 calories. A small Reuben sandwich from Schlotzsky's contains 597 calories, while a medium version has 882 calories." }, { "docid": "4640651", "title": "-", "text": "How many calories are in a half cup of milk? Calories in milk depends on the type of milk. One-half cup of 1% milk contatins 52 calories, 2$ contains 62 calories, nonfat contains 42 calories, whole milk contains … 74, and powdered milk contains 318 calories. Robin Harris Supervisor" }, { "docid": "3387179", "title": "How Many Calories Does a Chocolate Donut Have?", "text": "Just because the base of the doughnut is plain doesn’t make it a lighter option. A plain doughnut topped with chocolate frosting that is roughly 3 1/2 inches in diameter often contains at least 270 calories. But some varieties can have more than 300 calories each. Having a slightly smaller chocolate-frosted doughnut at 3 inches in diameter provides you with fewer than 200 calories." }, { "docid": "8555773", "title": "Cake Picture FAQs", "text": "If you are concerned about fading, place the sheet on the cake within an hour of the event. If you are using a cake bought at a bakery with the harder frosting, the image can be placed on at your convenience, but not more than 48 hours prior to the event." }, { "docid": "6710463", "title": "Peel Label Off Old Soup Can, Then Pour In Chocolate Cake Mix For Delightfully Petite Dessert", "text": "Put cans in oven and bake 20 minutes at 350 °F. When finished, allow cans to cool at least 20 minutes, or until no longer hot to the touch. Remove cake from can with a knife, then slice into roughly 1-inch slices. Stack slices back together again with frosting in between, then top with more frosting." } ]
gender assigned at birth definition
[ { "docid": "5499105", "title": "Gender", "text": "The assignment of gender involves taking into account the physiological and biological attributes assigned by nature followed by the imposition of the socially constructed conduct. The social label of being classified into one or the other sex is necessary for the medical stamp on birth certificates." } ]
[ { "docid": "1790074", "title": "How to Replace (and Store) Crucial Documents", "text": "What you need to get it: As many vital statistics―name, gender, parents’ names, place of birth, and birth date―as possible. Some states also require a photo ID. Replacement fees range from $5 to $30. How long it takes: In-person requests could yield the certificate within minutes." }, { "docid": "7579737", "title": "pansexual", "text": "Check your grammar now! Definition of pansexual. 1 : of, relating to, or characterized by sexual desire or attraction that is not limited to people of a particular gender identity or sexual orientation Pansexual people are attracted to all kinds of people, regardless of their gender, sex or presentation." }, { "docid": "4792276", "title": "Assessments for Newborn Babies", "text": "The Apgar score is assigned in the first few minutes after birth to help identify babies that have difficulty breathing or have a problem that needs further care. The baby is checked at 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth for heart and respiratory rates, muscle tone, reflexes, and color." }, { "docid": "445657", "title": "birth", "text": "Definition of birth. 1a : the emergence of a new individual from the body of its parentb : the act or process of bringing forth young from the womb. 2 : a state resulting from being born especially at a particular time or place a Southerner by birth. 3a : lineage, extractionb : high or noble birth." }, { "docid": "7966904", "title": "-", "text": "The number is 13 digits in length. The first 2 digits = the month of birth; the next 3 digits are randomly assigned; the next 4 digits = the year of birth; the next … 2 digits = 41 (it was the 41st state); and the last 2 digits = day of birth." }, { "docid": "8074513", "title": "Desiderio", "text": "Meaning of Desiderio Name , Desiderio name definition, origin of Desiderio name, What Does Desiderio Mean and History?Popularity of name Desiderio, analysis , gender of Desiderio, Desiderio Name Statistics, Acrostic Poem About Desiderio other details ; Advertisement Contents1 Desiderio Name Meaning2 Origin of Desiderio Name3 Gender of Desiderio4 Desiderio Name Analysis5 Desiderio Name Statistics6 What Full Article…" }, { "docid": "130492", "title": "-", "text": "Congenital Esotropia. Congenital means from birth and, using this strict definition, most infants are born with eyes that are not aligned at birth. Only 23% of infants are born with straight eyes. In the majority of cases, one eye or the other actually turns outward during the neonatal period." }, { "docid": "5223803", "title": "assignment", "text": "Legal Definition of assignment. 1 1 : the act of assigning. 2 2a : a position, post, or office to which one is assigned b : a task assigned." }, { "docid": "4418152", "title": "Bruce Jenner's Transition: How Many Americans Are Transgender?", "text": "Like others who identify as transgender, Jenner said that he feels that his gender identity doesn't match the one he was labeled with at birth, based on his body. The designation of transgender does not indicate anything about a person's sexual orientation." }, { "docid": "2422996", "title": "-", "text": "12/8/1976, Berlin Germany Birth Name Dominic Bernhard Patrick Luke Monaghan Gender Male" }, { "docid": "503542", "title": "-", "text": "DMAB stands for “designated male at birth”. Other terms include, but are not limited to: 1 MAAB: male assigned at birth. AMAB: assigned male at birth." }, { "docid": "998348", "title": "-", "text": "A to Z. 1 Certificates, register offices, changes of name or gender Birth certificates, registering a death, marriage, family history and correcting certificates. to Z. 1 Certificates, register offices, changes of name or gender Birth certificates, registering a death, marriage, family history and correcting certificates." }, { "docid": "8643040", "title": "-", "text": "How to Tell the Gender of a Mare's Unborn Foal. If you own a pregnant mare, you may want to know the gender of its foal before it gives birth.This article provides two easy, but not guaranteed, method of determining the gender of an unborn foal and some information about a more scientific method.Ad.n the unborn foal, this structure develops into either the clitoris in a mare or the penis in a stallion. From about 60 days of pregnancy, male and female genital tubercles can be reliably detected using a good quality ultrasound machine." }, { "docid": "463299", "title": "Compare 15 Masters of Arts in Gender Studies", "text": "What is an MA in Gender Studies? An MA in Gender Studies focuses on the theories and practices of gender equality in a variety of situations. Students can choose to specialize in gender and work, gender and politics, or gender and literature." }, { "docid": "2064446", "title": "-", "text": "Find Sabrina meaning and definition at Hamariweb.com name dictionary a Best place to find your accurate name meanings in Urdu. Sabrina name reviews, Origin, gender, rating an many more about Sabrina.ind Sabrina meaning and definition at Hamariweb.com name dictionary a Best place to find your accurate name meanings in Urdu. Sabrina name reviews, Origin, gender, rating an many more about Sabrina." }, { "docid": "1820071", "title": "-", "text": "Meaning of ADDISON name , name definition, origin of ADDISON name, Popularity of name, analysis , gender of ADDISON, Acrostic Poem, other details ;" }, { "docid": "6853449", "title": "Gender Roles in Society: Definition & Overview", "text": "Video: Gender Roles in Society: Definition & Overview In this lesson, we will define gender roles and look into the traditional roles of men and women. We will also explore the shift in these roles and how they appear today." }, { "docid": "2989556", "title": "Transgender", "text": "Transgender people have a gender identity or gender expression that differs from their assigned sex. Transgender people are sometimes called transsexual if they desire medical assistance to transition from one sex to another. Transgender is also an umbrella term: in addition to including people whose gender identity is the opposite of their assigned sex, it may include people who are not exclusively masculine or feminine. Other definitions of transgender also include people who belong to a third gender, or conceptualize transgender people as a third gender. Infrequently, the term transgender is defined very broadly to include cross-dressers, regardless of their gender identity." }, { "docid": "2643084", "title": "Given name", "text": "If a name is not assigned at birth, one may be given at a naming ceremony, with family and friends in attendance. In most jurisdictions, a child's name at birth is a matter of public record, inscribed on a birth certificate, or its equivalent." }, { "docid": "5547317", "title": "stock keeping unit (SKU)", "text": "Definition of stock keeping unit (SKU): Warehousing item that is unique because of some characteristic (such as brand, size, color, model) and must be stored and accounted for separate from other items. Every SKU is assigned a unique ..." }, { "docid": "2505709", "title": "Quasi-Experiment in Psychology: Definition & Example", "text": "Definition of Quasi-Experiment. A quasi-experiment is designed a lot like a true experiment except that in the quasi-experimental design, the participants are not randomly assigned to experimental groups." }, { "docid": "4801485", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of trans- - across; beyond, through, referring or relating to people whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with thei Definition of trans- - across; beyond, through, referring or relating to people whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with thei dictionary thesaurus" }, { "docid": "1383604", "title": "-", "text": "» Definition of name 'Janitha'. » Origin of name 'Janitha'. » Gender of name 'Janitha'. » Rashi of name 'Janitha'. » Numerology of name 'Janitha'. Definition of name 'Janitha'. » Origin of name 'Janitha'. » Gender of name 'Janitha'. » Rashi of name 'Janitha'. » Numerology of name 'Janitha'." }, { "docid": "990622", "title": "-", "text": "Meaning of VELMA name , name definition, origin of VELMA name, Popularity of name, analysis , gender of VELMA, Acrostic Poem, other details ;" }, { "docid": "4179024", "title": "Cole", "text": "He is portrayed by Tom Phelan. Cole is a transgender male and is forced to reside at Girls United due to being assigned female at birth despite his gender being male. His transgender identity proves to be a source of tension between him and the girls, who continually treat and see him as a girl." }, { "docid": "7643182", "title": "BBB rating", "text": "Definition of BBB rating: A bond rating assigned to an investment grade debt instrument. A BBB rating reflects an opinion that the issuer has the... Definition of BBB rating: A bond rating assigned to an investment grade debt instrument. A BBB rating reflects an opinion that the issuer has the..." }, { "docid": "7331359", "title": "-", "text": "IN A FEMALE, ONE WILL BE A X CHROMOSOME. IN A MALE ONE OF THESE WILL BE A X OR A Y CHROMOSOME. WHEN A SPERM AND OVUM JOIN, THE NEWLY FORMED OFFSPRING RECEIVES 23 CHROMOSOMES FROM EACH PARENT, FOR A TOTAL OF 46. IT IS THE X OR Y CHROMOSOME FROM THE FATHER THAT DETERMINES THE GENDER OF THE CHILD. A DEFECT IN CHROMOSOMES CAN LEAD TO BIRTH DEFECTS." }, { "docid": "2251045", "title": "What does it mean to be Transgender?", "text": "What does it mean to be Transgender? What is Trans? Trans is an umbrella term used to describe people with a gender identity and /or gender expression different to their sex assigned at birth. It may be used to encompass many identities that are outside of a cisgender identity." }, { "docid": "2691578", "title": "Numerology", "text": "You will get your core numbers according to the Pythagorean method of calculation and the definition assigned to each digit." }, { "docid": "5700547", "title": "Costco Benefits with the Affiliate Program", "text": "Here’s how you can add the Affiliate Program to your plan: Complete the CoPower SELECT Census Enrollment Form-Dental/Vision with the names, gender and birth dates of all enrolling dependents. Submit to CoPower along with a written request to add the program." } ]
general mills average supervisor pay scales
[ { "docid": "6375787", "title": "3 General Mills Production Supervisor Salaries", "text": "3 General Mills Production Supervisor Salaries. Browse General Mills Salaries by Job Title →. General Mills Production Supervisors earn $63,000 annually, or $30 per hour, which is 19% higher than the national average for all Production Supervisors at $52,000 annually and 3% higher than the national salary average for ​all working Americans." } ]
[ { "docid": "1581094", "title": "-", "text": "Securities Supervisor address: Business Park 2 2 Braxton Way Spring Valley, Glen Mills, PA 19342 Phone: 610-459-6082. State Farm Bank®, Bloomington, Illinois, is a Member FDIC and Equal Housing Lender. NMLS ID 139716." }, { "docid": "4041645", "title": "-", "text": "jobs by salary range browse jobs by salary rates and pay scales as compiled by the salary com salary experts compensation ranges and salary levels are determined for the best job salary comparisondifferent job salary info is available for all payscales job pay structure for base pay salary information job market salary levelobs by salary range browse jobs by salary rates and pay scales as compiled by the salary com salary experts compensation ranges and salary levels are determined for the best job salary comparison" }, { "docid": "1634241", "title": "-", "text": "Fire Fighters who transition into a Deputy Fire Chief role may receive large pay increases as the latter position pays an average $79K per year. The most common next step for a Fire Fighter is to become a First-Line Supervisor / Manager of Fire Fighting and Prevention Workers or a Fire Lieutenant." }, { "docid": "365884", "title": "Selecting the Right Salary Structure for Your Organization", "text": "by Jonathan Lister , studioD. A strategic plan for employee compensation determines how much you want to pay employees and what type of employees you want to attract. Your compensation plan entails a variety of aspects including pay scales, reward programs, benefits packages and company perks." }, { "docid": "3235453", "title": "Starbucks Salaries in the United Kingdom", "text": "The average Starbucks salary ranges from approximately £11,000 per year for Shop Assistant to £118,524 per year for Head of Project Management. Average Starbucks hourly pay ranges from approximately £6.70 per hour for Supervisor to £10.45 per hour for Manager. Salary information comes from 2,561 data points collected directly from employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed in the past 12 months." }, { "docid": "6578485", "title": "Owings Mills Homes for Sale", "text": "Owings Mills Apartments for Sale. Owings Mills Mobile & Manufactured homes for Sale. There are 215 real estate listings found in 21117. View our 21117 real estate area information to learn about the weather, local school districts, demographic data, and general information about 21117." }, { "docid": "8248192", "title": "Child labour", "text": "This tradition continued during the Industrial Revolution as children worked with their parents in factories and mills around Britain. Hours were long, labour was hard and pay was minimal, or non-existent. Factory owners utilised every source of employment they could." }, { "docid": "5265494", "title": "Beneficial Bank on 101 Pemberton Browns Mills Rd in Browns Mills, NJ", "text": "Beneficial Bank on 101 Pemberton Browns Mills Rd in Browns Mills, NJ. Welcome to Beneficial Bank (ATMs) on 101 Pemberton Browns Mills Rd in Browns Mills, New Jersey. This bank is listed on Bank Map under Banks - ATMs. You can reach us on phone number (609) 893-5540, fax number or email address . Our office is located on 101 Pemberton Browns Mills Rd, Browns Mills, NJ." }, { "docid": "6786929", "title": "-", "text": "For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Operations Supervisor in the United States is $46,744 so 50% of the people who perform the job of Operations Supervisor in the United States are expected to make less than $46,744. Source: HR Reported data as of October 2015. Median $46,744." }, { "docid": "6468183", "title": "1,617 Taco Bell Employee Salaries", "text": "$21K Shift Leader Average Salary at Taco Bell (37 salaries) As an employee that is expected to do the work of a regular employee and the work of a supervisor, the pay rate of only 50 cents over minimum wage was deplorable. $55K General Manager Average Salary at Taco Bell (207 salaries)" }, { "docid": "5639212", "title": "-", "text": "In general, the cost of living in California is higher than the nationwide average. The average yearly pay in California is approximately $59,000, which is above the national average of around $50,000.he average cost of renting an apartment in California is approximately $1,500 per month, however as with home values, prices fluctuate throughout the state." }, { "docid": "108264", "title": "-", "text": "State pay averages $54,000 and local government pays an average of $56,000. Law enforcement officer pay for patrol police ranges from $30,000 to $80,000. The average salary for this position is $51,000.Federal government pay for this job is an average of $46,000; state government comes in at $57,000; and local governments pay an average of $51,000.ext in line in terms of law enforcement officer pay is the position of detective supervisor. Their salary range is $59,000 to $93,000, with the median pay being $75,000. As noted earlier, federal government positions pay the highest at a median salary of $89,930 for supervisor." }, { "docid": "3268829", "title": "Personality Assessment Inventory", "text": "Personality Assessment Inventory - Scales. 1 The PAI has 22 non-overlapping scales of four varieties: 1) validity scales, 2) clinical scales, 3) treatment consideration scales, and 4) interpersonal scales." }, { "docid": "1588885", "title": "-", "text": "Browse jobs by salary rates and pay scales as compiled by the Salary.com salary experts. Compensation ranges and salary levels, are determined for the best job salary comparison. Different job salary info is available for all payscales. Job pay structure for: base pay salary information, job market salary level." }, { "docid": "4001692", "title": "Business Insurance Cost", "text": "While there really are no average business liability insurance costs for both small and large businesses, we can consider some sample scenarios. A sole proprietor might pay $500 per year for general liability insurance, but a small consulting firm is likely to pay over $3,000 per year." }, { "docid": "8079170", "title": "-", "text": "For General Office Clerks, 10 to 20 years of experience on the job amounts to an average salary of $28K. As General Office Clerks reach more than two decades on the job, compensation remains commensurate with experience; the average pay in this group is $30K.ay generally varies between $8.93 per hour and $16.47. Geographic location is the biggest factor affecting pay for this group, followed by years of experience and the individual firm. Job satisfaction is reported as high by the vast majority of workers." }, { "docid": "6005756", "title": "Federal Salaries: How to Talk Your Way Up the Scale", "text": "Review Government Pay Scales. A good place to start your research is the US Office of Personnel Management, where you’ll find the federal government’s General Schedule Pay Scale. Consider this example: If you are offered a job as a GS 9, the first “step” in Grade 9, according to the GS Pay Scale, is $38,175.The highest level in GS 9 – Step 10 – pays $49,632. You should also be aware of the Locality Pay Scales, which show how pay rates vary depending on the job’s location.Ask for a Higher Step Within Your Grade.he highest level in GS 9 – Step 10 – pays $49,632. You should also be aware of the Locality Pay Scales, which show how pay rates vary depending on the job’s location. Ask for a Higher Step Within Your Grade." }, { "docid": "6365042", "title": "403 Forbidden", "text": "In a press release, Kevin Schoen, vice president, North American Logistics for General Mills, said, “Comstock Township is a great location for this new facility, strategically enhancing overall Supply Chain/Logistics for General Mills." }, { "docid": "1165603", "title": "-", "text": "Abundis, Cecilia T. (Supervising Attorney) Ahlstrand, Deborah L. (Division Chief) Ahmed, Shuaib Abdul (Assistant Attorney General I) Alikhan, Saira J. (Assistant Attorney General I) Allen-Slagel, Deborah Joyce (Unit Supervisor) Armstrong, Andrew Barrett (Assistant Attorney General II) Arnold, Michael David (Assistant Attorney General I) Arnold, ..." }, { "docid": "5461240", "title": "How Much Does General Liability Insurance For Contractors Cost?", "text": "However, general liability insurance is still affordable. Most contractors pay from $700 to $1,200 per year for general liability insurance. The payments are usually structured as a down payment of several hundred dollars and monthly payments spread out over nine or ten months.ontractors’ General Liability Insurance Average Costs. Contractors pay more for general liability insurance than many other types of businesses due to the risky nature of the work. (Faulty plumbing or electrical work could lead to damages or a child could wander onto the construction site and be injured)." }, { "docid": "119975", "title": "-", "text": "This section explains the step by step procedure to replace the Supervisor Module 32 in a Catalyst 6500 Series Switch. This example uses a Cisco Catalyst 6509 Switch which has two supervisor modules in slot 5 and 6.The supervisor module in slot 6 has failed.his is the step by step procedure to replace the Supervisor Module 32 in a Catalyst 6500 Series Switch: Add the supervisor module into slot 6. If you have console connection to the supervisor at slot 6, you should see this output: This output shows the console of the active supervisor in slot 5:" }, { "docid": "4658269", "title": "-", "text": "For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Accounting Supervisor in the United States is $77,395, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Accounting Supervisor in the United States are expected to make less than $77,395. Source: HR Reported data as of March 31, 2017. Salary. Salary + Bonus. Benefits." }, { "docid": "6165049", "title": "-", "text": "Back to Salary scales for the General Service front page. 2003 - 2014 United Nations Office of Human Resources Management-All rights reserved.ack to Salary scales for the General Service front page. 2003 - 2014 United Nations Office of Human Resources Management-All rights reserved." }, { "docid": "7987867", "title": "-", "text": "General Mills Salary. General Mills average salary is $75,526, median salary is $75,000 with a salary range from $42,000 to $190,000." }, { "docid": "6563683", "title": "-", "text": "Conners Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scales (CBRS™) General Information The Conners Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scales (Conners CBRS™) provide an in-depth assessment that aids psychology professionals by supporting the diagnostic process. Like the Conners 3, it relies on a multi-informant approach (parent, teacher, and self)." }, { "docid": "2425821", "title": "Lumber Grade Stamps", "text": "1 For advertising purposes, mills pay grading agencies for the right to place a grade stamp on their lumber. When the mill subscribes, they are assigned an identification number by that grading agency. Some mills stamp their name or trademark on the lumber as well. The grade itself is indicated." }, { "docid": "882642", "title": "Dentist Salary", "text": "Dentist Salary. (United States). The average salary for a Dentist is $123,922 per year. The skills that increase pay for this job the most are General Surgery, Dentistry, dentist, General dentist, and General Dentistry." }, { "docid": "8739571", "title": "Caddo Mills, TX", "text": "Caddo Mills, TX. Caddo Mills is located in northeast Texas. Caddo Mills is part of Hunt County. Caddo Mills has 3.79 square miles of land area and 0.01 square miles of water area. As of 2010-2014, the total Caddo Mills population is 1,789, which has grown 55.70% since 2000. The population growth rate is much higher than the state average rate of 25.13% and is much higher than the national average rate of 11.61%." }, { "docid": "49127", "title": "-", "text": "Civilian Pay Tables. Review current pay tables from the Office of Personnel Management. For Civilian Pay questions, please contact your Customer Service Representative (CSR). Contact your immediate supervisor for more details. Page updated February 6, 2015." }, { "docid": "4991627", "title": "How Much Does a DUI Lawyer Cost?", "text": "DUI Lawyer Average Cost. The average cost of a DUI is $7,000 to $10,000. As far as the cost of a DUI attorney, that depends on the severity of your charges and how vigorously they are defended, but in general you can expect to pay somewhere around $ 100 to $400 per hour.s far as the cost of a DUI attorney, that depends on the severity of your charges and how vigorously they are defended, but in general you can expect to pay somewhere around $ 100 to $400 per hour." } ]
geographic psychographic segmentation
[ { "docid": "1966289", "title": "Psychographic Segmentation", "text": "Psychographic Segmentation. Segmentation is used mainly to target a certain group from within a population. Psychographic segmentation is one which uses peoples lifestyle, their activities, interests as well as opinions to define a market segment.Psychographic segmentation is quite similar to behavioral segmentation.sychographic segmentation is one which uses peoples lifestyle, their activities, interests as well as opinions to define a market segment. Psychographic segmentation is quite similar to behavioral segmentation." }, { "docid": "991238", "title": "-", "text": "Lesson Summary. Let's review. Geographic segmentation is when a business divides its market on the basis of geography. You can geographically segment a market by area, such as cities, counties, regions, countries, and international regions.You can also break a market down into rural, suburban and urban areas.eographic segmentation is when a business divides its market on the basis of geography. There are several ways that a market can be geographically segmented." } ]
[ { "docid": "7046320", "title": "-", "text": "In the adult, locomotor. activity is enhanced because of the independent nature of each segment and the flexibility afforded. by a series of segmented parts. Segmentation also gives these phyla a survival advantage. Since. many segments are similar to other segments in form and function, damage to one or several." }, { "docid": "4035639", "title": "-", "text": "The demographic segmentation divides customers into segments based on demographic. values such as age, gender, family size, family life cycle, income, occupation, education, religion, race, generation, social class and nationality (Armstrong and Kotler, 2005: 187)." }, { "docid": "33487", "title": "Target market", "text": "Demographics are useful and widely used but should be coupled with other segmentation variables to effectively define a target market. 1 Gender: Due to physiological differences, males and females have very different product demands and preferences, for example, in clothing, hair care, and other lifestyle items." }, { "docid": "782711", "title": "Geographic information system", "text": "The acronym GIS is sometimes used for geographic information science (GIScience) to refer to the academic discipline that studies geographic information systems and is a large domain within the broader academic discipline of geoinformatics.[1] What goes beyond a GIS is a spatial data infrastructure, a concept that has no such restrictive boundaries ..." }, { "docid": "124271", "title": "-", "text": "This is not true for either geographic certification mark or geographic trademarks. If a consumer cares that goods come from a particular place, they are going be deceived by use of the term on goods that don’t come from the place identified in the mark, regardless of the type of mark.f the geographic certification mark is a term that is used on a variety of goods by a variety of producers, then the owner’s ability to claim infringement by use of the mark on related or unrelated goods will be diminished." }, { "docid": "4208353", "title": "-", "text": "Characteristics Slugs and snails belong to a larger group (or Phylum) known as the Mollusca. Molluscs come in many different forms but are predominantly categorised as soft-bodied animals without body segmentation that often have an external shell made of calcareous material." }, { "docid": "2341348", "title": "Magnetism", "text": "The north magnetic pole of a compass points in the general direction of the north geographic pole of the Earth. Since opposite magnetic poles attract, this means that the south magnetic pole of the Earth is very near to its north geographic pole." }, { "docid": "2737857", "title": "-", "text": "Market segmentation is dividing a broad target market into subsets of consumers who have common needs and applications.Demographic classification is one aspect of market segmentation.arket segmentation is dividing a broad target market into subsets of consumers who have common needs and applications. Demographic classification is one aspect of market segmentation." }, { "docid": "8649342", "title": "What continent do Iceland and Greenland belong to?", "text": "Greenland is in North America. Iceland is split between the North American and European geographic continent. Iceland however is mostly European, politically and culturally. Greenland is on the geographic continent but probably European the same way Icelenad is (just a guess). The answer depends on the definition you come up with for continent." }, { "docid": "815290", "title": "Natural Cures for Barrett's Esophagus", "text": "Don't just treat the symptoms-get to the underlying cause. In the same way if you have geographic tongue, is not a disease it is a symptom just like white scalloped tongue or a pale tongue. And the amazing thing is when you stop treating symptoms and get to the underlying cause geographic tongue goes away." }, { "docid": "3167821", "title": "-", "text": "Rep: 135 1. 3 years ago. A ________ is a geographic low marking the location where oceanic lithosphere de. A ________ is a geographic low marking the location where oceanic lithosphere descends into the mantle. A) Fold and Thrust Mountains. B) Deep-Ocean Trench." }, { "docid": "7234134", "title": "What is the Geographic Center of the United States?", "text": "The geographic center of the United States was immortalized in Neil Gaiman’s fictional book, American Gods. The place today contains a small chapel, plaque and an American flag. The geographic center of the United States taking Alaska and Hawaii into the equation is located near a town called Belle Fourche, South Dakota. Although the NGS no longer maintains a stance on where the geographic center of the US is, this is widely considered the more accurate measurement." }, { "docid": "3191770", "title": "-", "text": "Primitive phyla without a true coelom include the Porifera and Coelenterata (Cnidaria). Animal phyla are classified according to certain criteria, including the type of coelom, symmetry, body plan, and presence of segmentation." }, { "docid": "8119348", "title": "geographic segmentation", "text": "Popular Terms. Collecting and analyzing information according to the physical location of the customer or other data source. Geographic segmentation is often used in marketing, since companies selling products and services would like to know where their products are being sold in order to increase advertising and sales efforts there." }, { "docid": "5393409", "title": "How to segment a market", "text": "Depending upon your segmentation task you may need just to complete steps one to three below, or you may need steps one to six – so check what is required first. (Note: The full nine steps of segmentation, targeting and positioning are discussed in the STP process section if further information is required.)" }, { "docid": "2444228", "title": "Examples of Market Segmentation", "text": "Market segmentation is an integral part of a company's marketing strategy. It is the process of breaking down a larger target market into smaller, more homogeneous groups of customers that you can more efficiently market to. Both consumer-oriented and business-oriented companies should segment customers using one of several common approaches." }, { "docid": "5535857", "title": "Market Segmentation", "text": "Market segmentation tries to quantify the ways in which different groups assign value to a product or service. In this sense, it allows companies to reach the greatest number of consumers through greater awareness of how people respond to advertising." }, { "docid": "7957683", "title": "Market segmentation example for fitness centers", "text": "Let’s start this market segmentation example by looking at a group of consumers who are less interested in the fitness benefits provided by a gym. In this case, the “making friends” market segment sees fitness centers as an opportunity to mix with people with similar goals and lifestyles and to make new friends." }, { "docid": "3705966", "title": "What is STP strategy? Briefly discuss the concept of positioning. What is the positioning?", "text": "In its first phase, choosing the value, the strategist proceeds to segment the market, select the appropriate market target, and develop the offer's value positioning. The formula-segmentation, targeting, positioning (STP) - is the essence of strategic marketing.." }, { "docid": "6176751", "title": "-", "text": "Segmentation in arthropods Most arthropods are segmented, butthey do not have as many segments asyou have seen in segmented worms. Inmost groups of arthropods, segmentshave become fused into three body sec-tions—head, thorax, and abdomen." }, { "docid": "5059761", "title": "Daddy Long Legs Myth", "text": "Because these arachnids are spiders, they have 2 body basic body parts (cephalothorax and abdomen), have 8 eyes most often clumped together in the front of the body, the abdomen shows no evidence of segmentation, have 8 legs all attached to the front most body part (the cephalothorax) and make webs out of silk." }, { "docid": "1222436", "title": "-", "text": "39th Congressional District Pending updated geographic data from 2011 Redistricting Commission. 40th Congressional District Pending updated geographic data from 2011 Redistricting Commission. 43rd Congressional District Pending updated geographic data from 2011 Redistricting Commission. 44th Congressional District Pending updated geographic data from 2011 Redistricting Commission. 47th Congressional District Pending updated geographic data from 2011 Redistricting Commission. To find your Representative in Congress, search the index by L.A. County community. To find your representative in Congress, click here. 23rd Congressional District. Pending updated geographic data from 2011 Redistricting Commission." }, { "docid": "1428065", "title": "-", "text": "The Earth is like a great big magnet. The north pole of the magnet is near the top of the planet, near the geographic north pole, and the south pole is near the geographic south pole. Magnetic field lines extend from these poles for tens of thousands of kilometers into space; this is the Earth’s magneto sphere." }, { "docid": "6822903", "title": "Dental Elevator & Luxator Market", "text": "Dental Elevator & Luxator Market Segmentation by- Applications & Types. The Elevator & Luxator are used by dentists for the extraction of teeth; although they have the same purpose they are available in different sizes, shapes and types." }, { "docid": "1599766", "title": "What is a transportation barrier?", "text": "a transportation barrier is a geographic feature that prevents or slows transportation." }, { "docid": "7934679", "title": "SUBDIVISION", "text": "• SEGMENTATION (noun). The noun SEGMENTATION has 2 senses: 1. (embryology) the repeated division of a fertilised ovum. 2. the act of dividing or partitioning; separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart. Familiarity information: SEGMENTATION used as a noun is rare." }, { "docid": "1871710", "title": "International Managementâ Strategy Formulation And Implementation Notes", "text": "Economic Imperative - A worldwide strategy based on cost leadership, differentiation and segmentation. •. Political Imperative - Strategic formulation and implementation utilising strategies that are country responsive and designed to protect local market niches." }, { "docid": "4357828", "title": "How to segment a market", "text": "For instance, let’s assume that you are looking to segment the market for a firm that operates a chain of book stores. It would be too top-level and too awkward to define the market as all retailing consumers, as it is unlikely to lead to any meaningful segmentation." }, { "docid": "7568858", "title": "-", "text": "The current map of Mooresville’s town limits can be viewed at Iredell County Geographic Information Service to help you locate your parcel. If you have additional questions, call 704-662-7040. Iredell County Geographic Information Service." }, { "docid": "1675153", "title": "-", "text": "8. I am pretty sure that the correct answer for the first question (When you study all the growth characteristics of a human population, you are studying its) is D.demography. The reason why I consider it to be correct is that only this term includes such things as a segmentation or statistical breaks which cleanly coincides with the question. 9." } ]
gerrymander meaning
[ { "docid": "3511505", "title": "-", "text": "gerrymander (v.) 1812, arrange political divisions in disregard of natural boundaries so as to give one party an advantage in elections, also from 1812 as a noun, American English, from name of Elbridge Gerry + (sala)mander." } ]
[ { "docid": "6048016", "title": "Alden", "text": "American Meaning: The name Alden is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Alden is: Defender. English Meaning: The name Alden is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Alden is: From the Old English Ealdwine meaning old friend.A common name in the Middle Ages.Also wise friend, or from the old manor.merican Meaning: The name Alden is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Alden is: Defender. English Meaning: The name Alden is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Alden is: From the Old English Ealdwine meaning old friend." }, { "docid": "184045", "title": "-", "text": "The meaning of Lona has more than one different etymologies. It has same or different meanings in other countries and languages. The different meanings of the name Lona are: 1 American meaning: Solitary. 2 English meaning: Lioness ready for battle. 3 Indian meaning: Solitary. 4 Spanish meaning: Pretty.he different meanings of the name Lona are: 1 American meaning: Solitary. 2 English meaning: Lioness ready for battle. 3 Indian meaning: Solitary. 4 Spanish meaning: Pretty." }, { "docid": "5913052", "title": "Maura", "text": "In American the meaning of the name Maura is: Dark. Irish Meaning: The name Maura is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Maura is: Bitter. French Meaning: The name Maura is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Maura is: Dark skinned. Hebrew Meaning: The name Maura is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Maura is: Wished-for child; rebellion; bitter. Italian Meaning: The name Maura is an Italian baby name. In Italian the meaning of the name Maura is: Dark skin." }, { "docid": "1121814", "title": "Janine", "text": "Hebrew Meaning: The name Janine is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Janine is: Gift from God. American Meaning: The name Janine is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Janine is: Gift from God.n Hebrew the meaning of the name Janine is: Gift from God. American Meaning: The name Janine is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Janine is: Gift from God." }, { "docid": "3362249", "title": "Griffin", "text": "Irish Meaning: The name Griffin is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Griffin is: Surname. American Meaning: The name Griffin is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Griffin is: Surname. Welsh Meaning:The name Griffin is a Welsh baby name.In Welsh the meaning of the name Griffin is: Strong in faith.rish Meaning: The name Griffin is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Griffin is: Surname. American Meaning: The name Griffin is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Griffin is: Surname. Welsh Meaning:" }, { "docid": "3742090", "title": "Rowan", "text": "English Meaning: The name Rowan is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Rowan is: From the rowan tree. American Meaning: The name Rowan is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Rowan is: From the rowan tree. Gaelic Meaning: The name Rowan is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Rowan is: Red.merican Meaning: The name Rowan is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Rowan is: From the rowan tree. Gaelic Meaning: The name Rowan is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Rowan is: Red. Rowan tree (a type of ash tree)." }, { "docid": "738802", "title": "Enrique", "text": "Teutonic Meaning: The name Enrique is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Enrique is: Rules an estate. American Meaning: The name Enrique is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Enrique is: Rules an estate.Italian Meaning: The name Enrique is an Italian baby name. In Italian the meaning of the name Enrique is: Head of the household.Spanish Meaning: The name Enrique is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Enrique is: Rules his household.n American the meaning of the name Enrique is: Rules an estate. Italian Meaning: The name Enrique is an Italian baby name. In Italian the meaning of the name Enrique is: Head of the household." }, { "docid": "1082853", "title": "-", "text": "What is the meaning of the French word étoffes? What is the meaning of the French word etoffes? What is the meaning of the French word étoilé? What is the meaning of the French phrase étoile à neutrons? What is the meaning of the French phrase étoile binaire? What is the meaning of the French phrase etoile brillante? What is the meaning of the French phrase étoile brillante? What is the meaning of the French phrase étoile d'argent?" }, { "docid": "4032145", "title": "Ryan", "text": "Gaelic Meaning: The name Ryan is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Ryan is: Little king. American Meaning: The name Ryan is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Ryan is: Little king.Irish Meaning: The name Ryan is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Ryan is: Kingly.Famous Bearer: American actor Ryan O'Neal.aelic Meaning: The name Ryan is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Ryan is: Little king. American Meaning: The name Ryan is an American baby name." }, { "docid": "6470729", "title": "Celena", "text": "Greek Meaning: The name Celena is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Celena is: Goddess of the moon. Latin Meaning: The name Celena is a Latin baby name.In Latin the meaning of the name Celena is: or Selena.reek Meaning: The name Celena is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Celena is: Goddess of the moon. Latin Meaning: The name Celena is a Latin baby name." }, { "docid": "7938250", "title": "-", "text": "Nancy The name Nancy is a baby girl name. Meaning Hebrew Meaning: The name Nancy is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Nancy is: Grace. American Meaning: The name Nancy is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Nancy is: Grace. French Meaning: The name Nancy is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Nancy is: Favor; grace. English Meaning: The name Nancy is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Nancy is: Favor; grace." }, { "docid": "1870564", "title": "Doreen", "text": "The name Doreen is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Doreen is: or Dorothea, meaning Gift of God. Irish Meaning: The name Doreen is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Doreen is: A, derived from a Celtic word meaning sullen.he name Doreen is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Doreen is: Beautiful. French Meaning: The name Doreen is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Doreen is: Blonde." }, { "docid": "8074898", "title": "What is the meaning of the German word dreck ?", "text": "What is the meaning of the German word drechseltest? What is the meaning of the German word drechselst? What is the meaning of the German word drechseln? What is the meaning of the German word drechsele? What is the meaning of the German word dreckig? What is the meaning of the German word dreckige? What is the meaning of the German word dreckigem? What is the meaning of the German word dreckigen? What is the meaning of the German word dreckiger? What is the meaning of the German word dreckigere?" }, { "docid": "6731978", "title": "Kaden", "text": "Arabic Meaning: The name Kaden is an Arabic baby name. In Arabic the meaning of the name Kaden is: Companion.American Meaning: The name Kaden is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Kaden is: Companion.rabic Meaning: The name Kaden is an Arabic baby name. In Arabic the meaning of the name Kaden is: Companion." }, { "docid": "8149618", "title": "-", "text": "Meaning may refer to: Meaning (existential), the worth of life in contemporary existentialism. Meaning (linguistics), meaning which is communicated through the use of language. Meaning (non-linguistic), a general term of art to capture senses of the word meaning, independent from its linguistic uses. Meaning (philosophy of language), definition, elements, and types of meaning discussed in philosophy." }, { "docid": "2768481", "title": "Arthur", "text": "In Irish the meaning of the name Arthur is: Derived from the Irish art meaning 'stone'. Arthur was a 6th Century Irish prince. Scottish Meaning: The name Arthur is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Arthur is: Derived from Celtic artos meaning 'bear'.n Irish the meaning of the name Arthur is: Derived from the Irish art meaning 'stone'. Arthur was a 6th Century Irish prince. Scottish Meaning: The name Arthur is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Arthur is: Derived from Celtic artos meaning 'bear'." }, { "docid": "6187641", "title": "Lorenz", "text": "German Meaning: The name Lorenz is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Lorenz is: Laurel. Italian Meaning: The name Lorenz is an Italian baby name.In Italian the meaning of the name Lorenz is: Laurel.Swedish Meaning: The name Lorenz is a Swedish baby name. In Swedish the meaning of the name Lorenz is: Laurel.talian Meaning: The name Lorenz is an Italian baby name. In Italian the meaning of the name Lorenz is: Laurel. Swedish Meaning: The name Lorenz is a Swedish baby name. In Swedish the meaning of the name Lorenz is: Laurel." }, { "docid": "6257799", "title": "Lukas", "text": "Latin Meaning: The name Lukas is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Lukas is: Light. American Meaning: The name Lukas is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Lukas is: Light.Swedish Meaning: The name Lukas is a Swedish baby name. In Swedish the meaning of the name Lukas is: Brings light.he name Lukas is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Lukas is: Light. Swedish Meaning: The name Lukas is a Swedish baby name. In Swedish the meaning of the name Lukas is: Brings light." }, { "docid": "2184043", "title": "What is the meaning of the German word Mutti ?", "text": "What is the meaning of the German word Mutterwolle? What is the meaning of the German phrase Mutter von drei Kindern? What is the meaning of the German phrase Mutter von drei? What is the meaning of the German phrase Mutter, Vater und Tochter? What is the meaning of the German phrase mutter vater und tochter? What is the meaning of the German phrase Mutter, Vater und jüngste Tochter? What is the meaning of the German word mutuelle? What is the meaning of the German word mutuellen? What is the meaning of the German word mutueller? What is the meaning of the German phrase Mut und Liebe? What is the meaning of the German phrase Mut verlieren? What is the meaning of the German word Mutwille?" }, { "docid": "5451708", "title": "Daniela", "text": "Hebrew Meaning: The name Daniela is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Daniela is: God is my judge. American Meaning: The name Daniela is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Daniela is: God is my judge.n Hebrew the meaning of the name Daniela is: God is my judge. American Meaning: The name Daniela is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Daniela is: God is my judge." }, { "docid": "6789076", "title": "Hugo", "text": "Spanish Meaning: The name Hugo is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Hugo is: Intelligent. Swedish Meaning: The name Hugo is a Swedish baby name. In Swedish the meaning of the name Hugo is: Intelligent.Teutonic Meaning: The name Hugo is a Teutonic baby name.erived from Hugo. German Meaning: The name Hugo is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Hugo is: a thinker.' See also Keegan. Latin Meaning: The name Hugo is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Hugo is: a thinker.' See also Keegan." }, { "docid": "1162688", "title": "Malinda", "text": "Greek Meaning: The name Malinda is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Malinda is: Gentle. American Meaning: The name Malinda is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Malinda is: Gentle. English Meaning: The name Malinda is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Malinda is: Blend of Melissa and Linda.he name Malinda is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Malinda is: Gentle. English Meaning: The name Malinda is an English baby name." }, { "docid": "1312830", "title": "Frank", "text": "In American the meaning of the name Frank is: Free. Latin Meaning: The name Frank is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Frank is: meaning from France, or free one.French Meaning: The name Frank is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Frank is: A Latin Francis, meaning Frenchman or free one.Famous bearer: American singer Frank Sinatra.English Meaning: The name Frank is an English baby name.he name Frank is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Frank is: A Latin Francis, meaning Frenchman or free one. Famous bearer: American singer Frank Sinatra. English Meaning: The name Frank is an English baby name." }, { "docid": "2229525", "title": "-", "text": "What is the meaning of the word Comply? What is the meaning of the word comply? What is the meaning of the word complotter? What is the meaning of the word complotted? What is the meaning of the word complot? What is the meaning of the word compline? What is the meaning of the word compo? What is the meaning of the word component? What is the meaning of the word componential? What is the meaning of the word componentize? What is the meaning of the word componentized?" }, { "docid": "7142368", "title": "Terrie", "text": "Terrie The name Terrie is a baby girl name. Meaning English Meaning: The name Terrie is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Terrie is: Abbreviation of Teresa, meaning harvester. American Meaning: The name Terrie is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Terrie is: Abbreviation of Teresa, meaning harvester." }, { "docid": "5335848", "title": "-", "text": "IBCT meaning - what is military meaning of IBCT? IBCT meaning in the U.S. Military." }, { "docid": "2647176", "title": "-", "text": "Meaning may refer to: 1 Meaning (existential), the worth of life in contemporary existentialism. 2 Meaning (linguistics), meaning which is communicated through the use of language. Meaning (non-linguistic), a general term of art to capture senses of the word meaning, independent from its linguistic uses." }, { "docid": "8450165", "title": "Riley", "text": "Irish Meaning: The name Riley is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Riley is: Surname. Gaelic Meaning: The name Riley is a Gaelic baby name.In Gaelic the meaning of the name Riley is: Valiant.rish Meaning: The name Riley is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Riley is: Surname. Gaelic Meaning: The name Riley is a Gaelic baby name." }, { "docid": "1906567", "title": "Ladro Meaning Translation Italian To English", "text": "We are showing the most common English word for Ladro meaning. Also read about the word Ladro definition. Ladro meaning in English: Thief; Translate Ladro Meaning To. Ladro Meaning In German; Ladro Meaning In French; Ladro Meaning In Spanish; Ladro Meaning In Portugese; Ladro Meaning In Russian; Ladro Meaning In Finnish; Ladro Meaning In Swedish" }, { "docid": "6759157", "title": "-", "text": "sanmasamu meaning in english; sanmaturudu meaning in english; sadgunyamu meaning in english; sadabamu meaning in english; saha meaning in english; sarabu meaning in english; sara meaning in english; saratu meaning in english; saddakudu meaning in english; sat meaning in english; sandamu meaning in english; s meaning in english; svetamu meaning in english" } ]
glutamate in fish sauce
[ { "docid": "6364590", "title": "-", "text": "MSG remains controversal, but glutamate is found naturally in many natural sources—including fish sauce, mushrooms, tomatoes, and walnutsincluding fish sauce, mushrooms, tomatoes, and walnuts.Masan's product Nam Ngu fish sauce are displayed for sale at a market in Hanoi (Photo: Nguyen Huy Kham/Reuter).ish sauce is an indispensable ingredient in the cooking of Vietnam, Thailand, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, and the Philippines." } ]
[ { "docid": "765682", "title": "7 Ways With Fresh Basil", "text": "Salmon with Basil Sauce. A quick sauce of fresh basil, olive oil, and lemon is pureed puréed and then drizzled over pan sauteed sautéed salmon to give it a flavorful glaze that enhances the flavor of. The fish make a side of fresh veggies and give them a drizzle of the lemon sauce. as well quick sauce of fresh basil, olive oil, and lemon is pureed puréed and then drizzled over pan sauteed sautéed salmon to give it a flavorful glaze that enhances the flavor of. The fish make a side of fresh veggies and give them a drizzle of the lemon sauce. As well Salmon With Basil. sauce recipe" }, { "docid": "4589010", "title": "Braising", "text": "Braising is also used extensively in the cuisines of Asia, particularly Chinese cuisine and Vietnamese cuisine, where soy sauce (or in Vietnam, soy sauce and fish sauce) is often the braising liquid." }, { "docid": "6286859", "title": "-", "text": "Jun 20, 2016. I like this flounder recipe with lemon butter sauce mainly because I love anything involving lemons. It’s one of those recipes that you probably already have all of the ingredients for in your pantry—except for the fish, I mean. I couldn’t find flounder in my grocery store, so I used tilapia instead." }, { "docid": "8542874", "title": "Sauteed Tilapia Fillets With Lime", "text": "Transfer the fish to a platter and keep warm (cover with foil or place in a 200 degree oven). Add the wine mixture to pan and boil, scraping up cooked bits, until reduced by half, 2 to 3 minutes. Stir in the onions and heat on low about 30 seconds. Pour the sauce over the fish and serve." }, { "docid": "7852196", "title": "Fish Chowder", "text": "The fishermen of Bodega Bay, California shared this favorite, quick and easy recipe with my sister during a Fish Festival. It is one of the best chowders I've had, and my kids love it too! We top with bacon bits and a few shakes of hot sauce for a little spice." }, { "docid": "7546585", "title": "-", "text": "Reply. Lark says. Traditionally made fish sauce AKA Nuoc mam, Garum etc, which is made from fresh, never frozen fish and salt only (no whey, acids, water or other ingredients) and fermented for months or years in much warmer conditions than the typical North American kitchen does not spoil, in fact gets better with age." }, { "docid": "1318154", "title": "Staff Profile: The Fish on-a-Budget Challenge", "text": "1 Break open a can. 2 Canned or jarred seafood is an easy, often inexpensive way to incorporate fish into your meals when fresh selections are limited or too pricey. 3 Use one can of red salmon (at about $4 per can) for our Mediterranean Salmon Cakes with Cucumber Sauce." }, { "docid": "6357109", "title": "Breaded oven-baked fish recipe", "text": "1 Dip fish in egg, then roll in crumbs. 2 Arrange breaded fish in baking pan. 3 Sprinkle with lemon pepper and parsley; drizzle melted butter over all. 4 Bake (uncovered) 20 to 40 minutes (depending on thickness) until done (fish should flake easily and be completely opaque). 5 Serve with tartar or fish sauce for dipping." }, { "docid": "2174547", "title": "Glutamate Receptors", "text": "Glutamate Receptors. Several types of ionotropic glutamate receptors have been identified. Three of these are ligand-gated ion channels called NMDA receptors, AMPA receptors, and kainate receptors (Figure 7.11C)." }, { "docid": "1986236", "title": "umami", "text": "umami is often described as the 'fifth taste' because it complements the conventional taste categories that the human tongue is said to detect: sweet, sour, salty and bitter. Umami is a pleasant savoury taste produced by glutamate and ribonucleotides, chemicals which occur naturally in many foods including meat, fish and dairy products. Umami is subtle and not generally identified by people when they encounter it, but blends well with other tastes to intensify and enhance flavours." }, { "docid": "5098534", "title": "Glutamate decarboxylase", "text": "For other uses of the abbreviation GAD in medicine, see Gad. Glutamate decarboxylase or glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) is an enzyme that catalyzes the decarboxylation of glutamate to GABA and CO2. GAD uses PLP as a cofactor." }, { "docid": "111038", "title": "Chicken tikka masala", "text": "an Indian dish of marinated meat, as chicken, is cooked in a tandoor in a curry sauce. Examples. Other tikka masala dishes replace chicken with lamb, fish or paneer. an Indian dish with a cutlet (such as chicken) marinated in masala sauce and cooked in a tandoor. Examples. Chicken tikka masala is chicken marinated in yogurt and spices and then served in a tomato cream sauce." }, { "docid": "6687841", "title": "Fast-Food Fried Fish Sandwiches: Popeyes vs. Burger King vs. McDonald's vs. Wendy's", "text": "Burger King: BK Big Fish. Next up was the BK Big Fish. This is a substantial sandwich: $3.69 gets you 16 square inches of fish on a round bun with tartar sauce overslathered on heads and tails." }, { "docid": "3900694", "title": "-", "text": "Spaghetti Sauce - how long does spaghetti sauce last? Spaghettis sauce can last a year beyond a best by date if you take everything into consideration. How long does pasta sauce last? The shelf life of spaghetti sauce, pasta sauce or tomato sauce depends on a variety of factors including the best by date, the preparation method and the way it is stored. Spaghetti sauce, or pasta sauce, is most often tomato based but also comes in a variety of other bases including cream. This sauce comes in handy for use in many other dishes besides just spaghetti. So, how long does spaghetti sauce last past its best by date?" }, { "docid": "2674057", "title": "MSG (Monosodium Glutamate): Good or Bad?", "text": "MSG is short for monosodium glutamate. It is a common food additive that is used to enhance flavor. It has the e-number E621. MSG is derived from the amino acid glutamate, or glutamic acid, which is one of the most abundant amino acids in nature. Glutamate is one of the non-essential amino acids, meaning that the human body is able to produce it." }, { "docid": "3244733", "title": "Things You Never Knew About Sardines", "text": "1 Cook your favorite pasta as well. 2 Bigoli recipes call for either freshly cooked sardines or salted sardines—in either case take the fish off the bone and cook it slowly into the onions. 3 Slowly cook the fish until it breaks down into the onion. 4 When the pasta is ready, drain it and toss with the sauce." }, { "docid": "4306323", "title": "For a healthy brain and nervous system - Gotta hava GABA", "text": "Natural sources of GABA are foods rich in complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, brown rice and oats. Foods that are high in glutamine, glutamic acid and glutamate (NOT monosodium glutamate), include bananas, beef liver and other organ meats, broccoli, citrus fruits, halibut, lentils, molasses and nuts." }, { "docid": "3500820", "title": "Neurotransmitter receptors in Alzheimer's disease", "text": "GABA and Glutamate receptors on Alzheimer's disease. Receptors from Alzheimer's brains will be compared with those from non-Alzheimer's brains, focusing on the receptors to GABA and Glutamate: the main inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitters in the human brain. The effects of Amyloid beta will also be studied." }, { "docid": "4103319", "title": "Pan Seared Halibut with Roasted Heirloom Tomatoes", "text": "Directions. In a large saute pan over medium-high heat, add the grapeseed oil. Season the fish with salt and pepper and add to the pan. Sear the fish for 3 to 4 minutes on each side. Add the thyme and juice of 1/2 a lemon and baste the fish with the sauce. Remove the halibut from the pan to a serving platter." }, { "docid": "4846915", "title": "Glutamate receptor", "text": "Glutamate (Glutamic acid) is the most prominent neurotransmitter in the body, and it is the main excitatory neurotransmitter, being present in over 50% of nervous tissue. Glutamate was initially discovered to be a neurotransmitter in insect studies in the early 1960s.n schizophrenia, the expression of the mRNA for the NR2A subunit of the NMDA glutamate receptor was found to be decreased in a subset of inhibitory interneurons in the cerebral cortex. This is suggested by upregulation of GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter." }, { "docid": "4699800", "title": "-", "text": "Korean braised fish is easy, flavorful, and healthy. This sauce for Saengsun Chorim has a delicate balance of salty-sweetness to bring out the flavor of the fish. Ssam bap is most commonly eaten as some sort of protein (beef, chicken, pork) wrapped with rice and ssam jang (wrap sauce) in red or green lettuce leaves." }, { "docid": "1522706", "title": "What is some of the main food eaten in France?", "text": "French people mostly eat meats and or fish. On the meat or fish they usually have a sauce and with the meat or fish have vegtables or salad. ANSWER They eat snails and f … rogs legs aswell They also eat cheese !ALOT!" }, { "docid": "3215691", "title": "Is hydrolyzed protein bad for you?", "text": "Answer (There are two view points here, read both). Yes, it is bad for you. Hydrolyzed protein in products indicates the prescence of MSG or monosodium glutamate. Recent findings have found monosodium glutamate to cause brain lesions, brain neuron death, obesity and diabetes in mice." }, { "docid": "1134269", "title": "Ragout", "text": "Plated beef ragoût, but not typical: sauce is too thin. The term ragout refers to a main-dish stew of meat, poultry, fish or vegetables. It uses well-seasoned meat and vegetables cooked in a thick sauce. A typical sauce to use would be roux." }, { "docid": "3874168", "title": "umami", "text": "Umami is a pleasant savoury taste produced by glutamate and ribonucleotides, chemicals which occur naturally in many foods including meat, fish and dairy products. Umami is subtle and not generally identified by people when they encounter it, but blends well with other tastes to intensify and enhance flavours." }, { "docid": "978125", "title": "SGPT Blood Test", "text": "An SGPT blood test is a test used to measure the amount of the enzyme glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT) in blood.Other People Are Reading.n SGPT blood test is a test used to measure the amount of the enzyme glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT) in blood. Other People Are Reading." }, { "docid": "637750", "title": "What is Hoisin Sauce?", "text": "Hoisin is a reddish-brown sauce that's salty, sweet, and spicy. Hoisin sauce is made from soybean paste, garlic, chilies, and various spices, and can contain sugar and vinegar. Hoisin sauce is also sometimes called Peking sauce, because it's used in making Peking duck. Hoisin is a great glaze for meat and fish.A little dab of hoisin sauce also gives extra flavor to stir-fry and noodle dishes. It used to be that hoisin sauce could only be found in specialty markets or in a Chinese market.oisin sauce is made from soybean paste, garlic, chilies, and various spices, and can contain sugar and vinegar. Hoisin sauce is also sometimes called Peking sauce, because it's used in making Peking duck. Hoisin is a great glaze for meat and fish." }, { "docid": "7396787", "title": "Jamaica", "text": "1 Fry the fish until golden brown, remove and set aside. 2 Saute Ginger, garlic and onion with some hot oil. 3 Pour the coconut milk, water and lemon zest, let it boil. 4 Add the fish, eggplant, chili, fish sauce and pepper. 5 Cover and simmer until the sauce reduces and thickens.6 Adjust the taste by adding salt or fish sauce. Saute Ginger, garlic and onion with some hot oil. 2 Pour the coconut milk, water and lemon zest, let it boil. 3 Add the fish, eggplant, chili, fish sauce and pepper. 4 Cover and simmer until the sauce reduces and thickens. 5 Adjust the taste by adding salt or fish sauce." }, { "docid": "6456651", "title": "-", "text": "1 If your red snapper fillet is less than .5 inch (1.3 cm) thick, you do not need to flip it during the cooking process. 2 If your fish is frozen, the cooking time needs to be doubled. 3 For the best result, thaw the fish before cooking. 4 If you cook the fish in any kind of sauce, add 5 more minutes to the overall cook time.ips. 1 If your red snapper fillet is less than .5 inch (1.3 cm) thick, you do not need to flip it during the cooking process. 2 If your fish is frozen, the cooking time needs to be doubled. 3 If you cook the fish in any kind of sauce, add 5 more minutes to the overall cook time." }, { "docid": "4103314", "title": "-", "text": "In a large saute pan over medium-high heat, add the grapeseed oil. Season the fish with salt and pepper and add to the pan. Sear the fish for 3 to 4 minutes on each side. Add the thyme and juice of 1/2 a lemon and baste the fish with the sauce. Remove the halibut from the pan to a serving platter." } ]
government stocks malta portfolio
[ { "docid": "1739005", "title": "Malta Government Stocks", "text": "Page Content. About Malta Government Stocks. Malta Government Stocks (MGSs) are interest-bearing securities with maturities over 1 year that pay interest on a semi-annual basis. The Malta Government Stocks are listed and traded on the Malta Stock Exchange." } ]
[ { "docid": "8263575", "title": "Global Financial Management", "text": "Note that the other terms in the portfolio variance drop out because the variance of the riskfree asset is zero. We are left with a portfolio standard deviation of 28.33% which is lower than the 30% for portfolio B. The levered portfolio that contains A has the same mean as B but a lower standard deviation." }, { "docid": "2261579", "title": "The Donald Trump Investment Portfolio: 15 Stocks Bullish on President Trump", "text": "Here's a portfolio of 15 stocks experts think should do well with the real estate magnate in the White House, based largely on his stated policies and proposals on the campaign trail. President Trump gives first speech at his inauguration." }, { "docid": "5438520", "title": "Water temperature Malta in September", "text": "Water temperature Malta in September. Current water temperature Malta. Malta cities and resorts with the values of the average water temperature in September for the last four year. For more detailed information about water temperature, weather and time of sunrise and sunset in any specific area of your interest, just click on a city name." }, { "docid": "1243183", "title": "Market capitalization: large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap stocks.", "text": "The smallest of the small-cap stocks are called micro-cap and nano-cap stocks. Micro-cap stocks ($50 million to $2 billion in market capitalization) and nano-cap stocks (market caps less than $50 million) are even riskier than small-cap stocks.While the opportunity for these companies to experience extreme growth is great, the risk to lose a large amount of money is also possible.he smallest of the small-cap stocks are called micro-cap and nano-cap stocks. Micro-cap stocks ($50 million to $2 billion in market capitalization) and nano-cap stocks (market caps less than $50 million) are even riskier than small-cap stocks." }, { "docid": "8425110", "title": "Minimum-variance frontier", "text": "That is, a minimum-variance frontier consists of data points representing stocks with a certain level of volatility and therefore risk, while the frontier represents a portfolio in which the volatilities of each individual stock offset each other." }, { "docid": "8487793", "title": "Covered Call", "text": "Covered Call - Introduction. The Covered Call, also known as a Covered Buy Write or Covered Call Write, is the classic of classics in options trading. This is the options trading strategy that most beginners learn about and is also the options trading strategy most widely taught. The Covered Call allows you to make a monthly rental return on your current stock portfolio, making a monthly income even when those stocks stay stagnant." }, { "docid": "2379709", "title": "-", "text": "Destination Malta, a history-rich small archipelago in the Mediterranean Sea, and one of the smallest countries in Europe with an area of just 316 km² (122 sq mi). Malta, officially the Republic of Malta, consists of the main island of Malta and the smaller islands of Gozo and Comino." }, { "docid": "8250157", "title": "10 Great Dividend Stocks for Retirement", "text": "Thus, an ideal stock portfolio for a retiree would be a diversified mix of strong companies that pay generous dividends. If the company sells products that are easily explained to the grandkids, that’s a plus. Here’s a 10-stock portfolio designed to keep your golden years gilded. Stocks are listed in alphabetical order." }, { "docid": "7611519", "title": "What Is the Federal Reserve System?", "text": "Open-market operations simply refers to the process of the Federal Reserve buying and selling U.S. government bonds. When the Federal Reserve wants to increase the money supply, it simply purchases government bonds from the public.This works to increase the money supply because, as the buyer of the bonds, the Federal Reserve is giving out dollars to the public.The Federal Reserve also keeps government bonds in its portfolio and sells them when it wants to decrease the money supply.Selling decreases the money supply because the buyers of the bonds give currency to the Federal Reserve, which takes that cash out of the hands of the public.he Federal Reserve also keeps government bonds in its portfolio and sells them when it wants to decrease the money supply. Selling decreases the money supply because the buyers of the bonds give currency to the Federal Reserve, which takes that cash out of the hands of the public." }, { "docid": "2546459", "title": "-", "text": "The island-state of Malta is located in the Mediterranean Sea, south of Sicily (Italy), it consists of three islands: Malta, Gozo and Comino, of which Malta is the largest island. In its history the Maltese archipelago was strategically important for the domination of the Mediterranean.he island-state of Malta is located in the Mediterranean Sea, south of Sicily (Italy), it consists of three islands: Malta, Gozo and Comino, of which Malta is the largest island. In its history the Maltese archipelago was strategically important for the domination of the Mediterranean." }, { "docid": "5916425", "title": "-", "text": "An index giving a greater influence to higher-valued stocks by weighting all component stocks by their price. An index that tracks a number of securities in which price changes in stocks that already have higher prices affect the index's price changes more than other securities." }, { "docid": "6928366", "title": "Electronic portfolio", "text": "From Wikipedia: An electronic portfolio, also known as an e-portfolio or digital portfolio, is a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on the Web. Such electronic evidence may include inputted text, electronic files, images, multimedia, blog entries, and hyperlinks." }, { "docid": "6447310", "title": "Acorns App Review: Auto-Invest Your Spare Change, Now Free For Students", "text": "Acorns is a new smartphone app that lets you invest your “spare change” into a diversified ETF portfolio of stocks and bonds. For example, if you bought something for $10.43, the Acorns app will “round up” your purchase to $11 and invest $0.57 into a brokerage account." }, { "docid": "7679025", "title": "Stocks & Shares ISAs", "text": "Everyone in the UK over 18 has a 15,240 ISA allowance. You can choose to use all of this for a stocks & shares ISA if you want, or you can put some in a cash ISA and the rest in a stocks & shares ISA. You can also choose to put the whole amount into a cash ISA.ith a stocks & shares ISA you're investing. This could be in things such as: 1 Corporate and government bonds. 2 You basically lend your money to a company or a government in return for interest (don't confuse these with fixed-term bonds, which are basically savings accounts held for a certain period of time)." }, { "docid": "2882745", "title": "Weather in Baden Baden", "text": "Can someone please guide me how it would be the typical weather in Baden Baden? Will it snow or just raining? Thanks. Luke Bugeja. Malta" }, { "docid": "8075491", "title": "-", "text": "ETF stands for exchange traded funds. It is a portfolio of stocks or bonds that is sold to investors on open exchanges. The investor purchases these shares through a br…oker. ETFs are often inexpensive and are generally indexed to a particular published benchmark. They are not mutual funds however. Unlike mutual funds, when the investor buys a share in an ETF, the portfolio does not change. The price of the ETF or net asset value (NAV) can be found throughout the trading day." }, { "docid": "4488261", "title": "Where is Gozo?", "text": "According to legend, Gozo was Homer’s isle of Ogygia, where the nymph Calypso held the Greek hero Odysseus as her companion for seven years. Around 31 000 people inhabit the island, which amounts to one-twelfth of the overall population of Malta and equivalent to the population of the town of Birkirkara in Malta." }, { "docid": "3595040", "title": "-", "text": "Marijuana Stocks to Buy 2016 - Top Marijuana Stocks 2016. Marijuana Stocks 2016 - Marijuana Stocks will be hot in 2016 due to an elections year and as more and more states consider legalizing marijuana and medical marijuana. Cannabis is on it's way to becoming legal under federal law in even more states in 2016/2017." }, { "docid": "1739013", "title": "NEW ISSUE OF MALTA GOVERNMENT STOCKS", "text": "NEW ISSUE OF MALTA GOVERNMENT STOCKS. any combination of the above two Stocks which shall in the aggregate be Euro 100,000,000. at 12.00 (noon) on Monday 9th June, 2014 for applications in the form of sealed bids (auction)." }, { "docid": "2766813", "title": "ESG, SRI, Impact investing â what do they mean?", "text": "Commonly thought of as ‘socially responsible investing.’ An example might be a religious organization screening out ‘sin’ stocks from their investment portfolio. Impact investing. Investing with the intent to generate and measure social or environmental benefits alongside a financial return." }, { "docid": "1657044", "title": "-", "text": "Real Estate Portfolio Management & Asset Management Jobs Real Estate Portfolio Management & Asset Management Jobs Rss Feed Real estate Asset and Portfolio Managers have the responsibility of maximizing the performance and value of the company's portfolio of real estate assets that are owned and/or managed through acquisitions, dispositions, or operations." }, { "docid": "8400760", "title": "The Most Expensive Stocks Today", "text": "The Most Expensive Stocks Today. Three companies in one of the hottest tech sectors just released earnings. And all three stocks are on the rise this morning. But the surprising thing is that analysts and investors continue to be bullish on these stocks despite growing losses." }, { "docid": "3907814", "title": "-", "text": "To start getting jobs as a freelance photographer, you need a portfolio. A portfolio will show samples of your work. Even if you have never had photographs published or publicly displayed, you can start a portfolio of your best work and then add onto it if you win photography contests or start receiving paid work." }, { "docid": "6188705", "title": "Portfolio Companies Definition", "text": "A portfolio company is an individual investment that is a part of a larger group of investments.A group of portfolio companies make up a larger entity referred to as a portfolio. Portfolio companies are used by venture capital firms, private equity firms, and other financial investment firms.Private equity firms will often refer to having a portfolio consisting of multiple portfolio companies. group of portfolio companies make up a larger entity referred to as a portfolio. Portfolio companies are used by venture capital firms, private equity firms, and other financial investment firms." }, { "docid": "7966691", "title": "Secondary stocks", "text": "Secondary stocks Definition: Stocks with smaller market capitalization, less quality and more risk than blue chip issues that behave differently than larger corporations' stocks. Nearby Terms" }, { "docid": "1668677", "title": "What to Do About Inflationâand What Not to Do", "text": "The usual investment strategies often do not work when inflation is high. For example, many stocks tend to do badly with inflation because prices increase without an increase in value. Your stock portfolio is not worth as much in a high-inflation environment. Preparing for inflation requires a look at assets whose value can resist a weakening dollar or rising consumer-good prices." }, { "docid": "126574", "title": "Definition of 'Maltese'", "text": "Translations for 'Maltese'. Maltese means belonging or relating to Malta, or to its people, language, or culture....the Maltese writer Francis Ebejer. person A Maltese is a person who comes from Malta. language Maltese is a language spoken in Malta." }, { "docid": "375411", "title": "Outperform, Market Perform, Overweight: Stock Market jargons explained", "text": "In a sense, this is similar to the rating “Buy.” The term “overweight” may also be used to refer to a portfolio. If a portfolio is “overweight” on a certain stock or industry, it means that the portfolio holds proportionately more weight of stock or industry compared to a benchmark portfolio." }, { "docid": "4469414", "title": "The guide to diversification", "text": "Hypothetical value of assets held in untaxed accounts of $100,000 in an all cash portfolio; a diversified growth portfolio of 49% U.S. stocks, 21% international stocks, 25% bonds, and 5% short-term investments; and all stock-portfolio of 70% U.S. stocks and 30% international stocks." }, { "docid": "4660232", "title": "-", "text": "American Funds Global Balanced Fund may be appropriate for: 1 Investors seeking growth and income opportunities worldwide. 2 Conservative investors looking for a mix of global stocks and bonds that aims to protect principal and reduce volatility. 3 Investors who want a fund that can serve as a complete global portfolio." } ]
greif manufacturing location
[ { "docid": "1198646", "title": "Greif, Inc.", "text": "Greif, Inc. Greif, Inc. (NYSE: GEF) is an American manufacturing company based in Delaware, Ohio. Originally a manufacturer of barrels, the company is now focused on producing industrial packaging and containers. In 2014 the company ranked 566 on the Fortune 1000." } ]
[ { "docid": "3749566", "title": "-", "text": "Lean manufacturing, an approach. that depends greatly on flexibility and. workplace organization, is an excellent. starting point for companies wanting. to take a fresh look at their current. manufacturing methods." }, { "docid": "3560867", "title": "-", "text": "Dynamics GP is a “best of breed” application with a stronger initial feature set but a more rigid workflow and interface. Dynamics AX is a larger, high-end manufacturing solution with specialty in multi-location and foreign subsidiary requirements. Their solution has no integrated payroll and is positioned only for larger companies with larger budgets. Their primary competitors are SAP and Oracle." }, { "docid": "7253023", "title": "Prefabrication", "text": "Prefabrication is the practice of assembling components of a structure in a factory or other manufacturing site, and transporting complete assemblies or sub-assemblies to the construction site where the structure is to be located. The term is used to distinguish this process from the more conventional construction practice of transporting the basic materials to the construction site where all assembly is carried out. The term prefabrication also applies to the manufacturing of things other than structures at a fixed site. It is frequently used when fabrication of a section of a machine or any movable structure is shifted from the main manufacturing site to another location, and the section is supplied assembled and ready to fit." }, { "docid": "8679879", "title": "-", "text": "2014 Manufacturing Awards: Manufacturer of the Year. About the event. One of the state's largest industries, manufacturing represents 15 percent of the state's gross domestic product." }, { "docid": "5974931", "title": "-", "text": "When different manufacturing processes and methods are considered, For this it is important to know what conditions a particular process will subject a material to and how different manufacturing materials respond to different conditions, (ie.anufacturing Process: The Fundamental Idea. The fundamental idea of manufacturing or production is to create, (or produce), something that has a useful form. This form is most likely predetermined and calculated, with a certain physical geometry." }, { "docid": "3326097", "title": "Synchrony Headquarters - Location & Directions", "text": "Home | Contact | Location & Directions. Location & Directions for Synchrony Headquarters USA. Find directions to Synchrony's manufacturing facility. If you would like to contact Synchrony, please use this Contact Form to receive the quickest response from Synchrony professionals." }, { "docid": "5831936", "title": "computer integrated manufacturing (CIM)", "text": "computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) Combination of separate applications, such as computer aided design (CAD), computer aided engineering (CAE), computer aided manufacturing (CAM), robotics, and manufacturing resource planning (MRP-II)." }, { "docid": "1596919", "title": "-", "text": "Manufacturing Informatics. Manufacturing informatics is a part of the wider AMRC digital manufacturing thread, encompassing the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data and data-driven manufacturing technologies." }, { "docid": "6769643", "title": "Reliability engineering", "text": "Six Sigma has its roots in manufacturing and reliability engineering is a sub-part of systems engineering. The systems engineering process is a discovery process that is quite unlike a manufacturing process." }, { "docid": "5250420", "title": "-", "text": "Industrial Manufacturing Solutions. Siemens industrial manufacturing software, process automation, and automation and drives technology increases flexibility, cuts market launch lead time, and significantly reduces energy or wastewater costs for manufacturing companies." }, { "docid": "4732629", "title": "Army Awards JETS TLDS Prototype EMD Contract to DRS", "text": "Awarded by the Army Contracting Command (ACC), the $15.5m cost-plus-fixed-fee, incrementally-funded contract supports the engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) phase of the service’s joint effects targeting system (JETS) target location and designation system (TLDS) program." }, { "docid": "1911195", "title": "Helium", "text": "The future growth of helium is expected to be driven by demand from electronics manufacturers in China, South Korea, and Taiwan. Semiconductor manufacturing, flat-panel display manufacturing, and optical fiber manufacturing are all significant consumers of helium in Asian markets." }, { "docid": "7977032", "title": "just in time and lean manufacturing", "text": "slide 1 of 2. Just in Time Manufacturing (JIT) - also known as lean manufacturing refers to a system of manufacturing in which products are not built until the product is ordered and paid for. Some companies that have successfully implemented JIT include Toyota, Dell and Harley Davidson." }, { "docid": "7934867", "title": "-", "text": "Contract Manufacturing; an overview: Contract manufacturing is one of the intermediate entry modes to a foreign market where a domestic firm gets entry into an overseas market. Contract manufacturing is very advantageous in situation where firm possess competitive advantage but is unable to exploit it at home country." }, { "docid": "5273799", "title": "What is Manufacturing Cost?", "text": "Top 10 amazing movie makeup transformations. Manufacturing cost is the cumulative total of resources that are directly used in the process of making various goods and products. In some formulas, the cost of manufacturing includes the expenses associated with the purchase of raw materials.At other times, the cost for raw materials is excluded.op 10 amazing movie makeup transformations. Manufacturing cost is the cumulative total of resources that are directly used in the process of making various goods and products. In some formulas, the cost of manufacturing includes the expenses associated with the purchase of raw materials." }, { "docid": "3687635", "title": "Machinery Manufacturing: NAICS 333", "text": "About the Machinery Manufacturing subsector . The machinery manufacturing subsector is part of the manufacturing sector. Industries in the Machinery Manufacturing subsector create end products that apply mechanical force, for example, the application of gears and levers, to perform work. Some important processes for the manufacture of machinery are forging, stamping, bending, forming, and machining that are used to shape individual pieces of metal." }, { "docid": "6116832", "title": "-", "text": "If after reading this page you determine that Polysomnographic Technician is not the position you are looking for, you may want to try one of these similar titles: Testing Technician, Manufacturing Technician III, Calibration Technician III, Mechanic Technician III, Manufacturing Technician I, Manufacturing Technician II, Calibration Technician II, ..." }, { "docid": "5939744", "title": "Manufacturing execution system", "text": "Manufacturing execution systems (MES) are computerized systems used in manufacturing. MES track and document the transformation of raw materials through finished goods.MES can provide the right information at the right time and show the manufacturing decision maker how the current conditions on the plant floor can be optimized to improve production output..ndustry groups such as MESA International-- Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association were created in the early 1990's in order to address the complexity, and advise on execution, of MES Systems." }, { "docid": "7638705", "title": "Perdue Farms Inc.", "text": "Perdue Farms is located in Milford, Delaware. This organization primarily operates in the Poultry, Processed, Nsk business / industry within the Food and Kindred Products sector. Perdue Farms employs approximately 100 people at this branch location. This organization is engaged in manufacturing activities at this facility." }, { "docid": "7205218", "title": "Aerospace Composites Market by Fiber Type (Carbon, Glass, Ceramic), Resin Type (Epoxy, Phenolic, Polyester, Polyimides, Thermoplastics, Ceramic and Metal Matrix), Aircraft Type, Manufacturing Process, Application, Region - Global Forecast to 2022", "text": "The advanced composites market has been segmented based on fiber type, resin type, manufacturing process, end-use industry, and region. Among manufacturing processes, the AFP/ATL manufacturing process segment led the advanced composites market in 2016 both, in terms of value as well as volume. Growth of this segment of the market is attributed to the ease of manufacturing complex structures which is not possible in any other manufacturing process." }, { "docid": "4941486", "title": "Difference Between ODM and OEM", "text": "Both the terms ODM and OEM are related to the manufacturing industry. ODM stands for Original Design Manufacturing, and OEM refers to Original Equipment Manufacturing. It is quite confusing to see the difference between the two, as they are very similar." }, { "docid": "7246070", "title": "Longaberger moving from Big Basket building", "text": "Longaberger moving from Big Basket building. The Big Basket is emptying. The Longaberger Co. is moving the remaining staff at its Newark headquarters - also known as the Big Basket building because of its unusual design - to office space at the basketmaker's manufacturing plant in Frazeysburg. Tim Feran, The Columbus Dispatch The Big Basket is emptying. The Longaberger Co. is moving the remaining staff at its Newark headquarters — also known as the Big Basket building — to office space at the basketmaker's manufacturing plant in Frazeysburg. According to a company email obtained by The Dispatch, the move is being made in the coming weeks to bring employees together in a centralized location." }, { "docid": "8483357", "title": "-", "text": "We are into pharma manufacturing, contract manufacturing and third party manufacturing. WHO-GMP and ISO 9001:2008 quality certified facilities." }, { "docid": "5562895", "title": "Our Core Beliefs", "text": "All Ashley Furniture Industries products are designed and manufactured in facilities across America and around the globe. The strategic location of these super plants and our optimized manufacturing processes helps control costs and speed delivery to market." }, { "docid": "1924516", "title": "-", "text": "current good manufacturing practice in manufacturing, packing, or holding human food" }, { "docid": "8338962", "title": "Cost Estimator", "text": "Disclaimer: The above cost analysis uses data based on industry averages and typical manufacturing practices, and should therefore be viewed only as a guide. Actual costs may vary based on the specific manufacturer, equipment, geographical location, and prevailing market conditions." }, { "docid": "6083816", "title": "Air Pollution", "text": "In developing countires, wood or charcoal is burned in residences with little or no ventilation. In developed countries, a large amount of indoor pollution comes from synthetic chemicals used for cleaning, as pesticides, or during the manufacturing process for furniture and electronics. The term _____ describes a specific location where large quantities of pollution are discharged, such as a factory." }, { "docid": "6225960", "title": "Manufacturing Excellence Summary", "text": "Manufacturing Excellence Summary. Manufacturing Excellence (MEX), also known as Lean Manufacturing is more than KPIs and processes, it’s a framework for continuous business and people improvement efforts.anufacturing Excellence (MEX), also known as Lean Manufacturing is more than KPIs and processes, it’s a framework for continuous business and people improvement efforts." }, { "docid": "8082026", "title": "Bill of Materials", "text": "Manufacturing Bill of Materials. The manufacturing bill of materials, also referred to as the manufacturing BOM, contains all the parts and assemblies required to build a complete and shippable product. This includes all the packaging materials required to ship the finished product to the customer." }, { "docid": "5406075", "title": "-", "text": "While the previously-released ISM Manufacturing ROB and its well-known Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) receives the most Wall Street attention, the Non-Manufacturing Report is quickly becoming a well-read and analyzed indicator since it was first released in 1998." } ]
guy that can stretch in fantastic four
[ { "docid": "5601993", "title": "Who is the stretchy guy in fantastic four?", "text": "Mister Fantastic/Reed Richards is the Fantastic 4 member who can stretch & shift his body. Played by Ioan Gruffudd in movie." } ]
[ { "docid": "125671", "title": "Pregnancy Scars and Stretch marks", "text": "Padanjali Ayurvedics offers best treatment for stretchmarks and pregnancy scars over the years with the natural Herbal stretch mark removal cream. The stretch mark removal cream is a very effective alternative medicine for people suffering from fresh and long time stretch marks." }, { "docid": "3110034", "title": "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (film)", "text": "Followed by. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (or simply Fantastic Beasts) is the first prequel of a series of films based on Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, one of the companion books to J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. It premiered on 18 November, 2016. The script of the first film was released in book form on 19 November 2016." }, { "docid": "7354306", "title": "-", "text": "Stretch Marks. Stretch marks are a normal part of puberty for most girls and guys. When a person grows or gains weight really quickly (like during puberty), that person may get fine lines on the body called stretch marks. Stretch marks happen when the skin is pulled by rapid growth or stretching." }, { "docid": "2740415", "title": "-", "text": "To stretch the lower trapezius muscle, start with a twist stretch on the floor by crossing your legs, positioning your elbow, and twisting up and back. Next, sit in a chair, cross your arms, grab the armrests, and roll forward into a stretch." }, { "docid": "5750149", "title": "Celebrity Biographies", "text": "Celebrity Biographies. Guy Williams' relationship with Janice Cooper ended when Guy Williams died on May 7, 1989. They had been married for 41.4 years. Guy Williams." }, { "docid": "6305229", "title": "-", "text": "A NIGEL (usually written in capital letters) is a name for a person who is unbelievably fantastic that everyone should know or already knows about ... A NIGEL (usually written in capital letters) is a name for a person who is unbelievably fantastic that everyone should know or already knows about ..." }, { "docid": "1975575", "title": "-", "text": "About Guy Fieri. It has been stated that the total amount of Guy Fieri net worth reaches an estimate of 3.5 million dollars. He is known as a restaurateur, chef and also a TV personality which are the main sources of Guy Fieri net worth. In addition, he is known as a game show host and an author." }, { "docid": "1865573", "title": "30 CUTE NAMES TO CALL YOUR BOYFRIEND", "text": "Another one of great and cute names to call your boyfriend is Hot chocolate. This guy is rich, smooth and delicious, or he is a guy that will quickly send you to sleep! 24. Honey Bear. This one we can live with: a big, strong, cuddly guy, who loves sweet things. 25. Pancakes" }, { "docid": "7294875", "title": "We Just Disagree Lyrics", "text": "When I'm just trying to get along We were friends Now it's the end of our love song. So let's leave it alone 'Cause we can't see eye to eye There ain't no good guy There ain't no bad guy There's only you and me And we just disagree" }, { "docid": "4206174", "title": "What do guys really think about stretch marks?", "text": "i think stretch marks are the last thing a guy is worried about.. i too have them and am very self conscious when it comes to take my clothes off. my mind is often on that and its hard to enjoy myself. just be comfortable with yourself and your confidence will show through.." }, { "docid": "2708561", "title": "-", "text": "Stretch marks happen in the middle layer, when the skin is stretched quite a bit over a short time. This stretching can break the dermis in places, forming stretch marks. Whether or not you get stretch marks depends on your skin type, as some people's skin is more elastic." }, { "docid": "5731", "title": "4 Stretching Techniques for Your Neck", "text": "This is another great stretch to use for relieving the tension in your neck. Loosen up by shrugging your shoulders and rotating your head slowly in a circle. To begin the side-to-side stretch, slowly turn your head to the right until you feel your neck muscles tighten. Hold the position for five seconds, then return your head to the starting position. Repeat the stretch for the left side. Do 10 stretches for each side of your neck. You can use your hand during this stretch as well. Place the index and middle finger of your left hand on the left side of your jaw. As you turn your head to the right, press against your jaw to increase the range of the stretch." }, { "docid": "3416253", "title": "Regular vs Stretch Denim: Whatâs the Difference?", "text": "Stretch denim differs in terms of construction by including a small amount of elastic material. In addition to the cotton twill, spandex or a similar elastic fabric is included in stretch denim. According to Wikipedia, stretch denim with just 3% spandex can increase its stretching capacity by as much as 15%." }, { "docid": "98253", "title": "More about Harry Potter", "text": "—Newt Scamander on Augustus Worme's offer for him to write Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. In 1918, Augustus Worme of Obscurus Books commissioned Scamander to write the first edition of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them." }, { "docid": "5703140", "title": "How Often Should You Exercise?", "text": "It seems everybody forgets about stretching, yet it’s an important part of any exercise program. Stretch at least 2 to 3 times a week minimum and up to 5 to 7 times a week, ideally. Stretch all muscle groups for 15 to 30 seconds per rep. The ideal time to stretch is right after a cardio workout." }, { "docid": "3462992", "title": "-", "text": "Back in Bermuda today - sun shining with a beautiful breeze - we had a fantastic trip back to Toronto - had the honour of playing with and listening to some incredible musicians... It's been fantastic." }, { "docid": "7354308", "title": "-", "text": "As a result, scars called stretch marks may form. If you're noticing stretch marks on your body, you're not alone. Most girls and women have them, usually on their breasts, thighs, hips, and butt. Many women get them during pregnancy. Stretch marks are more common in girls, but guys can get them, too." }, { "docid": "5848512", "title": "-", "text": "Once you know the size of hole for your beads, have a browse through our assortment of Stretch Magic to see which is the best for you: 1 Stretch Magic Sparkle will add some dazzle to your bracelet. 2 Stretch Magic Clear can be purchased in a 4 m measurement with a 1.5 mm width." }, { "docid": "1030634", "title": "Knee Injury", "text": "A great stretch for the quadriceps (muscles on the front of the thigh) and for the muscles that flex your hip is the side-lying hip flexor stretch. To perform this stretch, begin by assuming a side-lying position. Next, grab the ankle of your top leg with your top hand and bend your top knee." }, { "docid": "6021010", "title": "stretch", "text": "This pregnant woman's sweater is needing to stretch. The definition of a stretch is a long, unbroken period of time or distance. An example of stretch is sixteen days without a day off. To stretch is to last longer than expected or to cause something to last longer than expected.An example of stretch is when a play drags on for four hours instead of two.To stretch is to move the limbs of your body as far as you can. An example of stretch is what a sweater does when someone wears it who is too big for it. 2 An example of stretch is what you do to a sweater you wear that is too small for you. 3 An example of stretch is when you only have enough food for one and you share it with another." }, { "docid": "2534504", "title": "-", "text": "Find us on. Materials from the Harry Potter series of films and from the film Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them are courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment. Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts and Pottermore Publishing Rights © J.K. Rowling. Pottermore.com © Pottermore Limited." }, { "docid": "1161169", "title": "-", "text": "Wrenching. To have a guy bend over with his ass in the air and have another guy side straddle the other guy and push his scrotum in his rectum. The following looks like a wrench and creates torque on the bottom guy's rectum. Bob: im a catcher. Chester: if thats the case, lets do some wrenching!" }, { "docid": "4804583", "title": "What Car is Right For Me Quiz", "text": "1 I'm a guy, only manly cars for me! 2 I'm a girl. I like girly cars. 3 I'm a guy, but I don't care if my car is manly or not. I'm a girl, but I like manly cars!" }, { "docid": "1473371", "title": "Do the Hip Flexors Stretch When the Hip Abductors Contract?", "text": "Hip Flexor Stretch. In order to stretch the hip flexors, you must perform the opposite joint action. Since the hip flexors bend the body forward at the hip, you must keep your body straight as you bend it backward. To stretch the hip flexors, try a variation of the low lunge." }, { "docid": "3801643", "title": "How much should it cost to sandblast and paint a tractor?", "text": "$20-$100 a gallon for primer (DO NOT MIX AND MATCH PAINT AND PRIMER). $200 to be painted. = $440(+)-$600(+). These costs are just what I figured to have paid to paint two that I did.y suggestion would be to not go to a body shop, because they will probably be high. I got my JD A painted about five years ago for 650. That was with some body work, rewiring the whole tractor, paint, decals, hardener. They guy did a fantastic job out of his shop." }, { "docid": "4046184", "title": "The 10 Ways To Tell If A Guy Is Really Into You", "text": "Telling if a guy is actually into you is much easier than most women think. Often times women let their own personal feelings get in the way of their thinking and later realize that they have been wasting time with a guy that doesn't actually like them. So, before you take things further, this article is here to show you 10 ways in which you can tell if a guy is really into you or not." }, { "docid": "8333419", "title": "-", "text": "Here are a few things to remember when stretching: 1 Always warm-up before stretching. Stretching when your muscles are cold could lead to injuries. 2 Stretch your entire body. 3 Hold your stretch for at least 15 to 30 seconds, but do not bounce.4 Stretch to the point where you feel some mild tension.ere are a few things to remember when stretching: 1 Always warm-up before stretching. Stretching when your muscles are cold could lead to injuries. 2 Stretch your entire body. 3 Hold your stretch for at least 15 to 30 seconds, but do not bounce. 4 Stretch to the point where you feel some mild tension." }, { "docid": "4071908", "title": "-", "text": "Champions. I have certain things that I stand for, certain things that I believe in, and if you don't like it and you tell me to go to hell, I think that's your God-given right as a fan. It's one of those deals where I'm that one guy who is outside of that realm of good guy, bad guy." }, { "docid": "6891348", "title": "Fantastic", "text": "Fantastic is the misguided 1983 debut release from the U.K. duo Wham. This approach proved wildly popular in the U.K., where Fantastic was a Top Ten hit, but the album went largely unnoticed in the States." }, { "docid": "6358204", "title": "-", "text": "Flexibility Exercise. 1 Adults should do flexibility exercises at least two or three days each week to improve range of motion. 2 Each stretch should be held for 10-30 seconds to the point of tightness or slight discomfort. 3 Repeat each stretch two to four times, accumulating 60 seconds per stretch." } ]
apa membership cost
[ { "docid": "2533801", "title": "-", "text": "1 On average, an APA membership cost is $247 per year for the basic member rate. 2 This can be paid in a nice step graduated dues structure, which marginally increases the rate gradually over a nine-year period.3 Members receive a $55-journal credit. The APA is largely made up of research psychologists. 2 Membership in the organization is not limited to scientists or clinicians and also includes consultants, educators and psychology students. 3 It is active in development and promotion of quality standards in professional training and practice." } ]
[ { "docid": "6738751", "title": "What is APA?", "text": "The term APA is used to refer both to the association and to the rules in the APA style guide which is called the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. This tutorial uses the 6th edition." }, { "docid": "763892", "title": "How do you report significant contrast results for a MANOVA in APA style?", "text": "The APA doesn't provide free access to their style guide. However, I found this reference illustrating the write-up of a MANOVA. If you wish to use tables to report your contrasts, this 2010 document illustrates the general APA format for tables.Another thought: the APA does a print publication of its style book.he APA doesn't provide free access to their style guide. However, I found this reference illustrating the write-up of a MANOVA. If you wish to use tables to report your contrasts, this 2010 document illustrates the general APA format for tables. Another thought: the APA does a print publication of its style book." }, { "docid": "6332938", "title": "How Much Does It Cost to Hire a House Cleaner?", "text": "If you'll use the various benefits of the Amazon Prime membership, it's well worth the cost. Even if you're not certain you'll order enough to get the full benefit of the shipping discounts, the other benefits add plenty of value!he biggest benefit of Amazon Prime membership is free two-day shipping on most orders, which can pay for your $79 yearly fee after only a handful of orders." }, { "docid": "8318953", "title": "-", "text": "These videos-all less than 3 minutes long-explain APA in easy to follow terms. 1 Why cite my sources. 2 APA and Microsoft Word. 3 APA Style-Paper Style. 4 APA Style-In-text citations. 5 APA Style-References." }, { "docid": "4563369", "title": "Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct", "text": "Membership in the APA commits members and student affiliates to comply with the standards of the APA Ethics Code and to the rules and procedures used to enforce them. Lack of awareness or misunderstanding of an Ethical Standard is not itself a defense to a charge of unethical conduct." }, { "docid": "2683468", "title": "The Basics of PTA Membership", "text": "The Basics of PTA Membership. While membership is the responsibility of the entire PTA board, each PTA should have a designated membership leader. Membership chairmen are appointed; membership vice presidents are elected." }, { "docid": "8318948", "title": "-", "text": "Understanding the fundamentals of APA citations, APA citation examples of source types, tips and examples for citing online sources, and creating parenthetical in-text citations." }, { "docid": "2993297", "title": "-", "text": "Ethics Complaint Form APA Ethics Office Please type or print in ink. Please review the documents Information for Individuals filing APA Ethics Complaints and Submission of Information to the APA Ethics Office to assist you in completing this form.thics Complaint Form APA Ethics Office Please type or print in ink. Please review the documents Information for Individuals filing APA Ethics Complaints and Submission of Information to the APA Ethics Office to assist you in completing this form." }, { "docid": "2993291", "title": "Filing a Complaint With the APA Ethics Office", "text": "Contact APA Ethics Office. In order to file a complaint, you must first verify that the psychologist you wish to file a complaint against is a member of the APA.The American Psychological Association is a voluntary membership organization.ontact APA Ethics Office. In order to file a complaint, you must first verify that the psychologist you wish to file a complaint against is a member of the APA." }, { "docid": "1895863", "title": "CCS Exam", "text": "AHIMA does no require membership in order to sit for their exams, but membership is available. The cost of the CCS exam is $320.00 for members and $405.00 for non-members. Membership fees are $165.00 for active members, $35.00 for students (from approved AHIMA organizations), $100.00 for new graduates, and $60.00 for seniors." }, { "docid": "328199", "title": "-", "text": "Academic writing – APA Style – APA Style: Formatting – APA Style: In-text citations – APA Style: References – Grammar – Legal citations – Other – Paraphrasing – Punctuation – Quotations – Writing Centre information – Writing Centre resources." }, { "docid": "1511023", "title": "-", "text": "© 2012 Reference Point Software. Reference Point Software, LLC is not associated with nor endorsed by the American Psychological Association (APA). The APA Style format was developed exclusively by the APA and is set forth in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA Publication Manual). APA, APA STYLE and AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION are registered trademarks of the American Psychological Association. Reference Point Software, LLC is not sponsored by or affiliated with the Modern Language Association." }, { "docid": "5127210", "title": "-", "text": "The headings for APA research paper are just a few of the numerous things that our writers keep in mind when composing any academic material. Each APA research paper outline heading has its own set of guidelines that you must abide by. These guidelines place special emphasis on things like APA spacing, APA margins, and APA citing. Take a look at these rules when creating an outline for an APA style research paper:" }, { "docid": "2354117", "title": "A Social Work Research Guide", "text": "Social Policy - Citing Government Items Examples of APA Continued. The following pattern was suggested by the APA in response to my query. You should include the title of the Congressman's statement and the year. It is okay to shorten the title of statement." }, { "docid": "4641845", "title": "-", "text": "APA Citation Style, 6th edition: Web Page with No Author. A guide to help users create citations using APA (American Psychological Association) style, 6th edition." }, { "docid": "5537610", "title": "-", "text": "The most common extra cost or CKO is any kickboxing equipment that you may need. This equipment will not be included in the membership price. Some examples of the equipment used for kickboxing would be headgear, gloves, and footwear." }, { "docid": "6122195", "title": "-", "text": "How Does the Membership Cost Compare to Boat Ownership? Consider all of the associated costs of boat ownership. The cost of the boat itself or note payment, maintenance, insurance, routine repairs, and your time and effort cleaning the boat, your membership with us is a fraction of the cost of boat ownership." }, { "docid": "1709219", "title": "-", "text": "The purpose of this document is to provide a common core of elements of APA style that all members of an academic department can adopt as minimal standards for any assignment that specifies APA style." }, { "docid": "8745626", "title": "Contact Us", "text": "Contact the Service Center Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. ET, on any matter pertaining to your membership, to check your print and/or electronic journal subscription, to place an order for an APA book or other APA publication, to check the status of an order, or to obtain pricing information on books, journals and other products." }, { "docid": "1099582", "title": "Does T-Mobileâs âNo Money Downâ Deal Make JUMP Worth The Extra $10/Month?", "text": "Of course, it’s raising the monthly rates for each device to account for the upfront cash. So the Galaxy S4 will have a $0 down-payment but will now cost a subscriber $25/month. Again figuring in $10/month for JUMP membership, the total after six months is only $210, or around 1/3 the full retail cost of the phone." }, { "docid": "5849733", "title": "APA Writing Format", "text": "The APA writing style has evolved through time and several changes have been adapted in response to the electronic information age. What follows are some useful pointers for those of you who're tasked to write a paper using the APA format.In general, your paper should follow these formatting guidelines: 1 Margin.he APA writing style has evolved through time and several changes have been adapted in response to the electronic information age. What follows are some useful pointers for those of you who're tasked to write a paper using the APA format. In general, your paper should follow these formatting guidelines:" }, { "docid": "5132084", "title": "STANDARD WRITING FORMAT", "text": "1 I should not have to say this, but you do have to cite all sources you use, even those you don't paraphrase or quote from. Here is more on this issue. I don't care which form of citation you use, but use one of the three standard forms (APA, MLA, Harvard). Personally, I prefer to use APA." }, { "docid": "5825639", "title": "What an APA paper looks like", "text": "All this and be less than 100 words! APA style manuscript 3 Example of an APA-style manuscript for Research Methods in Psychology Writing an APA style paper is an exercise in frustration for most undergraduates taking Research Methods. Besides learning a new language to describe research and how to write in a ‘scientific’ rather than a ‘literary’ style, they also are expected to master a very rigid style of formatting the manuscript." }, { "docid": "3234262", "title": "-", "text": "This guide provides general principles for citing US Government documents in student research papers in MLA or APA format, along with examples by type of document. For citation examples, see the MLA and APA tabs above.his guide provides general principles for citing US Government documents in student research papers in MLA or APA format, along with examples by type of document. For citation examples, see the MLA and APA tabs above." }, { "docid": "111552", "title": "-", "text": "Suggestions include: addressing why APA style is used in the profession, joining with. colleagues to emphasize the importance of writing style, modeling strong style, requiring the use of APA, providing feedback specific to style, using style focused peer review, and providing examples of strong APA. style. Keywords." }, { "docid": "5801532", "title": "Citing Web Sources MLA Style", "text": "Go here for APA References page style. Or to Amazon.com for APA citation and reference style books. VirtualSalt Home Copyright 2001, 2009, 2014 by Robert Harris | How to cite this page w w w.v i r t u a l s a l t.o here for APA References page style. Or to Amazon.com for APA citation and reference style books. VirtualSalt Home Copyright 2001, 2009, 2014 by Robert Harris | How to cite this page w w w." }, { "docid": "2533806", "title": "-", "text": "APA Division Membership. APA’s 54 divisions are interest groups organized by members. APA members can apply to join one or more divisions, which have their own eligibility criteria and dues. Many members find that joining a division adds to their overall membership experience.enefit of APA Membership. Member Discounts Program — savings for members. Subscriptions to Monitor on Psychology and The American Psychologist. Access to online databases. Up to 60 percent off journal subscriptions. Up to 30 percent off videos. Discounts on most books." }, { "docid": "3305217", "title": "-", "text": "Start saving with eFax. Eliminate the cost of the fax machine, fax line and supplies. Now you can send and receive faxes anywhere you have an Internet connection. Annual Membership." }, { "docid": "6604115", "title": "-", "text": "A works cited page (in MLA) or a reference page (in APA) is simply the first part of an annotated bibliography. It is the part where the source is fully cited in the proper format (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.)." }, { "docid": "5906245", "title": "-", "text": "Prepaid Memberships. (One day or weekend pass, Multi pass, One-month membership, Three months' membership, Annual Off Peak membership or Annual Peak membership). These memberships must all be paid for in advance, as part of your online membership application, by debit or credit card only." } ]
hartford employee benefits
[ { "docid": "2677540", "title": "The Hartford Benefits", "text": "The Hartford Benefits. At The Hartford, your salary is just one component of your total rewards package. Your total compensation also includes short- and long-term incentives, as well as a comprehensive benefits package. This highly competitive package not only rewards performance, it helps ensure your health and wealth." } ]
[ { "docid": "1160014", "title": "Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993update", "text": "protection of employee benefits while on leave. An employee is entitled to reinstatement of all benefits to which the employee was entitled before going on leave. protection of the employee to not have their rights under the Act interfered with or denied by an employer." }, { "docid": "7224413", "title": "Chuck E. Cheeseâs Application & Careers", "text": "Chuck E. Cheese’s offers competitive benefits for their industry. Employee eligibility can depend on the employee’s job title and hours worked weekly. Some benefits may include health insurance, dental and vision insurance. They may also get employee discounts, paid time off, and a 401(k) plan." }, { "docid": "7803069", "title": "-", "text": "Comcast Spectacor employee benefits and perks data. Find information about retirement plans, insurance benefits, paid time off, reviews, and more. Welcome back!" }, { "docid": "10255", "title": "Part Time, Temporary, and Seasonal Employees", "text": "Laws concerning employee treatment, benefits, and policies of part-time, temporary, or seasonal employees are covered by both Federal and state laws. To learn more about employee rights, benefits and policies as they may apply to your specific case, check your state's employment laws." }, { "docid": "7056882", "title": "US Federal Government Employee Benefits", "text": "Along with salaries or wages, employee compensation in the federal government includes benefits, such as subsidized health insurance and many more. Federal government employees enjoy a wide range of family-friendly benefits that go far beyond insurance and retirement. Each agency is free to offer its own benefits package." }, { "docid": "2716483", "title": "TSA Salary and Benefits", "text": "Posted by admin on. TSA Benefits, TSA Salary. Joining the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) could come with some very respectable salary and benefits. Promotions within the TSA can move an employee into a new tax bracket, as management positions tend to pay well.osted by admin on. TSA Benefits, TSA Salary. Joining the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) could come with some very respectable salary and benefits. Promotions within the TSA can move an employee into a new tax bracket, as management positions tend to pay well." }, { "docid": "6596848", "title": "FMLA and Workersâ Compensation: FAQ", "text": "More specifically, if the employee has elected to receive workers’ compensation benefits, the employer cannot require the employee to substitute any paid vacation, personal, medical or sick leave, for any part of the absence that is covered by the payments under a workers’ compensation plan." }, { "docid": "7681924", "title": "-", "text": "IRS Office - Hartford 135 High St., Hartford CT 06103 Phone Number: (860) 756-4505" }, { "docid": "2378919", "title": "-", "text": "EMPLOYEE BENEFITS THAT PUT MORE MONEY IN YOUR POCKET. Are you making the most of your employee benefits package? From a health savings account (HSA) or a flexible spending account (FSA), to commuter benefits or COBRA continuing coverage, we’re here to help you benefit from your employee benefits." }, { "docid": "528000", "title": "Underwriter Salaries in Hartford, CT, US Area", "text": "How much does a Underwriter make in Hartford, CT? The average salary for a Underwriter is $65,869 in Hartford, CT. Salaries estimates based on 129 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Underwriter employees in Hartford, CT. Find a Job like this" }, { "docid": "5071257", "title": "-", "text": "Hartford Courant Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of Hartford Courant is +1(860) 525-5555 / (800) 472-7377 / 860-241-3471 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Hartford Courant Service Center and Hartford Courant customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Hartford Courant customer service phone number may or may not be toll free." }, { "docid": "7826157", "title": "Employee Benefits", "text": "Forward-focused employee benefits and health management solutions. The status quo doesn’t cut it. Our expert team delivers comprehensive and innovative employee benefits programs, including brokerage, consulting and communications services. We use health management solutions to reduce risk and manage costs." }, { "docid": "8138171", "title": "West Hartford Cardiologist Saves Life of High-Ranking European Politician", "text": "Click here to subscribe to We-Ha’s newsletter so you’ll always be in the know about what’s happening in West Hartford! cardiology featured montenegro newsletter shishir mathur st. francis hospital West Hartford" }, { "docid": "8086951", "title": "-", "text": "Financial Benefits Credit Union of Alameda, CA has 2,772 members and assets of $19 million. The credit union, opened in 1931, has 5 full time employees and 1 part time employee , or 554 members per employee, compared to a national average of 430. Financial Benefits CU." }, { "docid": "493881", "title": "Employee Benefits Summary", "text": "You are here. Employee Benefits Summary. We strive to be employee-focused in the benefits and services that we provide our staff. We realize that staff members are diverse in their needs and concerns and we provide a comprehensive benefits package to help meet those needs." }, { "docid": "8792465", "title": "Army Drops Colt as M16 Rifle Maker", "text": "The Army and Colt Industries Inc., the New York-based conglomerate that owns the Colt Firearms Division in Hartford and West Hartford, said the change had resulted solely from Colt's being underbid and was not related to the quality of Colt rifles or to a strike by Colt workers in Hartford.P. HARTFORD, Oct. 2— The Army has dropped Colt Industries Inc. as the manufacturer of America's standard infantry weapon, the M16 rifle, according to a published report." }, { "docid": "1509838", "title": "What Does an Employee Cost?", "text": "Wages and Benefits. The most obvious costs of an employee are her wages and benefits. In addition to a base salary or hourly wage, you might have to pay for her health insurance, contribute to a 401(k) matching program or offer tuition reimbursement for college classes.ages and Benefits. The most obvious costs of an employee are her wages and benefits. In addition to a base salary or hourly wage, you might have to pay for her health insurance, contribute to a 401(k) matching program or offer tuition reimbursement for college classes." }, { "docid": "8560599", "title": "Benefits Administration and Communication Systems", "text": "What are the key advantages of a benefits administration system? One key benefit is the ability to gain and maintain compliance with benefits laws. A benefits administration system creates, tracks and maintains an enrollment profile for every employee." }, { "docid": "6920679", "title": "-", "text": "(ii) Of the effect that the court order will have on the former employee or Member's retirement benefits; and. (iii) That no payments will be made to the former spouse for a period of 30 days from the notice date to enable the former employee or Member to contest the court order." }, { "docid": "6783689", "title": "Health and Benefits", "text": "Health and Benefits. 1 Workplace Health An integrated approach to improving the physical, financial and mental health and wellbeing of your workforce. 2 Employee Benefits Mercer’s experience and expertise allow us to provide a more strategic approach to employee benefits design." }, { "docid": "8785088", "title": "University of Hartford Admissions", "text": "University of Hartford Description: Chartered in 1957, the University of Hartford is a private university located in West Hartford, Connecticut. Students come from 48 states and 62 countries. Undergraduates can choose from over 100 programs from the university's seven colleges. Communication Studies and Medical Radiologic Technology are the most popular." }, { "docid": "349900", "title": "Working at TBE", "text": "Teledyne Brown Engineering offers its employees a competitive package of excellent employee benefits. Our goal is to provide our employees with the right combination of benefits to meet their individual and family needs. In addition to a comprehensive, on-site employee Wellness Program, current benefits offered are: Medical." }, { "docid": "1527085", "title": "-", "text": "Employee Benefits Representative II #112586d. Daytona State CollegeMore Daytona State College jobs in Daytona Beach > Daytona Beach, FL, US. In addition to knowledge of employee benefits, strong technical skills are required; preference will be given to applicants with PeopleSoft experience." }, { "docid": "1961694", "title": "Pay & Leave Leave Administration", "text": "1 Upon return from FMLA leave, an employee must be returned to the same position or to an equivalent position with equivalent benefits, pay, status, and other terms and conditions of employment.. An employee who takes FMLA leave is entitled to maintain health benefits coverage." }, { "docid": "4611204", "title": "-", "text": "New Hartford is served by Hancock Intl Airport (Syracuse, NY) Cheap flights to New Hartford recently found by travelers *. New Hartford is served by Hancock Intl Airport (Syracuse, NY)" }, { "docid": "7794554", "title": "Employee Benefits Law and Legal Definition", "text": "Employee Benefits Law and Legal Definition. The phrase employee benefits is an umbrella term that includes insurance programs, fully compensated absences (vacations, holidays, sick leave), pensions, stock ownership plans, and employer-provided services (such as child care) offered by employers to their employees. Employee benefits are also referred to as fringe benefits." }, { "docid": "6974125", "title": "-", "text": "1 4. 2 Overview of Current District. Health & Welfare Benefits Plan. . 3 Plan design by the Health Benefits. Committee/Coordinated Bargaining Process. . 4 Eligibility rules. •. Benefited active employee benefits are the same, whether. employee is full-time or at least half-time, except 1 T. A.’s. •." }, { "docid": "5848256", "title": "The Average Cost of Employee Benefits in the US", "text": "Regional Breakdown. According to the BLS, the total cost per employee per hour for private industry employers in the Northeast was $33.43, and $10.41, or 31.2 percent, of that cost was employee benefits.The total cost per employee per hour in the West was $30.94, and $8.97, or 29.4 percent, of that was benefits.ccording to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, the average cost of employee benefits to employers was relatively steady at 27 to 29 percent of the total compensation cost throughout the 1990s but began to increase at the turn of the century as health insurance costs began rising rapidly." }, { "docid": "4611203", "title": "-", "text": "All New Hartford, NY Airports. We couldn't find any Airport in the New Hartford Area. Map of Airports in the New Hartford, NY Area." }, { "docid": "2076058", "title": "-", "text": "Road trip planner. The total cost of driving from Hartford, CT to Orlando, FL (one-way) is $108.97 at current gas prices. The round trip cost would be $217.94 to go from Hartford, CT to Orlando, FL and back to Hartford, CT again.Regular fuel costs are around $2.28 per gallon for your trip.he round trip cost would be $217.94 to go from Hartford, CT to Orlando, FL and back to Hartford, CT again. Regular fuel costs are around $2.28 per gallon for your trip." } ]
has any president died of cancer
[ { "docid": "6520903", "title": "Have any US Presidents ever died of cancer If so how many and who were they?", "text": "Only one president has died from cancer and that is Hiram Ulysses Simpson Grant. He had cancer in the throat. Other presidents have had cancer but have not died. Only one president has died from cancer and that is Hiram Ulysses Simpson Grant. He had cancer in the throat." } ]
[ { "docid": "7903182", "title": "Impeachment: A Double-Edged Sword", "text": "Although Andrew Johnson is the only President to have been impeached, several others were threatened with impeachment. John Tyler, who became president when William Henry Harrison died one month into his term, was disliked by members of his own party from the beginning." }, { "docid": "584065", "title": "-", "text": "Franklin Delano Roosevelt is the US President who served the greatest number of years in office. He was President from 1933 to 1945, which was 12 years. Currently, Preside … nts are constitutionally limited to two consecutive terms, adding up to only 8 years.ranklin D. Roosevelt was the US President from 1933-1945 and died in office. Roosevelt was elected four times (1932, 1936, 1940, 1944), but died in April, 1945, just four mon … ths into his 4th term." }, { "docid": "6933464", "title": "When did William Henry Harrison die?", "text": "William Henry Harrison died on April 4, 1841 at the age of 68. Shortest Term by any US President The 9th President of the United States was William Henry Harrison President Harrison was in office from March 4, 1841 until April 4, 1841 wh…en he died of pneumonia." }, { "docid": "4990212", "title": "Did George Harrison have an affair with Madonna? Explosive film reveals new side to Beatles star", "text": "Harrison first developed cancer in 1997, but the lump in his neck was removed and he underwent radiotherapy. In 2001, however, it was discovered he had lung cancer, and soon after a brain tumour was also found. Within seven months he had died, with Olivia and Dhani by his side." }, { "docid": "7504624", "title": "-", "text": "Oscar Winner Patricia Neal Dies at 84. Patricia Neal, the Oscar- and Tony-winning actress who overcame three strokes to continue her career, has died. She was 84.Neal died Sunday in her home in Edgartown, Mass., after a battle with lung cancer, her family said in a statement." }, { "docid": "3940198", "title": "-", "text": "Coolidge was not the talking kind and was nicknamed Silent Cal. Themes of Presidential Platform: Calvin was Vice President to Harding and became President when Harding died in San Francisco in 1923." }, { "docid": "218333", "title": "-", "text": "1 There were 161,823 deaths from cancer in the UK in 2012. 2 168.6 people per 100,000 of the population died from cancer in the UK in 2012 (European age-standardised mortality rate)." }, { "docid": "8561670", "title": "Who Was the 26th President?", "text": "After the first Vice President of President William McKinley died, Roosevelt was chosen to the Vice President. Later, with the assassination of President McKinley in 1901, Roosevelt became the 26th President of the United States himself. At only 43, he was the youngest man to serve in that position. In 1904, he was popularly elected to serve as the US President once again." }, { "docid": "7033068", "title": "Richard Pratt: From refugee to corporate royalty", "text": "Photo: Richard Pratt enjoyed a lifelong involvement with the Carlton Football Club - from an under-19s player to president in 2007. Prominent Melbourne businessman and Australian football identity Richard Pratt has died at the age of 74, after being diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2005. Mr Pratt's impression on Australia's business world was unmistakable." }, { "docid": "1638670", "title": "Richard Dawson Diagnosed with Cancer Only Three Weeks Before Death", "text": "Dawson, 79, died Saturday night due to complications related to his cancer. “Luckily, he didn’t have to go through all the bad treatments and stuff.”. Dawson had a heart attack when he underwent his first radiation treatment, says Gary, a son from Richard’s first marriage, to ’50s British screen bombshell Diana Dors. (Married to Dawson from 1959-66, Dors was frequently compared to Marilyn Monroe. She died of ovarian cancer in 1984, at 52.)" }, { "docid": "4439381", "title": "Has any other elected U.S. President ever held the office as President... ?", "text": "He later ran for President in 1852, and won. Fillmore never was elected to an office before becoming Vice President under Taylor, who died after 16 months in office. Andrew Jackson was elected to the US House when Tennesse became a state in 1796, and in 1797 he became a US Senator." }, { "docid": "3058633", "title": "-", "text": "Updated June 01, 2016. Paul Newman died from lung cancer at the age of 83 in his home in Westport, Connecticut. Though the public didn't hear much at first, he, unlike many celebrities with lung cancer, was open about his diagnosis before his death." }, { "docid": "1102701", "title": "Types of Prostate Cancer", "text": "Prostate Cancer Types. Affiliated: Find a Doctor | Symptoms | Diagnosis | Treatment. Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer found in men in the United State and often begins without symptoms. In 2015, 220,000 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer, and ~30,000 died from prostate cancer." }, { "docid": "1444304", "title": "I Am Dealing With My Husband's Cancer", "text": "Donna.. I'm very sorry. To watch someone die of cancer is a terrible thing. My own husband, 31 years old, just died in December from what started as stage 4 lung cancer, but moved to his liver, stomach, and bones. I love him deeply." }, { "docid": "1037783", "title": "Herbert Hoover Biography", "text": "Herbert Hoover was born on August 10, 1874, in West Branch, Iowa, and was the first president born west of the Mississippi River. When Hoover was six years old, his father died. Three years later his mother also died, and Hoover was then raised in Oregon by his maternal aunt and uncle." }, { "docid": "5067356", "title": "Anne Heche Is Playing It Normal Now", "text": "Heche had four siblings. The eldest, Susan, also wrote a memoir about growing up with a closeted gay father, “Anonymity,” published in 1994 under her married name, Susan Bergman. She died of brain cancer in 2006. The second daughter, Cynthia, died in infancy, from a heart defect." }, { "docid": "8065294", "title": "Coroner: âNight Stalkerâ Richard Ramirez Died of Cancer", "text": "SAN QUENTIN, Calif. (KTLA) -- Richard Ramirez, the convicted rapist and serial killer known as the Night Stalker, died of complications from blood cancer." }, { "docid": "6406442", "title": "-", "text": "Gordon Lee, who played Porky in the 1930s “Little Rascals” shorts, died over the weekend of complications from brain and lung cancer. He was 71. Gordon Lee, the chubby child actor who played Spanky McFarland’s little brother Porky in the “Little Rascals” comedies, has died. He was 71. Lee died Sunday in a Minneapolis nursing home after battling lung and brain cancer, said Janice McClain, his partner of 13 years." }, { "docid": "4481155", "title": "Yvonne Craig Dies: TVâs Batgirl Was 78", "text": "Yvonne Craig, best known for originating the role of Batgirl on the 1960s Batman TV series, has died after a battle with breast cancer. Yvonne Craig, best known for originating the role of Batgirl on the 1960s Batman TV series, has died after a battle with breast cancer." }, { "docid": "4870137", "title": "Culture of the United Kingdom", "text": "The legendary actor who won millions of fans worldwide as Professor Severus Snape has died of cancer. Alan Rickman's portrayal of Professor Severus Snape won him acclaim. Alan Rickman, best known as the scowling Professor Severus Snape in the Harry Potter films, died of cancer Thursday at age 69. The British actor, also known for his roles in Galaxy Quest, Die Hard and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, was surrounded by family and friends in London when he died, according to the Guardian." }, { "docid": "6047764", "title": "Ryan O'Neal Explains How Farrah Fawcett Died", "text": "Free sign up cp newsletter! Actor Ryan O'Neal has spoken about his heartbreak after cradling his lover Farrah Fawcett for the final hours before she died of cancer. The tragedy happened in 2006, when the Charlie's Angels actress succumbed to anal cancer. O'Neal tended to her as she deteriorated in the final stages of the cancer." }, { "docid": "102054", "title": "David Bowie dies of cancer aged 69", "text": "David Bowie dies of cancer aged 69. Read more about sharing. Singer David Bowie, one of the most influential musicians of his era, has died of cancer at the age of 69. A statement was issued on his social media accounts, saying he died peacefully, surrounded by his family after an 18-month battle with cancer." }, { "docid": "6007754", "title": "-", "text": "William Henry Harrison died in the White House in Washington DC, at the age of 68, having served just 32 days as President of the United States." }, { "docid": "2730614", "title": "Chapter 13 The Presidency AP Gov", "text": "According to the Twenty-fifth Amendment, in the event of a vacancy in the vice presidency, the president nominates a replacement, who must be confirmed by both houses of. Congress. About __ in __ presidents got the job because they were vice president when the incumbent president died or resigned." }, { "docid": "2510456", "title": "John Adams â Founding Father & 2nd U.S. President", "text": "Adams was the father of John Quincy Adams, the sixth President of the United States. He died on the fiftieth anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence." }, { "docid": "3074421", "title": "-", "text": "Josh Weinfuss ESPN Staff Writer. Nancy Bidwill, the wife of Arizona Cardinals owner Bill Bidwill, died Wednesday after a long battle with breast cancer, her son, Cardinals president Michael Bidwill, announced in statement on the team's website. She was 84." }, { "docid": "8244520", "title": "-", "text": "exists and is an alternate of . Estelle Bennett died on February 11, 2009, in Englewood, New Jersey, USA of colon cancer." }, { "docid": "5575373", "title": "Franklin Pierce Biography", "text": "In 1852, Pierce was elected president for one term. As president, he signed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, prompting a bloody conflict over Kansas' slavery status. He died on October 8, 1869, in Concord, Massachusetts." }, { "docid": "4113946", "title": "President William McKinley is shot", "text": "Later that day, however, the president’s condition worsened rapidly and, on September 14, McKinley died from gangrene that had gone undetected in the internal wound. Vice President Theodore Roosevelt was immediately sworn in as president." }, { "docid": "1928496", "title": "-", "text": "Died. In the 1856 presidential election, Democrat James Buchanan ran against Republican John C. Fremont and the Know–Nothings candidate, former President Millard Fillmore." } ]
health benefit of fresh turmeric
[ { "docid": "6373296", "title": "The health benefits of turmeric", "text": "You can buy fresh turmeric in Chinese and Indian supermarkets. It's widely available in a dried powder form in supermarkets. The spice is used in lots of Asian dishes, mustards and pickles. It's also available in supplements at chemists and health food shops." }, { "docid": "3280370", "title": "Turmeric nutrition facts", "text": "Just a few grams of turmeric per day either in the form of powder, crushed root or fresh root can provide enough nutrients to help you keep away from anemia, neuritis, memory disorders and offer protection against cancers, infectious diseases, high blood pressure, and strokes." } ]
[ { "docid": "5918677", "title": "What Is Turmeric Good For?", "text": "Print. Botanical name: Curcuma longa Belonging to the ginger family, turmeric has been used in East India and the Middle East for thousands of years, and is now one of the most highly-prized spices in the world.It's actually unclear whether it was first used for its peppery flavor and the unique kick it lends to foods.urmeric Fun Facts. Traditionally called Indian saffron because of its deep yellow color, turmeric has been used throughout history as a condiment, textile dye, and health remedy with a revered place in the Ayurvedic pharmacopeia, a comprehensive holistic health care list that dates back to 500 B.C." }, { "docid": "8307630", "title": "-", "text": "Read summaries of the health benefits of turmeric curcumin. Results are widely documented for cancer, Alzheimer's, arthritis, IBS, Crohn's, tendonosis, and more. Click here to read more about the numerous health benefits of turmeric curcumin--including some of the lesser known health benefits." }, { "docid": "485321", "title": "Turmeric", "text": "Curcuma longa, Cur­cuma domestica. Origin: A yellow-colored powder ground from the root of the turmeric plant. The turmeric plant grows in India and Indonesia and is related to the ginger family (it is a common ingredient in curries). Curcumin is a key chemical in turmeric. Claims: Reduces pain, inflammation and stiffness related to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA); treats bursitis. Known as a cleansing agent, turmeric often is used as a digestive aid in India." }, { "docid": "2887175", "title": "Foods that Boost Blood Circulation", "text": "Sprinkle it on your rice or beans, or make a healing tea out of fresh turmeric root. Here are some other foods that can boost blood circulation: Garlic relaxes blood vessels, making it a good choice to thin blood and improve circulation." }, { "docid": "3280364", "title": "What's the Difference Between Fresh and Dried Turmeric?", "text": "Like ginger, turmeric may be cut into coins, matchsticks, or cubes; grated with a microplane or cheese grater; and juiced or thrown into smoothies. Fresh turmeric may be found in the produce section of well-stocked grocery stores, health food stores, and Asian and Indian grocery stores. Choose firm rhizomes and avoid soft, dried, or shriveled ones. Store fresh turmeric in the refrigerator in a plastic bag or airtight container for a week or two, or freeze it for several months." }, { "docid": "5882312", "title": "Liver Health: The Role of Turmeric in Fatty Liver Disease", "text": "Obesity and diabetes, two major health threats, are conditions that drastically increase one’s chances of developing fatty liver. A new study is showing that the polyphenols in turmeric may be helpful for reducing the risk of fatty liver while decreasing stress at the cellular level. This study is just one of the recent examples in the literature showing a strong benefit of turmeric with liver health. Turmeric and Fatty Liver A recent study set to publish in the December 2015 issue of Archives of Animal Nutrition examined the effect of turmeric polyphenols on the livers of cows." }, { "docid": "7674325", "title": "-", "text": "Additional spices in a Curry Powder usually will include Fenugreek, Ginger, Garlic, Turmeric, Cardamom and some others may be included for specific types of curry powder. Ground spices and Curry Powders must always be used fresh and kept in air tight containers." }, { "docid": "2887175", "title": "Foods that Boost Blood Circulation", "text": "Sprinkle it on your rice or beans, or make a healing tea out of fresh turmeric root. Here are some other foods that can boost blood circulation: Garlic relaxes blood vessels, making it a good choice to thin blood and improve circulation." }, { "docid": "3352225", "title": "Curcumin", "text": "Curcumin, the active ingredient in the table spice turmeric, has dozens of proven health benefits. It has moderate effects as a long-term cognitive enhancer and has been studied for its effects on cancer, heart disease, depression, and arthritis. Curcumin is available in a more powerful concentration in supplement form. The names turmeric and curcumin are used interchangeably, and supplements may be sold under either moniker." }, { "docid": "2677541", "title": "-", "text": "This information about the Health Insurance benefit at The Hartford is the result of research by Glassdoor editorial staff, and was not provided directly by a representative of The Hartford. The description here may not reflect the current The Hartford Health Insurance benefit. Employee Comments." }, { "docid": "837087", "title": "How Much Turmeric to Take?", "text": "As an adult, you can take 400 to 600 mg of standardized curcumin powder up to three times each day. Like standardized turmeric powder, liquid turmeric extract is available over the counter. A daily dose of 30 to 90 drops of liquid turmeric extract is recommended for adults who use this supplement." }, { "docid": "2673950", "title": "TURMERIC", "text": "TURMERIC Overview Information. Turmeric is a plant. You probably know turmeric as the main spice in curry. It has a warm, bitter taste and is frequently used to flavor or color curry powders, mustards, butters, and cheeses. But the root of turmeric is also used widely to make medicine." }, { "docid": "2121766", "title": "-", "text": "Health Benefits of Turmeric. When examining the research, turmeric benefits go beyond that of these 12 kinds of conditions and treatments: Anti-inflammatory drugs. Antidepressants (Prozac) Chemotherapy. Anticoagulants (Aspirin) Pain killers. Diabetes drugs (Metformin) Arthritis medications." }, { "docid": "5232590", "title": "-", "text": "The root’s potential health benefits are powerful. From teas and juices to capsule supplements, turmeric is popping up everywhere these days. And for good reason: Curcumin—a molecule found in turmeric that gives the root its distinctive orangey-yellow hue—appears to be a potent inflammation blocker." }, { "docid": "370260", "title": "Turmeric", "text": "Turmeric Varieties. Turmeric comes from the root of Curcuma longa, a green plant. in the ginger family. Rhizome has a tough brown skin and bright orange flesh. Ground turmeric comes from fingers which extend from the root.There are approximately 30 varieties have been recognized in the type of Curcuma in which turmeric belongs.Amalapuram, Armour, Dindigam, Erode, Krishna, Kodur, Vontimitra, P317, GL Purm I and II, RH2 and RH10 are some popular Indian varieties among them.round turmeric comes from fingers which extend from the root. There are approximately 30 varieties have been recognized in the type of Curcuma in which turmeric belongs. Amalapuram, Armour, Dindigam, Erode, Krishna, Kodur, Vontimitra, P317, GL Purm I and II, RH2 and RH10 are some popular Indian varieties among them." }, { "docid": "2058177", "title": "Does overdose of turmeric in food causes jaundice?", "text": "No, overdose of turmeric does not cause jaundice. But if you are suffering of jaundice do not take turmeric with food. It is the best Ayurvedic medicine of may disease.Please be careful to take overdose of turmeric available in the market in poly packs.Raw turmeric is the best thing to be taken with or as food.est Answer: No it doesn't cause jaundice, but why are you overdosing on turmeric? Tumeric is supposed to be really good for you, but don't OD on it. Jaundice occurs when there is 1) too much bilirubin being produced for the liver to remove from the blood." }, { "docid": "686095", "title": "-", "text": "Turmeric is used to treat a wide spectrum of health conditions. Turmeric is used to halt the proliferation of quickly dividing cancer cells in your body, treat inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema and rid your body of intestinal gas." }, { "docid": "4517536", "title": "-", "text": "Employee Benefits Security Administration. The Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) provides information and assistance on private sector, employer-sponsored retirement benefit and health benefit plans." }, { "docid": "7430497", "title": "-", "text": "Buy Turmeric and curcumin supplement and/or Joint Power Rx. Benefit of turmeric root extract. In lab tests, the active ingredient in turmeric, called curcumin, can enhance the cancer-fighting power of treatment with TRAIL, a naturally occurring molecule that helps kill cancer cells. TRAIL stands for tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand." }, { "docid": "5972254", "title": "Health Benefits of Turmeric", "text": "Turmeric (Hindi name: हल्दी, haldi) is a underground stem of a ginger-like plant. It is grown in India, China, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Java, Peru, Australia and the West Indies. It is a bright yellow spice with a pungent flavor.The health benefits of turmeric are enormous.n important spice for many vegetable curries, rice preparation and other dishes. In some part of India, turmeric root is used to make a tasty vegetable dish. It is a most important spice in Indian recipes." }, { "docid": "2186944", "title": "TURMERIC", "text": "Some people apply turmeric to the skin for pain, ringworm, sprains and swellings, bruising, leech bites, eye infections, acne, inflammatory skin conditions and skin sores, soreness inside of the mouth, infected wounds, and gum disease. Turmeric is also used as an enema for people with inflammatory bowel disease. In food and manufacturing, the essential oil of turmeric is used in perfumes, and its resin is used as a flavor and color component in foods. Don't confuse turmeric with Javanese turmeric root (Curcuma zedoaria)." }, { "docid": "1767531", "title": "What Is an HSA Cafeteria Plan?", "text": "In the United States, a HSA (health savings account) cafeteria plan is a formal employee benefit plan established under Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code that allows employees to make tax-free contributions to an individual health savings account.ax Benefit of Contributing. While HSAs are available to all taxpayers enrolled in a high deductible health insurance plan, the benefit to employees contributing to an HSA through a Section 125 plan is significant." }, { "docid": "476987", "title": "Difference Between Curcumin and Turmeric", "text": "Difference Between Curcumin and Turmeric. • Turmeric powder is the crushed root and stem of turmeric plant while Curcumin is the most active ingredient in this turmeric powder. • The yellow color of the turmeric powder is because of Curcumin. • In turmeric powder, Curcumin is found only 2-6% by weight." }, { "docid": "6251518", "title": "How to Use Turmeric to Reduce Inflammation", "text": "Tea Time. While the use of turmeric in traditional Asian cooking, such as curries, is common in the kitchen, a hot beverage is another way to enjoy the spice and treat potential inflammation.To make a pot of turmeric tea, simply boil 4 cups of water and add one teaspoon of ground turmeric.ea Time. While the use of turmeric in traditional Asian cooking, such as curries, is common in the kitchen, a hot beverage is another way to enjoy the spice and treat potential inflammation." }, { "docid": "6373297", "title": "Turmeric", "text": "Although typically used in its dried, powdered form, turmeric also is used fresh, like ginger. It has numerous uses in East Asian recipes, such as pickle that contains large chunks of soft turmeric, made from fresh turmeric. Turmeric is used widely as a spice in South Asian and Middle Eastern cooking." }, { "docid": "8362710", "title": "Benefits of Turmeric for Hemochromatosis", "text": "As I mention on my Hemochromatosis Supplements page, there are a number of nutrients, herbs, spices, proteins, or foods that inhibit the absorption of iron in our digestive tract from our diet. This is great! Better still is the noted turmeric benefit of reducing too much iron that has already accumulated in your body.urmeric has numerous health benefits, including reducing iron overload! YESSSS!!! When I first learned about a tangible, real turmeric benefit for reducing too much iron (like in Hereditary Hemochromatosis)…. Well, I couldn’t stop myself from shouting in glee!" }, { "docid": "5545886", "title": "Why You Should Add Cinnamon to Turmeric and its Safe Dosage", "text": "How to take cinnamon along with turmeric. While cinnamon can be taken separately from turmeric but if you want to have them together here are some awesome ways: One of the best ways is to add cinnamon to your golden paste. Ceylon cinnamon is sweet and thus can also add to its taste." }, { "docid": "2959002", "title": "TURMERIC", "text": "TURMERIC Overview Information. Turmeric is a plant. You probably know turmeric as the main spice in curry. It has a warm, bitter taste and is frequently used to flavor or color curry powders, mustards, butters, and cheeses. But the root of turmeric is also used widely to make medicine.URMERIC Overview Information. Turmeric is a plant. You probably know turmeric as the main spice in curry. It has a warm, bitter taste and is frequently used to flavor or color curry powders, mustards, butters, and cheeses. But the root of turmeric is also used widely to make medicine." }, { "docid": "6572198", "title": "Reduce Inflammation With a Turmeric Cocktail", "text": "3. If you suffer from acne, turmeric is not only helpful taken internally but you can also use it externally by making a turmeric paste. Put on your face or other areas of the skin for 20 minutes or overnight to reduce inflammation and clear up a break out.0. Turmeric also contains good amounts of iron and other minerals so use it as a blood builder. Disclaimer: Don’t use turmeric in excess, less is more. It’s also important to check with your practitioner if you have a liver condition as turmeric can be hard on your liver in some cases." }, { "docid": "6750809", "title": "Turmeric Protects Against Radiation Treatmentâs Horrible Effects", "text": "Household Spice Protects Against Radiation Treatment’s Horrible Effects. The humble spice turmeric, in doses available for pennies a day, has been found to reduce one of the most devastating side effects of radiation treatment for head and neck cancer.Gargling with turmeric by head and neck cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy provided significant benefit by delaying and reducing the severity of mucositis." } ]
hebron ky population
[ { "docid": "5497515", "title": "Hebron, Kentucky", "text": "Hebron, Kentucky. Hebron is an unincorporated community and census-designated place (CDP) in Boone County, Kentucky, United States. As of the 2010 census it had a population of 5,929." } ]
[ { "docid": "2202662", "title": "-", "text": "Total population of HICKMAN County, KY: 4,902: Male population of HICKMAN County, KY: 2,345: Female population of HICKMAN County, KY: 2,557: Median age (years) 44.8: White Population: 4,332: Black Population: 452: Indian Population: 12: Asian Population: 11: Hawaiian Population: 1: Hispanic Population: 57: Median age (Male) 43.3: Median age (Female) 46.2: Total households: 2,028" }, { "docid": "996325", "title": "-", "text": "Louis MO 63101 (314) 421-3637Account No. Please Circle AppropriatePersonalCommercialAdd'l PremiumMonthly BillCouponsBorrower: Name and Address (as Stated in Policy) SAMPLE INSURED1 MAIN STANYTOWN KY 12345PHONE: (555) 555-1212Sample AgencyPO Box 100Anytown KY 55555PHONE: (800) 555-1212 1. TOTALPREMIUMS2." }, { "docid": "2358103", "title": "-", "text": "Major cities near Larue County, KY. This is a list of large cities closest to Larue County, KY. A big city usually has a population of at least 200,000 and you can often fly into a major airport. If you need to book a flight, search for the nearest airport to Larue County, KY.1 50 miles to Louisville, KY.2 77 miles to Lexington-Fayette, KY.his is a list of large cities closest to Larue County, KY. A big city usually has a population of at least 200,000 and you can often fly into a major airport. If you need to book a flight, search for the nearest airport to Larue County, KY. 1 50 miles to Louisville, KY. 2 77 miles to Lexington-Fayette, KY." }, { "docid": "6844588", "title": "Closest Airport to Elkin NC", "text": "More than 3,715 passengers travel on flights from this airport every day. View popular flights from this airport and the average price travelers paid. Pikeville, KY Travel Tips: First, start by examining the different airport options that are availble to you. You may find different low-fare airlines or cheaper tickets by flying into one airport and driving a short distance to Pikeville, KY. Be flexible in your travel plans in order to get the lowest fare to Pikeville, KY." }, { "docid": "1102616", "title": "-", "text": "Kentucky Route 245 ( KY 245 ) is an east–west primary state highway in north-central Kentucky . The highway traverses Bullitt and Nelson counties, and it is maintained by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet . Route description The highway begins at a junction with KY 61 north of Lebanon Junction ." }, { "docid": "6868525", "title": "-", "text": "The 859 area code belongs to the state of Kentucky (KY) and some of the locations covered are Covington, Lexington and more:" }, { "docid": "5162643", "title": "-", "text": "Domestic airports near Cincinnati, OH. 6 miles: Cincinnati, OH (LUK / KLUK) Cincinnati Municipal Lunken Airport. 20 miles: Hebron, KY (CVG / KCVG) Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport. 61 miles: Dayton, OH (DAY / KDAY) James M. Cox Dayton International Airport." }, { "docid": "3923730", "title": "-", "text": "Glasgow, KY Salary. Glasgow, KY average salary is $243,280, median salary is $220,001 with a salary range from $50,000 to $495,000. Glasgow, KY salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Glasgow, KY salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only." }, { "docid": "2487125", "title": "-", "text": "1 KY ZIP Code Map. 2 The KY ZIP Code Map shows all 5 digit zip code boundaries for KY using clean, practical map colors and styles. 3 BOONE County, KY ZIP Code Map. 4 The BOONE County KY ZIP Code Map shows all 5 digit zip code boundaries for BOONE County KY. ZIP Code Database. 2 Get all US ZIP Codes and their information in one easy to use database. 3 ZIP+4 ZIP Code Database. 4 Covering every address in the U.S., get the +4 information you need. 5 Canadian Postal Code Database. 6 Get all Canadian Postal Codes and their information in one easy to use database." }, { "docid": "7535015", "title": "Dearborn County, Indiana", "text": "Dearborn County is a county located in the U.S. state of Indiana. As of 2010, the population was 50,047. The county seat and largest city is Lawrenceburg. Dearborn County is part of the Cincinnati-Middletown, OH-KY-IN Metropolitan Statistical Area." }, { "docid": "7120158", "title": "-", "text": "Menifee County Sheriff's Office PO Box 142 Frenchburg KY 40322 33.8 miles from Salyersville 606-768-3875. Perry County Sheriff's Office 481 Main Street Hazard KY 41701 34.9 miles from Salyersville 606-439-4523. Pike County Sheriff's Office 146 Main Street Pikeville KY 41501 35.0 miles from Salyersville 606-432-6260" }, { "docid": "3597486", "title": "-", "text": "Stanford, KY Population. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria." }, { "docid": "7865922", "title": "-", "text": "Okolona, KY (Kentucky) Houses and Residents Total population: 18,261 (Urban population: 17,728, Rural population: 0) Houses: 8,432 (7,930 occupied: 4,632 owner occupied, 3,329 renter occupied)" }, { "docid": "5793931", "title": "-", "text": "Plan you week with the help of our 10-day weather forecasts and weekend weather predictions for Florence, KY" }, { "docid": "7727327", "title": "-", "text": "Georgetown, KY: $34k-$45k: Restaurant Cook: Qdoba: Georgetown, KY: $18k-$24k: Day Baker: Panera Bread: Georgetown, KY: $22k-$31k: Over The Road Drivers: Premier Transportation: Georgetown, KY" }, { "docid": "5793934", "title": "-", "text": "Weather for Florence, KY - Florence, KY 41022 Weather, Current Weather in Florence, KY. Local weather report for Florence, KY, Local Florence, KY 41022 weather. Forecast for Florence, Kentucky, Florence, KY weather forecast. Find your local Florence weather forecast. Florence, KY weather conditions. Weather outlook for Florence, KY. Weather report for Florence, KY. Weather Maps and Driving Directions florence ky weather." }, { "docid": "3776557", "title": "Boundary Map of Hopkinsville, Kentucky", "text": "Hopkinsville, KY, is a city located in the southwestern part of Kentucky. City Neighboring Hopkinsville, KY. The following City is next to Hopkinsville, KY: Pembroke is 7.9 miles southeast of Hopkinsville, KY." }, { "docid": "7094726", "title": "-", "text": "National Weather Service Louisville, KY 6201 Theiler Lane Louisville, KY 40229-1476 502-969-8842 Comments? Questions? Please Contact Us." }, { "docid": "6786978", "title": "Your Connecticut Real Estate Resource", "text": "Your Connecticut Real Estate Resource. If you have decided to relocate to Connecticut, and particularly the Storrs, Mansfield, Coventry, Tolland, Columbia, Hebron, Manchester, Glastonbury, Tolland County, Windham County areas, you will find this site a valuable resource." }, { "docid": "2104056", "title": "In the state of Ky, is there a time limit on filing claims against an estate wherein the person died intestate?", "text": "In the state of Ky, is there a time limit on filing claims against an estate wherein the person died intestate? Ashland, KY | May 7, 2012 11:36pm. I am the illegitimate son of a person who died in 1986, intestate in Kentucky." }, { "docid": "4285136", "title": "-", "text": "Abraham later married Keturah and had six more sons, but on his death, when he was buried beside Sarah, it was Isaac who received all Abraham's goods, while the other sons received only gifts.braham purchased the Cave of the Patriarchs at Hebron to be Sarah's grave when she died, thus establishing his right to that land." }, { "docid": "4670942", "title": "Sierra County, California Genealogy, History & Facts", "text": "What Crittenden County, KY census records are available? There are many types of census records for Crittenden County guide you in researching your family tree. Federal Population Schedules are available for 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880 (free index), 1890 (fragment), 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940." }, { "docid": "5899411", "title": "-", "text": "Murray, Kentucky. Compare population statistics about Murray, KY by race, age, gender, Latino/Hispanic origin etc. CensusViewer delivers detailed demographics and population statistics from the 2010 Census, 2000 Census, American Community Survey (ACS), registered voter files, commercial data sources and more." }, { "docid": "7885702", "title": "Distance from Fort Knox, KY to Benton, KY", "text": "There are 150.41 miles from Fort Knox to Benton in southwest direction and 182 miles (292.90 kilometers) by car, following the Western Kentucky Parkway route. Fort Knox and Benton are 3 hours 23 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop. This is the fastest route from Fort Knox, KY to Benton, KY. The halfway point is Rockport, KY." }, { "docid": "7143010", "title": "-", "text": "Battletown, KY Other Information. 1 Located in MEADE County, Kentucky. 2 Battletown, KY is also known as: 3 WOLF CREEK, KY." }, { "docid": "815900", "title": "-", "text": "This 3 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom home has 3180 square feet and was built in 2010. 17920 County Line Road, Hebron IN. This 3 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom home has 2166 square feet and was built in 1980. 17878 County Line Road, Hebron IN. This 3 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom home has 2558 square feet and was built in 2014. 18010 County Line Road, Hebron IN. This 3 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom home has 3360 square feet and was built in 1996." }, { "docid": "706940", "title": "-", "text": "is ky water based, is ky jelly safe, is ky jelly water based, ky jelly side effects. Manufacturers love them because they are cheap and effectively add shelf life to a product.Although the body breaks them down quickly, these chemicals are detected in urine, breast milk, and blood." }, { "docid": "6590245", "title": "-", "text": "Joshua 20:7 They set apart Kedesh in Galilee in the hill country of Naphtali, Shechem in the hill country of Ephraim, and Kiriath Arba (the same is Hebron) in the hill country of Judah." }, { "docid": "7931195", "title": "The Physicians of The Urology Group of Paducah", "text": "The Urology Group of Paducah is home to highly skilled urologists and is located at Baptist Health Paducah in Doctors Building Two Suite 102. We provide services at Baptist Health Paducah and Lourdes Hospital. In addition, we have satellite clinics in Marshall County, KY, Livingston County, KY, Crittenden County, KY, and Massac County, IL. NAME :" }, { "docid": "1518614", "title": "-", "text": "Living in Loretto, KY. Historic picturesque communities to lively Loretto, KY neighborhoods, home to great shopping and dining. Loretto is a rural community, home to 685 people. Loretto is a Rural area with a population of 685 and density of 215 people per sq. mile." } ]
height of women's volleyball net
[ { "docid": "3107193", "title": "-", "text": "The height of the net shall be 2.43 m (7 11 5/8) for men and 2.24 m (7 4 1/8) for women. The net height is measured from the center of the playing court with a measuring device. must not exceed the official height by more than 2 cm (3/4)." } ]
[ { "docid": "8464156", "title": "-", "text": "Rose McIver Height, Weight, Bra Size, Net Worth, Salary. Posted on March 24, 2015 by in Hollywood // 0 Comments." }, { "docid": "8012089", "title": "-", "text": "How much is Katharine McPhee Net Worth in 2017? Find out UPDATED Katharine McPhee Net Worth, Bio/Wiki, which include age, height, weight information. Katharine McPhee Net Worth family: Wife; Husband; Boyfriend; Girlfriend; Spouse; Siblings; Married; Children, Ethnicity, Nationality, Education." }, { "docid": "3502672", "title": "Joints & Muscles Used in Volleyball", "text": "Joints & Muscles Used in Volleyball. Keep well-toned upper and lower-body muscles to play volleyball. Volleyball is a game of agility that requires two main skills: Jumping and swinging.nees. Along with your hips and ankles, the knees make it possible to complete a jump during a volleyball match. Four muscles collectively known as the quadriceps -- the rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis and vastus medialis – support the knee action and allow you to straighten your legs." }, { "docid": "8703666", "title": "-", "text": "Michael Keaton Age, Weight, Height, Measurements; Daniel Sharman Age, Weight, Height, Measurements; Tom Cruise Age, Weight, Height, Measurements; Liam Hemsworth Diet Plan; Scott Eastwood Net Worth; Marion Cotillard Workout Routine; Nicholas Hoult Age, Weight, Height, Measurements; Ben Whishaw Age, Weight, Height, Measurements" }, { "docid": "1167443", "title": "-", "text": "Cameron Monaghan Gay, Girlfriend, Height, Net Worth, Bio, Movie Facts. 1 Will Estes Married, Wife, Girlfriend, Gay, Family, Brother, Bio, Height. 2 Munro Chambers Bio, Twin, Girlfriend, Networth, Height, Body Measurements. 3 Greg Finley Bio, Wiki, Married, Wife, Height, Measurements, Net worth." }, { "docid": "7472254", "title": "Volleyball", "text": "Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net. Each team tries to score points by grounding a ball on the other team's court under organized rules. It has been a part of the official program of the Summer Olympic Games since 1964. The complete rules are extensive, but simply, play proceeds as follows: a player on one of the teams begins a 'rally' by serving the ball, from behind the back boundary line of the court, over the net, and into the receiving team's" }, { "docid": "6465246", "title": "-", "text": "Average Womens Football Salaries. The average salary for womens football jobs is $96,000. Average womens football salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits.This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term womens football anywhere in the job listing.verage womens football salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term womens football anywhere in the job listing." }, { "docid": "5905738", "title": "-", "text": "The standard net height for men is 7 feet, 11 5/8 inches. Men playing in events for ages 55 and over are allowed to lower the net to 7 feet, 9 5/8 inches. Events for men 70 years and older are permitted to use a net that is 7 feet, 6 inches." }, { "docid": "8587656", "title": "-", "text": "Sports Heads Volleyball; Kids and boys can play this funny sports activity game: sports heads volleyballs. We aim to teach volleyball terminology, volleyball positions names, some sports rules in this game." }, { "docid": "5181144", "title": "-", "text": "Womens 24/7 Comfort Apparel Jumpsuit... This Womens 24/7 Comfort Apparel strapless jumpsuit features an elastic waist with a tube top, perfect for any body shape. The palazzo pants make for a loose and easy-going fit, comfortable..." }, { "docid": "4402716", "title": "-", "text": "Prescription Glasses. Single Vision Mens; Single Vision Womens; Progressive Mens; Progressive Womens; Prescription Frames. Mens; Womens; Youth; Prescription Lenses; READING GLASSES. Clear Readers; Reader Sunglasses; SOFT GOODS. Hats - Visors" }, { "docid": "4569072", "title": "What Is the Height of the Net in Volleyball?", "text": "Quick Answer. The height of a badminton net is 5 feet in the center and 5.1 feet on the edges. The net divides two different sides of the court." }, { "docid": "8387709", "title": "-", "text": "Tallmadge High School Varsity Volleyball beats Springfield High School 3-0. By PressboxApp.net on October 16, 2014. Varsity Volleyball Tuesday October 14th, 2014 07:00 PM Springfield High School Away 0 @ Blue Devils Home 3 Game Recap Senior Rachel Gardella led the Lady Devils with 19 Kills." }, { "docid": "4272668", "title": "How long is a volleyball game?", "text": "Report Abuse. there are no minutes in a volleyball game. It depends on how many games for younger kinds like up to junior varsity in highschool, it is games best 2 out of 3. The first two games are up to 25, and the 3rd goes up to 15 points. In varsity volleyball and college ball, it is best 3 out of 5.The first 4 games fo to 25, and the 5th goes to 15.t depends on how many games for younger kinds like up to junior varsity in highschool, it is games best 2 out of 3. The first two games are up to 25, and the 3rd goes up to 15 points. In varsity volleyball and college ball, it is best 3 out of 5." }, { "docid": "3042856", "title": "What Is a Volleyball Pool?", "text": "Volleyball played in a pool follows the same general rules as other forms of volleyball, though team sizes are typically smaller and the use of house rules is encouraged. Despite the differences in swimming pools, volleyball can be played in a variety of pool shapes and sizes." }, { "docid": "7816861", "title": "-", "text": "How much is Monta Ellis Net Worth in 2017? Find out UPDATED Monta Ellis Net Worth, Bio/Wiki, which include age, height, weight information. Monta Ellis Net Worth family: Wife; Husband; Boyfriend; Girlfriend; Spouse; Siblings; Married; Children, Ethnicity, Nationality, Education. Detailed wealth assets of salary & income, house, cars in 2017." }, { "docid": "6674298", "title": "6 Things You Should Know About My Brother, Steph Curry", "text": "6 Things You Should Know About My Brother, Steph Curry. Sydel Curry, a setter for Elon University's volleyball team, has high hopes for her older brother, Steph Curry, of the Warriors. On the first day of preseason volleyball practice last year, Sydel Curry dislocated her knee cap." }, { "docid": "3005004", "title": "-", "text": "Rory Farquharson, an English student.Check out Farquharson biography, height, weight, age, girlfriend, family, net worth and facts. Rory Farquharson, an English student.Check out Farquharson biography, height, weight, age, girlfriend, family, net worth and facts." }, { "docid": "3892777", "title": "Shoe Size", "text": "For example, a US women's size 10 is approximately a men's size 8. US children's sizes run about even to adult men's sizes. So, a children's size 6 is about a men's size 6. EU sizes are not in the same scale as US sizes, so different manufacturers translate the sizes differently. A Dansko EU 40 is sized in US womens as a 10. An Alegria EU 40 is sized as a US womens 9." }, { "docid": "7420917", "title": "Height in sports", "text": "In professional volleyball, the men's height generally fall between 1.80 m (5 ft 11 in) to 2.10 m (6 ft 11 in) while for women it is between 1.60 m (5 ft 3 in) to 1.90 m (6 ft 3 in). Thus, most of them are above average height.n rowing, tallness is advantageous, because the taller a rower is, the longer his or her stroke can potentially be, thus moving the boat more effectively. The average male Olympic rower is 1.92 m (6 ft 3 1⁄2 in), and the average female Olympic rower is 1.73 m (5 ft 8 in), well over the average height." }, { "docid": "4156404", "title": "Carl's Jr. model Kara Del Toro: Ad plays up 'what's going on .. with immigration,' calls it 'bold move'", "text": "Kara Del Toro follows Kate Upton, Charlotte McKinney, Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton as the star of a Carl’s Jr. commercial. The bikini model told FOX411 that although the ad focuses on a volleyball game, her being horrible at volleyball mattered little. FOX411: Tell us about the new commercial." }, { "docid": "7201120", "title": "Volleyball Jumping | Jump Higher | Drills", "text": "Hop Over Drill | Plyometrics | Jump Height . Volleyball players will begin with a vertical leap over some type of a barrier. Cones are used in the video but volleyball players may also use another object as long as it has some jump height to it. To begin the drill volleyball players will begin jumping over the obstacle from front to back." }, { "docid": "4991851", "title": "chp. 10 SPMGT", "text": "In 1876 North America's first professional league, the National League was organized true As of 2007, how many pro womens football teams existed in North America" }, { "docid": "3676249", "title": "-", "text": "Find out UPDATED Bruce Campbell Net Worth, Bio/Wiki, which include age, height, weight information. Bruce Campbell Net Worth family: Wife; Husband; Boyfriend; Girlfriend; Spouse; Siblings; Married; Children, Ethnicity, Nationality, Education." }, { "docid": "6009514", "title": "-", "text": "Tom Cruise Height. How tall is Tom Cruise you may ask. There are many circulating rumors on the net regarding this. Due to close resources that TallerHeels have to Tom Cruise we can reveal an accurate height measurement.ver his career, much speculation has been placed on Tom Cruise's Height in the past. The photo suggests he may have. As TallerHeels can not make public information about previous customers we cannot state whether Tom does in fact wear these, but leave you to judge the answer for yourself." }, { "docid": "5846837", "title": "-", "text": "Full Story. Eagles to Host NYU in NCAA First Round on Saturday April 17, 2017 | M Volleyball HUNTINGDON, Pa.- The Juniata men’s volleyball team now knows who their opponent is and where they will play in the first... Full Story." }, { "docid": "8373819", "title": "Volleyball 101: Scoring", "text": "There is no ceiling, so a set continues until one team gains a two-point advantage. Fifth sets are played to 15 points, again with a minimum lead of two points needed to end the match. There are several ways a team can score a point in volleyball. By successfully grounding the ball on the opponent's side. When the opponent hits the ball more than three times before getting it over the net." }, { "docid": "4106895", "title": "What Is the Height of the Net in Volleyball?", "text": "The height of the net in men's volleyball is 7 feet 11 5/8 inches, and in women's volleyball, it is 7 feet 4 1/8 inches. Official nets are 32 feet long and 39 inches tall." }, { "docid": "1640621", "title": "How to Serve a Volleyball Skills and Techniques of Serving", "text": "Overhand serving is similar to throwing a ball. Cues used in overhand serving are toss and draw and step and swing. Here are a few fundamentals of learning to overhand serve for right-handed players. How to Serve a Volleyball. 1. Start in an up-and-back stride with most of your weight on your back right foot. 2.The left hand holds the volleyball extended forward and in front of your right side.3. The shoulder is forward and the right shoulder is back ready to draw back.ow to Serve a Volleyball. 1. Start in an up-and-back stride with most of your weight on your back right foot. 2. The left hand holds the volleyball extended forward and in front of your right side. 3. The shoulder is forward and the right shoulder is back ready to draw back." }, { "docid": "49220", "title": "-", "text": "W. Volleyball - 10/14/2015. Four different Huskies delivered double-digit kills as the University of Connecticut volleyball team claimed a five-set thriller (23-25, 25-18, 24-26, 25-15, 17-15) over Temple in a American... [+]." } ]
height requirement for child booster seat
[ { "docid": "2128735", "title": "Safety restraints", "text": "Booster seats are for children who have outgrown convertible or toddler seats. Booster seats are for children who are 4 to eight 8 old, weigh 40 to 80 pounds, and are less than 4 feet, 9 inches in height. You can use a booster seat until an adult seat belt correctly fits the child without use of the booster seat. Always use both the shoulder and lap belts with a booster seat." } ]
[ { "docid": "2019152", "title": "\"Analysis Of The Catbird Seat\" Essays and Research Papers", "text": "Boosters Are For Big Kids Most kids need to ride in a booster seat from about age 4 until age 10-12. If your child isn’t using a booster, try the simple test below the next time you ride together in the car.You may find that your child is not yet ready to use a safety belt without a booster.f you answered no to any of these questions, your child needs a booster seat to make both the shoulder belt and the lap belt fit right for the best crash protection. Your child will be more comfortable, too! For best protection, all children should ride in the back seat until they are ready to drive." }, { "docid": "3871795", "title": "Child Passenger Safety, Children Ages Five to Nine Years", "text": "Combination child safety seat/booster seats have a harness which can be used as a child safety seat for younger children. After the harness is removed, the seat can be used as a high back booster seat with a shoulder and lap belt. Some high-back booster seats have removable backs and can be converted to backless booster seats." }, { "docid": "6637779", "title": "Car Seat Safety Laws in Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia:", "text": "1 Make sure children are properly buckled up in a car seat, booster seat, or seat belt, whichever is appropriate for their age, height, and weight. 2 Have all children age 12 and under sit properly buckled in the back seat.3 Remember to never place a rear-facing child safety seat in front of an air bag. Make sure children are properly buckled up in a car seat, booster seat, or seat belt, whichever is appropriate for their age, height, and weight. 2 Have all children age 12 and under sit properly buckled in the back seat." }, { "docid": "2493593", "title": "Child Restraint (\"Booster Seat\") Law (Public Act 43 of 2008)", "text": "Child Restraint (Booster Seat) Law (Public Act 43 of 2008) 1 Michigan's child booster seat law requires children to be properly buckled in a car seat or booster seat until they are 8 years old or 4-feet-9-inches tall. Children must ride in a seat until they reach the age requirement or the height requirement, whichever comes first." }, { "docid": "1944080", "title": "Children", "text": "Keep your child in a forward-facing car seat with a harness until he or she reaches the top height or weight limit allowed by your car seat’s manufacturer. Once your child outgrows the forward-facing car seat with a harness, it’s time to travel in a booster seat, but still in the back seat. Keep your child in a booster seat until he or she is big enough to fit in a seat belt properly. For a seat belt to fit properly the lap belt must lie snugly across the upper thighs, not the stomach. The shoulder belt should lie snug across the shoulder and chest and not cross the neck or face." }, { "docid": "6769111", "title": "-", "text": "At around 4 years old and 40 pounds and 40 inches a child will be ready for a booster seat. High-back booster seats have a back that protects your child against whiplash in cars with low seat backs and provide side impact protection. They can be used in cars with or without headrests on the vehicle seats." }, { "docid": "8528446", "title": "403 Forbidden", "text": "Ages 2 to 4: A child under age 4 and 40 lbs. must remain in either a rear-facing or a forward-facing car seat with a five-point harness in the back seat of a vehicle. Ages 4 to 8: Children must remain in a car seat or a booster seat in the back seat of a vehicle until they are at least 8 years old or 57 inches tall." }, { "docid": "5849784", "title": "What age can a child go from car seat to booster seat?", "text": "Some go into the booster seat before they r 2 yrs old. Now the law is enforcing that kids be in booster seat til they turn 8 yrs old. Mine has long legs so I had to switch them around 15 or 16 months old.They weighed over 30 lbs too. Going by what your child can do is alot safer than going by age. If your child can sit without support, and hold his own head up, and is at least 24 pounds ( a little less is okay.) Then is is probably okay to put him in a booster seat." }, { "docid": "5048895", "title": "Child Passenger Safety", "text": "Children under age 7 and less than 60 lbs. are required to use a child restraint. Children who ride in a booster seat must use a lap and shoulder belt. Children under age 1 and under 20 lbs. are required to be in a rear-facing child restraint." }, { "docid": "4487131", "title": "-", "text": "Booster Seats. Kids who have outgrown their car seats are not quite ready for a seat belt alone – although they might try to convince you otherwise. Instead, have them transition to a booster seat that enables the adult seat belt to fit properly. Booster seats can actually be pretty cool." }, { "docid": "3539470", "title": "When Can a Child Stop Using a Car Seat?", "text": "1 Children should use booster seats until they reach age 8 and a height of 4-foot- 9-inches. 2 Children should ride in the backseat of vehicles until 12 years of age.3 All passengers in every vehicle should use seat belts. Forward-facing toddler seats can be used from when a 1-year-old child reaches a weight of 20 pounds until age 4 and 40 pounds. 2 Children should use booster seats until they reach age 8 and a height of 4-foot- 9-inches." }, { "docid": "7299493", "title": "West Virginia Car Seat Laws", "text": "West Virginia Seat Belt Law. 1 All vehicle occupants from nine (9) to seventeen (17) years of age must use a safety belt regardless of their seating position in a vehicle. 2 All vehicle occupants nine (9) years of age and older occupying the front seat of a vehicle must use a safety belt. This is the typical age range for children to ride in a forward-facing car seat with a harness. 2 These seats should be placed in the back seat as well. 3 Again it is important to understand the manufactures recommend height and weight limit and making the decision to place your child in booster seat." }, { "docid": "8659153", "title": "-", "text": "Get a car seat that lasts! 2 car seats in 1, the Cosco Highback 2-in-1 Booster Car Seat takes your child through two different stages for extended value. Use the 5-point harness for smaller kids and then convert to a belt-positioning booster for bigger kids." }, { "docid": "8091628", "title": "Chicco Pocket Snack Booster Seat, Grey", "text": "Pocket Snack Portable Booster Seat - Grey This portable booster seat is the perfect way to bring children to the table at home or on the go! The convenient carry strap and compact fold make this seat easy to take along to restaurants, on vacation, or to visit family. Pocket Snack features easy-to-clean surfaces, three tray positions, three height adjustments and a three-point harness." }, { "docid": "5611647", "title": "When can my child switch from a booster seat to seat belts alone?", "text": "If you answer no to any of these questions, your child still needs to use a booster seat (some are designed for kids weighing up to 100 pounds). Of course, your big kid may protest that boosters are for babies, so offer extra encouragement to help him feel better about keeping his booster seat a little longer." }, { "docid": "3922108", "title": "\"Analysis Of The Catbird Seat\" Essays and Research Papers", "text": "Boosters Are For Big Kids. Most kids need to ride in a booster seat from about age 4 until age 10-12. If your child isn’t using a booster, try the simple test below the next time you. ride together in the car. You may find that your child is not yet ready to use a. safety belt without a booster." }, { "docid": "4650261", "title": "-", "text": "Don’t rush to move your child to a booster seat before they’re ready. Each time you “graduate” your child to the next seat, there’s a reduction in the level of protection for your child." }, { "docid": "5048899", "title": "Driver's licenses in the United States", "text": "Missouri law requires that children at least 4 years of age but less than 8. years old who also weigh at least 40 lb but less than 80 lb and who are. also less than 4 feet 9 inches tall be secured in a child passenger restraint. system or booster seat appropriate for the child." }, { "docid": "4487129", "title": "When can my baby sit in a booster seat at the table?", "text": "If you decide to try a booster seat, make sure it has straps that you can use to secure it to a stable chair and a belt to keep your child safely in place. If your booster seat has an adjustable seat and tray, set the seat on the lowest level — closest to the floor — to prevent your baby from toppling over the tray and out of the seat." }, { "docid": "5599997", "title": "-", "text": "Always use a car seat (or booster seat when your child gets older) that's appropriate for your child's age and size. Taxis: Every taxi should have seat belts and top tether anchors to secure a car safety seat properly, just as you would in your own car.n some states it's mandatory to use car seats and seat belts in taxis, but in other states taxis are exempt from the law. When you call for a cab, ask the dispatcher to send one equipped with seat belts and top tether anchors." }, { "docid": "520965", "title": "-", "text": "The head restraint must be at least as tall as the top of the child’s ears. High back belt–positioning booster seats also boost your child up so the vehicle safety belt fits better. It provides head and neck support for your child if your vehicle seat back does not have a head restraint." }, { "docid": "5643634", "title": "-", "text": "Usually a child can be moved to a booster when they are too big for a harnessed carseat, and once they are able to sit properly in a seatbelt. A child should be in some type of booster seat until the adult seat belt fits correctly, generally around 8-12 years old and 4'9 tall (Also see Question 9 below). Q8: My child is over 40 pounds or too tall for his carseat, but isn't mature enough to sit in a seatbelt with a booster." }, { "docid": "8576099", "title": "-", "text": "Children 1 to 4 years old or weighing 40 pounds are to ride in forward-facing child car seats. Washington law requires a child who is less than 8 years of age or 4'9 tall (which ever comes first) be properly restrained in a child booster seat when both lap and shoulder belts are available." }, { "docid": "602651", "title": "-", "text": "Depending on age, weight and height, children need to be in car seats, booster seats, or seat belts every time they are in the car. This fact sheet explains Ohio’s Child Passenger Safety Laws and provides parents with additional tips to keep children safe on the road." }, { "docid": "7751655", "title": "Child safety seat must for children under 10 in UAE", "text": "Children under the age of 10 are not allowed to ride in the front seat of a vehicle. Always use proper restraining devices for your child (child seats, booster cushions). Never allow kids to move about freely inside the car. Do not allow your child to sit on the lap of any passengers or the driver." }, { "docid": "1509039", "title": "-", "text": "3. Booster Seats. Once a child reaches 4 years of age and weighs at least 40 pounds, she can move to a booster seat. A child is required by law to use the booster seat until she is 8 years old or 4’9” tall. Both backless and high back booster seats are available." }, { "docid": "247335", "title": "Minimum weight limits on some booster seats may put a child at risk", "text": "Of the 34 booster seat models in our tests, 28 state a minimum allowable weight of between 30 and 33 pounds. Current growth charts, however, show that the average 30-pound child is about two-and-a-half years old, far too young to move a child out of a seat with a harness, according to our safety experts." }, { "docid": "6908941", "title": "How to buy a convertible car seat", "text": "Car Seat Safety. Top car seat mistakes, when to turn your child's car seat around, when to switch to a booster seat, and more. How to buy a convertible car seat. Find out what to look for when buying a convertible car seat for a baby or older child and the difference between this and an i..." }, { "docid": "2315954", "title": "Seat Belts & Air Bags", "text": "• A child age 1 up to 6 years old must be secured in a. child restraint system (a safety seat or booster seat--. NOT a seat belt) • A child from age 6 up to age 11 must be secured in a. child restraint system or by a safety belt. • Rear seat occupants up to age 18 must be secured by. a safety belt." }, { "docid": "4904308", "title": "Child Safety Seat Basics", "text": "If you answered no to any of these questions, your child needs a booster seat. to make both the shoulder belt and the lap belt fit right for the best crash. protection. Your child will be more comfortable, too! For best protection, all children should ride in the back seat until they are ready." } ]
heir apparent main character
[ { "docid": "5663080", "title": "-", "text": "Penrod is Princess Janine's guard. He is protective, loyal, strong, a good listener, and respectful. If I had to choose one of the three main characters in Heir Apparent to be hang out with, I would choose Giannine. She is brave and seems to always have her friends' and family's back." } ]
[ { "docid": "6561315", "title": "Dipper Pines", "text": "Mason Dipper Pines is a fictional character and one of the main characters of the Disney XD animated series Gravity Falls. The character is voiced by Jason Ritter, and designed by and loosely based on the childhood of series creator, Alex Hirsch." }, { "docid": "200656", "title": "What is the difference between a main character and a central character in a short story?", "text": "A short story (usually) has one main character. It is not unusual for there to be only one character. There can be other SECONDARY characters, but all in a short story has a very limited number of characters. You are correct: central character and main character are the same thing." }, { "docid": "8553476", "title": "Would YOU live in Robert Durst's house? Stately childhood mansion (where his mother 'committed suicide') hits the market for a cool $3.8m as 71-year-old awaits trial for murder", "text": "This is the seven-bedroom Tudor stone mansion where real estate heir - and alleged killer - Robert Durst spent his formative years. And it could be yours for $3.8 million. The 71-year-old's childhood home in Scarsdale, New York, hit the market this week as he prepares to face murder charges in California. But realtors have glossed over the coincidence, and the checkered past involving Durst's mother's apparent suicide when she jumped off the roof at the age of 32." }, { "docid": "1918266", "title": "Meaningful Name / Anime", "text": "One of the main character, the hero that you could play, was sort of a swordsman and his name was either Boris or Borish or Borash or Yeltsin or Jeltsin or very close to this, as I remember calling the in-game character for Boris Yeltsin. There were special abilities like lightning from some units." }, { "docid": "1683407", "title": "Polar wander", "text": "Main article: Apparent polar wander. The magnetic poles are relatively stationary in position over time and because of this, researchers often use magnetic minerals, like magnetite, in order to find at what latitude the continent was positioned relative to the magnetic poles of that time." }, { "docid": "290467", "title": "Immortan Joe", "text": "Immortan Joe's Wives; Rictus Erectus; Corpus Colossus; Scabrous Scrotus; Immortan Joe's fourth heir; Original character design. The design of Immortan Joe changed over many years of movie's development, however the only remaining characteristic present in all designs is his breathing apparatus also functioning as a menacing mask." }, { "docid": "5509582", "title": "Charles I of England", "text": "Charles I of England. Charles was the second son of King James VI of Scotland, but after his father inherited the English throne in 1603, he moved to England, where he spent much of the rest of his life. He became heir apparent to the English, Irish, and Scottish thrones on the death of his elder brother, Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales, in 1612." }, { "docid": "5280988", "title": "-", "text": "Bruce Wayne AKA Batman is the main character in The LEGO Batman Movie, Batman also knows as the world's greatest detective. Bruce Wayne is a DC Comics character that first appeard at 1939 in the Detective Comics #27." }, { "docid": "7669132", "title": "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!", "text": "Ellie is the main character in The Last Of Us game. Eleanor Ellie Nash, A former character on Canadian television series Degrassi. Ellie was a main character in the video game, The Last of Us. Ellie is the name of the Nirvana-loving, rebel girl in Nick Hornby's novel About a Boy. Ellie Phimister A.K.A Negasonic Teenage Warhead from Marvel Comics and the movie Deadpool set in same universe." }, { "docid": "4460049", "title": "-", "text": "• Finish with a thesis statement that states the main idea of your essay in a single sentence. Body ParagraphsBody Paragraphs • standing off on the side while everyone else plays. One to four paragraphs depending on the length of the story. • Describe what the main character is like at the beginning of the story. • Each paragraph focuses on an event that teaches the character something or causes him/her to change in some way. • Describe what the character is like at the end of the story." }, { "docid": "2756662", "title": "Bolt", "text": "Bolt is the titular protagonist of the 2008 Disney animated feature of the same name. His character development embodies the film's main messages regarding trust and loyalty. The character Bolt was designed and developed by Chris Williams and Byron Howard together with the chief character designer Joe Mosier along with his animator Tony Fucile." }, { "docid": "7573752", "title": "Was Dragonstone a deserted island when the Targaryens came from Valyria?", "text": "Yes it was earlier a vacated island born from a volcanic eruption. It is situated at Black water Bay. It was shaped from stone to look like a dragon. After the Targaryen conquest the seat of the Dragonstone is given to the heir apparent , the Prince of Dragon stone. After Robert Baretheon defeated the targaryens the island was given to his younger brother Stannis as a reward." }, { "docid": "2116186", "title": "List of genres", "text": "the answer to a main character is a person or living thing that is talked about mostly or has a great part in the book,play.movie ect. the main character on a story can be one … person or a group of people, the main character usually leads to the introduction of the story then to the climax and the to the end.o in other words the main character in a story is a leader. well usually the main character is the one who is most mentioned The main character in a story is the character who the story is mostly talking about." }, { "docid": "756545", "title": "Whats the difference between a crown prince and a prince?", "text": "A Crown Prince or Crown Princess is the heir or heiress apparent to the throne in a royal or imperial monarchy. The wife of a crown prince is also titled crown princess. In Europe, lineal succession conventions usually dictate that the eldest child (as in Sweden, Belgium, Norway and the Netherlands) or the eldest son of the current monarch (Spain, United Kingdom, Denmark) fills this role as Crown Prince or Crown Princess.." }, { "docid": "3262455", "title": "Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer's wedding", "text": "More information about: Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer's wedding. Prince Charles was born at Buckingham Palace on 14 November 1948, the eldest son of the Queen and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. At the age of four, he watched his mother's coronation in Westminster Abbey; he was now heir apparent." }, { "docid": "1599271", "title": "Apparent Magnitude", "text": "Apparent Magnitude The apparent magnitude of a celestial object, such as a star or galaxy, is the brightness measured by an observer at a specific distance from the object. The smaller the distance between the observer and object, the greater the apparent brightness. (left) Two stars, A and B, with the same apparent magnitude. (right) However, star A is actually a more luminous star that is further away from the Earth than than star B." }, { "docid": "8680367", "title": "-", "text": "For instance there may be more than one character in a story, but one character is going to be the center of attention. One character may be telling the story about the main character but you have to really consider who has the most attention or who you have learned most about in that novel." }, { "docid": "2516176", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Biography", "text": "Early Life. Queen Elizabeth II was born Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary on April 21, 1926, in London, England. At the time of her birth, most did not realize Elizabeth would someday become queen of Great Britain. Her father, Prince Albert, was the second son of King George V and Queen Mary. Elizabeth got to enjoy the first decade of her life with all the privileges of being a royal without the pressures of being the heir apparent." }, { "docid": "8225866", "title": "Who is the main character in baccano, is it good ?", "text": "Who is the main character in baccano, is it good ? i have actually watched durarara and liked it and found out that baccano was created by the same people. Is it good? who is the main character ? i just watched episode one so far" }, { "docid": "5436243", "title": "Main Character (Andy)", "text": "Main Character (Andy) Andy is the main character of this film. The plot of this film revolves around Andy’s life and search for redemption while being captive within prison walls for something he did not commit. Andy himself is a pretty much stick to himself kind of person at the beginning but eventually becomes more comfortable with everyone and makes his own group of friends." }, { "docid": "2459710", "title": "-", "text": "Scissorman is a character of the Clock Tower series that has made his way into all of the games in some form. He is a serial killer that usually plays the role of the antagonist who pursues the main character." }, { "docid": "7730482", "title": "Character (arts)", "text": "Dynamic characters are the ones that change over the course of the story, while static characters remain the same throughout. Regular, recurring and guest characters In television, a regular, main or ongoing character is a character who appears in all or a majority of episodes, or in a significant chain of episodes of the series." }, { "docid": "5433206", "title": "Balamory", "text": "Other than Suzie Sweet and Penny Pocket, who share a building and run Pocket and Sweet (a shop set in Balamory), each main character has their own house in the town, and each house has a distinctive colour. typical episode begins with Miss Hoolie opening the nursery and telling the audience what the weather is like in Balamory today, and then meeting one of the other main characters who has a problem that can be solved by visiting another main character." }, { "docid": "5017183", "title": "-", "text": "1 The main character is called a protagonist. 2 A character foil is any character whose values contrast with the protagonist. 3 Because of the difference in values, foils make different choices. 4 Foils serve to show specific traits or characteristics of the protagonist or how their lives could have been different." }, { "docid": "2947435", "title": "Vladimir Dracula", "text": "Vladimir Dracula. Vladimir Vlad Dracula is the son of Count Dracula and Sally Giles, the paternal younger half-brother of Ingrid Dracula, and the maternal older half-brother of Georgina Giles. He is the Chosen One, heir to the Dracula throne. Vladimir Dracula is the main character in Young Dracula." }, { "docid": "3513161", "title": "Phantom Thread", "text": "“Phantom Thread” is a meditative character study where one's reaction to the material will largely depend on whose perspective you see the events of the film from, either Woodcock's or Alma's. That is, until the last ten or so minutes of the film when it becomes apparent that the two have found the right measure of one another in each other's lives." }, { "docid": "6596270", "title": "-", "text": "The protagonist is the main character of the story. Everything evolves around him/her. Usually, in a story, the protagonist wants to reach a goal, but many obstacles are in hi … s path to reach this goal.These obstacles can be natural (a storm, a tornado) or human.he protagonist is the main character of the story. Everything evolves around him/her. Usually, in a story, the protagonist wants to reach a goal, but many obstacles are in hi … s path to reach this goal." }, { "docid": "5980473", "title": "-", "text": "If a chest with more than one item is not fully looted, it will respawn the contents after fast traveling. Some chests contain the Amulet Of Power, which gives the main character or their followers an extra +1 skill point, depending on which character the amulet is available for." }, { "docid": "7892664", "title": "Names with \"noble\" in Meaning", "text": "Meaning unexplained, though the first element is presumably Sindarin ara noble, kingly. This is the name of a character in 'The Lord of the Rings' (1954) by J. R. R. Tolkien. In the book Aragorn is the heir of the Dúnedain kings of the north." }, { "docid": "2200344", "title": "-", "text": "Religion All of the world's major religions have substantial representation in Malaysia, the main adherents of each largely reflecting the multi-ethnic character of the population." } ]
hemoglobin results critical
[ { "docid": "2680359", "title": "-", "text": "Historically, a low hemoglobin level of 8g/dL was set as a critical value in the SBMF system. However, in response to information from many sources, including recent transfusion medicine. literature, the critical value for hemoglobin will be reset to 7g/dL." } ]
[ { "docid": "4365161", "title": "-", "text": "Share to: 1 The Five Major Parts of the Brain At its most basic, the brain controls the body. 2 The Meaning of Hemoglobin Test Results A hemoglobin test measures the amount of hemoglobin in blood." }, { "docid": "7004765", "title": "Getting Genetic Test Results", "text": "Typically, results are sent to your doctor or genetic counselor, who reports them to you. A critical part of genetic risk assessment is the responsible and sensitive disclosure of test results. Be sure to ask your doctor or genetic counselor when, how, and where you will find out the results.ypically, results are sent to your doctor or genetic counselor, who reports them to you. A critical part of genetic risk assessment is the responsible and sensitive disclosure of test results. Be sure to ask your doctor or genetic counselor when, how, and where you will find out the results." }, { "docid": "1996312", "title": "-", "text": "Parents of infants identified with sickle cell trait, hemoglobin C trait and hemoglobin D trait can learn more important information about hemoglobin traits by calling the hemoglobin trait toll free number at 1-(866)-954-2229. Hemoglobin is found in the red blood cells of all people." }, { "docid": "7595106", "title": "How to Raise Hemoglobin", "text": "How to Raise Hemoglobin. Three Parts: Raising Hemoglobin with Diet Change Raising Hemoglobin with Natural Remedies Seeking Medical Help to Raise Hemoglobin Community Q&A. Hemoglobin is a complex, iron-rich compound that is found in the blood. Its main function is to carry oxygen to the cells of the different parts of the body from the lungs." }, { "docid": "3421495", "title": "-", "text": "Sickle cell anemia is caused by an abnormal type of hemoglobin called hemoglobin S. Hemoglobin is a protein inside red blood cells that carries oxygen. 1 Hemoglobin S changes the red blood cells. 2 The red blood cells become fragile and shaped like crescents or sickles." }, { "docid": "1232223", "title": "Eligibility Criteria by Topic", "text": "Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, Blood Count. In order to donate blood, a woman must have a hemoglobin level of at least 12.5 g/dL, and a man must have a hemoglobin level of at least 13.0 g/dL. For all donors, the hemoglobin level can be no greater than 20 g/dL." }, { "docid": "1378115", "title": "oxygen transport", "text": "the process by which oxygen is absorbed by red blood cell hemoglobin in the lungs and carried to the peripheral tissues. Hemoglobin combines with oxygen when present at a high concentration, such as in the lungs, and releases oxygen when the concentration is low, such as in the peripheral tissues. See also hemoglobin." }, { "docid": "4947468", "title": "hemoglobin test", "text": "Hemoglobin is a protein inside red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body. A hemoglobin test reveals how much hemoglobin is in a person's blood, helping to diagnose and monitor anemia and polycythemia vera. Purpose A hemoglobin test is done when a person is ill or during a general physical examination. Good health requires an adequate amount of hemoglobin. The amount of oxygen in the body tissues depends on how much hemoglobin is in the red cells. Without enough hemoglobin, the tissues lack oxygen and the heart and lungs must work harder to try to compensate." }, { "docid": "1972688", "title": "-", "text": "Relative migrations of hemoglobin variants on acid electrophoresis can be seen below. The application point is indicated by the arrow. As illustrated, hemoglobin D is now separated out from hemoglobin S. However, because it migrates with HbA in acid electrophoresis, further testing would be needed to identify HbD." }, { "docid": "4154804", "title": "Normal Iron Level for a Woman", "text": "Normal Levels. Normal hemoglobin levels for women range from 12 to 15.5 g of hemoglobin per deciliter of blood. Hemoglobin levels below 12 g/dL for non-pregnant women and 11 g/dL for pregnant women are a sign of iron deficiency, according to the National Anemia Action Council.ormal Levels. Normal hemoglobin levels for women range from 12 to 15.5 g of hemoglobin per deciliter of blood. Hemoglobin levels below 12 g/dL for non-pregnant women and 11 g/dL for pregnant women are a sign of iron deficiency, according to the National Anemia Action Council." }, { "docid": "2530305", "title": "Hemoglobin", "text": "One such example is that of the sickle cell hemoglobin, where glutamate 6 in the beta chain is mutated to valine. This change allows the deoxygenated form of the hemoglobin to stick to each other, as seen in PDB entry 2hbs , producing stiff fibers of hemoglobin inside red blood cells." }, { "docid": "7962229", "title": "Complete Blood Count (CBC)", "text": "Your pet’s Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) is the average hemoglobin concentration in each of its red blood cells. It is your pet’s hemoglobin concentration value x100 divided by its hematocrit (Hct=PCV) value." }, { "docid": "4269465", "title": "-", "text": "Hemoglobin S and hemoglobin C are the most common types of abnormal hemoglobin that may be found by an electrophoresis test. Electrophoresis uses an electrical current to separate normal and abnormal types of hemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin types have different electrical charges and move at different speeds." }, { "docid": "4290350", "title": "-", "text": "1 Sickle/beta-thalassemia. 2 In this condition, the patient has inherited a gene for hemoglobin S from one parent and a gene for beta-thalassemia from the other. 3 The severity of the condition is determined to a large extent by the quantity of normal hemoglobin produced by the beta-thalassemia gene. Hemoglobin C. Hemoglobin C results from a mutation in the beta globin gene and is the predominant hemoglobin found in people with hemoglobin C disease (a 2 b 2). 2 Hemoglobin C disease is relatively benign, producing a mild hemolytic anemia and splenomegaly." }, { "docid": "2680353", "title": "-", "text": "implement an alert system for such results, which are designated as critical values. Historically, a low hemoglobin level of 8g/dL was set as a critical value in the SBMF system. literature, the critical value for hemoglobin will be reset to 7g/dL. hematocrit of 21% will also become a critical value. impacted by this change. System." }, { "docid": "527321", "title": "-", "text": "Read more about acquired methemoglobinemia, a condition that results in the formation of an abnormal form of hemoglobin. Learn more about the causes, symptoms, treatment, and diagnosis of acquired methemoglobinemia." }, { "docid": "6976707", "title": "Hemoglobin", "text": "What Does High Hemoglobin Mean? High hemoglobin levels mean that measured hemoglobin levels are above the upper limits of normal for the age and sex of the person (see above normal values). For example, a 19 year old that has a detected hemoglobin level of above 17.7 g/dl would have a high hemoglobin level. Some causes for high hemoglobin levels are as follows: Living at a high altitude. Lung disease (emphysema, COPD)" }, { "docid": "6363038", "title": "5 Ways to Lower Your A1C", "text": "What the A1C Results Mean. The A1C test measures the glucose (blood sugar) in your blood by assessing the amount of what’s called glycated hemoglobin. “Hemoglobin is a protein within red blood cells. As glucose enters the bloodstream, it binds to hemoglobin, or glycates.hat the A1C Results Mean. The A1C test measures the glucose (blood sugar) in your blood by assessing the amount of what’s called glycated hemoglobin. “Hemoglobin is a protein within red blood cells. As glucose enters the bloodstream, it binds to hemoglobin, or glycates." }, { "docid": "4390725", "title": "Hematocrit", "text": "Red blood cells (RBCs) typically make up roughly 37% to 49% of the volume of blood. Since a hematocrit is often performed as part of a complete blood count (CBC) , results from other components, such as RBC count, hemoglobin, reticulocyte count, and/or red blood cell indices, are taken into consideration. high hematocrit with a high RBC count and high hemoglobin indicates polycythemia. Some causes of a high hematocrit include: 1 Dehydration —this is the most common cause of a high hematocrit." }, { "docid": "2724459", "title": "-", "text": "For people without diabetes, the normal range for the hemoglobin A1c test is between 4% and 5.6%.Hemoglobin A1c levels between 5.7% and 6.4% indicate increased risk of diabetes, and levels of 6.5% or higher indicate diabetes.ecause studies have repeatedly shown that out-of-control diabetes results in complications from the disease, the goal for people with diabetes is a hemoglobin A1c less than 7%. The higher the hemoglobin A1c, the higher the risks of developing complications related to diabetes." }, { "docid": "3142810", "title": "-", "text": "Manufacturers' information on sources of inhibitors and false-positive and false-negative results can be identified from the package inserts of the test strips. For example, ascorbic acid in urine can interfere with reagent-strip reactions for glucose, hemoglobin, bilirubin, and nitrite." }, { "docid": "4065490", "title": "Hemoglobin A1c", "text": "The hemoglobin A1c test may be used to screen for and diagnose diabetes and prediabetes in adults. Hemoglobin A1c, also glycated hemoglobin or A1c, is formed in the blood when glucose attaches to hemoglobin. The higher the level of glucose in the blood, the more glycated hemoglobin is formed. Once the glucose binds to the hemoglobin, it remains there for the life of the red blood cell - normally about 120 days. The predominant form of glycated hemoglobin is referred to as A1c." }, { "docid": "516713", "title": "Everything you need to know about the A1C test", "text": "1 As blood glucose levels rise, so does the percentage of glycated hemoglobin, so A1C is used to measure diabetes control. 2 The test is used for both monitoring and diagnosing diabetes, and results come from a blood sample given at the doctor's clinic.ore detail and supporting information is in the body of this article. 1 A1C is an abbreviation for glycated hemoglobin, which forms when glucose attaches to a protein in red blood cells. 2 As blood glucose levels rise, so does the percentage of glycated hemoglobin, so A1C is used to measure diabetes control." }, { "docid": "3226893", "title": "Top 19 Doctor insights on: Mchc And Rdw Blood Test", "text": "Mean corpuscular: Hemoglobin concentration. It is one of the calculated indices to measure the amount of hemoglobin in each red cell. It may be used to differentiate the types of anemia." }, { "docid": "2957358", "title": "Low hemoglobin count", "text": "Definition. A low hemoglobin count is a commonly seen blood test result. Hemoglobin (Hb or Hgb) is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body.In many cases, a low hemoglobin count is only slightly lower than normal and doesn't affect how you feel.efinition. A low hemoglobin count is a commonly seen blood test result. Hemoglobin (Hb or Hgb) is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body." }, { "docid": "4965758", "title": "red blood cell indices", "text": "Anemia of any type affects the results of one or more of the common blood tests. These tests are the hematocrit, hemoglobin, and red blood cell count. The hematocrit is a measure of red blood cell mass, or how much space in the blood is occupied by red blood cells.ed blood cell indices are measurements that describe the size and oxygen-carrying protein (hemoglobin) content of red blood cells. The indices are used to help in the differential diagnosis of anemia." }, { "docid": "514069", "title": "Facts about hemoglobin E trait", "text": "If you are a known carrier of hemoglobin E trait, hemoglobin testing is recommended if you want to have children. If your partner is also a carrier, you risk having a child with hemoglobin E disease, hemoglobin E/thalassemia, or hemoglobin sickle E disease." }, { "docid": "7794685", "title": "Gas Transport: Cooperative Binding of Oxygen with Hemoglobin", "text": "Therefore, one molecule of hemoglobin can bind four molecules of oxygen. As each red blood cell contains about 280 million hemoglobin molecules, a single red blood cell can carry over 1 billion molecules of oxygen. Once again, that's a lot of oxygen! Cooperative Binding. Okay, so hemoglobin carries oxygen, but how does oxygen bind to hemoglobin? The way by which hemoglobin binds oxygen is referred to as cooperative binding. The binding of oxygen to hemoglobin makes it easier for more oxygen to bind. Let's consider an analogy." }, { "docid": "5433128", "title": "-", "text": "Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in the United States, and women are among those at greatest risk. Iron is critical for producing hemoglobin, a protein that helps red blood cells deliver oxygen throughout your body. So without it, everything suffers -- and can lead to anemia." }, { "docid": "1996309", "title": "-", "text": "The normal, and most common, type of hemoglobin is called hemoglobin A. Hemoglobin C trait is when a babyinherited one gene for hemoglobin A from one parent and one gene for hemoglobin C from the other parent. Peoplewith hemoglobin C trait are not sick." } ]
highest weather station in the world
[ { "docid": "2710722", "title": "Where Is the Hottest Place on Earth? It Lies Somewhere Between Folklore and Science, the Desert and the City", "text": "In July 1913, observers in Furnace Creek, California—Death Valley—watched the thermometer reach 56.7°C (134°F) and declared it to be the highest temperature ever recorded on Earth. But just nine years later, on September 13, 1922, a weather station in El Azizia, Libya, recorded a temperature of 58.0°C (136.4°F). According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), that remains the highest air temperature ever measured." } ]
[ { "docid": "1682095", "title": "Annual Weather Averages Near Québec", "text": "Averages are for Quebec Weather Station, which is 8 miles from Québec." }, { "docid": "5616461", "title": "-", "text": "This report describes the typical weather at the Vancouver International Airport (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) weather station over the course of an average year. It is based on the historical records from 1977 to 2012.Earlier records are either unavailable or unreliable.his report describes the typical weather at the Vancouver International Airport (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) weather station over the course of an average year. It is based on the historical records from 1977 to 2012." }, { "docid": "6977641", "title": "-", "text": "Netatmo Weather Station; AccuWeather - Weather for Life; AccuWeather for Android; Site Specific Severe Weather Warnings; Free Weather For Your Site; The AccuWeather Store; The Weather Station for Smartphone; The Weather Station by Netatmo" }, { "docid": "8616288", "title": "-", "text": "• lake chapala mexico weather • 2nd best weather in the world • warm weather retirement areas • weather-ajijic mexico • ajijic weather • weather for lake chapala mexico • best weather in the world according to national geographic • axixicnet." }, { "docid": "6129111", "title": "-", "text": "AccuWeather for Android; Telemet Data Feeds; YourCaster for iOS; Free Weather For Your Site; The Weather Station for Smartphone; AccuWeather - Weather for Life; The AccuWeather Store; Try RadarPro™ Today; Netatmo Weather Station; Site Specific Severe Weather Warnings; The AccuWeather Network; The Weather Station by Netatmo" }, { "docid": "6124097", "title": "-", "text": "The AccuWeather Store; AccuWeather for Android; The AccuWeather Network; The Weather Station by Netatmo; Telemet Data Feeds; Netatmo Weather Station; Site Specific Severe Weather Warnings; AccuWeather - Weather for Life; The Weather Station for Smartphone; Try RadarPro™ Today; Free Weather For Your Site" }, { "docid": "2384747", "title": "-", "text": "AccuWeather - Weather for Life; Free Weather For Your Site; The AccuWeather Store; Try RadarPro™ Today; Site Specific Severe Weather Warnings; YourCaster for iOS; Netatmo Weather Station; AccuWeather for Android; The Weather Station by Netatmo; The Weather Station for Smartphone; The AccuWeather Network" }, { "docid": "7217921", "title": "-", "text": "The AccuWeather Network; Netatmo Weather Station; The Weather Station for Smartphone; AccuWeather for Android; YourCaster for iOS; The Weather Station by Netatmo; Telemet Data Feeds; AccuWeather - Weather for Life; Free Weather For Your Site; Try RadarPro™ Today; The AccuWeather Store; Site Specific Severe Weather Warnings" }, { "docid": "7014355", "title": "-", "text": "The AccuWeather Network; AccuWeather - Weather for Life; Netatmo Weather Station; Free Weather For Your Site; AccuWeather for Android; The Weather Station for Smartphone; The AccuWeather Store; Try RadarPro™ Today; YourCaster for iOS; The Weather Station by Netatmo; Site Specific Severe Weather Warnings" }, { "docid": "7290965", "title": "Harvest for the World - MP3 backing track", "text": "Harvest for the World - MP3 backing track Karaoke Version > Power Station > Harvest for the World The MP3 backing track of Harvest for the World as made famous by The Power Station is not available yet. Be the first to be updated when this instrumental is released! Click on Activate alert to receive an email as soon as it is available. Browse Power Station Karaoke MP3 Activate alert" }, { "docid": "2481555", "title": "-", "text": "For more information, see the weather forecast and our average climate infomation (by month in graphs) below. * Data from nearest weather station: Kigali, Rwanda (0.0 KM). 10 Day Weather Forecast ▶." }, { "docid": "402056", "title": "What's the weather like tomorrow?", "text": "Yes, if you ask What's the weather like in your country? my answer is The weather here is as good as anywhere in the world because we would have to define good weather." }, { "docid": "2858307", "title": "-", "text": "For more information, see the weather forecast and our average climate infomation (by month in graphs) below. * Data from nearest weather station: Venice, Italy (0.0 KM). 10 Day Weather Forecast ▶." }, { "docid": "1697699", "title": "-", "text": "AccuWeather for Android; Free Weather For Your Site; Netatmo Weather Station; The Weather Station by Netatmo; The AccuWeather Store; Site Specific Severe Weather Warnings; AccuWeather - Weather for Life; The AccuWeather Network; The Weather Station for Smartphone; Try RadarPro™ Today" }, { "docid": "6434995", "title": "-", "text": "For more information, see the weather forecast and our average climate infomation (in graphs) below. * Data from nearest weather station: Pittsburgh, United States of America (304.6 KM)." }, { "docid": "6237315", "title": "-", "text": "This report describes the typical weather at the Denver International Airport (Denver, Colorado, United States) weather station over the course of an average May. It is based on the historical records from 1995 to 2012." }, { "docid": "2094287", "title": "-", "text": "Here are the average monthly temperatures for Nassau County, Long Island, NY: Weather is recorded at Nassau County's Mineola, NY weather station.January - 31.9 degrees Fahrenheit/-0.05 Celsius. February - 33.4 F./7 C.ere are the average monthly precipitation (rain and snow) for Nassau County, Long Island, NY: Weather is recorded at Nassau County's Mineola, NY weather station. January - 4.01." }, { "docid": "6136213", "title": "Northeastern Italy", "text": "Central Italy. The regions of central Italy include Lazio and Tuscany (Toscana) along the west coast, Umbria in the interior and Marche on the east coast. The highest weather station of this group sits at 1875 metres (6150 feet) on Monte Terminillo. April temperatures: daily averages. High °F." }, { "docid": "1233362", "title": "-", "text": "Location. This report describes the typical weather at the Charleston International Airport (Charleston Air Force Base) (Charleston, South Carolina, United States) weather station over the course of an average June." }, { "docid": "3790985", "title": "-", "text": "6. The regions of central Italy include Lazio and Tuscany (Toscana) along the west coast, Umbria in the interior and Marche on the east coast. The highest weather station of this group sits at 1875 metres (6150 feet) on Monte Terminillo." }, { "docid": "6090705", "title": "-", "text": "Location. This report describes the typical weather at the Grand Bahama (Freeport) International Airport (Freeport, The Bahamas) weather station over the course of an average June. It is based on the historical records from 2000 to 2012.Earlier records are either unavailable or unreliable.ocation. This report describes the typical weather at the Grand Bahama (Freeport) International Airport (Freeport, The Bahamas) weather station over the course of an average June. It is based on the historical records from 2000 to 2012. Earlier records are either unavailable or unreliable." }, { "docid": "7094156", "title": "-", "text": "Weather forecasts; Weather warnings; Specialist forecasts; Last 24 hours; UK climate; World weather; Weather guide; Weather services" }, { "docid": "8425678", "title": "Record-Setting Weather", "text": "The highest average annual temperature in the world, possibly a world record, is the 94°F, at Dalol (or Dallol), Ethiopia. The station is in a salt desert and is based on only 6 years of data, October 1960–November 1966.he highest average annual temperature in the world, possibly a world record, is the 94°F, at Dalol (or Dallol), Ethiopia. The station is in a salt desert and is based on only 6 years of data, October 1960–November 1966." }, { "docid": "3946789", "title": "-", "text": "This report describes the typical weather at the Miami International Airport (Miami, Florida, United States) weather station over the course of an average year. It is based on the historical records from 1974 to 2012." }, { "docid": "8034928", "title": "-", "text": "AccuWeather for Android; Try RadarPro™ Today; YourCaster for iOS; Telemet Data Feeds; Netatmo Weather Station; AccuWeather - Weather for Life; Site Specific Severe Weather Warnings; The AccuWeather Network; The AccuWeather Store; The Weather Station by Netatmo; Free Weather For Your Site; The Weather Station for Smartphone" }, { "docid": "50985", "title": "-", "text": "Ski & Snow Reports; Marine Weather; Aviation; Buy a Weather Station; Add Weather Station; Weather Station Network; Historical Weather; Mobile Apps; Daily Forecast Flyer; Weather API for Developers; Site Map" }, { "docid": "1233363", "title": "-", "text": "This report describes the typical weather at the Charleston International Airport (Charleston Air Force Base) (Charleston, South Carolina, United States) weather station over the course of an average year." }, { "docid": "8589454", "title": "-", "text": "Current Farm Weather. Mill Hollow is best enjoyed when the weather is nice and the ground is dry. Rain can make for some very memorable visits and also wet children. The weather conditions at Mill Hollow can best be seen by linking to weather radar covering the area. The farm is located half the distance between the IAH and LFK weather station symbols." }, { "docid": "7655139", "title": "-", "text": "Netatmo Weather Station; AccuWeather - Weather for Life; Telemet Data Feeds; The AccuWeather Store; The Weather Station for Smartphone; Site Specific Severe Weather Warnings; The Weather Station by Netatmo; The AccuWeather Network; AccuWeather for Android; Free Weather For Your Site" }, { "docid": "5032452", "title": "-", "text": "The AccuWeather Store; Netatmo Weather Station; Try RadarPro™ Today; The Weather Station by Netatmo; The Weather Station for Smartphone; YourCaster for iOS; AccuWeather for Android; Telemet Data Feeds; Free Weather For Your Site; The AccuWeather Network; Site Specific Severe Weather Warnings; AccuWeather - Weather for Life" } ]
history of mchenry
[ { "docid": "6383180", "title": "McHenry History", "text": "McHenry History Born out of an Illinois prairie frontier, this community known as McHenry first took shape as the hunting and fishing grounds of the Potawatomie Indians. In 1836 McHenry County was created out of Cook County and included present day Lake County. Both the county and the city were named after Major William McHenry who served in the War of 1812 and the Blackhawk War. The community of McHenry served as the first seat of government until 1844 when Lake County was established as a separate county." } ]
[ { "docid": "7123557", "title": "Islamic world contributions to Medieval Europe", "text": "History of the Scientific Method - The history of the scientific method can be traced back to the great thinkers of the Renaissance. Learn about the history of the scientific method. x" }, { "docid": "1910228", "title": "-", "text": "Turn off search history. When search history is off nothing new is added to your search history. Your existing history isn't deleted. To delete your search history, you need to clear it. 1 On the Search History page, click Turn off." }, { "docid": "1265211", "title": "Lake in the Hills, IL Profile: Facts, Map & Data", "text": "The Village of Lake in the Hills is located within Township of Algonquin, a minor civil division (MCD) of McHenry County. Beneath the boundary map are tables with Lake in the Hills population, income and housing data, five-year growth projections and peer comparisons for key demographic data." }, { "docid": "7763549", "title": "Union, Illinois", "text": "Union, Illinois. Union is a village in McHenry County, Illinois, United States. The population was 580 at the 2010 census, up from 576 in 2000." }, { "docid": "1588493", "title": "Home Page", "text": "Welcome to Forest Lake. 1 Welcome to Forest Lake, a community which encompasses a 42-acre private lake, offering dues-paying residents swimming, fishing, non-motorized boating and family-fun activities. Forest Lake is located in Lake County, Illinois, bordered on the north by Old McHenry Road and on the west by Quentin Road. The Forest Lake community was originally developed in 1935 by Arthur T. McIntosh Company and was intended to be a weekend retreat and getaway for Chicago residents." }, { "docid": "930214", "title": "-", "text": "Answers.com ® WikiAnswers ® Categories History, Politics & Society History History of the United States What presidents have died of natural causes while in office?" }, { "docid": "8296597", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of social history 1: history that concentrates upon the social, economic, and cultural institutions of a people — compare cultural history 2: the environmental history of an individual; specifically: case history From the M-W Editors" }, { "docid": "3195609", "title": "-", "text": "Answers.com® WikiAnswers® Categories History, Politics & Society History History of Asia History of China Who was the leader of the nationalists during the Chinese Civil War He fled to Taiwan?" }, { "docid": "8828669", "title": "-", "text": "Yesterday, Congressman Patrick McHenry (R, NC-10) visited the Tryon International Equestrian Center to highlight his support for their effort to host the 2018 World Equestrian Games (WEG). The WEG, is the premier, non-Olympic equestrian event and is hosted every four years between Summer Olympics." }, { "docid": "6847110", "title": "McHenry County, Illinois", "text": "McHenry County government is based primarily out of Woodstock, the county seat. The McHenry County Government Center, located on the north end of Woodstock along Illinois Route 47, features county offices as well as judicial facilities. Several state agencies also have local offices in Woodstock." }, { "docid": "578826", "title": "-", "text": "Insert a paragraph on your cover letter just before your closing paragraph that discusses your salary history or salary requirement. Salary History: A salary history is just that -- a history of your ending salaries at every job you have ever worked (or the jobs you've held the past 10 or 15 years)." }, { "docid": "5940801", "title": "-", "text": "1983 - 2015 Obituary Condolences. Kevin M. Weiss. Born: June 17, 1983; in Harvard, IL. Died: Dec. 2, 2015; in Clarksville, TN. Kevin Mose Weiss, age 32, of Clarksville, Tennessee, and formerly of McHenry, died Wednesday, December 2, 2015, in a U.S. Army helicopter training accident near Clarksville, Tennessee." }, { "docid": "6584563", "title": "-", "text": "Then click on the Settings Charm. Now head into the Search History settings. Here you will see a clear all button, click on it to clear your search history. Then go ahead and move the keep search history toggle to the off position to disable the app from keeping your search history in the future." }, { "docid": "933233", "title": "History of Antibiotics", "text": "One sometimes finds what one is not looking for(Sir Alexander Fleming). History of antibiotics can be described in two segments early history and modern history. Most important is the discovery of pencillin by Alexander Fleming." }, { "docid": "808839", "title": "20 Of The World's Most Beautiful Female News Anchors", "text": "She has been honored as one of the world's most beautiful anchors by the UK's Daily Express newspaper. 2. Britt McHenry - ESPN, America. Britt McHenry is appropriate as an ESPN news anchor, given that she has a look that most people are going to associate with a professional cheerleader. 3. Courtney Friel - KTLA-TV, Los Angeles, California" }, { "docid": "1055658", "title": "Defenders Saved Baltimore in September 1814", "text": "Painting of the death of British General Ross at the Battle of Baltimore. Chicago History Museum/UIG/Getty Images. The Battle of Baltimore in September 1814 is best remembered for one aspect of the fighting, the bombardment of Fort McHenry by British warships, which was immortalized in the Star-Spangled Banner." }, { "docid": "5397734", "title": "History of technology", "text": "Since much of technology is applied science, technical history is connected to the history of science. Since technology uses resources, technical history is tightly connected to economic history." }, { "docid": "8390440", "title": "-", "text": "If you want to delete your entire watch history, click the Clear all watch history button at the top of the page. 5. Remove just one video from your history. To remove one video at a time from your history, mouse over the video, and look for three gray dots that appear on the far right of the screen.f you want to delete your entire watch history, click the Clear all watch history button at the top of the page. 5. Remove just one video from your history. To remove one video at a time from your history, mouse over the video, and look for three gray dots that appear on the far right of the screen." }, { "docid": "8197848", "title": "-", "text": "Give Me Liberty!: An American History / Edition 5. Foner (history, Columbia University) surveys American history from European exploration to the present in this visually appealing text for undergraduates with no previous courses in history." }, { "docid": "1248840", "title": "The Star-Spangled Banner", "text": "This article is about the national anthem of the United States. For the flag that flew over Fort McHenry, see Star-Spangled Banner (flag) . For the present flag, see flag of the United States." }, { "docid": "719244", "title": "Diabetic Rice Recipes", "text": "Instead of starchy white rice, opt for a whole grain rice such as brown rice, which is rich in vitamin B and antioxidants. Our diabetes-friendly rice recipes can help you maintain a healthy eating plan that tastes great, too. By Erin McHenry, 2014." }, { "docid": "2511142", "title": "-", "text": "History of Jazz Dance. Knowing the history of jazz dance has helped dancers from all over the world better understand and experience an art form they desire to excel at. Read on to take a peek at this dance form's unique history and development, from its roots to its popularity today. The Early History of Jazz Dance." }, { "docid": "7102512", "title": "-", "text": "English With Creative Writing Minor - BA; English With Writing Minor - BA; English - MA; English - PhD; Department of History. History - BA; History Pre-Law BA - BA; History Teaching - BA; History Teaching with Social Studies - BA; History - MA; Transatlantic History - BA to PhD; Transatlantic History - PhD; Department of Linguistics. Linguistics - BA; Linguistics - MA" }, { "docid": "6929269", "title": "APUSH chapter 12-13", "text": "Star Spangled Banner. National anthem of the US; lyrics come from Defense of Fort McHenry written by Francis Scott Key after witnessing bombardment of Fort McHenry by the British Royal Navy ships in Chesapeake Bay during the Battle of Fort McHenry in the War of 1812." }, { "docid": "2606339", "title": "-", "text": "Save. Unlike many other browsers, which use separate windows to show browsing history, Internet Explorer's history shows up on a sidebar. There's no obvious button to see your history on the browser's menu bar, but the trick to finding it is simple: Open your favorites and switch to the history tab from there." }, { "docid": "5518311", "title": "How do I get my employment history for the last seven years I live in Atlanta Georgia?", "text": "How do I get my employment history for the last seven years I live in Atlanta Georgia? I need to obtain the proper addresses and dates of employment history.ow do I get my employment history for the last seven years I live in Atlanta Georgia? I need to obtain the proper addresses and dates of employment history." }, { "docid": "4109804", "title": "Early history of video games", "text": "The History of Video Games - The history of video games began in 1971 with the first commercial arcade game, Computer Space, followed by Pong. Explore the history of video games. x" }, { "docid": "8226948", "title": "Reb Arthur's Latest Thoughts", "text": "BLACK HISTORY MONTH INTROS MORE. I am looking forward to black history month 2017, as it will provide, as it does every year, the opportunity to learn more about the history and heritage of our communities here in Britain." }, { "docid": "2633599", "title": "-", "text": "INVENTION CATEGORY: A group or set of inventions that are classified together because of common characteristics. Invention groups that include Agricultural, Communications, Computing, Energy, Transportation and more. Agricultural History Business History Chemistry History Communications History Computing History Energy History" }, { "docid": "215851", "title": "-", "text": "Login | Privacy Statement | Contact Us | Copyright © 2018 City of Escalon, California. All Rights Reserved. 2060 McHenry Avenue. Escalon, CA 95320 (209) 691-7400. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm. Closed 12pm - 1pm" } ]
home depot telephone number tallahassee
[ { "docid": "727655", "title": "-", "text": "Store Details. The Home Depot W Tallahassee #6374 can help you with all your home improvement projects. Our address is 1490 Capital Circle Nw, Tallahassee, FL, 32303 and our phone number is (850) 350-9001. We offer a variety of features including Home Depot Truck RentalPropane ExchangeTool RentalLarge Equipment RentalKey Cutting ." } ]
[ { "docid": "5910670", "title": "Home Depot Breach Settlement", "text": "Home Depot Breach Settlement. If You Used a Credit or Debit Card at a Self-Checkout Lane at a U.S. Home Depot Store Between April 10, 2014 and September 13, 2014 or Received Notice From Home Depot That Your Information Was Compromised, You May Be Eligible for Benefits from a Data Breach Class Action Settlement." }, { "docid": "8173873", "title": "-", "text": "Council Bluffs, IA 51501 At exit three of I-80/29, Manawa Power Centre is home to several big-box stores and other shopping including Gordman's, Home Depot, Menards, Sam's Club, and Walmart. Travelers will find a number of restaurants and hotels here too." }, { "docid": "827709", "title": "-", "text": "Best Home Depot Credit toll-free numbers and support. This is the #2 phone number and #2 overall way to contact Home Depot Credit according to 63866 GetHuman users.Here are the best. 800-677-0232." }, { "docid": "5808468", "title": "Experience with Home Depot Roofs?", "text": "Home Depot has now installed three roofs on my house and did over $1,000.00 in damages. My ceiling was cracked on 3-29-06 and today is 8-28-06 it still is not fixed. Home Depot is full of promises until the contract is signed and they have your money. Visit my web site at http://www.freewebs.com/myroof." }, { "docid": "6175004", "title": "Home Depot Is Hiring: What's It Really Like To Work There?", "text": "One thing to always keep in mind about Home Depot, Holmes says, is that while you may start out as a part-time associate in a store, you really don't know where that will lead. More:$100-A-Year Jobs That Don't Require A College Degree. But the best thing about working at Home Depot, employees agree, are the benefits." }, { "docid": "7923472", "title": "-", "text": "Shop our selection of Square, Cement, Concrete Pavers in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot." }, { "docid": "6130860", "title": "What is the base pay for floor supervisor at Home Depot?", "text": "So if you can find laminate flooring at home depot, then yes they … will most likely have someone in that department that you can talk to about home installation. Gigman7 3,474 Contributions" }, { "docid": "2912028", "title": "The Home Depot", "text": "The Home Depot operates 106 stores in Mexico and has become one of the largest retailers in Mexico since it entered the market in 2001. The Home Depot increased its presence in Mexico in 2004, with the acquisition of Home Mart, the second largest Mexican home improvement retailer." }, { "docid": "5583768", "title": "-", "text": "Returns with an original customer agreement within 90 days of purchase. Return the product to your local Home Depot store*. A refund will be issued to the original credit card. Returns with original customer agreement after 90 days of purchase. Return the product to your local Home Depot store*." }, { "docid": "4524812", "title": "-", "text": "Average Assistant Manager In Training Home Depot Salaries. The average salary for assistant manager in training home depot jobs is $49,000." }, { "docid": "6829527", "title": "Better Buy: The Home Depot, Inc. or Lowe's Companies, Inc.?", "text": "From a share-price perspective, both Lowe's and Home Depot performed well last year. But Home Depot dramatically outperformed Lowe's, picking up 26% versus an 11% gain for Lowe's." }, { "docid": "5673794", "title": "Omak, WA Home Depot", "text": "From Business: Home Services at The Home Depot is the top choice for home installation & repair services in Omak, WA. Our local installers will do the work for you. Schedule a f…" }, { "docid": "6595624", "title": "-", "text": "Home Depot Salary. Home Depot average salary is $88,726, median salary is $90,000 with a salary range from $29,120 to $233,000. Home Depot salaries are collected from government agencies and companies." }, { "docid": "6790836", "title": "Marathon Laundry's Washer-Dryer Is the Tesla of Appliances", "text": "Marathon Laundry’s Washer-Dryer Is the Tesla of Appliances. Glenn Reid wants to sell you a washer and dryer. In that sense, he’s just like any number of nearly identical salespeople pitching nearly identical appliances at your nearest Home Depot. Glenn Reid is no ordinary salesperson, though." }, { "docid": "7218968", "title": "-", "text": "Company with Home Depot jobs. The Home Depot. The Home Depot is a Georgia-based American retailer of construction and home improvement products that operates big-box stores in every U.S. state, most provinces, Canada, China, and Mexico." }, { "docid": "4566825", "title": "-", "text": "Georgia is our home state and very important to us. The port of Savannah is very strategic for the state of Georgia and very strategic for the Home Depot. About twenty percent of our imports … enter through the … port of Savannah.” Mark Holifield, Home Depot." }, { "docid": "4990397", "title": "-", "text": "Now the Home Depot claimed that PayPal payment technologies are available to all visitors 51 Home Depot locations in the U.S.. On the part of PayPal address five hundred thousand U.S. PayPal users received an invitation to make purchases in Home Depot locations in the Bay area and pay for their account in the system PayPal (also available through mobile devices)." }, { "docid": "5889469", "title": "-", "text": "1 Your 10-digit billing telephone number plus your 3-digit account code. 2 Your 10-digit billing telephone number plus your 3-digit account code plus (not always) and alpha character. All Centurylink customers have an account number, even if they do not have telephone service." }, { "docid": "4353607", "title": "-", "text": "As of its 2006-year end Tesco was the fourth largest retailer in the world behind Wal-Mart, Carrefour and Home Depot. Tesco moved ahead of Home Depot during 2007, following the sale of Home Depot's professional supply division and a decline in the value of the US dollar against the British pound." }, { "docid": "7522809", "title": "Home Depot open on Labor Day?", "text": "Yes and generally regular hours. The only days Home Depot is closed is Thanksgiving and Christmas." }, { "docid": "2181640", "title": "-", "text": "Home Depot is apologizing to customers who were charged provincial sales tax on tax-exempt items and is promising refunds to those who bring in their receipts. ((CBC)) Home Depot admits that it has been charging customers across B.C. seven per cent provincial sales tax on numerous tax-exempt items for at least a year and a half." }, { "docid": "2181643", "title": "-", "text": "Enter your Home Depot Tax ID and password and press Sign In. To create a tax-exempt account with The Home Depot, click the Sign Up button below. This account is for tax exempt purchases only. This account is separate from your online shopping account." }, { "docid": "3674133", "title": "-", "text": "90 Day Carpet Satisfaction Replacement Guarantee (on carpet purchased and installed through The Home Depot). Guarantee valid for carpet purchased and installed through The Home Depot." }, { "docid": "6567924", "title": "-", "text": "Top home depot distribution center jobs Marketing Coordinator The Empire Company - Zeeland, MI. Develop familiarity with branding standards for Lowe’s, Home Depot, and other major accounts. Work with Marketing Management to develop and implement successful... Greenhouse Laborer (Springfield, Ohio)" }, { "docid": "2855724", "title": "Assistance", "text": "Your AT&T VoiceMail Service access number is: 1-888-288-8893. When calling from home, if prompted, enter your password followed by #. If you are not calling from home, you will be prompted to enter your 10-digit telephone number followed by your password, then just follow the system prompts." }, { "docid": "4380063", "title": "-", "text": "326 Area Code. area code. 1 A three-digit number that identifies one of the telephone service regions into which the US, Canada, and certain other countries are divided and that is dialed when calling from one area to another. a number usually of 3 digits assigned to a telephone area as in the United States and Canada. 2 A telephone numbering plan is a type of numbering scheme used in telecommunications to allocate telephone numbers to subscribers and to route telephone calls in a telephone network." }, { "docid": "3256967", "title": "-", "text": "A Prepaid Account enables you to purchase prepaid phone services for receiving phone calls on one specifically designated telephone number (a home phone, cell phone or business phone). The inmate can make calls only to that designated telephone number." }, { "docid": "1562701", "title": "Florida State University Branch of SunTrust Bank in Tallahassee, FL", "text": "The FDIC Certificate Number for Florida State University Branch office of SunTrust Bank in Tallahassee, FL is 867. This unique NUMBER is assigned by the FDIC and is used to identify institutions and for the issuance of insurance certificates by FDIC." }, { "docid": "8299862", "title": "how long should info about background check and drug test for home depot take? 5 years ago", "text": "Background check at home depot-Home Depot Jobs | : Get Help Today. background check-Home Depot Jobs | Indeed.com: I applied at Home Depot, had an interview, was offered the job for which I applied, signed a consent form for a background check and took a drug test.I took the drug test within 24 hours of the interview as I was advised to do but I haven't heard back from them. The interview was on 30 April and it is now 8 May. applied at Home Depot, had an interview, was offered the job for which I applied, signed a consent form for a background check and took a drug test. I took the drug test within 24 hours of the interview as I was advised to do but I haven't heard back from them." }, { "docid": "2086959", "title": "-", "text": "Compare with other Office Depot phone numbers Compare all Office Depot contact info Find another company phone number." } ]
home uses for enzymes
[ { "docid": "5941530", "title": "-", "text": "Use of enzymes in the home. Enzymes can be taken out of organisms, purified and then used in science and industry. One common use in the home is in biological washing powders.These contain amylase, lipases and proteases and break down any stains that contain carbohydrate, fat and protein. They therefore digest “biological” stains from the clothes.any enzymes are used in the preparation of many different foods. For example, amylases which are present in yeast are used in brewing and baking to convert sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Proteases are used in tenderising meat." } ]
[ { "docid": "911371", "title": "Do You Have High Liver Enzymes or a Fatty Liver?", "text": "Liver Enzymes. High liver enzymes are one of the more frequent findings at a routine doctor visit. Potentially indicating liver damage, high liver enzymes are detected by a simple blood test. While liver enzymes are usually found in the liver, damage to this important organ causes the enzymes to leak into the bloodstream." }, { "docid": "6516428", "title": "-", "text": "Elevated liver enzymes in children. Isolated elevation of liver enzymes in most children is generally benign and need not be a cause for immediate action or concern. Findings of prolonged abnormal liver enzymes are not rare in infants and young children." }, { "docid": "2364758", "title": "How to Clean Dog Urine with White Vinegar", "text": "Vinegar breaks down the enzymes to clean the area and remove the odors from your home. Blot up the wet urine using old bath or paper towels. Apply pressure by standing on the towels until they come away almost dry. This helps to remove as much of the urine as possible." }, { "docid": "2962183", "title": "What happens when a cells lysosomes burst?", "text": "What can happen when a lysosome burst inside the cell and all the enzymes are released in the cytoplasm? when lysosomes bursts in the cytoplasm it enzymes will try to digest or break down the cell and organelle. Since lysosomes produce digestive enzymes, the cell will literally start to eat itself." }, { "docid": "3798139", "title": "Energy, Enzymes, and Catalysis Problem Set", "text": "Enzymes are biological catalysts. Catalysts lower the activation energy for reactions. The lower the activation energy for a reaction, the faster the rate. Thus enzymes speed up reactions by lowering activation energy.Many enzymes change shape when substrates bind. This is termed induced fit, meaning that the precise orientation of the enzyme required for catalytic activity can be induced by the binding of the substrate. Enzymes have active sites.atalysts lower the activation energy for reactions. The lower the activation energy for a reaction, the faster the rate. Thus enzymes speed up reactions by lowering activation energy. Many enzymes change shape when substrates bind." }, { "docid": "5522247", "title": "-", "text": "Enzymes, particularly protease, are an excellent defense against viruses. More specifically, enzymes are “catalysts” of biochemical reactions, which increase the rate of a reaction. There are thousands of these reactions that occur in your body every second that could not occur without the help of proper enzymes." }, { "docid": "2942021", "title": "Enzymes In Food: High-Enzyme Foods", "text": "Benefits of high-enzyme foods. Enzymes are special proteins that act as the life force in living beings. In both plants and animals, enzymes carry out all the activities of metabolism. Some enzymes from the plant or animal's life are retained in uncooked food." }, { "docid": "4269923", "title": "-", "text": "(Answer #1). Enzymes are typically proteins or modified proteins which are used to control the rate of a reaction. In the case of the pancreatic enzymes trypsin, chymotrypsin, lipase, and amylase, all are used to facilitate the breakdown of foods.Enzymes, like other proteins, are coded for by the DNA of the cell.Answer #1). Enzymes are typically proteins or modified proteins which are used to control the rate of a reaction. In the case of the pancreatic enzymes trypsin, chymotrypsin, lipase, and amylase, all are used to facilitate the breakdown of foods." }, { "docid": "1057062", "title": "Does small intestine secrete digestive enzymes?", "text": "There are not many enzymes that the small intestine produces. They are mostly secreted by the pancreas. Aminopeptidase is an example. The small intestine also produces enzymes used in digestion but don't actually break up food molecules.These activate other enzymes. An example is enterokinase.minopeptidase is an example. The small intestine also produces enzymes used in digestion but don't actually break up food molecules. These activate other enzymes. An example is enterokinase." }, { "docid": "8653209", "title": "Elementary Kinetics", "text": "KINETICS IN BIOCHEMISTRY: THE ACTION OF CATALYSTS. Virtually all of the chemical reactions that occur in our bodies are catalyzed by enzymes. Without enzymes, these reactions would occur too slowly to be biologically relevant. It is important to understand what an enzyme can do, and what it cannot do. What enzymes can do, and do very well, is speed up reactions." }, { "docid": "5709730", "title": "Blanching: What it is, Why to blanch before freezing and drying vegetables and fruits, and How to blanch!", "text": "Blanching slows or stops the action of enzymes. Up until harvest time, enzymes cause vegetables to grow and mature. If vegetables are not blanched, or blanching is not long enough, the enzymes continue to be active during frozen storage causing off-colors, off-flavors and toughening." }, { "docid": "2260473", "title": "The Advantages & Disadvantages of Using Enzymes in Medicine and Industry", "text": "In medicine, enzymes can work with organisms (antibiotics, enzyme. leakages) and against us (bacteria). However in industry enzymes are used for a different application, so. that it could save the industry money over time or gain more money as. a result of enzymes improving the image of its products." }, { "docid": "7629098", "title": "-", "text": "B) enzymes are made of DNA, and affected individuals lack DNA polymerase. C) many metabolic enzymes use DNA as a cofactor, and affected individuals have mutations that prevent their enzymes from interacting efficiently with DNA." }, { "docid": "968361", "title": "-", "text": "Food enzymes can survive the pH of the stomach (about 4.5 to 5.5) for some time and so can contribute to the digestion of food while in the stomach. Animals, including humans, produce the enzymes they need from amino acids. The more raw food you eat, the less digestive enzymes your body needs to produce." }, { "docid": "4612385", "title": "Chemical Digestion of Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats", "text": "Bile salts emulsify fats and oils into droplets, allowing enzymes to begin the chemical digestion of fats. Pancreatic juice containing a mixture of enzymes also enters the small intestine. These enzymes include proteases to break down proteins, lipases that digest fats and more amylase to finish splitting carbohydrates.Fats are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol, proteins into peptides and amino acids, and carbohydrates become simple sugars such as glucose and fructose.ile salts emulsify fats and oils into droplets, allowing enzymes to begin the chemical digestion of fats. Pancreatic juice containing a mixture of enzymes also enters the small intestine. These enzymes include proteases to break down proteins, lipases that digest fats and more amylase to finish splitting carbohydrates." }, { "docid": "2417781", "title": "Which one of these organelles contains hydrolytic enzymes?", "text": "it's A. lysosome. your lysosome has hydrolytic enzymes like proteases, lipases, and carbohydrases that can breakdown different molecules in the cell. Peroxisome is wrong because it contains oxidative enzymes that help in the anti-aging process." }, { "docid": "1312423", "title": "Food_and_Nutritional_Toxicology", "text": "This is the basis for ‘canning’ of vegetables – the heat destroys the enzymes and this preserves the food. Food enzymes can survive the pH of the stomach (about 4.5 to 5.5) for some time and so can contribute to the digestion of food while in the stomach. Animals, including humans, produce the enzymes they need from amino acids. The more raw food you eat, the less digestive enzymes your body needs to produce." }, { "docid": "720959", "title": "-", "text": "You sure can't tell by looking or smelling though! For urine stains and smells on clothing, you need something with enzymes to remove them. Use a good detergent with enzymes, such as Wisk or Sears Stain-fighting Plus or any of the others out there! Use vinegar as your fabric softener." }, { "docid": "4739913", "title": "Acid/Alkaline Theory of Disease Is Nonsense", "text": "All chemical reactions in your body are started by chemicals called enzymes. For example, if you convert chemical A to chemical B and release energy, enzymes must start these reactions. All enzymes function in a very narrow range of acidity. (The degree of acidity or alkalinity is expressed as pH.)." }, { "docid": "289835", "title": "-", "text": "Enzymes have a part which holds the substrate: a claw, cleft, hollow or knob to grasp, hold, stretch and bend the molecule it acts on, the substrate. p37 There are thousands of different enzymes." }, { "docid": "3672799", "title": "What Is an Enzyme Structure and Function?", "text": "Improve your understanding of enzyme structure and function with this definition of the process, complete with enzyme classifications and examples. To understand the structure and function of enzymes, it's first important to know what exactly enzymes are. Simply put, enzymes are proteins that participate in cellular metabolic processes with the ability to enhance the rate of reaction between bio-molecules. Life would not exist without the presence of enzymes." }, { "docid": "1412833", "title": "Bromelain (Pineapple enzyme)", "text": "Bromelain aids digestion by enhancing the effects of the digestive enzymes trypsin and pepin. It can also help to prevent heartburn by ease diarrhea, if either are caused by a deficiency of digestive enzymes.Bromelain supplements often contain a plant pigment called quercetin.romelain aids digestion by enhancing the effects of the digestive enzymes trypsin and pepin. It can also help to prevent heartburn by ease diarrhea, if either are caused by a deficiency of digestive enzymes. Bromelain supplements often contain a plant pigment called quercetin." }, { "docid": "1512035", "title": "-", "text": "Enzymes are important to living organisms in a way that it helps accelerating chemical reactions that make up the life processes of our body. Lack of enzymes cause aging process which can be reversed by taking enzymes supplements as to overcome enzyme deficiency." }, { "docid": "8167392", "title": "Pancreatic enzymes", "text": "Tips to obtain the best results from pancreatic enzymes: 1 Take enzymes with every meal or snack that contains fat, especially meat, dairy, bread and desserts. 2 Start with the smallest dose necessary. 3 Take the enzymes at the beginning of the meal or snack. 4 Swallow intact tablets and capsules with liquid at mealtimes." }, { "docid": "5989249", "title": "What Are Systemic Proteolytic Enzymes and How Can You Benefit from Them?", "text": "The most important thing that systemic proteolytic enzymes do is to break down excess fibrin in your circulatory system and in other connective tissue, such as your muscles. These enzymes bring nutrients and oxygen-rich blood that remove the metabolic waste produced by inflammation and excess fibrin.ystemic proteolytic enzymes, however, have a completely different purpose, so please don't confuse the two. When taken on an empty stomach, proteolytic enzymes will pass through the stomach or intestine lining and enter the circulatory system." }, { "docid": "8039698", "title": "-", "text": "Of some of the polypeptides (proteins) some are enzymes. Enzymes catalyse reactions. Their poltpeptide shape--tertiary structure enables them to do this, as they have an active site which binds to the substrate." }, { "docid": "5509677", "title": "Anti-Nutrient: Enzyme Inhibitors", "text": "Anti-Nutrient: Enzyme Inhibitors. Enzyme inhibitors are another type of anti-nutrient. Before we get into enzyme inhibitors, let's talk about what enzymes are. Enzymes are catalysts for every chemical reaction in our body-from walking and talking to healing and digesting.Without these enzymes we could not live.nti-Nutrient: Enzyme Inhibitors. Enzyme inhibitors are another type of anti-nutrient. Before we get into enzyme inhibitors, let's talk about what enzymes are. Enzymes are catalysts for every chemical reaction in our body-from walking and talking to healing and digesting." }, { "docid": "3994103", "title": "What's the average temperature of our stomach?", "text": "In a healthy individual, just about always between 37°C and 42°C, which is the range of temperatures required for our digestive enzymes to work most efficiently. [Effects of temperature and pH on digestive enzymes activities in W..." }, { "docid": "6779585", "title": "Meat Tenderizing Enzymes", "text": "Some of these types of tenderizers are blended with various spices and flavor enhancers such as monosodium glutamate. Further refinements of home use are the incorporation of the enzymes in marinades that both flavor and tenderize tough cuts of meat. The major application of tenderizer in today’s market is beef." }, { "docid": "1802414", "title": "Zymogens", "text": "Digestive enzymes are released in inactive forms called zymogens. This is necessary to prevent the digestive enzymes from digesting the cells that produce them. In a zymogen, a peptide blocks the active site of the enzyme.Cleaving off this peptide activates the enzyme.igestive enzymes are released in inactive forms called zymogens. This is necessary to prevent the digestive enzymes from digesting the cells that produce them. In a zymogen, a peptide blocks the active site of the enzyme." } ]
hormone and receptor interactions are based on
[ { "docid": "2412179", "title": "-", "text": "Cells must have specific membrane or intracellular receptors to which hormones can bind. Target cell response depends on three factors: blood levels of the hormone, relative numbers of target cell receptors, and affinity of the receptor for the hormone." } ]
[ { "docid": "271780", "title": "Evista", "text": "Evista (chemical name: raloxifene) is a SERM approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to: 1 reduce the risk of hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer in postmenopausal women who haven't been diagnosed but are at higher-than-average risk for disease." }, { "docid": "343711", "title": "Dihydrotestosterone â DHT", "text": "Dihydrotestosterone is actually a more potent sex hormone than testosterone. In fact, it is the strongest male androgen. It binds to the same receptor as testosterone but does so with two to three times more affinity. It also remains bound to the receptor five times longer than testosterone." }, { "docid": "123871", "title": "Ciprofloxacin and Zyvox drug interactions - from FDA reports", "text": "Drug interactions are reported among people who take Ciprofloxacin and Zyvox together. This review analyzes the effectiveness and drug interactions between Ciprofloxacin and Zyvox. It is created by eHealthMe based on reports of 181 people who take the same drugs from FDA, and is updated regularly." }, { "docid": "4887252", "title": "-", "text": "And in some rarer types of breast cancer, the cancer cells may not form a tumor at all. Breast cancer can also be classified based on proteins on or in the cancer cells, into groups like hormone receptor-positive or triple-negative." }, { "docid": "7022280", "title": "-", "text": "When you are gathering data on individual. behaviors or interactions between people. Observation allows you to watch peoples’. behaviors and interactions directly, or watch for. the results of behaviors or interactions." }, { "docid": "3451417", "title": "Hormones, Receptors and Target Cells", "text": "1 Paracrine action: the hormone acts locally by diffusing from its source to target cells in the neighborhood. 2 Autocrine action: the hormone acts on the same cell that produced it. Agonists are molecules that bind the receptor and induce all the post-receptor events that lead to a biologic effect." }, { "docid": "4630703", "title": "-", "text": "Interestingly, growth hormone must bind to two receptor molecules simultaneously to mediate its function. The hormone binds on the outside of the cell, bringing two receptors together. PDB entry 3hhr , shown here, includes the extracellular portion of two receptors bound to growth hormone." }, { "docid": "1400312", "title": "What Is Anastrozole Used For?", "text": "Specific anastrozole uses include treating postmenopausal women with: 1 Early breast cancer that is hormone receptor-positive. It is used after breast cancer surgery with or without radiation. 2 Advanced or metastatic breast cancer that is either hormone receptor-positive or the hormone receptor status is not known." }, { "docid": "118475", "title": "Popular Study Materials from Biology 100a", "text": "Obese people who have high levels of leptin may have a leptin receptor with decreased sensitivity. Vasopressin is a hormone that is primarily released when the body is low on water. Release of vasopressin causes the kidneys to conserve water by concentrating urine and decreasing urine output." }, { "docid": "7776751", "title": "-", "text": "Receptor - Alpha-cells in Islets of Langerhans (Pancreas) Transmission - Alpha-cells secrete hormone glucagon Effector - Skeletal muscles, liver and fat Response Liver & Skeletal muscles –glycogen converted to glucose Fat – increases fat mobility" }, { "docid": "1907643", "title": "Hormones, Receptors and Target Cells", "text": "A target cell responds to a hormone because it bears receptors for the hormone. In other words, a particular cell is a target cell for a hormone if it contains functional receptors for that hormone, and cells which do not have such a receptor cannot be influenced directly by that hormone.Reception of a radio broadcast provides a good analogy.n other words, a particular cell is a target cell for a hormone if it contains functional receptors for that hormone, and cells which do not have such a receptor cannot be influenced directly by that hormone. Reception of a radio broadcast provides a good analogy." }, { "docid": "1478882", "title": "Hormone", "text": "Hormone synthesis may occur in specific tissues of endocrine glands or in other specialized cells. Hormone synthesis occurs in response to specific biochemical signals induced by a wide range of regulatory systems.ormones affect distant cells by binding to specific receptor proteins in the target cell resulting in a change in cell function. When a hormone binds to the receptor, it results in the activation of a signal transduction pathway." }, { "docid": "6927932", "title": "Symbiosis", "text": "In ecology, biological interactions can involve individuals of the same species (intraspecific interactions) or individuals of different species (interspecific interactions).These can be further classified by either the mechanism of the interaction or the strength, duration and direction of their effects.iological interactions are the effects that the organisms in a community have on one another." }, { "docid": "2412180", "title": "Hormones, Receptors and Target Cells", "text": "In other words, a particular cell is a target cell for a hormone if it contains functional receptors for that hormone, and cells which do not have such a receptor cannot be influenced directly by that hormone." }, { "docid": "4320054", "title": "Cardiac Muscle Contraction", "text": "Activation of adenylyl cyclase following binding of an appropriate hormone (e.g., epinephrine, glucagon) to a Gs protein – coupled receptor. Following ligand binding to the receptor, the Gs protein relays the hormone signal to (more...)" }, { "docid": "5591390", "title": "-", "text": "The Dwarfs of Sindh: severe growth hormone (GH) deficiency caused by a mutation in the GH-releasing hormone receptor gene. Baumann G(1), Maheshwari H.Author information: (1)Department of Medicine, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, Illinois 60611, USA. [PubMed-indexed for MEDLINE].he Dwarfs of Sindh: severe growth hormone (GH) deficiency caused by a mutation in the GH-releasing hormone receptor gene. Baumann G(1), Maheshwari H." }, { "docid": "6920064", "title": "-", "text": "1 A ligand is any molecule that binds to a specific site on a protein or other molecule. 2 In this case, the estrogen hormone 17-beta-estradiol is the ligand, and the estrogen receptor is the protein.lick here to read about Steroid Hormone Receptors... When steroid and thyroid hormones bind with hormone receptors inside the cell, they trigger the gene expression that ultimately leads to protein production. But first, the hormones must get to the cell, enter it, and bind to a receptor to produce an effect." }, { "docid": "3483189", "title": "Hormone Receptor Status", "text": "Hormonal therapy includes medications that either (1) lower the amount of estrogen in your body or (2) block estrogen from supporting the growth and function of breast cells. If the breast cancer cells have hormone receptors, then these medications could help to slow or even stop their growth. If the cancer is hormone-receptor-negative (no receptors are present), then hormonal therapy is unlikely to work. You and your doctor will then choose other kinds of treatment." }, { "docid": "5217209", "title": "VITAMIN D RECEPTOR; VDR", "text": "Vitamin D receptor (VDR) is an intracellular hormone receptor that specifically binds 1,25(OH)2D3 and mediates its effects (summary by Baker et al., 1988, Liberman and Marx, 2001, and Koren, 2006)." }, { "docid": "1084636", "title": "-", "text": "Thyroid Hormone Receptors. Thyroid hormones act by binding to cytosolic receptors of the steroid-thyroid hormone receptor superfamily (nuclear receptors) identified as thyroid hormone receptors (TR). There are two TR receptors designated TRα and TRβ encoded by the THRA and THRB genes, respectively.hyroid Hormone Receptors. Thyroid hormones act by binding to cytosolic receptors of the steroid-thyroid hormone receptor superfamily (nuclear receptors) identified as thyroid hormone receptors (TR). There are two TR receptors designated TRα and TRβ encoded by the THRA and THRB genes, respectively." }, { "docid": "3401935", "title": "Parathyroid hormone-related peptide: expression in prostate cancer bone metastases", "text": "Parathyroid hormone-related peptide: expression in prostate cancer bone metastases. A A G Bryden, S Islam, A J Freemont, J H Shanks, N J R George and N W Clarke.xpression of parathyroid hormone-related protein and its receptor in bone metastases from prostate cancer. J Pathol 2000; 191: 170-174. Article MEDLINE. 27 Lee C et al. Expression of parathyroid hormone-like protein in prostate cancer and prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. J Urol 1997; 157: (Suppl 4) 225." }, { "docid": "5681376", "title": "Principles of Biochemistry/Hormones", "text": "1 Transport of the hormone to the target cell(s). 2 Recognition of the hormone by an associated cell membrane or intracellular receptor protein. 3 Relay and amplification of the received hormonal signal via a signal transduction process: This then leads to a cellular response." }, { "docid": "7101066", "title": "-", "text": "In addition to G protein–coupled receptors, platelets express 3 glycoproteins that belong to the family of immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif receptors: Fc receptor γ chain, which is noncovalently associated with the glycoprotein VI collagen receptor, C-type lectin 2, the receptor for podoplanin, and Fc receptor γII A, a low-affinity receptor for immune complexes." }, { "docid": "3473215", "title": "-", "text": "Several factors can stimulate or inhibit the release of growth hormone. Some examples of growth hormone stimulators include: Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) that acts by binding to growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor (GHRHR). Ghrelin acts by binding to growth hormone secretagogue receptors (GHSR)." }, { "docid": "5309594", "title": "Receptor (biochemistry)", "text": "A molecule that binds to a receptor is called a ligand, and can be a peptide (short protein) or another small molecule such as a neurotransmitter, hormone, pharmaceutical drug, toxin, or parts of the outside of a virus or microbe.. Secondary Messengers. These are examples of membrane receptors. In biochemistry and pharmacology, a receptor is a protein molecule usually found embedded within the plasma membrane surface of a cell that receives chemical signals from outside the cell." }, { "docid": "7582832", "title": "Thyroid Hormone Receptors", "text": "Receptors for thyroid hormones are members of a large family of nuclear receptors that include those of the steroid hormones. They function as hormone-activated transcription factors and thereby act by modulating gene expression.In contrast to steroid hormone receptors, thyroid hormone receptors bind DNA in the absence of hormone, usually leading to transcriptional repression.Hormone binding is associated with a conformational change in the receptor that causes it to function as a transcriptional activator.hey function as hormone-activated transcription factors and thereby act by modulating gene expression. In contrast to steroid hormone receptors, thyroid hormone receptors bind DNA in the absence of hormone, usually leading to transcriptional repression." }, { "docid": "3982993", "title": "Translations for target cell", "text": "Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 target cell(Noun) any cell having a specific receptor for an antibody, antigen or hormone. 2 target cell(Noun) an abnormal red blood cell with a ringed appearance, associated with some anemias." }, { "docid": "2187795", "title": "Common and treatable", "text": "Estrogen receptor-positive (ER-positive) breast cancer is the most common type of breast cancer diagnosed today. According to the American Cancer Society, about 2 out of every 3 cases of breast cancer are hormone receptor-positive." }, { "docid": "6857985", "title": "Thyroid-stimulating hormone", "text": "TSH (with a half life of about an hour) stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete the hormone thyroxine (T 4), which has only a slight effect on metabolism. T 4 is converted to triiodothyronine (T 3), which is the active hormone that stimulates metabolism.About 80% of this conversion is in the liver and other organs, and 20% in the thyroid itself. TSH is secreted throughout life but particularly reaches high levels during the periods of rapid growth and development.timulation of the receptor increases T 3 and T 4 production and secretion. Stimulating antibodies to this receptor mimic TSH and cause Graves' disease. In addition, hCG shows some cross-reactivity to the TSH receptor and therefore can stimulate production of thyroid hormones." }, { "docid": "7579828", "title": "Steroid hormone receptor", "text": "Steroid hormone receptor: Related Topics. These medical condition or symptom topics may be relevant to medical information for Steroid hormone receptor: 1 Steroid hormone. 2 Hormone receptor.teroid hormone receptor: Related Topics. These medical condition or symptom topics may be relevant to medical information for Steroid hormone receptor: 1 Steroid hormone. 2 Hormone receptor." } ]
arby's roast beef calories
[ { "docid": "6575329", "title": "-", "text": "Calories In Arbys roast beef cheddar no bun. Calories: 440, Fat: 24g, Carbs: 5g, Protein: 38g, Fiber: 0g. Calories In Better Than Arbys Roast Beef Calories: 159, Fat: 4g, Carbs: 14g, Protein: 19g, Fiber: 0g. Calories Burned For Video: 14-Minute Cardio Dance Workout from Hemalayaa's Bollywood Burn DVD. Calories Burned For Nordic Walking (with poles): 2 mph (30 minutes per mile)" } ]
[ { "docid": "6332713", "title": "Eating Out at Cheddar's", "text": "The American Heart Association recommends eating two to three fish meals each week! • Fish is a better quality of protein but has less calories. Catfish and ground beef are about 18% protein. However at 8oz each, catfish is 232 calories, while 8oz of ground beef is over 600 calories." }, { "docid": "1426908", "title": "Calories in roast beef sandwich", "text": "Find nutritional information like calories, carbs, fat, protein and fiber for roast turkey.ind nutritional information like calories, carbs, fat, protein and fiber for roast turkey." }, { "docid": "3009727", "title": "-", "text": "ROAST BEEF MANHATTAN. The same amount of the following ingredients are used for a 3 to 5 pound rolled rump roast. Place roast in a large pan. Pour 1/2 large bottle of catsup over roast; over the catsup sprinkle 2 tablespoons salt, 1 tablespoon pepper. Fill pan around roast with at least 3 quarts water." }, { "docid": "371976", "title": "Roast Beef Cook Time", "text": "There are even a few beef roasts, especially some of the tougher roasts from the round or chuck, that are best when cooked with high heat at the start (to sear the outside of the meat and seal in the juices) and then cooked at a lower temperature to finish the roast.oth the top loin roast and the tenderloin roast are often cooked quickly at high heat, which seals in the juices. Both beef roasts are usually cooked to no more than medium doneness to ensure that the meat remains tender and moist." }, { "docid": "282541", "title": "-", "text": "1 The precise answer to the question “How long does a cooked roast of beef last?” depends to a large extent on storage conditions — refrigerate roast beef within two hours of cooking." }, { "docid": "3259456", "title": "-", "text": "Season before or after warming period. 10. FOOLPROOF RIB ROAST OF BEEF. Plan your day ... are going to roast the beef in the A.M. ... stand at room temperature for 1 hour ... should read 150 F for medium rare/medium when done." }, { "docid": "6507511", "title": "How long do you cook a 2.2 pound beef roast?", "text": "How long you would cook a 2.2 pound beef roast depends upon how you like it cooked. For a rare beef roast, cook at 200 degrees Celsius/390 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minute … s. For a medium beef roast, cook for 45 minutes or for well done meat, cook for an hour. + 8 others found this useful. MaryLou Inciarrano. ." }, { "docid": "2473567", "title": "Arby's", "text": "From Our Editors. For food in a flash, head to Arbys in Jonesborough's Jonesborough district. If you're strapped for time, take out food from this restaurant. Drivers will find parking not far from the restaurant. Dining out doesn t have to be an expensive luxury, and Arbys serves deliciousness that everyone can afford." }, { "docid": "8631990", "title": "How to Cook a Juicy Tender Roast Beef", "text": "How to Cook a Juicy Tender Roast Beef. Sliced roast beef. Roast beef can be a scary proposition if you're not practiced with the preparation. It's a somewhat intimidating cut and dish, and when it goes wrong, the dried-out, tough, chewy, discolored results aren't a big hit. For the best results, start with the best cuts; loin and rib cuts are the most naturally tender and juicy." }, { "docid": "3758038", "title": "Calories in Korean Beef Bowl", "text": "Here are the foods from our food nutrition database that were used for the nutrition calculations of this recipe. Calories per serving of Korean Beef Bowl. 190 calories of Beef, 90% Lean Ground Beef from Sirloin, (4 oz). 66 calories of Brown Sugar, (0.08 cup, packed)." }, { "docid": "3421647", "title": "How long do you cook a 2.2 pound beef roast?", "text": "How long you would cook a 2.2 pound beef roast depends upon how you like it cooked. For a rare beef roast, cook at 200 degrees Celsius/390 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minute … s. For a medium beef roast, cook for 45 minutes or for well done meat, cook for an hour.ow long you would cook a 2.2 pound beef roast depends upon how you like it cooked. For a rare beef roast, cook at 200 degrees Celsius/390 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minute … s. For a medium beef roast, cook for 45 minutes or for well done meat, cook for an hour." }, { "docid": "8338067", "title": "Calories in Beef Biryani", "text": "Here are the foods from our food nutrition database that were used for the nutrition calculations of this recipe. Calories per serving of Beef Biryani.263 calories of Beef chuck, arm pot roast, (88.75 grams). 152 calories of Basmati rice (dry, Asda), (43.75 gram(s)).47 calories of Canola Oil, (0.38 tbsp). 10 calories of Onions, raw, (0.25 medium (2-1/2 dia)).9 calories of Yogurt, plain, low fat, (0.06 cup (8 fl oz)).52 calories of Basmati rice (dry, Asda), (43.75 gram(s)). 47 calories of Canola Oil, (0.38 tbsp). 10 calories of Onions, raw, (0.25 medium (2-1/2 dia)). 9 calories of Yogurt, plain, low fat, (0.06 cup (8 fl oz))." }, { "docid": "6502666", "title": "-", "text": "Calories in Similar Recipes. 1 Calories in Beef Brisket. 2 Calories in Beef Brisket w/ Savory Sauteed Apples. 3 Calories in Crock Pot Beef Brisket. 4 Calories in Dan's Carrots, Peas and Beef Stir Fry. 5 Calories in Beef Brisket with Mop Sauce. 6 Calories in crockpot brisket. 7 Calories in Smoked Beef Brisket with Chocolate Ancho Rub." }, { "docid": "1112761", "title": "How to Cook a Rolled Beef Chuck Roast in the Oven", "text": "Step 7. Cook the rolled beef roast for roughly 3 hours for a 4- to 5-pound roast, or until the meat is fork-tender. Check the roast periodically and spoon the braising liquid over the meat." }, { "docid": "2781026", "title": "How Long After Buying a Beef Roast Is It Good to Cook?", "text": "It's also important to refrigerate any leftovers promptly to keep them safe. Refrigerate leftover roast beef within two hours of serving it. Reduce this time to one hour in hot weather. Wrap the roast beef tightly in plastic wrap or place it in covered containers. Store it in a refrigerator set at 40 F and eat it within two to three days." }, { "docid": "2921184", "title": "-", "text": "1 The best way is to smell and look at the roast beef: signs of bad roast beef are a sour smell and a slimy texture to the cooked roast beef; discard any roast beef with an off smell or appearance, do not taste the roast beef first." }, { "docid": "4271800", "title": "How To Cook Beef Chuck Pot Roast Crock Pot Recipes Crockpot Recipe Slow Cooker Dinner Ideas Jazevox", "text": "How to cook Beef Chuck Pot Roast recipe in a crockpot. Easy dinner ideas crock pot recipes. This is a slow cook version using a slow cooker that will take around 7 to 8 hours to cook for the beef roast meat to become tender, cooking time may vary depending on your crock pot." }, { "docid": "109670", "title": "Worst Sandwiches Slideshow: Double-Fisted Diet Wreckers", "text": "Subway: Better Bet. Keep your personal calorie count low with the 6-inch Black Forest Ham Sandwich. This 6-inch sub has 290 calories, 4.5 g fat, 1g saturated fat, and 800 mg sodium. The restaurant has other low-calorie choices: roast chicken, roast beef, club, turkey breast, turkey breast and ham, veggie delight, or sweet onion chicken teriyaki." }, { "docid": "8308594", "title": "-", "text": "1 Calories, Fat, Protein, Fiber, & Carbs In Angus Beef Burger. 2 Calories, Fat, Protein, Fiber, & Carbs In Pret A Manger Chili Angus Beef. Calories, Fat, Protein, Fiber, & Carbs In Scholtzskys Sandwiches Angus Beef & Provolone." }, { "docid": "4020017", "title": "Oven Roasting Guidelines for Beef", "text": "The three terms that cause the most confusion are “rib roast,” “ribeye roast,” and “prime rib.” Here's what you need to know: 1 A rib roast, like the name says, has the bones left in. 2 A ribeye roast is a rib roast with the bones removed. A prime rib doesn't refer to a specific cut of beef. Rather, it is another name for sliced portions from a beef rib roast or ribeye roast after it is roasted. These roasts come from the rib primal section that consists of the 6th through 12th ribs. TIP: It's better to ask the butcher for a rib or ribeye roast instead asking for a prime rib." }, { "docid": "6577137", "title": "Roast Beef", "text": "marinade for beef. When smoking roast beef, the thickness of your roast will determine how long it needs to cook. In general, cook on high for no more than 20 minutes per pound, but you’ll probably want to turn the temperature gauge to 2/3 along the way." }, { "docid": "3673478", "title": "-", "text": "For a Serving Size of 1 wrap (218.3g) How many calories are in Roast Beef Wrap with 12 Whole Wheat Tortilla? Amount of calories in Roast Beef Wrap with 12 Whole Wheat Tortilla: Calories 440." }, { "docid": "795089", "title": "-", "text": "A beef roast cooked to medium-rare should have an internal temperature of 145°F - 150ºF after the resting period, and a roast cooked to medium should have an internal temperature of 150°F to 160ºF. (See the note below). See Beef Doneness for more information on proper cooking temperatures.o not cover the roast and do not add any liquid (liquid is used for braising, not roasting). Allow the beef to roast at 450°F for 45 minutes and then begin checking the internal temperature of the meat with a meat thermometer." }, { "docid": "1432385", "title": "How Many Calories in Lean Roast Beef", "text": "How Many Calories in Lean Roast Beef. View calories and nutrition info per 1oz/28g of Lean Roast Beef and see how many calories are in 100g of Lean Roast Beef and its nutrition information. Lean Roast Beef Calories and Nutrition per Serving (1 Serving=1oz/28g) Calories (with Percentage) for each Nutrient for 100g of Lean Roast Beef." }, { "docid": "1633382", "title": "How to Make a Medium Rare Roast Beef", "text": "Cooking time depends on the size of the roast and the cut of meat. Also pay attention to the meat thermometer to ensure the beef is medium rare. For a standing rib roast or a top sirloin, the meat needs to cook for 20 to 22 minutes per pound.For a top round roast, the meat needs to cook for 30 to 33 minutes per pound.lace roast beef on a shallow roasting pan, fat side up, in the oven. Do not cover or add liquid. Insert a meat thermometer into the middle of the roast so it touches solid muscle and not fat or gristle. Estimate how long the beef needs to cook." }, { "docid": "5873928", "title": "-", "text": "You usually cook it in a braising liquid. Begin start by searing it then cook it with aromatic vegetables in a flavorful liquid such as beef broth, red wine, or canned tomatoes. Pot roast usually comes from the beef chuck arm roast." }, { "docid": "3639657", "title": "Calories in beef roast", "text": "Find nutritional information like calories, carbs, fat, protein and fiber for beef roast." }, { "docid": "1446922", "title": "Calories in Arbys", "text": "Calories, Fat, Protein, Fiber, & Carbs In Arbys Roast Chicken. Calories In Arbys brisket no bun Calories: 440, Fat: 33g, Carbs: 7g, Protein: 29g, Fiber: 0g. Calories In Arbys roast beef cheddar no bun. Calories: 440, Fat: 24g, Carbs: 5g, Protein: 38g, Fiber: 0g. Calories In Lite Version of Arbys Chicken Salad Calories: 165, Fat: 12g, Carbs: 11g, Protein: 4g, Fiber: 2g." }, { "docid": "8266464", "title": "-", "text": "1 Calories In BBQ Beef Sirloin Roast. 243 calories, 10g fat, 4g carbs, 34g protein, 0g fiber. 2 Calories Burned For Treadmill: 10% Incline, 15 km/h (4 minutes per km) Calories Burned For Treadmill: 10% Incline, 12 km/h (5 minutes per km)" }, { "docid": "3673476", "title": "-", "text": "How many calories are in Roast Beef Wrap with 12 Whole Wheat Tortilla? Amount of calories in Roast Beef Wrap with 12 Whole Wheat Tortilla: Calories Calories from Fat (%)" } ]
hotels in miami international airport
[ { "docid": "6617845", "title": "Miami International Airport Hotel", "text": "Situated in the airport, in Miami, this hotel is close to Curtiss Mansion, Grapeland Water Park, and Miami Springs Golf Course. Also nearby are Miami Jai Alai and Magic City Casino. In addition to a restaurant, Miami International Airport Hotel features a porter/bellhop." } ]
[ { "docid": "5689479", "title": "Major airports near Glendale, Arizona:", "text": "Major airports near Glendale, Arizona: The nearest major airport is Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX / KPHX). This airport has international and domestic flights from Phoenix, Arizona and is 15 miles from the center of Glendale, AZ. Another major airport is Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport (AZA / KIWA), which has domestic flights from Mesa, Arizona and is 45 miles from Glendale, AZ. Search for direct flights from your hometown and find hotels near Glendale, AZ, or scroll down for more international airports or domestic airports." }, { "docid": "2678803", "title": "Major airports near East Palo Alto, California:", "text": "Oakland International Airport (OAK / KOAK) has international and domestic flights from Oakland, California and is 27 miles from East Palo Alto, CA. Search for direct flights from your hometown and find hotels near East Palo Alto, CA, or scroll down for more international airports or domestic airports." }, { "docid": "5269761", "title": "Major airports near Arlington, Virginia:", "text": "Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI / KBWI) has international and domestic flights from Baltimore, Maryland and is 35 miles from Washington, DC. Search for direct flights from your hometown and find hotels near Washington, DC, or scroll down for more international airports or domestic airports." }, { "docid": "6889455", "title": "Key West International Airport", "text": "More places in Florida . Miami ; Tampa ; Key West International Airport ; Southwest Florida International Airport ; Orlando ; NASA Shuttle Landing Facility ; Boca Raton Airport ; Kissimmee Gateway Airport ; Miami Beach Coast Guard Station ; Naval Air Station Key West ; Daytona Beach International Airport ; Pompano Beach Airpark ; Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport ; Page Field Fort Myers ; Tampa Bay Area ; Miami Beach" }, { "docid": "6771020", "title": "-", "text": "Best price guaranteed! 1 Hotels near Ghent Airport 2 ». Browse & Book hotels in Belgium 3 ». Ghent Airport hotels – list of hotels near Ghent Airport »." }, { "docid": "2472220", "title": "-", "text": "Closest Airport to Islamorada, FL. The closest airport to Islamorada is Miami International Airport (MIA). Distance from Miami International Airport to Islamorada, FL is 102,5 kilometers (63,7 miles). Miami International Airport (MIA)" }, { "docid": "1301848", "title": "-", "text": "Airport Hotels. There are variety of hotels and motels conveniently located near Newark Liberty International Airport, including the Newark Liberty Marriott, which is in the heart of the airport itself. Here are some nearby choices.irport Hotels. There are variety of hotels and motels conveniently located near Newark Liberty International Airport, including the Newark Liberty Marriott, which is in the heart of the airport itself. Here are some nearby choices." }, { "docid": "2116380", "title": "Travel time from Miami airport to cruise ship terminal", "text": "The distance from the Miami Airport to the Port of Miami is about eight miles. If you have roller bags you could probably walk it in four hours." }, { "docid": "4953784", "title": "-", "text": "Distance from Southwest Florida International Airport to Miami International Airport (MIA), Miami. Distance from Southwest Florida International Airport to Minneapolis-St Paul International/Wold-Chamberlain Airport (MSP), Minneapolis." }, { "docid": "8036892", "title": "Annual Weather Averages Near Treasure Island", "text": "Annual Weather Averages Near Treasure Island Averages are for Miami International Airport, which is 11 miles from Treasure Island. Based on weather reports collected during 1985–2015." }, { "docid": "7083126", "title": "-", "text": "Fort Lauderdale – Hollywood International Airport, FLL About 3 mi S of Fort Lauderdale; Miami International Airport, MIA About 24 mi SSW of Fort Lauderdale; Palm Beach International Airport, PBI About 39 mi N of Fort Lauderdale; Other cities near Fort Lauderdale" }, { "docid": "6131913", "title": "Miami Airport ( MIA ) Nearby Airports by Distance", "text": "GREATER METRO AREA AIRPORTS. 1 While Miami Airport is huge and has countless domestic & international airlines with direct and connecting flights to all parts of the world, Fort Lauderdale to the north of Miami offers a more sedate environment, but with fewer flight choices." }, { "docid": "6521651", "title": "Flights from Toronto to Miami from $210.72", "text": "The Miami International airport is the major airport serving Miami and the South Florida area. It is located just eight miles from downtown Miami and 12 miles from Miami Beach. The airport serves as a hub for many different airlines, including American Airlines. Other airlines that fly into the airport include Delta, Alaska Airlines, Air Canada and SBA Airlines." }, { "docid": "4448349", "title": "-", "text": "vacation deals to FLL. Driving distance from Port of Miami, FL to FLL. The total driving distance from Port of Miami, FL to FLL is 28 miles or 45 kilometers. Your trip begins in Port of Miami, Florida. It ends at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport in Fort Lauderdale, Florida." }, { "docid": "2691732", "title": "-", "text": "You can easily find Paris airport hotels using one of the methods below: 1 View our selection of featured hotels near Paris Airport. 2 Use the map to find hotels in the Paris neighborhood you prefer. 3 Enter your departure and arrival dates to view the best deals on hotels nearby XPG Airport - while they last." }, { "docid": "5450021", "title": "-", "text": "AirportParking.com has you covered for Chicago O’Hare International Airport parking. Feel safe with 24-hour security at all locations, while getting to your flight on time is easy with free airport shuttles. There are12 parking areas to choose from, including five located within nearby airport hotels." }, { "docid": "6971487", "title": "-", "text": "Montgomery Airport Hotels Hotels near Montgomery Airport, 6 miles southwest of downtown Montgomery. Downtown Montgomery Hotels Includes hotels near Maxwell AFB, Convention Center, Troy University, Riverwalk Stadium, and the State Capitol." }, { "docid": "6377637", "title": "-", "text": "Miami International Airport Phone Number - Miami Airport Customer Service (Toll-Free Contact Number): 1-800-825-5642 - Passenger Information: 305-876 Phone Number You are here: Home / Airports / Miami International Airport Phone Number. – Miami Airport Customer Service (Toll-Free Contact Number): 1-800-825-5642. – Passenger Information: 305-876-7000. Address: – 2100 NW 42nd Ave. – Miami, Fl 33142. – Website: www.miami-airport.com Miami International Airport is the largest U.S. getaway for Latin America and the Caribbean." }, { "docid": "3671954", "title": "-", "text": "Around John F. Kennedy International Airport-JFK. 1 Cities. 2 Queens 118 hotels. 3 Brooklyn 94 hotels. 4 Garden City 4 hotels. 5 Lynbrook 3 hotels. 6 Rockville Centre 3 hotels. 7 Long Beach 2 hotels. 8 Great Neck 2 hotels. 9 Lawrence 1 hotels. 10 Valley Stream 1 hotels. 11 Floral Park 1 hotels. 12 Freeport 1 hotels. 13 Uniondale 1 hotels." }, { "docid": "3249535", "title": "Orlando International Airport", "text": "In terms of commercial airline service, the Greater Orlando area is also served by Orlando Sanford International Airport (SFB), and more indirectly by Daytona Beach International Airport (DAB), Melbourne International Airport (MLB), and Tampa International Airport (TPA)." }, { "docid": "5456466", "title": "Flights from Fort Wayne to Indianapolis from $353.58", "text": "Transportation to the Airport. A taxi to Fort Wayne International Airport costs between $20 and $30 from downtown and takes about 15 to 20 minutes. If you are leaving Fort Wayne after a vacation in the area, local hotels offer shuttle service directly from your hotel to the airport." }, { "docid": "6067543", "title": "-", "text": "Best Hotels in Commerce City Based on 529 guest reviews Red Lion Inn & Suites Denver International Airport #1 of 2 hotels in Commerce City. From $93 per night. “Great airport hotel”. “excellent place for airport overnight.”. Read more reviews of hotels in Commerce City." }, { "docid": "111063", "title": "-", "text": "Flight time from Miami to Seoul via Tokyo • MIA to GMP via NRT. Flight duration from Miami International Airport to Gimpo International Airport via New Tokyo International Airport, Japan on American Airlines flight is 39 hours 40 minutes." }, { "docid": "1753038", "title": "Major airports near Scottsdale, Arizona:", "text": "Major airports near Scottsdale, Arizona: The nearest major airport is Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX / KPHX). This airport has international and domestic flights from Phoenix, Arizona and is 13 miles from the center of Scottsdale, AZ. Another major airport is Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport (AZA / KIWA), which has domestic flights from Mesa, Arizona and is 30 miles from Scottsdale, AZ. Search for direct flights from your hometown and find hotels near Scottsdale, AZ, or scroll down for more international airports or domestic airports." }, { "docid": "2782219", "title": "-", "text": "Formerly officially known as Johannesburg International Airport, the OR Tambo International Airport is a large airport near the city of Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. It serves as the primary airport for domestic and international travel to or from South Africa." }, { "docid": "4697935", "title": "-", "text": "Nearest major airport to Pittsburgh International Airport: The closest major airport to Pittsburgh International Airport is Arnold Palmer Regional Airport (LBE / KLBE).This airport is in Latrobe, Pennsylvania and is 62 miles from PIT.If you're looking for domestic flights to LBE, check the airlines that fly to LBE.earest major airport to Pittsburgh International Airport: The closest major airport to Pittsburgh International Airport is Arnold Palmer Regional Airport (LBE / KLBE)." }, { "docid": "7294453", "title": "-", "text": "Driving distance from FLL to MIA. The total driving distance from FLL to MIA is 32 miles or 51 kilometers. Your trip begins at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It ends at Miami International Airport in Miami, Florida. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from FLL to MIA so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination." }, { "docid": "855772", "title": "Hotels in Fort Lauderdale near Hollywood International Airport (FLL)", "text": "Hotels in Fort Lauderdale near Hollywood International Airport (FLL) Are you looking for a cheap Hollywood International Airport (FLL) hotel, a 5 star Hollywood International Airport (FLL) hotel or a family friendly Hollywood International Airport (FLL) hotel?" }, { "docid": "3452255", "title": "Nearest major airport to Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport:", "text": "Nearest major airport to Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport: The closest major airport to Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport is Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport (AZA / KIWA). This airport is in Mesa, Arizona and is 30 miles from PHX. If you're looking for domestic flights to AZA, check the airlines that fly to AZA. Search for direct flights from your hometown and find hotels near PHX, or scroll down for more international airports or domestic airports." }, { "docid": "7237306", "title": "Gander International Airport, Gander, Canada [ YQX / CYQX ]", "text": "If you are planning to travel to Gander or any other city in Canada, this airport locator will be a very useful tool. This page gives complete information about the Gander International Airport along with the airport location map, Time Zone, lattitude and longitude, Current time and date, hotels near the airport etc... Gander International Airport Map showing the location of this airport in Canada. Gander Airport IATA Code, ICAO Code, exchange rate etc... is also provided." } ]
hotels in orange city florida
[ { "docid": "3611203", "title": "-", "text": "Best Hotels in Orange City Based on 590 guest reviews Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Orange City #1 of 5 hotels in Orange City. From $79 per night. “A great escape”. “Very good !!!”. Quality Inn Orange City #2 of 5 hotels in Orange City. From $70 per night. “Ok for short term stay. 3 day max.”." }, { "docid": "3611206", "title": "-", "text": "Cheap hotels within 10 miles of Orange City. 1 Hampton Inn Debary/Deltona 2.5 stars Excellent 4.2 / 5( 85 genuine reviews ) Hotels.com® RewardsFor every 10 nights, get 1 free! 70 people looked at this hotel in the last hour. Most recent review Very clean rooms and SUPER FRIENDLY staff." } ]
[ { "docid": "6098875", "title": "Lake Havasu City Map â Satellite Images of Lake Havasu City", "text": "Lake Havasu City hotels map. The location of each Lake Havasu City hotel listed is shown on the detailed zoomable map. Moreover, Lake Havasu City hotel map is available where all hotels in Lake Havasu City are marked." }, { "docid": "3973522", "title": "-", "text": "Where to stay in Lincoln City. Whether you're planning to stay for a night or for the week, Lincoln City has accommodations to fit every need. There are 87 hotels in the Lincoln City area and you can shop as many as 23 deals for rooms on Hotels.com, some with discounts of up to 40%. • 1 27 2-star hotels with an average price of $50 per night. • 2 41 3-star hotels with an average price of $78 per night. • 16 4-star hotels with an average price of $149 per night." }, { "docid": "3397719", "title": "-", "text": "Major airports near Amelia City, Florida: The nearest major airport is Jacksonville International Airport (JAX / KJAX). This airport has international and domestic flights from Jacksonville, Florida and is 28 miles from the center of Amelia City, FL." }, { "docid": "877144", "title": "-", "text": "The Panama City area has one local newspapers but there are several others in NW Florida. Panama City Areas. The Panama City area of the Florida Gulf coast consists of several municipalities. The following towns are some you may want to consider." }, { "docid": "8060069", "title": "Edgewood, Florida", "text": "Edgewood, Florida. Edgewood is a city in Orange County, Florida, United States. The population was 2,503 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Orlando–Kissimmee–Sanford Metropolitan Statistical Area." }, { "docid": "2038792", "title": "Crime rate in Florida City, Florida (FL): murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries, thefts, auto thefts, arson, law enforcement employees, police officers, crime map", "text": "The ratio of number of residents in Florida City to the number of sex offenders is 662 to 1. The number of registered sex offenders compared to the number of residents in this city is near the state average. See how dangerous Florida City, FL is compared to nearest cities: (Note: Higher means more crime)" }, { "docid": "4871046", "title": "How many hotels in New York City?", "text": "Main number registered by Hotel Association of New York City trade organization is 245. But New York City official guide counts it as 258 hotels. 32,000 people are working in these hotels for 69,587 rooms." }, { "docid": "141265", "title": "Ocoee", "text": "Ocoee, FL. Online Offers. Ocoee is a city in Orange County, Florida, United States. According to the 2000 census, the city proper had a population of 24,391. As of 2006, the population recorded by the U.S. Census Bureau is 30,654. It is part of the Orlando–Kissimmee Metropolitan Statistical Area. It was the site of a racially aimed pogrom on Election day, 1920, mentioned in the Federal writer's project book on Florida. Ocoee is located at 28°34′27″N 81°31′50″W / 28.574050°N 81.530596°W / 28.574050; -81.530596." }, { "docid": "587380", "title": "-", "text": "2015 FLORIDA HOTEL TAX RATES BY COUNTY. Posted on Jan 4, 2015 By James Sutton, CPA, Esq. Florida enjoys a very robust tourism industry with its beaches, fishing, diving, and a seemly endless supply of good restaurants, theme parks, and yes – hotels." }, { "docid": "6742729", "title": "Florida State Road 414", "text": "The road then briefly travels through Seminole County, Florida and the city of Altamonte Springs , with an interchange with State Road 434 before ending at U.S. Highway 441 in Lockhart, Florida in Orange County, Florida. The road previously ended here prior to the opening of the toll road section further west." }, { "docid": "1592826", "title": "Bonita Springs, Florida", "text": "Bonita Springs, Florida. Bonita Springs is a city in Lee County, Florida, United States. The population was 43,914 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Cape Coral-Fort Myers, Florida Metropolitan Statistical Area. The city is located on the southwest coast of the state." }, { "docid": "4591071", "title": "Winter Haven, Florida", "text": "Winter Haven, Florida. Winter Haven is a city in Polk County, Florida, United States. The population was 33,874 at the 2010 census. According to the U.S. Census Bureau's 2015 estimates, the city had a population of 37,689, making it the second most populated city in Polk County. It is a principal city of the Lakeland-Winter Haven, Florida Metropolitan Statistical Area." }, { "docid": "5468563", "title": "Quito", "text": "Best Seville City Center Hotels. Downtown Seville Hotels. 7 travelers mentioned downtown and city centre hotel when describing this hotel. It is located in downtown, nice building, but without pool and during summer in Seville, this is a must." }, { "docid": "8056964", "title": "Nearest major airport to Everglades City, Florida:", "text": "The closest major airport to Everglades City, Florida is Naples Municipal Airport (APF / KAPF). This airport is in Naples, Florida and is 37 miles from the center of Everglades City, FL. If you're looking for domestic flights to APF, check the airlines that fly to APF. Search for direct flights from your hometown and find hotels near Everglades City, FL, or scroll down for more international airports or domestic airports. You can also browse local airports if you're a pilot." }, { "docid": "6048581", "title": "-", "text": "Hotels near Port Canaveral Cruise Terminals – Cape Canaveral, Florida. See Closest Hotels. Port Canaveral is located in the city of Cape Canaveral. It is just north of Cocoa Beach and Patrick Air Force Base ... and 55 miles east of Orlando. Cruise lines originating from the Port Canaveral cruise terminal include Carnival, Disney, and Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines." }, { "docid": "6402722", "title": "Distance between cities in Florida", "text": "cities in Florida. Check the driving and straight line distance between any Florida town or city and any other location in the world. Simply select your starting point by picking a city from the list below. a. b." }, { "docid": "2407643", "title": "Hotels in Livingston, California", "text": "Search for hotels in Bay City with Hotels.com by checking our online map. Our maps display the areas and neighborhoods around all Bay City hotels so you can see how close you are from landmarks and attractions, and then refine your search within the larger area." }, { "docid": "3267436", "title": "-", "text": "Kemah.Net went live July 4, 1998 presenting Kemah through my pictures and representing Hotels in all cities in Texas, Hotels in Kemah, neighboring cities League City and Seabrook, Hotels in the United States and Hotels on all Continents. Thanks again for making your reservations via Kemah.Net. Home." }, { "docid": "8206118", "title": "-", "text": "Search Hotels near Top Layton Attractions. Top 10 Hotels in Layton. This waterfront resort sits on 1/4 mile of tropical waterfront in the heart of the Florida Keys. This Florida Keys resort is on Duck Key, surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico." }, { "docid": "2679799", "title": "Orange, California", "text": "Orange, California. Orange is a city located in Orange County, California. It is approximately 3 miles (4.8 kilometers) north of the county seat, Santa Ana. Orange is unusual in this region because many of the homes in its Old Town District were built prior to 1920." }, { "docid": "7723705", "title": "-", "text": "Hotels in 37050 - Cumberland City TN. Only hotels in 37050 zip code are listed below. Search for cheap and discount hotel rates in Cumberland City, TN for your upcoming leisure or conference / group travel. We list the best 37050 hotels and motels so you can review the Cumberland City hotel list below to find the perfect lodging. Hotels in Stewart county and area code 931 are also listed." }, { "docid": "7298389", "title": "-", "text": "US Hotels. Boston, Chicago, LA, New York City, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington DC, Hawaii, others Europe Hotels. Frankfurt, London, Paris, Rome, Vienna, others Caribbean Hotels. Bahamas, Cayman, others Asia Hotels Dubai, Jerusalem, India, Seoul, Japan, others Australia Hotels. Sydney, Melbourne, others Africa Hotels and Rest of the world." }, { "docid": "1686590", "title": "TDY Lodging Tyndall AFB, FL, Florida", "text": "Tyndall Air Force Base Lodging & Housing. Browse our Tyndall Air Force Base Lodging options off base including military and government rate hotels near the world famous Panama City Florida and Pensacola FL beaches. If PCS-ing and waiting for housing on base at Tyndall Air Force Base, TDY Lodging has all the temporary housing and billeting solutions for many Panama City Beach hotels." }, { "docid": "4419211", "title": "-", "text": "Find Popular Hotel Deals & Destinations in the U.S.A.: 1 Visit Sin City. Let any one of the luxurious Las Vegas hotels pamper you. 2 Stay at Myrtle Beach hotels and experience hospitality only the sun outshines. 3 The boardwalk and a stay at hotels in Atlantic City make for an unforgettable getaway." }, { "docid": "1598082", "title": "Lakeland, Florida", "text": "Lakeland, Florida. Lakeland is a city in Polk County, Florida, United States, east of Tampa. According to the 2013 U.S. Census Bureau estimate, the city had a population of 100,710." }, { "docid": "7298389", "title": "-", "text": "US Hotels. Boston, Chicago, LA, New York City, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington DC, Hawaii, others Europe Hotels. Frankfurt, London, Paris, Rome, Vienna, others Caribbean Hotels. Bahamas, Cayman, others Asia Hotels Dubai, Jerusalem, India, Seoul, Japan, others Australia Hotels. Sydney, Melbourne, others Africa Hotels and Rest of the world." }, { "docid": "8653860", "title": "-", "text": "Key Zip or Address or click on the map. This page shows a Google Map with an overlay of Zip Codes for Orlando, Orange County, Florida. Users can easily view the boundaries of each Zip Code. Orlando, Orange County, Florida Zip Code Map Boundary Version 3.0 Copyright © 1996-2014 John Coryat - USNaviguide. All rights reserved." }, { "docid": "3709171", "title": "Assessment and Terminology: Critical Issues in Wound Care", "text": "Years ago, during my marketing and sales period, a nurse approached me during a break at a seminar to ask my advice about a patient and his wound. Instead of describing the patient and his problems, she began by describing the wound as the size of a Florida orange. My confusion must have been apparent by the bumfuddled look on my face because she added You know ... a Florida orange ..." }, { "docid": "1221517", "title": "United States of America Book a HotelInOutCheck RatesUnderstandGeography Climate History Government and politics Culture Holidays Units of measure Electricity For more informationGet inLaw and bureaucracy Planning and pre-arrival documentation Arriving in the United States By plane By car By bus By boat By train By footGet aroundBy plane By train By boat By car By bus By recreational vehicle (RV) By motorcycle By thumb 5-1-1SeeNatural scenery Historical attractions Monuments and architecture Museums and galleries ItinerariesDo BuyMoney Currency exchange and banking Credit and debit cards Gift cards Sales tax Places for shopping Major U.S. retail chains Costs Tipping Comics and cartoonsEatTypes of restaurants Types of service Types of food Etiquette SmokingSleep Stay SafePolice Texting and driving 911 Emergency services Border Patrol Natural disasters Gay and lesbian Illicit drugs Racism Islam Curfew Animals Prostitution Firearms", "text": "Enjoy the Magic of Orlando, FL with Orlando Hotels. Orlando, Florida, is home to some of the nation’s greatest indoor and outdoor attractions. There are theme parks, golf courses, great dining and shopping – all within close proximity to Florida beaches and wildlife." }, { "docid": "8178479", "title": "Florida City Shooting", "text": "Police Investigating Shooting Of Florida City TeenPolice are investigating a shooting in Florida City Monday night involving a 14-year-old boy. Florida City Teen Accused Of Murder Faces JudgeA 15-year-old accused of murdering another teen in Florida City was in court Friday." } ]
hours discovery cove
[ { "docid": "976471", "title": "About Discovery Cove", "text": "Discovery Cove is a full day adventure with water ways open from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. daily. Check in and breakfast begins at 7:15 a.m." } ]
[ { "docid": "7189085", "title": "Disable Network Protocols in the Network Adapter", "text": "Microsoft LLDP Protocol Driver: The Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) is a link layer protocol used by network devices for advertising their identity, capabilities and neighbors on an IEEE 802 local area network. Link-Layer Topology Discovery: The Link-Layer Topology Discovery service is a kernel mode driver." }, { "docid": "7150327", "title": "-", "text": "The captain of the ship which Discovery Channel storm chaser Joel Taylor died on board of a suspected drug overdose posed up with Grease star Olivia Newton-John just hours after the tragedy. Home u.k." }, { "docid": "4092882", "title": "Twitter IPO: as it happened", "text": "14.57: Sources at the New York Stock Exchange have said it will take its time over price discovery, the mechanism by which its Twitter's opening price. Usually this process takes around 15 minutes for a new listing, but NYSE will spend longer on an IPO as high profile as Twitter's. It could take as long as two hours." }, { "docid": "5026334", "title": "Welcome to Colony Cove", "text": "Colony Cove is a luxury condominium development complex located in St. Croix, the largest of the U.S. Virgin Islands. Located beachfront, Colony Cove comprises four multi-unit buildings (A, B, C & D), each three floors, totaling 60 apartment units, with a large pool and lush grounds." }, { "docid": "1849861", "title": "Lane Cove National Park", "text": "The Lane Cove National Park is popular with walkers, joggers and cyclists. The Lane Cove River Tourist Park, operated by the NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service, is located within Lane Cove National Park.The main walking track along the Lane Cove River forms part of the The Great North Walk from Sydney CBD to Newcastle.This track incorporates a number of old tracks that were, in many cases, old logging trails. A rare mushroom Hygrocybe aurantipes was discovered in Lane Cove National Park in 1990.he Lane Cove National Park is popular with walkers, joggers and cyclists. The Lane Cove River Tourist Park, operated by the NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service, is located within Lane Cove National Park." }, { "docid": "7951536", "title": "Navagio", "text": "Navagio Beach and Shipwreck of the MV Panagiotis at 'Smugglers Cove' Zakynthos. Navagio bay, crystal clear waters. Navagio Beach (Greek: ναυάγιο, pronounced [naˈvaʝo]), or Shipwreck Beach, is an exposed cove, sometimes referred to as Smugglers Cove, on the coast of Zakynthos, in the Ionian Islands of Greece. Navagio Beach was originally known as Agios Georgios." }, { "docid": "4977924", "title": "Bluegreen Vacations Fountains, Ascend Resort Collection", "text": "International Drive. Situated on Lake Eve, this 3-star Orlando condominium resort is within 3 miles of both Discovery Cove and SeaWorld. Wet N' Wild is 4 miles from the resort, and Walt Disney World Resort is 8 miles away." }, { "docid": "2885651", "title": "-", "text": "Extragastric H2-receptors. Bertaccini G, Coruzzi G. The discovery of H2-receptors by Black and coworkers opened a new era in the history of histaminology. Their importance became apparent when, soon after their discovery, the physiological role of histamine in the regulation of gastric secretion was clarified.he discovery of H2-receptors by Black and coworkers opened a new era in the history of histaminology." }, { "docid": "4433560", "title": "Cades Cove", "text": "Cades Cove is a broad, verdant valley surrounded by mountains and is one of the most popular destinations in the Great Smokies. It offers some of the best opportunities for wildlife viewing in the park." }, { "docid": "4619670", "title": "The Boating Guide to Party Cove", "text": "Every large lake in America boasts a party cove but the Lake of the Ozarks likely hosts the largest one in the U.S. Located within the state park, the official name of the party cove is Anderson Hollow Cove and it is actually the third location of party cove since it started." }, { "docid": "4089008", "title": "âDeadliest Catchâ Spinoff Coming To Discovery Channel", "text": "‘Deadliest Catch’ Spinoff Coming To Discovery Channel. Discovery Channel is spinning off its Deadliest Catch series, with a new series that explores the lives of Dungeness crab fishermen and their families in and around Newport, OR." }, { "docid": "1202234", "title": "What is Discovery?", "text": "Conclusion of Discovery Most courts do not allow the parties to set a trial date until all discovery is completed by all parties. Given the schedules of the parties, the legal delays for providing answers, the number of parties involved, the discovery phase is the longest phase of any litigation." }, { "docid": "7263923", "title": "-", "text": "LED Cove Lighting 3 Creativity inside and outside the cove Coves in the center of the ceiling, curvilinear or round coves, vertical coves, and other special shapes and types of openings can create an extensive range of effects. Outside the cove, LED cove lighting fixtures can produce spectacular and innovative effects limited" }, { "docid": "4869680", "title": "The Gold Rush and Alaska", "text": "Gold was first discovered in Southeast Alaska in the 1870s. The first discovery was made near Sitka in 1872 and the second was made in 1876 in Windham Bay. These finds followed the discovery of gold nearby in British Columbia in 1861." }, { "docid": "5687188", "title": "Sleep deprivation leads to symptoms of schizophrenia, research shows", "text": "Twenty-four hours of sleep deprivation can lead to conditions in healthy persons similar to the symptoms of schizophrenia. This discovery was made by an international team of researchers, who point out that this effect should be investigated more closely in persons who have to work at night." }, { "docid": "8225421", "title": "Michelle Yeoh interview on playing a captain on \"Star Trek: Discovery\"", "text": "Yeoh pointed out that Star Trek: Discovery is set 200 years in the future. All this will be a definite thing of the past, she added. Watch the video above to see what else Yeoh reveals about Star Trek: Discovery. A special broadcast premiere of Star Trek: Discovery will air Sunday" }, { "docid": "3865781", "title": "Discovery Channel", "text": "Discovery Channel (formerly The Discovery Channel from 1985 to 1995, and often referred to as simply Discovery) is an American basic cable and satellite television channel (which is also delivered via IPTV, terrestrial television and internet television in other parts of the world) that is the flagship television property of Discovery Communications ..." }, { "docid": "8256706", "title": "BIG COVE TANNERY, FULTON COUNTY, ALLEGHENIES & VALLEYS, PENNSYLVANIA LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 3 of 3 listings", "text": "Looking for rural homes and land for sale in Big Cove Tannery, Fulton County, Pennsylvania? LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Big Cove Tannery, Fulton County, Pennsylvania, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates. You can also find Big Cove Tannery, Fulton County, Pennsylvania real estate agents who specialize in land and rural retreats. Sign up for our Big Cove Tannery, Fulton County, Pennsylvania email alerts and never miss out on a new listing again!" }, { "docid": "2765520", "title": "Cove, Oregon", "text": "Cove High School is located in the center of Cove, and attendance is around 100 students. Cove High School is a 2A school and a member of the Wapiti League of the OSAA, along with Burns, Elgin, Enterprise, Grant Union, Union and Imbler.amuel G. French was the first postmaster. To avoid confusion between Forest Cove and another Oregon community, Forest Grove in Washington County, post office authorities changed the name to Cove in 1868." }, { "docid": "6630944", "title": "-", "text": "Assignment Discovery: Baleen Whales Plates. Whales have baleen plates which are hair like strands that run down the side of their mouth and allow them to separate water from the fish they catch underwater. Learn more about baleen plates on Discovery Channel's Assignment Discovery.." }, { "docid": "8514689", "title": "FAQ/Walkthrough by Iron Knuckle", "text": "Go down the stairs and turn left. You will see a cave. It is called Meteor Falls. There is a sign near the entrance to the cove that says, 'Rustboro City Through Here.' Go inside the cove. This is only the easiest part of getting your Bagon." }, { "docid": "2917776", "title": "-", "text": "00 Building Not Permitted Non Urban Investment Catalogue North Arm Cove. North Arm Cove-Non Urban Land Catalogue-Building a home or any permanent structure not permitted-From $7,000. NORTH ARM COVE-Check out PRINTABLE BROCHURE tab to view council zoning." }, { "docid": "4425147", "title": "Discovery Press Web United States", "text": "From Original Productions, creators of the multiple Emmy Award-winning series DEADLIEST CATCH, comes DEADLIEST CATCH: DUNGEON COVE, premiering Tuesday, September 13 at 9 PM ET/PT on the Discovery Channel." }, { "docid": "3143924", "title": "Hotels Near Discovery Cove in Orlando, Florida", "text": "Hotel Options Near Discovery Cove. Discovery Cove, International Drive Hotel Information. Think of yourself in a brand-new city: you perhaps think you'll be wandering around downtown, noticing the architecture or the gorgeous landscapes wherever you look. However, Discovery Cove is one thing you are especially prepared for." }, { "docid": "8056271", "title": "-", "text": "'Killing Fields' on Discovery follows a real-life detective on a cold case. Discovery Channel. Det. Leslie Bradford at the gun range in Killing Fields.." }, { "docid": "525024", "title": "-", "text": "Cove Lighting. There are three common forms of architectural lighting, and cove lighting is a popular form. Cove lighting is placed in a ledge, shelf or recess high up on a wall, and the light is bounced toward the ceiling or upper wall. In this bedroom, the cove lighting illuminates the ceiling above the bed, adding a romantic feel." }, { "docid": "3547794", "title": "-", "text": "California Miyagi 1 Review(s) These Miyagi oysters are cultured in floating bags at the top of the water column where algae is most... Penn Cove Select Oysters - Penn Cove WA 1 Review(s) These oysters will amaze you with their fresh, full flavor and briny sweetness." }, { "docid": "3387381", "title": "âCedar Coveâ Season 3 Tribute", "text": "Laura is one of those actresses who can play anything they give her with such conviction and prowess, and it was a delight to see here in Cedar Cove for a change. I hope with all of my heart that they bring her back even though her character is now Warren’s ex-wife." }, { "docid": "139216", "title": "-", "text": "1 Dosing solely by the TSH and the total T4, or using the outdated Thyroid Panel. 2 Prescribing anti-depressants in lieu of evaluating and treating the free T3. 3 Telling thyroid patients that desiccated natural thyroid is unreliable, inconsistent, dangerous or outdated.ou take it three times a day–first, 3 hours after you wake up, then 3 hours after that, then 3 hours after that. Add them, divide by 3, and you get your first of five days of a Daily Average Temp (see the adrenal info page, Discovery Step Two, Test Four)." }, { "docid": "2468972", "title": "Electronic discovery", "text": "Electronic discovery (also E-discovery or ediscovery) refers to discovery in legal proceedings such as litigation, government investigations, or Freedom of Information Act requests, where the information sought is in electronic format (often referred to as electronically stored information or ESI)." } ]
how abundant is sulfur
[ { "docid": "3820321", "title": "-", "text": "A nonmetal, sulfur is the 10th most abundant element in the universe, according to the Jefferson National Linear Accelerator Laboratory. Today, it's most common use is in the manufacture of sulfuric acid, which in turn goes into fertilizers, batteries and cleaners." } ]
[ { "docid": "377367", "title": "-", "text": "1 The most abundant positively-charged ion in the earth's crust: 2 oxygen. 3 silicon. 4 sulfur. 5 iron. 6 The atomic number of an element is determined by its: 7 number of protons. 8 number of neutrons. 9 total of protons plus neutrons." }, { "docid": "3302587", "title": "-", "text": "Sulfur is one of the most abundant minerals on the planet, after calcium and phosphorus sulfur comes in third. It’s found in the soil and is carried into foods that we eat and is an important mineral for healthy tissue development. It’s very important for ligaments, tendons, muscles, bones, skin, hair and nails." }, { "docid": "516455", "title": "-", "text": "Meats including beef, chicken and fish contain sulfur. Legumes, such as beans and jicama also contain protein and sulfur. Nuts such as walnuts, almonds, cashews, as well as certain seeds, such as sesame seeds and sunflower seeds, contain sulfur." }, { "docid": "7805727", "title": "Octathiocane", "text": "Sulfur is a chemical element that is present in all living tissues. After calcium and phosphorus, it is the third most abundant mineral in the human body. Sulfur is also found in garlic, onions and broccoli." }, { "docid": "3820315", "title": "-", "text": "Sulfur is an abundant, yellow-colored multivalent non-metal. It is found as a pure element in nature and also as sulfide and sulfate minerals. Sulfur had been known and used since a long time in ancient Greece, China, and Egypt." }, { "docid": "2577324", "title": "Where is most of the earthâs sulfur stored", "text": "Sulfur is a bright yellow crystalline solid when at room temperature. Chemically, sulfur can react as either an oxidant or a reducing agent. It oxidizes most metals and several nonmetals, including carbon, which leads to its negative charge in most organosulfur compounds, but it reduces several strong oxidants, such as oxygen and fluorine How does sulfur cycles through the atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere ?" }, { "docid": "1692448", "title": "Atmospheric Chemistry of Earth's Troposphere", "text": "RSS Feeds. Nitrogen (N 2) is the most abundant gas in Earth's atmosphere, including the troposphere. This cartoon also depicts several other tropospheric gases, including oxygen (O 2), carbon dioxide (CO 2), water vapor (H 2 O), methane (CH 4), sulfur dioxide (SO 2), and carbon monoxide (CO). Click on image for full size." }, { "docid": "7926801", "title": "-", "text": "Lime sulfur is a fungicide and insecticide used to control a wide array of diseases and pests, including powdery mildew, scale, black rot and phomopsis. It is safe for use on most fruits, trees, vegetables and ornamental plants.hen to Apply Lime Sulfur. Lime sulfur can be applied in dormant or growing season. However, high concentrations of lime sulfur should only be used when grapes are dormant, because the sulfur spray may cause damage if applied when the green foliage appears, according to the Ohio State University website." }, { "docid": "2912103", "title": "IRON", "text": "Iron is the fourth most abundant element, by mass, in the Earth’s crust. The core of the Earth is thought to be largely composed of iron with nickel and sulfur. The most common iron-containing ore is haematite, but iron is found widely distributed in other minerals such as magnetite and taconite." }, { "docid": "7926804", "title": "Spraying Lime Sulfur on Grapevines", "text": "Grapes Sensitive to Sulfur. Despite the tempering advantages of lime on sulfur spray, some grapes are highly sensitive to it. On these plants, don't use lime sulfur until absolutely necessary or dilute it before applying.Chambourdin, Chancellor, Concord, DeChaunac, Foch, Ives and Rougeon are varieties sensitive to lime sulfur spray.espite the tempering advantages of lime on sulfur spray, some grapes are highly sensitive to it. On these plants, don't use lime sulfur until absolutely necessary or dilute it before applying." }, { "docid": "2433198", "title": "Empirical formula", "text": "In chemistry, the empirical formula of a chemical compound is the simplest positive integer ratio of atoms present in a compound. A simple example of this concept is that the empirical formula of sulfur monoxide, or SO, would simply be SO, as is the empirical formula of disulfur dioxide, S2O2. This means that sulfur monoxide and disulfur dioxide, both compounds of sulfur and oxygen, will have the same empirical formula." }, { "docid": "7142016", "title": "Sulfur", "text": "Sulfur is derived from the Latin word sulpur, which was Hellenized to sulphur. The spelling sulfur appears toward the end of the Classical period. (The true Greek word for sulfur, θεῖον, is the source of the international chemical prefix thio-.)" }, { "docid": "6729822", "title": "-", "text": "There are 4 very abundant elements found in living systems. These 4 abundant elements are oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen." }, { "docid": "7161749", "title": "Allotropy", "text": "A few of the non-Frasch processes for sulfur production may be mentioned. 1 Sulfur-bearing rock is piled into mounds. 2 Rock bearing sulfur is treated with superheated water in retorts, melting the sulfur, which flows out." }, { "docid": "6215817", "title": "-", "text": "Sulfur dioxide is an intermediate in the production of sulfuric acid, being converted to sulfur trioxide, and then to oleum, which is made into sulfuric acid. Sulfur dioxide for this purpose is made when sulfur combines with oxygen.ulfur dioxide is primarily produced for sulfuric acid manufacture (see contact process). In the United States in 1979, 23.6 million tonnes of sulfur dioxide were used in this way, compared with 150 thousand tonnes used for other purposes." }, { "docid": "3214182", "title": "It's Elemental", "text": "It displays three allotropic forms: orthorhombic, monoclinic and amorphous. The orthorhombic form is the most stable form of sulfur. Monoclinic sulfur exists between the temperatures of 96°C and 119°C and reverts back to the orthorhombic form when cooled." }, { "docid": "1758482", "title": "-", "text": "Ultra-low-sulfur diesel. Ultra-low-sulfur diesel (ULSD) is diesel fuel with substantially lowered sulfur content. Since 2006, almost all of the petroleum-based diesel fuel available in Europe and North America has been of a ULSD type." }, { "docid": "1300738", "title": "Sulfur, Rotten Eggs Burps (Belching), Foul Smelling Gas, Foods High in Sulfur", "text": "1 Remove as much as possible sulfur containing foods from your diet. 2 This may reduce sulfur smell of burps and gas in a day or two. 3 After that, you will still need to find the cause of belching or gas themselves.f you have sulfur burps after eating sulfur containing foods (check examples above in the article)you may visit a gastroenterologist and ask for a test for H. pylori. Help! I have had a couple cases of these but they usually are with nausea and vomitting." }, { "docid": "1816905", "title": "Sulfur: uses", "text": "Sulfur: uses The following uses for sulfur are gathered from a number of sources as well as from anecdotal comments. I'd be delighted to receive corrections as well as additional referenced uses (please use the feedback mechanism to add uses)." }, { "docid": "6037349", "title": "-", "text": "Israeli name. In Israeli, the name Zebedee means-abundant portion.The name Zebedee originated as an Israeli name. The name Zebedee is most often used as a boy name or male name.Israeli Name Meaning-abundant portion. Origin-Israel.Global Star Registery-Name a star after someone special!n Israeli, the name Zebedee means-abundant portion.The name Zebedee originated as an Israeli name. The name Zebedee is most often used as a boy name or male name. Israeli Name Meaning-abundant portion." }, { "docid": "1683866", "title": "-", "text": "SULFUR DIOXIDE -- Chemical Fact Sheet. What is it?1 Sulfur Dioxide is a colorless, corrosive gas with an irritating pungent odor. Some people perceive its odor as burnt matches. Its odor allows it to be detected." }, { "docid": "1722525", "title": "-", "text": "Know the Sulfur Content of Your Diesel Fuel. The sulfur content of on-road transportation diesel fuel is regulated by the federal government. The sulfur content has been greatly reduced in recent months, and it is critical that you know the sulfur content of the fuel you are using in your diesel engines on the farm.now the Sulfur Content of Your Diesel Fuel. The sulfur content of on-road transportation diesel fuel is regulated by the federal government. The sulfur content has been greatly reduced in recent months, and it is critical that you know the sulfur content of the fuel you are using in your diesel engines on the farm." }, { "docid": "8448619", "title": "Biogeochemical Cycles", "text": "Refining petroleum, smelting sulfur compounds or metallic minerals, burning sulfur containing fossil fuels, and using industrial processes. How does sulfur naturally enter the atmosphere? Ammonium sulfate found in sea spray, dimethyl sulfide emitted by some species of plankton, hydrogen sulfide from volcanoes, and hydrogen sulfide from decomposition." }, { "docid": "6941500", "title": "Sulfur Dioxide", "text": "Sulfur dioxide, SO2, is a colorless gas or liquid with a strong, choking odor. It is produced from the burning of fossil fuels (coal and oil) and the smelting of mineral ores (aluminum, copper, zinc, lead, and iron) that contain sulfur. Sulfur dioxide dissolves easily in water to form sulfuric acid." }, { "docid": "997919", "title": "Transition elements", "text": "Iron is the fourth most abundant element, by mass, in the Earth’s crust. The core of the Earth is thought to be largely composed of iron with nickel and sulfur. The most common iron-containing ore is haematite, but iron is found widely distributed in other minerals such as magnetite and taconite. Commercially, iron is produced in a blast furnace by heating haematite or magnetite with coke (carbon) and limestone (calcium carbonate)." }, { "docid": "1418698", "title": "Particulates", "text": "Related Links. 1 EPA – Sulfur Dioxide Effects on Health. 2 National Ambient Air Quality Standards. 3 State of Hawai'i Short Term SO2 Advisory. 4 AIRNow’s Hawai'i State Page – Map of Sulfur Dioxide Forecast. 5 Sulfur Effects on Visibility. 6 Atmospheric Sulfur Deposition." }, { "docid": "2011591", "title": "Sulfur in human nutrition and applications in medicine.", "text": "Because the role of elemental sulfur in human nutrition has not been studied extensively, it is the purpose of this article to emphasize the importance of this element in humans and discuss the therapeutic applications of sulfur compounds in medicine." }, { "docid": "8048354", "title": "Does Plants need both sulfur and phosphorus in order to grow and reproduce How do plants obtain sulfur and phosphorus?", "text": "Sulfur and Phosphorus are available to a small degree naturally in the soil. When they are depleted they can be added through fertilization or crop rotation. These traces are necessary for proper growth. Sulfur and Phosphorus are available to a small degree naturally in the soil." }, { "docid": "7351340", "title": "List of Foods That Contain Sulfur", "text": "Overview. Sulfur is a mineral found in the ground around volcanic craters and hot springs and occurs naturally in some plants, including grains, fruits and vegetables. Protein foods also contain sulfur, which may put vegetarians at risk for developing a sulfur deficiency.The mineral helps form muscles, hair and skin cells.verview. Sulfur is a mineral found in the ground around volcanic craters and hot springs and occurs naturally in some plants, including grains, fruits and vegetables. Protein foods also contain sulfur, which may put vegetarians at risk for developing a sulfur deficiency." }, { "docid": "5073151", "title": "Organic SulfurâWhy is sulfur so important to health and why has it been depleted in our foods?", "text": "The Sulfur Study. Early results of an experimental study using Organic Sulfur. The Cellular Matrix Study (referred to here as The Sulfur Study) was organized in 1999. This study was inspired by a fatal type of breast cancer, a type of germ cell reproductive cancer that had been reported to respond to organic sulfur." } ]
how anxiety causes pain
[ { "docid": "3940597", "title": "Can anxiety cause chest pain?", "text": "Anxiety is very common, but so is heart disease. Chest pain due to anxiety is most likely caused by muscle contractions in the chest wall, where the pain tends to be localized, and is often a sharp pain that is either fleeting or interrupts a breath." } ]
[ { "docid": "3843580", "title": "Study Finds Cymbalta Reduces Peripheral Neuropathy Pain", "text": "Cymbalta, which the US Food and Drug Administration initially approved in 2004, is indicated for the treatment of major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, and chronic musculoskeletal pain. Eli Lilly and Company markets the drug." }, { "docid": "6993664", "title": "-", "text": "NOT ALIKE: Amitriptyline is a tricyclic antidepressant for depression and some forms of anxiety, sometimes used for chronic pain or migraine. Xanax is a triazolobenzodiazepine or a benzodiazepine with an extra triazole ring structure." }, { "docid": "6040310", "title": "-", "text": "Never Take An Anxiety Drug Alone. Anxiety drugs have many side effects. But beyond that, if you don't pair an anxiety drug with some type of non-medicinal treatment, you're going to have an extremely difficult time preventing anxiety while off the drug. Learn how to cure you anxiety without medicine. Take my anxiety test now to learn more." }, { "docid": "5477720", "title": "-", "text": "Eating Tips For When You Have IBS Pain. Irritable Bowel Syndrome. When you are experiencing IBS pain, it can be hard to face the idea of food, but you know that you have to eat. It may help to ease some anxiety to know that by making some changes as to how you eat, you may actually help to ease the symptoms of abdominal pain and cramping." }, { "docid": "4135732", "title": "What To Do When Anxiety Causes Leg Pain", "text": "As long as you can relieve your anxiety, the leg pain should go away. Don't forget that anxiety can affect your body in strange ways. Even when you're not feeling any anxious thoughts, or any other anxiety symptoms, it's possible for your anxiety to cause physical symptoms." }, { "docid": "106239", "title": "Sensitivity Testing in Irritable Bowel Syndrome With Rectal Capsaicin Stimulations: Role of TRPV1 Upregulation and Sensitization in Visceral Hypersensitivity?", "text": "VH-IBS patients experienced a significantly increased perception of pain, but not urge, during capsaicin applications compared with normosensitive patients (ns-IBS) and HVs. Increased pain perception was significantly associated with anxiety and VH, symptoms scores of abdominal pain, loose stools, and stool frequency." }, { "docid": "7749944", "title": "Relaxation and Sleep", "text": "Relaxation and Sleep. Over the years I have often recommended relaxation training to patients for various stress related disorders such as chronic pain and anxiety. Relaxation is also an important intervention for sleep disorders." }, { "docid": "3778779", "title": "Chest Pain Anxiety Symptoms", "text": "Chest pain anxiety symptoms can persistently affect one area of the chest only, can shift and affect another area or areas of the chest, and can migrate all over the chest area. Chest pain anxiety symptoms can come and go rarely, occur frequently, or persist indefinitely." }, { "docid": "1597135", "title": "Do Anxiety Medications Work?", "text": "FastFeatures. If you are suffering from anxiety and are wondering if anxiety medications work, the answer is yes, they work.However, you need to understand that anxiety medications aren't the only treatment for anxiety, therapy is a viable option and learning to cope with your anxiety...anxiety,medications,disorders,symptoms,medications for anxiety disorders,treatments for anxiety disorders. 311. Monday, 28 Mar 2011 03:47 PM.ontact |. Print |. A A. If you are suffering from anxiety and are wondering if anxiety medications work, the answer is yes, they work." }, { "docid": "8770465", "title": "Tingling Feet - An Unusual Anxiety Symptom", "text": "Only a doctor can diagnose the cause of your tingling feet. But when all tests are negative, there's a good chance it's simply anxiety. Tingling feet is also rarely the only symptom. Take my free 7 minute anxiety test to score your anxiety severity and see what you can do to stop it. Start the anxiety test here. Different Types of Symptoms. Everyone describes the tingling feet sensation differently. Some claim it's like their foot fell asleep and is waking up. Others experience more of a pain or burning feeling. All of these may be versions of the same anxiety symptom. You'll want to speak to a doctor for your own peace of mind." }, { "docid": "71407", "title": "Fibromyalgia Symptoms", "text": "Advertisement. Fibromyalgia has been described as a constellation of symptoms affecting various body parts and functions. From muscle pain to sleep disturbances and anxiety, here are a few of the most prevalent symptoms." }, { "docid": "2704299", "title": "How Anxiety Induces Joint Pain", "text": "The first thing that you need to ask yourself is whether or not you have anxiety at all. Joint pain is never a standalone symptom of anxiety. It's something that develops as your anxiety develops. Take my anxiety test here to learn more about your anxiety and how to treat it. Anxiety and joint pain enjoy a complex relationship, and one that is not nearly as simple as saying anxiety causes joint pain.. The reality is that anxiety causes problems that affect the creation and experience of joint pain." }, { "docid": "7538103", "title": "Besides angina, what are other causes of chest pain?", "text": "Anxiety and panic attack. Inflammation of the lining of the lungs (pleuritis) causes sharp chest pain, which is aggravated by deep breathing and coughing. This condition is called pleurisy. Patients often notice a shortness of breath, in part due to their shallow breathing to minimize chest pain." }, { "docid": "2175413", "title": "-", "text": "Anxiety is among the many adverse effects of stress; it is the process during which a person becomes scared and apprehensive of what lays ahead, and often manifests itself in physical problems like pain, dizziness and panic attacks." }, { "docid": "5996964", "title": "Duloxetine (Cymbalta)", "text": "What is Duloxetine and what does it treat? Duloxetine is an antidepressant medication that works in the brain. It is approved for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain (DPNP), fibromyalgia, and chronic musculoskeletal pain." }, { "docid": "1878779", "title": "Fatigue and Upset stomach", "text": "Gastroenteritis is inflammation of the stomach and intestine that causes diarrhea and vomiting. Generalized anxiety disorder. Generalized anxiety disorder is a condition in which a person has nearly constant anxiety. Gastritis. Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining, causes stomach upset, irritation, and pain. Hay fever Hay fever, an allergic reaction to outdoor pollens and molds, causes nasal congestion, itchy eyes, and more." }, { "docid": "4759339", "title": "How Anxiety and Muscle Pain Relate", "text": "Those are just a few of the potential reasons that anxiety and muscle pain are related. Some people also find that their hyperventilation (a symptom of panic attacks) causes them to hyperventilate. Others find that they toss and turn at night or sleep in uncomfortable positions because of their anxiety.or you to overcome your own muscle pain, you need to react to that pain the same way that you would react to muscle pain caused by exercise, exertion, or even sleeping wrong: 1 Stretch often and make sure you're moving around. 2 Hydrate and eat healthy to nourish the muscles." }, { "docid": "1306196", "title": "The Anxious Mind and Body: Arm Pain Explained", "text": "The most common causes of arm pain include: 1 Muscle Tension The single most likely cause of arm pain is muscle tension. Anxiety causes muscles in the arms in the neck, shoulders, back, and arms to become very tense, and that tension may result in varying levels of pain." }, { "docid": "500331", "title": "Pot for pets? Cannabis now helping dogs and cats", "text": "Canna-Pet has only been selling to the public for about eight months and it's already shipping its products throughout the U.S. and 23 foreign countries. Dan Goldfarb, president of Canna-Pet, calls it an exploding market that will grow exponentially in the years ahead. There is no risk.elping with pain and anxiety. Graves has recommended hemp-based supplements for other dogs experiencing anxiety or pain. She's also used Canna-Pet in conjunction with cancer treatments and to boost appetite in dogs that won't eat." }, { "docid": "1794922", "title": "Anger Symptoms, Causes and Effects", "text": "Unresolved anger issues lead to anxiety, which can have long-term effects on your life. Immediate effects of anxiety might include dizziness, rapid breathing, nausea, muscle pain, muscle tension, headaches, and problems with concentration and memory." }, { "docid": "4602719", "title": "Sciatica Treatment Tens Unit", "text": "How Does Pain Relief Work Using TENS Machine.A short instructional video on using your new tens unit. Follow the link for morermation on this and many of our other products.. IcyHot Tens Therapy For Anxiety Pain.Tried a tens unit to help with PTSD anxiety body pain. Its awesome!!!!!. Magic Massage Tens Unit Therapy Massagers.Magic Massage Therapy You have to try it to believe it Aching back, neck pain, sore hips, knee or ankle pain, Sciatica, headaches, Fibromyalgia, Blood.." }, { "docid": "79219", "title": "Fetzima and Withdrawal syndrome - from FDA reports", "text": "Withdrawal syndrome (a discontinuation syndrome is a set of symptoms occurred due to discontinuation of substance) has been reported by people with depression, pain, stress and anxiety, fibromyalgia, back pain (latest reports from 16,148 Withdrawal syndrome patients). Browse all side effects of Fetzima a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z" }, { "docid": "3061079", "title": "-", "text": "Pain is not a symptom that exists alone. Other problems associated with pain can include: 1 Fatigue. 2 Sleeplessness. 3 Withdrawal from activity and increased need to rest. 4 Weakened immune system. 5 Changes in mood including hopelessness, fear, depression, irritability, anxiety, and stress. 6 Disability." }, { "docid": "1719569", "title": "11 Tips for Living With Chronic Pain", "text": "Reduce stress in your life, as it can intensify chronic pain. Negative feelings like anxiety, stress and anger can increase the body's sensitivity to pain. By learning to take control of stress, you may find some relief from chronic pain. Several techniques can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation." }, { "docid": "8595373", "title": "-", "text": "Migraines are a common type of headache that can cause severe pain, aura or flashes in vision, and tingling. Generalized anxiety disorder Generalized anxiety disorder is a condition in which a person has nearly constant anxiety." }, { "docid": "8302471", "title": "Chest Pain Anxiety Symptoms", "text": "Chest Pain Anxiety Symptoms description: Chest pain anxiety symptoms can feel like a pain, sharp shooting pains, or persistent chest pain in the chest area. It can also feel like you have muscle twitches and spasm in the chest. It can also feel like you have a burning, numbness, stabbing pain, an uneasiness, fullness, or pressure in the chest area." }, { "docid": "2441376", "title": "Social Anxiety, Chemical Imbalances,", "text": "Most people misunderstand the meaning of chemical imbalances in the brain. This phrase has become the buzzword to use today to explain mental health problems, including social anxiety. Chemical imbalances exist because the neural pathway systems of the brain sometimes lead to emotional pain (i.e., anxiety) and irrational conclusions." }, { "docid": "7708301", "title": "Multiple Sclerosis", "text": "Because Gabapentin is so effective in inhibiting excess neuronal activity, it has proven efficacious in treating conditions like anxiety, depression, migraine, neuropathic pain and spasticity in multiple Sclerosis. Do not give this medication to anyone else, even if they have the same symptoms as you do." }, { "docid": "7306955", "title": "Causes of Chest Pain - Anxiety or Panic Attacks", "text": "Evaluating the Chest Pain. The fact that the chest pain is caused by an anxiety attack, and not by angina, is usually not difficult for a doctor to determine. A careful medical history and a good physical examination usually tells the story." }, { "docid": "6859740", "title": "Intrapartum Complications", "text": "*Position. Psyche - The psyche goes far to determine the outcome of labor . . . •Stress, anxiety, and fear are powerful factors. •These may exacerbate pain, and further increase stress, anxiety, and fear - spiral out of control. •Denial of labor may be exhibited. •Emotional exhaustion." } ]
how big do bearded dragons get
[ { "docid": "1720397", "title": "-", "text": "Confidence votes 136. The average adult bearded dragon gets 18 inches long (1 1/2 feet) . There are different species of bearded dragon that can get up to 24 inches (2 feet).I have 5 adult dragons.The smallest is about 14 inches, the largest is about 22 inches.onfidence votes 136. The average adult bearded dragon gets 18 inches long (1 1/2 feet) . There are different species of bearded dragon that can get up to 24 inches (2 feet)." } ]
[ { "docid": "5065799", "title": "How Long Do Bearded Dragons Live & What Do Bearded Dragons Eat", "text": "How long do Bearded Dragons live? The answer to this question varies widely and depends on many factors, so lets first look at a few things that will increase their lifespan and reduce stress and illness. Diet: A well balanced diet will promote health and increase lifespan and reduce risk of disease." }, { "docid": "6579100", "title": "How Much Does a Bearded Dragon Cost?", "text": "1 On average, a bearded dragon is going to cost anywhere from $45 to $125. 2 These dragons can commonly be found through various reptile centers and even your bigger name pet stores such as PetSmart." }, { "docid": "1249459", "title": "-", "text": "Dragons were so revered by the Celts that they were adopted as a symbol of the power of the chieftain. In fact, the Celtic name for chieftain is “Pendragon”. The Celtic dragon is also a symbol of the military. Dragons appear throughout Celtic Mythology." }, { "docid": "2749070", "title": "Different Types of Bearded Dragon", "text": "These are several types of bearded dragons you may find the pet shops or pet show today. They are different in terms of its size and slightly in its behavior, coloring and appearance." }, { "docid": "8267429", "title": "-", "text": "Homemade Incubator for a Bearded Dragon Category:Family Release time:2013-01-07 Views:130 Bearded dragons are among the most popular reptilian pets in the world." }, { "docid": "833991", "title": "Feeding Lizards Vegetables", "text": "Feeding Lizards Vegetables. Q. I have a couple of young lizards, including; uromastyx, bearded dragons and blue tongue skinks. Right now I feed these lizards collard greens and turnip greens almost every day. I add escarole, mustard greens, dandelion greens, chicory and watercress for variety, plus some food items like carrots, zucchini and blueberries." }, { "docid": "7003473", "title": "Dragon Mania â Full Breeding Guide and Combination List", "text": "Read on for the full breeding guide for Dragon Mania! The 10 dragons that you can purchase in the store are the Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Void, Plant, Energy, Metal, Light and Shadow Dragons. You have a list of beginning dragons, all the way up to advanced. The more advanced they are, the tougher that they are to breed." }, { "docid": "627100", "title": "-", "text": "Personality-Based Names for Your Bearded Dragon. According to the Bearded Dragon Guide, these lizards make excellent pets. They have an even temperament, and some bond closely with their owners.n groups, they form a hierarchy where the largest lizard is the leader. Here are some name ideas based on the personality and behavior traits of bearded dragons: 1 Dizzy-For the swaying. 2 Bob. 3 Huffy. 4 Billows. 5 Honey." }, { "docid": "4954504", "title": "Perennial Plants to Cut Back in the Fall", "text": "Bearded Iris The tall foliage of bearded iris begins flopping early in the season. By fall, it’s cover for iris borers and fungal diseases. Cut back after a killing frost and it would be wise to dispose of the foliage, rather than composting. (Zones 3 - 10)" }, { "docid": "7642591", "title": "Dragon Torso Stone", "text": "In-Game Description. Stone imbued with the power of the dragons. Rite of apostles of the ancient dragons. Gain torso of dragon. Roar like a dragon. The dragon apostles seek transcendence of. life itself, attainable by transformation. into an ancient dragon." }, { "docid": "4581835", "title": "Feeding and Watering", "text": "For a Bearded Dragon more than a year old, there should be roughly 70% salad and 30% insects. At this age a Bearded Dragon should get 50 crickets OR 30 worms a week. Obesity is a problem in this age bracket. So a good feeding schedule would be in threes. One day salad, one day insects, one day nothing, and then repeat." }, { "docid": "8645581", "title": "Bearded Dragon Care Sheet", "text": "Also offer bearded dragons finely chopped veggies (such as romaine lettuce, zucchini, carrots, etc.), greens (collard, mustard, dandelion, etc.) and fruit (kiwi, banana, mango, etc.). Use healthy, vitamin-rich items; sprinkle the appropriate amount of powdered supplements on these foods, too." }, { "docid": "945035", "title": "Bearded dragon", "text": "Central bearded dragons eat small and large insects, such as grasshoppers and worms. They also eat leaves, fruit, vegetables and flowers. They get most of their water from the food they eat, but they also need to drink sometimes." }, { "docid": "3635608", "title": "Can Bearded Dragons Eat", "text": "Find out what bearded dragons can and can not eat. Ranging from apples, oranges, bananas, carrots, grapes, and other fruits and vegetables… Remember to keep the fruit content to about 10% or less of your bearded dragons diet. They are mostly plant and insect eaters. Too much fruit can be bad and unhealthy for your bearded dragon." }, { "docid": "4727325", "title": "How much are bearded dragons at PetSmart?", "text": "that does not include the cost of a tank and having to feed it live crickets it's whole life which are $0.13 each. bearded dragons live for approx 10 years. they were first brought to the United States in the 1990's and are rapidly becoming more popular pets." }, { "docid": "1432027", "title": "School of Dragons", "text": "Experience all the fun and adventure of “How To Train Your Dragon” in a 3D world when you enroll in School of Dragons! Visit with familiar friends like Hiccup, Toothless and others from the “How To Train Your Dragon” franchise. Discover new friends as you progress in the School of Dragons!" }, { "docid": "4495164", "title": "-", "text": "Sometimes your Slayer Master may be a bit vague as to the type of monster that he wants you to kill. He may generalize and say Kalphites or Dragons, which means that you can kill any monster of that type. 1 Kalphites - Kalphite Workers or Soldiers. Dragons - Baby Blue or Red Dragons." }, { "docid": "7901133", "title": "-", "text": "Unlike castle-burning dragons of Western stories, Chinese Dragons are a benevolent symbol in Chinese culture. From celebrations to the Zodiac, to historical rulers, the dragon has played a large part in China’s rich history." }, { "docid": "1587618", "title": "Feeding Worms To Bearded Dragons........What Kind Are Good? ?", "text": "Crickets are a staple for bearded dragons, but they can also be fed roaches, silkworms, butter worms, wax worms, and super-worms when they reach adulthood or at least 16 inches, snout to tail. Never feed a bearded dragon meal-worms." }, { "docid": "3392851", "title": "-", "text": "Continued from page 1. Tank Size. For a single bearded dragon a bare minimum of a 40 gallon tank will be necessary, but bigger is definitely better (55 gallon or larger is better). A secure screen top cover will also be necessary.Substrate. Substrate is a hotly debated area of bearded dragon care.ontinued from page 1. Tank Size. For a single bearded dragon a bare minimum of a 40 gallon tank will be necessary, but bigger is definitely better (55 gallon or larger is better). A secure screen top cover will also be necessary." }, { "docid": "5226110", "title": "-", "text": "Komodo dragons are cannibals who eat their own young, and even other adults when they can pull it off. The tour is led by a couple of men from the park service. The men carry long, forked sticks, but say that their main protection from the dragons is the special rapport they have with them." }, { "docid": "3072835", "title": "Who Are the Predators of the Komodo Dragon?", "text": "Quick Answer. Komodo dragons are the top predators in their range, and adults do not suffer predation by any species. Young Komodo dragons sometimes fall prey to predatory mammals, birds and other Komodo dragons. Juveniles live in trees as protection until they are large enough to defend themselves. Continue Reading." }, { "docid": "1258744", "title": "How Big Do Bearded Dragons Get? Don´t Be Shocked", "text": "If you get a male bearded dragon, you should know that your beardie most probably is going to be a big boy, since male beardies are always bigger then the females. The most popular bearded dragon, the Pogona Vitticeps (that´s the normal bearded dragon lol) is not even the biggest species of the bearded dragons." }, { "docid": "1037934", "title": "Can Bearded Dragons eat Avocado?", "text": "Unfortunately they cant at all. Avocados are toxic for bearded dragons and will hurt them a great deal if they eat them. This is because it contains too much fat and phosphorus for them to handle. They should be avoided as far bearded dragons are concerned." }, { "docid": "3559810", "title": "How Fast Does a Bearded Dragon Grow?", "text": "Big and Small. Different bearded dragon lineages reach different sizes. Bearded dragons from the “German giant” bloodline sometimes reach 2 feet in length, and can weigh much more than typical bearded dragons. Additionally, bearded dragons are sexually dimorphic—males usually reach larger sizes than females." }, { "docid": "7806703", "title": "'Game of Thrones' Writer George R. R. Martin Thinks His Books Will Outpace the Series", "text": "And while I'm writing the last book, they'd be making those.. It's been almost two years since Martin published A Dance With Dragons, the fifth book in his Ice and Fire series that began with 1996's A Game of Thrones. There was a five-year lapse between Dragons and the previous title, A Feast for Crows." }, { "docid": "1037933", "title": "Animal Care/Bearded Dragon", "text": "A significant portion of the Bearded Dragon's diet may consist of leafy greens. Dragons enjoy many types of readily available greens, including: collard greens, spring greens, escarole, turnip greens, mustard greens, romaine lettuce, dandelion greens, parsley, and carrot tops." }, { "docid": "4663211", "title": "Breeding Bearded Dragons", "text": "Juvenile bearded dragons. Before setting up a pair of bearded dragons for breeding, it is essential that the habitat is correct for the species. There should be a temperature gradient of 77 to 88 degrees Fahrenheit with a focal basking spot of 105 degrees. The beardies should be on a balanced diet with adequate calcium.eep in mind that keeping your bearded dragons together is temporary. You will need two separate habitats in the long term as well as a suitable habitat for the hatchlings when the time comes. Full-spectrum lighting, including UVB, is necessary for proper calcium metabolism." }, { "docid": "2193067", "title": "Animal Care/Bearded Dragon", "text": "Bearded Dragons live about 10-15 years with proper care in captivity, though some can live up to 20 years old. Bearded Dragons are omnivorous, consuming many different sorts of plants and animals. In the wild, Bearded Dragon live in places that are dry and sparsely vegetated, so food may often be difficult to find.earded Dragons live about 10-15 years with proper care in captivity, though some can live up to 20 years old. Bearded Dragons are omnivorous, consuming many different sorts of plants and animals. In the wild, Bearded Dragon live in places that are dry and sparsely vegetated, so food may often be difficult to find." }, { "docid": "1983359", "title": "My Bearded Dragon Wonât Eat Greens and Veggies", "text": "First, it is essential to note that the age of your beardie matters a lot. Most bearded dragons begin to eat greens more regularly between the ages of 7 and 12 months. Some may welcome the leafy ruffage sooner than others. Regardless, when a dragon is under 1 – 1.5 years old, it is natural and healthy for him to eat mostly insects." } ]
how big is amphibians
[ { "docid": "5505592", "title": "Amphibian", "text": "The largest living amphibian is the 1.8 m (5 ft 11 in) Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus), but this is dwarfed by the extinct 9 m (30 ft) Prionosuchus from the middle Permian of Brazil. The study of amphibians is called batrachology, while the study of both reptiles and amphibians is called herpetology." } ]
[ { "docid": "5233739", "title": "Axolotl Facts", "text": "Axolotl Facts. Axolotl is a type of amphibian that represents unmetamorphosed larvae of the Mexican salamander. It is endemic species for the lake Xochimilco, near the Mexico City. That means that it can be found only there and nowhere else.Unlike other amphibians, axolotl spends its entire life in the water.xolotl Facts. Axolotl is a type of amphibian that represents unmetamorphosed larvae of the Mexican salamander. It is endemic species for the lake Xochimilco, near the Mexico City. That means that it can be found only there and nowhere else. Unlike other amphibians, axolotl spends its entire life in the water." }, { "docid": "5648106", "title": "What is an Amphibian?", "text": "Ectothermic vertebrates belonging to the class Amphibia are collectively known as Amphibians. The term “ectothermic” means the physiological heat sources of these animals are insufficient for maintaining the proper body temperature. Amphibians belong to the superclass Tetrapoda or tetrapod. Frogs, toads, salamanders, newts and caecilians are different animals in the Amphibia class. The term Amphibian was derived from the Greek term “amphibious”, which means “both lives” or “two lives” (“amphi” meaning “both” and “bios” meaning “life”)." }, { "docid": "1531785", "title": "-", "text": "Off. int. Epiz., 1996, 15 (1), 43-54 Infectious and parasitic diseases of captive reptiles and amphibians, with special emphasis on husbandry practices which prevent or promote diseases R. IPPEN * and P. ZWART ** Summary: Reptiles and amphibians have been maintained in captivity for over one hundred years.ff. int. Epiz., 1996, 15 (1), 43-54 Infectious and parasitic diseases of captive reptiles and amphibians, with special emphasis on husbandry practices which prevent or promote diseases R. IPPEN * and P. ZWART ** Summary: Reptiles and amphibians have been maintained in captivity for over one hundred years." }, { "docid": "6388672", "title": "-", "text": "No, you don't want to touch your salamander. Salamanders can live for many years if they are properly taken care of, but the oils on your hands can kill them very quickly. All amphibians have extremely absorbent skin, so try to avoid contact with them. If you do have to grab one for health reasons, wash your hands thoroughly or put gloves on." }, { "docid": "2126327", "title": "How to be a Herpetologist", "text": "The herpetological emphasis is put there by the worker! For example, a person might be trained in ecology and do environmental impact studies for the government. If that person is also a herpetologist, reptiles and amphibians might be the animals studied to evaluate changes in the environment. A medical research with training in hematology might, if interested in herpetology, study blood of reptiles and amphibians." }, { "docid": "8566565", "title": "New River Gorge National River", "text": "The river is a highly productive aquatic ecosystem that includes distinct populations of native fish (many found nowhere else), mussels, crayfish, and a broad array of other aquatic life, including rare amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals." }, { "docid": "6969399", "title": "Differences Between Reptiles and Amphibians", "text": "The differences and similarities between reptiles and amphibians are challenging to identify. 1 Ectothermic: Both are ectothermic (cold-blooded) meaning their internal sources of heat are so insignificant that they must rely upon external sources to regulate their body temperature." }, { "docid": "2655696", "title": "Big Show Bess Katramados", "text": "Big Show, Big Show 2014 Csun, Big Show Age, Big Show And Mark Henry, Big Show Andre The Giant, Big Show At The Joe, Big Show At The Joe Detroit, Big Show At The Joe Tickets, Big Show Background, Big Show Band, Big Show Bbq, Big Show Bench Press, Big Show Bess Katramados, Big Show Bio, Big Show Breaks Ring, Big Show Brock Lesnar, Big Show Broke, Big Show Broken, Big Show Burgers, Big Show Cierra Wight, Big Show Country, Big Show Crying, Big Show Csun, Big Show Csun 2013, Big Show Csun 2014 ..." }, { "docid": "2288822", "title": "What is a Frog?", "text": "Amphibians Frogs are members of the zoological class called Amphibia. Amphibians are cold-blooded (or poikilothermic) vertebrate animals. They differ from reptiles in that they lack scales and generally return to water to breed. They are one of three types of Amphibians.Anura, also called Salientia, (frogs and toads), caudate (salamanders and newts) and caecilians (worm-like amphibians). Herps and Herpetology Amphibians together with reptiles make up a larger group called Herps. The study of reptiles and amphibians is called Herpetology.nura, also called Salientia, (frogs and toads), caudate (salamanders and newts) and caecilians (worm-like amphibians). Herps and Herpetology Amphibians together with reptiles make up a larger group called Herps. The study of reptiles and amphibians is called Herpetology." }, { "docid": "3168665", "title": "-", "text": "Nuclei are not present. The red blood cells of amphibians contain contain a nucleus, which is visible as a dark purple dot in the center of each cell. In contrast, the red blood cells of mammals do not possess a nucleus." }, { "docid": "3876344", "title": "-", "text": "Phyllobates Terribilis. As the name would suggest, these are the most terrible of these tree frogs! Nicknamed as Golden Poison Frog and a native of Colombia, it is the world’s most poisonous vertebrate. They appear to have teeth, although this is deceiving as they actually have a bone plate in the lower jaw.They are big eaters.hyllobates-The Poisonous Beauties. Frogness. Phyllobates is a Latin word that means ‘leaf climber.’ Very true to its name, this frog often climbs up into trees, and so are aptly called tree frogs. They are the most poisonous among all amphibians, and are thus used by Indians for making darts lethal for hunting animals." }, { "docid": "2128256", "title": "Africa: Namibia", "text": "Africa: Namibia. The Namibian Savanna Woodland ecoregion covers the Great Escarpment that delimits the interior of southern Africa from the Kaokoveld and Namib Deserts. This broken and deeply dissected escarpment is an area of high endemism for plants, invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds.he Namibian Savanna Woodland ecoregion is also a center of high faunal endemism and species richness. The ecoregion has a significantly larger number of Namibian endemic invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds than adjacent ecoregions (Simmons et al. 1998)." }, { "docid": "1993833", "title": "Calcitonin", "text": "Glossary. Calcitonin is a hormone known to participate in calcium and phosphorus metabolism. In mammals, the major source of calcitonin is from the parafollicular or C cells in the thyroid gland, but it is also synthesized in a wide variety of other tissues, including the lung and intestinal tract.In birds, fish and amphibians, calcitonin is secreted from the ultimobrachial glands.n mammals, the major source of calcitonin is from the parafollicular or C cells in the thyroid gland, but it is also synthesized in a wide variety of other tissues, including the lung and intestinal tract. In birds, fish and amphibians, calcitonin is secreted from the ultimobrachial glands." }, { "docid": "8499181", "title": "What are the adaptations of amphibians to life on land?", "text": "An Amphibian is a group of animals that are born and live in water when they are young (larvae) and live mostly on land which is near a water source when they are adults.Modern Amphibians are actually active in water AND land.nswer by Mandyjb. Confidence votes 58. An Amphibian is a group of animals that are born and live in water when they are young (larvae) and live mostly on land which is near a water source when they are adults. Modern Amphibians are actually active in water AND land." }, { "docid": "3585998", "title": "Human Impact on Amphibians", "text": "Human impact on amphibians. Click the images above to see full size and to see full references. So all of this points to a very perilous picture for the amphibians. This inconspicuous group is at ground zero of the Anthropocene mass extinction." }, { "docid": "370238", "title": "Amphibians at Our Zoo", "text": "This is why most amphibians are found in moist or humid environments, where they can re-load their water reserves. Leading a Double-Double Life. The word amphibian comes from the Greek word amphibios, meaning a being with a double life. Some say their name refers to the fact that amphibians live in two places -- on land and in water. While dual residence is the rule for most amphibians, some species are strictly aquatic (water-dwelling) and some are strictly terrestrial (land-dwelling)." }, { "docid": "8370453", "title": "Corn Snake", "text": "[6] Corn snakes, like reptiles and amphibians in general, have an amazing metabolism that is able to operate at low oxygen and blood pressure levels. This allows them to survive long periods in oxygen depleted atmospheres, which is why drowning a snake is not effective." }, { "docid": "3013207", "title": "Big Lips in Men, Girls and Amazing Makeup Tips for Bigger Lips", "text": "We have seen what big lips are, and why men prefer women with big lips. It is time to mention a few celebrities who have big lips. They might not be as big as you think and they should not cause any controversies. Instead, if you know any persons (men, women, actresses, models, etc) who have big lips share with others." }, { "docid": "3212759", "title": "-", "text": "Rattlesnakes have a more variable diet (snakes, lizards, amphibians, and all types of warm-blooded prey). Bullsnakes favor primarily warm-blooded prey and bird eggs. Although bullsnakes eat many of the same prey as rattlesnakes, they eat them in different proportions." }, { "docid": "7058250", "title": "Salamanders", "text": "Salamanders encompass approximately 500 species of amphibians. They typically have slender bodies, short legs, and long tails. Usually found in moist or arid habitats in the northern hemisphere, most salamanders are small, although two species reach up to 5 feet in length.alamanders encompass approximately 500 species of amphibians. They typically have slender bodies, short legs, and long tails. Usually found in moist or arid habitats in the northern hemisphere, most salamanders are small, although two species reach up to 5 feet in length." }, { "docid": "5648107", "title": "What Are Characteristics of Amphibians?", "text": "Most amphibians go through a period of metamorphosis. For example, frog eggs develop into tadpoles, which are small aquatic larvae with external gills. As they grow, tadpoles develop back legs and form internal gills." }, { "docid": "6222355", "title": "List of U.S. state amphibians", "text": "List of U.S. state amphibians. This is a list of official U.S. state amphibians. State amphibians are designated by tradition or the respective state legislatures." }, { "docid": "1916412", "title": "Amplexus", "text": "In amphibians, females may be grasped by the head, waist, or armpits, and the type of amplexus is characteristic of some taxonomic groups." }, { "docid": "6927175", "title": "-", "text": "An animal whose nerve cord is surrounded by a backbone. The main groups of vertebrate animals are the fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals." }, { "docid": "8432963", "title": "What do baby grass snakes eat?", "text": "Topic: What do baby grass snakes eat? Posted: 13 Sep 2006 at 3:52pm. I've often found reference to young grass snakes eating inverts. This always seemed odd to me as it is well known that the main diet of the species in the UK is amphibians. (with the odd fish, nestling bird and a few accounts of regurgitated mammals), so it would seem logical to me that young grass snakes eat young amphibians. I've had a few experiences of people calling me for advice regarding feeding tiny grass snakes that had been rescued for one reason or another." }, { "docid": "817173", "title": "Characteristic of Amphibians", "text": "Characteristic of Amphibians. Amphibians posses certain characteristic those are different from other species. These characteristic helps to adopt them in all the climate conditions and environment. Amphibians are cold blooded animals that derive heat from outside. The body temperature of the amphibians depends on the outside surroundings. Hence the amphibians are very active in warm environments and become lethargic when exposed to cold temperatures. As an offspring the amphibians begin their life cycle under the water breathing through gills. As they reach the adulthood they move to land and breathe with the help of either skin or lungs. Worms and insects act as the prey to the amphibian. Each species of the amphibians have their own feeding habit." }, { "docid": "765810", "title": "vertebrate", "text": "vertebrate - having a backbone or spinal column; fishes and amphibians and reptiles and birds and mammals are verbetrate animals zoological science, zoology - the branch of biology that studies animals" }, { "docid": "345480", "title": "What Do Flamingos Eat?", "text": "What do whooping cranes eat? According to the National Wildlife Federation, whooping cranes have an omnivore's diet that includes crustaceans, small fish, insects, amphibians, reptiles, grains, marsh plants and acorns." }, { "docid": "1335948", "title": "Amphibian", "text": "Traditionally, amphibians as a class are defined as all tetrapods with a larval stage, while the group that includes the common ancestors of all living amphibians (frogs, salamanders and caecilians) and all their descendants is called Lissamphibia." }, { "docid": "2097", "title": "Newt", "text": "Life span of this family of amphibians varies from species to species. Their least life span can be 10 years and the longest can be 20 years. They tend to live longer in captivity, be it of any sub-species of the Newt family." } ]
how big is your stomach and how much does it expand
[ { "docid": "2741318", "title": "Volume of a Human Stomach", "text": "Generally, human stomachs have a volume about one liter, which is a little more than one quart. Since the stomach has the ability to expand, it can hold much more food.The human stomach can be distended up to four liters, which is more than one gallon. Imagine your stomach to be an empty one-gallon milk carton.There is plenty room for food!hese muscles expand and contract depending on how much food is in the stomach. This contraction is a form of mechanical breakdown of the food. The purpose of this breakdown is to increase the available surface area for the chemicals to act on it." } ]
[ { "docid": "8693280", "title": "History ch 4", "text": "how did the desire to expand into new markets help push the US to extend its influence into the pacific the US pushed forward to expand unto the pacific by expanding their markets into fair trade and other industries" }, { "docid": "7958359", "title": "-", "text": "you are suffering from hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's, but it is common. to have stomach problem too. Normally, the stomach pH is very acidic but. hypothyroidism tends to slow metabolism in general which, among other. things, causes the parietal cells in the stomach to produce less stomach." }, { "docid": "5347848", "title": "10 Things You Didn't Know About Orgasms", "text": "Don't be shy…orgasms are as much a part of women's health as dental floss—but a lot more fun. For all the things you've been dying to find out as well as things you've never even thought of, expand your knowledge about the big O with this list of enlightening facts." }, { "docid": "2348306", "title": "What is the reducing agent in the following reaction? Pyruvate + NADH + H+ ? Lactate + NAD+ Choose one answer. a.", "text": "The stomach also uses chemicals to break down food. Some. of the chemicals made by the stomach are acids. These acids are so. strong that they could eat through the stomach itself. To prevent this, the cells of the stomach’s lining are replaced about every three days, and the stomach lining is coated with mucus." }, { "docid": "5825615", "title": "How long does it take for food to leave the stomach?", "text": "it really depends on how big of a meal you've eaten, because the duodenum can only take in a small amount at a time for calorie absorption (i believe, on average, every 30 minutes or so it opens up to take in another handful of chyme).but, of course, digestion continues after food leaves the stomach.it goes on to the rest of the small intestine for further nutrient absorbtion, and then to the large intestine for water absorbtion.ut, of course, digestion continues after food leaves the stomach. it goes on to the rest of the small intestine for further nutrient absorbtion, and then to the large intestine for water absorbtion." }, { "docid": "8688529", "title": "Human Physiology/Print Version", "text": "From the esophagus, the bolus passes through a sphincter (muscular ring) into the stomach. All sphincters located in the digestive tract help move the digested material in one direction. When the stomach is empty, the walls are folded into rugae (stomach folds), which allow the stomach to expand as more food fills it." }, { "docid": "161004", "title": "M&R Durango", "text": "Challenges: Boosting M&R's retail network. We want to expand our distributorship and dealership on the retail level, Merrill says. We would like to expand our distributorship in all of our states here in the U.S. as well as in Canada." }, { "docid": "5270024", "title": "Stomach", "text": "Stomach. The stomach, which receives food from the esophagus, is located in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen. The stomach is divided into the fundic, cardiac, body, and pyloric regions.The lesser and greater curvatures are on the right and left sides, respectively, of the stomach.tomach. The stomach, which receives food from the esophagus, is located in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen. The stomach is divided into the fundic, cardiac, body, and pyloric regions." }, { "docid": "6029507", "title": "What is the incubation period of the stomach flu virus?", "text": "After approximately 1 to 2 days, depending on the virus, stomach flu symptoms can appear. This period between the stomach flu transmission and the start of symptoms is the stomach flu incubation period..In some cases, the stomach flu incubation period can be as short as 4 hours.fter approximately 1 to 2 days, depending on the virus, stomach flu symptoms can appear. This period between the stomach flu transmission and the start of symptoms is the stomach flu incubation period.." }, { "docid": "8271370", "title": "-", "text": "Stomach Polyps. Stomach polyps are rare, occurring in less than 1 percent of people undergoing upper gastrointestinal endoscopy — a procedure in which the lining of the stomach is examined. Stomach polyps usually don't cause symptoms. As a result, doctors often discover stomach polyps only while they're examining you for other reasons." }, { "docid": "3555257", "title": "Why Does Your Stomach Growl?", "text": "Your stomach may make noise when you’re hungry and lacking food in your stomach, but it can also growl when you’re not hungry and your stomach is full. The growling noise may not even be coming from your stomach at all but rather from your small intestines. Oftentimes, when your stomach (or bowel) makes noise, a phenomenon technically known as “borborygmi,” you may not hear it at all." }, { "docid": "2235436", "title": "-", "text": "Stomach cancer is cancer that occurs in the stomach — the muscular sac located in the upper middle of your abdomen, just below your ribs. Your stomach receives and holds the food you eat and then helps to break down and digest it. Another term for stomach cancer is gastric cancer. These two terms most often refer to stomach cancer that begins in the mucus-producing cells on the inside lining of the stomach (adenocarcinoma). Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of stomach cancer." }, { "docid": "6228023", "title": "What is the normal size of a human stomach?", "text": "The average stomach holds 1 to 1.5 liters. Initially, the human stomach is about as big as a closed fist, but it can expand to a much larger size.It will shrink back to normal after a time.add a comment.t is a muscular organ and size varies according to the stature of the body.Normally it is the size of a hand stretching full when filled with food and returns to narmal after digestion.Here I assume the intestinal tract as stomach.Too big a size is dangerous." }, { "docid": "6910737", "title": "Stomach not working?pondriver Jun 23, 2009", "text": "there's a nerve in the stomach that's called I *think* the vagnus nerve that when it senses food in the stomach it tells the stomach valve (at the end of the stomach) to open up and let the food pass on (gives the stomach time to break down the food)" }, { "docid": "95652", "title": "The Blog", "text": "To understand the reasoning for this, it is important to know that in malnourishment, the rounded abdomen is not due to fat accumulation. Instead, the water retention and fluid buildup in the body cause the abdomen to expand. This results in a bloated, distended stomach or abdominal area." }, { "docid": "8404688", "title": "What Causes Noise In The Stomach?", "text": "Why your stomach makes noise. Noise in the stomach or rather stomach growling can be quite an irritating and very embarrassing problem. This is more embarrassing when you find yourself in the in the midst of other people with whom you are not really close." }, { "docid": "3390434", "title": "-", "text": "Nerve Supply of the Stomach and the Small Intestines The Stomach Nerve Supply There are two types of nerve supply of the stomach; sympathetic and parasympathetic." }, { "docid": "2828949", "title": "How do I use commands in Slime Rancher? (specifically spawning the Rad slime)", "text": "First of all back up your Assembly-Csharp.dll, if anything goes wrong you can just restore that file and try again or play the game as normal :) open the assembly in a modification tool (i used dotnetresolver) find the {} section and expand it. find the debugDirector section and expand that too." }, { "docid": "435181", "title": "-", "text": "Then carbon dioxide gas is used to expand the abdominal area during the procedure so the surgeon can have a clear view of the organs. Next, a wire is threaded through the needle and the G-tube is guided along the wire into the stomach with the help of small instruments inserted through other small incisions." }, { "docid": "8687328", "title": "-", "text": "Invest in a binder. One of the most popular methods of organizing coupons is in a binder. With fewer coupons, they virtually collapse. With more, they expand to just about as big as you need. If you're serious about couponing, get a 3 or 5 binder -- the 1 inch (2.5 cm) ones just won't do. Use trading card sheets. They keep all your coupons separate and easy to reference." }, { "docid": "8033503", "title": "How to Cure Stomach Cramps", "text": "How to Cure Stomach Cramps. Stomach cramps are extremely painful, but it's possible to relieve them by treating the underlying cause, which you may even be able to do at home. Possible causes of stomach cramps can come from your digestive..." }, { "docid": "5804411", "title": "What is the normal size of a human stomach?", "text": "Answer by Betty0320 (734). The average stomach holds 1 to 1.5 liters. Initially, the human stomach is about as big as a closed fist, but it can expand to a much larger size. It will shrink back to normal after a time. add a comment." }, { "docid": "3913644", "title": "The stomach and its role in digestion", "text": "Function of the stomach. 1 The stomach is J-shaped and it can expand to temporarily store food. 2 Partial digestion of the food takes place here. 3 The stomach releases acids and enzymes for the chemical breakdown of food. 4 The stomach releases food into the small intestine in a controlled and regulated manner.he crushed and mixed food is liquefied to form chyme and is pushed through the pyloric canal into the small intestine. A network of blood vessels and nerves surrounds the stomach; this is responsible for the regulation of the secretion and the motion of stomach muscles that churns food." }, { "docid": "8714068", "title": "Why Does Your Stomach Growl?", "text": "Print. Print. By Dr. Mercola If asked why your stomach growls, many people would answer, “Because I’m hungry!” This is somewhat of a myth, however. Your stomach may make noise when you’re hungry and lacking food in your stomach, but it can also growl when you’re not hungry and your stomach is full.y Dr. Mercola. If asked why your stomach growls, many people would answer, “Because I’m hungry!” This is somewhat of a myth, however. Your stomach may make noise when you’re hungry and lacking food in your stomach, but it can also growl when you’re not hungry and your stomach is full." }, { "docid": "8835276", "title": "MLS Is Expanding To 28 Teams, Will Diluting The Talent Help Its TV Ratings?", "text": "By: Ty Duffy | December 9, 2015 2:55 pm ET Follow @tyduffy. MLS had a big week. Portland defeated Columbus 2-1 in the MLS Cup Final. The league announced plans to expand to 28 teams. Those developments highlight two very different league narratives. Expansion has gone well." }, { "docid": "945977", "title": "Reorganize and Rebuild Indexes", "text": "To check the fragmentation of an index. In Object Explorer, Expand the database that contains the table on which you want to check an index’s fragmentation. Expand the Tables folder. Expand the table on which you want to check an index’s fragmentation. Expand the Indexes folder. Right-click the index of which you want to check the fragmentation and select Properties. Under Select a page, select Fragmentation." }, { "docid": "1128205", "title": "-", "text": "Entertainment Expand sub-menu. Television; Celebs; Music; Movies; Tech Expand sub-menu. Google; Apple; Android; Microsoft; Apps; Tablets; Smartphones; Gaming Expand sub-menu. News; Xbox One; PS4; Xbox 360; Wii U; 3DS; PS3; Mobile; PC Games; Trailers; Accessories; Shopping Expand sub-menu. Gifts; Toys; Gifts for Women; Gifts for Men; Gifts for Boys; Hot New Toys; Boys’ Toys; Girls’ Toys; Baby; Wedding; Pets; Garden; Cameras" }, { "docid": "6545193", "title": "100 English Synonyms to Expand Your Vocabulary", "text": "100 English Synonyms to Expand Your Vocabulary. A synonym is a word with the same or a similar meaning as another word. For example, the words big and large are synonyms. Buy and purchase are also synonyms – although we tend to use “buy” in a more informal context, and “purchase” in a more formal context. Keep in mind that some synonyms in the list below might not be “perfect” synonyms – there may be slight differences in meaning and connotation. For example, the words smart and wise." }, { "docid": "3656503", "title": "Diet for Peptic Ulcer (Stomach ulcers) - What to Eat and What Not to Eat?", "text": "Peptic ulcers, also called as stomach ulcers, are characterized by the occurrence of an open sore on the inner lining of the stomach. The sore may be on the proximal, middle or distal part of the stomach or in the duodenum, the initial part of small intestine, following the stomach." }, { "docid": "5053789", "title": "-", "text": "Alright, that is the big picture. --- what photosynthesis is, why it's important, & how plants are adapted to carry it out. I'm afraid there is more chemistry to it, I have placed that info on a separate page, the yucky chemistry details. Check it out when you have a chance, but not on a full stomach." } ]
how calories are in a glass of bailey's irish cream
[ { "docid": "6343252", "title": "-", "text": "These 130 calories in a Serving of Baileys Irish Cream (1 Serving=1 Glass/37ml) would take: 1 37 Minutes Walking. 2 15 Minutes Jogging. 3 11 Minutes swimming. 20 Minutes Cycling to burn." } ]
[ { "docid": "7332371", "title": "Calories in a Baked Potato With Butter & Sour Cream", "text": "You can better control the calories in your baked potato with butter and sour cream if you make it yourself. A small 2.5-inch baked russet potato, which weighs about 5 ounces, contains 134 calories, the same-sized white baked potato contains 130 calories and a small red-skinned potato contains 123 calories." }, { "docid": "2628083", "title": "-", "text": "How To Make Fresh Irish Mussels in a Guinness Cream Sauce-Recipe-Duration: 3 minutes, 3 seconds." }, { "docid": "8004653", "title": "Fat Free Coffee Creamer - The Original Irish Cream", "text": "There are 25 calories in a 1 tbsp serving of Bailey's Fat Free Coffee Creamer - The Original Irish Cream. Calorie breakdown: 0% fat, 100% carbs, 0% protein." }, { "docid": "8297174", "title": "How many calories in 1 pint cream?", "text": "A simple way to figure it out is that one sering of ice cream is about 150 calories. (It will vary depending on the type, additions like nuts or chocolate chips and so on, and fat content.) This is 1/2 cup. There are 2 cups in a pint. This means the average ice cream has about 600 calories per pint. cream and ice cream will have very different calorie counts, as ice cream has a substantial amount of sugar added. I thought the original post was referring to cream." }, { "docid": "8227389", "title": "How Many Calories Are in Your Favourite Coffee?", "text": "An Iced Coffee with full-cream milk has the second highest amount of calories, with 249 and will set you back around 25 minutes of pounding the pavement. If you want a coffee hit without the calories then grab an Espresso, which has only one calorie per regular cup. A Long Black will only set you back three calories, while a Piccolo Latte with full-cream milk contains 46 Calories." }, { "docid": "858804", "title": "Fiftysomething Diet: What Alcohol Can You Drink While Dieting?", "text": "If you based drink choices on calories alone, you'd opt for a light beer, a scotch on the rocks (100 calories) or a glass of dry wine. But in reality, the relatively small differences in calories between most kinds of alcohol aren't worth agonizing over." }, { "docid": "2587554", "title": "Crown Royal Regal Apple", "text": "Please drink responsibly :-). That alcohol has calories in it! Each gram of alcohol has 7 calories. Compare that to 4 calories per gram of carb, or 9 calories per gram of fat. That means a spirt has about 97 calories per shot, a glass of wine has about 123 calories per glass and a beer has about 154 calories per glass!Note: Nutrition data is only an estimate!ach gram of alcohol has 7 calories. Compare that to 4 calories per gram of carb, or 9 calories per gram of fat. That means a spirt has about 97 calories per shot, a glass of wine has about 123 calories per glass and a beer has about 154 calories per glass! Note: Nutrition data is only an estimate!" }, { "docid": "4589785", "title": "-", "text": "Milk calories chart below gives the average amount of calories in full cream mild, reduced fat or lite milk and no fat and skim milk varieties.Calorie content may vary slightly between different brands.ilk calories chart below gives the average amount of calories in full cream mild, reduced fat or lite milk and no fat and skim milk varieties." }, { "docid": "592743", "title": "Soda Fountain Recipes from the 20's and 30's", "text": "Title: Sodas Of All Kinds Keywords: Ice Cream, Oldies, Sodas Traditionally, an ice cream soda is flavoring, charged water, ice cream and possibly a nice dab of whipped cream. The technique is 1-2-3: put 2 Tbls of syrup or flavoring in the bottom of the largest glass you have." }, { "docid": "1650094", "title": "-", "text": "Frozen yogurt is a tasty treat that has a rich and creamy taste like ice cream, but not nearly as much sugar or as many calories. To make your own frozen yogurt, all you need is some yogurt, a few other ingredients such as fruits, sugar, or chocolate chips, and an ice cream maker." }, { "docid": "6772776", "title": "-", "text": "Try this recipe for Irish Soda Bread Pudding with Whiskey Cream —make sure to use Irish whiskey for your cream! 5. If you like Irish soda bread, but want a sweet snack instead of a hearty bread, try making Irish Soda Bread Cookies! These cookies have the flavor of Irish soda bread, but are also sweet and in cookie form." }, { "docid": "5846312", "title": "-", "text": "Directions. 1 Pour coffee into a warmed Irish coffee glass mug. Add sugar to taste and stir to dissolve. 2 Pour in Bushmills(R) Original Irish Whiskey; top with slightly whipped cream, poured gently onto the drink over the back of a spoon." }, { "docid": "4691679", "title": "How many calories are in a Wendy's baked potato?", "text": "Calories in Wendy's baked potatoes There are: approx 320 calories (63 carbohydrates) in Wendy's sour cream and chives baked potato; approx 340 calories (70 carbohydrates) in Wendy's broccoli and cheese baked potato; approx 460 calories (67 carbohydrates) in Wendy's bacon and cheese baked potato." }, { "docid": "6001068", "title": "How Many Calories are in Milk", "text": "One tablespoon of full cream milk has 13 calories, 100 ml of full cream milk has 67 calories, half cup of full cream milk has 84 calories, one cup of full cream milk has 167 calories, 600 ml of full cream milk has 400 calories and 1 liter of full cream milk has 670 calories." }, { "docid": "2587556", "title": "-", "text": "The answer is yes. And which wines have less calories or more carbs may surprise you. Wine might seem like a weight loss friendly drink, especially compared to beer. But you would be surprised by how many calories wine makers can cram into a 750 ml bottle. Some bottles of wine contain 650 calories per bottle.ccording to the USDA, Monastrell wines contain 130 calories and 3.9 grams of carbohydrates per glass. The same USDA web site states that wine has 123 calories per 5 ounce glass." }, { "docid": "6004633", "title": "Wine press: Which wine has the fewest calories?", "text": "Some bottles of wine contain 650 calories per bottle. That might not seem like a lot. But when most people only consume 2,000 to 2,700 calories per day, two glasses of wine can add up fast over the course of a meal. Plus there's the whole issue of how many glasses of wine there are in a bottle of wine. I was always taught there are four glasses of wine in each wine bottle. Since there are 25 ounces of wine in a bottle, that's 6.25 ounces per glass. But the statistics about the number of calories per glass of wine compiled by the U.S. Department of Agriculture listed a glass of wine as 5 ounces. A difference of 1.25 ounces might not seem like a big deal." }, { "docid": "7227135", "title": "-", "text": "Calories per Ingredient. Here are the foods from our food nutrition database that were used for the nutrition calculations of this recipe. Calories per serving of Philadelphia Roll (Sushi) 1 Roll=1 serving. 121 calories of White Rice, short grain, cooked, (0.50 cup) 97 calories of Cream Cheese, (1 oz)" }, { "docid": "5565728", "title": "Explore Thin Mint Cookies, Thin Mints, and more!", "text": "Thin Mint and Bailey’s Chocolate Float: 2 oz. Bailey’s Irish Cream , 2 3 oz. scoops of chocolate ice cream , oz vanilla cream soda , 3 tablespoons of crushed Thin Mints YUM! Find this Pin and more on Food and Drinks (Aesthetic Photos) by musicallymiraculous." }, { "docid": "8576407", "title": "Authentic Pina Colada recipe", "text": "Pour rum, cream of coconut and pineapple juice into a blender with one cup of crushed ice. Blend until smooth, and pour into a collins glass." }, { "docid": "8664359", "title": "Low-Calorie Shamrock Shake Recipe and Hungry Girl's Daily Diet", "text": "Transfer to a blender. Add all other ingredients to the blender, and blend at high speed until smooth. Pour into a glass and enjoy! MAKES 1 SERVING. BTW, if you make this with light ice cream instead of fat-free, your shake will have 190 calories, 7g fat, and a PointsPlus ® value of 5*." }, { "docid": "2364510", "title": "Wine press: Which wine has the fewest calories?", "text": "Wine might seem like a weight loss friendly drink, especially compared to beer. But you would be surprised by how many calories wine makers can cram into a 750 ml bottle. Some bottles of wine contain 650 calories per bottle. That might not seem like a lot. But when most people only consume 2,000 to 2,700 calories per day, two glasses of wine can add up fast over the course of a meal. Plus there's the whole issue of how many glasses of wine there are in a bottle of wine. I was always taught there are four glasses of wine in each wine bottle. Since there are 25 ounces of wine in a bottle, that's 6.25 ounces per glass. But the statistics about the number of calories per glass of wine compiled by the U.S. Department of Agriculture listed a glass of wine as 5 ounces. A difference of 1.25 ounces might not seem like a big deal." }, { "docid": "2977763", "title": "-", "text": "Spirits, wine and light beer and light cider have less calories than regular beer and cider. A single (25ml measure) vodka and coke or gin and tonic is around 110 calories, while calories in whiskey are about 61 per 25ml shot. A medium-sized glass of 13% wine (175ml) contains 159 calories, although a bottle would be 682 calories." }, { "docid": "432298", "title": "Units and calories inwine", "text": "That’s similar to an ice cream or two fish fingers. Find out exactly how many calories you’re drinking with our Unit and Calorie calculator.A standard glass of red or white wine (175ml) with 13% ABV could also contain up to 160 calories, similar to a slice of Madeira cake." }, { "docid": "4940317", "title": "Baileys Irish Cream", "text": "For other uses, see Bailey (disambiguation). Baileys Irish Cream is an Irish whiskey- and cream-based liqueur, made by Gilbeys of Ireland. The trademark is currently owned by Diageo. It has a declared alcohol content of 17% by volume." }, { "docid": "5461176", "title": "-", "text": "Calories, Fat, Protein, Fiber, & Carbs In Peaches And Cream Corn. Calories In Cornbread with Cream Corn, Cheese, Jalapenos Calories: 163, Fat: 8g, Carbs: 20g, Protein: 4g, Fiber: 1g. Calories In crab cream corn Calories: 274, Fat: 6g, Carbs: 46g, Protein: 14g, Fiber: 3g. Calories In Chicken Cream Corn Chowder Calories: 216, Fat: 4g, Carbs: 19g, Protein: 23g, Fiber: 1g. Calories In Cream corn Calories: 208, Fat: 16g, Carbs: 14g, Protein: 5g, Fiber: 2g." }, { "docid": "6190891", "title": "-", "text": "Colcannon (Irish: cal cál, ceannann meaning-white headed) cabbage is a Traditional irish dish mainly consisting of mashed potatoes with kale or. Cabbage it is also the name of a song about the. disholcannon is traditionally made from mashed potatoes and kale (or cabbage), with milk (or cream), butter, salt and pepper added." }, { "docid": "3636552", "title": "-", "text": "1 To make a proper Irish coffee, start by warming up a stemmed glass with a swirl of hot water. 2 Dump out the water and pour in a shot of Irish whiskey. 3 Fill the glass 3/4 full with strong coffee and stir in a tablespoon of brown sugar. 4 Next, whip some fresh cream just a little bit so that it’s fluffy but still pourable." }, { "docid": "5683451", "title": "Juicing: Healthy detox or diet trap?", "text": "While juicing is probably low-calorie compared to a cheeseburger and fries, it's a very concentrated source of calories. A cup of pineapple, for instance, is about 83 calories, but a cup of pineapple juice is 120 calories. An 8-ounce glass of orange juice may contain as many as four medium oranges, Canfield says." }, { "docid": "8613201", "title": "Calories in Scrambled Eggs With Cheese", "text": "To save calories, you can use egg whites, which have about 17 calories each, or a fat-free liquid egg substitute, which contains 58 calories per 1/2-cup serving. One-quarter cup of feta cheese contains 99 calories, while 1/4 cup of cream cheese contains 198 calories and 1/4 cup of cheddar cheese contains 114 calories. Low-fat and fat-free cheeses contain less calories than full-fat ones. For example, 1/4 cup of low-fat cheddar cheese is only 49 calories." }, { "docid": "5742332", "title": "-", "text": "How many calories are in 16 ounce glass of wine? General rule is 25 calories per once in your monster glass 400 calories. How many calories in a glass of wine-? Wine is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grapes or other fruits, there are 123 calories in each glass of wine." } ]
how can a capacitor fail
[ { "docid": "4192946", "title": "How do capacitors fail?", "text": "Capacitors are meant to hold electrons on one plate (and repel electrons from the other) while NOT passing a current between the plates. If current is allowed to pass between the plates than the capacitor has failed. A capacitor is made up of two isolated plates held apart by a non-conductive material (usually oils). If the oil has been broken down or exposed to a significantly large voltage, electrons will begin to jump the gap between the two plates. At this point the capacitor has failed." } ]
[ { "docid": "1763810", "title": "-", "text": "No current will flow through the branch of the circuit where the capacitor is located. Once the currents in the circuit reach steady-state conditions, the inductor no longer has the need to resist any changes in the current. so it behaves like a resistor with 0 resistance. To learn the voltage across a capacitor we know that. V c = / C. where q is the charge on the plates and C is the capacitance." }, { "docid": "1353274", "title": "-", "text": "Because of the structure of the electrolytic capacitor this actually means that there are two diodes, one parallel to the anode capacity and the second parallel to the cathode capacity, which form the equivalent circuit diagram of the electrolytic capacitor in terms of its leakage current.n principle a capacitor is just like a storage reservoir, not for water but for electrical charge carriers. And the leakage current can certainly be compared to the water seeping through the dam. A capacitor will also not become “full” if the discharge current is greater than or equal to the supply current." }, { "docid": "3366703", "title": "Derivation Of The Energy Stored In A Capacitor", "text": "For the most part, I understand the derivation; however, at the end of the derivation, the author adds one little condition: Where is the energy in a parallel plate capacitor actually stored? Well, if we think about it, the only place it could be stored is in the electric field generated between the plates.." }, { "docid": "3321326", "title": "Dissipation factor", "text": "If the capacitor is used in an AC circuit, the dissipation factor due to the non-ideal capacitor is expressed as the ratio of the resistive power loss in the ESR to the reactive power oscillating in the capacitor, or" }, { "docid": "4590694", "title": "Capacitors:", "text": "1 Same thing when putting IC Chips on a breadboard. 2 Connect Bypass Capacitors from the Power/Vcc pin of the chip to the chip ground pin, very close to the chip. 3 A good value is .1uF. 4 Timing capacitor for a 555 timer to set it's frequency, along with a resistor. This is what is called a Bypass Capacitor, because it conducts any changes in voltage to ground. 2 Bypass capacitors DO conduct current when some circuit tries to make the voltage change, such as changing currents drawn by Arduino chips on their circuit board." }, { "docid": "7229620", "title": "Question: What is a Time Constant? (RC)? Are the time constants for each trial equal?Should they be? Can t...", "text": "Are the time constants for each trial equal?Should they be? Can the tolerances in the resistor and capacitor values explain anydifferences? What was the effect of reducing the resistance of the resistor onthe way the capacitor discharged?" }, { "docid": "520432", "title": "Capacitors", "text": "When deciding on capacitor types there are a handful of factors to consider: 1 Size - Size both in terms of physical volume and capacitance. It’s not uncommon for a capacitor to be the largest component in a circuit. 2 Maximum voltage - Each capacitor is rated for a maximum voltage that can be dropped across it." }, { "docid": "5106893", "title": "Are You 100% Confident That Your Workout Routine Will REALLY Work BEST For The Results You Want?", "text": "There are a ton of reasons for why most workout routines fail to be as effective as you want them to be. But in my experience, I’ve found that most workouts fail due to one or more of the following problems…. It’s based on unproven methods and faulty research." }, { "docid": "3545250", "title": "Capacitor", "text": "The nonconducting dielectric acts to increase the capacitor's charge capacity. A dielectric can be glass, ceramic, plastic film, air, vacuum, paper, mica, oxide layer etc. Capacitors are widely used as parts of electrical circuits in many common electrical devices.Unlike a resistor, an ideal capacitor does not dissipate energy. Instead, a capacitor stores energy in the form of an electrostatic field between its plates.he current I (t) through any component in an electric circuit is defined as the rate of flow of a charge Q (t) passing through it, but actual charges—electrons—cannot pass through the dielectric layer of a capacitor." }, { "docid": "1926216", "title": "-", "text": "The correct answer is 8. CapCT-. A parallel-plate capacitor with capacitance C has a charge Q (meaning +Q on one plate, -Q on the other). The charge is doubled to 2Q (meaning +2Q on one plate, -2Q on the other). The capacitance C of the capacitor... A) doubled B) decreased by 2X C) remained constant D) None of these. Answer: C remains constant." }, { "docid": "3014012", "title": "Condenser fan motor replacement cost:", "text": "Replacing the motor without the same specs can cause higher utility cost and a shorter life span of the air conditioning system. Also replace the run capacitor when you replace the condenser fan motor. The average cost to replace the condenser fan more can range from $350 to $575.The cost depends more on the size of the condenser and the features of the motor. A high efficiency condenser may have a two stage motor that dive the cost up.he run capacitor gives the motor a jump start every time it starts. The cost to replace a run capacitor for a condenser fan motor from an HVAC contractor can range from $150 to $275 depending on the size and the labor need to install the part." }, { "docid": "7521991", "title": "How to pass your CBT", "text": "How to pass a CBT. As a C.B.T (Compulsory Basic Training) is not a test you cannot really fail but you could fail complete the training necessary in order to ride to a safe standard (being in FULL control of the bike) in one day, so that you can be given a certificate to ride as a learner on the public road." }, { "docid": "4644438", "title": "How Can a Bad Capacitor Affect Your AC?", "text": "There are a number of different causes for hard starting (the worst of which is a compressor approaching the end of its life), but a bad start capacitor is one of the most common. It is not always easy to diagnose that a start capacitor is the problem." }, { "docid": "3478233", "title": "-", "text": "Air Conditioner Capacitor Replacement Cost. A weak air conditioner capacitor can cause your system to consume a lot of electricity, so you end up with bigger energy bills every month. Moreover, a bad capacitor can affect the overall performance of your AC and shorten its lifespan." }, { "docid": "880656", "title": "Buying a home? What to expect when youâre closing", "text": "It indicates the amount and terms of the loan and what the lender can do if you fail to make payments. Mortgage or deed of trust. This document secures the note and gives your lender a claim against the home if you fail to live up to the terms of the mortgage note. Certificate of occupancy." }, { "docid": "649700", "title": "Reading Analogue Sensors With One GPIO Pin", "text": "“With a 10Kohm resistor and a 1uF capacitor t is equal to 1 millisecond. In the dark the LDR may have a resistance of 10Mohm which would give a time of 1 second.”. Don’t you mean : “With a (1Kohm) resistor and a 1uF capacitor t is equal to 1 millisecond.his voltage is approximatey 2 volts, which is close enough to 63% of 3.3V for my liking. So the time it takes the circuit to change a GPIO input from Low to High is equal to ‘t’. With a 10Kohm resistor and a 1uF capacitor t is equal to 10 milliseconds." }, { "docid": "5992039", "title": "-", "text": "If a circuit includes a capacitor, discharge the capacitor before taking any resistance reading. 2. Turn dial to ω (resistance, or ohms), which often shares a spot on the dial with one or more other test/measurement modes (continuity, capacitance or diode; see illustration below)." }, { "docid": "8277094", "title": "How to Diagnose and Repair Your Air Conditioner (A/C) Capacitor", "text": "After you have turned off the power at the disconnect: 1 Remove the service panel on the A/C unit itself. 2 Locate the start capacitor. (It's most likely silver, round or oval, and with multiple prongs on the top for wire connections.)" }, { "docid": "7229619", "title": "-", "text": "A large time constant means that the capacitor will discharge slowly. objectives. Measure an experimental time constant of a resistor-capacitor circuit. Compare the time constant to the value predicted from the component values of the resistance and capacitance. Measure the potential across a capacitor as a function of time as it discharges. Fit an exponential function to the data. One of the fit parameters corresponds to an experimental time constant." }, { "docid": "152170", "title": "-", "text": "Ceramic capacitor definition. A ceramic capacitor is a capacitor which uses a ceramic material as the dielectric. The two most common types are multi-layer ceramic capacitors and ceramic disc capacitors. ceramic capacitor is a capacitor which uses a ceramic material as the dielectric." }, { "docid": "5323532", "title": "How To Replace a Pool Pump Capacitor", "text": "Step 2. Depending on the make of the pool pump, the capacitor will be under a hump cover on top of the motor, or it will be under a cover on the electrical end of the motor, or both. Some pumps have both a run capacitor and a start capacitor." }, { "docid": "7500029", "title": "THE SPIRIT OF al-FAQR", "text": "One thing which is common to all mankind is that we all fail. There isn t one out there who hasn t failed some perhaps more than others. The Bible recognizes that humans do fail: We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check.James Ch.3:2 But the most important thing is how we handle failure.he Bible also has something to say about this these are the words of the wise man Solomon: For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again, Proverbs Ch.24:16. The people who rarely fail are usually the ones who never do anything." }, { "docid": "2685465", "title": "-", "text": "Disconnect the capacitor from the system, if it is not permanently installed. This may prevent damage to the circuitry the capacitor was connected to when you discharge it. If it is removable, it is probably very large and potentially very dangerous." }, { "docid": "7916702", "title": "-", "text": "If the call was unsuccessful, the state of the semaphore is unchanged, and the function returns a value of -1 and sets errno to indicate the error. The sem_wait() and sem_trywait() functions will fail if: The sem_wait() and sem_trywait() functions may fail if:" }, { "docid": "4259416", "title": "-", "text": "That is a very good question. The cost to replace a capacitor is a component price based on an overall inspection and service of the heating and air conditioning system. Only replacing a capacitor is a foolish and ignorant repair of a home air conditioning system." }, { "docid": "8084243", "title": "Why exactly do utopian societies fail?", "text": "Utopias fail for the same reason totalitarian systems inevitably fail: they expect humans to adjust to accommodate political structures rather than the other way around. Any society which doesn't accommodate basic human needs is going to collapse from within, because societies are made of humans." }, { "docid": "506886", "title": "-", "text": "That is a very good question. The cost to replace a capacitor is a component price based on an overall inspection and service of the heating and air conditioning system. Only replacing a capacitor is a foolish and ignorant repair of a home air conditioning system. We do not ever just replace a capacitor." }, { "docid": "6176227", "title": "Condenser Microphones", "text": "Condenser Microphones. Condenser means capacitor, an electronic component which stores energy in the form of an electrostatic field. The term condenser is actually obsolete but has stuck as the name for this type of microphone, which uses a capacitor to convert acoustical energy into electrical energy.Condenser microphones require power from a battery or external source.The resulting audio signal is stronger signal than that from a dynamic.he term condenser is actually obsolete but has stuck as the name for this type of microphone, which uses a capacitor to convert acoustical energy into electrical energy. Condenser microphones require power from a battery or external source. The resulting audio signal is stronger signal than that from a dynamic." }, { "docid": "7159698", "title": "ilustreous-gre-barrons-essential-plus", "text": "The person who creates an organization or a company is known as the founder. Founder is also a verb meaning fail miserably, which is something a company's founder hopes the company will never do. To flounder is to struggle, but to founder is to sink like a stone and fail." }, { "docid": "5305386", "title": "Start and Run Capacitor Explained", "text": "To do this HVAC units use what are called Start and RUN capacitors. Not all motors will have a start or run capacitor some can start and run by themselves. Capacitors in HVAC can be separate or can be in a single package." } ]
how can i check if i have a travel ban in dubai
[ { "docid": "6651598", "title": "Dubai and UAE visa bans", "text": "1 A six month ban is automatically imposed in most other cases if an employee has not completed two years of service (and sometimes even if they have). 2 A six month ban can be lifted if the employee: 3 moves to another job or company but with the same sponsor.AE Labour Law new labour ban rules in Dubai and UAE-January 2011. 1 From Saturday 01 January 2011, the minimum period of employment for which a labour ban is not imposed is 2 years (previously was 3 years apparently)." } ]
[ { "docid": "5800766", "title": "-", "text": "Check the Flight distance between Columbus and Helena MT.Travel time is an important point to know with the driving distance. Hence you might also want to know the Travel Time from Columbus to Helena MT." }, { "docid": "8043024", "title": "Ray Ban Light Ray", "text": "Ray Ban Ray-Ban New Wayfarer Light Ray Sunglasses, Gunmetal/Blue Mirror, 140-52-19 Ray-Ban. Available from these sellers. Five Stars - By benaiah rajendran (FLUSHING, NEW YORK, US) Great product, love the light feel and yet again from rayban, its a supremely crafted wayfarers." }, { "docid": "1758586", "title": "Florida becomes first state to ban Fen-Phen use", "text": "Florida's ban will remain in place until the state draws up strict rules for use of the drugs. While Florida is the first state to ban the combination, a federal lawsuit pending in Washington seeks an FDA ban on the combination." }, { "docid": "947901", "title": "-", "text": "Time difference between Johannesburg, South Africa and Dubai, UAE is: +2:0 hours. Dubai is 2:0 hours ahead of Johannesburg. That means when it is 9:00 am in Johannesburg, it is 11:00 am in Dubai." }, { "docid": "5178992", "title": "-", "text": "4 airlines operate between Dubai, AE and Riyadh. 28% of all flights from Dubai, AE to Riyadh leave during night hours. Saudi Arabian has 37 nonstop flights between Dubai, AE and Riyadh. 19,471 seats are available per week to fly direct from Dubai, AE to Riyadh." }, { "docid": "7401414", "title": "-", "text": "Check the Flight distance between colosseum and Vatican City.Travel time is an important point to know with the driving distance. Hence you might also want to know the Travel Time from colosseum to Vatican City.heck the Flight distance between colosseum and Vatican City.Travel time is an important point to know with the driving distance. Hence you might also want to know the Travel Time from colosseum to Vatican City." }, { "docid": "1832236", "title": "-", "text": "Dubai International Financial Centre Dubai, 191905 United Arab Emirates +971 (0) 4559 4900 Registered with the Dubai International Financial Centre, licence no. 2128 Regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority: registered number F0003476" }, { "docid": "2512972", "title": "Ban Hammer", "text": "Ban Hammer Allows you to set a defined Item to be a Ban Hammer for use by Admins to Ban Players. Just hold the defined Item in your hand and hit the Players you want to Ban to Ban them! By Default the ban hammer is set to a Golden Hoe. This is configurable in-game though! Just do /bh sethamid [item id] to set the Ban Hammer! It can only be used by Admins so don't worry about random people banning others!" }, { "docid": "2268501", "title": "-", "text": "U.S. intelligence sources declined to comment since the travel ban is only now expiring and they do not know whether any of the five Taliban fighters will return to Afghanistan or even leave Qatar. Some intelligence experts believe the exchange and release of the five terrorists placed U.S. interests at risk." }, { "docid": "121218", "title": "How Many Sizes Of Ray Ban Aviators Are There?", "text": "The rb3025 currently comes in three lens sizes 55mm (small medium), 58mm (medium large), and 62mm (large, xl) 25 dec 2011 so, the ray ban (classic aviators,) different are available is considered a small. 58mm the 58mm is considered a medium size lens 20 sep 201311 apr 2009 i always buy ray ban aviator, classic, gold frame sunglasses. Ray ban aviator sunglasses (black) (rb3025. Sunglasses size comparison rb3025 ray ban aviators 55mm, 58mm, 62mm rb 3025 aviator classic 3 sizes? 'what of should i get? ' fashion eyewearray guide shades daddy. Ray ban what is the size difference between large and small ray aviators? . Check out all ray ban aviator sunglasses are available in sizes ranging from size 50 to 67 find great deals on ebay for medium vision care." }, { "docid": "571611", "title": "9 Mi - Distance from Los Angeles to universal studios hollywood", "text": "Check the Flight distance between Los Angeles and universal studios hollywood.Travel time is an important point to know with the driving distance. Hence you might also want to know the Travel Time from Los Angeles to universal studios hollywood." }, { "docid": "7312544", "title": "A Guide to Maid Salaries in Dubai", "text": "Maid Salary In Dubai. How much you should pay your full time maid in Dubai is a frequently asked question on our Maid Forum and is often a contentious issue." }, { "docid": "1760283", "title": "10 Things Banned In China", "text": "Check out the strange and seemingly harmless things they have banned. In 2009, just as Facebook was gaining a lot of popularity, China decided it was nothing but trouble and banned it from the country. The ban could be due to riots that broke out, government censorship, or protection of domestic companies." }, { "docid": "2619966", "title": "2 Federal Judges Rule Against Trumpâs Latest Travel Ban", "text": "Court Temporarily Blocks Trump’s Travel Ban, and Airlines Are Told to Allow Passengers FEB. 3, 2017" }, { "docid": "8433925", "title": "Which States Have Cell Phone, Texting While Driving Bans?", "text": "Cell phone bans for novice drivers: 30 states and D.C. ban cell phone use by novices. Cell phone bans for school bus drivers: 19 states and D.C. ban the use of cell phones by school bus drivers. Ban on texting while driving: 35 states, D.C., and Guam ban texting while driving for all drivers." }, { "docid": "3205788", "title": "Distance from Dubai to Abu Dhabi", "text": "Distance from Dubai to Abu Dhabi is 123 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 76 miles. The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Dubai and Abu Dhabi is 123 km= 76 miles. If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Dubai to Abu Dhabi, It takes 0.14 hours to arrive. Facebook Google+ Twitter." }, { "docid": "3363675", "title": "Dubai Studio City", "text": "(October 2015) Dubai Studio City is part of Tecom Group in Dubai, UAE. Following in the footsteps of Dubai Media City, it will cater to the production needs of the region and has plans to build movie studios like Hollywood sound stages backlots for various production needs." }, { "docid": "3963547", "title": "-", "text": "Meaning of Dubai. Dubai Meaning: The meaning of Dubai has not been submitted. If you have the meaning of Dubai, please submit it with along with any reference pages referring to the meaning of Dubai.eaning of Dubai. Dubai Meaning: The meaning of Dubai has not been submitted. If you have the meaning of Dubai, please submit it with along with any reference pages referring to the meaning of Dubai." }, { "docid": "6709049", "title": "Dubai Visa", "text": "With Musafir.com, getting a Dubai visa is extremely simple and hassle-free. All you have to do is apply for a 30 days Dubai tourist visa at Rs 6,500, and get your visa in just 5 working days. Apply now. Please note: 1 We do not provide Dubai work / job / employment visa. * Dubai transit visa price doesn't include OK to Board fees." }, { "docid": "5265663", "title": "Flights to Dubai From Heathrow", "text": "Executive lounges are based at all terminals at London Heathrow. Flights to Dubai with Virgin Atlantic and flights to Dubai with Emirates will depart from terminal 3 and will therefore use the servisair lounge. It is open daily from 06:30 until 22:30.lights From London Heathrow to Dubai. Flights run daily from London Heathrow to Dubai International Airport with British Airways, Emirates, Virgin Atlantic and Royal Brunei. *Five scheduled flights depart from London Heathrow to Dubai daily with Emirates at the following times:" }, { "docid": "3218835", "title": "-", "text": "Report Abuse. Dubai is city state, so by definition the city of Dubai is the capital of the area it administers (its emirate). The rulers office (capitol buildings) for Dubai is located on the creek next to the Museum. The Rulers palace is in Zabeel area.The local government departments are spread through out the city.ubai is city state, so by definition the city of Dubai is the capital of the area it administers (its emirate)." }, { "docid": "7317185", "title": "-", "text": "Dubai Super Saver: Desert Camp Experience by 4x4 and Dhow Dinner Cruise. 24 Reviews. Enjoy a dinner cruise on Dubai Creek and a 4x4 desert trip with this Dubai Super Saver that combines two best-selling tours at a discounted price! Ride a 4x4 ..." }, { "docid": "4639884", "title": "-", "text": "1 56% - How much salary of dubai police for foregin country people for job there in dubai? 2 38% - I would like to join dubai police force but i would like to know the salary details and how i can join dubai police? 3 48% - How much dubai police officer sealry? 38% - I would like to join dubai police force but i would like to know the salary details and how i can join dubai police? 2 48% - How much dubai police officer sealry? 3 66% - Wat salary does a normal police officer get? 4 55% - Police officer salary in dubia?" }, { "docid": "2796179", "title": "-", "text": "Confidence votes 18.5K. Dubai is located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) which is in the Middle East area. Dubai is often known as the world's most modern city. Dubai (in Arabic: دبيّ‎, transliteration: DubaÄ«y) is one of the seven emirates and most populous city of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).It is located along the southern coast of the Persian Gulf on the Arabian Peninsula. Dubai is located in the United Emirates, and is home to the Mall of the Emirates. 2 The Mall of 3 …. The Unique Government of the Emirate of Dubai The Emirate of Dubai is a part of the United Arab Emirates, and its capital city is simply called Dubai." }, { "docid": "7299559", "title": "-", "text": "Step 1: Retail Box. New Ray-Ban sunglasses are packaged in a branded retail box. Check for the print, colour and image quality of the logo. Also check that the logo and font matches that of used officially by Ray-Ban.tep 7: Ray-Ban Logo. The Ray-Ban logo is printed on the right hand lens. Again check the size, font and clarity of the letters. The logo should not have peeled or flaked." }, { "docid": "7076515", "title": "-", "text": "Check the Flight distance between Eureka and Klamath CA.Travel time is an important point to know with the driving distance. Hence you might also want to know the Travel Time from Eureka to Klamath CA." }, { "docid": "2551938", "title": "-", "text": "Check the Flight distance between Dallas and Panama City Beach FL.Travel time is an important point to know with the driving distance. Hence you might also want to know the Travel Time from Dallas to Panama City Beach FL." }, { "docid": "6451676", "title": "Alcohol and Licences in Dubai, UAE", "text": "Alcohol in Dubai and the UAE. Alcohol and alcohol license (licence) information and FAQs for Abu Dhabi, Dubai and UAE for tourists, visitors, and resident expats. How to get an alcohol license, what you can and can't do with alcohol in the UAE. Alcohol laws in the UAE, problems with drinking and getting drunk in Dubai." }, { "docid": "7317186", "title": "-", "text": "Dhow Cruises Dubai & Abu Dhabi. Dhow Cruises Dubai & Abu Dhabi. The Dinner Cruise operates daily in Dubai from 8.30 pm to 10.30 pm and in Abu Dhabi from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM. At Tour Dubai Dinner Cruises, we pay attention to every detail that combines unique and bespoke services at reasonable prices." }, { "docid": "4878507", "title": "Cheap Flights from Lahore to Dubai from $264 .83", "text": "Rabat to Dubai Flights. Sometimes you just need to get out of town or maybe you’re looking for a change of scenery. Regardless of the reason, a flight from Rabat to Dubai will do just the trick! Go on, plan to see all the famous landmarks and eat your weight in the local cuisine. Your trip is beckoning, so answer the call by packing your suitcase and filling your travel itinerary with exploring Dubai." } ]
how can i get my food handlers permit
[ { "docid": "3544120", "title": "-", "text": "Workers are issued a Food Worker card, also called a Food Handler Permit, after they take a food safety training class and pass the State of Washington exam on food safety basics.n some states and counties, people working directly with food must have a food handler's permit to do their jobs." } ]
[ { "docid": "489000", "title": "-", "text": "Orem, UT: Orem 2011: 8/2011: Permit Number: 201100601 Permit Type: Permit Description: Single Family Electrical Only : $1k: Orem, UT: Residential Construction Salt Lake City 2007: 9/2007: Permit Number: BLD2007-70928019 Permit Type: Electrical Permit Description: Building ELEC TO 265 N… $1.3m: Salt Lake City, UT: Electrical Services Salt Lake City 2008: 5/2009" }, { "docid": "3586880", "title": "-", "text": "DMV does not send you a notice when your permit is about to expire. If your instruction permit is expired or about to expire, you may apply for another permit. The new permit is valid for twenty-four months from the date it is issued." }, { "docid": "1820796", "title": "Time and Temperature", "text": "When done properly, hand washing is one of the most effective ways food handlers must do to prevent foodborne illnesses. To make sure washing is effective, follow this procedure: Use hot water. Apply bar or liquid soap. Antibacterial soap is not necessary." }, { "docid": "3421021", "title": "How do I Become a Baggage Handler?", "text": "To become baggage handlers, individuals should learn about logistics and transportation. It is also helpful if they are informed about certain aspects of the job including how to operate certain technological equipment and machinery. The right equipment helps a baggage handler efficiently perform his or her job.o become a baggage handler, a person must also be physically fit. Baggage handling is a job that requires physical activity. The handlers are required to lift extremely heavy packages and must be able to do so without injuring themselves." }, { "docid": "6460284", "title": "-", "text": "In this blog I’ll go through how to add a library, handler, and function to a form and I've included a few screenshots on how to change the format for a phone number field on the Account form using event handlers." }, { "docid": "5486683", "title": "What Is the Average Yearly Salary of a Airline Baggage Handler?", "text": "Normally, new-hire airline baggage handlers move to the highest salary classifications over five to 10 years. At large commercial airlines, baggage handlers with five to 10 years of service and experience can earn $18 to $25 hourly, or about $37,400 to $52,000 annually. Senior airline baggage handlers also receive two or more weeks of vacation." }, { "docid": "6489209", "title": "Learner's permit", "text": "In order for a minor to get a learner's permit, they must have signed permission from a parent or guardian. After six months of driving supervised with a permit, and reaching the requisite age, a person can apply for a provisional license.aving a driver's permit for a certain length of time is usually one of the requirements (along with driver's education and a road test) for applying for a full driver's license. To get a learner's permit, one must typically pass a written permit test, traffic, and rules of the road." }, { "docid": "8398725", "title": "Statistics show concealed carry saves many lives, takes few", "text": "In this case, the permit holder saved the lives of the eight people in the store. News reports also stated that the other citizens in the store urged the permit holder to shoot the man again and kill him. The permit holder refused and calmly awaited the arrival of police." }, { "docid": "1114060", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions: Work Permits", "text": "1 Statement of Intent to Employ a Minor and Request for a Work Permit - Certificate of Age (CDE Form B1-1): known as the work permit application. Permit to Employ and Work (CDE Form B1-4): known as the work permit." }, { "docid": "2381610", "title": "Can you carry a unconcealed gun in the state of Tennessee?", "text": "Only if you have a handgun carry permit. Tennessee does not issue concealed carry permits, only handgun carry permits. Once you get the permit, you can carry concealed or non-concealed. Without a permit, it is illegal to carry a gun in Tennessee on your person, except on your own property." }, { "docid": "4495778", "title": "-", "text": "DoD employers will need to determine which of their employees are Handlers Only and which employees are Certifiers/Packers. The Certifiers/Packers are the ones who truly need the DoD certification training (e.g. Transport of Biomedical Material Course or Medical Waste Transport Course)." }, { "docid": "2342506", "title": "-", "text": "The Calculation of Activity Handlers of radioactive materials must be able to calculate the activity of the materials they handle and the wastes generated.The following formula can be used to calculate the activity of a radioactive material at any point in time.he Calculation of Activity Handlers of radioactive materials must be able to calculate the activity of the materials they handle and the wastes generated." }, { "docid": "5324820", "title": "-", "text": "The clerk of a circuit court that issued a valid concealed handgun permit shall, upon presentation by the permit holder of the valid permit and written notice of a change of address on a form provided by the Department of State Police, issue a replacement permit specifying the permit holder's new address." }, { "docid": "7003712", "title": "-", "text": "With an ePermit, you no longer need to display a physical permit in your vehicle. Instead civil enforcement officers will carry out permit checks using the vehicle registration mark. If you are a motorcycle owner you will be required to apply for a residents' permit." }, { "docid": "3437469", "title": "-", "text": "How long is my card valid? Food handlers must obtain a new card every three years. Will my Food Handler Card be valid everywhere in California? A Food Handler Card is valid everywhere except in Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego counties, which have pre-existing local food handler programs. Employees who have food handler cards from a county with a" }, { "docid": "7307928", "title": "-", "text": "Hepatitis A. In situations where travellers’ diarrhoea is common so to is Hepatitis A. This is a viral disease of the liver and is the most common vaccine preventable disease that travellers to less developed areas of the world contract. This virus is transmitted through contaminated food and water.For those eating and drinking in areas where environmental sanitation and personal hygiene are poor the risk may be as high as 1 in 50 per month of travel. Even 5 star travel is not without risk.his is an acute infection caused by a virus which attacks the nervous system and can lead to paralysis. Transmission is by faecal contamination of food, usually by unhygienic food handlers or flies, or directly from infected nasal secretions. Polio is a serious disease with a vaccine that is very safe and effective." }, { "docid": "5026692", "title": "Fees", "text": "Permit Fee: A one-time $100 fee must accompany each initial permit application. This fee must be paid along with the first year's permit payment of $138, and must be submitted to the port in the district for which the broker is seeking a permit. Annual Permit User Fee: This $138 fee is payable each year in every broker district where a permit has been issued to a broker." }, { "docid": "1094903", "title": "-", "text": "The North American Dog Agility Council (NADAC) was formed in 1993 to provide North American dogs and their handlers with a fast, safe and enjoyable form of the sport of dog agility. NADAC sanctions agility trials sponsored by affiliated clubs. The purpose of a NADAC agility trial is to demonstrate the ability of a dog and its handler to work as a smoothly functioning team. With separate class divisions for Veterans and Junior Handlers and a variety of games, NADAC dog agility offers something for everyone!" }, { "docid": "5618744", "title": "-", "text": "By state, the highest pay levels are found in Kentucky, where the average Texas Roadhouse, Inc employee makes $15.50 per hour. Salaries approach $10.00 per hour for Certified ServSafe Food Handlers; non-accredited workers make much less." }, { "docid": "8358037", "title": "Bears and Food Storage", "text": "Please note that these food storage regulations have the force and effect of federal law: Failure to store your food properly may result in impoundment of your food or car and/or a fine of up to $5,000 and/or revocation of your camping permit." }, { "docid": "373083", "title": "-", "text": "Certified ServSafe Food Handlers have significantly higher pay than non-accredited workers at $11.00 per hour. Those with a B.A. in Bachelor of Arts (BA) at Chili's Grill & Bar come out on top, and their salaries approach around $10.50 per hour." }, { "docid": "1512254", "title": "Raptor Propagation", "text": "Obtaining a Raptor Propagation Permit; Classes of Raptor Propagator; Regulations specific to Raptor Propagation Permits; How to Renew your Permit . 1. To Obtain a Raptor Propagation Permit: A person must either: Be the holder of a valid Master Falconry Permit in good standing; or" }, { "docid": "1224191", "title": "-", "text": "Ramp Planner Career Overview. Airline-Non-Flying-Ramp Planner. The ramp planner keeps track of arriving aircraft and dispatches service units, cleaners, fuellers, baggage handlers, and food service trucks. He or she must know flight schedules.amp Planner Career Overview. Airline-Non-Flying-Ramp Planner. The ramp planner keeps track of arriving aircraft and dispatches service units, cleaners, fuellers, baggage handlers, and food service trucks. He or she must know flight schedules." }, { "docid": "7332777", "title": "-", "text": "ANSWER: Your current Iowa nonprofessional permit will be valid until the expiration date shown on the permit (unless revoked). All restrictions that appear on the current permit will remain valid. You also have the option to apply for a new unrestricted five-year permit after January 1, 2011, and before your current permit expires. QUESTION: My current Iowa nonprofessional permit to carry weapons expires December 31, 2010. Will I be able to apply for a new" }, { "docid": "1115644", "title": "Applying for a New License (Drivers 18+) in South Carolina", "text": "Now, to get your drivers permit, you must pass the CDL written tests at your FL driver's license office. After doing so, you'll be granted your CDL permit." }, { "docid": "367441", "title": "Get a driver license", "text": "Step 2: Get a learner permit. Before you can get a license, you must apply for a learner permit at DMV office and take the written test. You can prepare by reading the New York State Driver's Manual and taking practice tests. Learn how to apply for a learner permit." }, { "docid": "7573400", "title": "Post Office Mail Handler Duties", "text": "USPS mail handlers are employed as full-time, part-time, and part-time flexible workers. Full-time mail handlers work eight-hour shifts five days a week according to the National Postal Mail Handlers Union, or NPMHU, while part-time employees keep a regular schedule of under 40 hours per week." }, { "docid": "4894276", "title": "Permit to Carry FAQ", "text": "What is the cost for a permit to carry? The fee for a new permit to carry will be determined by the county sheriff, not to exceed $100. A fee for a renewal permit (applied for before the expiration date of a current permit to carry) will be determined by the county sheriff, not to exceed $75." }, { "docid": "6102273", "title": "How Much Does It Cost To Demolish A House?", "text": "If you are required to get a permit prior to demolition you can expect to pay $25 to $100 for each permit and could go as high as several thousands of dollars. In Chicago, for example, the cost of a permit to demolish an existing home will cost you up to $10,000 for the permit because of their local rules. In addition utility companies may charge for a service call if they have to come out." }, { "docid": "6636190", "title": "How to fly with a bike: The cheap and easy method", "text": "Your bike is handled more carefully when packed in a plastic bag– First, If bagage handlers can see that there is a bike in the bag they are more likely to handle it with care. When we deposited our bikes at the luggage desk in Dubrovnik two baggage handlers carried our bikes to the loading area." } ]
how can i move to new zealand
[ { "docid": "780401", "title": "-", "text": "Shipping your goods to New Zealand. Once you decide to move to New Zealand, you'll want to be sure you've planned every last detail. Moving scares some people. But to make this as easy as possible we recommend you register with MoveList.com and the most experienced and trusted shipping companies will make contact with your directly and help you with your move." } ]
[ { "docid": "3689254", "title": "-", "text": "These results are based on the actual driving distance from Whangarei, New Zealand to Auckland, New Zealand, which is 98 miles or 158 kilometers." }, { "docid": "2926321", "title": "New Zealand Time", "text": "New Zealand Standard Time zone is 12 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+12). The time for the Chatham Islands is 45 minutes in advance of New Zealand Standard Time." }, { "docid": "4430984", "title": "-", "text": "New Zealand English (NZE, en-NZ) is the dialect of the English language used in New Zealand. Although this is not unique to New Zealand, this usage is becoming obsolete throughout the rest of the native English speaking world, yet is still very much in use throughout New Zealand. 2 get your beans (phrase) get what's coming to you; be punished. 3 handle (noun) a glass of beer with a handle; pint." }, { "docid": "7618164", "title": "NZ Birds of Prey / Native / Morepork Owl", "text": "The Morepork is the only remaining native owl species found in New Zealand apart from the Barn Owl, which has only very recently colonised New Zealand from Australia. It is also the only species of owl in New Zealand that inhabits forests." }, { "docid": "6171334", "title": "National Flag of New Zealand", "text": "Proportions: 1:2. New Zealand Flag Description: The flag of New Zealand consists of a dark blue base with a British Union Jack in the upper left quarter. On the right side of the flag are four, five-point red stars outlined in white.The stars are positioned to represent a southern cross.he Southern Cross is a prominent constellation in the southern hemisphere, and represents New Zealand's geographical position to the rest of the world. New Zealand Antilles Flag History: The New Zealand flag was adopted on June 12, 1902 but the flag was actually introduced in 1869." }, { "docid": "3612920", "title": "-", "text": "People say that kiwi fruit comes from New Zealand, but its not. Kiwi fruit actually comes from China, and was actually called Chinese goose berry, but china decided to give th … e kiwifruit to New Zealand, which is now a traditional fruit to us New Zealanders." }, { "docid": "6691199", "title": "-", "text": "The closest country to Australia is Papua New Guinea. Other close countries are East Timor, Indonesia and New Zealand.ew Zealand is the rugby playing country that is near Australia and refers to the Christmas tree as a Pohutukawa. Families in New Zealand place their gifts and candy aroun … d the Pohutukawa." }, { "docid": "2518489", "title": "Story: Self-government and independence", "text": "New Zealand does not have an Independence Day to celebrate – the country’s independence from Britain was gained in many small steps rather than all at once. In the 2000s New Zealand is independent from Britain in almost every way, but Queen Elizabeth II is still the country’s official head of state." }, { "docid": "1488940", "title": "-", "text": "100% of all flights from Vancouver, BC to New Zealand leave during night hours. There are 3 nonstop flights from Vancouver, BC to New Zealand. The shortest nonstop flight between Vancouver, BC and New Zealand is 7,055 miles. There are no medium haul direct flights between Vancouver, BC and New Zealand." }, { "docid": "8351019", "title": "-", "text": "Download a New Zealand map Download and print the New Zealand Touring Map to see information on each of the regions in New Zealand and 16 themed highways. New Zealand Touring Map [PDF 2.6MB]" }, { "docid": "271184", "title": "-", "text": "If you live in Auckland, New Zealand and you want to call a friend in Melbourne, Australia, you can try calling them between 9:00 AM and 1:00 AM your time. This will be between 7AM - 11PM their time, since Melbourne, Australia is 2 hours behind Auckland, New Zealand." }, { "docid": "3236724", "title": "-", "text": "Oceania is one of eight terrestrial ecozones, which constitute the major ecological regions of the planet. The Oceania ecozone includes all of Micronesia, Fiji, and all of Polynesia except New Zealand. New Zealand, New Guinea, Melanesia apart from Fiji, and Australia constitute the separate Australasian ecozone.iogeographically, Oceania is used as a synonym for either the Australasian ecozone (Wallacea and Australasia) or the Pacific ecozone (Melanesia, Polynesia, and Micronesia apart either from New Zealand or from mainland New Guinea)." }, { "docid": "5266386", "title": "Lord of the Rings Locations", "text": "The Lord of the Rings trilogy was filmed entirely in New Zealand. There were as many as nine individual units filming in the remotest and scenic areas. Since the release of Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring, many die hard Lord of the Rings fans have come to New Zealand to seek out the spectacular locations." }, { "docid": "7284258", "title": "Hurst History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms", "text": "Hurst Settlers in New Zealand in the 19th Century. 1 William Hurst, aged 42, a gardener, who arrived in Wellington, New Zealand aboard the ship Bolton in 1840. 2 Mary Ann Hurst, aged 35, who arrived in Wellington, New Zealand aboard the ship Bolton in 1840." }, { "docid": "3795986", "title": "180th meridian", "text": "The meridian also passes between (but not particularly close to): 1 the Gilbert Islands and the Phoenix Islands of Kiribati; 2 between North Island and the Kermadec Islands of New Zealand; 3 between the Bounty Islands and the Chatham Islands, also of New Zealand." }, { "docid": "7754128", "title": "Paul O'Connell", "text": "O'Connell was selected in the squad for the 2005 British and Irish Lions tour to New Zealand. He won his first Test cap for the Lions on 25 June 2005, starting in the first test defeat to New Zealand. O'Connell also started the second and third tests.'Connell was selected in the squad for the 2005 British and Irish Lions tour to New Zealand. He won his first Test cap for the Lions on 25 June 2005, starting in the first test defeat to New Zealand. O'Connell also started the second and third tests." }, { "docid": "475289", "title": "History of New Zealand", "text": "From the 1890s the New Zealand parliament enacted a number of progressive initiatives, including women's suffrage and old age pensions. The country remained an enthusiastic member of the British Empire, and 110,000 men fought in World War I (see New Zealand Expeditionary Force).he history of New Zealand dates back at least 700 years to when it was discovered and settled by Polynesians, who developed a distinct Māori culture centred on kinship links and land. The first European explorer to sight New Zealand was Abel Janszoon Tasman on 13 December 1642." }, { "docid": "2926319", "title": "Japan is 8 hours ahead of London, United Kingdom.", "text": "Schedule a phone call from London, United Kingdom to New Zealand. If you live in London, United Kingdom and you want to call a friend in New Zealand, you can try calling them between 7:00 PM and 11:00 AM your time." }, { "docid": "2354362", "title": "Freshwater eels in New Zealand", "text": "At first glance, all New Zealand freshwater eels look the same, but there are three species: 1 Longfin eel. Conservation status: At Risk- Declining. Found only in New Zealand. 2 Shortfin eel. Conservation status: Not Threatened. Found in New Zealand, Australia and some Pacific Islands. 3 Spotted eel. A visitor from Australia." }, { "docid": "3534917", "title": "Haka (sports)", "text": "A haka is a traditional ancestral war cry, dance or challenge of the Māori people of New Zealand which the New Zealand national rugby union team, the All Blacks, and a number of other New Zealand national teams perform before their international matches.he 1924–5 New Zealand rugby team which toured the United Kingdom, Irish Free State, France and Canada and which was nicknamed the Invincibles, performed a haka that was written for them during the voyage to England by two supporters, Judge Frank Acheson of the Native Land Court and Wiremu Rangi of Gisborne." }, { "docid": "7032036", "title": "Bachelor of Arts", "text": "Bachelor of Arts - Australia, Canada, Nepal, New Zealand, South Africa. 1 In colleges and universities in Australia, New Zealand, Nepal and South Africa, the BA degree can be taken over three years of full-time study. [3]" }, { "docid": "687334", "title": "Visa requirements for New Zealand citizens", "text": "Visa requirements for New Zealand citizens. Visa requirements for New Zealand citizens are administrative entry restrictions by the authorities of other states placed on citizens of New Zealand." }, { "docid": "4313150", "title": "-", "text": "How to Travel Between Australia & New Zealand; The Best Time to Travel to Ecuador; The Best Time to Travel to Bali; The Best Time to Visit Europe; Separated by the Tasman Sea, Australia and New Zealand each feature diverse attractions for visitors to enjoy. From the koalas and Aboriginal culture of Australia to the kiwi birds and Maori tribes of New Zealand, both countries offer intriguing opportunities for exploration." }, { "docid": "5360108", "title": "Eels", "text": "The ancestors of modern New Zealand eels (like Anguilla dieffenbachii) had been swimming up and down New Zealand waterways since at least the early Miocene (23 million years ago). The longfin eel is one of the largest eels in the world and it is found only in the rivers and lakes of New Zealand." }, { "docid": "3689252", "title": "-", "text": "Your directions start from Auckland Airport, Auckland, New Zealand. And Whangarei, Northland, New Zealand is the place you need to reach.We are sure that after getting road driving directions from Auckland Airport to Whangarei will help you find the route from Auckland Airport to Whangarei easier!" }, { "docid": "1522663", "title": "Coat of Arms", "text": "The coat of arms of New Zealand is the official symbol of New Zealand. The initial coat of arms was granted by King George V on the 26 August 1911, and the current version was granted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1956." }, { "docid": "5484879", "title": "How to Call New Zealand From Australia", "text": "Calling New Zealand From Australia-Direct Dialing Numbers. To make a direct call to New Zealand From Australia, you need to follow the international dialing format given in the box below. The dialing format is same for calling New Zealand mobile or land line from Australia." }, { "docid": "3676798", "title": "What is the weather like in New Zealand?", "text": "The West Coast of the South Island is the wettest area of New Zealand, whereas the area to the east of the mountains, just over 100 km away, is the driest. Most areas of New Zealand have between 600 and 1600 mm of rainfall, spread throughout the year with a dry period during the summer." }, { "docid": "2926315", "title": "-", "text": "This will be between 7AM - 11PM their time, since New Zealand is 12 hours ahead of London, United Kingdom. If you're available any time, but you want to reach someone in New Zealand at work, you may want to try between 9:00 PM and 5:00 AM your time." }, { "docid": "100030", "title": "New Zealand Passports and Visas", "text": "All visitors to New Zealand must carry a passport that is valid for at least three months beyond the date you intend to leave the country. You do not need a visa or permit to visit New Zealand if you are: 1 A New Zealand citizen or Resident Permit holder. An Australian citizen travelling on an Australian passport." } ]
how can temperature affect bacterial growth
[ { "docid": "3252920", "title": "Does temperature affect bacterial growth?", "text": "Bacterial growth increases with temperature or humidity. Lower temperatures will inhibit or completely stop bacterial growth, but not kill bacteria. The best temperatur … e for fastest growth of some bacterial strains (such as E. coli) is the human body temperature at 37°C.However, most species cannot survive in extreme temperatures.he best temperature for bacterial growth is around the same temperature as the human body, 98.6 degrees F (37 degrees C)." }, { "docid": "3252927", "title": "-", "text": "B. Factors that Influence Bacterial Growth. Fundamental statements for this learning object: 1. Bacteria have a minimum, optimum, and maximum temperature for growth and can be divided into 3 groups based on their optimum growth temperature: psychrophils, mesophils, thermophils, or hyperthermophils.. Factors that Influence Bacterial Growth. Fundamental statements for this learning object: 1. Bacteria have a minimum, optimum, and maximum temperature for growth and can be divided into 3 groups based on their optimum growth temperature: psychrophils, mesophils, thermophils, or hyperthermophils." } ]
[ { "docid": "7435663", "title": "Bacterial vaginosis", "text": "BV is a risk factor for pelvic inflammatory disease, HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and reproductive and obstetric disorders or negative outcomes. It is possible for sexually inactive persons to develop bacterial vaginosis. Bacterial vaginosis may sometimes affect women after menopause." }, { "docid": "4202855", "title": "Blood Sugar & Other Hormones", "text": "Glucagon, amylin, GIP, GLP-1, epinephrine, cortisol, and growth hormone also affect blood sugar levels. There are other hormones other than insulin that affect the blood sugar levels in your body. It is important to know about glucagon, amylin, GIP, GLP-1, epinephrine, cortisol, and growth hormone." }, { "docid": "3252753", "title": "Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug (NSAID", "text": "Tuberculosis, commonly known as TB, is a contagious and an often severe airborne disease caused by a bacterial infection. TB typically affects the lungs, but it also may affect any other organ of the body.It is usually treated with a regimen of drugs taken for 6 months to 2 years, depending on the type of infection.uberculosis, commonly known as TB, is a contagious and an often severe airborne disease caused by a bacterial infection. TB typically affects the lungs, but it also may affect any other organ of the body." }, { "docid": "6882182", "title": "Potentially Hazardous Foods", "text": "Using temperature controls minimizes the potential for harmful bacterial growth in foods. Controls are used when foods are received, in cold holding, during thawing, in cooking, hot holding, and during cooling and reheating." }, { "docid": "658032", "title": "Metronidazole (By mouth)", "text": "Uses of This Medicine. Metronidazole is used to treat bacterial infections in different areas of the body. The extended-release tablets are used to treat women with vaginal infections (bacterial vaginosis). Metronidazole belongs to the class of medicines known as antibiotics. It works by killing bacteria or preventing their growth." }, { "docid": "6987019", "title": "hypertrophy", "text": "abnormal enlargement of a part or organ; excessive growth. 2. excessive growth or accumulation of any kind. verb (used with or without object), hypertrophied, hypertrophying. 3. to affect with or undergo hypertrophy. Origin of hypertrophy." }, { "docid": "6212409", "title": "Macrobid", "text": "A. View Sources. This medication is an antibiotic used to treat bladder infections (acute cystitis). It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (e.g., common cold, flu).iew Sources. This medication is an antibiotic used to treat bladder infections (acute cystitis). It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (e.g., common cold, flu)." }, { "docid": "5206306", "title": "Benadryl Dosage", "text": "benadryl dosage benadryl is an allergy medication that can be used to treat reactions in the body or on the skin due to the properties that affect the sinuses this drug can also be used to treat the common cold or other non bacterial sinus irritations" }, { "docid": "457278", "title": "What are Bacteria?", "text": "Harmful bacteria can affect almost any area of the body. Other types of bacterial infections include: 1 Bacterial meningitis is a severe infection of the meninges, the lining of the brain. 2 Otitis media is the official name for an infection or inflammation of the middle ear." }, { "docid": "4425669", "title": "Will cipro help cure a sinus infection?", "text": "Uses. This medication is used to treat a variety of bacterial infections. Ciprofloxacin belongs to a class of drugs called quinolone antibiotics. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria.This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for virus infections (such as common cold, flu).ses. This medication is used to treat a variety of bacterial infections. Ciprofloxacin belongs to a class of drugs called quinolone antibiotics. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria." }, { "docid": "5453820", "title": "DreadHeadHQ Supa Hair Growth Supplement for Dreadlocks", "text": "As I'm sure you've heard there are quite a few vitamins and herbs that boost hair growth. People often research these and try taking them individually. They are often less than impressed by the results. Partly because it takes two to three weeks before diet changes affect visible hair growth." }, { "docid": "7306589", "title": "Bacterial Vaginosis [en Español]", "text": "Bacterial vaginosis is a mild infection of the vagina caused by bacteria. Normally, there are a lot of good bacteria and some bad bacteria in the vagina. The good types help control the growth of the bad types. In women with bacterial vaginosis, the balance is upset. There are not enough good bacteria and too many bad bacteria. Bacterial vaginosis is usually a mild problem that may go away on its own in a few days. But it can lead to more serious problems. So it's a good idea to see your doctor and get treatment." }, { "docid": "5644761", "title": "What is the typical temperature of a household refrigerator?", "text": "The ideal refrigerator temperature range is 1°-4.5°C (34°-40°F) . Bacterial and mold growth are considerably slowed down at these temperatures, thus retarding food spoilage. Since water freezes at 0°C (32°F), this prevents fresh foods from freezing, although when the temperature is at the low end of the range, some areas in the refrigerator may be below the freezing point." }, { "docid": "5531508", "title": "How does temperature affect resistance? higher the temperature the ....... the resistance?", "text": "How does temperature affect resistance? higher the temperature the ....... the resistance? i am currently doing my GCSE physics coursework and im stuck on what temperature actually does to resistance." }, { "docid": "1211640", "title": "Top 20 Doctor insights on: Normal Temperatures For Adults", "text": "The normal body temperature has long been thought to be 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, but there are several factors that affect body temperature. Normal body temperature varies by person and can also increase or decrease as a person ages, changes environment, changes diet or alters medication.he normal body temperature has long been thought to be 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, but there are several factors that affect body temperature. Normal body temperature varies by person and can also increase or decrease as a person ages, changes environment, changes diet or alters medication." }, { "docid": "6938737", "title": "-", "text": "1 Bacterial endocarditis -- Bacterial endocarditis is a bacterial infection that can affect the valves of the heart causing deformity and damage to the leaflets of the valve(s). 2 Regurgitation occurs when blood flows back into the valve as the leaflets close or leaks through the leaflets after they are closed.eart valve disease occurs when one or more of the valves is damaged. Causes: Degenerative valve disease -- This is a common cause of valvular degeneration." }, { "docid": "3045828", "title": "Bermudagrass", "text": "Optimum daytime temperature for bermudagrass is between 95° and 100°F. Soil temperature, as influenced by air temperature, is also important to the growth and development of bermudagrass turf. Soil temperatures above 65°F are required for significant growth of rhizomes, roots and stolons. Optimum soil temperature for root growth is around 80°F." }, { "docid": "7326955", "title": "How Long Will Chicken Keep in a Fridge?", "text": "Never store raw chicken in the fridge for longer than two days. In the store, commercial refrigerators keep the chicken colder than your fridge does, and putting it in your cart and transporting it home raises its temperature, allowing some bacterial growth." }, { "docid": "1085756", "title": "What is the proper temperature for a refrigerator?", "text": "Average temperature of a refrigerator is 35 - 38 degrees and -18 °C (0 °F) for the freezer. A household refrigerator should be maintained between 34 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit-just above freezing to maintain food quality but low enough to inhibit bacterial growth.Ideally your refrigerator should be at the correct temperature (less than 4°C). When the fridge is very full, turn thermostat to Colder setting.If in doubt about your fridge's efficiency check it with a fridge thermometer.deally your refrigerator should be at the correct temperature (less than 4°C). When the fridge is very full, turn thermostat to Colder setting. If in doubt about your fridge's efficiency check it with a fridge thermometer." }, { "docid": "850528", "title": "Bacterial Vaginosis - Topic Overview", "text": "Bacterial vaginosis is a mild infection of the vagina caused by bacteria. Normally, there are a lot of good bacteria and some bad bacteria in the vagina. The good types help control the growth of the bad types. In women with bacterial vaginosis, the balance is upset." }, { "docid": "7346258", "title": "-", "text": "Night temperature as well as day temperature is important in the growth of sugar beet plants. The plants to the left and. in the center were grown at the same day temperature (79OF) but differed only in night temperature (79 and 43O F)." }, { "docid": "4624902", "title": "-", "text": "Primary bacterial diseases are caused by invasion of bacteria that cause disease with no other predisposing factors. Secondary bacterial diseases are caused by invasion of bacteria after a predisposing condition, such as viral infections, stresses, tissue injuries, and dietary upsets.A bacterial disease may affect a single tissue or organ, or it may affect multiple tissues and organs of the animal.econdary bacterial diseases are caused by invasion of bacteria after a predisposing condition, such as viral infections, stresses, tissue injuries, and dietary upsets. A bacterial disease may affect a single tissue or organ, or it may affect multiple tissues and organs of the animal." }, { "docid": "6564261", "title": "-", "text": "Objections against the internalisation of external costs are raised on the grounds that it will affect competitiveness. From Europarl Parallel Corpus - English He has studied how strategic differences and strategic change among organizations affect their growth, performance, and survival." }, { "docid": "3907604", "title": "Everything you need to know about estrogen", "text": "1 Ovaries - estrogen helps stimulate the growth of the egg follicle. Vagina - estrogen stimulates the growth of the vagina to its adult size, the thickening of the vaginal wall, and the increase in vaginal acidity that reduces bacterial infections. It also plays a part in vaginal lubrication." }, { "docid": "4380747", "title": "Basic Benefits of Pro Forma Statements", "text": "Pro forma statements can demonstrate the areas in which a company can grow by adjusting numbers that deal with distribution to affect the bottom line. By working these numbers and how they affect real costs, a company can judge whether growth is worth the risk and cost." }, { "docid": "8328602", "title": "Safety of Unrefrigerated Cream Cheese", "text": "Bacteria and molds flourish in moist environments with plenty of nutrients to fuel their growth, and cream cheese delivers on both counts. It can legally be up to 55 percent moisture, with sufficient protein and lactose -- milk's natural sugar -- to feed microorganisms. As with fish, chicken and other perishable foods, cream cheese and other soft cheeses should not be left out at room temperature for longer than two hours. Temperatures above 40 degrees Fahrenheit and below 140 F are ideal for bacterial growth, and cream cheese should not be left in this “danger zone.." }, { "docid": "5632024", "title": "Does temperature affect bacterial growth?", "text": "Bacterial growth increases with temperature or humidity. Lower temperatures will inhibit or completely stop bacterial growth, but not kill bacteria. The best temperatur … e for fastest growth of some bacterial strains (such as E. coli) is the human body temperature at 37°C. However, most species cannot survive in extreme temperatures. One way to kill common bacterial pathogens using heat is by boiling, a common sterilization technique." }, { "docid": "6421197", "title": "When Do Girls Stop Growing?", "text": "there are many factors that can affect a person s height and growth such as their environment lifestyle and genes the average height of an american woman is around 64 3 inches or 163 5 cm but when do girls stop growing there are many factors that can affect a person s height and growth such as their environment lifestyle and genes the average height of an american woman is around 64 3 inches or 163 5 cm" }, { "docid": "7596612", "title": "Does wind chill affect temperature?", "text": "Wind chill is derived using the air temperature as well as the wind speed. Temperature affects wind chill however wind chill does not affect air temperature. If the air temperature was 30ºF, the wind chill temperature would be higher if the winds were at 40 mph than if they were 20 mph.emperature affects wind chill however wind chill does not affect air temperature. If the air temperature was 30ºF, the wind chill temperature would be higher if the winds were at 40 mph than if they were 20 mph." }, { "docid": "4249414", "title": "Pathogens", "text": "In humans, diseases can be caused by the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. Bacterial growth, however, is not mandatory to cause disease. For example, some bacterial pathogens cause disease by virtue of a toxic component of the bacterial cell such as lipopolysaccharide." } ]
how can you raise blood pressure quickly
[ { "docid": "6150973", "title": "-", "text": "Increase your salt intake. You may have heard that too much salt is bad for your blood pressure. However, this is only the case if you have high blood pressure; increased salt (or sodium) can raise your low blood pressure to a healthier level.More salt increases your blood volume, which will raise your blood pressure.ow blood pressure can accompany dehydration, so you may be able to raise your blood pressure by increasing your water intake. Aim to drink at least 8-10 8oz cups of water per day." } ]
[ { "docid": "8633215", "title": "Early to Rise? Your Blood Pressure May Be Too!", "text": "These hormones give you boosts of energy but can also raise your blood pressure. The morning increase in blood pressure is usually seen between 6:00 AM and noon (Figure 1). If the blood pressure rises too high, it can cause harmful effects." }, { "docid": "8271426", "title": "Dizziness (Dizzy)", "text": "In individuals who are dehydrated or anemic, blood pressure readings may be normal when they are lying flat; however, the lack of fluid is unmasked when they stand up quickly. The lack of blood to the brain may cause dizziness and lightheadedness." }, { "docid": "5699190", "title": "-", "text": "Work through the blocks as quickly as you can to get at the +5’s in the center and then use the bombs to help create specials to raise your score. You can’t stop the chocolate, but making the specials with the bombs should help.ork through the blocks as quickly as you can to get at the +5’s in the center and then use the bombs to help create specials to raise your score. You can’t stop the chocolate, but making the specials with the bombs should help." }, { "docid": "1646696", "title": "Why is salt bad for our health?", "text": "Blood pressure is the amount of pressure that blood puts on your blood vessel walls as it is pumped around the body. Certain factors such as being overweight, lack of exercise and, in particular, a high salt diet can raise your blood pressure, leading to heart attacks and strokes." }, { "docid": "2298338", "title": "hypertension", "text": "Blood Pressure is the primary indicator. A systolic blood pressure above. 90 mm usually indicates that the patient is stable (although the provider. should be alert for changes in blood pressure that might indicate an. unstable patient even if blood pressure is normal)." }, { "docid": "5627547", "title": "CAFFEINE", "text": "Caffeine works by stimulating the central nervous system (CNS), heart, muscles, and the centers that control blood pressure. Caffeine can raise blood pressure, but might not have this effect in people who use it all the time.affeine works by stimulating the central nervous system (CNS), heart, muscles, and the centers that control blood pressure. Caffeine can raise blood pressure, but might not have this effect in people who use it all the time." }, { "docid": "4297724", "title": "Can cabbage help control diabetes?", "text": "GI is an indicator of how fast the carbohydrates will raise the blood glucose levels in your blood. A food item with a high GI means it will raise the levels quickly as compared to food with low GI. So bring cabbage to your table as often as you can. Here is a sample diet plan for diabetes to control blood sugar levels." }, { "docid": "6817245", "title": "-", "text": "1 Other medicines, such as medicines for high blood pressure, do cause the body to change and stopping them suddenly can raise the blood pressure. 2 Talk to your doctor before stopping any medicine. 3 In many cases, it is best to stop a medicine slowly.4 This is called tapering.eople with chronic illnesses often have to take medicines for a long time. Most people occasionally skip doses. For example, 50% of patients treated for high blood pressure in a long term study delayed one or more doses a month of a once-a-day medicine for over 30 hours." }, { "docid": "3647860", "title": "Does caffeine raise blood pressure?", "text": "Dear Reader, You raise a good question! In people with normal blood pressure, it appears that caffeine may cause a temporary increase in blood pressure. The specific mechanism behind this is unknown." }, { "docid": "8002613", "title": "When Is It High Blood Pressure?", "text": "Main Content: Blood pressure chart. Use the blood pressure chart below to see what your blood pressure means. The blood pressure chart is suitable for adults of any age. (The level for high blood pressure does not change with age.). Blood pressure readings have two numbers, for example 140/90mmHg.The top number is your systolic blood pressure. More than 120 over 80 and less than 140 over 90 (120/80-140/90): You have a normal blood pressure reading but it is a little higher than it should be, and you should try to lower it. 2 Make healthy changes to your lifestyle." }, { "docid": "8337358", "title": "How Can I Prevent High Blood Pressure?", "text": "1 Change the habits that may cause more harm than good. 2 Having more than two drinks a day can raise your blood pressure. 3 Limit alcohol to no more than one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men. 4 Smoking or chewing tobacco can raise your blood pressure right away." }, { "docid": "3237700", "title": "Diatomaceous Earth Safety and Side Effects", "text": "Diatomaceous earth does naturally lower blood pressure as well, so if you have low blood pressure you should carefully monitor your blood pressure. While decreases in blood pressure are only minor, it is still something that you should be aware of while taking DE." }, { "docid": "4712134", "title": "Get the most out of home blood pressure monitoring", "text": "Get the most out of home blood pressure monitoring. Checking your blood pressure at home is an important part of managing high blood pressure. Find out how to use home monitors accurately. Checking your blood pressure at home is an important part of managing high blood pressure (hypertension)." }, { "docid": "931379", "title": "-", "text": "1 You have high blood pressure. 2 Small amounts of green tea taken regularly do not seem to raise blood pressure, but blood pressure can be affected in someone who isn't used to the caffeine in green tea. 3 You have glaucoma. 4 You have anxiety disorder." }, { "docid": "829048", "title": "Does Green Tea Have Caffeine?", "text": "However, the caffeine in green tea affects people differently than the caffeine in coffee. Caffeine in green tea is believed to help boost metabolism and blood circulation, and unlike other caffeinated beverages, green tea does not raise blood pressure." }, { "docid": "4024468", "title": "Alcohol andblood pressure", "text": "You can lower your blood pressure by making changes to your lifestyle: 1 Cut down on alcohol. 2 Healthy diet and exercise help to lower blood pressure. 3 Keep caffeine to a minimum: it can temporarily raise your heart rate and your blood pressure." }, { "docid": "6334782", "title": "How to Stop Nicotine & Caffeine", "text": "In fact, for many people the presence of one triggers a desire for the other. This is more than just coincidence. Coffee contains caffeine and cigarettes supply nicotine. Both are stimulants that raise your heart rate, elevate blood pressure, and increase your breathing." }, { "docid": "7838761", "title": "Malignant hypertension", "text": "Malignant hypertension is very high blood pressure that comes on suddenly and quickly. The disorder affects a small number of people with high blood pressure, including children and adults. It is more common in younger adults, especially African American men." }, { "docid": "3343297", "title": "How Soon After Ingestion of Food Does Blood Sugar Rise?", "text": "Carbohydrates are the main constituent of food that can raise your blood sugar levels. The amount and the type of carbohydrates you eat influence how quickly your blood sugar levels change after eating. Carbohydrates from liquids, such as juices and soft drinks, are usually digested more rapidly, while carbohydrates from solid foods, such as pasta and fruits, take a bit more time to break down." }, { "docid": "676850", "title": "Blood Pressure Readings", "text": "Blood Pressure Readings. A reading for blood pressure consists of two blood pressure numbers. One represents the systolic blood pressure (while the heart is beating) and the other represents the diastolic blood pressure (while the heart is at rest)." }, { "docid": "7850979", "title": "The Facts on Sodium and High Blood Pressure", "text": "The bad news: Sodium is prevalent in the foods we eat and can be harmful to our health. However, a number of studies show that decreasing sodium intake can lower blood pressure; studies also show that a diet high in sodium can significantly raise blood pressure." }, { "docid": "1378287", "title": "WebMD ® Allergies Community", "text": "dsmith83 posted: I take claritin d everyday of the year for my dust mite allergies. I am concerned that it has 240mg of time released sudafed in it. Because I take it so often, what will the long term effects be. Will it raise my blood pressure or wear my heart out if I was in otherwise good health?" }, { "docid": "7127773", "title": "cerebral perfusion pressure", "text": "2. pressure of blood on walls of any blood vessel. capillary pressure the blood pressure in the capillaries. central venous pressure see central venous pressure. cerebral perfusion pressure the mean arterial pressure minus the intracranial pressure; a measure of the adequacy of cerebral blood flow." }, { "docid": "8229372", "title": "Why do veins pop out when exercising, and is that good or bad?", "text": "By the time blood enters the largest veins, pressure exerted by the blood stream is only a few mmHg and its return to the heart is moved along more by muscle activity and breathing than its own inherent force. When exercise begins, the heart's rate and strength of contraction increases and blood is quickly pumped into the arteries." }, { "docid": "5895408", "title": "High Blood Pressure and Hypertensive Crisis", "text": "In a hypertensive emergency, the first goal is to bring down the blood pressure as quickly as possible with intravenous (IV) blood pressure medications to prevent further organ damage. Whatever organ damage has occurred is treated with therapies specific to the organ that is damaged." }, { "docid": "7139228", "title": "Common Hypertension Drugs Can Raise Blood Pressure in Certain Patients", "text": "Home > Newsroom > News Releases > Common Hypertension Drugs Can Raise Blood Pressure in Certain Patients. August 18, 2010 — (BRONX, NY) — Commonly prescribed drugs used to lower blood pressure can actually have the opposite effect — raising blood pressure in a statistically significant percentage of patients." }, { "docid": "4245648", "title": "The Surprise Medical Treatment That Also Clears Up Acne", "text": "Like any other medication, spironolactone does have potential side effects. The most common ones are increased urination, menstrual irregularities, and breast tenderness. It can also raise your potassium levels and lower your blood pressure, so it's important for your doctor to be monitoring both." }, { "docid": "1989548", "title": "-", "text": "HYPERTENSION/High Blood Pressure Treatment (Precursor to heart disease) by Jeanne Rose. ABSTRACT: Definitions and Essential Oils. Hypertension High blood pressure Hypertensive raises blood pressure Hypotension Low blood pressure Hypotensive lowers blood pressure." }, { "docid": "3368092", "title": "Understanding potassium", "text": "Potassium bicarbonate is also the form most similar to what you get from eating vegetables. However potassium bicarbonate will tend to lower blood pressure. My sense is that salt cravings are a way to help raise blood pressure – it’s actually the chloride in salt that tastes salty and raises blood pressure." }, { "docid": "2403160", "title": "Diastolic Blood Pressure", "text": "Blood pressure is the amount of force (pressure) that blood exerts on the walls of the blood vessels as it passes through them. There are two pressures measured for blood pressure: 1 Pressure while the heart is beating (known as systolic blood pressure) Pressure while it is relaxed (known as diastolic blood pressure)." } ]
how common is low potassium
[ { "docid": "1080678", "title": "Low Potassium (Hypokalemia)", "text": "Low potassium can occur for many reasons. Use of water pills (diuretics), diarrhea, and chronic laxative abuse are the most common causes of low potassium levels. Illness and other medications may also lower potassium levels. Woman and African-Americans are at higher risk of developing hypokalemia." } ]
[ { "docid": "5583082", "title": "Why do my feet and toes curl and cramp severely at night?", "text": "Responses (14) I had foot and leg cramping like that. I have a sleigh bed, and would have to push my feet against the footboard to stop it! I had a hip replaced and it stopped. Low potassium levels can cause muscle cramping, and some medications, in my case cymbalta and bishoporol both deplete my potassium. Votes: +1." }, { "docid": "3969835", "title": "Medical Dictionary", "text": "Potassium levels can be affected by how the kidneys are working, the blood pH, the amount of potassium you eat, the hormone levels in your body, severe vomiting, and taking certain medicines, such as diuretics and potassium supplements. blood test to check potassium is done to: 1 Check levels in people being treated with medicines such as diuretics and for people having kidney dialysis. 2 Check to see whether treatment for too low or too high potassium levels is working. 3 Check people with high blood pressure who may have a problem with their kidneys or adrenal glands. 4 Check the ..." }, { "docid": "3747376", "title": "Can Garlic Control High Blood Pressure / Hypertension", "text": "Excessive Salt intake: Excessive normal salt or sodium in the diet can result in fluid retention and high blood pressure. 9. Potassium intake: Low potassium diet increases the sodium in the cells due to the sodium potassium pump." }, { "docid": "2099151", "title": "Dehydration & Potassium Levels", "text": "All these can result in hypokalemia, or low potassium levels. Diabetic ketoacidosis, in which a person with diabetes cannot use sugar as energy source and resorts to the use of fats to satisfy its energy requirements, can also result in low potassium levels, or can cause hyperkalemia, abnormally high level of potassium.ehydration occurs when the body lacks enough water to continue its metabolic processes. Water is an essential compound for the body’s many biochemical reactions. It is used during energy production and excretion of toxic materials. When the body cannot keep up with its fluid needs, dehydration ensues." }, { "docid": "3286863", "title": "Dipotassium phosphate", "text": "Dipotassium phosphate (K2HPO4) (also dipotassium hydrogen orthophosphate; potassium phosphate dibasic) is a highly water-soluble salt which is often used as a fertilizer, food additive and buffering agent. It is a common source of phosphorus and potassium." }, { "docid": "3968551", "title": "Diuretics: A cause of low potassium?", "text": "However, some diuretics can also cause you to eliminate more potassium in your urine. This can lead to low potassium levels in your blood (hypokalemia). Signs and symptoms of hypokalemia include: Weakness." }, { "docid": "7183857", "title": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Basic Metabolic Panel Fasting", "text": "2 doctors agreed: 1 Metabolic panel: A comprehensive metabolic panel tests kidney and liver function, as well as the level of common electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and calcium. 2 Metabolic panel: A comprehensive metabolic panel tests kidney and liver function, as well as the level of common electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and calcium." }, { "docid": "6773821", "title": "-", "text": "Nerve Communication. Potassium in your nerve cells, or neurons, aids in communication. Normally, your neurons maintain a resting state -- a constant electrical charge relative to their surroundings -- in which they contain high levels of potassium and low levels of sodium." }, { "docid": "1076565", "title": "Stop Using \"Natural\" Deodorants Until You Read This", "text": "The aluminum in crystal deodorant stones is a different type of compound known as an alum, the most common form being potassium alum, also known as potassium aluminum sulfate. Potassium alum or ammonium alum are natural mineral salts made up of molecules that are too large to be absorbed by your skin." }, { "docid": "4920506", "title": "Conn's syndrome", "text": "Conn’s syndrome is a condition associated with the development of high blood pressure and low potassium levels in the blood. In patient with a recent diagnosis of hypertension ( high blood pressure), the findings of a low potassium level should lead to a search for this disease since it is a curable cause for high blood pressure." }, { "docid": "6124013", "title": "Electrolytes & Cardiac Arrhythmias", "text": "Electrolyte Imbalances. According to the American Heart Association, potassium imbalances are the most common electrolyte-associated cardiac arrhythmias. Potassium plays a role in both nerve conduction and the heart’s ability to send an electrical impulse." }, { "docid": "3695331", "title": "-", "text": "Potassium's role is to maintain the proper water balance inside the cells and help in the transmission of nerve impulses. If the potassium level in the blood becomes too low or too high, this can have a critical impact on muscle and nerve function. 1 Potassium helps maintain healthy cell function.2 Potassium works with sodium to regulate the body's water balance.otassium's role is to maintain the proper water balance inside the cells and help in the transmission of nerve impulses. If the potassium level in the blood becomes too low or too high, this can have a critical impact on muscle and nerve function. 1 Potassium helps maintain healthy cell function." }, { "docid": "6084747", "title": "Health Benefits of Alum", "text": "Potassium alum, potash alum, or potassium aluminum sulfate is a chemical compound: the potassium double sulfate of aluminium.ts chemical formula is KAl(SO 4) 2 and it is commonly found in its dodecahydrate form as KAl(SO 4) 2 ·12H 2 O. Alum is the common name for this chemical compound, given the nomenclature of potassium aluminum sulfate dodecahydrate." }, { "docid": "4915011", "title": "Background information", "text": "A diet high in potassium. Treatments that contain potassium. The most common cause of mild hyperkalemia is the use of drugs that decrease blood flow to the kidneys or prevent the kidneys from excreting normal amounts of potassium. Kidney failure can cause severe hyperkalemia on its own. Addison disease can also cause hyperkalemia." }, { "docid": "5582944", "title": "Low Potassium During Pregnancy", "text": "Causes of Low Potassium. A potassium deficiency during your pregnancy seldom arises from a shortage in your diet, says BabyCenter; rather, low potassium levels are usually the outcome of long-term or severe diarrhea and vomiting or the use of diuretics -- medicines that aid the elimination of extra fluid from your body.uring pregnancy, your body requires potassium to function at its best. An essential mineral, potassium helps maintain fluid and electrolyte balance." }, { "docid": "506592", "title": "Low Potassium (Hypokalemia)", "text": "Low potassium can occur for many reasons. Use of water pills (diuretics), diarrhea, and chronic laxative abuse are the most common causes of low potassium levels. Illness and other medications may also lower potassium levels. Woman and African-Americans are at higher risk of developing hypokalemia. Other causes of hypokalemia include: Kidney losses" }, { "docid": "2359721", "title": "Aldosterone and Renin", "text": "A blood aldosterone test and a renin test are usually ordered together when someone has high blood pressure, especially if the person also has low potassium. Even if potassium is normal, testing may be done if typical medications do not control the high blood pressure or if hypertension develops at an early age." }, { "docid": "1574480", "title": "Tea and Potassium", "text": "Eight ounces of brewed black tea supplies 88 milligrams of potassium. Because this amount is less than 200 milligrams per serving, a cup of tea qualifies as low potassium, according to the National Kidney Foundation. If you add milk to your tea, you increase its potassium content because milk is a high-potassium food. An ounce of regular milk, or 2 tablespoons, contains 40 milligrams of potassium, while the same amount of low-fat milk supplies 46 milligrams." }, { "docid": "5289789", "title": "Furosemide & Potassium", "text": "Potassium is needed to maintain the health of every cell in the body. Low potassium levels can affect your heart, leading to abnormal heart rhythms and skipped beats. Hypokalemia can also cause your muscles to spasm or feel weak, and can cause numbness and tingling because of its effects on nerves." }, { "docid": "5484574", "title": "Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) and Prolonged breathing pauses", "text": "WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms bloating or fullness, distended stomach, muscle cramps or spasms (painful) and prolonged breathing pauses including Low potassium (hypokalemia), Gas pains, and Indigestion." }, { "docid": "6888398", "title": "The Paleo Diet: Acid or Alkaline?", "text": "The Paleo diet also results in a high potassium low sodium intake ratio. Thousands of years ago, there was an abundance of available potassium and a scarcity of sodium. The Paleo diet can deliver 11,000 mg of potassium compared to 700 mg of sodium daily." }, { "docid": "229103", "title": "WELCOME!Letâs Stay Connected. Sign-Up to receive breaking rare disease information, news and stories right to your inbox! (We value your privacy. Your email address will not be shared.)SIGN ME UP", "text": "General Discussion. Hypokalemia is a metabolic imbalance characterized by extremely low potassium levels in the blood. It is a symptom of another disease or condition, or a side effect of diuretic drugs. The body needs potassium for the contraction of muscles (including the heart), and for the functioning of many complicated proteins (enzymes)." }, { "docid": "969970", "title": "What Is a Potassium Blood Test?", "text": "Kidney disease is a common cause of a high potassium level. Either high or low potassium levels can cause heart problems. Low potassium can cause muscle cramps. You often have a blood test with your yearly physical that checks for your potassium levels. If you have any of the conditions mentioned above, your doctor may want you to be tested. The blood sample can check to see whether your potassium levels are in the normal range. What Is Potassium? As a nutrient, potassium is found in a number of foods." }, { "docid": "1056009", "title": "Causes of Toe Cramps", "text": "Calcium Deficiency: Lack of calcium in your diet or calcium deficiency in the body can also cause foot cramps. Potassium Deficiency: Potassium helps in conducting the electrical impulse in the body and maintains the smooth muscle contraction. Low potassium levels cause severe cramps in legs and hands." }, { "docid": "6256327", "title": "Potassium", "text": "Potassium is a mineral that plays many critical roles in the body. Food sources of potassium include fruits (especially dried fruits), cereals, beans, milk, and vegetables. Potassium is used for treating and preventing low potassium levels.It is also used to treat high blood pressure and prevent stroke. Potassium from dietary sources seems to decrease the risk of stroke. 2 There is some evidence that foods providing at least 350 mg of potassium per serving and that are low in sodium, saturated fat, and cholesterol might help reduce the risk stroke." }, { "docid": "8036921", "title": "Strawberry Nutrition Facts", "text": "Strawberries are low in calories, rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, folic acid, potassium and are packed with antioxidants, such as anthocyanins, and quercetin. The fiber and potassium in strawberries support heart health." }, { "docid": "449431", "title": "What Causes Low Potassium And Potassium Deficiency?", "text": "Not Getting Enough Magnesium. Not getting enough Magnesium is actually VERY likely to be the most common cause of low potassium! Are all the same as Signs of Magnesium Deficiency as well! So, many of the signs of potassium deficiency are actually signs of MAGNESIUM deficiency- and NOT actually caused from the potassium at all!" }, { "docid": "5582946", "title": "-", "text": "The hormone aldosterone, which naturally increases with pregnancy, can cause loss of potassium from the kidneys. Physical signs of a low potassium level include constipation, nausea and abdominal cramping, as well as muscle weakness, muscle aches, muscle twitches and muscle cramping.This can include irregular heartbeats or heart palpitations since the heart is a muscle.imon Cataudo:SXC.hu. Low potassium is a condition known as hypokalemia that can have severe effects on the heart, nerves and muscles of the body. It is fairly common. In fact, almost 1 in 5 hospitalized people are found to have low levels of potassium." }, { "docid": "5787489", "title": "Potassium", "text": "1 Low levels of potassium in the blood (hypokalemia). Taking potassium by mouth or intravenously (by IV) prevents and treats low levels of potassium in the blood. High calcium in the urine (hypercalciuria). Taking potassium by mouth seems to decrease calcium levels in the urine." }, { "docid": "1343971", "title": "Muscle Twitching", "text": "1 Medical conditions that cause metabolic disorders, including low potassium, and kidney disease/uremia. Twitches not caused by disease or disorders (benign twitches), often affecting the eyelids, calf, or thumb. These twitches are normal and quite common, and are often triggered by stress or anxiety. These twitches can come and go, and usually do not last for more than a few days." } ]
are birds moving north global warming
[ { "docid": "5543709", "title": "Global warming affecting Scottish birds?", "text": "July 3, 2006. A survey of Scottish birds finds that global warming may be having an effect, with some once-common birds moving north. The Breeding Bird Survey by the British Trust for Ornithology found that seven species are in marked decline in Scotland, The Scotsman reports." } ]
[ { "docid": "3384548", "title": "The Science and Pseudoscience of Global Warming", "text": "One of the better informed attacks on global warming is Global Warming: The Origin and Nature of the Alleged Scientific Consensus by Richard S. Lindzen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, published in the Cato Institute quarterly Regulation." }, { "docid": "4726581", "title": "Global warming is totally a lie liberals tell to distract us from their commie agendas", "text": "I wish scientists would stop blaming us humans for causing global warming. This is patently false, since global warming is not real! If the fact that we’ve just experienced the coldest spring on record isn’t enough to sway you, I’ve got other anecdotal evidence that should be plenty convincing. For example: my sister went to Greenland and never saw any polar bears stranded on tiny ice floes." }, { "docid": "2546358", "title": "New Reports: There Is No Global Warming", "text": "The problem with that argument is that we experienced the bulk of that warming between 1979 and 1998. . . since then, we’ve actually had temperatures DROPPING ! As can be seen in this chart, we haven’t seen any global warming for 17 years.Weakening the global warming argument is data showing that the North Polar ice cap is increasing in size. Recent satellite images from NASA actually reflect an increase of 43% to 63%.ut that's just the tip of a gargantuan iceberg. 1 Leaked emails from global warming scientists state that the Earth is not warming, such as this one from Kevin Trenberth that states, “The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty we can’t.”." }, { "docid": "2014008", "title": "Donald Trump On Climate Change: âI Believe It Goes Up And It Goes Downâ", "text": "In a confusing exchange with Hewitt, Trump rattled off several non sequiturs on global temperatures. Trump says that people in the 1920s thought the Earth was cooling, now it's global warming, implying that all subsequent climate science is nonsense." }, { "docid": "7388087", "title": "-", "text": "global warming. an increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect." }, { "docid": "7695504", "title": "Effects of global warming", "text": "A northwards branch of the gulf stream, the North Atlantic Drift, is part of the thermohaline circulation (THC), transporting warmth further north to the North Atlantic, where its effect in warming the atmosphere contributes to warming Europe." }, { "docid": "2221174", "title": "Global Warming FAQ", "text": "The primary cause of global warming is human activity, most significantly the burning of fossil fuels to drive cars, generate electricity, and operate our homes and businesses." }, { "docid": "305014", "title": "Scientific opinion on climate change", "text": "This article is about scientific consensus on the current climate change, or global warming. For public perception and controversy, see Public opinion on climate change and Global warming controversy." }, { "docid": "3143241", "title": "-", "text": "Deforestation causes global warming. Key role for developing countries in fighting greenhouse gas emissions. 4 September 2006 - There is a major role for developing countries to play in resolving the issue of global warming as much of it is caused by tropical deforestation.A destination email address is needed. A valid destination email address is needed. September 2006, Rome – Most people assume that global warming is caused by burning oil and gas. But in fact between 25 and 30 percent of the greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere each year – 1.6 billion tonnes – is caused by deforestation." }, { "docid": "206462", "title": "-", "text": "The consequence of this resource use is the promotion of unfettered consumption and greed which, in turn, has begun to create global energy shortages, pollution, global warming, among other myriad problems. It is now recognised that this model of growth and development is unsustainable and must be addressed." }, { "docid": "4929779", "title": "Global Warming Solutions", "text": "Global Warming Solutions. President Obama has a plan that’s been called “the strongest action ever taken by an American president” to tackle global warming. Our new leaders in Congress have vowed to do everything in their power to stop him. Stand with the president for our health and our future, not the polluters." }, { "docid": "2465263", "title": "-", "text": "The depletion of large parts of the ice sheet in West Antarctica is almost certainly unstoppable, with global warming accelerating the disintegration, two groups of scientists reported Monday." }, { "docid": "2584664", "title": "What should we do about global warming?", "text": "Your first sentence is not undisputed, and not just by unreasonable people. So, even if global warming is happening, then we should establish in a scientific way why this is so. The Russian Academy recently reported to Pres. Putin that there was a close relationship between sun storm activity and fluctuations global temperatures." }, { "docid": "6547279", "title": "Effects of Global Warming", "text": "One of the most immediate and obvious effects of global warming is the increase in temperatures around the world. The average global temperature has increased by about 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degrees Celsius) over the past 100 years, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).ne of the most immediate and obvious effects of global warming is the increase in temperatures around the world. The average global temperature has increased by about 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degrees Celsius) over the past 100 years, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)." }, { "docid": "1774088", "title": "-", "text": "Global Warming, greenhouse gases and their harmful effects – Urgent reduction of these are essential to save our environment: 1. Understanding Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases –. The earth is surrounded by a cover of gases as atmosphere.lobal Warming, greenhouse gases and their harmful effects – Urgent reduction of these are essential to save our environment: 1. Understanding Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases –. The earth is surrounded by a cover of gases as atmosphere." }, { "docid": "6130764", "title": "-", "text": "Global Warming is the recent sudden (over 200 years) way the Earth is getting warmer. The word 'global' means 'worldwide' and the warming is of the atmosphere, the oceans …and the surface of the earth." }, { "docid": "6692367", "title": "Global warming", "text": "Parties to the UNFCCC have agreed that deep cuts in emissions are required and that global warming should be limited to well below 2.0 °C (3.6 °F) relative to pre-industrial levels, with efforts made to limit warming to 1.5 °C (2.7 °F)." }, { "docid": "1042766", "title": "Study Guide Science 5th grade -Weather and Climate Weather- the day to day changes of : temperature, precipitation, wind and air pressure. Weather in a certain time and a certain place. Weather is always changing. Climate- long term patterns over a period", "text": "A warmer Earth, from global warming, will lead to changes in rainfall patterns, a rise in sea level, and a wide range of impacts on plants, wildlife, and humans. When scientists talk about the issue of climate change, their concern is about global warming caused by human activities*." }, { "docid": "3396219", "title": "CLIMATE & WEATHER", "text": "Our climate is changing, both naturally and due to human exploitation. There is already undeniable evidence that animals, birds and plants are being affected by climate change and global warming in both their distribution and behavior." }, { "docid": "5212011", "title": "Equatorial Countercurrent (Global Warming)", "text": "Equatorial Countercurrent (Global Warming). EQUATORIAL COUNTERCURRENTS ARE major surface flows that carry water eastward in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. They are located near the equator and are sandwiched between two westward-flowing currents, the North Equatorial Current and the South Equatorial Current." }, { "docid": "6988521", "title": "What is Global Warming ?", "text": "What we do know is that global warming has occurred in the past, and it is also happening right now. Undoubtedly the temperature of the globe has fluctuated since the very beginnings of our planet. The real problem is not just the fact that it is warming, but the rate at which it is warming. The ten warmest years since global temperatures have been measured all occur within the last 12-year period between 1997-2008*." }, { "docid": "501207", "title": "-", "text": "TRANSPORTATION AND GLOBAL WARMING. Because of its near-total dependence on petroleum fuels, the U.S. transportation sector is responsible for about a third of our country’s climate-changing emissions. Globally, about 15 percent of manmade carbon dioxide comes from cars, trucks, airplanes, ships and other vehicles. Reducing transportation emissions is one of the most vital steps in fighting global warming — and solutions to the transportation problem are already available." }, { "docid": "6515618", "title": "What Do Reindeer Eat", "text": "1 The name of Santa Claus’ reindeer are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Dunder and Blixem (try saying all those names ten times fast). 2 The population of reindeer is on the decline. 3 This is believed to be due to global warming, which is warming up the cold regions reindeer like to live." }, { "docid": "3740373", "title": "Climate", "text": "This page presents a general overview of Earth's climate system. An introduction to how Earth's climate can change is found at Climate change, and discussion of the current warming of the climate system is presented at global warming." }, { "docid": "877984", "title": "-", "text": "Environmental program addresses climate change and global warming, what can be done to reverse the warming trend with a focus on sustainable agriculture." }, { "docid": "754234", "title": "Dispatch from the Deep: Global Ocean Circulation and Deep Sea Temperatures", "text": "You probably have heard of one of these large currents, though—the Gulf Stream—when you listen to weather reports. The Gulf Stream is a key player in global ocean circulation. It carries warm water from the Caribbean along the eastern coast of America and then across to Europe, warming climate in those areas. But global ocean circulation doesn't just happen on the surface. Deeper down in the ocean, too far below for me to feel it up here on deck, water is moving too." }, { "docid": "6547280", "title": "Global warming", "text": "Global mean surface temperatures 1856-2004. Global warming is a slow steady rise in Earth 's surface temperature. Temperatures today are 0.74 ° C (1.33 ° F) higher than 150 years ago.Many scientists say that in the next 100–200 years, temperatures might be up to 6 degrees Celsius higher than they were before the effects of global warming were discovered.lobal warming is a slow steady rise in Earth 's surface temperature. Temperatures today are 0.74 ° C (1.33 ° F) higher than 150 years ago." }, { "docid": "6078399", "title": "Human Global Warming: What Are the Main Causes?", "text": "Note: for proof on the common knowledge that humans cause global warming, check out that link or this one on human vs natural causes of global warming.he main cause of global warming is the generation of electricity. To generate electricity we have to burn fossil fuels which emits very hazardous chemicals. This causes the generation of green house gases which is very dangerous to our environment." }, { "docid": "1380124", "title": "Wildlife conservation", "text": "Global Warming and Extreme Weather. Global warming is making hot days hotter, rainfall and flooding heavier, hurricanes stronger and droughts more severe. This intensification of weather and climate extremes will be the most visible impact of global warming in our everyday lives." }, { "docid": "3842863", "title": "Effects of global warming", "text": "the world meteorological organization defines this time period as 30 years examples of climate change include increases in global surface temperature global warming changes in rainfall patterns and changes in the frequency of extreme weather eventsear term climate change policies could significantly affect long term climate change impacts stringent mitigation policies might be able to limit global warming in 2100 to around 2 c or below relative to pre industrial levels" } ]
how did kodak black get arrested
[ { "docid": "2407138", "title": "-", "text": "Kodak Black Arrested On Robbery, Assault & Other Charges. According to DJ Akademiks, Florida rapper Kodak Black has been hit with a series of charges following a recent arrest. The 18-year-old lyricist was pulled over by police who then found weed on him, and discovered that he was driving with a suspended license." } ]
[ { "docid": "5161338", "title": "Famed Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss will see her infamous Black Book go up for auction on ebay with a starting bid of $100,000", "text": "Famed Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss will see her infamous Black Book go up for auction on ebay with a starting bid of $100,000. The madam was arrested in June 1993 for running a prostitution ring. It was claimed she had superstar clients but only Charlie Sheen was named." }, { "docid": "1853232", "title": "Division II College Basketball Star Arrested for Involvement in Lil Phat's Murder", "text": "San Francisco State basketball player Decensae White was arrested in connection to Lil Phat's murder. Decensae White, a standout basketball player at San Francisco State University, was arrested on charges connected to the murder of Lil Phat. The 25-year-old was arrested in Redwood City, CA and extradited to Fulton County in Georgia on May 17. The role he may have played in the killing has not been made clear by prosecutors." }, { "docid": "7720305", "title": "Who Is Marvin Toatley? Comedian Steve Brown's Onstage Attacker Arrested", "text": "Comedian Steve Brown's Onstage Attacker Arrested By Benjamin Fearnow @BFearnow21 On 01/24/18 AT 4:35 PM Marvin Toatley was arrested Wednesday in Columbia, South Carolina and charged with 3 counts of assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature as well as a count of malicious property damage." }, { "docid": "2492442", "title": "-", "text": "Anthony W. Antram, 20, of 713 S. 8th St., Sunnyside, Criminal Trespass 2nd, Arrested by SPD at (no address given) Sunnyside. Arrested following report some kids were starting a fire under a bridge across the irrigation canal at Sunnyside Ave." }, { "docid": "8227067", "title": "First Camera Invented", "text": "It wasn't until 1889 when George Eastman invented the Kodak No. 1 camera that regular people could begin using a camera to capture their important moments. How It Worked The Kodak No. 1 was a large brown box with a winding key at the top of it and a lens in the front." }, { "docid": "2367783", "title": "What is a fugitive from justice without a warrant charge?", "text": "This is not stating the type of charge he/she has, this just means that the person was detained and arrested because there is an active warrant out for the person outside of the state that they were arrested in. Here is an example of your question. A man owes child support in Michigan, failed to make payments, and now there is a warrant out for him." }, { "docid": "907619", "title": "-", "text": "Local authorities in Montgomery, Alabama, arrested Rosa Parks, a black seamstress, when she refused to vacate her seat in the white section of a city bus on December 1, 1955." }, { "docid": "2866852", "title": "-", "text": "If you are being questioned, detained or arrested by Police, you have the right to: 1 consult and instruct a lawyer, in private and without delay. 2 refrain from making a statement. 3 ask why you are being questioned, detained, or arrested.f you have not been arrested 1 : If you are driving, the Police can stop the vehicle and ask you for your name, address and birth date. 2 If you don’t own the vehicle the Police can also require you to tell them who the owner is." }, { "docid": "4137952", "title": "-", "text": "Korematsu had been arrested by the FBI for failing to report for relocation and was convicted in federal court in September 1942. The U.S. Supreme Court, in a sharply divided 6–3 decision, upheld Korematsu’s conviction in late 1944.The majority opinion, written by Justice Hugo Black, rejected the plaintiff’s discrimination argument and upheld the government’s right to relocate citizens in the face of wartime emergency.orematsu had been arrested by the FBI for failing to report for relocation and was convicted in federal court in September 1942. The U.S. Supreme Court, in a sharply divided 6–3 decision, upheld Korematsu’s conviction in late 1944." }, { "docid": "588009", "title": "Van Buren CountySHERIFF'S OFFICEEMERGENCY: DIAL 911PHONE: 501-745-2112 (24 Hours Non-Emergency)", "text": "02/22/2017 - Clinton man, Little Rock man, and Little Rock women arrsted for Posses... 02/18/2017 - Conway man arrested for Aggravated Assault. 02/12/2017 - Van Buren County car theft suspect caught in Oklahoma. 02/10/2017 - Florida man arrested on drug charges. 02/08/2017 - Man arrested for trespassing and theft. 02/07/2017 - Clinton man arrested on possession of methamphetamine." }, { "docid": "3950248", "title": "Gucci heir arrested over alleged £650,000 fraud after 'emptying coffers of his fashion company to pay personal debts'", "text": "Gucci heir arrested over alleged £650,000 fraud after 'emptying coffers of his fashion company to pay personal debts'. Gucci heir Guccio Gucci has been arrested for alleged fraud worth 800,000 euros (£650,000)." }, { "docid": "1389470", "title": "Moroccan Singer Saad Lamjarred Arrested in Paris for âSexual Assaultâ", "text": "Moroccan Singer Saad Lamjarred Arrested in Paris for ‘Sexual Assault’. According to Moroccan news outlet Le360, the Moroccan star, who was staying Marriott Champs Elysées, was reportedly arrested by the police of the 17th arrondissement of Paris, on Wednesday 26 October." }, { "docid": "4485418", "title": "-", "text": "Actor who played George Lopez's son arrested for disorderly conduct in Stevenson Ranch. VALENCIA - An actor who played George Lopez's son on the sitcom George Lopez was arrested on suspicion of disorderly conduct by deputies who went to his home in unincorporated Stevenson Ranch in response to a complaint of a loud party, authorities said today." }, { "docid": "6927804", "title": "-", "text": "Tom Zalaski's Can't Make It Up File - an 81 year old man is arrested for indecency." }, { "docid": "4633461", "title": "-", "text": "Jeff Hardy was arrested on Friday, September 11th, 2009 for drug charges. More information at link." }, { "docid": "7818657", "title": "Kodak", "text": "Eastman Kodak Company, commonly known as Kodak, is an American technology company that concentrates on imaging products, with its historic basis on photography. The company is headquartered in Rochester, New York, United States and incorporated in New Jersey. It was founded by George Eastman in 1892." }, { "docid": "5747566", "title": "Charge digital camera using the computer USB port", "text": "1 Connect the USB cable to your camera and to the USB port on your computer. 2 Do not use a USB hub. 3 If you have an EASYSHARE M873 or M883 Zoom Digital Camera, turn on your camera. 4 Wait for your camera battery to charge (approximately 3 hours).harging your camera using a KODAK USB AC Adapter. NOTE: See your camera Extended User's Guide to determine if your camera is compatible with the KODAK USB AC Adapter. 1 Turn off your camera. 2 Verify that the correct battery is installed properly in your camera." }, { "docid": "2384419", "title": "What you need to know about Criminal Misdemeanor Citations in Nashville, Tennessee", "text": "A peace officer who has arrests a person for the commission of a misdemeanor committed in such peace officer’s presence … shall issue a citation to such arrested person to appear in court in lieu of the continued custody and the taking of the arrested person before a magistrate [unless:]. ." }, { "docid": "7734596", "title": "-", "text": "Arrested Development Creator Says Season 5 Is Still Happening. This is not a repeat of 2013, 2014, 2015, or earlier this year: The much anticipated fifth season of Netflix's Arrested Development is still going to happen, according to series creator Mitchell Hurwitz. Speaking at the Television Critics Associatio… Read more." }, { "docid": "6892330", "title": "Iowa First Offense OWI Laws", "text": "Iowa First Offense OWI Laws Being arrested on a first offense OWI charge in Iowa can have some serious consequences if not dealt with properly. It is very important for first time offenders to understand what they are up against. When you are arrested for an OWI offense you will be facing two separate cases. The first is the OWI violation, or operating while intoxicated, this case will be handled through the Iowa court system." }, { "docid": "821314", "title": "-", "text": "The grand opening of two brothers Italian restaurant's new (2nd) location in Kodak is tomorrow weds September 16th at 11 am. Hope to see everyone out there. Same menu and yes we'll deliver at the new location. Address 2974 Winfield Dunn parkway." }, { "docid": "7867902", "title": "Kodak Black", "text": "From the age of six, Octave used the nickname Black. He also used the nickname Lil' Black. When he joined Instagram he chose the username Kodak Black. This later became his stage name when he started to rap and a name favored by his fans." }, { "docid": "2579523", "title": "Free black man who helped scores of slaves escape to the North on the Underground Railroad receives official pardon", "text": "Justice at along last: The governor of Delaware has pardoned Samuel Burris (pictured above), nearly 170 years after the free black man was arrested for trying to help a slave escape to the North. 1 A free black man who risked everything to help scores of slaves escape on the Underground Railroad has received an official pardon. Not even the threat of being sold into slavery could stop Samuel Burris from helping slaves to freedom in the 19th century." }, { "docid": "3305576", "title": "Kodak: 130 years of history", "text": "Kodak: 130 years of history. From the invention of film stored in rolls to the creation of the first digital camera, Kodak has been one of the most innovative photography companies for more than a century. But it has struggled to remain competitive in the face of cheaper film produced in Japan and, later, digital cameras from China." }, { "docid": "2445807", "title": "get", "text": "Usage Note: The use of get in the passive, as in We got sunburned at the beach, is generally avoided in formal writing. In less formal contexts, however, the construction can provide a useful difference in tone or emphasis, as between the sentences The demonstrators were arrested and The demonstrators got arrested." }, { "docid": "1737823", "title": "-", "text": "Kodak, for example, suggests these resolution/file sizes: For a 4 x 6 print, the image resolution should be 640 x 480 pixels minimum." }, { "docid": "901694", "title": "What is the most ink efficient printer in the $100-$300 range?", "text": "Most Ink Efficient Printer. HP is the best ink efficient printer , and you can buy an HP deskjet F370 printer for about 100$ , it is a printer , copier and scanner. Kodak easy share all in one. Check out the cost of the replacement cartridges. $10 for the Black, $15 for the color." }, { "docid": "6605202", "title": "Robert Downey Jr. 'grateful' for son Indio Downey's arrest", "text": "Indio Falconer Downey, the 20-year-old son of actor Robert Downey Jr., was out on bail Monday morning after he was arrested on suspicion of possessing narcotics.ndio Downey, son of Robert Downey Jr., was arrested Sunday on suspicion of drug possession. Indio Falconer Downey was arrested Sunday afternoon on suspicion of cocaine and drug-paraphernalia possession, and Monday found his famous father Robert Downey Jr. thanking law enforcement for taking action." }, { "docid": "3968715", "title": "Tituba", "text": "Other women and men from surrounding villages were accused of witchcraft and arrested at the Salem witchcraft trials. Not only did Tituba accuse others in her confession, but she talked about black dogs, hogs, a yellow bird, red and black rats, cats, a fox and a wolf.ther women and men from surrounding villages were accused of witchcraft and arrested at the Salem witchcraft trials. Not only did Tituba accuse others in her confession, but she talked about black dogs, hogs, a yellow bird, red and black rats, cats, a fox and a wolf." }, { "docid": "3507713", "title": "Rapper Rick Ross arrested for pistol-whipping groundskeeper, denied bail, police say", "text": "Rapper Rick Ross was also arrested June 10 on a misdemeanor marijuana charge. He was denied bail on Wednesday afternoon, and was being held at Fayette County jail, cops said. The U.S. Marshals helped carry out the outstanding arrest warrants. Earlier in June, Ross was arrested on a misdemeanor marijuana charge." } ]
are camellias deer resistant
[ { "docid": "4958760", "title": "Deer-Resistant Foundation Planting", "text": "Flowering Foundation Shrubs. Japanese camellias are a deer-resistant evergreen shrub that grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 10 and work well as a foundation plant. Each cultivar of Japanese camellia produces stunning, fragrant blooms in a wide array of colors." } ]
[ { "docid": "7505998", "title": "Pruning Camellias", "text": "Pruning Camellias. Pruning Camellias. In general gardening terms, pruning is probably the most misunderstood gardening chore, and certainly, the chore that is most likely neglected. In general gardening terms, pruning is probably the most misunderstood gardening chore, and certainly, the chore that is most likely neglected. When we specifically look at pruning with regards to camellias, this misunderstanding and negligence can be magnified." }, { "docid": "4847155", "title": "Public Schools In Deer Island", "text": "There are currently 0 homes for sale in Deer Island at a median listing price of $247,000. Search for Deer Island Heights. This map is refreshed with the newest listings in Deer Island every 15 minutes. Find your dream home in Deer Island using the tools above." }, { "docid": "618691", "title": "How To Estimate Deer Weights", "text": "Edible Meat Weight will vary depending upon:How the deer is processed andHow many times the deer was shot and what part(s) of the deer was shot.For Example, if the whole deer is boned out completely, you will receive approximately 50% to 60% of the Hanging Weight in Edible Meat. Back To Top of Page." }, { "docid": "7687054", "title": "Deer Resistant Plants", "text": "We've carefully chosen this collection of plants to be highly deer resistant. Most of these perennials, shrubs and flower bulbs have the added benefit of being very fragrant. Scented plants are very appealing to gardeners, but not to deer. These plants tend to be resistant to rabbits as well. 5 Stars (73) 4 Stars (46)" }, { "docid": "7208669", "title": "Chinese water deer", "text": "Deer: Deer, (family Cervidae), any of 43 species of hoofed ruminants in the order Artiodactyla, notable for having two large and two small hooves on each foot and also for having antlers in the males of most species and in the females of one species. Deer are native to all continents except Australia and" }, { "docid": "1237064", "title": "White-Tailed Deer", "text": "White-Tailed Deer. About the White-Tailed Deer. White-tailed deer, the smallest members of the North American deer family, are found from southern Canada to South America. In the heat of summer they typically inhabit fields and meadows using clumps of broad-leaved and coniferous forests for shade." }, { "docid": "8163313", "title": "Keep Deer out of the Garden", "text": "Keep Deer out of the Garden Keeping deer out of the garden is perhaps one of the worst predicaments a gardener can find themselves facing. There are many deer deterrent and repellent products available, but many gardeners have been trying for years to come up with a homemade solution to this perplexing problem of deer control." }, { "docid": "1874079", "title": "Yields per plant", "text": "Trees 7 Deer-Resistant Flowering Trees to Plant this Fall By Brian Barth If you live in a neighborhood with roaming deer, consider these beautiful trees that won't tempt hungry guests" }, { "docid": "1137661", "title": "-", "text": "Size of the deer tick. The size of the deer tick can vary depending on the sex of the tick and feeding state. Approximately the size of a sesame seed, a female adult deer tick measures about 2.7 mm in length. The males are smaller." }, { "docid": "5175458", "title": "Critter Catalog", "text": "Woodland deer mice have longer tails, ears, skulls, and hind feet than prairie deer mice. It is interesting that despite having overlapping ranges these types of deer mice do not interbreed. One possible explanation for this is the difference in their habitats, making it unlikely for them to meet." }, { "docid": "8822380", "title": "Variegated Flax Lily Care", "text": "Choose a fertilizer labeled for use on azaleas and camellias, and apply it to the soil around the plant. To avoid burning the flax lily, don’t place the fertilizer too near the base of the plant or allow it to drop on the foliage. Use the hose to wash away any fertilizer granules that land on the leaves." }, { "docid": "1791395", "title": "-", "text": "Kashmir musk deer. The Kashmir musk deer is one of seven 'fanged' deer that exist in Asia. These deer were thought to be extinct, but three Kashmir musk deer (a male, female, and child) were spotted in the mountains of Afghanistan in 2014.ashmir musk deer. The Kashmir musk deer is one of seven 'fanged' deer that exist in Asia. These deer were thought to be extinct, but three Kashmir musk deer (a male, female, and child) were spotted in the mountains of Afghanistan in 2014." }, { "docid": "1960272", "title": "Dream Meaning of Deer", "text": ".co. Dream Meaning of Deer. To see a deer in your dream means that a fortune will come from a foreign door, you will get rid of your troubles; you will use another person’s commodity. To see a healthy and alive deer in your dream may represent that you will travel to a place which you will be hosted as your home." }, { "docid": "8622818", "title": "-", "text": "Regenesis Deer Antler Velvet is the only Deer Antler in an oral spray liquid form with 33mg of Deer Antler velvet concentrate in each dose, almost twice as much as found in capsule form and three times that of other sprays." }, { "docid": "8091509", "title": "Chrysanthemums & Deer", "text": "Look for gold, lavender, dark purple, crimson, ivory, bronze and coral. Chrysanthemums with a rounded, mounded habit generally work well for garden landscaping. Since they stay under 2 feet tall, they do not require staking like taller, looser species. Some mum species are termed deer-resistant, but this only means that they are more likely to grow back after being nibbled." }, { "docid": "3171046", "title": "-", "text": "During summer, mule deer are tan to light brown; during winter, they are a salt-and-pepper gray. They have large, dark-edged ears, from whence they derive their name. The 7 to 8 inch tail of a mule deer is white, except for a black tip. Mule deer are the largest deer in Washington." }, { "docid": "6031761", "title": "How Fast Can a Deer Run?", "text": "The most common deer species in the U.S., the whitetail deer, can run up to 30 miles an hour.They are also fast swimmers and... The most common deer species in the U.S., the whitetail deer, can run up to 30 miles an hour.They are also fast swimmers and..." }, { "docid": "8412317", "title": "Deer-Resistant Perennials", "text": "Perennial Plants Deer Don't Eat -- As Much. When we designate certain plants as deer-resistant perennials, we don't mean that Bambi never eats them. Rather, the term is meant to call attention to plants that Bambi finds less attractive than the other choices on his menu." }, { "docid": "4849909", "title": "Deer Symbolism & Meaning An Enduring Symbol of Peace on Earth", "text": "Deer Meaning. . . Deer represents a promise of Peace, something we all long for deep within, this gives each of us a special feeling when we have that moment of awe when we encounter a Deer in the woods, or even in our yard.eer is among the gentlest of creatures, with big soft eyes conveying the energy of innocence, Deer reminds us of of our own innocence and the fundamental need and desire to be nurtured and protected. The gentle Deer brings harm to no one, and is a symbol of true peace on Earth." }, { "docid": "2803037", "title": "Deer Backstrap Information and Cooking Guide", "text": "The deer backstrap is the same as the deer loin. Compare it to a pork loin which is where pork chops are cut from. When we cut up deer backstrap, we cut them into deer chops, usually boneless. Here are some general tips on cooking deer: Cooking." }, { "docid": "8545722", "title": "Viking Black Chokeberry", "text": "Your Viking Chokeberry is an upright shrub that is great for any spot where you want to control erosion, is drought tolerant and deer resistant. It’s quite simply a hardy shrub that’s easy to grow and offers a lot of seasonal interest." }, { "docid": "1345937", "title": "-", "text": "Here are some of the characteristics of a deer head Chihuahua: 1 Like the apple head, deer head Chihuahuas can be found with or without a molera. 2 Tend to have less health problems. 3 Long snout protruding further out than apple head Chihuahuas. More narrow skull that resembles the head of a deer, hence the name." }, { "docid": "5059773", "title": "âMichigan State Trooper Shoots a Deer In the Headlights", "text": "​Michigan State Trooper Shoots a Deer In the Headlights. Warning: This post contains a video of a deer being shot which some may find disturbing. 2013 might be the Year of the Deer, but this is a very sad update to an otherwise adorable trend. An upsetting YouTube video began circulating on Tuesday, showing a Michigan State Police Trooper shooting a deer in the head at point blank range. The deer is initially frozen in the trooper's headlights and you can hear the man filming exclaim, He ain't goin' nowhere, dude.." }, { "docid": "5751757", "title": "-", "text": "The height of a deer fence is critical to reducing deer crop damage. However, fence height has a major impact on the cost of installation. Woven wire deer fences eight feet high are generally considered nearly 100% effective in fields with significant deer crop depredation.However there are several considerations when determining fence height: for example, availability of other food sources, deer population and value of crops grown.oven wire deer fences eight feet high are generally considered nearly 100% effective in fields with significant deer crop depredation. However there are several considerations when determining fence height: for example, availability of other food sources, deer population and value of crops grown." }, { "docid": "8358303", "title": "-", "text": "chemical resistant nitrile gloves. Follow chemical resistant nitrile gloves to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Unfollow chemical resistant nitrile gloves to stop getting updates on your eBay Feed. Yay! You're now following chemical resistant nitrile gloves in your eBay Feed." }, { "docid": "7256890", "title": "-", "text": "Camellia Festival. Every day in February acres of camellias burst into bloom at Massee Lane Gardens, historic home of the American Camellia Society in Fort Valley, Ga. The annual Festival of Camellias is a tradition of the American Camellia Society, The festival encompasses the entire month of February when camellia blooms are at their peak. Blooms begin to show color in October and continue through March." }, { "docid": "3153040", "title": "-", "text": "A million Hawaiian garlands is still a million lei. This pluralization occurs in the English language as well. Examples include: deer, moose or sheep. One deer. Ten deer, One moose. Many moose. One sheep. A herd of sheep." }, { "docid": "8259379", "title": "Deer Resistant Perennials", "text": "1 They bloom early to mid summer and are deer resitant. 2 Achillea (Yarrow): All types of yarrow discourage deer. The traditional yellow yarrow is quite popular, but other colors look great in the garden and are equally deer resistant. Coreopsis (Tickseed): Coreopsis spreads easily and comes in a variety of colors." }, { "docid": "2803694", "title": "-", "text": "PROORAL Cut Resistant Gloves Kitchen... About Best Sellers in Cut Resistant Gloves. These lists, updated hourly, contain bestselling items. Here you can discover the best Cut Resistant Gloves in Amazon Best Sellers, and find the top 100 most popular Amazon Cut Resistant Gloves. ‹ Any Department." }, { "docid": "2868456", "title": "-", "text": "Resident hunters 65 or older may use crossbows during the entire deer archery season, starting with the 2015-2016 archery deer season. Commission members also proposed several changes to deer hunting on some public lands. These changes will be effective for the 2015-2016 deer seasons:" } ]
how did the civil rights act impact the civil rights movement
[ { "docid": "64189", "title": "Fourth Periodic Report of the United States of America to the United Nations Committee on Human Rights Concerning the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights", "text": "Introduction. The Civil Rights Act of 1964, which ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin, is considered one of the crowning legislative achievements of the civil rights movement.nder the Civil Rights Act, segregation on the grounds of race, religion or national origin was banned at all places of public accommodation, including courthouses, parks, restaurants, theaters, sports arenas and hotels." } ]
[ { "docid": "7941902", "title": "Southern Redemption Strategy After the Civil War", "text": "It was not until African-American leaders gained passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965 that the American citizens who were first granted suffrage by the Fifteenth Amendment after the Civil War finally regained the ability to exercise their right to vote." }, { "docid": "2120777", "title": "Sit-in movement", "text": "Sit-in movement, nonviolent movement of the U.S. civil rights era that began in Greensboro, North Carolina, in 1960. The sit-in, an act of civil disobedience, was a tactic that aroused sympathy for the demonstrators among moderates and uninvolved individuals." }, { "docid": "2620020", "title": "Civil Rights Act of 1968", "text": "Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 is commonly known as the Fair Housing Act and was meant as a follow‑up to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.While the Civil Rights Act of 1866 prohibited discrimination in housing, there were no federal enforcement provisions.hile the Civil Rights Act of 1866 prohibited discrimination in housing, there were no federal enforcement provisions." }, { "docid": "2741198", "title": "-", "text": "For decades after Reconstruction (1865-1877), the U.S. Congress did not pass a single civil rights act. Finally, in 1957, it established a civil rights section of the Justice Department, along with a Commission on Civil Rights to investigate discriminatory conditions." }, { "docid": "7738000", "title": "Why is it important what Rosa Parks did?", "text": "Rosa Parks helped the Civil Rights by beginning the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Parks' action sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Parks' act of defiance became an important symbol of the modern Civil Rights Movement and Parks became an international icon of resistance to racial segregation." }, { "docid": "4035488", "title": "Voting Rights Act of 1965", "text": "The Voting Rights Act of 1965 is a sweeping federal law that seeks to prevent voting discrimination based on race, color, or membership in a language minority group. The act was passed in the aftermath of one of the more violent episodes in the history of the civil rights movement." }, { "docid": "4433644", "title": "Civil Rights", "text": "Leaders such as Martin Luther King, Jr. , Booker T. Washington, and Rosa Parks paved the way for non-violent protests which led to changes in the law. When most people talk about the Civil Rights Movement they are talking about the protests in the 1950s and 1960s that led to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.Background.eaders such as Martin Luther King, Jr. , Booker T. Washington, and Rosa Parks paved the way for non-violent protests which led to changes in the law. When most people talk about the Civil Rights Movement they are talking about the protests in the 1950s and 1960s that led to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Background." }, { "docid": "4781735", "title": "History of the Civil Rights Movement", "text": "The spark that started the modern Civil Rights movement occurred in December of 1955. Blacks were very tired of the discriminating, but what really set it off was the murder of Emmett Till. Rosa Parks, a black seamstress, refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man, as Montgomery, Alabama law required.he civil rights movement was also very organized. Strategies such as sit-ins, bus boycotts, freedom rides, and marches were organized, so many civil rights believers participated. Civil rights believers were very passive, too, which was an effective strategy." }, { "docid": "6607645", "title": "-", "text": "The Black Civil Rights Movement in America-The civil right movement refers to the reform movement in the United States beginning in the 1954 to 1968 led primarily by Blacks for outlawing racial discrimination against African-Americans to prove the civil rights of personal Black citizen." }, { "docid": "6340704", "title": "-", "text": "By 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson was able to push through the historic Civil Rights Act of 1964. This timeline of the early 1960s Civil Rights Movement reveals just what an impressive number of historic events happened between 1960 and 1964." }, { "docid": "5417019", "title": "Civil Rights Act of 1968", "text": "Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 is commonly known as the Fair Housing Act and was meant as a follow‑up to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.While the Civil Rights Act of 1866 prohibited discrimination in housing, there were no federal enforcement provisions.he Civil Rights Act of 1968 defines housing discrimination as the “refusal to sell or rent a dwelling to any person because of his race, color, religion, or national origin”." }, { "docid": "2732677", "title": "Civil rights movement", "text": "President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with at least 75 pens, which he handed out to congressional supporters of the bill such as Hubert Humphrey and Everett Dirksen and to civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Roy Wilkins.ead-up to the Civil Rights Act. Following the Civil War (1861-1865), a trio of constitutional amendments abolished slavery, made the former slaves citizens and gave all men the right to vote regardless of race." }, { "docid": "2734300", "title": "-", "text": "CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT. The civil rights movement was a freedom struggle by African Americans in the 1950s and 1960s to gain equality. The goals of the movement were freedom from discrimination; equal opportunity in employment, education, and housing; the right to vote; and equal access to public facilities." }, { "docid": "4433640", "title": "Civil rights movements", "text": "The United States civil rights movement was a United States political movement for equality before the law. Most events were between 1865 and 1980.Many times, it used civil resistance and nonviolent forms of resistance. In some situations it was accompanied, or followed, by civil unrest and armed rebellion.he United States civil rights movement was a United States political movement for equality before the law. Most events were between 1865 and 1980." }, { "docid": "2620029", "title": "What were the goals and objectives of the Civil Rights movements in the 1950s and 1960s and how successful were these movements?", "text": "The right to vote was passed and placed in the bill of rights (15th amendment) in 1870 part of the reconstruction era. So during 1960's during the civil rights movement the right to vote was not one of their goals because it was already in effect for African Americans to vote.he goals of the civil rights movement were meaningful civil rights laws, a massive federal works program, full and fair employment, decent housing, the right to vote, and ade … quate integrated education." }, { "docid": "689179", "title": "Montgomery Bus Boycott", "text": "Home » History » 1946-1987: Postwar and Civil Rights Era » The Civil Rights Movement » Montgomery Bus Boycott. Rosa Parks's Symbolic Bus Ride, 1956Made famous by Rosa Parks's refusal to give her seat to a white man, the Montgomery bus boycott was one of the defining events of the civil rights movement." }, { "docid": "3325088", "title": "Civil Rights Act of 1964", "text": "Despite its lack of influence during its time, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 had considerable impact on later civil rights legislation in the United States.It paved the way for future legislation that was not limited to African American civil rights.espite its lack of influence during its time, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 had considerable impact on later civil rights legislation in the United States." }, { "docid": "4611256", "title": "Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial", "text": "American civil rights movement. Martin Luther King, Jr. American civil rights movement, mass protest movement against racial segregation and discrimination in the southern United States that came to national prominence during the mid-1950s." }, { "docid": "7904675", "title": "DOWNLOADED FROM", "text": "Civil Rights Act of 1957. An Act to provide means of further securing and protecting the civil rights of persons within the jurisdiction of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,ivil Rights Act of 1957. An Act to provide means of further securing and protecting the civil rights of persons within the jurisdiction of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled," }, { "docid": "788518", "title": "Civil rights movement", "text": "martin luther king and other civil rights leaders in front of the statue of abraham lincoln august 28 1963 the civil rights movement was a series of worldwide political movements for equal rights there were many events where unequal people refused to do anythingthey did this to show others that they are as equal in a nonviolent way other events were more violent with people who began to rebel against othersartin luther king and other civil rights leaders in front of the statue of abraham lincoln august 28 1963 the civil rights movement was a series of worldwide political movements for equal rights there were many events where unequal people refused to do anything" }, { "docid": "3089436", "title": "How did the Civil Rights Movement start?", "text": "As reconstruction ended and the Blacks lost political power in the South, there was no more federal civil rights legislation until The Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960. The … spark that started the modern Civil Rights movement occurred in December of 1955." }, { "docid": "4426891", "title": "-", "text": "Chronology The main reason the Immigration Act was the Civil Rights Movement. The Civil Rights Movement was to rid America of racial/ethnic discrimination. Two other bills, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, Johnson signed for the same reason.[5] The Immigration Act was therefore a corrective measure instituted to atone for past history of discrimination in immigration.eegy: This bill is the Immigration Act of 1965. [ This act, also known as the Hart-Cellar Act not only allows more individuals from third world countries to enter the US (including Asians, who have traditionally been hindered from entering America), but also entails a separate quota for refugees. ] (More)." }, { "docid": "8024440", "title": "The true history of the Republican Party", "text": "As promised, this morning on radio, Glenn revealed the true history of the Republican party in relation to the Civil Rights Movement. Glenn used an article from Gateway Pundit entitled ON MLK Jr Day-Here's the realy history of the US Civil Rights Movement You Won't Read About by Jim Hoft" }, { "docid": "5096890", "title": "-", "text": "There are at least three ways in which World War II helped to lead to the Civil Rights Movement.First, the rhetoric of America’s involvement in WWII helped to make it seem more important to give equal rights to African Americans.his helped to push the Civil Rights Movement forward. In these ways, WWII sent messages to African Americans that they should be free and it encouraged them to move to places where they had more political influence. These things helped the Civil Rights Movement to emerge." }, { "docid": "3347087", "title": "AMERICAN HISTORY EXAM REVIEW", "text": "The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is the most sweeping civil rights legislation Congress has ever passed and paved the way for the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Fair Housing Act of 1968 and the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, among other key laws." }, { "docid": "1907316", "title": "Champions of Human Rights Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929â1968)", "text": "So powerful was the movement he inspired, that Congress enacted the Civil Rights Act in 1964, the same year King himself was honored with the Nobel Peace Prize. Posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, King is an icon of the civil rights movement. His life and work symbolize the quest for equality and nondiscrimination that lies at the heart of the American—and human—dream." }, { "docid": "64150", "title": "Civil Rights Act of 1957", "text": "Background: On September 9, 1957, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed into law the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Originally proposed by Attorney General Herbert Brownell, the Act marked the first occasion since Reconstruction that the federal government undertook significant legislative action to protect civil rights.oreover, it also created a six-member U.S. Civil Rights Commission charged with investigating allegations of voter infringement. But, perhaps most importantly, the Civil Rights Act of 1957 signaled a growing federal commitment to the cause of civil rights." }, { "docid": "8778689", "title": "Why Did Black Voters Flee The Republican Party In The 1960s?", "text": "Black Americans, says Vince Hutchings, felt anything but: African-Americans heard the message that was intended to be heard. Which was that Goldwater and the Goldwater wing of the Republican party were opposed not only to the Civil Rights Act, but to the civil rights movement, in large part, as well.. An Abrupt Exit From The GOP." }, { "docid": "3715394", "title": "Goals and Strategies of the Civil Rights Movement", "text": "The movement had moderate goals, and generally did not aim to overcome prejudice in a swift and aggressive manner. At the start of the movement, many African Americans were outraged with the clear ineffectiveness of President Eisenhower’s Civil Rights Act of 1957.hroughout the 1960’s, the widespread movement for African American civil rights had transformed in terms of its goals and strategies. The campaign had intensified in this decade, characterized by greater demands and more aggressive efforts." }, { "docid": "1140205", "title": "-", "text": "Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American pastor, activist, humanitarian, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience based on his Christian beliefs." } ]
how do i make my stitches loose in knitting
[ { "docid": "6253745", "title": "-", "text": "Instructions. Cast 12 stitches onto the knitting neddles. Knit the first few rows. Pull the stitches gently downward after knitting each row to loosen the yarn and open the stitches. Continue to knit each row until you have 32 rows. Bind off the last row. Fringe the scarf by cutting six-inch strands of yarn.Fold 2-3 strands of yarn in half, insert the fold into a bottom stitch and loop it through.Slip the ends through the looped strands and pull the yarn to tighten the fringe.ontinue to knit each row until you have 32 rows. Bind off the last row. Fringe the scarf by cutting six-inch strands of yarn. Fold 2-3 strands of yarn in half, insert the fold into a bottom stitch and loop it through." } ]
[ { "docid": "2031427", "title": "How to Read Yarn Labels - Quick Knitting Lesson", "text": "Yarn labels or some people call them yarn wraps pack a lot of information and you'll need to know what it all means especially if you're following a knitting pattern. Knitting patterns will tell you what kind of yarn to buy for that knitting project. But there are other reasons as well. For instance you may want to substitute the yarn that is called for in a pattern, or you may want certain types of yarn like wool, acrylic or cotton. You may also want a certain thickness. All this information is wrapped neatly around your little ball of yarn." }, { "docid": "5769280", "title": "-", "text": "If you liked this tutorial on how to darn socks and mend holes in knitting, please add a link to this post on your blog, tell people about it on your favorite knitting forum, leave me a comment, and click the “Like” or “Tweet” buttons. Tweet this: Tweet. Liat is the founder and video knitting expert at KNITFreedom." }, { "docid": "5311656", "title": "Care For Your Stitches", "text": "Stitches, or sutures, are used to close cuts and wounds on the skin. Stitches need to be removed after your wound has healed. Keep your stitches clean and dry. You may need to cover your stitches with a bandage for 24 to 48 hours, or as directed. Do not bump or hit the suture area, as this could open the wound." }, { "docid": "5357480", "title": "How to Anchor Your Knitting Yarn", "text": "Stop chasing your balls of wool during knitting with this easy solution using materials you'll already have in the house. Steps. Put the knitting wool into a clean paper bag. Feed the thread out through the top of the bag." }, { "docid": "5357483", "title": "How to Anchor Your Knitting Yarn", "text": "Steps. 1 1. Put the knitting wool into a clean paper bag. 2 2. Feed the thread out through the top of the bag. 3 3. Scrunch the mouth of the bag together and place a rubber band over it. Don't make it too tight, as the thread of yarn needs to keep feeding through it. 4. Knit away." }, { "docid": "7401512", "title": "-", "text": "Learn how to easily sew your own thimble with just a thin piece of leather, a needle, and thread. I was knitting the other day and noticed my very tight knitting style was causing me to really poke and abuse my finger.It was starting to get in the way of my working, so I figured I should use a thimble. was knitting the other day and noticed my very tight knitting style was causing me to really poke and abuse my finger. It was starting to get in the way of my working, so I figured I should use a thimble." }, { "docid": "3800128", "title": "How to Remove Stitches", "text": "1 If you want to double check whether it's OK to remove your stitches, give your doctor a call. He or she will let you know whether it's safe enough to do it yourself. If your wound looks as if it's getting red or more sore, do not remove your stitches: go to your doctor. You may have an infection." }, { "docid": "8055629", "title": "Are my teeth falling out?", "text": "Teeth that feel loose and can be moved by your other teeth can be loose because of bone loss around the teeth. The bone loss can be from periodontal disease which is a inflammation of the gums caused by bacterial infection. Teeth can also become loose from excessive clenching and grinding either at night or during the day. Often times we can make a bite plate to wear at night or during the day. Sometimes you can think your teeth feel loose but they aren't, this can occur from clenching and grinding or just from a stressful period in your life." }, { "docid": "1276943", "title": "Exercise for a Muscle Cramp Under the Rib Cage", "text": "Some people get side stitches after drinking juice or eating just prior to a workout. However, the exact cause of side stitches remains unknown. Once you feel the cramp under your ribs, reduce the intensity of your exercise and wait for the side stitches to subside. If the cramping continues, stop exercising." }, { "docid": "7430029", "title": "-", "text": "Topic Overview. Your wound will need care and observation. After the stitches or staples are put in, the area may be covered with a thin layer of antibiotic ointment and covered with a nonstick bandage. Your doctor will give you instructions on how to care for your stitches or staples." }, { "docid": "8668099", "title": "How to Crochet a Beanie Hat for Beginners", "text": "Round 1: Chain 2 and work 11 double crochet stitches into the ring for a total of 12 stitches, including first chain 2. Round 2: Chain 2, 1 double crochet in the same place, 2 double crochet in each of the next 12 stitches, slip stitch last stitch to top of chain 2 for a total count of 24 stitches." }, { "docid": "3976896", "title": "-", "text": "Fix a loose hinge. If the spine of your book is loose along one or both of the hinges, use this quick fix to have it back in perfect condition. Coat a long knitting needle in binding glue and slide it down the spine of the book along the loose hinge. Turn the book around and do the same on the other side." }, { "docid": "1304050", "title": "Got Cramps? Hereâs How To Stop Them", "text": "The other thing you can do is to make sure you know what you’re really suffering from. Plenty of people who say they’re struggling with cramps actually have side stitches or stomach problems. Stomach cramps can simply be gastrointestinal issues, said Harnish, not really cramps." }, { "docid": "6574288", "title": "How soon can I go swimming after surgery?", "text": "Generally, after your stitches have been removed or have dissolved and your wound has fully healed, you should be able to swim in the sea or a swimming pool. Once a wound has healed, the risk of infection decreases. Stitches can usually be removed within 7 to 10 days of surgery, although it depends on the type of wound." }, { "docid": "5787644", "title": "Should I burn the ends of my braids?", "text": "Submit. · just now. Report Abuse. If they are micros they do not need to be burnt at the ends because the hair is suppose to be loose at the ends ETA: If your hair is in micros and the point where you stop braiding it you need to make a knot to prevent the hair from coming loose." }, { "docid": "927934", "title": "-", "text": "Facts on Removing Stitches. 1 Among the many methods for closing wounds of the skin, stitching, or suturing, is the most common form of repairing a wound. 2 Removing stitches or other skin-closure devices is a procedure that many people dread. Stitches (also called sutures) are used to close cuts and wounds in skin." }, { "docid": "8000748", "title": "NEED HELP BAD!!! Large cut on bottom of foot!", "text": "I was told that the ER might have screwed up, that they should have used 4.0 stitches rather than 3.0 and that stitches in this part of your bottom typically shoudl be left in for up to 3 weeks. Mine were only in 8 days." }, { "docid": "4419804", "title": "firm", "text": "Definition of firm for English Language Learners : to put (something, such as a plan) into a final form : to make (something) harder or more solid : to make (something) less loose" }, { "docid": "4749687", "title": "Why does my knitting curl?", "text": "A chain stitch is usually done in crochet. But your curling is symptomatic of knitting stockinette stitch (knit 1 row and purl 1 row). The way to stop the curling is to do all knit 8 stitches at beginning and end of each and every row." }, { "docid": "6655498", "title": "The Best Way to Remove Baby Teeth", "text": "Teeth become loose as the roots dissolve to make room for the adult tooth. It can take two or three months for the tooth to become loose enough to pull out. You do not want to pull the tooth out until it is ready, or your child will have a gap for much longer than normal.eeth become loose as the roots dissolve to make room for the adult tooth. It can take two or three months for the tooth to become loose enough to pull out. You do not want to pull the tooth out until it is ready, or your child will have a gap for much longer than normal." }, { "docid": "1897908", "title": "59 Free Scarf Knitting Patterns", "text": "Easy scarf knitting patterns for men is a great way to come up with a gift for your husband, boyfriend, son, uncle, and all the other men in your life. With these various scarf knitting patterns, you're sure to find something perfect for all the men on your list!ou'll find winter scarves, cowls, wraps, and more! You can also customize these patterns if you plan on knitting a scarf for the man in your life. Adult knitting patterns are a great option if you want to skip the mall and save money." }, { "docid": "6755495", "title": "How Do You Knit a Purl Barred Scallop Pattern?", "text": "A pearl-barred scallop pattern must be knit in a multiple of 14 stitches plus one additional stitch and incorporates purl stitches, knit stitches, yarn overs, knit two togethers and slip slip knits." }, { "docid": "3560407", "title": "Sutures, Stitches, and Staples", "text": "Sutures, Stitches, and Staples. Tweet. Sutures, stitches and staples are used for the same purpose-to close wounds or surgical incisions-but they are not the same." }, { "docid": "2907973", "title": "Japanese Knitting Resources", "text": "Useful resources on Japanese knitting: ABC’s of knitting is a Japanese website on knitting, with some sections in English. This is the most highly regarded source of information for English knitters wanting to learn about Japanese knitting techniques." }, { "docid": "1890534", "title": "-", "text": "You can knit into the front and the back of the stitch, You can lift the 'bar' (the yarn between the 2 stitches) and knit this or you can make a stitch using the backwards loop cast on. I chose knitting the bar between the stitches." }, { "docid": "8254261", "title": "Knitting Abbreviations Glossary", "text": "cross 2 stitches to the left (to work a cable). Slip 2 stitches p-wise onto a cable needle, let cable needle hang in front of work as you knit the next couple of stiches; then knit stitches off of cable needle." }, { "docid": "3058674", "title": "How long will my dogs stitches take to heal/dissolve?", "text": "Best Answer: Wounds in dogs normally heal within 10 days-at least with regular stitches, that's the time-frame for getting them out. I'd phone the vet's office and confirm that these are solutable stitches first. Could be they are not, and they need to be taken out!" }, { "docid": "6871368", "title": "Watery stool", "text": "Loose stool: Introduction. Loose stool is usually a form of diarrhea and many conditions causing loose stool will be listed under diarrhea. It may also be related to watery stool (also within the spectrum of diarrhea). Causes of Loose stool: The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Loose stool." }, { "docid": "964277", "title": "Crochet Abbreviations List (Download)", "text": "This crochet abbreviations guide is your own little cheat sheet to reading patterns and creating your own designs. Before you can start crocheting, you need to make sure you know the basics. You might know how to complete basic stitches (or not), but you need to learn what the crochet abbreviations are before you make any progress on a crochet pattern... and crochet has a lot of abbreviations." }, { "docid": "1156043", "title": "Knitted fabric", "text": "A dropped stitch, or missed stitch, is a common error that creates an extra loop to be fixed. In the simplest knitted fabric pattern, all the stitches are knit or purl; this is known as a garter stitch. Alternating rows of knit stitches and purl stitches produce what is known as a stockinette pattern/stocking stitch. Vertical stripes (ribbing) are possible by having alternating wales of knit and purl stitches." } ]
how do i pay for a lyft ride
[ { "docid": "3918422", "title": "Drive More. Earn More.", "text": "Lyft matches drivers with passengers who request rides through our smartphone app, and passengers pay automatically through the app. Whether you’re trying to offset costs of your car, cover this month’s bills, or fund your dreams, Lyft will get you there.So, go ahead. Be your own boss.ow Lyft Driving Works. Once the ride ends, the app processes pay from the passenger’s saved credit card. Open the app and turn on driver mode. Accept a ride request. Pick up your passenger. Once the ride ends, the app processes pay from the passenger’s saved credit card. Open the app and turn on driver mode." } ]
[ { "docid": "7923988", "title": "-", "text": "Check out Performance Bicycle on Yelp. Please join us and all are welcome to our Saturday morning, 7:30am Intermediate ride starting and ending at our shop. We will average 16mph and ride for 90+ minutes. This is a no drop ride and the group will stay together. Ride along the gorgeous coastline to the Hillsborough Inlet Lighthouse." }, { "docid": "1686172", "title": "-", "text": "Report Abuse. At 2 points in the ride does it 'Simulate' going upside down, but at no point during the ride does it actually go even on the vehicles side. It is a really good ride, and currently amoung Universal's best." }, { "docid": "4890610", "title": "-", "text": "Smooth Ride. Well i got a 94 YJ as my first car and i plan on driving it on road 97% of the time, the other 3% id like to go offroad. But anyways the question i have is I know YJ's ride rough, but is there any way to get a better ride. I know for sure i have to get new shocks up front because they're both missing bushings and they look quite worn." }, { "docid": "6399803", "title": "-", "text": "Travelers will soon be able to call an Uber or Lyft after arriving at LAX under a decision Thursday by Board of Airport Commissioners. Travelers will soon be able to call an Uber or Lyft after arriving at LAX under a decision Thursday by Board of Airport Commissioners." }, { "docid": "5670829", "title": "-", "text": "How much does Lyft in United States pay? The average Lyft salary ranges from approximately $17,644 per year for Mentor to $191,204 per year for Android Developer. Average Lyft weekly pay ranges from approximately $991 per week for Brand Ambassador to $3,655 per week for Brand Ambassador. Salary information comes from 10,979 data points collected directly from employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed in the past 12 months." }, { "docid": "5470039", "title": "Lyft and Uber Driver Salary and Tax Rates", "text": "1 Normal hourly Uber salary are about $15–25 dollars an hour without the Uber surge pricing. 2 Airport runs can boost my hourly Uber salary to $30/hr as UberX drivers get an extra $8.50 to drop off or pickup at the airport to cover tolls.ccording to other Lyft drivers, their Lyft salary range between 15–35 an hour. Normal weekday and weekday nights average Lyft salary of $15–20 an hour without Lyft Prime Time." }, { "docid": "3169688", "title": "Electra Bicycle Company", "text": "I love my Electra Townie! I ride for fun and this bicycle makes it more fun because it is so comfortable and, frankly, adorable! From a quick ride to the store to a 25-mile ride around San Diego Bay; it's me and my Townie all the way." }, { "docid": "2903109", "title": "-", "text": "Transformers: The Ride-3D is an immersive, next generation thrill ride blurring the line between fiction and reality." }, { "docid": "5758696", "title": "Lyft Says Uberâs Recruitment Efforts Are Hurting Drivers", "text": "When Uber recruiters enter the area, a driver’s pay drops to $27.50 an hour — a 24 percent reduction. In San Francisco, the hourly pay for a Lyft driver is $41.60 an hour, which drops to $36.80 an hour during recruitment efforts — a drop of 12 percent.(The pay decrease in San Francisco is less because there are so many ride-share cars on the road in the area.).Lyft asserts that income drops for two main reasons.n instances when Uber ambassadors take rides to recruit Lyft drivers, those Lyft drivers experience a considerable drop in pay, with earnings falling to $18.60 an hour. That is a 48 percent drop in income. Drivers in other areas are affected by the recruitment efforts, too, though not as severely as in Orange Country." }, { "docid": "6575498", "title": "-", "text": "You need to sign up for Uber/Lyft directly by navigating to their website. You can do that by visiting: Uber: https://get.uber.com/drive/. Lyft: Lyft.com. In case of any questions, please contact them directly." }, { "docid": "5031150", "title": "Do Drivers Make More Money With Lyft or Uber?", "text": "This means Lyft is still the cheaper option for passengers in most cities but for drivers you will make more with Uber on average. Lyft was the higher grossing TNC in 10 of the 54 cities we looked at while Uber and Lyft were tied in three cities." }, { "docid": "1551170", "title": "How much does Lyft cost? Get a Lyft fare estimate", "text": "Lyft promo code ‘freerideshare‘ makes your first ride cheaper. Head to the Lyft cities page, find your city, then enter your pick-up and drop-off location into the fare estimator. Currently you can’t get a fare estimate from inside the Lyft app." }, { "docid": "5605988", "title": "-", "text": "Personally, I've been in 100+ mile RR's that were well under 4 hours, but don't usually care what the time was. Racing is about efforts and recovery. Never have I gone for a time at a century ride though. That takes all the fun out of doing it.Piggin' out at sag stops.Socializing with friends. Etc... Best way to ride a century = ride 20 miles mod-hard, stop at sag for 20', ride 20 miles mod-hard, stop at sag for 20', repeat 3 more times.ever have I gone for a time at a century ride though. That takes all the fun out of doing it. Piggin' out at sag stops. Socializing with friends. Etc... Best way to ride a century = ride 20 miles mod-hard, stop at sag for 20', ride 20 miles mod-hard, stop at sag for 20', repeat 3 more times." }, { "docid": "6279693", "title": "Everything You Need To Know About the Weird New CTA Ventra System", "text": "1 Ventra Cards: You can load any amount of money on a Ventra card with cash or with an online Ventra account. 2 You can use the to pay per ride or load unlimited ride passes onto the card. 3 Ventra Tickets: These are disposable, paper cards used for single ride and day pass unlimited-ride tickets.ow much does it cost to purchase a Ventra Card? Ventra Cards will have a one-time fee of $5 at purchase. Riders can be refunded their $5 (as transit value) if they register their Ventra Cards within 90 days of purchase. But cardholders will face a $5 monthly fee if they don’t use their card for 18 months." }, { "docid": "3729774", "title": "-", "text": "1 Uber drivers make an average of $15.97 per ride with Uber, as opposed to Lyft ($11.48) and Sidecar ($13.35). 2 In order to make $50,000 a year, an Uber driver must provide 60.21 rides every week.3 A Lyft driver would have to provide 83.76 rides, and a Sidecar driver would have to provide 72.03 rides.fter looking at the numbers, NerdWallet had a few big takeaways: 1 Based on their data, drivers can, on average, make more working for Uber than for Lyft and Sidecar in most places. 2 Uber drivers make an average of $15.97 per ride with Uber, as opposed to Lyft ($11.48) and Sidecar ($13.35)." }, { "docid": "1605997", "title": "Why Uber and Lyft Drivers Should Not Get Livery Insurance", "text": "The cost of insurance can range between $6-$10k a year for a car worth between $10k and $20k, which includes all of the liability coverage Lyft and Uber already has. Some drivers noted that commercial insurance agents either didn’t have for-hire coverage plans or that they would not insure Lyft or Uber drivers." }, { "docid": "6743736", "title": "She took the katy, left me a mule to ride", "text": "She caught the Katy, and left me a mule to ride. She caught the Katy, and left me a mule to ride. Well my baby caught the Katy, left me a mule to ride. The train pulled out, and I swung on behind. I'm crazy 'bout her, that hardheaded woman, hardheaded woman of mine." }, { "docid": "1547167", "title": "Estimate Lyft Fares", "text": "What is Lyft Line? Available in just a handful of cities, this car service allows you to pay a reduced price by splitting fares with other passengers heading the same way. Rates vary; But it's always cheaper than a Standard Lyft." }, { "docid": "1926526", "title": "These Are the Best Cities for Uber and Lyft Drivers (Infographic)", "text": "Content preferences. When you think of cities where ridesharing technology companies like Uber and Lyft are thriving, San Francisco and New York might be the cities to instantly jump to mind. That makes sense: Uber and Lyft both launched in San Francisco, and New York is filled with people who don’t own cars." }, { "docid": "300778", "title": "-", "text": "2015 Suburban LTZ magnetic ride problems. I love my new Suburban. I've had a bunch and design and features are great. The third generation magnetic ride system makes for a great ride on the highway, but makes a smooth looking road very rough.It feels like a 3/4 ton sometimes, not absorbing a pothole at all.015 Suburban LTZ magnetic ride problems. I love my new Suburban. I've had a bunch and design and features are great. The third generation magnetic ride system makes for a great ride on the highway, but makes a smooth looking road very rough. It feels like a 3/4 ton sometimes, not absorbing a pothole at all." }, { "docid": "2463615", "title": "Vehicle requirements", "text": "4 doors. 1 Lyft vehicles must have four doors. 2 All four doors need to be able to open and close from the interior and the exterior. 3 Passengers need to be able to unlock and lock their own doors." }, { "docid": "8783055", "title": "7 facts you probably didn't know about Sally K. Ride, the first woman astronaut in space", "text": "7 facts you probably didn't know about Sally K. Ride, the first woman astronaut in space. NASA astronaut Sally Ride was the first American woman in space. Ride was inducted into the National Aviation Hall of Fame. Sally K. Ride was known as a woman with many talents and accomplishments. She's known for marrying fellow astronaut Steven Hawley, being born in Los Angeles and being a fan of tennis." }, { "docid": "3110625", "title": "-", "text": "In most cities, Uber offers upfront pricing; the rider is quoted the fare that he or she will pay before requesting the ride. In some cities, Uber does not offer upfront pricing and instead calculates the price of a ride similar to a taximeter; the rider is charged based on the time and distance of the ride. Uber also offers promotional rates on rides to/from certain areas at certain times." }, { "docid": "4948942", "title": "-", "text": "Lyft, Inc. is a privately-held, venture capital-backed provider of on-demand car services. Previously known as Zimride, Lyft provides a location-based tool that allows drivers to locate riders and vice-versa. Founded by John Zimmer and Logan Green, Lyft is based in San Francisco, CA. VC Backed." }, { "docid": "3814787", "title": "How Much Does an Ambulance Ride Cost?", "text": "The cost of an ambulance ride can depend on the company, the miles being driven, the reason you had to ride in one and if insurance is involved. A basic ambulance ride to a hospital, for example, can cost a lot less than a paramedic unit." }, { "docid": "8565394", "title": "Rideable Pokemon", "text": "There are a total of five Pokemon you can ride throughout the Kalos region. These Pokemon are all in different areas and you can only ride them in these designated areas. The first Pokemon you encounter to ride is Gogoat in Lumiose City. You can pay P200 to ride a Gogoat through a tour of the city." }, { "docid": "6813465", "title": "-", "text": "What is a carpool ride? Any time at least two families are involved in a ride, it's a carpool ride. One family can take the lead, set up the ride, and invite other families to join. Each family pays for their share of the fare after the ride is complete." }, { "docid": "4281281", "title": "-", "text": "RideGuru is the trusted resource, tool, and community for everyone engaged in rideshares, ridehails, taxis, and limos. Its price comparison tool gives accurate fare estimates and ride-hailing information to help you get where you want to go. RideGuru is capable of calculating estimated fares for a wide variety of ridehail (also known as rideshare) services worldwide, such as Uber, Lyft, Curb, Ola, Didi Kauidi." }, { "docid": "1547168", "title": "Uber vs Lyft: Comparing the Rideshare titans", "text": "Uber vs Lyft Prices and Cost. On the single biggest factor affecting user engagement, Uber edges out Lyft. Average trip costs for both Uber and Lyft are roughly similar. The average cost of a rideshare ride is $2/mile, trips starting at $1, costing roughly $1/mile and $0.25 per minute." }, { "docid": "2903107", "title": "Transformers: The Ride 3D", "text": "Transformers: The Ride 3D (or simply Transformers: The Ride) is a 3D dark ride located at Universal Studios Singapore, Universal Studios Hollywood and Universal Studios Florida." } ]
how do oil spills affect penguins
[ { "docid": "5079918", "title": "-", "text": "An affect of oil spills on penguins is that their feathers will lose its way to insulate the body, resulting in hypothermia. The birds may even swallow the oil when trying … to clean their feathers that could lead to poisoning.1 person found this useful.irds are effected by oil spills as well as fish, and the oil travels up the food chain. Krill and other food eaten by fish, or further down the food chain are also affected. Generally their populations are lowered, creating food shortages for fish." } ]
[ { "docid": "4134802", "title": "Oil Spills: Impact on the Ocean", "text": "By comparison, the wreck of the Exxon Valdez tanker in 1989 spilled 11 million gallons of oil into Prince William Sound offshore Alaska, and ranks fifty-third on the list of oil spills involving more than 10 million gallons." }, { "docid": "1638164", "title": "Driveway Sealers for Concrete and Pavers", "text": "Why You Should Use a Concrete Driveway Sealer. Homeowners are well aware that the elements can wreak havoc on a concrete driveway surface causing spalling and deterioration. Oil spills, leaking engine fluids, grease, tire marks, acids, and leaf stains can do a number on the appearance alone." }, { "docid": "5133830", "title": "Penguin Facts and Information", "text": "When it comes to the size of penguins several characteristics stand out. 1 The larger the penguin is the more likely it is to live in colder regions. 2 Larger penguins have been seen diving nearly 2,00o ft. in search of food. 3 Small penguins typically dive for short periods of time 1 – 3 minutes." }, { "docid": "170903", "title": "Health Effects of Oil Spills: Lessons from the Prestige", "text": "The experience from studies related to the Prestige oil spill may be helpful for ongoing and future epidemiological studies on the health effects of oil spills . Exposures should be assessed as soon as possible after the disaster and during active cleanup work ." }, { "docid": "6668884", "title": "-", "text": "The best asphalt driveway sealer is one that contains polymers and other additives that increase the range of protection offered by the product. These sealers offer protection against oil and gas spills in addition to protection from the effects of weathering." }, { "docid": "343519", "title": "Jellyfish Habitat and Distribution", "text": "Toxins in the bodies of water where Jellyfish live though have been a problem to their habitat though. Studies show that toxins from various types of pollution, oil spills, and chemicals can all get into the thin layers of skin of the Jellyfish. This can result in them not creating offspring.oxins in the bodies of water where Jellyfish live though have been a problem to their habitat though. Studies show that toxins from various types of pollution, oil spills, and chemicals can all get into the thin layers of skin of the Jellyfish. This can result in them not creating offspring." }, { "docid": "5082340", "title": "-", "text": "Records obtained by the AP show that so far this year, North Dakota has recorded 139 pipeline leaks that spilled a total of 735 barrels of oil. In 2012, there were 153 pipeline leaks that spilled 495 barrels of oil, data show. A little more than half of the spills companies reported to North Dakota occurred on-site, where a well is connected to a pipeline, and most were fewer than 10 barrels." }, { "docid": "4329504", "title": "-", "text": "researchers accidentally discover blue firenado that could efficiently clean up oil spills a team of researchers accidentally discovered a new clean burning blue whirl of fire that could help with oil spill cleanups and reduce carbon emissions" }, { "docid": "7198913", "title": "Top 10 Cutest Animals on Earth", "text": "These penguins are absolutely similar to normal penguins except for the size. Their small size make them much more cute than normal ones, so much so they can be said one of the top 10 cutest animals on earth. 8. Northern Pygmy Owls. Fun Facts: Northern little owls often take prey same size or larger than themselves." }, { "docid": "4967749", "title": "What is the 'Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries - OPEC'", "text": "OPEC is a cartel that aims to manage the supply of oil in an effort to set the price of oil on the world market, in order to avoid fluctuations that might affect the economies of both producing and purchasing countries." }, { "docid": "4327461", "title": "Petroleum", "text": "The use of fossil fuels, such as petroleum, will have a negative impact on Earth's biosphere, damaging ecosystems through events such as oil spills and releasing a range of pollutants into the air including ground-level ozone and sulfur dioxide from sulfur impurities in fossil fuels." }, { "docid": "7466476", "title": "Types of Penguins â Different Types of Penguins", "text": "Different Types of Penguins. Emperor Penguin. Among all the different types of penguins widely known, emperor penguin is the biggest of all penguin types in the world. The emperor penguins weigh up to almost 85 lbs and measuring 48-inch in height." }, { "docid": "4809478", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions", "text": "Q. Are there polar bears in Antarctica? No! Polar bears have never met penguins except in TV commercials (drinking soda) or in a zoo. Polar bears live in the Arctic (the North Pole) while the penguins live in Antarctica (the South Pole)." }, { "docid": "2322884", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions", "text": "Stain resistance means you have a little more time to pick up small spills, but it doesnt stain proof the grout. Stain / Sealing creates a long-lasting, durable layer of protections that prevents dirt and spills from absorbing into your grout. Common spills can be wiped away, looking like the day it was installed." }, { "docid": "6636343", "title": "Does Oil Spill Damage Last Forever?", "text": "http://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2015... An oil pipeline burst yesterday, spilling an estimated 21,000 gallons (79,500 liters)of crude oil into the Pacific Ocean near Santa Barbara, California.. List of oil spills. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of..." }, { "docid": "1946151", "title": "Causes and Effects of Water Pollution", "text": "Water pollution causes flooding due to the accumulation of solid waste and soil erosion in streams and rivers. Oil spills in the water causes animal to die when they ingest it or encounter it. Oil does not dissolve in water so it causes suffocation in fish and birds. Water Pollution Facts. Following are some facts on water pollution: 1 Fourteen billion pounds of garbage, which is mostly plastic, is dumped into the ocean every year. 2 The Ganges River in India is one the most polluted rivers in the world with sewage, trash, food, and animal remains." }, { "docid": "7822637", "title": "-", "text": "To ensure rapid, effective response to oil spills, the President has the authority to make available--without Congressional appropriation--up to $50 million each year to fund removal activities and initiate NRDAs. Funds not used in a fiscal year are available until expended." }, { "docid": "3067172", "title": "How tall is a penguin?", "text": "If you had to be 28 inches to ride a roller coaster, how many penguins could ride the penguin. The students could measure and put the penguins up themselves. You could also ask how many little blue penguins do you need to be as tall as the emperor penguin. You can order three of the penguins by length and compare: A chinstrap penguin is bigger than a little blue, but smaller than an emperor. So an emperor penguin must be bigger than a little blue penguin. There by completed a common core requirement in measurement for first grade:" }, { "docid": "5459181", "title": "Penguin", "text": "Penguins (order Sphenisciformes, family Spheniscidae) are a group of aquatic, flightless birds living almost exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere, especially in Antarctica. Highly adapted for life in the water, penguins have countershaded dark and white plumage, and their wings have evolved into flippers.Most penguins feed on krill, fish, squid and other forms of sealife caught while swimming underwater. They spend about half of their lives on land and half in the oceans.lthough all penguin species are native to the Southern Hemisphere, they are not found only in cold climates, such as Antarctica." }, { "docid": "8715994", "title": "The Worst Oil Spills in History", "text": "1 Ixtoc 1 Oil Spill. 2 Atlantic Empress/Aegean Captain Oil Spill. 3 Kolva River Oil Spill. 4 Nowruz Oil Field Oil Spill. 5 Castillo de Bellver Oil Spill. 6 Amoco Cadiz Oil Spill. 7 ABT Summer Oil Spill. 8 M/T Haven Tanker Oil Spill. 9 Odyssey and Ocean Odyssey Oil Spills." }, { "docid": "1548489", "title": "Description & Behavior", "text": "Galapagos Penguins, Spheniscus mendiculus. Description & Behavior. Yes, penguins do exist on the equator! Galapagos penguins, Spheniscus mendiculus (Sundevall, 1871), are the most northerly occurring of all the penguins (third smallest of the world's 17 or so penguin species as well). They stand 40-45 cm tall and weigh 1.6-2.5 kg." }, { "docid": "5197704", "title": "How Many Different Types of Penguins are There?", "text": "There are 17 recognized species of penguins living today, although some subspecies are still in debate. They group in six different sets. Great Penguins. (2 living species) This group includes the Emperor Penguin and the King Penguin. As their name implies, they are the largest penguins, reaching a height up to 1.2 meters. Brush-tailed Penguins. (3 living species) This group includes the Adelie Penguin, the Chinstrap Penguin, and the Gentoo Penguin. Little Penguins. ( 1 living species) The little penguin’s collection is made up by the little blue penguin and the Northern little penguin. The Northern little penguin or white-flippered penguin as also known is one of the subspecies still in debate." }, { "docid": "5085709", "title": "Challenges affecting Adélie penguins", "text": "Why Adelie adélie penguins. Matter adelie adélie penguins are part Of the antarctic – food chain they eat animals like krill and, small fish and are a source of food for predators like leopard seals and. killer whales" }, { "docid": "2749997", "title": "What are the environmental effects of bottled water?", "text": "Yes! 1 million times yes! 1) water bottles are made from plastic. Plastic is made from....synthesized hydrocarbons, meaning oil. Green house gases, extraction, tanker spill, oil rig spills, pipeline breaks, pick an environmental disaster of your choosing." }, { "docid": "7604786", "title": "-", "text": "By Brian Metzer. pittsburghpenguins.com is the official website of the Pittsburgh Penguins. The Pittsburgh Penguins and pittsburghpenguins.com are trademarks of Lemieux Group, LP.he Pittsburgh Penguins and pittsburghpenguins.com are trademarks of Lemieux Group, LP." }, { "docid": "5093723", "title": "-", "text": "Ad. 2. Clean stains and spills from your marble countertop immediately. If you do not clean up stains and spills right away, the substances may soak completely into your marble. 1 Use a soft, household sponge and warm water to remove spills and stains.. Pour the sealer directly onto the surface of the marble countertop. 1 If your countertop has a large surface area, you may want to treat small sections once at a time to make the sealing process easier or more efficient." }, { "docid": "6975559", "title": "Oil Spills", "text": "In general, oil spills can affect animals and plants in two ways: from the oil itself and from the response or cleanup operations." }, { "docid": "2041990", "title": "Diet & Eating Habits", "text": "Penguins eat krill (a shrimp-like crustacean in the Family Euphausiidae), squids, and fishes. Various species of penguins have slightly different food preferences, which reduce competition among species." }, { "docid": "3877728", "title": "How Does Oil Spills Effects On Ocean Water Cycle", "text": "Waves important to breaking up collections of oil also do not occur as readily in standing water. When oil spills into the ocean it contaminates the water and makes it inhospitable to any marine wildlife the area may hold, reports Water Encyclopedia." }, { "docid": "2768407", "title": "Mixing Oil and Water", "text": "These weathering reactions have different rates depending on the chemical structure of the oil, habitat conditions (such as water temperature or oxygen and nutrient supply), and mixing of the water by wind, waves, and currents. In some spills, oil does not last much beyond weeks to months." } ]
how do parrots talk like humans
[ { "docid": "3411795", "title": "How Do Parrots Imitate Speech Patterns?", "text": "Parrots have thick tongues, so they don't need lips to approximate human sounds. The tongue's thickness, and where a parrot positions it in his mouth, allows him to imitate human speech. When air passes through the syrinx, the parrot moves his tongue to produce sound in his throat and mouth." }, { "docid": "3411798", "title": "How Do Parrots Imitate Speech Patterns?", "text": "The Syrinx. Humans have a larynx, and parrots have a syrinx, located between the voice box and the bronchial tubes. The syrinx branches out in two directions, with each branch opening into a bronchus. Air from a parrot's lungs passes through the syrinx, and the parrot is able to use all of the air to produce sound." } ]
[ { "docid": "1668033", "title": "Color Genetics in Quakers Simplified", "text": "The plumage color in parrots, like Quakers, are produced by 3 elements – yellow pigments (commonly called psittacins-some psittacins are also red and orange), Grey pigments (melanins), and structural color which produces blue. The psittacins and melanins lie deep within the feather." }, { "docid": "2701290", "title": "-", "text": "Thick-billed Parrots are one of the long-term success stories at the Sacramento Zoo. In 1985, Susan Healy, the Zoo’s Supervisor of Birds and Herps became the studbook keeper for this species, and in 1988 she was given the added task of coordinating... Read More." }, { "docid": "1709641", "title": "How Talking to Yourself Makes You Smarter", "text": "Start talking to yourself to increase the performance and function of your brain. It is crazy not to talk to yourself because you would miss out on the benefits that come with self-talk. The key is to practice doing it until it becomes natural. You can use specific “cue words” in your self-talk to help you in whatever goal or task you would like to complete." }, { "docid": "5358181", "title": "Nutrition", "text": "Lineolated Parakeets will eat constantly throughout the day so it is important to provide them with food “ad libitum” (at all times, without limit). Linnies often have a looser and larger stool than other parrots of a similar size, so do keep this in mind when checking for “healthy poops” or letting them sit on your favorite shirt." }, { "docid": "3307448", "title": "-", "text": "Self-Talk and Parallel Talk Self-Talk is a strategy in which the adult describes what he or she is doing. The adult provides the words to describe her actions, without expecting the child to respond." }, { "docid": "714327", "title": "What Kind of Food Do Parrots Eat", "text": "What Kind of Food Do Parrots Eat. Parrots are a diverse group of birds that include more than 300 individual species, of which approximately 150 are kept as pets in the United States. Most parrots are herbivorous and eat a variety of foods in the wild; others have extremely specialized diets and only eat one or two specific foods. A few species are omnivorous and consume insects during breeding season, although this is of little consequence to the pet owner." }, { "docid": "8041031", "title": "Pygmy Parrots â Thumb-Sized Lichen-Eaters that move like Woodpeckers", "text": "Six species of Pygmy Parrots inhabit New Guinea, the Solomons and neighboring islands. They look, in most respects, like other parrots – but barely exceed a human thumb in size! At 3.5 inches in length, the Buff-Faced Pygmy parrot (M. pusio) is the smallest Psittacine; its relatives are not much bigger." }, { "docid": "7973311", "title": "-", "text": "sexual intercourse. n. 1. Coitus between humans. 2. Sexual union between humans involving genital contact other than vaginal penetration by the penis.exual intercourse. n. 1. Coitus between humans. 2. Sexual union between humans involving genital contact other than vaginal penetration by the penis." }, { "docid": "7470977", "title": "24 Hour Straight Talk Customer Service Phone Number", "text": "24 Hour Straight Talk Website. The Website of 24 Hour Straight Talk is www.straighttalk.com. The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of 24 Hour Straight Talk Service Center and 24 Hour Straight Talk customer service number is given below. The helpline of 24 Hour Straight Talk customer service number may or may not be toll free." }, { "docid": "3587821", "title": "10 Tips to Help Prevent Tropical Rainforest Deforestation", "text": "Bird life is also prolific and there are a multitude of coloured birds including parrots and toucans, and parakeets darting in and out of the trees. As well as the rich biodiversity and aesthetic appeal, tropical rainforests provide a home to many indigenous people with rich and unique cultures." }, { "docid": "5319562", "title": "talk", "text": "Two friends talk about their work. Two friends talk about their work. Talk means speech or conversation. 1 An example of talk is when you and your friend sit around and have a chat. 2 An example of talk is when you and a significant other have a serious conversation about the state of your relationship." }, { "docid": "2161111", "title": "-", "text": "Giardiasis is caused by microscopic parasites known as Giardia intestinalis. The parasites live in the intestines of humans and animals. In most cases, the infection is caught from other humans.iardiasis is caused by microscopic parasites known as Giardia intestinalis. The parasites live in the intestines of humans and animals. In most cases, the infection is caught from other humans." }, { "docid": "4808771", "title": "Cage Size for a Cockatoo", "text": "Cage Size for a Cockatoo. In bringing a pet bird into your home, a comfortable living environment is one of the most crucial factors to consider. Cockatoos as a group come in various sizes, but one thing is certain -- these lively parrots need a lot of space to move around freely." }, { "docid": "3921293", "title": "-", "text": "(does research). I found here where a parrot called the KAKA responds to smell but I didn't find anything that says a Conure has a sense of smell. Here is the article, paper, website, whatever. Good Bird Inc Parrot Training Talk: Parrots and Sense of Smell." }, { "docid": "6513333", "title": "Parrot Species Index", "text": "Complete Listing of Parrots found in the Americas (with links to species information pages) Parrots found in Africa (and nearby islands) Includes: African Grey Parrots, African Ringneck Parrots, Cape Parrots, Lovebirds, Niam-Niam Parrots, Poicephalus, Senegal Parrots, Meyer's Parrots, Vasa Parrots, etc." }, { "docid": "8053932", "title": "Bakerâs cyst behind the knee: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment", "text": "It may be invisible, but it is always an obstacle for bending the legs, and if the disease is ignored, it can lead to rather sad consequences. Therefore, later in this article we will talk about what symptoms have Baker’s cyst behind the knee how to treat the disease and how it can be dangerous to humans. How manifests itself cyst Becker It is not always people suspect named in his tumor, as a third of patients, it occurs virtually asymptomatic." }, { "docid": "980248", "title": "-", "text": "Well there are flying fish, and fish that can not fly (penguins) grey parrots can talk, some whales can live 250 years and some jellyfish never die. I think weirdest would have to be creatures from the ocean because there is still so much life down there that no human has ever seen. …echidna." }, { "docid": "7477373", "title": "Predators of the Parrot", "text": "Predators of the Parrot. Parrots have a few predators they include humans, big cats and hawks. 42 parrot species in the western hemisphere are on the endangered list. Mostly because of hummans. 25,000 parrots die when they are smuggled in to the U.S from Mexico." }, { "docid": "8313326", "title": "African Grey Cages", "text": "African Grey Cages A good African Grey parrot cage has to have some added equipment in order to meet the unique needs of these parrots. Put simply, they need... African Grey Cages A good African Grey parrot cage has to have some added equipment in order to meet the unique needs of these parrots." }, { "docid": "6482572", "title": "Archaic humans", "text": "Modern humans are theorized to have evolved from archaic humans, who in turn evolved from Homo erectus. Varieties of archaic humans are sometimes included under the binomial name Homo sapiens (Latin: wise man) because their brain size is very similar to that of modern humans. Archaic humans had a brain size averaging 1200 to 1400 cubic centimeters, which overlaps with the range of modern humans." }, { "docid": "6405944", "title": "Causes", "text": "Malaria is caused by the plasmodium parasite. The parasite can be spread to humans through the bites of infected mosquitoes.There are many different types of plasmodium parasite, but only five types cause malaria in humans.These are:he parasite can be spread to humans through the bites of infected mosquitoes. There are many different types of plasmodium parasite, but only five types cause malaria in humans. These are:" }, { "docid": "4541855", "title": "Chameleons Talk Tough by Changing Colors", "text": "Chameleons Talk Tough by Changing Colors. Editor's note: The following essay is reprinted with permission from The Conversation, an online publication covering the latest research. Humans have been fascinated by the color-changing abilities of chameleons for a long time." }, { "docid": "6458500", "title": "-", "text": "In captivity it is now safe to be sold at this age. A young parrot like this is usually very accepting of new people and new situations and is at a good age to be re-homed. Depending on the species, juvenile parrots may have different colored feathers than adult parrots." }, { "docid": "8068088", "title": "Scarlet Macaw", "text": "FUN FACT. Scarlet Macaws are often seen in the company of other parrots, eating clay from riverbank cliffs (a behavior known as “geophagy”). Scientists aren’t sure why parrots engage in this behavior, but it’s suspected that the clay acts as a buffer against toxins in their natural diet. 1 Few birds are as breathtaking as a Scarlet Macaw in flight. 2 Scarlet Macaws live much of their lives high in the rainforest canopies of South America. They’re most often found in pairs or small family groups, but will communally roost overnight in flocks of up to 50 unrelated individuals. Each macaw family maintains its own large territory, which it will move throughout in search of food and places to nest." }, { "docid": "3307448", "title": "-", "text": "Self-Talk and Parallel Talk Self-Talk is a strategy in which the adult describes what he or she is doing. The adult provides the words to describe her actions, without expecting the child to respond." }, { "docid": "2035495", "title": "Dog in Heat Duration â How Long is the Dog in Heat", "text": "The frequency also varies but the average is six months. Just like humans we can talk about frequency of cycle in extreme cases and so just how often the dog have their cycles vary greatly dog to dog. Meanwhile, the duration or the heat itself can last for 21 days or three weeks, give or take one week." }, { "docid": "8518525", "title": "Motor control", "text": "Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove these template messages) Motor control is the process by which humans and animals use their brain/cognition to activate and coordinate the muscles and limbs involved in the performance of a motor skill." }, { "docid": "5529597", "title": "Do other animals have down syndrome or is it only humans?", "text": "Report Abuse. Down syndrome is a mutation of a certain chromosome that humans have. Humans,animals, and plants have different chromosomes and dna. Different types of animals have different chromosomes as well. This is what makes everything different. So no, other animals don't get down syndrome like humans do." }, { "docid": "714325", "title": "Can parrots eat bread?", "text": "Most parrots will eat bread without any complications. However, it is not nutritionally sound enough to be a large part of the parrot’s diet. Parrots need many different vitamins and nutrients from seeds, nuts, fruits, vegetables and berries. This depends on the specific breed you have." }, { "docid": "589408", "title": "Disease & Health Risks", "text": "The most common problems documented in parrots are the Enterobacteriacae, such as Salmonellosis (most commonly due to S. typhimurium) and Coli bacillosis (due to E. coli). Human carriers of Salmonella typhimurium can infect companion birds (I hate to think of the kind of hygiene such humans practice, frankly!" } ]
how do you find out what assets someone has
[ { "docid": "3658259", "title": "How to Find Someone's Assets", "text": "Recover Someone's Assets. Before you make a recovery of someone's assets you first need to find what a person owns, be it real property, cars, land, businesses etc. Here are a list of ways to help you find out what a person owns for recovery purposes.Go to a popular site like, Knowx.com. This website is not just a people finder website.It's also a background checking website and can even locate assets and businesses owned by a person in their state of residence.ecover Someone's Assets. Before you make a recovery of someone's assets you first need to find what a person owns, be it real property, cars, land, businesses etc. Here are a list of ways to help you find out what a person owns for recovery purposes." } ]
[ { "docid": "6688497", "title": "Understanding Living Trusts®", "text": "A living trust is a legal document that, just like a will, contains your instructions for what you want to happen to your assets when you die. But, unlike a will, a living trust can avoid probate at death, control all of your assets, and prevent the court from controlling your assets if you become incapacitated.8.t will take some time -- but you can do it now, or you can pay the courts and attorneys to do it for you later. One of the benefits of a living trust is that all of your assets are brought together under one plan." }, { "docid": "2997471", "title": "Summary of Statement No. 157", "text": "The expanded disclosures about the use of fair value to measure assets and liabilities should provide users of financial statements with better information about the extent to which fair value is used to measure recognized assets and liabilities, the inputs used to develop the measurements, and the effect of certain of the measurements on earnings (or changes in net assets) for the period." }, { "docid": "2307548", "title": "-", "text": "exists and is an alternate of . Making the world better, one answer at a time. (total assets current year + total assets prior year)/2 total assets current year plus total assets prior year then divide that total by two to find the average. Dont over-think this. (total assets current year + total assets prior year)/2 total assets current year plus total assets prior year then divide that total by two to find the average." }, { "docid": "2353621", "title": "-", "text": "1 The amount of countable assets you can have and still qualify for Medicaid varies from state to state. 2 In most states you can retain about $2,000 in countable assets, and married couples who are still living in the same household can retain about $3,000 in countable assets." }, { "docid": "3322473", "title": "Do bankruptcy creditors want personal assets?", "text": "One of the main objectives of the trustee is simple: Find and administer unprotected assets to pay your creditors. That being said, if you have secured items such as a car, jewelry or furniture loan, those creditors can take back your items for failing to pay, but I am not discussing secured items here." }, { "docid": "2202432", "title": "What is an Equity Account? â Definition", "text": "Equity is defined as the owner's interest in the company assets. In other words, upon liquidation after all the liabilities are paid off, the shareholders own the remaining assets. This is why equity is often referred to as net assets or assets minus liabilities. Equity can be created by either owner contributions or by the company retaining its profits." }, { "docid": "5058781", "title": "DACA", "text": "If so, how do I find out if my passport is no longer valid? I live in California and recently my bank account was seized, I had no money in it as I've been unemployed for almost 4 years now, I have no assets. I have a possible employment opportunity in process but it would require travel out of the U.S.. I don't want to pursue the opportunity if in fact my passport can be frozen. Please advise. Thank you." }, { "docid": "1910776", "title": "Objectives of Internal Managerial Accounting Systems", "text": "Other Objectives. Internal managerial accounting systems centralize lots of data, organizing and creating a structure where information is easy to find. For example, if you're interested in learning more details about inventory, you go to that area, not to fixed assets or budget modules." }, { "docid": "2202426", "title": "-", "text": "Since the total assets of the business are equal to the sum of the assets contributed by investors and the assets contributed by creditors, the following relationship holds and is referred to as the accounting equation : Initially, owner equity is affected by capital contributions such as the issuance of stock." }, { "docid": "4479539", "title": "Update to Lansweeper 5.1 for access to over 40 NEW features", "text": "1 Mass edit assets: click the Assets link at the top of the web console, select assets and hit Mass Change. 2 Or click Editing Mode and type values into the page. 3 Import assets from CSV file: import assets from a CSV file under Configuration/Scanning Setup/ Database Scripts." }, { "docid": "8211701", "title": "-", "text": "Going Out of Business: Liquidate Assets Yourself or File for Bankruptcy? Find out the three main ways to proceed when you're ready to go out of business. By Beth Laurence, J.D." }, { "docid": "6996086", "title": "Thread: Can an executor of an estate that's been defined by a will buy and sell assets of an", "text": "Can an executor of an estate that's been defined by a will buy and sell assets of an Can an executor of an estate that's been defined by a will buy and. sell assets of an estate if all beneficiaries say it's OK and the." }, { "docid": "4345295", "title": "Business assets", "text": "See depreciation of assets. Role of assets in determining business value. Efficient management of fixed assets during their full lifecycle is vitally important, as errors can lead to inaccurate valuation of your business or incorrect tax reporting. To make the most of your assets, you must record and value them accurately." }, { "docid": "7568663", "title": "Small Business Calculator", "text": "The balance sheet from your latest financial statement holds the numbers you'll need to calculate your company's quick ratio. Find the entries for total current assets, inventories and total current liabilities. 1 Fill in total current assets. Fill in current inventory." }, { "docid": "5556630", "title": "Ratio of Net Sales to Average Total Assets", "text": "The net sales to average total assets ratio is also called the total asset turnover ratio. This ratio provides an indication of how efficiently a company is utilizing its assets to generate revenue.ssets represent something of value a company owns that can be converted to cash. The total asset turnover ratio uses average total assets in the calculation. You calculate average total assets by adding beginning total assets for a period to ending total assets for a period and dividing the resulting sum by two." }, { "docid": "439897", "title": "Debits and Credits (Explanation)", "text": "When looking at a T-account for each of the account classifications in the general ledger, here is the debit or credit balance you would normally find in the account: Revenues and gains are recorded in accounts such as Sales, Service Revenues, Interest Revenues (or Interest Income), and Gain on Sale of Assets." }, { "docid": "2910329", "title": "-", "text": "The former maintains physical substance while the latter does not. As costs for tangible assets are capitalized and reported on a company’s Balance Sheet, so to are certain and specific intangible assets." }, { "docid": "6194758", "title": "Tangible Net Worth", "text": "Tangible Net Worth. This is a measure of the worth of a company determined by its tangible assets such as property or machinery. This figure does not include assets such as patents or intellectual property.Tangible Net Worth Definition. Tangible net worth can be determined by taking a company’s total assets and subtracting the value of its liabilities and intangible assts.On an individual level, tangible net worth is the sum of assets such as cash, your home and cars minus any liabilities you have.angible Net Worth. This is a measure of the worth of a company determined by its tangible assets such as property or machinery. This figure does not include assets such as patents or intellectual property." }, { "docid": "2717404", "title": "DEFINITION of 'Tangible Cost'", "text": "Find out more about shareholders' equity, net tangible assets, how to calculate these balance sheet items and the difference ... Read Answer >>. Understand the difference and the interrelationship between shareholders' equity in a company and the company's actual total ..." }, { "docid": "6452349", "title": "-", "text": "Household net worth. Household total net worth is the value of total assets (the total amount of financial assets plus the total amount of non-financial assets; note that this indicator only takes into account the value of dwellings from non-financial assets) minus the total value of outstanding liabilities." }, { "docid": "550405", "title": "Depreciation", "text": "In accountancy, depreciation refers to two aspects of the same concept: The decrease in value of assets (fair value depreciation) The allocation of the cost of assets to periods in which the assets are used (depreciation with the matching principle) Depreciation is a method of reallocating the cost of a tangible asset over its useful life span of it ..." }, { "docid": "8676419", "title": "-", "text": "A GUIDE TO PROBATE ASSETS A decedent’s assets are generally characterized into two categories: probate assets and non-probate assets. Non-probate assets are those assets which do not need to be included in the probateprocess in order to transfer ownership. Non-probate assets include any assets which have abeneficiary designation, joint ownership, or any assets that are titled in a trust. Probate assets are anyassets that are held individually in decedent’s name alone." }, { "docid": "7631382", "title": "Can the IRS Seize my Assets?", "text": "If your home is worth $500,000 and you have a mortgage of $150,000 an IRS Seizure of Assets will likely take place. However, Congress has made laws that make is nearly impossible for the IRS to seize your primary residence thus IRS Seizure of Assets needs to be done on other assets." }, { "docid": "833591", "title": "-", "text": "How big is Tom McGrath Net Worth in 2017? Find out how rich is Tom McGrath Bio, Wiki and assets: luxury houses, cars, yachts & salary. How big is Tom McGrath Net Worth in 2017? Find out how rich is Tom McGrath Bio, Wiki and assets: luxury houses, cars, yachts & salary. Celebrity Net Worth Richest celebrities: actors, rappers, athletes, politicians, businessmen" }, { "docid": "6556792", "title": "The Duties of a Last Will or Trust Executor", "text": "Distribution of Assets. If any assets remain after the creditors are paid, the executor of a Last Will or Trust must distribute those assets to the deceased's beneficiaries according to the terms of the deceased's will." }, { "docid": "981688", "title": "Medicaid Coverage", "text": "If you have limited assets, special needs or a disability, you may qualify for Medicaid coverage. It's offered at no or very low cost for those who qualify. To find out if you qualify for your state's Medicaid program, visit medicaid.gov." }, { "docid": "6723314", "title": "plant assets definition", "text": "Are fixed assets the same as plant assets? What is a plant asset? What is the rationale for not reporting plant assets at their liquidation value? What is reported as property, plant and equipment? What are fixed assets? What is the difference between assets and fixed assets?" }, { "docid": "947959", "title": "intangible asset", "text": "An approximation of the monetary value of a firm's intangible-assets is computed by deducting the net value of its tangible assets from its market value. In some cases (such as the Coca Cola trademark), the value of a firm's intangible assets far outweighs the value of its tangible assets." }, { "docid": "538212", "title": "-", "text": "Depending on the business involved, capital assets may represent the majority of assets that are owned. For example, in equipment heavy operations such as oil exploration, it is not surprising to find the majority of a business's assets to be capital assets.epending on the business involved, capital assets may represent the majority of assets that are owned. For example, in equipment heavy operations such as oil exploration, it is not surprising to find the majority of a business's assets to be capital assets." }, { "docid": "1439173", "title": "What is a 'Derivative'", "text": "DEFINITION of 'Derivative'. A derivative is a security with a price that is dependent upon or derived from one or more underlying assets. The derivative itself is a contract between two or more parties based upon the asset or assets.Its value is determined by fluctuations in the underlying asset. The most common underlying assets include stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, interest rates and market indexes. derivative is a security with a price that is dependent upon or derived from one or more underlying assets. The derivative itself is a contract between two or more parties based upon the asset or assets." } ]
how do you get the current date to show in excel?
[ { "docid": "592475", "title": "How to insert dates in Excel - add today's date, auto fill a column with dates", "text": "If you want to input today's date in Excel that will always remain up to date, use one of the following Excel date functions: = 1 TODAY() - inserts the today date in a cell. = 2 NOW() - inserts the today date and current time in a cell." } ]
[ { "docid": "6519697", "title": "-", "text": "Link to all levels of Lacey, government and their sites with services which provide public information. Current economy, business and housing data. Read about up to date current events and what is occurring in the City of Lacey." }, { "docid": "7359287", "title": "Show Cause Order", "text": "show cause order (order to show cause or OSC) n. an order of the court directing a party to a lawsuit to appear on a certain date to show cause why the judge should not issue a specific order or make a certain finding." }, { "docid": "359169", "title": "-", "text": "I wanted to disable all past date before current date and using following code: $('#date').datepicker({. startDate: new Date(). }); It works fine. But it is disabling date till today. As example if today is 04-20-2013 and i disable past dates by setting startDate: new Date().but I can select date from 04-21-2013.t works fine. But it is disabling date till today. As example if today is 04-20-2013 and i disable past dates by setting startDate: new Date(). but I can select date from 04-21-2013." }, { "docid": "8019606", "title": "-", "text": "Now what you need to do is right click on the screen On the Recording Tab and choose show disabled devices. A new icon should appear, mine is called Stereo Mix Realtek High Definition Audio . Now all you have to do is right click on your new Icon, and choose enable device.Now you will be able to record through your computers sound card. If you did a system restore like me, w hat you have to first is update your sound drives to the current required drives that are up to date for your system.ow you will be able to record through your computers sound card. If you did a system restore like me, w hat you have to first is update your sound drives to the current required drives that are up to date for your system." }, { "docid": "4644968", "title": "-", "text": "The effective date is August 5th, 2016 for FIA and August 1st, 2016 for New York and MYGA. All caps and declared rates are current as of the date shown above and subject to change for new issues at the sole discretion of the company." }, { "docid": "1671486", "title": "-", "text": "Link to all levels of Beaumont, government and their sites with services which provide public information. Current economy, business and housing data. Read about up to date current events and what is occurring in the City of Beaumont." }, { "docid": "2277315", "title": "Factoring of Receivables Audit Techniques Guide", "text": "Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Audit Techniques Guide (June 2015) NOTE: This guide is current through the publication date. Since changes may have occurred after the publication date that would affect the accuracy of this document, no guarantees are made concerning the technical accuracy after the publication date." }, { "docid": "5397516", "title": "-", "text": "The effective date of the. endorsement to rate a policy with the current zone. must be the effective date of the map revision. The following endorsement rules must be used: • If a map revision or amendment became. effective during the current policy year, the. refund for the premium difference after revising." }, { "docid": "2019631", "title": "-", "text": "In this tutorial we will see how to get current date, day, month, year, day of week, day of month and day of year in java." }, { "docid": "2971393", "title": "-", "text": "Column Definitions Occupational Dose Report LIfetime Cumulative lifetime total of Current Deep/Shallow for all dosimeters processed plus previous history and adjustments. Year To Date Shallow Shallow: Cumulative year-to-date total of Current Eye for all non-extremity dosimeters reported in process year." }, { "docid": "1513527", "title": "How to insert dates in Excel - add today's date, auto fill a column with dates", "text": "1 Click on the cell with the first date to select it, and then drag the fill handle across or down the cells where you want Excel to add dates. 2 The fill handle is a small green square that appears at the bottom-right corner when you select a cell or a range of cells in Excel, as shown in the screenshot below.nsert an automatically updatable today's date and current time. If you want to input today's date in Excel that will always remain up to date, use one of the following Excel date functions: = 1 TODAY() - inserts the today date in a cell. = 2 NOW() - inserts the today date and current time in a cell." }, { "docid": "5095669", "title": "-", "text": "TV show status. The Night Shift Season 3 release date: 2016-06-01 Example: 2017-12-03 - official release date; Example: 2017, to be announced - The date will be announced in 2017; Example: Closed - The season final; Example: Cancelled - The show has been canceled after season . Last updated: 2015-06-25." }, { "docid": "2072009", "title": "Revised Application Standards for ITINs", "text": "Below is the list of the only acceptable documents: 1 Passport (stand alone document) *. 2 National identification card (must show photo, name, current address, date of birth, and expiration date) 3 U.S. driver's license. Civil birth certificate (required for dependents under 18 years of 1 age) Foreign driver's license. U.S. state identification card." }, { "docid": "6497979", "title": "-", "text": "On March 5, 2012, Current TV announced that the show would be simulcast on the network's new morning block as Talking Liberally: The Stephanie Miller Show beginning March 26, 2012." }, { "docid": "1965593", "title": "What does an Announcer do?", "text": "Radio and television announcers present music or the news and comment on important current events. Announcers are expected to be up to date with current events or a specific field, such as politics or sports, so that they can comment on these issues during their programs." }, { "docid": "4682736", "title": "Parts of a Memo", "text": "FROM: (your name and job title). DATE: (complete and current date). SUBJECT: (what the memo is about, highlighted in some way). Make sure you address the reader by his or her correct name and job title." }, { "docid": "6364607", "title": "-", "text": "This field refers to the date the NASDAQ Official Open Price was disseminated for a given stock. It is possible that the date will not be from the current trading day; this indicates that the stock didn't trade on NASDAQ during the current trading day. The NASDAQ Official Open Price is updated only when the stock is traded on NASDAQ." }, { "docid": "7349117", "title": "-", "text": "The income used will be an average of the 2 years, but subject to the various adjustments noted below. You also must report a profit and loss statement for the current year to date to show that your business is still profitable." }, { "docid": "8594072", "title": "-", "text": "About deposit in current a/c. i want to know about the new limit of cash deposit in current a c from april 1st 2017. Due date of depositing tds. Sir Madam What is the due date of depositing TDS for the month of March." }, { "docid": "8376161", "title": "-", "text": "This is a discussion on Date Last Saved/Modified within the Excel Questions forums, part of the Question Forums category; I need a function to show date last saved or modified in a cell which will get updated each time ...Oct 16th, 2009, 11:53 PM #1.ate Last Saved/Modified. This is a discussion on Date Last Saved/Modified within the Excel Questions forums, part of the Question Forums category; I need a function to show date last saved or modified in a cell which will get updated each time ... Oct 16th, 2009, 11:53 PM #1. Board Regular." }, { "docid": "1357407", "title": "How to Change the Date on a Toshiba Computer", "text": "SHARE SHARE TWEET EMAIL. Windows displays the current time and date in the corner of the screen so you can quickly determine the time or date without having to check your watch or ask someone. Having the wrong date displayed is not helpful and can cause confusion if you forget it is wrong." }, { "docid": "2761185", "title": "-", "text": "In this video I show how to determine the amount of current that is being drawn from the car battery while your car is turned off.I made a similar video before, but it seemed that a lot of you wanted me to actually take of the cable. So that's what I did lol.n this video I show how to determine the amount of current that is being drawn from the car battery while your car is turned off." }, { "docid": "1390285", "title": "Supernatural season 12 to premiere on October 13, 2016", "text": "In season 3, the series has averaged 2.76 million viewers per episode, which was an impressive 6% growth when compared to the previous chapter. In the current season, to date, after having aired five episodes, the show is averaging 2.6 million, which is very satisfactory." }, { "docid": "7796143", "title": "-", "text": "Most landlords will accept these application forms. You will also need to have your year-to-date pay stubs to prove your employment and your income. If you can get your current landlord (or the landlord before the current one) to write a nice letter of recommendation for you, you should do that." }, { "docid": "6962421", "title": "-", "text": "Use datatypes in your PL/SQL code that correspond to, or are at least compatible with, the underlying database tables. Think twice, for example, before reading a TIMESTAMP value from a table into a DATE variable, because you might lose information (in this case, the fractional seconds and perhaps the time zone). Getting the current date and time. PL/SQL developers often need to retrieve and work with the current date and time." }, { "docid": "983526", "title": "The Longest Running TV Show Of All Time", "text": "Saturday Night Live (1975 – now) is the longest-running variety show. It is also the longest-running sketch comedy show in US history. The Price Is Right (1972 — now) is the longest-running game show — and that’s even if you count only the current version of the show." }, { "docid": "6470496", "title": "How Much Will A Foreclosure Hurt My Credit Score?", "text": "A foreclosure will be on your record for 7 years on average, plus 180 days from the last time the account was paid as agreed. The public record would have its own opening date (the date the foreclosure was filed at the courthouse) and would show for 7 years from the date of the disposition." }, { "docid": "3526781", "title": "Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD) Pregnancy Calculator", "text": "The Current Date is set to your local workstation date. Gestational Age by LMP is calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period. EDD by LMP is calculated by adding 280 days (40 weeks) to the first day of the last menstrual period. Gestational Age by US is measured by ultrasound (US) on the Ultrasound Date. EDD by US is the estimated date of delivery based on the Gestational Age by US and the Ultrasound Date." }, { "docid": "925293", "title": "Are You Throwing Out Milk Too Early?", "text": "With this information, you can do a rough calculation. If you can store your milk for about five days after the sell-by date, subtract the current date from the sell-by date, add five, and you have the amount of days this milk will be good for. For example, if I buy milk today that has a sell-by date of Aug 27, it will be good for 15 days, or a little over two weeks. Or, if there's an expiration date on the carton itself, just follow that. Does it matter what type of milk you buy and how you ..." }, { "docid": "2220381", "title": "-", "text": "new features changes you will notice on your paycheck stubs include information about your w 4 status employer paid benefits vacation hours and sick hours and net pay distribution w 4 status for the first time as a city employee you will be notified with your paycheck about your w 4 withholdings tax statusnew pay stubs will list your w 4 status for both federal and new mexico taxesemployer paid benefits some of the best parts about working for the city of albuquerque are the benefits your new paycheck stub will show the current and year to date amounts that the city pays for your benefitsew pay stubs will list your w 4 status for both federal and new mexico taxes employer paid benefits some of the best parts about working for the city of albuquerque are the benefits your new paycheck stub will show the current and year to date amounts that the city pays for your benefits" } ]
how do you know a reaction is spontaneous
[ { "docid": "5822653", "title": "Spontaneous Reaction: Definition & Examples", "text": "Now that we know the overall entropy change should increase for spontaneous reactions, we can use this information to tell if a reaction is spontaneous or not. To be able to tell if a reaction is spontaneous or not qualitatively, meaning, without having to calculate anything, the first thing we look at is the entropy.There are ways to tell if the entropy of your system increases.These are listed below.ccording to the second law of thermodynamics, a reaction is spontaneous if the overall entropy or disorder increases. If we go back to our cleaning the house analogy, when our home becomes messy, then the entropy increases. The mess that accumulates is a spontaneous reaction, and as a result, the entropy increases." } ]
[ { "docid": "2959842", "title": "chpt7", "text": "A reaction which forms a gaseous product is an example of a(n)________. gas evolution reaction. A reaction in which a substance reacts with oxygen, emitting heat and forming oxygen-containing compounds is an example of a(n): combustion reaction." }, { "docid": "1682675", "title": "What is an endothermic reaction?", "text": "Answer: An endothermic reaction is a chemical reaction in which energy (heat, light, etc.) is absorbed instead of released as in a exothermic reaction.f a chemical reaction proceeds by releasing heat in the surroundings, than the reaction is an exothermic reaction and if it needs heat to proceed than it is an endothermic re … action." }, { "docid": "4012007", "title": "Multiples and Twins", "text": "Singletons 1, 4 and 6 were spontaneous labour at approx 40 week, singletons 2 & 3 were both micropreemies with no labour, and singleton 5 was a 35 week spontaneous labour. The twins were also a spontaneous 40 week labour (39w6d)." }, { "docid": "4007681", "title": "-", "text": "Why do I feel bloating and pressure in the stomach after eating or drinking certain foods, like iced tea? I seem to get a fairly consistent and unique reaction to drinking black iced tea. Green tea does not seem to cause as much of a reaction. The reaction I have is an almost immediate stomach clenching-like reaction." }, { "docid": "4832682", "title": "decay", "text": "n See daughter. decay, radioactive, n the disintegration of the nucleus of an unstable nuclide by the spontaneous emission of charged particles and/or photons." }, { "docid": "4811546", "title": "-", "text": "The Biblical meaning of the word “thanksgiving” is not something you do. It is not. something that is spontaneous, or an extemporaneous expression of thanks for some good deed. done, or good that that has come our way. The biblical concept of the word “thanksgiving” does." }, { "docid": "74542", "title": "What causes a spontaneous pneumothorax in tall, thin males?", "text": "I don't think you are going to get a better answer than the one you've already had. Spontaneous pneumothorax happens sometimes. We don't know why it happens to some people (sometimes repeatedly) and not others. We know it's associated with being tall and male but beyond that, it's all guesswork. It happens in short women too, so there is no strict cutoff." }, { "docid": "1051542", "title": "What does delta H rxn Mean?", "text": "A short definition. Delta H of a reaction is the enthalpy of reaction. H of products minus H of reactants. Each compound has a delta H of formation (dHf). The heats of formation for each substance in a reaction can be added together to compute the energy change for a reaction." }, { "docid": "8186992", "title": "What is a spontaneous reaction?", "text": "No, not all irreversible reactions are spontaneous - for example, cooking an egg. Once it's cooked, there's no going back to the raw egg stage. But it takes a lot of heat to g … et to that stage, so it is not spontaneous. If you find an old egg laid by a hen, it will not have a hardboiled texture!" }, { "docid": "2035321", "title": "Types of Chemical Reactions", "text": "Here are some common reaction types: Direct Combination or Synthesis Reaction In a synthesis reaction two or more chemical species combine to form a more complex product." }, { "docid": "5096407", "title": "Hi... I was wondering if female serial killers or female rapists exist?", "text": "Hi there I was wondering if female serial killers or female rapists exist? because I'm finding it very hard to believe that do exist. if they do I would be interested in meeting some but not serial killers.eport Abuse. Yes, of course they do. Serial killers are rare probably because of the strength required to be a serial killer. A girl in my high school raped her boyfriend -- male reaction is spontaneous; they can't control their arousal. And I am sure female perverts exist. I don't know why they wouldn't." }, { "docid": "6994385", "title": "Photosynthesis: The Light Reaction and Products Simplified", "text": "The Light Reaction of photosynthesis should be properly called the Light Dependent Reaction because this is the only stage that captures energy in light. The dark reaction, also known as the Light Independent Reaction, functions independently of light and cannot capture energy." }, { "docid": "2540415", "title": "-", "text": "Search. A spontaneous pneumothorax is the sudden onset of a collapsed lung without any apparent cause, such as a traumatic injury to the chest or a known lung disease." }, { "docid": "6158006", "title": "-", "text": "• G = H-TS (G in units of kJ/mol)  H is enthalpy (kJ/mol), T is temperature (K), S is change in entropy (J/mol·K) • In any spontaneous process (constant T and P), the free energy of the system always decreases! Spontaneity is determined by both the enthalpy and entropy of a reaction. Enthalpy, Entropy and Spontaneity Nature tends toward state of lower energy.  Many spontaneous processes are exothermic (e.g. combustion reactions have   Nature tends to become more disordered or random." }, { "docid": "205318", "title": "knee-jerk reaction", "text": "knee-jerk reaction. Fig. an automatic or reflex reaction; an immediate reaction made without examining causes or facts. With one of his typical knee-jerk reactions, he said no immediately, citing some moral argument that no one understood. See also: reaction." }, { "docid": "596464", "title": "-", "text": "photochemical reaction - a chemical reaction produced by the action of light chemical reaction, reaction - (chemistry) a process in which one or more substances are changed into others; there was a chemical reaction of the lime with the ground water" }, { "docid": "809430", "title": "-", "text": "Spontaneous mutations. Spontaneous mutations arise from a variety of sources, including errors in DNA replication, spontaneous lesions, and transposable genetic elements. The first two are considered in this section; the third is examined in Chapter 20." }, { "docid": "5617408", "title": "Precipitation Reaction", "text": "A chemical reaction, in which two compounds react to form a precipitate and another product is present inside the aqueous medium is said to be a precipitation reaction. A single or double displacement reaction makes up the precipitate reaction." }, { "docid": "976953", "title": "brainstorming", "text": "Define brainstorming: a group problem-solving technique that involves the spontaneous contribution of ideas from all members of the group; also : the… a group problem-solving technique that involves the spontaneous contribution of ideas from all members of the group; also : the mulling over of…" }, { "docid": "83522", "title": "Spontaneous Human Combustion: Facts & Theories", "text": "The phenomenon is called spontaneous human combustion (SHC), and it has been described in many popular books on mysteries and the unexplained. Though the term spontaneous human combustion is of fairly recent vintage, it was a rare-but-real concern to many in the 1800s." }, { "docid": "731174", "title": "Endothermic Reaction Examples", "text": "An endothermic reaction is any chemical reaction that absorbs heat from its environment. The absorbed energy provides the activation energy for the reaction to occur. A hallmark of this type of reaction is that it feels cold. Here's a list of examples of endothermic reactions. You can use these when asked to cite an example or to get ideas to set up a demonstration of an endothermic reaction or process." }, { "docid": "1188476", "title": "What is Peritonitis?", "text": "Untreated peritonitis can result in sepsis, a full-body infection and immune response that leads to a severe drop in blood pressure, shock, damage to internal organs, and sometimes death. Peritonitis can be classified as a spontaneous, secondary, or tertiary infection, depending on its root cause. Spontaneous Peritonitis. Spontaneous peritonitis is an acute bacterial infection of the peritoneal fluid. It is commonly found in patients experiencing ascites, which is a buildup of excessive fluid in the peritoneal cavity." }, { "docid": "5284637", "title": "-", "text": "Which topic is commonly used to explain activation energy and how chemical reactions happen? a:reaction rate b:collision theory c:velocity distribution d:spontaneous reaction" }, { "docid": "3086417", "title": "Louis Pasteur and the Biogenesis Theory in Microbiology", "text": "Proponents and opponents of spontaneous generation hypothesis debated a lot starting from the time Leeuwenhoek presented his discoveries (1670s) to the public until the time of Rudolf Virchow, who in 1858 challenged the spontaneous generation with his concept and definition of biogenesis." }, { "docid": "1525429", "title": "Chemistry for Kids", "text": "Reactants and reagents are the substances that are used to bring about the chemical reaction. A reactant is any substance that is consumed or used up during the reaction. The substance that is produced by a chemical reaction is called the product. Reaction Rate. Not all chemical reactions occur at the same rate." }, { "docid": "5233615", "title": "Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions", "text": "What are similarities between a endothermic reaction and a exothermic reaction. 1 They both use their form of energy as heat. 2 They both need two substances to combine to make the certain reaction. 3 They are both a type of chemical reaction." }, { "docid": "5822661", "title": "Spontaneous Reaction: Definition & Examples", "text": "Just because a reaction is spontaneous, it does not automatically imply that these reactions occur instantaneously. An example of this is when iron nails rust due to constant exposure to moisture -- this process does not occur overnight, but can take days or months.ccording to the second law of thermodynamics, a reaction is spontaneous if the overall entropy or disorder increases. If we go back to our cleaning the house analogy, when our home becomes messy, then the entropy increases. The mess that accumulates is a spontaneous reaction, and as a result, the entropy increases." }, { "docid": "2586866", "title": "-", "text": "The law of conservation of matter states that matter can be neither created nor destroyed during a chemical reaction. This means that all the atoms present before a reaction must be present after the reaction, and that the total mass of a system does not change as the result of a chemical reaction.he law of conservation of matter states that matter can be neither created nor destroyed during a chemical reaction. This means that all the atoms present before a reaction must be present after the reaction, and that the total mass of a system does not change as the result of a chemical reaction." }, { "docid": "898260", "title": "Is ice melting a spontaneous reaction?", "text": "The ice needs heat from the surrounding to have its molecules to jiggle (vibrate) and this shaking of ice molecules changes it into liquid. Remember, this reaction is physical, not chemical.From all I have studied and I know, I truly believe that the conversion of ice into liquid form is spontaneous reaction.o, it's a physical reaction because it is still water just in a different form. 3 people found this useful. Edit. Share to: 1 The Periodic Table of Elements Life is sustained by a number of chemical elements." }, { "docid": "3298023", "title": "What is the equation for a nuclear fusion reaction?", "text": "Nuclear fusion is a nuclear reaction, not a chemical reaction. In nuclear fusion, the nuclei of atoms combine in order to form new atoms (hence the term nuclear reaction). Th…is type of reaction is mainly concerned with the movement of protons and neutrons." } ]
how do you prepare chicken legs to bake and how long at what temp.
[ { "docid": "298642", "title": "-", "text": "Baking your Chicken Legs... Preheat the oven to 400°F. Bake the chicken, uncovered, for 35 to 40 minutes or until the chicken is no longer pink inside. You can bake the chicken legs in a 375°F. oven, if desired.Increase the baking time to 45 to 50 minutes. Tip: An accurate way to check chicken doneness is to insert an instant-read thermometer into the thigh, avoiding the bone. It should read 180°F when the chicken is done.ou can bake the chicken legs in a 375°F. oven, if desired. Increase the baking time to 45 to 50 minutes. Tip: An accurate way to check chicken doneness is to insert an instant-read thermometer into the thigh, avoiding the bone." } ]
[ { "docid": "416234", "title": "How to Oven-Bake Chicken Legs and Chicken Quarters", "text": "Baking the Chicken: Preheat the oven to 400°F. Bake the chicken, uncovered, for 35 to 40 minutes or until the chicken is no longer pink inside. You can bake the chicken legs in a 375°F. oven, if desired.Increase the baking time to 45 to 50 minutes.Tip: An accurate way to check chicken doneness is to insert an instant-read thermometer into the thigh, avoiding the bone. It should read 180°F when the chicken is done.aking the Chicken: Preheat the oven to 400°F. Bake the chicken, uncovered, for 35 to 40 minutes or until the chicken is no longer pink inside. You can bake the chicken legs in a 375°F. oven, if desired. Increase the baking time to 45 to 50 minutes." }, { "docid": "7838366", "title": "-", "text": "Know Your Chicken Legs: While cooking a whole chicken isn't always practical, baking chicken legs is definitely a weeknight solution. A chicken leg, also called a hindquarter, is made up of one thigh and one drumstick that are joined together. The thigh is the upper part of the leg and the drumstick is the lower part.ip: To reduce fat and calories, you can skin chicken legs. Bake the chicken with the skin on to keep it moist. Cool slightly and pull the skin off, starting at the thigh end. Have a kitchen shears or knife handy to snip off the skin if needed." }, { "docid": "5791639", "title": "How long should I bake chicken legs?", "text": "Answer by countrygal (164). I like to bake chicken legs in a preheated oven at 350 degrees to 375 degrees. If you use more then 4 chicken legs at a time then they would require more time. You could also invest in a meat thermoter so you can get the donenss that you like.nswer by grindylo00 (30). You should bake them for 45 minutes in a 350 degree oven. Arrange them so that they fatter part is to the outside. After 30 minutes poke one with a fork. If the juice runs clearand thay are browned, they are done." }, { "docid": "3048602", "title": "Wheat Germ Coated Baked Chicken Strips - 117 grams", "text": "Cut chicken breasts into strips. Combine wheat germ and spices into a container or plastic bag. Add chicken and shake to coat the chicken. Place chicken on cookie sheet and bake at 425 degrees for 25 minutes turning 1/2 way through." }, { "docid": "3068709", "title": "-", "text": "1 Place desired amount of chicken wings in a single layer on baking sheet. 2 Bake for 12 minutes. 3 Turn chicken over; bake for an additional 12 minutes. 4 Let stand 1 minute.5 Coat or dip wings in sauce as desired. Place desired amount of chicken wings in a single layer on baking sheet. 2 Bake for 12 minutes. 3 Turn chicken over; bake for an additional 12 minutes. 4 Let stand 1 minute." }, { "docid": "5469845", "title": "-", "text": "4. Prepare the meat if you are using a marinade, rub or baste, then ready it to be placed on the spit. 1 Tenderloins and boneless roasts should be rolled into a cylinder shape for even cooking. 2 Tie the wings and legs of chicken and turkey to keep them in place while rotisserie grilling.repare the meat if you are using a marinade, rub or baste, then ready it to be placed on the spit. 1 Tenderloins and boneless roasts should be rolled into a cylinder shape for even cooking. 2 Tie the wings and legs of chicken and turkey to keep them in place while rotisserie grilling." }, { "docid": "7812972", "title": "-", "text": "Tap or click steps to mark as complete. 1 Coat chicken with coating mix as directed on package. Place in 15x10x1-inch baking pan lined with foil. 2 Bake at 400°F for 20 minutes or until chicken is cooked through. Meanwhile, prepare Stuffing and cook vegetables." }, { "docid": "6978703", "title": "How to Cook Crab Legs in the Oven", "text": "Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Place the crab legs onto a baking sheet. Brush the crab legs with butter and lemon juice. Bake the crab legs for 15 minutes. Frozen crab legs that you buy in a grocery store have already been cooked. You just need to heat them and they are ready to eat." }, { "docid": "5015456", "title": "-", "text": "Place chicken breasts in a 9x13-inch ... over the stuffing. Bake at 350°F, uncovered for 1 1/2 to 2 hours (depending on the size of the chicken breasts).10.reheat oven to ... before cooking. Brush chicken breasts with olive oil ... salt and pepper. Bake for 15 minutes ... (160 F). Serve with baked sweet potatoes and green beans or creamed corn. 2." }, { "docid": "6488209", "title": "-", "text": "Start with a whole cut-up chicken on the bone, with the skin. Let it come to room temperature while you prepare the grill. http://foodnetwork.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/food/fullset/2011/5/27/0/0155728_CHICKEN-10_s4x3.jpg.rend.snigalleryslide.jpeg.tart with a whole cut-up chicken on the bone, with the skin. Let it come to room temperature while you prepare the grill. http://foodnetwork.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/food/fullset/2011/5/27/0/0155728_CHICKEN-10_s4x3.jpg.rend.snigalleryslide.jpeg." }, { "docid": "265482", "title": "How Long Do I Bake Frozen Chicken Legs?", "text": "A: Frozen chicken legs should be baked in the oven for approximately 60 to 75 minutes, at a temperature of 350° Fahrenheit. When baked frozen, the chicken legs will need to cook for approximately 50% longer than thawed chicken legs. Thawed chicken legs are usually baked for 40 to 50 minutes. Continue Reading" }, { "docid": "5865900", "title": "How long should you bake a chicken breast for?", "text": "1 I use Shake & Bake many times and it seals in the juices if the chicken is skinless and no bone. 2 The temperatures and how long you should cook it are on the box. 3 Place the chicken on slide aluminum foil on a cookie sheet. I use Shake & Bake many times and it seals in the juices if the chicken is skinless and no bone. 2 The temperatures and how long you should cook it are on the box. 3 Place the chicken on slide aluminum foil on a cookie sheet." }, { "docid": "7976476", "title": "How to Bake Chicken Legs", "text": "3. Heat the oven to 450 degrees F. Put the drumsticks into a roasting dish, and put the dish into the preheated oven. I put it near the top of the oven because I had corn in the bottom. And there is more heat at the top of the oven because heat rises. 4. Bake the chicken legs until they reach an internal temperature of 160 degrees F. Chicken legs are small enough that they are difficult to under cook." }, { "docid": "6566255", "title": "-", "text": "Report Abuse. How to Bake Chicken Legs Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Place in preheated oven and bake for 25 minutes. Turn chicken pieces over and increase oven temperature to 400 degrees.Continue to bake for 20 to 25 minutes until chicken is done.Rain · 7 years ago.lace in preheated oven and bake for 25 minutes. Turn chicken pieces over and increase oven temperature to 400 degrees. Continue to bake for 20 to 25 minutes until chicken is done. Rain · 7 years ago." }, { "docid": "8320608", "title": "-", "text": "Calories in Shake N Bake Chicken. Calories in Shake N Bake Chicken. *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. Some of these foods were entered by users and are subject to error." }, { "docid": "5608115", "title": "How long and what temperature to cook chicken breasts in the oven?", "text": " 45 mins to an hour for bo … ne-in chicken (thighs,legs,breast) at 350 degrees ..either way,pierce it with a fork,if the juice comes out clear and NOT pink, it is cooked. I always bake my thawed chicken breasts at 375 degrees for 50 min. and they come out juicy and fully cooked. The juices need to run clear." }, { "docid": "6710432", "title": "-", "text": "how do you bake chicken legs baking chicken legs simply requires preheating the oven to between 300 and 400 degrees fahrenheit placing the chicken in a roasting pan and cooking uncovered for 35 to 75 minutes depending on the oven temperature the higher the temperature the less time the chicken needs to cook" }, { "docid": "2779309", "title": "-", "text": "I used a mixture of drumsticks and wings but think the ... pour over the chicken. Leave the chicken to ... even overnight. Preheat oven to 200°C or 390°F. Take ... a baking tray. Bake the drumsticks for 35 minutes, ... well in advance! -jones-to-be" }, { "docid": "4539248", "title": "How to roast a whole chicken including roasting times", "text": "How to roast a whole chicken including roasting times. A roast chicken dinner is a hugely popular meal worldwide. The method used to prepare and roast the chicken will vary from country to country, yet a perfectly roasted chicken will always go down well at the dinner table." }, { "docid": "696984", "title": "\"chicken tenders\" - what temperature and how long", "text": "chicken tenders - what temperature and how long. I am planning to make a salad with chicken strips for a group of 6 this weekend. Ideally, I would grill the chicken, but alas no grill in my current apartment. So, I was going to cut the breasts into chicken strips and marinate overnight in a little EVOO, garlic and Cavendar's then bake. What temperature and how long so that the tenders stay nice and juicy? Thanks." }, { "docid": "8174848", "title": "How long & what temp should I bake chicken at?", "text": "What Temp To Bake Chicken. What Temperature To Bake Chicken. It comes out dry because you cooked it too long. A lot of people do this thinking they must make sure the chicken is done. You can make sure it is done by using a thermometer and cooking it until it reaches 17degrees." }, { "docid": "7332299", "title": "Pan-Roasted Chicken and Vegetables Recipe", "text": "Test Kitchen Tips. 1 Prepare your sheet tray the night before and just pop it in the preheated oven to bake it off. This actually helps to deeply flavor the chicken. 2 If you want a richer dish, you can use skin-on chicken, and if you want a lighter dish, use bone-in chicken breasts." }, { "docid": "5030468", "title": "A burn-proof method for grilling chicken legs", "text": "Share Share This Story! Grilling up a batch of chicken thighs, drumsticks or whole legs can be a wonderful alternative to the overused chicken breast. The dark meat is full of flavour and doesn’t dry out as quickly as it’s white counterpart. But chicken legs can burn easily if you don’t know how to cook them properly." }, { "docid": "3700700", "title": "How to bake chicken legs?", "text": "How to Bake Chicken Legs Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Place in preheated oven and bake for 25 minutes. Turn chicken pieces over and increase oven temperature to 400 degrees.Continue to bake for 20 to 25 minutes until chicken is done.lace in preheated oven and bake for 25 minutes. Turn chicken pieces over and increase oven temperature to 400 degrees. Continue to bake for 20 to 25 minutes until chicken is done." }, { "docid": "6318288", "title": "Roasted Bone-in Chicken Breasts", "text": "Place chicken on the prepared baking sheet and bake in a 350 degree oven for 50-60 minutes, or until chicken is fully cooked, and juices run clear when the chicken is pierced with a fork. Remove from oven, and allow to rest for 5 minutes. They’ve had a long a long day." }, { "docid": "8253799", "title": "How to Oven-Bake Chicken Legs and Chicken Quarters", "text": "What Temperature to Bake Chicken: Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Bake the chicken leg quarters or thigh-drumstick pieces, uncovered, for 35 to 40 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 180 degrees F on an instant-read thermometer. Alternatively, you can bake the chicken leg quarters or thigh-drumstick pieces in a 375 degree F oven." }, { "docid": "144440", "title": "Internal Temperature of Chicken and Turkey", "text": "I just ignore their inaccurate times and use the following logic: One and a half hours is much too long to cook the chicken at 350 degrees F. The time your chicken will bake in the oven does depend on the internal temperature and the size of your chicken or chicken pieces.Generally I bake chicken at 350 degrees F. for 30 to 40 minutes. just ignore their inaccurate times and use the following logic: One and a half hours is much too long to cook the chicken at 350 degrees F. The time your chicken will bake in the oven does depend on the internal temperature and the size of your chicken or chicken pieces." }, { "docid": "3448612", "title": "Lean Meats to Eat When Trying to Lose Weight", "text": "Poultry. Be sure to keep the meat as lean as possible by removing the skin and any visible fat. Comparing chicken to turkey, you’ll find that turkey breast is the best choice, followed by chicken breast, turkey legs and chicken legs. A 3-oz." }, { "docid": "6466002", "title": "Baked Teriyaki Chicken", "text": "1 Place chicken pieces in a lightly greased 9x13 inch baking dish. 2 Brush the chicken with the resulting glaze. 3 Bake for 10 minutes, then turn chicken, glaze again and bake 10 more minutes or until no longer pink." }, { "docid": "3003579", "title": "-", "text": "Confidence votes 97. I usually cook bonless chicken breasts in a pre-heated oven @ 350 for 30-35mins 350 for 1 hour is comon temperature. or 375 for 45 minutes.5 mins to an hour for bone-in chicken (thighs,legs,breast) at 350 degrees ..either way,pierce it with a fork,if the juice comes out clear and NOT pink, it is cooked. I always bake my thawed chicken breasts at 375 degrees for 50 min. and they come out juicy and fully cooked." } ]
how do you translate a webpage
[ { "docid": "4229715", "title": "-", "text": "Look for the translate icon in the address bar whenever you come across a page written in a language that isn't one of your preferred web page languages. To translate the page, click Translate in the box that appears under the address bar. If you don't want to translate the page, click Nope." } ]
[ { "docid": "3969299", "title": "-", "text": "Translate Ignited in Chinese (t) Translate Ignited in Dutch; Translate Ignited in French; Translate Ignited in German; Translate Ignited in Greek; Translate Ignited in Hebrew; Translate Ignited in Italian; Translate Ignited in Japanese; Translate Ignited in Korean; Translate Ignited in Portuguese; Translate Ignited in Russian; Translate Ignited in Spanish" }, { "docid": "1869506", "title": "Path", "text": "Path. 1. Alternatively referred to as the pathname, the current path or path is the complete location or name of where a computer file, webpage, or other object is located.Below are some basic examples of different paths you will encounter while working on a computer.ath. 1. Alternatively referred to as the pathname, the current path or path is the complete location or name of where a computer file, webpage, or other object is located." }, { "docid": "4112202", "title": "-", "text": "Translate Doxa in Chinese (s) Translate Doxa in Chinese (t) Translate Doxa in Dutch; Translate Doxa in French; Translate Doxa in German; Translate Doxa in Greek; Translate Doxa in Hebrew; Translate Doxa in Italian; Translate Doxa in Japanese; Translate Doxa in Korean; Translate Doxa in Portuguese; Translate Doxa in Russian; Translate Doxa in Spanish" }, { "docid": "4035624", "title": "Employee Recruiting Sources", "text": "Your Webpage. Most of you have a website for your business. This is a great place to get the word out that you are looking for good employees … and at almost no cost. I tell my clients to have a button on your homepage that points them to career opportunities.Your webpage is the best place to tell your story.our Webpage. Most of you have a website for your business. This is a great place to get the word out that you are looking for good employees … and at almost no cost. I tell my clients to have a button on your homepage that points them to career opportunities." }, { "docid": "4159453", "title": "-", "text": "The moderators have no affiliation with Netflix, and can't answer questions about your service or take suggestions. The Netflix contact is at the bottom right of the sidebar. No blogspam reviews or spamming about your app or webpage." }, { "docid": "3218113", "title": "-", "text": "Translate Serostatus in Chinese (t) Translate Serostatus in Dutch; Translate Serostatus in French; Translate Serostatus in German; Translate Serostatus in Greek; Translate Serostatus in Hebrew; Translate Serostatus in Italian; Translate Serostatus in Japanese; Translate Serostatus in Korean; Translate Serostatus in Portuguese; Translate Serostatus in Russian" }, { "docid": "1105390", "title": "English to Tagalog translation please?", "text": "Best Answer: Sometimes you have to translate English sentences to Tagalog sentences in its meaning, rather that its literal translation." }, { "docid": "5641181", "title": "Convert binary to text or decimal and backwards", "text": "Type or Paste some text to Convert in Binary: Here goes your Binary code: How the binary translator works. Type your text in the field, and the binary translator will convert it instantly! You can also use the converter backwards, and translate from binary to plain text: just enter your binary code into the second field, and hit Translate." }, { "docid": "80935", "title": "-", "text": "For further policy information and for a full list of regulatory specific contact persons visit the following webpage: www.roguecc.edu/nondiscrimination." }, { "docid": "178550", "title": "English Translation", "text": "This site is an all-in-one free English translation stop! You can translate full English sentences and single words, find English synonyms and antonyms and can translate from virtually any language to any language." }, { "docid": "1822635", "title": "Google Page Index Checker", "text": "Google Page Index Checker instantly check if a webpage is indexed in the Google search index for free to be sure they will show up in Google's search results.You can check to verify that your web pages have been indexed by Google and that the webpage is included in the google index.f it turns out you are not in the google search index it would be a good idea to submit your site to be included Enter the webpage address of the page to be checked and press the button to see if it is indexed." }, { "docid": "4843707", "title": "-", "text": "Try translations by entering a sentence to the text area. With our products you can translate longer texts and documents.To try the products, sign up for a free trial.ry Sunda for free. Try translations by entering a sentence to the text area. With our products you can translate longer texts and documents. To try the products, sign up for a free trial." }, { "docid": "297704", "title": "-", "text": "Free Nepali English Translator. Text translator easy to use and fast. Translate words, texts and sentences from English to Nepali and Nepali to English. This app is ideal for phone or tablet. This translator can be use as a dictionary. It will be very helpful you to learn the language. This translator have following features -. - Translate words, texts, phrases and sentences." }, { "docid": "7519906", "title": "Study abroad in the United States", "text": "The Office of Attorney General's website is provided in English. However, the Google Translate option may assist you in reading it in other languages. Google Translate cannot translate all types of documents, and it may not give you an exact translation all the time." }, { "docid": "2612178", "title": "-", "text": "Dendrophile Translate not found If you know the Translate of this word, share it." }, { "docid": "8508043", "title": "-", "text": "Translate Riddle. See 9 authoritative translations of Riddle in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations." }, { "docid": "247780", "title": "-", "text": "Translate Gurukulam in English; Translate Gurukulam in Arabic; Translate Gurukulam in Chinese (s) Translate Gurukulam in Chinese (t) Translate Gurukulam in Dutch; Translate Gurukulam in French; Translate Gurukulam in German; Translate Gurukulam in Greek; Translate Gurukulam in Hebrew; Translate Gurukulam in Italian; Translate Gurukulam in Japanese" }, { "docid": "3840129", "title": "-", "text": "Carotid Artery Stenosis. 1 Print. 2 PDF. 3 Email. 4 Bookmark You must be signed in to bookmark pages. Sign in now. 5 Notes You must be signed into your pro account to make notes. Sign in now. 6 Listen Listen. 7 Translate Translate." }, { "docid": "3209553", "title": "-", "text": "Logan, J. 2005, Add the title of the post, webpage or information in quotation marks and followed by a comma. The comma should be outside the quotation marks. This information can take several forms. It can be the title of a post, the title of an online article, or even the title of the entire webpage.or example, if you used information from the PETA website, your citation would look like this: PETA. You can use acronyms or spell out the name of the organization if it is not common knowledge." }, { "docid": "2038809", "title": "-", "text": "translate verb [I or T]. B1 to ​change words into a different ​language: We were ​asked to translate a ​list of ​sentences. She ​works for the UN, translating from ​English into ​French.ranslate verb [I or T]. B1 to ​change words into a different ​language: We were ​asked to translate a ​list of ​sentences. She ​works for the UN, translating from ​English into ​French." }, { "docid": "8357227", "title": "How To Stop Internet Explorer Script Error Messages", "text": "Learn how to stop your internet explorer browser from giving you script error messages.Script error messages are displayed by Internet Explorer when there is a problem with the JavaScript or VBScript code on the website you are viewing.Occasionally a script error can be caused by an error in downloading a webpage, but more often it is an error in the webpage itself.cript error messages are displayed by Internet Explorer when there is a problem with the JavaScript or VBScript code on the website you are viewing." }, { "docid": "7105529", "title": "-", "text": "Dysarthria and Dysphasia. 1 Print. 2 PDF. 3 Email. 4 Bookmark You must be signed in to bookmark pages. Sign in now. 5 Notes You must be signed into your pro account to make notes. Sign in now. 6 Listen Listen. 7 Translate Translate." }, { "docid": "7145138", "title": "Dream symbols - tornado", "text": "In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a tornado dream may simply translate into the word stress and the dream captures the feeling I have been suffering a lot of work stress really. FULL LIST OF KEYWORDS CONNECTED TO TORNADO DREAMS In practice tornadoes have several symbolic meanings." }, { "docid": "7946628", "title": "-", "text": "Reseller Definition by Categories: Language, Idioms & Slang; English English(1) Business & Finance; Marketing(2) Science & Technology; Energy(1) Physics(1) Encyclopedia; Wikipedia(1) Reseller Translations: Translate Reseller in English; Translate Reseller in Arabic; Translate Reseller in Chinese (s) Translate Reseller in Chinese (t) Translate Reseller in Dutch" }, { "docid": "3331890", "title": "-", "text": "Head Lice and Nits. 1 Print. 2 PDF. 3 Email. 4 Bookmark You must be signed in to bookmark pages. Sign in now. 5 Notes You must be signed into your pro account to make notes. Sign in now. 6 Listen Listen. 7 Translate Translate." }, { "docid": "7144395", "title": "-", "text": "For example, if $P(A) = .7$ and $P(B)=.35$, what does $P(A \\cup B)$ translate to? What does $P(A \\cap B)$ translate to? etc..." }, { "docid": "8194261", "title": "-", "text": "Free Slovenian Translator can translate from English to Free Slovenian or Free Slovenian to English and other languages." }, { "docid": "3671389", "title": "Occupational Safety and Health Administration", "text": "OSHA has developed this webpage to provide workers and employers useful, up-to-date information on fall protection." }, { "docid": "4873107", "title": "-", "text": "Oral Thrush (Yeast Infection) 1 Print. 2 PDF. 3 Email. 4 Bookmark You must be signed in to bookmark pages. Sign in now. 5 Notes You must be signed into your pro account to make notes. Sign in now. 6 Listen Listen. 7 Translate Translate." }, { "docid": "2307054", "title": "-", "text": "Free Language Translation. Choose from 50+ Languages! to. Translate text from over 50 languages! Quick setup. Simple use to quickly translate multiple lines of text with just a few clicks. Many extra tools including virtual keyboard, language definitions, word of the day and much more." } ]
are figs considered tree nuts
[ { "docid": "4348481", "title": "Fig (Ficus carica L.)", "text": "Fig (Ficus carica L.). Home » Fruits & Nuts ». Figs can be grown easily, but they require a protected location in the cooler parts of the state because of their heat requirement to mature the fruit properly. Fig trees do best in well-drained soils but will tolerate wet soils better than most other fruit trees.Gophers love fig trees and must be controlled.Figs are grown on their own roots from cuttings. Trees reach a height of 20–30 ft. with an equal spread but can be pruned to a smaller size. Most varieties require no cross-pollination.ig trees do best in well-drained soils but will tolerate wet soils better than most other fruit trees. Gophers love fig trees and must be controlled. Figs are grown on their own roots from cuttings. Trees reach a height of 20–30 ft. with an equal spread but can be pruned to a smaller size." } ]
[ { "docid": "6277041", "title": "-", "text": "The fourth one said, I'll race you there.. The Fifth one said, All right, that's fair.. So they shook their tails and ran with glee. To the nuts that lay at the foot of the tree." }, { "docid": "2867392", "title": "60 Tree Tattoos That Can Paint Your Roots", "text": "You will also find that there is a lot of symbolism in the tree that is chosen for the tattoo as Cherry trees, Palms, Willows, Pines, Oak, and various others have separate meanings of their own as well that should be considered when getting a tree tattoo." }, { "docid": "6220479", "title": "The Best and Worst Nuts, by Nutrition and Price", "text": "Best Nuts Overall: Mixed Nuts. Because of the variety of nutrients each type of nuts has, combined with the fact that almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, and walnuts are all close in price — the best nut is really a mixture. So, either buy premade mixed nuts, or buy nuts in bulk and make your own.ecause of the variety of nutrients each type of nuts has, combined with the fact that almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, and walnuts are all close in price — the best nut is really a mixture." }, { "docid": "161655", "title": "Banyan", "text": "This article cites its sources but its page references ranges are too broad. (January 2017) A banyan, also spelled banian, is a fig that begins its life as an epiphyte, i. e. a plant that grows on another plant, when its seed germinates in a crack or crevice of a host tree or human edifice. Banyan often specifically denominates Ficus benghalensis, which is the national tree of the Republic of India, though the name has also been generalized to denominate all figs that share a common life cycle and used systematically in taxonomy to denominate the subgenus Urostigma." }, { "docid": "2052335", "title": "Cold Hardy Fig Varieties: Tips For Growing Winter Hardy Figs", "text": "Since figs thrive in warm regions, long periods of cold weather limit growth, ergo fruit set and production, and a lengthy freeze will kill them. Temperatures of -10 to -20 degrees F. (-23 to -26 C.) will definitely kill the fig tree.As mentioned, there are some cold hardy fig varieties but, again, keep in mind that even these will need some type of winter protection.emperatures of -10 to -20 degrees F. (-23 to -26 C.) will definitely kill the fig tree. As mentioned, there are some cold hardy fig varieties but, again, keep in mind that even these will need some type of winter protection." }, { "docid": "8666720", "title": "What Kind of Food Do Squirrels Eat?", "text": "Some tree squirrels are better at remembering where they buried food than others. Tree squirrels are part of the Sciuridae family. Tree squirrels have adapted well to cohabiting alongside humans in urban areas. They consume a large variety of foods from nuts to insects." }, { "docid": "4699255", "title": "Remove A Rear Wheel With Wheel Nuts", "text": "Remove A Rear Wheel With Wheel Nuts. Follow this guide to be sure your rear wheel is roadworthy before you head out for a ride. Identify somewhere to hang or rest the bike frame once the rear wheel is off. There is almost always a tree, a gate or item of street furniture where you can hang your bike." }, { "docid": "1301580", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "beech, beech tree-any of several large deciduous trees with rounded spreading crowns and smooth grey bark and small sweet edible triangular nuts enclosed in burs; north temperate regions." }, { "docid": "310105", "title": "Where Do Orangutans Live? And Nine Other Orangutan Facts", "text": "What do orangutans eat? Fruit makes up about 60% of the orangutan's diet, including lychees, mangosteens, mangoes and figs. They also eat young leaves and shoots, insects, soil, tree bark, and occasionally eggs and small vertebrates." }, { "docid": "4177047", "title": "-", "text": "The Pili tree (Canarium ovatum Engl.) is indigenous to the Philippine archipelago and grows primarily in the Bicol region. It is an extremely hardy tree and its fruit is somewhat Jurassic in appearance.ource: http://www.marketmanila.com/archives/fresh-pili-fruit-and-pili-nuts. The pili nut is the most important of a group of nuts borne by trees of the genus Canarium." }, { "docid": "8020336", "title": "-", "text": "Combine 1 quart (950 milliliters) of warm water with 15 drops of tea tree oil in a spray bottle. If you want your spray to be stronger and more antiseptic, increase the tea tree oil to 2 teaspoons. Tea tree oil is considered to be dangerous to pets, especially cats. If you own pets, you might not want to use tea tree oil." }, { "docid": "6807934", "title": "-", "text": "A hickory nut (also called Carya fruit) is the hard-shelled nut with a husk of the Hickory Tree.They grow primarily in the eastern part of the U.S. and Asia. They are most often used in recipes for cakes, candies, sweet breads and cookies. The nuts are also substituted, sometimes, in recipes for pecans.arvesting. Nuts begin to fall from the hickory trees in early autumn. Start harvesting as soon as you notice this, as animals love these nuts. Squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons and mice may beat you to it, if you put off your hickory nut foraging. It's a good idea to pick up the whole nut and remove the husks later." }, { "docid": "8766429", "title": "-", "text": "Not by definition. The trunk is considered to be the above ground stem portion of the tree, although depending on the species of tree a certain portion of the trunk extends un…der the surface before branching out into the root system." }, { "docid": "2041190", "title": "pecan", "text": "pecan (plural pecans) 1 A deciduous tree, Carya illinoinensis, of the central and southern United States, having deeply furrowed bark, pinnately compound leaves, and edible nuts. 2 A smooth, thin-shelled, edible oval nut of this tree." }, { "docid": "3732757", "title": "Packaging, Labeling, Transporting, Storing", "text": "A major food allergen is an ingredient that is one of five foods or one of three food groups (or is an ingredient that contains protein derived from one of the eight categories): milk, egg, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, wheat, peanuts or soybeans." }, { "docid": "3635891", "title": "What Kind of Food Do Squirrels Eat?", "text": "Grey Tree Squirrels. Grey squirrels feed on berries, acorns, flowers and tree buds in the spring. They consume beech mast, nuts, roots, sap tissue and even small insects occasionally. They rarely will eat small bird eggs and baby chicks.Grey squirrels, like red squirrels, will bury their surplus food in the ground to retrieve it later in the winter when food is scarce. Unlike red squirrels, grey squirrels are adept at remembering where they buried food.rey Tree Squirrels. Grey squirrels feed on berries, acorns, flowers and tree buds in the spring. They consume beech mast, nuts, roots, sap tissue and even small insects occasionally. They rarely will eat small bird eggs and baby chicks." }, { "docid": "774039", "title": "Good Carbs: The secret to long-term health, easy weight loss, and high energyâ¦", "text": "To sum it up, the following food types are generally considered to be good carbs and should make up most or all of your carb intake: 1 whole vegetables. 2 whole fruits. 3 beans. 4 legumes. 5 nuts." }, { "docid": "480619", "title": "Good Substitute for Cashews in Raw Cheesecake", "text": "Nuts, Seeds and Other Substitutes. If you're substituting cashews because you don't have any to hand or you don't like them, you can use an equal amount of any other nut in their place. Those with a high fat content give the most similar, creamy results. Macadamias, almonds and pine nuts work particularly well. If you're looking for a substitute because you have a tree nut allergy, a number of nut-free alternatives can be used in your raw cheesecake. Seeds -- particularly sunflower seeds -- can replace cashews effectively." }, { "docid": "7877004", "title": "Food Allergy", "text": "Nine foods cause 90% of food allergic reactions, including cow's milk, egg, peanut, tree nuts, sesame, soy, fish, shellfish and wheat. Peanut, tree nuts, shellfish, fish, sesame and egg are the most common food allergens in older children and adults." }, { "docid": "3635895", "title": "FAQ About Squirrels", "text": "In their natural habitats tree squirrels eat a variety of foods including fungi, insects, bird eggs and young birds, pine nuts, and acorns, plus a wide variety of other seeds, nuts, dried corn, fruits, twigs, buds, bark, leaves, pine cones, roots, and mushrooms.n their natural habitats tree squirrels eat a variety of foods including fungi, insects, bird eggs and young birds, pine nuts, and acorns, plus a wide variety of other seeds, nuts, dried corn, fruits, twigs, buds, bark, leaves, pine cones, roots, and mushrooms." }, { "docid": "201412", "title": "-", "text": "7 Amazing Health Benefits Of Macadamia Nuts. Macadamia nuts are considered the world’s finest nuts (1). Macadamia nuts are small buttery flavoured nuts cultivated from macadamia nut trees that are grown in tropical climates of Australia, Brazil, Indonesia, Kenya, New Zealand and South Africa.here are about seven species of Macadamia nut grown all over the world, but only two are edible and are cultivated in horticultural farms all over the world. These two species are Macadamia integrifolia which produces smooth shelled nuts and Macadamia tetraphylla nuts which produces rough shelled nuts." }, { "docid": "613034", "title": "Fig Fruit Stays Green â Reasons Figs Donât Ripen", "text": "If a fig tree does not have enough water, the figs won’t get ripe because the tree is trying to preserve itself and its seeds. If a fig tree continues to get too little water, it will abort its fruit, which means your fig fruit will fall off the tree while it is still green." }, { "docid": "7201547", "title": "Common Food Allergy Triggers", "text": "Food allergies can be serious, but you can take steps to manage them. One of the best things you can do is avoid your trigger foods. Foods That Cause Allergies. Eight things cause about 90% of food allergy reactions: Milk (mostly in children) Eggs; Peanuts; Tree nuts, like walnuts, almonds, pine nuts, brazil nuts, and pecans; Soy" }, { "docid": "8666716", "title": "What Kind of Food Do Squirrels Eat?", "text": "Grey squirrels feed on berries, acorns, flowers and tree buds in the spring. They consume beech mast, nuts, roots, sap tissue and even small insects occasionally. They rarely will eat small bird eggs and baby chicks." }, { "docid": "1186720", "title": "How much does it cost to have a tree removed?", "text": "Experts told our team that, with all factors considered, tree removal can cost as much as $2,400. Be aware that when the tree is gone, the stump remains. Grinding it down or digging it out can cost an extra $65 to $350, depending on the stump's depth and solidity.xperts told our team that, with all factors considered, tree removal can cost as much as $2,400. Be aware that when the tree is gone, the stump remains. Grinding it down or digging it out can cost an extra $65 to $350, depending on the stump's depth and solidity." }, { "docid": "6228", "title": "Making Jams and Jellies", "text": "Let stand 15 minutes. Drain and discard liquid. Rinse figs in cold water and drain. Prepare syrup by mixing sugar, 1½ quarts water and lemon. Boil rapidly 10 minutes. Skim syrup; remove and discard lemon slices. Drop figs carefully into the boiling hot syrup, a few at a time. Cook rapidly until figs are translucent." }, { "docid": "5636668", "title": "-", "text": "Sub-tropical, drought tolerant fruit tree. The sweetest develop when the daytime temperature regularly exceeds 95°F. Figs thrive in most soil types, as long as well-drained and will fruit in a variety of climates. Mature trees are hardy to 15°F" }, { "docid": "8518783", "title": "-", "text": "Peanut Facts. While “nut” is in their name, peanuts are in fact legumes. Peanuts actually grow underground, as opposed to nuts like walnuts, almonds, etc. that grow on trees (and are sometimes referred to as tree nuts).Peanuts, along with beans and peas, belong to the single plant family, Leguminosae.Legumes are edible seeds enclosed in pods.eanuts actually grow underground, as opposed to nuts like walnuts, almonds, etc. that grow on trees (and are sometimes referred to as tree nuts). Peanuts, along with beans and peas, belong to the single plant family, Leguminosae." }, { "docid": "1505979", "title": "List of Types of Fruit Trees", "text": "Save. Fruit trees are flowering plants that produce a fruit that is consumed or used by humans. The fruit is actually a ripened ovary that contains one or more seeds for reproduction of the plant.Trees that bear nuts are also generally considered fruit trees by culinary sciences, however, the fruit industry separates them from other fruits.Each different type of tree is divided by the anatomy of the fruit and its morphology.he fruit is actually a ripened ovary that contains one or more seeds for reproduction of the plant. Trees that bear nuts are also generally considered fruit trees by culinary sciences, however, the fruit industry separates them from other fruits." }, { "docid": "3875318", "title": "-", "text": "Healthy Bird Nutrition...in a Nutshell. In nature, birds eat what they find: tree nuts, fruits, grains, flowers, and the occasional vegetable. Pet birds should eat as natural a diet as possible, too. We are proud of our inexpensive, simple nuts, fruits and seeds — and bird owners swear by them! Here are suggestions for some popular species." } ]
how does a balloon mortgage work
[ { "docid": "6018522", "title": "Balloon mortgage calculator", "text": "A balloon mortgage can be an excellent option for many homebuyers. A balloon mortgage is usually rather short, with a term of 5 years to 7 years, but the payment is based on a term of 30 years.They often have a lower interest rate, and it can be easier to qualify for than a traditional 30-year-fixed mortgage.There is, however, a risk to consider. balloon mortgage is usually rather short, with a term of 5 years to 7 years, but the payment is based on a term of 30 years." } ]
[ { "docid": "978070", "title": "-", "text": "Hey, The mortgage brokers work on commission, which are paid by you, by the lender, or by both you and the lender. If you work with a mortgage broker, the industry norm is for them to charge you an origination fee equal to 1 percent of the loan amount. By Neal, Fri Apr 8 2011, 01:51." }, { "docid": "343428", "title": "-", "text": "The final step is to quickly pull the balloon off the end of the Tie-Not. The balloon is now tied and ready to be thrown at your enemies. The complete tying process takes less than 5 seconds. In the final step, quickly remove the balloon from the Tie-Not." }, { "docid": "5640207", "title": "Mortgage Deferment Payment Options", "text": "A modification changes the terms of a mortgage loan in an effort to make the monthly payment more manageable for the homeowner. Often the lender opts to lower the principal balance of the loan to achieve this goal. As the Making Home Affordable website details, sometimes lenders require the homeowner to pay back the amount of the principal reduction at the end of the loan or upon a refinance or sale. This payment is called a balloon payment." }, { "docid": "5157951", "title": "22 Breathtaking Festivals Around The World That You Must See Before You Die", "text": "The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is a yearly festival of hot air balloons that takes place in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA during early October. The Balloon Fiesta is a nine day event, and has around 750 balloons. The event is the largest hot air balloon festival in the world." }, { "docid": "3800889", "title": "Mortgage Refinance and Modification: Whatâs the Difference?", "text": "Mortgage modification is a way of making the mortgage more affordable to somebody in financial hardship. You keep the same mortgage, but change terms such as interest rate or even the principal still owed. Here is more information on each of these options. Mortgage Refinance. Mortgage refinance involves changing one mortgage for another. The lender will check your credit record and FICO score, just as if you were getting your first mortgage. If you have any delinquencies with your current mortgage, you will be unlikely to get a mortgage refinance, but could get a mortgage modification! Your home would also be reappraised to make certain that its value covers the loan." }, { "docid": "1790601", "title": "Swan-Ganz catheter", "text": "Medical definition of Swan-Ganz catheter: a soft catheter with an expandable balloon tip that is used for measuring blood pressure in the pulmonary… a soft catheter with an expandable balloon tip that is used for measuring blood pressure in the pulmonary artery…" }, { "docid": "7198179", "title": "Hot Air Balloon Ride Temecula - 1 Hour Sunrise Flight", "text": "A hot air balloon ride over Temecula (approximately 1 hour) A Champagne toast; FAA certified pilots; Southern California affords one of the best locations to enjoy a sunrise hot air balloon ride. With safety as a top priority, your pilot will take you on a flight that will create memories to last a lifetime. Book a hot air balloon ride today!" }, { "docid": "7198175", "title": "-", "text": "Group Hot Air Balloon Rides in Temecula If you're looking to experience the beauty of Temecula from above with your group, Compass Balloons has you covered with group hot air balloon flights of up to 8 people starting at only $139 per person." }, { "docid": "5099533", "title": "Barrage balloon", "text": "Barrage balloon. US Marine Corps barrage balloon, Parris Island, May 1942. A barrage balloon, sometimes called a blimp, is a large balloon tethered with metal cables, used to defend against aircraft attack by damaging the aircraft on collision with the cables, or at least making the attacker's approach more difficult." }, { "docid": "6465332", "title": "Mean Arterial Pressure and Pulse Pressure", "text": "To the right you see the figure that we use to analyze the regulation of mean arterial pressure. It shows a balloon with two spouts. Like the arteries, it has an elastic wall. The pressure in the balloon is determined by the amount of water in the balloon at any time.hen the mean arterial pressure is perturbed from the regulated level, the cardiac output and the total peripheral resistance are adjusted to bring the mean arterial pressure back to the specified level. Over seconds to minutes, this regulation is due to the carotid baroreceptor reflex." }, { "docid": "5898330", "title": "Interior Structure of Stars", "text": "In any given layer of a star, there is a balance between the thermal pressure (outward) and the weight of the material above pressing downward (inward). This balance is called hydrostatic equilibrium. A star is like a balloon. In a balloon the gas inside the balloon pushes outward and the elastic material supplies just enough inward compression to balance the gas pressure. In a star the star's internal gravity supplies the inward compression. Gravity compresses the star into the most compact shape possible: a sphere." }, { "docid": "8361124", "title": "Fifth Dimension - Up, Up And Away Lyrics", "text": "Love is waiting there in my beautiful balloon. Way up in the air in my beautiful balloon. If you'll hold my hand we'll chase your dream across the sky. For we can fly, we can fly. Up, up and away. My beautiful, my beautiful balloon. The world's a nicer place in my beautiful balloon. It wears a nicer face in my beautiful balloon. We can sing a song and sail along the silver sky. " }, { "docid": "7901541", "title": "-", "text": "Remember that making the nitrogen in the air cold enough makes it turn into a liquid, eventually the cold air becomes liquid nitrogen too, and you can see this liquid in the bottom of the balloon (take the balloon out of the nitrogen and show liquid in balloon." }, { "docid": "1882974", "title": "-", "text": "Posted on March 6, 2014 by Inlanta Mortgage. Inlanta Mortgage has once again been named to Mortgage Executive Magazine’s Top 100 Mortgage Companies in America. Inlanta was also on the Top 100 Mortgage Companies list in 2012 and 2011." }, { "docid": "7892728", "title": "Foley Catheter Placement And Care", "text": "When your healthcare provider sees urine flowing from the catheter, he will fill the balloon at the end of the catheter. The balloon holds the catheter in place so it does not come out. Your healthcare provider will attach the open end of the catheter to a sterile drainage bag." }, { "docid": "4086471", "title": "WHAT IS \"ELECTRIC CHARGE?\" 1999 W. Beaty BSEE", "text": "Charge is not invisible. Whenever light bounces off an object, it bounces off the outside of the atom, and the outside of an atom is made of negative charges. In other words, electric charge reflects light. Yet when we rub a balloon on our hair, the balloon (and the hair) don't look different." }, { "docid": "2953301", "title": "Tie Not Water Balloon Filler", "text": "Curses! The Water Balloon Filler is here to make your battles more wet and wild. Fill and tie a water balloon in under 30 seconds. Once you get the hang of the easy, four-step method, you can fill and tie balloons at ten times the pace it would have taken you the old fashioned way.Faster ammunition creation is half the battle. Works with standard sized water balloons. 2 Four steps to a water balloon: 3 Fill the balloon and loop over the top. 4 While holding the neck of the balloon (make sure neck of balloon is under tool), proceed to spin tool counter-clockwise in a full circle." }, { "docid": "8085733", "title": "-", "text": "Using the materials provided, design a drum. 1 To make a drum, place paper or a balloon over the mouth of the jar. (You might even try placing the paper down with a balloon on top of it.) 2 Place the rubber band around the mouth of the jar to secure the paper/balloon skin." }, { "docid": "8176231", "title": "-", "text": "Paragraph 16 is replaced by the following : A mortgage banking enterprise may purchase mortgage servicing rights separately or it may acquire mortgage servicing rights by purchasing or originating mortgage loans and selling or securitizing those loans with servicing rights retained when a mortgage banking enterprise purchases or originates mortgage ..." }, { "docid": "7868509", "title": "Scenic Hot Air Balloon Rides Daily", "text": "Buy Gift Certificates. Rainbow Ryders rises above the rest with daily hot air balloon rides in Phoenix, Albuquerque, and Colorado Springs for every occasion and any size group, year-round. Flying safely for over 30 years, Rainbow Ryders is the official hot air balloon ride operator at the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta.®." }, { "docid": "5398429", "title": "Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta: Facts and Figures", "text": "Balloon Fiesta History. 1 The first balloon event in Albuquerque took place on April 8, 1972, at Coronado Shopping Center. Thirteen balloons participated. 2 From 1972 to 1975, balloon events took place in late winter/early spring. 3 The first event to be called the Balloon Fiesta took place in the fall of 1975." }, { "docid": "1359467", "title": "FHA Back To Work Program Waives Foreclosure, Bankruptcy, And Short Sale Waiting Periods", "text": "Effective for FHA Case Numbers assigned on, or after, August 15, 2013, borrowers with a recent history of bankruptcy, foreclosure, judgment, short sale, loan modification or deed-in-lieu can apply for an FHA loan and get approved without hassle. Click to skip to today's FHA mortgage rates.ou can apply for an FHA Back to Work-Extenuating Circumstances mortgage with any FHA-approved lender. The mortgage approval process is the same for any other FHA-insured mortgage." }, { "docid": "7276686", "title": "-", "text": "This is the large, central cavity containing fluid, called cell sap, found in plant cells. The vacuole is surrounded by a membrane (tonoplast). Back to the water balloon in the box model - imagine the vacuole to be analogous to another water balloon inside our protoplast balloon." }, { "docid": "4149779", "title": "more in Experiments", "text": "Now the yeast is “eating!”. 4. Blow up the balloon a few times to stretch it out then place the neck of the balloon over the neck of the bottle. 5. Let the bottle sit in a warm place for about 20 minutes." }, { "docid": "2762095", "title": "California Real Estate Chapter 7", "text": "Balloon payments require the buyer to pay. the full remaining amount due, for which the buyer will need a mortgage loan. After the. homebuyer pays all the payments called for under the contract, the seller is obligated to. give the homebuyer a deed to the property. A contract for deed arrangement should not be." }, { "docid": "5951599", "title": "Cell Wall - What's it for?", "text": "Cell walls made of cellulose are only found around plant cells and a few other organisms. Cellulose is a specialized sugar that is classified as a structural carbohydrate and not used for energy. If a plant cell is like a water balloon, the cell wall is like a cardboard box that protects the balloon." }, { "docid": "4226200", "title": "Subprime mortgage crisis", "text": " A loan where your payments apply only to the interest and nothing towards the principal. There is usually a balloon payment required at the end of these loans-that i … s when the principal is paid ... in full. In a traditional mortgage, the loan if fully amortized. Meaning that you pay both interest and principal. In order to lower the monthly payment, some mortgages allow you … to pay only the interest. This results in a lower monthly payment, however the balance of the loan stays the same." }, { "docid": "3401467", "title": "Coronary stenting", "text": "The stent is inserted into the artery with the balloon-tip catheter. When the stent is correctly positioned in the coronary artery, the balloon is inflated, expanding the stent against the walls of the coronary artery." }, { "docid": "5207587", "title": "How Do Mortgage Interest Rates Work?", "text": "Mortgages are all about percentages. Mortgage lenders display their interest rates prominently, but they seldom explain exactly how those rates work. If you were to take out a $200,000 mortgage for 30 years at, say, 7.5 percent interest, your monthly payment would be about $1,400. How does the 7.5 percent interest factor into that?" }, { "docid": "144558", "title": "Why do hot air balloons float?", "text": "Going up!Hot air is actually less dense than cold air. So, in turn the hot air rises causing the balloon to float up. Because hot air has a lower density than cold air, causing hot air to rise. When the hot air is trapped in a balloon, the push of the rising air causes the balloon to float. Going up!Hot air is actually less dense than cold air." } ]
how does a proposed amendment become a law
[ { "docid": "6710620", "title": "-", "text": "After the proposed amendment passes both houses of congress, it must then be ratified by 3/4 of the states. If this does not occur, it dies and does not become an amendment. For example, the Equal Rights Amendment was passed by congress, but it did not gain approval of 3/4 of the states, so it never became a law.GB.onfidence votes 4. An amendment is a change, addition, or deletion made to a law. It can't become a law because it already is a law. Therefore, it goes through no process." } ]
[ { "docid": "2286595", "title": "What is the difference between amendment and law and bill?", "text": "An amendment to the Constitution has to be approved by 75% of the state's legislature after it has been approved by over 50% of congress. For a new Law, Congress has to approve it by 50% for it to become a law. A bill is only a suggestion by someone to become a law.The bill has to go through committees, and then through Congress to become a law.or a new Law, Congress has to approve it by 50% for it to become a law. A bill is only a suggestion by someone to become a law. The bill has to go through committees, and then through Congress to become a law." }, { "docid": "6412093", "title": "Are Facebook Threats Real?", "text": "Elonis was convicted on four of the five federal charges and sentenced to 44 months in jail. The case deals with an area of First Amendment law known as “true threats.” These kinds of threats are unprotected under the First Amendment." }, { "docid": "7278949", "title": "What is the formal process to amend the US Constitution?", "text": "There are two ways in which a formal amendment to the Constitution can be proposed. The first method is to have the amendment introduced to the house by a member of congre … ss. The second method is to have the states meet in a national convention and have the amendment introduced to the house in this manner." }, { "docid": "7488807", "title": "A Brief History of the California Constitution", "text": "Heavily based on other state constitutions, the 1848 California Constitution proved inadequate to meet the long-term needs of the flourishing new state.3 Political leaders tried to amend the document via constitutional convention and the amendment process, however, during the 30 years which followed statehood, all three constitutional convention ballot proposals failed to win voter support and, of the many constitutional amendments proposed, only three became law." }, { "docid": "3527611", "title": "The Constitution of the United States", "text": "The twenty-first amendment to the Constitution was proposed to the several states by the Seventy-Second Congress, on the 20th day of February, 1933, and was declared, in a proclamation by the Secretary of State, dated on the 5th day of December, 1933, to have been ratified by 36 of the 48 States.he sixteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States was proposed to the legislatures of the several States by the Sixty-first Congress on the 12th of July, 1909, and was declared, in a proclamation of the Secretary of State, dated the 25th of February, 1913, to have been ratified by 36 of the 48 States." }, { "docid": "3793786", "title": "Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution", "text": "Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. (Redirected from Equal Protection Amendment) The Fourteenth Amendment (Amendment XIV) to the United States Constitution was adopted on July 9, 1868, as one of the Reconstruction Amendments. The amendment addresses citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws, and was proposed in response to issues related to former slaves following the American Civil War." }, { "docid": "2714110", "title": "-", "text": "Equal Rights Amendment. The Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution was first proposed in the United States Congress in December 1923. It was promoted by Alice Paul and National Women's party, but opposed by many of their colleagues who had worked to pass the Nineteenth Amendment (women's suffrage) in 1920.owever, it was not until 1972 that a version of ERA was passed by the Senate and sent onto the states for ratification. By then the Legacy of the 1960s revolution in civil rights seemed to assure the amendment's passage." }, { "docid": "1451314", "title": "referendum", "text": "referendum ‎(plural referenda or referendums) ( 1 politics) A direct popular vote on a proposed law or constitutional amendment. The adposition on is usually used before the related subject of the vote. In some cases, a referendum on the proposed bond issue must be held." }, { "docid": "4602861", "title": "List of amendments to the United States Constitution", "text": "Article Five of the United States Constitution detailed the two-step process for amending the nation's frame of government. Amendments must be properly Proposed and Ratified before becoming operative. This process was designed to strike a balance between the excesses of constant change and inflexibility. An amendment may be proposed and sent to the states for ratification by either:" }, { "docid": "3218095", "title": "In what way can an amendment to the Constitution be proposed?", "text": "The Amendment process is the formal way to change the Constitution. An amendment may be proposed by two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress or by a convention called by Con … gress at the request of two-thirds of the state legislatures. Ratification of an amendment takes three-fourths of the states to approve." }, { "docid": "5874980", "title": "Constitutional Topic: Ratification Conventions", "text": "However an amendment is proposed, the final step is ratification. Two methods for ratification are provided - by three-fourths of the state legislatures or by three-fourths of the states in convention. This topic concerns the latter of these two. Ratification Conventions. The normal course of events, when an amendment to the Constitution has been desired by the people, is for Congress to pass the amendment and for the state legislatures to then ratify. Congressional proposal of the amendment is by a two-thirds majority vote in both houses." }, { "docid": "2405086", "title": "Martha Griffiths and the Equal Rights Amendment", "text": "Martha Griffiths and the Equal Rights Amendment. Martha Griffiths (D-MI) was a member of the United States House of Representatives from 1955-1974. She was the first woman to serve on the powerful House Committee on Ways and Means and was instrumental in getting the prohibition of sex discrimination added to the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964. Griffiths is also known for resurrecting the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). The ERA was a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that guaranteed equal rights under the law for Americans regardless of their sex. The ERA was first drafted in 1923 by suffragist Alice Paul." }, { "docid": "1556003", "title": "Wilmot Proviso of 1846: Definition, Summary & Significance", "text": "The Proviso also prohibited the expansion of slavery into any territory acquired by the United States from Mexico as a result of a settlement in the Mexican-American War. The proposed amendment narrowly passed through the House of Representatives and was then defeated in the Senate.earn how Pennsylvania Democratic Congressman David Wilmot's proposed legislative amendment was the catalyst for a sectional divide in the United States over the institution of slavery." }, { "docid": "7278945", "title": "Describe the four possible methods of formal amendment?", "text": "An amendment may be proposed by a _____ vote in each house of Congress and be ratified by _____ of the State legislatures." }, { "docid": "5977533", "title": "The Second Amendment, Political Liberty, and the Right to Self-Preservation", "text": "Among them was the Fourteenth Amendment, which prohibits the states from depriving “any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.”. When it was adopted, the Clause was understood to mean that the government could deprive a person of rights only according to law applied by a court.he Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment echoes that of the Fifth Amendment. The Fifth Amendment, however, applies only against the federal government. After the Civil War, Congress adopted a number of measures to protect individual rights from interference by the states." }, { "docid": "1107686", "title": "Why was the twenty first amendment passed?", "text": "The 21st Amendment to the United States Constitution was passed, repealing the 18th Amendment, which outlawed trafficking in 'intoxicating liquors.' The 21st Amendment was pas…sed in order to undo the 18th Amendment. In short, a constitutional amendment, or any law, is repealed when it is found unconstitutional." }, { "docid": "2591840", "title": "United States Constitution", "text": "The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment echoes that of the Fifth Amendment. The Fifth Amendment, however, applies only against the federal government. After the Civil War, Congress adopted a number of measures to protect individual rights from interference by the states.mong them was the Fourteenth Amendment, which prohibits the states from depriving “any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.”. When it was adopted, the Clause was understood to mean that the government could deprive a person of rights only according to law applied by a court." }, { "docid": "5266064", "title": "What are amendments to the Constitution?", "text": "Article V of the Constitution prescribes how an amendment can become a part of the Constitution. While there are two ways, only one has ever been used. All 27 Amendments have been ratified after two-thirds of the House and Senate approve of the proposal and send it to the states for a vote. Then, three-fourths of the states must affirm the proposed Amendment." }, { "docid": "1133574", "title": "-", "text": "Amendment. Article 66 of the Qatar Labour Law No.(14) of 2004 (Qatar Labour Law) was recently amended by Law No.(1) of 2015 (the Amendment).he Amendment has introduced a penalty for every employer who fails to comply with Article 66. The penalty may constitute either: (i) imprisonment of up to one month, and/or (ii) a fine of a sum between QAR 2,000 and QAR 6,000 per employee." }, { "docid": "3289637", "title": "Do I capitalize the C in Constitutional in this sentence?", "text": "No. constitutional law is not a proper noun and it should not be capitalised. Constitutional Amendment X is the name of the amendent, and would be capitalized. Likewise, Constitutional Law as the title of a course or book would be capitalized." }, { "docid": "7216730", "title": "-", "text": "Headlines. 1 Proposed Rule Changes Click here to view the latest proposed rule changes. 2 Late Renewals Click here to view the Renewal and Reinstatement information. 3 Immigration Law Changes Click here to view the latest immigration law changes. 4 Hot Topics Information for both Consumers and Licensees." }, { "docid": "6411126", "title": "How can Congress override a US Supreme Court decision?", "text": "If the Supreme Court interprets both by comparing the law to the Constitution or Amendment to see if the law is constitutional and decides the law is unconstitutional because it is vague or can be applied in a discriminatory manner, Congress can amend the law in such a way that the Constitutional problem is solved." }, { "docid": "576854", "title": "-", "text": "•A blow by blow description of the major changes in the regulation •Practically speaking—what does the amendment mean for those of us who handle checks in the bank to bank space? •The Board’s request for comment on another proposed amendment to Reg CC •Q&A" }, { "docid": "7505166", "title": "Save the First Amendment", "text": "The question here is not the idea of a constitutional amendment but the content of this proposed amendment, which would place virtually all political activism — and most political speech of any consequence — under federal regulation." }, { "docid": "3486968", "title": "-", "text": "— Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 2014. The Second Constitutional Convention of the United States is a proposal made by some scholars and activists from both left and right for a substantive effort to reform politics in the United States by means of overhauling the current United States Constitution.owever, in the context of the Seventeenth Amendment (making the Senate elected), ... the states came within one vote of calling for a convention, and the Congress quickly proposed the amendment the convention would have proposed.." }, { "docid": "545380", "title": "State ratifying conventions", "text": "Ratification of a proposed amendment has been done by state conventions only once—the 1933 ratification process of the 21st Amendment. The 21st is also the only constitutional amendment that repealed another one, that being the 18th Amendment, which had been ratified 14 years earlier." }, { "docid": "2010231", "title": "United States of America", "text": "This first method of amendment is the only one used to date. Second, the Constitution might be amended by a Convention called for this purpose by two-thirds of the state legislatures, if the Convention's proposed amendments are later ratified by three-fourths of the state legislatures." }, { "docid": "4016615", "title": "-", "text": "Forty years ago this week, the 26th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was approved by Congress and proposed to the states for ratification." }, { "docid": "4960927", "title": "-", "text": "Members of Congress have proposed a constitu-tional amendment preventing states from recogniz-ing same-sex marriages. Proponents of the FederalMarriage Amendment claim that an amendment isneeded immediately to prevent same-sex marriagesfrom being forced on the nation.ntroduction Members of Congress have proposed a fed-eral constitutional amendment preventingstates from recognizing same-sex marriages.As of now, a nationwide policy debate is underway on the merits of providing full maritalrecognition to gay couples." }, { "docid": "7281784", "title": "How the Law Protects Flag Burning in the United States", "text": "In 1990, Congress passed the Flag Protection Act to outlaw knowingly burning or otherwise defacing the American flag. The Supreme Court shot down that law as well, holding that it violated the First Amendment. There have been other attempts by Congress to legislate flag burning, but none have passed. The House went as far as approving an amendment to ban flag desecration, but it has never made it through the full Senate. Congress shot down the most recent proposed constitutional amendment to ban flag burning in 2006." } ]
how does a unitary system work
[ { "docid": "5818362", "title": "Trane® Unitary Systems for Commercial HVAC", "text": "Unitary. A unitary system combines heating, cooling, and fan sections all in one or a few assemblies for simplified application and installation and are used in most classes of buildings, from schools to offices to retail, particularly where low initial cost and simplified installation are important." } ]
[ { "docid": "3175520", "title": "Mons", "text": "Country Data Overview (PDF) Belgium, country of northwestern Europe. It is one of the smallest and most densely populated European countries, and it has been, since its independence in 1830, a representative democracy headed by a hereditary constitutional monarch. Initially, Belgium had a unitary form of government." }, { "docid": "4137846", "title": "Work (thermodynamics)", "text": "In the simplest case, for example, there are work of change of volume against a resisting pressure, and work without change of volume, known as isochoric work. An example of isochoric work is when an outside agency, in the surrounds of the system, drives a frictional action on the surface of the system.hese macroscopic variables always occur in conjugate pairs, for example pressure and volume, magnetic flux density and magnetization, mole fraction and chemical potential. In the SI system of measurement, work is measured in joules (symbol: J)." }, { "docid": "8474121", "title": "Exergy", "text": "However, from a theoretical point of view, exergy may be defined without reference to any environment. If the intensive properties of different finitely extended elements of a system differ, there is always the possibility to extract mechanical work from the system.owever, from a theoretical point of view, exergy may be defined without reference to any environment. If the intensive properties of different finitely extended elements of a system differ, there is always the possibility to extract mechanical work from the system." }, { "docid": "6638750", "title": "Body Systems & How They Work Together", "text": "Unlike the nervous system, there is no physical wiring with neurons, however, and the hormones reach their target via the blood stream, where they exert their effect. The endocrine and nervous system may work together on the same organ, and each may influence the actions of the other system. The endocrine system largely governs many processes related to reproduction and sexual maturity, as well. The immune system is a network of cells, tissues and organs that work together to attack pathogens that try to invade your body. Bacteria, parasites and fungi that may cause infection meet a system of immune soldiers, including T-lymphocytes, macrophages and neutrophils." }, { "docid": "6479864", "title": "M-3 SIMPLE MACHINES", "text": "The work done on the machine is called the input, and the useful work done by the machine is called the output. Some of the input work is always wasted either through friction, or by acting upon parts of the machine itself rather than on the external system." }, { "docid": "2776909", "title": "Ch 3 Federalism - Study Questions (with Answers)", "text": "The difference being that the categorical grant must be used for the exact thing which it is being given and the block grant is less restrictive on what its uses must be. Describe American federalism and contrast federalism to unitary government." }, { "docid": "1557089", "title": "Federation", "text": "However, unitary states often also include one or more self-governing regions. The difference between a federation and this kind of unitary state is that in a unitary state the autonomous status of self-governing regions exists by the sufferance of the central government, and may be unilaterally revoked." }, { "docid": "7644245", "title": "-", "text": "brain solely responsible for all memory, though there are certain regions related to specific memory subsystems. i. The multiple systems model posits that memory is not a sin-gle, unitary system that relies on one neuroanatomical cir-cuit; rather memory is made up of multiple memory systems that can work independently of one another." }, { "docid": "7016573", "title": "Unitary Form of Government, Definition & Characteristics of Unitary State", "text": "Unitary form of Government is a converse of federation and is a system in which all powers are centralized in the hands of a central government. A single central government controls the whole state with full might." }, { "docid": "3961190", "title": "-", "text": "That system of two-layered local government isn't the only show in town. Some parts of New Zealand are governed by unitary authorities (also called unitary councils), in which a single council does all the jobs traditionally done by regional and district councils.he most common argument for unitary authorities is that they reduce duplication and increase efficiency because they remove a layer of government. They may also save money, though the experts don't all agree on that. People planning big projects would only have to go to one council to get consents, instead of two." }, { "docid": "7809423", "title": "What Is a Pull System? Details and Benefits", "text": "Unlike push systems, which force team members to work on multiple tasks, a pull system lets team members focus on a single work item at a time. This approach allows a work unit to: Quickly adapt to changes that may occur in the work process" }, { "docid": "3243643", "title": "Unitary operator", "text": "A unitary element is a generalization of a unitary operator. In a unital *-algebra, an element U of the algebra is called a unitary element if U*U = UU* = I, where I is the identity element." }, { "docid": "1453814", "title": "-", "text": "the system is usually defined as the chemical reaction and the boundary is the container in which the reaction is run in the course of the reaction heat is either given off or absorbed by the system furthermore the system either does work on it surroundings or has work done on it by its surroundings" }, { "docid": "5699361", "title": "unitarian", "text": "Definition of unitarian. 1 1a often capitalized : one who believes that the deity exists only in one personb capitalized : a member of a denomination that stresses individual freedom of belief, the free use of reason in religion, a united world community, and liberal social action. 2 2 : an advocate of unity or a unitary system." }, { "docid": "592235", "title": "Unitary Form of Government, Definition & Characteristics of Unitary State", "text": "Although the state is divided in provinces and other units but these divisions are administrative in their nature. These sub-divisions completely work under the supervision and control of the central government. In unitary form of government, the political authority is centralized." }, { "docid": "4867304", "title": "Government of Thailand", "text": "The Government of Thailand, or formally the Royal Thai Government (RTG) (Thai: รัฐบาลไทย; rtgs: Ratthaban Thai), is the unitary government of the Kingdom of Thailand." }, { "docid": "6301235", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Devolution differs from federalism in that the devolved powers of the subnational authority may be temporary and ultimately reside in central government, thus the state remains, de jure unitary.evolution differs from federalism in that the devolved powers of the subnational authority may be temporary and ultimately reside in central government, thus the state remains, de jure unitary." }, { "docid": "2834829", "title": "Attentional shift", "text": "According to the unitary resource model of attention, there is a single resource of attention divided among different tasks in different amounts, and attention is voluntarily shifted when demands on attention needed exceeds the limited supply of attentional resource available." }, { "docid": "6444044", "title": "-", "text": "Censorship is unitary and non-discretionary --those subject to it don t have the option of communicating. In contrast the dyad of a confidential professional relationship is discretionary for one party such as the client and with the client s permission, a doctor or lawyer may reveal confidential information." }, { "docid": "3763963", "title": "Federation", "text": "It is often part of the philosophy of a unitary state that, regardless of the actual status of any of its parts, its entire territory constitutes a single sovereign entity or nation-state, and that by virtue of this the central government exercises sovereignty over the whole territory as of right." }, { "docid": "3431036", "title": "Poured in Place Rubber", "text": "More Design Options, More Fun. A popular unitary surface choice, Poured in Place (PIP) Rubber is one of the best surfaces for ADA accessibility. A wide range of colors allows you to add an element of graphic fun to the playground by creating inlaid shapes and themed designs.ore Design Options, More Fun. A popular unitary surface choice, Poured in Place (PIP) Rubber is one of the best surfaces for ADA accessibility. A wide range of colors allows you to add an element of graphic fun to the playground by creating inlaid shapes and themed designs." }, { "docid": "2032496", "title": "Philippines", "text": "The Philippines (/ˈfɪlɨpiːnz/ ; Filipino: Pilipinas [ˌpɪlɪˈpinɐs]), officially known as the Republic of the Philippines (Filipino: Republika ng Pilipinas), is a sovereign island country in Southeast Asia situated in the western Pacific Ocean.he Philippines has a democratic government in the form of a constitutional republic with a presidential system. It is governed as a unitary state with the exception of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao which is largely free from the national government." }, { "docid": "3089297", "title": "Federalism & the Supremacy Clause: Definition & Example", "text": "In a federalist government, the power is divided between the national government and other governmental units. This is different from a unitary government, where one unit holds the power. It is also different from a confederation, which is an association of independent governmental units." }, { "docid": "2951891", "title": "EKSOUZIAN v. ALBANESE", "text": "(SA II(B).) As discussed infra, this definition of a unitary mark closely mirrors the common law definition of a unitary mark, as discussed in the applicable precedent and the Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure published by the United States Patent and Trademark Office." }, { "docid": "1747323", "title": "-", "text": "An organ system is made from a group of different organs, which all work together to do a particular job. Here are some examples of organ systems: circulatory system. respiratory system. digestive system. nervous system." }, { "docid": "1871716", "title": "-", "text": "The Sinhala liberal now cannot reasonably reject reform of the unitary state on the basis that it is simply a concession to Tamil nationalism. What separates this Sinhala liberal from the Sinhala nationalist is the willingness to reform the unitary state on moral grounds. The Sinhala nationalist rejects this." }, { "docid": "6827499", "title": "Unitary executive theory", "text": "The Unitary Executive Theory is a theory of American constitutional law holding that the President possesses the power to control the entire executive branch.The doctrine is rooted in Article Two of the United States Constitution, which vests the executive power of the United States in the President.roponents of a strongly unitary theory argue that the president possesses all of the executive power and can therefore control subordinate officers and agencies of the executive branch. This implies that the power of Congress to remove executive agencies or officers from Presidential control is limited." }, { "docid": "6232894", "title": "ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY", "text": "The Annamalai University is a unitary, teaching, and residential university. It was founded by the munificence of the farsighted and noble hearted philanthropist and patron of letters the late Honble Dr. Rajah Sir Annamalai Chettiar of Chettinad, Kt, LL.D., D.Litt." }, { "docid": "7276829", "title": "-", "text": "Organ systems often work together to do complicated tasks. For example, after a large meal is eaten, several organ systems work together to help the digestive system obtain more blood to perform its functions. The digestive system enlists the aid of the cardiovascular system and the nervous system (see Overview of the Nervous System)." }, { "docid": "7938774", "title": "What county is liverpool in?", "text": "Liverpool has been in the metropolitan county of Merseyside since 1974. However, in 1986, the county council was dissolved, effectively leaving the City of Liverpool as a unitary authority (even though Merseyside remains as a Ceremonial County). Prior to 1974, Liverpool was in Lancashire." } ]
how does asparagus affect urine
[ { "docid": "6409159", "title": "-", "text": "Asparagus contains a sulphurous compound called mercaptan (which is also found in rotten eggs, onions and garlic). When your digestive system breaks down mercaptan, by-products are released that cause the strange smell. The process is so quick that your urine can develop the distinctive smell within 15 to 30 minutes of eating asparagus. Not everyone suffers this effect; your genetic makeup may determine whether your urine has the odour -- or whether you can actually smell it." }, { "docid": "3898447", "title": "Why Your Pee Smells Funny After Eating Asparagus", "text": "A: It's totally normal. In fact, the effect of asparagus on urine odor has been observed for centuries. Depending on which study you read, between 22% and 50% of the population report having pungent pee after eating asparagus. But that doesn't mean only some people's bodies generate that smell." } ]
[ { "docid": "8368626", "title": "How to Store Asparagus", "text": "Choose the freshest possible asparagus. Fresh asparagus should be bright green and firm from the tips all the way down the stalks. Check the bottom of the stalks: if they're tough and brown, that means the asparagus was not freshly cut. Avoid asparagus with discoloration or brown spots." }, { "docid": "4343168", "title": "Catecholamines - Blood", "text": "You should not eat these foods for several days before the test. This is especially true if both blood and urine catecholamines are to be measured. You should also avoid stressful situations and vigorous exercise. Both can affect the accuracy of the test results." }, { "docid": "6452326", "title": "-", "text": "4. Cook the asparagus. Carefully drop the asparagus into the boiling water and cook it until the spears turn bright green. This usually takes between 2-4 minutes, depending on the size (or diameter) of the stalks. 1 Start counting the blanching time as soon as the water returns to a boil after adding in the asparagus." }, { "docid": "6960628", "title": "-", "text": "Potentially harmful causes of urine odor. Urine odor may be caused by infection, inflammation, or other conditions of the urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra) or the reproductive organs. Urine odor can also be caused by diseases that affect the urinary tract as well as other organs and body systems. Causes of urine odor related to the urinary tract include: Cystitis (bladder inflammation or infection), which can produce a foul urine odor." }, { "docid": "6172663", "title": "Urine Odor: Symptoms & Signs", "text": "Normal urine is clear and has a straw-yellow color. While the odor of urine can vary somewhat, in most cases, it does not have a strong smell.With dehydration, the urine is more concentrated and may have a stronger ammonia scent than normal.Consumption of certain foods, such as asparagus (which can impart a characteristic odor to urine), and taking some medications may be causes for changes in the odor of urine.he presence of bacteria in the urine, such as with a urinary tract infection (UTI), can affect the appearance and smell of urine. When there is an infection in the urinary tract, the urine may take on a foul-smelling odor as well as appear cloudy or bloody." }, { "docid": "5159155", "title": "How to Cook Asparagus", "text": "1 Place the asparagus in the water and let it cook for 2 1/2 - 3 minutes. 2 Test an asparagus spear for doneness-it should still be crispy, not limp. 3 If you wish, plunge the asparagus in a bowl of ice water to cool it down. Place the asparagus in the water and let it cook for 2 1/2 - 3 minutes. 2 Test an asparagus spear for doneness-it should still be crispy, not limp. 3 If you wish, plunge the asparagus in a bowl of ice water to cool it down." }, { "docid": "4379346", "title": "-", "text": "1 Asparagus-An Early Spring Treat – Asparagus is an attractive and delicious perennial vegetable that can thrive in the home garden for 25 years or more…. 2 Asparagus in Your Garden – Asparagus is a delicacy that should be in more West Virginia gardens." }, { "docid": "5705829", "title": "Top 8 Foods for Kidney Infection: Milk, Celery, Vitamin B Fruits", "text": "Legumes is also a beneficial foods for infections and it is rich in vitamin B which is good fighter against inflammation. Asparagus. Asparagus is extremely high in vitamin C and folate, both powerful fighters of kidney infection." }, { "docid": "6523847", "title": "-", "text": "Freezing asparagus by either the traditional or vacuum sealing are both excellent ways to preserve the delicate flavor of asparagus for use throughout the year. Asparagus freezes well and can be used in all recipes requiring fresh asparagus, including casseroles, soups, and steamed." }, { "docid": "4477248", "title": "Bright yellow urine", "text": "If you try drinking more water, your urine will dilute. Urine gets it’s yellow color of the major waste product of the blood urobilin. The more concentrated it is the darker it appears and opulently, more water you take, color of urine will be more clearer. Asparagus is a veggie that can color your urine bright yellow." }, { "docid": "6507503", "title": "Asparagus Harvesting â How And When To Pick Asparagus", "text": "Removing the spears for more than a month during this important year of growth will weaken and possibly kill the plant. Asparagus harvesting should begin when the stems are five to eight inches long and as big around as your finger. Of course, the width will vary from male to female plants.Length may dictate when to pick asparagus, but you will want to get it early enough in the season that it is tender.lanting asparagus from seed allows one to grow any variety of the vegetable, but growing from one year old crowns allows for harvesting asparagus more quickly, three years after planting crowns. Learning how to pick asparagus ensures the lifespan of your asparagus bed." }, { "docid": "6175079", "title": "-", "text": "Urine odor can be a symptom of a variety of conditions, including infection, inflammation, or other conditions of the urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra). Urine odor can also be caused by diseases, such as diabetes and dehydration, which affect the urinary tract as well as other body systems." }, { "docid": "2526847", "title": "How to Cook 20 Vegetables", "text": "Heat a large frying pan over high heat, add cooking oil or butter and asparagus and cook, stirring, until the asparagus is tender, about 5 minutes depending on how thick the spears are. Try this recipe for Sauteed Asparagus and Morels to get a real hit of spring. Steamed Asparagus With Vinaigrette and Egg.o Microwave asparagus: Set asparagus in a microwave-safe baking dish, add 2 tablespoons of water, cover, and microwave on high until tender, 2 to 3 minutes. Let stand, still covered, another 3 minutes or so." }, { "docid": "593260", "title": "Pay attention to the color and smell of your urine", "text": "When you notice that your urine has changed color, or there’s a strange odor emanating from the toilet, the cause might be something as harmless as what you had for dinner such as asparagus. It also might be a sign of a more serious condition, such as an infection or cancer." }, { "docid": "8181793", "title": "Overview", "text": "Vitamins and supplements If you take B vitamins, high doses of vitamin C, or beta carotene, this might turn your urine bright yellow or orange. Beta carotene, which your body converts to vitamin A, is the substance that makes carrots and other vegetables orange, so it stands to reason that it could affect your urine as well! Even eating foods rich in beta carotene could change your urine to a darker yellow or orange color." }, { "docid": "4780254", "title": "Dark Urine", "text": "1 Asparagus makes dark yellow or even green urine. 2 It is usually accompanied by a stronger urine odor. 3 Beets can give you red urine. 4 The urine will be a reddish tint. 5 If your urine has more than a reddish tint, see a doctor immediately." }, { "docid": "2587324", "title": "Urine Odor: Symptoms & Signs", "text": "Consumption of certain foods, such as asparagus (which can impart a characteristic odor to urine), and taking some medications may be causes for changes in the odor of urine. The presence of bacteria in the urine, such as with a urinary tract infection (UTI), can affect the appearance and smell of urine. When there is an infection in the urinary tract, the urine may take on a foul-smelling odor as well as appear cloudy or bloody." }, { "docid": "658485", "title": "Asparagus Wrapped in Bacon", "text": "1 Cut 1/2 inch to 1 inch off the end of the asparagus. 2 The asparagus should be at least 4 to 5 inches long. Toss the asparagus with olive oil- just enough to lightly coat and add a touch of salt and pepper (optional)." }, { "docid": "6608261", "title": "How to Grow Asparagus", "text": "Don't harvest asparagus for the first two years after the crowns are planted. This will allow a good root system to develop. Opinions vary but normally asparagus is harvested when it is about 15cm (6in) tall." }, { "docid": "3559149", "title": "-", "text": "Now that our water has been salted, we take our asparagus tips into simmering salted water and allow them to cook. We are going to need about 60 seconds to blanch the asparagus tips. I kind of like my asparagus a little bit on the crunchy side, we are looking for an al dente vegetable so I say 60 seconds." }, { "docid": "8607501", "title": "Asparagus Fern", "text": "Asparagus Fern. a.k.a., Emerald Fern - Foxtail Fern - Plumosa Fern. Asparagus densiflorus 'Sprengeri'. The Asparagus Fern, really a member of the Lily family, has three popular varieties, all easy for any Indoor Gardener to grow in pots or in hanging baskets. The most common - Asparagus Sprengeri - is covered on this page." }, { "docid": "4680244", "title": "How to Make Homemade Canned Pickled Asparagus", "text": "And thanks to the vinegar in pickled asparagus, you can use either a plain open water bath pot or a pressure canner (which will also let you can low acid vegetables!) If you can a pressure canner, you can also make canned asparagus (without pickling) - see this page. So, here's how to can pickled asparagus!" }, { "docid": "2621406", "title": "Shatavari: Benefits And How To Prepare", "text": "Shatavari can be found in the market in the form of granules. This powder form can be mixed with milk and you can take it around two times a day for the best results. As a member of the asparagus family (asparagus racemosus), it is also referred to as the Indian asparagus." }, { "docid": "3457982", "title": "Bladder Diseases", "text": "The bladder is a hollow organ in your lower abdomen that stores urine. Many conditions can affect your bladder. Some common ones are. Cystitis - inflammation of the bladder, often from an infection. Urinary incontinence - loss of bladder control. Overactive bladder - a condition in which the bladder squeezes urine out at the wrong time." }, { "docid": "6507068", "title": "How to Steam Vegetables", "text": "How Long to Steam Vegetables. Asparagus: On the stovetop, asparagus are steamed approximately four minutes for thin spears. Add an extra minute or two for thicker spears. For asparagus, time steaming in the microwave is relatively the same: four to six minutes." }, { "docid": "981938", "title": "How to Cook Asparagus on the Stove in Easy and Tasty Ways", "text": "Boiling Asparagus on the Stove. This is the easiest way for cooking asparagus spears. All you need is to heat water in a thick skillet until it boils, and then introduce pre-cut asparagus stalks. So, to start with cooking fresh asparagus on the stove, pour water in a large skillet and heat it over medium high heat.irst of all, tie the prepared asparagus spears with a string and place in a pan. Fill water to about two-third of the asparagus height, and heat. As you wait for the water to boil, prepare dressing by mixing 2 tablespoons each of olive oil and lemon juice with salt and water." }, { "docid": "147698", "title": "-", "text": "Asparagus is a plant that is relatively low in toxins and goats have a high tolerance for toxins. It is safe to feed goats asparagus, and it will not poison them. 4 people found this useful." }, { "docid": "3470911", "title": "Urine odor", "text": "Most changes in urine odor are not a sign of disease and go away in time. Some foods and medicines, including vitamins, may affect your urine's odor. For example, eating asparagus causes a distinct urine odor. Foul-smelling urine may be due to bacteria. Sweet-smelling urine may be a sign of uncontrolled diabetes or a rare disease of metabolism. Liver disease and certain metabolic disorders may cause musty-smelling urine. Some conditions that can cause changes in urine odor include: Bladder fistula." }, { "docid": "2911926", "title": "Fun food fact of the week: Why asparagus makes urine smell funny", "text": "Therefore, certain people simply do not have the metabolic ability to create asparagus urine. The other school of thought regarding asparagus’ odoriferous effects on urination is that the DNA code-associated nasal receptors that detect the specific compounds created by asparagus urine only exist in some people." }, { "docid": "1042712", "title": "Calcium in Plant-Based Diets", "text": "A number of factors affect calcium loss from the body: Diets that are high in protein cause more calcium to be lost through the urine. Protein from animal products is much more likely to cause calcium loss than protein from plant foods." } ]
how does esomeprazole action
[ { "docid": "6560521", "title": "Esomeprazole 40mg Capsules (Generic Nexium)", "text": "Esomeprazole decreases stomach acid, so it may change how well these products work. Some affected products include atazanavir, erlotinib, nelfinavir, pazopanib, rilpivirine, certain azole antifungals (itraconazole, ketoconazole, posaconazole), among others. Esomeprazole is very similar to omeprazole." } ]
[ { "docid": "667120", "title": "-", "text": "Principles of Action Research and Action Learning: An Invitation to Dialogue The Action Learning, Action Research Association Inc (ALARA) is a not‐for‐profit organisation whose members using Action Learning / Action Research in their professional work. ALARA's purpose is to promote the study, practice, research and teaching of Action Learning and Action Research and to bring together those who have a professional interest in Action Learning and Action Research. The ten principles below have been developed by ALARA members as a starting point for discussion" }, { "docid": "8208306", "title": "How to take control of the Action Center in Windows 10", "text": "Check below for a quick rundown of the Action Center in the latest production build of Windows 10, currently build 14393, along with tutorials for toggling notifications on and off. Action Center highlights. The Action Center can be broken down into two basic sections." }, { "docid": "1893241", "title": "-", "text": "About Action Games. The newest Action Games is Super Cowboy Run, added on May 25 2016 at 00:00:00 and the most played Action Games is The Torture 2 There are 521 Action Games, we add new games every day and only the best Action Games!" }, { "docid": "2578152", "title": "act", "text": "Usage Note: Act and action both mean a deed and the process of doing.. However, other senses of act, such as a decision made by a legislative body and of action, such as habitual or vigorous activity show that act tends to refer to a deed while action tends to refer to the process of doing." }, { "docid": "476863", "title": "-", "text": "1 omeprazole (Prilosec, Prilosec OTC), 2 lansoprazole (Prevacid, Prevacid 24-Hour), 3 dexlansoprazole (Dexilent, Kapidex) 4 rabeprazole (Aciphex), 5 pantoprazole (Protonix), 6 esomeprazole (Nexium), and. Zegarid, a rapid release form of omeprazole." }, { "docid": "7260219", "title": "Proton pump inhibitors", "text": "Side effects may vary from drug to drug. 1 Omeprazole (Prilosec), also available over-the-counter (without a prescription) 2 Esomeprazole (Nexium), also available over-the-counter (without a prescription) 3 Lansoprazole (Prevacid) 4 Rabeprazole (AcipHex) 5 Pantoprazole (Protonix) 6 Dexlansoprazole (Dexilant)" }, { "docid": "3320300", "title": "Nexium", "text": "Esomeprazole works by reducing the amount of acid the stomach produces. This medication may be available under multiple brand names and/or in several different forms. Any specific brand name of this medication may not be available in all of the forms or approved for all of the conditions discussed here." }, { "docid": "2681916", "title": "-", "text": "If any of the following side effects occur while taking esomeprazole, check with your doctor immediately: 1 Bloody, black, or tarry stools. 2 chest pain or chest tightness. 3 cough. 4 difficulty with swallowing. 5 dizziness. 6 excess air or gas in the stomach. 7 fast heartbeat." }, { "docid": "236378", "title": "Affective forecasting, intentions and why we procrastinate", "text": "We take action or make intentions for action believing that the action will make us feel better. This is the perceived hedonic consequence of future events. The trouble is, the research on affective forecasting shows that we're terrible at predicting how we will feel in the future." }, { "docid": "6197235", "title": "What is a verb?", "text": "A verb is a word that expresses an action or a state of being. As you can see from that definition, there are two main categories of verbs: action verbs and state of being verbs (also known as linking verbs).Because action verbs and linking verbs are strong enough to be used in sentences all by themselves, they are called main verbs.lick here to see a list of all 24 helping verbs and to hear the helping verbs song! The reason that these guys don't get any of the fame that action and linking verbs get is because they don't stand alone as main verbs. Helping verbs always help either an action verb or a linking verb." }, { "docid": "7545846", "title": "dynamic verb", "text": "Share. By Richard Nordquist. Definition: A verb used primarily to indicate an action, process, or sensation as opposed to a state. Also called an action verb or an event verb.Contrast with stative verb.efinition: A verb used primarily to indicate an action, process, or sensation as opposed to a state. Also called an action verb or an event verb." }, { "docid": "405651", "title": "-", "text": "The following more severe and rare side effects have also been reported. Esomeprazole, as with other proton pump inhibitors, is linked to a higher risk of developing hip fractures, as well as diarrhea linked to clostridium difficile." }, { "docid": "4247371", "title": "Theories of learning", "text": "Action Learning. Action Learning is the approach that links the world of learning with the world of action through a reflective process within small cooperative learning groups known as 'action learning sets' (McGill & Beaty 1995)." }, { "docid": "3985939", "title": "CREATE SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION (Transact-SQL)", "text": "Name of the server audit specification. audit_name. Name of the audit to which this specification is applied. audit_action_group_name. Name of a group of server-level auditable actions. For a list of Audit Action Groups, see SQL Server Audit Action Groups and Actions." }, { "docid": "2104224", "title": "interaction", "text": "Noun. 1. interaction-a mutual or reciprocal action; interacting. action-something done (usually as opposed to something said); there were stories of murders and other unnatural actions. interplay-reciprocal action and reaction." }, { "docid": "1909760", "title": "Bernstein Liebhard LLP", "text": "A class action is a representative action that allows a person or entity to commence a lawsuit on behalf of other persons or entities who are in the same or similar circumstances. A class action is appropriate when many people have been affected by an unlawful course of conduct in a similar fashion." }, { "docid": "8394115", "title": "Utilitarianism", "text": "Utilitarianism is an ethical theory which states that the best action is the one that maximizes utility. Utility is defined in various ways, usually in terms of the well-being of sentient entities. Jeremy Bentham, the founder of utilitarianism, described utility as the sum of all pleasure that results from an action, minus the suffering of anyone involved in the action. Utilitarianism is a version of consequentialism, which states that the consequences of any action are the only standard of ri" }, { "docid": "4079826", "title": "-", "text": "Triple therapy — The regimen most commonly recommended for first line treatment of H. pylori is triple therapy with a PPI (lansoprazole 30 mg twice daily, omeprazole 20 mg twice daily, pantoprazole 40 mg twice daily, rabeprazole 20 mg twice daily, or esomeprazole 20 mg twice daily or esomeprazole 40 mg once daily), amoxicillin (1 g twice daily), and ..." }, { "docid": "3448522", "title": "The best action camera 2018: top 12 cameras rated", "text": "There are an awful lot of action cameras out there, so it can be tricky to find the one that's right for you. We think the best action camera right now is the GoPro Hero6 Black, but that might not be the best action cam for you, so we’ve got 11 other excellent Hero6 alternatives." }, { "docid": "8418191", "title": "derivative action", "text": "Also found in: Legal, Financial, Wikipedia. derivative action. Control action in which the speed at which a correction is made depends on how fast the system error is increasing. Also known as derivative compensation; rate action." }, { "docid": "3450543", "title": "-", "text": "Affirmative action should no longer be used. Affirmative action is reverse prejudice against Caucasians. With affirmative action in place Caucasians are looked at less than other ethnic groups. Affirmative action was a good policy back when race was a controversial problem but for the most part that problem is no longer. Our country has evolved and no longer faces prejudice, now this is just an unfair advantage for minorities." }, { "docid": "6578368", "title": "-", "text": "NOTE: Pendent party jurisdiction is pendent jurisdiction in which the pendent cause of action brings in a new party. Ancillary Jurisdiction. Joined cause of action arises out of the common nucleus of operative facts as a cause of action with an independent source of federal SMJ. AND is." }, { "docid": "5649145", "title": "-", "text": "Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunities 1. Introduction. The intent of affirmative action is to remedy past discrimination, eliminate barriers, and. create a level playing field that is inclusive of everyone. The State of Minnesota has a. strong commitment to affirmative action, diversity, and equal opportunity. Affirmative action, diversity, and equal opportunity are related, though differing, concepts. Affirmative action anticipates that positive steps will be taken on the part of the state as an. employer to provide a fair, nondiscriminatory workplace." }, { "docid": "7488533", "title": "-", "text": "2) It may also be wise to scatter several calls to action throughout the site making the most of synonyms and encouraging words to: 1 Explain how to make an action (e.g. “Click here to buy”); Use ‘softer’ calls-to-action (e.g. “try it” instead of “buy it”);" }, { "docid": "7361021", "title": "-", "text": "Step 2. **We will need an action to perform batch watermarking in Photoshop. Open the **Actions **tool window, click the “ Create new action ” button. Enter your action name (e.g. “watermark”) and click the **Record button.Photoshop will start recording all of your actions inside it.*We will need an action to perform batch watermarking in Photoshop. Open the **Actions **tool window, click the “ Create new action ” button. Enter your action name (e.g. “watermark”) and click the **Record button. Photoshop will start recording all of your actions inside it." }, { "docid": "5291860", "title": "-", "text": "Undo the last action or actions that you made. To undo an action, do one or more of the following: Click Undo on the Quick Access Toolbar. Keyboard shortcut Press CTRL+Z or F2. For the F2 function key to undo your last action, you might need to press the F-Lock key." }, { "docid": "5205199", "title": "Your mouth and digestion", "text": "The first step of the digestive process in your mouth is the break down of food into smaller pieces which is performed by the combined mechanical action of your teeth, tongue, and jaw. In addition to this mechanical action, your mouth is host to enzymatic action." }, { "docid": "7851496", "title": "Description and Brand Names", "text": "Naproxen and esomeprazole combination is used to relieve the symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. It is used for patients who have an increased risk for stomach ulcers and who need to take a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) for arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis." }, { "docid": "7458445", "title": "-", "text": "When magnesium sulfate is admin IV, the onset of action is immediate and the duration of action is about 30 min. Following IM admin of the drug, the onset of action occurs in about 1 hr and the duration of action is 3-4 hr. McEvoy, G.K. (ed.). American Hospital Formulary Service- Drug Information 2002." }, { "docid": "5869539", "title": "statute of limitations", "text": "In cases where a cause of action has been fraudulently concealed, the statute of limitations is tolled until the action is, or could have been, discovered through the exercise of due diligence. Ordinarily, silence or failure to disclose the existence of a cause of action does not toll the statute." } ]
how does fish reproduce
[ { "docid": "5703980", "title": "How Do Fish Reproduce?", "text": "The release of fish eggs and their subsequent fertilization is called spawning. Most marine fish reproduce by releasing thousands of small eggs into the water for external fertilization. Egg-laying fish have a variety of methods for releasing the eggs. Some fish scatter eggs, which are fertilized by the male fish as they fall. Other fish attach the eggs to a surface, where they are then fertilized as they are released. Some fish release eggs into a nest of bubbles blown by the male fish." } ]
[ { "docid": "885556", "title": "pisciculture [ËpɪsɪËkÊltÊÉ]", "text": "Worldwide, the most important fish species used in fish farming are carp, salmon, tilapia and catfish. There is an increasing demand for fish and fish protein, which has resulted in widespread overfishing in wild fisheries, China holding 62 percent of the world's fish farming practice.Fish farming offers fish marketers another source.here is an increasing demand for fish and fish protein, which has resulted in widespread overfishing in wild fisheries, China holding 62 percent of the world's fish farming practice. Fish farming offers fish marketers another source." }, { "docid": "4236900", "title": "Halal Fish â List of Common Fish names in English, French, Latin and Arabic?", "text": "Halal Fish – Fish with Scales. According to the grand majority of Scholars in the School of Ahlulbait, Fish with Scales and Prawns are the only Seafood Halal to eat.List of Halal Fish names in English, Arabic, French and Latin.alal Fish – Fish with Scales. According to the grand majority of Scholars in the School of Ahlulbait, Fish with Scales and Prawns are the only Seafood Halal to eat." }, { "docid": "5986739", "title": "Fish Research", "text": "There are three distinct groups of fish that ichthyologists study: bony fish, cartilaginous fish, and jawless fish. Ichthyology has a long history that began with simple observations and descriptions of fish over 200 years. The first known recorded observations of fish were documented by Pierre Belon in the 1500’s." }, { "docid": "1644756", "title": "Black Bear Biology & Behavior", "text": "Black bear females do not reproduce until they are three to five years old but some may be as old as seven when they first produce young. Females normally breed every other year and have an average of two cubs, but can have one to five." }, { "docid": "1622990", "title": "How to Bake Fish", "text": "Dressed and pan-dressed fish: Dressed fish means ready-to-cook fish with organs, scales, and fins removed. Pan-dressed fish is a dressed fish with the head and tail removed. Weigh a dressed or pan-dressed fish before cooking, then bake, uncovered, in a preheated 350 degrees F oven for 6 to 9 minutes per 8 ounces. Fish steaks and fillets: A fish steak is a ready-to-cook cross-cut slice from a large dressed fish (usually 1/2 to 1 inch thick)." }, { "docid": "3664508", "title": "-", "text": "They are halal to eat. A fish doesn't have to be completely covered in scales to be allowed. Sayyid Khamene'i. Question: Our today's question is about the definition for fish to be halal. What are the criteria for a fish, that it can be accepted as halal.Can you give us a complete definition. As we know one of the criteria is, that a fish should have fish scale. Therefor our questions in this regard: 1.uestion: Our today's question is about the definition for fish to be halal. What are the criteria for a fish, that it can be accepted as halal. Can you give us a complete definition." }, { "docid": "4948790", "title": "What are secondary consumers?", "text": "Yes, a dolphin is a secondary consumer in that a dolphin eats fish. These fish often eat plants, making fish the primary consumers." }, { "docid": "8347848", "title": "4 Fish We Should Never Eat", "text": "Second, the animal itself can live to a tremendous age -- 90-year-old roughy are not uncommon (at least, they weren't before we started eating them all). Fish that live that long are generally not built to reproduce in great numbers; they have evolutionarily invested in longevity rather than in quantity of offspring." }, { "docid": "8840570", "title": "What does Sushi mean?", "text": "What is the translation into english. I dont know if it means raw fish or something else. Please help. I know that there is a translation to Raw fish and then into something else. Update: If Sushi does not mean raw fish, then what does it mean.1 following. 11 answers 11. dont know if it means raw fish or something else. Please help. I know that there is a translation to Raw fish and then into something else. Update: If Sushi does not mean raw fish, then what does it mean." }, { "docid": "935350", "title": "Puffer Fish", "text": "The smallest species of puffer fish in the world is the dwarf puffer fish (also known as the pea puffer fish and the pygmy puffer fish). The dwarf puffer fish is tiny growing to just an inch in length, which is a few centimetres.here are around 120 known species of puffer fish, the second most poisonous creature on the planet after the Golden Poison Frog. The puffer fish is found in tropical waters worldwide, but they rarely go into the cooler waters." }, { "docid": "7831531", "title": "Exception Not Caught", "text": "text/html 3/16/2007 8:15:50 PM Terry Coatta 0. Hi All --. We have encountered a situation in which an exception is being thrown and not caught by a catch clause that seems like it should catch it. We've written some small test programs to try and reproduce this behaviour, but are unable to. I have tried to reproduce the output that we are seeing below." }, { "docid": "6672466", "title": "Top 7 Aquaponics Fish Species", "text": "To complement this article, we highly recommend you to see what the most useful fish care products are and also the top 10 best fish food. Here are 7 different aquaponics fish species that can be used for either purpose.o complement this article, we highly recommend you to see what the most useful fish care products are and also the top 10 best fish food. Here are 7 different aquaponics fish species that can be used for either purpose." }, { "docid": "4097178", "title": "Reproduction of microorganisms", "text": "Bacteria usually reproduce by simply dividing in two. Each new bacterium is a clone of the original—they each contain a copy of the same DNA. This is called binary fission (bye-nair-ee fish-un).ome species can reproduce sexually. Some do both. Protozoa reproduce by binary fission, budding or a process called schizogony (skiz-og-uh-knee) . Schizogony is multiple fission: the cell's nucleus divides several times before the cell itself divides into multiple new cells, each with one of those new nuclei." }, { "docid": "6124340", "title": "-", "text": "Types of Mild White Fish. Fish can have a strong flavor or it can be mild. Those who favor mild often eat white fish, and there are many species to choose from. Any cut of fish that has too much of a fishy odor is typically bad but it does not necessarily mean that the fish has strong flavor." }, { "docid": "4505507", "title": "PLEASE HELP! Why must organisms reproduce? A: Organisms must reproduce to maintain genetic similarity in the species B: Organisms must reproduce to continue to build genetic diversity into the species C: Organisms must reproduce to continue the species D: Organisms must reproduce to produce haploid cells", "text": "A: Organisms must reproduce to maintain genetic similarity in the species. B: Organisms must reproduce to continue to build genetic diversity into the species. C: Organisms must reproduce to continue the species. D: Organisms must reproduce to produce haploid cells." }, { "docid": "8162277", "title": "Ocean Fish Pictures", "text": "Ocean Fish Pictures. Everyone knows what a fish is: from a pet goldfish to a wild sunfish, fish are globally recognized and are an important global protein source. In this slideshow, we will look at some of the most interesting and amazing species of fish that live in the ocean. Which fish gets its name from the 1950’s horror movie The Blob?" }, { "docid": "5637496", "title": "Binary Fission", "text": "Some Unusual Forms of Reproduction in Bacteria: There are groups of bacteria that use unusual forms or patterns of cell division to reproduce. Some of these bacteria grow to more than twice their starting cell size and then use multiple divisions to produce multiple offspring cells. Some other bacterial lineages reproduce by budding. Still others form internal offspring that develop within the cytoplasm of a larger mother cell." }, { "docid": "233139", "title": "Types of Fish", "text": "Types of Fish. Fish are broadly classified as Finfish and Shellfish. Finfish. Finfish are divided into white fish and oil-rich fish. White Fish. White fish are sometimes referred to as lean fish because all the oils are contained in the liver, which is removed during gutting." }, { "docid": "4812129", "title": "What's the difference between VIRUSES and LIVING CELLS?", "text": "Report Abuse. Viruses infect living cells and essentially make the cell a factory for producing more viruses. A virus has to have a living cell (a host cell) for it to reproduce. Living cells reproduce by a process of cell division called mitosis (or meiosis if it is a sex cell).iruses infect living cells and essentially make the cell a factory for producing more viruses. A virus has to have a living cell (a host cell) for it to reproduce." }, { "docid": "5125598", "title": "Seasoned Fish Fillets (Whiting)", "text": "I use Whiting Fish, but could likely use others. This is a great way to get your fish in, and doesn't taste fishy at all! I use Whiting Fish, but could likely use others. This is a great way to get your fish in, and doesn't taste fishy at all!" }, { "docid": "5206952", "title": "-", "text": "Free Shipping on Fish Mox Forte. Fish Mox Forte 100 Count is the most popular non-prescription Fish Antibiotic made by Thomas Labs.It is effective against a number of pathogentic bacteria associated with marine and freshwater ornamental fish diseases.0 Count Fish Mox 100 Count Fish Mox 30 Count Fish Mox Forte 100 Count Fish Mox Forte 100 Count Fish Mox - 2 Pack. 100 Count Fish Mox - 3 Pack." }, { "docid": "5202986", "title": "What Are the Functions of Mitosis in Unicellular & Multicellular Organisms?", "text": "Organisms that reproduce through mitosis make exact copies of themselves. This is why bacterial colonies are able to form from genetically identical individuals. Not all unicellular organisms reproduce through mitosis, but all bacteria, some unicellular protists and some fungi may undergo fission." }, { "docid": "4950823", "title": "Menopause in Animals", "text": "Menopause is less famously found in some species of fish, bird, and primates as well as elephants, opossums, and lab mice. It is interesting to study menopause in killer whales and pilot whales because unlike primates they live a long time after they are no longer able to reproduce.o where apes generally do not live long after menopause, a killer whale can live 40 years after menopause and a pilot whale can live 30 years after menopause." }, { "docid": "2667710", "title": "-", "text": "Parasite lice are highly host-specific, which means that they typically live, feed, and reproduce on a single species of animal. Lice that are parasites of dogs, cats, guinea pigs, birds, and livestock do not feed and do not reproduce on humans." }, { "docid": "1898738", "title": "-", "text": "In the wild, carnivorous fish such as salmon eat other fish. Therefore, feeds for farmed carnivorous fish (as well as many herbivorous fish) include fish oils and proteins as well as plant proteins, minerals, and vitamins that achieve the nutrition requirements of the fish and offer health benefits to humans.ishmeal is a natural and well-balanced source of high-quality protein. As ingredients in aquaculture feed, fishmeal and fish oil supply essential amino acids and fatty acids reflected in the normal diet of fish." }, { "docid": "1047698", "title": "-", "text": "5.4.1 Introduction. Most cells reproduce to form identical copies, or daughter cells, for the purpose of growth or repair. This process is called mitosis. However, parental gametes the sperm and egg cells are unique from all other cells in that they reproduce through a process called meiosis." }, { "docid": "1407955", "title": "Fangtooth", "text": "If a fangtooth wanders too close to the surface, it risks becoming a meal for larger fish species such as marlin or tuna. Fangtooth reproduce by laying eggs that hatch to reveal tiny plankton-sized larvae. Their spawning frequency is not well known, although it has been observed between June and August." }, { "docid": "6572538", "title": "Pan Fried Fish with Lemon and Parsley", "text": "Turn the fish only once. Knowing how long to cook the fish can be tricky. Several factors will influence the cooking time, such as the temperature of the pan, the density of the fish, the shape of the fish, the thickness, and the starting temperature of the fish." }, { "docid": "1838845", "title": "-", "text": "Leeches can harm a pond’s fish population if they become too numerous. They are also quite unsightly and often cited as being a reason why many people do not like to swim in ponds. Leeches like to reproduce in the mucky bottom of the pond." }, { "docid": "5439454", "title": "Does a Neutered Cat Still Have Sexual Urges?", "text": "If you're concerned that neutering your cat will irrevocably alter his personality, don't worry -- he'll be just fine. In fact, some cats don't even lose the urge to mate after they've been neutered, though try as they may -- and they sure will -- they won't ever be able to reproduce.f you're concerned that neutering your cat will irrevocably alter his personality, don't worry -- he'll be just fine. In fact, some cats don't even lose the urge to mate after they've been neutered, though try as they may -- and they sure will -- they won't ever be able to reproduce." } ]
how does levelized billing work
[ { "docid": "6182144", "title": "Levelized Billing Program", "text": "A levelized bill is based on the average of the previous 11 months electricity billing and the current month's billing for the service address. Levelized billing prevents drastic changes in your bill, even in the coldest or hottest months of the year. See below for examples of how levelized bills are calculated." } ]
[ { "docid": "3766204", "title": "The Truth About Medical Billing and Coding Jobs from Home", "text": "Another major benefit of medical billing and coding from your home is that you have the freedom to manage your own schedule, take as much or as little work as you want, and do what you want with your own time. You can take a break to stretch, eat, or relax at any time, and you can enjoy the comfort of your own home." }, { "docid": "8105954", "title": "-", "text": "modifier am Medical Billing Home | Free Newsletter | Affiliates | Medical Billing Resources | Medical Billing Business in a Box | Medical Billing Packages | About Us SMF 2.0.11 | SMF © 2015, Simple Machines" }, { "docid": "2446104", "title": "G8, G9 modifier", "text": "1 QK = Medical Direction of two, three, or four concurrent procedures (used for physician billing) 2 QY = Medical direction of one certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) by an anesthesiologist (used for physician billing) QZ = CRNA without medical direction by a physician (used for CRNA /AA billing)" }, { "docid": "8442153", "title": "Change in Billing date to ensure posting is in current period", "text": "All these documents are from the previous periods . All the errors are now resolved.Now I want to post all these in this period (Jan 2010). Can I change the billing date for this? If yes will the posting date be in the new period . I was just not very sure how will change in billing date affect the posting date . Also I want to post these billing docs only in this new period. 3 Replies." }, { "docid": "839518", "title": "Best Strategy for Setting Consultant Fees", "text": "If you put together a nice project plan, and clearly demonstrate to your prospective client how you will help them on a regular long-term basis, everything should come together. Whether you’re asking for $500/mo, $3,000 or $10,000/mo as your retainer fee, it doesn’t really matter.The principles and approach are all the same. The monthly fee you ask for will depend on the amount of value and hours you’ll be spending with this client each week and month.et your consulting fees as a monthly retainer. This means billing them each month on an agreed to price. And I recommend billing them at the beginning of each month for that month’s work." }, { "docid": "6607457", "title": "-", "text": "For each line of your account, you can only suspend your service for up to 180 days in a 365-day period. If you choose to suspend service without billing, then your billing will automatically resume at the same time that service resumes. I've suspended my service for the Other reason." }, { "docid": "8629173", "title": "AR Analyst Role in Medical Billing Claims Review Process", "text": "In a medical billing business, AR department acts as a hub around which other departments revolve. This department can gather and update lot of billing information which is required to settle a claim. Account analyst uses various reports available in billing software to identify claims which have not been settled." }, { "docid": "8271556", "title": "Meaningful use stage 2 certified", "text": "Medical Billing Compliance-Definition-Medical billing compliance refers to 2 main areas-HIPAA compliance and medical billing compliance with the insurance companies. HIPAA has rules and regulations in place to protect patient information when it comes to medical billing and medical practices." }, { "docid": "847037", "title": "-", "text": "Nephrology coding and billing professional. Billing and list of different. types of renal disease (majority of the billing codes used . In addition to E&M codes, CPT codes will be used in€. The. following are the steps used to identify medical groups for the GEM project. Step 1) All of . the CPT codes most." }, { "docid": "2164601", "title": "3.01: Introduction to Medical Billing", "text": "3.01: Introduction to Medical Billing. Medical billing is a complex and integral part of the modern health care industry. In this video, we’ll introduce you to billing and give you an idea of what activities a professional billing specialist completes every day. Next Video." }, { "docid": "8681321", "title": "Four Hours at the ER Is Expensive (And Why a Bag of Saline Costs $676)", "text": "In at around 11am, out by 2:30pm, give or take. What’s crazy about the billing is how the costs were appportioned. The ciprofloxacin (an antibiotic) cost $2.79. The urology and bacteriological/microbiological lab work ran to $206 ($174 for the bacteriology, $32 for the urology)." }, { "docid": "8442155", "title": "-", "text": "Billing month equals the number of days in the billing period divided by billing period duration in months. Billing month determines how far in advance recurrent fees for billing month resources are prepaid. Accounting for other resources is determined by billing period." }, { "docid": "987845", "title": "2.07: Intro to CPT Coding", "text": "CPT codes are an integral part of the billing process. CPT codes tell the insurance payer what procedures the healthcare provider would like to be reimbursed for. As such, CPT codes work in tandem with ICD codes to create a full picture of the medical process for the payer." }, { "docid": "6734226", "title": "-", "text": "The Address Verification System (AVS) is an advanced level of credit card security to help thwart identity theft. When a user makes an online purchase with a credit card their billing address is required. The house number portion and postal code of the billing address they enter is compared to the billing address on file for the card. If the address does not match then the transaction is declined." }, { "docid": "2645602", "title": "How Often do Credit Card Companies Report to Credit Bureaus", "text": "Billing Cycles Every Thirty Days. The simple answer to the primary question is that credit card companies report balances every thirty days, at the end of each billing cycle. Each credit card company divides its portfolio into many different billing cycles to even out the workflow." }, { "docid": "6744227", "title": "Eop Medical Billing", "text": "Eop Medical Billing. This is why some patients confuse an EOB with a medical bill. Like most medical billing transactions, EOBs consist of medical code, not only the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS Level I and Level II) codes, …. Explanation of Payments (EOP) Special Billing Procedures; Late Claim Filing; Welcome and Introduction." }, { "docid": "974319", "title": "-", "text": "consumers in a medical emergency is to stay out of billing disputes between insurers and out -of-. network providers. The Texas Legislature can remove consumers from the billing disputes by. patching the gaps in Texas’ succ essful, but tightly limited, balance- billing mediation process." }, { "docid": "7850625", "title": "-", "text": "In 5010, the billing provider must be a provider of health care services and can no longer be a billing service or clearinghouse. 4010 to 5010 Change: Billing Provider field can no longer state the information of a billing service or. clearinghouse." }, { "docid": "5063513", "title": "-", "text": "Medical Billing Coding Salary. Medical Billing Coding salaries, Medical Billing Coding benefits packages, Medical Billing Coding bonuses, Medical Billing Coding job descriptions, Medical Billing Coding statistics and Medical Billing Coding job openings." }, { "docid": "3999668", "title": "-", "text": "Enjoy the benefits of discounted services and convenience of monthly billing! Get rewarded with every Star Car Wash service you purchase! Star Car Wash wants to work with your Non-Profit Organization to sponsor your next Fund Raising Car Wash event!" }, { "docid": "4028053", "title": "Family First Health Administration & Billing Department", "text": "Administrative and billing staff are available 8:00am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday. Billing representatives are available to answer billing concerns toll free at 1-888-406-7143. For more information about Family First Health services, please fill out the following form, call us at (717) 845-8617 or email us at [email protected]. If you’d like to contact your medical provider, please consider signing up for our Patient Portal by clicking HERE." }, { "docid": "7422845", "title": "-", "text": "What makes MCC's Medical Billing and Coding Certificate program better than or distinct from similar programs at other institutions? You'll learn the latest programs including Medisoft® - Medical Practice Software and Encoder Pro. You can apply all credits from your Medical Billing and Coding Certificate towards your Health Information Technology AAS. In addition to the Medical Billing and Coding Certificate, we offer:" }, { "docid": "833486", "title": "-", "text": "If you do not have your bill send an email to billing questions below to request assistance. BILLING QUESTIONS/CUSTOMER SERVICE EMAIL. For general billing questions or comments, please email [email protected]. Please be sure to indicate your policy number and contact information in your email." }, { "docid": "7407589", "title": "Marginal approach can marginalize revenue", "text": "The marginal approach to billing can have a dramatic affect on your radiology practice. Marginal approach is a term used to describe a management philosophy adopted by many service providers in the billing industry. It warrants attention because of its dangerous consequences and prevalence in the industry. The marginal approach maximizes billing company profits at the expense of the group's revenue." }, { "docid": "7576839", "title": "MEDICARE PREMIUM COLLECTION CENTER (MPCC)", "text": "Home > Medical Terms for Billing and Coding > MEDICARE PREMIUM COLLECTION CENTER (MPCC) The contractor that handles all Medicare direct billing payments for direct billed beneficiaries. MPCC is located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Learn more about medical coding and billing, training, jobs and certification." }, { "docid": "7218839", "title": "Aetna filing deadline", "text": "Use this basic information on billing medical claims, filing appeals, and other information for this insurer. What do you need to know about Aetna? Use this basic information on billing medical claims, filing appeals, and other information for this insurer." }, { "docid": "5798915", "title": "Medical Billing and Coding", "text": "There are many careers for you to choose. Medical Billing and Coding should be high among your list of possible careers because it allows you to work in various institutions within the health sector, it also offers one of the best starting salaries for people holding medical certificates." }, { "docid": "6454777", "title": "Understanding Your Hospital Bill", "text": "Understanding Your Hospital Bill. We understand how confusing the hospital billing process can be. Our patient services representatives can help you understand the billing process and what portion of of billing will be your responsibility. If you have questions, please call a patient services representative toll-free at (855) 529-1668." }, { "docid": "1350299", "title": "How Much Can I Make With A Medical Billing And Coding Salary?", "text": "What Makes a Medical Billing and Coding Salary Vary So Much? What causes so much variation in the salaries of medical billers and coders? Depending on where you choose to work and what you choose to specialize in (if anything), your salary could vary quite a bit." }, { "docid": "5980139", "title": "What is Levelized Cost?", "text": "Solar and renewable energy systems fix your energy cost in time: Once installed, it will provide years of energy -- Levelized cost is the average cost of this renewable energy. Levelized Cost = Net Cost to install a renewable energy system divided by its expected life-time energy output." } ]
how does tay sachs disease affect the cell
[ { "docid": "4232371", "title": "Tay-Sachs Disease", "text": "Tay-Sachs diseases causes a progressive deterioration of nerve cells and of mental and physical abilities that begins around six months of age. The disease occurs when harmful quantities of cell membrane components known as gangliosides accumulate in the brain 's nerve cells." } ]
[ { "docid": "2277214", "title": "Tay-Sachs Disease", "text": "Tay-Sachs disease is a rare, inherited disease. It is a type of lipid metabolism disorder. It causes too much of a fatty substance to build up in the brain. This buildup destroys nerve cells, causing mental and physical problems. . Infants with Tay-Sachs disease appear to develop normally for the first few months of life." }, { "docid": "6429324", "title": "-", "text": "Tay-Sachs Disease. Tay-Sachs disease (the most severe form of Hexosaminidase A deficiency) is a progressive, fatal genetic condition that affects the nerve cells in the brain.eople with Tay-Sachs lack a specific protein (enzyme) called hexosaminidase A. This enzyme deficiency causes a fatty substance, GM2 ganglioside, to build up in the brain. It is this accumulation that causes the symptoms of Tay-Sachs." }, { "docid": "5608744", "title": "The Outrageous Cost of a Gene Test", "text": "About five cents per gene. One company, 23andMe, charges people $99 to see if they have gene variants that put them at higher risk for 120 diseases and whether they carry a known heritable mutation in an additional 50, including cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease and Tay-Sachs disease." }, { "docid": "2277219", "title": "Tay-Sachs and Who It Affects", "text": "Tay-Sachs disease is very rare in the general population. The genetic mutations that cause this disease are more common in people of Ashkenazi (eastern and central European) Jewish heritage than in those with other backgrounds." }, { "docid": "8755369", "title": "-", "text": "Other Diagnosis and Management Resources (8 links) 1 Baby's First Test: S, Beta-Thalassemia. 2 Baby's First Test: S, C Disease. 3 Baby's First Test: Sickle Cell Anemia. 4 GeneReview: Sickle Cell Disease. 5 Genomics Education Programme (UK) 6 Howard University Hospital Center for Sickle Cell Disease. 7 MedlinePlus Encyclopedia: Sickle Cell Anemia." }, { "docid": "4473133", "title": "-", "text": "We've asked every Goldman Sachs graduate employee who has written a review on TheJobCrowd to provide details on their starting salary and the page below shows you the average starting salary being earned. You can also see the specific comments that Goldman Sachs graduates made about their salary in their reviews.e've asked every Goldman Sachs graduate employee who has written a review on TheJobCrowd to provide details on their starting salary and the page below shows you the average starting salary being earned. You can also see the specific comments that Goldman Sachs graduates made about their salary in their reviews." }, { "docid": "6035766", "title": "-", "text": "Multiple myeloma is a cancer of the bone marrow. Its first symptoms may be back pain and broken bones in the spine. Blood and urine tests can detect the problem. Other forms of cancer that affect bones or bone marrow can also cause broken bones.Sickle Cell Disease. People with sickle cell disease may need to take medicines, including steroids, to control their symptoms. These medicines can lead to bone loss and osteoporosis.ts first symptoms may be back pain and broken bones in the spine. Blood and urine tests can detect the problem. Other forms of cancer that affect bones or bone marrow can also cause broken bones." }, { "docid": "810343", "title": "Tay-Sachs Disease", "text": "Tay-Sachs disease is caused by a defective gene on chromosome 15. When both parents carry the defective Tay-Sachs gene, a child has a 25% chance of developing the disease. The child must receive two copies of the defective gene -- one from each parent -- in order to become sick.If only one parent passes the defective gene to the child, the child is called a carrier.ack to Top Causes. Tay-Sachs disease occurs when the body lacks hexosaminidase A, a protein that helps break down a chemical found in nerve tissue called gangliosides. Without this protein, gangliosides, particularly ganglioside GM2, build up in cells, especially nerve cells in the brain." }, { "docid": "3461707", "title": "3-D Animation Library", "text": "Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disease that affects hemoglobin, the oxygen transport molecule in the blood. Duration: 1 minutes, 30 seconds. Disease & Mutation: Sickle Cell. Transcript: Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disease that affects hemoglobin, the oxygen transport molecule in the blood.The disease gets its name from to the shape of the red blood cells under certain conditions.ickle cell anemia is a genetic disease that affects hemoglobin, the oxygen transport molecule in the blood. Duration: 1 minutes, 30 seconds. Disease & Mutation: Sickle Cell. Transcript: Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disease that affects hemoglobin, the oxygen transport molecule in the blood." }, { "docid": "255151", "title": "-", "text": "Lysosomal storage disease is a group of disorders that affect specific enzymes in a specific location. These enzymes normally break down items for reuse in the cells.If the enzymes are missing or don't work properly, then the items can build up and become toxic. This happens in an area of the cell called lysosomes.ysosomal storage disease is a group of disorders that affect specific enzymes in a specific location. These enzymes normally break down items for reuse in the cells." }, { "docid": "6857500", "title": "Faq", "text": "Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder that affects red blood cells. People with sickle cell disease have red blood cells that contain mostly hemoglobin* S, an abnormal type of hemoglobin." }, { "docid": "2535627", "title": "What Happens During Convection", "text": "The material with the lower density rises above the material with a higher density. How do you think this convection cell might affect the crust material above it. I think the crust material would move in the same direction as the convection cell. The crust would move from point B towards point C in the convection cell." }, { "docid": "6429329", "title": "Tay-sachs Disease", "text": "A baby with Tay-Sachs disease appears healthy at birth, and seems to be developing normally for a few months. Symptoms generally appear by six months of age. While symptoms vary from one child to the next, there is always a slowing down of development.hen both parents are carriers, there is a 2 in 4 (50%) chance, with every pregnancy, of having a child who is a carrier. When only one parent is a carrier, there is no chance the child will have Tay-Sachs disease." }, { "docid": "952334", "title": "Protein Pile-up: Common Cause of Brain Disease", "text": "Even though neurodegenerative diseases have varied roots—and affect distinct cell types in different brain regions—they do share something in common. In most of these disorders, we see some type of toxic protein accumulating in the brain. It’s as if the brain’s garbage disposal system is blocked, letting the waste pile up. In Huntington’s disease, huntingtin is the disease-causing protein. In spinocerebellar ataxia, it’s the ataxins." }, { "docid": "219149", "title": "Are all mutation bad? ?", "text": "Few mutations are bad for you. In fact, some mutations can be beneficial. Over time, genetic mutations create genetic diversity, which keeps populations healthy. Many mutations have no effect at all. These are called silent mutations. But the mutations we hear about most often are the ones that cause disease. Some well-known inherited genetic disorders include cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, Tay-Sachs disease, phenylketonuria and color-blindness, among many others. All of these disorders are caused by the mutation of a single gene." }, { "docid": "1366621", "title": "-", "text": "As mentioned above, Tay-Sachs is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern. Only homozygotes for the mutant allele display the phenotype of Tay-Sachs. For a Tay-Sachs child to be born, both parents have to be carriers of the mutant allele. If this is the case, there is a 25% chance that this couple will have an affected child. However, two" }, { "docid": "1120478", "title": "-", "text": "The sickle red blood cells causes the symptoms of sickle cell disease. Children are born with sickle cell disease; it is not contagious. It occurs when a child inherits two sickle hemoglobin genes, one from each parent. About 2,000 babies are born with sickle cell disease each year in the United States.People who inherit only one sickle hemoglobin gene are carriers (sickle cell trait) and do not have anemia or painful sickle cell crises.They may, though, have a slightly higher incidence of certain conditions such as blood in the urine or urinary tract infections. About 2 million Americans have sickle cell trait.t occurs when a child inherits two sickle hemoglobin genes, one from each parent. About 2,000 babies are born with sickle cell disease each year in the United States. People who inherit only one sickle hemoglobin gene are carriers (sickle cell trait) and do not have anemia or painful sickle cell crises." }, { "docid": "4273143", "title": "-", "text": "Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) and giant cell arteritis (GCA) frequently affect the same types of people.The diseases may occur independently or in the same patient, either together or at different times.olymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) and giant cell arteritis (GCA) frequently affect the same types of people." }, { "docid": "5292579", "title": "Tested negative for syphilis, hepatitis and hiv. Does taking antibiotics affect the test results?", "text": "Thanks for posting your query. Taking Antibiotics will not affect the outcome of the results of HIV and Hepatitis in any way, as they are viral disease and antibiotics will have no action over the virus.But these antibiotics will definite affect the the outcome of the tests for Syphilis.hanks for posting your query. Taking Antibiotics will not affect the outcome of the results of HIV and Hepatitis in any way, as they are viral disease and antibiotics will have no action over the virus." }, { "docid": "6604684", "title": "Carrier screening for inherited genetic disorders", "text": "(Carriers don't usually have any symptoms of the disease.). If both you and your partner are carriers of a disorder like cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease, or Tay-Sachs disease, your child will have a one in four chance of inheriting one defective gene from each of you and having the disease.Carriers don't usually have any symptoms of the disease.). If both you and your partner are carriers of a disorder like cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease, or Tay-Sachs disease, your child will have a one in four chance of inheriting one defective gene from each of you and having the disease." }, { "docid": "6623977", "title": "Thymus", "text": "As the thymus is the organ of T-cell development, any congenital defect in thymic genesis or a defect in thymocyte development can lead to a profound T cell deficiency in primary immunodeficiency disease.s the thymus is the organ of T-cell development, any congenital defect in thymic genesis or a defect in thymocyte development can lead to a profound T cell deficiency in primary immunodeficiency disease." }, { "docid": "192932", "title": "What Causes Pain in Penis?", "text": "Penile pain can affect the base, shaft, or head of the penis. It can also affect the foreskin. An itching, burning, or throbbing sensation may accompany the pain. Penile pain can be a result of an accident or disease, and it can affect males of any age." }, { "docid": "3829618", "title": "Tay-Sachs Disease", "text": "Tay-Sachs Disease. Tay-Sachs disease (the most severe form of Hexosaminidase A deficiency) is a progressive, fatal genetic condition that affects the nerve cells in the brain." }, { "docid": "3081323", "title": "-", "text": "Sickle-cell disease. Sickle-cell disease (SCD) is a group of blood disorders typically inherited from a person's parents.[2] The most common type is known as sickle-cell anaemia (SCA). It results in an abnormality in the oxygen-carrying protein haemoglobin (hemoglobin S) found in red blood cells." }, { "docid": "5800565", "title": "-", "text": "A gene mutation can affect the cell in many ways. Some mutations stop a protein from being made at all. Others may change the protein that is made so that it no longer works the way it should or it may not even work at all. Some mutations may cause a gene to be turned on, and make more of the protein than usual.Some mutations don't have a noticeable effect, but others may lead to a disease. For example, a certain mutation in the gene for hemoglobin causes the disease sickle cell anemia.Cells become cancer cells largely because of mutations in their genes. Often many mutations are needed before a cell becomes a cancer cell.he mutations may affect different genes that control cell growth and division. Some of these genes are called tumor suppressor genes. Mutations may also cause some normal genes to become cancer-causing genes known as oncogenes (oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes are discussed in more detail later)." }, { "docid": "5845648", "title": "Genetic Diseases Can`t Be Cured", "text": "A-A genetic disease is any condition that is inherited, that is, transmitted through the genes from your parents. Just as you can inherit brown eyes or tallness, you can inherit certain diseases, such as Tay-Sachs, sickle-cell anemia, cystic fibrosis or other conditions. Genetic diseases should not be confused with birth defects. A birth defect may or may not have been inherited." }, { "docid": "5574415", "title": "How Are Diseases Inherited?", "text": "Autosomal Recessive. Examples of diseases inherited in autosomal recessive fashion include cystic fibrosis, hemachromatosis, and Tay-Sachs disease. It is possible for some diseases to test an individual to determine whether they are a carrier of a specific faulty gene." }, { "docid": "4232373", "title": "Tay-Sachs disease", "text": "Things to remember. 1 Tay-Sachs disease is a genetic condition common in Ashkenazi Jews and French-Canadians. 2 The faulty (mutated) gene stops the cells of the nervous system from producing an enzyme vital to the health of the brain and spinal cord." }, { "docid": "1086274", "title": "Autosomal recessive: cystic fibrosis (CF), sickle cell anemia (SC), Tay Sachs disease", "text": "Examples of autosomal recessive disorders include cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and Tay-Sachs disease. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a common, inherited, single-gene disorder, in Caucasians. People with CF produce mucus that is abnormally thick and sticky that can damage body organs." }, { "docid": "821960", "title": "Alone we are rare. Together we are strong.⥠Donate Today", "text": "Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL) is a rare form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, which is a group of related malignancies (cancers) that affect the lymphatic system (lymphomas). The lymphatic system functions as part of the immune system and helps to protect the body against infection and disease." } ]
how effective are flu shots
[ { "docid": "852056", "title": "CDC Admits Flu Shots Fail Half the Time", "text": "For years, the CDC has been promoting the notion that flu shots are between 70 and 90 percent effective in preventing influenza 16 and everybody needs to get vaccinated because type A and type B influenza causes more than 200,000 hospitalizations and 36,000 deaths in the U.S. every year." } ]
[ { "docid": "4515421", "title": "Stomach Flu (Gastroenteritis) Symptoms, Signs Treatment Remedies, Diet", "text": "Stomach flu (gastroenteritis) definition and facts; What is the stomach flu (gastroenteritis)? Are the stomach flu (gastroenteritis) and food poisoning the same condition? Are the stomach flu (gastroenteritis) and the flu (influenza) the same infection? What are the signs and symptoms of stomach flu (gastroenteritis)? What are the signs and symptoms of stomach flu (gastroenteritis) in children? How is the stomach flu (gastroenteritis) spread? Who gets the stomach flu (gastroenteritis)?" }, { "docid": "1148661", "title": "Flu Shot: The Vaccine and Its Side Effects", "text": "The flu vaccine is the best way to protect yourself from the influenza virus. You should get one every year, unless you have a medical reason not to. Flu season can begin as early as October and last as late as May. It’s best to get the vaccine as soon as it becomes available each fall. But you can still get vaccinated in January or later. The flu shot becomes effective about 2 weeks after you get it. Can the Vaccine Give Me the Flu? No. The viruses in the flu shot are dead. Even the nasal spray, which has a weak version of the flu virus, cannot give you the flu. What Are the Possible Side Effects? Most people have no problems from the vaccine. If you get the flu shot, you might have a mild" }, { "docid": "3841799", "title": "Key Facts About Seasonal Flu Vaccine", "text": "An annual seasonal flu vaccine (either the flu shot or the nasal spray flu vaccine) is the best way to reduce the chances that you will get seasonal flu and spread it to others. When more people get vaccinated against the flu, less flu can spread through that community.veryone 6 months of age and older should get a flu vaccine every season. This recommendation has been in place since February 24, 2010 when CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted for “universal” flu vaccination in the United States to expand protection against the flu to more people." }, { "docid": "7711705", "title": "-", "text": "Allergy shots have proved to be both a safe and effective way to treat a dog skin allergy. In fact, one study reported a 70% to 75% success rate for these shots.However, allergy shots can be slow to work, as it can be six to l2 months before you see an improvement.llergy shots have proved to be both a safe and effective way to treat a dog skin allergy. In fact, one study reported a 70% to 75% success rate for these shots." }, { "docid": "7655747", "title": "Hand-Washing - Topic Overview", "text": "Hand - washing is a simple and effective way to help prevent diseases, such as colds, flu, and food poisoning.When to wash your handsWashing hands:Often, especially during cold and flu (influenza) season, can reduce your risk of catching or spreading a cold or the flu.Before and after preparing or serving food reduces your risk of catching or spreading bacteria that cause food poisoning." }, { "docid": "2344188", "title": "Frequently Asked Flu Questions 2016-2017 Influenza Season", "text": "Options this season include: 1 Standard dose flu shots(https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/qa/flushot.htm). Most are given into the muscle (usually with a needle, but one can be given to some people with a jet injector). One is given into the skin(https://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/vaccine/qa_intradermal-vaccine.htm)." }, { "docid": "2955344", "title": "What is Raindrop Technique?", "text": "Raindrop Therapy is also a very effective detoxification and can assist you in eliminating symptoms associated with cold and flu, Herpes, Shingles, MRSA and a variety of other common conditions." }, { "docid": "2368573", "title": "Turpentine Health Benefits", "text": "Homeopaths have found that their medicines can prevent and treat various infections. There is not much research demonstrating the efficacy of the homeopathic medicines in preventing viral conditions, though there is some evidence that the medicines can be used to prevent other infectious diseases.pronounced o-cill-o-cock-i-num) is a medicine that homeopaths have found particularly effective in treating the flu. Its manufacturer, Boiron Laboratories of Lyon, France, have found that it is 80-90% effective in treating the flu when taken within 48 hours of onset of symptoms." }, { "docid": "7150688", "title": "Where to Get Cheap or Free Flu Shots", "text": "Most are not offering their flu shot prices online, but luckily I have a phone and made a few calls. Here is the pricing that I found (insurance acceptance varies and usual co-pay applies): Costco Flu Shots: No trivalent this year. $19.99 for quadrivalent. Costco is the cheapest on this list if you don’t have insurance. Flu shots at the Costco Pharmacy is one of the services you can get from Costco without a membership. CVS Flu shots: No trivalent (yet this year). $41 for quadrivalent. Walgreen’s Flu Shots: Costs $31.99 for trivalent. $39.99 for quadrivalent." }, { "docid": "2287090", "title": "Vaccine Effectiveness - How Well Does the Flu Vaccine Work?", "text": "See “Does flu vaccine effectiveness vary by type or subtype?” and “Why is flu vaccine typically less effective against influenza A H3N2 viruses?” for more information. What are factors that influence how well the vaccine works?" }, { "docid": "8168272", "title": "flu shots", "text": "In the United States, flu is most common in the wintertime and peaks between December and March. The flu vaccine is the single best way to prevent the flu. A flu shot is recommended every year because your body’s resistance to flu virus diminishes and the flu virus can change from season to season. A flu shot can take up to two weeks to reach maximum potency, which is why it’s recommended early in the flu season. Influenza can be spread to others up to 24 hours before a person develops symptoms and up to seven days after becoming sick." }, { "docid": "2938267", "title": "Flu", "text": "The flu is caused by an influenza virus. Most people get the flu when they breathe in tiny airborne droplets from the coughs or sneezes of someone who has the flu. You can also catch the flu if you touch something with the virus on it, and then touch your mouth, nose, or eyes.People often confuse colds and flu.he flu is caused by an influenza virus. Most people get the flu when they breathe in tiny airborne droplets from the coughs or sneezes of someone who has the flu. You can also catch the flu if you touch something with the virus on it, and then touch your mouth, nose, or eyes." }, { "docid": "8630574", "title": "How to Use Stableford Scoring", "text": "To calcualte how many stableford points you are scores, you need to work out your awarded shots on the particular hole. By working out the difference, you can quickly convert your shots into points. The table below shows how to strokes to points. Total Shots Played +/- Awarded Shots." }, { "docid": "6649783", "title": "-", "text": "GEHA has you covered The January issue of Health e-Report ® includes health resolutions for the new year, a reminder about flu shots and more. Plus: A recipe for chicken spaghetti." }, { "docid": "6740949", "title": "Flu symptoms: Everything you need to know", "text": "It can be easy to assume that symptoms are not flu-related after receiving a flu shot. In 2015, a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that the flu vaccine for that flu season was only 23 percent effective." }, { "docid": "1723847", "title": "Zithromax (Oral)", "text": "Azithromycin is used to treat certain bacterial infections in many different parts of the body. This medicine may mask or delay the symptoms of syphilis. It is not effective against syphilis infections. Azithromycin belongs to the class of drugs known as macrolide antibiotics.It works by killing bacteria or preventing their growth. However, this medicine will not work for colds, flu, or other virus infections.t is not effective against syphilis infections. Azithromycin belongs to the class of drugs known as macrolide antibiotics. It works by killing bacteria or preventing their growth. However, this medicine will not work for colds, flu, or other virus infections." }, { "docid": "3044324", "title": "Flu Treatment With Antibiotics", "text": "Looking for an effective flu treatment and wondering if antibiotics will work? Antibiotics are medications that fight infections caused by bacteria, but the flu is cause by a virus. Taking antibiotics when you have a virus may do more harm than good." }, { "docid": "5350119", "title": "-", "text": "When there is an outbreak of the flu in the community one TAMIFLU 75 mg capsule can be taken. once a day while protection is required. TAMIFLU has been shown to be well tolerated and effective. when taken for up to six weeks." }, { "docid": "393763", "title": "Should You Use Antiviral Medications for the Flu?", "text": "Antiviral medications are available by prescription only. If you are diagnosed with the flu, your health care provider may prescribe antiviral medications for you if: You have the flu and want to shorten the duration of the symptoms. In this case, the medication must be started within the first 48 hours of symptoms to be effective." }, { "docid": "1204749", "title": "Medicare Part B â Medical Insurance", "text": "Medicare Part B benefits. Medical services and supplies covered by Medicare Part B include (but may not be limited to): Doctor visits. Laboratory tests and X-rays. Emergency ambulance services. Mental health services. Durable medical equipment. Preventive services, such as pap tests, flu shots, and screenings." }, { "docid": "3409511", "title": "-", "text": "You might just find out that this city has a whole lot more history that you realize! 1 Essentials. Where to Get Flu Shots in Charlotte, NC. 2 Essentials. Charlotte Sting (WNBA) - History of Women's Pro Basketball in Charlotte. 3 Essentials. The Nation's First Declaration of Independence (Possibly) Calls Charlotte Home. 4 Essentials." }, { "docid": "8817314", "title": "-", "text": "Immunity produced by taking the flu vaccine can reduce your chances of getting it by up to 90%. This also reduces your chances of getting the flu and spreading it to your family and others, so it can be one of the most effective tools for reducing the number of cases of flu and controlling epidemics and pandemics." }, { "docid": "5448967", "title": "How Much Does a Flu Shot Cost?", "text": "How to compare prices: 1 The first thing you should do is call your insurance provider and ask about coverage for the flu shot. 2 If your insurance does not cover the cost of a flu shot, call around to your local pharmacies and ask about flu shots prices." }, { "docid": "7151686", "title": "Boost Your Immune System", "text": "Try immune booster injections—Immune booster injections are different from flu shots because they do not give people flu-like symptoms after the injection is performed. Immune booster injections contain vitamins and homeopathic immune boosters in order to help you make it through the cold months. Don’t let winter get you down! Put your health first in order to protect your body for the months ahead." }, { "docid": "852055", "title": "Flu vaccine may be only 10 percent effective this year, experts say", "text": "This year’s flu season may be rougher than usual, as early reports show the vaccine is only about 10 percent effective. The vaccine may have been mismatched for the strains that are spreading this year, according to a report published in the New England Journal of Medicine." }, { "docid": "8749330", "title": "Health Care that Fits Your Lifestyle", "text": "If your insurance covers flu shots at Patient First, pay only the copay (which is often $0) or $35, whichever is less. Self-pay flu shot cost is $35. Fast Track Flu shots are for patients who are not allergic to eggs, who do not wish to see a physician, and who are at least 4 years old." }, { "docid": "7351934", "title": "Rite Aid cuts flu shot cost to encourage inoculations", "text": "From now through Dec. 13, flu shots will be available from Rite Aid certified immunizing pharmacists at Rite Aid pharmacies nationwide at a reduced price of only $26.99, subject to state regulations." }, { "docid": "6527761", "title": "-", "text": "There is an effective and safe vaccine for canine influenza fully licensed by the USDA. Nobivac ® Canine Flu H3N8 has been shown to control the spread and minimize the impact of CIV infection and has been proven safe in 7 million dogs." }, { "docid": "3423823", "title": "-", "text": "If you have asthma, you need to take steps to prevent getting the flu. Respiratory infections such as the flu can affect your lungs, causing an asthma attack. Flu vaccine is the first and most important step you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones from the flu.f you have asthma, you need to take steps to prevent getting the flu. Respiratory infections such as the flu can affect your lungs, causing an asthma attack. Flu vaccine is the first and most important step you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones from the flu." }, { "docid": "6610951", "title": "Flu in Adults", "text": "Not only does it decrease the risk of getting flu infection, but it can also decrease the number of visits to a doctor's office, hospitalizations, and risk of death from the flu virus. However, in some years, the vaccine is less effective because the circulating flu virus has genetically changed from the ones anticipated and included in the vaccine." } ]
how far apart should english lavender be planted
[ { "docid": "1824662", "title": "-", "text": "Space lavender plants 2 feet apart in a row, unless planting large varieties which are spaced 3 feet apart. Leave 3 to 6 feet between each row of lavender plants.Water the plants immediately after planting.avender is a flowering shrub-like plant that is striking when planted in a border, as the background to a flower garden, or in naturalized areas of the landscaping. It has grayish-green leaves and most varieties sport long stems covered in small lavender or deep purple flowers." } ]
[ { "docid": "3429626", "title": "How to Plant a Nectarine Seed", "text": "Some fruit trees fare better when planted as grafts, but nectarine trees can be grown just as well when planted as seeds. A nectarine tree can be grown in USDA zones 5 through 8. Nectarine seeds should be dry before they are planted. If taking the seeds directly from a fruit, allow the pit to dry for about three days before removing the seeds from the pit. Once dried, use a nutcracker to crack the pit and remove the seeds." }, { "docid": "5023559", "title": "Sexuality of Abraham Lincoln", "text": "In his 1926 biography of Lincoln, Carl Sandburg alluded to the early relationship of Lincoln and his friend Joshua Fry Speed as having a streak of lavender, and spots soft as May violets. Streak of lavender was slang in the period for an effeminate man, and later connoted homosexuality." }, { "docid": "4561205", "title": "-", "text": "Aching Muscles. If youve spent a back-breaking afternoon in the garden, jump into a lavender bath to soothe aches & pains away. Apply Epsom salts & a few drops of Lavender Oil to the bath and soak away the tension. Acne. Lavender is one of the most valuable oils for the treatment of acne, according to aromatherapists." }, { "docid": "6261177", "title": "-", "text": "You can always grow your lavender in pots and move it to follow the sun or even bring it indoors for the winter. Although lavender has a large, spreading root system, it prefers growing in a tight space. A pot that can accommodate the root ball with a couple of inches to spare would be a good choice." }, { "docid": "497469", "title": "Pure Lavender Oil: Uses, Benefits, and Precautions", "text": "Get the Free Guide. Pure lavender oil (Lavandula angustifolia) is an incredible essential oil to use for your own health and wellness. It's among the gentlest of essential oils, but also one of the most powerful, making it a favorite of households for its health properties and uses of lavender essential oil." }, { "docid": "1160986", "title": "-", "text": "Shades of Lavender: These words are synonymous with lavender or represent various shades of the color lavender: lilac, mauve, orchid, plum, purple, thistle." }, { "docid": "975668", "title": "How to Cook With Lavender so Your Food Doesnât Taste Like Soap", "text": "Grind some lavender into sugar and use it in simple butter cookies or infuse cream for lavender-scented whipped or ice cream. Make your own dry blend of herbs and flowers (we like lavender with mint and rosemary) and rub on lamb chops or chicken wings before grilling." }, { "docid": "6877015", "title": "-", "text": "Edible blue or purple flowers include: borage, hyssop, chive, violet, lavender, cornflower, lilac, clover, and dame’s rocket. Edible pink or red flowers include: honey suckle, bee balm, waxed begonias, tuberous begonias, apple blossoms, banana blossoms, English daisy, and carnations." }, { "docid": "4621263", "title": "-", "text": "Growing Hops. Cascade plant #1 (middle): planted 04/02/05. Cascade plant #2 (right): planted 04/09/05. Centennial plant (left): planted 04/09/05. The hole dug about 12 deep. I put some composted dirt and material in the hole, then a thin layer of dirt, then the rhizome.rowing Hops. Cascade plant #1 (middle): planted 04/02/05. Cascade plant #2 (right): planted 04/09/05. Centennial plant (left): planted 04/09/05. The hole dug about 12 deep. I put some composted dirt and material in the hole, then a thin layer of dirt, then the rhizome." }, { "docid": "3372982", "title": "Growing Lavender For Profit", "text": "Starting a Lavender Farm. When you fall in love with Lavender it is easy to imagine starting you own Lavender farm. Growing Lavender for profit sounds nice. The Lavender plant is easy to grow, doesn't require a lot of fussy care, is drought tolerant what more could you ask for in a crop?" }, { "docid": "6068012", "title": "Are Lavender Plants Perennials?", "text": "Although lavender (Lavandula spp.) is often listed as a perennial, that is only partially correct. Lavender is actually regarded as a subshrub." }, { "docid": "6261178", "title": "Growing Lavender", "text": "Containers. You can always grow your lavender in pots and move it to follow the sun or even bring it indoors for the winter. Although lavender has a large, spreading root system, it prefers growing in a tight space. A pot that can accommodate the root ball with a couple of inches to spare would be a good choice." }, { "docid": "6667418", "title": "Sequim, Washington", "text": "Sequim is home to a herd of Roosevelt elk, one attraction to the area. Over the past two decades, Sequim has become famous for growing lavender and holds the Sequim Lavender Weekend (always the third weekend in July).equim is home to a herd of Roosevelt elk, one attraction to the area. Over the past two decades, Sequim has become famous for growing lavender and holds the Sequim Lavender Weekend (always the third weekend in July)." }, { "docid": "2131758", "title": "Connecticut in 1636 what were their natural resources?", "text": "Connecticut in 1636 what were their natural resources? they planted corn and had to wait to years before harvasting. they planted cash crops like beans and rice and sold them in europe. they used a conshell to warn each other in d … anger of masquitos." }, { "docid": "5217514", "title": "7 Underrated Medicinal Plants", "text": "Benefits of Lavender Oil. Lavender oil is known for its calming and relaxing properties, and has been used for alleviating insomnia, anxiety, depression, restlessness, dental anxiety, and stress. It has also been proven effective for nearly all kinds of ailments, from pain to infections.enefits of Lavender Oil. Lavender oil is known for its calming and relaxing properties, and has been used for alleviating insomnia, anxiety, depression, restlessness, dental anxiety, and stress. It has also been proven effective for nearly all kinds of ailments, from pain to infections." }, { "docid": "5634555", "title": "Airwick Scented Oils Plugins Reviews", "text": "I love fragrances, and one of my favorite is the **Air Wick Scented Oil Relaxation Lavender & Chamomile Refills** for my Air Wick wall plugs. A combination of lavender and chamomile, both herbs thought to reduce stress, in a pretty purple liquid is great for our home, since we are constantly stressed from our jobs." }, { "docid": "2925955", "title": "-", "text": "Fleas are known to dislike certain smells. All you have to do is purchase the incense in an odor that repulses the fleas. One of the best types of incense to get rid of fleas in your home is lavender. This is because fleas hate the smell of lavender and will try to get away from it. Also, lavender is a scent that is pleasant to humans because of its natural calming effects. You won't mind smelling the incense as it is burning, and you may even want to continue using it after your fleas are gone." }, { "docid": "3632553", "title": "-", "text": "Trackbacks. […] Avoid the harmful effects of moth balls and instead make your own natural moth repellent with this simple recipe for lavender vanilla sachets. During a recent trip to my grandmother’s house, I happened upon a closet brimming with moth balls.edar, mint, rosemary, thyme and cloves are a few popular alternatives. My favorite natural moth repellent, however, are these do-it-yourself lavender vanilla sachets. By itself, lavender smells fabulous, but it’s further enhanced by mix­-ins like orange or peppermint." }, { "docid": "5534998", "title": "-", "text": "Use lavender in aromatherapy. Lavender is ideal in aromatherapy; it is not harmful when applied direct to skin and it is suitable for most people (always check first, of course!). Check out using lavender in aromatherapy for more ideas and instructions. If not anything else, maintain a lavender garden for the beauty." }, { "docid": "163665", "title": "Strongest Scented Lavenders", "text": "The most fragrant Lavender plants are the Lavandin (Lavandula x intermedia). Several cultivars of English Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) are also prized for their delightful scent. Lavandula x intermedia, also called Lavandin, is a hybrid cross between Lavandula angustifolia and Lavandula latifolia." }, { "docid": "3281361", "title": "Does Lavender Repel Bed Bugs?", "text": "Yes, take it from my first-hand experience, lavender repels bed bugs! But here’s the catch, using lavender oil alone, without doing any else to remove the bothersome bugs, will probably not do much." }, { "docid": "2395392", "title": "A Guide to Lavender : Pruning Lavender", "text": "Pruning a lavender plant promotes the growth of the root system down below. Prune a lavender plant with tips from a lavender farmer in this free video on growing herbs.Expert: Sarah Bader. Contact: www.lavenderatstonegate.com.runing a lavender plant promotes the growth of the root system down below. Prune a lavender plant with tips from a lavender farmer in this free video on growing herbs. Expert: Sarah Bader. Contact: www.lavenderatstonegate.com." }, { "docid": "323787", "title": "-", "text": "The term lavender may also be used in general to apply to a wide range of pale, light, medium, or grayish purple colors, as well as some pale or light pinkish, magenta, or purple colors as well as some pale or light blueish-indigo colors.In paints, the color lavender is made by mixing purple and white paint.he color twilight lavender is displayed at right. Twilight lavender is a color formulated by Crayola in 1990 as one of the colors in its Silver Swirls specialty box of metallic colors. Although this is supposed to be a metallic color, there is no mechanism for displaying metallic colors on a computer." }, { "docid": "6069362", "title": "Lavender Flower Water", "text": "True Lavender Flower Water is the by-product of the steam distillation process used to make essential oils. Another term for it is a Lavender Hydrosol, hydrolats, or hydroflorates. When the Lavender flowers are processed with the steam the essential oil is captured to make pure Lavender oil. Not all of the oil is recaptured so the residual water and essential oil mixture is the hydrosol or flower water. There are those dedicated distillers who only produce hydrosols and floral waters." }, { "docid": "1160985", "title": "-", "text": "Variations of the Color Purple/Violet. Lavender: Lavender is a light purple color with a bluish hue, a light violet color. It is a color that is attracted to beautiful things. It has a fragility, sensitivity and vulnerability to it." }, { "docid": "3196822", "title": "6 Natural Ways to Soothe Sunburned Skin", "text": "If you want to enhance the effects of the aloe, add a drop of lavender essential oil to a tsp of aloe and apply to the skin, repeated as often as needed. 3. Frankincense essential oil – Just as with lavender essential oil, I would only use Therapeutic food-grade essential oils that have been tested for purity." }, { "docid": "1492946", "title": "-", "text": "- Darby Bible. A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; - Webster's Bible. a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;- American Standard Version (1901). A time for birth and a time for death; a time for planting and a time for uprooting; Darby Bible. A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; - Webster's Bible. a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; - World English Bible. A time to bring forth, And a time to die." }, { "docid": "4823986", "title": "A Gardener's Guide to Lavender", "text": "English Lavender. English lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is the most widely grown type of lavender in North America because it doesn't mind humidity and winter moisture as much as other lavenders. It's also the most commonly used in cooking and baking, and has a sweet, soft fragrance.nglish lavender, like all lavender varieties, does best in full sun and well-drained soil. The plants don't tolerate wet or especially heavy soil. Note: English lavender isn't from England. It picked up its common name because it's the kind of lavender that grows best in that country's climate." }, { "docid": "2288833", "title": "-", "text": "I planted yellow bearded irises given to me years ago. The irises are in a bed on the south side of my house. They did great for years. Then I got some violet irises and planted them in a section next to the yellow plants." }, { "docid": "4823983", "title": "Lavendar Plants", "text": "Submit. Botanists consider English lavender the most fragrant of the many varieties of lavender. While other varieties, including Spanish and French, share the signature scent, English or true lavender features high concentrations of aromatic oil.Keywords: English lavender, true lavender, aromatic oil.ubmit. Botanists consider English lavender the most fragrant of the many varieties of lavender. While other varieties, including Spanish and French, share the signature scent, English or true lavender features high concentrations of aromatic oil. Keywords: English lavender, true lavender, aromatic oil." } ]