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{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-161058", "invoice_date": "9/2/2005", "vendor_name": "Smith, Wright and Price", "vendor_address": "548 Kathleen Points, South Jerry, MO 37918", "customer_name": "Jennifer Jones", "customer_address": "209 Randy Knoll Apt. 610, Nicholsonfurt, FL 88483", "due_date": "Net 50 Days", "Description_1": "Fashion Boots Tech", "Description_2": "Modern Chair Limited Ed.", "Description_3": "Classic Shoes Smart", "Description_4": "Wireless Boots Tech", "Description_5": "Wireless Chair Pro", "Description_6": "Innovative Laptop Tech", "Description_7": "Modern Jacket Fashion", "unit_price1": "$12.11", "unit_price2": "$15.68", "unit_price3": "$31.44", "unit_price4": "$15.4", "unit_price5": "$15.74", "unit_price6": "$47.65", "unit_price7": "$20.25", "tax_amount": "$88.59", "total_amount": "$4561.26"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-228871", "invoice_date": "5/7/2017", "vendor_name": "Bullock Ltd", "vendor_address": "3655 Justin Haven, Dayhaven, AZ 67318", "customer_name": "Rhonda Boyd DDS", "customer_address": "34126 Parker Corners, Harrismouth, CO 69831", "due_date": "Net 43 Days", "Description_1": "Vintage Smartphone Trendy", "Description_2": "Stylish Boots Smart", "Description_3": "Vintage Hat Trendy", "Description_4": "Classic Watch Fashion", "Description_5": "Premium Chair Waterproof", "Description_6": "Wireless Watch For Women", "Description_7": "Innovative Shoes Tech", "unit_price1": "$43.51", "unit_price2": "$24.85", "unit_price3": "$21.1", "unit_price4": "$42.97", "unit_price5": "$38.36", "unit_price6": "$14.65", "unit_price7": "$25.67", "tax_amount": "$79.1", "total_amount": "$5114.15"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-685140", "invoice_date": "29/10/2014", "vendor_name": "Rivera-Salazar", "vendor_address": "130 Simpson Flats Apt. 544, Heatherville, DC 56538", "customer_name": "Robert Buckley", "customer_address": "55225 Aguirre Stravenue Suite 236, Ferrellbury, AK 91655", "due_date": "Net 49 Days", "Description_1": "Fashion Sneaker Tech", "Description_2": "Modern Jacket Tech", "Description_3": "Durable Hat For Women", "Description_4": "Stylish Heels Limited Ed.", "Description_5": "Classic Heels For Men", "Description_6": "Premium Tablet Bluetooth", "Description_7": "Vintage Heels Fashion", "unit_price1": "$16.98", "unit_price2": "$44.43", "unit_price3": "$40.27", "unit_price4": "$17.62", "unit_price5": "$21.27", "unit_price6": "$15.63", "unit_price7": "$49.81", "tax_amount": "$84.24", "total_amount": "$9045.06"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-487093", "invoice_date": "27/2/2013", "vendor_name": "Kennedy-Richardson", "vendor_address": "438 Bird Plains Apt. 000, North Elizabeth, MN 44515", "customer_name": "Michelle Green", "customer_address": "47740 Ford Underpass, West Jasonchester, MS 60132", "due_date": "Net 8 Days", "Description_1": "Premium Sneaker Smart", "Description_2": "Luxury Hat Tech", "Description_3": "Wireless Boots Pro", "Description_4": "Innovative Watch For Men", "Description_5": "Classic Tablet Pro", "Description_6": "Fashion Boots Pro", "Description_7": "Stylish Tablet Trendy", "unit_price1": "$27.32", "unit_price2": "$12.06", "unit_price3": "$15.69", "unit_price4": "$24.35", "unit_price5": "$40.95", "unit_price6": "$39.36", "unit_price7": "$45.42", "tax_amount": "$61.13", "total_amount": "$2657.32"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-163437", "invoice_date": "25/7/2023", "vendor_name": "Franklin Inc", "vendor_address": "5473 Blackburn Turnpike, Jeanborough, TX 01526", "customer_name": "Adam Ryan", "customer_address": "22407 Bryan Mill Apt. 743, Medinaborough, IL 33394", "due_date": "Net 30 Days", "Description_1": "Stylish Shoes Limited Ed.", "Description_2": "Vintage Tablet Tech", "Description_3": "Durable Hat Waterproof", "Description_4": "Vintage Tablet Tech", "Description_5": "Classic Chair Compact", "Description_6": "Vintage Smartphone Limited Ed.", "Description_7": "Innovative Tablet Waterproof", "unit_price1": "$29.68", "unit_price2": "$17.76", "unit_price3": "$13.16", "unit_price4": "$43.32", "unit_price5": "$25.63", "unit_price6": "$21.62", "unit_price7": "$44.54", "tax_amount": "$85.74", "total_amount": "$8021.08"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-11373", "invoice_date": "18/8/2015", "vendor_name": "Skinner-Bright", "vendor_address": "59993 Johnson Village Suite 706, Joseside, PR 22153", "customer_name": "Jeremy Shepherd", "customer_address": "43294 Lawrence Mountain Apt. 626, Jameshaven, NM 12844", "due_date": "Net 25 Days", "Description_1": "Fashion Watch Fashion", "Description_2": "Luxury Jacket Bluetooth", "Description_3": "Luxury Smartphone Limited Ed.", "Description_4": "Durable Shoes Pro", "Description_5": "Wireless Laptop Bluetooth", "Description_6": "Wireless Smartphone Pro", "Description_7": "Modern Laptop For Men", "unit_price1": "$38.19", "unit_price2": "$40.98", "unit_price3": "$46.7", "unit_price4": "$10.3", "unit_price5": "$31.43", "unit_price6": "$46.16", "unit_price7": "$46.19", "tax_amount": "$78.67", "total_amount": "$9163.55"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-700653", "invoice_date": "12/5/2021", "vendor_name": "Good, Chavez and Serrano", "vendor_address": "6762 Gregory Trafficway, Adrianfurt, MH 08607", "customer_name": "Zachary Walter", "customer_address": "3506 Eric Skyway, Andrewfort, OH 65142", "due_date": "Net 46 Days", "Description_1": "Eco-Friendly Sneaker Fashion", "Description_2": "Modern Jacket Smart", "Description_3": "Eco-Friendly Heels Smart", "Description_4": "Classic Laptop Bluetooth", "Description_5": "Innovative Smartphone For Women", "Description_6": "Vintage Heels Waterproof", "Description_7": "Classic Sneaker Trendy", "unit_price1": "$41.12", "unit_price2": "$34.09", "unit_price3": "$30.33", "unit_price4": "$29.0", "unit_price5": "$20.34", "unit_price6": "$26.84", "unit_price7": "$23.62", "tax_amount": "$10.53", "total_amount": "$7738.94"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-572151", "invoice_date": "3/10/2003", "vendor_name": "Stanley, Freeman and Jordan", "vendor_address": "302 Latasha Villages Apt. 759, Lake Samantha, AL 45274", "customer_name": "Sean Davidson", "customer_address": "50363 Wood Locks, Howardbury, UT 14089", "due_date": "Net 40 Days", "Description_1": "Luxury Laptop For Women", "Description_2": "Luxury Tablet Compact", "Description_3": "Classic Tablet Fashion", "Description_4": "Luxury Tablet Smart", "Description_5": "Wireless Watch Pro", "Description_6": "Modern Jacket Fashion", "Description_7": "Classic Chair Waterproof", "unit_price1": "$11.22", "unit_price2": "$36.28", "unit_price3": "$28.28", "unit_price4": "$47.16", "unit_price5": "$29.62", "unit_price6": "$24.79", "unit_price7": "$35.33", "tax_amount": "$13.58", "total_amount": "$8843.75"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-769828", "invoice_date": "25/9/2000", "vendor_name": "Beck, Moses and Aguirre", "vendor_address": "520 Jennifer Knolls, Samuelside, MS 99073", "customer_name": "Cynthia Matthews", "customer_address": "2829 Murphy Cove, Port Shawnfurt, MP 96176", "due_date": "Net 15 Days", "Description_1": "Modern Chair Limited Ed.", "Description_2": "Premium Boots Tech", "Description_3": "Eco-Friendly Tablet Trendy", "Description_4": "Fashion Laptop Pro", "Description_5": "Wireless Laptop For Men", "Description_6": "Classic Sneaker Pro", "Description_7": "Fashion Jacket Tech", "unit_price1": "$32.76", "unit_price2": "$21.58", "unit_price3": "$17.27", "unit_price4": "$33.89", "unit_price5": "$49.79", "unit_price6": "$27.0", "unit_price7": "$21.41", "tax_amount": "$56.1", "total_amount": "$673.3"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-132394", "invoice_date": "15/3/2000", "vendor_name": "Bass, Mcdaniel and Burton", "vendor_address": "70392 Wagner Parkway, East Veronicafurt, NC 29077", "customer_name": "Margaret Davis", "customer_address": "4492 Melissa Cove, Julieville, RI 66528", "due_date": "Net 48 Days", "Description_1": "Vintage Laptop Smart", "Description_2": "Innovative Sneaker For Women", "Description_3": "Wireless Shoes For Men", "Description_4": "Classic Shoes Pro", "Description_5": "Fashion Chair Tech", "Description_6": "Luxury Laptop For Men", "Description_7": "Innovative Laptop Compact", "unit_price1": "$44.66", "unit_price2": "$45.6", "unit_price3": "$45.44", "unit_price4": "$26.13", "unit_price5": "$45.39", "unit_price6": "$16.51", "unit_price7": "$36.69", "tax_amount": "$99.67", "total_amount": "$7715.18"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-381519", "invoice_date": "8/4/2017", "vendor_name": "Rush Ltd", "vendor_address": "98454 Arnold Mountains Suite 612, West Kristaberg, IN 08297", "customer_name": "Heather Bryant", "customer_address": "6461 Justin Circle Apt. 704, Henrymouth, MD 81125", "due_date": "Net 36 Days", "Description_1": "Luxury Laptop Tech", "Description_2": "Durable Hat Tech", "Description_3": "Fashion Sneaker For Women", "Description_4": "Classic Smartphone Limited Ed.", "Description_5": "Stylish Heels Trendy", "Description_6": "Vintage Jacket Tech", "Description_7": "Vintage Jacket Bluetooth", "unit_price1": "$30.51", "unit_price2": "$12.76", "unit_price3": "$38.81", "unit_price4": "$34.73", "unit_price5": "$48.32", "unit_price6": "$35.79", "unit_price7": "$15.92", "tax_amount": "$61.21", "total_amount": "$3872.59"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-501912", "invoice_date": "29/12/2007", "vendor_name": "Munoz and Sons", "vendor_address": "05784 Ashley Court Apt. 087, Adammouth, NH 88239", "customer_name": "Laura Henderson", "customer_address": "9247 Mendoza Bridge Apt. 463, Rachelborough, PA 98537", "due_date": "Net 50 Days", "Description_1": "Classic Sneaker For Women", "Description_2": "Wireless Heels Waterproof", "Description_3": "Premium Tablet Tech", "Description_4": "Luxury Laptop Limited Ed.", "Description_5": "Modern Laptop For Women", "Description_6": "Classic Sneaker Pro", "Description_7": "Premium Jacket Waterproof", "unit_price1": "$32.26", "unit_price2": "$25.59", "unit_price3": "$37.11", "unit_price4": "$36.45", "unit_price5": "$11.8", "unit_price6": "$35.41", "unit_price7": "$13.9", "tax_amount": "$60.72", "total_amount": "$6944.48"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-680551", "invoice_date": "2/10/2015", "vendor_name": "Harris Inc", "vendor_address": "4431 Hicks Causeway, Johnside, SD 67512", "customer_name": "Christopher Medina", "customer_address": "750 Lisa Stream Apt. 894, Owenshaven, OK 17407", "due_date": "Net 32 Days", "Description_1": "Premium Watch Compact", "Description_2": "Eco-Friendly Tablet For Men", "Description_3": "Stylish Smartphone Bluetooth", "Description_4": "Eco-Friendly Jacket For Women", "Description_5": "Vintage Boots Compact", "Description_6": "Eco-Friendly Hat Tech", "Description_7": "Fashion Smartphone Compact", "unit_price1": "$45.68", "unit_price2": "$48.11", "unit_price3": "$39.08", "unit_price4": "$28.7", "unit_price5": "$33.03", "unit_price6": "$17.75", "unit_price7": "$47.46", "tax_amount": "$67.54", "total_amount": "$8845.91"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-298065", "invoice_date": "5/5/2004", "vendor_name": "Jones LLC", "vendor_address": "0775 Maria Crest, Rachelmouth, IL 42564", "customer_name": "Keith Raymond", "customer_address": "2958 Johnson Square Apt. 716, Lake Matthew, DE 90863", "due_date": "Net 42 Days", "Description_1": "Innovative Watch For Women", "Description_2": "Modern Chair Compact", "Description_3": "Innovative Smartphone For Women", "Description_4": "Stylish Boots Waterproof", "Description_5": "Eco-Friendly Heels Bluetooth", "Description_6": "Innovative Smartphone Waterproof", "Description_7": "Luxury Laptop Bluetooth", "unit_price1": "$10.16", "unit_price2": "$28.98", "unit_price3": "$31.05", "unit_price4": "$28.25", "unit_price5": "$43.39", "unit_price6": "$16.74", "unit_price7": "$12.43", "tax_amount": "$23.63", "total_amount": "$5075.07"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-216801", "invoice_date": "5/12/2011", "vendor_name": "Obrien, Duke and Munoz", "vendor_address": "981 Johnson Lights, West Kimberly, DC 64930", "customer_name": "Brenda Bradley", "customer_address": "943 David Center Apt. 429, New Lisaside, AL 61381", "due_date": "Net 6 Days", "Description_1": "Premium Chair For Men", "Description_2": "Eco-Friendly Tablet Bluetooth", "Description_3": "Vintage Heels Compact", "Description_4": "Vintage Smartphone Pro", "Description_5": "Wireless Jacket Compact", "Description_6": "Fashion Smartphone Compact", "Description_7": "Premium Chair For Women", "unit_price1": "$34.59", "unit_price2": "$26.64", "unit_price3": "$31.64", "unit_price4": "$41.01", "unit_price5": "$10.91", "unit_price6": "$29.08", "unit_price7": "$31.95", "tax_amount": "$33.71", "total_amount": "$1986.32"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-210805", "invoice_date": "16/8/2006", "vendor_name": "Blanchard Group", "vendor_address": "1974 Brandy Island Suite 553, Stacyhaven, VA 96693", "customer_name": "Marcus Hardy", "customer_address": "6935 Kyle Divide Apt. 978, Port Dean, PW 91319", "due_date": "Net 7 Days", "Description_1": "Eco-Friendly Shoes Pro", "Description_2": "Classic Boots Compact", "Description_3": "Innovative Hat Fashion", "Description_4": "Stylish Hat Tech", "Description_5": "Innovative Sneaker Bluetooth", "Description_6": "Innovative Tablet Waterproof", "Description_7": "Durable Shoes Pro", "unit_price1": "$28.44", "unit_price2": "$12.26", "unit_price3": "$47.32", "unit_price4": "$31.25", "unit_price5": "$49.0", "unit_price6": "$39.5", "unit_price7": "$32.76", "tax_amount": "$51.35", "total_amount": "$7072.44"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-720794", "invoice_date": "28/3/2013", "vendor_name": "Gates LLC", "vendor_address": "282 Callahan Pike, East Amy, MI 09003", "customer_name": "Wesley Johnson", "customer_address": "616 Jackson Union, Williamhaven, KS 70743", "due_date": "Net 37 Days", "Description_1": "Stylish Laptop Fashion", "Description_2": "Stylish Heels Trendy", "Description_3": "Premium Chair Bluetooth", "Description_4": "Wireless Hat Limited Ed.", "Description_5": "Premium Smartphone Limited Ed.", "Description_6": "Innovative Smartphone Limited Ed.", "Description_7": "Durable Hat Bluetooth", "unit_price1": "$16.31", "unit_price2": "$17.14", "unit_price3": "$35.59", "unit_price4": "$12.23", "unit_price5": "$32.2", "unit_price6": "$24.53", "unit_price7": "$12.98", "tax_amount": "$64.86", "total_amount": "$9186.97"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-783035", "invoice_date": "27/2/2007", "vendor_name": "Brown-Harris", "vendor_address": "6883 Sullivan Summit, East Calvinmouth, KY 13534", "customer_name": "Adrian Khan", "customer_address": "2144 Holloway Springs, New Alexisland, VI 85464", "due_date": "Net 26 Days", "Description_1": "Eco-Friendly Laptop Waterproof", "Description_2": "Innovative Boots Waterproof", "Description_3": "Premium Hat Trendy", "Description_4": "Classic Smartphone For Men", "Description_5": "Vintage Laptop Pro", "Description_6": "Fashion Sneaker For Men", "Description_7": "Durable Smartphone For Men", "unit_price1": "$44.63", "unit_price2": "$12.5", "unit_price3": "$48.59", "unit_price4": "$31.16", "unit_price5": "$25.28", "unit_price6": "$15.02", "unit_price7": "$22.16", "tax_amount": "$48.72", "total_amount": "$6580.48"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-697509", "invoice_date": "6/12/2005", "vendor_name": "Lopez, Smith and Grant", "vendor_address": "12382 Christopher Mall, Yeseniaview, WV 50088", "customer_name": "Anthony Dean", "customer_address": "657 Alexander Junctions, Lake Allenville, TX 84683", "due_date": "Net 20 Days", "Description_1": "Stylish Heels For Women", "Description_2": "Durable Jacket Waterproof", "Description_3": "Modern Sneaker Limited Ed.", "Description_4": "Innovative Boots Bluetooth", "Description_5": "Eco-Friendly Boots Waterproof", "Description_6": "Durable Laptop For Women", "Description_7": "Eco-Friendly Sneaker Compact", "unit_price1": "$47.03", "unit_price2": "$33.55", "unit_price3": "$43.95", "unit_price4": "$13.08", "unit_price5": "$21.08", "unit_price6": "$45.45", "unit_price7": "$21.58", "tax_amount": "$82.83", "total_amount": "$9148.27"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-913153", "invoice_date": "8/11/2021", "vendor_name": "Smith, Martinez and Cook", "vendor_address": "3605 Rodriguez Corner Suite 308, East Joseph, MI 98593", "customer_name": "Lisa Patterson", "customer_address": "14649 Brown Passage Apt. 277, Marvinmouth, MT 61180", "due_date": "Net 17 Days", "Description_1": "Premium Heels Smart", "Description_2": "Vintage Laptop Compact", "Description_3": "Innovative Heels Smart", "Description_4": "Luxury Chair Smart", "Description_5": "Fashion Chair Waterproof", "Description_6": "Premium Heels For Women", "Description_7": "Stylish Smartphone Pro", "unit_price1": "$29.55", "unit_price2": "$49.86", "unit_price3": "$31.21", "unit_price4": "$42.41", "unit_price5": "$17.59", "unit_price6": "$15.78", "unit_price7": "$38.21", "tax_amount": "$57.68", "total_amount": "$1179.09"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-845205", "invoice_date": "12/2/2017", "vendor_name": "Poole Inc", "vendor_address": "6710 Soto Union Suite 400, Stephanietown, IL 71405", "customer_name": "Kevin Hernandez", "customer_address": "77630 Lisa Terrace, Lisabury, AK 23999", "due_date": "Net 41 Days", "Description_1": "Luxury Hat Compact", "Description_2": "Wireless Heels Trendy", "Description_3": "Fashion Sneaker Pro", "Description_4": "Durable Heels Bluetooth", "Description_5": "Stylish Jacket Limited Ed.", "Description_6": "Luxury Laptop Smart", "Description_7": "Innovative Jacket Limited Ed.", "unit_price1": "$11.27", "unit_price2": "$47.08", "unit_price3": "$41.03", "unit_price4": "$20.15", "unit_price5": "$31.51", "unit_price6": "$47.37", "unit_price7": "$28.35", "tax_amount": "$62.1", "total_amount": "$6012.84"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-34622", "invoice_date": "17/4/2017", "vendor_name": "Dean, Ortiz and Bell", "vendor_address": "4059 Duran Dam Apt. 700, Fishermouth, LA 27645", "customer_name": "Stephanie Savage", "customer_address": "72533 Walker Springs, West Paige, NV 65028", "due_date": "Net 35 Days", "Description_1": "Premium Heels Smart", "Description_2": "Wireless Laptop For Men", "Description_3": "Classic Jacket Smart", "Description_4": "Eco-Friendly Hat For Women", "Description_5": "Luxury Jacket Tech", "Description_6": "Classic Chair Fashion", "Description_7": "Durable Tablet For Men", "unit_price1": "$26.93", "unit_price2": "$11.21", "unit_price3": "$19.83", "unit_price4": "$39.28", "unit_price5": "$28.48", "unit_price6": "$35.5", "unit_price7": "$11.49", "tax_amount": "$57.26", "total_amount": "$6116.53"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-603671", "invoice_date": "6/7/2008", "vendor_name": "Chambers Ltd", "vendor_address": "56610 Jennifer Mall Apt. 819, Kimtown, MS 64875", "customer_name": "Phillip Maddox", "customer_address": "80815 Michael Stravenue Apt. 957, New Stevenberg, AL 94414", "due_date": "Net 44 Days", "Description_1": "Vintage Heels Trendy", "Description_2": "Vintage Tablet Trendy", "Description_3": "Modern Jacket Limited Ed.", "Description_4": "Vintage Shoes For Women", "Description_5": "Fashion Hat Compact", "Description_6": "Luxury Laptop Smart", "Description_7": "Vintage Sneaker Fashion", "unit_price1": "$46.84", "unit_price2": "$48.82", "unit_price3": "$32.35", "unit_price4": "$32.04", "unit_price5": "$39.76", "unit_price6": "$13.71", "unit_price7": "$36.53", "tax_amount": "$66.01", "total_amount": "$2749.25"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-998492", "invoice_date": "21/3/2002", "vendor_name": "Delgado, Huang and Walker", "vendor_address": "08253 Emily Mill, Woodhaven, SC 85944", "customer_name": "Marcus Smith", "customer_address": "926 Deborah Track Suite 363, North Daniel, IA 47700", "due_date": "Net 33 Days", "Description_1": "Stylish Jacket Tech", "Description_2": "Modern Chair Limited Ed.", "Description_3": "Wireless Hat Trendy", "Description_4": "Stylish Jacket Pro", "Description_5": "Wireless Sneaker Waterproof", "Description_6": "Premium Chair Pro", "Description_7": "Vintage Watch For Women", "unit_price1": "$17.11", "unit_price2": "$23.59", "unit_price3": "$19.18", "unit_price4": "$16.52", "unit_price5": "$25.69", "unit_price6": "$28.31", "unit_price7": "$40.92", "tax_amount": "$31.75", "total_amount": "$5220.22"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-55429", "invoice_date": "21/1/2013", "vendor_name": "Jenkins PLC", "vendor_address": "74357 Robles Run, Patriciamouth, MA 11824", "customer_name": "Lindsey Castillo", "customer_address": "73869 Davis Tunnel Suite 894, East Scottport, NE 87000", "due_date": "Net 5 Days", "Description_1": "Vintage Shoes Tech", "Description_2": "Vintage Watch Smart", "Description_3": "Eco-Friendly Hat For Men", "Description_4": "Vintage Laptop Pro", "Description_5": "Vintage Smartphone For Men", "Description_6": "Modern Chair Compact", "Description_7": "Durable Watch Limited Ed.", "unit_price1": "$13.96", "unit_price2": "$46.26", "unit_price3": "$35.84", "unit_price4": "$19.91", "unit_price5": "$14.34", "unit_price6": "$33.2", "unit_price7": "$45.76", "tax_amount": "$57.29", "total_amount": "$4197.9"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-381057", "invoice_date": "7/4/2008", "vendor_name": "Ortega-Cooke", "vendor_address": "36990 Lori Ports Suite 090, South Christopherville, ID 37544", "customer_name": "Rebecca Woods", "customer_address": "3422 Gibson Stream, Port Marcusmouth, OK 86518", "due_date": "Net 13 Days", "Description_1": "Eco-Friendly Laptop Smart", "Description_2": "Stylish Sneaker Tech", "Description_3": "Eco-Friendly Watch Trendy", "Description_4": "Fashion Hat Waterproof", "Description_5": "Eco-Friendly Chair Limited Ed.", "Description_6": "Vintage Laptop Fashion", "Description_7": "Wireless Tablet Smart", "unit_price1": "$27.29", "unit_price2": "$43.2", "unit_price3": "$20.68", "unit_price4": "$35.27", "unit_price5": "$39.93", "unit_price6": "$35.27", "unit_price7": "$28.58", "tax_amount": "$93.6", "total_amount": "$1662.32"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-225390", "invoice_date": "20/2/2010", "vendor_name": "Johnson LLC", "vendor_address": "2376 Amanda Bypass Suite 575, Richshire, TX 78480", "customer_name": "Rachel Walters", "customer_address": "70161 Robert Mount Apt. 064, Davenportfurt, GA 31873", "due_date": "Net 31 Days", "Description_1": "Eco-Friendly Sneaker Tech", "Description_2": "Durable Watch Waterproof", "Description_3": "Modern Chair For Women", "Description_4": "Vintage Hat Trendy", "Description_5": "Fashion Tablet Pro", "Description_6": "Eco-Friendly Chair Fashion", "Description_7": "Innovative Jacket For Women", "unit_price1": "$25.52", "unit_price2": "$17.91", "unit_price3": "$27.6", "unit_price4": "$47.28", "unit_price5": "$14.49", "unit_price6": "$31.08", "unit_price7": "$33.2", "tax_amount": "$86.43", "total_amount": "$7127.18"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-268021", "invoice_date": "18/6/2010", "vendor_name": "Ortiz LLC", "vendor_address": "314 Mercado Dam Apt. 257, Edwardberg, NY 33101", "customer_name": "Haley Forbes", "customer_address": "071 Edward Glen, Jenniferstad, VA 72723", "due_date": "Net 40 Days", "Description_1": "Premium Tablet Fashion", "Description_2": "Wireless Laptop Bluetooth", "Description_3": "Eco-Friendly Sneaker For Women", "Description_4": "Modern Watch For Women", "Description_5": "Luxury Laptop Smart", "Description_6": "Wireless Sneaker For Men", "Description_7": "Modern Laptop Limited Ed.", "unit_price1": "$38.28", "unit_price2": "$29.18", "unit_price3": "$16.6", "unit_price4": "$31.91", "unit_price5": "$11.09", "unit_price6": "$46.22", "unit_price7": "$19.1", "tax_amount": "$50.74", "total_amount": "$9368.03"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-952498", "invoice_date": "17/1/2020", "vendor_name": "Mcdonald-Jennings", "vendor_address": "070 Alvarez Trace, Port Richard, NM 94567", "customer_name": "Jose Chavez", "customer_address": "6131 Denise Village, Colemanfurt, WY 07390", "due_date": "Net 50 Days", "Description_1": "Fashion Chair Limited Ed.", "Description_2": "Vintage Tablet For Men", "Description_3": "Vintage Boots Compact", "Description_4": "Eco-Friendly Shoes For Men", "Description_5": "Vintage Laptop Smart", "Description_6": "Fashion Jacket Smart", "Description_7": "Luxury Chair Trendy", "unit_price1": "$28.57", "unit_price2": "$35.58", "unit_price3": "$22.11", "unit_price4": "$20.76", "unit_price5": "$43.22", "unit_price6": "$29.57", "unit_price7": "$41.68", "tax_amount": "$90.86", "total_amount": "$3285.85"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-532659", "invoice_date": "21/2/2011", "vendor_name": "Perez-Wood", "vendor_address": "3669 John Fork Apt. 616, Krausetown, MN 08415", "customer_name": "John Tyler", "customer_address": "803 Vance Lakes, Adamsburgh, KS 93121", "due_date": "Net 20 Days", "Description_1": "Classic Smartphone For Women", "Description_2": "Durable Shoes For Men", "Description_3": "Durable Tablet For Men", "Description_4": "Modern Smartphone For Men", "Description_5": "Premium Heels Limited Ed.", "Description_6": "Modern Boots For Men", "Description_7": "Fashion Smartphone Compact", "unit_price1": "$45.31", "unit_price2": "$41.54", "unit_price3": "$39.69", "unit_price4": "$18.94", "unit_price5": "$44.8", "unit_price6": "$36.22", "unit_price7": "$27.41", "tax_amount": "$89.76", "total_amount": "$3358.14"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-108514", "invoice_date": "9/5/2006", "vendor_name": "Cole, Rodriguez and Farrell", "vendor_address": "04958 Hanson Burgs, Port April, NY 92167", "customer_name": "Richard Pacheco", "customer_address": "1112 Jennifer Skyway Suite 936, North Aprilfort, AS 97951", "due_date": "Net 6 Days", "Description_1": "Premium Smartphone Tech", "Description_2": "Modern Heels Trendy", "Description_3": "Premium Shoes Bluetooth", "Description_4": "Wireless Watch Pro", "Description_5": "Eco-Friendly Hat Fashion", "Description_6": "Wireless Heels Bluetooth", "Description_7": "Innovative Watch Fashion", "unit_price1": "$18.04", "unit_price2": "$18.56", "unit_price3": "$14.46", "unit_price4": "$26.04", "unit_price5": "$48.46", "unit_price6": "$21.13", "unit_price7": "$46.27", "tax_amount": "$25.15", "total_amount": "$3431.34"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-46865", "invoice_date": "15/6/2023", "vendor_name": "Robinson PLC", "vendor_address": "6149 Nathan Place Apt. 983, South Adamberg, ID 85634", "customer_name": "Sarah Miller", "customer_address": "8093 Strong Ferry, Joshuafort, NJ 84292", "due_date": "Net 1 Days", "Description_1": "Vintage Laptop For Men", "Description_2": "Durable Chair Limited Ed.", "Description_3": "Eco-Friendly Chair For Women", "Description_4": "Premium Shoes Compact", "Description_5": "Modern Sneaker Pro", "Description_6": "Wireless Shoes For Men", "Description_7": "Durable Shoes Pro", "unit_price1": "$38.17", "unit_price2": "$35.46", "unit_price3": "$29.74", "unit_price4": "$27.8", "unit_price5": "$23.73", "unit_price6": "$36.66", "unit_price7": "$41.23", "tax_amount": "$66.4", "total_amount": "$1746.17"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-181335", "invoice_date": "22/12/2013", "vendor_name": "Davis Group", "vendor_address": "696 Nelson Lodge, South Crystal, GU 18402", "customer_name": "Lee Alvarado", "customer_address": "29586 Craig Curve Suite 476, Lake Danielfort, NE 78944", "due_date": "Net 3 Days", "Description_1": "Stylish Chair Bluetooth", "Description_2": "Durable Hat Trendy", "Description_3": "Wireless Heels Fashion", "Description_4": "Modern Shoes Compact", "Description_5": "Stylish Jacket For Women", "Description_6": "Fashion Boots Tech", "Description_7": "Durable Chair Compact", "unit_price1": "$15.42", "unit_price2": "$46.55", "unit_price3": "$37.39", "unit_price4": "$14.29", "unit_price5": "$37.84", "unit_price6": "$45.91", "unit_price7": "$24.24", "tax_amount": "$24.14", "total_amount": "$3248.85"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-512064", "invoice_date": "25/9/2019", "vendor_name": "Lee, Newton and Garcia", "vendor_address": "817 Mclean Orchard Suite 911, East Connieshire, KY 01176", "customer_name": "Tina Holt", "customer_address": "474 Oscar Turnpike Apt. 090, Brandifurt, AR 47914", "due_date": "Net 12 Days", "Description_1": "Vintage Hat For Women", "Description_2": "Fashion Smartphone Smart", "Description_3": "Innovative Boots Waterproof", "Description_4": "Vintage Watch Trendy", "Description_5": "Innovative Chair Smart", "Description_6": "Fashion Hat Bluetooth", "Description_7": "Eco-Friendly Hat For Women", "unit_price1": "$14.93", "unit_price2": "$45.2", "unit_price3": "$35.54", "unit_price4": "$28.91", "unit_price5": "$30.93", "unit_price6": "$13.27", "unit_price7": "$35.25", "tax_amount": "$24.18", "total_amount": "$5012.73"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-322467", "invoice_date": "9/7/2007", "vendor_name": "Durham-Franklin", "vendor_address": "82568 Evans Junctions, South Cindyview, MS 69334", "customer_name": "Randy Rios", "customer_address": "18697 Patrick Mills Suite 402, Debraburgh, CO 31287", "due_date": "Net 18 Days", "Description_1": "Wireless Heels Smart", "Description_2": "Eco-Friendly Boots Trendy", "Description_3": "Premium Chair Limited Ed.", "Description_4": "Wireless Chair For Men", "Description_5": "Classic Heels Compact", "Description_6": "Eco-Friendly Sneaker Limited Ed.", "Description_7": "Innovative Chair Pro", "unit_price1": "$25.13", "unit_price2": "$11.08", "unit_price3": "$26.47", "unit_price4": "$44.94", "unit_price5": "$10.25", "unit_price6": "$44.41", "unit_price7": "$10.48", "tax_amount": "$97.38", "total_amount": "$8954.15"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-912202", "invoice_date": "11/2/2012", "vendor_name": "Hahn-Jones", "vendor_address": "3910 Porter Center Apt. 679, Ortizberg, GA 02230", "customer_name": "Robert Booker", "customer_address": "2857 Phelps Ramp, Danielberg, LA 95407", "due_date": "Net 40 Days", "Description_1": "Luxury Hat Limited Ed.", "Description_2": "Modern Jacket Fashion", "Description_3": "Fashion Shoes Compact", "Description_4": "Eco-Friendly Smartphone Trendy", "Description_5": "Classic Sneaker Smart", "Description_6": "Wireless Shoes Compact", "Description_7": "Fashion Jacket Fashion", "unit_price1": "$26.94", "unit_price2": "$40.55", "unit_price3": "$14.97", "unit_price4": "$48.98", "unit_price5": "$34.46", "unit_price6": "$12.48", "unit_price7": "$35.16", "tax_amount": "$46.99", "total_amount": "$9087.82"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-247082", "invoice_date": "27/11/2007", "vendor_name": "Espinoza-Benson", "vendor_address": "5036 Serrano Station, Wardmouth, PR 65508", "customer_name": "Michael Bell", "customer_address": "44852 Christine Dam Suite 694, Lorifurt, WY 74974", "due_date": "Net 19 Days", "Description_1": "Eco-Friendly Chair For Men", "Description_2": "Modern Jacket Tech", "Description_3": "Classic Heels For Men", "Description_4": "Classic Shoes For Women", "Description_5": "Durable Boots Smart", "Description_6": "Vintage Smartphone Pro", "Description_7": "Luxury Tablet Trendy", "unit_price1": "$37.85", "unit_price2": "$43.01", "unit_price3": "$41.5", "unit_price4": "$21.08", "unit_price5": "$15.2", "unit_price6": "$47.31", "unit_price7": "$14.99", "tax_amount": "$33.97", "total_amount": "$7455.9"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-143144", "invoice_date": "22/11/2001", "vendor_name": "Evans, Mcdaniel and Kelly", "vendor_address": "3969 Hernandez Club Suite 123, Masontown, TN 03347", "customer_name": "Jessica Wilson", "customer_address": "08336 Jason Shores, Ayalamouth, WY 80516", "due_date": "Net 45 Days", "Description_1": "Wireless Hat Fashion", "Description_2": "Innovative Jacket Trendy", "Description_3": "Modern Laptop Limited Ed.", "Description_4": "Fashion Laptop Tech", "Description_5": "Vintage Shoes For Women", "Description_6": "Stylish Heels Limited Ed.", "Description_7": "Fashion Hat Tech", "unit_price1": "$31.12", "unit_price2": "$38.06", "unit_price3": "$33.28", "unit_price4": "$28.24", "unit_price5": "$38.25", "unit_price6": "$23.97", "unit_price7": "$23.95", "tax_amount": "$51.43", "total_amount": "$6905.35"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-353930", "invoice_date": "5/7/2017", "vendor_name": "Golden-Stevenson", "vendor_address": "8144 Brian Village, West Christopherberg, AL 48986", "customer_name": "Catherine King", "customer_address": "11475 Victoria Drives Suite 806, Whiteton, WA 08600", "due_date": "Net 14 Days", "Description_1": "Classic Jacket Fashion", "Description_2": "Eco-Friendly Smartphone Compact", "Description_3": "Wireless Smartphone Smart", "Description_4": "Vintage Watch Tech", "Description_5": "Innovative Watch Fashion", "Description_6": "Premium Tablet For Men", "Description_7": "Luxury Tablet Pro", "unit_price1": "$48.32", "unit_price2": "$35.64", "unit_price3": "$48.89", "unit_price4": "$24.6", "unit_price5": "$29.82", "unit_price6": "$32.26", "unit_price7": "$41.59", "tax_amount": "$47.69", "total_amount": "$2688.52"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-834434", "invoice_date": "11/10/2003", "vendor_name": "Barr-Anderson", "vendor_address": "6132 Robert Cliffs Suite 062, West Dorothy, TN 10507", "customer_name": "Sean Shah", "customer_address": "6499 Gutierrez Expressway, Pattersonburgh, NH 83766", "due_date": "Net 15 Days", "Description_1": "Wireless Watch Pro", "Description_2": "Vintage Smartphone Tech", "Description_3": "Vintage Smartphone For Men", "Description_4": "Luxury Chair Waterproof", "Description_5": "Modern Laptop For Men", "Description_6": "Luxury Jacket Bluetooth", "Description_7": "Modern Heels Smart", "unit_price1": "$42.81", "unit_price2": "$30.54", "unit_price3": "$48.83", "unit_price4": "$27.18", "unit_price5": "$32.76", "unit_price6": "$27.78", "unit_price7": "$10.75", "tax_amount": "$79.37", "total_amount": "$8907.76"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-668966", "invoice_date": "21/8/2006", "vendor_name": "Wade-Perez", "vendor_address": "75626 Amanda Place, Edwinberg, PA 88514", "customer_name": "Sherri Murphy", "customer_address": "054 Castillo Orchard, East Corey, NC 27212", "due_date": "Net 28 Days", "Description_1": "Premium Watch Bluetooth", "Description_2": "Innovative Boots For Men", "Description_3": "Wireless Chair Trendy", "Description_4": "Wireless Heels Limited Ed.", "Description_5": "Stylish Chair Trendy", "Description_6": "Vintage Hat Pro", "Description_7": "Innovative Laptop Limited Ed.", "unit_price1": "$38.63", "unit_price2": "$38.16", "unit_price3": "$23.14", "unit_price4": "$28.63", "unit_price5": "$16.44", "unit_price6": "$31.47", "unit_price7": "$24.01", "tax_amount": "$44.93", "total_amount": "$1305.28"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-862651", "invoice_date": "16/12/2017", "vendor_name": "Smith-Garcia", "vendor_address": "97886 Cox Heights Apt. 782, West Billy, ME 04074", "customer_name": "Erin Griffith", "customer_address": "30417 Mckenzie Prairie Apt. 247, Lisamouth, FM 97828", "due_date": "Net 9 Days", "Description_1": "Fashion Tablet For Men", "Description_2": "Vintage Sneaker Pro", "Description_3": "Fashion Sneaker Fashion", "Description_4": "Eco-Friendly Hat Compact", "Description_5": "Vintage Boots Compact", "Description_6": "Classic Jacket Compact", "Description_7": "Innovative Laptop Trendy", "unit_price1": "$41.13", "unit_price2": "$24.51", "unit_price3": "$43.7", "unit_price4": "$28.23", "unit_price5": "$19.24", "unit_price6": "$19.57", "unit_price7": "$11.64", "tax_amount": "$82.05", "total_amount": "$2436.06"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-420361", "invoice_date": "13/4/2002", "vendor_name": "Mitchell, Hernandez and Taylor", "vendor_address": "4449 Johns Lodge Suite 232, Christieborough, AL 55872", "customer_name": "Allen Marshall", "customer_address": "152 Tracy Underpass, South Jackson, KY 03295", "due_date": "Net 12 Days", "Description_1": "Vintage Jacket Limited Ed.", "Description_2": "Premium Shoes For Women", "Description_3": "Durable Boots For Men", "Description_4": "Innovative Hat Compact", "Description_5": "Innovative Boots Limited Ed.", "Description_6": "Classic Shoes Pro", "Description_7": "Wireless Smartphone Compact", "unit_price1": "$38.31", "unit_price2": "$36.34", "unit_price3": "$18.91", "unit_price4": "$35.36", "unit_price5": "$14.94", "unit_price6": "$24.33", "unit_price7": "$36.67", "tax_amount": "$85.28", "total_amount": "$5756.27"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-229090", "invoice_date": "6/8/2017", "vendor_name": "Mata and Sons", "vendor_address": "6784 Franklin Village, Garciaborough, AS 76953", "customer_name": "Jay Grant", "customer_address": "658 Peters Falls Suite 641, Lake Veronica, VA 10692", "due_date": "Net 11 Days", "Description_1": "Wireless Hat Trendy", "Description_2": "Eco-Friendly Heels Bluetooth", "Description_3": "Luxury Jacket Compact", "Description_4": "Durable Jacket Fashion", "Description_5": "Eco-Friendly Watch Tech", "Description_6": "Innovative Watch Compact", "Description_7": "Premium Shoes Trendy", "unit_price1": "$39.29", "unit_price2": "$18.91", "unit_price3": "$32.68", "unit_price4": "$18.5", "unit_price5": "$33.95", "unit_price6": "$12.3", "unit_price7": "$27.08", "tax_amount": "$76.41", "total_amount": "$4978.31"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-258074", "invoice_date": "9/8/2002", "vendor_name": "Howell Inc", "vendor_address": "664 Olson Cliffs, South Christinabury, DC 69986", "customer_name": "Tanya Cox", "customer_address": "588 Dennis Haven Suite 914, Coreyview, RI 47561", "due_date": "Net 4 Days", "Description_1": "Stylish Shoes Waterproof", "Description_2": "Stylish Watch Tech", "Description_3": "Vintage Laptop For Men", "Description_4": "Durable Chair For Men", "Description_5": "Durable Boots Compact", "Description_6": "Luxury Tablet Tech", "Description_7": "Stylish Chair Compact", "unit_price1": "$47.55", "unit_price2": "$41.44", "unit_price3": "$42.79", "unit_price4": "$10.65", "unit_price5": "$30.62", "unit_price6": "$39.52", "unit_price7": "$24.54", "tax_amount": "$88.4", "total_amount": "$6666.08"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-500973", "invoice_date": "14/12/2015", "vendor_name": "George-Martin", "vendor_address": "06926 Gill Mission, Cynthiaville, OR 39312", "customer_name": "Michelle Osborn", "customer_address": "41927 Miller Club Apt. 732, South David, WY 10555", "due_date": "Net 47 Days", "Description_1": "Premium Smartphone Tech", "Description_2": "Durable Laptop For Men", "Description_3": "Wireless Sneaker For Men", "Description_4": "Vintage Hat Tech", "Description_5": "Innovative Shoes For Men", "Description_6": "Luxury Boots Pro", "Description_7": "Vintage Laptop Trendy", "unit_price1": "$11.21", "unit_price2": "$49.49", "unit_price3": "$46.99", "unit_price4": "$18.93", "unit_price5": "$16.18", "unit_price6": "$29.18", "unit_price7": "$27.96", "tax_amount": "$99.78", "total_amount": "$2696.29"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-182150", "invoice_date": "30/12/2001", "vendor_name": "Ross Group", "vendor_address": "4871 Burke Cliffs, West Scottland, LA 02981", "customer_name": "Gregory Ponce", "customer_address": "51833 Williams Fork Suite 162, West Emily, TN 46090", "due_date": "Net 15 Days", "Description_1": "Innovative Jacket Tech", "Description_2": "Stylish Chair Smart", "Description_3": "Eco-Friendly Heels Bluetooth", "Description_4": "Fashion Jacket Smart", "Description_5": "Modern Heels For Men", "Description_6": "Eco-Friendly Hat Trendy", "Description_7": "Wireless Boots Pro", "unit_price1": "$28.54", "unit_price2": "$26.99", "unit_price3": "$35.8", "unit_price4": "$24.0", "unit_price5": "$11.55", "unit_price6": "$43.41", "unit_price7": "$45.54", "tax_amount": "$15.95", "total_amount": "$9575.45"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-244149", "invoice_date": "19/9/2011", "vendor_name": "Dalton-Reed", "vendor_address": "20030 Betty Square Suite 254, South Matthewchester, OH 16667", "customer_name": "Spencer Mcgee", "customer_address": "5852 Foster Crest Suite 306, Lake Danielborough, AS 50197", "due_date": "Net 21 Days", "Description_1": "Innovative Hat For Men", "Description_2": "Durable Laptop Limited Ed.", "Description_3": "Eco-Friendly Chair Waterproof", "Description_4": "Premium Watch Bluetooth", "Description_5": "Vintage Tablet Limited Ed.", "Description_6": "Wireless Hat Smart", "Description_7": "Vintage Chair Limited Ed.", "unit_price1": "$49.06", "unit_price2": "$12.2", "unit_price3": "$23.12", "unit_price4": "$14.45", "unit_price5": "$36.15", "unit_price6": "$39.82", "unit_price7": "$35.34", "tax_amount": "$96.51", "total_amount": "$3224.95"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-955687", "invoice_date": "10/1/2015", "vendor_name": "Mclean, Collier and Wagner", "vendor_address": "2189 Brooke Center Apt. 217, Evelynport, VI 75210", "customer_name": "Ruth Stewart", "customer_address": "4838 Mitchell Causeway Apt. 112, Joneschester, MD 06071", "due_date": "Net 50 Days", "Description_1": "Vintage Laptop Smart", "Description_2": "Fashion Laptop Tech", "Description_3": "Durable Heels Waterproof", "Description_4": "Durable Chair Tech", "Description_5": "Wireless Watch For Men", "Description_6": "Modern Hat For Women", "Description_7": "Wireless Jacket Tech", "unit_price1": "$14.55", "unit_price2": "$16.89", "unit_price3": "$11.53", "unit_price4": "$14.39", "unit_price5": "$34.08", "unit_price6": "$22.42", "unit_price7": "$11.51", "tax_amount": "$95.18", "total_amount": "$324.76"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-959618", "invoice_date": "11/11/2011", "vendor_name": "Flores-Vega", "vendor_address": "0544 Rebecca Crossroad Apt. 880, New Timothyfort, DE 50899", "customer_name": "Denise Black", "customer_address": "18705 Terri Station Apt. 866, Port Mercedes, AL 11720", "due_date": "Net 30 Days", "Description_1": "Fashion Shoes Bluetooth", "Description_2": "Innovative Smartphone Bluetooth", "Description_3": "Eco-Friendly Watch For Women", "Description_4": "Luxury Laptop Fashion", "Description_5": "Stylish Laptop Pro", "Description_6": "Wireless Boots Pro", "Description_7": "Classic Boots For Men", "unit_price1": "$21.4", "unit_price2": "$16.09", "unit_price3": "$18.14", "unit_price4": "$44.64", "unit_price5": "$43.77", "unit_price6": "$14.82", "unit_price7": "$48.35", "tax_amount": "$78.54", "total_amount": "$924.63"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-345997", "invoice_date": "10/6/2003", "vendor_name": "Johnson, Walker and Griffin", "vendor_address": "371 Jessica Square, South Anthonyberg, IN 86764", "customer_name": "Stephanie Tucker", "customer_address": "3188 Derrick Vista Suite 254, Morrisonview, OR 87365", "due_date": "Net 9 Days", "Description_1": "Innovative Jacket Compact", "Description_2": "Luxury Shoes Compact", "Description_3": "Classic Laptop Smart", "Description_4": "Premium Watch Limited Ed.", "Description_5": "Modern Shoes For Men", "Description_6": "Durable Heels Tech", "Description_7": "Stylish Jacket Limited Ed.", "unit_price1": "$29.23", "unit_price2": "$11.05", "unit_price3": "$22.29", "unit_price4": "$48.07", "unit_price5": "$43.38", "unit_price6": "$22.82", "unit_price7": "$28.28", "tax_amount": "$28.04", "total_amount": "$159.23"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-636253", "invoice_date": "8/6/2005", "vendor_name": "Herrera Group", "vendor_address": "366 Regina Overpass Suite 933, Lake Stephanie, GU 38017", "customer_name": "Lydia Rose", "customer_address": "282 Jason Parks Apt. 874, East Sheilamouth, GA 08573", "due_date": "Net 13 Days", "Description_1": "Stylish Smartphone Bluetooth", "Description_2": "Stylish Boots For Women", "Description_3": "Luxury Jacket Bluetooth", "Description_4": "Luxury Jacket Limited Ed.", "Description_5": "Eco-Friendly Chair Pro", "Description_6": "Fashion Watch Pro", "Description_7": "Modern Chair Trendy", "unit_price1": "$48.8", "unit_price2": "$29.42", "unit_price3": "$33.18", "unit_price4": "$20.98", "unit_price5": "$31.16", "unit_price6": "$46.46", "unit_price7": "$20.84", "tax_amount": "$52.93", "total_amount": "$8139.01"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-582334", "invoice_date": "13/3/2001", "vendor_name": "Hughes, Murphy and Scott", "vendor_address": "5616 Hernandez Summit Apt. 827, New Dawn, IN 64665", "customer_name": "Courtney Brewer", "customer_address": "343 Brandon Mountain Apt. 044, East Travis, NV 35143", "due_date": "Net 9 Days", "Description_1": "Premium Laptop Limited Ed.", "Description_2": "Classic Jacket Bluetooth", "Description_3": "Classic Hat Limited Ed.", "Description_4": "Modern Shoes Fashion", "Description_5": "Vintage Tablet Waterproof", "Description_6": "Fashion Jacket Fashion", "Description_7": "Modern Laptop Smart", "unit_price1": "$41.63", "unit_price2": "$29.82", "unit_price3": "$27.45", "unit_price4": "$15.17", "unit_price5": "$48.86", "unit_price6": "$30.4", "unit_price7": "$18.43", "tax_amount": "$80.22", "total_amount": "$4839.75"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-610317", "invoice_date": "18/12/2022", "vendor_name": "Adams, Robinson and Alexander", "vendor_address": "192 Matthew Passage, New Destiny, NV 54753", "customer_name": "Anita Ward", "customer_address": "419 Lopez Bridge Apt. 369, Armstrongtown, TN 50517", "due_date": "Net 46 Days", "Description_1": "Durable Sneaker Waterproof", "Description_2": "Luxury Heels Waterproof", "Description_3": "Durable Shoes Limited Ed.", "Description_4": "Modern Watch Fashion", "Description_5": "Fashion Tablet Waterproof", "Description_6": "Wireless Sneaker Fashion", "Description_7": "Wireless Tablet Compact", "unit_price1": "$32.86", "unit_price2": "$37.95", "unit_price3": "$36.21", "unit_price4": "$49.26", "unit_price5": "$43.69", "unit_price6": "$30.18", "unit_price7": "$46.65", "tax_amount": "$28.93", "total_amount": "$2824.77"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-942280", "invoice_date": "11/4/2001", "vendor_name": "Lawson PLC", "vendor_address": "8929 Evans Mews Suite 895, Christopherborough, ID 25206", "customer_name": "Kyle Phillips", "customer_address": "167 Reynolds Village Apt. 268, North Seanshire, IL 53019", "due_date": "Net 22 Days", "Description_1": "Fashion Sneaker Trendy", "Description_2": "Vintage Heels For Women", "Description_3": "Premium Chair For Women", "Description_4": "Fashion Tablet For Women", "Description_5": "Durable Watch Tech", "Description_6": "Premium Jacket For Women", "Description_7": "Fashion Heels For Men", "unit_price1": "$46.68", "unit_price2": "$32.61", "unit_price3": "$38.97", "unit_price4": "$33.35", "unit_price5": "$16.16", "unit_price6": "$17.95", "unit_price7": "$37.4", "tax_amount": "$67.75", "total_amount": "$9654.61"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"invoice_no": "INV-100170", "invoice_date": "15/4/2021", "vendor_name": "Hayden Ltd", "vendor_address": "1561 Johnson Forest, East Jenniferfort, AS 66458", "customer_name": "Eric Jenkins", "customer_address": "614 Sawyer Radial Suite 979, North Christine, OK 62258", "due_date": "Net 21 Days", "Description_1": "Classic Watch Trendy", "Description_2": "Vintage Chair Compact", "Description_3": "Modern Chair Trendy", "Description_4": "Eco-Friendly Boots For Women", "Description_5": "Modern Hat Compact", "Description_6": "Classic Sneaker Waterproof", "Description_7": "Durable Watch Waterproof", "unit_price1": "$13.7", "unit_price2": "$28.35", "unit_price3": "$24.78", "unit_price4": "$14.94", "unit_price5": "$43.55", "unit_price6": "$34.49", "unit_price7": "$12.09", "tax_amount": "$24.17", "total_amount": "$2584.45"}} | exists but content is empty.
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