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<s>[INST] Could you provide a detailed overview of the khel (game) 'Prasnottarse Netaa Pahachaano (RSC)', including its type, objective, rules, khel (game)play, player requirements, and cultural or strategic significance? [/INST] Name: Prasnottarse Netaa Pahachaano (RSC), Type: TEAM THINKING KHEL, Meaning: Identify the leader by asking questions, Aim: For one team to identify the leader by asking questions., Description: One team will choose a great hero/leader. Each member from the other team will ask one question turn by turn. The other team will reply with a yes or no answer. From the answers, the team will try to identify the leader.. Estimated Players: 1-10 players </s> |
<s>[INST] Could you provide a detailed overview of the khel (game) 'Dariyaa Ke Oospaar (RS)', including its type, objective, rules, khel (game)play, player requirements, and cultural or strategic significance? [/INST] Name: Dariyaa Ke Oospaar (RS), Type: TEAM THINKING KHEL, Meaning: Cross the sea, Aim: For each team to plan a strategy as to how to cross the sea., Description: The shikshak will mark out an area that signifies the sea. At two opposite ends, there will be land. Each team will be given certain objects such as chairs and buckets (each team will be given the same equipment), which act as boats. Each team must think of a strategy that will enable them to cross the sea and get to the land on the other side. The team members must not touch the sea (the floor), and the only way to cross is to stand on the boats (objects) and use these to get to the other side. The team that reaches the other side first will win.. Estimated Players: 1-10 players </s> |
<s>[INST] Could you provide a detailed overview of the khel (game) 'Bhul Bhulamanee (RS)', including its type, objective, rules, khel (game)play, player requirements, and cultural or strategic significance? [/INST] Name: Bhul Bhulamanee (RS), Type: TEAM THINKING KHEL, Meaning: Maze, Aim: For each team to negotiate the maze., Description: There will be two shikshaks for this khel who will be responsible for each team. Each shikshak shall mark out an equally sized grid, and shall then secretly figure one way to get to the other side. In essence, he will be designating certain squares of the grid as having bombs in them, but the s'sevaks will not know which ones. The routes of each grid should be different to avoid cheating, but should be of equal distance/steps. Each team member will take a turn to step onto a square of the grid. If he steps on a bomb, the shikshak will blow a whistle, and he will have to go back (but will not be out), and the next team member will have his turn. All s'sevaks must be silent, and so therefore each s'sevak has to remember the correct way up until he started his turn. S'sevaks can take only one step, but it can be in any direction. The first team to get to the other side will win.. Estimated Players: all participants (number varies) </s> |
<s>[INST] Could you provide a detailed overview of the khel (game) 'Dand Fenk (RS)', including its type, objective, rules, khel (game)play, player requirements, and cultural or strategic significance? [/INST] Name: Dand Fenk (RS), Type: TEAM EQUIPMENT KHEL, Meaning: To gain points by amassing together ten passes., Aim: Two opposing teams in a square area. The shikshak throws the dand in the middle of the area, where two of the opposing players try to catch it. Teams try to put together 10 consecutive passes (must be thrown) to score a point. The defending team will try to intercept the passes. If they catch the dand, it becomes their turn to try to put together 10 passes. To avoid injury, the dand is not thrown in a 'spear.' It should be held with one hand and pushed with the other when passing., Description: nan. Estimated Players: unknown </s> |
<s>[INST] Could you provide a detailed overview of the khel (game) 'Dand Parase Koodanaa (R)', including its type, objective, rules, khel (game)play, player requirements, and cultural or strategic significance? [/INST] Name: Dand Parase Koodanaa (R), Type: TEAM EQUIPMENT KHEL, Meaning: This is a race where the s'sevak will run to a specified marker and, on his return, the rest of the team will jump over the Dand. The first team to finish will win., Aim: The first s'sevak from each team will run to a specified marker and return. Upon his return with the second s'sevak, they will hold the dand to form a hurdle. They must then maneuver the hurdle through the rest of the team, ensuring they all jump over the dand. The first team to finish wins the khel (game)., Description: nan. Estimated Players: unknown </s> |
<s>[INST] Could you provide a detailed overview of the khel (game) 'Dand Trikon (RSC)', including its type, objective, rules, khel (game)play, player requirements, and cultural or strategic significance? [/INST] Name: Dand Trikon (RSC), Type: TEAM EQUIPMENT KHEL, Meaning: To form a pyramid with three dand, ensuring they do not fall down., Aim: Three equally sized dands will be laid out in groups of three. When kuru is given, each s'sevak must run to one group and use the dand to form a standing pyramid. The first team to finish will win., Description: nan. Estimated Players: unknown </s> |
<s>[INST] Could you provide a detailed overview of the khel (game) 'Svargaarohan (C)', including its type, objective, rules, khel (game)play, player requirements, and cultural or strategic significance? [/INST] Name: Svargaarohan (C), Type: TEAM EQUIPMENT KHEL, Meaning: To work together in a team and form a platform with dands and lift a s'sevak., Aim: All the s'sevaks will be standing on the edge of a circle holding a dand. They will then point the dands to the center of the circle and thereby create a platform in the center. A nominated s'sevak will then stand on the dands. Together they must raise the dand and thereby lift the s'sevak., Description: nan. Estimated Players: unknown </s> |
<s>[INST] Could you provide a detailed overview of the khel (game) 'Dand Daud (C)', including its type, objective, rules, khel (game)play, player requirements, and cultural or strategic significance? [/INST] Name: Dand Daud (C), Type: TEAM EQUIPMENT KHEL, Meaning: For one team to pass the dand round the circle as quickly as possible and place the dand in their opponent's circle., Aim: Two teams will form a large circle each. The circles will be adjacent to each other. Each team will have a dand each. When kuru is given, the dand will be passed from one s'sevak to another s'sevak until the dand reaches the starting s'sevak again. As soon as he gets the dand again, he will run and place it in the opponent's circle. The team who manages to do this first will be the winners., Description: nan. Estimated Players: unknown </s> |
<s>[INST] Could you provide a detailed overview of the khel (game) 'Dand Goal (RS)', including its type, objective, rules, khel (game)play, player requirements, and cultural or strategic significance? [/INST] Name: Dand Goal (RS), Type: TEAM EQUIPMENT KHEL, Meaning: There will be two opposing teams in a rectangular area facing each other. At each end of the area, there will be two objects or small areas that act as goals (i.e., chairs or a small marked circle). The aim is for the dand to be passed amongst team players and eventually touched onto the opposing side's goal. The dand cannot be just handed to a player but must be thrown. A player in possession of the dand can only take three steps. There must be a minimum of three consecutive passes before a goal can be scored., Aim: To avoid injury, the dand is not thrown like a spear. It should be held with one hand and pushed with the other when passing., Description: nan. Estimated Players: unknown </s> |
<s>[INST] Could you provide a detailed overview of the khel (game) 'Scatterball (RS)', including its type, objective, rules, khel (game)play, player requirements, and cultural or strategic significance? [/INST] Name: Scatterball (RS), Type: TEAM EQUIPMENT KHEL, Meaning: The aim of the khel (game) is to make as many runs as you can., Aim: Two teams, one kicking and one fielding. The kicking team lines up on one side of the area, and the fielding team spreads around the area. There will be one bowler from the fielding team. Each s'sevak on the kicking side takes turns 'kicking' as the bowler throws the ball (underarm). They must run to the other side of the area after kicking. Fielding s'sevaks try to get them out by touching them with the ball before they reach the other side. Fielders can pass the ball to each other to get the kicker out. If the kicker makes it to the other side, they score points. If they return to the starting side, they score more points. A variation allows the use of hands to punch the ball away instead of kicking it., Description: nan. Estimated Players: unknown </s> |
<s>[INST] Could you provide a detailed overview of the khel (game) 'Tati Yojnaa (RSC)', including its type, objective, rules, khel (game)play, player requirements, and cultural or strategic significance? [/INST] Name: Tati Yojnaa (RSC), Type: TEAM EQUIPMENT KHEL, Meaning: To form a line as quickly as possible., Aim: Two teams. The shikshak ties a handkerchief to one end of a dand and throws it in the air. When the dand lands on the floor, both teams must try to line up on either side of the handkerchief. Whichever team does this first will win., Description: nan. Estimated Players: unknown </s> |
<s>[INST] Could you provide a detailed overview of the khel (game) 'Rasshee Kheencha (RSC)', including its type, objective, rules, khel (game)play, player requirements, and cultural or strategic significance? [/INST] Name: Rasshee Kheencha (RSC), Type: TEAM EQUIPMENT KHEL, Meaning: Teamwork and test of team strength., Aim: Two teams are lined up at either side of a single rope, in the middle of which is tied a handkerchief. When the whistle is blown, the teams pull the rope. The team that pulls it enough for the handkerchief to pass a predefined point wins., Description: nan. Estimated Players: unknown </s> |
<s>[INST] Could you provide a detailed overview of the khel (game) 'Dodgeball (C)', including its type, objective, rules, khel (game)play, player requirements, and cultural or strategic significance? [/INST] Name: Dodgeball (C), Type: TEAM EQUIPMENT KHEL, Meaning: For s'sevaks to dodge the ball thrown by opposing team members., Aim: One team is slightly outside a mandal facing inwards. Opposing team members (three at a time) are inside the mandal. The s'sevaks inside the mandal have to dodge a ball thrown by s'sevaks outside the mandal. If the ball touches s'sevaks in the mandal, they are out. Foul throws include using two hands or any part of the thrower's body entering the mandal. Roles reverse after a set time., Description: nan. Estimated Players: unknown </s> |
<s>[INST] Could you provide a detailed overview of the khel (game) 'Blind Fold (RS)', including its type, objective, rules, khel (game)play, player requirements, and cultural or strategic significance? [/INST] Name: Blind Fold (RS), Type: TEAM EQUIPMENT KHEL, Meaning: Two swayamsevaks are blindfolded and are directed by two other swayamsevaks to catch all others within a set boundary., Aim: In this khel (game), two swayamsevaks are blindfolded and rely on guidance from two other swayamsevaks to catch all the other participants who are within a predefined boundary. The blindfolded swayamsevaks must use their hearing and guidance from their teammates to locate and catch the other participants., Description: nan. Estimated Players: unknown </s> |
<s>[INST] Could you provide a detailed overview of the khel (game) 'Mutka (RS)', including its type, objective, rules, khel (game)play, player requirements, and cultural or strategic significance? [/INST] Name: Mutka (RS), Type: TEAM EQUIPMENT KHEL, Meaning: One swayamsevak with an object on his head has to try to catch everyone within a boundary while balancing the object on his head. If the object falls off the head, he must run back to his starting point to get his sthithi proper again. Others can slap him on his back with a flat palm while he's running back., Aim: In Mutka, one swayamsevak carries an object on their head and attempts to catch other participants within a defined boundary. The challenge is to maintain balance while catching others. If the object falls off their head, they must return to their starting point to reset their position. Additionally, other participants can try to slap the running swayamsevak on the back with a flat palm to make the khel (game) more challenging., Description: nan. Estimated Players: unknown </s> |
<s>[INST] Could you provide a detailed overview of the khel (game) 'Raigard Fort (C)', including its type, objective, rules, khel (game)play, player requirements, and cultural or strategic significance? [/INST] Name: Raigard Fort (C), Type: TEAM EQUIPMENT KHEL, Meaning: Team A is attacking and trying to get the Ring. They have a ball that can be thrown from outside the circle. If it hits a defending team (Team B) member, they are out. Team B can get a Team A member out if they touch them when they are in the circle. Team A must get the Ring out by carrying it out within a set time period. If the swayamsevak carrying the Ring gets touched, he must drop the Ring where he got touched. Variation: Team B starts off outside of the circle, keeping the Ring in the middle of the circle. Team A has to try to get the Ring by coming in from outside of the circle and into the circle in Langadi. Team B can defend the Ring by throwing the ball in from the outside. Team A has to come out of the circle in Langadi by carrying the Ring out of the circle (no passing or throwing allowed). If the swayamsevak carrying the Ring gets touched, he must drop the Ring where he got touched., Aim: nan, Description: nan. Estimated Players: unknown </s> |
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