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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/44/ | ---
title: Firefox 44 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/44
page-type: firefox-release-notes
[To test the latest developer features of Firefox, install Firefox Developer Edition]( 44 was released on January 26, 2016. This article lists key changes that are useful not only for web developers, but also Firefox and Gecko developers as well as add-on developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### Developer tools
- [Memory tool](
- [Animation inspector improvements](
- [New Waterfall markers: DomContentLoaded, load, worker messages](
[All devtools bugs fixed between Firefox 43 and Firefox 44.](
### HTML
- [`<link rel="prefetch">`](/en-US/docs/Glossary/Prefetch) now obeys the [`crossorigin`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/link#crossorigin) attribute ([Firefox bug 1214819](
### CSS
- `position: fixed;` now always creates a new stacking context ([Firefox bug 1179288](
- The support of {{cssxref('@font-face/unicode-range', 'unicode-range')}} has been enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1119062](
- Our experimental implementation of CSS Writing Modes has been updated to reflect the latest specification:
- The value `sideways` of the {{cssxref("text-orientation")}} property has been implemented and `sideways-right` has been made an alias of it ([Firefox bug 1193488](
- The value `sideways-rl` and `sideways-lr` of the {{cssxref("writing-mode")}} property ([Firefox bug 1193488]( and [Firefox bug 1193519](
- The non-standard properties `-moz-math-display` and `-moz-window-shadow` are no more available from Web content ([Firefox bug 1207002](, [Firefox bug 1211040](, and [Firefox bug 1212607](
- The {{cssxref("font-style")}} property now distinguishes between `oblique` and `italic` when both variants are available ([Firefox bug 543715](
- Though not supported, the properties {{cssxref("@page/marks")}}, {{cssxref("orphans")}}, {{cssxref("page")}}, {{cssxref("size")}}, and {{cssxref("widows")}}, were parsed and {{cssxref("@supports")}} was incorrectly reporting them as supported; this has been fixed and the properties are not parsed anymore, nor marked as supported ([Firefox bug 1215702](
- The internal value `-moz-mac-unified-toolbar` has been removed from the possible values for the {{cssxref("appearance")}} property ([Firefox bug 1206468](
- Several `-webkit` prefixed properties and values have been added for web compatibility, behind the preference `layout.css.prefixes.webkit`, defaulting to `false` ([Firefox bug 837211](
- `-webkit-animation`
- `-webkit-animation-delay`
- `-webkit-animation-direction`
- `-webkit-animation-duration`
- `-webkit-animation-fill-mode`
- `-webkit-animation-iteration-count`
- `-webkit-animation-name`
- `-webkit-animation-play-state`
- `-webkit-animation-timing-function`
- `-webkit-text-size-adjust`
- `-webkit-transform`
- `-webkit-transform-origin`
- `-webkit-transform-style`
- `-webkit-transition`
- `-webkit-transition-delay`
- `-webkit-transition-duration`
- `-webkit-transition-property`
- `-webkit-transition-timing-function`
- `-webkit-border-radius`
- `-webkit-border-top-left-radius`
- `-webkit-border-top-right-radius`
- `-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius`
- `-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius`
- `-webkit-appearance`
- `-webkit-background-clip`
- `-webkit-background-origin`
- `-webkit-background-size`
- `-webkit-border-image`
- `-webkit-box-shadow`
- `-webkit-box-sizing`
- `-webkit-user-select`
- `-webkit-linear-gradient()` [Firefox bug 1210575](
- `-webkit-radial-gradient"()` [Firefox bug 1210575](
- `-webkit-repeating-linear-gradient()` [Firefox bug 1210575](
- `-webkit-repeating-radial-gradient()` [Firefox bug 1210575](
### JavaScript
#### New APIs
- {{jsxref("Symbol.toPrimitive")}}, {{jsxref("Symbol.prototype.@@toPrimitive", "Symbol.prototype[@@toPrimitive]")}}, and {{jsxref("Date.prototype.@@toPrimitive", "Date.prototype[@@toPrimitive]")}} have been implemented ([Firefox bug 1054756](
#### Changes
- The [`let`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/let) and [`const`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/const) bindings in the global level have been made compliant with ES2015 semantics. See [Firefox bug 589199]( and the blog post ["Breaking changes in let and const in Firefox Nightly 44"]( In addition, `let` is now available to default Web JavaScript (strict and non-strict) and does not require a version opt-in anymore ([Firefox bug 932517](
- If [typed arrays'](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Typed_arrays) (like {{jsxref("Int8Array", "Int8Array")}}) and {{jsxref("ArrayBuffer", "ArrayBuffer")}}) constructors are called as a function without the {{jsxref("Operators/new", "new")}} operator, a {{jsxref("TypeError")}} is now thrown as per the ES2015 specification ([Firefox bug 980945](, [Firefox bug 1214936](
- The {{jsxref("RegExp")}} sticky flag now follows the ES2015 standard for [anchored sticky regular expressions](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/sticky#anchored_sticky_flag) ([Firefox bug 773687](
- The JavaScript shell (SpiderMonkey's REPL) now defaults to the default, Web-compatible JS version (and not JS1.7+ anymore) ([Firefox bug 1192329](
#### Removals
- Support for the non-standard [`let` blocks](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Deprecated_and_obsolete_features#statements_2) has been dropped ([Firefox bug 1167029](
- The non-standard and deprecated property `Object.prototype.__noSuchMethod__` has been removed ([Firefox bug 683218](
### Interfaces/APIs/DOM
- For compatibility with specific existing sites, the property `Document.charset` has been implemented as an alias of {{domxref("Document.characterSet")}} ([Firefox bug 647621](
- Support for the [`window.sidebar.addSearchEngine()`](/en-US/docs/Web/OpenSearch#installing_sherlock_plugins) method, which allowed Web pages to invoke an installation of a Sherlock plugin, has been dropped and now it just logs a warning in the Web Console ([Firefox bug 862148](
- To fight unwanted pop-ups, prompts requested in {{domxref("Window/beforeunload_event", "beforeunload")}} events of pages that have not been interacted with are no more displayed ([Firefox bug 636905](
- The deprecated method {{domxref("MessageEvent.initMessageEvent()")}} has been reimplemented for backward compatibility ([Firefox bug 949376](
- The obsolete property `DocumentType.internalSubset` has been removed ([Firefox bug 801545](
- For compatibility with existing sites, the properties {{domxref("Window.orientation")}} and {{domxref("Window.onorientationchange")}}, as well as the {{domxref("Window.orientationchange_event", "orientationchange")}} event have been implemented ([Firefox bug 920734](
- An {{HTMLElement("iframe")}} with explicit fullscreen request should not exit fullscreen implicitly ([Firefox bug 1187801](
- The events {{domxref("Element/mouseover_event", "mouseover")}}, {{domxref("Element/mouseout_event", "mouseout")}}, {{domxref("Element/mouseenter_event", "mouseenter")}}, {{domxref("Element/mouseleave_event", "mouseleave")}}, {{domxref("Element/pointermove_event", "pointermove")}}, {{domxref("Element/pointerover_event", "pointerover")}}, {{domxref("Element/pointerout_event", "pointerout")}}, {{domxref("Element/pointerenter_event", "pointerenter")}} and {{domxref("Element/pointerleave_event", "pointerleave")}} are now triggered for disabled form elements ([Firefox bug 218093](
- The method {{domxref("Element.webkitMatchesSelector()")}} has been added ([Firefox bug 1216193]( to improve interoperability.
- To match the spec, the method {{domxref("Document.createAttribute()")}} now converts the input to lower case ([Firefox bug 1176313](
- The non-standard `dialog` feature for {{domxref("")}} is no longer available to Web content. It is still available to extensions and other code with chrome privileges ([Firefox bug 1095236](
#### Canvas
- A new experimental {{domxref("OffscreenCanvas")}} API that allows rendering contexts (such as [WebGL](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGL_API)) to run in [Web Workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API) has been implemented. To use this experimental API set `gfx.offscreencanvas.enabled` to `true` in about:config ([Firefox bug 709490]( This API includes:
- The {{domxref("OffscreenCanvas")}} interface,
- {{domxref("HTMLCanvasElement.transferControlToOffscreen()")}}, and
- {{domxref("WebGLRenderingContext.commit()")}}.
- Several WebGL interfaces are now also available in a worker context when this API is enabled.
#### WebGL
- Uniform Buffer Objects have been implemented ([Firefox bug 1048747](
#### IndexedDB
- The {{domxref("IDBIndex.getAll()")}} and {{domxref("IDBIndex.getAllKeys()")}}, and there counterparts on {{domxref("IDBObjectStore")}} are now available by default ([Firefox bug 1196841](
#### Service Workers
- The `ServiceWorkerMessageEvent` and {{domxref("ExtendableMessageEvent")}} interfaces have been implemented ([Firefox bug 1143717]( and [Firefox bug 1207068](
- {{domxref("Headers")}} objects now support a pair iterator, meaning that the methods {{domxref("Headers.entries()")}}, {{domxref("Headers.keys()")}}, and {{domxref("Headers.values()")}} are now available; {{jsxref("Symbol.iterator")}} now also returns the default iterator for them ([Firefox bug 1108181](
- The {{domxref('XMLHttpRequest')}} API has been disabled on Service Workers ([Firefox bug 931243](
- The interface {{domxref("FetchEvent")}} now extends {{domxref("ExtendableEvent")}}, giving it access to the {{domxref("ExtendableEvent.waitUntil()")}} method. ([Firefox bug 1214772](
- Following a recent change in the specification, `FetchEvent.client` has been removed ([Firefox bug 1218135](
- To match the latest specification, the {{domxref("ServiceWorkerContainer.onreloadpage")}} has been removed ([Firefox bug 1218139](
- The event handlers {{domxref("ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.beforeevicted_event", "onbeforeevicted")}} and {{domxref("ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.evicted_event", "onevicted")}} have been removed as they weren't following the spec. They will be reintroduced in the future, but their removal will allow feature detection to work as expected ([Firefox bug 1218142](
- In the {{domxref("FetchEvent.FetchEvent", "FetchEvent()")}} constructor, if the `isReload` member is not present in the options dictionary, it now defaults to `false` ([Firefox bug 1216401](
- The {{domxref("Client.frameType")}} property is now implemented on the right interface; it was on {{domxref("WindowClient")}} before ([Firefox bug 1218146](
- When AppCache is used to provide offline support for a page, a warning message is now displayed in the console advising developers to use [Service workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Service_Worker_API/Using_Service_Workers) instead ([Firefox bug 1204581](
- Service workers have been enabled by default in Gecko.
#### WebRTC
- WebRTC interfaces have been _unprefixed_ ([Firefox bug 1155923]( In particular:
- `mozRTCPeerConnection` is now {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection")}}.
- `mozRTCIceCandidate` is now {{domxref("RTCIceCandidate")}}.
- `mozRTCSessionDescription` is now {{domxref("RTCSessionDescription")}}.
- The {{domxref("RTCDataChannel.bufferedAmountLowThreshold")}} property, as well as the {{domxref("RTCDataChannel.bufferedamountlow_event", "bufferedamountlow")}} event and its event handler, have been implemented ([Firefox bug 1178091](
- The attribute {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.canTrickleIceCandidates")}} has been added, the non-standard method {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.updateIce()")}} removed ([Firefox bug 1209744](
- The {{domxref("MediaStream")}} interface now supports the {{domxref("MediaStream.addTrack()")}} and {{domxref("MediaStream.removeTrack()")}} methods ([Firefox bug 1103188](
- The constructor {{domxref("MediaStream.MediaStream", "MediaStream()")}} has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1070216](
- Support for the non-standard constraint style option list for `RTCOfferOptions` has been removed.
#### New APIs
- An experimental implementation of the Canvas API in Workers has landed: {{domxref("OfflineCanvas")}} and {{domxref("HTMLCanvasElement.transferControlToOffscreen()")}} are available behind the `gfx.offscreencanvas.enabled` preference, currently disabled by default ([Firefox bug 709490](
- The Text2Speech API, part of Web Speech API, has now an OS X backend. But this is disabled by default ([Firefox bug 1003452](
#### Miscellaneous
- {{domxref("URLSearchParams")}} objects now support a pair iterator, meaning that the methods {{domxref("URLSearchParams.entries()")}}, {{domxref("URLSearchParams.keys()")}}, and {{domxref("URLSearchParams.values()")}} are now available; {{jsxref("Symbol.iterator")}} now also returns the default iterator for them ([Firefox bug 1085284](
- {{domxref("FormData")}} objects now support a pair iterator, meaning that the methods {{domxref("FormData.entries()")}}, {{domxref("FormData.keys")}}, and {{domxref("FormData.values()")}} are now available; {{jsxref("Symbol.iterator")}} now also returns the default iterator for them ([Firefox bug 1127703](
- When {{domxref("XMLHttpRequest.send()")}} is used with an HTML document, it now uses `text/html` instead of `application/xml` ([Firefox bug 918771](
- Speech synthesis (text-to-speech) has been implemented in Firefox Desktop for Mac and Linux, hidden behind the `media.webspeech.synth.enabled` flag in `about:config` ([Firefox bug 1003452](, [Firefox bug 1003464]( See [Web Speech API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Speech_API) for more information.
- Elements inside a {{HTMLElement("frame")}} or an {{HTMLElement('object')}} can't be set fullscreen anymore ([Firefox bug 1212299](
- Sanitization of WOFF fonts is a bit more stricter, leading to more incorrect fonts being rejected, this sanitization is made a bit less stricter in Firefox 46 ([Firefox bug 1193050]( and [Firefox bug 1244693](
### MathML
_No change._
### SVG
_No change._
### Audio/Video
_No change._
- Support for the [Brotli]( algorithm has been added and both [`Accept-Encoding`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Content_negotiation#the_accept-encoding_header) and [`Content-Encoding`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Encoding) headers now support the `br` value ([Firefox bug 366559]( and [Firefox bug 1211916](
- Incorrect support of HTTP/2 headers containing line breaks (`'/n'`) have been removed as the spec doesn't allow it, unlike HTTP/1 ([Firefox bug 1197847](
## Networking
_No change._
## Security
- RC4 is now also disabled by default on Beta and Release versions of the browser ([Firefox bug 1201025]( and the whitelist is now empty by default ([Firefox bug 1215796](
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
### Interfaces
_No change._
### XUL
_No change._
### JavaScript code modules
- Added `LIKE` support to Sqlite.jsm ([Firefox bug 1188760](
- Added [Snackbars.jsm](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/Firefox_for_Android/API/Snackbars.jsm) module to [Firefox for Android](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox_for_Android) ([Firefox bug 1215026](
- The `nsIDOMWindow` interface is now empty. Its contents were either no longer used, had moved elsewhere, or were only used from C++. The items available from C++ code now reside in the [nsPIDOMWindow]( interface ([Firefox bug 1216401](
### Other
- Due to breaking changes in Firefox 44 ([bug 1202902](, add-ons packed with [cfx](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/Tools/cfx) will not work any longer. To make your add-on compatible again, please use [jpm](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/Tools/jpm). You can find steps to migrate from _cfx_ to _jpm_ [here](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/Tools/cfx_to_jpm).
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/101/ | ---
title: Firefox 101 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/101
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 101 that will affect developers. Firefox 101 was released on May 31, 2022.
## Changes for web developers
### HTML
No notable changes.
### CSS
- The [`prefers-contrast`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/prefers-contrast) media feature that is used to detect whether the user has specified a preference for higher (`more`) or lower (`less`) contrast in the presentation of web content is now available by default. This feature now also lets users specify a set of colors to use for the contrast through the new `custom` value ([Firefox bug 1656363](
- Three new viewport sizes have been introduced: small (`s`), large (`l`), and dynamic (`d`). These new sizes have added new [viewport-percentage length units](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/length) in addition to the existing ones - `vh`, `vw`, `vmax`, and `vmin`. The new viewport-percentage length units include `svh`, `lvh`, `dvh`, `svw`, `lvw`, `dvw`, `svmax`, `lvmax`, `dvmax`, `svmin`, `lvmin`, and `dvmin` ([Firefox bug 1610815]( Additionally, the units `vb` and `vi` are now supported by default ([Firefox bug 1610815](
- Support for the [`inline-size`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/contain#inline-size) value for the `contain` property has been added. For more information, see ([Firefox bug 1755565](
### JavaScript
No notable changes.
### APIs
#### DOM
- [`HTMLMediaElement.preservesPitch`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLMediaElement/preservesPitch) is now supported without the `moz` prefix.
`mozPreservesPitch` is now an alias of `preservesPitch`, but is deprecated, and may be removed in future releases ([Firefox bug 1652950](
- [`HTMLInputElement.showPicker()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLInputElement/showPicker) is now supported, allowing the picker for an input element to be displayed when a user interacts with some other element, such as a button ([Firefox bug 1745005](
- [`DOMException`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/DOMException) is now a {{Glossary("serializable object")}}, so it can be cloned with {{domxref("structuredClone()")}} or copied between [workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Worker) using {{domxref("Worker.postMessage()", "postMessage()")}} ([Firefox bug 1561357](
- _Constructable stylesheets_ are now supported, making it much easier to create reusable stylesheets for use with [Shadow DOM](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_components/Using_shadow_DOM).
The update includes the addition of a [`CSSStyleSheet()` constructor](/en-US/docs/Web/API/CSSStyleSheet/CSSStyleSheet) for creating new stylesheets, the {{domxref("CSSStyleSheet.replace()")}} and {{domxref("CSSStyleSheet.replaceSync()")}} methods that can be used to add/replace CSS rules in the sheet, and the [`Document.adoptedStyleSheets`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/adoptedStyleSheets) and [`ShadowRoot.adoptedStyleSheets`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/ShadowRoot/adoptedStyleSheets) properties that are used to share sheets to a document and its shadow DOM subtrees.
See [Firefox bug 1520690]( for more information.
#### Media, WebRTC, and Web Audio
- [AV1 codec parameters](/en-US/docs/Web/Media/Formats/codecs_parameter#av1) are now properly parsed in media support queries.
This means that [`MediaCapabilities.decodingInfo()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaCapabilities/decodingInfo), [`HTMLMediaElement.canPlayType()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLMediaElement/canPlayType), and [`MediaSource.isTypeSupported()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaSource/isTypeSupported_static) will now accurately report support for playback for AV1 sources based on the provided codec parameters.
[`MediaCapabilities.decodingInfo()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaCapabilities/decodingInfo) will also use the information to accurately report on "efficient decoding" of AV1 videos.
For more information, see [Firefox bug 1757861](
- `maxFramerate` is now supported for setting the maximum framerate that can be used to send an encoding (in {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.addTransceiver()")}} and {{domxref("RTCRtpSender.setParameters()")}}).
Note that zero if a valid frame rate value, but is interpreted by Firefox as "no frame rate limit".
For more information, see [Firefox bug 1611957](
#### SVG
- SVG images in the Firefox UI that are styled using [`prefers-color-scheme`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/prefers-color-scheme) will respect the [`color-scheme`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color-scheme) of the embedder (previously `prefers-color-scheme` ignored the `color-scheme` of the embedder and triggered off either the device or browser theme).
This ensures that a favicon, for example, is always styled to match the theme of the elements that nest it, and not necessarily the (potentially different) theme of the device. ([Firefox bug 1764354](
### WebDriver conformance (WebDriver BiDi, Marionette)
Starting with this release of Firefox the [WebDriver BiDi]( protocol will be enabled by default. A WebDriver BiDi session can be requested by using WebDriver classic (geckodriver, Marionette) and setting the [`webSocketURL` capability](/en-US/docs/Web/WebDriver/Capabilities/webSocketUrl) to `true` when creating a new WebDriver session. The same capability will then contain the WebSocket end-point for BiDi clients to connect to.
The following commands and events are available:
- Adds the [`session` module]( including a partial implementation for the commands to globally subscribe ([`session.subscribe`]( to and unsubscribe ([`session.unsubscribe`]( from events, and the ability to create a direct WebDriver BiDi session ([``]( when not using WebDriver classic.
- Adds the [`browsingContext` module]( including the commands to open a new tab or window ([`browsingContext.create`]( or close such one ([`browsingContext.close`](, retrieve open browsing contexts ([`browsingContext.getTree`]( and to navigate within a browsing context ([`browsingContext.navigate`]( There is also support for the event when a browsing context got created ([`browsingContext.contextCreated`](
- Adds the [`log` module]( including support for log events ([`log.entryAdded`](
For more information, see the [full bug list](
## Changes for add-on developers
- Addition of the {{WebExtAPIRef("storage.StorageArea.onChanged")}} event that enables you to listen for changes in content in the `local` and `sync` storage areas ([Firefox bug 1758475](
- Manifest V3 [preview]( features:
- Addition of the {{WebExtAPIRef("scripting")}} API, which provides features to execute a script, insert and remove CSS, and manage the registration of content scripts ([Firefox bug 1687764]( This API is available to Manifest V3 extensions and takes over the execute script and insert and remove CSS features from the {{WebExtAPIRef("tabs")}} API.
- Addition of the {{WebExtAPIRef("action")}} API, which takes over the features of the {{WebExtAPIRef("browserAction")}} API in Manifest V3 extensions. Corresponding addition of the [`"action"`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/action) manifest key and [`_execute_action` special shortcut](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/commands#special_shortcuts) to the manifest `commands` key. Note that the {{WebExtAPIRef("browserAction")}} API and [`"browser_action"`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/browser_action) manifest key are only available in Manifest V2 extensions.
- The [`"background"`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/background) manifest key property `"persistent"` can be set to `false` under the control of preferences: for Manifest V2, the <code>extensions.eventPages.enabled</code> preference, and in Manifest V3, the <code>extensions.manifestV3.enabled</code> preference.
- Addition of the [`"host_permissions"`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/host_permissions) manifest key, which is available for Manifest V3 extensions.
- The content script execution environment has changed for Manifest V3 extensions:
- Content scripts can no longer rely on host permissions to perform cross-origin requests. Cross-origin requests from content scripts are possible with [CORS](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS).
- The `content` object (that offered `content.fetch`, `content.XMLHttpRequest`, and `content.WebSocket`) is removed from the content script execution environment.
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/98/ | ---
title: Firefox 98 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/98
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 98 that affect developers. Firefox 98 was released on March 8, 2022.
## Changes for web developers
### HTML
- The HTML {{HTMLElement("dialog")}} element is now available by default. This element and its associated [DOM APIs](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document_Object_Model) provide support for HTML-based modal dialog boxes ([Firefox bug 1733536](
### CSS
- The {{cssxref("hyphenate-character")}} property sets a string that is used instead of a hyphen character (`-`) at the end of a hyphenation line break ([Firefox bug 1751024](
### JavaScript
No notable changes
### APIs
- {{domxref("navigator.registerProtocolHandler()")}} can now register protocol handlers for the `ftp`, `sftp`, and `ftps` schemes ([Firefox bug 1705202](
#### DOM
- {{domxref("HTMLElement.outerText")}} is now supported ([Firefox bug 1709790](
- The properties `colorSpaceConversion`, `resizeWidth` and `resizeHeight` can be passed to the method {{domxref("createImageBitmap()")}} using the `options` object ([Firefox bug 1748868]( and [Firefox bug 1733559](
#### Removals
- The deprecated [WebVR API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebVR_API) is now disabled by default on all builds (previously it was enabled on Windows, macOS, and all nightly/dev builds).
It can be re-enabled in `about:config` by setting `dom.vr.enabled` to `true` ([Firefox bug 1750902](
### WebDriver conformance (Marionette)
- Improved initial page load checks for newly opened tabs ([Firefox bug 1747359](
## Changes for add-on developers
- Web extensions using {{WebExtAPIRef("webRequest")}} were started early during Firefox startup. This has changed to only trigger early start-up for extensions using {{WebExtAPIRef("webRequest")}} blocking calls. Non-blocking calls no longer cause the early startup of an extension. ([Firefox bug 1749871](
- `cookieStoreId` added to {{WebExtAPIRef("userScripts.register")}}. This enables extensions to register container-specific user scripts ([Firefox bug 1738567](
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/34/ | ---
title: Firefox 34 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/34
page-type: firefox-release-notes
Firefox 34 was released on December 1st, 2014. This article lists key changes that are useful not only for web developers, but also Firefox and Gecko developers as well as add-on developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### Developer Tools
- [Storage Inspector: a new tool enabling you to view data stored by web pages](
- [Performance tool: revamped Profiler UI and frame rate timeline](
- [Frame switching: point the developer tools at a specific iframe in the page](
- [console.table support](/en-US/docs/Web/API/console/table_static)
- [jQuery events are visible in the Page Inspector](
[All devtools bugs fixed between Firefox 33 and Firefox 34](
### CSS
- Our experimental implementation of CSS Fonts Level 3 progresses. Newly implemented features are:
- the fallback algorithm of {{cssxref("font-variant-position")}}, creating synthetic alternates for missing glyphs, based on the subscript and superscript metrics supplied by the font ([Firefox bug 1024804](
- The `layout.css.font-features.enabled` preference has been removed, meaning the following properties have been activated by default:
- The CSS Font Level 3 version of {{cssxref("font-variant")}} which is now a shorthand property.
- The longhand properties {{cssxref("font-variant-caps")}}, {{cssxref("font-variant-numeric")}}, {{cssxref("font-variant-position")}}, {{cssxref("font-variant-east-asian")}}, {{cssxref("font-variant-ligatures")}}, and {{cssxref("font-variant-alternates")}}.
- The properties {{cssxref("font-kerning")}} and {{cssxref("font-synthesis")}}
- The properties {{cssxref("font-feature-settings")}} and {{cssxref("font-language-override")}} are unprefixed. The prefixed version are still available for some time to ease transition.
- The value `auto` has been added to {{cssxref("min-width")}} and {{cssxref("min-height")}} with a different behavior than the last time ([Firefox bug 984711]( and [Firefox bug 1015474](
- An experimental implementation, disabled by default, of the filter functional values of the {{cssxref("filter")}} property have been implemented. It is controlled by the `layout.css.filters.enabled` pref ([Firefox bug 948265](
- Fixed starting of CSS transitions that start together with changes to {{cssxref("display")}}, {{cssxref("position")}}, {{cssxref("overflow")}}, and similar properties ([Firefox bug 625289](
### HTML
_No change._
### JavaScript
- The ES2015 syntax for [computed property names on object literals](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Object_initializer#computed_property_names) has been implemented ([Firefox bug 924688](
- This includes [getter](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/get) and [setter](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/set) method names as well ([Firefox bug 1048384]( and can also be used with [destructuring](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Destructuring_assignment#computed_object_property_names_and_destructuring).
- The ES2015 [shorthand syntax for defining methods](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/Method_definitions) on objects has been implemented ([Firefox bug 924672](
- The ES2015 `Object` method {{jsxref("Object.assign", "Object.assign()")}} has been implemented ([Firefox bug 937855](
- ES2015 [template strings](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Template_literals) and the {{jsxref("String.raw()")}} method are now supported ([Firefox bug 1038259](, [Firefox bug 1039774](
- A new ES2015 object {{jsxref("WeakSet")}} has been added ([Firefox bug 792439](
- ES2015 [Symbols](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Symbol) (only available in the Nightly channel) have been updated to conform with recent specification changes ([Firefox bug 1042602](
- When trying to convert a symbol to a number, a [`TypeError`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/TypeError) will be thrown now.
- When using loose equality, `Object(sym) == sym` returns `true` now.
- The experimental {{jsxref("TypedArray.prototype.move()")}} method (only available in former Nightly and Aurora channels) has been replaced with the now implemented standard ES2015 {{jsxref("TypedArray.prototype.copyWithin()")}} method ([Firefox bug 1021379](
- In [strict mode](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Strict_mode), setting a [duplicate property name in object literals](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Object_initializer#duplicate_property_names) will no longer throw a `SyntaxError` as per ES2015 specification ([Firefox bug 1041128](
- In regular expressions (including `String.replace`), the matched text for a capturing group is now `undefined` instead of the empty string when that capturing group didn't get consulted because quantifiers prevented its exercise (see [Firefox bug 369778]( and [this example code](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp#firefox-specific_notes)). Note that due to web compatibility, RegExp.$N will still return an empty string ([Firefox bug 1053944](
- The ES2015 [spread operator](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Spread_syntax) is now supported in [destructuring](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Destructuring_assignment) ([Firefox bug 933276](
- [Destructuring](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Destructuring_assignment) now uses iterator protocol instead of array-like protocol ([Firefox bug 933276](
- {{jsxref("Proxy.revocable()")}} has been implemented ([Firefox bug 978279](
### Interfaces/APIs/DOM
- The {{domxref("Element.matches()")}} method has been added; it does what the non-standard `mozMatchesSelector()` was doing ([Firefox bug 886308](
- The {{domxref("")}} method is now available to Web workers ([Firefox bug 908390](
- The non-standard interface `MozNamedAttrMap` has been renamed to the standard {{domxref("NamedNodeMap")}} and {{domxref("Element.attributes")}} has been adapted to use it ([Firefox bug 1055467](
- The {{domxref("Path2D.addPath()")}} method has been added ([Firefox bug 985801](
- The non-standard [Device Storage API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Device_Storage_API) is now also enabled for privileged apps installed on Android ([Firefox bug 886627](
- Web Crypto API has been enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1074001](
- The {{domxref("MediaStreamTrack.stop()")}} method has been added ([Firefox bug 1057955](
- Our experimental implementation of EME continues. The {{domxref("MediaKeySession.getUsableKeyIds()")}} method has been added ([Firefox bug 1057171](
- Regarding [WebRTC](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebRTC_API):
- an experiment implementation of {{domxref("RTPSender")}} and {{domxref("RTPReceiver")}} working with {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection")}} has landed ([Firefox bug 1032835](
- application window sharing has been added to {{domxref("Navigation.getUserMedia()")}} ([Firefox bug 1036653]( and {{domxref("MediaTrackConstraintSet")}} now supports `browserWindow` and `scrollWithPage` allowing to chose the tab of a window that has to be shared without showing the tab chooser dialog ([Firefox bug 1041700](
- `"browser"` is now an accepted value of MediaSourceEnum, used to define constraints ([Firefox bug 1041493](
- For Web Components, event retargeting is now implemented ([Firefox bug 887541](
- The {{domxref("Headers")}} interface has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1029620]( It is controlled by the `dom.fetch.enabled` preference which is set to `false` by default.
- Regarding our experimental implementation of Web Animations, the {{domxref("AnimationEffect")}} interface has been added, with the single {{domxref("")}} property ([Firefox bug 1045993]( Web Animations is not activated by default and is controlled by the `dom.animations-api.core.enabled` preference.
- CSSOM View smooth scrolling methods have been added: {{domxref("Window.scroll()")}}, {{domxref("Window.scrollTo()")}}, and {{domxref("Window.scrollBy()")}} ([Firefox bug 1022818](
- The non-standard `MozSmsSegmentInfo` is no more visible on the global object [Firefox bug 916607](
### MathML
_No change._
### SVG
_No change._
### Audio/Video
_No change._
## Security and Networking
- SSLv3 is now disabled by default ([Firefox bug 1030963](
- A warning is sent to the console when a website use the CSS `reflected-xss` directive ([Firefox bug 1045902](
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
- localstore.rdf has been removed ([Firefox bug 559505](
### Add-on SDK
#### Highlights
- New API: [dev/panel](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/Low-Level_APIs/dev_panel) enables you to extend the Firefox Developer Tools.
- [jpm](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/Tools/jpm) beta released.
- `"./my-file"` introduced everywhere as an alias for `require("sdk/self").data.url("my-file")`
- Added the ability to [attach stylesheets to individual tabs](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/High-Level_APIs/tabs#attaching_stylesheets).
#### Details
[GitHub commits made between Firefox 33 and Firefox 34]( This will not include any uplifts made after this release entered Aurora.
[Bugs fixed between Firefox 33 and Firefox 34]( This will not include any uplifts made after this release entered Aurora.
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/113/ | ---
title: Firefox 113 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/113
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 113 that affect developers. Firefox 113 was released on May 09, 2023.
## Changes for web developers
### HTML
No notable changes.
### CSS
- The [`color()`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/color), [`lab()`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/lab), [`lch()`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/lch), [`oklab()`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/oklab), [`oklch()`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/oklch), and [`color-mix()`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/color-mix) functional notations are now supported, along with the [`forced-color-adjust`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/forced-color-adjust) property.
For more information on the functional notations, see the [CSS color value](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value) documentation.
([Firefox bug 1352753](, [Firefox bug 1813497](, [Firefox bug 1818819](, [Firefox bug 1824526](
- The [`:nth-child of <selector>` syntax](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/:nth-child#the_of_selector_syntax) allows you to target a group of children based upon the `An+B` rule that also matches a defined selector.
See ([Firefox bug 1808229]( for more details.
- The [`scripting`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/scripting) media feature is now supported. See ([Firefox bug 1166581]( for more details.
- The [`content`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/content) property now supports all image type including, `<gradient>`, `image-set()` and `url()`. See ([Firefox bug 1684958]( for more details. There is currently an issue with the `::before` and `::after` pseudo selectors that means that they don't paint `<gradient>`s. See ([Firefox bug 1832901]( for more details.
### JavaScript
No notable changes.
### APIs
- [`CanvasRenderingContext2D.reset()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/reset) and [`OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D.reset()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D#canvasrenderingcontext2d.reset) are now supported, and can be used to return the associated rendering context to its default state.
([Firefox bug 1709347](
- The [Compression Streams API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Compression_Streams_API) is now supported.
The interfaces provided by this API are used to compress and decompress data using the `gzip` and `deflate` formats ([Firefox bug 1823619](
- The deprecated and non-standard `mozImageSmoothingEnabled` property is now disabled.
See the [`imageSmoothingEnabled`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/imageSmoothingEnabled) property for smoothing in scaled images ([Firefox bug 1822955](
#### Media, WebRTC, and Web Audio
- The [AV1 video codec](/en-US/docs/Web/Media/Formats/Video_codecs#av1) is now enabled on Android. Hardware accelerated decoding is used if supported by the device ([Firefox bug 1672276](
- The following WebRTC methods, properties, and dictionaries are now supported: [`RTCRtpSender.getCapabilities()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/RTCRtpSender/getCapabilities_static), [`RTCRtpReceiver.getCapabilities()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/RTCRtpReceiver/getCapabilities_static), [`RTCRtpSender.setStreams()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/RTCRtpSender/setStreams), [`RTCSctpTransport`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/RTCSctpTransport) & [`RTCPeerConnection.sctp`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/RTCPeerConnection/sctp), [`RTCMediaSourceStats`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/RTCMediaSourceStats), [`RTCPeerConnection.connectionState`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/RTCPeerConnection/connectionState), and [`RTCPeerConnectionStats`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/RTCPeerConnectionStats).
The corresponding bug reports are, respectively: [Firefox bug 1531460](, [Firefox bug 1531461](, [Firefox bug 1510802](, [Firefox bug 1278299](, [Firefox bug 1804678](, [Firefox bug 1265827](, and [Firefox bug 1531087](
#### Removals
- The deprecated and non-standard `CanvasRenderingContext2D.mozTextStyle` attribute was permanently removed. This was previously hidden behind a preference. ([Firefox bug 1294362](
- The deprecated and non-standard attributes `mozRTCPeerConnection`, `mozRTCIceCandidate`, and `mozRTCSessionDescription` were permanently removed ([Firefox bug 1531812](
### WebDriver conformance (WebDriver BiDi, Marionette)
#### WebDriver BiDi
- Added support for serializing `Node` objects within a Shadow DOM and the `shadowRoot` property on `Node` objects ([Firefox bug 1802137](
- Added support for cached responses for the `network.responseStarted` and `network.responseCompleted` events ([Firefox bug 1806802]( and [Firefox bug 1806794](
- Fixed an issue where the `browsingContext.domContentLoaded` and `browsingContext.load` events were missing for navigations using `` and `document.close()` ([Firefox bug 1822772](
- Fixed an issue where the `script.callFunction` command was throwing an `invalid argument` error if an unknown object was passed as an argument, instead of the expected `no such handle` error ([Firefox bug 1821039](
#### Marionette
- The `moz:useNonSpecCompliantPointerOrigin` capability is now deprecated and will be fully removed in Firefox 116 ([Firefox bug 1824911](
- Implemented the `WebDriver:FindElementFromShadowRoot` and `WebDriver:FindElementsFromShadowRoot` commands ([Firefox bug 1700095](
- Implemented the `WebDriver:GetComputedLabel` and `WebDriver:GetComputedRole` commands ([Firefox bug 1585622](
- Added support for the `background` parameter of the `WebDriver:Print` command ([Firefox bug 1783086](
- Added support for the `orientation` parameter of the `WebDriver:Print` command ([Firefox bug 1791819](
- Fixed an issue with `DOMTokenList` instances, which are now returned as collections instead of arbitrary objects ([Firefox bug 1823464](
## Changes for add-on developers
- When an extension registers multiple listeners for the same event, all the event listeners are called when the event page wakes up, instead of only the first one ([Firefox bug 1798655](
- Support is now provided for the {{WebExtAPIRef("declarativeNetRequest")}} API ([Firefox bug 1782685](
- The `gecko_android` subkey has been added to the [`browser_specific_settings`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/browser_specific_settings) key. This subkey enables an extension to specify the range of Firefox for Android versions it is compatible with ([Firefox bug 1824237](
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/20/ | ---
title: Firefox 20 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/20
page-type: firefox-release-notes
Firefox 20 was released on April, 2nd 2013. This article provides information about the changes in this release that will affect developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### HTML
- Support for the [`download`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/a#download) attribute on the {{HTMLElement("a")}} and {{HTMLElement("area")}} element has been added ([Firefox bug 676619](
- The value `auto` for the [global attribute](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes) [`dir`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes#dir) has been implemented ([Firefox bug 548206](
- The [global attribute](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes) [contextmenu](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/contextmenu) now works on Firefox for Android ([Firefox bug 736321](
### JavaScript
- Support for the `WeakMap.prototype.clear()` method, recently added to the Harmony (ECMAScript 2015) draft proposal has been added ([Firefox bug 814562](
- Support for the [`Math.imul()`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Math/imul) method, a C-style 32-bit multiplication function. Though proposed for Harmony (ECMAScript 2015) it has not yet been accepted and still is non-standard ([Firefox bug 808148](
- Web apps using draggable text with Kinetic 3.x are working, even when using the Cairo canvas backend ([Firefox bug 835064](
- The [`for`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Deprecated_and_obsolete_features#statements_2) statement has been deprecated and should not be used. Consider using the new [`for...of`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/for...of) statement ([Firefox bug 804834](
- Support for the {{jsxref("Map.prototype.keys()")}}, {{jsxref("Map.prototype.values()")}}, and {{jsxref("Map.prototype.entries()")}} has been added ([Firefox bug 817368](
### CSS
- [CSS Flexbox](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_flexible_box_layout/Basic_concepts_of_flexbox) is now available by default in pre-release builds only (excluding beta versions). It can be enabled in release and beta versions by setting the `layout.css.flexbox.enabled` about:config preference to `true`.
- The `mask-type` property from the [CSS Masking specification]( has been added ([Firefox bug 793617](
- Experimental support for the {{cssxref(":scope")}} pseudo-class has been added. Enabled by default in Aurora and Nightly, it can be enabled in release and beta versions by setting the `layout.css.scope-pseudo.enabled` about:config preference to `true` ([Firefox bug 648722](
### DOM/APIs
- {{domxref("HTMLMediaElement")}} supports now `playbackRate` (both read and write), with pitch correction. Pitch correction can be controlled using the property `mozPreservesPitch` ([Firefox bug 495040](
- CSSOM: Support for the new {{domxref("CSSGroupingRule")}} and {{domxref("CSSConditionRule")}} has been added ([Firefox bug 814907](
- CSSOM: On {{domxref("CSSRule")}} the constant CSSRule.MOZ_KEYFRAME_RULE and CSSRule.MOZ_KEYFRAMES_RULE have been unprefixed to CSSRule.KEYFRAME_RULE and CSSRule.KEYFRAMES_RULE. The prefixed version is temporarily kept for helping Web author to transition their code [Firefox bug 816431](
- CSSOM: It is now possible to set the value of `conditionText` for {{domxref("CSSMediaRule")}} ([Firefox bug 815021](
- The {{domxref("DOMParser")}} `parseFromStream` and `parseFromBuffer` methods are no longer available from web content ([Firefox bug 816410](
- The [`XMLSerializer`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLSerializer) `serializeToStream` method is no longer available from web content ([Firefox bug 816410](
- {{domxref("TextDecoder")}} and {{domxref("TextEncoder")}} interfaces are now available in Workers ([Firefox bug 795542](
- Support for the `CSS.supports()` method has been added, behind the `layout.css.supports-rule.enabled` pref (off by default) ([Firefox bug 779917](
- Support for UndoManager has been added ([Firefox bug 617532](
- The CSSOM {{domxref("Document.caretPositionFromPoint()")}} method, which returns a {{domxref("CaretPosition")}} has been implemented.
- The index argument of the {{domxref("HTMLTableRowElement.insertCell()")}} and {{domxref("HTMLTableElement.insertRow()")}} methods has been made optional as per HTML specification.
- {{domxref("Navigator.getUserMedia")}}, still prefixed as `Navigator.mozGetUserMedia` is now activated by default.
- The third, optional, `transfer` argument of {{domxref("Window.postMessage")}} is now supported. It allows to transfer a sequence of [transferable objects](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API/Transferable_objects) to the destination ([Firefox bug 822094](
- The non-standard {{domxref("Window.sizeToContent()")}} method now clamps the minimal size: the window cannot be forced anymore to small sizes preventing the user from interacting with ([Firefox bug 764240](
- Blend modes, such as `overlay`, `color-burn`, `hue`, etc. have been added to the Canvas {{domxref("CanvasRenderingContext2D.globalCompositeOperation")}} property ([Firefox bug 748433](
- The prefixed version of [`window.indexedDB`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/indexedDB) — `window.mozIndexedDB` — was reintroduced to Gecko, so that bad cross-browser prefixing code (such as `var indexedDB = window.indexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB …`) doesn't break in Firefox. A better approach is `window.indexedDB = window.indexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB …` (see [Firefox bug 770844](
### SVG
- The implementation of the `contentScriptType` and `contentStyleType` properties has been removed from [`SVGSVGElement`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/SVGSVGElement) along with the removal from SVG2 ([Firefox bug 819731](
### MathML
- To help MathML authors debugging "invalid-markup" errors in their documents, MathML parsing errors (such as having too many / too few child elements) and warnings about deprecated attributes or wrong attribute values are now reported to the error console.
- The `scriptminsize` attribute now accepts unitless values and percent values. They are interpreted as multiples of the default value ("`8pt`").
- Unitless values are now also allowed for the `mathsize` and `fontsize` attributes; they multiply the default value.
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
- EcmaScript for XML (E4X) is now fully disabled for all chrome and content scripts. It was previously disabled for content in Firefox 17 and has been removed entirely for Firefox 21. Use DOMParser/DOMSerializer or a non-native JXON algorithm instead.
- The `nsIDOMParserJS` interface no longer exists ([Firefox bug 816410]( See `nsIDOMParser` for alternatives.
- Content Preferences: The `nsIContentPrefService` interface is now deprecated and the asynchronous `nsIContentPrefService2` storage API has been implemented.
- The `nsIProfile` and `nsIProfileChangeStatus` interfaces have been removed, along with other code supporting the pre-Firefox profile management system. You probably weren't using these interfaces, but if you were, you should stop doing so. This prevents defunct parts of the profile management system from vetoing the shutdown process.
- The `nsIEventSource` interface no longer exists ([Firefox bug 819639](
## See also
- [Firefox 20 Release Notes](
- [Add-on Compatibility for Firefox 20](
### Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/6/ | ---
title: Firefox 6 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/6
page-type: firefox-release-notes
Firefox 6, based on Gecko 6.0, was released on August 16, 2011. This article provides links to information about the changes that affect developers in this release.
## Changes for web developers
### HTML
- The HTML5 {{ HTMLElement("progress") }} element, which lets you create a progress bar, is now supported.
- The parsing of the HTML5 {{ HTMLElement("track") }} element, which specifies text tracks for media elements, is now supported. This element should appear in the DOM now, though its behavior is still not implemented.
- The {{ HTMLElement("iframe") }} element is now clipped correctly by its container when the container's corners have been rounded using the {{ cssxref("border-radius") }} property.
- {{ HTMLElement("form") }} elements' text {{ HTMLElement("input") }} fields no longer support the XUL [`maxwidth`](/en-US/docs/XUL/Property/maxwidth) property; this was never intentional, and is in violation of the HTML specification. You should instead use the [`size`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#size) attribute to set the maximum width of input fields.
- The {{ HTMLElement("canvas") }} {{ domxref("CanvasRenderingContext2d") }} properties `fillStyle` and `strokeStyle` used to ignore garbage included after a valid color definition; now this is correctly treated as an error. For example, "red blue" as a color used to be treated as "red", when it should have been ignored.
- The width and height of {{ HTMLElement("canvas") }} elements can now properly be set to 0px; previously, these were getting arbitrarily set to 300px when you tried to do that.
- Support for the HTML [custom data attributes](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes#data-) (`data-*`) has been added. The DOM {{ domxref("element.dataset") }} property allows to access them.
- When a {{ HTMLElement("textarea") }} element receives focus, the text insertion point is now placed, by default, at the beginning of the text rather than at the end. This makes Firefox's behavior consistent with other browsers.
### CSS
- {{ cssxref("text-decoration-color", "-moz-text-decoration-color") }}
- : This new property lets you set the color used by text decorations, such as underlines, overlines, and strikethroughs.
- {{ cssxref("text-decoration-line", "-moz-text-decoration-line") }}
- : This new property lets you set the kind of text decorations added to an element.
- {{ cssxref("text-decoration-style", "-moz-text-decoration-style") }}
- : This new property lets you set the style of text decorations, such as underlines, overlines, and strikethroughs. Styles include single-strokes, double strokes, wavy lines, dotted lines, and so forth.
- {{ cssxref("hyphens", "-moz-hyphens") }}
- : This new property lets you control how hyphenation of words during line wrapping is handled.
- {{ cssxref("-moz-orient", "-moz-orient") }}
- : A new (currently Mozilla-specific) property which lets you control the vertical or horizontal orientation of certain elements (particularly {{ HTMLElement("progress") }}).
- {{ cssxref("::-moz-progress-bar") }}
- : A Mozilla-specific pseudo-element that lets you style the area of an {{ HTMLElement("progress") }} element representing the completed portion of a task.
#### Other changes
- The `@-moz-document` property has a new `regexp()` function, which lets you match the document's URL to a [regular expression](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_expressions).
- The {{ cssxref("azimuth") }} CSS property is no longer supported, as we have removed what little code we had for the `aural` media group. It was never significantly implemented, so it made more sense to remove the crufty implementation for the time being rather than try to patch it up.
- In the past, the {{ cssxref(":hover") }} pseudoclass was not applied to class selectors when in quirks mode; for example, `.someclass:hover` did not work. This quirk has been removed.
- The {{ cssxref(":indeterminate") }} pseudo-class can be applied to {{ HTMLElement("progress") }} elements. This is non-standard, but we hope it will be adopted by other browsers, because it will be useful.
- The `-moz-win-exclude-glass` value has been added to the `-moz-appearance` CSS property in order to exclude opaque regions in Aero Glass glaze effects on Windows systems.
- [Firefox bug 658949]( changed how the hash (#) symbol is treated in data URLs which may break CSS stylesheets which contain such a symbol if it is not escaped.
### DOM
- [Using media queries from code](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_media_queries/Testing_media_queries)
- : You can now test the result of a media query string programmatically using the {{ domxref("window.matchMedia()") }} method and the {{ domxref("MediaQueryList") }} interface.
- [Touch events](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Touch_events)
- : Firefox 6 adds support for W3C standard touch events; these make it easy to interpret one or more touches at a time on touch-sensitive surfaces such as touch screens and trackpads.
- [Server-sent events](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events)
- : Server-sent events make it possible for a web application to ask a server to send events just like any locally-created DOM event.
- `navigator.securityPolicy`, which has returned an empty string for a long time, has been removed outright.
- `BlobBuilder` is now implemented, although for now it's prefixed (so you need to use `MozBlobBuilder`).
- The `Document.height` and `Document.width` have been removed. [Firefox bug 585877](
- The {{ domxref("DocumentType") }} object's `entities` and `notations` properties, which were never implemented and always returned `null`, have been removed, since they've been removed from the specification anyway.
- The `DOMConfiguration` interface and the `document.domConfig` property that used it have both been removed; they were never supported and have since been removed from the DOM specification.
- The `hashchange` event now correctly includes [the `newURL` and `oldURL` fields](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/hashchange_event).
- The {{ domxref("FileReader") }} interface's `abort()` method now throws an exception when used if no file read is in progress.
- The {{ domxref("window.postMessage()") }} method now uses [the structured clone algorithm](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API/Structured_clone_algorithm) to let you pass JavaScript objects instead of just strings from one window to another.
- The {{ domxref("window.history") }} API now uses [the structured clone algorithm](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API/Structured_clone_algorithm) to serialize the objects you pass to the `pushState()` and `replaceState()` methods; this lets you use more complex objects (including those that contain cyclic graphs of references).
- You can now [detect when printing has been initiated and has completed](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_media_queries/Printing#detecting_print_requests) by listening for the new `beforeprint` and `afterprint` events.
- The `document.strictErrorChecking` property has been removed, since it was never implemented and was removed from the DOM specification.
- The standard {{ domxref("event.defaultPrevented") }} property is now supported; you should use this instead of the non-standard `getPreventDefault()` method to detect whether or not {{ domxref("event.preventDefault()") }} was called on the event.
- The {{ domxref("") }} property is now properly read only.
- DOM views, which we never documented, have been removed. This was a bit of implementation detail that was unnecessarily complicating things, so we got rid of it. If you notice this change, you're probably doing something wrong.
- The `EventTarget` function [`addEventListener()`](/en-US/docs/XPCOM_Interface_Reference/nsIDOMEventTarget)'s `useCapture` parameter is now optional, as it is in WebKit (and as per the latest version of the specification).
- The `mozResponseArrayBuffer` property of the [`XMLHttpRequest`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest) object has been replaced with the `responseType` and `response` properties.
- The {{ domxref("element.dataset") }} property has been added to the [`HTMLElement`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement) interface allowing access to the [`data-*` global attributes](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes#data-) of an element.
- The {{ domxref("CustomEvent") }} interface has been implemented. (see [Firefox bug 427537](
- For security reasons, `data:` and `javascript:` URLs no longer inherit the security context of the current page when the user enters them in the location bar; instead, a new, empty, security context is created. This means that script loaded by entering `javascript:` URLs in the location bar no longer has access to DOM methods and the like, for example. These URLs continue to work as before when used by script, however.
### JavaScript
- In the past, it was possible to use the `new` operator on several built-in functions (`eval()`, `parseInt()`, `Date.parse()`, …) that should not have allowed it, according to the specification. This behavior is no longer supported. Using the `new` operator in this way was never officially supported and was not widely done, so it's unlikely that this change affects you.
- ECMAScript 2015 [WeakMaps](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/WeakMap) have been added as a prototype implementation.
### SVG
- The {{ SVGAttr("pathLength") }} attribute is now supported.
- SVG patterns, gradients, and filters now work correctly when loaded from [`data:` URLs](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/Data_URLs).
### MathML
- The implementation of {{ MathMLElement("mstyle") }} has been corrected.
### Accessibility (ARIA)
- A state change event is now correctly sent when the value of `aria-busy` changes.
- An attribute change event is now correctly sent when `aria-sort` occurs.
### Networking
- [WebSockets](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSockets_API)
- : WebSockets was updated to protocol version 07 for Firefox 6. In addition, the global `WebSocket` object has been renamed to `MozWebSocket` to prevent it from incorrectly being used to detect the availability of unprefixed WebSockets.
- Parsing of the `Content-Disposition` header has been fixed to properly interpret backslash-escaped ASCII characters as just that character itself. Previously it was incorrectly replacing that character with an underscore ("\_").
- The value of the path field on `Set-Cookie` headers is now interpreted correctly when quotes are used; previously, they were being treated as part of the path string instead of as delimiters. **This change may affect compatibility with some websites**, so authors should check their code.
- The [`Upgrade`]( request header is now supported; you can request an upgrade of an HTTP channel to another protocol by calling `nsIHttpChannelInternal.HTTPUpgrade()`.
### Other changes
- Support for microsummaries has been removed; these were never widely used, were not very discoverable, and continuing to support them was making improvements to the Places (bookmark and history) architecture difficult.
- WebGL now supports the [`OES_texture_float`]( extension.
- The new _Scratchpad_ tool provides a handy place to experiment with JavaScript code.
- The `console.trace()` method has been added to the [Console API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Console_API) ([Firefox bug 585956](
## Changes for Mozilla and add-on developers
For an overview of the changes you may need to make in order to make your add-on compatible with Firefox 6, see [Updating add-ons for Firefox 6](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Updating_add-ons_for_Firefox_6).
> **Note:** Firefox 6 requires that binary components be recompiled, as do all major releases of Firefox. See [Binary Interfaces](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Developer_guide/Interface_Compatibility#binary_interfaces) for details.
### JavaScript code modules
#### FileUtils.jsm
- The `openSafeFileOutputStream()` method now opens files with the `DEFER_OPEN` [behavior flag](/en-US/docs/XPCOM_Interface_Reference/nsIFileOutputStream#behavior_flag_constants) instead of attempting to open them immediately.
#### XPCOMUtils.jsm
- The new `importRelative()` method lets you load one JavaScript code module from a path relative to the path of another JavaScript code module. This makes it easier to build modules that depend on each other.
- [`nsCOMArray<T>`](/en-US/docs/XPCOM_array_guide#nsCOMArray.3cT.3e) now has a [`RemoveObjectsAt()`](/en-US/docs/XPCOM_array_guide#deleting_objects) method for removing multiple objects at once from the array.
### Using the DOM from chrome
- [Using the DOM File API in chrome code](/en-US/docs/Extensions/Using_the_DOM_File_API_in_chrome_code)
- : Although you've always been able to use the DOM File API from chrome code, the {{ domxref("File") }} constructor now supports specifying a local pathname string when used from chrome. In addition, you can also specify the file to access using the DOM File API using an `nsIFile` object.
### Interface changes
- `nsINavHistoryQueryOptions` now supports sorting in frequency order using the new `SORT_BY_FREQUENCY_ASCENDING` and `SORT_BY_FREQUENCY_DESCENDING` constants.
- `nsIFilePicker` has a new `nsIFilePicker.addToRecentDocs` attribute, which lets you indicate that the selected file should be added to the user's "recent documents" list if there is one. This attribute has no effect when in private browsing mode.
- `nsINavBookmarkObserver` methods with item ID parameters now require a GUID as well.
- `nsIPrefBranch.clearUserPref()` no longer throws an exception if the specified preference doesn't exist or has no user-set value. Instead, it does nothing.
- The `nsIMemoryReporter` interface now provides support for indicating the kind of memory being described (mapped, heap, or other).
- The `stateData` attribute of `nsISHEntry` now returns a `nsIStructuredCloneContainer`.
- `nsIURI` has a new `nsIURI.ref` attribute, which returns the reference portion (the part after the "#") of the URI. It also has new methods `nsIURI.cloneIgnoringRef()` which clones the `nsIURI` without the ref member and `nsIURI.equalsExceptRef()` which compares to another `nsIURI` ignoring the ref member.
#### New interfaces
- `mozIAsyncFavicons`
- : A new service that lets you access the favicon service asynchronously.
- `nsIEventSource`
- : _Details forthcoming._
- `nsIGSettingsCollection`
- : _Details forthcoming._
- `nsIGSettingsService`
- : _Details forthcoming._
- `nsIHttpUpgradeListener`
- : The callback interface for handling HTTP upgrade requests via the `nsIHttpChannelInternal.HTTPUpgrade()` method.
- `nsIStructuredCloneContainer`
- : A container for objects that have been serialized using the [structured clone algorithm](/en-US/docs/HTML/Structured_clones).
- `nsITelemetry`
- : Implements telemetry support to allow recording of telemetry data to be used to present histograms for performance tracking purposes. See [Firefox bug 649502]( and [Firefox bug 585196](
- `nsITimedChannel`
- : See [Firefox bug 576006](
- `nsIWebSocketListener`
- : See [Firefox bug 640003](
- `nsIWebSocketProtocol`
- : See [Firefox bug 640003](
#### Removed interfaces
The following interfaces were implementation details that are no longer needed:
- `nsIDOMDocumentEvent` (see [Firefox bug 655517](
- `nsIDOMDocumentTraversal` (see [Firefox bug 655514](
- `nsIDOMDocumentRange` (see [Firefox bug 655513](
- `IWeaveCrypto` (see [Firefox bug 651596](
- `nsIDOM3DocumentEvent` (see [Firefox bug 481863](
- `nsIDOMAbstractView`
- `nsILiveTitleNotificationSubject`
- `nsIPlugin` (see [Firefox bug 637253](
- `nsIPluginInstance` (see [Firefox bug 637253](
- `nsIHTMLEditRules` (see [Firefox bug 633750](
- `nsIXSLTProcessorObsolete` (see [Firefox bug 649534](
### Other changes
- [Using preferences from application code](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Preferences/Using_preferences_from_application_code)
- : A new static API is available for easily accessing preferences; this is only available to application code and can't be used by add-ons.
## See also
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title: Updating add-ons for Firefox 6
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/6/Updating_add-ons
page-type: guide
This article provides an overview of the changes you may need to make to your add-ons in order for them to work properly in Firefox 6. You can find a complete list of developer-related changes in Firefox 6 in [Firefox 6 for developers](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/6).
## Do you need to do anything at all?
If your add-on is distributed on []( (AMO), it's been checked by an automated compatibility verification tool. Add-ons that don't use APIs that changed in Firefox 6, and have no binary components (which need to be recompiled for every major Firefox release), have automatically been updated on AMO to indicate that they work in Firefox 6.
So you should start by visiting AMO and looking to see if your add-on needs any work done at all.
> **Note:** You should still test your add-on on Firefox 6, even if it's been automatically upgraded. There are edge cases that may not be automatically detected.
Once you've confirmed that you need to make changes, come on back to this page and read on.
## UI changes
The addition of the new Web Developer sub-menu in the Tools menu means that overlays that rely on the items that have been moved there will work differently than they used to. Your overlays will continue to work, but your items will not wind up where you expect them to. You should update your overlays to ensure that menu items go where you intend them to go.
Similarly, the order of menu items in the History and Bookmarks menus may also affect your add-on's overlays.
## Binary component compatibility
A bug in Firefox 5 meant that binary components were not properly being rejected if they were built for a different version of Gecko. This is fixed in Firefox 6; if your add-on's binary components don't load, check to be sure you've rebuilt them against the Gecko 6 SDK.
## Preferences
The `app.update.timer` preference was removed; you need to use the `app.update.timerMinimumDelay` preference instead.
Also, site-specific privacy preferences have been added. This will only impact add-ons that expect privacy related preferences (privacy, remember passwords, and so forth) being in the main preference window.
## DOM changes
The {{ domxref("") }} property is now read only. This will affect your add-on if you have an undeclared variable named `top` in a chrome script.
## URL handling
`javascript:` and `data:` URLs entered into the location bar no longer inherit the principal of the currently loaded page. This probably won't affect many add-ons but if you run code that uses these URLs you may want to double check that everything is working as expected.
[Firefox bug 658949]( changed how the hash (#) symbol is treated in data Ls which may break CSS stylesheets which contain such symbol if it is not escaped.
## Interfaces
A few interfaces that were deprecated or implementation details [have been removed](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/6#removed_interfaces). If you rely on any of them, you need to revise your code.
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title: Firefox 122 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/122
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 122 that affect developers. Firefox 122 was released on [January 23, 2024](
## Changes for web developers
### HTML
- {{HTMLElement("hr")}} elements are now allowed as children of {{HTMLElement("select")}} elements. This is a new feature that improves the readability of select lists with many options. ([Firefox bug 1830909](
- The `type` HTML attribute no longer has an effect if set to `none`, `disc`, `circle` or `square` in {{HTMLElement("ol")}} and no longer has an effect if set to `1`, `a`, `A`, `i` or `I` in {{HTMLElement("ul")}}. As `type` is a deprecated attribute for `<ul>` and `<ol>` lists, these should be styled with {{CSSxref("list-style-type")}} CSS property instead. ([Firefox bug 1868087](
### CSS
- The CSS {{cssxref("offset-position")}} property is now available by default. It defines the initial position of an element on a path. ([Firefox bug 1598152](
- The various methods for defining a CSS {{cssxref("offset-path")}} — including [`<basic-shape>`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/offset-path#basic-shape), [`<coord-box>`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/offset-path#coord-box), and [`url()`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/offset-path#url) — are now enabled by default. ([Firefox bug 1598159](
- The CSS {{cssxref("ray")}} function is now available by default. You can use this function to define an {{cssxref("offset-path")}} as a line segment that begins from an {{cssxref("offset-position")}} and extends in the direction of the specified angle. ([Firefox bug 1598151](
- The {{CSSxref("clip-path")}} and {{CSSxref("offset-path")}} properties now accept [`rect()`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/basic-shape/rect) and [`xywh()`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/basic-shape/xywh) shape functions. These {{CSSXref("basic-shape")}} values allow the clipping and offsetting of elements with a rectangle defined by distance from the edge of the element (`rect()`) or coordinates and size (`xywh()`). ([Firefox bug 1868722](
### JavaScript
- The {{jsxref("ArrayBuffer.prototype.transfer()")}} and {{jsxref("ArrayBuffer.prototype.transferToFixedLength()")}} methods can now be used to [transfer ownership](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/ArrayBuffer#transferring_arraybuffers) of memory from one {{jsxref("ArrayBuffer")}} to another. After transfer, the original buffer is detached from its original memory and hence unusable; the state can be checked using {{jsxref("ArrayBuffer.prototype.detached")}}. (See [Firefox bug 1865103]( for more details.)
- For parity with other browsers, [`Date.parse()`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/parse) and the [`Date()` constructor](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/Date) only consider the first three letters of the specified month when [non-standard date strings](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/parse#non-standard_date_strings) are parsed. Previously only truncated values of the full month name with three or more characters were accepted (See [Firefox bug 1862910]( for more details.)
### SVG
#### Removals
- Removed support for `data:` URLs in SVG `<use>` elements and via the [`SVGUseElement`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/SVGUseElement) interface to prevent [XSS](/en-US/docs/Glossary/Cross-site_scripting) attacks.
The legacy functionality may be re-enabled by setting the `` preference to `true`, although this is not recommended for security reasons ([Firefox bug 1806964](
### APIs
- The [LargestContentfulPaint API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/LargestContentfulPaint) is now supported.
This API is part of the [Performance APIs](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Performance_API) and provides timing information about the largest image or text paint before users interact with a web page ([Firefox bug 1866266](
#### DOM
- The {{domxref("HTMLSelectElement.showPicker()")}} method is now supported, allowing the browser picker for a {{HTMLElement("select")}} element to be programmatically launched when triggered by user interaction ([Firefox bug 1865207](
#### Removals
- Removed support for the CSS [`-moz-user-focus`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/-moz-user-focus) property ([Firefox bug 1871745]( and [Firefox bug 1868552](
### WebDriver conformance (WebDriver BiDi, Marionette)
#### General
- Fixed a bug that prevented [Perform Actions]( to correctly synthesize double and other multi-click events for the `mouse` input source ([Firefox bug 1864614]( Additionally, these events will only be emitted when the actual mouse position has not changed since the last click action ([Firefox bug 1681076](
- The definitions for the `Pause` and `Equal` (Numpad block) keys have been updated to align with the WebDriver specification ([Firefox bug 1863687](
#### WebDriver BiDi
- The serialization of `WindowProxy` remote objects now also works correctly for out-of-process iframes ([Firefox bug 1867667](
- The [browsingContext.setViewport]( command now distinguishes between `undefined` and `null` as values for the `viewport` argument. If set to `undefined`, it signifies that the viewport should remain unchanged, while using `null` will reset it to its original dimensions ([Firefox bug 1865618](
- Support for the [browsingContext.traverseHistory]( command has been introduced, enabling navigations backward and forward in the browser history ([Firefox bug 1841018](
- Fixed a bug in all supported network events where the `context` id consistently reported the top-level browsing context, even when the navigation occurred within an iframe ([Firefox bug 1869735](
#### Marionette
- Fixed a bug with [Get Element Text](, where the command was incorrectly returning an empty text when the element was located within a ShadowRoot's slot ([Firefox bug 1824664](
## Experimental web features
These features are newly shipped in Firefox 122 but are disabled by default. To experiment with them, search for the appropriate preference on the `about:config` page and set it to `true`. You can find more such features on the [Experimental features](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Experimental_features) page.
- **Declarative shadow DOM:** `dom.webcomponents.shadowdom.declarative.enabled`.
The {{htmlelement("template")}} element now supports a `shadowrootmode` attribute which can be set to either `open` or `closed`, the same values as the `mode` option of the {{domxref("Element.attachShadow()", "attachShadow()")}} method. It allows the creation of a shadow DOM subtree declaratively. ([Firefox bug 1712140](
- **Clonable option and property for shadow DOM.**
- The {{domxref("Element.attachShadow()")}} method now supports the `clonable` boolean option that specifies whether the created shadow root is clonable: the default value is `false` but when set to `true`, the shadow host cloned with {{domxref("Node.cloneNode()")}} or {{domxref("Document.importNode()")}} will include shadow root in the copy.
- The {{domxref("ShadowRoot")}} interface now supports the {{domxref("ShadowRoot.clonable", "clonable")}} read-only property. It returns `true` if the shadow root is clonable, and `false` otherwise. It always returns `true` for shadow roots created via declarative shadow DOM.
When shadow root is created via declarative shadow DOM, the `clonable` option is set to `true` by default, and the `clonable` property returns `true`. ([Firefox bug 1712140](
- **Popover API:** `dom.element.popover.enabled`.
Displaying popovers on top of page content is now supported via HTML attributes or JavaScript API, including styling with the CSS [`:popover-open`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/:popover-open) pseudo-class and extended support for the [`::backdrop`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/::backdrop) pseudo-element. See the [Popover API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Popover_API) reference for more details. ([Firefox bug 1823757](
- **Clipboard read and write:** ``, `` and ``.
The async {{domxref('Clipboard API')}} is now fully supported, including [`read()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Clipboard/read), [`readText()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Clipboard/readText), and [`write()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Clipboard/write) methods and the {{domxref('ClipboardItem')}} interface. A paste context menu will appear for the user to confirm when reading clipboard data not provided by the same-origin page. ([Firefox bug 1809106](
- **`Intl.Segmenter`:** enabled by default only in Firefox Nightly.
The {{jsxref("Intl.Segmenter")}} object allows accurate locale-sensitive text segmentation of a string. For example, to split a text into words in a language that doesn't use spaces to separate them: `Intl.Segmenter("ja-JP", { granularity: "word" })`. ([Firefox bug 1423593](
## Older versions
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title: Firefox 49 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/49
page-type: firefox-release-notes
[To test the latest developer features of Firefox, install Firefox Developer Edition]( Firefox 49 was released on September 20, 2016. This article lists key changes that are useful not only for web developers, but also Firefox and Gecko developers as well as add-on developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### Developer Tools
- JavaScript errors logged into the console [now provide a \[Learn more\] link]( for additional debugging help ([Firefox bug 1179876](
- CSS autocomplete: show more suggestions in autocomplete popup ([Firefox bug 1260419](
- The Animation Inspector now [exposes animation performance information]( in DevTools ([Firefox bug 1254408](
- The [Inspector's context menu]( has been reorganized to be cleaner and easier to use ([Firefox bug 1211613](
- The Inspector now supports `#RRGGBBAA` and `#RGBA` syntax for color values ([Firefox bug 1271191](
- The developer tools no longer display self-closing tags (such as {{HTMLElement("br")}} and {{HTMLElement("img")}} as if they have a closing tag on HTML pages; the behavior is unchanged for XHTML pages ([Firefox bug 820926](
- Accessibility improvements!
- The toolbox does a better job of ensuring that keyboard focus is more visible ([Firefox bug 1242851](
- Accessibility labels have been added to unlabeled controls ([Firefox bug 1242715](
- Added proper tree view semantics and keyboard navigation to the Inspector's markup view ([Firefox bug 1242694](
- The [Network Monitor]( now shows a Cause column, which provides an indication of what caused each particular network request ([Firefox bug 1134073](
- In the _about:debugging_ Add-ons page, the Reload button is only enabled for temporary add-ons. It will be disabled for all other add-ons ([Firefox bug 1273184](
- In the _about:debugging_ Workers page, a warning message will be displayed in the Service Workers section if [service workers are incompatible]( with the current browser configuration ([Firefox bug 1266415](
- _about:debugging_ now has a [new Tabs page]( available, which provides a complete list of all the debuggable tabs open in the current Firefox instance ([Firefox bug 1266128](
- The _Disable Cache_ option in the [Toolbox Advanced settings]( has been renamed to Disable HTTP Cache, to make it clearer that this affects the HTTP cache, and not [Service Workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Service_Worker_API)/the [Cache API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Cache) (bug(1253018)).
- The [Storage Inspector now allows IndexedDB databases to be deleted]( via their own context menus ([Firefox bug 1205123](, and will display warning messages if the IndexedDB cannot be deleted for some reason (if there are still active connections, for example) ([Firefox bug 1268460](
### HTML
- Added support for the {{HTMLElement("details")}} and {{HTMLElement("summary")}} elements ([Firefox bug 1226455](
- The [`pattern`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#pattern) attribute of the {{HTMLElement("input")}} element now uses the `'u'` parameter in the underlying JavaScript {{jsxref("RegExp")}} ([Firefox bug 1227906](
- To match a spec change, an invalid value of the [`kind`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/track#kind) attribute of the {{HTMLElement('track')}} element is now treated like `"metadata"` instead of `"subtitles"` ([Firefox bug 1269712](
- The {{HTMLElement("iframe")}} element's [`sandbox`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe#sandbox) attribute now supports the `'allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox'` and `'allow-modals'` values ([Firefox bug 1190641](
- Support for microdata attributes and the Microdata API have been removed ([Firefox bug 909633](
- The [`referrerpolicy`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/a#referrerpolicy) attribute on the {{HTMLElement("a")}} element now supports the `'no-referrer-when-downgrade`' and `'origin-when-cross-origin'` ([Firefox bug 1178337](
- The [`form`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/label#form) content attribute of the {{HTMLElement("label")}} element has been removed. The {{domxref("HTMLLabelElement.form")}} property still exists, but now returns the form with which the label's control is associated, if there is a control (and if that control is associated with a form) ([Firefox bug 1268852](
### CSS
- Added {{cssxref("background-position-x")}} and {{cssxref("background-position-y")}}, which allow separately specifying the horizontal and vertical offsets at which to draw a background image; these are components of {{cssxref("background-position")}} ([Firefox bug 550426](
- Added support for the `round` and `space` keywords to {{cssxref("background-repeat")}} ([Firefox bug 548372](
- On {{cssxref("background-clip")}}, the keyword `text` is now activated by default ([Firefox bug 1264905](
- Added support for specifying colors with an alpha channel using 4- and 8-digit CSS hex [color](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value) values (#RRGGBBAA and #RGBA) ([Firefox bug 567283](
- The pseudo-class {{cssxref(":dir")}} has been unprefixed ([Firefox bug 859301](
- In our experimental implementation (not yet activated by default) of {{cssxref("clip-path")}}, we can now interpolate between {{cssxref("<basic-shape>")}} values ([Firefox bug 1110460](
- Added the [`q` length unit](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/length#q) ([Firefox bug 1274526](
- The property {{cssxref("text-align-last")}} has been unprefixed ([Firefox bug 1039541](
- Added support for {{cssxref("overflow-wrap")}}, replacing `word-wrap` that is still supported as an alternative name ([Firefox bug 955857](
- Our experimental [CSS Grids](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_grid_layout) implementation has been improved:
- Implemented {{cssxref("<percentage>")}} for the `grid-gap`, `grid-row-gap`, and `grid-column-gap` properties ([Firefox bug 1266268](
- Implemented grid layout support for {{cssxref("align")}}, {{cssxref("justify-self")}}`:baseline` and `last-baseline` (aka "baseline self-alignment") ([Firefox bug 1221525](
- Implemented grid item baseline content alignment ([Firefox bug 1256429](
- Our experimental [CSS Masks](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_masking) implementation has been improved:
- The {{cssxref("mask-origin")}} property now uses `border-box` instead of `padding-box` as initial value, to match the spec ([Firefox bug 1258286](
- The {{cssxref("mask-repeat")}} property now supports the `space` and `round` values ([Firefox bug 1258626](
- Fixed an issue preventing the {{cssxref("mask-position")}} attribute from being animated ([Firefox bug 1273804](
- The preference controlling {{cssxref("text-emphasis")}} has been removed, so support for this property can no longer be disabled ([Firefox bug 1229609](
### JavaScript
- The ES2015 {{jsxref("Global_Objects/Proxy/Proxy/getPrototypeOf", "getPrototypeOf()")}} and {{jsxref("Global_Objects/Proxy/Proxy/setPrototypeOf", "setPrototypeOf()")}} {{jsxref("Proxy")}} traps have been implemented ([Firefox bug 888969](
- The ES2015 {{jsxref("RegExp.prototype.@@match()", "RegExp.prototype[@@match]()")}}, {{jsxref("RegExp.prototype.@@replace()", "RegExp.prototype[@@replace]()")}}, {{jsxref("RegExp.prototype.@@search()", "RegExp.prototype[@@search]()")}}, and {{jsxref("RegExp.prototype.@@split()", "RegExp.prototype[@@split]()")}} methods, and {{jsxref("RegExp.@@species", "RegExp[@@species]")}} getter have been implemented ([Firefox bug 887016](
- The deprecated, non-standard `flags` argument of `String.prototype.`{{jsxref("String.prototype.match", "match")}}/{{jsxref("", "search")}}/{{jsxref("String.prototype.replace", "replace")}} has been removed ([Firefox bug 1108382](
- The behavior of the {{jsxref("Date.parse()")}} method when parsing 2-digit years has been changed to be more interoperable with the Google Chrome browser ([Firefox bug 1265136](
### Interfaces/APIs/DOM
- The method {{domxref("DOMTokenList.supports()")}} has been added ([Firefox bug 1257849](
- The {{domxref("DOMTokenList.replace()")}} method has been added ([Firefox bug 1224186](
- Leading `'?'` characters are now ignored in the parameter of the {{domxref("URLSearchParams.URLSearchParams", "URLSearchParams()")}} constructor ([Firefox bug 1268361](
- The value returned by {{domxref("URL.origin")}}, {{domxref("HTMLAnchorElement/origin", "HTMLAnchorElement.origin")}}, and {{domxref("HTMLAnchorElement/origin", "HTMLAreaElement.origin")}} for URL using the `blob:` scheme is no longer incorrectly `null` but is instead the origin of the URL formed by removing the leading `blob:` ([Firefox bug 1270451](
- In prerendering mode, the {{domxref('Document.visibilityState')}} property now returns `'prerender'` ([Firefox bug 1069772](
- The {{domxref("isSecureContext")}} property has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1162772](
- The DOM4 {{domxref("Element.before")}}, {{domxref("Element.after")}}, {{domxref("Element.replaceWith")}}, {{domxref("Element.append")}} and {{domxref("Element.prepend")}} methods have been implemented ([Firefox bug 911477](
- The `TouchList.identifiedTouch()` method has been removed ([Firefox bug 1188539](
- By default, the `scrollbars` {{domxref("Window")}} feature is enabled when calling {{domxref("")}}. In the past, while it was strongly recommended to enable it, it wasn't the default ([Firefox bug 1257887](
- Added the _experimental_ and _non-standard_ {{domxref("HTMLMediaElement.seekToNextFrame()")}} method, which allows seeking frame-by-frame through video content ([Firefox bug 1235301]( While you're encouraged to experiment with this method to help us understand how useful it is, _do not use it in production code!_
- The {{domxref("HTMLLabelElement.form")}} property now returns the form with which the label's control is associated, if there is a control (and if that control is associated with a form). Previously, labels were directly associated with forms using this property ([Firefox bug 1268852](
- Support for the third parameter of {{domxref("EventTarget.addEventListener()")}}, either a {{jsxref("Boolean")}} or an `EventListenerOptions` has been added ([Firefox bug 1266164]( and [Firefox bug 1266066](
- The audio volume related values for {{domxref("KeyboardEvent.key")}} have been renamed. `"VolumeDown"` is now `"AudioVolumeDown"`, `"VolumeUp"` is now `"AudioVolumeUp"`, and `"VolumeMute"` is now `"AudioVolumeMute".` This brings Firefox into alignment with the latest draft of the UI Events specification ([Firefox bug 1272578]( See [Code values for keyboard events](/en-US/docs/Web/API/UI_Events/Keyboard_event_code_values) for a full list of available key codes.
- The keys previously referred to as `"MozHomeScreen"`, `"MozCameraFocusAdjust"`, and `"MozPhoneCall"` now have official names in the UI Events specification: `"GoHome"`, `"CameraFocus"`, and `"Call"`. Firefox 49 has been updated to use the new names ([Firefox bug 1272599]( See [Code values for keyboard events](/en-US/docs/Web/API/UI_Events/Keyboard_event_code_values) for a full list of available key codes.
- The key values `"Separator"` and `"MediaSkip"` have been removed, as they were deprecated and unused ([Firefox bug 1232919](
- Key values and the corresponding key codes `"Hyper"` and `"Super"` have been added to represent these legacy modifier keys ([Firefox bug 1232919](
- Two key values for multimedia numeric keypad keys have been added: `"Key11"` and `"Key12"` ([Firefox bug 1232919](
- The following new key values have been added for audio control keys: `"AudioBassBoostToggle"`, `"AudioTrebleDown"`, and `"AudioTrebleUp"` ([Firefox bug 123919](
- Key values have been added for these microphone control keys: `MicrophoneToggle`, `MicrophoneVolumeDown`, `MicrophoneVolumeUp`, and `MicrophoneVolumeMute` ([Firefox bug 123919](
- New key values have been added to support speech recognition devices: `SpeechCorrectionList` and `SpeechInputToggle` ([Firefox bug 1232919](
- New key values have been added to support special buttons on phones: `AppSwitch`, `Call`, `CameraFocus`, `EndCall`, `GoBack`, `GoHome`, `HeadsetHook`, `LastNumberRedial`, `Notification`, `MannerMode`, and `VoiceDial` ([Firefox bug 1232919](
- These new application key values have been added: `LaunchContacts` and `LaunchPhone` ([Firefox bug 1232919](
- New key values have been added to support television devices: `TV3DMode`, `TVAntennaCable`, `TVAudioDescription`, `TVAudioDescriptionMixDown`, `TVAudioDescriptionMixUp`, `TVContentsMenu`, `TVDataService`, `TVInput`, `TVInputComponent1`, `TVInputComponent2`, `TVInputComposite1`, `TVInputComposite2`, `TVInputHDMI1`, `TVInputHDMI2`, `TVInputHDMI3`, `TVInputHDMI4`, `TVInputVGA1`, `TVMediaContext`, `TVNetwork`, `TVNumberEntry`, `TVRadioService`, `TVSatellite`, `TVSatelliteBS`, `TVSatelliteCS`, `TVSatelliteToggle`, `TVTerrestrialAnalog`, `TVTerrestrialDigital`, `TVTimer`, and `DVR` ([Firefox bug 1232919](
- The key value `MediaSelect` has been replaced with the standard `LaunchMediaPlayer` key value ([Firefox bug 1272592](
- Additional media player key values have been added as well. These are `MediaAudioTrack`, `MediaSkipBackward`, `MediaSkipForward`, `MediaStepBackward`, `MediaStepForward`, `MediaTopMenu`, `NavigateIn`, `NavigateNext`, `NavigateOut`, and `NavigatePrevious` ([Firefox bug 1232919](
#### Canvas
- The {{domxref("CanvasRenderingContext2D.filter")}} property, which provides support for adding filters to a canvas, is now activated by default and no longer needs to be enabled using a preference ([Firefox bug 1173545](
#### WebGL
- The {{domxref("EXT_color_buffer_float")}} {{domxref("WebGL2RenderingContext", "WebGL 2", "", 1)}} extension has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1129332](
- The {{domxref("HTMLCanvasElement/webglcontextcreationerror_event", "webglcontextcreationerror")}} event, which is sent when a WebGL context creation attempt fails, has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1271478]( Use this to help understand what went wrong, both for debugging and for production error handling.
#### IndexedDB
- You can now rename IndexedDB indexes; the {{domxref("")}} property is no longer read-only ([Firefox bug 1118028](
- You can also now rename {{domxref("IDBObjectStore")}}s; the {{domxref("")}} property is no longer read-only ([Firefox bug 1118028](
#### Service Workers and related
- The [Fetch API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API)'s {{domxref("Response")}} object now implements the {{domxref("Response.redirected", "redirected")}} property, which indicates whether or not the response is for a request which was redirected. Please review the security related notes in the documentation before using this property ([Firefox bug 1243792](
- In the [Permissions API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Permissions_API), Firefox no longer supports the 'push' `PermissionDescriptor` dictionary type (referred to in the spec as `PushPermissionDescriptor`); this is because Firefox relies on a quota system for controlling the `userVisibleOnly` status instead, and was throwing an error when it encountered a `PushPermissionDescriptor` instance ([Firefox bug 1266821]( With this dictionary removed, Firefox now ignores it.
#### Media Streams
- In the past, it was possible for a call to {{domxref("MediaDevices.getUserMedia()")}} which requests both audio and video to succeed in cases where the user has only one of the two types of hardware available. This has been fixed ([Firefox bug 802326](
- In prior versions of Firefox, it was possible for a call to {{domxref("MediaDevices.getUserMedia()")}} which requests both audio and video to succeed even though the user denied access to one but not both of the matching devices. This has been fixed ([Firefox bug 802326]( This involves minor user interface changes as well, to remove the options to choose "No audio" or "No video" when the user is prompted for permissions.
- The {{domxref("MediaStream.getTrackById()")}} method has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1208390](
#### WebRTC
- The {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.addTrack()")}} method has been updated to allow tracks which are not components of the specified streams to be added to the connection. Instead, the streams are used to group tracks on the receiving end of the connection ([Firefox bug 1271669](
#### New APIs
- The {{domxref("PerformanceObserver")}} API is now activated by default on Nightly. It is not available by default in other versions of Firefox 49 ([Firefox bug 1271487](
#### Others
- {{domxref("XMLHttpRequest.getResponseHeader()")}} and {{domxref("XMLHttpRequest.getAllResponseHeaders()")}} return empty headers in case the preference `network.http.keep_empty_response_headers_as_empty_string` is set to `true` ([Firefox bug 669259](
- The Firefox OS-only Data Store API has been removed ([Firefox bug 1261009](
- The [Fullscreen API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fullscreen_API) event handlers `Document.onfullscreenchange` and `Document.onfullscreenerror` have been removed from {{domxref("Element")}} as they were never fired there; the prefixed versions of these event handlers have been kept there for compatibility purposes, however ([Firefox bug 1270386]( Note that this is not yet activated by default, but is behind the `full-screen-api.unprefix.enabled` preference ([Firefox bug 1268749](
- The obsolete `Document.mozFullScreen` property has been unprefixed to {{domxref("Document.fullscreen")}} [Firefox bug 1269157]( Note that this is not yet activated by default by behind the `full-screen-api.unprefix.enabled` preference ([Firefox bug 1268749](
- The read-only properties {{domxref("Document/fullscreenElement", "Document.fullscreenElement")}} and {{domxref("Document.fullscreenEnabled")}} no longer throw an exception if an attempt is made to change their values; instead, the new value is silently ignored and the setter function is a no-op ([Firefox bug 1269798](
- Any kind of data can now be retrieved from the clipboard using {{domxref("DataTransfer.getData()")}}: previously, only data of certain MIME types were supported [Firefox bug 860857](
- Our implementation of the Frame Timing API, consisting of the two interfaces `PerformanceCompositeTiming` and `PerformanceRenderTiming`, has been removed as the spec has been completely rewritten ([Firefox bug 1271846](
- To match the spec, the {{domxref("VTTCue.positionAlign")}} property now returns a `PositionAlign` enum instead of an `Align` enum ([Firefox bug 1276129](
- The speech synthesis part of [Web Speech API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Speech_API#speech_synthesis) is now activated by default ([Firefox bug 1268633](
- The [Performance Timeline API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Performance_Timeline) is now available by default in Nightly (though not in Aurora, Beta or Release).
- The {{domxref("ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.install_event", "install")}} event, and the {{domxref("Window.appinstalled_event", "Window.oninstall")}} event handler, are now supported for [Web Manifests](/en-US/docs/Web/Manifest) ([Firefox bug 1265279](
- When using the {{domxref("BaseAudioContext/createPeriodicWave", "AudioContext.createPeriodicWave()")}} method of the [Web Audio API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Audio_API), you can now specify whether the resulting periodic wave should be normalized by including a dictionary object as the third parameter, which includes a single parameter — `{disableNormalization: true}` ([Firefox bug 1265405](
- In the WebVTT API, {{domxref("VTTCue.positionAlign")}} now correctly returns a `PositionAlignSetting` enum as per spec; previously it returned an `AlignSetting` enum ([Firefox bug 1276129](
- The Speech Synthesis part of the Web Speech API is now enabled by default across all desktop browsers ([Firefox bug 1268633](
- The {{domxref("Animation.Animation()", "Animation()")}} constructor of the [Web Animations API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Animations_API) now accepts a null timeline ([Firefox bug 1096776](
- The {{domxref("KeyframeEffect")}} property {{domxref("", "target")}} is now supported in Firefox, if you have enabled [Web Animations](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Animations_API) ([Firefox bug 1067769](
### MathML
_No change._
### SVG
- Removed support for the deprecated `<altGlyph>`, `<altGlyphDef>` and `<altGlyphItem>` elements ([Firefox bug 1260032](
### Audio/Video
_No change._
### Plugins and Flash
Beginning in Firefox 49, Firefox, by default, blocks certain kinds of Flash content that aren't necessary for sites to function well. This behavior, controlled by the preference `browser.safebrowsing.blockedURIs.enabled`, helps to improve the performance of sites and Firefox in general without having significant impact on site usability. It also helps improve stability of the browsing experience by eliminating a major cause of crashes. The blocked Flash modules include several used just for fingerprinting purposes, as well as a number of "supercookie" modules, and in the future may be expanded to include more types of blocked modules. See [Firefox bug 1275591]( for details.
This marks the next step in the journey toward a plugin-free future. HTML is very close to the point where plugins will no longer be needed to get the job done.
- The [`Cache-Control: immutable`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Cache-Control) directive has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1267474]( See also this [blog post]( for more information.
- The {{CSP("require-sri-for")}} {{HTTPHeader("Content-Security-Policy")}} has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1265318](
## Networking
- The [Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC)](</en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/Necko/Proxy_Auto-Configuration_(PAC)_file>) implementation has been updated. Now `weekdayRange`, `dateRange`, and `timeRange` support "reversed ranges", for example, `weekdayRange("SAT", "MON")` will evaluate `true` if the current day is Saturday, Sunday, or Monday ([Firefox bug 1251332](
## Security
- The {{domxref("isSecureContext")}} property, indicating whether a context is capable of using features that require [secure contexts](/en-US/docs/Web/Security/Secure_Contexts), has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1162772](
## Compatibility
In order to improve compatibility with existing content, Firefox now accepts some WebKit prefixed properties and attributes.
- The following properties now also work prefixed with `-webkit`:
- `-webkit-align-items`
- `-webkit-align-content`
- `-webkit-align-self`
- `-webkit-animation`
- `-webkit-animation-delay`
- `-webkit-animation-direction`
- `-webkit-animation-duration`
- `-webkit-animation-fill-mode`
- `-webkit-animation-iteration-count`
- `-webkit-animation-name`
- `-webkit-animation-play-state`
- `-webkit-animation-timing-function`
- `-webkit-backface-visibility`
- `-webkit-background-clip`
- `-webkit-background-origin`
- `-webkit-background-size`
- `-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius`
- `-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius`
- `-webkit-border-image`
- `-webkit-border-top-left-radius`
- `-webkit-border-top-right-radius`
- `-webkit-border-radius`
- `-webkit-box-shadow`
- `-webkit-filter`
- `-webkit-flex`
- `-webkit-flex-basis`
- `-webkit-flex-direction`
- `-webkit-flex-flow`
- `-webkit-flex-grow`
- `-webkit-flex-shrink`
- `-webkit-flex-wrap`
- `-webkit-justify-content`
- `-webkit-order`
- `-webkit-perspective`
- `-webkit-perspective-origin`
- `-webkit-text-size-adjust`
- `-webkit-transform`
- `-webkit-transform-origin`
- `-webkit-transform-style`
- `-webkit-transition`
- `-webkit-transition-delay`
- `-webkit-transition-duration`
- `-webkit-transition-property`
- `-webkit-transition-timing-function`
- `-webkit-user-select`
- The following properties map to the equivalent prefixed property:
- `-webkit-box-flex`
- `-webkit-box-ordinal-group`
- `-webkit-box-orient`
- `-webkit-box-align`
- `-webkit-box-pack`
- For {{cssxref("<image>")}} values:
- The following functions map to their unprefixed equivalents: `-webkit-linear-gradient()`, `-webkit-radial-gradient()`, `-webkit-repeating-linear-gradient()`, and `-webkit-repeating-radial-gradient()`.
- The outdated `-webkit-gradient` is supported (and translated to a regular gradient)
- The following {{cssxref("display")}} values are translated:
- `-webkit-box` to `-moz-box`
- `-webkit-flex` to `flex`
- `-webkit-inline-box` to `inline-flex`
- `-webkit-inline-flex` to `-moz-inline-flex`
- The following properties are supported (and don't map to any unprefixed equivalent):
- {{cssxref("-webkit-text-fill-color")}}
- {{cssxref("-webkit-text-stroke-color")}}
- {{cssxref("-webkit-text-stroke-width")}}
- {{cssxref("-webkit-text-stroke")}}
- The `WebKitCSSMatrix` interface is an alias of {{domxref("DOMMatrix")}}
- The following media query features have been implemented:
- `-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio` as an alias of [`min-resolution`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_media_queries/Using_media_queries#resolution) with the same value (in `dppx)`, though this feature is [disabled by default]( (behind about:config pref `layout.css.prefixes.device-pixel-ratio-webkit`)
- `-webkit-max-device-pixel-ratio` as an alias of [`max-resolution`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_media_queries/Using_media_queries#resolution) of the same value (in `dppx`); this feature is also disabled by default, behind the same about:config pref.
- [`-webkit-transform-3d`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_media_queries/Using_media_queries#-webkit-transform-3d) always matching, indicating 3d transform support.
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
### WebExtensions
- Support for the {{WebExtAPIRef("history")}} has been added. This provides access to the browser history, with methods available for searching the history, getting information about previously-visited pages, and adding and removing history entries.
- Added the {{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.removeCSS()")}} method to the tabs API. This method lets you remove CSS which was previously injected by calling {{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.insertCSS()")}}.
### Interfaces
- In {{domxref("EventTarget.addEventListener()")}}, the value `mozSystemGroup`, active only in code running in XBL or in Firefox's chrome, is a {{jsxref("Boolean")}} which indicates if the listener is added to the system group. ([Firefox bug 1274520](
### Other
_No change._
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/59/ | ---
title: Firefox 59 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/59
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 59 that will affect developers. Firefox 59 was released on March 13, 2018.
## Changes for web developers
### Developer tools
- The [Network Monitor]( Response tab now shows a [preview of the rendered HTML]( — if the response is HTML ([Firefox bug 1353319](
- Cookie information shown in the Storage Inspector (see [Cookies]( now includes a _sameSite_ column showing what the same-site status of each cookie is ([Firefox bug 1298370](
- The [Rulers]( tool now includes a readout showing the current dimensions of the viewport ([Firefox bug 1402633](
- In [Responsive Design Mode](, you can now set the screen dimensions using the cursor keys ([Firefox bug 1421663]( See the [Setting screen size]( section for more details.
- The _Raw headers_ display in the [Network Monitor]( _Headers_ tab now includes the response's status code ([Firefox bug 1419401](
### HTML
- The {{HTMLElement("textarea")}} element's [`autocomplete`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/textarea#autocomplete) attribute has been implemented. This lets you enable or disable form auto-fill for the element.
### CSS
- The {{cssxref("overscroll-behavior")}} property and its associated longhand properties — {{cssxref("overscroll-behavior-x")}} and {{cssxref("overscroll-behavior-y")}} — have been implemented ([Firefox bug 951793](, and it has been enabled by default on all releases ([Firefox bug 1428879](
- The behavior of "unusual elements" (elements that aren't rendered purely by CSS box concepts such as replaced elements) when given a {{cssxref("display")}} value of `contents` has been updated as per spec ([Firefox bug 1427292]( See [Appendix B: Effects of display: contents on Unusual Elements]( for exactly what the specified behaviors are.
- {{cssxref("position")}} `sticky` is now supported on appropriate [HTML table](/en-US/docs/Learn/HTML/Tables) parts (e.g. {{htmlelement("th")}} elements) ([Firefox bug 975644](
- {{cssxref("calc", "calc()")}} is now supported in {{cssxref("<color>")}} values — `rgb()`, `rgba()`, `hsl()`, and `hsla()` ([Firefox bug 984021](
- {{cssxref("calc", "calc()")}} in [media query](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_media_queries) values is now supported [Firefox bug 1396057](
- The {{cssxref("@document")}} at-rule has been limited to use only in user and UA sheets ([Firefox bug 1035091](
- Implement the {{cssxref("font-optical-sizing")}} property ([Firefox bug 1435692](
### SVG
_No changes._
### JavaScript
_No changes._
### APIs
#### New APIs
- {{domxref("PointerEvent","PointerEvents")}} have been enabled in Firefox Desktop ([Firefox bug 1411467](
#### DOM
- The {{domxref("EventTarget.EventTarget()","EventTarget()")}} constructor has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1379688](
- The {{domxref("Response.Response()","Response()")}} constructor can now accept a `null` value for its `body` parameter, as per spec ([Firefox bug 1303025](
#### DOM events
- The {{domxref("Event.composedPath()")}} method has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1412775](
#### Service workers
- The service worker [Clients API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Clients) can now find and communicate with windows in a separate browser process ([Firefox bug 1293277]( .
- Nested about:blank and about:srcdoc iframes will now inherit their parent's controlling service worker. Fixed in ([Firefox bug 1293277]( and ([Firefox bug 1426979](
- When a service worker provides a {{domxref("Response")}} to {{domxref("FetchEvent.respondWith()")}}, the {{domxref("Response.url")}} value will now be propagated to the intercepted network request as the final resolved URL. In the past the {{domxref("Request.url","FetchEvent.request.url")}} was used for this instead. This means, for example, if a service worker intercepts a stylesheet or worker script, then the provided `Response.url` will be used to resolve any relative {{cssxref("@import")}} or {{domxref("WorkerGlobalScope.importScripts()","importScripts()")}} subresource loads ([Firefox bug 1222008](
- `FetchEvent.respondWith()` will now trigger a network error if the {{domxref("Request.mode","FetchEvent.request.mode")}} is `"same-origin"` and the provided {{domxref("Response.type")}} is `"cors"`. ([Firefox bug 1222008](
#### Media and WebRTC
- The {{domxref("MediaStreamTrack")}} property {{domxref("MediaStreamTrack.muted")}}, along with the events {{domxref("MediaStreamTrack.mute_event", "mute")}} and {{domxref("MediaStreamTrack.unmute_event", "unmute")}} and the corresponding event handlers, {{domxref("MediaStreamTrack.mute_event", "onmute")}} and {{domxref("MediaStreamTrack.unmute_event", "onunmute")}}, have been implemented. A track's `muted` state indicates that the track is not currently able to provide media data.
> **Note:** The `muted` state of a track isn't useful for what's typically thought of as muting and unmuting a track. Instead, use the {{domxref("MediaStreamTrack.enabled", "enabled")}} property; setting `enabled` to `false` causes the track to output only empty frames.
- Firefox 59 on Android now supports Apple's HTTPS Live Streaming (HLS) protocol for both audio and video. This non-standard protocol is being supported on mobile to improve compatibility with sites that require it for mobile streaming. There is not currently any plan to implement it on Firefox Desktop.
- The {{domxref("RTCRtpReceiver")}} methods {{domxref("RTCRtpReceiver.getContributingSources", "getContributingSources()")}} and {{domxref("RTCRtpReceiver.getSynchronizationSources", "getSynchronizationSources()")}} have been implemented to provide information about the sources of each RTP stream. However, a specification change occurred before release and we have disabled these by default behind the preference `media.peerconnection.rtpsourcesapi.enable` ([Firefox bug 1363667](, [Firefox bug 1430213](, and [Firefox bug 1433236](
- The {{domxref("RTCRtpTransceiver")}} interface has now been implemented, since the Firefox implementation of WebRTC now supports transceivers, with `RTCPeerConnection` and other interfaces updated to use them per the latest specification.
- The {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.addTransceiver()")}} method has been added. In addition, the behavior of {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.addTrack", "addTrack()")}} has been updated to create a transceiver as required.
- Support for [WebVTT](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebVTT_API) regions was implemented in Firefox 58 but disabled by default. They're now available by default ([Firefox bug 1415805](
- Firefox now supports WebVTT `REGION` definition blocks whose settings list has one setting per line instead of all of the settings being on the same line of the WebVTT file ([Firefox bug 1415821](
#### Canvas and WebGL
_No changes._
The {{domxref("CSSNamespaceRule")}} interface and its `namespaceURL` and `prefix` properties have been implemented ([Firefox bug 1326514](
### HTTP
_No changes._
### Security
- Top-level navigation to `data:` URLs has been blocked [Firefox bug 1401895]( See [Blocking Top-Level Navigations to data URLs for Firefox 59]( for more details.
- The `SAMEORIGIN` directive of the {{httpheader("X-Frame-Options")}} header has been changed so that it checks not only the top-level IFrame is in the same origin, but all its ancestors as well ([Firefox bug 725490](
- Image resources loaded from different origins to the current document are no longer able to trigger HTTP authentication dialogs ([Firefox bug 1423146](
- HTTP authentication now uses `utf-8` encoding for usernames and passwords (rather than `ISO-8859-1`) for parity with other browsers, and to avoid potential problems as described in [Firefox bug 1419658](
- Everyday the [HSTS preload list]( is updated from Google. Normally this doesn't warrant a note, but in this release new TLDs were included, notably `.app` and `.dev`. While they are new TLDs developers might have used them for local development and be surprised by this change. Note that [reserved TLDs]( should be used for local development instead.
### Plugins
_No changes._
### Other
_No changes._
## Removals from the web platform
### HTML
The non-standard `version` parameter of the {{htmlelement("script")}} element's [`type`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/script#type) attribute (e.g. `type="application/javascript;version=1.8"`) has been removed ([Firefox bug 1428745](
### CSS
- The proprietary `mozmm` {{cssxref("<length>")}} unit has been removed ([Firefox bug 1416564](
- The proprietary `-moz-border-top-colors`, `-moz-border-right-colors`, `-moz-border-bottom-colors`, and `-moz-border-left-colors` properties have been limited to usage in chrome code only ([Firefox bug 1417200](
### JavaScript
- Non-standard [conditional catch clauses](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/try...catch#conditional_catch_clauses) have been removed ([Firefox bug 1228841](
### APIs
- The non-standard method `Event.getPreventDefault()` has been removed. You should instead use the {{domxref("Event.defaultPrevented")}} property to determine whether or not {{domxref("Event.preventDefault", "preventDefault()")}} was called on the {{domxref("Event")}}.
- The proprietary [`Navigator.mozNotification`](/en-US/docs/Archive/API/Navigator/mozNotification) property and `DesktopNotification` interface have been removed, in favor of the standard [Notifications API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Notifications_API) ([Firefox bug 952453](
- The proprietary `window.external.addSearchEngine()` method has been removed ([Firefox bug 862147]( Also see {{domxref("Window.sidebar")}} for more details.
- The non-standard Firefox-only {{domxref("HTMLMediaElement")}} property `mozAutoplayEnabled` has been removed.
### SVG
Support for SMIL's `accessKey` feature has been removed ([Firefox bug 1423098](
### Other
Support for the non-standard `pcast:` and `feed:` protocols has been removed from Firefox ([Firefox bug 1420622](
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
### WebExtensions
- [Theme](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/theme) updates:
- new properties: `colors.background_tab_text`, `colors.toolbar_field_border`
- all color properties now support both Chrome-style arrays and CSS color values.
- New [browser settings](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browserSettings):
- [`contextMenuShowEvent`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browserSettings/contextMenuShowEvent)
- [`openBookmarksInNewTabs`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browserSettings/openBookmarksInNewTabs)
- [`openSearchResultsInNewTabs`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browserSettings/openSearchResultsInNewTabs)
- [`proxyConfig`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/proxy/settings)
- New [`tabs`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs) APIs:
- [`tabs.captureTab()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/captureTab)
- [`tabs.hide()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/hide)
- [``](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/show)
- The [`contextMenus`](/en-US/docs/Archive/Add-ons/Legacy_Firefox_for_Android/API/NativeWindow/contextmenus) API now supports a ["bookmark" context](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/menus/ContextType).
- New [`contentScripts`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/contentScripts) API enables runtime registration of content scripts.
- New [`pageAction`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/pageAction), [`browserAction`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browserAction), [`SidebarAction`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/sidebarAction) APIs:
- `browserAction/pageAction/sidebarAction.set*` functions now accept `null` to undo changes.
- [`browserAction.isEnabled()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browserAction/isEnabled), [`pageAction.isShown()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/pageAction/isShown), [`sidebarAction.isOpen()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/sidebarAction/isOpen) functions.
- New option in [`page_action`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/page_action) to show page actions by default.
- New values for `protocol_handlers`:
- "ssb" for Secure Scuttlebutt communications
- "dat" for DATproject
- "ipfs", "ipns", "dweb" for IPFS
- New [`privacy.websites`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/privacy/websites) setting "cookieConfig".
- Support in [`cookies`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/cookies) API for [first-party isolation](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/cookies#first-party_isolation).
- New option `upgradeToSecure` in [`webRequest`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/webRequest).
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/29/ | ---
title: Firefox 29 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/29
page-type: firefox-release-notes
Firefox 29 was released on April 29, 2014. This article lists key changes that are useful not only for web developers, but also Firefox and Gecko developers as well as add-on developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### Developer Tools
Major changes include:
- Vastly improved web console - Arrays are shown inline without clicking to bring up in the right inspector, window objects show their URL, etc.
- Added the [console API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Console_API) to Web Workers ([bug 620935]( Now you can log messages to the Web Console from Web Workers.
- The [Network Monitor]( tool now shows performance statistics using pie charts ([Firefox bug 846601](
- On the [Inspector](, preview tooltips of CSS transforms are now available ([Firefox bug 726427](
- DOM elements seen in the debugger and console can be removed or inspected directly, via the new buttons to the right of the variable listing.
- A CSS source map is now supported by the [Style Editor]( ([Firefox bug 926014](
- Autocompletion of CSS properties and values has been added to the [Style Editor]( ([Firefox bug 717369](
_See the [Mozilla Hacks blog post]( for details and other smaller changes._
### CSS
- [CSS variables](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Using_CSS_custom_properties) have been implemented ([Firefox bug 773296]( Mozilla Hacks article can be found [here]( They are enabled by default only for non-release builds (on release builds flip the pref `layout.css.variables.enabled` to `true` if you want to play with them).
- Flexboxes now support {{cssxref("visibility")}}`: collapse` ([Firefox bug 783470](
- The {{cssxref("box-sizing")}} property has been unprefixed ([Firefox bug 243412](
- The {{cssxref("will-change")}} property, a hint to that something will animate has been added. The preference `layout.css.will-change.enabled` must be switched to `true` to enable it. ([Firefox bug 940842](
- Scientific exponential notation, like `3e1` or `10e+0`, is now supported for {{cssxref("<number>")}} values and derivatives, like {{cssxref("<percentage>")}} and unit values, but not {{cssxref("<integer>")}} ([Firefox bug 964529](
- Images of type {{cssxref("<gradient>")}} are now supported in {{cssxref("border-image")}} ([Firefox bug 709587](
- The {{cssxref("touch-action")}} property has been implemented. It is not activated by default; the `layout.css.touch_action.enabled` pref controls it. ([Firefox bug 795567](
- Remove redundant default style for \<pre> element from quirk.css ([Firefox bug 948914](
- CSS Variables fallback incorrectly implemented (primary cycles) ([Firefox bug 950497](
- @supports conditions with tokens after a declaration's priority should evaluate to false ([Firefox bug 909170](
### HTML
- `<input type=color>` and `<input type=number>` are available by default.
- Support for the non standard `<pre cols>` has been removed, as well as the layout effect of `<pre wrap>`. Both effects can, and should, be achieved using CSS. ([Firefox bug 949879](
### JavaScript
- New ECMAScript 2015 String methods: {{jsxref("String.prototype.codePointAt()")}} and {{jsxref("String.prototype.fromCodePoint()")}} have been implemented ([Firefox bug 918879](
- The [ECMAScript Internationalization API (ECMA-402)]( has been implemented and is now enabled by default in Firefox Desktop ([Firefox bug 853301](
- New objects in the new {{jsxref("Intl")}} object namespace:
- {{jsxref("Intl/Collator", "Intl.Collator")}}
- {{jsxref("Intl/DateTimeFormat", "Intl.DateTimeFormat")}}
- {{jsxref("Intl/NumberFormat", "Intl.NumberFormat")}}
- The following methods of {{jsxref("String")}}, {{jsxref("Number")}} and {{jsxref("Date")}} have been updated to include the `locales` and `options` arguments per ECMA-402:
- {{jsxref("String.prototype.localeCompare()")}}
- {{jsxref("Number.prototype.toLocaleString()")}}
- {{jsxref("Date.prototype.toLocaleString()")}}
- {{jsxref("Date.prototype.toLocaleDateString()")}}
- {{jsxref("Date.prototype.toLocaleTimeString()")}}
- To match the updated ECMAScript 2015 draft specification, the {{jsxref("Map")}} and {{jsxref("Set")}} objects now treat `-0` and `+0` as the same when checking for key and value equality.
- `Promise` has been enabled by default ([Firefox bug 918806](
- Completed [generators](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/function*) now return an `IteratorResult` object instead of throwing ([Firefox bug 958951](
- A malformed JSON string parsed by {{jsxref("JSON.parse()")}} now yields a more detailed error message containing the line and column number that caused the parsing error. This is useful when debugging large JSON data.
- The {{jsxref("ArrayBuffer.isView()")}} method has been added ([Firefox bug 896105](
### Interfaces/APIs/DOM
- A new type of workers, {{domxref("SharedWorker")}}, is now available by default ([Firefox bug 924089](
- The {{domxref("URL")}} interface now supports the {{domxref("URL.searchParams", "searchParams")}} property returning a {{domxref("URLSearchParams")}} object, allowing to modify the search params of a URL ([Firefox bug 887836]( The {{domxref("URLSearchParams.URLSearchParams", "URLSearchParams()")}} constructor allows easier parsing of query strings.
- The {{domxref("WorkerNavigator.onLine", "navigator.onLine")}} property is now supported on {{domxref("WorkerNavigator")}}, allowing to know the online/offline status in workers ([Firefox bug 925437](
- As part of the implementation of Web Components, the `HTMLShadowElement` interface has been implemented behind the `dom.webcomponents.enabled`. Flip it to `true` if you want to use it. ([Firefox bug 887538](
- The read-only property {{domxref("HTMLIFrameElement.sandbox")}} is no longer a string but a {{domxref("DOMTokenList")}} ([Firefox bug 845057](
- On {{domxref("HTMLCanvasElement.getContext()")}}, the value `moz-webgl` is no longer supported. Use the standard `webgl` value ([Firefox bug 913597](
- The constructor for {{domxref("ImageData")}} has been added. This interface can be used in a {{domxref("Worker")}}. ([Firefox bug 959958](
- The property {{domxref("WorkerLocation.origin", "location.origin")}} is now available in workers (via {{domxref("WorkerLocation")}}) ([Firefox bug 964148](
- The {{domxref("ValidityState.badInput")}} property has been implemented ([Firefox bug 827161](
- The deprecated `Window.pkcs11` property has been removed; it was returning `null` since Firefox 3.0.14. ([Firefox bug 964964](
- The {{domxref("Node.cloneNode()")}} and {{domxref("Document.importNode()")}} methods take the Boolean `deep` argument. Until now, if omitted, these methods acted as if the value of `deep` was `true`. But this behavior has been changed as per the latest spec, and if omitted, the methods will act as if the value was `false`. ([Firefox bug 937461](
- `Window._content` is no longer available to Web content ([Firefox bug 946564](
- {{domxref("HTMLAnchorElement/port", "URLUtils.port")}} behavior has been slightly changed: set to `''` will set it to the default port associated with the protocol, and `0` to `0.` ([Firefox bug 930450](
- {{domxref("Document.referrer")}} is now based on the incumbent script ([Firefox bug 887928](
- The [Gamepad API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Gamepad_API/Using_the_Gamepad_API) is enabled by default ([Firefox bug 878828](
- The `CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawSystemFocusRing()` method got renamed to {{domxref("CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawFocusIfNeeded()")}} ([Firefox bug 959820](
### MathML
_No change._
### SVG
_No change._
## Security
- The CSP 1.1 experimental `hash-source` directive has been implemented. The preference `security.csp.experimentalEnabled` should be set to `true` to enable this functionality ([Firefox bug 883975](
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
- Major Firefox theme changes affect most extensions that interact with the Firefox user interface.
- `nsISecurityCheckedComponent` has been removed ([Firefox bug 794943]( Most consumers can remove `nsISecurityCheckedComponent` from their interface definition and they will continue to work.
### Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/106/ | ---
title: Firefox 106 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/106
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 106 that will affect developers. Firefox 106 was released on October 18, 2022.
## Changes for web developers
### HTML
- The {{HTMLElement("source")}} element now supports [`height`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/source#height) & [`width`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/source#width) attributes when it is a child of a {{HTMLElement("picture")}} element.
This functionality is an experimental feature enabled using the `dom.picture_source_dimension_attributes.enabled` preference ([Firefox bug 1694741](
### MathML
- The [`<semantics>`](/en-US/docs/Web/MathML/Element/semantics) and [`<maction>`](/en-US/docs/Web/MathML/Element/maction) MathML elements now only render the first child element by default ([Firefox bug 1588733](
### CSS
- The [@supports](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@supports) at-rule now supports the `font-tech()` and `font-format()` functions.
These functions can be used to test whether a browser supports a given font technology or format and CSS styles can be applied based on the result ([Firefox bug 1786493](
### JavaScript
No notable changes.
### HTTP
No notable changes.
### Security
No notable changes.
### APIs
#### DOM
- The [``](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLMetaElement/media) property is now supported. This property enables you to set different theme colors based on `media` values (e.g. `max-width: 600px`).
Meta elements with `media` properties allow the browser to use the `content` value in conjunction with `theme-color` to set the page or UI colors for a given media query ([Firefox bug 1706179](
### WebAssembly
No notable changes.
### WebDriver conformance (WebDriver BiDi, Marionette)
#### WebDriver BiDi
- Added basic support for the `script.getRealms` command that is currently limited to the `WindowRealmInfo` type which includes window realms and sandbox realms ([Firefox bug 1766240](
- Added support for the `browsingContext.load` event, which is emitted when a `load` event is triggered on a BrowsingContext's window ([Firefox bug 1756619](
- Added an object reference store to hold strong references for serialized remote values ([Firefox bug 1770736](
- Added support for de-serializing remote references created in the object reference store ([Firefox bug 1788124](
- Added full support for the `script.evaluate`, `script.callFunction` and `script.disown` commands ([Firefox bug 1778976](
#### Marionette
- Added support for `wheel` input source for [Actions](, which is associated with a wheel-type input device ([Firefox bug 1746601](
- Added support for opening and closing tabs in GeckoView based applications (eg. Firefox for Android) ([Firefox bug 1506782](
## Changes for add-on developers
- The ability to set the [`"background"`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/background) manifest key property `"persistent"` to `false` for Manifest V2 (to make a background page non-persistent) is now available by default.
- The `object-src` directive in the `"content_security_policy"` manifest key is now optional ([Firefox bug 1766881]( See [object-src directive](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/content_security_policy#object-src_directive) on the `"content_security_policy"` manifest key page for more details.
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/42/ | ---
title: Firefox 42 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/42
page-type: firefox-release-notes
[To test the latest developer features of Firefox, install Firefox Developer Edition]( Firefox 42 was released on November 3, 2015. This article lists key changes that are useful not only for web developers, but also Firefox and Gecko developers as well as add-on developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### Developer Tools
- [Debugging Firefox for Android over Wi-Fi](
- _Firefox OS Simulator configuration in WebIDE_
- [CSS filter presets](
[All devtools bugs fixed between Firefox 41 and Firefox 42](
### CSS
- Vertical {{cssxref('writing-mode')}} is now supported with rtl scripts ([Firefox bug 1131451](
- The values of {{cssxref("caption-side")}} are now relative to the table, and changing actual meaning according to its {{cssxref("writing-mode")}} value [Firefox bug 1202993](
- Non-standard properties like `-moz-margin-start` are now aliases of their standard counterpart ({{cssxref('margin-inline-start')}}, …). Previously, it was the opposite. This affects the value returned by {{domxref('CSSStyleDeclaration.cssText')}} and iteration of the properties in a style rule, which both use the canonical form ([Firefox bug 1118103](
- The prefixed version of CSS gradients can be turned off by setting the `layout.css.prefixes.gradients` preference to `false`.
- Several old bugs with {{cssxref("float")}} and margin collapsing behavior have been fixed ([Firefox bug 478834](, [Firefox bug 538194](, and [Firefox bug 451791](
### HTML
- Experimental support for the [`referrer`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#referrer) attribute of the {{HTMLElement("img")}} ([Firefox bug 1166910](, {{htmlElement("iframe")}} ([Firefox bug 1175736](, {{HTMLElement("a")}} and {{HTMLElement("area")}} ([Firefox bug 1174913]( has been added. There is no effect by default, the `network.http.enablePerElementReferrer` being `false` by default.
### JavaScript
- The {{jsxref("Reflect")}} object has been implemented ([Firefox bug 987514](
- The implementation of the {{jsxref("Proxy")}} {{jsxref("Global_Objects/Proxy/Proxy/ownKeys", "handler.ownKeys()")}} trap has been updated to match the final ES2015 specification ([Firefox bug 1049662](
- Calling {{jsxref("Map")}}, {{jsxref("Set")}}, or {{jsxref("WeakMap")}} without {{jsxref('Operators', 'new')}}, will now throw a {{jsxref("TypeError")}} ([Firefox bug 1083752](
### Interfaces/APIs/DOM
- Images with an [`id`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/img#id) are no more listed as property of the {{domxref("Window")}} interface: `<img id="login">` isn't accessible as `window.login` anymore. This behavior was introduced in Firefox 26 and has been removed to match a later change in the spec. ([Firefox bug 959992](
- {{domxref('MouseEvent.offsetX')}} and {{domxref('MouseEvent.offsetY')}} have been added ([Firefox bug 69787](
- The {{domxref("HTMLInputElement")}} interface has been experimentally extended to handle the upload of directories ([Firefox bug 1164310]( These four members can be exposed by setting the `dom.input.dirpicker` preference to `true`:
- {{domxref("")}}
- {{domxref("HTMLInputElement.isFilesAndDirectoriesSupported")}}
- {{domxref("HTMLInputElement.getFilesAndDirectories()")}}
- {{domxref("HTMLInputElement.chooseDirectory()")}}
- The {{domxref("Directory")}} interface has been experimentally extended ([Firefox bug 1177688]( The two members {{domxref("Directory.path")}} and {{domxref("Directory.getContents")}} can be exposed by setting the `dom.input.dirpicker` preference to `true`.
- The `HTMLMediaElement.mozSrcObject` has been renamed in {{domxref('HTMLMediaElement.srcObject')}} ([Firefox bug 1175523](
#### Service Workers
- `Request.context` has been removed ([Firefox bug 1188062](
- The [Push API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Push_API) has been activated by default on Firefox for Desktop ([Firefox bug 1153499](, but only on the Nightly/Dev Edition/Beta channels. It is being deactivated by default in the Release channel until consumer UX and debugging features have been properly implemented ([Firefox bug 1207875]( You can still activate it by enabling the `dom.push.enabled` pref in `about:config`.
- The {{domxref("PushManager.hasPermission()")}} method has been deprecated in the spec, and replaced with the {{domxref("PushManager.permissionState()")}} method. Firefox has updated its implementation to reflect this ([Firefox bug 1183853](
- Service-worker-related additions to the [Notifications API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Notifications_API) have been implemented ([Firefox bug 1114554](, but are disabled in this release.
#### Web Animations API
Our experimental implementation of [Web Animations API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Animations_API) have been extended to support:
- The {{domxref('Animation/playbackRate', 'AnimationPlayer.playbackRate')}} property ([Firefox bug 1127380](
- The {{domxref('CSSAnimation')}} and {{domxref('CSSTransition')}} interfaces ([Firefox bug 1178186](
- The {{domxref('Animation.reverse()')}} method ([Firefox bug 1150808](
- The {{domxref('AnimationPlaybackEvent')}} interface has been added and {{domxref("Animation/cancel_event", "cancel")}} and {{domxref("Animation/finish_event", "finish")}} are now fired on {{domxref('Animation')}} ([Firefox bug 1178664](
#### Web Components
Our experimental implementation of the [Shadow DOM](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_components/Using_shadow_DOM) has been modified:
- When trying to invoke {{domxref('Node.cloneNode()')}} on a {{domxref('ShadowRoot')}}, throws a `DataCloneError` exception ([Firefox bug 1176757](
- When invoking {{domxref('Document.importNode()')}} with a {{domxref('ShadowRoot')}} as an argument, we now throws a `NotSupportedError` {{domxref("DOMException")}} ([Firefox bug 1177914](
- When invoking {{domxref('Document.adoptNode()')}} with a {{domxref('ShadowRoot')}} as an argument, we now throws a `HierarchyRequestError` {{domxref("DOMException")}} ([Firefox bug 1177991](
#### WebGL
- WebGL2 {{domxref('WebGLTransformFeedback')}} has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1048724](
- To obtain a WebGL2 context, {{domxref('HTMLCanvasElement.getContext()')}} now takes `webgl2` instead of `experimental-webgl2` ([Firefox bug 1187174](
#### WebRTC
- The {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.createOffer()")}}'s options data type, `RTCOfferOptions`, has been updated to more closely match the specification. Among other changes, it is now based upon the `RTCOfferAnswerOptions` dictionary, which provides the `voiceActivityDetection` option.
- The `RTCAnswerOptions` dictionary has been added. This is the type used for the `options` parameter to {{DOMxRef("RTCPeerConnection.createAnswer", "createAnswer()")}}.
- The `RTCICECandidatePairStats.mozPriority` has been renamed to {{domxref('RTCICECandidatePairStats.priority')}} ([Firefox bug 1184426](
#### New APIs
- The {{domxref("ImageBitmap")}} interface and the {{domxref("createImageBitmap()")}} method have been implemented. They are available on regular window scripts and in Web workers and allow efficient posting of images between window and worker contexts ([Firefox bug 1044102](
#### Miscellaneous
- The {{domxref('IDBCursorWithValue')}} interface is now available in [Web workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API) ([Firefox bug 1188115](
- Error events sent in [Web workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API) doesn't bubble anymore ([Firefox bug 1188141](
- [Media Source Extensions](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Media_Source_Extensions_API) (MSE) has been activated for all websites, and no more for a white list of sites ([Firefox bug 1185611](
- The non-standard and deprecated `Window.mozRequestAnimationFrame()` has been removed ([Firefox bug 909154]( Use the standard {{domxref('Window.requestAnimationFrame()')}} instead.
- Speech synthesis (text-to-speech) has been implemented in Firefox Desktop for Windows, hidden behind the `media.webspeech.synth.enabled` flag in `about:config` ([Firefox bug 1003457]( See [Web Speech API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Speech_API) for more information.
### MathML
_No change._
### SVG
_No change._
### Audio/Video
_No change._
- Firefox 41 and earlier versions were incorrectly accepting undefined or invalid pseudo-header fields in HTTP/2 responses. This is now fixed and the only pseudo-header field accepted from Firefox 42 is the _:status_ as per the specification. Response headers containing arbitrary fields are considered malformed. ([Firefox bug 1136727](
## Networking
- The CSP [`upgrade-insecure-requests`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Security-Policy#upgrade-insecure-requests) directive has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1139297](
## Security
- EV certificates with a validity greater than 39 months are now considered and handled as DV certificates ([Firefox bug 1145679](
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
### Interfaces
#### nsIContentPolicy
- The `TYPE_EMBED` constant has been added to `nsIContentPolicy` to allow Gecko internals and add-on code to better differentiate different types of requests. Previously, `TYPE_OBJECT` was used for these cases ([Firefox bug 1148030](
- Similarly, the `TYPE_SUBDOCUMENT` constants has been split into `TYPE_FRAME` and `TYPE_IFRAME` ([Firefox bug 1148044](
### XUL
_No change._
### JavaScript code modules
_No change._
_No change._
### Other
_No change._
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/118/ | ---
title: Firefox 118 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/118
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 118 that affect developers. Firefox 118 was released on September 26, 2023.
## Changes for web developers
### HTML
- The {{HTMLElement('search')}} element is now supported. The `<search>` element is a group element that serves to contain all the elements used in a search or filtering operation ([Firefox bug 1824121](
### CSS
- The {{cssxref("font-synthesis-position")}} property and `position` value for {{cssxref("font-synthesis")}} shorthand property are now supported. These allow subscript and superscript typefaces to be disabled for fonts that do not have glyphs for them when using {{cssxref("font-variant-position")}} ([Firefox bug 1849010](
- Multiple CSS [math functions](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Functions#math_functions) are now supported: [`abs()`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/abs), [`sign()`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/sign), [`round()`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/round), [`mod()`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/mod), [`rem()`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/rem), [`pow()`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/pow), [`sqrt()`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/sqrt), [`hypot()`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/hypot), [`log()`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/log), and [`exp()`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/exp) (Firefox bug [1814589](
- A new keyword `from-font` in the CSS property [`font-size-adjust`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-size-adjust) enables picking the desired `<font-metric>` from the first available font (Firefox bug [1708240](
- The CSS property [`transform-box`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/transform-box) now supports the values `content-box` and `stroke-box`. For the reference box, the `content-box` value uses the [content box](/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/Building_blocks/The_box_model#parts_of_a_box) and the `stroke-box` value uses the stroke bounding box that contains an SVG's shape (Firefox bug [1819464](
- The CSS property [`font-size-adjust`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-size-adjust) supports the keyword `from-font` that enables picking the desired `<font-metric>` from the first available font (Firefox bug [1708240](
### JavaScript
No notable changes.
### HTTP
- The HTTP [`Permissions-Policy`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Permissions-Policy) header's [`publickey-credentials-get`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Permissions-Policy/publickey-credentials-get) directive is now supported, which can be used to enable the [Web Authentication API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Authentication_API) interface for retrieving public-key credentials in a cross-origin iframe ([Firefox bug 1460986](
### MathML
- The [`<semantics>`](/en-US/docs/Web/MathML/Element/semantics) and [`<maction>`](/en-US/docs/Web/MathML/Element/maction) elements only render the first child element by default now. The `mathml.legacy_maction_and_semantics_implementations.disabled` preference has been removed (Firefox bug [1788223](
- All values of the [`mathvariant`](/en-US/docs/Web/MathML/Element/mi#mathvariant) attribute other than `normal` are now deprecated. Additionally, the attribute's use is now limited to the `<mi>` element (Firefox bug [1845461](
### SVG
No notable changes.
### Security
No notable changes.
### APIs
- The <kbd>⊞ Windows Logo</kbd> key on Windows and the <kbd>Command</kbd> key on macOS now return a value of `"Meta"` for [`KeyboardEvent.key`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key), instead of `"OS"`, and [`KeyboardEvent.code`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/code) returns `MetaLeft`/`MetaRight` instead of `OSLeft`/`OSRight` (Firefox bug [1232918](
- The {{domxref("RTCRtpTransceiver.currentDirection")}} and {{domxref("RTCRtpTransceiver.direction")}} properties now support the `"stopped"` value for indicating whether a transceiver has stopped. This value should now be used instead of the deprecated {{domxref("RTCRtpTransceiver.stopped")}} property ([Firefox bug 1568296](
- The array returned by {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.getTransceivers()")}} now omits stopped transceivers. Similarly, {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.getReceivers()")}} and {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.getSenders()")}} omit the receivers and senders associated with a stopped transceiver ([Firefox bug 1568296](
- The [`TextMetrics.emHeightDescent`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/TextMetrics/emHeightDescent) and [`TextMetrics.emHeightAscent`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/TextMetrics/emHeightAscent) properties are now supported (Firefox bug [1841692](
### WebDriver conformance (WebDriver BiDi, Marionette)
#### General
- Fixed an internal race condition for Android that caused the returned user prompt text to be empty for both WebDriver BiDi and Marionette ([Firefox bug 1848167](
- Both the `WebDriver:PerformActions` command in Marionette and the `browsingContext.performActions` command in WebDriver BiDi failed to correctly scroll for a `wheel` input source in environments that have a high-resolution display connected ([Firefox bug 1849229](
#### WebDriver BiDi
- Added the [`browsingContext.activate`]( command that allows users to bring the given background tab into foreground ([Firefox bug 1841004](
- Added the [`browsingContext.handleUserPrompt`]( command that allows users to accept or dismiss an open user prompt of type `alert`, `confirm`, or `prompt` ([Firefox bug 1824197](
- Added the [`browsingContext.userPromptOpened`]( event that is emitted when a user prompt of type `alert`, `confirm`, or `prompt` was opened ([Firefox bug 1824224](
- Added a `type` field to the JSON payload that is returned to clients for identifying `event` messages or the success state of a command, which can be either `success` or `error` ([Firefox bug 1844009](
#### Marionette
- Added support for all the [Web Authentication extension commands](, which allow users to authenticate themselves by Public Key Credentials ([Firefox bug 1846574](
## Changes for add-on developers
### Removals
- Support for [`browser_style`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/user_interface/Browser_styles) in the manifest keys [`action`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/action), [`options_ui`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/options_ui), [`page_action`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/page_action), and [`sidebar_action`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/sidebar_action) for Manifest V3 extensions has been removed ([Firefox bug 1830711]( See [Browser Styles' Manifest v3 migration](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/user_interface/Browser_styles#manifest_v3_migration) for information about transitioning from `browser_style` in Manifest V3 extensions.
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/75/ | ---
title: Firefox 75 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/75
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 75 that will affect developers. Firefox 75 was released on April 7, 2020.
**See also the accompanying hacks post — [Firefox 75: Ambitions for April](**
## Changes for web developers
### Developer tools
- It is now possible to resize the rectangle of the [Measuring Tool]( ([Firefox bug 1152321](
- In the [inspector](, you can now use [XPath](/en-US/docs/Web/XPath) expressions to locate elements, in addition to locating elements using CSS selectors as before ([Firefox bug 963933](
- You can now filter [WebSocket](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSockets_API) messages using [regular expressions](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_expressions), in addition to plain text search, by writing the regular expression in slashes ([Firefox bug 1593837](
### HTML
- The [`loading`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/img#loading) attribute of the {{HTMLElement("img")}} element has now been implemented. This string value can be used to specify that the image should be [lazily loaded](/en-US/docs/Web/Performance/Lazy_loading), by setting its value to `lazy` ([Firefox bug 1542784](
- The value of the [`<style>`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/style) element's `type` attribute is now restricted to `text/css` only, as per the spec ([Firefox bug 1614329](
### CSS
- Support for the {{cssxref("min", "min()")}}, {{cssxref("max", "max()")}}, and {{cssxref("clamp", "clamp()")}} functions has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1519519](
- The `all` value of the {{cssxref("text-decoration-skip-ink")}} property has been added ([Firefox bug 1611965](
### Accessibility
The new roles and objects related to [ARIA annotations](/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Annotations) are now exposed in Firefox, on Windows and Linux (bear in mind that these still won't be usable until screen readers start to support them):
- `aria-description` ([Firefox bug 1608961](
- [`role="mark"`](/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Roles/mark_role) and [`role="suggestion"`](/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Roles/suggestion_role) ([Firefox bug 1608965](
- [`role="comment"`](/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Roles/comment_role) ([Firefox bug 1608969](
- Multiple IDs on `aria-details` ([Firefox bug 1608883](
> **Note:** On macOS, we are first waiting for Apple to define what Safari will expose as Apple-dialect attributes to VoiceOver, and will then follow suit.
### JavaScript
- [Public static class fields](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Classes/static) are now supported ([Firefox bug 1535804](
- The [`Intl.Locale`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/Locale) class is now supported ([Firefox bug 1613713](
- The [`Function.caller`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/caller) property has been updated to be aligned with the latest [ECMAScript spec proposal]( Previously throwing a `TypeError`, it now returns `null` if the caller is a strict, async, or generator function ([Firefox bug 1610206](
### APIs
#### DOM
- The {{domxref("HTMLFormElement")}} interface has a new method, {{domxref("HTMLFormElement.requestSubmit", "requestSubmit()")}}. Unlike the old (and still available) {{domxref("HTMLFormElement.submit", "submit()")}} method, `requestSubmit()` acts as if a specified submit button has been clicked, rather than just sending the form data to the recipient. Thus the {{domxref("HTMLFormElement.submit_event", "submit")}} event is delivered and the form is checked for validity prior to the data being submitted ([Firefox bug 1613360](
- The {{domxref("HTMLFormElement.submit_event", "submit")}} event is now represented by an object of type {{domxref("SubmitEvent")}} rather than a simple {{domxref("Event")}}. `SubmitEvent` includes a new {{domxref("SubmitEvent.submitter", "submitter")}} property, which is the {{domxref("Element")}} that was invoked to trigger the form submission. With this event, you can have a single handler for submit events that can discern which of multiple submit buttons or links was used to submit the form ([Firefox bug 1588715](
- Calling the {{domxref("", "click()")}} method on a detached element (one not part of a DOM tree) now functions normally, leading to a `click` event being sent to it ([Firefox bug 1610821](
#### Web animations API
Firefox 75 sees numerous additions to the [Web Animations API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Animations_API):
- [Implicit to/from keyframes](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Animations_API/Keyframe_Formats#implicit_tofrom_keyframes) are now supported, as is automatically removing filling animations that have been replaced by other indefinitely filling animations ([Firefox bug 1618773]( This includes enabling of support for:
- [`Animation.commitStyles()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Animation/commitStyles)
- [`Animation.onremove`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Animation/remove_event)
- [`Animation.persist()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Animation/persist)
- [`Animation.replaceState`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Animation/replaceState)
- The [`Animation.timeline`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Animation/timeline) getter, [`Document.timeline`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/timeline), [`DocumentTimeline`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/DocumentTimeline), and [`AnimationTimeline`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/AnimationTimeline) features are now enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1619178](
- The [`Document.getAnimations()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/getAnimations) and [`Element.getAnimations()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/getAnimations) methods are now enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1619821](
#### Media, Web Audio, and WebRTC
- The [`RTCPeerConnection.setLocalDescription()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/RTCPeerConnection/setLocalDescription) method can now be called without arguments, in which case the WebRTC runtime will try to create the new local session description itself ([Firefox bug 1568292](
### HTTP
_No changes._
### Security
- [CSP](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP) nonces from non-script sources, such as CSS selectors, and `.getAttribute("nonce")` calls, are now hidden. Instead, check the [`.nonce`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/nonce) property to access nonces from scripts ([Firefox bug 1374612](
### Plugins
_No changes._
### WebDriver conformance (Marionette)
- Fixed a bug that always caused Marionette to initialize when Firefox starts-up. It has been limited to the command line argument and environment variable now ([Firefox bug 1622012](
- Fixed `WebDriver:Print` to no longer add extra margins to the document ([Firefox bug 1616932](
- Changed the preference value for `network.http.speculative-parallel-limit` to `0`, to no longer force-disable speculative connections ([Firefox bug 1617869](
### Other
_No changes._
## Changes for add-on developers
### API changes
- We've added some new settings in {{WebExtAPIRef("browserSettings")}} ([Firefox bug 1286953](
- {{WebExtAPIRef("browserSettings.zoomSiteSpecific")}} to control whether zooming is on a per-site or per-tab basis
- {{WebExtAPIRef("browserSettings.zoomFullPage")}} to control whether zoom is applied to the entire page or to text only.
- The name of the file used when saving a PDF with {{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.saveAsPDF")}} can be specified using `toFileName` in the type `tabs.PageSettings`.([Firefox bug 1483590](
### Manifest changes
- The "privacy" permission is now optional. ([Firefox bug 1618399](
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/38/ | ---
title: Firefox 38 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/38
page-type: firefox-release-notes
Firefox 38 was released on May 12th, 2015. This article lists key changes that are useful not only for web developers, but also Firefox and Gecko developers as well as add-on developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### Developer Tools
- [Bypass audio nodes in Web Audio Editor](
- ["copy" command in Web Console](
- [Highlight and filter XmlHttpRequests in Web Console](
- [See optimized-out variables in the Debugger](
- [See security warnings in the Network Monitor](
- [See transferred sizes in the Network Monitor](
- [Play/pause all animations in the page](
[All devtools bugs fixed between Firefox 37 and Firefox 38](
### CSS
- Support for {{cssxref("ruby-position")}} and {{cssxref("ruby-align")}} have been added and is available by default ([Firefox bug 1055676]( [Firefox bug 1123917]( and [Firefox bug 1039006](
- The {{cssxref(":unresolved")}} pseudo-class has been implemented for custom elements ([Firefox bug 1111633](
- The predefined style {{cssxref("list-style-type", "ethiopic-numeric")}} now uses a space, instead of a dot, as the suffix to match a recent change to the spec ([Firefox bug 1120721](
- CSS transitions on generated content (with {{cssxref("::before")}} and {{cssxref("::after")}}) on both an inline and the block that splits them now start as expected by the specification ([Firefox bug 1110277](
- The implementation of CSS Logical Properties made big progress. The following properties are available behind the `layout.css.vertical-text.enabled` flag (`false` by default):
- Direction-independent equivalents of {{cssxref("width")}} and {{cssxref("height")}}: {{cssxref("block-size")}} and {{cssxref("inline-size")}} ([Firefox bug 1117983](
- Direction-independent equivalents of {{cssxref("min-width")}} and {{cssxref("min-height")}}: {{cssxref("min-block-size")}} and {{cssxref("min-inline-size")}} ([Firefox bug 1117983](
- Direction-independent equivalents of {{cssxref("max-width")}} and {{cssxref("max-height")}}: {{cssxref("max-block-size")}} and {{cssxref("max-block-size")}} ([Firefox bug 1117983](
- Direction-independent equivalents of {{cssxref("margin-top")}}, {{cssxref("margin-right")}}, {{cssxref("margin-bottom")}} and {{cssxref("margin-left")}}: {{cssxref("margin-block-start")}}, {{cssxref("margin-block-end")}}, {{cssxref("margin-inline-start")}} and {{cssxref("margin-inline-end")}} ([Firefox bug 649142](
- Direction-independent equivalents of {{cssxref("padding-top")}}, {{cssxref("padding-right")}}, {{cssxref("padding-bottom")}} and {{cssxref("padding-left")}}: {{cssxref("padding-block-start")}}, {{cssxref("padding-block-end")}}, {{cssxref("padding-inline-start")}} and {{cssxref("padding-inline-end")}} ([Firefox bug 649142](
- Direction-independent equivalents of {{cssxref("border-top")}}, {{cssxref("border-right")}}, {{cssxref("border-bottom")}} and {{cssxref("border-left")}} and their longhands for width, style and color: {{cssxref("border-block-start")}}, {{cssxref("border-block-start-width")}}, {{cssxref("border-block-start-style")}}, {{cssxref("border-block-start-color")}}, {{cssxref("border-block-end")}}, {{cssxref("border-block-end-width")}}, {{cssxref("border-block-end-style")}}, {{cssxref("border-block-end-color")}}, {{cssxref("border-inline-start")}}, {{cssxref("border-inline-start-width")}}, {{cssxref("border-inline-start-style")}}, {{cssxref("border-inline-start-color")}}, {{cssxref("border-inline-end")}}, {{cssxref("border-inline-end-width")}}, {{cssxref("border-inline-end-style")}} and {{cssxref("border-inline-end-color")}} ([Firefox bug 649142](
- Direction-independent equivalents of {{cssxref("top")}}, {{cssxref("right")}}, {{cssxref("bottom")}} and {{cssxref("left")}}: {{cssxref("inset-block-start")}}, `offset-block-end`, `offset-inline-start` and `offset-inline-end` ([Firefox bug 1120283](
- How [CSS transitions](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_transitions/Using_CSS_transitions) start has been modified to match a recent change of the specifications, aiming at having an interoperable behavior between browsers ([Firefox bug 960465](
### HTML
- The {{HTMLElement("label")}} element no longer dispatches events to the label target element if interactive content is found between the event target and the label ([Firefox bug 229925](
- The {{HTMLElement("picture")}} element has been activated by default ([Firefox bug 1017875](
- The `<meta name="referrer">` is supported for navigations from the context menu or via a middle-click ([Firefox bug 1113431](
### JavaScript
- {{jsxref("Generator/return", "Generator.prototype.return()")}} is implemented ([Firefox bug 1115868](
- {{jsxref("Functions/set", "Setter")}} with a {{jsxref("Functions/rest_parameters", "rest parameter", "", 1)}} is now a {{jsxref("SyntaxError")}} ([Firefox bug 1089632](
- The {{jsxref("Function/name", "name")}} property of functions is configurable now ([Firefox bug 1084019](
- Several {{jsxref("Array")}} methods have been implemented for [typed arrays](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Typed_arrays) as well:
- The {{jsxref("TypedArray.of", "of()")}} and {{jsxref("TypedArray.from", "from()")}} methods ([Firefox bug 896608](
- The {{jsxref("TypedArray.forEach", "forEach()")}} method ([Firefox bug 1107645](
- The {{jsxref("TypedArray.filter", "filter()")}} and {{jsxref("", "map()")}} methods ([Firefox bug 1121936](
- The {{jsxref("TypedArray.slice", "slice()")}} method ([Firefox bug 1121935](
- Duplicated parameter name is no longer allowed when rest-parameter is present ([Firefox bug 1096376](
- Duplicated parameter name is no longer allowed in arrow functions ([Firefox bug 1096377](
- Duplicated parameter name is no longer allowed in concise method definitions ([Firefox bug 1096378](
- Warning is shown when {{jsxref("Map")}}/{{jsxref("Set")}}/{{jsxref("WeakMap")}} constructor is called without {{jsxref("Operators/new", "new")}} ([Firefox bug 1108930](
- The {{jsxref("WeakMap.get", "get")}}, {{jsxref("WeakMap.has", "has")}}, and {{jsxref("WeakMap.delete", "delete")}} methods of {{jsxref("WeakMap")}} objects no longer throw when the `key` parameter is not an object ([Firefox bug 1127827](
- The optional and non-standard second `fallback` parameter for {{jsxref("WeakMap.prototype.get()")}} has been removed ([Firefox bug 1127827](
- When defining a [generator method](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/Method_definitions), "`set`" and "`get`" are no longer invalid names ([Firefox bug 1073809](
- {{jsxref("RegExp.prototype.source")}} now returns "(?:)" instead of an empty string for empty regular expressions ([Firefox bug 1130798](
- {{jsxref("RegExp.prototype.source")}} and {{jsxref("RegExp.prototype.toString()")}} now escape regular expression patterns properly (e.g. line terminators, "\n") ([Firefox bug 1130860](
- The {{jsxref("Regexp")}} {{jsxref("", "global")}}, {{jsxref("Regexp.ignoreCase", "ignoreCase")}}, {{jsxref("Regexp.multiline", "multiline")}}, and {{jsxref("Regexp.sticky", "sticky")}} properties are now prototype accessor properties rather than own data properties of `RegExp` instances ([Firefox bug 1120169](
- The {{jsxref("RegExp.prototype.source")}} property is now prototype accessor property rather than own data property of `RegExp` instances ([Firefox bug 1120169]( Available only in non-Release version, due to [Firefox bug 1150297](
- {{jsxref("Function.prototype.toString()")}} now throws for {{jsxref("Proxy")}} objects ([Firefox bug 1100936](
### Interfaces/APIs/DOM
- The Fetch API {{domxref("fetch()")}} method has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1039846](
- {{domxref("BroadcastChannel")}} API has been implemented and is available in [Web Workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API) ([Firefox bug 966439]( and [Firefox bug 1121420](
- The Console API is now available in [Web Workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API).
- {{domxref("CanvasRenderingContext2D.clearHitRegions()")}} has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1119527](
- Constants of {{domxref("KeyboardEvent.location")}}, `DOM_KEY_LOCATION_MOBILE` and DOM_KEY_LOCATION_JOYSTICK, have been removed, since they were removed from the DOM Level 3 Spec ([Firefox bug 936313](
- {{domxref("KeyboardEvent.code")}} is now available; previously it was only available in prerelease builds. ([Firefox bug 1126673](
- {{domxref("KeyboardEvent.code")}} now supports special keys on Sun keyboards on Linux, Android, and Firefox OS. ([Firefox bug 1020139](
- The {{domxref("TextEncoder.TextEncoder", "TextEncoder()")}} constructor has been changed to match the spec: when an invalid parameter is passed, the `RangeError` {{domxref("DOMException")}} is now raised, rather than the erroneous {{jsxref("TypeError")}} ([Firefox bug 1125766](
- The User Timing API, adding {{domxref("Performance.mark()")}}, {{domxref("Performance.clearMarks()")}}, {{domxref("Performance.measure()")}}, and {{domxref("Performance.clearMeasures()")}} has been implemented ([Firefox bug 782751](
- The prefixed version of {{domxref("indexedDB")}}, `mozIndexedDB` has been removed ([Firefox bug 975699](
- The {{domxref("Document/DOMContentLoaded_event", "DOMContentLoaded")}} event is no longer cancelable ([Firefox bug 1134559](
- You can now use [WebSockets](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSockets_API) in [Workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API) ([Firefox bug 504553](
- The {{domxref("XMLHttpRequest.responseType")}} and {{domxref("XMLHttpRequest.withCredentials")}} properties can now be set before calling {{domxref("")}} ([Firefox bug 707484](
### MathML
_No change._
### SVG
_No change._
### Audio/Video
_No change._
## Networking
_No change._
## Security
- In Firefox, the [`autocomplete`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#autocomplete)`=false` attribute is now ignored when dealing with a login form ([Firefox bug 1025703]( This is intended to encourage the use of more secure passwords by allowing password manager tools to work more reliably.
- RC4 is now disabled when using TLS, except for a few specifically allowed websites. This whitelist is an interim measure until those sites are fixed ([Firefox bug 1124039]( This fallback is controlled by the `security.tls.unrestricted_rc4_fallback` preference, `true` by default for the moment ([Firefox bug 1138882](
- Websites needing to fall back to an insecure version of TLS in order to work are now in a hardcoded whitelist which will shrink over time ([Firefox bug 1114816]( The whitelist can be disabled by setting `security.tls.insecure_fallback_hosts.use_static_list` to `false`.
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
### Add-on SDK
#### Highlights
- `sdk/context-menu@2` was implemented ([Firefox bug 1070952](
- `sdk/addon/bootstrap` was implemented ([Firefox bug 1075541](
- `sdk/windows/loader` was removed ([Firefox bug 970135](
- Fix for default language detection on Linux ([Firefox bug 1114712](
- `toolkit/loader` now has opt-in module compatibility checking, which is enabled for all jpm add-ons ([Firefox bug 1037235](
#### Electrolysis (E10s) updates
- `sdk/page-worker` e10s updates ([Firefox bug 1116004](
- `sdk/content/worker` e10s updates ([Firefox bug 1116544](
- `sdk/tabs` e10s updates ([Firefox bug 1033838](
#### Details
- [GitHub commits made between Firefox 37 and Firefox 38](
### XUL
_No change._
### JavaScript code modules
#### Downloads.jsm
- [`DownloadTarget`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/JavaScript_code_modules/Downloads.jsm/DownloadTarget) objects now have `exists` and `size` properties, allowing you to determine the existence of and the size of the download's target file on disk, as well as a new `refresh()` method, which asks that these values be updated.
- `";1"` and `";1"` now throw an exception if `PR_APPEND` is passed without `PR_TRUNCATE` ([Firefox bug 1117580](
- `nsICompositionStringSynthesizer` and `nsIDOMWindowUtils.sendCompositionEvent()` have been removed. Instead, use `nsITextInputProcessor`. ([Firefox bug 917322](
- `nsIDOMWindowUtils.sendKeyEvent()` is now deprecated. Instead, use `nsITextInputProcessor` ([Firefox bug 1119609](
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/3.6/ | ---
title: Firefox 3.6 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3.6
page-type: firefox-release-notes
[Firefox 3.6]( offers support for new and developing web standards, increased performance, and an overall better experience for web users and developers. This page provides links to articles covering the new capabilities of Firefox 3.6.
## For website and application developers
### CSS
- [Using gradients](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_images/Using_CSS_gradients)
- : Firefox 3.6 adds support for the proposed `-moz-linear-gradient` and `-moz-radial-gradient` properties for {{Cssxref("background")}}.
- [Multiple backgrounds](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_backgrounds_and_borders/Using_multiple_backgrounds)
- : The {{cssxref("background")}} property (as well as {{Cssxref("background-color")}}, {{Cssxref("background-image")}}, {{Cssxref("background-position")}}, {{Cssxref("background-repeat")}}, and {{Cssxref("background-attachment")}}) now supports multiple backgrounds. This lets you specify multiple backgrounds that are rendered atop one another in layers.
- [Mozilla-specific media features](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_media_queries/Using_media_queries#mozilla-specific_media_features)
- : Media features have been added for Mozilla-specific system metrics, so that [media queries](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_media_queries/Using_media_queries) can be used to more safely check on the availability of features such as touch support.
- [Scaling background images](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_backgrounds_and_borders/Resizing_background_images)
- : The `background-size` property from the [CSS 3 Backgrounds and Borders draft]( is now supported under the name `-moz-background-size`.
- [WOFF font support](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_fonts/WOFF)
- : {{cssxref("@font-face")}} now supports the WOFF downloadable font file format.
- [Pointer events](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/pointer-events)
- : The {{cssxref("pointer-events")}} property lets content specify whether or not an element may be the target of mouse pointer events.
#### Miscellaneous CSS changes
- The [`rem`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/length#relative_length_units) length unit from [CSS3 Values and Units]( is now supported. [Firefox bug 472195](
- {{Cssxref("image-rendering")}} is supported for images, background images, videos and canvases. [Firefox bug 423756](
- {{Cssxref("text-align")}}:end is now supported. [Firefox bug 299837](
- DOM changes to elements using the table {{Cssxref("display")}} types now work much better.
- Added {{cssxref(":-moz-locale-dir_ltr")}} and {{cssxref(":-moz-locale-dir_rtl")}} to make it easier to customize layouts based on whether the user interface is being displayed using a left-to-right or a right-to-left locale. [Firefox bug 478416](
- Added support for the {{cssxref(":indeterminate")}} pseudo-class, which matches `checkbox` [`input`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input) elements whose `indeterminate` attribute is `true`.
- Windowed plugins are no longer displayed in CSS transforms, because they can't be transformed properly by the compositor.
### HTML
- [Using files from web applications](/en-US/docs/Web/API/File_API/Using_files_from_web_applications)
- : Support for the new HTML5 File API has been added to Gecko, making it possible for web applications to access local files selected by the user. This includes support for selecting multiple files using the `input type="file"` HTML element's new `multiple` attribute.
- HTML5 video supports poster frames
- : The `poster` attribute is now supported for the [`video`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/video) element, allowing content to specify a poster frame to be displayed until the video begins to play.
- Checkboxes and radio buttons support the `indeterminate` property
- : HTML [`input`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input) elements of types `checkbox` and `radio` now support the indeterminate property, which allows a third, "indeterminate" state.
- Canvas image smoothing can be controlled
- : The new [`mozImageSmoothingEnabled`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Canvas_API/Tutorial/Using_images#controlling_image_scaling_behavior) property can be used to turn on and off image smoothing when scaling in [`canvas`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/canvas) elements.
- Asynchronous script execution
- : By setting the `async` attribute on a [`script`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/script) element, the `script` will not block loading or display of the rest of the page. Instead the `script` executes as soon as it is downloaded.
### JavaScript
Gecko 1.9.2 introduces JavaScript 1.8.2, which adds a number of language features from the [ECMAScript 5 standard](/en-US/docs/JavaScript/ECMAScript_5_support_in_Mozilla):
- [`Date.parse()`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/parse) can now parse ISO 8601 dates like YYYY-MM-DD.
- The [`prototype`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function) property of function instances is no longer enumerable.
### DOM
- Web workers can now self-terminate
- : [Workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API/Using_web_workers) now support the `nsIWorkerScope.close()` method, which allows them to terminate themselves.
- Drag and drop now supports files
- : The [`DataTransfer`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/DataTransfer) object provided to drag listeners now includes a list of files that were dragged.
- Checking to see if an element matches a specified CSS selector
- : The new {{domxref("Node.mozMatchesSelector", "element.mozMatchesSelector")}} method lets you determine whether or not an element matches a specified CSS selector. See [Firefox bug 518003](
- [Detecting device orientation](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Device_orientation_events/Detecting_device_orientation)
- : Content can now detect the orientation of the device if it has a supported accelerometer, using the [`MozOrientation`](/en-US/docs/DOM/MozOrientation) event. Firefox 3.6 supports the accelerometer in Mac laptops.
- [Detecting document width and height changes](/en-US/docs/DOM/Detecting_document_width_and_height_changes)
- : The new `MozScrollAreaChanged` event is dispatched whenever the document's `scrollWidth` and/or `scrollHeight` properties change.
#### Miscellaneous DOM changes
- The `getBoxObjectFor()` method has been **removed**, as it was non-standard and exposed even more non-standard stuff to the web. See [Firefox bug 340571]( Also affects [MooTools]( which uses this call for Gecko detection; this has been fixed in the latest version of MooTools, so be sure to update.
- The new [`mozInnerScreenX`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/mozInnerScreenX) and [`mozInnerScreenY`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/mozInnerScreenY) properties on DOM windows have been added; these return the screen coordinates of the top-left corner of the window's viewport.
- The new `mozScreenPixelsPerCSSPixel` attribute on the `nsIDOMWindowUtils` interface, accessible only to chrome, provides a conversion factor between CSS pixels and screen pixels; this value can vary based on the zoom level of the content.
- When the page's URI's document fragment identifier (the part after the "#" (hash) character) changes, a new `hashchange` event is sent to the page. See the [`hashchange`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/hashchange_event) event for more information. [Firefox bug 385434](
- The attribute [`document.readyState`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/readyState) is now supported. [Firefox bug 347174](
- Support for HTML5's [`element.classList`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/classList) to allow easier handling of the class attribute. [Firefox bug 501257](
- `localName` and `namespaceURI` in HTML documents now behave like they do in XHTML documents: `localName` returns in lower case and `namespaceURI` for HTML elements is `""`.
- [`element.getElementsByTagNameNS`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/getElementsByTagNameNS) no longer lowercases its argument, so upper-case ASCII letters in the argument make matches against HTML elements fail. The same is true for [`document.getElementsByTagNameNS`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/getElementsByTagNameNS).
- Support has been added for addresses in geolocation via the `nsIDOMGeoPositionAddress` interface and a new field added to `nsIDOMGeoPosition`.
- The {{domxref("window.getComputedStyle")}} function now returns quotes within `url()` values.
### XPath
- The choose() XPath method is now supported
- : The [`choose()`](/en-US/docs/Web/XPath/Functions/choose) method is now supported by our implementation of [XPath](/en-US/docs/Web/XPath).
## For XUL and add-on developers
If you're an extension developer, you should start by reading [Updating extensions for Firefox 3.6](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3.6/Updating_extensions), which offers a helpful overview of what changes may affect your extension. Plug-in developers should read [Updating plug-ins for Firefox 3.6](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3.6/Updating_plug-ins).
### New features
- [Detecting device orientation](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Device_orientation_events/Detecting_device_orientation)
- : Content can now detect the orientation of the device if it has a supported accelerometer, using the [`MozOrientation`](/en-US/docs/DOM/MozOrientation) event. Firefox 3.6 supports the accelerometer in Mac laptops.
- [Monitoring HTTP activity](/en-US/docs/Monitoring_HTTP_activity)
- : You can now monitor HTTP transactions to observe requests and responses in real time.
- [Working with the Windows taskbar](/en-US/docs/Working_with_the_Windows_taskbar)
- : It's now possible to customize the appearance of windows in the taskbar in Windows 7 or later. _This has been disabled by default in Firefox 3.6._
### Places
- Places queries can now use the `redirectsMode` attribute on the `nsINavHistoryQueryOptions` interface to specify whether or not to include redirected pages in results.
- Added the new `nsIFaviconService.expireAllFavicons()` method to the `nsIFaviconService` interface.
### Storage
- [Locale-aware collation of data is now supported by the Storage API](</en-US/docs/Storage#Collation_(sorting)>)
- : Gecko 1.9.2 added several new collation methods to provide optimized collation (sorting) of results using locale-aware techniques.
- [Properties on a statement can now be enumerated](/en-US/docs/mozIStorageStatementParams#enumeration_of_properties)
- : You can now use a [``](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/ enumeration to enumerate all the properties on a statement.
- mozIStorageStatement's getParameterIndex changed behavior between 3.5 and 3.6.
- : See [Firefox bug 528166]( for details.
- Asynchronously bind multiple sets of parameters and execute a statement.
- : See [Firefox bug 490085]( for details. Documentation coming soon.
### Preferences
- The `nsIContentPrefService` interface has two new methods: `nsIContentPrefService.getPrefsByName()` and `nsIContentPrefService.removePrefsByName()`.
### Themes
See [Updating themes for Firefox 3.6](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3.6/Updating_themes) for a list of changes related to themes.
- [Lightweight themes](/en-US/docs/Themes/Lightweight_themes)
- : Firefox 3.6 supports lightweight themes; these are easy-to-create themes that apply a background to the top (URL bar and button bar) and bottom (status bar) of browser windows. This is an integration of the existing [Personas]( theme architecture into Firefox.
### Miscellaneous
- Firefox will no longer load third-party components installed in its internal components directory. This helps to ensure stability by preventing buggy third-party components from being executed. Developers that install components this way must [repackage their components as XPI packages](/en-US/docs/Migrating_raw_components_to_add-ons) so they can be installed as standard add-ons.
- `contents.rdf` is no longer supported for registering chrome in extensions. You must now use the [`chrome.manifest`](/en-US/docs/Install_Manifests) file instead. See [Firefox bug 492008](
- Added support for hiding the menu bar automatically. See [Firefox bug 477256](
- Added support for the `container-live-role` attribute to objects. See [Firefox bug 391829](
- The `tabs-closebutton` binding has been removed. See [Firefox bug 500971](
- Added support to `nsISound` for playing sounds based on events that have occurred. See [Firefox bug 502799](
- The syntax for the `nsITreeView` methods `nsITreeView.canDrop()` and `nsITreeView.drop()` has changed to support the new drag & drop API introduced in Gecko 1.9. See [Firefox bug 455590](
- Added support to snap the mouse cursor to the default button of dialog or wizard on Windows, see [Firefox bug 76053]( This is processed automatically by dialog and wizard element. But if a XUL application creates a window using the `window` element and it has a default button, it needs to call `nsIDOMChromeWindow.notifyDefaultButtonLoaded` during the window's `onload` event handler.
- The `nsILocalFileMac` interface has had two methods removed: `setFileTypeAndCreatorFromMIMEType()` and `setFileTypeAndCreatorFromExtension()`.
- The new [`NetUtils.jsm`](/en-US/docs/JavaScript_code_modules/NetUtil.jsm) code module provides an easy-to-use method for asynchronously copying data from an input stream to an output stream.
- The new [`openLocationLastURL.jsm`](/en-US/docs/JavaScript_code_modules/openLocationLastURL.jsm) code module makes it easy to read and change the value of the "Open Location" dialog box's remembered URL while properly taking private browsing mode into account.
- On Windows, the `nsIScreen` interface now reports 24-bit per pixel color depths when the graphics driver claims 32 bits, since 24 more accurately represents the actual number of color pixels in use.
- Menu bars can now be hidden on Windows, using the new [`autohide`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Tech/XUL/Attribute/autohide) attribute on the [`<xul:toolbar>`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Tech/XUL/toolbar) XUL element.
- The [`loadOneTab`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Tech/XUL/Method/loadOneTab) and [`addTab`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Tech/XUL/Method/addTab) methods now accept a new `relatedToCurrent` parameter and, in addition, allow the parameters to be specified by name, since nearly all of the parameters are optional.
- The "[hidden](/en-US/docs/Install_Manifests#hidden)" property is no longer supported in install manifests; it's no longer possible to prevent the user from seeing add-ons in the add-on manager window.
- The `;1` component no longer exists; you need to use `;1` instead.
- You can now register with the update-timer category to schedule timer events without having to instantiate the object that the timer will eventually call into; it will instead be instantiated when it's needed. See `nsIUpdateTimerManager.registerTimer()` for details.
- The [`NPN_GetValue()`](/en-US/docs/NPN_GetValue) function no longer provides access to XPCOM through the variable values `NPNVserviceManager`, `NPNVDOMelement`, and `NPNVDOMWindow`. This is part of the work toward making plugins run in separate processes in a future version of Gecko.
- Plugins are no longer scriptable through XPCOM (IDL) interfaces, [NPRuntime](/en-US/docs/Gecko_Plugin_API_Reference/Scripting_plugins) is the API to use for making plugins scriptable, and [`NPP_GetValue()`](/en-US/docs/NPP_GetValue) is no longer called to with the value `NPPVpluginScriptableInstance` or `NPPVpluginScriptableIID`. This is part of the work toward making plugins run in separate processes in a future version of Gecko.
## For Firefox/Gecko developers
Certain changes are only really interesting if you work on the internals of Firefox itself.
### Interfaces merged
The following interfaces have been combined together:
- `nsIPluginTagInfo2` has been merged into `nsIPluginTagInfo`.
- `nsIPluginInstanceInternal`, `nsIPPluginInstancePeer`, `nsIPluginInstancePeer1`, `nsIPluginInstancePeer2`, and `nsIPluginInstancePeer3` have all been merged into `nsIPluginInstance`.
- `nsIWindowlessPlugInstPeer` has been merged into `nsIPluginInstance`.
- `nsIPluginManager` and `nsIPluginManager2` have been merged into `nsIPluginHost`.
### Interfaces removed
The following interfaces have been removed entirely because they were unused, unimplemented, or obsolete:
- `nsIFullScreen`
- `nsIDOMSVGListener`
- `nsIDOMSVGZoomListener`
- `nsIInternetConfigService`
- `nsIDKey`
- `nsIEventHandler`
- `nsIJRILiveConnectPIPeer`
- `nsIJRILiveConnectPlugin`
- `nsIScriptablePlugin`
- `nsIClassicPluginFactory`
- `nsIFileUtilities`
### Interfaces moved
The following interfaces have been relocated from their previous IDL files into new ones:
- `nsIDOMNSCSS2Properties` is now located in its own IDL file (`dom/interfaces/css/nsIDOMCSS2Properties.idl`).
- `nsIUpdateTimerManager` is now located in its own IDL file.
A large number of interfaces have been moved. See [Interfaces moved in Firefox 3.6](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3.6/Interfaces_moved) for a complete list.
### Other interface changes
The following assorted changes have been made:
- The `nsIPlugin` interface now inherits from `nsISupports` instead of `nsIFactory`.
- The `nsIPluginHost` interface now inherits from `nsISupports` instead of `nsIFactory`.
- The `nsIFrame` interface now inherits from `nsQueryFrame` instead of `nsISupports`.
- The `nsIDeviceContext` method `getPaletteInfo()` has been removed, as it was never implemented.
- The `nsIScriptContext` method `reportPendingException()` has been removed, since it was no longer being used.
### Changes in accessibility code
- The `EVENT_REORDER` [accessibility event](/en-US/docs/XPCOM_Interface_Reference/nsIAccessibleEvent) is now sent when the children of frames and iframes change, as well as when the main document's children change. See [Firefox bug 420845](
- The `nsIAccessibleTable.selectRow()` now correctly removes any current selection before selecting the specified row.
## See also
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/3.6 | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/3.6/interfaces_moved/ | ---
title: Interfaces moved in Firefox 3.6
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3.6/Interfaces_moved
page-type: guide
These interfaces were moved to new locations in the tree in Gecko 1.9.2.
This is generally only interesting to people doing development on Mozilla itself.
## Moved DOM interfaces
The following interfaces were moved from `dom/public/idl/base/` to `dom/interfaces/base/`:
| From | To |
| -------------------------- | ------------------------ |
| `nsIBrowserDOMWindow` | `nsIDOMBarProp` |
| `nsIDOMCRMFObject` | `nsIDOMChromeWindow` |
| `nsIDOMClientInformation` | `nsIDOMClientRect` |
| `nsIDOMClientRectList` | `nsIDOMConstructor` |
| `nsIDOMCrypto` | `nsIDOMHistory` |
| `nsIDOMJSWindow` | `nsIDOMLocation` |
| `nsIDOMMimeType` | `nsIDOMMimeTypeArray` |
| `nsIDOMModalContentWindow` | `nsIDOMNSFeatureFactory` |
| `nsIDOMNavigator` | `nsIDOMPkcs11` |
| `nsIDOMPlugin` | `nsIDOMPluginArray` |
| `nsIDOMScreen` | `nsIDOMWindow` |
| `nsIDOMWindow2` | `nsIDOMWindowCollection` |
| `nsIDOMWindowInternal` | `nsIDOMWindowUtils` |
The following interfaces moved from `dom/public/idl/core/` to `dom/interfaces/core/`:
| From | To |
| -------------------- | ----------------------------- |
| `nsIDOM3Attr` | `nsIDOM3Document` |
| `nsIDOM3Node` | `nsIDOM3Text` |
| `nsIDOM3TypeInfo` | `nsIDOMAttr` |
| `nsIDOMCDATASection` | `nsIDOMCharacterData` |
| `nsIDOMComment` | `nsIDOMDOMConfiguration` |
| `nsIDOMDOMError` | `nsIDOMDOMErrorHandler` |
| `nsIDOMDOMException` | `nsIDOMDOMImplementation` |
| `nsIDOMDOMLocator` | `nsIDOMDOMStringList` |
| `nsIDOMDocument` | `nsIDOMDocumentFragment` |
| `nsIDOMDocumentType` | `nsIDOMElement` |
| `nsIDOMEntity` | `nsIDOMEntityReference` |
| `nsIDOMNSDocument` | `nsIDOMNSEditableElement` |
| `nsIDOMNSElement` | `nsIDOMNameList` |
| `nsIDOMNamedNodeMap` | `nsIDOMNode` |
| `nsIDOMNodeList` | `nsIDOMNodeSelector` |
| `nsIDOMNotation` | `nsIDOMProcessingInstruction` |
| `nsIDOMText` | `nsIDOMUserDataHandler` |
| `nsIDOMXMLDocument` | |
These interfaces moved from `dom/public/idl/css/` to `dom/interfaces/css/`:
| From | To |
| ----------------------------- | -------------------------- |
| `nsIDOMCSS2Properties` | `nsIDOMCSSCharsetRule` |
| `nsIDOMCSSFontFaceRule` | `nsIDOMCSSImportRule` |
| `nsIDOMCSSMediaRule` | `nsIDOMCSSMozDocumentRule` |
| `nsIDOMCSSPageRule` | `nsIDOMCSSPrimitiveValue` |
| `nsIDOMCSSRule` | `nsIDOMCSSRuleList` |
| `nsIDOMCSSStyleDeclaration` | `nsIDOMCSSStyleRule` |
| `nsIDOMCSSStyleSheet` | `nsIDOMCSSUnknownRule` |
| `nsIDOMCSSValue` | `nsIDOMCSSValueList` |
| `nsIDOMCounter` | `nsIDOMDocumentCSS` |
| `nsIDOMElementCSSInlineStyle` | `nsIDOMNSCSS2Properties` |
| `nsIDOMNSRGBAColor` | `nsIDOMRGBColor` |
| `nsIDOMRect` | `nsIDOMViewCSS` |
The following interfaces moved from `dom/public/idl/events/` to `dom/interfaces/events/`:
| From | To |
| --------------------------- | -------------------------- |
| `nsIDOM3DocumentEvent` | `nsIDOM3EventTarget` |
| `nsIDOMBeforeUnloadEvent` | `nsIDOMCommandEvent` |
| `nsIDOMDataContainerEvent` | `nsIDOMDataTransfer` |
| `nsIDOMDocumentEvent` | `nsIDOMDragEvent` |
| `nsIDOMEvent` | `nsIDOMEventGroup` |
| `nsIDOMEventListener` | `nsIDOMEventTarget` |
| `nsIDOMKeyEvent` | `nsIDOMMessageEvent` |
| `nsIDOMMouseEvent` | `nsIDOMMouseScrollEvent` |
| `nsIDOMMutationEvent` | `nsIDOMNSEvent` |
| `nsIDOMNSEventTarget` | `nsIDOMNSMouseEvent` |
| `nsIDOMNSUIEvent` | `nsIDOMNotifyPaintEvent` |
| `nsIDOMPageTransitionEvent` | `nsIDOMPopupBlockedEvent` |
| `nsIDOMProgressEvent` | `nsIDOMSimpleGestureEvent` |
| `nsIDOMSmartCardEvent` | `nsIDOMUIEvent` |
These interfaces moved from `dom/public/idl/geolocation/` to `/dom/interfaces/geolocation/`:
| From | To |
| --------------------------- | -------------------------------- |
| `nsIDOMGeoGeolocation` | `nsIDOMGeoPosition` |
| `nsIDOMGeoPositionCallback` | `nsIDOMGeoPositionCoords` |
| `nsIDOMGeoPositionError` | `nsIDOMGeoPositionErrorCallback` |
| `nsIDOMGeoPositionOptions` | `nsIDOMNavigatorGeolocation` |
| `nsIGeolocationProvider` | `nsIGeolocationProvider` |
These interfaces moved from `dom/public/idl/html/` to `/dom/interfaces/html/`:
| From | To |
| ----------------------------- | ----------------------------- |
| `nsIDOMHTMLAnchorElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLAppletElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLAreaElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLAudioElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLBRElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLBaseElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLBaseFontElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLBodyElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLButtonElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLByteRanges` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLCanvasElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLCollection` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLDListElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLDirectoryElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLDivElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLDocument` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLEmbedElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLFieldSetElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLFontElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLFormElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLFrameElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLFrameSetElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLHRElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLHeadElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLHeadingElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLHtmlElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLIFrameElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLImageElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLInputElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLIsIndexElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLLIElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLLabelElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLLegendElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLLinkElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLMapElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLMediaElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLMediaError` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLMenuElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLMetaElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLModElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLOListElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLObjectElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLOptGroupElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLOptionElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLOptionsCollection` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLParagraphElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLParamElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLPreElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLQuoteElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLScriptElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLSourceElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLStyleElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLTableCaptionElem` | `nsIDOMHTMLTableCellElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLTableColElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLTableElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLTableRowElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLTableSectionElem` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLTextAreaElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLTimeRanges` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLTitleElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLUListElement` |
| `nsIDOMHTMLVideoElement` | `nsIDOMHTMLVoidCallback` |
| `nsIDOMNSHTMLAnchorElement` | `nsIDOMNSHTMLAnchorElement2` |
| `nsIDOMNSHTMLAreaElement` | `nsIDOMNSHTMLAreaElement2` |
| `nsIDOMNSHTMLButtonElement` | `nsIDOMNSHTMLDocument` |
| `nsIDOMNSHTMLElement` | `nsIDOMNSHTMLFormControlList` |
| `nsIDOMNSHTMLFormElement` | `nsIDOMNSHTMLFrameElement` |
| `nsIDOMNSHTMLHRElement` | `nsIDOMNSHTMLImageElement` |
| `nsIDOMNSHTMLInputElement` | `nsIDOMNSHTMLOptionCollectn` |
| `nsIDOMNSHTMLOptionElement` | `nsIDOMNSHTMLSelectElement` |
| `nsIDOMNSHTMLTextAreaElement` | `nsIDOMNSXBLFormControl` |
The following interfaces were moved from `dom/public/idl/json/` to `dom/interfaces/json/`:
| From | To |
| --------- | --------- |
| `nsIJSON` | `nsIJSON` |
The following interfaces were moved from `dom/public/idl/ls/` to `dom/interfaces/load-save/`:
| From | To |
| --------------------------- | -------------------------- |
| `nsIDOMDOMImplementationLS` | `nsIDOMLSException` |
| `nsIDOMLSInput` | `nsIDOMLSLoadEvent` |
| `nsIDOMLSOutput` | `nsIDOMLSParser` |
| `nsIDOMLSParserFilter` | `nsIDOMLSProgressEvent` |
| `nsIDOMLSResourceResolver` | `nsIDOMLSSerializer` |
| `nsIDOMLSSerializerFilter` | `nsIDOMLSSerializerFilter` |
The following interfaces moved from `dom/public/idl/offline/` to `dom/interfaces/offline/`:
| From | To |
| --------------------------- | --------------------------- |
| `nsIDOMLoadStatus` | `nsIDOMLoadStatusEvent` |
| `nsIDOMOfflineResourceList` | `nsIDOMOfflineResourceList` |
These interfaces moved from `dom/public/idl/range/` to `dom/interfaces/range/`:
| From | To |
| --------------------- | ---------------------- |
| `nsIDOMDocumentRange` | `nsIDOMNSRange` |
| `nsIDOMRange` | `nsIDOMRangeException` |
This interface moved from `dom/public/idl/smil` to `dom/interfaces/smil/`:
| From | To |
| -------------------------- | -------------------------- |
| `nsIDOMElementTimeControl` | `nsIDOMElementTimeControl` |
The following interfaces moved from `dom/public/idl/storage/` to `dom/interfaces/storage/`:
| From | To |
| ---------------------- | --------------------- |
| `nsIDOMStorage` | `nsIDOMStorageEvent` |
| `nsIDOMStorageItem` | `nsIDOMStorageList` |
| `nsIDOMStorageManager` | `nsIDOMStorageWindow` |
| `nsIDOMToString` | `nsIDOMToString` |
The following interfaces moved from `dom/public/idl/stylesheets/` to `dom/interfaces/stylesheets/`:
| From | To |
| --------------------- | ----------------------- |
| `nsIDOMDocumentStyle` | `nsIDOMLinkStyle` |
| `nsIDOMMediaList` | `nsIDOMNSDocumentStyle` |
| `nsIDOMStyleSheet` | `nsIDOMStyleSheetList` |
The following interfaces moved from `dom/public/idl/svg/` to `dom/interfaces/svg/`:
| From | To |
| ---------------------------------- | --------------------------- |
| `nsIDOMGetSVGDocument` | `nsIDOMSVGAElement` |
| `nsIDOMSVGAngle` | `nsIDOMSVGAnimPresAspRatio` |
| `nsIDOMSVGAnimTransformList` | `nsIDOMSVGAnimateElement` |
| `nsIDOMSVGAnimateTransformElement` | `nsIDOMSVGAnimatedAngle` |
| `nsIDOMSVGAnimatedBoolean` | `nsIDOMSVGAnimatedEnum` |
| `nsIDOMSVGAnimatedInteger` | `nsIDOMSVGAnimatedLength` |
| `nsIDOMSVGAnimatedLengthList` | `nsIDOMSVGAnimatedNumber` |
| `nsIDOMSVGAnimatedNumberList` | `nsIDOMSVGAnimatedPathData` |
| `nsIDOMSVGAnimatedPoints` | `nsIDOMSVGAnimatedRect` |
| `nsIDOMSVGAnimatedString` | `nsIDOMSVGAnimationElement` |
| `nsIDOMSVGCircleElement` | `nsIDOMSVGClipPathElement` |
| `nsIDOMSVGDefsElement` | `nsIDOMSVGDescElement` |
| `nsIDOMSVGDocument` | `nsIDOMSVGElement` |
| `nsIDOMSVGEllipseElement` | `nsIDOMSVGEvent` |
| `nsIDOMSVGException` | `nsIDOMSVGFilterElement` |
| `nsIDOMSVGFilters` | `nsIDOMSVGFitToViewBox` |
| `nsIDOMSVGForeignObjectElem` | `nsIDOMSVGGElement` |
| `nsIDOMSVGGradientElement` | `nsIDOMSVGImageElement` |
| `nsIDOMSVGLength` | `nsIDOMSVGLengthList` |
| `nsIDOMSVGLineElement` | `nsIDOMSVGLocatable` |
| `nsIDOMSVGMarkerElement` | `nsIDOMSVGMaskElement` |
| `nsIDOMSVGMatrix` | `nsIDOMSVGMetadataElement` |
| `nsIDOMSVGNumber` | `nsIDOMSVGNumberList` |
| `nsIDOMSVGPathElement` | `nsIDOMSVGPathSeg` |
| `nsIDOMSVGPathSegList` | `nsIDOMSVGPatternElement` |
| `nsIDOMSVGPoint` | `nsIDOMSVGPointList` |
| `nsIDOMSVGPolygonElement` | `nsIDOMSVGPolylineElement` |
| `nsIDOMSVGPresAspectRatio` | `nsIDOMSVGRect` |
| `nsIDOMSVGRectElement` | `nsIDOMSVGSVGElement` |
| `nsIDOMSVGScriptElement` | `nsIDOMSVGSetElement` |
| `nsIDOMSVGStopElement` | `nsIDOMSVGStylable` |
| `nsIDOMSVGStyleElement` | `nsIDOMSVGSwitchElement` |
| `nsIDOMSVGSymbolElement` | `nsIDOMSVGTSpanElement` |
| `nsIDOMSVGTextContentElement` | `nsIDOMSVGTextElement` |
| `nsIDOMSVGTextPathElement` | `nsIDOMSVGTextPositionElem` |
| `nsIDOMSVGTitleElement` | `nsIDOMSVGTransform` |
| `nsIDOMSVGTransformList` | `nsIDOMSVGTransformable` |
| `nsIDOMSVGURIReference` | `nsIDOMSVGUnitTypes` |
| `nsIDOMSVGUseElement` | `nsIDOMSVGViewSpec` |
| `nsIDOMSVGZoomAndPan` | `nsIDOMSVGZoomEvent` |
The IDL files for DOM workers have moved as well, from `dom/public/idl/threads/` to `dom/interfaces/threads/`:
| From | To |
| -------------------------------------------------- | ------------------- |
| `nsIDOMWorkers.idl` (contains multiple interfaces) | `nsIDOMWorkers.idl` |
The following IDL files have moved from `dom/public/idl/traversal/` to `dom/interfaces/traversal/`:
| From | To |
| ------------------------- | ------------------ |
| `nsIDOMDocumentTraversal` | `nsIDOMNodeFilter` |
| `nsIDOMNodeIterator` | `nsIDOMTreeWalker` |
The following IDL files have moved from `dom/public/idl/views/` to `dom/interfaces/views/`:
| From | To |
| -------------------- | -------------------- |
| `nsIDOMAbstractView` | `nsIDOMDocumentView` |
The following IDL files have moved from `dom/public/idl/xbl/` to `dom/interfaces/xbl/`:
| From | To |
| ------------------- | ------------------- |
| `nsIDOMDocumentXBL` | `nsIDOMDocumentXBL` |
The following IDL files have moved from `dom/public/idl/xpath/` to `dom/interfaces/xpath/`:
| From | To |
| ------------------------- | ----------------------- |
| `nsIDOMNSXPathExpression` | `nsIDOMXPathEvaluator` |
| `nsIDOMXPathException` | `nsIDOMXPathExpression` |
| `nsIDOMXPathNSResolver` | `nsIDOMXPathNamespace` |
| `nsIDOMXPathResult` | `nsIDOMXPathResult` |
The following IDL files have moved from `dom/public/idl/xul/` to `dom/interfaces/xul/`:
| From | To |
| ----------------------------- | ---------------------------- |
| `nsIDOMXULButtonElement` | `nsIDOMXULCheckboxElement` |
| `nsIDOMXULCommandDispatcher` | `nsIDOMXULCommandEvent` |
| `nsIDOMXULContainerElement` | `nsIDOMXULControlElement` |
| `nsIDOMXULDescriptionElement` | `nsIDOMXULDocument` |
| `nsIDOMXULElement` | `nsIDOMXULImageElement` |
| `nsIDOMXULLabelElement` | `nsIDOMXULLabeledControlEl` |
| `nsIDOMXULMenuListElement` | `nsIDOMXULMultSelectCntrlEl` |
| `nsIDOMXULPopupElement` | `nsIDOMXULSelectCntrlEl` |
| `nsIDOMXULSelectCntrlItemEl` | `nsIDOMXULTextboxElement` |
| `nsIDOMXULTreeElement` | `nsIDOMXULTreeElement` |
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/3.6 | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/3.6/updating_plug-ins/ | ---
title: Updating plug-ins for Firefox 3.6
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3.6/Updating_plug-ins
page-type: guide
Several changes were made in Gecko 1.9.2 that may impact plug-in developers in particular. This article provides a list of those changes.
## Interface changes
The `nsIPluginInstance` method `destroy()` has been removed, since it wasn't doing anything anyway.
## Mac OS X specific changes
### CFM plug-ins no longer supported
Starting with Gecko 1.9.2, old-style CFM (Code Fragment Manager) binaries are no longer supported for plug-ins. CFM plug-ins have been deprecated since August, 2008.
### main() no longer a supported entry point
In August, 2008, plug-in developers were informed that `main()` would no longer be supported as an entry point. This change has taken effect in Gecko 1.9.2. Plug-ins need to be updated to use `NPN_GetEntryPoints()` instead.
## See also
- [Firefox 3.6 for developers](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3.6)
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/3.6 | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/3.6/updating_extensions/ | ---
title: Updating extensions for Firefox 3.6
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3.6/Updating_extensions
page-type: guide
This article provides helpful information to extension developers trying to update their extensions to work properly in Firefox 3.6.
## User interface changes
[Right-clicking on elements (including links and images) no longer offers a "Properties" menu item.]( The properties dialog box was not useful for most users and has been removed. If your extension interacts with that menu item in any way, you'll need to revise your code to add it yourself, or contribute your own context menu entry directly.
## Add-on package changes
In order to allow add-ons' icons to be displayed even when they're disabled, Gecko 1.9.2 added support for automatically detecting and using an icon named `icon.png`, located in the add-on's root directory. This is used if the add-on is disabled, or if the manifest is missing an `iconURL` entry.
## HTML 5 compliance improvements
The DOM Level 2 views to HTML and XHTML documents are now unified per HTML 5.
- The [`localName`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/localName) DOM property now returns the name of HTML element nodes in lower case. Previously, in HTML documents, it returned it in upper case. (DOM Level 1 [`tagName`](/en-US/docs/DOM/node.tagName) continues to return in upper case in HTML documents.)
- The [`namespaceURI`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/namespaceURI) DOM property now returns `""` on HTML element nodes. Previously, in HTML documents, it returned `null`.
- `document.createElementNS(null, "FOO")` no longer creates an HTML element node in HTML documents. `document.createElement("FOO")`
or `document.createElementNS("", "foo")` continue
to work in HTML documents.
- The [`name`](/en-US/docs/Web/XPath/Functions/name) and the [`local-name`](/en-US/docs/Web/XPath/Functions/local-name) functions in XPath returns the name of HTML elements in lower case. Previously, in HTML documents, they returned it in upper case.
The most probable upgrade problem is the pattern `if (elt.localName === "FOO")`.
### Example: Testing if an element is an HTML img element
#### Firefox 3.6, both text/html and application/xhtml+xml
`if (elt.localName === "img" && elt.namespaceURI === "")`
#### Firefox 3.5 and 3.6, only extension-supplied text/html without foreign (e.g. SVG) script-inserted elements
`if (elt.tagName === "IMG")`
#### Firefox 3.5 and 3.6, both text/html and application/xhtml+xml
`if (elt instanceof HTMLImageElement)`
## contents.rdf no longer supported
Support for the obsolete `contents.rdf` method for registering chrome has been removed in Gecko 1.9.2, and is no longer supported by Firefox 3.6. This means that add-ons that use contents.rdf can no longer be installed.
Make sure you include a [chrome.manifest](/en-US/docs/Chrome_Registration) in your XPI.
> **Note:** Add-ons that are already installed using the old contents.rdf method for registering chrome will continue to function if already installed. Make sure that you test your add-on by actually removing and reinstalling it to ensure that the install works after updating it to use an install manifest.
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/3.6 | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/3.6/updating_themes/ | ---
title: Updating themes for Firefox 3.6
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3.6/Updating_themes
page-type: guide
This article intends to help theme authors update Firefox-3.5-compatible themes for Firefox 3.6 compatibility.
## Chrome registration change
[`contents.rdf` is not supported anymore](, you need to use `chrome.manifest` instead.
## Emptytext styling
XUL textboxes don't have the `empty` attribute anymore, but `isempty` instead. So instead of `textbox[empty="true"]`, you need to use `textbox[isempty="true"]`.
## Right-to-left UI support
The `[chromedir="rtl"]` and `[chromedir="ltr"]` selectors have been obsoleted and won't work anymore on most elements. Instead, you need to use the new {{ cssxref(":-moz-locale-dir_rtl") }} and {{ cssxref(":-moz-locale-dir_ltr") }} selectors. See also: [Making sure your theme works with RTL locales](/en-US/docs/Making_Sure_Your_Theme_Works_with_RTL_Locales).
## Cross-platform tabbed browser styling
The tabbed browser implementation no longer has a Mac-specific `tabs-closebutton-box`; instead, all platforms use the same names to identify the components of the tab strip.
## Full Screen toolbar button
There's a new [Full Screen toolbar button]( available from the Customize Toolbar dialog.
## See also
- [MozillaZine forum: Mozilla 1.9.2 / Firefox 3.6 theme changes](
- [Themes](/en-US/docs/Themes)
- [Building a theme](/en-US/docs/Building_a_Theme)
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/39/ | ---
title: Firefox 39 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/39
page-type: firefox-release-notes
Firefox 39 was released on July 2, 2015. This article lists key changes that are useful not only for web developers, but also Firefox and Gecko developers as well as add-on developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### Developer Tools
- _WebIDE_ now supports debugging Firefox OS devices over Wi-Fi
- _WebIDE_ now supports Cordova projects
- [Animations view: rewind, fast-forward, and jump to a specific time](
- [The cubic Bézier curve editor now includes 31 presets](
- [Drag and drop elements in the Page Inspector](
- [Web console command history is now persisted across sessions](
- [$\_ console command to print the last result evaluated](
- [Better box model highlighting for inline elements](
[All devtools bugs fixed between Firefox 38 and Firefox 39](
### CSS
- Support of the {{cssxref("<string>")}} type on {{cssxref("list-style-type")}}, as well as its shorthand property {{cssxref("list-style")}} has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1144607](
- CSS Scroll Snapping has been implemented ([Firefox bug 945584]( and [Firefox bug 1138658](
- Cascading of CSS Animations and CSS Transitions has been rewritten to match the latest specification ([Firefox bug 1125455](
- Support for vertical scripts, with the {{cssxref("writing-mode")}} is now turned on by default on Nightly and Developer Edition, but not on Firefox Beta and Firefox Release ([Firefox bug 1099032]( Note that implementation is not yet complete and some widgets, like tables, will not obey to all values.
- CSS {{cssxref("filter")}} acts like position: relative + overflow: hidden ([Firefox bug 1125767](
### HTML
- A new {{glossary("ARIA")}} role, `switch`, is now supported ([Firefox bug 1136563](
- Support for `<link rel="preconnect">` allowing to anticipate a future connection without revealing any information has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1135160](
### JavaScript
- The [`RegExp` constructor](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp) no longer throws when the first argument is a `RegExp` and the second `flags` argument is present ([Firefox bug 1108949](
- The `Object.prototype.__noSuchMethod__` property is now deprecated and throws a console warning (see [Firefox bug 1140428]( and this [platform announcement](!topic/
- The implementation of the {{jsxref("Proxy")}} object has been updated to comply more with the ES2015 specification:
- The {{jsxref("Global_Objects/Proxy/Proxy/defineProperty", "defineProperty")}} and {{jsxref("Global_Objects/Proxy/Proxy/set", "set")}} handlers now need to explicitly return `true` to be successful, otherwise a {{jsxref("TypeError")}} exception will be thrown in strict mode ([Firefox bug 1132522](
- If the {{domxref("window")}} object is set as the target, those handlers will now throw a `TypeError` ([Firefox bug 828137](
- When using [arrow functions](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/Arrow_functions) (`=>`), a line terminator (`\n`) is no longer allowed after arrow function arguments (`() \n => {}`) ([Firefox bug 1141392](
- {{jsxref("RegExp.prototype.toString")}} is now a generic function ([Firefox bug 1079919](
- The non-standard `flags` argument of {{jsxref("String.prototype.match()")}}, {{jsxref("")}}, and {{jsxref("String.prototype.replace()")}} is now deprecated and throws a console warning ([Firefox bug 1142351](
- The try/catch behavior of {{jsxref("Object.assign()")}} has been removed to conform with the latest ES2015 draft ([Firefox bug 1103344](
### Interfaces/APIs/DOM
- The experimental `CanvasRenderingContext2D.addHitRegion()` method now accepts a `path` option, which allows you to add hit regions to {{domxref("Path2D")}} objects ([Firefox bug 1129147](
- New methods have been added to manipulate {{domxref("FormData")}} objects ([Firefox bug 1085283]( and `FormData` is now supported in Web workers ([Firefox bug 739173](
- The non-standard `XMLHttpRequest.sendAsBinary()` method has been removed.
Refer to the [Sending and Receiving Binary Data](/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest_API/Sending_and_Receiving_Binary_Data) documentation for alternatives ([Firefox bug 853162](
- Progress in our experimental implementation of Web Animations: {{domxref("Animation/startTime", "AnimationPlayer.startTime")}} is now writable ([Firefox bug 1073379](
- Progress in our experimental implementation of [Service Workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Service_Worker_API): {{domxref("Cache")}} and {{domxref("CacheStorage")}} interfaces are now implemented ([Firefox bug 940273](
- The experimental [Fetch API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API) has been activated by default ([Firefox bug 1133861](
- Progress in our experimental implementation of WebGL2: {{domxref("WebGLSync")}} is now implemented ([Firefox bug 1048721](
- Support for {{domxref("MouseEvent.offsetX")}} and {{domxref("MouseEvent.offsetY")}} have been added on desktop ([Firefox bug 69787](, but not on Firefox for Android or Firefox OS (they will be added in [Firefox 43](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/43))).
### MathML
_No change._
### SVG
_No change._
### Audio/Video
_No change._
### Miscellaneous
- [WOFF2](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_fonts/WOFF) fonts support is now turned on by default in release version of Firefox (Beta and Release, in addition of Nightly and Developer Edition) ([Firefox bug 1084026](
- The [`-remote`]( command-line option has been removed ([Firefox bug 1080319](
- Support for new [Unicode 8.0 skin tone emoji]( ([Firefox bug 1153460](
## Networking
- Support for SSLv3 has been completely removed ([Firefox bug 1106470](
## Security
_No change._
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
_No change._
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/116/ | ---
title: Firefox 116 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/116
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 116 that affect developers. Firefox 116 was released on August 01, 2023.
## Changes for web developers
### HTML
- The [`dirname`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#dirname) attribute is now supported on [`input`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#dirname) and [`textarea`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/textarea#dirname) elements.
This attribute allows for passing text directionality information (`ltr` or `rtl`) to the server during form submission ([Firefox bug 675943](
### CSS
- The syntax has been updated for the {{cssxref("offset-path")}} property, which is used to define the path for an element to follow. The updated syntax allows you to set a value of `none` or one of `<offset-path>` or `<coord-box>`. The new `<offset-path>` value can be a `<ray()>`, a `<url>`, or a `<basic-shape>`. The [`<coord-box>`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/box-edge) value has replaced the older `<geometry-box>` value and lets you specify the shape of the path based on the element's box model. The `<basic-shape>` and `<coord-box>` values require the `layout.css.motion-path-basic-shapes.enabled` and `layout.css.motion-path-coord-box.enabled` preferences to be enabled, respectively. ([Firefox bug 1598156]( and ([Firefox bug 1837305](
### Accessibility (ARIA)
- The [`image`](/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Roles/img_role) role is now supported as a synonym for `img`.
This maintains consistency with most role names which are complete words or concatenations of complete words ([Firefox bug 1829269](
### JavaScript
- [`Intl.NumberFormat`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/NumberFormat) supports new [constructor options](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/NumberFormat/NumberFormat) that control how numbers are rounded (`roundingIncrement`, `roundingMode`, `roundingPriority`), the strategy for displaying trailing zeros on whole numbers (`trailingZeroDisplay`), and whether to use grouping separators to indicate thousands, millions, and so on (`useGrouping`).
It also supports new methods [`formatRange()`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/NumberFormat/formatRange) amd [`formatRangeToParts()`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/NumberFormat/formatRangeToParts) for formatting ranges of numbers.
([Firefox bug 1795756](
- [`Intl.PluralRules`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/PluralRules) was updated (as part of the same set of changes as `Intl.NumberFormat`) to support [constructor options](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/PluralRules/PluralRules) `roundingIncrement`, `roundingMode`, `roundingPriority` and `trailingZeroDisplay`, and the [`selectRange()`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/PluralRules/selectRange) method.
([Firefox bug 1795756](
### SVG
- The `q` [length unit](/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Content_type#length) (`1q = 1/40th of 1cm`) is now supported ([Firefox bug 1836995](
### HTTP
- Configuring a [Content-Security-Policy](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP) now supports specifying [external JavaScript files to be whitelisted using hashes](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Security-Policy/script-src#whitelisting_external_scripts_using_hashes), where previously only inline scripts could be whitelisted using a hash ([Firefox bug 1409200](
### APIs
#### DOM
- The {{domxref("TextMetrics.fontBoundingBoxAscent")}} and {{domxref("TextMetrics.fontBoundingBoxDescent")}} properties are now supported.
These metrics return, respectively, the distance above and below the {{domxref("CanvasRenderingContext2D.textBaseline")}} to the bounding rectangle of all the fonts used to render the text ([Firefox bug 1801198](
#### Media, WebRTC, and Web Audio
- The [Audio Output Devices API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Audio_Output_Devices_API) is now supported on all platforms except for Android.
This API allows web applications to redirect audio output to a permitted Bluetooth headset, speakerphone, or other device, instead of having to use the browser or underlying OS default.
Affected APIs include {{domxref("MediaDevices.selectAudioOutput()")}}, {{domxref("MediaDevices.enumerateDevices()")}}, [`HTMLMediaElement.setSinkId()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLMediaElement/setSinkId), [`HTMLMediaElement.sinkId`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLMediaElement/sinkId), and the permission policy [`Permissions-Policy: speaker-selection`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Permissions-Policy/speaker-selection) ([Firefox bug 1498512](
### WebDriver conformance (WebDriver BiDi, Marionette)
#### WebDriver BiDi
- Added support for the `session.end` command that allows users to terminate the automation session. This was previously only possible for sessions using both WebDriver Classic and WebDriver BiDi. It is now possible also for WebDriver BiDi-only sessions ([Firefox bug 1829337](
- Added support for [capability matching](/en-US/docs/Web/WebDriver/Capabilities) for the `` command. It allows to define expectations about the target browser, such as browser name, platform name, etc. It can also be used to configure the session, for example, to specify if insecure certificates should be accepted ([Firefox bug 1731730](
- Shadow roots are now correctly serialized when they are the root of a returned value ([Firefox bug 1836514](
- The `network` event time origin information was renamed from `originTime` to `timeOrigin` ([Firefox bug 1836926](
- The `network` event `network.responseCompleted` is now correctly emitted for navigation requests involving a redirect ([Firefox bug 1838238](
#### Marionette
- Removed support for the `moz:useNonSpecCompliantPointerOrigin` capability. Users who still need this feature can still use the Firefox 115 ESR release as long as it is supported. Please file bugs under [Remote Protocol :: Marionette]( if you're seeing any issue ([Firefox bug 1490258](
- A regression was fixed that prevented us from differentiating stale elements (DOM elements that have been seen before on the page) from unknown elements for a given browsing context ([Firefox bug 1822466](
- Creating a new session should now properly wait for the initial context to be loaded ([Firefox bug 1838381](
## Changes for add-on developers
- The URL of a page visited when an extension is uninstalled, provided in {{WebExtAPIRef("runtime.setUninstallURL")}}, can now be up to 1023 characters instead of 255 ([Firefox bug 1835723](
- Adds {{WebExtAPIRef("action.getUserSettings")}} and {{WebExtAPIRef("browserAction.getUserSettings")}} providing the user-specified settings for an extension's browser action ([Firefox bug 1814905](
- `autoDiscardable` is now supported in {{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.Tab")}}, {{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.onUpdated")}}, {{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.update")}}, and {{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.query")}} ([Firefox bug 1809094](
## Developer Tools
- Added support for [Custom Formatters]( ([Firefox bug 1752760](
- Added "container" badges in markup view on elements with a `container-type` property with `size` or `inline-size` values ([Firefox bug 1789193](
- Fixed an issue in the Inspector where CSS custom properties set on the Custom Element Root were not displayed ([Firefox bug 1836755](
- Show if request was resolved with DNS over HTTPS in Network Monitor ([Firefox bug 1810195](
- Removed `Proxy-Authorization` header in Network Monitor ([Firefox bug 1816115](
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/28/ | ---
title: Firefox 28 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/28
page-type: firefox-release-notes
Firefox 28 was released on March 18, 2014. This article lists key changes that are useful not only for web developers, but also Firefox and Gecko developers as well as add-on developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### Developer Tools
- The `console.exception` property has been added ([Firefox bug 922214](
- The {{domxref("console/assert_static", "console.assert()")}} property has been added ([Firefox bug 760193](
- App Manager: a new Manifest Editor was added.
- App Manager: the toolbox used for debugging apps is now embedded in the app manager UI.
- Web Console: added a "split console" mode - press Escape to quickly open the console in any other tool.
- Web Console: added a dark theme for the output.
- Debugger: pretty-print minified JavaScript.
- Debugger: hover over any variable or click on it to bring up a pop-up that displays the current value.
- Inspector: added a color picker in rules view and various tooltips.
- Browser Toolbox: allows add-on and platform developers to use almost all of the developer tools while targeting the browser itself.
More details in [this post](
### CSS
- Support for multi-line [flexbox](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_flexible_box_layout/Basic_concepts_of_flexbox) has been added ([Firefox bug 939901](
- Longhand East Asian [counter styles](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/list-style-type) have been implemented ([Firefox bug 934072](
- Experimental support for the {{cssxref("background-blend-mode")}} property has been added, but is disabled by default ([Firefox bug 841601](
- The `none` value has been added to {{cssxref("font-variant-ligatures")}} ([Firefox bug 913264](
- Support for the {{cssxref(":hover")}} user action pseudo-class on pseudo-elements has been implemented ([Firefox bug 922669](
### HTML
- `<input type=color>` and `<input type=number>` have been implemented, disabled by default.
### JavaScript
- ECMAScript 2015 implementation continues:
- New `Array` methods have been implemented: {{jsxref("Array.prototype.entries()")}} and {{jsxref("Array.prototype.keys()")}} ([Firefox bug 894658](
- A bug causing that {{jsxref("Object.getOwnPropertyNames()")}} did not see unresolved properties of {{jsxref("Error")}} objects has been fixed ([Firefox bug 724768](
### Interfaces/APIs/DOM
- `HTMLVideoElement.canPlayType('video/webm')` now reports `maybe`. ([Firefox bug 884275](
- The {{domxref("DocumentFragment.getElementById()")}} method has been implemented. E.g. `document.createDocumentFragment().getElementById()` ([Firefox bug 933193](
- The {{domxref("KeyboardEvent.repeat")}} attribute has been implemented ([Firefox bug 600117](
- The {{domxref("File")}} constructor, e.g. `new File(["foo"], "foo.txt")` has been implemented. ([Firefox bug 819900](
- The {{domxref("Navigator.plugins")}} is no more enumerable, for privacy reasons ([Firefox bug 757726](
- The two attributes {{domxref("Window.screenX")}} and {{domxref("Window.screenY")}} now return CSS pixels (and no more device pixels) ([Firefox bug 943668](
- The two methods `CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawSystemFocusRing()` and {{domxref("CanvasRenderingContext2D/drawFocusIfNeeded", "CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawCustomFocusRing()")}} have been implemented. The preference `canvas.focusring.enabled` must be set to `true` to activate both ([Firefox bug 540456](
- The `willReadFrequently` context attribute for "`2d`" canvas contexts has been implemented (see {{domxref("HTMLCanvasElement.getContext()")}}) ([Firefox bug 884226](
- The following attributes and methods of `NavigatorID` have been implemented on {{domxref("WorkerNavigator")}} to allow their use in workers: {{domxref("Navigator.appCodeName")}}, {{domxref("Navigator.product")}}, and {{domxref("Navigator.taintEnabled")}} ([Firefox bug 925847](
- The {{domxref("Element/previousElementSibling", "previousElementSibling")}} and {{domxref("Element/nextElementSibling", "nextElementSibling")}} properties has been removed from {{domxref("DocumentType")}}, because of compatibility problems ([Firefox bug 932501](
### MathML
- Support of the `mathvariant` attribute has been added ([Firefox bug 114365](
### SVG
_No change._
### Audio/Video
- Opus in WebM is now supported ([Firefox bug 887978](
- The VP9 video decoder is now supported ([Firefox bug 833023](
### Network
- Support of `SPDY/2` has been removed.
## Changes for add-ons and Mozilla developers
- The interface of `DeferredTask.jsm` has been changed, and the `isPending()`, `start()`, `flush()`, and `cancel()` methods have been removed ([Firefox bug 940408](
## Security
- CSP was not enforced in sandboxed iframes. This has been fixed ([Firefox bug 886164](
- The CSP 1.1 experimental `script-nonce` directive has been implemented. The preference `security.csp.experimentalEnabled` should be set to `true` to enable this functionality ([Firefox bug 855326](
### Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/33/ | ---
title: Firefox 33 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/33
page-type: firefox-release-notes
Firefox 33 was released on October 14, 2014. This article lists key changes that are useful not only for web developers, but also Firefox and Gecko developers as well as add-on developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### Developer Tools
- Event listeners popup
- @media sidebar
- Add new rule
- Edit keyframes
- Cubic bezier editor
- Transform highlighter
- Persistent disable cache
- New Commands
- Editor preferences
- WebIDE
For details please [see the hacks post]( Special thanks to the 33 contributors that added [all the features and fixes]( in this release.
### CSS
- Implemented {{cssxref("@counter-style")}} rule ([Firefox bug 966166](
- Unprefixed `ethiopic-numeric`, `persian`, `arabic-indic`, `devanagari`, `bengali`, `gurmukhi`, `gujarati`, `oriya`, `tamil`, `telugu`, `kannada`, `malayalam`, `thai`, `lao`, `myanmar`, `khmer`, `cjk-heavenly-stem`, `cjk-earthly-branch` in {{cssxref("list-style-type")}} ([Firefox bug 985825]( and [Firefox bug 1063856](
- Added support for `mongolian`, `disclosure-open` and `disclosure-closed` counter styles in {{cssxref("list-style-type")}} ([Firefox bug 982355]( and [Firefox bug 1063856](
- Fixed CSS animations with empty keyframes rule so they also dispatch events ([Firefox bug 1004377](
- Added support for `rebeccapurple`, a new {{cssxref("<color>")}} name defined in CSS Colors level 4 ([Firefox bug 1024642](
- Our experimental implementation of CSS Fonts Level 3 is progressing. Its activation is governed by the `layout.css.font-features.enabled` preference, enabled by default in Nightly. Newly implemented features are:
- The fallback algorithm of {{cssxref("font-variant-caps")}}, creating synthetic alternates for missing glyphs ([Firefox bug 961558](
- The {{cssxref("font-synthesis")}} CSS property has been implemented ([Firefox bug 871453](
### HTML
- Added the experimental support for {{htmlelement("picture")}} element ([Firefox bug 870022](, behind the `dom.image.picture.enabled` preference (off by default).
- The {{HTMLElement("label")}}, especially without a [`for`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/label#for) attribute, doesn't apply anymore to a `<input type=hidden>` field ([Firefox bug 597650]( The previous behavior wasn't spec-compliant.
- The link annotation `noreferrer` has been implemented on {{HTMLElement("a")}} elements. `<a rel="noreferrer">` will not include the URL of the referrer in the HTTP request sent to fetch it ([Firefox bug 530396]( Note that this works only for in-page links, not for links clicked via the UI, like via contextual menus.
- On Android, support for two new values for the [`name`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/meta#name) attribute of {{HTMLElement("meta")}} has been added: `msapplication-TileImage` and `msapplication-TileColor` ([Firefox bug 1014712]( Example:
<meta name="msapplication-TileImage" content="images/benthepcguy-144.png" />
<meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#d83434" />
### JavaScript
- The non-standard method `Number.toInteger()` has been removed ([Firefox bug 1022396](
- The {{jsxref("Map.prototype.set()")}}, {{jsxref("WeakMap.prototype.set()")}} and {{jsxref("Set.prototype.add()")}} methods are now chainable, return their equivalent objects and no longer `undefined` ([Firefox bug 1031632](
- A [default parameter](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/Default_parameters) is evaluated before function declarations inside the function body, so those functions cannot be referred from the default parameter ([Firefox bug 1022962](
- Shorthand properties are now allowed in object literals: if not explicitly defined, property keys are initialized by variables of the same name. E.g. `function f(x, y) { return {x, y}; }` is equivalent to `function f(x, y) { return {x: x, y: y}; }` ([Firefox bug 875002](
- The parsing of [`yield`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/yield) and [`yield*`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/yield*) has been updated to conform with the latest ES2015 specification ([Firefox bug 981599](
- The non-standard `hasOwn` trap has been removed ([Firefox bug 980565](
### Interfaces/APIs/DOM
- The {{domxref("RadioNodeList")}} API has been implemented and the selected radio button is accessible via {{domxref("RadioNodeList.value")}} ([Firefox bug 779723](
- The {{domxref("DOMMatrix")}} has been added ([Firefox bug 1018497](
- A non-standard (but implemented in other browsers) `DOMException.stack` property has been added. It returns a string with a human-friendly formatted stack ([Firefox bug 857648](, in the same format as the existing non-standard {{jsxref("Error.stack")}} property.
- For {{HTMLElement("canvas")}}, the method {{domxref("CanvasPattern.setTransform()")}}, allowing to modify a pattern using the {{domxref("DOMMatrix")}} representation of a linear transform ([Firefox bug 1019257](
- Our experimental implementation of Media Source Extensions, behind the `media.mediasource.enabled` preference, enabled by default in Nightly and Aurora only, now supports MP4 ([Firefox bug 1000686](
- The properties {{domxref("HTMLMediaElement.audioTracks")}} and {{domxref("HTMLMediaElement.videoTracks")}} have been experimentally implemented. They are controlled by the `media.track.enabled`, off by default ([Firefox bug 744896](
- The non-standard `XMLHttpRequest.mozBackgroundRequest()` is no more accessible from websites. Only Firefox-internal code (Chrome code) can use it ([Firefox bug 1035242](
- The `touchenter` and `touchleave` events, removed from the specification, have been removed ([Firefox bug 1036444](
- The formerly called `loaded` event, sent on a {{domxref("HTMLTrackElement")}} has been renamed {{domxref("Window/load_event", "load")}} to match the specification ([Firefox bug 1035505](
- The IndexedDB interface `FileHandle` has been renamed in `IDBMutableFile` ([Firefox bug 1006485](
- The IndexedDB interface `LockedFile` has been renamed in `IDBFileHandle` ([Firefox bug 1006485](
- The {{domxref("ServiceWorker")}} interface has been implemented behind the `dom.serviceWorkers.enabled` flag ([Firefox bug 903441](
- The {{domxref("NetworkInformation.type")}} now also support the `"unknown"` value ([Firefox bug 1023029](
### MathML
- The attributes `columnspacing`, `framespacing`, and `rowspacing` of the {{MathMLElement("mtable")}} element are now supported ([Firefox bug 330964](
- Use [Open Type MATH]( constants for fractions, stacks, radicals, and scripts ([Firefox bug 961365](
### SVG
_No change._
### Audio/Video/WebRTC
- The `RTCOfferOptions` dictionary, used to provide options when calling {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.createOffer()")}}, has been implemented.
### WebGL
- {{domxref("EXT_blend_minmax")}} is now exposed. It extends blending capabilities by adding two new blend equations: producing the minimum or maximum color components of the source and destination colors ([Firefox bug 973815](
## Security
- The [CSP](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP) 1.1 `frame-ancestors` [directive](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Security-Policy) is now supported ([Firefox bug 846978](
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
- The JavaScript Debugger Service (JSD) has been removed in favor of the new [Debugger API]( ([Firefox bug 800200](
- The interface nsIX509CertDB2 has been removed and the methods from that interface have been moved to the nsIX509CertDB interface.
### Add-on SDK
#### Highlights
- Added support for context menus in panels via a new option in the `Panel` constructor.
- Added `tab.readyState`.
- Added a `BrowserWindow` parameter to `` and `sidebar.hide()`, to control the window for which the sidebar will be shown or hidden.
#### Details
[GitHub commits made between Firefox 32 and Firefox 33]( This will not include any uplifts made after this release entered Aurora.
[Bugs fixed between Firefox 32 and Firefox 33]( This will not include any uplifts made after this release entered Aurora.
### Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/120/ | ---
title: Firefox 120 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/120
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 120 that affect developers. Firefox 120 was released on [November 21, 2023](
## Changes for web developers
### HTML
- Support for the `media` attribute in the [`<source>`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/source) element has been reintroduced and expanded to include `<audio>` and `<video>` elements. This attribute was first added in Firefox 15 but was removed in Firefox 53 when its use was limited to `<source>` element within `<picture>`. With this release, the `media` attribute will be available in `<source>` elements within `<audio>`, `<video>`, and `<picture>` ([Firefox bug 1836128](
### CSS
- The {{CSSXref("color_value/light-dark", "light-dark()")}} CSS Color function is now supported. This allows the setting of a colors for both light & dark without the need for `prefers-color-scheme` media feature ([Firefox bug 1856999](
- The [`lh` and `rlh`](/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/Building_blocks/Values_and_units#line_height_units) line height units are now supported. These allow setting properties relative to the line height of an element, for example, precisely aligning background decoration with multiline text ([Firefox bug 1310170](
#### Removals
- The non-standard {{cssxref("-moz-image-rect")}} CSS function for clipping background images has been removed. First introduced in Firefox 4, this function was never standardized or implemented in other browsers ([Firefox bug 1856999](
### JavaScript
- {{jsxref("Date.parse()")}} now accepts several additional date formats:
- Numeric dashed dates which do not meet the formal ISO standard are now accepted ([Firefox bug 1557650](, including:
- `"01-12-1999"` (month first)
- `"1999-1-5"` (single-digit month or day)
- `"10000-01-12"` (year > 9999)
- `"99-01-05"` or `"01-05-99"` (2-digit year, year must be >31 if it comes first)
- `"1999-01-05 10:00:00"` (space between date and time).
These dates will be parsed with behavior typical of other non-ISO dates, such as local time zone and month rollover (April 31 rolls over to May 1 since April 31 doesn't exist).
- Requirements for characters directly following numbers have been loosened to accept new formats ([Firefox bug 449921](, including:
- `"DDMonYYYY"`
- `"Mon.DD.YYYY"`
- `"DD.Mon.YYYY"`
- `"YYYY.MM.DD"`
- `"Mon DD YYYY hh:mmXm"` (`am`/`pm` directly following time)
- Timezone `'Z'` is now accepted for non-ISO formats (e.g. `Jan 1 1970 10:00Z`) ([Firefox bug 1852422](
### SVG
No notable changes
### HTTP
- The [`103 Early Hints`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/103) HTTP [information response](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status#information_responses) status code is enabled for [preconnecting](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes/rel/preconnect) to a particular origin (that the page is likely to need resources from).
For more details see [Firefox bug 1858712](
- Firefox supports the [Global Privacy Control]( {{HTTPHeader("Sec-GPC")}} request header, which may be sent to indicate that the user does not consent to a website or service selling or sharing their personal information with third parties.
Users can enable the header, in both normal and private browsing modes, by setting the preference `privacy.globalprivacycontrol.enabled` to `true` (in `about:config`).
The {{domxref("Navigator.globalPrivacyControl")}} and {{domxref("WorkerNavigator.globalPrivacyControl")}} properties allow JavaScript to check the user consent preference ([Firefox bug 1856029](
### Security
No notable changes
### APIs
- The {{domxref("PublicKeyCredential.authenticatorAttachment", "authenticatorAttachment")}} property of the {{domxref("PublicKeyCredential")}} interface is now supported.
This allows web application client and server code to configure itself based on whether the authenticator is part of the device running web authentication, or can roam between devices (see [Firefox bug 1810851](
- The [Minimum PIN Length Extension (`minPinLength`)](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Authentication_API/WebAuthn_extensions#minpinlength) of the [Web Authentication API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Authentication_API) is supported, allowing a relying party server to request the authenticator's minimum PIN length during creation/registration ([Firefox bug 1844450](
- The {{domxref("Navigator.userActivation")}} property and {{domxref("UserActivation")}} interface are now supported.
These can be used to check whether the user is interacting with the page, or has interacted with it since page load (see [Firefox bug 1791079](
### WebDriver conformance (WebDriver BiDi, Marionette)
#### WebDriver BiDi
- Added serialization support for `Proxy` and `Generator` objects ([Firefox bug 1841786](
- Added `authChallenges` property (the list of authentication challenges present in the headers), to `responseStarted` and `responseCompleted` network events, which will be useful in order to handle the upcoming `network.authRequired` event ([Firefox bug 1855149](
## Changes for add-on developers
No notable changes
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/107/ | ---
title: Firefox 107 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/107
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 107 that will affect developers. Firefox 107 was released on November 15, 2022.
## Changes for web developers
### HTML
No notable changes
### MathML
- Deprecated `lquote` and `rquote` attributes of the [`<ms>`](/en-US/docs/Web/MathML/Element/ms) MathML element for custom opening and closing quotes are now disabled.
This behavior is configured via the `mathml.ms_lquote_rquote_attributes.disabled` preference which is set to `true` by default ([Firefox bug 1793387](
### CSS
- The [`contain-intrinsic-size`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/contain-intrinsic-size) shorthand CSS property can now be applied to specify the size of a UI element that is subject to [size containment](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_containment#size_containment).
This allows a user agent to determine the size of an element without needing to render its child elements.
The shorthand properties [`contain-intrinsic-width`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/contain-intrinsic-width) and [`contain-intrinsic-height`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/contain-intrinsic-height) are also supported, along with the [logical properties](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_logical_properties_and_values) [`contain-intrinsic-block-size`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/contain-intrinsic-block-size) and [`contain-intrinsic-inline-size`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/contain-intrinsic-inline-size).
([Firefox bug 1597529](
- Color font is now supported via the [font-palette](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-palette) property ([Firefox bug 1791558]( Support has also been added for the [@font-palette-values](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@font-palette-values) CSS at-rule and its descriptors [font-family](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@font-palette-values/font-family), [base-palette](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@font-palette-values/base-palette), and [override-colors](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@font-palette-values/override-colors). Together they help to define the color palette ([Firefox bug 1791558](
### JavaScript
No notable changes
### APIs
#### Removals
- The non-standard and deprecated [`SVGSVGElement.useCurrentView`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/SVGSVGElement#svgsvgelement.usecurrentview) property has been removed.
(See [Firefox bug 1174097]( for more details.)
### WebDriver conformance (WebDriver BiDi, Marionette)
#### WebDriver BiDi
- Added Realm support to `target` argument for `script.evaluate`, `script.callFunction`, and `script.disown` commands ([Firefox bug 1779231](
- Added support for JSON serialization of complex objects with container value fields, eg. `WeakMap` and `Uint8Array` ([Firefox bug 1770754](
- Added support for the `context` parameter of the `browsingContext.create` command, which allows opening a new tab related to an existing one ([Firefox bug 1765619](
- Improved reliability of the `browsingContext.navigate` command when called with the `wait` parameter set to `none` ([Firefox bug 1763109](
#### Marionette
- The command `WebDriver:ElementSendKeys` now only sets the caret if the element is not focused yet ([Firefox bug 1791736](
- Updated the command `WebDriver:PerformAction` to no longer accept `undefined` as value for various parameters of the `pointerMove` and `wheel` actions ([Firefox bug 1781066](
- Updated the [Selenium Atoms]( to match a recent WebDriver specification change ([Firefox bug 1771942](
## Changes for add-on developers
### Other
- The `error` property returned when an error occurs in {{WebExtAPIRef("scripting.executeScript")}} now represents any value the script throws or rejects with, instead of being just an object with a message property [Firefox bug 1740608](
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/112/ | ---
title: Firefox 112 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/112
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 112 that affect developers. Firefox 112 was released on April 11, 2023.
## Changes for web developers
### HTML
- The {{domxref("HTMLElement")}} property [**`inert`**](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/inert) is now fully enabled. It allows the browser to ignore content or interactive elements that are within an HTMLElement with the `inert` attribute. See [Firefox bug 1764263]( for more details.
### CSS
- The `overlay` keyword value for the {{cssxref("overflow")}} property is now supported as a legacy alias of the keyword value `auto` ([Firefox bug 1817189](
- The `linear()` [easing function](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/easing-function) is now supported.
This defines easing functions that interpolate linearly between a set of points and is useful for approximating complex animations ([Firefox bug 1819447](, [Firefox bug 1764126](
### JavaScript
No notable changes.
### APIs
- {{domxref("navigator.getAutoplayPolicy()")}} is now supported, allowing developers to configure [autoplay](/en-US/docs/Web/Media/Autoplay_guide) of media elements and audio contexts based on whether autoplay is allowed, disallowed, or only allowed if the audio is muted.
See [Firefox bug 1773551]( for more details.
- Rounded rectangles can now be drawn in 2D canvases using {{domxref("CanvasRenderingContext2D.roundRect()")}}, [`Path2D.roundRect()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Path2D#path2d.roundrect) and [`OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D.roundRect()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D#canvasrenderingcontext2d.roundrect).
See [Firefox bug 1756175]( for more details.
- The deprecated and non-standard `CanvasRenderingContext2D.mozTextStyle` attribute is now disabled by default ([Firefox bug 1818409](
#### Removals
- Removes support for `IDBMutableFile`, `IDBFileRequest`, `IDBFileHandle`, and `IDBDatabase.createMutableFile()`.
These interfaces are not present in any specification, have been behind a preference since version 102, and have been removed from the other main browser engines for some years.
([Firefox bug 1500343](
### WebDriver conformance (WebDriver BiDi, Marionette)
#### WebDriver BiDi
- Implemented the `browsingContext.print` command, which allows clients to request a rendered PDF document of the browsing context, represented as a Base64-encoded string. See [Firefox bug 1806810]( for more details.
- Implemented `script.addPreloadScript` and `script.removePreloadScript` commands, which let test clients inject a functionality that's guaranteed to be available for any content scripts that are subsequently loaded, and before any later scripts that WebDriver injects into the context. See [Firefox bug 1806420]( and [Firefox bug 1806465]( for more details.
- `Element` and `ShadowRoot` references as stored in the node cache can now be used in both Marionette and WebDriver BiDi by their exact same unique reference. See [Firefox bug 1770733]( for more details.
- Removed `isRedirect` from the network events base parameters ([Firefox bug 1819875](
#### Marionette
- Fixed an issue where the payload of a response was not wrapped within a `value` field based on certain data type. ([Firefox bug 1819029](
- Fixed an issue where `WebDriver:ElementClear` was emitting an extra `change` event for content editable elements ([Firefox bug 1744925](
## Changes for add-on developers
- The properties `usedDelegatedCredentials`, `usedEch`, `usedOcsp`, and `usedPrivateDns` have been added to {{WebExtAPIRef("webRequest.SecurityInfo")}}. These properties provide information about the security of the connection used for a web request ([Firefox bug 1804460](
- The property `"type"` is supported in the [`"background"` manifest key](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/background). Setting this key to `"module"` loads background scripts specified with `"scripts"` as ES modules, avoiding the need to switch to background pages to use ES modules ([Firefox bug 1811443](
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/81/ | ---
title: Firefox 81 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/81
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 81 that will affect developers. Firefox 81 was released on September 22, 2020.
## Changes for web developers
### Developer Tools
- The [Debugger]( now uses the TypeScript icon for `.ts` and `.tsx` files ([Firefox bug 1642769]( Previously a generic file icon was used.
- We've added support for line wrapping in the [Debugger source pane]( ([Firefox bug 1590885](
- We've removed unnecessary [color vision simulations]( (protanomaly, deuteranomaly, and tritanomaly) from the [Accessibility Inspector](, and added a simulation for achromatopsia (no color) ([Firefox bug 1655053](
- Autocompletion is now supported when adding a [class to an element]( Offered classes are based on existing classes in the document ([Firefox bug 1492797](
### HTML
- Automatic downloads are now blocked in a sandboxed [`<iframe>`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe) element ([Firefox bug 1558394](
#### Removals
- Support for the non-standard `mozallowfullscreen` attribute has been removed from [`<iframe>`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe). Consider using `allow="fullscreen"` instead ([Firefox bug 1657599](
### CSS
- We now support the value of `clip` for the {{CSSxRef("overflow")}} property, via renaming `overflow: -moz-hidden-unscrollable` ([Firefox bug 1531609](
- The {{CSSxRef("text-combine-upright")}} property has been made non-animatable to comply with the spec ([Firefox bug 1654195](
#### Removals
- The non-standard `::-moz-focus-outer` [pseudo-element](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Pseudo-elements) has been removed ([Firefox bug 1655859](
### JavaScript
_No changes._
### HTTP
- Firefox now accepts non-standard [`Content-Disposition`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Disposition) headers with an unquoted filename containing spaces ([Firefox bug 1440677](
- Firefox now supports the HTTP [`Feature-Policy`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Permissions-Policy) header's [`web-share`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Permissions-Policy/web-share) directive, which can be used to restrict access to the [Web Share API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/share) to trusted origins. Note that Firefox does not support the Web Share API itself, at time of writing ([Firefox bug 1653199](
### APIs
#### Gamepad
- The threshold for gamepad joystick activation has been increased. This reduces the chance of inadvertent gamepad activation, both from controllers that send small axis values when they are idle, and very small bumps. ([Firefox bug 1539178](
#### Workers/Service workers
- Strict MIME type checks are now enforced on worker and shared worker scripts, i.e. scripts targeted by the {{domxref("Worker.Worker()", "Worker()")}} and {{domxref("SharedWorker.SharedWorker()", "SharedWorker()")}} constructors must now be served with `text/javascript` ([Firefox bug 1569123](
### WebDriver conformance (Marionette)
- The `setWindowRect` capability is now `true` by default for all desktop applications (including Thunderbird), and `false` on Android for GeckoView ([Firefox bug 1650872](
- We've added Fission support for the following commands: `WebDriver:SwitchToFrame`, `WebDriver:SwitchToParentFrame`, `WebDriver:GetCurrentURL`. All Fission-compatible commands are only available when `marionette.actors.enabled` is set to `true`.
- Fixed the broken tracking of browsing contexts after opening a new window ([Firefox bug 1661495](
- In case of failures `WebDriver:SwitchToWindow` now always returns a unified `NoSuchWindowError` ([Firefox bug 1663429](
#### Removals
- `WebDriver:GetActiveFrame` has been removed, because it's not part of the WebDriver specification and is no longer used ([Firefox bug 1659502](
## Changes for add-on developers
- [`tabs.saveAsPDF()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/saveAsPDF) is now supported on macOS ([Firefox bug 1653354](
- The behavior of [`webNavigation.getFrame()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/webNavigation/getFrame) and [`webNavigation.getAllFrames()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/webNavigation/getAllFrames) has changed. Moving forward, when a tab is discarded the promise will fulfill with a `null` value ([Firefox bug 1654842](
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/71/ | ---
title: Firefox 71 for Developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/71
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 71 that will affect developers. Firefox 71 was released on December 3, 2019.
## Changes for web developers
### Developer tools
- The Console's [multi-line mode]( is now available by default.
- Console configuration options are now combined in a new [toolbar settings menu]( ([Firefox bug 1523868](
[JavaScript debugger](
- [Inline variable preview]( has been enabled ([Firefox bug 1576679](
- [Logging on events]( is now available ([Firefox bug 1110276](, as is the ability to [filter by event type](
- The new debugger [paused overlay]( can now be disabled using the `devtools.debugger.features.overlay` pref ([Firefox bug 1579768](
- We've got new [keyboard shortcuts]( for opening the debugger: `Ctrl` + `Shift` + `Z` on Linux/Windows and `Cmd` + `Opt` + `Z` on macOS ([Firefox bug 1583042](
- Pausing on a [DOM Mutation Breakpoints]( now mentions the DOM node that has the breakpoint and, if available, the child node that was added/removed ([Firefox bug 1576145](
- Locations in [pretty printed sources]( are now correct after pretty-printing and when jumping to the source from the Inspector's [events listener tooltip]( ([Firefox bug 1500222](
[Network Monitor](
- The [Web sockets inspector]( is now enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1573805](
- You can now do a [full-text search]( of request/response bodies, headers, and cookies.
- You can now enter patterns to [block specific URLs]( from loading.
- The [Timings tab]( now exposes timing data sent in the {{httpheader("Server-Timing")}} header ([Firefox bug 1403051](
[Page Inspector](
- Color swatches are now shown next to CSS variable definitions that have color values ([Firefox bug 1456167](
- {{cssxref(":visited")}} styles are now shown in the CSS rules view ([Firefox bug 713106](
### CSS
- Added the [subgrid](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_grid_layout/Subgrid) value from CSS Grid Level 2 to {{cssxref("grid-template-columns")}} and {{cssxref("grid-template-rows")}} ([Firefox bug 1580894](
- Added support for the {{cssxref("column-span")}} property to [Multiple-column Layout](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_multicol_layout) ([Firefox bug 1426010](
- Added support for the `path()` value of {{cssxref("clip-path")}} ([Firefox bug 1488530](
- Mapped the `height` and `width` HTML attributes on the {{htmlelement("img")}} element to an internal {{cssxref("aspect-ratio")}} property ([Firefox bug 1585637]( [See the guide to this feature on MDN](/en-US/docs/Learn/Performance/Multimedia#rendering_strategy_preventing_jank_when_loading_images).
#### Removals
- CSS Radial Gradients no longer accept negative radii ([Firefox bug 1583736](
### JavaScript
- The {{jsxref("Promise.allSettled()")}} method is now supported ([Firefox bug 1549176]( This method lets you easily wait until every promise in a set of promises is either fulfilled or rejected before running further code.
#### Removals
- The non-standard Array generic methods have been removed in Firefox 71 ([Firefox bug 1222547]( They were first introduced in Firefox 1.5 and deprecated from Firefox 68 onwards. If your use case is to use array generics on array-like objects, you can convert your object to a proper array using [`Array.from()`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/from) and then use standard array methods.
### MathML
- [MathML elements](/en-US/docs/Web/MathML/Element) now implement a MathML DOM and their class is {{domxref("MathMLElement")}}. With a proper MathML DOM, you can now use ``, or global event handlers, for example. Prior to this change, MathML elements only implemented the {{domxref("Element")}} class ([Firefox bug 1571487](
### APIs
#### New APIs
The [Media Session API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Media_Session_API) is now partially implemented. This API provides a standard mechanism for your content to share with the underlying operating system information about the state of media it's playing. This includes metadata such as artist, album, and track name, as well as potentially album artwork ([Firefox bug 1580602](
The API also provides a way to receive notifications when the device's media controls (such as play, pause, and seek buttons) are activated by the user. To that end, the {{domxref("MediaSession")}} interface is now partially implemented, with support for setting and fetching the currently-playing media's metadata and for the {{domxref("MediaSession.setActionHandler", "setActionHandler()")}} method. To access the `MediaSession` API, use the {{domxref("navigator.mediaSession")}} property.
#### DOM
- The {{domxref("StaticRange.StaticRange()", "StaticRange()")}} constructor is now supported ([Firefox bug 1575980](
- The MathML {{domxref("MathMLElement")}} interface has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1571487](
#### Media, Web Audio, and WebRTC
- The {{domxref("MediaRecorder")}} interface now implements the {{domxref("MediaRecorder.audioBitsPerSecond", "audioBitsPerSecond")}} and {{domxref("MediaRecorder.videoBitsPerSecond", "videoBitsPerSecond")}} properties ([Firefox bug 1514158](
#### Canvas and WebGL
- The {{domxref("OVR_multiview2")}} and {{domxref("OES_fbo_render_mipmap")}} WebGL extensions are now exposed by default ([Firefox bug 1584277](, [Firefox bug 1583878](
#### Removals
The following non-standard {{domxref("DataTransfer")}} members have been removed ([Firefox bug 1345192](
- `DataTransfer.mozItemCount`
- `DataTransfer.mozClearDataAt()`
- `DataTransfer.mozGetDataAt()`
- `DataTransfer.mozSetDataAt()`
- `DataTransfer.mozTypesAt()`
### WebDriver conformance (Marionette)
- Both the `WebDriver:TakeScreenshot` and `WebDriver:TakeElementScreenshot` commands have been updated to respect the unhandled prompt behavior setting ([Firefox bug 1584927](
- The command `Marionette:Quit` has been updated to also allow quitting or restarting of other Gecko-driven applications besides Firefox ([Firefox bug 1298921](
- For GeckoView-based browsers on Android, the returned `browserName` in the session capabilities will now always be `firefox` ([Firefox bug 1587364](
## Changes for add-on developers
### API changes
- {{WebExtAPIRef("")}} now identifies and reports as errors the following HTTP response codes:
- 404 returning `SERVER_BAD_CONTENT`
- 403 returning `SERVER_FORBIDDEN`
- 402 and Proxy 407 returning `SERVER_UNAUTHORIZED`
- Anything else above 400 returning `SERVER_FAILED` ([Firefox bug 1576333](
- {{WebExtAPIRef("")}} now includes the optional `options` parameter property `allowHttpErrors`. When set to `true`, this `boolean` flag enables a download to continue after encountering an HTTP error. When set to `false`, a download is canceled when an HTTP error is encountered. Default value: `false`. ([Firefox bug 1578955](
#### Removals
- The [`proxy.register()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/proxy) and [`proxy.unregister()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/proxy) functions have been removed ([Firefox bug 1443259]( {{WebExtAPIRef("proxy.onRequest")}} should now be used to handle the proxying of requests.
## See also
- Hacks release post: [Firefox 71: A year-end arrival](
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/123/ | ---
title: Firefox 123 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/123
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 123 that affect developers. Firefox 123 was released on [February 20, 2024](
## Changes for web developers
### Developer Tools
### HTML
- The {{htmlelement("template")}} element now supports a `shadowrootmode` attribute that allows declarative creation of a shadow DOM subtree. The attribute can be set to either `open` or `closed`, which expose or hide JavaScript in the shadow DOM from external code, respectively. These are the same values as the `mode` option of the {{domxref("Element.attachShadow()", "attachShadow()")}} method. ([Firefox bug 1870052](
### JavaScript
- The {{jsxref("Date.parse()")}} global object has had a number of bug fixes to bring it into line with how other browsers parse the values being passed.
- Incorrect day of month (e.g. "31 April") now skips over to the following month (e.g. "1 May"). ([Firefox bug 1872333](
- Incomplete time zone (e.g. "1/1/70 gm") or AM/PM (e.g. "1/1/70 10:00 a") are no longer accepted. ([Firefox bug 1870570](
- Single number dates are now accepted (e.g. `Date.parse("0")` now returns `946684800000` - Sat Jan 01 2000 00:00:00). ([Firefox bug 1870434](
### SVG
- The {{SVGElement("linearGradient")}} and {{SVGElement("radialGradient")}} SVG elements now support changing the color space to be `linearRGB` or `sRGB` via the {{SVGAttr("color-interpolation")}} attribute. This can also be applied to the SVG elements via the {{CSSXref("color-interpolation")}} CSS property.
### HTTP
- The [`103 Early Hints`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/103) HTTP [information response](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status#information_responses) status code is now enabled for [preloading](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes/rel/preload) resources that the page is likely to need while the server is still preparing the full response.
This can significantly reduce page load time.
Note that support for using the `103 Early Hints` header for [preconnecting](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes/rel/preconnect) was added in [Firefox 120](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/120#http).
For more details see [Firefox bug 1874445](
### APIs
- The [Web Authentication API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Authentication_API) now supports cross-origin credential creation.
Specifically [`navigator.credentials.create({publicKey})`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/CredentialsContainer/create) can now be called in nested browsing contexts loaded from a different origin to the top-most document, if allowed by a [`Feature-Policy: publickey-credentials-create`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Permissions-Policy/publickey-credentials-create) on the top level nesting [`<iframe>`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe#allow).
([Firefox bug 1870863](
#### DOM
- Custom locale support for the [IndexedDB API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/IndexedDB_API) has been deprecated, including the [`options.locale`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBObjectStore/createIndex#locale) parameter to `IDBObjectStore.createIndex()`, and the `IDBIndex` properties [`isAutoLocale`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBIndex/isAutoLocale) and [`locale`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBIndex/locale).
([Firefox bug 1872675]( and [Firefox bug 1730706](
#### Media, WebRTC, and Web Audio
#### Removals
The `IDBLocaleAwareKeyRange` interface has been removed ([Firefox bug 1730706](
### WebDriver conformance (WebDriver BiDi, Marionette)
#### WebDriver BiDi
- Added the [network.fetchError]( event that is emitted when a network request ends in an error ([Firefox bug 1790375](
- Support for the [browsingContext.locateNodes]( command has been introduced to find elements on the given page. Supported locators for now are `CssLocator` ([Firefox bug 1855023]( and `XPathLocator` ([Firefox bug 1869536](
- Improved the [browsingContext.create]( command on Android to seamlessly switch to opening a new tab if the `type` argument is specified as `window` ([Firefox bug 1875086](
- Fixed an issue with the deserialization process of a `DateRemoteValue`, where the presence of a non-standard (ISO 8601) date string such as `200009` did not trigger an error ([Firefox bug 1872116](
- Fixed an issue with the [script.evaluate](, [script.callFunction](, and [script.disown]( commands where specifying both the `context` and `realm` arguments would result in an `invalid argument` error, rather than simply ignoring the `realm` argument as intended ([Firefox bug 1873688](
#### Marionette
- Fixed a bug with [Element Send Keys]( where sending text containing surrogate pairs would fail ([Firefox bug 1866431](
## Changes for add-on developers
- Addition of fhe {{WebExtAPIRef("contextualIdentities.move")}} function enables items to be moved in the list of contextual identities. This function enables extensions to customize the order in which contextual identities display in the UI ([Firefox bug 1333395](
## Experimental web features
These features are newly shipped in Firefox 123 but are disabled by default. To experiment with them, search for the appropriate preference on the `about:config` page and set it to `true`. You can find more such features on the [Experimental features](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Experimental_features) page.
- **Web Codecs API:** ``.
The video interfaces of the [Web Codecs API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebCodecs_API) are supported on Linux desktop on Nightly.
These include: [`VideoEncoder`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/VideoEncoder), [`VideoDecoder`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/VideoDecoder), [`EncodedVideoChunk`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/EncodedVideoChunk), [`VideoFrame`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/VideoFrame), [`VideoColorSpace`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/VideoColorSpace).
([Firefox bug 1874445](
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/48/ | ---
title: Firefox 48 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/48
page-type: firefox-release-notes
[To test the latest developer features of Firefox, install Firefox Developer Edition]( Firefox 48 was released on August 2, 2016. This article lists key changes that are useful not only for web developers, but also Firefox and Gecko developers as well as add-on developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### Developer Tools
- The position of elements can now be changed within the content ([Firefox bug 1139187](
- Implemented {{domxref("console/clear_static", "console.clear()")}} to clear the console output ([Firefox bug 659625](
- Added [HTTP log inspection to the Web Console]( ([Firefox bug 1211525](
- Added a [Firebug theme]( ([Firefox bug 1244054](
- Added the [DOM Inspector]( ([Firefox bug 1201475](
- [Font inspector]( has been enabled by default again ([Firefox bug 1280121](
- [Improved suggestions]( for CSS properties ([Firefox bug 1168246](
- Cookies, localstorage and sessionstorage entries are editable via double-click ([Firefox bug 1231154](, [Firefox bug 1231179](, [Firefox bug 1231155](
### HTML
- The {{HTMLElement("details")}} and {{HTMLElement("summary")}} elements have been activated by default on Nightly and Aurora (DevTools), but not on Beta or Release:
- The default style for these elements has been adapted to match the spec ([Firefox bug 1258657](
- The {{domxref("HTMLDetailsElement/toggle_event", "toggle")}} event is now sent to the {{HTMLElement("details")}} element when this one is opened or closed ([Firefox bug 1225412](
- The [`meta`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/meta) attributes now also supports the `no-referrer-when-downgrade` and `origin-when-cross-origin` values ([Firefox bug 1178337](
### CSS
- The {{cssxref("calc", "calc()")}} has been improved to be closer to the specification:
- {{cssxref("calc", "calc()")}} is now supported on the {{cssxref("line-height")}} property ([Firefox bug 594933](
- Added support for nested CSS {{cssxref("calc", "calc()")}} ([Firefox bug 968761](
- Our experimental implementation of CSS grids has been updated:
- Fragmentation for grid layout has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1144096](
- \[css-grid] Percentage tracks are now treated as `auto` if grid container size is indefinite ([Firefox bug 1264607](
- {{HTMLElement("fieldset")}} now supports grid and flex layouts ([Firefox bug 1230207](
- The `luminance` value for {{cssxref("mask-mode")}} has been added; the `auto` value has been renamed to `match-source`, to match the spec ([Firefox bug 1228354](
- Interpolation of {{cssxref("clip-path")}} basic shapes in CSS animations and transitions is now supported ([Firefox bug 1110460](
- Support for horizontal-in-vertical (_tate-chu-yoko_) text has been added via the `all` value of the {{cssxref("text-combine-upright")}} property ([Firefox bug 1097499](
- Support for the experimental {{cssxref("print-color-adjust", "color-adjust")}} property has been added, allowing pages to specify that background colors and images should be printed ([Firefox bug 1209273](
- The {{cssxref("::first-letter")}} pseudo-element now also matches punctuation characters of type Pd that precede or immediately follow the actual first letter; this is a new requirement of CSS Pseudo-element module level 4 ([Firefox bug 1260366](
- Several `-webkit` prefixed properties and values have been added for web compatibility, behind the preference `layout.css.prefixes.webkit`, defaulting to `false`:
- {{cssxref("-webkit-text-fill-color")}} ([Firefox bug 1247777](
- {{cssxref("-webkit-text-stroke")}}, {{cssxref("-webkit-text-stroke-color")}}, {{cssxref("-webkit-text-stroke-width")}} ([Firefox bug 1248708](
- `-webkit-background-clip` (as background-clip) text value ([Firefox bug 759568](
- `-webkit-box-direction`, `-webkit-box-orient` ([Firefox bug 1262049](
- The value `-webkit-inline-box` is now an alias of `inline-flex` on the {{cssxref("display")}} property. ([Firefox bug 1257661](
- `-webkit-flex-direction`, `-webkit-flex-wrap`, `-webkit-flex-flow`, `-webkit-order`, `-webkit-flex`, `-webkit-flex-grow`, `-webkit-flex-shrink`, `-webkit-flex-basis`, `-webkit-justify-content`, `-webkit-align-items`, `-webkit-align-self` and `-webkit-align-content` were added as aliases for the unprefixed properties and the values `-webkit-flex` and `-webkit-inline-flex` for the {{cssxref("display")}} property as aliases for the unprefixed values ([Firefox bug 1274096](
- Added `-webkit-box-flex`, `-webkit-box-ordinal-group`, `-webkit-box-align` and `-webkit-box-pack` properties and `-webkit-box` value to {{cssxref("display")}} as aliases for modern [CSS Flexbox](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_flexible_box_layout/Typical_use_cases_of_flexbox) ([Firefox bug 1208635](
- The `text` value of {{cssxref("background-clip")}} is now available in all type of Firefox (and not only non-release builds) ([Firefox bug 1263516](
- The `absolute` value of {{cssxref("position")}} properties on the top layer element ([Firefox bug 1236828](
- Added an internal-only syntax for {{domxref("@supports")}} to detect pref ([Firefox bug 1259889](
### JavaScript
#### New APIs
- The {{jsxref("String.prototype.padStart()")}} and {{jsxref("String.prototype.padEnd()")}} methods have been implemented ([Firefox bug 1260509](
- The ES2015 {{jsxref("Symbol.unscopables")}} and {{jsxref("Array.@@unscopables", "Array.prototype[@@unscopables]")}} properties have been implemented ([Firefox bug 1054759]( and [Firefox bug 1258163](
- The ES2015 {{jsxref("Symbol.isConcatSpreadable")}} symbol has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1041586](
- The ES2015 {{jsxref("Array.@@species", "Array[@@species]")}} getter has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1165052](
- The ES2015 {{jsxref("ArrayBuffer.@@species", "ArrayBuffer[@@species]")}} getter and {{jsxref("TypedArray.@@species", "%TypedArray%[@@species]")}} getter have been implemented ([Firefox bug 1165053](
- The {{jsxref("Intl.getCanonicalLocales()")}} method of the ECMAScript Internationalization API draft has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1263040](
#### Deprecations and removals
- The deprecated [old Proxy API](/en-US/docs/Archive/Web/Old_Proxy_API) (`Proxy.create` and `Proxy.createFunction()`) has been removed. Use the standard {{jsxref("Proxy")}} object instead ([Firefox bug 892903](
- The `String.prototype.contains()` method has been removed (it was deprecated since version 40). Use the {{jsxref("String.prototype.includes()")}} method instead ([Firefox bug 1103588](
- The non-standard `RegExp.multiline` property (not {{jsxref("RegExp.prototype.multiline")}}) has been removed. Use the standard [m flag](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_expressions#advanced_searching_with_flags) instead ([Firefox bug 1219757](
- The [`Object.prototype.__defineGetter__()`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/__defineGetter__) and [`Object.prototype.__defineSetter__()`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/__defineSetter__) methods can no longer be called at the global scope without any object. ([Firefox bug 1253016](
### Interfaces/APIs/DOM
- Dropped the "Moz" prefix from the {{domxref("CSSKeyframeRule")}} and {{domxref("CSSKeyframesRule")}} interfaces ([Firefox bug 1256178](
- The `NavigatorConcurrentHardware` {{Glossary("mixin")}} has been implemented, which adds the {{domxref("Navigator.hardwareConcurrency")}} property to the {{domxref("Navigator")}} interface. This lets websites and apps get at least an approximation of how many processing cores are available to run {{domxref("Worker")}}s in ([Firefox bug 1008453](
- The {{domxref("Node.isSameNode()")}} method, which was removed in Firefox 10, has returned after being added back into the specification after a lengthy absence ([Firefox bug 1256299](
- Firefox now returns proper exceptions instead of numbers when things go wrong during a call to {{domxref("Navigator.registerProtocolHandler()")}}.
- {{domxref("Element.animate()")}} is now activated by default ([Firefox bug 1245000](
- The two methods {{domxref("Element.insertAdjacentText()")}} and {{domxref("Element.insertAdjacentElement()")}} have been implemented ([Firefox bug 811259](
- {{domxref("Document.scrollingElement")}} got enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1265032](
- `Node.localName`, `Node.namespaceURI` and `Node.prefix` were moved to the {{domxref("Element")}} and {{domxref("Attr")}} APIs ([Firefox bug 1055776](
- Per the latest specification, the values of {{domxref("KeyboardEvent.code")}} returned for the following keys have been changed see ([Firefox bug 1264150](
- `"OSLeft"` and `"OSRight"` are now `"MetaLeft"` and `"MetaRight"`.
- `"VolumeDown"`, `"VolumeUp"`, and `"VolumeMute"` are now `"AudioVolumeDown"`, `"AudioVolumeUp"`, and `"AudioVolumeMute"`.
- `"IntlHash"` has been removed.
- All keys whose `code` values were reported as "" in earlier versions of Firefox are now reported as "Unidentified".
#### Canvas 2D
- The {{domxref("CanvasRenderingContext2D.ellipse()")}} method has been implemented ([Firefox bug 910138](
#### WebRTC
- The two methods {{domxref("MediaStream.clone()")}} and {{domxref("MediaStreamTrack.clone()")}} have been implemented ([Firefox bug 1208371](
- The `iceRestart` entry is now supported in the `RTCOfferOptions` code dictionary, allowing {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.createOffer", "createOffer()")}} to be used to request ICE restarts ([Firefox bug 906986](
- The {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.createOffer()")}} method now prefers the VP9 video codec by default; previously VP8 was preferred ([Firefox bug 1242324](
- WebM/VP8 video that includes video resolution changes that has been recorded using {{domxref("MediaRecorder")}} can now be played back successfully.
#### Others
- The [Web Crypto API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Crypto_API) is now available in [Web workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API) ([Firefox bug 842818](
- The {{domxref("CustomEvent")}} interface is now available in [Web Workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API) ([Firefox bug 1003432](
- The `DOMApplicationsManager.getNotInstalled()` method has been removed ([Firefox bug 1255036](
- Several Firefox OS APIs that were erroneously exposed to the Web have now been hidden as they should have been — {{domxref("mozContact")}}, {{domxref("MozContactChangeEvent")}}, {{domxref("navigator.mozContacts")}}, {{domxref("MozPowerManager")}}, {{domxref("MozSettingsEvent")}} (see [Firefox bug 1043562](, [Firefox bug 1256414](, and [Firefox bug 1256046](
- Support for UTF-16 has been removed from {{domxref("TextEncoder")}} ([Firefox bug 1257877](
- {{domxref("RTCStatsReport")}} is now a true `maplike` interface: in addition to {{domxref("RTCStatsReport.forEach()", "forEach()")}}, {{domxref("RTCStatsReport.get()", "get()")}}, and {{domxref("RTCStatsReport.has()", "has()")}}, the methods {{domxref("RTCStatsReport.entries", "entries()")}}, {{domxref("RTCStatsReport.values", "values()")}}, {{domxref("RTCStatsReport.keys()", "keys()")}}, as well as the {{domxref("RTCStatsReport.size", "size")}} getter have been implemented ([Firefox bug 906986](
- The {{domxref("Request.cache")}} property has been added allowing to control the cache behavior ([Firefox bug 1120715](
- Handling of dead keys on Mac OS X has been changed to work the same as other platforms; they no longer fire a {{domxref("Element/keypress_event", "keypress")}} event when no text is generated when the focused element isn't editable (when the focused element is editable, dead key causes composition events instead of keyboard events on Mac OS X). Also, like on other platforms, the value of {{domxref("KeyboardEvent.key")}} is now `"Dead"` for dead keypresses which don't generate text in other situations.
- Support for the {{HTTPHeader("Upgrade-Insecure-Requests")}} header has been added ([Firefox bug 1243586](
- The {{CSP("block-all-mixed-content")}} CSP directive has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1122236](
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
- The [Social Worker API](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/Social_API/Service_worker_API_reference) has been removed.
- Added the [`-moz-bool-pref()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Gecko/Chrome/CSS/-moz-bool-pref) [CSS](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS) {{CSSxRef("@supports")}} function to allow hiding portions of chrome stylesheets behind boolean preferences. ([Firefox bug 1259889](
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/21/ | ---
title: Firefox 21 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/21
page-type: firefox-release-notes
Firefox 21 was released on May 14, 2013. This article lists key changes that are useful not only for web developers, but also Firefox and Gecko developers as well as add-on developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### HTML
- The [`scoped`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/style#scoped) attribute has been added to the {{HTMLElement("style")}} element. It allows to include styles that are isolated from the rest of the document. Such styles can be selected using the {{cssxref(":scope")}} CSS pseudo-element introduced in Firefox 20. ([Firefox bug 508725](
- The new HTML {{HTMLElement("main")}} element has been implemented ([Firefox bug 820508](
### JavaScript
- EcmaScript for XML (E4X), an ancient JavaScript extension, has been removed. Implemented only in Gecko, it never got significant traction ([Firefox bug 788293](
- [parseInt](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/parseInt) no longer treats strings with leading "0" as octal ([Firefox bug 786135](
### CSS
- The `none` value of {{cssxref("user-select", "-moz-user-select")}} has now the same behavior than the `-moz-none` value, aligning Gecko on WebKit (Chrome, Safari), Presto (Opera) and Trident (Internet Explorer) ([Firefox bug 816298](
- On XHTML content, the `auto` value of {{cssxref("hyphens", "-moz-hyphens")}} incorrectly applied hyphenation rules when the language was not explicitly declared. This is fixed by ([Firefox bug 702121](
- An `auto` value has been added to the CSS {{cssxref("-moz-orient")}} property. The `auto` value is equivalent to `horizontal` when applied to {{HTMLElement("meter")}} and {{HTMLElement("progress")}} ([Firefox bug 835883](
- The media query [`-moz-windows-glass`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_media_queries/Using_media_queries#-moz-windows-glass) has been added on Windows 7 and earlier Windows system ([Firefox bug 816803](
### DOM
- Support for {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection")}} (as `MozRTCPeerConnection`) is now enabled by default ([Firefox bug 796463]( It can be disabled again if necessary by setting `media.peerconnection.enabled` to false.
- The `origin` property has been added to the {{domxref("window.location")}} ([Firefox bug 828261](
- The `valueAsDate` and `valueAsNumber` methods have been added for `<input type="time">` ([Firefox bug 781570](
- The `min` and `max` attributes now apply to `<input type="time">` too ([Firefox bug 781572](
- Some new keyCodes for volume control are supported ([Firefox bug 674739](
- Some new keyCodes for ancient keyboard layout such as AS/400 are now supported on Windows and Linux ([Firefox bug 833719](
- Various keyCode values for OEM specific keys on Windows are now supported again ([Firefox bug 833719](
- The function [`window.crypto.getRandomValues`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Crypto/getRandomValues) has been implemented ([Firefox bug 440046](
- The non-standard methods `NodeIterator.expandEntityReferences()` and `TreeWalker.expandEntityReferences()` have been removed ([Firefox bug 672190](
- CSSOM: the method {{domxref("CSSKeyframesRule")}}`.insertRule` has been removed to {{domxref("CSSKeyframesRule")}}`.appendRule` to match a spec change ([Firefox bug 841896](
- CSSOM If the given parameter given to {{domxref("CSSStyleSheet.insertRule")}} contains more than one rule, a {{domxref("DOMException")}} with a `SYNTAX_ERR` is now thrown ([Firefox bug 765599](
- Until now, when the same headers were repeatedly set with [`XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest#setrequestheader), the last-specified value was used. This behavior has been changed to comply with the spec, so those values will be properly combined ([Firefox bug 819051](
### SVG
- The [paint-order](/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/paint-order) attribute has been implemented ([Firefox bug 828805](
- The `svg.smil.enabled` preference has been removed. SMIL is always on. ([Firefox bug 835030](
### Networking
- We continue to update our CSP implementation to match the CSP 1.0 spec, which reached Candidate Recommendation:
- Support for the spec-compliant `Content-Security-Policy` HTTP header (in addition to the experimental `X-Content-Security-Policy`) has been added ([Firefox bug 783049](
> **Note:** the patch for this new header landed in Firefox 21, it is disabled on builds ([Firefox bug 842657](
### Worker
- The functions {{domxref("URL.createObjectURL_static", "URL.createObjectURL()")}} and {{domxref("URL.revokeObjectURL_static", "URL.revokeObjectURL()")}} are now included in the set of [functions available to workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API/Functions_and_classes_available_to_workers).
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
- FUEL applications cannot use the Livemarks service anymore ([Firefox bug 834492]( The Livemarks service is deprecated and phased out in favor of the new async interface.
- `resource:///modules/` and `resource://gre/modules/` are no longer identical ([Firefox bug 755724]( This change was made because of work on the metro version of Firefox. If you load modules using `resource:///modules/`, you should check if you now want to use `resource://gre/modules/` instead. Note that some modules also moved from Firefox to Toolkit ([Firefox bug 840287]( and [Firefox bug 811548]( moved `NewTabUtils.jsm` and the thumbnail modules, respectively).
- The Add-on SDK is now included in Firefox ([Firefox bug 731779](
- History API saw numerous deprecated API being removed:
- Replaced by `mozIAsyncFavicons`:
- `nsIFaviconService::setFaviconUrlForPage`
- `nsIFaviconService::setFaviconData`
- `nsIFaviconService::getFaviconData`
- `nsIFaviconService::getFaviconForPage`
- `nsIFaviconService::setAndLoadFaviconForPage`
- `nsIFaviconService::getFaviconImageForPage`
- `nsIFaviconService::getFaviconDataAsDataURL`
- Replaced by `mozIAsyncLivemarks`:
- `nsILivemarkService::*`
- `PlacesUtils.itemIsLivemark`
- `PlacesUtils.nodeIsLivemarkContainer`
- `PlacesUtils.nodeIsLivemarkItem`
- Removed only third argument:
- `PlacesUIUtils.showBookmarkDialog`
- No more implemented by Places, use `mozIAsyncHistory` instead:
- `nsIGlobalHistory2::addURI`
- `nsIGlobalHistory2::isVisited`
- `nsIGlobalHistory2::setPageTitle`
- No more needed, use `onDeleteURI` or `onItemRemoved`:
- `nsINavHistoryObserver::OnBeforeDeleteURI`
- `nsINavBookmarkObserver::OnBeforeItemRemoved`
- Never implemented properly:
- `nsINavHistoryFullVisitResultNode`
- Deprecated, use `mozIAsyncHistory::updatePlaces` instead:
- `nsINavHistoryService::AddVisit`
- Added `nsIHttpChannel.redirectTo` to enable redirecting HTTP channels without fragile hacks.
## See also
- [Firefox 21 Release Notes](
- [Add-on Compatibility for Firefox 21](
### Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/37/ | ---
title: Firefox 37 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/37
page-type: firefox-release-notes
Firefox 37 was released on March 31st, 2015. This article lists key changes that are useful not only for web developers, but also Firefox and Gecko developers as well as add-on developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### Developer Tools
- [Security panel in the Network Monitor](
- [Animations panel in the Page Inspector](
- _Support for running a custom build step in WebIDE_
[All devtools bugs fixed between Firefox 36 and Firefox 37](
### CSS
- `display: contents` is now activated by default ([Firefox bug 1102374]( and [Firefox bug 1105369](
- [CSS multi-column layout](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_multicol_layout/Using_multicol_layouts) is now working on elements with `display: table-caption` ([Firefox bug 1109571](
- Relative positioning (`position: relative`) of table cells has been implemented ([Firefox bug 35168](
- The quirks mode behavior of {{cssxref("empty-cells")}} has been removed: it now defaults to `show` like in standard mode ([Firefox bug 1020400](
### HTML
- The value `<a rel="noreferrer">` now also works when the link is opened in new tab ([Firefox bug 1031264](
- The `'.'` followed by the extension is now allowed in `<input accept>`: when used, a file selector filters with this given extension to be proposed to the user ([Firefox bug 826176](
### JavaScript
- The {{jsxref("Map")}}, {{jsxref("Set")}}, {{jsxref("WeakMap")}} and {{jsxref("WeakSet")}} constructors now ignore null iterable ([Firefox bug 1092538](
- The {{jsxref("Map")}}, {{jsxref("Set")}}, {{jsxref("WeakMap")}} and {{jsxref("WeakSet")}} constructors now supports monkey-patched `prototype.set` or `prototype.add` ([Firefox bug 804279](
- The Non-standard `String.prototype.quote()` method has been removed ([Firefox bug 1103181](
- The {{jsxref("RegExp.prototype.flags")}} property has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1108467](
- Several {{jsxref("Array")}} methods have been implemented for [typed arrays](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Typed_arrays) as well:
- The {{jsxref("TypedArray.every", "every()")}} and {{jsxref("TypedArray.some", "some()")}} methods ([Firefox bug 1116390](
- The {{jsxref("TypedArray.find", "find()")}} and {{jsxref("TypedArray.findIndex", "findIndex()")}} methods ([Firefox bug 1078975](
- The {{jsxref("TypedArray.fill", "fill()")}} method ([Firefox bug 1113722](
- The {{jsxref("TypedArray.indexOf", "indexOf()")}} and {{jsxref("TypedArray.lastIndexOf", "lastIndexOf()")}} methods ([Firefox bug 1107601](
- The {{jsxref("TypedArray.join", "join()")}} method ([Firefox bug 1115817](
- The {{jsxref("TypedArray.reduce", "reduce()")}} and {{jsxref("TypedArray.reduceRight", "reduceRight()")}} methods ([Firefox bug 1117350](
- The {{jsxref("TypedArray.reverse", "reverse()")}} method ([Firefox bug 1111516](
- The {{jsxref("TypedArray.keys", "keys()")}}, {{jsxref("TypedArray.values", "values()")}}, and {{jsxref("TypedArray.entries", "entries()")}} methods ([Firefox bug 1119217](
- The ES2015 {{jsxref("Proxy")}} enumerate trap for [``](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/ statements is implemented ([Firefox bug 783829](
- The `configurable` attribute of the {{jsxref("Function.length")}} property is now `true` per the ES2015 specification ([Firefox bug 911142](
- The development of [ParallelJS (PJS)]( has been discontinued due to the limited future prospects, little attention and code complexity. The experimental implementation that had been enabled only on the Nightly channel, including the `Array.prototype.mapPar`, `filterPar` and `reducePar` methods, has been completely removed.
### Interfaces/APIs/DOM
- The {{domxref("StereoPannerNode")}} [Web Audio](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Audio_API) node has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1100349](
- The {{jsxref("Promise")}}-based version of {{domxref("OfflineAudioContext")}} is now available ([Firefox bug 1087944](
- The experimental, not activated by default, implementation of [Service Workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Service_Worker_API) progresses: {{domxref("ServiceWorkerRegistration/update", "ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.update()")}} has been implemented [Firefox bug 1065366](
- The [IndexedDB API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/IndexedDB_API) can now be used in [Web workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API) ([Firefox bug 701634](
- Our experimental implementation of WebGL 2.0 is going forward!
- The {{domxref("WebGL2RenderingContext.getBufferSubData()")}} method has been implemented to provide access to Buffer Objects ([Firefox bug 1048731](
- In keeping with the evolving WebRTC specification, we have deprecated `RTCIceServer.url` in favor of `RTCIceServer.urls`, which lets you specify more than one URL for a given ICE server.
- Some key names of `KeyboardEvent.key` are changed for conforming [the latest DOM Level 3 Events spec]( See [the tables of `KeyboardEvent.key` values in MDN](/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key#key_values). The green cells are new values. And purple values are still unstable. Be careful if you use them (meta bug for these changes is [Firefox bug 900372](
- The {{domxref("console")}} interface is now working on {{domxref("ServiceWorker")}} and {{domxref("SharedWorker")}}. It was previously available but not working ([Firefox bug 1058644](
- The value of {{domxref("KeyboardEvent.key")}} was incorrectly being reported as `"RomanCharacters"` when the `英数` (`Eisu`) key was pressed. Now it correctly returns `"Eisu"`.
### MathML
_No change._
### SVG
- SVG2's `<marker orient="auto-start-reverse">` has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1107584](
### Audio/Video
_No change._
## Networking
- WebSockets now supports the `permessage` compression method, if the server does support it ([Firefox bug 792831](
## Security
- The usage of weak protocols or ciphers, like SSL 3.0 and RC4, are now logged in the console, to warn sites that are using it ([Firefox bug 1092835](
- The [CSP](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP) 1.1 `referrer` [directive](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Security-Policy) is now supported ([Firefox bug 965727](
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
### Add-on SDK
_No change._
### XUL
_No change._
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/82/ | ---
title: Firefox 82 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/82
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 82 that will affect developers. Firefox 82 was released on October 20, 2020.
> **Note:** See also [Coming through with Firefox 82]( on Mozilla Hacks.
## Changes for web developers
### Developer tools
- You can now [inspect server-sent events]( using the [Network Monitor]( ([Firefox bug 1640857](
- The Network Monitor's _Message_ panel has now been merged with the _Response_ panel — messages (e.g. from WebSockets or server-sent events) can now be viewed right below the responses list ([Firefox bug 1636421](
### HTML
- The color picker used for [`<input type="color">`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/color) is now keyboard-accessible on Windows ([Firefox bug 1526820](
- The `allow-downloads` flag for the [`<iframe sandbox>`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe) attribute is now supported ([Firefox bug 1656212](
### CSS
- Support for the new {{CSSxRef("::file-selector-button", "::file-selector-button")}} pseudo-element has been added. This pseudo-element represents the file selection button inside an [`<input type="file">`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/file) element ([Firefox bug 1635675](, [Firefox bug 1662478](
- We have improved error recovery for the {{CSSxRef(":is", ":is()")}} and {{CSSxRef(":where", ":where()")}} pseudo-classes. These pseudo-classes now accept a forgiving selector list, where an invalid selector in the list will not render the entire list invalid ([Firefox bug 1664718](
- `appearance: button` now applies only to buttons; the `button` value of {{CSSxRef("appearance")}} will otherwise behave as `auto` ([Firefox bug 1662703](
#### Removals
- We have removed the proprietary [`:-moz-user-disabled`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/:-moz-user-disabled) pseudo-class ([Firefox bug 1664432](
### HTTP
- The [`Content-Disposition`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Disposition) header's `inline` directive will now be ignored if the HTML [`<a>`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/a) element's `download` attribute is specified (for [same-origin URLs](/en-US/docs/Web/Security/Same-origin_policy)). Note that if specified the `Content-Disposition` header `filename` will be used in preference to a filename specified in the `download` attribute ([Firefox bug 1658877](
### APIs
#### New APIs
- The [Media Session API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Media_Session_API) is now enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1665496](
#### DOM
- [`Document.execCommand()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/execCommand) is no longer supported for nested/recursive calls, which will now return `false` ([Firefox bug 1634262](
- [`Element.setPointerCapture()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/setPointerCapture) throws the `NotFoundError` exception if the pointer `id` is invalid, as per the [specification]( ([Firefox bug 1662124]( Previously it wrongly threw an `InvalidPointerId` exception.
- The [``](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/name) property is reset to an empty string if a tab loads a page from a different domain, and restored if the original page is reloaded (e.g. via the "back" button). This prevents an untrusted page from accessing any information that the previous page might have stored in the variable. This change may impact frameworks that use `` for cross-domain messaging ([Firefox bug 444222](
### WebDriver conformance (Marionette)
- To simulate a more realistic user navigation, all supported navigation commands have been moved to the parent process ([Firefox bug 1612831](
- We updated the checks for the current or top-level browsing context for all the commands to improve conformance with the WebDriver specification ([Firefox bug 1493108](
- Fixed a bug in `WebDriver:ElementClick` that sometimes caused the command to return before the click event was actually synthesized ([Firefox bug 1394354](
## Changes for add-on developers
- The [`tabs.captureTab()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/captureTab) and [`tabs.captureVisibleTab()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/captureVisibleTab) methods now capture an area of the relevant tab's content specified by the `rect` property of the provided [`options`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/extensionTypes/ImageDetails) object, or the visible area of the tab if this property is not provided ([Firefox bug 1636508]( Previously the `rect` property was not available, and these methods always captured the visible area of the relevant tab.
- Read-only access to `cookieStoreId` no longer requires the `"cookies"` [permission](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/permissions) ([Firefox bug 1662329](
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/92/ | ---
title: Firefox 92 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/92
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 92 that will affect developers. Firefox 92 was released on September 7, 2021.
> **Note:** See also [Time for a review of Firefox 92]( on Mozilla Hacks.
## Changes for web developers
### HTML
No changes
### CSS
- The keywords `avoid-page` and `avoid-column` are now supported for the {{cssxref("break-inside")}} property ([Firefox bug 1722945](
- The two-value syntax for the {{cssxref("font-size-adjust")}} property is now supported ([Firefox bug 1720131](
- The {{cssxref("@font-face/size-adjust")}} descriptor is now supported ([Firefox bug 1720131](
- The CSS {{cssxref("accent-color")}} property has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1722031](
- The `system-ui` value is now supported for the {{cssxref("font-family")}} property ([Firefox bug 1226042](
### JavaScript
- {{jsxref("Object.hasOwn()")}} can be used to test whether a property was defined on an object or inherited ([Firefox bug 1721149](
- The default 5MB storage quota is now available to each origin. The quota previously applied to an entire domain group (also known as {{Glossary("eTLD", "eTLD+1")}} domain; e.g., `*`). ([Firefox bug 1064466](
- Storage quotas for {{domxref("Window.localStorage")}} are now shared with [IndexedDB API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/IndexedDB_API) and {{domxref("Cache", "Cache API")}} ([Firefox bug 742822](
### HTTP
- Firefox will automatically upgrade an HTTP request to HTTPS when a usable {{Glossary("HTTPS RR")}} is available.
It will also use information provided in an _HTTPS RR_ to optimize the process of establishing HTTPS connections—this is conceptually similar to using the {{HTTPHeader("Alt-Svc")}} header.
([Firefox bug 1721132](
### APIs
- The `disabledFeatures` static property has been implemented for Custom Elements ([Firefox bug 1723396](
#### DOM
- The [Imperative Slotting API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLSlotElement) (part of the [Shadow DOM API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_components/Using_shadow_DOM)) Has been implemented. ([Firefox bug 1705141](
- You can now monitor for changes to text selections in {{HTMLElement("input")}} or {{HTMLElement("textarea")}} by listening for `selectionchange` events in {{domxref("HTMLInputElement.selectionchange_event", "HTMLInputElement")}} and {{domxref("HTMLTextAreaElement/selectionchange_event", "HTMLTextAreaElement")}}, respectively ([Firefox bug 1648944](
#### Media, WebRTC, and Web Audio
- Access to audio output devices, like speakers and headphones, is now protected by the [speaker-selection](speaker-selection) feature policy ([Firefox bug 1577199](
### WebDriver conformance (Marionette)
- Improved support for the `webSocketUrl` capability, which now returns the WebDriver BiDi websocket URL if `true` was passed and if BiDi is supported. ([Firefox bug 1692984](
## Changes for add-on developers
- Support for `cookieStoreId` is added to {{WebExtAPIRef('')}}, {{WebExtAPIRef('downloads.DownloadQuery')}}, and {{WebExtAPIRef('downloads.DownloadItem')}}. The addition to the types {{WebExtAPIRef('downloads.DownloadQuery')}} and {{WebExtAPIRef('downloads.DownloadItem')}} provides support in {{WebExtAPIRef('')}} and {{WebExtAPIRef('downloads.erase')}}. Web extensions can now associate downloads with specific cookie stores, such as container tabs ([contextual identities](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Work_with_contextual_identities)). ([Firefox bug 1669566](
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/89/ | ---
title: Firefox 89 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/89
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 89 that will affect developers. Firefox 89 was released on June 1, 2021.
> **Note:** See also [Looking fine with Firefox 89]( on Mozilla Hacks.
## Changes for web developers
### Developer Tools
_No changes._
### HTML
_No changes._
### CSS
- The {{cssxref("@media/forced-colors","forced-colors")}} media feature has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1659511](
- The {{cssxref("@font-face/ascent-override", "ascent-override")}}, {{cssxref("@font-face/descent-override", "descent-override")}}, and {{cssxref("@font-face/line-gap-override", "line-gap-override")}} `@font-face` descriptors have been implemented ([Firefox bug 1681691]( and [Firefox bug 1704494](
- The `type()` function for {{cssxref("image/image-set")}} has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1695404](
- The {{cssxref("aspect-ratio")}} CSS property is now supported ([Firefox bug 1672073](
### JavaScript
- Top-level [`await`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/await#top_level_await) is now enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1681046](
- [ArrayBuffer](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/ArrayBuffer)s can now be created with a length greater than 2GB-1 (up to 8GB) on 64-bit systems ([Firefox bug 1703505](
### HTTP
_No changes._
### APIs
#### DOM
- {{domxref("PerformanceEventTiming")}} is now enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1701029](
- The content of {{htmlelement("input")}} and {{htmlelement("textarea")}} elements can now be manipulated using {{domxref("Document.execCommand()")}} commands by default, preserving edit history and providing parity with other browsers, without [`contentEditable`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/contenteditable) or any lengthy workarounds required ([Firefox bug 1220696](
#### Removals
- The following sensor events and their associated handlers have been removed (primarily for better compatibility with other major browser engines, and to address concerns related to privacy leaks):
- `DeviceProximityEvent` and its event handler `window.ondeviceproximity` ([Firefox bug 1699707](
- `UserProximityEvent` and its event handler `window.onuserproximity`) ([Firefox bug 1699707](
- `DeviceLightEvent` and its event handler `window.ondevicelight` ([Firefox bug 1701824](
### WebDriver conformance (Marionette)
#### Removals
- The `rotatable` capability that is not part of the WebDriver specification is no longer used ([Firefox bug 1697630](
## Changes for add-on developers
- [Dynamic JS module imports](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Modules#dynamic_module_loading) are now working in WebExtension content scripts ([Firefox bug 1536094](
- Extension resources listed in [web_accessible_resources](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/web_accessible_resources) can be loaded regardless of the request's CORS mode ([Firefox bug 1694679](
- Firefox's UI has been redesigned, which affects usage of the {{WebExtAPIRef("theme")}} API. The `tab_background_separator` and `toolbar_field_separator` properties are no longer supported. The `tab_line` and `toolbar_vertical_separator` will behave differently. For more information, see [Changes to themeable areas of Firefox in version 89](
- The {{WebExtAPIRef("pageAction")}} button can no longer be pinned or unpinned from the address bar, because the three-dot meatball menu is no longer visible by default ([Firefox bug 1691454]( As a result, the `pinned` property of the [`page_action`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/page_action) manifest key no longer has any effect ([Firefox bug 1703537](
- The "Remove from Address Bar" context menu item has been removed from the {{WebExtAPIRef("pageAction")}} button ([Firefox bug 1704474]( For alternatives to this functionality, see [Firefox bug 1712556](
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/69/ | ---
title: Firefox 69 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/69
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 69 that will affect developers. Firefox 69 was released on September 3, 2019.
## Changes for web developers
### Developer tools
#### Debugger
- [Event Listener Breakpoints]( let you diagnose which code a page executes in response to browser events. You can pick specific types, such as `click` or `keydown`, or whole categories of events, like all mouse input events. ([Firefox bug 1526082](
- Scripts shown in the debugger's [source list pane]( can now be saved via the _Download file_ context menu option ([Firefox bug 888161](
- In the debugger's source list pane, loaded extensions are listed with their name, rather than just their {{Glossary("UUID")}} ([Firefox bug 1486416](, making it much easier to find the extension code you want to debug.
- The debugger now loads significantly faster via lazy-loading scripts ([Firefox bug 1527488](
#### Console
- [Browser Console]( messages from [tracking protection errors](/en-US/docs/Web/Privacy/Firefox_tracking_protection), [CSP errors](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP), and [CORS errors](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS/Errors) are grouped automatically to reduce noise from repeated blocked resources and storage access ([Firefox bug 1522396](
- All visible logs in the console can shared by saving to a file or copying to clipboard via a new _Export visible messages to_ context menu item ([Firefox bug 1517728](
- The console's toolbar now responsively reduces its height into a single row to save vertical space ([Firefox bug 972530](
- Messages from content can now be hidden in the console to focus on logs from the Firefox UI ([Firefox bug 1523842](
#### Network
- Resources that got blocked because of [CSP](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP) or [Mixed Content](/en-US/docs/Web/Security/Mixed_content) are now shown in the Network panel, with details of the reason ([Firefox bug 1556451](
- A new optional _URL_ column in the Network panel can be enabled to show the full URL for resources ([Firefox bug 1341155](
#### Inspector
- When you hover over an element in the [Page Inspector](, the infobar that appears now includes the fact that an element is a flex container, or flex item ([Firefox bug 1521188](
- When inspecting a page containing a grid with a subgrid, the parent grid's overlay lines are displayed whenever the subgrid's lines are displayed; if the parent grid's overlay checkbox is unselected, then its lines are translucent ([Firefox bug 1550519](
#### Remote debugging
- For our mobile web developers, we have migrated remote debugging from the old WebIDE into a re-designed [about:debugging](, making the experience of debugging [GeckoView]( on remote devices via USB much better ([Firefox bug 1462208](
#### General
- The DevTools panel order has been changed to reflect popularity ([Firefox bug 1558630](
### HTML
- In order to align more closely to the specification, the text track associated with a {{HTMLElement("track")}} element no longer loads the WebVTT file containing the text cues if the element is created in its default `disabled` {{domxref("TextTrack.mode", "mode")}}. To access or manipulate the cues when the `mode` is `disabled`, change the `mode` to either `started` or `hidden`; this will trigger loading of the WebVTT data ([Firefox bug 1550633](
#### Removals
- The HTML `<keygen>` element has been removed from Firefox. It was deprecated some time ago, and its purpose has generally been supplanted by other technologies ([Firefox bug 1315460](
### CSS
- We implemented the `break-spaces` value of the {{cssxref("white-space")}} property ([Firefox bug 1351432](
- The SVG geometry attributes (such as {{SVGAttr("width")}} and {{SVGAttr("height")}}) can now also be defined as CSS properties ([Firefox bug 1383650](
- The {{cssxref("::cue")}} selector — used to style the captions ("cues") displayed by [WebVTT](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebVTT_API) — now enforces the limitations on which CSS properties may be used within cues, as per the specification ([Firefox bug 1321488](
- We've restricted the properties that may apply to {{cssxref("::marker")}} as per the specification ([Firefox bug 1552578](
- The {{cssxref("overflow-block")}} and {{cssxref("overflow-inline")}} properties have been implemented ([Firefox bug 1470695](
- We added the ability to test for support of a selector when using CSS Feature Queries ({{cssxref("@supports")}}), with the `selector()` method ([Firefox bug 1513643](
- The {{cssxref("user-select")}} property — which specifies whether or not the user is able to select text in the affected element — has been unprefixed ([Firefox bug 1492739](
- We implemented local-specific casing behavior for Lithuanian ([Firefox bug 1322992](, [as seen in this example](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/text-transform#lowercase_lithuanian).
- We've implemented the {{cssxref("line-break")}} property of CSS Text ([Firefox bug 1011369]( and [Firefox bug 1531715](
- The {{cssxref("contain")}} property — which allows developers to define that an element and its contents are mostly independent of the rest of the DOM tree — got implemented [Firefox bug 1487493](
### SVG
- We've added support for gzip-compressed SVG-in-OpenType ([Firefox bug 1359240](
- The {{domxref("SVGGeometryElement.isPointInFill()")}} and {{domxref("SVGGeometryElement.isPointInStroke()")}} methods have been implemented ([Firefox bug 1325319](
### JavaScript
- [Public class fields](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Classes#field_declarations) are enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1555464]( See also [Class fields](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Classes/Public_class_fields) for more information.
- The promise rejection events [`unhandledrejection`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/unhandledrejection_event) and [`rejectionhandled`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/rejectionhandled_event) are now enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1362272]( To learn more about how these work, see [Promise rejection events](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Using_promises#promise_rejection_events).
### HTTP
- The HTTP headers {{HTTPHeader("Access-Control-Expose-Headers")}}, {{HTTPHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods")}}, and {{HTTPHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers")}} now accept a wildcard value "`*`" for requests without credentials ([Firefox bug 1309358]( This change has also been uplifted to Firefox 68 ESR.
### APIs
#### New APIs
- The [Resize Observer API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Resize_Observer_API) is supported by default ([Firefox bug 1543839](
- The Microtask API ({{domxref("queueMicrotask()")}}) has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1480236](
#### DOM
- The {{domxref("DOMMatrix")}}, {{domxref("DOMPoint")}}, and related objects are now supported in workers ([Firefox bug 1420580](
- The `pageX` and `pageY` properties have been moved from {{domxref("UIEvent")}} to {{domxref("MouseEvent")}}, for better spec compliance ([Firefox bug 1178763]( These properties are no longer exposed to the {{domxref("CompositionEvent")}}, {{domxref("FocusEvent")}}, {{domxref("InputEvent")}}, {{domxref("KeyboardEvent")}}, and {{domxref("TouchEvent")}} interfaces, which all inherit from `UIEvent`.
- The {{domxref("Blob.text()")}}, {{domxref("Blob.arrayBuffer()")}}, and {{domxref("")}} methods are now implemented ([Firefox bug 1557121](
- {{domxref("DOMMatrix.fromMatrix()")}} has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1560462](
- We now support the six-parameter version of the {{domxref("DOMMatrix.scale()")}} method ([Firefox bug 1397945](
- The arguments for {{domxref("DOMMatrix.translate()")}}, {{domxref("DOMMatrix.skewX()")}}, and {{domxref("DOMMatrix.skewY()")}} are now all optional, as per spec ([Firefox bug 1397949](
- The {{domxref("Navigator.userAgent")}}, {{domxref("Navigator.platform")}}, and {{domxref("Navigator.oscpu")}} properties no longer reveal whether a user is running 32-bit Firefox on a 64-bit OS ([Firefox bug 1559747]( They now say `Linux x86_64` instead of `Linux i686 on x86_64`, and `Win64` instead of `WOW64`.
- The remaining methods of {{domxref("HTMLDocument")}} have been moved to {{domxref("Document")}}. This should have no appreciable impact on your work in most cases. In particular, the {{domxref("document.close", "close()")}}, {{domxref("", "open()")}}, and {{domxref("document.write", "write()")}} methods have been moved. So have the various editor related methods, including {{domxref("document.execCommand", "execCommand()")}} as well as various properties ([Firefox bug 1549560](
- We have implemented {{domxref("AbstractRange")}} and {{domxref("StaticRange")}} ([Firefox bug 1444847](
#### Media, Web Audio, and WebRTC
- For improved user security, and in-keeping with the latest versions of the [Media Capture and Streams](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Media_Capture_and_Streams_API) specification, the {{domxref("navigator.mediaDevices")}} property is no longer present if the context is insecure. To use {{domxref("MediaDevices.getUserMedia", "getUserMedia()")}}, {{domxref("MediaDevices.getDisplayMedia", "getDisplayMedia()")}}, {{domxref("MediaDevices.enumerateDevices", "enumerateDevices()")}}, and so forth, be sure your content is loaded using {{Glossary("HTTPS")}} ([Firefox bug 1528031](
- The Web Audio API's {{domxref("AudioParam.value")}} property now returns the actual value of the property at the current time, taking into account all scheduled or graduated value changes. Previously, Firefox only returned the most recent explicitly-set value (as through using the `value` setter) ([Firefox bug 893020](
- We've updated {{domxref("MediaStreamAudioSourceNode")}} to use the new, lexicographical, ordering for tracks. Previously, track ordering was up to the individual browser, and could even change arbitrarily. In addition, attempting to create a `MediaStreamAudioSourceNode` using a stream that has no audio tracks now throws an `InvalidStateError` exception ([Firefox bug 1553215](
- The {{domxref("MediaTrackSettings.facingMode", "facingMode")}}, {{domxref("MediaTrackSettings.deviceId", "deviceId")}}, and {{domxref("MediaTrackSettings.groupId", "groupId")}} settings are now included as members of the {{domxref("MediaTrackSettings")}} object returned by calls to {{domxref("MediaStreamTrack.getSettings()")}} ([Firefox bug 1537986](
#### Removals
- The {{domxref("DOMMatrix.scaleNonUniformSelf()")}} method has been removed ([Firefox bug 1560119](
### WebDriver conformance (Marionette)
#### Other
- Marionette now dynamically handles the opening and closing of modal dialogs and user prompts ([Firefox bug 1477977](, which also means that multiple open prompts will be handled ([Firefox bug 1487358](
- Tracking protection and DOM push features are now disabled by default to avoid the removal of parts of the DOM, and extra notifications ([Firefox bug 1542244](
- Automatic unloading of background tabs if Firefox runs into a low memory condition is now disabled — this badly interacts with automation when switching between tabs ([Firefox bug 1553748](
## Changes for add-on developers
### API changes
- The [UserScripts API](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/userScripts) is now enabled by default.
- The [`topSites.get()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/topSites/get) method now has new options available — `includePinned` and `includeSearchShortcuts` ([Firefox bug 1547669](
### Other changes
- There are now [Group Policy options]( to blacklist all extensions except the ones that have been whitelisted ([Firefox bug 1522823](
## See also
- Hacks release post: [Firefox 69 — a tale of Resize Observer, microtasks, CSS, and DevTools](
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/121/ | ---
title: Firefox 121 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/121
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 121 that affect developers. Firefox 121 was released on [December 19, 2023](
## Changes for web developers
### HTML
- [Lazy loading](/en-US/docs/Web/Performance/Lazy_loading) of `<iframe>` elements is now supported, allowing developers to hint that particular `<iframe>` elements should only be loaded when (and if) they become visible. This can speed up initial load time by reducing the resources that need to be fetched on page load (some `<iframe>` elements may not need to be fetched at all).
The hint can be provided via the [`loading`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe#loading) attribute on the [`<iframe>`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe) element, or in JavaScript using {{domxref("HTMLIFrameElement.loading")}}.
([Firefox bug 1622090](
### CSS
- The {{CSSXRef("text-wrap")}} property has been updated with support for the values `balance` and `stable`. The `balance` value is used for short blocks of content, such as headings, and will make sure that the content is balanced and easy to read when spread over multiple lines. The `stable` value makes sure that editable content does not reflow while the user is editing it ([Firefox bug 1731541](
- The {{cssxref(":has", ":has()")}} selector, commonly referred to as the _parent selector_, is now supported. It allows developers to apply styles to an element based on related elements, e.g. `li:has(ul)` will match a list which contains a sub-list, or `h1:has(+ p)` will match a heading with a paragraph directly after it.
- The [`text-indent`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/text-indent) CSS property now supports the [`each-line`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/text-indent#each-line) and [`hanging`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/text-indent#hanging) property values ([Firefox bug 784648](, allowing developers to more easily specify certain text indentation styles. Additionally, developers can now combine multiple `text-indent` property values for more creativity, e.g. `text-indent: 3em hanging each-line`.
### JavaScript
- The {{jsxref("Promise.withResolvers()")}} static method is now supported. This exposes the `resolve` and `reject` callback functions in the same scope as the returned {{jsxref("Promise")}}, allowing code that resolves or rejects the promise to be defined after its construction ([Firefox bug 1845586](
- {{jsxref("Date.parse()")}} now accepts several additional date formats:
- Year > 9999 for `YYYY-MMM-DD` format (e.g. `19999-Jan-01`) ([Firefox bug 1858851](
- `MMM-DD-YYYY` (e.g. `Jan-01-1970`) ([Firefox bug 1863489](
- Milliseconds for non-ISO date formats (e.g. `Jan 1 1970 10:00:00.050`) ([Firefox bug 1863125](
- Day of week at the beginning of formats which were being rejected, such as:
- `Wed, 1970-01-01`
- `Wed, 1970-Jan-01`
The day of week does not need to be correct, or a day of week at all; for example, `foo 1970-01-01` works ([Firefox bug 1617562](
- Other {{jsxref("Date.parse()")}} fixes:
- `YYYY-M-DD` and `YYYY-MM-D` are no longer assumed GMT as an ISO date `YYYY-MM-DD` would be ([Firefox bug 1783731](
- Milliseconds for all formats are truncated after 3 digits, rather than being rounded ([Firefox bug 746529](
### APIs
- The {{domxref("WebTransportSendStream.sendOrder", "sendOrder")}} property of the {{domxref("WebTransportSendStream")}} interface is now supported, allowing the relative priority of outgoing [WebTransport API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebTransport_API) _bidirectional_ streams to be read and changed after the stream is created. Note that this cannot be used to modify the priority of unidirectional streams, as Firefox implements them as {{domxref("WritableStream")}} instead of {{domxref("WebTransportSendStream")}}. (For more information see [Firefox bug 1853444](
#### DOM
- {{domxref("HTMLInputElement.showPicker()")}} now works for [`<input type="week">`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/month) and [`<input type="month">`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/month) elements on Android ([Firefox bug 1853797](
### WebAssembly
- WebAssembly now supports tail call optimization via new `return_call` and `return_call_indirect` alternatives to the [`call`](/en-US/docs/WebAssembly/Reference/Control_flow/call) instruction. This improves performance, reduces stack space usage, and enhances compatibility with programming languages that use tail calls. ([Firefox bug 1858855](
### WebDriver conformance (WebDriver BiDi, Marionette)
#### WebDriver BiDi
- Added the [`browsingContext.contextDestroyed`]( event that is emitted when a browsing context is discarded ([Firefox bug 1694390](
- Added support for the `userActivation` parameter for the [`script.callFunction`]( and [`script.evaluate`]( commands which allows evaluating JavaScript while emulating the user action. ([Firefox bug 1845488](
- Added support for the `defaultValue` field for the [`browsingContext.userPromptOpened`]( event that allow users to retrieve the default value of prompts ([Firefox bug 1851761](
- Renamed the `viewportOptions` parameter for the [`browsingContext.captureScreenshot`]( command to `boxOptions` ([Firefox bug 1859258](
- Removed the `scrollIntoView` parameter for the [`browsingContext.captureScreenshot`]( command, in favor of the `origin` parameter below ([Firefox bug 1862649](
- Added support for the `origin` parameter for the [`browsingContext.captureScreenshot`]( command which allows defining the origin and bounds of the screenshot. The accepted values are `"document"` and `"viewport"` ([Firefox bug 1840999](
- When serializing `Window` objects, the serialized value now contains a `context` property set to the context id for the `Window` object which can also be exchanged with Marionette to reference specific windows and frames ([Firefox bug 1841049](
- Fixed a bug where serialization of a Node nested in a data structure (array, map, etc.) would fail ([Firefox bug 1861000](
- Fixed a bug where the [`browsingContext.navigate`]( command could return an incorrect navigation id ([Firefox bug 1861655](
#### Marionette
- Added support for serializing and deserializing `Window` and `Frame` objects ([Firefox bug 1274251](
## Experimental web features
These features are newly shipped in Firefox 121 but are disabled by default. To experiment with them, search for the appropriate preference on the `about:config` page and set it to `true`. You can find more such features on the [Experimental features](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Experimental_features) page.
- Custom element state pseudo-class: `dom.element.customstateset.enabled`
- : Custom elements can expose their internal state via the {{domxref("ElementInternals.states","states")}} property as a {{domxref("CustomStateSet")}}. A CSS custom state pseudo-class such as `:--somestate` can match that element's state. ([Firefox bug 1861466](
- `showPicker()` method for HTML select elements: ``
- : The {{domxref("HTMLSelectElement.showPicker()")}} method programmatically launches the browser picker for a {{HTMLElement("select")}} element, triggered by user interaction. ([Firefox bug 1854112](
## Changes for add-on developers
- Fixed a bug that resulted in background pages not starting when a manifest.json `background` key contains `service_worker` and `scripts` declarations ([Firefox bug 1860304](
> **Note:** Incidentally, a change in Chrome 121 sees the `scripts` property ignored when specified with the `service_worker` property. Previously, Chrome refused to load extensions containing both properties ([Chromium bug 1418934](
> For more information, see [Browser support of the `background` manifest key](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/background#browser_support).
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/15/ | ---
title: Firefox 15 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/15
page-type: firefox-release-notes
Firefox 15 shipped on August 28, 2012. This article lists key changes that are useful for not only Web developers to know about, but also Firefox and Gecko developers as well as add-on developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### HTML
- The `size` attribute of the {{HTMLElement("font")}} element is now handled according to the HTML5 specification. It means that all integer values greater than 10 or less than -10 are now considered equivalent to 10 and -10, respectively.
- Support for `font-weight` and `point-size` attributes on the `<font>` element has been removed; these were non-standard and Gecko was the only engine that supported them.
- The [Opus codec]( is now supported for audio in Ogg containers for the HTML {{HTMLElement("audio")}} and {{HTMLElement("video")}} elements.
- The {{HTMLElement("source")}} element now supports the `media` attribute.
- The {{HTMLElement("audio")}} and {{HTMLElement("video")}} elements now support the played attribute, which provides a {{domxref("TimeRanges")}} object listing the time ranges of the media that have been played back so far.
### CSS
- The {{cssxref("font-feature-settings")}} property has been updated to the latest syntax: `font-feature-settings: "lnum" 1;`
- The CSS {{cssxref("text-transform")}} property has been extended to correctly handle Unicode ligature characters (like `fi`).
- The CSS {{cssxref("word-break")}} property has been implemented.
- The {{cssxref("border-image")}} property has been updated to match the latest Specification and properties have been unprefixed. ([bug 713643](
- The `skew()` {{cssxref("transform")}} function dropped in Firefox 14 has been restored due to existing site compatibility. Authors are however, advised to use `skewX()` and `skewY(`) functions instead.
- The value `plaintext` of CSS {{cssxref("unicode-bidi")}} property now applies to inline elements too. ([Firefox bug 746987](
### DOM
- The DOM Events Level 3 methods [`KeyboardEvent.getModifierState()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent#getmodifierstate%28%29) and [`MouseEvent.getModifierState()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/MouseEvent#getmodifierstate%28%29), which let you query the state of modifier keys, like `Ctrl` or `Shift`, have been implemented (bugs [630811]( and [731878]( But the behavior conforms to the latest D3E draft. So, some modifier key names are different from IE ([Firefox bug 769190](
- On mouse events, support for querying the state of the mouse buttons using the [`MouseEvent.buttons`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/MouseEvent) attribute, has been implemented.
- On keyboard events, support for querying the key location (standard, left or right of modifier key, in the Numpad) using the [KeyboardEvent.location](/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent#attributes_location) attribute, has been implemented ([Firefox bug 166240](
- KeyboardEvent.keycode result has been computed from better rules which were almost same on Windows/Linux/Mac. And now they are available on some keyboard layouts which are not ASCII capable layouts on Linux and Mac, such as Arabic, Cyrillic, Thai and so on. See [the document for virtual key codes](/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent#virtual_key_codes).
- The [`range.detach()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Range/detach) method has been transformed in a no-op and will probably be removed in the future.
- The method `HTMLVideoElement.mozHasAudio()` has been implemented. It indicates if there is an audio track associated to a given video element. ([bug 480376](
- The `Performance` API has a new method, [`now()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Performance/now), supporting high resolution timers of type `DOMHighResTimeStamp`. ([bug 539095](
- The [WebSMS API]( has been updated and now supports a `read` attribute indicating whether an SMS text message is read or unread.
- The [FileHandle API]( has been implemented.
- The [`Blob`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Blob) constructor now takes `ArrayBufferView` as a member of `blobParts` parameter in addition to `ArrayBuffer`. ([bug 752402](
- The `DeviceLightEvent` specified in the [Ambient Light Events Working Draft]( has been implemented.
- The `DeviceProximityEvent` and `UserProximityEvent` [Proximity Events]( have been implemented.
- The {{domxref("File")}} `lastModifiedDate` property has been implemented. ([Firefox bug 673586](
### JavaScript
- Support for the [`DataView`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/DataView) interface from the Typed Arrays specification has been added. This provides low-level access to the data contained in an [`ArrayBuffer`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/ArrayBuffer).
- Support for new ECMAScript 2015 built-ins: [`Number.isNaN()`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number/isNaN), [`Number.toInteger()`](, [`Number.isInteger()`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number/isInteger), [`Number.isFinite()`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number/isFinite) has been added. ([bug 749818](, [bug 761495](, [bug 761480](
- Support for ECMAScript 2015 [default parameters](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/Default_parameters) has been added. ([bug 757676](
- Support for ECMAScript 2015 [rest parameters](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/rest_parameters) has been added. ([bug 574132](
### WebGL
- Support for the [`WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGL_API/Using_Extensions#webgl_compressed_texture_s3tc) extension has been added. Compressed textures reduce the amount of memory needed to store a texture on the GPU, allowing for higher resolution textures or more of the same resolution textures.
### MathML
- Mathematical operators can now use downloadable fonts specified with {{cssxref("@font-face")}}. This makes the [MathML-fonts add-on]( work with stretchy operators too.
- The `selection` attribute of the {{MathMLElement("maction")}} is now only taken into account with the `toggle` actiontype.
- [Deprecated namedspace binding]( has been removed ([Firefox bug 673759](
- Supported syntax for [Length](/en-US/docs/Web/MathML/Values) and {{MathMLElement("mpadded")}} values have been made closer to the one specified in MathML3 spec.
- New MathML mirrorable operators for Arabic math have been added to the operator dictionary ([Firefox bug 757125](
### SVG
- Added support for the {{SVGElement("view")}} element ([Firefox bug 512525](
### Network
- Support for the SPDY v3 protocol has landed. It is disabled by default and can be enabled by setting the preference `network.http.spdy.enabled.v3` to true. ([bug 737470](
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
### Interface changes
- `nsIDOMWindowUtils`
- : `aModifiers` of `sendMouseEvent()`, `sendTouchEvent()`, `sendMouseEventToWindow()`, `sendMouseScrollEvent()` and `sendKeyEvent()` supports all modifier keys which are supported by [`KeyboardEvent.getModifierState()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent#getmodifierstate%28%29). Use `MODIFIER_*` values. And now the 5th parameter of `sendKeyEvent()` is changed from `boolean` to `unsigned long`. For backward compatibility, if caller passes `true` or `false` to it, the behavior isn't changed. This change allows callers to specify the key's location.
- `nsIBrowserHistory`
- : The `hidePage()` method was never implemented, and has been removed entirely in this release. The `addPageWithDetails()` method has also been removed as part of the ongoing work to make all 'Places APIs' asynchronous; use `mozIAsyncHistory.updatePlaces()` instead. Also, the `count` attribute was removed; it had not returned an actual count in some time (instead, it was indicating whether or not any entries existed). You can use `nsINavHistoryService.hasHistoryEntries` instead.
- `inIDOMUtils`
- : The `inlDOMUtils.parseStyleSheet()` method has been added and allows the (re-)parsing of Cascading Style Sheets.
- `nsIINIParserWriter`
- : The `nsIINIParserWriter.writeFile()` method now accepts a `flags` property. This currently offers only one option: you can now tell it to write the file in UTF-16 format instead of UTF-8, for better compatibility with Windows and certain installers.
#### New interfaces
- `nsISpeculativeConnect`
- : Provides a way to hint to the networking layer that you are likely to ask to open a connection to a given URI sometime in the near future. This lets the network layer begin the sometimes high-latency process of opening a new network connection ahead of time.
#### Removed interfaces
The following interfaces have been removed.
- `nsIGlobalHistory`
## See also
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/119/ | ---
title: Firefox 119 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/119
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 119 that affect developers. Firefox 119 was released on October 24, 2023.
## Changes for web developers
### HTML
#### Removals
- The {{HTMLElement('input')}} element no longer supports the non-standard `mozactionhint` attribute. Use [`enterkeyhint`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/enterkeyhint) instead. (See [Firefox bug 1735980]( for more details.)
### CSS
- The {{cssxref("attr")}} CSS function fallback value is now supported. This allows the setting of a fallback value to be used if the [global attribute](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes) is missing ([Firefox bug 1448248](
### JavaScript
- The {{jsxref("Object.groupBy()")}} and {{jsxref("Map.groupBy()")}} static methods for grouping the elements of an iterable are now supported (See [Firefox bug 1792650]( for more details.)
- The {{jsxref("String.prototype.isWellFormed()")}} and {{jsxref("String.prototype.toWellFormed()")}} methods respectively can be used to check if a string contains well-formed Unicode text (i.e. contains no [lone surrogates](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String#utf-16_characters_unicode_code_points_and_grapheme_clusters)) and sanitize an ill-formed string to well-formed Unicode text.
(See [Firefox bug 1850755]( for more details).
### SVG
- The [SVG attributes](/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute) that accept a [`<length>`](/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Content_type#length) value now support [level 3]( {{cssxref("length")}} [CSS data types](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Types) for all SVG elements. This enables the sizing of SVG elements based on font sizes (`cap`, `rem`, etc.), viewport (`vh`, `vw`, `vmin`, etc.), or absolute lengths (`px`, `cm`, etc.), e.g. `<line x1="10vw" y1="10vh" x2="50vw" y2="50vh"/>`. (See [Firefox bug 1287054]( for more details).
### HTTP
- The [`credentialless`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy#credentialless) directive of the {{HTTPHeader("Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy")}} HTTP response header is now supported on desktop platforms (and mobile platforms other than Android), allowing `no-cors` requests for resources to be made on cross-origin servers that have not explicitly opted into it, albeit without cookies or other credentials ([Firefox bug 1851467](
### APIs
- The relative priority for send streams can now be specified by including the `sendOrder` property inside an options argument passed to [`WebTransport.createBidirectionalStream()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebTransport/createBidirectionalStream) and [`WebTransport.createUnidirectionalStream()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebTransport/createUnidirectionalStream) ([Firefox bug 1816925](
- The [`getAuthenticatorData()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/AuthenticatorAttestationResponse/getAuthenticatorData), [`getPublicKeyAlgorithm()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/AuthenticatorAttestationResponse/getPublicKeyAlgorithm), and [`getPublicKey()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/AuthenticatorAttestationResponse/getPublicKey) methods of the [`AuthenticatorAttestationResponse`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/AuthenticatorAttestationResponse) interface are now supported (see [Firefox bug 1816519]( and [Firefox bug 1816520](
- The [Credential Properties Extension (`credProps`)](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Authentication_API/WebAuthn_extensions#credprops) of the [Web Authentication API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Authentication_API) is supported, allowing users to query if credentials are discoverable after creation/registration ([Firefox bug 1844437](
- The [`SubtleCrypto.deriveKey()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/SubtleCrypto/deriveKey) method now supports the [HKDF](/en-US/docs/Web/API/SubtleCrypto/deriveKey#hkdf) algorithm as an option for its [`derivedKeyAlgorithm`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/SubtleCrypto/deriveKey#derivedkeyalgorithm) parameter (see [Firefox bug 1851928](
- The {{domxref("PublicKeyCredential.parseCreationOptionsFromJSON_static", "parseCreationOptionsFromJSON()")}}, {{domxref("PublicKeyCredential.parseRequestOptionsFromJSON_static", "parseRequestOptionsFromJSON()")}}, and {{domxref("PublicKeyCredential.toJSON", "toJSON()")}} methods of the {{domxref("PublicKeyCredential")}} interface are now supported.
These are convenience methods for converting objects used for creating and sharing credentials objects to JSON representations that can be serialized/deserialized and shared with a server (see [Firefox bug 1823782](
#### DOM
- [ARIA](/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA) reflection is now supported by default for attributes that do not reference other elements; only non-IDREF attributes are reflected. You can now get and set ARIA attributes on DOM elements directly via JavaScript APIs, rather than by using `setAttribute` and `getAttribute`. For example, `buttonElement.ariaPressed = "true";` is now supported in addition to `buttonElement.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "true");` ([Firefox bug 1785412](
### WebDriver conformance (WebDriver BiDi, Marionette)
#### General
- When performing a `pointerDown` action with the middle or right mouse button pressed, the `mousedown` event as emitted by the related HTML element had the value of the `buttons` property swapped ([Firefox bug 1850086](
- When performing a `scroll` action of input type `wheel` with an origin set to `pointer` an `invalid argument` error was inappropriately raised, whereas per the current WebDriver specification this combination is not supported ([Firefox bug 1850166](
#### WebDriver BiDi
- Added the [`browsingContext.reload`]( command that allows users to reload the page or a frame that is currently displayed within a given browsing context ([Firefox bug 1830859](
- Added the [`browsingContext.userPromptClosed`]( event that is emitted when a user prompt of type `alert`, `confirm`, or `prompt` got closed ([Firefox bug 1824221](
- Added the [`browsingContext.navigationStarted`]( event that is emitted when a new navigation is started by Firefox ([Firefox bug 1756595](
- Added the [`script.realmCreated`]( and [`script.realmDestroyed`]( events that allow users to monitor the lifetime of JavaScript Realms of a given browsing context. Such a Realm is basically an isolated execution environment (`sandbox`) with its own unique global object (window) ([Firefox bug 1788657](, [Firefox bug 1788659](
- The `browsingContext.userPromptOpened` event was accidentally sent when a HTTP Authentication dialog was opened ([Firefox bug 1853302](
- Unwanted events with the `context` field set to `null` will no longer be emitted. Because the underlying browsing context has been closed such events are no longer valid ([Firefox bug 1847563](
#### Marionette
- The list of possible error codes when trying to install a WebExtension by using the `Addon:Install` command has been updated to match the latest error codes of Firefox ([Firefox bug 1852537](
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/41/ | ---
title: Firefox 41 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/41
page-type: firefox-release-notes
[To test the latest developer features of Firefox, install Firefox Developer Edition]( Firefox 41 was released on September 22, 2015. This article lists key changes that are useful not only for web developers, but also Firefox and Gecko developers as well as add-on developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### Developer Tools
- [Take a screenshot of a DOM node](
- [Copy as HAR/save as HAR](
- ["Add Rule" button in the Rules view](
- [View source in a tab]( (Disabled by default)
- [More options to copy CSS rules](
- [Copy image as data: URL in the Rules view](
- Added command to _GCLI_ to display CSP info
[All devtools bugs fixed between Firefox 40 and Firefox 41]( note that many of these bugs, especially those relating to the performance tools, were uplifted to Firefox 40.
### CSS
- Support for laying out vertical scripts has been activated by default ([Firefox bug 1138384]( That means that the following CSS properties are now available:
- Choosing the direction of writing: {{cssxref("writing-mode")}}.
- Controlling orientation of characters: {{cssxref("text-orientation")}}.
- Direction-independent equivalents of {{cssxref("width")}} and {{cssxref("height")}}: {{cssxref("block-size")}} and {{cssxref("inline-size")}}.
- Direction-independent equivalents of {{cssxref("min-width")}} and {{cssxref("min-height")}}: {{cssxref("min-block-size")}} and {{cssxref("min-inline-size")}}.
- Direction-independent equivalents of {{cssxref("max-width")}} and {{cssxref("max-height")}}: {{cssxref("max-block-size")}} and {{cssxref("max-block-size")}}.
- Direction-independent equivalents of {{cssxref("margin-top")}}, {{cssxref("margin-right")}}, {{cssxref("margin-bottom")}} and {{cssxref("margin-left")}}: {{cssxref("margin-block-start")}}, {{cssxref("margin-block-end")}}, {{cssxref("margin-inline-start")}} and {{cssxref("margin-inline-end")}}.
- Direction-independent equivalents of {{cssxref("padding-top")}}, {{cssxref("padding-right")}}, {{cssxref("padding-bottom")}} and {{cssxref("padding-left")}}: {{cssxref("padding-block-start")}}, {{cssxref("padding-block-end")}}, {{cssxref("padding-inline-start")}} and {{cssxref("padding-inline-end")}}.
- Direction-independent equivalents of {{cssxref("border-top")}}, {{cssxref("border-right")}}, {{cssxref("border-bottom")}} and {{cssxref("border-left")}} and their longhands for width, style and color: {{cssxref("border-block-start")}}, {{cssxref("border-block-start-width")}}, {{cssxref("border-block-start-style")}}, {{cssxref("border-block-start-color")}}, {{cssxref("border-block-end")}}, {{cssxref("border-block-end-width")}}, {{cssxref("border-block-end-style")}}, {{cssxref("border-block-end-color")}}, {{cssxref("border-inline-start")}}, {{cssxref("border-inline-start-width")}}, {{cssxref("border-inline-start-style")}}, {{cssxref("border-inline-start-color")}}, {{cssxref("border-inline-end")}}, {{cssxref("border-inline-end-width")}}, {{cssxref("border-inline-end-style")}} and {{cssxref("border-inline-end-color")}}.
- Direction-independent equivalents of {{cssxref("top")}}, {{cssxref("right")}}, {{cssxref("bottom")}} and {{cssxref("left")}}: `offset-block-start`, `offset-block-end`, `offset-inline-start` and `offset-inline-end`.
- Support the {{cssxref("transform-origin")}} property in SVG and implement the {{cssxref("transform-box")}} property ([Firefox bug 923193](
### HTML
- {{HTMLElement("a")}} without an `href` attribute is no longer classified as interactive content. Clicking it inside {{HTMLElement("label")}} will activate labelled content ([Firefox bug 1167816](
- SVG icons are now supported for site icons, that is favicons and shortcut icons ([Firefox bug 366324](
- The [`crossorigin`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/link#crossorigin) attribute is now supported for [\<link rel='preconnect'>](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/link) ([Firefox bug 1174152](
- The picture element does not react to resize/viewport changes ([Firefox bug 1135812](
### JavaScript
- `Date.prototype` is now an ordinary object, not a {{jsxref("Date")}} instance anymore ([Firefox bug 861219](
- {{jsxref("Date.prototype.toString")}} is now a generic method ([Firefox bug 861219](
- {{jsxref("Symbol.species")}} has been added ([Firefox bug 1131043](
- {{jsxref("Map.@@species", "Map[@@species]")}} and {{jsxref("Set.@@species", "Set[@@species]")}} getters have been added ([Firefox bug 1131043](
- Non-standard {{jsxref("Statements/let", "let expression", "#let_expressions", 1)}} support has been dropped ([Firefox bug 1023609](
- {{jsxref("Functions/Default_parameters", "Destructured parameters with default value assignment", "#Destructured_parameter_with_default_value_assignment", 1)}} are now supported ([Firefox bug 1018628](
- Per ES2015, curly braces are required for [method definitions](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/Method_definitions). Syntax without them will fail from now on ([Firefox bug 1150855](
- [Method definitions](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/Method_definitions) (except for generator methods) are not constructable anymore ([Firefox bug 1059908]( and [Firefox bug 1166950](
- As part of ES2015 specification compliance, parenthesized [destructuring](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Destructuring_assignment) patterns, like `([a, b]) = [1, 2]` or `({a, b}) = { a: 1, b: 2 }`, are now considered invalid and will throw a {{jsxref("SyntaxError")}}. See [Jeff Walden's blog post]( for more details.
- The [``](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/ syntax has been added ([Firefox bug 1141865](
### Interfaces/APIs/DOM
#### HTML Editing API
- Cut, copy and paste commands handling has been revamped and now allow programmatic copying and cutting from JS for Web content:
- With the `'paste'` command as argument, {{domxref("Document.queryCommandSupported()")}} now returns `false` if has insufficient privileges to actually perform the action ([Firefox bug 1161721](
- With the `'cut'` or `'copy'` command as argument, {{domxref("Document.queryCommandSupported()")}} now returns `true` if called within the context of a user-initiated or privileged code ([Firefox bug 1162952](
- With the `'cut'` or `'copy'` command as argument, {{domxref("Document.execCommand()")}} now works, but only within the context of user-initiated or privileged code ([Firefox bug 1012662](
- Instead of raising an exception, {{domxref("Document.execCommand()")}} when the command is not supported or enabled ([Firefox bug 1027560](
#### Events
- The non-standard `initCloseEvent()` method of the {{domxref("CloseEvent")}} event and the ability to create a {{domxref("CloseEvent")}} using the {{domxref("Document/createEvent", "document.createEvent('CloseEvent')")}} method has been removed; use the standard constructor, {{domxref("CloseEvent.CloseEvent", "CloseEvent()")}} instead ([Firefox bug 1161950](
- On Desktop, {{domxref("PointerEvent")}} is now activated by default in Nightly; it is not activated in Developer Edition, Beta or Release and won't be for at least some versions ([Firefox bug 1166347](
- The unprefixed version of {{domxref("MouseEvent.movementX")}} and {{domxref("MouseEvent.movementY")}} have been added; the prefixed versions are deprecated and will be removed at some point in the future ([Firefox bug 1164981](
#### Web Crypto
- {{domxref("SubtleCrypto.importKey()")}} and {{domxref("SubtleCrypto.exportKey()")}} now supports `ECDH` keys ([Firefox bug 1050175](
#### Canvas API
- {{domxref("HTMLCanvasElement.captureStream()")}} and `CanvasCaptureMediaStream` have been added and allow to stream the display of a {{HTMLElement("canvas")}} in real-time ([Firefox bug 1032848](
- {{domxref("")}} now returns the unique id of a stream ([Firefox bug 1089798](
- The initial value of {{domxref("CanvasRenderingContext2D.filter")}} is now correctly set to `none` ([Firefox bug 1163124](
#### Service Workers
- Improvement to our experimental [Service Worker](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Service_Worker_API) implementation:
- {{domxref("ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.skipWaiting()")}} has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1131352](
- {{domxref("Clients.claim()")}} has been added ([Firefox bug 1130684](
- The other functional events of Service Workers have been made to inherit from {{domxref("ExtendableEvent")}}, giving them access to the {{domxref("ExtendableEvent.waitUntil","waitUntil()")}} method ([Firefox bug 1160527](
- The {{domxref("CacheStorage")}} and {{domxref("Cache")}} interfaces are now supported ([Firefox bug 1110144](
#### WebGL
- The `failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat` WebGL context attribute has been added and can be set when creating a WebGL context with {{domxref("HTMLCanvasElement.getContext()")}} to indicate if a context creation should fail if the system performance is low ([Firefox bug 1164970](
#### WebRTC
- Firefox no longer offers a default STUN server to be used if none are specified when constructing a new {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection")}}. You'll need to provide one in order to successfully establish a WebRTC connection.
#### Miscellaneous
- On OS X and Windows, {{domxref("Navigator.onLine")}} now changes regarding network connectivity (it always returned `true`, unless "Work offline" mode was selected) before ([Firefox bug 654579](
- {{domxref("MessagePort")}} and {{domxref("MessageChannel")}} now available in [Web workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API), and are enabled by default in all contexts ([Firefox bug 952139]( and ([Firefox bug 911972](
- The User Timing API is now available in [Web workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API) ([Firefox bug 1155761](
- The [Notifications API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Notifications_API) is now available in [Web workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API) ([Firefox bug 916893](
- `DOMRequest` and `DOMCursor` are now available in [Web workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API) ([Firefox bug 1167650](
- The [CSS Font Loading API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/CSS_Font_Loading_API) has been completely implemented and is now enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1149381](
- Shared workers can no longer be shared between private (i.e., browsing in a private window) and non-private documents (see [Firefox bug 1177621](
- The {{domxref("URL.searchParams")}} property is now read-only ([Firefox bug 1174731](
- The {{domxref('HTMLAnchorElement.hash')}} property no longer decodes URL fragment ([Firefox bug 1093611](
### MathML
#### New default and fallback font handling
Mathematical formulas require special fonts. So far, these fonts were hard-coded in the `mathml.css` user agent stylesheet (which sets the font-family on {{MathMLElement("math")}} tag) and in the preference option `font.mathfont-family` (which sets the fallback fonts to use for stretchy and large operators). Firefox 41 introduces an internal `x-math` language that is automatically set on the `<math>` tag as well as corresponding preference options (e.g., ``). The user agent stylesheet now sets font-family to serif on the `<math>` tag and the preference option `font.mathfont-family` is replaced with ``. All platforms now essentially use the same list of fallback fonts, with "Latin Modern Math" as the first one. The default/fallback fonts can be configured from the standard per-language font preference menu. For more details, see [Firefox bug 947654]( and [Firefox bug 1160456](
### SVG
- Site icons (favicons, shortcut icons) now support SVG ([Firefox bug 366324](
### Audio/Video
- The `media.autoplay.enabled` preference now also applies to untrusted {{domxref("")}} invocations too, that is calls from non-users activated scripts ([Firefox bug 659285](
## Networking
- The `X-Content-Duration` header is no longer supported ([Firefox bug 1160695](
- Draft versions of the HTTP/2 protocol are no more supported ([Firefox bug 1132357](
## Security
- The [CSP](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP) 1.1 `manifest-src` [directive](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Security-Policy) is now supported ([Firefox bug 1089255](
- Previous versions of Firefox incorrectly expected the [Content Security Policy](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP) [referrer](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Security-Policy#referrer) directive's value `origin-when-cross-origin` to be spelled `origin-when-crossorigin`. This has been corrected to include the missing dash character.
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
### XUL
_No change._
### JavaScript code modules
_No change._
### Interfaces
_No change._
### Other
- A new, internal, and chrome-context-only API to render the root widget of a window into a {{HTMLElement("canvas")}} has been added: `CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawWidgetAsOnScreen()`. This API uses the operating system to snapshot the widget on-screen. For more details see [Firefox bug 1167477](
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/26/ | ---
title: Firefox 26 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/26
page-type: firefox-release-notes
Firefox 26 was released on December 10, 2013. This article lists key changes that are useful not only for web developers, but also Firefox and Gecko developers as well as add-on developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### CSS
- The {{cssxref("text-decoration-line")}} property, still prefixed, now considers `'blink'` as a valid value, though it doesn't blink the content at all ([Firefox bug 812995](
- The non-standard `-moz-text-blink` property has been removed ([Firefox bug 812995](
- Support for the {{cssxref("image-orientation")}} property, in its CSS Images & Values Level 4 version, that is with the `from-image` keyword and EXIF support, has been added ([Firefox bug 825771](
- Experimental support for `position: sticky` has been implemented and can be enabled by pref `layout.css.sticky.enabled` ([Firefox bug 886646](
- The {{cssxref("text-align")}} property now applies to the `::-moz-placeholder` pseudo-element ([Firefox bug 915551](
### HTML
- The `HTMLSelectElement.selectedOptions` property has been implemented ([Firefox bug 596681](
- In the {{HTMLElement("input")}} element of type `email`, values with domain labels longer than 63 chars are no more considered valid ([Firefox bug 884332](
- The `HTMLInputElement.width` and `height` properties now return `0` when the `type` is not `image` ([Firefox bug 905240](
- A {{HTMLElement("fieldset")}} element is now invalid, and can be styled using the {{cssxref(":invalid")}} pseudo-class, when one of the elements it contains is invalid ([Firefox bug 717181](
### JavaScript
ECMAScript 2015 implementation continues!
- The ECMAScript 2015 compliant syntax for [Generators (yield)]( has been implemented ([Firefox bug 666399](
- Generator/Iterator results are now boxed like `{ value: foo, done: bool }` ([Firefox bug 907744](
- New mathematical methods have been implemented on [`Math`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Math): [`Math.fround()`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Math/fround) ([Firefox bug 900125](
- The [reserved words](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Lexical_grammar#keywords) cannot be used for function names:such a usage now throws a [`SyntaxError`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/SyntaxError) ([Firefox bug 907958](
- The [default parameter](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/Default_parameters) syntax has been updated to allow parameters without defaults after default parameters, such as `function f(x=1, y)`. See [Firefox bug 777060](
- {{jsxref("Global_Objects/GeneratorFunction", "GeneratorFunction")}} is implemented ([Firefox bug 904701](
### Interfaces/APIs/DOM
- Make the last argument (doctype) to {{domxref("DOMImplementation.createDocument")}} optional ([Firefox bug 909859](
- Implement the new {{domxref("element.classList")}} specification which permits adding/removing several classes with one call ([Firefox bug 814014](
- The {{domxref("URL.URL", "URL()")}} constructor has been implemented on the {{domxref("URL")}} interface ([Firefox bug 887364](
- The properties {{domxref("HTMLAnchorElement/origin", "URLUtils.origin")}}, {{domxref("HTMLAnchorElement/password", "URLUtils.password")}}, and {{domxref("HTMLAnchorElement/username", "URLUtils.username")}} are now available to all interfaces implementing the `URLUtils` mixin: {{domxref("URL")}}, {{domxref("Location")}}, {{domxref("HTMLAnchorElement")}}, and {{domxref("HTMLAreaElement")}} ([Firefox bug 887364](
- The {{domxref("URL")}} interface is now accessible from Web Workers ([Firefox bug 887364](
- IndexedDB can now be used as an "optimistic" storage area so it doesn't require any prompts and data is stored in a pool with LRU eviction policy, in short temporary storage ([Firefox bug 785884](
- Support for {{domxref("WaveShaperNode.oversample")}} has been added ([Firefox bug 875277](
- Path of the persistent storage has been changed from `<profile>/indexedDB` to `<profile>/storage/persistent` (on b2g from `/data/local/indexedDB` to `/data/local/storage/persistent`).
- The {{domxref("Screen.orientation")}} property and {{domxref("Screen.lockOrientation()")}} method now support the `default` value, mapping to `portrait-primary` or `landscape-primary`, depending of the device ([Firefox bug 908058]( This works only for Firefox OS and Firefox for Android. Firefox Desktop is not supported.
- {{domxref("Event")}} constructors can be used in Web workers ([Firefox bug 910910](
- Trying to set the {{domxref("Document.domain")}} property on a page embedded in an {{HTMLElement("iframe")}} with the `sandbox` attribute now throws a security error ([Firefox bug 907892](
- The {{domxref("MessageEvent")}} interface has been updated to comply with the latest spec. The `initMessageEvent` method has been removed while the interface has now a constructor ([Firefox bug 848294](
- The HTML5 `MessageChannel` API has been implemented, behind the `dom.messageChannel.enabled` preference ([Firefox bug 677638](
- Support for `VTTCue`, behind the `media.webvtt.enabled` preference, like for all WebVTT-related implementations, has been added ([Firefox bug 868509](
- The [Web Audio API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Audio_API) has been made available by default ([Firefox bug 885505](
### MathML
- Inconsistent renderings of {{MathMLElement("mmultiscripts")}}, {{MathMLElement("msub")}}, {{MathMLElement("msup")}} and {{MathMLElement("msubsup")}} have been unified and the error handling of these elements has been improved ([Firefox bug 827713](
### SVG
- The inclusion of SVG glyphs inside OpenType, _SVG-in-OpenType_, has been updated to match the current version of the specification ([Firefox bug 906521](
- The `SVGElement.ownerSVGElement()` method doesn't throw anymore ([Firefox bug 835048](
## Development tools
- The Inspector is now remotable ([Firefox bug 805526](
- The web console text can be selected, {{cssxref("::before")}} and {{cssxref("::after")}} now inspectable, debugger and responsive design features are planned for this release. (<>)
### Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/124/ | ---
title: Firefox 124 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/124
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 124 that affect developers. Firefox 124 is the current [Beta version of Firefox]( and ships on [March 19, 2024](
## Changes for web developers
### Developer Tools
### HTML
#### Removals
### CSS
#### Removals
### JavaScript
#### Removals
### SVG
#### Removals
### HTTP
#### Removals
### Security
#### Removals
### APIs
#### DOM
#### Media, WebRTC, and Web Audio
#### Removals
### WebAssembly
#### Removals
### WebDriver conformance (WebDriver BiDi, Marionette)
#### General
#### WebDriver BiDi
#### Marionette
## Changes for add-on developers
### Removals
### Other
## Experimental web features
These features are newly shipped in Firefox 124 but are disabled by default. To experiment with them, search for the appropriate preference on the `about:config` page and set it to `true`. You can find more such features on the [Experimental features](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Experimental_features) page.
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/91/ | ---
title: Firefox 91 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/91
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 91 that will affect developers. Firefox 91 was released on August 10, 2021.
> **Note:** See also [Hopping on Firefox 91]( on Mozilla Hacks.
## Changes for web developers
### HTML
No changes
### CSS
- A fix to how the {{cssxref("@counter-style/pad")}} descriptor handles the negative sign ([Firefox bug 1714445](
- The `-moz-tab-size` property has been unprefixed to the standard {{cssxref("tab-size")}}, and the prefixed version maintained as an alias ([Firefox bug 737785](
#### Removals
- The non-standard `-moz-outline-radius` property has been removed ([Firefox bug 1715984]( The property has not been usable by web developers since Firefox 88, this completes the removal.
### JavaScript
- {{jsxref("Intl/DateTimeFormat/formatRange", "Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.formatRange()")}} and {{jsxref("Intl/DateTimeFormat/formatRangeToParts", "Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.formatRangeToParts()")}} are now supported in release builds. The `formatRange()` method returns a localized and formatted string for the range between two {{jsxref("Date")}} objects (e.g. "1/05/21 – 1/10/21"). The `formatRangeToParts()` method returns an array containing the locale-specific _parts_ of a formatted date range ([Firefox bug 1653024](
- The {{jsxref("Intl/DateTimeFormat/DateTimeFormat", "Intl.DateTimeFormat() constructor")}} allows four new `timeZoneName` options for formatting how the timezone is displayed. These include the localized GMT formats `shortOffset` and `longOffset`, and the generic non-location formats `shortGeneric` and `longGeneric` ([Firefox bug 1653024](
- The {{jsxref("Global_Objects/Error/Error", "Error() constructor")}} can now take the error `cause` as value in the `option` parameter.
This allows code to catch errors and throw new/modified versions that retain the original error and stack trace ([Firefox bug 1679653](
### HTTP
- The [Gamepad API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Gamepad_API) now requires a [secure context](/en-US/docs/Web/Security/Secure_Contexts) ([Firefox bug 1704005](
### APIs
#### DOM
- The [Visual Viewport API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Visual_Viewport_API) is now enabled by default on Firefox desktop releases (it has been enabled on Firefox for Android since version 68).
The API provides access to information describing the position of the {{Glossary("visual viewport")}} relative to the document, as well as to the window's content area.
It also provides events that allow changes to the viewport to be monitored. ([Firefox bug 1551302](
- The [Gamepad API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Gamepad_API) is now protected by {{httpheader('Feature-Policy/gamepad','Feature-Policy: gamepad')}}.
If disallowed by the [Permission Policy](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Permissions_Policy), calls to {{domxref('Navigator.getGamepads()')}} will throw a `SecurityError` {{domxref('DOMException')}},
and the {{domxref("Window.gamepadconnected_event", "gamepadconnected")}} and {{domxref("Window.gamepaddisconnected_event", "gamepaddisconnected")}} events will not fire.
The default `allowlist` is `*`; this default will be updated to `self` in a future release, in order to match the specification. ([Firefox bug 1704005](
- `Window.clientInformation` has been added as an alias for {{domxref("Window.navigator")}}, in order to match recent specification updates and improve compatibility with other major browsers ([Firefox bug 1717072](
- Changing the playback speed of a media element ([`<video>`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/video) or [`<audio>`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/audio)) using the [`playbackRate`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLMediaElement/playbackRate) attribute now works when the media element is captured to a [`MediaStream`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaStream) or via [`AudioContext.createMediaElementSource`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioContext/createMediaElementSource) ([Firefox bug 1517199](
### WebDriver conformance (Marionette)
- Fixed a bug, which caused the commands `WebDriver:AcceptAlert` and `WebDriver:DismissAlert` to hang for user prompts as opened in a popup window ([Firefox bug 1721982](
- Fixed an inappropriate handling of the `webSocketUrl` capability, which would return `true` if `webSocketUrl` was not supported ([Firefox bug 1713775](
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/88/ | ---
title: Firefox 88 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/88
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 88 that will affect developers. Firefox 88 was released on April 19, 2021.
> **Note:** See also [Never too late for Firefox 88]( on Mozilla Hacks.
## Changes for web developers
### Developer Tools
- The toggle button for switching between raw and formatted response views has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1693147]( For examples, see [Network request details > Response tab](
### HTML
_No changes._
### CSS
- The {{cssxref(":user-valid")}} and {{cssxref(":user-invalid")}} pseudo-classes have been implemented ([Firefox bug 1694141](
- The {{cssxref("image/image-set")}} functional notation is now enabled ([Firefox bug 1698133](, and was made available for {{cssxref("content")}} and {{cssxref("cursor")}} in [Firefox bug 1695402]( and [Firefox bug 1695403](
- The default `monospace` font for MacOS has been changed to Menlo ([Firefox bug 1342741](
- The `collapse` value of {{cssxref("visibility")}} is now implemented for ruby annotations ([Firefox bug 1697529](
- The `alternate` value for {{cssxref("ruby-position")}} has been implemented, and is the new initial value for the property ([Firefox bug 1694748](
- The {{cssxref("outline")}} CSS property has been updated to follow the outline created by {{cssxref("border-radius")}}. As part of this work the non-standard `-moz-outline-radius` property has been removed. ([Firefox bug 315209]( and [Firefox bug 1694146](
#### Removals
- The {{cssxref(":-moz-submit-invalid")}} pseudo-class has been hidden behind a preference, thereby removing it from web content ([Firefox bug 1694129](
- Default styling for the non-standard `:-moz-ui-invalid` and `:-moz-ui-valid` has been removed ([Firefox bug 1693969](
### JavaScript
- Added support for [RegExp match indices](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/exec) ([Firefox bug 1519483](
- [`Intl.DisplayNames()`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DisplayNames/DisplayNames) and [`Intl.ListFormat()`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/ListFormat/ListFormat) now have stricter checking that `options` passed to the constructor are [objects](/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Objects), and will throw an exception if a string or other primitive is used instead ([Firefox bug 1696881](
### HTTP
- FTP has been disabled on all releases (preference `network.ftp.enabled` now defaults to `false`), with the intent of removing it altogether in Firefox 90 ([Firefox bug 1691890]( Complementing this change, the extension setting [`browserSettings.ftpProtocolEnabled`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browserSettings/ftpProtocolEnabled) has been made read-only, and web extensions can now register themselves as [protocol handlers](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/protocol_handlers) for FTP ([Firefox bug 1626365](
### Security
_No changes._
### APIs
#### DOM
- Code can now use the new static method [`AbortSignal.abort()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/AbortSignal/abort_static) to return an {{domxref("AbortSignal")}} that is already set as [`aborted`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/AbortSignal/aborted) ([Firefox bug 1698468](
### WebDriver conformance (Marionette)
- Marionette will no longer be enabled unless the `--marionette` command line argument or the `MOZ_MARIONETTE` environment variable is specified. As such the `marionette.enabled` preference is no longer used. With this change the state of `navigator.webdriver` now correctly reflects the enabled state of Marionette ([Firefox bug 1593343](
- Fixed a bug where pointer actions other than `down` and `up` inappropriately led to buttons being pressed ([Firefox bug 1686361](
- Fixed a race condition in `WebDriver:GetCurrentURL` that could have led the command to return the URL of the previously opened page, or even a hang in Marionette ([Firefox bug 1664881](
## Changes for add-on developers
- `url` can now be used to limit the properties for which the {{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.onUpdated")}} event is triggered ([Firefox bug 1680279](
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/85/ | ---
title: Firefox 85 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/85
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 85 that will affect developers. Firefox 85 was released on January 26, 2021.
> **Note:** See also [January brings us Firefox 85]( on Mozilla Hacks.
## Changes for web developers
### Developer Tools
- Developers can now use the [Page Inspector]( to toggle the {{cssxref(":focus-visible")}} pseudo-class for the currently selected element (in addition to the pseudo classes that were previously supported: {{cssxref(":hover")}}, {{cssxref(":active")}} and {{cssxref(":focus")}}, {{cssxref(":focus-within")}}, and {{cssxref(":visited")}}). ([Firefox bug 1617608](
### HTML
- [`<link rel="preload">`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes/rel/preload) is now enabled. ([Firefox bug 1626997](
#### Removals
- The {{HTMLElement("menuitem")}} HTML element is no longer available — it has been hidden behind the `dom.menuitem.enabled flag`. ([Firefox bug 1680596](
### CSS
- The {{cssxref(":focus-visible")}} pseudo-class is now enabled. ([Firefox bug 1445482](
- The `pinch-zoom` value for the {{cssxref("touch-action")}} property is now enabled. ([Firefox bug 1329241](
### JavaScript
- The `collation` property can now be specified in the options passed to the [`Intl.Collator()` constructor](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/Collator/Collator) ([Firefox bug 1670062]( This allows developers to write code with greater clarity:
// Old method
let pinyin = new Intl.Collator(["zh-u-co-pinyin"]);
// New method
let pinyin = new Intl.Collator("zh", { collation: "pinyin" });
### Plugins
- Flash support has been completely removed from Firefox ([Firefox bug 1675349](
### APIs
_No changes._
### WebDriver conformance (Marionette)
- Fixed a potential page load timeout situation when `WebDriver:ElementClick`
is called for a link with a `target` other than `_blank` ([Firefox bug 1678455](
- Using web element references on browsing contexts other than the originating one now correctly returns a `no such element` error instead of a `stale element reference` error ([Firefox bug 1684827](
#### Known bugs
- WebDriver commands following a call to `WebDriver:SwitchToFrame` can fail with a "no such window" error if the frame's content hasn't yet finished loading ([Firefox bug 1691348](
- After a [cross-group page navigation](, accessing a previously-retrieved element might not always raise a "stale element" error, and can also lead to a "no such element" error. To prevent this, set the `marionette.actors.enabled` preference to `false` ([Firefox bug 1690308](
## Changes for add-on developers
_No changes._
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/72/ | ---
title: Firefox 72 for Developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/72
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 72 that will affect developers. Firefox 72 was released on January 7, 2020.
## Changes for web developers
### Developer tools
- In the [multi-line mode of the interactive JS interpreter](, you can open and save files using the keyboard shortcuts `Ctrl` + `O` and `Ctrl` + `S`, respectively ([Firefox bug 1592308](
- You can set a [preference so that asynchronous messages are visually separated]( ([Firefox bug 1592969](
[JavaScript debugger](
- You can now right/`Ctrl` click on objects in the Scopes panel, and choose _Property set_ or _Property get_ to [set watchpoints]( ([Firefox bug 1574192](
[Network Monitor](
- The Timings tab now shows [queued, started, and downloaded]( times for each resource ([Firefox bug 1580431](
[Page Inspector](
- You can set a [preference to enable a simulator]( for different values of the [`prefers-color-scheme`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/prefers-color-scheme) media feature ([Firefox bug 1550804](
#### Removals
- The _Scratchpad_ feature has been removed ([Firefox bug 1519103](
### HTML
_No changes._
### CSS
- CSS Shadow Parts are now enabled. This includes the [`part` attribute](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/part) and [`::part` pseudo-element](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/::part), which allow shadow hosts to selectively expose chosen elements from their shadow tree to the outside page for styling purposes ([Firefox bug 1559074](
- [CSS Motion Path](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_motion_path) has been shipped ([Firefox bug 1582554](, also see the [Intent to Ship](!topic/ This includes:
- {{cssxref("offset")}}
- {{cssxref("offset-path")}}
- {{cssxref("offset-anchor")}}
- {{cssxref("offset-distance")}}
- {{cssxref("offset-rotate")}}
- The individual transform properties — {{cssxref("scale")}}, {{cssxref("rotate")}}, and {{cssxref("translate")}} — are now enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1424900](
#### Removals
### SVG
_No changes._
### JavaScript
- The [nullish coalescing operator](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Nullish_coalescing) has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1566141](
### APIs
#### New APIs
- {{domxref("FormDataEvent")}} and [event-based form participation](/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest_API/Using_FormData_Objects#using_a_formdata_event) is now enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1594708](
- The {{domxref("crossOriginIsolated")}} property is now supported ([Firefox bug 1591892](
#### DOM
- The [Geolocation API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Geolocation_API) has had some interface name updates, as per recent spec changes ([Firefox bug 1575144](
- `Coordinates` has been changed to {{domxref("GeolocationCoordinates")}}.
- `Position` has been changed to {{domxref("GeolocationPosition")}}.
- `PositionError` has been changed to {{domxref("GeolocationPositionError")}}.
- A number of properties have been updated to use standard stringifiers ([Firefox bug 824857](
- {{domxref("DOMTokenList.value")}}
- {{domxref("HTMLAnchorElement.href")}}
- {{domxref("Location.href")}}
- {{domxref("MediaList.mediaText")}}
- {{domxref("URL.href")}}
- {{domxref("WorkerLocation.href")}}
#### DOM events
- {{domxref("Notification.requestPermission_static", "Notification.requestPermission()")}} and {{domxref("PushManager.subscribe()")}} can now only be called in response to a user gesture such as a [`click`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/click_event) event ([Firefox bug 1593644](
#### Media, Web Audio, and WebRTC
- The {{domxref("MediaDevices.getDisplayMedia()")}} method can now only be called in response to a user gesture such as a [`click`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/click_event) event ([Firefox bug 1580944](
- The `RTCRtpContributingSource` dictionary can now include the `rtpTimestamp` property, which is a source-generated time at which the packet's media was generated or sampled ([Firefox bug 1583867](
#### Removals
- Removed the non-standard `window.mozPaintCount` property. ([Firefox bug 1591968](
- The {{domxref("BatteryManager")}} interface is no longer exposed to web content ([Firefox bug 1441976](
- {{domxref("Navigator.vibrate()")}} is no longer supported in cross-origin {{htmlelement("iframe")}}s ([Firefox bug 1591113](
- WebRTC no longer supports the `rid=` and `pt=` parameters on the `simulcast` attribute. The new syntax for a line such as "`a=simulcast: send rid=7 recv rid=8`" is now "`a=simulcast: send 7 recv 8`". The new syntax has been supported since Firefox 68, so now it's time tor retire support for the old syntax ([Firefox bug 1470568](
### Security
- Opting-out of MIME sniffing using {{HTTPHeader("X-Content-Type-Options")}} is now also applied to top-level documents if a {{HTTPHeader("Content-type")}} is provided. This can cause HTML web pages to be downloaded instead of being rendered when they are served with a MIME type other than `text/html`. Make sure to set both headers correctly. ([Firefox bug 1591932](
- Dropped the support for HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP) because of the low adoption rate and interoperability risk. The `Public-Key-Pins` and `Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only` headers are now silently ignored [Firefox bug 1412438](
### Plugins
_No changes._
### WebDriver conformance (Marionette)
- Removed `Anon` and `AnonAttribute` strategies from `WebDriver:FindElement` and `WebDriver:FindElements` commands ([Firefox bug 1587627](
- `Webdriver:TakeScreenshot` no longer fails if captured area exceeds upper maximum bound for the canvas width, height, or size ([Firefox bug 1590064](
## Changes for add-on developers
### API changes
- The [`browserSettings.ftpProtocolEnabled`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browserSettings/ftpProtocolEnabled) property has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1592687](
- The [`BrowserSetting.onChange`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/types/BrowserSetting/onChange) event has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1410412](
- The [`captivePortal.canonicalURL`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/captivePortal/canonicalURL) property has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1592932](
- The callback functions for the [`browserAction.onClicked`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browserAction/onClicked) and [`pageAction.onClicked`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/pageAction/onClicked) events now include a `OnClickData` property containing an object whose properties describe the mouse button pressed along with any keyboard modifiers ([Firefox bug 1405031]( This allows support for additional types of mouse click.
- The {{WebExtAPIRef("browserSettings.tlsVersionRestrictionConfig")}} property has been implemented and enables the highest and lowest versions of TLS supported by the browser to be read ([Firefox bug 1593635](
### Manifest changes
_No changes._
## See also
- Hacks release post: [Firefox 72 — our first song of 2020](
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/23/ | ---
title: Firefox 23 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/23
page-type: firefox-release-notes
## Changes for Web developers
### Security
- Mixed content blocking. Firefox will no longer load non-secure (http) resources on secure (https) pages ([Firefox bug 834836](
- The standard syntax of [CSP](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP) 1.0 policies are now implemented and enforced by default.
### Developer Tools
- A Network Panel has been added to the developer tools. This is more detailed view than the "Net" view option in the Web Console.
- Web Console has been renamed "Console", and includes the option to filter security errors/warnings.
- The new Toolbox Options lets you disable features, change light/dark theme, or enable Chrome/Remote debugging.
### HTML
- The `<blink>` element support is now completely dropped. The `<blink>` tag now implements the {{domxref("HTMLUnknownElement")}} interface ([Firefox bug 857820](
- The `range` type of the {{HTMLElement("input")}} element ([`<input type="range">`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/range)) has been switched on by default ([Firefox bug 841950](
### JavaScript
- The [`Object.defineProperty`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/defineProperty) method can now be used to redefine the `length` property of an [`Array`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array) object.
- The option to disable JavaScript, including the options to allow moving windows/replace context menu, have been removed. You may still disable JavaScript by double clicking the "javascript.enabled" option in about:config.
### DOM
- D3E [`KeyboardEvent.key`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent#key_names_and_char_values) is now supported, but only for non-printable keys ([Firefox bug 842927](
- The `title` attribute of {{domxref("DOMImplementation.createHTMLDocument")}} is now optional as per updated DOM specification.
- The ability to add a sidebar panel (`window.sidebar.addPanel`) has been dropped ([Firefox bug 691647](
- The unprefixed {{domxref("Window.requestAnimationFrame")}} and {{domxref("Window.cancelAnimationFrame")}} methods has been added ([Firefox bug 704063]( The unprefixed {{domxref("Window.requestAnimationFrame")}} receives a {{domxref("DOMHighResTimeStamp")}} as argument; the prefixed version receives a timestamp in milliseconds ([Firefox bug 753453](
- The text argument for {{domxref("window.alert")}} and {{domxref("window.confirm")}} is now optional ([Firefox bug 861605](
- The `HTMLMediaElement.initialTime` property, removed from the spec, is no longer supported ([Firefox bug 742537](
- The {{domxref("AnimationEvent.AnimationEvent", "AnimationEvent()")}} constructor has been added ([Firefox bug 848293](
- The {{domxref("AnimationEvent.pseudoElement")}} property has been implemented ([Firefox bug 848293](
- The {{domxref("TransitionEvent.TransitionEvent", "TransitionEvent()")}} constructor has been added ([Firefox bug 848291](
- The {{domxref("TransitionEvent.pseudoElement")}} property has been implemented ([Firefox bug 848291](
- The non-standard `TransitionEvent.initTransitionEvent()` and `AnimationEvent.initAnimationEvent()` have been removed ([Firefox bug 868751](
### WebRTC
- Instead of including usernames in the `RTCIceServer.url` property (such as stun:username\, you now need to use the new `RTCIceServer.username` property.
### CSS
- The blink effect for `text-decoration: blink;` has no more effect, but is still a valid value ([Firefox bug 857820](
- In-flow {{cssxref("::after")}} and {{cssxref("::before")}} pseudo-elements are now flex items ([Firefox bug 867454](
- The way to compute [viewport units](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/length#viewport-percentage_lengths) has been changed. In conjunction with `overflow:auto`, space taken by eventual scrollbars is not subtracted from the viewport, whereas in the case of `overflow:scroll`, it is. ([Firefox bug 811403](
### MathML
- Negative widths for the {{MathMLElement("mspace")}} element has been implemented ([Firefox bug 717546](
- The {{MathMLElement("semantics")}} element now determines the visible child as described in the MathML3 specification.
## Changes for addon and Mozilla developers
### Firefox developer tools
Addons that overlay chrome://browser/content/debugger.xul must now overlay chrome://browser/content/devtools/debugger.xul. You may add references to both these files in chrome.manifest for compatibility.
## See also
- [Firefox 23 Aurora Notes](
### Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/70/ | ---
title: Firefox 70 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/70
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 70 that will affect developers. Firefox 70 was released on October 22, 2019.
## Changes for web developers
### Developer tools
#### Debugger updates
- In the [Debugger]( you can now set breakpoints for [DOM Mutation](, so execution will pause when a node or its attributes are changed or when a node is removed from the DOM ([Firefox bug 1576219](
- The Debugger now shows an overlay on the page when it is paused, with basic stepping buttons to let you step and continue ([Firefox bug 1574646](
- The Debugger now shows sources that already got discarded by the engine (usually scripts that execute once during page load), so you can properly set breakpoints to debug when they execute next ([Firefox bug 1572280](
- The Debugger's [scopes panel]( grouping has been simplified, consolidating additional scopes previously shown above the top level function (e.g. blocks created by [`let`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/let), [`with`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/with), or [`if`/`else`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/if...else)) ([Firefox bug 1448166](
- The Debugger now retains the currently selected and expanded variables in the [scopes panel]( while stepping ([Firefox bug 1405402](
- The Debugger now handles stepping over async functions correctly, making [asynchronous function](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/async_function) debugging easier ([Firefox bug 1570178](
- When debugging in [Container sessions]( (useful for testing different logins), the sources in the debugger are now shown correctly ([Firefox bug 1375036](
- [`debugger`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/debugger) statements can be now disabled in the Debugger by setting a breakpoint on them and switching the breakpoints to "Never pause here" ([Firefox bug 925269](
- WebExtensions developers can inspect `` from the Extension Storage item under the Storage tab ([Firefox bug 1585499](
#### Other updates
- An icon will be displayed next to inactive CSS properties in the [Rules view]( of the [Page Inspector](, which you can hover over to get information on why it is inactive ([Firefox bug 1306054](
- In the [CSS Rules view](, the [color picker]( on foreground colors now tells you whether its contrast with the background color meets accessibility conformance criteria ([Firefox bug 1478156](
- The [Accessibility inspector]('s [Check for issues]( dropdown now includes keyboard accessibility checks ([Firefox bug 1564968](
### HTML
- Firefox can now suggest securely-generated passwords to the user in the following situations:
- An {{HTMLelement("input")}} element has the `autocomplete="new-password"` attribute value.
- The user opens the context menu on any password input element, even if it is not intended for new passwords.
### CSS
- Opacity values like for {{cssxref("opacity")}} or {{SVGAttr("stop-opacity")}} can now be percentages ([Firefox bug 1562086](
- {{cssxref("grid-auto-columns")}} and {{cssxref("grid-auto-rows")}} now accept multiple track-size values ([Firefox bug 1339672](
- A number of text-related CSS properties have been enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1573631](
- {{cssxref("text-decoration-thickness")}}.
- {{cssxref("text-underline-offset")}}.
- {{cssxref("text-decoration-skip-ink")}}. The default value is `auto`, which means that by default underlines and overlines are now interrupted where they would otherwise cross over a {{Glossary("glyph")}}.
- The {{cssxref("display")}} property now accepts two keyword values representing the inner and outer display type ([Firefox bug 1038294](, [Webkit bug 1105868]( and [Webkit bug 1557825](
- The {{cssxref("font-size")}} property now accepts the new keyword value `xxx-large`. ([Firefox bug 1553545](
- The {{cssxref(":visited")}} pseudo-class no longer matches {{htmlelement("link")}} elements, for logic and performance reasons ([Firefox bug 1572246](; see [Intent to ship: Make \<link> elements always unvisited](!msg/ and [\[selectors\] :link and \<link>]( for more reasoning as to why).
- We now support an `auto` value for the {{cssxref("quotes")}} property ([Firefox bug 1421938](
- Stylesheets contained in {{htmlelement("style")}} elements are now cached for reuse, to improve performance ([Firefox bug 1480146]( Note that this currently doesn't include stylesheets that contain `@import` rules.
- The `<ratio>` type now accepts `<number>/<number>` or a single `<number>` as a value. ([Firefox bug 1565562](
#### Removals
- We have retired support for 3-valued \<position> (excluding background)([Firefox bug 1559276](
- The `none` value is now invalid in {{cssxref("counter", "counter()")}} / {{cssxref("counters", "counters()")}} — a change which makes the Level 3 spec match CSS 2.1 [Firefox bug 1576821](
### SVG
- Cut, copy, and paste events are now dispatched to SVG graphics elements ([Firefox bug 1569474](
### MathML
- The deprecated `mode` attribute on {{MathMLElement("math")}} elements has been removed ([Firefox bug 1573438](
- Non-zero unitless length values, such as `5` for `500%`, are no longer supported.
- Length values ending with a dot, such as `2.` or `34.px`, are also unsupported now.
### JavaScript
- [Numeric separators](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Lexical_grammar#numeric_separators) are now supported ([Firefox bug 1435818](
- The {{jsxref("Intl/RelativeTimeFormat/formatToParts", "Intl.RelativeTimeFormat.formatToParts()")}} method has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1473229](
- The {{jsxref("BigInt.prototype.toLocaleString()")}} method has been updated to work with the `locales` and `options` parameters per the ECMAScript 402 Intl API. Also, {{jsxref("Intl/NumberFormat/format", "Intl.NumberFormat.format()")}} and {{jsxref("Intl/NumberFormat/formatToParts", "Intl.NumberFormat.formatToParts()")}} now accept {{jsxref("BigInt")}} values ([Firefox bug 1543677](
- Per the latest ECMAScript specification, a leading zero is now never allowed for [BigInt literals](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Lexical_grammar#bigint_literal), making `08n` and `09n` invalid similar to the existing error when legacy octal numbers like `07n` are used. Always use a leading zero with the letter "o" (lowercase or uppercase) for octal `BigInt` numbers (i.e. `0o755n` instead of `0755n`). See [Firefox bug 1568619](
- The Unicode extension key "nu" is now supported for the {{jsxref("Intl/RelativeTimeFormat", "Intl.RelativeTimeFormat")}} constructor and the {{jsxref("Intl/RelativeTimeFormat/resolvedOptions", "Intl.RelativeTimeFormat.resolvedOptions()")}} method now also returns `numberingSystem` ([Firefox bug 1521819](
### APIs
#### DOM
- The {{domxref("History.back","back()")}}, {{domxref("History.forward","forward()")}}, and {{domxref("History.go","go()")}} methods are now asynchronous. Add a listener to the {{domxref("Window/popstate_event", "popstate")}} event to get notification that navigation has completed [Firefox bug 1563587](
- We've added support {{DOMxRef("DOMMatrix")}}, {{DOMxRef("DOMPoint")}}, etc. in web workers ([Firefox bug 1420580](
- A few more members have been moved from {{domxref("HTMLDocument")}} to {{domxref("Document")}}, including {{domxref("Document.all")}}, {{domxref("Document.clear")}}, {{domxref("Document.captureEvents")}}, and {{domxref("Document.clearEvents")}} ([Firefox bug 1558570](, [Firefox bug 1558571](
- [Notification](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Notifications_API) permission can no longer be requested from inside a cross-origin {{htmlelement("iframe")}} ([Firefox bug 1560741](
#### Media, Web Audio, and WebRTC
- The {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.restartIce()")}} method has been added. This is one of the four changes needed to implement the new "perfect negotiation" mechanism; the rest will come in future Firefox updates ([Firefox bug 1551316](
- The {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.setRemoteDescription()")}} method can now be called with no parameters. This is another "perfect negotiation" update ([Firefox bug 1568292](
- {{domxref("MediaTrackSupportedConstraints.groupId")}} is now supported, and returns `true` since the {{domxref("MediaTrackConstraints.groupId")}} property is now supported ([Firefox bug 1561254](
- Several new Web Audio API features have been implemented/updated:
- {{domxref("AudioContext.getOutputTimestamp()")}} implemented ([Firefox bug 1324545](
- {{domxref("AudioContext.baseLatency")}} and {{domxref("AudioContext.outputLatency")}} implemented ([Firefox bug 1324552](
- {{domxref("MediaElementAudioSourceNode.mediaElement")}} and {{domxref("MediaStreamAudioSourceNode.mediaStream")}} implemented ([Firefox bug 1350973](
- The {{domxref("ChannelMergerNode.ChannelMergerNode()", "ChannelMergerNode()")}} constructor now throws errors if you try to set `channelCount` and `channelCountMode` to invalid values ([Firefox bug 1456263](
#### Canvas and WebGL
- We now support {{domxref("CanvasRenderingContext2D.getTransform()")}}, and the newer variant of {{domxref("CanvasRenderingContext2D.setTransform()")}} that accepts a matrix object as a parameter rather than multiple parameters representing the individual components of the matrix ([Firefox bug 928150](
### HTTP
- The default referrer policy for third-party tracking resources is now `strict-origin-when-cross-origin` when [Enhanced Tracking Protection](/en-US/docs/Web/Privacy/Firefox_tracking_protection) is turned on ([Firefox bug 1569996](
- The size of the {{httpheader("Referer")}} request header is now limited to 4 KB (4,096 bytes). If an overly long referer exceeds the defined limit, only the origin part will be sent ([Firefox bug 1557346](
- The [HTTP cache](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Caching) is now partitioned per the top-level document's origin ([Firefox bug 1536058](
#### Removals
- The {{HTTPHeader("X-Frame-Options")}} `allow-from uri` directive has been removed. Use the {{HTTPHeader("Content-Security-Policy")}} header with the {{CSP("frame-ancestors")}} directive instead ([Firefox bug 1301529](
### WebDriver conformance (Marionette)
- Updated the `WebDriver:TakeScreenshot` command to be [Fission]( compatible. It means that content from [cross-origin](/en-US/docs/Web/Security/Same-origin_policy) iframes is now included in a page's screenshot. Or when using it from chrome scope that the active tab's content is visible now inside the browser window. ([Firefox bug 1559592](
- `WebDriver:TakeScreenshot` no longer accepts a list of DOM elements as used for highlighting ([Firefox bug 1575511](
- `WebDriver:ExecuteScript` and `WebDriver:ExecuteAsyncScript` no longer sets `window.onunload` in ways that are web-exposed ([Firefox bug 1568991](
## Changes for add-on developers
### API changes
- Added a new parameter to the [`topSites.get()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/topSites/get) method that causes the method to return the list of pages that appear when the user opens a new tab ([Firefox bug 1568617](
- The [``](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/privacy/network) property's `WebRTCIPHandlingPolicy` sub-property's permitted values have been amended (in [Firefox bug 1452713]( to match the behavior seen in Chrome as follows:
- `disable_non_proxied_udp` previously prevented the use of WebRTC if no proxy was configured. Now a proxy is always used if one is configured, but otherwise a non-proxied connection is permitted.
- `proxy_only` can be used to provide the old behavior; this has the effect of only allowing ICE negotiation over TURN on TCP using a proxy; no other connections are allowed.
### Manifest changes
#### Removals
The following [theme](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/theme) key properties, which provided aliases for theme keys used in chromium-based browsers, were removed:
- `images` property `headerURL`, themes should now use `theme_frame`.
- `colors` properties:
- `accentcolor`, themes should now use `frame`.
- `textcolor`, themes should now use `tab_background_text`.
## See also
- Hacks release post: [Firefox 70 — a bountiful release for all](
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/4/ | ---
title: Firefox 4 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/4
page-type: firefox-release-notes
Firefox 4, which shipped on March 22, 2011, enhances performance, adds more support for HTML5 and other evolving Web technologies, and further improves security. This article provides information about this release and what features are available for Web developers, add-on developers, and Gecko platform developers alike.
## Features for web developers
Gecko now uses the [HTML5](/en-US/docs/Glossary/HTML5) parser, which fixes bugs, improves interoperability, and improves performance. It also lets content embed [SVG](/en-US/docs/Web/SVG) and [MathML](/en-US/docs/Web/MathML) directly in the HTML markup.
### HTML
- [Meet the HTML5 parser](/en-US/docs/Learn/HTML)
- : A look at what the HTML5 parser means to you, and how to embed SVG and MathML into your content inline.
- [Forms in HTML5](/en-US/docs/Learn/Forms)
- : A look at improvements to web forms. Among these changes are added input types in the {{HTMLElement("input")}} element, data validation, and more.
- [HTML5 Sections](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/Heading_Elements)
- : Gecko now supports the new HTML5 elements related to sections in a document: {{HTMLElement("article")}}, {{HTMLElement("section")}}, {{HTMLElement("nav")}}, {{HTMLElement("aside")}}, {{HTMLElement("hgroup")}}, {{HTMLElement("header")}} and {{HTMLElement("footer")}}.
- [HTML5 hidden attribute](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes#hidden)
- : This attribute, common to all elements, is used to hide content in a webpage that is not currently relevant to the user.
- Other HTML5 elements
- : Gecko now also supports the following new HTML5 elements: {{HTMLElement("mark")}}, {{HTMLElement("figure")}}, and {{HTMLElement("figcaption")}}.
- [WebSockets](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSockets_API)
- : A guide to using the new WebSockets API for real-time communication between a web application and a server. Note that WebSockets as implemented in Firefox 4 is not compatible with the final standard, and should not generally be used.
#### Canvas improvements
The following changes were made to the {{domxref("CanvasRenderingContext2D")}} interface to bring our {{HTMLElement("canvas")}} implementation closer to being in line with the specification:
- Specifying a negative radius when calling `arc()` now correctly throws an `INDEX_SIZE_ERR` exception.
- Specifying non-finite values when calling `createLinearGradient()` and `createRadialGradient()` now throws `NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR` instead of `SYNTAX_ERR`.
- Setting `miterLimit` to a negative value no longer throws an exception; instead, it properly ignores non-positive values.
- Setting `lineWidth` to a negative value no longer throws an exception; instead, it properly ignores non-positive values.
- The `putImageData()` method now supports the optional parameters `dirtyX`, `dirtyY`, `dirtyWidth`, and `dirtyHeight`.
#### Miscellaneous HTML changes
- {{HTMLElement("textarea")}} elements are now resizable by default; you can use the {{cssxref("resize")}} CSS property to disable this.
- `canvas.getContext` and `canvas.toDataURL` no longer throw an exception when called with unrecognized arguments.
- The {{HTMLElement("canvas")}} element now supports the Mozilla-specific `mozGetAsFile()` method, which lets you obtain a memory-based file containing an image of the canvas's contents. See {{domxref("HTMLCanvasElement")}} for details.
- `canvas2dcontext.lineCap` and `canvas2dcontext.lineJoin` no longer throw an exception when set to an unrecognized value.
- `canvas2dcontext.globalCompositeOperation` no longer throws an exception when set to an unrecognized value, and no longer supports the non-standard `darker` value.
- Support for the obsolete `<spacer>` element, which was absent in all other browsers, has been removed.
- The {{HTMLElement("isindex")}} element, when created by calling {{domxref("document.createElement()")}}, is now created as a simple element with no properties or methods.
- Gecko now supports calling `click()` on {{HTMLElement("input")}} elements to open the file picker. See the [example](/en-US/docs/Web/API/File_API/Using_files_from_web_applications#using_hidden_file_input_elements_using_the_click_method) in the article [Using files from web applications](/en-US/docs/Web/API/File_API/Using_files_from_web_applications).
- The {{HTMLElement("input")}} element supports a new `mozactionhint` attribute, which lets you specify the label for the enter key on virtual keyboards.
- {{HTMLElement("script")}} elements inside {{HTMLElement("iframe")}}, {{HTMLElement("noembed")}}, and {{HTMLElement("noframes")}} elements now get executed, which they weren't in previous versions of Firefox. This is in compliance with the specification, and matches the behavior of other browsers.
### CSS
- [CSS transitions](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_transitions/Using_CSS_transitions)
- : New CSS transitions support is available in Firefox 4.
- Computed values in CSS
- : Support for `-moz-calc` has been added. This lets you specify {{cssxref("length")}} values as mathematical expressions.
- Selector grouping
- : Support for `:-moz-any` to group selectors and factorize combinators.
- Background image subrectangle support
- : The {{cssxref("-moz-image-rect")}} function makes it possible to use subrectangles of images as a {{cssxref("background-image")}}.
- CSS touch properties
- : Support for touch properties is added. Details, and real article names, to come later.
- [Using arbitrary elements as CSS backgrounds](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/element)
- : You can use the `-moz-element` CSS function and the {{domxref("document.mozSetImageElement()")}} DOM function to use arbitrary HTML elements as backgrounds.
- [Privacy and the :visited selector](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Privacy_and_the_:visited_selector)
- : Changes have been made to what information can be obtained about the style of visited links using CSS selectors. This may affect some web applications.
#### New CSS properties
<td>Lets you customized advanced features of OpenType fonts.</td>
Specifies the width in space characters of a tab character (U+0009) when
rendering text.
Lets you control the dimensions in which an element may be resized.
#### New CSS pseudo-classes
<td>Used to style elements whose plugins have crashed.</td>
<td>Applied to placeholder text in form fields.</td>
Applied to the submit button on forms when one or more of the form's
fields doesn't validate.
<td>Applied to elements in inactive windows.</td>
Automatically applied to {{HTMLElement("input")}} fields when
their contents are invalid.
Automatically applied to {{HTMLElement("input")}} fields that
don't specify the <code>required</code> attribute.
Automatically applied to {{HTMLElement("input")}} fields that
specify the <code>required</code> attribute.
Automatically applied to {{HTMLElement("input")}} fields when
their contents validate successfully.
#### New CSS pseudo-selectors
<td>{{cssxref(":focus-visible", ":-moz-focusring")}}</td>
Lets you specify the appearance of an element when Gecko believes it
should have a focus indication rendered.
#### New CSS functions
<td>Lets you group selectors and factorize combinators.</td>
Lets you specify
{{cssxref("length")}} values as
mathematical expressions.
Lets you use an arbitrary element as a background for
{{cssxref("background-image")}} and
Lets you use a subrectangle of an image as a
{{cssxref("background-image")}} or
#### Renamed CSS properties
| Old Name | New Name | Notes |
| ---------------------- | ------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `-moz-background-size` | {{cssxref("background-size")}} | The name `-moz-background-size` is no longer supported. |
| `-moz-border-radius` | {{cssxref("border-radius")}} | The old name is supported for a limited time to allow you time to update your sites. Rendering changes have also been made to match the latest version of the specification. |
| `-moz-box-shadow` | {{cssxref("box-shadow")}} | |
#### Miscellaneous CSS changes
- The {{cssxref("text-shadow")}} property now caps the blur radius to 300px for sanity and performance reasons.
- The {{cssxref("overflow")}} property no longer applies to table-group elements (`<thead>`, `<tbody>`, and `<tfoot>`).
- The `-moz-appearance` property now supports the `-moz-win-borderless-glass` value, which applies a borderless Aero Glass look to an element.
- The [`-moz-device-pixel-ratio`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_media_queries/Using_media_queries#-moz-device-pixel-ratio) media feature has been added, allowing the use of the device pixels per CSS pixel ratio to be used in [Media Queries](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_media_queries/Using_media_queries).
- Gecko's handling of CSS {{cssxref("length")}} units has been revised to better match other browsers, and to more accurately translate absolute lengths into screen pixel counts based on the device's DPI.
### Graphics and video
- [WebGL](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGL_API)
- : The developing WebGL standard is now supported by Firefox.
- [Optimizing graphics performance](/en-US/docs/Optimizing_graphics_performance)
- : Tips and tricks for getting the most out of graphics and video performance in Firefox 4.
- [Support for WebM video](/en-US/docs/Web/Media/Formats#webm)
- : The new open [WebM]( video format is supported by Gecko 2.0.
- [SVG animation with SMIL](/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/SVG_animation_with_SMIL)
- : Support for SMIL animation of SVG is now available.
- Using SVG as images and as CSS backgrounds
- : You can now use SVG with the {{htmlelement("img")}} element, as well as a CSS {{cssxref("background-image")}}.
- Media `buffered` attribute support
- : The `buffered` attribute on {{HTMLElement("video")}} and {{HTMLElement("audio")}} elements is now supported, letting you determine which ranges of a media file have been buffered. The {{domxref("TimeRanges")}} DOM interface has been implemented to support this.
- Media `preload` attribute
- : The `preload` attribute from the HTML5 specification has been implemented, replacing the previously-implemented (and no longer supported) `autobuffer` attribute. This affects the {{HTMLElement("video")}} and {{HTMLElement("audio")}} elements, as well as the `nsIDOMHTMLMediaElement` interface.
- SVG text positioning improvements
- : You can now specify lists for the values of the `x`, `y`, `dx`, and `dy` properties on SVG {{SVGElement("text")}} and {{SVGElement("tspan")}} elements. This lets you control the positioning of each character in a string individually.
### DOM
- [JavaScript typed arrays](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Typed_arrays)
- : Support has been added for JavaScript typed arrays; this allows you to manipulate buffers containing raw data using native data types. Several APIs make use of this, including the [File API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/File), [WebGL](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGL_API), and [WebSockets](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSockets_API).
- Obtaining boundary rectangles for ranges
- : The {{domxref("Range")}} object now has {{domxref("range.getClientRects()")}} and {{domxref("range.getBoundingClientRect()")}} methods.
- Capturing mouse events on arbitrary elements
- : Support for the Internet Explorer-originated `setCapture()` and `releaseCapture()` APIs has been added. See [Firefox bug 503943](
- [Manipulating the browser history](/en-US/docs/Web/API/History_API)
- : The existing document history object, available through the {{domxref("window.history")}} object, now supports the new HTML5 `pushState()` and `replaceState()` methods.
- [Animations using MozBeforePaint](/en-US/docs/DOM/Animations_using_MozBeforePaint)
- : A new event has been added which, in concert with the `window.mozRequestAnimationFrame()` method and `window.mozAnimationStartTime` property, provides a way to create animations that are synchronized with one another.
- Touch and multi-touch events
- : Support has been added for touch and multi-touch events.
#### HTML elements' DOM interfaces have changed
Several HTML elements have had their DOM interfaces changed to the ones required by the HTML5 specification, as shown below.
| Interface in Firefox 3.6 | Interface in Firefox 4 | HTML Element |
| -------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| [`HTMLSpanElement`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLSpanElement) | [`HTMLElement`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement) | {{HTMLElement("abbr")}}, {{HTMLElement("acronym")}}, {{HTMLElement("address")}}, {{HTMLElement("b")}}, {{HTMLElement("bdo")}}, {{HTMLElement("big")}}, `<blink>`, {{HTMLElement("center")}}, {{HTMLElement("cite")}}, {{HTMLElement("code")}}, {{HTMLElement("dd")}}, {{HTMLElement("dfn")}}, {{HTMLElement("dt")}}, {{HTMLElement("em")}}, {{HTMLElement("i")}}, {{HTMLElement("kbd")}}, `<listing>`, {{HTMLElement("nobr")}}, {{HTMLElement("plaintext")}}, {{HTMLElement("s")}}, {{HTMLElement("samp")}}, {{HTMLElement("small")}}, {{HTMLElement("strike")}}, {{HTMLElement("strong")}}, {{HTMLElement("sub")}}, {{HTMLElement("sup")}}, , {{HTMLElement("tt")}}, {{HTMLElement("u")}}, {{HTMLElement("var")}}, {{HTMLElement("xmp")}} |
| [`HTMLDivElement`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLDivElement) | [`HTMLElement`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement) | {{HTMLElement("noembed")}}, {{HTMLElement("noframes")}}, {{HTMLElement("noscript")}} |
| [`HTMLWBRElement`](/en-US/docs/DOM/HTMLWBRElement) | [`HTMLElement`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement) | {{HTMLElement("wbr")}} |
#### Miscellaneous DOM changes
- The wrapping of a {{HTMLElement("textarea")}} element can now be controlled via the DOM, via the `wrap` DOM attribute. [Firefox bug 41464](
- {{HTMLElement("script")}} elements created using {{domxref("document.createElement()")}} and inserted into a document now behave according to the HTML5 specification by default. Scripts with the `src` attribute execute as soon as available (without maintaining ordering) and scripts without the `src` attribute execute synchronously. To make script-inserted scripts that have the `src` attribute execute in the insertion order, set `.async=false` on them.
- DOM {{domxref("file")}} objects now offer a `url` property.
- [FormData](/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest_API/Using_XMLHttpRequest#using_formdata_objects) support for XMLHttpRequest.
- The {{domxref("element.isContentEditable")}} property has been implemented.
- The {{domxref("document.currentScript")}} property lets you determine which {{HTMLElement("script")}} element's script is currently executing. The new {{domxref("element.onbeforescriptexecute")}} and {{domxref("element.onafterscriptexecute")}} events are fired before and after a script element executes.
- Added the `mozSourceNode` property to the [`DragTransfer`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/DataTransfer) object.
- Added the [`selection.modify()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Selection/modify) method to the {{domxref("Selection")}} object; this lets you easily alter the current text selection or cursor position in a browser window.
- Support for the `window.directories` object and the `directories` feature for {{domxref("")}}, which are not supported in any other browser, has been removed. Use `personalbar` instead. [Firefox bug 474058](
- The {{domxref("event.mozInputSource")}} property has been added to DOM user interface events; this non-standard property lets you determine the type of device that generated an event.
- The {{domxref("document.onreadystatechange")}} event has been implemented.
- The {{domxref("document.createElement")}} method no longer accepts `<` and `>` around the tag name in quirks mode.
- The {{domxref("element.setCapture()")}} and {{domxref("document.releaseCapture()")}} methods have been added, allowing elements to continue tracking mouse events even while the mouse is outside their normal tracking area after a `mousedown` event has occurred.
- The `window.mozPaintCount` property has been added; it lets you determine how many times a document has been painted. This can be useful when testing performance of your web application.
- The language token has been removed from {{domxref("window.navigator.appVersion")}} and {{domxref("window.navigator.userAgent")}}. Use {{domxref("window.navigator.language")}} or the [Accept-Language header](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Content_negotiation) instead. [Firefox bug 572656](
- The [XMLHttpRequest](/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest) object now exposes the response as a JavaScript typed array as well as a string, using the Gecko-specific `mozResponseArrayBuffer` property.
- [Mouse events](/en-US/docs/Web/API/MouseEvent) now include a `mozPressure` property indicating the amount of pressure on supported pressure-sensitive input devices.
- The {{domxref("URL.createObjectURL_static", "URL.createObjectURL()")}} and {{domxref("URL.revokeObjectURL_static", "URL.revokeObjectURL()")}} methods let you create object URLs which reference local files.
- The {{domxref("DOMImplementation.createHTMLDocument()")}} method lets you create a new HTML document.
- {{domxref("Node.mozMatchesSelector()")}} now throws a `SYNTAX_ERR` exception if the specified selector string is invalid, instead of incorrectly returning `false`.
- You can now set an element's SVG properties' values using the same shorthand syntax as with CSS. For example: ` = 'lime'`. See {{domxref("")}} for details.
- The document root now has [a `privatebrowsingmode` attribute](/en-US/docs/Supporting_private_browsing_mode#detecting_whether_private_browsing_mode_is_permanent) that describes the state of private browsing mode, including an indication of whether private browsing is temporary or permanent for the session.
- The second parameter of the {{domxref("window.getComputedStyle()")}} method is now optional, as it is in every other major browser.
- The DOM [`StorageEvent`](/en-US/docs/DOM/event/StorageEvent) object now matches the latest version of the specification.
- The minimum allowed delay for the {{domxref("setTimeout()")}} method is now a preference, `dom.min_timeout_value`.
- The [`MozAfterPaint`](/en-US/docs/Gecko-Specific_DOM_Events#mozafterpaint) event is no longer sent by default, due to a potential security issue. It can be re-enabled by setting a preference.
### Security
- [Content Security Policy (CSP)](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP)
- : Content Security Policy (CSP) is a Mozilla proposal designed to help web designers and server administrators specify how content on their websites interacts. The goal is to help detect and mitigate attacks including cross-site scripting and data injection attacks.
- [HTTP Strict Transport Security](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Strict-Transport-Security)
- : HTTP Strict Transport Security is a security feature that lets a website tell browsers that it should only be communicated with using HTTPS, instead of using HTTP.
- [The X-FRAME-OPTIONS response header](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Frame-Options)
- : The X-FRAME-OPTIONS HTTP response header introduced in Internet Explorer 8 is now supported by Firefox. This allows sites to indicate whether or not their pages can be used in frames, and if so, whether or not to restrict that to the same origin.
- [User Agent string](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/User-Agent/Firefox) changes
- : As a means to reduce the amount of data and entropy sent out in HTTP requests (see [Firefox bug 572650](, the crypto strength and language tokens have been removed from the user agent string.
### JavaScript
For an overview of the changes implemented in JavaScript 1.8.5, see [New in JavaScript 1.8.5](/en-US/docs/JavaScript/New_in_JavaScript/1.8.5). JavaScript in Firefox 4 will have additional adherence to the ECMAScript 5 standard.
### Developer tools
- [Using the Web Console](
- : The Web Console tool is a useful debugging aid for web developers and extension developers alike.
> **Note:**The Error Console is disabled by default starting in Gecko 2.0. You can re-enable it by changing the `devtools.errorconsole.enabled` preference to `true` and restarting the browser.
## Changes for Mozilla and add-on developers
For helpful tips on updating existing extensions for Firefox 4, see [Updating extensions for Firefox 4](/en-US/docs/Extensions/Updating_extensions_for_Firefox_4). There are several key changes that break compatibility with existing add-ons, so be sure to read that article.
If you're a theme developer, you should read [Theme changes in Firefox 4](/en-US/docs/Theme_changes_in_Firefox_4) to understand some critical changes you'll need to be aware of.
### JavaScript code modules
- [Services.jsm](/en-US/docs/JavaScript_code_modules/Services.jsm)
- : The `Services.jsm` code module provides getters that make it easy to obtain references to commonly-used services, such as the preferences service or the window mediator, among others.
- [JS-ctypes API](/en-US/docs/JavaScript_code_modules/ctypes.jsm)
- : The JS-ctypes API makes it possible to call C-compatible foreign library functions without using XPCOM.
- [Add-ons Manager](/en-US/docs/Addons/Add-on_Manager)
- : The new Add-ons Manager provides information about installed add-ons, support for managing them, and provides ways to install and remove add-ons.
- [PopupNotifications.jsm](/en-US/docs/JavaScript_code_modules/PopupNotifications.jsm)
- : The new popup notifications module makes it easy to present attractive, non-modal notifications to the user. You can see how to use this API in [Using popup notifications](/en-US/docs/Using_popup_notifications).
- [Loading code modules from chrome: URLs](/en-US/docs/JavaScript_code_modules/Using#locating_the_code_module)
- : You can now load JavaScript code modules using **chrome:** URLs, even inside JAR files.
- DownloadLastDir.jsm
- : The [`DownloadLastDir.jsm`](/en-US/docs/JavaScript_code_modules/DownloadLastDir.jsm) code module provides the `gDownloadLastDir` global variable, which contains a string you can use to learn the path of the directory into which the last download occurred. This module handles issues related to private browsing for you.
- [Measuring performance using the PerfMeasurement.jsm code module](/en-US/docs/Performance/Measuring_performance_using_the_PerfMeasurement.jsm_code_module)
- : The [`PerfMeasurement.jsm`](/en-US/docs/JavaScript_code_modules/PerfMeasurement.jsm) code module provides an API to measure CPU-level performance data in JavaScript code.
#### Miscellaneous changes to code modules
- The `NetUtil.jsm` code module now offers the `readInputStreamToString()` method, which lets you read arbitrary bytes from a stream into a string, even if the stream includes zeroes.
- The XPCOMUtils.jsm code module now offers IterSimpleEnumerator() and IterStringEnumerator() helpers to iterate over XPCOM enumerators.
- You can now [use workers in JavaScript code modules](/en-US/docs/JavaScript_code_modules/Using_workers_in_JavaScript_code_modules).
### DOM changes
- {{domxref("ChromeWorker")}}
- : A new type of worker for privileged code; this lets you use things like [js-ctypes](/en-US/docs/js-ctypes) from workers in extensions and application code.
- [Touch events](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Touch_events)
- : Support for (non-standard) touch events has been added; these let you track multiple fingers moving on a touch screen at the same time.
#### Other DOM changes
- The [new "document-element-inserted" notification](/en-US/docs/Observer_Notifications#documents) is sent when a document's root element is created, but before any scripts are executed on it.
### XUL
#### Changes to the tabbrowser element
Several changes were made to the `<xul:tabbrowser>` element that impact extensions that interact with tabs. In addition to supporting app tabs, these changes also change the tab bar into a standard toolbar, which lets the user drag toolbar buttons into it.
- The `TabClose`, `TabSelect`, and `TabOpen` events no longer bubble up to the `<xul:tabbrowser>` element (`gBrowser`). Event listeners for those events should be added to `gBrowser.tabContainer` rather than to `gBrowser` directly.
- The tab context menu is no longer an anonymous child of the `<xul:tabbrowser>`. It can therefore be overlaid directly with XUL overlays. It can also be accessed more directly in JavaScript via `gBrowser.tabContextMenu`. See [this blog post]( for more details.
- The new `visibleTabs` property was added to let you get an array of the currently visible tabs; this lets you determine which tabs are visible in the current tab set. This is used by Firefox Panorama, for example.
- Added the new `showOnlyTheseTabs` method; this is used by Firefox Panorama.
- Added the new `getIcon` method, which lets you get a tab's favicon without having to pull up the `<xul:browser>` element.
- Added the new `tabbrowser.tabs` property, which lets you easily get a list of the tabs in a `<xul:tabbrowser>` element.
- The new `pinTab` and `unpinTab` methods let you pin and unpin tabs (that is, switch them between being app tabs and regular tabs).
- Added the `getTabModalPromptBox` method and `tabmodalPromptShowing` attribute to the `<xul:tabbrowser>` to support tab-modal alerts.
#### Changes to popups
- The `<xul:popup>` element is no longer supported; you should use `<xul:menupopup>` instead. (If you continue using `popup`, you will encounter glitches, since the element has no special meaning anymore. For example, `<xul:menuseparator>` can appear transparent when used in a `<xul:popup>`.)
- The `<xul:menupopup>` XUL element now has a `triggerNode` property, which indicates the node on which the event occurred that caused the popup to open. This also required the addition of a trigger event parameter to the `openPopup` method. Also, the `anchorNode` property has been added; it returns the anchor specified when the popup was created.
- The `<xul:panel>` element now offers `fade` and `flip` attributes, which are used to configure the behavior of new "arrow" style notification panels.
#### Remote XUL support removed
Remote XUL is no longer supported; this affects XUL documents being served through HTTP; also, you can no longer load XUL documents using `file://` URLs unless you create the preference `dom.allow_XUL_XBL_for_file` and set it to `true`. There is, however, a whitelist feature that can be used to allow specific domains to load remote XUL.
#### Miscellaneous XUL changes
- The `readonly` attribute now correctly works for XBL fields.
- The `<xul:resizer>` element now lets you use the `element` attribute to specify an element to resize, instead of resizing the window.
- The `<xul:resizer>` element now has a `type` attribute that lets you specify that the resizer is for a window instead of an element, to prevent the window resizer from being drawn twice.
- The `"active"` attribute no longer gets set on active XUL windows. Instead, you can use the new `:-moz-window-inactive` pseudoclass in order to assign different styles to background windows.
- The `emptytext` attribute is now deprecated; you should use `placeholder` instead.
- The `<xul:window>` element now offers an `accelerated` attribute; when true, the hardware layer manager is permitted to accelerate the window.
- The `<xul:stack>` element now supports the `bottom` and `right` attributes.
- Events are now fired during `<xul:toolbox>` customization, allowing you to detect changes to toolbars.
- The `alternatingbackground` attribute for `<xul:tree>` elements is no longer supported; you can use the `:-moz-tree-row` pseudo-class instead.
- The Bookmarks Toolbar overflow button with anonid chevronPopup is no longer anonymous; it has an ID of "PlacesChevron".
- The `<xul:tabs>` element now has a `tabbox` property, replacing the old `_tabbox` property, which has been deprecated (and was never documented).
- XUL `<xul:window>` elements now have the `drawintitlebar` attribute; if this is `true`, the window's content area includes the title bar, allowing drawing into the title bar.
- New `TabPinned` and `TabUnpinned` events are available, allowing you to detect when tabs are pinned and unpinned.
- The new `TabAttrModified` event is sent when a tab's `label`, `crop`, `busy`, `image`, or `selected` attributes change.
- `<xul:tab>` elements now have a `pinned` attribute, letting you determine whether or not a tab is currently pinned.
- The `setDirectionIndicator` class on `<xul:tree> elements hasn't done anything for some time now; now it's not used at all anymore.
- The `<xul:window>` element now has a `chromemargin` attribute that lets you set the margin between chrome and content on each side of a window; you can use this to draw into the title bar, for example.
- The `<xul:window>` element now has a `disablechrome` attribute; this is used to hide most of the chrome in a window when it's being used to display in-browser UI, such as `about:addons`.
- The `<xul:window>` element now has a `disablefastfind` attribute, which lets you disable the find bar in a window when the content doesn't support it. This is used, for example, by the add-ons panel.
- Toolbars can now be external to toolboxes, while still being considered a member of the `<xul:toolbox>`, by setting the `toolboxid` property of the `<xul:toolbar>`. Also, the `<xul:toolbox>` element now has a `externalToolbars` property, which lists all the toolbars that are considered members of the toolbox.
- Support has been added for logging XUL templates for debugging purposes.
### UI changes affecting developers
- [The add-on bar](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/4/The_add-on_bar)
- : The status bar has been removed in favor of the new add-on bar. You'll need to update your extension to use this if you've been adding UI to the status bar in the past.
- Hiding browser chrome
- : You can now hide the browser's chrome when it's desirable to do so; for example, `about:addons` does this.
### Storage
#### Miscellaneous storage API changes
- The `mozIStorageBindingParamsArray` interface now has a length attribute that indicates the number of `mozIStorageBindingParams` objects in the array.
- The `mozIStorageStatement.bindParameters()` method now returns an error if the specified `mozIStorageBindingParamsArray` is empty.
- Added the `mozIStorageConnection.clone()` method, which lets you clone an existing database connection.
- Added the `mozIStorageConnection.asyncClose()` method, which lets you close a database connection asynchronously; you specify a callback to be notified when the close operation is complete.
- Added the `mozIStorageConnection.setGrowthIncrement()` method, which lets you specify the amount by which a database file is grown at a time, in order to help SQLite reduce fragmentation.
- The `SQLITE_CONSTRAINT` error is now reported as `NS_ERROR_STORAGE_CONSTRAINT` instead of as `NS_ERROR_FAILURE`.
In addition to the specific changes referenced below, it's important to note that there are no longer any frozen interfaces. All interfaces are now unfrozen, regardless of what the documentation may say. We'll update the documentation over time.
- [XPCOM changes in Gecko 2.0](/en-US/docs/XPCOM/XPCOM_changes_in_Gecko_2.0)
- : Details about changes to XPCOM that impact compatibility in Firefox 4.
- [Components.utils.getGlobalForObject()](/en-US/docs/Components.utils.getGlobalForObject)
- : This new method returns the global object with which an object is associated; this replaces a common use case of the now-removed `__parent__`.
### Places
- Places query results may now be observed by multiple observers, and queries may be executed asynchronously. This means there have been some changes to the `nsINavHistoryResult`, `nsINavHistoryQueryOptions`, and `nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode` interfaces. More significantly, the `nsINavHistoryResultViewer` interface has been renamed to `nsINavHistoryResultObserver`.
- Some [new notifications](/en-US/docs/Observer_Notifications#places) have been added to enable the browser to track the shutdown process of the Places service more reliably. Of these, most are for internal use only, but the `places-connection-closed` notification is available to know when the Places service has completed its shutdown process.
- The array size output parameter on several Places methods is now optional.
- Support for `<menupopup type="places">` has been removed. Instead, you need to create and populate a menu with Places information manually, instead of having it done for you. See [Displaying Places information using views: Menu view](/en-US/docs/Displaying_Places_information_using_views#menu_view) for details.
### Interface changes
- The `nsIDocShell` and `nsIWebBrowser` interfaces now have a new `isActive` attribute, which is used to allow optimization of code paths for documents that aren't currently visible.
- The `nsIMemory` method `nsIMemory.isLowMemory()` has been deprecated. You should use ["memory-pressure" notifications](/en-US/docs/XPCOM_Interface_Reference/nsIMemory#low_memory_notifications) to watch for low memory situations instead.
- The API for handling redirects on HTTP channels has changed to let them be processed asynchronously. Any code that implements redirect handling using `nsIChannelEventSink.onChannelRedirect()` needs to be updated to use `nsIChannelEventSink.asyncOnChannelRedirect()` instead. This accepts a callback handler that must be called when a redirect is successfully completed.
- The `nsINavHistoryResultObserver.batching()` method has been added, providing a way to group Places operations into batches, reducing the number of update notifications delivered, which can improve performance when observers are performing relatively involved tasks (such as refreshing views).
- The long-obsolete `nsIPref` interface has finally been removed. If you haven't already switched to `nsIPrefService`, now is the time.
- The `nsISessionStore` and `nsISessionStartup` interfaces received changes to support on-demand session restore. See the `nsISessionStore.restoreLastSession()` method.
- The `nsIPrincipal` methods `nsIPrincipal.subsumes()` and `nsIPrincipal.checkMayLoad()`, as well as its `origin`, `csp`, and `URI` attributes, are now available from script; previously they were only available from native code.
- The `nsIPrompt` interface now supports tab-modal alerts; see [Using tab-modal prompts](/en-US/docs/Using_tab-modal_prompts) for details.
- The `nsIEffectiveTLDService.getPublicSuffixFromHost()` method now correctly rejects host name starting with a period (".").
- The `mozIJSSubScriptLoader.loadSubScript()` method now has an optional argument allowing you to specify the character set of the script; if one is not provided, ASCII is assumed (as was always assumed previously).
- The `nsIAccessProxy` interface has been removed. It was an implementation detail that has outlived its usefulness.
- The `nsIContentView` and `nsIContentViewManager` interfaces have been added for Firefox Mobile. It represents a scrollable content view whose contents are actually drawn by a separate process.
- The `nsIDiskCacheStreamInternal` interface has been added.
- The `nsIExternalURLHandlerService` interface has been added.
- The `nsISyncJPAKE` interface has been added. See [Firefox bug 601645](
- The `nsIINIParserWriter` interface was added in Gecko to support writing to INI files.
### Memory management
- [Infallible memory allocation](/en-US/docs/Infallible_memory_allocation)
- : Mozilla now provides infallible memory allocators that are guaranteed not to return null. You should read this article to learn how they work and how to explicitly request fallible versus infallible memory allocation.
### Other changes
- Most of the resources contained within Firefox have been combined into a single JAR archive, `omni.jar`, which improves startup performance by reducing I/O. For details, read [About omni.jar](/en-US/docs/About_omni.jar).
- The `accessibility.disablecache` preference is no longer supported; it was only exposed for debugging purposes and is no longer used.
- Addons whose GUID changes from one version to another can now be updated properly.
- As a side effect of the removal of platform-specific directories in add-on bundles, you can no longer provide different default preferences for each platform.
- By default, [extensions are no longer unpacked when they are installed](, but are instead run directly from the XPI file. Extensions can use the [unpack](/en-US/docs/Install_Manifests#unpack) property in the [install manifest](/en-US/docs/Install_Manifests) to choose the old behavior. Extensions that use binary components, DLLs loaded using [js-ctypes](/en-US/docs/js-ctypes), [search plugins](/en-US/docs/Web/OpenSearch), dictionaries, and window icons must specify that they need to be unpacked. Extensions that [create SQLite database](/en-US/docs/XUL_School/Local_Storage#sqlite), or do copy things from the filesystem relatively to the extension's directory, may also need to change their code.
- You may now include extensions that [automatically get installed at application startup](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Developer_guide/Customizing_Firefox#including_extensions_with_your_distribution_of_firefox) within a customized Firefox.
## Other changes
- Only the root chrome.manifest file is loaded
- : Only the root `chrome.manifest` file is loaded now; if you need secondary manifest files to be loaded, you can use the [`manifest`](/en-US/docs/Chrome_Registration#manifest) command in your root `chrome.manifest` to load them.
- Gopher support removed
- : The Gopher protocol is no longer supported natively. Continued support is available via the [OverbiteFF]( extension.
- [Content process event handling](/en-US/docs/The_message_manager)
- : In order to support out-of-process plugins and other multiple-process features, a new API has been introduced to support sending messages across processes.
- [Bootstrapped extensions](/en-US/docs/Extensions/Bootstrapped_extensions)
- : You can now create extensions that can be installed, uninstalled, and upgraded (or downgraded) without requiring a browser restart.
- Default plugin removed
- : The default plugin has been removed. The application plugins folder has also been removed by default, however support for installing plugins via this folder still exists. See [Firefox bug 533891](
- Extension Manager replaced by Addon Manager
- : `nsIExtensionManager` has been replaced by [AddonManager](/en-US/docs/Addons/Add-on_Manager/AddonManager).
- Child HWNDs no longer used
- : Firefox no longer creates child HWNDs for its internal use on Windows. If you've written an extension that uses native code to manipulate these HWNDs, your extension will not work on Firefox 4. You'll need to either stop using HWNDs or wrap your code that relies on HWNDs in an [NPAPI](/en-US/docs/NPAPI) plugin. That's a lot of work, so if you can avoid using HWNDs directly, you should.
- Gesture changes
- : The three finger up and down swipe gestures on trackpads have been changed to, by default, open and close Firefox Panorama view (neé TabCandy). To change these back to the previous scroll-to-top and scroll-to-bottom commands, open about:config and set `browser.gesture.swipe.down` to `cmd_scrollBottom` and `browser.gesture.swipe.up` to `cmd_scrollTop`.
## See also
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/4 | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/4/the_add-on_bar/ | ---
title: The add-on bar
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/4/The_add-on_bar
page-type: guide
Firefox 4 eliminates the status bar from the bottom of the browser window in favor of a new toolbar located at the bottom of the window. This new toolbar, with the ID "addon-bar", is a standard XUL `<toolbar>`; add-ons can insert content into it, and the user can drag buttons into it while customizing their toolbars. This is the primary difference between the add-on bar and the old status bar; you can now put any XUL element into it, since it's a standard toolbar.
> **Note:** For the time being, there is a status bar shim included so that add-ons that expect the status bar to be present will still work.
## Adding an element to the add-on bar
The add-on bar is an XUL toolbar with the ID "addon-bar". The code below locates the most-recently used window and adds a new item to the add-on bar that displays the text "Hello world!" using an XUL `<label>` element.
// Find the most recently used window
var mediator = Components.classes[
var doc = mediator.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser").document;
// Get the add-on bar for that window
var addonBar = doc.getElementById("addon-bar");
// Construct the new toolbar item
var newItem = doc.createElement("toolbaritem");
var itemLabel = doc.createElement("label");
// Add the item to the toolbar and set its text label
itemLabel.value = "Hello world!";
To add the button only once, create a bool pref to check if it is the first run. [For example](
var firstrun = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("extensions.YOUREXT.firstrun");
var curVersion = "0.0.0";
if (firstrun) {
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.YOUREXT.firstrun", false);
Services.prefs.setCharPref("extensions.YOUREXT.installedVersion", curVersion);
/* Code related to firstrun */
} else {
try {
var installedVersion = Services.prefs.getCharPref(
if (curVersion > installedVersion) {
/* Code related to upgrade */
} catch (ex) {
/* Code related to a reinstall */
## How to use one overlay per Firefox version
Adding support for the add-on bar while staying compatible with Firefox 3.6 and older will require using two overlays. The [chrome.manifest]( file can specify which file is used by which Firefox version by using [manifest flags](
overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://myaddon/content/myaddon/overlayold.xul application={ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384} appversion<4.0
overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://myaddon/content/myaddon/overlay.xul application={ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384} appversion>=4.0
Note: the appversion has to be at least 2 digits long or it won't work with versions of Gecko before and
### Adding a button by default
See: [Adding a button by default](
## Appearance differences
- Since the browser no longer occupies a large percentage of the bar with status information, the entire area is available for add-ons to use.
- The add-on bar is empty and hidden by default; the user must elect to make it visible.
- If a restartless add-on installs itself to the add-on bar directly and the bar is not already visible, the bar becomes visible automatically.
- If uninstalling a restartless add-on makes the number of items in the add-on bar become zero, the bar is hidden automatically.
## See also
- The [Firefox 4 add-on bar for developers](, by Mike Kaply
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title: Updating extensions for Firefox 4
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/4/Updating_extensions_for_Firefox_4
page-type: guide
This article offers details on changes in Firefox 4 that may impact existing extensions.
## User interface changes
### The status bar
The status bar has been removed from Firefox 4, with a new add-on bar added in its place. See [The add-on bar](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/4/The_add-on_bar) for details.
### Toolbars
#### Creating toolbars
If your add-on creates a new toolbar using an overlay, your toolbar may not show up. This happens when your `<toolbox>` element overlay is a child of the `<window>` element instead of a direct child of the overlay element. Move the toolbox out of the window element to fix this problem.
### The Firefox application menu
On Windows, the menu bar is now hidden by default. Instead, there's a single button that opens a simplified Firefox application menu. This menu includes the most used menu features, which makes the application easier to use. The menu bar can still be accessed by pressing the Alt key.
If your add-on is discoverable only through the menu bar, you'll want to overlay the application menu as well. There isn't a specific place to put extension menu items, so you should take a look at the menu and select the right place for your particular extension.
### Tabs
A number of changes were made to the `<tabbrowser>` element to help support app tabs and Panoramas, as well as to make the tab bar into a standard toolbar. Other changes that may break existing extensions include:
- The `TabClose`, `TabSelect`, and `TabOpen` events no longer bubble up to the `<tabbrowser>` element (`gBrowser`). Event listeners for those events should be added to `gBrowser.tabContainer` rather than to `gBrowser` directly.
- The tab context menu is no longer an anonymous child of the `<tabbrowser>`. It can therefore be overlaid directly with [XUL overlays](/en-US/docs/XUL_Overlays). It can also be accessed more directly in JavaScript via `gBrowser.tabContextMenu`. See [this blog post]( for more details.
## XPCOM changes
Several changes have been made that affect add-ons and applications that include XPCOM components. See [XPCOM changes in Gecko 2](/en-US/docs/XPCOM/XPCOM_changes_in_Gecko_2.0) for details.
## The Add-on Manager
The overhauled Add-on Manager is implemented as a tab instead of in a separate window. Among the changes that affect your browser from a user experience perspective is that your add-on's icon can be 64x64 pixels now instead of 32x32. While 32x32 pixel icons still work, obviously your add-on will look better if it provides a 64x64 pixel icon instead. Fortunately, 64x64 icons are backward compatible and scale down well, so you can just switch instead of needing both sizes.
In addition, the back-end of the Add-on Manager was redesigned. The `nsIExtensionManager` interface is gone, as is the old RDF-based storage it used. Add-on metadata is now stored in an SQLite database, and the Add-on Manager is now a [JavaScript code module](/en-US/docs/JavaScript_code_modules) called [AddonManager](/en-US/docs/Addons/Add-on_Manager/AddonManager).
A key difference with the new API is that requesting add-on metadata is now asynchronous instead of synchronous; this applies to add-ons using FUEL as well, so all add-ons that request metadata about add-ons will need to be updated.
## Threading
You can no longer pass JavaScript objects between threads. This renders the Thread Manager mostly useless for add-on developers, unfortunately, and there aren't at this time many alternatives. It's possible that in the future the [`ChromeWorker`](/en-US/docs/DOM/ChromeWorker) will be improved to fill the void.
## Network redirects
The API for handling network redirects has been changed to be asynchronous; any add-ons registering in the "net-channel-event-sinks" category will need to be updated to use the new API `asyncOnChannelRedirect`.
## XPI unpacking
Firefox 4 [no longer extracts XPIs]( when installing extensions. It just places the XPI file in the user profile, and then reads the chrome files and others directly out of the XPI. A jar inside the XPI still works, but is no longer necessary, so that can make your development or build easier. This was done mainly for performance reasons on slow OSes, and allows better cache invalidation, which also helps developers. However, not all kinds of files can be read from within the XPI yet, so if your extension uses one of those, you need to specify [`<em:unpack>`](/en-US/Install_Manifests#unpack) in your install.rdf to cause Firefox to still extract your XPI and use single files, otherwise your extension will fail when trying to access these files.
If your extension only contains these types of files then you do not need to make any changes:
- `install.rdf`
- `chrome.manifest`
- `chrome` (including `content`, `locale`, `skin`)
- default preferences
- XPCOM components written in JavaScript
If your extension contains any of the following then you will need to include `<em:unpack>` in the install.rdf:
- Binary XPCOM components
- Shared libraries loaded with ctypes
- `searchplugins/` (which are supposed to be loaded automatically by Firefox)
- `dictionaries/`
- Window icons (might get [fixed](
If your extension code accesses other files that you have packaged in the XPI then you will either need to include `<em:unpack>` in the install.rdf or you may be able to support packed installation by making some changes to your code. Any code that used getInstallLocation() and nsIFile will either need em:unpack or needs to be changed. You can use the method [`Addon.getResourceURI()`](/en-US/docs/Addons/Add-on_Manager/Addon#getResourceURI%28%29), it will return an `nsIURI` pointing to the requested file. If the extension is unpacked then it will be a `file://` URI. If the extension is packed then it will be a `jar://` URI. You can open streams to these URIs by opening a channel using the `nsIIOService` which will allow you to load the files contents without any unpacking.
## Child HWNDs have been removed
This should only affect a very small number of developers. In previous versions of Firefox, child `HWND`s were created on Windows for internal use. As a part of the work toward improving graphics performance, these are no longer created.
Unfortunately, a few extensions have been getting access to these `HWND`s and manipulating them directly; these extensions will no longer work in Firefox 4. We have put a few hacks in place to help certain pointing-device drivers and assistive technology software (screen readers, for example). However, we have decided against adding even more hacks to support extensions, which should never have been doing this in the first place.
If you maintain an extension that uses native components that rely on `HWND`s that no longer exist, you'll need to update your extension. There are two ways to do this.
The first, and better, solution is to stop accessing `HWND`s and instead use Web features or XUL to implement your extension. There are a lot of new features in Firefox 4 that make possible a lot of things that used to require native code, so you may no longer need to do this.
If you find that this doesn't work, and you still need to directly access `HWND`s, you may find that your only solution is to write an [NPAPI](/en-US/docs/NPAPI) plugin that does the work. This may be a lot of work, but it should work. Of course, this may not help you if the specific `HWND`s you were using no longer exist.
## Development and testing tips
### Caching
Because Firefox now caches code and other resources more aggressively, you'll want to be sure to purge the caches when you start up Firefox 4. Otherwise you may be testing obsolete pieces of your add-on. To do this, run Firefox with the `-purgecaches` command line option.
### The Profile Manager
The old Profile Manager tool will be getting removed from Firefox 4, although it hasn't been yet. This tool hasn't been updated for a long time and is missing features. On top of that, its presence is slowing down application startup.
A replacement to the profile manager is [available]( (See also [Firefox bug 539524]( This new tool is independent of the browser itself, and more robust than the old Profile Manager.
### Installing extensions globally
The `-install-global-extension` and `-install-global-theme` command line options have been removed. Handling global installation has always been complicated, and discussions are in progress as to how to address the subject going forward. In the meantime, see [Installing extensions]( for information on ways to automatically install add-ons.
## See also
- [Making Your Add-on Compatible with Firefox 4]( (blog post)
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title: Firefox 10 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/10
page-type: firefox-release-notes
Firefox 10 shipped on January 31, 2012. This article provides information about the new features and key bugs fixed in this release, as well as links to more detailed documentation for both web developers and add-on developers.
> **Note:** Firefox 10 is the first release of this browser with two digits. This may lead to problem with some UA-sniffing scripts. Be sure to check them, and those contained in 3rd-party software you embed in your pages, like libraries. For more information about this, look at the [Firefox goes 2-digit article on](
## Changes for Web developers
### HTML
- The new HTML5 {{ HTMLElement("bdi") }} element, bi-directional isolation, allowing isolation of parts of text with a different directionality has been implemented. This is especially useful when displaying text with an unknown directionality, coming from a database for example, in the middle of text with a known, and potentially, different one.
- You may now specify a fragment of "top" for the [`href`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/a#href) attribute to create a link to the top of the page. This used to work, then went away for a while, and now it's back, for compatibility with the HTML5 specification. For example: `<a href="#top">Return to top of page</a>`.
### JavaScript
- The method `WeakMap.set()` now returns `undefined`, instead of itself.
- A bug was introduced in regular expression handling in Firefox 7; this has been fixed. See [Firefox bug 683838]( if you want the gory details.
- You can no longer use the deprecated EcmaScript for XML (E4X) syntax while in [ECMAScript 5 strict mode](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Strict_mode) (that is, after `"use strict;"`).
### DOM
#### DOM3 Events
- The DOM Event method [`event.stopImmediatePropagation`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Event/stopImmediatePropagation) has been implemented.
- The mouse events `mouseenter` and `mouseleave` have been implemented.
#### DOM4
- The attribute {{ domxref("document.xmlVersion") }} (which was only gettable and not settable) has been removed as it has been deprecated in the DOM4 specification. The article for {{ domxref("document.xmlVersion") }} now suggests a way to detect whether the document is HTML or XML without using that property.
- The attribute `document.xmlStandalone` has been removed as it has been deprecated in the DOM4 specification.
- The attribute {{ domxref("document.xmlEncoding") }} has been removed as it has been deprecated in the DOM4 specification.
- The attribute `text.isElementContentWhiteSpace` has been removed as it has been deprecated in the DOM4 specification.
- The method `text.replaceWholeText` has been removed as it has been deprecated in the DOM4 specification.
- The method {{ domxref("node.isSameNode") }} has been removed as it has been deprecated in the DOM4 specification. Instead of `node1.isSameNode(node2)`, you can use the `===` operator, like this: `node1 === node2`.
#### Page Visibility API
- The [Page Visibility API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Page_Visibility_API) has been implemented (prefixed): `document.mozHidden`, `document.mozVisibilityState` are available and the event `mozvisibilitychanged` is sent when the state is modified.
#### Full Screen API
- Support for {{ domxref("Document/fullscreenEnabled") }} has been added.
- The new {{ cssxref(":-moz-full-screen-ancestor") }} property has been added. This lets you match against elements that are ancestors of an element in full screen mode.
#### Battery API
- Experimental support for {{ domxref("window.navigator.mozBattery") }} has been added (can be enabled setting the preference `dom.battery.enabled` to `true` and will be enabled by default starting with Firefox 11).
#### Canvas
- The [`createPattern()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D#createpattern%28%29) method now throws an exception if a zero-sized source canvas is specified.
- If you use a non-finite value for any of the numeric parameters to [`putImageData()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D#putimagedata%28%29), the call is now silently ignored instead of throwing an exception, in keeping with the specification.
#### WebGL
- Firefox 10 now supports the [`OES_standard_derivatives`]( extension.
- [New preferences have been added](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGL_API#webgl_debugging_and_testing) to help test WebGL code for compatibility with minimally-capable devices on your full development platform.
#### Web Workers
- The attribute `XMLHttpRequest.responseType` and `XMLHttpRequest.response` are now available from inside [Workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API/Functions_and_classes_available_to_workers#section_2).
- The [`Worker()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Worker#worker) constructor now accepts [data URLs](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/Data_URLs).
#### IndexedDB
Great progress has been made to update IndexedDB to the latest draft specification. This effort will continue in Firefox 11.
- The [`IDBIndex.count()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBIndex#count) and [`IDBObjectStore.count()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBObjectStore#count) methods have been added.
- The [`IDBCursor.advance()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBCursor#advance) method has been added.
- When encountering an unknown optional parameter in [`IDBObjectStore.createIndex()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBObjectStore#createindex) or [`IDBDatabase.createObjectStore()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBDatabase#createobjectstore), Gecko will not fire an exception anymore, but ignore it.
- When [`IDBTransaction.abort()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBTransaction#abort%28%29) is called, all pending [`IDBRequest`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBRequest) have their `errorCode` set to `ABORT_ERROR`.
- The methods [`IDBObjectStore.delete()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBObjectStore/delete) and [`IDBCursor.delete()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBCursor/delete) now set the `result` attribute of the returned [`IDBRequest`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBRequest) to `undefined`.
- The method `IDBDatabase.setVersion()` has been removed as it was removed from the latest spec. The version of the database is given through the [``](/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBFactory#open) method which has been updated and the `onupgradeneeded` callback allows the schema of the database to be upgraded. The version itself has been changed from a `DOMString` to an `unsigned long long`. The `IDBVersionChangeRequest` interface has been removed and replaced by the new [`IDBOpenDBRequest`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBOpenDBRequest) interface.
- When opening a database with {{domxref("")}}, if the `version` parameter is not provided and the database does not exist, then it will be created with a version of `1`.
- The method [`IDBFactory.deleteDatabase()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBFactory#deletedatabase%28%29) method has been added.
- Methods that search via an {{domxref("IDBKeyRange")}} (such as {{domxref("IDBObjectStore.openCursor")}} and {{domxref("IDBIndex.getKey")}}) can accept either a single key or key range.
#### Other
- When the proper MIME type is passed, `image/svg+xml`, [the `DOMParser` now creates a `SVGDocument`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/DOMParser#parsing_a_svg_document) when given a string with SVG.
- In the past, when {{ domxref("element.setAttribute()") }} parsed integers, it would report an error if the integer included any non-numeric characters (for example "42foo"). Now it correctly truncates this as the number 42, in accordance with the specification.
- The ESC key no longer incorrectly results in the {{ domxref("Element.keydown_event", "onkeydown") }} handler incorrectly getting called.
- The `NameList` interface is no longer implemented; it previously had an implementation with no way to actually get access to one.
- The {{ domxref("document.createProcessingInstruction()") }} method now works on HTML documents as well as XML documents. {{ domxref("ProcessingInstruction") }} nodes are still only supported on XML documents, but since nodes can be moved among documents, it's helpful to be able to create them on HTML documents as well.
- The {{ domxref("XMLHttpRequest") }} `responseType` "`moz-json`" [introduced in Firefox 9](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/9#dom) has been updated to the latest draft of the specification and has been unprefixed. See note in [Firefox bug 707142](
### CSS
- CSS 3D Transforms are now supported. This includes support for the {{ cssxref("transform-style") }}, {{ cssxref("perspective") }}, {{ cssxref("perspective-origin") }} and {{ cssxref("backface-visibility") }} properties, as well as for 3D transform functions in the {{ cssxref("transform") }} and {{ cssxref("transform-function") }} properties. See [Using CSS transforms](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_transforms/Using_CSS_transforms#3d_specific_css_properties) for details.
- Two new values for the CSS property {{ cssxref("unicode-bidi") }} have been added: `-moz-isolation` and `-moz-plaintext`. The `-moz-isolation` value isolates, from a directionality point of view, the element from its environment, letting it have a different directionality. An element with `unicode-bidi:-moz-isolation` behaves like a {{ HTMLElement("bdi") }} element. The `-moz-plaintext` indicates the browser to use the Unicode browser heuristic to determine directionality and not the CSS {{ cssxref("direction") }} property.
- The CSS {{ cssxref("gradient/linear-gradient") }} and {{ cssxref("gradient/repeating-linear-gradient") }} properties have been updated to support the new `to` syntax and the _magic corner_ algorithm. This allows to give a precise color on the corner of a gradient-filled box.
- The {{ cssxref("text-overflow") }} property's handling of cases in which the box overflows on both sides while the `text-overflow` property is set to overflow on only one [has been corrected](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/text-overflow#gecko_notes).
- Handling of the {{ cssxref("position") }} property on elements inside positioned {{ HTMLElement("table") }} elements [has been fixed](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/position#gecko_notes). **This change will affect layout of pages; however, we now comply with the CSS specification and with other browsers, so this should be easy to fix.**
- Margin collapsing around {{ HTMLElement("table") }} elements has been fixed to match the CSS specification. Previously, table elements' margins would not be collapsed along with other adjacent elements, leading to incorrect layout. **This change will affect layout of pages; however, we now comply with the CSS specification and with other browsers, so this should be easy to fix.**
### SVG
- The {{ SVGElement("mask") }} element has been updated to support both sRGB and linearRGB, and now defaults to sRGB, in compliance with the latest revision of the SVG 1.1 specification.
### Networking
- The HTTP `Accept-Charset` header is no longer sent in HTTP requests. In its absence, servers should respond by sending UTF-8.
### Developer tools
- The {{ domxref("console") }} object has two new methods, {{ domxref("console/time_static", "console.time()") }} and {{ domxref("console/timeEnd_static", "console.timeEnd()") }}, which can be used to set timers on a page.
- The new [Page Inspector]( has been added, providing an excellent way to examine and manipulate the HTML and CSS behind your content.
## Changes for Mozilla and add-on developers
For an overview of likely issues that may arise when updating your add-ons to support Firefox 10, see [Updating add-ons for Firefox 10](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Updating_add-ons_for_Firefox_10).
> **Note:** The old [`PRBool`](/en-US/docs/PRBool) data type has been retired! Anywhere in the documentation that refers to it now uses the standard C++ `bool` type instead. Documentation will be updated in the future, but for now, just keep this in mind.
### Manifests
- Support for [`<em:strictCompatibility>`](/en-US/docs/Install_Manifests#strictcompatibility) has been added to the install manifest. It allows add-ons authors to opt in to checking the maximum version of their extension. If set to `true` the add-on will be disabled if the application version is greater than `<em:maxVersion>`. Firefox 10 defaults to add-ons being compatible, regardless of their specified maximum version. This flag overrides that preference. You should set this if your add-on does things that are likely to be broken by Firefox updates, **but not** if your add-on has a binary component, since such add-ons always get strictly checked (remember that binary components must always be recompiled for each major Firefox release).
- If you wish to revert to the old behavior — that is, to strict compatibility checking for all add-ons, regardless of the value of the `strictCompatibility` flag in their manifests, you can set the `extensions.strictCompatibility` preference to `true`.
### XUL
- Bootstrapped add-ons using a `chrome.manifest` file now have the manifest file registered automatically. See the section [Adding user interface with a chrome.manifest](/en-US/docs/Extensions/Bootstrapped_extensions#Adding_user_interface_with_a_chrome.manifest) for details.
### XPConnect
- Several new properties and methods have been added to `Components.utils`, granting access to assorted debugging-related information.
### Interface changes
- The `mozISpellCheckingEngine` and `nsIEditorSpellCheck` interfaces have been updated to allow restartless add-ons to add dictionaries to the spell checker.
- The `nsIBrowserHistory.lastPageVisited` attribute has been removed.
- The `nsIDocumentViewer` interface has been merged into `nsIContentViewer`.
- The `nsIURIFixup` interface has a new flag, `FIXUP_FLAG_USE_UTF8`, which lets you tell it to use UTF-8 instead of the platform character set, when doing conversions.
### Plug-in changes
- The new variable `NPNVdocumentOrigin` has been added; this returns the document origin, and is more secure than {{ domxref("window.location") }}.
### Build system changes
- The `--disable-rdf` build option, which actually made it impossible to successfully build, has been removed. Work is ongoing on being able to actually remove RDF support entirely, but at present XUL still requires it to function. See [Firefox bug 559505]( for progress on removing the last vestiges of RDF being required.
- The `--disable-smil` build option has been removed.
### See also
- [Firefox 9 for developers](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/9)
- [Firefox 8 for developers](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/8)
- [Firefox 7 for developers](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/7)
- [Firefox 6 for developers](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/6)
- [Firefox 5 for developers](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/5)
- [Firefox 4 for developers](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/4)
- [Firefox 3.6 for developers](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3.6)
- [Firefox 3.5 for developers](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3.5)
- [Firefox 3 for developers](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3)
- [Firefox 2 for developers](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/2)
- [Firefox 1.5 for developers](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/1.5)
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title: Updating add-ons for Firefox 10
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/10/Updating_add-ons
page-type: guide
Although a lot of things have changed in Firefox 10 that, in theory, can cause add-on compatibility breakage, most of them are relatively obscure, so they're not very likely to affect you. This article will help guide you as you update your add-on.
## Compatible by default
The first and most important thing to note is that starting in Firefox 10, add-ons are assumed to be compatible by default. Unless you use the [`<em:strictCompatibility>`](/en-US/docs/Install_Manifests#strictcompatibility) flag in your manifest, Firefox will no longer mark your add-on as incompatible after an upgrade to Firefox 10 or later. You can use that flag to ensure that an add-on that is likely to break will not try to run in updated copies of Firefox. It's worth noting that add-ons that have binary components will always be strictly checked for compatibility, since binary components always need to be recompiled for each major Firefox release.
> **Note:** You should still test your add-on on Firefox 10, even in the world of compatibility by default. Read over the rest of this article to see if there's anything you need to change.
## DOM changes
Some obsolete APIs have been removed from the DOM:
- {{ domxref("Node.isSameNode()") }}
- : This is the removal that has the most likelihood to affect add-on developers, as it was fairly commonly used. You can now use the JavaScript `===` operator to compare nodes instead of this obsolete method. This method was made obsolete by the DOM4 specification.
- {{ domxref("text.isElementContentWhitespace") }}
- : These APIs were rendered obsolete by the DOM4 specification.
- {{ domxref("Document.xmlEncoding") }}
{{ domxref("Document.xmlStandalone") }}
{{ domxref("Document.xmlVersion") }}
- : All of these APIs were rendered obsolete by the DOM4 specification. They were most frequently being used to detect whether the document being displayed was HTML or XML. See the article for {{ domxref("Document.xmlVersion") }} for a recommended way to test for this going forward.
## XPCOM and interface changes
The most significant change is that everywhere that previously used the [`PRBool`](/en-US/docs/PRBool) data type now uses the standard C++ `bool` type instead.
### Removed interfaces
The following interfaces have been removed:
- `nsIDOMNSHTMLFrameElement`
- : This interface has been merged into the `nsIDOMHTMLFrameElement` interface.
- `nsIDOMNSHTMLElement`
- : This interface has been merged into `nsIDOMHTMLElement`.
- `nsIDocumentViewer`
- : This interface has been merged into `nsIContentViewer`
### Other interface changes
- `nsNavHistory` no longer implements the `nsICharsetResolver` interface. **Note that `nsICharsetResolver` is no longer used and is being removed in Firefox 11.0**.
- The `mozISpellCheckingEngine` and `nsIEditorSpellCheck` interfaces have been updated to let restartless add-ons add dictionaries to the spell checker. See [Using an external spell checker](/en-US/Using_an_External_Spell-checker) for details (note this article has not yet been updated, but will be soon).
- The `nsIBrowserHistory.lastPageVisited` attribute has been removed, as it hasn't been supported for some time.
- Several [IndexedDB](/en-US/docs/Web/API/IndexedDB_API) internal interfaces have changed to support revised APIs. This shouldn't affect you but is worth noting on the off chance you were doing something unusual.
## Other changes worth noting
- All binary components on Windows should be built with ASLR (address space layout randomization) support enabled. While this is not **yet** required, it may be in the future, and not enabling it results in a performance penalty.
- A bug in regular expression handling that was introduced in Firefox 7 has been fixed. This can change the result of some regular expressions, so be aware of it.
- You can now [dynamically load and unload chrome.manifest files in bootstrapped add-ons](/en-US/docs/Extensions/Bootstrapped_extensions#Adding_user_interface_with_a_chrome.manifest).
- The `mouseenter` and `mouseleave` events are now supported.
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title: Firefox 111 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/111
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 111 that affect developers. Firefox 111 was released on March 14, 2023.
## Changes for web developers
### HTML
- The [`autocapitalize`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/autocapitalize) global attribute is now supported by default. The default value for the attribute is `none`, so no capitalization occurs ([Firefox bug 1692007](
- The [`translate`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/translate) global attribute is now supported ([Firefox bug 1418449](
### CSS
- CSS color functions `color()`, `lab()`, `lch()`, `oklab()`, and `oklch()` are now supported.
These features are disabled by default and can be enabled by setting the preference `layout.css.more_color_4.enabled` to true.
For more information, see the [CSS color value](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value) documentation ([Firefox bug 1352757]( and [Firefox bug 1128204](
### JavaScript
No notable changes.
### SVG
- The `context-stroke` and `context-fill` values are now supported inside `<marker>` elements.
For more information on using these values with `fill` and `stroke` properties, see the [`<marker>`](/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Element/marker) documentation ([Firefox bug 752638](
### HTTP
- The HTTP [`Authorization`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Authorization) header is removed from cross origin redirects.
See [Firefox bug 1802086]( for more details.
### APIs
- [Origin private file system (OPFS)](/en-US/docs/Web/API/File_System_API/Origin_private_file_system) is now supported when using the [File System API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/File_System_API).
The data in this file system is origin-specific: permission prompts are not required to access files, and clearing data for the site/origin deletes the storage.
The OPFS is accessed with the {{domxref("StorageManager.getDirectory()")}} method, by calling `` in a worker or the main thread.
See [Firefox bug 1785123]( for more details.
- The HTTP [`Authorization`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Authorization) header is removed from [`fetch()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/fetch) and [`XMLHttpRequest`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest) requests that are redirected cross-origin (`fetch()` headers may be added by developers using the [`option.headers`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/fetch#headers) argument).
See [Firefox bug 1802086]( for more details.
#### DOM
- The {{domxref("FormData")}} constructor now accepts a second optional `submitter` parameter to specify a submit button. If the button has a name or is an image button, it will contribute to the form data set. This makes it possible to create a {{domxref("FormData")}} object with the same data set as a vanilla form submission triggered by the button. See [Firefox bug 1812696]( for more details.
#### Media, WebRTC, and Web Audio
- [`RTCInboundRtpStreamStats.trackIdentifier`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/RTCInboundRtpStreamStats#trackidentifier) is now supported.
This allows developers to associate `inbound-rtp` statistics with a particular track when using {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.getStats()")}}.
(For more information see [Firefox bug 1804676](
### WebDriver conformance (WebDriver BiDi, Marionette)
#### WebDriver BiDi
- Changed the behaviors for handling stale elements checks based on recently updated WebDriver classic specification. See [Firefox bug 1808894]( for more details.
#### Marionette
- Fixed an issue where returning a ShadowRoot from `WebDriver:ExecuteScript` causes a `cyclic object value` error. See [Firefox bug 1764594]( for more details.
## Changes for add-on developers
- `matchDiacritics` has been added to the {{WebExtAPIRef("Find.find")}} API. This option enables searches to distinguish between accented letters and their base letters. For example, when set to `true`, searching for "résumé" does not find a match for "resume" [Firefox bug 1680606](
- {{WebExtAPIRef("search.query")}} has been added, providing search API compatibility with Chromium-based browsers [Firefox bug 1804357](
- The `disposition` property has been added to {{WebExtAPIRef("")}}, enabling results to be displayed in a new tab or window [Firefox bug 1811274](
## Older versions
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title: Firefox 7 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/7
page-type: firefox-release-notes
Firefox 7 shipped on September 27, 2011. This article provides information about the changes that affect developers — both of web content and of Firefox add-ons.
## Changes for web developers
### HTML
- The {{ domxref("HTMLHeadElement") }} `profile` property has been removed, this property has been deprecated since Gecko 2.0.
- The {{ domxref("HTMLImageElement") }} `x` and `y` properties have been removed.
- The {{ domxref("HTMLSelectElement") }} `add()` method `before` parameter is now optional.
- The {{ HTMLElement("body") }} element's [`background`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/body#background) attribute is no longer resolved as a URI; this is in compliance with the current HTML specification.
- The {{ HTMLElement("option") }} element's [`label`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/option#label) attribute now reflects the value of the element's text content if the attribute isn't specified.
#### Canvas
- As part of the [Azure project]( the Direct2D Azure Backend [has been implemented]( and will significantly improve the performance of the 2D canvas.
- Specifying invalid values when calling `setTransform()`, `bezierCurveTo()`, or `arcTo()` no longer throws an exception; these calls are now correctly silently ignored.
- The [`isPointInPath()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/isPointInPath) method now correctly considers the transformation matrix when comparing the specified point to the current path.
- Calling `strokeRect()` with a zero width and height now correctly does nothing.
- Calling [`drawImage()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/drawImage) with a zero width or height {{ HTMLElement("canvas") }} now throws `INVALID_STATE_ERR`.
- Calling [`drawImage()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/drawImage) with non-finite coordinates no longer throws an exception.
- `toDataURL()` method now accepts a second argument to control JPEG quality.
- Support for the non-standard `globalCompositeOperation` operations `clear` and `over` has been removed.
- [Shadows](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Canvas_API/Tutorial/Applying_styles_and_colors#shadows) are now only drawn for `source-over` compositing operations.
- You can now configure the fill rule used by canvas by setting the `mozFillRule` [attribute](/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D#attributes) on the context.
- Support for the experimental `mozDash`, `mozDashOffset`, `mozCurrentTransform` and `mozCurrentTransformInverse` attributes has been added.
- Support for the non-standard methods `mozDrawText()`, `mozMeasureText()`, `mozPathText()` and `mozTextAlongPath()` has been removed.
### CSS
- {{ cssxref("text-overflow") }} is now supported.
- The {{ cssxref("-moz-orient", "-moz-orient") }} property has been fixed so that {{ HTMLElement("progress") }} elements that are vertically oriented have appropriate default dimensions.
### MathML
- XLink href has been restored and the MathML3 `href` attribute is now supported. Developers are encouraged to move to the latter syntax.
- Support for the `voffset` attribute on {{ MathMLElement("mpadded") }} elements has been added and behavior of `lspace` attribute has been fixed.
- The top-level {{ MathMLElement("math") }} element now accepts any attributes of the {{ MathMLElement("mstyle") }} element.
- Support for [Asana Math]( fonts has been added.
- The `medium` line thickness of fraction bars in {{ MathMLElement("mfrac") }} elements has been corrected to match the default thickness.
- [Names for negative spaces](</en-US/docs/Web/MathML/Values#constants_(namedspaces)>) are now supported.
### DOM
- The {{ domxref("File") }} interface's non-standard methods `getAsBinary()`, `getAsDataURL()`, and `getAsText()` have been removed as well as the non-standard properties `fileName` and `fileSize` ([Firefox bug 661876](
- The {{ domxref("FormData", "FormData") }} interface no longer reports the filename as an empty string when sending the `Content-Disposition` HTTP header if the data was set using a {{ domxref("Blob") }}. This fixes errors that were happening with some servers.
- The {{ domxref("HTMLelement.dir") }} property now always returns its result as all lower-case, as required by the HTML specification.
- The {{ domxref("FileReader") }} `readAsArrayBuffer()` method is now implemented.
- `Document.createEntityReference` has been removed. It was never properly implemented and is not implemented in most other browsers.
- `document.normalizeDocument` has been removed. Use {{ domxref("Node.normalize") }} instead.
- {{ domxref("DOMTokenList.item") }} now returns `undefined` if the `index` is out of bounds, previously it returned `null`.
- `Node.getFeature` has been removed.
- The `HTMLInsElement` and `HTMLDelElement` interfaces have been removed, since the {{ HTMLElement("ins") }} and {{ HTMLElement("del") }} elements actually use the {{ domxref("HTMLModElement") }} interface.
- In an effort to conform to the upcoming [DOM4]( specification where {{ domxref("Attr") }} do not inherit from {{ domxref("Node") }} anymore (it did in DOM Core 1, 2 and 3), many {{ domxref("Node") }} properties and methods on the {{ domxref("Attr") }} interface are [now reporting warnings](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Attr#deprecated_properties_and_methods) as we work toward removing them in a later version.
- Added support for the {{ domxref("window.deviceorientation_event", "ondeviceorientation") }} and {{ domxref("window.devicemotion_event", "ondevicemotion") }} properties on {{ domxref("window") }} objects.
- {{ domxref("window.resizeTo") }}, {{ domxref("window.resizeBy") }}, {{ domxref("window.moveTo") }}, and {{ domxref("window.moveBy") }} no longer apply to the main window.
### JavaScript
- The `Function.arity` property has been removed; use [`Function.length`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/length) instead.
### WebSockets
- The `network.websocket.max-connections` preference is used to determine the maximum number of WebSocket connections that can be open at a time. The default value is 200.
- The underlying WebSocket protocol version 8 (as specified by [IETF draft 10]( is used now instead of the version 7 protocol used by Firefox 6.
- The WebSocket API is now available on Firefox Mobile.
### console API
- Message logged with `console.log` while the [web console]( isn't open is still logged, although they aren't displayed when the web console is opened.
### Web timing
- Initial implementation of the [Navigation Timing](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Performance_API/Navigation_timing) specification which provides data that can be used to measure the performance of a website.
### XML
- In addition to the previously supported `text/xsl`, XSLT stylesheets can now use the official internet media (MIME) type `application/xslt+xml` (in the [stylesheet processing instruction]( or the [HTTP Link header field](
## Changes for Mozilla and add-on developers
These changes affect add-on developers as well as developers working on or with Mozilla code itself. Add-on developers should see [Updating extensions for Firefox 7](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/7/Updating_extensions) for additional information.
> **Note:** Firefox 7 requires that binary components be recompiled, as do all major releases of Firefox.
### JavaScript code modules
#### FileUtils.jsm
- New method `openFileOutputStream()` opens a file output stream, the non-safe variant, for writing.
#### AddonManager.jsm
- The Add-on Manager has new methods for managing lists of add-ons that changed during application startup: `AddonManager.addStartupChange()`, `AddonManager.removeStartupChange()`, and `AddonManager.getStartupChanges()`.
### XUL
- `<tree>` elements can now persist the state of disclosure triangles if the nodes referenced by `datasources` all have unique IDs specified by "id" attributes.
- `<panel>` elements can now be configured to let the user drag them by clicking anywhere on their background by using the new `backdrag` attribute.
- The new `Components.utils.schedulePreciseGC()` method lets you schedule a thorough garbage collection cycle to occur at some point in the future when no JavaScript code is executing; a callback is executed once collection is complete.
- The `Components.utils.unload()` method lets you unload JavaScript code modules previously loaded by calling `Components.utils.load()`.
### Memory reporters
Support has been added for multi-reporters; that is, memory reporters that gather data on request and call a callback for each generated result. See `nsIMemoryMultiReporter` and `nsIMemoryMultiReporterCallback` for the relevant interfaces, as well as the `nsIMemoryReporterManager.registerMultiReporter()` and `nsIMemoryReporterManager.unregisterMultiReporter()` methods.
### User experience changes
- Extension options can now be displayed inside the Add-on Manager for both restartless and traditional extensions.
- The destination of downloads is now remembered on a site-by-site basis. This data can be accessed using `DownloadLastDir.jsm`.
### Changes to the build system
- The ActiveX embedding API is no longer built and support has been removed from the build system. Supporting interfaces have also been removed; see [Removed interfaces](#removed_interfaces).
- You should no longer specify `-Zc:wchar_t-` when building on Windows.
### Interface changes
- `nsISocketTransport` now offers a new connection flag: `DISABLE_IPV6`; this causes a socket to only attempt to connect to IPv4 addresses, ignoring any available IPv6 addresses. In addition, `nsIDNSService` now offers a new resolve flag: `RESOLVE_DISABLE_IPV6`; this causes domain name resolution to only consider IPv4 hosts, ignoring any available IPv6 addresses. These changes are used to implement the ["happy eyeballs" strategy]( for improving response time when attempting to connect on hosts that support both IPv4 and IPv6 (especially those that have broken IPv6 connectivity).
- `inIDOMUtils` has two new methods, `inIDOMUtils.getChildrenForNode()` which returns a list of child nodes of a node and `inIDOMUtils.getUsedFontFaces()` which returns a list of font faces used in a range.
- The `nsIMarkupDocumentViewer_MOZILLA_2_0_BRANCH` interface has been merged into the `nsIMarkupDocumentViewer` interface.
- The `nsIDOMWindow2` interface has been merged into the `nsIDOMWindow` interface.
- The `nsIDOMWindow_2_0_BRANCH` interface has been merged into the `nsIDOMWindowInternal` interface.
- `nsINavHistoryObserver` methods with URI parameters now require a GUID as well.
- The `nsISHistory_2_0_BRANCH` interface has been merged into the `nsISHistory` interface.
- `nsITelemetry` has a new method, `nsITelemetry.getHistogramById()` which returns a histogram by its ID, and a new attribute, `canRecord` which when set to `false` disables recording of telemetry statistics. Telemetry statistics are no longer recorded when in Private Browsing Mode. (see [Firefox bug 661574]( and [Firefox bug 661573]( Telemetry histograms defined with `nsITelemetry.newHistogram()` will not be reported in the telemetry ping.
- The `nsIMemoryReporter` interface has been substantially changed; if you use it, you will need to make some adjustments to your code.
- `nsIXMLHttpRequest`, headers set by `nsIXMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader()` are sent with the request when following a redirect. Previously these headers would not be sent.
- `nsIDocShell` has a new `allowWindowControl` attribute. If `true`, the docshell's content is allowed to control the window (that is, to move or resize the window).
- The `nsIThreadInternal2` interface has been merged into the `nsIThreadInternal` interface.
#### New interfaces
- `nsIDOMFontFace`
- : Describes a single font face.
- `nsIDOMFontFaceList`
- : Describes a list of font faces, each represented by `nsIDOMFontFace`.
#### Removed interfaces
The following interfaces were implementation details that are no longer needed:
- `nsIDOM3Attr`
- `nsIDOM3Node`
- `nsIDOM3TypeInfo`
- `nsIDOM3Text`
- `nsIDOMDocumentStyle`
- `nsIDOMNSDocument`
- `nsIDOMNSFeatureFactory`
- `nsIDOMNSHTMLDocument`
- `nsIDOMNSHTMLFormElement`
- `nsIDOMNSHTMLTextAreaElement`
The following interfaces were removed as part of the removal of the ActiveX embedding API:
- `DITestScriptHelper`
- `DWebBrowserEvents`
- `DWebBrowserEvents2`
- `IDispatch`
- `IMozControlBridge`
- `IMozPluginHostCtrl`
- `IWebBrowser`
- `IWebBrowser2`
- `IWebBrowserApp`
- `IXMLDocument`
- `IXMLElement`
- `IXMLElementCollection`
- `IXMLError`
- `nsIActiveXSecurityPolicy`
- `nsIDispatchSupport`
- `nsIMozAxPlugin`
- `nsIScriptEventHandler`
- `nsIScriptEventManager`
### Other Changes
- The structure of the library window (`places.xul`) [has been cleaned up]( This [may break extensions]( and themes.
- The look of the print preview window [has been modernized]( and theme authors are encouraged to style it using the CSS pseudo-elements {{ cssxref("::-moz-page") }}, {{ cssxref("::-moz-page-sequence") }} and {{ cssxref("::-moz-scrolled-page-sequence") }}.
## See also
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/7 | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/7/updating_extensions/ | ---
title: Updating extensions for Firefox 7
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/7/Updating_extensions
page-type: guide
This article offers advice for add-on developers that want to update their extensions to work in Firefox 7. Fortunately, most of the changes are relatively minor in this release, and few add-ons should need significant changes to work in Firefox 7.
> **Note:** For a complete list of developer-related changes in Firefox 7, see [Firefox 7 for developers](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/7).
As always, you will need to [recompile any binary components](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Developer_guide/Interface_Compatibility#binary_interfaces) to make them compatible with Firefox 7.
## XPCOM changes affecting compatibility
Most of the changes in this release are XPCOM interface removals, or removals of specific, obsolete APIs from interfaces.
### Removed interfaces
The following interfaces are the ones that were removed that will most likely impact extension developers:
- `nsIDOM3Node`
- `nsIDOM3TypeInfo`
- `schemaTypeInfo`
- `nsIDOMNSDocument`
- `nsIDOMDocumentStyle`
You can get a complete list of the removed interfaces in the [Removed interfaces](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/7#removed_interfaces) section of [Firefox 7 for developers](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/7).
### Changed methods
A few interfaces have methods that have been changed:
- `nsINavHistoryObserver` and `nsINavBookmarkObserver`
- : These have been changed to support Firefox Sync better by adding a new GUID parameter to several of their methods. JavaScript-based code shouldn't require any changes, since this is just the addition of a new, optional, parameter. However, binary components will need to be updated to take the new parameter into account.
- `nsIDOMFile`
- : A number of non-standard methods have been removed from this interface. This affects the {{ domxref("File") }} object's {{ domxref("File.getDataAsUrl()") }} and {{ domxref("File.getAsBinary()") }} methods. However, this functionality can now be found in the standard {{ domxref("FileReader") }} object.
## Other changes of note
These changes won't affect compatibility (we weren't kidding when we said there weren't many changes that do in this release), but do add capabilities that are easy to take advantage of that might be of special use to you.
### Unloading JavaScript code modules
The new `Components.utils.unload()` method lets you unload JavaScript code modules previously loaded by calling `Components.utils.load()`. This can be particularly handy with restartless (bootstrapped) extensions, so that you can unload an old version of a code module when a new version of your add-on is installed.
### Inline preferences
You can now have [preference options inline](/en-US/docs/Extensions/Inline_Options) in the Add-on Manager window, which lets users configure your add-on without having to open a separate preference dialog box. There are limits to what types of configuration controls can be provided, but this is still very helpful — plus it works for [restartless (bootstrapped) extensions](/en-US/docs/Extensions/Bootstrapped_extensions).
## See also
- [Firefox 7 for developers](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/7)
- [Add-ons Blog: Firefox 7 add-on compatibility](
- [XPCOM changes in Gecko 2.0](/en-US/docs/XPCOM/XPCOM_changes_in_Gecko_2.0)
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/47/ | ---
title: Firefox 47 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/47
page-type: firefox-release-notes
[To test the latest developer features of Firefox, install Firefox Developer Edition]( Firefox 47 was released on June 6, 2016. This article lists key changes that are useful not only for web developers, but also Firefox and Gecko developers as well as add-on developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### Developer Tools
- [User-agent spoofing](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Browser_detection_using_the_user_agent) from the [Responsive mode](
- [Retaining paths panel]( in memory tool
- [Service workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/ServiceWorker) and [Push API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Push_API) debugging
- [about:debugging]( dashboard for workers
- Cached requests are now shown in [Network Monitor](
- Support for [cache storage](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Cache) in [Storage Inspector](
- Ability to filter [Storage Inspector]( entries
- [Console]( now detects incomplete input and switches multi-line mode
- Updated breakpoint style in [Debugger](
- Prevent panels from hiding automatically using the [Browser Toolbox](, to aid browser and add-on debugging
- [Font inspector]( has been disabled by default
- [3D view]( has been removed
- Developer tools theme refresh
- Disable the Font Panel ([Firefox bug 1247723](
### HTML
_No change._
### CSS
- Support for the {{cssxref("::backdrop")}} pseudo-element has been added ([Firefox bug 1064843](
- The case-insensitive modifier `i` (like in `[foo=bar i]`) for [attribute selectors](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Attribute_selectors) has been implemented ([Firefox bug 888190](
- An experimental implementation of CSS Mask Image properties landed. For the moment, this will only be available on Nightly versions of Firefox.y: shorthand version of {{cssxref("mask")}}, as well as {{cssxref("mask-repeat")}}, {{cssxref("mask-position")}}, {{cssxref("mask-size")}} are now available ([Firefox bug 686281](
- The {{cssxref("clip-path")}} property now experimentally supports `polygon()`, `ellipse()`, and `circle()` on HTML elements (does not support [inset()]( and [path()](, behind the pref `layout.css.clip-path-shapes.enabled` that defaults to `false` ([Firefox bug 1075457]( Interpolation (and therefore animation) of these values is not yet supported.
- Our still experimental grid implementation has been updated:
- {{cssxref("align-content")}}: `normal` behaves now as `stretch` for grid containers ([Firefox bug 1237754](
- The order of column/row values for {{cssxref('grid')}}, {{cssxref('grid-template')}}, and `grid-gap` properties has been swapped ([Firefox bug 1251999](
- The {{cssxref("@media/display-mode", "display-mode")}} media feature is now supported ([Firefox bug 1104916](
- The value `true` of {{cssxref("text-align")}} and {{cssxref("text-align-last")}} has been renamed to `unsafe` ([Firefox bug 1250342](
### JavaScript
- The new ES2017 {{jsxref("Object.values()")}} and {{jsxref("Object.entries()")}} methods have been implemented ([Firefox bug 1232639](
- The deprecated, old Proxy API (`Proxy.create` and `Proxy.createFunction`) now presents a deprecation warning in the console and will be removed in a future version. Use the standard {{jsxref("Proxy")}} object instead ([Firefox bug 892903](
- Support for the deprecated non-standard `flags` argument of `String.prototype.`{{jsxref("String.prototype.match", "match")}}/{{jsxref("", "search")}}/{{jsxref("String.prototype.replace", "replace")}} has been dropped in non-release builds ([Firefox bug 1245801](
- As per the new ES2016 specification, the {{jsxref("Proxy")}} enumerate trap for [``](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/ statements has been removed ([Firefox bug 1246318](
- The {{jsxref("Array.prototype.indexOf()")}} and {{jsxref("Array.prototype.lastIndexOf()")}} methods (and their {{jsxref("TypedArray")}} equivalents) have been updated to never return `-0` as per the ECMAScript specification ([Firefox bug 1242043](
### Interfaces/APIs/DOM
- The property {{domxref("Document.scrollingElement")}} has been implemented behind the pref `dom.document.scrollingElement.enabled` that defaults to `false` ([Firefox bug 1153322](
#### WebGL
_No change._
#### IndexedDB
- The {{domxref("IDBKeyRange.includes()")}} method has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1251498](
#### Service Worker and related APIs
- The {{domxref("Request.Request", "Request()")}} constructor can now accept a referrer option in its init object ([Firefox bug 1251448](
- The {{domxref("Request.referrerPolicy")}} property is now supported ([Firefox bug 1251872](
- [Service workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Service_Worker_API) and [Push](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Push_API) have been disabled in the [Firefox 45 Extended Support Release]( (ESR) ([Firefox bug 1232029](
#### WebRTC
- Support for the `RTCIceServer` dictionary has been updated in keeping with revisions to the WebGL 1.0 specification by adding support for the [credentialType](/en-US/docs/Web/API/RTCPeerConnection/RTCPeerConnection#credentialtype) property. This property is a string that specifies whether the credential is a password or a token. Currently, Firefox only supports `"password"`.
#### New APIs
_No change._
#### Others
- {{domxref("Cache.add()")}} and {{domxref("Cache.addAll()")}} now raises a `TypeError` exception if the response status is not in the `200` range ([Firefox bug 1244764](
- The App installation and management APIs (`navigator.mozApps.*`) are no longer exposed to non-Firefox OS platforms ([Firefox bug 1238576](
- [Web Crypto API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Crypto_API) methods can now use the RSA-PSS cryptographic algorithm ([Firefox bug 1191936](
- The [Permissions API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Permissions_API) has had the {{domxref("Permissions.revoke()")}} method added ([Firefox bug 1197461](
- The Browser API, which extends the functionality of {{htmlelement("iframe")}}s to allow the creation of frames for displaying web content using HTML — and was previously only available in Firefox OS — is now available to desktop chrome code too ([Firefox bug 1238160](
- The [Notification API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Notification)'s {{domxref("Notification/requestPermission_static","requestPermission()")}} method has been updated from a callback to a promised-based syntax ([Firefox bug 1241278](
- The [Fullscreen API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fullscreen_API) has been updated to the latest spec and unprefixed. Some methods have been renamed or have seen their capitalization changed ([Firefox bug 743198]( Note that this is behind the `full-screen-api.unprefix.enabled` preference, defaulting to false ([Firefox bug 1268749](
### Audio/Video
- Now WAV file with u-law compression encoding can be played([Firefox bug 851530](
- [Widevine]( Content Decryption Module provided by Google Inc. is available via the [Encrypted Media Extensions API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Encrypted_Media_Extensions_API) for use with MP4 (only; see [Firefox bug 1257716]( for EME-with-WebM support) on Windows Vista and later and on Mac OS X enabling migration off Silverlight ([Firefox bug 1265270](
- The default value of the {{HTTPHeader("Accept")}} header for images is now `*/*` instead of `image/png,image/*;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5` ([Firefox bug 1249474](
## Networking
_No change._
## Security
- URLs with the `view-source:` protocol don't open the [View Source]( tool anymore when used from a Web page ([Firefox bug 1172165](
- The Firefox [click-to-activate plugin whitelist]( has been removed: only Flash doesn't need to be clicked to be activated ([Firefox bug 1263630](
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
### Interfaces
- The CSS tokenizer is now available in JavaScript for add-ons ([Firefox bug 1152033](
### FUEL
The FUEL JavaScript library, introduced back in Firefox 3, **has been removed**. This library was designed to aid in add-on development and with the introduction of the Add-on SDK and, now, by [WebExtensions](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions) support, is no longer useful. ([Firefox bug 1090880](
### XUL
_No change._
### JavaScript code modules
_No change._
_No change._
### Other
_No change._
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/83/ | ---
title: Firefox 83 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/83
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 83 that will affect developers. Firefox 83 was released on November 17, 2020.
> **Note:** See also [Firefox 83 is upon us]( on Mozilla hacks
## Changes for web developers
### Developer Tools
- When using the `:screenshot` [helper command]( in the [Web Console](, the `--dpr` parameter is no longer ignored when taking a fullscreen screenshot using `--fullpage` ([Firefox bug 1645284](
- Developers can use the `scroll` badge in the [Page Inspector]( to [Debug scrollable overflow]( Selecting the badge highlights elements that are _causing_ overflow and marks them with the `overflow` badge ([Firefox bug 1669129](
- The `crossorigin` attribute is now supported for `<link rel=icon>` ([Firefox bug 1661075](
- The `displaystyle` [attribute](/en-US/docs/Web/MathML/Attribute) is now implemented for all MathML elements ([Firefox bug 1666075](
### CSS
- The vendor prefixed `:-moz-any()` is now aliased to the standard {{CSSxRef(":is", ":is()")}} CSS pseudo-class function ([Firefox bug 1666086](
- We've added support for [CSS Conic Gradients](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/gradient/conic-gradient) ([Firefox bug 1632351]( and ([Firefox bug 1175958](
### JavaScript
- [`Intl[@@toStringTag]`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Symbol/toStringTag) has been added, returning a default value of `Intl` (recent addition to the ECMA spec). ([Firefox bug 1670053](
### HTTP
_No changes._
### APIs
_No changes._
### WebDriver conformance (Marionette)
- We've removed preliminary support for `WebDriver:SwitchToShadowRoot`, which hasn't been added to the WebDriver specification yet ([Firefox bug 1662468](
- We fixed a bug in `WebDriver:Back` and `WebDriver:Forward` that caused Marionette to hang when the navigation was triggered from within an [`<iframe>`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe) that gets removed ([Firefox bug 1672758](
## Changes for add-on developers
_No changes._
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/61/ | ---
title: Firefox 61 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/61
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 61 that will affect developers. Firefox 61 was released on June 26, 2018.
## Changes for web developers
### Developer tools
- The new-look Console UI has been enabled by default for the [Browser Console]( & [Browser Toolbox]( ([Firefox bug 1362023]([Firefox bug 1347127]( The old UI has been removed.
- In the [Network Monitor](, clicking _Open in New Tab_ in a `POST` request's context menu correctly resends the request with the expected `POST` parameters ([Firefox bug 1407515](
- [CSS variables now autocomplete]( with color swatches, allowing you to see exactly what color value is stored in each variable ([Firefox bug 1451211](
- In addition, hovering over a CSS variable name brings up a tooltip showing what color value is stored in that variable ([Firefox bug 1431949](
- The main toolbox's toolbar has been redesigned. Highlights are better responsiveness for narrow and wide viewports with a new overflow dropdown, cleaned up meatball menu, and sortable tabs to let you move up your most used panels ([Firefox bug 1226272](
- The [Network Monitor]('s toolbar now includes a dropdown menu providing easier access to the 'Copy All As HAR' and 'Save All As HAR' commands, as well as an 'Import…' option ([Firefox bug 1403530](
- The Network Monitor's details pane now includes a [Cache tab](, which displays information about previously cached resources ([Firefox bug 859051](
- The Network Monitor's main toolbar got redesigned to be more responsive on smaller viewports and visually aligned with the Console.
- The Network Monitor's main toolbar now includes a [Throttling]( dropdown which was only available in the [Responsive Design Mode]( before. It allows you to throttle your network speed to emulate various different network speed conditions ([Firefox bug 1349559](
- The Browser Console now hides CSS errors by default for readability and performance reasons ([Firefox bug 1452143](
- The Browser Console now includes a command to restart the browser. Use `Ctrl` + `Alt` + `R` (Windows, Linux) or `Cmd` + `Alt` + `R` (Mac) to restart the browser with the same tabs open as before the restart.
- DevTools' web extension APIs [``](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/devtools/network/onRequestFinished) ([Firefox bug 1311171]( and [``](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/devtools/network/getHAR) ([Firefox bug 1311177]( got implemented (enabling extensions like [har-export-trigger](/en-US/docs/Web)).
- The Firebug theme got removed since the transition of Firebug users into DevTools is complete ([Firefox bug 1378108](
### HTML
_No changes._
### CSS
- CSS parsing has been parallelized ([Firefox bug 1346988](
- Support for {{cssxref("font-variation-settings")}} and {{cssxref("font-optical-sizing")}} has been enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1447163](
- The `grid-gap`, `grid-row-gap`, and `grid-column-gap` properties have been renamed to {{cssxref("gap")}}, {{cssxref("row-gap")}}, and {{cssxref("column-gap")}}, as they are no longer grid-specific ([Firefox bug 1398482]( See [Box alignment; Gaps between boxes](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_box_alignment#gaps_between_boxes) for additional details. The old names have been kept as aliases for web compatibility purposes.
- The {{cssxref("flex-basis")}} `content` value is now supported ([Firefox bug 1105111](
- Percentage values of {{cssxref("column-gap")}} are now supported in [CSS multi-column layout](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_multicol_layout) ([Firefox bug 1398537](
- The CSS {{cssxref(":host")}} pseudo-class is now supported; this selects a custom element from inside its shadow DOM ([Firefox bug 992245](
- {{cssxref("overflow")}} now accepts two-value syntax ([Firefox bug 1453148](
- Flex items that are sized according to their content are now sized using `max-content`, not `fit-content` ([Firefox bug 1282821]( See the [`width` value definitions](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/width#values) for more details of these values.
- {{cssxref("font-weight")}}, {{cssxref("font-stretch")}} and {{cssxref("font-style")}} now support additional values as defined by [CSS Fonts level 4]( ([Firefox bug 1436048](
- {{cssxref("font-weight")}} now accepts a floating-point value between 1 and 1000 inclusive.
- {{cssxref("font-stretch")}} now accepts percentage values.
- {{cssxref("font-style")}} now accepts an angle after the `oblique` keyword.
- The {{cssxref("@font-face")}} descriptor equivalents of the three properties mentioned in the above entry also support the new syntax listed above, and additionally now support a two-value syntax allowing us to specify a range of descriptor values supported by a font-face ([Firefox bug 1436061](, [Firefox bug 1436048](
### SVG
- The `ping`, `rel`, `referrerPolicy`, `relList`, `hreflang`, `type` and `text` properties have been added to the {{SVGElement("a")}} element ({{domxref("SVGAElement")}}) to be consistent with the HTML {{HTMLElement("a")}} element ([Firefox bug 1451823](
- The {{SVGElement("textPath")}} element ({{domxref("SVGTextPathElement")}}) now supports the SVG2 `path` and `side` attributes ([Firefox bug 1446617]( and [Firefox bug 1446650](
- The {{domxref("SVGGeometryElement")}} interface is now supported for more elements and not just for the {{SVGElement("path")}} element ([Firefox bug 1325320](
### JavaScript
- The {{jsxref("String.prototype.trimStart()")}} and {{jsxref("String.prototype.trimEnd()")}} methods have been implemented (see [Firefox bug 1434007]( `trimLeft` and `trimRight` remain as aliases for web compatibility reasons.
### APIs
#### New APIs
- The {{domxref("PerformanceServerTiming")}} API has been implemented. It surfaces server-side metrics sent via the {{HTTPHeader("Server-Timing")}} header ([Firefox bug 1423495](
#### DOM
- The {{domxref("Document.anchors", "anchors")}}, {{domxref("Document.applets", "applets")}}, {{domxref("Document.embeds", "embeds")}}, {{domxref("Document.forms", "forms")}}, {{domxref("Document.head", "head")}}, {{domxref("Document.images", "images")}}, {{domxref("Document.links", "links")}}, {{domxref("Document.plugins", "plugins")}}, and {{domxref("Document.scripts", "scripts")}} properties have been moved from the {{domxref("HTMLDocument")}} interface onto {{domxref("Document")}} ([Firefox bug 1415588](
- {{domxref("DOMTokenList.replace()")}} now returns a boolean value to indicate whether the replacement occurred successfully, rather than void ([Firefox bug 1444909](
- The [Fetch API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API)'s {{domxref("Request.credentials")}} property now defaults to `"same-origin"` per the latest revision of the specification ([Firefox bug 1394399](
- The {{domxref("Request.destination")}} property has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1402892](
- The {{domxref("MutationObserver")}} option dictionary, `MutationObserverInit`, no longer has `false` as the default value of all of its Boolean properties. Now, only `childList` and `subtree` have default values (of `false` still). The other properties have no default values ([Firefox bug 973638](
- The [Payment Request API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Payment_Request_API) method {{domxref("")}} now supports using a {{jsxref("Promise")}} to let the client side code provide updated payment details prior to activating the payment interface ([Firefox bug 1441709](
#### DOM events
_No changes._
#### Service workers
The "Forget" button, available in Firefox's customization options, now clears service workers and their caches ([Firefox bug 1252998](
#### Web Audio, Media and WebRTC
- The {{domxref("AudioContext.AudioContext", "AudioContext()")}} constructor now accepts an optional `options` parameter. This lets you configure the preferred latency and/or sample rate for the new context.
- Firefox now throws the correct exceptions when instantiation of an {{domxref("AudioBuffer")}} fails.
#### WebVR
- The [WebVR API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebVR_API) has been enabled by default on macOS ([Firefox bug 1244242](
#### Canvas and WebGL
_No changes._
#### CSSOM
- The {{domxref("CSSStyleRule.selectorText")}} property is now fully implemented and no longer read-only ([Firefox bug 37468](
- The {{domxref("MediaList")}} interface implementation is now a little closer to the specification. It is not all the way there yet; for example, stringifier attributes haven't been implemented yet ([Firefox bug 1455807](
### HTTP
- The cookie directive `SameSite` has been implemented. See [Set-Cookie](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie) and [HTTP cookies](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Cookies) ([Firefox bug 795346](
### Networking
- Firefox 61 and later no longer support using the FTP protocol (that is, URLs with the `"ftp://"` scheme) to load subresources from within HTML content. FTP is still supported as a top-level URL entered directly into the URL bar or loaded as a standalone document ([Firefox bug 1404744](
### Security
_No changes._
### Plugins
_No changes._
### Other
_No changes._
## Removals from the web platform
### Developer tools
`Cmd`/`Ctrl` + `Shift` + `O` no longer shows/hides the DevTools options panel — use `F1` instead ([Firefox bug 1409456](
### HTML
_No changes._
### CSS
`@-moz-document` has been disabled in content pages ([Firefox bug 1422245](
### APIs
- The {{domxref("File")}} interface's property {{domxref("File.lastModifiedDate", "lastModifiedDate")}} has been removed ([Firefox bug 1458883](
- The `Node.setUserData` and `Node.getUserData` methods have been removed from the platform completely ([Firefox bug 749981](
- The `Element.createShadowRoot()` method has been removed. Use {{domxref("Element.attachShadow()")}} instead ([Firefox bug 1453789](
- The {{domxref("MediaStream")}} overload of the {{domxref("URL.createObjectURL_static", "URL.createObjectURL()")}} method has been removed ([Firefox bug 1454889](
### SVG
- The deprecated (and never properly implemented) {{domxref("SVGViewElement")}}`.viewTarget` property has been removed ([Firefox bug 1455763](
- The following deprecated properties have been removed from {{domxref("SVGSVGElement")}} ([Firefox bug 1133172](
- `pixelUnitToMillimeterX`
- `pixelUnitToMillimeterY`
- `screenPixelToMillimeterX`
- `screenPixelToMillimeterY`
- The non-standard `SVGNumber()` constructor has been removed ([Firefox bug 1455940](
### Other
_No changes._
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
### WebExtensions
- Autocomplete popups are now themeable ([Firefox bug 1417883](
- [`tabs.onUpdated`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/onUpdated) now has a filter template ([Firefox bug 1329507](
- The default document colors can now be overridden, using [`browserSettings.overrideDocumentColors`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browserSettings/overrideDocumentColors) ([Firefox bug 1417810](
- [tabs.query](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/query) has been optimized with the implementation of some useful search/filter option parameters ([Firefox bug 1445316](
- You can now use [`permissions.request`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/permissions/request) from an `about:addons` preferences page ([Firefox bug 1382953](
- You can now force web pages to use system fonts instead of the fonts they specify using the [`browserSettings.useDocumentFonts`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browserSettings/useDocumentFonts) property ([Firefox bug 1400805](
- You can now cause browser search autocomplete suggestions to automatically open in a new tab rather than the current tab using the [`browserSettings.openUrlbarResultsInNewTabs`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browserSettings/openUrlbarResultsInNewTabs) property ([Firefox bug 1432645](
- You can control whether the user can close a tab using double-click with the [`browserSettings.closeTabsByDoubleClick`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browserSettings/closeTabsByDoubleClick) property ([Firefox bug 1435142](
- The `toolbar`, `toolbar_text`, `toolbar_field`, `toolbar_field_text`, and `toolbar_field_border` [theme](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/theme) manifest properties now also apply to the findbar ([Firefox bug 1418605](
- In [`sidebarAction.getPanel()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/sidebarAction/getPanel), [`sidebarAction.getTitle()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/sidebarAction/getTitle), [`sidebarAction.setPanel()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/sidebarAction/setPanel), [`sidebarAction.setTitle()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/sidebarAction/setTitle), and [`sidebarAction.setIcon()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/sidebarAction/setIcon), you can now specify a `windowId` so that the features will be set/got only for a specific window ([Firefox bug 1390464](
- [`tabs.hide()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/hide) and [``](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/show) are now enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1455040](
- The first time an extension hides a tab, the browser will tell the user that the tab is being hidden, show them how they can access the hidden tab, and give them the option of disabling the extension instead ([Firefox bug 1438363](
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/110/ | ---
title: Firefox 110 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/110
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 110 that will affect developers. Firefox 110 was released on February 14, 2023.
## Changes for web developers
### HTML
No notable changes.
### CSS
- Container queries and container query length units are now supported by default.
For more information on these queries and the related units of length, see the [CSS Container Queries](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_containment/Container_queries#container_query_length_units) documentation ([Firefox bug 1809720](
- The [color-gamut media query](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/color-gamut) is now supported ([Firefox bug 1422237](
- The [`list`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/datalist#color_type) attribute is supported in `<input>` elements with `type="color"` on Windows and Linux ([Firefox bug 960984](
- The [`@page`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@page) at-rule now supports named pages, which allows a user to create page breaks for specific selectors using the [`page`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/page) property ([Firefox bug 1787947](
### JavaScript
- Serialization of [native Error types](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Error#error_types) now includes the [`stack`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Error/stack) property in workers when using [`Worker.postMessage()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Worker/postMessage) and [`structuredClone()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/structuredClone).
With this addition, cloning native error stacks now works for all methods that use the [structured clone algorithm](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API/Structured_clone_algorithm), in both the main thread and workers.
(See [Firefox bug 1774866]( for more details.)
### APIs
- The `midi` permission of the [Permission API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Permissions_API) is now supported.
This allows the permission status for using the [Web MIDI API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_MIDI_API) to be queried using [`navigator.permissions.query()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Permissions/query) ([Firefox bug 1772166](
- {{domxref("ReadableStream")}} now supports [asynchronous iteration over the chunks in a stream](/en-US/docs/Web/API/ReadableStream#async_iteration) using the `for await...of` syntax ([Firefox bug 1734244](
- WebRTC now supports sending the set of available encodings when adding a transceiver to a peer connection, and also getting the active encoding associated with a sender.
Specifically, {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.addTransceiver()")}} now supports using the [`sendEncodings`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/RTCPeerConnection/addTransceiver#sendencodings) option in the [`init`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/RTCPeerConnection/addTransceiver#init) parameter object, and `active` can be used to determine whether or not the encoding is being used to send data.
(See [Firefox bug 1676855]( for more details.)
- WebRTC methods {{domxref("RTCRtpSender.getParameters()")}}, {{domxref("RTCRtpSender.setParameters()")}}, and {{domxref("RTCRtpReceiver.getParameters()")}} are now compliant with the specification ([Firefox bug 1401592](
#### DOM
- {{domxref("CSSContainerRule")}} is supported, allowing JavaScript to access the name and query used in an {{cssxref("@container")}} at-rule definition ([Firefox bug 1787173](
- Elements now lose focus if a style is applied that makes them ineligible to hold focus, such as `hidden`, and the [`blur` event](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/blur_event) is fired.
Focus then moves to the viewport.
Previously focus would remain with the element.
(See [Firefox bug 1810077]( for more details.)
### WebDriver conformance (WebDriver BiDi, Marionette)
#### WebDriver BiDi
- Added support for the `network.beforeRequestSent` ([Firefox bug 1790368](, the `network.responseStarted` ([Firefox bug 1790370](, and the `network.responseCompleted` ([Firefox bug 1790372]( events.
- Added support for the `browsingContext.captureScreenshot` command to capture full page screenshots ([Firefox bug 1800086](
- Added support for serialization and deserialization of generic platform objects ([Firefox bug 1792524](, and for `NodeList` and `HTMLCollection` platform objects ([Firefox bug 1802284](
- Added a `timestamp` field to the `browsingContext.domContentLoaded` and `browsingContext.load` events ([Firefox bug 1790378](
- Added a `type` field to the response for `script.evaluate` and `script.callFunction` to indicate either `success` or `exception` results ([Firefox bug 1803599](
#### Marionette
- The cache for known nodes (element and shadow root references) has been moved from the parent to the web content process following recent WebDriver classic changes ([Firefox bug 1692468](
- Improved the JSON serialization and deserialization algorithms to be compliant with the WebDriver classic specification ([Firefox bug 1794078](
## Changes for add-on developers
- Added the `"webRequestFilterResponse"`[API permission](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/permissions#api_permissions). This permission provides access to {{WebExtAPIRef("webRequest.filterResponseData")}}. This permission can be provided as an optional permission. See {{WebExtAPIRef("webRequest.filterResponseData")}} for more information on using this permission ([Firefox bug 1809235](
- The `defaultZoomFactor` property of {{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.ZoomSettings")}} now returns the value of the default zoom factor setting ([Firefox bug 1772166](
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/58/ | ---
title: Firefox 58 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/58
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 58 that will affect developers. Firefox 58 was released on January 23, 2018.
## Changes for Web developers
### Developer Tools
- The [Shape Path Editor]( has been enabled by default for shapes generated via {{cssxref("clip-path")}} ([Firefox bug 1405339](
- The [Network Monitor]( now has a button to [pause/play recording of network traffic]( ([Firefox bug 1005755](
- In the [Network Monitor]( the "Flash" filter button is no longer available, and Flash requests are included in the "Others" filter ([Firefox bug 1413540](
- The code for the old Responsive Design Mode (enabled by default pre-Firefox 52) has now been removed from the Devtools ([Firefox bug 1305777]( See [Responsive Design Mode]( for information on the new tools.
- The option to view MDN docs from the CSS pane of the page inspector has been removed ([Firefox bug 1382171]( (was disabled since 55, [Firefox bug 1352801](
### HTML
_No changes._
### CSS
- The {{cssxref("@font-face/font-display", "font-display")}} descriptor is now available by default on all platforms ([Firefox bug 1317445](
### SVG
_No changes._
### JavaScript
- The {{jsxref("Promise.prototype.finally()")}} method has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1019116](
- The {{jsxref("Intl/PluralRules", "Intl.PluralRules")}} object has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1403318](
- The {{jsxref("Intl/NumberFormat/formatToParts", "Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.formatToParts()")}} method has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1403319](
- The {{jsxref("Intl/DateTimeFormat", "Intl.DateTimeFormat")}} object now supports the `hourCycle` option and the `hc` language tag ([Firefox bug 1386146](
- The [optional catch binding proposal]( has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1380881](
### APIs
#### New APIs
- The {{domxref("PerformanceNavigationTiming")}} API has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1263722](
- Gecko has also been given a pref that can be used to disable the interface if required — `dom.enable_performance_navigation_timing`, defaulting to `true` ([Firefox bug 1403926](
#### DOM
- Errors reported via error objects in certain APIs — for example in the `error` property of {{domxref("FileReader")}}, {{domxref("IDBRequest")}}, and {{domxref("IDBTransaction")}}, and when requests made via certain methods of {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection")}} are unsuccessful — are now represented by {{domxref("DOMException")}} instances. {{domxref("DOMError")}} is now deprecated, having been removed from the DOM4 spec ([Firefox bug 1120178](
- The {{domxref("PerformanceResourceTiming.workerStart")}} property is now supported ([Firefox bug 1191943](
- Budget-based background timeout throttling has been implemented — see [Policies in place to aid background page performance](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Page_Visibility_API#policies_in_place_to_aid_background_page_performance) for more details ([Firefox bug 1377766](
#### DOM events
_No changes._
#### Media and WebRTC
- The prefixed version of {{domxref("HTMLMediaElement.srcObject")}} has been removed; make sure code is updated to use the standard `srcObject` instead of `mozSrcObject` ([Firefox bug 1183495](
- Using {{domxref("MediaStream.addTrack()")}} to add tracks to a stream obtained using {{domxref("MediaDevices.getUserMedia", "getUserMedia()")}}, then attempting to record the resulting stream now works as expected. Previously, only the tracks originally included in the stream returned by `getUserMedia()` were being included in the recorded media ([Firefox bug 1296531](
- The [WebVTT](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebVTT_API) {{domxref("VTTRegion")}} interface has always been created when interpreting WebVTT files, but the resulting regions were not previously utilized. Starting in Firefox 58, they are, if you enable the preference `media.webvtt.regions.enabled` by setting its value to `true`.
#### Canvas and WebGL
- Support for prefixed WebGL extensions has been removed ([Firefox bug 1403413](
- For `MOZ_WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc` use `WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc` instead.
- For `MOZ_WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc` use {{domxref("WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc")}} instead.
- For `MOZ_WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc` use {{domxref("WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc")}} instead.
- For `MOZ_WEBGL_depth_texture` use {{domxref("WEBGL_depth_texture")}} instead.
- For `MOZ_WEBGL_lose_context` use {{domxref("WEBGL_lose_context")}} instead.
### HTTP
- [`frame-ancestors`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Security-Policy/frame-ancestors) is no longer ignored in {{httpheader("Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only")}} ([Firefox bug 1380755](
- Firefox now implements a TLS handshake timeout with a default value of 30 seconds. The timeout value can be varied by editing the `network.http.tls-handshake-timeout` pref in about:config ([Firefox bug 1393691](
- The [`worker-src`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Security-Policy/worker-src) CSP directive has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1302667](
- The [425: Too Early](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/425) status code and related {{httpheader("Early-Data")}} request header are now supported ([Firefox bug 1406908](
### Security
_No changes._
### Plugins
_No changes._
### Other
- "Add to home screen" is now supported in Firefox for Android, part of the [Progressive Web Apps](/en-US/docs/Web/Progressive_web_apps) effort ([Firefox bug 1212648](
- [WebAssembly](/en-US/docs/WebAssembly) now has a tiered compiler providing load time optimizations ([Firefox bug 1277562](, and new streaming APIs — [`WebAssembly.compileStreaming()`](/en-US/docs/WebAssembly/JavaScript_interface/compileStreaming_static) and [`WebAssembly.installStreaming()`](/en-US/docs/WebAssembly/JavaScript_interface/installStreaming) [Firefox bug 1347644](
## Removals from the web platform
### HTML
- You can no longer nest an {{htmlelement("a")}} element inside a {{htmlelement("map")}} element to create a hotspot region — an {{htmlelement("area")}} element needs to be used instead ([Firefox bug 1317937](
### CSS
- The following proprietary Mozilla system metric pseudo-classes are no longer available to web content ([Firefox bug 1396066](
- `:-moz-system-metric(images-in-menus)`
- `:-moz-system-metric(mac-graphite-theme)`
- `:-moz-system-metric(scrollbar-end-backward)`
- `:-moz-system-metric(scrollbar-end-forward)`
- `:-moz-system-metric(scrollbar-start-backward)`
- `:-moz-system-metric(scrollbar-start-forward)`
- `:-moz-system-metric(scrollbar-thumb-proportional)`
- `:-moz-system-metric(touch-enabled)`
- `:-moz-system-metric(windows-default-theme)`
- The following proprietary Mozilla media features are no longer available to web content ([Firefox bug 1396066](
- `-moz-color-picker-available`
- `-moz-is-glyph`
- `-moz-mac-graphite-theme`
- `-moz-mac-yosemite-theme`
- `-moz-os-version`
- `-moz-overlay-scrollbars`
- `-moz-physical-home-button`
- `-moz-scrollbar-end-backward`
- `-moz-scrollbar-end-forward`
- `-moz-scrollbar-start-backward`
- `-moz-scrollbar-start-forward`
- `-moz-scrollbar-thumb-proportional`
- `-moz-swipe-animation-enabled`
- `-moz-windows-accent-color-in-titlebar`
- `-moz-windows-classic`
- `-moz-windows-compositor`
- `-moz-windows-default-theme`
- `-moz-windows-glass`
- `-moz-windows-theme`
- The proprietary Mozilla `:-moz-styleeditor-transitioning` pseudo-class is no longer available to web content ([Firefox bug 1396099](
### JavaScript
- The non-standard [`Date.prototype.toLocaleFormat()`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Deprecated_and_obsolete_features#date_2) method has been removed ([Firefox bug 818634](
- The non-standard and deprecated {{jsxref("")}} and {{jsxref("Object.prototype.unwatch", "unwatch()")}} methods have been removed and will no longer work ([Firefox bug 638054]( Consider using [setters and getters](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Working_with_objects#defining_getters_and_setters) or [proxies](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Proxy) instead.
- The [legacy Iterator protocol](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Deprecated_and_obsolete_features#legacy_generator_and_iterator), the [`StopIteration`](/en-US/docs/Archive/Web/StopIteration) object, the [legacy generator functions](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Deprecated_and_obsolete_features) and the non-standard {{jsxref("Function.prototype.isGenerator()")}} method have been removed. Use the ES2015 [iteration protocols](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols) and standards-compliant [iterators and generators](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Iterators_and_generators) instead ([Firefox bug 1083482](, [Firefox bug 1413867](, [Firefox bug 1119777](
- The non-standard [Array comprehensions](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Deprecated_and_obsolete_features) and [Generator comprehensions](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Deprecated_and_obsolete_features) have been removed ([Firefox bug 1414340](
### APIs
- The proprietary `moz-blob` and `moz-chunked-text` values of the {{domxref("XMLHttpRequest.responseType")}} property were removed completely in Firefox 58 ([Firefox bug 1397145](, [Firefox bug 1397151](, [Firefox bug 1120171](
- The `dom.abortController.enabled` and `dom.abortController.fetch.enabled` prefs that controlled exposure of the [Abort API functionality](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API#aborting_a_fetch) have now been removed, since those features are now enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1402317](
- The proprietary `mozSrcObject` property was removed in Firefox 58 ([Firefox bug 1183495]( Use the standard {{domxref("HTMLMediaElement.srcObject")}} property instead.
### SVG
_No changes._
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
### WebExtensions
- [browserSettings](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browserSettings)
- [browserSettings.webNotificationsDisabled](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browserSettings/webNotificationsDisabled) has been implemented (bug 1364942)
- [browsingData](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browsingData)
- [browsingData.localStorage](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browsingData/removeLocalStorage) now supports deleting localStorage by host (bug 1388428)
- [pkcs11](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/pkcs11) API to manage security devices (Bug 1357391)
- privacy
- first party isolation can now be toggled though firstPartyIsolate (bug 1409045)
- resist fingerprinting pref can now be toggle through resistFingerprinting (bug [1397611)](
- tabs
- [tabs.discard](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/discard) has been implemented (Bug 1322485)
- isArticle, isInReaderMode properties of Tab implemented (Bug 1381992)
- [toggleReaderMode](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/toggleReaderMode)() method implemented (Bug 1381992)
- openInReaderMode option of tabs.created implemented (Bug 1408993)
- tabs.onUpdated now notifies when entering/exiting reader mode (Bug 1402921)
- theme
- [getCurrent](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/theme/getCurrent)() method to obtain current theme properties (Bug [1349944](
- onUpdated method to receive WebExtension theme updates (Bug [1349944](
- colors.bookmark_text now supported as alias of colors.toolbar_text (Bug [1412595](
- colors.toolbar_top_separator, colors.toolbar_bottom_separator and colors.toolbar_vertical_separator implemented (Bug [1347190)](
- webRequest
- [webRequest.onBeforeRequest](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/webRequest/onBeforeRequest) now includes a "frameAncestors" parameter
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/68/ | ---
title: Firefox 68 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/68
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 68 that will affect developers. Firefox 68 was released on July 9, 2019.
## Changes for web developers
### Developer tools
#### Browser/web console
- The Web console now shows [more information about CSS warnings](, including a node list of the DOM elements that used the rule ([Firefox bug 1093953](
- You can now filter content in the Web console using regular expressions ([Firefox bug 1441079](
- The Browser console now allows you to show or hide messages from the content process by setting or clearing the checkbox labeled _Show Content Messages_ ([Firefox bug 1260877](
#### JavaScript debugger
- You can now [Search]( in all files in the current project from the debugger by pressing `Shift` + `Ctrl` + `F` (Windows or Linux) or `Shift` + `Cmd` + `F` (macOS) ([Firefox bug 1320325](
#### Network monitor
- The Network monitor [request list]( now allows you to block a specific URL ([Firefox bug 1151368](
- You can now resend a network request without editing the method, URL, parameters, and headers, using the [Resend]( command on the context menu ([Firefox bug 1422014](
- The context menu of the Network monitor [Headers]( tab now allows you to copy all or some of the header information to the clipboard in JSON format ([Firefox bug 1442249](
#### Page inspector
- A button has been added to the [rules panel]( of the Page inspector that allows you to toggle the display of any print media queries ([Firefox bug 1534984](
- The [fonts panel]( now includes a slider to modify `letter-spacing` ([Firefox bug 1536237](
- A warning icon appears next to unsupported CSS properties or rules that have invalid values, to help you understand why certain styles are not being applied ([Firefox bug 1306054](
#### Storage inspector
- You can now [delete local and session storage]( entries by selecting the item in the storage inspector and pressing the backspace key ([Firefox bug 1522893](
#### Other
- The [Accessibility Inspector]( now includes a new _Check for issues_ feature, which will include a number of audit tools to highlight accessibility problems on your web pages. The first available check is _contrast_, for highlighting color contrast problems.
- The preference that controls the visibility of internal extensions (system add-ons and hidden extensions) on the [about:debugging]( page has been changed from `devtools.aboutdebugging.showSystemAddons` to `devtools.aboutdebugging.showHiddenAddons` ([Firefox bug 1544372](
- [Responsive design mode]( has been redesigned — the _Device Settings_ dialog (device selection menu > _Edit List…_) is now more intuitive and simpler to use ([Firefox bug 1487857](
#### Removals
- The "Enable add-on debugging" checkbox has been removed from the [about:debugging]( page ([Firefox bug 1544813](
### HTML
- The {{HTMLElement("track")}} element — represented by {{domxref("HTMLTrackElement")}} — now receives a {{domxref("HTMLTrackElement.cuechange_event", "cuechange")}} event in addition to the {{domxref("TextTrack")}} itself, if the text track is a contained by a media element ([Firefox bug 1548731](
- {{htmlelement("link")}} elements support the `disabled` attribute again, albeit with different behavior. When `disabled` is set on a `<link>` element along with `rel="stylesheet"`, the referenced stylesheet is not loaded during page load, and will be loaded on demand when the `disabled` attribute is changed to `false` or removed ([Firefox bug 1281135](
#### Removals
- [`<meta http-equiv="set-cookie">`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/meta) is no longer supported ([Firefox bug 1457503](
### CSS
- [CSS Scroll Snapping](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_scroll_snap) has been updated to the latest version of the specification ([Firefox bug 1312163]( and ([Firefox bug 1544136](, this includes:
- The `scroll-padding` properties ([Firefox bug 1373832](
- The `scroll-margin` properties ([Firefox bug 1373833](
- {{CSSxRef("scroll-snap-align")}} ([Firefox bug 1373835](
- The {{CSSxRef("-webkit-line-clamp")}} property has been implemented for compatibility with other browsers ([Firefox bug 866102](
- Support has been added for the {{CSSxRef("::marker")}} pseudo-element ([Firefox bug 205202]( and animation for `::marker` pseudos ([Firefox bug 1538618](
- We changed {{CSSxRef("color_value#currentcolor_keyword", "currentcolor")}} to be a computed value (except for the {{cssxref("color")}} property) ([Firefox bug 760345](
- Support has been fixed for the `ch` length unit so it now matches the spec (fallback for no '0' glyph, vertical metrics) ([Firefox bug 282126](
- The {{CSSxRef("counter-set")}} property has been implemented. ([Firefox bug 1518201](
- We now implement list numbering using a built-in "list-item" counter; this fixes list numbering bugs ([Firefox bug 288704](
- Selector matching and parsing support has been implemented for [`::part()`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/::part) ([Firefox bug 1545430]( and ([Firefox bug 1545425](
- [CSS Transforms](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_transforms) are now supported in indirectly rendered things e.g.) {{SVGElement("mask")}}, {{SVGElement("marker")}}, {{SVGElement("pattern")}}, {{SVGElement("clipPath")}} ([Firefox bug 1323962](
- While we're keeping the prefixed versions of the various gradient properties ({{cssxref("gradient/linear-gradient")}}, {{cssxref("gradient/radial-gradient")}}, and {{cssxref("gradient/repeating-radial-gradient")}} available for compatibility reasons, we have revised how they're parsed so that they're handled much more like the non-prefixed versions. This means that certain existing styles won't work correctly.
In particular, the complicated syntax taking both an angle and a position will no longer work, and the `to` keyword in the `<side-or-corner>` parameter is not required for the prefixed gradient properties. You are encouraged to use the standard, non-prefixed gradient properties instead, as they're now widely supported ([Firefox bug 1547939](
#### Removals
- `scroll-snap-coordinate`, `scroll-snap-destination`, `scroll-snap-type-x` and `scroll-snap-type-y` have been removed.
- The {{CSSxRef("scroll-snap-type")}} property has become a longhand, so the old shorthand syntax like `scroll-snap-type:mandatory` will stop working.
### SVG
_No changes._
### JavaScript
- The new {{jsxref("BigInt")}} primitive is enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1527902](
- [String generic methods](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Deprecated_and_obsolete_features#string_2) have been removed ([Firefox bug 1222552](
### APIs
#### CSS Object Model (CSSOM)
- The legacy {{domxref("CSSStyleSheet.rules", "rules")}} property and {{domxref("CSSStyleSheet.addRule", "addRule()")}} and {{domxref("CSSStyleSheet.removeRule", "removeRule()")}} methods have been added to the {{domxref("CSSStyleSheet")}} interface. These were introduced by Internet Explorer 9 and have never managed to quite be stamped out, so they have been added to improve compatibility with the small percentage of sites that still use them ([Firefox bug 1545823](
#### DOM
- The [Visual Viewport API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Visual_Viewport_API) has now been enabled by default on Android ([Firefox bug 1512813]( Adding this API to desktop versions of Firefox is being tracked in [Firefox bug 1551302](
- The {{domxref("Window")}} feature [`noreferrer`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/open) is now supported; if specified, the new window's content is loaded without sharing the hostname, IP address, URL, or other identifying information about the host device ([Firefox bug 1527287](
- The {{domxref("HTMLImageElement.decode", "decode()")}} method on `HTMLImageElement` is now implemented. This can be used to trigger loading and decoding of an image prior to adding it to the DOM ([Firefox bug 1501794](
- {{domxref("XMLHttpRequest")}} has been updated to no longer accept the non-standard `moz-chunked-arraybuffer` value for {{domxref("XMLHttpRequest.responseType", "responseType")}}. Code still using it should be updated to [use the Fetch API as a stream](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Streams_API/Using_readable_streams#consuming_a_fetch_as_a_stream) ([Firefox bug 1120171](
- `XMLHttpRequest` now outputs a warning to console if you perform a synchronous request while handling an {{domxref("Window.unload_event", "unload")}}, {{domxref("Window.beforeunload_event", "beforeunload")}}, or {{domxref("Window.pagehide_event", "pagehide")}} event ([Firefox bug 980902](
- The {{domxref("Document.cookie", "cookie")}} property has moved from the {{domxref("HTMLDocument")}} interface to the {{domxref("Document")}} interface, allowing documents other than {{Glossary("HTML")}} to use cookies ([Firefox bug 144795](
- The {{domxref("HTMLElement.focus()")}} and {{domxref("SVGElement.focus()")}} methods now accept an optional object that may contain a boolean `preventScroll` option specifying whether or not to block the browser from scrolling the newly-focused element into view ([Firefox bug 1374045](
#### DOM events
- [Firefox for Android](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox_for_Android) no longer incorrectly sends a {{domxref("Window.resize_event", "resize")}} event until after the first frame is painted; this improves web compatibility with sites that don't expect this event to occur ([Firefox bug 1528052](
- The dispatching of events for non-primary mouse buttons has been made to more closely follow the specification; the {{domxref("Element.click_event", "click")}} event is no longer sent when non-primary buttons are clicked, instead using {{domxref("Element.auxclick_event", "auxclick")}}. In addition, {{domxref("Element.dblclick_event", "dblclick")}} no longer fires for non-primary buttons ([Firefox bug 1379466](
- The proprietary `mozPressure` property has been deprecated, and will now trigger a warning in the console ([Firefox bug 1165211](
#### Media, Web Audio, and WebRTC
- Due to changes in the Google Play store's policies, starting with Firefox 68 for Android, the OpenH264 codec used to handle AVC/H.264 video in WebRTC connections can no longer be downloaded and installed. Therefore, fresh installs of Firefox on Android devices no longer support AVC in WebRTC calls. If you upgrade from earlier versions of Firefox and already have the codec downloaded, it will continue to work. This does _not_ affect other platforms. For more details, see [this article on SUMO]( or [Firefox bug 1548679](
- WebRTC has been updated to recognize that a `null` candidate passed into the {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection/icecandidate_event", "icecandidate")}} event handler, indicating the receipt of a candidate, instead indicates that there are no further candidates coming; when this happens the ICE gathering ({{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.iceGatheringState", "iceGatheringState")}}) state reaches `complete` ([Firefox bug 1318167](
- The {{domxref("RTCRtpReceiver")}} methods {{domxref("RTCRtpReceiver.getContributingSources", "getContributingSources()")}} and {{domxref("RTCRtpReceiver.getSynchronizationSources", "getSynchronizationSources()")}} now support video tracks; previously they only worked on audio ([Firefox bug 1534466](
- The Web Audio API {{domxref("MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode")}} interface is now supported, as is the method {{domxref("AudioContext.createMediaStreamTrackSource()")}} ([Firefox bug 1324548](
- {{domxref("RTCDataChannel.negotiated")}} is now implemented ([Firefox bug 1529695](
- The {{domxref("MediaStreamAudioSourceNode.MediaStreamAudioSourceNode", "MediaStreamAudioSourceNode()")}} constructor has been updated to match the current specification's definition that the "first audio track" in the stream is the track whose ID comes first in lexicographical order ([Firefox bug 1324548](
- {{domxref("MediaDevices.getUserMedia", "getUserMedia()")}} may no longer be used from a non-secure context; attempting to do so now throws a `NotAllowedError` exception. Secure contexts are those loaded using HTTPS, those located using the `file:///` scheme, and those loaded from `localhost`. For now, if you must, you can re-enable the ability to perform insecure calls to `getUserMedia()` by setting the preference `media.getusermedia.insecure.enabled` to `true` ([Firefox bug 1335740](
> **Note:** In the future, Firefox will also remove the {{domxref("navigator.mediaDevices")}} property on insecure contexts, preventing all access to the {{domxref("MediaDevices")}} APIs. **This is already the case in Nightly builds.**
#### Removals
- Removed the non-standard `XMLDocument.load()` method ([Firefox bug 332175](
- Removed the non-standard `XMLDocument.async` property ([Firefox bug 1328138](
- The `RTCIceServer.credentialType` `token` value has been removed ([Firefox bug 1529595](
### HTTP
- The [HTTP](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP) {{HTTPHeader("Clear-Site-Data")}} header no longer supports the `executionContexts` directive. This was removed due to problems with interactions between interconnections among different kinds of data at different points in the navigation process and the way the specification is designed. It [has been proposed]( that this directive be removed from the specification for this reason, among others ([Firefox bug 1548034](
#### Removals
- The {{HTTPHeader("Content-Security-Policy")}} directive `require-sri-for` is no longer supported due to concerns about its standardization status. It was previously available only behind a preference, which was off by default ([Firefox bug 1386214](
### Security
- Due to [CVE-2019-11730: Same-origin policy treats all files in a directory as having the same-origin](, changes have been made so that Firefox now treats files in the same directory as being from different origins. This has a number of side-effects on what will work in documents loaded via file:// URLs (see [Firefox bug 1558299]( for useful background research). For example, workers can no longer be loaded.
### WebDriver conformance (Marionette)
#### Bug fixes
- If `WebDriver:SwitchToWindow` changes the selection to a different window it now waits for its `focus` and `activate` events before returning ([Firefox bug 1335085](
- Fixed the `TypeError: this.tabModal is null` failure, which sometimes appeared when interacting with modal dialogs or user prompts ([Firefox bug 1538782](
#### Other
- Disabled the feature to force unloading background tabs on low memory conditions, to prevent top-level browser contexts from magically disappearing ([Firefox bug 1553748](
- Disabled privileged content processes that caused HTTP authentication dialogs not to appear when navigating to a website after opening a new tab ([Firefox bug 1558763](
### Plugins
_No changes._
## Changes for add-on developers
### API changes
- The [`proxy.register()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/proxy) and [`proxy.unregister()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/proxy) functions have been deprecated and will be removed from Firefox 71 ([Firefox bug 1545811](
- A `boolean` flag, `incognito`, has been added to the [proxy.RequestDetails](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/proxy/RequestDetails). object. When `true`, it indicates that this was a private browsing request ([Firefox bug 1545163](
- The [webRequest.RequestFilter](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/webRequest/RequestFilter) parameters can include an incognito parameter. If provided, requests that do not match the incognito state (`true` or `false`) will be filtered out ([Firefox bug 1548177](
- A `string` value, `cookieStoreId`, representing the cookie store ID of the current context, has been added to the [proxy.RequestDetails](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/proxy/RequestDetails). object ([Firefox bug 1545420](
- When an add-on attempts to add a bookmark folder to the root folder, the resulting error message is now much more intuitive ([Firefox bug 1512171](
- The promise returned by [`browser.tabs.duplicate()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/duplicate) now resolves immediately, before the tabs are completely loaded ([Firefox bug 1394376](
- Support has been added for, allowing web extension settings to be implemented via enterprise policy ([Firefox bug 1230802](
- `proxyAuthorization` and `connectionIsolation` in {{WebExtAPIRef("proxy.onRequest")}} now apply only to HTTPS proxies ([Firefox bug 1549368](
### Manifest changes
_No changes._
## See also
- Hacks release post: [Firefox 68: BigInts, Contrast Checks, and the QuantumBar](
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/18/ | ---
title: Firefox 18 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/18
page-type: firefox-release-notes
Firefox 18 was released on January 8, 2013. This article lists key changes that are useful not only for web developers, but also Firefox and Gecko developers as well as add-on developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### HTML
- The [`reversed`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/ol#reversed) attribute of the {{HTMLElement("ol")}} element is now supported ([Firefox bug 601912](
- The [`crossorigin`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/link#crossorigin) attribute of the {{HTMLElement("link")}} element is now supported ([Firefox bug 786564](
- The [`allowfullscreen`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe#allowfullscreen) attribute of the {{HTMLElement("iframe")}} has been implemented and it's prefixed predecessor [`mozallowfullscreen`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe#mozallowfullscreen) is now deprecated.
### CSS
- The {{cssxref("min-width")}} and {{cssxref("min-height")}} now uses the `auto` keyword as _initial value_ (This has an effect only on flex items as it resolves to `0`, the previous initial value, for other items). ([Firefox bug 763689](
- The cascade has been updated: now author `!important` rules override [CSS animations](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_animations/Using_CSS_animations). ([Firefox bug 783714](
- The {{cssxref("background")}} shorthand property now recognizes CSS3 {{cssxref("background-size")}} property specified inside. ([Firefox bug 570326](
- Initial support for the CSS Flexbox Module has been landed. It is disabled by default but can be enabled by setting `layout.css.flexbox.enabled` to true ([Firefox bug 666041](
### DOM/APIs
- `navigator.mozPay` has been landed. ([Firefox bug 767818](
- `window.devicePixelRatio` has been landed. ([Firefox bug 564815](
- The MacOS X backend for `window.navigator.battery` has been implemented. ([Firefox bug 696045](
- `MozBlobBuilder` is removed. Developers need to use {{domxref("Blob")}} constructor for creating a `Blob` object. ([Firefox bug 744907](
- The {{domxref("document.visibilitychange_event", "visibilitychange")}} event and the [Page Visibility API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Page_Visibility_API) has been unprefixed ([Firefox bug 812086](
- {{domxref("TextDecoder")}} and {{domxref("TextEncoder")}} have been added. Note that the implementation and spec of these evolved and have been changed in Firefox 19 ([Firefox bug 764234](
- `HTMLMediaElement.src` has been separate in two properties: the standard `src` property, dealing with strings, and the prefixed `mozSrcObject` property, dealing with [media streams](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Media_Capture_and_Streams_API) ([Firefox bug 792665](
- Support for [transferable objects.](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API/Using_web_workers#passing_data_by_transferring_.c2.a0ownership_%28transferable_objects%29)
- The {{domxref("Screen.lockOrientation()")}} method now supports an `Array` of strings as argument ([Firefox bug 784549](
### JavaScript
- Harmony's (ECMAScript 2015) [Direct Proxies](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Proxy) have been landed ([Firefox bug 703537]( Warning: the implementation contains a couple of known bugs, missing features and misalignments with the current state of the spec. Do not rely on it for production code.
- The ECMAScript 2015 `contains()` method is now implemented on strings. This is unfortunately not compatible with Mootools 1.2, which expects different behavior from `contains()` on strings but does not ensure it. Newer versions of Mootools fix this issue; sites should upgrade their Mootools version to something newer than 1.2.
### WebGL
- The prefixed version of the {{domxref("EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic")}} WebGL extension, "MOZ_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic" has been removed ([Firefox bug 790946](
### SVG
### MathML
### XUL
### Network
- Quality factors ("q-values") are now clamped to 2 digits (e.g. in HTTP {{HTTPHeader("Accept-Language")}} headers) ([Firefox bug 672448](
- The `ALLOW-FROM` syntax of the [`X-FRAME-OPTIONS`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Frame-Options) HTTP Response header is now supported ([Firefox bug 690168](
### Developer tools
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
### Interface changes
- `nsIStreamListener`
- : The 4th parameter (aOffset) of `onDataAvailable()` method changes to unsigned long long. ([Firefox bug 784912](
- `nsIUploadChannel`
- : `setUploadStream()` supports over 2GB content-length ([Firefox bug 790617](
- `nsIEditor`
- : `addEditorObserver()` has been removed, use `setEditorObserver()` instead, `removeEditorObserver()` no longer takes a `nsIEditorObserver` parameter ([Firefox bug 785091](
- `nsIHttpProtocolHandler`
- : `http-on-modify-request` observers are no longer guaranteed to be called synchronously during `nsIChannel.asyncOpen()`.
For observers that need to be called during `asyncOpen()`, the new `http-on-opening-request` observer topic has been added. `See` ([Firefox bug 800799](
- `nsIProtocolProxyService`
- : The `resolve` method has been removed. Now, only the `asyncResolve` method can be used. See ([Firefox bug 769764](
#### New interfaces
#### Removed interfaces
The following interfaces have been removed.
- `nsIEditorObserver`
## See also
- [Firefox 18 Beta Release Notes](
- [Aurora 18: HiDPI & Touch Events]( (Mozilla Hacks)
- [Add-on Compatibility for Firefox 18]( (Add-ons Blog)
### Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/86/ | ---
title: Firefox 86 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/86
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 86 that will affect developers. Firefox 86 was released on February 23, 2021.
> **Note:** See also [A Fabulous February Firefox — 86!]( on Mozilla Hacks.
## Changes for web developers
### Developer Tools
- The `cd()` [web console helper function](, which was deprecated in Firefox 74, has now been removed. The `<iframe>` context picker tool described in [Working with iframes]( serves the same purpose, but is much better! For more information see [Firefox bug 1607741](
- The different {{cssxref("margin")}} and {{cssxref("padding")}} shorthand and longhand properties are now marked as inactive on internal table elements because they have no effect on them. ([Firefox bug 1551569](
- The {{cssxref("order")}} property was previously incorrectly marked as inactive for grid items. This got fixed in [Firefox bug 1579017](
### HTML
_No changes._
### SVG
- SVG filters can now use the {{SVGElement("feComposite")}} element with the [`lighter` operator](/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/operator#fecomposite) ([Firefox bug 1518099]( This operator sums the pixels of two source graphics.
### CSS
- The {{cssxref(":autofill")}} pseudo-class is now enabled, with `-webkit-autofill` as an alias ([Firefox bug 1685675]( and ([Firefox bug 1475316](
- The {{cssxref("list-style-image")}} property now accepts any valid {{cssxref("image")}} ([Firefox bug 1685078](
### JavaScript
- The [`Intl.DisplayNames`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DisplayNames) built-in object has been enabled by default. This enables the consistent translation of language, region, and script display names:
// Get English currency code display names
let currencyNames = new Intl.DisplayNames(["en"], { type: "currency" });
// Get currency names
currencyNames.of("USD"); // "US Dollar"
currencyNames.of("EUR"); // "Euro"
For more information see [Firefox bug 1654116](
### APIs
#### DOM
- [``](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/name) is now reset to an empty string if a tab loads a page from a different domain, and restored if the original page is reloaded (e.g. by selecting the "back" button). This prevents an untrusted page from accessing any information that the previous page might have stored in the property (potentially the new page might also modify such data, which might then be read by the original page if it was reloaded). For more information see [Firefox bug 1685089](
- [`EventTarget.addEventListener()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget/addEventListener) now supports the `signal` option. This option allows an [`AbortSignal`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/AbortSignal) to be passed to the method. The `AbortSignal` can later be used to remove the listener by calling `abort()`. For more information see [Firefox bug 1679204](
### WebDriver conformance (Marionette)
- Updated `WebDriver:ElementClick` to synthesize a `mousemove` event before the actual `click` event ([Firefox bug 1684002](
#### Known bugs
- WebDriver commands following a call to `WebDriver:SwitchToFrame` can fail with a "no such window" error
if the frame's content hasn't yet finished loading ([Firefox bug 1691348](
- After a [cross-group page navigation](, accessing a previously-retrieved element might not always raise a "stale element" error, and
can also lead to a "no such element" error. To prevent this, set the `marionette.actors.enabled`
preference to `false` ([Firefox bug 1690308](
#### Removals
- Removed support for the deprecated `Marionette:ActionChain` and `Marionette:MultiAction` commands ([Firefox bug 1683755](
## Changes for add-on developers
- [Host permissions](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/permissions#host_permissions) now grant access to privileged parts of the [tabs API](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs) ([Firefox bug 1679688](
- `focused: false` is now ignored when set as an option in a [`windows.create()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/windows/create) call ([Firefox bug 1253129](
- {{WebExtAPIRef("identity.getRedirectURL")}} now supports a loopback address, see [Getting the redirect URL](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/identity#getting_the_redirect_url) for details ([Firefox bug 1614919](
- The page ID is now returned as part of {{WebExtAPIRef("history.onTitleChanged")}} ([Firefox bug 1678611](
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/66/ | ---
title: Firefox 66 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/66
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 66 that will affect developers. Firefox 66 was released on March 19, 2019.
## Changes for web developers
### Developer tools
- JavaScript getters can now be executed from the auto-completion popup in the [Web Console]( ([Firefox bug 1499289](
- The Window methods {{domxref("Window.alert()", "alert()")}}, {{domxref("Window.prompt()","prompt()")}}, and {{domxref("Window.confirm()","confirm()")}} now work again in [Responsive Design Mode](, after a period of being broken ([Firefox bug 1273997](
- You can copy the output of the console to the clipboard by right-clicking and selecting "**Export visible messages to clipboard**" from the context menu.
### HTML
- UTF-8-encoded HTML (and plain text) files loaded from `file:` URLs are now supported without `<meta charset="utf-8">` or the UTF-8 BOM, making it easier to work on such files locally before uploading them to a server. You still need to make sure that the server sends `charset=utf-8` in the `Content-Type` HTTP header for such files, otherwise the detection mechanism used for local files would break incremental loading in the network case ([Firefox bug 1071816](
#### Removals
- The `x-moz-errormessage` attribute has been removed from the {{HTMLElement("input")}} element ([Firefox bug 1513890]( You should use the [constraint validation](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Constraint_validation) API to implement custom validation messages instead.
### CSS
- [Scroll anchoring]( has been implemented in Firefox Desktop (but not mobile yet), which includes the {{cssxref("overflow-anchor")}} property ([Firefox bug 1305957](
- We've implemented the case-sensitive [attribute selector](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Attribute_selectors) modifier, `s` ([Firefox bug 1512386](
- Several [logical property](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_logical_properties_and_values) shorthands have landed, along with the flow-relative border radius properties:
- {{cssxref("padding-block")}} and {{cssxref("padding-inline")}} ([Firefox bug 1519847](
- {{cssxref("margin-block")}} and {{cssxref("margin-inline")}} ([Firefox bug 1519944](
- {{cssxref("inset")}}, {{cssxref("inset-block")}}, and {{cssxref("inset-inline")}} ([Firefox bug 1520229](
- {{cssxref("border-block-color")}}, {{cssxref("border-block-style")}}, {{cssxref("border-block-width")}}, {{cssxref("border-inline-color")}}, {{cssxref("border-inline-style")}}, and {{cssxref("border-inline-width")}} ([Firefox bug 1520236](
- {{cssxref("border-block")}} and {{cssxref("border-inline")}} ([Firefox bug 1520396](
- {{cssxref("border-start-start-radius")}}, {{cssxref("border-start-end-radius")}}, {{cssxref("border-end-start-radius")}}, and {{cssxref("border-end-end-radius")}} ([Firefox bug 1520684](
- We implemented the {{cssxref("@media/overflow-inline", "overflow-inline")}} and {{cssxref("@media/overflow-block", "overflow-block")}} media queries ([Firefox bug 1422235](
- {{cssxref("grid-template-columns")}} and {{cssxref("grid-template-rows")}} are now animatable, as per the rules set out in their specs ([Firefox bug 1348519](
- We now support {{cssxref("calc", "calc()")}} with percentages for table cells and column widths ([Firefox bug 957915](
- The `min-content` and `max-content` keywords are now available unprefixed ([Firefox bug 1322780]( These can be set on:
- {{cssxref("width")}}
- {{cssxref("height")}}
- {{cssxref("flex-basis")}}
- {{cssxref("min-width")}}
- {{cssxref("max-width")}}
- {{cssxref("min-height")}}
- {{cssxref("max-height")}}
- {{cssxref("min-block-size")}}
- {{cssxref("min-inline-size")}}
- {{cssxref("max-block-size")}}
- {{cssxref("max-inline-size")}}
- {{cssxref("block-size")}}
- {{cssxref("inline-size")}}
### SVG
_No additions._
#### Removals
- We removed support for the `xml:base` attribute ([Firefox bug 903372](
### JavaScript
No changes.
### APIs
#### New APIs/changes
- Autoplaying audio will be blocked by default soon after 66 becomes the release version of Firefox ([Firefox bug 1487844](, see [Firefox bug 1535667]( for rollout details). The feature will be rolled out gradually to users until everyone has it.
#### DOM
- The {{domxref("HTMLSlotElement.assignedElements()")}} method has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1425685](
- The {{domxref("TextEncoder.encodeInto()")}} method has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1514664](
#### DOM events
- The {{domxref("InputEvent.inputType")}} property has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1447239](
- The {{domxref("Window.event")}} and {{domxref("Event.returnValue")}} properties — originally proprietary IE features, then also supported across other browsers for compatibility purposes — have been re-introduced in Firefox 66, after first being added in versions 63 and 64 respectively but then removed again due to compatibility issues.
- From 66 onwards, when the {{domxref("KeyboardEvent.keyCode")}} property of the {{domxref("Element/keypress_event", "keypress")}} event object is 0, the value will be the same as {{domxref("KeyboardEvent.charCode")}}. Conversely, when `charCode` is 0, it will be the same as `keyCode`. This mirroring behavior matches other browsers and is expected to solve most associated compatibility issues, however user agent sniffing might cause further issues in some JavaScript libraries. Note that in spec terms, we've switched from the _split model_ to the _conflated model_ (see [How to determine keyCode for keypress events]( in the UI Event spec).
#### Media, Web Audio, and WebRTC
- The new [AV1 video codec](/en-US/docs/Web/Media/Formats/Video_codecs#av1) is now enabled by default on both macOS and Windows (for Intel processors). Linux support will come in Firefox 67 ([Firefox bug 1521181](, [Firefox bug 1452146](, and [Firefox bug 1534814](
- The {{domxref("MediaDevices")}} method {{domxref("MediaDevices.getDisplayMedia", "getDisplayMedia()")}}, available as `navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia()`, has been added and synchronized with the specification. This method lets you capture a screen or part of a screen as a {{domxref("MediaStream")}} for manipulation or sharing ([Firefox bug 1321221](
- As a step toward eventually deprecating the Firefox-specific {{domxref("MediaDevices.getUserMedia", "getUserMedia()")}}-based method for capturing screen and window contents, the non-standard `mediaSource` constraint now treats the values `screen` and `window` identically. Both now present a list of both screens and windows for the user to choose from ([Firefox bug 1474376](
- {{domxref("RTCRtpStreamStats.qpSum", "qpSum")}} has been added to local outbound {{domxref("RTCRTPStreamStats")}} objects. This measures the total of the Quantization Parameter values for every frame sent or received on the video track. The higher this number, the more compressed the stream probably is ([Firefox bug 1347070](
- In a step along the road toward implementing support for Feature Policy in a future Firefox update, {{domxref("MediaDevices.getUserMedia", "getUserMedia()")}} can no longer be used in situations in which there is no proper origin for the content, such as when called from a sandboxed {{HTMLElement("iframe")}} or from a `data` URL entered into the address bar by the user. For more details, see the [Security](/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaDevices/getUserMedia#security) section on the MediaDevices.getUserMedia() page ([Firefox bug 1371741](
#### Removals
- The legacy WebRTC `PeerConnection.getStats()` method has been removed, along with associated types ([Firefox bug 1328194](
### Networking
- The default value of the {{httpheader("Accept")}} header has been changed to `*/*` ([Firefox bug 1417463](
### Security
_No changes._
### Plugins
_No changes._
### WebDriver conformance (Marionette)
#### API changes
- `WebDriver:NewWindow` has been added to support opening of a new browsing context, which can be one of either window or tab ([Firefox bug 1504756](
- `WebDriver:SwitchToFrame` now raises a `no such element` error if the specified element isn't part of the current browsing context ([Firefox bug 1517196](
- `WebDriver:ExecuteScript` and `WebDriver:ExecuteAsyncScript` no longer support the non-spec compliant `scriptTimeout` parameter. Instead, use `WebDriver:SetTimeout` or the `timeouts` capability to define this value ([Firefox bug 1510929](
- In addition, indefinite script timeouts are now supported ([Firefox bug 1128997](
- `WebDriver:SetWindowRect` no longer returns the window state in its response ([Firefox bug 1517587](
#### Bug fixes
- `WebDriver:TakeScreenshot` now uses the {{domxref("Element.clientWidth")}} and {{domxref("Element.clientHeight")}} properties of the {{domxref("Document.documentElement")}} instead of the viewport dimensions ([Firefox bug 1385706](
- Various fixes have been applied to make window manipulation commands more reliable across platforms ([Firefox bug 1522408](, [Firefox bug 1478358](, [Firefox bug 1489955](
## Changes for add-on developers
### API changes
#### Menus
- Extension menu items of the "bookmark" {{WebExtAPIRef("menus.ContextType", "type")}} will also appear in the Bookmarks sidebar (`Ctrl` + `B`) and Library window (`Ctrl` + `Shift` + `B`) ([Firefox bug 1419195](
### Manifest changes
_No changes._
## See also
- Hacks release post: [Firefox 66: The Sound of Silence](
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/76/ | ---
title: Firefox 76 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/76
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 76 that will affect developers. Firefox 76 was released on [May 5, 2020](
**See also the accompanying hacks post — [Firefox 76: Audio worklets and other tricks](**
## Changes for web developers
### Developer tools
#### Debugger
- You can now enable/disable blackboxing of source groups and folders listed in the [Source list pane]( via context menu options ([Firefox bug 1118152](
- The [Call stack pane]('s _Copy stack trace_ context menu option now copies full URLs, not just filenames ([Firefox bug 1619039](
#### Network monitor
- In the network request list, you can now double-click a column divider to resize the column to the left of it to fit its contents ([Firefox bug 1615102](
- The network request _Copy > [Copy as cURL]( context menu option has a new option available, `--globoff`, which suppresses cURL's globbing (wildcard matching) feature if the copied URL includes square bracket characters ([Firefox bug 1549773](
- The _Messages_ tab of the details pane for [web socket requests]( has a new filter — _Control_ — for showing control frames, and the filters are now grouped together into a selection list ([Firefox bug 1566780](
#### Web console
- In [multi-line mode](, code snippets longer than five lines are abbreviated to five lines, preceded by a disclosure triangle (or "twisty"), and followed by an ellipsis (…). You can click anywhere in this area to show the code, and click again in that area to collapse it ([Firefox bug 1578212](
- DOM element references outputted into the console now have a "Reveal in inspector" context menu option, which shows the element in the HTML pane of the [Page inspector]( ([Firefox bug 1612276](
#### Remote debugging
- Because of differences in DevTools versions, it is not possible to debug releases of Firefox for Android that are based on version 68, from desktop Firefox versions 69 or later. When attempting to do this, the Firefox desktop browser will now show a message informing the user of this problem, and offering possible next steps ([Firefox bug 1625906]( See [Connection to Firefox for Android 68]( for more information.
### HTML
- The {{HTMLElement("input")}} element's [`min`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#min) and [`max`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#max) attributes now work correctly when the value of `min` is greater than the value of `max` for control types whose values are periodic (that is, values that wrap around at some point). This is particularly helpful, for example, with date and time inputs, where you might want to specify a time range of 11 PM to 2 AM ([Firefox bug 1608010](
### CSS
- Firefox now supports [CSS colors level 4 system colors]( ([Firefox bug 1590894](
### SVG
_No changes._
### JavaScript
- The `numberingSystem` and `calendar` options of the {{jsxref("Intl.NumberFormat")}}, {{jsxref("Intl.DateTimeFormat")}}, and {{jsxref("Intl.RelativeTimeFormat")}} constructors are now enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1625975](
### APIs
#### New APIs
- Firefox now supports audio worklets by default, with support for {{domxref("BaseAudioContext.audioWorklet", "AudioContext.audioWorklet")}}, which lets you use the {{domxref("AudioWorkletProcessor")}} and {{domxref("AudioWorkletNode")}} interfaces to process audio in real time off the main thread ([Firefox bug 1616725](
#### DOM
- UI-parts related items in the `windowFeatures` parameter of {{domxref("")}} can no longer control the visibility of each UI part separately, but become a condition for whether to open a popup or not ([Firefox bug 1507375](
- Attempts to navigate to an unknown protocol using methods such as [`location.href`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Location/href) or [`<meta http-equiv="refresh">`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/meta) are now blocked (see [Firefox bug 1528305](
- The {{domxref("IntersectionObserver.IntersectionObserver", "IntersectionObserver()")}} constructor now accepts a {{domxref("Document")}} object as its `root`, as well as an {{domxref("Element")}} object ([Firefox bug 1623623]( This lets you explicitly use a window's entire content area as the intersection bounds.
- The [Fetch API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API) now supports the `audioworklet` {{domxref("Request.destination", "destination")}} for requests. This causes received data to be dispatched to an {{domxref("AudioWorklet")}} ([Firefox bug 1402784](
#### Removals
- We've completely removed the [Window `appinstalled` event](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/appinstalled_event) (and the associated `Window.onappinstalled` handler property) — these were never shipped, and have now been removed from the [Web Manifest spec]( ([Firefox bug 1625384](
### HTTP
_No changes._
### Security
_No changes._
### WebDriver conformance (Marionette)
- Firefox no longer reports `false` for `navigator.webdriver` when used for automation / testing via geckodriver ([Firefox bug 1632556](
## Changes for add-on developers
_No changes._
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/13/ | ---
title: Firefox 13 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/13
page-type: firefox-release-notes
Firefox 13 was shipped on June 5, 2012. This page summarizes the changes in Firefox 13 that affect developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### HTML
- Tables' [`cellspacing`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/table#cellspacing) attributes are now parsed the same outside quirks mode as they are in quirks mode. That is, if a value is specified as a percentage, it's treated as a number of pixels instead, since percentage values are not actually permitted according to the specification.
- The {{htmlelement("wbr")}} element has seen its bidirectional behavior fixed. It now behaves like the Unicode `U+200B ZERO-WIDTH SPACE` and therefore doesn't affect bi-directionality of its parent element anymore.
- The {{Cssxref(":invalid")}} pseudo-class can now be applied to the {{htmlelement("form")}} element.
### CSS
- The `turn` {{cssxref("<angle>")}} unit is now supported (to be used with CSS functions like `rotate()`).
- Support for 3-to-4 value syntax of the {{cssxref("background-position")}} has been added. You can offset a background image from any corner by writing like "`right 10px bottom 20px`". See [Firefox bug 522607](
- Support for the 2-value syntax of the CSS {{cssxref("background-repeat")}} has been added.
- Support for {{cssxref("border-radius","-moz-border-radius*")}} and {{cssxref("box-shadow","-moz-box-shadow")}} has been removed. Authors should use unprefixed `border-radius` or `box-shadow` instead. See [Firefox bug 693510](
- The {{cssxref("column-fill")}} property has been implemented (prefixed).
### JavaScript
- Support for the ECMAScript 2015 [`for...of`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/for...of) construct has been added.
- Experimental support for ECMAScript 2015 [Map](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Map) and [Set](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Set) objects has been implemented.
### DOM
- The {{domxref("Node.cloneNode()")}} method's `deep` argument is now optional, as specified in DOM4.
- The {{domxref("setTimeout()")}} and {{domxref("setInterval()")}} methods no longer pass an additional "lateness" argument to the callback routine.
- The {{domxref("Blob","Blob.mozSlice()")}} method has been unprefixed.
- Support for the {{domxref("Blob")}} constructor has been added.
- Support for `globalStorage` has been removed.
- The new `DOMRequest` interface, used for reporting the status and result of background operations, has been added.
- The {{domxref("HTMLOptionElement", "HTMLOptionElement.index()")}} method now returns `0` instead of the incorrect `-1` when the {{HTMLElement("option")}} is inside a {{HTMLElement("datalist")}} HTML element.
- {{domxref("DOMException")}} as defined in DOM Level 4 has been implemented.
- The {{domxref("FileError")}} interface has been removed in favor of the {{domxref("DOMError")}} interface as defined in the latest FileAPI specification.
- The {{domxref("Range")}} object no longer throws a `RangeException`. Instead a {{domxref("DOMException")}} as defined in DOM 4 is used.
- {{domxref("element.getAttributeNS()")}} now always returns `null` instead of the empty string for non-existent attributes. Previously, there were cases in which the empty string could be returned. This is in keeping with the DOM4 specification, which now says this should return null for non-existent attributes, instead of an empty string.
- The {{domxref("HTMLCanvasElement")}} interface now has a non-standard `mozFetchAsStream()` method, which provides an input stream containing the element's image data in the specified format.
### UA string
- Firefox for Android now has a [Tablet or Mobile token in the UA string](/en-US/docs/Gecko_user_agent_string_reference#mobile_and_tablet_indicators) to indicate the form factor and no longer has the Fennec token. Also, the number after "Gecko/" is now the Gecko version number instead of a frozen date.
- The UA string no longer exposes the Gecko patch number or release status in the version number; that is, the version number is now always of the form "X.Y", where X is the major release number and Y the minor. For example, "13.0" or "14.1". It will no longer be something like "14.0.1b1".
### SVG
- The {{domxref("SVGStringList")}} DOM interface is now indexable like [`Array`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array) (see [Firefox bug 722071](
### WebGL
- Support has been added for the [`EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGL_API/Using_Extensions#ext_texture_filter_anisotropic) extension. Anisotropic texture filtering improves the quality of mipmapped texture access when viewing a textured primitive at an oblique angle.
### MathML
- Support for the `width` attribute on {{MathMLElement("mtable")}} elements has been added ([Firefox bug 722880](
- [MathJax fonts]( are now used as the default fonts for mathematical text. See [Fonts for Mozilla's MathML engine](/en-US/docs/Mozilla_MathML_Project/Fonts) for more information.
### Network
- The SPDY protocol now enabled by default.
### Developer tools
#### 3D view improvements
- You can now press the "f" key to make sure the currently selected node is visible.
#### Style panel improvements
- Clicking the heading for any rule in the [style panel]( now opens the [Style Editor]( at the corresponding CSS.
- Right-clicking on a rule in the [style panel]( now offers an option to copy the rule to the clipboard.
- Entering an unknown property name, or an illegal property value, displays a warning icon next to that property.
#### Scratchpad improvements
- The _Scratchpad_ now has an option in the Help menu to take you to the MDN documentation about Scratchpad.
## Changes for Mozilla and add-on developers
### Compatibility note
Starting in Firefox 13, Firefox for Windows requires at least Windows XP Service Pack 2; it will no longer run on Windows 2000 or earlier versions of Windows XP.
### JavaScript code modules
#### source-editor.jsm
- Support for a dirty flag has been added to the Source Editor API.
- The Source Editor no longer supports falling back to a {{HTMLElement("textarea")}} instead of using Orion.
- The editor now exposes focus and blur events.
- The [`getIndentationString()`](/en-US/docs/JavaScript_code_modules/source-editor.jsm#getIndentationString%28%29) method has been added; this returns the string to use for indenting text in the editor.
- The Source Editor now supports managing a list of breakpoints and displaying user interface for toggling them on and off; it does not actually implement breakpoints, however. That's up to you to write debugger code for.
- Support has been added for highlighting the current line, using the `highlightCurrentLine` configuration option.
### ARIA
- The CSS properties {{cssxref("margin-left")}}, {{cssxref("margin-right")}}, {{cssxref("margin-top")}}, {{cssxref("margin-bottom")}} are now all reflected into ARIA object attributes with the same name. See [Gecko object attributes](/en-US/docs/Accessibility/AT-APIs/Gecko/Attrs) for more information.
### Interfaces
- The `nsIScreen` interface now supports controlling rotation through the new `rotation` attribute.
- The `nsIPrefBranch2` interface has been merged into `nsIPrefBranch` ([Firefox bug 718255](
- The new message manager wake-up service, implemented by `nsIMessageWakeupService`, has been implemented. See [Firefox bug 591052](
- The aliases `MozOpacity`, `MozOutline`, `MozOutlineStyle`, `MozOutlineWidth`, `MozOutlineOffset`, and `MozOutlineColor`, all of which were removed in previous versions of Gecko, have been removed from `nsIDOMCSS2Properties`, which should have been done with the aliases were initially removed.
- The `nsINavHistoryQueryOptions` attribute `excludeItemIfParentHasAnnotation` has been removed, along with the corresponding query operation. It existed to support livemarks, which no longer exist.
## See also
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/57/ | ---
title: Firefox 57 (Quantum) for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/57
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 57 (a.k.a. Firefox Quantum) that will affect developers. Firefox 57 was released on November 14, 2017.
## Firefox 57 === Firefox Quantum
Firefox 57 has been given the release name **Quantum**, after the [Firefox Quantum]( engineering project that has aimed to rebuild Firefox from the ground up, bringing with it major performance, stability, and visual improvements. This is the first version of Firefox to ship some of these improvements, so we wanted to mark the occasion.
> **Note:** To read more about the Quantum features in this release, see [Firefox Quantum Developer Edition: the fastest Firefox ever with Photon UI and better tooling]( by Dan Callahan.
[Firefox's new parallel CSS engine]( — also known as **Quantum CSS** or **Stylo** — is enabled by default in Firefox 57 for desktop, with Mobile versions of Firefox to follow later on. Developers shouldn't notice anything significantly different, aside from a whole host of performance improvements. There are however a number of minor functional differences in Stylo, implemented to fix non-standard Gecko behavior that should be eliminated. We will report on such differences on reference pages and in the release notes as appropriate (see [Quantum CSS notes](#quantum_css_notes)).
## Changes for Web developers
### Developer Tools
_No changes._
### HTML
- The [date](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/date) and [time](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/time) {{htmlelement("input")}} types are now enabled in all builds ([Firefox bug 1399036](
### CSS
- The `minimal-ui` and `standalone` values of the [`display-mode`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/display-mode) media query are now supported ([Firefox bug 1369815]( See also the [Web app manifest `display` field](/en-US/docs/Web/Manifest#display).
- The `grid-row-gap` and `grid-column-gap` properties are no longer reset by the {{CSSxRef("grid")}} shorthand ([Firefox bug 1387410](
- The `layout.css.clip-path-shapes.enabled` preference has been removed ([Firefox bug 1399767]( This preference allowed disabling the {{CSSxRef("<basic-shape>")}} support in {{CSSxRef("clip-path")}}. This support was shipped in Firefox 54 and can no longer be disabled.
#### Quantum CSS notes
Following bugs have been fixed in Quantum:
- Radial gradient values like `radial-gradient(circle gold,red)` will work in the old Gecko style system, even though they shouldn't because of the missing comma between `circle` and `gold` ([Firefox bug 1383323](
- When you animate an offscreen element onscreen but specify a delay, Gecko does not repaint on some platforms, e.g. Windows ([Firefox bug 1383239](
- In Gecko, {{htmlelement("details")}} elements can't be made open by default using the `open` attribute if they have an {{CSSxRef("animation")}} active on them ([Firefox bug 1382124](
- In Gecko, {{CSSxRef("transition", "transitions")}} will not work when transitioning from a {{CSSxRef("text-shadow")}} with a color specified to a `text-shadow` without a color specified ([Firefox bug 726550](
- In Gecko, cancelling a filling animation (e.g. with `animation-fill-mode: forwards` set) can trigger a transition set on the same element, although only once (see [Firefox bug 1192592]( and [these test cases]( for more information). In general declarative animations should not trigger transitions.
- Animations using em units are not affected by changes to the {{CSSxRef("font-size")}} on the animated element's parent in Gecko, whereas they should be ([Firefox bug 1254424](
- Gecko also deals with `font-size` inheritance differently from Quantum CSS, meaning that for some language settings inherited font sizes end up being smaller than expected (see [Firefox bug 1391341](
- Gecko reuses the same mechanism used when parsing a url-token when parsing the `domain()` or `url-prefix()` URL matching functions for a {{CSSxRef("@document", "@-moz-document")}} rule. Quantum CSS does not use the same mechanism and it does not consider tokens invalid when they contain brackets or quotes ([Firefox bug 1362333](
- In Gecko, when you set a system font as the value of a canvas 2D context's {{DOMxRef("CanvasRenderingContext2D.font", "font")}} (e.g. `menu`), getting the font value fails to return the expected font (it returns nothing). This has been fixed in Quantum. ([Firefox bug 1374885](
- In Gecko, when you create a detached subtree (e.g. a {{htmlelement("div")}} created using {{DOMxRef("Document.createElement","createElement()")}} that is not yet inserted into the DOM), the subtree's root element is set as a block-level element. In Quantum CSS this is set as inline, as per spec ([Firefox bug 1374994](
- In Gecko, {{CSSxRef("calc", "calc()")}} expressions are rejected — causing the value to be invalid — when used as the radius component of a {{CSSxRef("gradient/radial-gradient")}} function ([Firefox bug 1376019](
- In Gecko, `calc(1*2*3)` is not parsed successfully; Quantum CSS fixes this ([Firefox bug 1379467](
- In Quantum CSS, [`calc()` is supported everywhere that the spec explains it should be]( ([Firefox bug 1350857]( In Gecko it is not.
- Gecko has a bug whereby the {{CSSxRef("::before")}} and {{CSSxRef("::after")}} pseudo-elements are still generated even if the {{CSSxRef("content")}} property value is set to `normal` or `none`. As per spec, they shouldn't be ([Firefox bug 1387931](
- Another Gecko bug means that the {{CSSxRef("background-position")}} property can't be transitioned between two values containing different numbers of {{CSSxRef("<position>")}} values, for example `background-position: 10px 10px;` and `background-position: 20px 20px, 30px 30px;` (see [Firefox bug 1390446](
### SVG
_No changes._
### JavaScript
- The non-standard {{JSxRef("Statements/", "for")}} loop, originally part of EcmaScript for XML (E4X), has been removed. Please use {{JSxRef("Statements/for...of", "for...of")}} instead and see [Warning: JavaScript 1.6's for-each-in loops are deprecated](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Errors/For-each-in_loops_are_deprecated) for migration help. ([Firefox bug 1083470](
- The {{JSxRef("")}} and {{JSxRef("Object.unwatch", "unwatch()")}} methods are deprecated, will now throw a warning when used, and will be removed soon ([Firefox bug 934669](
- The non-standard {{JSxRef("Iterator")}} and {{JSxRef("StopIteration")}} objects as well as the legacy iteration protocol have been removed ([Firefox bug 1098412](
- Async generator is now enabled ([Firefox bug 1352312](
- for await (... of ...) syntax is now enabled ([Firefox bug 1352312](
### APIs
#### New APIs
- The {{DOMxRef("PerformanceObserver")}} API is now enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1386021](
- The {{DOMxRef("AbortController")}} and {{DOMxRef("AbortSignal")}} interfaces (known as the Abort API) have been added, allowing DOM requests (such as [fetch requests](/en-US/docs/Web/API/fetch)) to be aborted if desired ([Firefox bug 1378342](
- \[2] The [Storage API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Storage_API) is implemented and enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1399038](
#### DOM
- The {{DOMxRef("Selection.type")}} property of the [Selection API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Selection) is now implemented ([Firefox bug 1359157](
- {{DOMxRef("Document.createEvent", "Document.createEvent('FocusEvent')")}} is now supported ([Firefox bug 1388069](
- The `files` property of the {{DOMxRef("HTMLInputElement")}} interface is now settable ([Firefox bug 1384030](
- The `HTMLDocument.getSelection()` method has been moved to the {{DOMxRef("Document/getSelection","Document")}} interface so it is available to XML documents ([Firefox bug 718711](
- The `messageerror` event is now implemented, and can have code run in response to it firing via event handlers implemented on message targets — see {{DOMxRef("MessagePort.messageerror_event")}}, {{DOMxRef("DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.messageerror_event")}}, {{DOMxRef("Worker.messageerror_event")}}, {{DOMxRef("BroadcastChannel.messageerror_event")}}, and {{DOMxRef("Window.messageerror_event")}} ([Firefox bug 1359017](
- When {{DOMxRef("Headers")}} values are iterated over, they are automatically sorted in lexicographical order, and values from duplicate header names are combined ([Firefox bug 1396848](
#### DOM events
_No changes._
#### Media and WebRTC
- Support for messages of arbitrary size (up to 1GiB, although 256kiB is more interoperable) is now supported on {{DOMxRef("RTCDataChannel")}} through use of the end-of-record (EOR) flag on SCTP messages. See [Understanding message size limits](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebRTC_API/Using_data_channels#understanding_message_size_limits) for more information ([Firefox bug 979417](
> **Note:** Because Firefox doesn't yet support the SCTP ndata protocol that provides the ability to interleave SCTP messages from multiple sources, sending large data objects can cause significant delays on all other SCTP traffic. See [Firefox bug 1381145]( to track progress on implementing and deploying ndata support in Firefox.
- The {{DOMxRef("RTCDataChannel.send()")}} method can now throw a `TypeError` exception if the size of the message you're trying to send is not compatible with the receiving {{Glossary("user agent")}} (this is implemented as part of [Firefox bug 979417](
- The [MediaStream Recording API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaStream_Recording_API) has been updated so that {{domxref("MediaRecorder/error_event", "error")}} events sent to report problems that occur while recording are now of type {{DOMxRef("MediaRecorderErrorEvent")}} rather than being generic events.
- Updated the documentation around {{DOMxRef("OfflineAudioContext")}} since its constructor's inputs can now be specified in an object rather than as a list of parameters ([Firefox bug 1388591](
- The Web Audio API now properly supports multi-channel output ([Firefox bug 1378070](
### Security
- `resource://` URLs no longer leak information ([Firefox bug 863246](
- Data URLs are now treated as unique opaque origins, rather than inheriting the origin of the settings object responsible for the navigation ([Firefox bug 1324406](
### Plugins
_No changes._
### Other
- Firefox [headless mode](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Headless_mode) now includes a `-screenshot` flag that allows you to take website screenshots directly from the command line ([Firefox bug 1378010](
## Removals from the web platform
### HTML
- `<link rel="preload">` (see [Preloading content with rel="preload"](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes/rel/preload)) has been disabled in Firefox 57 because of various web compatibility issues (e.g. [Firefox bug 1405761]( An improved version that works for non-cacheable resources is expected to land in Firefox 58.
### APIs
- Mozilla's proprietary [Social API](/en-US/docs/Archive/Social_API) has been completely removed ([Firefox bug 1388902](
### SVG
_No changes._
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
> **Note:** Starting in Firefox 57, all support for XPCOM-based add-ons has been removed. All extensions must be converted into the new [browser extensions](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions) (also known as WebExtensions) or they will not work.
### WebExtensions
The following APIs have been added or extended:
- [`bookmarks`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/bookmarks)
- support for separators through [`bookmarks.BookmarkTreeNodeType`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/bookmarks/BookmarkTreeNodeType)
- [`browser_action`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/browser_action)
- `theme_icons` property for light/dark theme icons
- [`browserAction`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browserAction)
- [`browserAction.openPopup()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browserAction/openPopup)
- [`browserSettings`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browserSettings)
- [`allowPopupsForUserEvents`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browserSettings/allowPopupsForUserEvents)
- [`homepageOverride`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browserSettings/homepageOverride)
- [`imageAnimationBehavior`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browserSettings/imageAnimationBehavior)
- [`newTabPageOverride`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browserSettings/newTabPageOverride)
- [`browsingData`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browsingData)
- [`browsingData.removeLocalStorage()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browsingData/removeLocalStorage)
- [`clipboard`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/clipboard)
- [`setImageData()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/clipboard/setImageData)
- [`contextualIdentities`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/contextualIdentities)
- [`onCreated`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/contextualIdentities/onCreated)
- [`onRemoved`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/contextualIdentities/onRemoved)
- [`onUpdated`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/contextualIdentities/onUpdated)
- `colorCode` and `iconUrl` in [`contextualIdentities.ContextualIdentity`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/contextualIdentities/ContextualIdentity)
- [`devtools.panels`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/devtools/panels)
- [`devtools.panels.ElementsPanel.createSidebarPane()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/devtools/panels/ElementsPanel/createSidebarPane)
- [`downloads`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/downloads)
- `incognito` option in [``](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/downloads/download)
- `estimatedEndTime` property in [`downloads.DownloadItem`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/downloads/DownloadItem)
- [`find`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/find)
- [`find()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/find/find)
- [`highlightResults()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/find/highlightResults)
- [`removeHighlighting()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/find/removeHighlighting)
- [`pageAction.openPopup()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/pageAction/openPopup)
- [`privacy`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/privacy/websites)
- [`websites.trackingProtectionMode`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/privacy/websites)
- [`proxy`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/proxy)
- `FindProxyForURL()` can now return an object
- [`runtime`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/runtime)
- [`runtime.openOptionsPage()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/runtime/openOptionsPage) support on Android
- [`sessions`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/sessions)
- [`setTabValue()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/sessions/setTabValue)
- [`getTabValue()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/sessions/getTabValue)
- [`removeTabValue()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/sessions/removeTabValue)
- [`setWindowValue()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/sessions/setWindowValue)
- [`getWindowValue()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/sessions/getWindowValue)
- [`removeWindowValue()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/sessions/removeWindowValue)
- [`sidebarAction`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/sidebarAction)
- [``](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/sidebarAction/open)
- [`storage`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/storage)
- [`storage.managed`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/storage/managed)
- [`tabs`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs)
- `loadReplace` option in [`tabs.update()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/update)
- `discarded` property in [`tabs.Tab`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/Tab), [`tabs.onUpdated`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/onUpdated), and [`tabs.query()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/query)
- [`tabs.create()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/create) can open "view-source:" URLs
- `openerTabId` property in [`tabs.Tab`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/Tab), [`tabs.create()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/create), [`tabs.query()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/query), and [`tabs.update()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/update)
- [`theme`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/theme)
- `colors.toolbar`
- `colors.toolbar_field`
- `colors.toolbar_field_text`
- `colors.toolbar_text`
- [`theme`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/theme)
- `windowId` option to [`theme.update()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/theme/update)
- [`webRequest`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/webRequest)
- [`filterResponseData()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/webRequest/filterResponseData)
- `proxyInfo` property in [`webRequest`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/webRequest) events
- [`windows`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/windows)
- `allowScriptsToClose` option in [`windows.create()`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/windows/create)
## Older versions
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title: Firefox 103 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/103
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 103 that will affect developers. Firefox 103 was released on July 26, 2022.
## Changes for web developers
### HTML
#### Removals
- Support for the `<menuitem>` element has been removed along with the `dom.menuitem.enabled` preference.
For more details, see [Bug 1372276](
### MathML
#### Removals
- The deprecated `scriptminsize` and `scriptsizemultiplier` attributes have been removed ([Firefox bug 1772697](
### CSS
- The {{CSSxRef("backdrop-filter")}} property (which can be used to apply graphical effects such as blurring or color shifting to the area behind an element) is now available by default. It was earlier behind a preference setting ([Firefox bug 1578503](
- The {{CSSxRef("scroll-snap-stop")}} property is now available ([Firefox bug 1312165]( You can use this property's `always` and `normal` values to specify whether or not to pass the snap points, even when scrolling fast.
- Support has been added for the {{CSSxRef(":modal")}} pseudo class. It selects all elements that are in a state in which they exclude all interaction with other elements until the interaction has been dismissed ([Firefox bug 1768535](
- The [`style`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/contain#style) value for the `contain` property is now supported. You can use this value for properties that can have effects on more than just an element and its descendants for effects don't escape the containing element. For more information, see ([Firefox bug 1463600](
### JavaScript
- Native Error types can now be serialized using the [structured clone algorithm](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API/Structured_clone_algorithm).
This includes {{JSxRef("Error")}}, {{JSxRef("EvalError")}}, {{JSxRef("RangeError")}}, {{JSxRef("ReferenceError")}}, {{JSxRef("SyntaxError")}}, {{JSxRef("TypeError")}}, {{JSxRef("URIError")}} and {{JSxRef("AggregateError")}}.
Serialized properties include the [`name`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Error/name), [`message`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Error/message), [`cause`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Error/cause), [`fileName`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Error/fileName), [`lineNumber`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Error/lineNumber) and [`columnNumber`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Error/columnNumber).
For {{JSxRef("AggregateError")}} the `message`, `name`, `cause` and `errors` properties are serialized.
See [Firefox bug 1556604]( for more details.
### HTTP
No notable changes.
### Security
No notable changes.
### APIs
- [`ReadableStream`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/ReadableStream), [`WritableStream`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WritableStream), [`TransformStream`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/TransformStream) are now [Transferable objects](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API/Transferable_objects), which means that ownership can be transferred when sharing the objects between a window and workers using `postMessage`, or when using [`structuredClone()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/structuredClone) to copy an object.
After transferring, the original object cannot be used.
See [Firefox bug 1659025]( for more details.
- [`caches`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/caches), [`CacheStorage`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/CacheStorage), and [`Cache`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Cache) now require a [secure context](/en-US/docs/Web/Security/Secure_Contexts); the properties/interfaces are not defined if used in an insecure context.
Previously `cache` would return a `CacheStorage` that would throw an exception if used outside of a secure context.
See [Firefox bug 1112134]( for more details.
### WebAssembly
No notable changes.
### WebDriver conformance (WebDriver BiDi, Marionette)
#### WebDriver BiDi
- Added a preference to disable experimental BiDi commands and events `remote.experimental.enabled` ([Firefox bug 1777951](
- Added a `script` module with an experimental implementation of the `evaluate` command. Only available if `remote.experimental.enabled` is set to `true` ([Firefox bug 1742979](
- Added serialization support for collections with simple values and complex objects, used for instance for the event data of `log.entryAdded` or the return value of `script.evaluate` ([Firefox bug 1770752](
- Fixed an edge case for `browsingContext.navigate` when navigating to a cached image ([Firefox bug 1763133](
#### Marionette
- Updated the `platformVersion` capability to be returned as `moz:platformVersion` ([Firefox bug 1771760](
- Removed support for `ChromeElement`; all elements are now serialized as `WebElement` ([Firefox bug 1775036]( and [Firefox bug 1775064](
## Changes for add-on developers
### Removals
- Removed the ServiceWorker API in WebExtensions (`'serviceWorker' in navigator` now returns `false` when run inside an extension) ([Firefox bug 1593931](
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/56/ | ---
title: Firefox 56 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/56
page-type: firefox-release-notes
Firefox 56 was released on September 28, 2017. This article lists key changes that are useful for web developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### Developer Tools
- Display Negative Line Numbers in CSS Grid Inspector ([Firefox bug 1369942](
- The new CSS Grid Layout Panel is now available, allowing much better CSS Grid debugging facilities ([Firefox bug 1181227]( See [Powerful New Additions to the CSS Grid Inspector in Firefox Nightly]( for more details.
### HTML
- Implemented the `labels` property for labelable form controls, for example {{domxref("HTMLInputElement.labels")}} ([Firefox bug 556743](
- Implemented `<link rel="preload">`; see [Preloading content with rel="preload"](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes/rel/preload) for more details ([Firefox bug 1222633]( Note that currently Firefox only supports preloading of cacheable resources.
### CSS
- Implemented the proprietary Mozilla-specific {{cssxref("<color>")}} values `-moz-win-accentcolor` and `-moz-win-accentcolortext` (see [Firefox bug 1344910](, and the proprietary media query [`-moz-windows-accent-color-in-titlebar`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_media_queries/Using_media_queries#-moz-windows-accent-color-in-titlebar) (see [Firefox bug 1379938](
### SVG
_No changes._
### JavaScript
- The [Intl API](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl) has been enabled on Firefox for Android ([Firefox bug 1344625](
### APIs
#### New APIs
_No changes._
#### DOM
- On Mac, {{domxref("Document.hidden")}} is now true when the window is behind another non-translucent application [Firefox bug 1236512](
- The {{domxref("Gamepad.displayId")}} property has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1375816](
- The {{domxref("PerformanceTiming.secureConnectionStart")}} property has been implemented ([Firefox bug 772589](
- Firefox used to accept `iso-2022-jp-2` sequences silently when an `iso-2022-jp` {{domxref("TextDecoder.TextDecoder","TextDecoder()")}} was instantiated, however this has now been removed to simplify the API, as no other browsers support it and no pages seem to use it. ([Firefox bug 715833](
- The 4ms clamping behavior of {{domxref("setTimeout()")}} and {{domxref("setInterval()")}} has been updated to be more in line with other browsers, as described in [Timeouts throttled to >=4ms](/en-US/docs/Web/API/setTimeout#timeouts_throttled_to_%3e4ms) ([Firefox bug 1378586](
- The [Page Visibility API's](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Page_Visibility_API) {{domxref("Document.visibilitychange_event", "onvisibilitychange")}} handler has been added ([Firefox bug 1333912](
- The {{domxref("Window.showModalDialog()")}} method has been removed ([Firefox bug 981796](
- The implementation of the {{domxref("HTMLFormElement.action")}}, {{domxref("HTMLInputElement.formAction")}}, and {{domxref("HTMLButtonElement.formAction")}} properties has been updated so that they return the correct form submission URL, as per spec ([Firefox bug 1366361](
#### DOM events
- `onwheel` is now available on {{domxref("HTMLElement.onwheel", "HTMLElement")}} — it wasn't before ([Firefox bug 1370550](
#### Media and WebRTC
- Firefox now supports the {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection")}} properties which let you examine the current and pending configurations of the local and remote ends of the connection, to help manage changes in configuration: {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.currentLocalDescription", "currentLocalDescription")}}, {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.pendingLocalDescription", "pendingLocalDescription")}}, {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.currentRemoteDescription", "currentRemoteDescription")}}, and {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.pendingRemoteDescription", "pendingRemoteDescription")}}.
- Hardware encoding of media is now enabled by default on Android; it was available but disabled by default in Firefox 55 ([Firefox bug 1386974]( This supports higher-efficiency encoding of VP8 media on devices that provide support for it. This saves battery life and processor power, generally improving the performance of the user's device.
#### Canvas and WebGL
- The {{domxref("CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage()")}} method has been updated so that smoothing occurs when downscaling even if `imageSmoothingEnabled` is `false`. This is not mandatory as per spec, but follows Chrome's behavior. See [Firefox bug 1360415](
- An {{domxref("SVGImageElement")}} can now be used as the image source in a {{domxref("CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage","drawImage()")}} call ([Firefox bug 1382027](
### Security
_No changes._
### Plugins
- Firefox for Android has removed all support for plugins ([bug 1381916](
### Other
- Gecko now encodes URLs internally as [punycode](, to avoid URL encoding problems (see [Firefox bug 945240](, also see discussion in [Firefox bug 942074](
- Firefox on Windows and macOS can now be made to run in [headless mode](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Headless_mode) using the `-headless` flag (see [Firefox bug 1355150]( and [Firefox bug 1355147](
## Removals from the web platform
### HTML
- The {{htmlelement("isindex")}} element has been removed from the HTML parser, and from form submission ([Firefox bug 1266495](
- The `<applet>` element has been removed ([Firefox bug 1279218](
### APIs
_No changes._
### SVG
_No changes._
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
### WebExtensions
- [browsingData.RemovalOptions](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browsingData/RemovalOptions) gets "hostnames" option for cookies
- [browsingData.settings()](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browsingData/settings) and [browsingData.removeCookies()](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browsingData/removeCookies) are now supported on Firefox for Android
- [browserSettings.cacheEnabled](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/browserSettings/cacheEnabled)
- [browser_style](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/user_interface/Browser_styles) usage is changed
- [chrome_settings_overrides.search_provider.is_default](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/chrome_settings_overrides)
- contextMenus renamed to [menus](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/menus)
- [cookies.set()](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/cookies/set) and [cookies.remove()](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/cookies/remove) now work in private browsing mode
- [devtools.panels.elements.onSelectionChanged](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/devtools/panels/ElementsPanel/onSelectionChanged)
- [](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/downloads/open) can now only be called from a user action
- [FindProxyForURL "DIRECT" return type no longer takes an argument](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/proxy#pac_file_environment)
- [history.onVisited](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/history/onVisited) now includes the page title if it is known.
- [management.get()](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/management/get) and [management.getAll()](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/management/getAll)
- [menus](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/menus) now supports the "tools_menu" context
- [menus.OnClickData](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/menus/OnClickData) now has "linkText"
- [menus.create()](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/menus/create) now has an ["icons" option](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/menus#icons)
- [notifications.onShown](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/notifications/onShown)
- [](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/pageAction/show) and [pageAction.hide()](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/pageAction/hide) are now supported on Firefox for Android
- [permissions](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/permissions) now supports "unlimitedStorage"
- [](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/privacy/services) now includes passwordSavingEnabled
- [privacy.websites.referrersEnabled](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/privacy/websites)
- [protocol_handlers](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/protocol_handlers) now supports "gopher"
- proxy.registerProxyScript() is renamed to [proxy.register()](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/proxy)
- [proxy.unregister()](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/proxy)
- [runtime.onInstalled](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/runtime/onInstalled) gets `temporary` flag
- [tabs.print()](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/print), [tabs.PageSettings](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/PageSettings), [tabs.printPreview()](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/printPreview), [tabs.saveAsPDF()](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/saveAsPDF)
- [tabs.Tab.lastAccessed](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/Tab)
- [theme.reset()](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/theme/reset)
- [windows.create()](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/windows/create) and [windows.update()](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/windows/update) now support prefacing window title
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/63/ | ---
title: Firefox 63 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/63
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 63 that will affect developers. Firefox 63 was released on October 23, 2018.
## Changes for web developers
### Developer tools
- The Fonts tab in the [Page Inspector]( now includes an editor that makes it easy to view and edit the settings of the fonts on your page. See [Edit fonts]( for details.
- The [Accessibility inspector]( is now enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1482454](
- When you hover over an object in the [Accessibility Inspector](, [the item is highlighted]( and its role and name will be shown in an information bar on the page ([Firefox bug 1473030](
- The command line in the [Web Console]( is now shown immediately following the console output ([Firefox bug 1136299](
- A new icon has been added to the content in the [Network Monitor]( to indicate when a URL belongs to a known tracker — see [security icons]( ([Firefox bug 1333994](
- The default value of `devtools.aboutdebugging.showSystemAddons` is now `false`, meaning that system add-ons will not be listed on the `about:debugging` page. You can change the settings by navigating to `about:config` ([Firefox bug 1425347](
- The [Responsive Design Mode]( toolbar was simplified, and we added the option to left-align the viewport.
- The Page Inspector includes a [link to the class definition]( for a custom element. ([Firefox bug 1443923](
### HTML
- Support for the {{HTMLElement("img")}} element's `decoding` attribute has been added ([Firefox bug 1416328](; see also {{DOMxRef("HTMLImageElement.decoding")}}.
#### Removals
- Support for the `sidebar` link type (`rel="sidebar"`) has been removed. If an anchor tag includes this attribute, it will be ignored ([Firefox bug 1452645](
### CSS
- Support for the {{CSSxRef(":defined")}} pseudo-class has been added ([Firefox bug 1331334](
- Support for {{CSSxRef("row-gap")}}, {{CSSxRef("column-gap")}} and {{CSSxRef("gap")}} have been added in [Flexbox layout](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_box_alignment/Box_alignment_in_flexbox#the_gap_properties) ([Firefox bug 1398483](
- Re-enabled support for [webkit-prefixed pixel-density @media queries](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/-webkit-device-pixel-ratio) ([Firefox bug 1444139](
- Support added for the [CSS Flexible Box Layout](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_flexible_box_layout) (Flexbox) properties {{CSSxRef("align-self")}}, {{CSSxRef("align-content")}}, and {{CSSxRef("align-items")}} as well as the {{CSSxRef("justify-content")}} property ([Firefox bug 1472843](
- Implemented the `path()` function for {{CSSxRef("offset-path")}} ([Firefox bug 1429298](
- Implemented [syntax improvements from the Media Queries Level 4 specification](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_media_queries/Using_media_queries#syntax_improvements_in_level_4) ([Firefox bug 1422225](
- Renamed `offset-*` properties to {{CSSxRef("inset-block-start")}}, {{CSSxRef("inset-block-end")}}, {{CSSxRef("inset-inline-start")}}, and {{CSSxRef("inset-inline-end")}} ([Firefox bug 1464782](
- Added support for the [prefers-reduced-motion](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/prefers-reduced-motion) media feature ([Firefox bug 1365045](, [Firefox bug 1475462](
- Added flow relative values (`block`, `inline`) for the {{CSSxRef("resize")}} property ([Firefox bug 1464786](
- Implemented flexbox layout for `safe` & `unsafe` values in {{CSSxRef("align-self")}}, {{CSSxRef("align-content")}}, and {{CSSxRef("justify-content")}} ([Firefox bug 1297774](
- The [logical properties](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_logical_properties_and_values) (where appropriate) are now animatable ([Firefox bug 1309752](
#### Removals
- Removed `offset-block-start`, `offset-block-end`, `offset-inline-start`, and `offset-inline-end`; these have been renamed to `inset-*`, as described above ([Firefox bug 1464782](
### SVG
_No changes._
### JavaScript
- The {{JSxRef("Symbol.prototype.description")}} property has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1472170](
- The {{JSxRef("Object.fromEntries()")}} method has been added ([Firefox bug 1469019](
- When you try to access a property of an undefined object, the error message is now much improved. Considering the case where `x` is undefined and you try to access `x.y`, instead of `TypeError: x is undefined` the console now returns the more descriptive [`x is undefined; can't access its "y" property`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Errors/Unexpected_type) ([Firefox bug 1259822](
#### Removals
- Experimental WebAssembly Module IndexedDB serialization support has been removed ([Firefox bug 1469395](
### APIs
#### New APIs
- The Shadow DOM ([Firefox bug 1471947]( and Custom Elements ([Firefox bug 1471948]( APIs have been enabled by default; See [Web components](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_components) for more details.
- The {{domxref("Media_Capabilities_API", "Media Capabilities API", "", "1")}} has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1409664](
- The {{domxref("Clipboard", "Async Clipboard API", "", "1")}} has been implemented and enabled by default for all channels ([Firefox bug 1461465]( As is the case with Chrome, Firefox currently implements only the {{domxref("Clipboard.writeText", "writeText()")}} and {{domxref("Clipboard.readText", "readText()")}} methods; however, unlike Chrome, `readText()` is only available in [browser extensions](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions).
- The {{DOMxRef("SecurityPolicyViolationEvent")}} interface is now supported. It allows sending events when the {{HTTPHeader("Content-Security-Policy")}} is violated ([Firefox bug 1472661](
#### DOM
- The following portions of the {{domxref("Web_Animations_API", "Web Animations API", "", "1")}} have been enabled by default (see [Firefox bug 1476158](
- The {{DOMxRef("Animation")}} properties {{DOMxRef("Animation.ready", "ready")}} and {{DOMxRef("Animation.finished", "finished")}}, specifying the `Animation` object's `ready` and `finished` {{JSxRef("Promise")}}s.
- The {{DOMxRef("Animation")}} object's {{DOMxRef("Animation.effect", "effect")}} property.
- The interfaces {{DOMxRef("KeyframeEffect")}} and {{DOMxRef("AnimationEffect")}}.
- The {{DOMxRef("Element.toggleAttribute()")}} method has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1469592](
- The historical, previously non-standard, {{DOMxRef("Event.returnValue")}} property is now supported for compatibility purposes ([Firefox bug 1452569](
- We implemented the {{DOMxRef("Window.event")}} property to improve web compatibility, now that it's become standard ([Firefox bug 218415]( However, due to some web compat issues (e.g. [Firefox bug 1479964](, this was quickly disabled in non-Nightly channels, hidden behind the `dom.window.event.enabled` pref ([Firefox bug 1493869](
- To bring Firefox into alignment with Edge and Chrome, the {{DOMxRef("Navigator/platform", "navigator.platform")}} property now returns `"Win32"` even when running on 64-bit Windows ([Firefox bug 1472618](
- Prior to Firefox 63, links that open new windows that had `rel="noopener"`, as well as calls to {{DOMxRef("")}} with the [`noopener`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/open) window feature enabled would default to having all window features disabled so that you had to explicitly re-enable any standard features you wanted. Now, these windows have the same set of features enabled like any other window, and you need to explicitly turn off any you don't want ([Firefox bug 1419960](
#### DOM events
- Handling of the `Alt` key _on the right side_ of the keyboard has been improved on Windows. If the user's current keyboard layout maps the `Alt` key to the `AltGr` modifier key, the value of {{DOMxRef("KeyboardEvent.key")}} is now reported as `"AltGraph"`. This behavior matches the behavior recently introduced in Chrome ([Firefox bug 900750](
#### Media, Web Audio, and WebRTC
- Microphone access now works simultaneously in multiple tabs, even within the same content process ([Firefox bug 1404977](
- {{DOMxRef("RTCDataChannel")}} has been updated to support the sctp-sdp-21 data format for the data, in addition to the older sctp-sdp-05 format previously supported.
- The {{DOMxRef("ConstantSourceNode")}} node type for Web Audio API now has a default channel count of 2 rather than 1, in order to match the specification ([Firefox bug 1413283](
- The {{domxref("Web_Audio_API", "Web Audio API", "", "1")}} interface {{DOMxRef("AudioScheduledSourceNode")}} (and by extension, all the other node types based on it) now throw the correct exception when a negative value is specified for the node start time. That error is `RangeError` ([Firefox bug 1413284](
- The minimum and maximum permitted values for an {{DOMxRef("AudioParam")}} object's {{DOMxRef("AudioParam.value", "value")}} have been changed to the minimum negative single-precision floating-point value (-340,282,346,638,528,859,811,704,183,484,516,925,440) and the maximum positive single-precision floating-point value (+340,282,346,638,528,859,811,704,183,484,516,925,440) respectively ([Firefox bug 1476695](
- The {{DOMxRef("SourceBuffer.changeType")}} method, which allows you to change codecs during an active stream, has been enabled by default. This is part of the {{domxref("Media_Source_Extensions_API", "Media Source Extensions API", "", "1")}} ([Firefox bug 1481166](
- The {{DOMxRef("AudioParam.setValueCurveAtTime()")}} method has been updated to correctly accept an array of floating-point values to indicate the parameter's values to change to over time. Previously, it required a {{jsxref("Float32Array")}} ([Firefox bug 1421091](
- {{DOMxRef("AudioParam.setValueCurveAtTime()")}} has also been updated to correctly return a proper `TypeError` when a non-finite value is found in the `values` array ([Firefox bug 1472095](
- In addition, `setValueCurveAtTime()` has been updated to ensure that, when the parameter finishes following the specified value curve after the duration elapses, the value of the parameter is set to the last value in the list of values to curve through ([Firefox bug 1308436](
- The `RTCRTPStreamStats` dictionary has been renamed to {{DOMxRef("RTCRtpStreamStats")}} for consistency with other WebRTC dictionaries and the specification ([Firefox bug 1480498](
- Support for the `RTCRtpStreamStats` dictionary's {{DOMxRef("RTCRtpStreamStats.kind", "kind")}} property has been added ([Firefox bug 1481851](
- The `RTCRtpStreamStats` dictionary's `isRemote` property is deprecated and will be removed in Firefox 65. A warning is now output to console when this property is accessed. See [this blog post on the Advancing WebRTC blog]( for details ([Firefox bug 1393306](
#### Canvas and WebGL
- A new `powerPreference` context attribute has been added to {{DOMxRef("HTMLCanvasElement.getContext()")}}. On macOS this allows WebGL non-performance-critical applications and applets to request the low-power GPU instead of the high-power GPU in multi-GPU systems ([Firefox bug 1349799](
#### Removals
- The obsolete and non-standard Firefox-only methods {{DOMxRef("Window.back()")}} and {{DOMxRef("Window.forward()")}} have been removed. Please use the {{DOMxRef("History.back", "window.history.back()")}} and {{DOMxRef("History.forward", "window.history.forward()")}} methods instead ([Firefox bug 1479486](
- The {{domxref("URL.createObjectURL_static", "URL.createObjectURL()")}} and {{DOMxRef("URL.revokeObjectURL_static", "URL.revokeObjectURL()")}} methods are no longer available on {{DOMxRef("ServiceWorker")}} instances due to the potential they introduced for memory leaks to occur ([Firefox bug 1264182](
- Since it was deprecated in the specification anyway, the limited support for Doppler effects on {{DOMxRef("PannerNode")}} has been removed from the Web Audio API. The {{DOMxRef("AudioListener")}} properties `dopplerFactor` and `speedOfSound` have been removed, along with the `PannerNode` method `setVelocity()` ([Firefox bug 1148354](
_No changes._
### HTTP
- The {{HTTPHeader("Clear-Site-Data")}} header is implemented and no longer behind a preference ([Firefox bug 1470111](
### Security
- Site favicons are now subject to [Content Security Policy](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP) if one is configured for the site ([Firefox bug 1297156](
- CSP `script-src` directive's `'report-sample'` expression now recognized when generating violation reports. This directive indicates that a short sample of where the violation occurred should be included in the report. Previously, Firefox always included this sample ([Firefox bug 1473218](
- Firefox now uses NSS 3.39 ([Firefox bug 1470914](
### Plugins
_No changes._
### WebDriver conformance (Marionette)
#### New features
- Marionette now returns a `setWindowRect` [capability](/en-US/docs/Web/WebDriver/Capabilities) in the `WebDriver:NewSession` response that is true if the browser window can be repositioned and resized, which e.g. is the case for Firefox but not any mobile applications ([Firefox bug 1470659](
- Added support for the `unhandledPromptBehavior` capability, which allows to define a specific [prompt behavior]( of the WebDriver specification ([Firefox bug 1264259](
- Handling of user prompts has been added to the `WebDriver:ExecuteScript` and `WebDriver:ExecuteAsyncScript` commands ([Firefox bug 1439995](
#### API changes
- Deprecated command end-points without the `WebDriver:` prefix have been removed ([Firefox bug 1451725](
- The `WebDriver:NewSession` command returns recommended strings (`linux`, `mac`, `windows`) for `platformName` as defined in the WebDriver specification ([Firefox bug 1470646](
#### Bug fixes
- Focus related events were missing on element interaction when Firefox was not running as the top-most application ([Firefox bug 1398111](
- Performing a `pointerDown` and `pointerUp` action in a subsequent action sequence could trigger a double click because `WebDriver:ReleaseActions` didn't reset the double click tracker ([Firefox bug 1422583](
- Executing `pause` actions repeatedly could cause an infinite hang ([Firefox bug 1447449](
- Fixed a bug where returning an element collection from `WebDriver:ExecuteScript` and `WebDriver:ExecuteAsyncScript` would cause a cyclic reference error ([Firefox bug 1447977](
- To prevent a race condition both the `WebDriver:AcceptAlert` and `WebDriver:DismissAlert` commands now wait until the user prompt has been closed ([Firefox bug 1479368](
- Log entries as emitted by the frame script were no longer limited by `MarionettePrefs.logLevel` but logged everything ([Firefox bug 1482829](
- `WebDriver:TakeScreenshot` raised an error when taking a screenshot of a window larger than 32767 pixels in width or height ([Firefox bug 1485730](
- `WebDriver:SendAlertText` didn't replace default user prompt value if text to send is an empty string ([Firefox bug 1486485](
### Other
- Corrected the behavior of {{DOMxRef("PerformanceObserver.observe()")}} to do nothing if no valid entry types are found in the specified array of entry types to observe, or if the array is empty or missing. Previously, Firefox was incorrectly throwing a `TypeError` ([Firefox bug 1403027](
- In [OpenSearch](/en-US/docs/Web/OpenSearch), Firefox now accepts `application/json` as a search URL type, as an alias of `application/x-suggestions+json` ([Firefox bug 1425827](
## Changes for add-on developers
### API changes
#### Theming
- The default text color for {{WebExtAPIRef("browserAction")}} badges is now automatically set to black or white, to maximize contrast with the background ([Firefox bug 1474110](
- The `accentcolor` and `textcolor` properties of the [`theme`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/theme) manifest key are now optional ([Firefox bug 1413144](
- {{WebExtAPIRef("browserAction.getBadgeTextColor()")}} and {{WebExtAPIRef("browserAction.setBadgeTextColor()")}} enable you to get and set the text color of browser action badges ([Firefox bug 1424620](
- The theme `colors` key in `manifest.json` now supports the `ntp_text` property to set the text color in a new tab, and the `ntp_background` property to set the color of a new tab ([Firefox bug 1347204](
- Themes can now define the colors for sidebars, such as the bookmarks sidebar ([Firefox bug 1418602]( The relevant properties include:
- `sidebar`: The background color for sidebars.
- `sidebar_text`: The text color for sidebars.
- `sidebar_highlight`: The background color of a selected item in a sidebar.
- `sidebar_highlight_text`: The text color of a selected item in a sidebar.
- The method {{WebExtAPIRef("management.install()")}} allows web extensions to install and enable signed browser themes ([Firefox bug 1369209](
- The manifest key [theme_experiment](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/theme_experiment) was introduced ([Firefox bug 1472740]( This key enables the definition of experimental [`theme`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/theme) key properties for the Firefox interface.
#### Search
- The new {{WebExtAPIRef("search")}} AP[I](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/search) enables you to retrieve the list of installed search engines and perform searches with them ([Firefox bug 1352598](
- {{WebExtAPIRef("topSites.get()")}} now takes an `options` parameter enabling you to set various options for the list of sites returned ([Firefox bug 1445836](
#### Tabs
- {{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.onHighlighted")}} now supports multi-select ([Firefox bug 1474440](
- {{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.highlight")}} now includes an optional field in the `highlightInfo` object — `populate` — which defaults to `true`. Setting it to `false` prevents the returned `windows.Window` object from being populated with a list of tabs, to improve performance ([Firefox bug 1489814](
- {{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.update")}} now supports changing the selection status of a tab by including `highlighted: true` in the `updateProperties` parameter ([Firefox bug 1479129](
- {{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.update")}} now supports changing the selection status of a tab without changing the focused tab ([Firefox bug 1486050]( by including both `highlighted: true` and `active: false` in the `updateProperties` parameter.
- {{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.query")}} now returns an array of {{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.Tab")}} objects if multiple tabs are selected ([Firefox bug 1465170](
- The {{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.Tab")}} property now properly reflects which tabs in a browser window are selected (highlighted) and {{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.highlight")}} supports changing the highlighted status of multiple tabs ([Firefox bug 1464862](
- The `isarticle` property in the `filter` object passed into {{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.onUpdated")}} has been renamed to `isArticle`. The old name is retained but deprecated. This change was uplifted to Firefox 62 ([Firefox bug 1461695](
- The {{WebExtAPIRef('tabs.onUpdated')}} event can be used to track when a tab is drawing the user's attention with `attention` property of the `changeInfo` object ([Firefox bug 1396684](
#### Menus
- Added {{WebExtApiRef("menus.getTargetElement()")}} to the {{WebExtApiRef("menus")}} API. The method returns the element referenced by the `targetElementId` parameter that identifies the clicked element. If the `targetElementId` is no longer valid, the method returns null ([Firefox bug 1325814](
- {{WebExtAPIRef("menus.create()")}} now enables you to create invisible menu items, and {{WebExtAPIRef("menus.update()")}} enables you to toggle menu item visibility ([Firefox bug 1482529](
- Items created using the {{WebExtAPIRef("menus")}} API now support access keys ([Firefox bug 1320462](
- The `targetUrlPatterns` parameter of {{WebExtApiRef("menus.create()")}} and {{WebExtApiRef("menus.update()")}} now supports any URL scheme, even those that are usually not allowed in a match pattern ([Firefox bug 1280370](
- When a tab context menu item is clicked, the ["activeTab" permission](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/permissions#activetab_permission) is now granted for that tab, even if that's not the currently active tab ([Firefox bug 1446956](
#### Other
- {{WebExtAPIRef("commands.onCommand")}} is now treated as [user input](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/User_actions) ([Firefox bug 1408129](
- The {{WebExtAPIRef("webRequest")}} API now enables you to filter for speculative connections ([Firefox bug 1479565](
- {{WebExtAPIRef("webRequest.SecurityInfo")}} adds two new properties, `keaGroupName`, and `signatureSchemeName`. This change was uplifted to Firefox 62 ([Firefox bug 1471959](
- {{WebExtAPIRef("cookies.Cookie")}} now includes a property indicating the SameSite state of the cookie. The {{WebExtAPIRef("cookies.SameSiteStatus")}} enumeration defines SameSite state values ([Firefox bug 1351663](
- Match patterns for URLs now explicitly match the "data" URL scheme ([Firefox bug 1280370](
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/16/ | ---
title: Firefox 16 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/16
page-type: firefox-release-notes
Firefox 16 shipped on October 9, 2012. This article lists key changes that are useful for not only Web developers to know about, but also Firefox and Gecko developers as well as add-on developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### HTML
- The {{HTMLElement("meter")}} element is now supported.
- Support for the HTML Microdata API has been added. ([bug 591467](
- {{HTMLElement("canvas")}} now supports the CSS `currentcolor` in all case. ([Firefox bug 629882](
- {{HTMLElement("input")}} now allows filtering based on arbitrary mimetypes in `accept` ([Firefox bug 565274](
- Two new attributes, `width` and `height` have been added to the {{HTMLElement("input")}} element ([bug 683855](
### CSS
- Support for the standard, unprefixed version of [CSS Animations](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_animations/Using_CSS_animations) has been landed ([bug 762302](
- Support for reverse animation direction (keywords `reverse` and `alternate-reverse` on the {{cssxref("animation-direction")}} property) has been added. ([bug 655920](
- You can now animate the CSS {{cssxref("height")}} and {{cssxref("width")}} properties.
- The {{cssxref("animation-duration")}} and {{cssxref("transition-duration")}} CSS properties now reject negative values (and do not handle them as `0s` anymore) ([bug 773102](
- Support for the standard, unprefixed version of [CSS Transforms](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_transforms/Using_CSS_transforms) has been landed ([bug 745523]( {{cssxref("<length>")}} cannot be used for translation values in `matrix()` and `matrix3d()` anymore ([Firefox bug 719054](
- Support for the standard, unprefixed version of [CSS Gradients](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_images/Using_CSS_gradients) has been landed. Note that the syntax has changed significantly since the prefixed version, so you should read up on this ([bug 752187](
- The {{cssxref("box-sizing", "-moz-box-sizing")}} implementation has been updated to apply to table cells too ([bug 338554](
- Support for the standard, unprefixed version of {{cssxref("calc", "calc()")}} has been landed ([bug 771678](
- The {{cssxref("<resolution>")}} CSS data type has been extended to support the `dppx` ([bug 741644](
- On screen, for [media queries](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_media_queries/Using_media_queries), `dppx`, `dpi`, and `dpcm` are now representing values based on CSS pixels and no more with the physical units ([bug 771390](
- Three new pseudo-classes `:-moz-meter-optimum`, `:-moz-meter-sub-optimum`, and `:-moz-meter-sub-sub-optimum` have been added for accessing/styling a {{HTMLElement("meter")}} element in a particular state ([bug 660238](
- The {{cssxref("appearance")}} property gains two new values: `meterbar` and `meterchunk`. They represent components inside the {{HTMLElement("meter")}} element ([bug 659999](
- The {{cssxref("min-width")}} and {{cssxref("min-height")}} now supports the `auto` keyword for flex items (and resolves to `0` for other items) ([Firefox bug 763689](
- Two new properties `width` and `height` have been added to the {{domxref("HTMLInputElement")}} interface ([bug 683855](
- IndexedDB properties and methods have been unprefixed. ([bug 726378](
- The [Battery API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/getBattery) is now unprefixed.
- The Vibration API has been unprefixed.
- The non-standard `Keyboard` interface, prefixed as `mozKeyboard`, now has the `Keyboard.setSelectedOption()` and `Keyboard.setValue()` methods, as well as the `Keyboard.onfocuschange`. _This interface, only available for Firefox OS, has been removed in Firefox 31._
- The [`java`](/en-US/docs/LiveConnect_Reference/java) and [`Packages`](/en-US/docs/LiveConnect_Reference/Packages) global objects have been removed. See [LiveConnect](/en-US/docs/LiveConnect).
- The `CSSRule.type` associated with {{domxref("CSSNamespaceRule")}} has been updated from `UNKNOWN_RULE` (`0`) to `NAMESPACE_RULE` (`10`) ([bug 765590](
- WebSMS API: {{domxref("SmsRequest")}} has been superseded by the more general `DOMRequest`.
- The non-standard {{domxref("Element.scrollTopMax")}} and {{domxref("Element.scrollLeftMax")}} read-only properties have been added ([Firefox bug 766937](
- The second parameter of {{domxref("Blob.blob", "Blob()")}}, when set to `null` or `undefined`, is now being handled as an empty dictionary ([Firefox bug 7691119](
### JavaScript
- [`Number`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number) objects now offer `isFinite()`, `toInteger()`, and `isInteger()` methods. ([bug 761480](, [bug 761495](
- The Harmony [spread operator]( is now supported in [`Array`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array) initializers ([bug 574130]( Note it is not yet supported in calls ([bug 762363](
- The experimental {{jsxref("TypedArray.prototype.move()")}} method has been added (available in Aurora and Nightly channels only) ([Firefox bug 730873](
### WebGL
_No change._
### SVG
_No change._
### MathML
- The `lspace` and `rspace` attributes of {{MathMLElement("mo")}} now correctly default to `thickmathspace`.
### Network
### Developer tools
- There's now a handy developer toolbar you can access by going to Tools > Web Developer > Developer Toolbar, or by pressing Ctrl-Shift-V (Cmd-Opt-V on Mac OS X). This toolbar offers a command line interface as well as buttons for quickly accessing useful tools. The graphical command line interface _GCLI_ is easy to expand and additional commands are expected in the future. Type "help" to get a list of supported commands.
- The Web Console now displays an error count so you can quickly see how much work you have ahead of you.
- The Scratchpad now offers a list of recently opened files.
## Changes for Open Web App developers
- Initial [Open Web App support](/en-US/docs/Web/Apps/Getting_Started) has been implemented in the desktop versions of Firefox (that is, on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux).
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
### Interface changes
`nsIPrivateDOMEvent` has been merged into `nsIDOMEvent`. ([Firefox bug 761613](
#### New interfaces
#### Removed interfaces
The following interfaces have been removed.
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/105/ | ---
title: Firefox 105 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/105
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 105 that affect developers. Firefox 105 was released on September 20, 2022.
## Changes for web developers
### HTML
No notable changes.
### CSS
- Embedded content, such as SVG definitions and content in an [`<iframe>`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe), now respects the theme preferences of the elements in which it is embedded, rather than OS or browser preferences (which may be different).
Specifically, embedded content now inherits the [`color-scheme`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color-scheme) of the embedding element, and [`prefers-color-scheme`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/prefers-color-scheme) media queries in the embedded content respect this value rather than the OS/browser level theme setting ([Firefox bug 1779457](
### JavaScript
- Range restrictions have been relaxed on `formatRange` and `selectRange` functions for [`Intl.DateTimeFormat`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat), [`Intl.NumberFormat`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/NumberFormat), and [`Intl.PluralRules`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/PluralRules) objects. This change now allows negative ranges ([Firefox bug 1780545](
### APIs
#### DOM
- The [TextDecoderStream](/en-US/docs/Web/API/TextDecoderStream) and [TextEncoderStream](/en-US/docs/Web/API/TextEncoderStream) interfaces, part of the [Encoding API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Encoding_API), are now supported ([Firefox bug 1486949](
- The [OffscreenCanvas](/en-US/docs/Web/API/OffscreenCanvas) API provides a canvas that can be rendered off-screen in both window and [web worker](/en-US/docs/Web/API/OffscreenCanvas#asynchronous_display_of_frames_produced_by_an_offscreencanvas) contexts.
This allows `<canvas>` elements to be decoupled from the DOM. The [OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D](/en-US/docs/Web/API/OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D) interface provides support for this and is now enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1779009](
- The [CSS Font Loading API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/CSS_Font_Loading_API) can now be used in worker threads ([Firefox bug 1072107](
### WebDriver conformance (WebDriver BiDi, Marionette)
#### WebDriver BiDi
- On systems with IPv6 preferred DNS resolution clients will no longer fail to connect when `localhost` is used as host for the WebSocket server ([Firefox bug 1769994](
- Improved `RemoteValue` support to allow plain JS objects with simple JSON-serializable fields to be serialized ([Firefox bug 1779226](
#### Marionette
- The `WebDriver:GetElementProperty` command is now able to return node properties as set by web content ([Firefox bug 1398792](
## Changes for add-on developers
- Support for defining persistent scripts using {{WebExtAPIRef("scripting")}} has been added. A script is identified as persistent using the `persistAcrossSessions` property in {{WebExtAPIRef("scripting.RegisteredContentScript")}} ([Firefox bug 1751436](
- An extension's resources can no longer be loaded by other extensions by default. To enable other extensions to load resources they must be listed in the extension's [`web_accessible_resources`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/web_accessible_resources) manifest key ([Firefox bug 1711168](
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/14/ | ---
title: Firefox 14 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/14
page-type: firefox-release-notes
Firefox 14 shipped on July 17, 2012. This article lists key changes that are useful for not only Web developers to know about, but also Firefox and Gecko developers as well as add-on developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### HTML
- The {{HTMLElement("progress")}} element is no longer incorrectly classified as a form element, and therefore no longer has a `form` attribute.
- The default modifier keys for the [`accesskey`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes) of HTML contents on Mac are changed to Control+Option. This is the same as WebKit-based browsers on Mac.
### DOM
- [input](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/input_event) events are fired also on editing host element of [contenteditable](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/contentEditable) editor and root element of [designMode](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/designMode) editor.
- {{domxref("DOMException", "DOMException.code")}} is now deprecated per latest DOM Level 4 specification.
- The {{domxref("Range.insertNode()")}} method now works correctly when used on collapsed ranges.
- The `MozBlobBuilder` interface has been deprecated in favor of the constructor on {{domxref("Blob")}}. If you use `MozBlobBuilder` you'll see a warning message in the Web Console.
- The {{domxref("Blob.Blob", "Blob()")}} constructor is now available to workers ([Firefox bug 736686](
- Support for the [Mutation Observers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/MutationObserver) has been landed. It is designed as a replacement for the Mutation Events in DOM3, which has a number of issues regarding performance.
- The {{domxref("HTMLImageElement")}} interface's `x` and `y` properties were removed in Firefox 7.0 but restored in this release for compatibility reasons.
- The {{domxref("Document")}} methods `execCommandShowHelp()` and `queryCommandText()`, which never did anything, have been removed.
- The `GeoPositionAddress` interface, an obsolete part of the [Geolocation](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Geolocation_API) API, has been removed.
- {{domxref("Storage", "localStorage/sessionStorage")}} now correctly return `undefined` instead of `null` for undeclared keys through property access.ff
- The {{domxref("ImageData")}} object has been implemented ([Firefox bug 550309](
- Attributes and methods related to child nodes on {{domxref("Attr")}} interface were obsoleted ([Firefox bug 737122](
### CSS
- The {{cssxref("text-transform")}} and {{cssxref("font-variant")}} CSS properties have been fixed to correctly handle the `i` → `İ` and `ı` → `I` [Turkic]( case pairs.
- The Dutch IJ digraph is now correctly handled by `text-transform: capitalization`. Similarly the Greek letter `Σ`, which has two lowercase forms, `σ` and `ς`, is now correctly handled by `text-transform: lowercase`.
- Support for the `skew()` function has been removed from {{cssxref("transform")}} property, as it has been removed from the draft standard.
- The syntax for {{cssxref("border-image")}} has been updated to match the latest revision of the specification; it no longer accepts a trailing slash ("/").
### JavaScript
_No change._
### MathML
- The syntax of the `statusline` action type on {{MathMLElement("maction")}} elements has been adjusted to follow the MathML specification.
### HTTP
- Gecko now supports the new [HTTP](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP) [`308 Permanent Redirect`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status#308) status code. As Gecko doesn't make a distinction between permanent and temporary redirects, it behaves like the [`307 Temporary Redirect`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status#307) status code, as it forbids the user agent from changing the HTTP method used between the two requests (`POST` will stay `POST`, `GET` will stay `GET`).
## Changes for Mozilla and add-on developers
### JavaScript code modules
#### source-editor.jsm
- Added a keyboard shortcut to toggle commenting for the current selection (Ctrl-/ or Cmd-/ on Mac OS X).
- Added the Ctrl-\[ and Ctrl-] keyboard shortcuts for moving the text input position to the beginning and end of the current block.
- Added the new [`getLineStart()`](/en-US/docs/JavaScript_code_modules/source-editor.jsm#getLineStart%28%29) and [`getLineEnd()`](/en-US/docs/JavaScript_code_modules/source-editor.jsm#getLineEnd%28%29) methods.
### XUL
- Added the new `fullscreenbutton` attribute to the `<window>` element; setting this to `true` adds a button to the window's chrome to enable full screen mode.
### Interfaces
- The `nsILocalFile` interface has been merged into `nsIFile` ([bug 682360](
- The methods in `nsIPlacesImportExportService` for importing bookmarks have all been removed in favor of the [`BookmarkHTMLUtils.jsm`](/en-US/docs/JavaScript_code_modules/BookmarkHTMLUtils.jsm) JavaScript code module.
- The `nsIDOMGeoPositionAddress` interface has been removed.
- The `getItemGUID`, `setItemGUID` and `getItemIdForGUID` methods have been removed from `nsINavBookmarksService` ([Firefox bug 715355](
### Spellchecking
- Dictionary names are now parsed as full [BCP 47]( language tags ([bug 730209](, [bug 741842]( Developers are encouraged to not hard-code the name of their language in their dictionary names.
## See also
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/31/ | ---
title: Firefox 31 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/31
page-type: firefox-release-notes
## Changes for Web developers
### Developer Tools
- [Eyedropper tool to select colors in web pages](
- [full stack traces for console error messages](
- [editable Box Model View](
- [%c formatting to style console messages](
- ["copy as cURL" command in Network Monitor](
- [Sublime Text keybindings in the source editor](
- [Option to make Network Monitor logs persistent](
- [JavaScript warnings on by default in the Web Console](
- [Alt+click to expand all descendants of a node](
[All devtools bugs fixed between Firefox 30 and Firefox 31](
### CSS
- Changed `var-` prefix of CSS Variables to `--` to reflect the final spec change ([Firefox bug 985838](
- The {{cssxref("hyphens")}} property now support Polish hyphenation rules ([Firefox bug 987668](
- Removed an unwanted white space for multiple of 10,000 in Korean counter styles ([Firefox bug 985186](
- CSS opacity transition broken with parent pseudo :before and overflow auto ([Firefox bug 990340](
- The `::-moz-math-stretchy` pseudo-element has been removed ([Firefox bug 1000879](
### HTML
- {{HTMLElement("track")}} has been implemented ([Firefox bug 629350](
### JavaScript
New ECMAScript 2015 features implemented:
- New `Array` built-in: {{jsxref("Array.prototype.fill()")}} ([Firefox bug 911147](
- New `Math` function: {{jsxref("Math.clz32()")}} ([Firefox bug 925123](
- New `String` built-in: {{jsxref("String.prototype.normalize()")}} is available in Firefox Desktop ([Firefox bug 918987](
- New `Object` method {{jsxref("Object.setPrototypeOf()")}}.
- New `Number` constants: {{jsxref("Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER")}} and {{jsxref("Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER")}}.
- The ES2015 Proxy {{jsxref("Global_Objects/Proxy/Proxy/isExtensible", "isExtensible")}} trap have been implemented ([Firefox bug 978235](
### Interfaces/APIs/DOM
- Constructor of `KeyboardEvent` has been implemented ([Firefox bug 930893](
- The Resource Timing API has been implemented (see [Firefox bug 822480](
- `KeyboardEvent.isComposing` attribute has been implemented ([Firefox bug 993234](
- `InputEvent` interface has been implemented ([Firefox bug 993253](
- `InputEvent.isComposing` attribute has been implemented ([Firefox bug 993253](
- {{domxref("CSS.escape_static", "CSS.escape()")}} has been implemented ([Firefox bug 955860](
- {{domxref("Element/mousemove_event", "mousemove")}} is now cancelable like in other browsers ([Firefox bug 704423]( Calling `preventDefault()` only sets `defaultPrevented` attribute to `true;` any other behaviors are not changed. E.g., it cannot prevent to set `:hover` state.
- The {{domxref("Path2D")}} interface has been implemented.
- The {{domxref("CanvasRenderingContext2D.isPointInPath()")}}, {{domxref("CanvasRenderingContext2D.isPointInStroke()")}}, {{domxref("CanvasRenderingContext2D.clip()")}}, {{domxref("CanvasRenderingContext2D.fill()")}} and {{domxref("CanvasRenderingContext2D.stroke()")}} methods have been updated to optionally accept a {{domxref("Path2D")}} object.
- Implemented {{domxref("HTMLMediaElement.fastSeek()")}}.
- The `Connection` interface has been renamed to {{domxref("NetworkInformation")}} and has been modified to match the new specification ([Firefox bug 960426](
- The {{domxref("Navigator.sendBeacon()")}} has been implemented; this allows asynchronous transmission of analytics or other data in a manner that doesn't rely on the transmitting page remaining loaded, so that it can be used in an {{domxref("Window/unload_event", "unload")}} or {{domxref("Window.beforeunload_event", "beforeunload")}} handler.
### MathML
- Partial implementation of the [OpenType MATH table](, section 6.3.6 ([Firefox bug 407059]( For details, try the [MathML torture test](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/MathML_Project/MathML_Torture_Test) .
- The `::-moz-math-stretchy` pseudo-element has been removed ([Firefox bug 1000879](
- When available, the Unicode Mathematical alphanumeric characters are used for bold, italic and bold-italic math variants ([Firefox bug 930504](
### SVG
_No change._
### Audio/Video
_No change._
## Security
- [Privileged code now gets Xray vision for `Date` instances](
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
- The "`align`" attribute on the `urlbar-wrapper` (formerly on the `urlbar-container`) which was set to "`center`" since time immemorial, has been removed. This is known to affect third-party themes. You should look carefully at what the right fix is for your theme, but for maintaining the equivalent effect, you can add the following CSS rule to your theme:
#urlbar-wrapper {
-moz-box-align: center;
- `nsIDOMWindowUtils.sendQueryContentEvent()` and `nsIDOMWindowUtils.sendSelectionSetEvent()` have `aAdditionalFlags` as optional argument. If you called `nsIDOMWindowUtils.sendSelectionSetEvent()` with `true` for `aReverse`, the behavior would be broken by this change. See [explanation of each flag](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Reference/Interface/nsIDOMWindowUtils#constants) (`QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_*` and `SELECTION_SET_FLAG_*`) for the detail of `aAdditionalFlags`.
### Add-on SDK
- [Add-on Debugger](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/Add-on_Debugger)
- Added the ability to convert [between high-level BrowserWindow objects and DOM windows](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/High-Level_APIs/windows#converting_to_dom_windows), and [between high-level Tab objects and XUL tabs](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/High-Level_APIs/tabs#converting_to_xul_tabs).
- Updated the default theme used for panels on Mac OS X.
- Added [contentStyle and contentStyleFile](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/High-Level_APIs/panel#styling_panel_content) options to panel.
[GitHub commits made between Firefox 30 and Firefox 31]( This will not include any uplifts made after this release entered Aurora.
[Bugs fixed between Firefox 30 and Firefox 31]( This will not include any uplifts made after this release entered Aurora.
### Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/114/ | ---
title: Firefox 114 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/114
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 114 that affect developers. Firefox 114 was released on June 06, 2023.
## Changes for web developers
### Developer Tools
- Fixed an issue where the [Accessibility Inspector]( did not correctly show ARIA roles on elements, which affected how [landmark roles](/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Roles/landmark_role) were displayed.
Roles that cannot be mapped to ARIA use a Gecko internal role name ([Firefox bug 1572512](
### HTML
No notable changes.
### CSS
- The [`:lang()`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/:lang) pseudo-class now uses string-matching semantics (including `*` wildcards) for matching language codes rather than prefix-matching semantics.
Additionally, comma-separated lists of languages are now supported for matching multiple languages ([Firefox bug 1121792](
- The [`-webkit-text-security`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/-webkit-text-security) property that lets you replace characters with shapes is now supported. You can now control the rendering of text security using this property ([Firefox bug 1826629](
- The `infinity` and `NaN` constants are now supported inside the [`calc()`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/calc) function ([Firefox bug 1830759](
### JavaScript
- [Workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API) now support loading [ECMAScript modules](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Modules).
You can load modules into workers by specifying the `{type: "module"}` option in the [`Worker`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Worker/Worker#type) and [`SharedWorker` constructors](/en-US/docs/Web/API/SharedWorker/SharedWorker#type).
Worker scripts can also statically or dynamically import modules using [`import`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [`import()`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/import), respectively ([Firefox bug 1812591](
- [Worklets](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Worklet) can now use [`import`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) to statically import [ECMAscript/JavaScript modules](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Modules) ([Firefox bug 1812591](
### SVG
- The [`crossorigin`](/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/crossorigin) attribute is now supported in [`image`](/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Element/image) and [`feImage`](/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Element/feImage) elements ([Firefox bug 1240357](
### APIs
- [`Window.print()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/print) now opens a print dialog on Firefox for Android, allowing the current document to be printed ([Firefox bug 1809922](
- The [WebTransport API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebTransport_API) is now supported, which includes the following interfaces: [`WebTransport`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebTransport), [`WebTransportBidirectionalStream`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebTransportBidirectionalStream), [`WebTransportDatagramDuplexStream`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebTransportDatagramDuplexStream), [`WebTransportReceiveStream`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebTransportReceiveStream), [`WebTransportSendStream`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebTransportSendStream), [`WebTransportDatagramDuplexStream`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebTransportDatagramDuplexStream) and [`WebTransportError`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebTransportError).
For more information see [Firefox bug 1692754](, [Firefox bug 1818754](, and [Firefox bug 1791835](
- [`CSSImportRule.supportsText`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/CSSImportRule/supportsText) can now be used for getting any `supports()` conditions that were specified when using the {{cssxref("@import")}} [at-rule](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/At-rule) ([Firefox bug 1829590](
#### DOM
No notable changes.
#### Media, WebRTC, and Web Audio
No notable changes.
#### Removals
- The deprecated and non-standard `mozImageSmoothingEnabled` property is permanently removed.
See the [`imageSmoothingEnabled`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/imageSmoothingEnabled) property for smoothing in scaled images ([Firefox bug 1228850](
### WebDriver conformance (WebDriver BiDi, Marionette)
#### WebDriver BiDi
- Added support for the commands `input.performActions` and `input.releaseActions`, which can be used to emulate user input for interacting with elements on web pages. Similar to Marionette all the available input sources of the WebDriver specification are supported, which are `key`, `pointer`, and `wheel` ([Firefox bug 1832380](
- Added support for custom browser to client messages, which allows to send a `script.message` event from within a script formerly installed via `script.addPreloadScript` ([Firefox bug 1824187](
- Added support for the `serializationOptions` parameter for `script.evaluate` and `script.callFunction` to customize the `RemoteValue` serialization ([Firefox bug 1824953](
- Fixed an issue where both the `script.evaluate` and `script.callFunction` commands did not include the stack trace and failed to properly build the exception details for a rejected Promise ([Firefox bug 1829630](
- Fixed an issue where the `browsingContext.domContentLoaded` and `browsingContext.load` events did not report the correct `url`, when the page defined a `<base>` meta tag ([Firefox bug 1825634](
#### Marionette
- Fixed an issue where the command `WebDriver:GetComputedRole` didn't properly return the WAI-ARIA roles ([Firefox bug 1822112](
- Fixed an issue where modifier keys were not reset when they were used again within the same `WebDriver:ElementSendKeys` command ([Firefox bug 1776190](
## Changes for add-on developers
### Removals
- Support for [`browser_style`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/user_interface/Browser_styles) in the manifest keys [`action`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/action), [`options_ui`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/options_ui), [`page_action`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/page_action), and [`sidebar_action`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/sidebar_action) is deprecated for Manifest V3 extensions ([Firefox bug 1827910]( See [Manifest v3 migration](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/user_interface/Browser_styles#manifest_v3_migration) for information about transitioning from `browser_style` in Manifest V3 extensions.
## Older versions
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title: Firefox 2 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/2
page-type: firefox-release-notes
## New developer features in Firefox 2
Firefox 2 introduces a vast array of new features and capabilities. This article provides links to articles covering the new features.
### For website and application developers
- [Microsummaries](
- : Microsummaries are regularly-updated succinct compilations of the most important information on web pages. Site and third-party developers can both provide them, and users can choose to display microsummaries instead of static titles when they bookmark pages with microsummaries.
- [Creating a Microsummary](/en-US/docs/Creating_a_Microsummary)
- : A tutorial on creating a microsummary generator.
- [Microsummary XML grammar reference](/en-US/docs/Microsummary_XML_grammar_reference)
- : A reference guide to the XML grammar used for creating microsummary generators.
- [Creating OpenSearch plugins for Firefox](/en-US/docs/Web/OpenSearch)
- : Firefox 2 supports the OpenSearch search engine format.
- [Creating MozSearch plugins](/en-US/docs/Creating_MozSearch_plugins)
- : Firefox 2 supports MozSearch, a search plugin format based on OpenSearch, but intended only for internal use.
- [Supporting search suggestions in search plugins](/en-US/docs/Supporting_search_suggestions_in_search_plugins)
- : How to make your MozSearch plugin support search suggestions, which appear in a drop-down list while typing in the search bar.
- [New in JavaScript 1.7](/en-US/docs/New_in_JavaScript_1.7)
- : Firefox 2 supports JavaScript 1.7, which includes new features including `let`, destructuring assignment, generators and iterators, and array comprehensions.
- [WHATWG Client-side session and persistent storage (aka DOM Storage)](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Storage_API)
- : Client-side session and persistent storage allows web applications to store structured data on the client side.
- [SVG in Firefox](/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/SVG_1.1_Support_in_Firefox)
- : Firefox 2 improves Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) support, implementing the `<textPath>` element and adding support for some attributes not previously supported.
- [Controlling spell checking in HTML forms](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/spellcheck)
- : Firefox 2 includes support for inline spell checking in text areas and text fields. This article describes how to write your HTML to enable and disable spell checking on individual form elements.
- [Security in Firefox 2](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/2/Security_changes)
- : Firefox 2 has changes to which security protocols are enabled by default.
### For XUL and extension developers
- [Updating extensions for Firefox 2](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/2/Updating_extensions)
- : Covers how to get your existing extensions to work with Firefox 2.
- [Session store API](/en-US/docs/Session_store_API)
- : Contributing items to be saved and restored across sessions in Firefox.
- [Feed content access API](/en-US/docs/Feed_content_access_API)
- : API that lets developers access and parse RSS and Atom feeds.
- [SAX support](/en-US/docs/SAX)
- : Event-based XML parser API.
- [Adding search engines from web pages](/en-US/docs/Web/OpenSearch)
- : JavaScript code can instruct Firefox to install a new search engine plugin, which can be written using either OpenSearch or Sherlock format.
- [Using spell checking in XUL](/en-US/docs/Using_spell_checking_in_XUL)
- : How to check the spelling of words or get a list of suggested spellings from code.
- [Adding phishing protection data providers](/en-US/docs/Adding_phishing_protection_data_providers)
- : It's possible to enhance Firefox's phishing protection by adding additional data providers for the safe browsing system.
- [Adding feed readers to Firefox](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/2/Adding_feed_readers_to_Firefox)
- : You can add new feed readers to Firefox, whether web-based or application-based.
- [Storage](/en-US/docs/Storage)
- : Firefox 2 introduces mozStorage, an sqlite based database architecture.
- [Theme changes in Firefox 2](/en-US/docs/Theme_changes_in_Firefox_2)
- : Discusses the changes needed to update existing themes to work in Firefox 2.
- Textbox Improvements (Firefox and higher only)
- : The `<textbox>` now has a `reset()` method to reset the value of the textbox to the default value. The `defaultValue` property may be used to retrieve and modify the default value of the textbox ([Firefox bug 312867]( Supports an `editor` property to get the internal `nsIEditor` for the text field ([Webkit bug 312867](
## New features for end users
Firefox 2 provides an enhanced version of the same clean user interface offered by previous versions, with improved security features to make your online experience safer and more convenient than ever.
### User experience
- **Inline spell checking for text areas** lets you compose with confidence in web forms.
- **Microsummaries** provide a way to create bookmarks that display information pulled from the site they refer to, updated automatically. Great for stock tickers, auction monitoring, and so forth.
- **Extension Manager user interface** has been enhanced.
- **Search engine manager** lets you rearrange and remove search engines shown in the search bar.
- **Tabbed browsing enhancements** include adding close buttons to each tab, adjustments to how Firefox decides which tab to bring you to when you close the current tab, and simplified preferences for tabs.
- **Autodetection of search engines** allows search engines that offer plugins for the Firefox search bar to offer to install their plugins for you.
- **Search suggestions** allow search engines to offer suggested search terms based on what you've typed so far in the search bar.
### Security and privacy
- **Phishing Protection** to warn users when the website you're looking at appears to be a forgery.
## See also
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title: Adding feed readers to Firefox
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/2/Adding_feed_readers_to_Firefox
page-type: guide
Starting with Firefox 2, Firefox has support for selecting different RSS or Atom feed readers to use when you try to read a feed. This article provides information about how to add support for additional readers not supported by default.
## Adding a new web-based feed reader
### Adding a feed reader from a web application
Support for adding feed readers from the web was removed from the HTML5 spec, and Firefox support is scheduled for removal in Firefox 62. {{Deprecated_Inline}}
In older versions, JavaScript code on the web can add a feed reader using the `navigator.registerContentHandler()` function, like this:
"My Feed Reader",
Note that web content is limited to adding handler URLs which have the same origin as the page performing the call.
### Adding a new feed reader manually
Support for adding new feed readers was removed in Firefox 63. {{deprecated_inline}}.
Prior to Firefox 63, to add support for a new web-based feed reader, you would need to add three new preferences:
- `browser.contentHandlers.types.number.title`
- : The name of the feed reader.
- `browser.contentHandlers.types.number.type`
- : For a feed reader, this should be "application/vnd.mozilla.maybe.feed".
- `browser.contentHandlers.types.number.uri`
- : The URI of the feed reader. Use "%s" where the URL of the feed should be inserted.
`number` should be replaced with the next highest unique number that hasn't already been used. For example, if you want to add a new feed reader called "Easy Reader", and there are already defined content handlers with numbers 0 through 4, you should use a `number` of 5, like this:
- `browser.contentHandlers.types.5.title`: `Easy Reader`
- `browser.contentHandlers.types.5.type`: `application/vnd.mozilla.maybe.feed`
- `browser.contentHandlers.types.5.uri`: ``
You can add these preferences by hand, by visiting `about:config`.
### Adding a new feed reader application
The easiest way to do this is to use the provided user interface, by using the Feeds panel in the Preferences (or Options, depending on your platform) window.
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title: Updating extensions for Firefox 2
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/2/Updating_extensions
page-type: guide
This article provides information that will be useful to developers that wish to update their extensions to work properly under Firefox 2.
## Step 1: Update the install manifest
The first step — and, for most extensions, the only one that will be needed — is to update the [install manifest](/en-US/Install_Manifests) file, install.rdf, to indicate compatibility with Firefox 2.
Find the line indicating the maximum compatible version of Firefox (which, for Firefox 1.5, might look like this):
Change it to indicate compatibility with Firefox 2:
Then reinstall your extension.
## Step 2: Update XUL overlays
Firefox 2 incorporates changes to the default skin. Additionally, some user interface elements have been changed or moved, and it's possible your extension may be affected by these, depending on what your XUL overlays do.
Look over the article [Theme changes in Firefox 2](/en-US/Theme_changes_in_Firefox_2) to learn what changes were made that may affect your extension's XUL overlays.
## Step 3: Test
Be sure to test your extension carefully on Firefox 2 before you release it to the public. The last thing you want is for the new version of your extension to be responsible for a rash of reports of problems with the just-released version of Firefox!
## Step 4: Release
Update your extension's entry on []( This will ensure that users can find it.
In addition, if your extension provides an [`updateURL`](/en-US/Install_Manifests#updateurl) in the install manifest, be sure to update the update manifest so that the new version of your extension can be found automatically by Firefox. By doing this, the first time the user runs your extension after upgrading to Firefox 2, Firefox can offer to automatically install it for them.
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title: Security in Firefox 2
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/2/Security_changes
page-type: guide
This article discusses changes that affect security in Firefox 2.
## Weak ciphers disabled by default
[Firefox 2](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/2) disables SSLv2 and the weak "export" cipher suites (those with key lengths less than 64 bits) by default, in favor of SSLv3. This provides improved security.
The preferred encryption methods are `TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA` and `TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA`. Some servers refer to these as `SSL_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA` and `SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA`.
If SSLv2 support must be enabled, it can be by setting the appropriate `security.ssl2.*` user preferences to `true`.
## New features
- Firefox 2 supports [Elliptic Curve Cryptography]( in TLS. Support is presently limited to curves of 256, 384, and 521 (yes, 521) bits.
- Firefox 2 supports the TLS server name indication extension to facilitate secure connections to servers hosting multiple virtual servers on a single underlying network address, as per [RFC 3546](
- When Firefox 2 makes an [OCSP]( request to validate a web server's certificate, it now uses the proxy that has been configured for normal HTTP traffic.
## Determining what ciphers are available
As always, you can find out what ciphers are supported — and which are enabled or disabled — by going to about:config and searching on "ssl" or "tls".
## Security improved for the jar: protocol
In order to correct a potential security problem when using the `jar:` protocol, it's now necessary to serve JAR files with the MIME type `application/java-archive`. See [Security and the jar protocol](/en-US/docs/Security_and_the_jar_protocol) for further details.
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title: Firefox 125 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/125
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 125 that affect developers. Firefox 125 is the current [Nightly version of Firefox]( and ships on [April 16, 2024](
## Changes for web developers
### Developer Tools
### HTML
#### Removals
### CSS
#### Removals
### JavaScript
#### Removals
### SVG
#### Removals
### HTTP
#### Removals
### Security
#### Removals
### APIs
#### DOM
#### Media, WebRTC, and Web Audio
#### Removals
### WebAssembly
#### Removals
### WebDriver conformance (WebDriver BiDi, Marionette)
#### General
#### WebDriver BiDi
#### Marionette
## Changes for add-on developers
### Removals
### Other
## Experimental web features
These features are newly shipped in Firefox 125 but are disabled by default. To experiment with them, search for the appropriate preference on the `about:config` page and set it to `true`. You can find more such features on the [Experimental features](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Experimental_features) page.
## Older versions
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title: Firefox 36 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/36
page-type: firefox-release-notes
Firefox 36 was released on February 24th, 2015. This article lists key changes that are useful not only for web developers, but also Firefox and Gecko developers as well as add-on developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### Developer Tools
- [eval sources now appear in the Debugger](
- [Simpler process for connecting to Firefox for Android](
- Box Model Highlighter works on remote targets
- ["Invert the call tree" option in the Profiler](
- [Inspect DOM promises in the console](
- [Extra "Paste" commands in the Inspector](
[All devtools bugs fixed between Firefox 35 and Firefox 36](
### CSS
- The {{cssxref("will-change")}} property has been enabled by default ([Firefox bug 961871](
- The {{cssxref("white-space")}} property is now working on {{HTMLElement("textarea")}} HTML elements ([Firefox bug 82711](
- The {{cssxref("@font-face/unicode-range", "unicode-range")}} descriptor is now supported by {{cssxref("@font-face")}} ([Firefox bug 475891](, but not enabled by default.
- The properties {{cssxref("text-decoration-color")}}, {{cssxref("text-decoration-line")}}, and {{cssxref("text-decoration-style")}} are unprefixed ([Firefox bug 825004]( The prefixed version are still available for some time to ease transition ([Firefox bug 1097922](
- The {{cssxref("text-decoration")}} property is turned into shorthand property ([Firefox bug 1039488](
- The properties {{cssxref("object-fit")}} and {{cssxref("object-position")}} are now supported ([Firefox bug 624647](
- The `contents` value of the {{cssxref("display")}} property has been experimentally implemented. It is preffed off by default ([Firefox bug 907396](
- In [Quirks mode](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Quirks_Mode_and_Standards_Mode), the [`:active` and `:hover` quiver quirk](/en-US/docs/Mozilla_Quirks_Mode_Behavior#Miscellaneous_.26_Style) has been altered to be applied less often: it is now used only on links, only if there are no pseudo-element or other pseudo-class in the element and if it isn't part of a pseudo-class element ([Firefox bug 783213](
- The {{cssxref("isolation")}} property has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1077872](
- CSS {{cssxref("<gradient>")}} now applies on the premultiplied colors, matching the spec and other browsers, and getting rid of unexpected gray colors appearing in them ([Firefox bug 591600](
- Interpolation hint syntax has been added to {{cssxref("<gradient>")}} ([Firefox bug 1074056](
- The {{cssxref("scroll-behavior")}} property has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1010538](
### HTML
- Support for [`<meta name="referrer">`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/meta) has been added ([Firefox bug 704320](
- In Firefox, {{HTMLElement("input")}} filters specified in the [`accept`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#accept) attribute will always be selected by default, unless there is an unknown value, that is an unknown mime type or badly formatted value in the [`accept`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#accept) attribute. Previously specified filters were only selected by default for `image/*`, `video/*` and `audio/*` values ([Firefox bug 826185](
### JavaScript
- The [ECMAScript 2015](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/New_in_JavaScript/ECMAScript_6_support_in_Mozilla) Symbol data type has been enabled by default (was available in the Nightly channel since version 33) ([Firefox bug 1066322](
- {{jsxref("Symbol")}}
- {{jsxref("Symbol.for()")}}
- {{jsxref("Symbol.keyFor()")}}
- {{jsxref("Object.getOwnPropertySymbols()")}}
- The old placeholder string `"@@iterator"` has been replaced with the real ES2015 well-known symbol {{jsxref("Symbol.iterator")}} for the [iterable](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols) interface property key ([Firefox bug 918828](
- The spec-internal abstract operation `ToNumber(string)` now supports binary (`0b`) and octal (`0o`) literals, this is a potentially breaking change from ES5 ([Firefox bug 1079120](
- `Number("0b11")` now returns `3`, not `NaN`.
- `"0o11" == 9` now returns `true`, not `false`.
- The [`const`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/const) declaration is now block-scoped and requires an initializer ([Firefox bug 611388]( It also can not be redeclared anymore ([Firefox bug 1095439](
- `{const a=1}; a;` now throws a {{jsxref("ReferenceError")}} and does not return `1` anymore due to block-scoping.
- `const a;` now throws a {{jsxref("SyntaxError")}} ("missing = in const declaration`"`): An initializer is required.
- `const a = 1; a = 2;` now also throws a {{jsxref("SyntaxError")}} ("invalid assignment to const a").
- The ES2016 method {{jsxref("Array.prototype.includes")}} has been implemented, but for now, it is only enabled in Nightly builds ([Firefox bug 1069063](
- The [`delete`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/delete) operator now triggers the "[temporal dead zone](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/let#temporal_dead_zone_tdz)" when using with [`let`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/let) and [`const`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/const) ([Firefox bug 1074571](
- The non-standard [`let` blocks and `let` expressions](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Deprecated_and_obsolete_features#statements_2) are deprecated and will now log a warning in the console. Do not use them anymore, they will be removed in the future.
- [WeakMap](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/WeakMap) constructor now handles optional iterable argument ([Firefox bug 1092537](
### Interfaces/APIs/DOM
- The {{domxref("CanvasRenderingContext2D.resetTransform()")}} method of the Canvas API has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1099148](
- ECDSA is now supported in the Web Crypto API ([Firefox bug 1034854](
- Our experimental implementation of WebGL 2.0 is going forward!
- The {{domxref("WebGLQuery")}} interface is available ([Firefox bug 1048719](
- The {{domxref("WebGL2RenderingContext.invalidateFrameBuffer()")}} method has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1076456](
- The {{domxref("MediaDevices")}} interface, containing the {{jsxref("Promise")}}-based version of {{domxref("MediaDevices.getUserMedia()", "getUserMedia()")}}, has been added. It is available via {{domxref("Navigator.mediaDevices")}} ([Firefox bug 1033885](
- The EME-related {{domxref("Navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess()")}} method, and the related {{domxref("MediaKeySystemAccess")}}, is now supported ([Firefox bug 1095257](
- The {{domxref("MediaKeySession/keystatuseschange_event", "keyschange")}} event is now sent when an EME-related CDM change keys in a session ([Firefox bug 1081755](
- The default values of the options for {{domxref("MutationObserver.observe()")}} have been updated to match the latest specification ([Firefox bug 973638](
- Experimental support for virtual reality devices has landed behind the `dom.vr.enabled` preference, off by default ([Firefox bug 1036604](
- The function associated with {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.signalingstatechange_event", "RTCPeerConnection.onsignalingstatechange")}} now receives an event as parameter, as per spec ([Firefox bug 1075133](
- The experimental implementation of Web Animations make progress: the method {{domxref("Animation/play", "")}} and {{domxref("Animation/pause", "AnimationPlayer.pause()")}} are now supported ([Firefox bug 1070745](, as well as {{domxref("Animation/playState", "AnimationPlayer.playState")}} ([Firefox bug 1037321](
- The non-standard `DOMRequest` interface has now a `DOMRequest.then()` method ([Firefox bug 839838](
- The CSSOM View scroll behavior controlling methods, {{domxref("Element.scroll()")}}, {{domxref("Element.scrollTo()")}}, {{domxref("Element.scrollBy()")}}, and {{domxref("Element.scrollIntoView()")}}, have been implemented or extended ([Firefox bug 1045754]( and [Firefox bug 1087559](
- Assigning to {{domxref("Element.innerHTML")}} on an {{domxref("SVGElement")}} now create elements in the SVG namespace ([Firefox bug 886390](
- The `nsIWebBrowserPersist.saveURI()` method now requires 8 arguments, in an order incompatible with previous releases.
- Support for Media Source Extensions (MSE) is activated by default in non-build releases (Nightly and Developer Edition only) ([Firefox bug 1000686]( It keeps being preffed off on Beta and Release version.
### MathML
_No change._
### SVG
_No change._
### Audio/Video
_No change._
## Networking
- Support for SPDY/3 has been removed; support for SPDY/3.1 is still available ([Firefox bug 1097944](
## Security
- RC4 is now considered as insecure and all UI indicators will react as such; SSLv3 has been disabled by default in Firefox 34, but the UI has been changed to help the user better understand what is happening ([Firefox bug 1093595](
- Also, RC4 is no longer offered in the initial handshake of TLS ([Firefox bug 1088915](
- The [`form-action`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Security-Policy#form-action) directive of CSP 1.1 is now supported ([Firefox bug 529697](
- In the preferences of Firefox, The [Do not track](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/DNT) selection widget is again an on/off switch ([Firefox bug 1071747](
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
### Add-on SDK
#### Highlights
- The [`sdk/test/httpd`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/Low-Level_APIs/test_httpd) module was removed, use the [addon-httpd]( npm module instead.
- Add badges to [`sdk/ui`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/High-Level_APIs/ui) buttons ([Firefox bug 994280](
- Implemented global `require` function to access sdk modules anywhere ([Firefox bug 1070927](, using:
var { require } = Cu.import(
#### Details
[GitHub commits made between Firefox 35 and Firefox 36](
### JavaScript code modules
- `PromiseUtils.resolveOrTimeout` is implemented ([Firefox bug 1080466](
- `PromiseUtils.defer` (a replacement for `Promise.defer()`) is implemented ([Firefox bug 1093021](
### Interfaces
#### nsIContentPolicy
New constants have been added to `nsIContentPolicy` to allow Gecko internals and add-on code to better differentiate different types of requests. These are:
- : Indicates a content load request initiated by the {{domxref("fetch()")}} method.
- : Indicates a request to load an {{HTMLElement("img")}} (with the [`srcset`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/img#srcset) attribute or {{HTMLElement("picture")}} element.
### XUL
_No change._
### Other
- Firefox `-remote` [command line option]( has been removed ([Firefox bug 1080319](
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/77/ | ---
title: Firefox 77 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/77
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 77 that will affect developers. Firefox 77 was released on [June 2, 2020](
**See also the accompanying hacks post — [New in Firefox 77: DevTool improvements and web platform updates](**
## Changes for web developers
### Developer tools
- Firefox Developer Edition offers a [Compatibility panel]( in the Page Inspector, to show the browsers supported by the CSS properties used on the page. ([Firefox bug 1625134](
- The Debugger has a [Settings menu in its toolbar](; the only menu option (yet) is **Disable JavaScript**. ([Firefox bug 1630957](
- The [Network Monitor toolbar]( has an **Actions** menu for managing log data ([Firefox bug 1459175](
- **Persist Logs**
- **Import HAR File**
- **Save All as HAR**
- **Copy All as HAR**
- The [Request Blocking panel]( of the Network Monitor has a context menu for enabling, disabling or removing all request block items. ([Firefox bug 1588076](
- If you change the selected source line in the Debugger by clicking a frame in the [Call Stack](, and then click **Step over** (`F10`), the debugger executes until reaching the line following the newly-selected line (disregarding whatever line the debugger originally stopped at). ([Firefox bug 1630642](
- You can set a watchpoint that pauses execution when a value is [either read or assigned ("get or set")](, as well as just read ("get") or just assigned ("set"). ([Firefox bug 1580585](
### HTML
- Firefox now displays the [label value](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/option#browser_compatibility) on an {{HTMLElement("option")}} element when the element's content is empty. ([Firefox bug 40545](
### SVG
- Firefox now supports the {{SVGAttr("transform-origin")}} presentation attribute ([Firefox bug 1581691](
### JavaScript
- {{JSxRef("String.prototype.replaceAll()")}} is now supported ([Firefox bug 1608168](
### APIs
#### IndexedDB
- The {{DOMxRef("IDBCursor.request")}} property has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1536540](
### WebDriver conformance (Marionette)
- Certain commands could have caused a hang of Marionette when the currently selected top-level browsing context gets removed (e.g., closing the window by a click) ([Firefox bug 1619481](
- Known issue: Because of changes in Firefox 77 an open user prompt could be closed too early when navigating away from the current page. This problem will be fixed in Firefox 78 ([Firefox bug 1631362](
## Changes for add-on developers
### API changes
- {{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.goBack")}} and {{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.goForward")}} are now supported. ([Firefox bug 1603796](
- {{WebExtAPIRef("browsingData.remove")}} with type `serviceWorkers` and `indexedDB` now supports deleting by hostname. ([Firefox bug 1632990]( and [Firefox bug 1551301](
- The {{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.duplicate")}} API now supports `duplicateProperties`, enabling the position and active status of a duplicated tab to be specified. ([Firefox bug 1560218](
- The {{WebExtAPIRef("permissions")}} API events {{WebExtAPIRef("permissions.onAdded")}} and {{WebExtAPIRef("permissions.onRemoved")}} are now supported. ([Firefox bug 1444294](
- Multiple `Content-Security-Policy` header changes requested in {{WebExtAPIRef("webRequest.onHeadersReceived")}} are merged. ([Firefox bug 1462989](
- {{WebExtAPIRef("webRequest")}} events will no longer be triggered for `data:` URLs. ([Firefox bug 1631933](
### Manifest changes
- The following permissions are now optional, they can be specified in the [`optional_permissions`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/optional_permissions) manifest key and requested using the {{WebExtAPIRef("permissions")}} API:
- `browsingData` ([Firefox bug 1630417](
- `devtools` ([Firefox bug 1606862]( – by setting this permission, an extension can introduce developer tools panels in an update without the extension being disabled (in Chrome) or blocked from updating (in Firefox).
- `pkcs11` ([Firefox bug 1630418](
- `proxy` ([Firefox bug 1548011](
- `sessions` ([Firefox bug 1630414](
### Other
- Use of the `unlimitedStorage` permission no longer results in a prompt during extension installation or update. See [Requesting the right permissions]( for more information. ([Firefox bug 1630413](
- Changes related to [`SameSite` cookies](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie#samesitesamesite-value) mean that when setting [host permissions](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/permissions#host_permissions) to bypass tracking protection for extension pages hosts must be specified as a full domain or with wildcards. However, for Content scripts tracking protection can only be bypassed for hosts specified with a full domain.
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/45/ | ---
title: Firefox 45 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/45
page-type: firefox-release-notes
To test the latest developer features of Firefox, install Firefox Developer Edition Firefox 45 was released on March 8, 2016. This article lists key changes that are useful not only for web developers, but also Firefox and Gecko developers as well as add-on developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### Developer Tools
- [Full-text search in the Page Inspector](
- [Heap snapshot diffing in the Memory tool](
- [DomContentLoaded and load events shown in the Network Monitor](
- [Animation inspector improvements](
[All devtools bugs fixed between Firefox 43 and Firefox 44.](
### HTML
- Content Security Policy can now be set directly on the {{HTMLElement("meta")}} element ([Firefox bug 663570](
- The attribute `referrer` has been renamed `referrerpolicy` on {{HTMLElement("img")}}, {{HTMLElement("area")}}, {{HTMLElement("a")}}, and {{HTMLElement("iframe")}} ([Firefox bug 1187357](
- Changes in the viewport, or a resize, now trigger the reselection of responsive images for `<img srcset>` ([Firefox bug 1166138](
### CSS
- {{cssxref("word-spacing")}} now allows percentage values ([Firefox bug 1038663](
- Our implementation of CSS Grids has been improved and is no more considered experimental; it is now activated by default in nightly and developer edition, but not for beta and release ([Firefox bug 1000592](
- Gutters, that is the `grid-column-gap`, `grid-row-gap`, and `grid-gap` properties are now supported ([Firefox bug 1176792](
- The implied minimum size of grid Items, that is the special {{cssxref("min-width")}} and {{cssxref("min-height")}} `auto` behavior has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1176775](
- {{cssxref("align-self")}} and {{cssxref("justify-self")}} are now supported on grid layouts ([Firefox bug 1151213](
- {{cssxref("align-content")}} and {{cssxref("justify-content")}} are now supported on grid layouts ([Firefox bug 1151214](
- Resolved value of grid-template-columns,grid-template-rows in px units ([Firefox bug 978212](
- The related feature {{cssxref("display")}}: contents has been supported since [Firefox 37](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/37)
- Implement full support for CSS Box Alignment for CSS Grid, support the missing values: `start`, `end`, `self-start`, `self-end`, `left`, `right`, `last-baseline`, `space-evenly` ([Firefox bug 1176782]( CSS Box Alignment currently applies only to CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid.
- \[css-grid]\[css-flexbox] Implement grid/flex layout for \<fieldset> ([Firefox bug 1230207](
- The `inline-start` and `inline-end` values have been added to {{cssxref("float")}} and {{cssxref("clear")}} ([Firefox bug 1122918]( They are enabled by default on Nightly and Aurora (Dev edition), as well as on Firefox OS; to activate it on a release or beta version, you need to flip the `layout.css.float-logical-values.enabled` to `true`.
- The {{cssxref("text-emphasis")}}, {{cssxref("text-emphasis-style")}}, {{cssxref("text-emphasis-color")}}, and {{cssxref("text-emphasis-position")}} have been implemented; they are disabled by default (set `layout.css.text-emphasis.enabled` to true to activate them ([Firefox bug 1040668](
- Several `-webkit` prefixed properties and values have been added for web compatibility, behind the preference `layout.css.prefixes.webkit`, defaulting to `false`:
- Added `-webkit-backface-visibility`, `-webkit-perspective` and `-webkit-perspective-origin` for web compatibility, behind the preference `layout.css.prefixes.webkit`, defaulting to `false` ([Firefox bug 1179444](
### JavaScript
- ES2015 [Classes](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Classes) are now enabled by default ([Firefox bug 1197932](
- {{jsxref("Operators/Expression_closures", "Expression closures", "", 1)}} are deprecated and will now present a warning in the console ([Firefox bug 995610](
- {{jsxref("String.prototype.replace")}} does not restore {{jsxref("Global_Objects/RegExp/n", "RegExp static properties", "", 1)}} after executing function parameter anymore ([Firefox bug 1226936](
- {{jsxref("Math.random()")}} has been updated to the better XorShift128+ algorithm ([Firefox bug 322529](
### Interfaces/APIs/DOM
- For compatibility, the non-standard property [`Node.innerText`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/innerText) has been implemented ([Firefox bug 264412](
- The {{domxref("HTMLImageElement.srcset")}} attribute now reacts to resize/viewport changes ([Firefox bug 1166138](
- {{domxref("Element.getAttributeNames()")}} has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1228634](
#### WebGL
Our implementation of WebGL 2 has been extended:
- Support of programs and shaders has been added ([Firefox bug 1048743](
- Support for uniforms and attributes has been added ([Firefox bug 1048745](
- Framebuffer objects have been implemented ([Firefox bug 1048732](
- Renderbuffer objects have been implemented ([Firefox bug 1048733](
#### IndexedDB
_No change._
#### Service Workers
- {{domxref("Clients.get()")}} and {{domxref("FetchEvent.clientId")}} have been implemented ([Firefox bug 1222464](
- {{domxref("Clients.openWindow()")}} has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1172870](
- The options object that can be passed as a parameter when invoking {{domxref("Clients.matchAll()")}} can now include an `includeUncontrolled` property. This is a boolean value — if set to `true`, the matching operation will return all service worker clients who share the same origin as the current service worker. Otherwise, it returns only the service worker clients controlled by the current service worker. The default is `false`.
#### WebRTC
_No change._
#### New APIs
_No change._
#### Miscellaneous
- [Web Speech Synthesis API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Speech_API) has been implemented on Firefox Desktop ([Firefox bug 1003439](
- The {{domxref("Window/storage_event", "storage")}} event has been added.
- The interface {{domxref("ComputedTiming")}} have been added to our experimental implementation of [Web Animations API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Animations_API) ([Firefox bug 1108055](
- The {{domxref("Document.selectionchange_event", "Document.onselectionchange")}} event handler property has been added ([Firefox bug 1231193](
- After removing a video track from a media stream by calling {{domxref("MediaStream.removeTrack()")}} you can now add another video track later using {{domxref("MediaStream.addTrack()")}} and have it played ([Firefox bug 1223696](
### MathML
_No change._
### SVG
- SVG stroke hit-testing is buggy when cairo is the Moz2D backend ([Firefox bug 676001](
- Unable to interact with elements who have large transform / translate values ([Firefox bug 1217012](
### Audio/Video
- Fixed: Regression (since Firefox 41) whereby audio playback was stuttering due to duration time rounding errors ([Firefox bug 1222866](
- The `jar:` protocol has been disabled by default when accessed from Web content; you may enable this if necessary by setting the `network.jar.block-remote-files` preference to `false` ([Firefox bug 1215235](
## Security
- A {{HTTPHeader("Content-Security-Policy")}} can now be specified using a {{HTMLElement("meta")}} element ([Firefox bug 663570](
- Support of the {{CSP("child-src")}} CSP policy directive has been implemented ([Firefox bug 1045891](
- EV certificates with a validity greater than 27 months are now considered and handled as DV certificates ([Firefox bug 1222903](
## Changes for add-on and Mozilla developers
### Interfaces
_No change._
### XUL
- Tab Groups [have been removed](
### JavaScript code modules
_No change._
_No change._
### Search plugins
Starting in Firefox 45, search plugins located in the user's profile's `searchplugins` directory are no longer automatically loaded on startup. Instead, a list of user-installed plugins is maintained and only those plugins are loaded. In effect, this means that the only ways to install new search plugins are for the user to do so in the Firefox UX (via [OpenSearch discovery](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/Creating_OpenSearch_plugins_for_Firefox), for instance) or for an add-on to install it. Also, when a new search plugin is installed, more information is recorded about where it came from, for future use by profile debugging and cleaning tools.
### Other
- WebIDL constructors could be called without the [`new`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/new) operator in chrome context. Now such code will raise a [`TypeError`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/TypeError) as in Web content since Firefox 30. For example, `var req = XMLHttpRequest();` needs to be `var req = new XMLHttpRequest();`.
## Older versions
| 0 |
data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/3.5/ | ---
title: Firefox 3.5 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3.5
page-type: firefox-release-notes
[Firefox 3.5]( (_released June 30, 2009)_ introduces a number of new features, as well as additional and improved support for a wide variety of web standards. This article offers an extensive list, with links to articles covering the major improvements.
## New developer features in Firefox 3.5
### For website and application developers
#### HTML 5 support
- [Using audio and video](/en-US/docs/Learn/HTML/Multimedia_and_embedding/Video_and_audio_content)
- : Firefox 3.5 adds support for the HTML 5 [`audio`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/audio) and [`video`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/video) elements.
- Offline resources in Firefox
- : Firefox 3.5 now fully supports the HTML 5 offline resource specification.
- [Drag and drop](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTML_Drag_and_Drop_API)
- : The HTML 5 drag and drop API allows support for dragging and dropping items within and between websites. This also provides a simpler API for use by extensions and Mozilla-based applications.
#### Newly-supported CSS features
- [Downloadable fonts support](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@font-face)
- : The new {{ cssxref("@font-face") }} @rule lets web pages provide downloadable fonts, so that sites can be rendered exactly as the page author expects.
- [CSS media queries](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_media_queries/Using_media_queries)
- : Firefox 3.5 now supports CSS media queries, which enhance support for media-dependent style sheets.
- {{ cssxref("::before") }} and {{ cssxref("::after") }} updated to CSS 2.1
- : The `::before` and `::after` pseudo-elements have been updated to full CSS 2.1 support, adding support for the `position`, `float`, `list-style-*`, and some `display` properties.
- `ch` units for length
- : The `ch` unit can now be used anywhere that accepts a [unit of length](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/length#units). `1ch` is the width of the "0" (zero) character.
- {{ cssxref("opacity") }}
- : The `-moz-opacity` Mozilla extension to CSS has been removed in favor of the standard `opacity` property.
- {{ cssxref("text-shadow") }}
- : The `text-shadow` property, which allows web content to specify shadow effects to apply to text and text decorations, is now supported.
- {{ cssxref("overflow-wrap") }}
- : This newly-supported property lets content specify whether or not lines may be broken within words in order to prevent overflow when an otherwise unbreakable string is too long to fit on one line.
- `white-space` property supports the `pre-line` value
- : The {{ cssxref("white-space") }} property now accepts the `pre-line` value.
- `-moz-box-shadow`
- : Firefox 3.5 adds support for these Mozilla extensions to CSS.
- The {{ cssxref("color_value#Mozilla_Extensions","-moz-nativehyperlinktext") }} color value
- : This new color value represents the user's system's default hyperlink color.
- The `-moz-window-shadow` property and the `:-moz-system-metric(mac-graphite-theme)` pseudo-class
- : These new CSS features were added to facilitate theming.
- New values for `-moz-appearance`
- : The `-moz-win-glass` and `-moz-mac-unified-toolbar` values have been added to `-moz-appearance`.
- [Using CSS transforms](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_transforms/Using_CSS_transforms)
- : Firefox 3.5 supports CSS transforms. See {{ cssxref("transform", "-moz-transform") }} and {{ cssxref("transform-origin", "-moz-transform-origin") }} for details.
- {{ cssxref(":nth-child") }}
{{ cssxref(":nth-last-child") }}
{{ cssxref(":nth-of-type") }}
{{ cssxref(":nth-last-of-type") }}
{{ cssxref(":first-of-type") }}
{{ cssxref(":last-of-type") }}
{{ cssxref(":only-of-type") }}
- : These selectors are all newly-supported in Firefox 3.5.
#### New DOM features
- [localStorage](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Storage_API#localstorage)
- : Firefox 3.5 adds support for the Web Storage `localStorage` property, which provides a way for web applications to store data locally on the client's computer.
- [Using web workers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API/Using_web_workers)
- : Firefox 3.5 supports web workers to allow easy multi-threading support in web applications.
- [Using geolocation](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Geolocation_API)
- : Firefox 3.5 supports the Geolocation API, which allows web applications to obtain information about the user's current location if a provider for that information is installed and enabled.
- [Locating DOM elements using selectors](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document_object_model/Locating_DOM_elements_using_selectors)
- : The selectors API allows querying a document to locate the elements that match a given selection rule.
- [Mouse gesture events](
- : Firefox 3.5 supports mouse gesture events such as trackpad swipes.
- [The `NodeIterator` object](/en-US/docs/Web/API/NodeIterator)
- : The `NodeIterator` object provides support for iterating over the list of the nodes in a DOM subtree.
- The `MozAfterPaint` event
- : This new DOM event is sent after painting updates in windows.
- The `MozMousePixelScroll` event
- : This new DOM event allows detection of pixel-based mouse scroll wheel events instead of line-based scroll events.
#### New JavaScript features
- [New in JavaScript 1.8.1](
- : An overview of all the changes in JavaScript 1.8.1.
- [`Object.getPrototypeOf()`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/getPrototypeOf)
- : This new method returns the prototype of a specified object.
- Using native JSON
- : Firefox 3.5 has native support for [JSON](/en-US/docs/Glossary/JSON).
- New trim methods on the String object
- : The [`String`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String) object now has [`trim()`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/trim), [`trimLeft()`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/trimStart), and [`trimRight()`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/trimEnd) methods.
#### Networking
- Cross-site access controls for HTTP
- : In Firefox 3.5, it's now possible for HTTP requests, including those made by [`XMLHttpRequest`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest), to work across domains if the server supports it.
- [Progress events for `XMLHttpRequest`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest_API/Using_XMLHttpRequest#monitoring_progress)
- : Progress events are now offered to enable extensions to monitor the progress of requests.
- Improved Synchronous `XMLHttpRequest` support
- : [DOM Timeout]( and [Input Events]( are now suppressed during a synchronous `XMLHttpRequest`.
- Controlling DNS prefetching
- : Firefox 3.5 provides DNS prefetching, whereby it performs domain name resolution ahead of time for links included in the current page, in order to save time when links are actually clicked. This article describes how you can tune your website to disable prefetching, or to adjust how prefetching operates.
#### New Canvas features
- [HTML 5 text API for `canvas` elements](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Canvas_API/Tutorial/Drawing_text)
- : Canvas elements now support the HTML 5 text API.
- [Shadow effects in a `canvas`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Canvas_API/Tutorial/Applying_styles_and_colors#shadows)
- : Canvas shadow effects are now supported.
- [`createImageData()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Canvas_API/Tutorial/Pixel_manipulation_with_canvas#creating_an_imagedata_object)
- : The canvas method `createImageData()` is now supported, allowing code to specifically create an `ImageData` object instead of requiring it to be done automatically. This can improve performance of other `ImageData` methods by preventing them from having to create the object.
- `moz-opaque` attribute
- : Added the [`moz-opaque`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/canvas#moz-opaque) attribute, which lets the canvas know whether or not translucency will be a factor. If the canvas knows there's no translucency, painting performance can be optimized. See also {{domxref("HTMLCanvasElement.mozOpaque")}}.
#### New SVG features
- [Applying SVG effects to HTML content](/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Applying_SVG_effects_to_HTML_content)
- : You can now apply SVG effects to HTML and XHTML content; this article describes how.
#### Miscellaneous new features
- [ICC color correction in Firefox](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3.5/ICC_color_correction_in_Firefox)
- : Firefox 3.5 now supports ICC color correction for tagged images.
- The `defer` attribute is now supported on [`script`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/script) elements
- : This attribute indicates to the browser that it _may_ choose to continue to parse and render the page without waiting for the script to finish executing.
### Other improvements
- The Text node's [`wholeText`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Text/wholeText) property and `Text.replaceWholeText()` method have been implemented.
- The property [`element.children`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/children) has been added. It returns a _collection_ of child elements of the given element.
- The property {{domxref("HTMLElement.contentEditable")}} is now supported, to support editable elements.
- The Element Traversal API is now supported by the DOM [Element](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element) object.
- HTML document nodes may now be cloned using [`cloneNode()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/cloneNode).
- The non-standard `getBoxObjectFor()` DOM method has been removed. You should be using [`getBoundingClientRect()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/getBoundingClientRect) instead.
- Dispatched DOM events can now be re-dispatched. This makes Firefox 3.5 pass Acid 3 test 30.
- Improvements have been made to DOM 2 Range handling.
- In non-chrome scope, caught objects in exceptions are now the actual thrown object instead of an [`XPConnect`]( wrapper containing the thrown object.
- SVG ID references are now live.
- SVG filters now work for `foreignObject`.
- The `GetSVGDocument()` method has been added to [`object`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/object) and [`iframe`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe) elements for compatibility.
- Implicit setting of properties in object and array initializers no longer execute setters in JavaScript.
- The `gDownloadLastDir.path` variable has been renamed to `gDownloadLastDir.file` since it refers to an `nsIFile`, not a path.
- The `gDownloadLastDirPath` variable has been renamed to `gDownloadLastDirFile` since it refers to an `nsIFile`, not a path.
- Starting in Firefox 3.5, you can no longer use `data:` bindings in chrome packages that get `XPCNativeWrapper` automation.
### For XUL and add-on developers
If you're an extension developer, you should start by reading [Updating extensions for Firefox 3.5](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3.5/Updating_extensions), which offers a helpful overview of what changes may affect your extension.
#### New components and functionality
- [Supporting private browsing mode](
- : Firefox 3.5 offers Private Browsing mode, which doesn't record the user's activities. Extensions may support private browsing following the guidelines offered by this article.
- [Security changes in Firefox 3.5](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3.5/Security_changes)
- : This article covers security-related changes in Firefox 3.5.
- [Theme changes in Firefox 3.5](
- : This article covers theme-related changes in Firefox 3.5.
- Monitoring Wi-Fi access points
- : Code with UniversalXPConnect privileges can now monitor the list of available access points, getting information on their SSIDs, MAC addresses, and signal strength. This can be used in tandem with Geolocation to offer Wi-Fi-based location service.
#### Notable changes and improvements
- The XUL `textbox` widget now offers a `search` type, for use as search fields.
- In order to support dragging and dropping tabs between windows, the `browser` widget now has a `swapDocShells()` method.
- Added the `level` attribute to the `panel` element; this specifies whether panels appear on top of other applications, or just on top of the window the panel is contained within.
- XUL elements now support the `clientHeight`, `clientWidth`, `scrollHeight`, and `scrollWidth` properties.
- `keyset` now include a `disabled` attribute.
- In addition, `keyset`s can now be removed using the node's [`removeChild()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/removeChild) method.
- `mozIStorageStatement` had the `initialize()` method removed; consumers should use the `createStatement()` method instead to get a new statement object.
- The Storage API now offers support for asynchronous requests.
- The `nsICookie2` interface now exposes the time at which cookies were created in its new `creationTime` attribute.
- Added a flag to `nsIProtocolHandler` (`URI_IS_LOCAL_RESOURCE`) that is checked during chrome registration to make sure a protocol is allowed to be registered.
- Firefox now looks for plugins in `/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins` on Linux, as well as the previously supported locations.
- The plugin API has been updated to include support for private browsing mode; you may now use `NPN_GetValue()` to query the state of private browsing mode using the variable `NPNVprivateModeBool`.
## New features for end users
### User experience
- Location aware browsing
- : If you choose, you may allow Firefox 3.5 to share information about your current location with websites. Firefox 3.5 can use information about the network you're connected to in order to share your location. Of course, it asks for your permission before doing so, to ensure your privacy.
- Open audio and video support
- : Firefox 3.5 supports embedded video and audio using the open Ogg format, as well as WAV for audio. No plugins, no confusing error messages about needing to install something or other that turns out not to be available on your platform anyway.
- Local data storage
- : Web applications can now use Web Storage's local storage capabilities to store data on your computer. This is great for anything from site preferences to more complex data.
### Security and privacy
- Private Browsing
- : Need to use someone else's computer? Switch on Private Browsing mode and nothing will be recorded about your session, including cookies, history, and any other potentially private information.
- Better privacy controls
- : The Privacy preference pane has been completely redesigned to offer users more control over their private information. Users can choose to retain or discard anything including history information, cookies, downloads, and form field information. In addition, users can specify whether or not to include history and/or bookmarks in the location bar's automated suggestions, so you can keep private web addresses from popping up unexpectedly while typing in the location bar.
### Performance
- Faster JavaScript performance
- : JavaScript, the "J" in "AJAX," is sped up dramatically in Firefox 3.5 with the new TraceMonkey JavaScript engine. Web applications are much faster than in Firefox 3.
- Faster page rendering
- : Web content draws faster in Firefox 3.5, thanks to technologies such as "speculative parsing." Your users don't need to know what it means, other than "it makes things draw faster."
## See also
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title: Updating extensions for Firefox 3.5
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3.5/Updating_extensions
page-type: guide
This article provides helpful information to extension developers trying to update their extensions to work properly in Firefox 3.5.
## Update basics
This section covers the basics of what you need to do whenever you update an extension for a new version of Firefox.
### Test your extension
Start by editing your extension's `install.rdf` file, updating `maxVersion` to 3.5b4 (if you're testing on Firefox 3.5 beta 4), and increase your extension's `version`.
Then create a new Firefox profile so that your testing doesn't risk your usual profile. Navigate to the directory containing Firefox, then issue the command:
firefox -createProfile testBeta4
On the Mac, you need to navigate all the way into the Firefox application bundle:
cd /Applications/
firefox -createProfile testBeta4
Launch Firefox using the new profile by issuing this command on the command line:
firefox -P testBeta4
Test your extension thoroughly. We suggest you set the following preferences to `true` in order to be alerted to any JavaScript warnings or exceptions:
- `javascript.options.strict`
- `javascript.options.showInConsole`
### Update your extension
If you run into any problems while testing, update your code to fix the issues. This article contains useful information about things that may require some work.
Once you've done that, try using your extension again, this time with your regular profile. This will help to ensure compatibility with any existing saved data.
### Update your extension on
Finally, it's time to release your updated extension. If your extension didn't need any code changes you can log into the AMO dashboard and update the compatibility version there. Otherwise, you'll need to upload a new version to AMO.
See [Submitting an add-on to AMO](/en-US/docs/Submitting_an_add-on_to_AMO) for additional information.
## Accessing the Places database
Prior to Firefox 3.5, accessing the Places database directly using the [Storage API](/en-US/docs/Storage) required a little bit of trickery:
var places = Components.classes[";1"]
.get("ProfD", Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
var db = Components.classes[";1"]
This builds a path to the `places.sqlite` database file manually, then opens the file for Storage access.
Firefox 3.5 adds a dedicated service that offers a convenient way to access the Places database; the above technique does not work in Firefox 3.5 or later.
var db = Components.classes[
## Search textboxes
The [`textbox`](/en-US/docs/XUL/textbox) type `timed` is deprecated; instead, you should use `search`.
In Firefox 3, you might have used:
<textbox type="timed" timeout="1000" oncommand="alert(this.value);"/>
In Firefox 3.5, you should change this to:
<textbox type="search" timeout="1000" oncommand="alert(this.value);"/>
The JSON.jsm JavaScript module was dropped in Firefox 3.5 in favor of native JSON object support. For details, see [Using JSON in Firefox](/en-US/Using_native_JSON) and the article on [JSON](/en-US/docs/Glossary/JSON) for a more general overview of JSON and how to use it in various versions of Firefox.
To ensure compatibility with both Firefox 3 and Firefox 3.5, you can do the following:
if (typeof JSON === "undefined") {
JSON.parse = JSON.fromString;
JSON.stringify = JSON.toString;
This works by importing the JSON.jsm JavaScript module if JSON isn't supported natively, then mapping the methods provided by that module to the ones used by native JSON, so that the same calls work.
You can also bypass this issue by using the `nsIJSON` interface directly.
## Changes to context menus
In order to support the new audio and video features added in Gecko 1.9.1, the `nsContextMenu` class has renamed the `imageURL` getter to `mediaURL`; however, `imageURL` was added back in on June 9, 2009.
## Changes to chrome registration
Firefox 3.5 closes a security hole that made it possible to use remote chrome. This will affect any add-on that includes a resource in their `chrome.manifest` file that references a website, data or resource URLs. See [Security changes in Firefox 3.5](/en-US/Security_changes_in_Firefox_3.5) for details.
## Getting a load context from a request
Previously, it was possible to get a load context from a request by querying various docShell APIs. In particular, it was a common practice to use `notificationCallbacks.getInterface(nsIDOMWindow)` to get the window object associated with the load. While the older approach may work in some circumstances, it is not recommended to use it anymore ([details](
This correct and reliable way to do this is to use an `nsILoadContext` (see the [interface definition]( on mxr).
From JavaScript, you do it like this:
var loadContext;
try {
loadContext = aRequest
.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIChannel) // aRequest is equivalent to aSubject from observe
} catch (ex) {
try {
loadContext = aRequest.loadGroup.notificationCallbacks.getInterface(
} catch (ex) {
loadContext = null;
// you can now use |loadContext.associatedWindow| to get the Window object
Another JavaScript example if the above does not work:
function getWindowForRequest(request) {
if (request instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRequest) {
try {
if (request.notificationCallbacks) {
return request.notificationCallbacks.getInterface(
} catch (e) {}
try {
if (request.loadGroup && request.loadGroup.notificationCallbacks) {
return request.loadGroup.notificationCallbacks.getInterface(
} catch (e) {}
return null;
From C++, you can do it like this:
nsCOMPtr<nsILoadContext> loadContext;
nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> channel = do_QueryInterface(aRequest);
NS_QueryNotificationCallbacks(channel, loadContext);
## Customizable toolbars
In Firefox 3.5, customizable toolbar behavior has changed such that the `<xul:toolbar/>` binding now removes toolbar items from its associated `<xul:toolbarpalette/>` and adds them to the toolbar, rather than cloning them and copying them to the toolbar. This means that the palette will now only contain items not present on the toolbar, as opposed to the previous behavior of containing all customizable elements whether or not they were displayed on the toolbar. This might cause trouble for addons that depend on being able to retrieve all customizable toolbar items from the `<xul:toolbarpalette/>`, or which attempt to dynamically insert items into the palette to make them available during toolbar customization. More information is available in [Firefox bug 407725]( and [Webkit bug 467045](
## XPCNativeWrapper
Starting in Firefox 3.5, you can no longer use `data:` bindings in chrome packages that get `XPCNativeWrapper` automation. This resolves a potential security issue.
XUL documents now get `XPCNativeWrapper` treatment, so you now need to use the `getAttribute()` method to fetch attribute values instead of reading them directly.
If your extension is using `xpcnativewrappers=no` (which it shouldn't be doing in the first place, since it's not safe to do so), XBL from that extension will not be applied to documents which are using `XPCNativeWrapper` automation starting in Firefox 3.5.
## New capabilities of interest
### Listening to events on all tabs
Firefox 3.5 introduces support for adding and removing progress listeners that listen on all tabs. See [Listening to events on all tabs](/en-US/Listening_to_events_on_all_tabs) for details.
## For Theme developers
- Check [Theme changes in Firefox 3.1](/en-US/Theme_changes_in_Firefox_3.1).
- Go to the Mozillazine forum [Theme changes for FF3.1]( to get an overview / listing of all changes between 3.0 and 3.1 that impact theme developers. This concerns new CSS features (like nth-child, -moz-box-shadow, etc.), changes to existing widgets, overall UI improvements, and new FF3.1 features (audio/video support, private browsing, extended session restore, box/window/text shadows).
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title: Security changes in Firefox 3.5
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3.5/Security_changes
page-type: guide
This article covers security-related changes in Firefox 3.5.
## Changes to chrome registration
A security hole was closed in order to prevent remote content to be used as chrome. This could impact any add-on that included a resource in their `chrome.manifest` file that referenced a file on the web.
Fixing this bug was accomplished by adding a new `URI_IS_LOCAL_RESOURCE` flag to the `nsIProtocolHandler` interface that indicates that the protocol is safe to register as chrome. Any add-on that creates its own protocol handler and tries to register it in its `chrome.manifest` file will have to use this flag in order to work correctly.
## Private browsing
Firefox 3.5 implements private browsing, a mode in which cookies, history, and other potentially private information isn't saved permanently on the user's computer. Extensions and other add-ons may support the private browsing feature, detecting when it's in use so they can avoid saving private information while private browsing mode is enabled. See [Supporting private browsing mode](/en-US/Supporting_private_browsing_mode) for details.
Plug-ins can detect whether or not private browsing mode is in effect by using the [`NPN_GetValue()`](/en-US/docs/NPN_GetValue) function to check the current value of the `NPNVprivateModeBool` variable.
## New certificate error handling
In previous versions of Firefox 3, SSL certificate errors resulted in the presentation of the standard network error page, `about:neterror`, in the browser window. Starting in Firefox 3.5, there is a new error page, `about:certerror`, which is displayed instead. The error URL is formatted like this:
Embedders needing to provide custom certificate error pages can now do so by supplying their own `about:` page implementation, and setting the `security.alternate_certificate_error_page` preference to the appropriate page name (e.g. `"certerror`").
## See also
- [Firefox 3.5 for developers](/en-US/Firefox%203.5%20for%20developers)
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/3.5 | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/3.5/icc_color_correction_in_firefox/ | ---
title: ICC color correction in Firefox
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3.5/ICC_color_correction_in_Firefox
page-type: guide
Although support for color correction was introduced in Firefox 3, it was disabled by default, requiring some tinkering about in the about:config window to enable it. Firefox 3.5 addresses the issues that caused it be disabled by default in the previous version, and now images with [International Color Consortium]( (ICC) tagging are, by default, color corrected.
The image below is split into three sections. The top left corner shows the image as rendered by Firefox 2. The top right corner shows how the image renders in Firefox 3. The bottom shows the image rendered in Photoshop.

As you can see, Firefox 3 and Photoshop render the image identically, because both support the embedded color correction profile. Firefox 2 ignores the profile, resulting in mismatched color.
## Configuring color correction
Color correction can be controlled by setting the value of the `gfx.color_management.mode` preference, as follows:
Color management disabled. <strong>(Default in Firefox 3.)</strong>
<td>Full color management.</td>
Color management applied only to tagged image.
<strong>(Default in Firefox 3.5.)</strong>
Full color management means that everything rendered by Firefox, with the exception of plugins, has its colors corrected.
### Specifying a color profile
You can also specify a specific color profile to use for your hardware by setting the value of the `gfx.color_management.display_profile` preference to be the path to a color profile to use.
If no path is specified for the color profile, Firefox queries the operating system and uses its configured color profile.
### Specifying a default rendering intent
In addition, you can choose to set the value of the `gfx.color_management.rendering_intent` preference to specify a default rendering intent. By default, the intent specified by images is ignored, unless you specify -1 for this value.
The following table lists the possible values.
Use embedded intent. By default, the embedded intent on images is
Perceptual. Directs Firefox to render the image to preserve detail
throughout the tonal range of the image. Useful for general purpose
display of images in typical cases, especially for photographs and other
Media-relative colorimetric. This rescales the color spectrum so that
the white point of the rendering medium (such as the display screen) is
mapped to the white point of the reference medium. This is most useful
for colors that have been mapped to a medium with a smaller gamut than
the reference medium.
Saturation. This preserves vividness of color at the expense of
preservation of precision of hue. This is particularly useful for charts
and diagrams, and other media whose colors should "pop" while precise
duplication of hue is less important.
ICC-Absolute colorimetric. This is most useful for spot color and when
simulating one medium on another, as it doesn't alter in-gamut colors.
> **Note:** In Firefox 3.5, perceptual, media-relative, and saturation intents all render the same way.
### Caveats
The new QCMS color management system introduced in Firefox 3.5 currently only supports ICC version 2 color profiles, not version 4. This may result in images being too dark. See [bug 488800]( and the [ICC version 4 profile test](
## See also
- [So Many Colors]( (blog post)
- [Color Profiles in Firefox 3]( (blog post)
- [International Color Consortium](
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title: Firefox 104 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/104
page-type: firefox-release-notes
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 104 that will affect developers. Firefox 104 was released on August 23, 2022.
## Changes for web developers
### HTML
No notable changes.
### CSS
No notable changes.
### JavaScript
- The methods {{jsxref("Array.prototype.findLast()")}}, {{jsxref("Array.prototype.findLastIndex()")}}, {{jsxref("TypedArray.prototype.findLast()")}}, and {{jsxref("TypedArray.prototype.findLastIndex()")}} are now supported.
These are used to find the value and index (respectively) of the last element in an {{jsxref("Array")}} or {{jsxref("TypedArray")}} that matches a supplied test function.
(See [Firefox bug 1775026]( for more details.)
- Serialization of [native Error types](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Error#error_types) additionally includes the [`stack`](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Error/stack) property when used with [`window.postMessage()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/postMessage) and [`structuredClone()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/structuredClone) (on error types that include `stack`).
The `stack` is not yet serialized when errors are sent using other APIs, such as [`Worker.postMessage()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Worker/postMessage)
(See [Firefox bug 1774866]( for more details.)
### HTTP
No notable changes.
### Security
No notable changes.
### APIs
#### DOM
- [`HTMLElement.focus()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/focus) now supports the parameter [`option.focusVisible`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/focus#focusvisible), which can be used force a browser to display visual indication after the element is focused.
Note that browsers may automatically provide visual indication on focused elements if the implementation determines that it will improve accessibility.
(See [Firefox bug 1765083]( for more details.)
#### Canvas
- The `fontKerning` property is now supported on [`CanvasRenderingContext2D`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/fontKerning) and [`OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D), enabling developers to specify how kerning is used when text is drawn to a canvas or an offscreen canvas ([Firefox bug 1778908](
#### SVG
- The [`SVGStyleElement.disabled`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/SVGStyleElement/disabled) property can now be used to disable or enable an SVG style element, or to check its disabled state.
This mirrors the behavior of [`HTMLStyleElement.disabled`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLStyleElement/disabled).
(See [Firefox bug 1712623]( for more details.)
#### Removals
- The `options` argument to the [``](/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBFactory/open) method has been removed.
This option provided a non-standard, and Firefox-only way to make the indicated database persistent.
The option was previously deprecated, and users that need this functionality should already have migrated to {{domxref("StorageManager.persist()")}}.
(See [Firefox bug 1354500]( for more details.)
### WebAssembly
No notable changes.
### WebDriver conformance (WebDriver BiDi, Marionette)
#### WebDriver BiDi
- Added support for `source` to the `log.entryAdded` event ([Firefox bug 1770792](
- Updated the `url` sent for `browsingContext.contextCreated` events to be `about:blank` for newly opened browsing contexts ([Firefox bug 1775141](
#### Marionette
- Improved stability and performance when minimizing or restoring windows on Linux ([Firefox bug 1780212](
- Added support for `touch` actions ([Firefox bug 1543337](
## Changes for add-on developers
No notable changes.
## Older versions
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/12/ | ---
title: Firefox 12 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/12
page-type: firefox-release-notes
Firefox 12 was shipped on April 24, 2012. This page summarizes the changes in Firefox 12 that affect developers. This article provides information about the new features and key bugs fixed in this release, as well as links to more detailed documentation for both web developers and add-on developers.
## Changes for Web developers
### HTML
- The `title` attribute now supports newline characters to allow multi-line tooltips.
- If JavaScript is disabled, the {{HTMLElement("canvas")}} element was being rendered instead of showing the fallback content as per the [specification]( Now the fallback content is rendered instead.
- The `crossorigin` attribute is now supported on {{HTMLElement("video")}}.
### CSS
- Support for the {{cssxref("text-align-last")}} property has been added (prefixed).
### JavaScript
- Support for sharp variables (a Netscape non-standard extension) has been dropped.
- {{jsxref("ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice()")}} has been implemented.
### DOM
- {{domxref("DOMParser")}} now supports parsing of HTML document fragments.
- {{domxref("XMLHttpRequest")}} now supports timeouts using the `timeout` property and "timeout" event, as well as the `ontimeout` event handler on the {{domxref("XMLHttpRequestEventTarget")}} interface.
- {{domxref("XMLHttpRequest")}} can now load from [`data:` URLs](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/Data_URLs).
- When downloading large amounts of data, {{domxref("XMLHttpRequest")}} progress event handlers are now called periodically with the `responseType` set to "moz-blob" and the response being a {{domxref("Blob")}} containing all of the data received so far. This lets progress handlers begin processing data without having to wait for it all to arrive.
- Gecko now supports [multi-touch](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Touch_events) (instead of just single touches at a time) on Android.
- While editing text using an IME, the `input` event is now sent whenever the contents of the element being edited have been changed; this happens after the `compositionupdate` event has been sent to indicate that the IME's text has been changed. You can use the `input` event handler, therefore, to monitor changes to the actual content of the element.
- {{domxref("DOMError")}} as defined in the DOM 4 specification has been implemented.
- The {{domxref("Document.createNodeIterator()")}} method has been updated to match the DOM4 specification. This makes the `whatToShow` and `filter` parameters optional and removes the non-standard fourth parameter, `entityReferenceExpansion`.
- The {{domxref("Blob")}} interface's `slice()` method was affected by a bug that prevented it from properly accepting `start` and `end` values outside the range of a signed 64-bit integer; this has been fixed.
- The {{domxref("element.getBoundingClientRect()")}} method now considers effect of [CSS transforms](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_transforms/Using_CSS_transforms) when computing the element's bounding rectangle.
- The `crossOrigin` property is now supported by {{domxref("HTMLMediaElement")}}.
#### New WebAPIs
- Network Information API: Experimental support for {{domxref("Navigator.connection", "window.navigator.connection")}} has been added (prefixed).
- WebTelephony API: `window.navigator.mozTelephony` has been implemented and provides support for dialing, answering, and managing phone calls on a device.
- WebSMS API: `window.navigator.mozSms` is now available for mobile devices to send SMS text messages.
- Screen brightness API: `window.screen.mozEnabled` and `window.screen.mozBrightness` have been added to control the device's screen.
### SVG
- Firefox now implements the `SVGTests` DOM API, see [Firefox bug 607854](
- The {{domxref("SVGStringList")}} DOM interface support the non-standard `length` property see [Firefox bug 711958](
### MathML
- To control the directionality of MathML formulas, the `dir` attribute is now supported on the {{MathMLElement("math")}}, {{MathMLElement("mrow")}}, and {{MathMLElement("mstyle")}} elements as well as on [MathML Token Elements](/en-US/docs/Web/MathML/Element#token_elements). This is particularly important for some [Arabic mathematical notations](
- The alignment attribute `align` defined in MathML3 has been implemented for {{MathMLElement("munder")}}, {{MathMLElement("mover")}}, and {{MathMLElement("munderover")}}.
### Networking
- Previously, Gecko reported the close code `CLOSE_NORMAL` when a WebSocket channel was closed due to an unexpected error, or if it was closed due to an error condition that the specification doesn't cover. Now `CLOSE_GOING_AWAY` is reported instead.
### Developer tools
- The [Web Console]( now caches error messages and log entries added using {{domxref("console/log_static", "console.log()")}} if the console isn't currently open, and displays them when the console is opened.
- You can now reset the zoom level, panning, and rotation in the [3D view]( by pressing the "r" key.
- You can now hide nodes in the [3D view]( by pressing the "x" key after selecting them.
- The [source editor]( has a several new editing features and keyboard shortcuts; see [Using the Source Editor]( for details
Mozilla has been working on integrating its own Web developer tools that complement the popular [Firebug]( add-on. You can get more information about these tools as well as see a list of resources external to Firefox that will help you with your Web development. The entire list is located at [Web developer tools](
### Miscellaneous changes
- The GEOSTD8 character set, which was never fully supported, is no longer supported at all.
## Changes for Mozilla and add-on developers
### JavaScript code modules
#### source-editor.jsm
- The `resetUndo()` method was added; this lets you clear the undo stack.
- The source editor now offers methods for providing search capability: `find()`, `findNext()`, and `findPrevious()`.
### XUL
- The definition of the values for the `chromemargin` attribute has changed slightly, to make it easier to make cross-platform XUL code look good on platforms with different default window border widths.
- `nsISupports` proxies are no longer supported. You should be using runnables instead.
- Firefox 11 changed the behavior of `Components.utils.getWeakReference()` to throw an exception when the object reference is null; the previous behavior of silently failing has been restored.
### XPConnect
- The `PRUint64` data type was incorrectly essentially identical to `PRint64` when used with XPConnect. This has been fixed.
### Interface changes
- The `nsIScreen_MOZILLA_2_0_BRANCH` interface has been merged into `nsIScreen`. The APIs defined in that interface (for controlling minimum screen brightness) had not previously been documented, but now they are.
- The `nsIScriptError2` interface has been merged into `nsIScriptError`.
- `nsIDownloadManager.addDownload()` is now handled asynchronously rather than synchronously.
- The `imgIContainerObserver.frameChanged()` method now receives as its first parameter an `imgIRequest` object identifying the corresponding request.
- The `nsIDOMWindowUtils.sendTouchEvent()` method has been added to allow synthesizing touch events.
- You can now scroll the specified content to the vertical center of the view by specifying `SCROLL_CENTER_VERTICALLY` as the scroll constant when calling `nsISelectionController.scrollSelectionIntoView()`.
- The new `nsIMemoryMultiReporter.explicitNonHeap` attribute has been added; this is a more efficient way to obtain the sum of all of the multi-reporter's measurements that have a path that starts with "explicit" **and** are of the kind `KIND_NONHEAP`.
- The `nsIDOMWindowUtils.paintingSuppressed` attribute has been added; this boolean value indicates whether or not painting is currently suppressed on the window. This is used on mobile to prevent bouncy rendering that occurs when attempts to draw the page begin before enough content is available to do so smoothly.
- The `nsIDocCharset` and `nsIDocumentCharsetInfo` interfaces have been merged into `nsIDocShell`. As part of this work, the old `forcedDetector` attribute has been removed; it never did anything.
### SpiderMonkey
- `JSThread` has been eliminated.
- `JSThreadData` has been merged into `JSRuntime`.
### Building
- When building on Windows, you must have the Windows 7 SDK installed.
### Other changes
- The editor component (known as Midas) now only accepts events from privileged code.
## See also
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title: Firefox 3 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3
page-type: firefox-release-notes
If you're a developer trying to get a handle on all the new features in Firefox 3, this is the perfect place to start. This article provides a list of the new articles covering features added to Firefox 3. While it doesn't necessarily cover every little change, it will help you learn about the major improvements.
## New developer features in Firefox 3
### For website and application developers
- [Updating web applications for Firefox 3](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3/Updating_web_applications)
- : Provides information about changes you may need to make to your website or web application to take advantage of new features in Firefox 3.
- [Online and offline events](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/onLine)
- : Firefox 3 supports WHATWG online and offline events, which let applications and extensions detect whether or not there's an active Internet connection, as well as to detect when the connection goes up and down.
- [Web-based protocol handlers](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/registerProtocolHandler/Web-based_protocol_handlers)
- : You can now register web applications as protocol handlers using the `navigator.registerProtocolHandler()` method.
- [Drawing text using a canvas](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Canvas_API/Tutorial/Drawing_text)
- : You can now draw text in a canvas using a non-standardized API supported by Firefox 3.
- [Transform support for canvas](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Canvas_API/Tutorial/Transformations#transforms)
- : Firefox now supports the `transform()` and `setTransform()` methods on canvases.
- [Using microformats](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/microformats)
- : Firefox now has APIs for working with microformats.
- [Drag and drop events](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTML_Drag_and_Drop_API)
- : Firefox 3 supports new events that are sent to the source node for a drag operation when the drag begins and ends.
- [Focus management in HTML](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/hasFocus)
- : The new HTML 5 `activeElement` and `hasFocus` attributes are supported.
- Offline resources in Firefox
- : Firefox now lets web applications request that resources be cached to allow the application to be used while offline.
- [CSS improvements in Firefox 3](/en-US/docs/CSS_improvements_in_Firefox_3)
- : Firefox 3 features a number of improvements in its CSS support.
- [DOM improvements in Firefox 3](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3/DOM_improvements)
- : Firefox 3 offers a number of new features in Firefox 3's DOM implementation, including support for several Internet Explorer extensions to the DOM.
- [JavaScript 1.8 support](/en-US/docs/New_in_JavaScript_1.8)
- : Firefox 3 offers JavaScript 1.8.
- [EXSLT support](/en-US/docs/Web/EXSLT)
- : Firefox 3 provides support for a substantial subset of the [EXSLT](/en-US/docs/Web/EXSLT) extensions to [XSLT](/en-US/docs/Web/XSLT).
- [SVG improvements in Firefox 3](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3/SVG_improvements)
- : SVG support in Firefox 3 has been upgraded significantly, with support for over two dozen new filters, several new elements and attributes, and other improvements.
- [Animated PNG graphics](/en-US/docs/Web/Media/Formats/Image_types#apng_animated_portable_network_graphics)
- : Firefox 3 supports the animated PNG (APNG) image format.
### For XUL and extension developers
#### Notable changes and improvements
- [Updating extensions for Firefox 3](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3/Updating_extensions)
- : Provides a guide to the things you'll need to do to update your extension to work with Firefox 3.
- [XUL improvements in Firefox 3](/en-US/docs/XUL_improvements_in_Firefox_3)
- : Firefox 3 offers a number of new XUL elements, including new sliding scales, the date and time pickers, and spin buttons.
- [Templates in Firefox 3](/en-US/docs/Templates_in_Firefox_3)
- : Templates have been significantly improved in Firefox 3. The key improvement allows the use of custom query processors to allow data sources other than RDF to be used.
- [Securing updates](/en-US/docs/Extension_Versioning,_Update_and_Compatibility#securing_updates)
- : In order to provide a more secure add-on upgrade path for users, add-ons are now required to provide a secure method for obtaining updates before they can be installed. Add-ons hosted at [AMO]( automatically provide this. Any add-ons installed that do not provide a secure update method when the user upgrades to Firefox 3 will be automatically disabled. Firefox will however continue to check for updates to the extension over the insecure path and attempt to install any update offered (installation will fail if the update also fails to provide a secure update method).
- [Places migration guide](/en-US/docs/Places_Developer_Guide)
- : An article about how to update an existing extension to use the Places API.
- [Download Manager improvements in Firefox 3](/en-US/docs/Download_Manager_improvements_in_Firefox_3)
- : The Firefox 3 Download Manager features new and improved APIs, including support for multiple progress listeners.
- Using nsILoginManager
- : The Password Manager has been replaced by the new Login Manager.
- [Embedding XBL bindings](/en-US/docs/XBL/XBL_1.0_Reference/Elements#binding)
- : You can now use the `data:` URL scheme from chrome code to embed XBL bindings directly instead of having them in separate XML files.
- [Localizing extension descriptions](/en-US/docs/Localizing_extension_descriptions)
- : Firefox 3 offers a new method for localizing add-on metadata. This lets the localized details be available as soon as the add-on has been downloaded, as well as when the add-on is disabled.
- [Localization and Plurals](/en-US/docs/Localization_and_Plurals)
- : Firefox 3 adds the new PluralForm module, which provides tools to aid in correctly pluralizing words in multiple localizations.
- [Theme changes in Firefox 3](/en-US/docs/Theme_changes_in_Firefox_3)
- : Notes and information of use to people who want to create themes for Firefox 3.
#### New components and functionality
- [FUEL Library](/en-US/docs/Toolkit_API/FUEL)
- : FUEL is about making it easier for extension developers to be productive, by minimizing some of the XPCOM formality and adding some "modern" JavaScript ideas.
- [Places](/en-US/docs/Places)
- : The history and bookmarks APIs have been completely replaced by the new [Places](/en-US/docs/Places) API.
- [Idle service](/en-US/docs/nsIIdleService)
- : Firefox 3 offers the new `nsIIdleService` interface, which lets extensions determine how long it's been since the user last pressed a key or moved their mouse.
- [ZIP writer](/en-US/docs/nsIZipWriter)
- : The new `nsIZipWriter` interface lets extensions create ZIP archives.
- [Full page zoom](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3/Full_page_zoom)
- : Firefox 3 improves the user experience by offering full page zoom in addition to text-only zoom.
- [Interfacing with the XPCOM cycle collector](/en-US/docs/Interfacing_with_the_XPCOM_cycle_collector)
- : XPCOM code can now take advantage of the cycle collector, which helps ensure that unused memory gets released instead of leaking.
- [The Thread Manager](/en-US/docs/The_Thread_Manager)
- : Firefox 3 provides the new `nsIThreadManager` interface, along with new interfaces for threads and thread events, which provides a convenient way to create and manage threads in your code.
- [JavaScript modules](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Modules)
- : Firefox 3 now offers a new shared code module mechanism that lets you easily create modules in JavaScript that can be loaded by extensions and applications for use, much like shared libraries.
- [The `nsIJSON` interface](/en-US/docs/nsIJSON)
- : Firefox 3 offers the new `nsIJSON` interface, which offers high-performance encoding and decoding of [JSON](/en-US/docs/Glossary/JSON) strings.
- The `nsIParentalControlsService` interface
- : Firefox 3 now supports the Microsoft Windows Vista parental controls feature, and allows code to interact with it.
- [Using content preferences](/en-US/docs/Using_content_preferences)
- : Firefox 3 includes a new service for getting and setting arbitrary site-specific preferences that extensions as well as core code can use to keep track of their users' preferences for individual sites.
- [Plug-in Monitoring](/en-US/docs/Monitoring_plugins)
- : A new component of the plugin system is now available to measure how long it takes plugins (e.g., Macromedia Flash) to execute their calls.
#### Fixed bugs
- [Notable bugs fixed in Firefox 3](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3/Notable_bugs_fixed)
- : This article provides information about bugs that have been fixed in Firefox 3.
## New features for end users
### User experience
- **Easier password management.** An information bar at the top of the browser window now appears to allow you to save passwords after a successful login.
- **Simplified add-on installation.** You can now install extensions from third-party download sites in fewer clicks, thanks to the removal of the add-on download site whitelist.
- **New Download Manager.** The download manager makes it easier to locate your downloaded files.
- **Resumable downloads.** You can now resume downloads after restarting the browser or resetting your network connection.
- **Full page zoom.** From the View menu and using keyboard shortcuts, you can now zoom in and out on the content of entire pages — this scales not just the text but the layout and images as well.
- **Tab scrolling and quickmenu.** Tabs are easier to locate with the new tab scrolling and tab quickmenu features.
- **Save what you were doing.** Firefox 3 prompts you to see if you'd like to save your current tabs when you exit Firefox.
- **Optimized Open in Tabs behavior.** Opening a folder of bookmarks in tabs now appends the new tabs instead of replacing the existing ones.
- **Easier to resize location and search bars.** You can now easily resize the location and search bars using a simple resize handle between them.
- **Text selection improvements.** You can now select multiple ranges of text using the Control (Command on Macintosh) key. Double-clicking and dragging now selects in "word-by-word" mode. Triple-clicking selects an entire paragraph.
- **Find toolbar.** The Find toolbar now opens with the current selection.
- **Plugin management.** Users can now disable individual plugins in the Add-on Manager.
- **Integration with Windows Vista.** Firefox's menus now display using Vista's native theme.
- **Integration with Mac OS X.** Firefox now supports [Growl]( for notifications of completed downloads and available updates.
- **Star button.** The new star button in the location bar lets you quickly add a new bookmark with a single click. A second click lets you file and tag your new bookmark.
- **Tags.** You can now associate keywords with your bookmarks to easily sort them by topic.
- **Location bar and auto-complete.** Type the title or tag of a page in the location bar to quickly find the site you were looking for in your history and bookmarks. Favicons, bookmark, and tag indicators help you see where the results are coming from.
- **Smart Bookmarks folder.** Firefox's new Smart Bookmarks folder offers quick access to your recently bookmarked and tagged places, as well as pages you visit frequently.
- **Bookmarks and History Organizer.** The new unified bookmarks and history organizer lets you easily search your history and bookmarks with multiple views and smart folders for saving your frequent searches.
- **Web-based protocol handlers.** Web applications, such as your favorite web mail provider, can now be used instead of desktop applications for handling `mailto:` links from other sites. Similar support is provided for other protocols as well. (Note that web applications do have to register themselves with Firefox before this will work.)
- **Easy to use Download Actions.** A new Applications preferences pane provides an improved user interface for configuring handlers for various file types and protocol schemes.
- **Improved look and feel.** Graphics and font handling have been improved to make websites look better on your screen, including sharper text rendering and better support for fonts with ligatures and complex scripts. In addition, Mac and Linux (Gnome) users will find that Firefox feels more like a native application for their platform than ever, with a new, native, look and feel.
- **Color management support.** By setting the `gfx.color_management.enabled` preference in `about:config`, you can ask Firefox to use the color profiles embedded in images to adjust the colors to match your computer's display.
- **Offline support.** Web applications can take advantage of new features to support being used even when you don't have an Internet connection.
### Security and privacy
- **One-click site information.** Want to know more about the site you're visiting? Click the site's icon in the location bar to see who owns it. Identify information is prominently displayed and easier than ever to understand.
- **Malware protection.** Firefox 3 warns you if you arrive at a website that is known to install viruses, spyware, trojans, or other dangerous software (known as malware).
- **Web forgery protection enhanced.** Now when you visit a page that's suspected of being a forgery, you're shown a special page instead of the contents of the page with a warning.
- **Easier to understand SSL errors.** The errors presented when an invalid SSL certificate is encountered have been clarified to make it easier to understand what the problem is.
- **Out-of-date add-on protection.** Firefox 3 now automatically checks add-on and plugin versions and disables older, insecure versions.
- **Secure add-on updates.** Add-on update security has been improved by disallowing add-ons that use an insecure update mechanism.
- **Anti-virus integration.** Firefox 3 now informs anti-virus software when executable files are downloaded.
- **Windows Vista parental controls support.** Firefox 3 supports the Vista system-wide parental control setting for disabling file downloads.
### Performance
- **Reliability.** Firefox 3 now stores bookmarks, history, cookies, and preferences in a transactionally secure database format. This means your data is protected against loss even if your system crashes.
- **Speed.** Firefox 3 has gotten a performance boost by completely replacing the part of the software that handles drawing to your screen, as well as to how page layout work is handled.
- **Memory use reduced.** Firefox 3 is more memory efficient than ever, with over 300 memory "leak" bugs fixed and new features to help automatically locate and dispose of leaked memory blocks.
## See also
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title: DOM improvements in Firefox 3
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3/DOM_improvements
page-type: guide
Firefox 3 offers a number of improvements to the [Document Object Model](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document_Object_Model) (DOM), especially in regard to support for extensions to the DOM added by other browsers. This article provides a list of those improvements as well as links to more detailed documentation.
- The Internet Explorer [`clientTop`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/clientTop) and [`clientLeft`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/clientLeft) DOM extensions are now supported.
- The [`window.fullScreen`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/fullScreen) property is now always accurate no matter where it is read, even in content. Previously it would return `false` inaccurately ([Firefox bug 127013](
- The [`getClientRects`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/getClientRects) and [`getBoundingClientRect`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/getBoundingClientRect) DOM extensions are now supported (see [Firefox bug 174397](
- The Internet Explorer [`elementFromPoint`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/elementFromPoint) DOM extension is now supported ([Firefox bug 199692](
- The Internet Explorer [`oncut`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/cut_event), [`oncopy`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/copy_event), and [`onpaste`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/paste_event) DOM extensions are now supported ([Firefox bug 280959](
- Added privileged-code-only getters for `Node.nodePrincipal`, `Node.baseURIObject`, and `document.documentURIObject`. Chrome code must not touch (get or set) these properties on an unwrapped content object (e.g. on a `wrappedJSObject` of an [`XPCNativeWrapper`](/en-US/XPCNativeWrapper)), see [Firefox bug 324464]( for details.
- The Web Applications 1.0 (HTML5) [`getElementsByClassName()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/getElementsByClassName) DOM method is now supported.
- The Web Applications 1.0 (HTML5) [`window.postMessage`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/postMessage) DOM method is now supported. This method allows a limited, opt-in form of client-side communication between windows not necessarily on the same domain.
- The `charCode` value of the `keypress` event is changed to an ASCII character if the accelerator key is pressed. Otherwise the `charCode` is the unmodified character (excepting `Shift` state). See [Gecko Keypress Event](/en-US/Gecko_Keypress_Event).
### See also
- [Firefox 3 for developers](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3)
- [CSS improvements in Firefox 3](/en-US/docs/CSS_improvements_in_Firefox_3)
- [DOM](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document_Object_Model)
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title: Updating extensions for Firefox 3
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3/Updating_extensions
page-type: guide
This article provides information that will be useful to developers that wish to update their extensions to work properly under Firefox 3.
Before going further, there's one helpful hint we can offer: if the only change your extension requires is a bump to the `maxVersion` field in its install manifest, and you host your extension at [](, you don't actually need to upload a new version of your extension! Use the Developer Control Panel at AMO to adjust the `maxVersion`. You can avoid having to have your extension re-reviewed this way.
## Step 1: Update the install manifest
The first step — and, for most extensions, the only one that will be needed — is to update the [install manifest](/en-US/docs/Install_Manifests) file, [`install.rdf`](/en-US/docs/Creating_a_Skin_for_Firefox/install.rdf), to indicate compatibility with Firefox 3.
Find the line indicating the maximum compatible version of Firefox (which, for Firefox 2, might look like this):
Change it to indicate compatibility with Firefox 3:
Then reinstall your extension.
Note that Firefox 3 does away with the extra ".0" in the version number, so instead of using "3.0.0.\*, you only need to use "3.0.\*".
There have been (and will continue to be) a number of API changes that will likely break some extensions. We're still working on compiling a complete list of these changes.
> **Note:** If your extension still uses an [`Install.js`](/en-US/docs/Install.js) script instead of an [install manifest](/en-US/docs/Install_Manifests), you need to make the transition to an install manifest now. Firefox 3 no longer supports `install.js` scripts in XPI files.
### Add localizations to the install manifest
Firefox 3 supports new properties in the install manifest to specify localized descriptions. The old methods still work however the new allow Firefox to pick up the localizations even when the add-on is disabled and pending install. See [Localizing extension descriptions](/en-US/docs/Localizing_extension_descriptions) for more details.
## Step 2: Ensure you are providing secure updates
If you are hosting addons yourself and not on a secure add-on hosting provider like []( then you must provide a secure method of updating your add-on. This will either involve hosting your updates on an SSL website, or using cryptographic keys to sign the update information. Read [Securing Updates](/en-US/docs/Extension_Versioning,_Update_and_Compatibility#securing_updates) for more information.
## Step 3: Deal with changed APIs
Several APIs have been changed in significant ways. The most significant of these, which will likely affect a large number of extensions, are:
### DOM
Nodes from external documents should be cloned using [`document.importNode()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/importNode) (or adopted using [`document.adoptNode()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/adoptNode)) before they can be inserted into the current document. For more on the [`Node.ownerDocument`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/ownerDocument) issues, see the [W3C DOM FAQ](
Firefox doesn't currently enforce this rule (it did for a while during the development of Firefox 3, but too many sites break when this rule is enforced). We encourage Web developers to fix their code to follow this rule for improved future compatibility.
### Bookmarks & History
If your extension accesses bookmark or history data in any way, it will need substantial work to be compatible with Firefox 3. The old APIs for accessing this information have been replaced by the new [Places](/en-US/docs/Places) architecture. See the [Places migration guide](/en-US/docs/Places_Developer_Guide) for details on updating your existing extension to use the Places API.
### Download Manager
The Download Manager API has changed slightly due to the transition from an RDF data store to using the [Storage](/en-US/docs/Storage) API. This should be a pretty easy transition to make. In addition, the API for monitoring download progress has changed to support multiple download manager listeners. See `nsIDownloadManager`, `nsIDownloadProgressListener`, and [Monitoring downloads](/en-US/docs/Monitoring_downloads) for more information.
### Password Manager
If your extension accesses user login information using the Password Manager, it will need to be updated to use the new Login Manager API.
- The article [Using nsILoginManager](/en-US/docs/XPCOM_Interface_Reference/Using_nsILoginManager) includes examples, including a demonstration of how to write your extension to work with both the Password Manager and the Login Manager, so it will work with both Firefox 3 and earlier versions.
- `nsILoginInfo`
- `nsILoginManager`
You can also override the built-in password manager storage if you want to provide your own password storage implementation in your extensions. See [Creating a Login Manager storage module](/en-US/docs/Creating_a_Login_Manager_storage_module) for details.
### Popups (Menus, Context Menus, Tooltips and Panels)
The XUL Popup system was heavily modified in Firefox 3. The Popup system includes main menus, context menus and popup panels. A guide to [using Popups](/en-US/docs/XUL/PopupGuide) has been created, detailing how the system works. One thing to note is that `popup.showPopup` has been deprecated in favor of new `popup.openPopup` and `popup.openPopupAtScreen`.
### Autocomplete
The `nsIAutoCompleteController` interface's `handleEnter()` method has been changed to accept an argument that indicates whether the text was selected from the autocomplete popup or by the user pressing enter after typing text.
### DOMParser
- When a `DOMParser` is instantiated, it inherits the calling code's principal and the `documentURI` and `baseURI` of the window the constructor came from.
- If the caller has UniversalXPConnect privileges, it can pass parameters to `new DOMParser()`. If fewer than three parameters are passed, the remaining parameters will default to `null`.
- The first parameter is the principal to use; this overrides the default principal normally inherited.
- The second parameter is the `documentURI` to use.
- The third parameter is the `baseURI` to use.
- If you initialize a `DOMParser` using a contract, such as by calling `createInstance()`, and you don't call the `DOMParser`'s `init()` method, attempting to initiate a parsing operation will automatically create and initialize the `DOMParser` with a null principal and `null` pointers for `documentURI` and `baseURI`.
### Stop using the internal string API
The internal string API is no longer exported; you must migrate to the external string API. See these articles for helpful information:
- [Mozilla external string guide](/en-US/docs/Mozilla_external_string_guide)
- [XPCOM Glue](/en-US/docs/XPCOM_Glue)
- [Migrating from Internal Linkage to Frozen Linkage](/en-US/docs/Migrating_from_Internal_Linkage_to_Frozen_Linkage)
### Removed interfaces
The following interfaces were removed from Gecko 1.9, which drives Firefox 3. If your extension makes use of any of these, you'll need to update your code:
- `nsIDOMPaintListener`
- `nsIDOMScrollListener`
- `nsIDOMMutationListener`
- `nsIDOMPageTransitionListener`
- `nsICloseAllWindows` (see [Firefox bug 386200](
## Step 4: Check for relevant chrome changes
There have been a few changes to chrome layout that may affect some extensions.
### New boxes
There has been a minor change to the chrome that may require changes in your code. A new `vbox` has been added, called "browser-bottombox", which encloses the find bar and status bar at the bottom of the browser window. Although this doesn't affect the appearance of the display, it may affect your extension if it overlays chrome relative to these elements.
For example, if you previously overlaid some chrome before the status bar, like this:
<window id="main-window">
<something insertbefore="status-bar" />
You should now overlay it like this:
<vbox id="browser-bottombox">
<something insertbefore="status-bar" />
Or use the following technique to make your overlay work on both Firefox 2 and Firefox 3:
<window id="main-window">
<vbox id="browser-bottombox" insertbefore="status-bar">
<something insertbefore="status-bar" />
### Changed boxes
Extensions that attempt to overlay onto the "appcontent" box try to float chrome over document content will no longer display that material. You should update your extension to use the new [`<xul:panel>`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Tech/XUL/panel) XUL element. If you wish to keep the panel from automatically disappearing after a delay, you can set the `noautohide` attribute to `true`.
## Other changes
_Add simple changes you had to make while updating your extension to work with Firefox 3 here._
- `chrome://browser/base/utilityOverlay.js` is no longer supported for security reasons. If you were previously using this, you should switch to `chrome://browser/content/utilityOverlay.js`.
- `nsIAboutModule` implementations are now required to support the `getURIFlags` method. See [nsIAboutModule.idl]( for documentation. This affects extensions that provide new `about:` URIs. ([Firefox bug 337746](
- The [`<xul:tabbrowser>`](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Tech/XUL/tabbrowser) element is no longer part of "toolkit" ([Firefox bug 339964]( This means this element is no longer available to XUL applications and extensions. It continues to be used in the main Firefox window (browser.xul).
- Changes to `nsISupports_proxies` and possibly to threading-related interfaces need to be documented.
- If you use XML processing instructions, such as `<?xml-stylesheet ?>` in your XUL files, be aware of the changes made in [Firefox bug 319654](
1. XML PIs are now added to a XUL document's DOM. This means {{ Domxref("Node.firstChild", "document.firstChild") }} is no longer guaranteed to be the root element. If you need to get the root document in your script, use {{ Domxref("document.documentElement") }} instead.
2. `<?xml-stylesheet ?>` and `<?xul-overlay ?>` processing instructions now have no effect outside the document prolog.
- `window.addEventListener("load", myFunc, true)` is not fired when loading web content (browser page loads). This is due to [Firefox bug 296639]( which changes the way inner and outer windows communicate. The simple fix here is to use `gBrowser.addEventListener("load", myFunc, true)` as described [here](/en-US/docs/Code_snippets/Tabbed_browser#detecting_page_load) and works in Firefox 2 as well.
- `content.window.getSelection()` gives an object (which can be converted to a string by `toString()`), unlike the now deprecated `content.document.getSelection()` which returns a string
- `event.preventBubble()` was deprecated in Firefox 2 and has been removed in Firefox 3. Use [`event.stopPropagation()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Event/stopPropagation), which works in Firefox 2 as well.
- Timers that are initiated using `setTimeout()` are now blocked by modal windows due to the fix made for [Firefox bug 52209]( You may use `nsITimer` instead.
- If your extension needs to allow an untrusted source (e.g., a website) to access the extension's chrome, then you must use the new [`contentaccessible` flag](/en-US/docs/Chrome_Registration#contentaccessible).
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title: Updating web applications for Firefox 3
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3/Updating_web_applications
page-type: guide
There are a number of changes in the upcoming Firefox 3 that may affect your website or web application, as well as new features you may wish to take advantage of. This article will serve as a starting point as you work on updating your content to take the fullest possible advantage of Firefox 3.
## DOM changes
Nodes from external documents should be cloned using [`document.importNode()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/importNode) (or adopted using [`document.adoptNode()`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/adoptNode)) before they can be inserted into the current document. For more on the [`Node.ownerDocument`](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/ownerDocument) issues, see the
Firefox doesn't currently enforce this rule (it did for a while during the development of Firefox 3, but too many sites break when this rule is enforced). We encourage Web developers to fix their code to follow this rule for improved future compatibility.
## HTML changes
### Changes to character set inheritance
Firefox 3 closes a security bug in frames and iframes that allowed them to inherit the parent's character set. This could cause problems in certain cases. Now, frames are only allowed to inherit the parent's character set if both frame and parent were loaded from the same server. If you have pages that assume that frames loaded from other servers will inherit the same character set, you should update the frames' HTML to indicate their character set specifically.
### Change to the SCRIPT element
The `<script>` element in `text/html` documents now requires a closing `</script>` in HTML 4 documents, even if you're not including any content in between. While in previous versions of Firefox, you could do:
<script … />
Now the markup must comply with the HTML specifications (if it's actually HTML), and hence you must actually close it, like this:
<script …></script>
This improves both compatibility and security.
## CSS changes
### Change to font-size based on em, ex units
font-size values in em and ex units used to be affected by the user's minimum font size setting: if a font was displayed larger due to the minimum font size, the em and ex units for font-size settings based on this one would be enlarged accordingly. This was inconsistent with the way percentage-based font sizes behaved.
font-size values in em and ex units are now based on an "intended font size" that is not affected by the user's minimum font size. In other words, font sizes are always calculated according to the designer's intention and are adjusted for minimum font size afterwards.
See [Firefox bug 434718](, especially its NOT A CASE FOR THE BUG TEMPLATE - The following link points to a Bugzilla attachment, not a Bugzilla bug; if you use the attachment number as a bug number, it becomes nonsense [attachment 322943]( NOT A CASE FOR THE BUG TEMPLATE for a demonstration (must be watched with a minimum font size >= 6 to see the difference: the two box cascades behave differently in Firefox 2, because the em-based font-size "bounces" off the minimum font size).
## Security changes
### Chrome access
In prior versions of Firefox, any web page could load scripts or images from chrome using the `chrome://` protocol. Among other things, this made it possible for sites to detect the presence of add-ons — which could be used to breach a user's security by bypassing add-ons that add security features to the browser.
Firefox 3 only allows web content to access items in the `chrome://browser/` and `chrome://toolkit/` spaces. These files are intended to be accessible by web content. All other chrome content is now blocked from access by the web.
There is, however, a way for extensions to make their content web-accessible. They can specify a special flag in their `chrome.manifest` file, like this:
content mypackage location/ contentaccessible=yes
This shouldn't be something you need to do very often, but it's available for those rare cases in which it's needed. Note that it's possible that Firefox may alert the user that your extension uses the `contentaccessible` flag in this way, as it does constitute a potential security risk.
> **Note:** Because Firefox 2 doesn't understand the `contentaccessible` flag (it will ignore the entire line containing the flag), if you want your add-on to be compatible with both Firefox 2 and Firefox 3, you should do something like this:
> ```bash
> content mypackage location/
> content mypackage location/ contentaccessible=yes
> ```
### File upload fields
In prior versions of Firefox, there were cases in which when the user submitted a file for uploading, the entire path of the file was available to the web application. This privacy concern has been resolved in Firefox 3; now only the filename itself is available to the web application.
### Using remote JARs in frames
Using code in JAR files loaded from other domains is no longer allowed in frames; this mitigates a [potential attack vector](
### Changes to same-origin policy for file: URIs
The same-origin policy for file: URIs has changed in Firefox 3. This may affect your content; please see [Same-origin policy for file: URIs](/en-US/docs/Web/Security/Same-origin_policy#file_origins) for details.
## JavaScript changes
Firefox 3 supports [JavaScript 1.8](/en-US/docs/New_in_JavaScript_1.8). One important change that may require updates to your website or application is that the obsolete and non-standard `Script` object is no longer supported. This is not the `<script>` tag, but a JavaScript object that was never standardized. It is unlikely this is something you ever used anyway, so you're probably fine.
## See also
- [Firefox 3 for developers](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3)
- [New in JavaScript 1.8](/en-US/docs/New_in_JavaScript_1.8)
- [Updating extensions for Firefox 3](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3/Updating_extensions)
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title: Full page zoom
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3/Full_page_zoom
page-type: guide
Full page zoom (or just fullZoom) is a new feature in [Firefox 3](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3).
### Example (XUL:browser)
The following example demonstrates the use for the current focused browser window. This is the typical usage for a Firefox extension.
var zoom = ZoomManager.getZoomForBrowser(gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
ZoomManager.setZoomForBrowser(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, ZoomManager.MIN);
### Example (XUL:iframe)
Note: This is probably out of date.
You may use the fullZoom feature for a `<XUL:iframe>` as well. However, because an iframe doesn't have a markupDocumentViewer property, we need to get that first:
var zoom = 1.5;
var iframe = document.getElementById("authorFrame");
var contViewer = iframe.docShell.contentViewer;
var docViewer = contViewer.QueryInterface(
docViewer.fullZoom = zoom;
### References
- Page zoom extension by Ted Mielczarek [fullpagezoom.xpi]( for latest Firefox 3.0 nightlies
- The [bugzilla bug]( about fullZoom.
- `nsIMarkupDocumentViewer` Interface documentation.
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data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/3 | data/mdn-content/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/3/xul_improvements_in_firefox_3/ | ---
title: XUL improvements in Firefox 3
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3/XUL_improvements_in_Firefox_3
page-type: guide
Firefox 3 provides a number of new XUL elements, as well as improvements to existing elements. While this material is documented in detail elsewhere, this article provides a convenient list of these improvements as well as links to the detailed documentation.
### New elements
- Numeric controls:
- The new `<scale>` element lets you create sliding scales that let the user select any value in a specified range. This widget would typically be used, for example, to create a volume control.
- A new value, `number`, for the `type` attribute of textboxes creates a textbox in which only numbers may be entered. In addition, arrow buttons appear to one side which may be used to step through values. [More information about numeric textboxes]( ([Firefox bug 345510](
- A `<spinbuttons>` element is added which can be used when creating widgets using XBL bindings. ([Firefox bug 155053](
- Two widgets, `<datepicker>` and `<timepicker>`, can be used to allow the entry of dates and times. The datepicker is available in a number of styles by setting the `type` attribute, to allow entry with textboxes or a calendar grid. [More information about date pickers.](
- A guide has been created for menus and popups describing new features available:
- A `<dropmarker>` element is added which is useful when creating menu-like widgets using XBL bindings. ([Firefox bug 348614](
- The `<panel>` element is new and designed for popups that are not menus. They can support any type of content. The \<menupopup> element should be used for menus. Menus provide keyboard navigation and support opening and closing submenus.
### Improvements to trees
- Trees can now be scrolled horizontally. If the columns don't fit into the available width, a horizontal scrollbar appears. This happens if the columns' specified widths add up to more than the available space. See [Firefox bug 212789]( for details.
- A new selection style allows cells to be selected individually, instead of entire rows. To use this selection style, set the tree's `seltype` attribute to `cell`.
- Trees now support editing of individual cells. When the user double-clicks an editable cell, a text field appears in which the user can edit the cell's contents. See [these notes]( for details.
- \<treecol> elements now support an `overflow` attribute which may be set to true to allow the text of cells within that column to expand to neighboring blank cells if the text is too large to fit into that single cell.
### Improvements to menus
- The `image` attribute is now used consistently for setting images.
- Menulists fire the `select` event when selecting an item.
- The `inputField` and `editable` properties have been added to menulist
- The `<menu>`, `<menuitem>` and `<menuseparator>` elements now have a readonly `selected` property which retrieves whether the item is selected in a \<menulist>
- The `<menu>`, `<menuitem>` and `<menuseparator>` elements now have a readonly `control` property which returns the enclosing \<menulist>
- The `<menu>`, `<menuitem>` and `<menuseparator>` elements now support the `accessKey`, `disabled`, `crop`, `image` and `label` properties which set the corresponding attribute
- The \<menu> element now has methods to append, insert and remove menuitems. ([Firefox bug 372552](
- Editable menulists now offer an `editor` property to get the internal `nsIEditor` for its text field.
- Menus may now be made translucent on platforms that support it ([Firefox bug 70798](
### Improvements to textboxes
- Setting a textbox's `spellcheck` attribute to `true` enables inline spellchecking for that textbox.
- The `<textbox>` now has a `reset()` method to reset the value of the textbox to the default value. The `defaultValue` property may be used to retrieve and modify the default value of the textbox.
- An `editor` property is now offered, which lets you get the internal `nsIEditor` for the text field.
- `textbox` now supports a `newlines` attribute which specifies how line breaks in pasted text are handled. Possible values are:
- `pasteintact` - paste everything as is
- `pastetofirst` - (default value) paste only up to the first line break
- `replacewithspaces` - replace line breaks with spaces
- `replacewithcommas` - replace line breaks with commas
- `strip` - strip out all line breaks
- `stripsurroundingwhitespace` - strip out all line breaks and surrounding whitespace
### Other improvements
- The `type` attribute on a `<button>` may be set to `repeat` to create buttons which fire their command event repeatedly while the mouse button is held down.
- The `buttondisabledaccept` attribute can now be used on the `<dialog>` element to have the accept (OK) button initially disabled.
- The `<titlebar>` element now supports the `allowevents` attribute to allow events to be passed to the children of the titlebar.
- The `<splitter>` now supports an additional value for the `collapse` attribute of `'both'` which indicates that the splitter can collapse elements on both sides of it when dragged. The `substate` attribute will set to either before or after when one is collapsed. ([Firefox bug 337955](
- The `<richlistbox>` element now supports multiple selection. Set the `seltype` attribute to `'multiple'` to enable this.
- The `<radio>` element has a `group` attribute which may be set to the id of a `<radiogroup>` element which the radio button belongs to. This allows the radio buttons to arranged in a manner that may not be as suitable when placing them all inside a radiogroup.
- Menus, panels and tooltips support two additional methods, `openPopup()` and `openPopupAtScreen()`. These methods should be used instead of `showPopup()` which was found to be confusing to use.
- Handling of the `<key>` element improved for non-Latin keyboard layout users.
- On Mac OS X, the `activetitlebarcolor` and `inactivetitlebarcolor` attributes of the root elements (`<window>`, `<dialog>`, `<prefwindow>` and `<wizard>`) are available to customize the color of the windows' title bars.
### See also
- [Firefox 3 for developers](/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3)
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title: Using an external spell checker
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3/Using_an_external_spell_checker
page-type: guide
Starting with Firefox 3 (as well as Thunderbird 3 and SeaMonkey 2), you can now install an external spell checker using an extension.
This is _not_ for extensions who wants to add a dictionary to the built in Hunspell spell checker.
An [example]( of a spell checker extension can be found as part of the [Voikko]( project.
## Implementing spell checker support
Implementing a spell checker requires the following steps be taken:
1. Implement a class derived from `mozISpellCheckingEngine` that implements the required functionality or accesses an external spell checker.
2. The `mozISpellCheckingEngine` method `mozISpellCheckingEngine.getDictionaryList()` should be implemented to return a list of dictionaries supported by the spell checker.
3. The extension needs to provide a registration callback. The registration callback must use `nsICategoryManager` to install into the category "spell-check-engine" an entry with a name equal to the contract ID of the class implementing the spell check functionality.
4. The extension also needs to provide an unregistration callback, which must remove the category entry.
The value of the category entry may be chosen as desired. You may, for example, choose to use it to record the path to the shared library used by the extension to handle spell checking, to make it easy to locate by other components of the extension.
## Spell check dictionary prioritization
Dictionaries provided by spell check extensions override built-in dictionaries. If multiple extensions supply dictionaries for the same language, the first one found is used.
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Subsets and Splits