I hope you understand what i'm talking about (I'm not very good at English), anyway to let you understand what i mean with "flowers in flower pots", here some photos [https://pixabay.com/photos/flower-flowers-pot-plant-window-4119369/](https://pixabay.com/photos/flower-flowers-pot-plant-window-4119369/) [https://pixabay.com/illustrations/house-plants-flowerpot-plant-green-4117012/](https://pixabay.com/illustrations/house-plants-flowerpot-plant-green-4117012/) . ​ I read about using water and salt, but i think that when flowers will absorb the water, the salt will be visible in the potting soil, so it leave a trace and it is not secretly
I got the idea when i was eating pizza and found a piece of hair and when i told the waitress she gave me a brand new one
(This refers to Cinemark) No one seems to ever use the refill tab on their giant box of popcorn. Take the most clean looking box you can find during trailers, watch at least 3 so you can stay inside the theatre for a bit, then walk to the counter and ask for a "refill."
So I have a family member who was drowning in debt, I'm poor myself so I couldn't help her with money, instead I've been trying to help her with the 'how-to', so I told her some tips and so far it's been helpful to her, where we live (a third-world country) you could go to prison for failing to pay debt. anyway my help included: 1- trying to fake having experience with taking care of elderly people and post that on facebook groups of rich-cities and she managed to get a job that pays higher than her previous sweatshop job that way. 2- panhandling: I was homeless for a while when I was a teenager and panhandling helped me eat and sleep in a relatively safe area, so I told her to try to panhandle, and since she's 45 years old and looks kinda poor, she gets some money from panhandling after leaving her job, but still she gets rejected by most people in the street. 3- trying to act like "hey, I'm so embarrassed to ask this, but I need 1 pound to take the bus back home, because I lost my purse earlier"or some other variation, which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't So I wanna ask two things, 1- what are some ways to increase the effectiveness of her panhandling strategy? 2- what are some other things that could get her money quickly? **By the way, since I know that some people will tell me that it's really bad that I'm telling her to do these things, if she doesn't find ways to make money, she'll serve years in a third-world prison, so there's no other way to do it.** ​ thank you in advance
Hi so I've found a mismatch on a particular cashback site where you can get $20 for buying something that is $9.99. Message me if you would like to know. Dont want to post and it get taken away! Disclaimer: I am going to provide a link to sign up for the cashback site which will benefit me and you. If that upsets anyone than I'm sorry. It doesn't change the fact that you can get $20 from $10 or that you can get an extra $10 , it simply invented me to post this ha
This is a real tip for unethical people. Hi so I've found a mismatch on a particular cashback site where you can get $20 for buying something that is $9.99. Message me if you would like to know. Dont want to post and it get taken away! Disclaimer: I am going to provide a link to the cashback site which will benefit me and you. If that upsets anyone than I'm sorry. It doesn't change the fact that you can get $20 from $10 or that you can get an extra $10 , it simply incented me to post thi
I just thought of this
Tip: People who use Uber and / or Lyft a lot, I can most likely help, just message me and upvote if you feel legit afterwards.
About 2 months ago there was a ULPT with a google doc or google drive file that had a long list of warranty or return schemes and I can't find it. Does anyone have a link to it?
purchased an item yesterday using a cancelled credit card by accident. I then attempted to cancel this order so that the item wouldn't be sent by the seller unnecessarily, but was notified it may still be sent. I was under the impression that the seller would automatically cancel my order once they saw that the payment didn't go through, and so I purchased the same item from a different seller as I needed it the same day. However, I have just checked my Amazon account and the orders has not been cancelled - then checked my credit card statement and was shocked to see that has been charged for the item by Amazon - a purchase that I did not authorise. I'm pretty pissed off and am planning on sending an angry email to Amazon. Is there anything I can say in particular to get this resolved, and maybe something
Not perfectly clean, not entirely messy. Just slightly. ​ One or two unwashed plates in the sink, t-shirts and towels hanging on the dryer. ​ That way, it will not be repulsory - yet you can say "I honestly did not expect this; I do apologise for the mess."... and it will be beleiveable.
Every subscription service today whether it's a streaming app, a food service, a gym, etc has a free trial period. Just set alarms on your phone to cancel them before you're charged and continue trying a new one each time one expires. Watching reruns of The Office is neat but there are a lot of great creators, great food services, etc to check out. Use the anonymity of the internet to make yourself a more well-rounded person and at the end of the year, you can spend all the money you've saved on delicious delicious cocaine.
I learned this one at a gas station where they had quarter meters on the bathroom doors, since I was a customer they gave me a washer to put in the meter. It was open so I ended up keeping it. Dimensions: Outer Diameter: 1" Inner Diameter (as mine had a hole): 1/2" Thickness: 1.5mm or .06"
Add something you want to your shopping cart. Don't buy it, leave the site, A LOT of sites will send you a discount code in a few days if you leave it in your shopping cart. I bought a new video card off amazon a few weeks ago that I was going to buy anyway and it was a good price (best I could find online in Canada), left it there, 2 days later got a 15% discount code (which covered the tax here in Canada).
...and then you can thank Brett for letting you use his Netflix account (and make sure his subscription includes 4K).
Most people will probably think this is just shitty, but I always tip the driver in cash or through the app because I used to deliver. But I'm poor as fuck and get to treat myself a little without breaking the bank. Money takes a day or two to get back into your acct, but it always shows up.
Example: Can you differentiate а from a? Or е from e? They look very similar, but in reality they are different, and Turnitin buys it. There is no chance a teacher can see the difference because they look very similar in text. Bonus points: In order to avoid text being underlined with red, which can happen, upload a PDF file instead of a Word file and voila, no one will know.
Most people would believe you, whether there are real spoilers or not. No one would actually go and check if there is. Some will appreciate your fraudulent warning so much into gilding you. ​ I assume someone is going to post actual spoilers here, aren't they?
Works in most desktop browsers. IIRC mobile doesnt have inspect element.
Stay with me on this one because it's a long one, it takes some work and probably not having a past history of adderall use is a plus. It starts with finding the right doctor, or better yet a nurse practitioner for a doctor. It may take some searching, but if you look for mandated therapists or therapists that serve medicaid you seem to have a bit more luck. It's as simple as saying that you recently started back in school and have been noticing that you haven't been able to get anything task-related done and that you thought you were just a bad student, but you know you study. Most doctors will give you a small extended release dosage to start, which is fine. But if they ask if you've ever been prescribed adderall, say yea but you were really young and just remember it lasting too long and reading too late according to my parents, but you were little. If you get lucky, they may throw some instant release footballs your way, they taste like candy and melt in your mouth. If you can put on a somewhat decent act, you'll be able to walk out of there with your script and since you voiced concern about sleep, might walk out of there with a script for xan as well. As for the diet part. You will find that the adderall will suppress your appetite by itself, and that combined with well-timed cups of black coffee will get you through any tough parts. But you do need to eat. If you want to do it quick, your daily diet is as follows. (1) bag of baby carrots, (2) apples, (2) bananas, (1/2 cup) almonds, (1/2 cup) whole milk and really any other snacking veg that will get you through the day. Otherwise, alongside a ton of water, that is it. Excercise. So you will be drastically cutting your calories, but you still need to exercise. This will not work if you don't take at least a bit of effort. Walking as little as 3 miles a day is huge if you haven't done anything before and slowly working your way up as you curve back to a healthier caloric intake. That's it. It will feel like cheating, because it is. But if you can do it right and you are conscious of what you are doing and how you are feeling. I went from 175-150 over the past month and that was with minimal aggressive exercise. But adderall in the morning, grazing and exercise during the day and if you were lucky, a xan to help a hungry person fall asleep at night. Be safe, dummies.
Just work hard and worry about yourself.
This can work for interviews, tests, doctors results, etc. It's a win-win situation, you either get what you want or get paid. If they refuse, obviously they aren't as genuine as you thought.
My seatbelt got stuck, long story short, the seatbelt had to be cut off so I could get out. Is there a way to look like I'm wearing a seatbelt so a cop doesn't pull me over? Seatbelt replacement is gonna cost 600 damn dollars and I don't have that money yet and I already got one seatbelt ticket. I can't figure it out. My job specifically requires constant use of my car so I can't just not drive.
As the dogs tend to get very aggressive everytime they smell the drug, the might damage either some lockers or even some students cars. If that happens you can be sure as hell that some parents will take matters into their own hands and push the school to stop with that shit.
Trying to be vague. A Company charged me $200+ for returning rental equipment to alternate location. The contract said it was "local in town use only, return at pickup location" even though we confirmed over the phone twice, and in person as we were driving off that we could drop the rental equipment off near our endpoint. What kind of advice or pro-tips could apply to the situation where a company says one thing (multiple times for example), but the contract says another and ends up costing you in charges/fees. Any more information needed I'll add thru edit. Thanks!
Some people on cracked Spotify accounts usually like to delete random playlists, but if you name your playlist Untitled Playlist or Playlist #1 people won't really see the point in deleting it.
If they are, place an order with them and when it's cancelled (usually in about an hour) you automatically get a 5$ discount on your next order. I haven't paid full price for a meal on snowy days in forever.
Many companies will give limited time offers when you uninstall, so you will pay less than full price for the same software
Crush recently started dating a guy she only met a month ago. Don't have a lot of faith in the relationship but want to make sure it's dead so I can make my move.
I'm not savvy enough to know why this works, and it doesn't work every time, but if I try a couple of times (and am quick enough) it frequently works. Its like so low tech its embarrassing. I feel a bit guilty as I know in this day and age we should be financially supporting responsible journalism, and I know many outfits are still struggling to successfully monetize digital content, but sometimes I just really wan't to read the article.
Hi ive came along some bad ass hacks as of late and wanted to see if you guys had any I dont know about. I am referring to anything that results in anything valuable through the deliberate misuse and understanding of systems. I started with figuring out a way to get free short uber rides that I linked to a point system that got me a free 4k TV. I've found some other stuff too like gift card money from subscriptions I signed up for and canceled in the same sitting but wanted to find some I didn't know about that might be way better. I'm willing to trade ideas or whatever. Also, As long as I dont have to pay anything, I'll sign up for one of your promos if you will one of for one of mine too if you just message me or post it in here.
If anyone is interested, the company [UniversalBoot](https://universalboot.com/) is well-known for supplying most of the automotive boots in America. Guess what the best part is? YOU can buy one too!
This actually works on other customer driven fast food chains such as Jolibee and Burger king, might not always work, but try to do this during when the restaurant is crowded, the cashiers are usually pressured since they still have more to talk to behind you
They spoiled endgame and they need to pay
I have gotten in contact with many of my old classmates and now they look much better. All I have to do is collect profits.
I did this at my community college and saved literally thousands of dollars, although I admit my state college book store would not accept opened books. Still worth it to look into. Also, it is a little time consuming taking the pictures but when you’re in college, time is not money, money is money.
I want to change my surname, but it is so hard to change the surname in our country except if you can get proof from the doctor that you are affected by bullying from your peers., so i want to go to that route and use the fact that the second part of my surname is 'pines' but it is pronounced like Penis which is the cause of 'emotional disturbance'. i never got this 'emotional disturbance' thing because i never socialized and just stick to myself, but apparently that is not enough., hope someone can help.
There's this one co-worker (we'll call him Max) that's this extremely obese asshole and doesn't seem to have any hobbies except for picking on me. I could just ignore him, sure, but he goes out of his way just to insult and provoke me. I can't directly do anything about it, as my bosses don't care as long as no one's hurt and he never makes the first punch. Also, he's in this group of friends of which the 2 of them I am fond of. Now, whenever I try to talk to them and Max's close, he'll just tell me to "shut the fuck up" and "nobody cares" even with work related questions (same thing when I try to counter it). How can I make him stop what he's doing with minimal effort (destroy his psyche, embarras him, etc.) for me? Also he's VERY nicotine addicted and after asking one of these friends "he'd do anything for a handful of cigs".
**FIRE** = *Financial Independence / Retire Early* I have watched people here struggle to live a Spartan life style for years to save money in the hope of one day retiring "young." In this case retiring "young" means in their 40's generally. Many men are going gray or completely bald by age 30 so 45 is hardly "young" by any standard. It's past middle age considering the life expectancy is 78 or so for a 45 year old man. People are foregoing marriage, having children, vacations, and enjoying life generally in the hope of one day retiring early and being financially independent. So I have decided to share some real world advice that will help you FIRE as young as possible. I know multiple individuals who have done this and know of many tens of thousands more. The first step is the hardest - you have to join the U.S. military and compete all of your training until you enter regular service. At least 50% of Americans cannot get accepted to basic training. But if you can your dream of early retirement is just around the corner. The earlier you enlist the earlier you will reach full early retirement (FIRE!). Some have achieved this as early as age 21. While on Active Duty begin going to sick call continually reporting various aches and pains attributed to military service and training. Knee injuries are good. Better if they are real. You should play sports in order to get injured while on Active Duty. Back injuries are also golden. However, you can also claim things like erectile dysfunction as a service connected disability. Agoraphobia, depression, PTSD, etc. There are many possibilities here. Just make sure all of this is being documented by military doctors for your Department of Veteran's Affairs claim later. Despite all your sick calls and injuries, be sure to finish out your enlistment and receive an honorable discharge. Then start going to the VA constantly for both physical and mental ailments. Especially the mental ones because those will get you 100% permanent disability while physical injuries, even received in combat, generally will not. VA disability money cannot be touched by child support judgments so no worries about fathering children who you will later abandon. But the more children you keep around and do not abandon the more money you will get. You should expect a minimum of $3,400 a month for life with 2 children. Once you receive your 100% permanent disability rating from the VA you can then easily also apply for Social Security disability which will be another $1,400 a month for life. So 4 years of service will net you ~$5,000 a month passive for life. It's just that easy. FIRE in your 20's like tens of thousands of others before you. Here are some calculations for you: • $5,000 a month is $60,000 a year passive • At 1% interest on typical money market savings accounts, you would need $6,000,000 in the bank to achieve this $5,000 a month passive income • Assuming you are a man that FIREs using this method at age 21 and live until age 78... • Your 4 years of military service are worth ~3.5 Million dollars or approximately $875,000 per year of service • But you also get free medical care for life which is worth a couple million more If I could go back in time as a teen I would follow this foolproof method to early retirement in my 20's so I could enjoy the fabulous life style of those I know who have pursued this retirement strategy. A fabulous FIRE lifestyle such as weighing over 300 pounds, playing World of Warcraft 14 hours a day, fathering numerous bastard children with multiple women, half assedly starting numerous projects that never see completion such as writing a book, learning foreign langauges, finishing college, starting a business, starting a web site, becoming a preacher, or becoming a farmer. The possibilities to fail and waste time are endless once you have the financial freedom to fully utilize your energy towards any random idea that pops into your head.
Two methods **First Method** Make low effort posts on popular subs like /r/funny using Imgur Once the post had gained traction and is on hot/top add a second image to your post with end game spoilers and delete the first image in Imgur. **Second Method** Pretty much the same as the first but with comments Comment on rising askreddit threads. Once your comment has a significant number of upvotes just edit it with end game spoilers. Why should you do this? You shouldn't.
Sorry if this is a repost, new to this subreddit.
And if that doesn’t work out, you know where they live and some potential weak spots of the fortress.
Come on, don't be silly with all these clever ways to still give someone a gift, if you're going to be unethical about it, you'll benefit the most with not buying anything.
Start every phone call with, “my phone is about to die.” That way when you get bored you can hang up.
If you're signing up for a free trial and don't care about the login information and just want the free stuff for a bit AND the service doesn't charge until AFTER the trial, just use the nearly empty debit and a inane email like [email protected] as an example. This should result in a free use of their trial and when they try and charge you the card has pennies left and an email that doesn't matter. Just keep track of what card was used for what trial as you normally can't use the same card on a different account. Best part is when the service strokes out and doesn't end your trial almost three years later
I use a CPAP and when I fly I carry it in its case which is slung around my shoulder. I realized that it is never actually checked by the agents checking you in and weighing your luggage to ensure the machine is actually in there. As it is medical equipment the bag doesn't count as your carry on or personal baggage. Also security doesn't care about the lack of machine they just worry about you bringing on prohibited items.
return policy states that an item that has gotten a defect after 30 days is eligible for a repair. i got it 5 months ago. what could I say to get a refund instead of a repair? Btw this is currys in the UK
In the meantime, make it look like you’ve actually thrown up. I personally like making a little soapy water & putting it into my eyes to make them red & bloodshot. Don’t forget to wet your hairline & make sure your head & cheeks feel hot to the touch also. Good luck 👍
Ebay bucks allows you to buy things on ebays dime. A short explanation on Ebay bucks [here ] (https://pages.ebay.com/rewards/faq.html) Now to the question how can I earn Ebay bucks without actually buying anything?
Kidnap a neighborhood dog, and wait until a reward is put up for it's safe return Take good care of the dog, and once the reward is up, say you found it running around by your house Bing bang boom, free money. If you really want to, wait even longer and see if the reward increases. Hardcore mode is waiting until they give up, and then you get their eternal gratitude, as well as copious amounts of cash. ​ Some pointers: Don't choose someone who lives near you, they might notice Don't walk it in your neighborhood, drive out somewhere so they won't see you with their dog Scuff up its collar and tags so it looks like it's been roughing it in the wild Don't let it out in your backyard if you have a chainlink fence, or another fence that doesn't provide any privacy, or he may be recognized by your neighbors Make sure the dog doesn't accidentally show up in any social media posts
Literally everyone is crazy and you can probably get a way with any sex offense as Florida man has committed every single one in the book once always getting more creative
This will only work for offline games, not online. Change your device's settings so you can download it if that is needed. Your phone should tell you if it needs any special permissions when downloading. If it asks for permissions to contacts, location, microphone, etc., stop everything and delete the apk file downloaded. Try another website. Once you find one that doesnt need any permissions, you are safe. This can also be used to get things removed from the Google Play Store, such as Flappy Bird.
I’ve been informed that people actually do this. Some even seem to get away with registering with fraudulent corporate names, they will then blow through tolls in other States and their bills and tickets get sent to a post office box 2500 miles away, or so they think. I was told about this rather flippantly and arrogantly by an individual who had claimed to done it. I don’t understand how some people can believe something like this would never catch up with them.
Most people are afraid of touching a spider or a bee, but are quick to beat up a human if they feel provoked by them. By going naked, you are freaking them out to the point that the majority of people would just evacuate, purely out of discomfort and possibly even disgust. It's a freaky thing to do and makes then think you're insane, creepy or borderline feral. Most people lose interest at that point.
[https://www.reddit.com/r/HailCorporate/comments/bh7kfm/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HailCorporate/comments/bh7kfm/) bunus points: post stuff that you stole of youtube as a GIF, like a funny moments compilation
Hi guys. I've bought an iPhone 8 Plus last year (paid it new 600$ and considering that it cost more than 850 at the time, it was pretty much a deal) and I want it to be replaced by Apple before my AppleCare ends. What could I tell them to be sure that my iPhone gets replaced? I don't want to actually break anything though. Consider that I've already called them telling them that I'm getting a random red/black screen and that my phone overall is slow as fuck and that the apps are always crashing (not true of course). After that I've been asked to tell them the maximum capacity of the battery (at this point I didn't know if I could keep lying or not so I just said the truth) which was fine, 96% and I've also been asked how much space was the system occupying, which is more than 10GB which they told me could be the cause of the problem since it should be less than 6 (iirc), so I've been told to reset my iPhone. After resetting my iPhone, **what should I tell them when I call them again to make sure that they replace it?** I've also been told that they can check if I've actually resetted my phone, so that's something that I'm going to do. P.s.: do you know if they can actually check my phone stats if I lie (for example the ones above-mentioned: maximum capacity of the battery and how much GB is the system occupying)?. Thanks in advance!
Sorry for my English, I’m from Ukraine, guys.
Or, you know, you actually get help and avoid your life getting f'ed far into adulthood.
I was sick of Fox News constantly being in at the gym and noticed no one had set up a password. Not sure if i now have will forever have unrestricted domain over viewing options but for the last two weeks it’s been on ESPN. If you enjoy Fox News and are savvy enough to work the remote I suppose you could block all other news channels.
As a t.a. I have started to understand how to ditch classes, first leave your backpack somewhere so that you look like you are currently doing something for a teacher. Secondly you probably want to fake some random teacher's signature on a half sheet of paper. Finally walk like you have places to be and people to see. These things so far worked for me with the exception of me getting stopped once but since I had the paper I was let off Scott free
A fast employee will pass it through and go straight to the next item. This is specially useful in large purchases, or during rush hour as the employee does not check them all.
I'm moving out of the apartment in 10 days into another one, my landlord refuses to return the deposit, and while I think I'm in the right by the contract, it's not that worth it for me to go to court about it. However, I'm gonna move out unannounced and not give the keys back, and I wanna stick it to him. What are some ways of making his apartment uninhabitable, but not really? Along the lines of cockroaches, Chinese food smell and stuff. He's not gonna take legal action, I'm sure, but I don't wanna break TVs, you know.
Leave small amounts of money all over your house when you have a friend over. Know exactly how much you left out. Your friend will be impressed that you trust them enough to leave cash laying around. If money is missing when they leave, that's the cost of finding out they were never your friend to begin with. It's a win either way.
Nobody wants to touch it if it looks gross, and at the very least it'll be the last seat that gets taken before standing room only
If you’re going to the ER for something minor like an arm injury, claim you have chest pains and shortness of breath. Nurses triage and will bring back the more serious complaints. By doing this you will get seen quicker.
The past week, since the sun is out, people have decided to become bad drivers. Best way to highly inconvenience shitty drivers? Thoughts?
My friend called my boss using my number with some sort of number screening service to tell her I couldn't come into work because I had genital worts. I want to get him back by spamming and overloading his phone with dick pics.
Use 2 plastic bags to be on the safe side.
# Whats Ibotta? Ibotta is an app that gives you back money with offers from walmart, target, sams club etc. (usually 25 , 50, 75 cents - some offers are $3-$4) #How Ibotta works for example there is an offer from walmart on the app for pop tarts for 50 cents. you buy the pop tarts, click on the offer, submit the receipt, and in less than 24 hours the money will be sent to your account if its approved (they check if the receipt is real or not) But you need at least $20 to transfer it to your PayPal #How to get free money without spending money on the items 1. Open the app and choose a store you prefer. 2. Check for the highest offer- probably like $4 3. Go to the store, buy the item 4. Redeem the offer 5. Wait until the offer is approved and the money is transferred to your account. 6. Go return the item (make sure it's returnable tho) I'll answer any questions you guys have, tested and approved.
Guaranteed to give you the best life ever and after a week or two no one remembers you're a flake!!!
I haven’t ever got confirmation from law enforcement, but I’ve been trailed by police officers for several blocks while having year old tags AND things like US flag stickers, Army license plate covers, etc. I’m not sure if I’m just damn lucky but it’s been the case for multiple cars and tens of thousands of miles driven. I try to drive so I blend in and draw as little attention to myself as possible. Don’t drive without insurance and keep your car maintained! Get your registration updated before you buy that new TV! Don’t be an asshole - this tip is to help the brokest among us. Don’t lie about being a veteran- you can have military related memorabilia without having served. Once you’re pulled over it’s on you to get yourself out of that ticket; I’ve yet to be pulled over in one of these vehicles.
Using services such as [Revolut](http://r.revolut.com/referral/nazim4n2)(if you’re EU) you can generate unlimited amounts of virtual cards that you can then use to get unlimited free trials. (Some websites also require a different email on every account in this case you can use free services such as [Yopmail](yopmail.com))
If you want extra big servings of finger food like fries, nuggets and chips, try being one of the last orders of the day. The eateries have so much stock on them that they try finishing it with extra servings.
There was a person who snitched on everybody in school vaping. Everybody got into deep trouble. what would be a way to get back at him?
Typically companies won't want to promote their best grunt workers because it has a significant impact on their bottom line. If you do just what's expected of you and show promise when given special tasks or things outside of your job description, you show your self as a prime candidate for management.
(Pretend to) make it their problem, or at least in their interest, so that you don't have to make an effort. And the best part: they will thank you for the warning too!
Just thought of this while waiting to present. Me and my group weren't prepared to do it today, so we kept asking questions that we didn't have any true interest in to delay them so we could spend an extra day preparing.
Well, I've noticed that in my state, over the last 3 days, there has been over 3 completely different Amber alerts/silver alerts. Now, that's half my state already looking for 3 different cars. If I was to ever kidnap, it'd be during one of these influx of alerts. PS don't fucking take my advice.
Visit your local police departments Facebook page and do some snooping, you're going to see 1 or 2 degrees of separation between their account (which you cant block, or at least I have not figured how) and their employees accounts. This will in the future prevent them from doing their own investigation into you if you were to ever pop up on their radar. I realize this is only surface deep however it's better than nothing. Might as well block all the retired cops and do gooders who post there also.
Most of these websites have a money back guarantee.
So that even if you're impaired, you're at least a good driver.
If you need to see a doctor and have insurance but can't afford the copay due at the time of visit, just tell the front staff that you've hit your yearly out of pocket maximum. They typically will not charge you, and will just send you a bill for the copay once their claim processes in a month or two.
Need a phone charger or a new power cord? Don't want to pay for a new one/ wait for a warranty replacement? Visit your local hotel, some items are tracked and stored for three month periods and then trashed. So your best chance is to say you stayed three months ago and were in the area, and wanted to know if there was a cable left. Chances are you'll get a more recent cable as they are always left behind. For extra points go on a Tuesday or Friday check in, most times the front desk clerk will be too busy to check the lost and found log and will just give you one. Remember to say thank you! p.s. maybe this is a r/lifeprotip as you'll be preventing electrical waste build up.
It’s well known that women have cheaper car insurance because they typically have fewer accidents. From now on when you’re asked your gender on insurance forms start putting woman. Want to get into a bar for a discount on ladies night? Identify as a woman and if they don’t let you in you can sue for discrimination.
Works best when busy!!
I was thinking along the lines of how California is a shoplifters paradise ever since Prop 47 was passed. So if that's the case, is it easy to amscray without paying for a dinner at a restaurant?
Your professor will probably understand and also might ask you if you got injured just to make sure everything is ok, be sure to let them know that no one got hurt but that you got held up by the cops. Good luck with your extended deadline ;)
I recommend metal, foreign, classical and similarly inaccessible genres.
So I went to school for 9 months to be a medical coder and biller. Life and stuff got in the way and I cheated my whole way through it. Now I’m f*cked. I have a job interview Thursday. How do I fake my way through it? Does anyone know common knowledge things about being a medical coder and biller?
Obviously I know that real "genius" isn't a real thing, but a lot of other people are easily impressed by so called "geniuses" and will believe everything they say. How can I build a reputation of being incredibly smart so that people like investors will be more likely to give me money for my future business ventures? Take Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos for example, she never even had a working product but exuded "genius" so much that her company was worth billions. How do I get to that level? Here's a bit of info about me if you want to give me some specific advice: I have a full scholarship to a top 20 school, and I plan to do a PhD in a couple years. How do I exude genius without appearing pretentious?
If you’re a superhero and non-black under your mask drop the N-word “nigga” in a way the homies might (in your best gangsta rapper voice). This will give the illusion you are probably black and this steer those trying to uncover your secret identity in the wrong direction. Conversely, if you are a super villain and are black, try and do your best impression of a someone non-black and racist while dropping the n-bomb (nigger). This will have the effect of making your nemesis believe you are probably not black (use your best political candidate voice).
Was on my way home earlier and someone didn't turn their brights off and i was like "fuck I can't even see their license plate" and thought "hey what if it was stolen"
I hate that I’m suggesting this. So fill one of your many old empty bottles of whisky with tea. Keep it in your car and when you crash get out and make sure there is a witness (preferably one that arrived after the crash and didn’t actually see you all over the road) and proceed to open the bottle and chug down the tea. My theory is that you deny any consumption prior to the crash. So by drinking the tea you won’t impair yourself more but you can claim you were stone cold sober prior to the accident and you will have a logical excuse for elevated blood alcohol levels. The witness will be happy to tell the police what they saw supporting your story. There is nothing majorly illegal about drinking alcohol while waiting outside your car and if there is it’s easier to fight than a DWI. Bonus tip: If your by a convenient store go in and buy a bottle while waiting for police to arrive. Pour it out unseen or drink it witnessed. One caveat though: you will be charged with leaving the scene of an accident. Pick your poison.
Physical recorder as well as iPhone recommendations please
If you live in the USA you know how bad the urgent care waiting room is and how long it takes when you need to see a doctor. When you check in, simply tell the person that checks you in what is wrong+ breathing problems and they prioritize you.
I usually use a large McDonald's drink cup since they don't break down and there is an abundance of McDonald's around the world.
What’s the difference between a shirt bought on amazon or bought in Wyoming? They are all made in China anyways. Of course this only works for standard souvenirs shirts, hats, jewelry etc.
Not sure if this classes as “illegal” but thought I share it in case anyone wants to try it as it works about 7 out of 10 times with no repercussions if it doesn’t. All you’ve got to do is place your order on one of the self serve machines and when it asks for payment click cancel on the card reader.Next it asks you if you’d like to pay at the till just click yes, it will print out a ticket with an order number but no price which your suppose to take to a till and pay for.But, if you just wait around by the collection point they will call your number as normal and just give you your food. If this fails and they take your food to the till either: a) pay for it or b) just pretend it wasn’t you. Edit: Till = Cash register, and don’t push your luck with this the most I’ve got with it is 40 nuggets but I wouldn’t risk more then £10 each time
Change your gender with your insurance company to female and you'll be charged as such https://nypost.com/2018/07/30/man-legally-changes-gender-to-get-cheaper-car-insurance-report/amp/
If you like the more expensice burgers with bacon; e.g: The Bacon Double cheeseburger, just order a regular cheese burger with added bacon for a little extra. The cost will work out far cheaper and is basically the exact same thing. This works for other burgers too.