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**What is** r/BitcoinCash **?** The [r/BitcoinCash]( subreddit is a forum dedicated to discussing the cryptocurrency Bitcoin Cash (BCH). The aim of this subreddit is to cultivate a space for constructive discussion about Bitcoin Cash. Intentionally disruptive behaviour and heavily off-topic discussion will be moderated accordingly. Please refer to the sidebar for the subreddit rules. ​ **What is Bitcoin Cash?** Bitcoin Cash is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. It's a permissionless, decentralised cryptocurrency that requires no trusted third parties and no central bank. With Bitcoin Cash you can safely and securely send money anywhere in the world, nearly for free. For more information about Bitcoin Cash, please visit[]( ​ **Is Bitcoin Cash different from “Bitcoin”?** Yes! In 2017, the Bitcoin project and its community split into two. Perhaps the least controversial way to refer to each side is simply by their respective ticker symbols, BTC and BCH. While exchanges commonly refer to BTC as simply “Bitcoin”, Bitcoin Cash, usually represented by the BCH ticker symbol, is considered by its supporters to be a legitimate continuation of the Bitcoin project, and the version with the best chance of creating a globally adopted peer-to-peer electronic cash system. ​ **Why was it necessary to create Bitcoin Cash?** The legacy Bitcoin code had a maximum limit of 1MB of data per block, or about 4 transactions per second. There was also a common sentiment among Bitcoin Core developers that non-backwards compatible upgrades, commonly known as “hard forks”, should be avoided at all cost. This mindset severely limited the potential to introduce beneficial changes to Bitcoin, which were needed to prepare the protocol for mass adoption. Although technically simple, the Bitcoin community could not reach a consensus on raising the block size limit, even after years of debate. In 2017, capacity hit the 1MB-imposed wall, fees skyrocketed, and Bitcoin became unreliable, with some users unable to get their transactions confirmed even after days of waiting. An average transaction fee of $50 took place in December 2017. As a result, Bitcoin stopped growing, and companies such as Steam and Microsoft began *dropping* Bitcoin, because it was no longer a cheap and reliable payment method. In August 2017, a subset of the Bitcoin community decided to move forward with a proposed protocol upgrade, forking Bitcoin, and creating Bitcoin Cash by lifting the block size limit as a step towards massive on-chain scaling. There is now ample capacity for everyone's transactions on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain; low fees and fast confirmations are standard, and the network has been allowed to grow again. ​ **Isn’t** r/btc **“the Bitcoin Cash subreddit”?** It is worth noting that the r/btc subreddit came into use before Bitcoin Cash existed. It was originally created as a forum for open discussion about Bitcoin. After August 2015, r/btc gained a large user-base when the[ r/bitcoin]( subreddit[ began censoring]( discussion about raising Bitcoin’s block size limit. After the Bitcoin community split over the Bitcoin Cash fork in August 2017, the [r/btc]( Bitcoin community naturally became the Bitcoin Cash community, as that’s where its proponents already resided, having been ousted from r/bitcoin by censorship. To this day, [r/btc]( continues to offer a place for open and censorship-free discussion about all Bitcoin forks, with minimal interference by moderators. ​ **So how does** r/BitcoinCash **differ from** r/btc **?** In July 2019, the [r/BitcoinCash]( subreddit [introduced]( a stricter moderation policy, following requests from the Bitcoin Cash community for an alternative and specific forum for discussing Bitcoin Cash. The intention is to offer a space that is more focused on specifically discussing Bitcoin Cash, as well as one that is free of the ongoing low-effort trolling that frequently takes advantage of [r/btc](’s principled commitment to free speech. This subreddit now offers all users a choice about the kind of forum that they wish to participate in. The hope is that, without the distractions that threaten to derail discussion on [r/btc](, [r/BitcoinCash]( may be able to foster a more focused, inclusive, and involved conversation. The moderation logs for r/BitcoinCash are public.
This FAQ and information thread serves to inform both new and existing users about common Bitcoin topics that readers coming to this Bitcoin subreddit may have. This is a living and breathing document, which will change over time. If you have suggestions on how to change it, please comment below or message the mods. ----- **What is \/r/btc?** The \/r/btc reddit community was originally created as a community to discuss bitcoin. It quickly gained momentum in August 2015 when the bitcoin block size debate heightened. On the legacy \/r/bitcoin subreddit it was discovered that moderators were heavily censoring discussions that were not inline with their own opinions. Once realized, the subreddit subscribers began to openly question the censorship [which led to]( thousands of redditors being banned from the \/r/bitcoin subreddit. A large number of redditors switched to other subreddits such as /r/bitcoin_uncensored and /r/btc. For a run-down on the history of censorship, please read [A (brief and incomplete) history of censorship in /r/bitcoin by John Blocke]( and [/r/Bitcoin Censorship, Revisted by John Blocke]( As yet another example, \/r/bitcoin [censored 5,683 posts and comments]( just in the month of September 2017 alone. This shows the sheer magnitude of censorship that is happening, which continues to this day. [Read a synopsis of /r/bitcoin]( to get the full story and a complete understanding of [why people are so upset]( with \/r/bitcoin's censorship. Further reading can be found [here]( and [here]( with a giant collection of information regarding these topics. ----- **Why is censorship bad for Bitcoin?** As demonstrated above, censorship has become prevalent in almost all of the major Bitcoin [communication channels]( The [impacts of censorship in Bitcoin]( are very real. "Censorship can really hinder a society if it is bad enough. Because media is such a large part of people’s lives today and it is the source of basically all information, if the information is not being given in full or truthfully then the society is left uneducated [...] Censorship is probably the number one way to lower people’s right to freedom of speech." By censoring certain topics and [specific words](, people in these Bitcoin communication channels are literally being brain washed into thinking a certain way, molding the reader in a way that they desire; this has a lasting impact especially on users who are new to Bitcoin. Censoring in Bitcoin is the direct opposite of what the spirit of Bitcoin is, and should be condemned anytime it occurs. Also, it's important to [think critically]( and [independently](, and have an open mind. ----- **Why do some groups attempt to discredit \/r/btc?** This subreddit has become a place to discuss everything Bitcoin-related and even other cryptocurrencies at times when the topics are relevant to the overall ecosystem. Since this subreddit is one of the few places on Reddit where users will not be censored for their opinions and people are allowed to speak freely, truth is often said here without the fear of reprisal from moderators in the form of bans and censorship. Because of this freedom, people and groups who don't want you to hear the truth with do almost anything they can to try to stop you from speaking the truth and try to manipulate readers here. You can see many cited examples of cases where special interest groups have gone out of their way to attack this subreddit and attempt to disrupt and discredit it. [See the examples here.]( ----- **What is the goal of \/r/btc?** This subreddit is a diverse community dedicated to the success of bitcoin. \/r/btc honors the spirit and nature of Bitcoin being a place for open and free discussion about Bitcoin without the interference of moderators. Subscribers at anytime can look at and review the [public moderator logs]( This subreddit does have [rules]( as mandated by reddit that we must follow plus a couple of rules of our own. Make sure to **[read the /r/btc wiki](** for more information and resources about this subreddit which includes information such as the benefits of Bitcoin, how to get started with Bitcoin, and more. ----- **What is Bitcoin?** Bitcoin is a digital currency, also called a virtual currency, which can be transacted for a low-cost nearly instantly from anywhere in the world. Bitcoin also powers the blockchain, which is a public immutable and decentralized global ledger. Unlike traditional currencies such as dollars, bitcoins are issued and managed without the need for any central authority whatsoever. There is no government, company, or bank in charge of Bitcoin. As such, it is more resistant to wild inflation and corrupt banks. With Bitcoin, you can be your own bank. Read the Bitcoin whitepaper to further understand the schematics of how Bitcoin works. ----- **What is Bitcoin Cash?** Bitcoin Cash (ticker symbol: BCH) is an updated version of Bitcoin which solves the scaling problems that have been plaguing Bitcoin Core (ticker symbol: BTC) for years. Bitcoin (BCH) is just a continuation of the Bitcoin project that allows for bigger blocks which will give way to more growth and adoption. You can read more about Bitcoin on []( or read [What is Bitcoin Cash]( for additional details. ----- **How do I buy Bitcoin?** You can buy Bitcoin on an exchange or with a brokerage. If you're looking to buy, you can [buy Bitcoin with your credit card]( to get started quickly and safely. There are several others places to buy Bitcoin too; please check the sidebar under brokers, exchanges, and trading for other go-to service providers to begin buying and trading Bitcoin. Make sure to [do your homework first]( before choosing an exchange to ensure you are choosing the right one for you. ----- **How do I store my Bitcoin securely?** After the initial step of buying your first Bitcoin, you will need a Bitcoin wallet to secure your Bitcoin. Knowing which Bitcoin wallet to choose is the second most important step in becoming a Bitcoin user. Since you are investing funds into Bitcoin, choosing the right Bitcoin wallet for you is a critical step that shouldn’t be taken lightly. [Use this guide to help you choose the right wallet for you]( Check the sidebar under Bitcoin wallets to get started and find a wallet that you can store your Bitcoin in. ----- **Why is my transaction taking so long to process?** Bitcoin transactions typically confirm in ~10 minutes. A confirmation means that the Bitcoin transaction has been verified by the network through the process known as mining. Once a transaction is confirmed, it cannot be reversed or double spent. Transactions are included in blocks. If you have sent out a Bitcoin transaction and it’s delayed, chances are the [transaction fee]( you used wasn’t enough to out-compete others causing it to be [backlogged](,24h). The transaction won’t confirm until it clears the backlog. This typically occurs when using the Bitcoin Core (BTC) blockchain due to poor central planning. If you are using Bitcoin (BCH), you shouldn't encounter these problems as the block limits have been raised to accommodate a massive amount of volume freeing up space and lowering transaction costs. ----- **Why does my transaction cost so much, I thought Bitcoin was supposed to be cheap?** As described above, transaction fees have spiked on the Bitcoin Core (BTC) blockchain mainly due to a limit on transaction space. This has created what is called a fee market, which has primarily been a premature artificially induced price increase on transaction fees due to the limited amount of block space available (supply vs. demand). The original plan was for fees to help secure the network when the block reward decreased and eventually stopped, but the plan was not to reach that point until some time in the future, [around the year 2140]( This original plan was restored with Bitcoin (BCH) where fees are typically less than a single penny per transaction. ----- **What is the block size limit?** The original Bitcoin client didn’t have a block size cap, however was limited to 32MB due to the Bitcoin protocol message size constraint. However, in July 2010 Bitcoin’s creator Satoshi Nakamoto introduced a [temporary 1MB limit]( as an anti-DDoS measure. The temporary measure from Satoshi Nakamoto was made clear three months later when Satoshi said the block size limit can be [increased again by phasing it in]( when it’s needed (when the demand arises). When introducing Bitcoin on the cryptography mailing list in 2008, Satoshi said that [scaling to Visa levels]( “would probably not seem like a big deal.” ----- **What is the block size debate all about anyways?** The block size debate boils down to different sets of users who are trying to come to consensus on the best way to scale Bitcoin for growth and success. Scaling Bitcoin has actually been a topic of discussion since Bitcoin was first released in 2008; for example you can read how Satoshi Nakamoto was [asked about scaling here]( and how he thought at the time it would be addressed. Fortunately Bitcoin has seen tremendous growth and by the year 2013, scaling Bitcoin had became a hot topic. For a run down on the history of scaling and how we got to where we are today, see the [Block size limit debate history lesson post]( ----- **What is a hard fork?** A hard fork is when a block is broadcast under a new and different set of protocol rules which is accepted by nodes that have upgraded to support the new protocol. In this case, Bitcoin diverges from a single blockchain to two separate blockchains (a majority chain and a minority chain). ----- **What is a soft fork?** A soft fork is when a block is broadcast under a new and different set of protocol rules, but the difference is that nodes don’t realize the rules have changed, and continue to accept blocks created by the newer nodes. Some argue that [soft forks are bad]( because they trick old-unupdated nodes into believing transactions are valid, when they may not actually be valid. This can also be defined as coercion, as [explained by Vitalik Buterin]( ----- **Doesn't it hurt decentralization if we increase the block size?** Some argue that by lifting the limit on transaction space, that the cost of validating transactions on individual nodes will increase to the point where people will not be able to run nodes individually, giving way to centralization. This is a false dilemma because at this time there is no proven metric to quantify decentralization; although it has been shown that the [current level of decentralization will remain]( with or without a block size increase. It's a logical fallacy to believe that decentralization only exists when you have people all over the world running full nodes. The reality is that only people with the income to sustain running a full node (even at 1MB) will be doing it. So whether it's 1MB, 2MB, or 32MB, the costs of doing business is negligible for the people who can already do it. If the block size limit is removed, this will also allow for more users worldwide to use and transact introducing the likelihood of having more individual node operators. [Decentralization is not a metric, it's a tool or direction]( This is a good video describing the direction of [how decentralization should look]( Additionally, the effects of increasing the block capacity beyond 1MB [has been studied]( with results showing that up to 4MB is safe and will not hurt decentralization ([Cornell paper, PDF]( Other papers also show that no block size limit is safe ([Peter Rizun, PDF]( Lastly, through an informal survey among all top Bitcoin miners, many agreed that a block size increase [between 2-4MB is acceptable]( ----- **What now?** Bitcoin is a fluid ever changing system. If you want to keep up with Bitcoin, we suggest that you subscribe to /r/btc and stay in the loop here, as well as other places to get a healthy dose of perspective from different sources. Also, check the sidebar for additional resources. Have more questions? [Submit a post]( and ask your peers for help! ----- Note: This FAQ was originally posted [here]( but was removed when [one of our moderators was falsely suspended]( by those wishing to do this sub-reddit harm.
This is the official subreddit of Polkadot. Join the conversation, get answers to your questions and follow Polkadot latest news. Polkadot is a sharded protocol that enables blockchain networks to operate together seamlessly. Polkadot is a 100% open-source project created to enable a decentralized web and better society. ​ * Learn more about Polkadot on []( * For more information on how Polkadot works, visit [Polkadot Wiki]( * If you have a question, type it on our [Knowledge Base]( * Dive deeper into Polkadot with [this post]( featuring a collection of resources. * Discover the [favorite community-led Polkadot resources]( of the members. ​ 📣 **RULES** Please make sure to accept the rules of this subreddit before posting or commenting: * **No inappropriate behavior**: everyone on [r/polkadot]( must follow the [Reddit Content Policy]( at all times. * **The primary topic is Polkadot**: the discussion on [r/polkadot]( should be about Polkadot and its ecosystem only. * **No price discussion**: price, sale, referral links, investor-like and market discussions are not allowed. Please consider posting to r/dot instead. * **No malicious content**: karma-farming with ChatGPT bots, malware, phishing, spam or scam will result in your account being banned without warning. * **English only**: English language only. Please provide accurate translations where appropriate. * **Be excellent to each other**: remember there is a human behind each post, each comment. Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life. ​ 👍 **GUIDELINES** You are invited to follow these guidelines to maintain this subreddit qualitative, safe and relevant: * Link to **canonical and persistent URLs** where possible. * **Report** posts and comments not respecting the subreddit rules. * **Search for duplicates** before posting. * **Read over your submission** for mistakes before submitting. * Always seek to **add value** where you can. ​ ⚠️ **STAY ALERT** Read our guide: [How to Protect Yourself from Scams]( Remember: * There is **no DOT giveaway or airdrop**. * Anybody who is willing to help will do it **publicly**. * **Report** private messages saying that they want to help you. ​ **🤝 MODERATION** * [r/polkadot]( is now a place for discussion and support. Here you can ask questions and discuss everything related to Polkadot news, announcements, and technology. Title and text are mandatory for each post. * All posts are manually approved by moderators on working days Monday through Friday, usually twice a day around 9:00am and 6:00pm CEST. So you can comment during the weekend, but if approved, posts written during that time will be visible only from Monday. ​ **🗨 SUBREDDITS OF PARACHAINS ON POLKADOT** **List from A to Z:** * r/AcalaNetwork * r/AstarNetwork * r/bifrostfinance * N/A for Bitgreen * r/Centrifuge * r/CloverFinance * N/A for Coinversation * N/A for Composable Finance * r/[Equilibrium\_Genshiro]( * r/HydraDX * N/A for Interlay * r/Litentry * r/moonbeam * r/Nodle * N/A for Oak Network * r/OriginTrail * N/A for Parallel Finance * r/PhalaNetwork * r/polkadex * N/A for Totem KAPEX * N/A for Unique Network * r/WatrProtocol
After Ethereum passed into its phase of proof of stake we are now witnessing what can happen when proof of work is abandoned. Ethereum classic still has its hard cap and is a deflationary form of payment. Ethereum instead has no hard cap and a potential unlimited supply which is one of the many reasons it is experiencing inflation as more and more coins are created with no end in sight. [](
Been thinking if I should go big on a position . Thank you
If you use cryptocurrency, you know how crucial secret passphrases are for restoring blockchain addresses. 📜🔒Read today's blog and discover how these passphrases generate private and public key pairs across multiple blockchains using derivation paths! 🛤️✨
In this post, we’ll show you how to recover your $ETC addresses on the Ledger Nano S Plus using your secret passphrase. Perfect for situations where your Ledger is lost, compromised, or damaged. Check this out: []( #EthereumClassic
Check out our series “Why You Should Build on Ethereum Classic” to explore what make #ETC stand out! 🌐 In our latest post, discover why ETC is hard money and how it protects and grows your users’ savings. 💰🔒
DCA strategy and im almost nearing the green after starting at 120. Besides the possible ETF for ether and the price point, I'm thinking we might see 40-60 soon. I like the ether for payments, but I sort of wish I could spend my bag in other ways. Any ideas before we start this next price cycle?
Explore why $ETC stands out in the blockchain world. #ETC combines #Bitcoin's philosophy with Ethereum's technology, offering proof of work and smart contracts in one system. Learn more: [](
Can everyone in this group apply for an ETF?
Is Emerald Wallet safe?
Well……… The price of Ethereum has been dropping, roughly 20% in the past 24 hours. **Background:** Jump Trading is a Chicago-based trading firm that was established in 1999 by two pit traders who met on the floor of the CME. Jump Crypto is the digital asset division of Jump Trading, which was launched in 2021. Recently, wallets associated with Jump Crypto have transferred a ton of Ethereum to various centralized exchanges, including Coinbase. This typically indicates intentions to sell. In June, around the time rumors about the CFTC investigation began circulating, they reportedly moved about 72,213 Ethereum ($231M) to exchanges. In the past 24 hours, they have transferred an additional 17,576 Ethereum ($46.78M) to exchanges as well. They currently hold around 49,000 Ethereum still in the unstaking process, meaning this ETH is locked up, earning money similar to a CD. However, these funds take a few days to be released for trading or selling. - Numbers from per *Spot On Chain* Interestingly, these transfers started two days after the U.S ETH ETFs went live for trading. Was this a big trade gone wrong? **Their past:** 2014 - Jump Trading was one of six firms subpoenaed by the New York Attorney General. 2018 - Jump Trading was fined $250,000 by the SEC due to a "malfunction" in their trading algorithm. 2022 - Jump Crypto faced losses around $300M getting wrapped up in the FTX collapse 2022 - Wormhole protocol was hacked and Jump Crypto stepped in and provided $325M to help recover funds 2023 - A class-action lawsuit was filed against Jump Crypto for market manipulation on a profit of $1.28B for "Jump had made over $1.28 billion in profits from selling the LUNA tokens it received at a steep discount in exchange for artificially propping up the price of UST and aUST."[ ](*Per Report* Allegations were brought on the president of Jump Crypto, Kanav Kariya, (a former intern who went to UIUC) for allegedly aiding and abetting Do Kwon. The president and co-founder of Terraform labs, who’s behind the crashed stablecoin UST and LUNA token who was on the run to Dubi with fake papers while arrested. Jump Crypto was identified as the “unnamed firm” that stepped in to help maintain the value of UST at $1 during its collapse. It’s important to note that the issues faced by Jump Trading are not uncommon in the finance industry….. **4 things could be happening** 1)        They are going BK and selling 2)        They need liquidity for other business needs, and they want to sell crypto to cover it 3)        The rumors about the CFTC investigation are true, and they want to exit the crypto market, leading to forced selling. 4)        They placed a trade based on U.S ETH ETFs being approved and it's not panning out and their closing position. **Short timeline from what I can gather** Friday 7/2 We received bad economic data (The unemployment rate was higher than expected) The VIX (Volatility Index) was high Friday, the only times it was higher were during the 08 recession and the 2020 Covid crash. Saturday 7/3 Israel and Iran are going at it again, Supposedly Israel killed the Hamas leader, Iran said we're gunna hit back and the U.S sent troops to the Middle East (not good for Earth) Sunday 7/4 Jump starts selling # Conclusion: The economic data, high VIX, geopolitical tensions, Japan raising rates and Jump Crypto’s actions all contributed to the recent drop in Ethereum prices.
Explore how Nick Szabo’s 1998 ideas shaped $BTC & $ETC, the crucial role of Proof of Work in blockchain security, and why Proof of Stake might not be the solution we think it is. 🚀 Dive into the full story here: [](
Not all dapps are truly decentralized! Learn how some blockchain apps fall short and discover key signs of centralization in supposed decentralized platforms. Stay informed and avoid the traps. 🚨 Read more: []( #ETC #EthereumClassic $ETC
Hi! I want to try ETC mining. I'm not considering profitability for the moment, I just want to start mining in a pool with my current hardware. I have 2 options: 1. Use my Dell XPS 15 9520 (CPU: Core i7-12700H ; GPU: NVIDIA GA107M - GeForce RTX 3050 Mobile) 2. Use my 2 very OG USB Asic Bitcoin Miner (I guess it's [this one]( I don't know if I can use them to mine ETC but I can confirm they work and provide \~ 666 MHz. I'm a little bit lost with all the software options. What is the best way and simplest way to do it? I would prefer a solution that is based on Linux but I'm OK with Windows if it's necessary. Thanks for your help!
# Welcome to the /r/Bitcoin Newcomers FAQ You've probably been hearing a lot about Bitcoin recently and are wondering what's the big deal? Most of your questions should be answered by the resources below but if you have additional questions feel free to ask them in the comments. It all started with the release of **[Satoshi Nakamoto's whitepaper](** however that will probably go over the head of most readers so we recommend the following articles/books/videos as a good starting point for understanding how Bitcoin works and a little about its long term potential: * [Article: The Bullish Case for Bitcoin]( * [Book: The Bitcoin Standard]( - or [download a free copy here]( * [Video 1: An introduction to Bitcoin - Wences Casares]( * [Video 2: The Stories We Tell About Money - Andreas Antonopoulos]( * [Video 3: The Bitcoin Standard - Saifdean Ammous]( * [Video 4: Bitcoin 101 - Balaji Srinivasan]( Some other great educational resources include; * The [Satoshi Nakamoto Institute]( (check them out!) * Swan [Bitcoin Canon]( * Michael Saylor's []( and ["Bitcoin for Everybody"']( course * Jameson Lopp's [resource page]( * Gigi's [resource page]( * James D'Angelo's [Bitcoin 101 Blackboard series]( * Parker Lewis's [Gradually Then Suddenly series]( * Some Bitcoin statistics can be found here ([1](, [2](, [3](, [4](, [5](, [6](, [7]( * A Reading List of [Advanced Bitcoin Books]( If you are technically or academically inclined check out; * Developer resources ([1](, [2]( * [Peer-reviewed research papers]( * Course lectures from both [MIT]( and [Princeton]( * Future [protocol improvements]( and [scaling resources]( MicroStrategy's [Bitcoin for Corporations]( is an excellent open source series on corporate legal and financial Bitcoin integration. You can also see the number of times Bitcoin was [declared dead by the media]( (LOL!) ## Key properties of Bitcoin * **Limited Supply** - There will only ever be a [maximum of 21,000,000 bitcoins created]( and they are issued in a predictable fashion per the [inflation schedule]( Once they are all issued Bitcoin will be truly deflationary. The [halving countdown]( tells you approximately how much time until the next block reward halving. * **Open source** - Bitcoin code is fully auditable. You can read and contribute to the [source code]( yourself. * **Accountable** - The public ledger is transparent, all transactions are [seen by everyone]( * **Decentralized** - Bitcoin is globally distributed across thousands of nodes with no single point of failure and as such can't be shut down similar to how [Bittorrent]( works. You can even [run a node on a Raspberry Pi]( * **Censorship resistant** - No one can prevent you from interacting with the Bitcoin network and no one can censor, alter or block transactions that they disagree with, see [Operation Chokepoint]( * **Push system** - There are [no chargebacks]( in Bitcoin because only the person who owns the address where the bitcoin resides has the authority to move them. * **Borderless** - No country can stop it from going in/out, even in areas currently unserved by traditional banking as the ledger is [globally distributed]( * **Trustless** - Bitcoin solved the [Byzantine's Generals Problem]( which means nobody needs to trust anybody for it to work. * **Pseudonymous** - No need to [expose personal information]( when purchasing with cash or transacting. * **Secure** - Blocks and transactions are cryptographically secured (using hashes and signatures) and can’t be [brute forced]( or confiscated with proper key management such as hardware wallets. * **Programmable** - Individual units of bitcoin can be [programmed to transfer]( based on certain criteria being met * **Divisible** - Each bitcoin can be [divided down to 8 decimals](\)), which means you don't have to worry about buying an entire bitcoin. * **Nearly instant** - From a few seconds on the Lightning Network to a [few minutes]( on-chain depending on need for confirmations. Transactions are irreversible by normal users after one confirmation and irreversible by anyone (including miners) after 6 confirmations. * **Peer-to-peer** - No intermediaries taking a cut, no need for [trusted third parties]( * **Designed Money** - Bitcoin was created to fit all the [fundamental properties of money]( better than gold or fiat. * **Portable** - Bitcoin are digital so they are easier to move than cash or gold. They can be transported by simply carrying a seed (a string of 12 to 24 words) on a device or by [memorizing it for wallet recovery]( (while cool, memorizing is generally not recommended due to potential for forgetting the seed and the potential for insecure key generation by inexperienced users. Hardware wallets are the preferred method for most users for their ease of use and additional security). * **Low fee scaling** - Most wallets calculate on chain fees automatically but you can view [fee estimates]( and [mempool activity](,2w) if you want to set your fee manually. On chain fees may rise occasionally due to network demand, however instant micropayments that do not require confirmations are happening via the [Lightning Network](, an open source second layer payment protocol built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. The Lightning Network enables Bitcoin users to instantly send and receive bitcoin with fees so low that they are negligible. * **Scalable** - While the protocol is still being optimized for [increased transaction capacity](, blockchains do not scale very well, so most transaction volume is expected to occur on Layer 2 networks built on top of Bitcoin. ## Where can I buy bitcoin? []( and []( are helpful sites for beginners. You can buy or sell any amount of bitcoin (even just a few dollars worth) and there are several easy methods to purchase bitcoin with cash, credit card or bank transfer. Some of the more popular places to buy bitcoin are listed below. * [Strike]( * [Cash App]( * [Swan]( * [River Financial]( * [Bull Bitcoin]( * [Bitcoin Well]( * [Relai]( * [LibertyX]( * [CoinCorner]( * [RoboSats]( (P2P) * [Bisq]( (decentralized & P2P) * [HodlHodl]( (P2P) * [List of peer-to-peer exchanges]( * [Debifi]( (non-custodial lending) You can also purchase in cash with [local ATMs]( Services such as [CardCoins]( let you purchase bitcoin with prepaid gift cards. If you would like your paycheck automatically converted to bitcoin use [Bitwage]( **Note:** Bitcoin are valued at whatever [market price]( people are willing to pay for them in balancing act of supply vs demand. Unlike traditional markets, bitcoin markets operate 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. ## Securing your bitcoin With Bitcoin you can **"Be your own bank"** and personally secure your bitcoin **OR** you can use third party companies aka **"Bitcoin banks"** which will hold your bitcoin for you. * If you prefer to **"Be your own bank"** and have direct control over your coins without having to use a trusted third party, then you will need to create your own wallet and keep it secure. If you want easy and secure storage without having to learn best computer security practices, then a hardware wallet such as a [BitBox02](, [Trezor](, [ColdCard](, or [Blockstream Jade]( is recommended. You can even build your own open source hardware wallets called a [SeedSigner]( or [Krux]( * If you cannot afford a hardware wallet there are many [software wallet]( options to choose from depending on your use case. Mobile wallets like [BlueWallet]( are generally more secure than desktop wallets. Beware of fake mobile wallets and check reviews from reputable Bitcoin websites. Avoid paper wallets or brain wallets. * If you prefer to work with third party **"Bitcoin banks"** to set up a collaborative custody arrangement, try [Unchained Capital]( but be aware that any third party you use exposes you to third party risk. There is a saying in the community, **"Not your keys, not your coins"**. **Note: For increased security, use Two Factor Authentication (2FA) everywhere it is offered, including email!** 2FA requires a second confirmation code or a physical security key to access your account making it much harder for thieves to gain access. Google Authenticator and Authy are the two most popular 2FA services, download links are below. Make sure you create backups of your 2FA codes. **Avoid using your cell number for 2FA.** Hackers have been using a technique called "SIM swapping" to impersonate users and steal bitcoin off exchanges. Google Auth | Authy | OTP Auth | andOTP --------------|--------|------------|-------- [Android]( | [Android]( | N/A | [Android]( [iOS]( | [iOS]( | [iOS]( | N/A Physical security keys (FIDO U2F) offer stronger security than Google Auth / Authy and other TOTP-based apps, because the secret code never leaves the device and it uses bi-directional authentication so it prevents phishing. If you lose the device though, you could lose access to your account, so always use 2 or more security keys with a given account so you have backups. See [Yubikey]( or [Titan]( to purchase security keys. ## Running Bitcoin You can run [Bitcoin node]( software by downloading and installing [Bitcoin Core]( or other node software you have vetted. It is a best practice to verify these Bitcoin node programs you download by [checking their hashes and signatures]( Don't Trust, Verify. * * * A verified Bitcoin node running on your own hardware is your sovereign gateway to the Bitcoin network. They can be used alongside open source software [wallets]( to send and receive Bitcoin securely. By running your own Bitcoin node, you enforce the Bitcoin ruleset, can verify transactions without trusted 3rd party middlemen, improve your Bitcoin privacy, obtain independence with local access to blockchain data, and help bolster the robustness of the Bitcoin network. By running a Bitcoin node, you are verifying that Bitcoin is Bitcoin for yourself. For more details on running a Bitcoin node see [this article]( For wallets used alongside your Bitcoin node: If your Bitcoin wallet software is fully [open source]( and Bitcoin-only, then it is probably a decent wallet. Some popular examples include [sparrow wallet]( and [electrum wallet](, both of which you can connect to your own locally run Bitcoin node, and use with most Bitcoin Hardware Wallets. ## Watch out for scams As mentioned above, Bitcoin is decentralized, which by definition means there is no official website or Twitter handle or spokesperson or CEO. However, all money attracts thieves. This combination unfortunately results in scammers running official sounding names or pretending to be an authority on YouTube or social media. Many scammers throughout the years have claimed to be the inventor of Bitcoin. Websites like bitcoin(dot)com and the r / btc subreddit are active scams. Almost all altcoins are marketed heavily with big promises but are really just designed to separate you from your bitcoin. So be careful: any resource, including all linked in this document, may in the future turn evil. As they say in our community, **"Don't trust, verify"**. * Avoid using ad-based search engines like Google or Yahoo: ads are shown based on how much the advertiser bids, and scammers can easily outbid legitimate providers for ad space, since immoral ways of earning money are far more lucrative than moral ways. Use [DuckDuckGo]( instead, which has no ads, and never tracks you as well. * Ignore private messages offering services. * **Never enter your seed words in a website of any kind.** Hardware wallets will recover by displaying possible seed words on their own interface, never on a website. * **Always check addresses on your hardware wallet before sending or receiving.** Some malware has been known to replace addresses in your web browser or that you copy-and-paste. * Avoid clicking on links like that look like links, such as [](, without first hovering over it and actually checking where they go to. Just because a link is labelled with an HTTPS address does not mean it actually sends you to that address. It is trivial for someone to comment a link on Reddit that looks like it will send you to one website when it actually sends you to another, and you might not notice the difference until a scammer has gotten all your money, or you have downloaded and installed software that steals your money. ## Common Bitcoin Myths Often the same concerns arise about Bitcoin from newcomers. Questions such as: * Will quantum computers break Bitcoin? * Will governments ban Bitcoin? * Is Bitcoin a Ponzi scheme? All of these questions have been answered many times by a variety of people. Here are some resources where you can see if your concern has been answered: * [Common Bitcoin Myths]( * [Gradually, Then Suddenly]( * [Every Reason Bitcoin Will Not Fail]( * [The Best Articles Debunking Bitcoin FUD]( * [Why Bitcoin is Not a Ponzi Scheme: Point by Point]( ## Where can I spend bitcoin? Check out [Spendabit](, [Bitcoin Directory](, or [Coinmap]( for a plethora of merchant options. You can also spend bitcoin anywhere Visa is accepted with bitcoin debit cards such as the [CashApp card](, [Fold card]( or other bitcoin debit cards. Some other useful site are listed below. Store | Product ---|--- [Bitrefill](, [Gyft](, and [Fold App]( | Gift cards for thousands of retailers worldwide including Amazon, Target, Walmart, Starbucks, Whole Foods, CVS, Lowes, Home Depot, iTunes, Best Buy, Sears, Kohls, eBay, GameStop, etc. [Spendabit](, [Overstock](, and [The Bitcoin Directory]( | Retail shopping with millions of results [NewEgg]( and [Dell]( | For all your electronics needs [Bitrefill](, [Bylls](, [LivingRoomofSatoshi](, [Swapin](, [](, and [more]( | Bill payment [Menufy]( and [Takeaway]( | Takeout delivered to your door [Expedia](, [Cheapair](, [Destinia](, [SkyTours](, the [Travel]( category on Gyft and [9flats]( | For when you need to get away [Cryptostorm](, [Mullvad](, and [PIA]( | VPN services [Namecheap](, [Porkbun]( | Domain name registration [Stampnik]( | Discounted USPS Priority, Express, First-Class mail postage There are also [lots of charities]( which accept bitcoin donations. ## Merchant Resources There are several benefits to accepting bitcoin as a payment option if you are a merchant; * 1-3% savings over credit cards or PayPal. * No chargebacks (final settlement in 10 minutes as opposed to 3+ months). * Accept business from a global customer base. * Convert 100% of the sale to the currency of your choice for deposit to your account, or choose to keep a percentage of the sale in bitcoin if you wish to begin accumulating it. If you are interested in accepting bitcoin as a payment method, there are several options available; * [BTCPay Server]( * [Zaprite]( * [Square cash]( * [Stripe]( * [Wyre]( * [Blockonomics]( (direct to your wallet) * [CoinCorner Checkout]( ## Can I mine bitcoin? Mining bitcoin can be a fun learning experience, but be aware that you will most likely operate at a loss. Newcomers are often advised to stay away from mining unless they are only interested in it as a hobby similar to [folding at home]( If you want to learn more about mining you can read the [mining FAQ]( Still have mining questions? The crew at /r/BitcoinMining would be happy to help you out. If you want to contribute to the Bitcoin network by hosting the blockchain and propagating transactions there are many [great resources]( you can use to [run a full node]( You can view the global distribution of reachable Bitcoin nodes on [this webpage.]( ## Earning bitcoin Just like any other form of money, you can also earn bitcoin by being paid to do a job. Site | Description ---|--- [WorkingForBitcoins](, [Bitwage](, [Coinality](, [Bitgigs](, [/r/Jobs4Bitcoins](, [BitforTip](, and [Rein Project]( | Freelancing [Lolli]( | Earn bitcoin when you shop online! [Bitify](, and [/r/Bitmarket]( | Marketplaces [A-ads](, []( | Advertising You can also earn bitcoin by participating as a market maker on [JoinMarket]( by allowing users to perform CoinJoin transactions with your bitcoin for a small fee (requires you to already have some bitcoin). ## Bitcoin-Related Projects The following is a **short** list of ongoing projects that might be worth taking a look at if you are interested in current development in the Bitcoin space. Project | Description ---|--- [Lightning Network](| Second layer scaling [Liquid]( and [Rootstock]( | Sidechains [Hivemind]( | Prediction markets [Tierion]( and [Factom]( | Records & Titles on the blockchain [BitMarkets](, and [DropZone]( and [Beaver]( | Decentralized markets [JoinMarket](, [JAM app]( and [Wasabi]( | CoinJoin implementation [Peer-to-Peer Exchanges]( | Peer-to-peer exchanges [Keybase]( | Identity & Reputation management [Abra]( | Global P2P money transmitter network [Bitcore]( | Open source Bitcoin javascript library [Bitcoin Knots]( | A Bitcoin Node (Within Consensus Fork of Bitcoin Core) ## Bitcoin Units One bitcoin is worth quite a lot (thousands of £/$/€), so people often deal in smaller units. The most common subunits are listed below: Unit | Symbol | Value | Info ---|:---:|---|--- bitcoin | BTC | 1 bitcoin | one bitcoin is equal to 100 million satoshis millibitcoin | mBTC | 1,000 per bitcoin | used as default unit in Electrum wallet bit | μBTC | 1,000,000 per bitcoin | colloquial "slang" term for microbitcoin satoshi | sat | 100,000,000 per bitcoin | smallest unit in bitcoin, named after the inventor For example, assuming an arbitrary exchange rate of $10,000 for one bitcoin, a $10 meal would equal: * 0.001 BTC * 1 mBTC * 1,000 bits * 100,000 sats For more information check out the [bitcoin units wiki]( --- **Still have questions?** Feel free to ask in the comments below or stick around for our weekly [Mentor Monday]( thread. If you decide to post a question in /r/Bitcoin, please use the search bar to see if it has been answered before, and remember to follow the community rules outlined on the sidebar to receive a better response. The mods are busy helping manage our community, so please do not message them unless you notice problems with the functionality of the subreddit. **Note:** This is a community created FAQ. If you notice anything missing from the FAQ or that requires clarification, you can [edit it here]( and it will be included in the next revision pending approval. **Welcome to the Bitcoin community and the new decentralized economy!** Please note that this thread will be moderated and non-constructive comments will be removed.
Simple question, has anyone found a 3d adaptor to fit on the []( I use Fruit design for Kaspa, BTC and Doge. Thank you
Seriously ETC did so good q3 man we made great progress went up so much.
[]( is a Web3 user research platform dedicated to gathering valuable feedback from crypto users to help shape the development of future tools and platforms. We run surveys/interviews with the goal of bridging the gap between protocols and users. A current survey we have running is targeting European Web3 Users, in which users who take the survey will recieve $15 USDC for the 3-minute survey. If you are interested in participating, visit []( and look for the relevant sections to get started. Your feedback is invaluable and feel free to reach out with any questions you may have. 
It feels like 2021 all over again with how bitcoin is doing
Never thought I’d see myself owning ETC again but yet here I am. ETC is so undervalued at the moment and I have a feeling we are going to see another Kansas City Shuffle where the attention is on ETH over the next 6 months but we see ETC go crazy… just like the last bull cycle. Time to load up again gentlemen. To the moon 🚀
Y’all what gives? Every coin is up since the 10am (pst) dip yesterday besides ETC. it’s still under that local high. Come on now, let’s get the party started and catch the f up. Side note: last run up, ETC & Doge mirrored each other. Whenever doge was running, etc would drop. I’m wondering if some of those same swaps exist and since doge is running, etc is struggling.
Hello there, i need a advice about some asic and connection pool
Trump wins presidency and BTc tops 92k. Etc can’t even go past $25. We’re actually dumping hard too like wtf.
He'll wait until it's $ETC's turn to pop, and just as it does he'll announced converting his ETC trust into an ETF.
It’s been a while. Y’all holding on or selling? I’ve been in for while and looking for a potential cash out. What are your thoughts?
i am new in crypto and bought the coins when they were high coz my friend told me, should i hold them?!!
I have faith we will see ATH either this cycle or next.
So since Eth went to PoS and left Etc as PoW, what is ETC even used for?
Put 20k in $xlm at the end of October... moved my entire position into $etc yesterday because the chart looks about the same. 🤞🏻
I could not find a single video in youtube that analyzes current market structure for FIL in terms of Fibonacci retracement, from which I could have an idea what to expect from FIL this bull cycle. Would appreciate an analysis based price prediction for FIL.
It went from 15 to 45 in like 2 weeks while we have been sitting at 15-30 for almost 4 years
Why is Filecoin pumping today so hard? I barely follow it anymore because it felt old and stale but it's surging about 7 bucks today
Hater gonna say RIP $FIL coin. Legend say Let's goooo!!!!!
Let's get that $66 etc and beyond
Correct me if I'm wrong, but folks who are saying this won't pump due to increased supply, please explain the following to me. $FIL 605 million circulating supply $FIL $4.3B market cap $FIL current price $7 Whereas $LINK has 626 million circulating supply $LINK market cap is $12B. $LINK current price is $19 In the nearest short term, just based on what the market is doing (which is pumping), forget about ATH for a second, there is no reason why we aren't a $20/coin in the short term. And I would absolutely keep an eye on what $LINK does as well. If $LINK can push up to yearly high and soon ATH at $50+, we won't be far behind.
Where is ethereum classic status on the ETF?
I just came to know about filecoin recently and am intrigued by the potential. I saw the ATH was pretty high, however has kept low since. Is the current price around 7 good for its potential? Where do folks see it heading towards in a couple months and this bull run?
Don’t do mistakes litecoin holders did , don’t dump right now it’s on the way 70 dollar. Just saying lol 😂
Where can you do this?
Hi, sorry I’m new on reddit so forgive me if I’m not allowed to post here But what’s this? Who owns that?
What’s this ?! Every time I try to connect this to blocks out, it comes up with this. Why?
Fasten your seat belt. This is about to fly to the moon 🌙. Don't forget to take your phone with you while flying .We gonna sell it when we reach there.. 🚀 🚀🚀🚀
Filecoin next the moon?
If I had entered at $16, it would have risen 230% by now. Congratulations to everyone on the rocket.
[]( They are starting with SOL and when this is approved I believe they will wish to convert all their Trusts including ETC.
Need it to close above $39.74 then build some support around there. If it can do that then it should be wide open til about $48
I know this is an unofficial coin source but it makes it look like moderation is not banning those repeatedly violating the rules. They repeatedly post fud without citing sources.
Recently invested in etc at 36.5 wondering if it could boom to that range or if I should take some out and invest in BCH.
Those of you who just entered positions, do you still believe it will go up? Bitcoin could drop further, possibly to at least $70k, and Filecoin might follow suit. Are you planning to buy more or hold? Filecoin it is the one dumping the hardest as I can see.
ETC recovered far quicker than most other altcoins that dropped even more significantly and it will be right back up there with Etherum that has already recovered once the price pressure resumes and everyone in the day market sees how good a sale it is. Thanks Justin Sun
Bounced off the top trend from the previous highs beautifully for the second time. Looks like it’s building support around $28. In the Golden zone currently. Not a crazy amount of volume currently. This is getting exciting.
The Monero Research Lab (MRL) [has decided]( to recommend that all Monero node operators enable a ban list of suspected spy node IP addresses. The spy nodes can reduce the privacy of Monero users. `cuprate` developer Boog900 discovered these spy nodes and created an IP address ban list. Developers and researchers associated with MRL (list names) have indicated their approval of this list by signing it with their PGP keys. # How do I enable the ban list? Download the ban list from [``]( and remember the directory on your computer where you saved it so you can replace `--ban-list <file-path-to-ban-list>` below with it. For example, if you saved the file in `/home/user/Downloads`, they you would replace `<file-path-to-ban-list>` with `/home/user/Downloads/ban_list.txt`. **WINDOWS USERS**: Download the ban list file directly and save it. Do not copy-paste it into a new file. There is a Windows problem with the copy-paste method that [will be fixed in the next Monero software release version]( # Running monerod from the terminal If you run the node from the terminal, add `--ban-list <file-path-to-ban-list>` when you start up `monerod`, i.e. `./monerod --ban-list <file-path-to-ban-list>` If you use a config file instead of command line flags, add this line to the config file: `ban-list=<file-path-to-ban-list>` # Monero GUI wallet If you use a remote node, whoever operates the remote node will decide if the ban list is enabled. If your run your own local node through the GUI wallet, go to Settings. In the "Daemon startup flags" box, input "`--ban-list <file-path-to-ban-list>`". Then click the orange "Stop daemon" button. It will take a few seconds for the daemon to shut down. Then click the orange "Start daemon" button. # Docker If you use SethForPrivacy's `monerod` Docker file, update to the latest version, which has the ban list: []( If you run the Docker Monero node with any custom flags or custom config file, [you need to add to `--ban-list=/home/monero/ban_list.txt` to the set of flags or `ban-list=/home/monero/ban_list.txt` to the config file]( # FAQs **1) What is the evidence that spy nodes run at these IP addresses?** The numerous spy node IP addresses are pretending to be distinct nodes, but the spying adversary is proxying a few nodes through a large number of IP addresses. That way, the spying adversary can spy on the node network, but does not have to pay the full cost of running one node per IP address. Unfortunately, the exact fingerprint of the spy nodes is not being released because the spying adversary might be able to fix the fingerprint and set up new spy IP addresses. However, a large number of the suspected spy IP addresses are the same IP addresses implicated in ["LinkingLion"spying on the BTC node network as far back as 2020]( The spying adversary is likely using the same IP addresses to spy on BTC and Monero. Furthermore, most of the spying IP addresses are in a few "subnets", which are basically consecutive IP address numbers that can be purchased at a bulk price rate from IP address providers. Almost every IP address in the subnets have a suspected spy node, a status MRL is calling "subnet saturation". More details are in the [MRL GitHub issue]( **2) Can I tell how many spy nodes my node is connected to?** Yes. You can run the `peers.ip.collect()` function in the `xmrpeers` R package. See the "Examples" in the documentation [here]( The function will also start to show the subnet saturation after running for about 24 hours. **3) What is the privacy issue?** Monero uses Dandelion++ for privacy of transactions relayed on its peer-to-peer node network. Dandelion++ provides strong privacy, but even its privacy can be weakened if there are too many spy nodes on the network. An adversary who controls a lot of spy nodes may be able to guess which user's IP address was the original sender of a Monero transaction. **4) Won't the spying adversary just change its IP addresses?** This is possible, but it's costly for the adversary. The LinkingLion BTC spying adversary is still using these IP addresses even though the spying has been publicly revealed for at least 21 months, which suggests that the adversary cannot easily change their IP addresses. **5) Are more universal fixes possible so that a specific ban list doesn't have to be used?** MRL will analyze the possible benefit of implementing an algorithm that chooses node peers to maximize diversity of Autonomous System Networks (ASNs), which are groups of IP addresses managed by the same entity. This algorithm could reduce the probability of connecting to too many potential spy nodes. In the long term, there may be ways for nodes to verify that their peers are truly running a node instead of just proxying one node through many IP addresses. **6) Why not block these IP addresses by default in the Monero node software?** Blocking the IP addresses by default is technically possible, but it would set a precedent of blocking IP addresses by a decision making process that is semi-centralized. MRL has decided to ask node operators to block these IP addresses voluntarily instead of by default.
Hello all. So the ATH, and low%/change over 365 days got my attention. The ATH is over 200$..well well.... ID LoVE TO HEAR Target price you predict for 2025
1HR and 2 HR chart will need to break 200MA and 1st SUPPORT kept. We are looking good!
Hello! I created NFT Auction House smart contract on ETC network. Code is verified and published. [\_code]( User Interface URL: []( Looking for feedback from users of different types of devices. Maybe some experienced devs might bring some updates into our smart contract code. It allows users to create an auction, set a price, place bids, withdraw bids, accept highest bid for auction sellers. It has completely working tracking of bid placement/withdrawals/acceptance and displays history of bids for each auction. We're compatible with every ERC721 and ERC1155 NFT token, doesn't matter the collection, you do not need to know ipfs data, it's simple, all you need is NFT's address & it's ID, you set the price and auction is created, you get your specific URL for your auction created which you can share with others. for example: []( Tried to make the UI as intuitive and simple as could be. Auction is sold and ended only when PlaceBid meets or exceeds Reserve Price or auction seller accepts highest bid by himself. Seller can end the auction by himself through End Auction function which will result into all bid withdrawals from the auction and returning the NFT to the owner. 2% (changable to stay competitive) Fee is taken ONLY from accomplished sells, deduced from highest/accepted bid before being transfered to auction seller. I'm sure it's use-able through blockchain explorer, atleast through []( (tested) Everything been tested with MetaMask, so would appreciate feedback from TrustWallet users aswell. We tested it among few friends, hoping to get wider audience to test with now, UI is still being updated here and there, it may visually change, but functionality is alright =\] Mechanics of the Functions: • startAuction: Transfers the NFT from the seller to the contract. Sets up the auction details including the reserve price and token type. Emits an AuctionStarted event. • PlaceBid: Checks if the auction is active and if the bid is higher than the current highest bid. Updates the highest bid and bidder. Emits a BidPlaced event. If the highest bid meets or exceeds the reserve price, it finalizes the auction by transferring the NFT and funds. The PlaceBid function allows bidders to add to their previous bids, ensuring that their total bid amount is considered when determining the highest bid. This mechanism ensures that bidders can incrementally increase their bids without losing their previous contributions, making the auction process more flexible and competitive. • acceptHighestBid: Allows the seller to accept the highest bid. Transfers the NFT to the highest bidder and funds to the seller. Emits an AuctionEnded event. • withdrawBid: Allows any bidder, including the highest bidder, to withdraw their bid if the auction is still active. If the highest bidder withdraws their bid, the contract resets the highest bid and highest bidder, then searches the bid history to find the next highest bid. Updates the bid history and emits a BidWithdrawn event. Transfers the withdrawn bid amount back to the bidder. • cancelAuction Allows the seller to end an auction. Returns the NFT to the seller and refunds any bids. Emits an AuctionEnded event. • Ownership and Permissions: The contract uses an onlyOwner modifier to restrict certain functions to the contract owner, such as setting fees and forcefully ending auctions. The onlyOwner modifier ensures that only the contract owner can perform sensitive operations. • Token Transfers: The contract interacts with ERC721 and ERC1155 tokens using their respective interfaces. It ensures safe transfers of NFTs using transferFrom for ERC721 and safeTransferFrom for ERC1155. The contract handles the transfer of funds securely, ensuring that the seller receives the highest bid amount minus the auction house fee. • Bid Security: The contract maintains a bid history and allows bidders to withdraw their bids. It ensures that funds are securely transferred back to bidders in case of bid withdrawals or auction cancellations or sold auctions that they didn't win. • Event Emissions: The contract emits events for key actions such as starting an auction, placing a bid, ending an auction, and withdrawing a bid. This provides transparency and allows external systems to track the auction's progress. Don't trust, verify. Appreciate You, Stay Blessed! Have a good day!
If it's just a bull run for the start of 2025, than head and shoulders to what ever TRIPLE TOP. Right now we made a shoulders, let's HOLD tight. This is the 12 hour chart I'm looking at. 7.15 is the # to break. If this 12 hour chart isn't making a head and shoulders, and we ain't NO MEME, than LETS go for the BIG W, with a LONG weakly candle GREEN! To some this might sound alien, to others, I'm scattered and probably get the just of where I am coming from. In the END #FILE COIN MIN $20.00 👍👍👍👍👍SUPPORT...let's BUILD this support!
ITS SUNDAY and if we can see 7s, we will be on the right track to: #$$$$$20.00!!!!!!!!
Hey all, so some of you have been here for a while, and in the lat 24 hours, this random Canuck comes in and hypes up this COIN. What does it mean? It means, I believe in the END game! Just on here giving us holders that spunk to remember the long game is the only game. 👍👍👍👍👍 ↔️Always UPVOTE each other to show support! #THIS FRIDAY: $7.88 (just a guess)
can somebody tell me how to contact someone from fil to ask them about binding process for recovering my assets from BNB chain network ?
All my FIL tokens were seized by the Chinese police in April and the STFIL team in china was under investigation. Anyone have any update on this? Thanks in advance.
New mining ASIC are coming out that are profitable with current ETC rates and have an ROI as quick as 12 months with profitability of $32 / day. ROI could be much quicker for large miners that purchase a lot of these ASICs. These miners are $2000 - $15000 and mine 5.5 - 23 ghash each for pretty low power. The 23 ghash unit only consumes 2550 watts. The majority of these are shipping late December / January 2025 So if just 1000 of these large ones came online that would be a 23 THash increase in hashrate.
Looks like GS is purchasing FIL at over a 1000% increase. Am I reading this correctly? Seems super bullish if GS is purchasing already at over a 1000% price increase.
I’m new to crypto but I’d expect with all this good news about file that it would blow up pretty soon. Seems like the opposite is happening
BTC dominance over it might drop to 75k , alts soon start get advanced of it.
[]( With the recent announcement of wrapped WETC I see even more potential. How do we get this news out there for more proliferation. I think we all owe it to Donald McIntyre for producing so much content how can we share in the narrative? I know that recently Nov 18th ETC ambassador program was advertised, how can we help or see more frequent updates in this area? The ETC hashrate is strong as ever starting in Nov 2024. Compared to 2022 when ETH started going POS we are way up in hash rate. How can we get noticed even more?
When owning physical hardware for storage is so cheap nowadays, why would anyone use filecoin?
Is there any good dev resources (GitHub/repo) and docs for example on how to use the ecosystem? I want to test storing and retrieving … also is there a price per TB stored/retrieved ? Golang is my preferred language
Filecoin Staking: How to Stake Filecoin and Earn FIL Rewards?
Heck yea!!!
So I was able to get my TAO off kraken and onto my newly created talisman wallet which I did link to my ledger nano however the balance isn't visible on my ledger live. I thought i'd try to send the TAO from talisman wallet to the ledger but the address my polkadot account on my ledger produces doesn't jive with talisman requirements. I feel this was futile and the talisman wallet is similar to the hashpack for Hedera (correct?) which DOES show my HBAR balance on ledger live. What am i missing here?
Hi fellas, mcjkula has been working on this website: []( MoonshotTAO commissioned, because there was a lack of information and confusion around many topics. You can find info on: 1. Bittensor mechanics 2. Dynamic TAO 3. Each Subnet purpose (Still a work in progress) 4. Apps already online 5. Validator & Miner purpose etc There will be more guides, but for now just one that helps the people setup a wallet. Soon there will be guides on how to mine, so Miners don't have to nagg subnet discords about generic stuff. I urge people here to see it, and hopefully direct others to it. Special thanks to []( who spent 2024 making this!
Has anyone managed to get one of these? I used the polkadot(.js) and bittensor wallet chrome extensions. Wondering what the best way to get my transaction history is ?
Hey all. I have developed the free whale activity tracker, It's more frequent, and is actually free, rather than the whale alerts account that has millions of followers. (They don't have BCH support on their X for free, it's $30/month) Anything over 1,000 BCH will trigger a Tweet from our account. Would anyone like to see a website that can alert you directly? Please let me know. This is free and completely ran on by donations from the support of people. And we are doing a giveaway for our launch! :D [\_drop]( (or just search Krypt\_Drop, make sure a \_ inbetween!) Website out soon. And ofc running a python bot, API rate limits, etc.. cost a bit of money, ANY donation amount is appreciated, even 0.0001 BCH.! (We will post our donators if requested on our donor wall for our website) BCH Donation Address: qzkn7xndkydqx52crux2gy2wy03trh3d7qa6lthav7 (Once 0.25 BCH is raised we will launch the website, for web hosting / sql costs.) EDIT: 0.015/0.25 bch raised (thank you to our 2 donors)
Had a moment to test and cauldron dex in conjunction with cashonize wallet (recommended by users in different post in this sub) and electron cash, which I use a lot. I must admit having working stable coin, which is **transparent** and fair is superb. Cauldron dex looks rough. It is cartoonish. Almost, dare to say childish and unprofessional. But it works well. Can't fault it. Cashonize wallet also looks basic. But again, it works well. Can't fault either. Electron cash is nearly flawless, but it is apparent that cash tokens are a new addition to the wallet. It shows. But again, can't say anything bad about this, in my opinion, best BitcoinCash wallet. I hope electron will get wallet connect functionality soon. It is possible soon I will be able to use BCHBull and keep savings in musd instead of shady Tether. All kept in my wallet (cashonize or electron). That would be great and hopefully could protect BitcoinCash in the event of potential tether collapse. Anyway, the purpose of this post is to express my excitement and hope for the future of BitcoinCash. Fingers crossed for Moria and MUSD. May their test be fruitful. My money is on it.
It's like he's disappeared. I recently read Roger Ver's book, and it's a matter of time before everything starts rolling.
Many people doesn't know that is possible to use an alias as BCH address. In this article I dive into it, enjoy!
Many folks simply buying WTAo and swapping out at the Tao swap site and storing in TAO wallet and staking on Bittensor site? I have ledger too but not sure I need to transfer to talisman then to ledger if already on the wallet? I haven’t bought Tao but thinking this is the route.
Just like the title says, do you think Tao can hit $1500 this bull run and if yes when exactly?
This coin is ancient, no improvements, and is lagging behind every single crypto. Meme coins make more money than this joke of a coin. FUCK YOU DONALD MCINTYRE
I am in the state of Georgia and i am not quite sure i how to buy bittensor what are some easy ways i can? the couple ways i have tried have not worked.
Howdy. Is there a way to lock the wallet when finished similar to other wallets that have a lock button or exit button so the wallet is locked until you reopen and input your password? I don’t see 2 factor authorization either? Thank you
It’s this week. Maybe this very moment. It’s about to go. Cheers
# [Hey, do you like gaming?]( I’ve been working on a simple old-school retro OpenGL side-scroller shmup, and I’d love for you to check it out: []( If you have a moment, it would mean a lot if you could leave a rating, write a quick review, or share a kind comment. I’ve really enjoyed creating it so far and have plans to add more features soon. Thanks so much for your support! **Update: A medium update is coming soon! It will feature bug fixes, a new enemy, and an exciting new weapon with an enhanced bullet pattern.**
Does it not always show every subnet or has something happened to cortex?
Bitcoin / Bitcoin Cash    Relative Value Thesis   Opening statement   We are **NOT** here to pump or ‘dunk’ any crypto asset or protocol.   We are **NOT** suggesting one coin is “better” than the other, we are here to highlight the obvious disparity between two, virtually identical coins, Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash. We are **not** recommending a relative value pairs trade (short BTC vs long BCH) moreover, we are **not** advising ‘hodl’ers’ of BTC to take profits if they were not already considering it. Our simple objective is to identify the glaring valuation differential that would never occur in traditional financial asset classes. Our objective is to raise awareness to the glaring valuation differential that would never occur in traditional financial asset classes. We are left with the obvious question “Is the value proposition for the crypto asset class based on perception alone, or analogous to traditional asset classes where relative value analysis is accepted and implemented?”.  If you believe the former, then clearly price and “value” are simply a subjective number allowing value distortions to continue, if you believe the latter to be true, then our observation has credibility and merits further examination.  We believe these contradictory positions cannot co-exist ad-infinitum.  We will later explain our multi decade career experience in Trad-Fi and how re-pricing of assets happen and, in the scenario where full crypto adoption is complete, how financial markets will look to capitalise and profit from extreme value dislocations.   Given the nature of our approach, this thesis is directed towards relative value analysts and investors and **not**high frequency, momentum traders, where it is obvious timescales to profitability are wildly different.  We believe the crypto asset class is about to enter the next phase of its young lifecycle. The incoming US Trump administration is making extremely positive comments regarding this nascent technology. If a new category of investor (Trad-FI) is to enter this asset class on a large scale, considering the structural symmetry of BTC and BCH, how will the extreme price dislocation between the forks be evaluated?   Our aim is to imagine a future that has looked through the current noise and exuberance that pervades the emergent crypto investor community and has reached the destination of full adoption which crypto developers predicted and, in the scenario, where many protocols are adopted and trusted, propose that two which have identical DNA should evolve more closely along correlated trajectories. Currently, due to larger adoption and scaling of the BTC network, its valuation is approximately 185x of the BCH protocol.  A crucial aspect to highlight, BTC like all protocols for many years had the ‘proof of concept’ argument thrust upon it, it was not until an era of extreme monetary supply inflation (Covid stimulus) followed by double-digit global inflation, that BTC was valued as a credible store of value. BCH, like many other protocols should benefit from this adoption into the mainstream perception and following asset allocation, we believe BTC has done all the heavy lifting for others to follow, therefore the adoption risk premium has diminished exponentially.  Finally, we can all see how MicroStrategy (and others) have identified a liquidity mechanism to maximise its BTC stake to create value, this can absolutely happen with BCH, all it takes is vision and commitment of the concept.    Most observers of financial assets are aware that price performance can simply be a function of supply vs demand. It is a fact that both BTC & BCH will each have a total supply of 21mln, yet the current demand for one is vastly dislocated from the other. We invite comments and insights which we may not have considered or be aware of, as to why this demand differential is so extreme. We acknowledge the BTC network has currently scaled far larger than the BCH network. Given the BCH network has identical foundations to the BTC network, we question if it’s conceivable for the BCH network to scale and for its perception as a store of value (the ‘hard money’ narrative for BTC, its twin) be justifiably applied to it.  If the conclusion to this thought experiment is “yes”, then the following question is focused on the current BCH valuation and the potential to re-price. If the belief remains that BTC is the true store of value for the Bitcoin Protocol with BCH being the means of payment, surely their values should be intrinsically correlated? It appears that BTC’s use case of the Bitcoin protocol has dominated ‘investor’ perception, whilst BCH’s use case for the same protocol is largely ignored.  Moreover, if after the hard fork of 2017, had both sides of the scaling solution aligned their efforts, the two forks could have operated in uniform and complimented each other. Shared projects like cross-chain compatibility, wallet integration or inter-operable payment systems would have helped both chains grow in parallel.  In our many conversations with “hodl’ers” of BTC / BCH / Crypto, it is clear a large proportion have very limited understanding of the technology in which they have invested; their interest and investments are predicated on momentum and/or speculative.  Once the close relationship between BTC and BCH protocols is highlighted, many are deeply surprised these ‘value’ and perception anomalies exists.      Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash backstory   Philosophically and empirically BTC & BCH share the same DNA with certain idiosyncratic features, we firmly believe those idiosyncrasies cannot and should not result in extreme valuation differences between the two coins. The Bitcoin Genesis Block was mined 3^(rd) Jan 2009, with a block reward of 50 Bitcoin.  On August 1^(st) 2017 at Block height 478,555, the BitCoin network hard forked (which we consider mechanically akin to a 1:1 stock split whereby the BTC owner, on that day, received a corresponding amount of BCH). Both forks have the same halving characteristics (every 210,000 blocks or four years).Both use the Sha-256 algorithm cryptographic hash function. The motivation for the fork was premised on finding a solution to scale the network to handle more transactions and bring down transaction cost. It was not understood if either protocol would gather a greater network / compute adoption or perception of value. The ideological rift between the BTC and BCH communities revolved around the block size debate, which escalated into a public contest for legitimacy. This created division and confusion among users, developers and investors, and ultimately lead to them positioning themselves as rivals. By treating the hard fork as a natural evolution of Bitcoins philosophy – allowing diverse approaches to coexist – they could have framed BCH as a complimentary alternative to certain use cases (e.g. payments) while BTC remained a store of value and base layer for settlements.  It is worth noting that during the initial post fork period BTC & BCH had similar market capitalisations based off the same supply dynamic as it was unclear which fork would gather greater network adoption. BCH advocates viewed Bitcoin as ‘peer-to-peer electronic cash’ consistent with Satoshi’s whitepaper vision.  BTC and BCH continue to exist independently with different development paths. To reiterate, both forks will only ‘reward’ 21million coins. Up to block 478,555 their histories are one and the same, their destination at 21million coins will be the same.      We acknowledge there can be debates around the benefits of one feature vs another (e.g. SegWit vs increased block size) this remains to be a subjective viewpoint when the current valuations of the two coins are wholly predicated on the different perceptions of store of value, despite their identical finite supply dynamics. The wildly differing market capitalisation of BTC vs BCH cannot simply be explained due to the SegWit and block size argument. We feel the price difference is largely explained by investor perception, network adoption and the focus BTC receives from mainstream and social media. If perception is altered within the value equation, and both assessed objectively, we believe there is little else to legitimize the value dislocation. BTC and BCH **BOTH** have the same ‘hard-money’ finite supply DNA – it is **NOT** logical to apply the hard money narrative around one and not the other.  What is clear in crypto, sentiment and momentum can coalesce around a particular narrative with inconsistent rigour. Our approach is diametrically opposed to this, we are assessing the value distortions applying disciplines that of the traditional finance space (investment bank / hedge funds), which, ultimately will impact valuations in the asset class. We have no bias to protocol but are purely attempting to get in front of the wall of money that is heading towards the investable crypto universe.    To visualise this thesis and to make our thinking accessible, we have attempted to construct some ‘analogue’ thought experiments. Here are some examples.    Digital Gold as a store of value. We know BTC and BCH will have a total supply of 21million. This is an immutable fact. BTC has become, what is considered, a store of value due to this supply dynamics. BCH to date, has not.  Consider this, if two identical Gold mines existed, both with the same proven reserves, mined in the same way, would the physical gold be valued so differently?     Within the Physical Oil complex the Brent and WTI contracts experience some, but not significant price discrepancies, however, they are largely considered to be one and the same resulting in correlated performance and value.    Network Scaling Thesis. All have observed how the BTC   network has scaled over time. This scaling gives the protocol decentralization, efficiency and reliability.  Consider the outcome if the BCH network were to scale in a short space of time, both horizontally and vertically. How will the network be perceived after this adoption? Therefore, we should ask ourselves the question, what could stimulate such an increase in network compute?  If an accumulation strategy of BCH were to start, akin to MicroStrategy in BTC (currently nicknamed “infinite money glitch”), price appreciation of BCH could be the trigger.  Another far simpler possibility, could investors start to accumulate and ‘value’ BCH for its finite supply also?   SegWit vs Blocks size 2017 Hard Fork (as was named ‘small blockers vs big blockers’). We do not suggest being able to provide a computational performance comparison to the two solutions, no more than we can debate the comparative performance of an Android phone or an Apple OS phone. What goes on in the back-end is largely taken for granted: your apps work, your data is ‘secure’ you trust the software as far as you dare.  If the BCH network scales like BTC, the security becomes in-built due to its size, the block size or signature process is of little consequence, just like all computer hardware. We trust the back-end software design of all the products we use minute by minute.    VW/Skoda – VW products for many years traded at a premium to Skoda (VW acquired Skoda in 1991) due to brand recognition and perhaps ignorance. This pricing dislocation corrected over time as car owners understood, both brands are largely of the same quality (Product understanding over time as more information was available).     Conclusion. We reiterate and emphasise we are **not** advocating one blockchain protocol versus another (BTC vs. BCH….or any other) Instead we are attempting to raise awareness that this anomaly exists and question the merit and the logic.    We believe as the asset class matures and becomes analysed akin to traditional financial instruments and products, this store of value proposition will be rigorously examined.  What is clear in the post-fork adoption, one community were far more effective in promoting and advancing one solution in applying the hard-money narrative. Had the BCH community applied this narrative to their scaling solution, the outcomes may have been different. It is essential to consider, as the asset class develops, if BCH, also with 21mln total supply, is considered as hard-money store of value and a payments solution.   BTC for many years faced heavy criticism and denouement, but due to macro-economic conditions already mentioned, BTC was able to achieve escape velocity from the ‘non-believers’ of crypto assets. BTC has created a virtuous cycle of price appreciation and demand due to the scarcity narrative. For many years there were concerns about possible 51% attacks of the network, which BTC has far outgrown, BCH has the same DNA to be able to grow in the same decentralised way.  To quote Satoshi in January 2009 “it might make sense just to get some in case it catches on”   The authors History.  The authors of this article are identical twins, in their 50s, who have both traded many Financial Instruments and asset classes for over 30 years each, primarily in London, but also Hong Kong & Tokyo.  Both began careers in the1980s. Over the following decades, they managed considerable risk and balance sheet, trading many components of the capital structure profitably through all market cycles and macro events. Significant examples of these are the rise and fall of the Japanese equity market in the 80’s/90’s, the Russian Market collapse, the LTCM collapse, both in 1998, the bursting of the Dot-com bubble of 2000, Lehman’s ‘event’ GFC of 2008/2009. EMEA markets being re-priced as the asset class matured, 9/11…the list could go on.  The experience and knowledge gained from this journey, of trading Bull & Bear cycles, where asset valuations can be distorted, is at the core of the thesis.   From 2018 - 2020 one of the brothers, worked for a start-up crypto exchange and was able to see ‘under the hood’ of how the early crypto market operated.  The brothers have rarely been short term or momentum traders, this is not their expertise. Their investment portfolio outside of financial market assets has always been viewed predicated on applying a multi-decade timeframe.   Full Disclaimer.  This is not investment advice. We are not advocating any form of asset allocation.  We have initiated this process in view of what appears to be imminent positive regulatory changes for Crypto, in the US, and could this thesis be impacted by it.  We wish to stress, we are not predicting any price movements for any crypto asset, we simple wish to highlight a possible outcome for BCH.  Everyone should do their own research before making a decision.  This thesis is to instigate intellectual objectivity and discipline on this topic.
Sure anyone know the exact date of F3 (fast finality) launch? I read a X post someone commenting that launch date is postponed to Q2! Is that true?
I want to start filecoin mining. I can build a 320TB machine with 1GB internet and 256GB RAM and a good video card? How do I get started? What is important to know? How much would the profit be? I would be grateful if I could get some help from an experienced miner :)
Can someone tell me why is it dropping so much? Is it normal?
I can’t see this space being useful especially for the next decade. What’s the reason for the hype? Filecoin will never get CLOSE to its ATH because of its market cap and it’s practically useless. Am I wrong?
I've been holding crypto for years and recently won some ETH on Stake, so now I'm sitting on around $150k worth. It’s finally time to start DCA-ing out, but I want to make sure I do it legally and handle taxes properly. For those who’ve cashed out significant amounts before, is Coinbase a good option? I’ve heard mixed things about fees and limits, but I like that it’s a well-known platform. Are there better alternatives for cashing out larger sums? Also, should I go through my bank directly or use a service like Coinbase’s USDC withdrawal to avoid red flags? I’m in the US, so I know I’ll need to report everything and pay taxes, but I’m not sure the best way to document this properly or if I should hire a CPA who knows crypto. Would love to hear how others handled similar situations and any tips to keep this smooth and legal. Thanks in advance!
Hello, I was looking into Retoswap and I was wondering if it was decentralized. If not, why is it a secured place to trade. Sorry if it's a dumb question.
This is the weekly Monero market thread. This thread will be posted every Friday and is meant to help accelerate the adoption of Monero. Due to r/moneromarket having only a fraction of the subscribers of r/Monero, we have decided to create this thread to encourage more individuals to use Monero for product exchanges. Until the market matures, we recommend that the Monero community post their products both in this thread and on r/moneromarket (to ensure growth of that subreddit). Selling items for Monero will boost your (and Monero's) reputation as a legitimate form of exchange of goods. This is necessary for the growth of Monero, our community, and privacy as a whole. ## Instructions When you post your product or job listing here, please make sure to: - Give a description of the item. - Link to a photo of the item (if it's physical). - Provide logistics information (such as, location and/or shipping availability). - Optionally, provide an additional (private) form of communication outside of Reddit (e.g. Bitmessage, u/protonmail, u/tutanota, GPG key). - Post the price in XMR terms. Spamming will not be tolerated. Please make sure that listings are legitimate and do not break rule 2." Finally, credits to cdotsubo for starting the concept!
I recently created dmvp2p, which is a simple GUI that allows you to send Monero micro-tips to your favorite creators/projects using your CPU and the magic of p2pool ; ) Basically the way that it works is you launch the app, select the user that you want to donate to and click on start. It then launches p2pool and xmrig and starts mining to that users address. There are so many ways this could be used, from supporting your favorite creators, to crowdfunding, or donating to open source projects. The possibilities are endless! Currently I have created a basic beta that people can run here: []( I also created a ccs proposal that you can read [here]( Would highly appreciate any feedback! If you like the idea please give it a thumbs up on the ccs proposal page.
Here's an extract from a longer article I wrote about paying for Mullvad VPN with Monero: ...I will also describe how **payment for a Mullvad subscription can be done with Monero** (XMR), which makes using Mullvad VPN entirely anonymous, as it does not require an email address, username or password. \[...\] On first purchase, I was surprised **not** to be asked for identifying information, such as an email address, a username and a password. Instead, Mullvad VPN works with an account number, which reminds me of the use of license keys in audio software. \[...\] I want to take a moment to pause and consider the simplicity of this anonymous transaction mechanism. It makes me wonder: Why don't more companies sell digital products in this way? It is clearly possible. In a physical shop, anonymous cash transactions are (still) accepted. When I buy gum, or a newspaper, I don't need to give the shopkeeper my name and address in order to take the item home. But in online commerce this type of anonymous transaction is so rare, that when you see it in action, you're surprised it is even possible. It takes is a willingness on the part of the seller to stop storing user identifying information just because they can. A given user can always reveal themselves at a later point, should they need support with the product, for example, and this is how it works for Mullvad subscribers. Combine Mullvad's account number system with the anonymity that comes with physical or digital cash, and you end up with a unique experience: a legal and fully anonymous transaction for a product that you can use. It is possible to go even further in terms of anonymity, and pay for your Mullvad VPN subscription in hard cash—you send them an envelope with your account number and the cash, and your subscription will be extended. But it is also possible (and easier, and more reliable) to pay for your VPN subscription with digital cash. **Paying for Mullvad with Monero** I've [written about Monero]( before. While I don't really need cryptocurrencies in my life, I became interested in Monero through privacy podcasts and articles. Monero, or 'XMR' as it is (or, was) called on exchanges, is a ledger-based digital currency. It is my understanding that currently only a handful of cryptocurrencies come close to providing the anonymity of a physical cash transaction, and Monero is one of those. Monero is appealing because it has a vibrant community and a relatively long record of stable development. You can of course never tell, but, having spent a number of years following its development and participating in the communities, I feel confident Monero is not a cash-grab or a scam. I learned how to use Monero, and created digital wallets for myself and family members, including the kids. During one of my restless tinkering spells, I set up a Monero mining rig on an unused computer, and it continues to run to this day, churning out symbolic fractions of XMR each week, if I am lucky. The slow accumulation of mined XMR on that old computer is sometimes *just* enough to pay for another month's subscription with Mullvad. You have to experience it to know, but it feels groundbreaking to be able to pay for a legal digital product without disclosing your identity, and with anonymous digital money that you've mined yourself. Very satisfying, but also important. It proves to me that **this type of payment model is viable**, and therefore presents the possibility of a much better form of capitalism than the total surveillance nightmare we are nosediving into today. If the anonymous consumer transaction experience were more common, then I *would* have a practical use for Monero or any other private cryptocurrency. At the moment, however, it appears we are headed in the **opposite direction**. We'll be seeing the roll out of Central Bank Digital Currencies, probably in the near future, which is a form of digital cash that has customer and citizen tracing built in. \[...\] I want to keep experiencing the joy of fully anonymous transactions. I love that Mullvad VPN have forgone the possible benefits to them of [keeping track]( of their customers. I hope more products and platforms will follow Mullvad's lead and stop requiring user information and data, just because they can. If this type of transaction were to become more mainstream, it could lead to a healthier Internet and society. [](
I understand that weight copying has gone since an update not to long ago. This was a really big announcement and something people were pushing for a while. But I haven't heard much since. What happened to those validators who were weight copying? Did they switch up and start doing the actual work? Did they leave the ecosystem? How's the update affected the ecosystem?
[]( All Monero loving football fans! We're excited to announce the addition of Over/Under 2.5 goals betting to our sportsbook. You asked and we delivered as always. We'll be expanding our range of betting options in the future. Good luck! Disclaimer: I'm one of the developers. Another Disclaimer: Our services aren't available in the US.
Polkadot needs to go hard on JAM, it should spend some treasury money promoting JAM. I didnt agree with failed and unresponsible spending for taxis, billboards and sport teams. But if there is one thing in marketing i fully stand behind is JAM launch, which i havent seen done anywhere. We need to create hype and attention on this big release Also Polkadot needs to better its efforts as a leading web3 blockchain that it eants to be. SUI is a leading contender This is a race guys, its a competition, its serious, no place for neglegance and lazy people.
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Bittensor Subnet 13 Reddit Dataset

Data-universe: The finest collection of social media data the web has to offer
Data-universe: The finest collection of social media data the web has to offer

Dataset Summary

This dataset is part of the Bittensor Subnet 13 decentralized network, containing preprocessed Reddit data. The data is continuously updated by network miners, providing a real-time stream of Reddit content for various analytical and machine learning tasks. For more information about the dataset, please visit the official repository.

Supported Tasks

The versatility of this dataset allows researchers and data scientists to explore various aspects of social media dynamics and develop innovative applications. Users are encouraged to leverage this data creatively for their specific research or business needs. For example:

  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Topic Modeling
  • Community Analysis
  • Content Categorization


Primary language: Datasets are mostly English, but can be multilingual due to decentralized ways of creation.

Dataset Structure

Data Instances

Each instance represents a single Reddit post or comment with the following fields:

Data Fields

  • text (string): The main content of the Reddit post or comment.
  • label (string): Sentiment or topic category of the content.
  • dataType (string): Indicates whether the entry is a post or a comment.
  • communityName (string): The name of the subreddit where the content was posted.
  • datetime (string): The date when the content was posted or commented.
  • username_encoded (string): An encoded version of the username to maintain user privacy.
  • url_encoded (string): An encoded version of any URLs included in the content.

Data Splits

This dataset is continuously updated and does not have fixed splits. Users should create their own splits based on their requirements and the data's timestamp.

Dataset Creation

Source Data

Data is collected from public posts and comments on Reddit, adhering to the platform's terms of service and API usage guidelines.

Personal and Sensitive Information

All usernames and URLs are encoded to protect user privacy. The dataset does not intentionally include personal or sensitive information.

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact and Biases

Users should be aware of potential biases inherent in Reddit data, including demographic and content biases. This dataset reflects the content and opinions expressed on Reddit and should not be considered a representative sample of the general population.


  • Data quality may vary due to the nature of media sources.
  • The dataset may contain noise, spam, or irrelevant content typical of social media platforms.
  • Temporal biases may exist due to real-time collection methods.
  • The dataset is limited to public subreddits and does not include private or restricted communities.

Additional Information

Licensing Information

The dataset is released under the MIT license. The use of this dataset is also subject to Reddit Terms of Use.

Citation Information

If you use this dataset in your research, please cite it as follows:

        title={The Data Universe Datasets: The finest collection of social media data the web has to offer},


To report issues or contribute to the dataset, please contact the miner or use the Bittensor Subnet 13 governance mechanisms.

Dataset Statistics

[This section is automatically updated]

  • Total Instances: 24194
  • Date Range: 2019-07-24T00:00:00Z to 2025-02-11T00:00:00Z
  • Last Updated: 2025-02-11T01:22:36Z

Data Distribution

  • Posts: 6.60%
  • Comments: 93.40%

Top 10 Subreddits

For full statistics, please refer to the stats.json file in the repository.

Rank Topic Total Count Percentage
1 r/wallstreetbets 7676 31.73%
2 r/Bitcoin 4458 18.43%
3 r/CryptoCurrency 4183 17.29%
4 r/solana 2392 9.89%
5 r/CryptoMarkets 2090 8.64%
6 r/ethtrader 1588 6.56%
7 r/btc 568 2.35%
8 r/Monero 437 1.81%
9 r/Polkadot 173 0.72%
10 r/EthereumClassic 165 0.68%

Update History

Date New Instances Total Instances
2025-02-11T01:22:36Z 24194 24194
Downloads last month