imagewidth (px)
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [133.0, 36.4, 224.0, 152.6]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 175.5, "gazey": 155, "width": 375, "height": 500 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [152.4, 87.0, 240.6, 220.0]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 12.633008003234863, "gazey": 275.65057373046875, "width": 772, "height": 512 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [264.4, 37.0, 324.6, 114.0]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 375.4980773925781, "gazey": 189, "width": 451, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [159.4, 123.6, 191.6, 161.4]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 214.86099243164062, "gazey": 161.09056091308594, "width": 725, "height": 512 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [210.0, 5.0, 315.0, 128.0]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 261, "gazey": 261.9996337890625, "width": 500, "height": 334 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [75.0, 149.6, 236.0, 362.4]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 40.599788665771484, "gazey": 274.20159912109375, "width": 770, "height": 512 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [334.6, 173.0, 386.4, 215.0]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 267.63519287109375, "gazey": 213.5, "width": 640, "height": 427 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [252.8, 376.8, 345.2, 490.2]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 250.59181213378906, "gazey": 557.3823852539062, "width": 443, "height": 640 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [247.0, 65.4, 345.0, 202.6]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 243.58912658691406, "gazey": 362.6115417480469, "width": 512, "height": 683 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [140.0, 154.0, 217.0, 240.0]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 360.9126892089844, "gazey": 59.663360595703125, "width": 794, "height": 512 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [236.0, 149.0, 306.0, 233.0]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 277.20001220703125, "gazey": 359.59808349609375, "width": 770, "height": 512 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [157.6, 43.8, 307.4, 227.2]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 213, "gazey": 342.11199951171875, "width": 426, "height": 640 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [229.2, 107.8, 332.8, 235.2]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 148.0166473388672, "gazey": 438.9222412109375, "width": 768, "height": 512 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [160.768, 270.81, 197.632, 316.71]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 173.9366455078125, "gazey": 179.43075561523438, "width": 512, "height": 765 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [244.4, 181.0, 374.6, 328.0]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 310.4563293457031, "gazey": 606.0211181640625, "width": 512, "height": 768 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [378.0, 176.0, 442.0, 250.0]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 329.08306884765625, "gazey": 52.341758728027344, "width": 683, "height": 512 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [191.0, 6.0, 327.0, 145.0]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 169, "gazey": 238.5, "width": 500, "height": 375 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [213.0, 296.2, 255.0, 357.8]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 102.03648376464844, "gazey": 477.8215026855469, "width": 512, "height": 730 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [133.6, 28.6, 171.4, 73.4]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 131.2613525390625, "gazey": 134.3489990234375, "width": 331, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [119.4, 108.0, 165.6, 164.0]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 185.8647918701172, "gazey": 334.3206481933594, "width": 683, "height": 512 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [95.0, 44.0, 221.0, 219.0]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 314.1811218261719, "gazey": 149.8777618408203, "width": 768, "height": 512 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [245.0, 95.0, 290.0, 153.0]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 237.18540954589844, "gazey": 328.0230407714844, "width": 683, "height": 512 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [428.6, 114.2, 459.4, 147.8]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 425.70001220703125, "gazey": 168.04351806640625, "width": 645, "height": 512 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [196.0, 1.0, 259.0, 42.0]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 365.844482421875, "gazey": 193.16224670410156, "width": 768, "height": 512 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [386.0, 176.0, 421.0, 239.0]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 340.2188720703125, "gazey": 122.26936340332031, "width": 512, "height": 772 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [145.0, 117.0, 178.0, 150.0]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 69.818115234375, "gazey": 193.16224670410156, "width": 768, "height": 512 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [104.2, 206.8, 151.8, 271.2]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 202.1897735595703, "gazey": 219.92959594726562, "width": 423, "height": 640 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [161.0, 172.0, 221.0, 247.0]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 405.4118347167969, "gazey": 227.60447692871094, "width": 512, "height": 768 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [212.6, 216.8, 236.4, 246.2]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 176.40960693359375, "gazey": 580.8844604492188, "width": 512, "height": 768 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [388.0, 163.0, 491.0, 274.0]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 253.5167999267578, "gazey": 416.00848388671875, "width": 512, "height": 683 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [29.0, 102.0, 216.0, 359.0]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 133.81759643554688, "gazey": 371.4912109375, "width": 640, "height": 480 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [289.0, 89.0, 388.0, 186.0]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 603.2255859375, "gazey": 306.2681579589844, "width": 768, "height": 512 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [281.2, 189.6, 342.8, 248.4]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 321.164794921875, "gazey": 208.58399963378906, "width": 640, "height": 480 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [24.0, 100.0, 138.0, 218.0]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 652.8857421875, "gazey": 189.85983276367188, "width": 767, "height": 512 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [117.4, 98.6, 212.6, 227.4]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 447.0576477050781, "gazey": 257.2441711425781, "width": 683, "height": 512 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [87.0, 227.0, 119.0, 267.0]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 201.36167907714844, "gazey": 225.7471923828125, "width": 426, "height": 640 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [191.2, 199.2, 231.8, 246.8]. Point to the object the person is looking at, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 116.41728210449219, "gazey": 524.7999877929688, "width": 426, "height": 640 }