imagewidth (px) 140
| problem
stringlengths 207
| solution
dict |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [42.0, 16.0, 87.0, 70.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 203.00100708007812,
"gazey": 286.99859619140625,
"width": 300,
"height": 420
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [178.0, 210.0, 197.0, 227.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 54,
"gazey": 356.5019836425781,
"width": 300,
"height": 451
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [116.0, 74.0, 139.0, 102.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 153.50033569335938,
"gazey": 225,
"width": 327,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [65.2, 44.0, 133.8, 93.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 83.0009994506836,
"gazey": 414.5019226074219,
"width": 300,
"height": 423
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [392.0, 195.0, 452.0, 261.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 447.1021728515625,
"gazey": 470.3940124511719,
"width": 801,
"height": 600
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [242.0, 135.2, 277.0, 175.8]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 286.0021667480469,
"gazey": 243,
"width": 488,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [153.8, 31.6, 197.2, 83.4]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 204,
"gazey": 441,
"width": 300,
"height": 450
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [60.0, 42.2, 81.0, 68.8]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 35.066001892089844,
"gazey": 249.53399658203125,
"width": 200,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [116.6, 63.2, 168.4, 138.8]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 275.0010070800781,
"gazey": 252.49839782714844,
"width": 300,
"height": 385
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [228.6, 99.6, 259.4, 123.4]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 269,
"gazey": 261,
"width": 400,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [90.0, 67.0, 167.0, 151.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 116.0009994506836,
"gazey": 394.49871826171875,
"width": 300,
"height": 451
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [86.2, 61.0, 140.8, 124.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 256.7279968261719,
"gazey": 519.27001953125,
"width": 400,
"height": 600
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [156.8, 24.0, 186.2, 59.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 109,
"gazey": 147,
"width": 400,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [106.0, 171.0, 150.0, 223.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 167.57200622558594,
"gazey": 352.829833984375,
"width": 400,
"height": 534
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [315.0, 47.0, 364.0, 101.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 451.99896240234375,
"gazey": 273,
"width": 534,
"height": 400
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [28.0, 40.0, 81.0, 105.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 33,
"gazey": 276,
"width": 300,
"height": 400
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [54.2, 22.0, 80.8, 57.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 134,
"gazey": 251.16622924804688,
"width": 200,
"height": 281
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [213.6, 102.6, 237.4, 126.4]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 182.4989471435547,
"gazey": 262,
"width": 445,
"height": 400
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [271.0, 23.0, 327.0, 93.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 332.0011901855469,
"gazey": 240,
"width": 486,
"height": 400
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [140.0, 14.6, 189.0, 87.4]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 240.99899291992188,
"gazey": 339.5012512207031,
"width": 300,
"height": 351
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [92.4, 17.4, 124.6, 56.6]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 126.66600036621094,
"gazey": 279.3330078125,
"width": 200,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [74.0, 179.0, 134.0, 239.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 120.9990005493164,
"gazey": 153.4978485107422,
"width": 300,
"height": 451
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [186.0, 220.0, 239.0, 266.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 284.8399963378906,
"gazey": 163.06854248046875,
"width": 400,
"height": 606
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [66.0, 101.0, 126.0, 161.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 40.66600036621094,
"gazey": 192.49940490722656,
"width": 200,
"height": 249
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [85.4, 104.8, 103.6, 127.2]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 83.83399963378906,
"gazey": 90.81278991699219,
"width": 200,
"height": 249
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [189.0, 36.0, 249.0, 96.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 216,
"gazey": 33,
"width": 400,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [45.0, 112.0, 82.0, 155.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 93,
"gazey": 83.99967956542969,
"width": 300,
"height": 452
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [93.0, 264.0, 120.0, 292.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 149,
"gazey": 265,
"width": 500,
"height": 500
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [146.0, 71.0, 206.0, 167.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 161.00100708007812,
"gazey": 216.498046875,
"width": 300,
"height": 451
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [61.0, 64.0, 97.0, 100.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 13.618000030517578,
"gazey": 104.15618896484375,
"width": 400,
"height": 603
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [243.0, 84.0, 272.0, 112.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 233.447998046875,
"gazey": 185.39999389648438,
"width": 400,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [82.0, 83.0, 116.0, 121.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 78,
"gazey": 115.5010986328125,
"width": 300,
"height": 451
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [148.0, 88.0, 183.0, 122.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 146.00100708007812,
"gazey": 120,
"width": 300,
"height": 400
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [87.0, 118.0, 147.0, 178.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 132.99899291992188,
"gazey": 160.50006103515625,
"width": 300,
"height": 381
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [224.0, 185.0, 284.0, 245.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 213,
"gazey": 212.50218200683594,
"width": 300,
"height": 451
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [107.0, 102.0, 151.0, 149.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 93.9990005493164,
"gazey": 124.00167846679688,
"width": 300,
"height": 452
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [130.0, 89.0, 180.0, 136.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 243.99899291992188,
"gazey": 9.499863624572754,
"width": 300,
"height": 451
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [231.0, 235.5, 307.0, 333.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 166.82000732421875,
"gazey": 473.1824951171875,
"width": 500,
"height": 750
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [81.6, 52.8, 119.4, 103.2]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 207.99899291992188,
"gazey": 246.499755859375,
"width": 300,
"height": 395
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [156.0, 45.0, 216.0, 105.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 119,
"gazey": 96.9990005493164,
"width": 400,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [150.0, 318.798, 255.6, 442.152]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 505.3500061035156,
"gazey": 269.4243469238281,
"width": 600,
"height": 801
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [88.0, 171.0, 148.0, 231.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 168.47999572753906,
"gazey": 140.59979248046875,
"width": 400,
"height": 495
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [135.0, 58.0, 195.0, 118.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 200.00100708007812,
"gazey": 70.99919891357422,
"width": 300,
"height": 304
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [313.0, 159.0, 389.0, 240.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 280,
"gazey": 152.72999572753906,
"width": 500,
"height": 750
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [158.0, 79.0, 218.0, 149.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 183.99899291992188,
"gazey": 179.4980010986328,
"width": 300,
"height": 451
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [110.0, 91.8, 145.0, 128.2]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 157.08900451660156,
"gazey": 217.6199951171875,
"width": 300,
"height": 400
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [198.6, 66.8, 292.4, 159.2]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 102.49877166748047,
"gazey": 117,
"width": 451,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [137.0, 5.0, 253.0, 96.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 362.4981384277344,
"gazey": 14.000100135803223,
"width": 461,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [160.6, 195.0, 219.4, 279.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 305.7850036621094,
"gazey": 206.16302490234375,
"width": 500,
"height": 667
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [154.0, 42.0, 214.0, 102.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 162,
"gazey": 99.9990005493164,
"width": 400,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [111.0, 34.2, 160.0, 95.8]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 126,
"gazey": 130.99864196777344,
"width": 300,
"height": 452
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [402.0, 337.95, 464.0, 401.034]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 314.17498779296875,
"gazey": 266.2670593261719,
"width": 500,
"height": 751
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [88.0, 294.0, 126.0, 324.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 75.45899963378906,
"gazey": 280.1722106933594,
"width": 300,
"height": 452
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [104.8, 144.0, 123.2, 169.20000000000002]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 78.66600036621094,
"gazey": 125.33399963378906,
"width": 200,
"height": 360
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [130.0, 132.0, 156.0, 160.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 216.99899291992188,
"gazey": 149,
"width": 300,
"height": 400
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [159.0, 129.4, 180.0, 154.6]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 105.9990005493164,
"gazey": 129,
"width": 300,
"height": 400
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [291.0, 115.0, 326.0, 157.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 425.9985046386719,
"gazey": 183,
"width": 534,
"height": 400
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [298.0, 355.0, 367.0, 426.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 435.0719909667969,
"gazey": 379.79669189453125,
"width": 600,
"height": 874
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [339.0, 107.0, 425.0, 205.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 309.4287414550781,
"gazey": 451.08599853515625,
"width": 799,
"height": 600
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [123.0, 100.0, 172.0, 153.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 225.99899291992188,
"gazey": 279.0009460449219,
"width": 300,
"height": 448
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [151.0, 120.2, 172.0, 146.8]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 162.99899291992188,
"gazey": 209.49851989746094,
"width": 300,
"height": 451
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [176.0, 99.0, 213.0, 144.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 223.50135803222656,
"gazey": 261.9989929199219,
"width": 401,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [270.0, 115.0, 300.0, 150.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 234.49856567382812,
"gazey": 99.9990005493164,
"width": 437,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [207.0, 109.0, 274.0, 183.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 241.64999389648438,
"gazey": 29.079999923706055,
"width": 500,
"height": 500
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [176.0, 99.0, 236.0, 159.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 290,
"gazey": 133.50149536132812,
"width": 400,
"height": 435
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [129.2, 132.6, 169.8, 184.4]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 207.99899291992188,
"gazey": 289.50140380859375,
"width": 300,
"height": 451
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [65.0, 97.0, 145.0, 165.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 110.0009994506836,
"gazey": 205.49815368652344,
"width": 300,
"height": 451
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [181.0, 129.0, 209.0, 167.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 215.00100708007812,
"gazey": 287,
"width": 300,
"height": 400
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [182.0, 76.0, 226.0, 129.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 65.0009994506836,
"gazey": 166.50018310546875,
"width": 300,
"height": 451
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [161.0, 84.0, 221.0, 144.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 168,
"gazey": 60,
"width": 400,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [72.0, 189.0, 102.0, 221.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 119.97000122070312,
"gazey": 161.43093872070312,
"width": 300,
"height": 451
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [158.0, 37.0, 218.0, 97.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 212,
"gazey": 65.50180053710938,
"width": 400,
"height": 455
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [178.0, 66.0, 238.0, 126.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 192,
"gazey": 138,
"width": 400,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [126.2, 73.0, 173.8, 101.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 154.46099853515625,
"gazey": 58.17150115966797,
"width": 300,
"height": 450
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [86.0, 125.0, 131.0, 173.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 77.0009994506836,
"gazey": 257.4984436035156,
"width": 300,
"height": 451
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [187.0, 65.0, 247.0, 125.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 229,
"gazey": 89.0009994506836,
"width": 400,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [188.0, 104.0, 213.0, 130.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 188,
"gazey": 59.000999450683594,
"width": 400,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [150.0, 69.0, 210.0, 143.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 247.65899658203125,
"gazey": 120.89956665039062,
"width": 300,
"height": 451
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [78.4, 37.08, 118.4, 92.082]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 115.33399963378906,
"gazey": 289.8327331542969,
"width": 200,
"height": 309
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [71.0, 98.0, 111.0, 138.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 141,
"gazey": 20.50020408630371,
"width": 300,
"height": 451
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [96.276, 48.24, 117.52, 67.134]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 95.57991790771484,
"gazey": 4.019999980926514,
"width": 226,
"height": 201
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [227.0, 32.0, 261.0, 73.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 46,
"gazey": 168,
"width": 400,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [189.0, 88.0, 249.0, 148.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 237,
"gazey": 82,
"width": 300,
"height": 400
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [157.0, 49.0, 192.0, 80.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 165,
"gazey": 36,
"width": 300,
"height": 400
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [175.0, 119.0, 193.0, 136.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 200.50106811523438,
"gazey": 137.00100708007812,
"width": 451,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [103.4, 237.8, 128.6, 260.2]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 158.00100708007812,
"gazey": 211,
"width": 300,
"height": 400
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [266.0, 71.0, 326.0, 131.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 281.50067138671875,
"gazey": 98.0009994506836,
"width": 451,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [120.0, 110.0, 155.0, 147.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 60.999000549316406,
"gazey": 70.00055694580078,
"width": 300,
"height": 344
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [172.0, 42.0, 221.0, 96.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 273.5002746582031,
"gazey": 64,
"width": 471,
"height": 400
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [181.0, 97.0, 241.0, 157.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 191.20799255371094,
"gazey": 110.8290023803711,
"width": 400,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [70.0, 195.0, 112.0, 244.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 200,
"gazey": 87.50260925292969,
"width": 400,
"height": 533
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [189.4, 13.0, 214.6, 48.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 156,
"gazey": 8.000100135803223,
"width": 400,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [274.6, 81.0, 291.4, 102.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 322.5010681152344,
"gazey": 65.0009994506836,
"width": 451,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [121.0, 102.0, 160.0, 147.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 137.00100708007812,
"gazey": 125.99951934814453,
"width": 300,
"height": 404
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [171.0, 254.0, 231.0, 314.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 176.00100708007812,
"gazey": 141.50125122070312,
"width": 300,
"height": 451
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [162.0, 70.0, 222.0, 130.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 194.00100708007812,
"gazey": 174.50091552734375,
"width": 300,
"height": 451
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [134.2, 100.8, 160.8, 130.2]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 93.9990005493164,
"gazey": 288,
"width": 300,
"height": 450
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [342.0, 171.0, 392.0, 224.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 411.6400146484375,
"gazey": 240.36599731445312,
"width": 800,
"height": 600
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [295.0, 83.0, 325.0, 118.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 303.1514587402344,
"gazey": 82.7699966430664,
"width": 439,
"height": 300
} |
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [86.4, 63.0, 104.6, 84.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points> | {
"gazex": 113.01899719238281,
"gazey": 124.00800323486328,
"width": 300,
"height": 400
} |
Subsets and Splits