imagewidth (px)
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [423.0, 208.0, 445.0, 237.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 375.448486328125, "gazey": 201.5823516845703, "width": 450, "height": 295 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [77.792, 143.764, 109.824, 175.26]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 68.494140625, "gazey": 150.70582580566406, "width": 286, "height": 254 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [38.0, 82.0, 69.0, 114.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 105.39600372314453, "gazey": 117.34249877929688, "width": 300, "height": 275 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [168.8, 104.0, 198.2, 139.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 109.99800109863281, "gazey": 315.0014343261719, "width": 450, "height": 316 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [214.0, 170.0, 274.0, 230.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 180.99899291992188, "gazey": 332.00048828125, "width": 450, "height": 338 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [362.0, 128.8, 400.0, 200.2]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 350.8599853515625, "gazey": 227.16900634765625, "width": 400, "height": 300 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [171.0, 153.0, 224.0, 205.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 531.27001953125, "gazey": 220.00160217285156, "width": 600, "height": 416 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [83.0, 168.0, 126.0, 207.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 337.0920104980469, "gazey": 186.18080139160156, "width": 600, "height": 416 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [322.0, 165.4, 357.0, 197.6]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 325.0920104980469, "gazey": 231.99903869628906, "width": 600, "height": 416 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [86.0, 201.0, 120.0, 243.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 118.67549896240234, "gazey": 264.50115966796875, "width": 610, "height": 407 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [163.0, 123.0, 201.0, 165.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 253.02000427246094, "gazey": 134.23875427246094, "width": 500, "height": 375 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [412.0, 193.0, 472.0, 253.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 400, "gazey": 227.00064086914062, "width": 500, "height": 358 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [152.0, 58.0, 212.0, 118.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 232.06053161621094, "gazey": 87.36090087890625, "width": 321, "height": 230 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [387.0, 58.0, 434.0, 112.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 246.68800354003906, "gazey": 293.52960205078125, "width": 640, "height": 480 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [336.0, 159.0, 398.0, 227.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 230.39999389648438, "gazey": 297.0191955566406, "width": 640, "height": 480 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [301.0, 198.0, 368.0, 279.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 144.28799438476562, "gazey": 305.164794921875, "width": 640, "height": 480 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [169.0, 88.0, 206.0, 138.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 164.07040405273438, "gazey": 286.54559326171875, "width": 640, "height": 480 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [500.2, 73.0, 540.8, 129.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 260.6528015136719, "gazey": 267.9263916015625, "width": 640, "height": 480 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [324.6, 71.8, 355.4, 115.2]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 128, "gazey": 308.6543884277344, "width": 640, "height": 480 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [240.0, 202.6, 289.0, 247.4]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 257.164794921875, "gazey": 293.52960205078125, "width": 640, "height": 480 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [131.0, 135.0, 174.0, 189.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 235.05279541015625, "gazey": 216.72959899902344, "width": 640, "height": 480 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [335.0, 217.0, 431.0, 326.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 304.6400146484375, "gazey": 377.96160888671875, "width": 640, "height": 480 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [11.2, 161.2, 72.8, 250.8]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 372.36480712890625, "gazey": 294.6911926269531, "width": 640, "height": 480 }
There is a person whose head is at bounding box [253.8, 194.0, 311.2, 264.0]. Point to the object the person is looking, it must be outside of the bbox, output its coordinates in XML format <points x y>object</points>
{ "gazex": 185.01759338378906, "gazey": 331.9295959472656, "width": 640, "height": 480 }