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Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Schlosserei Moser - Pferdeboxen auf Mass - Moserbox Content: Pferdeboxen Produktion Unsere Schlosserei führt Präzisionsschweißarbeiten und Stanzarbeiten durch und fertigt Bestandteile für verschiedene Produkte wie Feuerschutztüren. Unter dem Einsatz unseres modernen Roboters und unseres optimal ausgestatteten Maschinenparks sind wir in der Lage, präzise und hochqualitative Arbeiten durchzuführen. Mehr erfahren Maschinenpark Der Einsatz eines hochwertigen Maschinenparks und modernster Technik ermöglicht es uns,Produkte mit Standardmaßen zeitnah und kostengünstig herzustellen sowie Sonderanfertigungen auf Maß individuell zu produzieren. Mehr erfahren Pferdeboxen Unsere selbst hergestellten Pferdeboxen (Moserbox) zeichnen sich durch Robustheit und raffinierte Details aus. So verschieden die Anforderungen in der Pferdehaltung sind, so variantenreich sind unsere Lösungsansätze. Durch unser Fachwissen und den Einsatz von Maschinen modernster Technik erfüllen wir all Ihre Wünsche. [PAGE] Title: Contact | Content: [PAGE] Title: Partner - Metallverarbeitung in Südtirol | Content: Pferdeboxen Produktion Unsere Schlosserei führt Präzisionsschweißarbeiten und Stanzarbeiten durch und fertigt Bestandteile für verschiedene Produkte wie Feuerschutztüren. Unter dem Einsatz unseres modernen Roboters und unseres optimal ausgestatteten Maschinenparks sind wir in der Lage, präzise und hochqualitative Arbeiten durchzuführen. Mehr erfahren Maschinenpark Der Einsatz eines hochwertigen Maschinenparks und modernster Technik ermöglicht es uns,Produkte mit Standardmaßen zeitnah und kostengünstig herzustellen sowie Sonderanfertigungen auf Maß individuell zu produzieren. Mehr erfahren Pferdeboxen Unsere selbst hergestellten Pferdeboxen (Moserbox) zeichnen sich durch Robustheit und raffinierte Details aus. So verschieden die Anforderungen in der Pferdehaltung sind, so variantenreich sind unsere Lösungsansätze. Durch unser Fachwissen und den Einsatz von Maschinen modernster Technik erfüllen wir all Ihre Wünsche. [PAGE] Title: News - Metall Erzeugnisse - Handel und Montage im Sarntal Content: Pferdeboxen Produktion Unsere Schlosserei führt Präzisionsschweißarbeiten und Stanzarbeiten durch und fertigt Bestandteile für verschiedene Produkte wie Feuerschutztüren. Unter dem Einsatz unseres modernen Roboters und unseres optimal ausgestatteten Maschinenparks sind wir in der Lage, präzise und hochqualitative Arbeiten durchzuführen. Mehr erfahren Maschinenpark Der Einsatz eines hochwertigen Maschinenparks und modernster Technik ermöglicht es uns,Produkte mit Standardmaßen zeitnah und kostengünstig herzustellen sowie Sonderanfertigungen auf Maß individuell zu produzieren. Mehr erfahren Pferdeboxen Unsere selbst hergestellten Pferdeboxen (Moserbox) zeichnen sich durch Robustheit und raffinierte Details aus. So verschieden die Anforderungen in der Pferdehaltung sind, so variantenreich sind unsere Lösungsansätze. Durch unser Fachwissen und den Einsatz von Maschinen modernster Technik erfüllen wir all Ihre Wünsche. [PAGE] Title: Imprint | Content: Imprint Owner responsible for this website Mandatory information according to the EU-Regulation N. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council Platform for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (ODR) to the European Commission: Webdesign & programming hantha - Web Agency Typo3 Dick 48/B - 39058 Sarntal South Tyrol - Italy Schlosserei MoserHandwerkerzone 2239058 SarntalSüdtirol - Italien [PAGE] Title: Referenzen » Schlosserei Sarntal in Südtirol Content: Pferdeboxen Produktion Unsere Schlosserei führt Präzisionsschweißarbeiten und Stanzarbeiten durch und fertigt Bestandteile für verschiedene Produkte wie Feuerschutztüren. Unter dem Einsatz unseres modernen Roboters und unseres optimal ausgestatteten Maschinenparks sind wir in der Lage, präzise und hochqualitative Arbeiten durchzuführen. Mehr erfahren Maschinenpark Der Einsatz eines hochwertigen Maschinenparks und modernster Technik ermöglicht es uns,Produkte mit Standardmaßen zeitnah und kostengünstig herzustellen sowie Sonderanfertigungen auf Maß individuell zu produzieren. Mehr erfahren Pferdeboxen Unsere selbst hergestellten Pferdeboxen (Moserbox) zeichnen sich durch Robustheit und raffinierte Details aus. So verschieden die Anforderungen in der Pferdehaltung sind, so variantenreich sind unsere Lösungsansätze. Durch unser Fachwissen und den Einsatz von Maschinen modernster Technik erfüllen wir all Ihre Wünsche. [PAGE] Title: Produktion - Verarbeitung von Metall im Sarntal Südtirol | Content: Scroll Produktion Ihre Anforderungen sind unsere Herausforderung. Dank bestens ausgebildeten Mitarbeitern, modernem Maschinenpark samt Roboter und innovativen Lösungen bewähren wir uns als verlässlicher sowie kompetenter Partner und überzeugen mit qualitativ hochwertiger Verarbeitung. Eingehen auf Kundenwünschen, Flexibilität in der Produktion und die Einhaltung von zugesagten Lieferterminen ist für uns selbstverständlich – ebenso die maximale Sicherheit unserer Mitarbeiter. Pferdeboxen Ein Zuhause für Ihr Pferd! Wir fertigen, liefern und montieren Pferdeboxen innen und außen samt Zubehör in Standardmaßen und individuellen Größen schlüsselfertig. Unsere Produkte zeichnen sich durch Robustheit, Qualität und raffinierten Details aus. Stalltüren Der Eingang ist die Visitenkarte eines jeden Gebäudes. Mit unseren Stalltüren machen Sie garantiert einen guten ersten Eindruck. Wir bieten Standardmaßen und Anfertigungen auf Maß, stabile Profile und unterschiedliche Holzarten. Geländer, Tore & Zäune Mit Kreativität und Innovation stellen wir Balkongeländer, Tore und Zäune her. Ob Neubau, Renovierung oder Anbau: Wir produzieren Modelle für alle Baustile. Pferdeboxen Maschinenpark Der Einsatz eines hochwertigen Maschinenparks und modernster Technik ermöglicht es uns,Produkte mit Standardmaßen zeitnah und kostengünstig herzustellen sowie Sonderanfertigungen auf Maß individuell zu produzieren. Mehr erfahren Pferdeboxen Unsere selbst hergestellten Pferdeboxen (Moserbox) zeichnen sich durch Robustheit und raffinierte Details aus. So verschieden die Anforderungen in der Pferdehaltung sind, so variantenreich sind unsere Lösungsansätze. Durch unser Fachwissen und den Einsatz von Maschinen modernster Technik erfüllen wir all Ihre Wünsche. [PAGE] Title: Maschinenpark - Moderne Metallverarbeitung in Südtirol | Content: Scroll Der Maschinenpark Wir produzieren für Sie mit modernster Technik und Ausrüstung. Der Einsatz eines hochwertigen Maschinenparks und modernster Technik ermöglicht es uns, Produkte mit Standardmaßen zeitnah und kostengünstig herzustellen sowie Sonderanfertigungen auf Maß individuell zu produzieren. Wir haben stets Ihre Wünsche, Vorstellungen und Anforderungen im Fokus und setzen unsere Geräte und Maschinen dazu ein, das optimale Produkt für Sie zu kreieren. Your browser does not support the video tag. Scroll Schweißroboter Dieser Schweißroboter mit Drehtisch kann hoch präzise Schweißarbeiten in kürzester Zeit vornehmen. Durch die Automatisierung der Verarbeitungsprozesse kann die Produktion erheblich gesteigert werden, ohne an Qualität zu verlieren. Der Arbeitsradius des Roboters beträgt 500 x 1300 mm pro Seite. Your browser does not support the video tag. Scroll Laserschneideanlage Mit dieser Maschine können wir Edelstahl bis 15 mm, Stahl bis 20 mm und Aluminium bis 10 mm bis zu einer Plattengröße von 3000 x 1500 mm maßhaltig und sauber bearbeiten. Your browser does not support the video tag. Scroll Verschiedene Stanzen Mit unseren Stanzmaschinen können wir hohe Produktionszahlen in bester Qualität anfertigen. Das große Sortiment an verschiedenen Stanzmaschinen macht es uns möglich eine Vielzahl an verschiedenen Stanzteilen herzustellen. Neben dem Stanzen bieten einige unserer Maschinen die Möglichkeit, Blech- und andere Metallteile umzuformen. Your browser does not support the video tag. Scroll Automatische Sägen Unsere automatischen und halbautomatischen Hochleistungssägen sind jeder noch speziellen Anforderung gewachsen. Mit diesen Sägen können wir problemlos verschiedene Arten Rohren, Profilen und Vollmaterialien aus Stahl oder Buntmetallen in jede gewünschte Größe schneiden. Your browser does not support the video tag. Scroll Abkantpresse und Metallbiegemaschinen Die automatische Abkantpresse und Biegemaschinen bieten vielfältige Einsatzmöglichkeiten im Bereich Winkel-, Rund-, Reifen- und Spiralbiegen von Flach-, Vierkant- und Rundmaterial. Mit der Abkantpresse und den Biegemaschinen können wir schnell und präzise unsere Metallstücke in Form bringen. Your browser does not support the video tag. Scroll Plasmaschneidegerät Die Vorteile der Plasmaschneidgeräte sind unter anderem der geringe Wärmeeinfluss die einfache Anwendung, und die sehr genauen Schnittkanten. Der Plasmaschneider eignet sich zur Verarbeitung aller Metalle, wie z. B. Stahl, Edelstahl, Aluminium, Messing, Kupfer uvm. Weitere Maschinen in unserer Werkstatt Magnetbohrmaschine
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Site Overview: Title: Schlosserei Moser - Pferdeboxen auf Mass - Moserbox Content: Pferdeboxen Produktion Unsere Schlosserei führt Präzisionsschweißarbeiten und Stanzarbeiten durch und fertigt Bestandteile für verschiedene Produkte wie Feuerschutztüren. Unter dem Einsatz unseres modernen Roboters und unseres optimal ausgestatteten Maschinenparks sind wir in der Lage, präzise und hochqualitative Arbeiten durchzuführen. Mehr erfahren Maschinenpark Der Einsatz eines hochwertigen Maschinenparks und modernster Technik ermöglicht es uns,Produkte mit Standardmaßen zeitnah und kostengünstig herzustellen sowie Sonderanfertigungen auf Maß individuell zu produzieren. Title: Partner - Metallverarbeitung in Südtirol | Content: Pferdeboxen Produktion Unsere Schlosserei führt Präzisionsschweißarbeiten und Stanzarbeiten durch und fertigt Bestandteile für verschiedene Produkte wie Feuerschutztüren. Unter dem Einsatz unseres modernen Roboters und unseres optimal ausgestatteten Maschinenparks sind wir in der Lage, präzise und hochqualitative Arbeiten durchzuführen. Mehr erfahren Maschinenpark Der Einsatz eines hochwertigen Maschinenparks und modernster Technik ermöglicht es uns,Produkte mit Standardmaßen zeitnah und kostengünstig herzustellen sowie Sonderanfertigungen auf Maß individuell zu produzieren. Unter dem Einsatz unseres modernen Roboters und unseres optimal ausgestatteten Maschinenparks sind wir in der Lage, präzise und hochqualitative Arbeiten durchzuführen. Mehr erfahren Maschinenpark Der Einsatz eines hochwertigen Maschinenparks und modernster Technik ermöglicht es uns,Produkte mit Standardmaßen zeitnah und kostengünstig herzustellen sowie Sonderanfertigungen auf Maß individuell zu produzieren. Mehr erfahren Maschinenpark Der Einsatz eines hochwertigen Maschinenparks und modernster Technik ermöglicht es uns,Produkte mit Standardmaßen zeitnah und kostengünstig herzustellen sowie Sonderanfertigungen auf Maß individuell zu produzieren. Title: Produktion - Verarbeitung von Metall im Sarntal Südtirol | Content: Scroll Produktion Ihre Anforderungen sind unsere Herausforderung. Unsere Produkte zeichnen sich durch Robustheit, Qualität und raffinierten Details aus. Pferdeboxen Maschinenpark Der Einsatz eines hochwertigen Maschinenparks und modernster Technik ermöglicht es uns,Produkte mit Standardmaßen zeitnah und kostengünstig herzustellen sowie Sonderanfertigungen auf Maß individuell zu produzieren. Title: Maschinenpark - Moderne Metallverarbeitung in Südtirol | Content: Scroll Der Maschinenpark Wir produzieren für Sie mit modernster Technik und Ausrüstung. Der Einsatz eines hochwertigen Maschinenparks und modernster Technik ermöglicht es uns, Produkte mit Standardmaßen zeitnah und kostengünstig herzustellen sowie Sonderanfertigungen auf Maß individuell zu produzieren. Durch die Automatisierung der Verarbeitungsprozesse kann die Produktion erheblich gesteigert werden, ohne an Qualität zu verlieren. Scroll Laserschneideanlage Mit dieser Maschine können wir Edelstahl bis 15 mm, Stahl bis 20 mm und Aluminium bis 10 mm bis zu einer Plattengröße von 3000 x 1500 mm maßhaltig und sauber bearbeiten. Scroll Verschiedene Stanzen Mit unseren Stanzmaschinen können wir hohe Produktionszahlen in bester Qualität anfertigen. Mit der Abkantpresse und den Biegemaschinen können wir schnell und präzise unsere Metallstücke in Form bringen. Scroll Plasmaschneidegerät Die Vorteile der Plasmaschneidgeräte sind unter anderem der geringe Wärmeeinfluss die einfache Anwendung, und die sehr genauen Schnittkanten.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Pricing Content: Daily Fee Golf Course Website Design, Hosting, Support and Unlimited Training monthly Semi Private Golf Club Website Design, Hosting, Support and Unlimited Training monthly Fully Private Golf Club Website Design, Hosting, Support and Unlimited Training monthly For 9 Hole and 27+ Hole Golf Course Pricing, please inquire. Consulting [PAGE] Title: Showcase Content: Client Testimonies Fair Prices "You won’t find a more fairly priced company that is able to deliver the results that CourseLogix has for us..." Don Helinski, Communications Manager Forest Dunes Golf Club, MI Increased Rankings "...our total rounds have increased over 19%, a direct result of Waterchase being consistently ranked at the top of search engines..." Jonathan Bird, Director of Golf Waterchase Golf Club, TX Increased Traffic "...our web traffic has increased dramatically...We can recommend Course Logix without reservation..." Bob Koutnik, Owner Fox Run Country Club Serving the golf course industry since 2004. Birmingham, MIClarkston, MI Ripon, CA [PAGE] Title: Testimonials Content: Our clients prove that we are committed to serving you. Fair Prices We are thankful to be partnered with CourseLogix for our e-marketing endeavors. CourseLogix provides great tools for us to utilize and most importantly, great service. Together, we were able to build an attractive, user-friendly web site that allowed us to effectively deliver our message. We love the kiosk functionality for data collection at golf shows. The best part is the personal touch we receive working directly with Bay Paul. He is knowledgeable about technology and the golf industry. You won’t find a more fairly priced company that is able to deliver the results that CourseLogix has for us. CourseLogix has played a big part in our overall business success this year and we look forward to the future opportunities that our partnership provides. Don Helinski, Communications ManagerForest Dunes Golf Club, MI 135+ New Memberships Since Course Logix's involvement, we have sold over 135+ new memberships, which is the more than we have sold in the last 10 years combined. What's just as impressive is our banquet revenue and outing revenue has doubled since last year. Omar Demara, Chief Financial Officer Oakhurst Golf & Country Club 30% Increase in Revenue We have been using CourseLogix since 2004. In the first year, we saw a 30% increase in revenue. Each year our revenue is climbing, and last year we've increased our revenue by 24%. All of their tools have set us apart from our competition. CourseLogix played a major part in our success at Huntmore Golf Club Matt Horn, Head Golf Professional Huntmore Golf Club Top Ranking CourseLogix has always gone above and beyond to exceed our expectations. Since implementing a new website designed by Course-Logix, our total rounds have increased over 19%, a direct result of Waterchase being consistently ranked at the top of search engines. If you're looking for a company with the most innovative website technology, you won't go wrong with CourseLogix. Jonathan Bird, Director of Golf Waterchase Golf Club, TX Increased Traffic Thanks to Course Logix our web traffic has increased dramatically. Hardly a day goes by that a golfer checking in doesn't comment about how helpful our web site is. Our leagues love the new league template that allows them to get their schedules and league standings anytime online. Kudos to Bay and Course Logix. We can recommend Course Logix without reservation. Bob Koutnik, Owner Fox Run Country Club Quick Turn Around Course Logix has the winning combination of impressive website design options, quick turn-around time and is a perfect fit for our small business budget. Course Logix is exceptional to work with and we are 100% satisfied! Owners of Fox Hills Golf & Banquet Plymouth, MI Exceeded Expectations Course-Logix has met and exceeded our needs and expectations. The flexability they offer is top notch. Can count on Bay and his team to be there in short notice to assist with anything and know that they come through! Highly recommended. Sam Rodriguez Puerto Rico Golf Association Grow Revenue "Working with Course Logix and Bay has been essential to re-branding our club and growing revenue. We have received lots of positive feedback about our website, and the process was easy! Bay always responds to questions within 24 hours, often times within an hour of receiving my email. He has spent lots of time not only training us on updating our website, but serving as a thought partner and consultant as we try to make improvements to our course." Kristen DavidseOwnership [PAGE] Title: Online Tee Times Content: Client Testimonies Fair Prices "You won’t find a more fairly priced company that is able to deliver the results that CourseLogix has for us..." Don Helinski, Communications Manager Forest Dunes Golf Club, MI Increased Rankings "...our total rounds have increased over 19%, a direct result of Waterchase being consistently ranked at the top of search engines..." Jonathan Bird, Director of Golf Waterchase Golf Club, TX Increased Traffic "...our web traffic has increased dramatically...We can recommend Course Logix without reservation..." Bob Koutnik, Owner Fox Run Country Club Serving the golf course industry since 2004. Birmingham, MIClarkston, MI Ripon, CA [PAGE] Title: Our Support Content: Above and Beyond Support We go above and beyond our clients expectations. At CourseLogix we do not treat our clients as just another number. All of our clients receive free support on all solutions provided by CourseLogix. Whether you need help updating your green fees, adding events to your online calendar or sending an e-blast. We are here to help. We all know you can have the latest technology at your course, but what good is it if no one knows how to use it? At CourseLogix we spend hours every day training and supporting our clients for free. Schedule a Demo Today [PAGE] Title: Video Tutorials Content: Page Editing 101 (Joomla 4) EDITING YOUR POP UP Editing Your Online Calendar from the Front End FAQ Very Important.  If you are not getting the admin notifications from your online forms, there is a 99% chance they are in your spam folder. You will need to white list our sending email address. Please check with our support team, but the default sending email address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The whitelist rules must be applied at your email provider web login level and not at the application level locally on your computer. Below are instructions for creating rules to never mark our sending email as spam/junk. Most Popular Email Provider Tutorials [PAGE] Title: Contact Content: How did you hear about us? Invalid Input Tell us more about your needs Invalid Input Client Testimonies Fair Prices "You won’t find a more fairly priced company that is able to deliver the results that CourseLogix has for us..." Don Helinski, Communications Manager Forest Dunes Golf Club, MI Increased Rankings "...our total rounds have increased over 19%, a direct result of Waterchase being consistently ranked at the top of search engines..." Jonathan Bird, Director of Golf Waterchase Golf Club, TX Increased Traffic "...our web traffic has increased dramatically...We can recommend Course Logix without reservation..." Bob Koutnik, Owner Fox Run Country Club Serving the golf course industry since 2004. Birmingham, MIClarkston, MI Ripon, CA [PAGE] Title: Email Marketing Content: Contact Email Marketingfor Golf Courses CourseLogix has been in the Email Marketing Business since 2005. We have a full understanding of what it takes to have a successful email marketing campaign and we have the latest technology when it comes to email marketing. Grow your golf property revenue with Email Marketing. Email Marketing Platform Features Email Marketing Our state-of-the-art email marketing system allows you to easily grow your database and communicate to your customers. Flat rate fee, no cost per email/user. EZ E-blast Editor Our system allows for even the non tech savvy operators to quickly send out e-blasts to their customers. Email Segmentation Segment your emails and only reach certain golfers or send to all. Ever want to send emails to just golfers who live outside a 30 minute radius? E-Blast Auto Scheduler Put your email marketing campaign on Auto Pilot and schedule your email marketing plan 3-6 months out. Full Email Reporting Track Open Rates, Subscription Rates, Click Through Rates, and Bounce Emails. Our reporting allows you to drill down to see who clicked on what. Text Messaging Reach golfers instantly via Text Messaging. Data Collection Widgets Grow your database through newsletter signups, contests, birthday club, and doorway pages. Triple your database in 6 months. Support We understand that course operators wear many hats these days. We take pride in our support and provide the highest level of support in the industry. Just ask our clients Dedicated Account Manager All of CourseLogix clients are assigned a dedicated account manager who specializes in golf course marketing and have experience in operating golf courses. Schedule a Demo Today [PAGE] Title: dashboard Content: Serving the golf course industry since 2004. Birmingham, MIClarkston, MI Ripon, CA [PAGE] Title: Public Relations & Photography Content: Golf Course Public Relations / Course Photography CourseLogix has a strategic relationship with Kevin Frisch PR. Kevin Frisch PR Services: Public Relations for the Golf, Resort, and Travel Industry Marketing / Content / Branding [PAGE] Title: About Us Content: Helping courses since 2004 Bay Paul (Chief Client Support Officer/ Partner) Bay Paul has combined his marketing success and club management experience and has truly proven himself as a unique player in the Golf Course Industry.  Bay oversees all CourseLogix operations and is one of the founding partners back in 2004.  Bay directly works with all CourseLogix clients on a day-to-day basis which sets CourseLogix apart from the rest.  Bay is known for his "Servants Heart" and has built many relationships with clubs over the past 20+ years in the golf industry. Bay has been in the Internet Marketing space since 1999 and has successfully pioneered multiple successful start up companies. Past & Previous Experience / Affiliations Director of Client Support & Development at CourseLogix Vice President of Franklin Golf Management Board Member - MGCOA "Michigan Golf Course Owners Association" Director of Golf at Huntmore Golf Club Director of Golf at Captains Club at Woodfield Golf Club Director of Sales & Marketing at Oakhurst Golf & Country Club Search Engine Optimization Consultant Writer for the MGCOA "Tee Off Times" Magazine Dean Horn (HONARY Partner) Dean Horn's 30 years of golf management experience has earned him an outstanding reputation as an innovator and front-runner within the golf club industry. With his cutting edge ideas, detailed management style and history of profitability, Horn has proven himself a leader among industry peers. Dean has been a mentor to Bay Paul from the beginning and CourseLogix's success wouldn't be possible without Dean Horn. Past & Previous Experience/Affiliations President of Oakhurst Golf LLC, Clarkston MI General Manager of Orchard Lake CC Owner/General Manager of Huntmore Golf Club President/Partner of McKay Golf Management General Manager/Partner of Ballentrae Golf & Yatch Club President/General Manager of Deer Creek Golf club President/General Manager of Carolina Club, Margate FL General Manager/Director of Golf at Boca Woods CC Schedule a Demo Today [PAGE] Title: Solutions Content: Client Testimonies Fair Prices "You won’t find a more fairly priced company that is able to deliver the results that CourseLogix has for us..." Don Helinski, Communications Manager Forest Dunes Golf Club, MI Increased Rankings "...our total rounds have increased over 19%, a direct result of Waterchase being consistently ranked at the top of search engines..." Jonathan Bird, Director of Golf Waterchase Golf Club, TX Increased Traffic "...our web traffic has increased dramatically...We can recommend Course Logix without reservation..." Bob Koutnik, Owner Fox Run Country Club Serving the golf course industry since 2004. Birmingham, MIClarkston, MI Ripon, CA [PAGE] Title: CourseLogix - Golf Course Website Design & Online Tee Times Content: Our Golf Property Solutions Website Design Take your club's website to the next level with CourseLogix.  Built for mobile and desktop, your website will be designed to generate more rounds and revenue. Read more Email Marketing Our E-Mail Marketing Platform is fully integrated with our websites.  Easily create professional looking email campaigns, auto schedule, full tracking, and list segmentation. Read more Online Tee Times Allow your golfers to book tee times online via their desktop or mobile devices through your website.  Barter Free Tee Times... Read more Online Event Registration Full online event calendar with customizable online event registration sign up forms for tournaments, clinics, parties, Jr. programs, and any other events you run at your club. E-Commerce Generate extra online revenue through selling gift cards, gift certificates, pre-paid rounds, and merchandise through our fully integrated online pro shop. SEO Looking to get listed high in the Google?  We offer organic search engine optimization and also google Pay Per Click management for our clubs. What we do Your browser does not support the video tag. CourseLogix has been helping public golf courses, semi-private golf courses, private country clubs, and resorts since 2004.  We specialize in golf course website design , email marketing , online event registration, online store, online tee times , and search engine optimization . Our group has over 50+ years combined experience in operating and marketing golf courses. [PAGE] Title: Website Design Content: We have an eye for design... CourseLogix has been helping golf course properties for over 15+ Years. Golf Course Websites CourseLogix has been designing websites for public, daily fee, municipal, semi-private, private and resort golf courses since 2004. Our professional looking websites will give your facility the look you demand. All of our websites are built with the latest technology and are compatible on all mobile devices. How easy is it to edit my golf property website? Website Features Mobile Ready 40% off all golfers search for courses on their mobile device. All of our websites are fully responsive and built to look and work great on desktop and mobile devices. EZ Editor Full Control of your content, plus our EZ Editor allows even the non-tech savvy operators to easily edit their website. Online Store Allow your customers to purchase Gift Cards and other items online. We can integrate with all US based credit card processing companies. Event Registration Do you want to take online registrations for tournaments, outings, brunches, clinics and much more? We can make it happen. Increase Leads Generate leads and grow your email database through various sign up or inquiry form. Social Media Our websites allow you to pull in all of your social media channels, plus book online tee times via your Facebook page. SEO Our websites are optimized for the search engines. We guarantee 1st page on Google Listing. Members Portal Our Members Only Portal is geared for our Private & Semi Private Clubs that need a interactive member portal to run their club. Text Messaging We have several options for courses who want to take advantage of text message marketing. Dedicated Support We take pride in our support and offer free unlimited training and support to all our golf property clients. Email Marketing Our Email Marketing Software is full integrated with your website. Automated Campaigns, Full Tracking, Targeted Lists, etc.. Online Tee Times Our TeeWire application allows your golfers to book tee times online. Complete with backend electronic tee sheet.
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Title: Showcase Content: Client Testimonies Fair Prices "You won’t find a more fairly priced company that is able to deliver the results that CourseLogix has for us..." Don Helinski, Communications Manager Forest Dunes Golf Club, MI Increased Rankings "...our total rounds have increased over 19%, a direct result of Waterchase being consistently ranked at the top of search engines..." Jonathan Bird, Director of Golf Waterchase Golf Club, TX Increased Traffic "...our web traffic has increased dramatically...We can recommend Course Logix without reservation..." Bob Koutnik, Owner Fox Run Country Club Serving the golf course industry since 2004. Title: Online Tee Times Content: Client Testimonies Fair Prices "You won’t find a more fairly priced company that is able to deliver the results that CourseLogix has for us..." Don Helinski, Communications Manager Forest Dunes Golf Club, MI Increased Rankings "...our total rounds have increased over 19%, a direct result of Waterchase being consistently ranked at the top of search engines..." Jonathan Bird, Director of Golf Waterchase Golf Club, TX Increased Traffic "...our web traffic has increased dramatically...We can recommend Course Logix without reservation..." Bob Koutnik, Owner Fox Run Country Club Serving the golf course industry since 2004. All of our clients receive free support on all solutions provided by CourseLogix. Title: Email Marketing Content: Contact Email Marketingfor Golf Courses CourseLogix has been in the Email Marketing Business since 2005. We have a full understanding of what it takes to have a successful email marketing campaign and we have the latest technology when it comes to email marketing. Grow your golf property revenue with Email Marketing. Email Marketing Platform Features Email Marketing Our state-of-the-art email marketing system allows you to easily grow your database and communicate to your customers. Title: About Us Content: Helping courses since 2004 Bay Paul (Chief Client Support Officer/ Partner) Bay Paul has combined his marketing success and club management experience and has truly proven himself as a unique player in the Golf Course Industry. Bay is known for his "Servants Heart" and has built many relationships with clubs over the past 20+ years in the golf industry. Past & Previous Experience / Affiliations Director of Client Support & Development at CourseLogix Vice President of Franklin Golf Management Board Member - MGCOA "Michigan Golf Course Owners Association" Director of Golf at Huntmore Golf Club Director of Golf at Captains Club at Woodfield Golf Club Director of Sales & Marketing at Oakhurst Golf & Country Club Search Engine Optimization Consultant Writer for the MGCOA "Tee Off Times" Magazine Dean Horn (HONARY Partner) Dean Horn's 30 years of golf management experience has earned him an outstanding reputation as an innovator and front-runner within the golf club industry. Title: Solutions Content: Client Testimonies Fair Prices "You won’t find a more fairly priced company that is able to deliver the results that CourseLogix has for us..." Don Helinski, Communications Manager Forest Dunes Golf Club, MI Increased Rankings "...our total rounds have increased over 19%, a direct result of Waterchase being consistently ranked at the top of search engines..." Jonathan Bird, Director of Golf Waterchase Golf Club, TX Increased Traffic "...our web traffic has increased dramatically...We can recommend Course Logix without reservation..." Bob Koutnik, Owner Fox Run Country Club Serving the golf course industry since 2004. Title: CourseLogix - Golf Course Website Design & Online Tee Times Content: Our Golf Property Solutions Website Design Take your club's website to the next level with CourseLogix. Built for mobile and desktop, your website will be designed to generate more rounds and revenue. Read more Online Tee Times Allow your golfers to book tee times online via their desktop or mobile devices through your website. We offer organic search engine optimization and also google Pay Per Click management for our clubs. CourseLogix has been helping public golf courses, semi-private golf courses, private country clubs, and resorts since 2004. We specialize in golf course website design , email marketing , online event registration, online store, online tee times , and search engine optimization . All of our websites are built with the latest technology and are compatible on all mobile devices. How easy is it to edit my golf property website? Dedicated Support We take pride in our support and offer free unlimited training and support to all our golf property clients.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Blog - Jack Horner Financial Solutions Content: Mortgage serviceability: how to jump through the hoops Mortgage serviceability can feel like a frustrating hurdle to clear. But it’s an important safeguard against borrowing too much, particularly in the current interest rate landscape. It’s in the best interests of all parties involved if your mortgage is chugging along with regular repayments being made. Borrowing... Why more Aussies are turning their backs on the McMansion Australians are increasingly “thinking small” when it comes to buying a home and cracking the property market. And with perks like affordability, more desirable locations, and lower maintenance, it’s little wonder why. Many Australians are crossing the McMansion off their wish list in favour of smaller,... Heads up business owners: the asset write-off deadline is looming! Business owners wanting to buy a vehicle, asset or important piece of equipment and immediately write off the full cost have just over a month to act. That’s because the temporary full expensing scheme is set to expire on 30 June 2023. It will be superseded by a much... Is the property market starting to rebound? Navigating the Australian property market over the past year has felt like standing on shifting sands. But is the market starting to regain stability? And if so, what can you do now to make sure you’re ready to buy? Anyone with an eye on the property... More home buyers set to benefit from low deposit, no LMI schemes More Australians (and permanent residents!) will soon be eligible for a leg up into the property market under an expanded Home Guarantee Scheme. Today we’ll run you through all the upcoming changes to the low deposit, no lenders mortgage insurance scheme. Officially unveiled as part of... Property valuation: what you need to know when buying a home When buying property, it’s good to know the market value. After all, you want to know you’re paying a fair amount. But the property’s value is an important consideration for your lender too. And their valuation may be quite different. Just how much is a property... Tips to help stay on top amidst the rate hike cycle With every RBA rate rise announcement, mortgage holders brace themselves for impending repayment increases. Here’s how to stay on top of your mortgage and feel financially secure. Let’s face it, the RBA’s rate rise cycle hasn’t been easy for mortgage holders, with average monthly repayments now... Property listings and prices are bouncing back As property prices start to climb, listings are following suit. So if you’re hunting for a home, what does this mean for you? If you’ve been looking at the property market over the last six to 12 months, you probably already know that while property prices... Money habits that may raise lenders’ eyebrows We all know being on our monetary best behaviour can help to land a home loan. But did you know there are common spending habits you may have that are red flags to lenders? Smart money management and cutting back on expenses can help your home... What is the fixed-rate cliff and how can refinancing help? You’ve probably heard the term “fixed-rate cliff” bandied about in finance news feeds. But what is it? And if you’re about to head over it, how can you prepare for a soft landing? A staggering 880,000 fixed-rate loans are set to end this year, and when they... 06 April, 2023 / 0 Comments 1
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Site Overview: It’s in the best interests of all parties involved if your mortgage is chugging along with regular repayments being made. Borrowing... Why more Aussies are turning their backs on the McMansion Australians are increasingly “thinking small” when it comes to buying a home and cracking the property market. Business owners wanting to buy a vehicle, asset or important piece of equipment and immediately write off the full cost have just over a month to act. That’s because the temporary full expensing scheme is set to expire on 30 June 2023. It will be superseded by a much... Is the property market starting to rebound? Navigating the Australian property market over the past year has felt like standing on shifting sands. And if so, what can you do now to make sure you’re ready to buy? Anyone with an eye on the property... More home buyers set to benefit from low deposit, no LMI schemes More Australians (and permanent residents!) Officially unveiled as part of... Property valuation: what you need to know when buying a home When buying property, it’s good to know the market value. After all, you want to know you’re paying a fair amount. But the property’s value is an important consideration for your lender too. Just how much is a property... Here’s how to stay on top of your mortgage and feel financially secure. So if you’re hunting for a home, what does this mean for you? If you’ve been looking at the property market over the last six to 12 months, you probably already know that while property prices... Money habits that may raise lenders’ eyebrows We all know being on our monetary best behaviour can help to land a home loan. But did you know there are common spending habits you may have that are red flags to lenders? Smart money management and cutting back on expenses can help your home... What is the fixed-rate cliff and how can refinancing help? But what is it? And if you’re about to head over it, how can you prepare for a soft landing?
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Social media changed marketing – oh and the world! | Square One Creative Content: 13th November 2017 No comments The role of social media in marketing Social media has changed and continues to change the world. It changes how we think, how we feel, how we communicate, how we do business, who, where and how we meet. But how has it changed marketing? Better consumer insights, increased customer research and broader company reach. It almost sounds too good to be true… What is social media? Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content sharing and collaboration(1). Social media isn’t new Social media is widely recognised as a modern phenomenon. However, it’s not as young as you might think. The earliest recognised social media site is Six Degrees, which was created in 1997(2). It allowed users to create a profile and then friend other users. Fast-forward 20 years later and there is now an immeasurable amount of social media sites, apps and platforms for anything and everything. Social media and business It was only a matter of time before businesses started to use social media as a way to advertise and promote their product or services. To give you an idea, social media is projected to generate $11 billion in revenue by 2017. This is up from just $6.1 billion in 2013.(3) For a market that didn’t exist until 20 years ago, this is enormous. SHOULD I USE IT OR NOT? Everyone uses it Well, almost everyone. There are now over 3 billion social media users in the world — about 40% of the global population(4). Put simply, if you have the best business in the world but don’t use social media, you are ignoring a HUGE potential customer base. Gain valuable customer insights Social media has allowed companies to target customers more accurately – digital footprints play a major role in this (look out for this in one of our next blogs). As a very loose example: posting a photo of a donut you’ve bought on one of your social media accounts may give some donut businesses an insight in to your donut-buying behaviours (I know, the horror). Online, businesses can track what you do and where you do it – this is incredibly powerful. It can provide companies with greater understanding and forethought as to what you are interested in and what you might want to buy in future. The pitfalls Not everything is sunshine and rainbows. You have to be careful about what you post on social media, it’s a double-edged sword. Recently Labour suspended MP Jared O’Mara because of the abusive comments he made online over a decade ago. There have also been numerous instances of social media fails from companies, much to my amusement researching. Tesco for example, got in to trouble for this pre-scheduled tweet: “It’s sleepy time so we’re off to hit the hay. See you at 8am for more #TescoTweets(5).” This seems like a perfectly acceptable tweet, right? Unfortunately it was tweeted during the alleged horse meat scandal in 2015. As you can imagine, outrage ensued. Thankfully others have learnt this lesson for us… You can’t find the ROI Just a quick note:– it isn’t impossible, but it’s very difficult to gage a return on investment as a direct result of your social media usage. This does not by any means make social media worthless, but unhelpful if you base your business-making decisions on this kind of information. Ultimately, as Uncle Ben from Spiderman once said, “with great power comes great responsibility”. You have the ability to reach hundreds, thousands, millions of people when you use social media. You can increase brand awareness, engage with your audience and generate new leads, but you can also damage your reputation and business if you use it clumsily. Fad or not, social media is sticking around for a while. Considering this, it is vital that you trust the employee(s) looking after your social media accounts. No one would want their Twitter deleted by a rogue employee *cough* like the President of the United States… If you do use social media, use it wisely. Sources: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Written by Anna Hill [PAGE] Title: Let’s talk | Square One Creative Content: 10.01.2014 About us We are Square One Creative, a graphic design, website design and online marketing agency based in Derby, the heart of the East Midlands. We provide brand identity, graphic design, website design, online marketing and catalogue production. Combining creative flair, technical expertise and brand understanding, we build our client’s brands and deliver integrated marketing campaigns which get results. Recent posts [PAGE] Title: Day at Derby University | Square One Creative Content: 16th April 2018 No comments Photo credit: University of Derby I was delighted to be asked back to the Portfolio Review Day at Derby University this year. As part of the students’ 3rd year of their BA (Hons) Graphic Design course, industry insiders come together to chat to the students and give some pointers about how they could improve their work and what they could do next. I can imagine that it’s quite stressful talking to strangers about your art. Nevertheless, it’s an important skill to prepare them for life outside university. Although I was interested in their thought processes, reasoning for choosing certain fonts and colours et cetera, I was more interested in the individual – their future plans, what interests them, what they can do differently. Art is personal, and I’m grateful that the students opened up to me about their aspirations. There were some fantastic pieces this year, and some great personalities. What do I get from it? I get a sneak preview of the upcoming talent. Graphic designers are all different; there isn’t one standard type. Everyone brings his or her own unique gifts and abilities to any job, but in a field as broad and diverse as Graphic Design, there are many different avenues that youngsters can venture in to. As I chatted to the students, I felt it necessary to stress that once they finish University, they will no longer be afforded the luxury of having 12 weeks to create a brand. In the ‘real’ world, time is money. Being artistically inclined is one thing, but finding a perfect balance of speed and quality is another. In previous years I’ve seen some quiet students, perhaps more suited to app building or website work. This year the outgoing students pleasantly surprised me. I could easily picture them in a studio setting, taking briefs from clients and delivering the finished product. I was impressed by both their attitudes and abilities. Overall I was blown away by the quality of students at this year’s Portfolio Day. Not only were the students super creative, but they have brilliants ideas for apps and other projects. They are forward thinking and innovative – key qualities in any profession, but vital for Graphic Design. What’s more exciting is having the ability to connect them to the people that can either make it happen, or point them in the right direction. The future of Graphic design is in good hands… If you’d like to see for yourself, pop along to the University Art and Design Show on Friday 1st June. Chat > Vision > Design. If you need help getting creative, please call us on 01332 417964. [PAGE] Title: About us | Square One Creative Content: Search Title About us At Square One Creative, we work hard to understand our clients’ business which enables us to propose practical, creative, cost-effective designs to make their business stand out and shine. We don’t only go the extra mile for our clients, but the extra square mile! Who are we? We are a team of designers with a real passion for what we do. More than 30 years of experience in the design and print industry helps us to get it right first time, on time, every time, and within budget. What do we do? We produce effective graphic design, brand communications and digital products which deliver value to our customers, and a return on their investment. Why are we good? Not only do we work for you, but with you, adding our design skills to the knowledge and experience you already have in your own industry. This ensures that deadlines are kept and budgets are met. Meet the team We are a full service creative design agency based in the heart of Derby’s Cathedral Quarter. Our ethos is to create engaging, innovative designs, and to always exceed our clients’ needs and expectations. Mark Winson Creative Director Having worked in graphic design for over 30 years, 15 of which include working alongside Maggie, we set up Square One to really make the most of our complementary skills. I thrive on developing creative solutions to complex design briefs. With an old-school eye for typography, I truly believe ‘the devil’s in the detail’ Craig Melniks Graphic Designer I joined the Square One team early last year. Over the past 16 years, I have worked for various Graphic Design agencies, both in Derby and Nottingham. I love working on projects which I can really get my teeth into – brochures, magazines, newsletters and catalogues. I live in Derby with my partner and our two gorgeous daughters, who take up much of my time. Being an avid ‘Rams’ fan, I like to attend as many games as I can. I also enjoy getting together with family and friends; I put on a pretty mean BBQ, and I’m affectionately known as ‘King of the Grill’. Our (other) skills There’s so much more to us than just being super-fast, creative graphic design geniuses! We also make a fabulous cup of coffee for our clients (as long as Maggie is kept well away from the kettle!). Making the most of our extensive music knowledge, we play along daily to Radio Two’s Pop Master (our station of choice). Mark and Maggie love reliving their youth by reminiscing and singing along to nostalgic tunes (Craig just smiles politely and pretends he’s enjoying our classic tracks). 0 [PAGE] Title: Our blog | Square One Creative Content: 10.01.2014 About us We are Square One Creative, a graphic design, website design and online marketing agency based in Derby, the heart of the East Midlands. We provide brand identity, graphic design, website design, online marketing and catalogue production. Combining creative flair, technical expertise and brand understanding, we build our client’s brands and deliver integrated marketing campaigns which get results. Recent posts [PAGE] Title: Brochures | Square One Creative Content: 06.27.2017 About us We are Square One Creative, a graphic design, website design and online marketing agency based in Derby, the heart of the East Midlands. We provide brand identity, graphic design, website design, online marketing and catalogue production. Combining creative flair, technical expertise and brand understanding, we build our client’s brands and deliver integrated marketing campaigns which get results. Recent posts [PAGE] Title: What we do | Square One Creative Content: 04.18.2018 About us We are Square One Creative, a graphic design, website design and online marketing agency based in Derby, the heart of the East Midlands. We provide brand identity, graphic design, website design, online marketing and catalogue production. Combining creative flair, technical expertise and brand understanding, we build our client’s brands and deliver integrated marketing campaigns which get results. Recent posts [PAGE] Title: Square One Creative | It all starts at Square One Content: Branding What more can we do for you? We are so much more than graphic designers – learn more about us, and how we can help your business… Creative direction At Square One, we will ensure that your brief is achievable, no matter how broad spectrum your ideas might be. Great designs are born from a clearly defined direction and a well thought out creative strategy. Exhibitions When you meet new customers face-to-face, a great display stand will ensure they don’t miss you. Combine this with innovative ideas for competitions and incentives, and we’ll help you stand out from the crowd. Photography Need eye-catching photography? From a single product shot to a full campaign shoot, we can help make it happen. Packaging Whether it’s a one-off project or something bigger, we can provide both bespoke and off-the-shelf packaging solutions to suit your needs. Copywriting Stuck for words? Need help with the content for your brochures, leaflets or website? We can help you find the right message for your marketing. Videography Great images instantly tell your story, and bring your brand to life. We’ll produce videos which make you stand out from your competitors. Illustration Interested in using images, but want something a bit different to photography? How about an illustration? Our talented illustrators can create bespoke images for your business. They are fast, reactive and responsive. They create high quality designs and are really good at suggesting alternatives if the feel there is a better way of doing something. Amanda Craike Nottingham Hospitals Charity Watch our video Call us on 01332 417964 today to discuss your next project, arrange a meeting – or just pop in and enjoy one of Mark’s coffees! 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Recent posts [PAGE] Title: Prospectus & Catalogues | Square One Creative Content: 12.13.2017 About us We are Square One Creative, a graphic design, website design and online marketing agency based in Derby, the heart of the East Midlands. We provide brand identity, graphic design, website design, online marketing and catalogue production. Combining creative flair, technical expertise and brand understanding, we build our client’s brands and deliver integrated marketing campaigns which get results. Recent posts [PAGE] Title: Branding | Square One Creative Content: 12.13.2017 About us We are Square One Creative, a graphic design, website design and online marketing agency based in Derby, the heart of the East Midlands. We provide brand identity, graphic design, website design, online marketing and catalogue production. Combining creative flair, technical expertise and brand understanding, we build our client’s brands and deliver integrated marketing campaigns which get results. Recent posts [PAGE] Title: Leaflets & Flyers | Square One Creative Content: 12.12.2017 About us We are Square One Creative, a graphic design, website design and online marketing agency based in Derby, the heart of the East Midlands. We provide brand identity, graphic design, website design, online marketing and catalogue production. Combining creative flair, technical expertise and brand understanding, we build our client’s brands and deliver integrated marketing campaigns which get results. Recent posts [PAGE] Title: Blogging is a waste of time…but read ours | Square One Creative Content: 7th November 2017 No comments Should I start blogging or not? There are conflicting opinions about whether blogging is worthwhile or not. Some say it’s a shrinking market; a time waster and you get nothing from it(1), whereas others attest that you can earn money, new followers and more attention on your website. Let’s explore the pros and cons and what needs to change about the state of current blogs. First things first, what is a blog? A blog is ‘a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style’. In other words, a blog is anything you want it to be. From “web log” came the term “blog.”(2) WHAT NOT TO DO Don’t…BE BORING – Is it Groundhog Day? The blogging scene is as overcrowded as any other market today. Where there is over-saturation there is repetitive content. Whilst doing my research, it became clear that a lot of material was recycled and unoriginal. I may as well have read the same thing over and over again, and I don’t need to explain why this is a bad thing. I’m not insinuating that you have to write a ground-breaking blog every week, I’m just suggesting that a little more thought and research should go in to what you write. Try and find something new to say or, failing that, something interesting with your own insight. Post different content. Post long blogs, short blogs, story blogs. Be creative, it will attract a wider audience. If all of your posts are similar it will get boring very quickly(3). Don’t…OVERPROMOTE If you’re looking to promote or mention your business in a blog, make sure that you don’t shove it down people’s throats. The last thing that people want is to be sold to. People want to read something interesting that makes them think. There’s nothing worse than opening a blog and reading a sales pitch. Steer clear of: ME,ME,ME,ME,ME,ME,ME,ME,ME,ME,ME,ME,ME,ME… That being said, don’t be afraid to throw a few lines in about what you do. Don’t…WRITE ‘NOTHING’ PIECES Do you ever finish reading something and think, ‘what was the point of that’? Nobody wants to read a nothing blog…if you’re not telling me something interesting or making me think about what you’re writing about, I won’t stick around and neither will anyone else – It’s the Internet. There are already millions of articles, comments, posts, videos and blogs churned out quickly and carelessly on a persistent and uninterrupted basis – don’t let yours be one of them – there’s no rush to write 50 blogs in a week. In this instance, quality over quantity is everything. Take your time to research and find a topic to write about. If nothing pops in to your head, leave it. With this in mind, Forbes uploaded this video recently – (4). It’s a well-made video and I liked it. BUT, there was an explosion of comments about the message. As one user pointed out, ‘this is how you keep yourself busy while accomplishing nothing’. Think about the output. More importantly the quality of the output. WHY BLOG IN THE 1ST PLACE? REACH ANOTHER AUDIENCE Blogging is one of many ways to find and reach an audience(4). The more you broadcast your content, the more likely people are to engage with it (hopefully). Some websites proclaim that Google Plus is a waste of time because fewer people use it than more popular sites like Facebook and Twitter. This couldn’t be further from the truth. There are 111 million active users on Google Plus(5). Yes, the engagement rates may be significantly lower than that of Instagram, but that doesn’t make it obsolete. You need to explore all of the available avenues to find which platforms work for you. It’s better to have thousands of engaged followers than it is to have millions of disengaged followers, but how will you find out where your engaged followers are if you only post on one site? POTENTIAL MONEY-MAKER If you have a blog with a regular readership there may be opportunities to monetise your entries(5). There are plenty of ways that you can make money from blogging, even if it’s not directly through your writing. Advertising, events and offline business are just a few examples(5). Don’t take my word for it: ‘It seems like everything began when my monthly hits were hovering right around 20,000 a month or 700 – 1,000 hits a day.  The emails started coming in from advertisers and I began to be accepted into networks and such.’ – Amy Renea. See the full blog here: (6). Note: If you want to make money, success won’t come quickly or easily. Don’t expect to make a million pounds or gain a million followers overnight. Put the effort in, stay consistent and you might earn a small fortune. Dream big but start small. IT’S FREE (7) What have you got to lose? Blogs cost nothing and require all but some brainpower and a machine to write one. Blogs can be convenient ways to convey a message or to share an opinion. They’re also a great way to challenge yourself. When it comes to reading things online, people bounce from site-to-site and usually don’t read the whole thing. I do it all the time. Think about the last time you read something online that commanded your full attention. See if you can make people stay. BLOGCEPTION We hope you’ve enjoyed our blog about blogging dos and don’ts. We’d love to hear your feedback about our blog. For more blogs like this come back in a few weeks. If you’re tired of the word ‘blog’, follow us on: Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for something a little different. [PAGE] Title: Our clients | Square One Creative Content: 10.01.2015 About us We are Square One Creative, a graphic design, website design and online marketing agency based in Derby, the heart of the East Midlands. We provide brand identity, graphic design, website design, online marketing and catalogue production. Combining creative flair, technical expertise and brand understanding, we build our client’s brands and deliver integrated marketing campaigns which get results. Recent posts [PAGE] Title: Posters | Square One Creative Content: 12.13.2017 About us We are Square One Creative, a graphic design, website design and online marketing agency based in Derby, the heart of the East Midlands. We provide brand identity, graphic design, website design, online marketing and catalogue production. Combining creative flair, technical expertise and brand understanding, we build our client’s brands and deliver integrated marketing campaigns which get results. Recent posts [PAGE] Title: Exhibitions & Banners | Square One Creative Content: 12.12.2017 About us We are Square One Creative, a graphic design, website design and online marketing agency based in Derby, the heart of the East Midlands. We provide brand identity, graphic design, website design, online marketing and catalogue production. Combining creative flair, technical expertise and brand understanding, we build our client’s brands and deliver integrated marketing campaigns which get results. Recent posts
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| Square One Creative Content: 13th November 2017 No comments The role of social media in marketing Social media has changed and continues to change the world. Social media and business It was only a matter of time before businesses started to use social media as a way to advertise and promote their product or services. There are now over 3 billion social media users in the world — about 40% of the global population(4). You have to be careful about what you post on social media, it’s a double-edged sword. What do I get from it? The future of Graphic design is in good hands… If you’d like to see for yourself, pop along to the University Art and Design Show on Friday 1st June. Not only do we work for you, but with you, adding our design skills to the knowledge and experience you already have in your own industry. Title: Our blog | Square One Creative Content: 10.01.2014 About us We are Square One Creative, a graphic design, website design and online marketing agency based in Derby, the heart of the East Midlands. Title: What we do | Square One Creative Content: 04.18.2018 About us We are Square One Creative, a graphic design, website design and online marketing agency based in Derby, the heart of the East Midlands. We are so much more than graphic designers – learn more about us, and how we can help your business… Creative direction At Square One, we will ensure that your brief is achievable, no matter how broad spectrum your ideas might be. Square1Home 09.26.2014 About us We are Square One Creative, a graphic design, website design and online marketing agency based in Derby, the heart of the East Midlands. Some say it’s a shrinking market; a time waster and you get nothing from it(1), whereas others attest that you can earn money, new followers and more attention on your website. In other words, a blog is anything you want it to be. If all of your posts are similar it will get boring very quickly(3). Don’t…OVERPROMOTE If you’re looking to promote or mention your business in a blog, make sure that you don’t shove it down people’s throats. The last thing that people want is to be sold to. Blogging is one of many ways to find and reach an audience(4). It’s better to have thousands of engaged followers than it is to have millions of disengaged followers, but how will you find out where your engaged followers are if you only post on one site? I do it all the time. Title: Our clients | Square One Creative Content: 10.01.2015 About us We are Square One Creative, a graphic design, website design and online marketing agency based in Derby, the heart of the East Midlands.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: City Life – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Local War Heroes Since it was established in 2015, the Bristol Civic Society’s Blue Plaque scheme has recognised several people involved in global conflicts. Malcolm Ravenscroft, a member of the Society’s Blue Plaque panel, tells us more. In September 2016, a Blue Plaque was placed on St Mary’s Church, Fishponds to honour a... Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: keri andriana – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Gardens – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Blandscapes to landscapes: Rupert Oliver on the importance of a good outdoor space Attractive front gardens have a multitude of benefits, says Rupert Oliver of Rupert Oliver Property Agents, from improving our mental wellbeing and protecting the environment to drawing in potential new buyers. Here, Rupert explains why it is so important to invest in this space. A front garden with lawn, shrubs,... Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Bristol Schools Guide 23/24 – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Haberdashers’ Monmouth School ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: About Us – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Gardens About Us We are MC Publishing Limited, a small, local independent publishing company that have been producing The Bristol Magazine for over 11 years. We are passionate about producing the highest quality content and on a mission to impress, seduce, and satisfy our readers with our discerning, sometimes quirky, always engaging and much loved publishing style. [divider]In Print[/divider] The Bristol Magazine reaches more ABC1 readers than any other monthly magazine in the city; every month 20,000 high-quality glossy copies are distributed to homes and businesses across the city. Our main aim is to keep readers informed of all the good things going on in the city,  previewing events across a diverse cultural mix, from comedy and children’s events to art and drama, and reporting on the city’s myriad of festivals. Every month our upbeat, intelligent writing covers a variety of interests including books, interiors, gardening, travel, health and beauty, fashion and style, food and drink and walks. We also have the biggest, glossiest selection of homes for sale of any publication in the area. We’re an independent publication too, since our launch in 2004 we have built up a loyal following and are widely regarded as the city’s finest place for advertisers to reach a highly targeted and attractive audience. To find out more about what we do and where we deliver then please take a look at our Media Pack (below). [divider]Online[/divider] Our site covers everything good that’s going on in our city all in one place. As well as giving you all The Bristol Magazine’s regular monthly features, is capable of delivering up-to-date news on a daily basis. The great thing is, that because of our broad knowledge of our city, and a vast and well established network of clients and contacts – all providing us with a pick of the best information and goings on – our growing social and online audience can access engaging, savvy content at any time, wherever they are. And, for those who live outside our delivery areas, or do not get to pick up The Bristol Magazine, the current edition is always online for readers to flick through. [divider]Social Media[/divider] Our social media account on Twitter has reached over 18,000 followers, and offers all the latest Bristol news, articles, exclusive events and competitions. Follow us on Instagram for lovely pictures of Bristol, and tag us with #thebristolmag for the chance to have your images shared with our 2,000 followers. You can also find us on Facebook where you can keep up-to-date with the latest Bristol news when scrolling through your news feed. [divider]Advertise with Us[/divider] Advertising in The Bristol Magazine is one of the most engaging promotions that can be done in Bristol, with 20,000 issues printed each month. Add to that a listing or advertorial on this website, as well as regular tweets and Facebook posts, and you have complete access to all our readers and followers. Find out more here . ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Best of Bristol – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Sporting prowess Horse-riding, fencing, swimming, running and shooting – it’s all going on at the University of Bath this August. Emma Clegg asks Event Director Rebecca Leach about the Modern Pentathlon and Laser Run World Championships… Not sure what Modern Pentathlon and Laser Run is? Then read on and head along to... Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Mr Bates vs The Post Office – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Mr Bates vs The Post Office Mr Bates vs The Post Office 7 min read The Great Post Office Scandal has been described as one of the most widespread miscarriages of justice in legal history. We hear from Gwyneth Hughes, screenwriter of the forthcoming ITV drama and journalist Nick Wallis who has been reporting on the scandal for 13 years… Coming to our screens this month is the four-part ITV drama Mr Bates vs The Post Office, which tells the story of one of the greatest miscarriages of justice in British legal history. Hundreds of innocent sub-postmasters and postmistresses were wrongly accused of theft, fraud, and false accounting due to a defective IT system. Many of the wronged workers were prosecuted, some were imprisoned for crimes they never committed, and their lives were irreparably damaged by the scandal. Toby Jones, Monica Dolan, Julie Hesmondhalgh, Lia Williams, Alex Jennings, Ian Hart, Katherine Kelly, Shaun Dooley, Will Mellor, Clare Calbraith, Lesley Nicol, Amit Shah, and Adam James star in the new drama, written by screenwriter Gwyneth Hughes and produced by ITV Studios and Little Gem. Gwyneth Hughes explains: “Every storyteller has to make choices, and anchoring our narrative with Alan Bates [the sub-postmaster who fought for decades to expose the Post Office Horizon IT scandal] was an easy one. But how to choose our supporting cast, among the thousands of lives ruined, over a quarter of a century… As we started work, the country was in lockdown, so we got on the phone. Lockdown ended, I got on the road. Drank a lot of tea and made new friends.” These were painful choices; in the end we had time to tell eight stories. But every bruised and battered sub-postmaster has a jawdropping story to tell. Every one of them deserves to be heard.” “On the Post Office side, perhaps unsurprisingly, fewer doors opened. I have not met Paula Vennells [chief executive officer of Post Office Limited from 2012 to 2019], though I did get a good look at her astonishingly glamorous legal team on the first day of the Public Inquiry. What was she thinking? What did she know, and when? Will we ever find out? I spoke to people who worked with her, and I tried to navigate fairly between their multiple insights into her conduct and personality. “It’s the question I am asked most often: what on earth was going on inside the management of the Post Office? What were they on, these people? Was it group think? Lack of imagination? Confirmation bias? A belief that as public servants they were somehow too virtuous to do wrong? Poor training, plain stupidity, or rank villainy? “It is of course for the Public Inquiry to find definitive answers. But every sub-postmaster has a view, and so does every member of our production team! As played by Toby Jones, our hero Alan Bates faces this question in the final episode. Asked to say if the Post Office is evil or incompetent, Alan replies: “It amounts to the same thing, in the end.” Lia Williams plays Paula Vennells, the former CEO of the Post Office Nick Wallis on the real story: Journalist Nick Wallis has reported on the Post Office Horizon Scandal since 2010. Most of the work he has done on the story has been crowdfunded. He has presented, produced and consulted on three BBC Panoramas about the Post Office scandal. He has written about it for Private Eye and presented a BBC Radio 4 series on the subject. He has also written a book called The Great Post Office Scandal. Here Nick brings us up to date with progress on what has been achieved and how the search for justice continues. You have reported on The Post Office Horizon Scandal since 2010. What has kept you engaged with the story? The sub-postmasters. I realised quite early on that if what the sub-postmasters were saying was true, this was a huge story. It’s appalling that one innocent person should be convicted of a crime, but I was being told about dozens. I checked their stories, their background and their documents, and while they couldn’t, in those days, prove there was a serious problem with the Horizon IT system, there was nothing to suggest they had committed a crime. The problem was trying to persuade news outlets that this was as big a deal as I thought it might be. Thankfully a few brilliant editors got it and tried to give the story the exposure it deserved. How do the sub-postmasters feel about The Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry, which has been taking place since 2020? There is remarkably little frustration around the progress of the Inquiry, which surprises me, as it is a very slow process. One of the reasons for this is because it is doing an incredibly professional and empathetic job. Although Sir Wyn Williams (who chairs the Inquiry) gives the impression of a twinkly eyed old cove, he has a sharp mind. His team of barristers seem very able, across the enormity of this multifaceted scandal. By contrast, some of the witnesses, especially those from the Post Office, have been disastrous. The parade of human incompetence on display has been staggering. It’s now possible for anyone to see just how this disaster came about. How many of the victims have received adequate compensation? The short answer is too few. We know at least 63 sub-postmasters have died while waiting for full and final compensation and it is inevitable that more people will die. Many sub-postmasters bought a Sub-Post Office as a last job before retirement. Instead of being able to enjoy their retirement, hundreds, possibly thousands have been left in desperate financial straits because the Post Office robbed them of their savings. Now, despite four compensation schemes, their lawyers are arguing over how much they should have to give back. Do you feel that the Post Office will be held properly to account over the Horizon Scandal? It’s a tricky one, this. Think back to all the big scandals in British public life – Windrush, Hillsborough, Grenfell, the Mid-Staffs NHS hospital scandal, the infected blood scandal, the banking crisis… has anyone properly been held to account? A vanishingly small number of people may have been sacked or moved sideways, or asked to resign, but I don’t think anyone responsible for any of the above has been given a criminal conviction, save the former club secretary at Hillsborough, who was fined £6,500 for a safety offence. This suggests that everyone involved in the Post Office Scandal will likely get away scot-free, BUT… I am less cynical than I was. There is already a criminal investigation underway by the Metropolitan Police, on hold while the Inquiry is ongoing. Lawyers for sub-postmasters are openly suggesting there was a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice at the heart of the Post Office. Next year we will hear from the most senior executives at the Post Office who were there at the time of the alleged conspiracy. Their evidence will be fascinating and may prompt the police to make charging recommendations to the Crown Prosecution Service. What about the failures in the criminal justice system? In 1999 the Post Office supported the removal of the requirement for authorities using computer evidence to prove their IT was working adequately. This duty was replaced by a legal ‘presumption’ that if a machine (including a complex, sprawling electronic eco-system like Horizon) looked like it was working properly, then it was. The burden of proof was reversed. Sub-postmasters were required to prove the Horizon system was not working correctly when they had discrepancies and sadly this legal beartrap is outside the Inquiry’s scope. There is going to be a section on access to justice for sub-postmasters trying to draw attention to Horizon problems, and there is another section on the bargaining which the Post Office used to secure guilty pleas, but nothing which calls into question the criminal justice system’s almost unblinking institutional support for the Post Office (until the Court of Appeal judgment in 2021) or bone-headed approach to IT evidence. What was your involvement the ITV drama? I am a series consultant on Mr Bates vs The Post Office. I put former sub-postmaster Alan Bates in touch with the production company, provided contacts and background information to the production team, including various documents which haven’t yet seen the light of day, but I stayed out of everything else! Does the drama stay true to the real and harrowing experiences of the Scandal’s victims? Did you feel strongly about the need to avoid sweetening elements for dramatic purposes? I don’t think any of it has been sweetened. At times it is bleak. I think the series brings the scandal to life, while staying very faithful to the spirit and facts of the story. The Great Post Office Scandal by Nick Wallis (paperback, £13.99) is the first definitive account of the scandal. Nick and the publishers Bath Publishing Company donate 5% of the income from sales of the book to the Horizon Scandal Fund, which directly helps sub-postmasters in need The series Mr Bates vs The Post Office is now available on ITVX. The Great Post Office Scandal by Nick Wallis (paperback, £13.99) is the first definitive account of the scandal. Nick and the publishers Bath Publishing Company donate 5% of the income from sales of the book to the Horizon Scandal Fund, which directly helps sub-postmasters in need [PAGE] Title: Never mind neutral – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Never mind neutral 6 min read Underwhelmed with Pantone’s Colour of the Year 2024 ‘Peach Fuzz’? Then dive into the rich depths of ‘dopamine décor’, a style that puts vibrant hues front and centre. Words: Kay James, founder of K Interiors. At K Interiors, we eagerly awaited the 2023 Decorex interior design exhibition, which took place in London in September 2023. After several years of neutral interior trends reflecting the mood of the country as we navigated our way through the pandemic and resultant economic crisis, we were keen to establish whether the design fraternity would concur with our instinct that the interiors world is finally preparing to emerge like a butterfly from the cocoon, shake off the greys and beiges, and launch into a beautiful colour renaissance. The show certainly did not disappoint in this respect. Our hearts were truly uplifted by the array of colours, textures and patterns on display all around us, making it abundantly clear that we are on the cusp of seeing a much-needed injection of optimism and personal joy into our residential interior design schemes. Stripes: Silent White and Yellow-Pink Intelligent Matt Emulsion. Panelling: Hopper and Bath Harley Green in Intelligent Satinwood by Little Greene ( Joy-inducing colours and homewares Even the guest speakers were evidence of this new trend for colour, with one panel including the queen of colourful interiors Sophie Robinson, her co-host on the Great Indoors podcast Kate Watson-Smythe, and the doyenne of upcycling and chalk furniture paint Annie Sloane. Their talk focused on how to embrace colour in your home interiors, and they each started by sharing their first memories of colour. Interestingly, and somewhat surprisingly, Robinson’s first memory was of something white! Surrounding the exhibitors were bright and colourful sets provided by Yes Colours, there was a fabulous wall-mounted felt colour wheel and a rainbow tunnel (both great for Instagram), and colour trails designed by behavioural design consultant Karen Haller. New paint colours being launched by companies such as Little Greene and Coat included deep earthy tones, such as terracotta, claret and burgundy. There were colourful salt and pepper grinders and other home accessories from Addison Ross, delicately toned and elegant chandeliers at Rothschild & Bickers, gorgeous bright lampshades and muted pink contemporary glass pendant lights at Pooky Lighting, bold, quirky painted ceramics from Kinkatou Studio, and a new contemporary technicolour range of faux books from Original Book Works. Even the cisterns displayed by Thomas Crapper had been given a modern edge and were displayed in the brightest of hues. Literally everywhere we looked, there was colour! Why colour is important in interior design We spend a lot of time in our homes, particularly during the long winter months, and the colours we choose to surround ourselves with have a big impact on how we feel when we are in a space. The colour palette used when designing any given room or space needs cohesion, so that the colours within the palette work together to evoke the emotional response the user would like to achieve. When considering introducing colour into your home, the first thing to think about is how you want to feel when you are in your home in general, or a particular room. Walls and fireplace: Leather Intelligent Matt Emulsion by Little Greene ( The psychology of colour Traditional colour psychology suggests that certain colours are good for different environments and elicit a particular mood or feeling. For example, cool colours, such as blues and greens, are thought to be calming and aid concentration. Green is also considered to be fresh and optimistic – the colour of spring and of nature. Reds, pinks, oranges and yellows are energising, uplifting and stimulating, while warmer and deeper toned colours – burgundy, browns and deep blues, for example, create a cosy, comfortable feel. It’s not just the colour, but also the tone of the colour palette that will affect a person’s response to any room design scheme. Deeper, bolder tones can inspire confidence, while lighter hues are often linked to tranquillity and serenity. In our experience, although the above is a general rule of thumb, each individual will react to colours and tones differently and personal preference is the main factor when deciding on a colour palette for your interiors. What colours do you enjoy and connect with? When considering how you want to feel in a space, think about the colours you love and that make you happy. You might look to your wardrobe for inspiration, go to a craft market or art gallery, look at displays in shop windows, or flick through a fashion or interiors magazine. What colours draw your eye? Which do you find more and less appealing? When in doubt, go back to basics and look at the colour wheel! When deciding on colour combinations for your home, you could opt for a tonal scheme using different tones of only one colour. Alternatively, you might choose a harmonious scheme where colours that sit alongside one another on the colour wheel are used within a room or space. You could also consider using a contrasting scheme, where colours positioned opposite each other on the colour wheel (‘complementary colours’) are used to create a more dramatic effect. The most important element when putting together colour combinations is balance. Colour-focused interior design At K Interiors, we are all about colour, whether it be subtle or more defined and impactful. We very much believe that living in an environment surrounded by the colours and designs you love can improve well-being and make you feel more positive. We want our clients to really enjoy and look forward to spending time in their homes and, with that being the case, every client briefing begins with an extensive colour consultancy session. One of the key purposes of an initial client briefing is for us to understand how our client responds to a range of colour palettes, patterns and textures, along with how the client wants to feel when they are in the room or space we are designing. We want to know what the room will be used for, who it will be used by, and at what time of day. When using the room, does the client wish to feel energised and stimulated, uplifted, relaxed, comforted, calm or focussed? All of these factors, along with the amount of natural light coming into the room and direction in which the room faces, will influence the choice of colour palette and colour combinations. Seasonal colour palettes We often refer to there being four seasonal colour palettes for interiors. Spring colours tend to be fresh, playful, bright, uplifting and clean – warm, bright shades, such as sunshine yellow, fresh greens, satsuma orange, fuchsia, and pastel colours mirroring the lovely soft shades of spring tulips as they poke their heads through the soil for the first time. The summer palette is more muted and includes cooler shades – soft neutrals, such as lilac, dusky pinks, sage green, soft teal blues and pale yellows. It is cool, tranquil, classic, traditional and sometimes feminine. Autumn personalities are drawn to the earthy, natural, rich and often fiery colours of that season. These create a cosy atmosphere and allow us to feel warmth and comfort. The palette includes deep yellow and oranges, browns, claret reds, terracotta and deeper greens. The winter palette is more minimalist, with striking contrasts. It is bold and dramatic, consisting of primary colours, along with cold tones, such as icy blues and greys, with elements of deep blues, red and black. Sustainable design for longevity At K Interiors, although we are always keen to keep abreast of colour trends, we do not follow the latest colour fads. This is why it is so important for us to ensure that the design schemes we produce reflect the client’s personality and true colour preferences. Once these have been identified, we are able to create an interior design scheme with the intention of it bringing joy for many years to come. Designing for longevity also means our designs are more sustainable and do not need to be altered to reflect the latest trends of the design world. Although in time our clients might wish to make superficial changes to refresh the look of a room by changing up smaller items, all the original key elements will stand the test of time. In our experience, a well-considered residential interior design scheme can lift the mood and bring the user a huge amount of joy. Why live in a drab, grey and beige world if those colours do not make you happy? At Decorex, it genuinely seemed that both attendees and exhibitors were more upbeat than in previous years. Given that K Interiors’ world revolves around colour, we can’t help but put that down to the riot of colour on display. Mark our words, dopamine décor is making a comeback! [PAGE] Title: New Year, New Mind – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: New Year, New Mind 3 min read This month the team at Heron Books has chosen the perfect reads to ease your mind into the new year… A note from the team: “This is our selection of books we think would offer warmth, comfort and positivity in various ways. Hopefully, the books selected are different from what people might find on a wellbeing bestseller list online.” Let the Light Pour In, Lemn Sissay Published by Canongate Books, £12.99 In January the mornings may be rather dark and cold, but Lemn Sissay’s collection of ‘morning poems’ will inject some golden joy into the wintry day. Sissay composes a poem with each dawn, in order to look for the light in the dark. This collection brings together the witty and kind result of his practice. It’s a heartening way to start the day, whether you simply read a few lines of poetry with your morning tea or are inspired to try some writing yourself. A Good Appetite, Jenny Chandler Published by HarperCollins Publishers, £20 Bristol-based food writer Jenny Chandler’s latest book is full of delicious recipes and great ideas for seasonal meals. These recipes offer alternative, simple ways to adapt them for different tastes and ideas to make ingredients go further. More than that, A Good Appetite is a guide to shopping locally and economically, as well as to eating ethically while having a lovely time. The new year has become a time for people to think about what they eat, often in a negative manner; this book will inject a positive slant to cooking and to really enjoying your food. It’s Not Just You: How to navigate eco-anxiety and the climate crisis, Tori Tsui Published by Simon & Schuster Ltd £16.99 Tsui reframes eco-anxiety as an urgent mental health crisis. In her work fighting for climate justice, Tsui recognises the toll that the crisis is taking on our mental health, and on certain groups more than others. It’s Not Just You is refreshing not just in its message of solidarity and community, but in its intersectional approach, prioritising marginalised groups who are often left out of this conversation and its subsequent actions. How to Build a Healthy Brain, Kimberley Wilson Published by Hodder & Stoughton, £12.99 Kimberley Wilson’s book gives practical advice on ways to improve one’s brain health – both physically and mentally – through diet, sleep and exercise. Wilson is a psychologist with expertise in nutrition and the writing is clear and scientific. She has since written Unprocessed: How the Food We Eat is Fuelling Our Mental Health Crisis, a book which explores the importance of a good diet to help those dealing with depression. The Book You Want Everyone You Love* to Read *(and maybe a few you don’t), Philippa Perry Published by Cornerstone, £18.99 Philippa Perry is a psychotherapist, perhaps known best as the author of the ‘Ask Philippa’ columns in The Observer. Perry asks big questions – how you can find and keep love; how you can manage conflict; how to cope with change; how to be content – and offers advice as well as wit. It’s a short, very readable book that’s big in the kindness and compassion it extends. Visit Heron Books’ website: Follow the shop on Instagram: @heronbooksbristol and browse the collection in store: Unit 5, The Clifton Arcade, Boyce’s Ave, Clifton, Bristol BS8 4AA. Open Monday to Friday 10am-5.30pm; Saturday 9am-6pm; Sunday 11am-4pm [PAGE] Title: Aardman – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Redmaids’ High School named one of the top independent schools in the South West  – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Redmaids’ High School named one of the top independent schools in the South West Redmaids’ High School named one of the top independent schools in the South West 1 min read Redmaids’ High School are delighted to have been named by The Times today as one of the top independent schools in the South West for academic performance. The latest Parent Power league table ranks all state and independent schools based on GCSE, A Level and IB Diploma results from the summer 2023. The all-girls school in Westbury-on-Trym is the highest ranked Bristol school in the table for a second year in a row, it is ranked fourth place in the South West and 66th nationally – 14 places higher than last year. Head of school Mr Dwyer said, “Whilst these results of course don’t paint the whole picture of our commitment to helping students thrive and feel happy in all aspects of their lives, it is a wonderful reflection of our students’ high academic aspirations. “To be the top school in Bristol and achieve such a high regional ranking for the second year in a row, is a true testament to the strong and trusted relationships that are fostered between our students and staff, and their continued passion and dedication to reach full academic potential together. “Everyone who is part of our school community should feel very proud of this particular recognition today.” Redmaids’ High will soon celebrate its 390th birthday, and centuries on the school continues to offer an outstanding and forward-thinking education for girls. This achievement however is just one facet of the outstanding all-round education that is on offer. Providing expert and innovative teaching environments, extensive extra-curricular provision and pastoral care of the highest standard, allows the students to truly thrive in all areas of their lives and make the most of the world-class facilities and progressive range of opportunities available to them. For more about the school visit [PAGE] Title: Homes, Interiors and Gardens Guide 2023 – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Load More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Restaurant Review: Aqua Grand Café – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Restaurant Review: Aqua Grand Café Restaurant Review: Aqua Grand Café 3 min read As Aqua Grand Café swings open its doors, we visit the quality new addition to Whiteladies Road… It was the two-month anniversary at Aqua Grand Café when we dropped by to eat. Whiteladies Road’s stylish new eatery has been inspired by the grand cafés of Europe. As we pulled up outside on a dark Wednesday evening, making a dash for the door while the rain lashed down from above, it was a delight to be welcomed into the sumptuous surroundings of AGC. The interiors, the two-story-tall ceilings and large cocktail bar were impressive and the menu was equally attractive, with France’s signature style very much in evidence. Aqua Restaurants have been an independent family-run business since proprietor Richard Smithson opened the first Aqua restaurant on Welsh Back in 1998 and then in Portishead more recently. Both restaurants have gained a reputation in the city for serving high-quality food in elegant settings. Richard’s son, Ben Smithson, is now at the helm of this latest venture and is dedicated to delivering a “magical, memorable experience”. Having worked as a head waiter at the Savoy Grill in London, alongside multi-Michelin starred chefs Gordon Ramsay, Marcus Wareing and Lee Bennett, Ben has developed a passion for French classical dishes and luxurious all-day dining. It’s clear to see that after working at one of the world’s most iconic hotels, Ben’s impeccable attention to detail has seeped into the very fabric of the new Bristol restaurant. Elements of the Savoy Grill have also crept into the day-time menus, with an Omelette Arnold Bennett making an appearance at breakfast and lunch. The dish – a rich combination of smoked haddock, hollandaise sauce and cheese cooked in a pan and finished under the grill – was named after the author who ordered the omelette during his stay in the 1920s. It has since become a classic creation. Smoked haddock risotto with mascarpone, peas, leeks Onion Soup Eager to get stuck into the menu, we started with the chicken liver parfait with red onion jam and toasted brioche along with the soupe à l’oignon – an exquisite rendition of the classic dish. The menu is a collection of plates that you could happily eat on any day of the week – and quite possibly at any time. So, with that said, we centred ourselves for what was to come. For the second course, our attention was drawn to the smoked haddock risotto with mascarpone, peas, leeks and parmesan and the coq au vin with pomme purée: a glorious riot of flavours. The main dishes justify their £18-plus price tags by both execution and volume. Very much on the plus side, there was also a broad wine list alongside a comprehensive selection of cocktails – all made by the bar’s mixologist. To finish, we couldn’t go wrong with a beautiful piece of pastrywork in the shape of a salted caramel éclair. We coupled it with the banana split – caramalised banana, vanilla ice cream, chantilly cream and raspberry purée – which felt like quite possibly the most indulgent combo one could tuck into. All of the desserts are handmade by a team of patissiers headed by Ben Rodd, whose talent seems to know no bounds as he expertly crafts chocolate truffles, French macarons, Madeleines and delicious apple tartes tatin every week. Aqua Grand Café brims with a sense of independence. Evolving throughout the day, from a bustling breakfast and brunch service to a leisurely lunch and afternoon tea to atmospheric dining until late, the French-inspired plates are the sort of thing that will bring you back time and time again. Although only two-months old, Aqua Grand Café is set to become a gastronomic go-to in Bristol’s latest must-visit locale – a classy establishment deserving of its prime location. ; 153 Whiteladies Road, Redland, BS8 2RF [PAGE] Title: Culture – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Sarah Guppy: An Unstoppable Force In recent years, the name Sarah Guppy has emerged from obscurity as it has become increasingly clear that she was a woman far ahead of her time. Crucial to this rehabilitation has been a play about her, performed to great acclaim by Show of Strength Theatre Company, alerting Bristolians to... Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Health & Fitness – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Just for the joy of it: u3a on the importance of adult learning u3a is a UK-wide movement of locally run interest groups for people who are no longer in full time work but want to continue to learn, just for the joy of it. As the organisation celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, we take a closer look at the brilliant Bristol... Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: City History – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Chris Yeo: Sewn Up Words by Chris Yeo | Valuer at Clevedon Salerooms and regular expert on BBC’s Antiques Roadshow George Müller was born in 1805 in Prussia (now Germany) but his life’s work was in Bristol. Müller was a godly man who worked tirelessly to save, educate, and provide purpose for Bristol’s unwanted... Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Homes & Interiors – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Savills: make your move The countdown is on to the end of the popular Help to Buy scheme. Vicky Dudbridge, a director in Savills residential development sales team in Bristol, explains why anyone who is thinking about buying their first home in the city would be wise to move quickly. Up to a third... Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Contact Us – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: 2 Princes Buildings, George Street, Bath BA1 2ED Offices are open Monday – Friday: 9.00am – 5.30pm. Visitors to our offices are by appointment only. ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Calendar – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: HOMEPAGE ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Metamorphosis: The power of perception – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Reading Metamorphosis: The power of perception A scene from Metamorphosis by Frantic Assembly @ Theatre Royal Plymouth. Written and Adapted by Lemn Sissay. Directed by Scott Graham. (Opening 11-09-2023) ©Tristram Kenton 09-23 (3 Raveley Street, LONDON NW5 2HX TEL 0207 267 5550 Mob 07973 617 355)email: [email protected] Metamorphosis: The power of perception 6 min read Think you know one of the greatest horror stories ever written? Think again. Frantic Assembly’s Scott Graham and poet Lemn Sissay OBE have joined forces to dissect and reimagine Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis, which lands at Bristol Old Vic this month. Lyn Gardner speaks to Graham and Sissay about retelling this 100-year-old gruesome tale, which still feels so timely in 2024. In 2019, when actor, writer and director Fraser Ayres suggested to Scott Graham, the artistic director of Frantic Assembly – one of the most iconic and collaborative British theatre companies of the last 30 years – that he might like to stage a version of Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis, his initial response was a resounding ‘no’. “Why would I want to go anywhere near it?” he says. “It comes with so much baggage and so much expectation.” He’s right. Everyone thinks they know Kafka’s 1915 novella, Metamorphosis, which tells of Gregor Samsa, a weary travelling salesman and sole breadwinner in his debt-ridden family, who wakes up one morning to find that he has been turned into a giant beetle. Confined to his room, Gregor becomes completely reliant on the family that once relied on him. It’s been described as the best horror story ever written, and its influence can be found in popular culture from video games to the Rolling Stones’ 1975 album, Metamorphosis, which comes with a cover in which the bands’ human features have been replaced by bug heads. There have been movies, operas and theatre productions inspired by the story, including Steven Berkoff’s famed 1969 physical theatre show. “If you make theatre and attempt this story there is a worry that you are always going to be in the shadow of Berkoff,” says Graham. It’s a story written with such restraint, and it contains so much fear and cruelty. I couldn’t get it out my head” But after discussing it at length with Ayres, whose personal reaction suggested a powerful story much less about transformation and more about the power of perception, Graham found it stayed with him like an itch that had to be scratched. Frantic Assembly’s Metamorphosis set out on a six-month tour across the UK last autumn, and hits the stage at Bristol Old Vic on 10 January, running until 20 January. So, why the change of heart for Graham? “It’s a story written with such restraint, and it contains so much fear and cruelty,” he says. “I couldn’t get it out of my head. It was written more than a 100 years ago, but it feels so timely. So now.” Graham had found the source, or the key, that would allow him to unlock the story and make us see it afresh. It’s what keeps classic works of art alive for new generations. Reimagining the tale Teaming up with the BAFTA-nominated poet, broadcaster and author, Lemn Sissay OBE, who has written the script, Graham and his team are reimagining Kafka’s story on stage as a tale of a family under pressure which is crushed by external economic forces, and who end up crushing each other. “Gregor is the breadwinner,” says Graham, “and the family are like parasites upon him. But when he transforms, he is less valuable to them and becomes a burden and we see what happens.” Lemn Sissay describes it as: “a story about a family with a big secret locked in one of its rooms. The change that happens to Gregor exposes the flaws and fissures and insecurities that already exist in the family. There are so many different tensions already in play long before Gregor wakes up as a bug.” Sissay, who says that collaborating with Frantic Assembly is like creating a piece of “intricate origami,” argues that everything in his script can be found in Kafka’s story. “It’s all there, I haven’t invented. I wouldn’t dream of trying to rewrite such a brilliant text.” Sissay has been a poet by profession for 30 years. So, when Frantic Assembly asked him to write a play, and specifically this adaptation of Kafka’s novella Metamorphosis, he said “the first thing I did was run away!” “Adapting a novella as well known as Metamorphosis is a challenge for any writer,” he admits. “You’re in for a ride. It’s scary, it’s exciting, it’s like climbing a mountain, man. And what you get to see when you come to see Frantic Assembly is the view from the mountain top. In rehearsals, we went through line after line. Every single movement. There are a million ways to move with any one sentence. Frantic Assembly is all about movement, connection, getting the absolute upmost out of every single line and emotion in the script. For a writer that is a privilege. And for an audience? Wow.” Since the play’s conception in 2019, everyone involved in the production has navigated an uncertain landscape. Metamorphosis has undergone a transformation of its own, through Covid, out into the open air and is now emerging from its chrysalis in a post-pandemic world. For Sissay, all of this work across four years “is leading to that moment when you’re sat on the edge of your seat”. Translating the transformation Academics have long argued over whether Gregor’s metamorphosis is actual or metaphorical, but Graham suggests that it can be both, particularly in the liminal space of the stage where the audience has a different relationship to the material than as a solo reader. He reckons that if you look very closely at the story the clues are all there, and that what happens to Gregor might be seen as a mental health crisis. Long before Sissay began writing the script, the company – loved and admired for its physically dynamic and emotionally truthful shows, including a recent brilliant version of Othello – was already exploring elements of the text, particularly the fear and sense of the other or ‘monstering’ which is inherent within it. This is a story of a family under stress from without and within. It looks like a normal family and operates like a normal family, but there are hidden weaknesses” “I don’t think what happens to Gregor is a supernatural event,” observes Graham. “I think it’s a result of stress. The Samsa family is drowning in debt, a debt that has resulted because of the father’s bankruptcy. Like Gregor, the father has had a moment of transformation, when he has gone from breadwinner to burden. “Gregor is desperate to get the family out of debt and the confined life they lead. He is aspiring to something else, particularly for his sister Grete who plays the violin and who he hopes can take it further. One of the elements of the story is about aspiration, and what people from different backgrounds can aspire to, that feels really timely because of the articulation of the idea that people from backgrounds like Grete’s can’t play the violin or shouldn’t aspire to a career in the arts.” Frantic Assembly Metamorphosis – Left to Right – Scott Graham – Lemn Sissay – Photo Credit Adi Detemo Shining a light on Grete This is a story which comes with such a memorable and killer opening line that those who read it never forget it. “It is complete genius,” agrees Graham, but he also wonders whether it might be a red herring that immediately makes everyone think that the title of the novella refers to Gregor, and only Gregor. Sissay agrees: “I think the metamorphosis that takes place is as much about Grete as it is about Gregor. She is the person in the story who experiences great change of many different kinds. She is in the process of becoming a woman. It’s all there in the text, and once you see it you can’t unsee it. It is so clear.” The pubescent Grete is the member of the family closest to Gregor, and when he becomes a bug while her parents recoil it is she who takes on the task of entering his room and bringing him food. “Feeding somebody is an extraordinary act of intimacy,” says Graham, who points to the fact that there are already tensions and ambiguities and confusions in Gregor and Grete’s relationship as there are within the whole family. Those tensions will finally detonate in unexpected ways and with far reaching consequences. “This is a story of a family under stress from without and within,” Graham adds. “It looks like a normal family and operates like a normal family, but there are hidden weaknesses. When the cracks begin to appear, the structure cannot hold. It’s a tragedy.” Metamorphosis is at Bristol Old Vic from 10-20 January. Sissay will also join Nancy Medina, the venue’s artistic director, for an hour-long stage talk that will take place at 5pm on Monday 15 January. [PAGE] Title: bristol – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Food & Drink – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Circumstance Distillery: boundless innovation As Circumstance Distillery prepare to release their whisky on 5 September – the first whisky to be produced in Bristol for 82 years – we sit down with team to find out more about their creations and why they were dubbed “Britain’s most innovative distillery”… In the 19th and 20th... Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Education News – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Cleve House International School set to open in Bristol Two leading independent schools are going into partnership to open Bristol’s first international school later this year – the first to offer the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme.  Cleve House International School will open in September on the current site of Cleve House School, on Wells Road in Knowle. ... Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: My Bristol – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: My Bristol: Katie Sparks MBE, founder and CEO of children’s charity Flamingo Chicks I was born in Bristol then lived in Cardiff and London as well as being lucky enough to work in several different countries. Despite my exciting adventures elsewhere, Bristol definitely has my heart! I still can’t quite believe I’ve been recognised in the Queen’s New Year Honours List! It’s wonderful... Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: fashion – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Redmaids’ High tops The Times Bristol school rankings – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Redmaids’ High tops The Times Bristol school rankings Redmaids’ High tops The Times Bristol school rankings 1 min read Redmaids’ High School was recently named the highest ranked Bristol school in The Times Parent Power league table 2023 for academic performance for a second year in a row. The independent school is unique in the city in that its key stage of entry is Year 3, when pupils are seven years old. Headteacher Lisa Brown says there are a few reasons why joining in Year 3 creates such a solid foundation for life ahead at the Senior School. “It is an exciting opportunity to start a new school, alongside a group of peers, where new friendships are forged and social skills extended as they all learn about each other,” Brown explains. “The fact that everyone is new and the provision of a ‘Big Girl’ buddy to support them during the first days of term, quickly settles the new members of our community.” She adds that a highlight of the Junior School calendar is the Big Girl Little Girl trip, where girls get to know each other during an informal fun day out. Sport fixtures are also played within the first few weeks of term, caving sessions are offered in the first term and all are encouraged to join a range of extra-curricular activities that include choir, fencing, judo, drama, art or maths. Every girl takes part in annual outdoor education trips, as well as creative arts workshops from Year 3. “We are proud to be a school known for being small and nurturing, meaning that our dedicated staff really get to know the children on an individual level, and support them pastorally in and outside of the classroom,” Brown adds. “Academically, we have the resources to be able to stretch and challenge where needed, in these pivotal years.” “We know from research that this age group has been most affected by lockdowns and closures during the pandemic in their emotional and social development.  Our staff are committed to ensuring that the girls’ well-being is a priority.” The school has included an additional weekly PSHE lesson to explore themes pertinent to each class across from Years 3-6. Last year, drama lessons were introduced into the curriculum, with a focus on improving pupils’ social skills and self-esteem. Prospective parents are invited to visit Redmaids’ High at the Junior School’s next Visiting Morning on Friday 2 February, although independent tours can also be arranged. [PAGE] Title: Restaurant review: The Kensington Arms – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Restaurant review: The Kensington Arms Restaurant review: The Kensington Arms 3 min read From the outside, The Kensington Arms, known locally as ‘The Kenny’, is a quaint, traditional pub nestled between houses and a railway in the heart of residential Redland. But a quick glance at their menu reveals all you need to know about this hidden gastronomic haven… Since its opening in 2007, The Kenny has steadily built up a name for itself as a much-loved gem on the Bristol pub circuit, adored by local drinkers and food-lovers alike. The venue describes itself as a proper gastro pub serving modern British dishes, and in August its menu underwent a revamp, turning its focus to sustainable produce. Masterminded by Head Chef Oscar Davis, the new menu is a colourful and contemporary take on British cuisine, showcasing the very best of food from the South West. The evening of our visit, we found that despite its culinary reputation The Kenny has managed to preserve the perfect balance between a fitting space for fine dining and a cosy and down-to-earth local. The main dining room sits slightly away from the bar, with an open kitchen that creates a more relaxed and inclusive atmosphere. The walls are decorated with an eclectic assortment of paintings and pictures, reminiscent of a French bistro (though the picture of the severed pigs head on the wall behind us was slightly perturbing). Seated in a comfortable corner with full view of the kitchen, we were given a brief explanation of the menu and then left to our own devices to pore over the dishes on offer. The menu is select but considered, and each option exudes the passion of the chefs behind it. Choosing what to eat was by far the hardest part of the evening. Their popular Wednesday steak night coincided with our visit, adding to the indecision, but we settled on the Scallops with Malt Glazed Pig Cheek and Marmande Tomato for starters, followed by the Fish of the Day and Courgette over Coals for the mains (my companion’s vegi/peski/very flexi lifestyle made choices slightly easier). When the starters arrived we were instantly sold. All beautifully presented, the sweet, meaty scallops melted in the mouth, impeccably paired with the tender pig cheek where the dripping sauce gave the dish a salty, charcoaled kick. The Marmande Tomato – essentially just tomato in tomato sauce with slices of nectarine on top, was perfectly simple but completely delicious. Already loosening our trousers, we watched in awe as the mains arrived. The Fish of the Day, an on-the-bone cut of Brixham Brill, was sweet and juicy with a satisfyingly crispy skin, and its silky chicken butter sauce allowed the parsley to shine through without overpowering the delicacy of the fish. Adorned with mushrooms, radish and bacon and a plate of (somewhat unnecessary, given how full we were) crispy roast potatoes, the dish was faultless and the plate was, of course, polished clean. The grilled courgette was my favourite and most surprising dish of the evening. Vegetarian dishes are limited at The Kenny, and our expectations for a main course that’s fundamental element is just ‘Courgette over Coals’ were admittedly low. But how wrong we were; the ewes’ curd was smooth and delicate, and the embellishing sumac, hazelnut and chimichurri added a polyphony of textures and flavours that exploded in the mouth. Sides were a delightful Chargrilled Hispi Cabbage and Burnt Leeks in Brown Butter that were sweet and rich. It was a mission at this point to continue, but on we battled in a unstated agreement that no plate would go unfinished before the dessert menu arrived on the table. There was little discussion about what we would choose, and promptly a Sticky Ale Pudding and Vanilla Affogato were being devoured. Sitting back, enjoying the last dregs of the wine, an extremely drinkable white Corte dei Mori Vermentino, The Kenny left us in a state of replete, slightly delirious bliss. It’s clear why this boozer-cum-gastronomic haven in the heart of Redland’s reputation precedes it. Original, carefully considered dishes that convey a love and passion for the craft, complemented by a relaxed-yet-charming dining room – we left, hearts and stomachs full, discussions only of how soon is too soon to plan our next visit. This meal for two, without drinks, totalled £96.50. The Kensington Arms kitchen is open Wed–Sun. Hours vary, check website for details: 35-37 Stanley Road, Redland, Bristol BS6 6NP; Tel: 0117 944 6444 [PAGE] Title: Newsletter Archive – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: 21 July ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Meet the Maker – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Opinions and Interviews – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: A life well lived: on Garry Fabian Miller’s latest exhibition As Bristol-born artist Garry Fabian Miller returns to Arnolfini almost 45 years after his first solo exhibition at the gallery, the artist looks back at his long and acclaimed career, celebrates those who have inspired him along the way and remembers “a life well lived”. Photography by Lisa Whiting Photography.... Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Business News – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Accountants Albert Goodman celebrate opening of new city centre office People from across the Bristol business community toasted chartered accountants, tax consultants and financial planners Albert Goodman at a special event in the city last night. Taking place at the Bristol Museum & Art Gallery’s Winterstoke and Wills Hall, the event was to celebrate the opening of Albert Goodman’s newly... Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Thatchers Cider: Life on Myrtle Farm – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Thatchers Cider: Life on Myrtle Farm Thatchers Cider: Life on Myrtle Farm 9 min read After Thatchers Gold jumped to the top spot in the South West as the best-selling draught pint, we caught up with fifth generation cider maker, Eleanor Thatcher, and orchard manager, Chris Muntz-Torres, to talk innovation, fermentation and what’s in store for the next generation… “Family cider makers since 1904,” reads each bottle of Thatchers’ cider. Five generations have lived on Myrtle Farm, tending to what feels like an ever-expanding plot of land. A single garden has turned into 500 acres of orchards – 180,000 trees now stand tall and orderly on the foothills of the Mendips. The family-run business leans on 119 years of expertise and now presses more apples in a day than it once did in a year. The fourth and fifth generations – Martin Thatcher and his daughter Eleanor – have witnessed the business’ meteoric rise to success, becoming an internationally known and widely loved brand in over 20 countries. Although having picked up many a prestigious award over the years for its various styles of cider, it was Thatchers Gold that last month overtook all draught beer and draught lagers to become the best-selling pint across the South West. It was the first time since records began that cider had made it to the top spot. An incredible 15.2 million pints of Gold were poured in 2022. It appears that Thatchers, although already firmly planted in the hearts and minds of millions in the West Country, is still growing in demand. On the back of last month’s news, we met up with Eleanor and orchard manager Chris Muntz-Torres at Thatchers’ oldest plot in Christon – just a stone’s throw away from Myrtle Farm – to gain a deeper understanding of where the cider industry began and where it’s headed, looking at the importance of preserving cherished aspects of Somerset’s history and heritage and securing a sustainable business for future generations. As the sun beamed down on us for what felt like the first time this year, the swathes of green land, all packed full of apple trees, glistened in the morning dew. Captivated by the magical beauty of Somerset, there simply seemed no better place on Earth to grow apples. In fact, throw a dart at a map of Somerset and you’ll likely happen upon a farmhouse cider or apple juice producer. But I wonder, what is it about this county that makes it so suited to cidermaking? “Trees need deep, nutrient-rich soil,” explains Chris, who joined the farm six years ago. “A lot of our orchards hug the foothills of the Mendips where it’s not too low and wet and it’s not too high and rocky. Somerset also gets long, cool autumns, which helps the flavours develop. All of our apple varieties are also perfectly suited to this area because of the cider history and heritage and how important it was to people to make cider on their farm. For the past 200 years, apples have been picked from the trees and made into cider. It was very, very true that people with a good reputation for making good cider attracted the best workers. When one third of their wages were paid in cider, it was very important that it was good cider. That history and heritage is still very much ingrained in Somerset and the West Country today. Some of the varieties that we grow now are exactly the same that were grown here hundreds of years ago.” Orchard manager Chris Muntz-Torres on Myrtle Farm Protecting and preserving It was William Thatcher who first started to make cider for his workers from the apples he grew in his own orchards. As cider grew in popularity, there was an interest for cider makers to plant more trees to produce more apples to make more cider. In turn, trial orchards were introduced by the Long Ashton Research Station in Bristol – an agricultural and horticultural government-funded research centre created in 1903 to study and improve the West Country cider industry. “Long Ashton partnered with a few key landowners around the West Country to put in trial orchards, aiming to identify which varieties would grow the best in different areas,” Chris explains. “The orchard here in Christon is quite a special orchard in terms of its history. It was originally planted in 1928 and was a mix of all different varieties. It was from orchards like this, though, that we were able to pinpoint which variety would work the best on more modern systems.” Although the idea was first introduced almost 100 years ago, Thatchers is one of the only cider makers in the UK to still carry out trials in its orchards every year, with nearly 50 acres now devoted to them. Thatchers is also dedicated to the development of its acclaimed Exhibition Orchard, which is home to the largest collection of apples for cidermaking in the country – over 458 different varieties. Planted by Eleanor’s grandfather and third-generation cidermaker, John Thatcher, many of the trees in the Exhibition Orchard were saved from the Research Station when cider research stopped in 1985. Protecting, preserving and caring for the UK’s largest and most diverse collection of apples used in cidermaking is at the very top of Thatchers’ agenda. So much so that, in recent years, the cider makers partnered with the University of Bristol in a ground-breaking project that uses DNA fingerprinting techniques to identify apple tree varieties. With many old and heritage varieties beginning to disappear, the project used genotyping – a process that compares DNA to find the differences in genetic make-up – to identify the varieties. Scientists from the university gathered leaf samples, creating the largest database of apple tree fingerprints in the world. “Back in the day, people reproduced trees from cuttings and over hundreds of years, varieties often got misnamed or forgotten. The university are now giving them a benchmark in history, which has been brilliant for us,” says Chris. Perhaps most interestingly, however, was the scientists’ investigation into what makes a good cider apple variety and if, in the future, their genotyping procedure can be used to identify a disease resistant, high-quality cider apple variety – something that would certainly help preserve the health and vitality of the Thatchers business. Fifth-generation cider maker Eleanor Thatcher on Myrtle farm Long-term goals As growing apples for cidermaking is a long-term commitment, with young trees taking at least six or seven years before they crop commercially, having a long-term view appears to be essential to all aspects of the business. “The decisions we make today don’t really affect us, it’s for the generations to come,” says Eleanor. These decisions are most evident in the way the family has intertwined traditional methods with modern technology from pip to pint. “In terms of cidermaking, we still use our 150-year-old giant oak vats [each holding 120,000 pints], we know they’re an important part of cidermaking but we also move forward with modern technology in terms of apple processing and, more recently, bringing in sustainable energy with the use of solar panels. All of our electricity on site also comes from renewable sources so we’re making good progress there too. But it’s also a trade-off and there’s things that they’ve done in the past that we mustn’t forget because it was important and they did it for a reason. We can modernise their ways, though, and innovate to not only make them more efficient but to make better cider – it’s all about quality for us.” What’s more, as the cider market evolves, tastes change and new styles of cider become popular, it’s important for Thatchers to look ahead and plant the varieties of apple that create contemporary style ciders. As proof that Thatchers is not only committed to its customers but has the masterful skill to carry out their demands, it released its first alcohol-free cider in 2020. Thatchers Zero still very much holds all the appley aromas expected from a Thatchers product. “It’s now the number one alcohol-free apple cider and has won quite a few awards, which is pretty amazing,” the team explain. “We’re not afraid of trying new things.” Local environment Thatchers’ 500 acres are home to a diverse habitat, yet the family are conscious of making a real contribution to the local environment and the biodiversity of the area. Recently, Thatchers planted 169 trees and hedges including native species such as hawthorn and hazel, English oak and field maple, together with grasses and nectar-rich wildflowers. All of which help create sheltered micro-habitats, and will aid the important retention of a dark corridor for bats and other wildlife. “We’ve also got beehives in or near every one of our orchards,” says Chris. “We’ve worked with about half a dozen beekeepers in the area and have about 70 hives on the farm in total. Bees are vitally important to us in terms of pollinating the crops. We do a lot to encourage wild, solitary bees as well as bumblebees, masonry bees, and mining bees.” Springtime on Myrtle farm Life on the farm As for Eleanor, life at Myrtle Farm has clearly been a happy one. “I think my earliest memories of being on the farm are being with my grandfather. I remember going out and picking the apples with him and I used to love that. Harvest time is also a magical time because suddenly the farm is alive and buzzing.” After recently spending two years in Australia, working on a vineyard just north of Adelaide, Eleanor’s focus has clearly been set on the science behind the fermentation process. “It was interesting because the grape that they loved on the vineyard was Shiraz. If Shiraz converted into apples it would be a Redstreak and that’s the cider maker’s favourite apple,” says Eleanor. “I have this passion for fermentation and blending that goes on – I love that part of the business. My grandfather’s love was the orchards and mine is absolutely fermentation.” Although having passed her tractor driving test at 16 and worked in the orchards during the school holidays, Eleanor’s day-to-day is now focused on two of those most important parts of the business. “I spend half my time making cider and half speaking to our customers. I love the balance – you get to see what our customers want and what they like to drink. That really helps when you’re doing new things and setting the direction for the future.” With the plans to one day take over from her father, Martin, I wonder whether the 23-year-old feels the pressure. “There’s definitely a level of responsibility. I’ve got so much to learn, which is really exciting. I’m mainly thinking about what the next generation of customers are going to want to drink and what we can do to meet their aspirations while ensuring we continue to be even more sustainable than we are now. “A lot of people that work in the business are like family to me – I’ve grown up with them. When you think my family’s been farming here for over 100 years, you don’t want to leave that.” As the sun rose higher in the sky and our time together came to a close, Eleanor reminded us of the translation of the county’s Old English name, which felt particularly apt on this warm Spring day. “Somerset is the land of the summer people,” she says. “Spreading a little bit of Somerset around the world, I think, is something that we can be really proud of.” Visit . All images courtesy of Thatchers Cider [PAGE] Title: Subscribe – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Subscribe The Bristol Magazine By Post If you live outside our distribution area and want a copy sent to you by post, or would like us to send a copy to friends or family then we offer a mailing service for only £18 for 6 months, or £33 for 12 months for postage to any mainland UK address. Single copies can be purchased at £4.25 All subscription options including European and world zone prices are displayed on the second page. 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[PAGE] Title: Fashion & Beauty – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Bond Morgan England: Green Product Award Finalist Bond Morgan designs for change, with sustainability and environmental impact as the main objective. The sustainable fashion brand combines pioneering alternative materials for a circular economy and multifunctional design to create a bag for mutable environments. Bond Morgan England, an ethical fashion brand based in Bristol, has been making strides... Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. 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[PAGE] Title: Foodie Features – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Restaurant Review: Coppa Club Cosy and cool in equal measure, this capacious all-day dining venue is a quality new addition to Clifton Village We were quick to warm to the Regent Street newcomer finding its feet in Clifton on the weekday evening we popped up to Coppa Club for dinner. Abuzz with Thursday-is-the-new-Friday festivity,... Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: The Bristol Magazine Online – Everything Good About Bristol Content: New Greenbank Townhouses designed for home working ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Gardens around the world – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Gardens around the world 3 min read Dreaming of your next getaway? Elly West whisks us away on a trip to some of her favourite far-flung gardens, from the Netherlands’ expansive carpets of tulips to a full-sized aeroplane made of flowers in Dubai This is the time of year when many of us are dreaming of some sunshine. Unsurprisingly, it’s the busiest month for holiday bookings, with travellers thinking of fresh starts and new adventures. We all want something to look forward to during the cold, dark, short days of January, planning getaways early in the year now that the hubbub of Christmas is out of the way. One of the things I love about visiting unfamiliar places is the different flora, whether it’s the bright-red geraniums grown against white-rendered houses in Spain, olive trees the size of our ancient oaks growing en masse in Greece, or the tulips of Keukenhof in the Netherlands. There are many, many places on my bucket list still to see. For example, the golden canola flower fields of China, or the Zen gardens of Kansai, Japan. But perhaps the most jaw-dropping place I’ve ever seen plants grown was at the Dubai Miracle Garden. As with much of Dubai, no expense is spared, and the result is like Disneyland on steroids. Nowhere else have I seen a full-sized aeroplane made of flowers. Described as the ‘world’s largest natural flower garden’, there is nothing natural about this place in the desert. The colourful exhibits are interspersed with giant Smurfs and as much colour as any retina can absorb. But I loved its ability to transport the imagination, and there is no denying the beauty and unique experience of being surrounded by so much colour. More than 150 million flowers are blooming at any one time during the cooler months when it is open, from October to April. You can wander through a series of heart-shaped arches (covered in flowers), see a giant castle (covered in flowers) and a quadruplet of enormous cats (variation: topiary). While the Dubai Miracle Garden may not have much in the way of direct takeaway ideas for our gardens back home, it does show us that anything is possible. It can motivate us use our imagination in the garden and choose things we like, even if they may not pass the taste test. Gardens should be personal, and a bit of fun can go a long way. Other gardens closer to home and with similar climates can be great sources of more practical inspiration for our own spaces. I love visiting botanical gardens whenever and wherever I can. They are often in urban areas, providing a calm oasis on an otherwise busy city break, and offering a chance to immerse the senses in greenery and nature. Botanical gardens are great places to learn about plants and see rare specimens and collections of a particular species. I was lucky to live very close to the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, for many years, and I love going back when I can. There is always something new to see, along with the natural changes with the seasons. In Bristol we have the University of Bristol Botanic Garden on our doorstep, which is also ever changing. In winter it’s nice to head to the warmth of the tropical glasshouses, while in summer the main attractions for me are the grove of tree ferns and the peonies. The Botanical Gardens at Royal Victoria Park in Bath are also well worth a wander. Free to visit, within their tranquil nine acres are beautiful trees, shrubs, herbaceous borders, rock gardens, a pond and replica Roman temple. Constructed in 1887, the paths wind in and around the planting and in summer one of the highlights is the collection of antique scented shrub roses. No expense is spared at Dubai’s Miracle Garden In Amsterdam at the end of last summer, I dragged my teenage son to the Hortus Botanicus and spent an hour or so exploring. Takeaway design ideas included beds in concentric circles edged with metal and low, clipped euonymus hedging – a great alternative to box hedging – plus stumpery-type woodland areas full of ferns and logs. A tour of a botanic garden raises appreciation for the important work that they do in terms of the study and conservation of plants, as well as being good for our wellbeing, keeping us in touch with nature, and helping to introduce us to the diversity of plant species around the world. If you’re visiting a botanical garden, take water, comfy shoes and a camera. Many of the plants are labelled, which makes it easier if you want to replicate what you’ve seen at home. Stay on established paths and walkways, and avoid the planted areas. [PAGE] Title: Walks & Wildlife – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Art & Museums – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Veronica Ryan: personal and poetic As Bristol-based sculptor Veronica Ryan wins Britain’s most prestigious art award, the Turner Prize, in recognition of her major exhibition at Spike Island, we take a closer look at her life’s work… Sculptor Veronica Ryan – who splits her time between Bristol, where she has a home in Spike Island,... Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Embracing Change: Take Control of your menopause with Chelvey Menopause Clinic – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Embracing Change: Take Control of your menopause with Chelvey Menopause Clinic Embracing Change: Take Control of your menopause with Chelvey Menopause Clinic 4 min read The menopause, a natural phase of a woman’s life, is finally receiving the attention it deserves. Having languished in the shadows of societal discourse for so long, leaving those experiencing menopausal symptoms feeling marginalised, discussions about menopause are becoming more prevalent. As societal awareness grows, so does our understanding of the profound impact that menopause can have on a woman’s life. From home life to the workplace, the menopause can influence every aspect of a woman’s being. At Chelvey Menopause, we recognise the significance of this time of life and are committed to empowering women to take control of their menopause, ensuring they emerge strong and resilient. What is the menopause? The term ‘menopause’ finds its roots in Greek, with ‘meno’ meaning ‘month’ and ‘pausia’ meaning ‘stop’. Officially diagnosed 12 months after a woman’s last menstrual period, the average age of menopause in the UK is 51 years. As women age their ovarian function diminishes and the amount of oestrogen their ovaries release into the blood stream during the menstrual cycle declines. In the 10 years leading up to the menopause, in what is termed ‘perimenopause’, oestrogen levels fluctuate unpredictably which can cause profound symptoms, such as hot flushes, night sweats, fatigue, brain fog, vaginal dryness, loss of libido and mood disturbance. Some women go through menopause because of surgical removal of the ovaries (sometimes done at the time of hysterectomy). Menopause can also be induced by certain medications. In these situations the onset of menopause is rapid, which can cause even more profound symptoms. Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) occurs when menopause happens before 40 years old. Affecting 1 in 100 women the cause is often elusive, making the diagnosis challenging for young women. The impact of the menopause The menopause can affect a woman physically, emotionally, and socially. According to recent statistics, nearly 75% of women experience menopausal symptoms, with 25% reporting severe symptoms that significantly impact their daily lives. Given that menopausal symptoms are often non-specific, many women do not realise they are perimenopausal and healthcare professionals can misdiagnose menopause. The effects of menopause extend into the workplace, with 1 in 4 women considering leaving work due to symptoms. Women of menopausal age are often at the peak of their career and the effect of menopause can exacerbate the gender pay gap and gender biases in the workplace. All our doctors are British Menopause Society (BMS) Accredited Menopause Specialists… which means we have the training and experience to offer high quality evidence-based personalised menopause care” How can Chelvey Menopause help? Many women still have a third of their lives to live after the menopause. Managing the health conditions and symptoms associated with the menopause is vitally important for quality and quantity of life. Chelvey Menopause takes a holistic approach to menopausal care, recognising that every woman’s journey is different. We offer the full range of menopause treatments from hormone replacement therapy to testosterone, coil insertion and more natural treatments, such as suggesting bespoke lifestyle changes. We are the only clinic in Bristol offering cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia, which is a novel talking therapy proven to help sleep disorders which are so common around the menopause. All our care is delivered by experienced doctors, all of whom are British Menopause Society (BMS) Accredited Menopause Specialists, which means we have the training and experience to deliver high quality evidence-based personalised menopause care. Meet the team When you book an appointment at Chelvey Menopause you will be seen by either Dr Kuki Avery or Dr Laura Flexer, both of whom are BMS accredited menopause specialists. Both Dr Avery and Dr Flexer are also GPs and have extensive experience of hospital medicine, having both passed their membership examinations to the Royal College of Physicians. Dr Avery and Dr Flexer also both work in NHS menopause clinics, which helps them to stay up to date with advances in the field of menopause care. They bring a wealth of expertise and a passion fro delivering personalised, evidence-based care. Driven by a patient-centric approach, they place the individual at the heart of their practice, tailoring treatments to meet each woman’s unique needs. We pride ourselves in keeping at the forefront and our two most recent research presentations jointly won the award for best research at the British Menopause Society annual scientific meeting. Where can you see us? You can book an appointment online or face-to-face at Litfield House in Clifton, which conveniently has free parking! Chelvey Menopause is not just a clinic; it’s a sanctuary for women undergoing one of life’s most significant transitions. At Chelvey Menopause we provide compassionate, personalised care, ensuring that each woman can embrace the menopause with confidence and resilience. It’s time to redefine the menopause journey, and at Chelvey Menopause, we are here to guide you every step of the way. For more information and to book visit [PAGE] Title: Nuffield Health: is knee pain holding you back? – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Nuffield Health: is knee pain holding you back? Nuffield Health: is knee pain holding you back? 3 min read We all know that keeping active is one of the key ingredients to living a healthy life, but when knee pain interferes with normal activity and prevents exercise, it is time to act and seek medical help. If you are suffering with knee pain, a visit to an orthopaedic surgeon can help. The surgeon will determine if the pain is caused through injury or a more long-term issue, such as osteoarthritis. This is the most common form of arthritis, and is characterised by inflammation and ‘wear and tear’ damage to the knee. It develops over time, and can sneak up on you. When symptoms first appear, much of the damage has already been done. The process of damage and wearing out of the joint cartilage surface eventually results in the bone grinding on bone in the knee, which is a painful and disabling condition. Up to 25% of people with knee arthritis will retire early due to the pain it causes. There are several risk factors for osteoarthritis, including your genes, lifestyle factors, previous injuries, hypermobility and obesity. Symptoms of knee osteoarthritis The predominant symptoms of knee arthritis are pain and stiffness, which lead to a loss of mobility. Symptoms range from mild to severe. There can be a mild background ache in the knee, which might interfere with sporting activities or a long walk. In more severe cases, it can be a constant severe disabling pain, which makes walking very difficult or impossible. Pain may also be so severe that sleep can be disturbed. Roughening and fragmentation of the knee joint surface may also lead to catching, clicking, clunking or similar symptoms. Swelling of the knee joint is often seen, and in severe cases, the shape of the knee may change. In the worst cases, loss of mobility can lead to poor cardio-respiratory fitness. Treatment of knee osteoarthritis Following a diagnosis of arthritis, you may receive some form of treatment before you see a surgeon. Non-surgical treatments include simple painkillers, anti-inflammatory tablets, weight loss treatments, modification of activities, or physiotherapy. If there are symptoms of mechanical locking in the knee, or stiffness, then keyhole surgery (arthroscopy) may improve this. However, this cannot reverse the arthritis damage. For those patients who might be suffering with arthritis but are hoping to avoid surgery, there are less invasive, non-surgical options available, such as injection therapy. This can prove beneficial in managing joint pain to the point whereby the need for surgery is delayed. Steroid injections are an example of this. Another technique available is Platelet Rich Plasma treatment (PRP), which uses a patient’s own anti-inflammatory cells to promote the healing of injured joints. If the arthritis pain is severe and you have exhausted non-operative treatment, then you may decide to proceed with a knee replacement. Knee replacement surgery has evolved, with innovative, state-of-the-art robotic-arm technology available to assist the surgeon with the procedure. This brings a range of enhanced benefits for the patient, including even greater surgical precision, which in turn leads to a faster recovery and decreased post-operative pain. Nuffield Health Bristol Hospital is currently the only hospital in the city to offer robotic-arm assisted knee replacement surgery, highlighting Nuffield Health’s commitment to providing patients with the best possible treatment. The decision to proceed is made with your surgeon, so that you fully understand the benefits and risks of each procedure. Some of the treatments offered for arthritis by Nuffield Health Bristol Hospital: • Full and partial knee replacements • Physiotherapy [PAGE] Title: Former pupil at Badminton School receives Damehood in King’s New Year Honours List – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Former pupil at Badminton School receives Damehood in King’s New Year Honours List Former pupil at Badminton School receives Damehood in King’s New Year Honours List 1 min read A former pupil at Badminton School, Bristol, was appointed Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE) in the King’s New Years Honours List this year for her tremendous contribution to the voluntary and public sectors across every level of society. Dame Dianne Jeffrey is the founding Chair of ‘Age International’, a sister charity set up by ‘Age UK’ that, since its inception in 2012, has helped protect and promote the dignity and rights of people in later life in more than 40 developing countries around the world. Dianne attended Badminton School from 1957 – 1962 and feels strongly that her time at the school played a large part in this recognition: “On my arrival at Badminton in the late 1950s we were heavily involved in raising money for the Ockenden Venture, a refugee aid charity providing support for the thousands of people made homeless and without status in Europe after WWII. Started by three school mistresses in Surrey, this remarkable mission kindled my ambition and has driven me to work on behalf of disadvantaged people worldwide ever since.” Jessica Miles, Head at Badminton School, comments: “I am sure I speak for the whole Badminton community – both past and present – in congratulating Dame Dianne on this terrific honour. Her vision, accomplishments and achievements, and the tremendous work of Age UK and Age International, are significant and inspiring, and I am delighted that they have been recognised in this way.” Dianne’s contributions to the public and charity sector stretch widely. She played a pivotal role in establishing the Dignity Commission and the Malnutrition Task Force and launched DebtCred, a charity whose purpose was to help school leavers understand the importance of managing their money. She chaired the Peak District’s National Park Management Plan Advisory Group from 2012 – 2023 and has been a Deputy Lieutenant for Derbyshire since 2004. [PAGE] Title: The Wedding Guide 2023 – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Pitch Up And Play ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Lifestyle – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Harvey Nichols Bristol Located in the heart of Bristol with a commanding view of the city, the Second Floor at Harvey Nichols Bristol offers a truly luxurious wedding and dining experience. Each with their own beautiful interior, the three spaces make Harvey Nichols Bristol the perfect setting for your big day. Whether you... Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Education – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: The rise of EdTech During lockdown new ways of teaching emerged to support remote learning. But this way of working has also become absorbed and has permanently transformed the way that children and young people are taught in the classroom. We talk to some of our local schools about how they use technology within... Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Film & Television – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Leading Lady: in conversation with Tuppence Middleton With a dizzying array of major titles under her belt – most recently ITV’s Our House – Tuppence Middleton prepares to return to the big screen this week in Downton Abbey: A New Era. Ahead of the release on 29 April, we catch up with the Bristol-born actor to chat... Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Restaurant Reviews – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Adult Learning – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Light up the night – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Reading Light up the night Thatchers Wassail 2023 Mendip Morris perform the Wassail Ceremony Copyright Neil Phillips Photo and Film Ltd Light up the night 1 min read Who says winter revelry has to stop once December ends? Each January, people across the south west embrace the darkest time of year with a traditional wassail, finding joy in the old ways of welcoming in good spirits to guide us through the year ahead… Fourth generation cider maker Thatchers will be Wassailing once again at Myrtle Farm in January. The Wassail Queen and Green Man will lead the Mendip Morris procession into the apple orchards, where the weird and wonderful events that make up the Wassail tradition take place. The Wassail Ceremony originates from a pagan tradition of promoting the good health of the apple trees – and a great harvest. The ceremony welcomes in the good spirits and scares away the not-so-good spirits to keep the trees in good health throughout the year. The word Wassail takes its name from ‘Waes Hael’ – which means ‘be well’. The event traditionally takes place on or around the 17 January (referred to by some as ‘Old Twelvey Night’). Thatchers loves to continue this tradition, with revelling guests taking part in the strange goings-on. Cider poured over the roots of the Wassail tree will wish good health, while cider-soaked toast hung in the trees by the Wassail Queen is said to attract the robins – good spirits who help the trees grow and produce fruit. Meanwhile, the evil spirits are scared away with revellers making as much noise as they can (using sticks and pans), and sometimes shots are fired into the air in traditional ceremonies. Then there’s a Wassail chant – and of course lots of merriment, music, and warming mulled cider. [PAGE] Title: Sign up to our Newsletter – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Gardens Sign up to our Newsletter Our specially curated newsletter, ‘The Weekend Edition’, contains everything you’ll want to know about our brilliant Bristol. We think we can do a good job at delivering interesting and varied city news, views, lifestyle content, inspiring ideas, fun features and a whole lot more – sent directly to your inbox, keeping you updated, informed and entertained. To receive, simply enter your email to the form. We are fully respectful and will never pass on your details to third parties. Click here to visit the Newsletter Archives ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Collegiate School: U14s through to National Quarter-Finals – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Collegiate School: U14s through to National Quarter-Finals Collegiate School: U14s through to National Quarter-Finals 1 min read The U14 rugby squad earned an impressive 51-7 win against a strong St Edward’s, Oxford side in their last-16 match of the School Sport Magazine National Cup. In a match under lights at Dings, the boys put in a superb squad performance, using the full width of the pitch to score a series of tries, but also defend strongly against a determined St Edward’s attack. The U14s now go into the quarter-finals of the national cup competition. Congratulations to all the players, and also coaches, parents and supporters. [PAGE] Title: The Christmas Survival Guide – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: The Christmas Survival Guide 4 min read Christmas is coming, and for many of us it’s a time to celebrate. However, we’re often so preoccupied over the festive period that it’s easy to forget about our health and wellbeing. Here, the specialists at Nuffield Health Bristol Hospital offer advice on how to enjoy a healthy holiday season. Festive feasting One of the biggest health worries for many of us this month is the impact festive merrymaking might have on our weight. We’re currently in the pre-Christmas season of trying to lose weight, either to fit into a party outfit or so we can give ourselves permission to eat whatever we like from Christmas Eve until New Year. Clinical psychologist Dr Vanessa Snowdon-Carr explains: “This is part of a familiar ‘lose it, gain it’ cycle, because by the time we get to Christmas, we’re so fed up with the diet that we then go overboard. While we may eat a bigger meal than usual on Christmas Day, it is the additional food and alcohol throughout December that adds to weight gain. We can tell ourselves that it doesn’t matter because we’ll refocus in January, but is that how we want to start the new year, feeling horrible about our body? “So, how about this year deciding which are the meals you really want to be able to indulge in, and which are the little extras through December that you could do without? And when you do eat Christmas food, use some of the mindful eating principles: make sure you slow down, savour it and enjoy every mouthful!” Even if weight isn’t a concern for you, the excesses of the festive season can still put a strain on our health, in particular our digestive system. Dr Amanda Beale, consultant gastroenterologist, says: “A gut suddenly required to cope with large amounts of Christmas pudding, smothered in brandy cream, can sometimes show the strain. Most of these odd gut symptoms will resolve quickly but, if persistent, can suggest underlying bowel problems.” Dr Beale continues: “Any variation in bowel habit, new pains, or bloating that is still present in the New Year could indicate an underlying bowel problem. This in turn can cause poor absorption of nutrients, leading to anaemia and significant fatigue. If you have any concerns, seek medical advice.” Spread Christmas cheer, not germs Unfortunately, the festive season also falls during the winter flu season, and like flu, COVID-19 cases have also increased this autumn. Both flu and COVID-19 are serious illnesses which can cause death, not only in vulnerable groups, such as older people and those with an underlying medical condition, but also among people who are fit and healthy. Nuffield Health Bristol Hospital’s infection prevention co-ordinator, nurse Janice Bowler explains: “You can have either of these viruses and pass them on to others without displaying any symptoms yourself, so being immunised not only protects you, it protects those around you, including family, friends and work colleagues.” Janice says: “If you are unfortunate enough to have flu or COVID in the run-up to Christmas, rest up and stay away from work until you’re better – even if that means missing the office party! Your colleagues won’t appreciate catching it from you, and then being struck down over Christmas itself. As well as getting the vaccine, you can help to reduce the spread of germs by regularly washing your hands, and when coughing or sneezing, do it into a tissue or handkerchief, or if you don’t have one, do it into the crook of your elbow, rather than your hand.” There’s still time to get the flu vaccination before Christmas – and the COVID-19 booster, if you’re eligible – so speak to your GP or a local pharmacist if you would like more information. Prepare for a stress-less Christmas Christmas is usually portrayed as a happy, social, family time, but for many it doesn’t live up to these expectations. Even for those people who enjoy it, Christmas can still be stressful and there’s a price to be paid afterwards for overindulgence. Bristol GP Dr Gill Jenkins tells us: “The main problems GPs see before Christmas revolve around the stress of trying to provide the ‘perfect’ Christmas, or conversely being aware that you will be alone. Fear of getting into debt, not meeting loved ones’ expectations, and feeling lonely all lead to increased selfharming, sleep difficulties and panic attacks. A heightened feeling of loss, anxiety and depression occur and the social media phenomena of competitiveness, oneupmanship and ‘fear of missing out’ add to the stress. After the event we see more problems related to overindulgence of food and drink, including indigestion and realisation that alcohol use may be a problem, and weight gain that needs addressing. It almost makes you wonder why we do it!” Dr Jenkins suggests: “Planning is key, and appreciating that Christmas is about sharing time and simple pleasures with the ones you care about. Remember to refresh stocks of simple ‘over the counter’ medicine, such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, indigestion or diarrhoea medicines, and ensure you have enough of your regular medicine to last until after New Year. Doctors surgeries and chemists may be closed, but there is always a GP out-of-hours (OOH) service in case anyone does fall ill, or alternatively, call 111 for advice and a GP appointment. Try to avoid A&E, as hospital emergency departments are always overrun at this time of year.” Nuffield Health Bristol Hospital offers weight loss treatment, gastroenterology clinics, and a private GP service. If you would like to book an appointment with any of our consultants, call 0117 911 5339, or visit our website for more information. Nuffield Health Bristol Hospital [PAGE] Title: Trending tiles – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Trending tiles 2 min read Want to know which decorative tiles are in vogue for 2024? Quorn Stone has got you covered. With a passion for beautiful materials in the home, the team believes tiles play a pivotal role in every project, harmoniously binding all design elements together. In recent years, a resurgence of interest in decorative tiles has redefined home interior trends – enhancing any bathroom, kitchen, or hallway… 1. Welcome warm, earthy tones A big trend for 2024 is Moroccan tiles. Moroccan tiles are renowned for their intricate patterns, rich colours, and enduring feel. With earthy hues trending for the year ahead, the Farini Cinnamon Moroccan-style tiles are a perfect option, with their rich burnt orange to red tones in a high gloss finish. 2. Opt for delicate elegance Onyx effect tiles seem to be going nowhere. Inspired by the natural beauty of onyx stone, these tiles mimic the intricate veining and rich colour variations of the real material. These tiles effortlessly elevate interiors, imparting a sense of opulence and refinement while offering a statement look for contemporary homes. The Onyx Powder Pink is the perfect pink bathroom tile for those wanting just the right amount of colour and pattern. 3. Inspiration from a sweet snack A term you maybe haven’t heard before, Kit Kat tiles are set to be a notable trend for 2024. Kit Kat tiles are a style of tiling that, as the name suggests, resemble the popular chocolate bar, featuring small, rectangular tiles arranged in a grid pattern. Often made of porcelain or ceramic in a mosaic format, these finger tiles are admired for their streamlined linear appearance, working with contemporary bathrooms and kitchens. Try the Nori Pearl stick tiles for a soft white wall tile. 4. Stick with the classics Metro tiles date back to the early 20th Century, first created for the underground in major cities such as London, New York, and Paris. What started as a practical wall surface for public spaces has now become an iconic style for homes, seen in bathrooms and kitchens alike. A fail-safe neutral white metro tile is the Nori Pearl metro. Lay in a herringbone pattern for an elevated decorative touch. 5. Rich glazes and unique textures Zellige tiles (pronounced as ‘zell-idge’) are a form of Moroccan artisanal, enamel-coated tiles crafted with a rich glaze, unique texture, and beautiful variation of pigments. Reminiscent of these original Moroccan tiles, many Zellige-style tiles are now made from porcelain and ceramic, resulting in a very strong body, that is easier to install and maintain. The Safi Seashell is a delicate tonal tile in a square format, offering a high shine glazed ceramic with a handmade feel and authentic variation. Quorn Stone | 92a Whiteladies Road, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 2QN | | 01174 622 822 [email protected] [PAGE] Title: Bristol’s under a Wicked spell – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Bristol’s under a Wicked spell Bristol’s under a Wicked spell 6 min read Global spectacle Wicked lands at Bristol Hippodrome from 23 January–25 February. Twenty years after its Broadway debut, Mark Fisher finds out why this iconic story of an unlikely friendship remains as relevant as ever Sarah O’Connor and Laura Pick are remembering when they fell in love with Wicked. The hit musical generates devoted fans and the two actors are among them. Dublin-born O’Connor discovered it as a teenager on holiday with her family in New York. “I listened to it on repeat in the CD player, singing it in the kitchen,” she says. “I’ve loved it so much for so long.” Wakefield-born Pick tells an almost identical story. “I got the CD and the music book for my 14th birthday,” she says. “The poor people that had to drive me to any rehearsal – my mum, my dad, friends’ parents – with me sat in the back, belting out the songs… that was my life.” For both actors, it is a dream come true to find themselves starring in a show they have adored for so long. Sarah O’Connor as Glinda the Good. Photography: Matt Crockett Bringing the tour to Bristol In the spectacular touring production that appears at the Bristol Hippodrome from Tuesday 23 January until Sunday 25 February 2024, O’Connor plays Glinda the Good, the teenage witch who makes a grand entrance to Shiz University in a bubble. Before long, we find she is not quite as good as she likes to think she is. Pick, meanwhile, plays Elphaba, the green-skinned student who wants to make the world a better place even though she is destined to become the Wicked Witch of the West. “It’s always relevant,” says Pick. “Never mind the incredible songs and the music, it goes back to people feeling like they can connect with these characters – whether they’re a Glinda or an Elphaba. It’s a special show that means a lot to so many people.” O’Connor and Pick are not the only ones to be repeatedly drawn back to Wicked. The first time Michael McCabe saw the show, it was to support his friend David Stone, the renowned American theatre producer, who was opening it on Broadway. “I was completely blown away,” says McCabe. “The audience was enraptured by the story and euphoric in its response.” This was in 2003 when no one knew quite what a phenomenon Wicked would become. In little more than a year, it would recoup its $14m investment and, two decades on, it has become the fourth longest running show in Broadway history. This tour replicates everything you see in the West End. It’s a colossal production and a huge undertaking” Watched by 65 million people Written by composer/lyricist Stephen Schwartz and scriptwriter Winnie Holzman, it has been performed in more than 130 cities in 16 countries and has been seen by 65 million people. In the pipeline is a two-part movie version starring Ariana Grande, Michelle Yeoh and Jeff Goldblum. “There is also the spectacle of it,” says McCabe to explain Wicked’s success. “The world that director Joe Mantello conjured up with all his designers felt so unlike anything else and utterly of the world of Oz.” He too has had his life shaped by Wicked. Once the show had proved its worth on Broadway, McCabe got the call to come on board as executive producer for its run in London’s West End. He opened it at the Apollo Victoria Theatre on 27 September 2006 and it remains there to this day. “Joe Mantello’s production expertly marshals a remarkable kaleidoscope of magical shocks, surprises and sensations,” said the Evening Standard after the opening night. “And Wicked works like a dream.” Twice winning the Olivier Audience Award, it is soon to welcome its 12 millionth theatregoer. “Every time we do auditions, we acknowledge how lucky we are that people still want to be in Wicked,” he says. “Whether you’re going for a principal role or it’s your first job out of drama school, there is this spirit that exists around the show that makes people passionate to be in it.” Now Wicked is on tour and they are doing nothing by halves. With a cast of 33, the production has taken to the road with over 80 people. In each city, it picks up local dressers and stage crew, taking the total to over 100. “This tour replicates everything you see in the West End,” says McCabe. “It’s a colossal production and a huge undertaking.” Wicked stars Donna Berlin and Simeon Truby. Below: Megan Gardiner. Photography: Matt Crockett Its popularity refuses to wane How, then, to account for Wicked’s popularity? The story begins in the 1990s when a novelist specialising in children’s fiction turned his hand to a book for adults. Gregory Maguire was a lifelong fan of L. Frank Baum’s children’s book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900) and the Judy Garland movie The Wizard of Oz (1939). But something bothered him about a story that depended on the extremes of good and evil. Did the Wicked Witch of the West have no redeeming features? Might the Good Witch of the North be just a little bit flawed? Maguire was writing at the time of the Gulf War when the US and her allies were portraying Saddam Hussein as a cartoon-like baddie. The novelist knew Saddam was a dictator, but he hungered for nuance. That is what he set out to create in his novel, Wicked – The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West (1995), in which he provided an origin story for Baum’s famous characters. Instead of showing the Wicked Witch of the West as a nightmarish figure haunting poor Dorothy Gale’s imagination, he portrayed her as a young girl called Elphaba (a name created from L. Frank Baum’s initials) who wants to right the world’s injustices. In his rave review in the Los Angeles Times, critic Robert Rodi called it “the best fantasy novel of ideas” he had read since Mervyn Peake’s Gormenghast and Frank Herbert’s Dune. Wicked’s London company (photo: Mark Senior) An ‘extraordinary’ darkness “It keeps getting more relevant,” says McCabe. “Gregory’s novel was so extraordinary in its darkness and the notion of a character you could have been misinformed about – and where better to look than a character whose name contains the word ‘Wicked’? “I remember sitting there the first time and thinking, ‘Good God! Everything you thought you knew about this person is a lie.’ In our era of ‘fake news’, it’s such a clever notion.” Schwartz and Holzman loved the idea and realised there was tremendous emotional power in the story of the shaky friendship between Elphaba and Glinda. It is this evolving relationship, going from enemy to comrade, that sits at the heart of Wicked. “It appeals so broadly because it is about friendship,” says McCabe. “It’s not an easy friendship and it certainly doesn’t start as a perfect friendship but how it evolves gives it a universal appeal. It is all too rare for a musical to lead with two women who have a complex relationship that develops into something profound.” It is a story that stands on its own two feet irrespective of whether you know The Wizard of Oz“ Having made this friendship the focus of the adaptation, Schwartz came up with a score that drew on everything from classical to pop, via big power ballads and tear-jerking duets. The dynamic ‘Defying Gravity’ is the stand-out hit, a song describing Elphaba’s transition from confinement to liberty, a rite of passage everyone can identify with. Along with ‘Popular’, ‘For Good’ and ‘What Is This Feeling?’, it became one of the most downloaded tracks from the Broadway cast recording. “The music is very of now,” says McCabe. “Here is a brand-new show with a brand-new score and original story that talks to a wider, more modern audience as well as traditional theatregoers. “And it is a story that stands squarely on its own two feet irrespective of whether you know The Wizard of Oz.” Wicked is at Bristol Hippodrome from Tuesday 23 January until Sunday 25 February. Information and tickets: [PAGE] Title: Home & Garden – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: The Beauty of Nature As we step into spring, Andy Winfield – Senior Botanical Horticulturalist – looks forward to this year’s Easter Sculpture Festival, welcoming people back to reengage with nature… Plants are everything, they’re vital for human existence; just a quick look around the room you are in right now and you’ll see... Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details. [PAGE] Title: Theatre – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Sleeping Beauty: back by popular demand As Matthew Bourne’s award-winning production of Sleeping Beauty returns to Bristol Hippodrome on 28 February, we speak to Ashley Shaw and Andrew Monaghan about returning to their lead roles as Princess Aurora and Leo… Matthew Bourne’s Sleeping Beauty is back by popular demand, celebrating 10 years since its premiere at... Read More ABOUT US The Bristol Magazine is an independent title produced by local publishers MC Publishing Limited. All content in our printed magazine and on this website is copyright. All rights reserved. POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Never, ever miss an issue of Bristol's most-loved magazine. Have it posted out to you every month. If you live outside of our delivery area, or would like to send a copy to family or friends, then why not take advantage of our convenient postal subscription service. Click on the link below for more details.
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To find out more about what we do and where we deliver then please take a look at our Media Pack (below). What were they on, these people? Most of the work he has done on the story has been crowdfunded. Why colour is important in interior design We spend a lot of time in our homes, particularly during the long winter months, and the colours we choose to surround ourselves with have a big impact on how we feel when we are in a space. When considering introducing colour into your home, the first thing to think about is how you want to feel when you are in your home in general, or a particular room. We want to know what the room will be used for, who it will be used by, and at what time of day. Title: Aardman – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Read More For more about the school visit It’s all there in the text, and once you see it you can’t unsee it. Title: bristol – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Read More Title: fashion – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Read More It was very, very true that people with a good reputation for making good cider attracted the best workers. It was from orchards like this, though, that we were able to pinpoint which variety would work the best on more modern systems.” Although the idea was first introduced almost 100 years ago, Thatchers is one of the only cider makers in the UK to still carry out trials in its orchards every year, with nearly 50 acres now devoted to them. You can link to your site or simply promote your business. For full details about advertising in The Bristol Magazine you can view our Media Pack by clicking here Or if all of this baffles you and you aren’t sure what you need or want, talking is always easier over the phone, so give us a bell on 0117 974 2800 and we can listen to your wishes and sort something specific out for you. Title: style – The Bristol Magazine Online Content: Read More However if you would like it in the magazine also, then just choose the 3rd 'Online and Magazine' option below. What is the menopause? Whether you... Read More Nuffield Health Bristol Hospital’s infection prevention co-ordinator, nurse Janice Bowler explains: “You can have either of these viruses and pass them on to others without displaying any symptoms yourself, so being immunised not only protects you, it protects those around you, including family, friends and work colleagues.” Janice says: “If you are unfortunate enough to have flu or COVID in the run-up to Christmas, rest up and stay away from work until you’re better – even if that means missing the office party!
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Remote v In person v Virtual Work Culture | Future of Work 19. Designing a New Vision for Virtual Leadership, Mentorship & Culture | Future of Work 18. The Importance of Navigating Turbulent Business Situations | The Future of Work 17. How Communication Overhead Impacts Your Business & Your People | Future of Work 15. Why Shifting Your Angle is Necessary to Survive a Work Vortex | Future of Work 14. The Lifecycle of Onboarding and Helping a New Employee Find their Stride | Future of Work 13. Creating Connection in the New Reality of Remote Work | Future of Work 12. How to Transition back to an in Office Work Culture | Future of Work 11. What Loading the Dishwasher teaches about Running a Business & Managing Teams | Future of Work 10. Engineering Brain, Fold It Problem Solving, and Box Creativity | Future of Work 9. Sanity Tools to Fight Fatigue and Work Burnout | Future of Work 8. Balancing the Art of Uninformed Optimism & Pessimism | Future of Work 7. Reinventing Your Tech Stack - When & Why | Future of Work 6. Staying True to Your Core Values & Mission During a Crisis 5. The Competitive Advantage of Truly Knowing what your Customers Need | The Future of Work 4. What Cutting Down a Healthy Pecan Tree Teaches us about Essential Business Cuts | Future of Work 3. Top 5 Things Leaders Should Focus on During the Pandemic | Future of Work 2. The Importance of Stripping Off the Productive Layers of Your Business | Future of Work 1. Five Phases Every Company Experiences with Remote Work | Future of Work Get the business leadership tips you want, when you want them [PAGE] Title: WNDYR | BLOG Content: Your NPS can tell you if you're focusing on the right thing: customers. The WNDYR Team Jan 20, 2024 Future of Work Adobe's latest whitepaper says it's as radical as the changing world around us. Tracey Foulkes Dec 7, 2023 Future of Work From workflow management to client relations, change is coming. Start now to make the most of it. The WNDYR Team Nov 15, 2023 Digital Employee Experience A Guide to Ongoing Change Management Tracey Foulkes Aug 11, 2023 Employee Engagement Start stimulating employee engagement today and reap the benefits of a motivated and fulfilled team. Tracey Foulkes Jul 27, 2023 Future of Work Little things mean a lot - but Adobe Workfront helps you keep your eye on the big things, too. The WNDYR Team Jun 14, 2023 The Virtual Workplace Smart tools and smarter processes can take a lot of stress out of the workplace. The WNDYR Team May 17, 2023 Organizational Design Integrated work management can get information and collaboration flowing again. The WNDYR Team May 12, 2023 Digital Transformation How integrated work can crank up the velocity and volume of your content operations. The WNDYR Team May 3, 2023 Digital Transformation Personalized experiences demand a lot of good content, fast. Here's how to keep the pipeline flowing. The WNDYR Team Apr 27, 2023 ... 20 Get notified on new future of work insights Be the first to know about WNDYR’s latest work and productivity insights to drive a successful enterprise digital transformation WNDYR Inc 2950 North Loop West Suite 1200 Houston, TX 77092 [PAGE] Title: Digital Transformation Services | WNDYR Content: Digital Transformation Services for Modern Enterprise Process Design and Optimization Blockers, bottlenecks and blind spots run rampant when your intended process isn’t clearly defined, aligned or articulated across all stakeholders. WNDYR will work with you to carefully map the current who, what, where, when and how of your key business processes, identify the friction points that impede progress, and redesign an optimized workflow that aligns people, process and platforms in a streamlined and simplified manner. Work Management Solution Implementation Whether you are looking to launch your very first work management platform, move your business from a platform you’ve outgrown to a more robust one, expand your existing platform to new groups across your enterprise, or optimize how your tools are configured to meet the changing needs of your business. WNDYR’s expert work management consultants will help ensure your work management platform solution is truly fit for purpose, with experience design that is optimized for the unique needs of your key user personas. Process Automation and Platform Integration Remove the repeatable, low-value (but nonetheless necessary) tasks from your team’s to-do list, and say goodbye to swivel-chairing critical information between System A and System B. WNDYR’s integration consultants and engineers will help you design and implement elegant automations, both within and across key business platforms; freeing up your company’s most valuable asset – your people – to focus on what matters most to your business. Change Management, Onboarding and Adoption Strategy Change is hard. Mostly because as humans, we normalize the familiar; even when it isn’t ideal, or even healthy. WNDYR’s approach to any technology system or process transformation is deeply rooted in identifying, and actively managing, the human experience of the change impact; balancing effective communications with persona-based training and sentiment analysis to ensure your people are supported at every stage of the journey. Let’s Get in Touch Complete the form to get in touch with our sales team and join 230,000+ individuals set up for an optimized workplace. Let’s explore how WNDYR’s digital transformation services can work for you. Learn how to launch your team into the future Get pricing information Explore use cases for your industry WNDYR Inc 2950 North Loop West Suite 1200 Houston, TX 77092 [PAGE] Title: WNDYR | Workplace Transformation Strategy Services Content: CONTACT US Confidently navigate the future of work We love technology. But we also know that technology alone isn't enough. We at WNDYR take how people really work as our starting point. Only then can we unleash the full capabilities of both today's technology and the human beings using it. We think complex technology should enable simpler processes, which enable people to spend more time doing their highest-level work. And we instill change as a capability in every organization we work with. For WNDYR, digital transformation is not about a single implementation. It's about unlocking a future that works Our Partners Discover the story behind our brand Lutalica : The part of your identity that doesn’t fit into categories Watch as our CEO Claire Haidar reveals how her discovery of the word “lutalica” inspired the basis for the WNDYR name and our workplace transformation framework. Our name WNDYR—based on the combined concepts of wondering and wandering—is the starting place for everything we do. We're curious about the role that work has on every individual since it takes up 90% of a person's time. Given this reality, we design our workplace transformation services to create work technology systems that help people reach their full potential, both professionally and personally. So everyone can make a positive impact with the work they do. Leadership Team Claire Haidar CEO & Co-founder “My deep passion lies in propelling individuals forward which is why my companies are focused on shaping the world of work. Through AI-driven data analysis of how and where teams work, WNDYR and Pattyrn are transforming organizations to work in ways that were inconceivable a mere few years ago.” Tracey Foulkes CPO & Co-founder “It's time to shake up the world of work. I get the honour of experimenting with how this looks on the ground. We work with some of the world's largest organisations to bring about change in a very real way. We have a ton of fun doing it and we get an absolute kick out of seeing teams functioning differently and better than before.” Jason Gilley [PAGE] Title: The Journey | WNDYR Content: CONTACT US With you every step of the way The overnight shift to online everything has forever changed the way organizations operate. Today's workforces are fragmented, with siloed digital tools and little in-person interaction. Meanwhile, their leaders have no visibility into their organization or why employee retention is so low. That's where we come in: WNDYR is your digital transformation partner, here to provide you with the tools and strategies every enterprise leader needs to build a better future of work for all. CONTACT US See how WNDYR will help your organization thrive Receive a customized strategy that enables you to build an unshakable, digital work environment. One that holds every tool, automated process and integration needed to empower your employees to do their best work yet. So they enjoy the future of work as much as you enjoy leading them into it. Contact us so we can tailor a package for you. What is the future of work? The future of work is chaos. Our workplaces are now online, and it requires a thoughtful strategy to ensure the humans behind the screens are set up for success. Over 50% of organizations now use more than 21 digital tools in their daily routines, showing a 42% increase compared to just 3 years prior. The reality is that organizations must help their teams thrive in a modern, digital work environment to keep their employees happy and improve employee retention. Tools that instill organizational trust, a work-life blend, and personal development play every part in keeping them happy, motivated and with your company. Let us help you navigate your future of work strategy with ease. [PAGE] Title: Enterprise Digital Transformation Services | Partners | WNDYR Content: CONTACT US Who we work with We are dedicated to building a partner ecosystem that helps our customers achieve successful digital transformation with unmatched digital tools. The work management software companies we partner with are hand-picked for their agile solutions and deep understanding of enterprise workflows and collaboration. At WNDYR, we customize these solutions according to your unique business needs. “My deep passion lies in propelling individuals forward which is why my companies are focused on shaping the world of work. Through AI-driven data analysis of how and where teams work, WNDYR and Pattyrn are transforming organizations to work in ways that were inconceivable a mere few years ago.” Claire Haidar [PAGE] Title: WNDYR | Partners With Workfront’s Work Management Tools Content: Add teams, such as more departments, regions, etc. Use case expansion Enable your workforce to complete more work processes within one application Feature or product expansion Adopt features like resource management, advanced reporting, and licensed products such as Library, Proof, and more Integrations and migrations Integrate Adobe Workfront with other applications and sync all data to the new tools Value added services Supplement your Adobe Workfront deployment with process optimisations, virtual offerings, admin services and more Cross partner expansion Build cross-system tool integrations to develop an enhanced tech stack Our Services Digital transformation Services for Modern Enterprise. Workfront Implementations Accelerate the time to value of your Adobe Workfront investment and ensure strong early adoption with a fully guided implementation by WNDYR Adobe Workfront Experts. LEARN MORE Fusion Automation and System Integrations Let WNDYR's Adobe-certified Workfront Expert  Consultants and Fusion Engineers put their process design and technical expertise into a solution that is seamlessly connected, built for scale, and uniquely your own. LEARN MORE Review and Recommend (R&R) Delivers your foundational roadmap to simplify, stabilize and scale your use of Adobe Workfront – delivered in as little as two weeks. 3 Ways Adobe Workfront helps your enterprise execute better work Adobe Workfront Align ensures your team always aligns strategic goals and prioritizes the right work. Adobe Workfront Scenario Planner streamlines business processes and makes scenario planning easier. Visualize plans that are clear and informative. Understand how different scenarios impact resources—such as where you’ve already committed people and budget to existing or planned work. One view of work streamlines your intake and demand management with automated workflows, custom forms and reporting to turn strategy into action. What our customers say Learn how WNDYR helps companies around the globe to maximise their Workfront investment. Our Net Promoter Score - 91 Our success is reflected in our Net Promoter Score of an excellent 91 for Adobe Workfront. Based on rolling 6-month trend as of Oct 10, 2023 “Very knowledgeable not only about the product, but the process of PMO governance as well. Exercised great patience when working with us.” AMERICAN WATER “Our consultant is extremely knowledgeable about Fusion and able to craft solutions to complext requests/needs. Each engagement is an opportunity for my team to continue to learn and develop. My engagement with WNDYR has stood out among all the others.” ENGRAIN The support we have received in configuring our Workfront instance has been a great experience. Our consultant was very knowledgeable of the platform and really went above and beyond for us. We have a lot of custom unique processes so he was able to come up with configurations to meet our needs.” POCN “Helpful, flexible, reasonably priced. And our consultant, Daisie, was terrific. Daisie is super. She's smart and personable and she was quick to understand our unique workflows and challenges. Because of this, she was able to help us build effective solutions.” SACRAMENTO STATE “Patient, knowledgeable, listening, and professional all the way... willingness to work with the client around different circumstances.” ASHA “Daisie, Frank and Francois were all great to work with. Very patient and funny as well.” RR46 How WNDYR helps our customers reach full potential and drive value. Energizing a global creative studio towards co-ordinated creativity. [PAGE] Title: WNDYR | Contact Us Content: Join 230,000+ individuals set up for an optimized workplace. Let’s explore how WNDYR can work for you. Learn how to launch your organization into the future Get pricing information Explore use cases for your industry Let's Get in Touch [PAGE] Title: WNDYR | Careers in the Future of Work Content: CONTACT US Join the team at WNDYR Are you excited about making your mark on the world? Do you dream of a better future of work? Bring a little wonder into your world with a global team passionate about transforming work around the world through digital transformation and intelligent insights. What our employees say To me, the ultimate career achievement is having the privilege to work with a team of people who care about me as a human and my professional development. I have that at WNDYR! PROJECT MANAGER DeVona Mitchell I joined WNDYR after a previous long term position as PM with WF admin & business systems analyst experience. From day one I felt challenged, encouraged and supported to grow. I report in to a brilliant and supportive manager and work alongside really smart and fun colleagues. We all work remotely but feel part of a really really strong team. SENIOR ADOBE WORKFRONT CONSULTANT Laurens Kruger At WNDYR, I was able to grow professionally, following my ideal career path. We have specific upskilling programmes for each employee, where you can develop your skills to be a better asset for yourself and the company. This is a company that really invests in you and that can help you to grow professionally and, not less important, humanly. SOFTWARE DEVELOPER AND OPERATIONS Simone Brusa Working at WNDYR Want to create a future of work filled with equal opportunity, transparency, and meaningful work? So do we. We’re a tight-knit group of work-loving productivity and human behavioral specialists. Building work technology systems that help people reach their full potential, both professionally and personally. Explore our career opportunities below to learn how you can contribute to a better workplace for all and advance your career. We’re always looking for talented people We're always looking for champions of people-centric work systems and data. If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, curiosity, and are excited to make WNDYR’s future of work strategy a global reality, we want to talk to you. Don't see a position that fits? Shoot us a message. CONTACT US Get good things for your life At WNDYR, we care about our employees and strive to provide a healthy, productive work life. That’s why we offer a comprehensive benefits program designed to support our employees' health, financial, and lifestyle wellbeing. A flexible, remote work environment Up to 26 days of paid time off Federal holidays, including Juneteenth & Veterans day Birth-holi-day (take your birthday to do as you please … the coffee & cake is on us!) Community service day Leave for having/adopting a baby Healthcare - dental - vision [PAGE] Title: WNDYR | Podcasts Content: CONTACT US Podcasts You've asked and we've listened ... After 100+ fabulous conversations with great minds and industry innovators,  we're taking a little podcast break and will be sending more insightful blog content your way instead. Podcast Podcast This is the final week we are joined by Co-Founder and CEO of Orbis Terra Media, a global Content Marketing Agency, Editor-in-Chief of Tharawat... Claire Haidar Apr 25, 2023 Podcast This is the second week we are joined by Co-Founder and CEO of Orbis Terra Media, a global Content Marketing Agency, Editor-in-Chief of Tharawat... Claire Haidar Apr 18, 2023 Podcast This week we are joined by Co-Founder and CEO of Orbis Terra Media, a global Content Marketing Agency, Editor-in-Chief of Tharawat Magazine, and... Claire Haidar Apr 11, 2023 Podcast This is the final week we are chatting with author and adviser at Harvard College, Gorick NG. Claire Haidar Mar 21, 2023 Podcast This is the second week we are joined by author and adviser at Harvard College, Gorick NG. This week we chat about what unspoked rules can help you... Claire Haidar Mar 14, 2023 Podcast This week we are joined by author and adviser at Harvard College, Gorick NG to chat about the educational origin of the term First Generation, Low... Claire Haidar Mar 7, 2023 Podcast This is the final week we chat with Jonathon Hensley, the CEO at Emerge Interactive, a UX design agency specializing in digital product strategy and... Claire Haidar Feb 21, 2023 Podcast This is the second week we chat with Jonathon Hensley, the CEO at Emerge Interactive, a UX design agency specializing in digital product strategy and... Claire Haidar Feb 14, 2023 Podcast This week we spend time catching up with Jonathon Hensley, the CEO at Emerge Interactive, a UX design agency specializing in digital product strategy... Claire Haidar Feb 7, 2023 Podcast This is the final week we catch up with Dr. Marie Gervais, a leadership coach, author, and fellow podcaster who believes that a happy workplace is a... Claire Haidar Jan 24, 2023 ... 10 Get notified on new Chaos & Rocketfuel episodes Be the first to learn about WNDYR’s latest work and productivity insights to drive a successful enterprise digital transformation WNDYR Inc 2950 North Loop West Suite 1200 Houston, TX 77092
information technology & electronics
information technology and services
Learn more Led by future of work visionary, Claire Haidar Digital transformation is as much about the journey as it is about the end result. What our customers say Our consultant has been great to work with. Designing a New Vision for Virtual Leadership, Mentorship & Culture | Future of Work 18. Work Management Solution Implementation Whether you are looking to launch your very first work management platform, move your business from a platform you’ve outgrown to a more robust one, expand your existing platform to new groups across your enterprise, or optimize how your tools are configured to meet the changing needs of your business. WNDYR’s expert work management consultants will help ensure your work management platform solution is truly fit for purpose, with experience design that is optimized for the unique needs of your key user personas. Let’s explore how WNDYR’s digital transformation services can work for you. We at WNDYR take how people really work as our starting point. Given this reality, we design our workplace transformation services to create work technology systems that help people reach their full potential, both professionally and personally. That's where we come in: WNDYR is your digital transformation partner, here to provide you with the tools and strategies every enterprise leader needs to build a better future of work for all. What is the future of work? The reality is that organizations must help their teams thrive in a modern, digital work environment to keep their employees happy and improve employee retention. Title: Enterprise Digital Transformation Services | Partners | WNDYR Content: CONTACT US Who we work with We are dedicated to building a partner ecosystem that helps our customers achieve successful digital transformation with unmatched digital tools. Workfront Implementations Accelerate the time to value of your Adobe Workfront investment and ensure strong early adoption with a fully guided implementation by WNDYR Adobe Workfront Experts. 3 Ways Adobe Workfront helps your enterprise execute better work Adobe Workfront Align ensures your team always aligns strategic goals and prioritizes the right work. Our consultant was very knowledgeable of the platform and really went above and beyond for us. Title: WNDYR | Careers in the Future of Work Content: CONTACT US Join the team at WNDYR Are you excited about making your mark on the world? Do you dream of a better future of work? I have that at WNDYR! This is a company that really invests in you and that can help you to grow professionally and, not less important, humanly. So do we.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: ScriptSave - About Content: About Us CLOSING THE GAPS IN PRESCRIPTION COVERAGE ScriptSave was founded in 1994 and is headquartered in Tucson, Arizona. We are a member of the MedImpact, Inc. family of companies . We provide prescription savings solutions, useful tools, and decision support to close the gaps in prescription coverage for the insured, uninsured, and under-insured and their families. By leveraging the latest technology, our deep partnerships with pharmacies and best practices in the industry today, our price competitive solutions for businesses and individuals reduce out-of-pocket drug costs and help consumers follow their prescribed medication regimens to achieve better health outcomes. Pharmacies, employers, health plans, non-profits and other organizations across the nation rely on our solutions to deliver instant prescription cost savings to members, build their brand, improve member satisfaction, and potentially generate revenue. We serve others as we would like to be served. We are advocates for each other and for our customers. OUR TEAM Our Executive Team includes some of the most experienced professionals in the industry including licensed pharmacists with hands-on experience managing retail pharmacy. Marcus Sredzinski, PharmD Chief Operating Officer / EVP Dr. Sredzinski is responsible for overall pharmacy strategic initiatives, including clinical programs, operations, and trade relations with the pharmaceutical company industry. Dr. Sredzinski has more than 24 years of experience in healthcare, working with the nation's largest insurers, health plans… Dr. Sredzinski is responsible for overall pharmacy strategic initiatives, including clinical programs, operations, and trade relations with the pharmaceutical company industry. Dr. Sredzinski has more than 24 years of experience in healthcare, working with the nation's largest insurers, health plans, pharmacies and pharmaceutical organizations. His experience includes pharmacy operations and direction, clinical operations, formulary and rebate management and disease management programs. Prior to joining Medical Security Card Company, LLC, Dr. Sredzinski held various pharmacy positions at Elan Pharmaceuticals, United Healthcare, HealthPartners of Arizona, Aetna, and The Cancer Care Center of Southern Arizona. He serves on the National Advisory Board for the College of Pharmacy at the University of Arizona, and is adjunct faculty in the Department of Pharmacy Practice. Dr. Sredzinski holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Microbiology and Chemistry, as well as a Doctor of Pharmacy and has pharmacy licensure in Arizona and California. ... Jennifer Kimbrough Chief Financial Officer For over two decades, Ms. Kimbrough has held various financial reporting, tax and regulatory roles including Arthur Andersen and UniSource Energy. She is a Certified Public Accountant, a graduate of Pepperdine University and the University of Arizona School of Business, and a member of the AICPA. Ms… For over two decades, Ms. Kimbrough has held various financial reporting, tax and regulatory roles including Arthur Andersen and UniSource Energy. She is a Certified Public Accountant, a graduate of Pepperdine University and the University of Arizona School of Business, and a member of the AICPA. Ms. Kimbrough currently serves on the audit committee for Habitat for Humanity of Tucson. ... Rich Gerber Senior Vice President, Sales Mr. Gerber joined ScriptSave on March 23, 2020. He is responsible for sales, account management and business development. He has more than 25 years of healthcare industry experience, working for Baxter/Caremark, Medco, Diplomat and Humana. Rich earned his BS in Marketing from Jacksonville, Universit… Mr. Gerber joined ScriptSave on March 23, 2020. He is responsible for sales, account management and business development. He has more than 25 years of healthcare industry experience, working for Baxter/Caremark, Medco, Diplomat and Humana. Rich earned his BS in Marketing from Jacksonville, University. He and his wife, Jenny, have resided in the Tampa Bay area for over 20 years. ... Scott Stein Vice President of Information Technology, Product Management and Marketing In a 35-year span, Mr. Stein has evolved into a “hands-on” pragmatic leader, an entrepreneur, and an advocate to satisfy customers. Prior to joining ScriptSave, Scott held the position of Executive Vice President and Chief Customer Officer for the world’s largest science-based pricing intelligence s… In a 35-year span, Mr. Stein has evolved into a “hands-on” pragmatic leader, an entrepreneur, and an advocate to satisfy customers. Prior to joining ScriptSave, Scott held the position of Executive Vice President and Chief Customer Officer for the world’s largest science-based pricing intelligence software and analytics organization, caring for a Fortune 500 client base in over 70 countries. Prior to launching EmpowerWare, Inc., a boutique software engineering firm developing custom ERP payroll and back-office accounting software solutions, Scott served as Chief Information Officer for the nation’s 3rd largest convenience store chain. Additionally, Scott spent two years as an adjunct professor at prestigious Bay Path University teaching in their revolutionary One-Day-A-Week Saturday Program, leading working adults through a 2.5 year fast-track pathway to earn a bachelor’s degree in real-world business applications. Scott also collaborated to design and launch the unique Center for Innovative Thinking and Entrepreneurship. Scott holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Quantitative Methods from Western New England University and School of Law. ... Mark Chamness, RPh Vice President, Pharmacy With more than 17 years of experience in pharmacy and managed care pharmacy operations, Mr. Chamness is responsible for overall pharmacy services and initiatives, including contracting, systems and relationships. Prior to joining ScriptSave, Mr. Chamness held various pharmacy operations and manageme… With more than 17 years of experience in pharmacy and managed care pharmacy operations, Mr. Chamness is responsible for overall pharmacy services and initiatives, including contracting, systems and relationships. Prior to joining ScriptSave, Mr. Chamness held various pharmacy operations and management roles at large retail pharmacy chains. Mr. Chamness holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy. ... Alec Baray Vice President, Sales Mr. Baray serves as the head of Sales for ScriptSave. Prior to taking on his sales role, Mr. Baray led the Client Services area of the organization and managed a client retention rate of greater than 98%. With more than 18 years of experience the pharmacy savings and PBM industries, Mr. Baray has be… Mr. Baray serves as the head of Sales for ScriptSave. Prior to taking on his sales role, Mr. Baray led the Client Services area of the organization and managed a client retention rate of greater than 98%. With more than 18 years of experience the pharmacy savings and PBM industries, Mr. Baray has been a key component to the overall success of ScriptSave and its products. Mr. Baray studied at the University of Arizona and the University of Phoenix and holds multiple degrees, including his MBA. ... Steve Briggs Director of Finance Mr. Briggs manages the day-to-day accounting and finance operations for ScriptSave, as well as overseeing facilities and purchasing. He has a wide range of experience starting at Deloitte serving in a variety of industries as well as experience working in the tourism & hospitality, automotive, and m… Mr. Briggs manages the day-to-day accounting and finance operations for ScriptSave, as well as overseeing facilities and purchasing. He has a wide range of experience starting at Deloitte serving in a variety of industries as well as experience working in the tourism & hospitality, automotive, and manufacturing industries. Mr. Briggs holds both a BS in Accounting and an MBA from the University of Utah, and is also a Certified Public Accountant. ... Maria Lopez Director of Pharmacy & Contracting Operations Mrs. Lopez is responsible for operations related to pharmacy services, client support services such as call center and enrollment/eligibility, as well as, organizational contracting and compliance. With more than 27 years of experience in insurance and healthcare; her expertise includes operations,… Mrs. Lopez is responsible for operations related to pharmacy services, client support services such as call center and enrollment/eligibility, as well as, organizational contracting and compliance. With more than 27 years of experience in insurance and healthcare; her expertise includes operations, compliance (NCQA, DMPO, PBM), and call center management. Prior to joining Medical Security Card Company, LLC, Mrs. Lopez has held various leadership positions at United Healthcare, HealthPartners of Arizona and Aetna. Mrs. Lopez holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management. ... Kent LaPorte Director of Adjudication Programs Mr. LaPorte has delivered business intelligence and technical solutions for the medical industry for over twenty-two years. He has been with ScriptSave for fifteen years, contributing in the areas of pharmacy network management, drug pricing, rebate administration, benefits configuration, and report… Mr. LaPorte has delivered business intelligence and technical solutions for the medical industry for over twenty-two years. He has been with ScriptSave for fifteen years, contributing in the areas of pharmacy network management, drug pricing, rebate administration, benefits configuration, and reporting services. He now serves as the Director of Adjudication Services and Reporting Analytics, collaborating with a highly talented team of financial, business and claims systems experts. A graduate of the University of Arizona in Aerospace and Engineering Kent has focused his computer and engineering skills to improve health care delivery and provide turn-key solutions for ScriptSave's business partners. Kent LaPorte resides in his hometown of Tucson, Arizona with his wife and two daughters. ... Jane Schmitt Director of Marketing and Product Innovation Having joined ScriptSave in 2013, Jane Schmitt is a product leader who specializes in driving vision and roadmap for innovative digital healthcare solutions. She collaborates with technical and design teams to deliver captivating app and website experiences. Jane has a passion for creating highly us… Having joined ScriptSave in 2013, Jane Schmitt is a product leader who specializes in driving vision and roadmap for innovative digital healthcare solutions. She collaborates with technical and design teams to deliver captivating app and website experiences. Jane has a passion for creating highly usable and engaging, human centered digital experiences that solve both customer and end user friction points. ... A TRUSTED AND PROVEN PARTNER (PRIVACY AND SECURITY) Businesses and consumers alike are struggling with the issue of who they can trust online. While society tries to solve these complex problems, consumers continue to see ever increasing levels of cybercrime, identity theft, and related crimes. ScriptSave delivers solutions which are both more secure and convenient for consumers and pharmacies. ScriptSave continues to develop and maintain strong partner relationships with pharmacies and pharmacists. With more than 45 million unique transactions in 2018, companies like CVS, H.E.B., Walgreens, McKesson and Blue Cross Blue Shield health plans recognize the ScriptSave commitment to quality. ScriptSave information, security, and privacy procedures are designed with one goal in mind - protect client data. Employees undergo regular training to ensure strict compliance with requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). HIPAA is the federal law designed to regulate the flow of health information, and encourage the electronic sharing of data in the provision of health care. You can learn more about HIPAA regulations at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website . OUR CUSTOMERS Post Affordable Care Act (ACA), 27.4 million Americans still do not have coverage. ScriptSave solutions, analytics, and expertise close gaps in coverage and care for insured, uninsured and underinsured consumers. From pharmacy loyalty cards to fully integrated benefit solutions, ScriptSave helps health plans, pharmacies, employers, and organizations improve health care, while attracting and retaining loyal, profitable customers.
health, wellness and fitness
Pharmacies, employers, health plans, non-profits and other organizations across the nation rely on our solutions to deliver instant prescription cost savings to members, build their brand, improve member satisfaction, and potentially generate revenue. We are advocates for each other and for our customers. Dr. Sredzinski has more than 24 years of experience in healthcare, working with the nation's largest insurers, health plans… Dr. Sredzinski is responsible for overall pharmacy strategic initiatives, including clinical programs, operations, and trade relations with the pharmaceutical company industry. Dr. Sredzinski has more than 24 years of experience in healthcare, working with the nation's largest insurers, health plans, pharmacies and pharmaceutical organizations. He serves on the National Advisory Board for the College of Pharmacy at the University of Arizona, and is adjunct faculty in the Department of Pharmacy Practice. Dr. Sredzinski holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Microbiology and Chemistry, as well as a Doctor of Pharmacy and has pharmacy licensure in Arizona and California. ... Mark Chamness, RPh Vice President, Pharmacy With more than 17 years of experience in pharmacy and managed care pharmacy operations, Mr. Chamness is responsible for overall pharmacy services and initiatives, including contracting, systems and relationships. Prior to joining ScriptSave, Mr. Chamness held various pharmacy operations and manageme… With more than 17 years of experience in pharmacy and managed care pharmacy operations, Mr. Chamness is responsible for overall pharmacy services and initiatives, including contracting, systems and relationships. Prior to joining ScriptSave, Mr. Chamness held various pharmacy operations and management roles at large retail pharmacy chains. With more than 18 years of experience the pharmacy savings and PBM industries, Mr. Baray has be… Mr. Baray serves as the head of Sales for ScriptSave. With more than 18 years of experience the pharmacy savings and PBM industries, Mr. Baray has been a key component to the overall success of ScriptSave and its products. Mr. Baray studied at the University of Arizona and the University of Phoenix and holds multiple degrees, including his MBA. Mr. Briggs holds both a BS in Accounting and an MBA from the University of Utah, and is also a Certified Public Accountant. ... Maria Lopez Director of Pharmacy & Contracting Operations Mrs. Lopez is responsible for operations related to pharmacy services, client support services such as call center and enrollment/eligibility, as well as, organizational contracting and compliance. With more than 27 years of experience in insurance and healthcare; her expertise includes operations,… Mrs. Lopez is responsible for operations related to pharmacy services, client support services such as call center and enrollment/eligibility, as well as, organizational contracting and compliance. Mrs. Lopez holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management. He has been with ScriptSave for fifteen years, contributing in the areas of pharmacy network management, drug pricing, rebate administration, benefits configuration, and report… Mr. LaPorte has delivered business intelligence and technical solutions for the medical industry for over twenty-two years. ... Jane Schmitt Director of Marketing and Product Innovation Having joined ScriptSave in 2013, Jane Schmitt is a product leader who specializes in driving vision and roadmap for innovative digital healthcare solutions. HIPAA is the federal law designed to regulate the flow of health information, and encourage the electronic sharing of data in the provision of health care. ScriptSave solutions, analytics, and expertise close gaps in coverage and care for insured, uninsured and underinsured consumers.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Our Team | SOFOS | Capital & Fund Management Company in Singapore Content: Quality Service Our Team We have assembled a team of professionals from diverse backgrounds with a combined professional experience of over 25 years in areas such as private banking and wealth management. The team offers a unique collection of experience, time-proven insights, stress-tested strategies, and the desire to provide SOFOS’s clientele with innovative and highly effective financial advisory solutions. Albert Tan-Lienhart Chairman, Chief Executive Officer Albert first founded SOFOS on 2 May 2008. He has financial experience with major banks in Singapore and fund management company over 20 years, before his stint at Guardian Wealth Management as Chief Executive Officer. Thereafter, he established SOFOS, and successfully launched and managed more than 7 investment portfolios in excess of US$350mil private equity funds. These private equity funds have been involved with various projects in the sectors of real estate, clean energy, infrastructure, new technology and commodity. FUND MANAGEMENT Johnson Tang Chairman, SOFOS Infrastructure Investment Mr Tang has more than 30 years of experience in environmental engineering solutions and project management in Singapore and the region. He was the CEO of UES Holdings. Under his experience and ability, he steered projects of EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction), DBO (Design-Build-Operate), DBOO, DB (Design-Build) and BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) bases, allowing it to deliver one-stop environmental engineering solutions to customers and expand beyond its core capability in water-related projects including treatment of municipal water and waste water, desalination, water reuse and recycling, He has also ventured into the renewable energy sector and completed its first biomass co-generation plant at Gardens by the Bay in 2011, as well as its first aquaculture project at Marine Life Park, Resorts World Sentosa in 2012. The most significant project in recent years is the Design-Build-Own-Operate (DBOO) of NEWater Plant, Singapore’s fifth NEWater plant and the second in Changi which commenced operations in November 2016. In 2016, Mr Tang led UESH to receive the IAIR Award and was named Company of the Year for Leadership (M&E Engineering Services /South East Asia). In 2017, under Mr Tang’s stewardship, UESH received the BEI Asia Awards 2017 for ACRA Eco-Green Outstanding Leadership Award. In 2018, Mr. Tang was appointed Advisor for Koh Brothers Eco Engineering Ltd. In 2019, he was appointed chairman of the SOFOS Infrastructure Investment Fund SPC. Dr Richard Li Chief Technical and Technology Officer, SOFOS Infrastructure Investment Fund SPC Dr Li has 35 years of experience in the fields of R&D, commercialization and technical support on large-scale of hollow fibre membrane production & large-scale application of hollow fibre membranes in water, wastewater, seawater, industrial fluid and gas separation and purification. He also has 15 years of experience on large-scale membrane-based seawater desalination and MBR (membrane bioreactor) for wastewater reclamation. Dr Li has been appointed as the Vice President and Chief Scientist of Keysino Separation Technology Singapore Pte Ltd in 2017. The company has committed a long-term focus on membrane filtration technologies, as well as other technologies which would provide energy-saving, clean production, and waste reutilization. Dr Li supervise the overall company operation. In 2020, Dr Li has been appointed as the Chief Technical and Technology Officer for Sofos Infrastructure Investment Fund SPC. Ernie Yap Director, Alternative investment Ernie has more than *14 years of experience in the financial industry under his belt, handling high net worth (private banking) clients in United Overseas Bank (UOB), Development Bank of Singapore, and private investment holdings firms. In addition, he also has more than *6 years’ experience managing infrastructure projects in emerging economies within countries such as Vietnam. His portfolio includes solar energy, drinking water systems and waste water treatment projects. MANAGED ACCOUNTS Alan Xiong Senior Director, Head of Wealth Management Holding a vast depth of over *14 years’ experience in the wealth management industry and a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) license, Alan amassed diverse insights and knowledge working at Citibank, and the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC), and Credit Suisse Group as a former private banker. Luke Wang Director, Portfolio Manager Luke has more than *8 years of banking experience in the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and ANZ, focusing on areas of account acquisition and portfolio management for high net worth clients. Luke holds a Master of Business Administration degree, and is also a certified Financial Risk Manager (FRM). Sitemap
finance, marketing & human resources
investment management
Site Overview: Title: Our Team | SOFOS | Capital & Fund Management Company in Singapore Content: Quality Service Our Team We have assembled a team of professionals from diverse backgrounds with a combined professional experience of over 25 years in areas such as private banking and wealth management. He has financial experience with major banks in Singapore and fund management company over 20 years, before his stint at Guardian Wealth Management as Chief Executive Officer. Thereafter, he established SOFOS, and successfully launched and managed more than 7 investment portfolios in excess of US$350mil private equity funds. Johnson Tang Chairman, SOFOS Infrastructure Investment Mr Tang has more than 30 years of experience in environmental engineering solutions and project management in Singapore and the region. The most significant project in recent years is the Design-Build-Own-Operate (DBOO) of NEWater Plant, Singapore’s fifth NEWater plant and the second in Changi which commenced operations in November 2016. In 2016, Mr Tang led UESH to receive the IAIR Award and was named Company of the Year for Leadership (M&E Engineering Services /South East Asia). In 2018, Mr. Tang was appointed Advisor for Koh Brothers Eco Engineering Ltd. In 2019, he was appointed chairman of the SOFOS Infrastructure Investment Fund SPC. Dr Richard Li Chief Technical and Technology Officer, SOFOS Infrastructure Investment Fund SPC Dr Li has 35 years of experience in the fields of R&D, commercialization and technical support on large-scale of hollow fibre membrane production & large-scale application of hollow fibre membranes in water, wastewater, seawater, industrial fluid and gas separation and purification. Dr Li has been appointed as the Vice President and Chief Scientist of Keysino Separation Technology Singapore Pte Ltd in 2017. The company has committed a long-term focus on membrane filtration technologies, as well as other technologies which would provide energy-saving, clean production, and waste reutilization. Dr Li supervise the overall company operation. In 2020, Dr Li has been appointed as the Chief Technical and Technology Officer for Sofos Infrastructure Investment Fund SPC. Ernie Yap Director, Alternative investment Ernie has more than *14 years of experience in the financial industry under his belt, handling high net worth (private banking) clients in United Overseas Bank (UOB), Development Bank of Singapore, and private investment holdings firms. In addition, he also has more than *6 years’ experience managing infrastructure projects in emerging economies within countries such as Vietnam. His portfolio includes solar energy, drinking water systems and waste water treatment projects. Alan Xiong Senior Director, Head of Wealth Management Holding a vast depth of over *14 years’ experience in the wealth management industry and a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) license, Alan amassed diverse insights and knowledge working at Citibank, and the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC), and Credit Suisse Group as a former private banker. Luke Wang Director, Portfolio Manager Luke has more than *8 years of banking experience in the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and ANZ, focusing on areas of account acquisition and portfolio management for high net worth clients. Sitemap
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) | CompuData IT Security Content: Protect End User Devices with Endpoint Detection and Response Contain threats & get in front of new attacks before they happen. Home Business Technology Solutions IT Security Endpoint Detection and Response The Next Version of Antivirus; Endpoint Detection and Response Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) is the process of protecting your organization’s network endpoints – such as desktops, laptops, and mobile devices – from malicious activity. EDR provides organizations with a centralized platform for continuously monitoring endpoints and responding to incidents as they arise, often via automated response. EDR has been rapidly converging to go beyond traditional antivirus software by closing security gaps and offering protection through behavioral analysis of the threats rather than needing to know how to treat the attacks first. Endpoint Detection and Response security protects endpoints from being breached whether they are physical or virtual, on- or off-premises, in data centers or in the Cloud. Compared to traditional antivirus security solutions, EDR provides enhanced visibility into your endpoints and allows for faster response time for protection from advanced forms of malware, phishing, and other forms of cyber threats. Technology to Protect Against New Threats Endpoint security technology that aims to stop threats from entering a network. It looks at what the program is doing to determine if it is a threat – using advanced techniques, such as threat hunting and endpoint detection and response. Compared to standard Antivirus that is solely definition based (virus, malware, spyware, etc) and has to be known to block it. Threat Mapping for Effective Incident Response Maps out endpoint activity to access visibility from a threat on a single endpoint to the threat level of the organization. Automatic alerts reduce the time spent for triaging alerts and enables faster incident response.​ Tracks and maps the whole timeline of infection while providing a details how the virus downloaded, spread and where it stopped. Audit Trailing & Compliance Reporting Gain comprehensive visibility into endpoint protection of end user devices by tracking hundreds of different security-related events, such as process creation, drivers loading, registry modifications, disk access, memory access or network connections. Provides a detailed audit trail and report for highly regulated industries. Endpoints continuously increase in your organization as you grow and update your technology; creating new devices that are vulnerable to being the entry point of an attack. Proper endpoint protection, especially with remote endpoint devices, is crucial to not only prevent attacks but for quick identification of threats and fast remediation to prevent threats from spreading across your network. Endpoint Detection and Response as a security measure provides protection beyond the standard antivirus with: Incident Data Search and Investigation Alert Triage or Suspicious Activity Validation Suspicious Activity Detection Threat Hunting or Data Exploration Stopping Malicious Activity Accelerate Investigations & Remediation Prepare and Protect Your End User Devices Endpoint protection security doesn’t need to be limiting, complicated, or costly. With EDR you get more than standard antivirus protection with a single lightweight agent that can be deployed immediately and scaled quickly with little effect on endpoint performance for almost the same cost. Behavioral Protection Behavioral intelligent technology for effective endpoint detection and response so you are alerted of suspicious activities before malicious activity affects your network. Insight & Intelligence Integrates threat intelligence that can provide context, including details on the attributed adversary that is attacking you or other information about the attack. Fast Incident Response Enables a fast and accurate response and containment to incidents which can stop an attack before it becomes a breach, and allows your organization to get back to business quickly using digital forensics and root cause analysis. Increase Visibility Real-time visibility across all your endpoints allows you to view adversary activities, even as they attempt to breach your environment, and stop them immediately. Threat Database Collect telemetry data from endpoints and enriched with context so it can be mined for signs of attack with a variety of analytic techniques. Cloud-Based A cloud-based solution ensures zero impact on endpoints, while making sure capabilities such as search, analysis and investigation can be done accurately and in real time. Protect Your Endpoints Before an Attack Explore the next version of Antivirus and protect your endpoint devices against the latest threats. Get in front of new attacks before they happen. Plan. Prepare. Protect. [PAGE] Title: CompuData Blog for Business Technology Solutions | IT Blog Content: Online Support CompuData Blog CompuData offers an array of Business Technology Resources for Cloud Hosting, ERP Software, IT Security, and Managed IT Services. [PAGE] Title: Resources Archive - CompuData Content: Online Support Resources CompuData offers an array of Business Technology Resources for Cloud Hosting, ERP, IT Security, and Managed IT Services. [PAGE] Title: Infographic Archives - CompuData Content: 325 Chestnut St. Suite 700Philadelphia, PA 19106 800-223-3282 [email protected] MEETING COMPLIANCE STANDARDS [PAGE] Title: End User Security Training | Cybersecurity Employee Awareness Training Content: IT Security Expert Leading Employee Awareness Training End user security training programs to help protect your company against real world cyber attacks. Home Business Technology Solutions IT Security Security User Training Prepare Your Users to Protect Against Cybersecurity Human error is the biggest risk to any company’s information security. When you create end user security training and teach cybersecurity awareness you are reducing your risks. It’s important to educate employees on the importance of protecting sensitive information and what malicious threats to look out for. In immensely networked systems, organizations cannot protect confidentiality, integrity and availability of data without implementing an effective and reliable security training program. Creating Policies It’s important to create company-wide policies that pertain to IT, BYOD, social networking, and more. Company technology policies and procedures establish the rules of conduct within an organization, outlining the responsibilities and use of IT resources of both employees and employers. Creating the Program Ensure you are sending a consistent security message to the entire company. Training should be assembled around the NIST guidelines and cover the key points employees need to know about IT security. Your program should educate new and current employees on a reoccurring basis. End-User Compliance Any employee that has access to a company’s information systems should have training to develop a thorough understanding of their effect on cybersecurity. It builds an understanding of basic technology tactics, as well as how to safely protect themselves and their organizations from security risks. To prevent user-related incidents, companies must implement a security user training program that incorporates the following training exercises: Phishing and Social Engineering [PAGE] Title: Next-Level Accounting Software for Healthcare Organizations - CompuData Content: Exceed Compliance Expectations through Robust Financial Management Gain total peace of mind by leveraging technology to meet HIPAA compliance requirements with ease. Home Industries Healthcare As healthcare organizations continue to grow, regulatory requirements are becoming more and more challenging to meet. Furthermore, healthcare organizations are being tasked with achieving both quality patient care and significant cost reduction. They must continuously focus on  enhancing patient safety and transparency through better collaboration and communication between doctors and patients. In order to do so, leading healthcare organizations often rely on leveraging business technology. Our financial management solution was designed specifically to meet the needs of healthcare organization. Take advantage of our solution to help meet evolving compliance requirements, minimize clinical errors and increase overall productivity. With our powerful financial management solution, healthcare organizations can: Exceed compliance requirements using a HIPAA and HITECH compliant solution certified by Sword and Shield Centralize financial processes across multi-locations to eliminate financial data silos Provide better patient care using collaboration in order to make informed and prompt decisions regarding treatments plans Manage all policies and procedures including member benefits, claims and enrollments more efficiently Streamline core healthcare processes including patient registration and medical record management CompuData can help your healthcare organization adapt to changing compliance requirements with Sage Intacct. As the only HIPAA compliant cloud accounting solution, you can be confident in the security and performance of our certified solution. Take advantage of automation tools to perform instant consolidations, gain visibility across business lines, and improve staff productivity. Our accounting software solution helps you centralize control of your organization, improve accuracy in reporting, and focus on what really matters- your patients. IT Security With cyber attacks on healthcare organization on the rise, healthcare data security is a top priority. CompuData can help your organization exceed HIPAA compliance and protect the privacy of patients by safeguarding your data. Our end user training for your employees can reduce your risks of attacks through weak passwords, unencrypted devices and compliance failures. Learn More Managed IT CompuData provides a full-range of Managed IT services for healthcare organizations that are HIPAA compliant. We give you control of your business data and help you protect your valuable data through network scanning, IT monitoring, and security alerting. Learn More About the Healthcare Industries We Serve Senior Living Discover how your senior living facility can seamlessly manage multiple locations and streamline operational tasks to enhance patient care. Senior Living Medical Offices Leverage business technology solutions to meet HIPAA compliance needs, maximize confidentiality, and improve patient safety for your medical office. [PAGE] Title: Events & Webinars Archive - CompuData Content: Thursday, February 6th at 1 PM EST/10 AM PST Subscribe to our newsletter [PAGE] Title: Sage 100cloud | CompuData Sage Partner for Accounting Software Content: Financial Automation Takes on a New Level with Sage 100cloud Make smarter, better, business decisions with seamless access to key areas of your business. Home Business Technology Solutions ERP Solutions Sage 100cloud Take control of your business with Sage 100cloud ERP Software, (formerly Sage MAS 90 ERP, Sage MAS 200 ERP, Sage MAS 200 SQL ERP) a powerful ERP business and accounting software platform to help your business operate at its full potential. Designed for small to mid-sized businesses, Sage 100cloud is a all-in-one solution that offers various tools to target key areas of your business (financial, distribution, manufacturing, and sales). Access the data you need for your customers and employees online and offline, wherever you are. Reduce Manual Work Work smarter with real-time monitoring, automatic notifications, and up-to-the minute data. You can now focus on more important areas of your business rather than time consuming mundane tasks. Gain Financial Intelligence Make smarter business decisions with improved financial management dashboards and built in custom reports for enhanced reporting and forecasting. Quickly access ad-hoc reports in a visual and easy-to-read format. Multi-Entity Management Increase visibility and reduce errors by automating multi-entity consolidation and inter-company transactions. Improve your visibility over all areas and locations of your business with rich reporting capabilities. Mobility Sage 100cloud promotes remote workers and accessibility through the cloud platform that is extremely reliable, secure and affordable. Access your data , your business system – anytime, anywhere. Sage 100cloud ERP software for business management helps your growing business simplify accounting while providing a robust feature set. Simplify Financials [PAGE] Title: Sage Intacct Cloud Accounting Software | Sage Intacct Partner Content: Accelerate Your Growth with Sage Intacct Leading Cloud-Based Financial Platform The #1 industry rated cloud financial management software and ERP solution. Home Business Technology Solutions ERP Solutions Sage Intacct Sage Intacct will help you take your business further with advanced functionality that delivers new levels of sophistication and automation. Get best-in-class functionality and deliver more value to your business. A flexible, scalable and cloud-based accounting and ERP solution that drives growth and provides deep visibility into your business like you have never seen before. Sage Intacct received the highest score in Core Financials for the lower midsize enterprises in Gartner’s 2020 Critical Capabilities Report and has been rated #1 for customer satisfaction by G2 Crowd. Sage Intacct comes with a buyers guarantee and is named by the AICPA as the preferred financial solution provider. Core Financials Powerful automation of complex processes and multi-dimensional data analysis. Reduce your close time up to 50% and accelerate your finance team’s productivity 40% or more. Automate and streamline key financial, accounting and operational processes. Advanced Functionality Modules that create a flexible and advanced platform with easy to use functionality. Increase productivity, make timely decisions, and drive your business forward. A platform that grows and scales with your business while providing improved productivity and insight. Flexible Platform Sage Intacct is a flexible and configurable accounting software solution that helps you easily adapt to the way you work . A robust technology platform that makes it easy to share data and integrate seamlessly with best-of-breed solutions without sky-high costs. Sage Intacct comes equipped with the tools to strengthen your financial control by automating your day-to-day financial management tasks. It is also named by the AICPA (American Institute of CPAs) as the preferred financial solution provider. With Sage Intacct get: Real-time business visibility with easy to create dashboards and reports. Comprehensive financial consolidation, reporting, and analysis across multiple business entities. Anywhere, anytime expense report submission with increased visibility into expense spending patterns. Increased cash flow due to on-time payments and shorter sales cycles. Streamlined quote-to-cash process that bridges sales and finance and eliminates manual data re-entry. Automated procure-to-pay with custom defined workflows that reduce errors and processing costs. Join Us on a Coffee Break Demo In a quick 20-minute session see how see how Sage Intacct helps you gain deeper insights, greater financial visibility, and improved business performance – throughout your entire organization. A quick preview of how you can benefit from multi-entity consolidation in minutes to powerful, yet easy-to-use cloud budgeting and planning software. REGISTER NOW Streamline Your Financial Processes It is time to streamline your financial processes and increase productivity. Comprehensive functionality that lets you do more and see more into your business. Comprehensive Consolidation Consolidate your data across multiple entities for enhanced reporting and analysis to improve real-time decisions. Streamline Processes Create the bridge with automations between sales and finance that eliminates manual data re-entry. Improved Financial Workflow Generate custom defined workflows that eliminate errors and reduce processing costs to increase operational efficiency. Real-Time Business Visibility Easy to create custom dashboards and reports to gain visible access into your operations and performance. Move Beyond Basic Accounting Software & Accelerate your Growth with Sage Intacct CompuData understands that every business is different and has unique needs. That’s why we design sophisticated, intuitive accounting solutions to support your organization. Let our team of experts work with you to meet your business objectives leveraging the power of Sage Intacct. [PAGE] Title: The 5 Misconceptions About Moving to the Cloud Content: Home CompuData Blog The 5 Misconceptions About Moving to the Cloud The 5 Misconceptions About Moving to the Cloud Date Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window) Migrating to the cloud has become a significant consideration for organizations seeking scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. However, there are several misconceptions around cloud migration that may cause hesitation and resistance. By addressing these misconceptions, organizations can make more informed decisions and leverage the benefits of cloud technology. Partnering with a trusted cloud hosting provider will help ensure a seamless migration, eliminate potential concerns, and help you navigate the cloud successfully. Below examines the top misconceptions about moving to the cloud and explores the true advantages of cloud migration: 1. Migrating to the cloud is more expensive A common misconception about moving to the cloud is that it is more expensive than on-premise software. While there are upfront costs associated with migration and setup, cloud solutions often provide long-term cost savings. By moving to the cloud, organizations eliminate the need for maintaining and upgrading on-site servers. On-premise software requires regular investments in hardware upgrades, which can be expensive. Cloud migration reduces both hardware and software costs as the responsibility of infrastructure management is shifted to your cloud hosting provider. Additionally, there are hidden costs associated with maintaining on-premise hardware that organizations may overlook. These costs can include electricity consumption, temperature controls, and maintenance fees. When you partner with a reliable cloud hosting provider, they will efficiently maintain and manage your environment, helping to mitigate any unexpected costs or fees. For example, see the below on-premise vs. cloud cost comparison, which was based on a general 15 user company needing SQL (Structured Query Language). (Assumes $0.00 for project setup/migration to new server or cloud.) Server Cost: $19,132.11 Microsoft Azure Cost/month: $1,585.42 As you can see, by migrating to Azure cloud you can capitalize on cost-saving opportunities as an alternative to the long-term expenses of server replacements for the next 10 years. The cloud was set up for “matching or better” specifications to a physical server. This reflects annual cloud costs, associated maintenance (backups, redundant power, patching/management, security applications, monitoring, etc.) for on-prem, as well as 5-year server replacement cycle. Years 1 and 6 on-prem include new hardware as well as 1 year of maintenance costs. 2. You lose control of your data when you move to cloud Many organizations believe that migrating to the cloud results in a loss of control over data and information. However, this is not the case. Moving to the cloud can be compared to putting your money in the bank: while you may not physically see your funds at all times, you can trust that they are safe and accessible whenever you need them. Similarly, with cloud migration, your data remains secure and under your control, even if you cannot physically observe it at all times. Although the physical infrastructure is managed by a cloud hosting provider, your organization retains control over your environment, and you have the freedom to access your data whenever you want You may be wondering, what happens to my data if I want to switch to a different cloud hosting provider? The fear of vendor lock-in might be one of the reasons you are wary of cloud migration. To address this concern, it is important to thoroughly evaluate your cloud provider and their cloud services. With Microsoft Azure’s public cloud hosting environment, you maintain complete control over where your data resides, and you have the flexibility to move or switch to another Azure environment at any time. 3. Cloud migration leads to performance issues As you evaluate cloud migration, you may have concerns regarding the performance of your applications in the cloud. The cloud is designed to handle vast workloads efficiently. With proper configuration and optimization, the cloud often provides faster and more reliable performance than traditional on-premise infrastructure. On-premise software still has a single point of failure and does not offer the redundancy of cloud hosting. So, if uptime is an important factor to consider for your organization, the cloud succeeds. The right cloud service provider will invest heavily in robust infrastructure, including high-performance servers, networks, and storage systems. They should offer various service-level agreements (SLAs) that guarantee certain performance levels and uptime commitments, ensuring optimal performance for your applications. 4. The cloud is not secure A lack of security in the cloud is another common concern when evaluating cloud migration. However, it is important to recognize that cloud solutions often offer stronger security measures compared to traditional on-premise setups. Cloud providers have dedicated teams of experts who are solely focused on securing your infrastructure, which enhances the overall security of your data. A reliable cloud provider should implement advanced procedures and technologies to protect your organization. These may include the implementation of an identity and access management framework, multifactor authentication, password protection, and user-awareness training. These measures are designed to make cloud environments highly secure, reducing the risks of potential harmful cyber-attacks and improving your overall security posture. For example, Microsoft Azure Cloud is equipped with built-in redundancies and security features to help ensure your data is protected at all times. Azure’s cloud datacenters allow you to store your data in different locations. This enables you to protect your business according to your specific needs and preferences. With hundreds of datacenters available in 50 regions, you can strategically store your data across multiple cloud locations. 5. Moving to cloud means no more IT Team Contrary to what some may think, the cloud does not eliminate the need for your IT team. Your IT team will work directly with a cloud hosting provider and will play a crucial role in maintaining control over the cloud environment and aligning it with your organization’s objectives. Additionally, there will still be a need for on-site technical support, user support and training, and other day-to-day administration tasks. Cloud Hosting Services You Can Rely On By debunking these misconceptions, it becomes clear that cloud migration offers numerous benefits to organizations. It is essential to select a cloud hosting partner who has the proper expertise and tools to implement a strategic cloud migration plan for your growing organization. Selecting the right cloud solution and provider can greatly improve your migration experience and maximize operational benefits. Your provider should put your needs first and build your cloud environment based on your business. CompuData is a Philadelphia Cloud Hosting Provider offering cloud support, managed cloud services, cloud migration and implementation, and security services. Join over 5000 cloud users with CompuData and create a flexible, scalable, and customizable cloud environment that meet your organization’s needs. To learn more about the multiple cloud options, visit here. If you have questions or would like additional information regarding cloud migration, email us! Email Us! Author: Andrew Kulp Andrew Kulp is an IT Project Manager at CompuData. He comes from a long history of managed services, where most recently he helped build a Sage cloud hosting platform from the ground up and managed the application delivery, support, and acted as a vCTO for strategic clients. Andrew has a passion for customer service and strives to provide an exceptional experience to clients. Related Posts [PAGE] Title: Distribution ERP Software and Cloud Hosting | CompuData Content: Elevate your Organization with Distribution ERP Software Make confident business decisions to combat shrinking margins. Home Industries Distribution Whether you are a small distributor facing issues with scaling, or a mature distributor that is looking to integrate eCommerce, having real-time information provides distributors with the tools they need to accelerate their business. In order to achieve success, distributors have to run a profitable company despite diminishing margins. It’s crucial to be agile and scale your distribution business as competition intensifies and new channels like Amazon emerge. Most distributors have turned to cloud-based accounting software, Sage Intacct, and other business technology solutions to stay ahead of emerging competition and monitor shrinking margins. Utilizing our distribution ERP and accounting software solution, distributors are able to transform their business by: Gaining real-time visibility into daily logistics, inventory velocity, costs, and profitability Fulfilling orders accurately and efficiently in order to reduce costs and meet demand Automating inventory management to avoid stocks out and shrinkage Utilizing multi-bin capabilities and automate picking, packing, and shipping tasks Helping expand operations into new markets and increase reach Leveraging the cloud to scale more efficiently Increasing productivity by eliminating data duplication Automating accounting processes for a wholesale distribution business streamlines everything from managing approvals and generating stock orders to reconciling accounts, managing consolidations and tracing inventory. Our software solution, sage Intacct, provides distributors with the technology and real-time performance information they need in order to free up valuable resources and increase productivity rates. Our financial management solution adapts to your business needs allowing you to get more done without all the hassle. Cloud Hosting Easily interconnect all distribution locations by hosting your solution in the CompuData cloud. Through the cloud, you can have centralized control over your organization and eliminate the need to independently manage locations. No matter your size or volume, our secure cloud gives you scalable storage for added flexibility. Learn More Managed IT CompuData’s strategic approach to IT helps customers navigate the complexities of the distribution industry with ease. We leverage our technical expertise to protect your company from disasters and security threats, while proactively monitoring your network and devices. Our exemplary vCIO service provides a bird’s-eye-view of your company, providing the capability to approach challenges more strategically and avoid unpredictable vulnerabilities. [PAGE] Title: Hosted Applications and Desktop-as-a-Service | CompuData Cloud Content: Build Business Continuity with Reliable, Scalable & Trusted Managed Cloud Services Reduce downtime, optimize costs and improve security in a customizable cloud environment. Home Business Technology Solutions Cloud Hosting Managed Cloud Services Seamlessly operate in the cloud with managed cloud services from a partner with the application, industry, cloud and security experience you can trust. CompuData’s cloud solutions are designed to increase flexibility, scalability and productivity in an environment tailored to meet your organization’s needs. Securely access your data anytime from anywhere and eliminate the drawbacks of on-premise software with a more flexible, reliable cloud solution. CompuData is trusted Microsoft Gold Partner specializing in Azure, Infrastructure, & Modern Work and a Sage Diamond Partner with the expertise to design, build and support a custom cloud environment for your business- offering private cloud, Microsoft Azure Public Cloud, and hybrid cloud solutions. Choose Your Cloud CompuData gives you the flexibility to choose between Microsoft Azure public cloud, private cloud or hybrid cloud solutions built specifically for the needs of your organization. Optimize the agility of a hybrid cloud or choose a dedicated public or private cloud environment with infrastructure support dependent upon your needs. Trusted Security Expertise CompuData is SOC II certified as well as a certified RPO with a team of security experts and CMMC Certified Practitioners. With extensive experience in security, we provide cloud solutions that meet your compliance requirements for: CMMC, SSAE 18, SOCII, NIST, HIPPA and PCI. Unmatched ERP Experience Host your ERP in the cloud with CompuData and enhance performance, reliability and security. With over 30 years’ experience working with ERPs, certified Sage consultants and developers on staff, deep industry expertise and best-in-class application support – seamlessly move your ERP to a cloud you can rely on. Host your applications and desktops in the cloud to enhance operational efficiency and drive scalability for your organization. Access your business applications and data anytime from anywhere and leverage: Secure 24/7 Remote Access [PAGE] Title: Justin Van Druff - CompuData Content: Justin Van Druff Director of Sales Justin Van Druff is the Director of Sales at CompuData and leads our sales team for both IT and applications. He brings over 20 years of experience leading IT sales teams, building sales processes utilizing agile sales methodology, and team-building across organizations. Justin believes a thoughtful, client-centric approach is paramount to building lasting relationships. He leads by example, instilling his team with these core, customer-focused, values as well. Justin graduated from Lebanon Valley College with a Bachelor of Science in Business Management. He began his career in client services and since then has steadily added roles and increased responsibility throughout his career. In his previous role, Justin was able to increase one partnership’s revenue by 259% year over year, as well as pioneered new revenue streams, generating $15.3M in new revenue. Justin brings his optimistic attitude and strategic, results-focused leadership to implement tactical changes to benefit any organization. He excels at analyzing complex business environments and providing a clear set of goals and direction to his team. Justin is also able to anticipate opportunities and issues and provide recommendations. He believes in fostering open communication and building a relationship is the key to a beneficial partnership. His goal is to continue to be able to find ways to make processes more efficient and demonstrate value to grow business. Favorite Sports Team: Eagles Favorite Food: Tough call between lasagna, pizza, and anything served at Thanksgiving! If you were a superhero, your superpower would be: Teleportation Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving – what’s better than turkey dinner and football?! When you retire if you could live anywhere in the world- where would it be: New Zealand Hidden Talent: Quick to quote a movie line or song lyric in almost any conversation. Try me! Subscribe to our newsletter [PAGE] Title: Technology Partners Solving IT & Operational Challenges | CompuData Content: Online Support LeadingTechnology Partners Streamline operations and visibility within your organization while enabling accessibility, flexibility, scalability, and security with the right technology solutions in place. Home About Us Partners Best-in-Class Solutions from Leading Technology Partners We partner with industry leading technology companies to provide the best solutions to meet your organization’s needs through the smart use of technology. For over 50 years, customers have relied on our complete spectrum of technology solutions to address their IT and operational challenges. Our Partners [PAGE] Title: Referral Program | CompuData Technology Solutions Content: Home About Us Referral Program Do you know someone who needs help with their ERP Software, Cloud Hosting or Managed IT Services? If you know someone you believe will benefit from our accounting/ ERP software, cloud hosting or managed services and solutions; please let us know. We’ve created a referral program because we value your referral and to show our appreciation, we will give back to you. As the referrer, you will receive a $50 Amazon gift card for anyone who comes to us mentioning your name. We think it is awesome that you would pass our name along, and we want to make sure you know that. If your referral purchases a qualifying* accounting/ERP software or IT services solution from us within six months of your referral date, you are entitled to your choice of: A $1,000 gift card A donation of $1,000 to a charity/organization of your choice A $1,000 credit towards our products or services for your next purchase In addition, you can be awarded up to 10% of the sale!** Whether you have an Accounting/ ERP Software referral, Cloud Hosting referral, or Managed IT referral – please submit their information by clicking the button below, and CompuData will get back to you to show our appreciation. Be sure to include your name, the company you are referring, the name of the contact you are referring, and their email address. If someone referred you to CompuData, share with us who that was and their company so we can properly thank them! Submit a referral CompuData has been helping customers with technology solutions for almost 50 years. Whether you know someone who is struggling with efficiency and reporting in their current accounting/ERP software, or someone looking for a better access solution in a secure and reliable cloud-CompuData can help. We also have solutions for someone who needs to tighten up security to better support remote workers, or to simply manage their day to day IT- we take a true holistic view of their business. *Qualifying solutions for the referral program include Sage Intacct , Epicor , CompuData Cloud Hosting or Managed IT Service contracts. All awards subject to approval by CompuData management and subject to change at any time. **Ask us how you can qualify! Learn More About CompuData [PAGE] Title: Sitemap - CompuData Content: 325 Chestnut St. Suite 700Philadelphia, PA 19106 800-223-3282 [email protected] MEETING COMPLIANCE STANDARDS [PAGE] Title: NonProfit Accounting Software and Technology Solutions - CompuData Content: Move your Mission Forward with the Solution Designed for Nonprofits Alleviate the challenges that set you back & focus on achieving mission success. Home Industries Non-Profit Focus on what matters — your mission Nonprofits are often forced to overcome tight budget constraints, a resource shortage and a lack of overall visibility. Moreover, the inability to keep up with demands from donors or shareholders and the lack of access to timely information set your mission back. Today’s nonprofits are utilizing innovative technology solutions and accounting software to diversify funding streams, centralize control of their organization, and spread their mission far and wide. Our Nonprofit Management Software Solution, Sage Intacct, can move your mission forward by: Automating operational processes to maximize time and resources Managing funding and grants to ensure complete financial transparency Eliminate time consuming and error-prone manual reporting Automate workflows and approvals, consolidations, and support for multiple currencies, entities and locations Meet global and local compliance requirements How can we put hours back into your day? CompuData provides a top-notch Nonprofit accounting software solution that can help you overcome the day-to-day challenges nonprofits face. Most importantly, our solution gives you more time to focus on what really matters- your mission. With Sage Intacct, nonprofits can automate operations to free up time, giving you the resources you need to achieve your mission without adding additional head count. Our financial management software solution provides the tools you need to streamline your operations, gain greater visibility and strengthen stewardship throughout your nonprofit organization. Cloud Hosting CompuData’s cloud hosting service enables nonprofits to keep their focus on driving their mission forward. Our cloud solution can predict IT spends making it easier to plan yearly budgets and ensure that those budgets are met. Additionally, our dedicated team of IT specialists will support your needs from general maintenance updates to training and reporting. For healthcare nonprofits, our trusted solution is HIPAA compliant and will keep all of your data stored privately in accordance with regulations. Learn More Managed IT CompuData’s Managed IT services views your nonprofit organization from above in order to be strategic when approaching challenges. Let us remove the burden from your management team and elevate your organization with help from our expert vCIO. Learn More About the Nonprofit Industries We Serve Associations & Memberships [PAGE] Title: Business Technology News| CompuData Philadelphia IT Content: 325 Chestnut St. Suite 700Philadelphia, PA 19106 800-223-3282 [email protected] MEETING COMPLIANCE STANDARDS [PAGE] Title: CompuData Online Support | Online Technology Support Portal Content: How can we help you? To connect with a CompuData support team member please click the TeamViewer button below. Access CompuData Support Please note: the online support service is ONLY for existing CompuData customers who are currently working with a CompuData team member. Using this online support service does not open a new ticket. To open a new ticket, please call (215) 969-1000 or email [email protected]. Subscribe to our newsletter [PAGE] Title: Solution Sheets Archives - CompuData Content: 325 Chestnut St. Suite 700Philadelphia, PA 19106 800-223-3282 [email protected] MEETING COMPLIANCE STANDARDS [PAGE] Title: ERP Integrations for Your ERP Platform | Build Your Ideal ERP System Content: Build Your Ideal Business Platform with Best-in-Class ERP Integrations ERP Integrations strengthen business systems to create the ideal platform for your business. Home Business Technology Solutions ERP Solutions ERP Integrations ERP integrations for your accounting/ ERP system is essentially joining functions within departments to functions of other departments to ensure you are operating efficiently and optimizing workflows. The power of technology, automation and these applications, allows specific departments to carry out their own functions while having access to the information they need from other departments to complete those functions. Flexibility and Power within the Platform Get best-in-class functionality and deliver more value to your business by creating your ideal platform through ERP integrations.  A flexible, scalable and cloud-based accounting and ERP solution will help drive growth and provide deep visibility into your business like you have never seen before. Faster Application Integration Simplify the building of your ERP platform with integrations and applications that are reliable, readily available, and scalable to deliver services faster with reduced time to launch. From automation, to work flow and resource management we have integration partners for every need. Less Complexity With an accounting software and ERP platform you get an out of the box solution. Even though the capabilities are advanced you aren’t held back by functions and features that are not necessary for your industry or your company. ERP Integrations let you choose the applications you need. Our accounting software and ERP solution platforms come equipped with the tools to strengthen your financial control by automating your day-to-day financial management tasks. In addition, our ERP integration partners offer even more capabilities designed to give you added benefits only in areas you need. AP Automation [PAGE] Title: IT Security Provider | Cybersecurity, Vulnerability, Network Security Content: IT Security: Plan. Prepare. Protect. Secure your most valuable assets - your data. Cybersecurity, network security, user awareness & assessments. Home Business Technology Solutions IT Security IT Security Solutions that Extend Beyond Traditional Data Protection With technology evolving so frequently and the ease of accessibility, it is pertinent today to safeguard your business from IT Security threats. CompuData offers IT Security solutions that extend beyond traditional data protection. We offer a comprehensive solution and train your team to help protect you against cyber threats. We take a proactive approach that offers flexibility and scalability to strategically protect your company. Our technology allows us to adapt and protect your company from the latest threats. Get notified when security issues are detected and prevented. We do more than pad on layers of data protection such as email filters, firewalls, anti-virus and malware tools. We offer a full IT Security solution that focuses on business protection through the best-in-class technology solutions, awareness and education. CMMC Services CMMC services designed to support organizations to obtain their CMMC certification. From a CMMC readiness assessment, cybersecurity remediation, ongoing support and process and documentation to meet different CMMC levels and more; we can help you efficiently prepare. CMMC Services Cybersecurity Assessment Gain technical insights into your business with a Cybersecurity Assessment to truly be able to evaluate your technology strengths, weakness and risks within your software, hardware, processes and network systems. Cybersecurity Assessment End User Security Training Train your employees. Gain a formalized training plan to help employees recognize and report malware threats An ongoing semi-annual training plan should be implemented to get in front of threats as malware is constantly evolving. End User Security Training Endpoint Detection and Response Endpoint security that protects against current and future cyber threats using behavioral analysis technology while continuously monitoring end user devices and responding to incidents as they arise through rapid response,  remediation & reporting. Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) Accelerate your Growth with Sage Intacct Construction CompuData understands that every business is different and has unique needs. That’s why we design sophisticated, intuitive accounting solutions to support your construction company. Let our team of experts work with you to meet your business objectives leveraging the power of Sage Intacct Construction. [PAGE] Title: CompuData Inc a Woman Owned Business | Business Technology Partner Content: Online Support CompuData: Work Smarter... Together CompuData is a Woman Owned IT Company providing Cloud, Accounting & ERP Software, IT Security, and Managed IT Services and Solutions. Home About Us About Us CompuData is a woman owned IT Company that has been creating technology solutions for small and midsize organizations for over 50 years. A leader in Cloud Hosting , Accounting / ERP Software , IT Security and Managed IT Services and Solutions that provide clients with technology solutions that to help them scale, protect, and streamline their organization. At CompuData, we pride ourselves on building lasting relationships with our clients. We take a proactive approach to your organization’s technology needs and deliver exceptional IT services throughout the Greater Philadelphia Region and beyond, equipping mid-sized organizations with the technology solutions, IT support, and a strategic approach. Work Smarter…Together. Our clients can focus on what drives their organization while we work to optimize technology to overcome challenges, meet compliance standards, and to reach their goals. CompuData Raises the Bar with Our People, Process and Product Expertise Founded in 1971, CompuData brings over 50 years of expertise in technology solutions combined with a strong passion for serving clients and helping them achieve success.  CompuData has a dedicated team committed to providing innovative technology solutions and fostering long lasting relationships with our clients. Our employees are experts in their perspective fields earning multiple accreditations and bringing specialized expertise and years of experience to the industry. Continuously developing their individual skill set in the modern marketplace within the ever-evolving tech industry. Our teams displays a level of knowledge that is credible, competent to help clients reach their goals beyond expectations. CompuData brings over 30 years as a Sage Partner , is a Sage Diamond partner, has been verified as Sage Strategic Cloud Hosting Provider, and is a Microsoft Gold Partner with many additional certifications to further our expertise and provide top notch service and expertise to our clients. View all CompuData partners . Work Smarter…Together. Our Mission Our mission is to help mid-size organizations leverage technology across their business to scale, secure, and eliminate non-revenue generating tasks effectively and efficiently. We strive to create technology solutions while looking at the organization holistically, positioning them for success in the marketplace. Our Vision We aspire to become the Philadelphia region’s leading full-service IT firm for mid-size organizations while maintaining the highest client satisfaction ratings through our dedicated team and strategic processes. Diversity CompuData’s motto “Work Smarter…Together” is not just about our relationships with our clients.  As a woman-owned business, we emphasize having a diverse and inclusive staff in gender identity, race, sexual orientation, neurodiversity, ethnicity, and age.   We understand that different perspectives foster a stronger company, provide better insight, and produce superior customer experiences. Our Culture Working at CompuData We value our employees and their hard work, dedication and commitment. We strive to create a culture where everyone loves the work they do, treats their team members like family and continuously empowers one another for both professional and personal growth. With both in office employees and a large shift to a flexible and remote work environment, our team members come together for virtual events and utilize tools that foster team collaboration. CompuData has been recognized as one of the Best Places to Work by the Philadelphia Business Journal .  The team at CompuData build the foundation for our culture promoting positivity, open communication, and a commitment to excellence. Their respect, support and empowerment contribute to the team and company’s success. Join one of the Philadelphia area’s leading IT companies. Our employees are located throughout the nation and is a group of hardworking, determined, compassionate and generous team members. CompuData employees go above and beyond not only for our clients but for each other. Click the button below to view our current job openings. Awards & Recognitions Recognized as a Leading Philadelphia IT Company and Business Technology Partner CompuData Inc. has proven success as a leading ERP VAR for over 19 consecutive years and has multiple awards and recognition both as a leading MSP and Philadelphia Woman Owned Business. We are honored to be ranked in Channel Futures’ MSP 501, Bob Scott’s Top 100 VARS, Accounting Today’s VAR 100, Bob Scott’s VAR Star 2022, Philadelphia Soaring 76, Philadelphia 100 and  both the Most Admired CEO and Best Places to Work by the Philadelphia Business Journal. Meet the Leaders Driving Innovation Through Technology Meet the leadership team that is helping mid-sized organizations accomplish more through technology solutions. [PAGE] Title: CMMC Services to Meet CMMC Certifications and DoD Requirements Content: Achieve CMMC Readiness & Meet DoD Requirements Effectively prepare for Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Home Business Technology Solutions IT Security CMMC Services CMMC Services: How to Prepare for Compliance and Adequately Protect Your Organization CompuData is a Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Registered Provider Organization (RPO), accredited by the CyberAB (Formerly CMMC-AB), helping US Department of Defense (DoD) suppliers and government contractors obtain adequate security protection and meet required guidelines. The CMMC is a unified standard for cybersecurity that must be met by DoD suppliers. CMMC has gone through several revisions and is currently on version 2.0. CompuData’s CMMC services can help your organization identify any gaps or areas of improvement that need to be addressed to prepare you for a formal assessment. Our team of experts can help define your organization’s CMMC level, implement and monitor cybersecurity requirements, and help formalize processes and procedures to ensure you are adequately prepared. CompuData has worked with manufacturing organizations for over 50 years and can help you evaluate your current security protocols to ensure you are able to meet CMMC 2.0 guidelines and continue to win contracts. Our team is highly trained and certified in CMMC methodology to help organizations practically and efficiently create a strategy for CMMC readiness that guarantees long-term success. CMMC Readiness Assessment The first step in preparing for CMMC 2.0 compliance is conducting a CMMC Readiness Assessment to identify security gaps within your organization. It is performed onsite or remotely, depending on your infrastructure and needs. The assessment will determine both the present and future level of CMMC compliance required, while also evaluating current infrastructure, processes, and security systems. CompuData can then help evaluate current IT policies and procedures as well as hardware and software against all applicable CMMC requirements and identify gaps to help develop a plan that prioritizes remediation. CMMC Post-Assessment Remediation Post-assessment remediation is a structured approach to mitigate security gaps in preparation to meet the mandatory CMMC 2.0 compliance requirements. It incorporates a plan and strategy based off your CMMC gap analysis for network and system configurations, policy and procedure documentation, as well as cybersecurity training, processes, and awareness. CompuData can assist you with implementing the correct security measures, writing appropriate policies and tracking compliance activities. Getting Your CMMC Certification Your organization cannot meet CMMC standards overnight. It could take up to a full year to be initially qualified for certification, so it is essential to start preparing now. CompuData can help better align your organization to achieve certification by completing the CMMC readiness assessment and implementing CMMC remediation actions in advance of scheduling, completing, and receiving certification. Receive ongoing managed support to assist your organization with solution implementation & configuration, policy development, security processes & practices, and training to meet certification requirements. Understanding CMMC 2.0 Levels and Where Your Organization Fits CMMC levels are put forth by the DoD, and you should begin by determining what CMMC level is required for your organization. CMMC 2.0 consists of three certification levels instead of the original five. Levels two and four of CMMC 1.0 were removed as they were primarily transition levels. The new CMMC levels are based on the protected information a company possesses and range from Level 1 (Foundational), Level 2 (Advanced), and Level 3 (Expert). The higher the level your organization needs to obtain, the more security measures need to be put into place. Each level has a focus, which is outlined below: Level 1 (Foundational): Level 1 requires organizations to perform basic cybersecurity hygiene practices; this includes 17 practices. This level applies to organizations that must protect FCI (Federal Contract Information) data. A level 1 certification can be completed through an annual self-assessment. Level 2 (Advanced): Level 2 is considered advanced and focuses on organizations that handle CUI (Controlled Unclassified Information) data. This level includes 110 practices that align with NIST SP 800-171. Level 2 certification requires a third-party assessment every three years with some programs requiring an annual self-assessment. Level 3 (Expert): Level 3 is qualified as expert and focuses on advanced persistent threats (APTs) and includes 110+ controls based on NIST SP 800-171 and 800-172. This level applies to companies that handle CUI for DoD programs with the highest priority. Level 3 certification requires a government-led assessment every three years. Start Preparing Today and Get Your Organization Ready for CMMC 2.0 CompuData’s CMMC services can help define your organization’s CMMC level, implement and monitor cybersecurity requirements, formalize processes and procedures, and provide the analysis and reporting needed to meet requirements. Developing and executing a CMMC compliance plan takes time, so it’s important to get started today. Implementing the appropriate cybersecurity measures within your organization now will help ensure you are ready for CMMC 2.0 requirements. Taking these steps will only benefit your organization and help protect your information from future cyberthreats. Penetration Testing CompuData can implement regular system testing to identify potential security vulnerabilities that attackers could exploit. Procedures & Documentation Strong documentation is essential for CMMC 2.0 compliance. Our CMMC services help ensure you have thorough and consistent documentation of your cybersecurity practices in the form of written policies, plans and protocols. Analysis & Reporting CompuData can provide a comprehensive summary to highlight security vulnerabilities, along with recommendations for mitigation and tracking of progress during the remediation process. Our team of experts will then validate the findings to determine if an actionable vulnerability exists and provide action recommendations. Get a Free Consultation to See How to Start Meeting CMMC Requirements Learn what you need to be doing today to build cyber maturity and protect your organization to become CMMC compliant. [PAGE] Title: Backup and Recovery IT Services | CompuData IT Security MSP Content: Backup and Recovery IT Services You Can Trust and Rely On Safeguard your data with the right solution that could save your business. Prepare. Plan. Protect. Home Business Technology Solutions Managed IT Backup & Recovery Backup and Recovery Services provide data protection for applications, files, and servers that are configured, administered, monitored and supported. A data security breach or natural disaster can interrupt normal operations of a business. The right backup and recovery solution will save your business from detrimental downtime and data loss. Disaster Recovery Disaster recovery (DR) refers to what a company will do with its information systems in the aftermath of an adverse event to quickly return to normal business operations. Business Continuity Expertise CompuData’s DR and business continuity expertise goes beyond regular backups to create a fully redundant solution that helps your business easily recover in case of an emergency. Flexible Retention Schedule With a flexible retention schedule to help meet your internal and external requirements, you’ll be able to get real-time accurate insight on your entire backup and recovery process. Centralize Your Backup CompuData centralizes and manages all your business’ systems for backup and recovery. In the event of a disaster or security breach, your data recovery is just a few clicks away. Reduce Risks to Your Data & Business Reduce the risk of data loss by protecting and securing all your business’ systems and data. We proactively monitor backups for failures and will automatically repair them to ensure you always have a valid backup. Create Data Replication for Padded Security CompuData ensures your data is resilient to loss by replicating your data across multiple data centers; to ensure your business is up-and-running and back up jobs are in a secure datacenter facility. CompuData’s cloud backup and recovery service provides a reliable disaster recovery plan and secure protection for your organization’s on-premise data and business software applications using a top-tier data center. This includes: Data Snapshots: Image based snapshots of your data. Frequency can be customized to meet your specific business goals. Cloud Data Replication: Your data is replicated securely, locally and in the cloud. This maximizes your protection from system disasters, natural disasters and human error. Business Continuity Planning: Create a unique business continuity plan for your business to recover your business systems with the least amount of business disruption. Data Recovery Services: We work around the clock to recover your data, minimize downtime and get your business back to normal! Prepare Your Business for: Nature Disasters Natural disasters can wipe out entire facilities, CompuData replicates your backups to a provider with multiple, geographically separated data centers. Viruses and Malware Attacks Crypto-viruses can destroy your entire business within minutes. The right backup solution allows your business to get back up and running with minimum downtime. Compliance and Regulation Customize your retention schedules to match your business requirements. Trust your data is protected and stored correctly to meet data protection policies. Stop worrying about your IT needs, unforeseen vulnerabilities & unpredicatable fees. Start doing IT differently by leverage cVIO services and a support team that handles basic help desk needs through the most difficult or advanced technical problems. [PAGE] Title: Michelle Atwood - CompuData Content: Michelle Atwood Senior Director of Marketing & Business Development Michelle Atwood is the Senior Director of Marketing and Business Development at CompuData and has been in the IT industry for over 20 years. She leads the Marketing and Business Development team, specializing in demand generation. Michelle graduated from Fairmont State University with a BS in Business Management. She began her career in sales and throughout the years took on other opportunities in marketing and operations to round out her skill set. Eventually she moved to a Marketing and Business Development role where she focused on front end of the funnel activity. Michelle brings her collaborative team strategy to drive successful results and outcomes in any role she has. She has the ability to focus on long-term goals and thinks creatively in her approach to problem solving. Michelle measures her results, inspects for constant improvement, and coaches her team to improve their individual effectiveness, in order to benefit the organization as a whole. Her goal is to continue to her leadership style based on the principles of teamwork and people development. Favorite Food: Sushi Favorite part about working at CompuData : The People! Great group of people who are supportive of each other and work collaboratively to deliver the best experience for our customers! If you were a superhero, your superpower would be: Super Strength! Favorite Quote: “People will forget what you say, people will forget what you do, but they will never forget how you make them feel.”- Maya Angelou Hidden Talent: Gardening. Love bringing dead plants back to life with a little TLC. When you retire, if you could live anywhere in the world- where would it be: Florence, Italy Subscribe to our newsletter [PAGE] Title: Sage 100c Manufacturing | CompuData a Sage Software Partner Content: Sage 100c Manufacturing Improve Accuracy and Automate Job Alerts A comprehensive solution for automating job management functions. Improve your operations using the latest in mobile technology. Home Business Technology Solutions ERP Solutions Sage 100c Manufacturing Sage 100c Manufacturing provides small to mid-market companies with an integrated ERP solution. Shorter deadlines, supply chain delays and distribution complications are common among all manufacturers, but MTOs may face these frequently. It is time to overcome your Make-to-Order challenges. Sage 100c Manufacturing automatically populates work orders based on sales orders. This avoids manual transcription errors when keying in work orders. Supply chain problems are often the result of failing to keep track of raw materials and deliveries. With Sage 100c Manufacturing you receive automated alerts informing you of low stock levels, delayed shipments and more so you can keep on top of your supply chain with ease. Accurate Job Estimating Quickly get accurate job cost estimates by determining the costs of the job’s components: material, labor and sub-contracted services. Automatically Update Costs Automatic updates of material costs to reflect recent purchases in real-time. Dynamic Price Suggestions Calculate a suggested price including your desired mark-up using margin or profit. Data from Sage JobOps allows you to track quality and customer satisfaction. Sage JobOps highlights: Scanco Multi-Bin Expiration Date Control and Vendor Lot Traceability Scaling Imported Parts for Order Based Work Tickets Sales Order Lookup Button in Service / Dispatch Board Filters Non-Printable Chargeable Parts in Invoice Data Entry Configurator Parts Comment Field Modified Data Collector File Layout Get both operations and financial information from a single source Available Sage 100c Manufacturing Modules Base Quickly get accurate job cost estimates by determining the costs of the job’s components—material, labor, and sub-contracted services. Field Service & Dispatch Increase your productivity with the ability to address the entire customer lifecycle from a sales order to making the product to installing and servicing it—all in one integrated system. Purchase Agent Analyze orders, stock requirements, current supply, quantities on a purchase order, and optional MRP projections and your Purchase Agent creates a to-do list of the materials that need to be purchased. Enhanced Scheduling Giving users additional flexibility in focusing on scheduling and resource utilization. Take a unique approach in loading your new jobs into the schedule. Time Tracker Using terminals out on the shop floor, bar coding, or web-based reporting, employees can directly enter their time and materials for the jobs they are working on. Product Configurator Streamline your process for better jobs, more profitability and increased customer satisfaction. Manage Your Manufacturing Business More Effectively Get a system that will help your manufacturing organization achieve complete visibility into their production process. Track costs, the status of items, and inventory to meet demand and maximize profitability. [PAGE] Title: CompuData Leadership Team | Philadelphia Technology Company Content: View Bio Cloud, Accounting/ERP Software, IT Security and Managed IT Leverage the right technology to meet your current needs, but is flexible to accommodate future growth and change. We take a holistic approach to match the best technology and services with your organization while meeting budget targets and organization requirements. [PAGE] Title: Managed IT Services | Take Proactive Approach to IT Management Content: Online Support Better Technology Solutions - a Different Approach to Managed IT Services More than a standard support MSP, we're your technology partner focusing on business continuity - helping you plan, prepare and protect your infrastructure. Home Business Technology Solutions Managed IT Managed IT Services Plan. Prepare. Protect. We take a holistic approach to assess your IT needs and proactively manage and support every aspect of your infrastructure to avoid unforeseen vulnerabilities and unpredictable fees. Our Managed IT services and reporting provides you the visibility and analysis needed to gain insights into your IT environment and make effective real-time decisions. We help you take steps towards a digital transformation through strategic planning, preparation and offering optimal protection. Our Holistic Approach With our proactive approach and vCIO services we help develop a strategic roadmap for your business. As your business grows, your IT infrastructure and the technology used to support your business and employees needs to offer flexibility and scalability. Incomparable Technical Knowledge 86% of our support staff are the highest level of support in a three-tiered technical support model responsible for handling the most difficult or advanced problems. Our team has the knowledge to assist with the most complex issues. Unmatched Response & Resolution Time From our proactive monitoring services and efficient support model; our customers receive rapid response time from a live person. Support cases are resolved faster than ever with an expert tech team working  to ensure you are securely up and running every day. A different approach to IT – Offering a better technology process for your digital transformation. Managed IT Services that give you full strategic insight for all your IT and business systems with many value-added benefits. Our expertise in Security, IT processes and management, support and monitoring, application development  and general help desk; provides our customers with the flexibility and peace of mind needed to continuously grow and increase productivity and efficiency. vCIO – Strategy & Planning: We focus on the important long term planning and IT trends to help you make decisions for what is important to your infrastructure. Proactive IT Support: We proactively monitor, detect and solve IT issues before they have time to affect your business and operations. Reduce IT Spend: Gain access to numerous IT monitoring and management services, as well as strategic IT approach with our vCIO without having to hire additional staff. Focus More Time on Business Profitability: Eliminate the headache of IT and the need to address urgent issues so you can focus on the profit-making aspects. Access to IT Experts 24/7: Leverage CompuData’s staff of IT consultants ready to assist you with all your technology support issues and IT strategy implementations. Better Technology Process CompuData offers full array of managed IT services for small to midsize businesses looking to increase productivity and profitability with the right technology solutions. From security, remote help desk, preventative maintenance, network and asset management, Workstation, Server & Network Monitoring & Support, cloud and email system migrations, performance reporting, mobile device management, vendor management, custom solutions and more; we aren’t your standard managed service provider. Our team has the knowledge, experience and expertise to help lead all your IT initiatives. Whether you are looking for services to help your existing staff, remove the day to day nuances or help with the strategic planning, CompuData is a leading Philadelphia area technology partner. Backup & Disaster Recovery Protect Against the Unforeseen Get data protection for applications, files, and servers that is configured, administered, monitored and supported. Develop a disaster recovery and backup plan that makes your business ready for unforeseen emergencies in the future. EDR Provide Endpoint Protection Continuously monitor information on malware footprints and other types of cyber threats to your network. Assessing the network endpoints to help in preparing suitable incident response and management security strategy. Hybrid Infrastructure Interconnecting Resources in the Cloud Create a cloud environment that connects your private, public and on-premise resources into a single, flexible infrastructure for running your organization’s applications and workloads. Have greater control over your computing resources, as well as security. Virtual Desktops Improve Remote Access Capabilities Give employees the ability to access their desktops from any device, anywhere. Reduce the time it takes to provision new desktops, decrease desktop management and support costs and eliminate the need to manage and secure multiple devices. Patch Management Boost Performance & Productivity Prevent your software and systems from being vulnerable to bugs, malware, and major security issues. Ensure each device on your network is up to date to increase productivity and improve performance with a more efficient system and network. Managed Network Network Protection & Monitoring Provide end-to-end network monitoring and support for network equipment including Switches, access points, firewalls, and SD-WAN solutions. Ensure network availability, firmware updates, security patches, and system configuration. Managed Security Preparing a Secure Infrastructure Security alerting, network scanning and IT monitoring; help diagnose and troubleshoot application slowdowns, network vulnerabilities, outages, virtualization bottlenecks, server failures and more. Monitor and Manage the security your IT environment. Managed Support Monitoring Made Easy From our IT monitoring services, cloud backup and recovery, IT security, and more we have eyes on your business to ensure you are safe and up and running every day. Our proactive approach ensures you have the best technology solutions at your fingertips. Stop worrying about your IT needs, unforeseen vulnerabilities & unpredicatable fees. Start doing IT differently by leverage cVIO services and a support team that handles basic help desk needs through the most difficult or advanced technical problems. [PAGE] Title: Sage Intacct Cloud Accounting Software | Sage Intacct Partner Content: Home Business Technology Solutions ERP Solutions Sage Distribution and Manufacturing Operations Sage Distribution and Manufacturing Operations (SDMO) is the only purpose-built, cloud native enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution created specifically to meet the growing needs of distributors and manufacturers. SDMO empowers manufacturing and distribution businesses to achieve peak efficiency by implementing lean processes that maximize resources, reduce unnecessary steps, and eliminate manual procedures. The advanced solution provides real-time visibility into operations through robust dashboards, offering detailed insights for informed decision-making. Seamlessly manage key processes across the entire supply chain and drive business growth with innovative, scalable solutions. Distribution Operations Automate distribution & supply chain processes. Manufacturing Operations Simplify complex product design, planning, and development. Inventory and Warehouse Operations Automate inventory and warehouse operations through receipt, storage, management, and shipping. Forecasting and Planning Accurately estimate sales and devise strategies to meet forecasted demand. Accounting and Financials Automate core financial tasks and cash management processes. Distribution Dashboard Sales Dashboard Manufacturing Dashboard SDMO is equipped with an extensive set of tools that enables manufacturers and distributors to simplify complex business processes and modernize their operations. From procurement to order delivery, processes are automated and standardized for enhanced efficiency. With SDMO, you gain: AI-powered process automation Detailed inventory tracking and traceability Streamlined workflows for better control and shorter cycle times Comprehensive inventory management including location, batch number, and serial number management Real-time operational visibility for data-driven decision- making Seamless and automated communication with vendors and customers through workflows Manage Your Manufacturing Business More Effectively Leverage a system that empowers your manufacturing business to achieve complete visibility into the production process. Track costs, the status of items, and inventory to meet demand and maximize profitability. Learn More Bridge the Gap Between Operations and Finance with SDMO and Sage Intacct Financials Experience exceptional distribution and manufacturing capabilities while ensuring seamless general ledger, accounts payable, and accounts receivable journal and bill transfers. Leverage the Power of the Cloud Seamlessly integrate with Sage Intacct financials and embrace cloud-native benefits across your business. Scale & Grow Experience a unified, global ERP solution designed for growth and scalability to support customer expansion. Comprehensive Communication Achieve seamless collaboration and mission alignment by ensuring everyone has access to the same data. Enhanced Business Performance Accelerate data-based decision making and bring agility to strategic initiatives by equipping your entire company with a unified version of modern cloud-native software. Related Posts [PAGE] Title: Accounting Software for Professional Services Organizations - CompuData Content: Professional Services - Break Down Silos & Power Project Success Are you ready to eliminate the hassle of manual reporting? Home Industries Professional Services Professional services organizations typically spend hours tediously entering data and patching together countless spreadsheets that slows down your business operations and leaves room for mistakes. Managing multiple entities at multiple locations and makes reporting even more challenging. Professional services organizations can leverage business technology solutions and accounting software like Sage Intacct to unify their disparate practices into one centralized process to save time and money. Whether you are working on projects that require a limited budget or have a tight timeline, you need to be able to deliver a project that meets your client’s needs. Professional services organizations can leverage CompuData’s accounting software solution to: Break down silos by providing instant and seamless communication between business units and customer segments Automate back office processes, reduce headcount, and save thousands of dollars annually Track project costs, expedite time-and-expense processes and accelerate project billing Manage multiple entities and global consolidations to manage financials for multiple locations and business entities across industries. As the AICPA’s only preferred provider of cloud financials, Sage Intacct helps professional service organizations seamlessly manage projects and automate project accounting. Our financial management solution helps professional services firms take advantage of automated revenue management for real-time reporting and operational transparency, putting valuable time back into your workday. With our accounting solution, you can eliminate the hassle of manual reporting and focus on growing your business. IT Security Professional services organizations often possess valuable information including mergers and acquisitions, tax information and key intellectual property for both clients and the firm itself. At CompuData, we understand how crucial it is for the organization to educate employees on cyber risks and have a security program in place to reduce the risk of an attack. Discover how our comprehensive security offering can protect your assets and ensure confidential information stays that way. Learn More Managed IT Professional services organizations can take advantage of IT monitoring, proactive security alerting, and vCIO services just a name a few of the solutions CompuData has to offer. Let us help you develop a strategic road map for your business and design plans to promote growth and streamline operations. Learn More About the Professional Service Industries We Serve Consulting Disover how your consulting firm can optimize client service offerings and increasing billable hours to maximize profitability. [PAGE] Title: Angela Nadeau CompuData CEO | Business Technology Company Content: Angela Nadeau President & CEO Angela Nadeau is the President and Chief Executive Officer of CompuData Inc. With almost 35 years of experience, Angela has leveraged her extensive knowledge of business technology solutions to advise thousands of businesses, enabling growth by driving their operations forward. Angela joined the company in 1988 and has held several positions including programmer, manager of the Micro Department, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, and Executive Vice President. Today, as CompuData CEO, Angela is responsible for facilitating the operations of the company from market development and strategic planning to building client relationships and empowering employees, all of which keep CompuData on the cutting edge of innovation. Angela is actively involved in the community as a member of the Alliance of Women Entrepreneurs (AWE), Birthing of Giants Fellowship Program, Forbes Technology Council, Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, Inc Business Owners Council, the Philadelphia Alliance for Capital and Technologies (PACT), and the Philadelphia Business Journal Leadership Trust. Angela Nadeau attended the University of Delaware where she earned two Bachelor Degrees, a BA in Political Science and a BS in Economics. She lives by the motto to be bold, be truthful and always be learning; the three core values that have guided her career and inspired her to become the leader she is today. At CompuData, Angela fosters a family-like culture between employees and was honored by the Philadelphia Business Journal as one of the Most Admired CEO’s in 2018. As a proud advocate of women in technology, Angela shares her expertise and thought leadership as an occasional contributor to Forbes Technology Council, Small Business Trends, The VAR Guy, Philadelphia Business Journal and additional platforms. She was recently profiled by Susan Rocco’s radio show, “Women to Watch” and was a guest on Executive Leaders Radio. Recent Certifications and Awards [PAGE] Title: Cloud Hosting & Managed Cloud Services | Public, Private, & Hybrid Cloud Content: Managed Cloud Services You Can Rely On Increase flexibility, scalability and security in a cloud environment that meets your organization's requirements. Home Business Technology Solutions Cloud Hosting Host your core business applications in the cloud and securely access your information anytime from anywhere with 24/7 managed support from CompuData’s certified experts. Leverage CompuData’s managed cloud hosting solutions and create business continuity in a customizable cloud environment that’s designed to meet your specific needs. Managed Cloud Services Seamlessly operate in the cloud and maximize operational benefits with solutions from a trusted managed cloud service provider who has the experience and expertise to support your organization. With CompuData, you have the flexibility to choose your cloud solution- from Microsoft Azure Public Cloud, Private Cloud or a Hybrid Cloud environment. Hosted Applications & Desktops Sage Cloud Hosting Reduce IT infrastructure costs, increase productivity, and securely access your Sage data anytime from anywhere with Sage Cloud Hosting services you can rely on. Work with a certified Strategic Sage Cloud Hosting Provider and leverage a more secure, flexible, and scalable environment that helps drive your business forward. [PAGE] Title: Kayla Hall - CompuData Content: Kayla Hall Sage Intacct Practice Director Kayla Hall is the Sage Intacct Practice Director at CompuData. She has over 4 years of experience managing and implementing Sage Intacct, and over 7 years in accounting and finance where she has gained insight on analyzing internal processes, developing efficiencies and automating workflows. In College, Kayla received a Presidential scholarship for her role as Senior Class President. She has continued her leadership and work ethic throughout her career, which has led to many professional growth opportunities. She has a passion for the Construction Industry, which is why she is involved both regionally and locally in Construction Finance Management Association. She has been on the CFMA Board for the past 2 years, and currently serves as President for her local Chapter. She also served as Sponsorship Committee Chair for the Regional Conference. Kayla has deep insight and confidence within Intacct, helping her to drive strategic goals and internal initiatives. Kayla’s ability to empower and support the team, while focusing on customer needs and success will create credibility and meaningful professional relationships for the organization. Favorite Sports Team: Manchester City Favorite Food: Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese (and Capers on a cracker) Favorite part about working at CompuData: Great culture, amazing people and unlimited opportunity Personal Goal: Always stay humble and kind Hidden Talent: Multi-tasking If money wasn’t an object – what would your dream job be? Owning a farm Subscribe to our newsletter [PAGE] Title: Comprehensive Manufacturing ERP & Technology Solutions - CompuData Content: Explore the Technology and ERP Solutions Built for Manufacturers Streamline manufacturing processes and enhance warehouse management to achieve operational excellence. Home Industries Manufacturing Today’s manufacturers are always looking for ways to streamline business processes, break down barriers to growth, improve their supply chain, and enhance inventory management. Manufactures need an efficient ERP solution in place that will rapidly fulfill customer demands and keep pace with industry trends. Our advanced manufacturing ERP solution can: Improve operational visibility of front office, warehouse and manufacturing plant floor Maintain strong relationships and meet customer demands by putting your customers at the center of your business Streamline order processing while improving accuracy through the Product Configurator Optimize demand management and inventory control for strong cost saving capabilities Use lean methodologies to improve lead times, reduce waste, and enhance customer satisfaction Promote tighter collaboration throughout the supply chain to maximize operational efficiency CompuData’s manufacturing ERP software is a flexible solution designed for manufacturers that is easy to use, deploy and maintain. It is designed around the unique operational needs of the manufacturing industry and can easily overcome growth and scalability challenges. With Epicor ERP and Epicor Cloud ERP software solutions, manufacturers have the support to tackle complex regulation requirements. Additionally, our solution has the capabilities to streamline warehouse management, custom make-to-order manufacturing, and mixed-mode manufacturing. Our manufacturing software solution significantly enhances collaboration, responsiveness, simplicity, and mobility that today’s manufacturers are looking for. Cloud Hosting CompuData’s cloud solution simplifies business operations by interconnecting all manufacturing locations and implementing Wi-Fi in each warehouse. Our cloud hosting service allows manufacturers to standardize their operations across platforms, control them all at once, and eliminate the need to independently manage various locations or entities. Learn More Managed IT CompuData’s strategic IT approach provides manufacturers the reliability needed to keep the business running smoothly. We understand how imperative it is that workstations are up and running at all times in order to meet demand, maximize productivity and increase profitability. Our proactive approach allows us to plan for and resolve challenges before they negatively impact your manufacturing business. [PAGE] Title: Paul Thompson CompuData Director of Support | IT Support Team Content: Paul Thompson Director of Support Paul Thompson serves as the Director of Support and brings over 12 years of experience to CompuData. In his role, Paul leverages his wealth of technical knowledge to deliver innovative solutions to clients while furthering the company’s goal of continuously enhancing the customer experience. Paul Thompson graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a Bachelor’s Degree in Natural Sciences and began his career as a Help Desk Technician. Since then, Paul has steadily added roles and increased his responsibilities throughout his career. As an administrator, he monitored and maintained hundreds of servers and troubleshot tens of thousands of issues. In addition, Paul worked with thousands of users across dozens of different industries, delivering top-notch support to each client. Paul’s extensive leadership and management experience has played a key role in growing CompuData’s Systems and IT Support team by 50%. Paul Thompson is committed to ensuring that his team is providing effective IT solutions , achieving high quality service, and building and maintaining lasting client relationships. Looking forward, he aspires to continue to grow as a leader in the ever-changing world of technology. Family Life: I have a beautiful wife Julia and our amazing son Calvin. We also have two cats, Nola and Pounce Favorite Sports Team: E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES! If money wasn’t an object – what would your dream job be? I want to be an astronaut when I grow up. Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving (mainly for pumpkin pie) Favorite part about working at CompuData: The moment I came to CompuData, it felt like home. I love our family atmosphere and I feel lucky to be able to work with a team of superstars! Subscribe to our newsletter [PAGE] Title: Industry Leading Business Technology Provider - CompuData Content: Professional Services Construction Efficiently manage the complex demands of construction financial management. Leverage automation to increase project profit by up to 10% with real time budget vs. actual project data. Learn More Distribution Interconnect all distribution locations through advanced ERP and accounting software solutions that will arm your organization with real-time information and complete visibility into your daily operations. With greater insight, you can be confident in your decision making and work to combat shrinking margins and maximize profitability. Learn More Financial Services Alleviate the challenges of rising costs and growing competition by leveraging business technology solutions to manage all entities from a single location. Discover how you can ensure GAAP compliance and gain full visibility into your organization to enable strategic decision making. Learn More Healthcare Discover how your organization can optimize core healthcare processes and meet regulatory requirements so you can focus on achieving high quality patient care. Learn More Manufacturing Break down barriers to growth by achieving complete visibility from front office to manufacturing plant floor. Streamlined business operations enhance accuracy and inventory control which enable cost savings and higher profit margins. Learn More Non-Profit Automate workflow, manage funding, and meet compliance requirements with a robust software solution designed specifically for nonprofits.  Overcome the day-to-day challenges and free up valuable resources so you can focus on moving your mission forward. Learn More Professional Services Break down silos and improve communication between business units and customer segments within your professional services organization. Leverage automation to centralize processes and improve productivity throughout the organization. Learn More Cloud, Accounting/ERP Software, IT Security and Managed IT Leverage the right technology to meet your current needs, but is flexible to accommodate future growth and change. We take a holistic approach to match the best technology and services with your organization while meeting budget targets and organization requirements. [PAGE] Title: Sage Cloud Hosting | Leading Cloud Provider for Sage Content: Sage Cloud Hosting – Drive your Business Forward with Sage in the Cloud Host your Sage in a reliable cloud solution and securely access data anytime from anywhere. Home Business Technology Solutions Cloud Hosting Sage Cloud Hosting With over 5,000 users in the cloud, certified Sage consultants and developers on staff, and 24/7/365 managed cloud support – CompuData is an expert in Sage cloud hosting. Get the most out of your cloud environment with advanced security, speed, reliability, and flexibility provided by CompuData’s Sage hosting services. As a trusted Sage Partner for over 30 years, CompuData will provide you with an optimal cloud experience and unmatched Sage application support. CompuData is vetted and verified by Sage as a Strategic Cloud Hosting Partner to ensure that our cloud hosting solutions meet their requirements for performance, reliability, security and cost effectiveness. As a trusted Sage Diamond Partner, Microsoft Gold Partner specializing in Azure, Infrastructure, & Modern Work, and a SOC II Certified organization, CompuData provides Sage cloud solutions that meet the following compliance standards: DFARS, GDPR, HIPPA, ISO 27001, NIST, PCI, CMMC and SOC II Type 2. CompuData is a leading cloud provider for Sage software including Sage 100cloud (formerly MAS 90, MAS 200), Sage 300cloud (formerly AccPac), Sage 300CRE cloud (formerly Timberline), Sage 500cloud (formerly MAS 500), Sage X3 cloud and Sage CRM. Sage Hosting Application Experience and Expertise Leverage a cloud partner with deep Sage application experience and expertise. CompuData’s certified Sage consultants and developers provide 24/7/365 managed cloud support to ensure your Sage application operates efficiently and meets your specific requirements. Customizable Cloud Solution Choose between a public cloud, private cloud or hybrid cloud solution that’s tailored to meet your organization’s needs. CompuData ensures a seamless transition to the cloud with endless flexibility and customizations. Enhanced Security CompuData can ensure you are up to date with security compliance standards and identify potential threats before they occur with 24/7 monitoring from security experts. We are CMMC RPO and SOC Type 2 compliant with extensive expertise in securely managing data to protect the interests of your organization’s privacy. Take your Sage application to the next level with CompuData’s Sage cloud hosting services and achieve better accessibility, flexibility, security, and an enhanced user-experience. Make your cloud hosting migration seamless and receive: Secure Access Anytime, Anywhere Single Control Plane – for Improved User- Experience Improved Application Delivery & Management 24 x 7 Cloud Support with Unmatched Response & Resolution Time A Security Focused Cloud Hosting Provider Full Data Backup and Disaster Recovery Services Meeting Compliance Standards: DFARS, GDPR, ISO 27001/ IEC, NIST, PCI, HIPAA, CMMC and SOC II Type 2 Premier Sage Cloud Hosting Support Our knowledgeable, highly responsive team of certified Sage consultants and developers have deep industry expertise and extensive experience to deliver best-in-class application support. Scalable and Flexible CompuData enables your cloud environment to scale with you as you grow. Easily add or remove users as needed, add applications or storage when necessary, and incorporate integrations to meet your organization’s IT needs. Secure and Reliable Work with a Sage partner who prioritizes security and protects your valuable business data with advanced cloud security tools. CompuData’s secure cloud infrastructure is tailored to meet your security requirements and ensure your organization is operating efficiently. Predictable IT Costs Eliminate support fees and unplanned hardware expenses by hosting your Sage in the cloud. Reduce unnecessary IT costs with predictable fees that include help desk, back up, security, and disaster recovery. Accessible Hosting Sage in the cloud gives your employees the ability to securely access your Sage system anytime from anywhere. Customized Cloud Customize your cloud environment with the resources and applications that meet your organization’s needs. Leverage public, private and hybrid options with flexible integration capabilities. Hear What Sage Cloud Hosting Customers Have to Say Sage Cloud 24×7 “One of the biggest draws for CompuData is that they are also a Sage partner so they bring a lot of knowledge about the platform.  We’ve got a multi-layered architecture and a variety of Sage apps that we employ….. We operate almost 24×7. We have those kinds of requirements and having very responsive customer oriented folks like the CompuData people is invaluable.” Jess Brown, CIO Reladyne Scales with CompuData Cloud Scalable and Flexible “We hit a wall with our on-premise solution. We were pushing too much data through it so we moved everything to CompuData.  They were able to keep scaling us up until we had enough resources to to handle all the data that we were throwing at it…. We’ve got 110 scanners through 12 locations running through CompuData’s hosted service,  145 users running through Sage 100.  I used to worry about servers …. Now I know that everything’s getting taken care of. … I don’t have to worry about it.” TJ Ligammare, IT Director GTS Distribution Scales Sage with CompuData Cloud Host Sage in a Cloud You Can Rely On With over 5,000 users in the cloud architected by Sage’s verified Strategic Cloud Hosting Provider, certified Sage consultants and developers on staff, 24/7/365 managed cloud support, and the option of public, private and hybrid cloud options; Host Sage in a Cloud You can Rely On. [PAGE] Title: ERP Solutions | Accounting Software and ERP Software from CompuData Content: Streamline Your Business with the Best Accounting & ERP Software Solution Tailored to Meet Your Business Needs Accounting software and ERP solutions that provides advanced business capabilities to improve workflow and scale your business. Home Business Technology Solutions ERP Solutions Gain a competitive advantage with Accounting & ERP software solutions that will improve productivity, increase efficiencies and give you greater visibility into your business while decreasing costs and streamlining processes. CompuData is a Sage Diamond partner and has been a Sage Partner or over 30 years helping customers from discovery through implementation. Leverage CompuData’s experience and expertise to build the best-in-class Accounting Software and ERP Solution for your organization. Sage Intacct Sage Intacct – #1 cloud financial management software solution. Automate mundane tasks, gain financial visibility and data insights, and consolidate entities. Sage Intacct Sage Distribution and Manufacturing Operations Sage Distribution and Manufacturing Operations (SDMO) is the only purpose-built, cloud native enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution created specifically to meet the growing needs of distributors and manufacturers. Sage 100c Manufacturing Sage 100c Manufacturing a comprehensive solution for automating job management functions using the latest in mobile technology. Sage 100c Manufacturing Sage 100Cloud Sage100 helps businesses simplify accounting while automating financial processes and improving reporting. Get even more benefits with Sage100 cloud hosting. Sage100cloud ERP Integrations From AP automation, AR automation, HR, scanning capabilities, Tax and more; create a best-in-class solution that is perfect for your business with ERP integrations. [PAGE] Title: CompuData Business Technology Company Philadelphia, PA Content: Building Solutions with Best in Class Technology CompuData is a Woman Owned Business and IT Company offering Cloud Hosting, Accounting/ ERP Software, IT Security, and Managed IT Services & Solutions to help organizations scale and grow. Transform your operations and infrastructure through our exceptional people, strategic processes and the best technology solutions that offer a more flexible, scalable and secure environment. Our team takes a proactive and strategic approach to solving customer problems and creating solutions that will improve business processes and operations. We strive to eliminate non-revenue generating tasks and technology problems, positioning our clients to scale their business with fewer resources. We Work Smarter…Together. Our customers can focus on what drives business growth while we work to advance operational efficiency. [PAGE] Title: Cybersecurity Assessment | CompuData IT Security Solutions Content: Education for Employees Prepare and Protect Cybersecurity Assessments give you full insight into your IT security and business systems with many value-added benefits and allow for future planning. It’s important to put policies and plans in place, offer awareness training and get a secure system set up. Employee Training Your employees can be the gateway to the biggest risks. They need to be trained on identifying risks and when to be skeptical of emails they did not expect and are out of character.  Your team needs to be reminded to hover over an email link before clicking or to look at email properties to see if the sender’s email address matches. They need to know not to click on or open suspicious attachments. Update IT Policies Create IT/Computer Usage Policies and provide reminders to employees at least annually for all new and updated policies.  Beyond traditional Computer and Internet Usage policies, your company should include wording on BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), Remote Access, Privacy, and Encryption where appropriate into your policies. Incident Response Plan Develop a security incident response plan in place for the concern where company data could be compromised. This would be in a written format that would include educating personnel on how to document the events leading up to the breach discovery, notifying appropriate IT personnel so they can take necessary steps to stop it, and be developing an internal and external communications plan. IT Security with CompuData It’s important to implement firewalls and security-related features such as remote access and wireless routers so that it is properly configured. If your internal IT team has not been exposed to optimum security training or have experience with setting up a new device, this is what our team specializes in. We will perform penetration testing to identify and lock down any system vulnerabilities. Know Your Infrastructure, Identify You Vulnerabilities and Gain Valuable Insights Evaluate your technical strength, weakness, and risk in your organization’s software, hardware, processes, and network systems. Plan. Prepare. Protect. [PAGE] Title: Ed Guarrieri CompuData Vice President of Technology Content: Ed Guarrieri Chief Operating Officer As CompuData’s Chief Operating Officer, Ed is always on the forefront of innovation in the technology industry and brings over 10 years of progressive technology leadership experience to CompuData. Ed attended Syracuse University where he obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology. His career began in technical engineering where he consulted with customers to build cloud transition roadmaps for their IT Infrastructure. Motivated and passionate about new technologies, Ed leveraged his robust experience with large datasets and security compliance knowledge to scale CompuData’s cloud business. Ed is always working to improve CompuData’s service offerings to ensure they meet customer’s needs. By constantly improving the product portfolio, CompuData has experienced its strongest growth in the company’s history. Today, Ed focuses on building high performance teams that ensure CompuData continues to grow for the next stage of the company’s evolution. Favorite Food: Poke bowl – look it up! Personal Goal: I would love to see more of the world, raise my children to appreciate the uniqueness of the world, and break 90 in golf. Favorite Sports Team: 10, 9, 8, Seventy-Sixers! Favorite part about working at CompuData: The people. My coworkers are like family to me. We enjoy working together, but also enjoy each other’s company even when it doesn’t have anything to do with work. Hidden Talent: I make a really good omelet If money wasn’t an object – what would your dream job be? I’d be an astronaut Subscribe to our newsletter [PAGE] Title: Tony Ufolla CompuData Vice President of Professional Services Content: Tony Ufolla VP – Professional Services Tony Ufolla is CompuData’s Vice President of Professional Services. Tony is responsible for Applications, Systems, and Field Service Teams. Tony has extensive experience in the information technology industry, including application support, software development, implementation and training. He oversees all aspects of CompuData’s software and customer programs, working to ensure the efficient operation of concurrent projects across our client base while simultaneously ensuring excellent customer service. Tony began his career with CompuData as the Manager of Software Engineering, where he successfully developed and managed the Applications Support Group, the Applications Development Group, and the Applications Training and Implementation Group. With 39 years of experience in the industry, Tony Ufolla is a Trusted Adviser to our clients and brings his core values of integrity, reliability, and open-mindedness into his leadership role to further their success.  Tony uses his expertise to motivate and effectively lead a team of experienced application consultants, trainers, project managers,  and applications & systems engineers. Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving Favorite Quote: “Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” Favorite part about working at CompuData: The people I work with and the variety of types of businesses we consult to. Hidden Talent: Juggling When you retire, if you could live anywhere in the world- where would it be? Italy Favorite Food: Pasta [PAGE] Title: Top 20 Financial KPIs Every CFO Dashboard Should Have - CompuData Content: Home Resources Top 20 Financial KPIs Every CFO Dashboard Should Have White Paper Top 20 Financial KPIs Every CFO Dashboard Should Have As a finance manager, measuring the right KPIs to get a full view of your company’s financial landscape is crucial to your success. The KPIs you measure should track accuracy, speed, and efficiency in all departments across your organization. Monitoring the right KPIs helps to: Identify potential problems before they become serious Proactively manage your business operations Determine which aspects of the business are performing best The more insight and efficiency your KPIs provide, the bigger your competitive advantage. Download the whitepaper to discover the top KPIs to get the most visibility into the overall health of your organization. Tags Cloud Accounting White Paper Accounting/ERP Share [PAGE] Title: Financial Services Technology Solutions - CompuData Cloud Hosting & IT Content: Leverage Financial Services Technology Solutions for a Robust Digital Transformation Financial service organizations are continuously facing rising administrative expenses, growing competition and increasing regulatory requirements. Additionally, staff members are spending countless hours on tedious and error-prone financial reporting, preparing everything from income statements to budgets and analyses. The ability to manage growth, control costs, provide additional services, and ensure compliance can be overwhelming but it’s crucial for success. And in today’s environment, privacy and security must be a top priority as you need to protect your customer’s money and data. Investment Fund Dashboard CompuData’s financial services technology solution can: Manage multiple entities from a single location with centralized control Eliminate the manual spreadsheet work and journal entries that overwhelm the finance team Create real-time, accurate reports to gain visibility into the entire organization Oversee the full audit trail so that every change is documented Manage expenses and monitor performance for increased margins and visibility Ensure GAAP compliance across all operating companies CompuData’s advanced solution, Sage Intacct, is the only cloud-financial services accounting system preferred by the AICPA. Sage Intacct offers robust capabilities making it the world’s leading multi-entity, multicurrency cloud accounting system. Our solution revolves around financial management and gives you complete insight into your financials while complying with industry regulations. Leveraging business technology is essential to keep financial service organizations on track for success. Our solution is able to meet tight regulations to keep customer information private and secure. Moreover, it provides increased product and service offerings in order for your firm to remain competitive and fulfill customer’s needs. IT Security We understand the unique challenges faced by financial services organizations who operate in one of the most targeted industries. Due to the nature of having extremely sensitive and valuable data, your organization is often targeted by cyber criminals, but we offer tailored security solutions to help minimize your risk. CompuData’s security offering enables your organization to detect and defend against cyber-attacks to help ensure your assets are protected. Learn More Managed IT CompuData provides companies in the financial services industry our expertise with compliance requirements. We understand the needs of your company and make sure you are retaining data for the appropriate amount of time to meet regulation requirements. We help your organization prepare for the future by supporting your IT infrastructure and keeping your data protected. Learn More About the Financial Services Industries We Serve Accounting [PAGE] Title: Managed IT | CompuData a Managed Service Provider Content: Plan. Prepare. Protect. Your Trusted Managed IT Service Provider. Award winning MSP that approaches IT differently. A better technology process helping customers succeed. Home Business Technology Solutions Managed IT Get custom reporting that provides the visibility and analysis needed to gain insights into your IT environment and make effective real-time decisions. CompuData proactively manages and supports each aspect of your infrastructure to avoid unforeseen vulnerabilities and unpredictable fees. We help you take steps towards a digital transformation through strategic planning and preparation while offering optimal protection. Backup & Recovery Backup & Recovery Services provide data protection for applications, files, and servers that is configured, administered, monitored and supported. Backup & Recovery Managed IT Services Managed IT Services built specifically to our customers’ IT requirements. Leverage our highly specialized experts to help you scale your business and operations. [PAGE] Title: Comprehensive Construction Industry ERP & Technology Solutions - CompuData Content: Explore Cloud Accounting Built for Construction Streamline month- end close time, improve efficiency, and empower your finance team with Sage Intacct Construction. Home Industries Construction Industry Construction companies face unique challenges: from compliance reporting to generating accurate job profitability metrics and providing real-time visibility. With Sage Intacct Construction, you can spend less time on administrative tasks and more time on what really matters—building the world all around us. Sage Intacct + CompuData Sage Intacct’s cloud financial management provides intuitive construction accounting with a dimensional general ledger, accounts payable automation, comprehensive job tracking and billing, automated revenue recognition, easy-to-use reporting and dashboards, and a rock-solid audit trail. Project Performance Controller Dashboard Leveraging Sage Intacct Construction Leveraging Sage Intacct Construction and CompuData’s team of certified consultants you can reach your goals of: Tracking project history and audit trails Control cost and increase visibility Open APIs and Seamless pre-built integrations Flexible Job hierarchy/work breakdown structure Secure Data Center with SOC1 and SOC2 Compliance Improve accuracy with machine learning and AI technology Customized reports and dashboards Easy to customize and create efficiencies Increase profit with Budget vs Actual data Join Us on a Coffee Break Demo In a quick 30-minute session see how Sage Intacct Construction can help you automate accounts payable and revenue recognition, easily view job tracking and billing, and improve visibility across your entire organization. REGISTER NOW The CompuData Difference – Choosing the Right Sage Intacct Construction Partner CompuData is a leading Sage Diamond Partner with over 30 years’ experience migrating and implementing Sage solutions. Our team of certified Sage Intacct Construction consultants have the expertise, resources, and methodology needed to support you. CompuData was recognized by Sage Intacct as a top performing Sage Intacct partner in 2022 for our success in helping our clients leverage the power of Sage Intacct to improve their business. Related Posts [PAGE] Title: Resources Archive - CompuData Content: Online Support Resources CompuData offers an array of Business Technology Resources for Cloud Hosting, ERP, IT Security, and Managed IT Services. [PAGE] Title: Resources Archive - CompuData Content: Online Support Resources CompuData offers an array of Business Technology Resources for Cloud Hosting, ERP, IT Security, and Managed IT Services. [PAGE] Title: Resources Archive - CompuData Content: Online Support Resources CompuData offers an array of Business Technology Resources for Cloud Hosting, ERP, IT Security, and Managed IT Services. [PAGE] Title: Resources Archive - CompuData Content: Online Support Resources CompuData offers an array of Business Technology Resources for Cloud Hosting, ERP, IT Security, and Managed IT Services.
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Home Business Technology Solutions IT Security Security User Training Prepare Your Users to Protect Against Cybersecurity Human error is the biggest risk to any company’s information security. We give you control of your business data and help you protect your valuable data through network scanning, IT monitoring, and security alerting. Title: Sage Intacct Cloud Accounting Software | Sage Intacct Partner Content: Accelerate Your Growth with Sage Intacct Leading Cloud-Based Financial Platform The #1 industry rated cloud financial management software and ERP solution. CompuData is a Philadelphia Cloud Hosting Provider offering cloud support, managed cloud services, cloud migration and implementation, and security services. Our software solution, sage Intacct, provides distributors with the technology and real-time performance information they need in order to free up valuable resources and increase productivity rates. We leverage our technical expertise to protect your company from disasters and security threats, while proactively monitoring your network and devices. Home Business Technology Solutions Cloud Hosting Managed Cloud Services Seamlessly operate in the cloud with managed cloud services from a partner with the application, industry, cloud and security experience you can trust. A leader in Cloud Hosting , Accounting / ERP Software , IT Security and Managed IT Services and Solutions that provide clients with technology solutions that to help them scale, protect, and streamline their organization. Title: Managed IT Services | Take Proactive Approach to IT Management Content: Online Support Better Technology Solutions - a Different Approach to Managed IT Services More than a standard support MSP, we're your technology partner focusing on business continuity - helping you plan, prepare and protect your infrastructure. Title: Sage Intacct Cloud Accounting Software | Sage Intacct Partner Content: Home Business Technology Solutions ERP Solutions Sage Distribution and Manufacturing Operations Sage Distribution and Manufacturing Operations (SDMO) is the only purpose-built, cloud native enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution created specifically to meet the growing needs of distributors and manufacturers. Work with a certified Strategic Sage Cloud Hosting Provider and leverage a more secure, flexible, and scalable environment that helps drive your business forward. Title: Sage Cloud Hosting | Leading Cloud Provider for Sage Content: Sage Cloud Hosting – Drive your Business Forward with Sage in the Cloud Host your Sage in a reliable cloud solution and securely access data anytime from anywhere. Home Business Technology Solutions Cloud Hosting Sage Cloud Hosting With over 5,000 users in the cloud, certified Sage consultants and developers on staff, and 24/7/365 managed cloud support – CompuData is an expert in Sage cloud hosting. Title: ERP Solutions | Accounting Software and ERP Software from CompuData Content: Streamline Your Business with the Best Accounting & ERP Software Solution Tailored to Meet Your Business Needs Accounting software and ERP solutions that provides advanced business capabilities to improve workflow and scale your business. Leverage CompuData’s experience and expertise to build the best-in-class Accounting Software and ERP Solution for your organization. Title: CompuData Business Technology Company Philadelphia, PA Content: Building Solutions with Best in Class Technology CompuData is a Woman Owned Business and IT Company offering Cloud Hosting, Accounting/ ERP Software, IT Security, and Managed IT Services & Solutions to help organizations scale and grow. We Work Smarter…Together. Learn More Managed IT CompuData provides companies in the financial services industry our expertise with compliance requirements. Title: Managed IT | CompuData a Managed Service Provider Content: Plan. CompuData was recognized by Sage Intacct as a top performing Sage Intacct partner in 2022 for our success in helping our clients leverage the power of Sage Intacct to improve their business.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Koons Ford Certified Pre-Owned Vehicle Inventory Content: Filter / Sort Sort by Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Koons Ford Parts Content: Koons Ford Of Annapolis Parts Three choices. All are right. We have parts available for Ford, Lincoln and other major vehicle brands. With the addition of the Omnicraft™ line, we've got you covered up to 90 percent of vehicles on the road. Go with the original. When you need parts for a Ford, choose Ford Parts parts specifically designed to fit Ford vehicles. By design, they help to restore original vehicle performance and reliability. And you can count on OEM quality, great prices and the assurance of being backed by Ford. Learn More Motorcraft® parts. The right choice. If you're looking for high-quality, competitvely priced parts for any Ford vehicle, Motorcraft® is what you need. Not only is Motorcraft® recommended by the Ford Motor Company, you can also count on the right fit, the first time. And that helps to keep your vehicle's performance and reliability at its best, all while giving you Ford peace of mind. Learn More Omnicraft™ parts. Ford quality for all. Omnicraft™ is the newest brand in the Ford parts lineup, offering premium parts designed for non-Ford/Lincoln vehicles. Backed by Ford Motor Company, the Omnicraft™ line includes filters, brake parts, electrical and more. Every vehicle deserves Ford quality, even if it's made by someone else. Learn More Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Military and First Responders Program | Koons Ford Annapolis Content: Spouse/Surviving spouse, or other household members Veterans For our Veterans, we may never fully thank you for the sacrifices you've made for our Country - but helping save is a start. Koons Mobility Center is fully certified in the selecting, purchasing and servicing vehicles that include adaptive equipment or modifications. With over 30 adaptive vehicles in-stock, our dedicated staff is available to you to assist in finding the vehicle that meets our needs.  Mobility and adaptive specific incentives are available to you - let us serve you.  View our inventory of adaptive vehicles and let us know how we can best serve you. Overseas Personnel (MAP) The Military Advantage Program is an exclusive program created by Military AutoSource - the Authorized Distributor of Ford Vehicles for the U.S. Military personnel who are currently serving outside of the United States. Privileged Overseas Military Personnel Pricing Lowest Price Guarantee Guaranteed Price and Rebate Protection Full disclosure of charges Learn more about the Military Advantage Program ......................................... [PAGE] Title: Career | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: View My Favorites Page » Career Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Quick Lane | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: Parts Department Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Shop Ford Parts Content: Koons Ford Of Annapolis Parts Koons Ford Of Annapolis Parts When you need parts for a Ford, there are two great choices; Ford Parts and Motorcraft®, and both are just a click away at It's as simple as putting in the vehicle make, model and year - or just the VIN. You'll also find a full catalog with high-quality images, line-art diagrams, detailed descriptions and more. And if you need parts for another major vehicle brand, you'll find the same easy path to Omnicraft™ parts, backed by Ford Motor Company but designed for non-Ford Motor Company vehicles. Shop Now Motorcraft® is a registerd trademark of Ford Motor Company.Omnicraft™ is a trademark of Ford Motor Company. Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Leasing | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: Reasons to choose Red Carpet Lease: Choice of terms, such as 24- and 36-month leases Multiple mileage options We offer eight lease mileage options to suit your specific needs. Choose from 7,500 to 19,500 miles per year. Drive more than 19,500 miles per year? You have the opportunity to secure more when you initiate your lease. Lease payments tend to be lower than those of similar term financed purchase No trade-in to worry about After satisfying your lease-end obligations, you can: purchase or lease a new Lincoln, purchase your lease vehicle, or simply return the vehicle. Leasing Q&A: Q: How many miles can I drive per year if I lease? A: We offer eight lease options to suit your needs.  You can speak with a Business Manager about which one is best for you. Q: Can I still trade-in my current vehicle? A: Yes.  You can trade in your vehicle just as if you were financing a car, and use the equity in your trade as a down payment. Q: How do I know if leasing is right for me? A: Each individual situation is different, and depends on your driving habits.  We recommend speaking with a Business Manager to learn if Leasing or Financing is better for you. Q: What happens at the end of the lease? A: You can easily transition into a new vehicle, without the worry of having negative equity.  If you find you'd like to own the vehicle, you will have the option to purchase. Q: What's the difference between leasing and financing? A: Read more here to learn the differences between financing and leasing Still Have Questions? Feel free to reach out to us today.  We look forward to your questions and appreciate the opportunity to earn your business. Make an Inquiry [PAGE] Title: Koons Ford Commercial Vehicle Specials Content: Koons VIP Price:$65,121 Engine: 6.2L V-8 cyl, Transmission: Automatic, Exterior Color: Oxford White, Interior Color: Gray Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Koons Ford - Current Ford Rebates, Finance and Lease Offers Content: View Rebates, Finance & Lease Offers Select Your Vehicle Below - View Retail, Lease and Finance Programs Available. View Inventory | View & Download a Brochure | Research Specs & Trims | Build Your Own Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Annapolis Used Car Dealer | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: Koons Ford offers used vehicles for every lifestyle to customers in Anne Arundel County, Kent Island and Beyond, in an upscale customer service oriented environment. Koons Ford Used Vehicle Inventory Filter / Sort Sort by For Loads of Possibilities, and Saving Some Money, A Used Ford from Koons Ford Of Annapolis is Ideal for those in Annapolis, Odenton, Bowie MD and Pasadena MD If you value cost effectiveness, but still want high quality out of your next ride, going the used car route gives you one winning combination. Some vehicles might be a year old, but they still come loaded with the latest onboard features, and save you some green in the process. It's why we're always discussing used cars options with those from Annapolis, Odenton, Bowie MD and Pasadena MD. There are plenty in different types available, so you're sure to find one that suits you. Auto Financing Solutions for Your Next Used Ford Once you've found the used vehicle you like, Koons Ford Of Annapolis would like to take the next step with you. That means going over car financing terms. We have a team that truly cares about their work, and strive to give you the best options possible. Often, people tell us we go above and beyond. However, we just call it another day's work, and consider it standard operating procedure when buying a used car. Koons Ford of Annapolis is located only minutes from Baltimore, Glen Burnie, Pasadena, Severna Park, Crofton, Bowie, Laurel, Stevensville and Washington DC. Koons Ford of Annapolis 2540 Riva Road, Annapolis, MD 21401 Used Cars: Acura | Audi | BMW | Buick | Cadillac | Chevy | Crysler | Dodge | Fiat | Ford | GMC | Honda | Hyundai | Infiniti | Isuzu | Jaguar | Jeep | Kia | Lexus | Lincoln | Mazda | Mercedes-Benz | Mercury | MINI | Mitsubishi | Nissan | Oldsmobile | Pontiac | Ram | Scion | smart | Subaru | Toyota | VW | Volvo Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Schedule Ford Service in Annapolis, MD | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: Schedule Ford Service in Annapolis Ford Certified Technicians Genuine Ford Parts From an oil change and regular maintenance to engine and transmission services for fleet vehicles. We are dedicated to maintaining top tier customer service, for both new and pre-owned car buyers! Enjoy a customer experience like no other at the Koons Ford Customer Lounge ● Free High-Speed Business Class Wi-Fi ● Full Service Coffee Bar w/ Barista & Fresh Pastry ● Full Espresso Menu ● 4 Large Screen TVs ● Complimentary Shuttle Service Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Your Ford Your Way | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: Start Your Custom Order FAQs We’re here to help answer any questions. Feel free to read over our Frequently Asked Questions below. Can I order vehicles other than the ones shown on this page? As vehicles are updated from one model year to another, there are times when orders are accepted and times when they are closed. If you do not see your preferred vehicle here, please contact us for help. How do I order a vehicle? Submit your request by clicking "Start Your Custom Order" and include vehicle preferences in the comments section. A dealership representative will contact you to  verify your desired vehicle, explore potential incoming stock and then arrange to submit your order to Ford. How long will it take to have my vehicle delivered? Lead times will vary by model and configuration but Ford will make every effort to expedite your order. Is there an extra cost for ordering a vehicle? Final sale prices are all negotiated between the customer and dealer but Ford does not charge extra for customer orders. Is my ordered vehicle eligible for Ford incentives? Ordering customers will be eligible for qualifying incentives at the time of order placement or qualifying incentives at the time of final delivery, whichever is preferred. If I would like to finance my purchase or lease my ordered vehicle, how can I do that? Our dealership would be happy to help explain your options and help you arrange financing. Once my vehicle is ordered, how can I track it? Once your vehicle has been assigned a VIN, you can track your order using this website: Where and when would I get my VIN to track my vehicle? Your dealership representative will be able to provide you the VIN once it's been established. How will I be notified when the vehicle is being delivered? Once your vehicle has arrived at the dealership, your dealership representative will contact you to confirm its arrival, collect any additional information needed to complete the sale and schedule a convenient time and location for final delivery to you. Start Your Custom Order [PAGE] Title: Koons Ford Dealer offering Ford Sales and Service in Annapolis, Maryland Content: 2019 Nissan Pathfinder SUV Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Ford Service Specials | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: Saturday 8am-2pm Sunday Closed Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Value Your Trade Content: We've saved this car for you! Registration Successful! You're now logged in as and will receive alerts when price changes, new offers become available or a vehicle is sold. Would you like us to send you price alerts? Yes pleaseNot Now Make the most of your secure shopping experience by creating an account. Access your saved cars on any device. Receive Price Alert emails when price changes, new offers become available or a vehicle is sold. Securely store your current vehicle information and access tools to save time at the the dealership. [PAGE] Title: Koons Ford Annapolis Body Shop & Collision Repair. Content: We've saved this car for you! Registration Successful! You're now logged in as and will receive alerts when price changes, new offers become available or a vehicle is sold. Would you like us to send you price alerts? Yes pleaseNot Now Make the most of your secure shopping experience by creating an account. Access your saved cars on any device. Receive Price Alert emails when price changes, new offers become available or a vehicle is sold. Securely store your current vehicle information and access tools to save time at the the dealership. [PAGE] Title: FordPass in Annapolis, MD | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: Download FordPass Learn More Contact Us The app that amplifies your ownership experience With FordPass Connect™-enabled vehicles, you can control your Ford remotely - start and stop, lock and unlock. Plus plenty of other features to help you get from A to B, better. Fuel your journey Find the fuel you need to keep going. Filter by fuel grade or brand and quickly compare pricing. Secure payments with Ford Credit Use Ford Credit on the FordPass app for a fast, easy and convenient way to stay on top of your vehicle's financing. You can make a payment, schedule future payments and review account history - all from the palm of your hand. Know your vehicle When you add your vehicle to the app, you can access its information and service history right from your phone. Get Vehicle Health Alerts and service reminders when your vehicle needs attention. Plus, with a FordPass Connect-equipped vehicle, you can also track fuel levels so you'll know when it's time to fill up. Connect and control Ford owners with SYNC Connect-enabled vehicles can monitor and control their vehicle in incredibly powerful ways. Start and stop Lock and unlock from anywhere Schedule a start Check fuel and fluid levels Make an Inquiry [PAGE] Title: Collision Center Staff | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: Available Positions Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Ford Mobile Service | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: We'll be on our way. Expert Service Right in Your Driveway. At Koons Ford Of Annapolis, our technicians can perform a lot of the same services remotely that we do in the dealership, such as oil and filter changes, brake services, batteries, tire rotations, recalls and more. Please contact us for details as service may vary. Ford Mobile Service is offered by participating dealers and may be limited based on availability, distance, or other dealer-specified criteria. Does not include parts or repair charges. Scheduling Mobile Service is Easy. Here's What To Do. Just contact us to schedule For Mobile Service or simply schedule service in the FordPass App.* FordPass App, compatible with select smartphone platforms, is available via a download. Message and data rates may apply. Visit a participating dealer for details. Contact Us > Get the App. Earn the Rewards. JDownload the FordPass App* to join FordPass Rewards. You'll earn Points on all of your service and maintenance.** *FordPass, compatible with select smartphone platforms, is available via a download. Message and data rates may apply. **Must be enrolled in FordPass Rewards to receive FordPass Rewards bonus Points. Points are not redeemable for cash or check. See the FordPass Rewards Program terms and conditions at for information regarding expiration, redemption, forfeiture, and other limitations on FordPass Rewards Points. No Matter What Mode You're In, We've Got You. Frequently Asked Questions What services are available with Ford Mobile Service? Routine maintenance services ranging from oil and filter change to brake services and batteries to tire rotation and wiper replacement. We also offer service for fluids and filters, lamps and bulbs, diagnostic scanning, software updates and accessories, as well as PSA and recall. Please contact us for details as services may vary. [PAGE] Title: Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: Back in Points1 on Ford Service 5% Back in Points on Ford Dealership Purchases plus 5% Back in Points with FordPassTM Rewards Enjoy 0% Intro APR2 for 6 billing cycles from the date of purchase on Ford Dealership Purchases over $499. After your 6 billing cycles expire, you'll have a variable APR rate of 15.99% - 26.99% based on the Prime Rate depending on how you meet the credit criteria. No Annual Fee2 1 See the FordPass™ Rewards Visa® Terms and Conditions in the Summary of Credit Terms . Points are not redeemable for cash. Please see the FordPass™ Rewards Program terms and conditions at for information regarding expiration, redemption, forfeiture and other limitations on FordPass™ Rewards Points. Must be enrolled in FordPassRewards. 2 For additional information about Annual Percentage Rates (APRs), fees and other costs, see the Summary of Credit Terms. Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Koons Ford: Directions to our Location Content: Google Maps Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Ford Blue and Gold Advantage | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: Ford Blue and Gold Advantage Sales: (410) 224-2100 Make the most of your secure shopping experience by creating an account. Access your saved cars on any device. Receive Price Alert emails when price changes, new offers become available or a vehicle is sold. Securely store your current vehicle information and access tools to save time at the the dealership. Structure My Deal Recent Activity Structure My Deal tools are complete — you're ready to visit Koons Ford Of Annapolis! We'll have this time-saving information on file when you visit the dealership. Recently Viewed Vehicles Registration Successful! You're now logged in as and will receive alerts when price changes, new offers become available or a vehicle is sold. Would you like us to send you price alerts? Yes pleaseNot Now Make the most of your secure shopping experience by creating an account. Access your saved cars on any device. Receive Price Alert emails when price changes, new offers become available or a vehicle is sold. Securely store your current vehicle information and access tools to save time at the the dealership. We've saved this car for you! Registration Successful! You're now logged in as and will receive alerts when price changes, new offers become available or a vehicle is sold. Would you like us to send you price alerts? Yes pleaseNot Now Make the most of your secure shopping experience by creating an account. Access your saved cars on any device. Receive Price Alert emails when price changes, new offers become available or a vehicle is sold. Securely store your current vehicle information and access tools to save time at the the dealership. Your Price Alerts Alerts Set! You're now logged in as and will receive alerts when price changes, new offers become available or a vehicle is sold. Please provide your email address to begin receiving price alerts at home, at work, and on your phone! Learn More Ford Blue Advantage: Confidence at Every Turn The Ford Blue Advantage means used vehicles must pass a detailed multi-point inspection before becoming Gold or Blue Certified. Each vehicle will also feature comprehensive limited warranty coverage, 1a 14-Day/1,000-Mile (whichever comes first) Money Back Guarantee,2 24/7 Roadside Assistance3 and FordPass™ Rewards Points4 eligibility-all backed by Ford. Plus, we offer the Ford Blue Advantage online shopping tool to help you easily find and purchase your ideal vehicle. Two Levels of Certification to Meet Your Needs The Ford Blue Advantage features two levels of certification, Gold and Blue. The primary differences between Gold and Blue Certified used vehicles are age and mileage. Gold vehicles are up to 6 years old with less than 80,000 miles. Blue vehicles are up to 10 years old with less than 120,000 miles. As the charts show, the warranty coverages differ, but there are many similar ownership benefits. Gold Certified Only Ford models up to 6 years old with less than 80,000 miles can become Gold Certified. They have to pass a thorough 172-point inspection and come with a 12-Month/12,000-Mile (whichever comes first) Comprehensive Limited Warranty, 7-Year/100,000-Mile (whichever comes first) Powertrain Limited Warranty, 24/7 Roadside Assistance and 22,000 FordPass Rewards Points to use toward your first two maintenance visits. Blue Certified Blue Certified used vehicles can be any make and model up to 10 years old with less than 120,000 miles. Each has to pass a detailed 139-point inspection and features a 90-Day/4,000-Mile (whichever comes first) Comprehensive Limited Warranty, 24/7 Roadside Assistance and 11,000 FordPass Rewards Points to use toward your first maintenance visit. Gold Certified Multi-Point Inspection Performed by Factory-Trained Technicians 172-Point 12-month or 12,000-mile Comprehensive Limited Warranty Coverage Yes 7-year or 100,000-mile Powertrain Limited Warranty Coverage Yes 90-Day or 4,000-Mile Comprehensive Limited Warranty Coverage --- SiriusXM® Satellite Radio All Access Trial Subscription 3 Months Reconditioning performed Using Manufacturer-Authorized Parts Yes View Blue Certified Brochure Introducing the Ford Blue Advantage 14-Day/1,000-Mile Money Back Guarantee* Take the stress out of used car buying with the confidence of knowing you made the right decision with our 14-Day/1,000-Mile (whichever comes first) Money Back Guarantee. That means you can return your Ford Blue Advantage used vehicle to the Ford Dealer you purchased it from, and they'll work with you to find another vehicle to better suit your needs. *Only available at participating Ford Dealers. Vehicle must be returned within 14 days/1,000 miles (whichever comes first) from the original sales date and mileage as stated on bill of sale, and returned in same condition as sold (excludes normal wear and tear). Dealer cannot accept a return if the vehicle has a lien or other encumbrance. Original trade-in vehicle will not be returned to you. Purchasing a different vehicle may require a new credit application with different financial terms than the original contract. If you have already returned a Ford Blue Advantage vehicle to a Ford dealer within the last six months, you are not eligible for the Money Back Guarantee program and your request to return will not be honored. See your dealer for important program guidelines and restrictions. Free CARFAX® Vehicle History Report When you purchase a Ford Blue Advantage used vehicle, transparency comes with it. Each of our vehicles feature the added peace of mind of a free CARFAX® Vehicle History Report. Earn Points With FordPassTM Rewards Earn FordPass Rewards Points4 with your Ford Blue Advantage vehicle purchase. Gold Certified vehicles earn 22,000 Points and Blue Certified vehicles earn 11,000 Points. Points are flexible- how you spend them is up to you. You're Covered With 24/7 Roadside Assistance It's late and you just got a flat. No worries. Every Ford Blue Advantage used vehicle comes with complimentary Roadside Assistance3 available 24/7, 365 days a year. Blue Certified vehicles are covered for 90 days or 4,000 miles1 (whichever comes first). Gold Certified vehicles are covered for 7 years or 100,000 miles1 (whichever comes first). 1See your dealer for warranty coverage details. 2Only available at participating Ford Dealers. Vehicle must be returned within 14 days/1,000 miles (whichever comes first) from the original sales date and mileage as stated on bill of sale, and returned in same condition as sold (excludes normal wear and tear). Dealer cannot accept a return if the vehicle has a lien or other encumbrance. Original trade-in vehicle will not be returned to you. Purchasing a different vehicle may require a new credit application with different financial terms than the original contract. If you have already returned a Ford Blue Advantage vehicle to a Ford dealer within the last six months, you are not eligible for the Money Back Guarantee program and your request to return will not be honored. See your dealer for important program guidelines and restrictions. 3Roadside Assistance is included for certain owners and available to everyone for a per-service fee. Ford reserves the right to change program details without obligations. Ford Roadside Assistance is a complimentary offering to all Ford owners for up to 7 years or 100,000 miles (from the date of sale), whichever comes first. Ford reserves the right to change program details without obligations. 4Buyers of Ford Blue Advantage vehicles will receive 22,000 Points (Gold Certified) or 11,000 Points (Blue Certified) after enrollment within 60 days of vehicle sale. Modem not required. Visit a participating dealer for details. Shop an Expansive Used Ford Vehicle Collection The Ford Blue Advantage offers one of the largest selections of certified used Ford vehicles anywhere-and it doesn't stop there. You can be confident knowing every listed vehicle is backed by one of our comprehensive warranties* and supported by an extensive dealer network, 24/7 Roadside Assistance** and more. *See your dealer for warranty coverage details. **Ford Roadside Assistance is included for certain owners and available to everyone for a per service fee. Ford reserves the right to change program details without obligations. [PAGE] Title: Ford Parts | Koons Ford - Serving Annapolis, Anne Arundel County & Beyond Content: Ford Parts Center We Supply Genuine Ford Parts and Accessories to Drivers in Annapolis, Odenton, Bowie MD and Pasadena MD At Koons Ford Of Annapolis, it's always been our goal to be the leading parts and service option for Ford drivers throughout Annapolis, Odenton, Bowie MD and Pasadena MD. We'll not only help you save money on a new or used vehicle but keep your car safely on the roads for many years to come! Now, we just can't stress enough just how important it is to only Genuine Ford parts and accessories in your sedan, crossover or SUV. We know that factory-authorized parts and accessories are the only way to maintain your vehicle's original quality and peak performance for thousands of miles. You're actually doing your car a major disservice by using anything other than brand-name parts and accessories that have been specifically designed for your Ford Explorer, F-150, Escape, F-250 or Edge. Luckily for you, we always maintain a wide variety of Genuine Parts and Accessories whether you're seeking a replacement part or looking to accessorize your car. You don't have to spend your time searching for an exact part when you have our team of parts specialists to perform to take care of your car's needs. All you have to do is visit our showroom in Annapolis to get started today! Parts Request [PAGE] Title: Featured used cars, trucks & SUVs | Koons Ford of Annapolis Content: Koons VIP Price:$35,490 Engine: 4.0L V-6 cyl, Transmission: Automatic, Mileage: 28,460 miles, Exterior Color: Magnetic Gray, Interior Color: Black Graphite View Details Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: 2024 EV Tax Credit Information | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: 2024 EV Tax Credit Information Advance Payment Details The Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) opened an onlineportal on November 1, 2023, to allow Dealers and sellers of clean vehiclesto register for time-of-sale reporting and Dealer advance payments for theClean Vehicle Credit under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) for salesoccurring on or after January 1, 2024. Beginning on January 1, 2024, buyers of qualified electric vehicles will beable to transfer Section 30D Clean Vehicle Credits to Dealers at the timeof sale in return for a payment in cash or in the form of a down paymentequal to the full tax credit amount. Dealers will be reimbursed for thispayment by the IRS, which is expected within 3 days of the sale. Toparticipate in this program, a dealer will first need to register to becomean eligible entity that can participate in the advance payment program. Registration Dealers and sellers of qualified electric vehicles can now register theirbusinesses through a new IRS online portal. Two registration processes are available. The first registration will allow Dealers the ability to submit seller reports through the IRS portal when selling eligible electric vehicles. The second registration will allow Dealers to participate in the advancepayment program for credit transfers beginning on January 1, 2024. Beginning on January 1, 2024, all Dealers submitting seller reports for Clean Vehicle Credits must do so through the new IRS portal. Buyers ofqualified electric vehicles will only be able to claim a Clean Vehicle Credit if a Dealer has registered its business with the IRS and has successfully submitted a seller report through the portal. You should consult with your own tax or legal professional for more details and to determine whether this program is right for you. This informationdoes not constitute tax or legal advice. DPES Enrollment Dealers that wish to have the Federal EV Tax Credit integrated into theireCommerce experience will need to enroll in DPES program "1/1/24 IRA Tax Credit" after completing their IRS Advance Payment Registration. With the launch of the Clean Vehicle Credit Advance Payment IRSRegistration Portal, Dealers will soon have the ability to have the Section 30D Federal EV Tax Credit included in their eCommerce experience. To have the Federal EV Tax Credit integrated into your dealership's eCommerce pricing, you must complete the following steps: Register with the IRS to accept Clean Vehicle Advance Payments at IRS Energy Credits Online. Enroll in DPES program "1/1/24 IRA Tax Credit" using the Dealer Registration ID provided by the IRS in the IRS Energy Credits Online Portal after completing Step 1 Both steps 1 and 2 above are option, but Dealers thatcomplete both steps 1 and 2 above will see the eCommerce experience update sometime in2024 highlighting the impact of the Federal Tax Credit within vehicle pricing. You should consult with your own tax or legal professional for more details and to determine whether this program is right for you. This information does not constitute tax or legal advice. Customer Eligibility Customers may qualify for a credit up to $7,500 under Internal RevenueCode Section 30D if they buy a new, qualified plug-in EV or fuel cell electric vehicle (FCV). The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 changed the rules for this credit for vehicles purchased from 2023 to 2032. The credit is available to individuals and their businesses To qualify, they must: Buy it for their own use, not for resale Use it primarily in the U.S. In addition, their modified adjusted gross income (AGI) may not exceed: $300,000 for married couples filing jointly $225,000 for heads of households $150,000 for all other filers Customers can use their modified AGI from the year they take delivery of their vehicle or the year before, whichever is less. If their modified AGI is below the threshold in one of the two years, they can claim the credit. The credit is nonrefundable, so they can't get back more on the credit than they own in taxes. They can't apply any excess credit to future tax years. For additional information, go to the IRS websit Vehicle Eligibility To qualify, a vehicle must: Have a battery capacity of at least 7 kilowatt hours Have a gross vehicle weight rating of less than 14,000 pounds Be made by a qualified manufacturer FCVs do not need to be made be a qualified manufacturer to be eligible. Check federal guidelines for more details Undergo final assembly in North America Meet critical mineral and battery component requirements The sale qualifies only if: Customers buy the vehicle new The seller reports required information to the customer at the time ofsale and to the IRS. Sellers are required to report customer name and taxpayer identification number to the IRS for you to be eligible to claim the credit. In addition, the vehicle's manufacturer suggested retail price (MSRP) can't exceed: $80,000 for vans, sport utility vehicles, and pickup trucks $55,000 for other vehicles MSRP is the retail price of the automobile suggested by the manufacturer,including manufacturer installed options, accessories, and trim, but excluding destination fees. It isn't necessarily the price the customer pay For additional information, go to the IRS website. Make an Inquiry [PAGE] Title: Featured new Ford cars, trucks & SUVs | Koons Ford Annapolis Content: View Details Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Koons Ford: Contact Us Content: We've saved this car for you! Registration Successful! You're now logged in as and will receive alerts when price changes, new offers become available or a vehicle is sold. Would you like us to send you price alerts? Yes pleaseNot Now Make the most of your secure shopping experience by creating an account. Access your saved cars on any device. Receive Price Alert emails when price changes, new offers become available or a vehicle is sold. Securely store your current vehicle information and access tools to save time at the the dealership. [PAGE] Title: Finance Center | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: See All Department Hours Welcome to Our Financing Department Welcome to Koons Ford Of Annapolis's Finance Department, your auto loan and car lease resource. We're eager to provide financing for your new car, or we can assist in used car financing. Check out our online car loan calculator for an instant car loan rate. Then, proceed to our online finance application. All types of credit, from good to bad, can qualify for an auto loan. No credit, no problem! We will work with you to secure a no credit car loan if your situation demands it. Koons Ford Of Annapolis has strong relationships and is committed to finding you the perfect car loan company to suit your car finance needs. Low interest car loans are available for customers with existing loans. We can help you refinance your car loan or adjust the term of the contract. You're just a step away from approved car financing! Filter / Sort Sort by Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Apply for Ford Financing in Annapolis, MD | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: We've saved this car for you! Registration Successful! You're now logged in as and will receive alerts when price changes, new offers become available or a vehicle is sold. Would you like us to send you price alerts? Yes pleaseNot Now Make the most of your secure shopping experience by creating an account. Access your saved cars on any device. Receive Price Alert emails when price changes, new offers become available or a vehicle is sold. Securely store your current vehicle information and access tools to save time at the the dealership. [PAGE] Title: Sales Staff | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: (410) 224-2100 e3ae21e6b1cd41869b599105f9a68b03 Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Koons Ford: Definitions and Disclosures Content: View My Favorites Page » Definitions and Disclosures Ford dealers value the confidence you have in the Ford brand and to that end we want you to understand the terms and representations we make on our site. Below are definitions and disclosures related to the terms and functionalities you may encounter while you explore the Ford brand. This list is not all-inclusive and we invite you to contact us directly using the information in the "Contact Us" section of our home page. Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price (also referred to as "MSRP", "Base MSRP" or the "Starting At" price), excludes taxes, title, license, registration and/or electronic filing fees, destination freight and delivery charges, dealer fees, and optional equipment. The "MSRP" shown may also represent pricing for authenticated AXZ Plan (the "Plan") customers. Restrictions and eligibility requirements apply to the Plan.Not all AXZ Plan customers will qualify for the Plan pricing shown. AXZ Plan pricing where shown does not include taxes, title, license and registration fees, destination freight and delivery charges, dealer fees, and optional equipment.Ford Motor Company reserves the right to modify the terms of AXZ Plan pricing or availability at any time. Some dealers may also choose not to participate in plan pricing. For information on pricing, please contact us using the information in the "Contact Us" section of our home page or use our email form for more information. The Payment Calculator will calculate a monthly payment based on the MSRP (or AXZ Plan pricing for authenticated Plan customers) of the vehicle you have chosen and configured. This may or may not include the dealer-installed accessories or all options chosen. The Payment Calculator is for general estimation and illustration purposes, only. Actual monthly payment is based on a variety of factors, including differing financing or leasing terms, accessory prices and installation costs. Financing payment calculations are estimates only, and are based on amount of down payment, APR, and term of financing, and does not take into account important individual information, such as your qualifications for the financing terms displayed. Lease payment calculations are estimates only, and are based on an annual mileage calculation determined by your dealer, and does not take into account important individual information, such as your qualifications for the leasing terms displayed. A charge is assessed for any mileage driven that exceeds mileage limits displayed or set by us at signing. Not all buyers will qualify for financing or a lease. Contact us for details or use our email form for more information. "Option" or "Option Package" price and monthly payment displayed is for estimation and illustration purposes, only. Prices and monthly payments may vary based on features included in a package, financing terms and availability. Some Options or Option Packages are not available separately. Not all Options or Option Packages are available on all vehicles. Contact us for details or use our email form for more information. "Dealer Accessories" are defined as items that do not appear on the factory window sticker that are installed by us, your Ford Dealer. Actual Prices for all accessories may vary and depend upon a variety of factors. Prices DO NOT include installation or painting, which may be required for particular items. Please check with us for complete pricing accuracy for all accessories and parts. The "Trade Evaluation" tool on our site provides estimated trade-in value for your vehicle, only, and many factors that cannot be assessed without a physical inspection of the vehicle may affect actual value. We use the services of a third-party vendor to provide the Trade Evaluation tool. While we believe this information is reliable, we are not responsible for and do not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the information. Contact us for details or use our email form for more information. References through-out our site to gas mileage are EPA estimated city/highway mpg based on base engine/transmission configuration. For Dealer Ordered vehicles, the vehicle has already been ordered by the dealer and is in the process of being manufactured by the factory. If you are interested in a vehicle marked "Dealer Ordered", contact us using the information in the "Contact Us" section of our home page. Images shown are for information purposes only, and may not necessarily represent the configurable options selected or available on the vehicle. We cannot be responsible for typographical or other errors, including data transmission, display, or software errors, that may appear on the site. If you feel information displayed is in error, please contact us using the information in the "Contact Us" section of our home page. While our inventory is generally updated on a daily basis, there are no guarantees that the inventory shown will be available at the dealership. Mid-model-year manufacturing changes, as well as dealer-added accessories on the actual vehicle may differ from the options and features listed. Vehicles that are identified as 'Exact Matches' may have a different price or different features not represented on the site. We make every effort to provide you with the most accurate, up-to-date information, however, for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding actual vehicle availability please contact us using the information in the "Contact Us" section of our home page or use our email form for more information. Offers and incentives shown may not be available to all customers. Incentives lists are examples of offers available at the time of posting and are subject to change and expiration. Not all incentives can be redeemed together. To take advantage of rebates, incentives and/or financing offers you must take new retail delivery from dealer stock by the expiration date noted. Not all buyers will qualify for all incentives, Ford Credit Services financing or other offers. Restrictions apply. See us for complete details or use our email form for more information. Related Links [PAGE] Title: Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: Back in Points1 on Ford Service 5% Back in Points on Ford Dealership Purchases plus 5% Back in Points with FordPassTM Rewards Enjoy 0% Intro APR2 for 6 billing cycles from the date of purchase on Ford Dealership Purchases over $499. After your 6 billing cycles expire, you'll have a variable APR rate of 15.99% - 26.99% based on the Prime Rate depending on how you meet the credit criteria. No Annual Fee2 2 For additional information about Annual Percentage Rates (APRs), fees and other costs, see the Summary of Credit Terms. New Vehicle First Purchase Example Make your first purchase of a $3,000 vehicle down payment and enjoy all of this: $100 Statement Credit1 when you spend $3,000 within your first 3 billing cycles after your account is opened Enjoy 0% Intro APR2 for 6 billing cycles from the date of purchase on Ford Dealership purchases over $499. After your 6 billing cycles expire, you’ll have a variable APR rate of 15.99% – 26.99% based on the Prime Rate depending on how you meet our credit criteria 5% Back in Points1 on Ford Dealership Purchases 11,000 FordPassTM Rewards Points1 after your first purchase, get enough Points to enjoy The Works Service Package – a complimentary oil change3 and tire rotation $200 Statement Credit1 Every Year when you spend $6,000 in 12 consecutive billing cycles after account opening – your new vehicle would mean you’re halfway to this benefit Maintenance & Service First Purchase Example Make your first purchase on new tires for $800 and enjoy all of this: Get 10% Back in Points1 on Ford Service. That’s 5% Back in Points on Ford Dealership Purchases plus 5% Back in Points with FordPassTM Rewards Enjoy 0% Intro APR2 for 6 billing cycles from the date of purchase on Ford Dealership purchases over $499. After your 6 billing cycles expire, you’ll have a variable APR rate of 15.99% – 26.99% based on the Prime Rate depending on how you meet our credit criteria 11,000 FordPassTM Rewards Points1 after your first purchase, get enough Points to enjoy The Works Service Package – a complimentary oil change3 and tire rotation Turn your Points into Discounts for Amazing Rewards at Koons Ford Of Annapolis Apply in our dealership to receive instant credit approval for same day use. New Ford Vehicle Purchase whether it’s a truck, car, or SUV Ford Service including oil changes, tire rotations, regular maintenance, and more Ford Parts and Accessories like tires, wiper blades, rims, bed covers, and anything else for your vehicle $200 When you spend $6,000 in 12 consecutive billing cycles after account opening. Questions? Let’s find you answers. View the FAQs Important Information 1 See the FordPass™ Rewards Visa® Terms and Conditions in the Summary of Credit Terms . Points are not redeemable for cash. Please see the FordPass™ Rewards Program terms and conditions at for information regarding expiration, redemption, forfeiture and other limitations on FordPass™ Rewards Points. Must be enrolled in FordPassRewards. 2 For additional information about Annual Percentage Rates (APRs), fees and other costs, see the Summary of Credit Terms . 3 Up to six quarts of Motorcraft® oil and Motorcraft oil filter. Motorcraft® is a registered trademark of Ford Motor Company. See participating U.S. dealership for exclusions and details. FordPass App, compatible with select smartphone platforms, is available via download. Message and data rates may apply. ©2020 Ford Motor Company. All rights reserved. Cards are issued by First Bankcard®, a division of First National Bank of Omaha pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A., Inc. VISA and VISA SIGNATURE are registered trademarks of Visa International Service Association and used under license. Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Koons Ford Sales Serving Annapolis, Parole, AACO, & Beyond Content: Your Ford, Your Way! Explore Our Current Inventory of New Ford Models in Annapolis Your search ends with us if you're in the market for a safety-first, dependable and family-focused new car near Annapolis, Odenton, Bowie MD and Pasadena MD. Take a look below to discover that our current inventory features popular Ford models including a Ford Explorer, F-150, Escape, F-250 and Edge. Get behind the wheel to discover that our new cars are defined by their sophisticated style, sporty performance and upscale, well-appointed cabins. That way, a new Ford vehicle will help you make the most of every carpool, commute and road trip. Now, take your time perusing our new inventory below to find a new car that suits your driving needs and budget! Test Drive a new Ford Model at Koons Ford Of Annapolis in Annapolis As you can see, we offer a healthy selection of new Ford models for your shopping pleasure. But, we know that there's only so much that you can learn about a new car without seeing it for yourself. That's why we encourage you to follow these directions to Koons Ford Of Annapolis  where we'll be happy to facilitate a test drive, explain your financing options and answer any questions that you may have! Please make certain to view our specials page for Ford Incentives and Ford Rebates by Zip Code as well as our Koons Ford New Vehicle Specials and Pre-Owned Specials . We look forward to becoming your local Ford Dealer for Ford Sales & Ford Service, and exceeding your expectations in every aspect of business. Koons Ford of Annapolis is located only minutes from Baltimore, Glen Burnie, Pasadena, Severna Park, Crofton, Bowie, Laurel, Stevensville and Washington DC. Koons Ford of Annapolis 2540 Riva Road, Annapolis, MD 21401 Ford F150 | Ford Fusion | Ford Escape | Ford Explorer | Ford Focus | Ford Edge | Ford Super Duty | Ford Mustang | Ford Taurus | Ford Fusion Hybrid | Ford Fiesta | Ford Expedition | Ford Van Econoline | Ford Flex | Ford Transit Connect | Ford Chassis Cab Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Koons Ford: Ford Sales, Ford Service and Parts in Annapolis Content: How to purchase online Financing Your Car Through Koons Ford Of Annapolis We are here to help you with the car buying process from beginning to the end. Koons Ford Of Annapolis knows that finding the right car is only half of the battle. After you have selected a crossover, SUV or truck from Ford, you will need to figure out how you are going to finance it. We will help you determine which financing option is the best for you. The loan amount, interest rate and term are some of the factors that will determine the best financing option for you. We will also have to take your budget into consideration. We want to make sure that the monthly payments will be affordable for drivers from Annapolis, Glen Burnie, Kent Island and Stevensville, like you. We believe that no one's finances should stop them from getting the car that they want. We also believe that the process of getting financing should be as painless as possible. That is why we go the extra mile to help. Car Shopping Made Easy Koons Ford in Annapolis, MD treats the needs of each individual customer with paramount concern. We know that you have high expectations, and as a car dealer we enjoy the challenge of meeting and exceeding those standards each and every time. Allow us to demonstrate our commitment to excellence! Our experienced sales staff is eager to share its knowledge and enthusiasm with you. We encourage you to browse our online inventory, schedule a test drive and investigate financing options. You can also request more information about a vehicle using our online form or by calling 888-250-9459. If you don't see a particular vehicle, click on CarFinder and complete the form. We will gladly inform you when a matching car arrives. If you'd like to see a vehicle in person, click on Dealership: Directions for step-by-step driving instructions to our site, or give us a call. We look forward to serving you! [PAGE] Title: Ford Parts Specials | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: Monday 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM Tuesday 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM Wednesday 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM Thursday 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM Friday 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Sunday Closed Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Section 179 Tax Deductions | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: Shop Our New Vehicle Inventory Maximize Your Business Potential with Section 179 Deductions Unlock greater financial flexibility for your business with the Section 179 deduction. A part of the IRS tax code, Section 179 allows businesses to deduct the full purchase price of qualifying equipment bought or financed during the tax year. This significant tax incentive is designed to encourage businesses to invest in themselves by purchasing the equipment they need to grow. Section 179 can be extremely profitable for your business, allowing you to invest in equipment, vehicles, and software while retaining more of your tax dollars. Successful businesses utilize legal tax incentives like Section 179 to lower their operating costs. It's an easy-to-use incentive that encourages businesses to invest in themselves through the acquisition of capital equipment - equipment that enhances operations and boosts revenue. Consider the story of numerous businesses that have successfully upgraded equipment, vehicles, and software by leveraging the power of the Section 179 deduction. This powerful financial tool empowers businesses to increase their efficiency and output capacity, while maintaining a strong financial position. The accessibility and financial manageability provided by Section 179 accelerate business growth and fosters success. Section 179 at a Glance for 2023 2023 Deduction Limit $1,160,000 This deduction is good on new and used equipment, as well as off-the-shelf software. To take the deduction for tax year 2023, the equipment must be financed or purchased and put into service between January 1, 2023 and the end of the day on December 31, 2023. 2023 Spending Cap $4,050,000 This is the maximum amount that can be spent on equipment before the Section 179 Deduction available to your company begins to be reduced on a dollar for dollar basis. This spending cap makes Section 179 a true "small business tax incentive" (because larger businesses that spend more than $3,780,000 on equipment won't get the deduction.) Bonus Depreciation 100% for 2023 This is the maximum amount that can be spent on equipment before the Section 179 Deduction available to your company begins to be reduced on a dollar for dollar basis. This spending cap makes Section 179 a true "small business tax incentive" (because larger businesses that spend more than $3,780,000 on equipment won't get the deduction.) Example of Section 179 at work during the 2023 tax year. What is the Section 179 Deduction? Most people think the Section 179 deduction is some mysterious or complicated tax code. It really isn't, as you will see below. Essentially, Section 179 of the IRS tax code allows businesses to deduct the full purchase price of qualifying equipment and/or software purchased or financed during the tax year. That means that if you buy (or lease) a piece of qualifying equipment, you can deduct the FULL PURCHASE PRICE from your gross income. It's an incentive created by the U.S. government to encourage businesses to buy equipment and invest in themselves. Several years ago, Section 179 was often referred to as the "SUV Tax Loophole" or the "Hummer Deduction" because many businesses have used this tax code to write-off the purchase of qualifying vehicles at the time (like SUV's and Hummers). But that particular benefit of Section 179 has been severely reduced in recent years (see 'Vehicles & Section 179' for current limits on business vehicles.) However, despite the SUV deduction lessened, Section 179 is more beneficial to small businesses than ever. Today, Section 179 is one of the few government incentives available to small businesses and has been included in many of the recent Stimulus Acts and Congressional Tax Bills. Although large businesses also benefit from Section 179 or Bonus Depreciation, the original target of this legislation was much-needed tax relief for small businesses - and millions of small businesses are actually taking action and getting real benefits. Here's How Section 179 works: In years past, when your business bought qualifying equipment, it typically wrote it off a little at a time through depreciation. In other words, if your company spends $50,000 on a machine, it gets to write off (say) $10,000 a year for five years (these numbers are only meant to give you an example). Now, while it's true that this is better than no write-off at all, most business owners would really prefer to write off the entire equipment purchase price for the year they buy it. And that's exactly what Section 179 does - it allows your business to write off the entire purchase price of qualifying equipment for the current tax year. This has made a big difference for many companies (and the economy in general.) Businesses have used Section 179 to purchase needed equipment right now, instead of waiting. For most small businesses, the entire cost of qualifying equipment can be written-off on the 2023 tax return (up to $1,160,000). Limits of Section 179 Section 179 does come with limits - there are caps to the total amount written off ($1,160,000 for 2023), and limits to the total amount of the equipment purchased ($2,890,000 in 2023). The deduction begins to phase out on a dollar-for-dollar basis after $2,890,000 is spent by a given business (thus, the entire deduction goes away once $4,050,000 in purchases is reached), so this makes it a true small and medium-sized business deduction. Who Qualifies for Section 179? All businesses that purchase, finance, and/or lease new or used business equipment during tax year 2023 should qualify for the Section 179 Deduction (assuming they spend less than $4,050,000). Most tangible goods used by American businesses, including "off-the-shelf" software and business-use vehicles (restrictions apply) qualify for the Section 179 Deduction. For basic guidelines on what property is covered under the Section 179 tax code, please refer to this list of qualifying equipment. Also, to qualify for the Section 179 Deduction, the equipment and/or software purchased or financed must be placed into service between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023. For 2023, $1,160,000 of assets can be expensed; that amount phases out dollar for dollar when $2,890,000 of qualified assets are placed in service. What's the difference between Section 179 and Bonus Depreciation? Bonus depreciation is offered some years, and some years it isn't. Right now in 2023, it's being offered at 80%. The most important difference is both new and used equipment qualify for the Section 179 Deduction (as long as the used equipment is "new to you"), while Bonus Depreciation has only covered new equipment only until the most recent tax law passed. In a switch from recent years, the bonus depreciation now includes used equipment. Bonus Depreciation is useful to very large businesses spending more than the Section 179 Spending Cap (currently $2,890,000) on new capital equipment. Also, businesses with a net loss are still qualified to deduct some of the cost of new equipment and carry-forward the loss. When applying these provisions, Section 179 is generally taken first, followed by Bonus Depreciation - unless the business had no taxable profit, because the unprofitable business is allowed to carry the loss forward to future years. Section 179's "More Than 50 Percent Business-Use" Requirement The equipment, vehicle(s), and/or software must be used for business purposes more than 50% of the time to qualify for the Section 179 Deduction. Simply multiply the cost of the equipment, vehicle(s), and/or software by the percentage of business-use to arrive at the monetary amount eligible for Section 179. All information provided courtesy of the The Official Website of Section 179 . Site information is illustrative and not guaranteed accurate. Section179.Org is not a tax advisor; consult a professional for accurate tax advice. How can we help? [PAGE] Title: Ford Parts Center | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: Monday 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM Tuesday 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM Wednesday 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM Thursday 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM Friday 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Sunday Closed We Supply Genuine Ford Parts and Accessories to Drivers in Annapolis, Odenton, Bowie MD and Pasadena MD At Koons Ford Of Annapolis, it's always been our goal to be the leading parts and service option for Ford drivers throughout Annapolis, Odenton, Bowie MD and Pasadena MD. We'll not only help you save money on a new or used vehicle but keep your car safely on the roads for many years to come! Now, we just can't stress enough just how important it is to only Genuine Ford parts and accessories in your sedan, crossover or SUV. We know that factory-authorized parts and accessories are the only way to maintain your vehicle's original quality and peak performance for thousands of miles. You're actually doing your car a major disservice by using anything other than brand-name parts and accessories that have been specifically designed for your Ford Explorer, F-150, Escape, F-250 or Edge. Luckily for you, we always maintain a wide variety of Genuine Parts and Accessories whether you're seeking a replacement part or looking to accessorize your car. You don't have to spend your time searching for an exact part when you have our team of parts specialists to perform to take care of your car's needs. All you have to do is visit our showroom in Annapolis to get started today! Looking For Parts? Contact Us! * Indicates a required field [PAGE] Title: General Maintenance Advice Content: Other benefits of Koons Ford Of Annapolis service include: Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts Full‐service maintenance Expert heavy repair facility backed by Ford Parts and labor warranties Clean, comfortable waiting areas with free Wi‐Fi Shuttle service to and from your home Friendly and knowledgeable staff Maintaining your vehicle Routine maintenance, such as oil changes, having fluids checked/flushed and tune‐ups, can greatly increase your vehicle's performance and reliability as well as greatly extend its life. Failing to properly service your vehicle can result in increased repair costs, as well as greatly reduce its value for a future sale or trade‐in. Oil change Today's vehicle engines generally have extended oil‐change intervals beyond 3,000 miles, so it is recommended that you consult the specific maintenance schedule interval in your vehicle's owner manual. At Koons Ford Of Annapolis, an oil change is so much more than just an oil change. When you come in for The Works,® you receive a complete vehicle checkup that includes a synthetic blend oil change, tire rotation and pressure check, brake inspection, Multi‐Point Inspection, fluid top‐off, battery test, and filter, belts and hoses check – all for a very competitive price. Learn More Fluid levels Having your fluids topped off is simple and can be performed in just a few minutes. These include oil, radiator, transmission, power steering, windshield washer and brake fluid. Filters Your vehicle's filters should be changed every 15K‐30K miles. Most can be inspected and replaced during a routine oil change. These include the engine air filter, oil filter, fuel filter and cabin air filter. Spark plugs Your spark plugs should be changed every 100K miles. A bit more complicated than a routine oil change, the time and cost will depend on the year, make and model of your vehicle. Belts and hoses Belts and hoses play an integral part in your vehicle's performance. As belts age, the rubber becomes brittle, causing it to crack. If the belt is showing signs of wear on its outer edge, this is also a sign that it will need to be replaced. Since coolant temperature is about 200 degrees, the hoses that carry it are extremely important. A belt or hose failure can cause loss of both power steering and the electrical charging system, as well as an overheated engine. If your engine overheats, this can cause the cylinder heads to warp, resulting in a very expensive repair. Hoses are generally inspected for softness and swelling, hardening, cracks, chafing and heat damage. If any of these issues are detected, your hoses will need to be replaced. Brakes Brake issues can start out small but worsen over time. Waiting to have them repaired can greatly increase the costs involved. Having your brakes inspected during a routine maintenance visit can help save you both time and money. Discs should be inspected for rough spots, warping or damage. If they are shiny and show little signs of wear, maintenance is likely not needed. If they are damaged or warped, these parts should be resurfaced or replaced immediately. Your vehicle has rubber and metal brake lines and both can crack and leak. Our technicians will first examine the rubber hoses to ensure they are soft and don't have cracks. They'll then check the hard metal brake lines for corrosion and leaking. If either is damaged, replacement is recommended. Learn More Batteries Today's vehicles are loaded with technology. That's why it's more important than ever to ensure your battery operates at peak performance. At Koons Ford Of Annapolis, we know exactly what battery is needed for your specific vehicle and can help guide you through what can be a somewhat complex process. Learn More Tires Maintaining your tires not only helps keep you safe, it also helps your vehicle run more efficiently and extends the life of the tires themselves. Following these simple steps will help ensure you get the most out of your tires: Have your tires rotated at every maintenance visit - see your owner's manual for specific recommendations. Tire rotations help ensure that your tires wear evenly, extending their life and the time between new tire purchases. Check the pressure of all tires, including your spare, at least once a month when the tires are "cold," meaning that the vehicle hasn't been driven for at least three hours. Recommended air pressure for your tires can be found on the placard typically placed on the driver's side doorjamb. FordPass Rewards Visa® Introducing the FordPassTMRewards Visa Card. The card that makes it easy to rack up FordPass Rewards Points on purchases you already make -- from filling up at the pump to your monthly auto insurance payment and more. Closed track. Line-lock is intended for track use only. It should not be used on public roads. See Owner's Manuals for information on use. Questions About Maintaining Your Vehicle? Let us Help! * = Required [PAGE] Title: Collision Center FAQ | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: Collision Center FAQ Q.  Can you help me speed up the process of getting estimates and repairing my vehicle? A.  Yes we can. Koons Collision Center has been in business for over 50 years and we use the relationships we have earned and knowledge we have gained over those years to ensure that your experience is expedited and exceeds your expectations in quality workmanship. Q. Is there quick advice you have to help me save time? A. Yes. Randomly seeking estimates without being directed to do so is waste of your time. Q.  The insurance company directed me to take my car to a shop I know nothing about. Can I refuse to use the shop they picked for me? A.  Absolutely! In every case; with every insurance company; the choice of which shop repairs your vehicle is yours and yours alone to make. Certainly most insurance companies have shops that give them financial considerations or other incentives to have work directed to them. Some insurance representatives can be a little pushy if you resist their directions, but once you state the shop of your choice, industry ethics require them to drop the subject and accommodate your request. If they persist, remind them of that ethic and stand your ground. Q.  Do you have relationships with any insurance companies? A.  We work with every major insurance company in the Mid-Atlantic region. Q.  What is your warranty on body work? A.   Lifetime as long as you own the vehicle. After 50 years in business you can be sure we will be here to provide that warranty. Q.   I have rental coverage. Can you have a vehicle ready when I drop off my car? A.   Absolutely. They meet you in our office. Q.  Can you arrange towing? A.  Yes. We can arrange for towing, rental vehicle, and also pick up and delivery. Q. What brands to you repair? A.  We are certified to work on all makes and model and we are I-Car Gold Certified to do it all. [PAGE] Title: Body Shop: Services | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: View My Favorites Page » Body Shop: Services An accident can be a stressful event.  Our professionally trained collision center team members are here to assist you alleviate the stress and worry of finding an exception repair in a timely fashion and get you back on the road quickly. Had an accident? Simply give us a Call (410) 224-2100 Towing Services Need a tow? No need to call an outside towing company.  Let us handle this for you. Complimentary Estimates We provide free estimates.  All you have to do is call. Alternative Transportation If your vehicle requires substantial repairs, we can arrange alternative transportation for you.  We also offer complimentary delivery and pick-up. In some cases a complimentary loaner vehicle may be available. Insurance Claims Our trained adjusters will work with your insurance company to ensure a smooth and proper repair.  We work with all major insurance providers in Maryland. Minor Repairs In need of minor repairs for you vehicle? We've got you covered.  Dent repair, glass repair and replacement, hail damage, any minor repairs or cosmetic work can be handled by our team. Major Repairs Our Collision Team members are ASE Certified and we are an I-Car Gold facility. Quality Assurance During all of the work we perform we conduct multiple quality checks throughout the ensure top level quality and workmanship. Communication We pride ourselves on customer relations.  At all times, you can rest assurance we are only a phone call away.  Need a status update? Have a concern? Insurance Question? Just give us a call and we'll help find the answer you need. Lifetime Warranty [PAGE] Title: Happening Now! | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: Filter / Sort Sort by Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Koons Ford Used Vehicle Specials Content: Koons VIP Price:$69,995 Engine: 6.7L I-6 cyl, Transmission: Automatic, Mileage: 30,543 miles, Exterior Color: Bright White, Interior Color: Diesel Gray/Black Koons VIP Price:$27,790 Engine: 2.5L H-4 cyl, Transmission: Variable, Mileage: 23,454 miles, Exterior Color: Magnetite Gray, Interior Color: Slate Black Koons VIP Price:$35,490 Engine: 4.0L V-6 cyl, Transmission: Automatic, Mileage: 28,460 miles, Exterior Color: Magnetic Gray, Interior Color: Black Graphite Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Koons Ford: Financing vs. Leasing Content: View My Favorites Page » Financing vs. Leasing ►► When you Finance, you pay for, and are obligated to pay the entire cost of a vehicle, regardless if you trade the vehicle in mid-term. If the balance is more or less than you owe on the vehicle, this will create positive or negative equity. Many customers who finance vehicles and trade them before the end of the finance term are "upside down". The scenario where customers are "upside down" is more and more frequent, unfortunately, than being in a positive equity position. When you finance your vehicle, you can obviously modify your vehicle with custom paint and significant engine customization. ►► When you lease, you pay only a portion of a vehicle's cost, which is the part that you "use up" during the time you're driving it. Leasing is a form of financing and is not the same as renting. You have the option of not making a down payment, you pay sales tax only on your monthly payments (in most states), and you pay a financial rate, called money factor, that is similar to the interest on a loan. You may also be required to pay fees and possibly a security deposit that you don't pay when you buy. You make your first payment at the time you sign your contract ? for the month ahead. At lease-end, you may either return the vehicle, or purchase it for its depreciated resale value. You may be charged a lease-end disposition fee. The above diagram is just an example to illustrate the basic structure of a lease. ►► What to know more? Give Us a Call. If you would like to know more about the benefit of leasing, you can rest assured our staff is full training to assist you. Related Links [PAGE] Title: Steps to take after an accident | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: Steps to take after an accident What to do at the scene of an accident When the unfortunate happens, there are certain steps that you can take to in order to make certain every one is safe and make the claims process simpler and easier. Being prepared at the scene of the accident is important. PREPARING BEFORE Keep the proper documents & safety equipment  in your car. Vehicle Registration Blanket & Bottled water WHAT TO DO AT THE SCENE OF AN ACCIDENT Step 1: Check Yourself for Injuries & Your Passengers for injuries.  Tend to people first - make sure everyone is okay and call 911 immediately if anyone is injured. Step 2: Get to Safety. Notice your surrounding and be aware and take extra caution should the accident be the result of road rage or a potential carjacking.  Remove yourself from the roadway if possible. Step 3: Call 911 & Wait for Help to Arrive. Report the accident. Don't leave the scene. Step 4: Exchange Information. Collect as much information as possible.  Get the name and contact information of everyone involved in the crash including passengers and witnesses. If you are involved in a multi-car accident, ask the other driver or drivers for their license, car registration and insurance ID. Document all information in your notes, or take pictures of the documents with your phone. Step 5: Document the Accident. Note the location of the accident, time of day and the weather conditions. This is especially important if the police are not able to respond to the incident.  Make certain to visit the nearest police station and file an incident report.  Having an official report help protect you in the event the other party decides to sue for damages or medical injuries. Step 6: Notify Your Insurer to start the Claims Process. As soon as your are able, notify your insurance company and inform them of the accident.  Doing this as soon as possible will help in remembering all the details of the accident. Step 7: Towing. If you are unable to drive your vehicle, you'll need to contact a towing company.  At this time, you'll need to make a decision as to where you want the vehicle to go.  We suggest having the vehicle sent to your trusted collision center, Of course, we hope that is Koons Collision Center, either way - you don't want to pay for towing twice.  So have a plan in place. Step 8: Schedule Repairs: Work with your collision center team to schedule a time to have your insurance company assess the damage so work can begin on your vehicle. [PAGE] Title: Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: View My Favorites Page » Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Service Center | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: See All Department Hours Welcome to Our Service Department At Koons Ford Of Annapolis, our highly qualified technicians are here to provide exceptional service in a timely manner. From oil changes to transmission replacements, we are dedicated to maintaining top tier customer service, for both new and pre-owned car buyers! Allow our staff to demonstrate our commitment to excellence. Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Koons Ford: Featured Inventory Content: View Details Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Koons Ford: College Rebate Program Content: View My Favorites Page » College Rebate At Koons Ford we know tuition and books are expensive.  That's why we are proud to offer the College Student Purchase Program from Ford. College Students and recent grads are eligible for $500 Incentive, plus great rates through Ford Credit when you purchase or lease a New Ford Vehicle. Program Details Current full-time student OR part-time at an accredited Four-Year College/University, Junior College, Community College, or Trade School. (Student must be currently enrolled in a minimum of 2 classes or an equivalent of 6 credit hours and is considered by the schools guidelines to be in "good academic standing") - OR - Student has graduated or will graduate between May 1, 2014 through January 2, 2018. - OR - Student is currently enrolled in an accredited Graduate School program. *NOTE: One-course completion certificates, on-the-job training courses (i.e. sales training, teaching certificates, professional designations and adult education courses do not qualify) Proof of Student Eligibility Copy of final transcript Letter of intent Student must be currently enrolled in a minimum of 2 classes or an equivalent of 6 credit hours Proof of enrollment status [PAGE] Title: Ford Incentives, Rebates, Specials in Annapolis, MD - Ford Finance and Lease Deals | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: Select a Vehicle Below to View Incentives Collecting Offers Please wait, this will only take a few seconds. Sorry, there are no matching vehicles in stock at this time. Please contact us for more information or submit a vehicle search request using our CarFinder tool. Please try making another selection. Sorry, no offers are available at this time. Please contact us for latest offers and incentives. Please check back later. Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models [PAGE] Title: Koons Ford: Ford Service & Ford Parts Coupons Content: View My Favorites Page » Service Coupons Buy four select tires, get up to a $125 rebate by mail or earn up to 26,000 FordPass® Rewards bonus Points. * On these name brands: Bridgestone, Michelin®, Pirelli®, Yokohama®, Firestone, Goodyear, Cooper, Dunlop, Toyo®, Falken, BFGoodrich®, and Uniroyal®.FordPass Rewards members also earn 10 Points per $1 spent on Ford Service. *Dealer-installed retail purchases only. Limit one offer per vehicle. $125 tire rebate or 26,000 FordPass® Rewards bonus Points on Bridgestone Alenza A/S Ultra and Bridgestone Turanza EV tire lines. $100 tire rebate or 22,000 FordPass Rewards bonus Points on any Bridgestone (excluding Alenza A/S Ultra and Turanza EV), Michelin® ($70 tire rebate plus $30 bonus rebate), Pirelli®, and Yokohama® or on Firestone Destination A/T2, Firestone Destination X/T, and Firestone Destination M/T2 tire lines. $70 tire rebate or 15,000 FordPass Rewards bonus Points on any Goodyear, Cooper, Dunlop, and Firestone (excluding Destination A/T2, Destination X/T, and Destination M/T2) or on Toyo® Proxes, Toyo Celsius, Toyo Open Country, Falken Wildpeak A/T Trail, Falken Wildpeak H/T 02, and Falken Aklimate (all-weather 3PMS). $60 tire rebate or 14,000 FordPass Rewards bonus Points on any BFGoodrich®. $40 tire rebate or 10,000 FordPass Rewards bonus Points on Uniroyal®. Must be enrolled in FordPass Rewards to receive FordPass Rewards bonus Points. Points are not redeemable for cash or check. See the FordPass Rewards Program terms and conditions at for information regarding expiration, redemption, forfeiture, and other limitations on FordPass Rewards Points. Offer valid 2/1/24 to 3/31/24. Submit rebate by 4/30/24 by mail-in rebate form or online at . Cannot be combined with any other tire manufacturer-sponsored rebate/offer. See Service Advisor for vehicle applications and offer details. Expires 3/31/24. Expires: 03/31/24 Print Low Price Tire Guarantee* Why buy tires anywhere else, when your Ford Dealer offers all of this:• 17 major brands• 30-day price guarantee• All makes and models *Valid on dealer-installed retail purchases only. Requires presentation of competitor's current price ad/offer on exact tire sold by dealership within 30 days after purchase. For online quotes, guarantee applies only to new tires sold on retailer websites. Excludes tires sold by third parties on marketplace sites and any resellers. See Service Advisor for details. Expires 12/31/24. Expires: 12/31/24 Print The Works® Package Synthetic Blend Oil Change and More* • Tire Rotation and Pressure Check• Brake Inspection• Vehicle Checkup• Fluid Top-Off• Battery Test• Filter Check• Belts and Hoses Check *Up to six quarts of Motorcraft® oil and Motorcraft oil filter. Hybrid battery test excluded. See Service Advisor for exclusions and details. Expires 12/31/24. Motorcraft® is a registered trademark of Ford Motor Company. Expires: 12/31/24 Motorcraft® Tested Tough® PLUS Batteries, $119.95 MSRP, or redeem 24,000 FordPass® Rewards Points. * With 24-month battery replacement warranty.Join FordPass Rewards today by downloading the FordPass App. ** *With exchange. Taxes and installation extra. Warranty includes complimentary towing on dealer-installed battery. Must be enrolled in FordPass® Rewards to receive FordPass Rewards Points. Points are not redeemable for cash or check and have no monetary value. Point earning and redemption values are approximate and vary by products and services redeemed. See the FordPass Rewards Program terms and conditions at for information regarding expiration, redemption, forfeiture, and other limitations on FordPass Rewards Points. Motorcraft® is a registered trademark of Ford Motor Company. **FordPass App, compatible with select smartphone platforms, is available via a download. Message and data rates may apply. See Service Advisor for vehicle applications and limited-warranty details. Expires 3/31/24. Expires: 03/31/24 Motorcraft® Tested Tough® MAX Batteries, starting at $149.95 MSRP, or redeem 30,000 FordPass® Rewards Points. * With 36-month battery replacement warranty.Join FordPass Rewards today by downloading the FordPass App. ** *With exchange. Taxes and installation extra. Warranty includes complimentary towing on dealer-installed battery. Must be enrolled in FordPass® Rewards to receive FordPass Rewards Points. Points are not redeemable for cash or check and have no monetary value. Point earning and redemption values are approximate and vary by products and services redeemed. See the FordPass Rewards Program terms and conditions at for information regarding expiration, redemption, forfeiture, and other limitations on FordPass Rewards Points. Motorcraft® is a registered trademark of Ford Motor Company. **FordPass App, compatible with select smartphone platforms, is available via a download. Message and data rates may apply. See Service Advisor for vehicle applications and limited-warranty details. Expires 3/31/24. Expires: 03/31/24 Print Lifetime Brake Pad Guarantee* *Available for Motorcraft® brake pads purchased after 7/1/14 and Omnicraft® brake pads purchased after 7/1/17. Nontransferable. Replacement requires a copy of the original repair order and completion of any other necessary brake service, such as brake rotor service. Motorcraft or Omnicraft brake pads must be installed by a U.S. Ford Dealership, Lincoln Retailer, or Quick Lane® technician to be covered. Pads only; labor costs not included. Commercial delivery vehicles, taxi, limousine, postal, police, tow trucks, racing, and emergency vehicles are excluded. Restrictions and exclusions apply. See Service Advisor for details. Quick Lane®, Motorcraft®, and Omnicraft® are registered trademarks of Ford Motor Company. Expires: 03/31/24 Complimentary Brake Inspection* Performed by an expert technician. *Inspect brake friction material, caliper operation, rotors, drums, hoses, and connections. Inspect parking brake for damage and proper operation. See Service Advisor for details. Expires 12/31/24. Expires: 12/31/24 Have your battery tested at no charge. * Be sure you have the starting power you need. *Visually inspect and test battery using tester. Hybrid battery test excluded. See Service Advisor for details. Offer valid with coupon. Expires 12/31/24. Expires: 12/31/24 Print Get Everyday Special Financing on Vehicle Service With the FordPass® Rewards Visa® Card. * Enjoy 0% Intro APR* for six billing cycles from the date of purchase on Ford Dealership purchases over $499. Earn 11,000 FordPass Rewards Points** after your first purchase. After your six billing cycles expire, you have a variable APR of 23.24%-30.24% based on the prime rate, depending on how you meet our credit criteria.Important Information Please see the Summary of Credit Terms for important information on rates, fees, costs, conditions, and limitations. Minimum monthly payments required. Please note you must pay your entire statement balance (with the exception of purchases made with this promotional rate during its promotional rate period) in full by the payment due date each month to avoid being charged interest on new non-promotional purchases from the date those purchases are made.Special Financing Offer Details: Purchases in which single or multiple items are purchased in the same transaction totaling at least $499.00 at Ford Dealerships will be referred to as ?Eligible Purchases? in your Summary of Credit Terms . All transactions are subject to approval. Accounts are eligible only if they are open, in good standing, and not already subject to special terms. All other terms of your account remain in effect. Minimum monthly payments required. *For additional information about Annual Percentage Rates (APRs), fees, and other costs, see the Summary of Credit Terms .**See the FordPass® Rewards Visa® Terms and Conditions in the Summary of Credit Terms . Points are not redeemable for cash or check. Please see the FordPass Rewards Program terms and conditions at for information regarding expiration, redemption, forfeiture, and other limitations on FordPass Rewards Points. Must be enrolled in FordPass Rewards.Cards are issued by First National Bank of Omaha (FNBO®), pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A., Inc. Visa, and Visa Signature are registered trademarks of Visa International Service Association and used under license. Expires: 03/31/24 Print Motorcraft® Warranty: Two years. Unlimited mileage. Includes labor. * Motorcraft parts are covered for a full two years with unlimited mileage. Even limited labor costs are included. * *See your U.S. dealer for a copy of the limited warranty. Motorcraft® is a registered trademark of Ford Motor Company. Expires: 03/31/24 Print Ford Parts Warranty: Two years. Unlimited mileage. Includes labor. * Ford Parts are covered for a full two years with unlimited mileage. Even limited labor costs are included. * *See your U.S. dealership for a copy of the limited warranty. Expires: 03/31/24 Print Ford Pickup & Delivery When you need service, let your dealer pick up, service, and return your vehicle. It's complimentary and available at select locations. * *Ford Pickup & Delivery is offered by participating dealers and may be limited based on availability, distance, or other dealer-specified criteria. Does not include parts or repair charges. A nonoperational vehicle is not eligible and will require a Roadside event. Expires: 03/31/24 [PAGE] Title: Ford Pickup And Delivery | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: View My Favorites Page » Ford Pickup & Delivery Let us pick up and return your vehicle when it needs service.* It’s part of You Mode. The convenience of owning a Ford. Made just for you. *Ford Pickup & Delivery is offered by participating dealers and may be limited based on availability, distance, or other dealer-specified criteria. Does not include parts or repair charges. A nonoperational vehicle is not eligible and will require a Roadside event. We'll pick it up. We'll drop it off. At Koons Ford Of Annapolis, We Make it Easy Owning a Ford gives you access to a host of benefits, including complimentary Ford Pickup & Delivery.* We will pick up your vehicle, service it, then bring it back. Just tell us when and where. For further questions, just ask. *Ford Pickup & Delivery is offered by participating dealers and may be limited based on availability, distance, or other dealer-specified criteria. Does not include parts or repair charges. A nonoperational vehicle is not eligible and will require a Roadside event. Ford Pickup & Delivery is Complimentary The next time you need service, we will make the round trip for you. No need to drive to or from our dealership.* You can even schedule service right in the FordPass App.** *Ford Pickup & Delivery is offered by participating dealers and may be limited based on availability, distance, or other dealer-specified criteria. Does not include parts or repair charges. A nonoperational vehicle is not eligible and will require a Roadside event. **FordPass App, compatible with select smartphone platforms, is available via a download. Message and data rates may apply. [PAGE] Title: Collision Center | Koons Ford Of Annapolis Content: Koons Ford Of Annapolis Collision Center What you should do if you have a collision. Your Rights Why Ford Parts? Having a collision is bad enough. The repair process shouldn’t add to the pain. That’s why we at Koons Ford Of Annapolis have put together the information on this page as well as comprehensive Collision Guide that you can download by clicking here . We hope it helps to make the entire collision and repair experience less stressful. Your Rights: You have the right to choose the collision center that repairs your vehicle. The insurance company can’t force you to go to a collision center of their choosing. You have the right to choose the type of parts that are used in the repair process. You don’t have to release your vehicle to the collision center to begin the repair process before you’re ready. Make sure to review the completed estimate before the repairs begin. It will list the work to be done and the parts that will be used in the repair. Why you should choose Original Ford Parts when you are in an accident. Because insurers want to keep repair costs down, they’ll often specify the use of aftermarket, remanufactured, or even salvaged parts. This could, of course, lead to parts that don’t have the same fit, finish, quality and durability of Original Ford Parts. Ford Original Parts are designed and manufactured specifically for your Ford, so you can be sure they will fit precisely and provide long-lasting performance. In addition, to ensure optimal safety and performance in today’s advanced driver-assist systems that all parts work together as a system. Contact Koons Ford Of Annapolis Collision Center * Indicates a required field [PAGE] Title: Koons Ford: A Special Note to Our Customers Content: To Our Customers A special note to our customers: Everyone at the Koons Ford and the Koons family want to very simply just say thank you. We appreciate your business and will continue to persevere to earn your business and friendship. We understand the changes that have turned your vehicle purchase from just needing something to drive to work, to purchasing a vehicle that is a part of your life and an expression of your self. The same reasons that have changed why you purchase a vehicle have changed the way we sell vehicles. Competition, variety, technology, and economics, have all made it paramount that we do everything possible to make you want to come to Koons Ford to buy, service and maintain your vehicle. While things are always changing in our business there are some things that will not change. We will not let any opportunity in our showroom, service department, parts and body department or our business office pass us by without doing everything we can to be at your service. - Joe Koons Jr. A quick note about our team: Our team at Koons Ford would like to thank you for visiting our website! We have a skilled and knowledgeable sales staff with many years of experience satisfying our customers' needs. Located in Annapolis, Maryland, the staff at Koons Ford will help you find the Ford vehicle you want. At Koons Ford we offer a searchable online inventory of New 2021 Ford Vehicles including the Ford F150, Ford Explorer, Ford Fusion and Ford Escape, along with well-maintained used cars by today's top manufacturers. For years, the financial staff at Koons Ford has offered expert advice for those seeking an affordable Ford car loan or New Ford Lease .  And, our service doesn't just stop there. Our customers can come in and take advantage of our knowledgeable Ford car repair technicians , and collision repair center , and a fully-stocked inventory of Ford auto parts . Fell free to browse our website, however, If you would rather discuss your options with our friendly sales staff, don't hesitate to give us a call, or simply stop by.   We are conveniently located at 2540 Riva Rd Annapolis, MD, only minutes from Glen Burnie, Baltimore, and Columbia. We look forward to serving you! - The Koons Ford Team Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. Models
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Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: News Media | All4Ed Content: News Media Read Our Latest News and Contact Our Experts All4Ed is committed to providing media outlets and our partners with regular updates about our work. To learn more about our policy and practice experts, visit our team page. For media inquiries or to request an interview with a team member, email Enrique A. Chaurand, Vice President of Communications and Marketing at [email protected] . February 1, 2024 Accountability and Support, Every Student Succeeds Act, Federal Education Budget, Funding Equity All4Ed’s Latest Report Finds Schools Identified for Support Don’t Always Receive the Support They Need All4Ed’s latest report sheds light on accountability systems and spending in the schools that need it most. States should use accountability to identify and provide extra resources to struggling schools, yet many schools spent less, not more, after being identified. View and search our press releases and public statements below. Search Press Release Accountability and Support, Every Student Succeeds Act, Federal Education Budget, Funding Equity All4Ed's Latest Report Finds Schools Identified for Support Don’t Always Receive the Support They Need All4Ed's latest report sheds light on accountability systems and spending in the schools that need it most. States should use accountability to identify and provide extra resources to struggling schools, yet many schools spent less, not more, after being identified. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, Data and Privacy, Future Ready Schools, Robust Infrastructure Statement by All4Ed on the release of the National Education Technology Plan Contact: Enrique A. Chaurand Email: [email protected] Phone: 816-825-1072 Statement by All4Ed on the release of the National Education Technology Plan Washington, DC – All4Ed is proud to support the U.S. Department of Education’s National Education Technology Plan (NETP), an initiative that underscores the transformative power of technology in education. All4Ed is honored to have played […] Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, Data and Privacy, Future Ready Schools, Robust Infrastructure All4Ed Releases Report on the Importance of College Credit Transfer Policies for Dual Enrollment Programs New report underscores the vital role of college credit transfer policies in maximizing the benefits of dual enrollment programs for students and taxpayers. Contact: Enrique A. Chaurand Email: [email protected] Phone: 816-825-1072 Washington, DC — Today All4Ed has released an insightful report entitled – “Giving Credit Where Credit is Due” – on the importance of college […] Press Release Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, Data and Privacy, Future Ready Schools, Robust Infrastructure All4Ed's College and Career Readiness Close-Up Series Sheds Light on State Initiatives to Measure and Improve Student Preparedness All4Ed is proud to present a series of College and Career Readiness Close-Up briefs, which highlights innovative approaches to college and career readiness (CCR) indicators in several states. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, Data and Privacy, Future Ready Schools, Robust Infrastructure All4Ed Launches State Policy Center to Advance Educational Equity The center will serve as a repository of model legislation and policy resources, incorporating real-world examples and research from the field with the experiences and voices of superintendents and educators. Contact: Enrique A. Chaurand Email: [email protected] Phone: 816-825-1072 Washington, DC — All4Ed proudly announces the launch of its State Policy Center, a groundbreaking initiative focused […] Press Release Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, Data and Privacy, Future Ready Schools, Robust Infrastructure Future Ready Schools and Microsoft Partner to Launch the Innovative Emerging Practices Guides for School and District Leaders FRS, a leading national education organization, is excited to announce its partnership with Microsoft to introduce the groundbreaking Emerging Practices Guides for school and district leaders. These guides have been meticulously designed to provide "just in time" solutions to address the most pressing questions faced by educational leaders as they plan personalized instruction and navigate the ever-changing landscape of education. Press Release Deb Delisle, CEO of All4Ed, to Retire For Release: Friday, April 14, 2023 Contact: Enrique A. Chaurand, 816-825-1072, [email protected] WASHINGTON, DC – Today, All4Ed announced that Deborah Delisle plans to retire from her role as chief executive officer (CEO) and is working with Dr. Delisle on a transition timeline. All4Ed’s board of directors will conduct a nationwide search for the organization’s next […] Press Release Statement by Deborah Delisle on the Recent School Shootings in Denver, CO & Nashville, TN For Release: Monday, March 27, 2023 Contact: Enrique A. Chaurand, 816-825-1072, [email protected] “Our hearts are broken as yet more senseless school shootings have stolen the lives of children, teachers, and school staff at Covenant School in Nashville and last week at East High School in Denver. Sadly, firearms are now the leading cause of death […] Federal Education Budget, US Department of Education Statement by All4Ed President and CEO on President Biden’s Fiscal Year 2024 Budget “We applaud President Biden for his continued commitment to supporting our nation’s children, families, and educators with proposed funding increases targeted at our country’s most historically marginalized students, including students from low-income families, students with disabilities, students learning English, and students experiencing homelessness. We are particularly pleased the budget proposal increases funding for the Title I program, which we highlighted in our report earlier this year, “Understanding and Improving Title I”. Read More Subscribe to Our Newsletter Join our mailing list to receive updates about our latest products and resources, new episodes of our Federal Flash video series and podcasts, and announcements about upcoming webinars and events. 1425 K Street, NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20005 Phone 202-828-0828
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Site Overview: Title: News Media | All4Ed Content: News Media Read Our Latest News and Contact Our Experts All4Ed is committed to providing media outlets and our partners with regular updates about our work. To learn more about our policy and practice experts, visit our team page. For media inquiries or to request an interview with a team member, email Enrique A. Chaurand, Vice President of Communications and Marketing at [email protected] . February 1, 2024 Accountability and Support, Every Student Succeeds Act, Federal Education Budget, Funding Equity All4Ed’s Latest Report Finds Schools Identified for Support Don’t Always Receive the Support They Need All4Ed’s latest report sheds light on accountability systems and spending in the schools that need it most. States should use accountability to identify and provide extra resources to struggling schools, yet many schools spent less, not more, after being identified. View and search our press releases and public statements below. Search Press Release Accountability and Support, Every Student Succeeds Act, Federal Education Budget, Funding Equity All4Ed's Latest Report Finds Schools Identified for Support Don’t Always Receive the Support They Need All4Ed's latest report sheds light on accountability systems and spending in the schools that need it most. States should use accountability to identify and provide extra resources to struggling schools, yet many schools spent less, not more, after being identified. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, Data and Privacy, Future Ready Schools, Robust Infrastructure Statement by All4Ed on the release of the National Education Technology Plan Contact: Enrique A. Chaurand Email: [email protected] Phone: 816-825-1072 Statement by All4Ed on the release of the National Education Technology Plan Washington, DC – All4Ed is proud to support the U.S. Department of Education’s National Education Technology Plan (NETP), an initiative that underscores the transformative power of technology in education. All4Ed is honored to have played […] Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, Data and Privacy, Future Ready Schools, Robust Infrastructure All4Ed Releases Report on the Importance of College Credit Transfer Policies for Dual Enrollment Programs New report underscores the vital role of college credit transfer policies in maximizing the benefits of dual enrollment programs for students and taxpayers. Contact: Enrique A. Chaurand Email: [email protected] Phone: 816-825-1072 Washington, DC — Today All4Ed has released an insightful report entitled – “Giving Credit Where Credit is Due” – on the importance of college […] Press Release Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, Data and Privacy, Future Ready Schools, Robust Infrastructure All4Ed's College and Career Readiness Close-Up Series Sheds Light on State Initiatives to Measure and Improve Student Preparedness All4Ed is proud to present a series of College and Career Readiness Close-Up briefs, which highlights innovative approaches to college and career readiness (CCR) indicators in several states. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, Data and Privacy, Future Ready Schools, Robust Infrastructure All4Ed Launches State Policy Center to Advance Educational Equity The center will serve as a repository of model legislation and policy resources, incorporating real-world examples and research from the field with the experiences and voices of superintendents and educators. Contact: Enrique A. Chaurand Email: [email protected] Phone: 816-825-1072 Washington, DC — All4Ed proudly announces the launch of its State Policy Center, a groundbreaking initiative focused […] Press Release Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, Data and Privacy, Future Ready Schools, Robust Infrastructure Future Ready Schools and Microsoft Partner to Launch the Innovative Emerging Practices Guides for School and District Leaders FRS, a leading national education organization, is excited to announce its partnership with Microsoft to introduce the groundbreaking Emerging Practices Guides for school and district leaders. These guides have been meticulously designed to provide "just in time" solutions to address the most pressing questions faced by educational leaders as they plan personalized instruction and navigate the ever-changing landscape of education. Press Release Deb Delisle, CEO of All4Ed, to Retire For Release: Friday, April 14, 2023 Contact: Enrique A. Chaurand, 816-825-1072, [email protected] WASHINGTON, DC – Today, All4Ed announced that Deborah Delisle plans to retire from her role as chief executive officer (CEO) and is working with Dr. Delisle on a transition timeline. All4Ed’s board of directors will conduct a nationwide search for the organization’s next […] Press Release Statement by Deborah Delisle on the Recent School Shootings in Denver, CO & Nashville, TN For Release: Monday, March 27, 2023 Contact: Enrique A. Chaurand, 816-825-1072, [email protected] “Our hearts are broken as yet more senseless school shootings have stolen the lives of children, teachers, and school staff at Covenant School in Nashville and last week at East High School in Denver. Sadly, firearms are now the leading cause of death […] Federal Education Budget, US Department of Education Statement by All4Ed President and CEO on President Biden’s Fiscal Year 2024 Budget “We applaud President Biden for his continued commitment to supporting our nation’s children, families, and educators with proposed funding increases targeted at our country’s most historically marginalized students, including students from low-income families, students with disabilities, students learning English, and students experiencing homelessness. Read More Subscribe to Our Newsletter Join our mailing list to receive updates about our latest products and resources, new episodes of our Federal Flash video series and podcasts, and announcements about upcoming webinars and events. 1425 K Street, NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20005 Phone 202-828-0828
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project Business giving - Orchid Project Content: Home | Get Involved |   Business giving Orchid Project are part of a global movement of people and organisations working tirelessly to end to female genital cutting (FGC) . Businesses that are committed to making a meaningful social contribution have an important role to play within this movement. We can work with you to make sure that your partnership with Orchid Project meets your organisation’s needs, whilst also making a huge difference to our work. If you represent a business and are interested in partnering with or supporting Orchid Project, we would be delighted to talk to you. Please get in touch with our Fundraising Team . Share this page: +200 million women and girls are impacted by FGC FGC occurs in over 90 countries globally 4.1mgirls are at risk each year Sign up to stay updated with all our latest news Please prove you are human by selecting the star. Please leave this field empty. Follow us on social media Our Supporters With thanks to: Roger Ross, Andreas E. Zielke, Alexandria Bancorp (The Boda Trust), Vanessa Stephens, Maggie & Andrew Gallagher, Goddess Temple Retreats [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project Legacy giving - Orchid Project Content: Orchid Project have an ambitious vision of a world free from female genital cutting (FGC). It will take commitment, a strong movement and the support of extraordinary individuals to achieve this. We understand that your decisions about your will are important, personal, and made after careful consideration. If you are interested in leaving a gift in your will to Orchid Project, please get in touch to discuss this with our Fundraising Team . A legacy gift will help us make a huge difference to the lives of girls and communities around the world. Share this page: +200 million women and girls are impacted by FGC FGC occurs in over 90 countries globally 4.1mgirls are at risk each year Sign up to stay updated with all our latest news Please prove you are human by selecting the truck. Please leave this field empty. Follow us on social media Our Supporters With thanks to: Roger Ross, Andreas E. Zielke, Alexandria Bancorp (The Boda Trust), Vanessa Stephens, Maggie & Andrew Gallagher, Goddess Temple Retreats [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project Philanthropy - Orchid Project Content: Home | Get Involved |   Philanthropy Orchid Project’s work is made possible by exceptional individuals and organisations who have joined the movement to end female genital cutting (FGC) around the world. If you’re interested in making a major donation to Orchid Project, we would be delighted to have a conversation with you about the work you would like to support. We’ll send you regular updates about how your contribution is making a difference and invite you to attend Orchid Project events, and to meet our staff, trustees, and others from the wider movement to end FGC. To discuss a major donation or grant, please get in touch with our Fundraising Team . Share this page: +200 million women and girls are impacted by FGC FGC occurs in over 90 countries globally 4.1mgirls are at risk each year Sign up to stay updated with all our latest news Please prove you are human by selecting the house. Please leave this field empty. Follow us on social media Our Supporters With thanks to: Roger Ross, Andreas E. Zielke, Alexandria Bancorp (The Boda Trust), Vanessa Stephens, Maggie & Andrew Gallagher, Goddess Temple Retreats [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project Job Openings - Orchid Project Content: I would like to give my own amount How much would you like to donate? $10 $20 $30 Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s) Donate via Paypal Donate via Card We ask for your address to enable us to claim Gift Aid. Orchid Project will never share or sell your personal data with any third party for their own marketing purposes, and you will not receive marketing from any other companies, charities or other organisations as a result of giving your details to us. First Name * [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project Home - Orchid Project Content: I would like to give my own amount How much would you like to donate? $10 $20 $30 Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s) Donate via Paypal Donate via Card We ask for your address to enable us to claim Gift Aid. Orchid Project will never share or sell your personal data with any third party for their own marketing purposes, and you will not receive marketing from any other companies, charities or other organisations as a result of giving your details to us. First Name * [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project Where does FGM/C happen? - Orchid Project Content: I would like to give my own amount How much would you like to donate? $10 $20 $30 Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s) Donate via Paypal Donate via Card We ask for your address to enable us to claim Gift Aid. Orchid Project will never share or sell your personal data with any third party for their own marketing purposes, and you will not receive marketing from any other companies, charities or other organisations as a result of giving your details to us. First Name * [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project What We Do - Orchid Project Content: I would like to give my own amount How much would you like to donate? $10 $20 $30 Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s) Donate via Paypal Donate via Card We ask for your address to enable us to claim Gift Aid. Orchid Project will never share or sell your personal data with any third party for their own marketing purposes, and you will not receive marketing from any other companies, charities or other organisations as a result of giving your details to us. First Name * [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project Why does FGM/C happen? - Orchid Project Content: How is FGC ending? FGC is not a religious requirement The practice of cutting female genitals is not an obligation of any religion, whether Islam, Christianity or Judaism. In Islam, for example, Sharia law protects the rights of the child, and The Muslim Women’s League upholds that the practice of FGC is in strict violation of the Quran (MWL 1999). Though not inherently a religious requirement, FGC can be supported by religious leaders such as priests or imams. For this reason, harnessing the power held by these leaders to inspire and lead change often proves crucial to achieving success in ending FGC. Read more Fear of social sanctions Within many communities, FGC ensures a girl’s marriageability and acceptance into the community. Even where parents are aware of the health risks and trauma their daughters face when they are cut, they may maintain the tradition through fear that their daughter will not be respected, and may be ostracised by the community. FGC is often a taboo subject. Without space to talk about FGC openly, the community continues the practice without question. Share this page: Find out what we're doing to end FGC Get involved in ending FGC Communities have the power to end FGC It is possible for social norms to shift. Communities have the power to decide to end FGC. When communities have the space to openly discuss FGC, they can find that individuals have been questioning the practice but have been unable to share their views because it is a taboo topic. As people exchange experiences of FGC and opinions with others, beliefs can change. Many communities around the world are choosing to abandon the practice, for example following participation in community programmes delivered by some of our grassroots partners around the world. Read a case study on FGC and open community dialogue The origins of FGC The practice is thought to have existed at least as far back as 2,200 BC – before the advent of Christianity or Islam. Its exact origins are unknown, although it is possible that it began as a means of ensuring paternity or of inhibiting women’s arousal, as well as being linked to girls’ preparation for marriage. FGC is almost certainly linked to slavery later. In 1609, the Portuguese missionary Joao dos Santos found that women being sold into slavery in the area just inland from Mogadishu were being cut in order to ensure their virginity and chastity. The link between FGC and child marriage Within many communities, a girl is required to be cut in order to be perceived as suitable for marriage. Once a girl is cut she is considered ready for marriage, often regardless of her age. The links between FGC and child marriage are perhaps unsurprising. Similar beliefs, social pressures and social norms underpin both traditions. In many instances, both practices are seen as a means to safeguard against premarital sex, and as a way to control and promote girls’ virginity. Both are social norms and harmful practices that are discriminatory against girls and women. Sign up to stay updated with all our latest news Please prove you are human by selecting the car. Please leave this field empty. Follow us on social media Our Supporters With thanks to: Roger Ross, Andreas E. Zielke, Alexandria Bancorp (The Boda Trust), Vanessa Stephens, Maggie & Andrew Gallagher, Goddess Temple Retreats [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project Donate - Orchid Project Content: I would like to give my own amount How much would you like to donate? $10 $20 $30 Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s) Donate via Paypal Donate via Card We ask for your address to enable us to claim Gift Aid. Orchid Project will never share or sell your personal data with any third party for their own marketing purposes, and you will not receive marketing from any other companies, charities or other organisations as a result of giving your details to us. First Name * [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project How is FGM/C ending? - Orchid Project Content: Home | About FGC |   How is FGM/C ending? Orchid Project is catalysing an end to female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) by partnering with trailblazing grassroots organisations around the world, and sharing knowledge and best practice to accelerate change. We also advocate among governments and global leaders to ensure work to end FGM/C is prioritised. One of the most effective ways to support sustainable abandonment of FGM/C is through non-judgemental, human rights-led approaches, allowing communities to choose to end the practice. Share this page: Donate now, we need your help Empowering communities to end FGM/C FGM/C is a deep-rooted social norm which is held in place by an entire community. Parents have their daughters cut because they believe it is the right thing to do to ensure their future, and because it is an expectation of the community. It is difficult for individual families to break with this tradition on their own, as they may risk their daughters becoming ostracised. Change can be, and is being, achieved when communities come together to share their experiences of FGM/C, breaking the silence that often surrounds the practice. Locally-owned processes are helping communities worldwide to recognise that the practice is harmful. Through these discussions, communities are accessing information about human rights and embracing their responsibility as community members to uphold them. And, as cutting is a discriminatory practice, long-term change is most often achieved where there is a particular focus on empowering women and girls. How is female genital mutilation/cutting and child marriage ending? The important role of religious and community leaders Community and religious leaders often play a critical part in bringing an end to FGM/C in their communities, because of misconceptions that the practice is a religious requirement. As respected community members, religious leaders have the access, power and influence to change social norms. Effective programmes often see these leaders facilitating community dialogue and learning sessions, providing guidance, and playing a key role in public declarations of abandonment. One community to another When a community publicly abandons the practice they are not only declaring this to themselves, but also to others. This helps pave the way for other communities – especially those with which they regularly intermarry – to do the same. Our social norms approach aligns with the work of the United Nations and the ‘ UNICEF 6 elements for FGM/C abandonment ‘ Orchid Project promotes the UNICEF 6 elements for FGM/C abandonment as a framework for best practice that can be adapted within different local contexts. Find out more UNFPA-UNICEF programme Since 2008, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) have together led the largest global programme to end FGC . This work focuses on the 17 countries where FGC prevalence rates are the highest in the world. This programme has found that countries such as Senegal, the Gambia, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Mali are at the forefront of this movement for change. 68 million girls at risk between 2015 and 2030 24,000+ communities have declared an end to FGC FGC is ending We are at a pivotal moment. Change is happening, with more than 24,000 communities having declared abandonment of FGM/C worldwide. While we are making progress, with girls now one-third less likely to be cut than they were 30 years ago, there is a growing number of girls at risk of FGM/C. UNICEF predicts that, despite falling rates of FGM/C in many countries, population growth means that up to 68 million more girls could be cut between 2015 and 2030 if efforts are not accelerated. The international community’s goal is to bring an end to FGM/C by 2030. We believe this is achievable – by supporting communities to choose their own futures, by building wider awareness of the issue, its scale and impact, and by sharing experiences of how people working at the grassroots are affecting change. Sign up to stay updated with all our latest news Please prove you are human by selecting the flag. Please leave this field empty. Follow us on social media Our Supporters With thanks to: Roger Ross, Andreas E. Zielke, Alexandria Bancorp (The Boda Trust), Vanessa Stephens, Maggie & Andrew Gallagher, Goddess Temple Retreats [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project Impacts of FGM/C - Orchid Project Content: Physical and psychological harm Childhood In some cases, girls die as a direct result of being cut. These deaths can be caused by a range of complications, including haemorrhage, contracting septicaemia, tetanus, or HIV, due to unsterilised tools. A girl may also experience shock, fear, pain and trauma. Girlhood After undergoing FGC, a girl can experience difficulty in passing urine and difficulties with menstruation, because her urethra and/or vaginal opening may have been blocked through FGC Types II and III. This can lead to infections and chronic pelvic inflammation.  Girls may also suffer from cysts, abscesses and ulcers after being cut. Girls who are cut may also suffer educationally. Health problems resulting from FGC can cause them to miss school, leading to higher dropout rates and economic disadvantages later in their lives. FGC is also often a precursor to child marriage. Marriage and intercourse With all types of FGC, sex can be painful and traumatic. Women and girls who have undergone FGC Type III will often have to be re-cut to have sex or may experience forced penetration. It is not only the first time that is painful. For many women, scar tissue will continue to cause pain during sex throughout their lifetimes, whilst their partners may also experience pain and trauma during sex. After a girl is cut, there can be an increased risk of infertility, which within some communities may cause her to be abandoned by her husband. Pregnancy and childbirth FGC has a direct impact on maternal and infant mortality. Women who have undergone FGC Type III are 70% more likely to suffer haemorrhage through giving birth, are twice as likely to die in childbirth and have a higher likelihood of stillbirth due to obstructed labour. Women who have undergone FGC Type III are also more likely to experience other complications including obstetric fistula, foetal asphyxia, and perineal tears*. Share this page: Donate now, we need your help Find out what we're doing to end FGC Get involved in ending FGC FGC and child marriage There is a strong link between FGC and child marriage. Among some communities, a girl is cut to ensure her marriageability, or in preparation for her marriage. Often, once a girl is cut she is considered ready to be married. This, in turn, can lead to increased instances of early pregnancy before the girl is physically mature, which can lead her to experiencing further physical and psychological problems. Both FGC and child marriage are discriminatory practices and against the human rights of the girl. How are FGC and child marriage ending? Reduced life chances FGC increases the likelihood that a girl will leave school at a young age. The knock-on effects of leaving education early are well-documented and include reduced earnings, and less control and agency over life choices including marriage and family planning. These economic and social impacts may also go well beyond the individual girl. According to the UN, 22 of 30 countries where FGC is practised are considered “least-developed”**, i.e. they have the lowest indicators of socioeconomic development. It therefore concludes the negative repercussions of FGC place a burden on personal, household, community and state economies. * World Health Organisation data . Note: This data relates to hospital births only. The actual figures are likely to be far higher. **United Nations Population Fund, Demographic Perspectives on Female Genital Mutilation, New York, 2015 Sign up to stay updated with all our latest news Please prove you are human by selecting the star. Please leave this field empty. Follow us on social media Our Supporters With thanks to: Roger Ross, Andreas E. Zielke, Alexandria Bancorp (The Boda Trust), Vanessa Stephens, Maggie & Andrew Gallagher, Goddess Temple Retreats [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project Strategy 2023-2028 - Orchid Project Content: Job Openings Strategy 2023-2028 An exciting new chapter has started for the Orchid Project with the launch of a 5-year Strategy 2023-2028. Our new strategy 2023-2028 will see an focus on three key objectives: To undertake research, generate evidence and curate knowledge to better equip those working to end FGM/C To facilitate capacity strengthening of partners, through learning and knowledge sharing, to improve programme designs and impacts for the movement to end FGM/C To influence global and regional policies, actions and funding towards ending FGM/C. You can find Orchid Project’s strategy here or in the downloadable PDF below. Sign up to stay updated with all our latest news Please prove you are human by selecting the car. Please leave this field empty. Follow us on social media Our Supporters With thanks to: Roger Ross, Andreas E. Zielke, Alexandria Bancorp (The Boda Trust), Vanessa Stephens, Maggie & Andrew Gallagher, Goddess Temple Retreats [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project Resources for Orchid Project (with 28 Too Many) launch of Mali Country report update in English & French with Webinar discussion. - Orchid Project Content: I would like to give my own amount How much would you like to donate? $10 $20 $30 Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s) Donate via Paypal Donate via Card We ask for your address to enable us to claim Gift Aid. Orchid Project will never share or sell your personal data with any third party for their own marketing purposes, and you will not receive marketing from any other companies, charities or other organisations as a result of giving your details to us. First Name * [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project Advocacy - Orchid Project Content: Home | What We Do |   Advocacy Female genital cutting (FGC) is a global issue that requires a global response. More commonly known as female genital mutilation (FGM), it is a violation of the human rights of women and girls and a form of gender-based violence. FGC directly impacts the sexual and reproductive rights of women and girls, with effects across at least 90 countries on every continent. At least 68 million girls are at risk of the practice by 2030 unless efforts to prevent FGC are accelerated thirteen-fold over current rates. Our advocacy At Orchid Project, we believe in a holistic and multi-sectoral approach to ending FGC that recognises everyone has a role to play.   We work collaboratively and in partnership – at community, national, regional and global levels – to achieve this. Our advocacy is working to end FGC by: Increasing resources and prioritisation We consistently advocate for increased commitments to end FGC at all levels. We work with governments, UN agencies, and donors to ensure that adequate funding is committed, and that efforts to end FGC are rights-based, community-led, evidence-driven and non-judgemental. Supporting communities to end FGC Our advocacy works at local and national levels to support communities to hold their own decision-makers accountable to commitments to end FGC. We work with our partners and activists to build advocacy capacity through toolkits and programmes, and support local networks through our technical expertise. Influencing policy Our advocacy builds and strengthens global, regional and national policy frameworks on FGC. As technical experts, we share evidence-based  input with  global decision-makers to provide thought leadership, rigorous and timely analysis, and bridge the gap to community-based programming and activism. We collaborate with academics and researchers, as well as research institutions and our grassroots partners to ensure that our advocacy and programming are informed and at the forefront of latest trends and developments. Strengthening an inclusive movement Our advocacy prioritises equal partnerships and collaboration. We support and amplify grassroots voices on global, regional and national advocacy stages to strengthen their advocacy and ability to hold decision-makers accountable. We recognise the importance of multi-sectoral and holistic approaches to end FGC that involve everyone. Our advocacy recognises the vital need for an inclusive and diverse movement, and we work to ensure that all perspectives, contexts and experiences are amplified. Our achievements Helped to secure the first ever governmental commitment to ending FGC through the UK’s Department for International Development Successfully advocated for the inclusion of indicator 5.3.2 under the SDG Agenda 2030 framework, and for the indicator to apply to all countries A founding member of the Global Platform for Action to End FGM/C, which convened  the FGC sector for the first time at Women Deliver 2019 conference. This was recognised as one of the top way s that WD2019 delivered for gender equality. Developed a global Call to Action to End FGM/C alongside our Global Platform for Action to End FGM/C partners, endorsed by over 80 organisations with the input of over 270 grassroots activists Supported 5 grassroots activists to attend international advocacy convenings and to hold decision-makers accountable in 2019 Co-nurturing a new regional Asia Network to End FGM/C alongside our partner, ARROW Published a policy briefing on the impact of COVID-19 on female genital cutting , and trends resulting from the pandemic. Together, we can create a world free from FGC . Share this page: [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project About FGC - Orchid Project Content: I would like to give my own amount How much would you like to donate? $10 $20 $30 Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s) Donate via Paypal Donate via Card We ask for your address to enable us to claim Gift Aid. Orchid Project will never share or sell your personal data with any third party for their own marketing purposes, and you will not receive marketing from any other companies, charities or other organisations as a result of giving your details to us. First Name * [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project Fundraise - Orchid Project Content: Home | Get Involved |   Fundraise There are lots of ways that you can get creative or challenge yourself in support of our work to end female genital cutting (FGC). If you have an idea and want to get started, please email our Fundraising Team for support with materials so you can get the most out of your fundraising. If you are not wanting to donate to Orchid Project via the website, please email our Fundraising Team to find out about our other options. You can also opt in to Gift Aid if you haven’t done so, by printing off the Gift Aid Declaration Form , filling it in and sending the form to our team . Gift aid allows Orchid Project to claim 25% on top of your donation, from the UK Government. So, for every £1 you give, we’ll receive £1.25.  Find out more about gift aid here . Share this page: Looking for inspiration? Hold an event for Orchid Project You can host any type of event: From a concert, to a play or an afternoon tea. Get together, raise awareness about FGC and fundraise for Orchid Project. Take on a challenge You can run, cycle, swim, walk and even hula hoop to support Orchid Project. Why not sign up for a talent show or give something up for a month and ask your friends and family to sponsor you? You can also get your company, community, friends or school involved and make a meaningful impact to end FGC. Do what you love Can you dance? Act? Are you an amazing baker, or a talented artist? There are so many ways to have fun and support our work towards the abandonment of FGC. Use your passion to bring people together while doing what you love and fundraise for Orchid Project. Support us at your celebration If you are celebrating your birthday, wedding, anniversary or any other occasion, you can make it extra special by raising funds to change the lives of the 4.1 million girls who are at risk of being cut each year. Ask your guests to contribute towards Orchid Project’s work, and let them know about how FGC can end with their help. We’d love to hear your creative fundraising ideas to support our work to end FGC. To chat to us about ideas, and to receive materials, please get in touch with our Fundraising Team . Share this page: Sign up to stay updated with all our latest news Please prove you are human by selecting the truck. Please leave this field empty. Follow us on social media Our Supporters With thanks to: Roger Ross, Andreas E. Zielke, Alexandria Bancorp (The Boda Trust), Vanessa Stephens, Maggie & Andrew Gallagher, Goddess Temple Retreats [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project Get Involved - Orchid Project Content: I would like to give my own amount How much would you like to donate? $10 $20 $30 Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s) Donate via Paypal Donate via Card We ask for your address to enable us to claim Gift Aid. Orchid Project will never share or sell your personal data with any third party for their own marketing purposes, and you will not receive marketing from any other companies, charities or other organisations as a result of giving your details to us. First Name * [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project Anti Racism Priorities - Orchid Project Content: Anti Racism Priorities Preamble As an international development organisation founded in the Global North, Orchid Project works in a context historically rooted in unequal power structures such as neo-colonialism and white saviorism. Inequitable power structures still exist within, and can be perpetuated by, the development sector, as well as racist and dehumanising tropes around black, indigenous, and people of colour. Female genital cutting primarily affects women and girls of colour, and their communities, who may also experience multiple forms of discrimination and oppression. This is in the context of Orchid as a charity in the development sector working on an issue that primarily affects girls and women of colour. We are also considering anti-racism in our role as an employer. Within this context we are committed to continually learning, and working in anti-racist ways to end FGC that do not perpetuate racism; non-judgmentally and in partnership with communities affected by FGC. We aim to shift power to affected communities, and are committed to ensuring that our organisational aims and values support this. Priorities This is a “living document”; and we look to continuously improve our understanding and commitments to becoming an actively anti-racist organisation as we go. Our priorities over the next 12 months, and beyond, are as follows. Hire a qualified anti-racism expert to review and assess whether Orchid Project’s work environment is welcoming to recruit and retain black, indigenous and people of colour in our staff team. This will include, but is not limited to, reviewing & advising on: organisational culture language use and communications processes, policies and practices steps to make recruitment more accessible to FGC-affected communities, black, indigenous, and people of colour, and Global South applicants unconscious bias and any other areas for improvement Begin implementation of appropriate recommendations of qualified anti-racism expert Hold unconscious bias training (or similar) with an explicit focus on racism for the staff team, board safeguarding lead, and strongly suggest the board also take training Support access to safe spaces for colleagues who are black, indigenous and people of colour, i.e. access to networks and support groups. Informed by wellbeing work, and contributed to by a number of the other actions, i.e. reporting processes, unconscious bias training. Set targets for increasing applications from and recruiting staff who are black, indigenous, and people of colour, and report on these transparently and externally, including to the Board Implement a dedicated reporting mechanism for racist incidents to include anonymous reporting and guarantees of non-reprisals for all members of staff to safely report racist incidents without fear of repercussions Recruit team members and consultants from the Global South and diaspora, with a focus on our priority countries and most-affected peoples Produce an induction pack and process that includes safeguarding and unconscious bias training and information, with a specific focus on anti-racism. Definitions Anti-racism: “Anti-racism is the active process of identifying  and eliminating racism by changing systems, organizational structures,  policies and practices and attitudes, so that power is redistributed and  shared equitably.” – NAC International Perspectives: Women and Global  Solidarity Diversity, equality and inclusion: Equality refers to the right of different groups of people to have a similar social position and receive the same treatment . Valuing diversity means that we recognize and respect everyone’s unique qualities and attributes. Inclusion means that all individuals feel respected, accepted and valued. Black Lives Matter movement: “mission to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives” ( ) Most affected peoples: People most affected by the issue we are working on. In Orchid Project’s case, female genital cutting. Neo-colonialism: The practice of using economics, globalisation, cultural imperialism, and conditional aid to influence a country Power structures: the way in which power or authority is distributed between people within groups such as a government, nation, institution, organization, or a society White Saviour: a white person who provides help to non-white people in a self-serving manner. White people going in to “fix” the problems of struggling nations or people of color without understanding their history, needs, or the region’s current state of affairs Black, indigenous and other people of colour: someone from a black or indigenous community, and/or who considers themselves a person of colour. This is in recognition of the racism and discrimination these groups face in a white-dominant culture. If you would like to report a racist incident, please email [email protected] and refer to our Whistleblowing Policy. Sign up to stay updated with all our latest news Please prove you are human by selecting the flag. Please leave this field empty. Follow us on social media Our Supporters With thanks to: Roger Ross, Andreas E. Zielke, Alexandria Bancorp (The Boda Trust), Vanessa Stephens, Maggie & Andrew Gallagher, Goddess Temple Retreats [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project Partnering - Orchid Project Content: Find out about our sharing work Tostan Tostan works throughout West Africa, in Senegal, Mali, The Gambia, Guinea and Guinea Bissau. Since 1991, Tostan has supported nearly 9,000 communities across West Africa to publicly declare that they’re abandoning FGC. This is made possible through Tostan’s holistic 30-month Community Empowerment Programme (CEP) delivered by local staff in local languages. Orchid Project has partnered with Tostan since 2011 to support social mobilisation across Senegal, and since 2019 in Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau and Mali. This initiative supports teams of volunteers from villages that have already abandoned FGC, to spread the message and encourage other communities to join them. S.A.F.E. Kenya S.A.F.E. is working in Kenya to support community-led change to end FGC. Orchid Project has partnered with S.A.F.E. since 2013, supporting their “SAFE Maa” team, that works within the Maasai of Loita Hills, and the “SAFE Samburu” team, that works with the Samburu community in Westgate Conservancy. S.A.F.E.’s programmes are developed by local staff and members of the Maasai and Samburu communities. Their staff create non-judgemental spaces to enable discussion around FGC. S.A.F.E. spreads the word of FGC abandonment through traditional song and dance interwoven with human rights messaging. The SAFE Maa team has developed a unique alternative rite of passage (ARP) in partnership with local traditional birth attendants (TBAs) who are also traditional cutters. After dialogue workshops from SAFE Maa, the TBAs wanted to create a non-harmful passage to womanhood that allows girls to remain uncut. SAFE Maa promotes the ARP during their workshops and performance tours. The SAFE Samburu team started their programme in 2015, replicating the successful approach of SAFE Maa that resulted in more girls going through the ARP. SAFE Samburu has also developed a network of village representatives who provide education at village level, to support their project. Coalition on Violence Against Women (COVAW) COVAW works throughout Kenya on three key strands of work: access to justice, movement-building, and advocacy and communications. Orchid Project is supporting COVAW to develop its project work, which focuses on shifting negative social and gender norms and attitudes that perpetuate FGC among the Maasai in Narok. Having partnered with Orchid Project since 2017, COVAW takes a multifaceted approach to ending FGC. It works with community members, elders and traditional leaders, community activists, religious leaders, women leaders and county-level duty bearers to address harmful practices, including FGC, gender-based violence, and early and forced marriage. Education Center for the Advancement of Women (ECAW) Our former partner ECAW is a grassroots organisation that has been working for the rights and empowerment of girls and women in Kuria, South West Kenya, since 2006. Between 2016 and 2019, alongside UK-based Feed The Minds and supported by Young Women’s Christian Association Kenya (YWCA), Orchid Project partnered with ECAW to deliver a programme that fostered a movement for change in five rural villages in Kuria, supporting “champion girls” and paralegals who spread the message across the region of how FGC can end. ECAW raised awareness through community outreach, workshops, school clubs, dialogues and advocacy, to support community abandonment of the practice. Sahiyo Sahiyo is a transnational collective working in India, the US and with South Asian diaspora communities around the world. Their mission is to empower communities to end FGC, with a specific focus on the Dawoodi Bohra community. Based in the US and India, Sahiyo advocates for global recognition of the practice in Asia and the Middle East by lobbying governments, producing FGC research, and running media training workshops. Sahiyo engages locally with South Asian communities to find a collective solution to ending FGC and supports Dawoodi Bohra activists working to end FGC via discussion events. The Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW) ARROW was established in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in 1993 and over the last 27 years, ARROW has been working to advance the rights of women and young people throughout the region, in collaboration with other women’s rights organisations, youth-led and youth-serving organisations, and NGOs working on sexual and reproductive rights, and health issues. Currently, ARROW works in 17 countries in the region and in partnership with more than 80 national level organisations in these countries. ARROW utilises a gender just, human rights and feminist lens in her work and implements interlinked programmes for advocacy, evidence generation, constituency building, community mobilisation, and information and communications. ARROW works on gender equality and women’s rights, from the essential and critical locus of women’s bodily integrity and bodily autonomy, which enable women and girls to freely decide on matters of sexuality and reproduction, and have the right to consent and the right to a life free from all forms of violence. ARROW is currently working in collaboration with Orchid Project on an Asia Network to End FGM/C. Latest news from our partners BLOG Orchid Project’s Commitments for Generation Equality Forum 29 June 2021 As the world continues to grapple with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has brought pre-existing inequalities and gender-based violence into sharp focus, the... [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project Sharing - Orchid Project Content: Home | What We Do |   Sharing We share and amplify knowledge to accelerate the global movement to end female genital cutting (FGC). The work of our grassroots partners has shown that when communities are empowered to drive change, sustainable abandonment of FGC is possible. Orchid Project connect organisations and activists with the most up-to-date information, research and best practice to catalyse efforts to end the practice around the world; from global actors, to community-based organisations working at the grassroots level. Share this page: Knowledge Sharing Workshops Orchid Project Fellows Amplifying how FGC can end Research Knowledge Sharing Workshops Orchid Project bring together local grassroots organisations through Knowledge Sharing Workshops. Between 2015 and 2019, we’ve held 12 workshops across Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria, Somaliland and Sierra Leone. These sessions allow participants to share experiences and solutions for ending FGC, increase their understanding of UNICEF’s Six Elements of Abandonment of FGC , and create supportive sustainable networks that continue to flourish after the workshops have finished. This growing, highly participative programme helps delegates explore UNICEF’s Six Elements of Abandonment at a practical level and understand how they can be relevant to local contexts. We aim to share knowledge and understanding of a social norms-based approach to ending FGC, which we believe is one of the most effective ways of empowering communities to abandon the practice. To express interest in our Knowledge Sharing Workshops, please email [email protected] . Orchid Project Fellows Committed activists and representatives from organisations around the world are working within their communities to end FGC. We recognise the strong grassroots momentum that already exists, and support and strengthen this work through our Fellowship Programme. We identify opportunities for individuals to participate in seminars such as the GirlSPARKS Girl-Centred Programme Design workshops, and seminars held at the Tostan Training Centre in Thiès, Senegal, which provide training on their human rights-based approach to community-led development. Meet the Orchid Project Fellows Amplifying how FGC can end Orchid Project support the growth of knowledge and expertise on FGC across civil society, activist communities, academia and government. Working with our partners, we amplify best practice, and share research and resources to equip those best placed to support communities to abandon FGC with the most up-to-date information. To date, we have carried out this work through webinars, events, and by amplifying news and stories through our digital channels. Choosing a world free from female genital cutting Research Knowledge of FGC is growing, however the true scale of the practice remains unknown. At least 45 countries around the world practice FGC, yet only 30 report national data. More work is needed around issues such as the growing medicalisation of the practice, how religion intersects with FGC, and FGC’s economic impacts. Orchid Project highlight gaps in data and understanding, and contributes to research so we can better understand how FGC impacts girls, women and their communities and, most importantly, how it can end. [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project News & Stories - Orchid Project Content: I would like to give my own amount How much would you like to donate? $10 $20 $30 Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s) Donate via Paypal Donate via Card We ask for your address to enable us to claim Gift Aid. Orchid Project will never share or sell your personal data with any third party for their own marketing purposes, and you will not receive marketing from any other companies, charities or other organisations as a result of giving your details to us. First Name * [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project Contact Us - Orchid Project Content: I would like to give my own amount How much would you like to donate? $10 $20 $30 Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s) Donate via Paypal Donate via Card We ask for your address to enable us to claim Gift Aid. Orchid Project will never share or sell your personal data with any third party for their own marketing purposes, and you will not receive marketing from any other companies, charities or other organisations as a result of giving your details to us. First Name * [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project Orchid Project and 28 Too Many join forces to end FGM/C  - Orchid Project Content: Orchid Project and 28 Too Many join forces to end FGM/C Friday 25 March 2022 Home | News & Stories |   Orchid Project and 28 Too Many join forces to end FGM/C Orchid Project and 28 Too Many join forces to end FGM/C Orchid Project is delighted to announce that 28 Too Many, a leading organisation that has driven policy reform and evidence-based research and knowledge to end female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C), will be joining the Orchid Project team and will strengthen our ability to achieve our vision of a world free from female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). 28 Too Many was established in 2010 by Dr. Ann-Marie Wilson to undertake research and provide knowledge and tools to those working to end FGM/C. in the countries in Africa where it is practised and across the diaspora worldwide. 28 Too Many effects change by collating and interpreting data, influencing influencers (e.g. UN bodies) and equipping local organisations with advocacy and training tools to strengthen their on-the-ground work. 28 Too Many joining Orchid Project will provide an opportunity to draw on the unique strengths and experiences of both organisations, ultimately enhancing the movement to end FGM/C. Orchid Project is one of the leading organisations influencing global policy on FGM/C, advocating for increased investment to end the practice and for recognition of the global scale of the issue. In 2020 Orchid Project established, in partnership with ARROW, the Asia Network to End FGM/C a collaboration network with 85 organisations across Asia. Orchid Project was also critical in the launch of the Global Platform for Action to end FGM/C , a platform with over 900 signatories, following Women Deliver in 2019. Orchid Project’s advocacy work is grounded in the lived experiences and real change that is being supported by its grassroots community work in partnership with local organisations across Kenya and Ethiopia. 28 Too Many will bring to Orchid Project a wealth of experience in evidence-based research, which has received wide recognition over the years, including its 2018 Law and FGM report receiving the Thomson Reuters Foundation TrustLaw Collaboration Award and its #NoFGM Ribbon campaign which received over 11 awards at the Dubai Lynx Awards in 2019. 28 Too Many’s work in generating high-quality research and advocacy tools has influenced policy reforms, including the criminalisation of FGM/C in Nigeria and Sudan, and the organisation has been invited, as the FGM expert, to advise multinational agencies including the United Nations, Population Council, governments, and the World Bank. As part of this exciting step, Orchid Project will work closely with the network of researchers and consultants that have supported 28 Too Many’s work to date. The combined experience of the 28 Too Many team, particular that of Dr. Ann-Marie Wilson who has been at the forefront of ending FGM/C for over a decade, will help drive forward Orchid Project’s research and evidence function and shape the production of new country profiles and themed reports on FGM/C. “We are delighted to welcome 28 Too Many and look forward to the next chapter for Orchid Project,” said Delphine Rive, interim-CEO of Orchid Project. “Our decision to join forces is driven by a shared vision of ending female genital mutilations/cutting (FGM/C) through community-led change and we are confident that with our combined expertise and networks, we will be better positioned to positively impact the lives of girls and women by enabling evidence creation and its effective use to accelerate an end to FGM/C.” Commenting on 28 Too Many joining Orchid Project’s team, Dr Ann-Marie Wilson said, “Over the last 12 years, 28 Too Many has worked in parallel with Orchid Project to embrace and drive forward ending FGM/C. We have been  happy to work alongside Orchid Project in their endeavours over the last decade. We look forward to working together by joining forces to increase our collective impact in the space.” 28 Too Many brings an established research and evidence function to Orchid Project, helping it to play a key role in providing high quality evidence and best practice needed to guide policy and decision making as well as donor investments in the Anti-FGM/C sector. This evidence and research coupled with Orchid Project’s existing programming, advocacy and movement building efforts will strengthen the capacity of organisations and activists globally and support them to bring an end to FGM/C by 2030. Orchid Project and 28 Too Many would like to take this opportunity to thank Ashurst, PWC and Latham & Watkins for their tireless support in developing the transition agreement. Share this page: [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project Asia Network to End FGM/C - Orchid Project Content: Home | What We Do |   Asia Network to End FGM/C The Asia Network to End FGM/C is a collaboration between Orchid Project and Malaysia-based regional feminist NGO, the Asian Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women ( ARROW ), with support from the Wallace Global Fund . After teaming up in June 2019, we announced our support for the development of a network to end FGM/C in Asia at Women Deliver 2019 . Global commitments to end FGM/C by 2030 will not be reached unless resource mobilisation, political will, and partnerships are enabled across Asia. Lack of progress on FGM/C across the region is disproportionate to the numbers of women and girls affected, and the potential impact on their lives. FGM/C is documented in countries across South and South East Asia, including Indonesia , Malaysia , Singapore , Sri Lanka , Brunei , Thailand , the Philippines, Maldives , India , and Pakistan . Through a five-month consultation with activists, CSOs, researchers and survivors from across the Asia region, we identified strong support for a regional network bringing together different actors working on FGM/C. There was also a rallying call to bring much needed attention, prioritisation, and adequate resourcing to the issue across Asia. The Asia Network to End FGM/C will establish a platform of NGOs, activists, and researchers across the region to build stronger relationships and collaboration between organisations working across the region. The platform will: Gather data and evidence on prevalence Take survivor needs and viewpoints into account Engage with religious scholars who can influence communities positively Urge governments to report on the Sustainable Development Goal indicator (5.3.2) related to FGM/C. If you are interested in joining the Asia Network to End FGM/C, please click here . If you have questions about the Asia Network, please contact [email protected] [PAGE] Title: Orchid Project Resources - Orchid Project Content: I would like to give my own amount How much would you like to donate? $10 $20 $30 Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s) Donate via Paypal Donate via Card We ask for your address to enable us to claim Gift Aid. Orchid Project will never share or sell your personal data with any third party for their own marketing purposes, and you will not receive marketing from any other companies, charities or other organisations as a result of giving your details to us. First Name *
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Title: Orchid Project Business giving - Orchid Project Content: Home | Get Involved |   Business giving Orchid Project are part of a global movement of people and organisations working tirelessly to end to female genital cutting (FGC) . Title: Orchid Project Legacy giving - Orchid Project Content: Orchid Project have an ambitious vision of a world free from female genital cutting (FGC). If you are interested in leaving a gift in your will to Orchid Project, please get in touch to discuss this with our Fundraising Team . If you’re interested in making a major donation to Orchid Project, we would be delighted to have a conversation with you about the work you would like to support. Title: Orchid Project What We Do - Orchid Project Content: I would like to give my own amount How much would you like to donate? Share this page: Find out what we're doing to end FGC Get involved in ending FGC Communities have the power to end FGC It is possible for social norms to shift. The important role of religious and community leaders Community and religious leaders often play a critical part in bringing an end to FGM/C in their communities, because of misconceptions that the practice is a religious requirement. Share this page: Donate now, we need your help Find out what we're doing to end FGC Get involved in ending FGC FGC and child marriage There is a strong link between FGC and child marriage. Both FGC and child marriage are discriminatory practices and against the human rights of the girl. We work with our partners and activists to build advocacy capacity through toolkits and programmes, and support local networks through our technical expertise. Developed a global Call to Action to End FGM/C alongside our Global Platform for Action to End FGM/C partners, endorsed by over 80 organisations with the input of over 270 grassroots activists Supported 5 grassroots activists to attend international advocacy convenings and to hold decision-makers accountable in 2019 Co-nurturing a new regional Asia Network to End FGM/C alongside our partner, ARROW Published a policy briefing on the impact of COVID-19 on female genital cutting , and trends resulting from the pandemic. Title: Orchid Project About FGC - Orchid Project Content: I would like to give my own amount How much would you like to donate? Title: Orchid Project Fundraise - Orchid Project Content: Home | Get Involved |   Fundraise There are lots of ways that you can get creative or challenge yourself in support of our work to end female genital cutting (FGC). If you are not wanting to donate to Orchid Project via the website, please email our Fundraising Team to find out about our other options. You can also get your company, community, friends or school involved and make a meaningful impact to end FGC. Title: Orchid Project Get Involved - Orchid Project Content: I would like to give my own amount How much would you like to donate? is working in Kenya to support community-led change to end FGC. Orchid Project Fellows Committed activists and representatives from organisations around the world are working within their communities to end FGC. Title: Orchid Project Orchid Project and 28 Too Many join forces to end FGM/C  - Orchid Project Content: Orchid Project and 28 Too Many join forces to end FGM/C Friday 25 March 2022 Home | News & Stories |   Orchid Project and 28 Too Many join forces to end FGM/C Orchid Project and 28 Too Many join forces to end FGM/C Orchid Project is delighted to announce that 28 Too Many, a leading organisation that has driven policy reform and evidence-based research and knowledge to end female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C), will be joining the Orchid Project team and will strengthen our ability to achieve our vision of a world free from female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). Orchid Project’s advocacy work is grounded in the lived experiences and real change that is being supported by its grassroots community work in partnership with local organisations across Kenya and Ethiopia.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Roll On Relief - LivingTree Botanicals Content: FDA Disclaimer We Proudly Accept: FDA DISCLAIMER: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from health care practitioners. Please consult your health care professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act require this. [PAGE] Title: CBD Information | LivingTree Botanicals Content: FDA Disclaimer We Proudly Accept: FDA DISCLAIMER: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from health care practitioners. Please consult your health care professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act require this. [PAGE] Title: FDA Disclaimer Content: FDA Disclaimer We Proudly Accept: FDA DISCLAIMER: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from health care practitioners. Please consult your health care professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act require this. [PAGE] Title: 30-Count Gummies - LivingTree Botanicals Content: FDA Disclaimer We Proudly Accept: FDA DISCLAIMER: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from health care practitioners. Please consult your health care professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act require this. [PAGE] Title: 750mg Mint - LivingTree Botanicals Content: FDA Disclaimer We Proudly Accept: FDA DISCLAIMER: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from health care practitioners. Please consult your health care professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act require this. [PAGE] Title: LivingTree Botanicals Reviews Content: Rated 5.0 out of 5 December 5, 2023 I like to have them available for pain that is not responding to OTC relievers. One is all it takes. It keeps the panic away, knowing I have this CBD product available for me to use after a surgery or a migraine, if I need it. Judith T Rated 5.0 out of 5 September 18, 2023 Definitely the best gummies i’ve ever had by far! They soothed all my anxiety and had all the best flavors compared to any other brands i’ve tried. You muuuuuust get these you will not regret it!! Rylee Rated 5.0 out of 5 May 10, 2023 Absolutely in love with this product. The best CBD product I’ve tried so far! Helped a lot with my anxiety and so much more. Would recommend to anyone, especially to people who deal with anxiety. Justis R [PAGE] Title: LivingTree Botanicals Shopping Cart Content: FDA Disclaimer We Proudly Accept: FDA DISCLAIMER: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from health care practitioners. Please consult your health care professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act require this. [PAGE] Title: LivingTree Botanicals Educational Videos Content: LivingTree Botanicals Chef Philippe Haddad & LivingTree Botanicals CBD bring you a Mother's Day Coffee Smoothie Harlee Pope adores using her LivingTree Botanicals CBD Oil to relax after a long night of performing Chef Philippe Haddad creates a simply delicious CBD Infused Smoothie with LivingTree Botanicals CBD Kat Bracknell's LivingTree Gummies Testimony! New AnaGain and CBD Hair Product Line Coming Soon to Pascal Benison's Salon at the St. Regis! Olivia Gleeson adores LivingTree Botanicals Gummies! Living Tree Botanicals LivingTree Botanicals - Live to the Fullest Topical Relief - LivingTree Botanicals Unlock the Power of a Healthier Life - Living Tree Botanicals Be the Best You Can Be - LivingTree Botanicals Best Seeds, Best Growing Conditions - LivingTree Botanicals Care in Every Product Support Your Mind and Body - LivingTree Botanicals Prev [PAGE] Title: 1500mg Mint - LivingTree Botanicals Content: FDA Disclaimer We Proudly Accept: FDA DISCLAIMER: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from health care practitioners. Please consult your health care professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act require this. [PAGE] Title: LivingTree Botanicals Press Content: Check out the latest news from LivingTree Botanicals. LivingTree Press Release 4.29.2020 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE LivingTree Botanicals Celebrates the Opening of its CBD Ecommerce Store. ATLANTA, GA— April 29, 2020— Living Tree Botanicals is pleased to announce the launch of its CBD Ecommerce store. Planning on launching on May 2nd, Living Tree Botanicals will specialize in selling a wide variety of CBD products. CBD is a molecule found in hemp plants that is getting a lot of attention for its potential benefits and uses, without altering the brain’s perception, cognition or overall state. CBD is extracted from the hemp plant, which is then infused into a variety of products such as oils, gummies, lotions, soft gels and even pet treats. The founders of LivingTree Botanicals, Christa West and Jim Prince, have great a wealth of experience when it comes to building and owning new businesses. Thanks to their vast knowledge of the CBD world and their impeccable partnership, they’ve worked together to launch their CBD Ecommerce store, Living Tree Botanicals. Excited for the launch of their new store, Christa West exclaims, “I’m so looking forward to take CBD and its products to the next level. We’re aware of the stigma that surrounds CBD. My team and I are ready to work together to educate old and new CBD users, while also break down all misconceptions about CBD within our nation.” Go to to view LivingTree Botanical’s CBD products or to read more about CBD and its uses. About Living Tree Botanicals Living Tree Botanicals is a CBD ecommerce store that sells a variety of CBD oil and its products. Its founders, Christa West and James Prince, aim to take CBD to the next level by selling high-quality CBD products while also inform the public about the advances on CBD research and studies. Contact Us [PAGE] Title: Certificate of Analysis - LivingTree Botanicals Content: FDA Disclaimer We Proudly Accept: FDA DISCLAIMER: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from health care practitioners. Please consult your health care professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act require this. [PAGE] Title: LivingTree Botanicals CBD Store Content: About Us About Us Quality is LivingTree’s #1 priority. We know that what we do makes a difference, which is why we work every day to test our CBD products multiple times in FDA-approved labs. Based in Arden, North Carolina, LivingTree dedicates itself to taking CBD to the next level, while also committing to quality and care. Our CBD products are always made with 100% CBD, 0.3% THC or less, and 100% Love from the LivingTree Family. What makes us different? We do what we love. We offer high-quality products to our customers that may improve overall health and wellness. We aim to take CBD to the next level, which is why LivingTree’s hemp products are heavily scrutinized for quality and affordability. Every day, we work harder than the last to have the best CBD products on the market. We strive to educate new CBD users, circulate new scientific information about CBD and tackle common misconceptions that surround CBD oil and its uses. LivingTree’s CBD. CBD is naturally found in hemp plants. CBD is often consumed or used as a topical, once extracted from the hemp plant and infused in a wide variety of products. Living Tree’s CBD comes in various forms: gummies, tinctures, and topicals so our customers can take CBD whenever they want, however, they want. And don’t worry, LivingTree’s CBD will never get you high. Our CBD only contains up to 0.3% THC, which is not enough to alter your senses. Our Mission Living Tree’s mission is to help people; it’s as simple as that. We care about our Living Tree family (– that’s YOU!) and we want to offer the best possible experience with CBD if you are seasoned or brand new to Living Tree.  We want to share with the world how beneficial CBD can be. We have gone to great lengths to ensure that LivingTree’s CBD is in line with FDA compliance; by testing our CBD multiple times with FDA-approved tests in FDA-approved labs, we ensure that our CBD is completely safe and full of benefits for our customers to enjoy. Contact Us [PAGE] Title: Account | LivingTree Botanicals Content: FDA Disclaimer We Proudly Accept: FDA DISCLAIMER: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from health care practitioners. Please consult your health care professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act require this. [PAGE] Title: 1500mg Natural - LivingTree Botanicals Content: FDA Disclaimer We Proudly Accept: FDA DISCLAIMER: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from health care practitioners. Please consult your health care professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act require this. [PAGE] Title: 750mg Natural - LivingTree Botanicals Content: FDA Disclaimer We Proudly Accept: FDA DISCLAIMER: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from health care practitioners. Please consult your health care professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act require this. [PAGE] Title: LivingTree Botanicals - CBD to Boost Organic Health Content: Shop Now Client Reviews “I am beyond impressed with Living Tree products. I was a bit skeptical, at first, but found that I truly enjoy more restful nights now. Thank you Living Tree Botanicals!” Eva L. “The BEST CBD company out there. LivingTree truly cares about their customers and provides quality products I love and trust!” Magan S. “Such a great company! The CBD oils are so beneficial for your health and has helped my chronic stress and anxiety.” Jasmine H. RELAX YOUR MIND & BODY Our products are FDA-compliant and focus on helping you relieve pain, anxiety, and stress, and create the most restful, rejuvenating sleep patterns. We know that you care about your health and wellness, and we believe that CBD can be a powerful tool for improving your overall well-being. That’s why all our CBD products are made with the highest quality ingredients and are tested for purity and potency. We are committed to providing you with the best possible CBD gummies, oil, and other products on the market today. Benefits of CBD Oil Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally occurring compound found in the hemp plant. It has been shown to have a variety of potential health benefits, including: Muscle & Joint Relief: CBD can help to reduce pain by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system. This system helps to regulate pain, inflammation, and other bodily functions.Calm ; Focus:;CBD can help to reduce anxiety by acting on the brain’s receptors for serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in mood regulation.Sleep improvement:CBD can help to improve sleep by reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation. Anti-inflammatory effects: CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce inflammation throughout the body. Neuroprotection: CBD has neuroprotective properties that can help to protect the brain from damage. About Our Online CBD Store LivingTree Botanicals is a company dedicated to providing high-quality CBD products that are both effective and affordable. We are committed to educating our customers about the benefits of CBD and ensuring that our products are safe and compliant with FDA regulations. Our CBD products are made with 100% CBD and 0.3% THC or less. They are available in a variety of forms, including gummies, tinctures, and roll-ons, but we will soon offer capsules, sprays, topicals, and pet treats. We offer free shipping on orders over $50 and a 30-day money-back guarantee. We believe that CBD can be a powerful tool for improving your overall health and wellness. If you are looking for a safe and effective way to try CBD, we encourage you to check out our products. Reasons To Shop Our Online CBD Store While CBD products have become more mainstream, we make getting products simple and easy. Here’s why we’re a great choice: High-quality CBD products
health, wellness and fitness
Title: Roll On Relief - LivingTree Botanicals Content: FDA Disclaimer We Proudly Accept: FDA DISCLAIMER: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Title: CBD Information | LivingTree Botanicals Content: FDA Disclaimer We Proudly Accept: FDA DISCLAIMER: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Title: 30-Count Gummies - LivingTree Botanicals Content: FDA Disclaimer We Proudly Accept: FDA DISCLAIMER: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Title: 750mg Mint - LivingTree Botanicals Content: FDA Disclaimer We Proudly Accept: FDA DISCLAIMER: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Living Tree Botanicals LivingTree Botanicals - Live to the Fullest Topical Relief - LivingTree Botanicals Unlock the Power of a Healthier Life - Living Tree Botanicals Be the Best You Can Be - LivingTree Botanicals Best Seeds, Best Growing Conditions - LivingTree Botanicals Care in Every Product Support Your Mind and Body - LivingTree Botanicals Prev Title: 1500mg Mint - LivingTree Botanicals Content: FDA Disclaimer We Proudly Accept: FDA DISCLAIMER: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. My team and I are ready to work together to educate old and new CBD users, while also break down all misconceptions about CBD within our nation.” Go to to view LivingTree Botanical’s CBD products or to read more about CBD and its uses. About Living Tree Botanicals Living Tree Botanicals is a CBD ecommerce store that sells a variety of CBD oil and its products. Title: Certificate of Analysis - LivingTree Botanicals Content: FDA Disclaimer We Proudly Accept: FDA DISCLAIMER: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Title: LivingTree Botanicals CBD Store Content: About Us About Us Quality is LivingTree’s #1 priority. LivingTree’s CBD. Our Mission Living Tree’s mission is to help people; it’s as simple as that. We care about our Living Tree family (– that’s YOU!) and we want to offer the best possible experience with CBD if you are seasoned or brand new to Living Tree. We have gone to great lengths to ensure that LivingTree’s CBD is in line with FDA compliance; by testing our CBD multiple times with FDA-approved tests in FDA-approved labs, we ensure that our CBD is completely safe and full of benefits for our customers to enjoy. We know that you care about your health and wellness, and we believe that CBD can be a powerful tool for improving your overall well-being. We are committed to providing you with the best possible CBD gummies, oil, and other products on the market today. It has been shown to have a variety of potential health benefits, including: Muscle & Joint Relief: CBD can help to reduce pain by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system. About Our Online CBD Store LivingTree Botanicals is a company dedicated to providing high-quality CBD products that are both effective and affordable. Our CBD products are made with 100% CBD and 0.3% THC or less.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Tker - Content: EMAIL SUBSCRIBE We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of Cookies I agree Copyright © 2008-2018 All rights reserved. [PAGE] Title: RC Robot - Content: EMAIL SUBSCRIBE We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of Cookies I agree Copyright © 2008-2018 All rights reserved. [PAGE] Title: Creative Toys - Content: EMAIL SUBSCRIBE We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of Cookies I agree Copyright © 2008-2018 All rights reserved. [PAGE] Title: Xiaomi - Content: EMAIL SUBSCRIBE We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of Cookies I agree Copyright © 2008-2018 All rights reserved. [PAGE] Title: Best sales - Content: EMAIL SUBSCRIBE We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of Cookies I agree Copyright © 2008-2018 All rights reserved. [PAGE] Title: Electronics - Content: EMAIL SUBSCRIBE We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of Cookies I agree Copyright © 2008-2018 All rights reserved. [PAGE] Title: Fashion Bags - Content: EMAIL SUBSCRIBE We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of Cookies I agree Copyright © 2008-2018 All rights reserved. [PAGE] Title: Wearables - Content: EMAIL SUBSCRIBE We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of Cookies I agree Copyright © 2008-2018 All rights reserved. [PAGE] Title: Tronsmart - Content: EMAIL SUBSCRIBE We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of Cookies I agree Copyright © 2008-2018 All rights reserved. [PAGE] Title: Sports & Outdoors - Content: EMAIL SUBSCRIBE We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of Cookies I agree Copyright © 2008-2018 All rights reserved. [PAGE] Title: Payment - Content: Home > Payment PayPal: the most convenient payment method in the world. Focalprice has the simplest checkout process .Through PayPal, we accept MasterCard, VISA, American Express, Discover, and bank transfer (debit card).Just add to your cart and order. Simple as that. Our service is fast, secure. HELP [PAGE] Title: Prices drop - Content: EMAIL SUBSCRIBE We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of Cookies I agree Copyright © 2008-2018 All rights reserved. [PAGE] Title: Home & Garden - Content: EMAIL SUBSCRIBE We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of Cookies I agree Copyright © 2008-2018 All rights reserved. [PAGE] Title: Brand - Content: EMAIL SUBSCRIBE We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of Cookies I agree Copyright © 2008-2018 All rights reserved. [PAGE] Title: Gifts & Festival Supplies - Content: EMAIL SUBSCRIBE We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of Cookies I agree Copyright © 2008-2018 All rights reserved. [PAGE] Title: Toys & Hobbies - Content: EMAIL SUBSCRIBE We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of Cookies I agree Copyright © 2008-2018 All rights reserved. [PAGE] Title: Smartphones - Content: EMAIL SUBSCRIBE We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of Cookies I agree Copyright © 2008-2018 All rights reserved. [PAGE] Title: Shipping Guide - Content: EMAIL SUBSCRIBE We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of Cookies I agree Copyright © 2008-2018 All rights reserved. [PAGE] Title: Contact Us - Content: Home > Contact Us Find us on the right top/bottom via chat button and we’re providing instant answers and help to our customers. Note: We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the time difference . Please kindly leave us a message on live chat in our non-working hours. We'll get back to you in 24 hours. Email contact: [email protected] Our service team will get back to you within 24 hours in general. IT'S AN INTERNETS PARTY! Contests, sales, and news on our wall TWITTER Linda at Focalprice tweet, announce contests, answer questions. YOUTUBE Product videos and staff goofing off on the clock HELP [PAGE] Title: Buy Smartphone, TV Box, Smart Bracelet, Vr Headset, Drone, Cell Phone accessories from FOCALPRICE.COM - Content: EMAIL SUBSCRIBE We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of Cookies I agree Copyright © 2008-2018 All rights reserved. Enjoy a 10% offer [PAGE] Title: TV Boxes - Content: EMAIL SUBSCRIBE We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of Cookies I agree Copyright © 2008-2018 All rights reserved. [PAGE] Title: Unbreakable Relax Enter key Office Desktop Nap Pillow Big USB Enter Button Stress Relief Vent Tools - Content: Unbreakable Relax Enter key Office Desktop Nap Pillow Big USB Enter Button Stress Relief Vent Tools Reference: The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is 1 Add to cart Description Reviews Dubbed as the BIG ENTER, this is easy to use. All you need to do is to plug in the USB cable into your PC and it will be recognized as an ENTER key. This button itself is made out of soft sponge material so when you get tired, you can even use it as a pillow and take a nap on it! And when you are feeling stressed out, you can smash on it as hard as you can without fearing of breaking your keyboard. Come on and get rid of stress and make the most of your day, It is high time you added some quality to your life! Specifications: Item Name: enter key pillow Color: Black Shape: Big enter key shape Function: big enter key function, nap pillows or stress relief vent tools Special function: With USB cable, can be connected with desktop Compatible for: Desktop, laptop, PC Package Included: 1x Big Enter Pillow with USB Cable Customer ratings and reviews [PAGE] Title: Customs & Tax - Content: Home > Customs & Tax Customs & TaxWhen customers choose the products in CN/HK(Mainland of China and HongKong China) ,the order amount on our website is not including taxes, VAT or other fees of importing goods from China. please kindly check with your country's custom for their specific custom laws. Customer who purchases the products is responsible for paying these customs rights, and of the possible paperwork involved. We apologize that will not accept any responsibility for the mentioned customs costs. HELP [PAGE] Title: About Us - Content: Home > About Us Company Information: we are mainly focusing on the coolest, unusual, most unique, and obviously the most awesomestuff.If you are looking for cool stuff to buy, a quirky/creative/funny gift for a friend, or just looking to entertain yourself with some wild posts you came to the right place. Maybe you will start hearing lines from your friends like "wow, he is so funny and creative".So what,favorite us and check back often! Oh, and don’t forget to click the buy button, because it isn’t funny if you don’t waste your money on our merchandise!If you find anything on the web that you think belongs here we would love to hear from you. HELP [PAGE] Title: Order - Content: EMAIL SUBSCRIBE We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of Cookies I agree Copyright © 2008-2018 All rights reserved. [PAGE] Title: DJI - Content: EMAIL SUBSCRIBE We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of Cookies I agree Copyright © 2008-2018 All rights reserved. [PAGE] Title: New Arrival - Content: EMAIL SUBSCRIBE We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of Cookies I agree Copyright © 2008-2018 All rights reserved. [PAGE] Title: Warranty and Return - Content: Please first read the following after-sales terms to better understand the FocalPrice warranty policy: 1.Missing Item Item(s) missing completely or partially from an order 2.Cosmetic Damage Physical damage on the product’s surface or shell 3.Wrong Product Received Product received is completely different from the FocalPrice description 4. Verified Functional Failure Failure that makes the device unusable, for which repairing requires changing critical components such as the board, screen, reset cables, etc. 5. Customer Induced Damage Damage caused by customer's incorrect operation or insufficient protection, including but not limited to broken screen, water damage, scratches, rust etc. 6. Defective Product Claim Product is claimed to be defective by the customer, but passed initial quality control inspection by FocalPrice engineers Products that are no longer covered under warranty 8. Non-Authorized Return Customer returned the product(s) without FocalPrice authorization (RMA Approval) 9. Warranty Period The period of time between the shipping date (as recorded on the FocalPrice website) and the RMA application date The warranty period for major products is as follows: The 3-month or 6-month warranty period for both replacement and repair begins as of the delivery date. The delivery date is the shipping date specified in your "Order List" under “My Account”. Points to Consider: 1. An RMA request for "missing item(s)"," cosmetic damage" and "wrong product received" should be submitted within 90 days from the order delivery date. After this period, RMA requests will not be processed. 2. If the returned products cannot be repaired due to serious damage or defect, FocalPrice will send the original defective item back to the customer. 3. Please check your products carefully upon receipt of the parcel and immediately inform us of any issues. 4. Please keep in touch with our staff while your RMA Request is being resolved. If an RMA application has not been updated in more than two months, we will regard it as abandoned by the customer and the case will be automatically closed. 5. When ordering products on, product manuals, instructions and safety warnings may not be in the destination country language; the products (and accompanying materials) may not be designed in accordance with destination country standards, specifications, and labeling requirements; and the products may not conform to destination country voltage and other electrical standards. Please confirm that the adapters and other standards are correct for your country before ordering. All international returns can be returned back within 14 days upon receipt of the order,unless if the problem is caused by an improper usage or accidental damage caused by yourself. Return DOA (Dead on Arrival) Item Policy: Any products, regardless of the guarantee offered, dead on arrival (incorrect usage excluded) within 5 days after delivered or 45 days after shipment if the delivered date is not traceable (The order shipment date and order notification are provided to you by email). Details: To complete the process, we need the following documents: 1. Both sides of custom declaration if you have. 2.RMA requests should include the following information: Order ID, Item SKU, reason for return (including images). 3. To clarify the package is intact or not on delivery. We will appreciate if you can provide more details, that would help us to investigate and avoid the same situation occur again. And, we will keep in touch with you until the process is completed. Return Incorrect Item Received Policy: If the item you received is completely different from the one you ordered, please contact us via our Customer Service and provide us with the picture to show the mistake. If return is necessary, please make sure that the incorrect item you returned is wrapped in the original package and the product is in the same condition. However, if you find it useful and prefer to keep it but the price doesn't satisfy you, you can contact us. Details: To complete the process, we need the following documents: The step is as follows: Log in "My Account" on→"Customer Service" →"RMA Requests" →"Submit" Upload →"the documents and the message". If there are one or a few accessories of the item missing, please display all the accessories of the item in one picture and send it to us. If there's missing items in the parcel, the second document won't be necessary. We will reply your message within 24-48 hour to process with the information you uploaded. Because different batches of the products, item logo or packaging you received may be different from the one displayed on our website. If the main functions or appearance of the product proved to be consistent, please understand the case which won't be applied in this policy. Return Defective Item Policy: We try our best to make sure the products shipped to our customers are in the best condition. If your product turns out to be defective (physical damage or incorrect use excluded), and the product is going to be returned, please note that customers should take responsibility for the return postage. Details: All customers should contact us by Customer Service before returning any item(s). FP will not be responsible for returned item(s) without notifying us in advance. When contacting us please include the following information: 1 Photos of the front and back of the packaging envelope or box 2 The picture of the SKU and order number of the item 3 Photo, video or screenshot of the defective item 4 Photo, video, screenshot, or description of the defect or defective area -- Within 90 days from the date of shipment Policy: Upon being returned, the defective item will be repaired or replaced, or partially refunded. Return shipping fee will be sole responsibility of the customer. Detail: If the product turns out to be defective within 180 days from the date of shipment, and customer returns the product to us, please note the return shipping costs will be on your sole responsibility. We will pay the shipping fees that we resend the products to you. However, depreciation fees and/or handling fees are needed for replacement or refund. -- After 180 days from the date of shipment Policy: Upon being returned, the defective item will be forwarded to the factory for repair or replacement. The shipping cost both ways will be covered by customers. Detail: If the item becomes defective after 180 days from the date of shipment, we don’t suggest customers return the products as the warranty is expired, but customers are still allowed to send the unit back to us as long as the product is still on sales. We will help forwarding the item to the manufacturer for repair or replacement after the product arrives at our warehouse, the shipping cost both ways have to be covered by customers. Any cost incurred during the process will be at customer’s expense as well. Depreciation fees and/or handling fees are needed for replacement or refund. Return Unsatisfied Products If you are unsatisfied with the items you purchased, then just return it within 5 days of receipt for a full refund or an exchange. If the defection is not a result of our fault, customers will be required to cover shipping costs both ways. And please make sure the items you send back to us is in the original packaging, and the merchandise is in the same and good condition. The return address and shipping fee, please contact our CS staff to further confirm it. Important Notes: 1. All customers should contact us by Customer Service FP will not be responsible for returned item(s) without notifying us in advance. When contacting us please include the following information: 2, Please keep all packaging material as they're needed for returns. After returning the products, please provide us the tracking number of the returned package, if there is no tracking number available, a picture of shipping receipt is necessary. 3, Please use the cheapest way to ship the item(s) back. The sender is responsible for all the consequences such as tax if customers don’t notify us before returning the products via DHL, EMS, UPS and FedEx express. And express courier services such as DHL, EMS, UPS and FedEx etc. are NOT eligible for return shipping cost reimbursements. 4, Please remember to include a note in your returned package indicating the following details: 1) Your order number;
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Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Contact Us | Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Lawyer Bradford Cohen Content: Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 Toll Free: 888.264.3652 Local: 954.523.7774 Fax: 954.523.2656 Email: [email protected] The hiring of a Fort Lauderdale, Florida Criminal Defense lawyer/attorney/law firm is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our legal qualifications and criminal trial experience.This web site is designed for general criminal, immigration, personal injury and family law information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. We serve the following localities: Broward County including Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Cooper City, Coral Springs, Hallandale Beach, Oakland Park, Parkland, Pembroke Pines, Plantation and Weston; and Miami-Dade County including Aventura, Miami, Coral Gables, Key Biscayne, Miami Beach, North Miami, and North Miami Beach. View More [PAGE] Title: Authored Articles | Fort Lauderdale Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen Content: Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 Toll Free: 888.264.3652 Local: 954.523.7774 Fax: 954.523.2656 Email: [email protected] The hiring of a Fort Lauderdale, Florida Criminal Defense lawyer/attorney/law firm is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our legal qualifications and criminal trial experience.This web site is designed for general criminal, immigration, personal injury and family law information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. We serve the following localities: Broward County including Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Cooper City, Coral Springs, Hallandale Beach, Oakland Park, Parkland, Pembroke Pines, Plantation and Weston; and Miami-Dade County including Aventura, Miami, Coral Gables, Key Biscayne, Miami Beach, North Miami, and North Miami Beach. View More [PAGE] Title: Rick Ross's Girlfriend Tia Kemp Retains Bradford Cohen to Negotiate Book Deal with G-Unit Content: Rick Ross's Girlfriend Tia Kemp Retains Bradford Cohen to Negotiate Book Deal with G-Unit Rick Ross's Girlfriend Tia Kemp Retains Bradford Cohen to Negotiate Book Deal with G-Unit (PR News) Fort Lauderdale Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen was hired by Tia Kemp, the mother of Rapper Rick Ross's child to negotiate with G-unit records over her new book "Deeper then Rap". After gaining valuable criminal law experience, Bradford worked for a complex commercial litigation and negotiation firm negotiating 7 to 9 figure deals for local and national businesses. After receiving some notoriety for his various television appearances, he was called upon by several entertainers from the television, movie and music industries to negotiate their various endorsement and entertainment contracts. Although his practice currently focuses on criminal defense, he still represents a small elite clientele of entertainers in all facets of contract negotiation. "I think Tia's book is going to be well received, its tells a story many people would never have known about Rick Ross." Contact Us Free Consultation - Call 24/7 888.264.3652 | 888 COHEN LAW Name: (Required) [PAGE] Title: Recent Victories | Fort Lauderdale Crime Lawyer Bradford Cohen Content: Recent Victories Recent Victories Please Read the following before entering the section of our site called past cases. Pursuant to the Florida Bar Rules, Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen can not make statements that create an unjustified expectation of success. (4-7.2(b)(1)(B) ) the exception to that rule is when the information if provided or furnished at the request of the perspective client and/or existing client. If you are interested in viewing information about the criminal lawyers results and possible testimonials about the criminal defense firm, please read and acknowledge the information below. The following section contains information about the criminal attorney's past results, and possible statements about the quality of work Bradford Cohen produces. This information has not been provided nor has it been reviewed by the Florida Bar. The following sections on past criminal cases that Bradford has handled are not testimonials, nor are they to be considered testimonials. They are simply a history of events that are well documented with the criminal clerk of courts in the perspective jurisdictions. They do not all reference State or Federal criminal successes, in fact some of the criminal cases are examples where Bradford felt the criminal court ruled incorrectly and they may be before a criminal Appellate Court. These examples of past cases handled are not to be construed as an example of what may or may not happen on your particular State or Federal Criminal case. This disclosure is being made with the intent to adhere to any and all Florida Bar Rules considering advertising. By clicking I agree at the bottom of the page you are agreeing that you wish to learn more about the type of cases Bradford Cohen has handled in the past and some commentary on the results of those cases. You should know that: The facts and circumstances of your case may differ significantly from the matters in which the criminal results and testimonials have been provided. All results of cases handled by Bradford Cohen are not provided. The results on the following pages are not necessarily representative of the results obtained by the criminal defense lawyer or of the experience of all or others that have hired Bradford Cohen. Again every State and Federal criminal case is different and must be evaluated and handled on its on merits. The information provided in this article is for educational purposes. The content of any advertisement noted in this article may constitute the intellectual property of the advertising lawyer or another person and use of any of the content of the advertisements may require permission of the copyright holder. If you have any questions regarding lawyer advertising, call the Ethics Hotline at 1-800-235-8619 and we will assist you. You may also review the advertising rules and sample advertisements on the Bar's web site at I have read and understood the above information and would like to view the information to find out more about Bradford Cohen's State and Federal criminal cases. Criminal Case: State v. Couvell Charge: Felony Battery on a sporting official Facts: Fort Lauderdale criminal lawyer Bradford Cohen was hired by a client that was accused of committing a battery on an umpire. Multiple witnesses say our client, who was playing in an adult baseball league, took off his catchers mask and threw it intentionally at the umpire. The umpire claimed tens of thousands of dollars in physical injuries allegedly due to the incident. Result: After a 2 hour deliberation the Jury returned a verdict of NOT GUILTY; the Umpire recovered nothing on his "damages" Criminal Case: State vs. AM Charge: Possession with intent within 1000 feet of a park, Possession with intent, Firearm charge Facts: This Fort Lauderdale criminal client was driving through a private community with private stop signs. The Officers, members of the elite drug task force for the area, pulled the client over after they followed for some time. They pulled him over in front of a park in the area. They insisted he blew through 2 stop signs and they immediately smelled the odor of marijuana when they approached the vehicle. They ordered the cleint out of the care and searched the vehicle. In the car they found marijuana, $1,800 in cash, and a gun. Bradford argued that not only were the police officers not permitted to enforce stop signs on private property without an agreement with that properties HOA. That they were being less than honest in regards to the fact that the client blew through the stop signs and the way he allegedly blew through them. On cross examination the Officers testimony differed in key parts, remembering only the facts that hurt the Defendants case, but nothing that helped his case. Result: Luckily, Criminal attorney Bradford Cohen was before a Judge that listened to the facts and weighed the evidence fairly and objectively. The Motion to Suppress was GRANTED and the case was DIMSISSED in its entirety. Criminal Case: State of Florida v. G.S. Charge: Official Misconduct; Fraud 9 counts in all Facts: Fort lauderdale Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen was hired to defend a local Fort lauderdale Police officer. The Prosection was confused in their theory of the case and changed them throughout the criminal trial. The crux of their argument was that an accident that took place during the chasing of a convicted felon did not happen the way that the police officers were describing it as happening. The state put on an expert that had no higher then an high school diploma, and put on evidence that was controverted by other evidence in their possession. The trial was based on inuendo and assumptions and riddled with prosecutorial misconduct with improper statements. Federal Sentencing: The clieint was fond Not Guilty on several counts and a Hung Jury on the balance. After argument the Judge then dismissed the rest of the charges based on Prosecutorial misconduct and in addition that the State failed to present the requisite evidence. Case: Federal Criminal Matter US vs. F.C. Charge: Trafficking in Cocaine (10 year Min Man) Facts: This Federal Criminal client and his co-defendant were arrested attempting to purchase 22 Kilos of cocaine from an undercover FBI agent. Upon being arrested his family hired Federal Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen to represent his interests. Due to the minimum mandatory 10 year sentence, Defendant decided to take a plea on the case and hoped Bradford Cohen would be able to negotiate the best Federal Sentence he could receive. Federal Sentencing: At the Federal sentencing hearing Bradford was able to take him out of the minimum mandatory criminal category and also argued many other points that would warrant a departure from the Federal Guide Line sentence. This client did not get any less time due to any co operation, classically called a 5K reduction. What was argued was the clients past history, his drug use, his personal life and his past heroic efforts in making a citizens arrest. After the argument the Judge sentenced him to 41 months with allowing him to enter into the RDAP drug program essentially reducing his prison sentence to 23 months. Going into the sentencing hearing he was looking at 120 months. His co-defendant received 62 months for the exact same participation in the crime and was not rewarded a RDAP drug program. Case: Federal Criminal Matter US vs. M.A. (Federal Bond issue and Sentencing) Charge: Mail Fraud , Wire Fraud , Sales Tax Fraud Facts: This Federal Criminal Matter revolved around 3 co-defendants. 2 were arrested and/or surrendered immediately. The third Federal criminal defendant was located essentially hiding from the FBI. The family hired Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen upon his arrest. The facts were essentially that the co-defendants were conspiring to buy illegal cigarette shipments from the FBI without paying taxes on the units. The did this over the course of many years. The loss to the government was at first to be alleged to be over $750,000.00. The Defendant and his co-defendants did not co-operate and were looking at essentially a 2 and 1/2 year prison sentence as well as deportation. Federal Bond hearing: At the Federal Bond hearing the government argued for pre-trial detention, alleging that the Defendant was not a US citizen had no real ties to the community and was hiding from the Government upon learning he was wanted for the Federal Crime. Bradford was able to argue at the Federal Bond hearing that he was ot a flight risk nor, harm to the community. He demonstrated those facts by bringing forth a litany of paperwork and documents indicating that the Defendant was enrolled in graduate school and never failed to appear in the past. He was GRANTED bond. Federal Sentencing hearing: At the Federal sentencing hearing Bradford argued a multitude of reasons why the Defendant should receive No Prison time. Although the other Co-Defendant was sentenced to over a year in prison, the Federal Judge listened and accepted the Defendants plea and sentenced him to a non-prison sentence. The Defendant received NO FEDERAL JAIL TIME and the way the sentence was fashioned, he was able to stay in the country to finish his PHd at a local University. Case: Federal Criminal Matter US vs. D.L. (Federal Bond issue and Federal extradition) Charge: Federal Drug Conspiracy Facts: This Federal Drug Charge began in Massachusetts, but the Federal Defendant was arrested in Florida. He was brought before the Florida Federal Magistrate for a bond hearing in Florida. The family hired Bradford to handle the Federal criminal matter. The Governments position was that of pretrial detention, they did not want the Defendant to have a Federal Bond. The Defendant had a lengthy criminal record and had very little ties to the State he was charged as well as very little ties to the State of Florida. The Government asked for more time to prepare for the Federal Bond Hearing. The Judge set the matter for the day after Christmas. Although Bradford had pre arranged and pre paid vacation plans, he knew the Defendants best chance at Federal Bond would be the day after Christmas, as the agents may fail to appear. As such, he re arranged his plans an attended the hearing. Federal Sentencing hearing: Bradford intuition was correct. The Government failed to have their agent at the hearing. As such the presumption of pre-trial detention was waived and Bradford was able to argue a very reasonable bond secured by the Defendants signature, for him to be RELEASED from custody and make his appearance in Massachusetts Federal Court. Case: State of Florida vs. D.H. Charge: B.U.I. Boating under the Influence Facts: This was an interesting case in that the Defendant was stopped on a Jet Ski and had all the indicators of being under the influence of alcohol. Road sides were conducted and the Defendant was arrested. He refused to give a breath sample. Result: Defendants case was broken down to a lesser crime and he was not convicted of the crime, thereby saving his criminal record and future employment opportunities. Case: State vs. S.S. Charge: Possession of Drugs to wit: Oxycodone Facts: This Fort Lauderdale Criminal client was stopped for a traffic infraction and then arrested for Driving While License Suspended (DWLS). Search incident to that arrest it was revealed that he had Oxycodone pills on his person. As such he was subsequently charged with possession of the pills as well. Defendant's defense was that he had a prescription for the pills. The prescription however was over a year old and it appeared was for different pills. Result: Fort lauderdale Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen was able to negotiate with the State to DISMISS all charges, due to a discrepancy between the lab report and the police officers arrest report. Case DISMISSED. Criminal Case: State of Florida v. S.H County: Broward Charge: Trespass after warning Criminal Facts: Defendant was allegedly asked to leave the Seminole Hard Rock Casino. She willing left, but whe she realized she didnt have any money she returned to the area to obtain her purse out of her vehicle. She was allegedly again asked to leave the area. The case proceeded to trial and it was revealed that the State witness never turned over a video that could have exonerated the Defendant as well as completely misled the court in regards to their testimony. Result: The court granted a directed verdict due to the questionable testimony coupled with the fact that they destroyed valuable evidence that would have exonerated the defendant and she was highly prejudiced by their actions. Criminal Case: State v. A.S. County: Broward Criminal Charge: DUI property damage Criminal Facts: Defendant was driving when he lost control of his vehicle and plowed into a curb flattening all his tires and bending all his rims. When approached by the officer he was asked if he knew what happended to which he replied "you pulled me over". He then made statements such as "I cant put my head back I get too dizzy" and that he didnt recall hitting anything. He then refused to blow while on video. The video shows him swaying from side to side and slurring his sentences. Result: A Motion to Supress was filed and was GRANTED all of his statements on and off the video were excluded from the trial. The State never filed an appeal and on the day of trial he was offered a with hold of adjudication on a Reckless driving. Case Name: State of Florida v. J.R. Criminal Charge: Contracting without a License Facts: Fort Lauderdale Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen was hired by this handyman, who was employed by a handyman service and was one step from gettting his contractors license to be a general contractor. He was frantic as a conviction on a criminal case would prevent him from obtaining his GC license. Fort Lauderdale Criminal Attorney Bradford Cohen reviewed the file took depositions and investigated the case. The Defendant was on video discussing putting in doors without permits, as this was a complete sting set up by the Broward Sheriffs Office. During the deposition the Detective stated I don't know how you are going to defend this one we have him dead to rights." What the Detective didn't know was the law. Result: Bradford provided case law and discussed the exceptions to the statute in which he felt the Defendant fell into one of the categories. The case was DISMISSED the day of trial and the Defendant was able to obtain his GC license. Criminal Case: State of Florida v. S.C. Charge: Grand Theft Facts: Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen was hired on this Broward County case days after the alleged event. The Defendant was a 60+ women with absolutely no criminal history. She owned a nice restaurant for years and was well known in the community. The accusations are that she went into a local business and put a pocket book as well as a wallet from the store shelf in her bag. They then stated she walked out of the store with those items. They stopped her on the way out and brought her to an interrogation room. In that room they found a purse in a bag and a wallet. She allegedly admitted to taking the purse, even though she speaks Turkish and very little English. The video provided to the defense was grainy and did not show her placing a bag in her shopping bag. She stated that she was returning a bag to the store. She took it out of the bag to compare to others, and when she was done she picked up the wrong bag and placed it in her shopping bag. The State offered Pretrial Intervention, which the client turned down and refused as she would not admit to something she did not do. Bradford set the matter for trial. Result: On the day of trial the State of Florida DISMISSED all charges against the Defendant. Case: State of Florida v. J.H. Criminal Charge: Driving while Under the Influence of Alcohol Facts: Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defendant was allegedly passed out behind the wheel of his car at a draw bridge. Criminal Attorney Bradford Cohen was hired to attempt to resolve his DUI successfully. The Officer pulled up next to the car, placed his overheads on, shined a spot light in the car and saw the Defendant passed out behind the wheel. The Officer then exited the car, knocked on his window and opened his car door. At that time he did not suspect the Defendant of DUI, and his concerns for his safety were alleviated. He then told the Defendant to pull into a strip mall at least 100-150 feet away. The Officer then called the DUI task force, and ultimately the Defendant was arrested for DUI. Result: Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen filed a Motion to Suppress based on the custody issue after all the officer's concerns were alleviated. The Motion was GRANTED and the arrest was ruled to be unlawful. Case: State of Florida v. J.B. Criminal Case: Driving while Under the Influence (DUI) causing property damage; Reckless Driving ; Several Traffic Infractions Facts: Defendant hired Fort Lauderdale Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen days after the incident took place. Essentially, the allegations were that the Defendant was racing a motorcycle lost control and hit a power relay box, knockingout the power to approximately 2 miles of area. When the Police arrived there was conflicting testimony about how many people were standing next to the vehicle, some said up to 15 some said just 2. One of the Police Officers said that the Defendant made a statement he overheard "shit I was going to fast." One of the other Officers testified that the statement was in response to the Officer asking the Defendant questions. They continued to ask the Defendant questions, and then conducted a DUI investigation. The Defendant refused all excersises and the breathalyzer. The lead Officer testified that it was "too dark" on the scene to read the Defendant his Miranda rights. One witness allegedly saw an individual in a red shirt and black shorts get out of the vehicle. Upon research of his back ground turns out the witness had 1 prior possession of marijuana and 1 pending possession. There was an extreme amount of conflicting testimony, unreliable testimony and testimony that was completely different the the deposition. Criminal lawyer Bradford Cohen filed a Motion to Suppress, essentially saying the arrest was not valid and the statements were taken in violation of State and Federal laws. Result: Motion to Suppress was GRANTED due to the unreliable and conflicting testimony of the Officers, Case was DISMISSED completely. Case: State of Florida v. R.M. Criminal Charge: Trafficking in Oxy . over 28 grams Facts: Criminal Attorney Bradford Cohen was hired by the Defendant a week after his arrest. Defendant was pulled over due to erradict driving. Upon stopping the vehicle the Officer's noticed pill bottles in the center console searched further. The Officers found additional pills and evidence that the Defendant was attempting to sell the pills, along with over 6g in cash in the Defendant. He was arrested and charged with Trafficking that carried a 25 year minimum mandatory prison sentence. Essentially if the Defendant were to take a plea on the case the lowest permittable sentence that court could give would be 25 years Florida State Prison. Result: Due to some issues in the case and some negotiating on behalf of the Defendant, Criminal Attorney Bradford Cohen was able to negotiate, No jail, No House Arrest and No Prison Sentence and the Defendant was NOT ADJUDICATED so he was NOT A CONVICTED FELON after sentencing and he maintained all his rights. Case: United States of America v. S.M.A. Charge: Tax Evasion Matter ; Federal Bond Hearing Facts: Federal Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen was hired on this Federal Matter within hours of the Defendants arrest. He immediately spoke to the client and realized that the Assistant US Attorney would be requesting a no bond hold or Pretrial Detention. Due to that fact he organized the information including citizenship, and family members to best represent the client at the pretrial detention hearing. It was important as the Defendant was not an American citizen, the government was arguing that he did not have close ties to South Florida or America, and he refused to surrender after he knew of the indictment. Result: The case is still pending. All of the Defendant's co-defendants did not get a bond. Defendant was GRANTED a $100,000.00 dollar bond, even though he was not a US Citizen and other issue concerning his situation. Case: State of Florida v. T.K. Criminal Charges: Lewd and Lascivious , contributing to the delinquency of a minor, computer exploitation Facts: Our client was a native of New York and was allegedly using his computer for intimate discussions with someone he believed to be under the age of 18 years old. This went on for sometime and the conversations were quite explicit. The individual in Broward County was in reality a Broward Sheriffs Deputy. Fort Lauderdale Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen was hired soon after his arrest. Defendant scored 26 months prison according to his score-sheet. Result: Defendant's charges were reduced to all 3rd Degree felonies. He received a non-prison sentence and did not have to register as a sex offender. Case: State of Florida vs. J.V. Criminal Charges: Robbery with a Firearm (10-20-Life) Facts: Our client was accused of essentially robbing an individual who was attempting to buy marijuana from our client. Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen was hired after another lawyer worked on the case for a year. The last offer to the previous criminal attorney was a jail sentence. The "victim" had several witnesses to the alleged crime, who under the scrutiny of deposition turned out to be less then credible. There was additional evidence that was also presented to the State of Florida, mitigating his alleged crime. Result: 3 days before trial, our client was offered and accepted a misdemeanor and a withhold of adjudication with not jail time whatsoever. Case: State of Florida v. R.B. Charge: Violation of Community Control (4th Violation) Facts: Fort Lauderdale Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen made no promises when taking on this 4th Violation of Community Control. The Defendant was on Community Control on two cases, stemming from Burglaries. The only guarantee Florida Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen made was that he would work diligently and quickly to try and resolve these issues. The violation of community control was for Driving on a Suspended license. At a previous hearing the Judge warned him to get a good license and not drive on a suspended license as it would violate the terms of his release. The Defendant was pulled over after a zealous community control officer watched him get into his vehicle to leave work. Result: After pulling the records of how the stop was made, his work records, the driving records and other extrinsic evidence, Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen was able to show that he was eligible for a hardship license and could have gotten one if he simply went to the DMV. After hearing the argument, the state agreed to REINSTATE his community control, even though it was his 4th violation. Case: State of Florida v. R.C. Charge: Driving Under the Influence , Possession of Cocaine , Possession of Paraphernalia Facts: This Fort Lauderdale Criminal Case was originally filed as a felony offense for possession of cocaine and other criminal misdemeanors. The client was allegedly coming from a local bar when he was stopped heading West on Oakland Park Blvd. The report reflected that he was heading east, which was an error. The Broward Deputy stopped the client and made the observation that he was under the influence of alcohol. During the exercises portion of the DUI, the Deputy asked the client, "have you been eating powdered donuts? because you have a white substance all over your nose." He continued with his investigation and arrested the client for the above mentioned criminal offenses. He requested the client to submit to a breath test. The client agreed to submit to the breath test and the results were .131 and .135 respectively. Florida Criminal Defense Lawyer Bradford Cohen was retained and immediately called case filing department of the Broward State Attorney's Office. He requested that the cocaine be lab tested before filing the charges (as the drug was only tested on the scene) the lab drug test came back negative. The cocaine charges were immediately dropped and the State of Florida only proceeded on the DUI charge. In regards to the criminal charge of DUI, Bradford first attacked the breath results in a Motion to Suppress, which was GRANTED, the breath results were thrown out, then Bradford attacked the statements made by the Deputy and Defendant regarding the cocaine, as it was never charged. The Motion was GRANTED and the mere mention of cocaine of inference to it thereof was thrown out as well. Result: Defendant was offered a traffic ticket infraction which he accepted in a negotiated plea. He had no license suspension, no interlock, no immobilization, no community service hours, and no points on his DL. Case: State of Florida v. W.M. Charge: Trespass Facts: The criminal law office of Bradford Cohen was representing a very well known "graffiti artist" who was stopped by South Florida Police by some railroad tracks with another artist. The Police Officers say that they smelled like paint and then decided to illegally search our clients vehicle where they found a box of spray cans and other items related to his craft. They examined the train yard and could not find any fresh areas of paint. They noted that paint was found on the hands of both individuals. They made an arrest for trespassing. Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen filed a Motion to Suppress all evidence obtained due to the illegal stop, search and questioning of his client. Result: Before the Motion to Suppress could be heard the Broward County State Attorney's Office DISMISSED all criminal charges against the client. Case: State of Florida vs. R.I. Charge: Drug Trafficking Facts: Criminal Defendant was entering a concert series cruise in a large camper. The drug dog allegedly hit on the camper and the occupants of the camper were ordered out of the vehicle and a search was conducted where several illegal substances were found including large amounts of Marijuana, cocaine, ecstacy, hallucinogenics and various pills. The Defendant in the matter was arrested and charged with all of the illegal substances in the vehicle. Criminal Defense Lawyer Bradford Cohen was hired the day after the Defendant was arrested. Result: After discussing the case with case filing and providing the relevant case law, they agreed that the search was bad and they could not proceed with any certainty of a conviction. CASE NO INFO (Case was declined by the State Attorney and essentially dismissed) Case: Federal Criminal Case United States v. M.F. Federal Bond Hearing Facts: When Federal Criminal Attorney Bradford Cohen was first approached by the Defendant, he had already begun to co-operate with teh Federal authorities. Defendant was charged in a Federal Criminal case consisting of a multi-defendant Mail Fraud and Wire Fraud scheme. The Federal case revolved around selling vacation rentals and time shares. Defendant had over 10 convictions in the past, one for escape. He had a record from 1990 to 2008 including Federal Crimes. His parents although American citizens, were both from Germany and he had been out of the country on multiple occasions in the past 5 years. He had family in Germany and outside the U.S. The property that was subject of seizure, was the only property he owned in the US. The Government allowed a self surrender and set a bond hearing for the same day at first appearance. Result: After negotiating with the Government, they agreed to a $50,000.00 personal surety bond and his father putting up the equity in his home. The Judge did not want to go along with the recommendation, Federal Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen, was able to persuade the Judge to accept the negotiation and the Defendant was released the same day from Federal custody. [PAGE] Title: Site Map | Broward County Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen Content: Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 Toll Free: 888.264.3652 Local: 954.523.7774 Fax: 954.523.2656 Email: [email protected] The hiring of a Fort Lauderdale, Florida Criminal Defense lawyer/attorney/law firm is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our legal qualifications and criminal trial experience.This web site is designed for general criminal, immigration, personal injury and family law information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. We serve the following localities: Broward County including Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Cooper City, Coral Springs, Hallandale Beach, Oakland Park, Parkland, Pembroke Pines, Plantation and Weston; and Miami-Dade County including Aventura, Miami, Coral Gables, Key Biscayne, Miami Beach, North Miami, and North Miami Beach. View More [PAGE] Title: The Pain of Prosecution: Targeting Pain Clinics | Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Lawyer Content: The Pain of Prosecution: Targeting Pain Clinics The Pain of Prosecution: Targeting Pain Clinics By: Fort Lauderdale Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen Criminal Law- You own a legitimate business, you are a distinguished Doctor with years of experience and now you are the target of a criminal investigation for dealing drugs. Owners of Pain Clinics, as well as the Doctors that work in the Pain Clinic are being charged in State or Federal criminal court depending on the level and degree of severity. The Federal authorities have also been cracking down on what is perceived to be an illegal activity. The massive amount of advertising certainly does not help. Pick up any local newspaper and you will see dozens of pain clinics advertising to sell narcotics to the public. The amount of pain clinics opening per year is staggering. 70 new Pain Clinics in Broward and Palm Beach have opened last year alone. Recently, the level of scrutiny has increased to an unprecedented degree. Authorities are looking at not just the building the alleged crime is taking place, but the activity taking place outside of the Pain Clinic building. It may come to a point where they will attempt to hold the owner of the clinic responsible for the activities taking place infront of their business, as the knew or should have know that the purpose of obtaining the prescription was for a non-legitimate purpose. South Florida Federal and State authorities are stepping up enforcement because they see pain clinics as an epidemic. The prescriptions you write must be for a legitimate medical purpose. How do you prove that? There are many ways to protect yourself and your clinic from over zealous police actions. Documentation is the key to a successful defense of criminal charges. Patients should fill out forms requesting the type of pain they are experiencing, the amount of time they have been experiencing the pain, the amount of pill in their last prescription, listing any and all other doctors they are seeing and any and all prescription they are currently taking. All of this should be filled out on a form that is sworn to and notarized. Make sure any x-rays or MRI's presented are current and up to date. An experienced criminal attorney can formulate a sign in sheet for you that may meet the criteria set forth and provide you with some level of protection from false accusations. If your patient has traveled from Kentucky or Tennessee that may be a sign of a red flag and you should take extra precautions when dealing with that client to ensure you are adhering to all current Florida Statutes and Medical Administrative laws. Due to the stricter laws surrounding medical reporting in those states, the residents are driving to Florida to avoid detection of "doctor shopping." There is a multitude of new legislation that is working its way through Tallahassee in an aim to prevent drug clinics from conducting illegal activity. One such bill targets non-doctor owned pain clinics. It would essentially ban a pain clinic from selling drugs unless it had a named doctor in charge or it is owned by a doctor. This is an attempt to rid the system of non-doctor owned pain clinics that the State has very little control over. The other is concerning a uniform data base so Doctors will be able to see if the patient is currently on any other medications and in what amounts. In the future you will see more and more stings and prosecutions of not just the purchasers of the pills, but the Pain Clinic owner's as well as the Doctors that work in the pain clinic. If you are the target of a Federal or State Criminal investigation regarding Pain Clinics or the distribution / trafficking in Oxycodone or Hydrocodone , call Criminal Attorney Bradford Cohen for a confidential consultation regarding your rights. Contact Us Free Consultation - Call 24/7 888.264.3652 | 888 COHEN LAW Name: (Required) [PAGE] Title: Plaxico Burress Retains the Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen | Fort Lauderdale Crime Attorney Content: Plaxico Burress Retains the Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen Plaxico Burress Retains the Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen (PR Web) Ex-Giant Plaxico Burress retained Fort Lauderdale Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen for his run in with local Florida Police. Bradford Cohen stated that the incidents were minor infractions and expects that they will be resolved without incident. Plaxico Burress is currently charged in New York City on several gun charges stemming from a 2008 incident where he suffered gun shot wounds to his leg, while at a night club. Contact Us Free Consultation - Call 24/7 888.264.3652 | 888 COHEN LAW Name: (Required) Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 Toll Free: 888.264.3652 Local: 954.523.7774 Fax: 954.523.2656 Email: [email protected] The hiring of a Fort Lauderdale, Florida Criminal Defense lawyer/attorney/law firm is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our legal qualifications and criminal trial experience.This web site is designed for general criminal, immigration, personal injury and family law information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. We serve the following localities: Broward County including Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Cooper City, Coral Springs, Hallandale Beach, Oakland Park, Parkland, Pembroke Pines, Plantation and Weston; and Miami-Dade County including Aventura, Miami, Coral Gables, Key Biscayne, Miami Beach, North Miami, and North Miami Beach. View More [PAGE] Title: Family Law | Fort Lauderdale Divorce Lawyer Bradford Cohen Content: Family Law Family Law Bradford Cohen Law is not a "factory" Law practice. In the area of family law we represent a limited number of select cases, in the areas of child custody, divorce and injunctions. Divorce can be a stressful, and psychologically damaging not only to the parties involved but also any children. The Family law division of Bradford Cohen Law is dedicated to minimizing the effects a divorce can have on the parties involved and their loved ones. We go to great lengths to not only be your attorneys, but to be your counselors in a troubled time. To be a good family lawyer one must understand the psychology driving the divorce and developing a case strategy that will benefit you not only in the outcome of the case, but in regards to your psychological well being. Our goal is to work toward a successful resolution to your pending issues, while avoiding the unnecessary public exposure of private issues. Bradford Cohen the "tough", "tightly coiled", "confident" attorney as described in the NY Post, Miami Herald, Star Magazine and US Weekly is ready to consult with you now on your family law problem. He will represent you and supervise your team of legal champions fighting for your entitlements. Our firm represents family law clients located in and around Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, and Miami in child custody matters, divorce, and injunctions. Submit your case online for a free, no obligation consultation or learn more about a particular aspect of your case by calling 954.523.7774. Contact Us Free Consultation - Call 24/7 888.264.3652 | 888 COHEN LAW Name: (Required) [PAGE] Title: Personal Injury | Fort Lauderdale Accident Lawyer Bradford Cohen Content: Personal Injury Personal Injury If you are involved in an auto accident you need a Florida personal injury lawyer with the experience and dedication to follow your case all the way through to trial if necessary. The personal injury attorneys at Bradford Cohen Law have extensive amount of experience with personal injury law, insurance issues and dealing with the tough insurance companies. The Personal Injury law firm Bradford Cohen Law represents clients who have suffered injuries in automobile, truck and motorcycle accidents all over the State of Florida including Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach and Miami area. Immediately after a automobile, job or slip and fall, accident most individuals as overwhelmed by the bombardment of telephone calls, insurance paper works, accident reports, Insurance medical providers and other correspondence that is received after the accident. We are here to help, let our personal injury team guide you through the pitfalls and aggressive insurance companies to resolve your case quickly with an acceptable outcome. We also represent those injured from defective products or design in automobiles and trucks, such as defective seatbelts, tires or gas tanks, slip and fall accidents, dog bites, premise liability, soft tissue injuries and medical negligence or malpractice. In an instant, your life can be transformed by a motorcycle crash, auto collision, slip and fall accident, animal attack, or medical malpractice. These unforeseen injuries can bring with them medical bills that you are unsure of how you will pay. It is never too soon to hire a reputable personal injury law firm, as Florida has a statute of limitations to file a case. Our Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury Lawyers can advise you on all of the legal technicalities that must be met in order for you to receive compensation under Florida law. Bradford Cohen Law is committed to fighting for the rights of victims of personal injury. Regardless of the incident, our Fort Lauderdale personal injury lawyers are willing and able to provide legal services to you when you need it the most. Our Personal Injury Practice Areas include: Catastrophic Injuries [PAGE] Title: Practice Areas | Fort Lauderdale Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen Content: We Do Not Depend on Yesterday's Success We Prove Ourselves With Every Case Contact Us Now For a Free Consultation Practice Areas Practice Areas In addition to specific areas of practice we have a network of attorneys that can handle your matter with the same vigor and tenacity as the lawyers with Bradford Cohen Law. Criminal Defense Fort Lauderdale Criminal Attorney Bradford Cohen's experience in handling Criminal matters speaks for itself , but every Florida Criminal case is different. Other Fort Lauderdale Criminal lawyers might try and "sell" you on what they can do for you. We simply guarantee that we will work diligently, efficiently, and aggressively to resolve your Palm Beach Criminal Charge, Fort Lauderdale Criminal Charge, or Miami Dade Criminal case. Federal Criminal Defense Florida Federal Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen is always prepared to vigirously defend you in Federal Court. If a Federal indictment is pending or you are under a Federal investigation for a criminal offense it is never to early to call for the assistance of a trained Federal criminal lawyer with experience in Federal motions, Federal sentencing, and Federal trials. All criminal lawyers are not created equally. We pride ourselves on our intimate knowledge of Federal case law and procedure. When hiring a Federal Criminal Attorney, it is always important to inquire if they have actual Federal trial experience. Do not hire a Criminal Lawyer that will simply "plea" you to the charges. Immigration Florida Immigration Lawyers must also know how the Florida Criminal system works. Florida Criminal Defense and Florida Immigration issues often go hand and hand. We can help you with all your Florida immigration needs, Immigration Visas, Bond Issues, Deportation Hearings and advice on how a plea may affect your immigration status. Personal Injury Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury Lawyers are here to help and assist you in your Personal Injury matter. If you are looking for a Car Accident Attorney, Dog Bite Lawyer, Medical Malpractice Lawyer or Premise Liabilty Attorney, we can help. As Florida Personal Injury Attorneys, we have assisted many individuals get the compensation they deserve for being wrongly injured. Please call for a consultation. In most situations you pay no fees unless you recover. Family Law Fort Lauderdale Divorce Attorneys need to be intimate with the details of your case and your situation. Do not hire a Florida Divorce Attorney, because he or she sent you a coupon in the mail. It is important that when hiring a Broward County Divorce Attorney you look at the quality of their work. Paternity, Divorce, Pre and Post nuptial we have a Divorce lawyer or Family Law Attorney, that can help you with your family law situation. Our Family Law Attorneys have years of experience in not only helping individuals with their legal dilemma, but also with the emotional toll these matters can take on a family. U.S. Tax Law Florida Tax Attorney Bradford Cohen is a member in good standing of the U.S. Tax Court. We handle all matters involving tax issues. From criminal tax investigations involving tax fraud or tax evasion to civil subpoenas requesting records. Often a matter can start civil and become a criminal tax matter. That is why it is important to retain an experienced tax lawyer as soon as possible. We have a CPA in house that works hand and hand with us and with you to resolve your Tax liability problem. [PAGE] Title: Resources | Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Lawyer Bradford Cohen Content: Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 Toll Free: 888.264.3652 Local: 954.523.7774 Fax: 954.523.2656 Email: [email protected] The hiring of a Fort Lauderdale, Florida Criminal Defense lawyer/attorney/law firm is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our legal qualifications and criminal trial experience.This web site is designed for general criminal, immigration, personal injury and family law information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. We serve the following localities: Broward County including Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Cooper City, Coral Springs, Hallandale Beach, Oakland Park, Parkland, Pembroke Pines, Plantation and Weston; and Miami-Dade County including Aventura, Miami, Coral Gables, Key Biscayne, Miami Beach, North Miami, and North Miami Beach. View More [PAGE] Title: Fort Lauderdale Criminal Lawyer | Broward County Criminal Defense Attorney | Bradford Cohen Content: We Do Not Depend on Yesterday's Success We Prove Ourselves With Every Case Contact Us Now For a Free Consultation Fort Lauderdale Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen is Prepared to Aggressively Fight for You in Federal or Florida State Court. If You are Criminally Charged, Indicted or Being Investigated for a Crime You Want him by Your Side. Experienced State and Federal Florida Criminal Defense Lawyer , Bradford Cohen, nationally recognized for his experienced criminal defense legal commentary , has provided representation to criminal defendants who have been wrongly accused and treated unjustly. His representation covers Fort Lauderdale, Miami and Palm Beach, as well as throughout the State of Florida. Never stand alone, if you are charged in State or Federal court with criminal matters such as drug trafficking , possession of cocaine, MDMA, marijuana, or other drugs , domestic violence , gun charges , complex white collar crimes, DUI, lewd and lascivious behavior, grand theft , burglary , and manslaughter , let our Fort Lauderdale criminal lawyer help you. Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen has trial experience in both State and Federal Courts, in and out of the State of Florida. The "top notch," "tightly coiled," "go to" Criminal Defense attorney, as praised by Catherine Crier (Court TV), the Miami Herald, and, was most recently nominated as one of "The Best Lawyers in America" with his focus on Criminal Defense. Bradford is currently the President of the Broward Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. In 2009/2010, Bradford was bestowed the honor of being nominated by his peers as a Super Lawyer Rising Star. Only the top 5% of criminal defense lawyers under 40 years old, in the State of Florida, are chosen by their peers and through independent research of the publication, to receive this award. Although he has been recognized as a top criminal lawyer, he is never too busy to return emails and phone calls. If you have a question in regards to your State or Federal criminal matter call or email our offices today for a criminal consultation. Florida Federal Criminal Matters When it comes to Federal Criminal matters in and out of the State of Florida, experience counts. Bradford has handled a wide variety of Florida Federal Cases with a concentration in White Collar Crimes such as, Wire Fraud , Money Laundering , Mortgage Fraud and Mail Fraud . In such areas of law it is imperative you hire an attorney with prior experience in those fields. In addition to being admitted to the United State Tax Court , as a Criminal and Civil Tax Lawyer , Bradford employs his prior degree in Finance to assist in deciphering the mountains of paperwork associated with these crimes. If you are a subject or target of a Federal Investigation, called to testify before a Grand Jury, or approached by Federal Authorities in connection with a Federal Investigation, it is imperative you contact Bradford immediately to protect your rights. Do not hire an attorney that does not have experience dealing with the IRS and is not admitted to practice before the United States Tax Court. Choose experience over price. We prove ourselves with every Federal Criminal case. Our results speak for themselves. We know that many criminal cases can be intertwined with family disputes, divorce, and immigration status. For that reason, we maintain in house of counsel attorneys that also handle all immigration and family law matters. Why choose a law firm that cannot handle all of your legal needs? The law firm of Bradford Cohen can help no matter what your legal problem. The consultation with our office is completely free of charge: Contact Criminal Defense Lawyer Bradford Cohen to schedule an initial consultation. Bradford will not have an associate attorney meeting with you on your criminal matter. He personally meets with all clients to go over your case in detail, including obtaining your police report and any other information necessary in order to give you the advice you need. Please contact our office , today and speak directly with Fort Lauderdale criminal attorney, Bradford Cohen at 954.523.7774, to get the help you need to defend the charges levied against you. If you or your loved one is detained in jail or a Federal Detention Facility, Bradford Cohen will personally visit within 24 hours of being retained. Available 24 hours a day 7 days a week, help for your criminal matter is always a phone call away. Our main office is located right down the street from the Broward County Court House in Fort Lauderdale. We also have offices in Miami, Dade and West Palm Beach. Never stand alone. When you need help, call the law offices of Bradford Cohen Law. We never rest on our past victories; we prove ourselves with every case. [PAGE] Title: Sealing and Expunging Criminal Records | Fort Lauderdale Crime Lawyer Content: Sealing and Expunging Criminal Records Sealing and Expunging Criminal Records Criminal Defense Lawyer Bradford Cohen has been sealing and expunging records for individuals for over 10 years. Most people don't realize that just an arrest causes individuals to have an arrest record. The only way to assure that it is not on your record is to Seal or Expunge your criminal history. Have you been arrested for a crime, but not charged by the Office of the State Attorney? Was your criminal case dismissed or Nolle Prosequi (discontinue pursuing criminal charges)? Were you found not guilty of the criminal charges against you? Even if you answered yes to one of the questions above you could still have a record. Just because a criminal case is resolved in a favorable manner does not mean that a record is sealed. Your arrests, nolle prosequi, and or dismissals, could still appear in a common background check or search. If you qualify for an expunction or record sealing you can get that crime taken off your record and go forward without the burden of worrying about who will find out you were charged with a crime. Florida Statute § s.943.0585 - s.943.059 provides a detailed outline on who is eligible to apply to seal or expunge your record. It provides that if you have never been convicted of a crime, this includes if you took a plea but received a withhold of adjudication, you may be eligible to seal or expunge you record. You are only allowed one sealing or expunction in your life time. As such, if it is your second time applying, you will not qualify. Additionally, there are specific crimes that unless you had dismissed, Nolle Prosequi or were found not guilty after a jury trial, are not eligible for sealing or expunging. Please contact our office and we will give you all the information and a detailed list of those crimes. It could take up to 8 months to seal or expunge your record, so the sooner you start, the sooner you can get your case resolved. We do not make promises or guarantees, but you can be assured that if we determine you are eligible for a sealing or expunction, the job will be done as promptly as possible. The government does not provide a way to expedite the process. If anyone promises they will get your matter "expedited" they are not being honest with you. In regards to cases involving Immigration matters, sealing or expunging may not be a good option. The US Government may request you to unseal the record so that they may determine if you are fit for citizenship. Thus, by sealing those records you may be causing your self more work with no benefit. Additionally, applying to certain US Governmental positions may require you to unseal your records. For a in depth discussion on the qualifying factors contact our office for your FREE consultation on record expunging and sealing. The cost for sealing or expunging your record does not include the cost of fingerprinting, and the filing fees or clerk fees associated with the application. If you wish to represent yourself we would recommend you ordering our Sealing/Expunging packet, for $69.99, which includes everything you need to move forward with expunging or sealing your record. Nothing in the packet should be construed as legal advice, it is simply all the direction provided by existing Florida Law and all forms needed to successfully seal or expunge your record. The Sealing or expunging of a criminal record is stringent and exacting. It is always recommended that you speak with an experienced criminal lawyer like Bradford Cohen. If you decide to try and attempt to seal or expunge your criminal record without the assistance of a criminal lawyer, you must follow the specifications to the word. If your submit your certificate to seal or expunge your criminal record without it being complete, they will send your application back and you will need to correct all errors and resend your sealing application, possibly wasting up to 2 months of time. [PAGE] Title: Nancy Grace Agrees with Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen on Air Content: Nancy Grace Agrees with Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen on Air Nancy Grace Agrees with Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen on Air Contact Us Free Consultation - Call 24/7 888.264.3652 | 888 COHEN LAW Name: (Required) Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 Toll Free: 888.264.3652 Local: 954.523.7774 Fax: 954.523.2656 Email: [email protected] The hiring of a Fort Lauderdale, Florida Criminal Defense lawyer/attorney/law firm is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our legal qualifications and criminal trial experience.This web site is designed for general criminal, immigration, personal injury and family law information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. We serve the following localities: Broward County including Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Cooper City, Coral Springs, Hallandale Beach, Oakland Park, Parkland, Pembroke Pines, Plantation and Weston; and Miami-Dade County including Aventura, Miami, Coral Gables, Key Biscayne, Miami Beach, North Miami, and North Miami Beach. View More [PAGE] Title: About Us | Fort Lauderdale Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen Content: About Us Know Your Rights on Your Criminal Case! If you are arrested, charged with a crime, indicted Federally or State wide, immediately tell the officer that you would like to speak with your criminal defense attorney / criminal lawyer Bradford Cohen, prior to giving any statements. A criminal arrest can occur prior to you being put in handcuffs. If you feel you are not free to leave in a criminal investigation, tell the arresting officer you want to speak with a criminal defense lawyer. You should contact Bradford Cohen as soon as possible in a criminal investigation. Most times an experienced attorney such as Bradford, can contact the State Attorneys Office to discuss the matter prior to criminal charges being filed against you. This is a matter of your freedom and liberty. Hire an attorney with the arsenal of defenses to help you in your criminal defense. Bradford Cohen Law is a team of highly respected and experienced attorneys who are here to help you win your case. Bradford Cohen Law represents people in all walks of life in Miami Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties and throughout Florida. Bradford is a sought after speaker by national magazines and television stations, in the area of search and seizure law, stop and frisk laws as well as commenting on high profile cases involving individuals such as Robert Blake, Brittney Spears, Scott Peterson, Anna Nicole Smith and OJ Simpson. Bradford Cohen Law knows that people who are accused of a crime are worried about losing their driving privilege, their employment, or even their freedom. We know that when this happens people need quick and clear answers to their legal questions. Contact us online with your legal problem and attain a free case evaluation. Our highly skilled attorneys know the local court procedures, the judges and the prosecuting attorneys where your legal matter will be adjudicated. This is important, as every district has different local procedures and unique rules that may affect your case. Additionally, Bradford knows how these Judges and State Attorneys have behaved in the past with cases that could be similar to yours. That knowledge coupled with the legal experience Bradford has garnered through Federal Criminal and State Criminal Trial, can assist you in getting the best possible outcome in your matter. With so much at stake, you deserve to have our criminal legal team fighting on your side. Don't just rely on what a criminal lawyer tells you on the phone or in a consultation. Research the type of criminal cases he/she has handled, the number of Criminal JURY TRIALS they have completed, the past cliental, and determine who will best represent you in the judicial arena. Your Criminal Lawyer is your voice of liberty and the last bastion of Justice in today's society, so make the smart choice and call today. To learn more about how we can help you, or to schedule your free case evaluation, call us immediately at 888.264.3652 or contact us online. [PAGE] Title: Crackdown on Mortgage Fraud | Fort Lauderdale Crime Lawyer Bradford Cohen Content: Crackdown on Mortgage Fraud By: Bradford Cohen As a Florida Mortgage Fraud Criminal Lawyers , we have seen the are of mortgage fraud explode over the past few years and reach a head recently with the governments announcement that is will be seeking criminal indictments on a mass of individuals for Mortgage Fraud on the West Coast of Florida. The Federal authorities have stated that they will be seeking to indict more the 200 people on the west coast of Florida for involvement in some type of mortgage fraud scheme. Bradford Cohen was recently asked to comment and give his perspective regarding the situation on National Television . He was called on due to his prior experience in representing individuals charged with mortgage fraud and his background in finance and property purchases. He discussed the many alleged schemes that the Federal Government are charging individuals. The schemes could involve a number of alleged illegal actions. The first is the most common type of mortgage fraud and that involves over inflating the value of the home and selling it to a straw buyer. Just recently in one of the largest scams, an individual named Neil Husani, was captured in Jordan and is awaiting extradition to the US on charges that he and his partners bilked banks out of more then 83 million dollars over a period of a few years using over inflated prices and straw buyers to get false loans. They are also cracking down on individuals who promise to allow you to stay in your home during the foreclosure process. This usually involves you signing over the rights to a home. Once they have title to the home they try to pull out any equity and or refinance. If that is accomplished they usually do not make any payments on the home and it falls into foreclosure and you are completely shut out from the home. One other method of a white collar housing scam is the loan modification. In regards to loan modifications, non-lawyer companies may be seeking cash up front and make promises of lower payments, lower interest rates or lower principals. It is illegal for these non-lawyer companies to request up front fees due to recent legislation. To be sure you are not being scammed hire a loan modification lawyer . At Bradford Cohen Law, we have loan modification lawyers on staff that can help you through he confusing process. We don't make any promises, but as with all our cases, we do the very best work we can to get you the result you expect. If you need to modify you existing loan call us today and we can help. If you are facing Federal Mortgage Fraud charges, or being investigated for Federal Mortgage Fraud, you need an experienced lawyer to guide you through the legal pitfalls of this type of charge. With his experience in property purchases, finance and banking, Mortgage Fraud Attorney Bradford Cohen, can look at the issue not just from the stand point of a criminal lawyer, but also form someone experienced in property purchases. It is important to have someone with an unwavering dedication to protecting your rights and defenses in Mortgage Fraud matters. Bradford can give you the advice that you need in regards to loan modification violations, Mortgage Fraud, Foreclosure Fraud, Bank Fraud and Criminal Debt violations. Contact our offices today to find out more about out Federal Trial experience and background in these areas. Contact Us Free Consultation - Call 24/7 888.264.3652 | 888 COHEN LAW Name: (Required) [PAGE] Title: Attorneys | Fort Lauderdale Crime Lawyer Bradford Cohen Content: Phone: 954.523.7774 Fax: 954.523.2656 Fort Lauderdale Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen, recently noted, "Top Notch Criminal Defense Lawyer" by Catherine Crier of Court TV, and called the "go to...miracle worker" by, he is a requested expert legal commentator on CNBC, NBC, The Dan Abrams Show, Nancy Grace, Fox News, CNN and Celebrity Justice. He has criminal trial experience in both Federal and State Courts. He has handled Federal criminal matters in and outside the State of Florida, including but not limited to White Collar Crimes, Extortion, Gun Charges , Mortgage Fraud, Bank Fraud, Theft, Drug Trafficking , and 1st degree Violent crimes. Bradford is a sought after criminal attorney for tax matters , both civil and criminal due to his extensive background in finance and accounting. Although, high profile in regards to legal commentary and his experience in Criminal Defense, his notable clients recognize his representation is discreet and aggressive, without compromising their rights. Bradford is known for his personal representation and attention to your criminal matter. The Federal Government has endless funds to prosecute you, hire the Florida Criminal lawyer that is armed with the skills and legal knowledge to fight for you. When you are in trouble you want Criminal Attorney Bradford Cohen on your side. President's Advisory Council and Ambassador Board for Nova Southeastern University Vice President of the Broward Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Member of Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Member of the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Member of the Federal Bar Association National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers American Juris Prudence Award for Criminal Justice Selected "Super Lawyer Rising Star" 2009 Nominated for "Best Lawyers in America" 2008, 2009 Hat Trick Award for receiving 3 NOT GUILTY verdicts in a row Member of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, Atlanta Georgia Federal District Court Southern District of Florida Federal District Court Middle District of Florida American Immigration Lawyers Association and Supreme Court of Florida Member of United States Tax Court Please review Bradford's recent Criminal Defense victories to see the type of case he handles and his recent results. Attorneys Of Counsel Jerold Reichler, Esq., Licensed in Florida. Focus: Personal Injury, Immigration, Family Law and Criminal Defense. Jerold Reichler has been practicing Immigration Law, Criminal Law and Family Law in South Florida for over 30 years. His goal is to provide quality immigration legal services to individuals seeking visas, residency, citizenship or relief from detention, deportation and removal. He navigates clients through the immigration bureaucratic maze to assist them in attempting to obtain permanent residency and citizenship for themselves and their family members. He is committed to excellent service through his comprehensive knowledge of immigration law, criminal law and family law. Mr. Reichler provides clients full-support throughout the entire immigration process. Mr. Reichler provides a full range of immigration services for non-citizens and their families, including fiancee and student visa applications, adjustment of status, consular processing, relief under the Violence Against Women's Act, naturalization and asylum. He represents clients in removal proceedings/hearings, charged by the government with being deportable or inadmissible. He can help you from being deported by using his vast arsenal of immigration defenses such as, application for adjustment of status, cancellation of removal for permanent and non-permanent residents, waivers for grounds of inadmissibility and deportability, political asylum, withholding of removal, and voluntary departure. He represents clients facing new or pending criminal charges and assist criminal defense attorneys already retained by clients to identify dispositions for those criminal charges which have either no or the least severe immigration consequences. He also seeks post-conviction remedies including removal or modification of past convictions in order to mitigate immigration consequences of pleas in criminal matters. Mr. Reichler also represents clients appealing decisions to the Board of Immigration Appeals, Administrative Appeals Office, and United States federal courts. If you have an immigration issue Mr. Reichler's advise can assist you with getting into the US and staying in the US. Jonathan Kelman Licensed in California and New York. Concentration: Criminal Defense Jonathan I. Kelman is accustomed to taking on the criminal justice system and achieving the best results for his clients. Located in Los Angeles County and serving Southern California in the area of criminal defense, Mr. Kelman has successfully represented his clients throughout the greater Los Angeles area. Vanessa L. Prieto Licensed in Florida. Concentration: Family Law, Civil Litigation and Commercial Litigation Contact Us Free Consultation - Call 24/7 888.264.3652 | 888 COHEN LAW Name: (Required) [PAGE] Title: “Sexting”: Do You Know Where Your Children Are? R U Aware? Content: “Sexting”: Do You Know Where Your Children Are? R U Aware? “Sexting”: Do You Know Where Your Children Are? R U Aware? By: Fort Lauderdale Criminal Lawyer Bradford M. Cohen, Esquire High tech comes with a price…. In the age of more is more, it is difficult to spot a teen or young adult who is not fully equipped with a laptop, iPod, cell phone, etc.Just when you thought is was safe to permit your child and/or teen to carry a cellular telephone in case of an “emergency,” there is now a new worry among parents, teachers, guardians.It is called “sexting,” the increasingly popular practice of sex texting, which is defined by Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Lawyer Bradford Cohen, when an individual sends another racy or sexually explicit photos of themselves or someone else via cell phone texting, or engages in text messages that are sexually explicit in nature. The danger of sex-texting and cell phone use is simple.Unlike a laptop or computer, which is more cumbersome and can be monitored by parents through the use of blocking, etc., sexting can take place in an instant via sending a text message and be deleted just as quickly. Cell phones are compact, can be used while a student is in class, if he/she is careful, or anywhere for that matter. Try to find a local restaurant where half of the population is not sitting with their cell phones affixed to their ear or “texting” or e-mailing. The real trouble emerges when the “sextext” is forwarded to others by the push of a few keys. If the sextext contains a picture, that picture can be sent to any e-mail and/or cell phone of another and soon the image can appear on the internet via U-Tube or any other site such as “my-space,” “facebook,” etc. Thus, it is no surprise that the legal field has been hit recently with the emergence of sexting vis-a-vie lawsuits, and teens and some adults, otherwise known as predators, are even facing criminal charges for such acts.While sexting may seem like “innocent” fun to minor children, technically it amounts to several very serious crimes that carry minimum mandatory prison sentences, as well as sex offender labels in most states. New Briefs:For example, on April 1, 2009, it was reported that a former Vermont high school student already accused of sexually assaulting two classmates was charged with crimes related to child pornography on allegations he forced two other teenage girls to send him explicit photos and videos. The case is believed to the be the first of its kind in Vermont and arises from sexting. By coincidence, the Vermont Senate has just passed a bill that would shield teens from prosecution under state child-pornography laws for voluntary sexting, but the measure leaves intact penalties for suspects who force or coerce others to participate, which often appears to be the case involving minor children. The student pleaded not guilty to two felony counts of promoting a sexual recording involving 15-year-old girls. The girls told police they agreed to send the graphic images and videos to the former student, but only after considerable pressuring from the older boy. Such conduct is illegal regardless of consent because it involves underage girls. The defendant faces a potential life sentence.State laws prohibiting the possession of child pornography also are applicable; those counts carry maximum penalties of two to five years in prison. The promotion charge, by contrast, brings a 10-year maximum. Vermont ’s Senate measure attempts to define the practice and catch up state law with emerging technologies and their use without condoning sexting.The bill exempts teens from prosecution for child pornography if the sender and the recipient of a sexting message are between 13 and 19 years old, and the exchange was voluntary.The Chittenden County State ’s Attorney T.J. Donovan was quoted as saying that “[t]his is the intersection of adolescence, puberty and technology, . . .It’s a debate, and it’s something every state’s dealing with. I don’t see the public interest in labeling kids as sex offenders for sending graphic pictures of themselves to others as a means of courtship.” January, 2009, an unusual legal case arose from sexting, resulting in six (6) Pennsylvania high school students facing child pornography charges after three (3) teenage girls allegedly took nude or semi-nude photos of themselves and shared them with male classmates via their cell phones.The female students, all 14- or 15-years-old, face charges of manufacturing, disseminating or possessing child pornography while the boys, who are 16 and 17, face charges of possession.It was reported that authorities decided to file the child pornography charges to send a strong message to other minors who might consider sending such photos to friends. While this appears to be overkill, the letter of the law seems to have been violated, and because there is no mandatory minimum sentence under Pennsylvania’s child pornography law, unlike the federal statute, the students would not necessarily be incarcerated if they are found guilty, but convictions would have serious implications, including having to register as sexual offenders for at least 10 years. On March 31, 2009, a federal judge issued a temporary restraining order, finding that the girls (and their mothers) were likely to prevail in a civil rights lawsuit against Wyoming County District Attorney George Skumanick, and enjoining Skumanick from making good on his threat to file felony charges against the girls unless they agreed to participate in a five-week “educational” program. The minor girls were represented in the civil rights suit by their parents and the American Civil Liberties Union. Filing suit under a federal statute and alleging violation of their civil rights, the teens' ACLU attorneys offered three central claims. First, because the photos so obviously did not qualify as child porn under state law—and because it would be perverse in any event to consider the girls culpable for photographs circulated by others without their consent—Skumanick's threat amounted to retaliation for engaging in speech protected by the First Amendment. Second, the use of that frivolous threat to attempt to bully the teens into an education program—a threat that was effective in compelling the participation of the other boys and girls Skumanick targeted—encroached upon the constitutionally protected rights of parents to direct their children's upbringing. Finally, the requirement within that program that the girls write an essay explaining “what you did” and “why it was wrong" amounted to compelled speech, again a First Amendment violation.Final resolution of those claims will have to wait—an initial hearing is scheduled for June. But Judge James M. Munley ruled that the plaintiffs had a sufficiently good chance of succeeding in their suit and that he was prepared to take the rare step of issuing a temporary restraining order that preemptively blocks Skumanick from filing charges against them. "Plaintiffs make a reasonable argument that the images presented to the court do not appear to qualify in any way as depictions of prohibited sexual acts," Munley wrote. In any event, the judge noted, Skumanick "does not appear to feel immediate prosecution is necessary to protect the public from the crimes that the girls here allegedly committed." Indeed, while Skumanick has painted his restraint thus far as an act of generosity, it does bear asking: if he really believed that the teens were guilty of felony child pornography, wouldn't it be grossly inappropriate to let them off with the equivalent of a few hours' detention and a homework assignment? On March 26, 2009, nine (9) West Allis , Wisconsin high school students faced suspension for their alleged involvement in an incident in which photos of nude students were sent by cell phone to other students. While no arrests were made in the incident, the parents of all of the students had been notified, and the students face suspension from school for their actions. The Superintendent of the West Allis-West Milwaukee School District said that the district was treating such incidents very seriously and were working closely with the Police Department to address the situation.He noted that there are strict expectations outlining cell phone usage and that the safety of the children is their first priority. The department and the district’s student service staff are exploring how to further educate the youth on the dangers of this type of texting behavior. On February 26, 2009, a Tennessee high school teacher was added to the state sex offender registry after pleading guilty to sending sexual messages to two female students. Jason Lancaster was suspended from his job at Blackman High School after the girls said he sent text messages and contacted them through social networking Internet sites. Interestingly, Mr. Lancaster’s sextests came after one of the girls said sent the teacher a digital photo of herself. The teacher pleaded to 4 of 10 sexual offense counts against him last week to spare his family and the girls a trial. While the teacher does not face jail time, he can no longer teach at primary or secondary schools. Technology has outpaced the legal system: With regard to uniform laws, a New York lawyer and an Ohio couple, whose daughter committed suicide after a sexting incident, seek a federal law to set penalties for teens who send racy photographs via cell phones. Attorney Parry Aftab, joined by Albert and Cynthia Logan of Cincinnati , say there’s too much variance in how sexting cases are handled from state to state. Under present Ohio [PAGE] Title: U.S. Tax Law | Fort Lauderdale Litigation Lawyer Bradford Cohen Content: U.S. Tax Law U.S. Tax Law Criminal and Civil US Tax cases should be handled by a tax lawyer admitted to practice in the United States Tax Court like Bradford Cohen. Additionally his prior experience in undergraduate school surrounding the area of finance can assist you in resolving your tax matter. Does the lawyer or attorney have experience in Tax Law? Has the attorney or law firm you are speaking with handle Tax cases, IRS Summons, Fraudulent Tax reporting or Tax evasion issues? Tax attorney Bradford Cohen has handled numerous matters surrounding those issues. Criminal and Civil US Tax laws are so complex that it is often difficult to draw a black and white line between tax evasion and tax avoidance. Often it depends on the application to the specific facts and can vary greatly from case to case. Bradford Cohen possesses the legal arsenal to assist you with your civil or criminal tax case. How Does the US Government select TAX cases for Criminal Prosecution? It usually depends on investigations by US IRS employees, tips (sometime anonymous) and information gathered by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the IRS. If you are being audited it can lead to a criminal investigation. That does not mean that every person who is audited is criminally prosecuted, but it always has the potential. If you receive a summons from the IRS (not the Justice Department) it means that they have yet to refer the case to the Justice Department with a recommendation of prosecution or grand jury investigation. A caveat to that rule is if the Justice Department terminates their investigation, the power to summons is restored. WARNING: If there is fraud discovered during your IRS civil audit, there is nothing that requires the IRS agent to give you a Miranda warning. Understand that anything you say can be used against you in a future proceeding. As such, it is always best when asked questions to refer them to your tax attorney or accountant. Also be advised that the communication between you and your accountant is not privileged. If your accountant is employed by your attorney and is working in conjunction on a case, the attorney client privilege may extend to the information given to the accountant and the work he performs on your attorney's behalf. If you are being interviewed by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the IRS (CIU), they should read a "mini" Miranda warning even though you are not in custody. That Miranda warning consists of the facts that you do not have to cooperate with the agent and to retain counsel as well as anything that you say can be used against you. They cannot compel you to answer any of the questions that might incriminate you. SEE IRM If you give a statement without them reading the mini Miranda, it still may be admissible. Recent case law has stated, just because it is in the IRS manual it does not necessarily render the entire statement inadmissible. If however you are in custody, then they must according to the constitution read you your Miranda warnings. As stated above to be safe say nothing in either situation other than requesting to contact your tax lawyer or firm. If you have received a summons from the IRS for information, immediately contact our office. There are objections that can be made on you behalf. If those objections are not made you could be unknowingly waiving them. There are several factors that go into a recommendation that a case will be prosecuted by the IRS, such as Voluntary Disclosure prior to an IRS investigation (disclosure after a case has begun is not "voluntary") Amount of Tax involved, Health of the Taxpayer and Evidence of Willfulness. It is not known what weight or how exactly it is determined that a prosecution take place, but one of the main factors is the possibility of success. There are many strategic requests, such as conferences, that MUST be made during the investigation that inexperienced representatives or attorneys may not know. During those conferences the taxpayer must know that some admissions by the attorney may be used against the taxpayer. Admissions such as authentication of a written instrument or something that is said that provides a lead against the taxpayer. Experience is key. Do not put your future in the hands of someone that does not handle tax law cases, do not let someone learn the law on your criminal or civil tax case. US Tax lawyer Bradford Cohen has the experience to assist you with your civil or criminal IRS tax issue. We work with several high profile accountants, that are retained by our firm to provide you with the attorney client privilege to any and all information disseminated by them. We can handle your tax issue in any State. We can assist you in negotiating a lower tax liability in civil matters. Call us today and let us show you that even when the government has you in their sights, all is not lost. Call us 24/7/364 at 954.523.7774 or contact us online . [PAGE] Title: Federal Criminal | Fort Lauderdale Crime Lawyer Bradford Cohen Content: Federal Criminal Federal Criminal Federal Criminal Defense Attorney Bradford Cohen has successfully defended client's rights in courts in and out of the State of Florida, Miami-Dade, Palm Beach, and Fort Lauderdale on Federal matters. He is a sought out Federal legal commentator on such matters as White Collar Crime , including extortion , mail fraud, wire fraud , bank fraud and Mortgage Fraud . He has also spoken on issues concerning Taxation and Drug Trafficking. We have also represented individuals (targets and non-targets) during the indictment stage before the Grand Jury. The earlier in the investigation you hire a Federal Attorney, the more prepared you will be to attack the Governments case. When hiring a Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer it is important that they not only have experience in Federal criminal procedural but Federal Criminal Trials as well. Bradford is armed with both, knowledge of Federal Criminal Procedure as well as conducting Federal Criminal Trials. He is dedicated to providing the best representation in federal court. Can any lawyer represent you in a Criminal Federal Case? The answer is YES. The real question is: Can any lawyer EFFECTIVELY represent you in a Federal Criminal Case? The answer is NO. Federal law is unique in many ways not only when it comes to sentencing, but the method the case proceeds to trial. If your lawyer is not experienced in Federal law, you could be waiving rights without your knowledge. If you are charged with a Federal Crime, hire a Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer or an experienced Federal Criminal Defense Law Firm. Bradford Cohen has not only handled cases where the target of the investigation has NOT co-operated with the government, but had mitigating circumstances that significantly lowered their exposure at sentencing. He has also had matters that required a Federal trial. Not every Florida criminal defense lawyer is an experienced federal criminal lawyer. The laws and procedures in Federal Court differ greatly from State court. The following is a short overview of how they differ. There are subtle differences between State and Federal criminal cases. A good example of this would be drunk driving. Normally a DUI is a State case, however if you are on Federal Property at the time, the Federal Government would charge you with a Federal Crime. Many drug trafficking cases can also be charged either by State or Federal authorities. For example, if the narcotics are bought and sold in the same state, the case is typically charged by the State. However, if narcotics are bought in one state and sold in another state, or the deal is made over state lines it could be charged federally, along with other counts such as a conspiracy to transport. It is fairly easy for the Federal government to bring charges by simply providing some evidence that the crime has affected interstate commerce. Once charged with a crime, you can review the Federal Sentencing Guidelines , to see the recommended sentence. Usually at the time of arrest you should know where your case will be prosecuted. If you are arrested by federal authorities and taken to a federal detention center, the likelihood is that the case will be in federal court. If you are arrested by a local police department and taken to a city or county jail, you will most likely be prosecuted by the state. This is not always the case as the Federal Authorities may take interest in you once arrested by the State authorities. In that case you will need an attorney experienced in handling both State and Federal matters. The Criminal Federal System of the United States, has its power divided between a central Criminal Federal authority and many state or local authorities. Thus, there are 51 different sets of criminal procedural law in the United States-that of the federal government and one for each of the 50 states. In addition, separate criminal procedures exist for military courts and for Federal courts. The Criminal law procedures adopted by each of the 50 states and the federal government differ to some extent. However, since it is all based originally on English common law, it provides significant similarities in the basic laws and structure of the process. Furthermore, the United States Constitution imposes additional limitations on the states in creating their criminal procedure. In regards to Federal criminal procedure, a short explanation is below. Federal Criminal Procedure: A person prosecuted in the federal courts on a charge of violating a federal criminal law is subject to federal criminal procedure. A person in Federal court may be prosecuted by way of indictment, or in some cases a complaint, if the individual waives a formal grand jury indictment. Federal procedure is governed, first of all, by certain provisions of the U.S. Constitution, especially those contained in the US Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments to the Constitution). The US Constitution guarantees certain procedural rights that the government must afford a federal criminal defendant, unless the defendant knowingly and voluntarily waives these rights. These Rights are basic and afforded to all individuals in the US, even if you are not a legal US citizen at the time of arrest or search. The Fourth Amendment protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures. It describes how US law enforcement officials, either Federal or State, can obtain Search or Arrest warrants. The Fifth Amendment protects individuals accused of crimes from having to testify against themselves and from being tried more than once for the same offense (Res Judicata). It also requires that any criminal charges result from the proceedings of a grand jury; a group of citizens that are called to service by the US government, to determine whether sufficient evidence exists to have a trial. Finally, the Fifth Amendment requires that government procedures adhere to due process of law, which means basic standards of fairness and equity. Under the Sixth Amendment, a defendant is guaranteed a speedy and public jury trial. This also includes that the defendant gets notice of the charges he or she faces and may call witnesses and face his or her accusers. There have been significant developments on the State level in regards to the right to face your accuser, please call our office to find out in more detail. The Sixth Amendment also guarantees that the trial will take place in the district where the alleged crime was committed and that the defendant will have the assistance of legal counsel. This may be affected by a number of things in regards to Federal Criminal matters. The Eighth Amendment prohibits excessive bail, excessive fines, and cruel and unusual punishments. In regards to Federal Bond , there are a number of factors that go into the determination of what constitutes excessive bail. These factors could include the ability to pay the ties to the local community and include the safety of society in general. These US Federal constitutional guarantees provide a starting point for federal criminal procedure. The Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, supplement the constitutional guarantees. The rules contain detailed provisions relating to the pretrial, trial, and appeal stages of Federal Prosecutions. Other details of federal criminal procedure are covered in federal statutes enacted by the U.S. Congress. Lastly, a large part of the law in regards to federal criminal procedure is found in the reported decisions (case law) of the federal courts. A person prosecuted in the courts of a particular state on a charge of violating the criminal laws of that state is subject to state criminal procedure. State criminal procedure is found in the constitution, statutes, rules, and judicial decisions (case law) of that state. Additionally, portions of the U.S. Constitution are applicable to criminal defendants, charged in State cases. AS stated above each State has a State Constitution. State Constitutions generally guarantee a state criminal defendant most of the same rights that a federal defendant is provided by the Bill of Rights. Some US states have provisions that vary from federal constitutional requirements. For example, in a number of states criminal charges need not result from the proceedings of a grand jury, by way of indictment. Instead, in some jurisdictions, a judge determines whether or not the accused person should be tried after reviewing the evidence during a preliminary hearing. Additionally, some states can file by way of criminal information. In those instances, the only entity deciding on the charges to be filed is the local State Attorney's Office. States may provide greater rights for criminal defendants than the U.S. Constitution guarantees. The Supreme Court of the United States has required states to provide to criminal defendants most of the procedural guarantees in the U.S. Constitution. For example, states must recognize the Fifth Amendment right to avoid self-incrimination. In addition to these specific rights, the states are required by the U.S. Constitution to guarantee due process. The 14th Amendment, reads in part, "nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." Like the 5th Amendment, which applies to federal criminal procedure, the 14th Amendment requires the states to maintain certain minimum standards of fundamental fairness in their laws concerning criminal procedure. For instance, Federal and State prosecutors may not systematically exclude members of a particular race or gender from a jury. State convictions that result from proceedings that violate the minimum standards required by the 14th Amendment can be set aside by the federal courts through the process of appeal if the state courts themselves do not do so first. Contact Us Free Consultation - Call 24/7 888.264.3652 | 888 COHEN LAW Name: (Required) [PAGE] Title: Disclaimer | Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Lawyer Bradford Cohen Content: We Do Not Depend on Yesterday's Success We Prove Ourselves With Every Case Contact Us Now For a Free Consultation Disclaimer Disclaimer The information contained in this Website is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter. No recipients of content from this site, clients or otherwise, should act or refrain from acting on the basis of any content included in the site without seeking the appropriate legal or other professional advice on the particular facts and circumstances at issue from an attorney licensed in the recipient's state. The content of this Website contains general information and may not reflect current legal developments, verdicts or settlements. The Firm expressly disclaims all liability in respect to actions taken or not taken based on any or all the contents of this Website. Any information sent to The Firm by Internet e-mail or through the Website is not secure and is done so on a non-confidential basis. Transmission of information from this Website does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and The Firm, nor is it intended to do so. The transmission of the Website, in part or in whole, and/or any communication with us via Internet e-mail through this site does not constitute or create an attorney-client relationship between us and any recipients. Some links within the Website may lead to other web-sites, including those operated and maintained by third parties. The Firm includes these links solely as a convenience to you, and the presence of such a link does not imply a responsibility for the linked site or an endorsement of the linked site, its operator, or its contents. This Website and its contents are provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. Furthermore, The Firm does not wish to represent anyone desiring representation based upon viewing this Website in a state where this Website fails to comply with all laws and ethical rules of that state. Reproduction, distribution, republication, and/or retransmission of material contained within The Firm Website is prohibited unless the prior written permission of The Firm has been obtained. Contact Us Free Consultation - Call 24/7 888.264.3652 | 888 COHEN LAW Name: (Required) [PAGE] Title: Español / Spanish | Fort Lauderdale Abogado Criminal Content: Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 Toll Free: 888.264.3652 Local: 954.523.7774 Fax: 954.523.2656 Email: [email protected] The hiring of a Fort Lauderdale, Florida Criminal Defense lawyer/attorney/law firm is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our legal qualifications and criminal trial experience.This web site is designed for general criminal, immigration, personal injury and family law information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. We serve the following localities: Broward County including Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Cooper City, Coral Springs, Hallandale Beach, Oakland Park, Parkland, Pembroke Pines, Plantation and Weston; and Miami-Dade County including Aventura, Miami, Coral Gables, Key Biscayne, Miami Beach, North Miami, and North Miami Beach. View More [PAGE] Title: Payment Options | Fort Lauderdale Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen Content: Payment Options Payment Options Depending on your type of legal matter, we have many ways to pay for our services. Personal Injury In areas of personal injury, there are no fees to be paid up front. We work on a contingency fee basis. In most cases you do not pay legal fees unless you recover. Please call and schedule a free consultation and to learn more about our flexible fee schedules. Civil Matters Please call to schedule a free consultation to discuss our legal fees. Criminal Matters and Immigration Matters We accept VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, and DISCOVER cards. In most cases we can work with you to set up a payment schedule to meet your financial needs. At Bradford Cohen Law we care about the integrity of the legal practice. When considering hiring a lawyer, do not just look at the price of the representation; look at the quality of representation. Contact Us Free Consultation - Call 24/7 888.264.3652 | 888 COHEN LAW Name: (Required) [PAGE] Title: Criminal | Fort Lauderdale Crime Lawyer Bradford Cohen Content: Lie detectors tests and DNA testing Traffic and DUI (drunk driving) criminal matters as well as drivers license issues Counseling to individuals facing potential or actual criminal investigation or prosecution Fraud, including farm fraud and federal enforcement of farm programs Search and seizure issues, including search warrants and dealing with the police White collar offenses, including embezzlement, RICO and RTC related litigation Matters considered as quasi-criminal, such as licensing issues with professional or occupational boards and government administrative boards Sentencing, pardon and parole matters You may have been wrongly accused of a crime you did not commit. Remember, the US government has unlimited resources, you should have a lawyer that has the trial experience to be your criminal defense champion. It is important to retain a criminal defense lawyer that has years of experience in trying similar cases as yours. If you have been arrested, but criminal charges have yet to be filed with the State Attorney's Office, contact us immediately . In many cases we can provide the case filing State Attorney with information on your criminal case that may significantly reduce the exposure you have on your criminal matter. Effectively getting the case dismissed before you ever have to appear in court. If you have already been charged with a crime, call our office to find out the level offense and the min. and max. calculated using any and all prior arrests and your current arrest in accordance with Florida Statute. State Attorneys are familiar with the criminal defense lawyer's who do not go to trial ask your attorney about their personal trial experience. I am available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I protect your rights like they were my own. If someone you know or a relative is incarcerated, upon being retained to handle their criminal matter, my office immediately visits with them to discuss the case. Submit your case for a FREE, no obligation consultation or learn more about a particular aspect of criminal law. [PAGE] Title: Useful Links | Fort Lauderdale Crime Lawyer Bradford Cohen Content: Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 Toll Free: 888.264.3652 Local: 954.523.7774 Fax: 954.523.2656 Email: [email protected] The hiring of a Fort Lauderdale, Florida Criminal Defense lawyer/attorney/law firm is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our legal qualifications and criminal trial experience.This web site is designed for general criminal, immigration, personal injury and family law information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. We serve the following localities: Broward County including Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Cooper City, Coral Springs, Hallandale Beach, Oakland Park, Parkland, Pembroke Pines, Plantation and Weston; and Miami-Dade County including Aventura, Miami, Coral Gables, Key Biscayne, Miami Beach, North Miami, and North Miami Beach. View More [PAGE] Title: Frequently Asked Questions | Fort Lauderdale Criminal Lawyer Content: Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 Toll Free: 888.264.3652 Local: 954.523.7774 Fax: 954.523.2656 Email: [email protected] The hiring of a Fort Lauderdale, Florida Criminal Defense lawyer/attorney/law firm is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our legal qualifications and criminal trial experience.This web site is designed for general criminal, immigration, personal injury and family law information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. We serve the following localities: Broward County including Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Cooper City, Coral Springs, Hallandale Beach, Oakland Park, Parkland, Pembroke Pines, Plantation and Weston; and Miami-Dade County including Aventura, Miami, Coral Gables, Key Biscayne, Miami Beach, North Miami, and North Miami Beach. View More [PAGE] Title: BMC in the News | Fort Lauderdale Crime Attorney Bradford Cohen Content: Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 Toll Free: 888.264.3652 Local: 954.523.7774 Fax: 954.523.2656 Email: [email protected] The hiring of a Fort Lauderdale, Florida Criminal Defense lawyer/attorney/law firm is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our legal qualifications and criminal trial experience.This web site is designed for general criminal, immigration, personal injury and family law information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. We serve the following localities: Broward County including Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Cooper City, Coral Springs, Hallandale Beach, Oakland Park, Parkland, Pembroke Pines, Plantation and Weston; and Miami-Dade County including Aventura, Miami, Coral Gables, Key Biscayne, Miami Beach, North Miami, and North Miami Beach. View More [PAGE] Title: Contract Negotiations | Fort Lauderdale Business Litigation Lawyer Content: Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 Toll Free: 888.264.3652 Local: 954.523.7774 Fax: 954.523.2656 Email: [email protected] The hiring of a Fort Lauderdale, Florida Criminal Defense lawyer/attorney/law firm is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our legal qualifications and criminal trial experience.This web site is designed for general criminal, immigration, personal injury and family law information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. We serve the following localities: Broward County including Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Cooper City, Coral Springs, Hallandale Beach, Oakland Park, Parkland, Pembroke Pines, Plantation and Weston; and Miami-Dade County including Aventura, Miami, Coral Gables, Key Biscayne, Miami Beach, North Miami, and North Miami Beach. View More [PAGE] Title: Immigration Law | Fort Lauderdale Visa Lawyer Bradford Cohen Content: Immigration Law Immigration Law U.S. Fort Lauderdale Immigration lawyer and Citizenship attorney / firm Cohen Law is experienced in all facets of US Immigration Policy. When applying to become a citizen of the United State of America, one has to keep in mind that it is not an easy task. This freedom for an immigrant to become a citizen of the US is a privilege that would be difficult to achieve without the assistance of an experienced US immigration lawyer / attorney / firm. We provide translation of the complex US Immigration laws to your native language as well as explain the policies and common interpretation of the application of those laws. Our immigration lawyers in Florida are intimate with the laws regarding deportation or removal hearings , immigration bond hearings , applications for citizenship, applications for visas, as well as immigration concerns while applying with a prior criminal history. If you are facing a criminal charge and you are a non-citizen or a visitor, there can be serious consequences to taking a plea deal. That is why it is important to contact us prior to taking a plea on a criminal case. We have been selected as a top criminal law firm in Fort Lauderdale. As such, our law firm can handle your immigration matter and criminal case giving you the proper advice on how to resolve your complicated legal issues. An area of law often over looked by law firms that strictly do immigration is in regards to the S Visa. The S visa is issued to individuals who help US law enforcement in their investigation and prosecution of crimes such as money laundering and organized crime. It is also available in regards to information on terrorist crimes and activities. Call 1-888-COHENLAW or contact us to find out more immigration information regarding S-5 and S-6 visas. The United States Immigration and Nationality lawyers at Cohen Law is principally located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, but we extend our services to the South Florida community, including Immigration matters in Miami-Dade, Broward and West Palm Beach counties. The firm represents individual clients, employers and corporate business entities in their US Immigration matters. We pride ourselves on the representation of individuals for non-immigrant and immigrant visas also known as "Green Cards." When applying for a Green Card there are many roadblocks and legal obstacles that may stand in the way of you becoming a US Citizen. It is important for you to understand the differences between the two categories of Immigrant and Non-Immigrant Visas. Non-immigrant visas are obtained at the US consulate in your country of origin, and allow you to live and/or work in the US for a limited period of time, depending on the type of visa. Common non-immigrant visas are H1B visas for skilled professional workers, E visas for foreign investors, and B visas for tourist and business travel to the US. When the time is expired you must return to your country. On the other hand, an Immigrant Visa, allows you to live and work in the US indefinitely as a permanent resident and allows you to obtain residency for your accompanying spouse and children as well. Some green cards are subject to annual quotas. Those who have been persecuted in their home country like Cuban, Venezuelan or Columbian nationals may apply for asylum or refugee permanent resident status. Definitions of Terms US Immigration Forms Temporary Visas B-1/B-2 Tourist / Visitor Visas Available to all visitors coming to the U.S for business or pleasure. B-1 business visitor visas are for a short duration and must not involve local employment. E-1/E-2 Treaty and Investor Visas Investors and traders and their employees may receive visas to carry on their businesses in the US if their home country has a commercial treaty with the US conferring visa eligibility. F-1 and M-1 Student Visas Persons seeking to pursue a full course of study at a school in the United States may be eligible for a visa for the course of their study plus, in some cases, a period for practical training in their field of study. The F-1 student visa is issued to students that wish to study academic programs and also for students in language training programs. The M-1 student visa is for students that wish to study vocational or other non academic programs. H-1B Specialty Occupation Visas for Professionals Professional workers with at least a bachelor's degree (or its equivalent work experience) may be eligible for a non-immigrant visa if their employers can demonstrate that they are to be paid at least the prevailing wage for the position. J-1 and Q-1 Exchange Visitor Visas Persons coming to the US in an approved exchange program may be eligible for the J-1 Exchange Visitor's visa. J-1 programs often cover students, short-term scholars, business trainees, teachers, professors and research scholars, specialists, international visitors, government visitors, camp counselors and au pairs. K-1 Fiance(e) Visas A Fiance(e) of a US citizen is eligible for a non-immigrant visa conditioned on the conclusion of the marriage within 90 days after arrival. There are many intricate details to this Immigration Visa that not every immigration attorney may know about. Some individuals attempt to apply without the assistance of a qualified Immigration Lawyer. We can help. L-1 Intracompany Transfer Visas L-1 visas are available to executives, managers and specialized knowledge employees transferring to their employer's U.S. affiliate. Executives and managers holding L-1 visas may be eligible for permanent residency without the need of a labor certification. O-1 Extraordinary Ability Worker Visas The O-1 category is set aside for foreign nationals with extraordinary ability. This includes entertainers, athletes, scientists, and businesspersons. P-1 Artists and Athletes Visas This category covers athletes, artists and entertainers. This visa applies to an alien coming to the U.S. temporarily to perform at a specific athletic competition as an athlete, individually or as part of a group or team, at an internationally recognized level of performance. P-1 Entertainment Group Visa This category applies to an alien coming temporarily to perform as a member of a foreign-based entertainment group that has been recognized internationally as outstanding in the discipline for a sustained and substantial period of time. The alien must have a "sustained and substantial" relationship with the group (ordinarily for at least one year according to the latest case law) and/or provide functions integral to the group's performance. Accordingly, the case law and statutes has stated, that one way to establish the criteria of "internationally recognized level of performance" is a receipt, nomination or significant international award in the specialized area of performance. R-1 Religious Worker Visas Religious workers may be eligible for an R-1 visa. Please call our office to discuss this US Immigration issues in further detail. TC and TN NAFTA and US-Canada Free Trade Agreement Visas A special visa category has been set up for nationals of Canada and Mexico under the provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement and the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement. This is a highly complex and detailed area of US Immigration Law. If this is the visa you are seeking call our office for more detail on how and when to apply for admission to the US. Permanent Residency Visas ("Green Cards") Green Card Lottery (Diversity Visa Lottery Program) Applications This Immigration program allows 50,000 visas to be distributed annually to immigrants from countries that have a low rate of immigration to the United States of America. The US State Department's National Visa Center chooses winners randomly from all participating countries. Anyone that wins the visa lottery has the opportunity to apply for permanent residence in the United States. If the permanent residence is approved, the applicant will be permitted to live and work permanently in the country. Winners of the visa lottery are allowed to come to the United States with their spouse and unmarried children under the age of 21. WARNING: Do not be fooled by individuals stating they can guarantee you get a green card through this manner. Hire a reputable immigration lawyer or firm to explain in detail how the system works. The green card visa lottery has two eligibility requirements: The applicant must be born in an eligible country OR have parents born in eligible countries and were not occupants of the applicant's country of birth, when he/she was born. For example, if a child's parents worked in an ineligible country on a temporary basis, the child may still be eligible for the lottery. The applicant must hold a high school education or its equivalent OR The applicant must have 2 years work experience in a job requiring at least 2 years training or experience. Source: Family Sponsored Immigration Visas U.S. citizens may petition for spouses, parents, children and siblings. Permanent residents may petition for spouses and children. Employer-Sponsored Immigrant Visas The new PERM process allows qualified professionals to obtain an immigrant visa. You will need a United States Employer that is willing to sponsor you to obtain this type of visa. Refugee and Asylum Applications Persons with a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion may be eligible to apply for asylum or refugee status in the U.S. Temporary Protected Status Granted to individuals from selected countries which the U.S. currently recognizes as unsafe. Allows individuals to remain in the U.S. for the duration of their status. Subject to a periodic USCIS review. Does not lead to a visa. We can help you and your business navigate effectively through the maze of immigration and nationally laws facing employers today. Our goal is to make sure you are able to hire and place employees with specialized skills your company needs in the appropriate office or geographic area. Call us at 888-264-3652 or 954.523.7774 or contact us online for a free consultation to discuss your immigration law issues or questions.
government, defense & legal
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These examples of past cases handled are not to be construed as an example of what may or may not happen on your particular State or Federal Criminal case. Criminal Case: State of Florida v. G.S. Federal Bond hearing: At the Federal Bond hearing the government argued for pre-trial detention, alleging that the Defendant was not a US citizen had no real ties to the community and was hiding from the Government upon learning he was wanted for the Federal Crime. Criminal Case: State of Florida v. S.C. Result: On the day of trial the State of Florida DISMISSED all charges against the Defendant. Result: Due to some issues in the case and some negotiating on behalf of the Defendant, Criminal Attorney Bradford Cohen was able to negotiate, No jail, No House Arrest and No Prison Sentence and the Defendant was NOT ADJUDICATED so he was NOT A CONVICTED FELON after sentencing and he maintained all his rights. Criminal Defense Lawyer Bradford Cohen was hired the day after the Defendant was arrested. Title: Fort Lauderdale Criminal Lawyer | Broward County Criminal Defense Attorney | Bradford Cohen Content: We Do Not Depend on Yesterday's Success We Prove Ourselves With Every Case Contact Us Now For a Free Consultation Fort Lauderdale Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen is Prepared to Aggressively Fight for You in Federal or Florida State Court. His representation covers Fort Lauderdale, Miami and Palm Beach, as well as throughout the State of Florida. Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen has trial experience in both State and Federal Courts, in and out of the State of Florida. Have you been arrested for a crime, but not charged by the Office of the State Attorney? Title: About Us | Fort Lauderdale Criminal Lawyer Bradford Cohen Content: About Us Know Your Rights on Your Criminal Case! Title: Federal Criminal | Fort Lauderdale Crime Lawyer Bradford Cohen Content: Federal Criminal Federal Criminal Federal Criminal Defense Attorney Bradford Cohen has successfully defended client's rights in courts in and out of the State of Florida, Miami-Dade, Palm Beach, and Fort Lauderdale on Federal matters. When hiring a Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer it is important that they not only have experience in Federal criminal procedural but Federal Criminal Trials as well. Can any lawyer represent you in a Criminal Federal Case? If you are charged with a Federal Crime, hire a Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer or an experienced Federal Criminal Defense Law Firm. Not every Florida criminal defense lawyer is an experienced federal criminal lawyer. Normally a DUI is a State case, however if you are on Federal Property at the time, the Federal Government would charge you with a Federal Crime. In many cases we can provide the case filing State Attorney with information on your criminal case that may significantly reduce the exposure you have on your criminal matter. Title: Immigration Law | Fort Lauderdale Visa Lawyer Bradford Cohen Content: Immigration Law Immigration Law U.S. Fort Lauderdale Immigration lawyer and Citizenship attorney / firm Cohen Law is experienced in all facets of US Immigration Policy.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Where can a degree from AUR take you? Anywhere you want to go! | The American University of Rome Content: Careers Where can a degree from AUR take you? Anywhere you want to go! The data illustrated below covers career destinations for AUR graduates between 2010 and 2022. This page will be updated regularly. Graduates from the American University of Rome have proven time and again the premise laid out in The Atlantic's famous article 'The Unexpected Value of the Liberal Arts' , that Liberal Arts graduates find interesting, rewarding, and often non-traditional careers across all sectors of business & industry. Graduating from AUR means you are not defined solely by your major. You are defined by the skills you have developed in creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking. Employers recognize, and have consistently demonstrated through hiring, that an AUR graduate's range of intellectual skills, their adaptability, their capacity to make creative connections and their independence of mind make them highly sought after employees in a vast range of career settings. Hovering over the individual pathways in the chart below will reveal the connections between major & subsequent career that our past graduates have created. Note: you can put this chart into full-screen using the arrows on the bottom right Search form [PAGE] Title: Study Abroad/Visiting student requirements | The American University of Rome Content: Undergraduate Admissions Study Abroad/Visiting student requirements If you are currently attending one of our university affiliates or wish to come to AUR through a study abroad provider, you will need to apply to our program through your university’s Study Abroad Office and/or the individual provider. If you are an independent study abroad student, read on. You are considered a Visiting Student if you are currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree-seeking program at another college/university (including institutions outside of the US) and wish to broaden your education by attending a semester or year at The American University of Rome. As a Visiting Student, you will have the unique experience to study in an international setting with students from around the world. We accept Visiting Students for our Spring and Fall semesters and Summer short terms. Students return to their home institutions enriched and inspired by the distinctive AUR experience. They go on to become globally conscious leaders and ambassadors for cross-cultural understanding. During your semester or year at AUR, we work hard to ensure that your university experience is rewarding and innovative. Visiting Student Application Checklist Submit an application via our online application form . Send an official university transcript Send a copy of your valid passport Complete your personal statement; 500-750 words ONE of the two topics below: A: What do you see as one of the most pressing challenges facing society today and how do you imagine your studies at AUR will prepare you to combat this challenge? B: Experiential Learning is at the core of AUR’s curriculum. Define what Experiential Learning means to you and reflect upon the ways in which it has impacted your academic and/or personal growth. Applicants whose native language is not English, (unless they have been attending an English-speaking school/university for at least 3 years) will need to supply an official TOEFL score, IELTS English language proficiency examination result, or DuoLingo English Test results. All documents must be original and sent from their original source. Information Session: The Admissions Office may contact you for an information session once a completed application has been submitted and all supporting documents have been received. Information sessions may be conducted face-to-face, on the phone, or via video conferencing. Application materials should be sent through our online application system or via email to [email protected] or by regular mail to: The American University of Rome Attn: The Admissions Office Via Pietro Roselli 4 00153 Rome, Italy To submit your application, you will only be required to upload your personal statement along with a copy of your passport. All other supporting documents can be sent in at a later date. Questions Inquiries should be directed to The Admissions Office at [email protected] The American University of Rome’s Admissions Office reserves the right to request additional items in order to complete the application process. Apply now Undergraduate Admissions [PAGE] Title: Athletics & Sports at The American University of Rome Content: Student Life Athletics at The American University of Rome AUR students enjoy an traditional American university athletics sporting life in Rome. Use the links below to find out more and, if there's any sport you would like to see featured in the athletic program at AUR then let our Head Coach and Athletics coordinator, Stefano, know. Contact him by email at [email protected] [PAGE] Title: AUR Co-Ed Volleyball | The American University of Rome Content: Athletics and Clubs AUR Co-Ed Volleyball AUR's competitive co-ed volleyball team practices at Liceo “Manara,” located in Via Basilio Bricci, 4, on Wednesdays and, optionally, on Fridays from 8 to 10 pm in partnership with the Prometeo Monteverde, a Volleyball Club that participates in a local amateur tournament (midweek games). Playing on the Wolves Volleyball team gives students an opportunity to mix not just with local Roman students but with the larger international academic community in Rome. In addition to great fun and camaraderie, the tournament play offers the Wolves a chance to test their volleyball skills against a range of different teams with participants of all nationalities. “Being a part of the AUR volleyball team has given me the opportunity to immerse myself even further into Italian and AUR culture while playing the sport I love. One of the best decisions I’ve made while studying in Rome. Go Lupi (Wolves)!” - Jonah Gordon "I tried out for volleyball because I loved the sport in high school but I was also happy to have a way to bond with people/make friends more organically (I enjoy team dynamics). After hearing it was co-ed and paired with locals, I was excited to hear the language outside of class and learn more about the culture from peers. Since I like being active, I also joined pilates to stay in shape. This, too, would also be a nice way to meet people outside of my classes. Both experiences have enhanced my time at AUR by keeping me active and introducing me to new people with different backgrounds but similar interests. Thanks for offering them!" - Ellie Wedge For more information on volleyball at AUR, email Stefano Cristalli, Athletics Coordinator, at [email protected] . Athletics and Clubs [PAGE] Title: Internships & Career Development | The American University of Rome Content: Apply Now Internships & Career Development The American University of Rome supports students in bridging the world of academia and the world of work by offering internship opportunities every semester. The university maintains a wide network of partner organizations, public and private, where AUR students in their junior or senior year can do for-credit internships. Over 75% of AUR students will undertake at least one internship during their time here, many will undertake two. Second semester study abroad students may also enroll in the internship course. What is an Internship? Internships provide students with targeted work experience, allowing them to enter the work force after graduation with related skills in their chosen field. It also affords the chance to evaluate different career paths in depth and in person. Students are given a chance to prove their initiative, reliability, and responsibility all the while putting into practice concepts they have learned in their courses. Internships are a joint opportunity for students to acquire new skills and for companies to benefit from the students’ diverse skill sets and cutting-edge knowledge. Students carry out structured work experiences in companies or organizations that will enhance their academic, professional and personal development. Requirements Work a minimum of 135 hours (travel time not included) Register for and attend the internship course (INT 450) Receive a favorable, written evaluation from employer at completion of the internship Agree on any additional details with your academic advisor Document your work experience Give a formal presentation of your internship experience to the class. Eligibility Must be enrolled as full-time AUR resident student, or a two-semester study abroad student Must be in good academic standing (GPA 2.5 or above) Must have junior or senior standing and have the permission of their academic advisor. Internships and US Federal Aid Students who receive US federal aid can participate in an AUR internship program for a maximum of 25% of their AUR studies. For a student pursuing an AUR degree in 4 years, that is a maximum of one year to complete an internship while for all others it is a maximum of one semester. Contact the Financial Aid Office for more information ( [email protected] ). Previous internship opportunities have included: Adnkronos [PAGE] Title: Veterans' Aid | The American University of Rome Content: Financial Aid & Scholarships Veterans' Aid The American University of Rome has a rich history of welcoming student veterans and the families of military personnel to our Rome city center campus. Whether you’re a current or former member of the military or a dependent of such, you’ll find a supportive community dedicated to helping you succeed and to giving you the best experience along the way. The American University of Rome and the staff of the Veterans Benefit Services office are grateful to you and your family members for your service to your country and are committed to providing the necessary services to successfully transition from military to civilian life. The Veterans Benefit Services office deals primarily with processing education benefits offered through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Please call us on +39.06.5833.0919 or e-mail us with any questions or concerns, or to schedule an appointment to find out more about AUR’s Veterans benefits. Please also note that when you apply you should indicate that you are an American Veteran and we'll be happy to waive your application fee. We look forward to hearing from you soon! Veterans Aid The American University of Rome has degree programs (within the Associate of Applied Arts, Associate of Arts, Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees) that are listed as approved training by the Department of Veterans Affairs (facility code: 31200084). For more information please contact: Department of Veterans Affairs, Regional Processing Office, P.O. Box 4616, Buffalo NY 14240-4616, Phone: 800-827-1000, or visit their website . Veterans Housing Payment Plan Eligible veterans can apply for a housing payment plan if they choose to stay in AUR housing. In order to apply, please fill out the Housing Plan Application and return it to the financial aid office. Download the Housing Plan application form here . AUR Yellow Ribbon Scholarship The Yellow Ribbon tuition waiver helps veterans who have served in the US military. Initially it was intended to actually participate in the Yellow Ribbon Program by the US Veterans Department. However, due to our foreign schools status we were not eligible to participate. In response to that and in order for us to obtain a ‘Veteran Friendly’ school status AUR has created its own Yellow Ribbon Tuition Waiver for those whom would have been eligible. This tuition waiver is automatic for all degree-seeking students who are 100% Yellow Ribbon eligible and is applied to the spring semester once benefits are received. Be sure to submit your Certificate of Eligibility from the VA confirming Yellow Ribbon eligibility. The scholarship is renewable for 4 years or until graduation, depending on what comes first. Post 9/11 GI Bill The American University of Rome accepts the Post 9/11 GI Bill. For more information please contact the Department of Veterans Affairs, Regional Processing Office, P.O. Box 4616, Buffalo NY 14240-4616, Phone: 800-827-1000, or go to: . After you have filled out the application and been approved by the VA, please contact AUR’s Financial Aid department at [email protected] Here is a brief look at the procedures: Veteran checks to make sure the program of study is covered by the Post 9-11 GI Bill Veteran applies with VA Veteran receives Certificate of Eligibility Veteran mails copy of Certificate of Eligibility to AUR’s Financial Aid office Financial Aid faxes letter of enrollment to VA Office of Foreign Schools Financial Aid certifies student tuition and fees Student receives stipend AUR receives tuition payment For information regarding the Post 9/11 GI Bill The Department of Veterans Affairs and be sure to select the year in which you intend to apply your benefits. AUR Veteran’s Club The American University of Rome’s Veteran’s Club is an organization founded by student Veterans in 2011 that provides a social group setting to help Veterans adjust and become successful in civilian and college life. The club offers support, direction, resources, and connects student Veterans and attending family members from all branches of military service with other Veterans. Activities include 4th of July and Veterans Day BBQ’s, voter registration days, trips to local U.S. military installations (Naples, etc.), and plans to volunteer at local embassies and American military cemeteries in Italy. The AUR Veteran’s Club is a recognized chapter of the Student Veterans of America. The Veteran’s Club meets bi-monthly as well as during organized events and activities. Membership is open to all AUR students, faculty, administrators, alumni, staff and employees. Contact Information The American University of Rome Department of Administrative and Enrollment Services Via Pietro Roselli, 4 00153 Rome, Italy Tel: +39.06.5833.0919 Toll free to Rome from the US: 877.592.1287 Fax: + 39 06 5833 0992 Have a question? [PAGE] Title: Academic Enhancement | The American University of Rome Content: Academic Enhancement The First Year Experience-Explorations in the Liberal Arts AUR’s First Year Seminar is a signature, two-semester sequence required of all first year students, irrespective of their choice of major. Communal learning—where all first-years students encounter the same questions, experiences, and texts—and the critical discussions that emerge from small discussion seminars, make AUR’s first year seminar distinctive. FYS 101 introduces first time in college students to the culture of being in an American university in the heart of Europe. FYS 102, Explorations in the Liberal Arts: The Meanings of Empire, is intellectually stimulating and personally transformative for students. Team-taught by four of AUR’s distinguished full-time faculty from a variety of disciplines, the course challenges students to engage with the historical and theoretical meanings of imperial power, from the ancient world to the British Empire to the technological imperialism of mainstream and social media. The course features lively lectures from global experts, thought-provoking group experiences, and on-site visits ranging from the Roman forums to Cinecitta studios, prompting students to examine how human experience is expressed, how meaning is made, by what rules we should be governed. The interdisciplinary approach fosters a habit of mind that students will employ throughout their studies at AUR and into life beyond the classroom. [ learn more ] General Education at AUR AUR’s general education requirements reflect the key concepts that make an American liberal arts university education unique. In addition to preparing students in the foundational skills of English writing, mathematics, the sciences, and the fundamentals of the Italian language, our general education program offers students the opportunity to develop the critical and creative capacity to explore larger questions of knowledge and meaning. Through required courses in the Arts and Humanities, the Social Sciences, and the Creative Arts, students will learn an interdisciplinary approach to complex topics and to examine concepts from a variety of angles. [ learn more ] AUR Students Abroad. The AURA Program There are many opportunities to study abroad while you are studying at AUR. We have several direct exchange partners. You pay AUR tuition and can study at these institutions for either a semester or a summer session [ learn more ] Academic Enhancement [PAGE] Title: The American University of Rome | Content: Specialized Course on Cultural Heritage... Specialized Course on Cultural Heritage, Crime and Security: Protecting our Past to Invest in our... Master of Arts Programs, The American... The AUR Philosophy: AUR’s guiding philosophy for our Master of Arts programs is to engage students... Book a one-to-one meeting with our... Our admissions and financial aid counselors really love to talk to potential students one-to-one... [PAGE] Title: Map and Directions | The American University of Rome Content: We are AUR Map and Directions Overlooking the historical center of Rome, the university is located on top of the Janiculum, Rome’s highest hill, offering spectacular views of the city. The campus is near two city parks, Villa Sciarra and Villa Pamphili, as well as a number of historical landmarks. The area also hosts diplomatic residences and several international academies. Our campus The university is an urban campus currently comprising five buildings. The secure and private main campus is formed of two buildings (Building A and Building B), an auditorium and a spacious garden. Building A hosts administrative and faculty offices, student services and the main computer lab whilst Building B has the bulk of the classrooms, laboratories and faculty offices. Evans’ Hall, a liberty villa of 1920 just 100 yards from the main campus, is the site of the library, student lounges and a beautiful garden. Carini 23, a two-minute walk away on Via Carini, is a five story building of the ‘70s and is the location of design studios, faculty offices, and the Battista Multimedia Laboratory, a state of the art film production facility. Via Angelo Masina, an eight minute walk from the main campus, is the latest addition to AUR's extended campus and houses two classrooms and the Art Studios, and offers unrivalled views across the city. Public transport There is limited street-side parking available in the area but it is very well served by public transport. Buses Number 75 and Number 44 regularly run directly past the University entrance throughout the day and evening. From Termini Train Station take Bus 75 (direction Poerio/Marino - approx. 20 stops from Termini). From Piazza Venezia take Bus 44 (direction Montalcini - approx 10 stops from Piazza Venezia). The University is located between the stops Via Dandolo/Calandrelli and Via Giacinto Carini.  Either stop is less than 100 meters from the AUR - just walk towards the ancient Roman arches that cross the main road, the University's main gates are directly adjacent to those arches. From Leonardo da Vinci International Airport/Fiumicino From the Airport Terminal Railway Station take the Metropolitan Train to the stop “Trastevere Station”. Upon exiting the station, take the Tram #8 in the direction of Piazza Venezia. Get off at Via E. Morosini and catch Bus 44 or 75 that comes up the hill to AUR. Tickets for the train departing from Fiumicino Airport can be purchased from the newspaper stand located near the train and cost €8.00 each way. What's On [PAGE] Title: Graduate School Tuition & Fees - US Dollars | The American University of Rome Content: Graduate School Tuition & Fees - US Dollars Financial information for U.S. & Canadian citizens or permanent residents Program Tuition (full time, 3 semesters): 27,400 US Dollars The tuition fee covers attempted credits required for each respective M.A. program. Any additional attempted credits must be paid for, according to the prescribed fee. First semester: $13,000 Second semester: $13,000 Final semester: $1,400 In order to secure admission, a non-refundable deposit of $500 is required. The deposit will be credited against the first tuition payment. Italian Government Requirements for non-EEA/SWISS Citizens (please note the currency!) Permit to Stay: €117,96 (without assistance) / €172,86 (with EduServices) Health Insurance: $42 per month, $500 (for 12 months) The Permit to Stay is required for all non-EEA or Swiss citizens. Health Insurance is required for non-Italian citizens unless they have their own health insurance valid for Italy. Health insurance is required for the Visa and Permit to Stay application process. AUR works with CISI Health Insurance to assist you in obtaining health insurance that will fulfill your immigration requirements. Mandatory Fees Application fee: 50 US Dollars New Student fee: 230 US Dollars Graduation fee: 135 US Dollars Other Fees Transcript fee: 10 US Dollars Diploma Replacement fee: 67 US Dollars Oral re-examination of the thesis fee: 400 US Dollars Maintaining matriculation fee: 1,000 US Dollars Replacement of Student ID Card: 10 Euros Audit Status (fee per course, 0 credits): 550 US Dollars Fee for 1 credit: 810 US Dollars Fee for Italian Language Skills for Graduate Studies: 500 US Dollars Schedule of Payments for U.S. citizens and permanent residents and Canadian citizens Tuition and fees must be paid to the Finance Office according to the terms and conditions scheduled by the University. Registered students are sent a financial statement inclusive of tuition, fees and payment terms for each semester. Enrollment confirmation deposit – 1 May First tuition installment – 15 July Second tuition installment - 1 December Final tuition installment – 15 July Apply now Graduate Program Tuition & Fees Graduate Tuition & Fees in US Dollars Graduate Tuition & Fees in Euros Graduate Tuition & Fees FAQ Graduate Program Estimated Cost of Attendance Graduate Program Payments Undergraduate Tuition & Fees [PAGE] Title: The Registrar's Office | The American University of Rome Content: Final exam schedules and academic calendars Forms related to academic records If you have questions or need assistance, contact us at [email protected] The Registrar’s Office maintains all student records relevant to their educational process as well as any personally identifiable information. The information cannot be disclosed to individuals for any reason without the student’s written consent. These records are maintained in accordance with both US and Italian applicable laws and regulations. The USA law is known as Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act – FERPA . The applicable Italian law is known as Decreto Legislativo 30 giugno 2003 n.196 – Codice in Materia di Protezione dei Dati Personali. For more information regarding this Italian Law please refer to the official site . Academic Services [PAGE] Title: M.A. Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution at AUR Content: Graduate programs M.A. Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution AUR’s multidisciplinary Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution program  explores how we approach, mediate, and resolve conflict both globally and in individual cultures. Our graduates analyze the background context and causes of conflict and develop ways of addressing it. The Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution: Human Security in the Mediterranean and Beyond program provides the opportunity for students to understand peace and conflict in the interpersonal, institutional, societal, and global contexts and to engage with the subjects of intercultural dialogue, politics, religion, and nationalism as both causes of conflict and factors in peacebuilding. This unique program provides students with an understanding of the political economy of peace and war, negotiation and conflict management, democracy and government, humanitarian crises, and international law and how these forces play their parts in conflict resolution. It is the ideal program for those seeking to enter a career in international relations, humanitarian aid, foreign policy making, or any area of peacebuilding. What makes AUR's Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution program unique? Location & focus Rome and the Mediterranean are central to the program, with their historical significance and prominence in contemporary international affairs and conflicts. The proximity of other centers and areas relevant to contemporary global affairs in peace and conflict – the Middle East, North Africa, and Eastern Europe – is an additional advantage to our location. Professional networks Rome is home to a diverse range of multinational political, humanitarian, religious, and research institutions with which the university and its faculty have deep academic & professional connections, e.g., The Agency for Peacebuilding, which holds the annual international Peacebuilding Forum in Bologna.  AUR Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution students are regular attendees. Faculty expertise AUR's Peace Studies faculty are highly experienced academic and professional practitioners who have worked in international crisis management, humanitarian protection, and peacebuilding initiatives across the world. Many have occupied high-profile roles within academic research and advisory boards for NGOs and governmental organizations within Europe & the Mediterranean, the Middle East, Africa, and the United States. Career destinations Career choices may include: Civil Service (working within various government ministries, including the foreign office, and international development offices), International Institutions (such as the UN Peacebuilding Commission, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, and regional bodies such as the European Union, African Union, Organization of American States), NGOs (local and international) working on peacebuilding initiatives, and Academic/Research Institutes/Think-Tanks. Monse A., 2018. Director of Corporate Partnerships, CARE Andrea A., 2020 Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Perú Avi L., 2021 Workforce Development Specialist, WDC Meet Grace, an AUR Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution student. In 2021, Grace was one of our favorite Peace Studies students. Her path to AUR is one that we recognize - students who have studied abroad as an undergraduate and make the decision to join an overseas Graduate school because they see the outstanding value that living and learning in another country and another culture, with classmates from across the globe, can make to their perspective and understanding of their subject, and to their future life & career prospects. Program Information The 15-month M.A. program consists of 10 core courses held on campus over two semesters, followed by a thesis. Program objectives AUR’s M.A. program in ‘Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution: Human Security in the Mediterranean and Beyond’ addresses the critical societal need to understand the causes of conflict and how to overcome or prevent these through dialogue, negotiation, and resolution. The program's mission is to educate future professionals, scholars, and activists who can knowledgeably and professionally contribute to peace-building initiatives and conflict management in all sectors of our global society. Thesis In order to complete the MA degree in Peace Studies & Conflcit Resolution, students are required either to write an MA thesis or to carry out an internship and subsequently compose a project report or a policy paper displaying the experience, knowledge, and data collected during that internship. The thesis or internship (plus report) will expand students’ knowledge on a particular subject and will prepare them for future professional work and/or further research. Successful completion of the thesis/internship contributes six credits to the overall degree. Learning outcomes Students will gain the capacity to analyze contemporary conflicts with reference to current research and theories of conflict and peace-building. Students will gain the capacity to understand the root causes and dynamics of peace and conflict and to address disputes in order to achieve sustainable peace through negotiation. Students will develop practical skills for employment in the areas of peace and conflict, including conflict resolution, research and analysis skills, management, and fundraising. A Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution field trip to the Balkans The M.A. Program in Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution recently organized a field trip to the Balkans, the scene of one of Europe's most difficult recent periods of conflict. During the trip, the students and professors visited Sarajevo and Belgrade, where they met with significant local and international figures active in politics, NGOs, academia, and the media, including the Ambassador and Head of Delegation of the EU to the Republic of Serbia and the Chief of the NATO mission to Serbia Student Ivana Kohut stated, "We were able to see how a lot of what we were discussing in class came together beyond the classroom. For instance, we got to see how international law can work on paper but not necessarily in practice; we got to see how humanitarian aid is often politicized (a neat continuation of themes that we have been discussing this past year), and we were able to engage with the complexities of religion and ethnicity in this particular conflict and understand how much of the 'the public' perception of these conflicts is socially constructed. It was an invaluable insight into the world we all wish to be working in. [PAGE] Title: AUR Fitness Center | The American University of Rome Content: Athletics and Clubs AUR Fitness Center AUR has a partnership with Total Body System, a gym located nearby campus where our students have special discounts. In an ongoing effort to provide opportunities to keep (or get!) fit and meet local residents, AUR has a partnership with a successful and popular local gym (palestra) that allows its students to use its facilities and participate in classes at a special discounted rate. AUR provides free gym memberships for full-time degree-seeking students and English Language Program students. All other AUR students are eligible for discounted membership that they can purchase or renew each semester directly at the gym. Facilities Total Body System fitness center is designed to meet all strength and conditioning needs: Weight room Cardio fitness and muscle toning equipment and machines Open fitness and toning classes (Taiji Quan, Wing Tsun, Postural and Bioenergy excluded). Please check the Fitness Center website for specifics. Locker rooms with showers and sauna Qualified, helpful instructors and staff Clean, well-lit, modern facilities Enrollment Period Memberships are in effect from the first week of classes through the week of exams for the Spring and Fall semesters. Anyone wishing to extend these should speak directly to gym management to make their own private arrangements. Hours Mon –Fri: 8:30 am – 10:30 pm Sat: 8:30 am – 6:00 pm Sun: 9:30 am  1:30pm Location Total Body System is very conveniently located for the AUR community at Via Lorenzo Valla 16, just off the #8 tram line as well as the #75 bus line, and has free on-street parking for cars as well as onsite parking for motorini. For more information, please contact Stefano Cristalli at [email protected] Athletics and Clubs [PAGE] Title: Undergraduate Minors | The American University of Rome Content: Undergraduate Programs Undergraduate Minors You might want to consider combining your major with a minor in a different field. Not only does the minor provide the opportunity to explore a personal interest or passion you will develop enhanced problem-solving skills - or "mental cross-training" - for that extra edge in a competitive career market. Don’t hesitate to speak to your advisor about optimal combinations. The range of minors currently offered at AUR include: Minor in Archaeology [PAGE] Title: Equal Opportunities | The American University of Rome Content: Apply Now Equal Opportunities The American University of Rome provides equal opportunity for all qualified individuals in its educational programs and activities. The University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, political affiliation, source of income or Vietnam-era veteran status. It conforms to all applicable federal and state non-discrimination laws. The policy of equal opportunity applies to every aspect of the operations and activities of the University and includes admissions and employment. It is important to note that, while we strive to accommodate students with learning and physical challenges, our physical plant restrictions may keep us from being able to suitably accommodate everyone. Please contact [email protected] if you have physical or mental difficulties and would like to discuss whether AUR is a suitable place of study. Search form [PAGE] Title: Bachelor Degree Travel and Tourism Management The American University of Rome Content: Food and (Multi)culture in Italy The Grand Tour and the Literature of Tourism Italian Culture at the Movies Global Value Chain Analysis Selected Travel & Tourism Management course details Research Methods in Travel and Tourism In this course, students explore the processes for obtaining and analyzing relevant, reliable, valid and timely information necessary to examine travel and tourism industry practices and trends. TRAVEL AND TOURISM STRATEGY Students will analyze strategic choices and what those choices mean within the context of a travel and tourism business. Special emphasis is placed on the importance and application of an analysis of risk and its management within the context of a travel and tourism business. DESTINATION MARKETING: EUROPEAN WONDERS This field trip course provides a hands-on opportunity to critically explore destination branding in Europe, and to consider the range of marketing strategies employed by regional governments, Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs), local businesses and communities. FOOD TOURISM This class on food tourism will focus on learning the geography of food for various regions of the world through the study of the qualities and attributes of various cuisines and the role that culinary tourism plays in their economy. CULTURAL AND HERITAGE TOURISM Emphasis is placed on developing theoretical and practical insights into heritage related to place, community, ethnicity and identity, as well as the stakeholders in the local and global tourism industry. Marketing for Travel and Tourism We will explore the areas and the challenges facing industry actors as they strive to create distinctive experiences for increasingly demanding and jaded consumers. Outstanding Faculty AUR's Travel & Tourism Management faculty is comprised of the outstanding and experienced academics & industry professionals with a broad range of theoretical & practical expertise in their disciplines. Anna Sasso Anna Sasso is a marketing specialist, lecturer, and consultant. She combines her business education and managerial experience with a passion for human potential to help students and professionals uncover their unique value and expand their careers. Her professional motto is: ‘To create sustainable competitive advantage through a quality education and lifelong learning.' Marshall Langer Marshall entered academia after a 12-year career in finance in the U.S. and Europe, in investment banking and risk arbitrage with firms such as Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Corp and BNP Paribas. Marshall is also a Trained Group Counselor. Marshall Langer has been an Adjunct Professor at AUR since 2004. Laura Prota An economics specialist, Professor Prota publishes regularly on issues related to the specificity of Southeast Asian market transition with a particular focus on place and path-dependent trajectories of development. Beyond her academic interests, Prota has worked as a consultant and project coordinator in several rural development projects in Southeast Asia. Course requirements and further detail For more in-depth information about this program and individual course requirements, please see our full catalog . Apply Now What's on this page? Why study Travel & Tourism Management at AUR Field study trips for credit Travel & Tourism Management Internships Unique Concentrations: Food Tourism & Heritage Tourism Career Destinations Travel & Tourism Management course information Outstanding Faculty On other pages [PAGE] Title: Field Trips | The American University of Rome Content: Here you can find out about all the trips arranged by Student Life. Student Life Field Trips Fall 2023 TUSCAN WEEKEND November 17-19, 2023 Student Life Field Trips Spring 2024 NAPLES, CAPRI, SORRENTO, AND POMPEII WEEKEND April 5-7, 2024 NAPLES, CAPRI, SORRENTO, AND POMPEII WEEKEND Join the Student Life crew for a new twist on our old classic and very popular trips to Capri and Pompeii! For the first time, we’ll be combining our trip to the beautiful Isle of Capri with a tour of the excavations at Pompeii, a walk around Naples as well as adding overnight stays in the town of Sorrento. Naples: Italy's third-largest city is one of its oldest, most artistic, and most appetizing. Naples' Centro Storico (historic center) is a Unesco World Heritage Site. Naples is where pizza was invented, and since the 19th century, the Neapolitans have raised it to a fine art! Capri:  magnificent coastal walks, flower-strewn mountain slopes and, of course, the shimmering blue Mediterranean sea with its natural wonders which include the magical Blue Grotto and Faraglioni. Sorrento:  on the Amalfi coast overlooking the Bay of Naples, this cliffside town offers spectacular views across the bay.  It is also the home of limoncello. Pompeii:  buried under ash and pumice and lost for over 1500 years, this Roman city frozen in time was rediscovered 4 centuries ago.  Today this UNESCO World Heritage site offers extraordinary insight into the life of a city at the height of the Roman Empire. Back to top . ASSISI DAY TRIP This Student Life day excursion will take you to the beautiful town of Assisi: it represents an ensemble of masterpieces of human creative genius, such as the Basilica of San Francesco, which have made it a fundamental reference for art history in Europe and in the world. The interchange of the artistic and spiritual message of the Franciscan Order has significantly contributed to developments in art and architecture in the world.  The Student Life department provides you a chance to visit the main historical and artistic treasures of Assisi. There will also be leisure time for wandering, individual discovery, and relaxation. Back to top TUSCAN WEEKEND This Student Life weekend trip will take you to the fabled towns of Tuscany: Siena, Florence, and Trequanda. From the medieval town of Siena to the highly sophisticated medieval city of Florence, to the beautiful landscapes of Trequanda (our wine tasting destination). There are cathedrals, city palaces, intimate town squares, and breathtaking landscape views. This is the best way for you to become the most “cultivated” traveler and lover of the best of Italy. The Student Life department provides you a chance to visit some of the historical and artistic treasures of these selected cities of Tuscany. There will also be leisure time for wandering, shopping, individual discovery, and relaxation.. Back to top Back to top On and Off-Campus [PAGE] Title: The American University of Rome Student Tuition and Fees Content: Please note: The American University of Rome offers tuition in both Euro and Dollars. If you are a U.S. citizen, permanent U.S. resident or a Canadian citizen you must make your payment in U.S. dollars. For all other citizenships please make payments in Euros. If you are a dual national (U.S./Canadian plus other) you may choose between Euros or Dollars. Please note that whichever currency you make your first payment in, you are obligated to continue with that currency for your entire duration at AUR. Deferred Admission A student who has been accepted to The American University of Rome but cannot enroll immediately may request a deferral.  Students who wish to defer are required to pay the $/€ 500 tuition deposit.  The payment is non-refundable and will be put towards tuition costs at the time of enrollment.  A deferral can be granted up to one academic year after which the student must re-apply for admission to the University. Deadlines Enrollment deposit payment deadline for new students Fall May 1st Spring Within 2 weeks after Acceptance Notification For information on Graduate Tuition and Fees please see the Graduate information here . Apply now Undergraduate Tuition & Fees Tuitions & Fees in US Dollars Tuition & Fees in Euros Tuition & Fees for Study Abroad & Visiting Students Tuition & Fees FAQ Payments Graduate Program Tuition & Fees [PAGE] Title: News and Events | The American University of Rome Content: Dr. Katja Munoz (’05). Emerging Trends and Challenges: the role of AI in FIMI (Foreign Information Manipulation Intervention). The AUR Alumni Lecture Series. Dr. Katja Munoz (’05), Fellow at the German Council on Foreign Relations. Currently, we see a significant increase in AI-generated content online. Experts worry about its impact on the information environment. Which kind of AI-based FIMI activities are currently observed? 10 Apr 2024, 19:00 [PAGE] Title: AUR Scholarships | The American University of Rome Content: SCHOLARSHIPS FOR OUTSTANDING ACADEMICS The Global Scholar Scholarship AUR’s Global Scholar scholarship has been designed to reward the best of the best. If you’re an applicant with a GPA of over 3.5, you are encouraged to apply for this award. SCHOLARSHIPS FOR YOUNG ARTISTS The Irene Worth Scholarship The Irene Worth Scholarship for Young Artists is a donor-funded scholarship dedicated to an American student, selected on a merit and need basis, who intend to mature as an artist and choose to pursue a degree in Fine Arts, Film or English Writing. Deadline: February 28th SCHOLARSHIPS FOR FEMALE STUDENTS FROM AREAS OF CONFLICT The Rula Jebreal Scholarship The Rula Jebreal Scholarship Fund provides full master's scholarships to women coming from war-torn countries. These donor-funded scholarships aim to empower and support women who are passionate about peace and conflict resolution, economic development, and social justice in their home countries. SCHOLARSHIPS FOR FAMILY MEMBERS OF AUR STUDENTS The AUR Sibling Scholarship A student who has one or more siblings studying at The American University of Rome is eligible for a 20% discount. The discount will not apply to the first sibling to enroll, but will be applied to additional siblings while they are enrolled simultaneously and are degree-seeking students at AUR. When there are no longer multiple siblings enrolled full-time, due to graduation, transfer, part-time enrollment status, or withrawal, the remaining sibling pays full tuition less any scholarships/work study he/she may have. The students must be making satisfactory academic progress. The scholarship will only apply to tuition costs. Definition of Sibling: The student must be one of two or more children having one or both parents in common. Note: This discount is not available to family members outside the sibling relationship such as cousins, spouses and so on. SCHOLARSHIPS FOR THOSE IN FINANCIAL NEED The Financial Need Scholarship The Hardship Scholarship For new incoming degree-seeking students at AUR, Financial Need scholarships are a partial tuition discount only and are renewable annually until degree requirements are met for a maximum of four years (depending which comes first). Students must remain in good academic standing. Priority Deadlines: Fall semester: April 1st Spring semester: November 1st For returning degree-seeking undergraduate students, this scholarship is offered to students who have found themselves in financial hardship and need financial assistance returning to their studies. The amount students receive varies depending upon their temporary financial needs. The Hardship Scholarship is not renewed automatically from one academic year to the next, students must reapply. Priority Deadlines: [PAGE] Title: The Center for Food Studies | The American University of Rome Content: The Center for Food Studies SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCE OF FOOD SYSTEMS The Mission of the Center for Food Studies To provide a forum in English for intercultural and interdisciplinary exchanges, debates, and food-related projects. To promote and advance research in food-related topics within the University and with other research networks, including the Rome-based U.N. and CGIAR international organizations, the European Food Safety Authority, and the active civic food networks. To promote and share teaching and experiential learning in the interdisciplinary topic of food within AUR and with other universities and research centers worldwide. To foster internships with organizations involved in food. To encourage contacts and cooperation with the non-profit sector, businesses, and public sector institutions. To offer an affiliation opportunity for Visiting Scholars. Contact: Professor Maria Grazia Quieti, Center Coordinator and Director of the Master in Food Studies [email protected] Scientific Board: Professor Valerie Higgins, Director of the Master in Cultural Heritage: Sustainability & Community Professor Antonio Marchesi, Director of the Master in Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution Professor Laura Prota, Interim Coordinator of the Business Administration Program Professor Anna Sasso, Coordinator of the Travel and Tourism Management Program Professor Elizabeth Wueste, Director of the Archaeology and Classics Program Food Studies - AUR Institutional Resources [PAGE] Title: Schedule a one-to-one meeting with our Financial Aid team | The American University of Rome Content: Financial Aid & Scholarships Schedule a one-to-one meeting with our Financial Aid team Our Financial Aid team is always happy to discuss any aspects of financing your education face-to-face with prospective and current students. Take the opportunity to schedule a one-on-one meeting with either Zoë or Kirsty - full details are below. Meet Zoë Johnson, Director of Financial Aid Zoe is based in Rome; she speaks English and Italian. Zoe is a Financial Aid specialist. Zoë lived on the east and west coasts of the USA before moving to Italy 12 years ago. Her love for all things Italian started with her Latin class in high school and she's never looked back! She got her Bachelor's in Sociology and Psychology with a concentration in Criminal Justice and a Master's in Organizational Development. Her love for numbers began when working with her father in the family's post and beam construction company, and it has served her well transitioning to financial aid a decade ago. In her free time, Zoë loves discovering every inch of Rome's parks and green areas (there are many!) and hiking. If you are ready to talk about AUR's cost of attendance, budgeting, and financial aid, set up an appointment with her today! Meet Kirsty Young, International Admissions and Financial Aid Counselor Kirsty is also based in Rome and also speaks English and Italian. Kirsty hails from Northumberland, UK, and has lived in Italy since 2015. Kirsty is a die-hard Harry Potter fan after making her film debut in The Philosopher's Stone before deciding acting wasn't for her. She studied English Language and Communication with English Literature in London but did a complete 180 when she started working at AUR, realizing that her real passion is in numbers! If you’re ready to get into the weeds of cost of attendance, budgeting, and financial aid, Kirsty’s your girl! Schedule a cost-of-attendance guidance session below Search form [PAGE] Title: Tuition and Fees for Study Abroad and Visiting Students | The American University of Rome Content: Tuition and Fees for Study Abroad and Visiting Students Semester & Short Program Fees The information below is designed for Visiting and Study Abroad students and for those resident students who wish to take extra classes in winter or summer. If you are Studying Abroad but plan to be with us for a full academic year, please see the full-time Tuition and Fees page . *For US federal loan eligibility to study abroad at AUR, students need to contact their home University for further information. FEES IN U.S. DOLLARS Tuition for Visiting/Independent Study Abroad Students Full-time tuition per semester (12 - 17 credits) $13,700 Part-time tuition per semester (3 credits) $3,425 Summer Session with 1 course (3 credits) $3,425 Summer Session with 2 courses (6 credits) $6,850 Tuition for Visiting/Independent Study Abroad Students Full-time tuition per semester (12 - 17 credits) €10,500 Part-time tuition per semester (3 credits) €2,625 Summer Session with 1 course (3 credits) €2,625 Summer Session with 2 courses (6 credits) €5,250 Italian Government Requirements for non-EU Citizens Health insurance is required for non-EU citizens unless they have their own health insurance valid for Italy. The health insurance is part of the permit to stay process. PLEASE NOTE THE CURRENCY [PAGE] Title: Summer Seminar: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives in Italian Language Teaching. 8 - 12 July, 2024 | The American University of Rome Content: Summer Seminar: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives in Italian Language Teaching. 8 - 12 July, 2024 A professional development course for teachers of Italian. This is a graduate-level, 2-credit, 30-hour seminar delivered in Italy in the summer of 2024. AUR's 1-week summer seminar offers professional development for teachers of Italian. Composed of 30 academic hours, the seminar helps participants improve their teaching strategies by studying innovative language and culture instruction methods and creative ways to tackle learning problems. Participants will receive 2.0 graduate credits from The American University of Rome upon successful completion. This American institution has been operating in Rome for more than 50 years and is accredited by Middle States Commission on Higher Education. This program is open to teachers of Italian at all levels (Middle School, High School, and University) as well as graduate students and teaching assistants in the field of Italian Language Teaching. All course activities and assignments will be conducted in Italian. Pre-requisites: A bachelor's degree or 24 university credits in Italian. Course Professor: Dr. Flavia Laviosa Flavia Laviosa is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Italian Studies at Wellesley College. In her academic career, she has pursued two paths: one in Foreign Language Education, stemming from her Ph.D. at the University at Buffalo, and the other in Film Studies, resulting from her Master’s degree completed at the University of Edinburg. Laviosa is an experienced foreign language educator and a certified ACTFL trainer and tester with extensive involvement in designing professional development programs for language instructors in North America and Europe. She has published widely on learning strategies in international journals. As for her interests in film studies, she has taught courses on European women filmmakers and has published articles in refereed journals and chapters in edited volumes. Laviosa is the founding editor of the book series Trajectories of Italian Cinema and Media (2019-) and of the Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies (2012-) published by Intellect. She has also guest-edited the special issue of Studies in European Cinema ‘Cinematic Journeys of Italian Women Directors’ (2011) and edited the volume Visions of Struggle in Women’s Filmmaking in the Mediterranean (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010). Course Venue: The American University of Rome Schedule: Monday-Friday 09:00 - 12:30     Instruction and class activities 12:30 - 13:30     Lunch break (lunch included in course fee) 13:30 - 16:00     Instruction and class activities Topics: Creativity in the language classroom Social and emotional learning Oral and written communication and proficiency. Course requirements and materials: Active participation during in-class activities Completion of oral and written final projects Students will be provided with all course materials. PPT slides will be shared at the end of each class. Syllabus [PAGE] Title: Graduate School Visa & Residency Requirements | The American University of Rome Content: Graduate Program Admissions Information Graduate School Visa & Residency Requirements Enrollment as a graduate student at The American University of Rome is compulsory for the course credits to fulfill in each program, except for the internship and the thesis that can be completed in locations other than Rome. Due to federal regulations, students enrolled in the Federal Student Loan program for graduates cannot complete their internship or thesis in the United States. The thesis defense will be scheduled in Rome in December of Fall Semester II. Students are expected to defend their thesis in Rome at AUR unless other arrangements are granted under extraordinary circumstances and at the discretion of each program director. Visa and Permit to Stay If you have Italian or European citizenship , you do not need to apply for a visa. If you require one, it is your responsibility to ensure that you obtain your student visa before arriving in Italy. VISA All students holding a non-European Union passport are required by law to obtain a student visa before departing from their home country. Without a valid student visa students can not apply to obtain their Permit to Stay. The visa application can be a lengthy process, therefore we recommend that students inform themselves of visa procedures in advance. Students must obtain their student visa after receiving approval of their acceptance. AUR Admissions Office will send each accepted student a visa letter which along with all other necessary documents they take to their local consulate . Students should check with their local consulate to make sure they have all the necessary documents before presenting their application. Please contact [email protected] should you require assistance. Please note that the student visa should be obtained prior to leaving one’s home country. It is not possible to apply for such a visa in Italy. Permit to Stay Upon arrival in Rome, all students who are citizens of countries which are not European Union Members must obtain a permit to stay in Italy (Permesso di Soggiorno per Studio). This permit is issued by the local police authorities (Questura). The University will provide relevant information and assistance to you upon arrival to secure your first permit to stay. However, it is your responsibility to comply with current stay requirements and secure the applicable documents. Required Documents. To facilitate the process of obtaining the Permit to Stay, you must provide the following: 1 photocopy of your photo ID in the passport and the Italian Visa as presented in the passport 1 photocopy of health insurance (see chapter below) 1 photocopy of AUR enrollment letter stamped by the Italian Consulate Please bring these items with you during Arrivals Week for your meeting with the AUR Permit to Stay Consultant. The permit to stay process is regulatory in nature and the applicable rules change frequently. Students are encouraged to consult the arrival materials distributed each academic semester for the most up to date procedure/requirements. Students residing in housing contracted through the University will need to present the listed documents and follow the instructions given by the Student Life Office during the arrivals week. The actual permit is issued at a later date and needs to be picked up in person. We advise students to periodically check the list of the issued permits posted at the police station. Renewal of Permit to Stay The permit to stay for study is normally granted for the period of one academic year. Therefore, it will expire and needs to be renewed within 60 days of the date of expiration. Students who need to renew their permit to stay must submit through the post office their request for a “rinnovo” and will have to provide the following documents: 1 photocopy of your photo ID in the passport and the Italian Visa as presented in the passport 1 photocopy of health insurance 1 photocopy of a credit card, bank statement or a letter of financial support 1 photocopy of AUR grade report stamped by the University It is the responsibility of the student to renew their stay permit. Student Life will assist with any related questions. Health Insurance Private U.S. medical insurance will only be accepted if the Italian Consulate issuing the visa attaches a cover letter in Italian stating the conditions of the policy and indicating that there are no restrictions. Italian health insurance that complies with the applicable standards can be purchased on campus upon arrival or before hand on line. Italy4You is available to assist you in obtaining Health Insurance for your time abroad. Italian Health Insurance may also be purchased privately.  The insurance is a pre-requisite to receiving a student visa and entitles you to emergency health care in public hospitals. European Union Citizens European Union citizens do not have to apply for a permit to stay. All EU students who plan to study in Italy for more than three months are instead required to provide the Registry Office (Ufficio Anagrafe) with the reason for their stay in Italy and with their local address. To carry out this official registration you will need the following documents: A valid European Union ID/Passport (bring a photocopy with you also) A copy of the health insurance. As an EU citizen you should have received from your National Health Service an Insurance Card that entitles you to medical and hospital assistance throughout the European Union. Make sure you bring it with you to Italy A bank statement or other document that demonstrates that you have the financial means to support yourself A copy of the AUR enrollment letter Please note that there are several Registry Offices in Rome; the one that you will need to register your presence at depends on your address in Italy. For assistance in identifying your particular Registry Office and for further guidance please contact the Student Life Office. For further information on student visas, permits and health insurance please contact [email protected]. [PAGE] Title: Safety & Security | The American University of Rome Content: Living in Rome Safety & Security While the University cannot guarantee the individual security of students, staff, faculty or visitors, it has put several important strategies in place in order to maximize safety. As a G8 member nation Italy’s overall level of physical safety is high. Incidents of violent crime (e.g., assault, rape, murder) are extremely low. Italian police are known for their expertise in maintaining civil order and crowd control. The American University of Rome encourages all its students periodically to check the U.S. Department of State webpage (or their national embassy/advisory) for latest advisories and travel warnings. General physical security The University is in frequent contact with both Italian law enforcement and Rome-based US consular authorities, including the US Regional Security Officer. The University provides the US Consulate in Rome with the names and US phone numbers of all visiting students. Any plan of program closure or evacuation would be in response to specific recommendation from US consular officials. Several senior staff members have direct contact with the US consular services and will be able to rapidly disseminate information to the AUR community in the event of an emergency or important political developments in Italy or the world. The University is located in a well-patrolled and exceptionally quiet area of Rome in close proximity to embassies and embassy residences. As recommended by security assessments, no large signs identify the University. In addition, the University maintains several security precautions to ensure the highest level of safety for its community, including: 24-hour camera surveillance of the university premises and perimeter and a daily review of the tapes. Personalized ID cards to allow admission to the University premise. (Security personnel escort visitors to their destination.) Mail handling procedures, including the capacity to screen packages for explosives in conformity to professional recommendations. Fire or premises evacuation plans reviewed in staff meetings. (Specific, trained people have responsibilities for the evacuation of the premises.) A large number of fire extinguishers and safety equipment. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on the premises. Additional security measures that are not readily visible. The review of safety procedures regarding campus security, mail handling and other matters is continuous and involves ongoing consultation with both government and private security professionals. The University has implemented procedures to communicate important information rapidly to students, faculty, staff and other members of the University community. The Study Abroad Office communicates important information to students and other people responsible for school and study abroad programs. Living in Rome [PAGE] Title: Summer Sessions in Rome. June 2023 Study Abroad in Italy. Content: ENG 327 THE ART OF THE REVIEW: MOVIES, BOOKS, AND THE ARTS Monday - Thursday Some classes off-campus 3 credits This is an upper-level writing intensive course that focuses on the technique of writing about various arts using journalism’s forms, principles, and ethics. Students will learn to do appropriate research, become familiar with the criteria and guidelines for writing reviews of books, films, performances, art, and architecture, and how to be artful within those journalistic boundaries. Apply now Law These courses are offered in partnership with New York Law School. We recommend students be at the junior or senior level and have completed relevant coursework. IA 213 NO PEACE WITHOUT JUSTICE Monday - Thursday Some classes off-campus 3 credits This course aims to improve understanding of the relationship between peace, justice, and human rights from an international perspective by addressing the international community's legal obstacles and ethical dilemmas in pursuing these different but reciprocally connected goals. It addresses the maintenance of peace and security both between and within states, the fight against impunity for international crimes such as genocide and war crimes, the protection of human rights such as the right to life, the right not to be tortured, and the right to personal freedom in the context of different types of conflicts (including the “war on terror”). Specific issues explored during the course include the extraterritorial jurisdiction of states, international criminal tribunals, immunities from jurisdiction, different approaches to the fight against terrorism, and different models of post-conflict transitional justice. [PAGE] Title: Health Insurance | The American University of Rome Content: Living in Rome Health Insurance Good health insurance is a necessity when you’re living in Italy, not simply for the peace of mind that it brings, it’s also a legal requirement. All non-Italian AUR students are required by Italian law to have a valid health insurance plan for the duration of their studies in Italy. Typical health plans from the US or other home countries do not cover the requirements. To facilitate your access to the type of insurance required, we strongly recommend students take advantage of the favorable terms and comprehensive coverage that our partner CISI (Cultural Insurance Services International) has put in place for you. The CISI Plan has been designed specifically for students studying overseas. Not only does the plan provide accident and sickness insurance, but it also covers mental health, medical evacuation, and repatriation as well as security evacuations should they become necessary. In addition to the above, the AUR student insurance plan covers users for all areas outside the United States and provides students with a worldwide, 24-hour emergency telephone assistance service. US residents, please note: this is NOT a replacement for your home-based comprehensive health insurance. This is a supplement that will cover you while you study in Italy - do not give up any insurance that you already have for coverage in the States. With 24/7 emergency operators standing by, you can consult with CISI on their coverage for pre-existing conditions, emergency repatriation, specialist medical visits, prescriptions, physical therapy, and more. CISI also covers mental health concerns and “Trip Delay” benefits. CISI will even cover the cost to fly a parent or guardian to your current location during a health emergency. Non-European students We strongly recommend that all non-European students purchase the CISI insurance policy. Other insurance coverage may also be acceptable, but students will be required to produce a certificate from the insurer detailing the conditions of the policy specific to residence in Italy. This certification must also detail any restrictions that the policy might put in place while resident in Italy. Again, depending on your country of origin and individual insurance company, the policy you arrive with may not provide adequate coverage in Italy. For your peace of mind and wellbeing, we strongly recommend purchasing the CISI health insurance plan. European students While you are covered in Italy through reciprocity with your home country’s national healthcare system, depending on your country of origin this may not provide an adequate level of coverage in Italy. Given the low cost and comprehensive coverage provided, we strongly recommend that you purchase CISIS insurance. How to access the CISI insurance plan Visit - This will bring you to a customized landing page specifically for AUR students. Please make sure you use this link to access the comprehensive AUR plan, if you visit the CISI site directly you may end up purchasing the wrong plan which is not as comprehensive and has US state restrictions. Read carefully the details of the AUR CISI plan and the Participant Guide When you are satisfied, click on the "Enroll Now" button at the top of the page and follow the subsequent instructions. CISI Insurance Insurance details & enrollment On and Off-Campus [PAGE] Title: Undergraduate Tuition and Fees | The American University of Rome Content: Here you will find the most up to date information on tuition and fees. The American University of Rome offers tuition in both Euro and Dollars. If you are a U.S. citizen, a permanent U.S. resident, or a Canadian citizen you must make your payment in U.S. dollars. For all other citizenships please make payments in Euros. If you are a dual national (U.S./Canadian plus other), you may choose between Euros or Dollars. Please note that whichever currency you make your first payment in, you are obligated to continue with that currency for your entire duration at AUR. [PAGE] Title: Contact Us | The American University of Rome Content: Contact Us We're here to help - what would you like to know? We aim to make the information on our website relevant and comprehensive. However, we also recognize that we can never cover all the questions that you might have, and sometimes it's easier to simply drop us a line. So, any questions you may have, any queries that you haven't found answers to, please ask them below. We love it when people make contact in person! (You'll also find phone numbers at the foot of the page, just in case you're more of a chatter than a typer). Apply now Admissions [PAGE] Title: The AUR Difference | The American University of Rome Content: Apply Now The AUR Difference Since 1969, The American University of Rome has provided an American liberal arts education to students from all over the world seeking a unique and extraordinary educational experience. It is the oldest American degree-granting institution in Rome, Italy, and currently offers 10 Bachelor degrees and 3 Master degrees. All programs are taught in English. Overlooking the historical center of Rome, The American University of Rome is a traditional American college located on top of the Eternal City’s highest hill, offering a spectacular view of the city and the surrounding hills. The defining aspects of the programs taught at AUR are: All programs combine theoretical understanding with practical experience , and classes are often taught on-site throughout Rome and Italy. Abundant opportunities to gain real-world work experience through internships with national and international commercial companies and NGOs. Over 75% of our students will undertake an internship; many will take two. AUR has a relatively small student body of just over 600 undergraduate and postgraduate students. Classes have a low student-to-staff ratio, creating an intimate learning environment and engendering in-depth discussions in the classroom. Affordable tuition and financial aid AUR is a not-for-profit university and we work hard to keep our tuition fees as affordable as possible. Lend Edu estimates the average cost for four-year higher education at an American non-profit college is around $50,000 per annum. At The American University of Rome, the cost per annum (including accommodation) is just over $36,000 . This, combined with the lower cost of living in Italy, represents a significant saving and means that our students can graduate with a much more manageable student loan overhead. The American University of Rome participates in US Title IV Direct Lending to cover the estimated cost of attendance . Our Financial Aid department is dedicated to guiding students and parents through the process of applying for, disbursing and managing these loans. AUR is wholly committed to assisting students whose academic merit and financial need warrant recognition and support. To this end, we have a range of scholarship options available. Truly diverse AUR is home to a highly diverse student body representing over 60 countries on campus. 28 native languages are spoken amongst our faculty and students, although all programs are conducted in English. Reflecting this eclectic campus, our professors respect and draw from different points of view, ideas, and real-world experiences, enriching the dialogue within the classroom. Learn on location Rome is our classroom. Professors complement their lessons with on-site visits around the city, guiding students through the richly layered experience that is Rome - both past and present - highlighting its global context throughout the ages. Add an international element to your academic achievements Rome’s beauty quickly overtakes all who enter its ancient walls. A walk or bus ride through even the most commonplace quarters of the city yields encounters with innumerable monuments, towering pillars, and major imperial buildings that still stand imposingly just as they have for over 2,000 years! However, we encourage our students to venture out of the city and make the most of having the rest of Europe on their doorstep. Rome is the perfect base from which to explore the rest of Europe; London, Berlin, Amsterdam, and Paris are all within a three-hour flight distance. An engaged alumni network Over its 50 years of teaching and learning, AUR has graduated thousands of students from across the world. This network of alumni spans the globe and the career spectrum and many of its members actively work to help new graduates from the university. AUR is more than just a community, it's a family. Accreditation AUR is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and is a non-profit institution . The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) was formally incorporated under Pennsylvania Commonwealth law on March 1, 2013. From its origins in 1919 through February 2013, the Commission was a unit of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. Although now an independent corporation, the Commission maintains an ongoing relationship with the Middle States Association. The Commission on Higher Education is recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education to conduct accreditation and pre-accreditation (candidacy status) activities for institutions of higher education in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, including distance education and correspondence education programs offered at those institutions. MSCHE is also recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) to accredit degree-granting institutions which offer one or more post-secondary educational programs of at least one academic year in length in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and other geographic areas in which the Commission conducts accrediting activities. The Commission is a voluntary, non-governmental, membership association that defines, maintains, and promotes educational excellence across institutions with diverse missions, student populations, and resources. It examines each institution as a whole, rather than specific programs within institutions. AUR prepares you to live and work across cultures as skilled and knowledgeable citizens of an interconnected and ever-changing world through its practical interdisciplinary academic majors, opportunities for learning through travel and internships, and its multi-cultural student body, faculty, and staff. About Us [PAGE] Title: AUR's President, Dr. Scott Sprenger | The American University of Rome Content: Information AUR's President, Dr. Scott Sprenger Dr. Scott Sprenger began his tenure as President of The American University of Rome on 1 July 2020. Dr. Scott Sprenger began his tenure as President of The American University of Rome on 1 July 2020. He came to the post after serving as Provost of The American University of Paris (AUP), Dean of the College of Arts & Humanities at Weber State University in Utah, associate dean of the College of Humanities at Brigham Young University (BYU) as well as professor of French Literature and European Studies. President Sprenger’s administrative work as both provost and dean has covered a broad range of traditional areas, such as strategic planning, institutional budgeting, curriculum development and oversight, international programming, academic and career advising, and the creation and oversight of research centers and fundraising operations. At AUP, he secured Andrew W. Mellon institutional grants to improve first-year programs and to open a Civic Media Lab and a Center for Critical Democracy Studies. With private funding, he oversaw the founding of a Center for the Study of Genocide, Human Rights, and Conflict Prevention and a Center for Design. While at BYU, President Sprenger was the architect of Humanities+, an innovative and comprehensive approach to bridging liberal arts and humanities study to careers in the global labor market. Humanities+ has been acclaimed in the national press and by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences as one of the most innovative initiatives in the liberal arts and careers in the United States. He has also advocated for the humanities and liberal arts with the U.S. Congress via the Humanities Alliance Conference, on radio, podcasts, and YouTube, and in the Chronicle of Higher Education. Dr. Sprenger's graduate degrees in French Studies are from Johns Hopkins University and Emory University. In 2009, he was the recipient of a Fulbright Scholar award at the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Paris and Brussels for work on language policy in the EU. He was also awarded an Andrew W. Mellon post-doctoral position at the Humanities Center at UCLA from 1999 to 2001. President Sprenger’s main publications are on modern European literature and culture. If you would like to contact Dr. Sprenger, please email [email protected] Institutional Information [PAGE] Title: IT Services & Facilities | The American University of Rome Content: Academic Services IT Services & Facilities The mission of the Office of Computer Services is to provide reliable and sustainable academic and administrative technology services. We are committed to supporting the University’s mission in academic excellence, student centered learning and institutional effectiveness through quality and innovative IT services and programs. IT Facilities The AUR network is based on Gigabit technology and connects to the internet over a 100Mbps fibre optic line. There are approximately 180 workstations on campus (PCs and Macs) that service academic and administrative departments. In addition, AUR has over 20 Access Points (indoor and outdoor) to provide 100% Wi-Fi coverage on campus. Computer labs There are four computer labs on campus: Building A computer lab. Walk in access, no booking required. Evan’s Hall Library computer lab. Walk in access, no booking required The Multimedia Battista lab. Available to FDM and COM students. The Science and Computer Classroom. Requires booking. Smart Classrooms The use of instructional technology is an integral part of teaching techniques at The American University of Rome. All classrooms are equipped with an array of instructional technology including networked PCs with dedicated LAN internet access. High-definition and non HD ceiling mounted digital projectors, DVD/Blu Ray players and digital sound systems. All classrooms at AUR have Wi-Fi access. The Auriana Auditorium AUR’s auditorium has a seating capacity of 99, the room is equipped with an assortment of multimedia equipment including a complete public address system with wireless microphones, a Dolby surround sound system, state of the art video conferencing facilities and a High Definition ceiling mounted video projector. IT Services The Office of Computer Services provides quality IT services to support the educational programs at AUR. For information about any of our services, please contact [email protected] Email and network accounts Students are assigned a network/AUR email account when they begin their studies at AUR. AUR’s email system is hosted with O365. For further information about the system, consult the Help Desk tab on MyAUR (requires login) OneDrive As part of AUR’s institutional O365 subscription, students have access to One Drive for their cloud storage, which provides 1TB of storage space. Learning Management System The LMS is AUR’s online course management system. Every course offered at AUR interacts with an online environment giving students an enhanced learning experience. Through the LMS students have access to course communication tools, discussion forums, course announcements, online tests, handouts and an electronic gradebook allowing students to monitor their course progress.  An overview of the LMS is given to degree seeking students and to new faculty during their IT orientation. Additional training is available by request. The LMS is accessible through MyAUR. Course homepages will appear under the link “my courses” before the start of classes. LMS resources and video tutorials for students and faculty are available from the Helpdesk tab in MyAUR. (Requires login). MyAUR MyAUR is the AUR community portal. Students have access to their academic information including course registrations, degree program information, online advising capabilities, unofficial transcripts, online registration and online add and drop. Faculty have access to their course teaching schedule, classroom assignments and downloadable academic forms & policies. Alumni have access to their unofficial transcript and extra alumni features. In addition, MyAUR provides users with up-to-date announcements, campus events information, academic calendars and an online course/syllabus search engine. Printing/copying cards Academic printing and copying is available from different locations on campus. Copiers/printers are available for faculty and students to use in the Building A computer lab, the Evan’s hall library, the faculty lounge and the Carini building. All copiers/printers are connected to a print management system and can be accessed by swiping your AUR security badge. Further information can be found on the boards above each copier/printer or on the Helpdesk tab of MyAUR (requires login). Training Program The OCS works closely with the Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC) to offer faculty and students workshops and training on the various information and technology services offered. Most faculty training is conducted through the Faculty development program offered regularly throughout the semester. Department training is also available and coordinated with the Program Director. Wi-Fi Wi-Fi is available from any location on campus including classrooms, the Evan’s Hall library, the main office building, Auriana Auditorium, the Carini building and outdoor locations such as garden and terraces. A single SSID gives users seamless access to Wi-Fi @ AUR. SSID’s include: AURCAMPUS (student use) requires password AUR (faculty use) requires login AURGUEST (guest use) requires login. (Guest access can be requested at the AUR reception). Academic Services [PAGE] Title: News and Events | The American University of Rome Content: Specialized Course on Cultural Heritage, Crime and Security: Protecting our Past to Invest in our Future. 11-15 March 2024. Hybrid Format: Rome (Italy) and online. Deadline for applications: 26 February 2024 [ Jump to application form ] AUR students participate in the 60th Anniversary celebrations of the Codex Alimentarius AUR Food Studies and Peace Studies master’s students Carlotta Cramer, Sophia Lovett, Marshall Everett, and Walda Umutomi were selected to participate in the 60th-anniversary celebrations of the Codex Alimentarius on 27 November at the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) headquarters in Rom MA Food Studies student presents at 'Schools Beyond Regions and Borders' Professor Mefleh and graduate student Mimi Veness will participate in the May 2024 seminar 'Our Food, Our Health, Our Planet' in Padova for the project  'Schools Beyond Regions and Borders.' Professor Mefleh will talk about novel foods, and Mimi Veness will discuss her MA thesis [PAGE] Title: Study Abroad, Visiting & Foundation programs | The American University of Rome Content: Academics Study Abroad, Visiting & Foundation programs The American University of Rome has a long history of delivering short, specialist programs during the traditional Summer and Winter break periods. These are ideal for students who want to boost their credits while learning in this spectacular location. AUR also offers a compehensive Study Abroad program for visiting students and an Academic English program designed for non-native English speakers who wish to study at this university but lack the confidence in their English levels. Study Abroad Enrolling 500 students a semester from over 40 countries, The American University of Rome has hosted Study Abroad students for 5 decades working with renowned education institutions in the U.S. and individual 'independent' visiting students to provide a range of exciting and challenging programs that meet the needs of Study Abroad students and are fully integrated with their home programs. Study in Rome and explore Italy and Europe. *For financial aid eligibility to study abroad, students need to contact their home University for further information. [ learn more ] Summer Short Programs The American University of Rome offers a range of short J-Term and Summer programs from across the academic spectrum, from Archaeology through Business, Film & Digital Media to Italian Culture and Psychology. [ learn more ] *Please note that non-degree programs such as these are not eligible for US federal loans administered by AUR. Other Study Options [PAGE] Title: An AUR video gallery | The American University of Rome Content: An AUR video gallery A video selection from the last twelve months A selection of twelve of our favorite videos from the last twelve months. We'll update these regularly, but if you want to see more now, visit us on YouTube or check out our Instagram reels. Meet a few of our fall 2023 students Our favorite event of the year! A field-trip to the Vatican Museums The AUR Wolves and She-Wolves in action The Aventinus Minor archaeological project Cultural field-trips organized by the Student Life team Our International Relations & Global Politics students went to Geneva This is what an Open Day on campus looks like (come visit!). Advice to new students from our Freshman class Archaeology students on a field-trip to Athens The Fitzsimmons Scholarship for Women in Leadership We did say it was our favorite event... so here's another look Search form [PAGE] Title: Real Projects: Professional Experience for Students | The American University of Rome Content: Academic enhancement Real Projects: Professional Experience for Students Work in a team on a challenge for a sponsor organization to develop a project-based solution. Frame and present the challenge based on the orientation from the faculty and sponsor company. Develop a final project proposal presentation and executive report.This course is open to all AUR students. Real Projects course structure The Real Projects course structure blends classroom support with organizational problem-solving learning. AUR faculty assigns a team of students to a project for a sponsor company. The sponsor company liaison orients the assigned team to the company's challenge and supports access to materials needed to complete the project. Meanwhile, the faculty supervises and directs students to navigate real-world complexities and apply research-based methods to create value for their project sponsor. The faculty provides students with fundamental training through four workshops, scheduled to fit the project's developmental timeline. Through these immersive hands-on professional exchanges, students gain in-depth insights into solving problems organizations face within their industry, geographies, and competitive positioning. This offers a unique experience for liberal arts students to think strategically, innovate systematically, and hone their critical thinking and leadership skills. The students' teams (REAL Team) are composed of four or five students who will meet in the classroom weekly, supervised by faculty or by the sponsor liaison. Each student dedicates eight hours per week to work on the project. Learning Objectives Practice discovery behaviors to innovate Identify problems using design thinking methodologies Analyze available data and insights to frame a company challenge Apply theories, methodologies, and tools to solve problems Collaborate with a multidisciplinary team to accomplish creative outcomes Plan and execute a consultancy project. The benefits of Real Projects Practice Real Projects enhance the educational experience by stimulating students to put theories into practice and challenging them to exercise project management tools within a professional environment. Teamwork Students work in teams testing and adjusting their skills and knowledge while addressing the problem-based projects of a sponsor company. This mirrors the reality of the professional workplace. Professional experience Working with organizations on developing projects is a unique opportunity for liberal arts students to think strategically, innovate systematically, and hone their critical thinking and leadership skills; an opportunity that empowers students to become agents and architects of change within society. Indicative course schedule [PAGE] Title: Getting organized, getting here, and settling in. | The American University of Rome Content: Student Life Getting organized, getting here, and settling in. You're going to be here for a while, but airline baggage allowances are not designed for you to bring the entire contents of your you need to pack wisely. Out top three tips for things to have on hand at all times are: Cash It’s not uncommon for shops/cafes/taxis to only accept cash, so make sure you have enough euros on hand at all times to cover emergencies. Also, notify your bank before traveling so you don’t find yourself with frozen debit and credit cards! You can find ATMs throughout the city, but it's a good idea to note those closest to your apartment and campus. Water Bring a bottle to fill at the many fountains around the city - or from the water tap on campus. A reusable one is best for the environment. You should never need to buy water in Rome! Comfortable shoes Seriously, you'll thank us! You will clock up a lot of miles walking around the city, and the cobbled streets are unforgiving on flimsy footwear- flip flops will last about 5 minutes. Prior to your arrival [PAGE] Title: Resident Graduate Program | The American University of Rome Content: On and Off campus Resident Graduate Program The Res Grads (Resident Assistants) are AUR students who combine their enthusiasm for Italy and their knowledge about its lifestyle, cuisine and traditions to create an unforgettable student life experience for the AUR student body. The Res Grads work together as a team to help AUR students get the most out of their experience in Rome on a budget by organizing a range of inexpensive (if not free) activities throughout the year. The Res Grads will be on hand to help right from the start of students’ time at AUR, as during Arrivals Week they go to meet incoming students at the airport to welcome them to Rome. Also during Arrivals week, the Res Grads lead neighborhood tours for new students, as well as their popular “Rome Walk”, a tour showing students how to navigate the city. These events not only help students settle into the city, they also give students the opportunity to meet and get to know each other in a relaxed and informal setting. Throughout the rest of the semester, the Res Grads host events such as beach trips, cooking lessons, movie nights, language exchanges, day trips, aperitivo night… the list goes on! All these events are advertised on MyAUR, the Res Grads Facebook page, and on the electronic bulletin boards on campus. Previous Res Grads have said about their experience: “I currently am directing a study abroad program with over 100 students! I think my growth and professional development was greatly influenced by my experiences as a ResGrad.” “The ResGrad program strongly reinforced my sense of professional responsibility in and outside of my work schedule.” “The RA position couldn’t have come to me at a more appropriate time in my life. With my experience working with students, it further created a stronger CV when applying for jobs in the study abroad field. I greatly appreciate the amount of faith and trust given to me from my mentors.” To find out about their activities, join them on Facebook , follow them on Instagram , or email at [email protected] Interested in being a Res Grad? Responsible, sociable and creative AUR students who are interested in joining the Res Grad Program should send their CV and a brief statement describing how they could be an asset to the Dean of Students Stefano Stoppaccioli at [email protected] . Successful candidates will have receive AUR housing, including utilities and amenities, in exchange for their work. A Res Grad position is ideal for students considering careers in the fields of Study Abroad, Student Life, University Recruitment and Event Organization. On and Off-Campus [PAGE] Title: Graduate School Admission Requirements | The American University of Rome Content: 125 Application To apply for an M.A. program, students are required to submit the following with the AUR online application : Letter of Motivation explaining your previous academic and professional experiences, your interest in the relevant M.A. program, and your career goals (700 words) Passport photo page or European Union ID Curriculum Vitae University Transcripts from all institutions attended. Applicants must have earned a minimum grade point average of 3.0 or equivalent. (Unofficial transcripts are acceptable at the application stage. If accepted, official copies will be required for enrollment) Two letters of Recommendation, ideally one academic and one professional(applicants in the workforce for more than 5 years may submit two professional letters of recommendation) Proof of English Proficiency for students whose previous degree were conducted in a language other than English. AUR accepts official TOEFL results (minimum score paper based: 637 , computer based: 270, and internet based 110) , IELTS Academic (minimum score 7) , or Duolingo English Test results (minimum score 130) Academic writing sample from one's previous studies demonstrating writing and research abilities (minimum 10 pages, any topic accepted) Interview Before admittance to the M.A. program, all students will be interviewed. The purpose of the interview is to enable the Director and Committee of the relevant program to assess the students’ language abilities and their knowledge of the subject. Students are expected to demonstrate their commitment and capacity to study at the graduate level. Program-specific requirements [PAGE] Title: Living in the Eternal City | The American University of Rome Content: Living in Rome Living in the Eternal City Coming to a new city and a new country can be nerve wracking, we know. But, give it a few weeks and you'll understand why so many people fall in love with Rome. Here are few tips on getting by in the 'Eternal City'. Where do I buy stuff? General grocery stores are called alimentari and offer everything from salt and soap to vegetables and pasta. There are several big chain supermarkets, (ie, SMA, Margherita and Todis) that you can find also in our housing neighborhoods. You can get quality fruit and vegetables in the open air markets at Via del Vascello , Piazza San Giovanni di Dio and Campo dei Fiori . There you can also find household goods, as well as at the UPIM department store. Tabacchi shops (T) are the place to buy stamps, bus tickets and phone cards. TuttoCittà has an excellent website where you can find the shops closest to your apartment address. Simply type in the city “Roma” and your address, and click on “Fare la spesa” to get a map and listing of local shops. Shopping hours Italian business hours often differ from the 9 am to 5 pm U.S. standard. Most shops are open from 9:30 am to 1 pm, close down for the chiusura pomeridiana (afternoon closing) and open again from 4 pm to 7 pm. There are also Monday morning and Wednesday/Thursday afternoon closures for some businesses. Working hours vary for each business and you should inquire about the specific schedule for any location of interest. Banking Opening an Italian bank account requires a valid stay permit and an Italian codice fiscale (a national ID number), but usually also takes quite some time and can incur high operating costs. The university does not recommend that study-abroad students open an Italian bank account. Instead, we highly recommend that you use the safest and most efficient method of accessing money in Italy: ATM (Bancomat) cards. Visa and Mastercard debit and credit cards are widely accepted and offer the best exchange rates. You should check with your bank before departure to ensure that your ATM card is authorized for international use. Transportation The easiest and most commonly used form of transportation is the bus. There are also trams and a two-line metro system in Rome. Bus stops, departure schedules and route information are found on well-marked signs throughout the city, and can also be found online at . Orange, blue or green ATAC city buses and tram lines run from about 5am to about midnight. Bus tickets are sold at tabacchi shops, newsstands and many coffee bars. There are 100-minute tickets, 3-day, weekly and monthly tickets. You must validate (time stamp) bus tickets (except for monthly pass) in the yellow boxes when boarding the first transport vehicle; your 90-minute ticket will be valid for the ensuing one hour and a half (ie, 90 minutes), your 3 day ticket for three days, etc. The monthly bus passes for students are only for Italian nationals residing in Rome. Even if you are encouraged to do so by well-meaning vendors, do not buy the student bus pass as you will be fined if found using it by transport officials. Legalities Illegal drugs are ILLEGAL. As a foreign student, you should be aware that the laws are different and search warrants are not necessary for drugs in Italy. In Italy, the police can require you to identify yourself. Therefore, it is essential that you carry a photocopy of your passport with you at all times. In extreme cases, the police can arrest an unidentified person until that person is positively identified. Safety tips Italy has a low rate of violent crime, little of which is directed toward tourists. However, some travelers have been victims of crime and the more knowlegable you are the safer you are. When going to nightclubs or bars in areas where crowds of people gather outdoors, you should be careful. Petty crimes such as pick pocketing, theft from parked cars, and purse snatching can be a problem so be aware of your belongings. Avoid walking on your own during night time, especially in parks or small side streets. Do not leave your personal belongings or drinks unattended or with strangers at any time. Be especially aware of your belongings in crowded places like public transportation and on night trains. Always carry your cell phone and a phone card with you. Always leave your travel plans with someone and while traveling, keep your money and documents in two different places. In your apartment, keep your shutters and serrande closed at night and whenever you’re not home. Always speak to any person who has buzzed your apartment through the intercom system to make sure you know who it is before you buzz them into your building – never buzz in someone you don’t know. Crimes in Italy are generally petty crimes of opportunity – just don’t leave that opportunity open! Do not invite people you barely know into your apartment – Italians socialize in public places and no one expects you to invite them in. Living in Rome [PAGE] Title: Make a Payment | The American University of Rome Content: All payments must include the student’s name and, when known, the student’s I.D. number. Money orders cannot be accepted for tuition payments. If you have any questions regarding payment, please email the Finance Office at [email protected] . The preferred method of payment is via our credit card payment system . The University also accepts the following methods of payment Check (Euros or Dollars) Payable to The American University of Rome. It can be mailed to: The American University of Rome Via Pietro Roselli, 4 00153 Rome – Italy Check (Dollars only) Checks (for payment in Dollars only) may also be sent to P.O. BOX for U.S. Postal Service deliveries The American University of Rome c/o Bank of America-Lockbox Services P.O. BOX 841229 Dallas, TX 75284-1229 Wire Transfers in Euro Account name: THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF ROME Bank: Banca Popolare di Sondrio Branch: 21 Address: Via Famiano Nardini 25, 00162 Rome, Italy Account: 000003010X51 IBAN (International Bank Account Number): IT48 C056 9603 2210 0000 3010 X51 BIC/SWIFT: POSOIT22 Please quote IBAN and SWIFT/BIC code Incoming wires to all EU members must quote beneficiary’s IBAN and Swift/BIC codes. Wire Transfers in Dollars Account name: THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF ROME Account Address: Via Pietro Roselli 4, Rome Bank: Bank of America Account number: 001923458961 Active ACH Blocks/Filters on file: Yes Routing number ACH/EFT: 054001204 Routing number DOM. WIRES: 026009593 SWIFT Code INTL WIRES: BOFAUS3N (U.S DOMESTIC) BOFAUS6S (FOREIGN CURRENCY) Please quote IBAN and SWIFT/BIC code Incoming wires to all EU members must quote beneficiary’s IBAN and Swift/BIC codes. In case of wire payment, a photocopy of the transfer fund receipt should be faxed to The American University of Rome (fax n. +39-06 5833 0992) to the attention of the Finance Office. Please quote the student’s name to ensure the correct credit to your account. Please note that foreign bank transfers require at least 5 (five) working days before payment is received. [PAGE] Title: Men's & Women's Futsal (soccer) | The American University of Rome Content: Athletics and Clubs Men's & Women's Futsal (soccer) Don't miss the opportunity to make great sporting memories with your peers and to meet (and compete against) students from other Universities in the Roma University League. A founding member team since the league’s inception in 2005, the AUR Wolves men’s and women's soccer teams compete against other Roman university teams throughout the academic year in the Campionato di Calcio delle Università Romane and the Campionato Calcio Feminile delle Università Romane; intercollegiate tournaments sponsored by the municipality of Rome. Playing on the Wolves’ team gives students an opportunity to truly mix not just with local Roman students but with the international academic community found here as well; in addition to great fun and camaraderie, the tournament offers the Wolves a chance to test their soccer skills against teams made up of Italian and international players. The AUR Wolves enjoy spirited support from students, faculty, and staff, as well as from the university's mascot, “Wolfie.” The games also offer a great opportunity for bonding between study abroad and resident students within the AUR community. Tryouts for the Wolves are typically held during the first week of classes each semester, with the tournaments officially kicking off in October and continuing into May. Practice is on Tuesday (women) and Wednesday (men) from 7.30 - 9.00 pm at Trastevere Stadium (Via Vitellia, 50 - walking distance from AUR). League games take place midweek (no weekends involved). For more information, please contact Stefano Cristalli at [email protected] . "Being on a sports team for AUR has definitely made me feel more a part of the AUR community. It made my time in Rome a lot more fun and taught me strength, dedication, teamwork, and responsibility." - Jade Rios Athletics and Clubs [PAGE] Title: Associate of Arts in Liberal Studies | The American University of Rome Content: Associate of Arts in Liberal Studies This is a 60 credit Associate Degree The curriculum for the Associate of Arts Degree in Liberal Studies is designed to satisfy the needs of students seeking a general background in liberal arts with the possibility of specializing in selected areas. Students completing this degree may continue their studies in any of the bachelor’s degree programs offered by the University, may transfer to other universities for further study or may terminate study at this level. The Associate of Arts Degree in Liberal Studies requires successful completion of 60 credits made up of a 38-credit General Education requirement and 22 credits of free electives with a cumulative grade point average of no less than 2.00 on a 4.00 scale. Undergraduate Programs [PAGE] Title: Tips to survive and thrive in Rome | The American University of Rome Content: Living in Rome Tips to survive and thrive in Rome Day-to-day life in Rome can be an adventure. As an AUR student you will have the rare privilege of living close to the heart of this beautiful city but not having to contend with its amazing (organized) chaos. However, during your time with us we encourage you to fully envelop yourself in the Rome experience – here's some advice that may help. Public transport \There are three main options for public transport in the city center: buses, trams, and the metro. All three run from around 5 a.m. until midnight and cover the whole of the city. Paying for your travel is easy too. You can buy tickets and passes from Tabacchi stores, newsstands, Metro stations, or machines at major bus stops. Tickets cost €1.50 and can be used on buses, trams, subways, and overground trains, and must be stamped as soon as you get on the bus/tram/metro/train to be considered valid. Once the ticket has been stamped, it is valid for 100 minutes of travel. Random ticket checks are frequently carried out, and an unstamped ticket will come with a hefty fine should you get caught out. A monthly travel pass can also be purchased by those with a codice fiscale. Crossing the road Where there is a green man indicating that you can cross, be aware that cars may still be entitled to turn onto the road and cross where you are happily walking. Where there are no lights, crossing places are indicated by white stripes (zebras). As a pedestrian, you have the right of way here, but you should always remain alert, particularly in wet weather when roads may be slippery. Make sure that the drivers in approaching cars have seen you and that they have a reasonable stopping distance – and then walk. Be prepared to wait... From the government or local council to the Post Office, be prepared to queue. Best practice: book your appointment where possible, always aim to make these appointments as early in the day as you can. Don't buy water Rome is very good with water and always has been. By the first century A.D., thanks to the amazing engineering of aqueducts, the city had roughly 1,000 liters of water available per person, per day. Nowadays, not so much – but still around 500 liters per family. You'll want to drink a lot of water here, especially in the summer months, but all you need to do is buy one bottle at the beginning of your trip and then refill it regularly from one of the 2,500 fontanelle (little fountains) that are scattered around the city. The water that flows constantly from these roadside fountains is safe, fresh, and super-cold. Can't see a fontanelle from where you're standing? Download this app (others are available) for iPhone to see them all marked on a map. Leave your high heels at home There is little point in trying to wear high heels in Rome. There are simply too many cobbles. Unless you’re taking a taxi from door to door, it's sensible to wear flat shoes. You can buy pretty much anything at a Tabaccheria Apart from selling the obvious, tobacco, they also sell stamps, top-up for your phone, you can pay your bills there, get your monthly transport pass, buy lottery tickets… If you need something but you don't know where to get it from, it's most likely that you can get it from the Tabaccheria. Aperitivo Italy’s gift to students on a budget.  For €6-10 you can enjoy a drink and a variety of food, usually from 7 until 10 pm.  It’s a cheap dinner and an excellent way to catch up with your friends!  Some places offer a buffet with all types of pasta, vegetables, cured meats, pizza, etc, and others may bring you a charcuterie board with a few different options.  It all depends on which venue you choose! Don't go shopping at lunchtime While Rome is far more like a traditional northern-European city than some of those in the south, you're still going to find that many shops close at lunchtime and re-open in late afternoon, especially in the summer. Living in Rome [PAGE] Title: Summer Professional Development Program: Health & Risk Communication in an Interpandemic World | The American University of Rome Content: Summer Professional Development Program: Health & Risk Communication in an Interpandemic World Health and Risk Communication in an Interpandemic World: Strategies for a System Thinking and Equity-Driven Approach A Global Health Communication Institute Rome, Italy, July 8-19, 2024 The Institute will meet from Monday to Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm CET on Monday to Thursday and 9:00 am - 12:00 pm CET on Fridays ------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO SHOULD ATTEND Health, communication, international development, human rights, and community development professionals from a variety of sectors, organizations, and countries, including international organizations, government agencies, foundations, nonprofit organizations, community-based organizations, hospitals, and others. OVERVIEW A summer global health communication institute that brings together professionals and leaders from multiple sectors and disciplines for an international professional development course in association with Strategies for Equity and Communication Impact (SECI) and the peer-reviewed Journal of Communication in Healthcare: Strategies, Media, and Engagement in Global Health . Participants will engage in advanced conversations, strategies, and skills-building units on interdisciplinary topics at the intersections of health and risk communication, social and behavior change (SBC), social and behavior change communication (SBCC), system-thinking, community engagement, and health equity/human rights. Participants will have the opportunity to interact with international and Italian organizations in Rome and AUR faculty members with relevant experience on the topic. Lessons learned, future directions, and implications for health and risk communication will be discussed as related to the COVID-19 pandemic and other disease outbreak settings as well as other health areas, community and population health issues, and social, political, and structural determinants of health and well-being. The course is grounded in the theory and practice of Social and Behavior Change (SBC) disciplines, Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC), Health Equity, and Human Rights. A certificate of completion will be awarded to participants by The American University of Rome. Lead faculty and course director: Renata Schiavo, PhD, MA, CCL Senior Lecturer, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health Principal, Strategies for Equity and Communication Impact (SECI) Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Communication in Healthcare: Strategies, Media and Engagement in Global Health (Taylor & Francis) Founder and Board President, Board of Directors, Health Equity Initiative Editorial Board Member, Health Equity (Mary Ann Liebert) Senior Editor, Journal of Health Equity (Taylor & Francis) LinkedIn: Bio and work experience: FACULTY (GUEST LECTURES AND/OR SITE VISITS) UNICEF-Rome Fondazione MAXXI/MAXXI National Museum of XXI Century Art Fondazione Cinema per Roma/UNESCO Rome City of Film The American University of Rome Others are to be announced. COURSE DESCRIPTION This 10-day summer institute and professional development course focuses on lessons learned, future directions, and advanced conversations on health and risk communication related to the COVID-19 pandemic and other ongoing and past epidemics and emerging disease outbreaks in different regions worldwide. The course is grounded in the theory and practice of Social and Behavior Change (SBC), Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC), Health Equity, and Human Rights. It will provide participants with practical skills, strategies, and resources on a participatory, multisectoral, integrated, and community-driven approach to communication that aims to achieve social, behavioral, and policy results in pandemic and interpandemic settings (including the preparedness, response, and recovery phases). Implications of the course content to strengthen health and social systems, improve outcomes across other health areas and community and population health issues, and address social, political, and structural factors will also be discussed. The course recognizes the disproportionate burden of pandemics and other public health emergencies among populations and groups that are already affected by health, racial, and social inequities. It discusses methods and resources to design community-driven solutions and policies, improve the sustainability of communication and global health interventions and social and behavioral gains, and help advance health, racial, and social equity. Special topics will include building and restoring trust in science and health information, addressing misinformation/disinformation, media ethics, the influence of social media, storytelling for behavioral and social results, human-centered design and other participatory planning methods, and the role of arts-based communication and other participatory strategies for community and public outreach. Nested in Rome, Italy, one of the first countries to be severely affected by the pandemic, the course will include site visits and lectures from representatives and staff members of local and international organizations, hospitals, the media, arts institutions, and AUR faculty members. COURSE STRUCTURE The course is organized into discussion/learning units, each of which includes several topics. The first week of the course will be dedicated to an introduction, lessons learned from the pandemic, including an overview of future directions, and core principles for a system-thinking and equity-driven approach to health and risk communication. Participants will also practice select communication planning concepts, skills, and strategies within an integrated framework grounded in health equity, system-thinking, and human rights, which aims at social, behavioral, policy, and organizational change. The role of community-driven interventions and policies will also be discussed with particular emphasis on resources and skill-building for community and patient engagement. The second week of the course will be dedicated to topics on the implementation and evaluation phases of health and risk communication interventions and research efforts. The role of participatory media, participatory evaluation, media ethics, mixed research methods, trust in health and science information, infodemic management, and other timely topics will also be discussed. Across the two weeks, implications of the course content for other health and social areas, community and population health issues, and for addressing social, structural, and political determinants of health will be discussed. Ultimately, through a combination of presentations and guest lectures, advanced discussions and Q&A sessions, case studies, hands-on training, and experiential exercises, participants will gain knowledge and skills in several essential principles and strategies of health and risk communication in an interpandemic world. The course will be in English and is designed for a maximum of 25 participants. ------------------------------------------------------------------- €2,000 (euros)/participant (without accommodations) €2,800 (euros)/participant (with accommodations in AUR shared apartments) MEALS An opening aperitivo and a closing dinner are included in the tuition fee. Two additional aperitivi events will be organized closer to the date; these, too, are included in the tuition fee. All other meals will be the responsibility of each participant and/or their organizational sponsors. REGISTRATION: Pre-registration is required by May 1, 2024. A non-refundable deposit of €500 (euros) is also due by May 1, 2024. All participants must pay the remaining tuition fee by June 7, 2024. INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL/VISA REQUIREMENTS International participants must be informed about Italian travel information and hold a valid entry visa if required. For non-EU citizens, you can check visa requirements here or with your local embassy. SEMINAR TUITION €2,000 euros The tuition fee includes an opening aperitivo and a closing dinner, plus two additional aperitivi events that will be organized closer to the date, and all seminar course materials. OPTIONAL HOUSING Housing fee: €800 euros Seminar participants can choose to reside in AUR housing. Participants will be provided single rooms in 3-bedroom/2-bath apartments with kitchen facilities and wi-fi, within walking distance of the AUR campus. SEMINAR DATES [PAGE] Title: The Dean's Office | The American University of Rome Content: Academic Services The Dean's Office The Dean serves as the university's chief academic officer reporting to the President and exercising the powers and duties of the President during his absence. The Dean is responsible for all aspects of academic affairs, and establishes a strategy for all the undergraduate programming at AUR. In addition, the Dean has overall responsibility for the University’s processes of outcomes assessment and institutional research and for information technology. The Dean also plays the lead role in accreditation, serving as liaison with the University’s accrediting and licensing agencies, and works closely with the President and the Chief Financial Officer in strategic and financial planning. The Dean shares with the President, the conduct of the University’s relations with other educational institutions, groups and associations. Strategic planning The Dean’s Office has an important role in the strategic planning process. The Dean, together with the President, drafts AUR’s three-year Strategic Plan for presentation to Joint Advisory Committee On Planning and Budget (JAC). The JAC links the assessment, planning and budget processes and unites the three main groups that make up AUR — faculty, administration and students. Outcomes Assessment and Institutional Research Through a process of outcomes assessment (OA) the American University of Rome seeks to assure itself, its stakeholders and the public that it is successfully fulfilling its mission and achieving the goals it has set itself. The results of continuous assessment can be used to inform decision making and planning so as to improve student learning and advance the institution. The assessment cycle provides a framework within which institutional programs and resources can be organized and coordinated in such a way as to achieve goals at program, department and institutional level, and allows us to build systematic and continuous enhancement of the quality of our educational provision and services into our daily activities. Academic Regulations The Dean's Office is responsible for the publication of the institution's full Academic Regulations. You can view AUR's Academic Regulations here . Learning Accommodations The American University of Rome does not discriminate based on differing abilities and is committed to providing all students with a high quality educational experience. While not bound by the “Americans with Disabilities Act” and other legislation, the American University of Rome still makes every attempt to provide all reasonable accommodations. Possible accommodations may include: Extended time for papers or projects Time-and-a-half for testing Tape lectures (with appropriate permission) Use of a computer for essay exams In order to request learning accommodations, the student needs to submit medical or psychological documentation, specifying detailed and reasonable accommodation(s), two weeks prior arrival. Please note all documentation must be valid and current (within the past 4 years) and issued by a licensed specialist. After all required documentation has been received, the Dean’s Office will consult with faculty and staff to determine available accommodations. Academic Services [PAGE] Title: Graduate School Tuition & Fees - Euros | The American University of Rome Content: Graduate School Tuition & Fees - Euros Financial information for citizens and permanent residents of countries other than United States or Canada Program Tuition (full time, 3 semesters): 21,000 Euros The tuition fee covers attempted credits required for each respective M.A. program. Any additional attempted credits must be paid for, according to the prescribed fee. First semester: €10,000 Second semester: €10,000 Final semester: €1,000 In order to secure admission, a non-refundable deposit of €500 is required. The deposit will be credited against the first tuition payment. Italian Government Requirements for non-EEA/SWISS Citizens Permit to Stay: €117,96 (without assistance) / €172,86 (with EduServices) Health Insurance: €37 per month, €450 (for 12 months) The Permit to Stay is required for all non-EEA or Swiss citizens. Health Insurance is required for non-Italian citizens unless they have their own health insurance valid for Italy. Health insurance is required for the Visa and Permit to Stay application process. AUR works with CISI Health Insurance to assist you in obtaining health insurance that will fulfill your immigration requirements. Mandatory Fees New Student fee: 200 Euros Graduation fee: 100 Euros [PAGE] Title: Master Degree (MA) in Food Studies: Policies for sustainable production and consumption Content: Graduate programs M.A. Food Studies: Policies for sustainable production and consumption AUR’s Food Studies program examines the connections between the production, distribution, and consumption of food, focusing on sustainability criteria. Our graduates work in areas of food policy as well as with humanitarian organizations helping to meet food-related global challenges. This is a cross-disciplinary program exploring the current practices of sustainable food production and consumption. Focus is given to investigating how we affect the Earth’s resources with our food choices. Experiential learning at a small-scale farm in the peri-urban area of Rome is an integral part of the program.​ What makes AUR's Food Studies program unique? Professional networks While this M.A. is fully accredited in the United States, the campus and the program are firmly rooted in Rome, Italy - a location widely viewed as the heart of food policy and sustainability developments. Rome serves as the headquarters of the United Nations agencies dealing with food security and sustainable development: FAO (the Food and Agriculture Organization), IFAD (the International Fund for Agricultural Development), WFP (the World Food Programme), and Bioversity International (a global research-for-development organization) are all based in the city. Real experience AUR’s close ties with the international institutions of Rome means that the topics studied on campus are frequently complemented by on-site visits and contacts with professionals where students have the opportunity to see the theory behind their specialization put into real-world action. A large proportion of our alumni have completed high-profile work experience placements with diverse organizations that reflect their career or research ambitions and specializations Innovation & personalization Innovative program structure and content, tuition tailored to the individual student, expert faculty, visiting scholars, and a diverse, international student body combine to form a learning experience you will not find elsewhere. The M.A. Food Studies at The American University of Rome has been recognized by both academics and industry employers as a unique program delivered in an extraordinary setting. Career destinations There are many organizations, both from the public, private and non-profit sector, that work in food and environment-related fields as well as humanitarian endeavors. Accordingly, well-trained professionals will find a range of fulfilling careers in this field. In balancing theory and practice, this Master’s program prepares students for employment in a variety of organizations for professional work as well as research in think-tanks, consultancy companies, or academia. Lexi M., 2018. Sr. Program Coordinator, SNAP-Ed program. Victoria R., 2018 USAID's Office of Food for Peace, Washington. Julia B., 2019 Sustainability Manager, Dairy Farmers of Canada Sierra B., 2019 Global Donor Platform for Rural Development Beth G., 2017 Emergency Reporting and Outreach Specialist, FAO Eva R., - 2019 Wine Manager, Total Wine & More An introduction to the MA in Food Studies In this presentation, program director Professor Maria Grazia Quieti introduces the Master's in Food Studies: Policies for sustainable production and consumption at The American University of Rome. Also featured is AUR's Graduate School Admissions Counselor & Director of Financial Aid, Zoe Johnson, who answers questions relating to admissions procedures and funding opportunities. Bethany talks about what drew her to AUR's Food Studies program "I was drawn to the Food Studies graduate program at AUR because I’ve always had a strong desire to work in humanitarian aid. Through the years, my goals have changed in scope and grown more specific; after serving a tour in Afghanistan with the US Navy, I felt a deep obligation to learn more about Afghani people, and the Islamic worldview. I sought to widen the lens through which I understood Western interaction with the Islamic world, especially American foreign policy and the use of cultural diplomacy. After leaving the Navy, I focused my Bachelor’s on Islamic World Studies as well as Peace, Justice, and Conflict. I began to consider the issues plaguing refugee camps near conflict zones, as well as the migrant camps throughout Europe, which have greatly increased with the post-9/11 fallout in the Middle East and North Africa. Consistent food and water supplies are top priorities for maintaining any quality of life in such camps; the opportunity to grow a sustainable source of food breathes new life into camps often bereft of the most basic human needs. After completing my undergraduate studies, I spent the summer as an intern on a certified organic vegetable farm and learned about the production side of a small farming operation. I am at AUR because the Food Studies program will help me combine my skills and interests in sustainable food production and humanitarian aid within the Islamic world. I hope to use these skills to effectively implement small, locally grown food operations in the places that need it most." Bethany Eigenfeld, AUR Master's In Food Studies student Outstanding Internship Opportunities An internship with a food-environment organization can be considered as part of the M.A. program and carries a value of up to three credits. Students are actively encouraged to undertake an internship (offered as an elective choice), as, upon completion of graduate study, work experience is invaluable in aiding students’ pursuit of their career goals. Sierra Berardelli's experience with the Cocoa of Excellence Programme Over the course of eleven weeks, I completed an internship working with the Cocoa of Excellence Programme. My interest was piqued to intern with this organization because of the tropical agriculture research conducted by CIAT. My previous experience studying tropical ecology in Panama and Costa Rica felt relevant to the research conducted by the Alliance, particularly on tropical agriculture. The Cocoa of Excellence competition strives to safeguard cocoa diversity by celebrating diverse flavors and quality globally while showcasing smallholder farmers and bringing know-how to the industry through developed cocoa evaluation tools. After researching the program and examining the social media platforms of CoEx, I was given the role of taking over social media. In addition to creating and managing social media content, I also assisted with various communications work. I strongly believe that this internship has better prepared me for entering the professional workforce by giving me hands-on work experience and allowing me to experience what it is like to work with an influential organization in the food and agriculture industry that deals with sustainability, rural development, climate change, and food security— concepts that I am currently studying while completing the Master of Science in Food Studies at The American University of Rome (AUR). Program Information Program objectives The goal of this 15-month, U.S.-accredited master’s degree program in Food Studies is to provide students with specialized knowledge and practical skills relating to the food system at all levels – from the local to the global – through an international lens. The program hones students’ critical thinking and independent research capabilities while cultivating the expertise and transferable skills necessary for the graduate student to pursue a profession in the field or continue to further study. A social science curriculum focused on the food and agriculture system, its sustainability, ethics, governance, and policies Experiential learning through work on a farm and contacts with professionals with a wealth of international experience and active engagement with Italy’s vibrant food/farming community and its rich food culture and agriculture Courses that recognize the value of practical skills and offer opportunities to combine theoretical learning with hands-on experience Appreciation of the worldwide societal concerns regarding the choices facing humankind in relation to feeding an increasing world population, including the pressures exercised on natural resources and the world’s biodiversity, public health and the spread of obesity, the persistence of under-nutrition, and the impact of climate change An understanding of the interdependence of nations in terms of food production and consumption and the ways in which governments, the business industry, and civil society are dealing with these issues through policies, programs, and regulatory frameworks. PROGRAM DETAILS The 15-month M.A. program consists of six core courses, four elective courses, and the thesis. The total number of credits is 36, of which 30 credits are for coursework and six are for the thesis. PROGRAM OUTCOMES Upon completing the program, students will be able to: Demonstrate a high level of knowledge of the contemporary food system, the main factors impinging on sustainable food systems, production and distribution, and consumption at the global level and relate them to individual countries’ situations Evaluate the nexus between food production, food consumption, and the environment Assess critically nutrition from public health and environmental perspectives Analyze the main policies and regulatory frameworks related to food and their implementation at international and national levels Examine and compare the main tenets of food-induced rural development policies and programs in both developed and developing countries, with particular reference to Italy within the European context Appraise the macroeconomic environment and government policies impinging on the sustainability of food production and consumption Perform financial analyses, budgets, and forecasting in the food sector Write professionally about food across different media Beyond course-specific skills and knowledge, students will acquire academic and transferable skills, including Conduct research by framing a research question, identifying and applying the appropriate quantitative or qualitative methods Analyze and present basic statistical data in a clear and effective way Communicate persuasively both orally and in writing, in different contexts and situations, including research paper writing and thesis defense Experiential learning at the Center for Agro-ecology and Social Agriculture (CASA) CASA is an action research project and a small-scale farm run by Silvia Paolini, an agronomist and organic farmer; it grows olive trees, and fruit trees, and produces a variety of vegetables, aromatic and officinal plants, and edible wild herbs for direct selling on the farm. It is adjacent to the old Roman Appian Way in the Appia Antica Regional Park, easily and rapidly reachable by public transport. Through the MA in Food Studies partnership with CASA, there are many opportunities for students to gain hands-on experience with the farm, including Support for agricultural activities Planting and harvesting of crops, management of shrub and tree species, aromatic and officinal species in the open field. Agroecology and circular economy Development of regenerative agriculture strategies, compost, bocashi and biochar production and use, implementing biodiversity corridors. Social agriculture Support for social farming activities (supporting young people with frailty in the course of horticultural therapy, onotherapy, community building). Economic sustainability Farm management, marketing and communications, financial accounting, support to direct sales, market analysis and development. [PAGE] Title: AUR Student Housing | The American University of Rome Content: AUR Student Housing Safe, comfortable, well-appointed living spaces. One of the most important aspects of your time at AUR will be your living arrangements: where you live, and who you live with. All AUR students have the option of living in university-owned accommodation, which is an apartment shared with other AUR students in one of the neighborhoods surrounding the university. All of our lodgings are close to the city center and are equipped with the full set of modern amenities, so you have all the convenience of private accommodation with the authentic experience of living in Rome. As opposed to isolated dormitories, our apartments give you the opportunity to have a real taste of Italian life and to integrate into a community that you can call home. One of the best things about Rome is its diversity: each neighborhood has its own distinct feel, and all have plenty of characteristic cafes, shops, bars and restaurants. They are also picturesque, with bright, wide streets and large parks close by. Each apartment houses between 4 and 9 students, and comprises of double or triple bedrooms, bathroom(s), kitchen, and living area. They are fully furnished, and kitchen equipment, bedding and towels are provided. While they vary in location, style and size, they are all bright, comfortable, and well connected to both AUR and the center of Rome. Students can apply for accommodation once their application for the upcoming semester has been accepted. We know that pictures say more than words can - so here are some pictures of our typical student accommodation See our full housing guide below Living in Rome [PAGE] Title: General Education and First Year program | The American University of Rome Content: Academic enhancement General Education and First Year program AUR’s general education requirements reflect the key concepts that make an American liberal arts university education unique. In addition to preparing students in the foundational skills of English writing, mathematics, the sciences, and the fundamentals of the Italian language, our general education program offers students the opportunity to develop the critical and creative capacity to explore larger questions of knowledge and meaning. Through required courses in the Arts and Humanities, the Social Sciences, and the Creative Arts, students will learn an interdisciplinary approach to complex topics and to examine concepts from a variety of angles. Completion of the General Education program is a requirement for all bachelor’s degrees, and makes use of courses throughout the AUR curriculum. Consistent with the mission of the University, the program develops important practical skills, addresses social issues of diversity, multiculturalism and ethics and draws on the rich resources of the city of Rome as a learning tool. Reflecting the mission of the institution, it strives to ensure that all students, regardless of major, will share a common dialogue which will prepare them to live and work across cultures. AUR’s First Year Program is a signature, one-semester course required of all first year students, irrespective of their choice of major. Communal learning—where all first-years students encounter the same questions, experiences, and texts—and the critical discussions that emerge from small seminars, make AUR’s first year program distinctive and stimulating. FYS 101, Explorations in the Liberal Arts, is intellectually stretching and personally transformative for students. Team-taught by several of AUR’s distinguished full-time faculty, from across a range of disciplines. This interdisciplinary approach fosters a habit of mind that students will employ throughout their studies at AUR and into life beyond the classroom. The goals of The American University of Rome’s General Education program are: to develop and strengthen basic skills which will prepare students upon graduation for a modern working environment and which will be adaptable to a rapidly evolving economy. to cultivate an awareness of, and sensitivity to, cultural diversity and its importance in personal and professional decision making. to achieve a broad knowledge base, drawn from multiple disciplines, typical of an American Liberal Arts Education. to use Rome as a classroom and as an invaluable learning resource. to encourage active and responsible citizenship through knowledge of the forces shaping the actions of individuals and societies and through the development of critical thinking. The General Education program requirements are shared by all majors, though each major may also require particular General Education courses to satisfy major requirements. Transfer students with 30 or more transfer credits are exempted from this requirement. [PAGE] Title: Transfer Articulation Agreements | The American University of Rome Content: Graduate programs Transfer Articulation Agreements An articulation agreement between AUR and another University allows students to complete a degree by starting their studies at one institution and transferring to a partner school to complete the remaining requirements. A transfer plan usually requires completing specific courses that will be recognized by the other school in order to award the degree. Incoming Transfer Articulation Agreements Transfer Articulation agreements for students to transfer to AUR coming from the following institutions [PAGE] Title: Tuition and Fees 2019-20: Euros. The American University of Rome Content: Please note: The American University of Rome offers tuition in both Euro and Dollars. If you are a U.S. citizen, permanent U.S. resident or a Canadian citizen you must make your payment in U.S. dollars. For all other citizenships please make payments in Euros. If you are a dual national (U.S./Canadian plus other) you may choose between Euros or Dollars. Please note that whichever currency you make your first payment in, you are obligated to continue with that currency for your entire duration at AUR. Deferred Admission A student who has been accepted to The American University of Rome but cannot enroll immediately may request a deferral.  Students who wish to defer are required to pay the $/€ 500 tuition deposit.  The payment is non-refundable and will be put towards tuition costs at the time of enrollment.  A deferral can be granted up to one academic year after which the student must re-apply for admission to the University. Deadlines Enrollment deposit payment deadline for new students Fall May 1st Spring Within 2 weeks of Acceptance Notification Apply now Undergraduate Tuition & Fees Tuitions & Fees in US Dollars Tuition & Fees in Euros Tuition & Fees for Study Abroad & Visiting Students Tuition & Fees FAQ Payments Graduate Program Tuition & Fees [PAGE] Title: Bachelor Degree in Film | The American University of Rome Content: Undergraduate Programs Bachelor Degree in Film Throughout the history of cinema, Rome has enticed filmmakers, featuring as the backdrop – and sometimes the starring character – of countless iconic productions, from epic dramas to romantic comedies to documentaries. AUR’s Film program is unique in being the only degree program of its kind to be taught in English and based in Italy, with the added bonus of having its seat in a city so important to the subject. Why study Film at AUR Practical experience The internships available to students of the undergraduate Film program at AUR have given our students a wealth of practical experience and hands-on practice. AUR students of Film have completed placements with such established outlets as National Geographic, The Discovery Channel, Vatican Radio, Cinecitta film studios, and the World Food Program’s Office of Television and Communications. All-round skills The Film program trains students to be the next generation of film, television, and video content producers - professionals who are able to write, produce, direct, shoot, edit, and sound mix content of their own creation. Students will learn to master these skills to create innovative and meaningful media. Career-ready Students will graduate with a portfolio of their own diverse work in a mixture of fiction and nonfiction forms. This portfolio will enable graduates to continue their creative careers as directors, editors, screenwriters, cinematographers, sound designers and/or other possible roles in the traditional and emerging film and video fields. Rocco Anelli (Film 2019) on his time at AUR. When Rocco graduated with a degree in Film from The American University of Rome in 2019, he was already well on the way to success in the film industry. By the end of his first year of studies, he had written the first draft for I Gemelli, (“The Twins”) a film that he would go on to present at the 2020 Festival of European Cinema. "AUR has been a big part of my life and has influenced my work a great deal. It's only a small community but it's so intense. There are people from all over the world with different cultures and different backgrounds so it's impossible to be part of AUR and be a close-minded person - and if you're looking for inspiration or motivation, there's always someone there to provide it!" Feride Eron (Film '20) is working as a Video Editor for a company created by women, for women. "As the Video Editor, I’m in charge of the FemGems Club YouTube Channel. FemGems started as a podcast right before the pandemic hit. As the Covid-19 reality changed our lives, the monthly events they were organizing turned into online events. To share these events with each member and anyone considering joining the club, they decided to create a YouTube channel. That’s when I stepped in. Together with Dora, the founder of FemGems Club, we built a structure for the way we edit these online event recordings and we built up the YouTube channel. Looking back now, the most valuable experiences I had in AUR were definitely the one-credit trips I went on with my friends. It was something I didn’t really think of doing until my last two pre-covid semesters. And now I really cherish the memories I have from those trips Beyond the classroom & campus Students of Film at AUR will find their time split between the classroom/studio and off-campus practical work experience as they produce multiple group and individual projects throughout the year. Creativity is given free rein to flourish as students exercise their newfound skills in making documentaries, music videos, advertisements, experimental films, short fiction web series, and more. Students are encouraged to use the backdrop of Rome to enhance their work, while field trips throughout Europe introduce them to the culture and settings of wider audiences. The Summer Film School at Terni During the summer, our students have the opportunity to spend four weeks working on a real production and utilizing the stunning facilities of the Terni Film Studios. Students devise, script, produce, and direct their own productions - spending one week in Rome on planning, two weeks filming in Terni, and then a final week of post-production back in Rome. Career destinations Film majors go on to a wide assortment of career paths, including a multitude of positions in media and entertainment and, increasingly, in online video production - a relatively new but massive field of opportunity for filmmakers. However, the skills you’ll acquire as a film major are transferable and valuable for many different fields, including in seemingly unrelated industries like law, cultural industries, or marketing. Catriona S. - 2015 [PAGE] Title: Student Consumer Information | The American University of Rome Content: Graduate, all graduate students are considered independent $20,500 (Unsubsidized only) $31,000 ($23,000*) $57,500 ($23,000*) $138,500 for graduate or professional students. No more than $65,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans. The graduate aggregate limit includes all federal loans received for undergraduate study. The procedures and forms by which students apply for assistance: How you may apply for a Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loan and other federal student aid is by completing and submitting a Free Application for Federal Student Aid – FAFSA. (The school code for The American University of Rome on the FAFSA is G31025.). After your FAFSA has been submitted online and processed, the information from your application will be shared with The American University of Rome and AUR will notify you through an award letter of the types of aid for which you are eligible. Read carefully the award letter, complete, sign and send back the original letter to AUR (attention: Financial Aid Office). Complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN). The MPN is a legally binding agreement to repay your loan to the US Department of Education. Before receiving your Direct Loan, you must sign an MPN.  You may complete the MPN online at Federal Student Aid . First time borrowers at AUR must also complete an entrance counseling through the US government website. Information Related to the Costs of Attending The American University of Rome, Including Tuition, Fees, Books, and Room and Board: For undergraduate students, the estimated cost of attendance can be found on our page here . Information about tuitions and fees can be found here. For further detailed information Title IV Aid application and procedures please visit our website. Information Related to The American University of Rome’s Refund Policy and/or Requirements for Withdrawal from the University: Refund Policy Student loan information published by the US Department of Education: The American University of Rome will provide any information published by the US Department of Education to students anytime requested, including the rights and responsibilities of students and schools under title IV, HEA loan programs. For more information on this please contact us. National Student Loan Database System (NSLDS) If you borrow a US federal student loan at The American University of Rome the office of Financial Aid will provide data to NSLDS and this data will be accessible to guarantee agencies, lenders and schools determined to be authorized users of the data system. Entrance Counseling and Exit Counseling For students who borrow US federal student loans first time borrowers (other than Parent PLUS loans) must also complete the entrance counseling. The Entrance counseling is a comprehensive information session on the terms and conditions of the loan and the borrower’s responsibilities. First time borrowers are notified of this requirement upon financial aid packaging. Exit counseling is also required upon withdrawal or completion of the degree if the student borrowed a US Federal student loan. Both the entrance and exit counseling’s will be provided by The American University of Rome. Private Education Loan Disclosures Private Education Loans are available for students pursuing degrees at The American University of Rome. A student may borrow up to the Cost of Attendance minus any AUR institutional aid.  While a student may pursue any private loan lender, the most accessible private student loan for US Citizens studying at foreign schools is Sallie Mae. For more information, please visit their website: Sallie Mae Student Loans. Code of Conduct for educational loans AUR’s code of conduct is as follows: In order to prohibit a conflict of interest with the responsibilities of an agent with resepect to private education loans, all financial aid staff at the University are prohibited from the following: Revenue-sharing arrangements with any lender Receiving gifts from a lender, a guarantor, or a loan servicer Contracting agreements providing financial benefits from any lender or affiliate of a lender Directing borrowers to particular lenders or refusing or delaying loan certifications 11. Copyright infringement policies and sanctions (including computer use and file sharing) The American University of Rome’s Student Code of Conduct sets forth the standards that govern student conduct. The Code can be found in the Student Handbook, which is made available to all students at the University. Included in the “Major Violations” Category are infractions which failure to abide by copyright law is likely to cause: Violation of Sovereign Law Acts of misrepresentation, fraud, forgery, or knowingly using false information, documents or instruments not covered by the Academic Integrity Code. Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Information A copyright is a form of legal protection for creative works. Copyrights help to ensure that authors of creative works can control how those works are used and prevent others from capitalizing on, or using or distributing, the works without permission. The unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material such as songs, videos, games, textbooks, or other type of creative content, including through peer-to-peer file sharing, may subject students to serious criminal and civil penalties, so students and others need to understand what is and is not permissible when it comes to the downloading and distribution of creative materials. Although using peer-to-peer file sharing technology in itself is not illegal, what you share and how you share it may violate the law. The laws that govern copyright are not specific to any one technology; you can violate the rights of a copyright holder using many different types of technology. Both uploading and downloading of copyrighted files can violate copyright law. Federal Copyright Law Federal copyright law establishes a wide range of civil and criminal penalties for copyright infringement. For those who download or upload large numbers of songs, civil damages could reach into the millions of dollars. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) have pursued these monetary damages in lawsuits. Although to date criminal prosecutions of students for file sharing have been rare, potential civil and criminal penalties for peer-to- peer activity include: Statutory damages of up to $150,000 for each act of willful infringement (i.e., each song or movie illegally copied or distributed), Lower damages for acts of unintentional infringement. Pre-litigation settlements prior to filing lawsuits against students from $3,000 to $4,000 and up. Jury verdicts against file sharers in the hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars. Reasonable attorney fees to the copyright owner at the court’s discretion. Fines. Prison time. Legal Resources Information on legal resources for downloading copyrighted material and copyright law can be found at provided by the RIAA. In addition, The American University of Rome’s Policy on Computer Use is available in the Student Handbook and online . 12. Misrepresentation Statement The American University of Rome is prohibited, by federal law, from making false, erroneous, or misleading statements, directly or indirectly, to a student, prospective student, member of the public, accrediting agency, state agency, or to the U.S. Department of Education. Misleading statements are those that have the likelihood or a tendency to deceive or confuse the person to whom they are made. A statement is any communication whether it is made in writing, visually, orally, or through any other means of communication. Substantial misrepresentation is misrepresentation on which a person could reasonably be expected to rely, or has reasonably relied, to that person’s detriment. Statements subject to this policy specifically include, but are not limited to: The nature of the education programs offered through the university; The nature of financial charges, tuition, fees, and other costs; The employability of graduates of the university; and The relationship of the university with the U.S. Department of Education. A Title IV eligible school may not describe its participation in a way that suggests approval or endorsement by the Department of Education of the quality of its educational programs. Student testimonials that are made under duress or as a requirement to participate in a program are considered to be in violation of this policy or federal law. Directors of operational units are responsible for the training of personnel regarding misrepresentation of information about the university or its programs or services. The university considers violations of this policy as serious offenses and will take corrective action appropriate to the nature and extent of the violation to ensure that violations are not repeated. 13. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Alcohol and Drug Policy and Support Resources 14. Text Book Information The American University of Rome provides all students with text book information for books required on the syllabus of the course, as well as within our online course catalog . 15. Privacy of Student Records Student Records Policies / Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) afford eligible students certain rights with respect to their education records. (An “eligible student” under FERPA is a student who is 18 years of age or older or who attends a postsecondary institution.)  These rights include: The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days after the day The American University of Rome receives a request for access. A student should submit to the registrar, dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official, a written request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect.  The school official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the school official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. A student who wishes to ask the school to amend a record should write the school official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed. If the school decides not to amend the record as requested, the school will notify the student in writing of the decision and the student’s right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing. The right to provide written consent before the university discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. The school discloses education records without a student’s prior written consent under the FERPA exception for disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by AUR in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person serving on the board of trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for AUR. Upon request, the school also discloses education records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by The American University of Rome to comply with the requirements of FERPA.  The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202 The American University of Rome Standard Release The American University of Rome may use my photograph and/or image in any publication or promotion of the University. The American University of Rome is authorized to disclose general directory information data about me for legitimate, non-commercial, University purposes. Directory information, in compliance with §99.37 of the regulations, consists of the following items of information: Academic program (degree, major, minor) Dates of attendance, full-time / part-time status Degrees, honors, and awards received Email directory lookup Local address* and AUR directory phone number School or College Listing in Commencement Program Parent Information FERPA permits the disclosure of PII from students’ education records, without consent of the student, if the disclosure meets certain conditions found in §99.31 of the FERPA regulations. Except for disclosures to school officials, disclosures related to some judicial orders or lawfully issued subpoenas, disclosures of directory information, and disclosures to the student, §99.32 of FERPA regulations requires the institution to record the disclosure. Eligible students have a right to inspect and review the record of disclosures. A postsecondary institution may disclose PII from the education records without obtaining prior written consent of the student – To other school officials, including teachers, within AUR whom the school has determined to have legitimate educational interests. This includes contractors, consultants, volunteers, or other parties to whom the school has outsourced institutional services or functions, provided that the conditions listed in §99.31(a)(1)(i)(B)(1) - (a)(1)(i)(B)(2) are met. (§99.31(a)(1)) To officials of another school where the student seeks or intends to enroll, or where the student is already enrolled if the disclosure is for purposes related to the student’s enrollment or transfer, subject to the requirements of §99.34. (§99.31(a)(2)) To authorized representatives of the U. S. Comptroller General, the U. S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or State and local educational authorities, such as a State postsecondary authority that is responsible for supervising the university’s State-supported education programs. Disclosures under this provision may be made, subject to the requirements of §99.35, in connection with an audit or evaluation of Federal- or State- supported education programs, or for the enforcement of or compliance with Federal legal requirements that relate to those programs. These entities may make further disclosures of PII to outside entities that are designated by them as their authorized representatives to conduct any audit, evaluation, or enforcement or compliance activity on their behalf.  (§§99.31(a)(3) and 99.35) In connection with financial aid for which the student has applied or which the student has received, if the information is necessary to determine eligibility for the aid, determine the amount of the aid, determine the conditions of the aid, or enforce the terms and conditions of the aid. (§99.31(a)(4)) To organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, the school, in order to: (a) develop, validate, or administer predictive tests; (b) administer student aid programs; or (c) improve instruction. (§99.31(a)(6)) To accrediting organizations to carry out their accrediting functions. ((§99.31(a)(7)) To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena. (§99.31(a)(9)) To appropriate officials in connection with a health or safety emergency, subject to §99.36. (§99.31(a)(10)) Information the school has designated as “directory information” under §99.37. (§99.31(a)(11)) To a victim of an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense, subject to the requirements of §99.39. The disclosure may only include the final results of the disciplinary proceeding with respect to that alleged crime or offense, regardless of the finding. (§99.31(a)(13)) To the general public, the final results of a disciplinary proceeding, subject to the requirements of §99.39, if the school determines the student is an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense and the student has committed a violation of the school’s rules or policies with respect to the allegation made against him or her. (§99.31(a)(14)) To parents of a student regarding the student’s violation of any Federal, State, or local law, or of any rule or policy of the school, governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance if the school determines the student committed a disciplinary violation and the student is under the age of 21. (§99.31(a)(15)) 16. Grievances It is not uncommon that students encounter problems during their university study. They may be academic or non-academic in nature. Students are encouraged to seek problem resolution as soon as possible. Problems, complaints and /or grievances may involve other students, staff, faculty or university policies or procedures. It is specifically recommended that in attempting to resolve a problem or dispute that the students be polite, be specific and follow the below guidelines. With respect to NON-ACADEMIC issues, students should first contact the parties or offices directly involved in a frank, respectful way. (Ex: fellow student, staff member etc.). The focus should be as specific as possible. Issues that are vague are by nature harder to resolve. If this does not resolve or satisfactorily clarify the situation the student should then seek an appointment with a staff member of the Office of Student Life. In the event this does not resolve any dispute or provide a satisfactory understanding of the situation, the student should write the Dean of Students requesting an appointment. The communication should describe clearly the nature of the problem, the names of any persons or offices involved and importantly a description of any previous efforts made to resolve the problem. The Dean of Students does not serve as the initial point of reference with respect to the resolution of student non-academic issues. Students are also reminded the student government of AUR (AURSG) is an active campus governance organization. The AURSG routinely holds meetings and open forums and this student organization has often assisted its constituents with problem resolution. However, not all complaints can be resolved one on one. The American University of Rome has created an online process by which a student can file a formal complaint. Complaints placed in writing on this form will be directed to the person who can most appropriately address the complaint. Students will be contacted if additional information is needed and notified of the actions taken regarding the complaint. The Form is available on MyAUR 17. Academic Regulations Our full Academic Regulations can be found at *Students must have a high school diploma or equivalent to be eligible to study as a degree-seeking student at AUR. Full Facts [PAGE] Title: Academic Resources & Services | The American University of Rome Content: Academics Academic Resources & Services This section details services and resources within the university designed to help students throughout their academic career and beyond. [PAGE] Title: Make Rome your new home | The American University of Rome Content: Student Life Make Rome your new home Rome, as a millenium-long center of power, culture (having been the cradle of one of the globe's greatest civilizations ever) and religion, has exerted a huge influence over the world in its roughly 2800 years of existence. Make Rome your new home Rome is a main character in the story of AUR. From its inception as the center of the Roman Empire, to the bustling cultural and social mixing pot it is today, Rome’s history is long and complex with telling remnants of its story scattered about every place you go. The most fascinating aspect of Rome is its standing as a city where ancient and modern weave in and out of each other; it is hard to determine where one era ends and another one begins. Surrounded by historical landmarks, ages-old artwork, diplomatic and international organizations, the Eternal City is one of the most important centers of European political and social happenings and is considered to be one of the most strikingly beautiful cities in the world. Within this living and breathing historical, political, and social landmark known as Rome is a huge, vibrant community of approximately 2.8 million people, almost 10% of which is international. This population is made up of eclectic cultures and a multitude of languages. No matter where you come from, you will find your niche in this city. And while Rome is a big metropolis with a huge populous, the fabric of the city is made up of a patchwork of small neighborhoods, each with their own distinctive style and charms; you get the remarkable feel of being in a big place, with the comfort of getting to know the names of the people you see every day. Living in Rome [PAGE] Title: The Writing Center | The American University of Rome Content: The Writing Center The Writing Center provides support and advice for writing activities and assignments at all levels You can visit the Writing Center at any stage of the writing process: at the beginning, before you even begin to write; at the research stage, when you are increasing your knowledge on the subject; at the planning/outlining stage, to discuss your strategies; at the drafting stage, to go over any coherent portion of the paper you may have already written; at the finalizing stage, when the paper is close to its definitive shape. The sooner you visit, the more time you have to improve your paper and make your argument as strong as possible. During the session, the student and the tutor work together to develop and improve the student’s ideas, plans, and arguments, with the tutor providing non-directive guidance. To get the most from each session, the student should be engaged with their work and understand which aspect of it requires attention. While working on a writing project, students should plan on visiting the center multiple times at each stage of the writing process. Remember that tutors are not editors and that students are fully responsible for their work, in both content and form. The mission of the Writing Center is to help students develop their skills in interaction with experienced writers. With each session, the student should be ever more equipped to produce a high quality project. Students should pay close attention to the following in their research and writing: the link between claims and evidence the relation between facts and interpretations the clarity of your summaries the strength of your descriptions the effectiveness of transitions [PAGE] Title: Undergraduate Visa & Residency requirements | The American University of Rome Content: Undergraduate Admissions Undergraduate Visa & Residency requirements Italian officialdom can sometimes be confusing and, when visiting official offices, one should always be prepared for a bit of waiting in line... Below, your guide to visas and associated documentation requirements. VISA All students holding a non-European Union passport are required by law to obtain a student visa before departing from their home country. Students must be 18 years old for the student visa to be granted. Without a valid student visa students can not apply to obtain their Permit to Stay. The visa application can be a lengthy process, therefore we recommend that students inform themselves of visa procedures in advance. Students must obtain their student visa after receiving approval of their acceptance. AUR Admissions Office will send each accepted student a visa letter which along with all other necessary documents they take to their local consulate . Students should check with their local consulate to make sure they have all the necessary documents before presenting their application. Please contact [email protected] should you require assistance. Please note that the student visa should be obtained prior to leaving one’s home country. It is not possible to apply for such a visa in Italy. Please note: we cannot issue visa documentation to non-matriculating, or part-time students. In order to receive a visa, students must be taking at least 12 credits per semester. Permit to Stay Upon arrival in Rome, all students who are citizens of countries which are not European Union Members must obtain a permit to stay in Italy (Permesso di Soggiorno per Studio). This permit is issued by the local police authorities (Questura). The University will provide relevant information and assistance to you upon arrival to secure your first permit to stay. However, it is your responsibility to comply with current stay requirements and secure the applicable documents. Required Documents. To facilitate the process of obtaining the Permit to Stay, you must provide the following: 1 photocopy of your photo ID in the passport and the Italian Visa as presented in the passport 1 photocopy of health insurance (see chapter below) 1 photocopy of AUR enrollment letter stamped by the Italian Consulate Please bring these items with you during Arrivals Week for your meeting with the AUR Permit to Stay Consultant. The permit to stay process is regulatory in nature and the applicable rules change frequently. Students are encouraged to consult the arrival materials distributed each academic semester for the most up to date procedure/requirements. Students residing in housing contracted through the University will need to present the listed documents and follow the instructions given by the Student Life Office during the arrivals week. The actual permit is issued at a later date and needs to be picked up in person. We advise students to periodically check the list of the issued permits posted at the police station. Renewal of Permit to Stay The permit to stay for study is normally granted for the period of one academic year. Therefore, it will expire and needs to be renewed within 60 days of the date of expiration. Students who need to renew their permit to stay must submit through the post office their request for a “rinnovo” and will have to provide the following documents: 1 photocopy of your photo ID in the passport and the Italian Visa as presented in the passport 1 photocopy of health insurance 1 photocopy of a credit card, bank statement or a letter of financial support 1 photocopy of AUR grade report stamped by the University It is the responsibility of the student to renew their stay permit. Student Life will assist with any related questions. European Union Citizens European Union citizens do not have to apply for a permit to stay. All EU students who plan to study in Italy for more than three months are instead required to provide the Registry Office (Ufficio Anagrafe) with the reason for their stay in Italy and with their local address. To carry out this official registration you will need the following documents: A valid European Union ID/Passport (bring a photocopy with you also) A copy of the health insurance. As an EU citizen you should have received from your National Health Service an Insurance Card that entitles you to medical and hospital assistance throughout the European Union. Make sure you bring it with you to Italy A bank statement or other document that demonstrates that you have the financial means to support yourself A copy of the AUR enrollment letter Please note that there are several Registry Offices in Rome; the one that you will need to register your presence at depends on your address in Italy. For assistance in identifying your particular Registry Office and for further guidance please contact the Student Life Office. For further information on student visas, permits and health insurance please contact [email protected]. Apply now Undergraduate Admissions [PAGE] Title: Master of Arts Programs, The American University of Rome | The American University of Rome Content: Master of Arts Programs, The American University of Rome Welcome to the Graduate School at The American University of Rome The AUR Philosophy: AUR’s guiding philosophy for our Master of Arts programs is to engage students with the some of the most important global issues of our time: the sustainability of global peace, global food distribution, global cultural heritage. Our M.A. programs are specifically designed to nurture mission driven, theoretically informed, yet pragmatic problem solvers. Our graduates lead enriching lives and careers and aim to become leaders in their chosen fields. Situated in Rome, and connected to a network of high-ranking professionals, AUR is the ideal platform for launching or rebooting a global career of purpose. The AUR Faculty: The AUR faculty are expertly trained at some of the world’s finest universities, are well connected and, above all, inspiring. Motivated by a love of teaching and a devotion to close mentorship, our faculty impart both the knowledge and skills to ensure students succeed in their chosen fields, while cultivating a life-long passion to make the world a better place. The AUR Program Design: Our 15-month programs are designed with professional students in mind, although one can also enter them directly from an undergraduate education. After the first 9 months of study, students can either choose to stay in Rome for the duration or complete their internships and theses remotely, allowing them to take as little time away from their busy lives as possible. This modular structure that limits on-site learning to a single school year also makes the M.A. more affordable. [PAGE] Title: Graduate Admissions Deadlines | The American University of Rome Content: Graduate Program Admissions Information Graduate Admissions Deadlines The Graduate admission cycle is run on a rolling basis, with four distinct application rounds for the Fall semester and four for the Spring semester. The earlier you apply, the earlier you receive an admissions decision and notification of your scholarship status, so we encourage you to submit your application as soon as possible. For an application to be considered complete, the online application form and all supporting documents must be received by the relevant application deadline; otherwise, the candidacy will be rolled over to the next round. The timeline of application and notification deadlines for all application rounds can be found below. FALL [PAGE] Title: Book a one-to-one meeting with an AUR admissions counselor Content: Kirsty Young based in Rome - speaks Italian and English. Financial Aid specialist for prospective and current students. Talk to Kirsty about our MAs in Peace Studies and Cultural Heritage, financing your education, and scholarships. Book an appointment with Kirsty Meet Cait Hoffmann, Assistant Director of US Admissions Operations Cait joins the AUR Admissions team after years of working with international students at US colleges and universities. With undergraduate degrees in French and Japanese and a Master’s in International Education, she is passionate about global studies and education abroad. Located in Vermont, USA, Cait enjoys cooking, travel, and playing music in her band. Schedule a time to discuss your application with Cait today! Meet Inna Motsar, International Admissions Counselor Inna joined the AUR international admissions team after relocating to Rome to continue the pursuit of her career and passion for international education. Alongside speaking Ukrainian, Spanish, and Russian, she has a degree in philology of Italian and English. She loves to travel, discover new cities, countries, and cultures, and connect with new people and nature. In the past, she worked with study abroad students from the US, taking them to Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, and Moldova. She is passionate about helping students discover international education and the roads it opens for them. Meet Caterina Belardi, International Admissions Counselor Caterina grew up in Rome in a multicultural and multilingual environment, speaking four languages and traveling around the world. Since completing high school, she spent 15 years studying between Beirut, Boston and Paris, graduating in Business, and then later specializing in History and International Relations. Caterina returned to Rome after having taught five years in Beirut's international high schools, and collaborated with local media research and documentation organizations. She loves anything creative and explorative, from writing to photography, but above all, a good cup of coffee! Book an information session with Caterina in English, Italian, French, or Arabic to navigate through the steps of an AUR application! Meet Zoë Johnson, Director of Financial Aid Zoë lived on the east and west coast USA before moving to Italy 12 years ago. Her love for all things Italian started with her Latin class in high school and she's never looked back! She got her Bachelor's in Sociology and Psychology with a concentration in Criminal Justice and a Master's in Organizational Development. Her love for numbers began when working with her father in the family's post and beam construction company and it has served her well transitioning to financial aid a decade ago. In her free time, Zoë loves discovering every inch of Rome's parks and green areas (there are many!) and hiking. If you are ready to talk about AUR's cost of attendance, budgeting and financial aid, set up an appointment with her today! Meet Kirsty Young, International Admissions and Financial Aid Counselor Kirsty hails from Northumberland, UK and has lived in Italy for 6 years. Kirsty is a die-hard Harry Potter fan after making her film debut in The Philosopher's Stone before deciding acting wasn't for her. She studied English Language and Communication with English Literature in London. Kirsty is passionate about helping you map your journey and while you are at it, she is an expert in all things Financial Aid! Meet Jessica York, Director of Admissions Jessica graduated from university in England and Italy, then taught at international schools around the world before joining the Admissions team at The American University of Rome six years ago. In her free-time, she is a passionate runner and never grows tired of exploring Rome. She is more than happy to discuss your application in Italian, German or English. A presto! Meet Michael Taylor, International Admissions Counselor Michael is based in Southern California where he was born and raised. Prior to joining AUR, Michael had 17 years of college admissions experience working with students in California and other southwestern states. He is a first-generation college graduate with a degree in International Studies. Michael has a passion for international education and has had the opportunity to live or study in Australia, Italy, Russia, and Mexico. Michael speaks English and Spanish. Meet Andrea Ricci, International Admissions Counselor Andrea completed a BSc in Economics (in Italy) and a MA in Marketing Management (in England). He has an extensive professional background in the higher education sector and joined The American University of Rome in 2017. Andrea is passionate about international education and study abroad and believes that education is the only way to make the world a better place! Apply now Admissions [PAGE] Title: Be a student for a day | The American University of Rome Content: Welcome to Admissions Be a student for a day Experience a day in the life of an AUR student by participating in our shadow a student program - this is as close as it gets to the real thing. What is it? Participating student visitors will shadow an AUR student as they go about their normal day. As a guest, you will have the opportunity to experience what happens inside the classroom walls, hang out in the student lounge or in the garden and take a good look around the grounds of our historic campus. When is it? Students can participate in a morning or afternoon session from Mondays to Thursdays. What will I need to bring? Just bring yourself! If you’re the type who takes notes as you go along, bring a notepad and pen too. What about my parents, should they come too? As this program is designed solely for students, we invite any attendant parents to explore the Janiculum or the nearby Trastevere area (where they can get a great cup of coffee or a wonderful lunch). What about my school? I’m supposed to be in class on those days. We can help with this. The American University of Rome will provide a letter for your school explaining the reason for your absence before you attend. How do I sign up? Simple! Fill in the form below – we’ll take it from there. Apply now Admissions [PAGE] Title: Apply Now | The American University of Rome Content: Email Relationship to applicant If your referees would prefer to email these documents directly, they can submit them to [email protected] with the subject line 'Letter of Recommendation' and including your first and last name Supporting Documents The two supporting documents required to submit your application are: 1. Personal statement (500-700 words) on ONE of the following topics: What do you see as one of the most pressing challenges facing society today and how do you imagine your studies at AUR will prepare you to combat this challenge? Experiential Learning is at the core of AUR's curriculum. Define what Experiential Learning means to you and reflect upon the ways in which it has impacted your academic and/or personal growth 2. Passport photo page or European Union ID --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In addition, you will also be required to submit the following supporting documents. Should you not have all additional documents ready at this moment, please email them directly to [email protected] at a later stage. 3. One academic recommendation from the principal, a guidance counselor, teacher or professor (completed on previous screen). Please independently contact your referees to ensure that your recommendation is sent in a timely manner. 4. Official high school transcripts and/or university transcripts for all institutions attended to date. A certified English translation is required for non-English transcripts. 5.  Supporting Essay, on ONE of the two topics below : Some say that social media does not allow us to express who we really are. Defy this by telling us about yourself in 280-character limit of Twitter Discuss any accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself and others? (up to 500 words) 6. Applicants whose native language is not English, must submit an official TOEFL score, IELTS English language proficiency exam results or DUOLINGO exam results (unless they have been attending an English-speaking school/university for at least 3 years). 7. Applicants for the Fine Arts program should submit a portfolio consisting of between six(6) and fifteen(15) artworks in any media of their choosing. Below please find a link to a template document for submitting the portfolio. Please ensure, when using this template, that you: Complete the cover page Copy and paste the personal statement you submitted as part of your application Add an image for each page, ensuring that you include the title, medium, size, and year of the work Convert the document into a PDF file prior to submission DOWNLOAD THE FINE ARTS PORTFOLIO TEMPLATE HERE Your portfolio may also be submitted in video format. If submitting in video format, please ensure that each artwork include details title, medium, size, and year of the work. Please be reminded that your application will not be reviewed until all your documents have been received. Any questions or concerns, please contact [email protected]. Undergraduate students The two supporting documents required to submit your application are: 1. Personal statement (500-700 words) on ONE of the following topics: What do you see as one of the most pressing challenges facing society today and how do you imagine your studies at AUR will prepare you to combat this challenge? Experiential Learning is at the core of AUR's curriculum. Define what Experiential Learning means to you and reflect upon the ways in which it has impacted your academic and/or personal growth 2. Passport photo page or European Union ID -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In addition, you will also be required to submit the following supporting documents. Should you not have all additional documents ready at this moment, please email them directly to [email protected] at a later stage. 3. One academic recommendation from the principal, a guidance counselor, teacher or professor (completed on previous screen). Please independently contact your referees to ensure that your recommendation is sent in a timely manner. 4. Official high school transcripts and/or university transcripts for all institutions attended to date. A certified English translation is required for non-English transcripts. 5.  Supporting Essay, on ONE of the two topics below : Some say that social media does not allow us to express who we really are. Defy this by telling us about yourself in 280-character limit of Twitter Discuss any accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself and others? (up to 500 words) 6. Applicants whose native language is not English, must submit an official TOEFL score, IELTS English language proficiency exam results or DUOLINGO exam results (unless they have been attending an English-speaking school/university for at least 3 years). Transfer students The two supporting documents required to submit your application are: 1. Personal statement (500-700 words) on ONE of the following topics: What do you see as one of the most pressing challenges facing society today and how do you imagine your studies at AUR will prepare you to combat this challenge? Experiential Learning is at the core of AUR's curriculum. Define what Experiential Learning means to you and reflect upon the ways in which it has impacted your academic and/or personal growth 2. Passport photo page or European Union ID ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In addition, you will also be required to submit the following supporting documents. Should you not have all additional documents ready at this moment, please email them directly to [email protected] at a later stage. 3. One academic recommendation from the principal, a guidance counselor, teacher or professor (completed on previous screen). Please independently contact your referees to ensure that your recommendation is sent in a timely manner. 4. High School Transcripts/College transcripts 5.  Supporting Essay, on ONE of the two topics below : Some say that social media does not allow us to express who we really are. Defy this by telling us about yourself in 280-character limit of Twitter Discuss any accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself and others? (up to 500 words) 6. Applicants whose native language is not English, must submit an official TOEFL score, IELTS English language proficiency exam results or DUOLINGO exam results (unless they have been attending an English-speaking school/university for at least 3 years). Visiting students The supporting documents you need for your application are: 1. A 500-750 words personal statement on ONE of the following topics below: What do you see as one of the most pressing challenges facing society today and how do you imagine your studies at AUR will prepare you to combat this challenge? Experiential Learning is at the core of AUR's curriculum. Define what Experiential Learning means to you and reflect upon the ways in which it has impacted your academic and/or personal growth 2. College transcripts /High school transcripts for Gap Year students 3. Passport photo page or European Union ID 4. Applicants whose native language is not English, (unless they have been attending an English speaking school/university for at least 3 years) must submit an official TOEFL score, IELTS English language proficiency exam results or DUOLINGO English Test Results (ignore if you have done this on a previous page) Graduate students The supporting documents required to submit your application now are: 1. Letter of Motivation explaining your previous academic and professional experiences, your interest in the relevant M.A. program, and your career goals (700 words) 2. Passport photo page or European Union ID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In addition, you will also be required to submit the following supporting documents. Should you not have all additional documents ready at this moment, please email them directly to [email protected] at a later stage: 3. Curriculum Vitae 4. University Transcripts from all institutions attended. Applicants must have earned a minimum grade point average of 3.0 or equivalent. (Unofficial transcripts are acceptable at the application stage. If accepted, official copies will be required for enrollment) 5. Two letters of Recommendation, ideally one academic and one professional(applicants in the workforce for more than 5 years may submit two professional letters of recommendation) 6.  Proof of English Proficiency for students whose previous degree were conducted in a language other than English. AUR accepts official TOEFL results (minimum score based: 637 , computer based: 270, and internet-based 110) , IELTS Academic (minimum score 7) , or Duolingo English Test results (minimum score 130) 7. Academic writing sample from one's previous studies demonstrating writing and research abilities (minimum 10 pages, any topic accepted) Required Documents Please ensure filename is less than 80 characters Upload your TRANSCRIPTS Please ensure filename is less than 80 characters Upload your PASSPORT copy or ID It must be uploaded as a PDF Upload your LETTER OF MOTIVATION Supporting documentation - the more you can supply now the quicker we can process your application Upload ESSAY Please ensure filename is less than 80 characters Upload TRANSCRIPTS Please ensure filename is less than 80 characters Upload your CURRICULUM VITAE It must be uploaded as a PDF Upload ENGLISH TEST RESULTS here (if applicable and not previously submitted) Please ensure filename is less than 80 characters Upload WRITING SAMPLE [PAGE] Title: Social activities | The American University of Rome Content: On and Off campus Social activities There are many social activities on and off campus that are organized by Student Life and student leaders. These range from weekend and day trips around Italy and to cooking pasta in the garden at lunchtime. Below we detail some of our regular activities. Volunteering opportunities with AUR Student Life Community Gardening at Hortus Urbis AUR Volunteers join local community gardeners in taking care of Hortus Urbis, an educational garden with solely ancient Roman plants managed by Zappata Romana in the heart of the Appia Antica Park. The Zappata Romana Volunteer Program is usually scheduled the first weekend of the month. Experts agronomists, gardeners, botanists, nursery owners might also be present from time to time to organize small working groups. Casa Scalabrini 634 Join the AUR Volunteers in one of Rome's most authentically international neighborhoods alongside our friends at Casa Scalabrini 634 for a fun and integrated neighborhood clean-up! Casa Scalabrini works closely with the refugee and migrant community towards integration with locals while preserving and sharing home cultures. After this monthly activity, volunteers often heard towards Piazza Vittorio for a visit to the "multi-ethnic heart of the city" - Rome's International Food Market where you can find cilantro, bok choy, platanos, basmati rice, lemongrass, Thai basil, halal meat, and more. Casa Scalabrini 634 also offers AUR Volunteers opportunities to teach English, and participate in awareness raising events like their Refugee for a Day program. Amici di Villa Sciarra AUR Volunteers join our friends and neighbors at our neighborhood park, Villa Sciarra, for a monthly park clean-up, as well as for special projects like replacing or repairing park structures like gazebos, benches or rose trellises. Accompanying the clean-up are also cultural activities for all ages. Day Trips with the AUR ResGrads AUR’s peer mentors are a group of students who love all things Italian and are charged with creating activities on a student budget to help you explore the local culture. In addition to their cooking lessons, language exchange, and visits to local sites, they may take students on a day trip to a Santa Marinella beach, the Tivoli Gardens, or the Castelli Romani – anywhere an inexpensive train ticket might take them! Masquerade Ball In partnership with the AUR Student Government, the Masquerade Ball is offered in the Spring during Carnivale. Held exclusively for AUR students and their guests, this masked semi-formal event gives students the perfect opportunity to show off the beautiful masks they may have picked up in visits to Venice. On and Off-Campus [PAGE] Title: Financial Aid & Scholarships | The American University of Rome Content: STUDENT TRAINING PROGRAM AUR runs a Student Training Program for those returning resident students who have already completed a minimum of one semester with AUR. Students who participate in this program receive training in various areas of the University in exchange for partial remission of fees and tuition or tuition reimbursement if tuition has been paid in full. VETERANS' AID Veteran Benefits may also be utilized at The American University of Rome. We have degree programs (within the Associate of Applied Arts, Associate of Arts, Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees) that are listed as approved training for eligible U.S. citizens at the Department of Veterans Affairs [PAGE] Title: Bachelor Degree in Art History | The American University of Rome Content: Academic field trips per year Countries in our global alumni network Field Study Trips for credit The Art History Program organizes day trips and weekend excursions in connection with its courses. Recent trips include: Florence and Venice to study Renaissance art. Sant'Agnese fuori le mura (the church of Saint Agnes Outside the Walls), St’Ignazio, and the Pantheon studying Sacred Spaces. The Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum, Santa Maria Aracoeli, and San Giorgio in Velabro. A private showing of the Galleria Borghese. The Villa of Livia at the National Museum of Rome, Palazzo Massimo. The MAXXI museum for a private showing of a new exhibition. Nice, in the south of France, examining on the work of Picasso, Matisse and Chagall. Art History student Anastasia V. undertook an internship at the RvB Art Gallery in Rome. RvB Arts is a dynamic, Rome-based gallery that specializes in the scouting and promotion of young, emerging Italian artists. Increasingly popular with clients and collectors and with a strong narrative bent, RvB Arts was recently named one of the top ten contemporary art galleries to visit in Rome. "My internship was an amazing opportunity to be immersed in the contemporary art scene in Rome. I was immediately thrown into the hustle of exhibition organisation - from unpacking the artworks to positioning and hanging - following the plan of the artist. There was not a day without some communication with customers, artists, or co-workers and each time it was different - I came away with a really good all-round view of what Gallery management was really all about!" Beyond the classroom & campus "We explore the greatest theatre of antiquity, the Colosseum; the center of ancient market life, the Market of Trajan; as well as the most incredible of the temples dating from 2000 years ago, the Pantheon. We visit the earliest churches built in the 4th century by Emperor Constantine and the first basilica dedicated by a pope to the Virgin Mary. We look at the masterpieces of Renaissance artists Raphael and Michelangelo in the Vatican Museum and in the Roman palaces and piazze, and we study the most dramatic paintings by the great genius of Caravaggio" Professor Claudia La Malfa. Griffin Evans, AUR's first Art History graduate, talks about his experiences. Griffin Evans graduated from AUR in 2005 with a BA in Art History - the first AUR student to do so. Griffin transferred to Rome from Boston, and soon after graduating, he trained to be a lawyer. "I remember how the professors would take us on the train to Florence, we would go and see Michelangelo’s David in the morning and be back in Rome for dinner in the evening… It was just amazing. Many of my friends who went to Ivy League schools couldn’t match that experience – there’s no comparison. You wish everyone could come and do it" "A lot of the instincts that I learned from living in such a historic culture as Rome I now apply in my legal practice. I often represent parents in scenarios that are emotional, highly contentious, and bitter. I have to convince the judge of their humanity. I feel that my European roots and education in Italy really helped me to be able to formulate those thoughts and convey them accurately to a judge. " Career destinations The visual arts and culture industries have become an increasingly significant part of the international economy, and our art history graduates leave AUR with the skills to take advantage of the myriad opportunities within this growing sector. Careers that are directly linked to this degree include museums and galleries, auction houses, education, marketing and advertising, and anything connected with visual media. Our degree also prepares students to manage their own galleries, to work as industry-specialist lawyers and PR agents, and for positions in charities, fashion and publishing. Lara K. - 2016 [PAGE] Title: Graduate School Admissions Information | The American University of Rome Content: Deferred admission Applying as a full-time student: overview We accept applications from individuals across the globe to undertake full-time study at the Graduate School of The American University of Rome. Application Fee (non-refundable)* 50 Euros for citizens and permanent residents of countries other than the United States or Canada. 50 US Dollars for U.S. citizens and permanent residents and Canadian citizens. Checklist of required documents Official university transcripts from all institutions attended. Applicants must have earned a minimum grade point average of 3.0 or equivalent Curriculum Vitae A motivation statement (minimum 700 words) that explains your career goals and interest in the relevant M.A. program At least one academic letter of recommendation (from an academic advisor or professor at the undergraduate/graduate level), and one professional letter of recommendation (applicants in the workforce for more than 5 years may submit two professional letters of recommendation) A scan of the student's passport photo page or European Union ID For students whose previous degrees were conducted in a language other than English: Official TOEFL results (minimum score 100) or IELTS Academic (minimum score 7.0) or DuoLingo English Test results (minimum score 130). A sample of academic writing demonstrating research abilities. Applying as a part-time student: overview Students who live locally or do not require a Visa and Permesso di Soggiorno may apply for half-time status. Application Fee (non-refundable)* 50 Euros for citizens and permanent residents of countries other than the United States or Canada. 50 US Dollars for U.S. citizens and permanent residents and Canadian citizens. Checklist of required documents Official university transcripts from all institutions attended. Applicants must have earned a minimum grade point average of 3.0 or equivalent Curriculum Vitae A motivation statement (minimum 700 words) that explains your career goals and interest in the relevant M.A. program At least one academic letter of recommendation (from an academic advisor or professor at the undergraduate/graduate level), and one professional letter of recommendation (applicants in the workforce for more than 5 years may submit two professional letters of recommendation) A scan of the student's passport photo page or European Union ID For students whose previous degrees were conducted in a language other than English: Official TOEFL results (minimum score 100) or IELTS Academic (minimum score 7.0) or DuoLingo English Test results (minimum score 130). A sample of academic writing demonstrating research abilities​. Applying as a visiting (non-matriculating student): overview Students who live locally or do not require a Visa and Permesso di Soggiorno may apply for Visiting Student status, taking individual courses for credit. For information on the cost of credits, please see refer to our tuition and fees for U.S./Canadian students and students that are non-U.S./Canada. Application Fee (non-refundable)* 50 Euros for citizens and permanent residents of countries other than the United States or Canada. 50 US Dollars for U.S. citizens and permanent residents and Canadian citizens. Checklist of required documents for visiting students Official university transcripts from all institutions attended. Applicants must have earned a minimum grade point average of 3.0 or equivalent Curriculum Vitae A motivation statement (minimum 300 words) that explains your interest in the particular course(s) of your choice. A scan of the student's passport photo page or European Union ID For students whose previous degrees were conducted in a language other than English: Official TOEFL results (minimum score 100) or IELTS Academic (minimum score 7.0) or DuoLingo English Test results (minimum score 130). A sample of academic writing demonstrating research abilities​. * The application fee covers the administrative cost of processing all applications received. It is not refundable under any circumstances. It is payable online. For U.S. Veterans, Peace Corps Volunteers, AUR students, and alumni the application fee will be waived - email [email protected] to notify us of your eligibility. Requirement for official documents All admissions decisions are conditional on receiving official/original documents: Official Final Transcripts must show the final GPA, a complete list of courses, and date/description of degree conferred. To be official, U.S. and Canadian transcripts must be delivered in a sealed envelope or via certified PDF. For students of international universities, official documents may be shown and photocopied in person. Official ESL Test Scores must be sealed and sent by the test provider. Letters of Reference: if scanned or sent by anyone other than the author, please provide an email address and telephone number where the referee can be reached. Interviews Personal interviews are required of all applicants. They may be conducted face-to-face, on the phone, or via video-conferencing. Upon completion of the application, students will be contacted by the Admissions Office to schedule an interview. Letters of Recommendation Applicants without any significant professional experience may submit two academic letters of recommendation, while those who are returning to university from the workforce may submit two professional letters of recommendation instead. Professional letters are meant to demonstrate an applicant's maturity and work ethic. There is no requirement for applicants to have professional experience in their chosen field of study. GRE results GRE results are not required for admission into AUR's M.A programs, however, test results are always welcome in addition to the documents listed above. They are recommended (but not required) for students applying for merit-based scholarships. Scores can be reported using the code 4029 (American U Rome). Admissions Deadlines The Graduate admission cycle is run on a rolling basis with five distinct application rounds. The earlier you apply, the earlier you receive an admissions decision and notification of your scholarship status, so we encourage you to submit your application as soon as possible. For an application to be considered complete, the online application form and all supporting documents (including letters of recommendation) must be received by the relevant application deadline, otherwise the candidacy will be rolled over to the next round. The timeline of application and notification deadlines for all application rounds can be found here . Student Visa Non-EU/EEA citizens and residents must apply for a student visa upon acceptance. The necessary documentation will be provided to each accepted student once the deposit has been paid. It is the student's responsibility to ensure the student visa is obtained before arriving in Italy. As it may take several weeks to obtain an appointment with the local Italian Consulate, we recommend that appointments be scheduled as soon as possible for a date no more than 90 days prior to arrival. Please contact your admissions counselor if any issues arise during the process. Deferred Admission A student who has been accepted to The American University of Rome but cannot enroll immediately may request a deferral. Students who wish to defer are required to pay the (non-refundable) tuition deposit of 500 Euros or 500 US Dollars. Enrollment can be deferred for up to one academic year, after which the student loses their deposit and must re-apply for admission to the University. The University reserves the right not to run an M.A. program if it does not enroll sufficient numbers of students. Acceptance to an M.A. program does not automatically guarantee that the program will run. [PAGE] Title: US Federal Direct Student Loans | The American University of Rome Content: Financial Aid & Scholarships US Federal Direct Student Loans Direct Loans are low-interest loans for students and parents to help pay for the cost of a student’s education after high school. The lender is the U.S. Department of Education rather than a bank or other financial institution and you must be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-U.S. citizen to qualify for these loans. With Direct Loans, you: borrow directly from the federal government and have a single contact (the Direct Loan Servicing Center) for everything related to the repayment of your loans, even if you receive Direct Loans at different schools. have online access to your Direct Loan account information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. can choose from several repayment plans that are designed to meet the needs of almost any borrower, and you can switch repayment plans if your needs change. What kinds of Direct Loans are available? Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans Direct Subsidized Loans are for students with demonstrated financial need, as determined by federal regulations. No interest is charged while you are in school at least half-time, during your grace period and during deferment periods. Direct Unsubsidized Loans are not based on financial need; interest is charged during all periods. Direct PLUS Loans Direct PLUS Loans are low interest loans available to parents of dependent students or for graduate/professional degree students. Interest is charged during all periods. Direct Consolidation Loans — Direct Consolidation Loans are loans for borrowers who want to combine different eligible federal student loans into one Direct Consolidation Loan. What are the eligibility requirements? You must be enrolled at least half-time at a school that participates in the Direct Loan Program, be a US citizen or eligible non-US citizen and you must meet general eligibility requirements for the Federal Student Aid programs. How do I apply for aid? You apply for a Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized loan and other federal student aid by completing and submitting a Free Application for Federal Student Aid – FAFSA . The school code for The American University of Rome on the FAFSA is G31025. After your FAFSA has been submitted online and processed, the information from your application will be shared with The American University of Rome and AUR will notify you through an award letter of the types of aid for which you are eligible. Read carefully the award letter, complete, sign and send back the original letter to AUR (attention: Financial Aid Office). Complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN). The MPN is a legally binding agreement to repay your loan to the US Department of Education. Before receiving your Direct Loan, you must sign an MPN.  You may complete the MPN online at . First time borrowers must also complete an entrance counseling you will find on the direct loan site a link to complete this counseling. How much can I borrow each year? When you receive your financial aid award letter you will find listed the amounts of the Stafford Loans and if applicable the Parent PLUS Loan amount. Annual loan limits vary by the student’s year in school. The actual loan amount may be reduced by the expected family contribution and/or other aid. Undergraduates may borrow up to the following amounts from the Direct Loan program: Dependent Undergraduates Third Year and Beyond: 60+ credits $ 5,500.00 $ 7,500.00 Independent undergraduates and dependent students whose parents can’t get PLUS are eligible for the following amounts: Subsidized Third Year and Beyond: 60+ credits $ 5,500.00 $ 12,500.00 What are the Total Aggregate Limits for Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans? $31,000 for dependent undergraduate students excluding those whose parents are unable to borrow a PLUS Loan (no more than $23,000 may be subsidized) $57,500 for independent undergraduate students and dependent undergraduates whose parents are unable to borrow a PLUS loan (no more than $23,000 may be subsidized) $138,500 for graduate or professional students (no more than $65,500 may be subsidized; includes loans for undergraduate study) Frequently Asked Questions What loans can a U.S. student receive attending The American University of Rome? Students may receive funding under the Direct Loan Program. Under either program, loans available include Stafford (subsidized and unsubsidized) and PLUS loans. Congress has regulated that students attending foreign schools (like The American University of Rome as we are located on foreign soil)  are not eligible for any of the grant programs, such as the Federal Pell Grant or the Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant. Graduate students are eligible for Direct Unsubsidized and PLUS loans through this program. Do I need to be a U.S. Citizen to receive federal student aid? A student must be a U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen to be eligible for federal student aid. This includes citizens of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands. The general requirement for eligible non-citizens is that they be in the U.S. for other than a temporary purpose with the intention of becoming a citizen or lawful permanent resident, as evidenced by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The Department performs matches against a student’s application to verify citizenship status. In addition, there are procedures that a participating institution must follow to confirm a non-citizen’s status through the DHS and Social Security Administration if citizenship status is not confirmed through our verification procedures. What kinds of educational programs offered by The American University of Rome may I enroll in that would allow me to receive federal student aid? An educational program offered by a foreign school, such as The American University of Rome, is not an eligible program for purposes of federal student aid if it is provided by correspondence or distance education in whole or in part. In addition, a foreign institution may only approve federal student loans or deferments for eligible U.S. students for enrollment in an educational program that is at least one year in length and leads to a certificate, diploma, or full degree program. The program must be at the undergraduate or graduate level. If I am attending The American University of Rome through a “Study Abroad” Program sponsored by my domestic school, do I apply for federal student aid through the foreign school? No. Federal student aid for a short term, or a study abroad program is processed by the student’s home institution in the U.S. The American University of Rome would not be authorized to certify student loans or deferments for U.S. study abroad students who only plan to attend for a semester or for a one year study abroad experience to earn credits that apply toward or transfer into a degree program in which the student is enrolled in the U.S. I am enrolled at The American University of Rome. Can I receive funding to perform research in another country for a semester? No. Funding does not cover studies in a country outside of your institution’s location. Funding only covers eligible programs within an eligible institution. The American University of Rome Enrollment Status for eligibility and reporting for US Title IV funds policy In determining enrollment status for eligibility for Title IV funds at The American University of Rome our policy is as follows; to be enrolled half time a student must be taking at least a half time course load.  ‘Audit’ courses, courses that are not matriculating to your degree and some remedial courses do not count.  The reported status for the three enrollment periods (fall, spring and summer is determined as follows: Enrolled credits [PAGE] Title: B.A. English Writing, Literature and Publishing Content: Undergraduate Programs Bachelor Degree in English Writing, Literature and Publishing AUR's undergraduate BA in English Writing, Literature, and Publishing is a unique and comprehensive introduction to the professional world of writing and publishing In an age where the written word is not only surviving but evolving — be it through the resurgence of physical bookstores, the proliferation of specialist publications, or the boom in digital self-publishing — the American University of Rome's undergraduate BA program in English Writing, Literature, and Publishing is your stepping stone into the modern world of writing and publishing. Transform your love for the written word into a versatile toolkit. Our English Literature and Publishing degree teaches you how to craft narratives, convey information, and express ideas across both print and digital platforms. Offering a comprehensive curriculum that bridges the gap between traditional print and contemporary digital media, we equip our students with the nuanced understanding and versatile skills they need to flourish in this dynamic literary landscape. "The relaxed-chaos of Rome is really energizing, especially for students, while the individual attention you get at AUR is not something you will find in other universities. Working with Professor Colletta on my capstone project, the creation of a children's book, was an enlightening collaboration - one that truly inspired my passion for writing." AUR Alumnus Rory Rohan Westerman Spanning the rich tapestry of literary history to the intricacies of publishing in the digital age, the American University of Rome's Writing, Literature, and Publishing program offers an expansive education in the art and industry of the written word. Our expert faculty guides students through diverse courses—from creative writing and magazine composition to literary theory and digital publishing—all while incorporating a variety of theoretical and cultural lenses. With a degree in Writing, Literature, and Publishing, you'll be well-prepared to breathe life into compelling stories of all kinds, shaping your own future in this ever-evolving field. THE LITERARY IMAGINATION The English Writing, Literature, and Publishing program maintains its own eclectic and stimulating website, ' The Literary Imagination.' All potential students are encouraged to explore this fantastic resource that is full of program information, contributed student content, and updates from the program faculty and alumni. The Literary Imagination is also home to Remus: The Literary and Art Magazine of The American University of Rome. Remus is written, edited, and published by AUR students, and the quality of our program is directly reflected in the excellence of the content produced. Use this link to visit The Literary Imagination website . You can also click on the Remus cover images below to visit the Remus editions page. AUR's English Writing, Literature, and Publishing program offers a range of professionalizing writing & publishing opportunities English Writing, Literature, and Publishing majors have outstanding opportunities to gain real-world learning experience both through direct content production and through opportunities to intern with leading publications and publishers. A few recent examples include: Writing, editing, and producing REMUS: The Literary and Art Magazine of the American University of Rome. Writing, editing, and producing LIT/PUB: The Creative Writing Magazine of The American University of Rome. Content production and editorial input for Rome's leading English-language publication, Wanted In Rome Gaining experience as journalists, and graduating with published work and a by-line, for newspaper, The Italian Insider. Writing, vodcasting, and social media content production for the Italian Golden Globe Awards. Interning as Communication & Content professionals with 2050 TO PEOPLE, a nonprofit association created to spread awareness and develop projects that focus on environmental and social sustainability. Gaining jounalism and content production experience with The Tupelo Quarterly (the online companion journal to Tupelo Press). From Rome to New York: Alessandra Potenza's degree has taken her around the world. Today, Alessandra lives in New York City where she is a science reporter and editor at The Verge, a news website that covers tech, science, and culture. “I owe my journalism career to AUR,” she says. “AUR is just a microcosm of the world. Study here and you’ll be better prepared to live and work in the world of tomorrow.” AUR Alumna, Alessandra Potenza Course requirements and further detail For more in-depth information about this program and individual course requirements, please see our full catalog . [PAGE] Title: AUR Memberships & Partnerships | The American University of Rome Content: AUR Memberships & Partnerships The American University of Rome is a proud member of the following organizations. American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) AACRAO is a non-profit, voluntary professional association of more than 11,000 higher education professionals who represent approximately 2,600 institutions in more than 40 countries. Its mission is to provide professional development, guidelines, and voluntary standards to be used by higher education officials regarding the best practices in records management, admissions, enrollment management, administrative information technology, and student services. American Association for Italian Studies The American Association for Italian Studies (AAIS) encourages, supports, and conducts research and pedagogical activities in Italian culture. American Library Association Provides leadership for the development, promotion, and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all. American Universities Abroad (AUA) American Universities Abroad (AUA) is a group of private American Universities located outside of the United States. AUA Universities are US regionally accredited, non-profit, and operate on US academic credit systems. All members participate in US Federal Financial Aid along with institutional aid. American Women’s Association Founded in 1955, the American Women’s Association of Rome is a non-political, non-sectarian, and not-for-profit organization of professionals, diplomats, artists, authors, historians, chefs, translators, musicians, and citizens of the world (65% from the U.S. and 35% from 22 different countries). Participating in AWAR offers unique opportunities for personal enrichment and connection to the community. Association of American International Colleges and Universities (AAICU) AAICU is a leadership organization of American international universities whose members provide responsible delivery and quality assurance of American higher education outside the United States. Association for Institutional Research (AIR) AIR is the go-to source for information, resources, and training for professionals who collect, analyze, interpret, and communicate data in higher education. Amical Consortium The AMICAL Consortium’s mission is to advance learning, teaching, and research by collaboratively developing library and information services and curricular resources at member institutions. Association of American Colleges and University Programs in Italy (AACUPI) Founded in Rome in 1978, the Association of American College and University Programs in Italy (AACUPI) is a non-profit legal entity in Italy, playing an important role in identifying real and potential fundamental legal and fiscal problems intrinsic to the presence in Italy of non-governmental institutions, and, then, resolving them equitably. Association of College University Housing Officers - International (ACUHO-I) ACUHO-I members build solutions in collaboration with a wide network of peers, allied organizations, and corporate members who provide diverse expertise, products, and services that enhance the delivery of on-campus housing and promote student well-being. College Board College Board is a mission-driven not-for-profit organization that connects students to college success and opportunity. Founded in 1900, College Board was created to expand access to higher education. Today, the membership association is made up of over 6,000 of the world’s leading educational institutions and is dedicated to promoting excellence and equity in education. College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS) The College Consortium for International Studies, a partnership of colleges and universities, encompasses the broad spectrum of international higher education. CCIS was founded over 30 years ago on the values and commitment that all students should have access to and opportunity in education abroad, regardless of background, major, or socio-economic status. Common Application Common App is a non-profit membership organization representing more than 1,000 diverse institutions of higher education. We connect applicants and those who support them to a wide array of public and private colleges and universities across all 50 U.S. states and 20 countries. Council for International Education (CIE) The Council for International Education (CIE) supports future leaders from India in their quest to study at the best Global schools. We have an experienced team of individuals committed to working together to provide unbiased guidance and counseling services to students seeking their studies abroad. Eduitalia Eduitalia is an Italian association of qualified Schools, Academies, and Universities that offers courses to foreign students. Eduitalia promotes & emphasizes the myriad of courses available in schools, academies, and universities in the most fascinating & beautiful cities and regions in Italy. European Association for International Education (EAIE) EAIE's vision is an equitable world in which international education connects diverse perspectives and fosters greater understanding. They believe that international education has the power to create a better world. Their mission is three-fold;  to enable the international higher education sector, demonstrate the impact of internationalization, and influence and engage policymakers in support of their vision. Council of International Schools (CIS) The Council of International Schools (CIS) is a membership community committed to developing a community of socially responsible global citizens through international education. The CIS community includes more than 1475 schools and universities, representing 121 countries. International Association for College Admission Counseling (IACAC) International ACAC effectively brings together primary and secondary school counselors, independent counselors, college admission and financial aid officers, enrollment managers, and organizations engaged in guiding students through the secondary to higher education transition process. NAFSA: Association of International Educators NAFSA believes that international education advances learning and scholarship, fosters understanding and respect among people of diverse backgrounds and perspectives, is essential for developing globally competent individuals, and builds leadership for the global community. NAFSA believes that international education lies at the core of an interconnected world characterized by diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice, and well-being for all. NAFSA believes that diversity in our classrooms, our communities, and our workplaces is our strength. NAFSA seeks to conduct international education socially, economically, and environmentally sustainably. National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), founded in 1937, is an organization of more than 26,000 professionals from around the world dedicated to serving students as they make choices about pursuing postsecondary education. National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators The National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) is the only national, nonprofit association with a primary focus on information dissemination, professional development, and legislative and regulatory analysis related to federal student aid programs authorized under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. Our membership consists of more than 29,000 financial aid professionals at nearly 3,000 colleges, universities, and career schools across the country. NASFAA member institutions serve nine out of every ten undergraduates in the United States. The Forum on Education Abroad The Forum is a 501(c)(3) non-profit membership association recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission as the Standards Development Organization (SDO) for the field of education abroad. The Forum provides training and resources to education abroad professionals, and its Standards of Good Practice are recognized as the definitive means by which the quality of education abroad programs may be judged. The Forum’s mission is to cultivate educators who champion high-quality education abroad experiences that ignite curiosity, impact lives, and contribute to a better world. Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) CHEA is a U.S. degree-granting college and university association that recognizes institutional and programmatic accrediting organizations. CHEA is the only national organization focused exclusively on higher education accreditation and quality assurance. Middle states Commission The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) is a global institutional accreditor recognized by the United States Secretary of Education since 1952. As an accreditor and member of the regulatory triad, MSCHE assures students and the public of the educational quality of its over 500 institutions of higher education. The Commission’s accreditation process ensures institutional accountability, self-appraisal, improvement, and innovation through peer review and the rigorous application of standards within the context of the institutional mission. Tuition Exchange Program Operates exclusively for educational purposes for the benefit of public, private nonprofit, and religious colleges and universities through the advancement and administration of reciprocal tuition scholarships for children and other dependents of faculty and other employees of educational institutions associated with The Tuition Exchange, Inc. Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane / Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI) The CRUI engages in the provision of proposals, consultation, and coordination concerning the university system's key questions and issues. It is a leading point of reference regarding the questions and needs of the academic world for the Italian Parliament and the Ministry of University and Research. The CRUI develops and supports the model of autonomous universities established by the Italian Parliament and together with other European partners, within the framework of the commitments undertaken by Italy on an international level, it is working to build the European Higher Education and Research Area. Institutional Information [PAGE] Title: Undergraduate Admissions Deadlines for Applicants | The American University of Rome Content: Undergraduate Admissions Undergraduate Admissions Deadlines for Applicants The Undergraduate admission cycle is run on a rolling basis with four distinct application rounds for the Fall semester and four for the Spring semester. The earlier you apply, the earlier you receive an admissions decision and notification of your scholarship status, so we encourage you to submit your application as soon as possible. For an application to be considered complete, the online application form and all supporting documents must be received by the relevant application deadline, otherwise, the candidacy will be rolled over to the next round. The timeline of application and notification deadlines for all application rounds can be found below. FALL [PAGE] Title: Assessment at AUR | The American University of Rome Content: Information Assessment at AUR Institutional Assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational quality, undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning, academic programs, and administrative services. The purpose of assessment at AUR is to answer the questions: “Are students learning what we want them to learn?” and “Is the university achieving its mission and priorities?” Outcomes Assessment at AUR Through a process of outcomes assessment (OA), the American University of Rome seeks to assure itself, its stakeholders, and the public that it is successfully fulfilling its mission and achieving the goals it has set itself. The results of continuous assessment are used to inform decision-making and planning to improve student learning and advance the institution. The assessment cycle provides a framework within which institutional programs and resources can be organized and coordinated in such a way as to achieve goals at the program, department, and institutional level and allows AUR to systematically and continuously enhance the quality of our educational provision and services. The Four-Step Planning-Assessment Cycle In undertaking OA, we are focusing on the outcomes of planned activities to achieve goals in order to evaluate how effective our work has been and plan for future improvements. We do this in four clearly defined stages: Establish clearly defined goals in all areas of AUR’s work Develop and implement strategies to achieve goals Measure and record outcomes for goals Analyze and evaluate the results and use them to guide us in making further improvements. Coordination of Assessment and Institutional Research at AUR Assessment and Institutional Research is presently coordinated by the Senior Institutional Research Analyst (SIRA), who reports to the Academic Dean. Each academic and administrative unit has a named Assessment Coordinator responsible for overseeing data collection and analysis at the unit level. They produce the Outcomes Assessment Report and the Assessment Plan for the following year. In the case of academic units, the assessment coordinator is the Program Director; for administrative units, it is the Director of the unit. The unit coordinator liaises closely with SIRA on the planning and reporting of assessment outcomes. Units for which assessment is carried out Academic [PAGE] Title: Federal Loans F.A.Q. | The American University of Rome Content: Below we cover some of the most frequently asked questions concerning U.S. Federal Direct Student loans. What loans can a U.S. student receive attending The American University of Rome? Students may receive funding under the Direct Loan Program. Under either program, loans available include Stafford (subsidized and unsubsidized) and PLUS loans. Congress has regulated that students attending foreign schools (like The American University of Rome as we are located on foreign soil)  are not eligible for any of the grant programs, such as the Federal Pell Grant or the Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant. Do I need to be a U.S. Citizen to receive federal student aid? A student must be a U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen to be eligible for federal student aid. This includes citizens of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands. The general requirement for eligible non-citizens is that they be in the U.S. for other than a temporary purpose with the intention of becoming a citizen or lawful permanent resident, as evidenced by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The Department performs matches against a student’s application to verify citizenship status. In addition, there are procedures that a participating institution must follow to confirm a non-citizen’s status through the DHS and Social Security Administration if citizenship status is not confirmed through our verification procedures. What kinds of educational programs offered by The American University of Rome may I enroll in that would allow me to receive federal student aid? An educational program offered by a foreign school, such as The American University of Rome, is not an eligible program for purposes of federal student aid if it is provided by correspondence or distance education in whole or in part. In addition, a foreign institution may only approve federal student loans or deferments for eligible U.S. students for enrollment in an educational program that is at least one year in length and leads to a certificate, diploma, or full degree program. The program must be at the undergraduate or graduate level. If I am attending The American University of Rome through a “Study Abroad” Program sponsored by my domestic school, do I apply for federal student aid through the foreign school? No. Federal student aid for a short term, or a study abroad program is processed by the student’s home institution in the U.S. The American University of Rome would not be authorized to certify student loans or deferments for U.S. study abroad students who only plan to attend for a semester or for a one year study abroad experience to earn credits that apply toward or transfer into a degree program in which the student is enrolled in the U.S. I am enrolled at The American University of Rome. Can I receive funding to perform research in another country for a semester? No. Funding does not cover studies in a country outside of your institution’s location. Funding only covers eligible programs within an eligible institution. The American University of Rome Enrollment Status for eligibility and reporting for US Title IV funds policy In determining enrollment status for eligibility for Title IV funds at The American University of Rome our policy is as follows; to be enrolled half time a student must be taking at least a half time course load.  ‘Audit’ courses, courses that are not matriculating to your degree and some remedial courses do not count.  The reported status for the three enrollment periods (fall, spring and summer is determined as follows: Enrolled credits [PAGE] Title: AUR #Unplugged - get to know the AUR people. Content: What's on AUR #Unplugged - get to know the AUR people. Unplugged is the interview series in which we bring the amazing staff & faculty of The American University of Rome under the spotlight in order to let you know the AUR people a little better. At AUR, we take great pride in our brilliant faculty & staff who bring extraordinary experiences, knowledge, and dedication to the classroom and the campus. With the Unplugged series, we wanted to get to know our people beyond the professional. What motivates them? What is the most important lesson they have learned from life? And what secrets are they willing to reveal to us? All this and more are uncovered in these interviews. Cait Huseman. Assistant Director of US Admissions Q. When were you happiest? I’ve always been happiest when singing. In high school, I used to compete in regional choirs. Only the best vocalists from the districts could join. We’d spend 3 days rehearsing and then put on a concert for our families... Meet Cait Huseman Professor Brian Koperski. Film, Communication, and Digital Media Q. When were you happiest? 2 seconds before asking to do this interview... however, when I got married, and the birth of my daughters hold the true top spots. Professor Lisa Colletta. English Writing, Literature, and Publishing Q. When were you happiest? For about half an hour in the mid-1980s. Meet Professor Colletta Professor Elizabeth Wueste Archaeology & Classics Q. When were you happiest? I am always happiest during the summer when I am digging. I love the sun, the warmth, the friendship, the dirt, the travel. Meet Professor Wueste Professor Francesca Conti. International Relations & Global Politics Q. When were you happiest? Last year, in Varanasi, India. It was a dream come true to be there, in this incredibly beautiful city by the Ganges. Professor Lauren Golden Art History Q. When were you happiest? Every trip I made to Rome before moving to Rome. Meet Professor Golden Professor Riccardo Quaranta General Education Q. When were you happiest? I was really happy when I was living in Thailand as it felt like every day was a new discovery for me. Meet Professor Quaranta Professor Kathleen Fitzsimmons Business Program Q. When were you happiest? Twice! In the months following having been struck by the “thunderbolt” when I met the proverbial “tall, dark and handsome” - and when they put my newborn daughter in my arms! Meet Professor Fitzsimmons Professor Victor Rambaldi. Film Q. When were you happiest? When I signed my very first contract to direct a film with an American production company in Los Angeles. What a feeling that was! Meet Professor Rambaldi Professor Marco Conti Archaeology & Classics Q. When were you happiest? When I read Petronius' Satyricon and Apuleius' Metamorphoses the first time, or when I first bought and listened to White Light / White Heat by the Velvet Underground in late 1975. Meet Professor Conti Professor Jenny Petrucci First Year Studies Q. When were you happiest? There are two places where (or when) I always feel happy no matter what; the first one is in the classroom and the second is on the theater stage when I act. When I am in one of those two places, I forget everything else. Meet Professor Petrucci Professor Lorenzo Coretti Communication & Digital Media Q. When were you happiest? The moment my Blanca said “yes.” It was a warm night of August, and we were in Cullera, a lovely seaside town on the coast of Valencia, in Spain. [PAGE] Title: Transfer Pathway from AUR to American University, Washington, D.C. | The American University of Rome Content: TRANSFER AGREEMENTS Transfer Pathway from AUR to American University, Washington, D.C. The American University of Rome (AUR) and American University, Washington, D.C. (AU) have established a Transfer Articulation Agreement. This agreement offers AUR students the opportunity to initiate their undergraduate studies at AUR in Italy and, upon acceptance into AU, pursue their degrees in designated major at AU in Washington, D.C. AUR students have the option to transfer their earned credits to AU, contingent upon meeting AU's admission criteria. HOW DOES THIS PARTNERSHIP WORK FOR STUDENTS? For U.S.-based students, this partnership offers an opportunity to add an international dimension to their academic experience. Students will spend one or two years at AUR, where they can delve deep into Rome and Europe's rich cultural, political, and artistic resources while developing a network of globally diverse friends and colleagues. The academic and cultural experiences they take back to American University will enrich their future learning, add depth to their understanding of their subjects, and add to their future employability. For non-US students, AUR is an ideal bridge into the American education system; our small size and our dynamic approach to classroom interactions mean that you won't get lost in the crowd as you move into a teaching and learning system that is based more on discussion and discovery than on direct lecturing. During their time at AUR, students will build a robust academic foundation, discover their passions, and 'bank' their initial credits in preparation for their move to one of the United States' most respected universities. WHAT ABOUT FEES? WILL I PAY MUCH MORE WHEN I TRANSFER TO AU? The American University of Rome is recognized among US institutions as an affordable university that delivers high-quality education below the average price you might pay at a college in the USA. AUR also offers a range of scholarships and a student training program that can significantly reduce the amount you pay. American University, Washington, recognizes that their cost of attendance is higher, but as they value the insights and experiences AUR transfer students bring to their learning community and want to recognize transferring students academic efforts, they have made the commitment that all AUR transfer students to AU will automatically receive a 25% scholarship. AU also offers a range of other scholarship and student work opportunities . All students following this transfer pathway will receive a 25% tuition fee scholarship from American University, Washington, upon their transfer. WHICH MAJORS CAN I UNDERTAKE AT AU VIA THIS TRANSFER PATHWAY? [PAGE] Title: Our location | The American University of Rome Content: "Yes, I have finally arrived to this Capital of the World!" Overview The university is an urban campus and the compound is composed of five nearby buildings. The main campus is formed of two buildings, an auditorium and a spacious garden. Building A hosts administrative and faculty offices, student services, and the main computer lab whilst building B has the bulk of the classrooms, laboratories, and faculty offices. Evans’ Hall, a liberty villa of 1920, is the site of the library, student lounges and a beautiful garden. Carini 23, a five-storey building of the ‘70s designed in the style of Italian architect Paolo Portoghesi, is the location of design studios, faculty offices, and the Battista Multimedia Laboratory, a state-of-the-art lab for film production. Location Overlooking the historical center, the university is located on top of the Janiculum, Rome’s highest hill. With its own garden of Roman pines, it offers a spectacular view of Rome and the surrounding hills. The campus is near two city parks, Villa Sciarra and Villa Pamphili, and historical landmarks. The area also hosts diplomatic residences and several international academies. Rome Rome is a main character in the story of AUR From its inception as the center of the Roman Empire to the bustling cultural and social melting pot it is today, Rome’s history is long and complex with telling remnants of its story scattered about every place you go. The most fascinating aspect of Rome is its standing as a city where ancient and modern weave in and out of each other; it is hard to determine where one era ends and another one begins. Surrounded by historical landmarks, ages-old artwork, diplomatic and international organizations, the Eternal City is one of the major and most important centers of European political and social happenings and is considered to be one of the most strikingly beautiful cities in the world. Within this living and breathing historical, political, and social landmark known as Rome is a huge, vibrant community of approximately 2.8 million people, almost 10% of which is international. Its population, therefore, is made up of eclectic cultures and a multitude of languages. You can be from anywhere, and you will find your niche to fit in. And while Rome is a large and populous city, it does not have the impersonal feel of a sprawling metropolis: small neighborhoods knit together to form the fabric of the city; you get the remarkable experience of being in a big place while simultaneously enjoying the intimacy of integrating into a community and getting to know the names of the people you see every day, both on and off campus. Yes, I have finally arrived to this Capital of the World! I now see all the dreams of my youth coming to life… Only in Rome is it possible to understand Rome. —Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in Italian Journey About Us [PAGE] Title: BA Archaeology (Archeology) degree in Rome, Italy. Content: Villa Adriana, Rome Megan R. talks about her internship with the Pigorini Museum, Rome. I interned in the physical anthropology laboratory in the Pigorini Museum for a little over three months. During that time, I was working with Neolithic skeletal remains that had been excavated in Northern Italy and sent to the museum to be cleaned and analyzed. This was a unique experience and more than I ever thought I would get from an internship! I learned about archaeology, preservation, and human anatomy using a hands-on approach. During the time I spent in the lab, I cleaned, sorted, analyzed, and reconstructed the skeletal remains by organizing them anatomically. For anyone studying archaeology or anthropology, this was a truly once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. All AUR students are encouraged to undertake at least one internship during their time at the university; many take two. AUR's location in Rome and its relationships with cultural institutions and organizations provides internship opportunities that would be impossible elsewhere. Rome is our classroom All disciplines that AUR offers are actively practiced and studied in the Eternal City and contribute to its vibrant social, cultural, and political identity. All students will take at least two courses that bring them out of the classroom and into the city to examine Rome's heritage, aesthetic beauty, and/or contemporary life. We call these the Roma Caput Mundi courses. Selected Core courses Caput Mundi courses in this major ARCL 100 Introduction to Ancient Greece and Rome AHAR 207 Conservation and Restoration: Ethics and Principles ARC 302 Being Human: Theoretical Issues in Archaeology ARCL 483 Special Advanced Topics in Archaeology and Classics LTN 100 Learning Latin Through Inscriptions: Elementary Latin and Epigraphy ARC 308 Bodies and Burials ARC 312 Forensic Geo-Archaeology: Materials and Methods These are just a few selected courses from the Archaeology & Classics program. You can find a complete list here . AHAR 101 Ancient Material Culture ARC 104 Investigating Archaeology: Methods and Techniques for Analyzing the Past CLHS 205 Rome: Republic and Empire AHAR 300 Roman Imperial Art and Architecture AHAR 307 Late Antique and Byzantine Art ARC 101 Roman Archaeology On-Site ARC 103 Ancient Roman Technology ARC 301 Archaeology of Roman Identity ARCL 209 Roman Army The Roma Caput Mundi courses listed here count directly towards the Archaeology & Classics major. Students may also take other Roma Caput Mundi courses through their minor or through electives from other disciplines Career destinations AUR's Archaeology and Classics program will provide you with a set of specialized skills and knowledge which are desirable in a range of archaeology jobs. These include roles in heritage agencies, museums, and local governments, but your skills could also be useful for careers in all kinds of other sectors, including chartered surveying, education, administration, computing, marketing, business, finance, and more. Vanessa L. - 2019 Graduate Studies in Nova Scotia Anna S. - 2017 [PAGE] Title: Board of Trustees | The American University of Rome Content: CEO and Chairman, Ascend Staffing Salt Lake City, UT – USA Linda Kelley Kurfess Former Director of Government Bond Trading at Credit Suisse First Boston New York, NY – USA Former Partner (retired), Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A. Newark, DE – USA President Emeritus, California Institute of the Arts Los Angeles, CA - USA Board Member of FTS S.p.A Rome – ITALY Retired. Formerly: Co-founder of the Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children Washington, DC – USA Chairman and CEO of Molina Fine Jewelers and Black, Starr & Frost Phoenix, AZ – USA [PAGE] Title: Partnership with Astudy International Education: Italian High School exchange student provider. | The American University of Rome Content: Financial Aid & Scholarships Partnership with Astudy International Education: Italian High School exchange student provider. The American University of Rome partners with Astudy International Education, part of the Educatius Group, to offer exclusive scholarships to Astudy students. Astudy International Education is an agency specializing in High School Exchange Programs for students who wish to spend a period of their high school education abroad during their third or fourth year. Astudy International Education is part of the Educatius Group, the largest international organization specializing in cultural exchange programs worldwide and the best in terms of reliability. Astudy deals exclusively with cultural exchanges and high school exchanges for Italian high school students. In Astudy you will find a team of experts who will be able to guide you in choosing the program and will accompany you in all phases, from preparation to reintegration into high school in Italy. Astudy exclusively offers courses for studying at high schools abroad to allow every Italian student to immerse themselves completely in the culture of the host country. Thanks to the international network of which Astudy is part, they can help high school students to identify a program and a destination to attend a year, a semester, or a term in a foreign host school. And again, thanks to the international network of which Astudy is part, every year they help international students to get to know the Italian language and culture by studying at a high school or high school, living with volunteer host families in Italy. The American University of Rome and Astudy International recognized that many Italian students who undertake high school exchange programs in the USA would like to continue to study under the US system. In response to this fact, AUR, in partnership with Astudy, offers the following exclusive scholarships to students who have attended an Astudy exchange or study abroad program: Four (4) scholarships at 50% of AUR tuition fees* Six (6) scholarships ranging between 30% and 40% of AUR tuition fees* *Terms and conditions apply. For details of available scholarships, terms & conditions, and to apply for AUR's Astudy Scholarships, please contact AUR's Director of Undergraduate Admissions, Jessica York, at [email protected] or by telephone on +39 06 58 330 919 Undergraduate Admissions [PAGE] Title: Undergraduate Programs | The American University of Rome Content: View more For their entire four-year university career*, students are guided by a diverse and dedicated team of full-time and adjunct faculty made up of award-winning scholars and professionals. Each resident student is assigned an advisor who mentors their progress throughout their undergraduate career. Advisors are specialists in the student's major. In keeping with our multidisciplinary approach, we encourage undergraduate students to complement their major field of study with courses from our array of unique and challenging minors, allowing students to diversify their knowledge and skills - a critical element that employers are looking for. We also offer two associate degree programs: an Associate of Arts in Liberal Studies and an Associate of Applied Arts in International Business. Both are two-year programs; the former is designed to satisfy the needs of students seeking a general background in liberal arts with the possibility of specializing in selected areas, while the latter is designed to provide students with the basic skills required to operate in the business profession. Juniors (third-year students) can take full advantage of the wealth of internship opportunities available through our Career Services department. Recent internship placements have included:: Adnkronos Food & Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations Proctor & Gamble [PAGE] Title: The American University of Rome Online Shop - AUR Clothing & Accessories Content: Apply Now AUR Online Shop Stop by the AUR online shop to pick up university branded clothing and accessories. Support your school and its sporting teams! Stop by the AUR online shop to pick up university branded clothing and accessories. Support your school and its sporting teams! 100039437 Please Read IMPORTANT NOTE: AUR's Online Shop is designed solely for the U.S. market. If you are a) in Italy and/or b) a current student you can purchase an exclusive range of AUR branded items on campus from the BizClub, our student-run merchandising business. The AUR online shop has been launched in order to facilitate the large number of requests we get from U.S. based families who wish to purchase AUR branded items as souvenirs or gifts. The American University of Rome takes no profit from the sales of these items. This shop has been set up as a goodwill gesture to the families and friends of our students past and present. About Us [PAGE] Title: AUR Students Abroad. The AURA Program | The American University of Rome Content: Academic enhancement AUR Students Abroad. The AURA Program There are many opportunities to study abroad while you are studying at AUR. We have several direct exchange partners. You pay AUR tuition and can study at these institutions for either a semester or a summer session. Options include: University of Westminster, London, U.K. To be eligible for AURA you must have Junior Status ( i.e. have completed 60 credits) and a GPA of 3.0. An approved Study Abroad semester meets the “Alternative Educational Experience” requirement of AUR’s General Education Program. Courses taken abroad must be pre-approved by the academic advisor and a Transfer Credit Permit form must be completed and submitted to the Registrar's office prior to enrolling the courses. Students need to be aware that equivalents of their core courses in the major may not be available at all partner schools. All courses taken as part of AURA transfer as pass/fail, with the exception of Emory AURA. A pass is C and above. C- or lower is a fail. The Next Step: Speak first to the Registrar ( [email protected] ) and then with your academic advisor about how the AURA Program can help you achieve your academic goals and how to go about gathering the information necessary to allow you to study abroad at your chosen university. Administrative fee for AURA: €300 for summer session €500 for the semester Independent Study Abroad AUR students can also apply directly to study abroad at regionally accredited American universities or national universities recognized by the country’s higher education system. Deadlines for application Spring - September 1st Fall - February 1st. AURA and US Federal Aid Students who receive US federal aid can participate in an AURA program for a maximum of 25% of their AUR studies. For a student pursuing an AUR degree in 4 years, that is a maximum of one year to study abroad while for all others it is a maximum of one semester to study abroad. Contact the Financial Aid Office for more information ( [email protected] ). Academic Enhancement [PAGE] Title: Rome is the classroom for our undergraduate degrees | The American University of Rome Content: We are AUR Rome is the classroom for our undergraduate degrees The American University of Rome is proud to be the oldest university of American degree-granting status in the Eternal City. AUR has been welcoming international students to Rome to study with us as part of a global community of scholars since 1969. Our history is part of the rich story that makes up the fabric of this magnificent city. International universities in Italy such as AUR offer possibilities and opportunities that cannot be matched anywhere else in the world. Opportunities to touch, see, and feel the history of civilization under your very feet. Opportunities to be immersed in a city of great art and architecture. Opportunities to be at the center of world politics both past and present. Opportunities to stretch and challenge yourself with a new language and a new culture. Our Professors frequently complement their lessons with on-site visits around the city, ensuring students’ full immersion in their subject. Our students are guided through the experience that is the Eternal City and taught its global context throughout the ages. Each of our bachelor’s degrees utilizes some part of the resources of Rome to enhance the learning experience, whether it be contemporary culture, politics, history, art, or spaces of this ancient city. Beyond its historical and artistic importance, modern-day Rome is a major European capital. Rome hosts embassies, international organizations, governmental agencies, and multinational companies. It is a bustling multicultural hub for business, politics and research. Rome is constantly playing host to professionals who are leading figures in their field to share their expertise – and AUR does the same. This exposure to outstanding groups and individuals creates an inspiring atmosphere for students as they prepare for their futures. Thanks to its location on the Mediterranean, at the gateway between Europe, Africa and Asia, Rome stands at the meeting point of cultures, nationalities, and ideas, and it is as much a catalyst for change and growth today as it has been for millennia. Rome is the ideal location for students who want to understand the world we once lived in and the world we live in today. How will you use Rome? Our Archaeology and Classics majors get involved in real fieldwork on some of the world’s richest archaeological sites, adding an unforgettable experiential element to their degree. Our Art History majors come face to face with the work of the old masters and earn academic credit for participating in excursions to galleries and museums. Our Business Administration majors work directly with international organizations like NATO and the World Food Program and participate in professional masterclasses. Our Communication & Digital Media majors put their knowledge and skills into practice working with innovative European companies at the cutting edge of communication technology. Our English Writing, Literature and Publishing majors are involved with leading transnational projects such as the Italian Playwrights Project. Our Film majors develop their ideas against a backdrop that has tempted filmmakers from across the globe, using Rome as inspiration in their creative coursework. Our Fine Arts majors create art in venues of constant inspiration - the Colosseum, the Forum, the Garden of Oranges, and the Capitoline museums to name but a few. Our Interdisciplinary Studies students seek and find connections between all aspects of historical and modern day Rome as they explore multiple disciplines. Our International Relations and Global Politics majors gain a truly international experience with first-hand access to the Rome-based governmental and NGO bodies that are major players on the global stage. Our Travel and Tourism Management majors learn their trade with the Eternal City as a prime example of the world’s most important tourist destinations - with some of the greatest challenges to overcome. About Us [PAGE] Title: AUR Fast Facts | The American University of Rome Content: We are AUR AUR Fast Facts The American University of Rome can never be articulated simply in a set of dry statistics - it is so much more than the sum of its parts. However, we are often asked to supply variations of the direct data below to allow comparison with other institutions. The Basics Founded: 1969 - the first American University to be established in Rome. Location: Rome, Italy. The campus is situated at the top of the Janiculum Hill in the Monteverde district (Rome's most desirable residential area) and overlooks the city center, medieval Trastevere, and the Tiber river. Public transport links are good and the campus is walking distance to Rome’s historic center. To the Vatican: Driving - 7 minutes, walking - 30 minutes To the Colosseum: Driving -14 minutes, walking 40 minutes To Testaccio: Driving - 8 minutes, walking 30 minutes To Villa Pamphili: Driving - 3 minutes, walking 7 minutes To London: flight time - 2 hours, 35 minutes To Berlin: flight time - 2 hours, 5 minutes To Paris: flight time - 2 hours, 0 minutes To Istanbul: flight time - 2 hours, 30 minutes To Athens: flight time - 1 hour, 55 minutes. Type: Private, liberal arts university founded on the idea that Rome itself is an ideal classroom and that a student's educational experience is broadened and enriched by living and learning in a multicultural, multinational environment. Focus: American undergraduate and graduate degrees that blend the liberal arts with career preparation, access to international institutions, and a global network of alumni, while adding key elements of the Italian and European humanities education tradition. Enrolment, Admissions, Financial Aid Student Profile: 650-750 students from over 50 countries Student-Faculty Ratio: 14:1 [PAGE] Title: The Admissions Process | The American University of Rome Content: Application & admissions explained. Application Deadlines AUR operates a ‘rolling’ admissions process with preference given to early applicants. Please click here for undergraduate and here for graduate for specific timeframes related to our Admissions Rounds. Due to student visa purposes, Non-EU/EAA students are encouraged to complete their applications as soon as possible. Visas and Permit to Stay Students who are not European citizens, or holders of an EU residency card, or of a current and valid EU visa, are required by law to obtain a student visa from the Italian consulate before departing from their home country.  The necessary documentation will be provided to each accepted student once the deposit has been paid. It is the student's responsibility to ensure the student visa is obtained before arriving in Italy. As it may take several weeks to obtain an appointment with the local Italian Consulate, we recommend completing the application as soon as possible.  Please visit our Visas and Permits page for more information. Scholarships To be considered for AUR merit and need-based scholarships , students are encouraged to apply early--even before being accepted to the University--although notifications will arrive upon acceptance. The priority application deadlines are the following: Fall: April 1st Spring: November 1st Financial Aid If you are a US citizen or permanent resident, complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) , and have the information sent to us by submitting our school code on the FAFSA: G31025. Minimum GPA Scores AUR requires a minimum high school GPA of 3.0. However, each applicant is reviewed individually; leadership, motivation, academic improvement, the level of the high school program’s difficulty, involvement in activities, and potential for growth are important considerations in the selection process. SAT and ACT Scores SAT and ACT scores are optional requirements for U.S. applicants. The American University of Rome SAT institutional code for reporting purposes is 0262. Information concerning the SAT may be obtained at College Board . The American University of Rome ACT institutional code for reporting purposes is 5392. Information concerning the ACT may be obtained at ACT . Admitted Students Once admitted, students will be sent an acceptance package and information regarding enrollment, housing & registration.  To reserve a place for you in our entering class, we must receive your enrollment confirmation form and your tuition deposit payment. Fall semester: Deposit due May 1st, tuition payment July 15th. Spring Semester: Deposit due November 1st, tuition payment December 1st. Refer to our Payment Methods for more information or contact your Admissions Counselor at [email protected] or the Finance Office at [email protected] Deferred Admission A student who has been accepted to The American University of Rome but cannot enroll immediately may request a deferral, which will be confirmed upon payment of the enrollment confirmation deposit. The deposit is non-refundable and will be put towards tuition costs at the time of enrollment. A deferral can be granted up to one academic year after which the student must re-apply for admission to the University. Deadlines Enrollment deposit payment deadline for new students Fall May 1st Spring November 1st Apply now Admissions [PAGE] Title: Bachelor Degree in Communication & Digital Media | The American University of Rome Content: Undergraduate Programs Bachelor Degree in Communication & Digital Media AUR’s BA in Communication & Digital Media offers a mix of theoretical foundations and practical know-how that enables graduates to thrive in the global communications industry, from social media to PR, online journalism, and advertising. The program has been designed to extend and enhance students' communication skills while giving them a deep understanding of communication theory and how it applies to intercultural communication, organizational communication, and the management of social networks and mass media. Why study Communication & Digital Media at AUR An essential 21st Century skill Communication is at the center of the 21st Century, it is the main engine of our age. The way we communicate through today's media is shaping who we are as individuals and how we connect in an increasingly multicultural and globalized society. A communication degree is not only about learning how to communicate information proficiently. It is also essential in just about every industry. Career choice Communications & Digital Media graduates meet a growing need for communicators in media, creative industries, government, and industry. Employers need graduates that have applied knowledge in new and emerging media, curation of data, media ethics, critical thinking, and analysis skills. AUR graduates leave this program prepared to meet challenges within the widest possible choice of career pathways. Professional networks AUR maintains a close relationship with the professions and links to international partners in journalism and media studies, with visiting professors offering seminars and guest lectures each semester. Some recent examples include Prof. Carsten Sorensen (London School of Economics), Dr. Emiliano Treré (Cardiff University), and Dr. Paolo Gerbaudo (King’s College, London). One alumni's story. Christopher Roberts (BA Communication, 2008) is head of Circus Marketing, a communications and advertising agency in Los Angeles, that produces award-winning brand strategies "built upon contemporary values and principles which combines art and science to craft creative principles." On his experience at AUR and how it has contributed to his success, Christopher shares, “AUR is the base for everything I have done professionally since 2008. I was fortunate to have had passionate and dedicated professors that instilled in me the tools and knowledge that I still apply until this day. From a human and academic perspective, the AUR Communication major was my foundation for what was to come. Work and life experience is the most valuable part of becoming an expert in any field, but AUR really allowed me to understand and work within the communication realm - and forged my future in the world of advertising.” Communication major, Rachel B. completed an internship with the Jesuit Refugee Service. "During my internship, I was tasked with editing and formatting stories about the organization’s work and its affiliates, testimonies from employees and refugees, proposals for projects as well as reports on past and ongoing projects. I also addressed letters to donors and religious congregations, a crucial element of the work of nonprofit humanitarian organizations. Over the four months of my internship, I learned a lot about what my future with a bachelor's degree in communication could look like, as well as the way in which NGOs operate – even amidst a pandemic. My advisors were always more than willing to answer my questions and I in turn able to improve my skills and comprehension of the industry as well as the geopolitical climate that migrants and aid organizations are facing today." Beyond the classroom & campus From Introduction to Photojournalism, where students are required to find stories and photo opportunities that reflect the human condition, to Reflections on the Future Society where students examine the digital footprints in grassroots activism, public service broadcasting, and political parties, AUR's Bachelor Degree in Communication & Digital Media utilizes the history, culture, and politics of Rome as a backdrop to its global perspective. Many elements of the program are conducted off-campus, tapping into the resources of Rome as a major European capital and a center of digital communications & creativity. Black & White Urban Photography class explores Lisbon This year's students of the class Black & White Urban Photography began by experiencing the urban beauty of Rome before branching out to visit Lisbon in Portugal. Besides the modern facade of a global city, Lisbon has two distinctive architectural styles — the elaborate 16th-century of the Belém district and the elegant 18th century downtown, built after the Great Earthquake of 1755. Its major landmark, the Belém Tower, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site "Having the opportunity to compare and contrast the urban architecture of Rome and Lisbon through black and white photography not only gave me enormous insight into composition but broadened my appreciation of the history and influences of urban development as a subject. - something I look forward to exploring further." - Brook M. Career destinations A degree in Communication & Digital Media can open doors in a broad range of fields, from corporate to government and non-profit. Effective communication is key in all industries, from selling products and services to the public to upholding durable relationships with investors and customers. Careers that are directly linked to this degree include journalism, public relations, social media marketing & advertising, and anything connected with the creation and management of content. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects jobs for those with communication degrees will increase 4% annually through to 2029. According to the same source, “the median annual wage for media and communication occupations was $61,310 in May 2020, which was higher than the median annual wage for all occupations of $41,950.” Shahnaz D. - 2010 [PAGE] Title: Internship Experiences | The American University of Rome Content: Interning at the Pigorini Museum From the months of September to November I interned in the physical anthropology laboratory in the Pigorini Museum. I got to work with Neolithic skeletal remains that were excavated in Northern Italy and sent down to the museum to be cleaned and analyzed. Internship with Nove Onlus During the Spring of 2018, I had the chance to intern with the non-profit organization Nove Onlus. From the first interview, I knew that the tasks I was going to carry out were very closely related to my course of study in International Relations. [PAGE] Title: Our Global Alumni: their stories | The American University of Rome Content: Careers Our Global Alumni: their stories AUR alumni are a richly diverse worldwide family. Here we feature a range of stories of paths travelled and random recollections of AUR. [PAGE] Title: B.S. Business Administration The American University of Rome Content: Undergraduate Programs Bachelor Degree in Business Administration The American University of Rome offers one of the leading American-based international undergraduate business programs in Europe. The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree program equips graduates with a knowledge of business theories, policies, and procedures that prepares them to assume a responsible position within the world of business. In addition to fundamental business and management procedures, graduates also acquire skills in decision making, problem-solving, and leadership. Diversity is a touchstone of our program. We foster an appreciation of cultural, linguistic, ethnic and managerial diversity. Our graduates are ready to begin their careers in business in the fields of marketing, finance, manufacturing, sales, advertising and management, and are comfortable working in either American or international settings. Our degree also provides a firm foundation for MSc or MBA graduate study International and experienced faculty: The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration faculty come to AUR from diverse educational, ethnic and cultural backgrounds, and from various parts of the world. Some are life-long scholars and researchers. Others are business people who leave their offices to share their real-world experience with our Business Majors in our classrooms. Several are former managers who have become full-time academics. Real-world focus: AUR brings the business community into the classroom and takes the study of business out into the world. Business Major students earn credit with internships in one of the many international organizations or corporations headquartered in Rome. Global networking: Each semester corporate leaders participate in AUR’s Business Roundtable discussions, events such as the Business Speaker Series, and seminars with companies such as Michael Kors, Pfizer, Nestlé, Disney, JWT, the Federal Reserve Bank and CNN represented. Faculty members in the B.S. in Business Administration also organize and lead for-credit learning excursions in various regions of Italy. Exemplary exchange opportunities: In addition to AUR’s array of study abroad opportunities, our highest achieving students (from any major but especially business) may also choose to spend a semester at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School, one of the top 10 undergraduate business programs in the US. Overview The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration curriculum provides a broad, professional foundation in all functional areas of business. Business Majors follow a structured, organic core curriculum that introduces them to the various functions (marketing, finance, operations, accounting) of business, provides them with the quantitative tools (statistics, computer science, economics, decision science) necessary to understand and interpret data, and introduces them to prevailing management theories and paradigms as well as issues related to legal and ethical concerns in the business arena. Upper-level courses incorporate case analyses, group projects, and creative problem-solving. All Business Majors take the capstone course, Strategic Management, in their last spring semester, which is a dynamic, seminar-style, case-based application of the tools and concepts acquired in the first three years of study. The program has an international focus with many opportunities for Business Majors to explore the social and cultural ramifications of operating in the global economy. The nature of the student body complements the international flavor of the program. AUR Business students represent more than 30 different countries. The program promotes a work ethic that prepares students for working in diverse multi-cultural environments. Interdisciplinary learning opportunities allow students to understand how different worldviews can affect the functioning of a business. Course requirements and further detail For more in-depth information about this program and individual course requirements, please see our full catalog . The AUR Business Club The Business Club is the oldest club at the University. Their mission is threefold – social, functional, and service. Social: meeting and mixing with students of similar interests; the Club organizes Aperitivos, parties, bbqs, and other events, including the Annual BizClub Fashion Show in April, a highlight of the student social calendar. Functional: learning about business; the Club organizes field trips, visits to businesses and trade shows and invites guest speakers. And service: Under a concession granted by the University, the Business Club manages AUR’s merchandising business, ensuring a steady stream of classic and new apparel products so that AUR students both resident and study abroad can “wear their colors” here or in all the places around the world where they live and travel. For more than 15 years the “BizClub” has been improving the university and the quality of its students’ education through its activities and by reinvesting a portion of the proceeds of the AUR Merchandising Business back into the University in the form of a gift each year.  Offering AUR’s apparel and other gear, the BizClub sets up shop in the Courtyard of the University once a month. Keep a look out around the university and on their Facebook Page for information on upcoming sales! 2018 Capstoner Day Builds Expertise and Esprit de Corps for Business Seniors Business Seniors recently spent an intense day together exploring the motorcycle industry, analyzing the benefit of industry trade shows, discussing the applications of these to their own work on their theses, and then sharing a meal they had cooked together. The day started at the Fiera di Roma, one of the largest exhibition centers in the world, located near Fiumicino Airport. The primary purpose of this first activity was to learn about trade shows – industry-wide expo’s that bring together an entire value chain, including suppliers, industry competitors, retailers and buyers. The trade show chosen, MotoDays, was particularly exciting, as it included all the world’s leading producers of two-wheeled vehicles, among them Harley Davidson, BMW, Yamaha, Suzuki, Ducati and more, and, besides the serious business of the day, featured a cycle show and the chance to ride some of the featured bikes. The Capstoners visited stands, talked with company representatives, found out what’s new and exciting in the world of motorcycles, and also discovered a wide array of other organizations that participated in the Trade Show even though they have nothing to do with motorcycles.  For example, the Italian Air Force had a stand, at which several of the students (and the professor) got a chance to take a breathtaking ride in the Fighter Jet Simulator.  The Air Force and many other organizations, participate in industry trade shows to increase awareness of their brands and target potential recruits whose interests (in this case in motor technology and engines) might indicate a potential match. After lunch, the group headed back to Rome, to regroup in the evening in a kitchen in Trastevere. AUR student Amanda Wotring was ready to lead the Capstoners in what Professor Fitzsimmons called “the quintessential team-building exercise:” a hands-on cooking lesson. Amanda is an experienced chef who had previously revealed that she organizes and delivers “pop-up” catering and cooking lessons. And so was born the idea of the Capstoner Cooking Lesson.  Under Amanda’s tutelage, students and professor alike gathered around a large butcherblock table. Together they chopped and diced and mixed and rolled and produced dozens of Vietnamese-style spring rolls, both fresh and fried, as they chatted about an array topics as diverse as the nationalities represented around the table (Pakistan, Japan, Ghana, Ukraine, Egypt, US, Italy, Israel, Venezuela). The Business Capstone process is an intense four-month exploration of industry and company analysis and strategy development, that each student applies to a publicly traded, transnational firm of his/her choice. This year’s group has chosen firms in industries ranging from videogames and consumer electronics to automobiles and fast food. Each student writes up their research findings and recommendations in a Strategic Audit which is then presented to the group. While the thesis is individual, students support one another through the process, and build a strong sense of esprit de corps. [PAGE] Title: Student Clubs & Activities | The American University of Rome Content: If you'd like to find out more, email us [email protected] EWLP Club Through a variety of literary-focused events, the EWLP club provides a fun and accepting environment for creative activities for all levels. The club allows students to explore and develop their curiosity of writing and literature. Interested in learning more? Talk to us at [email protected] Game Club We play tabletop games, online games, card games, and everything in between. No prior experience necessary, everybody welcome, fun-time guaranteed. If you'd like to find out more, email us [email protected] International Relations Club Mission: To provide a space for all students interested in international relations to connect with one another, expand their knowledge, and further explore their interests through the organization of events and activities. If you'd like to find out more, email us [email protected] LGBTQ+ Club Bringing together the LGBTQ+ community and their allies in a positive and non-judgmental environment where they can fully express their indviduality and shared experiences while promoting tolerance and acceptance. If you'd like to find out more, email us [email protected] Media Club Aiming to support and nurture the creative talents of our students by facilitating the creation of fundraisers, field-trips, and media-related events throughout Rome. Interested in learning more? Talk to us at [email protected] Student Government The AURSG exists to serve, represent and advocate for the AUR student body. If you have any issues with life at AUR, if you want to make change happen, we're here to help. If you'd like to find out more, email us [email protected] The Amazing Grace Gospel Choir Led by the outstanding Professor Timothy Martin, the choir offers a great way to integrate with local Italians and is open to any AUR student who would like to join. Contact the choir director here. Women of Color United Aims to unite and empower women of color through dialogue and discussion in order to create solutions to social justice issues that are negatively impacting our community. All women of color and allies are welcome. If you'd like to find out more, email us [email protected] Search form [PAGE] Title: Staff Directory of The American University of Rome Content: Scott Sprenger - President of The American University of Rome - [email protected] ADMISSIONS Jessica York - Director of Undergraduate Admissions - [email protected] Zoë Johnson - Director of Financial Aid & Graduate Admissions - [email protected] Cait Hoffmann - Assistant Director of US Admissions Operations - [email protected] Michael Taylor - Assistant Director of US Admissions Operations - [email protected] Yesenia Serna - Admissions Communication Coordinator - [email protected] Fernanda Mayer Silva - Senior International Admissions Counselor - [email protected] Kirsty Young - Senior Financial Aid and Admissions Counselor - [email protected] Andrea Ricci - International Admissions Counselor - [email protected] Inna Motsar - International Admissions Counselor - [email protected] Caterina Belardi - International Admissions Counselor - [email protected] Vivian Hudson - Admissions Operations Assistant - [email protected] ADVANCEMENT Anne Marie Judge - Senior Director of Advancement - [email protected] Federica Mazzarelli - Assistant Director of Advancement - [email protected] CAREERS & INTERNSHIPS Silvia Esposito - Director, Career and Internships Program - [email protected] COMPUTER SERVICES Rosa Fusco - Director of Computer Services - [email protected] Gianluca Ariodante - Computer Services Technician - [email protected] Daniel Torri - Network Specialist - [email protected] DEAN'S OFFICE John D. Muccigrosso - Dean of Academic Affairs - [email protected] Zoe De Smet - Registrar - [email protected] Anar Khamzayeva - Senior Institutional Research Analyst - [email protected] Evelin Di Girolamo - Dean's Office Coordinator & Assistant Registrar - [email protected] Susan Kaesz - Graduate Studies Coordinator - [email protected] Stefano Mastrocicco - Interim Librarian - [email protected] Bisan Abdulkader - Consultant for the Center for Entrepreneurship and Design - [email protected] Naima Borgese - Events Coordinator - [email protected] Lorenza Decarli - Manager of Executive Offices - [email protected] FINANCE Rossana Altomari - Chief Financial Officer - [email protected] Marita Agustin Luzon - Finance Office Manager - [email protected] Massimo Pantaloni - Accountant/Accounts Payable - [email protected] Stefano Felicani - Accountant - [email protected] Silvia Cocozzello - HR Manager - [email protected] Catalin Pop - Security Guard - [email protected] MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS Harry Greiner - Director of Marketing & Communications - [email protected] Maria Pichyienko - Digital Content Strategist - [email protected] PHYSICAL PLANT Alessio Marchei - Physical Plant Operations Manager - [email protected] Alessandro Catani - Campus Maintenance - [email protected] Giulio Morigi - Campus Maintenance - [email protected] RECEPTION Mary Alessi - Receptionist and HR Support - [email protected] Glenda Breth Marcozzi - Receptionist and HR Support - [email protected] STUDENT LIFE & STUDY ABROAD Stefano Stoppaccioli - Dean of Student Affairs & Director of Study Abroad - [email protected] Edgar Barrales - Assistant Dean of Student Affairs - [email protected] Kathy Bemis - Student Life Coordinator and Community Service and Engagement Specialist - [email protected] Chiara Lino - Student Life Coordinator and Intercultural Relations Specialist - [email protected] Stefano Cristalli - Athletics Coordinator - [email protected] Institutional Information [PAGE] Title: Honorary Degree recipients at The American University of Rome | The American University of Rome Content: Information Honorary Degree recipients at The American University of Rome The tradition of awarding honorary degrees at The American University of Rome began in 1994. Honorary degrees are the most significant recognition conferred by the university and recipients are selected by a panel that includes members of the board of trustees, the university President, and the institution's faculty. The awarding of an honorary degree marks the recipent as an individual who has pioneered achievement in a field or has conspicuously contributed to the common good. Honorary degree recipients serve as examples to our graduates, encouraging them to aspire to excellence and to value the particular traits of academic or cultural achievement that they embody. 2021-2023 [PAGE] Title: Yoga & Mat Pilates | The American University of Rome Content: Athletics and Clubs Yoga & Mat Pilates Yoga classes at the AUR Club are taking place on campus every Monday and Tuesday, while Pilates takes place on Wednesdays. Classes are held from 7 to 8 pm on the Building B terrace (weather permitting) or in classroom B304. All are welcome at these classes, whether you are a beginner or a pro. Using a personal mat is suggested, but we’re happy to cover you if you don’t have one. If you are interested in attending, please stop by the Student Life office or email [email protected] for further details. "Since I like being active, I joined pilates to stay in shape. This would also be a nice way to meet people outside of my classes. [This] has enhanced my time at AUR by keeping me active and introducing me to new people with different backgrounds but similar interests." - Ellie Wedge Yoga and Pilates boost both the brain and the body, making it the perfect exercise for students. Below are just a few of the many benefits of these practices. Exercise boosts the production of new brain cells and protects existing cells, aiding memory and learning. People also have significantly superior brain function after a mindful movement practice like Pilates or Yoga compared to aerobic exercise. Learning new movements in Yoga and Pilates challenges both the body and the mind. Yoga and Pilates activate the core, which in turn activates the nervous system, resulting in better communication between the brain and the body, with the added bonuses of stress relief and mood-boosting. The concentration required in Pilates and Yoga is a form of mindfulness, and there have been many studies on the positive impact of this, including anxiety relief, insomnia relief, stress relief, lower blood pressure, and unlocking creative thinking – to name just a few. Both Yoga and Pilates improve flexibility, muscle strength, posture, blood circulation, and lung capacity. Athletics and Clubs [PAGE] Title: Student Training Program | The American University of Rome Content: Financial Aid & Scholarships Student Training Program The American University of Rome offers a limited number of student training positions to full-time AUR degree-seeking students. Student Training Program The American University of Rome offers a limited number of student training positions to full-time AUR undergraduate and graduate degree-seeking students. Students who participate in this program receive training in various areas of the University in exchange for partial remission of tuition or reimbursement if tuition has already been paid in full. Training hours can range between 10-20 hours a week and are for the academic year. Graduate students are recommended to consider a maximum of 10 hours per week due to rigorous coursework. First year students must complete at least one semester at AUR before applying for a training position, this does not apply to transfer students. Transfer and returning students who wish to apply or reapply for a student training position must fill out the application below and submit by the due date in order to be considered for a position. Student training requirements: All awards are limited to students enrolled full-time with a 2.7 cumulative GPA or above, meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) , and not defaulted on education loans. Deadlines: Fall semester: April 15th; Spring semester: November 15th [PAGE] Title: Past Events | The American University of Rome Content: A Woman’s Work: Female Intellectual and Artistic Labor in Modern Italy The Italian Studies Program presents an open discussion with some of the authors of the volume Female Cultural Production in Modern Italy: Literature, Art and Intellectual History, edited by Sharon Hecker and Catherine Ramsey-Portolano and published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2023. 29 Nov 2023, 19:00 [PAGE] Title: M.A. Cultural Heritage: Sustainability & Community. A US Master's degree in Rome, Italy. Content: Customer Services, Historic Milwaukee Inc. Melanie B., - 2020 Supervisor, Museum Operations & Collections, Kingston, Ontario. "One of the most enduring lessons I learned during my Masters in Sustainable Cultural Heritage at The American University of Rome was the sheer diversity of meaning for the term ‘heritage.’ My favorite was that heritage could be anything that people wanted to save for future generations. This simple yet profound definition is the guiding light for my current work as the SUCCESS Programme Communications Officer at the Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN). AUR gave me the understanding that the past, present, and future are not distinct, separate 'boxes'. They're a spectrum, and each element influences people and cultures at a conscious and unconscious level. This tenet affects my work on a daily basis." Anjum Malik, Communications Officer at the NGO Rural Support Programme Network (Cultural Heritage, 2019) Outstanding Internship Opportunities In keeping with AUR’s promotion of vocational skills, the curriculum includes an internship placement worth three credits towards the overall degree. The internship experience is tailored to the individual student’s career of interest and is an invaluable opportunity for first-hand involvement in the field, whether it be participation in a restoration project, supporting the fundraising and marketing department of an NGO or assisting in the organization of a sustainability conference. Katarina recounts her internship experience at the Parco del Colosseo. Over the span of July and August, I was fortunate enough to be able to intern for the Parco Archeologico del Colosseo. I worked in the office located inside of the Colosseum, where I worked closely with Elisa Cella. Under her direction I was able to complete two projects for the Parco Colosseo during that period. Firstly, I was able to do a Social Media Analysis of the Parco Colosseo’s accounts. Secondly, I was able to conduct a Visitor Experience Analysis. This included going on many of the tours offered by the Parco Colosseo, and experiencing it as a visitor as well as me creating, conducting, and analyzing a survey on visitor experiences of the Colosseo. This unique experience allowed me to see so many different parts of the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and the Palatine that I had never experienced before. During my time at the Colosseum, I was able to witness the large-scale organization and work it takes to take down a temporary exhibit and install the new exhibit. This opportunity allowed me to become more intimately familiar with how large-scale cultural heritage sites are run and issues that arise. This experience taught me to practically apply many of the skills taught during the program. Program Information This 15-month M.A. program consists of 36 credits, of which 27 are for coursework, 3 for the internship, and 6 for the thesis. Program objectives To provide an overview of the interdisciplinary nature of the field. To give the necessary heritage management tools in line with international, national, and regional strategies to enhance cultural heritage management. To provide an understanding of the tools, techniques, and processes for documenting and assessing cultural resources, and producing and implementing management plans. To foster an understanding of the role of heritage agencies and organizations at international, national, local, and regional levels. The Thesis Students must obtain at least a B- for their MA thesis to complete the MA program. The thesis will focus on a particular topic identified by the student as an area of special interest and/or pertinent to his/her future career or further research in Cultural Heritage. The thesis enables a student to demonstrate the knowledge and skills acquired during coursework, as well as their ability to conduct a research project, produce high-quality academic writing and defence. Upon completing the Master’s program in Cultural Heritage, students will have acquired the following skills and knowledge: Project management - including budgeting and fundraising. Appreciation of the complexity of heritage economics, its relationship to tourism, to the local community and to conservation issues. An understanding of the role of heritage in the broader political and legal context, including issues of contested heritage, dark heritage (heritage from periods of tragedy or war or discredited political regimes) and an understanding of the role of heritage in forming identity at the local, regional, national and transnational levels. Oral and written communication skills at a professional level, including the ability to debate issues with practitioners in the field. Planning, marketing, management and funding of sustainable heritage-related projects, including the ability to examine and critique heritage management theory. Critical analysis of the use of heritage in different political, religious, social and ethnic contexts. AUR Alumna fighting antiquities crime Alyssa Thiel (M.A. Sustainable Cultural Heritage, 2016) has recently been appointed to the Antiquities Trafficking Unit of the New York district attorney’s office. The unit, set up by DA Cyrus Vance in 2017, is the first of its type and was created to deal with the increase in looted antiquities that are flooding the art market in New York, mostly as a result of conflicts in the Middle East. Alyssa, who has been working since graduation at Princeton University Art Museum as Campus Collections Assistant, fought off fierce competition to win the position of Investigative Analyst on the team of Assistant DA Matthew Bogdanos. [PAGE] Title: B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies The American University of Rome Content: Undergraduate Programs Bachelor Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies The curriculum for the Interdisciplinary Studies degree leaves ample room for personal variation so that students, in conjunction with their academic advisor can tailor their studies to their own particular interests. This program is recommended for students whose interests do not fall under a single conventional academic heading. Overview Crossing intellectual barriers and making connections between different forms of evidence is at the heart of the major in Interdisciplinary Studies. This degree enables undergraduates, in conjunction with their academic advisor, to foster and develop personal interests and assemble a program of “clusters” of courses that do not fall either within The American University’s existing range of degree program options or under a single, conventional, academic heading. In particular, students are encouraged to take advantage of The American University’s unique situation in Rome, and utilize a wide range of the city’s resources. While building upon the objectives of the various departments, the students’ own tailor-made program promotes individualism, encourages bi-lateral thinking and research across a range of subjects. Interdisciplinary Studies Degree: Major Requirements Individual programs of study will be designed for each candidate for this major, in consultation with the academic advisor for Interdisciplinary Studies (the 30 credits must be at the upper-level). The individual program of study must have a clearly defined focus. Interdisciplinary studies will develop in each student the ability to: Make meaningful and effective connections across disciplines. Identify and incorporate discussions of cultural, political, artistic and religious diversity. Critically analyze and evaluate alternative points of view. Course requirements and further detail For more in-depth information about this program and individual course requirements, please see our full catalog . [PAGE] Title: Mission & Priorities | The American University of Rome Content: Mission & Priorities Mission Statement The American University of Rome prepares students to live and work across cultures as skilled and knowledgeable citizens of an interconnected and rapidly changing world. AUR is a private, independent, not-for-profit institution of higher education, offering undergraduate and graduate liberal arts programs to degree-seeking and study abroad students from around the world. Taking the best of the American approach to interdisciplinary, student-centered learning, our international faculty and staff use Rome as our classroom and Italy and Europe as invaluable resources. AUR’s innovative programs promote intellectual excellence, personal growth and an appreciation of cultural diversity in an international environment. Priorities Leverage AUR’s location in Rome, Italy, and Europe for optimal, mission-driven teaching & learning experiences. Strive for teaching and learning excellence (via a purpose-driven, interdisciplinary curriculum, student-centered pedagogies, research & academic services aligned with institutional mission and values, and partnerships) in order to achieve optimal graduate outcomes and academic reputation. Continuously recruit for and nurture a globally diverse, inclusive, and ethics-based learning community of internationally-minded students, faculty & staff Maintain a beautiful and up-to-date campus & infrastructure that aligns with AUR’s mission and student expectations Achieve long-term institutional growth & sustainability Institutional Information [PAGE] Title: Tuition & Fees F.A.Q. | The American University of Rome Content: Summer 2: 10 May How and when do I need to confirm AUR Housing? The housing application is located on the student portal MyAUR and the application submission deadlines are as follows: Fall: 30 June Summer I: 1 April Summer II: 30 April Will I get an invoice? Yes, invoices go out to each student’s term time address, usually a month before the beginning of each Semester. Payment deadlines are detailed on the invoice. How can I allow my parents to call and receive information regarding my university account activity or to receive copy of my tuition bill? In order to grant Third party to access your account, download the release authorization form (FERPA) and submit it to the Finance Office. Does the University accept payments for tuition and other obligations by credit card? Yes. We accept Mastercard, Visa and American Express. What happens if I don’t pay my account balance on time? If you do not pay your account on time a hold may be placed on your account which may prevent you from registering for classes and/or receiving your transcripts. How do I obtain copy of my invoice or statement? You can e-mail the request to [email protected] or come and visit the Finance Office, Building A first floor room A17. Does the University accept payments over the telephone? No. What happens if my payment bounces? In the event that payment bounces, the student’s financial account will be charged the amount bounced plus € 50.00 and the total amount must be paid by cashier’s check or EFT. Can I send a postdated check? No. The check will be processed the day it is received and would be rejected by the bank. We do not hold postdated checks for processing later. Can I cash a personal check to The American University of Rome? No, but we can help to indicate where you can. Where do I mail my payment? Please see the mailing and other information here . How long does it take for a bank wire to be confirmed? Please wait at least a week for a bank wire to arrive at our bank and for the office to acknowledge it. What do I need to do if my employer, sponsor or some other agency is paying my tuition? Any student who is sponsored by a Third party must notify the Finance Office to ensure the correct credit to your account on time. How can I obtain my 1098-T form? A 1098-T form will be mailed to the student’s home billing address provided to us. What are the consequences of having unpaid balance? Students with outstanding balance on their account are not eligible to register to the University. No student may receive a degree, certificate of completion or transcript until all charges are paid in full. Delinquent accounts may be transferred to private collection agencies for collection and are subject to additional interest and/or collection charges. Apply now Undergraduate Tuition & Fees Tuitions & Fees in US Dollars Tuition & Fees in Euros Tuition & Fees for Study Abroad & Visiting Students Tuition & Fees FAQ Payments Graduate Program Tuition & Fees [PAGE] Title: Transfer Students - Undergraduate Admissions - Transfer Deadlines and Credt Transfers. Content: Undergraduate Admissions Transfer Student Admissions & Credit Transfer Information The American University of Rome community welcomes transfer students to our full-time undergraduate programs. Most of our student transfers enter in the Fall semester, and a smaller number will enroll each January. The Committee on Transfer Admission carefully reviews each application individually. We value the wide variety of experiences and rich backgrounds transfer students add to our community. If you can demonstrate a willingness to integrate within a multicultural environment and have a thirst to follow your academic interests in a more global context, then we would be proud to welcome you into our institution. You can apply as a transfer student if you are a high school graduate (or equivalent) and have completed college credits. For a free, no-obligation credit transfer evaluation, use the form at the foot of this page. General policy for Transfer Students The American University of Rome determines the number of transfer credits to be accepted towards fulfilling requirements for a degree. Up to 50% of transfer credits can be applied toward a student’s major. General guidelines are as follows: A minimum of 45 credits for a bachelor's degree must be earned at AUR. For an associate degree, a minimum of 30 credits must be earned at the University. At least 15 credits earned at AUR must be in major-specific upper-level courses. The final semester (Fall or Spring) must be completed in residence at AUR. Transfer Application Deadlines Transfer deadlines are in step with our general undergraduate admissions deadlines, which operate on a rolling basis with six distinct application rounds for the Fall semester and four for the Spring semester. The earlier you apply, the earlier you receive an admissions decision. We encourage you to submit your application as soon as possible. Application deadline information is available here. Apply now Undergraduate Admissions Undergraduate Admissions Deadlines for Applicants Information for Transfer Students Study Abroad & Visiting Student Requirements Undergraduate Visa & Residency requirements Related Information [PAGE] Title: AUR's accreditation & recognition in the United States & Italy Content: AUR's accreditation & recognition in the United States & Italy Details on AUR's status, accreditation, and recognition of degrees in the United States and in Italy. In the United States Recognition & accreditation The American University of Rome is a non-profit organization accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education , based in Philadelphia. The Commission on Higher Education is recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education to conduct accreditation and pre-accreditation (candidacy status) activities for institutions of higher education and is a voluntary, non-governmental, membership association that defines, maintains, and promotes educational excellence across institutions with diverse missions, student populations, and resources. The Commission provides service and support to member institutions as they implement accreditation standards and engage in continuous improvement initiatives. Accreditation by the Commission is an expression of confidence in an institution's mission and goals, its performance, and its resources. Accreditation by a regional accrediting association certifies to other educational institutions and the public that an institution has been evaluated, meets or exceeds established standards, and is achieving its stated goals. The American University of Rome's operating licence was last renewed in November 2020 and is confirmed until December 2025. Credit Transfer Due to its recognition and awarding status, all credits earned at The American University of Rome are eligible for transfer to any other American university. Not-for-profit status The American University of Rome is incorporated as a not-for-profit organization in the Washington, D.C. and is licensed to award its degrees by the Delaware Department of Education. The University is registered in the United States as a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization. This means that The American University of Rome receives funding from sources such as tuition fees and donations and the money that comes into the institution is invested directly back into the maintenance and development of our services. We have no investors standing to release profits from our institution. Federal loans The United States Department of Education has determined that The American University of Rome is a recognized and established foreign university eligible under Title IV of the HEA, and specifically, for the William D. Ford Federal Direct Student Loan Program. Direct Loans are low-interest loans for students and parents to help pay for the cost of a student’s education after high school. The lender is the U.S. Department of Education rather than a bank or other financial institution and you must be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-U.S. citizen to qualify for these loans. In Italy Recognition & accreditation The American University of Rome is recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research as an American University duly authorized to operate in Italy as a Foreign Higher Education Institution . The American University of Rome's degrees, accompanied by a Statement of Comparability or a Dichiarazione di valore (Certified Degree Equivalency) is valid for admission to Italian graduate degree programs such as the laurea magistrale or Italian first level Master programs. [PAGE] Title: Declaration of value - AUR Content: Comparability & Verification of your degree in Italy Recognition of your AUR degree in Italy. The American University of Rome (AUR) is licensed by the Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) and is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) in the United States. It is incorporated in Washington, D.C. and is authorized to operate as an American university in Italy by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR). Statement of Comparability and Statement of Verification Students who graduate with an AUR degree and intend to either work in Italy or continue their studies at an Italian university may need to provide a Statement of Comparability and/or a Statement of Verification, issued by CIMEA. The student needs to verify with the University to which he/she is applying, if they require a Statement of Comparability or a Statement of Verification. The Statement of Comparability is a document containing the information relating to the qualification, such as the recognition/accreditation of the institution that issued it in the country of origin and the level of the qualification according to the Bologna Process and the European Qualifications Framework, in addition to the specifications of the comparability of the degree, the nature of the course (academic or professional) and any other useful element to let it be evaluated by the competent bodies in the different national systems. The Statement of Comparability has the mere function of non-binding opinion and does not verify or certify the authenticity of the qualification on which the assessment is based. The Statement of Verification is a document showing the main information related to your qualification, as well as the certification of the verification of the authenticity of the qualification performed by CIMEA experts. The term Verification of authenticity means any action performed by CIMEA in order to receive information on the actual award of a qualification by the institution of reference. The Statement of Verification does not verify or certify the comparability of the qualification in any national system. CIMEA is the official Italian centre within the NARIC - National Academic Recognition Information Centres – network of the European Union and the ENIC - European National Information Centres – network of the European Council and of UNESCO. Since 1984, CIMEA - Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence has been engaged in the field of information and consulting services relating to the procedures for the recognition of academic qualifications and to issues relating to Italian and international higher education and training. Although most Italian Universities will ask for a Statement of Comparability and/or Verification, some Universities may still require the ‘Dichiarazione di Valore’ (Value Declaration): The ‘Dichiarazione di Valore’ (Declaration of Value) is a document issued by an Italian Consulate General with jurisdiction over the document, used by Italian institutions to compare the value of a degree that is obtained in a non-Italian educational system. Requesting this document is a lengthy process including obtaining an apostille, translating all of the apostille documents and all individual course descriptions listed on the transcript, before submitting all to the consulate for recognition that the documents were official. The final decision as to whether the foreign degree will be accepted is determined the Italian institution. How to obtain the Statements using the Diplome service The American University of Rome has signed an agreement with CIMEA, allowing students to request these Statements through their «Diplome» service. Thanks to the Diplome blockchain-based platform, CIMEA will issue the required Statement of Comparability and/or Statement of Verification directly in the applicant’s digital wallet. This qualification management system is decentralized, transparent, certified and unchangeable, with the scope of making it progressively easier for a student, a graduate or a professional to enroll in a foreign university or enter the labour market in a foreign country. To create your Diplome account go to: Make sure you complete the full registration procedure to access the dedicated Information Request service, allowing you to contact a CIMEA expert directly and to submit the request for a Statement of Comparability and/or Statement of Verification. The service fees are € 150 for the Statement of Comparability and € 65 for the Statement of Verification. Further questions can be addressed to CIMEA directly though their Information request service. Academic Services [PAGE] Title: Help Desks & Workshops | The American University of Rome Content: The following academic support services are available to students at AUR: Italian Helpdesk The Italian Help Desk is designed to offer individual help for students enrolled in Italian language courses at AUR. Drop-in sessions are held throughout the semester. Math Helpdesk Math Helpdesk is organized to give students additional help related to mathematics courses. Drop-in sessions are held throughout the semester. Writing Center The Writing Center is designed to help students develop their academic writing skills, and to provide assistance with writing assignments at all levels. For appointments, access our Online Booking service. Drop-in conferences are offered depending on availability. Online Booking at Library Research Skills Workshops Library Research Skills workshops assist students in developing information literacy skills and are held throughout the semester. Career Development and Placement Workshops Career Development and Placement workshops and drop-in sessions are held throughout the semester. A placement officer assists with career development seminars and identifies placement opportunities. Academic Services [PAGE] Title: Summer Professional Development Programs | The American University of Rome Content: Study Abroad & Visiting programs Summer Professional Development Programs The American University of Rome offers a range of short professional development programs for summer 2024. Delivered in July from our beautiful campus in Rome, these programs are designed for career professionals and/or individuals aiming to develop careers in relevant disciplines. Advanced Certificate in Cultural & Heritage Venue Protection Protecting against threats to people, buildings, and objects is a vital part of the work of a heritage professional and is an activity that everyone needs to be engaged in. This program helps participants understand the threats that can impact cultural and heritage venues wherever they are in the world. This course is offered in partnership with Trident Manor, an independent risk, security, and crisis management consultancy to national and international clients, which has a specific expertise in cultural heritage protection. Trident Manor is one of the few organizations in the world to offer dedicated training programs at operational, managerial, and strategic levels to support staff in the protection of museums, galleries, archives, libraries, and other heritage venues. Health & Risk Communication in an Interpandemic World Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives in Italian Language Teaching A summer global health communication institute that brings together professionals and leaders from multiple sectors and disciplines for an international professional development course in association with Strategies for Equity and Communication Impact (SECI) and the peer-reviewed Journal of Communication in Healthcare: Strategies, Media, and Engagement in Global Health. This course is led by Professor Renata Schiavo, PhD, MA, CCL, a global health practitioner and public health/social sciences academic who works at the intersection of public health, healthcare, health equity and the social and structural determinants of health, human rights, health and risk communication, social and behavior change (SBC), system-thinking, and social and behavior change communication (SBCC). This is a graduate-level, 2-credit, 30-hour seminar delivered in Italy in the summer of 2024. AUR's 1-week summer seminar offers professional development for teachers of Italian. Composed of 30 academic hours, the seminar helps participants improve their teaching strategies by studying innovative language and culture instruction methods and creative ways to tackle learning problems. This course is led by Professor Flavia Laviosa, a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Italian Studies at Wellesley College. In her academic career, she has pursued two paths: one in Foreign Language Education, stemming from her Ph.D. at the University at Buffalo, and the other in Film Studies, resulting from her Master’s degree completed at the University of Edinburgh. [PAGE] Title: AUR Summer Sessions - Summer II | The American University of Rome Content: AUR Summer Sessions - Summer II The American University of Rome's Summer II session runs from 26 June to 23 July 2024. AUR Summer Schools offer you an educational, social, and cultural experience you’ll never forget. Immerse yourself in engaging classroom discussions, intensive language study, and in-depth courses with professors and students from around the world. Earn credits towards your degree or pursue a personal interest while exploring Rome's culture, history, and food through this unique, thought-provoking, international experience. For 2024, we have a great range of courses available. Scroll through and find the courses that fascinate you, or use these links to jump directly to a subject theme. You could select to do two courses under a single theme or mix and match courses that interest you. ARC 101 ROMAN ARCHAEOLOGY ON-SITE Monday - Thursday Off-campus 3 credits An introductory off-campus course exploring the archaeological sites and ancient monuments of Rome. The course will begin with the evidence for the earliest settlement in Rome and continue through the development of the Republic, the empire, and the transition to early Christian Rome. The course will focus on placing the archaeological and architectural evidence in its topographical context. Students are responsible for all entry fees. Off-campus 3 credits Roman Sketchbook is an introductory course in drawing. On-site classes will provide landscape views, architectural forms, paintings, and three-dimensional sculpture as subject matter, using pencil, pen, charcoal, and sanguigna (red chalk) as drawing techniques. The course includes individual drawing projects and a written component related to the experience of sketching on location. The aim is to develop confidence and visual awareness in creating representations of the vast selection of art that the city of Rome has to offer. ART 100 COLOR AND COMPOSITION Monday - Thursday Some classes off-campus 3 credits This foundation course introduces students to the basic vocabulary and principles of design through a variety of short-term projects. Students will create sophisticated compositions in two dimensions, and work in a variety of media, including water-based painting techniques and pastels. Special attention is given to color theory and its various applications. Analysis of selected works by past artists will enhance comprehension of visual balance and composition. Routine critiques of works in progress and finished works will be conducted. AH 100 ART OF ROME Monday - Thursday Most classes off-campus 3 credits Art of Rome is an introductory course in art history. The course focuses on Rome, from its origin to contemporary times. Masterpieces of painting, sculpture, architecture, and urban planning are examined within their historical contexts. Most of the classes are held off-campus. The course hones a method of description, critical analysis, and interpretation of art and builds an understanding of traditional forms and cultural themes useful in comprehending all western art. AHRE 106 SACRED SPACE: RELIGIOUS ARCHITECTURE OF ROME Monday - Thursday Most classes off-campus 3 credits The course explores main ideas behind the sacral space on the example of sacral architecture of Rome, from the ancient times to the postmodern. The course maximizes the opportunity of onsite teaching in Rome; most of the classes are held in the real surrounding, which best illustrates particular topics of the course. Students will have the opportunity to learn about different religious traditions, various religious ideas and practices (including the ancient Roman religion, early Roman Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Protestantism, as well as the main elements of religion and sacred spaces of ancient Judaism and Islam). Students will have the opportunity to experience a variety of sacred spaces and learn about the broader cultural and historical context in which they appeared. Short study trips outside of Rome may also take place. [PAGE] Title: Internship Opportunities | The American University of Rome Content: Internship Opportunities Internship Opportunities We believe that a university education should entail both academic and professional development, and it is our aspiration that by the time our students have completed their studies at AUR they have not only accumulated a profound understanding of their subject of choice, but also a meaningful workplace experience which will equip them as they begin their careers. At AUR we pride ourselves on the wealth of opportunities for internships available on all our programs. We have grown an internships program that places 75% of students in at least one internship in Italy and around the world (as opposed to the US average of around 60%). Click here to take a look at a range of the internship experiences recently undertaken by our students. For more information on our Careers and Internships services, please contact [email protected] Careers and Internships [PAGE] Title: Admissions & Finance | The American University of Rome Content: The American University of Rome is now accepting applications for Spring and Fall 2024. AUR operates a ‘rolling’ admissions process with preference given to early applicants. Welcome to Admissions at The American University of Rome. This is your gateway to AUR's range of fully accredited U.S. undergraduate (bachelor) and graduate (master) degree programs and to our spectrum of alternative educational study options; study abroad, summer and winter short courses, and the accelerated Academic English Bridge program. If you've got this far then you're probably ready to take the next step on your road to Rome - ready to meet fellow students from across the world, ready to discover the secret life of Rome, ready to challenge yourself academically and personally in a new country, a new language, and a new environment. All of this while you experience the best of the American liberal arts system. Visiting Our Campus Tour our campus, join a class, meet an admissions counselor or shadow a student for the day! Apply now Admissions [PAGE] Title: AUR Basketball | The American University of Rome Content: Athletics and Clubs AUR Basketball AUR has access to a local basketball court for pick-up games on Tuesdays from 12 to 2 pm. The court is conveniently located nearby campus, and the activity is open to both men and women. All you need to do is to get a ball at the Student Life Office and start playing! AUR also fields a competitive team that participates in “Campionato di basket delle Universita’ di Roma” and practices at Liceo “Morgagni” on Tuesdays from 7:00 to 8.30 pm. Games are midweek (no weekends involved). Playing on the Wolves basketball team gives students an opportunity to truly mix not just with local Roman students but with the international academic community found here as well; in addition to great fun and camaraderie. The tournament play allows the Wolves to test their basketball skills against teams from across Rome. The team is coached by Pierluigi D’Angelo. If you have any questions about basketball at AUR, email Stefano Cristalli, Athletics Coordinator, at [email protected] . Athletics and Clubs [PAGE] Title: What to bring with you | The American University of Rome Content: Getting organized, getting here, and settling in What to bring with you The best advice we can give you for packing is to “be sensible”. Yes, you're going to be with us for a while but don't think that you have to bring everything and the kitchen sink. If you're to be a resident student with us and are looking at a four-year 'visit', you're never going to be able to bring everything you want. Plan beforehand: bring the essentials for your first semester and then plan to have visitors bring you items you find that you need or keep a list of items that you want to bring back with you after your first trip home – you'll be surprised by how small the list is after you've been settled here for a while. If you're joining AUR as a visiting student then the same rules apply. Be sensible. Consider that you will be living in Rome for two seasons (autumn-winter or winter-spring). Also, remember you can buy anything you desperately need and have forgotten once you get here. Below is an indicative list (by no means exhaustive) of items you should consider bringing. Clothing (for two seasons) Jeans, khakis, T-shirts, sweatshirts One or two formal outfits Warm pajamas, sweats or other comfortable clothes to wear at home (Italians wear wool, fleece, and flannel at home during the winter) A warm coat, hat, scarf, gloves, and sweaters Comfortable walking shoes or boots and sneakers Slippers (most Italians wear slippers at home for comfort and as courtesy to neighbors below) Raingear Multiple copies of passport and visa (unless traveling, do not carry your original) Prescription medicine for entire term (or ensure you have arranged this in Rome) Over the counter cold medicines, aspirin etc. (they can be pretty pricey in Italy) Please be aware that medications commonly used in the U.S. for ADHD/ADD treatment are not available in Italy. Please discuss this with your doctor in advance in order to avoid having to discontinue the medication once you are in Italy. Both mailing and receiving shipments of stimulants is illegal; shipping these medications from the US to Italy can be charged as a criminal offense. Finally, here are some student suggested books, travel guides and films that you may find informative and/or useful: Guides: The Lets' Go guide to Rome ( ) The Lonely Planet Rome guides ( ) The Rough Guide to Rome ( ) [PAGE] Title: New Student Orientation | The American University of Rome Content: Frequently Asked Questions Registration When can I register for classes? New incoming students are pre-registered for courses by the Registrar over the summer and then finalize their class schedules with their advisor during orientation week. An email with pre-registration courses will be sent to you a couple of weeks prior to Orientation Week. I’m a transfer student. When will I know which credits will be accepted by AUR? Unless you have officially requested a transfer evaluation, you will be receiving transfer credit information together with your pre-registration a couple of weeks before Orientation Week. Where should I send my final transcripts? When are they due? Please refer to the Official Transcripts tab on MyAUR for instructions. Official high school transcripts for Freshmen are due August 1st. Official transcripts from colleges for Transfer students are due July 1st. Student Visa I need help applying for my visa. What should I do? Start by watching the recorded webinar on the Italian Immigration tab on MyAUR. If you still have questions following that, book an appointment with your admissions counselor! How are the visa and permit to stay related to each other – what is the difference? An entry visa is the authorization which enables Non EU students to enter Italy. The Permit of stay is the authorization to live in Italy for a stay exceeding 90 days. You must apply for it within 8 working days from your arrival in Italy. The permit to stay cannot be obtained without the student visa. Arrivals What happens during Orientation week? Visit the Orientation Week tab for more information. Do you have any recommended hotels for accompanying friends or family? Click here to view the recommendations. Housing If I opt for independent housing but am unsuccessful in my search, can I sign up for AUR housing later? While you can sign up past the deadline, rooms are not guaranteed and you may be placed on the waitlist. Please refer to the Housing tab on MyAUR for other questions. Student Life What is the permit to stay process? The process can be found under the Italian immigration tab on MyAUR.  Students do not have to worry about this process until Orientation Week, when we will have representatives on campus to help. Should I get an Italian SIM card? We recommend obtaining an Italian SIM card to avoid high international fees. The average monthly payment for an Italian phone plan is 15 euros and can include calls abroad and unlimited gigabytes. I have a regular prescription I’ll need to have filled in Italy. What should I do to prepare for this? Please be aware that medications commonly used in the U.S. for ADHD/ADD treatment are not available in Italy. Discuss your plans with your doctor in advance to avoid discontinuing the medication once you are in Italy. They may be able to prescribe medicine for the entire term or suggest the equivalent prescription medicine in Italy. Both mailing and receiving shipments of stimulants are illegal; shipping these medications from the US to Italy can be charged as a criminal offence. Finance & Financial Aid When will bills be sent out? Starting mid-June, the Finance office will send invoices every Thursday on the basis of the enrollment deposits received. When will my loans arrive, and how will I be notified? You will receive a confirmation email outlining your loans, and they will be credited to your student account during the first week of classes. Any excess funds will then be transferred to a bank account of your choice and takes approximately 3-5 business days. When will I be confirmed for my student training position? Mid-June. Tutors will reach out to candidates directly. What is the tuition payment deadline? July 15th If I have loans, is my tuition deadline still in July? The amount you confirm for loans will be deferred until the loan disbursement in the first week of classes. Should I get an Italian bank account? We recommend that you first check with your current bank to understand your capabilities while abroad and then decide about opening an Italian account based on your current ease of access and usage abroad. How will my scholarship be allocated? Once you submit your signed award letter to financial aid, your scholarship will be credited to your student account and deducted from your tuition balance. Contacts at AUR Admissions Responsible for: admissions applications, Orientation Week, liaising with agents Email them at [email protected] Finance Responsible for: invoices, deposit payments, tuition payments, housing payments and federal loan disbursements. Email them at [email protected] Financial Aid Responsible for:scholarships, federal loan guidance, VA Benefits, and student training Email them at [email protected] Registrar Responsible for: class registration, transfer credit evaluations, Email them at [email protected] Student Life Responsible for: Housing, Clubs, Sports, and non-academics activities Email them at [email protected] New Student Orientation [PAGE] Title: Healthcare & Counseling | The American University of Rome Content: On and Off campus Healthcare & Counseling Italy has a healthy population, with one of the highest life expectancies in the world, and Italy is also known for having very good doctors and hospitals. Italian healthcare has been consistently ranked as number 2 in the world for several years (see ). The AUR Doctor In order to better meet student health needs, Student Life has arranged to have a doctor on campus twice a week (Mondays and Wednesdays) for primary care at no charge to students. For specialist visits, the Office of Student Life can assist students with hospital or physician appointments. There are several excellent public hospitals in the immediate campus area and an international private hospital within easy walking distance of the campus. Health Insurance Italian law requires all non-European visiting students to obtain a mandatory state emergency health coverage for the duration of their study in Italy. The University facilitates this process by arranging the purchase of the insurance and the compilation of the applicable documents for the authorities. This insurance coverage gives the student complete access to emergency public medical care. The individual study abroad programs often require additional medical coverage, inclusive of emergency medical evacuation. Counseling Services Two certified counselors give routine, non-medical counseling to AUR students by appointment. Students can book an appointment directly with the counselors. Detailed information on this service can be found in the Student Handbook . The AUR doctor and counselors can refer you to the AUR psychiatrist to prescribe and monitor medications; appointments are by referral only. On and Off-Campus [PAGE] Title: Running Club | The American University of Rome Content: Athletics and Clubs Running Club The best way to keep fit and discover the beauties of the Eternal City? Join us as we run the city. It's fitness, fun, and good company? The Club is informal and takes place usually once a week: day and time are decided semester by semester directly with the students who would like to participate. We fit our running schedule around classes. Our meeting points and routes change regularly but include Villa Pamphili, the Tiber run, and many other beautiful and scenic spots in and around Rome's city center. Further information and sign-ups at [email protected] Athletics and Clubs [PAGE] Title: AUR offers a Direct Transfer Gurantee with Verto Education | The American University of Rome Content: TRANSFER AGREEMENTS AUR offers a Direct Transfer Gurantee with Verto Education The American University of Rome is a direct transfer partner of Verto Education. AUR offers admission to Verto participants who meet our outlined eligibility requirements. This unique opportunity provides a global, transformative learning experience designed to help you begin your college journey on a high note. During your Verto experience, you’ll need to fulfill the following minimum requirements to gain transfer admission at AUR through our Direct Transfer Guarantee. 2.8 GPA 1 semester 12 credits. What programs are not covered by the Direct Transfer Guarantee? The Fine Arts Program is not included in the Direct Transfer Guarantee, however, students are still encouraged to apply through the free Verto Partner Application for holistic review. These applicants must also submit a portfolio as part of their application. You can find information on the portfolio requirements here . What if I have taken college coursework between graduating high school and starting at Verto? You would still be eligible for the Direct Transfer Guarantee to AUR! The GPA requirements would be for your cumulative GPA from all college-level work (not including any Dual Enrollment). "Students who succeed at Verto will thrive in AUR's multinational, multicultural environment. Situated in the heart of Rome, we are home to students from over 50 countries and our classrooms feature a dynamic tapestry of cultures, traditions, and backgrounds that enrich every student's experience." Scott Sprenger President of AUR About Verto Education Verto transforms access to higher education through a coming-of-age first-year experience. Verto Education was founded to make travel the path of least resistance to a college education. They believe in inclusion, transparency, access, equity, and, above all, the power of travel to foster empathy and kindness across cultures. Verto Education helps participants discover themselves and the world by making education abroad a foundational and accessible part of their college plan. With Verto and their academic provider, the University of New Haven, students can begin college with a study abroad experience while having the option to gain admission to Verto’s 60+ partner colleges. Verto participants walk away with much more than incredible memories and transferable credits; they gain the confidence, self-awareness, and global perspective needed to thrive in college and life. The Verto Experience fosters self-discovery through mentorship and the Verto Discovery Programming. Workshops, excursions, and cultural immersion programming help students understand who they are and what they want from their university career. Verto Education offers first-year experiences in some of the world’s best places to study abroad across Europe and South America, including Argentina, Czech Republic, England, Italy, and Spain. Apply now Undergraduate Admissions [PAGE] Title: AUR Parents & Families | The American University of Rome Content: Apply Now AUR Parents & Families Below you'll find a collection of linked pages & resources that will help the parents of current and prospective AUR students understand and interact with the university. FERPA (The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) states that a student must authorize in writing the release of his/her educational and/or financial records. Learn more about this here . Orientation Weeks, Spring & Fall 2024 Welcome AUR Parents & Families As you and your student prepare for this new chapter, we encourage you to refer to the dedicated page on MyAUR, where you will find information on helping your student stay on track with the post-acceptance process, including registering for Admitted Student & Family Day and marking your calendars for Orientation. You will also find information on accommodation discounts and ways to stay connected with our community! [PAGE] Title: Benvenuti all'Università Americana di Roma Content: Apply Now Benvenuti all'Università Americana di Roma Dal 1969, l'Università Americana di Roma (AUR) fornisce un’istruzione americana nelle Liberal Arts a studenti provenienti da tutto il mondo alla ricerca di un'esperienza formativa unica e straordinaria. A rendere unica The American University of Rome è la sua stessa natura: un’università americana nel cuore di Roma con un corpo docente altamente qualificato e studenti che provengono da oltre 50 Paesi del mondo. AUR è una comunità eterogenea, multiculturale e stimolante che offre la possibilità di un’istruzione internazionale, pur restando in Italia. PERCHÉ SCEGLIERE AUR? Un’esperienza concreta e pragmatica sul campo All’AUR l’attività accademica in aula è arricchita da lezioni sul territorio e viaggi d’istruzione in Italia ed in Europa. Questa combinazione di apprendimento teorica ed esperienza pratica rappresenta uno degli aspetti più caratterizzanti della nostra università. Un’esperienza internazionale AUR è un luogo dove giovani menti di tutto il mondo trovano il loro punto di intersezione e d’incontro. Studenti di oltre 50 paesi si confrontano e condividono idee, lingue e culture, esperienza indispensabile per sviluppare un percorso culturale e professionale veramente globale. Un percorso mirato al futuro L’approccio allo studio accademico di AUR si fonda sui concetti di interdisciplinarità, analisi critica e applicazione pratica. L’approccio interdisciplinare prepara gli studenti ad affrontare un mercato del lavoro in continua evoluzione e sempre più competitivo che ricerca, nei giovani laureati, competenze tecniche specifiche, creatività e abilità di problem-solving. "AUR è un’università semplicemente fantastica. La sceglierei di nuovo senza alcuna esitazione! AUR mi ha fornito le competenze accademiche e personali per sentirmi più sicura nel mondo del lavoro e mi ha fatto conoscere persone che sono divenute la mia seconda famiglia. Non avrei potuto chiedere di più." Laura de Sacco (International Relations and Global Politics, 2018) Corsi di studio e programmi interattivi Durante il percorso di studi ad AUR gli studenti hanno l’opportunità di scoprire le proprie passioni e mettere a fuoco ambizioni e interessi attraverso: Lezioni dinamiche e interattive Visite e lezioni sul sul campo Docenti altamente qualificati e advisor dedicati Seminari e conferenze tenute da guest speaker internazionali Viaggi accademici in Italia ed in Europa Un’università internazionale restando in Italia Vorresti studiare all’estero ma non sei sicuro di voler lasciare l’Italia e i tuoi affetti e non sei certo di poter affrontare le spese e i costi di un trasferimento? Scegliendo di studiare ad AUR avrai tutto quello che hai sempre desiderato: potrai studiare in una vera università americana, pienamente immersa in un contesto internazionale, restando in Italia e nella magnifica città di Roma. Imparerai inoltre a conoscere Roma da un’altra prospettiva rispetto a come l’hai sempre vissuta. Roma diventerà la tua aula e un luogo d’incontro di diverse culture. La nostra comunità AUR offre ai propri studenti una vasta gamma di opportunità per apprendere, crescere, farsi coinvolgere e vivere l’esperienza del campus americano a 360 gradi. Che sia attraverso le varie attività offerte dall’università, i club o le associazioni studentesche, il dipartimento Student Life incoraggia gli studenti a partecipare alle diverse attività proposte nel corso dell’anno accademico. Inoltre, gli studenti possono scegliere di usufruire degli alloggi universitari di AUR e condividere un appartamento con altri studenti. Tutti i nostri appartamenti sono completamente arredati, ospitano tra i 4 e i 6 studenti e si trovano nei centrali quartieri di Monteverde e Trastevere. ................................................ "Vivere nella bellissima città di Roma, mentre si impara da professori appassionati e ci si circonda di studenti internazionali è un’esperienza che capita una volta nella vita!" Anna Stowman (Communication and Digital Media, 2023) Opportunità di studio all’estero AUR offre diverse opportunità di studio all’estero che consentono agli studenti di viaggiare e contemporaneamente approfondire la propria specializzazione accademica. Gli studenti possono decidere di studiare all’estero per uno o due semestri, scegliendo tra le seguenti università partner di AUR: USA [PAGE] Title: Student Life - your support team | The American University of Rome Content: Student Life Student Life - your support team The Student Life Office is at the heart of your daily life at The American University of Rome! We strive to complement the academic mission of the University by providing and supporting opportunities for learning through extra-curricular activities. The activities and facilities that we offer strive to promote students’ personal growth, leadership development, social responsibility, multicultural competence, and intellectual inquiry. Our staff are committed to providing you with superb service in an engaging environment to entice your participation in formal and informal activities. Sports, Clubs, and Social Activities Meet the student life team The Student Life Office is also your resource center for… anything! You can use this office as a source of general information, advice and guidance. Come and meet the team. Meet the team ResGrad Program The Res Grads (Resident Assistants) are AUR students who combine their enthusiasm for Italy and their knowledge about its lifestyle, cuisine and traditions to create an unforgettable student life experience for the AUR student body. Find out more Field Trips Student Life frequently organize field trips to cultural and scenic hot-spots within Italy. Sign up for a day-trip to Assissi or a weekend exploring Pompeii & Naples. See upcoming trips Social Activities There are many social activities on and off campus that are organized by Student Life or by Student Government. These range from trips around Italy and Europe to cooking pasta in the garden at lunchtime. See some of our activities Sports & Athletics AUR students enjoy an traditional American university athletics sporting life in Rome - from Yoga to soccer to volleyball. Pick your sport and join in! Join an AUR Team Student Clubs & Groups There is a large range of diverse and fully inclusive clubs and activities at AUR. Some are faculty-led and some are student-led, but all are dynamic and fun and we encourage all new students to get involved. Helping you get here and get settled Student Housing at AUR One of the most important aspects of your time at AUR will be your living arrangements: where you live, and who you live with. Find out about AUR Housing here See our apartment living Visas, permits & Paperwork This is your guide to visas and associated documentation requirements. It can all seem a bit confusing - but we're here to help you through it! All the info you need What to bring with you Our guide to picking and packing the essentials! You'll be with us a while but don't think that you have to bring everything and the kitchen sink. Get organized here Health Insurance Italian law requires that all non-Italian students living in Italy have medical insurance. AUR works with Italy4you to assist you in obtaining a high-quality health insurance that will fulfill your immigration requirements. Living in Rome and at AUR Living in the Eternal City Coming to a new city and a new country can be nerve wracking, we know. But, give it a few weeks and you'll understand why so many people fall in love with Rome. Your new home Rome - Tips & Tricks! Day-to-day life in Rome can be an adventure... We have some super insider tips and tricks for taming the city and making it your own. This page is invaluable! Live like a super-Roman Safety & Security The University is located in a well-patrolled and exceptionally quiet area of Rome in close proximity to embassies and embassy residences and our safety record is exemplary. Staying safe & secure AUR's Student Handbook This Student Handbook of Policies and Code of Conduct is your guide to AUR. It contains University policies and procedures as well as useful information for living in Rome and at AUR. [PAGE] Title: Undergraduate Admissions Information | The American University of Rome Content: Please write between 500-750 words on ONE of the two topics below: TOPIC 1 What do you see as one of the most pressing challenges facing society today and how do you imagine your studies at AUR will prepare you to combat this challenge? TOPIC 2 Experiential Learning is at the core of AUR’s curriculum. Define what Experiential Learning means to you and reflect upon the ways in which it has impacted your academic and/or personal growth. Planning your personal statement When planning your personal statement please keep in mind that, beyond your academic record, we are keen to admit students who can demonstrate: Diversity of personal background and experience Qualities such as leadership, motivation, concern for others and for the community. Non-academic achievements in the performing arts or athletics, employment, or personal experiences. A passion for their intended major. Please note that we are happy to accept video personal statements. Your essay answer Please choose ONE of the two topics below: TOPIC 1 Some say that social media doesn't allow us to express who we really are. Defy this by telling us about yourself in the 280-character limit of Twitter. TOPIC 2 Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself and others? (up to 500 words). BA Fine Arts applicants only - Portfolio submission Potential applicants for the Fine Arts program at The American University of Rome should submit a portfolio consisting of between six (6) and fifteen (15) artworks in any media of their choosing. Below, you will find a link to a template document for submitting your portfolio along with your application. Please ensure, when using this template, that you Complete the cover page Copy and paste the personal statement you submitted as part of your application. Add an image for each page, ensuring that you include the title, medium, size, and year of the work. Convert the document into a pdf file prior to submission Your portfolio may also be submitted in video format. If submitting in video format, please ensure that each artwork included details title, medium, size, and year of the work. Supporting Documents Application materials should be sent through our online application system, via email to [email protected] , or by regular mail to: The American University of Rome Attn: The Admissions Office Via Pietro Roselli 4 00153 Rome, Italy Candidates are responsible for ensuring that their application is complete and that we have received their supporting documents. Please note that it may take 1-2 business days for an uploaded document to reflect on the application checklist. The American University of Rome’s Admissions Office reserves the right to request additional items to complete the application process. Academic Recommendation Letter The letter of recommendation can be written by a teacher, professor, school principal, or guidance counselor. If you have been out of school for a while and are having difficulty contacting someone for an academic recommendation, a letter from a current or recent employer can be accepted in its place. Advanced Standing Candidates in possession of credentials from European lyceums, (Italian Maturità, International Baccalaureate, the British A-levels, etc.) or students who receive a 3 or higher on an AP examination must submit official records of the last year of high school and a copy of the diploma (if granted) or official test scores from College Board. Transfer Credits Please check the Information for Transfer Students page for details. Language Requirements All students who have not completed their last three years of high school in English must demonstrate proficiency in the English language by submitting the official test scores from TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo, or Cambridge English. The minimum accepted test scores are as follows: TOEFL [PAGE] Title: Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts | The American University of Rome Content: Selected Fine Arts course details PRINTMAKING Students will learn to work with a selection of printmaking techniques: linoleum prints, dry-point engraving, and monoprints in black and white and in color. MIXED MEDIA In contemporary art, clear-cut boundaries between drawing, painting, printing, collage etc. fell away. Students will experiment the possibilities of combining techniques in a creative way. ROMAN SKETCHBOOK On-site classes will provide landscape views, architectural forms, paintings, and three-dimensional sculpture as subject matter, using pencil, pen, charcoal, and sanguigna (red chalk) as drawing techniques. DRAWING I In classical drawing, the rules of the game are simple: draw what you see, not what you know. The Drawing I course is the ground floor for the classical fine arts and provides students with the technical foundation for translating the natural world into two dimensions and transforming those two dimensions into an illusion of three dimensions. INTRODUCTION TO ART THERAPY an experiential course to discover the healing aspects of art and to get in a transforming and creative flow. FIGURE DRAWING Drawing the figure is to the aspiring artist what the daily workout is to an aspiring athlete. Whether your style is classical or contemporary, the human figure is an endless source of inspiration. Advanced Painting Exhibition, 2019. Professor Timothy Joseph Allen walks us through the creation of some of the paintings produced by his Advanced Painting students for the 2019 exhibition at The American University of Rome. Outstanding Faculty AUR's Fine Arts faculty are accomplished and celebrated artists who regularly exhibit and publish across the world. From the classical to the contemporary, from oils to clay, the AUR faculty are master practitioners and enthusiastic mentors. Paul Gwynne, Ph.D A world-renowned expert in Neo-Latin poetry. Professor Gwynne's research focuses on Italian art and culture, particularly in the periods of the Renaissance and Counter-Reformation. His most recent publications include Patterns of Patronage in Renaissance Rome: Francesco Sperulo, Poet, Prelate, Soldier, Spy (2015); Francesco Benci and the Rise of Neo-Latin Epic (2018). Timothy Joseph Allen, MFA Timothy Joseph Allen is an American painter working in Rome since 1998. He is firmly rooted in the Classical tradition of figurative art and is principally influenced by the Old Masters of the 17th century. "We need to be reminded: there is no beauty without rules and there is no better rule book than nature." Marina Buening, M.A. Professor Buening's research includes all types of materials, which she uses in her sculptural and installation work. She integrates stone with very light materials such as paper or wire to achieve lightness in her work. Recently she set her attention on printmaking, where she combines different artistic techniques. Kristien De Neve Kristien De neve is a Belgian artist and has been exploring a variety of media such as video, sculpture, installations, and performative art. Even though she's immerged in contemporary artistic research; she continues to work with more traditional techniques such as oil painting and encaustic painting which she retains essential to her artistic and creative process. Course requirements and further detail For more in-depth information about this program and individual course requirements, please see our full catalog . Apply Now SPECIAL FEATURES View AUR's BA Fine Arts Fall 2021 Virtual Exhibitions Follow Art History on Instagram View one student's Capstone exhibition What's on this page? Why study Fine Arts at AUR Academic field trips & on-site classes Fine Arts faculty exhibiting works Beyond the Classroom & Campus Career Destinations Popular Fine Arts courses Video: Advanced Painting Exhibition, 2019 Outstanding Faculty On other pages [PAGE] Title: AUR Graduate School Tuition & Fees Content: Undergraduate Tuition and Fees Graduate School Tuition & Fees AUR has an experienced and friendly Finance Team who are always happy to help you with any queries or issues around fees and finances. Just drop them an email at [email protected]. Below, we have rounded up answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. For detailed information, use the menu on the right. When is my tuition bill due? Payment deadlines are as follows: Fall tuition  – July 31 Spring tuition – December 1 Will I get an invoice? Yes, invoices go out to each student’s term time address, usually a month before the beginning of each Semester. Payment deadlines are detailed on the invoice. Does the University accept payments for tuition and other obligations by credit card? Yes. We accept Mastercard, Visa and American Express. What happens if I don’t pay my account balance on time? If you do not pay your account on time a hold may be placed on your account which may prevent you from registering for classes and/or receiving your transcripts. How do I obtain copy of my invoice or statement? You can e-mail the request to [email protected] or come and visit the Finance Office, Building A first floor room A17. Does the University accept payments over the telephone? No. What happens if my payment bounces? In the event that payment bounces, the student’s financial account will be charged the amount bounced plus $50 / €50 and the total amount must be paid by cashier’s check or EFT. Can I send a postdated check? No. The check will be processed the day it is received and would be rejected by the bank. We do not hold postdated checks for processing later. Can I cash a personal check to The American University of Rome? No, but we can help to indicate where you can. Where do I mail my payment? You should send your payment provided with the student’s name to the The American University of Rome’s Finance Office. What do I need to do if my employer, sponsor or some other agency is paying my tuition? Any student who is sponsored by a Third party must notify the Finance Office to ensure the correct credit to your account on time. How can I obtain my 1098-T form? A 1098-T form will be mailed to the student’s home billing address provided to us. What are the consequences of having unpaid balance? Students with outstanding balance on their account are not eligible to register to the University. No student may receive a degree, certificate of completion or transcript until all charges are paid in full. Delinquent accounts may be transferred to private collection agencies for collection and are subject to additional interest and/or collection charges. Can I defer my admission to the University? A student who has been accepted to The American University of Rome but cannot enroll immediately may request a deferral.  Students who wish to defer are required to pay the $/€ 500 non-refundable tuition deposit.  The deposit will be put towards tuition costs at the time of enrollment.  A deferral can be granted up to one academic year after which the student must re-apply for admission to the University. Deadlines Enrollment deposit payment deadline for new students Fall May 1st Spring Within 2 weeks of Acceptance Notification North American citizens only How can I allow my parents to call and receive information regarding my university account activity or to receive copy of my tuition bill? In order to grant Third party to access your account, download the release authorization form and submit it to the Finance Office. Apply now Graduate Program Tuition & Fees Graduate Tuition & Fees in US Dollars Graduate Tuition & Fees in Euros Graduate Tuition & Fees FAQ Graduate Program Estimated Cost of Attendance Graduate Program Payments Undergraduate Tuition & Fees [PAGE] Title: News and Events | The American University of Rome Content: Specialized Course on Cultural Heritage, Crime and Security: Protecting our Past to Invest in our Future. 11-15 March 2024. Hybrid Format: Rome (Italy) and online. Deadline for applications: 26 February 2024 [ Jump to application form ] AUR students participate in the 60th Anniversary celebrations of the Codex Alimentarius AUR Food Studies and Peace Studies master’s students Carlotta Cramer, Sophia Lovett, Marshall Everett, and Walda Umutomi were selected to participate in the 60th-anniversary celebrations of the Codex Alimentarius on 27 November at the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) headquarters in Rom MA Food Studies student presents at 'Schools Beyond Regions and Borders' Professor Mefleh and graduate student Mimi Veness will participate in the May 2024 seminar 'Our Food, Our Health, Our Planet' in Padova for the project  'Schools Beyond Regions and Borders.' Professor Mefleh will talk about novel foods, and Mimi Veness will discuss her MA thesis [PAGE] Title: Covid Information & Updates for AUR Parents & Students Content: Travelers coming from the US, Canada, Japan, and the EU are now allowed to enter Italy with no subsequent quarantine if they meet these requirements: Updated 18 June 2021. Today, Friday, June 18th, Minister of Health Roberto Speranza has signed a new ordinance by which: all travelers coming from the US, Canada, Japan, and the EU are now allowed to enter Italy with no subsequent quarantine if they meet these requirements (i) being duly vaccinated or (ii) negatively tested in the previous 48 hours or (iii) fully recovered from Covid and can duly document their situation, even if they come by flights other than the Covid-tested flights; travelers from the UK will be subject to a 5-day quarantine, to be followed by a negative test. We expect more updates in the coming days, please watch this space. Rome area reclassified as 'White', low risk, Covid Zone as infection numbers continue to fall across Italy. Updated 14 June 2021. The regions of Emilia Romagna, Lazio (Rome), Lombardia (Milan), Piemonte, Puglia, and the province of Trento will pass from moderate-risk yellow zones to lowest-risk white zones from Monday 14th June as the latest data from Italy's national health institute (ISS) confirmed that Italy's covid-19 numbers remain low. To be classified as a white zone, a region must have registered fewer than 50 covid-19 cases per 100,000 inhabitants for three consecutive weeks. The only restrictions that apply in white zones relate to social distancing and the wearing of masks indoors and in crowded outdoor places. White zones are exempt from the nightly curfew (from midnight to 05.00) which remains in place in the rest of Italy, before being phased out completely on 21 June. The ISS announced on Friday that the national 'R' reproduction number remains at 0.68, with the incidence rate in Italy dropping to 25 coronavirus cases for every 100,000 inhabitants. ISS president Silvio Brusaferro predicted last night that, based on the improving trend, white zone rules would apply to all of Italy by the end of June. Note: there are still some key rules that remain active: Masks are still mandatory, both indoor and outdoor (save when appropriate isolation can be guaranteed at all times) Personal distancing of at least one meter is still to be respected; All university safety protocols enacted so far will be maintained and monitored. Italian national curfew relaxed - curfew hours now midnight to 5:00 am daily. Updated 9 June 2021. As Italy continues to push back the Covid-19 pandemic, restrictions on daily life continue to ease. From June 7th, the ongoing national curfew has been changed and will now run from midnight until 5:00 am. Combined with the reopening of Italy's restaurants and bars for indoor service as well as outdoors (from 1st June), this is another significant step towards normality. Please note: Customers are still obliged to wear masks when not seated, or consuming food or drink, and social distancing measures between tables remain in place. Both the CDC & the US State Department announced that Italy is no longer on the 'do not travel' list for US citizens The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the American government moved Italy from a Level 4 travel advisory to a Level 3. Updated 9 June 2021 As both the US and Italy manage the Covid-19 pandemic, and as an ever greater number of citizens from each country are vaccinated, the States Department of the US government along with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) have reclassified Italy's travel status. Previously, Italy was among the 90% of countries that the US had classified with a Level 4 (Do Not Travel) advisory to citizens. On the 8th of June 2021, it was reclassified to allow greater freedom of movement. While still having a cautious Level 3 classification (Reconsider Travel), it is expected that this will move to a standard Level 2 (Exercise Increased Caution) in the near future. Italy is well on the way to achieving its aim to vaccinate more than 54 million people against covid-19 by September, the government's coronavirus emergency commissioner General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo announced on June 7th. To date, Italy has administered more than 38 million doses of covid vaccines, with around 14 million people completing their vaccination cycle as of 8 June (almost 25% of the adult population). From this week, all regions have been permitted to open vaccinations to all age groups (over 16) while the Italian drug regulator (AIFA) has approved the Pfizer-BioNtech coronavirus vaccine for 12 to 15-year olds. If you are traveling to Italy - please ensure that you understand the rules and restrictions that are still in place concerning travel & quarantine procedures. You can find the latest Italian government advisories, in English, here . Italy phases out covid curfew amid easing of restrictions Italy's curfew will be removed on 21 June as covid restrictions are eased across Italy. Updated 18 May 2021 The Italian government has announced that the nightly curfew is to be phased out as the country continues to ease its covid-19 restrictions. The 10:00 pm - 5.00 am curfew will be changed to 11.00 pm in Italy's moderate-risk 'yellow' zones from 19 May. The curfew will then be moved back to midnight from 7 June before being removed entirely on 21 June. The move comes as the country shows a steady decline in coronavirus infections and a rapidly improving vaccination program. In addition to these changes, the Italian authorities announced that Restaurants From 1 June restaurants and bars can open for lunch and dinner indoors as well as outdoors. Competitive sports can resume from 1 June, with spectators allowed up to 25 percent of venue capacity (but not exceeding 500 people indoors or 1,000 outdoors). Gyms can open on 24 May, and indoor swimming pools from 1 July. Theme parks can reopen from 15 June. Shopping malls and commercial centers can open at weekends and on holidays from 22 May. For official information on the covid-19 situation in Italy, see the health ministry website . The Italian Ministry of Health has issued new ordinances on arrivals in Italy from abroad Updated on 18 May 2021 Here is the summary: Irrespective of the kind of flight that passengers from the U.S., Canada, Australia, the UK, any other EU Country, etc. are taking, they are still obliged to submit, upon boarding, certification of negative molecular or antigenic Covid testing made in the 48 hours before entry into Italy; The subsequent 14-day quarantine that is mandatory for anyone arriving from the U.S., Canada, Australia, etc. is still reduced to 10 days, with the obligation to have a molecular or antigenic Covid test at the end of such period; this can still be avoided by taking the so-called Covid-tested flights as follows: On Covid-tested flights: new destinations have been officially added: now there will be such flights from Canada and from the US from Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami, New York (JFK/Newark), Philadelphia, Washington D.C. Arrival destinations in Italy will also be Naples and Venice, in addition to currently Milan Malpensa or Rome Fiumicino; for the moment, these flights are confirmed until October 30, 2021. However, do double-check with the airline companies before making any commitment in this regard, as the concrete implementation of such flights is left to them; The so-called “autocertificazione” that any passenger traveling to Italy is to file and submit, will be shortly replaced by a “specific localization form in digital format,” according to the terms and timing that will be determined by the Italian Ministry of Health; this is going to be the “Italian Pass” that anticipates the announced EU Digital Pass; Effective May 16, 2021, and for the moment until July 30, 2021, arrivals from the US, Canada, Australia, will not be subject to the Covid-related restrictions regarding the reasons for traveling to Italy. This means that in addition to students and faculty, accompanying spouses and, more generally, visitors (tourists, for example) no longer have any such restriction. N.B.: Immigration rules have not changed! So, anyone entering Italy with a US/Canadian/Australian passport and staying up to 90 days will not need any visa, while, if the 90-day threshold is to be exceeded, the usual study or work visas will be required. Note: there have been rumors that the quarantine rule for arrivals from the US, Canada, and Australia is going to be abolished; please note that, as of today, these are nothing more than press announcements: no formal rule in this regard has yet been issued. Italian authorities confirm Lazio moves to Yellow Zone status from Monday 26th April. Updated on 25 April 2021 Here are the new regional statuses: red zone: Sardinia orange zone: Basilicata, Calabria, Puglia, Sicily and Valle d'Aosta yellow zone: Abruzzo, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardy, Marche, Molise, Piedmont, Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Autonomous Province of Trento, Tuscany, Umbria and Veneto white zone: ( no region) ​Members of the AUR community should ensure that they are aware of the changed regulations within Lazio. Official updates can be found here . Italian authorities publish a timetable for easing Covid-restrictions in across the country Updated on 22 April 2021 On the 21st of April, 2021, the Italian Council of Ministers published a Decreto “Riaperture” ("Reopening" Decree) covering 'Urgent measures for the gradual resumption of economic and social activities in compliance with the need to contain the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic.' See the full timetable here. Updated information for Covid-tested flight passengers arriving in Italy Updated on 20th April The Italian Health Ministry has updated information for passengers arriving in Italy via a Covid-tested flight. Passengers on "Covid-tested" flights are required to: hand into the carrier and to whoever is in charge of carrying out the controls, upon boarding, a certification attesting to the negative result of the molecular test (RT PCR) or antigenic test, carried out by means of a swab, no later than 48 hours prior to boarding, complete the Passenger Locator Form (PLF) - digital dPLF to be shown before boarding (see the dedicated section How to fill out the Passenger Locator Form ) carry out a molecular (RT PCR) or antigenic swab test upon arrival at the destination airport Passengers on these flights, following the above-mentioned protocol, are authorized to enter and transit into the Italian national territory, without having to comply with the obligations of health surveillance and fiduciary isolation. See full details on the Ministry website . Latest news on arrivals to Italy from the U.S. and elsewhere Updated on 19th April. The Italian Ministry of Health has issued a new decree on arrivals to Italy from abroad: Irrespective of the kind of flight that passengers from the U.S., Canada, Australia, the UK, or any other EU Country, etc. are taking, they will be now obliged to submit upon boarding a certification of a negative molecular or antigenic Covid test made within 48 hours before entering  Italy The subsequent 14-day quarantine that has been mandatory for anyone arriving from the U.S., Canada, Australia, etc. is now reduced to 10 days, but now there is the obligation to make a molecular or antigenic Covid test at the end of such period Nothing changes for the Covid-tested flights from NYC/Atlanta (and, in the future, other US cities) to either Milan Malpensa or Rome Fiumicino The so-called “autocertificazione” that any passenger traveling to Italy has to submit, will shortly be replaced by a “specific localization form in digital format,” according to terms and timing that will be determined by the Ministry of Health; this is going to be the “Italian Pass” that anticipates the arrival of the EU Green Certificate . Lazio designated Orange Zone until the end of April. New 5-day quarantine rule for travelers from European countries (C-List) AUR continues in-person classes Updated on 5th April. The Italian authorities have now decreed that the whole of Italy will remain in either Red or Orange status until the end of April. For Rome, and Lazio, this means that from Tuesday, April 6th the region will be designated once again as an Orange Zone. Please note, this may change dependent on the Covid infection rates and/or further instruction from the Italian authorities. We will keep you informed of any changes if and when they happen. What this means for classes & campus life Starting April 7th, all classes, with the exception of those already designated as online or blended courses, will resume normal fully in-person operations and we will continue to work hard to ensure that campus life is as normal as possible, subject to continuing observance of all health and social distancing precautions. Please note, you will not require certification to travel to AUR for classes but travel outside the region is still restricted and thus only permitted for essential health, work, or study reasons. On-campus Covid testing AUR is instituting periodic testing for Covid-19. All faculty and staff will be undergoing testing on Wednesday and Thursday, April 7th & 8th. All students will undergo testing on Friday and Saturday, April 9th & 10th. You will be permitted to enter campus and classes prior to periodic testing. On April 2, the Italian authorities announced a new ordinance and restrictions for all travelers who in the last 14 days have stayed or transited in one or more of the countries and territories listed in List C of Annex 20 . This new regulation requires that travelers entering into Italy from European countries must: undergo a swab (rapid or PCR) 48 hours before entering Italy and achieve a negative result undergo a 5-day quarantine period and isolate in their residence/domicile in Italy - regardless of the result of the rapid/PCR test referred to above undergo an additional rapid/PCR test at the end of the five-day quarantine period. This regulation is in force until 30 April 2021. AUR actively discourages any unnecessary travel during this semester. Students traveling within and outside Italy are wholly responsible for understanding and following State guidelines for quarantine (if necessary) and University guidelines Lazio designated Orange Zone from Tuesday, March 30, 2021. All regions, including Lazio, to operate under Red Zone Regulations for Easter (April 3-5). Updated on 28 March 2021. On Friday 26 March, the Italian authorities reclassified all areas of Italy based on the falling infection rates. Lazio was reclassified as an Orange Zone (Zona Arancione), this designation to come into effect from Tuesday 30 March. Orange Zone rules are applicable from March 30 to April 2 and then again starting from April 6. Over the Easter Holiday (April 3-5) all regions will operate under Red Zone regulations. AUR's reaction & class schedule. All students were informed of AUR's detailed class scheduling at the end of last week. If you have any questions, please check your email for details. In general terms, AUR will operate a hybrid schedule for the period 30 March to 2 April and on 6 April The university will be closed for the Easter holidays from 2 April to 5 April inclusive AUR will return to fully in-person classes from 7 April. A range of classes has already been designated as in-person for the coming week. Additional courses may be authorized to return to campus, based on direct consultation with and discussions between faculty and students. Please note that courses that are remaining online for this period can be followed from the AUR campus, either in the assigned classroom or in the library. The campus will be open during normal hours 8:30 am -9:00 pm Monday to Thursday. It will be closed Friday for the holiday. Starting April 7, all classes, with the exception of those already designated as online or blended courses, will resume normal fully in-person operations. Please note: AUR is scheduling Covid-testing for ALL students, faculty, and staff. Please check your email for full details. Lazio Region orange zone covid Rules (March 30 - April 2 & April 6 onwards) Travel outside of your municipality of residence is not allowed except for essential work, health, or study reasons. If you must travel outside your municipality or between Italian regions, you must carry the Autodichiarazione . It is not necessary to carry certification for travel within Rome e.g. to come to AUR. You are, once again, permitted to travel freely within the city. Masks must continue to be worn at all times when outside the home. The daily 10 pm to 5 am curfew remains in effect. Outdoor sports are permitted provided you can maintain social distancing while participating Bars and restaurants remain open for take-away and delivery only (restaurants until 10 pm, bars until 6 pm). Museums and cultural sites remain closed. Shops may open again but shopping centers remain closed. Schools and universities may reopen (we understand the majority will although some may remain closed up until Easter for convenience). Update on AUR's reaction to Zona Rossa status for the Lazio region: 14 March 2021 Lazio has officially been designated a Zona Rossa (Red Zone) for a limited duration—from March 15th to April 6th. This designation will require some short-term changes to AUR's on-campus and in-person learning activities, which we outline below. As the government has declared this Red Zone period to last only until April 6th, our schedule of in-person classes, scheduled from April 7th until the end of the term remains unchanged. Students, please note, it is important to stay in or near Rome during this time to avoid a quarantine period and an unnecessary disruption to in-person learning. ACADEMICS & CAMPUS 15 March to 21 March: AUR’s Spring Break There are no scheduled classes as this is Spring Break. AUR’s campus will be open during regularly scheduled hours for students who wish to use the facilities for learning activities or access to Wi-Fi, the library, or classrooms for individual study. Note: If the campus becomes overly crowded, we may have to initiate an appointment system. 22 March to 28 March. All classes will be online. AUR’s campus will be open for student use as detailed in Week One and for meetings, by appointment, with faculty and staff members. 29 March to April 1 & April 6 (campus closed for Easter holidays April 2-5) Information will be published nearer the date. PERSONAL & SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Zona Rossa status places tight restrictions on personal & social activities. We have listed the major restrictions for your reference below (Friday 12 March update) as well as linked to the ‘auto-declaration’ certification that you must print and carry with you if you leave your residence at any time. For your convenience, here is that link again . You can also refer to the full Red Zone documentation here (click on the Lazio region to view the published rules). While our own community has been only lightly affected by the pandemic, AUR appreciates & supports the Italian authorities’ efforts both to bring down infection rates and provide more space for a concerted vaccination drive. Please keep in mind that these limitations are for a limited duration and that AUR’s campus is remaining open for your academic use and access to faculty or staff appointments. Friday 12 March: The Italian authorities have issued a new decree that changes the status of the Lazio region to Zona Rossa (Red Zone). This move, designed to halt the increasing number of Covid-19 cases, places increased restrictions on the Lazio community (of which Rome is a part) and covers the period starting March 15 up until April 6. Please see below for restrictions that will impact your daily lives.  You can also refer to the full official Red Zone documentation here. Sport Outdoor physical activity is only allowed near one’s home. Masks must be used, and at least one-meter distance must be respected. Activities in gyms, sports centers, swimming pools, wellness centers, and spas (except for medical treatments) are suspended. All sporting events and activities are canceled. Access to parks, villas, and public gardens Public parks, villas, and gardens are likely to be closed. If there is a park local to you that is open, you will be allowed to do solo sport I.e running, cycling. Travel & movement Any movement to, from, and inside the red zone is forbidden, except for proven work reasons, necessity, or health reasons. Travel to private residences other than one's own is not permitted unless it is due to work, necessity, or health reasons. The 10 pm to 5 am curfew remains in place While outside your place of residence, you must carry certification of your travel destination and reason for travel. Here's a link to the certification. It’s worth printing a few copies and making sure you always have one with you if you do need to leave your residence. Bars, restaurants, shops, cinemas, theatres, museums, etc. Bars, pubs and restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries can only provide the following services: take away from 5 a.m. to 10 pm and/or home delivery catering, which has no time limitations. Hairdressers, barbers, and beauticians are all closed. Retail activities are suspended, except for activities related to the sale of food and necessary goods. Tobacconists, newsstands, pharmacies, and para-pharmacies remain open Indoor or outdoor shows open to the public in cinemas, theatres, and similar places are suspended. Activities in recreational, social, and cultural centers are suspended. Activities in museums and other places of culture are suspended, except for libraries and archives, in respect of safety measures, whose services are available through reservation only. Parties Indoor and outdoor parties are prohibited, including those organized for civil and religious ceremonies (i.e. weddings). In-person classes continuing successfully. No significant issues reported. Lazio remains a 'Yellow Zone' [Updated Monday 1 March 2021] AUR students and faculty have reported no significant issues with continuing in-person teaching & learning. The health & safety protocols implemented at the beginning of the semester are proving successful. Lazio remains a Yellow zone, caution should still be observed at all times (Italian regions are classified as yellow zones ['Safer'] when the Rt index is below 1). Lazio region designated 'Yellow Zone' from 1 February - updated 31 January Due to the positive statistics around infection rates, Italy is redesignating most regions, with effect from 1 February 2021. The Lazio region will be downgraded from a medium-risk orange zone to a lower-risk yellow zone. Here are the main points covering zona gialla rules. BARS AND RESTAURANTS Customers can consume food and drink in bars and restaurants from 05.00 and 18.00. Take-away is allowed from 18.00 until 22.00, and home delivery is not constrained by time limits. It is forbidden to consume food and drinks in the streets or parks between 18.00 and 05.00. TRAVEL You can move around in your region from 05.00 until 22.00, with only one visit per day allowed at the home of relatives or friends, for a maximum of two people, however the limit does not apply to children under 14 or to people with disabilities/non self-sufficient. It is forbidden to move to other regions, unless proven reasons of work, necessity or health. UNIVERSITIES Universities are permitted to open / close based on their circumstances. CULTURE Museums, archaeological sites and exhibitions can open from Monday to Friday, in compliance with social distancing and other preventive measures. In many cases reservations are required. Theatres and cinemas remain closed. SPORT Gyms and swimming pools stay closed but sporting centres are allowed to open. Team sports remain banned but there are no restrictions relating to walking, jogging or cycling. AUR's response to the national and regional Covid-19 regulations for January & February 2021 - updated January 19 Spring re-opening plans in consideration of recent regulatory updates by the Italian authorities and the classification of Lazio as an ‘Orange Zone’ (zona arancione). All classes at The American University of Rome will take place, for two brief weeks between January 25 and February 5, in an online format. By the end of the second week (February 3), we will announce the format of classes for the following period. The class format from February 8 onward could be fully online, blended (one day online per week, one day on campus), or fully in-person, depending on the Covid metrics and requirements of the local authorities. The decision to begin the semester online reflects Lazio’s Orange classification (elevated risk of Covid-19) and the fact that many students are subject to travel and quarantine requirements during these first 14-days of the semester, creating a confusing situation for faculty and students. By holding the first two weeks of classes online, all AUR students will be welcomed and introduced to their Spring courses in the same way. Even though classes are online, the AUR campus will be open for student use of the facilities and technologies. To enter campus students must test negative for Covid. AUR has arranged student testing on January 23 and 24 (additional testing for students arriving later and/or exiting quarantine will be scheduled as needed). All students should maintain their original travel arrangements in order to arrive and complete the quarantine by the end of the first two weeks of the semester. To preserve the optimal teaching and learning environment, remote learning in in-person classes will be used in emergency situations only. Beyond these academic arrangements, it is important to understand the limitations imposed by being in a zona arancione. Please see updates below. Please take particular notice of the restrictions on travel and private gatherings. AUR does not undertake any of these changes lightly, but that the safety of our community and the academic achievement of our students are paramount. New rules in force in the Lazio Region from January 17 - updated January 18 Movement The curfew remains in place from 10 pm to 5 am. All travel is prohibited except in case of emergency. Travel outside of your municipality and region is prohibited except in case of emergency. Visits to relatives or friends Once a day, between 5.00 am and 10.00 pm, it is permissible for a maximum of two people to visit another private home/apartment that is located in the same municipality. Bars and restaurants Catering service activities (including those of bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, pastry shops) are suspended. No restrictions are applied to home delivery catering. Take-away catering is allowed until 10.00 pm, with a ban on consumption on the premises. For bars and other similar establishments without a kitchen, and similar trades specialized in beverages, take-away is only permitted until 6.00 pm. Commercial activities and shopping centers Shopping centers will be closed on holidays and pre-holiday days, except for grocery stores, supermarkets, pharmacies, parapharmacies, tobacconists and newsstands located within their premises. Stores will remain open during normal hours. Universities From January 18: Universities, educational and curricular activities will take place at a distance, except when related to the first year of study, or aimed at classes with a reduced number of students, or in the case of the use of laboratories and other curricular activities, such as examinations, tests and graduation sessions. Culture and Entertainment Exhibitions and museums are closed. Gyms and swimming pools are closed. Sports centers remain open. New national regulations announced & Lazio region enters 'Orange' status - updated 16 January The Italian national authorities have issued a new decree that imposes operating procedures across the country in relation to COVID-19 health and safety guidelines. The restrictions and behaviors described within the decree run from Sunday 17 January to Monday 14 February 2021. You can read the full decree here. Below, the main points as they affect the operations of the university and the daily life of students. Universities in Italy are permitted to deliver in-person classes so long as they operate within social distancing & related rules. Universities are further encouraged, where possible, to deliver classes remotely or in hybrid format. AUR students, please look out for further details which will be issued by Dean Gessert early next week. Please ensure that you have submitted your mandatory Travel Declaration and sign the Student Conduct Pledge, you will not be permitted to enter campus until you have completed this paperwork AND undertaken the mandatory Covid-19 rapid swab test (facilitated & supplied by the university). From Sunday 17 Jan, the Lazio region (which includs Rome) will be designated an 'Orange' zone. - the curfew from 10 pm to 5 am will remain in place (you must be in your residence by 10 pm each evening) - travel between regions is only permitted for urgent work or health purposes (and will require you to show a self-certification explaining the reasons for travel). - Note: AUR recommends that students do not travel outside the region at this time. - Note: You do not need a self-certification to travel within the region unles you are forced to travel (for urgent need) in the hours of curfew. - bars and restaurants will be closed except for take-away service available between 10 am and 10 pm. - shopping centers will be closed on weekends & public holidays (excludes pharmacies, food shops, tabaccherie, and newsstands). - masks must be worn at all times when in public (including outdoors) or when in shared spaces outside the home. - gyms, sports centers, and museums remain closed. --------------- Holiday Season Travel Restrictions announced - updated 4 November The Italian authorities have announced travel and curfew restrictions for the holiday seson as follows: The curfew from 10.00 pm to 5.00 am remains in place From Dec. 21 to Jan. 6 no movement will be allowed between regions On Dec. 25, 26 and Jan. 1 no movement between cities (comuni) will be allowed On Dec. 31 the curfew wil be extended from 10.00 pm to 7.00 am the following day. Exceptions to the above are provided for work related and serious health reasons, as well as for return to one’s residence or domicile. New national regulations announced - updated 4 November The Italian authorities have issued a new decree detailing expanded measures to curb the spread of Covid-19. The direct impact on the current working of the university is minimal given our compliance with the regional decree of 23 October. The schedule and format of classes, as communicated to all students, still stand and will remain stable throughout the period of the decree. Campus will remain open for student use of resources, barring any further updates from local or national authorities. The new national decree will potentially have impact on life in Rome for the next few weeks. Please note the following updates carefully, which are in addition to the local restrictions already in place. The new daily curfew hours are between 10:00 pm and 5 am. You should not leave your residence during that period unless it is for emergency reasons. Any such emergency requires a self-certification form detailing your reason for being out ( downloadable here ) The new decree divides Italy into zones: Red Zones (high risk), Orange Zones (intermediate risk), and Yellow Zones (lower risk). Each zone has different requirements, with local lockdowns likely in Red Zones. Travel restrictions will be in place for entering or leaving Orange & Red zones. Rome is currently a Yellow Zone. AUR strongly recommends that students limit any uneccessary travel during this period. The maximum capacity for local public transport (buses, trams, trains) has been set to 50%. All museums and exhibitions are now closed. Shops in commercial centers (malls) will be closed on Sundays and public holidays. These national restrictions will be in place from November 6 until 3 December 2020. We will post updates here of any changes to regulations either nationally or locally. New regulations in place to halt the spread of Covid-19 - updated 25 October The measures outlined below have been taken by the Italian authorities in order to protect public safety and to get Italy quickly back to normal. The government has placed a temporary ban (until 24 November) on these activities: Gymnasiums and swimming pools are temporarily closed - physical activities can continue outdoors, respecting social distancing. Theater, cinema and music shows are temporarily suspended until Nov 24. All museums remain open but you should check for any individual institutional restrictions before you visit. Restaurants & bars can be open between 5:00 am and 6:00 pm only. Only 4 people can sit together at a restaurant table unless they live together. Restaurants and pizzerias can deliver food until midnight. Food can be ordered either online or by phone. It is highly recommended not to travel either via public or private transport except for the following reasons: work, study, or health activities which have not been suspended. You can find the full decree here Night time curfew for Rome & Lazio region - updated 21 October Italy's central Lazio region, which includes Rome, is to be placed under curfew at night as regional authorities intensify efforts to curb the spike in covid-19 cases. Lazio governor, Nicola Zingaretti, signed a new order on 20 October that includes a curfew, affecting the entire region. The curfew operates between the hours of midnight to 05.00. Between those hours you should not leave your residence. During the curfew, Lazio residents are only permitted to leave home for "reasons of necessity or urgency" such as work or health. They will also need to carry an autodichiarazione, or self-certification form (which you can find on the final page of the issued decree document ), to prove their reason for being on the streets. In addition to the curfew, the new measures include efforts to increase distance learning in high schools and universities. While the new decree will have an impact on AUR's day-to-day operations, we are working this morning to ensure the best possible learning and working experience for the campus community. Details will be published shortly. Updated regulations in Italy - 13 October to 13 November - updated 19 October A new Decree was published by the Italian Government on October 13th. The decree will be in force until November 13th . The following are some the most important measures enforced by the decree: masks must be worn at all times, indoors and outdoors social distancing must be respected (1 meter distance) indoors and outdoors parties are banned no more than 6 guests are allowed in private homes, and masks must be worn in the presence of a person who is not part of the household restaurants and bars must close at midnight and only if people are seated. Bars and pubs with no table service must close at 6 pm. field trips are suspended amateur contact sports are suspended Update on quarantine period from the Italian Health Ministry on October 12th Coronavirus.jsp?lingua=italiano&id=5117 Positive asymptomatic cases: Asymptomatic subjects who have tested positive for Covid 19 must isolate for at least 10 days and can return to the community in the case of a negative test carried out at the end of that period (10 days + negative test). Positive symptomatic cases: Symptomatic subjects who have tested positive for Covid 19 must isolate for at least 10 days and can return to the community in the case of a negative molecular test taken after at least 3 days without symptoms (10 days, of which at least 3 without symptoms plus a negative test). Long-term positive cases: Subjects who no longer have symptoms but continue to test positive to Covid 19 will be able to stop isolation 21 days after the onset of symptoms. Close asymptomatic contacts: Subjects who have been contact traced by the ASL due to close contact with a positive case must observe: a 14-day quarantine period from the last exposure to the positive person; or a quarantine period of 10 days from the last exposure to the positive perso,n plus a negative rapid or molecular test carried out on the 10th day. Quarantine for travelers arriving to Italy from the US remains at 14 days. Updated Travel Information from the Italian Foreign Ministry - updated 11 October The Italian Foreign Ministry has updated the travel information regarding entry to Italy. You an see the updates in detail (in English) at The main poins are summarized below: Belgium, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Spain (as per the Order of the Minister of Health of 7 October 2020 , in force from 8 October to 15 October 2020): persons entering/returning to Italy from these countries (after staying or transiting in any of these Countries in the 14 days prior to travelling to Italy), besides filling in a self-declaration form, must also: a) present a declaration to the effect that they have taken a molecular or antigenic swab test, with a negative result, within 72 hours before entering Italy; alternatively b) take a molecular or antigenic swab test on arrival at the airport, port, or border location (where possible) or within 48 hours of entering Italy at the competent local health authority surgery. Persons who stayed or transited in any of these four countries in the 14 days prior to returning to Italy shall also communicate their entry into the Italian territory to the Prevention Department of the competent Health Authority. The same exceptions set out in article 6(6) and (7) of the DPCM of 7 August 2020, with regard to self-isolation and supervision by the competent health authorities, also apply to mandatory swab tests. Since 8 October, Croatia, Greece, and Malta are no longer included in this sub-list. On entering Italy from any of these Countries the molecular or antigenic test is no longer required. Mandatory Mask Wearing Indoors & Outdoors from 3 October - updated 2 October The Governor of Lazio has signed a directive that makes use of masks mandatory 24/7 indoor and outdoor as of tomorrow, Oct 3, in the Lazio region. Travel Advice for fall 2020 students at AUR - updated 1 October 2020 AUR recommends not traveling outside Italy for the forthcoming semester. If you do choose to travel outside of Italy, you must inform the AUR Student Life Office of your plans to do so prior to departure. AUR advises all members of the community to limit travel as much as possible to minimize risk of contagion, both for the individual and the greater community. See full information here . Welcome back to campus! - updated 20 September 2020 After a summer of intensive preparation and a week of Covid-testing the community (all negative!), the fall 2020 semester finally kicks off tomorrow! We'd just like to take this opportunity to welcome back returning students, faculty, and staff - and to give a really warm welcome new students coming to campus for the first time ... you're going to love it at AUR! Student Quick-Guide to Fall 2020 - updated 20 September 2020 Additional information on what a student should do if they dispay Covid-19 symptoms & logistical information on entering & exiting Building B. Read the updates in full here . Student Quick-Guide to Fall 2020 - updated 7 September 2020 We've just published a 'Quick-Guide' to Fall 2020 & AUR's Covid-19 response. This is designed to provide a summary of the most important points of information regarding behaviors, protocols, and procedures for the Fall 2020 semester at The American University of Rome. You can read it in full here . AUR to test all students, staff, and faculty for Covid-19 - updated 4 September 2020 For the community's peace of mind and protection, The American University of Rome has arranged mandatory Covid-19 testing for all students, staff, and faculty to take place before the start of the fall semester. Through taking this action, AUR will be able to create a snapshot of its community's health and, while it is acknowledged that this in no way negates the necessity for the community to rigorously follow all ongoing health precautions, this decision has been taken to eliminate concerns about asymptomatic individuals potentially spreading the virus on campus at the start of the semester. Please note, for those members of the community who are required to quarantine on arrival, the test will be administered at the end of the quarantine period, before entrance to campus. AUR’s resident doctor has arranged for qualified nursing staff to administer the rapid swab test over a period of days in order to facilitate testing for the entire community. The testing procedure is simple, quick, and test results are available within 30 minutes. Scheduling of testing will be communcated over the next few days. StudentLife. Quarantining in Rome - updated 4 September 2020 The StudentLife Team at AUR have published a pdf document detailing the quarantine activities for students. Take a look here to see what's in store . Traveling to AUR for Fall 2020. Updated advice & paperwork - updated 27 August 2020 The Italian government has modified its entry regulations and paperwork requirements for those entering Italy. We have set up a dedicated Travel Information page detailing the procedures, as we know them today, for students of various citizenships and points of departure. Please visit this page and select the section which pertains to you for further details. StudentLife: Quarantining in Rome - updated 7 August 2020 Unfortunately, but understandably, the 14-day quarantine obligation for students arriving in Rome from third-countries is still in force (see our dedicated Traveling to Rome page to see if this affects you). Of course, you'll be attending your classes virtually, which will keep you busy! However, our amazing Student Life team have been making plans to ensure this is also a social, enjoyable, and community building period! All incoming students will (or have) received an email directly from Student Life with full details - but here's a few of the highlights. Student Life QuAURantine Activities ​Explore Rome & Italy through a series of shared virtual walking tours, book chats, alumni FB Live visits and more! Get to know each other better through our online Trivia Nights and world-famous Netflix Series quiz. Online Photo / TikTok / Instagram competitions with incredible (and hopefully edible) prizes. Talking of edible, we'll be doing online cookery evenings where some of the Student Life team share their favorite dishes (and how to prepare them). Of course, quarantining and eating needs to be offset with exercise ... we'll have yoga, pilates and regular fitness classes online. We've also gathered together a library of the best in online Italian language & culture lessons/information so that you're ready to avoid that 'hit of air' when you step outside the door ... Students, look out for the full schedule of activities in your email inbox - and if you want to contribute your own ideas/activities, just drop an email to [email protected] Traveling to AUR for Fall 2020. Information for third-country students - updated 16 July 2020 The Italian government has modified its entry regulations to allow exceptions for several categories of visitors, including students, business persons, EU residents, and relatives of Italian citizens.  Please review the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website for more specific information in English.  Also please take note of any self-quarantine requirements. We have set up a dedicated Travel Information page detailing the procedures, as we know them today, for students of various citizenships and points of departure. Please visit this page and select the section which pertains to you for further details. Traveling to AUR for Fall 2020. Information for third-country students - updated 6 July 2020 We have now received clarity around the procedures relating to travel to Italy for AUR new and returning students. This information is correct as of 6 July, 2020 but we will update this if and when the situation changes - please check back on a regular basis. The most important thing to note is that AUR new and returning students will be free to travel to Italy and will be able to undertake the semester on campus with face-to-face instruction. We have set up a dedicated Travel Information page detailing the procedures, as we know them today, for students of various citizenships and points of departure. Please visit this page and select the section which pertains to you for further details. Concerning the potential EU 'travel ban' for third-country students - updated 1 July 2020 We understand that the recent news of an EU 'ban' on travel to Italy by certain countries’ citizens will be of obvious concern. We are working with the relevant authorities in Italy to obtain a definitive, legal statement for how this affects AUR students. However, we are reassured from our conversations and from previous EU directives that students will be allowed to enter Italy and take up their studies as planned. See: ). In essence, and despite the news media reporting, this is not a 'ban' on certain countries, rather, it is a lifting of restrictions for specific countries while other countries, those not specified on the 'allowed' list, will continue to work with the restrictions that were already in place - as per the published statement above. Our only reservation at this time is the exact paperwork that will be required to prove that a student is a student, with the associated travel rights that status brings, and the procedures that a student from a third-country will be expected to undertake upon arrival. We will be forthcoming with this information as soon as we receive it. Our intention in this communication is to ease any concerns you might have, and we apologize for the lack of definitive language. Please expect further communication from us over the next few days as the procedural points are clarified - and do not hesitate to email us at [email protected] if you have any questions whatsoever. Concerning the potential EU 'travel ban' for American students - updated 27 June 2020 The American University of Rome is aware of the discussions around a travel ban for American citizens currently being held by the EU member states. Based on our constant communication with the US and Italian authorities, we are reassured that newly accepted & returning students will not be adversely impacted and will be able to undertake their travel to Rome for the fall term. We shall immediately update and confirm this once the official rulings are published on July 1. Please contact [email protected] if you have further questions after July 1. Planning & progress for Fall 2020 reopening of campus - updated 26 June 2020 At the very core of what The American University of Rome imparts to students is the ability to think creatively, to problem solve, and to adapt with flexibility to changing circumstances. These skills underpin everything the Liberal Arts stands for. This year, the university and its community have had to practice what we preach, and we have risen to the challenge with humanity, with confidence, and with efficiency. This unprecedented academic year ended, as always, with our Commencement Exercises. This year, that tradition too had to be addressed with innovation and whole community support, but the result was no less moving and (possibly) even more meaningful than those that preceded it. You can see the results for yourself at The upcoming academic year holds no less of a challenge than the end of the last, and thus here we lay out our approach as we continue to provide an outstanding educational experience in an environment of safety and support. Rome, it should be said, has seen few Covid-19 cases as compared to Northern Italy or to many parts of the U.S. But that does not mean that the campus will operate entirely as normal in the short-term, although we have confidence that the Italian authorities & public are well on their way to overcoming the health crisis and that life will return to normal in 2021. THE FALL ACADEMIC CALENDAR The fall term this year will begin on September 21 and end on December 14, with 11 weeks of continuous teaching, although with the same number of class hours. There will also be a long weekend for Thanksgiving, one week of exams and one make-up day. New students will arrive on September 17 for orientation and arrival week activities. The idea behind the shortened and slightly delayed semester is to provide students more time to obtain visas, if required, and/or get to campus from around the globe. A detailed calendar breakdown is available here: including detail on why many students may not need a visa for the upcoming semester. THE AUR ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Our campus will be open and we will be delivering classes in person. In order to maintain continuity of the experiential learning that is the AUR signature, we are exploring delivery modes that will make our in-person classes available to those students who require alternatives. Beyond classes, we are also preparing for our usual stimulating environment, with a full range of activities and events organized by Academic Affairs, Student Life and student clubs. We are mindful that life at AUR is as much about making and renewing connections with friends and colleagues from around the globe. The following preparations are currently completed or underway Equipping all classrooms with wide-angle webcams, desk microphones, and video conferencing software to allow remote students to view and participate in live classroom lessons in high quality recording conditions. Creating university-wide policies for attendance, participation, and privacy that are sensitive to the needs of remote-access students Enhancing access to electronic library resources that will allow all students to conduct research at a level appropriate to their personal and academic pursuits Conducting in-depth faculty training in alternative teaching modes, such as the flipped classroom and hybrid models, that will support all students equitably Improving our learning management system to support a variety of teaching and learning modes Expanding the range of support services, from the Math and Italian Help Desks and the Writing Center to academic advising and counseling services, for both in-person and remote access AUR HOUSING In order to guarantee social distancing, students who have opted to live in AUR housing for the Fall 20, will be housed in single rooms for a maximum of 3 students per apartment. All apartments will be properly sanitized prior to students’ arrival and cleaning service will be provided once a week. CAMPUS HEALTH AND SAFETY The university’s focus is on minimizing and managing the risks from COVID-19, until a vaccine is available, by promoting actions that encourage cooperation and optimize safety. Here are some of the key measures: Managing campus density. Through timetabling, classroom allocation, and the logistics of movement around campus, we will work to ensure minimum density wherever possible Symptom monitoring Monitoring will be required of all faculty, staff and students on a daily basis upon arrival to campus. Those with the typical symptoms (fever, cough, fatigue, aches, etc.) will be required to return home and to follow public-health guidelines, including quarantine. Social distancing in the classroom All classrooms have been prepared to meet social distancing requirements. This will mean a reduction in classroom occupancy which, in turn, will both affect class scheduling and extend the day. Social distancing in public spaces The jewel of the AUR campus is the Garden. Along with the Student Lounge, these two areas serve as the main social hubs and are heavily used, especially in the warm Fall months. Both areas will be arranged for social distancing. Traffic flow through the campus A plan has been drawn up to regulate traffic flow throughout the campus ensuring that classroom exits, stairwells, corridors etc. are designated as unidirectional (entrance or exit only, up or down only etc.): Face masks Combined with social distancing, masks are the most effective means to minimize the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. The wearing of face masks will be required while on campus. Cleaning and sanitization We have invested in sanitization, disinfectant products and have planned for extra cleanings in all public spaces on campus, including classrooms, restrooms, and study spaces. High risk community members Those who are deemed to be high-risk will work with the university on suitable individual solutions. The health & wellbeing of all members of the community is our highest priority. HEALTHCARE SUPPORT There are two professional & trusted services available to AUR students: On-campus appointments with our doctor for regular health needs such as first aid and prescription consultation Private medical appointments for students who may have Covid-19 symptoms. This service is provided as a home-visit to the student’s apartment. If the visiting doctor believes that further intervention is necessary s/he will help students to interact with the Italian health authorities. The AUR Counselor will be available to students both for in person and via online consultations. You can find additional information on health, hygiene, and safety protocols in a previous update on this page COMMUNICATIONS One of the most essential components to ensuring our success this coming year will be timely and pro-active communication to – and between - all of our campus constituents. Expect frequent communications coming from the president's office and on the AUR website. As the summer progresses, we will provide you with regular updates on our preparations for fall and beyond. Always feel free to share your insights or voice your concerns. Planning & progress for Fall 2020 opening - updated 11 June 2020. A new Taskforce convened to address AUR's ongoing response to Covid-19 A Planning and Response Task Force, made up of staff members from across our community, has been created and charged with the management of the Fall 2020 semester. AUR is making changes in order to ensure that we provide a safe and secure environment across campus, in the classrooms, and at student apartments. The taskforce will develop plans to respond to various scenarios, including emergency situations, with efficiency and effectiveness so that all students, parents, faculty, and staff can be confident that AUR meets the very best standards possible. The taskforce will: Review the current operational organization of campus. Plan and carry out necessary physical changes and purchase protective equipment and sanitary materials to follow government requirements for a safe environment for all. Work closely with the academic and student life offices to coordinate classroom & campus protocols & procedures. Communicate all planning to relevant constituents. Respond with efficiency and effectiveness in the event of an emergency. Access to Health Professionals at AUR There are two services available to AUR students: On-campus appointments with our doctor for regular health needs such as first aid and prescription consultation Private doctor appointments for students who may have Covid-19 symptoms. This service is provided as a home-visit to the student’s apartment. If the visiting doctor believes that further intervention is necessary s/he will help students to interact with the Italian health authorities. Entering or visiting the AUR campus Before entering AUR’s campus all staff, faculty, students, and visitors will be checked for body temperature. If an individual's temperature exceeds 37.5°, access to the campus will not be permitted. Further, anyone who, in the previous 14 days has had symptoms of a respiratory illness has had contact with subjects who have tested positive for COVID-19 or who have been to areas at risk according to WHO guidelines will be denied access to AUR (as per Gov. Decree-Law No 6 of 23/02/2020, Article 1(h) and (i)). Anyone who has tested positive for COVID 19 infection will be required to submit a medical certificate showing negative swab results before being granted access to the campus. Life on campus All students, faculty, staff, and visitors will be required to wear masks on campus and respect social distancing regulations. Social distancing in the classroom All classrooms have been prepared to ensure that social distancing requirements are adhered to. Classroom occupancy has been reduced to facilitate this. Social distancing in public spaces All community social spaces have been prepared to ensure social distancing regulations are adhered to. AUR staff will monitor and regulate these public spaces for added assurance. Traffic flow through the campus. A plan is being drawn up to regulate traffic flow throughout the campus ensuring that classroom exits, stairwells, corridors etc. are designated as unidirectional (entrance or exit only, up or down only etc.). Cleaning & Hygiene on campus During the summer, the entire AUR campus will undergo a 'deep clean & sanitization' process Throughout the summer and for the forseeable future, cleaning and disinfection of the university’s internal and external areas will be intensified Hand soap will be amply provided in bathrooms and hand sanitizer will be available at multiple points around campus Cleaning kits will be supplied for each employee and in every classroom with directions for best use Faculty and staff are undergoing thorough training concerning new campus regulations, actions to taken, and protocols around ensuring ongoing health & safety Search form [PAGE] Title: Donate to The American University of Rome Content: Read More > Scholarships Your scholarship gift will provide an immediate and life-changing impact for individual students who otherwise might not be able to access an AUR educational experience. Learn More Program enhancement Donations designated for this fund will provide faculty and staff with the means to develop curricular and co-curricular initiatives designed to enhance the University's growth, sustainability, and reputation. Support Us Annual Fund Gifts to the Annual Fund will be directed to the areas of greatest need, allowing AUR the flexibility to tackle challenges head-on as they arise and respond to the changing needs of our community. Act Now Centers that matter AUR's Centers of Excellence provide space and support for the in-depth study of their subjects along with the opportunity to get involved in real-world, working projects. Our centers help to build the reputation of the institution through engagement with the wider academic community. Read More Can you spare your time, your talents, or your expertise? There are other ways you can help besides donating financially - we would love the chance to talk to you more about these. Contact Us Contact Us Your direct contact within the Advancement Office at The American University of Rome is Federica Mazzarelli. Please email her directly at [email protected]
higher education
Title: Where can a degree from AUR take you? | The American University of Rome Content: Careers Where can a degree from AUR take you? Program Information The 15-month M.A. Title: The American University of Rome Student Tuition and Fees Content: Please note: The American University of Rome offers tuition in both Euro and Dollars. Title: The Center for Food Studies | The American University of Rome Content: The Center for Food Studies Make sure you bring it with you to Italy A bank statement or other document that demonstrates that you have the financial means to support yourself A copy of the AUR enrollment letter Please note that there are several Registry Offices in Rome; the one that you will need to register your presence at depends on your address in Italy. Title: Graduate School Admission Requirements | The American University of Rome Content: 125 Application To apply for an M.A. The American University of Rome Content: Please note: The American University of Rome offers tuition in both Euro and Dollars. (§99.31(a)(15)) 16. Make sure you bring it with you to Italy A bank statement or other document that demonstrates that you have the financial means to support yourself A copy of the AUR enrollment letter Please note that there are several Registry Offices in Rome; the one that you will need to register your presence at depends on your address in Italy. Title: Master of Arts Programs, The American University of Rome | The American University of Rome Content: Master of Arts Programs, The American University of Rome Welcome to the Graduate School at The American University of Rome The AUR Philosophy: AUR’s guiding philosophy for our Master of Arts programs is to engage students with the some of the most important global issues of our time: the sustainability of global peace, global food distribution, global cultural heritage. Our M.A. Title: Be a student for a day | The American University of Rome Content: Welcome to Admissions Be a student for a day Experience a day in the life of an AUR student by participating in our shadow a student program - this is as close as it gets to the real thing. What is it? The American University of Rome would not be authorized to certify student loans or deferments for U.S. study abroad students who only plan to attend for a semester or for a one year study abroad experience to earn credits that apply toward or transfer into a degree program in which the student is enrolled in the U.S. Title: Rome is the classroom for our undergraduate degrees | The American University of Rome Content: We are AUR Rome is the classroom for our undergraduate degrees The American University of Rome is proud to be the oldest university of American degree-granting status in the Eternal City. You can apply as a transfer student if you are a high school graduate (or equivalent) and have completed college credits. What should I do? Title: Student Life - your support team | The American University of Rome Content: Student Life Student Life - your support team The Student Life Office is at the heart of your daily life at The American University of Rome! All classes will be online.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Moxibustion Breech Baby Wokingham | Moxibustion Breech Baby Berkshire Content: Our moxibustion therapist 1. About A breech presentation is a pregnancy condition that occurs in the third trimester (between 30-34 weeks). It's when the baby is not facing head down. When a breech presentation occurs, the baby's head fails to turn its head down towards the opening of the pelvis, which means the baby cannot be delivered vaginally. Around 15% of babies will be present in the breech position, but only between 3 and 4% of these babies will remain in this position until labour. In a breech presentation, the baby is presenting with either its knees, feet or buttocks pointing downwards, meaning it is attempting to birth bottom first, which can be dangerous. To correct a breech presentation, a doctor may attempt to use the external cephalic version (ECV) procedure. Unfortunately, this procedure is both painful and extremely uncomfortable for the majority of women and it doesn't always work. 2. Moxibustion for breech baby Instead of using an ECV to turn a breech baby, moxibustion can be used instead. Also known as moxa, it originates from the Chinese herb mugwort. During moxibustion, moxa sticks are lit and held over acupuncture points in the body, where the heat radiating from the stick stimulates the points on the body. It's not painful and is quite comfortable. It can be started from 34-36 weeks of pregnancy. The application of heat to the acupuncture point on the little toe called Zhiyin (UB 67) causes heat to rise in the urinary bladder channel, which travels up the body and turns the baby. The process is designed to be comfortable for the expectant mother, as the heat is pleasant and isn't painful. 3. How does moxibustion work? Our fertility expert Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto will place a smokeless moxa stick over the mother's feet, around 1cm above the little toe, as this is where the most dynamic point to activate the uterus can be accessed. Our fertility expert uses a charcoal preparation of the Mugwort herb which is smokeless, making it suitable for use at home or in the clinic. 4. What to expect Acupuncture theory suggests that moxa has a warming effect which works to promote activity and movement in the body. The treatment also makes use of the natural rising properties of heat. Using the raising and warming effect, the acupuncturist encourages the baby to move in an attempt to get the baby to rotate into the correct position. This should provide the baby with the necessary momentum to turn into the head down position, towards the opening of the pelvis. The practice of moxibustion is intended to be the most comfortable option for an expectant mother suffering from a breech presentation. Our acupuncturist will demonstrate how to apply moxa to the little toe and will give you instructions and a box of moxa sticks for you to continue the treatment at home. 5. How to use moxibusstion to turn a breech baby How to apply moxibustion for breech births: Light one end with the lighter Hold the lit end two to three centimeters from the outer edge of your little toe, making sure there is never any direct contact with the skin Apply on each little toe for approximately 20 minutes for 10 days When treatment has finished, place the moxa stick in a glass jar with the lid screwed on firmly When you feel any movement, visit your midwife and have a scan to see if the baby has moved into the correct position If the baby has, then reduce the treatment time to 10 minutes for each toe until the 10 days has been reached 6. Our moxibustion therapist Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto BM (Beijing), BSc (Hons) TCM, MBAcC, MATCM Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto has been practicing acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for over 22 years and specialises in pregnancy acupuncture. He is author of My Pregnancy Guide and is passionate about empowering people with the ancient knowledge of Chinese medicine through lifestyle, diet and advice. Dr (TCM) D'Alberto graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China. This full time, five year degree program included six months internship at two of the largest hospitals in Beijing, China. [PAGE] Title: Pain Relief Wokingham | Pain Relief Berkshire Content: Contact Pain The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence guidelines on best practice now recommend that GPs offer a course of 10 sessions of acupuncture as a first line treatment for persistent, non-specific low back pain. Dr (TCM) D'Alberto has helped many people feel relieve from all types of pain. Acupuncture for Pain The animated video below shows how acupuncture is able to relieve pain so effectively. Research has shown that acupuncture is significantly better than no treatment and at least as good as (if not better than) standard medical care for back pain. It appears to be particularly useful as an adjunct to conventional care, for patients with more severe symptoms and for those wishing to avoid analgesic drugs. It may help back pain in pregnancy and work-related back pain, with fewer work-days lost. Our pain relief acupuncturist Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto BM (Beijing), BSc (Hons) TCM, MBAcC, MATCM, MAAC Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto has been practicing acupuncture for over 20 years. He specialises in treating all typs of pain and has helped many people become pain free. Dr (TCM) D'Alberto graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China. This full time, five year degree program included six months internship at two of the largest hospitals in Beijing, China. [PAGE] Title: Therapy Room Rental Wokingham | Treatment Room Rental Berkshire Content: Applying to rent a room 1. Rooms We have three beautiful treatment rooms to rent in our grade II listed Victorian cottage clinic. Our clinic is run by a therapist who understands the needs of therapy and counselling practitioners. We offer flexible arrangements to suit all needs to make it as easy as possible for your to you're your business. Located in the heart of Wokingham town centre we are ideally placed with public parking surrounding the clinic. Just a few minutes' walk from Wokingham town centre, Denmark Street car park and Wokingham railway station. We are always happy to have qualified and experienced healthcare practitioners working from our clinic. We have room available to rent for therapy consultations. We have rooms suitable for talking therapies. 2. Who the rooms are suitable for We have three treatment rooms available to hire for a wide range of therapies; two with an electric couch, which is suitable for acupuncturists, physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, masseurs, reflexologists, etc and one therapy room available with just two chairs and a table that's suitable for hypnotherapists, counsellors, psychologists, talking therapy rooms, etc. Unfortunately we don't have beauty rooms available for a beauty therapists. 3. Hygiene safe Our consultation rooms are decorated to a high standard and offer a light, welcoming and professional treatment area for your clients. Rooms have HEPA filters that clean the air of viruses. There are no wash basins on any of the rooms, so the rooms are not suitable for GPs. 4. Virtual tour Take a look inside our clinic with our virtual tour . Alternatively, the clinic manager is available to show you the rooms on either a Tuesday or Friday depending upon room availability. 5. Room rental rates The ad hoc rate is £12 per hour. The minimum use is one hour. Day rates Day rates are on a contract basis, which means the same time each week with one month's notice to cancel. Morning (09:00 - 15:00): £50 Full Day (8:00 - 21:30): £100 6. Room availability You can use the clinic at whatever time suits you, with 24/7 access. There is free Wi-Fi available to all therapists and the option of advertising yourself on our top ten ranked website for a one-off £25 fee. 7. How to book a room We use an online diary system, which you can download onto your smart phone or desktop for free that allows you to access and book the clinic 24 hours, 7 days a week. 8. Applying to rent a room Therapists wishing to apply to rents our space must be fully qualified in their chosen profession and have their own insurance. We do not accept any form of beauty treatment. We are not based in central London. If you are interested in renting space at the clinic, please email the clinic. [PAGE] Title: Contact | Wokingham Therapy Clinic Content: Contact Contact us If you would like to book an appointment with a therapist, please contact them directly as they handle their own diary. Their contact details can be found on their therapy page . For therapists wanting to enquire about renting space , please use the contact form below. If your email is not about renting space, it will be ignored. Your Name*: [PAGE] Title: About | Wokingham Therapy Clinic Content: Contact About us Wokingham Therapy Clinic was founded in 2011. Since then, it has helped thousands of people in the local community of Wokingham and the surrounding areas of Berkshire with a multitude of health problems. The clinic is located within a grade II listed, 150-200 year old Victorian cottage at the end of Denmark Street in the heart of Wokingham town centre . It has three treatment rooms with a waiting room, kitchen area and toilet. Inside, the clinic blends homely with clinical, offering a relaxed place for therapy and recovery. It was founded by Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto , who is the clinic director and a practising doctor of Chinese medicine. The clinic is full of many well known therapists from the area practicing in it's space. The clinic offers many different types of therapies allowing anyone with a health problem to find help. [PAGE] Title: Therapy Prices Wokignham | Wokingham Therapy Clinic Content: Therapy Prices in Wokingham, Berkshire Below are the prices of the various treatments available at Wokingham Therapy Clinic. [PAGE] Title: Back Pain Wokingham | Back Pain Berkshire Content: Contact Back pain treatment Wokingham, Berkshire Back pain is a common compliant characterised by local or referred pain, at the base of the lower back, which can affect people's day to day life. In 1998, 40% of UK adults stated they had suffered from back pain lasting more than one day in the previous 12 months. Nearly 40% of UK back sufferers consulted their doctor; 10% visited a practitioner of complementary medicine (such as an acupuncturists) . Causes of back pain In Western medical terms lower back problems can be caused by a sprain, strain, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, a neoplasm or a prolapsed intervertebral disk. From the viewpoint of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), lower back pain is caused by either; trauma leading to the stagnation of Qi and Blood, invasion by Cold, Wind and Damp or a deficiency of Kidney Qi. As a general rule, lower lumbar pain is closely related to the Kidney. These conditions can be divided into excess or deficient syndromes. The invasion by Cold and Damp is an excessive disorder resulting in the stagnation of Qi and Blood. Kidney Qi deficiency is a deficient syndrome. In all these instances the end result is the stagnation of Qi and Blood, causing pain. Acupuncture for lower back pain The mechanisms of acupuncture as analgesia are still unclear. Dr Pomeranz first discovered acupuncture analgesia caused the release of endorphins from the pituitary gland after a 30 minute period. The possible mechanism of acupuncture analgesia starts from the initial acupuncture point stimulation (‘de Qi’). Through the acupuncture meridian network, Qi energies are transformed into DC-current changes, which are then slowly transmitted along pathways throughout the glial network. At the level of the brain, these changes in DC potential are also associated with neurochemical mechanisms (i.e. endorphin release) that may recede or coincide with the action-potential changes in individual neurons. Acupuncture can help back pain by: Providing pain relief - by stimulating nerves located in muscles and other tissues, acupuncture leads to release of endorphins and changes the way the brain processes pain from the spinal cord. Reducing inflammation. Improving muscle stiffness and joint mobility - which aids dispersal of swelling and bruising, reducing the use of medication for back complaints. Providing a more cost-effective treatment over a longer period of time. Improving the outcome when added to conventional treatments such as rehabilitation exercises. How does acupuncture relieve back pain? Watch the animated video below which explains how acupuncture relieves back pain. Our back pain acupuncturist Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto BM (Beijing), BSc (Hons) TCM, MBAcC, MATCM, MAAC Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto has been treating lower back problems for over 20 years and has great success in treating back problems. Dr (TCM) D'Alberto graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China after studying for 5 years. [PAGE] Title: Fertility Coaching Wokingham | Fertility Coaching Berkshire Content: Contact Fertility coaching in Wokingham, Berkshire Struggling to have a baby is a very personal and emotional need, something that is not often shared with friends or even relatives. For these reasons, it can sometimes feel like a lonely journey. If this sounds like you, then rest assured, you are not alone! It is estimated that 1 in 6 couples experience fertility challenges and this number is growing. The majority of women now look to have a child later in life. This is after they have built up their career, saved a deposit for a property and finally found someone they can share their life with. Mentally and emotionally many women are in a better place to settle down and start a family. It therefore comes as a real shock that at a time when they ready to start a family, their body is struggling to conceive and maintain a pregnancy. Half of women struggling with fertility issues find it the most stressful experience of their lives. In most cases, it is often the woman in the relationship that will gather information from a variety of different sources, often on Dr Google, to combine the best possible treatment in order to have a baby. The woman becomes a project manager in her own fertility journey, which causes added stress and tiredness in managing this 24/7 project. This is where a fertility coach can take the stress out of struggling. Our fertility coach in Wokingham, Berkshire is a expert in fertility and can help you fall pregnant naturally and can assist you with fertility tests and IVF protocols. Our Fertility Coach Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto BM (Beijing), BSc (Hons) TCM, MBAcC, MATCM Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto has been helping couples fall pregnant for over 22 years. He is passionate about empowering people with holistic approaches to lifestyle and diet, together with western medical fertility tests and IVF protocols. He is author of My Fertility Guide and My Pregnancy Guide and has a wealth of knowledge that cannot be matched in Wokingham, Berkshire. Dr (TCM) D'Alberto graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China. This full time, five year degree program included six months internship at two of the largest hospitals in Beijing, China. [PAGE] Title: How to Find in Wokingham | Wokingham Therapy Clinic Content: How to find us in Wokingham, Berkshire The clinic's address is: Wokingham Berkshire We are a few doors down from The Crispin pub, near Wokingham library, next to Just Around the Corner charity shop. Please enter through the side entrance. There is pay and display parking opposite in Denmark Street car park . Alternatively, there are other parking areas as shown on the map below. Travelling by car Both the M4 and M3 are easily accessible from Wokingham. The clinic is located at the bottom of town, at the end of Denmark Street. It's therefore best to approach the town from the bottom end rather than the top end and get stuck in traffic. It's still possible to access Denmark Street car park from the bottom end of town. Travelling by train If travelling by train, get off at Wokingham train station. The clinic is then a 7 minute walk from the station. Alternatively, there are taxis available at the station to transport you to the clinic if you need, for which you will need to pay for. Travelling by bus Buses Arriva 850 and Leopard 3 run into Wokingham town centre from where the clinic is a 5 minute walk away. Map location [PAGE] Title: Cupping Therapy Wokingham | Cupping Therapy Berkshire Content: Our cupping therapist 1. About Cupping therapy is the placement of glass, plastic or bamboo cups on specific areas of the body using a vacuum to relieve muscle tension and pain. The type of cups typically made from glass, bamboo, plastic or silicone. It is believed that placing these cups on specific areas of the body helps to move stagnant Qi (energy) and increase blood flow allowing the body to detoxify accumulations in the muscles and promote better general health. After having treatment, it can feel like you've had a deep tissue massage and is very relaxing, especially when the cups are taken off and you can relax in your own skin again. 2. History of cupping Cupping has been used in Europe, the Middle East (called Hijama by the Muslims) and East Asia for thousands of years to treat a variety of health problems and promote healing. It has a long history of use in the UK and Europe and can be traced back to Hippocrates in Greece. It was used in St Thomas' Hospital, London up until the start of the 20th century. Its use in modern western medicine declined however, but still remained popular in East Asia, where it was brought from and reintroduced into westernised countries over the last few decades, where it is now considered an alternative medicine. Recently it's been made famous by the Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps, which demonstrates the effectiveness of cupping for his muscle tension prior to competing. 3. How cupping therapy works Traditionally, a flame is used to create a vacuum inside the glass cup before it's applied to the problem area on the body. Nowadays, a pump is used instead to draw the air out of the plastic cup creating a vacuum and suction. There is no difference between glass or plastic cups except for safety reasons as the pump is safer and has less side effects. It is a great way of releasing tension in a large muscle area quickly. It can be more effective than massage alone and works well when combined together with other traditional Chinese medicine therapies such as acupuncture or gua sha. 4. Our cupping therapist Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto BM (Beijing), BSc (Hons) TCM, MBAcC, MATCM Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto has been practicing acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for over 20 years. He is passionate about empowering people with the ancient knowledge of Chinese medicine through knowledge, lifestyle and diet. This knowledge can be used again and again in people's lives and those of their family. Dr (TCM) D'Alberto graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China. This full time, five year degree program included six months internship at two of the largest hospitals in Beijing, China. Dr (TCM) D'Alberto practices cupping therapy from his own clinic in Wokingham, Berkshire. He is a member of the British Acupuncture Council . [PAGE] Title: Labour Induction Wokingham | Labour Induction Berkshire Content: Contact Labour induction Wokingham, Berkshire Acupuncture is one of the most respected and effective of all the different types of alternative or complementary medicine. There are records, for example, of the use of acupuncture for labour induction, during the Jin Dynasty in China, 1,800 years ago. As a means to induce labour, acupuncture is used throughout the world and is seen as a tried and tested method for labour induction. Acupuncture for labour induction is a significantly more natural means of encouraging labour. The mother will be more relaxed and the baby will be less stressed. The benefits of acupuncture to induce labour Most pregnant women would rather avoid drugs if possible during pregnancy and in labour even more so. Many of the drugs used in labour can cross the placenta, causing symptoms of drowsiness in the newborn baby. So if something like acupuncture is available which has no side effects. Acupuncture as a method of inducing a birth has a success rate of between 68 and 83%. It's been shown too that acupuncture can not only start labour but it can also get the cervix and uterus ready and decrease the pain from the contractions. Acupuncture can shorten the labour and lessen the chances of the pregnant woman needing medical intervention. Women who have used acupuncture for labour induction also claim that they have recovered faster from the birth. Of course, we mustn't forget that acupuncture and relaxation go very much together and the two in combination can stimulate the 'labour hormones' naturally. Acupuncture is even suitable for a woman who has previously had a Caesarean. When is best to start an acupuncture labour? Many mothers-to-be who consider acupuncture ask when the optimal time to induce their labour is. An acupuncturist will generally work with your midwife and start helping your body to prepare itself from around the 36-week mark. At this point, the main aim is to get the baby in a good position and clear any blockages. The true induction techniques are normally at 38 to 39 weeks. However, if a medical induction is needed or if there are any specific issues or problems then an induction acupuncture will usually be scheduled to start one to two weeks beforehand. Is acupuncture safe to induce labour? Yes it it! Acupuncture is perfectly safe for your unborn baby and is recognised by WHO as a safe form of alternative medicine to use during pregnancy and for many other conditions. But make sure that your acupuncturist is an expert in fertility and is a member of the British Acupuncture Council. Our labour induction acupuncturist Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto BM (Beijing), BSc (Hons) TCM, MBAcC, MATCM Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto has been practicing acupuncture for over 20 years and specialises in pregnancy acupuncture. He is author of My Pregnancy Guide and is passionate about empowering people with the ancient knowledge of Chinese medicine through lifestyle, diet and advice. Dr (TCM) D'Alberto graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China. This full time, five year degree program included six months internship at two of the largest hospitals in Beijing, China. Dr (TCM) D'Alberto practices acupuncture from his own fertility clinic in Wokingham. [PAGE] Title: Sports Massage Wokingham | Sports Massage Berkshire Content: Our sports massage therapist 1. About Sports massage or soft tissue therapy is the scientific manipulation of soft tissue for injury prevention and therapeutic purposes involving the restoration to normal functional activity of the various structures of the body. It is used to help prevent injuries, to prepare the body for athletic activities and to maintain it in optimal condition. Massage can be used in all the conditioning and training phases of sport: pre-, inter- and post-competition, and post travel. Sports Massage Therapists treat clients. Although sport can be a common factor with many of our clients, you do not need to be sporty to benefit from sports massage. Sports massage therapy is not only for sports people; anyone can benefit from this type of therapy including people in physically demanding jobs, those with musculoskeletal pain or dysfunction caused by any of life's stresses and from all walks of life. Occupational, emotional and postural stress can produce many characteristics found in sports injuries. 2. Benefits There are many possible benefits from soft tissue therapy several of which are described in detail below but in short they include: Relieve muscle pain, spasm and correct muscle imbalance Deactivate trigger points Improve range of movement and flexibility Breakdown scar tissue and adhesions Improve muscle tone Improve posture and increase posture awareness Identify possible causes and help to prevent injury Speed up recovery and aid rehabilitation Promote relaxation and mental preparation Prevention and early detection of possible injury Can form part of a training programme designed to optimise performance Correct dysfunctional movement patterns [PAGE] Title: Migraines Wokingham | Migraines Berkshire Content: Exposure to climatic conditions, i.e. cold wind Acupuncture for migraines Acupuncture can treat a wide range of pain disorders including migraines. Research has shown that acupuncture can relieve migraines and reduce their frequency. Our migraine acupuncturist Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto BM (Beijing), BSc (Hons) TCM, MBAcC, MATCM, MAAC Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto has been treating migraines for over 20 years. He is passionate about empowering people with the ancient knowledge of Chinese medicine through knowledge, lifestyle and diet. Dr (TCM) D'Alberto graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China. Dr (TCM) D'Alberto practices acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, moxibustion and cupping from his own clinic Wokingham Therapy Clinic. [PAGE] Title: Wokingham Therapy Clinic : Wokingham Acupuncture Clinic Content: Contact Welcome to the holistic therapy clinic in Wokingham, Berkshire Wokingham Therapy Clinic is a well established complementary and traditional therapy clinic in Berkshire. It is located in the centre of Wokingham town centre with easy parking in Denmark Street car park opposite. The clinic has been serving the local community of Wokingham for over 12 years and has helped hundreds of people. The clinic is located within a grade II listed Victorian cottage that is warm, relaxing and homely. Our large range of therapists offer a professional service to the surrounding communities of Wokingham , Crowthorne , Finchampstead, Bracknell , Reading, Camberley, Windsor and Ascot, Berkshire. Our therapists are able to treat a variety of health problems. There are too many to list here, so please contact the therapist directly or if you don't know which therapy can help you, contact the clinic directly and we will advice you of which one we think is best. We have dozens of different therapists practising from our clinic, offering a wide range of therapies , including: [PAGE] Title: Fertility Acupuncture Wokingham | Fertility Acupuncture Berkshire Content: Our acupuncturist 1. Introduction If you want to conceive naturally acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can significantly increase your chances of having a baby in a wide range of ways. Research has shown that acupuncture can regulate the menstrual cycle, improve blood flow to the uterus, aid in implantation of the embryo and reduce stress and anxiety. Acupuncture can also improve semen quality. 2. 3-4 month pre-conception care Preparation for pregnancy can begin 3-4 months prior to conception. If both partners adopt a treatment plan including fertility acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for at least 3-4 months prior to conception, it is possible to have a positive impact on the health of the menstrual cycle, and the egg quality and sperm quality thereby increasing the chances of having a baby. Important dietary, lifestyle and dietary supplement advice will be given to both partners based on research articles Dr (TCM) D'Alberto has reviewed whilst extensively writing his books on infertility. 3. Fertility tests We offer a range of fertility tests to assess both male and female fertility. These tests are conducted at our private lab in central London. You can read our frequently asked questions about acupuncture for infertility . 4. During pregnancy We recommend weekly acupuncture treatment during the first trimester, up to week 12 for natural conception. The treatments support the foetus and help promote a healthy pregnancy helping to minimise any problems that might occur during pregnancy. For those who conceived using IVF, its recommended to have weekly sessions up to week 20 of pregnancy. Acupuncture can then be restarted at week 35 to help with labour. 5. Explanation video 6. Our fertility acupuncturist Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto BM (Beijing), BSc (Hons) TCM, MBAcC, MATCM Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto has been practicing acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for over 20 years. Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto specialises in treating male and female infertility. He is a member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) and is author of My Fertility Guide and My Pregnancy Guide . Dr (TCM) D'Alberto has an excellent success rate and has helped many couples have a child even in different cases using acupuncture for fertility. [PAGE] Title: Massage Wokingham | Massage Berkshire Content: Our massage therapists 1. About Massage is one of the oldest forms of healing in the world dating back thousands of years. It has been used in all cultures and countries globally. 2. Types of massage We have a range of massages and massage techniques, from soft, Swedish massage, hot stone to a relaxing massage or a full body massage. Ask one of our masseurs what style you would like when enquiring. Massage uses various oils, lotions or waxes in our beautiful, relaxing treatment rooms. You can request what type you would like with your masseur before your appointment. We are a few doors down from The Lazy Frog in Wokingham. 3. Benefits of massage Massage can be used for a variety of reasons, including: Aches & pains [PAGE] Title: Sciatica Relief Wokingham | Sciatica Relief Berkshire Content: Contact Sciatica treatment Wokingham, Berkshire Sciatica involves pain along the outer leg and coccyx. People can also feel numbness or tingling sensation. In acupuncture theory this is stagnation in the gallbladder channel. The gallbladder channel runs through the coccyx, into the buttock and down the outer leg down to the foot. Sciatica can be caused by sitting too much, exposure to cold or from consuming too much coffee. Sitting too much presses the coccyx onto the nerves running underneath it causing sciatica. Exposure to cold causes the muscles to contract causing pain. For this reason it's good to wear thermals or more than one layer on your legs. Coffee causes the gallbladder to contract, which will affect it's meridian channel that runs along the same path as the sciatic nerve. Acupuncture for sciatica Acupuncture treatment is very effective for sciatic pain. There is a specific acupuncture channel that follows the sciatic nerve. Applying acupuncture needles along this channel relieves sciatic pain and muscle tension allowing people to move better and be in less pain. When there is less sciatic pain, people can sleep better and have more energy, which allows them to exercise more, which helps relieve sciatica. Our acupuncturist has helped many people with sciatica become pain free. The animated video below explains how we can relieve your pain. Our sciatica acupuncturist Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto BM (Beijing), BSc (Hons) TCM, MBAcC, MATCM, MAAC Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto has been treating sciatica for over 20 years and has great success in treating sciatic pain. Dr (TCM) D'Alberto graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China. [PAGE] Title: Fertility Acupuncture FAQs | Wokingham Therapy Clinic Content: Common fertility acupuncture questions Q: How does acupuncture help fertility? A: Acupuncture helps the body to help itself by regulating the movement of energy and blood, which thereby helps to regulate hormone movement and the menstrual cycle. Q: When is it a good time to try and conceive? A: It's best to try around the time of ovulation. This is generally mid way during the menstrual cycle. Q: How does acupuncture help fertility? A: Acupuncture helps the body to help itself by regulating the movement of energy and blood, which thereby helps to regulate hormone movement and the menstrual cycle. Q: When do i ovulate? A: Generally, ovulation occurs mid way during the menstrual cycle. Although, it can be early or late, depending on the fertility problem. Q: Can acupuncture help woman over 40? A: Yes, it can. Dr D'Alberto has helped many woman over 40 to conceive and maintain a healthy pregnancy. Click here to contact him. Q: How do i know i'm ovulating? A: Ovulation symptoms generally include twinges over the ovaries, a change in discharge to 'egg white' and an increase in libido. If you don't have these symptoms, then Dr D'Alberto can help you. Q: Is the 'egg white' discharge important? A: Yes, it is. The egg white discharge acts as a ladder to enable the sperm to travel up into the cervix. Q: What happens if i don't have egg white discharge? A: This means that the sperm may not be able to enter the cervix and geminate the egg. In that case, treatment if necessary. Contact Dr D'Alberto to discuss your needs. Q: Do ovulation kits work? A: Generally, they are not as good as ovulation symptoms. Q: How can i see how if my menstrual cycle is ok? A: By recording your body temperature every morning (known as a BBT chart), you can see if there is a problem with the menstrual cycle and when ovulation occurs. If you don't have one, Dr D'Alberto can provide you with one. Q: When i have an LH surge, is that when i'm ovulating? A: Yes, when you have an LH surge and your body temperature spikes, that's when you are ovulating. Q: Should i have intercourse when i have my LH surge? A: You should try 2 days before, for each day until you have your LH surge. Q: If i go through IVF, does that mean i am more likely to miscarry? A: Women entering IVF usually have a deficiency, which makes them susceptible to having a miscarriage. Dr D'Alberto can prescribe an anti-miscarriage herbal formula to help maintain a healthy pregnancy. Q: Should i have 1 or 2 fertilised embryos reimplanted? A: General government guidelines specify 1 embryo for woman under 35 and 2 for those over 35, although this can vary from clinic to clinic. These guidelines are in place to reduce the risk of twins and potential miscarriage. In these cases, Dr D'Alberto can provide treatment to minimise the risk of miscarriage. Q: Does a high FSH affect my fertility? A: Generally, yes it doe. For woman aged around 35, the FSH level should be around 7. For those over 35, it should be lower than 11. Most fertility clinics won't allow woman to enter IVF if their FSH is higher than 11. Dr D'Alberto can help reduce FSH levels. Contact him for further advice. [PAGE] Title: Wokingham Counselling Clinic Content: Our counsellors At our counselling practice in Wokingham, Berkshire we offer a range of counsellors and therapists to cater for all problems and needs. Our counsellors work with couples or individuals to work through a wide range of problems such as stress, depression, trauma and self-worth issues. 2. What is counselling? Counselling offers you a safe, confidential place to talk about your life and anything that may be confusing, painful or uncomfortable. It allows you to talk with someone who is trained to listen attentively and to help you improve things. 3. How will counselling make me feel? Therapy is a very personal process. Sometimes it is necessary to talk about painful feelings or difficult decisions in the short term, so you may go through a period of feeling worse when you start but better in the long-run. If you do experience a period of feeling worse, talk to your therapist about it to ensure you get the best out of your therapy. 4. Will I feel better straight away? Usually it will take a number of counselling sessions before therapy starts to make a difference. 5. Is counselling for everybody? Often counselling can help everyone in some way. It depends how long you keep going as it's a process that peels back layers to find the hidden truth. 6. Will I be able to have counselling that understands my cultural background? Therapists come from a wide range of backgrounds and cultures. It should be possible to find an appropriate therapist for your needs. 7. Is all counselling the same? No. There are different methods and approaches to therapy, and your chosen therapist will be able to talk to you about their particular method or approach. Its best to have a telephone conversation first to get a feel for a person and see if you can open and share yourself to them. Otherwise, a first meeting will definitely tell you if you can establish a connection with the therapist or not. There are many different Types of therapy available. However, in general, research shows that the relationship with your therapist or counsellor is more important than the method they use. Your choice of type of therapy may be limited depending on where you access it. If you have a preference over the type of therapy, you may choose to seek a private therapist. 8. Marriage counselling Marriage counselling is a popular way of sorting out differences before problems escalate and can end in a break-up or divorce. Our marriage counsellors are highly trained and can help bridge differences between people in relationships to help them untangle their problems and understand their relationship better. 9. Grief counselling Going through grief can be a very difficult time in someone's life. The lost, void and anxiety of the future can make be hard to deal with. Our trained grief counsellors can help you talk and work through your grief, lost, anger or anxiety, helping you to process a difficult time in your life. 10. Our Counsellors Gosia Lanigan - MSc Gestalt Psychotherapist, UKCP and BACP Reg. In my practice, I create a safe and confidential space for you to settle and explore your difficulties. Expressing your private thoughts and feelings to another person is an act of great trust and courage, particularly when this means feeling pain and vulnerability. I admire my clients for this and feel inspired to support them on their journey to self-discovery, compassion, and happier and more full-filling lives. For more details, please refer to the website Augustine Tun - Diploma, Integrative Counselling - MBACP Registered You may be experiencing painful feelings, feel lost, lonely, betrayed, or are going through a time of crisis such as a relationship breakdown or bereavement. Life can bring about complex feelings, from stress, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, guilt, shame to general feelings of low mood. They may be overwhelming, debilitating and negatively impact your health and well-being. Whatever your situation we will work together towards a relationship of trust where you can talk and will be listened to without judgement and with acceptance and sensitivity in a safe and confidential space. I work with adults and young people; using a combination of Humanistic and Psychodynamic therapeutic models to meet your individual needs we will explore past experiences, life choices, values, and how you perceive yourself and experience the world. Through the therapeutic process you can achieve a greater insight and understanding of your situation, and see change in yourself and your relationships. Please feel free to get in touch by email ( [email protected] ) or phone ( 07746 633 182 ) if you would like to find out more or book an introductory session. Sophie Horrox Humanistic Counsellor BA (Hons) MBACP (Accred) I am an Integrative Humanistic Counsellor, this means that I work with several models of counselling, including Gestalt, Person- Centred and Existentialism. I studied counselling for over five years and as well as my private practice; I have experience working within the NHS, mental health charities and youth settings. I am a registered and accredited member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and I hold enhanced DBS Disclosure. I offer one to one, short and long term, counselling to Adults and Young People from the age of 12. The relationship that is built between Counsellor and Client is integral to the therapeutic process; creating a good working relationship is the glue that holds the process together. I aim to offer a space in which you will feel safe to explore any issues that are troubling you and the opportunity to work on personal development. I will meet you with empathy, unconditional acceptance and bring myself into each session to create the environment in which therapeutic change can occur. The therapy that I offer is based around gaining awareness, for I believe that with true self-awareness we can overcome any obstacles that we face. Through the exploration of past, present and future, with an emphasis on how you are affected in the here and now, you can begin to break down unhelpful coping strategies and discover a path that is of your own choosing. If you have any questions about counselling or would like to arrange an appointment, please contact Sophie on 07530 978354 or email [email protected] . Michael Lipo I am a registered member of the BACP (MBACP) and work with teengagers and adults on an individual basis. I have experience and training in working with depression, anxiety, stress, anger, relationship issues, self-esteem and confidence, life questions, personal development, self-harm, disordered eating. I work with you to resolve any past experiences and to make sense of what you have witnessed or have been through. I also work in the present with you to resolve current problems. We can take a more thought focussed approach (problem solving, cognitive distortions, challenging beliefs) or emotion focussed (making sense of feelings, resolving hurt, working towards letting go of things that don’t serve you well any more). It’s likely that we’ll use both approaches to get you to where you want to be. My approach is adaptable and pulls from my integrated qualification and wide-ranging training which is useful in keeping up-to-date with current research, theories and approaches. For a free phone consultation contact me on 07585 119298 (text or call) or email me on [email protected] . Kirsty Elliott-Walker (MBACP Registered Counsellor) Life can be tricky and struggling to keep your head above water can enhance overwhelming feelings. Perhaps it may lead you down a path of isolation, loneliness and the possibility of embarrassment that may prevent you from reaching out to family and friends. Finding a counsellor can be daunting and I believe that the relationship between counsellor and client is key for therapeutic change. I encourage my clients to safely explore any issues bought into therapy in an attempt to gain a greater understanding, begin to heal and grow within an environment that is non-judgemental. Collaboratory, we can create a safe place that you feel comfortable whilst being led by your needs. I have had the privilege of working alongside both young people and adults giving me valuable experience within these different age groups. I have witnessed their growth and development despite, in many cases having a number of challenges to overcome. This leads me to believe in our capacity to heal, grow, and achieve our potential. I have a keen interest in creative work and using metaphors. I believe this way of working can contribute towards feelings coming to the surface without having to verbalise them. Please contact me on 07368 647381 or via email on [email protected] should you have any questions. Jeanette Ely BA (Hons) MBACP (Accred) I offer individual counselling in a compassionate and sensitive way. My training is integrative and humanistic drawing on various theoretical perspectives. Counselling may not be an easy process, sharing emotional and difficult situations and feelings can be daunting and as well as finding ways to change which may bring mixed feelings, but with my support along the way I believe counselling can lead to a better self-awareness, understanding and the way forward that is right for you. I have experience working professionally and empathetically with bereavement, loss, trauma, abuse, anxiety, depression, anger, self-harm, relationship issues, sex, sexuality, self-esteem, confidence, personal development, work issues, health/ill health in open-ended or short-term counselling. I am fully qualified, a member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), fully insured and hold a current DBS. For more information please feel free to contact me on 07864 367383 or via email [email protected] Amoreena Mann - Drama and Movement Therapist I specialise in helping clients process difficult events to create a greater sense of freedom, fulfillment, and safety in their daily lives. My therapeutic approach is founded on a framework that enables clients to build a stable practice both in sessions and independently. During our sessions, I employ various techniques such as movement, visualization-based meditation, Jungian psychoanalytics, voice, drawing, writing, mapping, and story, among others. My practice is built on evidence-based creative self-exploration methodologies, which integrate and reprogram unconscious content. One such methodology is the unique Jungian visualization-based meditation, which is rooted in recent meditation and mental health research that has yielded incredibly compelling results. My services are available to people from all professional backgrounds, denominations, cultures, and walks of life. I provide a free 20-minute consultation call to discuss my methods and determine if they are a good fit for a client’s current challenges. For more information, please visit my website at . Bookings can be made via 0118 230 8481 or via email on [email protected] . [PAGE] Title: Headaches Wokingham | Headaches Berkshire Content: Contact Headaches treatment Wokingham, Berkshire Headaches are one of the most common types of pain a person can experience. People will often take a pain killer to resolve their headache. Pain killers are one of the most bought medications in the world. The original pain killer, aspirin, originates from herbal medicine , the bark of the willow tree. Causes of headaches People will often think they have a headache because they haven't drunk enough water and sometimees this is the case. However, more often than not, a headache is not caused by dehydration but actually is caused by stress or tiredness. Pain is a messenger, the body telling us that it's not in balance and not happy. We tend to shoot the messenger with pain killers rather than listening to the pain and let it show us what's wrong with our lives. Often we need to do less, relax more and rest more. However, our minds don't like to do less or rest, so they force the body to carry on, causing headaches. Acupuncture for headaches Acupuncture is very effective as treating headaches. Acupuncture can help headaches by: increasing endorphins and neuropeptide Y levels, which can help to combat negative affective states stimulating nerves located in muscles and other tissues, which leads to release of endorphins and other neurohumoral factors, and changes the processing of pain in the brain and spinal cord reducing inflammation, by promoting release of vascular and immunomodulatory factors increasing local microcirculation, which aids dispersal of swelling Our headache acupuncturist Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto BM (Beijing), BSc (Hons) TCM, MBAcC, MATCM, MAAC Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto has been treating headaches problems for over 20 years and has great success in treating all types of headaches and migraines. Dr (TCM) D'Alberto graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China after completing their five year, full time medical degree program. Schedule Appointment References Friedman AP et al. Migraine and tension headaches: a clinical study of two thousand cases. Neurology 1954; 4: 773-88. Headache Classification Subcommittee of the International Headache Society. The International Classification of Headache Disorders: 2nd edition.Cephalalgia 2004; 24: 9-160. Lance JW et al. Investigations into the mechanism and treatment of chronic headache. Med J Aust 1965; 2: 909-14. Russell MB et al. Familial occurrence of chronic tension-type headache. Cephalalgia 1999; 19: 207-10. Steiner TJ et al, 2007. Guidelines for all healthcare professionals in the diagnosis and management of migraine, tension-type, cluster and medication-overuse headache [online]. Hull: British Association for the Study of Headache. Available: Watson DP. Easing the pain: challenges and opportunities in headache management. Br J Gen Pract 2008; 58: 77-8. [PAGE] Title: Acupuncture Wokingham | Wokingham Therapy Clinic Content: Acupuncturist 1. About Acupuncture is the ancient healing art of inserting very find needles into specific points along pathways on the body to activate the Qi (vital energy). The flow of Qi can be disrupted by many ways, i.e. emotions, poor diet, overwork, trauma, stress, etc. Acupuncture acts to restore the natural flow of Qi bringing a holistic balance back to the body. 2. History of acupuncture Acupuncture probably originated from massage (acupressure) where they would massage a point on the body and find it helped another part of the body that was in discomfort. The Chinese then added their unique understanding and awareness of Nature to these points to give us the acupuncture we know of today. The technology used to make acupuncture needles or rather pins, has evolved over the centuries from bamboo stripes, to thick needles to ultra fine pins we use today. In the west, these ultra-fine pins are just used once and then put into a special container and then incinerated for health and safety reasons. 3. How does acupuncture work? Acupuncture is a great regulator and helps the body to help itself. It regulates normal bodily functions, whether its the immune system, nervous system or the reproductive system. As acupuncture is holistic, it can regulate a lot of systems in one go, as everything is connected together, allowing a natural and quick recovery from symptoms without the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs. The video below explains how acupuncture works in the relieve of pain . 4. Is acupuncture safe? A large-scale study conducted published in 2001 found acupuncture to be very safe after reviewing over 34,000 treatments. It is also safe to use on pregnant women to help maintain a healthy pregnancy and can be used during labour to help ensure a smooth birth and relieve pain. Doctors, physiotherapists, chiropractors, nurses, etc can legally perform 'acupuncture' after a weekend course. It's not possible to learn over 2,000 years of medicine in one weekend. It's like learning western medicine in a day! 5. What can acupuncture treat? It is recommended in the treatment of multiple health problems by the World Health Organisation (WHO). What makes this system so uniquely suited to modern life is that physical, emotional and mental aspects of humanity are seen as interdependent and reflect what many people perceive as the connection between the different aspects of their lives. Acupuncture is holistic and aims to bring a state of balance back to the mind, body and emotions. There are twelve principle channels that span the human body. They look like the lines on the underground map and the acupuncture points themselves are like the underground stations that sit on the channel. Each one has an associated health property. Stimulating them with very fine needles gives the body a gentle push back to the path of good health. 6. How does acupuncture feel? People are often reluctant to have acupuncture for a fear of needles. This fear of needles generally comes from having blood tests or vaccinations. However, the needles used in acupuncture are more like pins. You can fit 20 of these pins into a syringe, they are that thin. Some people will feel acupuncture more than others. This is often due to a lack of energy. The weaker the person is, the more sensitive they are and the more they will feel it. The sensations a person feels when having acupuncture are not anything like you normally feel in your day-to-day life and can be: A dull throbbing ache A pulling sensation like two train carriages being coupled together An electrical sensation Sharpness (which is the needle breaking the skin) 7. What will I feel after having acupuncture? The most noticeable affect people feel when they have acupuncture is how calm and relaxed they feel afterwards. These are the most noticeable effects of acupuncture, although that's not all it does, these are just the obvious benefits. Stress and anxiety play an important role in fertility so most people notice how relaxed they feel afterwards once the anxiety and stress has faded away. Some patients say they feel a big light headed after getting off the couch, which is normal. Some even sleep on the couch during acupuncture, which can give the person a great catnap and restore their energy levels and health. I find that the more the person relaxes on the couch, the better the acupuncture works. After having acupuncture, it is safe to drive or go back to work. Most people like to have acupuncture after work as they often feel too relaxed to want to go back to work again. Some people might need a few more minutes to gather themselves if they fell asleep or feel light headed afterwards. 8. What is dry needling? Dry needling is not acupuncture. Just putting a needle in where it hurts is not acupuncture. Make sure that you receive proper acupuncture. GP's, osteopaths, chiropractors and physiotherapists have only done weekend courses and have very limited skills. 9. Our acupuncturist Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto BM (Beijing), BSc (Hons) TCM, MBAcC, MATCM Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto has been practicing acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for over 22 years. He is passionate about empowering people with the ancient knowledge of Chinese medicine through knowledge, lifestyle and diet. This knowledge can be used again and again in people's lives and those of their family. Dr (TCM) D'Alberto graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China. This full time, five year degree program included six months internship at two of the largest hospitals in Beijing, China. Dr (TCM) D'Alberto practices acupuncture, moxibustion and cupping from his own acupuncture clinic in Wokingham. He is a member of the British Acupuncture Council and practices traditional Chinese acupuncture and not 5 Element style, which is a modern, western invention. [PAGE] Title: Holistic Therapies Wokingham | Holistic Therapies Berkshire Content: Contact Holistic and traditional therapies in Wokingham, Berkshire We have a wide range of holistic and alternative therapies available for you to choose from. If you don't know which one would be the best therapy for you, ring or email us and we'll advise you. If you wish to make an appointment for a treatment, please contact the therapist directly, as each therapist handles their own diary. [PAGE] Title: IVF Acupuncture Wokingham | IVF Acupuncture Berkshire Content: Contact IVF acupuncture Wokingham, Berkshire More and more couples are having to use assisted reproductive technologies such as in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) to have a baby. There are now dozens of research articles that show acupuncture can increase male and female fertility and the chances of your IVF cycle being successful. During IVF treatment It's best to start having acupuncture treatment months prior to starting your IVF cycle. A nine week acupuncture for fertility treatment plan using fine needles is recommended prior to starting your IVF cycle. This has been shown in research to increase the success rates of the IVF cycle by improving the emotional state of women and increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs. We will also give you lifestyle, dietary and supplement advice to support treatment and your health. This advice is based upon the several hundred research articles Dr (TCM) D'Alberto has read whilst researching his various books. Dr (TCM) D'Alberto recommends weekly acupuncture treatments prior to starting IVF and then twice weekly during the stimulation phase of the IVF cycle. Where there is no male factor infertility, Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto recommends a single fertility acupuncture treatment for the male prior to egg collection to relieve anxiety and stress. Where there is male factor infertility, a Chinese herbal treatment program together with acupuncture and dietary/lifestyle changes is recommended to optimise sperm quality, motility and count. Embryo transfer Dr (TCM) D'Alberto recommends having fertility acupuncture treatment before and after embryo transfer to improve pregnancy rates. Ideally, this is recommended on the same day or as close to your embryo transfer appointment as possible. Out of hours appointments are available for women undergoing embryo transfers. During the two week wait Dr (TCM) D'Alberto recommends two fertility acupuncture treatments during the two week wait period before you take a pregnancy test. This is primarily to support implantation of the embryo into the uterus wall, increase blood flow to the uterus and reduce anxiety and stress. Once the pregnancy test is positive, acupuncture can be carried on up to 12 weeks to help ensure a healthy pregnancy and baby. IVF explanation video Our IVF acupuncturist Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto BM (Beijing), BSc (Hons) TCM, MBAcC, MATCM Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto has been practicing acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for over 20 years. He is author of My Fertility Guide and is passionate about empowering people with the ancient knowledge of Chinese medicine through lifestyle, diet and advice. Dr (TCM) D'Alberto graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China. This full time, five year degree program included six months internship at two of the largest hospitals in Beijing, China. Dr (TCM) D'Alberto practices acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, moxibustion from his own fertility clinic in Wokingham. [PAGE] Title: Chinese Herbal Medicine Wokingham | Chinese Herbal Medicine Berkshire Content: Chinese herbalist 1. About In the UK Chinese medicine refers to Chinese herbal medicine. In Asia, chinese medicine refers to all forms of therapy; acupuncture, herbs, massage (tuina), dietary and lifestyle. Chinese herbs are made up of leaves, flowers, bark, roots or seeds. They each have a unique action. Cleverly combined together they perform a multitude of tasks and help bring a holistic balance back to the whole body. 2. Are Chinese herbs safe? All herbs are of the highest quality and are prescribed individually to meet each patient’s needs. Chinese herbs are prescribed in powder form. Hot water is added to them then drank. Alternatively you can have them put into tablets or capsules, which has less of a taste. 3. Why use Chinese herbs instead of acupuncture? Chinese herbs are better able to treat chronic health problems than acupuncture. They get to the root of the problem, internally and give you what you are lacking, whereas acupuncture regulates bodily functions, helping it to help itself. In China, people go for herbs first before trying acupuncture . 4. Our Chinese herbalist Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto BM (Beijing), BSc (Hons) TCM, MBAcC, MATCM Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto has been practicing Chinese herbal medicine for over 20 years. He is passionate about empowering people with the ancient knowledge of Chinese medicine through knowledge, lifestyle and diet. This knowledge can be used again and again in people's lives and those of their family. Dr (TCM) D'Alberto graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China. This full time, five year degree program included six months internship at two of the largest hospitals in Beijing, China. Dr (TCM) D'Alberto specialises in fertility and pain but can also help with other health conditions. He is one of the very few Chinese herbalists practising in Berkshire.
health, wellness and fitness
How to use moxibusstion to turn a breech baby How to apply moxibustion for breech births: Light one end with the lighter Hold the lit end two to three centimeters from the outer edge of your little toe, making sure there is never any direct contact with the skin Apply on each little toe for approximately 20 minutes for 10 days When treatment has finished, place the moxa stick in a glass jar with the lid screwed on firmly When you feel any movement, visit your midwife and have a scan to see if the baby has moved into the correct position If the baby has, then reduce the treatment time to 10 minutes for each toe until the 10 days has been reached 6. Dr (TCM) D'Alberto has helped many people feel relieve from all types of pain. Research has shown that acupuncture is significantly better than no treatment and at least as good as (if not better than) standard medical care for back pain. Title: Back Pain Wokingham | Back Pain Berkshire Content: Contact Back pain treatment Wokingham, Berkshire Back pain is a common compliant characterised by local or referred pain, at the base of the lower back, which can affect people's day to day life. Dr (TCM) D'Alberto practices acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, moxibustion and cupping from his own clinic Wokingham Therapy Clinic. Title: Wokingham Therapy Clinic : Wokingham Acupuncture Clinic Content: Contact Welcome to the holistic therapy clinic in Wokingham, Berkshire Wokingham Therapy Clinic is a well established complementary and traditional therapy clinic in Berkshire. There are too many to list here, so please contact the therapist directly or if you don't know which therapy can help you, contact the clinic directly and we will advice you of which one we think is best. If you don't have these symptoms, then Dr D'Alberto can help you. A: Generally, they are not as good as ovulation symptoms. If you don't have one, Dr D'Alberto can provide you with one. Title: Wokingham Counselling Clinic Content: Our counsellors At our counselling practice in Wokingham, Berkshire we offer a range of counsellors and therapists to cater for all problems and needs. If you do experience a period of feeling worse, talk to your therapist about it to ensure you get the best out of your therapy. There are many different Types of therapy available. I aim to offer a space in which you will feel safe to explore any issues that are troubling you and the opportunity to work on personal development. I work with you to resolve any past experiences and to make sense of what you have witnessed or have been through. Counselling may not be an easy process, sharing emotional and difficult situations and feelings can be daunting and as well as finding ways to change which may bring mixed feelings, but with my support along the way I believe counselling can lead to a better self-awareness, understanding and the way forward that is right for you. It is also safe to use on pregnant women to help maintain a healthy pregnancy and can be used during labour to help ensure a smooth birth and relieve pain. The weaker the person is, the more sensitive they are and the more they will feel it. What will I feel after having acupuncture? Dr (TCM) D'Alberto specialises in fertility and pain but can also help with other health conditions.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Professional Liability (Errors & Omissions) Insurance | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Business Insurance > Professional Liability (Errors & Omissions) Insurance Professional Liability (Errors & Omissions) Insurance Professional liability insurance, also sometimes referred to as Errors and Omissions insurance or E&O, protects businesses or individuals in the event that a customer holds your company or business owner responsible for a service that was provided, or failed to be provided, and did not have the expected or intended results. Professional liability insurance is separate from a General Liability (GL) insurance policy which would cover you mainly for bodily injury or property damage liability. Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. offers free, comparative quotes on professional liability or Errors & Omissions insurance from multiple insurance carriers so you can get the best possible rate. Want to see how much we can save you? Just request a quote to find out. Start Saving Today [PAGE] Title: Condominium Insurance | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Auto, Home, and Personal Insurance > Condominium Insurance Condominium Insurance Condominium insurance provides coverage for your unit where your condominium association insurance stops. Your association typically insures the building and other common areas. You are responsible for the interior of your unit. Typically you need personal property and liability coverage in addition to coverage for your floors, walls, cabinets and fixtures that your association’s insurance probably will not cover. Every association’s insurance policy is different regarding what each unit owner is responsible for, so it is important to review your association policy and condominium by-laws carefully. Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. offers free, comparative quotes on condo insurance from multiple insurance carriers so you can get the best possible rate. Want to see how much we can save you? Just request a quote to find out. Start Saving Today [PAGE] Title: Business Owners Package Insurance | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Business Insurance > Business Owners Package Insurance Business Owners Package Insurance Business Owners Package policy, commonly called a “BOP” contains many of the insurance coverages needed by most small businesses. While these policies are not standard, there is great variation from insurance company to insurance company; there are certain common elements. The basic BOP offers business property for both building and contents, and liability insurance protection for the operation of your business. This liability protection will generally include both the operation of your business, at its established location, and the liability from your products or completed operations. Some, but not all of the policies, will also offer business income and extra expense protection after an insured loss. BOP policies do not contain all of the coverages needed by a small business. Notably they do not cover any workers’ compensation, professional liability, or business vehicle coverage. Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. offers free, comparative quotes on business owners package insurance from multiple insurance carriers so you can get the best possible rate. Want to see how much we can save you? Just request a quote to find out. Start Saving Today [PAGE] Title: Commercial Umbrella Insurance | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Business Insurance > Commercial Umbrella Insurance Commercial Umbrella Insurance If you own a business, you probably own some form of general liability insurance to protect you in the event of a lawsuit due to negligence on your part. However, there may be situations where the limits of your general policy may not provide adequate protection. A commercial umbrella can provide you and your business with additional liability protection. Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. offers free, comparative quotes on commercial umbrella insurance from multiple insurance carriers so you can get the best possible rate. Want to see how much we can save you? Just request a quote to find out. Start Saving Today [PAGE] Title: Surety Bonds | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Business Insurance > Surety Bonds Surety Bonds A Surety Bond is a three-party agreement whereby the surety guarantees to the obligee (the project owner) that the principal (the contractor) is capable of performing the contract in accordance with the contract documents. Performance of the contract, which is the subject of the bond, determines the rights and obligations of the surety and the obligee. Here are the eight different families of surety bonds: Fidelity Bonds [PAGE] Title: Workers' Compensation Insurance | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Business Insurance > Workers’ Compensation Insurance Workers’ Compensation Insurance Workers’ compensation insurance protects employers from claims resulting from injuries to employees. It protects your business from lawsuits and provides employees with compensation for on-the-job injuries. By law, most employers are required to provide coverage for lost wages and medical bills incurred as a result of on-the-job accidents or illnesses. For many businesses, workers comp coverage is the largest part of its insurance expense. Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. offers free, comparative quotes on workers’ compensation insurance from multiple insurance carriers so you can get the best possible rate. Want to see how much we can save you? Just request a quote to find out. Start Saving Today [PAGE] Title: Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. | Insuring Munhall & Pennsylvania Content: Effective Goal-Setting Strategies to Achieve Success in the New Year Posted: February 4, 2024 At the start of a new year, it's essential to focus on setting goals that help individuals grow both personally and professionally. For employees looking to enhance their skills and make a significant contribution to the success of their organization, there are several effective strategies to consider. These strategies involve identifying specific targets, developing a plan of action, and tracking progress toward achieving those goals:... Navigate Winter Roads with Peace of Mind Posted: February 2, 2024 Winter brings picturesque blankets of snow – along with treacherous driving conditions. Icy, snow-covered roads pose a significant threat to drivers and their passengers, increasing the risk of accidents and vehicle damage. Falling ice, hail, and heavy snow can wreak havoc on your car, leading to unexpected expenses. Car Insurance: Your Winter Shield In the face of winter's challenges, having comprehensive car insurance is critical.... Do I Need To Insure My Engagement Ring? Posted: January 25, 2024 Your engagement ring is more than just a piece of jewelry. It’s a reminder that you’ve found your person and you’re ready to build a life together. But on the practical side, an engagement ring is a big financial investment. Even if you’re careful, life has a way of serving up surprises. Your ring could slide down the kitchen sink while washing dishes… get swept... Home Smart Home Posted: January 24, 2024 More than 57.5 million homes had at least one smart home device at the end of last year, according to a report released by research firm Research and Markets. That’s a 12% increase from 2021.* Affordability is among the reasons, says Anthony Pezzula, owner of Red Spark Technology, a Pittsburgh-based technology company that offers a variety of technology-based solutions. “Pricing in the technology has made... Specializing In Erie Insurance Erie Insurance has been helping customers since 1925 with their auto, home, business, and life insurance needs. [PAGE] Title: Final Expense Insurance | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Life Insurance > Final Expense Insurance Final Expense Insurance Final expense insurance helps families cope with the loss of a loved one by guaranteeing all funeral and burial expenses will be paid for. With so many different options to choose from, the cost for a service, burial plot, casket, and headstone can range anywhere from $1000 to $10,000, and the grieving period is no time to be making complicated financial decisions. Final expense insurance is a perfect alternative to traditional life insurance, because it is more affordable, no medical exam is required, and premiums will not increase over time. In addition, final expense insurance can provide funds to your family within 24-48 hours of your passing whereas traditional life insurance plans can take weeks to pay out. This instant, short-term monetary relief can be crucial for staying current with mortgage payments and covering day to day living expenses. No longer a luxury, final expense insurance is a necessity. So what are you waiting for? Give yourself and your loved ones peace of mind today. Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. offers free, comparative quotes on final expense insurance from multiple insurance carriers so you can get the best possible rate. Want to see how much we can save you? Just request a quote to find out. Start Saving Today [PAGE] Title: Flood Insurance | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Auto, Home, and Personal Insurance > Flood Insurance Flood Insurance Did you know that your homeowners insurance does not cover flood damage? Insurance against flood must be obtained separately. A flood insurance policy also reimburses you for the work that you and other family members did to sandbag your homes, move furniture and remove debris. The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) maps are important when it comes to flood insurance because if they show that your home sits in a 100-year flood plain, you must buy federal flood insurance in order to get a mortgage. If you live outside a high-risk zone, or if you no longer have a mortgage, flood insurance is optional. Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. offers free, comparative quotes on flood insurance from multiple insurance carriers so you can get the best possible rate. Want to see how much we can save you? Just request a quote to find out. Start Saving Today [PAGE] Title: Business Insurance | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Business Insurance Business Insurance As a business owner, you have enough on your mind without having to worry about your insurance needs. You want to have the confidence that the business you’ve built is covered by a company that understands your business insurance needs. Commercial business insurance provides wide-ranging protection for businesses and their subsidiaries under a single policy. There are various types of commercial business insurance that takes care of property, liability and workers’ compensation, to name a few. While property insurance covers damages to business property and products stored within the premises; liability insurance provides coverage for damages to third parties; and workers’ compensation insurance covers injuries to employees. Commercial business insurance is an important aspect of any business that cannot be ignored especially if the business premises are leased or rented and even otherwise. Whatever your commercial insurance needs, we can design a protection program that’s right for you. Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. provides the following types of business insurance protection: [PAGE] Title: Auto, Home, and Personal Insurance | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Auto, Home, and Personal Insurance Auto, Home, and Personal Insurance At Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc., our personal insurance products provide our customers with protection for their homes, automobiles and personal possessions, along with personal liability coverages. How we serve you is as important as what we provide. First, we listen to you, then we discuss your needs and answer your questions. Next, we look at both your short-term and long-term objectives and help put your insurance and planning needs in perspective. Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. provides the following types of personal insurance protection: [PAGE] Title: Renters Insurance | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Auto, Home, and Personal Insurance > Renters Insurance Renters Insurance If you live in a rented house or an apartment, renters insurance provides important coverage for both you and your possessions. In case your house or apartment is broken into, destroyed by a fire, or perhaps a friend gets injured at your home, renters insurance provides financial protection for you and your family. It pays for the repair and replacement of lost items as well as any liability issues you may be responsible for. A renters insurance policy from Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. can provide you with coverage for your personal items and personal liability to protect you from the unexpected. Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. offers free, comparative quotes on renters insurance from multiple insurance carriers so you can get the best possible rate. Want to see how much we can save you? Just request a quote to find out. Start Saving Today [PAGE] Title: Life Insurance | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Life Insurance Life Insurance Finding the right Life Insurance products can be challenging in today’s insurance environment. Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. offers a complete line of life insurance products that are crafted to meet you and your family’s specific needs. We work with several different top-rated insurance companies, and will place your account with the company that will provide you with the coverage and benefits you want. Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. can help you make sound, informed decisions about issues affecting your life and insurance needs. Our philosophy is to fully understand your objectives and then translate them into solutions that provide assurance and peace-of-mind. For more information, you can read our Life Insurance FAQs . Our life insurance products include: [PAGE] Title: Contact Our Munhall, Pennsylvania Office | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Max. file size: 59 MB. Phone This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ Best quotes!!!Annette H., Munhall, PA BV THE BEST!B.A. V., Munhall, PA TJ They have always been there to answer any and all questions.Timothy J., Munhall, PA SM A++++++ Wouldn't change for the worldShawn M., Munhall, PA 5-stars!Matt L., Munhall, PA Policy Service Center For 24 hour customer service and claims contact information, please go to our online Policy Service Center . [PAGE] Title: Helpful Links | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ Best quotes!!!Annette H., Munhall, PA BV THE BEST!B.A. V., Munhall, PA TJ They have always been there to answer any and all questions.Timothy J., Munhall, PA SM A++++++ Wouldn't change for the worldShawn M., Munhall, PA 5-stars!Matt L., Munhall, PA [PAGE] Title: General Liability Insurance | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Business Insurance > General Liability Insurance General Liability Insurance Normally, it is difficult for businesses or general contractors to work without general insurance. General liability insurance is intended to guard operators and owners of companies from claims that may come from a broad spectrum of sources. These exposures could be just about anything, including liability engendered by accidents from the operations of the insured party, contractual liability, products manufactured by the insured party, etc. The liability you select, whether it is one, two, or three million dollars, determines the cost of general liability insurance. Also factored into the rates are the kind of work undertaken, gross receipts and total payroll expenses. Similar to auto insurance, when it comes to general liability insurance, you will first have to make a down payment and then follow it up with installments. Before buying general liability insurance, it is best to compare the quotes available in the market. It is the business owner’s or general contractor’s job to make sure that the people working under him/her are covered by an insurance policy. If for example, a person who is not a part of the project gets injured, the injured person’s lawyer can target just about anyone involved in the project. The more individuals that are involved, the greater the chances of a successful lawsuit. Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. offers free, comparative quotes on General liability insurance from multiple insurance carriers so you can get the best possible rate. Want to see how much we can save you? Just request a quote to find out. Start Saving Today [PAGE] Title: Auto Insurance | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Auto, Home, and Personal Insurance > Auto Insurance Auto Insurance Auto or car insurance coverage has two parts. The first is the liability section of the policy. It covers your financial responsibility for injuring others. Some liability coverage is required by most states. The second part of auto insurance covers the car itself: comprehensive coverage reimburses losses from fire, theft or other perils; collision coverage pays to repair losses caused by an accident. Often this coverage is mandated by leasing companies or banks. There are also ancillary medical, car rental and other coverages which vary by state. Utilizing high deductibles on the physical damage coverages can help reduce premiums. If you carry umbrella insurance, you must be sure that you carry the required amount of basic liability insurance to avoid a gap in coverage for a serious accident. Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. offers free, comparative quotes on auto insurance from multiple insurance carriers so you can get the best possible rate. Want to see how much we can save you? Just request a quote to find out. Start Saving Today [PAGE] Title: Accessibility Statement | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Accessibility Statement Accessibility Statement Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. recognizes the importance of ensuring our website is accessible to those with disabilities. We are committed to making our information accessible to visitors with disabilities and are continuously looking for opportunities to increase the accessibility and usability of our website. This website endeavors to conform to online usability and design requirements recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in its Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. These guidelines explain how to make web content more accessible. Our team strives to ensure our content is presented and accessible in all modern web browsers and screen readers according to these guidelines. This website has been built with current best practices and technologies in order to deliver an optimal experience for all web visitors. Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. strives to adhere to the accepted guidelines and standards for accessibility and usability as comprehensively as possible on this website. If you have specific questions or concerns about the accessibility of this website, please contact us at (412) 461-4444 . When contacting us please be sure to specify the particular web address that may have caused challenges. Start Saving Today [PAGE] Title: Homeowners Insurance | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Auto, Home, and Personal Insurance > Homeowners Insurance Homeowners Insurance If you have tangible assets, you need the protection of a homeowners insurance policy. These policies cover you in a home or an apartment, whether you are an owner or a renter. A well-written homeowners policy will pay to replace any of your personal property that is destroyed in a fire or other disaster. The policy will also be your first line of defense against a lawsuit from someone injured at your home. The cost of this coverage is determined by many rating factors. The quality of the coverage, however, is determined by the quality of the insurer and whether the policy is written on a named perils or all-risk basis. A named-perils policy covers only those losses specifically cited in the contract. The all-risk policy works the opposite way — unless a peril is specifically excluded, coverage is provided. The all-risk policy is broader and the burden of proof is on the carrier, not you, in the event of a loss. Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. offers free, comparative quotes on homeowners insurance from multiple insurance carriers so you can get the best possible rate. Want to see how much we can save you? Just request a quote to find out. Start Saving Today [PAGE] Title: Individual Life Insurance | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Life Insurance > Individual Life Insurance Individual Life Insurance Life insurance from Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. can help you secure your family’s financial future by providing the funds they need to: cover burial expenses, uninsured medical bills, pay off your mortgage and other outstanding debts, and maintain a comfortable standard of living. There are a variety of life insurance policies that we can provide. The kind of policy you choose depends on your needs: Term Life Insurance Term Life Insurance is a low-cost way of providing maximum coverage for your family. Protection is provided for a limited number of years. The insurance expires without value if the insured lives beyond the policy period, usually 5 to 20 years. Other policy life periods are available, including 1 year annual renewable term. Term insurance premiums will not increase during the guaranteed policy time period (term) you select. Term Life Insurance pays a death benefit only if you die during that term. Term insurance generally provides the largest insurance protection for your premium dollar. Term Life Insurance remains in force for as long as premiums are current, provided there are no misrepresentations on the application. The insurance coverage terminates if you discontinue your premium payments. Universal Life Insurance Universal Life is characterized by great flexibility. Policyholders can determine the amount and frequency of premium payments – i.e., the more you pay, the less time you will need to pay. Your premiums cover the insurance part also the savings or investment element and the expense part. The stated interest on the investment portion changes along with movement in interest rates; moves in 1/4 % interest steps are typical as banks and other financial institutions make similar moves. Whole Life Insurance Whole Life Insurance provides permanent protection for the whole of life – from the date of policy issue to the date of the insured’s death, provided that premiums are paid. Premiums are set at the time of policy issue and remain level for the policy’s life. Unlike term insurance, whole life combines insurance protection and savings or cash value which builds over time. Cash value build-up may provide a source for living benefits, for example, helping pay off a mortgage, or a child’s education, or cash surrender value if the policy is ever cancelled. These products are continually changing and we can provide you with the latest information and policies available! Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. offers free, comparative quotes on life insurance from multiple insurance carriers so you can get the best possible rate. Want to see how much we can save you? Just request a quote to find out. Start Saving Today [PAGE] Title: Refer a Friend | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Name Email Any referrals you send to us will only be used for this communication by our agency. All email addresses will be confidential. You can add additional names by clicking the + sign. Email This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ Best quotes!!!Annette H., Munhall, PA BV THE BEST!B.A. V., Munhall, PA TJ They have always been there to answer any and all questions.Timothy J., Munhall, PA SM A++++++ Wouldn't change for the worldShawn M., Munhall, PA 5-stars!Matt L., Munhall, PA [PAGE] Title: Boat & Marine Insurance | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Auto, Home, and Personal Insurance > Boat & Marine Insurance Boat & Marine Insurance Boat or Marine insurance is available for small boats, yachts, high performance powerboats, live-aboard houseboats, catamarans, or pontoons. Marine insurance will cover intended use including personal recreation, commercial, or charter vessels. Boat policies can cover damage to your boat, motor, trailer, and personal effects in the boat. Available coverage includes liability, medical payments, injury to a water skier and damage to the boat itself, sometimes called hull coverage. Availability varies by state and by insurance company. Even though boat insurance premiums are low, shopping your rate can sometimes save a substantial amount. Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. offers free, comparative quotes on boat insurance from multiple insurance carriers so you can get the best possible rate. Want to see how much we can save you? Just request a quote to find out. Start Saving Today [PAGE] Title: Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Blog Content: Do I Need To Insure My Engagement Ring? Your engagement ring is more than just a piece of jewelry. It’s a reminder that you’ve found your person and you’re ready to build a life together. But on the practical side, an engagement ring is a big financial investment. Even if you’re careful, life has a way of serving up surprises. Your ring could slide down the kitchen sink while washing dishes… get swept... [PAGE] Title: Commercial Auto Insurance | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Business Insurance > Commercial Auto Insurance Commercial Auto Insurance A commercial auto insurance policy is required under most circumstances when the vehicle is used for business purposes and meets certain other requirements. It is not just the registration that determines the requirement for a business automobile insurance policy. Other requirements are ownership by a corporation, use in hauling goods for hire and gross vehicle weight of the vehicle. Some small trucks can be owned and insured under a personal automobile insurance policy under specific circumstances. Commercial automobile insurance policies are not regulated in pricing, as are private passenger policies. There is price competition between insurance companies for good commercial automobile insurance. Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. offers free, comparative quotes on commercial auto insurance from multiple insurance carriers so you can get the best possible rate. Want to see how much we can save you? Just request a quote to find out. Start Saving Today [PAGE] Title: Secure Contact Form | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Max. file size: 59 MB. Email This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ Best quotes!!!Annette H., Munhall, PA BV THE BEST!B.A. V., Munhall, PA TJ They have always been there to answer any and all questions.Timothy J., Munhall, PA SM A++++++ Wouldn't change for the worldShawn M., Munhall, PA 5-stars!Matt L., Munhall, PA [PAGE] Title: About Us | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > About Us About Us Skyrmes Insurance Agency, Inc. has been providing the insurance needs of Pittsburgh and all of Pennsylvania since its founding in the 1920’s. Skyrmes Insurance, a forth generation family agency, has been associated with Erie Insurance since 1933 and specializes in auto insurance, home insurance, business insurance, and life insurance. An Independent Advantage We are Independent Agents in Munhall, Pennsylvania, free to choose the best carrier for your insurance needs. We do not work for an insurance company; we work for you. We work on your side when you have a loss and follow through to see that you get fair, prompt payment and service. Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. represents a carefully selected group of financially strong, reputable insurance companies, therefore, we are able to offer you the best coverage at the most competitive price. What is an Independent Insurance Agent? When you decide to buy a car, you wouldn’t purchase the first one you see. What if one day the automobile industry decided to make only one type of car, one make and one model. You wouldn’t have a choice! The same situation holds true for insurance. You need insurance to drive a car, to purchase a house, to protect your family’s financial future and to run a small business. But if there was only one insurance company that offered only one type of insurance, car insurance, home insurance or businessowner policy — you wouldn’t have a choice. The only solution would be going to that one company. With an independent insurance agent, you have choices. Independent agents are not tied to any one insurance company. One of the advantages of using an independent agent is that he or she works to satisfy your needs. You are using an expert for an important financial decision. An independent agent has several companies that he or she can approach to get you the best coverage at the best price. And your independent agent will know the companies with the most efficient claims departments to recover your losses as quickly as possible. When you buy insurance, whether it’s for your home, your car or your business, you want an advocate who will properly assess the risks you face and give you an objective analysis of the marketplace, it’s up to you to make the final choice. Start Saving Today [PAGE] Title: Our Insurance Companies | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > About Us > Our Insurance Carriers Our Insurance Carriers As independent agents, we have established long-term, solid relationships with some of the top national and regional carriers in the industry. Our experienced staff will be able to provide comprehensive, expert insurance solutions and service. For you, our client, this provides competitive pricing, coverage options, and peace of mind that the company providing your insurance coverage meets our standards. Start Saving Today [PAGE] Title: Secure Quote Request | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ Best quotes!!!Annette H., Munhall, PA BV THE BEST!B.A. V., Munhall, PA TJ They have always been there to answer any and all questions.Timothy J., Munhall, PA SM A++++++ Wouldn't change for the worldShawn M., Munhall, PA 5-stars!Matt L., Munhall, PA [PAGE] Title: Munhall, Pennsylvania Insurance Agent Reviews | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Great!michael b., Munhall, Pennsylvania They're great! Always helpful, the best rates, I highly recommend...Heather K., Munhall, Pennsylvania “They’re great! Always helpful, the best rates, I highly recommend as often as I can to everyone. ” They always provide top customer service and actually care about their customersMaurice M., Munhall, PA “Ive known todd and brad for about 10 years now. They always provide top customer service and actually care about their customers. The ladies that work in the office are just as polite and helpful and make me feel special because everyone knows me by my voice. When i call its always “hi maurice, How are you today” before i even introduce myself and that makes me feel like part of a family. I recommended many people to this specific agency not just because its erie insurance but specifically because these two brothers have an impeccable way of making their custiners happy. I trust them with providing my family with safe and reliable car and home insurance and have been happy for years; you will too! 5 stars!!!Jamey M., Pennsylvania JP Justin P., Munhall, PA “Great rates and family run! I have my business, home, and personal insurance through them. I couldn’t be happier!” DL Dan L., Munhall, PA “Easy Peezy lemon squeezey ! These guys and gals are the best. No hassles, no nonsense! Couldn’t be happier with them.” IH “Great place for all my insurance needs” J James, Munhall, PA “Friendly service and great communication! I’ve been going here for a few years now and couldn’t ask for more from an insurance company!” JK [PAGE] Title: Motorcycle Insurance | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Auto, Home, and Personal Insurance > Motorcycle Insurance Motorcycle Insurance Whether you’re an enthusiast or a first-timer, having fun, being responsible and being safe is what it’s all about. Being responsible includes finding the right insurance for your motorcycle. Motorcycle insurance is a way of sharing the risks of riding between you and your insurance company. The way it works is simple. You pay a set premium to an insurance company for coverage. In return, the company promises to pay for specific financial losses that might occur during the term of the policy. Most people rely on motorcycle insurance to protect themselves against loss in case of an accident. In many states, you must carry basic insurance to cover the cost of losses you cause to others in an accident. If the unexpected happens, insurance gives you peace of mind in knowing you are protected. At Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc., we have a variety of motorcycle policy options to meet your needs. Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. offers free, comparative quotes on motorcycle insurance from multiple insurance carriers so you can get the best possible rate. Want to see how much we can save you? Just request a quote to find out. Start Saving Today [PAGE] Title: Commercial Property Insurance | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Business Insurance > Commercial Property Insurance Commercial Property Insurance Commercial property insurance is a special type of insurance that covers the company building as well as the contents owned by the company. “Property” can include a variety of types: lost income or business interruption, buildings, computers, money, and valuable papers. Under the liability policy coverage, the building should be protected from damaging events such as fire, burglary and vandalism. It may not be enough to cover just the building; the aftermath of such damage should be covered as well. Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. offers free, comparative quotes on commercial property insurance from multiple insurance carriers so you can get the best possible rate. Want to see how much we can save you? Just request a quote to find out. Start Saving Today [PAGE] Title: Business Interruption Insurance | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Business Insurance > Business Interruption Insurance Business Interruption Insurance Business interruption insurance is critical if your business suffers a property loss that could cause the business to slow or close down while repairs are made. This may mean a complete or partial revenue loss depending on the time frame and the damage. From the time the loss occurs until your business is running again, insurance can replace your lost profits, and provide a source of money to pay your necessary continuing expenses, like rent, payroll, taxes, etc. Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. offers free, comparative quotes on business interruption insurance from multiple insurance carriers so you can get the best possible rate. Want to see how much we can save you? Just request a quote to find out. Start Saving Today [PAGE] Title: Hotel & Motel Hospitality Insurance | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Business Insurance > Hotel & Motel Hospitality Insurance Hotel & Motel Hospitality Insurance Running a hotel or motel in today’s competitive environment is a big challenge. Getting the proper hotel / motel insurance at a reasonable price can be frustrating and time consuming. Hotel insurance provides business protection coverage for owners and managers of hotels. Hotel insurance covers motels, resorts, spas, ranches and more. Learn more about the coverages included in the hotel and motel insurance policy. Hotel insurance includes a multitude of coverages specific to the needs of a hotel manager or owner. Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. offers free, comparative quotes on hotel / motel insurance from multiple insurance carriers so you can get the best possible rate. Want to see how much we can save you? Just request a quote to find out. Start Saving Today
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The basic BOP offers business property for both building and contents, and liability insurance protection for the operation of your business. A commercial umbrella can provide you and your business with additional liability protection. Content: Home > Business Insurance Business Insurance As a business owner, you have enough on your mind without having to worry about your insurance needs. You want to have the confidence that the business you’ve built is covered by a company that understands your business insurance needs. Whatever your commercial insurance needs, we can design a protection program that’s right for you. Title: Auto, Home, and Personal Insurance | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Auto, Home, and Personal Insurance Auto, Home, and Personal Insurance At Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc., our personal insurance products provide our customers with protection for their homes, automobiles and personal possessions, along with personal liability coverages. A renters insurance policy from Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. can provide you with coverage for your personal items and personal liability to protect you from the unexpected. Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. offers a complete line of life insurance products that are crafted to meet you and your family’s specific needs. We work with several different top-rated insurance companies, and will place your account with the company that will provide you with the coverage and benefits you want. Title: Contact Our Munhall, Pennsylvania Office | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Content: Home > Life Insurance > Individual Life Insurance Individual Life Insurance Life insurance from Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. can help you secure your family’s financial future by providing the funds they need to: cover burial expenses, uninsured medical bills, pay off your mortgage and other outstanding debts, and maintain a comfortable standard of living. There are a variety of life insurance policies that we can provide. The kind of policy you choose depends on your needs: Term Life Insurance Term Life Insurance is a low-cost way of providing maximum coverage for your family. Your engagement ring is more than just a piece of jewelry. Content: Home > Business Insurance > Commercial Auto Insurance Commercial Auto Insurance A commercial auto insurance policy is required under most circumstances when the vehicle is used for business purposes and meets certain other requirements. It is not just the registration that determines the requirement for a business automobile insurance policy. When you buy insurance, whether it’s for your home, your car or your business, you want an advocate who will properly assess the risks you face and give you an objective analysis of the marketplace, it’s up to you to make the final choice. Title: Our Insurance Companies | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc. Title: Munhall, Pennsylvania Insurance Agent Reviews | Skyrmes Insurance Agency Inc.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Come join 30MHz - 30MHz30MHz Content: Login Come join 30MHz We are the connector within the horticultural sector. Using our first-class digital infrastructure, all areas of knowledge and expertise can become connected. Resulting in the integration and collaboration of the digital, mechanical, biological and human world in horticultural production systems, so that growers can grow their produce in the most efficient and sustainable way. We provide all the elements horticultural businesses need to digitise their locations, centralise their data collection and digitally monitor their crops without technical expertise. Greenhouse King/Queen Dutch speaking and ‘groot geworden op de tuin’? A good set of brains but not taking yourself too seriously? Knowledge about cultivation/biology and a sense for partnerships & people? As a greenhouse King/Queen, you are responsible for building and expanding a network of customers and strategic relationships. Your focus will be on delivering added value in your own unique way. Familiar with the sector, speak the language, and you’re comfortable to navigate yourself here Eager to contribute to a sustainable food supply for the future Engage with customers to understand and refine their needs Provide input and shape strategic roadmaps Does this sound like you? Background in Horticulture and/or data 3 to 33 years of experience Proficient in Dutch Strong network among growers, breeders, suppliers, and/or providers Affinity with technologies Dream job Operations enthusiast We are looking for an enthusiastic and driven operations colleague to join our team. You will be in daily contact with customers and understand their needs. You will answer their questions, ensure smooth deliveries, gather customer feedback, and translate it into improvements for our products and services. If you want to make an impact and play an essential role directly, and you are ready to take action rather than just dream, then this position is for you! In the horticulture sector, we work on AI-driven solutions for the future of cultivation. In addition to rolling out existing services, we are actively developing new ones. Do you have ideas, sharpness, and skills? Your contribution is invaluable to the success and growth of our company. Does your heart beat faster for the following? Direct ownership and responsibilities Being the point of contact for and proactively solving customer inquiries Managing and keeping the company website and content up-to-date Assisting with online marketing campaigns and social media Coordinating incoming orders and order shipments Supporting administrative tasks Strong organizational skills and an eye for detail Enthusiastic Data-driven growing expert Passionate about using new tools to smarten up horticulture? Experienced in data analysis? Visionary on how software can shape the future of horticulture? Then, we are looking for you! We are seeking an enthusiastic cultivation specialist with an affinity for data analysis & AI. You will contribute to building applications to make data-driven cultivation accessible to everyone. Getting new cultivation strategies and relevant actions with just a few clicks? That’s our goal! Additionally, you will assist our users with monthly advice and custom data projects. Using the latest digital phenotyping techniques and cutting-edge knowledge of AI and data-driven research, we strive for an accelerated and innovative approach to food production. In other words, the development of data-driven services for more efficient breeding. Are you the missing link to take us from startup to scale-up success? Recognize this for 99%? Familiar with daily activities in and around the greenhouse Experience in controlling a climate computer is a plus Good digital skills Highly committed, somewhat boundless and curious Proven hands-on mentality and good social skills Grow together AgTech business researcher (university internship) Do you want to make an impact? Don’t dream, but use your own ‘green’ hands? Then this is the internship for you! We are looking for a colleague who conducts data-driven research in high-tech horticulture. In the horticulture sector, we work on AI-driven solutions for the cultivation of the future. In addition to the roll-out of the existing services, we keep developing. Do you have ideas, sharpness and skills? During the internship you will gain experience by working directly with top developers. Does this suit you? Background in horticulture and/or affinity with ‘green’ food Affinity with sustainability Duration internship is approximately 6 months Discover Cloud Engineer (Medior / Senior) Are you a true code lover who is experienced enough to know when coding is not the solution? Keep reading, because we are looking for a passionate cloud engineer. With full dedication, you build and design world-class software. You take on challenges and enjoy solving problems together. Over the past years, we have built a platform where thousands of sensor data points are uploaded every minute. So far, not a single data point has been lost. With your help, we will maintain this track record and expand the platform for even more applications. The stack is built on AWS and includes: Elasticsearch for rapid data retrieval and analysis SQS for message queuing A robust Java backend Angular frontend We develop solutions to accelerate sustainability. That’s why we’re looking for a colleague who wants to realize our dreams together. Does this sound like the right code? Approximately 5 years of experience You’re fluent in English, Java and Python Strong communication skills Experience in building and maintaining a professional AWS stack Affinity with sustainability Make impact Warmed up? Do you see yourself as our missing link? Or not sure if it is a match? Send your resume and motivation letter to Jasper van der Auweraert . Learn more 30MHz was founded in 2014 by four engineers. They built a big data platform and wireless sensors to provide smart office, smart industry and smart farming solutions. But it soon became clear that the most impact could be made in horticulture. There is so much untapped potential and room for growth when it comes to digital technology in horticulture. More importantly: we need solutions for sustainable agriculture and food production, and we need them quickly. That is why, since 2017, the sole focus is on the horticultural sector. We have developed and customised our data platform and wireless infrastructure technologies in close collaboration with leading growers and horticultural research organisations, including Wageningen University, Beekenkamp and Vertify. Today, 30MHz has over 250+ customers across 30 countries in 6 continents and 2500+ platform users, including growers, consultants and researchers. Team and culture At 30MHz we work with about 15 highly skilled international colleagues. The main incentive for the work we do is to create an impact in the horticulture sector. We all feel responsible for the product and keep improving it as a team. Besides that, we all like to work in a team where you can learn, have great responsibility and have a laugh. You and 30MHz As a driven talent, you end up in fertile ground. All the conditions are there for seeds you plant to germinate. Within the dynamic structure of moving from a start-up to a scale-up, you will have every opportunity to grow quickly. Get news and updates [PAGE] Title: News - 30MHz30MHz Content: 3 new platform features Over the past few months, significant efforts have been made to further develop the 30MHz platform. The new features make using the platform easier and more carefree, allowing you to focus on what truly matters: cultivation. Now, even more target focused with the automatic RTR trendline and the new Growing Degree Days (GDD) application.   ... Read more Tech news – Fast ánd cost-effective searchable data Data-driven growing is exactly what it sounds like: utilizing and analyzing data for an optimized cultivation process.  After collecting data for more than 5 years, we’ve learned a thing or two about data storage. How do you effectively store billions of data points whilst still being able to search through and visualization this data in ... Read more Webinar Aranet x 30MHz Last summer, Aranet and 30MHz joined forces. Curious about the power of connected sensors to the horticulture data platform? How can you effectively use various sensors for cultivation solutions? Learn about the uses of Aranet’s sensors and valuable tips & tricks of the 30MHz platform in the webinar on Wednesday, November 22. Will you join ... Read more Sensor development: far-red light for optimal growth Research increasingly demonstrates the impact of far-red light on crucial aspects of plant cultivation. Having control over far-red light in your greenhouse offers some advantages: Vegetative growth control: far-red light creates a shading effect that leads to larger leaves, which is particularly interesting for crops like lettuce, spinach, and basil. Influence on the plant’s day-night ... Read more Highlights webinar RTR Last week, we organized a webinar about RTR. What is RTR? On which growing theories is it based? Why do you want to use it? The webinar answers those questions and gives knowledgeable insight into how easily you can develop your own RTR strategy with the 30MHz application. Missed it? No worries, watch the highlight ... Read more Aiding agronomy research with the AutoPheno in Iowa (US) After months of diligent preparation, 3 dedicated 30MHz colleagues have arrived in Iowa to install the AutoPheno. Iowa State University will expand their research opportunities with this innovative 3D image recognition system for crop registration.  Developed with the latest AI models it retrieves the best data on seedlings, growth and biomass. After the AutoPheno was ... Read more 3-Minutes roadmap input We are ready to start developing more applications for growers and breeders. Of course, data-driven cultivation still has some steps to take. Will you share your input and feedback? What would you like to see in the coming years? Help yourself and sector colleagues by taking 3-5 minutes to complete the questionnaire about the roadmap. ... Read more Webinar RTR in practice How can you implement a Radiation-Temperature Ratio (RTR) strategy using our new application? And what are the benefits of an RTR strategy? On Tuesday, August 22nd, at 5:00 PM, we will be hosting a webinar on RTR, featuring practical examples. Learn how to easily track a target temperature to save energy and optimize plant balance. ... Read more Mees seeks cloud-buddy Mees has been working within our software team for 5 years now. He builds cool tools to create accelerated impact. His impression? “It’s awesome to collaborate on technically challenging problems in a fun team!” To achieve even more, we are looking for a top colleague. Do you have a lot of energy and are you ... Read more Summer deal: team training Are you extracting all the value from your data? And does everyone on your team know how to interpret this data? By effectively utilizing data, cultivation improvements are discovered and savings are achieved. For this purpose, it is crucial that the involved colleagues are familiar with the opportunities. Within a training, a group of employees ... Read more [PAGE] Title: 30MHz is an open platform - 30MHz30MHz Content: Login 30MHz is an open platform 30MHz is an open platform where every member of the horticultural industry can come together. Whether you’re a grower, supplier, or consultant, our platform is designed to connect your knowledge one central platform. The core features of the platform are complimented by specialized modules for actionable insights and the integration of climate computer data to bring all your valuable insights together. RTR strategy app Up to 5% energy savings with the Radiation-Temperature Ratio Strategy. This new 30MHz application helps to optimize the temperature & light balance to improve energy consumption and growth of your crop. You design your own RTR strategy or follow an existing strategy. Based on this strategy and the light radiation, the RTR target temperature is calculated automatically. RTR strategy GDD strategy app Timing is everything when it comes to maximizing your crop yield and quality. That’s why the Growing Degree Days (GDD) strategy application helps you to optimize management practices and achieve production goals. Get quick insights into the accumulated GDD in this growing season so far, and adjust according to your plants’ needs. GDD strategy Registration sheets In addition to data from sensors and climate systems, as a grower, you can manually collect various important data. Think of weekly recording of plant length, the number of set flowers, or thrips counts. With the Registration Sheets module, you can digitally store, visualize, and combine this data with sensor data. Optimize your climate settings, for example, by linking light data to flower bud formation to fine-tune the amount of light without causing harm to your plants. This module is available within every service package Data consultancy Applications can guide you with a team-wide view on how to work with data, but still setting up a data infrastructure in the greenhouse can be challenging and time-consuming. There is a lot of value in the data coming from the greenhouse, but it is often not fully utilized. 30MHz provides support in the areas of data management, digital cultivation strategies, and collaborative custom projects. Download the infosheet to learn how we can help you. Download infosheet Integrations Integrations make sensor data even more powerful. We can integrate all climate computer data into your digital 30MHz ecosystem to future proof your data journey. Integrations of other data sources into the 30MHz platform offers growers a deeper understanding of crop needs on both macro (climate computer data) and micro (wireless sensor data) levels. The result is tangible insights growers can respond to. Ideal for preventing crop loss and saving energy. Any questions about integrations Want to know more about our sensors, platform or API? Ask us anything, we're here to help. Daniël [PAGE] Title: pricing-new - 30MHz30MHz Content: Let's meet *Service package is for 1 location Want to use something extra without upgrading to the next service package? We’ve got you covered. +5 sensors €25,- per month, +1 module €75,- per month Wireless sensors built for horticulture Designed for accuracy, flawless connectivity and remote placement: 30MHz tools are built to withstand the elements in all growing contexts. Build your own wireless sensor network within your greenhouses with a combination of preferred sensors. Add new data sources at any time. You will find the specifications and pricing of the sensors in the 30MHz sensor catalogue. [PAGE] Title: 30MHz Content: Feel free to contact us Optimize your cultivation strategies We offer digital solutions for every stakeholder in horticulture. Growers, advisors, distributors and researchers gain full insights on every step of their growth journey. We offer a platform of integrated products that can grow with you through every stage. The platform ingests all kinds of data sources and analyses information interactively, enabling you to continuously improve the production.​ Solutions Optimize energy usage Up to 5% energy savings with the Radiation-Temperature Ratio Strategy. This 30MHz application helps to optimize the temperature & light balance to improve energy consumption and growth of your crop. You design your own RTR strategy or follow an existing strategy. Based on this strategy and the light radiation, the RTR target temperature is calculated automatically. RTR strategy Advanced and easy to use solutions Our application interfaces are built to deliver value from the get-go. All data is visualized in a way that makes it easy to read and understand. You’re in control and there is no steep learning curve. Proven data driven models in the app will support you to turn your data into actionable insights that work for you, your soil or substrate type, crop type and growth stage. So that you can give your plants exactly what they need. Over and over again. But if you have any questions, we are always available to help. Contact support Metrics that matter Capture the metrics you need to make a difference in your hortibusiness. Our customers use crop-level data to drive yields, reduce losses, optimise irrigation, improve storage, prevent disease risk, and reduce energy. Know what your crops need by monitoring metrics including: VPD, dewpoint, moisture deficit, EC, VWC, temperature, light intensity, relative humidity and CO2. Innovating with the leading names in agriculture How can we help you digitise your cultivation process? Analyse all kinds of information from different data sources such as climate computers, sensors and manual input in a central platform. Improve the production process of your crops, plants, seeds or bulbs together with advisors, distributors and researchers. We are happy to talk to you about which service model is most suitable for your company. Sharon [PAGE] Title: Innovating horticulture: About 30MHz30MHz Content: Building smart solutions for all horticulture We turn data into actionable information and valuable insights We support growers intellect Growers, advisors, distributors and researchers gain full insights on every step of their growth journey. We offer a platform of integrated products that can grow with you through every stage. The platform ingests all kinds of data sources and analyses information interactively, enabling you to continuously improve the production.​​ Solutions Innovation 30MHz builds a better world together with Plantfellow through sustainable innovative solutions, which are developed according to the needs of both small growers who are at the beginning of the digitization process and large growers who are already well advanced in the field of digital data collection and insight into for the optimization of the cultivation strategy. Plantfellow About us 30MHz is a hi-tech horticulture company based in Rotterdam. Since the start of the company in 2017, 30MHz has guided more than 400 growers around the world in innovating and digitizing. Innovative solutions are being developed together with growers, which optimize cultivation in a sustainable manner. The current focus is developing new cultivation insights together with growers via applications on our platform. Each app offers solutions for a different focus area. The coming quarter will be dominated by plant health and crop protection, where better yields and a healthier world go hand in hand. Saving water together As a tech company, 30MHz wants to help make the world a better place through innovation. Together with our customers, we create impact and achieve progress. The key to all this is using resources effectively. By listening carefully to what people need, we deploy our expertise to help growers become more sustainable through digitization. Water is especially important in indoor and outdoor horticulture, but unfortunately this resource is becoming increasingly scarce and precious. For this reason, 30MHz is working alongside growers to study how water can be saved. In fact, we’re not just cooperating with growers; 30MHz actively shares knowledge and expertise with other companies, which is one of the reasons why 30MHz is part of the trade mission to Mexico, organised by the Dutch government. Together with about twenty other companies from The Netherlands, various themes on the subject of water will be discussed with government authorities and companies in Mexico. Everyone can play their part, every drop helps. We have to collaborate with each other to make a real impact, as is reflected in our motto, 'Saving Water Together'. How can crop-level data transform your hortibusiness? Real-time data on your crops and environment can help you drive productivity, increase sustainability and cut costs. Let's chat about what it can do for you. Sharon [PAGE] Title: Press kit - 30MHz30MHz Content: Download The Company 30MHz is an Amsterdam based scale-up that builds both hardware and software for the horticulture industry. We believe that with technology and data, organisations of any size can innovate to become more efficient, sustainable and cost-effective. The company was founded in 2014 by world-leading experts on Amazon AWS and embedded software, and experienced business managers. Today, it holds 40 employees that service over 300 customers across 30 countries. Need/Problem Horticulture is one of the least digitised and knowledge sharing sectors globally and at the same time needs to accelerate productivity. Data collection and analysis has until now been expensive, manual and time consuming, as well as fragmented and localised. To become more efficient and sustainable the sector needs data and knowledge to be accurate, affordable, transferrable and simple to analyse and apply. Solution 30MHz offers a central portal for all stakeholders in the horticultural sector. Growers and breeders gain full insight into the climatic conditions of horticultural and agricultural produce. 30MHz’s data platform ingests all kinds of data sources and analyses information interactively, enabling growers, advisors, distributors, and researchers to continuously improve the production process of crops, plants, seeds, and bulbs.​ Value proposition Sharing and applying data-based knowledge will become the standard for next-generation agricultural entrepreneurs. Our aim is to connect every single stakeholder and facilitate their journey towards a more sustainable way of generating produce in the best possible data-driven way through a platform that has an unmatched capacity and flexibility. Get news and updates [PAGE] Title: The data platform for horticulture - 30MHz30MHz Content: The data platform for horticulture Collaborative, interactive allround crop insights Our data platform is the central point of 30MHz. This software connects sensors, growers, consultants and every other person or organisation concerned. The data platform is easy to use and enables everyone to create charts, tables and other visuals. It’s entirely up to you to decide which data you want to see: temperature, weather forecasts, dew point, etc. This means that you can create your own customised dashboard to obtain a clear picture of what is happening in your greenhouse. Digital Connect provides you with the digital tools to create a database filled with meaningful and adequate data describing the status of climate and crop. You will be able to control and optimise growth and production plans in one digital platform. Download the Digital Connect brochure Weather data Weather data can be considered the backbone of the 30MHz dashboard. Use the weather data in many ways Notifications and alerts Set up custom notifications when sensor values cross certain thresholds, get alerts on uptime and connectivity, and stay up to date on each device’s battery life in real-time with alerts via email or sms. More on 30MHz data platform notifications Growing Degree Units Growing degree days (GDD) are used to estimate heat accumulation and predict the development of plants and pests. An even more accurate measure is growing degree hours (GDH), where on an hourly basis the average temperature is used to calculate the growing degrees. Keep up with the conversation Social feed Stay up to date on your colleague’s work, share knowledge and create an interactive record of your past crop strategy with a feed of comments and images. Stay up to date Visual comments Dive into your live and historical data to flag anomalies, keep notes, add pictures or ask questions of colleagues. Keep the dialogue in a central platform where data is easily shared and exported, but you’re the sole proprietor. Get the picture Manual data input With the manual input feature, we make it easy to bring data collected the low-tech way straight into the 30MHz data platform, and interact with that data alongside crop-level data, or data from a climate control system. And, as with all other data in the 30MHz platform, users can share, compare and collaborate with colleagues. Learn more Work more efficiently in groups Groups are a new way to work together on specific projects monitoring and responding to crops’ needs. Invite team members within and outside your organisation, set permissions and choose the sensors you work with in this interactive workspace. Why collaboration matters Gauge your sensor values Meet gauges. An easy way to see your metrics relative to maximums and minimums. Choose your sensor, choose your metric, select a time period, set your max and mins, and get monitoring. Read more Visualise notifications in charts So you’ve set your dynamic range notifications, now what? Map notification perimeters to your charts, so you can see when your crop levels have gone out of bounds. Here's how it works A modern, powerful API From data from climate control systems, to insights on root zone, irrigation or traceability, view granular crop-level measurements alongside the agri-data relevant to you. More on our API Image upload Make sensor measurements tangible by plotting sensor values onto your choice of images. Visualize sensor readings on maps, diagrams, or photographs. More about the image upload feature Calculations Get more out of your sensor measurements with calculations that deliver new metrics. Use the 30MHz data platform to calculate dew point, vapor pressure deficit, temperature hours, combined utilization and more. More about calculations in the 30MHz data platform Share sensor insights Selectively share sensory data with third parties. Dashboard social sharing lets individuals outside your organization (like partners, customers or advisors) observe changing conditions in your environment in real-time. More about sharing widgets Heatmaps Value heat maps generate live-animated, color-coded visualizations of the state of your crops, with a useful bird's eye view of changes. More on 30MHz data platform heatmaps Charts Track single sensor measurement values or compare metrics with easily customizable graphs and visualizations. Drill down by time frame, location and measurement frequency, and compare locations on a global scale. Zoom in on your data Simply click into your chart, click on the starting point you want to zoom into, hold down your mouse, and drag to your desired end point. Let go, and you'll be forwarded to the zoomed view of your data. It's that simple Export data Data is a valuable asset, and we make sure you have full control over who accesses it. Customers are sole proprietors of their sensor data, and can easily download it in CSV. More on 30MHz data platform data export Compare locations Track environments across the globe in a single dashboard. Create custom reports and visualizations based on location, or set one space as a benchmark for comparison. Across the globe Customise your branding Upload logos, change colours, adjust the look and feel of your dashboards and groups and create pre-set themes for yourself, your team members or your customers. Brand your data Any questions about the 30MHz platform Want to know more about our platform, sensors, or connectivity? Ask us anything, we're here to help. Daniël
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You will be in daily contact with customers and understand their needs. In the horticulture sector, we work on AI-driven solutions for the future of cultivation. In the horticulture sector, we work on AI-driven solutions for the cultivation of the future. That is why, since 2017, the sole focus is on the horticultural sector. The main incentive for the work we do is to create an impact in the horticulture sector. What is RTR? Why do you want to use it? After the AutoPheno was ... Read more 3-Minutes roadmap input We are ready to start developing more applications for growers and breeders. Do you have a lot of energy and are you ... Read more Summer deal: team training Are you extracting all the value from your data? This new 30MHz application helps to optimize the temperature & light balance to improve energy consumption and growth of your crop. This module is available within every service package Data consultancy Applications can guide you with a team-wide view on how to work with data, but still setting up a data infrastructure in the greenhouse can be challenging and time-consuming. There is a lot of value in the data coming from the greenhouse, but it is often not fully utilized. Download the infosheet to learn how we can help you. Any questions about integrations Want to know more about our sensors, platform or API? Title: Innovating horticulture: About 30MHz30MHz Content: Building smart solutions for all horticulture We turn data into actionable information and valuable insights We support growers intellect Growers, advisors, distributors and researchers gain full insights on every step of their growth journey. The platform ingests all kinds of data sources and analyses information interactively, enabling you to continuously improve the production.​​ Solutions Innovation 30MHz builds a better world together with Plantfellow through sustainable innovative solutions, which are developed according to the needs of both small growers who are at the beginning of the digitization process and large growers who are already well advanced in the field of digital data collection and insight into for the optimization of the cultivation strategy. The current focus is developing new cultivation insights together with growers via applications on our platform. Title: The data platform for horticulture - 30MHz30MHz Content: The data platform for horticulture Collaborative, interactive allround crop insights Our data platform is the central point of 30MHz. And, as with all other data in the 30MHz platform, users can share, compare and collaborate with colleagues. Brand your data Any questions about the 30MHz platform Want to know more about our platform, sensors, or connectivity?
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Online ITSM Simulation- MarsLander - Pink Elephant UK Content: Get the ITSM crowd back together online MarsLander®Virtual ITSM Simulation Get the ITSM crowd back together online Home / MarsLander Virtual About the Virtual Simulation In this online business simulation workshop you will be playing either a business or IT role in the Mission control room of the MarsLander mission. Working for a company called SPACE-Y. As a team you will need to balance increasing demands and opportunities from different stakeholders. Innovating new products and service offerings, optimizing existing business value, managing technical debt as well as aligning and improving end-to-end value streams. There is a lot of competition in the market. Speed and quality count. As a team, you will be faced with running business as usual as well as Transforming to new agile ways of applying ITSM using ITIL®4 concepts. By playing in a number of game rounds and reflecting and improving between rounds you will also need to apply ‘continual learning and improving’ as a core team capability. All this with scarce resources and time pressure. All of this working remotely, demanding effective communication and collaboration skills? Get in touch Set up of the Simulation The simulation consists of 3 rounds. In each round the team will experience one or more aspects of ITIL®4 and more agile ways of IT Service Management. Round one: Experience a new way of working The team must organize themselves and will receive a package of work. Round two: Collaboration, Visualization and flow The team will use feedback from their own reflection session to ‘progress iteratively with feedback’. Round three: Value Streams & value realization In this round, the team will experience the benefits of working in Value Streams to enable the smooth, fast and safe deployment of new features and services. The session will be closed with a reflection of the lessons learned and follow up actions. What did we learn and what can we take away and apply in terms of both ITIL®4 as well as remote communication, collaboration and visualization. Is it right for your company? If you’re wondering whether the online ITSM simulation is right for your company, consider these questions: Do your IT and business managers have formal processes and channels through which to communicate and liaise when issues arise? Do your IT departmental teams understand what the IT management understands about the business, and what it takes to keep it running? If you answered yes to both these questions, then you’ll already have workable resolution processes in place, superb interdepartmental communication, and highly satisfied customers. Great job! Your employees won’t need to take part in this simulation. If, however, you are experiencing the stress of managing and working in a dynamic environment, trying to meet the ever-changing demands of the business, whilst simultaneously trying to achieve service targets with increasing budget constraints – this simulation will prove to be a very useful experience. Program This simulation can be delivered with teams of 7 participants and will take max. 6 hours. Target audience This simulation is designed for roles inside and outside of IT. Employees of IT (Operations) teams IT managers and team leaders Development teams ITSM specialists Students having followed ITIL® training can experiment with translating ITIL® theory into practice. This simulation also helps IT Operations teams to take the next steps towards alignment with the DevOps philosophy and ITIL® Practitioner guiding principles. Key elements of this simulation Small Teams
information technology & electronics
information technology and services
Site Overview: Working for a company called SPACE-Y. As a team you will need to balance increasing demands and opportunities from different stakeholders. Innovating new products and service offerings, optimizing existing business value, managing technical debt as well as aligning and improving end-to-end value streams. Speed and quality count. As a team, you will be faced with running business as usual as well as Transforming to new agile ways of applying ITSM using ITIL®4 concepts. By playing in a number of game rounds and reflecting and improving between rounds you will also need to apply ‘continual learning and improving’ as a core team capability. All of this working remotely, demanding effective communication and collaboration skills? In each round the team will experience one or more aspects of ITIL®4 and more agile ways of IT Service Management. Round one: Experience a new way of working The team must organize themselves and will receive a package of work. Round three: Value Streams & value realization In this round, the team will experience the benefits of working in Value Streams to enable the smooth, fast and safe deployment of new features and services. The session will be closed with a reflection of the lessons learned and follow up actions. What did we learn and what can we take away and apply in terms of both ITIL®4 as well as remote communication, collaboration and visualization. Is it right for your company? If you’re wondering whether the online ITSM simulation is right for your company, consider these questions: Do your IT and business managers have formal processes and channels through which to communicate and liaise when issues arise? Do your IT departmental teams understand what the IT management understands about the business, and what it takes to keep it running? Great job! If, however, you are experiencing the stress of managing and working in a dynamic environment, trying to meet the ever-changing demands of the business, whilst simultaneously trying to achieve service targets with increasing budget constraints – this simulation will prove to be a very useful experience. Program This simulation can be delivered with teams of 7 participants and will take max. 6 hours.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Contact Us - Big Picture Film Club Content: Support Big Picture Film Club © 2024 Big Picture Film Club Our site uses cookies. By continuing to use our site you are agreeing to our Cookies Policy. Accept Reject Read More Privacy & Cookies Policy Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Necessary Always Enabled Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. These cookies do not store any personal information. Non-necessary Non-necessary Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. [PAGE] Title: Jobs & Opportunities - Big Picture Film Club Content: Support Big Picture Film Club © 2024 Big Picture Film Club Our site uses cookies. By continuing to use our site you are agreeing to our Cookies Policy. Accept Reject Read More Privacy & Cookies Policy Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Necessary Always Enabled Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. These cookies do not store any personal information. Non-necessary Non-necessary Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. [PAGE] Title: Big Picture Film Club - Making Movies Matter Content: Support Big Picture Film Club © 2024 Big Picture Film Club Our site uses cookies. By continuing to use our site you are agreeing to our Cookies Policy. Accept Reject Read More Privacy & Cookies Policy Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Necessary Always Enabled Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. These cookies do not store any personal information. Non-necessary Non-necessary Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. [PAGE] Title: Interviews Archives - Big Picture Film Club Content: Support Big Picture Film Club © 2024 Big Picture Film Club Our site uses cookies. By continuing to use our site you are agreeing to our Cookies Policy. Accept Reject Read More Privacy & Cookies Policy Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Necessary Always Enabled Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. These cookies do not store any personal information. Non-necessary Non-necessary Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. [PAGE] Title: About Us - Big Picture Film Club Content: Cinnect About Us “From blockbusters to independent cinema, we connect films with diverse audiences, bringing value to the viewing experience through meaningful conversation and interaction.” – Presh Williams & Urvisha Patel, Co-Founders Overview Big Picture Film Club connects audiences with great films. Founded in 2015, we are an events, media publishing and marketing consultancy company. Our purpose is to build communities by creating conversations around films that impact the social/cultural/political aspects of society. A duo of college friends were brought together with the desire to see new stories and find characters we could identify with. Our team has grown to include a team of writers from across the world, who bring their own distinctive experiences, ideas and style to the platform. Throughout the week you’ll find content including film reviews, interviews, and articles all created in-house by our team of talented writers. We also have our own forum where like-minded film fans can unite to chat about all things film. We’ve established a number of partnerships over the years, working with distributors and brands of all sizes. We curate programmes and promote films by working with filmmakers and distributors along with theatre and cinema chains, creating experiences around film through exhibitions and media content. We currently have a nationwide partnership with Odeon Cinemas, curating screenings for their We Are Diverse program. Based in London with a global writing team speaking to multiple audiences, we believe films speak to us all no matter the genre or language. We want to make movies matter. Vision & Mission We want to build communities around films that go beyond the screen, that are insightful and compelling because we believe films have the power to transform perspectives and reach audiences in an emotional way. Big Picture Film Club supports democracy in its entirety including diversity, equality, equity, and inclusion. We firmly condemn all forms of prejudice: racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, religious intolerance, and all forms of discrimination, as well as authoritarian regimes, war, and the exploitation of human and animal rights. We exist to provide space of equal value to all global majority groups and discover new film talent. Our mission is to amplify the voices and stories of the global majority through film exhibitions and experiences. Tapping into niche audiences by speaking directly to them through meaningful content, and creating synergies to ignite purposeful conversations and inspire positive change. Our Services Visit our services page to find out more information about how we can work with you to connect your film with the right audience. [PAGE] Title: Our Services - Big Picture Film Club Content: Support Big Picture Film Club © 2024 Big Picture Film Club Our site uses cookies. By continuing to use our site you are agreeing to our Cookies Policy. Accept Reject Read More Privacy & Cookies Policy Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Necessary Always Enabled Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. These cookies do not store any personal information. Non-necessary Non-necessary Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. [PAGE] Title: Support Big Picture Film Club - Big Picture Film Club Content: Support Big Picture Film Club © 2024 Big Picture Film Club Our site uses cookies. By continuing to use our site you are agreeing to our Cookies Policy. Accept Reject Read More Privacy & Cookies Policy Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Necessary Always Enabled Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. These cookies do not store any personal information. Non-necessary Non-necessary Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. 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Site Overview: Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Non-necessary Non-necessary Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Non-necessary Non-necessary Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Non-necessary Non-necessary Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Title: About Us - Big Picture Film Club Content: Cinnect About Us “From blockbusters to independent cinema, we connect films with diverse audiences, bringing value to the viewing experience through meaningful conversation and interaction.” – Presh Williams & Urvisha Patel, Co-Founders Overview Big Picture Film Club connects audiences with great films. We also have our own forum where like-minded film fans can unite to chat about all things film. We curate programmes and promote films by working with filmmakers and distributors along with theatre and cinema chains, creating experiences around film through exhibitions and media content. Title: Our Services - Big Picture Film Club Content: Support Big Picture Film Club © 2024 Big Picture Film Club Our site uses cookies. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Testimonials - The Litigation Group Content: "You have no doubt that they want to win the case as bad as you do." - CLIENT IN BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP DISPUTE "They're creative thinkers. They're aggressive and take command." - OPPOSING COUNSEL "They're one of those kinds of firms that you know you are in for a fight and you better bring your A-game." - LAWYER WHO OPPOSED THE FIRM IN TWO CASES Contact Info [PAGE] Title: Houston Breach of Contract Attorney | Contract Dispute Lawyer Content: Contract & Partnership Disputes Contract & Partnership Disputes When you own or operate a business, it is inevitable that disagreements will arise with vendors, customers, partners and shareholders. If a dispute cannot be resolved amicably, you want an experienced lawyer to protect your interests, one who understands your business and the effect that unresolved differences can have on your bottom line. Mahendru P.C. can assist you on a range of legal needs including: Breach of Contract – Mahendru represents either party to an oral or written contract when there are allegations of failure to perform under the terms of the agreement. Shareholder Disputes – State law in Texas imposes upon directors and officers of corporations certain fiduciary obligations toward shareholders. We represent shareholders or officers/directors in lawsuits involving allegations of breach of this fiduciary duty. Partnership Disagreements – Partnership arrangements may encounter issues where one partner accuses another partner of breaching the fiduciary duty to the partnership. The firm can represent either side in these types of disputes. Franchise/Franchisee Disputes – Our firm represents franchisees or franchisors when disagreements arise, including disputes over payments due or services to be provided. Contact us to schedule an appointment. We offer free initial consultations and flexible scheduling options. [PAGE] Title: Employment Litigation - The Litigation Group Content: Employment Litigation Employment Litigation Mahendru, P.C. has an extensive history of representing both employers and employees in litigation cases involving employment agreements, non-competition agreements, trade secret issues, severance agreements, wrongful terminations, and alleged violations of the Fair Standards Labor Act. Mahendru, P.C. has handled a large variety of employment litigation cases, including: The successful representation of two employees of an oilfield services company—an engineer and a procurement manager—who were accused by their former employer of misappropriating trade secrets. The successful representation of an IT Services company against its former consultant who “went rogue,” requiring Mahendru, P.C. to obtain a temporary restraining order to lock the employee down. The successful representation of a physician group against former physicians who were practicing in violation of their non-competes. The successful representation of a medical-services employee who was accused of working in violation of her non-compete. [PAGE] Title: Temporary Restraining Orders & Injunctions - The Litigation Group Content: Temporary Restraining Orders & Injunctions Temporary Restraining Orders & Injunctions Mahendru P.C. handles a range of matters affecting individuals and businesses, including issues involving trade secrets and non-compete agreements. We work closely with our clients to determine the best way to protect their confidential and proprietary information. Confidential information, including customer lists, formulas, and methods of doing business, can be critical to a business’s ability to stay competitive in the market. One of the most effective and least expensive ways to protect proprietary information is by designating it as a trade secret and protecting it through non-compete and non-disclosure agreements. Our attorneys can assist you with setting up preventative measures that will secure your trade secrets and confidential information. Some of our cases include: Sued a major hospital system for poaching physicians from a well-established, integrated medical group practice for theft of trade secrets Successfully represented a General Counsel in a fortune 500 company accused of taking company confidential information Successfully represented physician group to prevent competing physicians from stealing patients, equipment, staff, and office space in direct violation of their non-compete agreements Our firm deftly handles cases where there has been a theft of trade secrets or a disclosure of the company’s confidential and proprietary information. In these cases, we work with our clients to quickly seek injunctions to prevent the disclosure of trade secrets and other confidential and proprietary information belonging to a company. If a competitor or any other entity tries to profit off of your intellectual property, our seasoned litigators can use the state, federal, and international civil courts to mitigate the damage. Among the tools that we use to protect our clients’ proprietary information are: Non-disclosure agreements [PAGE] Title: News - The Litigation Group Content: [PAGE] Title: Houston Business Litigation Attorney | Commercial Litigation Content: Business and Commercial Litigation Business and Commercial Litigation Mahendru P.C.’s business and commercial litigation practice provides skilled representation for a variety of legal disputes, from simple to complex commercial litigation issues. We provide the trusted legal insight, industry knowledge, courtroom experience and practical business sense our clients need in matters that are most critical to their business and professional reputation. We seek to settle a dispute in your favor, but we are just as prepared to go to court for you if necessary. We don’t give up. Although adept at handling any business or commercial litigation case, Mahendru, P.C. has established a specialized niche in representing shareholders, partners, and other equity holders in litigation over closely-held companies.   A few of these cases have included: The representation of minority shareholders in a compounding pharmacy who alleged that the majority members were taking disguised and unauthorized distributions in an effort to squeeze-out the minority members.  Mahendru, P.C. obtained a settlement for the minority shareholders well in excess of $1 million. The representation of the majority shareholders in a suit against a minority shareholder accused of funneling company funds (and the majority shareholder’s investment) to his other companies.  The court awarded Mahendru, P.C.’s clients summary judgment for $1.3 million. The representation of a partner in an oil and gas venture who was defrauded into investing $500,000 into a fail mineral interest.  The court awarded Mahendru, P.C.’s client summary judgment in excess of $500,000 after only eight months of litigation. Our firm represents individuals and corporate clients throughout the greater Houston area, and our client-centered approach means we will work hard to safeguard your rights and protect your best interests. Mahendru P.C. provides business and commercial litigation representation in the following areas: Construction – Construction projects large and small may encounter a number of legal issues, and since these projects generally represent a major investment, problems can mean serious financial risk. When a construction dispute arises, all parties with a stake in the project’s successful completion can find themselves exposed to unforeseen risks. Contract & Partnership Disputes – Business owners most likely will encounter disputes or disagreements with vendors, customers, partners or shareholders. When a dispute cannot be settled amicably, you need an experienced lawyer who can protect your business interests. Read more about contract and partnership disputes here. Employment – Having knowledgeable legal representation from a business lawyer can make all the difference when an employment dispute arises. Our attorneys represent firms and employees in a range of legal matters, including employment discrimination, sexual harassment, wage claims and complex employment cases. Real Estate – Whether you are a buyer, seller, contractor, or a real estate investor, it is essential that you understand the legal obligations and protections that affect your transactions. We represent individual investors and businesses in all legal matters related to commercial and residential property, offering experienced real estate legal services for both plaintiffs and defendants as well as arbitration services. Securities – Stakeholders and companies have come to rely on our seasoned lawyers for sound representation in cases concerning securities fraud, corporate takeovers, derivative litigation, shareholder disputes, fiduciary duty claims and more. These types of legal matters have the potential to make or break a company or an investor. Securing representation from a knowledgeable corporate lawyer should be part of any good business plan. Trade Secrets – Protecting your business’s intellectual property is an essential security measure, but it is equally important to have a law firm on your side that is able to legally pursue any violators. Read more about trade secrets and non-competes here. Oil & Gas – There are a number of legal concerns that can threaten the profitability of oil and gas companies, including mineral rights disputes, surface lease disputes, contract disputes, property damage claims, compliance with regulations, royalty payments and more. If your business is involved in an oil & gas dispute, you need an attorney who has experience representing clients in this industry. Contact us to schedule an appointment. We offer free initial consultations and flexible scheduling options to oil and gas companies throughout the Houston area. [PAGE] Title: Sitemap - The Litigation Group Content: [PAGE] Title: Amit Misra, Of Counsel - The Litigation Group Content: Phone: 713-571-1519 Fax: 713-651-0776Email: [email protected] Amit Misra Of Counsel Amit Misra, who is Board Certified in Labor and Employment law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, has worked with clients of all sizes, from businesses that are closely-held and family-owned to those in the Fortune 500. He has served as inside counsel for a major energy company, advising a human resources department responsible for more than 4,000 employees and union-represented refinery workers. Mr. Misra also has been hired as outside counsel while working with a national boutique firm, a mid-sized regional firm, and now with his own firm. Mr. Misra advises businesses on all aspects of the employment relationship, including: Counseling with respect to human resources management and labor relations Development of policies and procedures regarding recruitment and hiring Preparation of employment contracts Preparation of employee handbooks and other employment policies Investigation of harassment complaints Preparation of severance plans related to group termination programs Interpretation of collective bargaining agreements Responding to union local requests for information Responding to employee grievances [PAGE] Title: Ashish Mahendru​ - The Litigation Group Content: Phone: 713-571-1519 Fax: 713-651-0776Email: [email protected] Ashish Mahendru Founding Partner Ashish Mahendru has successfully handled a broad range of cases in state and federal courts, including business and commercial disputes and energy, construction, employment, securities, trade secrets and real estate cases. He seeks efficient and effective outcomes for his clients. He is known for obtaining remarkable results early on in cases, especially for clients needing temporary injunctions and restraining orders. He has been praised by other lawyers as knowing the courthouse as well as anyone and he’s heard complaints from opposing lawyers who say he treats every client like it’s his only client, which can wear down his opponents. A client put it well when he said: “You have no doubt that Ashish wants to win the case as bad as you do.” Mr. Mahendru represents individual litigants, class action litigants and corporate litigants, and he has the distinct perspective of representing both sides of the docket – plaintiffs and defendants. As a businessman and entrepreneur, he understands that legal disputes can threaten your business and reputation and he will work relentlessly to protect both. Mr. Mahendru also has first chair jury trial experience in Texas State District Courts, where he has obtained effective verdicts for his clients. He has been honored to receive several Guardian Ad Litem and Attorney Ad Litem appointments from Harris County District Courts, and he is admitted to and practices in good standing in state courts in Texas and Massachusetts. In 2008, Mr. Mahendru was a candidate for judge of the 334th State District Court. [PAGE] Title: Mahendru P.C.: The Litigation Group Content: "They're creative thinkers. They're aggressive and take command." - OPPOSING COUNSEL "You have no doubt that they want to win the case as bad as you do." - CLIENT IN BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP DISPUTE "They're one of those kinds of firms that you know you are in for a fight and you better bring your A-game." - LAWYER WHO OPPOSED THE FIRM IN TWO CASES "Ashish can wear the other side down better than just about anybody." - ATTORNEY WHO WAS OPPOSING COUNSEL "You hire them because they won't let go." - LAWYER WHO HAS BEEN BOTH OPPOSING COUNSEL AND CO-COUNSEL Previous [PAGE] Title: Darren A. Braun - The Litigation Group Content: Phone: 713-571-1519 Fax: 713-651-0776Email: [email protected] Darren A. Braun Attorney Darren Braun, an experienced and dedicated trial attorney, represents plaintiffs and defendants in complex, commercial litigation in both state and federal courts. Mr. Braun has successfully litigated partnership and shareholder disputes, bet-the-company trade secret fights, non-competes, and has successfully obtained and defended countless temporary restraining orders and temporary injunctions. He has been honored as a Texas Rising Star by Super Lawyers since 2018. Texas Rising Stars honorees are selected based on nominations by other Texas attorneys. To be eligible, lawyers must be 40 years old or younger or in practice for 10 years or less. Less than 2.5 percent of Texas attorneys are chosen for this honor. While in law school, Mr. Braun worked several semesters in the University of Houston Law Center Civil Clinic, representing indigent clients in family, probate and bankruptcy law matters. This hands-on experience in representing people who have limited access to the justice system had a lasting impression on him, one that helps him realistically advise clients on all of the costs of litigation on individuals and businesses. Knowing when and how to fight the litigation battle is an important asset that Mr. Braun brings to the table in his representation of clients. Mr. Braun graduated magna cum laude in 2013 from the University of Houston Law Center and was in the top four percent of his class. He was the vice president of the Federalist Society, a member of South Asian Law Students Association, and is a member of the Phi Delta Phi Honor Society. In 2008, he received his undergraduate degree from Penn State University. Before law school he worked in law enforcement in Washington, D.C. [PAGE] Title: Contact - The Litigation Group Content: [PAGE] Title: Houston Non-Compete Lawyer | Non-Compete Agreement Attorney Content: Trade Secrets and Non-Compete Agreements Trade Secrets and Non-Compete Agreements Mahendru P.C. handles a range of matters affecting individuals and businesses, including issues involving trade secrets and non-compete agreements. We work closely with our clients to determine the best way to protect their confidential and proprietary information. Confidential information, including customer lists, formulas, and methods of doing business, can be critical to a business’s ability to stay competitive in the market. One of the most effective and least expensive ways to protect proprietary information is by designating it as a trade secret and protecting it through non-compete and non-disclosure agreements. Our attorneys can assist you with setting up preventative measures that will secure your trade secrets and confidential information. Some of our cases include: Sued a major hospital system for poaching physicians from a well-established, integrated medical group practice for theft of trade secrets Successfully represented a General Counsel in a fortune 500 company accused of taking company confidential information Successfully represented physician group to prevent competing physicians from stealing patients, equipment, staff, and office space in direct violation of their non-compete agreements Our firm deftly handles cases where there has been a theft of trade secrets or a disclosure of the company’s confidential and proprietary information. In these cases, we work with our clients to quickly seek injunctions to prevent the disclosure of trade secrets and other confidential and proprietary information belonging to a company. If a competitor or any other entity tries to profit off of your intellectual property, our seasoned litigators can use the state, federal, and international civil courts to mitigate the damage. Among the tools that we use to protect our clients’ proprietary information are: Non-disclosure agreements [PAGE] Title: Disclaimer - The Litigation Group Content: Contact Disclaimer The pages within this website are provided by Mahendru P.C. as a service to the public. As legal advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case, nothing provided herein should be used as a substitute for the advice of counsel. The materials in this website do not constitute legal advice and are not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up to date. You should not act or rely on any information in this website. Mahendru P.C. assumes no liability for the use or interpretation of information contained herein. This publication is provided “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. Contact Info [PAGE] Title: Overview - The Litigation Group Content: Contact Overview Mahendru P.C. is a boutique commercial litigation firm whose attorneys are known for their tenacity, intelligence, and experience. Founded in 2001, the firm has a simple philosophy: Your problem is our problem. We adopt it, understand it, and solve it. Our objective is to resolve every case in the best, fastest, and most cost-efficient manner possible. The Mahendru Way Our opponents will tell you our law firm approaches each case like it is our only case. We never wait for opposing counsel to make the next move. We are aggressive, vigilant, and we have earned our reputation by putting in the hours at the courthouse. Our experience in civil litigation and our ability to develop savvy legal strategies helps set us apart, but it’s our dedication to our client’s best interests – in and out of the courtroom – that really makes the difference. The businesses and individuals we represent will tell you we give everything we have to achieve the best possible outcome, because our clients are our top priority. We dedicate ourselves to open, transparent, and honest assessments of our clients, as well as potential clients, and their business litigation matters. That is because we understand that our approach may not be the right fit for everyone, and if we determine we are not the right choice for you, we will let you know during the initial meeting. Honors & Awards [PAGE] Title: Attorneys - The Litigation Group Content: [PAGE] Title: High Stakes Commercial Contingency Cases - The Litigation Group Content: High Stakes Commercial Contingency Cases High Stakes Commercial Contingency Cases Mahendru P.C.’s philosophy in litigating complex disputes is to get to the heart of the matter as quickly as possible without spending inordinate resources on discovery. Creative lawyering doesn’t always mean finding answers through exhaustive discovery from the other side. It does require having a thorough understanding of the client’s business that is gained by interviewing the client’s key witnesses. An entrepreneur and businessman, firm founder Ashish Mahendru understands that getting an attorney involved early in a dispute – particularly a high-stakes commercial contingency case – to formulate a business solution may avert costly litigation. Our firm understands how legal disputes can affect your bottom line and we work hard to identify and implement strategies that protect your business interests every step of the way. Mahendru P.C.’s successful courtroom experience is central to their clients’ success. Victories include: Obtained a temporary injunction against St. Luke’s Sugar Land on behalf of his clients, a group of physicians. Represented a buyer of a business who made the purchase based on fraudulent representations about the business’s largest customer. Won a lawsuit dismissal for Australian companies who were sued for breach of contract involving a joint venture agreement. Represented one of the largest convenience store trade associations in Texas against Tara Energy, a retail electric provider based in Houston. In contingency cases, your risk is our risk. Our interests are aligned with yours and we will relentlessly pursue a successful outcome at the lowest possible cost to our client. We also will undertake representation of clients on reverse contingency basis where our fee is based on our ability to limit the client’s exposure. Contact us to schedule a free initial consultation. [PAGE] Title: Practice Areas - The Litigation Group Content: High Stakes Commercial Contingency Cases Contract & Partnership Disputes
government, defense & legal
law practice
Title: Testimonials - The Litigation Group Content: "You have no doubt that they want to win the case as bad as you do." If a dispute cannot be resolved amicably, you want an experienced lawyer to protect your interests, one who understands your business and the effect that unresolved differences can have on your bottom line. Title: Employment Litigation - The Litigation Group Content: Employment Litigation Employment Litigation Mahendru, P.C. In these cases, we work with our clients to quickly seek injunctions to prevent the disclosure of trade secrets and other confidential and proprietary information belonging to a company. Title: Houston Business Litigation Attorney | Commercial Litigation Content: Business and Commercial Litigation Business and Commercial Litigation Mahendru P.C.’s business and commercial litigation practice provides skilled representation for a variety of legal disputes, from simple to complex commercial litigation issues. When a dispute cannot be settled amicably, you need an experienced lawyer who can protect your business interests. These types of legal matters have the potential to make or break a company or an investor. Trade Secrets – Protecting your business’s intellectual property is an essential security measure, but it is equally important to have a law firm on your side that is able to legally pursue any violators. If your business is involved in an oil & gas dispute, you need an attorney who has experience representing clients in this industry. Title: Ashish Mahendru​ - The Litigation Group Content: Phone: 713-571-1519 Fax: 713-651-0776Email: [email protected] Ashish Mahendru Founding Partner Ashish Mahendru has successfully handled a broad range of cases in state and federal courts, including business and commercial disputes and energy, construction, employment, securities, trade secrets and real estate cases. He has been praised by other lawyers as knowing the courthouse as well as anyone and he’s heard complaints from opposing lawyers who say he treats every client like it’s his only client, which can wear down his opponents. As a businessman and entrepreneur, he understands that legal disputes can threaten your business and reputation and he will work relentlessly to protect both. Mr. Mahendru also has first chair jury trial experience in Texas State District Courts, where he has obtained effective verdicts for his clients. Title: Contact - The Litigation Group Content: In these cases, we work with our clients to quickly seek injunctions to prevent the disclosure of trade secrets and other confidential and proprietary information belonging to a company. Title: Overview - The Litigation Group Content: Contact Overview Mahendru P.C. The Mahendru Way Our opponents will tell you our law firm approaches each case like it is our only case. That is because we understand that our approach may not be the right fit for everyone, and if we determine we are not the right choice for you, we will let you know during the initial meeting. Title: Attorneys - The Litigation Group Content: Title: Practice Areas - The Litigation Group Content: High Stakes Commercial Contingency Cases Contract & Partnership Disputes
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Contact Form Content: Located in the Hannaford Plaza in Scarborough, Maine (207) 396-6603 [PAGE] Title: What's New In Optometry? Content: Home » What’s New What’s New Keep up-to-date on the latest vision-related news and eye care events in our Practice. The items are displayed by year and month. To view older entries use the links in the box below to select the year and month you would like. Seacoast Vision Care is Celebrating its 10 Year Anniversary! May 05, 2022 Seacoast Vision Care is Celebrating its 10 Year Anniversary! Dr. Nathan Corbell and his wife, Ruth, opened the Seacoast Vision Care in May 2012, and we have been proud to serve patients from across Maine. We appreciate our amazing patients who have supported our practice these last 10 years.   We... Welcome Dr. Michelle Blew! May 02, 2022 Seacoast Vision Care is excited to welcome Dr. Michelle Blew! Michelle Blew, O.D. will be seeing patients of all ages at Seacoast Vision Care.  Dr. Blew grew up in the mid-west and graduated cum laude with a Doctorate of Optometry degree from the Illinois College of Optometry in Chicago.  Most recently,... COVID-19 Office Updates May 09, 2020 **Updated April 1, 2022** Our top priority since reopening our office in May 2020 to routine care is the safety of our staff and patients.  Please know that we have followed every recommendation and regulation given to us by the federal and state government, and we are confident in providing the... Your Eyes Are the Windows to Your Health Dec 22, 2019 Your eyes aren't just the windows to your soul — they can also reveal valuable information about your general health beyond whether you need glasses, including: diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. It is not unusual for people to come in for an eye exam just to check their eyesight... How Smoking Impacts Vision Dec 11, 2019 Smoking harms nearly every system in your body — including your eyes.  Though we are all aware of the health effects associated with smoking, such as lung cancer, heart disease, and bad teeth, few know about the negative impact it can have on our vision.  Smoking and Eye Disease  Smoking,... Here’s Why Hydrogen Peroxide is an Excellent Contact Lens Solution Nov 26, 2019 Once you and your doctor have decided on the type of contact lenses you'll need, it's time to choose the most suitable contact lens solution for your eyes and contacts. There exist 2 different types of solution for contact lenses: Multipurpose and Hydrogen Peroxide-based. While both remove debris and build-up,... Smart Hygiene Habits to Care for Your Contact Lenses Nov 04, 2019 Swimming in a pool with your contacts on or topping off your solution may seem harmless, but they could compromise your contact lenses and your vision. Below are daily habits to adopt for optimal contact lens care: Wash Your Hands Regularly Whether you use daily or monthly contact lenses, make... How to Keep Glasses from Getting Foggy Oct 23, 2019 Whether you live in a cold climate or have visited one in the winter, you have probably seen someone who just walked in from the cold outdoors sporting glasses that are no longer transparent, or perhaps you’ve experienced it yourself. Why Do Glasses Fog Up? There are several factors that... 12 Tips for Optimal Eye Health Oct 03, 2019 Good Eye Care Habits & Hygiene By practicing good eye care habits and hygiene, you can prevent many vision problems from occurring. Eye problems and the risks associated with vision loss only grow as you age. By neglecting eye care, you place yourself at a higher risk of suffering from... Wearing Colored Contact Lenses This Halloween? Beware and Take Care! Sep 24, 2019 Countless adults, teens and even children will be wearing colored contact lenses this Halloween, but few are aware of the risks involved. Ever wondered what those cat-eye contacts are doing to your eyes? If you got them without a prescription, beware of health complications. Enjoy a safe and happy Halloween... Sports-Related Eye Injuries Sep 16, 2019 September Is Sports Eye Safety Month! Ocular sports trauma is among the leading causes of permanent vision loss in North America. Tens of thousands of people get treated for sports-related eye injuries a year, with the most common injuries occurring during water sports and basketball. Infections, corneal abrasions, eye socket... Summer Heat Wave and Your Eyes Aug 29, 2019 This summer, heat waves with scorching temperatures have hit communities nationwide, making an already hot summer even hotter. With high temps and heat waves in certain areas, it’s now more important than ever to protect yourself. For best practices and tips for maintaining healthy vision in the summer heat, talk... Welcome Dr. Meghan Cortez! Aug 28, 2019 Please help us welcome Dr. Meghan Cortez to Seacoast Vision Care. We are so pleased to announce that we have added another Optometrist to our team.  Read more...... UV Safety Awareness Month Jul 22, 2019 July is UV Safety Awareness Month, and no wonder! With the summer sun out in full force, it’s now more important than ever to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays. During this month, people who have suffered from UV ray damage and their loved ones are encouraged to share... Top 4 Eyecare Tips for Summer Vacation Jun 27, 2019 This summer, whether you’re headed across state lines on a family road trip, flying off to Europe, grabbing a quick weekend getaway, or taking a vacation in your own backyard, don’t forget to protect your eyes! Check out our top 4 tips for ensuring healthy eyes this summer, and remember,... Cataract Awareness Month Jun 11, 2019 June is Cataract Awareness Month. During this important time, people living with cataracts (and their loved ones) are encouraged to talk about their personal experiences by giving each other helpful information and sharing their knowledge and advice. Use the hashtag #CataractAwarenessMonth on your social media channels to encourage and support... Help! My Child Doesn’t Want to Wear Glasses! May 22, 2019 Do your kids need glasses in order to see clearly? Maybe they have a strong case of nearsightedness, perhaps they have astigmatism, or another type of refractive error. Whatever the cause, getting your kids to wear eyeglasses can be a parenting challenge. Dr. Nathan Corbell  treats patients from all over... Mental Health and Your Vision May 08, 2019 May is Mental Health Awareness Month in the USA; in Canada, Mental Health week is May 6th to 12th. Since 1949, it has been observed throughout the United States as a way of drawing attention to the importance of proper mental health. This year’s theme is #4Mind4Body. The idea is... Parkinson’s Awareness Month and Your Vision Apr 16, 2019 Eye Care Center near me April is Parkinson's Awareness Month in the USA and Canada, a time when those living with the disorder, their family members, friends, and community come together to raise awareness and share helpful information. People with Parkinson's Disease (PD) and their loved ones are encouraged to... Top 5 Tips for Managing Eye Allergies This Spring Mar 19, 2019 Eye allergy relief near you Spring is a season of new beginnings, when the cold harsh winter months are behind us, flowers bloom, and people begin spending more time outdoors. For people with allergies, spring means one more thing: suffering. Spring may be in the air, but for allergy sufferers,... Women’s Health and Your Vision Mar 07, 2019 March 8th is International Women's Day, a day when women are honored and their accomplishments celebrated worldwide. From medicine to law, entrepreneurship to corporate leadership, education to the military, women are achieving great strides in areas of business like never before. In addition to professional achievements, International Women's Day is... What’s in Your Household Cleaning Supplies? Feb 24, 2019 Most of us have the basics: bleach, oven cleaner, air freshener, furniture polish, and window spray. Did you know that chemicals found in these kinds of cleaning products can be toxic and harmful to your health? In small amounts, they generally don’t cause much damage. But when used on a... School and Vision: 2 Important Partners Feb 07, 2019 It’s February and that means we’re smack in the middle of winter, which is also the middle of the school year. It’s the season when kids fervently hope for snow days and parents hope they don’t happen. As we head towards the second half of the school year, you’ve probably... What You Need to Know About Glaucoma – The Sneak Thief of Sight Jan 28, 2019 January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month. What is Glaucoma? Glaucoma, a silent eye disease, is the most common form of irreversible blindness in the world. It is actually a group of diseases that causes progressive damage to the optic nerve.  Glaucoma is a progressive eye disease that can lead to... World Braille Day 2019 Jan 17, 2019 Each year during the month of January we recognize World Braille Day which gives us the opportunity to take a moment and appreciate the incredible gift that Braille has given to those who are blind or suffer from vision loss.  What is Braille? Braille is a tactile representation of letters... Are Nerf Guns a Dangerous Holiday Present? Dec 19, 2018 Nerf Guns: Popular, Projectile... Safe? With the newest Nerf guns and blasters reigning at the top of lists for the most popular toys this holiday season, many parents are excited to surprise their kids (or their spouses) with these coveted toy weapons. There is, in fact a whole culture behind these... 8 Tips to Relieve Winter Dry Eyes Nov 29, 2018 Whether you live in a climate with cold winter weather or you are planning a ski trip up north, winter can be a challenge if you suffer from dry eyes. Dry, cool air, cold winds and even drier indoor heating can cause eye irritation, burning, itchiness and redness, and sometimes... Diabetes and Your Eyes Nov 12, 2018 Diabetes is becoming much more prevalent around the globe. According to the International Diabetes Federation, approximately 425 million adults were living with diabetes in the year 2017 and 352 million more people were at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. By 2045 the number of people diagnosed is expected to... Have an Eye Safe Halloween Oct 24, 2018 Brush Up Before You Dress Up Halloween is one of the most fun times of the year for children and adults alike. When else do you get to dress up as anyone (or anything) you want, socialize with friends and eat lots of treats? Nevertheless, lurking behind those costumes and... Exercise and Your Eye Health Oct 08, 2018 Regular exercise is an essential component of overall health and wellness. It is proven that exercise reduces sickness and disease; it increases strength, immunity, and mental health; and it also helps regulate bodily functions and maintain a healthy weight. Research shows that exercise can lower our risk of chronic conditions... Is Too Much Screen Time Dangerous For Your Kids? Sep 17, 2018 Screen Time Pros and Cons Whether it is homework, email, gaming, chatting with friends, searching the web or watching Youtube, kids these days seem to have an endless number of reasons to be glued to a screen. Many parents out there are wondering how bad this can be for their... Healthy Aging for the Eyes Sep 13, 2018 Getting old doesn’t have to be synonymous with vision loss. There is a lot you can do to keep your eyes and vision healthy and prevent age related eye disease and vision loss, especially if you start early. Keeping your eyes healthy and strong may require some lifestyle changes, but... Progressive Myopia: When Your Child’s Vision Keeps Getting Worse Aug 30, 2018 What Is Progressive Myopia? Nearsightedness or myopia is one of the most prevalent eye disorders worldwide and its incidence is increasing. In fact by 2050, myopia is projected to affect half of the world’s population! Many children diagnosed with nearsightedness (myopia) experience a consistent worsening of their vision as they... The Dangers of An Online Eye Test Aug 09, 2018 An online eye test may seem like a convenient way to check your vision or get an eyeglass prescription but beware, these tests aren’t all they are chocked up to be. In fact, they may even be dangerous.  What is an online eye test really testing?  An online eye test... Signs That Your Child Has a Vision Problem Jul 26, 2018 Healthy eyes and good vision are essential for your child’s growth and development. In fact, learning is 80% visual, which means a child’s success in school, athletics and many other aspects of life can be impacted by poor vision. Good vision goes beyond how far you can see, and also... Eye Dangers in the Dorm – Eye Health for College Students Jul 16, 2018 It’s almost back to school time for college students and whether this is your first time away from home or you are already a pro, you want to be prepared with as much knowledge as possible to live safely on your own. This knowledge includes eye and vision safety, as... Why You Shouldn’t Rub Your Eyes Jun 25, 2018 While it may seem like a harmless action, rubbing your eyes can actually cause a lot of damage. There are a number of different reasons that people rub their eyes and for the most part, it does more harm than good. While rubbing your eyes might feel really good in... Ocular Migraines Jun 18, 2018 Migraine Awareness Month: An ocular migraine is any migraine headache that involves a visual disturbance such as flashes of light, seeing stars or zigzags or the appearance of blind spots in the visual field. Ocular migraines can interfere with your ability to go about your daily tasks such as driving,... How-to Guide for Buying Sunglasses May 30, 2018 Sure, sunglasses might add the final touches to your chic ensemble, but the real reason to purchase your shades is to protect your eyes from the sun. Not only does glare from the sun make it difficult to see, but the UV rays it reflects can cause permanent damage to... Sports Vision Deconstructed May 10, 2018 Vision is a critical component to succeed as an athlete and this doesn’t just mean having 20/20 vision. There are a number of visual processes that are involved in optimal sports performance, whether you are playing a weekly little league game or competing in professional sports.   The eyes and the... 7 Eye Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore Apr 25, 2018 While we all know that regular eye exams can help detect warning signs of disease and prevent vision loss, many people fail to seek medical attention when there is an acute problem with the eye. In fact, only about half of Americans that are at risk for serious vision loss... Women’s Eye Health – 7 Tips for Optimal Vision for Life Apr 16, 2018 April is Women’s Eye Health Month in the USA and May is Healthy Vision month in Canada too, so let’s take the opportunity to look at some tips for maintaining eye and vision health, with a special focus on women.  Statistically, women are more at risk than men for eye... Ultraviolet Light and your Eyes Mar 27, 2018 If you want strong, healthy eyes and clear vision for life, a major step you can take is to protect your eyes from UV radiation.  Wearing proper eye protection from the sun reduces the risk of a number of eye diseases and other conditions that are caused or worsened by... Should I Be Concerned When My Eyelid Twitches? Mar 12, 2018 We all experience the occasional eyelid twitch, which is when the muscle of the eyelid spasms involuntarily. Usually, it comes and goes without intervention and while sure, it can be irritating, is a twitching eyelid ever something to be concerned about? An eyelid twitch, also known as a myokymia, can... Signs of Eye and Vision Problems in Infants Feb 27, 2018 Infant Eyesight Despite nine months of growth in utero, babies are not born with fully developed eyes and vision - just like they can't walk or talk yet. Over the first few months of life, their visual systems continue to progress, stimulated by their surroundings. Babies will develop the ability... AMD Awareness Could Save Your Vision Feb 18, 2018 It’s that time of the year again. Each February, the optometric community bands together to create awareness about age-related macular degeneration (AMD). AMD is a leading cause of vision loss for people 50 years and older; early detection plays a key role in the outcome of the disease. That’s why... Trouble Seeing at Night? All About Night Blindness Jan 29, 2018 At this time of year when the sun sets early, many people are affected by night blindness. Night blindness or nyctalopia refers to difficulty seeing at night or in poor or dim lighting situations. It can be caused by a number of underlying conditions, sometimes completely benign and sometimes as a... The Sneak Thief of Sight Jan 10, 2018 It’s that time of year again. January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month, a time set aside each year to create awareness about this potentially devastating disease. The reason awareness about glaucoma is so important is because as its nickname, The Sneak Thief of Sight, describes, the disease often causes permanent... Don’t Let Snow Blindness Ruin Your Winter Vacation Dec 31, 2017 While most people have sunglasses high on their packing list for a tropical vacation, many people don’t consider it as much of a priority for colder climate getaways. But they should, and here’s why: Wintertime vacations often include activities that involve snow and ice and in general, conditions that can... 6 Crazy Holiday Eye Injuries to Avoid Dec 24, 2017 As the season to deck the halls arrives, make sure that you aren’t one of the many people who find themselves celebrating in the urgent care clinic due to an eye injury. The holidays present many opportunities for potential eye injury so it’s important to be aware and proceed with... 10 Eye Healthy Foods to Eat This Year Nov 27, 2017 The New Year is coming and many people include healthier eating and exercise in their resolutions for the year ahead. Well other than weight loss and overall health and disease-prevention, a healthy diet and regular exercise can protect your eyes and your vision. In particular, there are certain vitamins and... Women and Diabetes – World Diabetes Day Nov 13, 2017 November 14th is World Diabetes Day. This year, the theme of World Diabetes Day is women and diabetes - our right to a healthy future. The goal of this campaign is to promote awareness of the importance of equal and affordable access for all women, whether they are at risk... What You Need to Know to Help World Blindness Oct 29, 2017 October is World Blindness Awareness Month, an initiative started to help the public to understand the realities of visual impairment and how it affects the world population. Unfortunately, there are hundreds of millions of individuals around the world who are unnecessarily blind or visually impaired due to causes that are... Halloween Eye Safety Oct 15, 2017 October has arrived and that means many people are already starting to plan for upcoming costume parties and trick-or-treating for the Halloween season. This is why now is the time to remind the public about some very important precautions about eye safety since there are some common costume props and... Trouble Seeing the Fine Print? Here are Your Options… Sep 27, 2017 Every good pair of eyes eventually gets old and with age comes a condition called presbyopia. Presbyopia, which usually begins to set in some time around 40, occurs when the lens of the eye begins to stiffen, making near vision (such as reading books, menus, and computer screens) blurry. You... Aging Eyes and Driving Safety Sep 19, 2017 Even if you don’t have any eye or vision problems, the natural process of aging affects your ability to see and react to visual stimuli. It’s important to know the impact the aging can have on your eyes and vision so you can take the necessary precautions to stay safe... Is Your Teen Ready for Contacts? Aug 27, 2017 Many teens who wear glasses are eager to try out contact lenses for convenience, fashion or to just provide another option for vision correction. Inside a Life With Color Vision Deficiency Aug 13, 2017 What’s it like to be color blind? Contrary to what the name implies, color blindness usually does not actually mean that you don’t see any color, but rather that you have difficulty perceiving or distinguishing between certain colors. This is why many prefer the term color vision deficiency or CVD... How to Safely View the Great American Eclipse of 2017 Jul 26, 2017 On August 21st, for the first time since 1979, a solar eclipse will be visible across North America. What's even more historic is that it will also be the first time an eclipse will be visible across the continent, from coast to coast, since 1918. If you want to bear... Are Your Eyes Sensitive to Light? Jul 12, 2017 Light sensitivity, also known as photophobia, is a condition in which bright light - either natural sunlight or artificial light -  can cause significant discomfort, pain and intolerance. People that experience light sensitivity will find themselves needing to close their eyes or squint when exposed to light and often experience... Got a Shiner! Jun 26, 2017 What Exactly Is a Black Eye? A black eye, also known as a periorbital hematoma, is usually not an injury of the actual eye (which is why it is called “periorbital”- around the eye). It typically occurs when there is an injury to the face or the eye socket which... Cataract Awareness and Prevention Jun 19, 2017 It's National Cataract Awareness Month According to the World Health Organization, cataracts are responsible for 51% of cases of blindness worldwide - although this blindness is preventable with treatment. In fact, research shows that in industrialized countries about 50% of individuals over the age of 70 have had a cataract... Are You Ignoring Your Dry Eyes? May 28, 2017 You Don’t Have to Live With Dry Eyes Have you noticed that your eyes feel chronically dry, itchy, scratchy or even sometimes watery? Many people that have these symptoms just go on with their lives until the symptoms become unbearable. What they don’t realize is that these are signs that... Does Smoking Affect Vision? May 10, 2017 Eye Doctors Weigh In: How Smoking Can Harm Your Vision & Eye Health We all know that smoking is bad for you, especially the risks that it poses to your heart and lungs. What many people do not know is that cigarette smoke negatively affects your eyes and vision too. As... Sjogren’s Awareness Month – Understanding The Invisible Disease Apr 30, 2017 In honor of Sjogren’s Awareness month, eye care providers are helping to spread the word to increase awareness about this hard-to-diagnose disease. As our eye doctor can explain during your next eye exam, Sjogren’s is a systemic autoimmune disorder that can affect the whole body. One of the primary symptoms... April is Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month Apr 06, 2017 Hey women! Did you know that women are more likely to suffer from vision problems and are at higher risk of permanent vision loss than men? Well 91% of the women surveyed recently didn’t know that, which means that many of them aren’t taking the necessary precautions to prevent eye... The Right (and the Wrong) Way to Clean Your Glasses Mar 30, 2017 There is nothing worse than a dirty spot on your glasses - well except perhaps many dirty spots or smudges. When that happens, most of us are tempted to grab the corner of our shirt and wipe it off, but resist the temptation - this is actually not a good... It’s Time to Talk About Blue Light Mar 15, 2017 Workplace Eye Safety Month Blue light. Do you know what it is? Do you know where it comes from, or how it can be harmful to your eyes? If you don’t know the answers to these questions, you are not alone, yet it is important that you become aware to... Understanding Eye Color Feb 27, 2017 Eye color is a hereditary trait that depends on the genes of both parents, as well as a little bit of mystery. The color of the eye is based on the pigments in the iris, which is a colored ring of muscle located at the center of the eye (around... 6 Ways to Prevent Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Feb 14, 2017 Age-related macular degeneration is a serious condition that can threaten your vision and general well-being. Characterized by the deterioration of the central area of the retina called the macula which is responsible for focused vision, the disease gradually reduces your central vision. This affects the ability to see fine details,... Are You Missing Your Child’s Hidden Vision Problem? Jan 31, 2017 Your toddler may show every sign of good eyesight including the ability to see objects in the distance, however that doesn't necessarily mean that he or she doesn’t have a vision problem. “The Sneak Thief of Sight” Is On Our Minds This January Jan 16, 2017 Make your resolution for healthy vision this year with increased awareness of the leading cause of blindness worldwide. Holiday Season Shopping: Are Nerf Guns Safe for the Eyes? Dec 12, 2016 This is the one way you can be sure that you or your child’s eyes are truly safe during Nerf shooting: Dry Eye Syndrome Causes and Cures Dec 06, 2016 Despite the fact that it is one of the most common eye problems, a surprisingly large percentage of patients are not aware of it. November is Diabetes Awareness Month Nov 21, 2016 Chances are it affects you or someone you know. November has been dedicated as a time to spread awareness about the disease, its risk factors and the effects it has on your body, your daily life and the lives of your loved ones. [PAGE] Title: Optometrist near me in Scarborough | Eyeglasses and Contacts Content: Home » Eyeglasses and Contacts Eyeglasses and Contacts Our friendly staff will help you find the best fit for your specific needs and explain how different lenses and frames will impact your vision. Our staff will help you narrow down your choices so you can find the look, fit and functionality you want from your eyewear. We offer a large selection of eyeglasses, contact lenses and designer frames and sunglasses. We carry the latest European and American designer eyewear collections in a variety of styles, colors and materials including titanium, stainless steel and plastic. New clients and all our current patients are welcome to visit us with their current prescription - no appointment necessary. Check out our amazing collection of designer frames. We offer many styles, shapes and materials to satisfy the fashion taste and vision requirements of every patient. View Our Designer Brands [PAGE] Title: Patient History & Registration Forms Content: Home » Contact Us » Patient History & Registration Forms Patient History & Registration Forms Office Directions We respectfully request that you cancel appointments with 24-hour notice. We appreciate early notification of your change of plans, so that we may offer that appointment to another patient in need. We will be happy to assist you in rescheduling your appointment for another date/time. We also reserve the right to charge you a $50.00 late cancellation/No-Show charge. Search: [PAGE] Title: Optometrist near me | Contact Us at Seacoast Vision Care Content: Home » Contact Us Contact Us Contact our eye care staff to book or request an appointment by filling out one of the forms below. We look forward to hearing from you. We believe that providing quality eye care to our patients is a two-way street, so please let us know where we can make improvements or what kind of services you would like to see in the future. Your feedback is important to us. Contact Information [PAGE] Title: Emergency Eye Care near me in Scarborough | Eye Emergencies Content: Eye Emergencies Eye Emergencies Treated At Our Scarborough Location Our eye doctor in Scarborough, ME is always willing to help, should you ever experience an eye emergency. Our office provides emergency services for eye infections, eye injuries and other eye urgencies. State of the art equipment allows us to examine the front surface of the eye and also digitally scan inside the eye for infection or damage. We accommodate many eye emergencies such as: Eye infections Foreign materials stuck in the eyes Eye trauma Sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes Lost or broken contact lenses or eyeglasses Flashes of light in the vision “Floaters” in the vision Dislodged contact lenses Uncomfortable, itchy, or irritated eyes Studies have shown that an overwhelming number of emergency room visits could have been treated by an optometrist. These ranged from foreign bodies to severe eye allergies to eye infections as the most common reasons for emergency room visits. It is not always necessary to go to an emergency room for eye emergencies. Our Scarborough optometry practice is equipped to treat the majority of eye emergencies. We understand the importance of eye care when you encounter symptoms such as those listed above. These are signs that an immediate evaluation or consultation is necessary - please call us to set one up if you are experiencing an eye emergency of any kind. Red, Pink or Sore Eyes? We are ready to look after ALL of your eye care needs in one location. In addition to the services you already rely on us for such as routine eye exams, contact lenses. designer frames and eyeglasses - think of our optometrist in Scarborough, ME first for: sore, red, or itchy eyes treatment of "pink eye" and other bacterial infections removal of foreign bodies from the eye (such as wood or metal) treatment of eye allergies or burns emergency eye care This is convenient and cost effective for your whole family and you can be sure you are receiving the attention of an eye care specialist. Foreign Body Removal A foreign body is something such as an eyelash, sawdust, sand, or dirt can that gets into the eyes. The main symptom is irritation or pain. Depending on what it is and how the injury happened, the foreign body may pierce the eye and cause serious injury or it may simply go away with no long-term problem. The foreign object may set off an inflammatory cascade, resulting in dilation of the surrounding vessels and subsequent edema of the lids, conjunctiva, and cornea. If not removed, a foreign body can cause infection. If anything is stuck in your eye for more than a period of a couple of hours, you must immediately cease all attempts to remove it yourself. Keep in mind that the eyes are an extremely delicate organ and any attempts to try anything extra ordinary with them can only have negative and adverse results. If there is a foreign body in your eye, such as a piece of grit, your eye doctor may try and remove it. They will put anaesthetic eye drops in your eye first, in order to numb it and prevent any pain. If the foreign body is easy to get to, it may be possible to remove it by simply rinsing your eye with water, or by wiping it away with a cotton wool bud or triangle of card. However, if this is unsuccessful, your eye doctor may try and remove the foreign body by lifting it out with the tip of a small metal instrument. The foreign body could be stuck underneath your upper eyelid, especially if you can feel something there, or you have scratches or grazes (abrasions) on the top half of the transparent outer layer of your eye (cornea). If this is the case, it may be necessary to gently turn your eyelid inside out in order to remove the foreign body. Once the anaesthetic eye drops have worn off, your eye may feel a bit uncomfortable until your abrasion heals. Whatever is happening with your eyes or if you suffer or even suspect that a foreign body has penetrated the outer eye layer better go without delay to the nearest treatment center. Doing nothing can lead to loss of vision, premature cataracts and damage to the retina so do not take any chances, delay is dangerous. Source: Removing a Foreign Body from Your Eye, article by All rights reserved. Reproduction other than for one-time personal use is strictly prohibited. Search: [PAGE] Title: Eye Exams, Contact Lens Fittings, LASIK, Dry Eye Content: Home » Eye Care Services Eye Care Services We are confident that we can provide the eye care you need. Below you'll find a list of some of the key eye care services that our optometric practice offers. Thorough Eye Exams are just the beginning… Comprehensive eye exams for adults and children, co-management of laser vision correction surgery, caring for eye emergencies and so much more. The optometrist in our Practice provides comprehensive eye care to patients of all ages including treatment for a range of conditions including glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, dry eye, cataracts and macular degeneration. [PAGE] Title: Welcome to Seacoast Vision Care Content: Contact Us Welcome to Seacoast Vision Care Exceptional Eye Care with Distinctive Eyewear is more than just a slogan. It’s the foundation for Seacoast Vision Care. We never lose sight that we’re not just treating your vision, we’re treating you. Getting the right prescription for your eyeglasses or contact lenses is an important part of good eye care. However, we believe that seeing clearly is just one part of your overall eye care. Our optometrists and eye care staff are here to care for all of your vision needs. We also handle everything from dry eye, eye disease, adult and children’s eye exams and hard-to-fit contact lenses, to eye emergencies and treatment of eye diseases. Nathan Corbell Ph.D., O.D. Dr. Nathan Corbell is an optometrist at Seacoast Vision Care in Scarborough, ME. He was born and raised in Little Rock, Arkansas where he attended Catholic High School for Boys. In 1990, he graduated Magna Cum Laude from Centenary College of Louisiana with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. In 1999,... Michelle Blew O.D. Dr. Michelle Blew is an optometrist at Seacoast Vision Care in Scarborough, ME and sees patients of all ages.  She grew up in the midwest and graduated from the University of Iowa with a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies and a minor in Psychology.  In 2010, she graduated cum... Our Patients Say it Best 5 Outstanding experience I have had an outstanding experience at Seacoast Vision. Dr. Corbell and his office staff are all friendly and knowledgeable. I fully understand my therapy goals and progress because he helps me by explaining what  is needed, why it is needed and how I can expedite my recovery.... - Vision Therapy and Concussion Rehabilitation Patient [PAGE] Title: Insurance Content: Home » Insurance Insurance Because we provide both medical and routine eye care, we accept a number of insurance plans to help cover the cost depending on your individual needs. It's important to note, vision plans are not the same as medical health insurance. Standard medical health insurance plans protect you against financial losses due to unexpected eye injuries or disease. Vision plans, on the other hand, consist of  wellness benefits designed to provide routine eye care, prescription eyewear and other vision-related services at a reduced cost. Plans We Accept: Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Cross Blue Shield Community Health Options WellCare We DO NOT accept VSP, Cigna Vision, Spectera Vision, FEP Blue Vision, or Davis Vision.  We are considered out of network with these plans and we do not have any ability to bill or estimate what coverage your plan may carry.  If you have one of these plans, you would need to submit for reimbursement and provide a paid receipt of the services or goods provided by our office. EyeMed, Blue View Vision, Aetna Vision, and Premier Eye Care are vision plans only.  These will only cover the cost of a comprehensive eye exam, with no medical finding, frames, lenses, and/or contact lenses.  Eligibility varies by plan.  We will provide an estimate of coverage at the time of your appointment or purchase, however, final determination of coverage is provided by your vision plan once a claim has been submitted. Insurance is not guarantee of payment. Please be advised that if you are using insurance coverage for your visit, this is a contract between you and your insurance company and not our office. If your insurance company has not reimbursed our office in full within 60 days of the claim, you will be billed for the balance. If the insurance company then sends a check after you have paid in full, we will send the check directly to you. Our office also accepts Care Credit and most HSA/FSA plans.  We are able, in most instances, to process these on your behalf and provide you with the necessary documentation to provide to your HSA/FSA plan.  For more information on Care Credit, click the link below. If you do not see your plan listed here, please give us a call and we would be happy to assist you. Our staff is also always available to answer any questions regarding your benefits. CareCredit As a service to our patients, we are pleased to offer the CareCredit card, the nation's leading patient payment program. CareCredit lets you begin your procedure immediately—then pay for it over time with low monthly payments that are easy to fit into your monthly budget. Search: [PAGE] Title: Our Scarborough Eye Doctor Is A Member Of Many Optometric Associations Content: Located in the Hannaford Plaza in Scarborough, Maine (207) 396-6603 [PAGE] Title: The Best Eye Doctor Near Me In Scarborough, ME Content: Home » Our Eye Care Clinic » Read Our Patient Reviews Read Our Patient Reviews [PAGE] Title: Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Content: Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Program at Seacoast Vision Care At Seacoast Vision Care, we provide neuro-optometric rehabilitation for patients who have visual deficits as a result of traumatic brain injuries, such as a concussion or a stroke. Neuro-optometry uses vision therapy techniques, therapeutic prisms, lenses, and/or filters in order to retrain the eyes after traumatic brain injuries. Dr. Nathan Corbell is a neuro-optometrist and member of the Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association. Our office does not provide vision therapy or neuro-ophthalmology care. Our providers are able to evaluate and refer for any visual conditions that may benefit from vision therapy or neuro-ophthalmology care. Neuro-optometry vs. Neuro-ophthalmology: What’s the difference? Neuro-ophthalmology is a subspeciality of ophthalmology and neurology which can diagnose and treat problems affecting vision which does not come from the eyes themselves. Neuro-optometry is a specialty of optometry which uses therapeutic techniques and lens options to correct vision problems relating to traumatic brain injuries or conditions. Neuro-optometry vs. Vision Therapy: What’s the difference? Vision therapy is a therapeutic treatment process for those who experience visual problems such as crossed eyes, lazy eyes, double vision, reading problems, or convergence insufficiency. Vision therapy can build on the treatment plan from a neuro-optometrist who will utilize therapeutic lenses, prisms, filters, and occlusion to retrain the eyes to function properly. What visual symptoms can be treated by Neuro-Optometry? Neuro-optometry can treat vision symptoms as a result of a concussion or stroke. Visual symptoms can include: A loss or reduction of peripheral vision Difficulty with reading or with eye movement We can evaluate vision symptoms relating to learn disabilities, Lyme disease, unexplained balance issues, or reading difficulty. Our scheduling process: Neuro-optometry patients are scheduled with Dr. Corbell after a referral has been received and reviewed by our staff. The referral should contain information regarding the need for neuro-optometric rehabilitation, as well as demographic, insurance, and medical history information. The referral should be accompanied by any record information from additional providers that is relevant for the need for care. We cannot begin the review process until all information has been received. To send a referral, please fax all information to (207) 396-6604. Once a referral has been reviewed, our staff will contact the patient to schedule an appointment with our provider based upon his review recommendations. This appointment may be broken down into multiple visits to accommodate any necessary vision testing and depending upon the treatment plan based upon the patient’s specific needs. This appointment cannot be scheduled from our online scheduler. It is recommended that the patient bring someone with them to assist with the appointment, as a lot of information is given, and the appointments can be tiring for the patient. If you need certain accommodations, please make staff aware of these at scheduling. Your first appointment: At your initial appointment, you will be required to fill out registration paperwork, which can also be found at our website. Please bring your insurance card(s), medication list, current eyewear, and photo ID to your appointment. During your evaluation, the provider will perform a screening of your ocular health and your visual acuity. Your medical history and the reason for your visit will be discussed. The provider may also perform additional computerized or manual vision tests to assess different aspects of your vision. An initial treatment plan and follow up visits will be discussed at the end of your visit and you will be scheduled accordingly. Your initial appointment may not result in a new prescription for eyewear. This may take multiple visits to assess. It also may be recommended as part of your treatment plan that you routinely do vision exercises to improve eye function. If you are working with a physical or occupational therapist, please let our staff or provider know. Additional appointments: As a part of your treatment plan, additional visits may be required. The timeframe of these appointments will be determined by our provider. Rehabilitation may last weeks, months, or years depending upon the severity of the symptoms, and treatment length is dependent upon a patient’s particular needs. Cost & Insurance: Your initial evaluation and preliminary testing will be billed to your medical insurance. This appointment cannot be billed to any vision plan, as it is medical in nature. After your initial evaluation, our provider may recommend either (a) you enter into our neuro-optometric rehabilitation program or (b) that you return for follow up evaluations. In the event that you enter our neuro-optometric rehabilitation program, your visits will be out of pocket and cannot be billed to your insurance, as you are part of a rehabilitation program. This program will be designed specifically to your needs. If the provider recommends that your return for more generalized follow up evaluations and care, cost and ability to bill your insurance will be determined by the provider’s recommended treatment plan. All costs will be discussed with you prior to your visit, and if/when insurance is billed, you are subject to all copays, coinsurance, and deductible expenses as determined by your medical insurance. Vision plans will not be billed for any neuro-optometric rehabilitation related visit. Vision plans can be billed for eyewear only, and a list of our in-network vision plans can be found on the Insurance page of our website. We accept HSA, FSA, and Care Credit in our office. Additional information: Contact our office if you have additional questions. To send a referral, please fax to (207) 396-6604. You can also visit the NORA website for additional information on neuro-optometric rehabilitation. Search: [PAGE] Title: Careers Content: Seacoast Vision Care is hiring! You can find our available positions on Indeed ! Search: [PAGE] Title: Dry Eye Treatment At Seacoast Vision Care Content: Home » Eye Care Services » Dry Eye Treatment Dry Eye Treatment Dry eye syndrome (DES or dry eye) is a chronic lack of sufficient lubrication and moisture on the surface of the eye. Its consequences range from minor irritation to the inability to wear contact lenses and an increased risk of corneal inflammation and eye infections. Signs and Symptoms of Dry Eye Persistent dryness, scratchiness and a burning sensation on your eyes are common symptoms of dry eye syndrome. These symptoms alone may be enough for optometrists to diagnose dry eye syndrome. Sometimes, he or she may want to measure the amount of tears in your eyes. A thin strip of filter paper placed at the edge of the eye, called a Schirmer test, is one way of measuring this. Some people with dry eyes also experience a "foreign body sensation” – the feeling that something is in the eye. And it may seem odd, but sometimes dry eye syndrome can cause watery eyes, because the excessive dryness works to overstimulate production of the watery component of your eye's tears. What Causes Dry Eyes? In dry eye syndrome, the tear glands that moisturize the eye don't produce enough tears, or the tears have a chemical composition that causes them to evaporate too quickly. Dry eye syndrome has several causes. It occurs: As a part of the natural aging process, especially among women over age 40. As a side effect of many medications, such as antihistamines, antidepressants, certain blood pressure medicines, Parkinson's medications and birth control pills. Because you live in a dry, dusty or windy climate with low humidity. If your home or office has air conditioning or a dry heating system, that too can dry out your eyes. Another cause is insufficient blinking, such as when you're staring at a computer screen all day. Dry eyes are also associated with certain systemic diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, rosacea or Sjogren's Syndrome (a triad of dry eyes, dry mouth, and rheumatoid arthritis or lupus). Long-term contact lens wear, incomplete closure of the eyelids, eyelid disease and a deficiency of the tear-producing glands are other causes. Dry eye syndrome is more common in women, possibly due to hormone fluctuations. Recent research suggests that smoking, too, can increase your risk of dry eye syndrome. Dry eye has also been associated with incomplete lid closure following blepharoplasty – a popular cosmetic surgery to eliminate droopy eyelids. Treatment for Dry Eye At Our Office Dry eye syndrome is an ongoing condition that treatments may be unable to cure. But the symptoms of dry eye – including dryness, scratchiness and burning – can usually be successfully managed. Your eyecare practitioner may recommend artificial tears, which are lubricating eye drops that may alleviate the dry, scratchy feeling and foreign body sensation of dry eye. Prescription eye drops for dry eye go one step further: they help increase your tear production. In some cases, your doctor may also prescribe a steroid for more immediate short-term relief. Another option for dry eye treatment involves a tiny insert filled with a lubricating ingredient. The insert is placed just inside the lower eyelid, where it continuously releases lubrication throughout the day. If you wear contact lenses, be aware that many artificial tears cannot be used during contact lens wear. You may need to remove your lenses before using the drops. Wait 15 minutes or longer (check the label) before reinserting them. For mild dry eye, contact lens rewetting drops may be sufficient to make your eyes feel better, but the effect is usually only temporary. Switching to another lens brand could also help. Check the label, but better yet, check with your doctor before buying any over-the-counter eye drops. Your eye doctor will know which formulas are effective and long-lasting and which are not, as well as which eye drops will work with your contact lenses. To reduce the effects of sun, wind and dust on dry eyes, wear sunglasses when outdoors. Wraparound styles offer the best protection. Indoors, an air cleaner can filter out dust and other particles from the air, while a humidifier adds moisture to air that's too dry because of air conditioning or heating. For more significant cases of dry eye, your eye doctor may recommend punctal plugs. These tiny devices are inserted in ducts in your lids to slow the drainage of tears away from your eyes, thereby keeping your eyes more moist. If your dry eye is caused by meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), your doctor may recommend warm compresses and suggest an in-office procedure to clear the blocked glands and restore normal function. Doctors sometimes also recommend special nutritional supplements containing certain essential fatty acids to decrease dry eye symptoms. Drinking more water may also offer some relief. If medications are the cause of dry eyes, discontinuing the drug generally resolves the problem. But in this case, the benefits of the drug must be weighed against the side effect of dry eyes. Sometimes switching to a different type of medication alleviates the dry eye symptoms while keeping the needed treatment. In any case, never switch or discontinue your medications without consulting with your doctor first. Treating any underlying eyelid disease, such as blepharitis, helps as well. This may call for antibiotic or steroid drops, plus frequent eyelid scrubs with an antibacterial shampoo. If you are considering LASIK, be aware that dry eyes may disqualify you for the surgery, at least until your dry eye condition is successfully treated. Dry eyes increase your risk for poor healing after LASIK, so most surgeons will want to treat the dry eyes first, to ensure a good LASIK outcome. This goes for other types of vision correction surgery, as well. Search: [PAGE] Title: Designer Frames Content: Home » Eyeglasses and Contacts » Designer Frames Designer Frames We have an extensive selection of eyewear including the latest styles in designer sunglasses and prescription eyeglasses. Here are just some of the lines we offer: Search: [PAGE] Title: Learn More About Community Outreach & Charity Initiatives Content: Home » Our Eye Care Clinic » Community Outreach & Charity Initiatives Community Outreach & Charity Initiatives At Seacoast Vision Care, we believe strongly in giving back to the community and caring for the eyes of all those in need. Outreach programs represent an opportunity to show the community the level of commitment our optometrist has to the community. The staff also plays an important role in community outreach. Dr. Corbell, Ruth, and the staff members at Seacoast Vision Care volunteer their time and donate eye exams, lenses and frames to Preble Street on a quarterly basis.  Dr. Corbell and his wife also serve meals at Preble Street - a local shelter whose mission is: "To provide accessible barrier-free services to empower people experiencing problems with homelessness, housing, hunger, and poverty; and to advocate for solutions to these problems." Click here to learn how you too can help "To provide accessible barrier-free services to empower people experiencing problems with homelessness, housing, hunger, and poverty; and to advocate for solutions to these problems." - See more at: "To provide accessible barrier-free services to empower people experiencing problems with homelessness, housing, hunger, and poverty; and to advocate for solutions to these problems." - See more at: "To provide accessible barrier-free services to empower people experiencing problems with homelessness, housing, hunger, and poverty; and to advocate for solutions to these problems." - See more at: "To provide accessible barrier-free services to empower people experiencing problems with homelessness, housing, hunger, and poverty; and to advocate for solutions to these problems." - See more at: Seacoast Vision Care participates in the Lions Recycle for Sight Program.  We collect your old glasses, sunglasses, and eye protection.  LERC volunteers clean, sort by prescription strength and package the glasses.  Most of the recycled glasses are distributed to people in need in developing countries where they will have the greatest impact. Dr. Corbell also donates his time to provide eye exams through the local Scarborough Lions Club and donates lenses and frames as well. Search: [PAGE] Title: Looking For Contact Lenses in Scarborough, ME? Content: Order Contacts Online Seacoast Vision Care offer a wide selection of contact lenses including disposable soft contact, bifocal/multifocal, toric, and colored lenses. Whether you wear daily, weekly or monthly disposables, or conventional (vial) lenses, check out our selection of lenses that fit your needs. A good contact lens fit at our Scarborough eye care clinic starts with a thorough eye exam to ensure the most up-to-date prescription and rule out any  pre-existing conditions that could interfere with contact lens wear. Our Scarborough optometrist will determine the best fitting lens based on your lifestyle needs, the shape and health of your eye. In most cases, you'll have the opportunity to try lenses on the same day as your exam. You can even go home with a few samples before making a final decision. We follow up the initial fitting and then make any necessary changes in fit or materials to get you the best possible fit. We teach all our patients proper contact lens care and also possible consequences if proper care is not taken. Then we continue with long-term follow-up to monitor the condition of the lenses and to ensure that proper hygiene is being maintained. [PAGE] Title: Eye Doctor near me | Hours & Location for Seacoast Vision Care Content: Notes: We also accept checks with I.D. Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Thursday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Friday: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Saturday: Closed [PAGE] Title: Pediatric Eye Care & Eye Exams in Scarborough, ME Content: Hand-eye Coordination Tracking The doctor will also examine the area around the eye and inside the eye to check for any eye diseases or health conditions. You should tell the doctor any relevant personal history of your child such as a premature birth, developmental delays, family history of eye problems, eye injuries or medications the child is taking. This would also be the time to address any concerns or issues your child has that might indicate a vision problem. If the eye doctor does determine that your child has a vision problem, they may discuss a number of therapeutic options such as eyeglasses or contact lenses, an eye patch, vision therapy or Ortho-k, depending on the condition and the doctor’s specialty. Since some conditions are much easier to treat when they are caught early while the eyes are still developing, it is important to diagnose any eye and vision issues as early as possible. Following the guidelines for children’s eye exams and staying alert to any signs of vision problems can help your child to reach his or her potential. [PAGE] Title: Visit Our Eye Care Clinic Serving Scarborough, ME! Content: Home » Our Eye Care Clinic Our Eye Care Clinic Welcome to our eye care clinic in Scarborough, Maine! Our optometrists, Dr. Nathan Corbell and Dr. Michelle Blew, along with our eye care staff are here to care for all of your vision needs. We handle everything from adult and children's comprehensive eye exams and contact lenses fits, to eye emergencies and treatment of eye diseases, including glaucoma, macular degeneration, dry eye, and cataract evaluation. [PAGE] Title: Seacoast Vision Care | Local Eye Clinic in Scarborough, Maine Content: Seacoast Vision Care is Celebrating its 10 Year Anniversary! May 05, 2022 Seacoast Vision Care is Celebrating its 10 Year Anniversary! Dr. Nathan Corbell and his wife, Ruth, opened the Seacoast Vision Care in May 2012, and... Welcome Dr. Michelle Blew! May 02, 2022 Seacoast Vision Care is excited to welcome Dr. Michelle Blew! Michelle Blew, O.D. will be seeing patients of all ages at Seacoast Vision Care.  Dr.... 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Ocular sports trauma is among the leading causes of permanent vision loss in North America. Tens of thousands of... Summer Heat Wave and Your Eyes Aug 29, 2019 This summer, heat waves with scorching temperatures have hit communities nationwide, making an already hot summer even hotter. With high temps and heat waves in... Welcome Dr. Meghan Cortez! Aug 28, 2019 Please help us welcome Dr. Meghan Cortez to Seacoast Vision Care. We are so pleased to announce that we have added another Optometrist to our... UV Safety Awareness Month Jul 22, 2019 July is UV Safety Awareness Month, and no wonder! With the summer sun out in full force, it’s now more important than ever to protect... Top 4 Eyecare Tips for Summer Vacation Jun 27, 2019 This summer, whether you’re headed across state lines on a family road trip, flying off to Europe, grabbing a quick weekend getaway, or taking a... Cataract Awareness Month Jun 11, 2019 June is Cataract Awareness Month. During this important time, people living with cataracts (and their loved ones) are encouraged to talk about their personal experiences... Help! My Child Doesn’t Want to Wear Glasses! May 22, 2019 Do your kids need glasses in order to see clearly? Maybe they have a strong case of nearsightedness, perhaps they have astigmatism, or another type... Mental Health and Your Vision May 08, 2019 May is Mental Health Awareness Month in the USA; in Canada, Mental Health week is May 6th to 12th. Since 1949, it has been observed... Parkinson’s Awareness Month and Your Vision Apr 16, 2019 Eye Care Center near me April is Parkinson's Awareness Month in the USA and Canada, a time when those living with the disorder, their family... Top 5 Tips for Managing Eye Allergies This Spring Mar 19, 2019 Eye allergy relief near you Spring is a season of new beginnings, when the cold harsh winter months are behind us, flowers bloom, and people... Women’s Health and Your Vision Mar 07, 2019 March 8th is International Women's Day, a day when women are honored and their accomplishments celebrated worldwide. From medicine to law, entrepreneurship to corporate leadership,... What’s in Your Household Cleaning Supplies? Feb 24, 2019 Most of us have the basics: bleach, oven cleaner, air freshener, furniture polish, and window spray. Did you know that chemicals found in these kinds... School and Vision: 2 Important Partners Feb 07, 2019 It’s February and that means we’re smack in the middle of winter, which is also the middle of the school year. It’s the season when... What You Need to Know About Glaucoma – The Sneak Thief of Sight Jan 28, 2019 January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month. What is Glaucoma? Glaucoma, a silent eye disease, is the most common form of irreversible blindness in the world.... World Braille Day 2019 Jan 17, 2019 Each year during the month of January we recognize World Braille Day which gives us the opportunity to take a moment and appreciate the incredible... Are Nerf Guns a Dangerous Holiday Present? Dec 19, 2018 Nerf Guns: Popular, Projectile... Safe? With the newest Nerf guns and blasters reigning at the top of lists for the most popular toys this holiday season,... 8 Tips to Relieve Winter Dry Eyes Nov 29, 2018 Whether you live in a climate with cold winter weather or you are planning a ski trip up north, winter can be a challenge if... Diabetes and Your Eyes Nov 12, 2018 Diabetes is becoming much more prevalent around the globe. According to the International Diabetes Federation, approximately 425 million adults were living with diabetes in the... Have an Eye Safe Halloween Oct 24, 2018 Brush Up Before You Dress Up Halloween is one of the most fun times of the year for children and adults alike. When else do... Exercise and Your Eye Health Oct 08, 2018 Regular exercise is an essential component of overall health and wellness. It is proven that exercise reduces sickness and disease; it increases strength, immunity, and... Is Too Much Screen Time Dangerous For Your Kids? Sep 17, 2018 Screen Time Pros and Cons Whether it is homework, email, gaming, chatting with friends, searching the web or watching Youtube, kids these days seem to... Healthy Aging for the Eyes Sep 13, 2018 Getting old doesn’t have to be synonymous with vision loss. There is a lot you can do to keep your eyes and vision healthy and... Progressive Myopia: When Your Child’s Vision Keeps Getting Worse Aug 30, 2018 What Is Progressive Myopia? Nearsightedness or myopia is one of the most prevalent eye disorders worldwide and its incidence is increasing. In fact by 2050,... The Dangers of An Online Eye Test Aug 09, 2018 An online eye test may seem like a convenient way to check your vision or get an eyeglass prescription but beware, these tests aren’t all... Signs That Your Child Has a Vision Problem Jul 26, 2018 Healthy eyes and good vision are essential for your child’s growth and development. In fact, learning is 80% visual, which means a child’s success in... Eye Dangers in the Dorm – Eye Health for College Students Jul 16, 2018 It’s almost back to school time for college students and whether this is your first time away from home or you are already a pro,... Why You Shouldn’t Rub Your Eyes Jun 25, 2018 While it may seem like a harmless action, rubbing your eyes can actually cause a lot of damage. There are a number of different reasons... Ocular Migraines Jun 18, 2018 Migraine Awareness Month: An ocular migraine is any migraine headache that involves a visual disturbance such as flashes of light, seeing stars or zigzags or... How-to Guide for Buying Sunglasses May 30, 2018 Sure, sunglasses might add the final touches to your chic ensemble, but the real reason to purchase your shades is to protect your eyes from... Sports Vision Deconstructed May 10, 2018 Vision is a critical component to succeed as an athlete and this doesn’t just mean having 20/20 vision. There are a number of visual processes... 7 Eye Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore Apr 25, 2018 While we all know that regular eye exams can help detect warning signs of disease and prevent vision loss, many people fail to seek medical... Women’s Eye Health – 7 Tips for Optimal Vision for Life Apr 16, 2018 April is Women’s Eye Health Month in the USA and May is Healthy Vision month in Canada too, so let’s take the opportunity to look... Ultraviolet Light and your Eyes Mar 27, 2018 If you want strong, healthy eyes and clear vision for life, a major step you can take is to protect your eyes from UV radiation. ... Should I Be Concerned When My Eyelid Twitches? Mar 12, 2018 We all experience the occasional eyelid twitch, which is when the muscle of the eyelid spasms involuntarily. Usually, it comes and goes without intervention and... Signs of Eye and Vision Problems in Infants Feb 27, 2018 Infant Eyesight Despite nine months of growth in utero, babies are not born with fully developed eyes and vision - just like they can't walk... AMD Awareness Could Save Your Vision Feb 18, 2018 It’s that time of the year again. Each February, the optometric community bands together to create awareness about age-related macular degeneration (AMD). AMD is a... Trouble Seeing at Night? All About Night Blindness Jan 29, 2018 At this time of year when the sun sets early, many people are affected by night blindness. Night blindness or nyctalopia refers to difficulty seeing at... The Sneak Thief of Sight Jan 10, 2018 It’s that time of year again. January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month, a time set aside each year to create awareness about this potentially devastating... Don’t Let Snow Blindness Ruin Your Winter Vacation Dec 31, 2017 While most people have sunglasses high on their packing list for a tropical vacation, many people don’t consider it as much of a priority for... 6 Crazy Holiday Eye Injuries to Avoid Dec 24, 2017 As the season to deck the halls arrives, make sure that you aren’t one of the many people who find themselves celebrating in the urgent... 10 Eye Healthy Foods to Eat This Year Nov 27, 2017 The New Year is coming and many people include healthier eating and exercise in their resolutions for the year ahead. Well other than weight loss... Women and Diabetes – World Diabetes Day Nov 13, 2017 November 14th is World Diabetes Day. This year, the theme of World Diabetes Day is women and diabetes - our right to a healthy future.... What You Need to Know to Help World Blindness Oct 29, 2017 October is World Blindness Awareness Month, an initiative started to help the public to understand the realities of visual impairment and how it affects the... Halloween Eye Safety Oct 15, 2017 October has arrived and that means many people are already starting to plan for upcoming costume parties and trick-or-treating for the Halloween season. This is... Trouble Seeing the Fine Print? Here are Your Options… Sep 27, 2017 Every good pair of eyes eventually gets old and with age comes a condition called presbyopia. Presbyopia, which usually begins to set in some time... Aging Eyes and Driving Safety Sep 19, 2017 Even if you don’t have any eye or vision problems, the natural process of aging affects your ability to see and react to visual stimuli.... Is Your Teen Ready for Contacts? Aug 27, 2017 Many teens who wear glasses are eager to try out contact lenses for convenience, fashion or to just provide another option for vision correction. Inside a Life With Color Vision Deficiency Aug 13, 2017 What’s it like to be color blind? Contrary to what the name implies, color blindness usually does not actually mean that you don’t see any... How to Safely View the Great American Eclipse of 2017 Jul 26, 2017 On August 21st, for the first time since 1979, a solar eclipse will be visible across North America. What's even more historic is that it... Are Your Eyes Sensitive to Light? Jul 12, 2017 Light sensitivity, also known as photophobia, is a condition in which bright light - either natural sunlight or artificial light -  can cause significant discomfort,... Got a Shiner! Jun 26, 2017 What Exactly Is a Black Eye? A black eye, also known as a periorbital hematoma, is usually not an injury of the actual eye (which... Cataract Awareness and Prevention Jun 19, 2017 It's National Cataract Awareness Month According to the World Health Organization, cataracts are responsible for 51% of cases of blindness worldwide - although this blindness... Are You Ignoring Your Dry Eyes? May 28, 2017 You Don’t Have to Live With Dry Eyes Have you noticed that your eyes feel chronically dry, itchy, scratchy or even sometimes watery? Many people... Does Smoking Affect Vision? May 10, 2017 Eye Doctors Weigh In: How Smoking Can Harm Your Vision & Eye Health We all know that smoking is bad for you, especially the risks that... Sjogren’s Awareness Month – Understanding The Invisible Disease Apr 30, 2017 In honor of Sjogren’s Awareness month, eye care providers are helping to spread the word to increase awareness about this hard-to-diagnose disease. As our eye... April is Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month Apr 06, 2017 Hey women! Did you know that women are more likely to suffer from vision problems and are at higher risk of permanent vision loss than... The Right (and the Wrong) Way to Clean Your Glasses Mar 30, 2017 There is nothing worse than a dirty spot on your glasses - well except perhaps many dirty spots or smudges. When that happens, most of... It’s Time to Talk About Blue Light Mar 15, 2017 Workplace Eye Safety Month Blue light. Do you know what it is? Do you know where it comes from, or how it can be harmful... Understanding Eye Color Feb 27, 2017 Eye color is a hereditary trait that depends on the genes of both parents, as well as a little bit of mystery. The color of... 6 Ways to Prevent Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Feb 14, 2017 Age-related macular degeneration is a serious condition that can threaten your vision and general well-being. Characterized by the deterioration of the central area of the... Are You Missing Your Child’s Hidden Vision Problem? Jan 31, 2017 Your toddler may show every sign of good eyesight including the ability to see objects in the distance, however that doesn't necessarily mean that he... “The Sneak Thief of Sight” Is On Our Minds This January Jan 16, 2017 Make your resolution for healthy vision this year with increased awareness of the leading cause of blindness worldwide. Holiday Season Shopping: Are Nerf Guns Safe for the Eyes? Dec 12, 2016 This is the one way you can be sure that you or your child’s eyes are truly safe during Nerf shooting: Dry Eye Syndrome Causes and Cures Dec 06, 2016 Despite the fact that it is one of the most common eye problems, a surprisingly large percentage of patients are not aware of it. November is Diabetes Awareness Month Nov 21, 2016 Chances are it affects you or someone you know. November has been dedicated as a time to spread awareness about the disease, its risk factors... [PAGE] Title: Disclaimer Content: Home » Disclaimer Disclaimer Content on this web site has been provided and/or reviewed by our Practice. We have reviewed site information and find it to be in accordance with the standards of the optometry profession in our jurisdiction. We strive to provide unbiased, accurate, timely and up-to-date information. The information on this site is not presented as a substitute for informed professional advice and does not substitute for consultation with optometrist or any other health and/or medical professional. If you have any questions about your individual situation, please contact your optometrist – your eye health professional. The basic graphical template and parts of this website have been created by a Service provided by EyeCarePro and/or any affiliated companies. EyeCarePro and any of its affiliated companies do not endorse any of the products or treatments described, mentioned or discussed in any of the web pages, services or database information accessible within this website. Due to the possibility of human error or advances in scientific knowledge, EyeCarePro, and/or any commercial partners, their staff nor any other party involved in providing web pages, services or database information accessible within this website, warrant that the information contained therein is in every respect accurate or complete and are not responsible nor liable for any errors or omissions that may be found in such information or for the results obtained from the use of such information. The material contained in this website, including but not limited to text, graphics, video, audio, trademarks and logos, includes that which is owned or controlled by EyeCarePro and that which is owned or controlled by third parties. EyeCarePro authorizes you to view and download a single copy of the Material on the web site solely for your personal, non-commercial use. The contents of this website are protected by copyright and other laws in USA, Canada and elsewhere. Health information about you may be transmitted from this website to our practice. EyeCarePro does not permanently store nor use, transmit (other than for its intended use), record, or otherwise make any use of this health information. Website visitors are advised to read the Notice of Privacy Practices which describes how health information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information and/or to contact us directly. Search: [PAGE] Title: Our Optometrists Content: Home » Our Optometrists Our Optometrists Our optometrists takes the time to explain the results of your eye exam, describe your options and listen to your eye care needs. Because maintaining good eye health is an ongoing partnership, we encourage you to ask questions and share your health information, which could be vital to monitoring, diagnosing and treating potential vision problems. Meet our providers: Nathan Corbell Ph.D., O.D. Dr. Nathan Corbell is an optometrist at Seacoast Vision Care in Scarborough, ME. He was born and raised in Little Rock, Arkansas where he attended Catholic High School for Boys. In 1990, he graduated Magna Cum Laude from Centenary College of Louisiana with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. In 1999, he received a Ph.D. focusing on molecular genetics of bacteria from the department of Botany and Plant Pathology at Oregon State University. He has authored and co-authored several journal articles regarding bacterial antibiotic synthesis. He decided to pursue a new career and graduated in 2001 from New England College of Optometry in Boston, Massachusetts where he received clinical honors for his patient care. Dr. Corbell is a member of the American and Maine Optometric Associations. Dr. Corbell is an active member of the Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitative Association (NORA). Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation is an individualized treatment regimen for patients with visual deficits as a direct result of traumatic brain injury including concussions and other neurological issues. Dr. Corbell has provided treatment for patients with visual field loss, double vision, visual balance disorders, visual midline shift syndrome, post trauma vision syndrome, and reading disorders. Prior to founding Seacoast Vision Care , he worked at Family Eye Care in Saco, Maine. Dr. Corbell was the first Optometrist hired by Eastern Maine Medical Center (EMMC) in Bangor, Maine. Before moving to Maine, he owned a successful practice in Albany, Oregon. Dr. Corbell, his wife Ruth, and their son reside in Cape Elizabeth. When not at work, he enjoys taking long walks on the beach with his family, scuba diving in Bonaire, making pottery, and working with glass. In his leisure time, he enjoys sitting on his deck with friends and family gazing across the shipping channel of the Atlantic Ocean. Nathan Corbell, Ph.D., O.D. Michelle Blew O.D. Dr. Michelle Blew is an optometrist at Seacoast Vision Care in Scarborough, ME and sees patients of all ages.  She grew up in the midwest and graduated from the University of Iowa with a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies and a minor in Psychology.  In 2010, she graduated cum laude with a Doctorate of Optometry degree from the Illinois College of Optometry in Chicago.  She completed an ocular disease residency at the VA Boston West Roxbury Division in 2012. Dr. Blew served as the Director of Eye Care Services at the Lynn Community Health Center from 2012-2015.  Dr. Blew was a staff optometrist at VA Central Western Massachusetts's Worcester Outpatient Clinic from 2015-2018.  Most recently, Dr. Blew provided optometric care at the Lowell Community Health Center, where she additionally coordinated the Eye Care Center's Clinical Education Program. In contribution to her profession, she has participated in the clinical education of optometry students as an adjunct faculty member at the New England College of Optometry, the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Illinois College of Optometry and the Southern California College of Optometry.   She was recognized as one of the 2014 NECO Clinical Preceptors of the Year. Dr. Blew is a board-certified diplomate of the American Board of Optometry and a Fellow in the American Academy of Optometry.  Professional interests include the study, diagnosis, and management of ocular manifestations of systemic disease. When not in the clinic, Dr. Blew enjoys her time at the beach with family, friends and her black lab, Dewey. [PAGE] Title: Seacoast Vision Care Content: Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Thursday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Friday: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Saturday: Closed
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We... will be seeing patients of all ages at Seacoast Vision Care. In fact, only about half of Americans that are at risk for serious vision loss... Women’s Eye Health – 7 Tips for Optimal Vision for Life Apr 16, 2018 April is Women’s Eye Health Month in the USA and May is Healthy Vision month in Canada too, so let’s take the opportunity to look at some tips for maintaining eye and vision health, with a special focus on women. You... Do you know what it is? Dec 12, 2016 This is the one way you can be sure that you or your child’s eyes are truly safe during Nerf shooting: Dry Eye Syndrome Causes and Cures Dec 06, 2016 Despite the fact that it is one of the most common eye problems, a surprisingly large percentage of patients are not aware of it. designer frames and eyeglasses - think of our optometrist in Scarborough, ME first for: sore, red, or itchy eyes treatment of "pink eye" and other bacterial infections removal of foreign bodies from the eye (such as wood or metal) treatment of eye allergies or burns emergency eye care This is convenient and cost effective for your whole family and you can be sure you are receiving the attention of an eye care specialist. Title: Eye Exams, Contact Lens Fittings, LASIK, Dry Eye Content: Home » Eye Care Services Eye Care Services We are confident that we can provide the eye care you need. Getting the right prescription for your eyeglasses or contact lenses is an important part of good eye care. Our optometrists and eye care staff are here to care for all of your vision needs. Title: Dry Eye Treatment At Seacoast Vision Care Content: Home » Eye Care Services » Dry Eye Treatment Dry Eye Treatment Dry eye syndrome (DES or dry eye) is a chronic lack of sufficient lubrication and moisture on the surface of the eye. Our optometrists, Dr. Nathan Corbell and Dr. Michelle Blew, along with our eye care staff are here to care for all of your vision needs. will be seeing patients of all ages at Seacoast Vision Care. Though we are all aware of the health effects associated with smoking, such... Here’s Why Hydrogen Peroxide is an Excellent Contact Lens Solution Nov 26, 2019 Once you and your doctor have decided on the type of contact lenses you'll need, it's time to choose the most suitable contact lens solution... Smart Hygiene Habits to Care for Your Contact Lenses Nov 04, 2019 Swimming in a pool with your contacts on or topping off your solution may seem harmless, but they could compromise your contact lenses and your... How to Keep Glasses from Getting Foggy Oct 23, 2019 Whether you live in a cold climate or have visited one in the winter, you have probably seen someone who just walked in from the... 12 Tips for Optimal Eye Health Oct 03, 2019 Good Eye Care Habits & Hygiene By practicing good eye care habits and hygiene, you can prevent many vision problems from occurring. Since 1949, it has been observed... Parkinson’s Awareness Month and Your Vision Apr 16, 2019 Eye Care Center near me April is Parkinson's Awareness Month in the USA and Canada, a time when those living with the disorder, their family... Top 5 Tips for Managing Eye Allergies This Spring Mar 19, 2019 Eye allergy relief near you Spring is a season of new beginnings, when the cold harsh winter months are behind us, flowers bloom, and people... Women’s Health and Your Vision Mar 07, 2019 March 8th is International Women's Day, a day when women are honored and their accomplishments celebrated worldwide. The Dangers of An Online Eye Test Aug 09, 2018 An online eye test may seem like a convenient way to check your vision or get an eyeglass prescription but beware, these tests aren’t all... Signs That Your Child Has a Vision Problem Jul 26, 2018 Healthy eyes and good vision are essential for your child’s growth and development. There are a number of visual processes... 7 Eye Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore Apr 25, 2018 While we all know that regular eye exams can help detect warning signs of disease and prevent vision loss, many people fail to seek medical... Women’s Eye Health – 7 Tips for Optimal Vision for Life Apr 16, 2018 April is Women’s Eye Health Month in the USA and May is Healthy Vision month in Canada too, so let’s take the opportunity to look... Ultraviolet Light and your Eyes Mar 27, 2018 If you want strong, healthy eyes and clear vision for life, a major step you can take is to protect your eyes from UV radiation. ... January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month, a time set aside each year to create awareness about this potentially devastating... Don’t Let Snow Blindness Ruin Your Winter Vacation Dec 31, 2017 While most people have sunglasses high on their packing list for a tropical vacation, many people don’t consider it as much of a priority for... 6 Crazy Holiday Eye Injuries to Avoid Dec 24, 2017 As the season to deck the halls arrives, make sure that you aren’t one of the many people who find themselves celebrating in the urgent... 10 Eye Healthy Foods to Eat This Year Nov 27, 2017 The New Year is coming and many people include healthier eating and exercise in their resolutions for the year ahead. Do you know what it is? Dec 12, 2016 This is the one way you can be sure that you or your child’s eyes are truly safe during Nerf shooting: Dry Eye Syndrome Causes and Cures Dec 06, 2016 Despite the fact that it is one of the most common eye problems, a surprisingly large percentage of patients are not aware of it.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Neos Communications Services | Business IT Solutions & Services Content: Communications Communications neos-admin 2019-11-15T01:51:19+00:00 In today’s world technology is very complex and the options available for the means of communication seem endless. Here at Neos we can provide you with complete business telephone systems as well as an internet connection including unlimited plans for ADSL, VDSL and Ultra-Fast Broadband (UFB). CHOICES ARE ENDLESS Telephone Systems are now complex computers and with the internet able to deliver telephone services, there are multiple options to choose from. The main challenge with telephone systems these days is making sure they are the right fit for your business and deliver not only cost savings and robust calling, but also the ability to integrate with your current IT systems to help increase productivity from users. VOICE / TELEPHONY SOLUTIONS Neos can provide you with a fully scalable business telephone system supporting an unlimited number of extensions and end devices. It offers all the traditional PABX functions you would expect, plus a whole lot more including features such as voicemail being sent to your email, whilst also using the latest in internet technologies to deliver a low cost, highly robust, fully featured telephony system. All of our Neos phone systems are built using the Voice over Internet Protocol, more commonly known as a VoIP system, which provides the latest and greatest in technology features. With three options of telephone systems available, all delivering fully customisable options whilst being built on a standardised technology base; you have a solution that will perfectly fit your requirements. INTERNET CONNECTIONS We can provide your business with an internet connection as part of your package. This would also provide you with a direct link to our data centre so your Cloud Services, such as Cloud Server or VoIP phone system, will be more reliable and work even faster! All of our plans are unlimited data, every connection gets a static IP address free of charge, and with our multi network redundancies, if one network should go down, another takes over, meaning less downtime for you. Let’s Talk… [PAGE] Title: TMS - Business IT Solutions & Services | IT Support for Business Content: Total Management Service TMS neos-admin 2019-11-15T01:47:52+00:00 If you are wanting an all-encompassing solution to your IT systems and infrastructure, then the Total Management Service is for you. It will give you complete peace of mind, knowing that everything is running at peak performance. TOTAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE Our Total Management Service (TMS) is a monthly ‘fixed price per device’ managed service, which has been designed for New Zealand businesses like yourself. If you want a complete solution to the management of your IT systems and infrastructure, then the TMS is for you. You can select from a range of options to create a TMS that is unique to you, designed by you, to meet your specific requirements and budget. Neos will then manage, monitor and maintain your IT Systems and provide support, when and where you need it. This results in your IT infrastructure and systems running at peak performance with no more nasty invoice surprises! HOW DOES IT WORK? With the help of your Neos Account Manager, you select the options that are right for you. We have broken down each critical area of IT Systems so you can select the options that suit your requirements and business needs the best. These include: [PAGE] Title: Case Studies - Business IT Solutions & Services | IT Support for Business Content: Communications Case Studies neos-admin 2021-02-16T23:01:50+00:00 Take a look at some of the great work we’ve been able to do in partnering with our clients to deliver peace of mind that their IT systems are in the very best hands. A Case Study: Neos & Stash Stash is a custom wardrobe and storage solutions provider based in Wellington. For Managing Director Simon Morrison and Stash’s team of 18 staff, using high-spec machines capable of running demanding design programmes is critical to their day-to-day business. Download Case Study Neos Case Study featuring ARL Lawyers After experiencing less than desirable support service from their incumbent IT provider, ARL Lawyers turned to Neos for an online server solution that would eliminate unnecessary downtime and deliver cost and time savings via our Total Management Service (TMS). Watch Case Study Neos Case Study featuring Gillespie Young Watson (GYW) Lawyers For many years GYW had been working with an independent IT provider. However, when that provider was acquired by Neos Systems, after meeting with Neos Systems and hearing what they could bring to the table, GYW were more than happy to commence a working relationship. [PAGE] Title: Blog - Business IT Solutions & Services | IT Support for Business Content: What will your office look like in 2030? neos-admin 2020-02-25T05:56:34+00:00July 25th, 2019| When society moved from the Industrial Age to the Information Age there was a distinct shift that occurred in the office environment and industries that supported it. Punch cards were replaced [...] [PAGE] Title: Contact Neos | Business IT Solutions & Services Content: 55 Cuba Street, Petone Lower Hutt, Wellington 5012 PO Box 30307 Lower Hutt 5040 0800 022 123 [PAGE] Title: Neos Systems | Business IT Solutions & Services Content: Tired of constant IT issues distracting you from your core business? We need to talk. Who would have thought an IT company could win a Supreme Business Award? We did. 2018 Wellington Business Excellence Awards - Supreme Winner Do you speak the same everyday language as your IT Provider? Our Clients Do. Multiple offices and staff scattered around the country? We can take care of it. Have you outgrown your current IT Service Provider? We can help. Would you hug your IT Service Provider? Our Clients Do. Neos Systems neos-admin 2022-09-06T00:48:24+00:00 “Our purpose is to ensure all our clients’ critical IT Systems and infrastructure are running at peak performance so they can focus on what’s important to them, their business! ” Let us take care of IT Since 2010, Neos Systems have been providing New Zealand businesses with the complete confidence that their IT Systems are running at peak performance. We deliver a unique Total Management Service covering all aspects of your IT systems. This provides you with the complete confidence that your IT systems are up and running, monitored 24/7, secure, and always up-to-date. Think of us as your very own IT department, a team of dedicated experts looking after your critical IT systems so you can focus on what’s important to you, your business! [PAGE] Title: Why Neos? | Business IT Solutions & Services Content: Why Neos? neos-admin 2022-11-17T21:58:10+00:00 WHO WE ARE We provide a complete range of IT products and services tailored for New Zealand business. Using leading industry standard software and best practice processes, combined with our skilled technicians we deliver peace of mind that your IT Systems are running smoothly and at peak performance. THE STORY OF NEOS Founded in 2010, Neos Systems is a multi-award winning company which was formed through the merger of ‘Network Now’ and ‘Neomesh Micro’. With over 300 clients throughout New Zealand, we pride ourselves on continuing to deliver an incredible service, taking care of all their IT requirements. Our tagline ‘Taking Care of IT’ encapsulates who we are and what we do as a company. The tagline came from our clients who have always said to us “Can you just take care of it for me?”. To us, it represents a complete trust in Neos to get the job done, and reaffirms why we are in business; providing reassurance to New Zealand businesses that their IT requirements are in safe hands. Directors – Anthony Lummis, Nick Thompson In 2013, we custom built our own data centres in both Auckland and Wellington, which saw the launch of Cloud3, the brand in which all of Neos’ Cloud Computing Services are delivered. As Neos developed in its capacity and capabilities, and as the demands of New Zealand businesses have evolved, we launched the latest offering from Neos, our complete ‘ Total Management Service ’ (TMS). This provides you with a tailor-made TMS that is unique to you, designed by you, to meet your specific requirements and budget. Using leading industry standard software and best practice processes, combined with our skilled technicians we deliver total peace of mind that your IT Systems are running smoothly. It’s that simple! With an ever-growing team of Technical Specialists boasting an impressive number of combined years of experience, you can rest assured that we can deliver the level of service you require. Whether you are a business with ten staff in one office location, or well over a hundred staff throughout the country, no matter how complex your IT Systems may be, Neos has it covered! MEET THE TEAM [PAGE] Title: Neos Cloud Services | Business IT Solutions & Services Content: Cloud Cloud neos-admin 2019-11-15T01:49:37+00:00 In this day and age, you want to be able to access your information anywhere, anytime, from any device connected to the internet. With Neos Cloud based services, this is a reality. NEOS CLOUD SERVER A ‘Cloud Server’ is a Virtual Server hosted in a location other than your office and is accessed using the internet. There are many benefits to having a Neos Cloud Server, and with our custom-built data centres based around New Zealand, you can rest assured that you can access your data quickly and securely, without the legal ramifications of having your information hosted offshore. Another benefit of a Neos Cloud Server include ease of scalability. With your own server on your premises, increasing your Hard Drive space or RAM involves ordering the hardware, waiting for that to arrive, and then the process of getting someone out to your premises to install the new hardware, and configuring all settings. With a Neos Cloud Server, we can literally increase your RAM or Hard Drive space within a matter of minutes with just a few clicks of the button at our end as your requirements change! It’s that easy. With a Neos Cloud Server, you also no longer need to worry about ongoing maintenance requirements, or having redundancies in place for when you face server and hardware failure. If your server crashes, there can be extensive downtime for your business, with that time offline costing you serious money in loss of staff productivity. The time to resolve can be hindered by hardware needing to be procured and again, someone needing to come onsite to fix the issue. With a Neos Cloud Server, if there is ever an issue, we can get you back up and running in a matter of minutes! Neos boasts high availability with an uptime of 99.99% for our network and 99.99% for our infrastructure. The Neos Cloud Servers are running on Enterprise grade equipment, with backup generators in place, 24-hour camera surveillance, firewalls and regular automated backup services. This means you get all the perks of Enterprise features without the hefty price tag that usually comes with this level of infrastructure and system architecture in house. CLOUD BACKUP With Neos, Cloud Backup via an internet connection provides you with an automated system for the backup and storage of your important information, files, documents, and applications such as SQL, Exchange, SharePoint, VMware, Hyper-V and more. At scheduled times throughout the day, your backup is automatically encrypted, transferred and stored in multiple remote locations. This means in the event of a disaster, or if you experience a hardware failure, your valuable information is safe and ready for you when you need it. Neos’ Cloud Backup is a fully automated service. At scheduled times throughout the day, your data is copied to our data centre based in Wellington. It is then copied in real-time from our Wellington data centre to our Auckland data centre. In the unlikely event of a disaster, your data is safe and easily accessible as it is stored in 3 locations; your computer, our Wellington data centre and our Auckland data centre. Daily monitoring and automated alerts mean should something go wrong with your backup; the team at Neos will know about it. This gives you peace of mind with the knowledge that when you leave work each day, your data is backed-up safe and secure! EMAIL SERVICES With Hosted Exchange, your email, calendar, contacts and tasks are stored on our Neos Cloud Servers, in a secure data centre. As your information is all kept on our servers, it is synchronised instantly meaning no handling emails more than once, no doubling up on appointments and no forgetting tasks because they were entered into another computer. Benefits also include the reduced risk of losing your information from hardware or software failure. Collaboration through Hosted Exchange is simple and increases productivity due to the ability to share information instantly and provides you with access anytime, anywhere, from any device connected to the internet. You can share your Outlook with others easily and give different permission levels depending on the required level of access. Give others the ability to manage your calendar, update your contacts list, assign tasks to them, view their inbox and folders and much more. All your information and data is protected using SSL encryption including virus scanning on all email as well as SPAM and Unsolicited Bulk Emailing (UBE) filtering. HOSTED ANTIVIRUS Hosted Antivirus is more than just an Antivirus program; it’s a full internet security software package that not only protects your computer, but is monitored and managed by the Neos technical team daily. With our systems, processes and protocols, if a threat to your system is detected, the Neos technical team will be alerted. Once alerted, they will action the alert and inform you of any issues that may have arisen to make sure you are 100% protected, 100% of the time. Hosted Antivirus is delivered using ESET Endpoint Software and ensures your endpoint security remains flexible and portable with protection for different locations, operating systems and applications. ESET Endpoint Security integrates their leading virus and spyware scanning engine, to stop hacker attacks and any network infections spreading. The integrated spam filter reduces the risk of social-engineering and phishing attacks via email. With cyberattacks increasing at a staggering amount each year, you need to make sure you are protected with the latest Antivirus software which Neos Hosted Antivirus offers. Let’s Talk… [PAGE] Title: Neos Consultancy Services | Business IT Solutions & Services Content: Consultancy Consultancy neos-admin 2019-11-15T01:50:14+00:00 There are key times where a business needs to step back and take a snap shot of the current situation of their IT systems, infrastructure and the overarching strategic plan behind their use of technology. CONSULTANCY Neos can perform a complete, systematic audit of your current ICT Systems and infrastructure. We will identify current issues, potential vulnerabilities and propose recommendations. This will provide you with a thorough report so you can make informed decisions about your next steps. There will also come a time when you need to do an upgrade of your network capacity or full network design. Let Neos take all the hassle out of designing a computer network for you. We can design a network that’s right for your business, no matter how big or small — so you don’t have to worry about a thing! INFORMATION SYSTEMS STRATEGIC PLAN We can also help you with an Information Systems Strategic Plan for your business, which would become a key part of your overall business plan. This is an in-depth strategic plan of how you will use technology in your business to encourage growth and maximise return on investment. Again, we use a systematic process working with you, to make sure we cover all aspects of your IT Systems, Infrastructure and requirements. In the undertaking of developing the Strategic Plan and the analysis of the current situation, including the strengths and weaknesses of your IT Systems and Infrastructure, you will also have a better grasp on your IT budget requirements moving forward. This will ensure you are not only future proofing, but also getting the very best out of your IT systems. Once an Information Systems Strategic Plan is put in place you will be able to leverage greater efficiencies through improved processes thus increasing your return on investment. BUSINESS CONTINUITY AND DISASTER RECOVERY Another key part of the consultancy that we offer is around Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning. This gives you a plan of attack with a documented process, to recover and protect your IT systems in the event of a disaster. This would specify all the procedures to follow in the event of a disaster and outlines all steps required to make sure you are back up and running as per your requirements, no matter what the disaster. Let’s Talk… [PAGE] Title: Neos Procurement | Business IT Solutions & Services Content: Procurement Procurement neos-admin 2019-11-15T01:52:32+00:00 At Neos we only provide business grade products that are proven and tested by both our technical team and in the marketplace. We focus on providing quality products with Neos delivering warranty support for all brands we sell. DELIVERING THE VERY BEST Neos provides thousands of hardware, software and accessory products from over 240 different brands. We have “Registered Partner” status with more than 40 of the world’s leading vendors and hold “Business Partner” status with HP, Microsoft, OKI, Cisco, EMC² and ESET. We will always recommend what we feel is the best product based on the requirements of the task and do not show favouritism to any one brand which means you, our client, get the best product for the job. ALL THINGS IT AND DIGITAL Neos is continually educating our staff, with the help of our vendors, on new products that can help our clients business. Whether it is cost savings, increased productivity or simply a new widget to make life a little easier, we will know about it. No need to try and figure out what you need on your own, we are here to help! So for all things IT and digital, both hardware and software including consumables and accessories, talk to us to get the best for your needs at the best price for your budget! OUR HARDWARE PRODUCT RANGE INCLUDES: Desktop and Workstation Computers Laptops, Tablets, and Portable Computers Monitors
information technology & electronics
computer hardware
Telephone Systems are now complex computers and with the internet able to deliver telephone services, there are multiple options to choose from. The main challenge with telephone systems these days is making sure they are the right fit for your business and deliver not only cost savings and robust calling, but also the ability to integrate with your current IT systems to help increase productivity from users. We can provide your business with an internet connection as part of your package. This would also provide you with a direct link to our data centre so your Cloud Services, such as Cloud Server or VoIP phone system, will be more reliable and work even faster! Title: TMS - Business IT Solutions & Services | IT Support for Business Content: Total Management Service TMS neos-admin 2019-11-15T01:47:52+00:00 If you are wanting an all-encompassing solution to your IT systems and infrastructure, then the Total Management Service is for you. If you want a complete solution to the management of your IT systems and infrastructure, then the TMS is for you. Title: Case Studies - Business IT Solutions & Services | IT Support for Business Content: Communications Case Studies neos-admin 2021-02-16T23:01:50+00:00 Take a look at some of the great work we’ve been able to do in partnering with our clients to deliver peace of mind that their IT systems are in the very best hands. We can help. Neos Systems neos-admin 2022-09-06T00:48:24+00:00 “Our purpose is to ensure all our clients’ critical IT Systems and infrastructure are running at peak performance so they can focus on what’s important to them, their business! ” Let us take care of IT Since 2010, Neos Systems have been providing New Zealand businesses with the complete confidence that their IT Systems are running at peak performance. Title: Neos Cloud Services | Business IT Solutions & Services Content: Cloud Cloud neos-admin 2019-11-15T01:49:37+00:00 In this day and age, you want to be able to access your information anywhere, anytime, from any device connected to the internet. With a Neos Cloud Server, if there is ever an issue, we can get you back up and running in a matter of minutes! This means in the event of a disaster, or if you experience a hardware failure, your valuable information is safe and ready for you when you need it. Neos’ Cloud Backup is a fully automated service. With Hosted Exchange, your email, calendar, contacts and tasks are stored on our Neos Cloud Servers, in a secure data centre. Title: Neos Consultancy Services | Business IT Solutions & Services Content: Consultancy Consultancy neos-admin 2019-11-15T01:50:14+00:00 There are key times where a business needs to step back and take a snap shot of the current situation of their IT systems, infrastructure and the overarching strategic plan behind their use of technology. We can design a network that’s right for your business, no matter how big or small — so you don’t have to worry about a thing! We can also help you with an Information Systems Strategic Plan for your business, which would become a key part of your overall business plan. Neos is continually educating our staff, with the help of our vendors, on new products that can help our clients business. No need to try and figure out what you need on your own, we are here to help!
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: SF Evening's People of Action | Rotary Club of San Francisco Evening Content: SF Evening's People of Action People of Action Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves. We are People of Action. Celebrating 7 Years of Service It's been 7 years since our revolutionary club chartered. Lucky #7. Thank you all for your continued service, support, dedication, and fellowship to SF Evening and Rotary International. Without you, our list of achievements would not be possible. Since August is Membership Month in Rotary, here's to our fabulous members! In these past 7 years, here are just a few of the things we've accomplished: $44,874 in giving to the Rotary Foundation Sponsoring the first ever LGBTQ club, the Rotary Club of San Francisco Castro Co-sponsoring the first community based Rotaract club, the Rotaract Club of San Francisco in partnership with the Rotary Club of San Francisco #2 Co-sponsoring the Galileo Interact Club with the Rotary Club of Fisherman's Wharf More than 110 projects completed with over 3400 community service hours Over $7200 donated in student sponsorships for RYLA with 7 continuous years of SF Evening participation as staff and/or counselors Mixing cement by hand to build a bottle school in Guatemala and donating more than $2000 for supplies to build the school Partnering with the San Diego Coastal Club in Mexico to renovate an orphanage and build a home in a day for a homeless family Over $2000 in donations to StoveTeam International, an organization that provides self-sustaining cookstoves in Latin American countries to replace dangerous open cooking fires $4000 to Larkin Street Youth Services to help with kitchen remodeling in one of their locations for homeless youth as well as cooking quarterly dinners Over $5000 to Next Village SF, an organization helping San Francisco's seniors age in place, with dignity and also helping purchase and supply emergency kit backpacks to their members $1000 to help solve arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh, in partnership with Rotary Club of San Francisco West and Chemists Without Borders 2 features in the Rotarian magazine Having our first Major Donor & first District Governor Nominee, Danielle Lallement Being the change agent for Rotary clubs in San Francisco, the District, Zone, and RI. We threw out the rule book, made Rotary flexible for our members, added monthly socials, and became the first evening club in San Francisco. And this doesn't include all we've achieved! Just imagine what we will do next! It is truly admirable what our club has been able to do for the San Francisco community and communities abroad. Your participation has made a global impact improving the lives of many. So to all our members, and on behalf of the Board of Directors, we'd like to say: Thank you! If it's Wednesday, it's Rotary! We meet In Person & Online Wednesdays at 6:30 PM 424 Clay Street San Francisco, CA 94111 United States of America SF Evening Rotary meets the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month in-person at Fish & Farm. [PAGE] Title: Rotary International News | Rotary Club of San Francisco Evening Content: Connection is a cure Rotary clubs across the UK are tackling loneliness through efforts that connect older people with college students or provide meetups for people with memory issues and their caregivers. All materials and photos, unless otherwise specified, copyright of Rotary Club of San Francisco Evening . All Rotary marks, logos, and copyrighted content is owned by Rotary International, used with permission. [PAGE] Title: Rotary Lapel Pins - RUSSELL-HAMPTON CO. - Rotary Club Supplies Since 1920 Content: > Rotary > Lapel Pins Rotary Supplies -  Lapel Pins Your Rotary Lapel Pin tells the world that you are a Rotarian and proud of it - wear it every day! There is no better way to start a conversation about Rotary, and that may lead to a new member for your Club. We have Rotary lapel pins for every possible occasion and Title. From Rotary Member Pins and Past President/Past Governor Pins to the annual Rotary Theme Pin and special title and award pins, you will find exactly what you need to proudly signify your membership and relationship to Rotary. In addition, we can create any custom Rotary Lapel Pin you like from a variety of styles and materials. If you have an idea for a custom Rotary Pin for your Club or District, please email us by clicking HERE and our custom ordering specialist will contact you promptly.
government, defense & legal
civic & social organization
Site Overview: Title: SF Evening's People of Action | Rotary Club of San Francisco Evening Content: SF Evening's People of Action People of Action Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves. We are People of Action. Lucky #7. Thank you all for your continued service, support, dedication, and fellowship to SF Evening and Rotary International. In these past 7 years, here are just a few of the things we've accomplished: $44,874 in giving to the Rotary Foundation Sponsoring the first ever LGBTQ club, the Rotary Club of San Francisco Castro Co-sponsoring the first community based Rotaract club, the Rotaract Club of San Francisco in partnership with the Rotary Club of San Francisco #2 Co-sponsoring the Galileo Interact Club with the Rotary Club of Fisherman's Wharf More than 110 projects completed with over 3400 community service hours Over $7200 donated in student sponsorships for RYLA with 7 continuous years of SF Evening participation as staff and/or counselors Mixing cement by hand to build a bottle school in Guatemala and donating more than $2000 for supplies to build the school Partnering with the San Diego Coastal Club in Mexico to renovate an orphanage and build a home in a day for a homeless family Over $2000 in donations to StoveTeam International, an organization that provides self-sustaining cookstoves in Latin American countries to replace dangerous open cooking fires $4000 to Larkin Street Youth Services to help with kitchen remodeling in one of their locations for homeless youth as well as cooking quarterly dinners Over $5000 to Next Village SF, an organization helping San Francisco's seniors age in place, with dignity and also helping purchase and supply emergency kit backpacks to their members $1000 to help solve arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh, in partnership with Rotary Club of San Francisco West and Chemists Without Borders 2 features in the Rotarian magazine Having our first Major Donor & first District Governor Nominee, Danielle Lallement Being the change agent for Rotary clubs in San Francisco, the District, Zone, and RI. We threw out the rule book, made Rotary flexible for our members, added monthly socials, and became the first evening club in San Francisco. And this doesn't include all we've achieved! It is truly admirable what our club has been able to do for the San Francisco community and communities abroad. Your participation has made a global impact improving the lives of many. So to all our members, and on behalf of the Board of Directors, we'd like to say: Thank you! Title: Rotary International News | Rotary Club of San Francisco Evening Content: Connection is a cure Rotary clubs across the UK are tackling loneliness through efforts that connect older people with college students or provide meetups for people with memory issues and their caregivers. Title: Rotary Lapel Pins - RUSSELL-HAMPTON CO. - Rotary Club Supplies Since 1920 Content: > Rotary > Lapel Pins Rotary Supplies -  Lapel Pins Your Rotary Lapel Pin tells the world that you are a Rotarian and proud of it - wear it every day! We have Rotary lapel pins for every possible occasion and Title. From Rotary Member Pins and Past President/Past Governor Pins to the annual Rotary Theme Pin and special title and award pins, you will find exactly what you need to proudly signify your membership and relationship to Rotary. In addition, we can create any custom Rotary Lapel Pin you like from a variety of styles and materials. If you have an idea for a custom Rotary Pin for your Club or District, please email us by clicking HERE and our custom ordering specialist will contact you promptly.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Fort Walton Beach Law Firm | Anchors Smith Grimsley Content: Contact Us We are Anchors Smith Grimsley Our Fort Walton Beach law firm is comprised of ten lawyers raised in the local community with more than two centuries of combined legal experience in a broad range of practice areas. Find an Attorney A Cornerstone of Legal Excellence Anchors Smith Grimsley has proudly served in Northwest Florida as a long-standing pillar in the legal community. With a team of highly skilled and experienced attorneys, they offer a wide range of legal services and are well-equipped to handle complex and challenging cases. The Anchors Smith Grimsley Difference Legal Services Anchors Smith Grimsley provides a full range of legal services and is dedicated to the prompt, efficient and effective legal representation of our clients in all settings and in all state and federal courts throughout Northwest Florida. Our Legal Services Practice Areas The legal team at ASG possesses the broad base of legal experiences and knowledge in many practice areas required to meet our clients’ varied legal needs ranging from providing simple and practical legal advice to representing clients in complex litigation and transactions. 909 Mar Walt Drive, Suite 1014 Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547-6711 Phone: (850) 863-4064 [PAGE] Title: Practice Areas — Anchors Smith Grimsley Content: • Chapter 11 Reorganizations (Including Personal Chapter 11 Cases) • Chapter 13 • Filing of Creditor’s Claims • 2004 Debtor’s Examination • Representing Creditors at 341 Meeting of Creditors • Obtaining Relief from Automatic Stay • Assignments for Benefit of Creditors • Out of Court Workouts and Restructurings • Debt Counseling • Prosecution and Defense of Bankruptcy Related Litigation, including Litigation Involving Preferences, Fraudulent Conveyances, Dischargeability Issues, Asset Sales and the Automatic Stay Commercial and Business Transactions and Litigation • Formation and Dissolution of LLC’s, Corporations and other Business Entities • Negotiation of Contracts • Non-Compete and Trade Secret Litigation • Buy/Sale/Merger of Businesses • Employment Contract and Non-Compete Agreements • All types of Business and Commercial Litigation • General Legal Advice [PAGE] Title: Contact — Anchors Smith Grimsley Content: Contact Us Experience Our Experience NOTE: Using this form to communicate with our firm or any individual attorney does not establish an attorney/client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form and should only be sent after consultation with a retained attorney. Locations 909 Mar Walt Drive, Suite 1014 Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547-6711 Phone [PAGE] Title: Clients — Anchors Smith Grimsley Content: Emerald Coast Association of Realtors First American Title Insurance Company Westcor Land Title Insurance Company Lord & Son Construction, Inc. Gulf Atlantic Electrical Constructors, Inc. Randy Wise Homes, Inc. Regatta Bay Golf and Country Club Orthopedic Associates, PA Emerald Coast Eye Institute, PA Destin Surgery Center [PAGE] Title: Fort Walton Beach Law Firm — Anchors Smith Grimsley Content: Regulatory Administrative Law The transaction side of ASG is complemented by an extensive, experienced and full range civil, criminal, probate and administrative trial and litigation practice. Our goal is to provide our clients with prompt, efficient and cost effective legal representation consistent with the highest standards of legal excellence. Experience By combining over two centuries of collective legal experience that crosses a broad range of practice areas with an unparalleled insight into the legal, social and political environment of Northwest Florida, the lawyers at ASG are able to meet the many and varied needs of our clients. The lawyers and staff of ASG invite you to Experience Our Experience.
government, defense & legal
law practice
Site Overview: Title: Fort Walton Beach Law Firm | Anchors Smith Grimsley Content: Contact Us We are Anchors Smith Grimsley Our Fort Walton Beach law firm is comprised of ten lawyers raised in the local community with more than two centuries of combined legal experience in a broad range of practice areas. Find an Attorney A Cornerstone of Legal Excellence Anchors Smith Grimsley has proudly served in Northwest Florida as a long-standing pillar in the legal community. With a team of highly skilled and experienced attorneys, they offer a wide range of legal services and are well-equipped to handle complex and challenging cases. The Anchors Smith Grimsley Difference Legal Services Anchors Smith Grimsley provides a full range of legal services and is dedicated to the prompt, efficient and effective legal representation of our clients in all settings and in all state and federal courts throughout Northwest Florida. Our Legal Services Practice Areas The legal team at ASG possesses the broad base of legal experiences and knowledge in many practice areas required to meet our clients’ varied legal needs ranging from providing simple and practical legal advice to representing clients in complex litigation and transactions. 909 Mar Walt Drive, Suite 1014 Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547-6711 Phone: (850) 863-4064 Title: Practice Areas — Anchors Smith Grimsley Content: • Chapter 11 Reorganizations (Including Personal Chapter 11 Cases) • Chapter 13 • Filing of Creditor’s Claims • 2004 Debtor’s Examination • Representing Creditors at 341 Meeting of Creditors • Obtaining Relief from Automatic Stay • Assignments for Benefit of Creditors • Out of Court Workouts and Restructurings • Debt Counseling • Prosecution and Defense of Bankruptcy Related Litigation, including Litigation Involving Preferences, Fraudulent Conveyances, Dischargeability Issues, Asset Sales and the Automatic Stay Commercial and Business Transactions and Litigation • Formation and Dissolution of LLC’s, Corporations and other Business Entities • Negotiation of Contracts • Non-Compete and Trade Secret Litigation • Buy/Sale/Merger of Businesses • Employment Contract and Non-Compete Agreements • All types of Business and Commercial Litigation • General Legal Advice Title: Contact — Anchors Smith Grimsley Content: Contact Us Experience Our Experience NOTE: Using this form to communicate with our firm or any individual attorney does not establish an attorney/client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form and should only be sent after consultation with a retained attorney. Locations 909 Mar Walt Drive, Suite 1014 Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547-6711 Phone Title: Clients — Anchors Smith Grimsley Content: Emerald Coast Association of Realtors First American Title Insurance Company Westcor Land Title Insurance Company Lord & Son Construction, Inc. Gulf Atlantic Electrical Constructors, Inc. Randy Wise Homes, Inc. Regatta Bay Golf and Country Club Orthopedic Associates, PA Emerald Coast Eye Institute, PA Destin Surgery Center Title: Fort Walton Beach Law Firm — Anchors Smith Grimsley Content: Regulatory Administrative Law The transaction side of ASG is complemented by an extensive, experienced and full range civil, criminal, probate and administrative trial and litigation practice. Our goal is to provide our clients with prompt, efficient and cost effective legal representation consistent with the highest standards of legal excellence. Experience By combining over two centuries of collective legal experience that crosses a broad range of practice areas with an unparalleled insight into the legal, social and political environment of Northwest Florida, the lawyers at ASG are able to meet the many and varied needs of our clients. The lawyers and staff of ASG invite you to Experience Our Experience.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Design Services: ASK Chemicals Content: [PAGE] Title: Home: ASK Chemicals Content: ASK Chemicals unveils feeding revolution at IFEX tradeshow 10. 01. 2024 Pune / Hilden, January 10, 2024: ASK Chemicals, a global leader in the foundry chemicals industry, is excited to announce its participation in the… ASK Chemicals Group welcomes Andrea Bauer as new Chief Financial Officer 10. 11. 2023 Hilden, November 10, 2023 - ASK Chemicals Group is pleased to announce the appointment of Andrea Bauer as new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) effective… ASK Chemicals presents REZIANCE resin portfolio 11. 10. 2023 Hilden (Germany), October 11, 2023 - ASK Chemicals, a global leader in chemical solutions for the casting industry and a supplier of high-performance… [PAGE] Title: Mold Inoculants: ASK Chemicals Content: Mold Inoculants GERMALLOY, SMW Inserts and OPTIGRAN GERMALLOY and SMW Insert are solid cast inserts used for the mold inoculation of ductile iron. They are either placed in the drag portion of the mold or anchored in the pouring basin of very large castings. GERMALLOY is widely used to improve the nodule count of graphite within a casting, as well as enhance its mechanical properties. SMW Insert inoculants, on the other hand, are well known for their ability to eliminate the formation of chunky graphite in heavy section ductile iron. OPTIGRAN is the mold inoculant for grey iron. It provides finer Type “A” graphite in gray iron. Pouring and dissolving time of ASK Chemicals mold inoculants* Downloads [PAGE] Title: Ask your question: ASK Chemicals Content: Ask your question How can we help? We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about product application, avoiding casting defects, increasing efficiency or reducing emissions. Simply fill out the input fields below. Please specify your problem as far as possible so that our experts can give you a correct answer. We look forward to hearing from you! To access the form, please activate the website cookies. [PAGE] Title: Datenschutz: ASK Chemicals Content: • IP-Adresse Eine Zusammenführung dieser Daten mit anderen Datenquellen wird nicht vorgenommen. Die Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung der Daten ist Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO. Unser berechtigtes Interesse folgt aus den nachfolgend aufgelisteten Zwecken der Datenerhebung: Systemsicherheit und -stabilität. 5. Analyse Tools und Werbung Google Analytics Diese Website nutzt Funktionen des Webanalysedienstes Google Analytics. Anbieter ist die Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google Analytics verwendet so genannte "Cookies". Das sind Textdateien, die auf Ihrem Computer gespeichert werden und die eine Analyse der Benutzung der Website durch Sie ermöglichen. Die durch den Cookie erzeugten Informationen über Ihre Benutzung dieser Website werden in der Regel an einen Server von Google in den USA übertragen und dort gespeichert. 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Sie erhalten jedoch keine Informationen, mit denen sich Nutzer persönlich identifizieren lassen. Wenn Sie nicht am Tracking teilnehmen möchten, können Sie dieser Nutzung widersprechen, indem Sie das Cookie des Google Conversion-Trackings über ihren Internet-Browser unter Nutzereinstellungen leicht deaktivieren. Sie werden sodann nicht in die Conversion-Tracking Statistiken aufgenommen. Die Speicherung von "Conversion-Cookies" erfolgt auf Grundlage von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO. Der Websitebetreiber hat ein berechtigtes Interesse an der Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens, um sowohl sein Webangebot als auch seine Werbung zu optimieren. Mehr Informationen zu Google AdWords und Google Conversion-Tracking finden Sie in den Datenschutzbestimmungen von Google: . 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Weitere Informationen über Datenschutz bei YouTube finden Sie in deren Datenschutzerklärung unter: . 7. Social Media Facebook Die Facebook Fanpage (im Weiteren „Fanpage“ genannt) wird inhaltlich von der ASK Chemicals GmbH, Reisholzstr. 16 – 18, D 40721 Hilden (im Weiteren „ASK“ genannt) betrieben. Wenn Sie unsere Fanpage besuchen, werden von Facebook personenbezogene Daten – z.B. durch den Einsatz von Cookies – über Sie erhoben und verarbeitet. Diese Datenerhebung erfolgt auch dann, wenn Sie unsere Fanpage besuchen und keinen Facebook-Account besitzen bzw. als nicht eingeloggter Besucher unsere Fanpage nutzen. Grundsätzliche Informationen über die Datenverarbeitung durch Facebook finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung von Facebook ( ). ASK hat keinen direkten Einfluss darauf, welche personenbezogenen Daten seitens Facebook erhoben bzw. verarbeitet werden. Des Weiteren hat ASK auch keinen vollen Zugriff auf die erfassten und erhobenen Daten bzw. auf Ihre Profildaten. Gleichwohl hat die ASK Zugriff auf die öffentlichen Informationen Ihres Profils. Sie haben die Möglichkeit in Ihrem Profil Einstellungen vorzunehmen, um somit entscheiden zu können, welche Informationen veröffentlicht werden und in welcher Form Ihnen z.B. zielgerichtete Werbung zugespielt wird. Die ASK hat Zugriff auf anonyme Statistiken der Fanpage, welche die ASK von Facebook erhält. Die Statistiken nutzen wir dazu, um unsere Onlinepräsenz bei Facebook zu verbessern. Beispielsweise werden folgende Informationen seitens Facebook zur Verfügung gestellt: • Follower; • Anzeigen (Klick-Kosten einer Anzeige, Anzahl der gesehenen Anzeigen, Frequenz der Anzeige); • Durchschnittliches Alter der Besucher, Wohnort, Sprache, Geschlecht; • Anzahl an Besuchern, die einen Beitrag gesehen haben und wie häufig auf den Beitrag eine Interaktion stattgefunden hat. ASK erhält nur personenbezogenen Daten über Facebook, wenn Sie mit uns aktiv Interagieren – z.B. über eine persönliche Nachricht an uns. Wir nutzen Ihre angegebenen Daten dann zur Beantwortung Ihrer Anfrage. Kontaktaufnahme, Informationsanfragen, Newsletter Wenn Sie den auf der Website angebotenenvon uns angebotene Informationen per Newsletter beziehen möchten, benötigen wir von Ihnen eine E-Mail-Adresse. Weitere Daten werden nicht bzw. nur auf freiwilliger Basis erhoben. Diese Daten verwenden wir ausschließlich für den Versand der angeforderten Informationen und geben diese nicht an Dritte weiter. Die Verarbeitung der in das Newsletteranmeldeformular Formular eingegebenen Daten erfolgt ausschließlich auf Grundlage Ihrer Einwilligung (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO). Die erteilte Einwilligung zur Speicherung der Daten, der E-Mail-Adresse sowie deren Nutzung zum Versand der Informationen können Sie jederzeit widerrufen. Die Rechtmäßigkeit der bereits erfolgten Datenverarbeitungsvorgänge bleibt vom Widerruf unberührt. Die von Ihnen zum Zwecke des Newsletter-Bezugs bei uns hinterlegten Daten werden von uns bis zu Ihrer Austragung aus dem Newsletter bei uns gespeichert und nach der Abbestellung des Newsletters gelöscht. Daten, die zu anderen Zwecken bei uns gespeichert wurden bleiben hiervon unberührt. [PAGE] Title: Additive Technology: ASK Chemicals Content: Additive Technology Additive Technology As part of the measures for preventing casting defects, additives are a tried-and-true solution. A small addition, for instance, can remedy several common defects (e.g. surface-based defects). However, at ASK Chemicals we are advancing additive technology beyond common uses. Our engineers – working alongside our customers – are discovering speciality additives that can reduce the use of expensive sands and, in some instances, replace coatings entirely. Within cold box production, in particular, this revelation could reduce costs substantially and enhance productivity. Dimensional accuracy compliance is equally relevant where additives may substitute coatings in thin-walled castings. Ultimately, coating-free production offers reduced material costs alongside the elimination of peripheral coating equipment, resulting in major savings. Improved results through innovative additives Effective against casting defects Uncoated casting Substitution of expensive special sands Reduced cleaning costs Better machine/ core box availability Environmentally friendly solutions [PAGE] Title: EXACTCAST mini-risers: ASK Chemicals Content: EXACTCAST mini-risers EXACTCAST mini-risers EXACTCAST mini-risers are thick walled, highly efficient riser sleeves. Designed to be used in ram-up or spot feeding applications, the fast igniting highly efficient exothermic / insulating sleeves allow for a 60%-70% feed efficiency. This, in-turn, promotes higher yields than typically found in traditional riser sleeves. These risers are ideal for feeding isolated sections or locations with limited contact area. ASK Chemicals EXACTCAST mini-risers also come in a wide variety of metal neck designs to further reduce contact area and, thus, finishing time/expense. Advantages of EXACTCAST Mini-Risers: • Consistent thermal properties and Performance Mini-Riser Film Mini Riser Principle EXACTCAST KMV mini-risers for optimum yield in steel applications Conventional risers used in steel casting generally do not use the complete riser volume to counteract the shrinkage deficit. The output from these risers is just 30%. The remaining 70% of the volume is used to keep warm the 30% of the liquid metal required for feeding. It is precisely here that the fiber-free EXACTCAST KMV mini-riser for steel casting comes into play. While retaining the feeding power, the volume can be reduced, as the exothermal mass replaces the non-feed. EXACTCAST OPTIMA Risers for serial castings The EXACTCAST OPTIMA risers have a loose integrated metal neck in the bottom part of the riser and the corresponding pin. These act as a precisely defined breaking point. The virtually frictionless sleeve and the integrated riser cap prevent crumbling particles from falling into the mold. Mold contamination and the associated casting defects are therefore eliminated, raising the cycle times on molding systems. Both variants are available fluorine-free. [PAGE] Title: Be ahead with ASK Experts at your side.: ASK Chemicals Content: GIFA 2023 Be ahead with ASK Experts at your side. Join us at GIFA to connect with our expert team. Our global experts will partner with you to overcome any challenges and turn them into opportunities. Whether it's energy and resource efficiency, sustainable transformation, additive manufacturing, lightweight construction, or e-mobility, our ASK experts will help you stay ahead of the game. Rely on us to find solutions that ensure your long-term success. Be ahead and visit us at GIFA. We look forward to seeing you there! [PAGE] Title: Profitability: ASK Chemicals Content: Profitability reset filter Can you recommend a simple approach to increasing the production volume and productivity rate of a coremaking operation? Our US experts recommend: Of course using a high-efficiency release agent can prolong the period of time between necessary cleaning for core or mold tooling, but a quick and easy way to extend machine uptime is to use a fast and efficient metal cleaner to remove residual binder and sand build-up on a pattern or mold and/or tool faces. These are newly formulated metal cleaners that not only will ensure that the tooling is clean, to provide the ideal surface to produce a core or mold, they also help keep vents clear and open. Tooling and vents that are free of debris will decrease system downtime, thereby increasing the productivity of the operation.  Keep in mind that metal cleaners are solvents formulated to dissolve binders:  Always check the compatibility of the metal cleaner with the tooling material and any seals or plastic that may be in contact with it. There are “environmentally friendly” or “green” metal cleaners offered by various developers, and used by some foundries, but these products typically do not work as completely and efficiently as the more ad-vanced formulations. If handled properly, ASK’s metal cleaners are the most efficient and economical to use. Cleaners break down cold-box resins in less than 15 minutes, as compared to older formulations that may soften the resin but never truly break it down. Spraying or brushing the metal cleaner directly on the built up areas and then allowing it to soak for at least 15 minutes is the most effective way to clean metal pat-terns.  Then, the softened films can be removed easily. This can all be accom-plished without removing the tooling from the core machine, saving addi-tional down time.  Small parts can be immersed or soaked in the cleaner. Ideally all excess cleaner should be re-moved prior to re-com-missioning the tooling into the manufacturing process. Personal protective equipment is essential for workers handling or applying the metal cleaners as most are corrosive and can cause irritation if mishandled. Operators should wear chemical resistant gloves and goggles.  A face shield also may be recommended.  In order to know for sure, it is critical that Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) should be read carefully and understood fully before using metal cleaners. So, consult with your ASK Chemicals contact for the best overall recommendation. Can you suggest a more reliable inoculation practice for these floor-molded castings? We currently have two processes, for gray and ductile iron casting. Our smaller, high-volume castings are poured on an automatic molding line (green sand, vertically parted) with an automatic pour-ing unit (stopper rod.)  Here, we inoculate in-stream with good results, however we occasionally struggle with carbides on some ductile iron products. For our larger castings we use no-bake (PEP SET™) molding on a medium-sized loop line.  Once made, these molds are moved to the pouring floor for hand pouring. For these no-bake castings the microstruc-ture and mechanical properties are highly unpredict-able and result in high scrap rates. Can you suggest a more reliable inoculation practice for these floor-molded castings? Our US experts recommend: The improved metallurgical quality of the casting poured in your green-sand operation can be directly attributed to the late (in-stream) inoculation practice. Adding a late inoculation step to the larger, hand-poured molds could improve the metallurgical quality of these castings.  However, using in-stream inoculation might not be practical, so other methods will need to be considered. In recent years, increasing demands for improved mechanical properties and the challenges encountered by foundries trying to inoculate electric furnace iron have established a need for potent inoculation that is introduced just before the casting cavity is filled, i.e. late inoculation. On your automatic molding line you have satisfied these de-manding specifications by adopting late inoculation in the form of in-stream inoculation.  In-stream inoculation is well suited to applications that involve pouring the casting in the same location each and every time.  However, due to the need for specialized equipment, employing in-stream inoculation for hand-poured castings is not so easy. Moving the ladle from mold to mold on the pouring floor is a challenge in any case. Now consider moving equipment along with the ladle, and it is clear that this can be a very time consuming and cumbersome process. Well, perhaps you could have a mem-ber of the pouring crew add a carefully metered, precise addition of sized material to the iron stream, during mold filling. That would be a solid solution except for the drawbacks: labor costs, safety concerns, and the likelihood that the feed-rate of the inoculant will be inconsistent are a few of the disadvantages of this practice. So, let’s consider a more practical method for late inoculation of hand poured castings: using solid, cast ferrosilicon inserts in the mold (or pouring basin.) This technique is widely accepted as a viable method for late inoculation of hand poured castings. In fact, it is commonly used for all types of molding and pouring op-erations.  Using solid cast inserts for your late inoculation of gray and ductile iron would provide these benefits: No fade. The inoculant goes into solution as close to solidification as possible. Proper addition rates.  Solid cast inserts are produced in more than 15 different sizes, so providing the proper addition rate (0.1 – 0.2%) for your mold is not a problem. Uniform inoculation. The insert dissolves continuously during pouring, providing even, uniform inoculation. No slag generation. The inoculant goes into solution in the absence of atmosphere, resulting in very clean inoculation. Potent inoculation effect.  These inserts are engineered to provide maximum effect for gray and ductile iron. So, if you’re looking for a more reliable inoculation practice that will improve the metallurgical quality of castings, reduce variability, and save money by reducing scrap, consider late inoculation with solid cast inserts.  GERMALLOY™ is recommended for ductile iron castings; OPTIGRAN™ is the choice for gray iron castings. Metallurgy experts at ASK Chemicals can provide recommenda-tions for the proper sizing and application of mold inoculation for no-bake and green-sand operations. So, consult with your ASK Chemicals contact for the best overall recommendation. 3D-Printed Filters Are Engineered for Higher Throughput, Cleaner Metal Additive manufacturing achieves uniformity and consistency in filter design, with higher flow capacity than sintered ceramic-foam filters can offer. Q:We need to need to filter molten metal for a large casting, to eliminate inclusions and reduce clean room costs, but the currently available filter technologies are insufficient – mainly because the filter material “plugs off” too quickly during the pouring sequence. What products are available to address this? A:For this issue there are a few different technical solutions for you to consider. The first would to be rig up your gating system to filter through multiple filters, to handle the increased capacity required for pouring large-scale castings. Another possible solution might be be to filter through an assembly piece with multiple filters, or a filter with increased surface area, such as a tube. A third option would be to find a filter that can handle the same thermal shock properties as a conventional filter, and has an engineered design to allow for the increased capacity — and still would supply the filtration capabilities required to eliminate the inclusions you describe. Among these three options, the easiest to implement and most cost-effective would be the third option. Next, with all the metal-filtering technologies out there you would need to find such a filter. And now, and the most viable place to find such an ideal product would be in the emerging venue of additive manufacturing. In other words, a “3D-printed filter.” Recently, ASK Chemicals introduced its EXACTPORE 3D line, which would check all the boxes required to solve your issue. These filters offer iron and steel foundries (as well as investment casters) new and more efficient filtration options for the highest casting quality. Thanks to their particularly sophisticated and well thought-through design, EXACTPORE 3D filters provide the highest structural integrity and thus safety and efficiency in use. Metal purity is one of the most important requirements for foundries: “Best practice” molten-metal filtration includes sintered ceramic foam filters, but the structure of the filter foams in particular means that this form of filtration also has its limits. During the ceramic coating and sintering process, tiny particles may form inside the filter structure, which are only slightly sintered with the base material. Flow through the filter can cause these particles to detach, which impairs the purity of the melt and can lead to inclusions in the casting. The high structural integrity of EXACTPORE 3D filters ensures the absence of loose particles and thus prevents contamination of the melt by so-called filter bits and time-consuming reworking. A further advantage of the new filter generation is its higher flow capacity. Due to the uniformity of the pore design and the structurally consistent geometry, the flow capacity of the EXACTPORE 3D filters is significantly higher than sintered ceramic foam filters with the same filter and pore size, and thus offers foundries an opportunity to further increase manufacturing productivity. The uniformity of the pore design and the structural integrity of the new filters also significantly reduces turbulence compared to conventional solutions and greatly protects against reoxidation caused by entrained air. In fact, hardly any impurities get into the mold, which leads to less reworking, improved surface quality and lower rejection rates and ultimately increases profitability. “Finally, our new filters are manufactured in such a way that the design possibilities are virtually limitless,” according to Bob Gage, market manager-Filters, referring to the flexibility and variability that is possible thanks to additive manufacturing of the new EXACTPORE 3D filters. “With our new filters there are almost no limitations as to what we can offer our customers in terms of pore design,” he emphasized. “We can produce almost any pore size – even unconventional ones – in order to guarantee the best possible filter quality with constant flow properties. Virtual field service is a fast and efficient alternative service experience for metalcasters who cannot wait to make their operations perform better and compete more effectively. Q: Everyone seems stretched these days and it is hard to find help, but it’s even harder to find timely help. I lean heavily on my suppliers for support – but now I am waiting weeks to schedule service. Is there a better option out there? Zoom meetings seem quick and easy. Is this possible, or something similar, in case we need support on the shop floor? A: Tonnage poured, a primary indicator of productivity in the metalcasting industry – specifically sand casting – has been in decline for several decades due to several factors (e.g., lightweight automotive designs, including for electric vehicles.) Furthermore, the industry has a diminished appeal today, impacting labor supply due to environmental concerns (e.g., VOCs), dangerous working conditions, and poor wages. Understandably, in the past few decades many OEMs have repositioned their operations to lower-cost emerging markets (e.g., China, Mexico, Turkey, etc.) Those manufacturers who are unable, or unwilling, to follow suit have borne these burdens, aided in-part by value-added services offered by their suppliers/partners. Labor shortages should be re-emphasized as a serious impediment to the metalcasting industry and its overall vitality. Relatively recently, manufacturers in well-established regions (e.g., U.S., Germany) have been forced to operate ‘lean’ in order to remain competitive with operators in emerging markets. Likewise, major foundry consumable providers have been forced to scale-back their service offerings, such as dedicated bulk tank applications with fully equipped telemetry equipment for volume tracking of supplies. Even technical expertise is harder to come by as experienced technicians and metallurgists retire from the industry, with fewer experts ready to take up their work and responsibilities. Amidst these latter challenges stands the on-going global pandemic. In 2020, particularly, we noticed the increased need for technical support, as foundry doors remained closed to suppliers to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Virtual field services, a widely unknown term until then, was primarily operating within ad hoc Apple Facetime calls that proved beneficial in the right circumstances (e.g., quality cellular connection / Wi-Fi). Unfortunately, however, many of our customers either suffered from poor connectivity, or needed greater instruction and documentation than a mere visual aid. With this in mind, ASK Chemicals has developed a new virtual service concept, as a supplement to the well-known on-site technical service. ASKNow – virtual field services – makes it possible to create “cases” that contain documents, pictures, and video content. Customer and ASK Chemicals teams are using annotation and pointing tools to better collaborate on their cases. What sets the service offering apart are unique features believed to be beneficial to the foundry industry, in particular: •  Low-bandwidth video/audio options for remote site locations; •  Quick and easy annotation (pictures/videos); •  Ability to record video and connect to third-party live-streaming headsets; •  Cloud-based collaboration of annotated files, for seamless transfer of information; and, ASKNow virtual field services is a service option to our customer-base as a fast and efficient alternative service experience, where traditional face-to-face consultations may not be required. With the launch of ASK Now, we have been able to support our customers in the shortest possible time. Long waiting times and, in the worst case, production downtimes are definitely a distant reality with ASKNow. Assessing Cored-Wire for Automated Iron Treatment, Inoculation Selecting the right alloy and inputting accurate values can make alloy addition more effective, reliable, and environmentally friendly Q: We pour medium- to large-size gray, ductile, and CGI castings, and we are evaluating our current gray- and ductile-iron tapping, treating, inoculating and pouring processes. Is there a process/practice that would allow us to automate treating and inoculating processes effectively? A: There are many different processes for treating and inoculating cast iron, processes that usually are conducted at the ladle. Tundish, pour-over, and sandwich methods are typical. More automated processes include plunging and the gazelle (porous plug) methods, while for inoculation the in-stream process is automated easily and provides many benefits. However, one approach can apply both automated treatment and inoculation practice. Cored-wire practice introduces a hollow wire filled with powder alloys to the molten metal. The alloys in the wire may be MgFeSi for magnesium treatment (for DI or CGI), and/or inoculation material (for DI, GI or CGI.) The wire is drawn from a coil that is mounted to the machine and feeds it to the molten metal. After it is set up, the machine has a human-machine interface (HMI) for installing required values of the melt and to introduce process automation. With these input values the machine will calculate the length of wire necessary to feed into the metal. Because this process is automated, it brings more accuracy to the sequence of adding magnesium and inoculation materials. These values are necessary to calculate how much wire is required in the molten metal. The coil normally reports the alloys in grams per meter of wire, and the information required by the computer will allow it to accurately calculate the length of the wire necessary to add the right amount of alloy. The input values include sulfur content before and after treatment (for DI and CGI), iron volume, melt temperature, and wire-feeding speed. Some additional inputs may be required, but this will vary according to the current practice. Normally, recovery levels of cored wire are comparable to other practices, however it will depend on a number of things: sulfur content before and after magnesium treatment, the percent of magnesium content in the treated iron, the iron quantity, the meters of wire fed, and the quantity of magnesium per meter of wire. With these details, a preliminary percentage of magnesium recovery can be calculated. The temperature of the metal and the ladle geometry also affect magnesium recovery, and results will depend upon each individual practice. For cored-wire practice it is preferable for the ladle to be taller than it is wide. Usually, a ladle that has a height/diameter ratio of 2:1 is recommended for cored-wire practice. This will promote a high iron column, meaning the Mg vapor bubbles have to travel a long distance through the iron and therefore remain largely within the iron. However, it is possible to use your current ladles: The cored-wire mechanism can be tailored to any ladle as long as this is considered when designing the equipment. Cored-wire practice offers reproducible results between ladles, high-quality iron, and simple process automation.  In addition to these benefits, cored-wire treatment also can be an environmentally friendly process. The mechanism normally includes a lid with hollow tubes through which to introduce the wire: one of these tubes is used to control and direct the emissions from the treatment and inoculation step into the fan. With this system, it is easy to control the effluent and prevent the smoke from the magnesium treatment to disturb other activities in the foundry. The typical products for ductile iron treatment and inoculation are MgFeSi and foundry-grade FeSi. However, we also offer pure magnesium wires and other inoculation products, such as ferrosilicon with zirconium, strontium, aluminum, calcium, bismuth and even cerium. Your selection depends on what you seek to accomplish at your foundry. There also are different wire diameters that may be chosen for cored-wire practice. Standard diameters for wire are 9 and 13 mm, available for the different cored wire coils. On special occasions, a 16-mm diameter wire may be offered. The different diameters will ensure that more material can be inserted per meter of wire. The larger diameters provide the ability to use less coil length, and also may reduce the wire-feeding speed for the mechanism. A New Option for Fast, Efficient Customer Service Where face-to-face consultation may not be required, on-call experts are available to metalcasters who cannot wait to improve performance and compete more effectively. Q: Everyone seems stretched these days and it is hard to find help, but it’s even harder to find timely help. I lean heavily on my suppliers for support – but now I am waiting weeks to schedule service. Is there a better option out there? Zoom meetings seem quick and easy. Is this possible, or something similar, in case we need support on the shop floor? A: Tonnage poured, a primary indicator of productivity in the metalcasting industry – specifically sand casting – has been in decline for several decades due to several factors (e.g., lightweight automotive designs, including for electric vehicles.) Furthermore, the industry has a diminished appeal today, impacting labor supply due to environmental concerns (e.g., VOCs), dangerous working conditions, and poor wages. Understandably, in the past few decades many OEMs have repositioned their operations to lower-cost emerging markets (e.g., China, Mexico, Turkey, etc.) Those manufacturers who are unable, or unwilling, to follow suit have borne these burdens, aided in-part by value-added services offered by their suppliers/partners. Labor shortages should be re-emphasized as a serious impediment to the metalcasting industry and its overall vitality. Relatively recently, manufacturers in well-established regions (e.g., U.S., Germany) have been forced to operate ‘lean’ in order to remain competitive with operators in emerging markets. Likewise, major foundry consumable providers have been forced to scale-back their service offerings, such as dedicated bulk tank applications with fully equipped telemetry equipment for volume tracking of supplies. Even technical expertise is harder to come by as experienced technicians and metallurgists retire from the industry, with fewer experts ready to take up their work and responsibilities. Amidst these latter challenges stands the on-going global pandemic. In 2020, particularly, we noticed the increased need for technical support, as foundry doors remained closed to suppliers to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Virtual field services, a widely unknown term until then, was primarily operating within ad hoc Apple Facetime calls that proved beneficial in the right circumstances (e.g., quality cellular connection / Wi-Fi). Unfortunately, however, many of our customers either suffered from poor connectivity, or needed greater instruction and documentation than a mere visual aid. With this in mind, ASK Chemicals has developed a new virtual service concept, as a supplement to the well-known on-site technical service. ASKNow – virtual field services – makes it possible to create “cases” that contain documents, pictures, and video content. Customer and ASK Chemicals teams are using annotation and pointing tools to better collaborate on their cases. What sets the service offering apart are unique features believed to be beneficial to the foundry industry, in particular: •  Low-bandwidth video/audio options for remote site locations; •  Quick and easy annotation (pictures/videos); •  Ability to record video and connect to third-party live-streaming headsets; •  Cloud-based collaboration of annotated files, for seamless transfer of information; and, ASKNow virtual field services is a service option to our customer-base as a fast and efficient alternative service experience, where traditional face-to-face consultations may not be required. With the launch of ASKNow, we have been able to support our customers in the shortest possible time. Long waiting times and, in the worst case, production downtimes are definitely a distant reality with ASKNow. [PAGE] Title: Toll Manufacturing: ASK Chemicals Content: Individual Toll manufacturing according to your demands. Toll manufacturing at ASK Chemicals according to individual wishes and recipes. Products Alkyd- and copolymer resins, water-  and solvent-borne Individual backbone modification on demand Phenolic resins, water- and solvent-borne Polyester Oil in water emulsions, particle size control Solutions, cold blends [PAGE] Title: Cored wire: ASK Chemicals Content: Cored wire INFORM M for magnesium treatment INFORM M cored wires are a highly effective and reliable method for introducing magnesium to molten metal. These highly innovative wires are designed in multiple diameters. They are extremely easy to handle and ideal for automated processes. ASK Chemicals INFORM M cored wires are guaranteed to have been produced to the highest quality. Your benefits Well-adjusted compositions to your specific foundry needs Small addition and exact dosing Simple handling, easy to automate Good traceability and documentation Mg cored wire treatment for DI and CGI This offers flexibility with regard to changing initial conditions such as the sulfur content, treatment temperature, and iron quantity. Additionally, relatively constant Mg values can be achieved despite different initial sulfur values and treatment temperatures. Lastly, handling and treatment costs can be reduced. Environmentally friendly because of targeted exhausting. Classification of Mg-treatment wires Improvement of workplace conditions & significant cost savings Read our customer success story about the production of large wind power parts with INFORM M: Read now! [PAGE] Title: INOTEC - economic advantages: ASK Chemicals Content: INOTEC - economic advantages INOTEC - economic advantages In addition to casting-related technical benefits, INOTEC technology offers process-related advantages over conventional processes. Particularly notable among these are the significant increases to productivity in the casting process and a drastic reduction in the consumption of resources for maintenance and servicing work. Due to the absence of organic components, the use of the INOTEC system does not result in the buildup of condensation, which in turn reduces the amount of cleaning involved. Investment in air treatment measures is also saved, making INOTEC a cost-effective alternative. Benefits: Shorter solidification times owing to lower permanent mold temperatures and thus shorter cycle times No buildup of condensation and therefore increased availability of permanent molds Much less cleaning required No need for air treatment Improved cast part qualities Case study: manufacture of a cylinder head for a 6-cylinder diesel engine in gravity permanent mold casting [PAGE] Title: Master alloys: ASK Chemicals Content: Master alloys FeSiMg and NiMg Magnesium treatment is a required step within the production of ductile (DI) iron and compacted (CGI) iron. The primary purpose of introducing magnesium to the molten metal is the formation of spherical graphite, also called spheroids or nodules (DI) and compacted graphite (CGI) respectively. These graphite forms, when produced correctly, are essential to provide the iron with the desired mechanical properties. Your benefits Produced to the highest quality standards Critical elements maintained at narrow limits Methods for introducing the pre-alloy Master alloys [PAGE] Title: UDICELL Filters: ASK Chemicals Content: • Exactfill Housings UDICELL Zirconia Filters UDICELL filters are fully sintered ceramic filters made of partially stabilized zirconia.  These filters are specifically designed for use in steel and iron foundries.  UDICELL filters have the highest chemical, thermal and mechanical stability in the industry, providing consistency and performance for high temperature alloys and/or large pouring weights.  The UDICELL filter is a cost efficient means of reducing casting defects. Recommended pour sizes are 10 PPI – 15 PPI. Recommended metal type: Stainless Steel / Low Alloy Steel Advantages of UDICELL Zirconia Filters: • Ability to withstand temperatures up to 3200F • High efficiency of molten metal filtration and turbulence reduction, providing laminar flow • Captures non-metallic inclusions to improve casting properties (strength, ductility and fatigue resistance) • Open pore structure provides repeatable pour times and flow rates • Process control for the highest quality filters in the industry UDICELL Carbon Bonded Filters UDICELL carbon bonded filters are used for ferrous alloys that may experience priming difficulties.  The carbon bonded filters provide an excellent mix of priming efficiency with filtration effectiveness.  A low percentage of carbon limits the possibility of contamination from carbon pick-up.  UDICELL carbon bonded filters can be engineered in custom shapes, with a maximum dimension of 6” or 150 mm. Recommended pour sizes are 10 PPI – 15 PPI Recommended metal type: Stainless Steel / Low Alloy Steel Advantages of UDICELL Carbon Bonded Filters: • Ideal for low pouring temperatures • Efficient filtration and oxide reduction • Multiple pour sizes UDICELL Exactfill with tubular filter and housing The single filter housing system is easy to assemble within the molding cavity.  Assembly of multiple housings, at one or more levels, allows the molding and pouring of very large castings.  Each piece has an outlet so you can close off either the top or bottom with the stopper.  This feature eliminates the need for left or right hand versions of the housing.  Also, the metal will penetrate the filter and exit at the top or bottom of the carousel and then into a connected refractory gating system, or directly into the mold cavity. Recommended pour size is 10 PPI Recommended metal type: Steel / LCLA / SS Advantages of UDICELL Exactfill with tubular filter and housing: • 3x greater filter area • Quick install & easy to use UDICELL Exactfill Housing System (Standard Ceramic Housings) The UDICELL Exactfill Housing System (Standard Ceramic Housings) comes in five different types depending on your needs: Round = vertically implemented UDICELL round filters Tee = horizontally implemented UDICELL square filters Elbow = horizontally implemented UDICELL square filters Iron = vertically implemented UDICELL square filters Steel = vertically implemented UDICELL square filters Recommended pour size is 10 PPI Recommended metal type: Steel / Iron (Ductile) / Iron (Grey) Advantages of UDICELL Exactfill Housing System (Standard Ceramic Housings): • 5 styles to support different uses • Cost effective [PAGE] Title: Compliance: ASK Chemicals Content: Compliance Compliance ASK Chemicals considers integrity and compliance as core values and is committed to conducting its business honestly and ethically. We owe our honest, good faith services to our customers, our suppliers, and each other. ASK Chemicals expects its employees to follow ethical principles and act with good sense in engaging with others, including ASK Chemicals employees, authorities and regulators, business partners, competitors, and customers. Our Compliance Commitments: We provide high quality products and excellent services in an ethical and transparent manner. We abide by the laws, regulations, and ethical practices of each country in which we operate. We operate safe work environments and prioritize the safety of our colleagues and our communities. We promote environmentally sound practices and sustainable development. We uphold principles of free competition and avoid even the appearance of any kind of collusion, and conduct our business on fair and transparent terms. We handle market information with care and do not use inside information for personal gain. We will not engage in any kind of self-dealing or request, accept, offer, or give any improper advantage or anything of value in connection with our business operations. We put the interests of ASK Chemicals and its customers first, separating private interests from those of the company and immediately disclosing potential conflicts of interest. We cooperate with and engage openly in all dealings with government authorities and the public. We welcome diversity among ASK Chemicals employees, customers, and suppliers, and treat others with honesty, respect, and open-mindedness. We do not discriminate against or disparage others on the grounds of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, ideology, physical or mental disability, sexual or gender orientation, or age, and we do not tolerate any form of sexual harassment. We prepare and document the results of scientific and technical work in accordance with prevailing scientific standards, respect the proprietary rights of others, keep patent registrations secret until publication, and protect trade secrets. We are accountable for our own behavior and act as a role model for other employees in all aspects of our work. Code of Conduct [PAGE] Title: White Paper: ASK Chemicals Content: [PAGE] Title: ECOCURE BLUE: ASK Chemicals Content: ECOCURE BLUE ECOCURE BLUE - Latest Cold Box Platform Technology By using ECOCURE BLUE, the Cold Box binder without hazardous ingredients in part I (see fig. 1) that are subject to compulsory labeling, you clearly commit to environmental protection and to employee health. This new binder system reduces BTX emissions in the casting process as well as the phenol content in the reclaimed sand. At the same time, this binder system is in no way inferior to the best binder systems presently available on the market, when it comes to reactivity, strength and casting results. Figure 1: Comparison Standard Cold Box Binder and ECOCURE BLUE Consistent refinement and further development of ECOCURE HE binders by a combination with the ECOCURE BLUE platform The new ECOCURE BLUE-platform combines the already well-known advantages of the ECOCURE HE series with further advantages for employees and environment. The development of the ECOCURE HE binders specifically aimed at reducing the binder content of Cold Box cores as far as possible without losing technical properties or quality, especially quality of the casting result, and at the same time to achieve a reduction of emissions. The development of the new platform technology ECOCURE BLUE additionally aimed at reducing the monomer content and above all the content of free phenol. The ECOCURE BLUE platform technology can be used with all catalysts available on the market as well with all different sand qualities and numerous sand additives. Only part 2 of the Cold Box formulation is unavoidably based on isocyanate, which must be declared (see table 1). Table 1: Labeling of common Cold Box systems * According to CLP regulation The use of the ECOCURE BLUE platform makes it possible to reduce emissions in the whole process, starting from core production via the pouring process right up to demolding without having to forego the advantages of the High Efficiency technology with its ability to systematically optimize immediate strengths. Your advantages at a glance: Free of hazardous ingredients* Combines the advantages of ECOCURE HE Cold Box binders with high environmental compatibility Can be combined with ECOCURE HE binder Free phenol < 1 %, free formaldehyde < 0,1 % Savings with logistics and storage Frank LenzenTechnical Product Manager Cold Box [PAGE] Title: INOBAKE Technology: ASK Chemicals Content: INOBAKE Technology INOBAKE Technology INOBAKE is the result of our consistent focus on new, inorganic technology. The development of this new molding technique benefits enormously from our experience and expertise with the INOTEC process in core production. In contrast to the standard waterglass ester system, the INOBAKE technique offers an exceptionally good ratio between processing and hardening time, making it much more productive. Odorless mold production and low-emissions casting are the main advantages of this method over other mold production methods based on phenolic resin or furfuryl alcohol. Exposure to phenols and formaldehyde during mold production and BTX emissions during casting is now a thing of the past. The technique is currently still restricted to applications in light metal casting, where its capacity for regeneration of the waste sand by mechanical means has been demonstrated both through experiments and in practice. [PAGE] Title: ASKOFEN Phenolic Resins for Can Coatings: ASK Chemicals Content: ASKOFEN Phenolic Resins for Can Coatings ASKOFEN R series for can coatings Our high molecular butylated phenolic resins are used as crosslinkers for epoxy and polyester systems. ASKOFEN products offer good compatibility with different resin systems. According to the formulation, the produced can coatings provide high elasticity and excellent chemical resistance. ASKOFEN for can coating application conforms to US FDA, 21 CFR § 175.300 and EU 10/2011, Annex 1. Dr. Jan KlesingTechnical Product Manager Specialties [PAGE] Title: Simulation Services: ASK Chemicals Content: Simulation Services Simulation Services ASK Chemicals, with its experienced global team of specialists, provides simulations of all types of foundry-related problems, which makes it a qualified partner at every stage from process development to problem-solving. The ASK Chemicals Design Services Team comes with years of experience in the area of simulation and design. In addition, our engineers have a practical foundry background alongside their expertise within the casting simulation and modeling softwares used today. Casting & Solidification Mold filling simulations at a glance Visualization of the temperature distribution Visualization of the flows, turbulences, areas of risk Visualization of cold laps, hot tears and mold erosion Visualization of air entrapment Solidification simulations at a glance Visualization of solidification behavior and cooling Visualization of shrinkage-induced porosities [PAGE] Title: Leading innovations: ASK Chemicals Content: Leading innovations Leading innovations Many foundries are challenged by the questions of how they can increase their profitability and continue to deliver high quality in the face of dwindling resources. This is where foundry chemistry makes an important contribution with its innovation capabilities. The field substitutes limited and expensive raw materials with equivalent or better alternatives as well as optimizes the efficiency and emission load of its product solutions. An important research focus of our R&D teams is to increase the efficiency of our products while reducing emissions. At GIFA Forum and in our GIFA EXPERT TALKS, we present our colleagues' latest developments to master our industry's current challenges. GIFA EXPERT TALKS EMISSION COMPONENTS OF PU-COLD-BOX SYSTEMS Two noticeable effects of Cold Box technology towards environmental concerns, observed during the metal casting process, are fume generation and the accumulation of the condensate which results in future fire hazards in the foundries. ASK Chemicals is proud to present this study focused exclusively on the investigation of the effect of several components of a typical Cold Box binder systems (e.g., solvent package, binder percentage, and binder ratio) towards emission generation. This study may be helpful in controlling the less desirable components in emission from the PUCB binder systems as it provide insights to develop more environment friendly and sustainable binder systems for the future. Dr. Sritama Kar presents an " Analytical Study of the Components of Polyurethane Cold Box Binder Systems Towards Emission" on June 12, 4 pm at the GIFA Forum. FREEDOM OF DESIGN WITH EXACTCAST PADDINGS Casting process-related changes to the geometries, such as thickening or feed channels, are often undesirable and entail long and hard discussions about the final casting geometry. It is therefore necessary to extend the conventional means of solidification control, such as risers and molds, to meet these requirements better and, above all, more quickly. This can be achieved with freely formable exothermic or insulating molding materials, so-called paddings. Organically bonded paddings are unlimited in their geometry. The design possibilities are roughly the same as for conventional cold box cores. They are applied directly as a shaping part of the surface of the casting. Combining this with the proven mini-riser technology opens up completely new possibilities in terms of output and energy. Marcus Friederici presents “ New opportunities to optimize overall process costs through innovative feeding technologies ” on June 12, 1 pm at GIFA Forum. IMPROVED PROCESS AND QUALITY CONTROL WITH EXACTPORE FILTERS 3D filters are presently being used as a cost-effective productivity enhancement. This presentation provides a description of the filter material, its unique structure, and the advantages of it. EXACTPORE 3D filters offer iron and steel foundries as well as high quality foundry casters new and more efficient filtration options for the highest casting quality. Thanks to their particularly sophisticated and well-thought design, EXACTPORE 3D filters provide the highest structural integrity and thus safety and efficiency in use. Ulrich Voigt presents “Improved process and quality control through the use of 3D printed filters” on June 13, 10:30 am at GIFA Forum. Productivity, quality and efficiency with MIRATEC BD Key features of the MIRATEC BD series dip coatings are shortest handling and drying times to meet the productivity requirements of brake disc foundries. Thanks to the formulation as well as the precise handling and the high precision of the coating application, casting defects are avoided. An important lever for increasing productivity in series casting is the avoidance of coating residues on and in the casting. By adding special peel-off additives, we have succeeded in formulating a coating that detaches from the surface of the casting without leaving any residue, thereby eliminating the need for time-consuming rework. Thanks to the high material yield of MIRATEC coatings, foundries can produce more cores than before with the usual amount of coating. MIRATEC series also offer the possibility to reduce formaldehyde emissions as needed. A new generation of coatings based on synthetic refractories Our innovative fast-drying coating SOLITEC HI 704 offers numerous advantages for large casting applications, including a zircon-free formulation that makes it independent from the volatile zircon market prices. SOLITEC HI 704 offers a short drying time, and a valuable drying indicator by color change. With the reduction of casting defects due to this coating, costs and energy can be saved. In addition, inventory costs can be reduced and safe workplace limits can be met. The water-based formulation of the coating lowers application costs while its impressive application and impregnation properties produce high-quality castings. Want to know more? Meet us at GIFA 2023, Hall 12, Booth A22 and talk to our expert. In the meantime, watch our on demand webinar about our zircon-free coatings. Whatch now! Replacing molding and auxiliary materials with additives Sand additives are usually used to prevent casting defects. With its new additives, we go one step further and give our products additional valuable benefits that help optimize total costs of ownership. At GIFA 2023, we will present the new sand additive VEINO ULTRA MBM 2, which allows complete or partial elimination of expensive special sands. In addition, the hybrid additive, which consists of 70% inorganic components, impresses with a good casting performance and a lower emission load. The patented sand additive VEINO ULTRA 2000 offers cold box core shops the possibility to increase productivity thanks to its cleaning effect in the core box. The innovative "cleaning effect” leads to a significant reduction of sand and binder build-up. Production interruptions and the duration of core box cleaning can be significantly reduced. What’s more, the use of release agents is minimized. [PAGE] Title: Your Start: ASK Chemicals Content: Your Start Become part of the team ASK Chemicals employs a wide array of competencies throughout our global organization: engineers, metallurgists, chemists, marketers, sales representatives, and more.  Furthermore, we support employee students and internships.  Wherever you are on your career path, we can offer you the right start and with excellent benefits! Professionals Whether in accounting or commercial sales, our career opportunities offer you challenge, development, and advancement. At ASK Chemicals we believe in investing in our colleagues and their professional development, as training, education, and apprenticing are at our core. Available careers are posted within our job openings section . Conversely, send us your resume and we will contact you if an opening that matches your experience becomes available. Employee students & interns ASK Chemicals has long supported motivated students and interns seeking a future professional career, and/or experience.  Depending on your career interest, we offer focused placement to develop essential skills. Our internships also consider complimentary skills allowing individuals to broaden their experience level. Available internships are posted within our job openings section , or send us your resume and we will contact you if an opening becomes available. [PAGE] Title: Casting defect prevention: ASK Chemicals Content: Casting defect prevention reset filter What can I do to find the cause of incomplete casting and cold run errors and remedy it? In our production process of a casted part, there is always the problem that the molds are not filled correctly (incomplete casting) or that cold run errors occur. What can I do to find the cause of incomplete casting and remedy it? Our global experts recommend: For an accurate assessment and evaluation of the defect, it is important to know whether the production of the casting was previously possible or whether the defect occurs with a completely new casting. For example, has the casting material or the riser/ gating  system been changed? In the first step, we recommend that you take a basic look at whether there is sufficient metal available in your process, whether the sprue and gating system used is correctly designed and whether an optimum casting height (metalostatic pressure) is used. The temperature factor is also very important: too low a pouring temperature always leads to a cold run error. Therefore, take a closer look at the temperature curve of the casting metal (liquidus + solidus temperature), as well as the temperature measuring points for correct function. Does the desired temperature balance remain within the specified tolerances even in the event of malfunctions? Are there any devices in your process, e.g. chills, which influence the flowability and/or the solidification behavior of the metal? Are the temperatures in the furnace (holding or casting furnace) and the ladle correct? If you have checked these points, you should pay attention to whether the defect always occurs at the same mold cavity (several castings of the same type in one casting cluster) or always at the same point on the casting. Check whether there are strong differences in wall thickness in the local vicinity, strong differences due to different cross-section geometries (neck downs) or whether there is a loss of melt due to poorly sealed core marks (backflow of core marks). In general, good venting of the mold and the cores is very important! Air pipes should be used which lead to better mold ventilation and thus prevent air inclusions and poor mold filling due to excessive dynamic pressure. If the problem still exists after checking all the above points, please contact our ASK-Tech Service . Since the switch from the croning to the cold box process, casting defects on edges have been increasing. There are also undercuts that look like a cast ridge. What can this be and how can we avoid it? Our global experts recommend: You describe a so-called veining defect. This manifests itself in the form of thin, metallic excesses on castings, mostly in angles, corners and edges. Leaf veins are caused by the expansion of the quartz sand at a certain temperature gradient (573°C for quartz sand). The molding material tears open and the incoming metal fills the resulting gap and forms a rib-like base. This effect is intensified by the faster decomposition of the binder at higher casting temperatures. Too fine sand, too high a proportion of fines, leads to a high packing density, which can be the reason for veining. The basic molding material used in each case must be considered according to its specific behavior. Furthermore, insufficient thermal resistance, too high casting temperature and casting height as well as too long casting times favor the formation of veined leaves. An unfavorable gating system can be a cause for so-called hot spots (thermal centers), which favor the casting defect. Your process can be optimized for a number of areas. On the core side, the use of a multigrain sand with coarser grain size (screen distribution) or alternatively a less expanding sand (chrome ore or zircon sand) leads to veining prevention. Sand regenerates or sand with a feldspar content of 5-6% as well as molding sand additives with good thermal conductivity also have a positive influence. The compaction stress caused by the quartz transition is buffered by the lower softening temperatures of these special sands and additives. On the mold side, the bentonite content can be increased to promote wet tensile strength. Furthermore, a fine quartz reduction improves the gas permeability. The reduction of the amount of new sand and/or the use of less moist molding materials helps to reduce the gas potential and thus the gas pressure in the mold. In addition, the use of a coating can help. If a suitable structure is selected for ceramic fillers, the gas pressure resistance is enhanced. Increasing the layer thickness leads to improved insulating properties. If the coating can dry slowly, this prevents cracking in the dry coating layer. We also recommend checking whether a suitable gating and feeding system is used which avoids local overheating of molds and core parts and thus a hot spot effect. Further improvement can also be achieved by shortening the casting time. If the problem persists after checking all mentioned points, please contact our ASK-Tech Service . Our global experst recommend: It could be a penetration defect in your case. This defect can occur in all sand molded castings (preferably green sand), regardless of the material. Penetrations occur particularly in places where the molded parts heat up strongly, such as on edges or ingate areas, in places where the molding material is weakly compacted and in thick-walled castings. The casting defect often affects entire casting sections and can be seen on the casting with the naked eye, as in your case. Possible causes for such a defect could be excessive moisture in the green sand ("free" water), an excessively high or unevenly compacted mold, excessive casting speed or insufficient removal of the mold gases from the mold cavity. We therefore recommend checking four different areas and optimizing them if necessary. The first area is the molding material: Special care should be taken to use thermally stable bentonite with a high montmorillonite content, which leads to a reduction of inert fines share as well as the water requirement. A positive effect can also be achieved by reducing the dust recirculation. Furthermore, attention should be paid here to the degree of pre-treatment, regeneration of the green sand. It is possible to pre-humidify the reclaimed sand, accelerate the water absorption of the bentonite or possibly extend the mixing times. The use of finer core sand or finer new sand as circulation sand, in which the sand grain size is reduced, can help to avoid the defect described by you. Please note, however, that the AFS number of sand must never be less than 60; it is helpful to check the gas permeability of the molding sand mixture. Another possibility for improvement is the use of materials with lower coke but higher lustrous carbon formation. Secondly, you should check especially at the molding line whether the compaction is absolutely uniform and as low as possible. You should also check the hardness of the mold and reduce the compaction pressure if necessary. For all this, the molding line should guarantee even sand filling into the molding boxes. Thirdly, with the molds and cores used, a coating of the parts or an increase in the layer thickness with endangered contours of the molds and/or cores could be an effective measure. Finally, you can influence the gating and casting technique by checking whether the distances between the patterns are too small. Increase the distances and avoid hot spots. You can also try to provide the mold with air pipes for degassing. To avoid water condensation during wet casting, endangered mold parts can be sprayed with a water-resistant release agent. The mold filling can be optimized by changing the gating system by reducing the casting speed. If the problem persists after checking all the above points, please contact our ASK-Tech Service . We are an iron foundry and in our production process we often find cavities with roundish, mostly smooth walls (large areas) that are accompanied by slag. How can we prevent these defects, which usually occur in the upper box? Our global experts recommend: The casting defect you describe, bubbles, mainly occurs as a result of a poor degassing process in the core or mould and is more common in lamellar graphite iron castings (GJL) than in spheroidal graphite iron castings (GJS). Cavities with round, smooth walls then usually occur over large areas. The reason for the rounded or elongated bubbles are gases enclosed by the solidifying metal on the surface of the casting, often associated with slag or oxides. Such defects usually occur in the upper box of a mould, in poorly vented pockets and/or undercuts. We recommend that you check the causes of gas formation separately. Cores The release of core gases can promote the formation of bubbles. Binder reduction or the use of gas shock retardant binders can be advantageous. Note: the lower the binder content, the lower the gas potential. Depending on the speed at which the mould is filled with the casting metal, the gas permeability of the moulding material coatings (coating) must be taken into account. In general: fast mould filling = low gas permeability, slow mold filling = high gas permeability. Always ensure that the cores are well dried after the coating process! When storing cores, care should be taken to ensure a dry environment (low relative humidity) so that moisture cannot be absorbed. Warm cores or cores stored hot tend to absorb more moisture! Insufficient core ventilation also plays a major role. When using coatings, please ensure that the core marks are free of coating materials. In some cases it is advisable to subsequently drill core vent holes or connect core vent holes using ceramic inserts. Molds When producing molds, especially on automatic green sand molding machines, the compacting of the molding material must not be too high. A too low gas permeability of the molding material (sand-binder mixture) or a too high gas release, e.g. from the lustrous carbon binder used in bentonite-bonded molding material (green sand / wet casting), lead to an increased gas risk. If sand that is too moist and/or too warm is used in the production of the mold, this can cause the mold to "boil" and thus lead to an increased steam pressure in the mold. You can also improve degassing from the mould side by reducing the fine dust content, using coarser sand grains, reducing carbon carrier content or using slow-reacting lustrous carbon formers, and using bentonite with a high montmorillonite content (high specific binding capacity) and high thermal stability. A continuous control of the molding material preparation is absolutely necessary. A reduction in compaction force and the resulting reduction in mold hardness also yields results; the molding sand should be uniformly compacted. When checking gating and casting techniques, it is important to ensure sufficient mold ventilation (air whistles). Improvements can be achieved by increasing the casting height and extending casting times. Melt Make sure that the melt is sufficiently degassed, in particular the specific boiling temperature and the holding time (standing of the Fe-melt) must be observed. Use clean materials, e.g. stainless steels and broken cast iron, to reduce the oxides directly at the beginning of melting activities. When melting, the temperature range in which the melt absorbs more gas must be passed through quickly. If the problem still persists after checking all the above points, please contact our ASK-Tech Service . I always have a problem with incomplete cores. What can I do? Our global experts recommend: Problems in the core shooting process are caused by many factors. First of all, the suitability of the selected core shooting machine for the used corebox should be examined. A sufficient shot volume of the machine is important in relation to the tooling (core box volume). The shooting head must offer a sufficiently large shooting range. Check whether the shooting head offers a sufficient volume to fill the core box (wormholes) even if the shooting tube or core shooter size is not selected properly. Here guide plates, spare pieces or sand labyrinths in the shooting head could be helpful for an optimized filling of the core box. Furthermore, all pressurized components, seals and valves of the core shooter, including the nozzle seals, should also be tested. In a further step, the shot cross-sections should be examined, e.g. whether the sum of the shot cross-sections is sufficient to fill the core box in the planned time and / or whether the shots are in a position favorable for filling (e.g. core marks). The same applies to the venting cross-sections: Check whether the sum of the ventilation cross-sections corresponds to ~50% of the sum of the shot cross-sections. Vents should be in a favorable position in the corebox for filling. The type and dimensioning of the vents including the exhaust air pipes behind them must be suitable to ensure sufficient air removal during the shot. With the cold-gas-curing PU-Cold Box system, the necessary flushing with the catalyst gas must also be ensured. The uniform curing is the main focus here. If the problem still persists after checking all the above points, please contact our Technical Service Department . We want to improve work conditions in our ferrous foundry. How can we prevent penetration and gas defects in steel castings without using a standard black iron oxide? Casting porosity and surface defects are a concern inherent to sand casting, and they are defects that can degrade the quality of a part, even making some parts unsuitable for their intended applications, such as in pressurized systems. In pouring molten metal into a sand mold, if the metal enters into gaps between sand grains, a rough surface may be the result on the finished casting. This happens because the sand is coarse or the surface has not been sealed. Coarse sand grains will promote more metal penetration. Gas defects are the result when gas is trapped within the molten metal, or when mold gases are generated during pouring. This may result in blowholes (spherical or ovular cavities in the casting surface or within the casting) or pinhole porosity (the result of hydrogen trapped during in the mass of molten metal.) For the metalcaster, porosity and surface defects also increase the cost and effort of casting finishing processes. One way to address some surface defects in steel castings is by implementing an additive to the sand preparation sequence. Iron oxides additives have been used for many years and are typically some form of red iron oxide (hematite, Fe2O3) and black iron oxide (magnetite, Fe3O4), or sometimes a blend of the two. They act as a flux to promote softening of the sand, which can absorb more thermal stress before a crack in the core/mold occurs. Being oxygen-rich, iron oxides also can tie up some gasses during the casting process. They are typically used in amounts ranging from 2-5%. But, note that care must be taken as to the additive’s effects on binder demand based on the small particle size of many of these products. ASK Chemicals is offering a new sand additive called VEINO ULTRA™ 450 that is an improvement upon it’s predecessor VEINO ULTRATM 350, providing increased tensile strength. It reduces veining, increases penetration resistance, and resists “orange peel” type defects in low-carbon steel. The first benefit to a steel foundry will be reduced cleaning room costs. In addition, both VEINO ULTRA 350 & VEINO ULTRA 450 have the ability to “scavenge” various mold gases produced during the casting process.  Typically, an addition rate between 2 to 6% based on sand weight is pre-mixed with the raw sand. It is recommended to coat the sand molds and cores when using VEINO ULTRA 350, to provide a smooth casting finish; however, VEINO ULTRA 450 may be used without a coating. In the field, VEINO ULTRA 450 has been proven effective when replacing standard black iron oxides. Due to VEINO ULTRA 450 being coarser than black iron oxide, it has less effect on the binder’s chemical strength, so it has the potential to reduce binder levels. Also, black iron oxide can be difficult to transport because of the grain fineness, and it’s more prone to producing dust, creating a less than desirable work environment. VEINO ULTRA 450 provides a solution to these handling problems due to its coarse nature, making it less dusty, with better flowability and greater ease of transport. [PAGE] Title: INOTEC Technology: ASK Chemicals Content: INOTEC Technology INOTEC Technology The INOTEC binder system is a new inorganic and therefore emission-free core binder variant on a silicate basis for the foundries, especially for aluminum casting. The idea of sustainability is fully reflected in the INOTEC technology. The importance of the patented INOTEC technology and thus the quantities of inorganically produced castings are rising steadily. The technology is suitable for aluminum and iron casting as well as non-ferrous metal casting applications. The inorganic binder system constitutes a persuasive choice, especially in highly productive and challenging segments such as the manufacture of engine blocks and cylinder heads in permanent mold casting. In addition to the clear environmental benefits, INOTEC technology scores points in particular with its technological characteristics and its impressive ability to improve productivity over conventional technologies. The development of inorganic binder technology into a binder system ready for series production and the market was driven to a large extent by ASK Chemicals. Patented technology Leading provider of inorganic binder technology Technological, economic and environmental benefit Download your product information now [PAGE] Title: Our Sustainability Strategy: ASK Chemicals Content: Sustainability OUR SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY As a global supplier of high-performance industrial resins and materials, our innovative products help our customers optimize their production processes while reducing resource consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. We are committed to achieving net zero for our own emissions (Scope 1+2) by 2050 and are continuously working to reduce our environmental footprint, for example by implementing closed water loops. Our strategy covers all three pillars of sustainability: environmental, social and governance. In these areas, we have identified the action fields where we as ASK Chemicals can have the greatest impact ( see sustainability wheel). Ecological Footprint As a chemical industry company, we see our most relevant contribution in the area of environment – with regard to both our own ecological footprint as well as that of our customers. Here we can build on extensive experience as well as the significant improvements we have already achieved. Sustainability and economic performance complement each other: ASK Chemicals’ focus on sustainability is closely linked to efficiency, as efficient chemicals and materials make a significant contribution to reducing resources and emissions. Our company's R&D focus is on developing solutions that increase efficiency, reduce process costs and minimize environmental impacts. Further leverage is provided by the development of solutions that deliver comparable or better performance than standard products with lower input quantities. For example, the products of our ECOCURETM BLUE line, including the latest cold box binder generation ECOCURETM BLUE PRO, optimize casting properties while reducing binder and amine consumption, which has a positive impact on efficiency (also cost wise) and the environment, mainly by significantly reducing VOC emissions during the foundry process. Our continuous efforts are also reflected in our Ecovadis rating, where we were able to achieve a medal rank for the first time. Corporate Social Responsibility As a responsible employer and member of a diverse society, we have set ourselves the goal of actively promoting diversity in our company worldwide. We provide fair and safe working conditions at all our plants around the globe. We safeguard the long-term success of our company by being an attractive employer for both current and future new employees. Responsible corporate governance As a globally operating company, responsible corporate governance forms the foundation of our business practices. We consider integrity and compliance to be core values. Therefore, at the beginning of 2023 we introduced mandatory compliance trainings for topics such as anti-bribery, anti-corruption and anti-trust. We have set ourselves the goal to reach 100% of all ASK Chemicals employees globally. Since we are committed to conduct our business according to the highest legal, ethical and moral standards, we also expect our business partners to operate their businesses with professionalism and integrity, share our social and environmental values, and acknowledge our quality and safety culture. [PAGE] Title: ASKOCOAT 2K PU resins for controlled release fertilizers: ASK Chemicals Content: Fertilizer Coatings ASKOCOAT 2K PU resins for controlled release fertilizers ASK Chemicals offers a 2K PU resin system for the production of polymer coated controlled release fertilizers based on all kind of granules. The patented coating system consists of two components, a polyol and an isocyanate. The polyol is a modified solvent-free polyol formulation containing more than 60 % renewable raw materials. The isocyanate component is a modified isocyanate formulation including a bench life extender to achieve a controllable reaction in the mixing equipment. Both components are solvent-free and contain only reactive ingredients to prevent leach out of coating chemicals into the soil. The fertilizer granules are coated at ambient to moderate temperatures in a drum mixer. Therefore, also granules with lower melting points like urea, can be coated with this technology. The resin system shows a homogeneous distribution without any defects on all kind of granules. The curing reaction takes place by a polyaddition reaction and is catalyzed by addition of a gaseous or liquid amine to the resin system. Using a liquid amine with high flash points prevents the use of ATEX equipment. A spray curing process secures optimal catalyst distribution. The coatings process is very fast and efficient, the typical curing time for one layer is below two minutes to be tack free. The ASKOCOATTM system is especially designed for fertilizer coatings to achieve excellent adjustable release properties. Water is able to slowly penetrate through the coating layers into the granule and dissolves the nutrients of the fertilizer granule. The nutrients are released due to osmosis. The release time of nutrients is controlled by coating thickness and temperature. Thinner coatings for example and  warmer temperatures result in faster release. The release time can be adjusted from 2 to 24 months depending on the quantity of coating material. The patented ASKOCOATTM system increases the stability and elasticity of the coated fertilizer and prevents salt stress caused by uncontrolled release of nutrients. ASKOCOAT resin for controlled release fertilizers - gas curing Name [PAGE] Title: ASK News: ASK Chemicals Content: ASK News Always stay Up To Date Sign up for our ASK Chemicals newsletter today. Read more news on latest products, interesting whitepapers and technical papers, and upcoming events. Every 2 months you will receive our exciting newsletter. If you are no longer interested, you can of course unsubscribe at any time. Past News & Events [PAGE] Title: Product Finder - No-Bake: ASK Chemicals Content: Product Finder Product Finder - No-Bake For the best search result, select only one characteristic per filter. The envelope will immediately forward you to our experts for a request. Text search Open additional filter options Close additional filter options Name PEP SET SILVER Part 1 / PEP SET SILVER Part 2 / Catalyst EMEA, Japan Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper Phenolic urethane resin Small size castings, Medium size castings Low free-phenol PEP SET Quantum 4211 Teil I PEP SET Quantum 6211 Teil II Catalyst EMEA, Japan Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper Phenolic urethane resin PEP SET QUANTUM 4180 Part 1 / PEP SET QUANTUM 6180 Part 2 / Catalyst North America, China, Japan Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper Phenolic urethane resin PEP SET QUANTUM CC 4680 Part 1 / PEP SET QUANTUM 6680 Part 2 / Catalyst North America, Japan Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper Phenolic urethane resin PEP SET AXIOM 1510 Part 1 / PEP SET AXIOM 2510 Part 2 / Catalyst North America, Japan Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper Phenolic urethane resin PEP SET 1900 Part 1 / PEP SET 2900 Part 2 / Catalyst EMEA, Japan Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper Phenolic urethane resin Medium size castings, Large size castings Controllable cured times PEP SET 016 Part 1 / PEP SET 026 Part 2 / Catalyst EMEA, Japan Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper Phenolic urethane resin PEP SET 1670 Part 1 / PEP SET 2670 Part 2 / Catalyst North America, Japan Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper Phenolic urethane resin PEP SET 9501 Part 1 / PEP SET 9502 Part 2 EMEA, Japan Small size castings, Medium size castings VOC-free PEP SET 525 Part 1 / PEP SET 260 Part 2 EMEA, Japan Small size castings, Medium size castings Good shake-out PEP SET 7000 Part 1 / PEP SET 7200 Part 2 North America, Japan PEP SET 8000+ Part 1 / PEP SET 8200 Part 2 North America, Japan Small size castings, Medium size castings Low VOC PEP SET X 1000 Part 1 / PEP SET 2000 Part 2 / Catalyst North America, Japan Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper Phenolic urethane resin PEP SET PATRIOT 1010HR Part 1 / PEP SET 2000 Part 2 / Catalyst North America, Japan Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper Phenolic urethane resin PEP SET PATRIOT 100 Part 1 / PEP SET 200 Part 2 / Catalyst North America, Japan Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper Phenolic urethane resin Medium size castings, Large size castings, Very large size castings Very long strip times PEP SET PATRIOT HR 110 Part 1 / PEP SET 200 Part 2 / Catalyst North America, Japan Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper Phenolic urethane resin Medium size castings, Large size castings, Very large size castings Humidity resistance PEP SET 2108 Part 1 / PEP SET 2208 Part 2 / Catalyst North America, Japan Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper Phenolic urethane resin [PAGE] Title: EXACTFLO Filters: ASK Chemicals Content: • Alumina/SiC Filters EXACTFLO Cellular Filters EXACTFLO cellular filters are ideally suited for both grey and ductile iron, as well as non-ferrous alloys. EXACFLO cellular filters provide a highly repeatable cell structure to ensure repeatable performance in regards to molten metal flow control. EXACTFLO cellular filters have both chemical inertness and mechanical strength while providing a thermal robustness with alloys up to 1450˚C or 2650˚F. Recommended pour sizes are 100 csi (Ductile) & 200 – 300 csi (Grey) Recommended metal type: Iron (Ductile) / Iron (Grey) Advantages of EXACTFLO Cellular Filters: • Engineered to ensure consistency • Square or round pores EXACTFLO Silicone Carbide Filters Reticulated filters for increased metal cleanliness. EXACTFLO Silicone Carbide filters are ideally suited for both grey and ductile iron, as well as non-ferrous alloys. EXACTFLO SiC filters provide a highly porous, open structure with a tortuous path for metal flow resulting in cost effective and efficient removal of oxide inclusions. EXACTFLO SiC filters have chemical inertness and mechanical strength, while providing thermal robustness with alloys up to 1510˚C or 2750˚F. Recommended pour sizes are 10-15 PPI (Ductile) & 20-45 PPI (Grey) Recommended metal type: Iron (Ductile) / Iron (Grey) Advantages of EXACTFLO Silicone Carbide Filters: • Removes inclusions [PAGE] Title: Paints & Coatings: ASK Chemicals Content: Esta página no está disponible en español. ES Español 此页面不支持中文。 中文 中文 Эта страница недоступна на русском языке. RU Русский Esta página não está disponível em português. PT Portugues 日本語ページはございません。 日本 日本 [PAGE] Title: Latex, textile and special paper applications: ASK Chemicals Content: Latex, textile and special paper applications Latex, textile and special paper applications ASKOFEN resins for general industrial use are for the formulation of resorcinol-formaldehyde latex or for the impregnation of textiles for reinforcement or special papers for friction materials. ASKOFEN 295 E 60 s a low viscous phenol resol, which is especially designed for the production of friction materials, f. ex. used for gearboxes.. ASKOFEN 779 W 50 is a liquid, aqueous resorcinol-formaldehyde resin, that is used as adhesion promotor for textile fibers that are used in the rubber or tyre industry. Dr. Jan KlesingTechnical Product Manager Specialties [PAGE] Title: Digital Services: ASK Chemicals Content: Digital Services Shaping the future with our digital services. Digital services provide a valuable enhancement to personal on-site support. With our customer-centric solutions, we offer you  added value and support  with your challenges on site: [PAGE] Title: REZIANCE Friction Resins: ASK Chemicals Content: REZIANCE Friction Resins Tailored resins improve wear resistance by 65 % Our cutting-edge REZIANCE concept offers you individually tailored resins that redefine braking excellence. Experience excellent heat and wear resistance, along with superior fade resistance. Learn more on our REZIANCE solutions for braking systems and check-out our latest webinar: Watch Now! Our industry expert Thinus Bezuidenhout, Global Technical Product Manager for Industrial Resins, delves into the groundbreaking advantages of our engineered REZIANCE technology of wear resistant friction backed by a compelling case study. Under drag conditions at 350°C, the new technology exhibits initial green fade, followed by a marked recovery to within 10 % of the friction level at 150°C. This breakthrough results in a wear rate that's merely 34 % compared to the reference material, showcasing a remarkable 66 % improvement in wear resistance. Join this on-demand webinar and find out what the latest technology has to offer additionally! Thinus Bezuidenhout, Global Technical Product Manager Industrial Resins Key takeaways: Discover the exceptional wear resistance of the new technology at high temperatures. Gain insights into the favorable recovery capabilities of the new technology. Explore a real-world case study showcasing the advantages of wear resistant friction resins. Your journey to safer and more reliable braking starts with Reziance. Please watch here: On demand - ca. 30min ENGLISH WEBINAR For more details and information, contact us today! To access the form, please activate the website cookies. [PAGE] Title: No-Bake Technology: ASK Chemicals Content: No-Bake Technology No-Bake Technology ASK Chemicals has been a leader in developing No-Bake technology for many years. As innovators in the field, we have been developing and establishing the PEP SET system in foundries since the early 1970s. The development of PU No-Bake systems has revolutionized the manufacture of cores and molds in the foundry industry. Our solutions are invariably engineered to satisfy the key attributes desired by the market: improved quality, greater productivity and environmental characteristics. A well-established Authority in No-Bake Technology Leaders in all No-Bake technologies Unmatched product development [PAGE] Title: INOBAKE - Inorganic No-Bake Binder: ASK Chemicals Content: [PAGE] Title: Reduction of VOC emissions: ASK Chemicals Content: Reduction of VOC emissions VOC-optimized binder systems to reduce the emission pollution during core shooting production and core storage The technical and financial effort to reduce emissions has been increasing for years. In our white paper, you can read how VOC-optimized binder systems can be used to reduce emissions in core production. Download our latest technical paper now: Fill out the form and you will receive a download link by e-mail. Table of contents: Definition and meaning of VOCs Measures to reduce VOCs in foundries Modern cold box system in a VOC comparison Conclusion [PAGE] Title: Core Production: ASK Chemicals Content: To access the inquiry form, please activate the website cookies. Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of working with an off-site core manufacturing facility. [PAGE] Title: Our Brands: ASK Chemicals Content: PHENOLIC URETHANE NO-BAKE PEP SET PEP SET is arguably the most trusted name in the no-bake marketplace. Known for its exceptional quality & highly controllable curing reactions, PEP SET has long been the standard in no-bake excellence. In fact, when placed on an automated production line (roller-loop or turn table) PEP SET can produce fully cured molds in less than 90 seconds! Speed can be adjusted with the quality of PEP SET-Catalysts. Application flexibility and overall ease of use make PEP SET ideal in satisfying any mold making requirement. Benefits: Superior work time / strip time ratio Excellent core & mold strengths Ease of reclamation (mechanically, thermally) Excellent shake-out and release ASKURAN RS NO-BAKE ASKURAN RS is a furan resin binder for the no-bake acid hardening process with reduced sulfur content. The binder system offers environmental benefits as well as a solution for improving casting quality and productivity. The special chemical properties of the ASKURAN RS binders help to optimize the casting processes in foundries. Benefits: Reduction in sulfur dioxide emissions Lower sulfur content in the mechanically reclaimed sand Lower environmental pollution and emission of disagreeable odors Minimum graphite degradation during nodular casting Increased casting productivity ACID CURING NO-BAKE ASKURAN, CHEM-REZ, BERANOL The product range of brands for acid curing processes includes furan- and phenolic-resins and serves for a wide range of applications in foundries. ASKURAN -, CHEM-REZ- and BERANOL -resins can be applied for all casting dimensions and metal types depending on the sand characteristic and related analytical data. Benefits: [PAGE] Title: Resins For Jointing Compounds: ASK Chemicals Content: Resins For Jointing Compounds A biobased resin for jointing compounds – BIOLIN 100 BIOLIN 100 is based on a newly developed hydrophobic backbone and its termination with unsaturated fatty acids provides fast curing speed and outstanding hardness development comparable to commercially available polybutadienes. With these properties, BIOLIN™ 100 is ideally suited as biobased resin for the formulation of jointing compounds with a high content of renewable raw materials. High content of renewable raw materials > 50 wt.-%, no solvents Good wetting properties towards a wide range of substrates Excellent curing properties in oxygen containing atmosphere High saponification resistance due to hydrophobic backbone Dr. Jan KlesingTechnical Product Manager Specialties [PAGE] Title: Professional Articles: ASK Chemicals Content: MAGNASET 2.0 - New generation of environmentally friendly furan resins with improved qualifications ASK Chemicals has developed MAGNASET as new generation of furan resins with reduced free furfuryl alcohol content featuring a milder classification and a performance comparable to conventional furan resins. Most recently,  a 2nd generation of MAGNASET with improved storage stability and excellent reactivity. [PAGE] Title: Sustainable solutions: ASK Chemicals Content: Sustainable solutions Sustainable solutions At GIFA 2023 we present new developments for more sustainability and efficiency in foundry operations.  Our R&D teams are focusing on the development of solutions that increase efficiency, reduce process costs and minimize environmental impact. One way of doing this is by using less or / and less harmful raw materials. Further leverage is provided by the development of solutions that deliver comparable or better performance than standard products with lower input quantities. Additional approaches are focused on the development of products that show ways to dispense with expensive raw materials, such as special sands, or to reduce the use of other consumables, such as cleaner or release agents. The foundry process can also benefit from the use of high-performance foundry chemicals and materials, for example by reducing rework or eliminating process steps. Featured products at GIFA 2023 help foundries reduce emissions, improve the working environment, and increase economic success: NEW ECO-FRIENDLY FURAN RESINS WITH ENHANCED EHS CLASSIFICATION We are proud to present a new furan resin technology at GIFA 2023. The new generation of environmentally friendly MAGNASET binders combines the benefits of better EHS labeling - without the skull and crossbones symbol - with the potential to reduce emissions while maintaining the highest performance. Despite an FA content of less than 40%, reactivity is comparable to standard furan resins. In fact, the technology's high inherent reactivity can be leveraged to further reduce overall emissions by reducing sulfur. For more information visit us at GIFA or check-out… ECOCURE BLUE PRO FOR EFFICIENCY PROS At GIFA 2023, we will present the full potential of the ECOCURE BLUE PRO the further development of ECOCURE BLUE. Our new PUR cold box technology ECOCURE BLUE PRO optimizes casting properties and further reduces binder and amine consumption. With this leap in efficiency, foundries can improve their emissions and environmental performance, and in particular reduce BTX emissions and VOCs.  The new technology thus contributes to sustainably improving the CO2 footprint of foundries. For more information visit us at GIFA or check-out… ... for our webinar! INCREASING EFFICIENCY WITH PEP SET BLUE With PEP SET BLUE, we are applying our efficient BLUE platform to PUNB no-bake binder technology. Part 1 of the PEP SET BLUE formulation thus eliminates aromatic solvents and phenols, significantly reducing odor and VOC emissions. Part 1 of the three-part PEP SET BLUE system is label-free. In addition to the environmental and occupational health and safety benefits, PEP SET BLUE offers foundrymen technical performance comparable to that of conventional PEP SET systems. For more information visit us at GIFA! [PAGE] Title: News: ASK Chemicals Content: ASK at a glance ASK Chemicals Group is a global supplier of high-performance industrial resins and materials. The Foundry division, which is one of the world’s largest and most innovative suppliers of foundry chemicals and consumables, offers an exceptionally wide and innovative range of foundry chemicals including binders, coatings, release agents as well as high-performance consumable i.e. mini-risers, filters or metallurgical products for iron casting. The Industrial Resins division is a leader in the field of specialty phenolic resins. It serves a large variety of applications such as abrasives (e.g. sand paper), friction (e.g. disk brake pads), refractory (e.g. heat resistant material for furnaces), impregnation (of paper or felt), timber (e.g. plywood), and foundry. Our phenolic resins are the preferred choice when it comes to meeting the highest requirements in the areas of fire protection, energy consumption, service lifetime, health, and safety at work. ASK Chemicals has a production and sales network in 22 countries and employs approximately 2000 people worldwide. The group sees itself as a driving force of industry-specific innovations with research centers and laboratories in Europe, Asia, America and Africa. [PAGE] Title: Product Finder - Coatings: ASK Chemicals Content: Product Finder Product Finder - Coatings For the best search result, select only one characteristic per filter. The envelope will immediately forward you to our experts for a request. Text search [PAGE] Title: Quality and environmental certificates: ASK Chemicals Content: [PAGE] Title: General Industrial: ASK Chemicals Content: Esta página no está disponible en español. ES Español 此页面不支持中文。 中文 中文 Эта страница недоступна на русском языке. RU Русский Esta página não está disponível em português. PT Portugues 日本語ページはございません。 日本 日本 [PAGE] Title: Filter - Reducing costs in large castings: ASK Chemicals Content: Filter - Reducing costs in large castings Filter - Reducing costs in large castings Reducing production costs in large castings through the use of innovative filtration systems The use of filters offers great potential for reducing costs in the production of large iron and steel castings. It also provides further interesting advantages in the production chain. Download our latest technical paper now: Fill out the form and you will receive a download link by e-mail. To access the inquiry form, please activate the website cookies. [PAGE] Title: 3D Binder Systems: ASK Chemicals Content: 3D Binder Systems Print head compatible, accurate and productive The 3D binder systems from ASK Chemicals combine the specific requirements of 3D sand printing with the high-performance profile of ASK Chemicals binder technology. In 3D sand printing using the binder jetting process, cores and molds are created without tools from a digital 3D data model by applying the molding material, e.g. sand, in layers. The liquid binder component is applied point by point by the print head in layers on the surface to be rendered to generate the geometry specified by CAD. The ASK Chemicals 3D binder portfolio offers organic and inorganic solutions for various complex applications for this additive production process. 3D sand printing: a challenge that pays off In our interview, Ulrich Grunewald, Managing Director of the Bochum-based family company Grunewald GmbH & Co.KG, explains why the Grunewald foundry chose 3D printing technology, what options this process already offers, and what challenges still need to be overcome. He openly explains the pros and cons of the new production method, but above all, he emphasizes the unique selling point this innovative process technology provides. You can find the whole interview here For light metal casting applications, we recommend our newly developed inorganic 2-component binder system, consisting of INOTECTM 3D printing fluid and INOTECTM PROMOTER as the powder component. The advantages of INOTECTM 3D technology: Emission-free core production, core storage, and casting High dimensional accuracy Adjustable thermal stability due to flexibility in the selection of the liquid component Cast surface free of sand adherence Improved structure and thus optimized mechanical properties NOVASET 3D is characterized by the unique finishing of its printed sand cores. The advantages of NOVASET 3D technology: Good process stability Exceptionally good and clean casting surfaces Has extremely high thermal stability Nitrogen and sulfur-free, making it particularly suitable for steel and ductile cast iron Remarkably simple finishing of the sand cores The versatile ASKURAN 3D binder has been specially developed for use in 3D printing with cold curing. The advantages of ASKURAN 3D technology: Easy print head cleaning Good process and printing stability Very long storage stability of the binder Can be used with all common molding materials High efficiency [PAGE] Title: Controlled release fertilizer coating: ASK Chemicals Content: Controlled release fertilizer coating Controlled release fertilizer coating The effective use of fertilizers is essential for healthy and rapid plant growth. Efficient nutrient uptake directly impacts plant health and crop yield which in turn depends on the composition and dosage of the fertilizer applied. Most fertilizer granules have excellent water solubility. This is important to ensure that the plant can take up sufficient nutrients and flourish. Unfortunately, this water solubility can decrease overall efficiency. If irrigation is too heavy or during heavy rainfall, nutrients can prematurely dissolve and be released into the soil resulting in runoff into neighboring water bodies making them no longer fully available to the plant. Similarly, the premature conversion and emission of important active substances such as ammonia from the soil into the atmosphere reduces the supply of nutrients to the plant leading as well to significant environmental pollution in the long term. This inefficient use of fertilizer can lead to higher labor and material costs as re-fertilization is required at regular intervals to ensure a continuous supply of nutrients to the plant. To overcome these issues, slow release and controlled release fertilizers have been developed. Both types have coatings which retard dissolution in water with the rate at which nutrients are made available depending on a variety of factors. Slow release fertilizers release nutrients slower than untreated fertilizer, though the release is still dependent on many uncontrolled factors. Controlled release fertilizers (CRF) have well controlled factors to tailor the pattern and duration of nutrient release. This ensures longer term availability with minimal nutrient wastage thereby significantly increasing the efficiency of the applied fertilizer while minimizing collateral environmental damage. ASK Chemicals has developed ASKOCOAT™, a proprietary controlled release technology where water penetrates a protective coating in a very controlled manner. This dissolves the nutrients and transports them into the soil where they can be absorbed by the plant. While weather impacts release rate, it is primarily the composition and thickness of the coating that determines the rate of release of the nutrients. Both can be optimally adjusted to ensure the desired rate of supply to the plant during the growth phase; controlling desired nutrient availability in a highly controllable manner improves efficiency and also protects the environment to a decisive degree. The patented ASKOCOATTM technology is a 2K polyurethane system where the polyol formulation contains over 60% renewable raw materials. Both components are solvent-free and contain only reactive ingredients, preventing leaching of the coating components into the soil. The catalyst used for curing can be introduced into the process in a variety of ways, allowing fast and complete curing without subsequent sticking of the coated granules. The advantages of ASKOCOATTM technology at a glance: •    2K polyurethane coating [PAGE] Title: NECOWEL for Industrial Coatings: ASK Chemicals Content: Industrial Coatings NECOWEL for Industrial Coatings ASK Chemicals offers very effective resin emulsions for water-based industrial coatings. In addition to excellent performance, highly efficient binding agents from ASK Chemicals also feature very good environmental compatibility and top-class application properties. This makes them ideal for switching from solvent-based to water-based systems without having any compromise on performance. Dr. Jan KlesingTechnical Product Manager Specialties [PAGE] Title: Product Finder of Cold Box: ASK Chemicals Content: Product Finder Product Finder of Cold Box For the best search result, select only one characteristic per filter. The envelope will immediately forward you to our experts for a request. Text search [PAGE] Title: Live Webinars: ASK Chemicals Content: Live Webinars MEET OUR EXPERTS AT ASK ONLINE ACADEMY Don't miss out on new developments and latest technology updates. Meet our experts and learn how we can help you master the challenges around sustainability, develop even better performing products or optimize processes. These and many other topics are covered in 30 to 45 minute live webinars. Register for one of our live webinars today. We look forward to hearing from you! More topics will follow soon Stay tuned for more webinars to come. Improving sustainability, reducing emissions, increasing productivity or efficiency...we keep you up to date on these and many other topics in our ASK Online Academy. If you are interested in any other topics, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to receiving your suggestions! [PAGE] Title: EXACTPORE 3D Filters: ASK Chemicals Content: EXACTPORE 3D Filters Customizable 3D filters for unmatched reliability and consistency EXACTPORE™ 3D filters protect against filter bits by utilizing an engineered structural design capable of limitless shapes. In addition, this optimized structure offers nearly perfect pore sizes (e.g. 10 ppi). Before, this was not possible due to the variability inherent with reticulated foam filters. Now, any pore size – even untraditional sizes – can be used to ensure the most consistent flow characteristics. EXACTPORE™ 3D filters are produced using our world class operation with fully customizable options. Download more information now [PAGE] Title: Efficiency & Performance: ASK Chemicals Content: Efficiency & Performance A step ahead of the competition with efficiency and quality If you want to reduce costs, increase productivity, and at the same time offer a high-quality product, you have to keep an eye on the entire value chain. Possible levers for this can be found at many points in the production process, for example in the selection of suitable raw and auxiliary materials that accelerate the production process, avoiding casting errors or increasing the cleaning intervals. Replace process steps or raw materials Hybrid additives offer numerous advantages depending on the field of application. For example, they increase material efficiency – less material is needed to achieve the same performance. They also help prevent veining and other casting defects, reducing post-processing and scrap costs. In addition, hybrid additives reduce material input elsewhere by making the use of expensive special sands partially or completely unnecessary. The latest developments in this area are VEINO ULTRA 3030, which makes it possible to dispense with coating in some areas, or VEINO ULTRA 2000, which significantly reduces the need for release agents.Our newly developed sand additives make it possible to reduce the amount of release agent applied and to increase tool availability through longer cleaning intervals. Increasing material efficiency, that is, the ratio of production volume to material input, lowers production costs, and increases competitiveness. Our product developments can achieve the same or even higher performance than conventional additives at low doses. They also offer the additional benefit of saving other materials in the process or reducing their consumption. In addition, the new additives combine the known advantages of organic and inorganic additive solutions with a significantly reduced odor and emission load. You can find more information here Reducing rework An important way to increase efficiency, for example in engine casting, is to avoid coating residues in the cast part because the requirements for residual dirt in engines are increasing. The removal of coating residues is time-consuming and costly, but with MIRATEC TS this effort is usually not necessary. This coating offers excellent protection against veining and penetration defects and also contains special peel-off additives. Thanks to its formulation, the coating is almost automatically detached from the component after casting, solidification, and cooling. This enables OEMs to meet their high requirements without additional investment in equipment or loss of productivity. You can find more information here Reduce cleaning intervals and increase productivity The use of release agents is already standard practice today. They help to ensure that the sand core can be easily removed from the core tool. Of course, this also affects the tool: Increased efficiency of the release agent translates into lower contamination and wear on the core tool. Here, the formulation of the release agent is of critical importance. Modern ECOPART release agents are environmentally friendly and hazard label-free, reduce application cycles, and thus have a positive influence on downstream cleaning intervals while protecting the tool. You can find more information here [PAGE] Title: Risers & Sleeves: ASK Chemicals Content: [PAGE] Title: Environment: ASK Chemicals Content: Environment Ensure long-term competitiveness with sustainable products Protecting the environment and employees from emissions: This is one of the major current challenges facing the foundry industry, which we at ASK Chemicals are addressing. With our product portfolio, we support customers who want to produce in an environmentally and employee-friendly manner, without sacrificing economy and quality. Our sustainability approach is to reduce emissions of phenol, formaldehyde, VOCs, and aromatic hydrocarbons (e.g. BTX) while increasing the effectiveness of the products. Innovative technology platforms such as ECOCURE BLUE and INOTEC, as well as product packages such as the Low Formaldehyde System (LFS) offer answers to typical challenges in the foundry industry related to emissions. Compliance with emission limits Meeting environmental requirements while reducing costs is especially important to us when developing innovative products. We have prioritized educating ourselves on the latest air quality control limits within a foundry and how best to comply with regulations. Find out more details about this and our innovative products now. You can find our white paper here INOTEC - The completely emission-free binder system The current optimum in terms of environmental protection is the patented inorganic binder technology. The INOTEC process for aluminum casting is characterized by a positive ecological balance and increased productivity in the manufacturing processes. It is completely emission-free; additional measures for filtering or treating the exhaust air are not necessary. You can find more details about INOTEC here Comply with new formaldehyde limits with LFS Stricter regulatory requirements concern, for example, formaldehyde emissions in foundry exhaust air. In Germany, these have to be reduced to 5 mg/m3 in exhaust gas flows. With the Low Formaldehyde System (LFS) we support our customers in achieving them. The package consisting of ECOCURE BLUE LFS binder, MIRATEC LFS coating, and VEINO LFS additive makes it possible to meet emission limit values with pinpoint accuracy and to improve occupational safety without having to invest in secondary measures such as scrubbers or regenerative thermal oxidation (RTO). You can find more details about LFS here ECOCURE BLUE with a holistic approach The new ECOCURE BLUE family stands for the holistic approach to product innovations, combining efficiency with a significant reduction in emissions. With the PU cold box ECOCURE BLUE, ASK Chemicals has introduced the first hazard label-free cold box part 1 component in the history of binder chemistry. It is possible to significantly reduce the amount of binder required and thus significantly reduce the BTX emissions during casting. The low phenol content of <1% in the binder ensures that the pollution of old sand is reduced, and landfill is made easier. The youngest members of the ECOCURE BLUE family now offer users even more options: ECOCURE BLUE is now called ECOCURE BLUE Pure and offers the advantages already mentioned. ECOCURE BLUE ULTRA contains <0.01% formaldehyde but has the same properties. The product family is now supplemented by ECOCURE BLUE ICE, which can be stored at temperatures as low as -18 degrees. You can find more information here New PU no-bake reduces phenol emissions Modern foundries are increasingly relying on the PEP SET process due to its processing properties, better casting results, and higher productivity. PEP SET SILVER is a new solution from ASK Chemicals for reducing phenol emissions in the PU no-bake process: the next generation of the self-curing binder system based on polyurethane. The particularly low proportion of monomers, especially phenol, is a feature of PEP SET SILVER. The phenol concentrations in the reclaim are significantly reduced with the help of PEP SET SILVER. It has been shown in practical applications that the phenol concentrations in the reclaim can be significantly reduced using PEP SET SILVER. In addition to advantages for the environment, this also means a clear benefit for profitability as landfill costs decrease. In addition, employees and residents in neighboring residential areas will appreciate the use of the new technology due to the reduced smoke pollution. You can find more information here Xpuris – Exhaust air purification re-imagined Xpuris developed a patent-pending process for exhaust air purification as a secondary measure in the foundry process. Based on a combination of catalytic oxidation and photooxidation, emissions can be reduced, and limit values can be met. The system is modular and can be supplemented by particle or odor filtering. Sensor-based measurement and control technology can ensure that the exhaust air purification runs efficiently, and the energy consumption adapts to the actual concentration of emissions. You can find more information here [PAGE] Title: NECOWEL Alkyd Resins for Architectual Coatings: ASK Chemicals Content: NECOWEL Alkyd Resins for Architectual Coatings Dr. Jan KlesingTechnical Product Manager Specialties Contact Stain-blocking wall and decorative wall paints Aliphatic modified alkyd emulsions can be used to formulate wall paints with low shrinking properties and excellent application properties. NECOWEL 4300 is a patented binder for stain blocking paints. It is a cationic modified alkyd emulsion which combines the stainblocking properties of cationic systems with advantages in application properties. Stain-blocking wall paints [PAGE] Title: Expertise & Quality: ASK Chemicals Content: Expertise & Quality Expertise & Quality We are a certified and specialized core manufacturer with almost 40 years of experience and expertise in the production of prototypes, small and medium series as well as large series in all common core manufacturing processes. Our portfolio of customers not only includes well-known foundries from the customer casting segment and the automotive sector, but also from other special fields of application such as aeronautical engineering and art casting. Our modern production site in Fuldabrück in west-central Germany gives us the flexibility to serve a wide range of customer requirements. Our geographically favorable location enables us to supply customers throughout Germany and in nearby European countries. Our location in Fuldabrück is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 (quality), 14001 (environment), ISO 45001 (occupational safety) as well as 50001 (energy).. [PAGE] Title: Metallurgy Products: ASK Chemicals Content: [PAGE] Title: Arena-flow® Software: ASK Chemicals Content: Arena-flow® Software What is Arena-flow? Arena-flow® is a CPFD® (Computational Particle Fluid Dynamics) simulation software designed for the foundry industry, specifically for core production. As a CPFD based software Arena-flow® treats particles as discrete entities. Traditional continuum flow software does not; rather, it assumes any particle at rest, or moving, is a fluid. Beyond this most basic difference, Arena-flow® allows you to control particle size, as well as particle density. This is important for accurately predicting core sand compaction. It also predicts particle-wall collisions, as well as particle loading. Why CPFD matters in Core Production In short, a simulation based on sand flow will behave differently than one based on fluid/liquid flow. Fluids are assumed to have a continuous flow, meaning they will fill an empty space when flowing from a particular force. Fluid dynamic software are based on this concept and have a more traditional continuum flow. Yet, when assessing non-fluid materials, such as sand, a granular simulation phase must be considered as well. Arena-flow® is designed to account for discrete particle flows, including both the solver and grid generator. Applicable Core Technologies The Arena-flow Graphical User Interface (GUI) has a specific “binder-coated sand” core-blowing module with features specific tomultiple core making technologies: The cold box process [PAGE] Title: Resins for Protective Coatings: ASK Chemicals Content: Protective Coatings Resins for Protective Coatings Our NECOLIN alkyd resin emulsions and GP phenolic resins are ideal fo formulating anti-corrosive primers and coatings. NECOLIN 3100 is an oxidative drying solvent based alkyd resin with medium oil length based on fish oil. The fish oil component provides excellent wetting and penetration properties on different substrates. GP PHENOLIC RESIN BKS 2600 is a pure heat-reactive phenolic resin. BKS 2600 provides the highest level of chemical resistance except against strong alkaline media and can be used as sole binder for interior protective coatings for drums. Dr. Jan KlesingTechnical Product Manager Specialties [PAGE] Title: Other Auxiliaries: ASK Chemicals Content: Other Auxiliaries Core-Putty-Fillers (CPT) Repair cores with small defects with our core putty fillers and continue to use these cores after repairing them. Cope Seals These cope seals close the mold cleanly between the top and bottom box. They prevent the melt from escaping and additionally control and direct the gas outflow. [PAGE] Title: Tutorials & Videos: ASK Chemicals Content: Tutorials & Videos Welcome to our video section! Check out our movies highlighting the wide range of foundry products and processes available. You can learn all about the advantages of the various products, how best to use them, and what you can do to standartize processes at your foundry. Flooding - Process of Coatings Best practice in the flow coating process. Dipping - Process of Coatings Best practices in the dipping process of coatings. Determination of coating's properties Overview on the determination of the following coating's properties: density, viscosity, wetting behavior and mat layer thickness. INOTEC Essential process and success parameters for the application of INOTEC. INOTEC 3D [PAGE] Title: Management of ASK Chemicals: ASK Chemicals Content: The management board of ASK Chemicals Frank Goede [PAGE] Title: More Technical Paper: ASK Chemicals Content: Thermal diffusivity of organic and inorganic-bound cores and its influence on the mircrostructure of Al alloys Dr. Christian Appel, M.Sc S. Voss, ASK Chemicals GmbH International Aluminium Journal, 05/2018, p 28 - 31 Inorganic binder systems in iron casting - current state of development and outlook Dr. Felix Mück, Dr. Christian Appelt (ASK Chemicals GmbH) Casting Plant & Technology 3/2018, p. 12 - 17 Material properties and process requirements for inorganic core production Dr. Christian Appelt, ASK Chemicals GmbH, Hilden Casting Plant & Technology 1/2018, p. 12 -17 Process improvement by special ceramic filters with foam-like structure and their use in direct pouring applications Ulrich Voigt, Peter Vietoris (ASK Chemicals GmbH) Foundry Trade Journal May 2017, p. 106-107 Cast part manufacturer introduces new cold box technology Verena Sander, Werner Neun, ASK Chemicals GmbH Casting Plant & Technology 1/2017, p. 16 - 19 Newest technology platform for cold box binders Pierre-Henri Vacelet, Christian Priebe, Dr. Jens Mülller, ASK Chemicals GmbH Foundry Trade Journal Oct. 2016, p. 240 - 242 PEP SET - an efficient and environmentally friendly binder system Antoni Gieniec, Natascha Hurkes, Peter Vietoris, ASK Chemicals GmbH; Harald Dieckhus, Grunewald GmbH Foundry Trade Journal 12 / 2015, p. 344-345 Core Shooting Simulation - to the Economic and environmental Advantage of the foundry Christof Nowaczyk, ASK Chemicals GmbH Foundry Trade Journal 03 / 2015, p. 44-45 Download Nothing is impossible - advancements in inorganic binder systems J. Müller, H. Deters, M. Oberleiter, H. Zupan, H. Lincke, R. Resch, J. Körschgen, A. Kasperowski, ASK Chemicals GmbH Casting Plant & Technology 2 / 2015, p. 16-22 Net/Gross Yield Optimisation on high value added steel casting A. Carrasco, D. Pena and J. Izaga, IK-4-Azterlan Metallurgical Research centre [PAGE] Title: Fluorine-free Riser: ASK Chemicals Content: Fluorine-free Riser Fluorine-free riser for more sustainability in the foundry The use of fluorine-free risers not only reduces surface defects on the casting, but also graphite degeneration. In addition to these aspects, however, the ecological properties are becoming increasingly important. The fluorine content of used sands and dusts plays a major role, especially in disposal and the associated classification in the various landfill classes. Increased fluorine content can thus become an undesirable cost driver. For foundries that have a particular focus on sustainability and want to improve their environmental footprint, ASK Chemicals offers fully emission-free, inorganic mini-feeders in addition to organically bonded, fluorine-free feeders. The combination of state-of-the-art feeder systems and fluorine-free exothermic compounds is convincing: It offers effective environmental protection with better quality and lower process costs! Read our latest professional article now: Fill out the form and read the paper! To access the inquiry form, please activate the website cookies. [PAGE] Title: Conductive Coatings: ASK Chemicals Content: Conductive Coatings Conductive Coatings DONACARBO carbon fibers are manufactured by Osaka Gas Chemicals Co. Ltd., and commercialized by ASK Chemicals in Europe. The coal tar pitch based carbon fibers are used in a broad variety of applications e.g. antistatic or conductive screeds (top coat and primer) especially for floorings in warehouses, tank farms, computer- and clean rooms etc., brake pads and clutch linings, gaskets and other specialties. ASK Chemicals is offering DONACARBO in various forms such as milled, chopped or graphitized fibers. Dr. Jan KlesingTechnical Product Manager Specialties [PAGE] Title: Coatings Saving Potential: ASK Chemicals Content: Coatings Saving Potential Foundries can save a lot by switching from an alcohol-based to a (zirconium-free) water-based coating The change from alcohol-based to water-based coating offers considerable cost reduction potential and other interesting advantages for large castings. If the foundry also dispenses with zirconium in the coating formulation, savings are achieved in two ways. All details are summarized in our article. Download our latest technical paper now: Fill out the form and you will receive a download link by e-mail. To access the inquiry form, please activate the website cookies. [PAGE] Title: Services: ASK Chemicals Content: Services Services In addition to the production of sand cores and core packages – from prototypes to large-scale production – we offer our customers comprehensive services. Depending on requirements, these range from technical advice on the implementation of tool concepts to the development of customer-specific packaging and logistics concepts. Core shooting simulations round off our range of services. Best-practice concepts developed by our experts are precisely tailored to the specific requirements of the foundry. Matthias BuschManaging Director-Global Technology Lead Cores [PAGE] Title: User Manual: ASK Chemicals Content: User Manual User Manual Core and mould production from furan resin moulding material for castings from grey and ductile cast iron In today‘s world of steadily declining numbers of trained specialists in the foundry sector, especially in the hand mould sector, this user manual is intended to support the foundry employees in the processes of optimum core and mould production. The manual provides essential background information, describes the basic work steps and shares valuable tips with the reader. At the same time, the explanations can help to standardize the processes in the core shop and moulding shop and thus make them more controllable. To download our user manual for core and mould production from furan resin moulding material, simply fill out the form and you will receive a download link by e-mail. To access the form, please activate the website cookies. [PAGE] Title: Company: ASK Chemicals Content: About ASK Chemicals ASK Chemicals Group is a global supplier of high-performance industrial resins and materials. The Foundry division, which is one of the world’s largest and most innovative suppliers of foundry chemicals and consumables, offers an exceptionally wide and innovative range of foundry chemicals including binders, coatings, release agents as well as high-performance consumable i.e. mini-risers, filters or metallurgical products for iron casting. The Industrial Resins division is a leader in the field of specialty phenolic resins. It serves a large variety of applications such as abrasives (e.g. sand paper), friction (e.g. disk brake pads), refractory (e.g. heat resistant material for furnaces), impregnation (of paper or felt) and timber (e.g. plywood). Our phenolic resins are the preferred choice when it comes to meeting the highest requirements in the areas of fire protection, energy consumption, service lifetime, health, and safety at work. Trend-Setting Technologies Our Customer-specific applications and trend-setting innovations are developed effectively and quickly in our research and development centers in Europe, North America, Asia and Africa. This allows ASK Chemicals to offer its customers tailor-made technological solutions in response to complex problems. It is important for us to always work hand-in-hand with our customers in developing successful solutions for the increasingly complex requirements regarding quality, cost efficiency, productivity and environmental friendliness. Think Globally, Act Locally Thanks to our global network, complemented by a local presence on site, our customers benefit from rapid access to state of the art technoogy as well as the complete technological expertise of ASK Chemicals in its entirety. Besides, we offer our customers first-class quality, safety and continuity for their production requirements at all times. Dedicated to the Environment The challenges facing the global industries are mainly to be found in energy and resource efficiency as well as the reduction of emissions. As a global supplier of high-performance industrial resins and as one of the leading suppliers for the foundry industry, ASK Chemicals therefore systematically develops solutions for environmentally and employee-friendly applications that also increase efficiency along the entire production process. ASK Chemicals worldwide [PAGE] Title: All Questions: ASK Chemicals Content: All Questions reset filter What can I do to find the cause of incomplete casting and cold run errors and remedy it? In our production process of a casted part, there is always the problem that the molds are not filled correctly (incomplete casting) or that cold run errors occur. What can I do to find the cause of incomplete casting and remedy it? Our global experts recommend: For an accurate assessment and evaluation of the defect, it is important to know whether the production of the casting was previously possible or whether the defect occurs with a completely new casting. For example, has the casting material or the riser/ gating  system been changed? In the first step, we recommend that you take a basic look at whether there is sufficient metal available in your process, whether the sprue and gating system used is correctly designed and whether an optimum casting height (metalostatic pressure) is used. The temperature factor is also very important: too low a pouring temperature always leads to a cold run error. Therefore, take a closer look at the temperature curve of the casting metal (liquidus + solidus temperature), as well as the temperature measuring points for correct function. Does the desired temperature balance remain within the specified tolerances even in the event of malfunctions? Are there any devices in your process, e.g. chills, which influence the flowability and/or the solidification behavior of the metal? Are the temperatures in the furnace (holding or casting furnace) and the ladle correct? If you have checked these points, you should pay attention to whether the defect always occurs at the same mold cavity (several castings of the same type in one casting cluster) or always at the same point on the casting. Check whether there are strong differences in wall thickness in the local vicinity, strong differences due to different cross-section geometries (neck downs) or whether there is a loss of melt due to poorly sealed core marks (backflow of core marks). In general, good venting of the mold and the cores is very important! Air pipes should be used which lead to better mold ventilation and thus prevent air inclusions and poor mold filling due to excessive dynamic pressure. If the problem still exists after checking all the above points, please contact our ASK-Tech Service . Since the switch from the croning to the cold box process, casting defects on edges have been increasing. There are also undercuts that look like a cast ridge. What can this be and how can we avoid it? Our global experts recommend: You describe a so-called veining defect. This manifests itself in the form of thin, metallic excesses on castings, mostly in angles, corners and edges. Leaf veins are caused by the expansion of the quartz sand at a certain temperature gradient (573°C for quartz sand). The molding material tears open and the incoming metal fills the resulting gap and forms a rib-like base. This effect is intensified by the faster decomposition of the binder at higher casting temperatures. Too fine sand, too high a proportion of fines, leads to a high packing density, which can be the reason for veining. The basic molding material used in each case must be considered according to its specific behavior. Furthermore, insufficient thermal resistance, too high casting temperature and casting height as well as too long casting times favor the formation of veined leaves. An unfavorable gating system can be a cause for so-called hot spots (thermal centers), which favor the casting defect. Your process can be optimized for a number of areas. On the core side, the use of a multigrain sand with coarser grain size (screen distribution) or alternatively a less expanding sand (chrome ore or zircon sand) leads to veining prevention. Sand regenerates or sand with a feldspar content of 5-6% as well as molding sand additives with good thermal conductivity also have a positive influence. The compaction stress caused by the quartz transition is buffered by the lower softening temperatures of these special sands and additives. On the mold side, the bentonite content can be increased to promote wet tensile strength. Furthermore, a fine quartz reduction improves the gas permeability. The reduction of the amount of new sand and/or the use of less moist molding materials helps to reduce the gas potential and thus the gas pressure in the mold. In addition, the use of a coating can help. If a suitable structure is selected for ceramic fillers, the gas pressure resistance is enhanced. Increasing the layer thickness leads to improved insulating properties. If the coating can dry slowly, this prevents cracking in the dry coating layer. We also recommend checking whether a suitable gating and feeding system is used which avoids local overheating of molds and core parts and thus a hot spot effect. Further improvement can also be achieved by shortening the casting time. If the problem persists after checking all mentioned points, please contact our ASK-Tech Service . Our global experst recommend: It could be a penetration defect in your case. This defect can occur in all sand molded castings (preferably green sand), regardless of the material. Penetrations occur particularly in places where the molded parts heat up strongly, such as on edges or ingate areas, in places where the molding material is weakly compacted and in thick-walled castings. The casting defect often affects entire casting sections and can be seen on the casting with the naked eye, as in your case. Possible causes for such a defect could be excessive moisture in the green sand ("free" water), an excessively high or unevenly compacted mold, excessive casting speed or insufficient removal of the mold gases from the mold cavity. We therefore recommend checking four different areas and optimizing them if necessary. The first area is the molding material: Special care should be taken to use thermally stable bentonite with a high montmorillonite content, which leads to a reduction of inert fines share as well as the water requirement. A positive effect can also be achieved by reducing the dust recirculation. Furthermore, attention should be paid here to the degree of pre-treatment, regeneration of the green sand. It is possible to pre-humidify the reclaimed sand, accelerate the water absorption of the bentonite or possibly extend the mixing times. The use of finer core sand or finer new sand as circulation sand, in which the sand grain size is reduced, can help to avoid the defect described by you. Please note, however, that the AFS number of sand must never be less than 60; it is helpful to check the gas permeability of the molding sand mixture. Another possibility for improvement is the use of materials with lower coke but higher lustrous carbon formation. Secondly, you should check especially at the molding line whether the compaction is absolutely uniform and as low as possible. You should also check the hardness of the mold and reduce the compaction pressure if necessary. For all this, the molding line should guarantee even sand filling into the molding boxes. Thirdly, with the molds and cores used, a coating of the parts or an increase in the layer thickness with endangered contours of the molds and/or cores could be an effective measure. Finally, you can influence the gating and casting technique by checking whether the distances between the patterns are too small. Increase the distances and avoid hot spots. You can also try to provide the mold with air pipes for degassing. To avoid water condensation during wet casting, endangered mold parts can be sprayed with a water-resistant release agent. The mold filling can be optimized by changing the gating system by reducing the casting speed. If the problem persists after checking all the above points, please contact our ASK-Tech Service . We are an iron foundry and in our production process we often find cavities with roundish, mostly smooth walls (large areas) that are accompanied by slag. How can we prevent these defects, which usually occur in the upper box? Our global experts recommend: The casting defect you describe, bubbles, mainly occurs as a result of a poor degassing process in the core or mould and is more common in lamellar graphite iron castings (GJL) than in spheroidal graphite iron castings (GJS). Cavities with round, smooth walls then usually occur over large areas. The reason for the rounded or elongated bubbles are gases enclosed by the solidifying metal on the surface of the casting, often associated with slag or oxides. Such defects usually occur in the upper box of a mould, in poorly vented pockets and/or undercuts. We recommend that you check the causes of gas formation separately. Cores The release of core gases can promote the formation of bubbles. Binder reduction or the use of gas shock retardant binders can be advantageous. Note: the lower the binder content, the lower the gas potential. Depending on the speed at which the mould is filled with the casting metal, the gas permeability of the moulding material coatings (coating) must be taken into account. In general: fast mould filling = low gas permeability, slow mold filling = high gas permeability. Always ensure that the cores are well dried after the coating process! When storing cores, care should be taken to ensure a dry environment (low relative humidity) so that moisture cannot be absorbed. Warm cores or cores stored hot tend to absorb more moisture! Insufficient core ventilation also plays a major role. When using coatings, please ensure that the core marks are free of coating materials. In some cases it is advisable to subsequently drill core vent holes or connect core vent holes using ceramic inserts. Molds When producing molds, especially on automatic green sand molding machines, the compacting of the molding material must not be too high. A too low gas permeability of the molding material (sand-binder mixture) or a too high gas release, e.g. from the lustrous carbon binder used in bentonite-bonded molding material (green sand / wet casting), lead to an increased gas risk. If sand that is too moist and/or too warm is used in the production of the mold, this can cause the mold to "boil" and thus lead to an increased steam pressure in the mold. You can also improve degassing from the mould side by reducing the fine dust content, using coarser sand grains, reducing carbon carrier content or using slow-reacting lustrous carbon formers, and using bentonite with a high montmorillonite content (high specific binding capacity) and high thermal stability. A continuous control of the molding material preparation is absolutely necessary. A reduction in compaction force and the resulting reduction in mold hardness also yields results; the molding sand should be uniformly compacted. When checking gating and casting techniques, it is important to ensure sufficient mold ventilation (air whistles). Improvements can be achieved by increasing the casting height and extending casting times. Melt Make sure that the melt is sufficiently degassed, in particular the specific boiling temperature and the holding time (standing of the Fe-melt) must be observed. Use clean materials, e.g. stainless steels and broken cast iron, to reduce the oxides directly at the beginning of melting activities. When melting, the temperature range in which the melt absorbs more gas must be passed through quickly. If the problem still persists after checking all the above points, please contact our ASK-Tech Service . I always have a problem with incomplete cores. What can I do? Our global experts recommend: Problems in the core shooting process are caused by many factors. First of all, the suitability of the selected core shooting machine for the used corebox should be examined. A sufficient shot volume of the machine is important in relation to the tooling (core box volume). The shooting head must offer a sufficiently large shooting range. Check whether the shooting head offers a sufficient volume to fill the core box (wormholes) even if the shooting tube or core shooter size is not selected properly. Here guide plates, spare pieces or sand labyrinths in the shooting head could be helpful for an optimized filling of the core box. Furthermore, all pressurized components, seals and valves of the core shooter, including the nozzle seals, should also be tested. In a further step, the shot cross-sections should be examined, e.g. whether the sum of the shot cross-sections is sufficient to fill the core box in the planned time and / or whether the shots are in a position favorable for filling (e.g. core marks). The same applies to the venting cross-sections: Check whether the sum of the ventilation cross-sections corresponds to ~50% of the sum of the shot cross-sections. Vents should be in a favorable position in the corebox for filling. The type and dimensioning of the vents including the exhaust air pipes behind them must be suitable to ensure sufficient air removal during the shot. With the cold-gas-curing PU-Cold Box system, the necessary flushing with the catalyst gas must also be ensured. The uniform curing is the main focus here. If the problem still persists after checking all the above points, please contact our Technical Service Department . What can I do to maximize flow rate through the filter? I want to use a reticulated ceramic foam filter when pouring my metal, but I am casting thin-wall parts and need to get the metal in the mold as fast as possible. What can I do to maximize flow rate through the filter? Our US experts recommend: There are several parameters of both the metal and the filter that control and effect flow rate of molten metal through a ceramic filter. First, concerning the specific metal alloy, the metal’s fluidity, cleanliness, temperature, and metal head height over the filter, all play a role in the flow rate. Regarding the filter, the manufacturer has the ability to adjust parameters when sizing the filter for your application. Metal flow rate through the filter is a function of the filter diameter (round) or length and width (rectangular), filter thickness, as well as filter pore size. To maximize flow rate, you would want to use the largest di-ameter, most open pore size, and thinnest filter that the manu-facturer recommends and that would physically fit into your mold space or pouring cup.  These same parameters also affect filtration efficiency and must be balanced with what you are trying to achieve. ASK Chemicals has been manufacturing reticulated ceramic foam filters for over 30 years and offers the technical support to recommend the best filter choice for the specific applica-tion, along with the manufacturing expertise to provide a consistent product with every order. So, consult with your ASK Chemicals contact for the best overall recommendation. Can you recommend a simple approach to increasing the production volume and productivity rate of a coremaking operation? Our US experts recommend: Of course using a high-efficiency release agent can prolong the period of time between necessary cleaning for core or mold tooling, but a quick and easy way to extend machine uptime is to use a fast and efficient metal cleaner to remove residual binder and sand build-up on a pattern or mold and/or tool faces. These are newly formulated metal cleaners that not only will ensure that the tooling is clean, to provide the ideal surface to produce a core or mold, they also help keep vents clear and open. Tooling and vents that are free of debris will decrease system downtime, thereby increasing the productivity of the operation.  Keep in mind that metal cleaners are solvents formulated to dissolve binders:  Always check the compatibility of the metal cleaner with the tooling material and any seals or plastic that may be in contact with it. There are “environmentally friendly” or “green” metal cleaners offered by various developers, and used by some foundries, but these products typically do not work as completely and efficiently as the more ad-vanced formulations. If handled properly, ASK’s metal cleaners are the most efficient and economical to use. Cleaners break down cold-box resins in less than 15 minutes, as compared to older formulations that may soften the resin but never truly break it down. Spraying or brushing the metal cleaner directly on the built up areas and then allowing it to soak for at least 15 minutes is the most effective way to clean metal pat-terns.  Then, the softened films can be removed easily. This can all be accom-plished without removing the tooling from the core machine, saving addi-tional down time.  Small parts can be immersed or soaked in the cleaner. Ideally all excess cleaner should be re-moved prior to re-com-missioning the tooling into the manufacturing process. Personal protective equipment is essential for workers handling or applying the metal cleaners as most are corrosive and can cause irritation if mishandled. Operators should wear chemical resistant gloves and goggles.  A face shield also may be recommended.  In order to know for sure, it is critical that Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) should be read carefully and understood fully before using metal cleaners. So, consult with your ASK Chemicals contact for the best overall recommendation. Can you suggest a more reliable inoculation practice for these floor-molded castings? We currently have two processes, for gray and ductile iron casting. Our smaller, high-volume castings are poured on an automatic molding line (green sand, vertically parted) with an automatic pour-ing unit (stopper rod.)  Here, we inoculate in-stream with good results, however we occasionally struggle with carbides on some ductile iron products. For our larger castings we use no-bake (PEP SET™) molding on a medium-sized loop line.  Once made, these molds are moved to the pouring floor for hand pouring. For these no-bake castings the microstruc-ture and mechanical properties are highly unpredict-able and result in high scrap rates. Can you suggest a more reliable inoculation practice for these floor-molded castings? Our US experts recommend: The improved metallurgical quality of the casting poured in your green-sand operation can be directly attributed to the late (in-stream) inoculation practice. Adding a late inoculation step to the larger, hand-poured molds could improve the metallurgical quality of these castings.  However, using in-stream inoculation might not be practical, so other methods will need to be considered. In recent years, increasing demands for improved mechanical properties and the challenges encountered by foundries trying to inoculate electric furnace iron have established a need for potent inoculation that is introduced just before the casting cavity is filled, i.e. late inoculation. On your automatic molding line you have satisfied these de-manding specifications by adopting late inoculation in the form of in-stream inoculation.  In-stream inoculation is well suited to applications that involve pouring the casting in the same location each and every time.  However, due to the need for specialized equipment, employing in-stream inoculation for hand-poured castings is not so easy. Moving the ladle from mold to mold on the pouring floor is a challenge in any case. Now consider moving equipment along with the ladle, and it is clear that this can be a very time consuming and cumbersome process. Well, perhaps you could have a mem-ber of the pouring crew add a carefully metered, precise addition of sized material to the iron stream, during mold filling. That would be a solid solution except for the drawbacks: labor costs, safety concerns, and the likelihood that the feed-rate of the inoculant will be inconsistent are a few of the disadvantages of this practice. So, let’s consider a more practical method for late inoculation of hand poured castings: using solid, cast ferrosilicon inserts in the mold (or pouring basin.) This technique is widely accepted as a viable method for late inoculation of hand poured castings. In fact, it is commonly used for all types of molding and pouring op-erations.  Using solid cast inserts for your late inoculation of gray and ductile iron would provide these benefits: No fade. The inoculant goes into solution as close to solidification as possible. Proper addition rates.  Solid cast inserts are produced in more than 15 different sizes, so providing the proper addition rate (0.1 – 0.2%) for your mold is not a problem. Uniform inoculation. The insert dissolves continuously during pouring, providing even, uniform inoculation. No slag generation. The inoculant goes into solution in the absence of atmosphere, resulting in very clean inoculation. Potent inoculation effect.  These inserts are engineered to provide maximum effect for gray and ductile iron. So, if you’re looking for a more reliable inoculation practice that will improve the metallurgical quality of castings, reduce variability, and save money by reducing scrap, consider late inoculation with solid cast inserts.  GERMALLOY™ is recommended for ductile iron castings; OPTIGRAN™ is the choice for gray iron castings. Metallurgy experts at ASK Chemicals can provide recommenda-tions for the proper sizing and application of mold inoculation for no-bake and green-sand operations. So, consult with your ASK Chemicals contact for the best overall recommendation. Inorganic binder technologies gain an increasing attention, not only in the European foundry industry. Does the global role-out of inorganic binder technologies determine the end for conventional shell sand processes? Our US experts recommend: A provocative question, I must admit, and the answer to this question is diversified in respect to the casting application. Of course, new technologies always threaten the existence of conventional technologies as far as they add performance value to the respective process itself. In case of aluminum casting applications, particularly in high productive segments such as the manufacture of aluminum engine blocks and cylinder heads in permanent mold casting, more and more foundries are converting from organic to inorganic binder systems – and there are several reasons for this trend. Odorless core production, no harmful emissions during casting, less maintenance of machinery and tools, and the resulting higher productivity are well known economic and ecological benefits of the INOTECTM technology. Technological benefits rely on the faster solidification of the aluminum melt. Reduced die mold temperatures and the consumption of energy from the aluminum melt by water evaporation result in improved mechanic properties of the castings, e.g. reduced dendritic arm spacing. The inorganic binder technology INOTECTM is described as a two component binder system including a liquid INOTECTM binder and a solid inorganic additive – the so-called INOTECTM Promotor. Shell sand is a phenolic resin coated sand with addition rates of 2,5 to 3,5% (based on sand). In terms of core manufacturing, both binder systems are cured in a hot core box. INOTECTM requires significantly lower core box temperatures (150 – 210 °C vs. 250 °C for shell sand) but also implies the necessity of hot-air purging that is missing in the shell sand process. Strength values (both hot and cold) of INOTECTM-bound cores are high enough for automatized handling. Care should be taken in regard of the brittleness which is typically higher than that of shell sand cores. Additionally, inorganic-bound cores have – by nature – a high affinity to water. Thus substantial technical adjustments (storage facilities with proper storing conditions to avoid exposure to high humidity) and continuous product development to improve humidity resistance are countermeasures. A major disadvantage of shell sand cores are volatile emissions during core manufacturing as well as odor and smoke formation in the casting production process as a results of the thermal decomposition of the phenolic resin. As a consequence, condensate or tar build up reduce die mold lifetimes and imply continuous maintenance operations. Additionally measures, e.g. ventilation and air treatment systems, are mandatory. Higher risks for gas inclusions and casting defects are possible as shown by the difference in gas formation potential. The amount of condensate for INOTECTM is related to the amount of released water that contribute to the binding properties of the silicate gel structure during core manufacturing, storage and utilization. Binder system 139 397 Comparison of gas and condensate formation between shell sand and INOTECTM. Measurement was done using a COGAS apparatus in liquid aluminum. Dimensional casting accuracy as a result of improved thermal stability is comparable for both binder systems. The INOTECTM tooling kit approach even enables tailor-made core property adjustments in respect to thermal strain and core geometry. Core collapse or shake-out processes for inorganic-bound cores require mechanic impact via hammering and vibrating systems. Continuous product development and process discipline enable reliable core collapse properties even of complex cores on serial production scale procedures. In comparison to shell sand cores, the INOTECTM technology shows equal or even superior process properties during core manufacturing and aluminum casting production, if technical measures, process knowledge and process discipline are established. So, consult with your ASK Chemicals contact for the best overall recommendation. We want to improve work conditions in our ferrous foundry. How can we prevent penetration and gas defects in steel castings without using a standard black iron oxide? Casting porosity and surface defects are a concern inherent to sand casting, and they are defects that can degrade the quality of a part, even making some parts unsuitable for their intended applications, such as in pressurized systems. In pouring molten metal into a sand mold, if the metal enters into gaps between sand grains, a rough surface may be the result on the finished casting. This happens because the sand is coarse or the surface has not been sealed. Coarse sand grains will promote more metal penetration. Gas defects are the result when gas is trapped within the molten metal, or when mold gases are generated during pouring. This may result in blowholes (spherical or ovular cavities in the casting surface or within the casting) or pinhole porosity (the result of hydrogen trapped during in the mass of molten metal.) For the metalcaster, porosity and surface defects also increase the cost and effort of casting finishing processes. One way to address some surface defects in steel castings is by implementing an additive to the sand preparation sequence. Iron oxides additives have been used for many years and are typically some form of red iron oxide (hematite, Fe2O3) and black iron oxide (magnetite, Fe3O4), or sometimes a blend of the two. They act as a flux to promote softening of the sand, which can absorb more thermal stress before a crack in the core/mold occurs. Being oxygen-rich, iron oxides also can tie up some gasses during the casting process. They are typically used in amounts ranging from 2-5%. But, note that care must be taken as to the additive’s effects on binder demand based on the small particle size of many of these products. ASK Chemicals is offering a new sand additive called VEINO ULTRA™ 450 that is an improvement upon it’s predecessor VEINO ULTRATM 350, providing increased tensile strength. It reduces veining, increases penetration resistance, and resists “orange peel” type defects in low-carbon steel. The first benefit to a steel foundry will be reduced cleaning room costs. In addition, both VEINO ULTRA 350 & VEINO ULTRA 450 have the ability to “scavenge” various mold gases produced during the casting process.  Typically, an addition rate between 2 to 6% based on sand weight is pre-mixed with the raw sand. It is recommended to coat the sand molds and cores when using VEINO ULTRA 350, to provide a smooth casting finish; however, VEINO ULTRA 450 may be used without a coating. In the field, VEINO ULTRA 450 has been proven effective when replacing standard black iron oxides. Due to VEINO ULTRA 450 being coarser than black iron oxide, it has less effect on the binder’s chemical strength, so it has the potential to reduce binder levels. Also, black iron oxide can be difficult to transport because of the grain fineness, and it’s more prone to producing dust, creating a less than desirable work environment. VEINO ULTRA 450 provides a solution to these handling problems due to its coarse nature, making it less dusty, with better flowability and greater ease of transport. What does "Sustainability" mean for foundries? Q :The  topic of  sustainability ” has been on everyone’s mind for some time now. What exactly does this mean - for my foundry? A: The definition of sustainability rests on three pillars – ecology, economy and society. The last two of these often are neglected when projects are being developed and assessed. Sustainable products, however, are able to contribute much more to achieving sustainability than people may initially think. Anyone who has ever been to a foundry that has been converted from organic to inorganic binder technology, and has seen how that technology and work environment has changed to the benefit of the workforce, will recognize the economic and social contribution it provides. When it comes to economic sustainability, the question for foundries is how to increase economic success while at the same time maintaining the quality and availability of resources. This is where metalcasting industry suppliers are able to make a contribution by developing solutions that replace potentially harmful, scarce, or expensive raw materials with others that deliver equal or enhanced performance. A good example is ASK’s ECOCURE BLUE binder technology for iron casting. It uses the world’s first phenolic resin for the cold-box process that does not require statutory labelling in the market, in accordance with the CLP Regulation for the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures. Therefore, the ECOCURE BLUE binder is no longer considered a hazardous material. The utilization of this innovative cold-box binder technology can result in significantly reduced phenol and formaldehyde emissions. Foundries want to reduce the emissions resulting from their processes. Emissions have negative and potentially irreversible consequences for the environment, and so foundries are incentivized to adopt new technologies, not only to continuously meet regulatory and environmental requirements but also to satisfy the increasing expectation of social responsibility. Therefore, ASK Chemicals has been researching and developing new products for many years to achieve reductions in emissions caused by their products. The preservation of resources – rare, readily available, or seemingly ubiquitous and plentiful – is surely another important topic we have to consider. An example of such a resource is lithium, which is extracted from the ground at a grave environmental cost, particularly in South America, where the mineral reserves are being exploited to supply the dramatic increase in demand for lithium to support electric fuel-cell production. ASK Chemicals has been a driving force behind the development of lithium-free sand additive product solutions for quite some time now. Q:The demands on foundries to reduce CO2 emissions, in order to achieve CO2 neutrality, are becoming increasingly stringent. What is ASK’s assessment of this situation? A:The obvious approach to achieve CO2 neutrality is to manufacture products from renewable raw materials. But that is just one aspect of product development and cannot be the only driving force. To achieve CO2 neutrality, designers and manufacturers must take into account a product’s entire lifecycle, and consequently all the processes used to produce the raw materials involved in production are just as important as the manufacturing processes that result in end products with the desired (i.e., CO2 neutral) performance profiles. This is why ASK Chemicals has a clear focus on enhancing its products’ efficacy, in getting things done, while minimizing the burden on the environment from cradle to grave. High-Efficiency Riser Technology for Casting Steel ? Q:Is it possible to use the high-efficiency riser systems commonly used with iron castings instead for steel castings? A: Yes, high-efficiency riser systems commonly used for iron can be employed with steel castings, creating many advantages for the operator and the foundry. However, there are a few important details to bear in mind about this application. First, to review the relevant details of the application, recall that a riser (sometimes referred to as a feeder) is a reservoir built into a metalcasting mold to prevent cavities from forming during solidification as a result of shrinkage. Most metals are less dense in liquid form than solid, so a casting may shrink as the metal cools, which may result in a void at the final point of solidification. The optimal riser system depends on the current molding system in use by the foundry. If the foundry employs a high-pressure, horizontally parted green sand system, ASK Chemicals’ EXACTCAST OPTIMA riser would provide the best solution. If the foundry employs a no-bake molding system, ASK Chemical’s EXACTCAST KMV riser would provide the best solution. With these solutions in place, the operators would recognize the following improvements over traditional fiber riser systems: 1) Improved yield due to mini-riser feeding efficiency; 2) Reduced riser contact areas, reducing finishing and grinding costs; and, 3) No fiber material contamination in the molding system. Additionally, ASK Chemicals’ OPTIMA riser creates a perfect residue-free molding with improved compaction and a clean, clearly defined breaker edge directly on the casting. Steel casting temperatures can be significantly higher when compared to iron castings. This higher temperature profile demands higher refractoriness from the exothermic feed mixture. ASK Chemical’s EXACTCAST product line has developed special, high refractory formulations to meet these requirements. Another factor to be recognized is that steel castings typically have significant volume requirements. ASK’s KMV and OPTIMA risers are effective in addressing this need. These products reduce riser volumes by 50% or more, allowing current melt production to be used in other casting applications. An important criterion in the foundry’s selection of a riser are the process costs associated with removing risers from the cooled casting. A traditional riser system requires lancing or cutting tools. The KMV risers’ reduced contact areas and Optima’s cleanly defined breaker edges allow risers on steel castings to be knocked off easily with a hammer. This adds value to the casting while reducing metal loss with foundry operations. Additionally, due to the solidification morphology of steel alloys, riser necks may require larger contact areas. ASK Chemical’s KMV and Optima risers can be used with full contacts or varying breaker strategies where larger contacts become necessary. At ASK Chemicals we aim to provide solutions to assist our customers to achieve greater profitability. Let’s pour more castings and less risers! 3D-Printed Filters Are Engineered for Higher Throughput, Cleaner Metal Additive manufacturing achieves uniformity and consistency in filter design, with higher flow capacity than sintered ceramic-foam filters can offer. Q:We need to need to filter molten metal for a large casting, to eliminate inclusions and reduce clean room costs, but the currently available filter technologies are insufficient – mainly because the filter material “plugs off” too quickly during the pouring sequence. What products are available to address this? A:For this issue there are a few different technical solutions for you to consider. The first would to be rig up your gating system to filter through multiple filters, to handle the increased capacity required for pouring large-scale castings. Another possible solution might be be to filter through an assembly piece with multiple filters, or a filter with increased surface area, such as a tube. A third option would be to find a filter that can handle the same thermal shock properties as a conventional filter, and has an engineered design to allow for the increased capacity — and still would supply the filtration capabilities required to eliminate the inclusions you describe. Among these three options, the easiest to implement and most cost-effective would be the third option. Next, with all the metal-filtering technologies out there you would need to find such a filter. And now, and the most viable place to find such an ideal product would be in the emerging venue of additive manufacturing. In other words, a “3D-printed filter.” Recently, ASK Chemicals introduced its EXACTPORE 3D line, which would check all the boxes required to solve your issue. These filters offer iron and steel foundries (as well as investment casters) new and more efficient filtration options for the highest casting quality. Thanks to their particularly sophisticated and well thought-through design, EXACTPORE 3D filters provide the highest structural integrity and thus safety and efficiency in use. Metal purity is one of the most important requirements for foundries: “Best practice” molten-metal filtration includes sintered ceramic foam filters, but the structure of the filter foams in particular means that this form of filtration also has its limits. During the ceramic coating and sintering process, tiny particles may form inside the filter structure, which are only slightly sintered with the base material. Flow through the filter can cause these particles to detach, which impairs the purity of the melt and can lead to inclusions in the casting. The high structural integrity of EXACTPORE 3D filters ensures the absence of loose particles and thus prevents contamination of the melt by so-called filter bits and time-consuming reworking. A further advantage of the new filter generation is its higher flow capacity. Due to the uniformity of the pore design and the structurally consistent geometry, the flow capacity of the EXACTPORE 3D filters is significantly higher than sintered ceramic foam filters with the same filter and pore size, and thus offers foundries an opportunity to further increase manufacturing productivity. The uniformity of the pore design and the structural integrity of the new filters also significantly reduces turbulence compared to conventional solutions and greatly protects against reoxidation caused by entrained air. In fact, hardly any impurities get into the mold, which leads to less reworking, improved surface quality and lower rejection rates and ultimately increases profitability. “Finally, our new filters are manufactured in such a way that the design possibilities are virtually limitless,” according to Bob Gage, market manager-Filters, referring to the flexibility and variability that is possible thanks to additive manufacturing of the new EXACTPORE 3D filters. “With our new filters there are almost no limitations as to what we can offer our customers in terms of pore design,” he emphasized. “We can produce almost any pore size – even unconventional ones – in order to guarantee the best possible filter quality with constant flow properties. Virtual field service is a fast and efficient alternative service experience for metalcasters who cannot wait to make their operations perform better and compete more effectively. Q: Everyone seems stretched these days and it is hard to find help, but it’s even harder to find timely help. I lean heavily on my suppliers for support – but now I am waiting weeks to schedule service. Is there a better option out there? Zoom meetings seem quick and easy. Is this possible, or something similar, in case we need support on the shop floor? A: Tonnage poured, a primary indicator of productivity in the metalcasting industry – specifically sand casting – has been in decline for several decades due to several factors (e.g., lightweight automotive designs, including for electric vehicles.) Furthermore, the industry has a diminished appeal today, impacting labor supply due to environmental concerns (e.g., VOCs), dangerous working conditions, and poor wages. Understandably, in the past few decades many OEMs have repositioned their operations to lower-cost emerging markets (e.g., China, Mexico, Turkey, etc.) Those manufacturers who are unable, or unwilling, to follow suit have borne these burdens, aided in-part by value-added services offered by their suppliers/partners. Labor shortages should be re-emphasized as a serious impediment to the metalcasting industry and its overall vitality. Relatively recently, manufacturers in well-established regions (e.g., U.S., Germany) have been forced to operate ‘lean’ in order to remain competitive with operators in emerging markets. Likewise, major foundry consumable providers have been forced to scale-back their service offerings, such as dedicated bulk tank applications with fully equipped telemetry equipment for volume tracking of supplies. Even technical expertise is harder to come by as experienced technicians and metallurgists retire from the industry, with fewer experts ready to take up their work and responsibilities. Amidst these latter challenges stands the on-going global pandemic. In 2020, particularly, we noticed the increased need for technical support, as foundry doors remained closed to suppliers to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Virtual field services, a widely unknown term until then, was primarily operating within ad hoc Apple Facetime calls that proved beneficial in the right circumstances (e.g., quality cellular connection / Wi-Fi). Unfortunately, however, many of our customers either suffered from poor connectivity, or needed greater instruction and documentation than a mere visual aid. With this in mind, ASK Chemicals has developed a new virtual service concept, as a supplement to the well-known on-site technical service. ASKNow – virtual field services – makes it possible to create “cases” that contain documents, pictures, and video content. Customer and ASK Chemicals teams are using annotation and pointing tools to better collaborate on their cases. What sets the service offering apart are unique features believed to be beneficial to the foundry industry, in particular: •  Low-bandwidth video/audio options for remote site locations; •  Quick and easy annotation (pictures/videos); •  Ability to record video and connect to third-party live-streaming headsets; •  Cloud-based collaboration of annotated files, for seamless transfer of information; and, ASKNow virtual field services is a service option to our customer-base as a fast and efficient alternative service experience, where traditional face-to-face consultations may not be required. With the launch of ASK Now, we have been able to support our customers in the shortest possible time. Long waiting times and, in the worst case, production downtimes are definitely a distant reality with ASKNow. Treating Sand to Improve Air Quality and Casting Results The right sand additive can address EPA’s HAP standards and reduce atmospheric dust and smoke in the workplace – while enhancing the quality of finished castings. How can we reduce smoke and emissions in our foundry and at the same time produce defect-free castings? The Environmental Protection Agency sets emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) at foundries – many of which are traced to the emissions that result from chemical binders used in mold and core making. Some organic HAP emissions include benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX) as well as naphthalene. VEINO ULTRA™ NB-LOSMK is a sand additive developed by ASK Chemicals to reduce these emissions by as much as 30% in no-bake molding applications. In addition to reducing emissions, VEINO ULTRA™ NB-LOSMK also reduces smoke, which contributes to an improved working environment for foundry personnel. By removing the smoke from the air, workers’ line of sight is improved substantially. When working with most sand additives, it’s necessary to increase the amount of the binder being used in order to compensate for a decrease in tensile strength that results due to the addition of high-surface area, finer particles. VEINO ULTRA™ NB-LOSMK’s size distribution has been optimized in order to minimize the negative effects on tensile strength.  The speed of the reaction, including the work time and strip time, may be adjusted with slower or faster catalysts, depending upon the needs of a particular foundry.  As with standard sand additives, VEINO ULTRA™ NB-LOSMK will combat veining, penetration, and surface finish defects in addition to lowering emissions and smoke. Furthermore, it has the ability to scavenge for various mold gases For those foundries that reclaim sand, either mechanically or thermally, sand additive build up in the reclamation system may be a concern as tensile levels for the sand will diminish over time. These worries are negated by VEINO ULTRA™ NB-LOSMK, as the particles will be drawn off in the foundry’s dust-collection system. VEINO ULTRA™ NB-LOSMK provides a solution to smoke and emissions in the foundry, and will working conditions for operators. Assessing Cored-Wire for Automated Iron Treatment, Inoculation Selecting the right alloy and inputting accurate values can make alloy addition more effective, reliable, and environmentally friendly Q: We pour medium- to large-size gray, ductile, and CGI castings, and we are evaluating our current gray- and ductile-iron tapping, treating, inoculating and pouring processes. Is there a process/practice that would allow us to automate treating and inoculating processes effectively? A: There are many different processes for treating and inoculating cast iron, processes that usually are conducted at the ladle. Tundish, pour-over, and sandwich methods are typical. More automated processes include plunging and the gazelle (porous plug) methods, while for inoculation the in-stream process is automated easily and provides many benefits. However, one approach can apply both automated treatment and inoculation practice. Cored-wire practice introduces a hollow wire filled with powder alloys to the molten metal. The alloys in the wire may be MgFeSi for magnesium treatment (for DI or CGI), and/or inoculation material (for DI, GI or CGI.) The wire is drawn from a coil that is mounted to the machine and feeds it to the molten metal. After it is set up, the machine has a human-machine interface (HMI) for installing required values of the melt and to introduce process automation. With these input values the machine will calculate the length of wire necessary to feed into the metal. Because this process is automated, it brings more accuracy to the sequence of adding magnesium and inoculation materials. These values are necessary to calculate how much wire is required in the molten metal. The coil normally reports the alloys in grams per meter of wire, and the information required by the computer will allow it to accurately calculate the length of the wire necessary to add the right amount of alloy. The input values include sulfur content before and after treatment (for DI and CGI), iron volume, melt temperature, and wire-feeding speed. Some additional inputs may be required, but this will vary according to the current practice. Normally, recovery levels of cored wire are comparable to other practices, however it will depend on a number of things: sulfur content before and after magnesium treatment, the percent of magnesium content in the treated iron, the iron quantity, the meters of wire fed, and the quantity of magnesium per meter of wire. With these details, a preliminary percentage of magnesium recovery can be calculated. The temperature of the metal and the ladle geometry also affect magnesium recovery, and results will depend upon each individual practice. For cored-wire practice it is preferable for the ladle to be taller than it is wide. Usually, a ladle that has a height/diameter ratio of 2:1 is recommended for cored-wire practice. This will promote a high iron column, meaning the Mg vapor bubbles have to travel a long distance through the iron and therefore remain largely within the iron. However, it is possible to use your current ladles: The cored-wire mechanism can be tailored to any ladle as long as this is considered when designing the equipment. Cored-wire practice offers reproducible results between ladles, high-quality iron, and simple process automation.  In addition to these benefits, cored-wire treatment also can be an environmentally friendly process. The mechanism normally includes a lid with hollow tubes through which to introduce the wire: one of these tubes is used to control and direct the emissions from the treatment and inoculation step into the fan. With this system, it is easy to control the effluent and prevent the smoke from the magnesium treatment to disturb other activities in the foundry. The typical products for ductile iron treatment and inoculation are MgFeSi and foundry-grade FeSi. However, we also offer pure magnesium wires and other inoculation products, such as ferrosilicon with zirconium, strontium, aluminum, calcium, bismuth and even cerium. Your selection depends on what you seek to accomplish at your foundry. There also are different wire diameters that may be chosen for cored-wire practice. Standard diameters for wire are 9 and 13 mm, available for the different cored wire coils. On special occasions, a 16-mm diameter wire may be offered. The different diameters will ensure that more material can be inserted per meter of wire. The larger diameters provide the ability to use less coil length, and also may reduce the wire-feeding speed for the mechanism. A New Option for Fast, Efficient Customer Service Where face-to-face consultation may not be required, on-call experts are available to metalcasters who cannot wait to improve performance and compete more effectively. Q: Everyone seems stretched these days and it is hard to find help, but it’s even harder to find timely help. I lean heavily on my suppliers for support – but now I am waiting weeks to schedule service. Is there a better option out there? Zoom meetings seem quick and easy. Is this possible, or something similar, in case we need support on the shop floor? A: Tonnage poured, a primary indicator of productivity in the metalcasting industry – specifically sand casting – has been in decline for several decades due to several factors (e.g., lightweight automotive designs, including for electric vehicles.) Furthermore, the industry has a diminished appeal today, impacting labor supply due to environmental concerns (e.g., VOCs), dangerous working conditions, and poor wages. Understandably, in the past few decades many OEMs have repositioned their operations to lower-cost emerging markets (e.g., China, Mexico, Turkey, etc.) Those manufacturers who are unable, or unwilling, to follow suit have borne these burdens, aided in-part by value-added services offered by their suppliers/partners. Labor shortages should be re-emphasized as a serious impediment to the metalcasting industry and its overall vitality. Relatively recently, manufacturers in well-established regions (e.g., U.S., Germany) have been forced to operate ‘lean’ in order to remain competitive with operators in emerging markets. Likewise, major foundry consumable providers have been forced to scale-back their service offerings, such as dedicated bulk tank applications with fully equipped telemetry equipment for volume tracking of supplies. Even technical expertise is harder to come by as experienced technicians and metallurgists retire from the industry, with fewer experts ready to take up their work and responsibilities. Amidst these latter challenges stands the on-going global pandemic. In 2020, particularly, we noticed the increased need for technical support, as foundry doors remained closed to suppliers to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Virtual field services, a widely unknown term until then, was primarily operating within ad hoc Apple Facetime calls that proved beneficial in the right circumstances (e.g., quality cellular connection / Wi-Fi). Unfortunately, however, many of our customers either suffered from poor connectivity, or needed greater instruction and documentation than a mere visual aid. With this in mind, ASK Chemicals has developed a new virtual service concept, as a supplement to the well-known on-site technical service. ASKNow – virtual field services – makes it possible to create “cases” that contain documents, pictures, and video content. Customer and ASK Chemicals teams are using annotation and pointing tools to better collaborate on their cases. What sets the service offering apart are unique features believed to be beneficial to the foundry industry, in particular: •  Low-bandwidth video/audio options for remote site locations; •  Quick and easy annotation (pictures/videos); •  Ability to record video and connect to third-party live-streaming headsets; •  Cloud-based collaboration of annotated files, for seamless transfer of information; and, ASKNow virtual field services is a service option to our customer-base as a fast and efficient alternative service experience, where traditional face-to-face consultations may not be required. With the launch of ASKNow, we have been able to support our customers in the shortest possible time. Long waiting times and, in the worst case, production downtimes are definitely a distant reality with ASKNow. A: Currently there are three chemistries used for 3D printing of sand: furan resin, cold hardening phenolic (CHP) resin, and inorganic resins based on silicates. There are differences in the ways that each chemistry is used. How are they different? All three technologies use a co-reactant, catalyst, or activator package that is mixed onto the sand prior to the sand being layered in the print bed. The binder systems differ in the resins that they produce and the casting properties that result. Inorganic resins offer good casting quality and have the benefit of low emissions during printing and casting – because they are inorganic. These resins require a microwaving or baking step to facilitate curing after the build box exits the print area. Furan resins are known for resistance to veining and excellent shakeout result. These systems are typically air cured. Cold-hardening phenolic resins give excellent casting surface finish but can be problematic in the shakeout sequence, due to a secondary curing at metalcasting temperatures. These resins have excellent print dimensional accuracy. CHP printed sands typically are exposed to IR heat or an oven to drive the initial cure. CHP resins also have different storage requirements to ensure maximum shelf-life. Binder technology [PAGE] Title: Filter - Process improvement: ASK Chemicals Content: Filter - Process improvement Process improvement by special ceramic filters with foam-like structure The use of ceramic filters with foam-like structures is a state-of-the-art technology indispensable in day-to-day operations in the foundry industry. The benefits of using this filter have already been described in literature and validated in practice. Download our latest professional article now: Fill out the form and read the paper. To access the inquiry form, please activate the website cookies. [PAGE] Title: Product usage: ASK Chemicals Content: What can I do to maximize flow rate through the filter? I want to use a reticulated ceramic foam filter when pouring my metal, but I am casting thin-wall parts and need to get the metal in the mold as fast as possible. What can I do to maximize flow rate through the filter? Our US experts recommend: There are several parameters of both the metal and the filter that control and effect flow rate of molten metal through a ceramic filter. First, concerning the specific metal alloy, the metal’s fluidity, cleanliness, temperature, and metal head height over the filter, all play a role in the flow rate. Regarding the filter, the manufacturer has the ability to adjust parameters when sizing the filter for your application. Metal flow rate through the filter is a function of the filter diameter (round) or length and width (rectangular), filter thickness, as well as filter pore size. To maximize flow rate, you would want to use the largest di-ameter, most open pore size, and thinnest filter that the manu-facturer recommends and that would physically fit into your mold space or pouring cup.  These same parameters also affect filtration efficiency and must be balanced with what you are trying to achieve. ASK Chemicals has been manufacturing reticulated ceramic foam filters for over 30 years and offers the technical support to recommend the best filter choice for the specific applica-tion, along with the manufacturing expertise to provide a consistent product with every order. So, consult with your ASK Chemicals contact for the best overall recommendation. High-Efficiency Riser Technology for Casting Steel ? Q:Is it possible to use the high-efficiency riser systems commonly used with iron castings instead for steel castings? A: Yes, high-efficiency riser systems commonly used for iron can be employed with steel castings, creating many advantages for the operator and the foundry. However, there are a few important details to bear in mind about this application. First, to review the relevant details of the application, recall that a riser (sometimes referred to as a feeder) is a reservoir built into a metalcasting mold to prevent cavities from forming during solidification as a result of shrinkage. Most metals are less dense in liquid form than solid, so a casting may shrink as the metal cools, which may result in a void at the final point of solidification. The optimal riser system depends on the current molding system in use by the foundry. If the foundry employs a high-pressure, horizontally parted green sand system, ASK Chemicals’ EXACTCAST OPTIMA riser would provide the best solution. If the foundry employs a no-bake molding system, ASK Chemical’s EXACTCAST KMV riser would provide the best solution. With these solutions in place, the operators would recognize the following improvements over traditional fiber riser systems: 1) Improved yield due to mini-riser feeding efficiency; 2) Reduced riser contact areas, reducing finishing and grinding costs; and, 3) No fiber material contamination in the molding system. Additionally, ASK Chemicals’ OPTIMA riser creates a perfect residue-free molding with improved compaction and a clean, clearly defined breaker edge directly on the casting. Steel casting temperatures can be significantly higher when compared to iron castings. This higher temperature profile demands higher refractoriness from the exothermic feed mixture. ASK Chemical’s EXACTCAST product line has developed special, high refractory formulations to meet these requirements. Another factor to be recognized is that steel castings typically have significant volume requirements. ASK’s KMV and OPTIMA risers are effective in addressing this need. These products reduce riser volumes by 50% or more, allowing current melt production to be used in other casting applications. An important criterion in the foundry’s selection of a riser are the process costs associated with removing risers from the cooled casting. A traditional riser system requires lancing or cutting tools. The KMV risers’ reduced contact areas and Optima’s cleanly defined breaker edges allow risers on steel castings to be knocked off easily with a hammer. This adds value to the casting while reducing metal loss with foundry operations. Additionally, due to the solidification morphology of steel alloys, riser necks may require larger contact areas. ASK Chemical’s KMV and Optima risers can be used with full contacts or varying breaker strategies where larger contacts become necessary. At ASK Chemicals we aim to provide solutions to assist our customers to achieve greater profitability. Let’s pour more castings and less risers! A: Currently there are three chemistries used for 3D printing of sand: furan resin, cold hardening phenolic (CHP) resin, and inorganic resins based on silicates. There are differences in the ways that each chemistry is used. How are they different? All three technologies use a co-reactant, catalyst, or activator package that is mixed onto the sand prior to the sand being layered in the print bed. The binder systems differ in the resins that they produce and the casting properties that result. Inorganic resins offer good casting quality and have the benefit of low emissions during printing and casting – because they are inorganic. These resins require a microwaving or baking step to facilitate curing after the build box exits the print area. Furan resins are known for resistance to veining and excellent shakeout result. These systems are typically air cured. Cold-hardening phenolic resins give excellent casting surface finish but can be problematic in the shakeout sequence, due to a secondary curing at metalcasting temperatures. These resins have excellent print dimensional accuracy. CHP printed sands typically are exposed to IR heat or an oven to drive the initial cure. CHP resins also have different storage requirements to ensure maximum shelf-life. Binder technology [PAGE] Title: Mobile Download: ASK Chemicals Content: Install ASKNow on your mobile device Click the buttons below to install or update the ASKNow app: Apple App Store [PAGE] Title: Product Finder - Metallurgy: ASK Chemicals Content: Product Finder Product Finder - Metallurgy For the best search result, select only one characteristic per filter. The box at the end of the line immediately directs you to a sample request to our experts. Text search Impact in number of nodules Inoculation Open additional filter options Close additional filter options Name Ductile pipes Gray iron, Ductile iron Consistency, Good casting surface quality, Good dissolution, Good storage stability, Inoculation, Label-free, Low addition rate, Low emission, Low reactivity, Low smoke Improved surface structure, Good drawing, Pre-inoculation Universal Gray iron Alloying micro, Ferrite formation, Good dissolution, Good storage stability, Label-free, Low addition rate, Low emission, Low reactivity, Low smoke Increase of eutectic cells in structure Universal Ductile iron Alloying micro, Chill reduction, Consistency, Ferrite formation, Good dissolution, Good storage stability, Impact in number of nodules, Label-free, Low addition rate, Low emission, Low reactivity, Low smoke Long lasting inoculation effect Universal Ductile iron Alloying micro, Consistency, Ferrite formation, Good dissolution, Good storage stability, Impact in number of nodules, Label-free, Low addition rate, Low emission, Low reactivity, Low smoke Highly effective inoculation Universal Gray iron, Ductile iron, Compacted graphite iron Alloying micro, Chill reduction, Consistency, Good dissolution, Good storage stability, Inoculation, Impact in number of nodules, Label-free, Low addition rate, Low emission, Low reactivity, Low smoke, Magnesium treatment Carbides, Chunky graphite, Detrimental elements, Shrink holes, Tension cracks Pre-conditioning of melt, Improvement of nucelation, Boost of heterogeneous nucleation Universal Gray iron, Ductile iron, Compacted graphite iron Good dissolution, Good storage stability, Impact in number of nodules, Label-free, Low addition rate, Low emission, Low reactivity, Low smoke, Magnesium treatment Pre-conditioning of melt, Reduction of slag adhesions Universal Gray iron, Ductile iron, Compacted graphite iron Alloying micro, Consistency, Good dissolution, Good storage stability, Impact in number of nodules, Label-free, Low addition rate, Magnesium treatment Introduction of Mg as main element for nodularization INFORM M (Wire for Mg treatment) Cored wires Universal Ductile iron, Compacted graphite iron Consistency, Good dissolution, Good storage stability, Good traceability, Impact in number of nodules, Label-free, Low addition rate, Low emission, Low reactivity, Low smoke, Magnesium treatment Detrimental elements Universal Gray iron, Ductile iron, Compacted graphite iron Alloying micro, Chill reduction, Consistency, Ferrite formation, Good dissolution, Good storage stability, Good traceability, Inoculation, Label-free, Low emission, Low reactivity, Low smoke Carbides, Chunky graphite, Detrimental elements, Shrink holes, Tension cracks Easy handling, High rate of documentation INOCULANT (Ladle and InSteam inoculation) Inoculants Universal Gray iron, Ductile iron, Compacted graphite iron Alloying micro, Chill reduction, Consistency, Ferrite formation, Good dissolution, Good storage stability, Label-free, Low emission, Low reactivity, Low smoke Carbides, Chunky graphite, Detrimental elements, Shrink holes, Tension cracks Homogeneous nucleation, Influence on solidification and structure [PAGE] Title: Career: ASK Chemicals Content: Our diversity in terms of products, services and internationality offers you a varied working environment and many new challenges. More information can be found here We are pleased that you are interested in joining ASK Chemicals! More information can be found here Because of their enthusiasm, expertise and service orientation, our employees have made ASK Chemicals what it is today... More information can be found here [PAGE] Title: On Demand Webinars: ASK Chemicals Content: On Demand - Reduce production costs in large castings with the use of tubular filters Learn from our expert Ulrich Voigt how the tubular filter works and what other advantages it offers. VOC-optimized binder On Demand - VOC-optimized binder systems for reducing pollution during core production and storage Learn from our expert Frank Lenzen about possible levers to meet future requirements and stricter VOC limits using VOC reduced binder systems. 3D binder systems On Demand - Binder systems for 3D printing of sand core Learn from our expert Dr. Dominik Polsakiewicz about challenges and advantages for 3D binder systems and recommended guidelines for binder selection. Higher accuracy with Cut Inoculants On Demand - Accuracy and metallurgy in one sentence? It's possible with our new inoculants Learn from our expert Horst Herbst, metallurgy application engineer, what advantages the new generation of cut inoculants has to offer. Coating-free Castings and Specialty Sand On Demand - Small addition - big effect! Reduce the use of coatings and specialty sands Learn about how to achieve a defect-free casting result without coating or specialty sands from our expert Dr. Reinhard Stötzel, Global Expert Coatings and Additives. [PAGE] Title: Cold Box Binder Systems: ASK Chemicals Content: [PAGE] Title: Filters: ASK Chemicals Content: [PAGE] Title: Our Offer: ASK Chemicals Content: Our Offer Our high quality sand core products are manufactured with Cold Box technology. The range of products includes the production of cores and core packages from 0.01 kg up to a core weight of 350 kg. Our leading-edge technical equipment is designed specifically for the production of prototypes as well as for the production of series. Our product portfolio, which  includes modern core shooters with a wide range of clamping dimensions and pitches, flexible mixing plants and assembly lines as well as the latest drying technology, is consistently focused on customer requirements. Matthias BuschManaging Director-Global Technology Lead Cores [PAGE] Title: Product Finder - Risers & Sleeves: ASK Chemicals Content: Product Finder Product Finder - Risers & Sleeves For the best search result, select only one characteristic per filter. The arrow at the beginning of the line opens additional information. The box at the end of the line immediately directs you to a sample request to our experts. Text search Green sand and high pressure molding lines No Bake molding lines Open additional filter options Close additional filter options Name Patented cap keeps inclusions and exothermic material out of the mold Exactly defined breaker edge makes breaker cores redundant No contact between casting and exothermic material Dimensions in inch can be found below. Type Exothermic, low fluorine, Exothermic, fluorine-free Iron, Brass, Bronze, Copper Green sand and high pressure molding lines Very small contact area, Precise breakage point, Fluorine-free available, Highly customizable, Crumble-free, Friction-free, Inorganic Patented cap keeps inclusions and exothermic material out of the mold Exactly defined breaker edge makes breaker cores redundant No contact between casting and exothermic material Dimensions in inch can be found below. Type Ideally suited to high-pressure molding machines Precisely defined notches as predetermined breakage points without the use of breaker cores Patented cap keeps inclusions and exothermic material out of the mold Dimensions in inch can be found below. Type KMV – 40 Q 15 CC 1,3 KMV – 70 Q 20 CC 1,6 KMV – 88 Q 20 CC 1,7 KMV – 238 Q 30 CC 2,2 KMV – 238 Q 25 CC 2,2 KMV – 339 Q 30 CC 2,8 KMV – 339 B Q 30 CC 3,2 KMV – 40 Q 15 CC 0,512 KMV – 70 Q 20 CC 0,630 KMV – 88 Q 20 CC 0,669 KMV – 238 Q 30 CC 0,866 KMV – 238 Q 25 CC 0,866 KMV – 339 Q 30 CC 1,102 KMV – 339 B Q 30 CC 1,260 Exothermic, low fluorine, Exothermic, fluorine-free Iron, Brass, Bronze, Copper Green sand and high pressure molding lines Very small contact area, Precise breakage point, Fluorine-free available, Highly customizable, Crumble-free, Friction-free, Lightweight Ideally suited to high-pressure molding machines Precisely defined notches as predetermined breakage points without the use of breaker cores Patented cap keeps inclusions and exothermic material out of the mold Dimensions in inch can be found below. Type KMV – 40 Q 15 CC 1,3 KMV – 70 Q 20 CC 1,6 KMV – 88 Q 20 CC 1,7 KMV – 238 Q 30 CC 2,2 KMV – 238 Q 25 CC 2,2 KMV – 339 Q 30 CC 2,8 KMV – 339 B Q 30 CC 3,2 KMV – 40 Q 15 CC 0,512 KMV – 70 Q 20 CC 0,630 KMV – 88 Q 20 CC 0,669 KMV – 238 Q 30 CC 0,866 KMV – 238 Q 25 CC 0,866 KMV – 339 Q 30 CC 1,102 KMV – 339 B Q 30 CC 1,260 High efficiency riser, especially for steel casting applications Small contact area and reduced riser neck diameter compared to traditional riser types Also available with breaker cores Dimensions in inch can be found below. Type Exothermic, low fluorine, Exothermic, fluorine-free, Insulating Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper Green sand and high pressure molding lines, No Bake molding lines Lightweight, Fluorine-free available, Yield improvement High efficiency riser, especially for steel casting applications Small contact area and reduced riser neck diameter compared to traditional riser types Also available with breaker cores Dimensions in inch can be found below. Type Specially made for high-performance molding machines Riser geometry helps to prevent shadows of poorly compacted sand during molding and compression Small contact area if used with spring pins PDF Dimensions in inch can be found below. Type Exothermic, low fluorine, Exothermic, fluorine-free Iron Green sand and high pressure molding lines, No Bake molding lines Inorganic, Fluorine-free available Specially made for high-performance molding machines Riser geometry helps to prevent shadows of poorly compacted sand during molding and compression Small contact area if used with spring pins PDF Dimensions in inch can be found below. Type Improved yield thanks to lower liquid iron content. Feeder geometry helps to prevent compaction shadows during moulding and compression. Extremely lightweight. Dimensions in inch can be found below. Type Exothermic, low fluorine, Exothermic, fluorine-free, Insulating Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper Green sand and high pressure molding lines, No Bake molding lines Lightweight, Fluorine-free available Improved yield thanks to lower liquid iron content. Feeder geometry helps to prevent compaction shadows during moulding and compression. Extremely lightweight. Dimensions in inch can be found below. Type Specially made for high-performance molding machines Feeder geometry helps to prevent compaction shadows during molding and compression Lower fettling costs thanks to reduced riser neck diameter PDF Dimensions in inch can be found below. Type Exothermic, low fluorine, Exothermic, fluorine-free Iron Green sand and high pressure molding lines, No Bake molding lines Inorganic, Fluorine-free available Specially made for high-performance molding machines Feeder geometry helps to prevent compaction shadows during molding and compression Lower fettling costs thanks to reduced riser neck diameter PDF Dimensions in inch can be found below. Type Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper Green sand and high pressure molding lines, No Bake molding lines Highly versatile moldable in any shape, Direct application on casting possible, For precise setup of a directed solidification Improved yield thanks to lower liquid iron content. Feeder geometry helps to prevent compaction shadows during moulding and compression. Extremly lightweight. Dimensions in inch can be found below. Type Exothermic, low fluorine, Exothermic, fluorine-free, Insulating Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper Green sand and high pressure molding lines, No Bake molding lines Lightweight, Yield improvement, Fluorine-free available Improved yield thanks to lower liquid iron content. Feeder geometry helps to prevent compaction shadows during moulding and compression. Extremly lightweight. Dimensions in inch can be found below. Type Optimum formation of the breaker edge in conjunction with the metal tube Optimum distance of riser and casting No contact of the metal tube with the pattern and therefore no pattern wear Dimensions in inch can be found below. Type Exothermic, low fluorine, Exothermic, fluorine-free Iron Green sand and high pressure molding lines Very small contact area, Precise breakage point, Fluorine-free available, Inorganic Optimum formation of the breaker edge in conjunction with the metal tube Optimum distance of riser and casting No contact of the metal tube with the pattern and therefore no pattern wear Dimensions in inch can be found below. Type Optimum formation of the breaker edge in conjunction with the metal tube Optimum distance of riser and casting No contact of the metal tube with the pattern and therefore no pattern wear Extremely small contact areas Dimensions in inch can be found below. Type Exothermic, low fluorine, Exothermic, fluorine-free Iron Green sand and high pressure molding lines Very small contact area, Precise breakage point, Fluorine-free available, Inorganic Optimum formation of the breaker edge in conjunction with the metal tube Optimum distance of riser and casting No contact of the metal tube with the pattern and therefore no pattern wear Extremely small contact areas Dimensions in inch can be found below. Type Exactly defined breaker edge makes breaker cores redundant No contact between casting and exothermic material Low weight Dimensions in inch can be found below. Type KMV – 100 Q 20 M 1,6 KMV – 140 Q 20 M 1,7 KMV – 150 Q 20 M 1,9 KMV – 210 Q 25 M 2,3 KMV – 360 Q 30 M 2,8 KMV – 360 B Q 30 M 3,2 KMV – 590 Q 40 M 3,5 KMV – 590 Q 30 M 3,5 KMV – 780 Q 40 M 4,2 KMV – 780 Q 30 M 4,8 KMV – 100 Q 20 M 0,630 KMV – 140 Q 20 M 0,669 KMV – 150 Q 20 M 0,748 KMV – 210 Q 25 M 0,906 KMV – 360 Q 30 M 1,102 KMV – 360 B Q 30 M 1,260 KMV – 590 Q 40 M 1,378 KMV – 590 Q 30 M 1,378 KMV – 780 Q 40 M 1,654 KMV – 780 Q 30 M 1,890 Exothermic, low fluorine, Exothermic, fluorine-free Iron, Steel Green sand and high pressure molding lines Very small contact area, Precise breakage point, Fluorine-free available, Lightweight Exactly defined breaker edge makes breaker cores redundant No contact between casting and exothermic material Low weight Dimensions in inch can be found below. Type KMV – 100 Q 20 M 1,6 KMV – 140 Q 20 M 1,7 KMV – 150 Q 20 M 1,9 KMV – 210 Q 25 M 2,3 KMV – 360 Q 30 M 2,8 KMV – 360 B Q 30 M 3,2 KMV – 590 Q 40 M 3,5 KMV – 590 Q 30 M 3,5 KMV – 780 Q 40 M 4,2 KMV – 780 Q 30 M 4,8 KMV – 100 Q 20 M 0,630 KMV – 140 Q 20 M 0,669 KMV – 150 Q 20 M 0,748 KMV – 210 Q 25 M 0,906 KMV – 360 Q 30 M 1,102 KMV – 360 B Q 30 M 1,260 KMV – 590 Q 40 M 1,378 KMV – 590 Q 30 M 1,378 KMV – 780 Q 40 M 1,654 KMV – 780 Q 30 M 1,890 Breaker edge integrated into the feeding geometry Suitable for use with spring pin or for direct positioning on the model Easy handling due to low weight Extremely high insulation factor in addition to the exothermic properties Dimensions in inch can be found below. Type KMV – 28 Q 15 T 0,95 KMV – 40 Q 16 T 1,30 KMV – 70 Q 20 T 1,60 KMV – 88 Q 20 T 1,70 KMV – 88 Q 01 T 1,70 KMV – 121 Q 23,5 T 1,90 KMV – 121 Q 01 T 1,90 KMV – 159 Q 20 T 2,20 KMV – 159 Q 01 T 2,20 KMV – 238 Q 20 T 2,20 KMV – 238 Q 01 T 2,20 KMV – 339 Q 30 T 3,20 KMV – 339 Q 01 T 3,20 KMV – 28 Q 15 T 0,374 KMV – 40 Q 16 T 0,512 KMV – 70 Q 20 T 0,630 KMV – 88 Q 20 T 0,669 KMV – 88 Q 01 T 0,669 KMV – 121 Q 23,5 T 0,748 KMV – 121 Q 01 T 0,748 KMV – 159 Q 20 T 0,866 KMV – 159 Q 01 T 0,866 KMV – 238 Q 20 T 0,866 KMV – 238 Q 01 T 0,866 KMV – 339 Q 30 T 1,260 KMV – 339 Q 01 T 1,260 Exothermic, low fluorine, Exothermic, fluorine-free, Insulating Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper Green sand and high pressure molding lines, No Bake molding lines Lightweight, Fluorine-free available, Integrated neck reduction, Crumble-free Breaker edge integrated into the feeding geometry Suitable for use with spring pin or for direct positioning on the model Easy handling due to low weight Extremely high insulation factor in addition to the exothermic properties Dimensions in inch can be found below. Type [PAGE] Title: EXACTCAST Riser Sleeves & Auxiliary Products: ASK Chemicals Content: EXACTCAST Riser Sleeves & Auxiliary Products EXACTCAST Riser Sleeves & Auxiliary Products EXACTCAST riser sleeves and auxiliary products are available in a wide variety of shapes and formulations. The basic shapes include: cylindrical, insertable, neckdown, mini-riser, floating coverlid and pouring cup designs. In addition to the traditional mini-riser design, a new RC series mini-riser design is available which offers reduced riser sleeve contacts that facilitate easier removal of the risers from the castings. EXACTCAST Styles: • Floating Coverlid (not available in Europe) • Pouring Cup (not available in Europe) EXACTCAST Cylindrical Sleeves EXACTCAST cylindrical sleeves are used primarily in open riser applications. They are available in both insulating and exothermic/insulating formulations. Advantages of EXACTCAST Cylindrical Sleeves: • Dimensional accuracy • Consistent thermal properties and performance • Also made from low density, non-fibrous insulating materials EXACTCAST Insertable Sleeves ASK Chemicals insertable riser sleeves are produced using ASK Chemical’s patented cold box process or with inorganic silicate binders. They are dimensionally accurate and high performing. Available in several formulations (insulating, exothermic and fluorine-free) our riser sleeves are sure to meet your metal casting needs. EXACTCAST insertable sleeves are also non-fibrous. Therefore, screen plugging during reclamation is of no concern. Moreover, due to its non-fibrous makeup potential defects such as, deformation, spring back and inconsistent performance are eliminated. Advantages of EXACTCAST Insertable Sleeves: • Dimensional accuracy • Consistent thermal properties and performance • Also made from low density, non-fibrous insulating materials • Available in custom shapes and sizes for a multitude of applications EXACTCAST Neckdown Sleeves ASK Chemicals EXACTCAST neckdown sleeves are used primarily in open riser applications. They are available in both insulating and exothermic insulating formulations. Advantages of EXACTCAST neckdown Sleeves: • Reduced contact area • Consistent thermal properties and performance • Also made from low density, non-fibrous insulating materials EXACTCAST Floating Cover Lids (not available in Europe) EXACTCAST floating cover lids replace the need to apply the typical powdered hot topping to open risers. They are much more consistent in performance than standard hot toppings due to the predetermined size and weight of the cover lid. The thickness of the lid is designed in proportion to the diameter of the riser. They are typically placed inside the feeder when the mold is closed and float up as the riser fills the molten metal. Floating cover lids are available in insulating / exothermic formulations Advantages of EXACTCAST Cover Lids: • Improved feeding consistency & performance • Sized specifically for the riser – eliminates waste • Reduced segregation • Cover lids can be manually modified in a blind riser • Cover lids help improve casting yield (due to shortness of blind riser) EXACTCAST Pouring Cup (not available in Europe) EXACTCAST pouring cups are used in direct pouring applications, promoting directional solidification and increasing metal cleanliness. Containing high quality ASK Chemicals’ filters, they are available for use in aluminum, grey iron, ductile iron and steel applications. They are also available in sizes ranging from 2” to 7” diameter. Advantages of EXACTCAST Pouring Cup: • Improved productivity [PAGE] Title: INOTEC - the inorganic binder system: ASK Chemicals Content: [PAGE] Title: ASK Vista: ASK Chemicals Content: ASK Vista Stop running out of product with ASK Vista - Inventory Management Services Stay in touch with your chemical supplies with full visibility into your inventory. Easily connect to your custom dashboard – intuitive and easy to use. Seamless setup and installation with ASK Chemicals technical services. ASK Vista supports you in keeping track of your stock and ensuring availability at all times. Your benefits: Bulk tank volume and mobile container tracking Control of fill level and temperature tracking ERP integration Intuitive dashboarding plus alerts and notifications Full visibility by grouping your chemicals: Manage group stock levels with custom threshold notifications to never be caught off guard. Questions? Contact your ASK Chemicals representative today! To access the form, please activate the website cookies [PAGE] Title: Foundry: ASK Chemicals Content: [PAGE] Title: Product Finder: ASK Chemicals Content: Esta página no está disponible en español. ES Español 此页面不支持中文。 中文 中文 Эта страница недоступна на русском языке. RU Русский Esta página não está disponível em português. PT Portugues 日本語ページはございません。 日本 日本 [PAGE] Title: Product Finder - Additives: ASK Chemicals Content: Product Finder Product Finder - Additives For the best search result, select only one characteristic per filter. The envelope will immediately forward you to our experts for a request. Text search Open additional filter options Close additional filter options Name Motor blocks, Cylinder heads, Brake discs, Hydraulic parts Excellent anti-veining effect, Reduction of special sands, Opportunity for coating-free production Order sample EMEA, China, South America, Japan, North America Inorganic additives Iron, Steel, Brass, Bronze, Copper Turbo charger, Motor blocks, Cylinder heads, Brake discs Best cost in use, Excellent anti-veining effect, Lithiummineral-free, Opportunity for coating free production [PAGE] Title: INOTEC - ecological advantages: ASK Chemicals Content: INOTEC - ecological advantages INOTEC - ecological advantages The environmental benefits of INOTEC are derived from the fact that the inorganic binders used lead to no harmful emissions. Therefore, they make it possible to forgo elaborate ventilation and air treatment systems in the process chain. In a comparative environmental lifecycle assessment between the INOTEC system and a cold-box system, INOTEC technology achieved the best possible result. INOTEC is more environmentally friendly than Cold Box technology. An environmental lifecycle assessment involves examining the potential environmental effects from the cradle to the grave, i.e. from the production of raw materials to the production and utilization of the product, right up to waste management or recycling (DIN EN ISO 14040: 2009). In the foundry, the utilization phase is divided into the following steps: Core production, casting, core removal and sand reclamation. Benefits: [PAGE] Title: New Generation of Mold Inoculants: ASK Chemicals Content: New Generation of Mold Inoculants New Generation of Mold Inoculants Cut inoculants with tighter tolerances and higher specificity The production of highly stressed castings places high demands on the inoculation technology and inoculants used. With the new generation of cut inoculants, the company offers an improved solution characterized by tighter tolerances and higher specificity. GERMALLOY C is used to improve the sphericity of the graphite and to optimize the mechanical properties of the casting. With OPTIGRAN C, casters achieve a finer, evenly distributed A-graphite in the gray iron. Mold inoculation is the addition of inoculant as late as possible and hence also the inoculation method in which the fading effect is reduced to a minimum. This is particularly relevant for the production of thick-walled parts. In mold inoculation, the inoculant is introduced in the pouring basin or directly into the gating system of the mold. The dissolution therefore occurs under air exclusion directly in the iron over the entire pouring time. Casted inoculation blocks such as GERMALLOY C and OPTIGRAN C should be preferably used for mold inoculation, otherwise there is a risk of flowing in of non-dissolved inoculant grains with negative consequences for the cast structure. While serial cast parts with normal wall thicknesses of 5 to 50 mm solidify in seconds up to a few minutes in casting production, the crystallization of thick-walled, heavy castings with wall thicknesses larger than 60 mm can take hours, depending on the casting temperature. A constant inoculation effect as offered by GERMALLOY C and OPTIGRAN C is important for a good casting result. The machined surfaces guarantee a good and uniform dissolution into casting. Thanks to the close-tolerance manufacturing process, the inoculants have high dimensional, contour and weight accuracy and are therefore also suitable for robot-assisted handling and automatic insertion into the mold. The dimensions of the inoculations are chosen in such a way that existing core markers can generally be used unchanged as placeholders for the inoculant inserts. For larger requirements, it is also possible to deviate from the standard dimensions within certain limits. To access the form, please activate the website cookies. Contact us today and learn more about our new generation of mold inoculants [PAGE] Title: Foundry expertise: ASK Chemicals Content: Foundry expertise Meet us at GIFA Get the opportunity to meet with our experts and learn about our innovative solutions. Schedule already a meeting with your sales representative. We look forward to welcoming you at our booth and sharing our expertise with you. Don't miss out on this opportunity to explore the future of foundry technology. Your visit You will find us in Hall 12, booth A22. For more information, please visit GIFA EXPERT TALKS ASK Chemicals experts at the GIFA Forum Monday, 12th of June 2023 - 13:00 hrs Neue Möglichkeiten zur Optimierung der Gesamtprozesskosten durch innovative Speisungstechnologien - Marcus Friederici Monday 12th of June 2023 - 16:00 hrs Analytical Study of the Components of Polyurethane Cold Box Binder Systems Towards Emissions - Dr. Sritama Kar Tuesday, 13th of June 2023 - 10:30 hrs Verbesserte Prozess- und Qualitätskontrolle durch den Einsatz von 3D-gedruckten Filtern - Ulrich Voigt [PAGE] Title: Online Academy: ASK Chemicals Content: Online Academy MEET OUR EXPERTS AT ASK ONLINE ACADEMY More topics will follow soon Stay tuned for more webinars to come. Improving sustainability, reducing emissions, increasing productivity or efficiency...we keep you up to date on these and many other topics in our ASK Online Academy. If you are interested in any other topics, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to receiving your suggestions! [PAGE] Title: Disclaimer: ASK Chemicals Content: Disclaimer 1. Limitation of liability The content on this website has been created with the utmost care. However, the Provider issues no guarantee that the content is accurate, complete or up to date. Use of the website's content is at the User's own risk. Articles with a byline reflect the opinion of the respective author and not necessarily that of the Provider. Mere use of the Provider’s website does not form a contractual relationship between the User and the Provider. 2. External links This website can contain links to third-party websites (“External Links”). The respective operators are liable for these websites. At the time the external links were first created, the Provider reviewed the third-party content to determine any legal violations. No legal violations were identified at that time. The Provider has no influence in the current and future design or content of the linked websites. The inclusion of external links does not mean that the Provider has ownership of the content connected to the reference or the link. It is not reasonable for the Provider to continually check the external links without specific indications of legal violations. However, if it obtains knowledge of legal violations, it will immediately delete such external links. 3. Copyright; intellectual property rights The content published on this website is subject to German copyright and intellectual property rights. All use prohibited under German copyright and intellectual property rights requires the express written consent of the Provider or respective rights holder. This includes, but is not limited to, copying, editing, translating, saving, processing or reproducing content in databases or other electronic media and systems. Content and rights of third parties are marked accordingly. Unauthorized reproduction or sharing of individual content or complete pages is prohibited and punishable by law. Copying or downloading the content is restricted to personal, private and non-commercial use. Presentation of this website in external frames is permissible only upon written consent. 4. Special terms of use If special conditions for individual use of this website deviate from the foregoing sections 1-3, express reference will be made hereto in the corresponding location. In this case, the special terms of use will apply to the individual case. Service navigation [PAGE] Title: History: ASK Chemicals Content: Note: All American roots are marked with a (*). 1917* Werner G. Smith starts business in Cleveland based on blending natural oils, such as linseed oil with solvents and driers to foundry specifications. 1929* Archer Daniels Midland Co. buys Werner G. Smith’s company and is ADM’s first venture into the chemical business.  W.G. Smith was a large purchaser of linseed oil from ADM. 1929 Dr. Arthur Braun takes over the Dextrin Factory founded by Carl von der HeidenSn. in 1910. He switches the business over to the production of foundry chemicals under the name of “Kernfest KG” located in Hilden. 1948* ADM invents “D” process invented by ADM to make dry sand molds using heavy core oil.  Petroleum polymers used in core oils. 1957* ADM buys Federal Foundry Supply and acquires the Upton and Colony, Wyoming bentonite mines as well as the Cleveland East refractory coatings plant 1958* ADM introduces ChemRez 200, a furan no-bake binder, at the AFS convention. ADM also introduces a gas cure process that uses chlorine gas to cure furan resins.  The process was demonstrated at ADM’s East Side plant during the Cleveland AFS convention. 1960* ADM, in conjunction with Ford’s Development labs (and Aristo Chemical), develops a hot box process using latent acid catalysts. 1962 New plant established in the outskirts of Hilden due to growing demand. 1965* ADM introduces Lino-Cure, the first urethane foundry binder (alkyd urethane) at the AFS convention. 1966 Founding of ADM Giesserei Chemikalien GmbH 1967* Ashland Oil acquires ADM’s Chemical Division and forms Ashland Chemical.  About one year later, Ashland Chemical’s headquarters are established in Dublin, Ohio. 1967 Ashland (Ohio, USA) and Süd-Chemie (Munich, Germany) take over 50% each of the French company Avébène and start business under the name of  “Ashland Avébène SAS” with the aim of setting up and developing the "COLD BOX" process. 1968* Ashland introduces Isocure (phenolic urethane cold-box binder) at the AFS convention. 1970 Takeover of Kernfest KG by SüdChemie AG and Ashland. It is operated under the name Kernfest KG-Ashland-Südchemie-Gießerei-Chemikalien GmbH & Co. (KASC). 1970* Ashland introduces Pep Set (phenolic urethane no-bake binder) at the AFS Convention.  Ashland also sells the Colony and Upton bentonite mines to Y&O Coal Company. 1972 Takeover of AS-Necof B.V., Waalwijk, the Netherlands. 1973 Takeover of Hantos &  Co., Vienna, Austria, and change of name to Ashland-Südchemie-Hantos GmbH. 1975 Renaming to Ashland-Südchemie-Kernfest GmbH (ASK). 1976 Founding of the Ashland-Südchemie-Gremolith AG, Bazenheid, Switzerland. 1976 Commissioning of the state-of-the-art synthetic resin plant in Wülfrath as a central manufacturing site. 1978 Acquisition of Webac, Stockholm, Sweden and changed name  to Kernfest-Webac A.B. 1978* Ashland introduces Aluminum Pep Set 5000 series 1980 Ashland-Südchemie-KernfestGmbH takes over the Mannheim plant from ReichholdChemie AG. 1980 Establishment of WebacemOy in Tampere, Finland, as a subsidiary of Kernfest-Webac A.B. 1982* Ashland purchases Ceramco's refractory coatings business and introduces the Isoset FRC process at the AFS convention 1985 Expansion of the non-foundry product line under the new business unit “Synthetic Resins and Polymers” to provide customized specialty products for the paint and fertilizer industry. 1989* Ashland introduces Novathane (phenolic urethane no-bake binder). Total elimination of chlorinated solvents in coatings and release agents. 1990 New central administration building in Hilden. 1993 The Wülfrath plant receives DIN/ISO 9003 certification by DQS 1997* EXACTCASTTM Riser Sleeves introduced providing dimensionally accurate sleeves 1999 Acquisition of Gebrüder Lüngen KG in Bendorf, Rhineland-Palatinate, and further operation under the name Ashland-Südchemie-Lüngen (AS Lüngen) GmbH. 2000 Founding of Ashland-Südchemie-CZ S.R.O. in Brno, Czech Republic. 2000 Founding of Ashland-SüdchemieNorge, Lunde, Norway. 2000* Ashland introduces Magnaset (fast furan no-bake resin) and Isomax (cold-box resin) 2001 Formation of AS-Ferro-Term Sp.z.o.o. in Lódz, Poland, and renamed in 2004 to AS-Polska Sp.o.o. in Lodz, Poland. 2002 Introduction of the management system for quality, environment and occupational health/safety, and DIN EN ISO 9001:2000, DIN EN ISO 14001:2005 and OHSAS 18001 certification. 2003 Süd-Chemie acquires SKW Giessereitechnik GmbH + Co. KG, Unterneukirchen, from DEGUSSA, a world leader in the supply of high-quality metallurgical products for iron-casting, to become the only real full-range supplier to the foundry industry to further complete the product portfolio. 2004* Ashland introduces Color Change Coatings and purchases Blackhawk Specialty Sales Release Agent technology. 2004 SKW Giessereitechnik GmbH + Co. KG, takeover of marketing and sales activities. 2005* Ashland introduces the T.E.D. Process (Total Effective Dehydration Process) for the increased productivity of furan no-bakes. 2006 Acquisition of WD-Giesserei-Technik GmbH, a contract manufacturer of sand cores in Fuldabrück-Bergshausen by Süd-Chemie AG and continued operation within the Süd-Chemie Group. 2008 Acquisition of AMSC, a leading supplier for foundry chemicals in India. 2008 Acquisition of Süd-Chemie Hi-Tech Ceramics Inc., Alfred Station NY/USA, one of the leading suppliers of high-tech filters for the foundry industry. 2008 Süd-Chemie takes over production facilities from AlzChem; company name changes to SKW Giesserei GmbH 2009* Introduction of Low Odor / Low Smoke Pep Set.phenolic urethane binder. 2010* Introduction of Magnaset resin with less than 25% free furfuryl alcohol. 2010 Joint venture of Ashland Inc.,Ohio/USA, foundry business of Süd-Chemie, Munich, Germany  and Ashland-Südchemie-Kernfest GmbH, Hilden/Germany. The new ASK Chemicals GmbH, Hilden, Germany is established. 2011 Clariant takes over Süd-Chemie and ASK Chemicals is 50 % part of Clariant 2014 Rhône Capital takes over ASK Chemicals 2017 foundation of xpuris, the green-tech company for innovative industrial exhaust air purification systems 2021 [PAGE] Title: Brochures: ASK Chemicals Content: [PAGE] Title: Product Finder - INOBAKE: ASK Chemicals Content: Product Finder Product Finder - INOBAKE For the best search result, select only one characteristic per filter. The envelope will immediately forward you to our experts for a request. Text search [PAGE] Title: High-performance release agents for greater profitability and productivity: ASK Chemicals Content: Release Agents High-performance release agents for greater profitability and productivity The use of release agents specifically designed for core and mold production increases product quality and productivity in foundries. This is particularly evident in the production of intricate shapes with contours that tend to cause over-application of a release agent at the edges or in the filling areas. The special composition of the materials used in modern release agents from ASK Chemicals significantly reduces the cleaning effort of the core boxes. The products have an exceptionally long service life and usually have long application cycles. Our release agents generally have flexible means of application by brush, cloth or spray system, according to the equipment available at the core shop. ZIP SLIP 184H release agent is our recommendation for unmatched productivity and zero VOC impact from your core production. The special feature of this release agent, when used correctly, is its impressive efficiency. The release agent can still be effective up to 50+ cycles before requiring reapplication, depending on core making conditions and proper application. ZIP SLIP 184H is only available in the US, Canada, Mexico and Brazil. Spacer Varnish ECOPART FR 54 We recommend our ECOPART FR 54 resp. ZIP SLIP SPACER VARNISH FR 54 N  for highly stressed areas of the core box, precisely where conventional release agents reach their limits. The spacer varnish is very resistant and robust. It adheres to the surface of the core box and counteracts resin build-up. The special feature of this release agent, when used correctly, is its impressive efficiency. The product is effective after several hundreds or even thousands of cycles before requiring reapplication. Sample Inquiry Release Agents [PAGE] Title: NECOWEL Alkyd Resins and Copolymer Emulsions for Wood Coatings: ASK Chemicals Content: Wood Coatings NECOWEL Alkyd Resins and Copolymer Emulsions for Wood Coatings Copolymer emulsions based on NECOWEL FLE are the preferred binders for wood stains, wood impregnating varnishes and wood care like teak oil. The extreme low viscosity of the base resin exhibits excellent wetting and colour enhancement of the wood fibers. Open pore varnishes systems based on NECOWEL products feature an outstanding penetration behavior, good stability and water resistance. Dr. Jan KlesingTechnical Product Manager Specialties [PAGE] Title: EXACTCAST riser data for simulation: ASK Chemicals Content: EXACTCAST riser data for simulation EXACTCAST riser data for simulation With simulating exact feeding systems data, foundries can find the best setup of feeding systems for their casting development. Using casting simulations clearly helps to leverage important optimization potentials. The design and engineering process becomes more efficient as problems can be identified at an early development stage: Trial-and-error as well as scrap and time-consuming rework is avoided. Foundries using casting simulations are able to reduce their development costs, shorten ramp-up times and speed-up time to market. Thanks to the integration of EXACTCAST riser data into the NovaFlow&Solid simulation software, it is now possible to simulate feeding and solidification processes based on high quality data. EXACTCAST riser data offers users a high accuracy by using real modulus data validated in ASK Chemicals’ Pilot Foundry and re-confirmed in on-site customer trials. To get the geometrical EXACTCAST riser data for your NovaFlow&Solid simulation software, just quickly fill out the form and receive the data that you need! To access the data request form, please activate the website cookies. Contact us today to receive the geometrical EXACTCAST riser data that you need for your simulation. [PAGE] Title: Imprint & Trademarks: ASK Chemicals Content: Registration court: District Court in Dusseldorf, Germany (Amtsgericht Düsseldorf) Registration number: HRB 44968 Sales tax identification number acc. to § 27a UStG: DE 121385449 Trademarks The following marks are registered by ASK Chemicals GmbH, ASK Chemicals Metallurgy GmbH or ASK Chemicals LLC in one or more countries: ACCOSET, ALPHASET, AS-CLEANCAST, ASK, ASK (Design Bionic), ASK (Design), ASK CHEMICALS, ASK CHEMICALS W/B, ASK-CHEMIE, ASKALLOY, ASKOBOND RAPID SERIE, ASKOCOAT, ASKOCURE, ASKOFEN, ASKOFIX, ASKOFTAL, ASKOPOL, ASKOPOX, ASKOPUR, ASKOSET, ASKOTACK, ASKRONING, ASKURAN, AVENOL NB, BERANOL, BETASET, BIOLIN, CALICO, CARBOCURE, CERAMCOTE, CHEM REZ, CHEMREZ, CHEM-REZ, CHEMREZ (KATAKANA), CHEM-REZ DURASET, CHEM-REZ FLEXSET, CHEM-REZ FURY, CHEM-REZ JET SET, DENODUR, DISPERSIT, ECOCAST, ECOCURE, ECOPART, ECORAN, EUROCURE, EXACTCALC, EXACTCAST, EXACTFIL, EXACTFLO, EXACTHERM, EXACTPORE, FLEXPOUR, FURECOL, GERMALLOY, GRAFOFLEX, INFORM, INOBAKE,  INOBLOC, INOGEN, INOTEC, INSTA-DRAW, ISOCOTE, ISOCURE, ISOCURE (KATAKANA), ISOCURE FOCUS, ISOCURE ZIP SLIP, ISOCYCLE, ISO-FAST, ISOMAX, ISOSOCK, JET SET, KERAFILL, KERATOP, KERN K FEST, KERNEX, KERNFIX, KERNTOP, LINOCURE, LINO-CURE, MAGNACAT, MAGNACOAT, MAGNASET, MIRATEC, NODAL, NECOLIN, NECOMAR, NECOWEL, NOVACURE, NOVANOL, NOVASET, NOVASET (KATAKANA), NOVATHANE, NOVATHERM, OMEGA SET, OPTIGRAN, OPTINOC,  PEP SET, PEP SET MAGNA, PEP SET PATRIOT, PEP SET QUANTUM, PEPSET, PEP-SET, POLYTOP, PROTO-SET, RETICEL, SILICO, SMW-FORMLING, SMW-INSERT, SOLITEC, STABINOL,  TECPROLOY, TECPROSTRON, UDICELL, VEINO, VEINO ULTRA, VELVACOAT,  VELVAPLAST, ZIP SLIP, ZIP STICK, ZIP STIK, ZIP-CLEAN, ZIPSLIP, ZIP-SLIP, ZIPSTIK, ZIP-STIK Service navigation [PAGE] Title: Formulations: ASK Chemicals Content: Formulations Fiber-Free Formulations: EXACTCAST IN Series: The IN Series is an insulating formula designed for use with all metals including steel up to a 4 inch / approx. 10 cm thickness. STL Series: The STL series is a high grade insulating formula designed for use with heavier sectioned steel castings, 3.5 inches / approx. 9 cm thick and higher. EX Series: The EX series is a standard grade exothermic formulation designed for use with all ferrous metals. EXF Series: The EXF series is a high performance, fast igniting, fluorine free, exothermic formulation which was developed to eliminate surface defects e.g. fish-eye defects associated with the green sand contamination by traditional fluoride containing exothermic riser sleeves. The low energy required to ignite these sleeves makes them very effective in cold riser applications. They can also be used in steel applications where a fast ignition is required. Fluorine-free EXACTCAST risers for a clean environment and better casting The fluorine-free risers from ASK Chemicals offer you crucial quality advantages and can eliminate fluorine contamination of the sand. This benefits both the environment and the foundry by reducing the quantity and disposal costs of the used sand. Elimination of surface defects: The patented, fluorine-free risers from ASK Chemicals enhance productivity by eliminating surface defects caused by fluorine reactions. Reduction of graphite degeneration: The patented, fluorine-free recipe helps to minimize graphite degeneration in ductile iron that is usually encountered in the feeder’s zone of action. [PAGE] Title: Highlights: ASK Chemicals Content: Engineered sand additives: Veino Ultra 2000 Foundries are constantly striving to increase the productivity and efficiency of their processes. The reduction of scrap rates and cleaning effort as well as the use of efficient raw and auxiliary materials are important levers. The latest generation of engineered additives makes an important contribution when it comes to making foundry processes more productive and efficient. Unlike conventional additives with a simple composition (often iron oxides or wood flour), which are purely auxiliary materials for the avoidance of veining and penetration in the casting, the new generation of engineered additives are complex built-up solid mixtures that perform multiple functions and offer valuable additional benefits. VEINO ULTRA 2000 is an engineered additive, that gives advantages in the overall process, which makes it significantly different from other additives. Learn all about our innovative VEINO ULTRA 2000 here Pep Set Silver Modern foundries are increasingly relying on the PEP SET process due to its processing properties, better casting results, and higher productivity. PEP SET SILVER is a new solution from ASK Chemicals for reducing phenol emissions in the PU no-bake process: the next generation of the self-curing binder system based on polyurethane. The particularly low proportion of monomers, especially phenol, is a feature of PEP SET SILVER. The phenol concentrations in the reclaim are significantly reduced with the help of PEP SET SILVER. In addition to advantages for the environment, this also means a clear benefit for profitability as landfill costs decrease. Your employees and residents in neighboring residential areas will appreciate the use of the new technology due to reduced smoke and odor pollution. [PAGE] Title: NECOWEL COPOLYMER EMULSION FOR STONE IMPREGNATIONS: ASK Chemicals Content: Stone Impregnations NECOWEL COPOLYMER EMULSION FOR STONE IMPREGNATIONS NECOWEL FLE is emulsified and adjusted to a solid content of 55% with non-ionic emulsifiers without using cosolvents or amines. Starting formulation no. 170411 is a copolymer resin emulsion with low viscosity. After application, the natural stone color is intensified and the surface is highly water-repellant. Thus the natural stone is protected from weathering and its intense color is fully preserved. Dr. Jan KlesingTechnical Product Manager Specialties [PAGE] Title: Cleaner for cold box binders - cleanliness is key: ASK Chemicals Content: Cleaners Cleaner for cold box binders - cleanliness is key ASK Chemicals cleaning agents efficiently remove cold box binders, sand and release agent residues while at the same time protecting the tooling. Save time and money with high-performance cleaners by ASK Chemicals. Our workhorse metal cleaner is ZIP CLEAN SUPREME, effective in breaking down most cold box binder systems in 20 minutes or less in some cases. ASK Chemicals has also managed to develop a highly effective cleaner that does not contain any ingredients that must be labelled as toxic. The handling times required for the ice blasting process with CO2 dry ice (clean blast) are significantly reduced by prior application of ZIP CLEAN CB 19. In addition, ASK Chemicals offers products that remove buildup from part 1 or 2 of the cold box binder system. Cleaner ZIP CLEAN CB 19 ZIP CLEAN CB 19 is a cleaning agent for metal parts soiled with synthetic resins, and thus suitable for molding sand mixers, core blowers and core boxes made from metal. Sample Inquiry Cleaners [PAGE] Title: Our Expert's Voice: ASK Chemicals Content: Our Expert's Voice Thomas Hützen, Head of Design Service and Key Account Engineer I started with my career at ASK in 2012 as an Applications Engineer. Now, I am the Head of Design Services and a Key Account Technician. Therefore, I lead Design Services at ASK and deliver technical advice and support to key accounts and other customers. In Design Services we supervise the production process from the development of a casting through validation to the building of a prototype and serial production. We have the necessary combination of construction, production and simulation know-how for this process. These exciting and diverse tasks make the work at ASK so rewarding. Communication on equal terms and working together with very good colleagues are aspects that I particularly value. Berat Yavuz, Head of Technical Service Metallurgy I started as a salesman for metallurgical products at ASK in January 2015 because I was looking for a company that was globally active in the area of metallurgy where I would have opportunities to develop my career long-term. Despite my background in Business Administration, I had quite a few skills in the area of metallurgy which is why I found the industry so interesting. In October 2016, I transferred to the Business Line Management for the European region (EMEA), from where I developed to Head of Technical Service Metallurgy. Since then I support the sales team commercially, develop product strategies, implement marketing strategies and fulfill a number of cross-functional tasks. The great thing about ASK in addition to these diverse assignments, is the cooperative working climate amongst colleagues, the flat hierarchies and consequently high level of responsibility that results. It is very exciting to see how ASK is continuously growing from a mid-size company to a globally-aligned corporation. Christian Appelt, Global Incubator Business Manager Inorganics After finishing my doctorate in Chemistry at the Westfaelische Wilhelms University in Muenster, I started working at ASK Chemicals GmbH in 2014 as Head of the Laboratory for the product line Inorganic Binders in the Research & Development (R&D) department. I was particularly fascinated by the chance to participate in the complete process of making chemical products from development to end use, as well as the opportunity to influence questions of ecological footprint, quality and productivity in large-scale, industrial casting applications with chemical product formulations. Interdisciplinary inquiries and the cooperative work with subject matter experts from the areas of engineering and materials science challenge me daily. My colleagues from the R&D, production, application technology, sales, and myself pursue with passion, courage and enthusiasm to solve these challenges. Since 2016, I am globally responsible for the product group Inorganics, as the Global Incubator Business Manager. This has expanded my daily worklife additionally with international travel and intercultural encounters. Further to supporting existing market segments, I also help develop new areas of application as part of the business development department – shifting challenges and tasks are consequently part of the daily agenda. To accomplish this, I can depend on the support and experience of my colleagues at ASK. Jitka Fialova, Master Data Management I started working for ASK in June 2007 as a Management Assistant in Customer Service for East Europe. During the years, I have gained many experiences and responsibilities – e.g. Controlling, Marketing, Finance etc. The plant in Brno, Czech Republic is quite small. Therefore, I had a variety of duties in my local position which I found very interesting. Every day was different. I learned a lot and enjoyed this work. Since September 2019, after more than 12 years, I joined the Master Data Management team of ASK in Germany. It is a global role and it is very different from my last position. Now, I specialize in one area. I still stay in the office in Brno, Czech Republic, but I work for the headquarters company. I am very pleased that ASK gave me the chance to make this change and expand my knowledge. Adam Omelanski, Managing Director of ASK Chemicals Polska I graduated from the University of Science and Technology, Foundry department in June 2004. Three months later I joined ASK Chemicals. First, I started as a Sales Engineer and after 3 years, I became a Manager for Applictaion Technology. Since September 2018, I am the Managing Director of ASK Chemicals Polska. Apart from the fact that I manage our branch in Poland, I am also responsible for price negotiations, and contact with our key customers in Poland and our agent in Ukraine. Thanks to my experienced colleagues from ASK, I understood that a good product would defend itself. I followed this path and determined that price negotiations become easier when you can prove that a more expensive product can have benefits. I really enjoy working at ASK because my work is very diverse. I am in contact and work with many different people. I am a problem-solver and it is a great feeling to see that our clients appreciate our work, and that we contribute to their success. The management part of my job is challenging and allows me to be creative in making rational, key decisions. Ronaldo Rodrigues, Junior Technical Product Manager Coatings In August 2017, I started as a weeking student in application technology at ASK Chemicals in Hilden, Germany. At the same time, I studied the master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering (M.Sc.) with focus on foundry technology at the University of Duisburg-Essen. In order to be able to combine my theoretical knowledge directly with practical experience, I wrote my master's thesis at ASK Chemicals in collaboration with one of our largest customers. Besides the master thesis, my main tasks were to support the test foundry (pilot plant) and to accompany numerous development projects for the product areas cold box, inorganic binders, coatings, additives, and inoculants. After completing my master's degree, I started full-time as a Junior Technical Product Manager Coatings. The fact that I was involved in the day-to-day work of the technical center right from the start and the variety of challenging tasks make working at ASK so interesting. You feel like part of a family from day one, because all colleagues share the enthusiasm for the foundry industry. Working on projects that not only offer added value for our customers, but also added value for the environment through the development of sustainable products, fascinates and motivates me most. I am very happy that ASK Chemicals is offering me the opportunity for professional development. Ronja Müller, Chemical Laboratory Assistance Three weeks of school internship got me in touch with ASK for the first time. After this intership, the decision was made that I wanted to work in the chemical industry. In 2008, I started my apprenticeship as a chemical laboratory assistant at the plant in Wülfrath, Germany. After successfully completing my qualification, I had the choice of moving to Hilden, Germany or staying in Wülfrath, Germany. I decided to move to Hilden, Germany, because there I gained new insights into the foundry world. Together with the Inotec team, I advance the development of environmentally friendly products. I really enjoy the research and to this day, I have not run out of ideas. Takanori Fukuno, Technical Sales, ASK Chemicals Japan I joined ASK Chemicals Japan in 2013. Currently I belong to the sales department and work mainly with automobile OEMs. I am responsible for product management of Inorganics and Release. What I like about ASK Chemicals is the supportive culture through the global network, which feels like a huge family. When I confront issues, not only in my home country but worldwide, professionals around the globe will support me. This can be achieved by tools and communication but I have also felt this supportive mind when working with colleagues. This allows me to talk to customers and face difficult goals with confidence and pride. Ikumi Ozaki-Polito, Group Accountant, ASK Chemicals Japan I joined ASK Chemicals Japan in August 2015. Having worked in a number of prominent Japanese companies in New York, I was eager to stay globally connected after returning to Japan. What I like most about ASK Chemicals is that everyone is given equal opportunity to increase their professional experience and advance their career.  Although I work for the regional office in Japan, I have also spent the last two years working as a group accountant with corporate headquarters in Hilden, Germany. This experience has provided me with many occasions to cooperate with and learn from executives and regional managers from around the world. Mr. Kunal Gokhale “I started my journey with ASK in January 2018 as a Regional Sales Manager and soon after I was also entrusted with an additional responsibility of Product Management Feeding Systems due to my past training in this subject. In my experience, handling two diverse portfolios has offered me a chance to engage with ASK’s products in both technical as well as commercial capacity. As a Product Manager, my key responsibilities include extending technical support to the Regional Sales Team, and making decisions on product pricing and inventory management. Being a part of the sales team allows me to be in constant touch with the customers and keeps me updated with the current market trends. Co-operative and supportive colleagues and a conducive work climate helps me in achieving targets & handling my responsibilities effectively. In the coming years, I would like to develop a wider customer group for mini risers and 3D filters in a developing foundry market like India.” Youngwoo Jin, General Administration, Finance & Accounting I joined ASK Chemicals Korea in 2016. It was the first step in my career path. I had never worked in other companies except for an internship program. My role here is to manage general admin, as well as finance and accounting. What I really like is that ASK Chemicals offers opportunities for career and continuous improvement. Also, we have a generous compensation package at ASK Chemicals Korea. All of this is much better than what is offered by other similar-sized companies in Korea. However, there is a far more attractive reason why I would like to recommend working for ASK Chemicals Korea. When I was invited to join ASK Chemicals Korea, I was uncertain how the future would be. But from the first moment I stepped into the office all my concerns and doubts were gone. I felt welcome from the first moment. Everybody was very friendly and nice. I played a ball game with my team members. We went out for drink together after work. I did not feel a ‘sense of difference’ at all. When I watched the movie ‘Band of Brothers’ which shows how comradeship is lived among soldiers, I personally felt the same. The comradeship described in the movie is not different from culture of care for colleagues and workers we have in ASK Chemicals Korea. Raul Melo, Accounting and Tax Coordinator I started my journey in ASK in 2018, responsible for Accounting and Tax Department. and since then, I’ve been working hard with a plenty of challenges, mainly in Tax, where a lot of changes happen in Brazil in accounting area, we always look to demonstrate the operation of the company in numbers. During my work day, I face lots of deadline, whether in brazil (government deliveries) or with Corporate (monthly Closing Process in BPC - SAP) reporting figures on time is not an easy thing, but absolutely necessary. And at the year end, our final reports need to be validated by the external auditors. So is very important, being critical and analytical, presenting  accurate figures, to the administration  take the decisions based in a strong and  confident results, and I’m very grateful, because I need information of all areas in the company. That is why I love been part of this family called ASK, we can count of each other, and delivery all tasks on time, we are better together. [PAGE] Title: New Emission Limits: ASK Chemicals Content: New Emission Limits How foundries can stay within more stringent regulatory emission limits Due to the expected amendment of the "TA Luft" and the expiring transition periods for formaldehyde emissions according to the LAI enforcement aid, operators of foundries in Germany must now act in order to comply with the stricter emission limits in the future. Other EU states are likely to follow this example in the near future. Trends towards stricter emission laws can also be seen worldwide. The stricter "TA Luft" regulations affect, among other things, emissions of formaldehyde, aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds in the exhaust air stream and in total dust. Now you can find out all the details of the stricter limit values of the new TA Luft and how it is possible to comply with the stricter limit values.Simply download our whitepaper. Fill out the form and you will receive a download link by e-mail. To access the form, please activate the website cookies. [PAGE] Title: Our Brands: ASK Chemicals Content: ISOCURE The original and universal Cold Box binder system ISOCURE binders are the industry standard for high production foundries producing sand cores and precision sand molds. This product family can be used to make all types of cores with both highly automated production equipment and manual operations. The broad range of products can be used in highly specialised casting processes or for more standard types of applications. The use of ISOCURE binders can be matched to a foundry whose need is to produce high quality, superior cores and molds. Benefits: Robust system for multiple casting types High strength properties ECOCURE The environmentally driven phenolic urethane Cold Box binder ECOCURE phenolic urethane binders focus on providing foundries with the high-end environmental performance without sacrificing the speed and strength of the ISOCURE family of products. This is accomplished by not only adjusting the solvents and additives in the binder, but also changing the chemistry backbone to produce products with less environmental impact. Benefits: Fast binder that runs clean High strength properties ECOCURE HE High efficiency Cold Box binder ECOCURE HE binder systems set new standards in ecology and economy. They have a lower binder requirement without compromising the usual efficiency. As a result, several factors such as catalyst consumption, odor, emissions, core box cleanliness, and gas formation can be positively influenced. Benefits: Up to 40 % lower BTX emissions Up to 25 % less amine consumption* Up to 15 % higher core blowing cycle times Up to 25 % lower gas and condensate formation * Tailored product recommendations available upon request. ECOCURE BLUE Latest Cold Box platform technology The ECOCURE BLUE platform technology is the world's first technology that has a Cold Box part 1 that is not classified as a hazardous material and thus helps to considerably reduce phenol emissions in the process. First tests also have shown a reduction of the phenol content in used sand. This leads to a positive effect with regard to disposal costs. Ecology and economy are not mutual exclusive, which is perfectly shown by ASK Chemicals ECOCURE BLUE HE Systems that are in no way inferior to the currently available best Cold Box binders on the market when looking at the reactivity, strength and casting results. Benefits: Combines the advantages of ECOCURE HE Cold Box binders with high environmental compatibility Can be combined with ECOCURE HE binder Free phenol < 1 %, Free formaldehyde < 0.1 % Savings with logistics and storage ** According to the CLP regulation ISOSET Highest productivity, fastest cure and an indefinite benchlife ISOSET binders were developed to solve a key problem faced by foundries; the benchlife of mixed sand. As the sand binder mixture ages, in most binder systems it begins to advance, and at a certain point will no longer be usable to produce quality cores and molds. This is especially costly when there is machine down time. In most cases this sand binder mix must be discarded to avoid quality problems. ISOSET technology solves this problem. The binder can be mixed into the sand and left indefinitely. It will not cure until it comes in contact with the sulphur dioxide catalyst. Benefits: Minimal core sand waste, as the sand binder mix has an unlimited benchlife Lower operation cost Can reduce need for coating ISOMAX The elite Cold Box binder possessing the widest positive traits ISOMAX binders are a hybrid epoxy phenolic resin designed to produce repeatable cores at extremely fast cycle times. The dimensional stability of these cores is not surpassed by any current system. The nonferrous version also exhibits the fastest shakeout times currently seen. Coupled with the extended benchlife of these products, ISOMAX makes for a unique technology that is capable of making worldclass castings at a low cost to produce. Benefits: [PAGE] Title: Innovation: ASK Chemicals Content: [PAGE] Title: Resins for Paints and Coatings: ASK Chemicals Content: Esta página no está disponible en español. ES Español 此页面不支持中文。 中文 中文 Эта страница недоступна на русском языке. RU Русский Esta página não está disponível em português. PT Portugues 日本語ページはございません。 日本 日本 [PAGE] Title: Coatings: ASK Chemicals Content: [PAGE] Title: Industrial: ASK Chemicals Content: For additional information on our solutions for specific markets and applications, please have a look at our Technical Bulletins here Your Contacts [PAGE] Title: From Concept to Design: ASK Chemicals Content: From Concept to Design Step #1 – From Concept: Design and manufacturing should ideally work hand-in-hand. That is why our approach puts the end result in mind from the very start. In doing so, time and money is not wasted in redesign and rework. World Class Expertise Accelerated Development Process Step #2 – Design by Analysis: Our Design Services team works with the customer to define the specific resources and process required. We personally visit your site(s) to fully understand the critical fixed & flexible aspects of your process. Then we utilize industry leading software taking into consideration your unique system. Optimized Production Full Launch Support Step #3 – Prototyping: After completing simulations specifically engineered to meet your process requirements we then create a functional prototype that mirrors your actual manufacturing process: from consumable materials to finishing. Engineered Prototypes Lower Amortized Production Casting Costs Design and Manufacture Production and Prototype Tooling Downloads [PAGE] Title: REZIANCE Success Stories: ASK Chemicals Content: Success Stories REZIANCE Success Stories Explore the potential of REZIANCE engineered resins and discover how our solutions can assist you in overcoming challenges, optimizing processes, and achieving outstanding results. REZIANCE resin solutions cover a wide span of friction applications, learn more today – check-out our success stories. [PAGE] Title: MAGNASET 2.0: ASK Chemicals Content: MAGNASET 2.0 MAGNASET 2.0 - New generation of environmentally friendly furan resins with improved classification The foundry business is driven by harsh quality requirements, strict environmental regulations defining emission thresholds and a high-cost pressure, currently intensifying by skyrocking raw material prices. At the same time, the importance of sustainability aspects and health awareness is getting more and more important. In this context, ASK Chemicals has developed MAGNASET as new generation of furan resins with reduced free furfuryl alcohol content featuring a milder classification and a performance comparable to conventional furan resins. Most recently, ASK Chemicals developed a 2nd generation of MAGNASET with improved storage stability and excellent reactivity. To access the inquiry form, please activate the website cookies. [PAGE] Title: Melt cleaners: ASK Chemicals Content: Melt cleaners Melt cleaners The cleaning of the melt and the reduction of deposit to ladle and furnace linings are essential for the molded part quality and reduction of maintenance costs. Melt Cleaning with DISPERSIT DISPERSIT is a new method of metallurgical purification of molten iron. DISPERSIT reduces the surface tension of the molten metal and assists the coagulation of foreign particles or reaction products, which can thus rise at an accelerated rate. In addition, DISPERSIT reduces the formation of reaction product (slag) deposits on the treatment ladle, pouring ladle and pouring furnace lining. When using DISPERSIT, the addition of alloys containing Mg can be reduced during the production of cast iron with nodular graphite. For example, 1 kg DISPERSIT is generally a substitute for 1 - 2 kg of a 5 % FeSiMg alloy; there are corresponding empirical values when using other FeSiMg alloys. The use of DISPERSIT is often successful in reducing the scrap rate caused by dross and inclusions by over 50%. Your benefits Reduction of slag on the ladle and furnace lining Reduction of dross and slag inclusions [PAGE] Title: Additives: ASK Chemicals Content: Esta página no está disponible en español. ES Español 此页面不支持中文。 中文 中文 Эта страница недоступна на русском языке. RU Русский Esta página não está disponível em português. PT Portugues 日本語ページはございません。 日本 日本 [PAGE] Title: LFSPAC: ASK Chemicals Content: LFSPAC Low-Formaldehyde Solution Package German foundries must reduce formaldehyde emissions by February 2020 at the latest. The new ASK Chemicals LFSPAC is a specially formulated package that enables foundries to stay within this new limit without sacrificing performance, profitability and efficiency. Do you want to know more about our LFSPAC? Download our flyer or fill out the form below and our team will call you back. To access the form, please activate the website cookies. Contact Form [PAGE] Title: Press releases: ASK Chemicals Content: ASK Chemicals unveils feeding revolution at IFEX tradeshow 10. 01. 2024 Pune / Hilden, January 10, 2024: ASK Chemicals, a global leader in the foundry chemicals industry, is excited to announce its participation in the… ASK Chemicals Group welcomes Andrea Bauer as new Chief Financial Officer 10. 11. 2023 Hilden, November 10, 2023 - ASK Chemicals Group is pleased to announce the appointment of Andrea Bauer as new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) effective… ASK Chemicals presents REZIANCE resin portfolio 11. 10. 2023 Hilden (Germany), October 11, 2023 - ASK Chemicals, a global leader in chemical solutions for the casting industry and a supplier of high-performance… ASK Chemicals Korea is awarded with national industry award for exceptional safety management and commitment to ESG principles 26. 07. 2023 Hilden (Germany) / Busan (Korea), July 26, 2023 – ASK Chemicals Korea has been honored with the National Industry Award 2023 in the category Safety… ASK Chemicals sets out sustainability strategy and goals to reduce environmental impacts 12. 06. 2023 Hilden, June 12, 2023: ASK Chemicals Group, a global supplier of high-performance industrial resins and materials, has announced its sustainability… [PAGE] Title: Optimizing costs in use: ASK Chemicals Content: Optimizing costs in use Optimizing casting processes using foundry chemicals and the total cost of ownership concept Total cost of ownership is a financial concept that takes into account direct, indirect and sometimes even hidden cost factors within a manufacturing process that spans the entire value chain from the use of raw material to the finished product. Especially in the constantly evolving foundry industry, it is crucial to keep an eye on costs. Learn from our expert Joseph Muniza, Head of R&D Americas, how foundries can benefit from this concept. Delivering value by optimizing costs in use Read an interview with our expert Thomas Oliver, Director of Commercial Operations North America, on how can foundry chemicals help with costs in use in the casting process. To access the inquiry form, please activate the website cookies. You are curious to know more? Get in touch with our experts by filling out this form. [PAGE] Title: Our Diversity Statement: ASK Chemicals Content: Our Diversity Statement Living diversity We embrace diversity at ASK Chemicals and firmly believe that a diverse and inclusive culture makes us more successful. Diverse, multi-faceted teams bring together different perspective, expertise and backgrounds. They are more creative and effective than homogeneously composed teams. Project, products and services developed by such teams tend to be more successful. Hence, we clearly cultivate and strengthen a prejudice-free and appreciative working environment in our group. Signing the Diversity Charter By signing the Diversity Charter, we are setting a clear sign for diversity, equal opportunities and tolerance in the workplace. We value all our employees regardless of gender and identity, nationality, ethic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation. Strong fellowship and community Dr. Paula Vivas, R & D Manager Coatings & Auxiliaries Micheline Araujo, Human Resources Manager Brazil A progressive thriving culture Philisile Thusi, Human Resources Manager Lisa McKay, Global ESG Manager An inspiring atmosphere Jitka Fialova, Global Master Data Management Martin Oberleiter, Technical Product Manager Inorganics Reinhard Stötzel, Global Expert Coatings and Additives Dr. Sritama Kar, R & D Manager Cold Box Ronaldo Rodrigues, Junior Technical Product Manager Coatings Diversity Charter - We are part of it. Our organizational culture thrives on the mutual appreciation of each and every individual; we respect each other and work together globally without prejudice and with an open mind. Press release - ASK Chemicals GmbH signs the Diversity Charter [PAGE] Title: Services, Service: ASK Chemicals Content: [PAGE] Title: Release Agents and their Correct Classification in the CLP Regulation: ASK Chemicals Content: Release Agents and their Correct Classification in the CLP Regulation Correct Labeling of Greensand Release Agents In 2008, the GHS Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008, known as the CLP Regulation (Classification, Labeling and Packaging), was adopted. After the expiry of all transition periods on 01.01.2017, it has now fully replaced all the "old" directives. Suppliers are obliged to implement classification, labeling and the appropriate containers strictly in accordance with the legal requirements; there is no room for discretion. Content [PAGE] Title: Additives: ASK Chemicals Content: [PAGE] Title: Carbon Products: ASK Chemicals Content: Carbon Products Carbon Products DONACARBO carbon fibers are manufactured by Osaka Gas Chemicals Co. Ltd.,  and commercialized by ASK Chemicals in Europe. The coal tar pitch based carbon fibers are used in a broad variety of applications e.g. antistatic or conductive screeds (top coat and primer) especially for floorings in warehouses, tank farms, computer- and clean rooms etc., brake pads and clutch linings, gaskets and other specialties. ASK Chemicals is offering DONACARBO in various forms such as milled, chopped or graphitized fibers. Dr. Jan KlesingTechnical Product Manager Specialties [PAGE] Title: Environment: ASK Chemicals Content: 139 397 Comparison of gas and condensate formation between shell sand and INOTECTM. Measurement was done using a COGAS apparatus in liquid aluminum. Dimensional casting accuracy as a result of improved thermal stability is comparable for both binder systems. The INOTECTM tooling kit approach even enables tailor-made core property adjustments in respect to thermal strain and core geometry. Core collapse or shake-out processes for inorganic-bound cores require mechanic impact via hammering and vibrating systems. Continuous product development and process discipline enable reliable core collapse properties even of complex cores on serial production scale procedures. In comparison to shell sand cores, the INOTECTM technology shows equal or even superior process properties during core manufacturing and aluminum casting production, if technical measures, process knowledge and process discipline are established. So, consult with your ASK Chemicals contact for the best overall recommendation. What does "Sustainability" mean for foundries? Q :The  topic of  sustainability ” has been on everyone’s mind for some time now. What exactly does this mean - for my foundry? A: The definition of sustainability rests on three pillars – ecology, economy and society. The last two of these often are neglected when projects are being developed and assessed. Sustainable products, however, are able to contribute much more to achieving sustainability than people may initially think. Anyone who has ever been to a foundry that has been converted from organic to inorganic binder technology, and has seen how that technology and work environment has changed to the benefit of the workforce, will recognize the economic and social contribution it provides. When it comes to economic sustainability, the question for foundries is how to increase economic success while at the same time maintaining the quality and availability of resources. This is where metalcasting industry suppliers are able to make a contribution by developing solutions that replace potentially harmful, scarce, or expensive raw materials with others that deliver equal or enhanced performance. A good example is ASK’s ECOCURE BLUE binder technology for iron casting. It uses the world’s first phenolic resin for the cold-box process that does not require statutory labelling in the market, in accordance with the CLP Regulation for the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures. Therefore, the ECOCURE BLUE binder is no longer considered a hazardous material. The utilization of this innovative cold-box binder technology can result in significantly reduced phenol and formaldehyde emissions. Foundries want to reduce the emissions resulting from their processes. Emissions have negative and potentially irreversible consequences for the environment, and so foundries are incentivized to adopt new technologies, not only to continuously meet regulatory and environmental requirements but also to satisfy the increasing expectation of social responsibility. Therefore, ASK Chemicals has been researching and developing new products for many years to achieve reductions in emissions caused by their products. The preservation of resources – rare, readily available, or seemingly ubiquitous and plentiful – is surely another important topic we have to consider. An example of such a resource is lithium, which is extracted from the ground at a grave environmental cost, particularly in South America, where the mineral reserves are being exploited to supply the dramatic increase in demand for lithium to support electric fuel-cell production. ASK Chemicals has been a driving force behind the development of lithium-free sand additive product solutions for quite some time now. Q:The demands on foundries to reduce CO2 emissions, in order to achieve CO2 neutrality, are becoming increasingly stringent. What is ASK’s assessment of this situation? A:The obvious approach to achieve CO2 neutrality is to manufacture products from renewable raw materials. But that is just one aspect of product development and cannot be the only driving force. To achieve CO2 neutrality, designers and manufacturers must take into account a product’s entire lifecycle, and consequently all the processes used to produce the raw materials involved in production are just as important as the manufacturing processes that result in end products with the desired (i.e., CO2 neutral) performance profiles. This is why ASK Chemicals has a clear focus on enhancing its products’ efficacy, in getting things done, while minimizing the burden on the environment from cradle to grave. Treating Sand to Improve Air Quality and Casting Results The right sand additive can address EPA’s HAP standards and reduce atmospheric dust and smoke in the workplace – while enhancing the quality of finished castings. How can we reduce smoke and emissions in our foundry and at the same time produce defect-free castings? The Environmental Protection Agency sets emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) at foundries – many of which are traced to the emissions that result from chemical binders used in mold and core making. Some organic HAP emissions include benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX) as well as naphthalene. VEINO ULTRA™ NB-LOSMK is a sand additive developed by ASK Chemicals to reduce these emissions by as much as 30% in no-bake molding applications. In addition to reducing emissions, VEINO ULTRA™ NB-LOSMK also reduces smoke, which contributes to an improved working environment for foundry personnel. By removing the smoke from the air, workers’ line of sight is improved substantially. When working with most sand additives, it’s necessary to increase the amount of the binder being used in order to compensate for a decrease in tensile strength that results due to the addition of high-surface area, finer particles. VEINO ULTRA™ NB-LOSMK’s size distribution has been optimized in order to minimize the negative effects on tensile strength.  The speed of the reaction, including the work time and strip time, may be adjusted with slower or faster catalysts, depending upon the needs of a particular foundry.  As with standard sand additives, VEINO ULTRA™ NB-LOSMK will combat veining, penetration, and surface finish defects in addition to lowering emissions and smoke. Furthermore, it has the ability to scavenge for various mold gases For those foundries that reclaim sand, either mechanically or thermally, sand additive build up in the reclamation system may be a concern as tensile levels for the sand will diminish over time. These worries are negated by VEINO ULTRA™ NB-LOSMK, as the particles will be drawn off in the foundry’s dust-collection system. VEINO ULTRA™ NB-LOSMK provides a solution to smoke and emissions in the foundry, and will working conditions for operators. [PAGE] Title: Your Application: ASK Chemicals Content: Your Application The next step Once you submit your application for a particular job, or simply want to introduce yourself, ASK Chemicals may contact you for an interview and follow-up. ASK Chemicals places a great importance on getting to know our candidates. Your experience, qualifications, skills, and interests are unique and set you a part. Of course, your potential and character are also critical factors and we are excited to learn more about them. ASK Chemicals is an equal opportunity employer regardless of age, gender, religion, disability and/or sexual identity. Show initiative! Regardless of whether your desired job opportunity is available, we would love to hear from you!  Send us your resume to [email protected] and explain your background. If your qualifications meet an upcoming opportunity, we will certainly contact you directly. Contact us We look forward to receiving your curriculum. Send your application documents by e-mail with a maximum of 5MB to: [email protected] . [PAGE] Title: Quality Management: ASK Chemicals Content: [PAGE] Title: Experience Expert Feeding Solution: ASK Chemicals Content: Experience Expert Feeding Solution Expert feeding solution from the inventors of the mini-risers Mini-risers and riser sleeves from ASK Chemicals stand for innovative solutions and the highest process reliability in the foundry. Our patented exothermic technology is unique in terms of its efficiency – in conjunction with developments increasing productivity, it can even be considered a leader in the industry. The following overview presents the principal riser solutions, their technological and environmental benefits, and their most common dimensions. [PAGE] Title: Product Finder - INOTEC: ASK Chemicals Content: Product Finder Product Finder - INOTEC For the best search result, select only one characteristic per filter. The envelope will immediately forward you to our experts for a request. Text search [PAGE] Title: Special adhesives for a wide range of requirements: ASK Chemicals Content: Adhesives Special adhesives for a wide range of requirements Whether for drying by air, oven or microwave, or the combined use of different drying methods, ASK Chemicals special adhesives meet any requirement. A special highlight of our portfolio is the ZIP STIK series. Products from the series are low VOC adhesives suitable for bonding most cold box and no bake molds cores/molds. Two versions are available depending on the adhesive thickness required. ASK also has water-based inorganic options for bonding cold box and no bake cores/molds. When premium strength is required for critical applications, ASK Chemicals offers its OMEGASET structural adhesive line. A two-part system, this structural adhesive is blended together using specialized application equipment leading to a full cure strength of ≈3000 PSI within a wide range of curing times between 3 to 35 minutes depending on the need. OMEGASET, once cured, is not thermoplastic. It can be used for core setting or mold closure, coated with a refractory coating and dried in an over without losing strength. Combined use of hot melting and cold adhesives ASKOBOND HM PO products from the series are suitable for bonding cold box cores, resol/CO2 cores, hot curing shells and molds etc., as well as for bonding fireclay bricks. The adhesive offers a long processing time and good adhesion, high heat resistance as well as excellent oxidation and color stability of the adhesive melt. For the processing of hot-melt adhesives, we can also recommend processing equipment such as automatic systems and handguns, which are adapted to the respective application and the desired scope of bonding. The processing temperature should be 160-180° C. The minimum temperature of materials and environment should not fall below 18°C. If you work with optical inspection systems, we recommend ASKOBOND HM PO UV. The material contains a UV marker for the detection of the adhesive by means of optical inspection systems. ASKOBOND HM PO is not available in US, Canada, Mexico and Brazil. Information Inquiry Adhesives [PAGE] Title: Windows Download: ASK Chemicals Content: Locate and run the ASKNowLauncher.exe file you downloaded. It will install the required files. 3. Step After installation, ASKNow for Windows will launch automatically. Questions? Contact your ASK Chemicals representative today! To access the form, please activate the website cookies. [PAGE] Title: No-Bake Binder Systems: ASK Chemicals Content: [PAGE] Title: Success Stories: ASK Chemicals Content: [PAGE] Title: Uncoated Castings: ASK Chemicals Content: Uncoated Castings Uncoated Castings In the area of cold box production, uncoated casting provides an opportunity both to increase productivity and to ensure high-quality casting. Uncoated casting refers in particular to the use of a system for improving the casting surface which consists of additives and the appropriate binders and makes it possible to forego the coating process. For the caster, uncoated casting opens up the possibility of saving material costs both for charge materials and for the peripheral equipment (furnace drying systems, coating pans, etc.). The most important point in favor of uncoated casting is arguably the fact that one or even two work steps can be saved. Both the coating process itself and the following drying take up time and involve personnel. For this reason, it can be expected that the omission of these work steps will yield an increase in productivity. Foregoing the coating process is also accompanied by a reduction of energy costs since the cost-intensive furnace drying of coated cores is omitted. In addition, alcohol-based coatings represent a particular potential danger in foundries from the point of view of occupational safety laws. Not using these materials means increasing safety at the same time. Although coatings make a considerable contribution to good casting quality, they also constitute a possible source of error in the process chain, which must be factored in the case of problems related to production and their solutions. This source of error can be eliminated by switching to uncoated casting. Coating-specific casting defects, such as scabbing or inclusions, could be prevented this way. Advantages from the use of additives No need for expensive special sands, such as chrome ore sand, sand of Swedish provenience, zirconium sand or chamotte sand; in some cases, these sands can be substituted Inexpensive auxiliary material that counteracts veining and has proven itself again and again Relatively low added amounts [PAGE] Title: REZIANCE for Braking Systems: ASK Chemicals Content: Friction REZIANCE for Braking Systems REZIANCE, our engineered resin solutions, are individually tailored resins that redefine braking excellence. Our experts' technical understanding of the industry, combined with our legacy expertise in phenolic resins, makes us a partner of choice for demanding technical solutions. A strong commitment to technical excellence and high customer satisfaction has always been an integral part of ASK Chemicals' go to market approach. Experience excellent heat and wear resistance, along with superior fade resistance, learn more on REZIANCE ​industrial resins for friction materials. Webinar: friction resins On Demand - Improved wear resistance by 65% Meet our expert Thinus Bezuidenhout and learn more about how tailored resins can improve wear resistance by 65 %. Register here [PAGE] Title: Your New Employer: ASK Chemicals Content: Your New Employer Who we are & how we work As a larger-scaled, medium-sized company with approx. 2000 employees worldwide, ASK Chemicals offers you the advantages of a medium-sized company combined with those of an internationally operational group. How we work at ASK Chemicals: Flat organizational hierarchies Creative freedom Your start What enriches and makes the regular day-to-day working at ASK Chemicals so special is the diversity of the employees who work for our company. Foundry engineers, chemists and business economists, as well as sales people and industrial employees of different backgrounds and ages work side by side at ASK Chemicals. This diversity opens up new perspectives, promotes creativity and innovation and ultimately drives the success of our company. ASK Chemicals understands the contribution of all its employees, and offers them a range of benefits to help them balance their professional and private lives. [PAGE] Title: ASK the Expert: ASK Chemicals Content: [PAGE] Title: INOTEC - technological advantages: ASK Chemicals Content: INOTEC - technological advantages INOTEC - technological advantages Thanks to intensive research into the area of inorganic binder systems, the gap between cold-box technology and the INOTEC system has become ever smaller. Statements that often argue against the use of INOTEC technology have frequently been disputed and/or qualified. By contrast, INOTEC technology offers significant technological advantages for the foundry industry. Benefits: Reduction of sand adhesions and penetrations Optimization of shake-out performance, enabling filigree water jacket cores to be removed safely from the casting Excellent dimensional accuracy during casting due to improved thermal stability Improved structural properties (shorter dendrite arm spacing) The use of water-based coatings in iron casting is also possible New technological potential: central feeding concept The absence of combustion residue offers new freedom to component developers. One impressive example of this is the new central feeding concept, which is used at BMW’s Landshut plant for crankcases of future engine generations. Inorganic cores are used as central feeders here, thus minimizing the risk of sooting ventilation ducts in the low-pressure permanent mold. This concept is not feasible with organic cores. The dendrite arm spacing (DAS) of the three feeding concepts is shown in the illustration below. It is apparent that the new central feeder concept leads to DAS advantages in all component areas. The warmest point (thermal center, binding of the feeder) and therefore the point with the highest local DAS is in the area of the lower dead center of the piston, a point that is not subject to excessive thermal or mechanical stress. The tension rod area also solidifies very quickly and can be influenced externally via the permanent mold. The tendency towards leaking after mechanical processing falls dramatically, and the sealing rates are miniscule. Potential in iron casting Inorganics have considerable potential in iron casting. In particular, problematic parts that require work with special sands or additives in combination with a coating against veining are predestined for use of inorganic binders, since they show a much lower tendency towards veining – or indeed none at all – compared to organic systems. [PAGE] Title: Shows & Events: ASK Chemicals Content: April 30 - May 2, 2024 Indianapolis | USA [PAGE] Title: Product Finder - Filters: ASK Chemicals Content: Product Finder Product Finder - Filters For the best search result, select only one characteristic per filter. The arrow at the beginning of the line opens additional information. The box at the end of the line immediately directs you to a sample request to our experts. Text search [PAGE] Title: Inoculants: ASK Chemicals Content: Inoculants Ladle, in-stream and cored wire for varying applications ASK Chemicals Metallurgy offers a wide variety of engineered inoculants for gray (GI), ductile (DI) and compacted graphite (CGI) iron. Each inoculant is unique in design to provide performance characteristics that satisfy today’s demanding casting requirements. These inoculants are produced at our German facility under strict quality control. Your benefits High effectiveness and low consumption Uniform graphite precipitation Methods for introducing the inoculants Active elements of the inoculants and recommended field of application [PAGE] Title: ASK & ME: ASK Chemicals Content: ASK & ME ASK & ME Because of their enthusiasm, expertise and service orientation, our employees have made ASK Chemicals what it is today: One of the world's leading suppliers of foundry chemicals and consumables. For this reason, it is important for us to provide our employees with the best possible support in their daily challenges! Through the ASK & ME initiative, we want to give a guideline for our employees through the labyrinth of the sometimes complex world of work. We are convinced that certain behaviors will help to make ASK Chemicals and its team even more successful, and help cope with complex situations in the future: BEING CONNECTED For us being connected means listening, understanding and cooperating  with our stakeholders. It is essential to be connected with our internal and external customers, with our teams and the whole ASK organization. We are open and willing to discuss, but once a decision is made we comply and fully support it. We avoid silo-thinking on all levels. We all will work on our company’s success – jointly and respectful as one team. Charles Hoertz, Head of Global Digitalization ASK Chemicals has greatly supported my strategic vision through the development of sustainable digital tools for the purpose of collecting market intelligence. The Foundry Atlas® - a patented enterprise application - has not only helped identify opportunities for faster commercial response, but it has also provided a visual aid to better understanding our territories for strategic alignment. BEING POSITIVE We will always look for the best in everything we do and encounter. We develop and build on strengths and empower our people. We trust our management, colleagues and employees. We all are quick to compliment and slow to condemn. Miriam Hoces, HR Manager, Spain I believe in the idea that our attitude not only directly impacts our mood but also that of all those around us. I am happy  to work in an environment where attitude is given so much importance and positive attitude is encouraged. Taking the work forward and being productive is important, but also to face our day to day with a positive and collaborative attitude. ASK makes us aware of the importance of striving to maintain a positive attitude, even if it is not always easy, because it is something that is very worthwhile, something that will have positive effects on our mood, on the way we work and how we relate to our friends and colleagues, and that will ultimately create an exceptional work environment. To be positive is to accept the challenges that come with enthusiasm and optimism, which with the support of a team like ASK, makes everything much easier. Daniel Dentgen, Process Development Wülfrath, Germany I work since 2007 at ASK Chemicals and had the chance to develop myself and work with different people. Thereby I met mostly people with positive attitudes. I see that a lot of people at ASK are being positive, even in hard times. It is easy for me to be positive as well, as I have people around me, which are always helpful and future-oriented, which helps to optimize work processes. I think, that such an attitude makes ASK for me a special employer. SEAN HARMON, PRODUCT MANAGER, USA Our customers often turn to ASK Chemicals to further their knowledge of identifying and resolving casting defects. As a Technical Product Manager my role includes presenting and educating our customers on these topics at our bi-annual Casting Academy event and at regional American Foundry Society (AFS) Chapters. Education is a valuable service that I am proud to offer to our industry. BEING COURAGEOUS We are invited to try new ways of doing things and therefore ready to leave our comfort zones.This implies also taking difficult decisions. We openly engage in constructive dialogues based on facts – not on rumors and emotions. We have the courage to admit mistakes and focus on finding a solution. Hiroshi NAMBA, General Manager Japan, and Commercial Director South East Asia As GM and as Commercial Director, I must “be courageous”; but this is not because ASK Chemicals pushes people to be so. It is the natural culture of the company, and also reflects my character. ASK Chemicals does not blame people when they make a mistake; in some cases, it is better to make a mistake than not, because mistakes can happen as the result of a new challenge. Without challenges, there are no mistakes, no failure. The first mistake is an “experience” and a step to new findings! I myself have learned a lot from my mistakes, no…. I mean my experiences, and the me of today is the result of the experiences I have made with the support of my colleagues, managers, and company. Do not stay in your Cozy Corner! Let’s take on a new challenge together! My New Challenge? yes SEA Biz, a new experience is waiting me! DELIVERING ON PROMISES We will deliver on our promises to create more trust and efficiency for our business. We think twice before making promises. Each one of us tries everything to keep promises made. We do not want to create surprises for anyone. As soon as we realize that we cannot keep our promises, we raise our hand and offer alternatives. Young-Woo Jin, Finance & Accounting, Korea I started my career at ASK Chemicals Korea in June 2016 and have worked for the Finance and Accounting department in ASKOR. Successful teamwork highly depends on trust among colleagues. Keeping to what has been agreed and what has been promised is crucial. I have internalized this for myself. Certainly, sometimes there are situations where you may not be able to deliver on time or keep the promise 100%. In such situations, it is important to talk about it with the team in good time so that everyone is informed and can perhaps also help find a solution. ADDING VALUE We focus on adding value to our stakeholders and ASK as a group. It has priority over the optimization of individual, departmental or regional targets. “Adding value” has many facets: It can be improving effectiveness and efficiency and reducing costs. Or helping our colleagues to be successful either by sharing know-how and experience or by offering a helping hand. It can be providing product and service features or problem solutions, which our customers are willing to pay for. We all want to contribute to our company’s success. MARKUS KOTZUR, HEAD OF HR (INTERIM), EUROPE For me as HR function I am asking myself how I can add value to the business and the organization. What can I contribute to ASK’s success? I am happy when I can support our managers to achieve their goals, also when there is (internal) resistance or people who have become too comfortable in their position. For me as a manger it means adding to my team’s success by helping my team members where it is appropriate. ELAINE TEODORO, Senior HR Analyst, Brasil I have been working in the HR area at ASK for 11 years and all this time has meant a lot of learning, maturation and development. Working in HR, my main client is the internal one, and due to the size of the plant, it is possible to know each employee by name, and of many of them the history and desires, but when we talk about people, what actually adds value to one may not be the same as for the other, what is important to one is not necessarily to the other. So, I try to put myself in my client's shoes, listen, repair, ask, try to understand what will really make the difference in that specific situation so that at the end of the day I have delivered a little more than the day before, that makes the difference in meaningful way and that for me is the real meaning of adding value! [PAGE] Title: Coating Technology: ASK Chemicals Content: Coating Technology Coating Technology Coatings from ASK Chemicals are much more than a simple layer between sand and molten metal. They largely determine the surface quality of the casting and systematically remedy casting defects. While all our coating systems are primarily characterized by the fact that they make for excellent casting results, minor fettling work and increased productivity and efficiency in the pouring process, the use of water-based coatings provides other unbeatable advantages. No solvents are used for the dilution, which is why water-based coatings are emission-free, do not pose a risk to employees and reduce the cost of dilution. Foundries can therefore dispense with installing Ex equipment and need not adopt any extra fire safety measures. Finally, storage volumes are unlimited with water-based coatings. Our water-based coatings produce significantly more convincing casting results than conventional coatings. Industry-leading Coatings for Ideal Casting Decades of coating expertise [PAGE] Title: Product Advisor: ASK Chemicals Content: [PAGE] Title: Our Brands: ASK Chemicals Content: Fewer casting defects and excellent casting surfaces SOLITEC Water-based coatings for brushing, spraying or flow coating application SOLITEC coatings are highly recommended for flow coating big and/or complex geometries. SOLITEC coatings impress with the shortest drying times in their application area. The coating is offered in several innovative color-changing formulations that represent a visual wet/dry-indicator. This unique characteristic ensures the integrity of the coating within the production process. Additionally, high performance formulations (e.g. zircon-free, sulphur stop, burn-in barrier) vastly improve the surface finish, which leads to reduced cleaning costs. Benefits Short air-drying time and enhanced refractoriness Excellent application properties Fewer casting defects and excellent casting surfaces CERAMCOTE The multifunctional high-performing water-based coating CERAMCOTE coatings were specifically designed for the Lost Foam and Full Mold technologies. A staple within the industry, CERAMCOTE provides superior performance and consistency to the automotive and non-automotive markets. Utilizing a special proprietary formulation, ASK Chemicals has optimized the rheological properties of CERAMCOTE (i.e. viscosity and layer thickness). Stable viscosity determines the evenness of the coating layer to prevent casting defects such as metal penetration, burn-on defects, cracks and scabs. CERAMCOTE offers superior bond strength and ductility. The dried coating can withstand even the most severe mechanical stress during sand compaction. This coating line is available for the following application methods: brushing, spraying, flow coatings and dipping. Benefits Tailored permeability and insulating characteristics Adopted strength, ductility (dried coating) and rigidity [PAGE] Title: Our Vacancies: ASK Chemicals Content: Our Vacancies Our recent openings We are pleased that you are interested in joining ASK Chemicals! On this page you will find detailed information about our vacancies. Company [PAGE] Title: ASKNow: ASK Chemicals Content: ASKNow ASKNow ASKNow is a digital solution from ASK Chemicals that offers customers on-demand accessibility to technical service representatives from around the globe. With ASKNow - virtual field services - experts can quickly and easily recommend solutions through the use of live annotation, alongside several other value added features. Natural Language Processing (NLP), for example, allows real-time captioning in 29 different languages bridging regional expertise for the first time.  A truly cloud-based solution, virtual service requests and the underlying data are captured for later reference. Your Benefits: Low-bandwidth video/audio options for remote site locations Quick and easy annotation (pictures/videos) Ability to record video and connect to 3rd party live-streaming headsets Cloud-based collaboration of annotated files for seamless transfer of information Flexible licensing to even allow customers-of-customers access [PAGE] Title: Lithium free Additives: ASK Chemicals Content: Lithium free Additives Lithium free Additives The newest generation of engineered additives makes an important contribution when it comes to making foundry processes more productive and efficient. Unlike conventional additives with a simple composition (often iron oxides or wood flour), which are purely auxiliary materials for the avoidance of veining and penetration in the casting, the new generation of engineered additives are complex built-up solid mixtures that perform multiple functions and offer valuable additional benefits. VEINO ULTRA 2000 The lithium-free additive VEINO ULTRA 2000 is an Engineered Additive which, depending on the application, generates more advantages in the overall process and therefore differs significantly from other conventional additives. Advantages of VEINO ULTRA 2000 Lithium-free hybrid additive Very good flowability of the molding material with a high copy accuracy Reduces release agent application due to the excellent release effect of the additive Less core box contamination than without the additive Higher tool availability Good anti-veining properties To get more and detailed information, please have a look at our additive presentation with examples from foundries (German language only) here or just contact us here. [PAGE] Title: Cold Box PU Technology: ASK Chemicals Content: Cold Box PU Technology Fundamentals As the name already indicates, the PU cold box process is based on the reaction of two components with polyurethane. A polyaddition of the part 1 component, the phenol-formaldehyde resin, and the part 2 component, the isocyanate, is initiated through basic catalysis, usually by means of gassing with a tertiary amine. Performance parameters The hardening reaction is very fast, which makes the PU cold box process attractive for the highly productive production of series components in particular. The high strength level enables fast and automated core production with process reliability. The cores can be cast just a short time after production and feature high thermal stability, which also allows the dimensionally accurate production of water jackets or oil duct cores. Due to their almost pH-neutral properties, high proportions of mechanically or thermally treated used sands from cold box production can be reused. Properties and advantages Rapid model change possible (cold core boxes) Excellent thermal stability Short cycle times and high productivity thanks to rapid hardening Secure core extraction, low core fracture thanks to high initial strength High dimensional accuracy Smooth core surfaces Low tooling and energy costs The main reason why the cold box process is so successful is that it makes it possible to achieve complicated core geometries with high dimensional accuracy and high productivity. When looking at the overall process of core production, the cold box process is distinguished by the fact that the cores that were shot can be mounted to core packages and coated directly after production, i.e. short cycle times are possible from the shot to the core that is ready to use. Excellent disintegration after casting and various possibilities of regeneration with very high reuse rates round off the picture. Fundamentals of the process The components, phenol-formaldehyde resin and isocyanate, are mixed with the mold material, compressed in a core box and hardened with a catalyst. The addition rates can vary depending on the application and mold material; in relation to the mold material, they are usually between 0.4% and 1.2% per part. The binder bridges that develop during the reaction ensure that the molding material compound is stable. After casting, the casting heat has weakened the binder bridges to the extent that the sand can be removed from the cast part by means of mechanical input. Advantages Economic and automatic core production and excellent possibilities for “online production.” The cores are inserted into the ingot or green sand mold as soon as possible after production and then casted. The productivity is about twice as high as that of the Croning method. Requirements for cold box The most important prerequisite for standing one’s ground in the international competition is to produce high quality cast parts with intricate geometry at a reasonable price. The most important market requirements for the PUR cold box resin are: High reactivity Reduced emission and odor pollution or a low concentration of monomers (free phenol and free formaldehyde) Reduction of amine consumption Long processing time (bench life) of the sand mixture High core box cleanliness High thermal resistance (thermal stability) High stability with respect to water-based coatings (hydro-stability) [PAGE] Title: UDICELL Investment Casting Filters: ASK Chemicals Content: UDICELL Investment Casting Filters UDICELL Investment Casting Filters UDICELL investment casting filters – consisting of UDICELL Zirconia & EXACTFLO Alumina – fulfill the highest demands for the production of ferrous and non-ferrous investment castings in the aerospace, energy and medical sectors as well as for commercial applications. Available for use in the shell mold itself, within a pouring cup, in-line with the runner system, or as gate filters all available in pore sizes ranging rom 10-45 PPI. Available in a variety of special shapes, as well as dual pore sizes, tapered edges, edge coating and with high temperature fiber gaskets. ASK Chemicals also produces dam and cylindrical shaped filters for alloy manufacturers. Advantages of UDICELL Investment Casting Filters: • Capture of non-metallic inclusions to improve casting properties • Reduction in molten metal turbulence and trapped gas • Custom sizes and shapes differentiate us from other suppliers UDICELL Investment Casting Filters: Edge Coat Treatments Types: FG – Range of fiber gasket materials to ensure a snug fit SEC – Smooth uniform edge coating for straight wall filters FEC – Durable edge coating applied to tapers and special shapes No Edge Coat – Standard filter webs UDICELL Investment Casting Filters: Cup Filter Placement • Cup filters should be placed as close to the bottom of the cup as possible • It is preferred to cover the entire surface area of the filter as quickly as possible • Greater metal head pressure helps filter flow and priming [PAGE] Title: Auxiliaries & Release Agents: ASK Chemicals Content: [PAGE] Title: Sand Binder Systems: ASK Chemicals Content: Sand Binder Systems A 13-part series filled with useful and up-to-date information about sand binder systems In this series, we will discuss the topic of foundry binders and related processes. This new series has been broadened in scope to focus on the practical operating aspects of resin bonded core and mold making and updated to reflect some of the equipment options available in the current market. We will emphasize the process itself and discuss the unique aspects of each binder system. We're going to answer a lot of frequently asked questions. Some questions will have simple answers; some will have so many potential answers that the best answer is an opinion. Where appropriate, we'll discuss the respective environmental characteristics of the different systems and binder related aspects of reuse, reclamation, and reutilization. More than anything, we will keep the series practical, useful, and informative. We hope you will be able to share the in­formation with your operating people so that they can gain a better insight into the core and mold processes that they work with daily. Find below the table of contents for this technical paper series: Sand Binder Systems
civil, mechanical & electrical
What can this be and how can we avoid it? In addition, the use of a coating can help. Title: Company: ASK Chemicals Content: About ASK Chemicals ASK Chemicals Group is a global supplier of high-performance industrial resins and materials. What can this be and how can we avoid it? In addition, the use of a coating can help. In terms of core manufacturing, both binder systems are cured in a hot core box. VEINO ULTRA™ NB-LOSMK is a sand additive developed by ASK Chemicals to reduce these emissions by as much as 30% in no-bake molding applications. Binder technology Title: Cold Box Binder Systems: ASK Chemicals Content: Title: Filters: ASK Chemicals Content: Title: Our Offer: ASK Chemicals Content: Our Offer Our high quality sand core products are manufactured with Cold Box technology. Title: Foundry: ASK Chemicals Content: in 1910. Title: Coatings: ASK Chemicals Content: Title: Services, Service: ASK Chemicals Content: Title: Additives: ASK Chemicals Content: VEINO ULTRA™ NB-LOSMK is a sand additive developed by ASK Chemicals to reduce these emissions by as much as 30% in no-bake molding applications. Title: No-Bake Binder Systems: ASK Chemicals Content: Title: ASK the Expert: ASK Chemicals Content: Title: Coating Technology: ASK Chemicals Content: Coating Technology Coating Technology Coatings from ASK Chemicals are much more than a simple layer between sand and molten metal.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Application process – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: personal statement form Eligibility and suitability check Your eligibility and suitability are initially assessed using the information submitted to us in the CV and personal statement forms. If you do fit our eligibility criteria, one of our Fellowship Advisors will arrange an informal telephone interview with you to talk through your CV, your career break, your desire to retrain, your field of interest and assess your future employment prospects. This step allows us to confirm whether or not you are eligible and suitable for a Fellowship. Preliminary application phase (writing a draft proposal) If you are found eligible and suitable for a Fellowship, you will be asked to write a draft proposal comprising a research project and retraining programme. You will receive guidelines on how to write and present your proposal, indicating the order of the sections required for the proposal and the required content in each. In most cases, your proposal will be developed in an iterative process between you, your supervisor and your Fellowship Advisor, and your Advisor will provide feedback and suggestions about your proposal. A first draft proposal should be submitted to your Fellowship Advisor three months after your eligibility has been confirmed. Your research project must be novel and challenging, but achievable within the timescales of the Fellowship, usually 2 or 3 years. The project is your opportunity to acquire professional skills and knowledge that will put you back on a par with colleagues who have not taken a break from research. Please note, for individuals who are not applying for an advertised sponsored Fellowship but know the area of research they would like to return to, your full application and research proposal will be reviewed by potential sponsors once a good first draft has been received. Funding must be in place before your Fellowship application can proceed to interview stage, and it may be necessary for the application to be put on hold at this stage. If funding is not found within a specified timeframe the application will be withdrawn. Please contact us for more information. Formal application phase (interview) We hold Fellowship candidate interviews four times a year. Your interview is an opportunity for you and the Daphne Jackson Trust to discuss in detail your background, the proposal and your future employment prospects and to help you make improvements to your proposal.  The interview will be conducted by two or more members of our team and may include a representative from the sponsoring organisation. The interview is in place to help you and you will be given guidance on the questions likely to be asked during the interview. Further guidance around the interviews process can be found in Guidelines for Fellowship interviews . After the interview, you will have four weeks to revise and finalise your proposal based on the discussions during your interview. You should submit your final proposal to your Fellowship Advisor by the date you are given at interview. Peer Review Your proposal will be reviewed by at least two technical referees who are experts in a field closely related to your research area and who are qualified to comment on the technical elements of the proposal. Applicants will be required to, with input from their supervisor, respond to the technical referees’ comments, clarifying or justifying certain aspects of the proposal. Awards Assessment Panel Once the technical references have been obtained, your application is sent to our Awards Assessment Panel . Each Fellowship is assessed by six members of the panel, chosen on the basis of their subject expertise. Sometimes the Awards Assessment Panel decide a second interview is necessary before a decision can be made. You will be informed if a second interview is required. If you are awarded a Fellowship, you will be expected to start within the following three-month period. The Awards Assessment Panel’s decision is final and we have no appeals process. If you still have questions, please contact us . Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: Publications – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Publications A portrait of Daphne Jackson Learn more about our inspirational Fellows and how the Daphne Jackson Trust supports returners to research in our Annual Reviews and other publications available to download by clicking the links below. If you would like a printed copy of a recent publication, please contact us . Impact Report [PAGE] Title: What are Research Technical Professional Fellowships? – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Interested in Sponsoring and Hosting a Research Technical Professional Fellowship? What are Research Technical Professional Fellowships? Research Technical Professional Fellowships offer a vital lifeline for anyone who has worked in a research technical role that wishes to return to their career after a break. Although they operate along the same lines of our traditional research Fellowships – there are a few significant differences: They are aimed at a different audience – Technologists, Technicians, Lab Assistants, Analysts, Machine Specialist or similar who have had a career break and wish to return to their professional career in the same capacity. They are also open to other professionals who have had a career break and are looking to move into these roles in future. Those undertaking them may have a professional or technical qualification (e.g. C.Tech., C.Eng. or B Tech.) and not necessarily a PhD or BSc. These Fellowships are not focused on a specific research question. Instead, their emphasis is on retraining and reskilling in specific advanced research and engineering techniques. A higher proportion of these Fellowships may be undertaken outside of academia, such as in industry and research institutes – but they are open to all research settings. By the end of the Fellowship, the individual will be reskilled, overcoming barriers the career break may have created and be proficient in much needed techniques and skills used across a wide range of roles. Other aspects of these Fellowships remain similar: Research Technical Professional Fellowships could be in any research area depending on sponsorship. The Fellow must have had a career break for 2 years or more for family, caring or health reasons. They are generally for two years in length at 0.5FTE, although there is often flexibility to adapt this as needed depending on the Fellow and the Sponsor. Fellows will have all the benefits of any other Daphne Jackson Fellow, being assigned a dedicated Fellowship Advisor to guide and support them throughout the application process and the Fellowship. They will access Daphne Jackson Trust training courses and network with other Fellows to build a strong support group and professional contacts. Why are we interested in Research Technical Professionals? Those working in Research Technical Professions are vital across all areas of research. They provide in depth specialist knowledge, training and support and have a unique practical understanding of techniques and methodologies as well as providing essential maintenance and repair. Without them, most research would not happen at all. We therefore see it as a strategic imperative that everyone working in research, in whatever capacity, has the same opportunity to return to their careers after a break. These new Fellowships complement our existing Fellowships to allow us to support more individuals than ever. Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: Our Impact – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Donate Our Impact Our Fellowships improve skills, training and career prospects. They help people to not only return to research, but to stay in research careers long term. They generate new knowledge, change policy and form new partnerships. View our Impact Report here View our Impact Infographic here We are delighted to be able to share with you our first Impact Report . For us, impact isn’t just about academic papers or journals or conferences our Fellows have spoken at. It’s so much more. Our Fellowships improve skills, training and career prospects. They help people to not only return to research, but to stay in research careers long term. They generate new knowledge, change policy and form new partnerships. They really do change lives. [PAGE] Title: Sponsoring Fellowships – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Sponsors We are delighted to be working with a wide range of sponsors including UKRI, universities, learned societies, charities and industry to support professionals wishing to return to a research career after a break of two years or more. For a list of all of our current, previous and future sponsors, please visit our sponsors page here. Sponsors provide the salary for the Fellowship, whilst the host institution provides space, supervision and funds to cover additional research costs such as bench fees and consumables. Many organisations choose to both host and sponsor Fellowships. Sponsors work with the Daphne Jackson Trust in one of two ways. 1. The sponsor enters into a sponsored Fellowship agreement with the Daphne Jackson Trust. The sponsor works with the Trust to identify the type of Fellowship they would like to offer. Some organisations sponsor Fellowships in specific host organisations, others sponsor Fellowships in specific subject areas. The Trust tailors the Fellowships advertised to the requirements of each individual sponsor. These opportunities are referred to as our advertised sponsored Fellowships. After the opportunities are advertised, the sponsor is involved in the selection of the most suitable applicant(s) to progress through the preliminary stage of our application process. 2. The sponsor is matched with a suitable candidate These opportunities are referred to as our regular Fellowships. The candidate will have already completed the preliminary stage of our application process. At this stage, they will have written a draft proposal. Once we have a good proposal and sponsorship in place, the candidate is invited to interview. For further details on how to sponsor and/or host a Daphne Jackson Fellow, please contact us for more information. Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: NEW! Research Technical Professional Fellowships – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Interested in Sponsoring and Hosting a Research Technical Professional Fellowship? Research Technical Professional Fellowships We are excited to share with you our new Research Technical Professional Fellowships! They offer an unparalleled opportunity for those who have worked in technical roles supporting research and that have had a career break and are now looking to return to their career as a Research Technical Professional. They are likely to be particularly suitable for research technicians, technologists, lab assistants, analysts, machine specialists or similar, in any form of research, as well as those looking to move into these roles in future. The emphasis of these types of Fellowships is on skills, techniques and technologies rather than answering a specific research question. Although different to our traditional research Fellowships, our eligibility criteria remains the same. Please use the menu at the side to find out more about these Fellowships. If you have any questions, do get in touch via [email protected] . Why are we introducing these new Fellowships? Research Technical Professional Fellowships allow brilliant, highly skilled technologists and technicians to return to their careers after a break. They will save an incredible amount of knowledge, expertise and speciality from being lost from the sector, and they will help drive new innovations and discoveries across many research disciplines. They are not intended to replace our traditional research Fellowships – the two schemes will operate alongside each other. But they will help organisations address skills shortages and allow us to support all researchers – in all capacities – back into their careers. Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: Daphne Jackson Trust – We are the UK's leading organisation dedicated to realising the potential of returners to research careers following a career break. Content: Donate Supporting Research Returners - across STEM, Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities. The UK’s leading organisation dedicated to realising the potential of returners to research careers following a career break of two years or more taken for a family, caring or health reason. About us The Daphne Jackson Trust is a registered charity that helps researchers return to their careers with confidence. Fellowships Are you a researcher who has had a career break of 2 years or more for family, caring or health reasons and wish to return to research? Meet our Fellows Find out about Daphne Jackson Fellows returning to their research careers across a spectrum of disciplines, from astrophysics and molecular biology to environmental science and the arts. Impact Click here to read about the impact of our Fellowships. Current Fellowship opportunities Find out about our current Daphne Jackson Fellowships on offer here! Latest news and blogs Read our about our latest news and blogs here. Social media Find us on social media. Sign up to our Newsletter Want to keep up with all the latest news at the Trust? Sign up to our newsletter here! Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: Our history – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Publications The Daphne Jackson Trust was established in 1992 in memory of Professor Daphne Jackson – the UK’s first female Professor of Physics.  Daphne devised a Fellowship scheme in the mid-1980s to support talented individuals wanting to return to research after a career break. This scheme has, and continues to evolve, providing vital support that enables returning researchers to upskill and gain the confidence they need to successfully re-enter research careers. Eight of the Fellows we helped have since gone on to become professors in UK Universities, and four of them – Professor Hilary Hurd, Professor Margaret Rayman, Professor Andree Woodcock and Professor Pia Ostergaard continue their research today. Over the years, the Daphne Jackson Trust has gone from strength to strength. It has increased the number of Fellowships awarded and built new and stronger partnerships with an ever-widening range of organisations. In 2011, Dr Katie Perry was appointed Chief Executive and since then she has made significant improvements to the profile, governance and operations of the Trust. In 2020, the Daphne Jackson Trust extended its’ remit to cover all areas of research. This includes all STEM subjects, the arts, humanities, social sciences and all other related disciplines. This now enables the Trust to work cohesively with all individuals and organisations across the research ecosystem. As the Daphne Jackson Trust enters its third decade, the importance of maintaining a diverse and talented workforce is more important than ever. With increasing support from our sponsors and host organisations, the number of Fellows the Trust is to help continues to grow year on year. Now diversifying to Research Technical Professional Fellowships : for technicians, technologists, lab assistants, analysts, machine specialists or similar, in any form of research, as well as those looking to move into these roles. Biography of Professor Daphne Jackson Daphne Jackson graduated in Physics from Imperial College in 1958. She moved to Battersea College of Technology (now the University of Surrey) where she began her research career in theoretical nuclear physics. She was awarded a PhD in 1962. Professor Jackson was appointed Professor of Physics at the University of Surrey in 1971 – the first female Professor of Physics in the UK. Later, she became Dean of the Faculty of Science at the University. As well as being a distinguished physicist in nuclear, medical and radiation physics, she served on several boards and committees at the Institute of Physics, the Women’s Engineering Society, the University Grants Committee, the Board of the Meteorological Office and regional and district health authorities. She was a lifelong campaigner and met many talented individuals reduced to taking low-level jobs because they needed retraining to return to the research workplace after a career break – training that was not easily available. Determined to address this, in 1985 Daphne devised a Fellowship scheme for returners and launched a pilot project to help individuals get back to their chosen careers after having a family, caring for elderly relatives or because of their partner’s relocation. In 1987 she was awarded an OBE in recognition of this work. Daphne sadly died in 1991 and the Daphne Jackson Trust was established the following year in her memory to continue her inspired work. The Daphne Jackson Trust continues to evolve today. We have now helped almost 500 researchers return to their chosen careers. Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: About our Fellowships – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: View our advertised sponsored Fellowships here A portrait of Daphne Jackson Daphne Jackson Fellowships are unique. They offer researchers the opportunity to return to a research career after a break of two or more years for a family, health or caring reason. By combining a personalised retraining programme with a challenging research project, held in a supportive UK university or research establishment, our Fellowships provide a vital opportunity for those looking to return to a research career. Fellowships are flexible and part-time, usually completed over two years at 0.5 FTE. They consist of a challenging research project and at least 100 hours of retraining per year. The unparalleled support offered by the Trust’s Fellowship Advisors and administrative team, coupled with the mentoring and retraining provided during the Fellowship, give returners the confidence and skills they need to return to research successfully. Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: Meet our Fellows – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Regaining Confidence with Fellow Anne Jay - watch our video Daphne Jackson Trust Advisor Helen Marsh with Fellow Helen Thompson - watch our video Daphne Jackson Fellows return to research careers across a spectrum of research disciplines from astrophysics and molecular biology to the arts and social sciences. Here you can learn about our current Fellows, their host and sponsoring organisations, and the research they are undertaking. Please click on the subject boxes below. Please note, this information is reviewed and updated every three months. [PAGE] Title: How to apply for a Research Technical Professional Fellowship – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Interested in Sponsoring and Hosting a Research Technical Professional Fellowship? How to apply for a Research Technical Professional Fellowship Applying for a Daphne Jackson Research Technical Professional Fellowship will involve commitment over a period of time, and candidates receive individual guidance and support throughout. If you are eligible, a Fellowship Advisor will be allocated to you and they will guide you through the whole application process, your Fellowship and beyond. We believe that it is this unique mentoring relationship that makes our Fellowships so successful. Having a dedicated Fellowship Advisor who is able to guide you during your application by enabling you to think strategically about your retraining really does maximise your chances of a long-term future career. Please click below to learn more about what’s involved in a Fellowship application or contact us . Check for current Research Support Fellowship opportunities Please read ‘Are you eligible to apply for a Fellowship’ before applying, and if you have any questions or enquiries, please contact us . Please check for current Research Technical Professional Fellowships that are relevant for you. You can find a list of current opportunities here . If there are no opportunities listed, or those that are listed are not relevant to your skills and experience, please register your interest by completing this form . After you have done this, there is no need to proceed to the next stage – we will contact you as soon as a relevant opportunity arises. Please note that we cannot guarantee when this may be – it entirely depends on the availability of sponsorship. We therefore advise you to continue seeking alternative paths for your return to your career and update us should you no longer wish to retain your interest by emailing [email protected] . Download, read and complete our forms The next step of the application process is to download, read and complete a series of forms. These forms are bespoke for each position and will be made available to you when an opportunity becomes available. Eligibility and suitability check Your eligibility and suitability are initially assessed using the information submitted to us in the forms. If you fit our eligibility criteria, one of our Fellowship Advisors will arrange a telephone interview with you to talk through your CV, your career break, your desire to retrain, your field of interest and assess your future employment prospects. This step allows us to confirm whether or not you are eligible and suitable for a Research Technical Professional Fellowship. Only the preferred applicant will be invited to complete the next stage. If several applicants apply for the same position, there may be an interview at this stage involving the Sponsor (the organisation funding the Fellowship) in order to select the preferred applicant. Preliminary application phase (writing a draft proposal) You will now be asked to write a draft proposal that explains the retraining programme you wish to undertake. You will receive guidelines on how to write and present your proposal, indicating the order of the sections and the required content in each. In most cases, your proposal will be developed in an iterative process between you, your supervisor and your Fellowship Advisor, and both will provide feedback and suggestions. There may also be an informal interview at this stage to help you prepare. A first draft proposal should be submitted to your Fellowship Advisor three months after your eligibility has been confirmed. Your retraining programme must be challenging but achievable within the timescales of the Fellowship. This is your opportunity to acquire the technical and professional skills and knowledge that will put you back on a par with colleagues who have not taken a break from research. Formal application phase (interview) A more formal interview will now take place involving the Sponsor, the Chair of our Awards Assessment Panel and senior representatives from the Trust. The interview is an opportunity to discuss in detail your background, the proposal and your future employment prospects. The interview is in place to help you and you will be given guidance on the questions likely to be asked. Further guidance around the interviews process can be found in Guidelines for Fellowship interviews . A final decision will then be made on the appointment of the successful applicant. If you still have questions, please contact us . Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: What’s involved in hosting? – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: What’s involved in supervising? Many universities and research institutions both host and sponsor Daphne Jackson Fellows.  Others host Fellows and sponsorship is provided by external organisations. Whilst the Trust provides the infrastructure and dedicated staff to recruit and retrain Fellows and administer the awards, financial support is provided by the hosts and sponsors. The host institution will: provide a suitable research facility to allow the Fellow to carry out the research project cover all non-salary research costs such as bench fees and consumables, costs associated with use facilities, equipment purchase, equipment hire and maintenance and computing hardware and software provide a qualified supervisor to oversee the research and provide appropriate technical assistance in accordance with the Trust’s guidelines for supervisors. During the Fellowship, the host organisation becomes the employer of the Fellow and therefore is responsible for all appropriate insurances, terms and conditions of work, intellectual property rights and other associated matters. The Daphne Jackson Trust does not have any obligations, duties or commitments within the employment contract between the Fellow and the host organisation other than on an advisory basis. Each host organisation has different pay scales and determines the salary level of the Fellow in relation to other researchers in the department or organisation. (The cost of the salary itself is covered by the sponsor.) If you would like to find out more about hosting a Daphne Jackson Fellow and have a particular organisation in mind, please contact us . Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: Meet our team – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Read our Fellows' stories to find out more about how our Fellowships change lives The Daphne Jackson Trust’s team consists of 13 members of staff. Our team delivers the charity’s objectives by carrying out the day-to-day operations of the charity overseen by the Chief Executive, supported by the Trust Manager and a team of Fellowship Advisors and administrative staff. Staff skills encompass financial management, academic research, marketing, communications, policy and public affairs, governance, administration, public-sector experience as well as expertise in understanding the issues returners face. We are delighted to announce that Dr Katie Perry, the Trust’s Chief Executive has recently been awarded an honorary degree by the University of Surrey for her outstanding contribution and development of the Trust over the past decade. See her profile below for more details. Meet our team Email: [email protected] Phone: 01483 689166 Katie manages the charity’s strategic activities and aims, working closely with the Board of Trustees. She develops and maintains relationships with stakeholders and sits on a number of national committees addressing diversity issues in STEM. Katie’s drive and commitment to engage with key sectoral players has transformed the Daphne Jackson Trust into the forward-looking organisation it is today. Katie became Chief Executive of the Daphne Jackson Trust in 2011, having previously been Trust Manager. She has a background in science communication, including roles with the Institute of Physics. She holds a PhD in Physics from the University of Surrey, where she worked directly with Professor Daphne Jackson. In July 2022, Katie was awarded an honorary degree by the University of Surrey for her outstanding contribution and development of the Trust over the past decade. Please click here to see a photograph and further details. Dr Helen Marsh – Trust Manager Email: [email protected] Phone: 01483 689162 Helen was appointed Trust Manager in 2018 after previously working at the Trust since 2013 as a Fellowship Advisor. She works closely with Katie Perry, Chief Executive, and the team, to manage the processes relating to the award of new and existing Fellowship sponsorship arrangements. Helen has a strong background in research, having held positions at Imperial College London, the Health Protection Agency and the Pirbright Institute. Helen obtained a degree in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry from the University of Oxford and holds a DPhil in infectious diseases at the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, also from the University of Oxford. Dr Andrew Clempson - Project Lead Email: [email protected] Phone: 01483 689166 Andy is the Daphne Jackson Trust’s Project Lead. After joining in 2019 as the Data Compliance Officer he continues to  ensure that the Trust is legally compliant with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), and is working on a number of other projects, including a survey of former Fellows, an impact report and researching and implementing a new data infrastructure for the Trust. Andy has spent ten years in the charity sector focusing on medical and health research. He helped hundreds of charities fund research during his time at the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC). He has a PhD in genetics from the Royal Veterinary College and BSc in Human Biology. Dr Julie Dallison – Senior Fellowship Advisor Email: [email protected] Phone: 01483 689166 As Senior Fellowship Advisor, Julie is responsible for assessing applicants’ eligibility for a Fellowship, supporting them through the application process, and mentoring successful Fellows throughout their Fellowship. Julie holds a BSc in Chemistry & Food Science, an MSc in Science, Technology & Industrialisation, and a DPhil in Science & Technology Policy Studies, as well as a Diploma in Health and Social Welfare. She has a research background in the academic, public and charity sectors, mainly in the areas of food and health policy, with particular focus on food poverty. Alongside her role at the Trust, she also works for Citizens Advice. Dr Gillian Halket - Fellowship Advisor Email: [email protected] Phone: 07548 759720 As a Fellowship Advisor, Gillian is responsible for assessing applicants’ eligibility for a Fellowship, supporting them through the application process and mentoring successful Fellows throughout their Fellowship. Gillian is herself a Former Daphne Jackson Fellow (2018) with a strong background in both industrial and academic research. She holds a BSC Hons degree in genetics and microbiology from the University of Aberdeen and a PhD in Bacterial Systematics from Glasgow Caledonian University. She spent time working in the USA as a senior scientist within a global biotechnology company, followed by many years as an academic research fellow prior to a six year career break to care for her young children. After completion of her Daphne Jackson Fellowship in 2020, Gillian worked in research support and coordination in a world-leading pharmaceutical manufacturing research centre at the University of Strathclyde, before joining us at the Daphne Jackson Trust in 2022. Elaine Hunt – Fellowship Officer Email: [email protected] Phone: 01483 68 9166 Elaine focuses on managing the processes for sponsored advertised Fellowships. As well as liaising with sponsors and promoting the Fellowships, Elaine is also responsible for Fellows’ reports, adding information to the website and assisting with general office administration. Elaine has an excellent background in sales, marketing and retail management from the corporate sector and joined the Daphne Jackson Trust in 2010 as a general administrator. Tim Julier – Executive Officer Email: [email protected] Phone: 01483 689166 Tim is Executive Officer to Dr Katie Perry, providing EA support and undertaking committee servicing & governance, and policy work & public affairs for the Trust. He has substantive experience of working in professional and higher education, including roles as Assistant Secretary to two Vice-Chancellors at the University of Surrey, Committee Support Manager at the University and Programme Manager at the Royal Academy of Engineering. Tim holds a BA Hons in Politics from the University of Sussex. Fiona Karimjee – Finance Officer Email: [email protected] Phone: 01483 689166 As Finance Officer, Fiona is responsible for the day to day financial accounting and general finance administrative procedures for the charity. Fiona also deals with all financial aspects of the fellowships and sponsorship arrangements. Fiona has previous experience working in finance gained from the corporate and voluntary sectors. Farhat Mahmood - Trust Administrator Email: [email protected] Farhat focuses on managing the processes for the Daphne Jackson Fellowships. She is responsible for assisting and managing the office administration and liaises with sponsors and helps to promote the Fellowships. Farhat has recently joined the Daphne Jackson Trust in 2022 as a general administrator. Farhat has previously worked at the University of Law and brings with her a wealth of experience in student management. Dr Yalini Nathan - Fellowship Advisor Email: [email protected] Phone: 01483 689166 As a Fellowship Advisor, Yalini is responsible for assessing applicants’ eligibility for a Fellowship, supporting them through the application process and mentoring successful Fellows throughout their Fellowship. After completing her BSc in Biochemistry and then a PhD in Neuroscience, Yalini spent the last 15 years supporting scientists, research staff and students in the charity, education media and higher education sectors. She has worked with research students and staff in a variety of areas, including researcher development, grant funding coordination, intellectual property and science communication. This interest in supporting the early careers of individuals led her to become a Careers Consultant- firstly at King’s College London working with biosciences students, then with engineering students at Queen Mary, University of London. Prior to joining the Trust in autumn 2023, Yalini worked as a freelance Careers Consultant supporting post docs and PhD students in their career planning. Sally Bolton - Fellowship Advisor Email: [email protected] As a Fellowship Advisor, Sally is responsible for assessing applicants’ eligibility for a Fellowship, supporting them through the application process and mentoring successful Fellows throughout their Fellowship. Sally holds a BSc in Pharmacology from the University of Bristol and completed a PhD in Neuroscience at the Institute of Neurology, University College London, sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline. She worked as a Research Scientist both at King’s College London and the University of Portsmouth and also as a Principal Scientist for Trio Medicines working on pre-clinical development and phase I and phase II clinical trials. Following a 8 year career break to care for her young children. Sally joined the Daphne Jackson Trust in December 2023. Deirdre McMahon – Events Lead Email: [email protected] Phone: 01483 689166 As Events Lead, Deirdre is responsible for the overall management and organisation of all internal and external Daphne Jackson events, training courses, interviews, and meetings. Prior to taking a 10-year career break,  Deirdre had a successful career in Supply Chain Logistics with Gillette. Following her break Deirdre worked in the charity sector for CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development). Deirdre joined the Daphne Jackson Trust in 2016 bringing with her a wealth of experience gained from the charity and corporate sectors. Francesca Scott - Communications Lead Email: [email protected] Fran is the Communications Lead for the Trust. She is responsible for delivering the message and spreading the word around what the Daphne Jackson Trust do. As well as showcasing the work of our fantastic Fellows. With a Marketing and Product background, Fran has worked across a broad range of industries, including; technology, HR consultancy and IT product and Data solutions. Want to support spreading awareness of the Trust? Please get in touch with Fran… Morwenna Jones - Research Support Fellowship Advisor Email: [email protected] Morwenna joined the Trust in November 2023 as a Research Support Fellowship Advisor.  Morwenna began life as a geologist gaining her BSc from the Royal School of Mines at Imperial College followed by an MSc in Remote Sensing and Geographic information at UCL.  She then worked for a number of private companies as an Earth Observation Consultant during which time she worked on a wide variety of projects including heading up a consortium of companies and institutions from across Europe using satellite information to support aid efforts following natural disasters. She joined the civil service using both her skills in satellite information interpretation and gaining skills as a data analyst using bulk datasets alongside imagery information. She left the civil service after the birth of her second child and ran her own company for 5 years providing learning and development classes to parents and babies from birth to 13 months of age.  She sold her company in 2019 just before the outbreak of Covid 19. Prior to joining the trust Morwenna worked as an administrator and GDPR compliance officer for a charity. Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: Apply here – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Please read Are you eligible to apply for a Fellowship before applying, and if you have any questions or would like to know more details, please contact us . Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: Are you eligible to apply for a Fellowship? – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Click here to read our frequently asked questions Click here to view our currently advertised Fellowships Daphne Jackson Fellowships are retraining Fellowships for anyone who has taken a break of two years or more from research for family, caring or health reasons. Requirements for all candidates The application process for a Daphne Jackson Fellowship is competitive. Individuals wishing to be considered for a Fellowship must meet the following criteria: A career break of at least two years’ duration, taken for family, health or caring reasons A good first degree in a research subject A PhD, or ideally at least three years research experience (academic or industrial) prior to the career break (with evidence of research impacts and outcomes). For Research Technical Professional Fellowships, those undertaking them may have a professional or technical qualification (e.g. C.Tech., C.Eng. or B Tech.) and not necessarily a PhD or BSc. Need to be resident in the UK at the time of application and have the right to work in the UK. We will consider applicants with a Tier 2 visa or those able to apply for a Global Talent Visa. Please contact the Trust directly for further advice. Good command of English (spoken and written) Good computer skills Your application will be stronger if you also have post-doctoral experience and research impacts and outcomes. You may return to work during your career break, however, this must not include: Lecturing to degree level that takes up more than six hours a week Studying for MSc in a field related to your Fellowship as this would be considered to be retraining No form of paid research at any number of hours per week or limited duration is acceptable. Limited voluntary research during your career break will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please note that Daphne Jackson Fellowships are not suitable for clinical researchers. If you are unsure about where you fit in the above criteria, please contact us. We will also evaluate applicants for their suitability for a Fellowship based on the following criteria: Personal background and experience The potential benefit of a Fellowship on the applicant’s future career The likelihood of securing sponsorship If you meet these criteria and would like to discuss applying for a Fellowship, please contact us. The Daphne Jackson Trust has the exclusive right to decide if we will accept and process an application for a Fellowship on the basis of these criteria. Our decision is final. We reserve the right to cease an application during the application process if we determine that the likelihood of success is too low to warrant the expenditure of further time and resource. Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson Fellow – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities We work in partnership with a range of universities, charities, learned societies, research councils and industrial organisations to develop sponsorship and hosting arrangements for Daphne Jackson Fellowships. We would like to thank all of our sponsors and hosting organisations who make it possible for the Daphne Jackson Trust to be the UK’s leading charity dedicated to realising the potential of scientists and engineers returning to work after a career break. For a list of all of our current, previous and future sponsors, please visit our sponsors page here . To find out what is involved in sponsoring a Daphne Jackson Fellow, please visit this page here . Please contact us for more information. Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: Trustees and Patrons – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Publications A portrait of Daphne Jackson We are governed by a Board of Trustees consisting of academics and experts of national and international standing and experience with a wide range of academic, professional, management, fundraising and communications skills. We also are honoured to be able to call on some amazing individuals to act as our patrons to promote our work. Trustees Professor Tom Welton OBE FRSC FCGI Chair of Trustees Tom Welton is Professor of Sustainable Chemistry at Imperial College London. He served as Head of the Department of Chemistry from 2007 to 2014 and as Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences from 2015 to 2019. He is a Fellow and the current President of the Royal Society of Chemistry. Tom’s research focuses on sustainable chemistry, with particular focus on ionic liquids and on solvent effects on chemical reactions. He is the author of over 140 research papers. The promotion of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion has always been critically important to Tom. Under his tenureship as Head of Department, Chemistry at Imperial won its first Athena SWAN Gold award. He co-founded the Irene Juliot-Curie conferences, dedicated to addressing barriers to career progression, and to support diversity, in the chemical sciences. Tom is a L’Oréal-UNESCO Male Champion for Women in Science, and member of the EDI advisory boards of both UKRI and Elsevier. Dr Sabine Best Sabine Best is a biochemist by background who made the transition from the bench to a research management career following several postdoctoral positions. She has 15 years of experience in managing research funding at both governmental and charitable research organisations such as the BBSRC and the Royal Society. She is currently Head of Research at Marie Curie, the largest charitable funder of palliative and end of life care research in the UK. She oversees Marie Curie’s portfolio of research activities from the identification of research priorities to disseminating results and measuring impact. Sabine sits on Advisory Groups of the National Cancer Research Institute and the James Lind Alliance. Carol Bewick Carol Bewick is Director of Membership Engagement and Communications at the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) – the membership body for the UK’s unique medical research charity sector. She has specialised in communications and engagement across sectors, particularly during times of change and crisis – from the Metropolitan Police Service to the Arts Council and the nuclear industry to NICE. She has worked in agency, private, public and charity sectors as well as running her own company. She joined the charity sector in 2012 and has never looked back. Carol is a carer and has volunteered as an involved person and patient advocate. Professor Graham Davies FREng FTSE FLSW Graham Davies is Emeritus Professor and Former Dean of Engineering at the University of New South Wales. He is also Chief Technologist at Oxford Scientific Consulting Ltd, and a Committee Member of Ser Cymru, advising the Chief Scientist for Wales. Until April 2008 he was the Sir James Timmins Chance Professor of Engineering at the University of Birmingham and executive head of the School of Engineering. His research interests include electronic materials, nanotechnology, MEMs and micro manufacturing of different materials combinations. Prior to his time in academia, Graham enjoyed a distinguished career at British Telcom, rising to the position of Director for Corporate Research. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Institution of Engineering and Technology, the Institute of Physics and IoM3. He has published over 170 papers, contributed to 7 books and has 5 patents. He has played a major part in the UK Materials Foresight initiative. In 2008 he was awarded the Platinum Medal from the Institute of Materials for outstanding contributions to Materials Science and Nanotechnology. Regularly named as one of the top 100 most influential scientists and engineers in Australia, he is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering and a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales. Dr Sophie Duport Dr Sophie Duport studied Physiology and Neurosciences at the University de Savoie in Chambery, and at the Universite de Lyon. Subsequent to completing a PhD in Neurosciences at the Centre Medical Universitaire, Geneva, she relocated to the UK to take up a research position at UCL. In 2004, she moved into clinical research and joined the Research Department at the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability, Putney, where she is now Associate Director of Research. Sophie is the founder and co-facilitator of the Advanced Huntington’s Disease working group of the European Huntington‘s Disease Network. She is an elected Fellow of the Society of Biology, and has been an expert evaluator on a number of European grant schemes. Dr Samantha Francis Dr Samantha Francis is a Deputy Director within Research Base at EPSRC. She has strategic oversight for Research Infrastructure and the Digital Futures portfolio as well as EPSRC’s Monitoring our Portfolio and Priorities strategy. She joined EPSRC in 2007 after completing a Master’s Degree in Physics at the University of Bristol. Samantha has held a number of positions at EPSRC including; Cross-Disciplinary Interfaces Portfolio Manager, Head of Peer Review, Head of Balancing Capability and, prior to her current role, was Head of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Theme for three years. In her spare time she is undertaking an accounting qualification and is the Treasurer of a local pre-school nursery. Dr Jane Gate Dr Jane Gate is the Executive Director of AIRTO – the Association of Innovation, Research and Technology Organisations – fulfilling this role at the National Physical Laboratory since 2011, and since 2021, at the Net Zero Technology Centre. Jane is a life science graduate from the University of Reading, with a PhD in animal physiology. She began her working-life at the Institute for Animal Health, and held a range of management and leadership roles at King’s College London, within the health schools, and the university’s research commercialisation division, King’s Business Ltd., where she was Director of Business Development. With three grown-up sons, Jane knows the joys and challenges of balancing a career in science and innovation with caring responsibilities. Her strengths lie in her ability to build partnerships with others, and in her logical and analytical approach to decision-making. She is passionate about equality, diversity and inclusion being attained in the science and innovation arena. Being from a working-class background, and becoming the first from her family to go to university, Jane esteems the potential of education and STEM career opportunities to tackle social inequalities. Dr Ruth Gilligan Dr Ruth Gilligan is Assistant Director for UK Equality Charters at Advance HE. She is responsible for the strategic leadership of the Athena Swan Charter for gender equality and the Race Equality Charter which operate in the UK and internationally. These impactful equality frameworks help organisations to identify and address their equality issues, with progress recognised with highly-esteemed Bronze, Silver and Gold awards. During her time working with the Equality Charters, she has been responsible for introducing the Athena Swan Charter to the Republic of Ireland, which was the first international expansion of the Charter, for the expansion of the Charter to all academic disciplines and professional areas, and for the recent reviews and development of both UK Charters. Ruth’s academic background is in organic chemistry, and after completing her PhD at the University of Cambridge, she worked at Science Foundation Ireland, the largest funder of competitive research in Ireland in the Policy and Pre-Award Divisions. Drawing on her background in research and professional expertise, Ruth acts as an equality, diversity and inclusion adviser nationally and internationally. Nazia Hirjee Nazia Hirjee is Chief Operations Officer at the Aerospace Technology Institute, which creates the technology strategy for the UK aerospace sector and funds a large research and development programme in sustainable civil aviation. She is responsible for the Institute’s business operations and governance activities. Prior to this role, Nazia worked in the university sector and in financial services in a variety of finance and operations roles. She is a Geography graduate from the University of Oxford and has an accountancy qualification from the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Dr Kerstin Kinkelin Dr Kerstin Kinkelin is Innovation Manager at the Bristol BioDesign Institute, where she works with academics to identify opportunities for translation and partnering presented by their research in synthetic and engineering biology. She also oversees a wide programme of activities for early career researchers to develop their skills in translational research and innovation. A biochemist by training, Kerstin moved into research management after several years in research in Germany and the UK. She has experience in researcher development, research funding and research programme management, working for organisations such as the Francis Crick Institute, the Royal Society and Blood Cancer UK. Dr Zainab Naqvi Zainab completed her LLB (Law and French) at Coventry University, her LLM (General) at the University of Birmingham and remained there to complete her PhD. Her research interests focus on legal and judicial responses to minoritised communities in the UK. Zainab was appointed Lecturer in Law at Coventry University and later Senior Lecturer in Law at De Montfort University. She is now Reader in Critical Feminist Legal Studies at Manchester Metropolitan University and is an editor for the international peer review journal Feminist Legal Studies. Professor Stephen Newstead Stephen Newstead is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at the University of Plymouth, where he worked for nearly 40 years in a variety of roles, ranging from Lecturer to Acting Vice-Chancellor. His principal research interest is in the cognitive psychology of thinking, reasoning and problem solving, but he also has a long-standing interest in the psychology of teaching, learning and assessment in higher education. He is a former President of the British Psychological Society and has served on a number of national committees, including the Psychology Panel of the Research Assessment Exercise (now the Research Excellence Framework). Now retired, he still lives near Plymouth and enjoys walking, gardening, golf and playing with his grandchildren. Dr Kotryna Temcinaite Dr Kotryna Temcinaite is the Senior Research Communications Manager at the research and care charity Breast Cancer Now. Leading a team of science communicators, she specialises in translating complex scientific information to non-specialist audiences across PR, digital and fundraising communications. Over the years working in medical research charities, she has been involved in a broad range from projects, from public engagement with science and communication training for researchers, to attracting high-level donations to medical research. Kotryna moved from Lithuania to the UK because of the excellent quality of its higher education and its global position in research. She studied biochemistry at the University of St Andrews and subsequently completed a PhD in molecular biology at the Francis Crick Institute awarded by University College London. Dr Maria Tennant Dr Maria Tennant is a senior communications professional and chartered PR practitioner with several years’ experience working in PR and communications across many sectors, including charities, universities, local government and healthcare. Maria runs her own writing and communications consultancy. Previously Maria was Head of PR and Digital at the medical research charity LifeArc, where she managed all external communications, including the website and digital, social media, press and media, and conferences. Before that she was Head of Communications for the charity Kidney Research UK, where her team ran the press office, research communications, strategic and corporate communications and social media, and led award-winning health awareness campaigns. A research engagement and communications specialist, Maria is passionate about bringing research to life and telling the stories of the science and the people behind it. A research scientist by training, Maria has also worked as a post doc in academia and industry following her PhD in Neuroscience. Professor Christopher Whitehead Christopher Whitehead is Professor Emeritus of Chemistry at the University of Manchester. He was Head of the School of Chemistry from 2009-2014 during which time the School was awarded the Athena SWAN Silver Award and has worked extensively with Early Career Researchers helping them to develop their careers. A graduate of Edinburgh and Cambridge Universities, Christopher held Fellowships from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 at Cambridge and from the Lindemann Trust at Columbia in New York. He joined Manchester University in 1977 where his research involves the use of plasma discharges for the treatment of pollutants and the conversion of waste gases to fuels.  He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a Chartered Chemist. Patrons Professor Dame Athene Donald FRS Athene Donald carried out her first and second degrees at the University of Cambridge in physics, before spending four years at Cornell University in the USA as a postdoc. Thereafter she returned to Cambridge, where she has been ever since, becoming a Professor in 1998 and an FRS in 1999. Her research field is soft matter and biological physics, with a particular emphasis on different types of microscopy. She currently sits on the Scientific Council of the European Research Council. From 2010-14 she was the University’s first Gender Equality Champion and she writes regularly (on her own blog and in mainstream media) about gender issues. In 2010 she was appointed a DBE for services to Physics and since 2014 she has been Master of Churchill College. Vivienne Parry OBE A scientist by training, Vivienne Parry hosts medical programmes for BBC Radio 4, writes widely on health, presents films, facilitates many high level conferences and debates and trains young researchers. She also has a part-time role as head of engagement at Genomics England which is delivering the 100,000 Genomes Project. She is a board member of UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) which is responsible for the UK’s £6 billion research and innovation strategy. Maggie Philbin OBE Maggie Philbin has worked in radio and television for over 30 years on a wide range of science, medical and technology programmes. She is President of the Institute of Engineering Designers and co-founder and CEO of TeenTech CIC, an award winning organisation helping young people, their parents and teachers understand more about the real opportunities in Science, Technology and Engineering. In 2016 Maggie was named as the Most Influential Woman in UKIT by Computer Weekly Magazine and was also named as 2016 Digital Leader of the Year for her work with TeenTech. Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: Who we work with – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Publications We work in partnership with universities, industry, charities, learned societies and government funders – including all areas of UKRI – to develop sponsorship arrangements for Daphne Jackson Fellowships. Whilst the Daphne Jackson Trust provides the infrastructure and dedicated staff to recruit and retrain Fellows and administers the Fellowships, financial support is provided by external sponsors and host institutions. Collaborations and Partnerships We strongly support equality, diversity and inclusion in the research workforce. We collaborate with many organisations with these shared aims including: UKRI Learned Societies (including the Royal Society of Chemistry, Institute of Physics) Women in STEM groups (including WISE, Cambridge AWiSE, Athena Swan, European Platform of Women Scientists, British Federation of Women Scientists) Equality, diversity and Inclusion in Science and Health Association of Medical Research Charities (including its members and supporters) Vitae Researcher Development Science Council Our expanded remit across the arts, humanities and social sciences means that we particularly welcome new partnerships with organisations operating in these areas. At a time where collaboration between disciplines is more important than ever, we hope this expansion with only serve the strengthen the research and innovation landscape across the UK. If you would like to discuss how we might work in partnership with your organisation, please contact us by emailing [email protected] . Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: Make a donation or leave a legacy – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities Your donations will help fund our unique work enabling more talented scientists and researchers to retrain and return after a career break of two or more years taken for family, caring or health reasons. We are grateful for monthly or one off donations, small or large, to the Daphne Jackson Trust from individuals and organisations who support our work. We also welcome donations in memory or leaving a gift in your will. Please contact us for more information. Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: Supervising and hosting Fellowships – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: A supervisor and a host department must be agreed before a candidate can complete the preliminary application phase (during which they write their proposal). Host organisations Daphne Jackson Fellowships are normally hosted in university laboratories, research institutions or industrial companies which undertake research and development. Often candidates will approach a university department or other potential host organisation, and will identify someone within the organisation to act as their supervisor. Supervisors Supervisors play a key role in guiding Daphne Jackson Fellows as they make the transition from a career break back to a successful research career. Each Fellow has a primary and secondary supervisor based within the host organisation. The primary supervisor usually takes responsibility for guiding the majority of the Fellow’s training and research programme. Secondary supervisors have varying levels of involvement depending on the host, the project and the subject specialism. Supervisors must be accredited by the host organisation who will accept responsibility for guiding the Fellow’s training and research programme. Fellowship goals are established by the candidate in consultation with the supervisor(s). The agreement of both supervisor(s) and host department is a pre-requisite for a Fellowship. Please contact us if you would like to find out more about supervising or hosting a Daphne Jackson Fellow. Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: News – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Every other year, the Daphne Jackson Trust holds a conference where Fellows present their research from across a wide range of disciplines. Our next conference will be in 2024. Find out about our current advertised sponsored Fellowships Learn about our policy and engagement work Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: What’s involved in supervising? – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: What’s involved in supervising? Each Daphne Jackson Fellow has a primary and a secondary supervisor based within the host organisation. Each supervisor must have experience of guiding students at PhD level. The primary supervisor usually takes responsibility for guiding the majority of the Fellow’s training and research programme. Secondary supervisors have varying levels of involvement depending on the host, the project and the subject specialism. Supervisors must consider what alternative arrangements will be in place should they be away from the facility for an extended period of time. The aim of Daphne Jackson Fellowships is to remove the barriers that a career break can create for those wishing to return to research. Many candidates have been out of the workplace for several years and lack confidence. The majority will need the support and assistance of their supervisors in crafting of their Fellowship proposal, timescales to undertake the research and goals – including research impacts and outcomes. The Daphne Jackson Trust should be made aware if there are any pressing timescales associated with the research project to be undertaken by the Fellow such as seasonality of data collection. The Fellowship proposal must include a challenging research project and a retraining programme tailored to the needs of the individual Fellow, taking account of how long they have been away from research. Retraining may include working alongside researchers in the department as well as advanced lectures, short courses, seminars, research meetings, other in-house training and conferences. The remaining time is spent working on the research project under the guidance of a supervisor. The research proposal will be subject to independent peer review prior to award. Comments and critique should be acknowledged or defended, with alterations to the proposal made as required to accommodate these. It is likely that the candidate will need to visit their host organisation on several occasions before a Fellowship is awarded to meet the research team they will be working with and become familiar with day-to-day working practices and requirements. If successful, the candidate will become a Daphne Jackson Fellow and an employee of the host organisation. The supervisor will be required to report on their progress after the first six months and they will be asked to endorse the Fellow’s final report. Further details can be found in our guidelines for supervisors. If you would like to find out more about supervising a Daphne Jackson Fellow, please contact us . Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: Work for us – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: VACANCY FELLOWSHIP ADVISOR (Part time – 0.6 FTE) Applications are invited for the post of Fellowship Advisor with the Daphne Jackson Trust.  Based at the University of Surrey, the Trust offers Fellowships for returners to research after a career break of two years or more.  It can be almost impossible for many researchers to return to their careers at the right level without the help of a Daphne Jackson Fellowship, as it offers the opportunity to re-establish scientific credentials and obtain a recent research record whilst retraining and renewing skills that are essential for a future career. The Fellowship Advisor will play a key role in supporting returners throughout the stages of the application process from the initial enquiry through to completion of the Fellowship. The Fellowship Advisor is the main point of contact for these individuals, providing advice, support and guidance, and in liaison with the Fellowship Officer and Trust Manager, will ensure the efficient processing of applications for Fellowships.  The post will involve the assessment of a candidate’s initial eligibility and further assessments on whether they are formally invited to apply for a Fellowship. Applicants should have excellent communication and interpersonal skills which are required to provide advice to people who have been on a career break and wish to return to a research career.  The ability to assess potential is critical, and to organise and prioritise a busy workload and to be an effective member of a small team. The Fellowship Advisors must have a degree as a minimum and ideally will have a PhD plus knowledge of, or experience in, the Higher Education Sector.  A knowledge of some of the stakeholders with whom the Trust works, such as the Research Councils, Learned Societies, Medical Charities or the scientific community in general would be an advantage. The Trust is comprised of a small, very dedicated team of staff and the Fellowship Advisors must be friendly and approachable, efficient and methodical with an ability to work on their own initiative. This is a demanding post that will suit someone with a high degree of commitment and the ability to multi-task and work under pressure. At any one time the Fellowship Advisors can be working with 30 or more individuals at various stages in the application process or their Fellowship. The Fellowship Advisor must be computer literate with a fully operational knowledge of MS Office. The role of Fellowship Advisor is based in the Daphne Jackson Trust Office in the Physics Department at the University of Surrey combined with hybrid working from home depending on the individual’s circumstances and with the occasional requirement for travel to meetings and events outside of the postholder’s  normal working hours. More information and a job description can be found in our Application Pack Salary offered is pro rata of £32,425. Closing date for applications is 12 noon on Monday 16th October with applications reviewed on a rolling basis up to the deadline. Please send a CV and covering letter stating where you saw the role advertised and why you think you would be suitable to Dr Katie Perry, Chief Executive, the Daphne Jackson Trust at [email protected] . If you wish to have an informal conversation and find out further information on the role please telephone 01483 689166  An information pack for this role is available to download from our website We acknowledge, embrace and understand diversity. Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: Frequently asked questions – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: A portrait of Daphne Jackson If your question about Daphne Jackson Fellowships is not answered below, please contact us . Who pays my research costs? Daphne Jackson Fellowships cover your salary and extraordinary expenses. Extraordinary expenses are specifically for retraining costs – these currently stand at £1500 per year and cover attendance and travel to Daphne Jackson training courses, conference registration and travel, learned society memberships, other training courses. Other costs – bench fees, consumables, other research costs (e.g. costs of using facilities, equipment purchase, equipment hire, maintenance, computing hardware and software) – must be met by your host organisation. These costs vary widely depending on your project but should be considered and agreed in principle during the application process. Occasionally, some Advertised Sponsored Fellowships may provide some money towards consumables. Who provides my salary? The Fellowships are funded by external organisations such as UKRI, universities, medical research charities and learned societies – please visit ‘Sponsors’ for more information. The Daphne Jackson Trust does not provide the funding but acts as a facilitator between the sponsor and the Fellow. What flexible working options are available during a Fellowship? The Fellowships are usually for two or three years (depending on the sponsorship arrangement) at 0.5 FTE (full-time equivalent). How you work your FTE is entirely between yourself and your supervisor and we encourage you to be creative to fit around your other commitments and the nature of the project. For example, and if relevant, some Fellows like to work more hours in school term time and fewer in the school holidays. What determines whether a Fellowship is for two or three years? The Fellowships are funded by external organisations such as UKRI, universities, medical research charities and learned societies. The length of the Fellowship is determined by the level of sponsorship available for the project. How long does my career break need to be? To be eligible for a Fellowship, a break from research of two years or more is required. The career break must have started for a family, caring or health reason.  Non-research work taken on since you left research can be considered part of your career break depending on circumstances. Please contact us if you are unsure. My career break was 18 months. Am I eligible for a Fellowship? Not yet, a minimum 2-year break from research is required. Non-research work taken on since you left research can be considered part of your career break depending on circumstances. Please contact us if you are unsure. Is there a maximum length of career break? No, we will consider any length of career break over 2-years as long as your break was due to family, caring or health reasons. How long must I have worked before having a break? As a minimum, you must have a first degree and a PhD, or at least 3-years equivalent research experience (academic or industrial) with evidence of research impact and outcomes. I have returned to my clinical career after a career break and would now like to restart my research, can I apply? Daphne Jackson Fellowships are not suitable for clinicians looking to restart their research careers. Please look at alternative sources of funding such as NIHR. Does it matter why I took a break from research? Your career break must have been for family, caring or health reasons. Do I have to have a PhD to be eligible for a Fellowship? No, but you must have a first degree (and ideally a PhD) in a research discipline preferably related to the area of the proposed Fellowship – or at least three years equivalent research experience (academic or industrial) with evidence of research impacts and outcomes. Unfortunately, incomplete PhD studies do not contribute to 3-years of equivalent research experience but please contact the Trust if you are unsure. I am a school teacher, do I fit the criteria for a Fellowship? If you have retrained and worked as a school teacher during your career break this would not make you ineligible as long as you have a first degree and ideally a PhD, or at least 3-years equivalent research experience (academic or industrial) with evidence of scholarly outputs prior to your break from research. I had the opportunity to do some research during my career break, does that matter? If you did any paid research during your career break, you will not be eligible for one of our Fellowships. If you did research on a voluntary basis, it may affect your eligibility – we would encourage a small amount of voluntary work (around 2 – 4 weeks) for you to see for yourself whether returning to research is something you want to commit to. If you work voluntarily as a researcher for longer periods of time, you may have done a large amount of retraining already, which would mean that you are not eligible for one of our Fellowships as retraining is a core element of the Fellowship. Please contact the Trust if you are unsure. Do I have to remain in the UK after my Fellowship? Fellowships are for those who are resident in the UK and ideally intend to remain in the UK following their Fellowships. My English is very poor, am I still eligible? To maximise your chances of obtaining a Fellowship, you must be able to speak and write English fluently. It is advisable to obtain some lessons to improve your language skills if your English is not fluent. Are the Fellowships just for women? No, Fellowships are for anyone wanting to return to research. How much will I get paid? Each host organisation has different pay scales and you will be paid on a scale in relation to other researchers in the department or organisation. Will I have to work set hours? Daphne Jackson Fellows work 0.5 FTE. Your working pattern should be decided between you and your supervisor and can be flexible according to the demands of the project and the working pattern that suits you and your supervisor. Will I have the opportunity to attend conferences? Yes, attendance at conferences is normal during the Fellowship and often leads to contacts that help in securing a position after the Fellowship. Many Fellows use their extraordinary expenses to cover the cost of conference attendance. Do you offer your Fellows any training courses? All of our Fellows take part in three tailor-made courses organised by the Trust during their  Fellowship.  The three courses cover professional skills, how to publish and how to improve your confidence. It is a great opportunity to meet and network with other Fellows. Other training courses are usually provided by the host. Is there any money provided for me to go to conferences or training courses? Each Fellow is given £1500 per year as extraordinary expenses to pay for the costs associated with attending conferences or training courses. For example, costs could include conference registration, learned society membership or travel costs to training courses. How long will it take from when I apply for a Fellowship to when I start? The application process takes approximately a year from the date when the forms are submitted to being awarded. Please see the application process section of the website for further details. Is applying for a Fellowship a competitive process? Yes, there is an element of competition. For Advertised Sponsored Fellowships, the sponsor selects which candidate(s) goes through the application process and therefore you will be in competition with other applicants. For Regular Fellowships, the Trust approaches potential sponsors that are relevant for the project. There will be competition with other projects and ideas the sponsor is considering to fund. Should I carry on applying for other jobs, other fellowships and funding while going through the application process for a Daphne Jackson Fellowship? Yes.  Our goal is for you to return to work after a career break, if you don’t need one of our Fellowships to do that, that’s great and it means that we are able to help others who do need our help. Do you give grants or fund PhDs? No, this is not within our remit. Can my partner be the supervisor for my project? We appreciate that it is quite common for the partner of a Daphne Jackson Fellow to have an established career in a research field similar to that of a Daphne Jackson Fellowship. Despite this, the Trust position is that it is not appropriate for your partner to be your supervisor as there is a conflict of interest even if you have worked together before. This is in line with the policy of many UK Universities and research institutes. I am working as a full time assistant Professor teaching undergraduates, am I still eligible for a Fellowship? No you are not eligible as this would be deemed a successful follow on position after a Fellowship. Can I appeal the Awards Assessment Panel's decision? No, the Awards Assessment Panel’s decision is final and we have no appeals process. Is Maternity leave counted towards the Career Break? If you have been on maternity leave, then you would not be eligible to apply until you have a clear two year break. However, if your extended maternity leave was for extenuating circumstances, then do apply and send your forms to us for further review. Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: How our Fellowships are funded – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Apply here The Daphne Jackson Trust works in partnership with government funders, universities, learned societies, charities and industry, to support research professionals wishing to return to a research career after a break of two years or more taken for family, caring or health reasons. Whilst the Trust acts as a facilitator providing the infrastructure and dedicated staff to recruit and retrain Fellows and administer the awards, financial support is provided by external sponsors and hosts who recognise and engage with our successful expertise and mentorship of returners. A Daphne Jackson Fellowship covers the salary costs of the Fellow but it does not include hosting costs and consumables associated with a Fellowship. These costs are usually met by the supervisor or the host organisation. Visit the Sponsors section of our website for details of our current, upcoming and previous sponsors. [PAGE] Title: Case studies – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Dr Elizabeth Hughes: Former Daphne Jackson Fellow at the University of Edinburgh sponsored by BBSRC and the University of Edinburgh New skills, new directions Jane Carré is a Lecturer and Researcher with a background in Bioenergetics and Biochemistry Dr Georgina Southon Dr Georgina Southon: Daphne Jackson Fellow at the University of York in the Department of Biology Georgina Southon started her Daphne Jackson Fellowship at the University of York in October 2020 Liz Dickinson completed her Daphne Jackson Trust Fellowship in 2018 and is currently a research associate at the University of York working on a three-year part-time Knowledge Transfer Partnership. Dr Victoria Orovboni Dr Victoria Orovboni: Daphne Jackson Fellow and Research Associate at Imperial College London Molecular Geneticist Victoria is returning to her research career with a Daphne Jackson Fellowship, sponsored by the Medical Research Council and Imperial College London, where she is carrying out her research. [PAGE] Title: About us – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Publications Daphne Jackson Fellowships offer professionals the opportunity to return to research following a career break of two years or more when taken for family, caring or health reasons. A Daphne Jackson Fellowship provides a unique combination of mentoring, retraining and research, boosting the confidence and skills that are needed to successfully return to a research career. We have helped over 480 individuals return to research careers. In 2020, we expanded our remit to cover research across the arts, humanities and social sciences as well as traditional STEM subjects. This allows us to support returners across all research disciplines. This is vital to ensuring the continued success of research and innovation across the UK and further afield. Daphne Jackson Fellowships are normally 2 or 3 years in length and based in a university, research institute or in industry anywhere in the UK or Republic of Ireland. We award up to 25 Fellowships a year and currently have over 60 Fellows in place. We are a registered charity, governed by a board of Trustees, and based in the Department of Physics at the University of Surrey. Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: Committees – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Publications A portrait of Daphne Jackson Our Board of Trustees meets twice a year, sets the vision and strategy for the Daphne Jackson Trust and ensures that we meet the objectives of our Charter and our legal & statutory requirements. All Trustees are members of Board. Our Finance and General Purposes Committee meets quarterly, deals with our day-to-day operations and is responsible for risk. This Committee is made up of Trustees and relevant staff, with the Trust’s auditors in attendance as necessary. Our Special Discretionary Fund  Committee assesses requests from Fellows for extra funding relating to exceptional research needs or cases of financial hardship, where establishment or satisfactory completion of a Fellowship would otherwise be jeopardised. Our Awards Strategy Committee meets twice a year to consider strategic issues concerning the application process and award of Fellowships. This Committee is made up of Trustees, members of the Awards Assessment Panel and relevant staff members. Our Awards Assessment Panel considers applications on a quarterly basis, with all members meeting in person once a year. This panel is comprised of a large number of subject experts. Each Fellowship is assessed by six members of the panel, chosen based on their expertise. Executive Officer Tim Julier provides the secretariat for all Daphne Jackson Trust committees. Board of Trustees Professor Tom Welton OBE FRSC FCGI (Chair) Dr Sabine Best [PAGE] Title: News, events and blogs – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Every other year, the Daphne Jackson Trust holds a conference where Fellows present their research from across a wide range of disciplines. Our next conference will be in 2024. Find out about our current advertised sponsored Fellowships Learn about our policy and engagement work Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: Sponsors – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: A portrait of Daphne Jackson We are delighted to be working with the following organisations who are currently sponsoring Daphne Jackson Fellows: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Medical Research Council Science and Technology Facilities Council Economic and Social Research Council Arts and Humanities Research Council Medical Research Scotland [PAGE] Title: Current opportunities – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Please click here Applications are invited for the following Advertised Sponsored Fellowships. Please note we have close links with Kidney Research UK and The Alan Turing Institute should you be interested in doing a project within these fields. We also have close connections with Prostate Cancer UK, so get in touch with us if you are thinking about applying with a prostate cancer focused proposal. Closing date for applications - 05 Feb 2024 The University of Edinburgh Applications are invited for a three year part-time (0.5 FTE) Daphne Jackson Fellowship to be held at The University of Edinburgh in the College of Science and Engineering . The Fellowship is intended for individuals returning to research in the areas of Biological Sciences, Chemistry, GeoSciences, Engineering, Informatics, Mathematics or Physics and Astronomy. The School of Biological Sciences: The School of Chemistry: The School of Engineering: The School of Geosciences: The School of Informatics: The School of Mathematics: The School of Physics and Astronomy: EPCC Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre: The Bayes Centre: About the Fellowship The University of Edinburgh will host and half sponsor this three year part-time Fellowship. The remaining funding will be secured by the Daphne Jackson Trust from an additional sponsor. The Fellowship consists of a challenging research project and at least 100 hours’ retraining per year. Salary dependent on qualifications and experience between spinal point 29 (£34,308 pro rata on the 2022-2023 pay scale) and spinal point 34 (£39,745 pro rata on the 2022-2023 pay scale) Part-time and flexible hours to be agreed with your supervisor. Fellowships are usually at 0.5 FTE. Fixed-term/contract over three years. For further details about the eligibility criteria and application process, please visit . For further information before submitting an application please contact the Daphne Jackson Trust via email at [email protected] . About The University of Edinburgh As a world-changing, world-leading university, we offer an exciting, positive, creative, challenging and rewarding place to work. We give you support, nurture your talent, develop and reward success and integrate academic, professional and personal career goals, as well as give your career the benefit of a great and distinguished reputation. The University of Edinburgh holds a Silver Athena SWAN award in recognition of our commitment to advance gender equality in higher education. We are members of the Race Equality Charter, and we host Race.Ed, a cross university hub for research and teaching on race, ethnicity and decolonial thought.  We are Stonewall Scotland Diversity Champions and are actively engaged promoting equality through the LGBTQ+ EDI committee and the Staff Pride Network.  We are committed to protecting the rights of disabled staff through the Disability EDI committee and the Disabled Staff Network.  The University has a range of initiatives to support a family friendly working environment, including flexible working and childcare vouchers. See our University Initiatives website for further information. University Family Friendly Initiatives A download and more information about the College of Science and Engineering can be found here : How to apply To be considered for this opportunity, please complete the CV, personal details and personal statement forms on the website: Apply here For information specifically about this sponsored Fellowship opportunity at The University of Edinburgh please contact Professor Karen Halliday, College Dean of Systematic Inclusion [email protected] Please outline your area of research interest and, if you have identified a department within which you would like to work, include the name and contact details of a potential supervisor in that department. Please send your application to the Daphne Jackson Trust office via email stating clearly, The University of Edinburgh Sponsored Fellowship Application. The closing date for applications is Monday 5th February 2024 Following shortlisting by the Daphne Jackson Trust The University of Edinburgh will undertake an internal selection process to identify the preferred candidate. Closing date for applications - 04 Mar 2024 ME Research UK About this Fellowship Applications are invited for a three-year Daphne Jackson Fellowship co-sponsored by ME Research UK (SCIO – SC036942). The Fellowship is open to talented researchers with a PhD – likely in a life science e.g. biomedical sciences, whole organismal biology, molecular genetics, infection and microbiology, structural biology, biological chemistry, who wish to return to research within a UK university or research institution after a career break of two or more years. About ME Research UK The principal aim of ME Research UK is to commission and fund high-quality scientific (biomedical) investigation into the causes, consequences and treatment of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (also known as ME/CFS). ME Research UK only funds biomedical research that is directly related to the biology or treatment of ME/CFS. ME Research UK does not fund research which involves the use of animals. Daphne Jackson Fellowships The Daphne Jackson Trust is dedicated to returning researchers following a career break for a family, caring or health reason. Daphne Jackson Fellowships are unique – they offer professionals wishing to return to a research career after a break of two or more years, the opportunity to balance an individually tailored retraining programme with a challenging research project in a suitably supportive environment. The unparalleled support offered by the Trust’s Fellowship Advisors and administrative staff, coupled with mentoring and retraining provided during the Fellowship, give returners the confidence and skills they need to successfully return to research. For information about ME Research UK and their projects and charitable aims – visit and Building a brighter research future – step by step ( For further details about the eligibility criteria and application process, please visit . For further information before submitting an application please contact the Daphne Jackson Trust office on 01483 689166 or via email at [email protected] . Should queries arise as to whether an area of research would be suitable for ME Research UK backing – contact [email protected] for advice. For information specifically about this sponsored Fellowship opportunity please email [email protected] A printable information sheet can be downloaded here . Details can also be found on the ME Research UK website: ME Research UK and Daphne Jackson Trust launch ME/CFS Fellowship How to Apply To be considered for this opportunity, please complete the CV, personal details and personal statement forms on the Daphne Jackson Trust website: Apply here Please outline your area of research interest and, if you have identified a department within which you would like to work, include the name and contact details of a potential supervisor in that department. Email your submission to the Daphne Jackson Trust office at [email protected] stating clearly, ME Research UK Daphne Jackson Fellowship Application. Closing date for applications is Monday 4th March 2024 Following shortlisting by the Daphne Jackson Trust ME Research UK will undertake an internal selection process to identify the preferred candidate and whether the research proposal meets its requirements. There are two main application routes for Daphne Jackson Fellowships. Whichever route you choose, please read ‘Are you eligible to apply for a Fellowship’ and ‘Application process’ before submitting your application. Advertised Sponsored Fellowships Sponsored Fellowships are advertised throughout the year on this page. Please check below if there any opportunities that match your area of expertise. The advantage of applying for an Advertised Sponsored Fellowship is that the funding for the Fellowship is already in place. Therefore, if you are selected by the Sponsor after interview, your chance of being awarded a Daphne Jackson Fellowship is high. Daphne Jackson Advertised Sponsored Fellowships are very popular for this reason, meaning there are often a number of suitable and talented candidates applying for each opportunity. Strong applicants who are not successful in their application can convert to the Regular Fellowship route. Regular Fellowships If you have a potential host organisation and/or research area in mind, you can apply for a Regular Fellowship at any time. A Regular Fellowship could also be a good option if there are no advertised opportunities that match your expertise or geographical area. A sponsor will be required for a Regular Fellowship to be awarded and this not guaranteed. Candidates for Regular Fellowships that meet our eligibility criteria will be guided through our application process while we seek sponsorship for their research project. If you have any questions about our application process, would like to discuss any of the advertised Fellowships, or you would like to apply for a Fellowship but are not sure which application route is most appropriate for you please contact us . Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: What we do – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Watch what we do and how we make a difference in our video here. A portrait of Daphne Jackson Daphne Jackson Fellowships support returners across all areas of research. They provide the retraining and mentorship needed to successfully return to research after a career break of 2 years or more taken for family, caring or health reasons. Our Fellowships offer individuals the opportunity to work on a research project on a part-time, flexible and salaried basis in universities, research institutes and industry across the UK and Republic of Ireland. In the fast-moving world of research and innovation, highly qualified and skilled individuals who take a career break often find themselves lagging their peers when returning to work. It can be very difficult to find suitable employment that fully utilises their specific knowledge and experience. Daphne Jackson Fellowships are unique: We offer professionals wishing to return to a research career the opportunity to balance an individually tailored retraining programme with a challenging research project in a suitably supportive environment. The unparalleled support offered by our Fellowship Advisors and staff, coupled with the mentoring and retraining provided during the Fellowship, give returners the confidence and skills they need to successfully return to research. In 2020, the Daphne Jackson Trust extended its’ remit to cover all research areas. This includes all STEM subjects, arts, humanities, social sciences and all other related disciplines. This allows the Trust to work cohesively with all individuals and organisations across the research ecosystem. At a time where collaboration between disciplines is more important than ever, this expansion will help to strengthen the research and innovation landscape across the UK and further afield. The aims of the Daphne Jackson Trust are: To enable talented individuals to return to research with confidence after a career break To maintain a talented research workforce by offering flexible and part-time Fellowships across all research areas To support equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace To develop partnerships that extend the reach and increase the impact of the work of the Trust What we do and how we make a difference Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: Blogs – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Every other year, the Daphne Jackson Trust holds a conference where Fellows present their research from across a wide range of disciplines. Our next conference will be in 2024. Find out about our current advertised sponsored Fellowships Learn about our policy and engagement work Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: Support us – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities Find out in this section how to support us and make a difference to the Daphne Jackson Trust and our work. As an independent charity, we receive no public-sector funding. We rely on the generosity of sponsors and donors, whether from individuals or organisations, to continue providing our Fellowships. There are many ways in which you and your organisation can help. Explore this section to find out how you can: [PAGE] Title: Research Conferences – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: The Daphne Jackson Trust 2022 conference took place on the 10th November with the theme ‘ Overcoming barriers and making an impact ‘. If you are interested in speaking or sponsoring an event – please drop us an email via [email protected] Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities The type of engagement and support which we seek from organisations covers a wide range, and includes sponsoring a Daphne Jackson Trust event or providing free room hire, for example. Our Research Conference offers many excellent opportunities for many organisations to develop new ways to work with us. For more information or for ideas on how to offer us your support, please contact us . Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: Contact – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: The Daphne Jackson Trust is based in the Department of Physics at the University of Surrey . Our address is: The Daphne Jackson Trust Department of Physics University of Surrey Guildford Surrey GU2 7XH For all general enquiries, please call us on 01483 689166 or email [email protected] If you are a journalist or have an urgent media enquiry, please contact Katie Perry, Chief Executive, [email protected] If you spot any security vulnerabilities or errors on our website, we would be very grateful if you could let us know – please email [email protected] Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: Current Opportunities for Research Technical Professional Fellowships – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Interested in Sponsoring and Hosting a Research Technical Professional Fellowship? Current opportunities for Research Technical Professional Fellowships Current opportunities for Research Technical Professional Fellowships will be listed on this page as they become available. In the meantime, please register your interest in our Research Technical Professional Fellowships by completing the form below and we will be in touch as soon as possible. Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities [PAGE] Title: Interested in Sponsoring and Hosting a Research Technical Professional Fellowship? – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: For more information on Sponsoring, click here For more information on Hosting, click here Interested in Sponsoring and Hosting a Research Technical Professional Fellowship? In order for these New Fellowships to be a success, we need Hosts and Sponsors. Sponsors provide the funding needed to pay the Fellow’s salary, extraordinary expenses (e.g. for attendance and travel to training courses, conferences, learned society memberships) and Fellowship Support costs (our expenses such as infrastructure and dedicated staff time to recruit and retrain Fellows and administer the awards). Hosts act as the employer for the Fellow and are responsible for ensuring they have the appropriate supervision, support and environment in order to undertake their Fellowship. Hosts also cover any additional research costs such as bench fees and consumables. In practice, and particularly for Research Technical Professional Fellowships, Hosts and Sponsors are likely to be the same organisation. Why should you Sponsor and Host a Research Technical Professional Fellowship? Research Technical Professional Fellowships allow brilliant, highly skilled professionals to return to their careers in a technical capacity after a career break. They save an incredible amount of knowledge, expertise and speciality from being lost as well as driving new innovations and discoveries. Sponsoring and hosting is therefore not only morally the right thing to do, but it saves time, experience and commitment that might otherwise take years to develop afresh. Daphne Jackson Fellowships often help organisations improve the equality and diversity of their research workforce by ensuring that everyone has an opportunity to be part of it – no matter their background or career pathways. Fellows have the full support of the Trust – benefitting from a dedicated Fellowship Advisor that guides and supports them throughout the application process and the Fellowship as a whole. Fellows also access Daphne Jackson Trust training courses and network with other Fellows to build a strong support group and professional contacts. This maximises the chances of each Fellow’s success as demonstrated in our recent Impact Report . If you are interested in sponsoring or hosting a Research Technical Professional Fellowship, please email us at [email protected] . Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities
finance, marketing & human resources
Title: Sponsoring Fellowships – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Sponsors We are delighted to be working with a wide range of sponsors including UKRI, universities, learned societies, charities and industry to support professionals wishing to return to a research career after a break of two years or more. They offer an unparalleled opportunity for those who have worked in technical roles supporting research and that have had a career break and are now looking to return to their career as a Research Technical Professional. Title: About our Fellowships – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: View our advertised sponsored Fellowships here A portrait of Daphne Jackson Daphne Jackson Fellowships are unique. They offer researchers the opportunity to return to a research career after a break of two or more years for a family, health or caring reason. If you are eligible, a Fellowship Advisor will be allocated to you and they will guide you through the whole application process, your Fellowship and beyond. She holds a PhD in Physics from the University of Surrey, where she worked directly with Professor Daphne Jackson. Individuals wishing to be considered for a Fellowship must meet the following criteria: A career break of at least two years’ duration, taken for family, health or caring reasons A good first degree in a research subject A PhD, or ideally at least three years research experience (academic or industrial) prior to the career break (with evidence of research impacts and outcomes). Need to be resident in the UK at the time of application and have the right to work in the UK. Title: Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson Fellow – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities We work in partnership with a range of universities, charities, learned societies, research councils and industrial organisations to develop sponsorship and hosting arrangements for Daphne Jackson Fellowships. Title: Frequently asked questions – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: A portrait of Daphne Jackson If your question about Daphne Jackson Fellowships is not answered below, please contact us . To be eligible for a Fellowship, a break from research of two years or more is required. Title: How our Fellowships are funded – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Apply here The Daphne Jackson Trust works in partnership with government funders, universities, learned societies, charities and industry, to support research professionals wishing to return to a research career after a break of two years or more taken for family, caring or health reasons. Title: About us – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Publications Daphne Jackson Fellowships offer professionals the opportunity to return to research following a career break of two years or more when taken for family, caring or health reasons. University Family Friendly Initiatives A download and more information about the College of Science and Engineering can be found here : How to apply To be considered for this opportunity, please complete the CV, personal details and personal statement forms on the website: Apply here For information specifically about this sponsored Fellowship opportunity at The University of Edinburgh please contact Professor Karen Halliday, College Dean of Systematic Inclusion [email protected] Please outline your area of research interest and, if you have identified a department within which you would like to work, include the name and contact details of a potential supervisor in that department. Daphne Jackson Fellowships The Daphne Jackson Trust is dedicated to returning researchers following a career break for a family, caring or health reason. Details can also be found on the ME Research UK website: ME Research UK and Daphne Jackson Trust launch ME/CFS Fellowship How to Apply To be considered for this opportunity, please complete the CV, personal details and personal statement forms on the Daphne Jackson Trust website: Apply here Please outline your area of research interest and, if you have identified a department within which you would like to work, include the name and contact details of a potential supervisor in that department. A portrait of Daphne Jackson Daphne Jackson Fellowships support returners across all areas of research. The aims of the Daphne Jackson Trust are: To enable talented individuals to return to research with confidence after a career break To maintain a talented research workforce by offering flexible and part-time Fellowships across all research areas To support equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace To develop partnerships that extend the reach and increase the impact of the work of the Trust What we do and how we make a difference Support Us Make a donation or leave a legacy Sponsor or host a Daphne Jackson fellow Sponsor an event or provide a meeting room Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities Title: Support us – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: Find out about Trustee and Committee opportunities Find out in this section how to support us and make a difference to the Daphne Jackson Trust and our work. Title: Contact – Daphne Jackson Trust Content: The Daphne Jackson Trust is based in the Department of Physics at the University of Surrey .
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: More Holidays Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: While following a tradition of praying for the government, this prayer has some significant differences. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Hanukkah Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: Unleash your Hanukkah spirit with these adorably Jew-ish cats, dogs and other furry friends. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Eat Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: Increasingly trendy worldwide, Israeli food mixes the flavors of the Middle East and the Jewish Diaspora. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Beliefs & Practices Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: From challah covers to yahrzeit candles, what they are used for, how they look and where you can find them. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Jewish Texts Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: This global project of Jewish learning, now accessible to all. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: The Shema | My Jewish Learning Content: Pray The Shema is the centerpiece of the daily morning and evening prayer services and is considered by some the most essential prayer in all of Judaism. An affirmation of God’s singularity and kingship, its daily recitation is regarded by traditionally observant Jews as a biblical commandment. Scroll down to see a video demonstrating how to recite the Shema. Structure The first verse of the Shema, from the sixth chapter of Deuteronomy, is among the best-known in all of Jewish liturgy. It is recited at the climactic moment of the final prayer of Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year, and traditionally as the last words before death. Traditionally, it is recited with the hand placed over the eyes . שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יְהוָה אֶחָֽד She-ma yisrael, adonai eloheinu, adonai echad Hear O’ Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One This verse is followed by one line of text that is traditionally recited in an undertone: בָּרוּךְ שֵׁם כְּבוֹד מַלְכוּתוֹ לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד Baruch shem kavod malchuto l’olam va-ed Blessed is the name of His glorious kingdom for ever and ever The remainder of the Shema prayer is taken from three biblical sources: Deuteronomy 6:5-9: וְאָ֣הַבְתָּ֔ אֵ֖ת יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ בְּכָל־לְבָבְךָ֥ וּבְכָל־נַפְשְׁךָ֖ וּבְכָל־מְאֹדֶֽך וְהָי֞וּ הַדְּבָרִ֣ים הָאֵ֗לֶּה אֲשֶׁ֨ר אָנֹכִ֧י מְצַוְּךָ֛ הַיּ֖וֹם עַל־לְבָבֶֽךָ וְשִׁנַּנְתָּ֣ם לְבָנֶ֔יךָ וְדִבַּרְתָּ֖ בָּ֑ם בְּשִׁבְתְּךָ֤ בְּבֵיתֶ֙ךָ֙ וּבְלֶכְתְּךָ֣ בַדֶּ֔רֶךְ וּֽבְשָׁכְבְּךָ֖ וּבְקוּמֶֽךָ וּקְשַׁרְתָּ֥ם לְא֖וֹת עַל־יָדֶ֑ךָ וְהָי֥וּ לְטֹטָפֹ֖ת בֵּ֥ין עֵינֶֽיךָ וּכְתַבְתָּ֛ם עַל־מְזוּזֹ֥ת בֵּיתֶ֖ךָ וּבִשְׁעָרֶֽיךָ You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. Take to heart these instructions with which I charge you this day. Impress them upon your children. Recite them when you stay at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you get up. Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead, inscribe them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. Deuteronomy 11:13-21 וְהָיָ֗ה אִם־שָׁמֹ֤עַ תִּשְׁמְעוּ֙ אֶל־מִצְותַ֔י אֲשֶׁ֧ר אָנֹכִ֛י מְצַוֶּ֥ה אֶתְכֶ֖ם הַיּ֑וֹם לְאַהֲבָ֞ה אֶת־יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹֽהֵיכֶם֙ וּלְעָבְד֔וֹ בְּכָל־לְבַבְכֶ֖ם וּבְכָל־נַפְשְׁכֶֽם׃ וְנָתַתִּ֧י מְטַֽר־אַרְצְכֶ֛ם בְּעִתּ֖וֹ יוֹרֶ֣ה וּמַלְק֑וֹשׁ וְאָסַפְתָּ֣ דְגָנֶ֔ךָ וְתִֽירֹשְׁךָ֖ וְיִצְהָרֶֽךָ׃ וְנָתַתִּ֛י עֵ֥שֶׂב בְּשָׂדְךָ֖ לִבְהֶמְתֶּ֑ךָ וְאָכַלְתָּ֖ וְשָׂבָֽעְתָּ׃ הִשָּֽׁמְר֣וּ לָכֶ֔ם פֶּ֥ן יִפְתֶּ֖ה לְבַבְכֶ֑ם וְסַרְתֶּ֗ם וַעֲבַדְתֶּם֙ אֱלֹהִ֣ים אֲחֵרִ֔ים וְהִשְׁתַּחֲוִיתֶ֖ם לָהֶֽם׃ וְחָרָ֨ה אַף־יְהוָ֜ה בָּכֶ֗ם וְעָצַ֤ר אֶת־הַשָּׁמַ֙יִם֙ וְלֹֽא־יִהְיֶ֣ה מָטָ֔ר וְהָ֣אֲדָמָ֔ה לֹ֥א תִתֵּ֖ן אֶת־יְבוּלָ֑הּ וַאֲבַדְתֶּ֣ם מְהֵרָ֗ה מֵעַל֙ הָאָ֣רֶץ הַטֹּבָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר יְהוָ֖ה נֹתֵ֥ן לָכֶֽם׃ וְשַׂמְתֶּם֙ אֶת־דְּבָרַ֣י אֵ֔לֶּה עַל־לְבַבְכֶ֖ם וְעַֽל־נַפְשְׁכֶ֑ם וּקְשַׁרְתֶּ֨ם אֹתָ֤ם לְאוֹת֙ עַל־יֶדְכֶ֔ם וְהָי֥וּ לְטוֹטָפֹ֖ת בֵּ֥ין עֵינֵיכֶֽם׃ וְלִמַּדְתֶּ֥ם אֹתָ֛ם אֶת־בְּנֵיכֶ֖ם לְדַבֵּ֣ר בָּ֑ם בְּשִׁבְתְּךָ֤ בְּבֵיתֶ֙ךָ֙ וּבְלֶכְתְּךָ֣ בַדֶּ֔רֶךְ וּֽבְשָׁכְבְּךָ֖ וּבְקוּמֶֽךָ׃ וּכְתַבְתָּ֛ם עַל־מְזוּז֥וֹת בֵּיתֶ֖ךָ וּבִשְׁעָרֶֽיךָ׃ לְמַ֨עַן יִרְבּ֤וּ יְמֵיכֶם֙ וִימֵ֣י בְנֵיכֶ֔ם עַ֚ל הָֽאֲדָמָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֨ר נִשְׁבַּ֧ע יְהוָ֛ה לַאֲבֹתֵיכֶ֖ם לָתֵ֣ת לָהֶ֑ם כִּימֵ֥י הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם עַל־הָאָֽרֶץ׃ If, then, you obey the commandments that I enjoin upon you this day, loving the LORD your God and serving Him with all your heart and soul, I will grant the rain for your land in season, the early rain and the late. You shall gather in your new grain and wine and oil— I will also provide grass in the fields for your cattle—and thus you shall eat your fill. Take care not to be lured away to serve other gods and bow to them. For the LORD’s anger will flare up against you, and He will shut up the skies so that there will be no rain and the ground will not yield its produce; and you will soon perish from the good land that the LORD is assigning to you. Therefore impress these My words upon your very heart: bind them as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead, and teach them to your children—reciting them when you stay at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you get up; and inscribe them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates— to the end that you and your children may endure, in the land that the LORD swore to your fathers to assign to them, as long as there is a heaven over the earth. Numbers 15:37-41 וַיֹּ֥אמֶר יְהוָ֖ה אֶל־מֹשֶׁ֥ה לֵּאמֹֽר׃ דַּבֵּ֞ר אֶל־בְּנֵ֤י יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ וְאָמַרְתָּ֣ אֲלֵהֶ֔ם וְעָשׂ֨וּ לָהֶ֥ם צִיצִ֛ת עַל־כַּנְפֵ֥י בִגְדֵיהֶ֖ם לְדֹרֹתָ֑ם וְנָֽתְנ֛וּ עַל־צִיצִ֥ת הַכָּנָ֖ף פְּתִ֥יל תְּכֵֽלֶת׃ וְהָיָ֣ה לָכֶם֮ לְצִיצִת֒ וּרְאִיתֶ֣ם אֹת֗וֹ וּזְכַרְתֶּם֙ אֶת־כָּל־מִצְוות יְהוָ֔ה וַעֲשִׂיתֶ֖ם אֹתָ֑ם וְלֹֽא־תָתֻ֜רוּ אַחֲרֵ֤י לְבַבְכֶם֙ וְאַחֲרֵ֣י עֵֽינֵיכֶ֔ם אֲשֶׁר־אַתֶּ֥ם זֹנִ֖ים אַחֲרֵיהֶֽם׃ לְמַ֣עַן תִּזְכְּר֔וּ וַעֲשִׂיתֶ֖ם אֶת־כָּל־מִצְותָ֑י וִהְיִיתֶ֥ם קְדֹשִׁ֖ים לֵֽאלֹהֵיכֶֽם׃ אֲנִ֞י יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹֽהֵיכֶ֗ם אֲשֶׁ֨ר הוֹצֵ֤אתִי אֶתְכֶם֙ מֵאֶ֣רֶץ מִצְרַ֔יִם לִהְי֥וֹת לָכֶ֖ם לֵאלֹהִ֑ים אֲנִ֖י יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֵיכֶֽם׃ The LORD said to Moses as follows: Speak to the Israelite people and instruct them to make for themselves fringes on the corners of their garments throughout the ages; let them attach a cord of blue to the fringe at each corner. That shall be your fringe; look at it and recall all the commandments of the LORD and observe them, so that you do not follow your heart and eyes in your lustful urge. Thus you shall be reminded to observe all My commandments and to be holy to your God. I the LORD am your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt to be your God: I, the LORD your God. Shema Meaning The first verse of the Shema is considered the most essential declaration of the Jewish faith — the Lord is our God, the Lord is one. The passage that follows details the particular ways in which that faith should be lived: Love God with all of your being, teach it to your children, recite it when you wake and lie down, bind it as a symbol on your body. The second section specifies what will happen if God’s commands are heeded — and if they are not. Submission to God’s command will result in rain in its proper season, gathering of grain, wine and oil, grass in the fields for cattle, and abundant food. But if God’s will is flouted and foreign gods are worshipped, none of those blessings will come. To ensure that these commandments are remembered, the final section concerns the biblical commandment of tzitzit, the ritual fringes that serve as a reminder of God’s presence and which are worn by many Orthodox men at all times. Recitation of Shema From the verse in Deuteronomy 6:7, which commands to “Recite them … when you lie down and when you get up,” the rabbis determined that the Shema should be recited twice daily, in the morning and in the evening, which is why it is included in both the morning and evening services. The first verse of the Shema is also recited at the conclusion of Yom Kippur and is included in the Kedusha service on Shabbat. It is customary to recite the Shema, or a portion thereof, immediately before bedtime, and when one’s death is believed to be imminent. It is also a custom to cover one’s eyes while reciting the Shema. When reciting the Shema during the regular morning prayer service , it is surrounded by three long blessings. The first two, which precede the Shema, thank God for creation and revelation. The third, which follows the Shema, thanks God for redemption. The full text in Hebrew and be found here. While the translation below uses masculine God language, numerous Jewish prayer books (siddurs) use gender-neutral language when referring to God. Most synagogues provide prayer books for use during services. However, if you are considering buying your own Jewish prayer book, we recommend you read How to Choose a Siddur, or Jewish Prayer Book . The full translation follows: Blessing One: Praised are you, Lord our God, King of the universe, creating light and fashioning darkness, ordaining the order of all creation. You illumine the world and its creatures with mercy; in Your goodness, day after day You renew Creation. How manifold Your works, O Lord; with wisdom You fashioned them all. The earth abounds with Your creations. Uniquely exalted since earliest time, enthroned on praise and prominence since the world began, eternal God, with Your praise and prominence since the world began, eternal God, with Your manifold mercies continue to love us, our Pillar of strength, protective Rock, sheltering Shield, sustaining Stronghold. Our praiseworthy God with vast understanding fashioned the rays of the sun. The good light He created reflects His splendor; radiant lights surround His throne. His heavenly servants in holiness exalt the Almighty, constantly recounted His sacred glory. Praise shall be Yours, Lord our God, for Your wondrous works, for the lights You have fashioned, the sun and the moon which reflect Your glory. Our Rock, our Redeemer, our King, Creator of holy beings, You shall be praised forever. You fashion angelic spirits to serve You; beyond the heavens, they all await Your command. In chorus they proclaim with reverence words of the living God, eternal King. Adoring, beloved, and choice are they all, in awe fulfilling their Creator’s will. In purity and sanctity they raise their voices in song and psalm, extolling and exalting, declaring the power, praise, holiness, and majesty of God, the great, mighty, awesome King, the Holy One. One to another they vow loyalty to God’s kingship, one to another they join to hallow their Creator with serenity, pure speech, and sacred song, in unison chanting with reverence: Holy, holy, holy, Adonai tzeva’ot; the whole world is filled with His glory. As in the prophet’s vision, soaring celestial creatures roar, responding with a chorus of adoration: Praised be the glory of the Lord throughout the universe. To praiseworthy God they sweetly sing: the living, enduring God they celebrate in song. For He is unique, doing mighty deeds, creating new life, championing justice, sowing righteousness, reaping victory, bringing healing. Awesome in praise, Sovereign of wonders, day after day in His goodness He renews Creation. So sang the Psalmist: “Praise the Creator of great lights, for His love endures forever.” Cause a new light to illumine Zion. May we all soon share a portion of its radiance. Praised are You, Lord, Creator of lights. Blessing Two: Revelation Deep is Your love for us, Lord our God, boundless Your tender compassion. You taught our ancestors life-giving laws. They trusted in You, our Father and King. For their sake graciously teach us, Father, merciful Father, show us mercy; grant us discernment and understanding. Then will we study Your Torah, heed its words, teach its precepts and follow its instruction, lovingly fulfilling all its teachings. Open our eyes to Your Torah, help our hearts cleave to Your mitzvot. Unite all our thoughts to love and revere You. Then shall we never be brought to shame. Trusting in Your awesome holiness, we will delight in Your deliverance. Bring us safely from the ends of the earth, and lead us in dignity to our holy land. You are the Source of deliverance. You have called us from all peoples and tongues, constantly drawing us nearer to You, that we may lovingly offer You praise, proclaiming Your Oneness. Praised are You, Lord who loves His people Israel. Blessing Three: God Alone is the Eternal Redeemer Your teaching is true and enduring. Your words are established forever. Awesome and revered are they, eternally right; well ordered are they, always acceptable. They are sweet and pleasant and precious, good and beautiful and beloved. True it is that eternal God is our King, that the Rock of Jacob is our protecting shield. He is eternal and His glory is eternal; He is God for all generations. His sovereign throne is firmly established; His faithfulness endures for all time. His teachings are precious and abiding; they live forever. For our ancestors, for us, for our children, for every generation of the people Israel, for all ages from the first to the last, His teachings are true, everlasting. True it is that You are the Lord our God, even as You were the God of our ancestors. Our King and our ancestors’ King, our Redeemer and our ancestors’ Redeemer, our Creator, our victorious Stronghold. You have always helped us and saved us. Your name endures forever. There is no God but You. You were always the help of our ancestors, a shield for them and for their children, our deliverer in every generation. Though You abide in the pinnacle of the universe, Your just decrees extend to the ends of the earth. Happy the one who obeys Your mitzvot, who takes to heart the words of Your Torah. You are, in truth, Lord of Your people, their defender and mighty King. You are first and You are last. We have no King or Redeemer but You. You rescued us from Egypt; You redeemed us from the house of bondage. The firstborn of the Egyptians were slain; Your firstborn were saved. You split the waters of the sea. The faithful You rescued; the wicked drowned. The waters engulfed Israel’s enemies; not one of the arrogant remained alive. Then Your beloved sang hymns and acclamation, extolling You with psalms and adoration. They acclaimed God King, great and awesome Source of all blessings, the everliving God, exalted in majesty, who redeems the meek, helps the needy and answers His people’s call. Praises to God supreme, ever praised is He. Moses and the people Israel sang with great joy this song to the Lord: Who is like You, Lord, among all that is worshiped? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, awesome in splendor, working wonders? (Exodus 15:11) The redeemed sang a new song for You. They sang in chorus at the shore of the sea, acclaiming Your sovereignty: “The Lord shall reign throughout all time.” (Exodus 15:18) Rock of Israel, rise to Israel’s defense. Fulfill Your promise to deliver Judah and Israel. Our Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel, Adonai tzeva’ot is His name. Praised are You, Lord, Redeemer of the people Israel. How to Recite the Shema This video demonstrates how to recite the opening paragraph of the Shema: To read this article, “The Shema,” in Spanish (leer en español), click here. Share Pronounced: ah-doe-NYE, Origin: Hebrew, a name for God. Shema Pronounced: shuh-MAH or SHMAH, Alternate Spellings: Sh’ma, Shma, Origin: Hebrew, the central prayer of Judaism, proclaiming God is one. tzitzit Pronounced: TZEET-tzeet, or TZIT-siss, Origin: Hebrew, fringes tied to the corners of a prayer shawl. Join Our Newsletter Empower your Jewish discovery, daily Email [PAGE] Title: Explore the deeper side of Jewish prayer | My Jewish Learning Content: Explore Jewish Prayer in this weekly email series Explore the deeper side of Jewish prayer Enter your email below, and each week you’ll get Jewish Prayer, our weekly email newsletter exploring individual prayers in Jewish liturgy. You’ll get unique perspectives, history, pronunciation guides, and much more about familiar — and not so familiar — prayers, for every moment in your life. Email* [PAGE] Title: High Holidays Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: This prayer is traditionally recited on Rosh Hashanah by a flowing body of water. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Live Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: Attitudes have shifted dramatically in recent decades, with sharp differences between the Orthodox and liberal movements. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Conversion Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: Not actually funny. Not actually a compliment. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Torah Portions Archive | My Jewish Learning Content: Isaiah 6:1 - 7:6; 9:5 - 9:6 Featured Commentary [PAGE] Title: Israel Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: The celebration of Israeli independence is marked each year on the fifth day of the Hebrew month of Iyar. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Bar/Bat Mitzvah Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: The defining moment of the ceremony is the child's first aliyah, but children may also play additional roles in the service. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Blessings for Food & Drink | My Jewish Learning Content: Bread Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha’olam hamotzi lehem min ha’aretz. Blessed are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, who brings forth bread from the earth. Wine & Grape Juice Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha’olam borei p’ri hagafen. Blessed are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine. Fruit Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha’olam borei p’ri ha’eitz. Blessed are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, who creates the fruit of the tree. Vegetables Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha’olam borei p’ri ha’adamah. Blessed are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, who creates the fruit of the ground. Grains Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha’olam borei minei mezonot. Blessed are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, who creates varieties of nourishment. Miscellaneous Food (meat, poultry, eggs, fish, dairy products, candy) Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha’olam shehakol niyah bidvaro. Blessed are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, at whose word all came to be. Adonai Pronounced: ah-doe-NYE, Origin: Hebrew, a name for God. hamotzi Pronounced: ha-MOE-tzee, Origin: Hebrew, blessing said over bread. On Shabbat Hamotzi is usually said over challah. Join Our Newsletter Empower your Jewish discovery, daily Email [PAGE] Title: Health & Wellness Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: Jewish "healing" is more about providing communal support than about curing the sick. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Guide to Jewish Holiday Prayers | My Jewish Learning Content: Guide to Jewish Holiday Prayers What liturgy goes with which holiday, and where you can find it. Donate Jewish holidays are observed in various ways. Some are marked most notably by rituals that are performed at home, while others are largely observed in the synagogue and have specific liturgies associated with them. Below is a chronological listing of the annual cycle of Jewish holidays along with a guide to the specific blessings and prayers that are recited. From Christina Mattison Ebert’s D’rash Designs series. The Jewish new year features a large number of prayers that are said on no other day of the year except for Yom Kippur, which follows Rosh Hashanah by 10 days. The holidays are thematically similar and contain so many unique prayers that they have their own High Holiday prayer book , known as a mahzor.  Below are some of the major prayers found in the mahzor . Rosh Hashanah (and Yom Kippur) Liturgy Unetanah Tokef : This liturgical poem is often considered the emotional pinnacle of the Rosh Hashanah service.  It includes the famous passages ruminating on who shall live and die in the coming year, verses that inspired the well-known Leonard Cohen song “Who By Fire?” Avinu Malkeinu (“Our Father, Our King”): This poem is recited on both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and often concludes with a line sung in unison by the congregation. Listen to the melody below: Tashlich: This prayer, commonly recited on Rosh Hashanah or immediately after, literally means to “cast away.” It is meant to be recited beside a body of running water and it is customary to cast away the contents of one’s pockets at the conclusion — symbolic of the casting away of sins. Piyyutim: One of the central features of the synagogue service on Rosh Hashanah (and Yom Kippur) is the recitation of various piyyutim — liturgical poems , many of them centuries old, which are often recited responsively, one line by the cantor or prayer leader followed by a line recited by the congregation. The particular selections vary significantly from synagogue to synagogue, but there are some common ones. Rosh Hashanah Torah Readings [PAGE] Title: The Mourner's Kaddish: A Memorial Prayer in Praise of God | My Jewish Learning Content: Listen to the Kaddish For whom does one say the Kaddish? Traditionally, Jewish men are required to recite the Kaddish for a deceased parent, spouse, sibling or child . However, many women recite the Kaddish as well, and it is also permissible to do so for loved ones who are not parents, spouses, siblings or children. How frequently do Jewish mourners recite the Kaddish? Traditionally Jews recite Kaddish three times a day at the daily morning, afternoon and evening prayer services. However, Jews who say Kaddish have a range of practices — some people go to services daily to recite Kaddish, while others do so only on Shabbat. In some Reform congregations, the Kaddish is said even when a minyan is not present . For how long does a mourner say the Kaddish? Traditionally, Jews are required to say the Kaddish for 30 days after burial for a child, spouse or sibling, and for 11 months after burial for a parent. From then on, one recites Kaddish on a loved one’s yahrzeit (the Hebrew anniversary of their death) and at Yizkor (memorial) services. When did Jews begin reciting the Kaddish? This tradition dates back to the Talmud. The prayer was written in Aramaic, because it was the vernacular — the language spoken by most Jews at the time. In Nihum Aveilim: A Guide for the Comforter , Rabbi Stuart Kelman and Dan Fendel write that the prayer originally had nothing to do with mourning. Instead, it “was originally a call for the coming of God’s ultimate reign on earth” and was often said following a study session or sermon, and came to be known as the Rabbi’s Kaddish. The Mourner’s Kaddish was originally known as the Orphan’s Kaddish and was said only by children for their parents, but now encompasses other mourners. There are also other forms of the Kaddish used in the daily prayers as well as a at funerals. Why was this prayer designated by Jewish law to memorialize the dead? There are many different theories, but no definitive answer. In Jewish Literacy , Rabbi Joseph Telushkin suggests that “Most likely, people believed that the finest way to honor the dead was to recite the Kaddish, thereby testifying that the deceased person left behind worthy descendants, people who attend prayer services daily and proclaim there their ongoing loyalty to God.” Kelman and Fendel note that the “positive, affirming and hopeful nature of the text is in contradiction to the often negative, even depressed, outlook of a mourner, which is part of why recitation is so important.” Since Judaism focuses on life, the tradition often sees death as a lessening of God’s presence in the world. The Kaddish prayer, as Rabbi Elie Kaunfer explains , asks for God’s presence to be made great in the world in the wake of grief and loss. Can women say the Kaddish? Outside of Orthodox Judaism, the answer is yes. In the Orthodox world , the issue is more complicated, with some communities supportive of women reciting the Kaddish and others objecting to it. Learn more about women and Kaddish here . Is there any reason to say the Kaddish if one is not religious? Telushkin notes that reciting the Kaddish is psychologically beneficial because it gets mourners to go out in public and join a community. “After the death of a loved one, a person might well wish to stay home alone, or with a few family members, and brood. But saying Kaddish forces a mourner to join with others,” he writes. Kelman and Fendel note: “Often, it is very difficult to know what to say to a mourner, and yet when the minyan responds with the appropriate words (at the same time that the mourner is standing), it is as if those words and the voices of those present offer comfort, since the mourner senses the presence of everyone around him or her.” Saying Kaddish also can provide much-needed routine and structure in a life that has been upended by loss, and participating in a ritual Jews have been practicing for centuries gives one a feeling of being part of something larger. Reciting Kaddish for a parent “gives the son or daughter an opportunity to receive communal sympathy for this entire time and even to channel his or her own bereftness into positive action,” writes Rabbi Judith Hauptman . “The need to attend services regularly often gives a new focus to the mourning child and fills a void left by the death of the parent, the community’s attention substituting in a certain way for parental attention no longer available to him or her.” Are there any alternative rituals for people who are unable to make it to services to say Kaddish? Rabbi Hauptman suggests reading a chapter from the Torah or the Prophets or studying a passage from the Mishnah or Talmud. Some people also find Jewish meditation helpful during the mourning period. You also may enjoy this alternative version of the Mourner’s Kaddish set to the tune of Adele’s “Hello”: What is it like to say Kaddish? Below are some personal essays and memoirs about saying Kaddish: [PAGE] Title: Partner Blogs | My Jewish Learning Content: Southern & Jewish Celebrates the stories, people, and experiences – past and present – of Jewish life in the American South. Hosted by the Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life , posts come from educators, students, rabbis, parents, artists, and many other “visitors-to and daily-livers-of” the Southern Jewish experience. From road trips to recipes to reflections, we’ll explore a little bit of everything – well, at least all things Southern and/or Jewish. Shalom, y’all! The Canteen A tribute to all things Jewish sleepaway camp. Hosted by Foundation for Jewish Camp (FJC), this blog is written by campers, alumni, parents and camp professionals and is a place to talk about parenting, camp fun, projects, crafts, recipes and more – all tied back to Jewish holidays, traditions and, of course, camp! Archived Blog JOFA’s Torch Explored gender and religion in the Jewish community. Named for Deborah the Prophetess, “the woman of torches,” the blog highlighted the passion and fiery leadership of Jewish feminists, while evoking the powerful image of feminists “passing the torch” to a new generation. Featuring the insights and personal reflections of women and men seeking to create a more gender-equitable Jewish world, The Torch was a project of JOFA, the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance . Join Our Newsletter Empower your Jewish discovery, daily Email [PAGE] Title: Sign Up for My Jewish Learning's New Shabbat Newsletter | My Jewish Learning Content: Live Jewish Meditation on Tuesdays Sign Up for My Jewish Learning’s New Shabbat Newsletter Welcome to Recharge, a weekly collection of Shabbat readings to refresh your soul. Each Saturday morning we’ll bring you a thought-provoking essay from some of the world’s leading Jewish thinkers, a guided meditation to help settle the mind, a recap of some of the best reads of the week, and more — all designed to enhance your experience of the day of rest. Email* If you don’t open email on Shabbat and prefer to get a printable version on Friday, please click here . Igniting journeys of Jewish discovery Donate [PAGE] Title: Keeping Kosher Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: Can a Jewish person receive a transplanted heart valve from a pig? Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: The Nosher | My Jewish Learning Content: Get The Nosher in Your Inbox Love Jewish food? Sign up for The Nosher newsletter! Email [PAGE] Title: Shabbat Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: The hidden connection between Shabbat and reading. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Holocaust Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: During World War II, the Nazis established more than 400 ghettos for the purpose of isolating and controlling the Jews. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Shabbat Candle-Lighting Times | My Jewish Learning Content: Donate The lighting of candles as sunset approaches on Friday is the traditional sign of the onset of Shabbat. After lighting the candles, it is customary to cover the eyes and recite a blessing. The Shabbat candle-lighting blessing can be found here, as can other key Shabbat blessings. Find Candle Lighting Near You Enter a Zip Code Submit Sign up for My Jewish Learning’s RECHARGE , a weekly email with a collection of Shabbat readings and more to enhance your day of rest experience. Join Our Newsletter Empower your Jewish discovery, daily Email [PAGE] Title: Food Videos Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: Brushed with melted butter and parmesan, this Friday night staple is absolutely delicious. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Jewish Culture Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: A sampler of Yiddish films (with English subtitles) on the Internet. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Shabbat Prayers Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: Stream a Friday night Shabbat service right here starting at 5:45 PM Eastern tonight. Igniting journeys of Jewish discovery Donate [PAGE] Title: Gender & Sexuality Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: How much do you know about LGBTQ Jewish history? Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Jewish Calendar | My Jewish Learning Content: Tu B’Av August 9–10, 2025 Looking for a full Jewish calendar? Click here to create a free, customized, printable Jewish calendar. You can also download free digital Jewish calendar apps for your mobile device at Apple’s App Store or Google Play. Or purchase a printed calendar here . Share Pronounced: roshe hah-SHAH-nah, also roshe ha-shah-NAH, Origin: Hebrew, the Jewish new year. Join Our Newsletter Empower your Jewish discovery, daily Email [PAGE] Title: Jewish Recipes Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: Too intimidated to make your own kreplach? These Jewish cooking pros make it simple. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Purim Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: From Esther's vegetarianism to the Jewish leap year, things that might surprise you. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Yom Kippur Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: What to expect in synagogue on the Day of Atonement. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Study Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: This special reading for Tisha B'Av sets the tone for this tragic and mournful day Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: My Jewish Learning - Judaism & Jewish Life | My Jewish Learning Content: Empower your Jewish discovery Daily Dose of Talmud A daily newsletter that offers an accessible and insightful take-away from each day’s page of Talmud. Recharge (on Saturdays) A weekly collection of Shabbat readings to refresh your soul, arriving in your inbox on Saturdays. The Whole Megillah Five megillot — special scrolls from the Hebrew Bible — are read in synagogue throughout the Jewish year. Take a deep dive into Esther (Purim), Song of Songs (Passover), Ruth (Shavuot), Lamentations (Tisha B’Av), and Ecclesiastes (Sukkot). All About Keeping Kosher Intimidated by Jewish dietary laws? We’ll walk you through the basics, from identifying which foods are kosher to setting up a kosher kitchen. [PAGE] Title: Is There a Jewish Afterlife? | My Jewish Learning Content: Is There a Jewish Afterlife? Judaism is famously ambiguous about what happens when we die. Donate What happens after we die? Judaism is famously ambiguous about this matter. The immortality of the soul, the World to Come , and the resurrection of the dead all feature prominently in Jewish tradition, but exactly what these things are and how they relate to each other has always been vague. Jewish conceptions of heaven and hell — Gan Eden (Garden of Eden) and Gehinnom — are associated with the belief in immortality and/or the World to Come, and were also developed independent of these concepts. Most Jewish ideas about the afterlife developed in post-biblical times. What the Bible Says The Bible itself has very few references to life after death. Sheol, the bowels of the earth, is portrayed as the place of the dead, but in most instances Sheol seems to be more a metaphor for oblivion than an actual place where the dead “live” and retain consciousness. The notion of resurrection appears in two late biblical sources, Daniel 12 and Isaiah 25-26. Daniel 12:2 — “Many of those that sleep in the dust of the earth will awake, some to eternal life, others to reproaches, to everlasting abhorrence” — implies that resurrection will be followed by a day of judgment. Those judged favorably will live forever and those judged to be wicked will be punished. Resurrection and the Messiah Later Jewish tradition, however, is not clear about exactly who will be resurrected , when it will happen, and what will take place. Some sources imply that the resurrection of the dead will occur during the messianic era . Others indicate that resurrection will follow the messianic era. Similarly, according to some, only the righteous will be resurrected, while according to others, everyone will be resurrected and — as implied in Daniel — a day of judgment will follow. The Daniel text probably dates to the second century BCE, and at some point during the two centuries that followed, another afterlife idea entered Judaism: the immortality of the soul, the notion that the human soul lives on even after the death of the body. In the Middle Ages, Jewish mystic s expanded this idea, developing theories about reincarnation — the transmigration of the soul . The World to Come The World to Come (olam haba) is the most ubiquitous Jewish idea related to the end of days. It appears in early rabbinic sources as the ultimate reward of the individual Jew (and possibly the righteous gentile). The Talmud contains scattered descriptions of the World to Come, sometimes comparing it to spiritual things such as studying Torah, other times comparing it to physical pleasures, such as sex. However, not surprisingly, it is not obvious what exactly the “World to Come” is and when it will exist. According to Nahmanides , among others, the World to Come is the era that will be ushered in by the resurrection of the dead, the world that will be enjoyed by the righteous who have merited additional life. According to Maimonides , the World to Come refers to a time even beyond the world of the resurrected. He believed that the resurrected will eventually die a second death, at which point the souls of the righteous will enjoy a spiritual, bodiless existence in the presence of God. Still, in other sources, the World to Come refers to the world inhabited by the righteous immediately following death–i.e. heaven, Gan Eden. In this view, the World to Come exists now, in some parallel universe. Heaven and Hell Indeed, the notion of heaven and hell may be the most ambiguous of all Jewish afterlife ideas. References to Gehinnom as a fiery place of judgment can be found in the apocalyptic literature of the Second Temple period . The Talmud embellished this idea, claiming that Gehinnom is 60 times hotter than earthly fire (Berakhot 57b). The earliest reference to Gan Eden (the Garden of Eden) and Gehinnom as a pair is probably the rabbinic statement of the 1st century sage Yochanan ben Zakkai : “There are two paths before me, one leading to Gan Eden and the other to Gehinnom (Berakhot 28b).” Many questions remain, however. If the sources that refer to the World to Come are referring to Gan Eden, then what is the world of the resurrected? And if judgment immediately follows death, then what need is there for the judgment that will follow the resurrection? Though some Jewish scholars have tried to clarify these ideas, it would be impossible to reconcile all the Jewish texts and sources that discuss the afterlife. Sign up for a Journey Through Grief & Mourning : Whether you have lost a loved one recently or just want to learn the basics of Jewish mourning rituals, this 8-part email series will guide you through everything you need to know and help you feel supported and comforted at a difficult time. Looking for a way to say Mourner’s Kaddish in a minyan? My Jewish Learning’s daily online minyan gives mourners and others an opportunity to say Kaddish in community and learn from leading rabbis. Talmud Pronounced: TALL-mud, Origin: Hebrew, the set of teachings and commentaries on the Torah that form the basis for Jewish law. Comprised of the Mishnah and the Gemara, it contains the opinions of thousands of rabbis from different periods in Jewish history. Join Our Newsletter Empower your Jewish discovery, daily Email [PAGE] Title: Birth Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: Is it against the rules, or just a superstition? Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Mourn Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: What to do if you or a loved one wants a final resting place in an Israeli cemetery. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Contact MJL | My Jewish Learning Content: Email: [email protected] Thank you for your interest in My Jewish Learning. We welcome hearing from site visitors and will do our very best to respond as soon as possible. For organizations looking to share their virtual events with The Hub from My Jewish Learning, please fill out this interest form. Igniting journeys of Jewish discovery Donate [PAGE] Title: Go on a Learning Journey with MJL | My Jewish Learning Content: Go on a Learning Journey with MJL We have more than 20 free guided learning experiences — and the list is always growing. Donate My Jewish Learning has literally thousands of articles on all aspects of Judaism: ritual, prayer, history, custom, food, text and more! Whoever you are and wherever you are from, we empower you to take command of your Jewish learning and your Jewish story. To better serve you, we’ve organized some of our best content into guided email journeys and ongoing newsletters. Think of them as fun, beautifully-designed mini courses that dive into all kinds of Jewish topics — delivered straight to your inbox! Sign up now, or any time. Delete them when you’re done, or file them for reference. Share them with a friend. Below are the journeys we currently offer. SPIRITUALITY Discovering Jewish Spirituality Jewish tradition contains a wealth of wisdom for transforming your life — not only at synagogue but also every day at home — into one that is more spiritually enriched and meaningful. In this journey, we explore many authentic (and surprising!) Jewish techniques for cultivating your spiritual life. BOOKS Meet the Prophets There’s a reason the prophets of the Hebrew Bible are some of the most-quoted figures in all of human history: these mavericks faced down kings, spoke truth to power, defended the weak and produced some of the most beautiful poetry in the Bible. The Whole Megillah Five megillot — special scrolls from the Hebrew Bible — are read in synagogue throughout the Jewish year. Take a deep dive into Esther (Purim), Song of Songs (Passover), Ruth (Shavuot), Lamentations (Tisha B’Av), and Ecclesiastes (Sukkot). For this series, we’ll deliver the content to your inbox ahead of each holiday. Daily Dose of Talmud Around the world, thousands of Jews are studying Talmud together at a pace of one page per day. The program is called Daf Yomi (Daily Page). This ongoing daily newsletter offers an accessible and insightful take-away from each day’s page of Talmud — in step with everyone else participating in the “world’s largest book club.” Choose Your Own Talmud Tractate As we work our way through the Talmud in our study of Daf Yomi, we’re archiving the journey. You can now study over a dozen tractates on your own timetable — just click the links and start today with a daily email that will work through each tractate, one page at a time. (This list will continue to grow, so come back to check for updates!) Journey Through Ketuvim From Psalms to Chronicles, explore all of Ketuvim, the third and last section of the Hebrew Bible. Get to know the personalities, deep questions and more to gain a deeper understanding and learn how teachings in these works can be applied in modern times. [PAGE] Title: Quizzes Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: Heroes, villains, prophets and problem children, we've got 'em all. Test your knowledge of them. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: How to celebrate the last Jewish holidays of fall. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Jewish Prayer for the Sick: Mi Sheberach | My Jewish Learning Content: Donate One of the central Jewish prayers for those who are ill or recovering from illness or accidents is the Mi Sheberach. The name is taken from its first two Hebrew words. With a holistic view of humankind, it prays for physical cure as well as spiritual healing, asking for blessing, compassion, restoration, and strength, within the community of others facing illness as well as all Jews, all human beings. Traditionally, the Mi Sheberach is said in synagogue when the Torah is read . If the patient herself/himself cannot be at services, a close relative or friend might be called up to the Torah for an honor, and the one leading services will offer this prayer, filling in the name of the one who is ill and her/his parents . Many congregations sing the version of the Mi Sheberach written by Debbie Friedman , a popular Jewish folk musician who focused on liturgical music. (That version can heard in the video, and its lyrics read, at the top of this article.) Increasingly, the Mi Sheberach has moved into other settings and other junctures. Chaplains, doctors, nurses, and social workers are now joining patients and those close to them in saying the Mi Sheberach at various junctures—before and after surgery, during treatments, upon admission or discharge, on the anniversary of diagnosis, and more. We present it to you here, in English translation and in transliteration from the Hebrew, as a resource for you as you confront the challenges of illness. The Hebrew text can be found here . Sign up to join My Jewish Learning’s Misheberach Moment , a weekly communal recitation of Mi Sheberach. Listen to Mi Sheberach (courtesy of Mechon Hadar ) Mi Sheberach in English Translation May the One who blessed our ancestors — Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah — bless and heal the one who is ill: ________________ son/daughter of ________________ . May the Holy Blessed One overflow with compassion upon him/her, to restore him/her, [PAGE] Title: Daf Yomi | My Jewish Learning Content: Donate Daf Yomi is a century-old practice of learning a single page of the Babylonian Talmud on a set schedule every day. At that rate, completion of the cycle takes 7.5 years. The latest cycle began on Jan. 5, 2020, and to mark the occasion My Jewish Learning launched a groundbreaking effort to make this global project of Jewish learning available to a wide audience. Each day, subscribers to A Daily Dose of Talmud receive an email with an accessible, easy-to-understand insight from that day’s page of Talmud. Not familiar with Talmud study? Click here for an introduction to this central Jewish text. Each Thursday at 9:30 a.m. ET, a familiar Daily Dose writer hosts Highlights from Daf Yomi: The Week in Review, a live Zoom recap of the Talmud studied that week. Register here . And if you’re joining late, not to worry. All our previous daily emails are archived below by tractate. [PAGE] Title: Hebrew Word of the Day | My Jewish Learning Content: Hebrew Word of the Day Time to boost your Hebrew vocabulary! Our daily email provides you with a new word every day to discover from Hebrew (and sometimes other Jewish languages!). Sign up below to get started. Email* [PAGE] Title: Español Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: Qué esperar y cómo comportarte en un bar or bat mitzvá. Igniting journeys of Jewish discovery Donate [PAGE] Title: A Good End Podcast | My Jewish Learning Content: Live Jewish Meditation on Tuesdays A Good End Podcast Welcome to A Good End, a new conversation about Judaism, death, and dying in the 21st century. Now available for download. [PAGE] Title: Join a Daily Online Kaddish Minyan with MJL | My Jewish Learning Content: Join a Daily Online Kaddish Minyan with MJL Each weekday afternoon we will be hosting a live Torah lesson followed by the Mourner's Kaddish. Donate My Jewish Learning hosts an online minyan Sunday-Friday for those who wish to say Kaddish. The minyan is held every Monday-Friday at 4:00 PM U.S. Eastern time (2:00 PM on Fridays in the winter), and at 10:00 AM U.S. Eastern time on Sundays. Each session is led by a rabbi who will offer some words of Torah followed by the recitation of the Mourner’s Kaddish in the presence of an online minyan. Enter your email below for daily reminders to join the minyan. Email* The full text of the Mourner’s Kaddish can be found here. SUNDAY: Rabbi Hayim Herring Rabbi Hayim Herring is CEO of, specializing in strategic change and anticipatory leadership development. He has served as a congregational rabbi of Beth El Synagogue in Minneapolis, assistant executive director of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation, and founding executive director of STAR (Synagogues: Transformation and Renewal). Hayim has published over 70 scholarly and popular articles and studies primarily on the American Jewish community. MONDAY: Rabbi Rachel Isaacs Rabbi Rachel Isaacs is the director of the Center for Small Town Jewish Life at Colby College where she holds the Dorothy “Bibby” Levine Alfond chair in Jewish Studies. She is also the spiritual leader of Beth Israel Congregation in Waterville, Maine. TUESDAY: Rabbi Tiferet Berenbaum or Rabbi Sarah Bracha Gershuny Rabbi Tiferet Berenbaum is the director of congregational learning and programming at Temple Beth Zion in Brookline, MA. She received rabbinic ordination and a MA in Jewish Education from Hebrew College in Boston. She has served as rabbi to congregations in Milwaukee, WI and Mt. Holly, NJ. Kohenet Rabbi Sarah Bracha Gershuny is a writer, ritualist, musician, healer and teacher. She’d like to help humanity evolve to its naturally more cooperative and benevolent frequency, and is interested in how Judaism can help. WEDNESDAY: Rabbi Menachem Creditor Rabbi Menachem Creditor serves as the Pearl and Ira Meyer Scholar in Residence at UJA-Federation New York and was the founder of Rabbis Against Gun Violence. A frequent speaker in communities and campuses around the US and Israel with over 1 million views of his online videos and essays, he was named by Newsweek as one of the 50 most influential rabbis in America. THURSDAY: Rabbi Danielle Upbin Rabbi Danielle Upbin is the associate rabbi and prayer leader at Congregation Beth Shalom. Originally from New York City. She graduated with honors from Barnard College, Columbia University, with a BA in Political Science. She was ordained from the Jewish Theological Seminary in 2002. She has lived and studied in Israel, including a year of exploration in Jewish mysticism and art. FRIDAY: Rabbi Sari Laufer Rabbi Sari Laufer is the director of congregational engagement at Stephen Wise Temple in Los Angeles. A cum laude graduate of Northwestern University, Rabbi Laufer was ordained by Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Los Angeles. Rabbi Laufer is a teacher of those young and young-at-heart, bringing her passion for rabbinic texts, social justice, and Judaism’s wisdom and relevance in the 21st century into the lives of those with whom she is privileged to learn and to share. Join Our Newsletter Empower your Jewish discovery, daily Email [PAGE] Title: Holiday Food Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: A Mexican-inspired way to enjoy your favorite Jewish soup. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: End of Life Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: Translated by Rabbi Amy Eilberg Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Shavuot Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: How much do you know about this spring holiday? Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: FAQ Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: A guide to courses, tools and programs for mastering the 'mamaloshen.' Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Jewish History Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: This Sephardic language, also known as Judeo-Spanish, has a rich history and is more accessible than you think. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Timeline of Jewish Mourning | My Jewish Learning Content: Jewish tradition defines several stages in the process of mourning, which correspond quite well to the modern understanding of the emotional process of grief. Aninut, From Death Until Burial The period from the moment of death until the burial is called aninut , and a mourner in this stage is called an onen. The onen has no religious obligations except to attend to the practical necessities of arranging for the funeral. The Jewish understanding is that an onen cannot focus on anything other than the immediate issue of the burial, and should not be expected to be capable of any ritual observances, even those that might otherwise be performed on a daily basis (such as reciting the Shema ). The Funeral Traditionally, Jewish funerals take place as soon after death as possible, often within 24 hours. The funeral service generally happens at a synagogue, funeral home or in the cemetery, either at a cemetery chapel or beside the grave. The service typically includes some readings from Jewish texts, a eulogy and the El Maleh Rahamim (God Full of Compassion) prayer. Returning from the Cemetery Immediately on returning from the cemetery, mourners should be greeted with a “ meal of consolation ” prepared by their extended family and/or community. It is traditional to place a pitcher of water, a bowl and towels outside the door of the house for the ritual hand washing. Shiva Jewish tradition offers very specific recommendations for gradual re-entry into normal life. The first week after the funeral is known as shiva (literally, “seven”). During this period, the mourners are treated with the utmost care and respect. Their needs are met by the community — both their physical needs, such as meals, and their spiritual and emotional needs. During this time, mourners mostly remain at home and a service is held daily (often in the evening) at the home, so that the mourners may recite the Kaddish . Mourners are encouraged to join the congregation on Shabbat to say Kaddish. In some communities services are held in the home both morning and evening. The tradition is that the Mourner’s Kaddish is said in the presence of a minyan, to insure that mourners do not grieve in isolation but rather surrounded by members of their community. Friends, relatives, and community members visit and bring some food for the household. The shiva period gives the mourners a time to withdraw from the business of the world and begin to integrate and accept their loss. At the close of shiva, friends or family traditionally accompany the mourner for a brief walk (e.g., around the block) to symbolize the start of re-entry into the world. Sheloshim The next stage of the mourning process is known as sheloshim (literally, thirty). This 30-day period is counted from the day of the funeral (and so includes the period of shiva). Following shiva, the mourner returns to work during sheloshim but is still not completely back in the world. This ongoing mourning is expressed by avoiding parties, concerts, and other forms of public entertainment. At the conclusion of sheloshim, the formal mourning period ends, except for those who are mourning parents. For these mourners, formal mourning, including the recitation of the Mourner’s Kaddish, lasts eleven months (see Shnat ha-evel below). Some people may wish to mark the end of sheloshim with a special minyan (prayer service) at which the mourner or family members speak about the deceased. Also, if there is to be a public memorial service, it is usually held at the conclusion of sheloshim. The memorial service may include several speakers and music or poetry that might not have been included in the funeral service. Shnat Ha-Evel, the First Year of Mourning Traditionally, mourners who have lost a parent say the Mourner’s Kaddish daily for eleven months (or a full year), whereas mourning for all other relatives ends with the sheloshim. In modern practice, mourners may recite the Mourner’s Kaddish for 11 months for other immediate relatives as well. This is a time we are encouraged to get back into life fully, while honoring our dead on a daily basis through the saying of the Mourner’s Kaddish. Unveiling There is a traditional obligation to create some form of matzevah (“monument,” usually a gravestone) to mark the site of the grave. The “ unveiling ” is a formal ceremony following the placement of the tombstone. Customs differ, but the unveiling is generally held after sheloshim and usually in the month before the first yahrzeit (anniversary of the death; see below). The unveiling service is a relatively recent practice originating in the United States. Technically, a rabbi need not be present, but it is helpful to have an experienced person officiate. The ceremony is very brief and usually includes some psalms and readings, a few words about the deceased, the removal of a covering from the monument, the El Malei Rachamim prayer, and, if a minyan (quorum of 10 adult Jews) is present, the Mourner’s Kaddish. You may ask the rabbi to assist you in putting together an appropriate service to mark the occasion. The unveiling reminds us that we will continue to visit the grave on yahrzeits and during the High Holiday season , and that the memory of the person will always be with us as our life continues. Yahrzeit Yahrzeit is the yearly anniversary of a loved one’s death (traditionally observed on the Hebrew calendar ). We observe yahrzeit at home by lighting a yahrzeit candle (which burns for 24 hours) in memory of the deceased. In the synagogue, we observe yahrzeit by saying the Mourner’s Kaddish at services. Adapted with permission of Kavod v’Nichum a nonprofit educational organization that promotes and assists the formation of bereavement committees and chevrah kadisha (Jewish burial society) groups in synagogues and communities throughout North America. Sign up for a Journey Through Grief & Mourning : Whether you have lost a loved one recently or just want to learn the basics of Jewish mourning rituals, this 8-part email series will guide you through everything you need to know and help you feel supported and comforted at a difficult time. Looking for a way to say Mourner’s Kaddish in a minyan? My Jewish Learning’s daily online minyan gives mourners and others an opportunity to say Kaddish in community and learn from leading rabbis. Kaddish Pronounced: KAH-dish, Origin: Hebrew, usually referring to the Mourner’s Kaddish, the Jewish prayer recited in memory of the dead. minyan Pronounced: MIN-yun, meen-YAHN, Origin: Hebrew, quorum of 10 adult Jews (traditionally Jewish men) necessary for reciting many prayers. Shabbat Pronounced: shuh-BAHT or shah-BAHT, Origin: Hebrew, the Sabbath, from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. Join Our Newsletter Empower your Jewish discovery, daily Email [PAGE] Title: Pray Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: This famous psalm is read on the eve of Tisha B'Av and sets the tone for an emotionally challenging holiday. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Sitting Shiva Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: How should one cope with the death of a friend, or the death of an ex-spouse? Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Weddings & Marriage Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: 10 tips for making families, friends and guests of all backgrounds feel comfortable and welcome on your big day. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: About My Jewish Learning | My Jewish Learning Content: Live Jewish Meditation on Tuesdays About My Jewish Learning My Jewish Learning is all about empowering Jewish discovery for anyone interested in learning more. We offer thousands of articles, videos and other resources to help you navigate all aspects of Judaism and Jewish life — from food to history to beliefs and practices. Our site is geared toward all backgrounds and level of knowledge. So whether you’re a Hebrew school dropout seeking a refresher on how to light the Hanukkah menorah or a synagogue president looking for a new perspective on the week’s Torah portion or a newcomer contemplating converting to Judaism — we have something for you. If you like what you see, sign up for our daily newsletter . My Jewish Learning was launched in 2003 and is now a part of 70 Faces Media , the largest nonprofit, nondenominational Jewish media organization in North America. Interested in advertising? Contact [email protected] . Having trouble finding something or want to offer a suggestion? Email us at [email protected] . [PAGE] Title: Celebrate Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: Blowing the ram's horn on the High Holidays. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Challah Recipes Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: A fun appetizer for summer parties, Shabbat dinners, game-nights or kids' birthday parties. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Women & Feminism Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: This section of the Bible includes a feminine depiction of wisdom and the text of the "Eshet Chayil" blessing. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Interfaith Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: Why is Judaism traditionally passed down through the mother? Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Mourning Rituals Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: What you need to know about Judaism's death, mourning and burial practices Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Passover Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: This progressive Passover custom is surprisingly misunderstood. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Rosh Hashanah Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: The focus is on God, humanity and the relationship between the two. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Sukkot Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: A vegetarian entree perfect for autumn. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Tefilat Haderech, The Traveler's Prayer | My Jewish Learning Content: Donate The Traveler’s Prayer — also known as the Wayfarer’s Prayer or Tefilat Haderech in Hebrew — is a prayer said at the onset of a journey. It is customary to recite when one embarks on a long trip, regardless of the mode of transport. The prayer asks God to deliver the traveler safely, to protect them from any dangers or perils they may encounter along the way, and to return them in peace. Traditionally the prayer is recited after the onset of the journey. Some say it should be said after departing the city limits. Traveler’s Prayer in English Translation May it be Your will, Lord, our God and the God of our ancestors, that You lead us toward peace, guide our footsteps toward peace, and make us reach our desired destination for life, gladness, and peace. May You rescue us from the hand of every foe, ambush along the way, and from all manner of punishments that assemble to come to earth. May You send blessing in our handiwork, and grant us grace, kindness, and mercy in Your eyes and in the eyes of all who see us. May You hear the sound of our humble request because You are God Who hears prayer requests. Blessed are You, Lord, Who hears prayer. Traveler’s Prayer in Hebrew (courtesy of Sefaria ) יְהִי רָצוֹן מִלְפָנֶיךָ יי אֱלֹהֵינוּ וֵאלֹהֵי אֲבוֹתֵינוּ, שֶׁתּוֹלִיכֵנוּ לְשָׁלוֹם וְתַצְעִידֵנוּ לְשָׁלוֹם וְתַדְרִיכֵנוּ לְשָׁלוֹם, וְתִסְמְכֵנוּ לְשָׁלוֹם, וְתַגִּיעֵנוּ לִמְחוֹז חֶפְצֵנוּ לְחַיִּים וּלְשִׂמְחָה וּלְשָׁלוֹם. אם דעתו לחזור מיד אומר וְתַחְזִירֵנוּ לְשָׁלוֹם וְתַצִּילֵנוּ מִכַּף כָּל אוֹיֵב וְאוֹרֵב וְלִסְטִים וְחַיּוֹת רָעוֹת בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וּמִכָּל מִינֵי פֻּרְעָנֻיּוֹת הַמִּתְרַגְּשׁוֹת לָבוֹא לָעוֹלָם, וְתִתְּנֵנוּ לְחֵן וּלְחֶסֶד וּלְרַחֲמִים בְּעֵינֶיךָ וּבְעֵינֵי כָל רֹאֵינוּ, כִּי אל שׁוֹמֵעַ תְּפִלָּה וְתַחֲנוּן אַתָּה. בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה לפי נוסח ספרד יי שׁוֹמֵעַ תְּפִלָּה: כִּי מַלְאָכָיו יְצַוֶּה לָךְ לִשְׁמָרְךָ בְּכָל דְרָכֶיךָ: יי יִשְׁמָר צֵאתְךָ וּבוֹאֶךָ מֵעַתָּה וְעַד עוֹלָם: וְיַעֲקֹב הָלַךְ לְדַרְכּוֹ וַיִּפְגְּעוּ בוֹ מַלְאֲכֵי אֱלֹהִים. וַיֹּאמֶר יַעֲקֹב כַּאֲשֶׁר רָאָם ר”ת רפאל אוריאל מיכאל: מַחֲנֵה אֱלֹהִים זֶה, וַיִּקְרָא שֵׁם הַמָּקוֹם הַהוּא מַחֲנָיִם. יְבָרֶכְךָ יי וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ: יָאֵר יי פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ וִיחֻנֶּךָּ: יִשָּׂא יי פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם: Traveler’s Prayer in Transliteration Y’hi ratzon milfanecha Adonai Eloheinu ve-lohei avoteinu she-tolichenu l’shalom v’tatz’idenu l’shalom, v’tism’chenu l’shalom, v’tadrichenu l’shalom, v’tagi’enu limchoz cheftzenu l’chayim ul’simha ul’shalom. V’tatzilenu mi-kaf kol oyev v’orev v’listim v’chayot ra-ot ba-derech, u-mi-kol min-ei pur’aniyot hamitrag’shot la-vo la-olam. V’tishlach b’racha b’chol ma’a’se yadeinu v’tit’neinu l’chen ul’chesed ul’rachamim b’einecha uv’einei kol ro-einu. V’tishma kol tachanuneinu ki el sho-me-ah t’fila v’tachanun ata. Baruch ata Adonai sho-me’a t’fila. Listen to the Traveler’s Prayer (courtesy of Mechon Hadar ) A Few Musical Versions of the Traveler’s Prayer Tefilat Haderekh ( Debbie Friedman song) Tefilat Haderekh (Audio Version) Birkat Hagomel A related prayer is called Birkat Hagomel (sometimes known as “benching gomel”). This blessing is for deliverance and is typically recited in the presence of a minyan, or prayer quorum, often in the synagogue following the reading of the Torah. It is commonly said after recovering from serious illness but can also be recited in gratitude for completing a dangerous journey. Birkat Hagomel in Hebrew (courtesy of Sefaria ) בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה’ אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעולָם. הַגּומֵל לְחַיָּבִים טובות. שֶׁגְּמָלַנִי כָּל טוב הקהל עונה אמן. ואומרים מִי שֶׁגְּמָלְךָ טוב. הוּא יִגְמָלְךָ כָּל טוב סֶלָה Birkat Hagomel in Transliteration and English Translation Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, ha-gomel t’chayavim tovim she-g’malani kol tuv. Blessed are You, Lord our God, ruler of the world, who rewards the undeserving with goodness, and who has rewarded me with goodness. After the recitation of this blessing, the congregation responds: Mi she-g’malcha kol tuv, hu yi-g’malcha kol tuv selah. May he who rewarded you with all goodness reward you with all goodness for ever. Adonai Pronounced: ah-doe-NYE, Origin: Hebrew, a name for God. Join Our Newsletter Empower your Jewish discovery, daily Email [PAGE] Title: MJL Annual Giving Content:
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Title: Jewish Texts Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: This global project of Jewish learning, now accessible to all. שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יְהוָה אֶחָֽד She-ma yisrael, adonai eloheinu, adonai echad Hear O’ Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One This verse is followed by one line of text that is traditionally recited in an undertone: בָּרוּךְ שֵׁם כְּבוֹד מַלְכוּתוֹ לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד Baruch shem kavod malchuto l’olam va-ed Blessed is the name of His glorious kingdom for ever and ever The remainder of the Shema prayer is taken from three biblical sources: Deuteronomy 6:5-9: וְאָ֣הַבְתָּ֔ אֵ֖ת יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ בְּכָל־לְבָבְךָ֥ וּבְכָל־נַפְשְׁךָ֖ וּבְכָל־מְאֹדֶֽך וְהָי֞וּ הַדְּבָרִ֣ים הָאֵ֗לֶּה אֲשֶׁ֨ר אָנֹכִ֧י מְצַוְּךָ֛ הַיּ֖וֹם עַל־לְבָבֶֽךָ וְשִׁנַּנְתָּ֣ם לְבָנֶ֔יךָ וְדִבַּרְתָּ֖ בָּ֑ם בְּשִׁבְתְּךָ֤ בְּבֵיתֶ֙ךָ֙ וּבְלֶכְתְּךָ֣ בַדֶּ֔רֶךְ וּֽבְשָׁכְבְּךָ֖ וּבְקוּמֶֽךָ וּקְשַׁרְתָּ֥ם לְא֖וֹת עַל־יָדֶ֑ךָ וְהָי֥וּ לְטֹטָפֹ֖ת בֵּ֥ין עֵינֶֽיךָ וּכְתַבְתָּ֛ם עַל־מְזוּזֹ֥ת בֵּיתֶ֖ךָ וּבִשְׁעָרֶֽיךָ You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. Therefore impress these My words upon your very heart: bind them as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead, and teach them to your children—reciting them when you stay at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you get up; and inscribe them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates— to the end that you and your children may endure, in the land that the LORD swore to your fathers to assign to them, as long as there is a heaven over the earth. Our Rock, our Redeemer, our King, Creator of holy beings, You shall be praised forever. For our ancestors, for us, for our children, for every generation of the people Israel, for all ages from the first to the last, His teachings are true, everlasting. True it is that You are the Lord our God, even as You were the God of our ancestors. You are first and You are last. Kelman and Fendel note: “Often, it is very difficult to know what to say to a mourner, and yet when the minyan responds with the appropriate words (at the same time that the mourner is standing), it is as if those words and the voices of those present offer comfort, since the mourner senses the presence of everyone around him or her.” Saying Kaddish also can provide much-needed routine and structure in a life that has been upended by loss, and participating in a ritual Jews have been practicing for centuries gives one a feeling of being part of something larger. Title: Sign Up for My Jewish Learning's New Shabbat Newsletter | My Jewish Learning Content: Live Jewish Meditation on Tuesdays Sign Up for My Jewish Learning’s New Shabbat Newsletter Welcome to Recharge, a weekly collection of Shabbat readings to refresh your soul. Title: Jewish Recipes Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: Too intimidated to make your own kreplach? Title: My Jewish Learning - Judaism & Jewish Life | My Jewish Learning Content: Empower your Jewish discovery Daily Dose of Talmud A daily newsletter that offers an accessible and insightful take-away from each day’s page of Talmud. | My Jewish Learning Content: Is There a Jewish Afterlife? However, not surprisingly, it is not obvious what exactly the “World to Come” is and when it will exist. Title: Contact MJL | My Jewish Learning Content: Email: [email protected] Thank you for your interest in My Jewish Learning. Whoever you are and wherever you are from, we empower you to take command of your Jewish learning and your Jewish story. Each day, subscribers to A Daily Dose of Talmud receive an email with an accessible, easy-to-understand insight from that day’s page of Talmud. Title: End of Life Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: Translated by Rabbi Amy Eilberg Posts navigation Kaddish Pronounced: KAH-dish, Origin: Hebrew, usually referring to the Mourner’s Kaddish, the Jewish prayer recited in memory of the dead. Title: About My Jewish Learning | My Jewish Learning Content: Live Jewish Meditation on Tuesdays About My Jewish Learning My Jewish Learning is all about empowering Jewish discovery for anyone interested in learning more. Title: Mourning Rituals Archives | My Jewish Learning Content: What you need to know about Judaism's death, mourning and burial practices Posts navigation
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Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Health Spa and Wellness Blog | KUR Health Spa Content: July 13, 2020 by KUR Health Spa Infrared therapy is taking the world by storm. Many people are noticing the added health benefits that this form of therapy can bring, especially when it comes to their sleep. While saunas have been the traditional choice for individuals seeking pain relief, relaxation, or other health improvements, many cannot stand the high temperatures that a… Read more » No Comments [PAGE] Title: Salt Therapy for Allergy Relief in Charlotte, NC | KUR Health Spa Content: Salt Therapy for Respiratory Relief and Skin Health Ideal for relief of seasonal allergies Skin Health Various respiratory conditions Improved athletic performance For centuries natural salt-rich air has been recognized for many healthful properties; the anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties of salt are well known. Modern clinical studies have shown that inhaling aerosol salt may reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract and aid in the clearing of mucous, leaving clients breathing easier. Clients may also realize Improvement in the overall wellness of their immune, lymphatic, and nervous systems. Salt Therapy may be especially beneficial for people with the following: Respiratory issues including sinusitis (nasal congestion), asthma, seasonal allergies including hay fever, cystic fibrosis, bronchitis, and shortness of breath. Skin Health such as psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, and even minor ear infections. Athletes and others may see improvement in performance because of overall enhanced respiratory function, as well as the benefits attributed to deeper relaxation and reduced internal inflammation. At KUR health spa guests can relax and enjoy a one-of-a-kind Himalayan salt block wall structure while our state-of-the-art system diffuses pure microscopic salt powder into the room – saturating the air with 100% natural dry aerosol salt. By coupling the detoxifying aspects of pure salt air with the calming effects of our one-of-a-kind Himalayan block wall, we hope to maximize the experience for all guests, and the overall wellness of the immune, lymphatic, and nervous system. Disclaimer: Salt Therapy is not to be a replacement for any medication or medical treatment, but it can be a complement to conventional medicine and other techniques. In addition, for those who value stress reduction and preventative care, the secondary benefits of regular salt therapy may be important reasons to include Salt Therapy as part of any overall wellness regimen. Salt Therapy is not recommended for the following conditions: Any kind of infectious disease Acute stages of respiratory diseases Cardiac insufficiency COPD with 3rd stage of chronic lung insufficiency Coughing of blood/bleeding High blood pressure/hypertension in IIB stage Any form or stage of tuberculosis Intoxication Chronic kidney disease Visit our one-of-a-kind Himalayan salt room! See and feel the unique benefits of salt therapy at KUR. SEND A MESSAGE [PAGE] Title: Private Infrared Therapy Sauna in Charlotte, NC | KUR Health Spa Content: Contact Infrared Therapy Services in Charlotte, NC Detoxification – Increases core temperature resulting in deep, detoxifying perspiration Weight Loss – Burns calories, stimulates metabolism, and shrinks belly fat Pain Relief – Relieves muscle and joint pain, and speeds up muscle recovery Skin Health – Purges skin and facilitates nourishment for a fresh, youthful appearance Heart Health – Passively increases heart rate, improves circulation, and reduces blood pressure Relaxation – Promotes peace of mind and overall feeling of well-being, leads to better sleep KUR Health Spa’s Infrared Therapy is unique in many ways – beginning with the fact that every guest is invited to enjoy their experience in a private suite, and couples may book a private room equipped with two individual units – so each person can benefit from an Infrared session tailored to their specific health needs and goals. Furthermore, all of our units are designed to ensure maximum benefit and comfort – clients lay upon a cushioned Infrared pad with a pair of telescoping Infrared sections above; enabling the entire body to be fully bathed in gently warming Infrared light energy. Privacy – all clients may opt for a private solo suite, and couples can book a session in a private room that is equipped with two individual units – so each person’s session can be customized as desired Equipment – we purchased the highest-quality infrared units made today, and then had custom-built benches crafted to support them Position – the infrared units we selected allow guests to recline and completely relax; experiencing infrared therapy in the prone position helps to facilitate increased circulatory and lymphatic system flow Design – the telescoping dome design allows all sides of the user’s body to be bathed in warm healthful light energy while the individual’s head remains free to breathe-in cool room air Aromatherapy – aromatherapy diffusers are in every room, and offered to all guests at no extra charge Towels and Hygiene – top-of-the-line towels (bamboo for its anti-bacterial properties and plushness) are utilized At KUR health spa we strive to make your infrared experience the best it can be! A whole new U ! SEND A MESSAGE [PAGE] Title: Products - KÚR Health Spa Content: Products KUR is committed to offering only the highest quality products and services to our customers. Yes, we hand-make ALL of our all natural organic essential oil foot scrubs. They are a great gift of relaxation! We believe Purify Skin Therapy is the best source for the highest quality essential oils, (rated among the Top 4% in the world!). Click the image below to order directly from KUR’s trusted supplier of Certified USDA Organic and Wild crafted essential oils, or ask for them during your next visit! SEND A MESSAGE [PAGE] Title: Testimonials - KÚR Health Spa Content: I Cannot Recommend KUR Enough! I Cannot Recommend KUR Enough! (Google Review) Megan G. By far the best Spa/Treatment By far the best Spa/Treatment experience I have ever had!! (YELP) Cathy H. Great place! Friendly family owned, Great place! Friendly family owned, one on one care. Massage was not just relaxing but therapeutic, the difference was most definitely felt. Sylvia M I have been in pain I have been in pain since 2012. My co-worker insisted that I go to KUR and try the magnetic therapy. Well, all I can say is that I have no more pain!!! I never thought I would be able to say this! After my first session, I am able to use my arm in ways that I have not been able to for a long time! Not only did the magnetic therapy help with my arm pain/mobility, it also helped with my sciatica. I suffer on both sides and after the magnetic therapy, same thing. NO PAIN!!! My mobility has improved 10 fold! Thank you to Dave and Reneta for taking something that they love/enjoy so much and turning it into something to help those of us that thought we would never live pain-free again! Thank you! I’ll be back! TPSM David & Renate treat you David & Renate treat you like family. So inviting and helpful. If you are looking for a great experience look no further. Angela Mae Austin Kur’s magnetic therapy table is Kur’s magnetic therapy table is amazing. It helped my chronic lower back pain more than anything I have tried. Don H The staff is so caring The staff is so caring and kind! I was suffering from a pulled back muscle and a treatment on the magnet table really helped! Allen Amos Omgosh!! David work miracles with Omgosh!! David work miracles with the magnetic therapy. I was suffering for a week with constant throbbing pain from my hip down the front of my leg to my foot, it felt like I had a tourniquet on my foot, took 4 motrin 2 days in a row to try to sleep, it didn’t work, went for acupuncture. In 15 minutes I walked out with no pain. It was my sciatic and fascia which I had no back pain just the leg and foot. CP My husband Nd I went My husband Nd I went there for a anniversary and we were warm welcoming and clear explain how the salt room works. Love the sisters Gigi graham After suffering from a painfully After suffering from a painfully stiff neck for way too long, I went to KUR for a magnetic therapy appointment. That was a great help, but I still wasn’t feeling 100%. (Often, magnetic therapy works completely, but I guess the neck was a little tough for that treatment to zero in on.) Anyway, I decided to let Sophia do her magic on me with a Swedish massage. That did the trick. I feel wonderful! Thank you KUR! Mary Amos The magnetic therapy is wonderful! The magnetic therapy is wonderful! I have severe arthritis in my right ankle. After one magnetic therapy session my pain has gone from an 8 to zero on a scale of 1 to 10. I have been able to walk pain free over the past 5 days! Thank you KUR! Looking forward to additional magnetic therapy sessions. Mary Kelly My daughter and I went My daughter and I went to KUR for her birthday and had two spa treatments. The experience was so much more than I expected on several levels. There were several things I loved about KUR, but what really what makes it stand out is the family that owns it. Victoria is the sweetest, calmest person, perfect first person to greet you in a spa. We will be back!! Leslie Tiedeman Dave and Sophia are the Dave and Sophia are the best ever. After 10 months of dealing with plantar fasciitis constant pain in my heel, between the 2 of them have resolved all the pain. Best Spa ever! Cathy Petersen [PAGE] Title: Breast Care - KÚR Health Spa Content: Would you like to receive emails from us in the future?* No [PAGE] Title: Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy in Charlotte, NC Content: Would you like to receive emails from us in the future?* No [PAGE] Title: Contact Best Health Spa in Charlotte, NC | KUR Health Spa Content: To book an appointment, click HERE . For general inquiries please use the form below. SEND A MESSAGE [PAGE] Title: Holistic Spa & Natural Healing Center in Charlotte, NC Content: Salt Therapy (30-45 minutes per session in Himalayan Salt Room) – 1 credit Happy Feet (20 minute mineral-enriched soak, plus essential oil exfoliation) – 1 credit Infrared Therapy (up to 45 minutes, private suite with aromatherapy) – 2 credits Lymph Massage or Bio-electric Magnetic Therapy (20-40 minutes per session) – 3 credits KUR VIP MEMBERSHIPS (VIP STATUS GRANTS MEMBERS ACCESS TO SPECIAL SERVICES**, DISCOUNTS***, AND EXCLUSIVE VIP EVENTS) REFRESH 9 CREDITS good for 3 months $159 (SAVE 12%) RENEW 18 CREDITS good for 3 months $299 (SAVE 17%) REJUVENATE 32 CREDITS good for 3 months $499 (SAVE 22%) KUR 1-YEAR FLEX PASS 250 CREDITS $3,750 (SAVE 25%) (REDEEM ANY TIME WITHIN ONE YEAR) NOTES KUR VIP monthly credits are paid in advance, and clients may opt to have the fee debited monthly via auto-pay withdrawal or cash VIP membership may be UPGRADED, DOWNGRADED, OR CANCELLED AT ANY TIME WITH 30 DAYS NOTICE VIP MEMBERS MAY GIFT OR SHARE CREDITS TOWARDS STANDARD INFRARED OR SALT THERAPY SERVICES UNUSED VIP CREDITS MUST BE REDEEMED, GIFTED, OR SHARED WITHIN 90 DAYS unless notice is given **Special service example: VIPs may opt to begin every Infrared Session with a complementary foot soak ***Discount example: VIPs may opt to take home alkaline water – at a 50% discount (only 94¢/gal plus tax) INVITATION-ONLY VIP EVENTS INCLUDE EVENING DISCUSSIONS ON TOPICS OF INTEREST, HOW-TO’S, OR JUST PLAIN FUN! (PELVIC FLOOR TONING/KEGEL MUSCLES EXPLAINED, BASICS OF STRETCHING, HOME-MADE SOUPS, EXPLORING AROMATHERAPY, WINE TASTINGS, ETC.) SEND A MESSAGE [PAGE] Title: Sitemap - KÚR Health Spa Content: Would you like to receive emails from us in the future?* No [PAGE] Title: Magnetic Therapy Services in Charlotte, NC | KUR Health Spa Content: Contact Bio-Electric Magnetic Therapy near South End, NC For many people, Bio-electric Magnetic therapy simply has to be experienced to be appreciated and understood. A very powerful electric magnet located beneath the treatment table can selectively address one’s areas of concern by non-invasively depolarizing the muscles and nerves. The device and protocols we utilize have been proven to be safe and effective for more than 20 years, and are FDA cleared. Clients seeking an increase in range of motion, or relief for cramped or aching muscles may find particular benefit, as well as those who want or need stronger pelvic floor muscles. Bio-electric Magnetic therapy enables the body to heal itself faster without invasive procedures or additional prescription medications. The magnetic pulses stimulate muscles deep within the body – relieving cramps and tension, increasing healthful blood flow to the area, and helping to reduce associated acute or chronic pain. With more than 7 million treatments to date (and counting!) Bio-Electric Magnetic therapy is the standard of care for some sensitive conditions in many countries around the world. Bio-electric Magnetic therapy is for athletes of all levels and for the elderly alike – by aiding with core strengthening and increasing range of motion it can help athletes and be a key to a falls prevention program for the elderly. Furthermore, bio-electric magnetic therapy is a viable option for those with issues related to disuse muscle atrophy, and may be a means relief for chronic and acute pain. SEND A MESSAGE [PAGE] Title: Health and Wellness Spa: Holistic Services in Charlotte, NC Content: Learn More Wellness Spa with Holistic Services in Charlotte, NC KUR health spa is a wellness retreat for people yearning for rejuvenation and deep relaxation; a special place for those who are seeking more natural ways to achieve optimum health. KUR offers private suites for personalized infrared therapy (a modern take on traditional saunas), a one-of-a kind Himalayan salt room , and other specialized services such as Lymphatic Drainage Massage and Bio-Electric Magnet Therapy for clients with such needs. KUR health spa is the only spa in Charlotte able to offer this spectrum of services, and is the ideal place for wellness-minded people to experience rejuvenation and new levels of relaxation. We invite you to visit, and to experience the benefits of KUR yourself – a whole new U. Testimonials What Our Customers Have To Say I Cannot Recommend KUR Enough! I Cannot Recommend KUR Enough! (Google Review) Megan G. By far the best Spa/Treatment By far the best Spa/Treatment experience I have ever had!! (YELP) Cathy H. Read more testimonials Great place! Friendly family owned, Great place! Friendly family owned, one on one care. Massage was not just relaxing but therapeutic, the difference was most definitely felt. Sylvia M Read more testimonials I have been in pain I have been in pain since 2012. My co-worker insisted that I go to KUR and try the magnetic therapy. Well, all I can say is that I have no more pain!!! I never thought I would be able to say this! After my first session, I am able to use my arm in ways that I have not been able to for a long time! Not only did the magnetic therapy help with my arm pain/mobility, it also helped with my sciatica. I suffer on both sides and after the magnetic therapy, same thing. NO PAIN!!! My mobility has improved 10 fold! Thank you to Dave and Reneta for taking something that they love/enjoy so much and turning it into something to help those of us that thought we would never live pain-free again! Thank you! I’ll be back! TPSM Read more testimonials David & Renate treat you David & Renate treat you like family. So inviting and helpful. If you are looking for a great experience look no further. Angela Mae Austin Read more testimonials Kur’s magnetic therapy table is Kur’s magnetic therapy table is amazing. It helped my chronic lower back pain more than anything I have tried. Don H Read more testimonials The staff is so caring The staff is so caring and kind! I was suffering from a pulled back muscle and a treatment on the magnet table really helped! Allen Amos Read more testimonials Omgosh!! David work miracles with Omgosh!! David work miracles with the magnetic therapy. I was suffering for a week with constant throbbing pain from my hip down the front of my leg to my foot, it felt like I had a tourniquet on my foot, took 4 motrin 2 days in a row to try to sleep, it didn’t work, went for acupuncture. In 15 minutes I walked out with no pain. It was my sciatic and fascia which I had no back pain just the leg and foot. CP Read more testimonials My husband Nd I went My husband Nd I went there for a anniversary and we were warm welcoming and clear explain how the salt room works. Love the sisters Gigi graham Read more testimonials After suffering from a painfully After suffering from a painfully stiff neck for way too long, I went to KUR for a magnetic therapy appointment. That was a great help, but I still wasn’t feeling 100%. (Often, magnetic therapy works completely, but I guess the neck was a little tough for that treatment to zero in on.) Anyway, I decided to let Sophia do her magic on me with a Swedish massage. That did the trick. I feel wonderful! Thank you KUR! Mary Amos Read more testimonials The magnetic therapy is wonderful! The magnetic therapy is wonderful! I have severe arthritis in my right ankle. After one magnetic therapy session my pain has gone from an 8 to zero on a scale of 1 to 10. I have been able to walk pain free over the past 5 days! Thank you KUR! Looking forward to additional magnetic therapy sessions. Mary Kelly Read more testimonials My daughter and I went My daughter and I went to KUR for her birthday and had two spa treatments. The experience was so much more than I expected on several levels. There were several things I loved about KUR, but what really what makes it stand out is the family that owns it. Victoria is the sweetest, calmest person, perfect first person to greet you in a spa. We will be back!! Leslie Tiedeman Read more testimonials Dave and Sophia are the Dave and Sophia are the best ever. After 10 months of dealing with plantar fasciitis constant pain in my heel, between the 2 of them have resolved all the pain. Best Spa ever! Cathy Petersen [PAGE] Title: Wellness Retreat & Holistic Healthcare Center in Charlotte, NC Content: Contact About KUR KUR health spa is a new rejuvenation destination in Charlotte, NC inspired by traditional wellness retreats in Europe – a special place where busy people can escape to relax and experience a truly unique suite of therapies, services, and products. All services offered at KUR are designed to help put one’s body in a better position to heal itself, stay healthy, and achieve peak performance – more naturally – because optimal health and healing is our primary objective at KUR. ‘Salt Therapy’ and ‘Infrared Therapy’ are the fundamental services offered at KUR health spa, and all guests are invited to enjoy freshly ionized alkaline water during their visit. Also, special services such as Manual Lymph Drainage and FDA-cleared Bio-Electric Magnet Therapy may also be arranged. SEND A MESSAGE
health, wellness and fitness
Title: Salt Therapy for Allergy Relief in Charlotte, NC | KUR Health Spa Content: Salt Therapy for Respiratory Relief and Skin Health Ideal for relief of seasonal allergies Skin Health Various respiratory conditions Improved athletic performance For centuries natural salt-rich air has been recognized for many healthful properties; the anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties of salt are well known. Privacy – all clients may opt for a private solo suite, and couples can book a session in a private room that is equipped with two individual units – so each person’s session can be customized as desired Equipment – we purchased the highest-quality infrared units made today, and then had custom-built benches crafted to support them Position – the infrared units we selected allow guests to recline and completely relax; experiencing infrared therapy in the prone position helps to facilitate increased circulatory and lymphatic system flow Design – the telescoping dome design allows all sides of the user’s body to be bathed in warm healthful light energy while the individual’s head remains free to breathe-in cool room air Aromatherapy – aromatherapy diffusers are in every room, and offered to all guests at no extra charge Towels and Hygiene – top-of-the-line towels (bamboo for its anti-bacterial properties and plushness) are utilized At KUR health spa we strive to make your infrared experience the best it can be! Well, all I can say is that I have no more pain!!! After my first session, I am able to use my arm in ways that I have not been able to for a long time! If you are looking for a great experience look no further. I was suffering from a pulled back muscle and a treatment on the magnet table really helped! The magnetic therapy is wonderful! After one magnetic therapy session my pain has gone from an 8 to zero on a scale of 1 to 10. Title: Magnetic Therapy Services in Charlotte, NC | KUR Health Spa Content: Contact Bio-Electric Magnetic Therapy near South End, NC For many people, Bio-electric Magnetic therapy simply has to be experienced to be appreciated and understood. KUR health spa is the only spa in Charlotte able to offer this spectrum of services, and is the ideal place for wellness-minded people to experience rejuvenation and new levels of relaxation. We invite you to visit, and to experience the benefits of KUR yourself – a whole new U. Testimonials What Our Customers Have To Say I Cannot Recommend KUR Enough! (YELP) Cathy H. Read more testimonials Great place! Well, all I can say is that I have no more pain!!! After my first session, I am able to use my arm in ways that I have not been able to for a long time! I was suffering from a pulled back muscle and a treatment on the magnet table really helped! Mary Amos Read more testimonials The magnetic therapy is wonderful! The magnetic therapy is wonderful! After one magnetic therapy session my pain has gone from an 8 to zero on a scale of 1 to 10. Leslie Tiedeman Read more testimonials Dave and Sophia are the Dave and Sophia are the best ever. ‘Salt Therapy’ and ‘Infrared Therapy’ are the fundamental services offered at KUR health spa, and all guests are invited to enjoy freshly ionized alkaline water during their visit.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: SPELD Content: Love Our Events? Sign up for our events newsletter below Subscribe Subscribed Successfully Research In order to stay on the front foot, SPELD Victoria has established a Research Committee for two key purposes: Being informed of current research developments in the area of Specific Learning Disorders (SLDs) including Dyslexia; and Assisting SPELD Victoria to progress its own research goals either through accessing research grants directly or through partnerships. We expect our research journey to be an evolving one.  Over time, we intend to build up the membership of this exciting new Research Committee.  SPELD Victoria Members and Stakeholders will be informed directly of new research outcomes. Research Committee Membership Keith Houghton, Chair, Emeritus Professor and SPELD Victoria Patron Deirdre Hardy, SPELD Victoria Committee President Dr/Professor Cathy Catroppa, PhD; M.Ed.Psych., Dip.Ed.Psych., BBSc; M.A.Ps.S, Educational & Developmental Psychologist, SPELD Victoria Senior Research Fellow, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Royal Children’s Hospital Neil Alexander-Passe, Head of Additional Educational Needs at East Barnet School, UK Current Activities 2022 SPELD Victoria is currently participating in the following: Project: Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on the wellbeing and mental health of vulnerable children and adolescents. (SPELD Victoria /Murdoch Children’s Research Institute) Project: Evaluating the efficacy of Sounds Write at Docklands Primary School (SPELD Victoria, University of Melbourne, Docklands PS; supported by Helen Macpherson Smith Trust) Past Research SPELD Victoria has participated in the following: Project: Self-esteem and locus of control in children who have trouble reading Emily Scott, Australian Catholic University Aim: To learn about Self-esteem and locus of control in children who have trouble Reading. Eligibility: • age 9-12 years;   • diagnosed with dyslexia/reading difficulty. Lead investigator: Emily Scott Lead organisation: Australian Catholic University Estimated completion date: 2019 Project: Improving educational outcomes for children with a disability in Victoria. Aim: To explore the issues, tensions and successes associated with trying to facilitate the inclusion of children with disabilities in Victorian schools. Lead investigator: Dr Claire Spivakovsky Lead organisation: Castan Centre for Human Rights Law, Monash University Estimated completion date: Mid 2018 [PAGE] Title: SPELD Content: Love Our Events? Sign up for our events newsletter below Subscribe Subscribed Successfully Events Welcome to SPELD Victoria’s Events Program.  Six event categories are offered: Information Evenings (suitable for all adult audiences); Professional Learning; Sounds-Write; Talk for Writing; Youth Events; and On Demand Recordings. Click on your preferred event category; see the events currently on offer; and select your preferred event for more information and to register. Discounts are offered to SPELD Victoria Members.  Not a Member? Join here now. Visit again as we continue to update the event program! For events related questions please contact: [email protected] [PAGE] Title: SPELD Content: Love Our Events? Sign up for our events newsletter below Subscribe Subscribed Successfully SLD Resource Hub Our SPELD Victoria’s SLD Resource Hub is now at 2/902 Mt Alexander road, Essendon 3040. Make an appointment to come and view the range of resources that can support you, your child or your class needs here.  You will be able to see the resources that have been recommended in your, or your child’s diagnostic assessment report. Here you will find all the reader series such as the Dandelion and Catch-Up Readers; Little Learners Love Literacy; Sounds-Write decodable series; to fun and engaging computer programs and assistive technology such as the C-Pen. To book your appointment with our Specialist Education Consultant, please phone our Advice and Support Team on 03 9480 4422. [PAGE] Title: SPELD Content: Love Our Events? Sign up for our events newsletter below Subscribe Subscribed Successfully Renew Membership Thank you for being part of the SPELD Victoria community and supporting our work.  Renewing your membership will continue to provide you with great benefits. Please submit this form below the same name and email you used at registration. You will be sent a link via email which will enable you to select your membership category and make a membership payment. Can’t find the link? Please check your spam folder. Forgotten your Member Number? Please complete this form to retrieve your SPELD Victoria membership number. Changed your email address since registering? Please email us at: [email protected] [PAGE] Title: SPELD Content: Have a question?  Don’t know where to turn next?  Feel frustrated, desperate or sad? SPELD Victoria offers two free and confidential advisory services. Infoline – 1800 051 533 Call Mim Davidson for free professional advice on 1800 051 533. Mim Davidson will answer your calls personally.  She can give you the advice and help you need when you need it. If she’s busy or not available, if you leave a voice message with your contact details, Mim will aim to return your call within two working days. If you are a member of a school community, please leave a name and direct phone number or personal email. Have you called our Infoline? Give us feedback! Advocacy Services Sometimes Parents need support to advocate for their child.  This might mean one of our Educational Psychologists attending a meeting at your child’s school. SPELD Victoria offers this service on an hourly fee for service basis. For enquiries call 03 9480 4422 or email [email protected] Our office hours are Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm [PAGE] Title: SPELD Content: Love Our Events? Sign up for our events newsletter below Subscribe Our Mission Mission SPELD Victoria’s purpose is to assist the estimated 5-10% of all Victorians with Specific Learning Difficulties to achieve their full learning potential. We achieve this through the provision of direct service delivery, information, advocacy and awareness raising amongst the wider Victorian community. Vision Victoria is a place where Specific Learning Difficulties including Dyslexia are widely understood and are no longer a barrier to individuals achieving their full learning potential. Values Collaboration: Our strength comes from respectful partnerships & associations Innovation: Lifelong learners, we are creative in our approach to adding value Commitment: Our dedication is unwavering and our impact lasting Results: We exceed our promises, embrace excellence and deliver meaningful evidence-based outcomes Area of Focus Engagement: A collaborative work ethos that produces mutual gains for members, stakeholders and SPELD Victoria. Enablement: Feeling able to achieve learning potential and navigate whatever life throws at you. Excellence: A gold standard of efficient effectiveness. These focus areas serve as a lens through which we deliver our services. Our Services SPELD Victoria’s current service offerings include Diagnostic Assessment Services; Consultations; Events & Workshops for Parents, Teachers and Allied Health Professionals; Advisory & Advocacy Services; Resources & Research; and Membership Services. [PAGE] Title: SPELD Content: Charlie and Nic’s Dyslexia Story It is not unusual for a Parent to discover they are dyslexic (or have another SLD) until their child is diagnosed as having a Specific Learning Disability. In fact Dyslexia and SLD are known to be heritable in 40% of cases. Nic and Charlie’s hear-warming story outlines their shared journey of discovery, and how they have learnt to embrace their strengths and meet the challenges of being dyslexic with humour.... Read more Terms and Conditions Please read these terms carefully before submitting your story 1. All your personal information such as your full name, email, address or phone number are treated as confidential. For your privacy and safety we will not publish your personal information without your permission. You can select your preferred published first name or nick name. 2. For your safety SPELD Victoria moderates this site. Your story won’t appear immediately and it may not be published if it contains anything which SPELD Victoria considers misleading, illegal or offensive. It may also be edited prior to posting on the website. If your story is approved it should be up between 3-5 working days. 3. By submitting a story to SPELD Victoria, you are giving SPELD Victoria, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, distribute and otherwise exercise all copyright and other rights in that information at SPELD Victoria' discretion, as well as including it on SPELD Victoria servers and incorporating it in other works in any media now known or later developed without limitation. SPELD Victoria reserves the right to select and arrange submissions, and to remove information from the SPELD Victoria website at any time at its sole discretion. 4. No story or part of the story from this site may be used for any purpose without express written authorisation except when using the share functionality available on the website or social media. 5. You must not submit any stories which are inappropriate, offensive or contrary to any applicable laws or standards. This includes, without limitation, material that: • infringes the copyright, moral rights, confidentiality rights or intellectual property rights of any person, for example, by reproducing songs, poems, articles, logos, trademarks, pictures, photos, music or other material that is not owned by you (or which you do not have a licence to reproduce on the site); • infringes any of our rights or the rights of any third person including privacy rights; • breaches any laws, regulations, standards or codes as enacted, modified or updated from time to time; • impersonates any person or suggests a connection to a group or organisation which is misleading; • advocates the use of force or violence towards any person. 6. If you find a story offensive, have any concerns, or believe your copyright has been infringed, please contact us at [email protected]. 7. Any person who submits a story can request to have it removed at any stage. Okay [PAGE] Title: SPELD Content: Update on the GAT Literacy and Numeracy Test for 2022 Update on the GAT Literacy and Numeracy Test for 2022 SPELD Victoria Winter 2022 E-News SPELD Victoria Winter 2022 E-News SPELD Victoria Autumn 2022 E-News SPELD Victoria Autumn 2022 E-News MEDIA RELEASE – 15/2/2022 - Response to All year 12 students to be tested on literacy and numeracy - MEDIA RELEASE – 15/2/2022 - Response to All year 12 students to be tested on literacy and numeracy SPELD Victoria Response to Key Recommendations - Vocational and Applied Learning Pathways Review SPELD Victoria Response to Key Recommendations - Vocational and Applied Learning Pathways Review Read more Virtual MOU sign off - University of Melbourne & SPELD Thursday 19 August 2021 Today SPELD Victoria and the University of Melbourne’s Graduate School of Education (MGSE) signed a formal Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate on targeted course content at Graduate Certificate and Masters level. SPELD VIC - Survey 2.0 T3 Remote Learning - DET & Government Report- August 2020 SPELD VIC - Survey 2.0 T3 Remote Learning - DET & Government Report- August 2020 SPELD VIC Survey 1.0 - T1 Remote Learning - DET & Government Report - MAY 2020 SPELD VIC Survey 1.0 - T1 Remote Learning - DET & Government Report - MAY 2020 [PAGE] Title: SPELD Content: To purchase visit: or email scanning pens and say SPELD Victoria sent you David Campbell   [email protected] The C-Pen Reader pen scanner is a major technological breakthrough for anyone learning English, Spanish or French and is a life-saver for those who suffer from reading difficulties such as dyslexia. The C-Pen Reader is a totally portable, pocket-sized device that reads text out aloud with an English, Spanish or French human-like digital voice. The in-built dictionary puts the power of Collins English Dictionary (30th Anniversary Edition Tenth edition) and the Oxford Spanish and French Dictionaries in your hands. Simply pass the nib across a word and it instantly displays the definition and reads it aloud. It is also a scanner for capturing lines of text and uploading to a PC or Mac, making it ideal for students, teachers and professionals to capture essential information. The pen is half the size of other portable pen scanners on the market and at 50g is half the weight. Importantly this means it can be used by a younger generation of English, Spanish or French learners making this learning tool suitable for children (age 6+) and adults. This is the only portable line scanner on the market that is both Mac and PC compatible. There is no software required, just connect the pen up to a computer with a USB cable and it appears as an external hard drive. Other features include a built-in voice recorder with playback: As well as promoting Independent Reading this pen features: Hear words & lines of text read aloud A Collins 10th Edition Dictionary An Oxford Spanish and French Dictionary Scan, store & transfer to a PC or Mac (1GB of storage & downloads to a computer like using a USB key – no software required) Scan direct to the cursor on a computer A voice recorder Available in a class set of ten pens 1-Year warranty from date of purchase Texthelp Read and Write ($) Read & Write literacy software has been designed as a “floating” toolbar that will assist students improve in their reading and writing.  It does have a text to speech function that enables what has been written to be read back. One Subscription lets users sign in on any device: Windows PC, Mac, iPad and Android tablets. Suitable for: Upper Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education. Features: [PAGE] Title: SPELD Content: Overview of early childhood services birth to eight years PDF The first three years of primary school focus on teaching children the literacy and numeracy basics. By the end of year 2, there is an expectation that children will have learnt the foundational skills to read, write, count and calculate.  However for children with Specific Learning Difficulties, some of these skills will not have been achieved.  This means that the transition from learning to read (Prep-Year 2) to reading to learn (Year 3 and up), will be increasingly difficult, and the academic achievement gap between those with Specific Learning Difficulties and those without, will continue to widen if effective interventions are not put in place in the primary school years. Most Victorian primary schools will conduct screening tests when children enter school.  These tests serve the purpose of checking that developmental milestones are being reached, and raising a red flag if they are not.  They do not serve the purpose of a diagnostic assessment. What should you do if you think your child has Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and/or Dyscalculia? If you have observed some of the indicators in the PDF attachment and your child is at school; If your child is achieving below chronological age expectation; If other factors such as trauma; sensory impairments such as blindness and deafness; major life changes; illness; or second language cannot explain the slow pace of educational attainment then you should have a discussion with your child’s teacher. Check what observations she or he has made, and any screening test results they may have conducted.  All Victorian public schools conduct screening tests at school commencement.  These tests serve the purpose of raising a red flag where there may be developmental or learning difficulties.  They do not serve the purpose of a diagnostic assessment for a Specific Learning Disability. If the class teacher has been observing some of the indicators mentioned above – then some intervention strategies through small group or individual teaching will be required to see if your child “catches up”. Close co-operation between parent and teacher is essential to support a child with a learning difficulty. You have a critical role to play here.  You can support any intervention strategies in the home environment. If these interventions don’t appear to be producing the expected level of progress – then you may wish to consider a full diagnostic assessment which will give you a comprehensive learning profile – both the strengths and challenges. Refer Full and Partial Assessments for more details. If six months intervention has failed to produce the expected level of progress, then it is certainly time to act. Not doing so is not in your child’s best interests. Discovering that your child has a Specific Learning Disability can initially be confronting, confounding and confusing.  It can feel like you have landed “on the moon without a map”!  A full diagnostic assessment will give you a map to navigate a pathway forward. A diagnostic assessment will also help you to advocate for your child’s learning needs, until such time as they can be their own advocate. Next steps Once you have your child’s diagnostic assessment report – ask for a meeting with your class teacher.  Find out what services and resources are available within the school to support your child’s learning.  Together, make a plan.  The assessment can be the basis of cooperative action with your child’s teacher to achieve the best progress for your child.  Make sure you are clear what is expected of you, your child and the teacher.  Plan for follow-up meetings to check progress. Building a team of informed and committed adults around your child is your goal. Remember you are at the start of a long-term journey.   So be purposeful, patient and where appropriate, share any learnings you have along the way with your class teachers. Teachers are busy people too! Occasionally a school may appear non-responsive and not listening to your concerns.  You may have had an assessment but no intervention is being implemented through the school.  If you need support to advocate for your child, consider using SPELD Victoria’s Advisory and Advocacy Services . Question:    What changes when a child transitions from primary to secondary school? Answer:      Just about everything! For young people who have diagnosed Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) there is a whole additional layer of complexity to navigate in their secondary school lives.  Having different teachers for each subject means communicating a student’s learning needs becomes more complex and more essential. The best transition will see an effective handover from the Year 6 teacher to the Year 7 class coordinator.  If your child is changing schools at this point, aim to take with you a report from the Year 6 teacher to inform the Year 7 coordinator about your child’s situation. The parent/guardian and student should take every opportunity given to inform their teachers about the diagnosis and the recommended interventions and accommodations. If no opportunities are made available, then request a meeting with the year or class coordinator. Failing this, request a meeting with the Vice Principal or Principal. For young people with unrecognised or undiagnosed SLDs, transitioning to secondary school is about to make life a whole lot tougher.  Without intervention, the learning gap that was identified in the Primary Years will continue to widen. Accommodations that can be provided to students who have diagnosed disabilities may or may not be made available to students without a diagnosis in Years 7-10, and won’t be made available for those undertaking VCE. To change this situation, read on. What to do if you think your child has Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and/or Dyscalculia If you have over time observed some of the indicators in the PDF attachment and your child is about to enter or is already in secondary school; If your child has been achieving below chronological age expectation; If other factors such as trauma; sensory impairments such as blindness and deafness; major life changes; illness; or second language cannot explain the slow pace of educational attainment; then you should have a discussion with your teenager’s year coordinator as soon as possible. Bring to this discussion any screening test results that may have been conducted in prior years, or any observations and reports that previous teachers have made. Also important for this discussion will be information on any prior intervention strategies through small group or individual teaching, and whether or not these interventions helped your teenager “catch up”. If these interventions didn’t produce the expected level of progress – then you may wish to consider a full diagnostic assessment which will give you a comprehensive learning profile – both the strengths and challenges. Refer Full and Partial Assessments for more details. If six months of intervention has failed to produce the expected level of progress, then it is certainly time to act. Not doing so is not in your child’s best interests. Discovering that your child has a Specific Learning Disability can initially be confronting, confounding and confusing.  It can feel like you have landed “on the moon without a map”!  A full diagnostic assessment will give you a map to navigate a pathway forward. Navigating secondary school with a Specific Learning Difficulty By secondary school, teenagers are gradually becoming their own advocate for their learning needs at school.  Parents/guardians can support them in this.  The evidence base of a diagnostic assessment will also help them to be able to advocate for their own learning needs, as it will affirm what they are already experiencing. However close co-operation between parents/guardian and the year coordinator is also essential to support a teenager with a learning difficulty.  This will be especially helpful if the nature of the interventions need to change over time.  Equally, it is important if your teenager is dealing with any self-esteem issues. If your teenager has just had a diagnostic assessment report – ask for a joint meeting with the year coordinator.  Find out what services and resources are available within the school to support your teenager’s learning.  Together, make a plan.  The assessment can be the basis of cooperative action with your teenager’s teachers to ensure appropriate accommodations are in place.  This will support the best learning progress.  Make sure you are clear what is expected of you, your teenager and the teacher/s.  Plan for follow-up meetings to check progress.  Building a team of informed and committed adults around your teenager is your goal. Transitioning to secondary school is the start of a new learning journey.   So be supportive and patient.  Stay engaged and keep informed.  Where appropriate, share any learnings you have along the way with the relevant teachers. Approaching VCE or VET Secondary school in Victoria leads to one of three accredited senior secondary certificates namely: 1) Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE); 2) Victorian Ce​rtificate of Applied Learning (VCAL); and 3) International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBD). Students with diagnosed Specific Learning Disorders (or Disorders) who are undertaking VCE or VCAL are able to apply for Special Provisions and accommodations. An application for Special Provision should be made well ahead of time. VCAA (Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority) commenced a Special Provisions Review in 2014.  The outcomes of the Review are scheduled to be published by the end of 2017. You can find more information by clicking links below: [PAGE] Title: SPELD Content: Have a question?  Don’t know where to turn next?  Feel frustrated, desperate or sad? SPELD Victoria offers two free and confidential advisory services. Infoline – 1800 051 533 Call Mim Davidson for free professional advice on 1800 051 533. Mim Davidson will answer your calls personally.  She can give you the advice and help you need when you need it. If she’s busy or not available, if you leave a voice message with your contact details, Mim will aim to return your call within two working days. If you are a member of a school community, please leave a name and direct phone number or personal email. Have you called our Infoline? Give us feedback! Advocacy Services Sometimes Parents need support to advocate for their child.  This might mean one of our Educational Psychologists attending a meeting at your child’s school. SPELD Victoria offers this service on an hourly fee for service basis. For enquiries call 03 9480 4422 or email [email protected] Our office hours are Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm [PAGE] Title: SPELD Content: How to get to SPELD Victoria? Suite 2, Level 1, 902 Mt. Alexander Road Essendon Victoria 3040 Public transport: 59 tram, 41-fletcher St/Napier St tram stop – is located outside the clinic and travels from flinders street station through to airport west. Craigieburn line train – get off at Essendon station and walk 2 mins to the Clinic. For further routes and information please visit to plan your journey. Please see Contact Us page for car park suggestions near us. [PAGE] Title: SPELD Content: Love Our Events? Sign up for our events newsletter below Subscribe Subscribed Successfully Donations As a Not-for-Profit charity operating for over 50 years, our work includes supporting families and individuals to understand learning difficulties and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) like dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia. Donations go to supporting all SPELD Victoria services including our Information and Advisory services; Diagnostic Assessment Services; Events Program; See It and Be It videos, and the SLD Resource Hub. Please select the appropriate option. Individual [PAGE] Title: SPELD Content: The Australian Bureau of Statistics – March 2017 % of Victorians with learning difficulties 20-25% That’s 1.25 - 1.57 million Victorians with a learning difficulty at any given time % of Victorians with Specific Learning Disorders 5-10% [PAGE] Title: SPELD Content: Have you forgotten your Member Number? Please use the form below. Your Member Number will be sent to your email. Changed your email address since registering? Please email us at: [email protected] [PAGE] Title: SPELD Content: Love Our Events? Sign up for our events newsletter below Subscribe Subscribed Successfully Assessment Services We are delighted to announce that the SPELD Victoria assessment service has officially re-opened, and appointments are available from February 2024. If you would like to make a booking or discuss the assessments that we provide at SPELD Victoria, please contact us by phone on (03) 9480 4422 or via email at [email protected] . Please note: The SPELD Victoria office will be closing for the Christmas break on Friday 22nd December and re-opening on Monday 8th January. ______________________________________________ SPELD Victoria specialises in offering assessments for learning difficulties, and functional literacy and numeracy skills. At this stage, we do not offer assessments for ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, or Language Disorder. Please note: A $90 deposit will be collected to secure your appointment date. Please check this page for more information on SPELD Victoria assessment services. 1) Psychologist Consultation Standard consultation – 30 minutes Extended consultation – 45 minutes (to discuss more than one child or a client with complex needs) 2) Functional Assessment of Literacy and Numeracy A combined diagnostic assessment that takes between 3 and 4 hours and includes a cognitive assessment (e.g WISC-V) and a variety of academic achievement tests that focus on literacy and numeracy skills (e.g WIAT III and other tests). The battery of tests administered is sufficient to diagnose a Specific Learning Disorder (e.g. Dyslexia or Dyscalculia) when all diagnostic criteria is met in accordance with the DSM-5-TR. A written report is provided within 4-6 weeks of the assessment date. 3) Functional Assessment of Literacy A diagnostic assessment that takes approximately 3 hours and includes a cognitive assessment (e.g WISC-V), as well as a variety of academic achievement tests that focus on literacy (e.g WIAT III and other tests). The battery of tests administered is sufficient to diagnose a Specific Learning Disorder (e.g. Dyslexia) when all diagnostic criteria are met in accordance with the DSM-5-TR. A written report is provided within 4-6 weeks of the assessment date. 4) Functional Assessment of Numeracy A diagnostic assessment that takes approximately 3 hours and includes a cognitive assessment (e.g WISC-V) and a variety of academic achievement tests that focus on numeracy skills (e.g WIAT III and other tests). The battery of tests administered is sufficient to diagnose a Specific Learning Disorder (e.g. Dyscalculia) when all diagnostic criteria are met in accordance with the DSM-5-TR. A written report is provided within 4-6 weeks of the assessment date. 5) Literacy Assessment An academic achievement assessment that takes approximately 1.5-2 hours and includes a break down of literacy (reading, writing, spelling) skills, as well as, recommendations for adjustments and interventions. The battery of tests administered does not include a cognitive assessment, and is NOT sufficient to diagnose a Specific Learning Disorder. However, the assessment will provide an indication of the student’s performance relative to their peers. A written report is provided within 3-4 weeks of the assessment date. 6) Diagnostic Review Assessment A diagnostic assessment that takes approximately 1.5 hours and includes measures of academic achievement specific to the area targeted in intervention. It is designed to identify if the student has improved as a result of the intervention. A written report is provided within 3-4 weeks of the assessment date. Please note, this assessment is only for previous SPELD clients who have undertaken an assessment within the last 12 months. 7) Functional Impact Review A review assessment that takes approximately 1.5 hours for individuals who have previously had a comprehensive assessment at SPELD Victoria, and have been diagnosed with a Specific Learning Disorder (SLD). It includes measures of academic achievement specific to the individual’s SLD(s) and examines the functional impact of their SLD on current academic performance. A written report with updated recommendations for intervention and accommodations is provided within 3-4 weeks of the assessment date. NB. Two pieces of the individual’s written work, completed under timed conditions, will need to be submitted prior to the assessment date. This work will also be examined as part of the review process. 8) Assessment Costs [PAGE] Title: SPELD Content: Craigieburn line train – get off at Essendon station and walk 2 mins to the Clinic. For further routes and information please visit to plan your journey. By Tram 59 tram, 41-fletcher St/Napier St tram stop – is located outside the clinic and travels from flinders street station through to airport west. By Car Parking is available across from the Clinic with a 4-hour time limit. Located near us is Essendon station, which has free parking available and is about a 2 min walk to location site. Get in touch For general enquiries only. We will be in contact with a reply as soon as possible. Your Name (required) [PAGE] Title: SPELD Content: Discounts on special purpose events for students your age Discounts on all purchases through our online store Access to our E-News and other information updates Free viewing access to items held in our Resource Hub $30 Payments by credit / debit card Membership is valid for 12 months from purchase date Benefits Discounts on all events including special purpose events, information evenings and learning programs Discounts on all purchases through our online store Access to our E-News and other information updates Free viewing access to items held in our Resource Hub Voting rights at our AGM. $60 Payments by credit / debit card Membership is valid for 12 months from purchase date Benefits Discounts on all events and professional learning programs PL Certificates for Professionals Discounts on all purchases through our online store Access to our E-News and other information updates Free viewing access to items held in our Resource Hub Voting rights at our AGM. $105 Payments by credit / debit card Membership is valid for 12 months from purchase date Suitable for any Organisation with an ABN wishing to support our work 1. Schools & Other Educational Institutions 2. Sole Traders 3. Any Organisation, Business or Corporate Entity Benefits Discounts on all events and professional learning programs Discounts on all purchases through our online store Discounts on consulting services Access to our E-News and other information updates Free viewing access to items held in our Resource Hub $210 Opportunity to pay by invoice Membership is valid for 12 months from purchase date [PAGE] Title: SPELD Content: Love Our Events? Sign up for our events newsletter below Subscribe Employment Opportunities _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Occasionally we seek experts in the field of Specific Learning Difficulties, be they experienced educational psychologists; allied health professionals; specialist teachers or researchers, to work with SPELD Victoria. SPELD Victoria is an equal opportunity employer. We welcome applicants with a disability and can adapt our application process to suit individual access requirements. Please contact us if you require any access support. We are always keeping an eye out. So, if you have the skills, training, experience and commitment please express your interest today. When we are looking for new team members, we will be in contact. Please check back in the future or email [email protected] with an expression of interest. [PAGE] Title: SPELD Content: SPELD Victoria is a membership-based, Public Benevolent Institution (PBI) and registered not-for-profit charity. Trading as SPELD-Victoria Inc ABN: 51 178 974 489 Committee SPELD Victoria is governed by the SPELD Victoria Committee and a number of Subcommittees: Audit & Risk; Communications and PR; Operations; Remuneration & Nomination.  Current membership of the committee and subcommittees can be found on the Team page. In addition, in 2017 SPELD Victoria established a separate Research Committee with national and international representation. Annual General Meetings As a member based organisation it is important SPELD Victoria reports back regularly to Members on our progress and plans.  Annual General Meetings are one way Members can meet with the SPELD Victoria team – Committee and Staff – to ensure that the organisation is representing their needs. [PAGE] Title: SPELD Content: Scanning Pens Australia Pty Ltd Gardiner and Field Apply to become a partner or sponsor If you want to help young Victorians with Specific Learning Difficulties fulfil their learning potential – consider becoming our partner or sponsor. Please send your expression of interest in and we will contact you directly. Δ Every sponsor and partner helps us help hundreds of Victorians in need. Apply today and we’ll be in touch! [PAGE] Title: SPELD Content: Love Our Events? Sign up for our events newsletter below Subscribe Our History With nearly 50 years of experience, SPELD Victoria’s history is indeed rich….. In March 1968, The National Symposium on Dyslexia was hosted in Melbourne by the Australian College of Speech Therapists. At this time, professionals from across Australia gathered to discuss the hidden problem of Specific Learning Difficulties affecting so many in the community. From this meeting, a Victorian Committee for Dyslexia Children was created under the leadership Dr Dudley Hagger. This resulted in the establishment of SPELD Victoria Incorporated as an independent Public Benevolent Institution in August 1969. In 1970, SPELD Victoria officially joined with other state SPELD entities in becoming part of a national body known as “The Federal Council of SPELD Associations”.  This federated body is now known as Auspeld. Our history is filled with the contributions of many passionate individuals who have worked tirelessly to make SPELD Victoria what it is today.  We thank them all, including all past Committee members, staff and volunteers. As we launch our new website, we acknowledge the contribution of Faye and Jimi Fairley who contributed significantly to the prior website. SPELD Victoria has had several homes during its life: Collins Street Melbourne; Camberwell; North Fitzroy; Preston; and now back to the Melbourne CBD to the heritage Donkey Wheel House (formerly the Old Tramways building). SPELD Victoria will continue to work to fulfil the Mission set down all those years ago and to assist those with Specific Learning Difficulties within our community through a collaborative approach and strong support for evidenced based practice. SPELD Victoria acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional custodians of the land and acknowledges and pays respect to their elders, past and present. [PAGE] Title: SPELD Content: Heidi Gregory Vice President Heidi is well known to many as the Founder of Dyslexia Victoria Support, a parent support group with thousands of members across Victoria. A passionate advocate for social justice, evidence-based literacy instruction and intervention for all, including those with dyslexia. Heidi is living the parenting journey with dyslexia, has a background in library and records management, and currently works as an Information Specialist. Peter Fitzgerald Peter McCoy Treasurer Peter joined the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) in 1983 where he was involved with the creation of the Concert Music Division of the ABC. He subsequently left ABC and embarked on a successful and long career in finance with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (MSO) where he played a key role in the corporatization of the organisation, implementing crucial financial systems and corporate structure. He left the MSO in 2008 and became the Financial Director for the Melbourne Theatre Company for a year. In 2010, he took the position as Director Corporate Services for the recently constructed Melbourne Recital Centre. After leaving MRC in 2011, Peter began working as a financial consultant for clients such as Australia Council, National Theatre and Orchestra Victoria. In 2015 he accepted a year’s position as the Financial Controller for the Glen Eira Kindergarten association. In 2017 he was appointed to the position of CEO of the National Theatre in St Kilda which he held until retirement in 2020. Peter has had a long history of volunteering for not-for-profit boards, he held the board treasurer position with Lucy Guerin Pty Ltd for 9 years and is currently the Treasurer of Speak Percussion Pty Ltd and SPELD Victoria. Jennifer Ward Committee Member Jenny is a retired educator where she spent 19 years as an Assistant Principal at Ringwood Secondary College. She was a faculty member with the Faculty of Education at Deakin University for 4 years and has been a board member with SPELD Victoria since 2014. She was also a Youth Group leader for 3 years and is Secretary & President of a local Probus Group. In her free time, she coaches VCE students to excel in their studies. “I am very passionate about individual recognition for differing abilities, equity of opportunity and resilience. Motivated young folk are the future and diversity of talent is to be respected.” Amanda Craig Committee Member Amanda is a registered psychologist who has extensive experience working in the fields of education and mental health. While working in schools, Amanda has taken an active role on leadership teams to initiate and champion change. With this passion for evidence based best practices Amanda had led the implementation of whole school approaches to literacy and wellbeing. To complement her psychology training, and to reflect her ongoing interest in education, Amanda is currently studying a Master of Secondary teaching, with a specialisation in learning enhancement. Alison Clarke Committee Member Alison has been a Speech Pathologist since 1988, and also holds a Masters in Applied Linguistics and an ESL teaching certificate. She has worked for the Victorian Education Department, Yooralla, SCOPE, a University in Mexico, a hospital in London, RMIT, the Royal Children’s Hospital and Lewis and Lewis. She started a private practice in 2000, and now employs several others at Spelfabet Pty Ltd in North Fitzroy, a practice focussing on reading and spelling difficulties. She set up the Spelfabet website in 2012, to encourage early literacy teaching and intervention that reflects scientific reading research. Alison was 2015-16 Vice President of Learning Difficulties Australia (LDA), and has also worked as an administrator and been a Yarra City Councillor and Mayor. She received LDA’s 2018 Mona Tobias Award, and a Medal of the Order of Australia in 2022. Patron Professor Keith Houghton Chair of Research committee Prior to his retirement Keith Houghton was Professor of Business Administration at the Australian National University. He is now an Emeritus Professor of the University. Professor Houghton holds degrees from the University of Western Australia, the University of Melbourne and the London School of Economics and Political Science. He is a Fellow of CPA Australia and the Institute of Accountants in Australia. For eight years Professor Houghton served as Dean of the University’s College of Business and Economics and its antecedent bodies. Staff Ashraf Samsudin Specialist Education Consultant Ashraf is the Specialist Education Consultant at SPELD Victoria where he provides, coordinates and develops the organisation’s Educational Services. Based in Melbourne, Ashraf presents a wide variety of workshops where his presentation style has been described as clear, engaging and fun. He enjoys facilitating sessions where knowledge, experiences and good practice can be shared amongst those that he trains. Previously, Ashraf spent the last 14 years teaching and coaching students with learning difficulties in Singapore at the Dyslexia Association of Singapore. His last role as the Director of Specialised Education Services has seen him taking the lead in various curriculum development projects; teacher training initiatives; presenting in numerous local and international workshops; and collaborating with educators to implement initiatives in schools to promote inclusivity for students with learning difficulties. He is a strong advocate for the disadvantaged and has been very active in spreading the awareness of learning difficulties around the world. Ashraf holds a Master’s Degree in Education and Educational Leadership from Monash University; and a Double Diploma Dyslexia and Teaching & Training from the University of Cambridge, UK. When Ashraf isn’t presenting, he is listening to classical music, enjoying chocolate and chai lattes, and exploring his new home in Melbourne with his family. Mim Davidson Educational Specialist (Infoline - 1800 051 533) Mim Davidson, N.T. Carysfort Training College, Dublin; Diploma of Teaching of the Deaf, University College Dublin; Graduate Diploma in Special Education, University of Melbourne. Mim has been involved with SPELD Victoria since 1970. Her tireless work has enabled SPELD Vic to work with families, teachers and individuals in Victoria as well as making links within Australia and around the world building our knowledge of dyslexia and learning difficulties in children and adults of all ages. Qualified as a Primary Teacher and a Teacher of the Deaf in Ireland, Mim also has postgraduate qualifications in the area of specific learning difficulties from the University of Melbourne. Currently, Mim is also a consultant with Learning Difficulties Australia. She has worked across higher education, primary and secondary schooling to see children and adults achieve their educational goals. Theodore A. Falconer LL.B GDLP. Information Services and Advisory Officer Jessica M. Jackson B.Soc.Sc. (Psych) Family & Admin Support Officer Rupinder Kaur Bsc. (IT) MA (IT) IT Business Analyst
non-profit organization management
You will be able to see the resources that have been recommended in your, or your child’s diagnostic assessment report. Please email us at: [email protected] Content: Charlie and Nic’s Dyslexia Story It is not unusual for a Parent to discover they are dyslexic (or have another SLD) until their child is diagnosed as having a Specific Learning Disability. By submitting a story to SPELD Victoria, you are giving SPELD Victoria, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, distribute and otherwise exercise all copyright and other rights in that information at SPELD Victoria' discretion, as well as including it on SPELD Victoria servers and incorporating it in other works in any media now known or later developed without limitation. If you find a story offensive, have any concerns, or believe your copyright has been infringed, please contact us at [email protected]. This means that the transition from learning to read (Prep-Year 2) to reading to learn (Year 3 and up), will be increasingly difficult, and the academic achievement gap between those with Specific Learning Difficulties and those without, will continue to widen if effective interventions are not put in place in the primary school years. Next steps Once you have your child’s diagnostic assessment report – ask for a meeting with your class teacher. Find out what services and resources are available within the school to support your child’s learning. The assessment can be the basis of cooperative action with your child’s teacher to achieve the best progress for your child. What to do if you think your child has Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and/or Dyscalculia If you have over time observed some of the indicators in the PDF attachment and your child is about to enter or is already in secondary school; If your child has been achieving below chronological age expectation; If other factors such as trauma; sensory impairments such as blindness and deafness; major life changes; illness; or second language cannot explain the slow pace of educational attainment; then you should have a discussion with your teenager’s year coordinator as soon as possible. If your teenager has just had a diagnostic assessment report – ask for a joint meeting with the year coordinator. Donations go to supporting all SPELD Victoria services including our Information and Advisory services; Diagnostic Assessment Services; Events Program; See It and Be It videos, and the SLD Resource Hub. Please email us at: [email protected] If you would like to make a booking or discuss the assessments that we provide at SPELD Victoria, please contact us by phone on (03) 9480 4422 or via email at [email protected] . Please check this page for more information on SPELD Victoria assessment services. 7) Functional Impact Review A review assessment that takes approximately 1.5 hours for individuals who have previously had a comprehensive assessment at SPELD Victoria, and have been diagnosed with a Specific Learning Disorder (SLD). When we are looking for new team members, we will be in contact. Her tireless work has enabled SPELD Vic to work with families, teachers and individuals in Victoria as well as making links within Australia and around the world building our knowledge of dyslexia and learning difficulties in children and adults of all ages. Qualified as a Primary Teacher and a Teacher of the Deaf in Ireland, Mim also has postgraduate qualifications in the area of specific learning difficulties from the University of Melbourne. Currently, Mim is also a consultant with Learning Difficulties Australia.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: The Floyd Effect - The Pink Floyd Tribute Show Content: Kicking off They Told Us What To Dream - January 2023 Past tours [PAGE] Title: The Floyd Effect - The Pink Floyd Tribute Show Content: Vocals Maddie Cole The music of Pink Floyd as it was meant to be Having toured since 2007, The Floyd Effect has become rightly renowned for the remarkable accuracy with which it performs the iconic music of Pink Floyd. All of the band's members are top quality musicians with pedigrees that stretch across all manner of musical genres, and they faithfully recreate the music and intensity of a Pink Floyd concert without recourse to backing tracks, racks of computers, or other technological wizardry. Every note that you hear is played and sung by the band, making each concert a genuine 'live' experience, powerful, immersive and emotional. Of course, the music is supported by a dramatic light show that incorporates the iconic circular screen, two sets of projections (incorporating some of Pink Floyd's own images and some of the band's own), smoke and lasers. Unless you were there the first time round, the music of Pink Floyd was never as real as this. The Floyd Effect is based in Cambridge, UK - the only place that an authentic Pink Floyd tribute could be. [PAGE] Title: The Floyd Effect - The Pink Floyd Tribute Show Content: "When The Floyd Effect perform Dark Side Of The Moon, it's like hearing it performed by the Floyd themselves." Date [PAGE] Title: The Floyd Effect - The Pink Floyd Tribute Show Content: "The Floyd Effect have to be the most musically talented tribute band ever. Un-bloody-believable." Darren Lethem, Radio Magic "Not only the best tribute band we have ever seen, they are the best band we have ever seen." Judy Mann "I've honestly never EVER heard craftsmanship like this in all my years as a musician and lover of music." Keith Irving " Unbelievable... I've actually run out of superlatives" Ken Hilton " The best band we have ever seen!" Rosie Chapman Second to none The Harlington, Fleet, 28 Oct 23 What a night out, pitch perfect and such an enjoyable performance. Do go and see them as soon as you can. The musicianship is second to none, thanks for a great night. Steve Walker, 28 Oct 23 By email Having a ball The McMillan Theatre, Bridgwater, 16 Sep 23 My bro' and I were there at Bridgwater, I came up from Bridgend he came up from Tavistock. What a great evening. The new fellah looked like he was having a ball and the rest of you too. You don't know how much that translates to the audience. What a terrific set. Thank you for an amazing evening. Mike Randell, 18 Sep 23 By email Truly phenomenal The Core, Corby, 14 Jul 23 Oh goodness, this was a truly phenomenal show. We were three rows back at The Core in Corby last night and I cannot believe how good they are, what musicians. I never go to tribute shows with high expectations but OMG they sounded the same as the Floyd I grew up with, the lighting was great, the singers amazing. Thank you! Will definitely see you again - so - please come back to Corby! Marina ('studioartist marina'), 15 Jul 23 By email Outrageously awesome The Wharf, Tavistock, 8 Jul 23 It has been 20 months since we last saw TFE perform, and it was the right time at the right venue to reacquaint ourselves with this exceptional band. We had only seen Dale Taylor on YouTube as the new addition to the band but had never seen him perform live. Any doubts we had about him as a guitarist were swiftly dismissed. What a front man, what a vocalist, and what a truly exception guitarist he is, and he is a perfect fit for such a talented group of musicians. Echoes (tick) Shine On (tick) Money (tick) Another Brick In The Wall (tick) and a master class saved for Comfortably Numb. Dale Taylor is the real deal on the axe and has superb vocal skills to go with it. The ladies were on point during Great Gig In The Sky and the music played through that outstanding sound system makes Tavistock our favourite venue to watch and hear TFE perform. A great night of musical entertainment. Bob & Nicola Jeffery, 8 Jul 23 By email Flawless - Saw The Floyd Effect at Tavistock Wharf this July - blown away. Not a note wrong, perfect choice of tracks, great visuals and the Comfortably Numb finale was mind blowing. Can't wait to see them again, come back to Tavistock! Thank you. Dryden & Petra, 1 Aug 23 By email I was down by the stage throughout gig. Flipping outrageously awesome, and l speak as someone who's seen Floyd three times starting with the first Earls Court Wall performance in 1979! Ellie Hudson, 10 Jul 23 On Facebook Better than the original The Pavilion, Exmouth, 29 Apr 23 Saw The Floyd at Exmouth a few weeks back. Excellent band - I sometimes found the band sounded better than the original Pink Floyd - true! Rick Bushell, 17 May 23 On Facebook By far the best! The Arts Theatre, Colchester, 25 Mar 23 Well guys and girls, you knocked me off my feet tonight. I have been an ardent fan since 1972 and have seen quite a few tributes recently. You are by far the best! What you manage to express is not just the sound but the soul of the Floyd. Not only did I hear it but I more importantly felt it tonight. As for the girls, what a fantastic rendition of Great Gig; the likes of Rachel Fury, Sam Brown, Durga Macbroom and Margaret Taylor have not done better. So thank you for your amazing ability and your amazing energy. We will be seeing you next year without any doubt at all. Thanks - your new best fans. Steve, Colin, Michael and Rachael. Steve Russell, 26 Mar 23 By email FANTASTIC BRILLIANT!! The Opera House, Buxton, 4 Feb 23 Just been to show with my teenage daughter. FANTASTIC BRILLIANT!! Thank you for keeping PF forever going. Huge fans. Dale? David? Who could tell? Doesn’t matter. It was definitely PINK FLOYD! Steve Aylott, 5 Feb 23 On Facebook What a fabulous gig last night, what can we say about your new front man? Vocals and playing on point as always. He has awoken something on stage with his great stage presence. The final track of the night... Wow! He lit up the stage. Look forward to the next one. Neil Boulders Boulderstone, 5 Feb 23 On Facebook You never disappoint Theatr Colwyn, Colwyn Bay, 19 Nov 22 I just wanted to say after the Colwyn Bay gig in November that, once again, you were absolutely fantastic! I really look forward to seeing what albums and tracks you decide to play, and you never disappoint. Really looking forward to seeing you again! Massive thanks & keep up the great work !! Nick Carnevale, 9 Dec 22 By email Totes Amazeballs The Wharf, Tavistock, 29 Oct 22 Wow, I've seen you in various venues over the years and you get better each year. Tonight you nailed it, the girls were unbelievable, and Careful With That Axe was better than the original. I've seen some poor PF tributes recently - luckily this wasn't one of them. You folks are up there ... just totes amazeballs. I'll be seeing you again in Exmouth next, thanks for an amazing night out! Phil Bridges, 29 Oct 22 On Facebook Just incredible The Stag Theatre, Sevenoaks, 10th Sep 22 Just incredible! First time of seeing you. Don't know what I expected, but not anything as remarkable as you were. So spot on, I was blown away. Already putting Maidstone September 2023 in my diary. Looking forward to seeing you then. Tessa Allen, 11 Sep 22 By email Awesome, simply awesome The Carnegie Theatre & Arts Centre, Workington, 30 Jul 22 What a fabulous evening! I cannot thank you enough for a terrific show. Tiffany's and Fi's rendition of the Clare Torrey moment off The Great Gig in the Sky was the best I've ever heard (better even than the Roger Waters show) and I don't mind admitting I had a tear in my eye - just sublime! DSOTM - awesome, simply awesome. Thank you! Julian Berkeley, 31 Jul 22 On Facebook A different level The Princess Alexandra Auditorium, Yarm, 28 Jul 22 The most amazing show ever. My husband is the Floyd fan and I have endured it for years, but last night was a different level. Everyone was amazing. Andrea Gutteridge, 29 Jul 22 On Facebook Greatest Gig The Royal Court Theatre, Bacup, 23rd Apr 22 Was a fantastic evening in Bacup. Seen you four times and your talent is outstanding. The ladies did an outstanding “GREATEST GIG”. You know if you get goosebumps whilst hearing songs it shows how close [they are] to the original. Well, it must have been about four or five times. THANKS AGAIN, hopefully see you there again. Jayson Townsend, 25 Apr 22 On Facebook Love you all so so much. We’ve seen you now twice at the Brixham theatre and your performances are amazing, from the music to the lighting and the video. We cannot wait to see you all again. I don’t know how you can give such brilliant shows for so little. Your energy is simply beautiful. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. XXXX Cyn Palfrey, 25 Apr 22 On Facebook Outstanding (twice!) The MacMillan Theatre, Bridgwater, 9th Apr 22 Saw The Floyd Effect last night. Absolutely brilliant show, can’t recommend this band enough. Outstanding from start to finish. Martin Osborne, 10 Apr 22 On Facebook I saw the band at the Macmillian Theatre in Bridgwater last night. They were absolutely outstanding .They are a must see x. Thank you for a memorable experience it was overwhelming x. Clive Bridgeman, 10 Apr 22 On Facebook Can I just thank you for such a brilliant show in Bridgwater last night? You were all amazing, but special thanks to the blondest(!) female singer - she was just extraordinarily brilliant. Will see you again next time you are here. Just one more comment for you - in my opinion you performed Dark Side better than Pink Floyd did when I saw them at Knebworth in 1975. Mark Painter, 10 Apr 22 On Facebook A superb evening The Tivoli Theatre, Wimborne, 12th Mar 22 Hi TFE, I was at your Wimborne gig last night, the third time I have seen you there. You have gone from strength to strength - just loved the show! And it was the first time I heard Paul Andrews who's more Gilmour than Gilmour! Thank you for a superb evening - I will spread the word, and be back! One of these days…..😉 Ian Swinden, 13 Mar 22 By email An awesome set The Castle Theatre, Wellingborough, 15th Jan 22 You were brilliant tonight at the Castle. This is the second time that I've seen you play there. You played an awesome set. Thanks so much. I'll be looking for other venues you're playing. Tony Newell, 15 Jan 22 By Messenger Just shut your eyes... Tropic at Ruislip, 3rd Dec 21 They are as good as the real thing. Just shut your eyes and you would think it was Dave Gilmour etc. Andrew Parker, 4 Dec 21 On Facebook WOW !! Theatr Colwyn, Colwyn Bay, 13th Nov 21 WOW !! We attended last night's show at Theatr Colwyn and I just wanted to let you know that you guys were absolutely amazing!! What a fantastic gig!! It’s also clear how much you enjoy paying tribute to Pink Floyd. During the set you mentioned about changing your set list in future shows. I personally think this current set list is perfect! I especially enjoyed the fact that you play the whole of DSOTM in its entirety. Thanks for a fantastic night. We'll definitely be joining you again ! Nick Carnevale, 14 Nov 21 By email Amazing band Theatr Colwyn, Colwyn Bay, 13th Nov 21 Seen your amazing band four times now. Seen a fair few Floyd bands over the years (Australian one last week in Venue Cymru in Llandudno) and have to say The Floyd Effect are in my opinion so much better than any of them. Keep doing what you do. Amazing band, roll on next time you're in North Wales. Jay Crossley, 21 Nov 21 On Facebook Spot on The Opera House, Buxton, 25th Sep 21 Saw these guys last Saturday at Buxton Opera House. Absolutely amazing all round - every musician, light show etc. spot on. I was particularly very impressed with both female backing singers. The Claire Torrey rendition is always a pass or a fail, and these two lovelies passed with distinction. We will definitely keep our eye on these guys for future dates. (Get to Manchester, you'll blow the audience away definitely!!!) Steve Broadbent, 30 Sep 21 By email More than a tribute band The Playhouse, Harlow, 4th Sep 21 We saw you at Harlow. Absolutely AMAZING show/concert. We were blown away by how incredibly talented you all are. Seriously, I was holding my breath at times! You are more than a tribute band. You seriously should be headlining somewhere. I couldn't stop telling people how fantastic the show was! We will definitely love to see you again! If you haven't seen this band yet, do it! You won't regret it! Joanne Woolnough, 16 Sep 21 On Facebook All amazing The Point, Eastleigh, 25th Jan 20 It is so nice to see a band enjoying themselves on stage. So many bands are wooden and lack atmosphere but you guys were all amazing and I really enjoyed the whole show. It was the fourth time that I’ve seen you and definitely not the last. Please do not change a thing, and thank you so much for all your hard work and passion. Pete Bridges, 26 Jan 20 On Facebook Beyond perfect The McMillan Theatre, Bridgwater, 30th Nov 19 The venue at Bridgwater is amazing and it compliments the Pink Floyd sound that you guys reproduce perfectly. This was our fifth TFE show this year so we were already well versed with the playlist, and there were some really amazing moments throughout. But if I have to single out one track that gave me goosebumps it was Hey You. There was the clarity and quality of the sound, the mesmerising acoustic guitar intro by John Lovegrove, and the main part of the song which was performed brilliantly by the band throughout. There were many other great tracks but this one was beyond perfect. I would also like to mention Gordon on the keyboards who had a very good night on stage linking everything together with his professionalism and humour. But the best performance of the night was from unsung heroes Kris and Johnny, who handle the lights, projections and sound. The backdrop for you guys has improved month in, year in, and is now at a level of exquisite perfection. It's original, creative, and links everything together very impressively. To all those involved in its creation, you have crafted a masterful spectacle and, as the unsung heroes hiding in the shadows who make it all work on the night, we think it's time for them to take a bow. Nicola Kemp & Bob Jeffery, 3 Dec 19 By email Blown away The McMillan Theatre, Bridgwater, 30th Nov 19 Had the most amazing time last night at the Macmillan Theatre in Bridgwater. We were blown away by the band. In fact the best band we have ever seen! They are so talented. Been talking about them all day. Bless you all. Rosie Chapman, 1 Dec 19 By email Mesmerising The Wharf, Tavistock, 12th Oct 19 From the opening bars of Shine On You Crazy Diamond to the funky guitar playing on Run Like Hell, this was a great night in the company of The Floyd Effect. This iconic music played through the sound system developed by Steve Court (who created the sound system for the original Pink Floyd) was both powerful and clear. For me, tonight's show was a ladies night with vocals of mesmerising quality, Angelic in White, Lustful in Red, and Brilliant in Black. (Those who were there will understand this.) Each time I listen to this band they never fail to deliver. It was an amazing show, and we are so happy to support them wherever they perform. We're looking forward to Bridgwater and Eastleigh already! Nicola Kemp & Bob the Stalker, 21 Oct 19 By email Thank you. Just... Thank You. Cyprus Rocks, 6th Oct 19 I've used the word 'awesome' many times this week, but I should have saved it... [The Floyd Effect] were F@@KING awesome !!!!! and the sound they produced I think just solved the Cyprus problem! My whole body, mind and bones were attacked by wave after wave of lead guitar and bass; I've paid 180 quid to watch Floyd and I would have again just for that. Make no mistake - this was a stadium performance par excellence. They smashed the ball out of the park and to the dark side of the moon. Comfortably Numb means a lot to me - it is without question my favourite guitar solo and hearing it here in a place I love played so superbly well brought me to tears! Thank you, guys. Just... Thank You. Andy's post, 7 Oct 19 On Facebook Will stick in my heart and memory forever Without a shadow of a doubt (and I know that everyone is in agreement) experiencing The Floyd Effect perform last night was just magical, and almost felt ethereal in the quality and purity of the sound. It was really one of those 'You Had To Be There' moments which made my soul soar in delight and will stick in my heart and memory forever. Debbie Soper-Yates, 7 Oct 19 On Facebook Reduced to tears Just finished hearing The Floyd Effect. Dark Side Of The Moon played live in its entirety... and I've honestly never EVER heard craftsmanship like this in all my years as a musician and lover of music! Been reduced to tears at just how amazing this lot are. Craftsmanship at its very best! Keith Irving, 6 Oct 19 On Facebook Probably the best live tribute band in the Universe! The Opera House, Buxton, 28th Sep 19 Probably the best live tribute band in the Universe! Bill and I saw Floyd Effect at the Buxton Opera House last night. Having seen several Floyd tribute bands and many other acts commemorating and copying other great artists we were ready to be entertained but maybe unimpressed. None of the other tribute bands come as close to the original bands they are celebrating as we experienced last night. I have seen the original Floyd with Syd and then many times with Dave. The only time I witnessed Dark Side in its entirety was the Roger Waters presentation at Hyde Park in 2006, with Andy Fairweather Low on Guitar. It was certainly a memorable occasion. However, in the more intimate surroundings of the Buxton Opera House the Floyd Effect set was more captivating and inspiring, especially Great Gig in the Sky. I never thought that I would hear such a good rendition of the Clair Torry’s wordless lyrics! The diving and flying vocals of Tiffany and Fiona were truly magical. Barry K Vanderhoven, 29 Sep 19 By email The best £20 I have ever spent Having seen the Floyd many times I was sceptical about tribute acts ... However, after seeing The Floyd Effect I was blown away by not only the standard of music but the singing and sheer stage presence of all involved. It was the best £20 I have ever spent on any concert and for a nigh-on three and a half hour show I firmly believe the chaps could command a lot more. AWESOME. I look forward to them coming back to Buxton again, not only because all our guesthouse guests went and rocked to the show but so that I can steal a night off and go rocking myself. Keep up the great work!!!!!! Neale R W, 29 Sep 19 By email Fantastic show Saw you guys in Buxton last night. Fantastic show - I can't wait to see what show you put on next year. This was our fourth time seeing you in concert and every time you exceed our expectations. Watching you perform tracks from The Wall brought back memories of seeing Floyd at Earls Court back in the day. Hope to see you again soon. Steven Brylowski, 29 Sep 19 By email Recalls Pink Floyd's epic stage sets I've seen The Floyd Effect a few times now, and was lucky enough to be allowed the chance to photograph some of the Buxton gig. The consistent level of authoritative musicianship remains as impressive as ever and blimey, those girls can really sing! The Great Gig was a standout! I've seen the light show evolve as well, and it has become very slick. It adds enormously to the atmosphere and recalls Pink Floyd's epic stage sets. They will be performing close to me next March... I may have to go again! Stephen Ellis Bell, 4 Oct 19 By email Amazing, brilliant, fantastic... Castle Theatre, Wellingborough, 21st Sep 19 My husband bought two tickets and surprised me with going to see The Floyd Effect. I never really fancied seeing a tribute band, but never got to see the real thing. The theatre was very accommodating for me (being in a wheelchair). It's the first time I’ve been to this theatre and it was lovely. However, The Floyd Effect were absolutely amazing, brilliant, fantastic...... I will be looking out for them and will even travel to find them. The musicians were great and the singers were too. When it came to The Great Gig In The Sky I thought nobody would be able to replicate that, but not only one of them sang but all three of the backing singers did it in turn. It really was like listening to Floyd themselves. The light show too was awesome. Amazing. What a great band. I would recommend anyone to go to see them. Such a wonderful treat from my husband. Thank you so much for giving us both such an entertaining evening. Sam Burgoine, 23 Sep 19 By email Blown away I don't do tribute bands ever but my dear friend, whom I love and trust, persuaded me to go to see The Floyd Effect. I was blown away by their accuracy and professionalism and by the light show they created in a small provincial theatre! I really enjoyed it. Well done guys... I shall tell others about you. Lynn Pettitt, 22 Sep 19 By email Absolutely fantastic Arts Theatre, Colchester, 14th Sep 19 Saw you at Colchester last night. Probably seen you eight or nine times now in various venues, but I've NEVER heard you sounding better. The sound and lighting guys were absolutely fantastic right from the start, and so were all of you. I have seen other Floyd tributes, but frankly I think you leave them all standing. So THANK YOU. Tony Krelle, 16 Sep 19 On Facebook Immaculate Chequer Mead Theatre, East Grinstead, 7th Sep 19 For all those who never came to Chequer Mead on 7th September, you really missed out... the show was awesome, musically and vocally brilliant from the opening of Shine On You Crazy Diamond (which was worth the entrance fee alone) to the encore of a high energy Run like Hell. A shout out to two special people and their performances in the band tonight: Garry Tyrrell and his masterclass of bass playing (especially the funky riff in One Slip) and Debby Bracknell whose vocals were like a voice from an angel. It was a great evening's entertainment in the company of The Floyd Effect, and they had a great evening too; they nailed all the key guitar solos... Time, Another Brick In The Wall pt 2, Money and Comfortably Numb, and the addition of the camera projection to see the guitar playing was terrific. The guys who do the lighting, lasers and projections have produced a back drop of stunning interest. It was immaculate. Robert Jeffery, 8 Sep 19 On Facebook It was brilliant The Coro, Ulverston, 26th Jul 19 I've just watched The Floyd Effect - Wall Around The Moon at Ulverston's Coro Hall - Brilliant! I've seen a couple of Pink Floyd tribute bands before and they were good but these guys were excellent. Everyone was on point. Loved the playlist, with One Slip (a personal favourite) a pleasant surprise. Others had only touched on The Wall really, but The Floyd Effect played nearly all of it around all of Dark Side. It was brilliant. They need to come to my hometown of Barrow (eight miles further) to The Forum, which is a bigger venue than the Coro. I will be persistently pestering The Forum and The Floyd Effect to make it happen. I look forward to seeing them again. Carl Baines, 29 Jul 19 By email Absolutely amazing Theatre Royal, St Helens, 15th Jun 19 Went to see the band at the Theatre Royal in St Helens on 15th June and thought that this was their best performance ever (not that we’re biased of course 😊 ). We’ve been to see them several times and there’s always something new and exciting to hear. If you haven’t been to see their Wall Around The Moon tour then go to see it. It’s absolutely amazing with some fabulous re-working of the classic Floyd songs. Carol & Tony, 16 Jun 19 By email Blown away Parkway Theatre, Cleethorpes, 11th May 19 ❤️😁Went with my husband to see the band last night in Cleethorpes... WOW!!! You were simply amazing! Brilliant musicians and vocalists made for a superb evening! Hubby has seen Pink Floyd in concert a few times and didn’t really believe anyone could do them justice but he was blown away by you all! He’s already scanning your tour dates to see when you’re next performing in our region! A massive Thank You from us to you for a wonderful evening! See you all again, soon! Wendy Woodley, 12 May 19 By email Love this band Arts Theatre, Braintree, 16th Mar 19 ❤️🧡💛 love this band. Saw them at Halstead, Colchester, and Braintree and they just get better and better. Different show this year and a different look, feel, and sound. God, the girls were good. I mean they were beyond good, Great Gig was sublime. Those high harmonies made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end - that good. That's not to say the boys in the band weren't brilliant - 'cos they were and also sounded better than ever - but Great Gig was the highlight of the show for me. Lorraine Wilkinson, 20 Mar 19 On Facebook A wonderful experience Music At The Northcourt, Abingdon, 1 Mar 19 The Floyd Effect makes a worthy tribute to Pink Floyd’s genius with technical excellence, a top notch stage show and every note right on the money. As the eight-strong band kicked off it was instantly apparent that they could really use both their instruments and their voices. Every note was timed just right, every lick of the bass was sharp, each drum beat clean and intentional. I was frankly amazed at how close they sounded to the records that I've listened to hundreds of times. It was a wonderful experience to hear music that I love done both live and perfectly. I was a little worried about The Great Gig in The Sky, but the two female vocalists just blew it away - simply stunning. The generous three hour set simply flew by. This is as close as I’m ever going to come to seeing Pink Floyd live, and you know what - I suspect that side-by-side you’d probably get as good or better a sound out of The Floyd Effect. Smashing. Daily Info Oxford, 4 Mar 19 See the full review: You continue to astound I just had to drop you a line to let you know how much I enjoyed Friday night. If anything I am sure that night was even better a performance than your previous two visits and they themselves were superb. You continue to astound me with musicianship and dedication to the Floyd cause. I loved hearing Sheep and thought you guys nailed it, DSOTM was stunning once again with the girls just astounding in Great Gig. Mark Cunningham, 4 Mar 19 By email An awesome spectacle The Point, Eastleigh, 26th Jan 19 We had waited in anticipation of the new set and this first show of the year, and we were not disappointed. A beautiful blend of Pink Floyd's greatest hits set the opening with a well balanced song list. It was nice to hear the addition of One Slip from A Momentary Lapse of Reason - a nice toe tapper before the start of The Wall. A blend of tracks was executed brilliantly and the new lighting and graphics made it an awesome spectacle. In the second set, Dark Side Of The Moon was perfection; even the band must have been pleased with that one. They finished off with further tracks from The Wall ending with Comfortably Numb and the usual encore of Run Like Hell. What a spectacular experience it was when the lighting crew hit the mirror ball with all the lights during the guitar solo on Comfortably Numb... it was magical. We are so pleased that we came to The Point to share in this evening. Until next time, respect to everyone connected with the band for a great night's entertainment. Bob and Nicola, 27 Jan 19 By email Truly wonderful Theatr Colwyn, Colwyn Bay, 1st Dec 18 It's the first of December and you open your advent calendar and what do you get? Well, it certainly wasn't a dodgy tasting chocolate this year... it was a joyous evening in the company of The Floyd Effect. Now, I've seen the real deal (Docklands, back in the day), I've seen Think Floyd, Brit Floyd and the Aussies too, but The Floyd Effect manage to recreate the whole experience on a much more enjoyable and intimate level. A small venue means any mistakes are obvious, but they were amazing, from the light show to the sound (OK, for the first minute my colon was being rattled by the bass) but the sound was sorted very quickly and was nothing short of fantastic. Well done, sound and lighting guys. Everyone seems to enjoy themselves and gives their all, and the choice of Floyd tracks is inspired; it's nice to hear some of The Division Bell for a change. I could rave all night about musicianship and the quality they ALL possess. It was awesome, a truly wonderful few hours, so make sure you see them when they play near you. Come back to North Wales soon. Gary Stoessel, 2 Dec 18 By email Well impressed The Harlington, Fleet, 17th Oct 18 Thank you for performing a fantastic show. I was well impressed; if I hadn't been in the room I could have thought it was the actual Floyd playing. Your music was spot on and, being a massive Dave Gilmour fan, I am now a massive TFE fan. I can't wait to see you all again. Andy Smith, 28 Oct 18 On Facebook 592 miles and well worth it The Wharf, Tavistock, 13th Oct 18 We drove a round trip of 592 miles to see the band at the iconic Tavistock Wharf and it was well worth it. We saw The Floyd Effect at this venue last year, and it was a special evening but tonight’s show was just amazing, spectacular even. The band came together in a beautiful blend of musicianship and it was excellently produced by the guys in the mixing booth, a perfect blend of rhythm and backing highlighted by crystal clear lead guitar solos... it was a night not to be missed. This was the best show that we had seen out of five this year. Congratulations to everyone connected with this band. Bob and Nicola, 13 Oct 18 By email Power and soulfulness The Plume Academy, Maldon, 6th Oct 18 The Floyd Effect can play the whole of the Pink Floyd repertoire, but for 'Marbles' gigs they have always performed the later post-Barrett material, from Dark Side of the Moon onwards, and this concert was no exception. During a concert that lasted the best part of three hours, the musicianship was impeccable as always. These people can play and they can sing. And if the original Great Gig in the Sky led to a lawsuit between singer and band, The Floyd Effect's rendition was altogether more harmonious, performed by two singers with distinct and complementary voices, a combination of power and soulfulness that naturally brought the house down! The Marble Project, 13 Oct 18 Sensational The Opera House, Buxton, 8th Sep 18 Last night at Buxton Opera House I saw, heard and was totally blown away by The Floyd Effect - and what an effect they had on me and everyone else in the packed auditorium. Several tracks from the Division Bell album - followed by a couple of 'greatest hits' in the first set – followed by the entire Dark Side of the Moon and a couple more hits including Another Brick in the Wall and Wish You Here left me totally breathless in admiration of the band’s musicianship and vocal skills. It would be unfair to single out individual members of the band as they were all sensational, but virtuoso performances dominated the evening - and the sensational lighting effects transformed a musical evening into an assault on the visual senses. If the Floyd Effect return to Buxton book your tickets early - it’s going to be a sell out! G Sellars, Editor, I Love MACC / Community Online, 9 Sep 18 Last year we saw The Floyd Effect at Buxton Opera House and for months and months afterwards I scanned the Opera House website in an attempt not to miss getting tickets for the return visit this year. I did this at least twice a day. I was successful! To say we were looking forward to this event is a huge understatement, we could not wait. On the night I was quite nervous that the best show I had ever seen might not live up to last year. Well! I should not have worried. The show was absolutely wonderful - like last time. Once again the whole thing was such an emotional and exciting experience. The feelings inside were there again. I reiterate - the best show we have ever seen! Judy Mann, 11th Nov 18 By email I always regretted never seeing Pink Floyd live but, after seeing the Floyd Effect last night at Buxton Opera House, I can think to myself I've seen the Floyd in concert. The song performance and content was spot on, the light show was excellent. The vocals, both the lead and the backup, was phenomenal. We had an excellent evening and thoroughly recommend anyone thinking of checking them out to do so. Mark Hatton, 9 Sep 18 By email Simply stunning The Corn Exchange, Bedford, 27th Jul 18 The Floyd Effect did themselves and the legacy of Pink Floyd full justice last night at the Corn Exchange in Bedford. Opening with selections from The Division Bell album, the superb lighting and back drop visuals - combined with the impeccable delivery of the music, set the template for the evening. A soaring Shine On You Crazy Diamond was another of many highlights. The second half saw them showcase a complete performance of The Dark Side Of The Moon that was totally captivating from start to finish - hearing it played with such empathy was confirmation that this piece of music remains ingrained in our lives. It was a flawless performance. Encores of Comfortably Numb and Run Like Hell completed this hugely enjoyable celebration of the music of Pink Floyd. The effect of which was simply stunning. Catch them where you can. Dave Lewis, 28 Jul 18 On Facebook A brilliant evening The Princess Theatre, Hunstanton, 16th Jun 18 Last night was the third time that I had seen you at Hunstanton and I would like to thank you so much for such a brilliant evening. I was so upset to learn from one of the band that this year would be the last time we see you at Hunny. As I told him, a local petition will be in hand in the near future. SO UPSET. I saw another Pink Floyd tribute band in Kings Lynn last year and I have to say that they're not a patch on you guys. I'll look forward to receiving your emails of where and when you are on and do my best to come and see you elsewhere. Thank you all so much for a great evening. Jan, 18 Jun 18 Wow! The Arts Theatre, Colchester, 21th Apr 18 What a show in Colchester last night. It does not get better than that. Musically and visionarily an absolute dream. The highlight for me was all of it from start to finish! And the two girls with Great Gig In The Sky - wow! John Taylor, 22 Apr 18 On Facebook Totally beautiful The Castle Theatre, Wellingborough, 7th Apr 18 Thank you for the amazing evening and for meeting us afterwards. You really were way, way above my expectations and had me completely roped in all night... totally beautiful guys and gals. THANK YOU very much. We will most certainly see you again. Love from the front row at Wellingborough. Chele Height, 7 Apr 18 On Facebook By far the best The Tivoli Theatre, Wimborne Minster, 24th Mar 18 My best friend and I have seen The Floyd Effect three times now. Last night's gig was absolutely brilliant! Far more enjoyable than Brit Floyd last Saturday! Hope to see you again next year. Sarah Bredda, 25 Mar 18 On Facebook Well, I have to say that I have seen a few tribute acts in my time, but you guys were by far the best I have ever seen. Thank you The Floyd Effect for being so kind to my son on stage and for coming to speak to him afterwards. It was his first ever concert and he was worried about going because he had a plaster cast on. He was totally in awe and can't wait to go again. Melantha Crow, 25 Mar 18 On Facebook Brilliant from start to finish The Trinity Arts, Gainsborough, 3rd Feb 18 I thought it was brilliant from start to finish; the girls were superb on The Great Gig In The Sky. It’s the first time I’d seen you play, and it was every bit as good as when I saw Pink Floyd’s original Division Bell tour in ‘94, when they also played the whole of Dark Side of The Moon. Well done. David Allen, 4 Feb 18 On Facebook The best live show since Pink Floyd The Point, Eastleigh, 27th Jan 18 The first show of a new year, and an exceptional evening's entertainment. The set list was well balanced, opening with tracks from The Division Bell, with several favourites getting the toes tapping, then into a medley of iconic Floyd greats including Shine On You Crazy Diamond, plus a big surprise to hear Have a Cigar and Sheep for the first time, extracting all the power and energy of the bands musical professionalism. The first set closed with a stunning performance and guitar solo during Another Brick in the Wall - it doesn't get much better than this. The second set delivered a masterful performance of Dark Side of the Moon, a trademark of this group. The audience loved it, and the three ovations for The Great Gig In The Sky were rightly deserved. Having seen this band all over the country and heard their shows countless times, the evening at The Point was way up there and, at times, the performance was Off The Dial. The chemistry and execution was nothing short of brilliance. The Floyd Effect are a band you NEED to see live; Facebook and YouTube clips just don't cut it. Check out their website and get to see them this year. You will be blown away. Bob and Nicola, 30 Jan 18 By email I must have been living under a rock because I had no idea these guys existed. I grew up with Pink Floyd but only saw them live once - in Australia after the release of Momentary Lapse of Reason, so probably over 30 years ago. I only bought the ticket because my wife and I were in The Point seeing something else just before Christmas and I saw it advertised... and this was probably the best live show I have seen since Australia. Seriously. If you love Pink Floyd and haven't seen this band you need to. I will most definitely be coming back, next time with as many old Floyd fans as I can find. Thanks for a FANTASTIC evening. You were all amazing. Ian Clarke, 30 Jan 18 By email A truly great night Club 85, Hitchin, 16th Dec 17 The best yet... it was a truly great night. I'll definitely be coming to a few in 2018, and I'll bring my son and a few mates next time. This is the best tribute I've seen yet - fantastic show, and great vocals from all. It's hard to copy Pink Floyd but you definitely smashed it. Don't ever stop. We all need this to keep it alive. Thanks to you all for a brilliant night out. Robert Merritt, 19 Dec 17 On Facebook The Floyd Effect’s effect is to make the original Pink Floyd feel great all over again. And that’s a good thing. So rather than this tribute act being a parasitic, exploitative kind of influence, this band is more symbiotic, it actually adds some value to the host. I found myself looking forward to playing my old Pink Floyd CDs all over again. Adrian Baldwin, 20 Dec 17 So fantastic as to be untrue... Buxton Opera House, 11th Nov 17 A late review from us. We saw The Floyd Effect in Buxton and see that they are on again in September 2018. Tomorrow we will falling over ourselves to book this. Our night at Buxton was superlative; in fact The Floyd Effect are not only the best tribute band we have ever seen, they are the best band we have ever seen. That evening was so fantastic as to be untrue. I cannot find words to say how wonderful the whole show was. If you are in any doubt as to whether to go along to one of their gigs then don't wait as I am sure they will be booked up immediately, and you really, really need to see this band! Judy Mann, 5 Jan 18 By email I drove over from Sheffield wondering if it was worth spending nearly an hour doing so. My big disappointment was that I'd not seen them before - so much better than Aussie Pink Floyd who I saw about a month ago at more than twice the price. Brilliant show, I'll be seeing them again, lots! Thought On the Turning Away was particularly good but Echoes was the best for me. Big thanks to all in the band. Chris Johnson, 16 Nov 17 On Facebook What a fantastic night. Our second time seeing the band and they were outstanding. Thanks again for a fantastic night and can’t wait for the next time. Andrew Few, 12 Nov 17 On Facebook On a different level The Wharf, Tavistock, 16th Sep 17 I have seen many bands in my time and I have seen TFE on many occasions, but on this night they were just unreal, on a different level. This was Pink Floyd on steroids, they were that good. It's not easy to single any individual out as this was an awesome collective performance that left me and my partner speechless. But the dual vocals delivered by Julia and Debbie were totally off the dial. Echoes was played and delivered in such a manner that it sounded better than the original recorded version, while the second set was brilliant beyond belief and Comfortably Numb... well, I have no words to describe how much this impressed me. I had the pleasure to meet the band after the show and, let me tell you, they were drained, exhausted. They had left everything out there on this performance and the crowd appreciated it. Those that attended this show will know exactly what this means. It was a moment in time that will not be forgotten, a truly awesome evening. Bob Jeffery and Nicola Kemp, 20 Sep 17 By email Just WOW The Guildhall, Gloucester, 5th Aug 17 I’d seen TFE a few years ago but with them not having been in this area before I hadn’t seen them for a while. I remembered them being really good... but they were well beyond being really good. They were abso-bloody-lutely amazing. Seriously. If you haven’t seen them - GO. BOOK NOW! The keyboardist might’ve been joking when he said their guitarist beat Dave Gilmour in a soundalike contest but believe me when I say he probably would beat current Gilmour in terms of sounding like he did when the albums were recorded. It would be entirely unfair of me to single out any of the band for high praise individually as each one of them was brilliant in their own right and each was showcased in a number. But they certainly are far more than the sum of their parts, coming together to produce Pink Floyd’s studio albums live. I think I may have to join the large numbers of devotees following this band around the country. YES, they really were that good! Terence Bailey-Carter, 6 Aug 17 On Facebook Just WOW. There aren’t enough superlatives for the show at Glos Guildhall. Fiona’s high notes on Great Gig sent shivers down my spine and damn near drove me to tears. Wish You Were Here had me singing and sobbing in equal measure as I held my lighter up for those who had passed. Are you sure it wasn’t Gilmour himself up there in disguise 'cos if it really was someone else he’s the best I’ve heard and knocks the Aussies and Brits into a cocked hat (not to mention the originals during some of their original live performances :-O ) I’ll certainly be keeping an eye out for you when you’re next in the area. Lori Toth, 6 Aug 17 On Facebook Simply superb The Northcourt, Abingdon, 28th Jul 17 Well they came back and they conquered again. Just like last year - simply superb and, if I recall correctly, the light show was even better. Another packed house that made it a fantastic atmosphere in this excellent venue. As for the band - truly amazing. I used to think Aussie Floyd were good, then they split and Brit Floyd were formed and they were even better than the Aussies. However they both started becoming big arena bands and getting expensive. The Floyd Effect brings top quality skill and musicianship back to more intimate venues. If you enjoyed the real Pink Floyd then go see these guys if you get the chance - STUNNING. If there was an X Factor for tribute bands The Floyd Effect would walk it. Over to you Mr Cowell!! Oh yes... and I'll see you in Abingdon in 2018. R Chalmers, 29 Jul 17 By email The best tribute band The Princess Theatre, Hunstanton, 1st Jul 17 My wife and I saw your act at Hunstanton earlier this month and it was fantastic. We saw most if not all of the tribute bands when we lived in Bucks, and I saw Pink Floyd at Earl's Court in London when they performed Dark Side of the Moon for the first time, and have to say that your perofmance is the best tribute band that we have seen. Musically it was brilliant and the lead singer's voice is the closest impression of Dave Gilmour we have heard (which is no mean feat). The female singers were excellent and overall it was a great evening. You are a very talented bunch of people. Thank you so much for the entertainment and good luck with the ongoing tour. We hope to see you again. Steve Jones and Marilyn Reed, 11 Jul 17 By email I just HAD to contact you having enjoyed the best evening ever. Thank you SO much. I wanted to see you last year at the same venue but that was just not to be. I'm so glad I was able to enjoy such a great evening this year. PLEASE, PLEASE come back to Hunny. I shall keep an eye on your webpage to see if you coming anywhere near to Norfolk in the near future as I would love to see and hear you again. I cannot thank you enough for your wonderful entertainment. Janice Campbell, 2 Jul 17 By email Absolutely amazing show Royal Court Theatre, Bacup, 24th Jun 17 Absolutely amazing show guys, felt guilty afterwards only paying £17. Look forward to seeing you again. Shine On. Ken Brown, 26 Jun 17 On Facebook 11 out of 10 The Arts Centre, Colchester, 29th Apr 17 Thanks for a brilliant evening, we thought you were really brilliant and the girls just blew us away. What a fantastic night - we've become fans now so please let me know when you play Essex again so that I can buy tickets. (If you have a list of dates please send it to me.) Tell the band from a very old Pink Floyd fan - 11 out of 10. Robert Taber, 30 Apr 17 By email As good as it gets The 1865, Southampton, 1st Apr 17 As a show this was as good as it gets. The timing, delivery and recreation of the Floyd sound was faultless, and many tracks took me to places I had forgotten existed as the sound washed over me. The tribute to the fallen icons and the execution of Wish You Were Here brought tears to my eyes - it was an exceptional piece of art. The whole band played their part in what was a wonderful night of musical entertainment. Thank you all, I'm so looking forward to the next time. Nicola Kemp, 6 Apr 17 By email Thought we'd give Aussie Floyd a miss this year and come to see you guys instead at the 1865 in Southampton last night. I have to tell you, we were blown away. Note perfect for nearly three hours. Excellent musicianship, what a voice, and your ladies, spot on. Looking forward to seeing you again. Thanks for a brilliant evening. Ade Neale‎, 2 Apr 17 On Facebook It’s not every day that you see a tribute act that has so much originality to offer. Although the gig was seated, the atmosphere was superb and the band easily engaged with everyone in the crowd. They started off with Shine On You Crazy Diamond and played classics such as Echoes and High Hopes, which was a real treat for all Pink Floyd fans. They ended the first set with Another Brick in the Wall Pt 2... and it wouldn’t be a Pink Floyd tribute act without Wish You Were Here and Comfortably Numb, which ended the second set. The Floyd Effect is truly the next best thing to seeing Pink Floyd and I can honestly urge any fan to go and watch these guys perform. Original Rock (, 2 Apr 17 Fantastic The Citadel, St Helens, 25th Mar 17 I've grown up listening to Pink Floyd... I've got my dad to thank for that. Dad and I have seen Waters and also the Australian Pink Floyd. They were good, but seeing you guys perform at The Citadel blew my mind, we couldn't get over what brilliant musicians you all are and the girls, well... wow, what can I say!! Credit where it's due, you're all fabulous!! We can't wait for you to come this way again. Thank you for a great night! X Julie Darlington Crawford, 26 Apr 17 By email I was at The Citadel last night with my brother who came down from Scotland to see the show, and it was fantastic. Everything about the performance was spot on - lights, music, singing - the best one I have seen yet. Worth every penny. Keep it up. Alan Ratcliffe, 26 Mar 17 By email "The show must go on" Chequer Mead, East Grinstead, 18th Mar 17 I have seen TFE many many times, but never in all those years have I witnessed such a catalogue of technical mishaps that could have unravelled most bands and artists. Projection failures, sound and microphone failures, and a major malfunction on the guitarist's pedalboard that resulted in John Lovegrove sensibly calling a temporary halt to proceedings. There followed some brilliant ad-libbing with Gordon and the girls doing an impromptu dance routine to entertain the waiting audience while others frantically tried to recover the evening with a hasty repair and an offending cable being ripped out and dispatched to the back of the stage. You would think with all that going on that it was a bad night, but far from it... the Show must go on, and it did. A well-balanced set was delivered with professionalism, good humour and exceptional musicianship, The tracks from Meddle showcased every member of the band's ability, delivered with pace, power and precision. I could single out everyone in this band for their contribution on this set - the pulsating rift of Garry on bass, Kerry controlling the drive and the timing on drums, Gordon's haunting organ work totally sublime on Echoes, John providing the rhythm, the girls adding beauty and backing vocals, and the complex guitar work making it an outstanding performance. TFE do not rely on backing tracks and everything is played 'there and then', so the problems had only proved that they are the real deal as a live band. Don't take my word for it, go and see them for yourself. Tracks like Another Brick in the Wall, Comfortably Numb (that was smashed out of the park), Run Like Hell and not forgetting the whole of the Dark Side Of The Moon album were all worth the entrance fee alone. Live music is a once-in-a-moment experience - there are no retakes, and the professionalism of this band was so evident with what they were dealt with on the evening. The anthem of Wish You Were Here, dedicated to all the lost artists of this last year, is still ringing in my ears, executed brilliantly.... "WOW" is what I can say about that. My last comment is for Tiffany and Debby, and how they recovered and dovetailed on The Great Gig in the Sky. The way Tiffany gave Debby the nod and she stepped in was nothing short of brilliance for an avid fan that hangs on every note. Well done to the band, and all of the team. Thank you, thank you all. Bob Jeffery, 19 Mar 17 By email Unforgettable The Tivoli Theatre, Wimborne Minster, 25th Feb 17 Unbelievable! I heard The Floyd Effect for the first time last night. To say I was blown away would be an understatement. Terrific music, brilliantly performed reducing me to tears. I did not ever expect to hear this wonderful music performed live in this way. Thank you for a truly fabulous evening. Unforgettable. Debbie Faulkner, 26th Feb 17 By email Just seen The Floyd Effect and what a fantastic night it was too. The whole band were technically brilliant and the vocals were incredible. I’ve been a Floyd fan all my life and tonight's performance was as good as, if not better than, listening to the original albums. I’m already looking forward to the next time the band are playing in the area as I will definitely be going to see them again. Stuart Thorne, 25th Feb 17 By email We have seen many Pink Floyd tribute bands over the years but this was stunning from such talented musicians. What a treat to hear the whole of Dark Side of the Moon, it blew us away, and the girls brought tears to the eyes with their flawless rendition of Great Gig in the Sky. Also to hear tracks from Meddle was fantastic and something we have never heard covered before. We will definitely be back to see the band again. Alan & Elaine Tompkins, 25th Feb 17 By email FAB-U-LOUS! The Empire Theatre, Halstead, 18th Feb 17 We have just returned home from a fantastic night at the Halstead Empire watching The Floyd Effect. To call them a tribute band doesn't do them justice. They are all stunning; no weak links. The two backing singers also incredible. Huge respect to you all. Pamela Blackbourn, 19th Feb 17 By email What an amazing show! First time seeing you but was like seeing the real thing. Fantastic talent. Can't wait to see you again. Susan Williams, 19th Feb 17 On Facebook This had to be THE best show I've seen at the Empire. From bass vibrating through the floor to amazing top notes on the sax, the music was spot on and all accompanied by a brilliant light show. FAB-U-LOUS! Lorraine Wilkinson, 19th Feb 17 On Facebook Absolutely brilliant Gladstone Theatre, Port Sunlight, 11th Feb 17 Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Pitch perfect. Very entertaining and indistinguishable from the original band. Very talented musicians, with a superb light show. They raised the roof. Oh... and the backing singers' solos were off the scale. A very well thought out set. They played some of the earlier material that I hadn't heard before which has switched me on to some of the pre- Wish You Were Here albums. Thank you for coming to Port Sunlight and entertaining us. Martin P Craven, 12th Feb 17 On Facebook Me and my husband came to see you tonight at the Gladstone theatre, we were in the front row. I'm not into Pink Floyd but my husband loves it - well... that was until tonight. I think I'm going to start listening to it a bit more. I think you need to start playing arenas. You need to come to Liverpool, even if it's not the Echo Arena, come to the Everyman Theatre. You smashed it! Can't wait to see you all again. Maria & Rob Irwin, 12th Feb 17 On Facebook Best tribute band I've seen, and I've seen the lot. Gary Fosberg, 12th Feb 17 On Facebook What an amazing experience we had last night in the Gladstone Theatre. Absolutely Fantastic Tribute Band. Every bit as good as Pink Floyd. Top drawer. Scott Griffiths, 12th Feb 17 On Facebook All I can say - I was totally blown away by your concert tonight. I have seen other tribute Floyd bands but you guys were amazing, and funny as well! Just a total fabulous show. I felt I was having my own concert with the real Floyd, no lies! Girls' voices outstanding! Three hours - how did you do it? Got to see you again. Well done - first time - totally converted. Susan Gillies, 12th Feb 17 On Facebook You ROCK! Tropic At Ruislip, 3rd Feb 17 I saw you play for the first time the other night in Ruislip and you were BRILLIANT!! I've been a huge Pink Floyd fan for many years and your early Floyd set was something very special, and very well performed. To put it simply, you are a brilliantly rounded band. The keyboardist was just awesome! Rick Wright was such a genius and his work shone through your performance. But really, the whole band is clearly talented. Epic playlist, all of it was bang on the money. I envy those who saw the Pink Floyd in their day, but it's the likes of you who help bring that magic to the likes of me. THANK YOU. Keep going, you ROCK! Nick Hayles, 12th February 17 On Facebook You will be elated The Point, Eastleigh, 28th Jan 17 I saw The Floyd Effect at The Point in Eastleigh. I had the good fortune to see the original Pink Floyd twice, first in 1970 at the Bath Blues Festival (Atom Heart Mother) and at Earls Court (Dark Side of the Moon). The Floyd Effect are equally as good as the original line up and, with the intimacy of the venue, it’s like being in the front row. They were stupendous. I would urge any Floyd fan to make the effort to see them. You will be elated. We’ve rebooked for Southampton on 1st April (turn up the controls – louder please!). I also saw the Australian Pink Floyd at Beaulieu, OK but forgettable. Well done, you might be a tribute band but what a tribute band. Nick Rose, 7th March 17 By email Just saw your gig at The Point folks, amazing, you clearly put your heart and soul into this, Thank you for a great night! Totes Amazeballs! Phil Bridges, 28th January 17 On Facebook Guys and Girls - superb! You engaged the audience musically and socially. I enjoyed this evening far better than that which we spent in the company of Australian Pink Floyd. Aussie PF roll over - there is a band coming! John Mark Williams, 30th January 17 On Facebook Amazing! Thanks for a brilliant evening! Always wanted to see and hear you play One Of These Days and Echoes. Cracking versions, and the whole show was fantastic! Look forward to seeing you again my friends! Kevin Leo Welch, 29th January 17 On Facebook Just saw you at The Point in Eastleigh. You absolutely nailed it! And actually made me cry at one point. Thank you guys and girls. You were immense. xx Danae Hamling, 28th January 17 On Facebook What an incredible night. Thank you so much. Great authentic sound. Lovely to meet a couple of band members afterwards and thank them personally. Jood Gubbins, 28th January 17 On Facebook So nice to see a band enjoying themselves. Great show and great atmosphere. Loved all of it. Thank you. Pete Bridges, 28th January 17 On Facebook Uncanny The Corn Exchange, Bedford, 16th Dec 16 Stunning show at the Bedford Corn Exchange last night. Vocals so like Gilmore himself it's uncanny. Whilst Another Brick in the Wall pt2 was as perfect as you'll ever hear - was the highlight of the night for me. Look forward to seeing you guys in 2017. Chris Gore, 17th December 16 On Facebook Masterful The Courtyard Theatre, Hereford, 12th Nov 16 I've just seen TFE at the Courtyard in Hereford. I saw Pink Floyd at Earl's Court perform The Wall and since then I never thought to see a performance to beat it... Until tonight. The band were absolutely on fire. The whole show was a masterful tribute to my favourite band. Thanks guys and girls. A great night. Colin Farr, 13th November 16 By email Truly breathtaking The Picturedrome, Holmfirth, 22th Oct 16 I was never fortunate enough to see Pink Floyd live. Tonight my wife and I made the journey over the moors from Oldham to Holmfirth to watch The Floyd Effect, and I can now honestly say, "I have seen Pink Floyd play live". What a phenomenal band you are, we sat in awe of your amazing talents. A truly breathtaking show. You will be highly recommended by us in future, and we cannot wait for you to visit again. The Floyd Effect are masters of their art. Thank you all for a very very memorable evening of pure class. Gordon and Amanda Haigh, 23th October 16 On Facebook I echo every word of that. I was honestly amazed at how good you guys were... and I have seen the real lot, too. John Mason, 23th October 16 On Facebook It's a show that you cannot miss. Absolutely brilliant. Stef Ptycia, 23th October 16 On Facebook Truly awesome The Globe, Cardiff, 8th Oct 16 Hello - I'm Mike. My son Jac and I saw the band on Saturday at the Globe in Cardiff. All I can say is that it was truly awesome; I don't see how you could get better than that. The venue was snug so everything was up close and personal and the sound guys did an amazing job of getting everything balanced. I've seen Floyd three times over the years and Jac and I have seen various tribute bands including our antipodean friends (who incidentally we will be seeing this coming Saturday) but I doubt that the standard will match what we experienced with The Floyd Effect. Your first time in Cardiff but not your last I hope; look forward to seeing you all again - long may you Shine On. Mike and Jac, 13th October 16 By email A total joy The Opera House, Buxton, 16th Sep 16 Just a short note because it deserves to be said... I had the great fortune to be at the Buxton Opera House on Friday night with one of my daughters - me a Floyd fan of 20 years plus, my daughter only knowing well-known tracks like Money and Another Brick in the Wall. It was the first time for both of us watching your performance, and I have to say you were brilliant throughout, thoroughly entertaining and everything was spot on; sounds, lights, effects and mixing was on the money. My daughter went straight out and got a CD of Dark Side Of The Moon which shows what an impression you made. As an old fan, I know Floyd's tracks well enough to spot inaccuracies, but watching you guys was a total joy, and the backing girls (it's always a very very difficult task to find the singers with the vocal power and range to do Floyd tracks properly) were great and were clearly having a ball. Their singing of the female sections of Floyd's repertoire was truly excellent, and they had the power and range to carry their parts off brilliantly, which is a tough job against loud drums, guitars, and organ/synths. So very many thanks for a brilliant performance and a really fantastic and memorable night. See you again in the future. Geoff and Emma Berndt, 17th September 16 By email Far too good to be called 'a tribute' The Wharf, Tavistock, 10th Sep 16 Was gratefully present at the Tavistock performance. It was ridiculously brilliant... faultless? I can assure anyone that the concluding Run Like Hell was actually better than anything I've ever experienced by the actual (and rightfully deified) Floyd themselves. The entire Dark Side of the Moon? Beautiful. I will always remember my gorgeous lady standing before me, her hands back into my pockets as I wrapped her in my arms, her head back for me to kiss her forehead as many a glorious moment by the band was achieved. It was real, it was electrically full-on, and the two white-gowned ladies doing the vocals on The Great Gig in the Sky.... umm... experience it for yourselves because it was beyond simply exquisite. I THANK YOU! A truly great night. We didn't come down [from our high] for two days, at the end of which we could hardly organise a thought, let alone a career. Bliss. Drew Smith, 13th September 16 On Facebook At the sell-out ‘Floyd Effect’ gig at The Wharf, a fellow fan said he had been to every original Floyd concert in the UK since 1972. From that I gathered he was an objective commentator and, like me, he felt that The Floyd Effect are far too good to be simply described as a tribute. He also made an interesting comment about the sound; he was used to hearing Pink Floyd through their massive touring sound systems, but the sound at this gig was so much better - the highs had a better clarity and the bass was exceptional - adding that the sound was absolutely breathtaking! It's not surprising really. One of the co-owners of The Wharf is Stephen Court, who designed and built those mighty speaker stacks that you see on stage. Stephen has worked with, and is a colleague of Alan Parsons (Producer of Dark Side of the Moon and much, much more), so you begin to understand the pedigree of what you see and hear at The Wharf, and it's every bit worthy of this great band. Nigel Follett, 12th September 16 On Facebook Unbelievable Tribfest, 19th Aug 16 Just got back from Tribfest. Watching you guys was unbelievable, I closed my eyes and I was back in the 70s. Will be looking out for gigs in my area. Keep up the great work. Nigel French, 22nd Aug 16 On Facebook OMG The Playhouse, Norwich, 13th Aug 16 OMG Floyd Effect - simply amazing. Had a brilliant time at The Norwich Playhouse. I can thoroughly recommend going to see them, you will not be disappointed. Lois Sims, 14th August 16 On Facebook Easily the best Trinity Arts Theatre, Gainsborough, 6th Aug 16 Absolutely superb gig. Easily the best tribute band I've ever seen and such talented playing. I particularly wanted to hear those hugely pretentious Floyd guitar solos and boy, were they hot, oh yes; better than the 'real thing'. Magnificent performers, each one of the band, and they all looked like they wanted to be there, having a great time in what is our local and quite compact venue and creating such a solid and chunky sound. Thank you - and I do hope to be able to see you again. All the very best for the rest of your tour. Phil (almost the oldest rocker in town), 7th Aug 16 By email The best I've ever seen The Northcourt, Abingdon, 29th Jul 16 As per all the other reviews - a brilliant night performed by a brilliant band. I haven't seen them before (I've seen others) and from the info they mentioned at the start of the gig, it was the busiest night the venue has ever had. It goes to show the power of good music and the draw it can have - I can't imagine anyone went away disappointed. It really looked like the band were enjoying themselves - especially the female contingent. I always consider the vocals on The Great Gig In The Sky set a benchmark, and they performed it faultlessly - plenty of emotion. Of course, Comfortably Numb is a classic with probably one of the top five rock guitar solos of all time, and once again the band performed it exquisitely. If you get the chance to see them, GO - I hope they come back to Abingdon again - a brilliant night and good value for money. Bob Chalmers, 31st Jul 16 By email Having never seen Pink Floyd live, I like to go to see tribute acts whenever I can and The Floyd Effect is by far - by a long way - the best I've ever seen. Dark Side Of The Moon is the one CD that is permanently in my car and I never tire of listening to it so, when the band came on stage and played it in full, I was knocked out. The highlight for me had to be The Great Gig In The Sky and I was reduced to tears because that song was played at a very dear friend's funeral and was just awesome. Thank you all for making a nearly 60yo man relive his youth. Ged Bowers, 31st Jul 16 By email Absolutely brilliant Arts Theatre, Braintree, 23nd Jul 16 The Floyd Effect were absolutely brilliant. I closed my eyes at one point and thought I could have been listening at home on my headphones!!! The whole of Dark Side Of The Moon was played after the interval and woah... it was brilliant. Standing ovations for the girls after their solos in Great Gig In The Sky ... superb. A group of highly talented musicians, who look like they are doing something they love and are extremely good at it!! If you get the chance, go see them. You will not be disappointed. Mike7692, 26th Jul 16 On TripAdvisor What a venue (the acoustics were first class), what an audience, what a performance and what a band. All in all a brilliant evening's entertainment. The reason I come to listen to you guys is the original Pink Floyd on vinyl or CD does not have the power, drive and electricity that you guys generate in your performance. I would pay an admission fee just to hear those last two tracks, as no words can describe just how good and how powerful they come across. Bob Jeffery, 24th Jul 16 By email Utterly sublime! Wycombe Swan Theatre, 2nd Jul 16 Saw you guys at Wycombe Swan a few weeks ago. Sublime... utterly sublime! Excellent musicians, accurately and beautifully reproduced Floyd tracks, which remained true to the REAL Floyd pretty-much throughout (never a great fan, post-Waters). GREAT backing singers. Keep it up... and more London-based gigs please! See you again soon. Nick Timms, 12th Jul 16 By email The Tropic at Ruislip, 24th Jun 16 What a fantastic night! A brilliant tribute band. Over three hours of great entertainment... thanks. Stephen Bailey-Kennedy, 29th Jun 16 By email Great show The Arts Centre, Colchester, 18th Mar 16 Seen Aussie Floyd eight or nine times including at Wembley and I have to say - you were much better! Great show and great fun - will be seeing you again!! Simon Green, 19th Mar 16 On Facebook Absolutely bloody perfect Tivoli Theatre, Wimborne Minster, 13th Feb 16 Have just been to see this ‘tribute’ band, and if you only see and hear one band, not just tribute bands, make it this one. The music, lights and show is absolutely bloody perfect. Guitars, Vocals and Solos all top notch. Well done, not just to the band but the stage crew too. Spot on. When are you back? Peter Inglis, 17th Feb 16 By email Fabulous, superb, amazing... awesome! Tivoli Theatre, Wimborne Minster, 13th Feb 16 OMG! Amazing! The guitar solo on Comfortably Numb was even better than Gilmour himself!! Fabulous night, superb musicians!! Nick Granger, 14th Feb 16 On facebook THANK YOU SO MUCH! Saw your amazing show for the first time last night at the Tivoli. Amazing fidelity to the original numbers.Towering guitar solos !! Great videos and lasers !! Also a lovely bunch of guys enjoying themselves ... and the girls were beautiful with amazing voices. Come back soon !! Ed Billen, 14th Feb 16 On facebook We went to see The Floyd Effect in Wimborne Minster last night and we were completely blown away by how brilliant they were. They sound exactly like the real thing. Voices, singing and instrumental were top notch. A truly professional show and cannot wait to see them again. Will go to see them when they are back in the south again. Awesome! Susan Holmes On facebook Saw The Floyd Effect in Wimborne last night. Faultless performance. I would like to think I am quite critical having played guitar from an early age (or tried) ... and wasn't sure how good it would be, but it was truly amazing with great attention to detail and superb musicians. Excellent! Alan Smith On facebook Please pass on our thanks to the band for the best live performance we have seen in a very long time. It was a real pleasure to listen to skilled musicians with a sense of humour. The smaller venue added to the experience, the whole event felt it was was put together to be appreciated for the music. Much better than other Pink Floyd tributes, less showmanship and more personal. We hope you will come back to the Tivoli. Sue, Steve and Michelle from Ferndown By email ... effectively Pink Floyd Club 85, Hitchin, 27th Dec 15 As far as I am concerned, The Floyd Effect has rewritten my rule book on tribute acts - the band is as worth seeing as any 'original' outfit; in fact it’s far better than many [and] superb value for money. There were a handful of occasions when I shut my eyes and just let the music wash over me. In these moments, I swear I could have been listening to Gilmour, Waters, Wright & Mason - in a linguistic twist, The Floyd Effect was effectively Pink Floyd. And I don’t think I can recommend this band more than that. Adrian Baldwin, 2nd Jan 16 Full review here: The bomb The Brindley, Runcorn, 21st Nov 15 They are amazing. The best tribute to the Floyd I've ever seen and I've seen the lot. These are the bomb. If you can go... go! James Thomson, 22nd Nov 15 On Facebook Absolutely AMAZING gig at the Brindley last night! I was so impressed by the fact that it was perfectly replicated note by note. And all the singers sounded exactly like the real people! Perfect! :-D (Better than the Aussie Floyd.) LuLu Rayner, 22nd Nov 15 On Facebook Ridiculously Good Theatre Colwyn, Colwyn Bay, 7th Nov 15 To paraphrase, 'The band is fantastic, that is really what I think'. In all the times I have seen you perform the Dark Side of the Moon set, this was the most complete ever, performed, delivered and executed to perfection. Ridiculously Good is almost an understatement. The guitar solo on Money was absolutely outstanding, and they smashed it out of the park. Tiffany's and Fiona's vocals throughout were exceptional and they fully deserved the three ovations that that received during and at the end of The Great Gig in the Sky. Tracks such as Another Brick in the Wall, Dogs, Comfortably Numb and Run Like Hell were delivered by one tight outfit. You all do justice to the memory of Pink Floyd and, as long as you keep playing, your audiences across the country will keep listening. You perform to such a high standard that I am sure that you will remain the premier Pink Floyd tribute band worldwide, and your speciality of the Dark Side sets you apart from the rest. I felt totally entertained. Robert Jeffrey, 8th Nov 15 On Facebook This group sounded just like the real thing, and their two female backing singers were cosmic! Absolutely loved the gig, you lot rocked the house, see ya in Runcorn. x Ste Binns, 8th Nov 15 On Facebook What a show... Trinity Theatre, Tunbridge Wells, 3rd Oct 15 What a show, what a performance and what a find in the new stunning female vocalist Debbie Bracknell, the perfect pairing with Tiffany Gore. Where do you find them - smashed it out of the park.... Respect to all. Robert Jeffrey, 5th Oct 15 On Facebook We were at your concert on Saturday night and had an absolutely fantastic time. You were all brilliant, as were the effects and lighting. If we had paid twice as much for our tickets we would still have thought it was great value and well worth it. Thank you so much and please play here again very soon!!! Wendy and Peter Worrall, 5th Oct 15 By email Jawdropping The Wharf, Tavistock, 12th Sep 15 Just a quick 'thank you' for last night at the Tavistock Wharf. Your performance was jawdropping. Hope to see you again. Cheers. A very happy Geordie, 13th Sep 15 On Facebook Faultless The Playhouse, Norwich, 10th Aug 15 Had a fantastic time at your Norwich Playhouse show. I thought that the whole performance was so close in quality to the real Pink Floyd - and I saw them live at Paris Chateau on their Division Bell tour in 1994. Your Comfortably Numb was faultless... the whole gig was excellent! Thanks - I will look out for you when you're here in Norwich again... Anthony Woodward, 12th Aug 15 On Facebook Seventh heaven Royal Spa Centre, Leamington, 13th Jul 15 As a fan of Pink Floyd's music I felt compelled to come as I knew I would never get the opportunity to see Pink Floyd live. I'd read such outstanding reviews for The Floyd Effect, actually where they were beating reviews even for The Australian Pink Floyd, that despite being a purist, I felt I should come and see them for myself. I was not disappointed. What an outstanding performance. The band was such a talented group of artists, with a formidable frontman delivering breathtaking vocals, a sax player to envy, and backing singers that seemed to make the whole show vivid and vibrant, they delivered such a wonderful live experience of Pink Floyd's music that I was quite on seventh heaven. Mali G, 29th Jul 15 On Trip Advisor Just saw The Floyd Effect at Leamington Spa tonight. As a fussy purist, I can say I've been converted utterly to giving good tribute acts a chance. As I'll never see Floyd in concert, I went along to The Floyd Effect's gig and came away satiated and fulfilled. The band are outstanding musicians and vocalists, and show complete integrity in their performance... magnificent performance... of Floyd's work. Thank you for what I can only describe as an outstanding live experience of the Pink Floyd music I love so much. We came away ecstatic. (What a gig!!!! I'm now a complete tribute band convert. Thank you for an absolutely mind-blowing and joyous concert. We will be looking out for you and talking about you. I wonder if you know just how good you are.) Amalia Grassi, 14th Jul 15 On Facebook Enjoy it???? It was bloody awesome, guys. I'll definitely be coming to see you again next time you play near my home town of Coventry. Well done to you all - excellent show. Until next time SHINE ON. Paul Jones, 14th Jul 15 On Facebook Could be the real thing The Marble Project, Maldon, 25th Apr 15 The dictionary describes ‘tribute’ as a ‘thing said or done or given as a mark of respect or affection’ and it is in this literal sense that The Floyd Effect are a tribute to Pink Floyd. Not an impersonation, an impression or a pastiche: what you have here are seriously gifted musicians and singers giving their own interpretations to the songs of Messrs Waters and Co in a way that is true to the original without feeling the need slavishly to follow the records. A genuine tribute. With some fun along the way. The first half consisted of a selection of Pink Floyd songs from the post-Syd Barrett era, beginning with Shine on You Crazy Diamond and including Welcome to the Machine, High Hopes, Sorrow and Dogs of War before ending with a selection from The Wall. The musicianship was exemplary, creating a tight, full-bodied sound that filled the venue and was complemented by the highly professional video graphics and light-show. The audience loved it. At the front the dancing began... The second half was even more of a treat, with the band playing the whole of The Dark Side of the Moon album. This is no mean undertaking given that it is, in the opinion of many, the best album ever made and that audiences know every note and won’t appreciate the music being mistreated; Gordon Reid’s jokey reference to pausing to turn over the record reminded many of us how long this seminal work has been part of our lives. And then there is the small matter of The Great Gig in the Sky. Some of the audience looked nervously on at this point, wondering whether this would be the moment where it would be necessary to make allowances, whether it was even possible in a live setting to recreate anything that could do justice to Clare Torry’s spine-tingling original. Apparently it is. And then some. Maddie, Tiffany and Roxy gave it their all, were sensuously, fulsomely and delicately note-perfect and earned themselves a huge ovation at the end. The Dark Side was a triumph from start to finish and followed by the surprise but welcome inclusion of Louder Than Words from the recently released The Endless River album, as well as the more familiar Wish you Were Here. The gig ended, as any Floyd gig should, with the haunting, anthemic Comfortably Numb [and a rousing encore of Run Like Hell]. From vocals to guitars, keyboards to drums not forgetting a truly sublime sax: the band is just fantastic – that is really what I think. If it wasn’t that they seem to like each other, and to be having fun, they could be the real thing. The audience caught the mood, and for the first time in their eight year history the band found themselves playing to a mosh pit. Something in the special lemonade being sold downstairs clearly. Brainy Keith, The Marble Project, 27 Feb 15 By email Oozed quality The Playhouse, Harlow, 26th Feb 15 Thank you for a brilliant evening. I was lucky enough to be at the Harlow Playhouse last night to see this fantastic gig which oozed with high quality musical talent from every member of the band, backed by a brilliant light show. Every PF song was spot on and performed faultlessly sounding uncannily like David Gilmour, a hundred times better than sitting at home listening to my PF albums. Simply outstanding - loved it, didn't want it to end. Roll on the day you return, it can't come too soon. Thank you again. Barry James, 27 Feb 15 By email Spent a whole day teaching about George Orwell’s Animal Farm amongst other things, talking about teenage isolation with students. Then The Floyd Effect brought sound and imagery to all that was discussed. A moving experience and exceptional musicianship - the perfect company to a day of thinking! To hear Dark Side... performed was hair-raising. I have already spoken to other members of staff today about seeing The Floyd Effect. Worth every penny. Thank you. Mr. S.Springthorpe, 27 Feb 15 By email Listened with awe Chequer Mead Theatre, East Grinstead, 21st Feb 15 Another year, another night of exceptional musicianship from the undeniable No. 1 Pink Floyd Tribute Band, the Floyd Effect. This band captures the true identity of Pink Floyd and delivers a performance that takes you back in time to the heady days of Dark Side Of The Moon, Wish You Were Here, The Wall and other major Floyd albums. Stating this is easy, but you need to be there to truly understand what they have to offer, and what they give personally and professionally in equal measure - a band dedicated to the memory of Pink Floyd. I defy anybody to find two better vocalists anywhere on the Pink Floyd scene than Tiffany Gore and Roxanne Cawdron whose abilitiy, timing and delivery on the iconic track The Great Gig in the Sky was unbelievable. Having listened to them many times before, I did not think that they could get any better but this was without doubt a vocal masterclass. Not even the original singers could perform it as well as this now. The guitar work was also outstanding, especially on tracks such as Dogs, Money, Comfortably Numb and my favorite song from their live set, Run Like Hell. I,m looking forward to Thursday's gig in Harlow, and to all those that have not yet had the pleasure of seeing TFE, I say - go see them as you will be well impressed at what you see and hear. Bob Jeffery, 25 Feb 15 By email I saw The Floyd Effect for the first time in Redhill in 2013, somewhat expecting a poor, under rehearsed, amateur production... How wrong could I be? Having been lucky enough to have attended one of Pink Floyd's shows at Earls Court in 1994 and, having seen The Australian Pink Floyd at The Royal Albert Hall, I thought no tribute band was ever going to get really close to the original. Initially I was surprised at how good the introduction was to The Floyd Effect's first song Shine On You Crazy Diamond was but, as the song progressed, I began to realise that The Floyd Effect are no tin-pot band. I listened with awe at the pure accuracy of all the members of this magnificent outfit, but I hadn't anticipated the power and feel of the two female singers on The Great Gig In The Sky. Ye Gods! After Tiffany Gore had finished her magnificent vocals (with rapturous applause from the audience while the song was still in flow), Roxy Baker achieved the same standard, precision & power as Tiffany! I whipped out my mobile phone and managed to film and record the sound of Money and Us and Them, believing that, once the show had ended, the playback would show their true colours as NO recordings of tribute bands are any good. Wrong again! The recording was every bit as good as the live show and I knew had to see them again...soon. The following week they were playing in Gravesend so, this time, I took my girlfriend with me. The audience and band were seriously 'Rocking'... 'specially you naughty girls on the stage, who get the audience involved and bring the whole show alive. I believe that all the members of Pink Floyd would be, should be, incredibly proud of you ALL. Very well done indeed! So I went to the East Grinstead show last week! What a gig!!!!!! Paul Duffin, 23 Feb 15 By email Unbelievably close to the original Hitchin Club 85, 20th Dec 14 Just listened to a recording of TFE in Hitchin. First of all let me say that it is UNBELIEVABLY close to the original. I didn´t notice when the download had finished, as I was googling for MIDI files of 'Louder Than Words'. The music started in the background and I was sure that I had come to a Pink Floyd webpage where they played the original music. Just after a while I began to realize that it is YOU. I am convinced your Gilmour is the real one and the original is a shallow version of the reality. No kiddin: His voice and guitar tone is really something! I love it, and it is WAAAAYYYY better than the Aus******n Pink Floyd shows. When is your first German tour ???? Jens Steinmeyer, Germany, Tue 17 Feb 15 By email The best band Tribfest, Fri 15th - Sun 17th Aug 14 First day back from four days at Tribfest. It just continues to get better. The Floyd Effect had to marginally beat UK Foo Fighters and AC/DC UK as the best band... Duncan Wilson, Tue 19 Aug 14 On Facebook Musical Perfection The Hazlitt Theatre, Maidstone on Sat 7th Jun 14 Having seen TFE some seven times already, i didn't think they could get much better, but on Saturday 7th June they proved me wrong. The show opened with the classic Shine On You Crazy Diamond, and the first note hit the spot and set the scene for an evening of outstanding musicianship, while the second track, Welcome to the Machine was techincally brilliant, with guitar, percusion and vocals all working as one and executed faultlessly. Throughout the set the sound was electric; the lighting, projections and mixing a perfect accompaniment. Then, just when you thought it couldn't get any better we came to The Great Gig in the Sky. For any Pink Floyd fan, the vocals on this track alone are worth the admission fee. It was Musical Perfection, with Tiffany's and Maddy's vocals a masterclass performed brilliantly. I would go to say that it's better than the original on Dark Side Of The Moon, and it deserved the accolades and standing ovations it received. The hairs on my arms are still tingling, so take a bow ladies, you earned it. OUTSTANDING. Nearly 3 hours passed in minutes, with tracks like Another Brick in the Wall and Run like Hell getting the toes tapping. And, as always, 'David Gilmour' showed that he's such an outstanding guitarist by the manner in which he attacked the guitar solo in Comfortably Numb. TFE are better than any other (and I have seen them all). In this band, everyone has a part to play and everyone plays their part. This is one tight outfit and a band not to be missed. If you don't believe me, come to see for yourself in September at East Grinstead. I'll be there. I wouldn't miss it for the world. Bob Jeffery, Sun 8 Jun 14 By email I have seen the original Pink Floyd - so trust me - you will not be disappointed by The Floyd Effect. A wonderful evening - YOU MUST SEE THEM !!! Dave Raven, Sun 8 Jun 14 By email The best The Citadel, St Helens on Sat 12th Apr 14 My wife and i have seen (and still see) a lot of Pink Floyd tribute bands, but we both agree that your band is the best we have seen for years. Tony Bowers, Sun 13 Apr 14 By email Faultless The Citadel, St Helens on Sat 12th Apr 14 Just got back from The St Helens show at The Citadel. I went with an open mind, as you do when you go to see a tribute band attempting to recreate what you've grown up listening to, but to say I'm blown away is an understatement. From the opening (Shine On), to the end (Run Like Hell), The Floyd Effect are faultless. Dark side Of The Moon was played in its entirity and is done to perfection with Great Gig in the Sky a beautiful highlight - better, in my opinion, than Durga McBroom and Sam Brown's attempt for the real Pink Floyd. The light show and the effects are great and the sound was awesome, The band are absolutely spot on note for note, and you won't hear a closer voice to Gilmour except for Gilmour himself. The four of us that went have already decided we will be making the trip from Liverpool to Solihull in September to see them again. If you are a Floyd fan, make sure you see this Tribute, you won't be disappointed. Richard Beaufort-Eaton, Sun 13 Apr 14 By email Thanks to the band for a stunning set at The Citadel. I was blown away - and I reckon the crowd was too. Setting the Bar high for tribute bands everywhere . Thanks for a brilliant evening. Come back soon. Ste Harrison, Sun 13 Apr 14 On Facebook Just watched you at The Citadel St Helen's … what an amazing set. Loved it. Absolutely brilliant xx Lynne Webster, Sun 13 Apr 14 By email Amazing! The Point, Eastleigh on Sat 1st Mar 14 Saw you performing in Eastleigh last night, you were amazing! Thank you all, including your lighting crew, for a great show. Jason Evans, Sun 2 Mar 14 On Facebook Just saw you guys at The Point, Eastleigh. Awesome! Detail and subtlety of the catalogue executed with deftness. Great Gig in the Sky? It flippin' well was. Gotta see your early days set. Bill Payne, Sat 1 Mar 14 On Facebook Genetically perfected Woodville Halls Theare, Gravesend on Sat 26th Oct 13 I don't do tribute bands. @thefloydeffect ain't no tribute. They are clones of the original, genetically perfected. Excellence personified. Paul Addick, Sun 27 Oct 13 On Twitter A real treat South Street Theare, Reading on Sat 14th Sep 13 Guys, you were fantastic. As someone who loves the early Floyd stuff as much as their later stuff, let me tell you this gig was a real treat. A great selection of tracks and your attention to detail was very impressive (e.g. reverb on the bongos!). I never thought I'd hear tracks like Cymbaline, Ibiza Bar, Julia Dream, Careful With that Axe, Eugene and See Emily Play performed live. Top show. John Waxman, Sun 15 Sep 13 On Facebook Far and away the best The Drill Hall, Lincoln on Sat 8th Jun 13 Last night I had the pleasure of watching what is by far and away the best sounding Floyd show I have ever witnessed. (And I've seen many - including the Aussies who don't even come close). Their 'David Gilmour' was on the 'Money' from start to finish with a faultless performance on the guitar(s) and an amazing vocal sound. The rest of the band were truly incredible too but I have to give a special note to the two girls who performed The Great Gig In The Sky. I have rarely seen a standing ovation part way through a Floyd set but the girls got TWO during this track alone. In total, I counted SIX times at least half the audience stood to show their appreciation and respect for the show we witnessed. Twice in Great Gig, again at the end of Dark Side and then at the end of all three of the final tracks. Of course we knew that Comfortably Numb was not going to be the last track and the stomping and shouting ensured the guys came back out for a knockout version of Run Like Hell which started with both guitarists showing just how much they enjoyed performing by larking about in a 'play off'. Now the techie bit. The lighting was great and the video projections added so much depth to the show with some brilliant visuals but for me the sound was where it was at. I am a sound engineer myself and am always very critical of other people's work, but not last night. I was sitting three rows behind what is clearly a very colourful desk and could see everything your sound guy was doing. Knowing how these things are normally done I could see him pressing buttons to add in the required delays by sampling odd words here and there (Us & Them etc.) which can only lead me to believe you are not using a click track. (Brave and VERY rare these days.) He spent the entire show fine tuning the sound, boosting solos and adjusting reverbs to produce a sound Pink Floyd themselves would have been proud to use. It made such a change to see the guy at the back a) NOT at the back and b) busy throughout the show rather than sitting there with a "it was fine in the soundcheck so I don't need to touch it now" attitude. All in all I can honestly say I have never witnessed a show where everyone involved displays such a high standard of professionalism while also showing that they are loving every minute of what they are doing. I will see you again as soon as I can. Craig, Sun 9 Jun 13 By email Hello Craig, many thanks for your very kind comments. You're quite right. The Floyd Effect uses no click tracks or backing tracks. The only purpose for the laptop is to trigger the projections (which contain the special effects such as the cash registers in Money), and even this is done manually! So when you see the images in sync with the lyrics, it's because Kerry (our drummer) is a tempo magician. You may ask why we do this. It's to let the music 'breathe' (no pun intended) and for the musicians to feed off one another in a way that's not possible if everyone is slavishly following a metronomic click. - TFE. Stunning The Capitol Theatre, Horsham on Sat 25th May 13 Really enjoyed the show. Great choice of tracks. Loved hearing Animals live. Musically stunning and visually impressive. Hope you'll come and see us again. Steve Rowell, Sun 26 May 13 On Facebook Too good for the O2 The O2 Academy, Liverpool on Sat 4th May 13 I went to see you last Saturday at the O2 Acadamy in Liverpool. The venue was crap - no seats and £4.25 for a small can of beer - but you were great, lots better than the Australian Pink Floyd and too good for the O2. I'll see you again... Avid Pink Floyd fan Tony, Tue 7 May 13 By email Like being in the same room as the Floyd themselves The Marble Project, Maldon on Sat 23rd March 13 The Floyd Effect - perhaps the only Pink Floyd tribute act that has a 'Dave Gilmour' - yes, one guy that can re-enact the true talents of the man himself both vocally and on guitar. (Not a separate singer and guitarist unlike most of the other tribute acts!) Like keyboardist Gordon Reid announced when introducing the band, he's the man that could put David Gilmour in second place in a 'David Gilmour soundalike competition'. How very true! It is this fact that gives this band an immediate upper hand by presenting themselves as the true live line-up of the real Pink Floyd. And watching these guys is both awe inspiring and quite simply mind blowing! It really is like being in the same room as the Floyd themselves! Glenn Jacobs, Rockadia, Fri 5 Apr 13 Read more here: Rockadia The best night of live music in Maldon... ever! I've recently seen a kangaroo-based Floyd tribute but much preferred your show. Their frontman IS Dave Gilmour, and the girls' vocals on Great Gig In The Sky brought a tear to my eye. The show was outstanding and the reception from the crowd was a joy to hear. Can TFE be the official rock group of the Marble project? Paul Crawley, The Marble Project, Tue 26 Mar 13 By email. Breathtaking Playhouse Theatre, Harlow on Sat 2nd March 13 A breathtaking evening of faultless musicianship. It doesn't get much better than this, it was truly mindblowing. Dogs played to perfection with immaculate support from John on guitar, Great Gig In The Sky with the introduction of a new vocalist in support of the brilliant Fiona Ford, and virtuoso performances on Money, Comfortably Numb, and the electrifying finale Run Like Hell. But singling out people is not really fair as you are one truly "tight" outfit. We'll see you again in East Grinstead... Respect. Bob Jeffery and Friends, Mon 11th Mar 13 By email Last night was fantastic! Everything from the music, singing, sound balance, lighting, audience participation etc etc. A really enjoyable evening - we're looking forward to coming again. Pete Duncombe, Sun 3rd Mar 13 By email Wow! Hazlitt Theatre, Maidstone on Sat 26th January 13 Wow! I've seen the Floyd before and the sound tonight was superb - the guitars got the stereo sound perfect on Animals, the patches for the pedals produced that Gilmour sound, and the ladies on vocals during Great Gig took me back to Wembley in '87. I took my 14-year old (who plays guitar) and he was very impressed. 'Legend' he said, and promptly loaded TFE's Comfortably Numb solo up onto YouTube. Thank You! Patrick Morgan, Sat 26th Jan 13 As good as the original Floyd Trinity Theatre, Royal Tunbridge Wells on Sat 1st December 12 I have seen The Floyd Effect many times now. I have also seen Brit Floyd at the Royal Albert Hall, I have seen the masters (Pink Floyd) in their prime, and I recently saw the Aussie Floyd in Las Vegas and, without a shadow of doubt, the vocals the TFE girls pulled off on Sat 1st Dec was nothing short of vocal brilliance. Fiona's return was the perfect ending to the exceptional and brilliant beginning on The Great Gig in the Sky, and the ovation that they received that night was a recognition of utter brilliance - the hairs on my arms were on edge, it was that good. I would even say that, in the raw element of a live show, it was even better than the original studio recording on Dark Side of the Moon. I take my hat off to you all. The use of The Trinity Youth group for The Wall set was a master stroke, and I thought you pulled it off totally... It was another outstanding night of value for money entertainment and I look forward to seeing you again early in the new year. Robert Jeffery (a serious Floyd Effect addict), Mon 17th Dec 12 By email I got up this morning and thought "I dont do reviews" but here I am. I have to say, what a truly class act that was. This was my Christmas treat from my wife, and probably one of my best presents ever. She had kept the surprise until I walked in the door and saw the poster. The quality of the sound and light show was amazing... I just closed my eyes and melted into the guitar solos. The Trinity Youth Theatre really added to the atmosphere on The Wall tracks. As we waited for the performance to start I said to my wife "I doubt if they will do The Great Gig In The Sky as it is such a powerful song". Well, you girls proved me wrong. I was blown away. My wife is a Floyd novice, but having seen you have a show in East Grinstead next year, she is lookling forward to seeing you again. And so am I. See you then. John Holland, Sun 2nd Dec 12 As a pretty big Pink Floyd fan, I was rather excited when I found out that renowned Pink Floyd cover band were coming to Tunbridge Wells. The Floyd Effect have been touring for a few years now; they cover everything from Piper at the Gates of Dawn to The Division Bell. They played last night at the Trinity Theatre in Tunbridge wells, which I thought was a brilliant venue choice, as it is a converted church. They played a selection of post Dark Side of the Moon songs in the first half and the whole of Dark Side of the Moon in the second. They were absolutely brilliant, both technically and performance wise and really delivered a great performance and we will definitely be going to see the pre-Dark Side tour they are doing next year. Felicity Knights, Sun 2nd Dec 12 Blogspot (now removed) Thanks for such a brilliant gig in Tunbridge Wells, and nice to see the kids from the Arts Centre join in on a few of the numbers. A spine tingling Great Gig In The Sky by the girls showing up [Clare Torrey] on the original track. Quite superb! You are just as good as the original Floyd who I was lucky to have seen live twice. Thanks once again for a mind blowing show. Richard, Sat 1st Dec 12 Bloody hell... I went crazy for The Floyd Effect on the strength of the Riga Bar gig in Southend earlier in the year when you had none of your dedicated lighting or effects with you. To say that my pals and I are stunned by the full show would be an understatement. Incredible !!! Paul Crawley, The Marble Project, Sat 1st Dec 12 Via email (sent by mobile 'phone during the concert) Absolutely spot on Theatre Royal, Wakefield on Sat 6th October 12 Great show at the weekend in Wakefield, guys. ... your frontman's playing was an absolute spot on recreation of Dave Gilmour's guitar sound; he must have spent absolutely ages analysing Gilmour's timing and style, and the rest of the band were a really tight unit. It'd be great if you were intending to tour next year in our part of the world here 'oop North with the 'More Pompeii' set. Look forward to seeing you again... Dr Nick Sutcliffe, Mon 8th Oct 12 Hi guys I just want to say a massive thanx for one hell of an AWESOME show last night at Wakefield Theatre Royal. I am still buzzing now. You blow me and my mates away... FANTASTIC. Mark Burnley By email, Sun 7th Oct 12 Total respect "More Pompeii" at Ruislip on Sat 15th September 12 I may be in the minority, but I don't need to hear Dark Side played live ever again. So, when I heard about The Floyd Effect's gig, billed as drawing only from the pre-Dark Side albums, I thought, "About bloody time, I'm up for that!" and what's more, it was billed as a one-off show! The first set began with a dip into Obscured by Clouds and the technical gremlins came out to play, but the band played on. Two songs in, the audience was really warming to the whole idea and, with the gremlins firmly stomped on, before we knew it, we arrived at the halfway point with Astronomy Domine. They followed this with Cirrus Minor and a few other tracks from More before they served up Fearless, complete with the rousing choruses of You'll Never Walk Alone. Finally the first set drew to a close with a great version of Fat Old Sun. Before long the band returned, opening with Echoes. As the song descended into whale song at the half way mark the band segued into Careful With That Axe, Eugene followed by [Saucerful of Secrets - Ed.] and the ever popular One Of These Days before a great version of Set The Controls For The Heart of The Sun led them neatly back into the remainder of Echoes. Now that's what I call a Pink Floyd set! In a playful moment the keyboard player led the audience in an acapella version of Bike. I'm sure the band (like me) expected it to get no further than the first verse, but instead they looked on bemused as the audience sang the whole thing from start to finish! Finally, See Emily Play brought a great night to an all too early end and the band left the stage to loud applause from a very enthusiastic crowd. From what I saw, the band will give you a great show when they return to Dark Side and the usual favourites, but if this really was a one-off show, it's a tragedy! To learn all that material is a monumental task. To do a whole evening of Pink Floyd without touching anything later than Obscured by Clouds you have to grow a pair and on Saturday, these guys grew a pair the size of watermelons! Total respect. Steve Speight, Mon 17th Sep 12 A huge thank you The Stanley Music Festival on Sun 26th August 12 I am just writing to say a HUGE THANK YOU to The Floyd Effect and their team for playing Stanley Music Festival 2012. It was a great day and the band were absolutely amazing, definitely the highlight for me. Awesome band, professional, easy to work with, amazing musicians, as good as the real thing, and such a lovely bunch too - it's been a while since i have met such nice people. Comfortably Numb was just the highlight of my life - amazing guitar work. And the Great Gig in the Sky - I loved your version, your female singers are amazing. Anyway i am planning to come to see the full show very soon. i feel that I need to - it's now on my list of things to do before i die. Neil Bankhurst - Owner of The Music Pod and Organiser of Stanley Music Festival 2012. By email, 30 August 2012. Really like seeing Floyd The Corn Exchange, Ipswich on Sat 2nd June 12 The well known saying, 'Never work with animals or children' certainly didn't apply to this gig, as it was widely acknowledged that the stage school children taking part enhanced an already superb performance! All of the songs from The Wall, including Another Brick in the Wall pt2, Mother, and Young Lust were simply top class. The girls' vocal skills really shone through with all three demonstrating their love of the music throughout the show, and the second half, comprising the whole of The Dark Side of the Moon, was a pleasure to listen to by a band as good as this. If The Floyd Effect were outstanding, credit must also go to the unsung heroes of this band, i.e. the four people responsible for mixing the sound, working the lights and mastering the visuals. The overall effect (or perhaps I should say the 'Floyd Effect') is quite simply stunning and the whole experience is just wonderful. Thanks for a superb night-out. Looking forward to seeing you again. Dave Handley, Tue 5th June 12 See Great show. The playing, sound and lighting/effects were all first class and it was really like seeing Floyd in a more intimate environment. Dogs was bold, unexpected and very refreshing. Although I love the late 80s and mid 90s Floyd set lists, they are already very well documented on DVD and I think you have the potential to be much better than a live copy of these concerts. How about further deviations like performing songs from The Final Cut or Amused to Death, or other solo albums for that matter? Great stuff though guys and I'm already planning my next trip to see you - Early Floyd at Ruislip sounds very interesting. Dave, Sun 3rd June 12 Fantastic show The Threatre, Chipping Norton on Sat 19th May 12 Fantastic show, nearly three hours of classic Floyd. The level of performance was excellent throughout the show, and it was a real treat to hear Dark Side in full and a run out for some of Animals. Roger Smith, Sun 20th May 12 The best Floyd tribute bar none If this were a boxing contest... After seeing another tribute (billed as the "world's greatest Pink Floyd Tribute show") in London last night, I now understand why you joke that your frontman pushes David Gilmour into second place in a guitar sound-alike contest. Neither of the guitarists at the show I saw last night had the grace, composure or ability that you constantly display in your performances. Tracks such as Comfortably Numb, Echoes and Run Like Hell were played quite ordinarily without the power and energy that your expertise generates. The bass on tracks like Echoes and One of these Days did not have the intensity or drive that Garry is able to deliver, and the other band's female vocalists were unable to generate the intensity and brilliance of Maddie or Roxy. Their rendition of Great Gig In The Sky lacked the verve and excitement that you able to generate. Overall, if this were a boxing contest, the referee would have stopped the fight. From what I witnessed last night, you are the best Floyd tribute band bar none, and you certainly have the vote from me and all my friends. There is only one top Pink Floyd Tribute Band, and The Floyd Effect is it. Kind regards, Bob Jeffery By email, 8 May 2012 A wonderful night The Quay Theatre, Sudbury on Sat 28th Apr 12 From the opening bars of Shine On and throughout other well known classics, we were treated to a faultless performance. Everyone was 'so together' and the girls were superb. It was good to see them enjoying themselves at the front of the stage for a change and not tucked away at the back. The vocals were stunning, as were the saxophone solos. The whole of The Dark Side of the Moon was to follow in the second half, which was simply brilliant and sizzling performances of Comfortably Numb and Run like Hell were served up as the final encore to a well deserved standing ovation! Looking forward to seeing the band again in Ipswich as soon as possible! Thanks for a wonderful night. David and Lizzie, Sun 6 May 12 See Fantastic performance and brilliant recovery from the power tripping out early on! Loved all the songs and performers. Special mention to the sax-playing vocalist (I'm learning the sax myself) - I hope she keeps doing the sax parts. My 29-year-old daughter is thrilled that I'm taking her to see you in Ipswich on 2nd June. All the very best and thanks again for a great night in Sudbury. Nigel, Sat 5th May 12 Just had a brilliant night at Sudbury. Had to resist getting up and jumping about most of the night! A real treat on a miserable wet night. :) Michele Thomas, Sun 29th Apr 12 Via Facebook Totally brilliant The Railway, Winchester on Sat 17th Mar 12 What were they doing here? What was a band like this doing in a dingy backroom venue like the Railway? They're headlining a festival in a few weeks - I spoke to one of them afterwards and believe they were as surprised by the venue as we were to see them there! They couldn't even get their saxophonist on stage or set up their lighting and circular screen, so one of their backing vocalists (brilliantly) took over sax duties for Shine On and Dark Side. In spite of the problems, the tiny audience was treated to a fantastic, intimate evening of Pink Floyd with the projections on the back wall instead of the screen. I didn't think I'd ever get a chance to see how it's done so closely, so thank you TFE for putting up with the problems and giving us a totally brilliant evening! High points for me were obviously Dark Side and Comfortably Numb, but also up there were Take It Back, Young Lust and - best of all - Dogs. Next time you should be playing to 500 or even 5,000 in Winchester! P Best, Mon 26th Mar 12 Absolutely brilliant Secombe Theatre, Sutton on Sat 25th Feb 12 The gig at Sutton was absolutely brilliant. The young people from the Spiral Youth Theatre were superb, they worked so hard. The Wall and DSOTM in one night, what more could you ask for? Nice to hear a few tracks from other albums as well. An audiovisual treat indeed. Sharon and Gary James, Sun 4 Mar 12 Just get better and better The Tropic at Ruislip, Fri 17th Feb 12 Great night as always at Tropic at Ruislip. The 4th year we have seen you - great night had as always - you just get better and better. Thanks guys, brill set too! :o) Jenine Screen, Sat 18 Feb 12 The Total Package The Flowerpot, Derby on Sat 26th Nov 11 TFE turned Derby's Flowerpot into a mini Marquee for one wondrous evening of psychedelic, underground prog-rock. From the first note of the first song, Shine On You Crazy Diamond, the Cambridge-based eight-piece had a power preacher-like grip over their assembled 'congregation', all there to worship at the musical altar of Gilmour and Co. in an (Atom Heart) Mother of all gigs. Accompanied by a stunning light show and all the iconic, trademark video footage synched into the music, the band then took the Flowerpot faithful on a sing-a-long of the tracks from The Wall album. I had a surreal moment as I sang along to We Don't Need No Education and Hey Teacher Leave That Kid Alone as, in my other life, I'm a member of the educational fraternity. Weird! Thereafter, we took a trip down on the farm for the Animals album, featuring Pigs On The Wing and Dogs. Pausing to catch their breath, the band launched into the second set with a note-perfect rendition of the whole of Dark Side Of The Moon. For DSOTM read OMG! This was marvellous music, which took the privileged listeners off into an atmospheric, stratospheric special place to which only a Fender-bending Floyd-fest can take you. Particular mention must go to 'Dave Gilmour' who sang hauntingly beautifully and made his stringed orgasmatron swoop, soar and wail to Himalayan heights of experimental ecstasy. Three absolute belters - Wish You Were Here, Comfortably Numb and encore Run Like Hell nailed down one of the best ever knock-out nights of musical magnificence in downtown Derby. TFE... As far as Floyd bands go, it should be TTP, that is to say - The Total Package. Barry Martin, Thu 1 Dec 11 See Best night out in many a while. Absolutely fantastic band that looked as though they were enjoying themselves as much as we were. As close to the original as I am ever likely to see. Can't wait to see them again. Neil, Sun 27th Nov 11 Better live than on the album Trinity Theatre, Tunbridge Wells on Sat 12th Nov 11 Many thanks for another night of sheer enjoyment. I am not going to tell you how good you were again. As long as you guys keep playing and keeping the memory of Pink Floyd alive and active, my friends and I will most definitely try to be at any venue within reasonable distances to see you perform - you play it better live than it is on a studio album. P.S. The tribute to the 11th hour of 11th day of the 11th month was particularly poignant. Thank you. Respect from Bob Jeffery, Sun 13 Nov 11 By email Please, please... don't ever stop Leighton Buzzard Theatre on Sat 5th Nov 11 What can I say? You guys provided a superlative performance of the Floyd's music last Saturday, and you deserve a much bigger audience. I still have the chant "Gordon, Gordon..." ringing in my ears! You are a fantastic band and I hope that we can persuade you to perform in this area again soon. If you do, please make sure that you tell us!! Bob Reeve, Mon 7 Nov 11 By email As the cobwebs begin to clear on yet another dreary Monday morning, I wanted to remark on just how fantastic the weekend has been, with pride of place going to the quite remarkable concert you put on for us. I have had so many texts and emails from our friends and families expressing their delight at the thrilling time they had, which will be a truly memorable event for us all. The sounds and the explosion of colour from your show are still swirling around inside my head this morning. Please pass on my thanks to all of the band and your support team for doing such a wonderful job for us... and please, please, please don't ever stop!! Sean Johnston, Mon 7 Nov 11 By email Sheer brilliance and perfection Rhodes Arts Complex, Bishop's Stortford on Sat 29th Oct 11 Well, what can I say...? I was suprised, because when you opened up with Shine On You Crazy Diamond, I thought it was going to be the same set as before, but you soon dispelled that myth. The performance of Dogs was exceptional, the obligatory rock solid performance of Dark Side of the Moon was first class and Roxanne and Tiffany's vocals were breathtaking. Then to finish, what my friends and I belileve was a Master Class on guitar in Comfortably Numb... that alone was worth the entrance money, it was just utter brilliance. But even you, as the tight 8-piece outfit you are, must have been warmed and impressed by the total knockout at the end of the evening with your performance of Run Like Hell. If an audience did not think it could get any better after the opening (and then the middle and then the end) they were mistaken because that encore was just sheer brilliance and Perfection. Bob Jeffrey, Sun 30 Oct 11 By email What a fantastic performance last night. We have seen Pink Floyd live several times and were not expecting a tribute band to be that good! The singing was superb and it was even possible to tell whether it would have been Roger Waters or Dave Gilmour performing, the vocalist was that good. When the girls sang The Great Gig In The Sky we were blown away. The instrumentalists were spot on, the light show was superb & there was even a glitter ball for Comfortably Numb. Thank you all for a fantastic evening. We will definitely come again. Maureen Holland, Sun 30 Oct 11 Musically and technically perfect Solihull Arts Complex on Sat 1st Oct 11 Guys/Gals... As a Floydie of some 30 years, I saw you for the first time at Solihull last night. You blew me away. Musically and technically perfect, no silly thrills and gimmicks... Good, honest nigh on [perfect] replication of the great tracks. You were having a good time and so were the audience. I thought that the ladies' vocals were awesome. I closed my eyes on several of the tracks and thought that I was listening to the Floyd themselves. The intimate venue helped sustain the mood and it was great to see all you guys linking in musically so well. I loved Any Colour you Like... awesome. Guys, don't stop. You made a lot of people happy last night. I loved it and am still enthusing about the show now. Thank you so much. Philip Bond, Sun 2nd Oct 11 F***ing brilliant! The Floyd Effect - Nearly Entirely Live in the Far East (live recordings) "You thought that you were listening to Pink Floyd in the interval but you weren't. You were listening to my sound engineer's band. They are called The Floyd Effect and they are f***ing brilliant, so go and see them." Jim Davidson (yes, that Jim Davidson) on stage at the Regent Theatre, Ipswich on 23rd Sep 11 Privileged Pyrford Hall on Sat 17th Sep 11 Pyrford is privileged to host such talented musicians. I don't think we could ever have enough of The Floyd Effect. Pyrford Hall, by email. Truly awesome The Riga Bar, Southend on Sat 4th Jun 11 We went to see The Floyd Effect in June. My goodness they were awesome. I have seen Pink Floyd live before and, believe me, this band were so damn close vocally and musically to the real thing, You guys had everyone in the place singing along to every word. I can't wait to see them again and again. You guys were truly awesome. Sharon Mitcheson, Sat 11th Jun 11 See Great set at the Riga last night. First time that I've heard so many of the audience joining in with the singing of those classic Floyd songs!!!! (Even more singing than down at Roots Hall for Southend United.) That's the second time I've seen them and I can't wait for them to come down again! A great time was had by all. Gwyn Dalley, Sun 5th Jun 11 No.1, move over - you're No.2 now The Mick Jagger Centre, Dartford on Sat 7th May 11 The band did not attempt to look like Pink Floyd, as is the fashion with tributes these days, letting instead the music do the job. And what a job it did! Expertly crafted by a group of people who are superb musicians from the front man through to the girls at the back, not forgetting the visiting sax player who 'popped out' for the majority of the time when he was not required. "Dave Gilmour's" sound was summed up by the keyboard player introducing him as "the man who pushed Dave Gilmour into second place in a Dave Gilmour soundalike contest". His effects were perfect, as were those of the keyboards and these two, supported by cracking bass, drums and second guitar made the music superbly complete notwithstanding the excellent sax solos plus of course the girls up the back. (Fabulous harmonies: no pub-singer shouting or screaming from these two.) Great Gig was amazing and there was an impromptu round of applause halfway through the vocal section. The finishing Comfortably Numb was the best non-original I've heard. The band enjoyed themselves, trying to look as serious as the music, but from the funny quips, via the bass player's jumping around to the singers' dancing, it was clear that they were loving it, as were the audience... It was a great gig and those who thought about coming but didn't really missed out. ... All in all it was a great night and given the sheer musical expertise and skill on show, there are other Floyd tributes who should accept that they are not as good as these guys (and gals). Time for some to be ready to move down the "top ten Floyd-a-likes" chart because The Floyd Effect are heading for number one based on this gig! RexRocks, Sun 8th May 11 See I saw you at the Mick Jagger Centre last year and on 7th May this year. I brought five additional friends with me and you just totally blew them away. I have seen the Floyd live on several occassions but, like most bands, they tend to ad-lib and not play it quite correctly; your professionalism and immaculate skill far surpasses anything I have listened to before, totally outstanding. Bob from Kent, Mon 9th May 11 By email Second time for me and The Floyd Effect, and well worth the entrance fee, six musicians and two girl backing singers allows for an excellent all-round sound and song choice. The band gave us everything and even looked like they were enjoying it as much as we were. It is easy to recommend them for their 2-hour plus set and I am already looking forward to the next time I see them, possibly in Southend! Dagenham Dave, Mon 9th May 11 A top night The Flowerpot, Derby on Sat 26th Mar 11 The Floyd Effect do Pink Floyd proud. They gave a brilliant performance at The Flowerpot; it was a great night out with up to three hours of non-stop music. A big credit to the whole band - it was a top night. Well worth seeing. Glyn Woodward, Tues 29th Mar 11 Out of this world Secombe Theatre, Sutton on Sat 12th Feb 11 I came to see you at The Secombe Centre on Saturday with my son and we were absolutely blown away. We will most definitely come to see you again later in the year. Best night's entertainment I have had in years. Gary James, Mon 14th Feb 11 By email. We have seen The Floyd Effect here now twice. In both instances, the music and light show were out of this world. Having seen Pink Floyd live at Earls Court - yes the gig where the stand collapsed (we have the T-shirts), The Floyd Effect are comparable in both departments. The only thing missing is the pyrotechnics. A great gig, nice and loud, but sadly everybody stayed in their seats (except us at the back). Well worth going out of your way to see them live. Steve, Sun 13th Feb 11 Utterly stunning South Street Theatre, Reading on Sat 11th Dec 10 When you read accolades like the ones which adorn the Effect website, inevitably a bit of scepticism creeps in. Last night my wife and I saw the band for the first time. We are both huge fans of the original material, knowing it so well that it seemed simply impossible for any group of mere mortals to get anywhere near. Well, prepare then, to be totally blown away. All of the positive comment is deserved. They are utterly stunning. If you like total accuracy, Floyd Effect will deliver 100% and I can subscribe to the view that Pink Floyd themselves would have sounded no better in such an environment (itself one of the big advantages - small venue, intimate atmosphere, crystal clear acoustics). I guessed the incomparable Comfortably Numb would be the finale, and it didn't disappoint. I asked Gordon at half time how much practice they'd had to put in lately to achieve this standard. "None, I'm afraid" came the almost apologetic answer. Sheer musical talent can be the only explanation. But no-one could tackle those complex and sometimes psychedelic soundscapes the way this band does without a touch of genius. And the girls on Great Gig - always the big test - most excellent. And the sax... In the words of X Factor (sorry), they absolutely nailed it, or if you prefer Strictly, Fab-u-lous. I will most definitely be back for more. Thanks, guys, for a truly spellbinding experience. Richard Vandervord, Sun 12th Dec 10 See I had no preconceptions (although it is often the case that the reality falls short of the website hype) but I thought you guys were simply brilliant. If I have to mention any tracks in particular, anyone who takes on Echoes has my immediate respect, and I also enjoyed One of These Days. The point is it's hard to single out anything because it was all so good. ... In short, what cracking value for money. You guys undersell yourselves, particularly now the Aussies are demanding £30+ a ticket. If anyone is reading this and still needs convincing, get to see these guys, you really won't regret it. The Floyd sound is safe in their hands... Dean Westall, Mon 13th Dec 10 Fantastic Quarterhouse, Folkestone on Sat 2nd Oct 10 The Quarterhouse is the new cool venue in Folkestone. The band played to us in this intimate venue and they were fantastic. Shut your eyes and you could imagine the original Pink Floyd had come to play in your own lounge. The music was accurate and clear. It sounded more like Pink Floyd than some of the original band's live tracks on CD! I was there for the music, and they delivered. Big time. Their sound stage was perfect, every note heard and felt: loud, tight and clear. ... There were some empty seats. "People of Folkestone - You lost out". The concert was a cracking affair, even if you're not a Floyd affectionado it would not be possible to fail to enjoy the experience. The tracks everyone has heard (Money, Time etc) would enthuse even a grumpy old man. A word of advice. If The Floyd Effect come to a venue near you, don't wait or think about it. Book some tickets. Go. And enjoy one of the best evening's entertainments possible. Jo, Sun 3rd Oct 10 A wonderful thing Maddermarket Theatre, Norwich on Sat 4th Sep 10 From huge Floyd fans, you all did the greatest rock band in the world a proud, 1st class tribute. We have been wanting to see you for a long while and was so glad we came to Norwich last night. Kerry, we are so proud of you and we can see what a wonderful thing you have going. Go chase those Aussies... you are not far off the back of their heels. Mike, Kelly, Reuben and Elizabeth, Sun 5th Sep 10 Totally converted Pyrford Hall, Woking on Sat 28th Aug 10 I saw The Floyd Effect on Saturday and I was totally blown away. It was sensational! I have never been listening much to Pink Floyd but I am totally converted now, I enjoyed it so much. The talent in the group is just amazing. I loved every minute of it and I hope to see them again soon. Amazing stuff! Keep going guys. ... The crowd was amazing too, dancing, clapping, shouting in excitement and they even played some extra pieces for us! Loved Wish You Were Here and Another Brick in the Wall the most. I'll treasure my T-shirt forever and I made some new, awesome friends! Tanja, Sun 29th Aug 10 See An incredible band with nothing but top quality artists, they delivered a first set mixed with some old and late tracks, from Sheep to Sorrow, and Wish You Were Here to The Wall, a full one hour, then after a break returning to the stage to perform the timeless Dark Side of the Moon. With the club now totally eclipsed by their music, and cheering for more, the band announced they had a special piece to play for us, a track they had not before performed. With the crowd now silenced, and a single note from Gordon's keyboards, the venue was filled with the sound of Echoes. This track could only be performed to this standard by The Floyd Effect, and we are honoured it was played for us here at Pyrford. Wherever they play, if it's in your area, do not miss this formidable tribute. Graham Pereira, Mon 20th Sep 10 We shouted and stomped Tribfest, Yorkshire on Sat 21st Aug 10 Last saw Floyd Effect at Westcliffe and thought the TribFest would be a good weekend away, coupled with the excuse to see Pink Floyd again. They took the stage after dark - good job too as they were the only band with their own projections! Played a cross section of music - with NO backing tracks! Unlike some I could name... You know who you are - shame on you! Started with a selection from The Wall and Dark Side, finishing with a fantastic Comfortably Numb despite 'Gilmour' being on the stage rather than on top of the Wall. It was all over way too soon but we shouted and stomped and managed to get them back for one more track, Run Like Hell, before they left the stage for good. Loved the balloons guys - real pro touch... Hope to see you again soon. Toth62, Mon 23rd Aug 10 Hot venue with an even hotter band Riga Music Bar, Westcliff-on-Sea on Sat 26th Jun 10 Haven't seen this lot for a while but thought I'd look in on them again. What a difference a few months can make! Now an 8-piece rather than 7- with a dedicated sax player. Projections and light show were also improved. The venue was hot and stuffy but who cares... The band were even hotter! Lead guitarist was fab and if you closed your eyes you would have sworn it was Dave himself up there. My fave track of the night was Money - GREAT. Better than Floyd themselves when they played live at times. These guys are going from strength to strength. Wish petrol was a bit cheaper, otherwise I'd be following them round the country! Come back soon! Toth62, Mon 28th Jun 10 Excellent show Solihull Arts Complex on Sat 8th May 10 My wife and I went to the gig and were treated to a great evening of entertainment. The Floyd Effect performed as a 7-piece and it was obvious there was some serious musical talent on display from the off. In addition to the quality of the performers, the band also utilised a great light and laser show together with projected film just like Pink Floyd did when I saw them in 1995. In fact there were times during the gig where with eyes closed I could have been listening to Pink Floyd themselves. The first half of the gig saw the band playing well known tracks from the big selling albums. For me, Astronomy Domine and Sheep were standouts, with the latter making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. One of These Days from the Meddle album was also excellent. After the interval the band played Dark Side of the Moon in its entirety and it was a great performance true to the original album. The end of the gig came with the band playing Comfortably Numb to by now a very enthusiastic audience, who insisted on an encore. We had been treated to nearly three hours of quality music performed by very good musicians who have created an excellent show worthy of seeing again and again. Please come back to the Midlands soon. Mark Johnson, Tue 11th May 10 See Just a quick email to say how much my wife and I enjoyed last night's show. Much better than the A***ies, whom we saw a few years ago. The best part was The Great Gig in the Sky. During the introduction to it I could feel the tension in the audience around me, with everyone thinking "I hope they do this well" and you did - Maddie was fantastic! Phil Partridge, Sun 9th May 10 By email. A bit of a shock... The Mick Jagger Centre, Dartford on Sat 17th Apr 10 Went along not really knowing what we would get (but only a short drive from my house so worth a punt at £15.00). I was only expecting a decent tribute act, but in view of the complexity of Floyd material wasn't really expecting anything mind blowing. What I saw was a bit of a shock, an absolutely top-notch tribute act that were absolutely brilliant. The Floyd Effect not only sound exactly like Floyd but have a pretty impressive light show too. All the musicians/backing singers played a big part in recreating those tracks we all love and basically this gig was absolutely brilliant from beginning to end, particularly the recreation of Dark Side of the Moon in its entirety. Sad about the Floyd never going to play live again? Don't be, go and see the Floyd Effect! Bob, Sun 18th Apr 10 As good as the real thing Central Studios, Basingstoke on Sat 10th Apr 10 I went and saw these guys and was inspired. What a great harmony of music talent - from acoustic to hard rock sounds, they never failed to impress. First rate. The show played a full selection of Floyd's music in the most authentic yet unique style with added visuals and wondrous sounds from the era! Andrew, Sat 22nd May 10 Just to say that I am a die-hard Pink Floyd fan, and this tribute band were as good as the real thing. In fact their Comfortably Numb was that good it made me cry. A great night. Thanx Jenny, Wed 14th Apr 10 Another awesome gig albeit in an intimate setting ... Keep it up TFE - we need to see you playing in larger venues. D & P, Mon 12th Apr 10 The True Spirit of Pink Floyd Hertford Corn Exchange on Sat 13th Mar 10 The Floyd Effect at the Hertford Corn Exchange was the best £12.50 I have ever spent in Hertford. It was my birthday this week, and as a long term Pink Floyd fan, this seemed like a great way to celebrate. The Floyd Effect exceeded every expectation. With a front row seat, great sound, and truly brilliant playing I would recommend the band to any rock fan and definitely all Pink Floyd Fans. The set covered tracks from the early days, later days and of course the whole of Dark Side of the Moon. Finished off with great versions of Comfortably Numb and Run Like Hell. Best night out in ages. I hope they come back soon. Roger Jones, Sun 14th Mar 10 See My wife and I thank you for a fantastic evening at the Hertford Corn Exchange. ... You should be playing larger venues - it was clear Hertford was too small to accomodate you. What a show. We were blown away by how much there was to see and hear. ... My heart stopped when Great Gig In The Sky started. Time - fantastic - the drummer standing up to play, the clocks - amazing. The night was finished off with Comfortably Numb - I am still numb. Wow - you can play man. I'm not sure how you put a show like that together it must take a lot of hard work and dedication. We salute you. Ed, Sun 14th Mar 10 By email. Absolutely brilliant The Century Theatre, Snibston on Sat 20th Feb 10 I went to see you last night... and what a night it turned out to be, you were incredible. Every number was played with such perfection and passion. All members of the band were outstanding and you gave a lot of people loads of enjoyment. It's difficult to pick out best performed tracks so I'll go for On The Turning Away which is one of my favourite Floyd tracks... absolutely amazing. Also, Sorrow and of course Comfortably Numb and Run Like Hell and the whole of DSOTM. In fact it was all incredibly well performed. You all play very well together and it would be unfair of me to say who was my favourite, so I'll say each one of you shone for me. I went to see you at the same venue last year and you were amazing then, too. But this time you excelled and your much improved light show was beyond words. It's easy to see you are passionate about PF and I think your following will increase. You can be very proud of yourselves. I think this time next year you could perhaps fill larger venues, how about Loughborough Town Hall? Thank you for an amazing evening and carry on playing that wonderful music. Steve, Sun 21st Feb 10 By email. Incredible Secombe Theatre, Sutton, on Sat 6th Feb 10 The gig was awesome. You were incredible. It was great to see you all having such a good time. Really like the rhythm partners - yer drummer is a fab player. I wish I was a 10th as good. Jon, Mon 8th Feb 10 By email. Best tribute I have seen Leighton Buzzard Theatre, on Fri 29th Jan 10 I took a group of ten with me, rows C and D. Most of us have seen Pink Floyd in the past and other tribute bands. We all agreed that your group were as close as could be to the real thing. The couple who had never seen PF were over the moon, where have they been all these years? You are all excellent. It would be unfair to single out any one in particular but I have to say that your lead singer's voice was the closest I have heard to the early days of Pink Floyd. If I closed my eyes I could really believe I was listening to the original PF. Congratulations, do come back. I will also tell the local paper. Bob Reeve, Thu 4th Feb 10 See Thanks for a brilliant evening last Friday! I've seen many Floyd tribute acts (and the real thing a few times) and you guys are right up there in every way! It's great to see bands enjoying their music and makes for a much more memorable evening. Looking forward to seeing you all in Frome in November - It will be well worth the long journey. P.S. How do you switch between Roger and Dave on vocals? Both sound scarily close to the originals (are you using an effects box?) Chris Jones, Mon 1st Feb 10 By email. Awesome gig Stroud Subscription Rooms, on Sat 23rd Jan 10 The gig last night was awesome, 1st experience of The Floyd Effect exceeded expectations, you were spot on! When are you coming back? Westonbirt Arboretum would be a brilliant setting for one of your shows, hint, hint. Many thanks for a great night! Mark and Bev, Sun 24th Jan 10 By email. Awesome! Fantastic! Glastonbudget 2010 showcase Awesome! Fantastic! Please, please, book these guys. I love their gigs. Heaps better than the Aussies for sure - sound is spot on, just like the albums. Suffolk Sooty, Wed 30th Dec 09 Glastonbudget site (page now closed) Absolutely awesome The Tropic at Ruislip, on Fri 11th Dec 09 What a show, what a performance, well done for a fantastic evening, just can't wait til the next one. Us and Them & Comforably Numb were absolutely awesome. Louis, Sun 13th Dec 09 Can't recommend these guys highly enough. Saw them last night down the Tropic in Ruislip. Totally blew me away. A real nostalgia trip. Thank you. Come back soon. AgentX20, Sat 12th Dec 09 Glastonbudget site (page now closed) Brilliant Windlesham Theatre, on Sat 28th Nov 09 They are brilliant. I've taken friends to see them on different occasions, and they now go to see The Floyd Effect whenever they are in the area, taking others along with them to see for themselves. There is quite a following developing in Surrey and Hampshire! Ealien, Fri 11th Dec 09 Glastonbudget site (page now closed) F*cking awesome Glastonbudget 2010 showcase The Floyd Effect is awesome. Can't be beaten. Attention to detail is amazing. Close you eyes and it's every bit as good as the real thing - honest. Go see them - worth every penny! They are even getting fans who follow them around. As I said - awesome! Stigg, Tue 1st Dec 09 Glastonbudget site (page now closed) This band is mental, these guys have it covered when it comes to being spot on as a Pink Floyd tribute band and I would go and see them every time they come to my area. The lead guitarist and singer sounds like Gilmour and the girl who sings Great Gig in the sky is absolutley phenomenal. Book them. They are outstanding!! Orbital07, Sun 1st Nov 09 Glastonbudget site (page now closed) F*cking awesome - Aussie's got the dough. These guys steal the show! Kaiser, Fri 30th Oct 09 Glastonbudget site (page now closed) Amazing show - no I don't know them - but I have seen them three times so I think I am qualified to comment - very impressed - detailed - precise - vocals outstanding - a rare treat to beat. I hope they can be seen at GB10. Caz "Festyfever", Fri 30th Oct 09 Glastonbudget site (page now closed) The best ever The Plowright Theatre, Scunthorpe on Sat 17th Oct 09 These guys are the best sound-alikes ever. Better, in fact than some of the Floyd's early live gigs which were variable to say the least. Beat the Aussies hands down! Should be 10/5 rather than 5/5. Toth, Thu 29th Nov 09 Glastonbudget site (page now closed) A brilliant time The Haverhill Arts Centre, on Sat 7th Nov 09 Everyone in my group had a brilliant time seeing you guys. I know that if you were to play Haverhill again we'd all come back. It was a great evening's entertainment. What really worked for me was the sound. The drums were punchy, the bass not too over powering, and it had clarity for the keyboards and guitar solos. We also thought that the level of musicianship was way higher than expected. Well done lads and lasses... I'm sure you'd rock the Cambridge Corn Exchange! Chris Strellis, Mon 9th Nov 09 By email As good as Pink Floyd The Plowright Theatre, Scunthorpe on Sat 17th Oct 09 Absolutely awesome. My partner is not a Floyd fan as such but I dragged her along and she was bowled over by the show. The band even shrugging off an amp failure mid-gig with the most professional calm, it did not detract at all from what was a fantastic show. A small venue but a wonderful atmosphere, and the best version of the complete Dark Side album I have ever heard. I would love to see them at a big festy like Glastonbudget. Serenity, Sat 31st Oct 09 Glastonbudget site (page now closed) As I've seen Aussie Floyd three times and had recently moved to the area, I took the decision to give these a try last year. They were absolutely superb, far exceeding my expectations. So on their return I had no second thoughts of returning with my wife who (although not a huge Floyd fan) does enjoy music played as it should be. Sheep was excellent and a return to the stage to perform Run like Hell just topped the night. The venue is perfect as it brings these brilliant musicians so close to you, an experience an arena can't do! Please don't be long returning to the Plowright ... Paul Jewison, Mon 26th Oct 09 See These guys are real pros! There was a power failure during the first half and the band had to leave the stage. I thought that's it - gig over. But no, their tech guys ran around and fixed it and the band came back. Instead of just giving us the second half of the show they picked up where they left off as if nothing had happened. Way to go guys! Lori Wilson, Tue 20th Oct 09 See I have never had the privilege to see Pink Floyd but hey... you don't have to, these guys are as good. In what was a packed auditorium, the audience was delighted with the sound, all the musicians where equally talented, and if you visit the links on this site you will see their dedication to their craft. The girls' vocals were outstanding. Favourite tracks for me were from the Dark Side of the Moon album, but hey... it was difficult to choose one that did not prick up the hairs on my back. It's a good job it was not a full moon! I would love to see them at a larger venue, which they thoroughly deserve. But I hope that they will still continue entertaining at these smaller venues. Please visit the Plowright again soon. Thank you for a most entertaining night. Pete Hibbard, Sun 18th Oct 09 An amazing concert Luton Library Theatre on Sat 3 Oct 09 Went to the Luton Library gig. I was so surprised. You were brilliant. Having see Pink Floyd at Wembley Stadium and the Australian Pink Floyd at the Albert Hall I was to say the least a bit sceptical. It was an amazing concert, with brilliant musicians. Will certainly look forward to seeing you again. Babs Curtis, Sun 4th Oct 09 See Hi, I saw The Wall and Division Bell tours, Waters three times, Gilmour four times and last night you where superb. I couldn't believe how good the whole show was. My wife thought that no one could play like DG but you proved her wrong. Some of the most moving guitar I've ever heard live. Thanks for a great night. Paul and Catherine, Sun 4th Oct 09 By email. Excellent show tonight - I saw The Wall in 1982 in Earls Court and Roger Waters at the NEC with Clapton as part of the Pros and Cons tour, your show was as good (if not better). It is much better being 5 rows away rather than 50 or 60 rows back in a huge hall. I will look out for future gigs. Well done. Steve, Sun 4th Oct 09 Fit for any stage or arena Pyrford Hall on Sat 5 Sept 09 I have just finished putting together the pieces of my blown away mind, only to discover that every note, word and minute of Saturday's gig is still embedded deep inside. What an evening, what a gig and what superb musicians you all are. Obscured only by the fans in front, there was not a single cloud that could have dampened my spirits towards this remarkable tribute to the music of Pink Floyd. Jaw droppingly accurate and with a light show fit for any stage or arena. From the mixed first set I stood comfortably numb waiting for the second and the whole works of the Dark Side album. You guys are now in my opinion the best around. Graham Pereira, Mon 7th Sep 09 See Fantastic gig, you guys deserve the accolade of the best Pink Floyd tribute in the country, probably the known world! Highlights can only be Dark Side of the Moon in its entirety and of course Comfortably Numb. Thanks for the memories! Dave and Penny, 7th Sept 09 See What can I say? Saturday night was just awesome, incredible, brilliant and all the other words that would go into those categories. For me it was the best live music I have seen since PULSE at Earls Court in 1994. I will write a review when I have pieced together the parts of my blown mind; thank you all so very much. Graham, 7th Sept 09 Awesome... again Norwich Playhouse, Sat 29th Aug 09 You guys were awesome... yet again. Saw you a couple of years ago at Bungay Fisher Theatre and you blew me away then, didn't think you could get better and that's saying something, but you have!! Floyd are not the easist band to duplicate by a long shot, but you are obviously fantastic super-duper musicians and you got it to a tee!!!!! Will be coming to every gig in the area and singing your praises to everyone, so hurry on back!! Lisa, 3rd Sept 09 See Absolutely amazing! We have seen Australian Pink Floyd several times and were a bit sceptical as to how this band would step up to the mark! But they did, and in our opinion were better!!! It was a very personal, professional and less computerised show with everyone looking like they were enjoying performing and not just there for the money!!! Can't wait until they come back to the area again!!! WELL DONE... YOU DONE GOOD!! Sue, 1st Sept 09 See Last night's gig was just amazing. As a long time Floyd fan the night was just crisp sounding, fanstatic lighting and set - the whole Pink Floyd atmosphere. The projections where second to none and all cued spot-on. I certainly will be going to see them again. Thank you for a brilliant night submerged in The Floyd Effect. Highly recomended to anyone to go to see. Neill Arnold, 30th Aug 09 See I was at the Norwich gig tonight. I just wanted to let you know I thought it was absolutely brilliant. I must admit that I wasn't too familiar with some of the numbers from the first half of the set, but I enjoyed it just the same. The second half was superb. Dark Side from beginning to end, with one track blending into the next with a short pause while the record was turned over; it was fantastic. Just as it should be played. Well done. I will definitely be at your next gig in the Norwich area. Andy Edwards, 29th Aug 09 By email. Breathtakingly accurate The Tower, Winchester on Sat 15th May 09 The Floyd Effect don't just play the music of Pink Floyd - they recreate it. At Tower Arts Centre they got the sound balance exactly right - no mean feat - and then quietly introduced each number with a minimum of fuss - because their music was about to speak for itself. They generated an intimate atmosphere where they treated the audience as experts and faithfully recreated Pink Floyd for them. The performance of Dark Side of the Moon was breathtakingly accurate even down to the sound loops to introduce Money and Time. As used to happen with the record, I was able to close my eyes and just let the music wash over me. At no time was I thinking to myself 'not quite right' because everything was exactly right. Finishing with Comfortably Numb, a relieved sigh went up from the audience - the evening would not have been complete without it. I took my 18 year old son with me: he had not listened to Pink Floyd before. Mightily impressed, he borrowed my copy of Dark Side to play in his room. "Preferred the live performance" he said. "The music was exactly the same but watching it live was better." Good, or what? A music fan, 15th Jun 09 Gobsmacked Beaverwood Club, Chislehurst, on Sun 5th Apr 09 Just a quick thank you for an amazing gig last Sunday. Everyone that I spoke to there was gobsmacked and can't wait for you to come back in the near future. Best Regards, Silvio (music fan), 8th Apr 09 By email. Fantastic gig The Tropic at Ruislip, on Fri 27th Mar 09 Fantastic gig last night guys! It was the first time we had seen you, and we were very impressed. The highlights for me were the Dark Side set (GGITS was amazing). Brilliant Comfortably Numb and One Of These Days, we did not want the evening to end. Well done guys and girls! Hope to see you again! Cirrus, Sat 28th Mar 09 Tributehub review (page now gone) The finest around The BoomBoom Club, Sutton on Sat 14th Mar 09 Having seen the Sid Barrett- era Floyd and the more recent Floyd at Knebworth, last week's gig somehow curiously managed to replicate the musical excitement of the two previous live musical contacts I have had with the Floyd's music. But the words of their perfectionist keyboardist, Gordon, "take seven Floyd fanatics and a modicum of talent and this is what you get" don't really cover it ... It's the merging of their individual talents that make this the finest of the Floyd tributes around. With a great sound and light show in the tradition of their mentors, the Floyd Effect make for a very special evening indeed. George McFall, Wed 25th Mar 09 By email. Saturday night's gig was just 15 miles away, but the journey The Floyd Effect sent me on was far, far greater. This was a remarkable tribute to the music of Pink Floyd. A fantastic live show, every song, every sound and every member performed to the highest standard. An evening that had my five companions transfixed. Graham Pereira, Mon 16th Mar 09 Truly amazing Stamford Corn Exchange on Sat 7th Feb 09 Just felt I had to send you this e-mail to thank you for what was a truly amazing night on Saturday February 7th 2009. It was one of those nights that you do not want to end. Performances from everyone concerned were top notch... nice to hear some of the lesser known Floyd tracks performed. But Dark Side Of the Moon really blew us away and The Great Gig in The Sky was truly amazing. Hope you come this way again as I am sure many of those who attended do. Keep up the good work and we wish you all the best for the future and thanks once again for coming to our little old town. Terry and Chrissie Baker, Mon 9 Feb 09 By email. Wow, what a night. Wife and I trundled down to the theatre and took our seats and within the first number Shine On You Crazy Diamond we were truly blown away. What a performance, classic track after classic track and some lesser known ones which was good to hear. All the musicians performed brilliantly on the night all giving their best. When they started to perform Dark Side Of The Moon, well you would really believe it was Pink Floyd. The vocals on The Great Gig In The Sky were truly amazing. This was one of those nights that you did not want to end. Hopefully they will come to our town again in the future. All I can say is that if The Floyd Effect are in your area go and see them - you will not be disappointed. Terry Baker, Mon 9 Feb 09 See I wanted to say just how awesome I thought the whole set was. I took my two cynical, bored seen-it-all teenagers with me - well, you have a duty to properly educate the younglings in all the Classics, don't you? - and they were both mesmerised. Prior to tonight my daughter had only really heard bits of the Dark Side and something from Echoes from time to time - and they were silent and refrained from punching each other all night. For this reprieve alone I should be thanking you, but now they know what chilled out feels like, they may start to take things a bit more easy. Hally-bloody-lulah. Everyone considers themselves an expert at something - and the band you have chosen to tribute is surely followed by the most devoted and educated of fans. We know every word, note and key - so you have no hiding places. I know what the real thing sounds like - and you sounded exactly how I would imagine the Real Thing would sound like, live. I really just want to say Thank You for coming to Stamford, you really deserve to be playing far larger venues, but I am so glad that you came within my price range and vicinity - please come again! Sarah of Stamford, Sun 8 Feb 09 By email. Be amazed! Snibston Century Theatre on Sat 17th Jan 09 On a rain-swept stormy Saturday night, The Floyd Effect produced a totally mind-blowing faithful recreation. The band's warmth and down-to-earth rapport they create with the audience is a bit special too. The balance and blend of 'classic' Floyd tracks and the 'lesser' album tracks, is a brilliant and pleasing surprise. We've seen the real thing and 4 or 5 Floyd tribute bands since, trust me, these are special! Seriously! A totally enjoyable set that will leave you wanting to see them again! (Jo doesn't want to go and see "TAPFS" again now). If you get the chance, GO, be entertained and enjoy! Alan & Jo, Wed 21st Jan 09 Just a quick message to say how much I enjoyed the music last night. Sadly I never got to see Pink floyd, but last night was magic. Thanks to you all. Michael Wilkins, Sun 18th Jan 09. By email. Absolutely stunning Civic Theatre, Bedford on Fri 17th Oct 08 The thing I hate about a lot of tribute bands is their total lack of any attention to detail. The notes are often correct and in the correct order but the sound is often way off. This is certainly not the case with TFE. They have recreated the sound of Pink Floyd perfectly... it's a blend somewhere between the sound of the original Floyd albums and the Floyd Pulse tour. It was a great trip down memory lane and highlights for me were Shine On and Great Gig In The Sky where the solo female vocals were pretty amazing. The lead singer/guitarist seems to cope with both Gilmour and Waters vocal duties amazingly whilst his guitar and slide guitar playing is absolutely stunning. The keyboard player obviously knows a thing or two about how to get the exact sounds he wants because he has managed to recreate the (W)right sound played with great feel and extreme accuracy. A very tight drummer who also has a great voice, a solid bassist and two girl singers who look and sound fabulous complete the lineup. Great sound, great lights, a great show that actually sounds like the real thing. Andy N, Wed 17th Dec 08. Perfection Pyrford Hall on Sat 23rd Aug 08 The Floyd Effect are without any doubt the best tribute band we have seen ... the music and vocals were perfection. All are remarkable and totally dedicated professionals, they came, they conquered and they delivered with perfection. A true tribute. Jo Beckett, Thu 28th Aug 08. See The Floyd Effect are one of the very top Floyd tribute bands. From the first note of their opening track, Shine on You Crazy Diamond, right through to the last on the encore, they were exceptionally high class. From the dedication and perfection of their sound check they played a first set covering Fat Old Sun, Sheep, Another Brick In The Wall and Sorrow, to name a few, then on to a second set taken from the timeless Dark Side Of The Moon. All these complimented by first class vocals and musicianship. For you guys it's not a long journey to the top, and I will be there to see you. Graham Pereira, Thu 28th Aug 08. See There are a great many Pink Floyd tribute bands gigging around the UK at the moment. Quite a few of them are full of competent musicians playing the right notes. But where the Floyd Effect score highly is that they also manage to capture the feel of the songs. Last night's gig was a rare chance to catch them in an intimate venue. They certainly gave value for money: two long sets covering much of the Floyd's extensive back catalogue. The band delivered the expected greatest hits package including songs such as Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Another Brick In The Wall, Wish You Were and Comfortably Numb, but also threw in some more unusual material such as Fat Old Sun and Sheep. Among the more recent Floyd tracks, Sorrow was a particular highlight. If you're looking for a Floyd tribute, the Floyd Effect are not to be missed. Paul S, 24th Aug 08. Tribute Heaven Norwich Playhouse, Norwich on Thu 1st May 08 Fantastic stuff, great musicians, great band, a refreshing change from the multitude of bad Floyd tributes bands that seem to be flooding the Pink Floyd tribute market out there. Looking forward to see more of these guys. Spiralgallaxy, Aug 08. Fantastic! Can't believe I only paid £12 to see such a great tribute band, they were spot on. It's clear to see that they have paid every attention to detail, their musical ability is second to none and they deserve the credibility that goes with that kind of territory. Julie Carter, 2nd May 08. Norwich Playhouse reviews (page now gone) A must see for any Pink Floyd fan, they don't just play the tunes, unlike most of the other floyd tribs these guys actually sound like Pink Floyd, amazing vocals on In The Flesh in particular, I thought old Rog himself had entered the room. Excellent stuff, great atmosphere, I will definitely see them again, looks like those Aussie boys have got some serious competition here. Jerry, Sun 4th May 08. See They were absolutely fantastic, technically tight, it was plain too see they have paid every attention to detail as every good tribute band should. Hats off to these brave men and women to take on such a mammoth task and actually pull it off with what seemed like remarkable ease and obvious enjoyment (unlike so many other Floyd tribute bands out there!). Their obvious love of everything Floyd comes through with every song to a point where your hairs stand up on the back of your neck! I predict this band will go on to the top of tribute tree! A music fan, Fri 2nd May 08 Like the Floyd themselves Churchill College Cambridge, on 20th Jun 07: When The Floyd Effect perform Dark Side Of The Moon, it's like hearing it performed by the Floyd themselves. June Event Committee, Wed 20th Jun 07. The reviews on this website are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the band. If necessary, they may be edited for content and length. [PAGE] Title: The Floyd Effect - The Pink Floyd Tribute Show Content: Subscribe to our mailing list * indicates required [PAGE] Title: The Floyd Effect - The Pink Floyd Tribute Show Content: [PAGE] Title: The Floyd Effect - The Pink Floyd Tribute Show Content: About 25 December 2023 It’s been quite a year, hasn’t it? So we’d like to offer a huge thank you to everyone who joined us in 2023, and our very best for Christmas and the New Year. We’re now looking forward to 2024, and we very much hope to see you again soon. In fact, we’re looking forward to seeing you even if you were unable to join us in 2023, or 2022, or ... Oh heck, you know what we mean. MERRY CHRISTMAS !!! And hugs'n'kisses to you all. 3 November 2023 So here we are, and winter certainly feels like it has arrived; we hope that none of you are suffering too much in the way of flooding or other natural disaters. With 2023 heading towards its inevitable twin conclusions of Christmas (or Saturnalia - whatever works for you!) and then the New Year, we're now looking forward to our last gig of the year which, as (almost) always, will be at the Tropic in Ruislip . If you've never been there, we can tell you that it's quite an exerience - possibly the smallest and lowest stage in the UK, but with the biggest-hearted audience who appreciate their Pink Floyd as much as we do and also know how to have a good time. Come along, wear your Christmas jumpers and Santa Claus hats, and we'll see you in December. Oh yes... and a huge thank you to everyone who came to see us in Fleet, whether from just around the corner or (as one couple did) coming all the way from Cumbria to see us. We had a great time - let's face it, we always do - and really enjoyed playing for you. Apparently, we already have a date pencilled in for a return in 2024, so we'll let you know as soon as it's confirmed. All the best - TFE. 9 October 2023 Hello everyone, and especially our fans and followers in Kent. We're so sorry that we had to postpone our concert at The Hazlitt Theatre in Maidstone this year, but a bunch of doctors would have been very unhappy had we proceeded. Happily, everyone is now fighting fit again, and we're delighted to announce that the show has been rescheduled for 17 February 2024 . All existing tickets are valid for the new date but, if you can’t join us, contact the theatre and they’ll take care of you. In the meantime, have a great Christmas and New Year… or maybe join us in Fleet or Ruislip as we head toward the end of the year. Wherever and whenever it is, we look forward to seeing you soon. 25 September 2023 Hello Wellies! (We assume that that’s what denizens of Wellingborough are called.) Thank you so much for joining us last night and being such a fab audience; you made the evening special with all of your good humour and banter. It was great to chat with some of you afterward, too. We love The Castle - in addition to the audience, the stage and facilities are superb - so we very much hope to be back again next year. Until then (as someone might have said) don't be good... be fabulous. 18 September 2023 Ah, the wonderful music of #PinkFloyd at the Castle Theatre, Wellingborough. If you haven't been there, you should. It's one of the best theatres on the circuit, with a great load-in area, a fabulous amount of room either side of the stage, and nice dressing rooms. None of this helps you, of course, but it also has a great auditorium and a rather nice bar. Oh yes... and really good parking. So you should come to see us there on 23rd September. How can you say "no" to a couple of bevvies beforehand, a comfy seat, and two of the greatest albums ever written and recorded? (Not to mention tracks from three others!) We look forward to seeing you there. 17 September 2023 Thank you Bridgwater, and a special thank you to everyone who travelled long distances to see the show. We love the McMillan Theatre, and it's always worth the trawl (and in places, crawl) across country to come to play for you. The fact that we were still in the hotel lounge at 3:30am nattering and enjoying the 'after-show glow' tells you how high our spirits were, so we very much look forward to playing for you again soon. 13 September 2023 It's hard to believe that it's been seventeen months since we were last at The McMillan Theatre. It feels much more recent than that, but that can't be right because we haven't played there since Dale joined us at the start of the year. Either way, in three days time we'll be trundling down the M5 (on 16 September, to be precise) to help the good people of Bridgwater search for their missing “e” and to play them They Told Us What To Dream;, which is being wonderfully received all over the country. The Stalls and the First Circle have been sold out for a while, but there are some seats with excellent views available in the Upper Circle, as well as others to the sides that might just give you excellent views of the lights being reflected off the tops of some of our heads. So why not join us at this excellent venue for an evening of Pink Floyd's finest? We hope to see you there. 31 August 2023 We're afraid that we have to notify you about a postponement at rather short notice. There's illness in the camp, so we won't be able to make it to The Hazlitt Theatre in Maidstone on 9th September. We thought about performing without a bass guitarist... well, no, that's a lie. You can't have Pink Floyd without at least one bass guitar (and sometime two or even three) and we want to make sure that we play the best possible show for you as soon as we can reschedule. We'll let you know as soon as we have further news. Existing tickets will of course be honoured but, if you have any questions, please contact the theatre directly. Finally, we would like to thank the management at The Hazlitt, who have been so understanding and supportive about this - we really appreciate it. 11 August 2023 It's that time to year again... Yes, It's competition time! Starting on Monday, we'll be running a competition on our Facebook page to win one of our 'Glass Woman' T-shirts. There will be no complicated questions, and you won't have to send us anything, we'll just ask you to follow the page, share it publicly, and write "I'm in" in the comments. So head on over to and join in. You never know, you may be the sartorial envy of your friends. (Before you ask, there are no Glass Men left. Sorry.) Good luck! 31 July 2023 Hello everyone, we may be on our summer hols, but we thought that we'd drop you a line to let you know how things are going. The main news item is that our concert in Fleet on 28 October is now sold out. If you don't have a ticket but would still like to join us, please contact the venue... they may have a standby list for returns and cancellations. We also have to ask you to spare a thought for our drummer, Kerry, who did himself a nasty injury last weekend in a freak cricketing accident. Happily, he's assured us that he'll be fine in time for our concert in Maidstone in September. There are still tickets for this (as well as our performances in Bridgwater and Wellingborough) so maybe we'll see you at one of these. Until then, enjoy the summer, sun, sea, sangria, and other things beginning with the letter 's'. 16 July 2023 We had never performed to the good people of Corby before this weekend, but loved every moment of it. Everything about playing at The Core theatre proved to be a pleasure, starting with its underground loading bay - not a trivial point given the torrential rain when we arrived, excellent facilities, very helpful technical staff, and an audience that seemed to know every word of every song and were happy to join in with us. We had intended to play the original They Told Us What To Dream set for you, but Perchance To Dream Another Dream (which includes Echoes amongst other changes) had been so well received the previous week that we decided to play it again. From what we heard on stage and from all of the Facebook and YouTube videos springing up, it seemed to go down rather well! (By the way, you are ALWAYS welcome to take photos and film videos at our shows.) So a big "thank you" to Corby - we very much hope to return to The Core for years to come, and we look forward to seeing you again soon. 13 July 2023 Say 'Corby' to people of a certain age and you'll evoke images of steelworks and not much else. But the town is much more than that and, when we looked at playing at The Core, we were impressed. So tomorrow we'll be performing 'Perchane To Dream Another Dream' there, and no doubt there will be numerous Dark Side Of The Cube and Another Cube In The Wall jokes along the way. We hope that you'll be able to join us. Also, we would like to say a huge "thank you" to the audience at Tavistock Wharf last weekend. We've been playing there for more than a decade (not continuously, of course - even a free-form Interstellar Overdrive wouldn't last that long) and we have to admit that the audience on Saturday was one of the best - if not the best - yet. As an old friend of the band put it, "the atmosphere was rocking". We'll see you again soon. 1 July 2023 Tavistock Wharf - two words that won't mean much to people north of the Quantocks, but are almost guaranteed to send the hearts of Pink Floyd fans all a'flutter. We've been playing there since various members of the band had hair and a waistline, and it's always one of our favourite destinations, not least because of the location and the very fine breakfasts to be had in the nearby market. This year, we'll be performing a special version of They Told Us What To Dream, dusting off some iconic tracks that we think will go down rather well with an audience that knows its Pink Floyd as well as any in the country. See you soon, Devonians, Cornishmen and women, and even the grockles that travel from further afield to join us. We look forward to seeing you soon. 14 May 2023 Well, that was fun! The Majestic is a great little theatre with a simple load-in, helpful crew, and a wide stage that allows Garry, Gerard, Dale, John and Gordon to stretch out across the front. Most important of all, it also has an enthusiastic audience who joined in and sang along to make it a great evening. We weren't sure beforehand whether we could bring our largest circular screen, but we now know that we can, so watch out Retford. Next time, the show will be even bigger! Following an early summer break in June, our next trip will be on 8th July to the famous Tavistock Wharf. We previewed They Told Us What To Dream there in 2022, so we've changed the set for our return this year, with several different tracks for your delectation. This will also be the first time we've played there with Dale wowing audiences with his solos and all-round Gilmouresqueism. (Don't tell us that there's no such word as Gilmouresqueism… there is now!) In the meantime, we hope that you enjoy the next few weeks, and we'll look forward to seeing you again soon. 6 May 2023 "Retford?", we thought when we first heard that we were booked to perform at The Majestic Theatre Retford. "Where's that?" But it turned out to be a great place and somewhere that we really enjoyed playing. We were last there in 2019 on our Wall Around The Moon tour, so it's high time that we returned, as we're doing on Saturday 13th May. This will be our last performance of They Told Us What To Dream until mid-July, not least because one of us is buggering off to the States for a while. So we hope that you'll be able to join us because, if we're not going to play for a couple of months, we'll do everything that we can to make this a good one! See you there... 22 April 2023 Exmouth in the Spring sunshine looks like a really nice place. Unfortunately, we didn't have time to take a wander around the town (let alone have a paddle or a game of frisbee) because there was a huge amount to do to get the show ready for 'doors' at 7pm. Happily, the gremlins were banished to the dark places from which they invariably come, and everything was ready in time. It would be naughty to claim that the venue was full - unfortunately, it wasn't - but the audience was fantastic, and we would never have known that there were empty seats given the singing, the banter and (thank you Exmouth!) the applause. Consequently, we had a great time, and we loved the reception given to some of the more obscure tracks such as Careful With That Axe Eugene and Parts 6 to 9 of Shine On You Crazy Diamond. Hopefully, we'll see you all again soon. Hmm... Tavistock isn't that far from Exmouth, so maybe we'll see some of you there on 8th July! Until then... 22 April 2023 We've never been to Exmouth, but what a fab place to start! The Pavilion is a premier venue for touring bands, so we can't wait to play there. Located right in the middle of the Esplanade, it's literally across the road from the beach, and no doubt we'll be taking advantage of this if the weather's good and there's time to chill before the show. Will the rhythm section roll up its collective trousers and go for a paddle? Will the Floydettes be playing frisbee on the shoreline? Will the guitarists be discussing how a couple of extra effects pedals would improve the view? Why not join us to find out? Even if there's no time for this, it should be a great evening with two complete Pink Floyd albums and much more to enjoy. We look forward to seeing you there. 11 April 2023 Following the pandemic, we returned to the live circuit with our most ambitious tour to date. This highlighted not one, but two complete Pink Floyd albums – indeed, the two that are considered by legions of their fans to be the band's most important works: Wish You Were Here and Dark Side Of The Moon, both of which continue to speak to people across three generations like no other music from the past five decades. Today, we're expanding upon this and are taking the tour to a new level with Perchance To Dream Another Dream, which features both of these albums plus additional tracks from Meddle and The Wall, as well as a nod in the direction of Pink Floyd's earlier psychedelic roots. We'll be premiering this at Tavistock Wharf on the 8th July. See you there! 27 March 2023 There's a temptation to think of provincial theatres as merely the settings for local am-dram and childrens' shows. But they're not all about shaky Shakespeare and wonky Widow Twankies. Bands such as The Floyd Effect couldn't survive without them, and some of our finest moments have occurred in venues such as the Opera House in Buxton, The Castle Theatre in Wellingborough and the McMillan Theatre in Bridgwater. But there are also many smaller theatres that are vital to keeping live music alive in the UK, often run by volunteers who understand the value of a local venue. They are at the hearts of their communities, and they make it possible for The Floyd Effect (and everyone else on 'the circuit') to play to audiences who would otherwise have to travel long distances for live entertainment. So please join us in a round of applause for the theatres, large and small, and all of their staff – technical crew, house, ticket office, marketing and even the management (!) – who make it possible for us to play for you. They've earned it. #WorldTheatreDay 26 March 2023 Hello all... let's begin by extending a huge "thank you" to every one of you who joined us and helped to sell out the venue for both Friday and Saturday nights' shows at the Arts Centre in Colchester. You were superb company, with lots of banter and silliness, and you filled the Centre with sound as you sang along to tracks like Wish You Were Here. Also, of course, our thanks go out to all of the theatre staff and crew for making us so welcome for two days, and we can't write this without thanking Anne and Susan who did such a fab job manning (or should that be 'womanning'?) our all-too-rare merchandise stand. Oh yes... and we all had a great time too, so we can't wait to see you all again. Until next time! 18 March 2023 It's rare that we get to spend two nights in the same town, but we love 'double-headers' because there's no uprooting from hotel to hotel and no travelling between shows. So our two concerts at the Colchester Arts Centre this month will be a luxury for the band, no doubt with lashings of pizza and bevvies after the first because we won't have to load up the bus. Mind you, it's even more of a treat for our production company because, while the musos just have a couple of dozen guitars, amps and synths to carry, the road crew will be able to leave all of the PA, lighting and projection equipment in place for 24 hours and get a proper night's sleep. Bliss! We'll be performing the whole of They Told Us What To Dream on both Friday 24th and Saturday 25th, so we hope that you'll be joining us at one of the shows. Or… why not come to both? As you know, a Floyd Effect show is a genuine live performance, so there are bound to be unique moments in each. We understand that both shows are sold out, but there may be some returns so you might be lucky! Either way, we very much look forward to seeing you there. 5 March 2023 Thank you to Legends Of Rock for once again granting us the privilege of headlining Friday night and thank you too to the audience who sang, whooped, and applauded all the way into the wee small hours of Saturday. We don't know about the audience, but we got to bed at around 4am. Rock'n'Roll baby! It was lovely to meet many of you again over the weekend, as we stayed on to watch the other bands, and we loved hearing all your comments first hand. We hope to see you at one of our forthcoming shows where we'll be playing the whole of They Told Us What To Dream. 1 March 2023 Some time ago, we were asked whether we thought that the music of Pink Floyd was as meaningful or important as the classical music of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. We suggested that listening to Dark Side Of The Moon in 2023 is little different from listening to some of the other great music of the 20th century fifty years after its first performance – say, enjoying Stravinsky's Right Of Spring in 1963, Holst's Planets in 1968, or even Britten's War Requiem in 2012. What's more (we pointed out), it probably holds a place in the hearts of a wider audience, and it remains as relevant today as it was when it was released. Consequently, it's hard to argue against it being one of the great musical accomplishments of the 20th century. We're proud to have performed Dark Side Of The Moon in its entirety at almost every concert we have played since we formed the band in 2007, and we'll continue to do so for as long as people want to hear it. As we look out from the stage at the children and even the grandchildren of those who bought the original LP in 1973, we think that it will be popular for at least another five decades and, who knows, maybe even longer than that. 25 February 2023 Legends Of Rock, huh? Wouldn't it be great if they were referring to The Floyd Effect. (We're pretty certain that they mean Pink Floyd.) But, despite that small, semantic uncertainty, Yarmageddon 11 promises to be great fun. In addition to us, there will be tributes to Led Zeppelin, Bon Jovi, Fleetwood Mac, Black Sabbath, Creedence Clearwater Revival and dozens more. And to put the icing – and possibly even the cherry – on the cake, it all happens indoors; nobody has to stand in the p***ing rain in a soggy field and end up covered in mud from head to toe. So why don't you join us on Friday 3rd March, and we'll play you as much of They Told Us What To Dream as they'll let us. We'll be taking to the stage at 11:30pm, so you can sit back and enjoy Pink Floyd's finest as we think it was always intended – late at night, mellow, with friends, and with a couple of pints of the finest single malts in your hands. (OK, we probably shouldn't be suggesting the last of those, but you get the idea.) It promises to be a great night, and we'll look forward to seeing you there. 19 February 2023 A big "thank you" to everyone who came to see us in Northampton last night. We realise that you had been queuing since the original date in 2020 was postponed, and we hope that you enjoyed the gig. We would also like to thank the Roadmender, which stood by us through Alpha, Delta, Omicron, and everything else that the world could throw at us, and the theatre crew who helped our guys to cram as much of our lighting and other equipment onto the stage as was humanly possible. Next, we're off to Great Yarmouth to headline the Friday night at Legends Of Rock. Maybe we'll see some of you there again. 13 February 2023 After the Edwardian grandeur of The Opera House last week, we have a very different experience lined up you on for Saturday. The vibe at the Roadmender in Northampton is energetic and (dare we say) bouncy, not least because the venue is as well-known as a nightclub as it is as a venue for bands. We'll be squeezing in the largest screen that the stage can accommodate and performing our complete They Told Us What To Dream concert, so why not join us for another night of Pink Floyd's finest? With two complete albums and tracks from four more, there's lots for everyone. We'll look forward to seeing you there. 6 February 2023 Wow... thank you Buxton! The theatre crew were great, the audience was fab, and we then bumped into lots of you again in the pizza house and the hotel bar - and what nice people you are! We have to admit that playing to a full house at the Opera House is a privilege as well as a pleasure, and to be told (until 4am when we finally crawled up to our rooms) how much you enjoyed the show was the icing on a particularly flavoursome cake. So we'd like to thank you all, and we very much look forward to seeing you again next year. 29 January 2023 First of all, we would like to offer a huge "thank you" to everyone who came to see us at The Point, Eastleigh last night. The first concert of the year can often be a nervous affair, but you were a fantastic audience and we had a great time playing for you. We're loving They Told Us What To Dream, and we hope that you're enjoying hearing it as much as we're enjoying playing it. Secondly, those of you who have seen us before may have noticed a new face in the band. So please everyone (drum roll…) welcome Dale Taylor to The Floyd Effect. Not only a fabulous guitarist and singer, Dale sometimes even looks a bit like Dave Gilmour circa 1972, and we are delighted that he has joined us as our permanent front man. Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to thank Paul Andrews, who joined us in our hour of need immediately after the pandemic. Paul offered to help us out for a few gigs when we unexpectedly had to look for a new guitarist, but he stayed for 18 months, for which we would like to thank him profusely. Right… it's now time to start preparing the show for our concerts in Buxton next week, followed by Northampton and Brierley Hill, as well as headlining at Legends Of Rock in a few weeks' time. It's going to be great fun, and we hope to see you there. 20 January 2023 Buxton Opera House - yay! Our favourite. There's something genuinely exciting about a venue with four tiers, swirly decorations, and a huge wodge of history. And how can you fail to be inspired when you've just used the same loo as Noël Coward, the man who described the theatre as "a wonderful place, a house of strange enchantment, a temple of illusion". Mind you, he also said, "The only stars I can blame for my failures are those that walk about the stage", but we don't think that he meant The Floyd Effect because he died 34 years before the band was formed. Anyway, we'll be bringing our latest show to Buxton in just a couple of weeks, and we're looking forward to treating you to two complete Pink Floyd albums, half of another, plus tracks from three more. Hopefully, that will be both wonderful and enchanting in the temple of illusion, so we hope to see you there. 14 January 2023 The Point, Eastleigh, holds a special place in the hearts and the history of The Floyd Effect; one that sits somewhere between great affection and abject terror. This is because, since time immemorial, it has hosted the first concert of the year - in other words, the venue at which we've unveiled our latest tour and played it to an audience for the first time. Thanks to the pandemic (boo!!) we haven't performed there since January 2020, which was when we unleashed The Dark Side Of Reason on an unsuspecting world. But now - precisely three years and three days later - we're returning with the first "official" performance of our 2023 tour: They Told Us What To Dream. Happily, we previewed this before Christmas, so we'll be able to concentrate on the affection rather than the terror. But - who knows? - there could still be a surprise or two to share with you. Eastleigh, here we come... We can't wait! 1 January 2023 Welcome to 2023. We hope that you had a great New Year, and that this will herald a much better year for all of us, not just in the UK, but everywhere in the world. While contemplating 2023, it occurs to us that this marks the 50th anniversary of the release of one of the greatest albums ever recorded. Sure, this could refer to Selling England By The Pound, Quadrophenia, Aladdin Sane, Houses Of The Holy, Tubular Bells, Brain Salad Surgery or dozens of other classics (what a year 1973 was!) but we're referring, of course, to Dark Side Of The Moon. We hold this in such high esteem that we've performed it in its entirety at every theatre concert since we formed The Floyd Effect in 2007. We've even played it when headlining various festivals and, perhaps best of all, when we closed Cyprus Rocks on the beach in Protaras in 2019. Obviously, we're not going to stop now because we love playing it and you never seem to tire of hearing it. And why should you? It's timeless and wonderful. Coupled with the whole of Wish You Were Here and tracks from Animals and The Wall (and even a couple resurrected from our Early Years tours) we suspect that We Told You What To Dream is our best concert yet, so we hope that you'll join us in 2023. An end to the war in the Ukraine, the demise of extremism, the end of the cost-of-living crisis and no more pandemics would also be nice, but that's out of our control. So let's look forward, share the music, and keep hoping for good things to come… All the best for 2023. 25 December 2022 After the seemingly endless gloom that was 2022, we all need some festive cheer and the hope that next year is going to be better than this one. In The Floyd Effect, we've navigated illnesses (and not just from the sodding Covid-19 pandemic), numerous rescheduled concerts with all of the difficulties that that entails, the inevitable financial difficulties, and more. Yet the one thing we've always been able to rely upon is your warmth and good wishes. It's not only our shared love of Pink Floyd; you're just lovely people, and you've supported us through thick and thin. Perhaps 2023 will be the year when the world starts to come to its senses but, in the meantime, let's echo John and Yoko, who sang… A very Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear. Wise words indeed! We hope that you have a great holiday, and look forward to seeing you in January. Love and best wishes from all of the band and crew. 1 December 2022 Many years ago, we were booked into venues during the #WorldCup, and then wondered why nobody turned up. Well... that's not quite true. Those of us in The Floyd Effect who would happily have swapped six hours in a tour bus for a warm sofa, a couple of bevvies and the footie on telly knew exactly why. But even those who would rather watch the BBC Parliament Channel in preference to England's (or Wales') latest bid for footballing glory learned the folly of their ways, which is why we have taken a break in late November and the first half of December. "Ah-ha!", we hear you say, "but your next gig is on 16th December and the World Cup final is on the 18th". That's true, but there's no match on the 16th, and therefore no excuse to miss They Told Us What To Dream when we play at the Tropic at Ruislip that night. And, in the unlikely event that England have reached the 3rd place play-off on Saturday or even the final on Sunday, an evening of #PinkFloyd beforehand will be the perfect hors d'oeuvre. So... no excuses. We'll see you there! 13 November 2022 Somehow, we almost always manage to play in North Wales late in the year when the nights are drawing in. So here we are in November, the clocks have gone back, and, in a week's time, it'll be time to travel up the M6 to play for the good people of Colwyn Bay. The Theatr Colwyn is a lovely little venue – not too small, but intimate so that we have a real feeling of connection with the audience. Hopefully, you'll be there to join us for our second performance of They Told Us What To Dream. We were delighted with how smoothly the first show went in Tavistock, and we're really looking forward to performing it for you on Saturday. Two complete Pink Floyd albums, tracks from three more, great company, a few bevvies and no gremlins. What could be better on a Saturday night? 6 November 2022 Have you noticed something weird about saxophones? OK… something ELSE weird about saxophones? They can only produce one note at a time, but get the same amount of attention – if not more – than guitars that can produce six, and keyboards that can play dozens simultaneously. The strange breed of humans who play them also receive the same amount of adulation as guitarists, and far more than keyboard players. All for just one note! It hardly seems fair, does it? But tracks such as Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Money and Us & Them wouldn't be the same without a bit of gratuitous sax, and we imagine that there are other bands that benefit from the weird brass pipe too. So let's say thank you to the common as muck alto and tenor, the squealing soprano and the farty baritone, the little-known C-melody and bass, and the truly scary sopranino and contrabass saxes that lurk in the shadows of obscure jazz ensembles. Just one note at a time, but it's often the best one there is. 30 October 2022 We were delighted when we learned that our first performance of our new tour was to be in Tavistock. The audience at Tavistock Wharf is unfailingly good natured and enthusiastic so, despite the inevitable teething problems, they gave us a fantastic reception singing along and joining in the banter. Thank you Tavistock. We look forward to seeing you all next year. 19 October 2022 There's just a week to go, and we're nearly ready. Well... there's just a week to go, anyway. We had a great rehearsal last weekend and put the finishing touches to the arrangements for They Told Us What To Dream, so everyone has now gone away to practice before taking to the stage at The Wharf. Meanwhile, John and the technical team are rushing to get all of the new projections and the revamped light show ready in time. We suspect that they'll still be working on it late into the night before the show but, when it's done, it's going to be fab. Two classic Pink Floyd albums, all of side 1 of another, and tracks from two more... it's not just going to be fab, it's going to be epic! (For our younger listeners, side 1 refers to the original vinyl album. Please don't attempt to turn your CD players or streaming systems upside down.) So why not be a TFE guinea pig and come to see us in Tavistock. The first show of any tour is always a mélange of mayhem, mishaps and magic, so we'll look forward to seeing you there. 18 October 2022 There seems to be a fashion for bashing the BBC, but we don't agree with it. Auntie Beeb has been a tremendous force for good for rock bands and their music, whether making The Sex Pistols famous by banning them, energising Meatloaf's career by broadcasting the whole of Paradise By The Dashboard Lights or, of course, by making it possible to watch your favourite artists mime badly in fuzzy black-and-white decades before the advent of MTV (let alone YouTube). The Floyd Effect has been featured on numerous BBC local radio stations, and even played live on BBC Three Counties Radio, and it has always been fun, exciting, and impeccably handled. Our respect runs very deep indeed, and if we had to choose between the Beeb and those who want to do away with her, Auntie would win every time. So let's wish her a very happy 100th birthday, and hope that she has at least another 100 ahead. 12 October 2022 Singers, huh? The raison d'être within a band, or just a bunch of noisy buggers who get in the way of the guitar and keyboard solos? The answer, of course, is both. Great singers can entrance an audience, whether belting out the libretto from Tristan and Isolde or the chorus of I Love Rock'N'Roll. When you get several on stage at the same time, the results can be magical… although probably not if they attempt to sing Wagner and Joan Jett simultaneously. We are very lucky in The Floyd Effect to have several great singers, including our wonderful Floydettes, whose renditions of The Great Gig In The Sky are a high point of every concert. So, let's offer a round of applause for singers everywhere. Whether soloing in the shower or performing at Wembley Stadium, the world would be a lesser place without them. 2 October 2022 There are so many people behind the scenes who make a TFE concert possible; promoters, tour management, drivers and roadies, lighting programmers, video creators and, on the night, the live sound engineers and lighting engineers. We thank them at every concert but let's give them another round of applause here. Techies do an incredible job in often difficult circumstances, moving and erecting tonnes of gear on the day of a show, finding and fixing the problems, then making sure that you can see and hear the band before taking it down, driving a couple of hundred miles on very little sleep, and doing it all over again. Without them, the show wouldn't go on. 27 September 2022 So... goodnight DSOR, and good morning to TTUWTD (They Told Us What To Dream). The necessary bits of gear arrived back at our studio in the depths of rural England at around 1am on Sunday morning, and by 11am we were programming new sounds, practising guitar solos, sorting out vocal harmonies, and whipping into shape everything else that will be necessary to unveil our next show in Tavistock on 29 October. There's a huge amount to be done; in addition to the music, we're creating some new projections and a new light show to try to make 'Dream' the best concert we've ever played for you. The music certainly deserves it. Two complete Pink Floyd albums, plus extras? We're going to love playing it for you, and we hope that you're going to love hearing it just as much. 26 September 2022 Thank you, Bedford! Even in these financially blighted times you turned out in style and helped us to give The Dark Side Of Reason the send-off it deserved. To everyone who cheered, whistled, joined in the banter, sang along and even danced… we can't thank you enough. In fact, we would like to thank everyone who came to see our concerts in 2020, 2021 and 2022. It was a labour of love to keep the show on the road and, without your support, it would have been impossible. But you kept us going throughout, and we can't tell you how much we appreciate it. 20 September 2022 Can it really be that time already? Although our first performance of The Dark Side Of Reason was in January 2020, we can't quite believe that Saturday's concert at the Corn Exchange in Bedford will be the last time that we play it. To be honest, we weren't certain how A Momentary Lapse Of Reason would be received by audiences up and down the country, but tracks like Dogs Of War, On The Turning Away and Sorrow have become firm favourites, and we'll be rather sad to see them shelved for the foreseeable future. So we'll be giving our all on Saturday to make this a fitting send-off for the longest tour in the band's history. We hope to see you there. 19 September 2022 A big "thank you" to the Mitchell Arts Centre and the good people of Stoke-On-Trent who came to see us on Saturday. This concert had been postponed at least twice before due to the lockdowns and other Covid restrictions. Then, out of respect toward the Queen's funeral, we weren't sure until the last minute that it would be able to go ahead this time. But once we received the 'all clear' everyone pulled together and we were delighted to be able to perform our penultimate show of the Dark Side Of Reason tour. Understandably, there were some empty seats, which makes us all the more appreciative of everyone who came, who sang along, and who shared their evening with us. Now we're preparing for our last performance of The Dark Side Of Reason, which will be in Bedford's Corn Exchange on Saturday. This will be a great venue in which to say "goodbye" - if only temporarily - to some of Pink Floyd's lesser-known tracks that have become firm audience favourites over the past two (well... nearly three!) years. We hope that you'll be able to join us and we look forward to seeing you there. 11 September 2022 Sometimes we fantasise about writing a book recounting the story of The Floyd Effect. To be fair, nobody has ever thrown a television out of a hotel window, but the stories we could tell…! If we were to do so, last night's concert at The Stag Theatre would probably deserve a chapter. There were myriad technical problems at the theatre, and Gerard and Fi were stuck on the M6 in Lancashire, moving just six miles between 11am and 7:30pm. But the crew worked their magic and, after some rapid backstage musical decisions, we began what was probably the scariest gig in our fifteen-year history. But this was where the good stuff began because the audience was fantastic, supporting us throughout the whole concert. With Paul, John and Gordon covering for Gerard's missing saxophones and guitar, and with Tiff singing her heart out in Fi's absence, everything worked out in the end. Also, we can't fail to mention the audience's immaculate observation of a minute's silence to honour the memory of Queen Elizabeth II. Thank you Sevenoaks and thank you The Stag Theatre. You were superb, and we very much hope to see you again next year when things will (we hope) be noticeably less scary! 6 September 2022 We've been travelling around the UK for fifteen years, but we've never been to Sevenoaks. Royal Tunbridge Wells – tick! East Grinstead – tick! Maidstone – tick! Dartford – tick! It's almost as if we've been circling the good people of Sevenoaks, waiting for the ideal time to strike. But next Saturday we'll be setting off for the Stag Theatre to play the pen-penultimate concert of the current tour. You might think that we would have gotten bored of The Dark Side Of Reason by now – after all, it's three years since we started to put it together – but nothing could be further from the truth. It features a fab mix of classic and '80s Floyd, and it's great to play… and, hopefully, to see and hear! So we'll look forward to meeting you there. Don't forget to shout out and say hello! 9 August 2022 We're afraid that this month's concert at the Roadmender in Northampton has been postponed. The venue and the band have agreed that this will now be scheduled for 18th February 2023. Ticket holders have already been informed, and existing tickets are of course valid for the new date, or will be refunded if requested. We're very sorry if this has caused any convenience, and we remain committed to putting on the best show that we can for you in February. 2 August 2022 Well... That was quite something! You've never heard the tour bus so quiet as on the trip back from Workington on Sunday morning - apart, perhaps, from someone (who shall remain nameless) snoring as Paul, our tour manager, guided us down the A1 and back to the hot, muggy bit of the country. We've already thanked the venues in Yarm, Hexham and Workington, but it bears repeating here. The technical staff at all three were amongst the best we've worked with, and they helped our own crew from Dolphin Productions immensely. We had a few teething problems but, when you take a show as complex as this one to new theatres on three consecutive nights, there's always the chance of something weird happening. Nevertheless, by 7:30pm each evening the lights were lighting, the lasers were lasering, the projector was projecting, and the sound system was sounding very good indeed. Of course, we also have to thank the audience in each of the towns for their enthusiasm and banter, which always help us to raise our performance levels. So we hope that everyone enjoyed themselves as much as we did and that we'll get to do it all over again next year! 21 July 2022 In just a week's time we'll be setting out on our mini-tour of the north of England, taking in Yarm, Hexham and Workington. For at least some of the trip, we'll be paralleling Hadrian's Wall - which would be great to visit - but we hope that this won't be an impediment to our Scottish friends. It's the closest that we'll get to them this year, and it would be great to see (and hear!) some of them in the audience. We played in Workington for the first time in 2019 and were very much looking forward to returning in 2020 and 2021 but, of course, that couldn't happen. So we're delighted to be going back now, and even more so because the concert on 30th July has been sold out for many weeks. In contrast, the concerts on 28th July at the Princess Alexandra Theatre in Yarm and 29th July at the Queens Hall in Hexham will be breaking new ground for us, and tickets are still available for both of these. We love to play in this part of the country because we really enjoy the enthusiasm and banter of northern audiences. It going to be a great few days (even if we have to spend so much of them in a tour bus!) and we hope that you'll be able to join us somewhere along the route. See you there... 18 July 2022 What a weekend that was! We started out on Friday in Runcorn. We knew that some people were unable to join us as planned because of the rearranged date and, with the current economic uncertainties keeping others at home, we would like to say how grateful we are to everybody who turned up to join us. Fortunately, you generated three times as much noise and banter per person as usual, so we had a great atmosphere and really enjoyed playing for you. Hopefully, we'll see you again soon when things are back to normal. We then dashed down to Norwich, which had been a sell-out for many months. As we've mentioned before, The Playhouse is like a home away from home for us and we always love to play for you there. Happily, the weather was kind, so the crew and the band were able to get everything in and then out again without melting! Talking of the crew, please welcome Dolphin Productions back to the TFE family. Their late night driving skills may not be the best (don't worry - that's an 'in joke') but it was great to work with them again after a break of many years. Now we're planning for our Great Northern Tour of 2022, playing in Yarm, Hexham and Workington on consecutive nights on July 28th, 29th and 30th. Workington is sold out, but Yarm and Hexham are new venues for us so there are still tickets available. Let your friends in the North East know... we would love to meet them. 11 July 2022 The second half of July may be the busiest two weeks in The Floyd Effect's history, kicking off with a return to the rather splendid Brindley Theatre in Runcorn on Friday. Our first visit was in 2015 and was memorable for at least two reasons. Firstly, there was the great audience, who really knew and loved their Floyd. But then there were the guys who appeared in our dressing rooms before the show and proceeded to drink copious amounts of beer while we were trying to get ready. It was one of those strange moments that would undoubtedly make it into The Memoires Of The Floyd Effect were we ever to write them. The following night we'll be playing at almost the other end of the country at The Playhouse in Norwich. Some of you may have been there in 2008 when we played what was only our fourth concert, and we've been returning nearly every year since - so much so that it feels like our home away from home. Tickets for The Brindley are still available, so please come along and join us if you can. In contrast, The Playhouse has been sold out for some time, but it's always worth contacting the venue for returns. Whichever concert works best for you, we look forward to seeing you soon. 17 June 2022 Are you aware that there's a signed TFE T-shirt to be won via our social media in June? If not, head over to our Facebook page and join in the fun. It may not be Euromillions but, who knows, you may still win something this month! 15 June 2022 It seems that things are still not quite back to normal because, for a combination of reasons, we've had to defer our concert at The Brindley in Runcorn by two weeks from 1st July 2022 to 15th July 2022. We hope that this won't cause anyone any inconvenience and that everyone will still be able to join us on the 15th. All of your tickets will be valid on the new date but, if there's a problem, the theatre will take care of those who can't. To be honest, the date change may be a blessing in disguise because it gives John a chance to recover further from his recent excitement. The other consequence is that, after playing in Runcorn, we'll be performing in Norwich at The Playhouse the following night (Saturday 16th July). We love playing consecutive nights because it reminds the old farts among us - which, let's face it, is most of the band - what it was like to tour in the 1970s. Good times! So whether you can join us Oop North or in the land of the six-fingered guitarist, we look forward to seeing you soon. 19 May 2022 We have two pieces of very good news today. Firstly, John is now at home recuperating and - despite being bored out of his mind - is recovering well. (We imagine that the surgeons must have found a mind when they went in, although many in the band remain sceptical.) We know that he has been trying to thank you individually for your good wishes, and everyone else in The Floyd Effect would like to thank you too. Your love and support for John mean a lot to all of us. Secondly, the good folk at the Princess Alexandra Auditorium in Yarm have been able to reschedule our postponed concert, and we'll be there to play for you on 28th July 2022. Yes… you read that date right, it will be one of the vanishingly rare concerts by The Floyd Effect on a Thursday evening. These are collectors' items, to be treasured by your children and your children's children, who will be able to say that Grandma and Grandpa were there! And let's face it, you were looking for an excuse to enjoy something in the middle of the week. Friday morning will feel so much better if you see us playing Pink Floyd's wonderful music on Thursday evening. (Hangovers notwithstanding.) So we hope that you'll be able to join us. The concert in Yarm will now be the first leg of our "ten go crazy oop north" mini-tour, which will then take us to Hexham on Friday 29th and finally to Workington on Saturday 30th. In fact, why not join us for all three? It's going to be great! 11 May 2022 It's with huge disappointment that we have to announce the postponement of our concerts in Sevenoaks and Yarm this month. John was rushed to hospital on Monday night with life-threatening symptoms and has since had surgery – one of the consequences of which is that he will be unable to perform for at least a month. Thankfully, his prognosis is excellent and we look forward to being back on the road after our planned summer break in June. We are already rescheduling with both venues, and expect all tickets to remain valid. But we realise that the new dates may not be convenient for everyone so, if you can't join us, please contact the theatres and we're sure that they'll take care of you. We're so sorry about this… we can only hope that we'll meet you all in a few months rather than this one. P.S. We would like to thank both the Stag Theatre in Sevenoaks and the Princess Alexandra Auditorium in Yarm for their understanding and for being so supportive. We really appreciate it. 25 April 2022 The times being what they are, with an unaccountable war in Europe contributing to cost of living increases, crazy fuel prices and all sorts of other economic uncertainty, we appreciate everyone who comes to see us more than ever. This was especially true in Bacup on Saturday, when a smaller than usual audience cheered and sang along twice as loud to create a great atmosphere in the Bacup Royal Court Theatre. Special credit must go to the lad at the front (aged around twelve maybe?) who seemed to know every line of every song. It's great to see younger people understanding and appreciating Pink Floyd's wonderful music, especially when albums like Dark Side Of The Moon and The Wall seem more relevant than ever. So thank you all. Let's hope that things start to improve soon, and that we'll see you all again next year. And don't forget to bring your children… or even your grandchildren too! 11 April 2022 Bridgwater, huh? Whatever happened to that damned “e”? As we pointed out on Saturday night, if we adopted the same policy, we would be Th Floyd Ffct, and that's not something that would go down well in polite society! But despite their paucity of vowels, the sell-out audience at the excellent McMillan Theatre was in fine voice and made us feel more than welcome. Hopefully, we'll be back soon. Next, we're off to the Bacup Royal Court Theatre , which was where we played our last gig before the lockdown in March 2020. It's taken more than two years, but now we're back, and we really hope that this is a sign that the Covid crisis is finally about to draw to a close for everyone. Strangely (because gigs up north usually tend to sell out quicker than those down south) there are still tickets available for this one, so please follow the links if you would like to join us. Since there are only eight more outings for The Dark Side Or Reason, this may be your last chance to catch our recreation of A Momentary Lapse Of Reason, so we hope to see you there. 4 April 2022 We in The Floyd Effect enjoy both types of music - Prog and Rock - and, a few days ago, a number of us had the opportunity to go to see the last ever Genesis concerts. They were quite poignant, especially when Phil Collins said, "you'll have to make your own entertainment now". So that's what we'll aim to do, starting at the excellent McMillan Theatre in Bridgwater on Saturday. The stalls and circle appear to be sold out, but there are still some central seats available in the upper circle. Please don't hesitate to grab a ticket and join us if you fancy an evening of Pink Floyd's finest. After that we'll be travelling 'oop north' to Bacup on 23rd April. This will be quite a significant concert for us because the Royal Court Theatre was the last venue in which we played before the first lockdown in 2020. Returning in 2022 will feel like we've finally closed the circle and put the worst of Covid 19 behind us. Let's hope that that's true! 12 March 2022 We love the good people of Wimborne. (Or should that be Wimborne Minster?) They braved the elements to come to see us on Saturday night and filled The Tivoli with their goodwill, banter and appreciation of Pink Floyd's wonderful music. So a huge "thank you" to everyone who was there, and for all of the kind comments you sent us afterward. We will definitely look forward to seeing you again in 2023. In the meantime, we'll have a bit of a break until the start of April, when we'll be taking The Dark Side Of Reason south-west again - this time to Bridgwater in Somerset. But the time won't be spent idle because we'll be taking the opportunity to work on the music for our next tour. What will it be? Ah... that would be telling. But it's going to be great! 7 March 2022 Following our headlining appearance at Legends Of Rock last Friday, we're heading south and west to The Tivoli Theatre in Wimborne, Dorset. Having performed there for many years before that damn virus appeared, we're delighted to be returning now that life is trying to return to normal. It was so disappointing to miss the opportunity to play there in 2020 and 2021, but the venue rescheduled on both occasions so we have to thank everyone involved. It's one of our favourite trips of the year - we love the town, we love the theatre, and we love the Wimborne audience. This year, we'll be performing The Dark Side Of Reason, highlighting the seminal albums A Momentary Lapse Of Reason and, of course, Dark Side Of The Moon, together with more classics from Meddle, Wish You Were Here and The Wall. We hope that you'll be able to join us and, as always, look forward to seeing you there. 6 March 2022 Oooh… that was fun! The spirit of the '70s was alive and kicking as we took to the stage a little after 11:30pm on Friday to a packed venue at the Legends Of Rock, and what a great reception everyone gave us. Thanks to our sound engineer, Liam, the sound was immense, and the Yarmageddon Choir was in full voice as the front rows belted out Wish You Were Here, Another Brick In The Wall, Us And Them, Brain Damage and more. They even had impromptu help when one of the guys from Hi-On Maiden joined Tiff and Julia on stage to add his voice to the backing vocals! But all too soon it was over and, after packing up and loading the vehicles, we headed off to find something to eat before getting back to the hotel at around 3:30am. Rock'n'Roll, baby! But that didn't stop us from attending the festival the following day to see Julia performing again with the superb Fleetwood Bac. With so many excellent bands to catch, 'Legends' almost literally lives up to its promise of five days and no sleep! We love playing for you there, and hope to see you all again next year. Now it's time to turn our attention back to the Dark Side Of Reason tour because, next Saturday, we'll be returning to The Tivoli Theatre in Wimborne. This appears to be heading toward a sell-out, but there are still a handful of tickets left , so grab one if you can and we'll look forward to seeing you there. As always, stay safe and well. 25 February 2022 Legends Of Rock was our penultimate show before the pandemic and, of course, we all had to miss it in 2021. But now it's back (whoo-hoo!!) and we're ecstatic that we'll be headlining on Friday night as in recent years. It's always a special event for us, and this year will prove to be even more interesting because the whole band and crew are forgoing the convenience of the park or a nearby hotel and staying on the sea-front. If the weather's nice, it should be fab but, if it's horrendous, you may see various band members and flight cases floating out to sea! Whatever happens, Legends is always great fun for everyone, so try to come along. Where else will you see Dire Straits, Def Leppard, Gary Moore, the Sex Pistols, Rainbow, Iron Maiden and Pink Floyd on the same stage in a single day? The following week, we're off to The Tivoli Theatre in Wimborne and that's followed at the start of April by a return to the McMillan Theatre in Bridgwater. These are two of our favourite venues – they always give us a great reception – so if you can't make it to Gt Yarmouth (after all, living in the West Country is the only possible excuse) maybe we'll see you at one of these. Stay safe and well. 16 February 2022 POSTPONED: Mitchell Arts Centre, Stoke-On-Trent, Saturday, 19 February 2022 We're absolutely gutted to have to write this but we're afraid that, due to 'unforeseen circumstances', we have to postpone this Saturday's concert at the Mitchell Arts Centre in Stoke. We already have a new date - Saturday 17th September 2022 - and all tickets remain valid for this, but we realise that it may not be convenient for everyone. If you can't make it on that date, please contact the Centre, and we're sure that they'll take care of you. We're so sorry about this… we can only hope that we'll meet you all in seven months rather than on Saturday. Apologies to all, The Floyd Effect. P.S. We would like to thank the Mitchell Arts Centre for their understanding and for being so supportive. We really appreciate it. 9 February 2022 It's with great sadness that we have to report that Kevin Woodard, our lighting designer and engineer from 2013 to 2017, died unexpectedly at the weekend. Hugely liked by all in the band, Kevin was especially close to our guitarist and vocalist John, and was best man at his wedding to Tiffany in 2018. One of life's characters, he had the driest sense of humour imaginable (possibly a defence mechanism developed as a consequence of being a life-long QPR supporter) and his creativity was a great asset at an important time in the band's development. From lighting design meetings to the ubiquitous chasing down of DMX issues at venues and the inevitable after-show discussions over a beer or two, he not only developed the light shows for five of our tours, but also helped us to improve many other aspects of our show. But he will probably be best remembered by the band for his short movie, He Dreams Of Wembley , which he sprang on us back in 2015. That was Kevin - amongst many other things, silly, funny, and talented. He was one of The Floyd Effect's family, and he will be missed. 7 February 2022 On 19th February, we'll be travelling to the Mitchell Arts Centre in Stoke On Trent for the first time. We've been touring for fourteen years, and in that time we've covered the whole country. But somehow we've never played in Stoke, so this is our opportunity to put that right. It's always great to perform in a new town, in a new venue, and to a new audience, so we're really looking forward to this one. We were due to play at the Mitchell Arts Centre back in 2020, but the pandemic scuppered that, so we're very grateful that they (and our management, of course) were able to reschedule – first for 2021, which was also postponed, and now in 2022. We hope that people are becoming more comfortable going to the theatre again for the evening, and that we'll make lots of new friends on the night. See: 31 January 2022 Hello Maidstone, and thank you everyone for coming to see us on Saturday. As has been the case at every concert since the end of the lockdowns, you were great… singing along in all the right places, and groaning in all the right places at Gordon's terrible (and terribly delivered) jokes. But this week's Special Thanks must go to our crew and the theatre technicians who managed to replace a failed speaker WHILE we were playing Dogs Of War and One Slip. As Gordon said on the night, that's equivalent to servicing a car successfully while the engine is running, so kudos to all of them. Now we move from The Garden Of England to The Potteries, with our next concert on 19th February at the Mitchell Arts Centre in Stoke On Trent. This will be our first visit to Stoke, so we're really looking forward to it; discovering a new venue and meeting a new audience is always exciting. We hope to see you there! 17 January 2022 If there's a single message that we would like to leave today, it's a huge THANK YOU to everyone who came to see us at the Castle Theatre in Wellingborough on Saturday. With so much uncertainty surrounding the latest variant of Covid-19, we completely understand why there were empty seats – let's face it, not all Pink Floyd fans are in the first flush of youth, and health comes first – so we're doubly grateful to everyone who came. And what a great audience you were, joining in and singing along! We had great fun on stage, and hope that you all enjoyed it as much as we did. Our next show will be at the famous Hazlitt Theatre in Maidstone on 29 January and, as always, we'll be pouring our hearts into playing some of Pink Floyd's wonderful music. We hope that you'll be able to join us, and we look forward to seeing you there. 7 January 2022 Some of you have been contacting us to find out whether our January concerts are happening or have been postponed (again!). We're very happy to be able to report that, as far as we know, everything is going ahead as planned. Of course, we don't know what the government's next move will be, but all of the noises coming from Downing Street at the moment suggest that, for the moment at least, we can look forward to performing for you at all of the concerts on our current tour as well as a few more that we're lining up for 2022. So please come to see us in Wellingborough and Maidstone. Sales have been slower than usual because of everyone's uncertainty revolving around Covid-19 but, unless we're told otherwise, we would love to share some of our favourite Pink Floyd music with you. 25 December 2021 It's been a strange and difficult year hasn't it? The pandemic has had an impact on almost everybody's life and, in addition to the illness itself, many musicians have been hit hard because they have been unable to perform and earn a living as in years past. But perhaps even harder hit have been the sound engineers, lighting technicians, road crews, drivers, hotels, restaurants, and everyone else who would have supported the bands on the tours that never happened. So you can imagine how delighted we were to be able to return to the stage in September. While people were understandably cautious about returning to the theatres at the start, we were soon playing to full houses again, and we would like to thank everybody who came to see us in 2021 and indeed, who has travelled to see live music anywhere. Your support is hugely appreciated by all of us. We hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year, that the pandemic will eventually recede, and that 2022 will prove to be a much better year for everyone. Best wishes and sincerest thanks from all the band and crew of The Floyd Effect – we hope to see you again very soon. 4 December 2021 With a stage the size of a stadium drum riser and a ceiling too low for our circular screen, it's always a squeeze to get ourselves into the Tropic At Ruislip. But once we've overcome all of the technical problems, it's a joy to play there because the audience – replete with all manner of Pink Floyd T-shirts – is so welcoming and enthusiastic. Last Friday was no exception and, despite nationwide concerns about the latest COVID-19 news, an almost sell-out crowd gave us a fabulous reception for our last concert of 2021. (We don't think that anyone this year has sung Wish You Were Here louder or more passionately than you did.) So now everything is being packed away until we hit the road in January for our concerts in Wellingborough and Maidstone. Until we see you there, please stay safe and well, and have a great Christmas and New Year. Best wishes from all of the band and crew of The Floyd Effect. 30 November 2021 We had to wait until we received confirmation following the emergence of Omicron, but this Friday's concert in Ruislip on Friday is... ON. The venue has confirmed that all systems are Go, so we'll be looking forward to seeing you for our annual late-evening soirée at the Tropic. This will be our last performance of The Dark Side Of Reason in the strange, truncated year that has been 2021, so let's make it a good one, with a full house, lots of fun, and some of Pink Floyd's finest music to start the weekend. See you there... 22 November 2021 Despite seating that's reminiscent of a Las Vegas hotel, the audience at The Harlington is always excellent, and we were very grateful for their support on Saturday because we were fighting technical dragons for much of the concert. Furthermore, for reasons that we haven't yet determined, the crew was unable to install much of our lighting rig, so we're sorry that many of our projections and lighting effects were missing. Fortunately, this didn't seem to dampen anyone's enthusiasm for the music, and quite right too! It's always a privilege to play for you, and we would like to thank everyone who came to the show and helped turn what could have been a bit of a disaster into a great evening of Pink Floyd's finest. So now we look forward to out last concert of 2021, at the very intimate Tropic at Ruislip. See you there! 15 November 2021 In the past, we've tended to arrive in Colwyn Bay in darkness but, after a quicker than expected journey from the wilds of East Anglia, we finally got to see a bit of the North Wales coastline (well... the mud flats, anyway) as well as some of the town. It seems that you have a nice place there, you Colwynians! Maybe living somewhere like that accounts for the friendliness and the great response we always get from you but, whatever the reason, we have to admit that your enthusiasm was infectious on Saturday. We were pretty confident that we also saw some of our friends from St Helen's at the show and, if so, a special thanks to them too for travelling to see us. So now we're off to Fleet before tying up the first half of the Dark Side Of Reason tour in Ruislip. But we're looking forward to seeing you in Wales again soon. 12 November 2021 Due to circumstances beyond the band's control, we have a new date for the Bedforn Corn Exchange concert. Most recently scheduled for Friday 25 March, this has been moved back to Saturday 24th September 2022. All existing tickets remain valid, and the venue will be in touch with all ticketholders shortly. If you can't make the new date you can obtain a refund from the point of purchase. We're sorry for any inconvenience, and hope that we will see you all there in September. 9 November 2021 We've noticed that, when the number of available tickets dropped close to zero last week, The Harlington in Fleet added about 25 extra seats for our concert on Saturday 20 November. So if you've been unable to book before, you should be able to do so now. Visit our tour page for the ticket link. See you soon! 8 November 2021 On Saturday we're off to North Wales for the first time since 2019. We're delighted to say that the concert in Colwyn Bay has been a sell-out for several weeks but, if you're keen to see us there, please contact the venue to see if there are any returns. If not, maybe you'll be able to join us in Fleet or our traditional December visit to the Tropic in Ruislip. We'll be playing The Dark Side Of Reason at all of these, featuring A Momentary Lapse Of Reason and, of course, Dark Side Of The Moon plus extras tracks from Wish You Were Here, The Wall and more. Wherever it happens to be, we look forward to seeing you again soon. 17 October 2021 Thank you Colchester, you were fab. From the chap at the front who yelled out that every Pink Floyd album was his favourite Pink Floyd album to the lady at the back who wanted more, your enthusiasm was infectious, and we had a great time. Next stops? Colwyn Bay and then Fleet before tying up the first half of the rescheduled Dark Side Of Reason tour in Ruislip. We can't wait! By the way, we can't write this without thanking our lighting engineer, Ed who stepped in at a few hours' notice to ensure that the show did indeed go on. Learning and controlling all of the lights, videos and effects for a Pink Floyd show normally takes weeks, and he did it in an afternoon. Hats off to you, sir! 26 September 2021 Thank you Buxton, you were fantastic! What started out as a very stressful day (we wondered whether we would even be able to reach the venue) ended on an unbelievable high as you let us know how much you had enjoyed the show. We've always loved playing at the Opera House, and this just makes us even keener to have the opportunity to play for you again next year. So, a big thanks to all of the staff and crew at the Opera House, but most of all to every one of you who was there on Saturday. We hope to see you all again very soon. 20 September 2021 Now it's time to set our sights on what may be the highlight of this autumn's schedule... our return to the Opera House in Buxton. It's a fabulous venue, and it would be great if you could join us there. We'll be playing tracks from A Momentary Lapse Of Reason and Dark Side Of The Moon as well as Meddle, Wish You Were Here and The Wall. Spanning nearly two decades of Pink Floyd's finest music, we're sure that there's something here for everyone. Seats for this as well as the concerts in Colchester and Colwyn Bay are now selling well, and it seems that people are starting to feel more comfortable with the idea of an evening out. But there are still a few available so we hope that you'll be able to join us, and we look forward to seeing you very soon. In the meantime, here's a cheery photo taken backstage at The Playhouse, Harlow, straight after coming off stage a couple of weeks ago. What a lovely bunch! (Clockwise from bottom left: Kerry, Garry, John, Paul, Gordon.) 19 September 2021 We hope that you all got home safely from the Upton Country Park Festival last night. What a great day it was! We've played many festivals over the years and this one was special - the organisers were great, the backstage and front of house crews were great, the bands were great, and you were great too. We had a cracking time listening to the Beatles and Queen and then, after the fastest set up in The Floyd Effect's history, an even better time playing for you. So thank you Poole, thank you Upton Country Park, and thanks to every one of you who turned up to make the occasion so memorable. Let's hope that we get to do it again sometime! 13 September 2021 It's been a strange old summer, hasn't it? But at least the festivals are back and, on Saturday, we'll be heading down to Poole for the Best Of British Rock at the lovely Upton Country Park in Poole. And what a day it will be! Billed as "A celebration of British rock giants who've changed the world with the power of their music", there will be tributes to The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Queen, Oasis and Coldplay all joining us (it says in the program) to "electrify the night sky". The festival invites you to bring your own picnics and drinks, but there will also be a range of food and drink vendors on site plus a Cocktail Cabin and a Prosecco & Pimms Bar. Mmm... cocktails! So let's hope that the weather holds. If it does (or even if it doesn't) why not join us for a day in a field, with street food, good friends and great music. We look forward to seeing you there. 24 August 2021 YES YES YES YES YES YES !!! After 18 months of enforced Floydlessness (hmm... nice word) we're back. Or rather, we will be on 4 September, which is less than two weeks away. And what a great place to restart our 2020 tour - even if it is the middle of 2021! The Playhouse Theatre is one of our favourite venues. Fortunately, the easing of restrictions means that we've been able to get together in the past few weeks to rehearse, and The Dark Side Of Reason is now sounding better than ever. Perhaps that's not surprising. We were only able to play it once before the first lockdown, and we've had a year and a half to forget all of it, remember it again, and practice. So here we go, and we can't wait to play it for you. Understandably, there are still seats available - it's going to take a while for everyone to feel comfortable returning to gigs - but we hope that you'll be able to join us at the Playhouse to celebrate the return of live music up and down the country. We look forward to seeing you all again very soon. 15 June 2021 Please welcome Paul Andrews to The Floyd Effect After ten months of interviews and auditions, The Floyd Effect is delighted to welcome guitarist and vocalist Paul Andrews to the band. Paul is a former student of the Academy of Contemporary Music, from which he graduated as the 'Most Outstanding Guitarist' in 1998, and his experience in singing and playing the music of Pink Floyd is second to none. "Our aim has always been to be the most authentic tribute to Pink Floyd", explains bass player and producer Garry Tyrrell, "and Paul's experience - not just as an exceptional musician, but also in staging amazing shows - takes The Floyd Effect to the next level. It's a hugely exciting step for us, and the timing couldn't be better as the UK's festivals and venues start to reopen following the pandemic." Paul continues, "When I first met the band, I was impressed with their musicianship and obvious love for the music of Pink Floyd. It was very easy to just slot into position and after an afternoon of playing a variety of different Floyd tunes it felt as if we'd been playing together for years. I'm looking forward to the next adventure with The Floyd Effect." 25 December 2020 It hasn't been the greatest year, has it? We've missed you all more than you can know, and we hope that we can be with you again as soon as possible in 2021. In the meantime... 1 September 2020 We are very sorry that we've been unable to perform since the start of the COVOD-19 lockdown in March, but your safety is paramount and we fully support all of our venues and festivals that have rescheduled for 2021. We hope to be back in January, and we will post any changes (as well as additional dates in 2021) as soon as we know of them. In the meantime, please look after yourselves and stay safe. 19 March 2020 It's with huge regret that we have to postpone the next few shows in the light of the COVID-19 epidemic. But the health of everyone - the theatre staff, the audience, the band and crew, as well as everyone that they meet elsewhere - is by far the most important thing, so we'll be isolating ourselves for the foreseeable future. This means that the following concerts are definitely rescheduled: 21 March: Colwyn Bay - New date: 14 November 2020 25 April : Harlow - New date: To be advised 9 May: Wimborne - New date: 20 March 2021 30 May: Yarm - New date: 8 May 2021 Hopefully, we'll be back on 11 July to headline the Best Of British Rock festival in Poole. In the meantime, please look after yourselves and stay well. We hope to see you again soon. 12 March 2020 We're heading to the amazing Royal Court Theatre on Saturday, the venue where you go down the stairs to the circle and say a polite "hello" to the ghost as you pass. This will be one of our last Wall Around The Moon concerts and, while we love the Dark Side Of Reason, we'll also be sorry to see this one go. (Unfortunately, we can't play both... we would all get chucked out as the clock ticked toward midnight!) The power of The Wall is remarkable as is the poignancy of some of its tracks, so why not join us on Saturday, when we can leave the real world at the door and spend a few hours in the company of some of the greatest rock music ever written? 17 February 2020 It's amazing that, after all these years, we're still finding new towns and cities to visit. But despite dabbling with the edges of Birmingham in the past, we've never performed in the city itself. That will change on Saturday when we play The Wall Around The Moon at the Crescent Theatre, so we hope to see you there. TFE on video: The organisers of Cyprus Rocks have posted a video of our performance of Shine On You Crazy Diamond at last year's festival , with Tim Watson on sax manfully standing in for Gerard, who wasn't able to travel with us. We'll be back on the main stage in Cyprus on 4th October this year, and we're already looking forward to playing for you on the beach at Protaras. But before then, we hope to see you sometime soon at a venue a bit closer to home. 1 February 2020 For reasons beyond our control, our concert at the Roadmender in Northampton on 8 February 2020 has been rescheduled to 15 August 2020. We understand that, if you have a ticket for next week, this will remain valid for the new date. You should contact the venue directly for further information. Please accept our sincere apologies if this change will cause you any inconvenience. As a consequence, our next concert will be on 22 February at the Crescent Theatre in Birmingham. This will be a new venue for us, and we're very much looking forward to our first visit to the Second City. Having heard last year's tour, they have asked us to perform The Wall Around The Moon, which we will of course be delighted to do for them. 20 January 2020 So here we are in 2020. We hope that you all had Merry Christmases and Happy New Years. We've been spending much of January putting the final touches to our Dark Side Of Reason tour, which we'll be debuting in Eastleigh on Saturday. Rehearsals have gone really well, and we're now looking forward to playing you some tracks that we've never attempted before, as well as resurrecting some from years gone by, and yet others from more recent tours. With a new lightshow and some of our best ever work on the video editor, it should all be a little bit special. The Point is showing the concert as Sold Out but there will probably be some returns and no-shows, so you might be lucky if you call the box office directly. If not, you may have to travel a bit for the next few shows because we won't be back in the south until May. Either way, we hope to see you soon. 25 December 2019 3 December 2019 So here we are... our final gig of the year, which will be at our oldest and most loyal venue, the Tropic At Ruislip. It's been a year with many memorable highlights - headlining the Legends Of Rock festival on Gordon's 'significant' birthday in March, closing the main stage at Cyprus Rocks in October, discovering the Lake District when we played in Ulverston and Workington, the fab theatres in towns such as Buxton, Wellingborough and Bridgwater and, above all, the wonderful reception that you all gave our Wall Around The Moon show. In fact, people liked this year's tour so much that we can now confirm that we'll be recreating it at selected venues in 2020, as well as introducing the Dark Side Of Reason, so we're looking forward to another exciting year ahead. But before then, why not join us in Ruislip? It should be lots of fun! 26 November 2019 With 2019 drawing to a close, this will be almost the last chance to see The Wall Around The Moon, although there are rumours that there may be some Wall-based concerts next year in addition to our new Dark Side Of Reason show. OK... we admit it, with just nine tickets left for the Bridgwater concert and the Ruislip gig already sold out we've been asked to play The Wall Around The Moon a few more times in addition to the new show! We'll see what's possible. In the meantime, if you're still looking for tickets for either of the remaining 2019 concerts, please contact their respective box offices. With a few tickets remaining in Bridgwater and the usual wait list in Ruislip (which can often bear fruit) you should be able to join us. 16 November 2019 Well... we made it through the rain and the floods as we travelled up the A1 for our concert in Castleford last Saturday, and we would like to thank everyone who also battled through the weather to join us; you were small but beautiful. Our next stop is a return to the Majestic Theatre in Retford - a wonderful old Variety venue that has hosted panto, dance, comedy and even psychic shows at various times in its history. But on Saturday it will host our Wall Around The Moon show, which we think features some of the best music ever written. As always, we very much hope that you'll be able to join us to enjoy it. 28 October 2019 Thank you Fleet... The Harlington is far from the largest venue on the tour but you were terrific and we had a great time playing for you. We hope to see you again soon. Next, we're off to Bedford for a rare Friday-night concert at what (for us) is a fairly local venue. When we played there last year it was pretty much a sell-out, but there are tickets available this time, so you should still be able to join us. With just five dates remaining in 2019, it may be your last chance to hear and see the Wall Around The Moon which, it's fair to say, has exceeded all of our expectations thanks to Pink Floyd's amazing music and the crew's superb projections and lighting. Does that imply that we're now working on a new show for 2020? Of course it does, but we're not ready to tell you what it will be just yet. Watch this space...! 21 October 2019 After a short break to facilitate Gordon's USA shenanigans (he says that he's working, but you can never be sure) we'll be back on the road on Saturday, heading toward Fleet in Hampshire. We played at The Harlington last year and, despite the unexpected configuration of tables and seating, the sell-out audience created a terrific atmosphere and we had a great time so we're delighted to be returning. Tickets for this year's concert have again been sold out for many weeks, but we understand that the venue may have added some more seats at the last moment, so it could be worth contacting the box office if you don't already have one. So, if you want to see whether keyboard players can perform with massive jet-lag and very little sleep, why not join us? As always, we'll look forward to seeing you there. 2 October 2019 Some people have been calling last Saturday's concert in Buxton our best gig ever! It was certainly one of the most enjoyable, and we would like to thank everyone who came and who wrote to us and on social media for all of their kind comments. On Friday, we'll be donning our flip flops and budgie smugglers as we head over to Cyprus to close the proceedings on the main stage of Cyprus Rocks 19. Obviously, we'd love you to join us but, if that's not possible, our next UK gig will be a return to the famous Tavistock Wharf. Although Pink Floyd's PA designer, Stephen Court, is no longer with us, we hope that he'll be looking down approvingly. He was intimately involved in the live production of The Wall in 1980, and we''ll be using his amazing system to reproduce much of this for our Wall Around The Moon show. 25 September 2019 Thank you Wellingborough for a fab night! You were a great audience, the technical staff at The Castle were top class, and their stage is a joy to perform upon, so everyone in the band had a great gig. Next Saturday we'll be taking The Wall Around The Moon to our favourite destination - the wonderful Opera House in Buxton. This is a venue steeped in history, with four tiers of seating reaching right up to a Gallery that looks down from what feels like an amazing vantage point above the theatre. Ticketing is now shown as Limited on the theatre's website, which means that there are just a handful of seats left. So don't delay if you want to join us - this show will probably sell out. [PAGE] Title: The Floyd Effect - The Pink Floyd Tribute Show Content: About The music of Pink Floyd as it was meant to be heard Having toured since 2007, The Floyd Effect has become rightly renowned for the remarkable accuracy with which it performs the iconic music of Pink Floyd. All of the band's members are top quality musicians with pedigrees that stretch across all manner of musical genres, and they faithfully recreate the music and intensity of a Pink Floyd concert without recourse to backing tracks, racks of computers, or other technological wizardry. Every note that you hear is played and sung by the band, making each concert a genuine 'live' experience, powerful, immersive and emotional. Of course, the music is supported by a dramatic light show that incorporates the iconic circular screen, two sets of projections (incorporating some of Pink Floyd's own images and some of the band's own), smoke and lasers. Unless you were there the first time round, the music of Pink Floyd was never as real as this. The Floyd Effect is based in Cambridge, UK - the only place that an authentic Pink Floyd show could be. [PAGE] Title: The Floyd Effect - The Pink Floyd Tribute Show Content: About "A physical and mental state of spiritual awe one gets when listening to the music of Pink Floyd" There are bands and then there are bands... With members who have worked with the likes of David Bowie, Janet Jackson, Jon Bon Jovi, Bryan Adams and Keith Emerson, and others who have performed on Broadway and in the Royal Albert Hall, The Floyd Effect isn't just a bunch of enthusiasts who love the music of Pink Floyd, it's a band of the highest calibre that loves the music of Pink Floyd. "The Floyd Effect have to be the most musically talented tribute band ever. Un-bloody-believable." Radio Magic 1161
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Title: The Floyd Effect - The Pink Floyd Tribute Show Content: "When The Floyd Effect perform Dark Side Of The Moon, it's like hearing it performed by the Floyd themselves." The sound and lighting guys were absolutely fantastic right from the start, and so were all of you. I've seen a couple of Pink Floyd tribute bands before and they were good but these guys were excellent. We saw The Floyd Effect in Buxton and see that they are on again in September 2018. You would think with all that going on that it was a bad night, but far from it... the Show must go on, and it did. I heard The Floyd Effect for the first time last night. All I can say is that it was truly awesome; I don't see how you could get better than that. 1 Pink Floyd Tribute Band, the Floyd Effect. I'll be there. There is only one top Pink Floyd Tribute Band, and The Floyd Effect is it. A great time was had by all. Don't be, go and see the Floyd Effect! All I can say is that if The Floyd Effect are in your area go and see them - you will not be disappointed. So we hope that you'll be able to join us because, if we're not going to play for a couple of months, we'll do everything that we can to make this a good one! We'll see you there! So we hope that everyone enjoyed themselves as much as we did and that we'll get to do it all over again next year! What will it be? This will be our last performance of The Dark Side Of Reason in the strange, truncated year that has been 2021, so let's make it a good one, with a full house, lots of fun, and some of Pink Floyd's finest music to start the weekend. We've missed you all more than you can know, and we hope that we can be with you again as soon as possible in 2021. This will be one of our last Wall Around The Moon concerts and, while we love the Dark Side Of Reason, we'll also be sorry to see this one go.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: FWT – Freeride World Tour – Home of Freeride Content: Ski Women Justine Dufour-Lapointe Justine’s season will be defined by her rapid rise to fame in the freeride discipline. She only recently made the switch from moguls skiing – where she boasts two Olympic medals and dozens of FIS World Cup podiums – to become FWT World Champion in her first season. Ski men Valentin Rainer Valentin spent six years competing in FWT Junior and Challenger events before his breakthrough season on the FWT in 2022. He didn’t make the cut last season, but requalified through the FWT Challenger series to great avail, winning this year in spectacular fashion. Snowboard Men Ludovic Guillot-Diat Ludo’s vast experience in big mountain riding and unyielding dedication to the sport have paid off with his maiden FWT World Champion crown. He has been on and off the tour since 2013, with multiple podiums during this time, as well as vast success on the FWT Challenger series Snowboard Women Katie Anderson Katie proved herself too strong this season, locking in three out of four wins in extraordinary style. This is her first FWT crown, but she came close in 2021, finishing second in a super-consistent season that included three podiums. View profile 1 / 4 FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT shop SCOTT x fwt24 goggles The SCOTT Shield new goggles bring a new style to the range. With a unique semi-frameless design and large cylindrical lens, the Shield has been designed to maximize field of vision. €119,00 [PAGE] Title: Judging – Freeride World Tour Content: a hell of a job Judging When it comes to freeriding, we all know that there are different terrains and different ways to express oneself within a terrain. FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • The Judging System The goal of our judging system is to ensure that any style of riding has the potential to win on any given day. Whether a rider excels in steep terrain, big airs, technical tricks, or speed, each style should have a chance to win based on the most impressive run that showcases the rider's strengths. Riders should not have to conform to a system; rather, the system should adapt to freeriding. So, how can we create a judging system that is fair and non-restrictive? Freeriding faces the same challenge as other disciplines like surfing, skateboarding, or freestyle skiing/snowboarding. Interestingly, these sports have all developed similar judging systems: systems that rely on overall impression scores, primarily given by former riders who are respected by the current active generation. IN A NUTSHELL To evaluate the run, judges use a point system of a hundred increments from 0 to 100. The goal of this rider-approved system is to have a unified judging system for all FWT Pros, Challengers, Qualifiers and Juniors competitions that allows every style of riding the possibility to win. Judges are fully certified and supervised by a Head Judge. They are using a evolving method for a constantly evolving sport. There will always be a human factor left which could lead to different interpretations of the run. This is part of freeriding as a sport and has to be accepted by riders as well as judges. For all the FWT events, the judging panel is composed of a minimum of 3 judges. How Freeriding is Judged on the FWT Watch the video The goal of this Rider-approved system is to have a unified judging system for all fwt competitions. The 5 JUDGING CRITERIA Five judging criteria are taken into account to determine the overall impression and the riders’ final score. Let’s look at each category a little closer. Line The difficulty of the line is straightforward: it depends on the path a competitor chooses to take down the mountain. What is the level of difficulty and danger on this line? How does the rider navigate through the challenging sections? How creative is the line choice? How unique is the route compared to other riders? Is it an impressive line that sparks people's imagination? These are the factors that the judges need to consider and determine. Control Control is crucial in big-mountain riding. Having it means success, while losing it can be fatal. That's why the judges can be unforgiving towards those who don't demonstrate enough control during their competition run. Does the athlete fall? Do they push the limits of recovery throughout the entire run? Or do they ride with confidence, showing mastery from start to finish? This category is closely tied to riding technique. Technique Technique is a closely examined criterion in both junior and amateur competitions. In professional competitions, judges assess whether a control issue occurred due to a lack of technique. However, if a rider is in control, they can have their own technique or riding style without penalty. It is possible for riders to lose points if they are side slipping down a section while their fellow competitors are making carved turns. This would be considered a failure in the Technique criterion. Fluidity Nobody enjoys watching stop-and-go action. The Fluidity mark aims to reward athletes who can ride from start to finish without hesitation, interruptions, or confusion. For example, does the rider have to traverse a long distance to reach their desired cliff? Did they get lost on the way down and have to climb back up to find their line? Did they hesitate before dropping a large cliff? Furthermore, the mark assesses the rider's speed in relation to the technicality of the terrain. Could they go faster? Are they already riding at the maximum speed without losing control? Has anyone else achieved this level of speed? These aspects are also considered by the judges in this category. Speed and flow are the key elements in this evaluation. Air and style This category focuses on jumps and what makes freeride competitions so exciting. Why? Because freeride venues are entirely natural, and jumping off cliffs or windlips is much more challenging than using man-made kickers. Style and aggression are crucial in any aerial sport. How big is the jump? How does the rider approach it? What happens in the air? Do they use arm movements for balance or grab their board? Do they incorporate any tricks? Is their performance smooth and stylish? And how is the landing? These are the factors that judges must consider when assigning an overall score. Becoming a freeride judge Are you ready to carve your way to justice as a judge in the exhilarating world of freeriding? Join us and experience the thrill of adjudicating the world's most daring athletes as they conquer the mountains! Follow the steps below to start your journey as a judge: First, read the Judging Handbook. You can click links in the blue bubbles to watch short videos all through the document. [PAGE] Title: Riders – Freeride World Tour Content: Ski Women Justine Dufour-Lapointe Justine’s season will be defined by her rapid rise to fame in the freeride discipline. She only recently made the switch from moguls skiing – where she boasts two Olympic medals and dozens of FIS World Cup podiums – to become FWT World Champion in her first season. Ski men Valentin Rainer Valentin spent six years competing in FWT Junior and Challenger events before his breakthrough season on the FWT in 2022. He didn’t make the cut last season, but requalified through the FWT Challenger series to great avail, winning this year in spectacular fashion. Snowboard Men Ludovic Guillot-Diat Ludo’s vast experience in big mountain riding and unyielding dedication to the sport have paid off with his maiden FWT World Champion crown. He has been on and off the tour since 2013, with multiple podiums during this time, as well as vast success on the FWT Challenger series Snowboard Women Katie Anderson Katie proved herself too strong this season, locking in three out of four wins in extraordinary style. This is her first FWT crown, but she came close in 2021, finishing second in a super-consistent season that included three podiums. View profile 1 / 4 FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • Stay tuned and join our newsletter! Subscribe to our newsletter and never miss our latest news. [PAGE] Title: Safety – Freeride World Tour Content: Our number one priority Nothing is more important to us than promoting a safe practice of our sport. FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • SAFETY AT THE FREERIDE WORLD TOUR At Freeride World Tour, safety is the top priority for our athletes and staff. We understand the risks associated with competitive freeriding and the challenging environment in which the sport takes place. That's why we ensure that riders and our team are fully equipped with the latest safety gear, both on and off the slopes. Mandatory equipment includes a helmet, back protection, avalanche airbags, beacon, probe, shovel, and Recco searchable device to keep them safe from potential harm. In addition to wearing mandatory safety gear, every rider must attend mandatory safety workshops throughout the season and follow strict safety guidelines during competitions. We work with our partners Recco, Black Diamond, Vibram, and Scott to accomplish this mission. We are doing everything in our power to ensure the safety of our team as they push the limits of freeriding. Remember, safety always comes first! OUR NUMBER ONE PRIORITY. ALWAYS. Watch the video The 2023 YETI Xtreme Verbier competition WAS canceled due to unsafe snow conditions. EDUCATION IS THE KEY It is crucial to have all the equipment but knowledge remains the most important! If there is one basic rule to remember, it is this one: Get educated! The mountains are an unforgiving environment, and there is no point in having the latest equipment with all the best features if you don’t know how to use it. In 2021 the Freeride World Tour teamed up with WEMountain to offer online safety education to all our riders. WEMountain is the first mountain and avalanche training platform that combines both E-Learning and T-Learning. From 2021 onwards all FWT and Qualifiers riders will follow the training courses offered by WEMountain, in order for us to keep our riders safe and educated. Click to discover the WeMountain programs ABOUT SAFETY Safety is the number one priority for Freeride World Tour. Education is the first and most important aspect of mountain safety. Nicolas Hale-Woods, FWT CEO and Founder FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • The 6 Must Know Golden Rules of Mountain Safety Freeride World Tour athletes are the first to apply them, both in their regulation equipment used during their runs, and their regular mountain first aid refresher courses. Follow the fundamental mountain safety rules that the Freeride World Tour shares with its athletes and fans today. 1 - Follow a mountain safety training course with a guide An avalanche transceiver requires training to successfully search for an avalanche victim. Once found, the victim must be dug up using a precise technique to prevent the snow from falling on them, and thus avoid the risk of suffocation. The techniques of terrain identification, rescue, and use of equipment will never be as well explained as during a mountain safety training course. 2 - Check your equipment No freerider should head out without the proper equipment. At a minimum, a rider should have a helmet, Avalanche Beacon, shovel, probe, and an airbag. You should be dressed in warm, wind and waterproof clothing equipped with recco reflectors to facilitate your localisation. Check out the Black Diamond safety equipment here Check out the Peak Performance technical clothing here Once you have all the equipment ready, it is important to check that it is in good working order. Although it may seem obvious, most people forget to check the battery on their avalanche beacon and adjustment of their skis. 3 - Preparing your adventure With the basic equipment ready, you will need to plan your outing. Plan using the following: The itinerary Snow conditions Avalanche bulletins It is possible to find much of this information on the ski resort’s website or by using various weather forecasting websites. 4 - Choosing the right terrain At the beginning of the excursion, don't hesitate to talk with the patrollers to find out the details of the destination and the state of the area in general. The patrollers often have information that you will not find anywhere else. Once you have arrived at your chosen destination, it is essential to observe the mountain carefully and then assess the risks and feasibility: The degree of slope/ steepness of the face The exposure of the face Altitude The effects of sun and wind on the snow Obstacles: trees, cliffs, rocks, crevasses Safety signs placed by the patrollers Take the time to make snow cuts to observe the composition of the snowpack. Thick homogeneous layers are better than several small unstable heterogeneous layers. Moreover, a homogeneous mantle limits important temperature differences between the different layers. Ask yourself on which type of mantle you are going to be skiing: on a 3 m thick mantle or on a 1 m mantle? It is important to know which fragile layer you are going to reach first, and therefore how much pressure to put while skiing. You have to be sure of your level before committing yourself. Don't overestimate yourself, choose lines according to your level of skiing or snowboarding. 5 - 8 mistakes not to make! There are simple rules that many freeriders live by, breaking these rules could cost you your life. Don't leave without informing someone of your plan (friend, relative, patroller). Don't go alone Don't go freeriding with an under-equipped person Don't follow tracks already made Don't stop in dangerous places on the face Don't go in large groups, separate and keep your distance. Don't follow someone without first observing, use your common sense and check for yourself. Don't just sit back, talk amongst yourselves about the potential risks and dangers 6 - Respect the mountain Don't forget that we are very small in comparison to the majesty of the mountain, so ride it, but above all, respect it, and it will respect you! Going freeriding this winter? Here's a quick list to cover the basics of how to freeride safely. Watch the video Make sure you have take all the necessary precautions in order to stay safe out there! CONTACT US Do you have any questions about Safety at the Freeride World Tour? Use to form below to reach out and we'll get back to you as soon as we can! Name [PAGE] Title: Volunteers – Freeride World Tour Content: Volunteers Become a FWT volunteer Ever wondered what a FWT competition looks like from the inside? Want to be part of an international team? Sign up as an FWT volunteer and join the family. We need your help this season! FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • Who do we look for We are looking for motivated team players, eager to help out in delivering a world-class outdoor sporting event. FWT is a tight-knit team, committed to producing the best events. If you’re motivated to be part of a dynamic team, give your best and have fun all along, then you’re in the right place! Sign up for a volunteer experience you won’t forget. How to apply Not sure which position to pick? No problem! You have the option to select multiple roles. The position that aligns best with your profile and availabilities will be assigned to you. Competition days are flexible based on weather and snow conditions. If you are selected for a position on a competition day, you will be notified 48 hours in advance. no limit Bruson freeride week Sign up as a Bruson Freeride Week volunteer! BFW competitions will last 4 days and can take place any day between February 17 and 25, according to weather and snow conditions. Official competition days will be announced 48 hours in advance. This season, BFW has 3 volunteer roles available. Discover the roles’ mission below and apply to your favorites! [PAGE] Title: Frequently Asked Questions – Freeride World Tour Content: REGION 2 CONTACT When does a membership expire? The memberships expire at the end of the season based on the current season and to compete in an event that belongs to the next season, the membership license of the next season will have to be purchased. Which region should I register under? Your nationality determines which region you belong to not your residency. There are only 2 regions: Region 1 which is Europe-Oceania also including Africa and Asia and region 2 which covers the Americas. What are the age requirements to participate on the FWT Junior? The minimum age to participate is 10 and anyone can sign up once they turn 10 during the season. Any rider turning 18 on or after June 1 of the current season will remain a junior for the duration of the season. A rider turning 18 during the season can only move on to the adult tour after he has finished the current season as a junior. What are the age requirements to participate on the FWT Qualifier? Anyone turning 18 before May 31st of the current season is eligible to compete on the FWQ. A rider turning 18 during the ongoing season cannot move on to the adult circuit. I have dual citizenship, can I change my nation? If you have selected the wrong region/nation when signing up and ended up buying a membership in the wrong region, please contact us with a proof of citizenship (copy of passport or similar) to have it corrected. Event Registration How can I register for competitions? Once you have a current season membership you are eligible to register for events. Registration will open about 6 weeks prior to each event and will close about 4 weeks before the event. During the registration period you can login and register for the event. When logged in, you can register by clicking on “Event” in the menu and then by clicking on the SKI or SNOWBOARD next to the event you would like to sign up for. Please note that this step only puts you on the waiting list of a competition and you do not know yet if you will be selected to compete. You need a valid credit card to complete the registration process but as long as you are on the waiting list the registration fee will only be held on your credit card. Registration will close 4 weeks prior to the event, at this time you will receive an invitation email if you were selected for this event. If you do not want to accept the invitation, you must cancel within three days. If you decide to cancel, your spot will be given to the next rider on the waiting list otherwise your participation will be confirmed and your credit card will be charged. What is included in the registration fee? Check the event website to see what is included in the registration fee – depending on the event the fee may or may not include a ski pass, goodies, bib, lunch bag etc. How does the selection process for competitions work? For all events, riders will be accepted based on their seeding list rank at the time registration closes. Only in the case where the event is not full, riders on the waiting list will be accepted. I received an email when I registered for an event, am I confirmed? No, the email you get only confirms that the registration was received. Registrations are confirmed only after the closing date when you will receive an email if selected. Always check the event entry list after the closing date to see if you are confirmed or on the waiting list only. How do I know if I am accepted for a competition? When you sign up for a competition you will receive an email stating that you are on the waiting list for the competition. One day after registration closes we will send an invitation email to all selected athletes. Selected athletes then have 3 days to decide if they want to compete. If they do not want to compete they can just login and cancel the registration. If they do want to compete they do not have to do anything and will receive an email confirming that they are on the start list 3 days later. With the confirmation email the credit card will then be charged. What does it mean when I see WAIT after my name? All entries will have WAIT after their name before the registration closing date. After the closing date the event is seeded, meaning those riders who will be selected will be invited to compete. As long as you see WAIT after your name in the entry list of the event you are not confirmed to compete at the event. I am still on the waiting list, is there a chance to get invited later on? If a rider cancels his or her registration, the next rider on the waiting list will receive an email that he is invited to compete. So if you are on top of the waiting list chances are that you will be invited if another rider in your category cancels. The same process will be repeated until the event is full. What happens if the event is not full after the registration period? If the event is not full once the normal registration period ends, all registered riders will be invited and registrations will be re-opened. Riders inscribing during the second registration period will then be accepted based on a first-come, first-served basis and will be confirmed right away with their credit cards being charged immediately. The seeding list no longer applies. Once the event is full registration will close without warning as spots might fill up quickly. I forgot to register during the normal registration period, what can I do? If you forgot to register on time and the event is already full, you will not be able to sign up for the event anymore. How many spots are available per event, category and gender? Depending on the total number of spots available per event, a certain percentage of riders who registered will be confirmed for the event. The number of riders accepted per category and gender reflects the number of riders that signed up per category and gender. If however a category has hardly enough registrations to have the minimum number of riders at the start to make it a competition, a higher percentage of riders from this category will be accepted and a lower percentage within the other categories. That means a number of spots per category will not be determined until registration will close and there is no way to tell prior to the registration closing date how many riders will be invited per category and gender. What is the minimum number of registrations to validate a category? FWT Junior As of season 2023/2024, there will no longer be minimum amount of riders per category in order to validate the category itself. FWT Qualifier As of season 2023/2024, there will no longer be minimum amount of riders per category in order to validate the category itself. Can I cancel my registration? As long as a rider is on the waiting list they can cancel the registration anytime and at no costs by logging into their account. One day after registration closes, selected riders will receive an email invitation and they then have 3 days to cancel their registration if they do not wish to compete. On the fourth day past the registration closing date the rider will be confirmed, receiving a confirmation email and the credit card will be charged. From then on it is not possible to cancel anymore except for medical reasons providing us with a doctor’s note. However, in case there is a waiting list in place and the spot can be replaced with another rider in the same category, a cancellation and refund is possible. What happens if an event is postponed? If an event is postponed to a date outside of the weather window, all confirmed riders will be informed by email and can choose to either compete on the new date or cancel their participation. The FWT will refund the registration fee to any rider who decides to cancel due to an event being postponed no matter the reason. If an event is postponed, the remaining spots taking all cancellations into account, will be filled from the waiting list. If the event is still not full, registration will re-open. If the event gets postponed for a second time, the confirmed riders will have another chance to cancel and to be refunded. In case an event is postponed more than once, riders who were confirmed for the first time but canceled for the second date will be asked first if they can make the third date. Current seeding list ranking will determine the priority order. Competitions Are there different event formats? Depending on the local organizer there could be various types of event formats, events in one day, events over two days with a qualification day and a final day with a new score for the final day or events over two days combining scores of both days with or without a cut after day 1. Are there different age categories at FWT Junior competitions? Yes, in Region 1 Europe Oceania there will be different age groups: U18 / U16 (Ski Men only) years and U14 at selected events only. FWT Junior U16 & U18 The minimum age to participate in this category is 14 years of age and anyone can sign up once they turn 14. Due to the large numbers of ski men in many regions the ski men category only was split into 2 age division: U-18 and U-16 The other 3 categories do not have U-16 division. FWT Junior U14 There will be special venues for this age category and all junior riders in the “under 14 year category” must be accompanied by an adult (parent or coach) at all times. When do I have to arrive at an event? Prior to every competition there will be a mandatory riders meeting. The riders meeting will take place on the day before the competition or in the morning before the competition depending on the event organizer’s schedule. Can I ride the face prior to the competition? The competition venue(s) are closed 30 days prior to the event or latest after the last snowfall. If competitors are seen riding the competition venue(s) which is clearly marked or communicated, the organizer has the right to disqualify these riders and they could face FWT sanctions. Riding the competition venue(s) before they are officially closed is permitted. What is the riders meeting? Riders meetings are held prior to the competition and are mandatory for all riders for safety reasons. During these meetings, points such as snow conditions, potentially closed areas on the face, access routes to the start, event schedules or potentially additional mandatory safety gear (harness) will be discussed. Riders who cannot attend the riders meeting for valid reasons must announce themselves to the organizer to get their safety speech and BIB number at another time. Failure to do so might result in an expulsion from the competition. What if I cannot make it to the riders meeting? Riders meetings are mandatory due to safety reasons and an event organizer has the right to not accept a rider if they fail to attend the riders meeting. If you cannot make it for a valid reason you have to get in touch with the event organizer and to make sure you get the safety speech and your BIB number at another time. If a rider fails to get in touch with the organizer prior to the riders meeting, the organizer has the right to exclude the rider from the competition. What if I cannot make it to the prize giving? Riders who made it on the podium have to be present at the prize giving ceremony in order to receive their prize. A rider who cannot be present for a valid reason has to inform the organizer ahead of time if they cannot make it to the ceremony otherwise an organizer may decide to retain the prizes. However, the organizer will announce at the riders meeting if any other customs for the prize giving apply and has the right to retain prizes if a podium rider cannot make it to the prize giving. What is the mandatory equipment in order to compete? The following equpiment is mandatory at all events: Avalanche transceiver (switched on and with full batteries) Helmet Backpack with probe and shovel RECCO reflector All riders must take a harness to the competition as well but it will only be mandatory if the organizers announces it prior or during the riders meeting. It is the sole responsibility of the athlete to have a harness handy and the organizer will not be responsible to provide one. A RECCO reflector will be mandatory but it will be provided at every event if the rider does not have one already. A RECCO reflector check along with a transceiver check will be done prior to the competition. An avalanche airbag is not mandatory unless specified otherwise. The equipment will be checked prior to the competition and any rider missing any of the mandatory equipment will not be allowed to start and will get a DNS (did not start). Refunds Do I get a refund if an event is cancelled? If the organizer has to cancel the event prior to the weather window, the event organizer will refund 100% of the insurance fee and 100% of the registration fee. If on the other hand the organizer has to cancel the event because it could not be held, during the weather window due to bad weather / too much wind / heavy snowfall / etc. there will be no insurance nor registration fee refund. Do I get a refund if I am injured or sick? If a rider is sick or injured and has to cancel his or her participation he or she will be refunded the full amount of the registration fee after providing a valid medical certificate to FWT Management SA. The rider shall announce it to FWT Management SA as soon as possible in order to allow a waiting list rider to take his spot. The medical certificate must be sent at the latest 3 days after the event in order to be eligible for a refund. Insurance Is there a rider insurance? The FWT rider evacuation insurance covers the costs of evacuation / snow patrol / ambulance / heli costs to hospital and back home if the private insurance of the rider doesn’t cover it. The insurance fee will be included in the registration fee for all events where the organizer is using the FWT rider evacuation insurance (All European events except France and Norway). This mandatory evacuation insurance also covers some medical costs, but each has to ensure that they have a personal medical insurance valid in all countries where they are competing and that they are covered in case of participation in an extreme freeride contest (should they need extensive local medical treatment in case they can’t be transported back home). In the disclaimer that each rider will have to sign when entering a contest, it will be mentioned that they have checked the above. What does the insurance cover? [PAGE] Title: FWT Press Room – Freeride World Tour Content: © 2024 Freeride World Tour. All Rights Reserved. designed & coded with ♥ by Cookies This site uses cookies to help improve your user experience and gives you control over what you want to activate. Accept Reject Cookie Settings This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Save & Accept [PAGE] Title: Sustainability – Freeride World Tour Content: Our duty to the mountains Sustainability Since the 2020 season, the FWT has been implementing a continuous improvement process by committing to a yearly Sustainability program serving 3 long-term goals. FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • The fwt sustainability program Watch the video At the Freeride World Tour, we are aware that our activities have an impact, and we are committed to a better future. working on carbon impact We are working towards minimizing our carbon impact and focusing on mobility. What we have done so far in 2023: Calculate FWT's carbon footprint (scope 1, 2, and 3). Reduce FWT's emissions in every department. Cover 100% of FWT riders' train tickets for the Fieberbunn & Verbier stops. 10% off on the skipass price for anyone who would go to Xtreme Verbier by train. Survey at Xtreme Verbier to understand which transportation means the public is using to come to the event. promoting a safer practice of the sport Safety is our number priority here at the FWT. We are consistently working on promoting a safer practice of our sport. Here is what we have done so far in 2023: Work with WeMountain on a safety education program. Provide free mountain safety e-workshops for riders, staffs and volunteers Safety workshop for media Workshops on mental health & concussion with The Ellie Soutter Foundation to FWT Pro, Qualifier and Junior riders. Baseline ImPACT tests offered to all FWT riders promoting a more equal practice of the sport The purpose of our gender equality program is to implement actions that boost the progress of women's freeriding and groups of discussions so we can all define the next steps together. Here is what we have done so far in 2023: Year 2 of the Gender Equality Commission (GEC). The commission of FWT and IFSA staff, judges, coaches, organizers and riders. The GEC has been founded to continue the conversation and find solutions with regard to Sport development, communication and governance. Women only freeride clinics at all FWT stops and at the Verbier Freeride Week. Introducing a women only competition at the Verbier Freeride Week. Give women more space and better visibility through media and content. Integrate gender equality matters in the Riders Handbook at the FWT Pro, Qualifier and Junior levels. Visit our Gender Equality webpage for more information about our actions in that field. BUT IT DOESN't stop there Our involvement doesn't stop there. Here are some more tangible actions we have taken in 2023: One tree planted per order placed on the FWT webshop. Efficient waste management system implemented on all stops. Investment in recycling station. Reduce single-use plastic at the Xtreme Verbier by making it mandatory for F&B suppliers to use reusable or compostable cutlery and containers. Donation to Protect Our Winters Switzerland About sustainability at the FWT Freeride World Tour is proud to initiate tangible actions to fight climate change such as flights carbon emissions off-setting, promoting public transports and car-sharing. FWT will also aim at reducing the amount of single-use plastics at events and organizing clean-up actions at FWT Destinations. There is still a lot of work to carbon neutral status, but it is our responsibility to act and aim at this objective and communicate about the actions which can be undertaken today Nicolas Hales-Woods, FWT CEO & Founder FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • Frequently asked question Why do you keep on filming competitions with a helicopter? Drone filming has made huge progress in recent years, but a camera mounted on a helicopter still produces images of a higher quality when it comes to filming riders at high speed. Drone technology continues to improve and the results from the FWT Japan event, that was filmed solely using drones, were very good! Replacing a helicopter camera with drones does not always mean less carbon emissions. For example, filming an FWT event with drones requires 2 pilots and a technical assistant, as drone battery autonomy is still limited. This means 3 people need to fly to Japan or Alaska instead of just 1 camera operator (working with 1 local helicopter pilot). This leads to a higher carbon impact than the helicopter camera solution. <strong>Why are you not offsetting your carbon emissions anymore?</strong> After a few years offsetting the carbon emissions linked to all the transports we chose to stop until we find reliable offsetting projects that make sense for FWT. If you have any suggestion please email [email protected]. How can a “world tour” be sustainable? We do not know the answer to that question yet but we are hoping to reach a carbon neutral status as fast as possible. In this sense, we are launching an impact study to help us make the best possible decisions. Contact us If you have any suggestions or questions about sustainability at the Freeride World Tour, we invite you to use the form below to contact us. Name [PAGE] Title: Ski Women Rankings – Freeride World Tour Content: © 2024 Freeride World Tour. All Rights Reserved. designed & coded with ♥ by Cookies This site uses cookies to help improve your user experience and gives you control over what you want to activate. Accept Reject Cookie Settings This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Save & Accept [PAGE] Title: FWT academy – Freeride World Tour Content: FWT academy The FWT Academy offers a comprehensive ski or snowboard program for junior and adult riders. FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • learn and have fun! The FWT Academy offers a comprehensive ski or snowboard program for junior and adult riders. This program emphasizes both theoretical and practical aspects, both on and off the track. Lessons are taught by qualified and certified instructors who have extensive experience in Freeriding. These instructors will be supported by Pro-Riders who will share their experiences and provide valuable technical advice. The Academy offers a wide range of programs, including season-long, weekly, and daily options for kids, teenagers, and adults. Please see below for a list of resorts where FWT Academies are available. THE FWT ACADEMY DISCOVER FREERIDING IN A SAFE ENVIRONMENT find an academy close by Austria [PAGE] Title: About the FWT Competition – Freeride World Tour Content: The Competition Freeride World Tour What is Freeride World Tour? The FWT is the worldwide circuit of freeride snowboarding and skiing with the best riders in the world competing on the most legendary and challenging alpine faces and the most renowned ski resorts across the world. FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • WHAT THE FWT?! Watch the video What the FWT is a film presented by Alpina Watches that unveils the astonishing story of the FWT, including a behind-the-scenes look into the colossal effort it takes to run an event. WHat is Freeride World Tour? For over 15 years, the FWT has been at the center of freeriding, helping to launch the careers of some of the biggest names in freeriding history. It has also been an integral part of the evolution of the sport itself, owing to the endless stream of young talent each year that brings new tricks and novel approaches to competition. The FWT is an exciting and highly anticipated global circuit that takes place annually. In the year 2024, there will be a total of six thrilling events that will leave spectators in awe. These events bring together the most skilled and talented riders from all around the world, creating a truly international competition. One of the key highlights of the FWT Pro is the opportunity for riders to showcase their skills on some of the most iconic and challenging alpine faces. These breathtaking locations are situated in renowned ski resorts that are known for their incredible slopes and stunning scenery. It is truly a sight to behold as riders conquer the slopes with their extraordinary talent and precision. At the end of this exhilarating circuit, the Freeride World Champions are crowned. These champions are the epitome of excellence in freeriding, having demonstrated their exceptional abilities throughout the six events. There are four categories in which the champions are determined, ensuring that each discipline is given its due recognition. To reach the ultimate stage of the FWT Pro, riders must first prove themselves in the initial four events. These events serve as qualifiers for the highly anticipated FWT Finals. It is during this phase that the riders showcase their skills and strive to secure their spot in the final competition. The ranking for the initial round is based on the best three results out of the four events, ensuring that consistency is rewarded. Only the top riders, who have displayed unparalleled talent and determination, will receive invitations to participate in the prestigious FWT Finals. This event brings together the crème de la crème of freeriding, creating an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation. The final ranking for FWT Pro is determined by the four best results out of the six events, ensuring that every event matters and adds to the overall outcome. In summary, the FWT Pro is a thrilling and prestigious global circuit that showcases the very best in freeriding. With its incredible locations, talented riders, and intense competition, it is a must-see event for all fans of extreme sports and adrenaline-pumping action. FREERIDE WORLD CHAMPIONS Ski Women Justine Dufour-Lapointe Justine’s season will be defined by her rapid rise to fame in the freeride discipline. She only recently made the switch from moguls skiing – where she boasts two Olympic medals and dozens of FIS World Cup podiums – to become FWT World Champion in her first season. Ski men Valentin Rainer Valentin spent six years competing in FWT Junior and Challenger events before his breakthrough season on the FWT in 2022. He didn’t make the cut last season, but requalified through the FWT Challenger series to great avail, winning this year in spectacular fashion. Snowboard Men Ludovic Guillot-Diat Ludo’s vast experience in big mountain riding and unyielding dedication to the sport have paid off with his maiden FWT World Champion crown. He has been on and off the tour since 2013, with multiple podiums during this time, as well as vast success on the FWT Challenger series Snowboard Women Katie Anderson Katie proved herself too strong this season, locking in three out of four wins in extraordinary style. This is her first FWT crown, but she came close in 2021, finishing second in a super-consistent season that included three podiums. View profile 1 / 4 FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • Freeride world tour rules The rules are in place to ensure the safety of the athletes, the fairness of competition and, ultimately, to promote the best freeriding in the arena of live competition. FWT23 Season Highlights Watch the video Relive the adrenaline-pumping moments of the Freeride World Tour 2023 with the <a href="">FWT23</a> season highlights video! From jaw-dropping cliff drops to smooth powder runs, this has it all. Stay tuned and join our newsletter! Subscribe to our newsletter and never miss our latest news. [PAGE] Title: Freeride History – Freeride World Tour Content: Freeride History What is freeriding? What? You haven’t heard about it? It’s called freeride and it’s arguably the most exciting snowsport competition of the 21st century. FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FREERIDING IS A philosophy. Watch the video It’s a vertical free-verse poem on the mountain. It’s the ultimate expression of all that is fun and liberating about sliding on snow in wintertime. the freeride philosophy What? You haven’t heard about it? It’s called freeride and it’s arguably the most exciting snowsport competition of the 21st century. Forget placing slalom poles down the mountain. Forget building artificial jumps and hips and halfpipes and tabletops. Forget grooming the slopes even. Freeride contests are 100% natural, 100% clean. Indeed, the event is all about celebrating the god-given terrain features found on any mountainside in the most exciting and elemental format possible. There‘s a start gate at the summit and a finish gate at the bottom. That’s it. Best run down wins. It truly is that simple. Think skiers and snowboarders choosing impossible-looking lines through cornices and cliff-faces and nasty couloirs. Think progressive: big jumps, mach-speed turns and full-on attack. Think entertaining. a competition like no other Watch the video Launched in the winter of 1996, the Verbier Extreme was originally strictly a snowboard contest. But all that changed in 2004... what THE history books say The concept of freeride informs the very soul of the snowsport experience. The notion of freeriding was born the moment folks figured out how to secure their feet onto long planks of wood in order to move easier over the winter landscape – and discovered that they could suddenly shuck the bonds of gravity and fly. They were free. They could ride down the hill at will. They never looked back… 1930's - 1940's As far back as the 1930’s and ‘40’s, legendary ski champion Emile Allais and his merry band of mountain adventurers were already assaulting the couloirs and gullies that dropped from the heady summits around Mt Blanc and Chamonix. Some of their early descents beggar the imagination – especially considering the rudimentary nature of the gear they were using back then. 1950's - 1960's But it took until the late 1960’s and ‘70’s – when Ski Extreme was first coined by the French and the gear had improved substantially – for freeriding to really attract global attention. Much of it was due to the hard-charging styles of its main proponents – visionary mountain men like Sylvain Saudan, Patrick Vallencant, Bruno Gouvy and Jean Marc Boivin – who were stretching the limits of downhill riding in a way that had never been seen before. In these years, freeride was truly extreme. If you fell, you died… 1960's - 1980's But the Americans weren’t far behind. Led by pioneers like Montana’s Bill Briggs and California’s Steve McKinney, a whole new generation of young riders begin testing themselves in the steep slopes of the Rockies, the Wasatch and the Sierra Nevada. More ‘Hollywood’ than their French counterparts, and far more into the entertainment aspects than the Europeans, icons like Glen Plake and Scot Schmidt brought a whole new aesthetic to the American ski experience in the 1980’s. It was their offbeat, out-there style, showcased by filmmaker Greg Stump in such seminal films at Blizzard of Aaaah’s that really set the stage for the launch of the first ever freeride contests. 1990's - Today And what a launch that was! The near-mythical World Extreme Ski Championships (WESC), contested on the hoary slopes of Alaska’s Wasatch Mountains, was the coming out party for a whole new gang of big-mountain freeriders. In fact, the start list for the inaugural 1991 contest reads like a Who’s Who of modern freeriding: Doug Coombs won the inaugural men’s title while Kim Reichhelm was tops in the women. Meanwhile the Europeans – primarily the French and the Swedes – were honing their big-mountain techniques on the often-nasty inclines around Mont Blanc and the Savoie Region. But the moment they discovered there were contests happening in America, the while game changed. When a French teenager by the name of Guerlain Chicherit unleashed a corker of a run in flat-light and ugly Alaskan conditions to capture his first WESC title back in 1999 (and beat out his mentor, Seb Michaud), few people realized the enormous impact his Valdez victory would have on the freeriding movement. For the new World Champion wasn’t alone. Back home in France were dozens of young chargers just like him. Fast, smooth – and incredibly efficient on skis. Bold beyond belief. Yet completely sure of their stuff – even in big exposure. This, many ski historian believe, was the true beginning of the freeride revolution… But what about the snowboarders? From the very inception of the sport in the early 1980’s, it was clear that the one-plank concept was ideal for attacking gnarly terrain and steep drops. More stable and easier to manage in difficult – or changing – conditions, the snowboard became the new tool of choice for many big mountain adventures. In fact, for many early freeride practitioners, it was a snowboard that got them into the backcountry in the first place! Like the skiers, the snowboarders of the early 1990’s had their very own Alaska event in which to shine. Launched as the World Extreme Snowboarding Championships in 1992, the event soon morphed into the hugely popular King Of the Hill under visionary Nick Peralta’s guidance. Here too, the start list for these event events reads like a list of snowboarding royalty: Matt Goodwill, Shaun Palmer, Steve Klassen, Julie Zell, Tina Basich, Anthonin Lieutaghi and Axel Pauporté. It was just a matter of time before the two disciplines would join forces… But it took a Swiss-Brit entrepreneur by the name of Nicolas Hale-Woods to make it happen. Launched in the winter of 1996, the Verbier Extreme was originally strictly a snowboard contest. But all that changed in 2004 when ten of the world’s top two-planked freeriders were invited to participate. The event was never the same again. Today, FWT Management SA, a company based in Lutry/Switzerland oversees an annual world ski and snowboard circuit – the Freeride World Tour – that travels from Japan to Canada, the Pyrenees and the Alps with the final event in Verbier. The very cream of the proverbial riders crop – skiers and snowboarders, men and women – all vie for participation in this prestigious event. "The development since 1996 has gone beyond our expectations,” says Hale-Woods. “It’s a great event. But more importantly, the success of the FWT Junior and FWT Qualifier series, with over 130 events and 4,000 licenced riders wordwide is what gives a true dimension to the sport”. Stay tuned and join our newsletter! Subscribe to our newsletter and never miss our latest news. [PAGE] Title: About Us – Freeride World Tour Content: About Us This is who we are FWT Management SA, headquartered in the picturesque city of Lausanne, Switzerland, has established itself as a leading sports event management company since its inception in 1996, with the creation of the legendary Xtreme Verbier. FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • WE ARE THE Home of freeride The Xtreme Verbier, an event that has attained iconic status in the world of freeride skiing and snowboarding, initially started as a single competition in 1996, but has then evolved into the highly coveted Freeride World Tour (FWT), a prestigious series of global events that attracts the best and most daring athletes from around the globe. Since its introduction in 2008, the FWT has captivated the imaginations of freeride enthusiasts and adrenaline junkies alike. This awe-inspiring tour showcases the most legendary and challenging alpine faces at renowned ski resorts across the world, providing a platform for the world's top riders to showcase their skills and push the boundaries of what is possible in freeride sports. The success of the FWT has led to the expansion of the FWT brand, encompassing multiple competition series that cater to different levels of skill and experience. These include the FWT Challenger, FWT Qualifier, and FWT Junior, each designed to nurture talent, foster growth, and provide opportunities for athletes at various stages of their freeride journey, across the Sport Pyramid. Together with the riders' community and fans around the globe, we're building the Home of Freeride. The sport Pyramid The fwt The FWT Pro is a worldwide circuit of freeride snowboarding and skiing. It features the best riders competing on legendary and challenging alpine faces at renowned ski resorts across the globe. the fwt challenger The FWT Challenger is the ultimate step towards qualifying for the FWT Pro circuit. The top riders from the FWT Qualifier compete against the bottom-ranked riders from the FWT tour in high-pressure events to earn a spot on the following year's FWT Pro circuit. the fwt qualifier The FWT Qualifier is a world qualification circuit designed to develop the talent and skills of up-and-coming athletes. Riders accumulate points through 60 events held worldwide, including forty in Europe. The scoring system is based on the star ranking of the qualifying events (1-4 stars) and the event regions: Region 1 (Europe, Asia, and Oceania) and Region 2 (USA, Canada, Chile, and Argentina). The top riders from each region are invited to compete in the FWT Challenger. the fwt junior These circuits are dedicated to young athletes up to 18 years old, aiming to develop the talents of tomorrow and encourage youth participation in the sport. Emphasis is also placed on injury prevention, safety, and understanding the mountain environment. The FWT academies The FWT collaborates with ski schools to provide expertise and share the sport of freeride with riders of all ages. These schools, organized by the FWT, offer programs ranging from one day to a week. The road to the Freeride World Tour Watch the video from grassroots competitions to the elite, this is the sport pyramid explained What drives us! Safety Our n°1 priority for the riders and the freeride community, through education and role models. PERFORMANCE We constantly seek to provide athletes with the best terrain in the best possible conditions, to witness performance at its best. RESPONSIBILITY As representative of a global league gathering thousands of athletes and inspiring millions of people, we feel responsible to lead the way and envision how can tomorrow look alike. INCLUSIVITY We give every riders a chance to learn and grow, without consideration of their gender or origin. FUN At the end of the day, this is why we do what we do. It is so damn fun! What is freeriding? Watch the video It’s a vertical free-verse poem on the mountain. It’s the ultimate expression of all that is fun and liberating about sliding on snow in wintertime. Stay tuned and join our newsletter! Subscribe to our newsletter and never miss our latest news. [PAGE] Title: News & Videos – Freeride World Tour Content: © 2024 Freeride World Tour. All Rights Reserved. designed & coded with ♥ by Cookies This site uses cookies to help improve your user experience and gives you control over what you want to activate. Accept Reject Cookie Settings This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Save & Accept [PAGE] Title: Events – Freeride World Tour Content: © 2024 Freeride World Tour. All Rights Reserved. designed & coded with ♥ by Cookies This site uses cookies to help improve your user experience and gives you control over what you want to activate. Accept Reject Cookie Settings This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Save & Accept [PAGE] Title: Snowboard Women Rankings – Freeride World Tour Content: © 2024 Freeride World Tour. All Rights Reserved. designed & coded with ♥ by Cookies This site uses cookies to help improve your user experience and gives you control over what you want to activate. Accept Reject Cookie Settings This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Save & Accept [PAGE] Title: Join the Family – Freeride World Tour Jobs and Internships Content: MORE ABOUT USMORE ABOUT US Verbier e-bike Festival The Verbier E-MTB Festival has been launched in 2019 with the aim to become the largest European e-MTB festival. It’s a mass event with more than 3’000 participants, accessible to everyone - from 7 to 77 - who wants to discover and ride an E-Bike in the most attractive formats : bikes tests, discovery tours, adventure races, kids race… Through the years, it has become a meeting point for the whole industry of e-MTB to showcase their products, enjoy the good trails around Verbier and the after-bike atmosphere. The team that organizes the Verbier E-Bike Festival is comprised of 15-20 young and passionate staff based near Lausanne, Switzerland. Aside of the VEBF, they work year-round to organize the six-stop Freeride World Tour circuit, which includes the well known Xtreme Verbier event. The work environment is dynamic and occasionally disorganized but encourages proactivity and the sharing of new ideas regardless of position or background, all with a focus on the big picture in which everyone plays a crucial role. Micro-management and hierarchy are not part of our vocabulary, and the status quo gives us nightmares. Telework and flexible work arrangements are promoted, though physical teamwork is also emphasized as necessary for success. APPLY AND JOIN THE FAMILY! Head out to our application portal to apply for any of the open positions. [PAGE] Title: Replay Archives – Freeride World Tour Content: © 2024 Freeride World Tour. All Rights Reserved. designed & coded with ♥ by Cookies This site uses cookies to help improve your user experience and gives you control over what you want to activate. Accept Reject Cookie Settings This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Save & Accept [PAGE] Title: Snowboard Men Rankings – Freeride World Tour Content: © 2024 Freeride World Tour. All Rights Reserved. designed & coded with ♥ by Cookies This site uses cookies to help improve your user experience and gives you control over what you want to activate. Accept Reject Cookie Settings This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Save & Accept [PAGE] Title: Rider of the Day – Freeride World Tour Content: © 2024 Freeride World Tour. All Rights Reserved. designed & coded with ♥ by Cookies This site uses cookies to help improve your user experience and gives you control over what you want to activate. Accept Reject Cookie Settings This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Save & Accept [PAGE] Title: Rankings – Freeride World Tour Content: Shop Rankings Overview Official Freeride World Tour results and rankings - filter by season or category to see current FWT standings, plus access previous years. FREERIDE WORLD CHAMPIONS Ski Women Justine Dufour-Lapointe Justine’s season will be defined by her rapid rise to fame in the freeride discipline. She only recently made the switch from moguls skiing – where she boasts two Olympic medals and dozens of FIS World Cup podiums – to become FWT World Champion in her first season. Ski men Valentin Rainer Valentin spent six years competing in FWT Junior and Challenger events before his breakthrough season on the FWT in 2022. He didn’t make the cut last season, but requalified through the FWT Challenger series to great avail, winning this year in spectacular fashion. Snowboard Men Ludovic Guillot-Diat Ludo’s vast experience in big mountain riding and unyielding dedication to the sport have paid off with his maiden FWT World Champion crown. He has been on and off the tour since 2013, with multiple podiums during this time, as well as vast success on the FWT Challenger series Snowboard Women Katie Anderson Katie proved herself too strong this season, locking in three out of four wins in extraordinary style. This is her first FWT crown, but she came close in 2021, finishing second in a super-consistent season that included three podiums. View profile 1 / 4 FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • [PAGE] Title: About FIS – Freeride World Tour Content: Shop About FIS In December 2022, the FWT announced that it is marking an historic moment by merging with the FIS, who is acquiring all FWT properties. The two organizations have been joining forces since de FWT23 season. Visit FIS.comVisit the world's highest governing body for international winter sports FIS is the world's highest governing body for international winter sports and it is responsible for the Olympic disciplines of Alpine skiing, Cross-Country Skiing, Ski Jumping, Nordic combined, Freestyle Skiing and Snowboarding. The FIS is also responsible for setting the international competition rules. The organization now has a membership of 132 national ski associations and is based in Oberhofen am Thunersee, Switzerland. FIS was founded on the 18th of February in 1910 when 22 delegates from 10 countries joined together to form in the International Skiing Commission in Christiania (NOR) and served from 1910 to 1924. The group became formally known as the International Ski Federation on 2nd February 1924 during the first Olympic Winter Games in Chamonix, France with 14 member nations. FIS x FWT MERGER In December 2022, the FWT announced that it is marking an historic moment by merging with the FIS, who is acquiring all FWT properties. The two organizations will join forces starting from the FWT23 season. By acquiring the FWT, FIS will further unite all disciplines in skiing and snowboarding, giving them more strength and power to develop on the global stage. ABOUT the merger By acquiring the FWT, FIS IS Further uniting all disciplines in skiing and snowboarding. What it means for the future The FWT will continue to run the daily operations of the Tour, remaining committed to its core values of safety, performance, responsibility, inclusivity and fun. Moreover, the competition format, offering a fair path to every athlete, from grassroots to elite events, and the judging system, remain unchanged. FIS will place its focus on the marketing and governance of the FWT, instilling a structure that follows the guidelines of recognized Olympic sports. Visit FIS.comVisit Contact us If you have any questions about the merger between FIS and Freeride World Tour, please use the contact form below. Name [PAGE] Title: Ski Men Rankings – Freeride World Tour Content: © 2024 Freeride World Tour. All Rights Reserved. designed & coded with ♥ by Cookies This site uses cookies to help improve your user experience and gives you control over what you want to activate. Accept Reject Cookie Settings This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Save & Accept [PAGE] Title: Hospitality – Freeride World Tour Content: Xtreme Verbier guest zone Join us at the Alpina Viewing Area Experience the pinnacle of the Freeride World Tour action at the annual final stop of the season, the YETI Xtreme Verbier. Partner FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • Institutional partners ABOUT THE GUEST ZONE Positioned at the breathtaking Col des Gentiannes, you will be able to witness the show from a perspective like no other. Bring your Xtreme experience to the next level in our exclusive guest zone, offering premium views, local food and beverages, comfort and other benefits. Relax, have fun and watch the world's best live freeride action. [PAGE] Title: Become a FWT rider – Freeride World Tour Content: Experience the opportunity to ride and compete on well-preserved and safe terrain. Meet other passionate riders and improve your riding skills. Continuously learn about safety and proper behavior on the mountains. Enjoy a good dose of adrenaline rush. Aspire to potentially become a world champion one day, although it is acknowledged that it is not an easy task. how to start competing? In order to compete, you need to become a member, create your member profile, and purchase your annual license. Every rider, including wildcards, must acquire a license to compete. If a rider competes without a license, they cannot claim the points earned at the competition, even if they obtain membership after the competition. When signing up, please use your real name without nicknames, as it is necessary for insurance purposes (although having a nickname is mandatory to build yourself a legend). With this membership, we offer the following services: Automated registration platform for all events Rider's results in the seeding and ranking list A rider profile on the FWT website (which is damn sexy) Rider assistance A unique number per athlete to avoid spelling mistakes on start lists and rankings If you wish to compete only once, you can obtain a one-event license. If you plan to compete in two or more events, you can get a tour license that is valid for the entire season. For 1* events, registration is on a first-come, first-confirmed basis, and riders with no points are eligible. For 2* to 4* events, a seeding list is used to confirm riders. Since competition spots are limited, the seeding list determines which athletes among all the registered athletes are invited to a competition. The seeding list is based on a rider's best three results over the past 52 weeks. Riders who have not competed before or who have a low ranking on the seeding list may not be able to participate in 3* and 4* events. They will need to start collecting points in lower-level events (1* and 2*) to move up on the seeding list. TAKE YOUR CHANCE, BECOME A FWT RIDER! Hell yeah! Sign me up! Frequently asked questions ABOUT MEMBERSHIP Do I need to become a member in order to compete? Yes, in order to compete you need to become a member, create your member profile and buy your annual license. Every rider, including wildcards, will have to acquire a membership to compete. When competing without a license, a rider cannot claim the points earned at the competition, even when getting the membership after the competition. Make sure that you use your real name without nicknames when signing up, as it is necessary for insurance purposes. With this membership we offer the following services: Automated registration platform for all events Rider’s results in the seeding and ranking list A rider profile on the FWT website Rider assistance A unique number per athlete, avoiding spelling mistakes on starting lists and rankings What kind of memberships are available? You can get a one event membership if you want to compete only once or a tour membership valid for the whole season if you wish to compete at 2 or more events. How much is the membership fee? FWT Junior On the FWT Junior the one event license costs 30 EUR and the tour license is 80 EUR. FWT Qualifier On the FWT Qualifier the one event license costs 30 EUR and the tour license is 80 EUR. If a rider who purchased a one event license wishes to compete in more events, he/she will have to upgrade to a full tour license but will only have to pay the difference. If you turn 18 during the season and decide to move on to FWT Qualifier from U-18 FWT Junior you will have to upgrade to a FWT Qualifier Tour license but in this case the FWT Junior Tour license will be refunded. How can I join? [PAGE] Title: Gender Equality – Freeride World Tour Content: Ski Women Elisabeth Gerritzen Hailing from the iconic slopes of Verbier, Elisabeth has long held a dream close to her heart - winning the prestigious Xtreme Verbier competition. With her impeccable style and fearless approach to challenging runs, she fulfilled her dream by conquering the Bec des Rosses in both 2019 and 2021, and, to top it off, she clinched the title of Freeride World Tour Champion in 2021. Snowboard Women Katie Anderson While making her mark on the snowboard cross World Cup circuit, Katie made a bold shift to freeride competitions. Her talents were recognised when she was crowned the FWT Rookie of the Year in 2020, and she has consistently graced the podium in numerous competitions throughout the years, eventually winning the world title in 2023. Ski Women Justine Dufour-Lapointe From Montreal, Canada, Justine is the youngest member of the renowned "Dufour-Lapointe sisters" trio, all accomplished mogul skiers who competed together at the Sochi 2014 Olympics. Seeking to begin on a new chapter in her career, Justine entered the Freeride World Tour. Leveraging her strong freestyle background, she appeared to effortlessly secure the FTW23 World Champion title, further solidifying her status as an extraordinary athlete in the world of freeriding. Ski Women Lily Bradley Native of Lake Tahoe, Lily learned to ski on the slopes of Palisades and achieved victory in the Americas FWQ21. As a rookie on the Tour in 2022, she had a remarkable breakout year, emerging as one of the youngest competitors to watch. Lily's talent shone bright with two podium finishes, securing a 3rd place in Ordino-Arcalìs and a sensational 1st place in Kicking Horse. Snowboard Women Anna Orlova Straight outta Siberia, Anna Orlova spent three consecutive years on the Qualifier circuit, honing her skills and determination. In 2018, her hard work paid off as she secured an FWT event Wildcard, landing an impressive second place. Anna's ascent in the sport continued, as she earned the title of FWT Vice-Champion in 2019, showcasing her exceptional talent and dedication. Remarkably, she repeated this feat in 2023, solidifying her status as one of the top athletes in the world of freeride skiing. Ski Women Sybille Blanjean Raised in Verbier, Sybille's parents cultivated her deep-rooted passion for the mountains from a tender age. When she reached the age of 12, she faced a pivotal decision, as she was offered the opportunity to pursue her skiing journey within the structured framework of the regional alpine ski racing program. However, at the same time, a new freeride program emerged in Verbier. Sybille's choice to dedicate herself to freeriding undoubtedly proved to be a wise one. Her commitment and talent culminated in a victory, as she earned the 1st place at the Xtreme Verbier during the FWT22. View profile 1 / 6 FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • FWT • Home of freeride • Contact us We welcome any ideas related to gender equality in freeriding, we invite you to use the form below to contact us. Name
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This is part of freeriding as a sport and has to be accepted by riders as well as judges. Do you have any questions about Safety at the Freeride World Tour? A RECCO reflector will be mandatory but it will be provided at every event if the rider does not have one already. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Title: Ski Women Rankings – Freeride World Tour Content: © 2024 Freeride World Tour. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Title: About the FWT Competition – Freeride World Tour Content: The Competition Freeride World Tour What is Freeride World Tour? WHat is Freeride World Tour? That’s it. At the end of the day, this is why we do what we do. What is freeriding? Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Title: Snowboard Women Rankings – Freeride World Tour Content: © 2024 Freeride World Tour. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. If you turn 18 during the season and decide to move on to FWT Qualifier from U-18 FWT Junior you will have to upgrade to a FWT Qualifier Tour license but in this case the FWT Junior Tour license will be refunded.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Home - Michael Turner Studios - Stainless Steel Sculptures Content: A selection of bespoke stainless steel sculptures Unique center pieces and smaller gifts [PAGE] Title: Shop - michael turner studios Content: Showing 1–16 of 104 sculptures Filter sculptures [PAGE] Title: Shop - michael turner studios Content: Showing 1–16 of 104 sculptures Filter sculptures [PAGE] Title: My account - michael turner studios Content: Michael Turner Stainless Steel Artworks Website design Created with sketchtool. A passion for sculpture Stainless steel garden sculptor and artist Michael Turner has come a long way since graduating in Design in 1997. Michael creates unique handcrafted garden sculptures which are sold worldwide. His passion for sculpture is shown through his extraordinarily detailed and unique artwork. [PAGE] Title: About - michael turner studios Content: The Story behind the Capturing the beauty of nature in unique sculptures Since leaving school, the development of his creative and artistic skills, has led to recognition both within the UK and internationally. During his formative years, his talent became apparent. He had an innate understanding and ability to capture the form and beauty of nature by creating bugs and insects, created simply from the most basic of materials including nuts, bolts and sheet metal found in his fathers’ garage. Creative flair From these early beginnings, Michael’s parents became aware that with his obvious creativity and flair, he needed to be professionally trained, supported and nurtured within the education system. After finishing school in 1992, Michael chose to go to Bournemouth Art College and then finally onto Higher Wycombe University, where he graduated with honours, which was the start of a promising career in the art world. From the depths of the New Forest Michael established his first workshop in the green depths of the New Forest at the age of 22. He started to realise his true potential and decided to work in stainless steel, and in particular delighted in the use of recycled materials. He knew that the material would be perfect for outdoor garden sculptures withstanding the hazards of the outdoor environment. Through nature and its various forms, Michael was inspired. At first, Michael created small insects, fish and dragonflies which kept him busy supplying several galleries around the country. In 2010, Michael was introduced to a major gallery in London where his work took on a whole new dimension. He married and a son was born later in 2011. This gave Michael the impetus and inspiration to create a full-sized Arabian Horse, which was sold through the Gallery. This was to be the start of a whole new era. He soon began to see his work reaching a global clientele who were both discerning and appreciative of great contemporary art. Global recognition Michael has sold to a number of famous people amongst them being Celebrity Chef Gordon Ramsay. Gordon became aware of Michael’s work and acquired a full sized Gorilla, which now resides at his flagship London Restaurant. Pieces like ‘Gorilla on a Crate’ and the ‘Crocodile on a Box’, have become signature pieces for the artist, and his work is increasingly being recognized globally as ‘a Michael Turner’. This is just the start for the artist, who has already had another record-breaking year. Clients are investing in and enjoying more than ever a ‘Michael Turner sculpture’. [PAGE] Title: Basket - michael turner studios Content: Michael Turner Stainless Steel Artworks Website design Created with sketchtool. A passion for sculpture Stainless steel garden sculptor and artist Michael Turner has come a long way since graduating in Design in 1997. Michael creates unique handcrafted garden sculptures which are sold worldwide. His passion for sculpture is shown through his extraordinarily detailed and unique artwork. [PAGE] Title: Art Galleries - michael turner studios Content: or view all sculptures Where to view my creations Michael has a selection of galleries and places in which you can see his Sculptures. If you would like to come and speak to him personally regarding a commission, then please do get in touch with Jenny on 07976 713826 and she will arrange a suitable time for you to visit the workshop. Although Michael would love to receive general visits to see his work, he doesn’t always have large sculptures on show at the workshop. On occasion Michael will be showing his work in sculpture parks around the country, so please keep an eye out on the website or via social media to see where in the country that is. BOX GALLERIES, CHELSEA Established by Emma Moir in 2012, Box Galleries is a contemporary art gallery on the Kings Road in Chelsea, London. They specialise in bringing together recognised investment artwork with emerging talent and taking the artwork to your home/office or commercial venue to trial the artwork in situ before you buy. 402 King’s Road London SW10 0LJ United Kingdom Visit Gallery Website CHEWTON GLEN HOTEL & SPA Chewton Glen is a quintessentially English, privately owned luxury Country House Hotel & Spa on the fringe of the New Forest. With some of England’s most stunning countryside rolling up around us and the calmness of the sea just moments away, Chewton Glen is an idyllic escape and has a number of sculptures on show, with Michael Turner’s spaced around the Walled Kitchen Gardens. Placed in a beautiful setting it’s a wonderful hotel to have lunch or afternoon tea for a special day out. New Forest Hampshire BH25 6QS United Kingdom Visit Hotel Website COASTAL GALLERY, LYMINGTON Coastal Gallery is a touchstone for exceptional and unusual contemporary art and design. Working with emerging and established artists and designers, the gallery champions painters, photographers, sculptors, ceramicists and jewellery designers, based locally and in London, whose work demonstrates outstanding talent, creativity and craftsmanship. 4 Southampton Road Lymington Hampshire SO41 9GG United Kingdom [PAGE] Title: News - michael turner studios Content: 2024 A Sculptor’s Blog Happy New Year! It’s wet and windy outside and the… Read More New Forest Poppy Hunt 2023 The New Forest Poppy hunt has come around so quickly… Read More Thinking about Garden sculptures, or artwork in your garden this spring?… Most people, if you’re lucky enough to have a garden,… Read More New Forest Poppy Hunt 2021 The New Forest Poppy Hunt will be held on Sunday… Read More Why Stainless Steel is a great material for Your Sculpture Stainless steel sculptures are a great addition to any home… Read More I’m very excited to be showing my sculptures at Beaulieu… Read More New Forest Poppy Hunt 2020 NEW FOREST POPPY HUNT Wednesday 4th 2020 7am-5pm(wish…)  … Read More Gorilla on Motorbike, his Journey, and why I made him Every now and then I have time to explore different… Read More Game Of Thrones Inspired Dragons Egg Game of Thrones inspired Dragons Egg Game of Thrones seems… Read More [PAGE] Title: Commissions - michael turner studios Content: or view all sculptures Commissions Whether it is to purchase an existing piece of artwork that you have seen on the website, or in a gallery, or commissioning of a specific piece of artwork, Michael will be delighted to help you. Michael will work with you in design and concept, helping you create the perfect sculpture for your home or project. Private Commission The stunning flying Geese Wall Sculpture created by Michael Turner. This was a private commission for a UK collector. This wall sculpture was a first for Michael, and was a great challenge to take on so Michael wanted to ensure the client was completely happy with the concept. Working closely with the client, Michael gave several options for this large interior wall. Once the Client had decided on the Flying Geese, Michael began to make each bird individually. Using stainless steel, each bird was created by hand from start to finish. Once the birds were finished, then came the real challenge, installing them. Michael and the team at CMF builders spent the day chemically bonding the plates into the wall, ensuring the birds were fixed into the exact position. As you can see, the final piece is stunning and most importantly, the clients were very happy with their very unique and beautiful wall sculpture. Tailored to your requirements Please do get in touch with either Michael or Jenny on the contact form below, and we will be delighted to talk through your requirements. Commission Request Form
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Title: Home - Michael Turner Studios - Stainless Steel Sculptures Content: A selection of bespoke stainless steel sculptures Unique center pieces and smaller gifts Title: My account - michael turner studios Content: Michael Turner Stainless Steel Artworks Website design Created with sketchtool. A passion for sculpture Stainless steel garden sculptor and artist Michael Turner has come a long way since graduating in Design in 1997. Title: About - michael turner studios Content: The Story behind the Capturing the beauty of nature in unique sculptures Since leaving school, the development of his creative and artistic skills, has led to recognition both within the UK and internationally. In 2010, Michael was introduced to a major gallery in London where his work took on a whole new dimension. This gave Michael the impetus and inspiration to create a full-sized Arabian Horse, which was sold through the Gallery. This was to be the start of a whole new era. Title: Basket - michael turner studios Content: Michael Turner Stainless Steel Artworks Website design Created with sketchtool. A passion for sculpture Stainless steel garden sculptor and artist Michael Turner has come a long way since graduating in Design in 1997. Title: Art Galleries - michael turner studios Content: or view all sculptures Where to view my creations Michael has a selection of galleries and places in which you can see his Sculptures. If you would like to come and speak to him personally regarding a commission, then please do get in touch with Jenny on 07976 713826 and she will arrange a suitable time for you to visit the workshop. On occasion Michael will be showing his work in sculpture parks around the country, so please keep an eye out on the website or via social media to see where in the country that is. Established by Emma Moir in 2012, Box Galleries is a contemporary art gallery on the Kings Road in Chelsea, London. 402 King’s Road London SW10 0LJ United Kingdom Visit Gallery Website Title: Commissions - michael turner studios Content: or view all sculptures Commissions Whether it is to purchase an existing piece of artwork that you have seen on the website, or in a gallery, or commissioning of a specific piece of artwork, Michael will be delighted to help you. Michael will work with you in design and concept, helping you create the perfect sculpture for your home or project. Private Commission The stunning flying Geese Wall Sculpture created by Michael Turner. This was a private commission for a UK collector. This wall sculpture was a first for Michael, and was a great challenge to take on so Michael wanted to ensure the client was completely happy with the concept. As you can see, the final piece is stunning and most importantly, the clients were very happy with their very unique and beautiful wall sculpture.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Quality Spices & Seasonings | Colorado Spice Content: Featured Spice Blends Shop spices and seasonings for all occasions. Whether you're baking, BBQing, pan-frying or using the crock-pot, you'll be sure to find the perfect spice blend for your next recipe. Our seasonings are perfect for any recipe, but browse by beef, chicken, lamb, pork, seafood or vegetables for our recommended spice blends. [PAGE] Title: Frequently Asked Questions | Colorado Spice Content: Coho Salmon Breading 5) Do you offer any vegan spices? Yes.  To confirm whether or not a product is Vegan, you can view the ingredient statement by clicking on the specific product in question.   If you have any Vegan recipes that you’d like to share with us, we encourage you to visit our Facebook page and post your recipe successes! 6) How do I use your rubs & blends? Colorado Spice seasonings were designed to help you create delicious and healthy meals!  You can use them in a variety of ways: - Basic & Easy – Rub fish with seasoning and cook as you would normally. - Marinade – Mix seasoning with a small amount of olive oil to create a marinade, baste seafood and cook as desired. Simple Gourmet Recipe – Follow scrumptious recipe on back of package to create an easy gourmet dish.   Gourmet recipes can also be found on the website. Experiment – Taste a small amount of seasoning and experiment with your own delicious recipe! Share your successful recipes at: 7) Are any of your spices Kosher? Yes!  We have a large assortment of spice blends that are certified Kosher.  That information can be found by clicking on the specific product in question – if they are Kosher certified, it will be stated right after the ingredient listing. 8) What measures do you take to inspect your products? We go above and beyond to ensure the safety of our food by subjecting all of our meat and chicken products to a daily inspection process by the USDA. Our facilities received a “Superior” rating, the highest possible, by The American Institute of Baking (AIB), an independent inspector committed to protecting the safety of the food supply. We also have a quality team who cooks and tastes each of the flavors being produced every day. 9) Where are you located? We are based in beautiful Boulder, Colorado. Our address is 6350 Gunpark Drive, Boulder, CO, 80301. All of our products are produced and shipped from our Boulder, CO facility. 10) What are your “office” hours? We are available by phone and e-mail Monday-Friday, 9 am – 5 pm MST. 11) Can I phone in an order? Of course! Just call us toll free at (800) 677-7423 12) As a company that strives to preserve the natural environment, what are some of your “green” practices? We are committed to serving our community and environment. We support many organizations that are dedicated to preserving our planet, and sponsor various volunteers and activists in their missions to explore and better understand our planet. We also recycle, compost, have highly efficient lighting, and are committed to continually making our business more self‐sustaining and becoming a net zero energy user. 13) Do you offer any organic spices? Yes! Colorado Spice continues to expand its USDA certified organic line, as part of an ongoing effort to provide the highest-quality products while promoting sustainability. 14) I have an allergy. Is your food suitable for me? Although we use good manufacturing practices to segregate ingredients according to allergen program standards, and rigorously clean our equipment, our products are produced in a facility that processes peanuts, milk, soy, wheat, gluten, egg and tree nut ingredients. Please contact our customer service department with any questions: [email protected] or 800.677.7423. Follow [PAGE] Title: Spices & Seasonings | Colorado Spice Content: Vegetable Shop spices and seasonings for all occasions. Whether you're baking, BBQing, pan-frying or using the crock-pot, you'll be sure to find the perfect spice blend for your next recipe. Our seasonings are perfect for any recipe, but browse by beef, chicken, lamb, pork, seafood or vegetables for our recommended spice blends. [PAGE] Title: Recipes & Blog - Colorado Spice Content: Simple At-Home Ahi Poke Bowls May 13, 2021 In a dinner rut? Make your own Poke Bowls! This recipe is a surprisingly simple Asian dish that will have you and your family salivating. Tarragon: Uses, Benefits & Recipe Ideas April 28, 2021 Tarragon is a delicate herb that's found commonly in Fresh cooking. Learn about its uses, benefits and recipe ideas! 8 Vegetables To Grow In Your Garden This Year April 14, 2021 Starting a garden is actually quite simple if you grow the right crops. We've compiled a list of the easiest vegetables to grow that yield a great product and don't require much work! 20 Minute Roasted Shrimp and Orzo April 06, 2021 A light yet filling recipe that pairs perfectly with a citrussy white wine and is ready in under 20 minutes! Brilliant Spring Cleaning Hacks For Your Kitchen March 25, 2021 Spring has sprung, which means it's the perfect time to freshen up your kitchen with some spring cleaning! These tips and tricks will help to streamline the process. Irish Beef Crock Pot Stew March 16, 2021 Throw on something green and celebrate the luck of the Irish, with a hearty St. Patrick's Day Irish Beef Crock Pot Stew! 8 Genius Ways To Use Expired Spices March 04, 2021 Have old spices that have sat untouched in your cabinet for years? Don't throw them away! We have 8 clever ways that you can repurpose your old spices. One-Pot Recipes For Busy People February 24, 2021 Our insanely easy one-pot meals are low on mess and ready in under 30 minutes or less! We promise, these recipes prove to you that a quick dinner doesn't have to be a dull meal. Cumin: Origin, Health Benefits & How It's Used February 16, 2021 Cumin is one of the most popular spices that is commonly found in Latin American, Middle Eastern, North African, and Indian cuisines. In this blog, we'll discuss the origin of this beloved spice, it's potential health benefits, and the ways to use cumin in your cooking. Unique Valentine's Day Dinner Ideas That Will Wow Your Date February 09, 2021 We have 8 romantic Valentine's Day dinner recipes that you and your significant other will love. All of our recipes are loaded with flavor and are easy to make -- because you don't need to slave away to make a beautiful meal for your Valentine. [PAGE] Title: About Us | Colorado Spice Content: About Us Colorado Spice Since 1988, Colorado Spice has been providing the finest restaurants, food manufacturers, and grocers throughout the U.S. with high-quality, all-natural and organic herbs and custom spice blends. Colorado Spice is one of the most respected spice companies in the nation! At Colorado Spice, we understand the importance of a home-cooked, delicious meal that is quick and easy to prepare.  We are passionate about helping our customers prepare tasty, unique meals utilizing our flavorful spices and seasonings.  All of our spice blends include an easy-to-follow, easy-to-prepare, chef-developed recipe that is sure to wow! Choose from blends like Sassy Seasoned Pepper, which includes a simple Mahi recipe; Coat drumsticks with our delicious Balsamic Chicken Rub or follow the recipe for Balsamic Chicken Sauté.  Be sure to explore the website for more blends and meal ideas, and check out our “Featured Recipe” on our homepage. American Outdoor Products American Outdoor Products is a food manufacturer located in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Boulder, CO. Established in 1951, American Outdoor Products remains an independent, privately-held, family-owned and operated company distributing products throughout the world. The company focuses on offering gourmet, high-quality, simple, delicious food and spices. Inspired by a passion for unique cuisine and exciting adventures, the company produces Colorado Spice, all-natural and organic artisan spice blends; Backpacker's Pantry, gourmet food for the outdoors; Astronaut Foods, out-of-this-world novelty treats; and Chef Soraya, plant-based, protein strong meals in minutes. Follow [PAGE] Title: Bulk Spices & Ingredients - Colorado Spice Content: Sweet Salmon Herb Rub - Bulk $30.00 Notify me when this product is available: Description: The perfect blend of spicy and sweet. Try the Chef's Recipe below or get creative with your own kitchen creation. Use as a dry rub... [PAGE] Title: Store Locator | Colorado Spice Content: Recipes & Blog Store Locator Find your favorite Colorado Spice blends at a store near you.  Check out the list below, or request Colorado Spice at your favorite grocery store. Locations Great American International Seafood Market 31224 Palos Verdes Drive West Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90275 US 310 982-5300 [PAGE] Title: Order & Shipping Guidelines | Colorado Spice Content: Recipes & Blog Order & Shipping Guidelines Orders are typically processed within 3 to 5 business days. Please allow ample time for orders to arrive based on order processing time and shipping guidelines as listed below. For special circumstances please call us at: 800-677-7423. Customer Service Team is available weekdays from 9am to 5pm (MST) and would be glad to assist you. Phone orders are also accepted during normal business hours. Please note: when placing an order, your credit card charge may come through with the following company names (or an abbreviation of the company names): American Outdoor Products, Backpacker's Pantry, Astronaut Foods, Colorado Spice, Paypal. Please contact us with any questions. Out of Stock Items: If your packing slip shows a "0" quantity listed next to any item, it indicates an “out of stock item”. You will not be charged for “out of stock” items; they will be removed from your order and a backorder will NOT be created. To receive any of the items removed from your order, you will need to place a separate order. To check on the status of a previously “out of stock” item, please contact our Customer Service Team. Shipping in the United States: All items are shipped from our facility in Boulder, Colorado. Transit times vary depending upon geography and shipping method. Please allow 3-5 days for processing. After processing please allow: 2-7 days for UPS GROUND depending on where you are in the country 2-7 days for US Postal Service Priority Mail (There are no package tracking services available for USPS shipping options. Select this method at your own risk). 3 days for UPS 3-Day plus weekend if applicable **3-Day Delivery to Alaska and Hawaii may take 4 days. 2 days for UPS 2-Day plus weekend if applicable **2-Day Delivery to Alaska and Hawaii may take 3 days. 1 day for UPS Overnight plus weekend if applicable **1-Day Delivery to Alaska and Hawaii may take 2 days. Please note: UPS/FedEx cannot ship to a PO Box. If you're shipping to a PO Box, your only shipping option is US Postal Service. Contact our Customer Service Team regarding any special circumstances or with any shipping questions: [email protected] or 800-641-0500. As stated above, there are no package tracking services available for USPS shipping options. When selecting the USPS shipping method, you are doing so at your own risk. We offer a FREE Pick-up option for Boulder/Denver area residents. If you're interested in picking up your order from our warehouse, please contact our Customer Service Team. International Shipping: Due to strict governmental regulations around exporting food products, we are currently unable to ship web orders outside the United States. Check out our Store Locator tool to find out where we distribute our products internationally. Follow [PAGE] Title: Collections - Colorado Spice Content: Sign up to get the latest on sales, new releases and more … Colorado Spice 6350 Gunpark Dr, Boulder, CO 80301 (303) 581-9586 [PAGE] Title: Contact Us | Colorado Spice Content: Recipes & Blog Contact Us Have a question about Colorado Spice? Looking to buy in bulk or create a custom blend with us? Fill out the contact form today and we'd be happy to answer these and any other inquiries! Name *
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Title: Quality Spices & Seasonings | Colorado Spice Content: Featured Spice Blends Shop spices and seasonings for all occasions. You can use them in a variety of ways: - Basic & Easy – Rub fish with seasoning and cook as you would normally. 7) Are any of your spices Kosher? 8) What measures do you take to inspect your products? We go above and beyond to ensure the safety of our food by subjecting all of our meat and chicken products to a daily inspection process by the USDA. All of our products are produced and shipped from our Boulder, CO facility. 11) Can I phone in an order? Title: Spices & Seasonings | Colorado Spice Content: Vegetable Shop spices and seasonings for all occasions. We promise, these recipes prove to you that a quick dinner doesn't have to be a dull meal. In this blog, we'll discuss the origin of this beloved spice, it's potential health benefits, and the ways to use cumin in your cooking. Title: About Us | Colorado Spice Content: About Us Colorado Spice Since 1988, Colorado Spice has been providing the finest restaurants, food manufacturers, and grocers throughout the U.S. with high-quality, all-natural and organic herbs and custom spice blends. Be sure to explore the website for more blends and meal ideas, and check out our “Featured Recipe” on our homepage. American Outdoor Products American Outdoor Products is a food manufacturer located in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Boulder, CO. Title: Order & Shipping Guidelines | Colorado Spice Content: Recipes & Blog Order & Shipping Guidelines Orders are typically processed within 3 to 5 business days. You will not be charged for “out of stock” items; they will be removed from your order and a backorder will NOT be created. Shipping in the United States: All items are shipped from our facility in Boulder, Colorado. After processing please allow: 2-7 days for UPS GROUND depending on where you are in the country 2-7 days for US Postal Service Priority Mail (There are no package tracking services available for USPS shipping options. Select this method at your own risk). When selecting the USPS shipping method, you are doing so at your own risk. Title: Contact Us | Colorado Spice Content: Recipes & Blog Contact Us Have a question about Colorado Spice?
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Environmental Credentials - It's Fresh! Content: Contact Environmentally and Ethically Sound At It’s Fresh! we take our responsibilities to the natural environment and the communities in which we operate extremely seriously. We reflect this in our mission: To be a world leader in innovative technologies that extend the freshness and quality of fresh fruit and vegetables. We strive to make fresh produce safer, more available and affordable, reducing global food waste in an ethical and sustainable way. But to us this responsibility goes beyond words; it is the guiding principle in every decision that we take and every product that we create. Phoenix: Recycling & Reinvestment Initiative At It’s Fresh! we’ve created Phoenix - an innovative programme designed to increase the amount of product that’s recycled and give back to our customers and communities. We collect the used It's Fresh! Ethylene Control products when it has arrived at its destination. Creating innovative product recovery processes to prevent unnecessary waste Developing new recycling technologies to maximise the re-use of resources Providing financial incentives to customers throughout the supply chain to recycle more Contact us to find out how you can help make a difference. Learn more about Phoenix Sustainable and recyclable products At It’s Fresh! we only use naturally occurring materials in our products, and our production processes are designed to be as energy and resource efficient as possible. At the end of their life cycle our products are easily recycled, meaning less waste in the environment and greater re-use of valuable compounds. Supporting communities around the globe It’s Fresh! has customers in every corner of the globe - we recognise that some of these communities need help to sustain their own environment and businesses. To help these communities, we match the customers' recycling rebate when paid to an environmental or community charity project. Safe to use Completely safe to use in any storage, transport or domestic setting No hazardous chemicals and no specialist handling or disposal required Uses a blend of clays and minerals to lock away unwanted ethylene Reducing food waste It’s estimated that almost 50% of fresh fruit and vegetables produced globally are wasted. This shocking fact drives us to create our innovative products that ensure a longer shelf life in store and give consumers more time to use their food once at home. No coating or changes to fruits and vegetables Unlike some other products on the market, It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control does not add any artificial coating to fruit or vegetables. The technology works by removing ethylene from the atmosphere surrounding the produce, and locking it safely away. As the produce is completely unchanged, it is still able to ripen naturally, delivering the best eating experience to customers. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control can even be used with certified organic fruit and vegetables. [PAGE] Title: Deliver fresh plums to market with reduced waste and a longer shelf life Content: Deliver fresh plums to market in optimum condition with reduced waste and a longer shelf life Naturally control ripening of highly perishable fruit without coating or altering the produce in any way Suitable even for certified organic crops, It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control effectively regulates the ripening of fruit during transit, meaning higher quality produce and an extended shelf life. Dramatically reduce wastage in transit to maximise the yield from your crop Add flexibility to your transport channels with more time to get to market Maximise returns by accessing the markets that value your fruit the most Enhance your reputation as a supplier of high-quality produce With East Asian and European markets for plums and sloes seeing considerable growth, there are opportunities for major growers in the Americas and elsewhere to expand their market reach. With soft fruits, the short available timeframe from picking to appearing in wholesale and retail markets has, in the past, limited transit distances. Issues such as discolouration and over-softness make fruit less saleable and attract lower prices, while spoilt fruit reduces the overall financial return on your crop. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control allows growers around the world to assess which markets offer the best potential for their produce and deliver it to them in ideal condition. Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now Control ethylene for optimal shelf life Ethylene is a growth hormone which all plants need. It plays an essential role in ripening, protection against pathogens, and the development of aromas and flavours in fruit and vegetables. By controlling ethylene, you can slow the rate the fruit matures in a deliberate way, that still allows it to ripen as it would naturally - just over a longer time frame. It’s Fresh! provides patented technology scientifically proven to deliver extended ripening and reduce waste, while retaining the natural great taste. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control: Is a clean technology – suitable for use in organic production Can be applied through the whole supply chain Is safe and easy to use. It requires no special handling, removal, or disposal Doesn’t coat the fruit or change it in any way How It’s Fresh! can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of fruit Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with a taste equivalent to tree-ripened fruits Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control fruit ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control, your crop will cope with any delays and arrive at its destination in the best possible condition Driven by science Get the best results without over-spending via our sophisticated diagnostics Determine the exact level of control required for your specific crop and transit routes Benefit your bottom line Obtain the flexibility to hold fruit quality for longer Give wholesale markets more time to sell fruit at a better price Let us help you reduce your waste When you choose It’s Fresh! technology to safeguard your crop, you benefit from our years of research, experience, and sophisticated diagnostics, which means we can precisely ‘prescribe’ the technology required to suit your specific produce, transit routes and customer requirements. We work with you to get your crop to market in the best possible condition, generating maximum value, using our five-step process: CONSULT Your specific varieties, conditions and requirements are understood DIAGNOSE Using sophisticated diagnostic tools, your crop is tested to determine the characteristics of the produce PRESCRIBE Your transit technology is specified to result in the shipment arriving in optimal condition. This is determined based on the diagnostics for your specific crop and transit route ANALYSE & MONITOR We review your actual crop results and performance REFINE We further refine the technology specification based on actual outcomes to continually improve your results over time Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now What people say about It's Fresh! Ethylene Control It’s Fresh! gave us extra days, allowing us to hold the fruit, waiting for a better price at the market Romy Meyer Commercial Manager at Exportaciones Meyer, LTDA Reduce fruit imperfections and increase shelf life with It's Fresh! Ethylene Control Results proven in independent trials California is a major supplier of plums to both domestic and overseas markets. Producers face perennial problems with transporting their plums over longer distances, with imperfections such as shrivel, discolouration, softness and internal defects all limiting the shelf life of the fruit. In tests carried out at the University of Florida on plums in MAP boxes, both with and without It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control, the difference in fruit quality was marked. The three-week static trial mimicked sea freight duration and storage conditions to assess the performance of our technology with plums. Fruit pressures where It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control was being used were more than double that of the control and, after seven days in retail, the control was 100% waste while the It’s Fresh! fruit remained firm and suitable for sale. Plum pressures after 3 and 4 week transit After 7 days in retail, the control was 100% waste, whilst that protected by It's Fresh! Ethylene Control remained firm and suitable for sale Frequently Asked Questions How do I get started? You'll begin by talking with one of our technical experts who will ask some questions, and collect information about your crops, customers and goals. They run smart diagnostics to help you decide on the best solution for your business. You'll understand what you can do to achieve the highest possible return on investment. Why do I need an ethylene controller? To understand the value of an ethylene controller, it is necessary to understand how ethylene affects fruit and vegetable ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they go through a series of changes in color, texture, and flavour. These changes are part of the process of ripening, which is essential for the development of eating quality. Ethylene is a plant hormone that plays a central role in crop ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they produce increasing amounts of ethylene. The ethylene then acts on the produce to bring about the changes associated with ripening. One of the most important benefits of using an ethylene controller is the slowing of ethylene during transit and storage. By reducing ethylene, the ripening process is slowed down and fruit and vegetables can be kept in storage for a longer period without becoming overripe. This is important because it allows the product to be shipped further distances and arrive in better condition. Is it safe to use? Yes, it is. Unlike some other products on the market, which use 1-MCP or potassium permanganate, which are not approved for use on organic fruit and vegetables and can be hazardous to use. It's Fresh! Ethylene Control is food safe and suitable for use in organic production. It does not coat or change the product in any way. Can you prove it works? Absolutely. We work with scientists at universities in multiple countries - in particular the world-leading experts at the University of Greenwich, Natural Resources Institute, and Cranfield University, Plant Science Laboratory. We operate a diagnostics lab at which our technical experts run continual testing via gas analysis, resistance guage, and sophisticated visual analysis. These are further validated by real-world test results. Our technical team are happy to discuss your potential results and run some diagnostics for you. Get In Touch Contact us about extending the shelf life of your plum crop via our new generation ethylene controller. An It's Fresh! expert will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your transit or storage requirements and how we can help you optimise your yield. Enquiry Risk Assessment (#4) [PAGE] Title: Contact Information for It's Fresh! Content: cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". cookielawinfo-checkbox-functional 11 months The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessary 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". cookielawinfo-checkbox-others 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. cookielawinfo-checkbox-performance 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". viewed_cookie_policy 11 months The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. It does not store any personal data. Functional Functional Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Performance Performance Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Analytics Analytics Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Others Others Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. [PAGE] Title: Ethylene Control Applications - It's Fresh! Content: cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". cookielawinfo-checkbox-functional 11 months The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessary 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". cookielawinfo-checkbox-others 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. cookielawinfo-checkbox-performance 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". viewed_cookie_policy 11 months The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. It does not store any personal data. Functional Functional Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Performance Performance Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Analytics Analytics Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Others Others Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. [PAGE] Title: Ethylene Control - It's Fresh! Content: Reduce Food Waste and Enhance Taste New research highlights the critical role of ethylene control The latest findings on the impact of ethylene on fresh produce demonstrate just how important the phytohormone is in managing the ripening process and delivering the very best eating experience to customers. From our work with leading research and academic institutions, and the sensitivity of modern technology, we can now fully understand the complex role that ethylene plays. New research clearly identifies how ethylene is needed for ripening produce, but negative for shelf life. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control manages the balance of ethylene to optimise levels, reducing waste and enhancing taste. Let us show you how successful growers are making huge savings - and how you could too. Ethylene – friend and foe The fact is that ethylene can be both beneficial and harmful: As a ‘Foe’ - uncontrolled ethylene results in increased respiration, discolouration, premature ripening and poor texture and flavour for the consumer. As a ‘Friend’ - ethylene molecules attach to receptors on the produce to create a natural anti-microbial biofilm, enhancing the ability to defend against pathogens and manage the stresses caused by handling and packaging. Ethylene also plays an essential role in defining the volatiles associated with aroma and flavour present as the produce ripens. Reduce the presence of these compounds and the eating experience is greatly diminished. Conclusion - The optimum solution is one which allows ethylene to be intelligently managed, not removed or blocked The Biology of Ethylene and its Implications for Fruit Management Dr Debbie Rees is Principal Scientist and Reader in Plant Physiology at the University of Greenwich Natural Resources Institute and an expert in post-harvest technology in perishable crops. In this video she explains why it's crucial to control ethylene to both prevent spoiling and waste, but also to do so in a way that retains the quality and taste of the produce. 1-MCP – the evidence on eating experience 1-MCP (1-Methylcyclopropene) is a compound commonly used to block ethylene receptors in fruit and vegetables to control the ripening process. New research shows that, while it does effectively slow ageing, it also has a huge impact on the presence of flavour and aroma volatiles essential to the quality of the produce. In the tests, produce treated with 1-MCP flavour volatiles reduced by an average of 35% when compared against control samples. The impact of lower levels of these substances is a dramatic reduction in the quality of the product and the eating experience for end consumers. Source: Vidrih, Hribar, Xlatic 2010 Profitability through reduced waste and product excellence Food wastage increases costs for producers, wholesalers and retailers, while consumers’ demand for quality produce grows ever stronger. Let It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control enhance your business performance by: Reducing wastage at every point in the supply chain Building your reputation for high quality produce and a great eating experience Expanding your access to new customers and markets Growing your revenue streams and profitability Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a  no-obligation, risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now How does the new generation It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control work? It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control removes ethylene from the local environment around the produce, slowing down the maturation process and therefore delaying quality deterioration and reducing waste. This patented technology ensures that any ethylene molecules that come into contact with the controller are locked away. It is carefully designed so that it only adsorbs ethylene and not any other molecules such as aromas and tastes. Meaning the end customer has a great eating experience! It's Fresh! Ethylene Control is inserted into any type of packaging, with the produce placed on top to ensure close proximity. When required, be that for point of sale or in the home, the product is simply removed. It requires no special handling or disposal, there are no lingering chemicals and no coatings, and it can be used in organic production too. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control is customisable to the type of produce, packaging, transport, and storage used. This enables precise control of the amount of ethylene present and ensures that produce reaches the market in optimum condition. It delivers proven financial benefits by controlling waste and improving taste. Why choose It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control Extend shelf life and reduce waste with no loss of flavour, aroma, or texture Optimise the eating experience of your produce and enhance your reputation Access new, more distant markets and maximise financial returns Quick, easy, and cost-effective to use throughout the supply chain, with no capital expenditure Does not alter the produce in any way and is suitable for use with certified organic fruit and vegetables Complementary to other technologies, including chilling and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a  no-obligation, risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now Let us help you reduce your waste When you choose It’s Fresh! technology to safeguard your crop, you benefit from our years of research, experience, and sophisticated diagnostics, which means we can precisely ‘prescribe’ the technology required to suit your specific produce, transit routes and customer requirements. We work with you to get your crop to market in the best possible condition, generating maximum value, using our five-step process: CONSULT Your specific varieties, conditions and requirements are understood DIAGNOSE Using sophisticated diagnostic tools, your crop is tested to determine the characteristics of the produce PRESCRIBE Your transit technology is specified to result in the shipment arriving in optimal condition. This is determined based on the diagnostics for your specific crop and transit route ANALYSE & MONITOR We review your actual crop results and performance REFINE We further refine the technology specification based on actual outcomes to continually improve your results over time Get your free ethylene risk assessment Having the right level of ethylene control for your specific produce and supply chain is essential. Our scientists will use their advanced diagnostic tools to calculate the right level of ethylene control for your circumstances. [PAGE] Title: Naturally extend the shelf life of your cherries and reduce defects by an average of 45% Content: Naturally extend the shelf life of your cherries and reduce defects by an average of 45% Take control of the ripening process during transit and storage, improving your financial returns This patented technology is suitable for use in organic production and delivers a superior quality product to your customers. Generate the best possible financial returns from your crop by improving quality, accessing new markets, or achieving higher prices for your fruit. Maximise yield returns by improving quality and crop utilisation Access new markets further away from saturated port areas by enabling longer transit times Optimise the quality of your cherries, delivering a superior eating experience to consumers Gain the flexibility to fine-tune when you sell, in response to market pricing Consumer demand for cherries is increasing substantially, with significant growth potential for exporters to Asian markets. This continued growth in high-value fresh fruit presents an excellent opportunity for growers. However, taking advantage of this means overcoming certain challenges. Climate uncertainty, availability of water, and labour supply are resulting in shifts in where and how fruit is grown, and production costs are rising. Transit delays, increasing fuel prices, and route availability are all challenges that exporters face in getting crops to market in a timely and profitable way. Gain the advantage of time! The new generation It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control allows you to manage the ripening process during transit, naturally extending the shelf life of your fruit. Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now Control ethylene for optimal shelf life Ethylene is a growth hormone which all plants need. It plays an essential role in ripening, protection against pathogens, and the development of aromas and flavours in fruit and vegetables. By controlling ethylene, you can slow the rate the fruit matures in a deliberate way, that still allows it to ripen as it would naturally - just over a longer time frame. It’s Fresh! provides patented technology scientifically proven to deliver extended ripening and reduce waste, while retaining the natural great taste. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control: Is a clean technology – suitable for use in organic production Can be applied through the whole supply chain Is safe and easy to use. It requires no special handling, removal, or disposal Doesn’t coat the fruit or change it in any way How It’s Fresh! can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of fruit Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with a taste equivalent to tree-ripened fruits Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control fruit ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control, your crop will cope with any delays and arrive at its destination in the best possible condition Driven by science Get the best results without over-spending via our sophisticated diagnostics Determine the exact level of control required for your specific crop and transit routes Benefit your bottom line Obtain the flexibility to hold fruit quality for longer Give wholesale markets more time to sell fruit at a better price Let us help you reduce your waste When you choose It’s Fresh! technology to safeguard your crop, you benefit from our years of research, experience, and sophisticated diagnostics, which means we can precisely ‘prescribe’ the technology required to suit your specific produce, transit routes and customer requirements. We work with you to get your crop to market in the best possible condition, generating maximum value, using our five-step process: CONSULT Your specific varieties, conditions and requirements are understood DIAGNOSE Using sophisticated diagnostic tools, your crop is tested to determine the characteristics of the produce PRESCRIBE Your transit technology is specified to result in the shipment arriving in optimal condition. This is determined based on the diagnostics for your specific crop and transit route ANALYSE & MONITOR We review your actual crop results and performance REFINE We further refine the technology specification based on actual outcomes to continually improve your results over time Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now What people say about It's Fresh! Ethylene Control It’s Fresh! gave us extra days, allowing us to hold the fruit, waiting for a better price at the market Romy Meyer Commercial Manager at Exportaciones Meyer, LTDA Use of It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control reduced the incidence of severe defects by 45% over a 40 day transit, from Chile to Shanghai via Hong Kong Results proven in independent trials Chilean growers have invested heavily in the development of China’s biggest fruit import market and now deliver in excess of 20,000 sea containers of fresh cherries every season for the Chinese New Year. Due to the large volumes of produce being transported at this time, it is often exposed to greater delays which can cause issues with quality when arriving at market. During independent trials in 2022, Lapin cherries were transported in 5kg MAP bags with, and without, It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control. The bags spent 40 days in transit with the result that those cherries packaged with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control had a 45% lower incidence of severe defects than those packaged without. Cherries packaged with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control had 45% fewer defects! Percentage of fruit displaying quality defects Frequently Asked Questions How do I get started? You'll begin by talking with one of our technical experts who will ask some questions, and collect information about your crops, customers and goals. They run smart diagnostics to help you decide on the best solution for your business. You'll understand what you can do to achieve the highest possible return on investment. Why do I need an ethylene controller? To understand the value of an ethylene controller, it is necessary to understand how ethylene affects fruit and vegetable ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they go through a series of changes in color, texture, and flavour. These changes are part of the process of ripening, which is essential for the development of eating quality. Ethylene is a plant hormone that plays a central role in crop ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they produce increasing amounts of ethylene. The ethylene then acts on the produce to bring about the changes associated with ripening. One of the most important benefits of using an ethylene controller is the slowing of ethylene during transit and storage. By reducing ethylene, the ripening process is slowed down and fruit and vegetables can be kept in storage for a longer period without becoming overripe. This is important because it allows the product to be shipped further distances and arrive in better condition. Is it safe to use? Yes, it is. Unlike some other products on the market, which use 1-MCP or potassium permanganate, which are not approved for use on organic fruit and vegetables and can be hazardous to use. It's Fresh! Ethylene Control is food safe and suitable for use in organic production. It does not coat or change the product in any way. Can you prove it works? Absolutely. We work with scientists at universities in multiple countries - in particular the world-leading experts at the University of Greenwich, Natural Resources Institute, and Cranfield University, Plant Science Laboratory. We operate a diagnostics lab at which our technical experts run continual testing via gas analysis, resistance guage, and sophisticated visual analysis. These are further validated by real-world test results. Our technical team are happy to discuss your potential results and run some diagnostics for you. Get In Touch Contact us about extending the shelf life of your cherry crop via our new generation ethylene controller. An It's Fresh! expert will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your transit or storage requirements and how we can help you optimise your yield. Enquiry Risk Assessment (#4) [PAGE] Title: Naturally extend the shelf life of your grapes and reduce waste Content: Reduce the incidence of stem dehydration in grapes by 80% Take control of grape maturity, reducing shatter, waste, and claims This patented technology is suitable for use in organic grape production and delivers a superior quality product to your customers. Generate the best possible financial returns from your crop by holding fruit quality for longer, and reducing waste. Maximise yield returns by improving quality and crop utilisation, reducing shatter and claims Reducing claims and waste in current and emerging supply routes Optimise the quality of your grapes, delivering a superior eating experience to consumers Further developing formats, incorporating technology with SO2 pads and liners Gain the flexibility to fine-tune when you sell, in response to market pricing Grapes are one of the most economically important crops in the world, with fruit that is consumed fresh, dried, or made into wine and other distilled beverages. The market for grapes is growing rapidly, with breeders and growers working to develop and expand the market. Part of this success is built on the development of extra sweet varieties. However, this breeding has developed greater browning and de-greening of the stalks and stems; green stems are an indicator of freshness, and so continued success requires control of this defect. Our technology is proven to help reduce the rate of de-greening and degradation of stalks, leading to less shatter and over-ripening of the grapes, leading to fewer claims and better returns. Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now Control ethylene for optimal shelf life Ethylene is a growth hormone which all plants need. It plays an essential role in ripening, protection against pathogens, and the development of aromas and flavours in fruit and vegetables. By controlling ethylene, you can slow the rate the fruit matures in a deliberate way, that still allows it to ripen as it would naturally - just over a longer time frame. It’s Fresh! provides patented technology scientifically proven to deliver extended ripening and reduce waste, while retaining the natural great taste. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control: Is a clean technology – suitable for use in organic production Can be applied through the whole supply chain Is safe and easy to use. It requires no special handling, removal, or disposal Doesn’t coat the fruit or change it in any way How It’s Fresh! can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of fruit Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with a taste equivalent to tree-ripened fruits Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control fruit ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control, your crop will cope with any delays and arrive at its destination in the best possible condition Driven by science Get the best results without over-spending via our sophisticated diagnostics Determine the exact level of control required for your specific crop and transit routes Benefit your bottom line Obtain the flexibility to hold fruit quality for longer Give wholesale markets more time to sell fruit at a better price Let us help you reduce your waste When you choose It’s Fresh! technology to safeguard your crop, you benefit from our years of research, experience, and sophisticated diagnostics, which means we can precisely ‘prescribe’ the technology required to suit your specific produce, transit routes and customer requirements. We work with you to get your crop to market in the best possible condition, generating maximum value, using our five-step process: CONSULT Your specific varieties, conditions and requirements are understood DIAGNOSE Using sophisticated diagnostic tools, your crop is tested to determine the characteristics of the produce PRESCRIBE Your transit technology is specified to result in the shipment arriving in optimal condition. This is determined based on the diagnostics for your specific crop and transit route ANALYSE & MONITOR We review your actual crop results and performance REFINE We further refine the technology specification based on actual outcomes to continually improve your results over time Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now What people say about It's Fresh! Ethylene Control It’s Fresh! gave us extra days, allowing us to hold the fruit, waiting for a better price at the market Romy Meyer Commercial Manager at Exportaciones Meyer, LTDA 80% lower stem dehydration with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control Use of It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control reduced the incidence of stem dehydration, with reductions reported over 80% and fewer over-ripe grapes Until recently, it was thought that ethylene did not play a significant role in the maturity of grapes. Research has discovered that ethylene does, however, play a specific but important role in the grape ripening process. Our own trials have shown that the use of It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control can significantly improve the shelf life of grapes. The trials were conducted using red and white grapes from Peru, RSA and Chile. The grapes were packed in both loose and in 500g clamshells with SO2 and macro-perforated liners. The results showed that the use of It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control reduced the incidence of stem dehydration, with reductions of over-ripe grapes reported at over 80%. Stem dehydration Frequently Asked Questions How do I get started? You'll begin by talking with one of our technical experts who will ask some questions, and collect information about your crops, customers and goals. They run smart diagnostics to help you decide on the best solution for your business. You'll understand what you can do to achieve the highest possible return on investment. Why do I need an ethylene controller? To understand the value of an ethylene controller, it is necessary to understand how ethylene affects fruit and vegetable ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they go through a series of changes in color, texture, and flavour. These changes are part of the process of ripening, which is essential for the development of eating quality. Ethylene is a plant hormone that plays a central role in crop ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they produce increasing amounts of ethylene. The ethylene then acts on the produce to bring about the changes associated with ripening. One of the most important benefits of using an ethylene controller is the slowing of ethylene during transit and storage. By reducing ethylene, the ripening process is slowed down and fruit and vegetables can be kept in storage for a longer period without becoming overripe. This is important because it allows the product to be shipped further distances and arrive in better condition. Is it safe to use? Yes, it is. Unlike some other products on the market, which use 1-MCP or potassium permanganate, which are not approved for use on organic fruit and vegetables and can be hazardous to use. It's Fresh! Ethylene Control is food safe and suitable for use in organic production. It does not coat or change the product in any way. Can you prove it works? Absolutely. We work with scientists at universities in multiple countries - in particular the world-leading experts at the University of Greenwich, Natural Resources Institute, and Cranfield University, Plant Science Laboratory. We operate a diagnostics lab at which our technical experts run continual testing via gas analysis, resistance guage, and sophisticated visual analysis. These are further validated by real-world test results. Our technical team are happy to discuss your potential results and run some diagnostics for you. Get In Touch Contact us about extending the shelf life of your grape crop via our new generation ethylene controller. An It's Fresh! expert will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your transit or storage requirements and how we can help you optimise your yield. Enquiry Risk Assessment (#4) [PAGE] Title: Extend the shelf life of your nectarine crop and dramatically cut wastage Content: Extend the shelf life of your nectarine crop and dramatically cut wastage Naturally control the ripening process and maximise your returns Retailers and consumers demand nectarines which remain firm but have the juiciness and sweetness most associated with the fruit. Nectarines, like all stone fruit, need to remain firm during the transit phase but then need to soften and become flavoursome and juicy in the retail and home life stage of the supply chain. This experience triggers the eating experience that delivers a repeat purchase and avoids home wastage from hard, unripe fruit with no desired impact on flavour. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control allows controlled ripening and resists damage to fruit. Dramatically reduce wastage in transit to maximise the yield from your crop Deliver higher quality produce to your markets and end consumers Reduce fall in fruit pressure and skin shrivel Achieve enhanced prices and improve overall financial returns The nectarine sector has enjoyed rapid growth in the last 15 years, and this is set to continue as global markets expand. To access markets further afield, growers are looking for solutions to extend the available transit and storage period, while maintaining the quality of their fruit. By controlling the amount of ethylene that nectarines are exposed to, their ripening rate can be significantly reduced but without any detriment to the final eating experience. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control regulates rather than removes ethylene gas from the fruit’s atmosphere, allowing controlled maturation while maintaining the fruit’s natural protection against pathogens and rotting. Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a  no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now Control ethylene for optimal shelf life Ethylene is a growth hormone which all plants need. It plays an essential role in ripening, protection against pathogens, and the development of aromas and flavours in fruit and vegetables. By controlling ethylene, you can slow the rate the fruit matures in a deliberate way, that still allows it to ripen as it would naturally - just over a longer time frame. It’s Fresh! provides patented technology scientifically proven to deliver extended ripening and reduce waste, while retaining the natural great taste. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control: Is a clean technology – suitable for use in organic production Can be applied through the whole supply chain Is safe and easy to use. It requires no special handling, removal, or disposal Doesn’t coat the fruit or change it in any way How It’s Fresh! can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of fruit Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with a taste equivalent to tree-ripened fruits Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control fruit ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control, your crop will cope with any delays and arrive at its destination in the best possible condition Driven by science Get the best results without over-spending via our sophisticated diagnostics Determine the exact level of control required for your specific crop and transit routes Benefit your bottom line Obtain the flexibility to hold fruit quality for longer Give wholesale markets more time to sell fruit at a better price Let us help you reduce your waste When you choose It’s Fresh! technology to safeguard your crop, you benefit from our years of research, experience, and sophisticated diagnostics, which means we can precisely ‘prescribe’ the technology required to suit your specific produce, transit routes and customer requirements. We work with you to get your crop to market in the best possible condition, generating maximum value, using our five-step process: CONSULT Your specific varieties, conditions and requirements are understood DIAGNOSE Using sophisticated diagnostic tools, your crop is tested to determine the characteristics of the produce PRESCRIBE Your transit technology is specified to result in the shipment arriving in optimal condition. This is determined based on the diagnostics for your specific crop and transit route ANALYSE & MONITOR We review your actual crop results and performance REFINE We further refine the technology specification based on actual outcomes to continually improve your results over time Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a  no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now What people say about It's Fresh! Ethylene Control It’s Fresh! gave us extra days, allowing us to hold the fruit, waiting for a better price at the market Romy Meyer Commercial Manager at Exportaciones Meyer, LTDA Extend the transit window for your nectarine crop without reducing quality Results proven in independent trials Growers typically use shrivel sheets and fruit inserts to manage the quality of nectarines in transit and storage, so trials were set up using It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control with these packaging solutions for a South African producer of the Bella Nova variety. Fruit was packed using shrivel sheets both with and without It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control and, at the end of the trial period, fruit pressure was almost twice as high in the It’s Fresh! group when compared with the control. The incidence of rot or decay of the fruit during the trial period also fell from around 5% for the control to 0% in the fruit packed with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control. Comparing pressure and incidence of decay Use of It’s Fresh! significantly increased pressures and reduces the incidence of decay to zero Frequently Asked Questions How do I get started? You'll begin by talking with one of our technical experts who will ask some questions, and collect information about your crops, customers and goals. They run smart diagnostics to help you decide on the best solution for your business. You'll understand what you can do to achieve the highest possible return on investment. Why do I need an ethylene controller? To understand the value of an ethylene controller, it is necessary to understand how ethylene affects fruit and vegetable ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they go through a series of changes in color, texture, and flavour. These changes are part of the process of ripening, which is essential for the development of eating quality. Ethylene is a plant hormone that plays a central role in crop ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they produce increasing amounts of ethylene. The ethylene then acts on the produce to bring about the changes associated with ripening. One of the most important benefits of using an ethylene controller is the slowing of ethylene during transit and storage. By reducing ethylene, the ripening process is slowed down and fruit and vegetables can be kept in storage for a longer period without becoming overripe. This is important because it allows the product to be shipped further distances and arrive in better condition. Is it safe to use? Yes, it is. Unlike some other products on the market, which use 1-MCP or potassium permanganate, which are not approved for use on organic fruit and vegetables and can be hazardous to use. It's Fresh! Ethylene Control is food safe and suitable for use in organic production. It does not coat or change the product in any way. Can you prove it works? Absolutely. We work with scientists at universities in multiple countries - in particular the world-leading experts at the University of Greenwich, Natural Resources Institute, and Cranfield University, Plant Science Laboratory. We operate a diagnostics lab at which our technical experts run continual testing via gas analysis, resistance guage, and sophisticated visual analysis. These are further validated by real-world test results. Our technical team are happy to discuss your potential results and run some diagnostics for you. Get In Touch Contact us about extending the shelf life of your nectarine crop via our new generation ethylene controller. An It's Fresh! expert will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your requirements and how we can help you optimise your yield. Enquiry Risk Assessment (#4) [PAGE] Title: Enhance the shelf life and quality of your pear crop Content: Enhance the shelf life and quality of your pear crop Control the ripening of your produce to maximise quality and reduce waste It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control technology effectively regulates the ripening of fruit during transit, meaning less wastage and higher quality for your customers. Gain the flexibility to select markets that offer the very best return on your crop type Ensure the maximum amount of produce arrives in market ready for sale Ease supply issues for wholesale customers and consumers Enhance your reputation as a supplier of high-quality produce While the growth in demand for pears has been relatively modest compared to some other fruits, the health conscious are beginning to pick up on the unique range of benefits this fruit can offer, including high levels of anti-inflammatory compounds, vitamin C and vitamin K. Ensuring that fruit arrives in the retail setting with its texture, flavour and health benefits intact is essential to gain the best possible prices. The best way to manage the ripening process is to control the amount of ethylene that pears are exposed to once harvested. This significantly increases the time available for transit without any detriment to the final eating experience. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control regulates, rather than removes, ethylene gas from the fruit’s atmosphere, allowing controlled maturation while maintaining the fruit's natural protection against pathogens and rotting. Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now Control ethylene for optimal shelf life Ethylene is a growth hormone which all plants need. It plays an essential role in ripening, protection against pathogens, and the development of aromas and flavours in fruit and vegetables. By controlling ethylene, you can slow the rate the fruit matures in a deliberate way, that still allows it to ripen as it would naturally - just over a longer time frame. It’s Fresh! provides patented technology scientifically proven to deliver extended ripening and reduce waste, while retaining the natural great taste. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control: Is a clean technology – suitable for use in organic production Can be applied through the whole supply chain Is safe and easy to use. It requires no special handling, removal, or disposal Doesn’t coat the fruit or change it in any way How It’s Fresh! can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of fruit Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with a taste equivalent to tree-ripened fruits Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control fruit ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control, your crop will cope with any delays and arrive at its destination in the best possible condition Driven by science Get the best results without over-spending via our sophisticated diagnostics Determine the exact level of control required for your specific crop and transit routes Benefit your bottom line Obtain the flexibility to hold fruit quality for longer Give wholesale markets more time to sell fruit at a better price Let us help you reduce your waste When you choose It’s Fresh! technology to safeguard your crop, you benefit from our years of research, experience, and sophisticated diagnostics, which means we can precisely ‘prescribe’ the technology required to suit your specific produce, transit routes and customer requirements. We work with you to get your crop to market in the best possible condition, generating maximum value, using our five-step process: CONSULT Your specific varieties, conditions and requirements are understood DIAGNOSE Using sophisticated diagnostic tools, your crop is tested to determine the characteristics of the produce PRESCRIBE Your transit technology is specified to result in the shipment arriving in optimal condition. This is determined based on the diagnostics for your specific crop and transit route ANALYSE & MONITOR We review your actual crop results and performance REFINE We further refine the technology specification based on actual outcomes to continually improve your results over time Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now What people say about It's Fresh! Ethylene Control It’s Fresh! gave us extra days, allowing us to hold the fruit, waiting for a better price at the market Romy Meyer Commercial Manager at Exportaciones Meyer, LTDA Shelf life extended by 66%, and rot and mould reduced by more than 50% with It’s Fresh! Results proven in independent trials Trials using UK grown Marabella raspberries in 150g retail punnets were carried out with one group using It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control filters and a control group without. Shelf life for the It’s Fresh! punnets was extended by more than 66% over the control, and the number of punnets experiencing any rot or mould reduced by more than 50%. Percentage of punnets with rots and/or moulds Punnets of raspberries packed with It's Fresh! experienced significant quality benefits Frequently Asked Questions How do I get started? You'll begin by talking with one of our technical experts who will ask some questions, and collect information about your crops, customers and goals. They run smart diagnostics to help you decide on the best solution for your business. You'll understand what you can do to achieve the highest possible return on investment. Why do I need an ethylene controller? To understand the value of an ethylene controller, it is necessary to understand how ethylene affects fruit and vegetable ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they go through a series of changes in color, texture, and flavour. These changes are part of the process of ripening, which is essential for the development of eating quality. Ethylene is a plant hormone that plays a central role in crop ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they produce increasing amounts of ethylene. The ethylene then acts on the produce to bring about the changes associated with ripening. One of the most important benefits of using an ethylene controller is the slowing of ethylene during transit and storage. By reducing ethylene, the ripening process is slowed down and fruit and vegetables can be kept in storage for a longer period without becoming overripe. This is important because it allows the product to be shipped further distances and arrive in better condition. Is it safe to use? Yes, it is. Unlike some other products on the market, which use 1-MCP or potassium permanganate, which are not approved for use on organic fruit and vegetables and can be hazardous to use. It's Fresh! Ethylene Control is food safe and suitable for use in organic production. It does not coat or change the product in any way. Can you prove it works? Absolutely. We work with scientists at universities in multiple countries - in particular the world-leading experts at the University of Greenwich, Natural Resources Institute, and Cranfield University, Plant Science Laboratory. We operate a diagnostics lab at which our technical experts run continual testing via gas analysis, resistance guage, and sophisticated visual analysis. These are further validated by real-world test results. Our technical team are happy to discuss your potential results and run some diagnostics for you. Get In Touch Contact us about extending the shelf life of your pear crop via our new generation ethylene controller. An It's Fresh! expert will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your transit or storage requirements and how we can help you optimise your yield. Enquiry Risk Assessment (#4) [PAGE] Title: About Us - It's Fresh! Content: Contact About Us Our mission is to be a world leader in innovative technologies that extend the freshness and quality of fresh food and flowers. We strive to make fresh produce safer, more available and affordable, reducing global food waste in an ethical and sustainable way. It’s Fresh! is a food technology business that helps the entire food supply chain to extend the shelf-life of fresh fruit and vegetables, to reduce waste and optimise produce quality. In our work with growers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers we aim to reduce waste and improve food security, safety and affordability for communities around the world. We achieve this through innovation and transformative products that use sustainable and recycled materials to reduce our own, and our customers, impact on the environment. We understand the growing challenges facing the global food industry, and work with our partners to develop solutions to the real-world problems of food production and availability, in an ethically sound and financially efficient way. Meet the Team Justin Creasy Agronomy Director Justin is an accomplished industry professional with over 25 years of experience in the fresh produce industry, 20 years of which as a Technical Director. Before joining It's Fresh! in 2018 Justin worked at Wealmoor and Barfoots of Botley, as a Technical Director. Jon Barfoot Strategic Accounts Director Jon joined the It's Fresh! team in May 2022. He brings 20 years of international food and produce industry experience. Jon has training in retail category management and experience of start-up food brands, both as a consultant for Unilever and with his own plant-based ventures. Adam Edkins Operations Director Adam has been with It’s Fresh! for over 11 years, starting as Technical Manager and progressing to his current position as Operations Director. Adam holds a wealth of knowledge on packaging materials, coating and printing processes, as well as an in depth understanding of FCM legislation. His background and experience have been invaluable in the development of our technologies and their deployment in marketable delivery systems. Simon Hollingsworth Finance Director Simon is a business leader with over 20 years of experience in the technology sector. He has a proven track record of driving growth and profitability in both public and private companies, and has extensive experience in fund raising, M&A and post-acquisition integration. He has recently joined It's Fresh! to head the finance team. Full Bio Graham Ellis Partner - Agri-FoodTech Venture Capital at Praesidium Graham is an internationally experienced manager who has spent the majority of his career driving the commercialisation of new technologies and products in the areas of human nutrition, animal feed, aquaculture, renewable fuels and chemicals. Adam Anders Managing Partner of Anterra Capital Adam is the Managing Partner of Anterra Capital, an independent growth capital fund which invests in fast-growing companies, that transform the way we produce, move and consume food. [PAGE] Title: It's Fresh! - A New Generation of Ethylene Control Technology Content: A new generation of Ethylene Control Technology Naturally extend the shelf-life and enhance the eating experience of fresh fruit & vegetables Control ethylene, control waste In Transit. In Storage. In Retail Let us help you reduce your waste and improve profits. Find out how successful growers have benefited from this simple, clean technology throughout the supply chain. Click on the produce you are interested in to learn more. Ethylene Control After temperature and time, ethylene is the key factor in determining how quickly fruit and vegetables ripen and eventually spoil. By controlling the amount of ethylene in the transit and storage environment, produce is allowed to mature naturally, but at a rate that delivers the best possible condition and quality at the point of sale. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control is the perfect solution for keeping your produce fresh for longer and retaining a great texture and taste. Learn how our technology can be used in transit, storage, and retail applications. Discover the fruits and vegetables that benefit from It's Fresh! Ethylene Control and the savings to be made. Diagnostics We offer free access to our technical team and diagnostic tools, so that you can understand exactly how It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control can deliver the ideal level of protection for your circumstances. Take control of your waste! Find out how and get started with your free ethylene risk assessment now. Read more > Clean technology that naturally extends shelf life It’s Fresh! is a food technology business that helps the entire food supply chain to extend the shelf-life of fresh fruit and vegetables, to reduce waste and optimise produce quality. In our work with growers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers we aim to improve food security, safety and affordability for communities around the world. We achieve this through innovation and transformative products that use sustainable and recycled materials to reduce our own, and our customers, impact on the environment. Use It’s Fresh! for transit, storage & retail It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control can be used throughout the fresh food supply chain, ensuring that produce is kept in optimal condition at every stage of its journey from producer to market. The technology allows the product to be formed into almost any size and shape, from large scale transit packaging to individual product containers. The product is simple to insert and require no specialist equipment or handling. And it's also suitable for use in organic production. In Transit Use throughout crop transit, no matter what the method of transport Choose less time-urgent, more cost effective logistical solutions Access valuable new markets, further from the point of production In Storage Use in storage settings both before and after shipping Enjoy greater peace of mind when dealing with logistical delays or backlogs Gain added flexibility in getting your crop to market at the optimum time In Retail Use in consumer retail packaging to protect whole or prepared produce Extend suitable for sale time and maximise returns on produce Improve the consumer eating experience with longer at-home freshness Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a  no-obligation, risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. [PAGE] Title: Control the ripening of your avocados and reduce serious defects by 41% Content: Control the ripening of your avocados during transit and reduce serious defects by 40% Extend product shelf life, maximise prices and ensure great quality for your customers It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control delivers the very best from your crop, improving customer satisfaction and building your reputation as a superior grower. Open up new, more distant, markets and create the time-flexibility to achieve the best possible price. Optimise the quality of your avocados, perfecting the consumer experience Ensure the maximum amount of produce arrives in market ready for sale Ease supply issues for wholesale customers and consumers Select the markets that offer the very best return on your crop type Consumer and hospitality industry demand for avocados has never been greater in markets worldwide. Growth is predicted to continue, particularly in the Americas, Europe and SE Asia, as the health benefits of the fruit become more widely recognised. Accessing these markets demands precise timing of harvest and reliable transport channels to ensure that the product arrives in market in perfect condition – with a smoother, creamier texture and richer, more buttery flavour. Avocado’s fickle ripening characteristics make this challenge even greater, which is where It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control delivers the biggest advantage, giving you control of how quickly the fruit matures, while retaining the great taste. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control does all of this naturally and without coating or changing the fruit in any way, meaning it’s even suitable for certified organic produce. Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now Control ethylene for optimal shelf life Ethylene is a growth hormone which all plants need. It plays an essential role in ripening, protection against pathogens, and the development of aromas and flavours in fruit and vegetables. By controlling ethylene, you can slow the rate the vegetable matures in a deliberate way, that still allows it to ripen as it would naturally - just over a longer time frame. It’s Fresh! provides patented technology scientifically proven to deliver extended ripening and reduce waste, while retaining the natural great taste. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control: Is a clean technology – suitable for use in organic production Can be applied through the whole supply chain Is safe and easy to use. It requires no special handling, removal, or disposal Doesn’t coat the fruit or change it in any way How It’s Fresh! can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of fruit Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with a taste equivalent to tree-ripened fruits Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control fruit ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control, your crop will cope with any delays and arrive at its destination in the best possible condition Driven by science Get the best results without over-spending via our sophisticated diagnostics Determine the exact level of control required for your specific crop and transit routes Benefit your bottom line Obtain the flexibility to hold fruit quality for longer Give wholesale markets more time to sell fruit at a better price Let us help you reduce your waste When you choose It’s Fresh! technology to safeguard your crop, you benefit from our years of research, experience, and sophisticated diagnostics, which means we can precisely ‘prescribe’ the technology required to suit your specific produce, transit routes and customer requirements. We work with you to get your crop to market in the best possible condition, generating maximum value, using our five-step process: CONSULT Your specific varieties, conditions and requirements are understood DIAGNOSE Using sophisticated diagnostic tools, your crop is tested to determine the characteristics of the produce PRESCRIBE Your transit technology is specified to result in the shipment arriving in optimal condition. This is determined based on the diagnostics for your specific crop and transit route ANALYSE & MONITOR We review your actual crop results and performance REFINE We further refine the technology specification based on actual outcomes to continually improve your results over time Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now What people say about It's Fresh! Ethylene Control It’s Fresh! gave us extra days, allowing us to hold the fruit, waiting for a better price at the market Romy Meyer Commercial Manager at Exportaciones Meyer, LTDA Use of It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control reduced incidents of serious defects by 40% Independent tests on New Zealand avocados prove the benefits of using It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control New Zealand produces some of the best export avocado fruit in the world and has experienced growing demand in SE Asian marketplaces. Distributing fresh produce to these markets can be extremely challenging due to the distances involved from New Zealand’s ports. Reliability of vessels has also been less than ideal making transport times highly variable. In a recent trial, It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control was tested against the more traditional potassium permanganate sachets with Hass avocados in 5kg lined and covered trays. The differences were stark: the amount of serious defects were reduced by 40% with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control, minor defects by 30%, and the higher quality and greater shelf life of the fruit allowed significantly higher prices to be charged, delivering better returns for growers and a longer post-purchase life for consumers. Controls the ripening of avocados during transit and reduces serious defects by 40% Avocados with serious defects per box on arrival Frequently Asked Questions How do I get started? You'll begin by talking with one of our technical experts who will ask some questions, and collect information about your crops, customers and goals. They run smart diagnostics to help you decide on the best solution for your business. You'll understand what you can do to achieve the highest possible return on investment. Why do I need an ethylene controller? To understand the value of an ethylene controller, it is necessary to understand how ethylene affects fruit and vegetable ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they go through a series of changes in color, texture, and flavour. These changes are part of the process of ripening, which is essential for the development of eating quality. Ethylene is a plant hormone that plays a central role in crop ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they produce increasing amounts of ethylene. The ethylene then acts on the produce to bring about the changes associated with ripening. One of the most important benefits of using an ethylene controller is the slowing of ethylene during transit and storage. By reducing ethylene, the ripening process is slowed down and fruit and vegetables can be kept in storage for a longer period without becoming overripe. This is important because it allows the product to be shipped further distances and arrive in better condition. Is it safe to use? Yes, it is. Unlike some other products on the market, which use 1-MCP or potassium permanganate, which are not approved for use on organic fruit and vegetables and can be hazardous to use. It's Fresh! Ethylene Control is food safe and suitable for use in organic production. It does not coat or change the product in any way. Can you prove it works? Absolutely. We work with scientists at universities in multiple countries - in particular the world-leading experts at the University of Greenwich, Natural Resources Institute, and Cranfield University, Plant Science Laboratory. We operate a diagnostics lab at which our technical experts run continual testing via gas analysis, resistance guage, and sophisticated visual analysis. These are further validated by real-world test results. Our technical team are happy to discuss your potential results and run some diagnostics for you. Get In Touch Contact us about extending the shelf life of your avocado crop via our new generation ethylene controller. An It's Fresh! expert will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your requirements and how we can help you optimise your yield. Enquiry Risk Assessment (#4) [PAGE] Title: Extend the storage life of your blueberries to access the most lucrative markets Content: Extend the storage life of your blueberries to access the most lucrative markets Reduce crop waste and enhance the quality of fruit to maximise returns Managing supply chains for soft fruits and timing delivery to market so that fruit arrives in optimum condition can be difficult. Researchers are finding ethylene in many more fruits than previously thought, especially when produce travels in containers and tightly packed packaging and/or modified atmosphere packaging, as is the case with blueberries. Controlling ethylene brings clear benefits. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control delivers the very best from your crop, improving customer satisfaction and building your reputation as a grower of high-quality produce. Maximise yield returns by improving quality and crop utilisation Access new markets further away from saturated port areas by enabling longer transit times Optimise the quality of your berries, delivering a superior eating experience to consumers Gain the flexibility to fine-tune when you sell, in response to market pricing With blueberries being widely promoted for their antioxidants and other health benefits, many consumers are moving away from berries grown with potentially harmful pesticides, and organic produce is becoming ever more popular. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control adds a further, natural, advantage over other shelf-life extending technologies by leaving fruit entirely unaltered and with no coating of chemicals. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control manages the ripening process, while preserving the fruit’s natural defences against pathogens that can cause rot and mould, delivering more high quality fruit to market. Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now Control ethylene for optimal shelf life Ethylene is a growth hormone which all plants need and plays an essential role in ripening, protection against pathogens, and the development of aromas and flavours in fruit and vegetables. By controlling ethylene, you can slow the rate the fruit matures in a deliberate way, that still allows the it to ripen as it would naturally - just over a longer time frame. It’s Fresh! provides patented technology scientifically proven to deliver extended ripening and reduce waste, while retaining the natural great taste. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control: Is a clean technology – suitable for use in organic production Can be applied through the whole supply chain Is safe and easy to use. It requires no special handling, removal, or disposal Doesn’t coat the fruit or change it in any way How It’s Fresh! can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of fruit Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with a taste equivalent to tree-ripened fruits Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control fruit ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control, your crop will cope with any delays and arrive at its destination in the best possible condition Driven by science Get the best results without over-spending via our sophisticated diagnostics Determine the exact level of control required for your specific crop and transit routes Benefit your bottom line Obtain the flexibility to hold fruit quality for longer Give wholesale markets more time to sell fruit at a better price Let us help you reduce your waste When you choose It’s Fresh! technology to safeguard your crop, you benefit from our years of research, experience, and sophisticated diagnostics, which means we can precisely ‘prescribe’ the technology required to suit your specific produce, transit routes and customer requirements. We work with you to get your crop to market in the best possible condition, generating maximum value, using our five-step process: CONSULT Your specific varieties, conditions and requirements are understood DIAGNOSE Using sophisticated diagnostic tools, your crop is tested to determine the characteristics of the produce PRESCRIBE Your transit technology is specified to result in the shipment arriving in optimal condition. This is determined based on the diagnostics for your specific crop and transit route ANALYSE & MONITOR We review your actual crop results and performance REFINE We further refine the technology specification based on actual outcomes to continually improve your results over time Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now What people say about It's Fresh! Ethylene Control It’s Fresh! gave us extra days, allowing us to hold the fruit, waiting for a better price at the market Romy Meyer Commercial Manager at Exportaciones Meyer, LTDA Increase blueberry shelf life by 57% and reduce waste by 34% with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control Results proven in independent trials Poland is a large-scale producer and consumer of blueberries, with growers carefully selecting the right markets and timing to maximise the return from their crop. This requires the fruit to be stored for lengthy periods – often four weeks or more before going to retail, sometimes at a considerable distance. Any produce deemed to have greater than 10% fruit defects is rejected and cannot be sold. In a trial of Chandler blueberries in 3.5kg extended MAP bag boxes, fruit controlled by It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control had a 57% increase in shelf-life (from four to six weeks), and defects by weight did not exceed the 10% threshold even at the end of the seven-week trial. This equated to a 34% reduction in waste. Percentage of fruit weight with quality defects Blueberries transported with It’s Fresh! had a 57% increase in shelf-life Frequently Asked Questions How do I get started? You'll begin by talking with one of our technical experts who will ask some questions, and collect information about your crops, customers and goals. They run smart diagnostics to help you decide on the best solution for your business. You'll understand what you can do to achieve the highest possible return on investment. Why do I need an ethylene controller? To understand the value of an ethylene controller, it is necessary to understand how ethylene affects fruit and vegetable ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they go through a series of changes in color, texture, and flavour. These changes are part of the process of ripening, which is essential for the development of eating quality. Ethylene is a plant hormone that plays a central role in crop ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they produce increasing amounts of ethylene. The ethylene then acts on the produce to bring about the changes associated with ripening. One of the most important benefits of using an ethylene controller is the slowing of ethylene during transit and storage. By reducing ethylene, the ripening process is slowed down and fruit and vegetables can be kept in storage for a longer period without becoming overripe. This is important because it allows the product to be shipped further distances and arrive in better condition. Is it safe to use? Yes, it is. Unlike some other products on the market, which use 1-MCP or potassium permanganate, which are not approved for use on organic fruit and vegetables and can be hazardous to use. It's Fresh! Ethylene Control is food safe and suitable for use in organic production. It does not coat or change the product in any way. Can you prove it works? Absolutely. We work with scientists at universities in multiple countries - in particular the world-leading experts at the University of Greenwich, Natural Resources Institute, and Cranfield University, Plant Science Laboratory. We operate a diagnostics lab at which our technical experts run continual testing via gas analysis, resistance guage, and sophisticated visual analysis. These are further validated by real-world test results. Our technical team are happy to discuss your potential results and run some diagnostics for you. Get In Touch Contact us about extending the shelf life of your blueberry crop via our new generation ethylene controller. An It's Fresh! expert will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your requirements and how we can help you optimise your yield. Enquiry Risk Assessment (#4) [PAGE] Title: Expand the available markets for your asparagus by extending its shelf life Content: Take control and reduce waste by naturally extending the shelf life of your asparagus Use of It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control keeps asparagus in saleable condition for longer With perishable vegetables such as asparagus, accessing the most lucrative markets can be difficult. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control manages the exposure of asparagus to the gas most associated with ageing. This allows you to deliver a high-quality product even with longer transit times. Our trials proved that It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control kept the number of unsaleable bundles under 40% for an extra 3 days. Reduce wastage in transit to maximise the yield from your crop Add flexibility to your transport channels with more time to get to market Maximise returns by accessing the most valuable markets Enhance your reputation as a supplier of high-quality produce With many of the world’s largest producers of asparagus being in South America but some of the most lucrative markets being in Europe, asparagus has the unfortunate accolade of having the highest carbon footprint in fresh produce, as it is flown between the two. This also means extremely high, and rapidly increasing, transport costs for growers. For this reason, producers in South America and other regions have been keen to find ways to extend the shelf life of their crops and to use cheaper and more carbon-efficient methods of transport, such as sea freight. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control provides the perfect solution, as it naturally slows the maturation process to minimise flowering and lignification while retaining flavour and texture. It can even be used with certified organic produce. Get your free ethylene evaluation report Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a  no-obligation ethylene evaluation report. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now Control ethylene for optimal shelf life Ethylene is a growth hormone which all plants need. It plays an essential role in ripening, protection against pathogens, and the development of aromas and flavours in fruit and vegetables. By controlling ethylene, you can slow the rate the vegetable matures in a deliberate way, that still allows it to ripen as it would naturally - just over a longer time frame. It’s Fresh! provides patented technology scientifically proven to deliver extended ripening and reduce waste, while retaining the natural great taste. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control: Is a clean technology – suitable for use in organic production Can be applied through the whole supply chain Is safe and easy to use. It requires no special handling, removal, or disposal Doesn’t coat the produce or change it in any way How It’s Fresh! can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality produce Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with optimal taste and texture Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control produce ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control, your crop will cope with any delays and arrive at its destination in the best possible condition Driven by science Get the best results without over-spending via our sophisticated diagnostics Determine the exact level of control required for your specific crop and transit routes Benefit your bottom line Obtain the flexibility to hold produce quality for longer Give wholesale markets more time to sell vegetables at a better price Let us help you reduce your waste When you choose It’s Fresh! technology to safeguard your crop, you benefit from our years of research, experience, and sophisticated diagnostics, which means we can precisely ‘prescribe’ the technology required to suit your specific produce, transit routes and customer requirements. We work with you to get your crop to market in the best possible condition, generating maximum value, using our five-step process: CONSULT Your specific varieties, conditions and requirements are understood DIAGNOSE Using sophisticated diagnostic tools, your crop is tested to determine the characteristics of the produce PRESCRIBE Your transit technology is specified to result in the shipment arriving in optimal condition. This is determined based on the diagnostics for your specific crop and transit route ANALYSE & MONITOR We review your actual crop results and performance REFINE We further refine the technology specification based on actual outcomes to continually improve your results over time Get your free ethylene evaluation report Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a  no-obligation ethylene evaluation report. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now What people say about It's Fresh! Ethylene Control It’s Fresh! gave us extra days, allowing us to hold the fruit, waiting for a better price at the market Romy Meyer Commercial Manager at Exportaciones Meyer, LTDA Extending the life span of asparagus and opening up alternative transport options It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control keeps the number of unsaleable bundles under 40% for an extra 3 days Peru is the leading global exporter of asparagus in the world, exporting 138,000mt in 2021 with 40,000mt of this volume travelling by air to Europe. Producers were keen to switch from air freight to fast (14 day) sea freight vessels travelling from northern Peru to Europe on a weekly basis. Trials were conducted with Danper, Peru’s leading exporter of asparagus to assess the impact of controlling ethylene in the MAP bags used during transit. The bags trialled using It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control outperformed the control group significantly, with the volume of unsaleable bundles kept under 40% for an additional three days. Rejection rates reduced when asking 'would I buy it?' Significant improvement in perceived quality using It's Fresh! Ethylene Control Frequently Asked Questions How do I get started? You'll begin by talking with one of our technical experts who will ask some questions, and collect information about your crops, customers and goals. They run smart diagnostics to help you decide on the best solution for your business. You'll understand what you can do to achieve the highest possible return on investment. Why do I need an ethylene controller? To understand the value of an ethylene controller, it is necessary to understand how ethylene affects fruit and vegetable ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they go through a series of changes in color, texture, and flavour. These changes are part of the process of ripening, which is essential for the development of eating quality. Ethylene is a plant hormone that plays a central role in crop ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they produce increasing amounts of ethylene. The ethylene then acts on the produce to bring about the changes associated with ripening. One of the most important benefits of using an ethylene controller is the slowing of ethylene during transit and storage. By reducing ethylene, the ripening process is slowed down and fruit and vegetables can be kept in storage for a longer period without becoming overripe. This is important because it allows the product to be shipped further distances and arrive in better condition. Is it safe to use? Yes, it is. Unlike some other products on the market, which use 1-MCP or potassium permanganate, which are not approved for use on organic fruit and vegetables and can be hazardous to use. It's Fresh! Ethylene Control is food safe and suitable for use in organic production. It does not coat or change the product in any way. Can you prove it works? Absolutely. We work with scientists at universities in multiple countries - in particular the world-leading experts at the University of Greenwich, Natural Resources Institute, and Cranfield University, Plant Science Laboratory. We operate a diagnostics lab at which our technical experts run continual testing via gas analysis, resistance guage, and sophisticated visual analysis. These are further validated by real-world test results. Our technical team are happy to discuss your potential results and run some diagnostics for you. Get In Touch Contact us about extending the shelf life of your asparagus crop via our new generation ethylene controller. An It's Fresh! expert will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your requirements and how we can help you optimise your yield. Enquiry Risk Assessment (#4) [PAGE] Title: Technology Solutions - It's Fresh! Content: Delivering Ethylene Control Solutions Throughout the Food Supply Chain Learn how this unique technology can benefit your business Controlling the level of ethylene around fresh produce is essential to extend shelf-life and reduce waste. However, ethylene is essential to the natural ripening of many fruit and vegetables, so removing it entirely is not a solution. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control effectively manages the amount of ethylene present, to extend shelf-life but also allow fruit to reach optimal ripeness when it arrives at market. Unique ethylene control technology It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control works through a unique compound of naturally occurring minerals, delivered in a range of forms that can be easily applied at the point of harvest, whilst in storage, during transit, or in the retail environment. The controller removes excess ethylene gas from the produce environment to manage the ripening process, but does not coat or alter the fruit or vegetables in any way. It's Fresh! Ethylene Control is a clean technology that naturally extends shelf life. Helping growers and retailers throughout the supply chain, the product is so flexible that it can be used in almost any context and is even suitable for use with certified organic produce. It’s Fresh! - in transit, in storage, in retail It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control can be used throughout the fresh food supply chain, ensuring that produce is kept in optimal condition at every stage of its journey from producer to market. The technology allows the product to be formed into almost any size and shape, from large scale transit packaging to individual product containers. The product is simple to insert and require no specialist equipment or handling. In Transit Use throughout crop transit, no matter what the method of transport Choose less time-urgent, more cost effective logistical solutions Access valuable new markets, further from the point of production In Storage Use in storage settings both before and after shipping Enjoy greater peace of mind when dealing with logistical delays or backlogs Gain added flexibility in getting your crop to market at the optimum time In Retail Use in consumer retail packaging to protect whole or prepared produce Extend suitable for sale time and maximise returns on produce Improve the consumer eating experience with longer at-home freshness Learn more with your free ethylene risk consultation The best way to understand how It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control can deliver for you is to allow our scientists to assess your produce and supply chain with a free consultation Book your free ethylene risk assessment How does the new generation It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control work? It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control removes ethylene from the local environment around the produce, slowing down the maturation process and therefore delaying quality deterioration. This patented technology ensures that any ethylene molecules that come into contact with the controller are locked away. It is carefully designed so that it only adsorbs ethylene and not any other molecules such as aromas and tastes. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control is inserted into any type of packaging, with the produce placed on top to ensure close proximity. When required, be that for point of sale or in the home, the product is simply removed, requiring no special handling or disposal – there are no lingering chemicals and no coatings. It's Fresh! Ethylene Control is inserted into any type of packaging, with the produce placed on top to ensure close proximity. When required, be that for point of sale or in the home, the product is simply removed. It requires no special handling or disposal, there are no lingering chemicals and no coatings, and it can be used in organic production too. Learn more with your free ethylene risk consultation The best way to understand how It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control can deliver for you is to allow our scientists to assess your produce and supply chain with a free consultation. Enquiry Risk Assessment (#4) [PAGE] Title: Deliver your peach crop to market in the best possible condition for sale Content: Deliver your peach crop to market in the best possible condition for sale Control the ripening process during transit to improve your financial returns Naturally manage the maturation of peaches to ensure firmness without sacrificing juiciness and flavour for consumers. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control technology creates time for you to ship to new, lucrative markets to achieve the best possible price. Optimise the quality of your peaches, perfecting the consumer experience Dramatically reduce wastage in transit to maximise the yield from your crop Reduce fall in fruit pressure and skin shrivel Ease supply issues for wholesale customers and retailers Peaches are more popular today than they have ever been, and the global market is predicted to grow significantly in the coming years. Growers seeking to take advantage of expanding markets further afield need to ensure that their peaches retain the right qualities to achieve the best price. The best way to manage the ripening process is to control the amount of ethylene that peaches are exposed once harvested. This significantly increases the time available for transit without detriment to the final eating experience. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control regulates rather than removes ethylene gas from the fruit’s atmosphere, allowing controlled maturation while maintaining the fruit's natural protection against pathogens and rotting. Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now Control ethylene for optimal shelf life Ethylene is a growth hormone which all plants need. It plays an essential role in ripening, protection against pathogens, and the development of aromas and flavours in fruit and vegetables. By controlling ethylene, you can slow the rate the fruit matures in a deliberate way, that still allows it to ripen as it would naturally - just over a longer time frame. It’s Fresh! provides patented technology scientifically proven to deliver extended ripening and reduce waste, while retaining the natural great taste. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control: Is a clean technology – suitable for use in organic production Can be applied through the whole supply chain Is safe and easy to use. It requires no special handling, removal, or disposal Doesn’t coat the fruit or change it in any way How It’s Fresh! can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of fruit Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with a taste equivalent to tree-ripened fruits Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control fruit ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control, your crop will cope with any delays and arrive at its destination in the best possible condition Driven by science Get the best results without over-spending via our sophisticated diagnostics Determine the exact level of control required for your specific crop and transit routes Benefit your bottom line Obtain the flexibility to hold fruit quality for longer Give wholesale markets more time to sell fruit at a better price Let us help you reduce your waste When you choose It’s Fresh! technology to safeguard your crop, you benefit from our years of research, experience, and sophisticated diagnostics, which means we can precisely ‘prescribe’ the technology required to suit your specific produce, transit routes and customer requirements. We work with you to get your crop to market in the best possible condition, generating maximum value, using our five-step process: CONSULT Your specific varieties, conditions and requirements are understood DIAGNOSE Using sophisticated diagnostic tools, your crop is tested to determine the characteristics of the produce PRESCRIBE Your transit technology is specified to result in the shipment arriving in optimal condition. This is determined based on the diagnostics for your specific crop and transit route ANALYSE & MONITOR We review your actual crop results and performance REFINE We further refine the technology specification based on actual outcomes to continually improve your results over time Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now What people say about It's Fresh! Ethylene Control It’s Fresh! gave us extra days, allowing us to hold the fruit, waiting for a better price at the market Romy Meyer Commercial Manager at Exportaciones Meyer, LTDA Shelf life extended by 66%, and rot and mould reduced by more than 50% with It’s Fresh! Results proven in independent trials Trials using UK grown Marabella raspberries in 150g retail punnets were carried out with one group using It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control filters and a control group without. Shelf life for the It’s Fresh! punnets was extended by more than 66% over the control, and the number of punnets experiencing any rot or mould reduced by more than 50%. Percentage of punnets with rots and/or moulds Punnets of raspberries packed with It's Fresh! experienced significant quality benefits Frequently Asked Questions How do I get started? You'll begin by talking with one of our technical experts who will ask some questions, and collect information about your crops, customers and goals. They run smart diagnostics to help you decide on the best solution for your business. You'll understand what you can do to achieve the highest possible return on investment. Why do I need an ethylene controller? To understand the value of an ethylene controller, it is necessary to understand how ethylene affects fruit and vegetable ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they go through a series of changes in color, texture, and flavour. These changes are part of the process of ripening, which is essential for the development of eating quality. Ethylene is a plant hormone that plays a central role in crop ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they produce increasing amounts of ethylene. The ethylene then acts on the produce to bring about the changes associated with ripening. One of the most important benefits of using an ethylene controller is the slowing of ethylene during transit and storage. By reducing ethylene, the ripening process is slowed down and fruit and vegetables can be kept in storage for a longer period without becoming overripe. This is important because it allows the product to be shipped further distances and arrive in better condition. Is it safe to use? Yes, it is. Unlike some other products on the market, which use 1-MCP or potassium permanganate, which are not approved for use on organic fruit and vegetables and can be hazardous to use. It's Fresh! Ethylene Control is food safe and suitable for use in organic production. It does not coat or change the product in any way. Can you prove it works? Absolutely. We work with scientists at universities in multiple countries - in particular the world-leading experts at the University of Greenwich, Natural Resources Institute, and Cranfield University, Plant Science Laboratory. We operate a diagnostics lab at which our technical experts run continual testing via gas analysis, resistance guage, and sophisticated visual analysis. These are further validated by real-world test results. Our technical team are happy to discuss your potential results and run some diagnostics for you. Get In Touch Contact us about extending the shelf life of your peach crop via our new generation ethylene controller. An It's Fresh! expert will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your transit or storage requirements and how we can help you optimise your yield. Enquiry Risk Assessment (#4) [PAGE] Title: Diagnostics - It's Fresh! Content: Understand Exactly How to Get Your Crop to Market in Optimum Condition Find out how to get your free ethylene risk assessment Transporting and storing fresh fruit and vegetables has always been a challenge for growers. Global markets and the need for time flexibility to gain the very best price creates even greater pressure. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control is the ideal solution for extending the shelf-life of your produce and ensuring the highest quality standards. Let us help you reduce your waste When you choose It’s Fresh! technology to safeguard your crop, you benefit from our years of research, experience, and sophisticated diagnostics, which means we can precisely ‘prescribe’ the technology required to suit your specific produce, transit routes and customer requirements. We work with you to get your crop to market in the best possible condition, generating maximum value, using our five-step process: CONSULT Your specific varieties, conditions and requirements are understood DIAGNOSE Using sophisticated diagnostic tools, your crop is tested to determine the characteristics of the produce PRESCRIBE Your transit technology is specified to result in the shipment arriving in optimal condition. This is determined based on the diagnostics for your specific crop and transit route ANALYSE & MONITOR We review your actual crop results and performance REFINE We further refine the technology specification based on actual outcomes to continually improve your results over time Expert diagnostics Our team of scientists begin with an assessment of your fruit and vegetable varieties, based on in-depth testing of the produce using a range of state-of-the art tools. This includes: Sophisticated gas analysis Visual and sensory testing Start today with your free ethylene risk consultation We offer free access to our science team and diagnostic tools, so that you can understand exactly how It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control can deliver the ideal level of protection for your circumstances. Don’t risk getting your level of protection wrong All crops have different ripening characteristics and these can change depending on the season and environmental conditions. Add to this the uncertainties inherent in most transport systems and the variables become highly complex. It’s Fresh! delivers precisely the right level of ethylene control to ensure that your produce arrives in the best possible condition, even if delayed in transit. Protect your produce from over-ripening, defects and reduced quality Protect your market price and profit margins Protect your reputation for excellent quality How does the new generation It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control work? It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control removes ethylene from the local environment around the produce, slowing down the maturation process and therefore delaying quality deterioration and reducing waste. This patented technology ensures that any ethylene molecules that come into contact with the controller are locked away. It is carefully designed so that it only adsorbs ethylene and not any other molecules such as aromas and tastes. Meaning the end customer has a great eating experience! It's Fresh! Ethylene Control is inserted into any type of packaging, with the produce placed on top to ensure close proximity. When required, be that for point of sale or in the home, the product is simply removed. It requires no special handling or disposal, there are no lingering chemicals and no coatings, and it can be used in organic production too. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control is customisable to the type of produce, packaging, transport, and storage used. This enables precise control of the amount of ethylene present and ensures that produce reaches the market in optimum condition. It delivers proven financial benefits by controlling waste and improving taste. Meet our technical team When you choose It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control to safeguard your crop, you benefit from our years of research, experience, and sophisticated diagnostics, which means we can precisely ‘prescribe’ the technology required to suit your specific produce, transit routes and customer requirements. Justin Creasy [PAGE] Title: Control the ripening of kiwis in transit and reduce defects Content: Control the ripening of kiwis in transit, reducing defects and delivering great quality to market Protect delicate fruits throughout the supply chain to extend shelf life and maximise prices It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control allows you to manage the rate of fruit ripening across the supply chain, delivering it to the customer in the best possible condition. Suitable even for certified organic crops, the technology works without altering the fruit in any way, giving a great customer eating experience. Dramatically reduce wastage in transit to maximise the yield from your crop Reduce the inherent risk of damaged fruit adversely affecting an entire batch Maximise returns by accessing the markets that most value your fruit Enhance your reputation as a supplier of high-quality produce Kiwis can be in transit and stored for a relatively long period of time without significant deterioration, given the right conditions. One of the key issues is that any damaged or diseased fruit within a batch can very quickly cause deterioration of the rest of the fruit, and kiwis are particularly prone to both. One way to help to overcome this is by controlling the level of ethylene in the environment in which the fruit is packaged. This means that the excess ethylene produced by the stressed fruit does not get a chance to stimulate rapid ripening in the rest. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control effectively manages the amount of ethylene kiwis are exposed to, ensuring that they arrive at market in optimal condition. The It’s Fresh! technology is easy to incorporate into any type of packaging, including the separated layers and perforated wrapping often used to protect kiwis. Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now Control ethylene for optimal shelf life Ethylene is a growth hormone which all plants need. It plays an essential role in ripening, protection against pathogens, and the development of aromas and flavours in fruit and vegetables. By controlling ethylene, you can slow the rate at which the fruit matures in a deliberate way, that still allows it to ripen as it would naturally - just over a longer time frame. It’s Fresh! provides patented technology scientifically proven to deliver extended ripening and reduce waste, while retaining the natural great taste. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control: Is a clean technology – suitable for use in organic production Can be applied through the whole supply chain Is safe and easy to use. It requires no special handling, removal, or disposal Doesn’t coat the fruit or change it in any way How It’s Fresh! can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of fruit Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with a taste equivalent to tree-ripened fruits Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control fruit ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control, your crop will cope with any delays and arrive at its destination in the best possible condition Driven by science Get the best results without over-spending via our sophisticated diagnostics Determine the exact level of control required for your specific crop and transit routes Benefit your bottom line Obtain the flexibility to hold fruit quality for longer Give wholesale markets more time to sell fruit at a better price Let us help you reduce your waste When you choose It’s Fresh! technology to safeguard your crop, you benefit from our years of research, experience, and sophisticated diagnostics, which means we can precisely ‘prescribe’ the technology required to suit your specific produce, transit routes and customer requirements. We work with you to get your crop to market in the best possible condition, generating maximum value, using our five-step process: CONSULT Your specific varieties, conditions and requirements are understood DIAGNOSE Using sophisticated diagnostic tools, your crop is tested to determine the characteristics of the produce PRESCRIBE Your transit technology is specified to result in the shipment arriving in optimal condition. This is determined based on the diagnostics for your specific crop and transit route ANALYSE & MONITOR We review your actual crop results and performance REFINE We further refine the technology specification based on actual outcomes to continually improve your results over time Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now What people say about It's Fresh! Ethylene Control It’s Fresh! gave us extra days, allowing us to hold the fruit, waiting for a better price at the market Romy Meyer Commercial Manager at Exportaciones Meyer, LTDA In tests, It's Fresh! Ethylene Control maintained kiwifruit pressure and reached optimal ethylene concentrations faster than Potassium Permanganate or no treatment It’s Fresh! controllers maintained significantly better firmness over both untreated and KMn04 A strict protocol was followed with five replicates across four treatments over 46 days* to compare ethylene control and fruit pressures in kiwifruit stored at zero degrees Celcius in San Jorge MAP bags. The initial firmness for fruit used in all treatments was the same at 9.8 lbs. Four treatments were used in the trial: T0 = untreated T1 = 70G It’s Fresh Ethylene Control T2 = 60G It’s Fresh Ethylene Control T3 = 5g sachet KMn04 It is essential to control ethylene levels to around 5ppb to maintain critical levels of key aromas and flavour compounds whilst keeping fruit from losing pressure. Both It’s Fresh! 70G and 60G were faster at controlling ethylene than KMnO4, with 60G being fastest. Fruits packed with It's Fresh! Ethylene Control experienced lower pressure loss than those packed with a Potassium Permanganate sachet or the untreated control. Pressure loss at 46 days *Trial started at day 69 post harvest Frequently Asked Questions How do I get started? You'll begin by talking with one of our technical experts who will ask some questions, and collect information about your crops, customers and goals. They run smart diagnostics to help you decide on the best solution for your business. You'll understand what you can do to achieve the highest possible return on investment. Why do I need an ethylene controller? To understand the value of an ethylene controller, it is necessary to understand how ethylene affects fruit and vegetable ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they go through a series of changes in color, texture, and flavour. These changes are part of the process of ripening, which is essential for the development of eating quality. Ethylene is a plant hormone that plays a central role in crop ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they produce increasing amounts of ethylene. The ethylene then acts on the produce to bring about the changes associated with ripening. One of the most important benefits of using an ethylene controller is the slowing of ethylene during transit and storage. By reducing ethylene, the ripening process is slowed down and fruit and vegetables can be kept in storage for a longer period without becoming overripe. This is important because it allows the product to be shipped further distances and arrive in better condition. Is it safe to use? Yes, it is. Unlike some other products on the market, which use 1-MCP or potassium permanganate, which are not approved for use on organic fruit and vegetables and can be hazardous to use. It's Fresh! Ethylene Control is food safe and suitable for use in organic production. It does not coat or change the product in any way. Can you prove it works? Absolutely. We work with scientists at universities in multiple countries - in particular the world-leading experts at the University of Greenwich, Natural Resources Institute, and Cranfield University, Plant Science Laboratory. We operate a diagnostics lab at which our technical experts run continual testing via gas analysis, resistance guage, and sophisticated visual analysis. These are further validated by real-world test results. Our technical team are happy to discuss your potential results and run some diagnostics for you. Get In Touch Contact us about extending the shelf life of your kiwi crop via our new generation ethylene controller. An It's Fresh! expert will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your requirements and how we can help you optimise your yield. Enquiry Risk Assessment (#4) [PAGE] Title: Risk Assessment Enquiry - It's Fresh! Content: cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". cookielawinfo-checkbox-functional 11 months The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessary 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". cookielawinfo-checkbox-others 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. cookielawinfo-checkbox-performance 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". viewed_cookie_policy 11 months The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. It does not store any personal data. Functional Functional Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Performance Performance Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Analytics Analytics Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Others Others Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. [PAGE] Title: Naturally extend the shelf life of your raspberries by up to 66% Content: Naturally extend the shelf life of your raspberries by up to 66% Maximise the returns on your fruit by naturally controlling the ripening process With highly perishable and fragile crops like raspberries and blackberries, managing the ripening process once harvested is essential to ensure that the fruit reaches market - and the end consumer - in the best possible condition. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control delivers, even for certified organic crops. Dramatically reduce wastage in transit to maximise the yield from your crop Deliver higher quality produce to your markets and end consumers Reduce the number of punnets with rotting or moulds by more than 50% Achieve enhanced prices and improve overall financial returns The entire berry sector has enjoyed major growth over the last decade, with raspberries being at the very forefront of this performance. With raspberries being particularly susceptible to botrytis, storing and transporting the harvested fruit can be a challenge. Controlling, rather than eliminating, the presence of ethylene in the fruit’s environment can help to both slow ripening and maintain the fruit’s natural protection against this and other pathogens. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control achieves this with technology that doesn’t coat the fruit or alter it in any way - delivering a great eating experience. Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now Control ethylene for optimal shelf life Ethylene is a growth hormone which all plants need. It plays an essential role in ripening, protection against pathogens, and the development of aromas and flavours in fruit and vegetables. By controlling ethylene, you can slow the rate the fruit matures in a deliberate way, that still allows it to ripen as it would naturally - just over a longer time frame. It’s Fresh! provides patented technology scientifically proven to deliver extended ripening and reduce waste, while retaining the natural great taste. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control: Is a clean technology – suitable for use in organic production Can be applied through the whole supply chain Is safe and easy to use. It requires no special handling, removal, or disposal Doesn’t coat the fruit or change it in any way How It’s Fresh! can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of fruit Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with a taste equivalent to tree-ripened fruits Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control fruit ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control, your crop will cope with any delays and arrive at its destination in the best possible condition Driven by science Get the best results without over-spending via our sophisticated diagnostics Determine the exact level of control required for your specific crop and transit routes Benefit your bottom line Obtain the flexibility to hold fruit quality for longer Give wholesale markets more time to sell fruit at a better price Let us help you reduce your waste When you choose It’s Fresh! technology to safeguard your crop, you benefit from our years of research, experience, and sophisticated diagnostics, which means we can precisely ‘prescribe’ the technology required to suit your specific produce, transit routes and customer requirements. We work with you to get your crop to market in the best possible condition, generating maximum value, using our five-step process: CONSULT Your specific varieties, conditions and requirements are understood DIAGNOSE Using sophisticated diagnostic tools, your crop is tested to determine the characteristics of the produce PRESCRIBE Your transit technology is specified to result in the shipment arriving in optimal condition. This is determined based on the diagnostics for your specific crop and transit route ANALYSE & MONITOR We review your actual crop results and performance REFINE We further refine the technology specification based on actual outcomes to continually improve your results over time Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now What people say about It's Fresh! Ethylene Control It’s Fresh! gave us extra days, allowing us to hold the fruit, waiting for a better price at the market Romy Meyer Commercial Manager at Exportaciones Meyer, LTDA Shelf life extended by 66%, and rot and mould reduced by more than 50% with It's Fresh! Ethylene Control Results proven in independent trials Trials using UK grown Marabella raspberries in 150g retail punnets were carried out with one group using It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control and a group without. Shelf life for the It’s Fresh! punnets was extended by more than 66% over the control, and the number of punnets experiencing any rot or mould reduced by more than 50%. Shelf life extended by 66%, and rot and mould reduced by more than 50% with It's Fresh! Ethylene Control Percentage of punnets with rots and/or moulds Frequently Asked Questions How do I get started? You'll begin by talking with one of our technical experts who will ask some questions, and collect information about your crops, customers and goals. They run smart diagnostics to help you decide on the best solution for your business. You'll understand what you can do to achieve the highest possible return on investment. Why do I need an ethylene controller? To understand the value of an ethylene controller, it is necessary to understand how ethylene affects fruit and vegetable ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they go through a series of changes in color, texture, and flavour. These changes are part of the process of ripening, which is essential for the development of eating quality. Ethylene is a plant hormone that plays a central role in crop ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they produce increasing amounts of ethylene. The ethylene then acts on the produce to bring about the changes associated with ripening. One of the most important benefits of using an ethylene controller is the slowing of ethylene during transit and storage. By reducing ethylene, the ripening process is slowed down and fruit and vegetables can be kept in storage for a longer period without becoming overripe. This is important because it allows the product to be shipped further distances and arrive in better condition. Is it safe to use? Yes, it is. Unlike some other products on the market, which use 1-MCP or potassium permanganate, which are not approved for use on organic fruit and vegetables and can be hazardous to use. It's Fresh! Ethylene Control is food safe and suitable for use in organic production. It does not coat or change the product in any way. Can you prove it works? Absolutely. We work with scientists at universities in multiple countries - in particular the world-leading experts at the University of Greenwich, Natural Resources Institute, and Cranfield University, Plant Science Laboratory. We operate a diagnostics lab at which our technical experts run continual testing via gas analysis, resistance guage, and sophisticated visual analysis. These are further validated by real-world test results. Our technical team are happy to discuss your potential results and run some diagnostics for you. Get In Touch Contact us about extending the shelf life of your raspberry crop via our new generation ethylene controller. An It's Fresh! expert will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your requirements and how we can help you optimise your yield. Enquiry Risk Assessment (#4) [PAGE] Title: Enhance the shelf life and quality of broccoli to increase returns Content: Enhance the shelf life and quality of broccoli even outside of temperature-controlled storage Control the maturation of your produce to maximise quality and value While strides have been made in extending the shelf life of broccoli in transit and storage, it has retained its tendency to discolour and decay if not temperature controlled. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control helps to control these processes to optimise the quality of the produce. Increase shelf life significantly while retaining an excellent consumer eating experience Reduce wastage in transit to maximise the yield from your crop Enhance your reputation as a supplier of high-quality produce Suitable for use with certified organic crops Tenderstem broccoli has enjoyed continuous growth in recent years, with 2021 seeing sales increase by nearly 50%. Much of this growth has been due to increased availability in stores, as growers have switched to MAP bag solutions for transit and storage. This has resulted in increased shelf life from 3 to 5 days but also increased issues related to ethylene gas, such as yellowing and decay. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control can be used in conjunction with MAP bags to effectively manage exposure to ethylene gas and resolve these issues, delivering a higher quality product. Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now Control ethylene for optimal shelf life Ethylene is a growth hormone which all plants need. It plays an essential role in ripening, protection against pathogens, and the development of aromas and flavours in fruit and vegetables. By controlling ethylene, you can slow the rate the vegetable matures in a deliberate way, that still allows it to ripen as it would naturally - just over a longer time frame. It’s Fresh! provides patented technology scientifically proven to deliver extended ripening and reduce waste, while retaining the natural great taste. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control: Is a clean technology – suitable for use in organic production Can be applied through the whole supply chain Is safe and easy to use. It requires no special handling, removal, or disposal Doesn’t coat the produce or change it in any way How It’s Fresh! can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of vegetables Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control maturation in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control, your crop will cope with any delays and arrive at its destination in the best possible condition Driven by science Get the best results without over-spending via our sophisticated diagnostics Determine the exact level of control required for your specific crop and transit routes Benefit your bottom line Obtain the flexibility to hold vegetable quality for longer Give wholesale markets more time to sell produce at a better price Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now What people say about It's Fresh! Ethylene Control It’s Fresh! gave us extra days, allowing us to hold the fruit, waiting for a better price at the market Romy Meyer Commercial Manager at Exportaciones Meyer, LTDA It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control treated packs have 2 days longer shelf-life Results proven in independent trials In trials using Tenderstem broccoli from Spanish growers, MAP bag packaged produce was tested both with and without It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control. The It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control equipped MAP bags delivered broccoli that showed no signs of deterioration for two or more days longer than the bags without, increasing shelf life and enhancing the home life of the product. Packs with It's Fresh! Ethylene Control lasted for two or more days longer without deterioration Number of stems with defects in packs is reduced with It's Fresh! Ethylene Control Frequently Asked Questions How do I get started? You'll begin by talking with one of our technical experts who will ask some questions, and collect information about your crops, customers and goals. They run smart diagnostics to help you decide on the best solution for your business. You'll understand what you can do to achieve the highest possible return on investment. Why do I need an ethylene controller? To understand the value of an ethylene controller, it is necessary to understand how ethylene affects fruit and vegetable ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they go through a series of changes in color, texture, and flavour. These changes are part of the process of ripening, which is essential for the development of eating quality. Ethylene is a plant hormone that plays a central role in crop ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they produce increasing amounts of ethylene. The ethylene then acts on the produce to bring about the changes associated with ripening. One of the most important benefits of using an ethylene controller is the slowing of ethylene during transit and storage. By reducing ethylene, the ripening process is slowed down and fruit and vegetables can be kept in storage for a longer period without becoming overripe. This is important because it allows the product to be shipped further distances and arrive in better condition. Is it safe to use? Yes, it is. Unlike some other products on the market, which use 1-MCP or potassium permanganate, which are not approved for use on organic fruit and vegetables and can be hazardous to use. It's Fresh! Ethylene Control is food safe and suitable for use in organic production. It does not coat or change the product in any way. Can you prove it works? Absolutely. We work with scientists at universities in multiple countries - in particular the world-leading experts at the University of Greenwich, Natural Resources Institute, and Cranfield University, Plant Science Laboratory. We operate a diagnostics lab at which our technical experts run continual testing via gas analysis, resistance guage, and sophisticated visual analysis. These are further validated by real-world test results. Our technical team are happy to discuss your potential results and run some diagnostics for you. Get In Touch Contact us about extending the shelf life of your broccoli crop via our new generation ethylene controller. An It's Fresh! expert will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your transit or storage requirements and how we can help you optimise your yield. Enquiry Risk Assessment (#4) [PAGE] Title: Control the quality of your strawberries during transit and reduce defects Content: Control the quality of your strawberries post harvest and significantly reduce defects Maximise the returns on your fruit crop by accessing new markets and delivering a quality product Crops like strawberries require careful management once harvested due to their fragile and highly perishable nature. Delivering them to market in absolutely peak condition is essential. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control can help to achieve this, reducing waste, even for certified organic crops. Deliver higher quality produce to your markets and end consumers Reduce the number of punnets with rotting or moulds Achieve enhanced prices and improve overall financial returns Access new customers further away from saturated markets by enabling longer transit times The entire berry sector continues to enjoy major growth, with strawberries playing a key role in this expansion. But, with the fruit being particularly susceptible to certain pathogens and rotting, transport and storage can be a challenge. Controlling, rather than eliminating, the presence of ethylene in the fruit’s environment can help to prevent over-ripening and maintain the fruit’s natural protection against decay. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control achieves this with technology that doesn’t coat the fruit or alter it in any way, delivering a great eating experience. The It’s Fresh! technology fits easily into any type of packaging, meaning no investment is required in new machinery or processes. Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now Control ethylene for optimal shelf life Ethylene is a growth hormone which all plants need. It plays an essential role in ripening, protection against pathogens, and the development of aromas and flavours in fruit and vegetables. By controlling ethylene, you can slow the rate the fruit matures in a deliberate way, that still allows it to ripen as it would naturally - just over a longer time frame. It’s Fresh! provides patented technology scientifically proven to deliver extended ripening and reduce waste, while retaining the natural great taste. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control: Is a clean technology – suitable for use in organic production Can be applied through the whole supply chain Is safe and easy to use. It requires no special handling, removal, or disposal Doesn’t coat the fruit or change it in any way How It’s Fresh! can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of fruit Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with a taste equivalent to tree-ripened fruits Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control fruit ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control, your crop will cope with any delays and arrive at its destination in the best possible condition Driven by science Get the best results without over-spending via our sophisticated diagnostics Determine the exact level of control required for your specific crop and transit routes Benefit your bottom line Obtain the flexibility to hold fruit quality for longer Give wholesale markets more time to sell fruit at a better price Let us help you reduce your waste When you choose It’s Fresh! technology to safeguard your crop, you benefit from our years of research, experience, and sophisticated diagnostics, which means we can precisely ‘prescribe’ the technology required to suit your specific produce, transit routes and customer requirements. We work with you to get your crop to market in the best possible condition, generating maximum value, using our five-step process: CONSULT Your specific varieties, conditions and requirements are understood DIAGNOSE Using sophisticated diagnostic tools, your crop is tested to determine the characteristics of the produce PRESCRIBE Your transit technology is specified to result in the shipment arriving in optimal condition. This is determined based on the diagnostics for your specific crop and transit route ANALYSE & MONITOR We review your actual crop results and performance REFINE We further refine the technology specification based on actual outcomes to continually improve your results over time Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation, risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now What people say about It's Fresh! Ethylene Control It’s Fresh! gave us extra days, allowing us to hold the fruit, waiting for a better price at the market Romy Meyer Commercial Manager at Exportaciones Meyer, LTDA Use of It’s Fresh! reduced the incidence of severe defects by 45% over a 40 day transit, from Chile to Shanghai via Hong Kong Results proven in independent trials Chilean growers have invested heavily in the development of China’s biggest fruit import market and now deliver in excess of 20,000 sea containers of fresh cherries every season for the Chinese New Year. Due to the large volumes of produce being transported at this time, it is often exposed to greater delays which can cause issues with quality when arriving at market. During independent trials in 2022, Lapin cherries were transported loose in 5kg MAP bags with and without It’s Fresh Ethylene Controller. The bags spent 40 days in transit with the result that those cherries packaged with It’s Fresh had a 45% lower incidence of severe defects than those packaged without. Percentage of fruit displaying quality defects Cherries packaged with It’s Fresh! had 45% fewer defects! Frequently Asked Questions How do I get started? You'll begin by talking with one of our technical experts who will ask some questions, and collect information about your crops, customers and goals. They run smart diagnostics to help you decide on the best solution for your business. You'll understand what you can do to achieve the highest possible return on investment. Why do I need an ethylene controller? To understand the value of an ethylene controller, it is necessary to understand how ethylene affects fruit and vegetable ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they go through a series of changes in color, texture, and flavour. These changes are part of the process of ripening, which is essential for the development of eating quality. Ethylene is a plant hormone that plays a central role in crop ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they produce increasing amounts of ethylene. The ethylene then acts on the produce to bring about the changes associated with ripening. One of the most important benefits of using an ethylene controller is the slowing of ethylene during transit and storage. By reducing ethylene, the ripening process is slowed down and fruit and vegetables can be kept in storage for a longer period without becoming overripe. This is important because it allows the product to be shipped further distances and arrive in better condition. Is it safe to use? Yes, it is. Unlike some other products on the market, which use 1-MCP or potassium permanganate, which are not approved for use on organic fruit and vegetables and can be hazardous to use. It's Fresh! Ethylene Control is food safe and suitable for use in organic production. It does not coat or change the product in any way. Can you prove it works? Absolutely. We work with scientists at universities in multiple countries - in particular the world-leading experts at the University of Greenwich, Natural Resources Institute, and Cranfield University, Plant Science Laboratory. We operate a diagnostics lab at which our technical experts run continual testing via gas analysis, resistance guage, and sophisticated visual analysis. These are further validated by real-world test results. Our technical team are happy to discuss your potential results and run some diagnostics for you. Get In Touch Contact us about extending the shelf life of your strawberry crop via our new generation ethylene controller. An It's Fresh! expert will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your transit or storage requirements and how we can help you optimise your yield. Enquiry Risk Assessment (#4) [PAGE] Title: Naturally extend the shelf life of your mango and reduce defects in transit Content: Deliver your mango crop to market in the best possible condition for sale Take control of the ripening process throughout the supply chain, reducing waste and improving your financial returns Naturally manage the maturation of your harvested fruit to reduce the incidence of over-ripening and avoid rejected stock. Improve the returns from your fruit harvest and improve customer satisfaction. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control allows you to manage the rate of fruit ripening during transit and storage, delivering it to the customer in the best possible condition. Harvest mature mangos without fear of defects and increased costs Access new customers further away from saturated markets by enabling longer transit times Optimise the quality of your mangos, delivering a superior eating experience to consumers Gain the flexibility to fine-tune when you sell, in response to market pricing Certain fruit markets, such as the US, have had problems in the past delivering mango crops to market in the condition expected by retailers. This has, in turn, led to less than ideal eating experiences for their consumers, resulting in poor repeat sales performance. Where fruit has been harvested in an immature state, it arrives in store too firm, and when harvested mature, it is often over-ripened and no longer fit for sale. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control slows the ripening process while at the same time preserving the fruit’s natural defences against decay. This enables the fruit to be harvested in a more mature state and still be in perfect eating condition in store. Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now Control ethylene for optimal shelf life Ethylene is a growth hormone which all plants need. It plays an essential role in ripening, protection against pathogens, and the development of aromas and flavours in fruit and vegetables. By controlling ethylene, you can slow the rate the fruit matures in a deliberate way, that still allows it to ripen as it would naturally - just over a longer time frame. It’s Fresh! provides patented technology scientifically proven to deliver extended ripening and reduce waste, while retaining the natural great taste. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control: Is a clean technology – suitable for use in organic production Can be applied through the whole supply chain Is safe and easy to use. It requires no special handling, removal, or disposal Doesn’t coat the fruit or change it in any way How It’s Fresh! can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of fruit Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with a taste equivalent to tree-ripened fruits Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control fruit ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control, your crop will cope with any delays and arrive at its destination in the best possible condition Driven by science Get the best results without over-spending via our sophisticated diagnostics Determine the exact level of control required for your specific crop and transit routes Benefit your bottom line Obtain the flexibility to hold fruit quality for longer Give wholesale markets more time to sell fruit at a better price Let us help you reduce your waste When you choose It’s Fresh! technology to safeguard your crop, you benefit from our years of research, experience, and sophisticated diagnostics, which means we can precisely ‘prescribe’ the technology required to suit your specific produce, transit routes and customer requirements. We work with you to get your crop to market in the best possible condition, generating maximum value, using our five-step process: CONSULT Your specific varieties, conditions and requirements are understood DIAGNOSE Using sophisticated diagnostic tools, your crop is tested to determine the characteristics of the produce PRESCRIBE Your transit technology is specified to result in the shipment arriving in optimal condition. This is determined based on the diagnostics for your specific crop and transit route ANALYSE & MONITOR We review your actual crop results and performance REFINE We further refine the technology specification based on actual outcomes to continually improve your results over time Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now What people say about It's Fresh! Ethylene Control It’s Fresh! gave us extra days, allowing us to hold the fruit, waiting for a better price at the market Romy Meyer Commercial Manager at Exportaciones Meyer, LTDA Delivering a better eating experience and reducing waste Results proven in independent trials The Mango Board of North America has long recognised that mango sales are low (3lbs per capita per year), with poor quality fruit reducing repeat sales due to poor eating experience. A trial was initiated to see how It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control could help growers to harvest mature (triggered) fruit and remove the risk to them of high levels of wastage and costs. During the trial, triggered fruit transported with It’s Fresh! was still in good sale condition after 32 days. Reducing rates of decay Use of It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control in both MAP and open conditions significantly reduced the incidence of decay Frequently Asked Questions How do I get started? You'll begin by talking with one of our technical experts who will ask some questions, and collect information about your crops, customers and goals. They run smart diagnostics to help you decide on the best solution for your business. You'll understand what you can do to achieve the highest possible return on investment. Why do I need an ethylene controller? To understand the value of an ethylene controller, it is necessary to understand how ethylene affects fruit and vegetable ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they go through a series of changes in color, texture, and flavour. These changes are part of the process of ripening, which is essential for the development of eating quality. Ethylene is a plant hormone that plays a central role in crop ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they produce increasing amounts of ethylene. The ethylene then acts on the produce to bring about the changes associated with ripening. One of the most important benefits of using an ethylene controller is the slowing of ethylene during transit and storage. By reducing ethylene, the ripening process is slowed down and fruit and vegetables can be kept in storage for a longer period without becoming overripe. This is important because it allows the product to be shipped further distances and arrive in better condition. Is it safe to use? Yes, it is. Unlike some other products on the market, which use 1-MCP or potassium permanganate, which are not approved for use on organic fruit and vegetables and can be hazardous to use. It's Fresh! Ethylene Control is food safe and suitable for use in organic production. It does not coat or change the product in any way. Can you prove it works? Absolutely. We work with scientists at universities in multiple countries - in particular the world-leading experts at the University of Greenwich, Natural Resources Institute, and Cranfield University, Plant Science Laboratory. We operate a diagnostics lab at which our technical experts run continual testing via gas analysis, resistance guage, and sophisticated visual analysis. These are further validated by real-world test results. Our technical team are happy to discuss your potential results and run some diagnostics for you. Get In Touch Contact us about extending the shelf life of your mango crop via our new generation ethylene controller. An It's Fresh! expert will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your transit or storage requirements and how we can help you optimise your yield. Enquiry Risk Assessment (#4) [PAGE] Title: Ethylene Control Products - It's Fresh! Content: Contact Control Ethylene From Production To Consumption Explore the products that can help you reduce waste, extend shelf-life, and enhance the eating experience of high-value fresh produce It's Fresh! Ethylene Control technology is available in various forms that provide protection for fresh produce throughout the supply chain. Helping to reduce waste and optimise your financial returns, your produce can benefit from It's Fresh! Ethylene Control technology from the time of harvest, to the point it is enjoyed by the consumer. Read more about the product range below. Harvest Control It's Fresh! Ethylene Control is available as a storage cover to begin rapid ethylene removal at the point of harvest. It's Fresh! Harvest Control will typically reduce packhouse waste by 33%. Find Out More Storage Control Surplus production can often be difficult to store, yet selling surplus produce early often results in reduced prices. In the form of a controller placed in a storage case, or applied in film lining a storage case, our products allow for extended storage time, while maintaining the optimum eating experience. Providing you with the peace of mind that ethylene levels in and around your fresh produce are being controlled. And allowing you the flexibility to deliver fruit and vegetables to market at the optimum time. Find Out More Transit Control Global supply and demand patterns for fresh produce are resulting in increasingly long transit times. With already long transit times subject to delays (and seeing a worsening trend). Add to this, the difficulty in ensuring your produce has the correct and consistent atmospheric conditions due to container variability. Unsurprisingly, all of this results in significant food waste. Use It's Fresh! throughout your crop transit, no matter the method of transport, to deliver a higher quality product and reduce your waste. Find Out More Retail Control At the point of sale, fresh produce has a short shelf-life. Even for highly perishable products such as ready-cut fruit, It's Fresh! Ethylene Control has demonstrated notable improvements in shelf-life and reductions in waste. Available as a pad for use in the bottom of prepared fruit punnets or clamshells, or as a film used in retail packaging, our Retail Control product delivers an impressive return on investment for our retail clients. Find Out More Home Control Safe and simple to use, It's Fresh! Home Control gives consumers the ability to extend fresh produce shelf life and decrease food waste. The controller is simply placed directly into a fruit bowl or alongside produce in the fridge. This simple solution uses sophisticated technology to improve the consumer eating experience with longer at-home freshness. Find Out More How does the new generation It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control work? It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control removes ethylene from the local environment around the produce, slowing down the maturation process and therefore delaying quality deterioration and reducing waste. This patented technology ensures that any ethylene molecules that come into contact with the controller are locked away. It is carefully designed so that it only adsorbs ethylene and not any other molecules such as aromas and tastes. Meaning the end customer has a great eating experience! It's Fresh! Ethylene Control is inserted into any type of packaging, with the produce placed on top to ensure close proximity. When required, be that for point of sale or in the home, the product is simply removed. It requires no special handling or disposal, there are no lingering chemicals and no coatings, and it can be used in organic production too. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control is customisable to the type of produce, packaging, transport, and storage used. This enables precise control of the amount of ethylene present and ensures that produce reaches the market in optimum condition. It delivers proven financial benefits by controlling waste and improving taste. Why choose It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control Extend shelf life and reduce waste with no loss of flavour, aroma, or texture Optimise the eating experience of your produce and enhance your reputation Access new, more distant markets and maximise financial returns Quick, easy, and cost-effective to use throughout the supply chain, with no capital expenditure Does not alter the produce in any way and is suitable for use with certified organic fruit and vegetables Complementary to other technologies, including chilling and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) Get your free ethylene risk assessment Having the right level of ethylene control for your specific produce and supply chain is essential. Our scientists will use their advanced diagnostic tools to calculate the right level of ethylene control for your circumstances. [PAGE] Title: Increase the in-store shelf life of prepared fruit by 2 days & cut wastage Content: Increase the in-store shelf life of prepared fruit by an extra day and dramatically cut wastage Naturally control the maturation of highly perishable cut fruit to improve quality and consumer eating experience Fruit freshly prepared in store attracts a significant premium over un-cut fruit and delivers great convenience to customers. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control regulates the rate at which prepared fruit matures, giving higher quality and an extended suitable for sale period. Better manage prepared fruit stocks and improve availability Significantly increase saleable packs and reduce in-store wastage Increase the post-sale freshness time to deliver better experience to consumers Suitable for use with organic produce Prepared fruit provides consumers with the option to eat a wider variety of fruit, and in different contexts, such as workplace or school lunches. This convenience means it commands a significantly higher price than whole fruit. The key issue with the product is that it deteriorates far more quickly than whole fruit, and this can cause issues for both the retailer in terms of supply and freshness for the consumer. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control can be placed directly into consumer packaging to manage the levels of ethylene present and control how quickly the prepared fruit matures and eventually spoils. It does this without altering the fruit in any way or adding chemicals or coatings. Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now Control ethylene for optimal shelf life Ethylene is a growth hormone which all plants need. It plays an essential role in ripening, protection against pathogens, and the development of aromas and flavours in fruit and vegetables. By controlling ethylene, you can slow the rate the fruit matures in a deliberate way, that still allows it to ripen as it would naturally - just over a longer time frame. It’s Fresh! provides patented technology scientifically proven to deliver extended ripening and reduce waste, while retaining the natural great taste. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Controller: Is a clean technology – suitable for use in organic production Can be applied through the whole supply chain Is safe and easy to use. It requires no special handling, removal, or disposal Doesn’t coat the fruit or change it in any way How It’s Fresh! can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Maintain visual appeal Reduce loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Benefit your bottom line Obtain the flexibility to hold fruit quality for longer Generate repeat business and increased sales due to a great customer experience Let us help you reduce your waste When you choose It’s Fresh! technology to safeguard your crop, you benefit from our years of research, experience, and sophisticated diagnostics, which means we can precisely ‘prescribe’ the technology required to suit your specific produce, transit routes and customer requirements. We work with you to get your crop to market in the best possible condition, generating maximum value, using our five-step process: CONSULT Your specific varieties, conditions and requirements are understood DIAGNOSE Using sophisticated diagnostic tools, your crop is tested to determine the characteristics of the produce PRESCRIBE Your transit technology is specified to result in the shipment arriving in optimal condition. This is determined based on the diagnostics for your specific crop and transit route ANALYSE & MONITOR We review your actual crop results and performance REFINE We further refine the technology specification based on actual outcomes to continually improve your results over time Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Find out how with a no-obligation risk assessment. Start now and get your free custom report. Get started now What people say about It's Fresh! Ethylene Control It’s Fresh! gave us extra days, allowing us to hold the fruit, waiting for a better price at the market Romy Meyer Commercial Manager at Exportaciones Meyer, LTDA Increase prepared fruit shelf life by an extra day and significantly reduce waste Results proven in independent trials A US grocery retailer was seeking to improve the quality of its prepared fruit offering to consumers and reduce the amount of wasted food from the category. Its existing three-day shelf life for consumer packs was highly restrictive, and research suggested that only 31% of packs on day three were classified as ‘would buy’ by consumers. It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control was placed directly into the retail containers, with the result that the shelf life increased by an extra day and the proportion of packs classified as ‘would buy’ by consumers more than doubled to 69%. Shelf life on day 3 - Average of all fresh cut fruit Use of It's Fresh! drastically increases the number of packs scored as "would buy" and eliminates all "would not buy" Frequently Asked Questions How do I get started? You'll begin by talking with one of our technical experts who will ask some questions, and collect information about your crops, customers and goals. They run smart diagnostics to help you decide on the best solution for your business. You'll understand what you can do to achieve the highest possible return on investment. Why do I need an ethylene controller? To understand the value of an ethylene controller, it is necessary to understand how ethylene affects fruit and vegetable ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they go through a series of changes in color, texture, and flavour. These changes are part of the process of ripening, which is essential for the development of eating quality. Ethylene is a plant hormone that plays a central role in crop ripening. As fruits and vegetables mature, they produce increasing amounts of ethylene. The ethylene then acts on the produce to bring about the changes associated with ripening. One of the most important benefits of using an ethylene controller is the slowing of ethylene during transit and storage. By reducing ethylene, the ripening process is slowed down and fruit and vegetables can be kept in storage for a longer period without becoming overripe. This is important because it allows the product to be shipped further distances and arrive in better condition. Is it safe to use? Yes, it is. Unlike some other products on the market, which use 1-MCP or potassium permanganate, which are not approved for use on organic fruit and vegetables and can be hazardous to use. It's Fresh! Ethylene Control is food safe and suitable for use in organic production. It does not coat or change the product in any way. Can you prove it works? Absolutely. We work with scientists at universities in multiple countries - in particular the world-leading experts at the University of Greenwich, Natural Resources Institute, and Cranfield University, Plant Science Laboratory. We operate a diagnostics lab at which our technical experts run continual testing via gas analysis, resistance guage, and sophisticated visual analysis. These are further validated by real-world test results. Our technical team are happy to discuss your potential results and run some diagnostics for you. Get In Touch Contact us about extending the shelf life of your prepared fruit via our new generation ethylene controller. An It's Fresh! expert will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your requirements and how we can help you optimise your yield. Enquiry Risk Assessment (#4)
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can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of fruit Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with a taste equivalent to tree-ripened fruits Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control fruit ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control, your crop will cope with any delays and arrive at its destination in the best possible condition Driven by science Get the best results without over-spending via our sophisticated diagnostics Determine the exact level of control required for your specific crop and transit routes Benefit your bottom line Obtain the flexibility to hold fruit quality for longer Give wholesale markets more time to sell fruit at a better price Let us help you reduce your waste When you choose It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control Extend shelf life and reduce waste with no loss of flavour, aroma, or texture Optimise the eating experience of your produce and enhance your reputation Access new, more distant markets and maximise financial returns Quick, easy, and cost-effective to use throughout the supply chain, with no capital expenditure Does not alter the produce in any way and is suitable for use with certified organic fruit and vegetables Complementary to other technologies, including chilling and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of fruit Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with a taste equivalent to tree-ripened fruits Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control fruit ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control, your crop will cope with any delays and arrive at its destination in the best possible condition Driven by science Get the best results without over-spending via our sophisticated diagnostics Determine the exact level of control required for your specific crop and transit routes Benefit your bottom line Obtain the flexibility to hold fruit quality for longer Give wholesale markets more time to sell fruit at a better price Let us help you reduce your waste When you choose It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control. can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of fruit Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with a taste equivalent to tree-ripened fruits Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control fruit ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of fruit Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with a taste equivalent to tree-ripened fruits Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control fruit ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control. can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of fruit Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with a taste equivalent to tree-ripened fruits Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control fruit ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of fruit Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with a taste equivalent to tree-ripened fruits Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control fruit ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of fruit Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with a taste equivalent to tree-ripened fruits Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control fruit ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of fruit Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with a taste equivalent to tree-ripened fruits Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control fruit ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of fruit Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with a taste equivalent to tree-ripened fruits Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control fruit ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of fruit Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with a taste equivalent to tree-ripened fruits Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control fruit ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control, your crop will cope with any delays and arrive at its destination in the best possible condition Driven by science Get the best results without over-spending via our sophisticated diagnostics Determine the exact level of control required for your specific crop and transit routes Benefit your bottom line Obtain the flexibility to hold vegetable quality for longer Give wholesale markets more time to sell produce at a better price Get your free ethylene risk assessment Take control of your waste and improve your profit margin. Ethylene Control. can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of fruit Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with a taste equivalent to tree-ripened fruits Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control fruit ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! can support your business Improve shelf life and quality Better post-harvest quality of fruit Maintain visual appeal Reduce production loss and unnecessary waste Maintain a reputation for quality Grow your market Gain access to new markets by extending the life of produce, allowing for longer transits Ship further inland and reduce reliance on the more saturated markets at the main port areas Deliver a great-tasting product to your customer A superior eating experience with a taste equivalent to tree-ripened fruits Drive customer satisfaction and your reputation for quality by consistently delivering superior quality products Peace of mind Control fruit ripening in a way that doesn’t stop or risk maxing out Know that with It’s Fresh! Ethylene Control Extend shelf life and reduce waste with no loss of flavour, aroma, or texture Optimise the eating experience of your produce and enhance your reputation Access new, more distant markets and maximise financial returns Quick, easy, and cost-effective to use throughout the supply chain, with no capital expenditure Does not alter the produce in any way and is suitable for use with certified organic fruit and vegetables Complementary to other technologies, including chilling and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) Get your free ethylene risk assessment Having the right level of ethylene control for your specific produce and supply chain is essential.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Telecommunications Industry News & Publications | TIA Online Content: Risk and Reward: A Look at the Future of AI in Communications By Dave Stehlin | October 9, 2023 | Comments Off on Risk and Reward: A Look at the Future of AI in Communications Fireside Chat @ INCOMPAS SHOW: Chip Pickering, CEO INCOMPA and Dave Stehlin, CEO TIA We are excited to share that our CEO, Dave Stehlin, recently engaged in a thought-provoking conversation with Chip Pickering, CEO INCOMPAS, at the INCOMPAS Show. They delved deep into the important subject of licensing, certification, and standards for AI solutions, with… TIA and UL Solutions to Launch SPIRE 2.0 By TIA Staff | September 30, 2023 | Comments Off on TIA and UL Solutions to Launch SPIRE 2.0 Keeping Pace with Evolving Cybersecurity Landscape, Emerging Connectivity Technologies, and the Rise of ESG Initiatives   In a coordinated effort with numerous industry experts, the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) and UL Solutions launched the SPIRE™ smart building assessment and rating program in September 2020. The SPIRE program consists of an expertly curated, objective, and holistic… Enhancing Data Center Performance: The Importance of TIA-942 Certification By TIA Staff | August 11, 2023 | Comments Off on Enhancing Data Center Performance: The Importance of TIA-942 Certification By: Scott Payton, Technical Director, GDCE Group MSc ISM, MIET, MASHRAE, CTDC, CTIA, CDCE, CDCS, CDCP, ATD, ATS, CDCAP In today’s rapidly evolving digital world, data centers (DCs) have become the backbone of modern businesses. As DCs become increasingly critical, ensuring their reliability, efficiency, and security is a top operational priority. One way to achieve… 1 [PAGE] Title: Data Centers - TIA Online Content: Data Centers TIA-942-C coming out soon... The new revision of the popular TIA-942 Data Center Infrastructure standard is coming out soon.  Send an email to [email protected] to make sure you are notified as soon as it is available. In the meantime, you can CLICK HERE to purchase the full TIA-942-B Standard, which includes the new Addendum on Micro Data Center. Email [email protected] to get involved with TIA's TR-42 Standards Committee and Data Center Technology Program. Data Centers for an AI World The data centers are the foundations of the evolving digital world in which we live, work, and play. The evolution of the technology with an always connected artificial intelligence (AI), mission critical services, environmental concerns, increased levels of resilience and performance are contributing to significant changes in the way data centers are designed, operated, and maintained. They come in all sizes and can be located anywhere. Certify your Data Center today! Data center owners around the world have been certifying their facilities to the TIA-942 standard to help their businesses. As competition for customers increases, TIA-942 certification can set your data center apart and drive new customers looking for the most resilient and reliable data centers. The TIA-942 Certification Program demonstrates conformity to the requirements of the globally-recognized ANSI/TIA-942 standard, providing greater assurance to customers and stakeholders. Learn More about TIA-942 Certification TIA’s Data Center Working Group brings together data center owners, equipment suppliers, communication services providers, consultants, engineering firms, auditing firms, and data center users to establish best practices for data centers within TIA-942. If you’re interested in lending your expertise to this effort, we want to hear from you. Please send an email to [email protected] to get involved. Featured Resources White Paper: Sustainability at the Far Edge The October 2021 TIA white paper entitled “Where’s the Edge?” created a framework of edge computing implementations as envisioned by the telecommunications industry. In this paper, we now explore how the Information Technology (IT) sector can overcome the challenges of powering new infrastructure in disparate locations, while also meeting global and corporate decarbonization goals. Explore TIA's Edge Data Center Briefing Papers > TIA-942 Webinar As data centers continue to evolve with the emergence of 5G and edge applications, commitment to resilience and reliability must be demonstrated transparently through independent data center certification against an industry-defined standard. This webinar will describe why the ANSI/TIA-942 data center standard and certification program are critical to ensuring the successful deployment of the new applications enabled by 5G. Attendees will get an overview of the latest information around TIA-942 and hear industry experts present their perspectives on why the resiliency of the data center is paramount to building trust in our digital infrastructure. Watch Now >> The ANSI/TIA-942 Data Center Infrastructure Standard Specifies the minimum requirements for telecommunications infrastructure of data centers and computer rooms, covering all aspects, including infrastructure, site location, architectural, electrical, mechanical, safety and security. The topology specified in this document is intended to be applicable to any size data center. [PAGE] Title: Telecommunications Industry Association Board of Directors | TIA Online Content: Board of Directors 2023 Board of Directors Trevor Smith* VP, Strategy and Business Development, Office of the CTO CommScope Network Solutions (Board Chair) Kanchana Raman* CEO Avion Networks, Inc. (Vice Chair) John Greene* CEO and General Manager New Lisbon Telephone Company (Treasurer) Barbara Baffer Vice President, Government & Industry Relations Ericsson North America Annie Bogue COO, Head of Sales and Marketing Fujitsu Network Communications Jeff Campbell* Vice President, the Americas Global Government Affairs Cisco Systems, Inc. Mark Epstein Senior Vice President Development Qualcomm Maria Eriksson Senior Director Performance Management Frameworks Ericsson Brian Hendricks Head of Technology Policy & Public Affairs Nokia Americas Region Ajit Jillavenkatesa, Ph.D. Senior Standards Policy Legal Advisor Apple, Inc. Doug Moore* President & CEO Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. (Chairman Emeritus) Bruce McClelland President and CEO Ribbon Sankaran Ramanathan* Executive Director of Network Support Systems Verizon Wireless Harrison Smookler Vice President, Strategy and Business Intelligence Corning Thao Tang Corporate Vice President Motorola Solutions Charlie Vogt* President & CEO DZS *Executive Committee Member [PAGE] Title: TIA Awards - TIA Online Content: Search for: TIA QuEST Forum Awards TIA QuEST Forum Fellows are recognized for their more than 10 years of outstanding contribution and dedication in the pursuit of ICT quality and performance excellence. The Legends Lifetime Achievement Award is TIA QuEST Forum’s highest quality award that recognizes individuals with more than 20 years of a strong commitment to providing quality service to ICT customers. 340 Club members are recognized for exhibiting exceptional participation in TIA QuEST Forum. Each member’s cumulative participation points from sponsorships, investments in time, and contributions to work groups, sub-teams, and regions meet or exceed 340. Volunteers of the Year are selected for outstanding service, dedication and contributions to TIA QuEST Forum and its initiatives. Company Participant of the Year are recognized for outstanding leadership, contributions and support of TIA QuEST Forum and its initiatives. Contact Us [PAGE] Title: Working Groups - TIA Online Content: Search for: Working Groups TIA QuEST Forum Working Groups enable our participants to collaborate with peers in their network, identify best practices and execute key projects and initiatives to address a range of global ICT issues. Provides leadership and guidance in support of all initiatives and fosters strategic relationships. Join TiA QuEST Forum TIA uses cookies to give users the best experience on our website. Learn more about which cookies TIA uses or switch them off in settings Strictly Necessary Cookies Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Enable All [PAGE] Title: Standards Announcements - TIA Online Content: Search for: Standards Announcements TIA Issues Call for Interest on New Project For Commercial Buildings January 24, 2024 TIA Issues Call for Interest on New Project For General Requirements for Standard Test Procedures for Optical Fibers, Cables, Transducers, Sensors, Connecting and Terminating Devices, and other Fiber Optic Components January 4, 2024 TIA Issues Call for Interest on New Project For FOTP-86 Optical Fiber Cable Jacket Shrinkage January 4, 2024 TIA Issues Call for Interest on New Project For FOTP-71 Procedure to Measure Temperature- Shock Effects on Fiber Optic Components January 4, 2024 TIA Issues Call for Interest on New Project For FOTP-25 Impact Testing of Optical Fiber Cables January 4, 2024 TIA uses cookies to give users the best experience on our website. Learn more about which cookies TIA uses or switch them off in settings Strictly Necessary Cookies Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Enable All [PAGE] Title: U.S. BEAD Program - TIA Online Content: U.S. BEAD Program U.S. Bead Program The Broadband Equity and Access Deployment program (BEAD) is a $42B federal grant program intended to bring broadband to all Americans. This program was created out of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) which was signed into law in late 2021. On June 26, 2023, President Biden announced the allocation to individual states of broadband infrastructure funds under the BEAD Program. Each state now has six months to submit their initial proposal to the National Telecommunications and Information Association (NTIA), who is administering the BEAD Program, outlining how they intend to bring reliable, affordable broadband connection to their residents and how they will award funds to subgrantees to achieve their broadband priorities. New Cybersecurity and SCRM Requirements The U.S. Department of Commerce, through NTIA, has established its Notice of Funding Opportunity for multiple broadband programs, including the Broadband Equity Access Deployment (BEAD) program designed to close the digital divide across the U.S. and its territories. This program was created out of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) which was signed into law in late 2021. The BEAD program in particular has created a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to connect our country, but it comes at a time when America’s digital infrastructure is also under constant attack, with sophisticated adversaries targeting our networks through supply chains. To ensure this historic investment in Broadband is used to build high-speed, reliable networks we can trust, eligibility to participate includes unprecedented Cybersecurity and Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) requirements that will need to be met by state governments as well as service providers and their vendors. Download C/SCRM Checklist BEAD Success summit In April, TIA held its inaugural BEAD Success Summit, which brought together industry, state and federal government leaders to discuss the BEAD program requirements and latest network architectures and alternatives. Featured speakers at the summit included Senator Mark Warner from Virginia; Kevin Gallagher, Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Commerce; and several leaders from the NTIA as well as key state and local officials. View Presentations Resources for Stakeholders The U.S. government is demanding improvements in cybersecurity and supply chain risk management from the ICT industry.  The U.S. BEAD program, through the directions provided in the NOFO, set unprecedented baseline requirements in specifying prudent cybersecurity and supply-chain risk management practices for States (Eligible Entities) which are to receive attestations from those deploying or upgrading broadband networks using BEAD funds (Subgrantees) to ensure compliance with stated expectations. STATE Governments Learn how new cybersecurity and supply chain risk management requirements for BEAD funding can be aligned and demonstrated with certification to a new industry standard from TIA QuEST Forum called SCS 9001. Learn More Service Providers Attesting to meet cybersecurity and supply chain risk management requirements demands service providers have operationalized plans for each area to be eligible for funding. The global ICT industry supply chain security standard, SCS 9001 helps align with all of the requirements. Learn More Vendors & Suppliers Supporting service providers under the U.S. BEAD Program will mean helping clients establish and operationalize supply chain risk management plans. TIA QuEST Forum's SCS 9001 standard certification comes from independent certification bodies who audit and verify all hardware and software deliverables meet appropriate security performance levels compared to anonymized industry benchmarks. Learn More A New Industry Standard SCS 9001 is a new industry-driven supply chain security standard which demonstrates the proper operational and procedural hygiene of an operator or service provider and its vendors in delivering trusted products and services to the organizations who manage ICT networks around the world, be they private or public. SCS 9001 compliance can be independently audited and certified which can help position organizations to be in full alignment with the four sets of cybersecurity and supply chain risk management requirements: [PAGE] Title: History of Telecommunications Industry Association | TIA Online Content: Search for: History The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) represents the entire supply chain of companies that build and support the communications technologies and information networks of today and tomorrow. For 80+ years we have earned the trust of the world's most recognized Information and Communications Technology (ICT) brands that serve the global marketplace across every industry. While our name has changed, our mission to accelerate connectivity, encourage investment and drive innovation, jobs and economic opportunity hasn’t. Today, TIA continues to evolve as the ICT industry navigates complex technology shifts and a changing policy landscape. Whether it is our leadership in U.S. and international policy advocacy, technology and standards development, or facilitating new business opportunities and industry research, TIA and its member companies are advancing global connectivity to deliver wide societal benefits. Our History In 1924,a small group of telecommunications suppliers to the independent telephone industry organized an industry trade show. The Communications Act of 1934 was signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt for the purpose of regulating interstate and foreign commerce in communication by wire and radio communications, and created the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), to execute and enforce the provisions of the Act. In 1941, that group of telecommunications suppliers becomes a formal committee of the United States Independent Telephone Association. In 1957, the association for the Radio Electronic Television Manufacturers (RETMA) is renamed the Electronic Industries Association (EIA). In 1959, the members of EIA publish the first voluntary, industry-led Structural Standard for Steel Transmitting Antennas, Supporting Steel Towers, EIA-RS-222. In 1979, the committee of telecommunications suppliers at the U.S. Independent Telephone Association splits off as a separate, but affiliated association, the United States Telecommunications Suppliers Association (USTSA), and becomes one of the world's premier organizers of telecom exhibitions and seminars. In 1984, the first Electronic Serial Number (ESN) number is assigned by ElA allowing for the identification of phones on the wireless network. In April of 1988 the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) is officially formed through the merger of two groups, the United States Telecommunications Suppliers Association (USTSA) and the information and Telecommunications Technologies Group of the Electric Industries Association (EIA). For the next 12 years, TIA advocates for numerous policy issues on behalf of its members, sponsors critical engineering committees that sets the standards determining the pace of development in the industry, providing a marketplace for members and their customers to do business, and serves as a forum for the examination of industry issues and industry information. In 1991, TIA publishes ANSI/TIA-568, a requirement addressing structured cabling system standards for commercial buildings, and between buildings in campus environments for telecommunications products and services. Initiated by TIA in 1992, CDMA2000 – the family of 3G mobile technology standards for sending voice, data, and signaling data between mobile phones and cell sites is created and becomes a registered trademark of TIA In 1994, the U.S. Congress passes the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA). TIA leads the development of the voluntary, consensus-based lawful interception standard to comply with CALEA, J-STD-025, through collaboration with telecommunications equipment manufacturers, service providers, government agencies, academic institutions, and end-users. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 was the first significant overhaul of telecommunications law in more than sixty years, amending the Communications Act of 1934. The Act provided a de-regulatory national policy framework designed to accelerate the rapid private sector deployment of advanced information and communications technologies and services to all Americans by opening all telecommunications markets to competition. In the fall of 2000, the MultiMedia Telecommunications Association (MMTA) is integrated into TIAand the association restructures internally to focus on global marketplace development. In 2007, TIA defines operating rules assigned for MEID and EUIM-ID Administration to identify mobile devices for recognition by the 3G network. TIA successfully advocates for $7.2 Billion toward broadband infrastructure investment in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. In 2011, TIA NOW launches as the premier online video network providing an outlet of industry insight, thought leadership and education through video webinars, live panel discussions, custom video productions, documentaries and more. In 2011, TIA advocacy efforts lead to the addition of $9 Billion to the FCC’s Universal Service Fund (USF) and modernization of the program to include broadband. In 2012, TIA successfully advocates for the passage of Title VI of the Middle-Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012, otherwise known as the “Spectrum Act.” The law significantly re-shaped America’s spectrum policy, including authorizing more spectrum auctions and creating a nationwide public safety broadband network (FirstNet), driving huge benefits for communities, companies and consumers. In 2014, TIA secures passage of the Enhance Labeling, Accessing, and Branding of Electronic Licenses Act (E-Label Act), which President Barack Obama signed into law (Public Law No: 113-197) requiring the FCC to circulate regulations to allow manufacturers of radiofrequency devices with display the option to use electronic labeling for the equipment in place of affixing physical labels to the equipment. In 2017, the FCC completed the first-of-its-kind voluntary incentive auction to provide new spectrum for mobile broadband. In 2017, QuEST Forum - the global association dedicated to common performance, quality metrics and sustainability in the ICT industry, is integrated into TIA. The merger expands TIA’s global community to more than 500 members, engineering committee and partner organizations across the Americas, Europe-Middle East, and Asia-Pacific. Contact Us [PAGE] Title: Careers | TIA Online Content: Strictly Necessary Cookies Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Enable All [PAGE] Title: Telecommunications Industry Association Technology Programs | TIA Online Content: Search for: Technology Programs In a time of technological transformation, connectivity is the foundation upon which modern innovation is built. TIA's Technology Programs aim to enable the next generation of connected technology. TIA’s Technology Programs bring together member companies and other stakeholders across a variety of industries impacted by communications technologies. TIA facilitates technology-based communities of interest that convene to solve unique challenges, shape solutions and provide strategic guidance to enable next-generation products and services across markets. They include: TIA Data Centers Program Affiliated Groups TIA Fiber Optics Technology Consortium Formed in 1993, TIA’s Fiber Optics Technology Consortium (FOTC) , convenes fiber manufacturers, cablers and electronics manufacturers and serves as a resource for users and network designers who seek reliable and current information about the deployment of fiber in enterprise networks. The FOTC discusses tacking industry issues to help grow the market for fiber optic solutions. It allows companies to have a greater voice in the industry and to aide in influencing the development of fiber optic standards along with the acceptance of architectures. FOTC participation is open to all members in good standing of TIA. In addition, companies who are not TIA members can participate as Affiliate members. TIA Single Pair Ethernet Consortium The Single Pair Ethernet Consortium (SPEC) of TIA represents technology leaders committed to accelerating the adoption of next generation Operational Technology (OT) and Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity using SPE Technologies. oneM2M oneM2M is the leading global standardization body for machine-to-machine (M2M) and the Internet of Things (IoT). It was established through an alliance of standards organizations to develop a single horizontal platform for the exchange and sharing of data among all applications. The purpose and goal of oneM2M is to develop technical specifications which address the need for a common M2M Service Layer that can be readily embedded within various hardware and software, and relied upon to connect the myriad of devices in the field with M2M application servers worldwide. TIA is a founding member and Partner Type 1, providing strategic direction to oneM2M and can admit its members to become members of oneM2M. Contact Us [PAGE] Title: U.S. Technical Advisory Groups - TIA Online Content: Search for: U.S. Technical Advisory Groups Within international standards developing organizations, individual country interests are represented by Technical Advisory Groups (“TAG”s). The United States has several TAGs, and each TAG is assigned an administrator and a TAG Secretary, usually a U.S.-based standards developer through a national standards body. TIA is the administrator for a number of U.S. Technical Advisory Groups of strategic importance to its Sector Association members. TIA uses cookies to give users the best experience on our website. Learn more about which cookies TIA uses or switch them off in settings Strictly Necessary Cookies Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Enable All [PAGE] Title: Telecommunications Industry Association Standards | TIA Online Content: Search for: Standards TIA is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as a standards developing organization (SDO). TIA's engineering committees create standards and technical documents based on guidelines established by the ANSI Essential Requirements . While most of us rarely think about standards, they are essential to keep our daily lives running smoothly. Standards establish universal protocols that ensure the compatibility and interoperability of technology that is essential to daily life. Where components interact, there is a flow from one component to the other, perhaps information, electricity, water, fuel or something else altogether. To achieve functionalities, components must interact in pre-defined and known ways, even though they may be designed and developed at different times by different groups of people. Known interactions are achieved through the use of standards. Standards make it possible to compare competing products, while ensuring quality. What’s more, they benefit public health, safety and the environment. When you think about all that standards do, they are indispensable for today’s society. TIA operates nine engineering committees that develop guidelines for private radio equipment, cellular towers, VOIP equipment, structured cabling, satellites, telephone terminal equipment, accessibility, data centers, mobile device communications, vehicular telematics, smart device communications, and smart utility mesh networks. More than 1,000 individuals - representing network equipment manufacturers, service providers, government entities, and end users - currently serve on TIA's Engineering committees. To ensure that these standards become globally established, TIA collaborates with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) , the International Organization for Standardization ( ISO ), and the International Electrotechnical Commission ( IEC ). [PAGE] Title: About Telecommunications Industry Association | TIA Online Content: About TIA The Trusted Industry Association for the Connected World. The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) brings together communities of interest across  -- Technology, Government Affairs, Standards, and Business Performance -- to enable high-speed networks and accelerate next-generation Information and Communications Technology (ICT) innovation. With a global membership of more than 400 companies, TIA is at the center of a vibrant connected ecosystem of companies delivering technologies and services that are revolutionizing the way the world communicates. Our members include ICT manufacturers and suppliers, network operators and service providers, distributors and systems integrators. Community is at the center of TIA, which convenes the industry's thought leaders and brightest minds, regardless of the size of their business, to solve common challenges, and develop new ideas and approaches that bring tangible value to companies by enhancing their bottom line. TIA is the industry voice that leads the conversations and provides timely information and resources to help expand global investment and trade opportunities and encourage innovation throughout the entire value chain. Built upon a values-based culture of accountability, teamwork, engagement, innovation, and being member-driven, TIA delivers results – driving scalable, repeatable, consistent processes that deliver outcomes and value for our members. TIA is an Illinois not for profit corporation (501 (C) 6). [PAGE] Title: TIA QuEST Forum Initiatives | TIA Online Content: Quality The importance of quality Quality always has and will be one of the most defining characteristics of leaders in any industry. Sometimes high-quality products are taken for granted, but almost always low-quality products are easily recognized. Additionally, even a strong brand can be tainted by one lapse in quality with effects that can last for years. 25 years of continuous quality improvement TIA QuEST Forum brings together global companies and industry leaders to develop innovative solutions, services, and tools that drive business performance, improve customer experience, and achieve the highest levels of quality across the Information Communications Technology (ICT) industry. Since 1998 TIA QuEST Forum and our participants have maintained TL 9000 to address the challenges that come with digital transformation, new business models, innovation, and increasing global competition. To this day TL 9000 drives continuous improvement in key ICT product categories. TIA QuEST Forum is a unique community of ICT service providers and suppliers partnering on the pursuit of global quality, supply chain security, sustainability and overall business excellence in the ICT industry. integrated global quality Our IGQ Working group is essential to ensuring that the benefits of TL 9000 continue to be realized as the industry and technology changes. The meet regularly to discuss trends and process improvement ideas and initiatives. [PAGE] Title: What does the Telecommunications Industry Association Do | TIA Online Content: What We Do DRIVING THE ICT INDUSTRY FORWARD. TIA BRINGS TOGETHER COMMUNITIES OF INTEREST TO SHAPE SOLUTIONS THAT ENABLE NEXT-GENERATION ICT PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) is at the center of ensuring optimum performance, security and sustainability of next-generation Information Communications Technology (ICT) by bringing together communities of interest to shape solutions that touch all aspects of the digitally connected world. Through TIA’s Technology Programs, Standards Development, QuEST Forum and Government Advocacy, TIA offers a neutral ground for the industry to collaborate and solve common challenges. Our members have powered advancements in telecommunications for 80+ years and as the singular voice of the network equipment manufactures and suppliers, TIA serves as an incubator, idea-generator, strategic partner, solutions provider and business developer on behalf of the ICT industry. [PAGE] Title: Contact Telecommunications Industry Association | TIA Contact Info Content: Strictly Necessary Cookies Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Enable All [PAGE] Title: TIA Reports & Publications | TIA Online Content: Risk and Reward: A Look at the Future of AI in Communications October 9, 2023 Fireside Chat @ INCOMPAS SHOW: Chip Pickering, CEO INCOMPA and Dave Stehlin, CEO TIA We are excited to share that our CEO, Dave Stehlin, recently engaged in a thought-provoking conversation… TIA and UL Solutions to Launch SPIRE 2.0 September 30, 2023 Keeping Pace with Evolving Cybersecurity Landscape, Emerging Connectivity Technologies, and the Rise of ESG Initiatives   In a coordinated effort with numerous industry experts, the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) and… Enhancing Data Center Performance: The Importance of TIA-942 Certification August 11, 2023 By: Scott Payton, Technical Director, GDCE Group MSc ISM, MIET, MASHRAE, CTDC, CTIA, CDCE, CDCS, CDCP, ATD, ATS, CDCAP In today’s rapidly evolving digital world, data centers (DCs) have become… Protecting Global Communications Infrastructure Requires Securing the Supply Chain August 9, 2023 By Bob Kolasky, Senior Vice President Critical Infrastructure, Exiger The New York Times recently published a front-page article outlining efforts by the Chinese government to hide malicious computer code in… IoT Security Starts with Securing the Entire Supply Chain July 20, 2023 The frequency of cyber threats continues to exponentially increase, and bad actors are launching new attacks all the time, with no network or network-attached device being immune. With the rapid… 2023 BEAD Success Summit: Government and Industry Prepare for $42 Billion Program May 25, 2023 Wrapping up Highly Informative BEAD Success Summit, TIA Receives High Marks from Attendees By David Stehlin, CEO, TIA   I had the great privilege of kicking off TIA’s first annual… Why the TIA BEAD Success Summit is Important for Our Industry March 29, 2023 By Geoff Burke, Senior Vice President of Product Marketing & Government Affairs, DZS; and Willie Marx, Key Account, Utility Cooperative and Government Affairs Manager, DZS   The Broadband, Equity, Access… Standards: The Key to Improving Data Center Resilience, Efficiency, and Sustainability March 22, 2023 Happy International Data Center Day from TIA!   On this day, it is important to reflect on how data center infrastructure standards are helping drive improvements for the reliability, security,… Bridging the Digital Divide with BEAD March 13, 2023 Author: Craig Culwell, Director, Market Development, Network Cable & Connectivity, CommScope Bridging the digital divide will continue to be a major theme as we head into 2023, and there is… TIA Supports “Internet for All” Goals with BEAD Success Summit March 9, 2023 There is an immense opportunity at hand to connect millions of American homes that today, remain underserved when it comes to reliable high-speed broadband. In an effort to address this… 1 [PAGE] Title: TIA Supply Chain Security Program | TIA Online Content: C/SCRM CHECKLIST Get involved with SCS 9001 Interested in joining our Supply Chain Security Working Group? Join leaders from global network providers, equipment suppliers, cloud solutions providers, software developers, connected device manufacturers and consultants to evolve SCS 9001 to meet the ever changing cybersecurity and supply chain risk management (SCRM) landscape. TIA Supply Chain Security Resources SCS 9001 R2.0 WHITE PAPER: SCS 9001 Release 2.0: A comprehensive global cyber and supply chain security standard adaptable to all digital technologies across all applications and industry sectors. SECURING THE IOT SUPPLY CHAIN IS ESSENTIAL: New position paper outlines the issues and describes the opportunities for significant IOT security improvements. Download Now Supply Chain Security Technical Bulletins Explore our library of technical bulletins to read how SCS 9001 aligns with government and regulatory requirements around the world and how SCS 9001 could have help prevent and mitigate well-known cybersecurity breaches. How SCS 9001 aligns with global government regulations Technical Bulletin: Comparing SCS 9001 to CTA-2088 >DOWNLOAD NOW Technical Bulletin: Comparing SCS 9001 to ISO 28001 >DOWNLOAD NOW Technical Bulletin: SCS 9001 and U.S. EO 14028 >DOWNLOAD NOW Technical Bulletin: SCS 9001 and the National Institute of Standards Cybersecurity Framework >DOWNLOAD NOW Technical Bulletin: SCS 9001 and the National Institute of Standards and NISTR 8276 >DOWNLOAD NOW Technical Bulletin: SCS 9001 and UK Telecommunications Security Act of 2021 >DOWNLOAD NOW Technical Bulletin: SCS 9001 and NCSC Cyber Essentials >DOWNLOAD NOW Technical Bulletin: SCS 9001 and U.K. NCSC 10 Steps to Cybersecurity >DOWNLOAD NOW How scs 9001 can mitigate the impact to security breaches Technical Bulletin: SCS 9001 Potential Impacts to the Log4j Security Breach >DOWNLOAD NOW Technical Bulletin: SCS 9001 and the IBM Data Breach Comparison >DOWNLOAD NOW read our blog posts on scs 9001 Blog: IoT Security Starts with Securing the Entire Supply Chain >READ NOW Blog: How SCS 9001 and Prague Proposals >READ NOW Blog: Zero Trust for Supply Chains: A Critical Aspect of the SCS 9001 Standard >READ NOW Blog: Software Identification and Traceability: Essential to Securing the ICT Supply Chain >READ NOW Blog: Why ICT Security Must Go Beyond ISO 27001 >READ NOW Blog: Establishing Trust: Foundational to Securing the ICT Supply Chain >READ NOW Contact Us [PAGE] Title: SCS 9001™ CYBER AND SUPPLY CHAIN SECURITY STANDARD - TIA Online Content: SCS 9001™ CYBER AND SUPPLY CHAIN SECURITY STANDARD SECURING THE ICT SUPPLY CHAIN WITH SCS 9001 Introducing SCS 9001TM - the first-ever Supply Chain Security Management System that tackles the growing threat of supply chain cyber-attacks head-on. In a world where information and communications technology (ICT) is at the forefront, SCS 9001 provides a comprehensive system for global supply chain security. With SCS 9001, network operators, service providers, system integrators, manufacturers, buyers, suppliers, and consumers can now have confidence that the software, hardware, and other technology components they produce, purchase, and deploy meet critical security benchmarks to mitigate the risk of cybersecurity attacks. Learn More Get Involved with SCS 9001 Interested in joining our Supply Chain Security Working Group? Join leaders from global service providers, equipment suppliers, software providers and consultants to evolve SCS 9001 to meet the ever-changing cybersecurity and supply chain risk management (SCRM) landscape. TIA uses cookies to give users the best experience on our website. Learn more about which cookies TIA uses or switch them off in settings Strictly Necessary Cookies Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Enable All [PAGE] Title: ICT Industry Government Advocacy | TIA Online Content: Government Advocacy Advocating for the ICT Industry TIA offers U.S. and global policy advocacy resources to its full members. Through unique events and meetings as well as collaboration with affiliated organizations, policy coalitions, advisory committees, task forces, and government agencies, TIA's Government Affairs team brings industry stakeholders and policy-makers together to find mutually beneficial policy solutions that ensure innovation, growth and trust in the ICT sector. TIA Government Affairs team effectively bridges the gap between TIA members and both U.S. and global governments through the following activities: Analyzing, tracking and reporting all ICT-related government programs and legislation Gathering member input and filing comments on proposed regulations and proceedings Fostering relationships with government policymakers to serve as go-to ICT experts on policy Participating in advisory committees that play a role in shaping government programs and policies Bringing together global thought leaders, government stakeholders and members via policy forums and special events Interfacing with global governments and regulators in the interest of international trade issues [PAGE] Title: Webinars On-Demand - TIA Online Content: Securing the Global ICT Supply Chain: An Overview of the New SCS 9001 Standard Hear from leaders of TIA’s Supply Chain Security Industry Work Group as they explain the key components of the new SCS 9001 standard and how it will help organizations build trust in their products and services. Topics include security by design, software Bill of Materials (sBOM) and provenance, the process-based approach to security, measuring performance, and the use of automation to support security objectives. Speakers: Tej Aulakh, Spirent Brenda Bissell, ANAB Kevin Jackson, TNS Ken Koffman, TIA QuEST Forum Bob Martin, MITRE Labs Jim McConnell, Verizon Moderated by Dave Sanicola, The DESARA Group When: Recorded July 28, 2021 View the Webinar Returning Smarter: How Smart Building Tech Can Help Ensure a Safe Return to Work and Travel This panel of experts will discuss how a holistic approach to making buildings smarter can both ensure optimal safety and put workers and travelers at ease. We will discuss how a common assessment for smart buildings can help ensure that buildings are not only safe, but that the smart technology investment allows for building owners and operators to achieve their desired smart outcomes and increase the value of their asset. Speakers: Brian Davis, Corning Michael Blake, HTNG Mike Colburn, AECOM Dr. Linda Lee, UVAngel Moderated by Pat Sweeney, TIA When: Recorded June 16, 2021 View the Webinar Sustainable Smart Buildings of the Future What constitutes a sustainable building has evolved significantly over the past two decades- to now consider not only its environmental impact, but also its overall social performance and cost reduction over the building’s lifecycle. Smart buildings are well positioned to maximize sustainability in a way that considers impact on the planet, the people, and the profit of the business itself. TIA and LoRa Alliance have teamed up to examine all aspects of sustainability goals and practices with insights from their members. When: Recorded May 20, 2021 Data Centers: What is Different at the Edge? As the cloud moves closer and closer to end-users, a large portion of the computing will be migrating to the edge of networks over the next few years. But in a world that demands high performance network services, providers of low-latency 5G applications and services will need to trust new edge data centers to deliver, and some with ultra-high reliability requirements. This panel will discuss how the data center industry is adapting to this seismic shift and how it impacts the physical design and construction, as well as the operational aspects, of Edge Data Centers When: April 13, 2021 Speakers: -Bret Lehman, Director of Product and Business Development, PCX Corporation LLC -Bill Radford, CIO, EdgePresence -Keith Rutledge, General Manager for Edgepoint, Compass Datacenters -A.S. Waqas, Vice President (Datacenter Solution), Vericom Global Solutions -Jacques Fluet, Director, Data Center Program, TIA [PAGE] Title: TIA Smart Buildings Program | TIA Online Content: Smart Buildings A holistic approach to assessing smart buildings The global smart building market expected to grow to $215 billion by 2030 according to reports from Verified Market Research. But how are building owners developing their investment strategies without a common, industry-accepted methodology to measuring building intelligence? To drive broader adoption of smart buildings, it is crucial for the industry to have a comprehensive, reliable, and measurable framework of assessment criteria. TIA's Smart Building Program offers a solution with its industry-led working group that has established this all-encompassing assessment criteria. The main objective is to assist building owners in understanding the current levels of operational intelligence in their properties, while providing guidance and a roadmap for the transition to smart buildings. Additionally, this program ensures a return on investment for future technology deployments. $215 BILLION BY 2030 The global Smart Building market is expected to grow to $215 billion by 2030 according to reports from Verified Market Research. WHAT IS A SMART BUILDING? The concept of a smart building has evolved over time. However, true smartness can only be achieved when all building systems are seamlessly integrated and share data, allowing them to be effortlessly managed through a single interface with minimal human involvement. SPIRE Smart Building Assessment and Rating with TIA-Developed Assessment Criteria Developed with the combined working experience of TIA members and UL Solutions, the SPIRE smart building assessment and rating program is designed to help evaluate the performance and technologies of smart buildings. It’s based on TIA's transparent, industry-driven framework that’s aimed at improving smart building performance and occupant experience. TIA'S SMART BUILDING PROGRAM SPONSOR: The TIA Smart Building Working Group TIA facilitates an industry work group for smart buildings which is tasked with developing and maintaining the assessment criteria for the SPIRE Smart Building Assessment and Rating Program. With stakeholders from all aspects of the smart building ecosystem, we ensure objective, holistic and technology neutral criteria for the industry to leverage in verifying the performance of smart buildings. Learn From the TIA Smart Building Working Group: NEW WHITE PAPER: SPIRE 2.0 SUSTAINABILITY This paper overviews the current trends and technologies impacting sustainability initiatives in today’s smart buildings. It also outlines how the new SPIRE Version 2.0 Sustainability Assessment Criteria addresses these trends and technologies. Download NEW WHITE PAPER: SPIRE 2.0 Cybersecurity This new white paper highlights the benefits of using the SPIRE 2.0 Cybersecurity Assessment Criteria as a valuable resource for smart buildings. It assesses risks, bridges the gap between OT and IT, and helps these buildings address vulnerabilities and comply with evolving requirements. Download NEW WHITE PAPER: SPIRE 2.0 Connectivity This new white paper overviews technology advancements and trends impacting connectivity in today’s smart buildings. It also outlines how the new SPIRE 2.0 Connectivity Assessment Criteria addresses these impacts and enhances smart building readiness. [PAGE] Title: About the Staff of the Telecommunications Industry Association - TIA Online Content: Strictly Necessary Cookies Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Enable All [PAGE] Title: Telecommunications Industry Association Press Releases - TIA Online Content: Strictly Necessary Cookies Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Enable All [PAGE] Title: TIA Award and Recognition Program - TIA Online Content: Search for: TIA Award and Recognition Program TIA is leading multiple recognition programs to acknowledge the member and participating companies, their employees and individuals who contribute to the success of TIA.  Our program will encourage and reward the engagement and achievements of TIA members and participants. This includes companies, their representatives and individuals involved in TIA’s standards groups (including US Technical Advisory Groups), Technology Programs (Smart Buildings and Data Centers), and Government Affairs’ committee initiatives. Our Awards and Recognition Categories: TIA Star Award Open to Organizations and Representatives and Individuals Recognizes companies, their representatives and individuals for notable contributions to TIA during a calendar year TIA staff will monitor the activity and the point accumulations monthly during the year.  TIA staff will then review the potential TIA Star awardees with each committee leadership in late-January/early-February.  The awardees will be announced at the first Board of Directors meeting of the year, as well as, at the first relevant committee/program meeting of the year. TIA Achievement Award Periodic Award Open to Representatives and Individuals Recognizes company representatives and individuals for significant achievements and milestones that have greatly contributed to the overall success of a committee or program These are decided by committee/program leadership and approved by TIA staff.  TIA staff will provide the award and the notification of the recognition. Since this award is milestone/achievement-based and at the discretion of committee/program leadership it can be awarded at any time. Long-term Recognition Awards Open to Representatives and Individuals TIA Fellow Recognizes representatives and individuals for outstanding contributions to TIA over an extended period of time, including in work group or committee leadership roles TIA Fellow is nominated by committee/program leadership and approved by TIA staff and the TIA CEO.  Anyone can nominate a TIA Fellow candidate to committee/program leadership.  Nominations for TIA Fellow will be open from September through October every year.  The awardees will be announced at the first Board of Directors meeting of the year, as well as, at the first relevant committee/program meeting of the year. TIA Lifetime Award Recognizes representatives and individuals for their commitment and contributions to TIA over an extended period of time Lifetime Awards are recommended by committee/program leadership or TIA leadership and approved by the TIA CEO.  Nominations for Active awardees will be open from September through October every year.  The awardees will be announced at the first Board of Directors meeting of the year, as well as, at the first relevant committee/program meeting of the year. They can also be triggered by a retirement at any time during the year and will be announced upon approval. All recipients will receive an award and be recognized on TIA’s website, in its newsletter, on social media, as well as recognition from the committee/group leadership at an official committee/group meeting. [PAGE] Title: Telecommunications Industry Association | | Home Content: Strictly Necessary Cookies Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Enable All [PAGE] Title: Telecommunications Industry Association Membership | Content: Strictly Necessary Cookies Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Enable All [PAGE] Title: Events from Tuesday, January 17, 2023 – Thursday, March 17, 2022 – TIA Online Content: Strictly Necessary Cookies Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Enable All [PAGE] Title: Telecommunications Industry Association MEID Database | TIA Online Content: TIA MEID Database Mobile Equipment IDentifiers (MEID) A Mobile Equipment IDentifier (MEID) is a globally unique 56-bit identification number for a physical piece of mobile station equipment. Equipment identifiers are "burned" into a device and should be resistant to modification. They are used to facilitate mobile equipment identification and tracking. Additionally, MEID multi-mode assignments are coordinated with International Mobile Equipment Identifiers (IMEIs), facilitating global roaming and harmonization between 3G, 4G and 5G technologies as a universal mobile equipment identifier. The MEID is a 14-digit hexadecimal value. The MEID is capable of being transmitted over the air upon a request from the network and is composed mainly of two basic components, the manufacturer code and the serial number, as follows: All fields are defined as hexadecimal values with the following valid range. RR - valid range A0 . FF - globally administered XXXXXX - valid range 000000. FFFFFF ZZZZZZ - valid range 000000. FFFFFF C - valid range 0. F - Not transmitted over the air. In the case of MEIDs for terminals designed to comply with both 3GPP and 3GPP2 specifications (i.e., multimode terminals), all these fields are defined as decimal values with the following valid range: RR - valid range '99', '98', '97'. - globally administered XXXXXX - valid range 000000. 999999 ZZZZZZ - valid range 000000. 999999 C - valid range 0 . 9 - Not transmitted over the air. MEID Administration TIA serves as the Global Hexadecimal Administrator (GHA) to assign MEID manufacturer codes. TIA is the sole Global Administrator with authority to assign a Hexadecimal MEID. TIA also coordinates with the International Mobile Equipment Identifier (IMEI) Global Decimal Administrator (GDA), the GSM Association, when TIA administers Decimal IMEI/MEID codes for multi-mode equipment. The TIA Standards Committee TR-45 ESN/UIM/MEID Ad Hoc, in cooperation with 3GPP2, successfully worked with the wireless industry to assist the smooth transition from ESN to MEID. The following library of MEID documents is intended to assist the MEID understanding and migration from the finite ESN numbering resource to MEID: TIA White Paper on the Exhaust of Electronic Serial Numbers (ESNs) and Migration to Mobile Equipment Identifiers (MEIDs) (November 2007; 6 pages; 70KB) MEID Assignments The Global Hexadecimal Administrator (GHA) administrator's report may be available to materially- and directly-affected parties via the TIA MEID database where a login and password credentials are required. MEID Guidelines and Process Global Wireless Equipment Numbering Administrative Procedures v3.0 MEID Application Process There is a fee for filing MEID application assignments. The fee chart is available here . Applicants are required to request MEID assignments from the GHA by completing and transmitting FORM A. Once the form is received, the GHA will inform the applicant of the required fee. Assignments will NOT be processed until payment has been received. MEID Forms FORM A - Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID) Application Form : Applicants are asked to download and print and are required to fill out this form to apply for Mobile Equipment Identifiers (MEID). Completed forms should be mailed to [email protected] and [email protected] . FORM C - Mobile Equipment Identifier Use Declaration: Assignees are required to use this form to inform the MEID GHA of MEID MFR Code deployment. FORM D - Request for Change in Mobile Equipment Identifier Information : Assignees are required to use this form to inform the MEID GHA of any modifications in the contact information on file for the MEID assignment. The MEID GHA will communicate confirmation that this modification has been made by responding with FORM E: Confirmation of Change in Mobile Equipment Identifier Assignment Information. FORM F - Mobile Equipment Identifier Assignment Return: Assignees are required to use this form to return to the GHA, any MEID MFR Code no longer needed for the production of mobile stations (MSs), any MEID MFR Code not deployed within the time period specified, including extensions, or any MEID MFR Code not used in conformance with these assignment guidelines. FORM G - Certification of Compliance with MEID Guidelines: Assignees are required to use this form to communicate to the GHA, on an annual basis, compliance with the MEID Guidelines. TIA MEID Administrator Contacts: John Derr, Sr. Director, Numbering Administration Regulatory Affairs +1 202 361 7727 Cathy Wang, Director, MEID Administration – Asia-Pacific Region +1 571 451 8926 [PAGE] Title: TIA QuEST Forum | TIA Online Content: Every year, participants are recognized for their dedication, achievement, contribution and corporate sustainability. Strategic Benchmarking Continuous improvement in the hallmark of any Total Quality Management System and being able to measure that improvement is of equal importance. We have been collecting performance data for 25 years and create comprehensive, anonymized benchmark reports. Our data shows that TL 9000 continues to drive significant quality improvement in critical ICT product categories. TIA QuEST Forum participants receive these monthly Performance Data Reports (PDRs), which are anonymous benchmarking reports for the over 160 different TL 9000 product categories. Each measurement trend chart shows the best-in-class, industry average, and worst-in-class performance. Participants also have access to benchmarking data from the Sustainability Assessor and when available SCS 9001 certified organizations. This data is invaluable for comparing your performance against competitors, and analyzing your suppliers’ quality in comparison to industry best-in-class, average and worst-in-class. As SCS 9001 certifications reach a critical mass PDRs for SCS 9001 will also be available to TIA QuEST Forum members at no cost. Benchmarking with Performance Data Reports (PDRs) Derived from mandatory monthly statistics submitted by certified TL 9000 registrations and provided free to members, as well as offered for sale, PDRs are compiled for each TL 9000 measurement in all product categories, providing reliable trend data and robust industry benchmark information. [PAGE] Title: Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) Products And Services | TIA Online Content: Search for: Products And Services TIA works with its members to create various standards, products, tools, and solutions to support business growth. At TIA we solve unique challenges and develop new ideas and approaches by facilitating communities and launching multi-year programs, and innovative products and services that bring tangible value to ICT companies to enhance their bottom line. The association provides timely information and usable resources, strategic guidance and business intelligence across these divisions to our members and we do this the TIA Way; by driving scalable, repeatable, consistent processes to deliver outcomes and value for our members. Sustainability Assessor Tool TIA's online sustainability assessment tool rapidly assesses and benchmarks your sustainability and corporate social responsibility programs against industry best practices. Learn More TIA Standards Webstore Visit the TIA Standards Webstore to purchase TIA standards. View highlights, new releases, most popular standards. You can conveniently browse by subject or standards committee. Visit Standards Webstore TL 9000 Quality Management System TL9000 QMS defines the unique communications quality system requirements for design, development, production, delivery, and service. It provides measurements for companies to help evaluate the effectiveness of quality implementation and improvement programs. Learn More Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID) A Mobile Equipment IDentifier (MEID) is a globally unique 56-bit identification number for a physical piece of mobile station equipment. Equipment identifiers are “burned” into a device and should be resistant to modification. They are used to facilitate mobile equipment identification and tracking. Learn More QuEST Forum E-Shop The TIA QuEST Forum E-Shop is where you can purchase various resource materials, such as E-learning, handbooks, site licenses, PDR, benchmarks, and more. [PAGE] Title: Information and Communications Technology Thought Leadership | TIA WaveLength Blog Content: Strictly Necessary Cookies Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Enable All [PAGE] Title: Telecommunications Industry Association Membership | Content: Membership The Trusted Industry Association for the Connected World In a time of technological transformation, connectivity is the foundation upon which modern innovation is built. The networks that connect people and things are evolving but the needs for quality, security and reliability remain the same. TIA has helped facilitate advancements in telecommunications and ICT for 90+ years by offering a neutral ground for companies of all sizes to collaborate and solve common challenges through development of standards, fostering new technologies, improving business performance, and advocating on global policies. Our Community Part of TIA’s unique value lies in the diverse communities that make up our organization. Our members come to TIA to achieve growth and help drive the ICT industry forward. Our members and participants shape the various communities that advance technology, standards, advocacy and business performance to meet the critical challenges our industry faces head on. Our culture enables members and participants to build strong, lasting relationships with peers from around the industry and around the world. Our Approach Stands Out Leveraging our deep expertise and belief in a performance-based culture, TIA tackles critical challenges in ICT by driving scalable, repeatable, consistent processes to deliver outcomes and value for our members through objectives that ‘get things done’ across our communities. We are communities of "doers" who come from companies of all sizes, ranging from tier 1 service providers to 1-person consultants, that come together to advance together. Membership & Participation Options TIA offers two levels of engagement: Full Membership and Participation. FULL MEMBERSHIP: Includes access to join and participate in our Technology Programs, Standards Development, and Government Affairs initiatives. Full members also receive discounts on QuEST Forum participation, TIA-hosted events, marketing opportunities, and access to TIA’s industry research. As a full member, you will be able to take advantage of the following: Create and shape industry standards Advocate on policies that impact the industry Engage with lawmakers & regulators Gain timely ICT industry policy insights Participate in multiple focused communities Access TIA market research Receive member discounts on events, products, and services Participate in technology program working groups TIA Participation Options: Standards Committee: Participate in shaping a specific TIA standard to define industry specifications and procedures alongside your business partners, competitors, and customers. TIA is an ANSI-accredited Standards Development Organization. Technology Program: TIA’s Technology Programs bring together various stakeholders to solve industry challenges and enable technology advancement and adoption. Current Programs include Smart Buildings and Edge Data Centers and program participation also includes participation on the corresponding TIA Standards Committee. Technical Advisory Group: TIA serves as the administrator for U.S. Technical Advisory Groups that prepare contributions for international standards bodies. Participants represent U.S. business interests by preparing positions and contributions of strategic importance for international standards development. TIA QuEST Forum In 2017, TIA merged with QuEST Forum, uniting two trusted associations that represent the ICT industry in order to address quality, sustainability, and security requirements as part of the various TIA standards and program initiatives created to serve our members and their business interests. QuEST Forum Participation Options: Full Participant: Open to all telecom service providers and suppliers, includes full access to all QuEST Forum programs and working groups. Affiliate Participant: Open to individual and business entities under or part of full participant companies, including subsidiaries, subordinate organizations and holding companies. Liaison Participant: Open to TL 9000 training providers, business consultants, certification bodies, accreditation bodies, and other organizations. Liaison Participants may participate in community activities and discussions but can not vote or hold leadership positions. [PAGE] Title: Procedures & Guidelines - TIA Online Content: Search for: Procedures & Guidelines TIA is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as a "standards developing organization (SDO). Standards projects and technical documents initiated by TIA's engineering committees are formulated according to the guidelines established by the ANSI Essential Requirements and the following documents: TIA Standards Legal Guides TIA ECOP document (PDF) TIA Standards Style Guide for Engineering Committees TIA Standards Style Guide for Engineering Committees : Contains instructions for styling TIA standards documents that are in development (e.g. figures, tables, indexes). To report an organization or website that is misusing TIA content, please send your name, contact information, location or source of the misuse you are reporting and any additional comments to [email protected]. Information Alerts for Engineering Committees IPR Statement Forms TIA's IPR patent holder statements contain patent holder statements or copyright holder statements which have been provided to TIA and claim IPR or pending patent applications as being essential, or potentially essential, to the implementation of TIA standards. Unless otherwise specified, all patent holder or copyright holder statements contained herein have been provided to TIA, with an undertaking from the owner to grant licenses according to the terms and conditions of TIA's Intellectual Property Rights Policy. TIA makes no representations or warranties, and disclaims any and all responsibility, with respect to the accuracy, correctness, completeness or scope of such statements, or any claims of IPR contained or identified therein. Copyright Permission from TIA Copyright Permission Form TIA holds copyright for all Standards, Specifications, or Bulletins produced by its Engineering Committees. Reproduction and/or distribution of these documents either in hard copy or soft copy is prohibited without copyright permission. All requests for copyright permission should be sent using the online copyright permission form. The request should include the following information: The purpose for which permission is needed The specific document name and document number The portion of the document which will be reproduced (Include tables and charts) NOTE: if a proposed mockup or sample is available, please include it with the request The intended audience (i.e. type of person, such as installers, sales staff, students) The number of copies that will be reproduced The type of media format that will be used for the copy (i.e. hard copy, soft copy) Examples of instances in which copyright permission may be granted include: For academic purposes such as a presentation at a conference For reference by another association or standards developing organization For insertion into government procurement contracts For translation into another language For publication in a textbook or other manuals Contact Us [PAGE] Title: TIA Standards | Telecommunicatios Industry Association Content: Strictly Necessary Cookies Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Enable All [PAGE] Title: TIA Members | Information and Communications Technology Industry Leaders Content: Strictly Necessary Cookies Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Enable All [PAGE] Title: Login - TIA Online Content: Strictly Necessary Cookies Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Enable All [PAGE] Title: Committees - TIA Online Content: Strictly Necessary Cookies Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Enable All [PAGE] Title: Standards Education and Resources - TIA Online Content: Why are standards important? Expand In today’s complex global marketplace, your company needs every advantage it can get. So you want to access new markets, reduce costs, increase efficiency and be more competitive. As a consumer, you want faster access to new technologies that can offer you the services you need to make your life more efficient, comfortable and enjoyable. Standards are the answer! By participating in standards development activities – and by implementing standards and conformance tools – organizations have been able to streamline processes, trim costs, earn and maintain market access, and boost their bottom line. Voluntary standards and conformity assessment activities benefit public health, safety, and the environment. You, the consumer, benefit from the development and design of new and improved requirements for the safety and quality of the products you buy and the services you rely upon each day. For more information, check out ANSI’s Standards Boost Business campaign . TIA is a proud sponsor of the Standards Boost Business program. Why aren't industry standards free? Expand There are many costs associated with developing, maintaining, and distributing standards – all of which can be reflected in the price of a standard. While some standards development organizations (SDOs) especially those in Europe and Asia receive significant government funding for their development, that is not the case in the United States. SDOs have different operational models and funding sources, but TIA and many others depend upon the purchases of standards to offset the cost of hosting meetings and managing the standards development process. Accordingly, it’s very important to protect the intellectual property that is invested in standards. Every standard is a work of authorship and, under U.S. and international law, is copyright protected giving the owner certain rights of control and remuneration that cannot be taken away without just compensation. For more information, see the ANSI white paper entitled "Why Voluntary Consensus Standards Incorporated by Reference into Federal Government Regulations Are Copyright Protected". What is the process for developing a American National Standard? Expand To develop an American National Standard the draft of the proposed document must be circulated as an industry-wide ANSI "Standards Proposal" (SP) ballot/pink ballot. During the balloting period, the ballot is available for public review and any interested entities may submit one of three responses to the ballot: "affirmative," "affirmative (with comment)" or "negative (with comment)." After the final draft of the document has obtained industry consensus, the balloting information and supporting documents are reviewed by TIA, to ensure that process requirements have been met. Upon completion of this review, the document information is forwarded to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Board of Standards Review ( BSR ) with request for approval. If the document is approved as an American National Standard, the respective TIA committee will approve the ANSI/TIA standards for publication. What should I do if I have a question about the content of interpretation of a TIA standard or published document? Expand When a member of the public, having a direct and material interest in a TIA Publication, wishes a formal interpretation of any provisions of the TIA Publication, he or she may request the Standards Department in writing ([email protected]) for such an interpretation. The request shall include as a minimum the following information: name, address, email and telephone number of the person requesting the interpretation a statement demonstrating the requestor's direct and material interest in the document the number, issue, and issue date of the document in question a statement of the question(s) Upon receipt of a written request, the Standards Department will then forward the request to the appropriate Chair, Parent Committee or Technical Steering Subcommittee (TSSC) who will acknowledge receipt of the request and provide an estimate of the time required for response to the request. The Chair shall place the request on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Formulating Group and distribute copies of the request. The Formulating Group shall attempt to form a consensus on a reply to the requester. The reply may include clarifying explanations or other comments of the Formulating Group. If a consensus is formed, the Chair shall forward the agreed-upon reply to the Technology and Standards Department for formal transmittal to the requester. Note: Formal interpretations will not be provided on standards proposals or Committee letter ballots. What is TIA's process to obtain a copy of the final version of a TIA standard or TSB for review prior to a vote to revise or reaffirm the document at a quorum meeting? Expand In most cases, the complimentary copy that was provided upon approval of the document should suffice. In some cases, this may mean that the voter from the member company who received the copy will need to be located. TIA may be able to assist a member seeking the identity of the voter. In many cases, the member company has a subscription service with TIA’s publisher which allows access to TIA documents for company employees. If you do not know if your company has a subscription service, TIA will be happy to contact IHS on your behalf. In those few cases where the voter who received the complimentary copy is no longer at the company, in many cases they would have left a printed copy (company library, for example) that would suffice. In the few cases where the voter who received the complimentary copy is no longer at the company and did not leave a printed copy for others, a representative of the company can request a scanned copy of the document from TIA for their review. TIA will verify the company’s vote and voter prior to responding to such a request. If a voting member does not have access to the originally balloted document and wishes to obtain a copy of the TIA standard or TSB published document prior to the meeting he/she may send an email request to the TIA standards Secretariat with following information: the complete document title the committee number and meeting date where the disposition will be determined complete signature of the voting member including full contact information For all other cases, purchasing the standard through TIA’s authorized publisher, IHS Markit, is the appropriate way to obtain a copy of the standard. Please note that IHS offers TIA members a discount on retail purchases. Note: Based on TIA’s process, TIA standards and TSB reaffirmation votes may be taken at the quorum formulating group meeting or by a letter ballot, so an industry ballot is not necessary. What is a "U.S. TAG"? Expand Within international standards developing organizations, individual country interests are represented by Technical Advisory Groups (“TAG”s). The United States has several TAGs, and each TAG is assigned an administrator and a TAG secretary, usually a U.S.-based standards developer through a national standards body. TIA is the administrator for U.S. TAGs to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC25, ISO/IEC /JTC1/ SC 25 WG1, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC25 WG3, IEC TC46 (A, C and F), IEC TC 76 and IEC TC 86 (A, B and C). How do I become a U.S. TAG member? Expand In order to become a U.S. TAG member, membership has to be approved by the Technical Advisor/ Chair, who will request a resume which the Chair or the Technical Advisor (TA) will circulate to the TAG for review. Following the review by the TAG, the TAG will assess the applicants area of expertise and how relevant it is to the TAG. The TAG will then respond to the TA or Chair if they endorse the candidacy. The Chair/TA will then instruct the TAG secretary to add the new participant to the TAG. The TAG secretary will take the necessary steps to add the new member to the TAG, the database and the e-mail reflector. The TAG secretary will send the new member a welcome package and other relevant TAG information. She or he will follow up with the new participant to ensure that they can access TAG documents from the TAG website. How can I be appointed as a U.S. Expert? Expand In order to be appointed as a U.S. expert to a Technical Committee or Subcommittee, you must first inform the Chair or TAG secretary of your interest and intentions to join as U.S. expert to a Technical Committee or Sub-Committee. Then you must be approved by the TAG and appointed by the National Committee. The Chair/TA and the TAG secretary will then send that information to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and they will add your name to the IEC Expert Management Database System also known as EMS. Why do I receive two invoices when I am in a TAG? Expand To cover the additional external and administrative costs associated with TAG participation, there is a separate invoice from TIA. Additional ANSI dues are to cover the expenses assessed by the international organizations for participating as a member of the TAG. Please note that TIA TAG fees are included with TIA membership dues. Similarly, you can avoid ANSI dues if your company becomes a member of ANSI. To join ANSI you will need to contact ANSI. Is it possible to participate on more than one TAG once I have paid my TAG dues? Expand The fees are assessed on a per person/per committee basis, and dues are similarly assessed. If your company is a general member of TIA, you can participate on as many IEC committees as desired. However, ANSI dues will be assessed for each committee in which you participate. For JTC 1 Committees, the TAG dues will depend on your company’s status as a member, Engineering Committee Participant (ECP), or non-member. General TIA membership allows two representatives on the JTC 1 TAGs. How many times can I attend a meeting as an observer before I make up my mind to become a member of the U.S. TAG that I am attending? Expand With the permission of the Chair or Technical Advisor, a representative may attend one TAG meeting as an observer. Questions regarding access to a company's Accuris subscription service may be directed to Accuris' Customer Service at the following numbers: Americas 800 332 6077 Asia Pacific 60 4 296 1124 Europe, Middle East, Africa 44 0 203 367 0680 Contact Us [PAGE] Title: Federal Advisory Councils & Coalitions - TIA Online Content: Search for: Federal Advisory Councils & Coalitions TIA collaborates with several affiliated organizations and participates in numerous private-sector led policy and public affairs coalitions and multi-stakeholder groups initiated and convened by federal government agencies, that are designed to bring stakeholders together in dialogue to find policy solutions to common policy challenges facing the ICT industry. TIA also participates in advisory committees that play an important role in shaping programs and policies of the federal government. Affiliated Organizations and Coalitions TIA uses cookies to give users the best experience on our website. Learn more about which cookies TIA uses or switch them off in settings Strictly Necessary Cookies Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Enable All [PAGE] Title: Numbering Resources - TIA Online Content: Numbering Resources Electronic Serial Numbers (ESN) An electronic serial number (ESN) is the unique identification number embedded or inscribed on the microchip in a wireless phone by the manufacturer. The ESN cannot easily be altered in the field. The ESN differs from the mobile identification number (MIN), which is the wireless carrier's identifier for a phone in the network. MINs and ESNs can be electronically checked to help prevent fraud. ESN has been migrated to MEID with the first MEID range allocated January 9, 2006. ESN Guidelines and ESN issues are still supported by the TIA ESN Administrator. The last date for receipt of a new ESN MFR Code block request was June 30, 2010. ESN An electronic serial number (ESN) is the unique identification number embedded or inscribed on the microchip in a wireless phone by the manufacturer. The ESN cannot easily be altered in the field. The ESN differs from the mobile identification number (MIN), which is the wireless carrier's identifier for a phone in the network. MINs and ESNs can be electronically checked to help prevent fraud. How is TIA involved? TIA took over the ESN function from the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) Wireless Telecommunications Bureau in September 1997. ESN has been migrated to MEID with the first MEID range allocated January 9, 2006. ESN and UM_ID guidelines and issues are still supported by the TIA as the sole global ESN and UM_ID administrator. The last date for receipt of a new ESN MFR Code block request was June 30, 2010. Contact: John Derr and Cathy Wang of TIA, at [email protected] and [email protected] . ESN Application and Modification ESN Assignment Guidelines and Procedures (33 pages, 195k) (includes all forms A through G). ESN Manufacturers Code Assignment Guidelines and Procedures establishes that currently, June 30, 2010 (originally, December 31,2009 ) is the last date for receipt of an ESN MFR Code block request. Industry Correspondence Related to Migration from ESN and UIM_ID to MEID and E-UM_ID White Paper on Pseudo-ESN Collisions (May 26, 2005, 14 pages, 139K) UIM_ID: - UIM (User Identity Module) and E-UIM (Expanded User Identity Module used in R-UIM (Removable User Identity Module) Cards The UIM_ID is a 32-bit identification number for the Removable User Identity Module card (R-UIM). Each UIM_ID is meant to be unique, i.e., different from any other assigned UIM_ID and Electronic Serial Number (ESN). The UIM_ID shares the same numbering space with the ESN. The expanded R-UIM identifier (E-UIM_ID) addressed the exhaustion of the existing 32-bit UIM_ID/ESN numbering space. For more information on UIM_ID Assignment Guidelines and Procedures, please refer to User Identification Module ID Manufacturer's Code Assignment Guidelines and Procedures (3GPP2 SC.R4004-0, Version 2.0 - May, 2010; 32 pages, 184K) For more information on E-UIM_ID Numbering Administration Procedures, please refer to Expanded R-UIM Numbering Administrative Procedures (3GPP2 SC.R4003-0, Version 1.0-May 2007; 9 pages, 155K). Mobile Equipment IDentifiers (MEID) A Mobile Equipment IDentifier (MEID) is a globally unique 56-bit identification number for a physical piece of mobile station equipment. Equipment identifiers are "burned" into a device and should be resistant to modification. They are used as a means to facilitate mobile equipment identification and tracking. Additionally, MEIDs are coordinated with International Mobile Equipment Identifiers (IMEIs), facilitating global roaming and harmonization between 3G technologies as a universal mobile equipment identifier. If you are interested in applying for MEIDs, please GO TO MEID NUMBER APPLICATION FORM A Mobile Equipment IDentifier (MEID) is a globally unique 56-bit identification number for a physical piece of mobile station equipment. Equipment identifiers are "burned" into a device and should be resistant to modification. They are used as a means to facilitate mobile equipment identification and tracking. Additionally, MEID multimode assignments are coordinated with International Mobile Equipment Identifiers (IMEIs), facilitating global roaming and harmonization between 3G/4G/5G technologies as a universal mobile equipment identifier. The MEID is a 14-digit hexadecimal value. The MEID is capable of being transmitted over the air upon a request from the network. The MEID is composed mainly of two basic components, the manufacturer code and the serial number, as follows: All of these fields are defined as hexadecimal values with the following valid range. RR - valid range A0 . FF - globally administered XXXXXX - valid range 000000. FFFFFF ZZZZZZ - valid range 000000. FFFFFF C - valid range 0. F - Not transmitted over the air. In the case of MEIDs for terminals designed to comply with both 3GPP and 3GPP2 specifications (i.e., multimode terminals), all these fields are defined as decimal values with the following valid range: RR - valid range '99', '98', '97'. - globally administered XXXXXX - valid range 000000. 999999 ZZZZZZ - valid range 000000. 999999 C - valid range 0 . 9 - Not transmitted over the air. How is TIA involved? TIA serves as the Global Hexadecimal Administrator (GHA) to assign MEID manufacturer codes. TIA is the sole global administrator with authority to assign a Hexadecimal MEID. TIA also coordinates with the International Mobile Equipment Identifier (IMEI) Global Decimal Administrator (GDA), the GSM Association, to administer Decimal IMEI/MEID codes for multi-mode equipment. The TIA Committee TR-45 ESN/UIM/MEID Ad Hoc, in cooperation with 3GPP2, successfully worked with industry to assist the smooth transition from ESN to MEID. MEID Related Documents The following library of MEID documents is intended to assist industry understanding of MEID and the migration from the ESN numbering resource to MEID: [PAGE] Title: Resources - TIA Online Content: Strictly Necessary Cookies Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Enable All [PAGE] Title: Partnerships & Projects - TIA Online Content: Projects TR-41 and TIA-4953 Compliant Logo The amplified telephone industry has, for many years, encountered confusion and complaints regarding amplified telephone products and their advertised claims for ‘gain’ and other acoustic performance parameters. In response to these issues, TIA's TR-41 Engineering Committee developed TIA-4953 , Amplified Telephone Measurement Procedures and Performance Requirements, which was published in August 2012. The standard includes requirements for the acoustic performance of a telephone to meet the needs of people with hearing loss. The TIA is the owner of the TIA-4953 Compliant Logo for use by companies wishing to self-certify that products meet the requirements of the TIA-4953 Standard for high-gain amplified telephones. TIA is offering a limited, transferable, revocable, world-wide license to use the logo in connection with equipment that conforms to the Standard. Customers will be assisted by having a uniform means to readily identify TIA-4953 compliant products suitable for their hearing loss category. For additional information and to receive a copy of the License Agreement, please contact Standards Management [email protected] at (703) 907-7700. Exploratory Focus Group on Fuel Cell Standards for ICT Infrastructure TIA's Fuel Cell Focus Group provides a forum for fuel cell companies, mobile network operators, cell site leasing companies, engineering firms, government entities, and others to develop documents that can provide the ICT industry as a whole with a guide to the technical considerations and benefits of fuel cell deployment in support of wireless and other ICT infrastructure. The Fuel Cell Focus Group recognizes that there are numerous standards for hydrogen fuel cell safety, which are written for generic use that range from automotive refueling stations to main alternative fuel supplies. The scope of this Focus Group is to develop a comprehensive understanding of the fuel cell codes for both stationary and mobile fuel cells for specific use with telecom, wireless, datacom, emergency 911, police radio, security and surveillance, and catastrophic infrastructure for commercial, military, or residential use at ground level, on rooftop, or on platforms applications for backup, supplemental and/or alternative electric power sources as well as associated fuel storage requirements. The Focus Group has completed its Reference Guide, "Guide for Fuel Cell Installations for Wireless and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Infrastructure." The FCFG will continue its efforts to build a second document which is intended to be a user’s guide for deployment of stationary fuel cells and will be focused more on guidance for operating stationary fuel cells. Partnerships TR-8 and APCO Project 25 Public Safety Standards Recognizing the need for common standards for first responders and homeland security/emergency response professionals, representatives from the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials International (APCO), the National Association of State Telecommunications Directors (NASTD), selected federal agencies and the National Communications System (NCS) established Project 25 (PDF), a steering committee for selecting voluntary common system standards for digital public safety radio communications. TIA TR-8 facilitates such work through its role as an ANSI-accredited Standards Development Organization (SDO) and has developed in TR-8 the 102 series of technical documents. These standards directly address the guidelines of the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA). TR-41 and Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments (ACTA) An organization established to adopt technical criteria for terminal equipment developed by ANSI-accredited standards development organizations and maintains a registration database of equipment approved as compliant with the technical criteria. ACTA is directly supported by the work of TIA's TR-41 engineering committee, which creates standards for terminal attachments. TR-45 and Third Generation Partnership Project 2 (3GPP2) The standardization group for CDMA2000 technology. 3GPP2 was formed out of the International Telecommunication Union's (ITU) International Mobile Telecommunications "IMT-2000" initiative, covering high speed, broadband, and Internet Protocol (IP)-based mobile systems featuring network-to-network interconnection, feature/service transparency, global roaming and seamless services independent of location. 3GPP2 is directly supported by the work of TIA's TR-45 engineering committee, which develops wireless standards for CDMA devices. (CDMA2000 / UWC-136) TR-45 and International Telecommunication Union (ITU) As the global focal point for governments and the private sector, ITU's role in helping the world communicate spans three core sectors: radio communication (ITU-R), standardization (ITU-T), and development (ITU-D). Formulating groups within ITU-T have previously adapted TIA standards. TIA has also developed agreements with the following organizations: APCO - Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials ANSI - American National Standards Institute ATIS - Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions CVTA - Connected Vehicle Trade Association ETIS - the Global IT Association for Telecommunications ETSI - European Telecommunications Standards Institute FAU – Florida Atlantic University GTARC - Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation GTRI - Georgia Tech Research Institute GISFI - Global ICT Standardization Forum for India JIG-101A MOU - Joint Industry Guide IAF - International Accreditation Forum, Inc. IES - Illuminating Engineering Society IEEE -TIA MOU - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IES - Institute for Environment and Sustainability ICEA - International Cabling Engineers Association ISO/TC 176 - International Organization for Standard Technical Committee 176 ITU - International Telecommunication Union IPC - Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits NSTAC - National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee NYCEDC - New York City Economic Development – Wired NYC OneM2M - Smart Device Communications OPC - Open Productivity and Connectivity Foundation OPASTCO - Organization for the Promotion and Advancement of Small Telecommunications Companies PTIG – Project 25 Technology Interest Group STEP - Sustainable Technology Environments Program Foundation, Inc SII - Standards Institution of Israel TAP - The Technology Access Program at Gallaudet University [PAGE] Title: TIA Sponsorship & Advertising | TIA Online Content: Strictly Necessary Cookies Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Enable All [PAGE] Title: TIA-942 Certification | TIA Online Content: TIA-942 Certification Providing Assurance of Resilience, Security, Quality The TIA-942 Certification Program enables data centers to be reviewed and certified for conformity to the requirements of the globally-recognized ANSI/TIA-942 standard, providing greater assurance to customers and stakeholders. The program includes a worldwide listing of TIA-942 certified data centers, TIA-942 licensed audit companies providing certification services, as well as information and training for companies and individuals interested in becoming a certified auditor or consultant. Search Consultants/Auditors The ANSI/TIA-942 Standard Specifies requirements for telecommunications infrastructure of data centers and computer rooms, covering all aspects, including infrastructure, site location, architectural, electrical, mechanical, safety and security. Learn More! Certifications & Ratings TIA-942 Webinar This webinar describes why the ANSI/TIA-942 data center standard and certification program are critical to ensuring the successful deployment of the new applications enabled by 5G. Viewers get an overview of TIA-942 and hear industry experts present their perspectives on why the resiliency of the data center is paramount to building trust in our digital infrastructure. Watch Now > About ANSI/TIA-942 The ANSI/TIA-942 Data Center Infrastructure Standard covers site location, telecommunications infrastructure,  architectural and physical structure of the building, electrical and mechanical infrastructure, fire safety and physical security. The TIA-942 certification scheme establishes Licensed Certification Bodies (CBs) deemed competent to verify data center conformity with the standard. Within the TIA-942 certification scheme, CBs are licensed following an evaluation of their organization against recognized standards to ensure their impartiality, competence, and consistency. The licensing process established for this scheme relies on a uniform approach accepted and implemented around the world to determine the competence of an audit organization. The TIA-942 standard is developed and maintained by the TIA Engineering Committee TR-42. Click HERE to learn more about TIA standards and participate in their development. Have Questions? Contact [email protected] if you have questions or want to get involved. Frequently Asked Questions about ANSI/TIA-942 Certification What is the ANSI/TIA-942 standard? Expand The ANSI/TIA-942 Data Center Infrastructure standard is an international standard developed through the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) to identify the requirements and guidelines for the design of data centers. The ANSI/TIA-942 standard covers the telecommunications infrastructure, the power infrastructure, the mechanical infrastructure, the architecture, the fire protection, security, and the monitoring of data centers. TIA-942 covers all types of data centers (Hyperscale, Colocation, Enterprise, etc.). Anyone or any company wishing to join rhe TR-42 Engineering Committee that is responsible for the TIA-942 standard is welcome to participate. Why was the TIA-942 Certification Program established? Expand For many years, data center owners and operators, along with their customer end users, have requested a TIA-supported certification program to ensure conformance to the TIA-942 standard. While there have been many “inspection” and “auditing” programs available in the marketplace related to the standard, these were conducted without oversight from TIA. Owners and operators requested that TIA create a certification schema to ensure consistent quality and impartiality of the audits, as well as the competency of the auditors. Owners and operators of data centers may want to demonstrate to their customers that their datacenter meets the resiliency and security rating of TIA-942 TIA-recognized certification. Data center clients may also want to get an independent confirmation that the data centers meets the resiliency requirements that their services require. Why TIA? Expand TIA is a non-profit industry leading full-service trade association with more than 80 years of experience helping the industry develop and implement standards. TIA-942 is a widely and globally implemented standard without proprietary requirements. It is a standard developed through an ANSI accredited process by industry experts. TIA is technology and vendor neutral. TIA develops standards, including ANSI/TIA-942, that are applicable worldwide. TIA’s voluntary and industry-driven standards establish protocols that enable reliable, quality communications networks and services. They are broadly used by the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) community. TIA members and engineering committee participants developed and maintain the TIA-942 with regular updates based on changes in the industry and following the ANSI standards development & maintenance guidelines. TIA is an ANSI accredited SDO – Standards Development Organization. As an industry association, TIA offers an unbiased certification based on the standard. The standard is available through IHS Global. Standards found on the internet without acquisition through IHS or TIA are in violation of TIA copyright and may be inaccurate, a draft not meant for circulation, or out of date. What is the TIA-942 Certification Scheme? Expand The Certification Scheme starts with the requirement for Certification Bodies (CBs) to meet and follow ISO/IEC 17020/17021, a uniform approach accepted and implemented around the world to determine the competence of an assessment organization. ISO/IEC 17020/17021 specifies requirements for the competence of bodies performing inspection/audit and for the impartiality and consistency of their inspection/audit activities. TIA has developed a list of additional qualifications mostly related to a CB’s business structure, processes and performance history to ensure each CB is qualified to perform conformity audits on behalf of TIA TIA has also developed requirements for the competences of auditors to qualify them to conduct conformity audits based on ANSI/TIA-942. All companies meeting these requirements are encouraged to become a TIA-licensed CB. What / who is a Conformity Assessment Body? Expand A TIA-licensed Certification Body (CB) is a company that has been deemed competent to verify data center conformity with the standard. CBs will be licensed through the evaluation of the organization against recognized standards to ensure their impartiality, competence, and consistency. The list of TIA-licensed Certification Bodies can be found on the TIA-942 Consultants & Auditors webpage Are there different types of audits? Expand Yes, there are audits that have been performed to date by many companies in the industry. These audits have varied in the accuracy and conformity to the TIA-942 standard and thus the reason to create the TIA-942 Certification Program to ensure uniform conformity to the TIA-942 standard for owners, operators, and clients of data centers. Moving forward, only those audits performed by TIA-licensed CB and adhering to TIA-942 certification scheme will be approved by TIA as complying to the detailed standard.   These certifications are listed on the TIA-942 Certified Data Centers webpage . Yes, there are 3 types of certification: The TIA-942 Design Certification is valid for one year, extendable if a site is not operational yet. The TIA-942 Constructed Facility Certification is valid for 3 years. By the end of year-1 and year-2, the data center must undergo a surveillance audit. By the end of year-3, the data center must be recertified to maintain its certification. The TIA-942 Ready Certification is for pre-manufactured modular data centers and is valid for one year with yearly recertification. Surveillance and recertification audits are required to ensure that the certification requirements are still met as the data center evolves over time. This is one of the key ISO requirement for conformance assessment. [PAGE] Title: Content: QuEST Forum Single Sign-On System Latest News TIA QuEST Forum Portal Update As a part of ongoing improvements, the TIA QuEST Forum Portal has recently undergone a major update! This update includes many user interface enhancements as well as an advanced framework to support the implementation of future features. Core system functionalities remain the same, but you will notice slight differences in the look and feel of some pages, reports, and email notifications. TL 9000 Requirements Handbook Release 6.3 Full electronic copy of the R6.3 Requirements Handbook is now available on E-Shop Comprehensive Training courses Available Several on-line learning courses are now available on E-Shop
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Email [email protected] to get involved with TIA's TR-42 Standards Committee and Data Center Technology Program. Learn More about TIA-942 Certification TIA’s Data Center Working Group brings together data center owners, equipment suppliers, communication services providers, consultants, engineering firms, auditing firms, and data center users to establish best practices for data centers within TIA-942. For the next 12 years, TIA advocates for numerous policy issues on behalf of its members, sponsors critical engineering committees that sets the standards determining the pace of development in the industry, providing a marketplace for members and their customers to do business, and serves as a forum for the examination of industry issues and industry information. Title: Telecommunications Industry Association Standards | TIA Online Content: Search for: Standards TIA is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as a standards developing organization (SDO). 25 years of continuous quality improvement TIA QuEST Forum brings together global companies and industry leaders to develop innovative solutions, services, and tools that drive business performance, improve customer experience, and achieve the highest levels of quality across the Information Communications Technology (ICT) industry. TIA QuEST Forum is a unique community of ICT service providers and suppliers partnering on the pursuit of global quality, supply chain security, sustainability and overall business excellence in the ICT industry. Through TIA’s Technology Programs, Standards Development, QuEST Forum and Government Advocacy, TIA offers a neutral ground for the industry to collaborate and solve common challenges. Title: Webinars On-Demand - TIA Online Content: Securing the Global ICT Supply Chain: An Overview of the New SCS 9001 Standard Hear from leaders of TIA’s Supply Chain Security Industry Work Group as they explain the key components of the new SCS 9001 standard and how it will help organizations build trust in their products and services. We will discuss how a common assessment for smart buildings can help ensure that buildings are not only safe, but that the smart technology investment allows for building owners and operators to achieve their desired smart outcomes and increase the value of their asset. The TIA Smart Building Working Group TIA facilitates an industry work group for smart buildings which is tasked with developing and maintaining the assessment criteria for the SPIRE Smart Building Assessment and Rating Program. This includes companies, their representatives and individuals involved in TIA’s standards groups (including US Technical Advisory Groups), Technology Programs (Smart Buildings and Data Centers), and Government Affairs’ committee initiatives. Title: Telecommunications Industry Association MEID Database | TIA Online Content: TIA MEID Database Mobile Equipment IDentifiers (MEID) A Mobile Equipment IDentifier (MEID) is a globally unique 56-bit identification number for a physical piece of mobile station equipment. The MEID is capable of being transmitted over the air upon a request from the network and is composed mainly of two basic components, the manufacturer code and the serial number, as follows: All fields are defined as hexadecimal values with the following valid range. FORM C - Mobile Equipment Identifier Use Declaration: Assignees are required to use this form to inform the MEID GHA of MEID MFR Code deployment. Title: Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) Products And Services | TIA Online Content: Search for: Products And Services TIA works with its members to create various standards, products, tools, and solutions to support business growth. Technology Program: TIA’s Technology Programs bring together various stakeholders to solve industry challenges and enable technology advancement and adoption. Title: TIA Members | Information and Communications Technology Industry Leaders Content: Strictly Necessary Cookies Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Title: Standards Education and Resources - TIA Online Content: Why are standards important? Mobile Equipment IDentifiers (MEID) A Mobile Equipment IDentifier (MEID) is a globally unique 56-bit identification number for a physical piece of mobile station equipment. Expand The ANSI/TIA-942 Data Center Infrastructure standard is an international standard developed through the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) to identify the requirements and guidelines for the design of data centers.
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Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Sell-Side Advisor | Long Island Auto Dealers | Protegrity Advisors Content: Contact New York’s Premier Auto Advisors for Dealership Sales, Mergers & Acquisitions To get the greatest value and service when selling your Dealership, you want the best team with first-hand experience working in a dealership environment and who understands the buyer landscape. As a leading regional merger and acquisition firm, we have created a specialized division of industry experts – Protegrity Bellavia Auto Advisors – which fully understands the unique challenges of your operation and is best suited to help you move on to the next phase of your life. Contact us today for a free, no obligation market valuation of your dealership: or contact Joe Bellavia at (631) 619-6763 Protegrity Advisors has advised business owners on sell-side M&A transactions totaling hundreds of millions of dollars, selling to public and private companies, private equity firms, serial entrepreneurs, international buyers, and others while providing the utmost confidentiality and hands-on experience. Heading up our Auto Advisors Division, Joseph Bellavia brings 35 years of experience having owned, managed, and successfully sold automotive dealerships for over three decades. The Bellavia family has an exceptional reputation in and extensive knowledge of the auto industry. Incorporating that tradition within our M&A advisory services is a great benefit to any auto franchise owner who is contemplating a sale. With the combination of Protegrity Advisors’ proficiency and resources in the M&A space with Joseph Bellavia’s industry experience and relationships, our team will prepare you to be well-positioned to capitalize on today's favorable market conditions. By working with us, you can remain focused on running the dealership, and can be confident that the sales process will be managed in a professional, confidential, and ethical manner with the objective of negotiating the best possible sales. Confidentiality Assured • Maximum Valuation [PAGE] Title: Business Valuation Service | Long Island | Protegrity Advisors Content: Contact Business Valuation Services An objective understanding of all relevant factors that determine your company's current market value to the universe of potential buyers is critical to understanding potential sale price ranges, evaluating whether now is the right time to explore a sales process, and determining the next steps to maximize the sale price. The experts at Protegrity Advisors have the experience, technical know-how, and sound judgment to navigate the complex business valuation process. Our confidential business valuations are the product of in-depth analysis of the tangible and intangible assets of your business, relevant market research and dynamics, up-to-date valuation techniques, and an understanding of the current marketplace. Long Island • New York • South Carolina [PAGE] Title: Newsletter | Protegrity Advisors Content: M&A Advisors serving businesses with revenue from $5 million to $100 million (631) 619-6745 [PAGE] Title: Content: M&A Advisors serving businesses with revenue from $5 million to $100 million (631) 619-6745 [PAGE] Title: M&A Transactions | Protegrity Advisors Content: Examples of past transactions which are not confidential are below. Long Island • New York • South Carolina [PAGE] Title: Buy a Business | Long Island Firm | Protegrity Advisors Content: Contact Buying a Business Pursuing a well-planned business acquisition strategy can be an excellent way to grow revenue, expand market reach, acquire new talented employees and increase bottom line earnings and future valuations. Protegrity Advisors provides expert buy-side advisory services in the following key areas: Identifying Potential Acquisition Targets and Negotiating the Deal – Our advisors can help identify potential target firms that meet pre-established business and financial benchmark criteria. We will reach out to the potential target firms to gauge their interest and discuss a potential transaction. We have significant experience with the process of courting a target as well as negotiating the specific terms of the acquisition including payment terms, earn-outs, compensation plans and employment agreements for senior executives and key employees. Due Diligence – "Due diligence" refers to an in-depth analysis to gain a true picture of the target firm, with particular emphasis on the target's financial condition and information needed to successfully manage the post-transaction integration. This process involves gathering, analyzing and interpreting a great deal of information to determine if a deal is advantageous for the buyer within a certain price range. Valuations – An important objective of due diligence is to arrive at an unbiased estimate of true value for the target company relative to the buyer. We employ several different valuation methods, including research into valuations on other similar transactions, to present actionable financial intelligence to help our clients make sensible offers and acquisition decisions. Long Island • New York • South Carolina [PAGE] Title: Prepare Your Business | Protegrity Advance Content: Contact Preparing Today for Business Tomorrow As a business owner, you are adept at managing multiple duties while staying laser-focused on trying to preserve and grow your company. But, with all that on your plate, how do you find time to take an honest stock of your business? Moreover, with an emotional tie to your most valuable asset and the team that helps you run it, how can you make non-biased decisions for your business? Objectively evaluating your company is one of the greatest challenges that business owners face. That challenge has become exceptionally more difficult with continuous market changes as a result of the pandemic. At Protegrity, we see clearly and can provide an objective vantage point to help you make strategic decisions that will help you adjust and navigate forward to improve revenue and profitability. Whether you are thinking of selling your business today or in the future, the time to prepare is now. With Protegrity Advance™ our team will: Provide a valuation of your company in today’s market; Identify the factors and metrics which are important to buyers in order to command a premium; Make recommendations to increase the valuation; Analyze the company’s financial condition and controls; Conduct a review of organizational structure and personnel; and Determine where there are new or different strategies that can be explored to increase revenue and profitability. We recognize that no two companies are the same, so our services can be customized to meet your needs. Our team members have a wealth of business and M&A experience from a wide range of perspectives, including U.S. and international sales, operations, finance and accounting, corporate development, human resources, and legal. They have previously been: Business Owners themselves who have grown and successfully exited their businesses; and Senior Executives at companies acquired by public and private companies, private equity firms, and family offices. Advanced preparation for the future is key. Contact us today to for a free, no-obligation consultation: (631) 619-6745 or fill out our form . Long Island • New York • South Carolina [PAGE] Title: Content: Testimonials "A very successful result..." A divestiture of a business unit can be complicated on many levels, but with the help of the team at Protegrity Advisors, we were able to position the business effectively, navigate through the complexities, and achieve a very successful result. Jim Wallick, President of Mercer Industries "Exactly what I was hoping for..." Protegrity played a critical role in guiding all aspects of the transaction with SiteOne, including negotiating the financial terms and navigating the due diligence process, and the team's professionalism and responsiveness were exactly what I was hoping for and received. Don Caroleo President of The Garden Dept. "A great outcome..." It's important that we provide the best in service to the Long Island market, and The Garden Dept. helps us to meet that objective. Working with Protegrity enabled a great outcome for all parties and we look forward to doing so again. Justin Recchion Senior Director Strategy, M&A and Investor Relations for SiteOne "Complete professionalism..." They took the time to learn about the ins and outs of our company, industry, clients, partners, products and competitors; identified the right potential buyers; guided us through the entire M&A process with complete professionalism and sensitivity. Ted Morahan Chief Operating Officer, VasTech "I recommend Protegrity to any business…" Protegrity Advisors exhibited the highest level of professionalism, concern, business acumen and realism all while keeping me grounded and focused throughout the process of selling my business. The Protegrity team has been my anchor for a number of years, counseling me through numerous corporate challenges. There was not a time when they did not know exactly how and when to execute a solution to challenges during the sale process. Protegrity gave me a great deal of confidence that the final outcome would be a positive one. I recommend Protegrity to any business facing challenges or contemplating a purchase or sale. Steven A. Mirones President & CEO, Arimed Orthotics and Prosthetics "Tremendous value at every step in the process…" Protegrity Advisors worked with us to identify and evaluate potential strategies and options, and when they introduced us to Bridges Fund Management, we knew that we had found the right partner for our patients and employees. The Protegrity team demonstrated their expertise and tremendous value at every step in the process and allowed us to keep our primary focus on the care of our patients, rather than on the transaction. Dr. Giovanni Marciano Co-Founder, New York Family Practice Physicians "Facilitated a successful outcome for all the stakeholders…" Gregg Schor and the Protegrity team were a pleasure to work with and provided practical, patient, and thorough advice to their clients that facilitated a successful outcome for all the stakeholders in our partnership. We look forward to working with the Protegrity team in the future. Ed Niemczyk Director, Bridges U.S. Sustainable Growth Fund "Guided us through a very complex and demanding process…" When Bissett Nursery Corp. was acquired by SiteOne Landscape Supply, the Protegrity team added tremendous value to the transaction. They guided us through a very complex and demanding process with the highest degree of professionalism and expertise. Throughout the negotiations, they instilled complete confidence that we were in the strongest possible position based upon their insightful and sophisticated financial analysis. I would highly recommend that anyone considering the sale of their business consult with Protegrity Advisors. Ellen Bissett DeRiggi Board of Directors, Bissett Nursery Corp "Having Protegrity was invaluable…" When we decided to sell our family business, Protegrity Advisors was there during every stage of the process to help us get to closure. Having Protegrity to turn to for answers and advice was invaluable. Charles Kratt Owner, RSI Equipment, Inc. "Handled the negotiations as if it were his own company…" When we sold AirfareWatchdog to Expedia, our Protegrity professional handled the negotiations as if it were his own company being sold. Airfare Watchdog George Hobica, Chief Executive Officer, "We could not be happier with the results…" The Protegrity team masterfully navigated our acquisition by Eclipsys (acquired by Allscripts (Nasdaq: MDRX)). Since Protegrity led the process and negotiations, our management team was allowed to focus on our own clients and not be distracted by the hour-to-hour gyrations of the deal, and we were also able to preserve a great working relationship with the buyer. This project was not simply selling a company. For us, you crafted our futures and we could not be happier with the results. Ann Van Slyck Chief Executive Officer, Van Slyck & Associates "I would highly recommend Protegrity Advisors..." Protegrity was integral to the completion of our merger. Having the experienced staff at Protegrity to bounce questions and ideas off was invaluable. With their knowledge and expertise, I was able to make informed decisions confidently without wondering if anything was being left on the table or not considered and I was able to continue running my business while they worked diligently on our deal. I would highly recommend Protegrity Advisors to anyone looking to sell, merge or acquire a business. We couldn’t have done it without them. Sean McAuliffe Director & Chief Strategy Officer – Automotive, International Key Supply "The Protegrity team treated me like family every step of the way ..." The Protegrity team treated me like family every step of the way – they were patient, accessible at all hours and seven days a week, and cared about every issue, regardless of whether big or small. Without their guidance and expertise, there would not have been any deal, let alone one that was such a great outcome for all parties. Sal Ferro CEO, Alure Home Improvements Long Island • New York • South Carolina [PAGE] Title: Advanced Due Diligence | Protegrity Advisors Content: Contact Advance DiligenceTM Being prepared for planned or unplanned due diligence events is critical to maximizing valuation, minimizing any escrow or payment hold back, and instilling confidence in a seller's management team by the buyer or investor. Being unprepared can lead not only to lower valuation and higher escrow; it can also be a major distraction for management teams. For example, a rush to organize historical documents and deal with known or unknown skeletons can also have an adverse effect on revenue and profitability, can negatively impact the ability to keep the exercise confidential, and can lengthen the diligence period, thereby reducing the chances that the deal will close. When companies have multiple or international office locations, the risks associated with being unprepared are even greater. Protegrity helps business owners make sure they are prepared when it really counts so their years of hard work are not wasted by dropping the ball just when they get to the goal line. "Advance Diligence" from Protegrity can address possible problems before a potential selling company is under the magnifying glass of the buyer and its team of representatives and advisors. We bring an "outside" objective set of eyes to look at the company with the same perspective as potential buyers, allowing our clients to properly address issues well ahead of time. Examples of items to be reviewed as part of Advance Diligence include: Corporate history, minutes, by-laws, shareholder or operating agreements, votes necessary to effectuate a sale or round of financing (along with any special requirements) Customer concentration risks Key financial indicators, trends and forecasts Organizational charts and structure Material agreements and terms with customers, partners, vendors, and key employees Standard company template agreements Patent and trademark portfolio and assignments Actual or potential litigation Compensation and sales commission plans Current and future insurance needs Because Protegrity maintains an international network of experienced professionals with M&A, legal, accounting, human resources, technology, and sales and marketing expertise, we are in a position to act as a single vendor and provide a complete diligence report that objectively highlights issues along with recommendations for corrective measures and suggestions for enhancements. We can also proactively work with clients to execute on these recommendations with the objective of achieving a higher valuation. Additionally, we offer the option of creating and keeping current an online due diligence portal that will enable an actual future due diligence event to be quickly and effectively conducted online. Long Island • New York • South Carolina [PAGE] Title: Contact Us | Protegrity Advisors Content: 4175 Veterans Memorial Highway, Suite 300 Ronkonkoma, New York 11779 1025 Old Country Road, Suite 405 Westbury, New York 11590 554 East Main Street, Suite 1 Riverhead, NY 11901 1 Bridge Plaza, Suite 275 Fort Lee, NJ 07024 Careers If you are interested in a position at Protegrity Advisors, please send a resume and cover letter to [email protected] . Senior M&A Analyst Protegrity Advisors, a leading M&A advisory and business valuation firm serving businesses with revenue from $5 million to $100 million across a wide range of industries, seeks a Senior Mergers & Acquisitions Analyst. This highly visible, senior-level position is a rare opportunity to play a key role in all aspects of the deal process for Protegrity clients on Long Island and beyond. You’ll work closely with other experienced M&A advisors and entrepreneurs as well as legal, financial, and accounting experts who bring decades of experience in getting deals done. Responsibilities Provide strategic leadership to achieve objectives of Protegrity’s M&A business Move all deals forward including managing the due diligence process Coordinate outside legal, accounting, and finance teams Develop relationships with clients before, during, and after the deal process, including keeping them informed and providing regular updates/fielding questions Research and build relationships with targets including private equity firms and family offices Create, draft, and perform industry research for CIMs (confidential information memoranda) and teasers Qualifications Bachelor’s degree required; in business, finance, or accounting a plus MBA a plus At least 5-7 years of experience in M&A, finance, private equity, investment banking and/or accounting Experience with managing transactions, understanding of business processes, and financial modeling ability ability a plus Superb research and writing skills Proficient in Microsoft Outlook, Word, and Excel Benefits of a career at Protegrity Advisors include: Being a part of a leading M&A advisory and business valuation firm on Long Island serving businesses with revenue from $5 million to $100 million across a wide range of industries Competitive base salary plus commissions and bonuses Protegrity Advisors is an equal opportunity employer. Please email resume and cover letter to [email protected] . Long Island • New York • South Carolina [PAGE] Title: M&A Industries | Protegrity Advisors Content: Contact Industries Protegrity Advisors has assisted businesses in a wide range of industries over the years and can help you achieve your goals for a successful full or partial exit. We know that our clients want to utilize a firm that is already well versed in its field, and we look forward with providing you with personalized support. Our ability to know our clients and see things from their perspective, while also understanding first-hand the issues that are important to buyers, is one reason Protegrity has been so successful. A list of covered industries is below. Please contact us to learn more about how we can assist your business. Aerospace [PAGE] Title: Archive Content: M&A Advisors serving businesses with revenue from $5 million to $100 million (631) 619-6745 [PAGE] Title: Mergers and Acquisitions | Long Island | Protegrity Advisors Content: Are you ready to sell your business? A Regional Leader in Merger and Acquisitions Protegrity Advisors specializes in mergers, acquisitions and valuations of mid-sized businesses across Long Island and abroad.  We manage the entire process from valuing your business, to marketing, facilitating negotiations and the final transaction, and we do so in a professional and confidential manner.  Our team does what we do best, so you can focus on what you do best – run your business.  We have serviced over 100 clients across a wide variety of industries plan for the future and we pride ourselves on our personalized approach.  As a business owner, if you are ready to sell your company or want to learn more about your options so that you can plan for your future, contact us for a no-obligation M&A advisory consultation. [PAGE] Title: About Us | Protegrity Advisors Content: Contact About Us Protegrity Advisors is a leading M&A advisory and business valuation firm serving businesses with revenue from $5 million to $100 million across a wide range of industries. Headquartered and with three locations on Long Island, we work with companies and family-owned businesses in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, across the United States, and internationally. We conduct our own market research; have relationships with private equity, strategic (public and private), family offices and other types of buyers across the United States and internationally; and have developed an extensive network of accounting, law, and wealth management firms. Selling a company or acquiring another is not only a complex undertaking, but is also often the single largest financial transaction of the owners' lives. We take that responsibility very seriously and manage the entire process with the utmost confidentiality and professionalism, from pre-transaction planning to maximize valuation to closing and everything in between, advising business owners on how to navigate the challenges. Our advisors have all bought and sold companies as owners, CEOs, CFOs, General Counsel, senior business executives and investment bankers. As a result, we have the capability to understand issues from all perspectives and can provide significantly greater expertise and value than traditional business brokers and investment banking firms, which typically devote their full attention to larger transactions and do not spend the time required to understand their clients' businesses. For business owners who may not be ready to begin the M&A process but would like to learn more about it and what steps to take in advance, we can provide a no-obligation M&A advisory consultation. Long Island • New York • South Carolina [PAGE] Title: FAQ | Protegrity Advisors Content: FAQ Why use Protegrity? Protegrity's business expertise is providing advice relating to the buying and selling of family-run or closely-held businesses with revenue of between $5 million and $100 million. Our active involvement allows companies to remain focused on their own core expertise, and by allowing us to run a managed, competitive, and confidential process, the odds that a transaction will happen, be in the right price range, and be with a qualified buyer or seller are substantially increased. Clients net ends up being substantially greater, typically making a multiple of our fees several times over. What is Protegrity's role in the sales process? We allow business owners and management teams to remain focused on running their company, securing multiple offers when possible, and generating value substantially greater than our fees. This requires an initial and open knowledge transfer so that we can become familiar with the critical aspects and nuances of the business - both good and bad. Our services generally consist of preparing companies ahead of time and before being under the scrutiny of potential buyers; researching, identifying, qualifying and contacting prospective buyers; developing marketing materials; preparing and presenting financial statements in a manner consistent with buyer expectations; negotiating the purchase price and related terms in letters of intent; supervising the exchange of information and the due diligence process; quarterbacking legal, accounting, wealth management, and other services providers; and providing other assistance as may reasonably be needed in furtherance of completing the transaction. How does Protegrity help maximize my sale price? The best strategy to get maximum financial and other terms when selling a company is to negotiate from a position of strength. This can be accomplished only with proper advance preparation, knowing how to package and position the company, understanding the true value that you bring to different categories of potential buyers, and generating interest from multiple parties, all of which are part of our attack plan. Although we have been successful in substantially increasing sales prices even we are engaged by clients after they already received an unsolicited offer, the benefit of our involvement is maximized when we are involved well in advance. It is never too soon to begin preparing for a future exit event. What do you charge? Our compensation model is designed to align our interests with those of our clients and to generate value substantially greater than our fee. It is therefore heavily weighted toward a success fee, to be paid at closing and thereafter as applicable, such as when there are escrow or earn-out provisions. However, for a variety of reasons, it is not possible for us to effectively operate purely on a success fee basis, and our model also incorporates a modest monthly fee which may be credited back 100% toward the success fee. These reasons include the importance of having clients being committed to the sale process, and the fact that it is ultimately up to our client as to whether any offers are accepted. In addition, because of the time and attention we give to clients, there is an opportunity cost to us when we can take on a new client. What types of businesses do you work with? We are industry agnostic and service clients across a wide range of industries. Most clients have revenue between $5 million and $100 million, and (adjusted) EBITDA of between $1 million and $7 million. We have experts on staff with experience in a variety of industries, as well as an extensive network of longstanding relationships with industry veterans upon whom we can call to join us for a particular assignment. A list of industries covered can be found here What are some critical mistakes that business owners make? Success in building and running a business does not necessarily equate to building a business that someone else would want to purchase at a high valuation. For example, a company that has had a long-term and profitable relationship with a customer that represents 25% or more of its overall revenue presents a substantial risk to a potential buyer, and an allocation of that risk would be reflected in the financial and legal terms of a purchase agreement. Other examples of critical mistakes in the sale context include not having the legal house in order when it comes to contracts (such as restrictive covenants with key employees, proper assignment of intellectual property rights, or restrictions in the ability to assign customer contracts); being unaware of the current metrics used to value companies in their industry and reviewing those metrics on a recurring basis; not developing a management team which can effectively function without the owner; believing that when the business is doing well is not the time to explore a sale, when it is in fact when the leverage is the strongest; and not knowing how much money is actually needed for the owner to lead his or her preferred lifestyle post-transaction. Bringing Protegrity Advisors on board to prepare for a future sale is a sound investment of time and money and can result in generating value many times more than our fees. Long Island • New York • South Carolina [PAGE] Title: Mergers and Acquisitions | Sell-Side | Protegrity Advisors Content: Contact Selling Your Business Hiring the correct M&A Advisor is one of the most important decisions a business owner can make. Simply listing a business on a website, providing only basic information and not having a network of existing relationships—as might be the case with a business broker—is not an effective way of finding qualified buyers or maximizing your company's sale price, particularly for businesses with revenue above $5 million. Protegrity Advisors has advised business owners on sell-side M&A transactions totaling hundreds of millions of dollars, selling to public and private companies, private equity firms, family offices, search funds, serial entrepreneurs, and others. Our M&A Sell-Side Services Include: Valuations – An objective understanding of all relevant factors that determine your company's current market value is critical to understanding potential sale prices, evaluating whether the time is right to commence the process and determining what steps to take to maximize that sales price. Having Protegrity Advisors prepare a market valuation is a worthwhile first step under any circumstances. Packaging and Presenting the Business – Positioning your business and its products or services, employees and management team, customer base, sales channels, intellectual property, market segment and historical and projected future financial performance in the best possible—and credible—light is critical to attracting interest from the right qualified buyers and maximizing your company's value, particularly for family-owned businesses. For example, simply providing financial statements prepared by your outside accountant will undervalue your business since their expertise is to minimize profits for purposes of reducing tax exposure. Our financial analysts leave no stone unturned to present your business on an "adjusted" basis to maximize valuation in a credible manner, which is how most private equity and strategic buyers are accustomed to assessing a company's current market value. Finding and Negotiating with Qualified Buyers – Whether you believe you already have a buyer or are seeking multiple bidders, Protegrity Advisors has years of experience researching, identifying, qualifying and negotiating with all types of buyers and structuring a wide variety of deal terms. We also have relationships with highly qualified private equity and strategic buyers who look to us for deals. Attempting to negotiate directly with a buyer or bringing in legal counsel too early in the process can be counter-productive and put your deal at substantial risk. Our M&A team understands the process thoroughly, can help you avoid costly mistakes, and will allow you to focus on running your business. Many of our clients come to us with a buyer, because they realize that by having Protegrity involved and leading, they will be in a much better position to maximize the purchase price and mitigate the risk to the deal and to their underlying business. Divestitures – Companies with $50 million or more in revenue may have business units or subsidiaries that could be ripe for divestiture. However, many of these companies do not have the internal resources, bandwidth, or expertise to confidentially and effectively analyze whether a divestiture is an option that should be explored and manage all of the steps in the process. Types of business units or subsidiaries to consider divesting include: lack of fit with overall corporate strategy disruptive of internal processes (e.g., different business models, capital requirements, or compensation structures) drain on the rest of the company the rest of the company is holding it back disproportionate demands on management time and attention Benefits of divestitures include: generating short-term cash and reducing long-term expenses removing distractions and operational inefficiencies enabling increased attention and budgets on core business areas more focused management attention To provide companies with the support required to perform the analysis, decision-making, and practical execution related to divestitures, Protegrity Advisors has developed a specialized Corporate Divestitures practice along with Protegrity Advisory Board member Dr. Emilie Feldman, a professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and an internationally renowned authority in the fields of corporate strategy and corporate governance. Our Corporate Divestiture services include: analyzing net impacts to the company (e.g., cash flow, operational, resources, legal, costs) packaging and positioning the business unit for maximum valuation identifying and qualifying potential buyers supervising the exchange of information negotiating the purchase price and terms coordinating between internal departments and service providers Long Island • New York • South Carolina [PAGE] Title: Disclaimer | Protegrity Advisors Content: Contact No Legal, Accounting or Tax Advice Protegrity provides companies with general business advice, particularly when seeking to merge or acquire other companies. We also manage a network of professionals who provide legal, accounting, HR and related professional services to those companies. Protegrity itself is not an accounting or law firm and does not itself provide any legal, accounting, or tax advice. The professionals in the Protegrity network who provide these services are independent contractors and do not constitute a firm among themselves. This website, including any Content provided on this website, is made available by Protegrity for general informational purposes only, not to provide specific legal or any other professional advice. By using this website and by reading any Content on this website (which includes third-party Content), you understand that there is no attorney-client relationship or any other business or professional relationship between you and Protegrity, or between you and any third-party Content provider. Neither this website nor any of its Content should be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed attorney or as a substitute for any other type of professional advice from a professional in your jurisdiction that is authorized and qualified to give such advice. Long Island • New York • South Carolina [PAGE] Title: Archive Content: If It Makes You Happy: Emotional Expression in Negotiation by Joe Campolo December 2018 How Lawyers Can Help Prepare and Provide Value to Clients Today for a Future Sale by Gregg Schor November 2018 Eat First, Negotiate Later! (And Other Overlooked Negotiation Tips) by Joe Campolo, Esq., Chairman, Protegrity Advisory Board and Managing Partner, Campolo, Middleton & McCormick, LLP October 2018 Page 1 of 3 Next Tags
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By working with us, you can remain focused on running the dealership, and can be confident that the sales process will be managed in a professional, confidential, and ethical manner with the objective of negotiating the best possible sales. Title: Business Valuation Service | Long Island | Protegrity Advisors Content: Contact Business Valuation Services An objective understanding of all relevant factors that determine your company's current market value to the universe of potential buyers is critical to understanding potential sale price ranges, evaluating whether now is the right time to explore a sales process, and determining the next steps to maximize the sale price. Whether you are thinking of selling your business today or in the future, the time to prepare is now. "A great outcome..." It's important that we provide the best in service to the Long Island market, and The Garden Dept. Since Protegrity led the process and negotiations, our management team was allowed to focus on our own clients and not be distracted by the hour-to-hour gyrations of the deal, and we were also able to preserve a great working relationship with the buyer. Without their guidance and expertise, there would not have been any deal, let alone one that was such a great outcome for all parties. Responsibilities Provide strategic leadership to achieve objectives of Protegrity’s M&A business Move all deals forward including managing the due diligence process Coordinate outside legal, accounting, and finance teams Develop relationships with clients before, during, and after the deal process, including keeping them informed and providing regular updates/fielding questions Research and build relationships with targets including private equity firms and family offices Create, draft, and perform industry research for CIMs (confidential information memoranda) and teasers Qualifications Bachelor’s degree required; in business, finance, or accounting a plus MBA a plus At least 5-7 years of experience in M&A, finance, private equity, investment banking and/or accounting Experience with managing transactions, understanding of business processes, and financial modeling ability ability a plus Superb research and writing skills Proficient in Microsoft Outlook, Word, and Excel Benefits of a career at Protegrity Advisors include: Being a part of a leading M&A advisory and business valuation firm on Long Island serving businesses with revenue from $5 million to $100 million across a wide range of industries Competitive base salary plus commissions and bonuses Protegrity Advisors is an equal opportunity employer. Title: M&A Industries | Protegrity Advisors Content: Contact Industries Protegrity Advisors has assisted businesses in a wide range of industries over the years and can help you achieve your goals for a successful full or partial exit. Title: Mergers and Acquisitions | Long Island | Protegrity Advisors Content: Are you ready to sell your business? Our team does what we do best, so you can focus on what you do best – run your business. As a business owner, if you are ready to sell your company or want to learn more about your options so that you can plan for your future, contact us for a no-obligation M&A advisory consultation. Title: About Us | Protegrity Advisors Content: Contact About Us Protegrity Advisors is a leading M&A advisory and business valuation firm serving businesses with revenue from $5 million to $100 million across a wide range of industries. For business owners who may not be ready to begin the M&A process but would like to learn more about it and what steps to take in advance, we can provide a no-obligation M&A advisory consultation. For example, a company that has had a long-term and profitable relationship with a customer that represents 25% or more of its overall revenue presents a substantial risk to a potential buyer, and an allocation of that risk would be reflected in the financial and legal terms of a purchase agreement. Other examples of critical mistakes in the sale context include not having the legal house in order when it comes to contracts (such as restrictive covenants with key employees, proper assignment of intellectual property rights, or restrictions in the ability to assign customer contracts); being unaware of the current metrics used to value companies in their industry and reviewing those metrics on a recurring basis; not developing a management team which can effectively function without the owner; believing that when the business is doing well is not the time to explore a sale, when it is in fact when the leverage is the strongest; and not knowing how much money is actually needed for the owner to lead his or her preferred lifestyle post-transaction. Bringing Protegrity Advisors on board to prepare for a future sale is a sound investment of time and money and can result in generating value many times more than our fees. Simply listing a business on a website, providing only basic information and not having a network of existing relationships—as might be the case with a business broker—is not an effective way of finding qualified buyers or maximizing your company's sale price, particularly for businesses with revenue above $5 million. Our M&A Sell-Side Services Include: Valuations – An objective understanding of all relevant factors that determine your company's current market value is critical to understanding potential sale prices, evaluating whether the time is right to commence the process and determining what steps to take to maximize that sales price. Our Corporate Divestiture services include: analyzing net impacts to the company (e.g., cash flow, operational, resources, legal, costs) packaging and positioning the business unit for maximum valuation identifying and qualifying potential buyers supervising the exchange of information negotiating the purchase price and terms coordinating between internal departments and service providers Long Island • New York • South Carolina Title: Disclaimer | Protegrity Advisors Content: Contact No Legal, Accounting or Tax Advice Protegrity provides companies with general business advice, particularly when seeking to merge or acquire other companies.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: About — Tiny Feet - Natural Fertility Wellness Content: Natural Fertility Wellness Scroll I spent my entire life chronically ill with issues like allergies, asthma, eczema, digestive issues, “period problems”, joint pain, and low energy. In my mid-twenties, I even developed severe anxiety and panic disorder that was so debilitating I was almost scared to be out in public. And yet, I never gave any thought to how these things might eventually affect my fertility. I assumed that being able to have kids would be a given, regardless of the shape my health was in. It took an almost 2-year struggle with infertility before I realized it was time to take a hard look at my health as the root cause. When it became clear that one (or more) of the problems I was dealing with was likely responsible for our trouble conceiving, my husband and I made the very hard decision to take a break from trying until I could dig deeper, find out what was really going on, and hopefully fix it. The next few years were a whirlwind! I started changing my diet, developed a passion for natural medicine, healed from most of my chronic symptoms, became a functional nutritionist, and started a fertility-focused practice and podcast. I was finally able to draw concrete connections between my health and fertility and work toward healing the true underlying causes of why I couldn’t conceive (there were quite a few, in my case). It was a long, frustrating, and complicated process, and one that I’m determined to save other couples from having to troubleshoot on their own the way that I did. As hard as all of this has been, my silver lining is being able to share my knowledge and experience with you so that your journey can be much faster and easier than mine was. I didn’t know who to seek help from when I was starting out, so I became the practitioner I wish I’d had. My goal is to save you the time and struggle I went through! So here’s what I want you to know… Fertility drugs and procedures are not your only options. Don’t get me wrong – conventional fertility medicine is pretty amazing. Fertility doctors are extremely well-educated in their fields and highly trained in using medication and technology to either manipulate or completely bypass the natural reproductive process. And, in some situations, it really is the only option for a couple to conceive. But it doesn’t actually solve infertility because the root cause of the problem is never identified or fixed. A functional medicine approach can help you no matter where you are in the fertility process. Whether you have a specific diagnosis or not, whether you’re trying to conceive naturally or through fertility treatments, whether your health is a mess or you’re just trying to be proactive – functional medicine can give you the tools you need to dramatically increase your odds of success. The focus is on supporting and restoring optimal health so your body can do what it already innately knows how to do. Infertility does NOT define you. This isn’t your fault, you’re not broken, and you CAN find answers! Trouble conceiving or carrying to term is a symptom of something deeper going on in your body. But it’s not a permanent state of being and it has no bearing on your value as a woman or your worthiness of motherhood. You just need a partner who can help you solve your unique puzzle – someone who is committed to giving you the individualized care you deserve. Let’s find your answers together! [PAGE] Title: Contact — Tiny Feet - Natural Fertility Wellness Content: [PAGE] Title: On The Blog — Tiny Feet - Natural Fertility Wellness Content: Kristin Cornett, NTP The average American is probably getting 6-10 servings of grains each day and, according to the USDA MyPlate recommendations, only half of these grains need to be whole grains. So, what’s the problem with eating this many grains? Well, there are several, actually. [PAGE] Title: Tiny Feet - Natural Fertility Wellness Content: Natural Fertility Wellness Scroll Overcome your fertility struggles, find your best health, & realize your dream of a happy, healthy baby! GET STARTED BY TAKING THE FREE QUIZ — “Are You Healthy Enough To Get Pregnant?” Take the Quiz! Hi, i’m Kristin! I’m a certified nutritional therapy practitioner, neural retraining specialist, and functional wellness expert focused on fertility and preconception health. I’m passionate about helping couples get pregnant, stay pregnant, and raise strong, healthy babies! After years of struggling with my own health and fertility issues, I finally discovered the healing power of functional medicine, nutrition, and mind-body wellness and now I’m here to help you discover it too. I use a combination of advanced lab testing, in-depth nutritional analysis, and targeted natural therapies to help you understand exactly what’s happening with your fertility and how to address it so you can conceive on your terms and feel confident and prepared for the journey of motherhood. Do any of these sound familiar? > Are you sick of feeling heartbroken every month when you see that negative test? > Have you been through a conventional fertility evaluation and received no explanation for why you’re having trouble conceiving or carrying to term? > Do you suffer from chronic health symptoms like painful periods, PMS, acne, depression, anxiety, digestive issues, or food sensitivities, and want to finally get to the bottom of what’s happening in your body? > Have you been diagnosed with a condition that might affect fertility like endometriosis, PCOS, or a thyroid disorder and want to know what you can do to support your health and get pregnant naturally? > Do you want to prepare your body and feel your best heading into pregnancy so you can give your baby the strongest possible start to life? You’re In The Right Place! If you’re having trouble getting or staying pregnant, it’s a sign that something isn’t quite right with your health – even if you’ve never received a formal diagnosis. Your body is an incredibly intelligent system and it’s smart enough to know when conditions are right to conceive and carry a child….and when they’re not. Now, this absolutely does NOT mean that infertility or miscarriage is your fault! But it DOES mean that you have so much more power than you ever realized to support and improve your chances of conceiving and bringing home a healthy baby. They key to success is finding out what might be interfering with your body’s natural tendency toward optimal health and fertility and fixing the problem at its source. So, what are some of the things that can steal energy and resources from the reproductive process? Food sensitivities Inflammation or immune system dysregulation An overload of environmental toxins or decreased ability to detoxify Imbalances in blood sugar and insulin levels Hormonal imbalances (low progesterone, high estrogen, high testosterone, etc.) Thyroid dysfunction Chronic physical or emotional stress Has your doctor fully evaluated you for all of these possible contributing factors? If not, then there’s definitely more to investigate. Getting to your unique root cause is what a functional approach to fertility is all about. And I’m here to help you do exactly that! What you’ll find here: ONLINE COURSES Are you looking for an easy win? Grab your FREE Fertility Recovery Guide! Discover five foundational steps to start getting your health back on track so you have the best chance of conceiving naturally! A success story! From Annie, Las Vegas, NV — “I’M PREGNANT! I attribute a lot of our success in conceiving to Tiny Feet. Without your support, advice, recommendations, the online fertility assessment, the podcast… I wouldn’t have been in the right place with my health to successfully conceive and have the confidence to actually be pregnant. Thank you so much for helping me get to this point! Also, the Tiny Feet podcast has been so awesome and I am not a podcast listener. I look forward to your new episodes and my dogs do too now that they get extra-long walks so that I can really get into it and listen in its entirety.” “Mastering your fertility” Podcast Learn how to support and restore your fertility with nutrition and natural medicine! Featured [PAGE] Title: Fertility Courses — Tiny Feet - Natural Fertility Wellness Content: Your Complete Functional Medicine Guide to Finding & Fixing the Root Causes of Infertility free mini-course… [PAGE] Title: Tiny Feet - Natural Fertility Wellness Content: Natural Fertility Wellness Scroll Overcome your fertility struggles, find your best health, & realize your dream of a happy, healthy baby! GET STARTED BY TAKING THE FREE QUIZ — “Are You Healthy Enough To Get Pregnant?” Take the Quiz! Hi, i’m Kristin! I’m a certified nutritional therapy practitioner, neural retraining specialist, and functional wellness expert focused on fertility and preconception health. I’m passionate about helping couples get pregnant, stay pregnant, and raise strong, healthy babies! After years of struggling with my own health and fertility issues, I finally discovered the healing power of functional medicine, nutrition, and mind-body wellness and now I’m here to help you discover it too. I use a combination of advanced lab testing, in-depth nutritional analysis, and targeted natural therapies to help you understand exactly what’s happening with your fertility and how to address it so you can conceive on your terms and feel confident and prepared for the journey of motherhood. Do any of these sound familiar? > Are you sick of feeling heartbroken every month when you see that negative test? > Have you been through a conventional fertility evaluation and received no explanation for why you’re having trouble conceiving or carrying to term? > Do you suffer from chronic health symptoms like painful periods, PMS, acne, depression, anxiety, digestive issues, or food sensitivities, and want to finally get to the bottom of what’s happening in your body? > Have you been diagnosed with a condition that might affect fertility like endometriosis, PCOS, or a thyroid disorder and want to know what you can do to support your health and get pregnant naturally? > Do you want to prepare your body and feel your best heading into pregnancy so you can give your baby the strongest possible start to life? You’re In The Right Place! If you’re having trouble getting or staying pregnant, it’s a sign that something isn’t quite right with your health – even if you’ve never received a formal diagnosis. Your body is an incredibly intelligent system and it’s smart enough to know when conditions are right to conceive and carry a child….and when they’re not. Now, this absolutely does NOT mean that infertility or miscarriage is your fault! But it DOES mean that you have so much more power than you ever realized to support and improve your chances of conceiving and bringing home a healthy baby. They key to success is finding out what might be interfering with your body’s natural tendency toward optimal health and fertility and fixing the problem at its source. So, what are some of the things that can steal energy and resources from the reproductive process? Food sensitivities Inflammation or immune system dysregulation An overload of environmental toxins or decreased ability to detoxify Imbalances in blood sugar and insulin levels Hormonal imbalances (low progesterone, high estrogen, high testosterone, etc.) Thyroid dysfunction Chronic physical or emotional stress Has your doctor fully evaluated you for all of these possible contributing factors? If not, then there’s definitely more to investigate. Getting to your unique root cause is what a functional approach to fertility is all about. And I’m here to help you do exactly that! What you’ll find here: ONLINE COURSES Are you looking for an easy win? Grab your FREE Fertility Recovery Guide! Discover five foundational steps to start getting your health back on track so you have the best chance of conceiving naturally! A success story! From Annie, Las Vegas, NV — “I’M PREGNANT! I attribute a lot of our success in conceiving to Tiny Feet. Without your support, advice, recommendations, the online fertility assessment, the podcast… I wouldn’t have been in the right place with my health to successfully conceive and have the confidence to actually be pregnant. Thank you so much for helping me get to this point! Also, the Tiny Feet podcast has been so awesome and I am not a podcast listener. I look forward to your new episodes and my dogs do too now that they get extra-long walks so that I can really get into it and listen in its entirety.” “Mastering your fertility” Podcast Learn how to support and restore your fertility with nutrition and natural medicine! Featured [PAGE] Title: Mastering Your Fertility Podcast — Tiny Feet - Natural Fertility Wellness Content: MYF 90 | How to Fix Your PMS & PMDD with Nicole Jardim Sep 16, 2020 In episode 90, I interview Certified Women's Health Coach and author of Fix Your Period, Nicole Jardim, about how to get to the root cause of PMS and PMDD so you can balance your cycle and support your fertility. [PAGE] Title: Lab Testing and Consultation — Tiny Feet - Natural Fertility Wellness Content: Natural Fertility Wellness Scroll I’m so thrilled that you’re exploring this novel approach to your health and fertility and I’d be honored to work with you! Here’s what you need to know before we get started: First, I’m a nutritionist trained in functional medicine and neural retraining, not a medical doctor. I don’t diagnose or treat specific medical conditions and my advice is complementary to medical advice from your doctor, not a substitute for it. When you work with me, I’ll be seeking to identify the underlying imbalances that can disrupt your health and interfere with fertility and help you correct them with a personalized diet, lifestyle, and supplement protocol. I specialize in helping clients with unexplained infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, male factor infertility, immune and thyroid dysfunction, endometriosis, and PCOS. The tools I use in practice to understand and address each client’s individual needs include: Functional blood chemistry analysis Advanced lab testing for hormones, gut health, food sensitivities, toxicity, and more In-depth nutrition and dietary assessment Comprehensive health history review and symptom analysis Neural retraining with MAP Method™ to address stress, trauma, and the mind-body connection To learn more about how I can help you and decide which of the options below is best for your unique situation, let’s talk! or if you’re ready to jump right in… PRECONCEPTION/FERTILITY CONSULTATION (1 SESSION) This is the perfect starting place for those who are looking for some additional guidance on their preconception or fertility journey. We'll spend this 90-minute appointment reviewing your health history, current symptoms, diet, supplement routine, and any labs you've had done up to this point. I’ll use all of this information to create a detailed, personalized preconception/fertility protocol for you that includes nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations, as well as advice on any further testing that might be indicated. THIS INITIAL VISIT INCLUDES A 90-minute session and individualized protocol Intake forms: New Client Questionnaire, Food Journal, Symptom Assessment Ability to upload all previous lab tests for my review prior to consultation 15% OFF for ALL professional brand supplements Book Now For $395 MAP METHOD™ NEURAL RETRAINING Explore advanced neural retraining for stress reduction, emotional healing, and nervous system regulation to support and improve fertility. With MAP Method™, we utilize the brain’s incredible ability to rewire itself in ways that help us overcome mental and emotional stressors that affect our physical function. When we focus on alleviating stress and healing emotional trauma, our nervous systems are able to shift out of survival mode and direct our internal resources toward activities that allow us to heal, restore, and thrive. Nervous system regulation is essential to working through any issue with the reproductive, immune, digestive, and detoxification systems and is also the cornerstone of good mental and emotional health. This is true mind-body work! MAP METHOD™ IS AN AMAZING SUPPORTIVE THERAPY FOR CLIENTS EXPERIENCING Anxiety and/or depression Inflammatory conditions (endometriosis, PMDD, autoimmunity, skin conditions, etc.) Chronic digestive issues Fertility or pregnancy loss grief/trauma Fear of never getting pregnant or carrying to term History of childhood trauma Interpersonal/relationship stress - family, spouse/partner, friends, coworkers, etc. Perfectionistic tendencies Feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, or worthlessness Difficulty prioritizing self-care and/or a tendency to put others’ needs first Feeling stressed, stuck, or uncertain of how to move forward Learn more & Book BASIC FUNCTIONAL FERTILITY PACKAGE (5 SESSIONS + 5 FUNCTIONAL TESTS) This package is for individuals or couples who want a more complete assessment of their health and fertility. It includes 5 essential functional lab tests that will help us investigate and address many of the underlying factors that may be preventing a successul conception or full-term pregnancy. We’ll be evaluating overall health status, thyroid function, inflammation, nutrient deficiencies, food sensitivities, gut health, and sex hormone production/balance. This package requires a 3-4 month commitment and you will need to be willing to take a break from actively trying to conceive during this time. PACKAGE INCLUDES:
health, wellness and fitness
When it became clear that one (or more) of the problems I was dealing with was likely responsible for our trouble conceiving, my husband and I made the very hard decision to take a break from trying until I could dig deeper, find out what was really going on, and hopefully fix it. A functional medicine approach can help you no matter where you are in the fertility process. After years of struggling with my own health and fertility issues, I finally discovered the healing power of functional medicine, nutrition, and mind-body wellness and now I’m here to help you discover it too. > Have you been diagnosed with a condition that might affect fertility like endometriosis, PCOS, or a thyroid disorder and want to know what you can do to support your health and get pregnant naturally? If you’re having trouble getting or staying pregnant, it’s a sign that something isn’t quite right with your health – even if you’ve never received a formal diagnosis. Your body is an incredibly intelligent system and it’s smart enough to know when conditions are right to conceive and carry a child….and when they’re not. But it DOES mean that you have so much more power than you ever realized to support and improve your chances of conceiving and bringing home a healthy baby. And I’m here to help you do exactly that! I look forward to your new episodes and my dogs do too now that they get extra-long walks so that I can really get into it and listen in its entirety.” “Mastering your fertility” Podcast Learn how to support and restore your fertility with nutrition and natural medicine! Title: Fertility Courses — Tiny Feet - Natural Fertility Wellness Content: Your Complete Functional Medicine Guide to Finding & Fixing the Root Causes of Infertility free mini-course… After years of struggling with my own health and fertility issues, I finally discovered the healing power of functional medicine, nutrition, and mind-body wellness and now I’m here to help you discover it too. > Have you been diagnosed with a condition that might affect fertility like endometriosis, PCOS, or a thyroid disorder and want to know what you can do to support your health and get pregnant naturally? If you’re having trouble getting or staying pregnant, it’s a sign that something isn’t quite right with your health – even if you’ve never received a formal diagnosis. Your body is an incredibly intelligent system and it’s smart enough to know when conditions are right to conceive and carry a child….and when they’re not. But it DOES mean that you have so much more power than you ever realized to support and improve your chances of conceiving and bringing home a healthy baby. And I’m here to help you do exactly that! I look forward to your new episodes and my dogs do too now that they get extra-long walks so that I can really get into it and listen in its entirety.” “Mastering your fertility” Podcast Learn how to support and restore your fertility with nutrition and natural medicine! Title: Lab Testing and Consultation — Tiny Feet - Natural Fertility Wellness Content: Natural Fertility Wellness Scroll I’m so thrilled that you’re exploring this novel approach to your health and fertility and I’d be honored to work with you! The tools I use in practice to understand and address each client’s individual needs include: Functional blood chemistry analysis Advanced lab testing for hormones, gut health, food sensitivities, toxicity, and more In-depth nutrition and dietary assessment Comprehensive health history review and symptom analysis Neural retraining with MAP Method™ to address stress, trauma, and the mind-body connection To learn more about how I can help you and decide which of the options below is best for your unique situation, let’s talk! I’ll use all of this information to create a detailed, personalized preconception/fertility protocol for you that includes nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations, as well as advice on any further testing that might be indicated.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Wedding Jewelry for Bride – Tagged "Gemstone_ Pink Diamond" Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: Find your ring size - AARYAH Content: Find your ring size About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Wedding Jewelry for Bride – Tagged "Stone Shape_Radiant" Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Lucid Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Jobs and Internships Content: About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: Materials – AARYAH Content: NYC Open Showroom (Non-Bridal) Materials We take pride in working with Indian-based artisans as well as second and third-generation NYC-based jewelers to create powerful pieces that are made to last. We work with trusted partners that have a worldwide network that allows us to source our ethically earth-mined precious gems and diamonds. We are committed to upholding ethical and environmentally-conscious standards for mining and sourcing stones. To see a more extensive materials and care page, please read our blog post . Diamonds We only use natural and ethically sourced diamonds in our pieces that follow the Kimberley Process. Care: Diamonds are the hardest naturally occurring substance on the planet, and while our pieces are made for daily use, they are not indestructible. To clean diamonds at home, you can soak the piece in a soap and water mixture or use a soft toothbrush to gently clean it Gold We make jewelry in 9KT, 10KT, 14KT and 18KT Yellow Gold. Gold’s value increases over time, meaning that it is one of the only investments you can adorn your body with and carry with you throughout your life. Care: Remove your jewelry before exercising or swimming Wipe down your piece after wearing with a dry, soft cloth and store it separately from your other jewelry to avoid scratching Sterling silver Silver offers a number of benefits from its quality to its versatile form & function. Our sterling silver is 92.5% pure silver, 7.5% other metals (copper, nickel). Care: Our high shine sterling silver pieces have a reflective finish which gives them extra shine. Over time, the high shine finish will wear off, exposing the oxidized sterling silver underneath. Some people actually like the look of the silver but for those that want to restore the high shine, in most cases your piece can be polished again. To learn more e-mail us at [email protected] and we can share our repair policy and fees. Keep your high shine sterling silver pieces separate from your other jewelry Silver tarnishes rapidly when exposed to certain substances in our everyday lives so we recommend caring for, wearing and storing your jewelry as mentioned above. Platinum Platinum is stronger and denser than gold, making it perfect for everyday wear. And since it isn’t as soft as gold, platinum jewelry contains more pure platinum, around 85-95%. This is usually marked as “850” or “950.” Care: You can use mild soap and water or a cleaner made specifically for platinum Use a soft toothbrush to gently clean the meta Gemstones We only use natural gemstones in all of our AARYAH pieces. Our workshop in Jaipur hand cuts each natural stone, transferring energy and meaning to the next hands it will touch. Care: Natural gemstones are very sensitive and don’t react well to hard surfaces and chemicals Since many natural gemstones can be quite delicate, hot water, harsh chemicals and cleaners should be avoided at all times Avoid contact with harsh, abrasive materials or glass cleaners and try to avoid leaving your pieces out in the sun as that alters the color of the stones Clean your gemstones with a clean, soft, damp untreated cloth after wearing Do not use tissue paper or paper towels to clean gemstones as they can cause scratching About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Wedding Jewelry for Bride – Tagged "Stone Shape_Baguette" Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: Press – AARYAH Content: Read More The Knot Summer 2023 The juiciest jewels are dripping in unique detail from fancy shapes to bold color to edgy settings. In the market for a standout stack? These rings... 26 Unisex Wedding Bands - The Knot Make it official with these chic options Read More The Top 2023 Engagement Ring Trends to Obsess Over - The Knot We're predicting standalone bands will be a hot 2023 engagement ring trend for a few reasons: They're gender neutral, they tend to be more affordab... Six Jewellery Designers You Must Know in 2023 Take a closer look at these Indian-origin designers making a mark globally, while staying rooted in tradition. Read More Pro Tip: The Best Perfumes for Women, According to Artists, Fashion Designers, and Beauty Insiders Finding a new signature scent is sometimes as easy as tuning in to the right set of recommendations. In this lineup of perfumes, you might find an ... Read More 40 Unique Engagement Rings Any Fashion Person Would Lose Over It. We've entered that time of year. No, we're not talking about the holidays. We're referring to the start of engagement season... Read More How this jewellery designer’s South Asian roots inspired her to build a brand in New York City New York City-based jewellery designer Megan Kothari talks about setting up her brand AARYAH and the lessons learned as a young entrepreneur... Read More AARYAH X NATURAL DIAMOND COUNCIL Diamond Festival 2022: Join us as we bring together prominent local and global voices in conversations around natural diamonds and their significa... [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Wedding Bands Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: Our founder – AARYAH Content: NYC Open Showroom (Non-Bridal) MEGAN KOTHARI, FOUNDER Megan Kothari is the creative force and founder of AARYAH, a brand that reflects her lifelong love of jewelry and design. Raised in the Northeast, Megan has made New York City her home for the past 10 years. She grew up in a family of diamond wholesalers, learning the business from her father and grandfather.After graduating magna cum laude from The Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) in NYC, Megan worked in global brand marketing at beauty powerhouses L'Oréal and Estee Lauder, gaining valuable strategic and creative experience. She ultimately followed her entrepreneurial instincts and launched AARYAH as a passion project in her late 20’s landing amazon owned e-tailer ShopBop as one of her first stockists while working at her full-time job.As the pandemic hit, Megan began helping friends and friends of friends source and create theirengagement rings and recognized a huge gap in the bridal jewelry market. She noticed women lacked options when it came to engagement rings, ending up with pieces that were not reflective of their own individuality. This led to a major but organic pivot in her business, moving towards creating engagement rings and fine jewelry that prioritized design and quality, and reflects the story of the wearer. Megan's mission is to create modern-day heirlooms that reflect the individuality of today’s women. She aims to challenge the traditional and bridal jewelry industries by empowering women to have a say in the design process and have a seat at the table.Kothari has been recently featured in Vogue and was a 2021 honoree of “Amazing Women in E-Commerce.” She currently lives in New York with her husband and her dog Fuji. About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Wedding Jewelry for Bride – Tagged "Stone Shape_Triangle" Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | New Arrivals Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | ONE-OF-A-KIND TENNIS BRACELETS Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Silver Fashion Jewellery for Women Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Wedding Jewelry for Bride – Tagged "Stone Shape_Marquise" Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Wedding Jewelry for Bride – Tagged "Stone Shape_Hexagonal" Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: How it Works – AARYAH Content: How it Works Feel The Power, Design Your Own Story With AARYAH Bespoke Whether your reason for creating is for an engagement, a milestone, or simply just because, we will work with you to custom design a piece that truly reflects you and your story. Crafted with care and attention in New York’s Diamond District, each AARYAH Bespoke piece is ethical, story-driven and celebrates empowerment. Initial Consultation Your journey with AARYAH begins with us understanding your design specifications through our how we work form. During our appointment, we discuss the four major characteristics of a diamond and begin the design exploration phase. We empower you with all of the knowledge necessary to make an informed decision. The Discovery Quality, value and attention to detail are at the top of our list to ensure that you discover a design that’s a reflection of your personality. We will curate a selection of stones for you to review based on your envisioned aesthetic. From Sketch to Reality We’ll be working directly with you to bring your vision to life. From ideation to final creation, every iteration and sketch brings us closer to your bespoke design. The Creation Once we land on a final design, our jewelers in NYC begin handcrafting your custom ring. We are involved in every process of the ring-making experience, working hand-in-hand with our master craftsmen. Your One-of-a-kind Ring And like that, you’ve got a truly one-of-a-kind ring that celebrates you and your journey with your partner. A TRUSTED NETWORK Handmade in NYC. We work with a network of diamond suppliers and artisans in New York, overseeing the entire process, to ensure we source, create and give you the best. CREATE YOUR DREAM DESIGN About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Jewelry Care Content: Jewelry Care Product care: Jewelry is one of our most intimate and loved accessories. Understanding the composition of your jewelry pieces and how to care for them can make all the difference in maintaining it’s natural beauty therefore turning them into heirlooms. General Jewelry Care: When you’re not wearing your sterling silver pieces, keep them in an air-tight ziploc bag inside your AARYAH pouch to prevent tarnishing Remove your jewelry before washing your hands, swimming or applying body care products such as perfume, hairspray, soaps and lotions as this could harm the metal, cause discoloration and loss of crystal brilliance Keep your jewelry away from any type of liquid/water or super humid places, as sterling silver is water sensitive. The more exposed it is to water, the faster it will tarnish Remember to put on your jewelry last when dressing, and take off first when undressing Oxidized Sterling Silver Care: Oxidized sterling silver will continue to naturally oxidize over time. To remove some of the tarnish, we recommend using a silver polishing cloth to clean your piece. We like to use the Town Talk Polishing cloth or you can purchase something similar online The oils from your skin actually help keep the silver from oxidizing, so wear your piece as often as possible For Sterling Silver pieces with stones, do not use apply or dip your piece in any harsh chemicals as that can damage the natural stones High Shine Sterling Silver Care: Our high shine sterling silver pieces have a reflective finish which gives them extra shine. Over time, the high shine finish will wear off, exposing the oxidized sterling silver underneath. Some people actually like the look of the silver but for those that want to restore the high shine, in most cases your piece can be polished again. To learn more e-mail us at [email protected] and we can share our repair policy and fees. Keep your high shine sterling silver pieces separate from your other jewelry Silver tarnishes rapidly when exposed to certain substances in our everyday lives so we recommend caring for, wearing and storing your jewelry as mentioned above. Real GOLD Jewelry CARE (10KT, 14KT, 18KT GOLD): We occasionally make jewelry in 10KT, 14KT gold and 18KT. Gold is a beautiful, valuable and long lasting metal but by nature it's a softer and more delicate metal. Remove your jewelry before exercising or swimming Wipe down your piece after wearing with a dry, soft cloth and store it separately from your other jewelry to avoid scratching GOLD VERMEIL: Gold vermeil is not to be confused with regular gold plating. Vermeil is a thicker and a more durable layer of gold that gives your piece their long lasting gold color. Over time, the plating will wear and is a normal and accepted occurrence on plated jewelry, even vermeil jewelry. However it won’t wear as quickly as regular gold plating as the plating is much thicker and meant for pieces that are in constant contact with our skin. GOLD PLATING - CUSTOM NAME NECKLACE: We gold plate all of our custom name necklaces to create the gold finish. Over time, the plating will wear and is a normal and accepted occurrence on plated jewelry. Please follow the general jewelry care instructions when handling our name pieces. We offer a re-dipping service that will restore the gold plating on your pieces. Please contact us at [email protected] to learn more. NATURAL GEMSTONES: We use natural and genuine gemstones in all of our AARYAH pieces as we value the beautiful shapes and colors that our earth has created. Natural gemstones however are very sensitive and don’t react well to hard surfaces and chemicals Since many natural gemstones can be quite delicate, hot water, harsh chemicals and cleaners should be avoided at all times Avoid contact with harsh, abrasive materials or glass cleaners and try to avoid leaving your pieces out in the sun as that alters the color of the stones Clean your gemstones with a clean, soft, damp untreated cloth after wearing Do not use tissue paper or paper towels to clean gemstones as they can cause scratching For more information on our repairs & warranty, please click here . About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: DIGITAL GIFT CARD - AARYAH Content: $150.00 $200.00 Shopping for someone else but not sure what to give them? Give them the gift of choice with a AARYAH gift card. Gift Cards expire one year after the date of purchase. All gift cards are delivered digitally immediately upon purchase, and are redeemable partially or in whole. For any questions email [email protected] Share Return and Exchange Policy: Please see our FAQ for more information on shipping, returns and our warranty. Learn More. Because we follow a sustainable made to order model, custom/made-to-order pieces are final sale and non-custom/ready-to-ship pieces are eligible for a store credit. If you wish to exchange a non-custom piece for store credit, please email us at [email protected] within 14 days of delivery. This helps us move in the spirit of intention by creating customized pieces and preventing excess. So, while we do not currently provide refunds at this time, we want you to be absolutely sure that you will love your piece. All questions are good questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to [email protected] if you would like us to send you images, videos or you have any product related questions." You may also like Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Custom Fine Jewelry Piece Content: Get Started Working With Us FEEL THE POWER, DESIGN YOUR OWN STORY WITH AARYAH BESPOKE. The form below has been designed to help you begin your journey with AARYAH Bespoke. Fill it out and someone from our concierge team will get back to you. About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH Fine Jewelry Necklace Collection Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Bracelets Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | All Zodiac Medallion Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Wedding Jewelry for Bride – Tagged "Stone Shape_Cushion" Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Wedding Jewelry for Bride – Tagged "Gemstone_Yellow Diamond" Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Wedding Jewelry for Bride – Tagged "Stone Shape_Oval" Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: Holiday Shipping Deadlines 2023 – AARYAH Content: Bridal (Engagement rings/wedding bands) - Custom: Please get in touch with us for turnaround times. Our standard turnaround for custom bridal pieces is 4-8 weeks but we are able to accommodate expedited timelines for bridal pieces. - In stock pieces: If you would like to purchase an in-stock one-of-a-kind engagement ring, resizing takes 5 business days. Made-to-Order Jewelry (not including engagement rings/wedding bands) For any items not in stock, orders need to be placed by October 20th to get it by December 23rd. You can still place orders for Made to Order jewelry but we can't guarantee it will get to you in time. We will try our best. Ready to Ship Jewelry December 8th - Last day for orders to ship internationally for Christmas. December 8th - Last day for orders to ship with ground domestic shipping for Christmas. December 13th - Last day for orders to ship with 2-day domestic shipping for Christmas. December 21st - Last day to pick up at our NYC showroom in Midtown. NYC PICK UP Skip the shipping and pick up in our showroom. If you would like to pick up your order at our showroom in NYC, please select pick up in-store upon check out and e-mail us right after ordering so we keep your order ready! December 21st - Last day to pick up at our NYC showroom in Midtown. If you are uncertain of what is in stock or need any help placing an order, please feel free to email our team at [email protected] and we would be more than happy to help! Production & showroom closure: As we venture into the New Year, our offices will be open however our production and physical showroom will be closed from 12/24/23 - 1/08/24. Please expect a delay in responses from us during that time. GENERAL SHIPPING AARYAH offers worldwide shipping and in showroom pickup for NYC based orders. While we will try our best to get you your order in time for the holidays. Due to COVID-19, our shipping partners are no longer 100% guaranteeing delivery dates due to an overwhelmed fulfillment center and limited staff. PLEASE NOTE: Signature upon delivery is required for orders over $300. CUSTOMER SERVICE We’re here to help you :) If you have any questions about product information, please e-mail us at [email protected]. We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible. If it’s an urgent request, please put the word *urgent* in the subject of the e-mail. About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Tote Bag Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Empyreal Content: NYC Open Showroom (Non-Bridal) Empyreal This month we are celebrating womanhood by amplifying the beauty, strength, and radiance of women's voices, as well as the relationships that are formed along the journey of womanhood. We teamed up with a spectacular group of NYC creatives to really celebrate International Women’s Month and present our new collection Empyreal. Filters [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Jewelry Services Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Wedding Jewelry for Bride – Tagged "Stone Shape_Princess" Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Wedding Jewelry for Bride – Tagged "Gemstone_Brown Diamond" Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | NEW Bridal Rings Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: Reviews – AARYAH Content: Reviews About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Canadamark Diamonds Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: Brand – AARYAH Content: NYC Open Showroom (Non-Bridal) THE BRAND AARYAH is a jewelry brand focused on empowering women by bringing a fresh perspective to the bridal jewelry space. We strive to create one-of-a-kind pieces that highlight the individuality of the wearer through unconventional cuts, unique settings, and rare natural diamonds. Our business model includes a specialized, in-house diamond sourcing, and an experienced design team that works collaboratively on each piece. Through this, we provide clients with innovative designs, responsibly sourced diamonds, and competitive pricing, breaking free from the limitations of the traditional industry. Since its launch, AARYAH has been featured in publications such as VOGUE, BRIDES, The Knot, and Harper’s Bazaar to name a few, and has been worn by celebrities such as Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift. AARYAH produces every piece right in the heart of New York City’s diamond district and has a luxury showroom for private appointments with an AARYAH bridal stylist. Image from our 2023 International Women’s Day Campaign About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Nyoka Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Wedding Jewelry for Bride – Tagged "Stone Shape_Moval" Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Wedding Jewelry for Bride – Tagged "Gemstone_Black Diamond" Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Contact Us Content: NYC Open Showroom (Non-Bridal) Contact Us For all AARYAH related inquiries, please contact us at [email protected] or fill in the form on this page. Your name Send message About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Wedding Jewelry for Bride – Tagged "Stone Shape_Emerald" Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Wedding Jewelry for Bride – Tagged "Gemstone_ White Diamond" Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: Faq – AARYAH Content: MY ORDER AND SHIPPING How do I find my order confirmation and tracking number? Upon placement of an order, customers will be sent written confirmation via email of their order. Once order has been placed, we can’t cancel the order. Once an order has been shipped, customers will receive a confirmation email with the tracking number. How long does it take for my order to be processed? Please allow 2-5 business days from the time of purchase for order processing. For any questions regarding orders, please contact us at [email protected]. We will always make our best efforts to accommodate requests for expedited processing. How are domestic orders shipped? All domestic orders are eligible for FREE shipping via USPS ground shipping. All United States domestic orders under $1,000 are shipped free via USPS. Orders over $1,000 will upgraded and shipped insured via FedEx for free Should you require expedited shipping in the form of guaranteed next day delivery or second day delivery, you will be given the option of making these selections on our check-out page. Those rates will vary according to package size, weight and final destination. Do all packages require signature for delivery? All packages over $100 require signature at delivery. AARYAH is not responsible for packages lost or stolen after the package is confirmed delivered by the shipping provider. RETURN AND EXCHANGE POLICY What is your return policy? Because we follow a sustainable made to order model, custom pieces are final sale and non-custom pieces are eligible for a store credit. If you wish to exchange a non-custom piece for store credit, please email us at [email protected] within 14 days of delivery. This helps us move in the spirit of intention by creating customized pieces and preventing excess. So, while we do not currently provide refunds at this time, we want you to be absolutely sure that you will love your piece. All questions are good questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to [email protected] if you would like us to send you images, videos or you have any product related questions. What is your store credit policy? Non-custom AARYAH orders are eligible for a store credit within 14 days of delivery. Merchandise must be in unworn condition and must remain intact and undisturbed. Any security tags, labels, seals, stickers, or any other form of usage indicator that were in place on the merchandise when it was shipped must be in their original form when returned. In order to return, merchandise must be carefully enclosed in its original packaging, include all original packaging and documentation, and be packed and shipped in such a way as to adequately protect the delicate and fragile contents inside. AARYAH is not responsible for shipping charges on returned or exchanged merchandise. We can only recommend UPS or FedEx when shipping items for returns, and we are not responsible for packages lost or damaged during shipment for returns. We will not accept returned goods that have been worn, do not have their original packaging, or that show apparent signs of use or abuse. Goods that are returned without their original packaging will not be accepted. Additionally, if tamper-proof tag is removed, the returned good will not be accepted. Can I return custom items? No. All custom pieces are final sale. Can I return items from in-person purchases? Any AARYAH jewelry bought through a pop up, trunk show or any in-person purchase are final sale. AARYAH is not responsible for any merchandise sold through 3rd party retailers. Do you accept exchanges? At this time, we do not. Defective Merchandise In the rare event that you receive an incorrect or faulty item, please notify us within 5 days of the item’s delivery. Merchandise will be deemed faulty only if it is determined that it was faulty at its time of shipment, or if it was damaged during its time in transit. Merchandise damaged after delivery are not considered faulty, and therefore would not be eligible for refund or exchange. AARYAH is not responsible for damaged or stolen merchandise after delivery has taken place. FINE JEWELRY What does ready-to-ship, made-to-order and wait list mean? Ready to ship These are all of our pieces that we have in stock in our inventory. Once your order has been processed, we can ship it out to you right away within 2-5 days. Made to order These are custom-made pieces or pieces that require the expertise of our second and third generation jewelers based in NYC’s Diamond District. You can expect to receive this order anywhere from 5-8 weeks after the order is processed. Please note that all of these pieces are final sale. If you need a custom piece by a certain day, please e-mail us immediately at [email protected] so we can accommodate your date. Do you use any lab grown diamonds or gemstones? No, we do not. We only believe in using natural diamonds and gemstones. Wait list When we run out of our ready-to-ship pieces in our inventory, you have the option to add your e-mail to a wait list. When we produce more of the piece and it is in stock once more, you will be notified via e-mail. Waitlist items are first come first serve. Where is your jewelry made? Our jewelry is handcrafted right here in New York City. We take pride in working with second and third-generation NYC-based jewelers to create powerful pieces that are made to last. Find out more about our craft on our ABOUT THE BRAND page WARRANTY What is your warranty policy? AARYAH offers a limited warranty on all our pieces. If damage (as a result of normal wear and tear) occurs within 1 month of purchase, please e-mail us and we will see what can be done. However, in order for the repair to be performed, all components, pieces, stones, and parts must be provided by customer. If your purchase is over 1 month, on a case-by-case basis repairs may still be made but there will be a fee depending on the work needed and condition of the item. Most repair fees will start at $50. Please note that we use delicate, natural stones that can crack/break on contact if not handled properly. We are not responsible for broken or cracked stones coming from wear + tear. REPAIRS What is your repair policy? Yes. Repairs are taken on a case-by-case basis. Since all AARYAH items are hand crafted, slight variation may occur. AARYAH cannot guarantee that repairs will be possible for items damaged through extraordinary circumstances or unreasonable, unexpected, or reckless use and treatment. Any such determinations of use and treatment will be at AARYAH discretion. If damaged components must be replaced, they will be replaced with components as close to the originals as possible, at the discretion of AARYAH. How do I begin the repair process? In order to begin your repair process, please contact us at [email protected] with the below information: your name, best contact email, best contact number, your order number, a description of the damage to your item and how it occurred and the address for where your repaired item will be shipped. We will then let you know the cost of getting the piece repaired. Resizing If you would like to have your AARYAH ring resized, resizing starts at $50 and goes up from there depending on the complexity. Not all rings can be resized so please be aware of that before purchase. GIFTING Do you offer gift cards? Yes, we offer digital gift cards. Gift Cards expire one year after the date of purchase. All gift cards are delivered digitally immediately upon purchase and are redeemable partially or in whole. For any questions email [email protected] How do I redeem my gift card? At checkout, enter your gift card code by typing it and applying it at “Discount code.” The value of your gift card will be automatically deducted from the order. My order is a gift, can I include a special note? Yes, there is an option to include your note at checkout. PAYMENTS What payment methods do you accept? We accept all major credit cards and wire transfers. Can I combine discounts? AARYAH BRIDAL What’s the difference between Ready-to-Ship Bridal and Bespoke Bridal? These are all of our pieces that we have in stock in our inventory. Once your order has been processed, we can ship it out to you right away within 2-5 days. Bespoke Bridal are pieces that are custom-designed and one-of-a-kind. The entire process, from design to final product that is delivered to you will typically take 6-8 weeks. I love the diamond in an AARYAH one of a kind ring, but I want a different setting. Can I reset the diamond? Yes, we reset AARYAH diamonds including the ones in our one of a kind engagement rings. Learn more here . Is AARYAH Bridal final sale? Yes. However, we do encourage you to get in touch with us at [email protected] to view the piece virtually or in our showroom in NYC. Are your diamonds conflict-free? Yes. In addition to the stringent standards set by the United Nations known as The Kimberley Process, we take the time to get to know our sources and ensure that our contribution to the world is positive. The diamond industry has undergone an intense overhaul since the 1990’s, and currently employs an estimated ten million people around the world. Today our partners share the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals: to mine diamonds in a way that uplifts local economies, protects the environment, and promotes gender equality. What grading standards do your diamonds follow? Our diamonds follow the grading scales and standards of the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Do you use any lab grown diamonds or gemstones? No, we do not. We only work with natural diamonds and natural gemstones. How do I insure my jewelry? We highly recommend insuring your diamond jewelry. You are typically able to add your piece to an existing insurance plan or you can open a new account with Jewelers Mutual. Is shipping insured? All AARYAH orders over $1000 are insured and signature at delivery is required for these items. Will I have to pay a sales tax? Yes, any orders with a New York shipping address incur sales tax. Sales tax is calculated automatically at check out. How do I find my ring size? or you can buy a ring sizer on our website. We’ll deduct the price of the ring sizer if you move forward with an AARYAH ring. GET STARTED WITH BESPOKE DESIGN What does Bespoke Bridal mean? Bespoke jewelry is custom designed jewelry that’s one-of-a-kind. You tell us your budget, aesthetic and stylistic requirements, and we work together to make a unique piece that’s specially made for you. Is there a design fee? If you would like to create a custom piece with us (that’s not a style we’ve sold in the past), there is a design fee of $700. If you move forward with us, that fee is waived. How long can I expect it to take for my piece to be made? Our pieces typically take anywhere between 6 to 8 weeks to go from design to final product. If you need your bespoke pieces by a certain date, please let us know and we will try our best to accommodate. How do I begin the design process? How does it work? Please visit our “Get Started” page to begin the process and our “How It Works” page to learn about the process. We’re looking forward to working with you. When should I start designing my engagement ring? We encourage you to start working on your engagement ring at least 4-5 months before the proposal date. However, we can accommodate last-minute requests on case-by-case basis. When is payment due? We require a 75% deposit upon confirmation and the remaining before we ship the piece out. WORKING WITH US How do I get in touch with the AARYAH Team? You can e-mail us any time at [email protected] . Do you work with virtual clients who are unable to meet in person? Yes, we do. Many of our clients are not based in NYC and have worked with us 100% virtually. We do have an intimate showroom if you would like to book an appointment to come see our bridal styles. Do you create just custom rings or jewelry too? We are happy to work with you on any non-bridal custom designs you’d like to explore. Whether it’s for an important occasion or just because, we’ll craft a piece that will reflect you and your personality. Do you offer resizing? We can resize many but not all rings. Pricing for ring resizing varies depending on style and usually starts at $50 and foes up from there depending on the complexity. Do you set stones purchased from a different seller? No, at this time we do not. Can I reset one of my current engagement ring in one of your settings? We can re-set your stone on a case-by-case basis. Please e-mail [email protected] for further inquiries. Do you provide financing? Yes, we now provide up to $30,000 financing through Shoppay on our website. RETURN POLICY AND WARRANTY What is your warranty for bridal pieces? Bridal pieces purchased through come with a 6-month warranty for manufacturer’s defect so long as the damage did not result from unusual or extreme wear or use. After that warranty, repairs can be made on a case by case basis and will incur a fee. What is your return policy for bridal and custom pieces? All custom pieces are final sale. This helps us move in the spirit of intention by creating customized pieces and preventing excess. So, while we do not currently provide refunds at this time, we want you to be absolutely sure that you will love your custom piece. All questions are good questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to [email protected] with any comments, concerns or queries about the piece. Additionally, if you need a piece by a certain day, please reach out to the email immediately. Reserved Rights All prices and availability are subject to change without notice. In the event that you place an order for a product that has recently run out of stock, but is still temporarily listed on our web site, we will do everything in our power to reach you to offer a substitution, or give you the option to cancel the order. AARYAH LLC reserves the right to refuse sales or cancel orders placed by a customer in violation of the site’s terms or as otherwise determined by AARYAH LLC. INTERNATIONAL ORDERS Do you ship internationally? Yes we do! Please note that all customs and duty fees are the customer's responsibility to pay. Although charges are not always incurred, assessment of duties and import taxes will be based on the value of the order and the tax-free threshold, if it exists, for goods imported into the destination country. Customs and duty fees are determined by the customs agency within the destination country. Some shipments will be sent on a DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) basis, and you will be charged duties and taxes by the shipping provider when they deliver your order. Payment of these is necessary to release your order from customs. Please contact your local customs office if you have any questions regarding the duty fee for your order. For questions about international shipping, contact [email protected] . All transit times begin after the product is processed and shipped. Estimated transit time for international shipment assumes normal customs approval without delay. All shipping methods are not available for all destinations. All shipping policies are subject to change at any time for any reason at AARYAH discretion. How are international orders shipped? All International orders under $1,000 are shipped via USPS. USPS provides customs clearance and door-to-door delivery service within 20-30  business days. For all other orders, shipping rates will vary according to package size, weight and final destination. Orders over $1,000 will be eligible for a discounted FedEx international rate. About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Vintage Watches Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Fine Jewelry Diamond Rings Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Luxury Fine Jewelry | Bridal Jewelry Brand for Women Content: LEARN WITH AARYAH Resetting an AARYAH Diamond At AARYAH, we understand the profound connection between the perfect diamond and the right setting. Each of our one-of-a-kind engagement rings are ... Read more Canadamark™ Diamonds At AARYAH, our fine jewelry is always made with you, the earth, and the future of the industry in mind. Our materials are sustainability sourced,... Read more Client Spotlight: Zaynab Issa Zaynab came to us early this year to design an everyday fine ring that could be added to her jewelry stack. As a creative who uses her hands to cre... [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Gifts Under $500 Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Travel Size Jewelry Cleaner Content: AARYAH Travel Size Jewelry Cleaner $ 40 Size: 2.5fl oz. (75 ml) Only 83 pieces in stock! Add to cart Size 2.5fl oz. (75 ml) Never let your sparkle fade. Ensure your piece keeps its radiance with our gentle non-toxic and biodegradable foaming jewelry cleaner. Safe for use on diamonds, fine metals, precious natural gemstones and pearls. This cleaner is great for traveling with and is TSA friendly! -- Instructions: This product works best on diamond and gemstone jewelry. Always test a small area prior to performing a full cleaning, especially on dyed pearls and stones. Do not use on amber jewelry. Take an empty bowl and place your jewelry in it. Then apply foam directly on your jewelry piece. If the piece is small enough, use the cap provided to hold the jewelry and then apply foam directly on the piece. Allow the foam to soak on jewelry for 10-30 seconds. With the soft bristle brush provided, work foam into hard to reach places. Be extra careful around prongs and delicate settings. Once done brushing the piece, rinse the piece under cold water for 5-10 seconds. Then pat dry with a soft cloth to reveal your piece's original shine. Repeat if necessary. [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Wedding Jewelry for Bride – Tagged "Stone Shape_Round" Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Custom Pieces Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: NYC Showroom - AARYAH Content: AARYAH AARYAH NYC SHOWROOM Our luxury showroom is open by appointment only for bridal clients and we occasionally open up our showroom for events where clients can shop non bridal. Book an appointment below or via e-mail [email protected]. Appointments In preparation for your bridal appointment, please find more details below Showroom Location 22 West 48th street, Suite 203, New York, NY 10036 Just a reminder Please be ready to show government issued ID upon check in. This is an exploratory shopping bridal appointment with a bridal stylist. If you want to see any particular AARYAH styles or diamond shapes during your appointment, please let us know in advance as we curate each appointment based on the client's needs. Appointment Cancellation If you can no longer make it, please let us know 24-36 hours before your appointment. We would greatly appreciate it. Running Late If you are running late, please let us know. We keep a very small buffer between bridal shopping appointments and want to ensure you have enough time to try AARYAH styles on. You're always welcome to book a follow up appointment. Guest Policy We are only allowing one guest per client for our in person bridal appointment. There are plenty of lovely places near our showroom where your family & friends can wait at while you're in your appointment :) Weekend Appointments If you're booked on a Saturday or Sunday appointment, the front door of our building is locked for security purposes. Please knock on the door and the security guard will let you in. Parking There is barely any street parking in our area. If you are planning to drive in for your bridal appointment, you can use the app "spot hero" to prebook your parking in the area. AARYAH BRIDAL What’s the difference between Ready-to-Ship Bridal and Bespoke Bridal? These are all of our pieces that we have in stock in our inventory. Once your order has been processed, we can ship it out to you right away within 2-5 days. Bespoke Bridal are pieces that are custom-designed and one-of-a-kind. The entire process, from design to final product that is delivered to you will typically take 6-8 weeks. I love the diamond in an AARYAH one of a kind ring, but I want a different setting. Can I reset the diamond? Yes, we reset AARYAH diamonds including the ones in our one of a kind engagement rings. Learn more here . Is AARYAH Bridal final sale? Yes. However, we do encourage you to get in touch with us at [email protected] to view the piece virtually or in our showroom in NYC. Are your diamonds conflict-free? Yes. In addition to the stringent standards set by the United Nations known as The Kimberley Process, we take the time to get to know our sources and ensure that our contribution to the world is positive. The diamond industry has undergone an intense overhaul since the 1990’s, and currently employs an estimated ten million people around the world. Today our partners share the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals: to mine diamonds in a way that uplifts local economies, protects the environment, and promotes gender equality. What grading standards do your diamonds follow? Our diamonds follow the grading scales and standards of the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Do you use any lab grown diamonds or gemstones? No, we do not. We only work with natural diamonds and natural gemstones. How do I insure my jewelry? We highly recommend insuring your diamond jewelry. You are typically able to add your piece to an existing insurance plan or you can open a new account with Jewelers Mutual. Is shipping insured? All AARYAH orders over $1000 are insured and signature at delivery is required for these items. Will I have to pay a sales tax? Yes, any orders with a New York shipping address incur sales tax. Sales tax is calculated automatically at check out. How do I find my ring size? or you can buy a ring sizer on our website. We’ll deduct the price of the ring sizer if you move forward with an AARYAH ring. FINE JEWELRY What does ready-to-ship, made-to-order and wait list mean? Ready to ship These are all of our pieces that we have in stock in our inventory. Once your order has been processed, we can ship it out to you right away within 2-5 days. Made to order These are custom-made pieces or pieces that require the expertise of our second and third generation jewelers based in NYC’s Diamond District. You can expect to receive this order anywhere from 5-8 weeks after the order is processed. Please note that all of these pieces are final sale. If you need a custom piece by a certain day, please e-mail us immediately at [email protected] so we can accommodate your date. Wait list When we run out of our ready-to-ship pieces in our inventory, you have the option to add your e-mail to a wait list. When we produce more of the piece and it is in stock once more, you will be notified via e-mail. Waitlist items are first come first serve. Where is your jewelry made? Our jewelry is handcrafted right here in New York City. We take pride in working with second and third-generation NYC-based jewelers to create powerful pieces that are made to last. Find out more about our craft on our ABOUT THE BRAND page MY ORDER AND SHIPPING How do I find my order confirmation and tracking number? Upon placement of an order, customers will be sent written confirmation via email of their order. Once order has been placed, we can’t cancel the order. Once an order has been shipped, customers will receive a confirmation email with the tracking number. How long does it take for my order to be processed? Please allow 2-5 business days from the time of purchase for order processing. For any questions regarding orders, please contact us at [email protected]. We will always make our best efforts to accommodate requests for expedited processing. How are domestic orders shipped? All domestic orders are eligible for FREE shipping via USPS ground shipping. All United States domestic orders under $1,000 are shipped free via USPS. Orders over $1,000 will upgraded and shipped insured via FedEx for free. Should you require expedited shipping in the form of guaranteed next day delivery or second day delivery, you will be given the option of making these selections on our check-out page. Those rates will vary according to package size, weight and final destination. Do all packages require signature for delivery? All packages over $100 require signature at delivery. AARYAH is not responsible for packages lost or stolen after the package is confirmed delivered by the shipping provider. RETURN AND EXCHANGE POLICY What is your return policy? Because we follow a sustainable made to order model, custom pieces are final sale and non-custom pieces are eligible for a store credit. If you wish to exchange a non-custom piece for store credit, please email us at [email protected] within 14 days of delivery. This helps us move in the spirit of intention by creating customized pieces and preventing excess. So, while we do not currently provide refunds at this time, we want you to be absolutely sure that you will love your piece. All questions are good questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to [email protected] if you would like us to send you images, videos or you have any product related questions. What is your store credit policy? Non-custom AARYAH orders are eligible for a store credit within 14 days of delivery. Merchandise must be in unworn condition and must remain intact and undisturbed. Any security tags, labels, seals, stickers, or any other form of usage indicator that were in place on the merchandise when it was shipped must be in their original form when returned. In order to return, merchandise must be carefully enclosed in its original packaging, include all original packaging and documentation, and be packed and shipped in such a way as to adequately protect the delicate and fragile contents inside. AARYAH is not responsible for shipping charges on returned or exchanged merchandise. We can only recommend UPS or FedEx when shipping items for returns, and we are not responsible for packages lost or damaged during shipment for returns. We will not accept returned goods that have been worn, do not have their original packaging, or that show apparent signs of use or abuse. Goods that are returned without their original packaging will not be accepted. Additionally, if tamper-proof tag is removed, the returned good will not be accepted. Can I return custom items? No. All custom pieces are final sale. Can I return items from in-person purchases? Any AARYAH jewelry bought through a pop up, trunk show or any in-person purchase are final sale. AARYAH is not responsible for any merchandise sold through 3rd party retailers. Do you accept exchanges? At this time, we do not. Defective Merchandise In the rare event that you receive an incorrect or faulty item, please notify us within 5 days of the item’s delivery. Merchandise will be deemed faulty only if it is determined that it was faulty at its time of shipment, or if it was damaged during its time in transit. Merchandise damaged after delivery are not considered faulty, and therefore would not be eligible for refund or exchange. AARYAH is not responsible for damaged or stolen merchandise after delivery has taken place. WARRANTY What is your warranty policy? Warranty: AARYAH offers a limited warranty on all our pieces. If damage (as a result of normal wear and tear) occurs within 1 month of purchase, please e-mail us and we will see what can be done. However, in order for the repair to be performed, all components, pieces, stones, and parts must be provided by customer. If your purchase is over 1 month, on a case-by-case basis repairs may still be made but there will be a fee depending on the work needed and condition of the item. Most repair fees will start at $50. Please note that we use delicate, natural stones that can crack/break on contact if not handled properly. We are not responsible for broken or cracked stones coming from wear + tear. REPAIRS What is your repair policy? Yes. Repairs are taken on a case-by-case basis. Since all AARYAH items are hand crafted, slight variation may occur. AARYAH cannot guarantee that repairs will be possible for items damaged through extraordinary circumstances or unreasonable, unexpected, or reckless use and treatment. Any such determinations of use and treatment will be at AARYAH discretion. If damaged components must be replaced, they will be replaced with components as close to the originals as possible, at the discretion of AARYAH. How do I begin the repair process? In order to begin your repair process, please contact us at [email protected] with the below information: your name, best contact email, best contact number, your order number, a description of the damage to your item and how it occurred and the address for where your repaired item will be shipped. We will then let you know the cost of getting the piece repaired. Resizing If you would like to have your AARYAH ring resized, resizing starts at $50 and goes up from there depending on the complexity. Not all rings can be resized so please be aware of that before purchase. GIFTING Do you offer gift cards? Yes, we offer digital gift cards. Gift Cards expire one year after the date of purchase. All gift cards are delivered digitally immediately upon purchase and are redeemable partially or in whole. For any questions email [email protected] How do I redeem my gift card? At checkout, enter your gift card code by typing it and applying it at “Discount code.” The value of your gift card will be automatically deducted from the order. My order is a gift, can I include a special note? Yes, there is an option to include your note at checkout. GET STARTED WITH BESPOKE DESIGN What does Bespoke Bridal mean? Bespoke jewelry is custom designed jewelry that’s one-of-a-kind. You tell us your budget, aesthetic and stylistic requirements, and we work together to make a unique piece that’s specially made for you. Is there a design fee? If you would like to create a custom piece with us (that’s not a style we’ve sold in the past), there is a design fee of $700. If you move forward with us, that fee is waived. How long can I expect it to take for my piece to be made? Our pieces typically take anywhere between 6 to 8 weeks to go from design to final product. If you need your bespoke pieces by a certain date, please let us know and we will try our best to accommodate. How do I begin the design process? How does it work? Please visit our “ Get Started ” page to begin the process and our “ How It Works ” page to learn about the process. We’re looking forward to working with you. When should I start designing my engagement ring? We encourage you to start working on your engagement ring at least 4-5 months before the proposal date. However, we can accommodate last-minute requests on case-by-case basis. When is payment due? We require a 75% deposit upon confirmation and the remaining before we ship the piece out. WORKING WITH US How do I get in touch with the AARYAH Team? You can e-mail us any time at [email protected] . Do you work with virtual clients who are unable to meet in person? Yes, we do. Many of our clients are not based in NYC and have worked with us 100% virtually. We do have an intimate showroom if you would like to book an appointment to come see our bridal styles. Do you create just custom rings or jewelry too? We are happy to work with you on any non-bridal custom designs you’d like to explore. Whether it’s for an important occasion or just because, we’ll craft a piece that will reflect you and your personality. Do you offer resizing? We can resize many but not all rings. Pricing for ring resizing varies depending on style and usually starts at $50 and foes up from there depending on the complexity. Do you set stones purchased from a different seller? No, at this time we do not. Can I reset one of my current engagement ring in one of your settings? We can re-set your stone on a case-by-case basis. Please e-mail [email protected] for further inquiries. Do you provide financing? Yes, we now provide up to $30,000 financing through Shoppay on our website. RETURN POLICY AND WARRANTY What is your warranty for bridal pieces? Bridal pieces purchased through come with a 6-month warranty for manufacturer’s defect so long as the damage did not result from unusual or extreme wear or use. After that warranty, repairs can be made on a case by case basis and will incur a fee. What is your return policy for bridal and custom pieces? All custom pieces are final sale. This helps us move in the spirit of intention by creating customized pieces and preventing excess. So, while we do not currently provide refunds at this time, we want you to be absolutely sure that you will love your custom piece. All questions are good questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to [email protected] with any comments, concerns or queries about the piece. Additionally, if you need a piece by a certain day, please reach out to the email immediately. Reserved Rights All prices and availability are subject to change without notice. In the event that you place an order for a product that has recently run out of stock, but is still temporarily listed on our web site, we will do everything in our power to reach you to offer a substitution, or give you the option to cancel the order. AARYAH LLC reserves the right to refuse sales or cancel orders placed by a customer in violation of the site’s terms or as otherwise determined by AARYAH LLC. INTERNATIONAL ORDERS Do you ship internationally? Yes we do! Please note that all customs and duty fees are the customer's responsibility to pay. Although charges are not always incurred, assessment of duties and import taxes will be based on the value of the order and the tax-free threshold, if it exists, for goods imported into the destination country. Customs and duty fees are determined by the customs agency within the destination country. Some shipments will be sent on a DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) basis, and you will be charged duties and taxes by the shipping provider when they deliver your order. Payment of these is necessary to release your order from customs. Please contact your local customs office if you have any questions regarding the duty fee for your order. For questions about international shipping, contact [email protected] . All transit times begin after the product is processed and shipped. Estimated transit time for international shipment assumes normal customs approval without delay. All shipping methods are not available for all destinations. All shipping policies are subject to change at any time for any reason at AARYAH discretion. How are international orders shipped? All International orders under $1,000 are shipped via USPS. USPS provides customs clearance and door-to-door delivery service within 20-30  business days. For all other orders, shipping rates will vary according to package size, weight and final destination. Orders over $1,000 will be eligible for a discounted FedEx international rate. We look forward to meeting you soon! AARYAH Our fine jewelry Our fine jewelry client appointments offer a one-on-one experience with an AARYAH bridal stylist for engagement rings, wedding bands, and fine jewelry. This is an exploratory experience. It's an opportunity to try our bridal styles, get sized, and learn more about our process. AARYAH Let us know Please let us know before your meeting if you would like to speak to a diamond specialist or have diamond-related requests. If you would like to book an immediate appointment, please get in touch with us at [email protected] .If none of the times work for you, please reach out to us at [email protected], and we'll find a time to accommodate your schedule. For any inquiries or help, please email us at [email protected] . For in-person meetings, please also bring a government-issued ID to your appointment. We're only allowing 1 guest per appointment at this time. Book Now NYC or Virtual: Bridal Viewing Appointment Book Now [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Diamond Fashion Earrings for Women Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Dolce Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: #AARYAH Jewelry Blog Content: #AARYAH Resetting an AARYAH Diamond At AARYAH, we understand the profound connection between the perfect diamond and the right setting. Each of our one-of-a-kind engagement rings are ... Read more Canadamark™ Diamonds At AARYAH, our fine jewelry is always made with you, the earth, and the future of the industry in mind. Our materials are sustainability sourced,... Read more Client Spotlight: Zaynab Issa Zaynab came to us early this year to design an everyday fine ring that could be added to her jewelry stack. As a creative who uses her hands to cre... Read More A Love Letter from our Founder 🤍 It’s my favorite month – April. There’s something really special about April – and I'm not just saying that because it’s my birthday month or becau... Read More The Allure of Antique Diamonds Antique cut diamonds are a special and intriguing historical relic that possess both beauty and mystery. These diamonds were cut by hand without mo... Read More International Women's Month 2023 This month we are celebrating womanhood by amplifying the beauty, strength, and radiance of women's voices, as well as the relationships that are f... Read More A Letter from the Founder: International Women's Month 2023 In honor of International Women’s Month, I want to express my gratitude to the many inspiring women who cross my path every day. Whether they ar... Read More Your Guide To The Solar Eclipse From Astrologist Sophie Won Your guide to the solar eclipse from astrologist Sophie Won of Netflix's hit show Indian Matchmaking. On October 25th, 2022, we have the new moon ... Read More AARYAH x The Reha App: The Collaboration You've Been Waiting For AARYAH x The Reha App: The Collaboration You've Been Waiting For AARYAH x Reha App limited-edition collaboration is finally here. We've teamed up ... Read More AARYAH Mother's Day: The Ties that Bind Us This Mother’s Day, AARYAH is honoring and celebrating all forms of maternal connections and relationships by highlighting the special and heartfelt... Read More Zodiac Jewelry with a Twist The stars aligned in a unique way for you, writing a story like no one else's. The allure of zodiac jewelry is undeniable. Astrological jewe... Read More Jacky Lee: International Women's Month Jacky Lee: the Inspiring Artist in the Heart of New York Jacky Lee has many titles as an NYC-based creative: she is an artist, painter, grandma, ... Read More Bee Walker: International Women's Month Bee Walker balancing Entrepreneurship and Motherhood Bee Walker, the independent creative director and co-founder of the New York-based creative st... Read More Tara Marzuki: International Women's Month Tara Marzuki the awe-inspiring content creator in “the City that Never Sleeps” Honesty, love, and experience are the virtues that Tara Marzuki, a B... Read More A Reflection: International Women's Month 2022 Oftentimes, as women, we are taught from a young age to be strong and brave. My dad knew how much harder it was for women in this world and taugh... Read More Virtual Healing & Meditation Fundraiser for Afghanistan Tonight, August 18th at 8:00pm EST join AARYAH Founder Megan Kothari and Contemplative Guide Kirat Randhawa to raise money for Women for Women, a 5... Read More Steps Toward Sustainability While there's always room for improvement, we're committed to creating and maintaining a more sustainable practice. Here are some steps we've take... Read More Using blackout poetry to create space for joy “Blackout poetry is the art of creating a poem or statement out of an already existing body of work or a text” - Shanika Powell Although we now f... “Blackout poetry is the art of creating a poem or statement out of an already existing body of work or a text” - Shanika Powell Read More Our Materials and Jewelry Care We’ve laid out all of the materials we work with so that you can choose what kind of piece would serve you best and how to care for it. Sterling S... Read More National Jewel Day Today is National Jewel Day - a day to recognize all the beauty and magic our Earth has created. We’ve gathered some information on some o... Today is National Jewel Day - a day to recognize all the beauty and magic our Earth has created. Read More Founder Notes: AARYAH Name Plate Necklaces The Story Behind Our AARYAH Name Plate Necklaces: ~The real inspiration starts with my own name - Megan. Megan is not a traditional Indian name, b... Thus came the inspiration for our custom name pieces. We started hand cutting Name Plate Necklaces in late 2016 to celebrate everyone’s story. AARYAH Name Necklaces were created for all the people that never saw themselves represented growing up. We see you, we hear you and we’re here for you ❤️ Read More Founder Notes: Our New Beaded Mask Chains Problem to Solution Staying true to AARYAH's mission of crafting products with intention, these Beaded Mask Chains purposefully fulfill the need... I wanted to find a solution which would keep the mask on me at all times but also make it easy to take on and off. After several iterations, I would like to introduce you to our new category “Beaded Chains” . Read More Using breathing techniques to reduce anxiety The Key To Happiness is Balance NADI SHODHANA :  Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique “Everything is within your power, and your powe... Read More How to Find Your Ring Size HOW TO FIND YOUR RING SIZE Jewelry is one of the many ways that you are able to express yourself and show off your uniqueness. Many of the rings ... HOW TO FIND YOUR RING SIZE Jewelry is one of the many ways that you are able to express yourself and show off your uniqueness. Many of the rings that we carry have a maximalist style to them, Read More About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Ready to Shop Diamond Engagement Rings Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Mask Holder Necklace for Women Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: Chain Capsule Collection – AARYAH Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | CUSTOM AND BESPOKE PIECES Content: NYC Open Showroom (Non-Bridal) BESPOKE GALLERY We create one-of-a-kind pieces that truly reflect our customers. Wearing AARYAH Bespoke is like wearing an extension of oneself– each piece tells the story of your own unique journey. Here is a gallery of select past custom work we’ve done for clients. You can head over to our TikTok for more designs or our instagram page @aaryahjewelry . About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Wedding Jewelry for Bride – Tagged "Stone Shape_Pear" Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More [PAGE] Title: AARYAH | Sold Engagement Rings Content: Recently viewed About AARYAH AARYAH was born to create a deeper meaning behind the jewelry we wear everyday. Female-founded and inspired by the women that wear them, each piece is responsibly sourced, thoughtfully designed and handcrafted in NYC. AARYAH LLCBy Appointment only 22 WEST 48TH STREET, NY NY 10036New York, New YorkE-mail: [email protected] More
consumer & supply chain
luxury goods & jewelry
Diamonds We only use natural and ethically sourced diamonds in our pieces that follow the Kimberley Process. Title: AARYAH | Jewelry Care Title: AARYAH | NEW Bridal Rings Ready to ship These are all of our pieces that we have in stock in our inventory. Our jewelry is handcrafted right here in New York City. In order to begin your repair process, please contact us at [email protected] with the below information: your name, best contact email, best contact number, your order number, a description of the damage to your item and how it occurred and the address for where your repaired item will be shipped. These are all of our pieces that we have in stock in our inventory. However, we do encourage you to get in touch with us at [email protected] to view the piece virtually or in our showroom in NYC. If you would like to create a custom piece with us (that’s not a style we’ve sold in the past), there is a design fee of $700. In the event that you place an order for a product that has recently run out of stock, but is still temporarily listed on our web site, we will do everything in our power to reach you to offer a substitution, or give you the option to cancel the order. Each of our one-of-a-kind engagement rings are ... Read more Canadamark™ Diamonds At AARYAH, our fine jewelry is always made with you, the earth, and the future of the industry in mind. Title: NYC Showroom - AARYAH These are all of our pieces that we have in stock in our inventory. However, we do encourage you to get in touch with us at [email protected] to view the piece virtually or in our showroom in NYC. Our jewelry is handcrafted right here in New York City. In order to begin your repair process, please contact us at [email protected] with the below information: your name, best contact email, best contact number, your order number, a description of the damage to your item and how it occurred and the address for where your repaired item will be shipped. If you would like to create a custom piece with us (that’s not a style we’ve sold in the past), there is a design fee of $700. In the event that you place an order for a product that has recently run out of stock, but is still temporarily listed on our web site, we will do everything in our power to reach you to offer a substitution, or give you the option to cancel the order. If you would like to book an immediate appointment, please get in touch with us at [email protected] .If none of the times work for you, please reach out to us at [email protected], and we'll find a time to accommodate your schedule. Each of our one-of-a-kind engagement rings are ... Read more Canadamark™ Diamonds At AARYAH, our fine jewelry is always made with you, the earth, and the future of the industry in mind.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: January 2024 Heli Skiing News - Last Frontier Heliskiing Content: January 24, 2024 Last Frontier Heliskiing January Ski Report Our 2024 heli skiing season kicked off in late December with a record snowbase and plenty of deep storm skiing. As we transitioned into January the skies cleared and we got into alpine terrain rarely skied in the early season. On January 5th Ripley Creek had its earliest ever opening and we are approaching three weeks of uninterrupted skiing [no down days]. Over at Bell 2 Lodge we welcomed the return of the Heligrass Crew and their vibrant live music performances. There was no shortage of stoke and this year’s event turned into the most successful to date. If you have an interest in bluegrass music and enjoy powder, get in touch with us about the return of Heligrass at Ripley Creek in March 2025 [details here]. As we head into the final week of the month, the temps have warmed and some big storms are knocking at the door to replenish our mountains. In all, we’ve had a very good month of skiing and our terrain is in great shape for the season ahead. Check out our weekly ski summaries [ here ] and photo updates below. 2025 Schedule Change & Bookings Our operating schedule has changed for 2025. We will only be running back to back tours next season. There will no longer be any overlapping 4, 5 and 7 day trips. This change provides a big boost to the guest experience as everyone arrives and departs on the same day, eliminating disruptions caused by mid-tour transfers and safety briefings. We acknowledge that there will be a little less date flexibility, so it might be a good idea to download our 2025 Rates & Dates [ here ]. If you are starting to make plans for next winter, get in touch with us for the latest availability [ here ]. [PAGE] Title: Heli Skiing Canada | Last Frontier Heliskiing Content: For illustrative purposes only. This map may not contain all direct flight connections. Discover Where We Are Northern British Columbia is all about serious mountains and big snow. It might seem like you're about to journey to the edge of the Earth — but isn't that the point? Guests arrive in Vancouver, from there, a 1.5-hour flight brings you to Terrace. A 4-hour ground transfer leads you deep into the Coast and Skeena Mountains — home to Last Frontier’s Bell 2 Lodge and Ripley Creek Inn. What Our Guests Are Saying Nicolas Mueller Pro Snowboarder “Five days in paradise, it was a bummer we only had five…Some of the best heli boarding in the world!” Grant Gunderson Renowned Sports Photographer “Last Frontier not only has some amazing tree skiing, but also has some of the most scenic glaciated runs I've ever skied” Jeff Thomas Filmmaker/Director "Growing up on the South Coast of BC I have been lucky enough to ski and film in a lot of great terrain but during our visit to Last Frontier it showed me that the Mecca for skiing is in Northern BC." Kevin Zadel Guest - California “Knowing and trusting that Last Frontier’s experienced guides are trying as hard as they can to find the best available snow and challenging descents to the extent that it is safe - that keeps me coming back.” Andreas Leu Guest - Switzerland “The week of heli skiing in Stewart was the best I've had in my life. Thank you for the amazing time!” Bill Bradstreet Guest - Florida “I love the small groups. 210,000 vertical feet of fun in 7 days! Runs perfect for snowboarders including a "first descent" that they named for me - Wild Bill!“ Chris Rubens Pro Skier “It might be a little off the beaten track but sometimes you have to go a little further to find some of the best skiing in the world.” Mikkel Bang Pro Snowboarder “Beautiful mountains and great terrain - perfect for heli boarding. Good variety of rolls, jumps and steeps! The whole package was great – food, service and staff.” Mark Mislin Guest - Switzerland “The Ripley Creek guide team is fantastic, lots of fun and provides freedom without neglecting the safety or skills of the riders.” Build Your Trip [PAGE] Title: Política de Privacidad | Last Frontier Heliskiing, Canada Content: Parte Meteo Llevamos desde 1996 haciendo lo que hacemos y nunca hemos tenido ningún problema con la privacidad. Con el cambio de los tiempos (la sociedad dicta la necesidad de las larguísimas renuncias y políticas) nosotros hemos elaborado nuestra versión de cómo vemos las cosas. Abreviando, cada uno tiene su punto de vista de lo que debería ser la cantidad correcta de información, tanto si es el número de emails enviados, la información de la tarjeta de crédito guardada para facilitar la facturación a futuro o si te gusta la cerveza servida en un vaso helado. Si en algún momento hay algo que te preocupa sola tienes que preguntarnos y te diremos encantados como lo tratamos y por qué. Nunca afirmaremos que cada último detalle sea correcto en cada momento, pero nos enorgullecemos en ser buenos encontrando soluciones. Si en algún momento hacemos algo que no te guste, dinoslo por favor al momento para poderlo solucionar rápidamente … igual que en cualquier otro aspecto de tu viaje con nosotros. Política de Privacidad – Actualizada el 21 de Agosto de 2018 Tu privacidad es importante para nosotros. Nosotros no compartiremos, bajo ninguna circunstancia, ninguna de las informaciones que nos has facilitado a terceras partes sin tu consentimiento previo. Esta política marca las bases de cómo los datos son recogidos por nosotros, facilitados a nosotros o procesados por nosotros. Por favor lee a continuación con atención para entender nuestra visión y prácticas sobre tu información personal y cómo será tratada. Si quieres contactarnos sobre cualquier uso de datos personales, por favor envíanos un email . 1. Sobre nosotros Last Frontier Heliskiing se fundó en 1996 y tiene su sede en la Columbia Británica, Canadá. Las oficinas centrales están situadas en Vernon en la Columbia Británica teniendo operaciones de heli-esquí tanto en Bell 2 Lodge como en Ripley Creek, Stewart, en la misma Columbia Británica. 2. Qué información personal recogemos y de donde Información sobre tu ordenador y tus visitas y el uso de esta web (incluyendo tu dirección IP, localización geográfica, tipo de navegador y versión, sistema operativo, fuente de referencia, duración de la visita, páginas vista y ruta de navegación en la web. La información que nos facilitas cuando te registras en la web (incluyendo tu dirección de email). La información que nos facilitas cuando rellenas un formulario de reserva. Información identificativa, como por ejemplo, fecha de nacimiento y género proporcionado durante el proceso de reserva. Información médica, cuando los participantes nos la dan durante el proceso de reserva. La información que tú nos das cuando te suscribes a nuestra newsletter (incluyendo tu nombre y dirección de email). La información que nos facilitas cuando utilizas nuestra web, o que es generada en el transcurso del uso de esos servicios (incluyendo el tiempo, la frecuencia y el patrón del uso del servicio). Cualquier otra información personal que eliges mandarnos. 2. Uso de la información personal La información personal mandada a nosotros a través de nuestra web será utilizada con el propósito especificado en esta política o en las páginas relevantes de la web. Mantenimiento interno de registros. Podríamos utilizar tu información personal para: Personalizar nuestra página web para ti. Enviarte folletos. Mandarte documentos, facturas o recordatorios de pago. Recibir tus pagos. Enviarte comunicaciones de marketing relacionadas con nuestra empresa o de terceras empresas seleccionadas cuidadosamente de las que creemos pudieran ser de tu interés, por correo ordinario o email. Enviarte por email nuestra newsletter, si así lo has solicitado (te puedes dar de baja en cualquier momento). Llevar a cabo análisis estadísticos y del negocio. Para cumplir con la ley vigente, normativa y cumplimiento interno. El uso más común de la información personal es en la gestión de un futuro viaje o viaje en curso de uno de nuestros participantes. 4. Divulgación de información personal Podríamos facilitar tu información personal a cualquiera de nuestros empleados, oficiales, aseguradoras, asesores profesionales, agentes, proveedores o subcontratas en la medida en que sea razonablemente necesario con los fines establecidos en esta política. Podríamos facilitar tu información personal: en la medida en que se nos pide por ley; al comprador (o posible comprador) de cualquier negocio o activo que estemos vendiendo (o contemplando en vender); para establecer, ejercer o defender nuestros derechos legales; Aceptas expresamente la transferencia de información personal descrita anteriormente. Estás en tu derecho de ver, cambiar, o eliminar la información personal que tenemos. Envíanos un email de solicitud aquí . 5. Seguridad de la información personal Reconocemos que la transmisión de información en internet es inherentemente insegura, y no podemos garantizar la seguridad de los datos enviados a través de internet. Sin embargo, tomaremos las precauciones técnicas y organizativas razonables para evitar la pérdida, mal uso o alteración de tu información personal. 6. Comunicaciones de Marketing Podríamos utilizar tu información para enviarte emails, por ejemplo, como newsletters e invitaciones a eventos, y si no deseas recibir este tipo de comunicaciones puedes optar por salir de nuestra lista de envíos. 7. Web & Cookies Nuestra página web utiliza cookies. Una cookie es un fichero que contiene un identificador (una tira de números y letras) que es mandado por un servidor web a un navegador web y es almacenado en el navegador. El identificador es mandado de vuelta al servidor cada vez que el navegador solicita la página desde el servidor. Las cookies pueden ser permanentes o por sesión: una cookie permanente se almacenará por el navegador web y permanecerá válida hasta su fecha de caducidad, a no ser que sea eliminada por el usuario antes de la fecha; una cookie de sesión, por otro lado, caducará en el momento que termine la sesión por el usuario o cuando se cierre el navegador. Las cookies no suelen contener ninguna información que identifique al usuario, pero la información personal que nosotros almacenamos sobre ti podría estar enlazada a la información almacenada en y por las cookies. Nosotros utilizamos ambos tipos de cookies en nuestra web, las permanentes y las de sesión. Si es usuario de nuestro sitio web y desea eliminar las cookies que ya se encuentran en su computadora, consulte el área de ayuda y asistencia en su navegador de Internet para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo localizar el archivo o directorio que almacena las cookies. Puede bloquear las cookies activando la configuración en su navegador de Internet que le permite rechazar la configuración de todas o algunas cookies. El bloqueo de todas las cookies tendrá un impacto negativo en la usabilidad de muchos sitios web. Si bloquea las cookies, no podrá utilizar todas las funciones de nuestro sitio web. Para obtener más información sobre las cookies, visite 7.1. Cookies de rendimiento Utilizamos cookies de rendimiento las cuales recogen información anónima de cómo la gente utiliza nuestra web. Por ejemplo, utilizamos cookies de Google Analytics para ayudarnos a comprender cómo los usuarios llegan a nuestra web, navegan o la utilizan para identificar las áreas donde podemos mejorar tales como la navegación. Los datos guardados por estas cookies nunca muestran detalles personales por los que la identidad del usuario se pudiera establecer. 7.2. Uso de balizas web Algunas de nuestras páginas web podrían contener imágenes electrónicas conocidas como balizas web (algunas veces conocidas como claros regalos) que nos permite contar los usuarios que visitan estas páginas. Las balizas web recogen información limitada que incluye número de cookie, tiempo y fecha de la página vista y una descripción de la página donde la baliza web se aloja. Podríamos también tener balizas web instaladas por terceros anunciantes. Estas balizas no llevan ningún información personal identificable y son sólo utilizados para monitorizar la efectividad de una campaña en particular. 7.3. Enlaces a otros sitio web Nuestro sitio web puede contener enlaces a otras web sobre las que nosotros no tenemos ningún control. No somos responsables de las políticas ni prácticas de otras webs de las cuales los usuarios optan por enlazar desde nuestra web. Nosotros animamos a los usuarios que revisen la política de privacidad de esas otras webs para entender cómo recogen, usan y comparten información personal. 8. Retención de la información Nosotros conservamos la información que recogemos tanto como sea razonablemente necesario para cumplir con los fines establecidos en la Sección 3. 9. Tus derechos Tienes el derecho de acceder a la información que guardamos sobre ti y conocer con qué fin es usada. Tienes el derecho de corregir inexactitudes en la información que tenemos sobre ti. Tienes el derecho de retirarnos cualquier consentimiento que nos hayas dado de utilizar tu información. Tienes el derecho de reclamar a la autoridad supervisora pertinente en cualquier jurisdicción sobre nuestro uso de tu información. Tienes el derecho en algunas circunstancias de: Solicitar el borrado de la información que tenemos sobre ti. Recibir una copia de cualquier información proporcionada por ti y solicitarnos que facilitemos dicha información a un tercero. Restringir el uso de información que tenemos sobre ti. El objeto del uso de la información que tenemos sobre ti incluyendo donde es utilizada con fines de marketing directo. Puedes ejercer todos estos derechos contactándonos aquí . 10. Corrección Podríamos actualizar esta política de vez en cuando publicando una nueva versión en nuestra web. Deberías comprobar esta página en alguna ocasión para asegurarte que estás contento con cualquier cambio de esta política. Monta tu viaje [PAGE] Title: Heliskiing Blog Page 1 | Last Frontier Heliskiing, Canada Content: Categories Categories Our one-stop spot for all things Last Frontier including news and developments, conditions updates, gear reviews, and tips on how to make the most of your trip. Keep the stoke high with our heliskiing and heliboarding features, plus inspirational stories that share the spirit of our wild frontier. Check back often for updates. [PAGE] Title: Build Your Heliski Trip | Last Frontier Heliskiing BC, Canada Content: 1 Step 1 2 Step 2 (Optional) Enter your information to start plotting out the ideal heli ski itinerary using our interactive trip builder. Name* [PAGE] Title: September 2023 News - Last Frontier Heliskiing Content: September 26, 2023 Last Frontier Heliskiing 2023 Season Recap Slideshow Our 2023 heliski season came to a close in April and in the usual Last Frontier Heli tradition, we’ve put together some of the memories in slideshow format. Enjoy the show. To all those that visited last winter: THANK YOU for choosing to spend your precious holiday time with our family at Bell 2 Lodge and Ripley Creek. We recognize it takes a lot of time, effort and resources to bring a trip like this to fruition. Our team is extremely grateful for each and every one of you that made the pilgrimage. Hopefully we will be able to greet many familiar faces in the coming winters. 2023 Season Recap Slideshow 2024 Availability Update Days ago the first dusting of snow arrived in the mountains as our operations team was getting things ready for winter. Stay tuned for a full update next month. Our busy Fall booking season is now in full swing. Get in touch with us for the remaining opportunities. Or give us a call: Worldwide: +1 250 558 7980 Canada & USA: +1 (888) 655 5566 [PAGE] Title: Datenschutzbestimmungen | Last Frontier Heliskiing, Kanada Content: Wetterbericht Wir sind seit 1996 im Geschäft und hatten nie Probleme mit den Datenschutzrichtlinien. Aber die Zeiten haben sich geändert und die Gesellschaft diktiert heutzutage die Notwendigkeit längerer Haftungsausschlüsse und Richtlinien, deshalb haben wir die u.g. Version erstellt: Kurz gesagt, jeder hat eine andere Meinung darüber was „too much info“ ist. Für den einen ist es die Anzahl der versendeten E-Mails, die gespeicherten Kreditkartendaten (um die zukünftige Abrechnung zu erleichtern), oder ob Sie Ihr Bier in vorgekühlten Gläsern genießen möchten. Wenn Sie fragen haben oder beunruhigt darüber sind, wie wir mit den von Ihnen bereitgestellten Information umgehen, wenden Sie sich bitte jederzeit an uns. Wir informieren Sie gerne über alle Einzelheiten. Wir machen natürlich auch mal Fehler, aber sind Experten im Lösungen finden. Sollten wir jemals etwas tun, was Ihnen nicht gefällt , lassen Sie es uns sofort wissen, damit wir es schnell beheben können … das bezieht sich auf jeden Teil Ihrer Reise. Datenschutzrichtlinie – Aktualisiert am 21. August 2018 Ihre Privatsphäre ist uns wichtig. Unter keinen Umständen dürfen oder werden wir ohne Ihre vorherige Zustimmung Informationen an Dritte weitergeben. Und auf genau dieser Grundlage behandeln wir alle von uns erhobenen Daten. Bitte lesen Sie die folgenden Punkte sorgfältig durch, um unsere Ansichten und Praktiken in Bezug auf Ihre persönlichen Daten und deren Behandlung zu verstehen. Wenn Sie uns über die Verwendung von personenbezogenen Daten kontaktieren möchten, senden Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail . 1. Über uns Last Frontier Heliskiing wurde 1996 gegründet und hat seinen Sitz in British Columbia, Kanada. Unser Hauptsitz befindet sich in Vernon, British Columbia, und wir haben Heliski-Betriebe in Bell 2 Lodge und Ripley Creek in Stewart, British Columbia. 2. Welche persönlichen Informationen sammeln wir ein und wie? Informationen über Ihren Computer und über Ihre Besuche und Nutzung dieser Website (einschließlich Ihrer IP-Adresse, geografischen Position, Browsertyp und -version, Betriebssystem, Verweisquelle, Besuchsdauer, Seitenaufrufe und Website-Navigationspfade ). 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Sie haben unter bestimmten Umständen Anspruch darauf: dass wir die über Sie gespeichert Daten löschen. eine Kopie der von Ihnen angegebenen persönlichen Daten zu verlangen, um diese auf Ihre Anweisung an Dritte weiterzugeben. die Verwendung, der über Sie gespeichert Daten, einzuschränken. der Nutzung Ihrer persönlichen Daten u.a. für unmittelbare Marketingzwecke, zu widersprechen. Sie können diese Rechte ausüben, indem Sie uns hier kontaktieren. 10. Änderungen Datenschutzrichtlinien werden von Zeit zu Zeit aktualisiert, eine entsprechend neue Version wird dann auf unserer Website veröffentlicht. Sie sollten die Datenschutzrichtlinien auf unserer Website regelmäβig prüfen, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie mit eventuellen Änderungen dieser Richtlinien einverstanden sind. Gestalten Sie Ihre Reise [PAGE] Title: Email Protection | Cloudflare Content: Email Protection You are unable to access this email address The website from which you got to this page is protected by Cloudflare. Email addresses on that page have been hidden in order to keep them from being accessed by malicious bots. You must enable Javascript in your browser in order to decode the e-mail address. If you have a website and are interested in protecting it in a similar way, you can sign up for Cloudflare . [PAGE] Title: Heli Skiing Packages & Tours in Canada | Build Your Trip Content: Once you’ve taken a good look at both our lodges , you’ll need to decide when you’re coming, for how long and the type of heli ski tour you want. Our Regular Heli skiing Tours Include Only 3 Groups of 4 Guests Flying in A-Star B2/B3 helicopters. Double Occupancy Accommodation and Meals At either Bell 2 Lodge or Ripley Creek. Guide Services All of our heli ski guides are ACMG, UIAGM or CSGA certified. Ski & Snowboard Equipment Use of powder skis & poles or a limited selection of snowboards. All Safety Gear Use of avalanche transceiver, ABS Airbag, radio, probe and shovel. Return Ground Transfers Get yourself to Terrace and we’ll take care of the rest. When Should I Visit? When is the best time to go heli skiing? It all comes down to personal choice. Conditions vary throughout the winter season, and while we can’t control the weather, we can sure make the most of it. Mid-December through January sees plenty of snowfall over the Coast and Skeena Mountains. Days are shorter and colder but we can still ski from approximately 09:00 to 16:00. We tend to get deep in the trees. When the skies clear, we’ll head for the alpine. The snowpack might not be as deep as later in the heli ski season, but it offers up some of the best quality snow all year. It tends to be a little quieter around the lodge as many can’t escape their schedules for another break right after Christmas. Prices are lower, so chances are you can score a great deal. We hit our stride as winter moves into February and March. The snow is deep and effortless and there’s more daylight. We spend more time skiing high-alpine peaks, bowls and glaciers. When the weather turns, we head down into the valley to plunder the trees. Mid-season heli skiing offers the best of both worlds. For that reason it tends to be in greater demand and subsequently more expensive. In April we spend most of our time in higher elevations to take advantage of the best snow conditions. This is when you can expect classic, alpine glacier skiing and panoramic vistas during long bluebird days. Many skiers have lost their mojo by this time in the season and are already heading for their bikes and golf clubs. At Last Frontier, however, this time of the season is highly underrated. Beware: Don’t be distracted by spring and summer activities too soon. April offers up steeper lines, powder on the north-facing slopes and, if we are lucky, some corn skiing on the other aspects. EarlyDec & Jan [PAGE] Title: November 2023 News - Last Frontier Heliskiing Content: November 21, 2023 Last Frontier Heliskiing November Snow Update In the past week a massive Pacific frontal system delivered 100cm [40”] of storm snow. Our remote weather plots are showing accumulations of between 143 and 155 cm [56 to 61”] of settled snow at around 1,000m [3,300’] in elevation with considerably more higher up. This is above seasonal and the forecast looks very promising for Northern BC. Temperatures have dropped below freezing all the way to sea-level and we already have a deep 65cm [25”] valley bottom snowpack. Stay tuned for periodic updates via our social channels with weather reporting resuming in mid-December on our weather portal . Storm Skiing Terrain Improvements In late-September our operations crew went back to Red Flat to finish glading Zamboni, one of the Bell 2 Lodge’s most popular storm skiing runs. This area is now fully ski optimized from treeline landings to pickups in the valley bottoms. It will enhance ski opportunities when the weather restricts flying further from home base. A new remote camera in the Owl drainage was also installed, giving us remote weather intelligence in a highly utilized storm skiing area. Over at Ripley Creek improvements were made at our remote fuel cache to aid our re-fuelling efforts. Heligrass Music Week Love music & fresh pow? We have a rare opening for 4 people during this winter’s @heligrass music week at Bell 2 Lodge from January 9th through 14th. Special guest Nicki Blum joins Al Schnier, Jeremy Garrett, Travis Book and Chris Pandolfi of the infamous String Dusters. Get in touch with us here for more details. 2024 Remaining Trip Opportunities If you’ve been on the fence about a trip this winter, consider that we still have openings for 4 people in February & March this winter. The timing is also great to save on the low value of the Canadian Dollar. Below is a list of all the openings where we have 2 or more spaces. Contact us regarding additional single seats. 7 Days at Ripley Creek Tour Code: RC 2024-09 [4+ seats left] Tour Dates: February 9-16, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $17,060 Tour Code: RC 2024-11 [4+ seats left] Tour Dates: February 23 – March 1, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $17,060 Tour Code: RC 2024-13 [4+ seats left] Tour Dates: March 8-15, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $17,060 5 Days at Ripley Creek Tour Code: RC 2024-10-5 [2 seats left] Trip Dates: February 16-21, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $12,710 Tour Code: RC 2024-11-5 [4 seats left] Trip Dates: February 21-26, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $12,710 Tour Code: RC 2024-14-5 [4+ seats left] Trip Dates: March 15-20, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $12,710 Tour Code: RC 2024-15-5 [4+ seats left] Trip Dates: March 20-25, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $12,130 4 Days at Ripley Creek Tour Code: RC 2024-11-4 [4+ seats left] Trip Dates: February 26-March 01, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $10,340 Tour Code: RC 2024-15-4 [4+ seats left] Trip Dates: March 25-29, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $10,140 7 Days at Bell 2 Lodge Tour Code: Bell2 2024-02 [2 seats left] Trip Dates: December 22-29, 2023 Heliski Rate: CAD $13,960 5 Days at Bell 2 Lodge Tour Code: Bell2 2024-16-5 [4 seats left] Trip Dates: March 29 – April 3, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $13,220 4 Days at Bell 2 Lodge Tour Code: Bell2 2024-11-4 [2 seats left] Trip Dates: February 26- March 1, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $11,630 Tour Code: Bell2 2024-15-4 [4+ seats left] Trip Dates: March 25-29, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $11,230 *Please note that 5% GST is added to all the above package prices. Request availability here , or give us a call: Worldwide: +1 250 558 7980 Canada & USA: +1 (888) 655 5566 [PAGE] Title: Top Heli Skiing Destinations in British Columbia, Canada Content: For illustrative purposes only. This map may not contain all direct flight connections. Title descr Terrain Stats Endless terrain is a label often thrown around loosely but at Last Frontier it’s the cold truth. At 10,100 square km, our tenure gives us the largest single heli skiing area in the world. To put that into perspective, it’s about four times the average size of a BC heliski area. That kind of size means we have an incredible amount of terrain choice and flexibility. An annual bounty of 15 to 25 meters of snowfall coupled with our northern latitude makes for the kind of deep blower pow you can’t get enough of. Combined with over 1,000+ named runs, the longest topping 2,000 vertical meters, and you start to get an idea of the colossal magnitude. It’s not all about numbers, of course. The real draw at Last Frontier is our diverse variety of terrain: high alpine, massive glaciers, sprawling tree runs, and everything in between all ready to be pillaged. The choice is dizzying — and there are still a few peaks to be claimed. Nothing comes close How big is 10,100 sq km? Terrain The Backgrounder Series Bell 2 Vs. Ripley Creek Terrain Both Bell 2 Lodge and Ripley Creek offer advanced and challenging terrain both in and out of the trees. Ripley Creek does not have as much easy access to mellow terrain as Bell 2. Based in the Skeena Mountains, Bell 2 is located right in the middle of our terrain so we fly in all directions from the lodge. The closest runs are a short five-minute flight from the lodge, which reduces the amount of time needed to commute. Based in the Coast Mountains, the terrain at Ripley Creek tends to be a little steeper and more rugged. Sweeping glaciated slopes and longer tree runs will satisfy those itching for just a bit more adventure. Be prepared for a longer commute in the morning and after skiing as the terrain is situated further from our base in Stewart. Bell 2 Lodge [PAGE] Title: What We Do | Heli Skiing & Heli Boarding, BC Canada Content: What We Do | Heli Skiing & Heli Boarding, BC Canada Weather With a serious focus on heli boarding and helicopter skiing in Canada, we host guests from all walks of life to share in our passion for powder in an informal setting. Heli Skiing We’ve spent well over two decades crafting the perfect heliskiing formula: small groups, nimble helicopters and two lodges with access to 10,100 square km of prime Canadian wilderness. Having the largest single heli ski area in the world means that we have a vast array of terrain choices. Spanning two distinct mountain ranges, our tenure encompasses everything from towering alpine peaks to massive glaciers and a huge variety of tree skiing. At Last Frontier, less is more. Heliskiing in intimate groups of just four, we’re able to maximize our time exploring the mountains. It doesn’t just mean you get your own fresh lines, although that’s always the goal, it means you’re more likely to be skiing or riding at a pace that’s right for you. Why Small Groups? You need only 3 friends to make a group of 4. Easy. Higher likelihood of similar group ability level. Small helicopters can access more terrain given their smaller footprint. Less ski tracks = more space & freedom. Less waiting = more skiing. 1 guide per 4 guests = good. Big Groups Finding 10 friends to come heliskiing is not so easy. More difficult to group similar ability levels. Bigger helicopters need more space to land and take off, so have less access to terrain. More tracks = less space for skiing. More waiting = less skiing 1 guide per 10 or 11 guests = not so good — One of the classic runs. — Real deep in the trees. — The Rooster. — The mellow end to a run - ready for pick-up. — We ski in one of the largest glaciated areas in Canada. — In poor visibility, we head for the trees. — The helicopter can land in small clearings. — Heli drop in the alpine. — Wide open glacier skiing. — Taking in the sunrise. Heli Boarding Despite the fact skiers are in the majority at both our bases, we welcome heli boarders with open arms, high fives and the chance to let your imagination lead the way. Several guides are snowboarders and will guide on their boards. Others ski and snowboard. So in short, we get it. You don’t want to be traversing and you don’t want long run outs. Our guides understand the subtleties in terrain that riders are seeking. — Note tracks in background.... — Pilots make sure they have a good time too.. — Plenty of time for photos. — Collapsable poles are sometimes a good idea. — Endless riding. — The glades reward with open space and good quality snow. — Natural features abound. — Oooh yeah... Transition Zones Some of Last Frontier’s backcountry runs include sections of terrain which require heads-up heliboarding as steep pitches flatten out and drop again. Look ahead, anticipate your need for speed and follow the guide’s lead. At times it’s necessary for snowboarders to wait for skiers to set a track so they can more easily get through transition zones from alpine to sub-alpine pitches. Choice of Snowboard Bigger isn’t necessarily better. Choose a snowboard that will work in all conditions as you can expect a little of everything. The general rule of thumb for riding powder is that you want a snowboard with a longer nose and slightly tapered tail to help you float. Our Snowboard Fleet A limited number of snowboards are available for your use at the lodge. You will need to bring your own boots. View our lineup of powder boards and please contact us before you travel to check availability. Vertical Drop Guarantee At Last Frontier, we guarantee a set amount of vertical meters based on the length of your trip. Simply put, you pay for what you ski. In our opinion, this is the best value and overall experience for heli-skiing. In the event that your vertical guarantee is not reached because of bad weather that prevents us from flying or because of mechanical breakdown [these are the only two reasons for a refund], we will provide a refund for the vertical not skied. Should you choose to ski or ride more, additional vertical charges will be made. The rate for extra vertical is the same as the rate for refunded vertical. The amount of vertical achieved in our packages depends on weather conditions and the desired experience of the group. Unless you tell us otherwise, we will assume that if the conditions allow you are here with us to ski LOTS. That said, it’s your holiday so it’s up to you how much you actually ski or ride. Let us know how you are feeling and we can adjust the pace accordingly. Heliski Tour [PAGE] Title: December 2023 News - Last Frontier Heliskiing Content: December 20, 2023 Last Frontier Heliskiing Powder Alert Despite low snowpacks throughout most of British Columbia, Last Frontier Heliskiing has been blessed with an abundance of early-season snow. At time of writing, we are sitting at a very healthy snowpack of 200 [79”] to 220 [87”] cm at 1,000m in elevation and over 300 cm higher up. Valley bottoms have more than 100 [39”] cm of settled snow and this will allow us to make full use of our lower elevation tree terrain. More storm systems are on their way and temperatures are forecast to remain well below freezing in the valley bottoms as we round out December. Daily ski reporting resumes Saturday December 23rd. For regular snow updates head over to our conditions portal [ here ]. Crew Training & Setup We use the first week of the season to integrate the new staff with the veterans. The wheels are thus greased for the arrival of our first guests. In an effort to constantly improve on the previous winter(s) we refine checklists, safety procedures, fuelling systems, machinery operation and latte art. For those of you who have visited Bell 2 Lodge before and are booked again with us this year, there is a MAJOR SURPRISE in store for you. Not something that you’d find many other companies keeping quiet about…nope sorry – no clues. Lodging spotlight: Ripley Creek Set amidst soaring mountains at the end of the 150km [100 mile] long Portland Canal, Ripley Creek is the ultimate playground for experienced skiers who crave deep POW and access to the largest glaciated ski terrain in Canada. 2025 will mark the 20th anniversary of what has arguably become one of the most exciting heliski destination in BC. Here we have access to the largest runs in our tenure, some of them exceeding 2,000 vertical meters [6,000’]. When the storms arrive, we head for perfectly spaced [and steep] old growth tree skiing. With up to 25 meters [980”] of annual snowfall, the Northern Coastal Mountains deliver some of the deepest snowpacks anywhere on Earth. Our guests stay at the cozy Ripley Creek Inn in the heart of Stewart, less than 2km [1.2 miles] from the Alaskan border. Check out our handy side-by-side comparison to see if the fit is right for you. 2024 Remaining Trips There’s still time to lock in a trip this year with openings in February & March. Below is a list of all the openings where we have 2 or more spaces. Contact us regarding additional single seats. 2025 bookings are also underway. 7 Days at Bell 2 Lodge Tour Code: Bell2 2024-12 [4 seats left] Trip Dates: March 1-8, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $19,210 + 5% GST 5 Days at Bell 2 Lodge Tour Code: Bell2 2024-16-5 [3 seat left] Trip Dates: March 29 – April 3, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $13,220 + 5% GST 4 Days at Bell 2 Lodge Tour Code: Bell2 2024-09-4 [2 seat left] Trip Dates: February 12-16, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $11,630 + 5% GST Tour Code: Bell2 2024-11-4 [2 seat left] Trip Dates: February 26 – March 1, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $11,630 + 5% GST Tour Code: Bell2 2024-15-4 [4+ seats left] Trip Dates: March 25-29, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $11,230 + 5% GST 7 Days at Ripley Creek Tour Code: RC 2024-09 [4+ seats left] Tour Dates: February 9-16, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $17,060 + 5% GST Tour Code: RC 2024-11 [4+ seats left] Tour Dates: February 23 – March 1, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $17,060 + 5% GST Tour Code: RC 2024-13 [group of 4 only] Tour Dates: March 8-15, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $17,060 + 5% GST 5 Days at Ripley Creek Tour Code: RC 2024-10-5 [6 seats left] Trip Dates: February 16-21, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $12,710 + 5% GST Tour Code: RC 2024-14-5 [group of 4 only] Trip Dates: March 15-20, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $12,710 + 5% GST Tour Code: RC 2024-15-5 [group of 4 only] Trip Dates: March 20-25, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $12,130 + 5% GST 4 Days at Ripley Creek Tour Code: RC 2024-11-4 [4+ seats left] Trip Dates: February 26-March 01, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $10,340 + 5% GST Tour Code: RC 2024-15-4 [4+ seats left] Trip Dates: March 25-29, 2024 Heliski Rate: CAD $10,140 + 5% GST *Please note that 5% GST is added to all the above package prices. Request availability here , or give us a call: Worldwide: +1 250 558 7980 Canada & USA: +1 (888) 655 5566 [PAGE] Title: Heli Skiing Lodges Canada | Ripley Creek, Bell 2 Lodge Content: — Connection from the sauna to the stretch class / massage rooms. — Dry Sauna. — Sauna and two shower stalls. — Fitness centre. — Clearing snow is a big job. Ripley Creek Lodge 24 Guests | Quirky Hotel in Town of Stewart | Next to Alaska The historic mining town of Stewart, BC has a heart of gold, though its riches these days are in adventures of another kind. Opposite the Alaskan Panhandle, the landscape is dramatic: glaciers and craggy, snow-capped peaks at the head of the Portland Canal, a saltwater fjord that runs 114 km to the Pacific Ocean. The area’s bounty of rugged terrain makes up the southern part of our tenure, and fewer than 300 locals call it home including Last Frontier. Along the town’s main strip, a hodgepodge of funky heritage buildings were given new life as the Inn. There’s space for up to 24 guests, and with no two rooms alike, you may stay in a prospector’s house, an old clothing shop —  or even a former brothel. This heliskiing lodge is about the bare essentials; hot-tub and sauna for the muscles, and soulful food served across the street at the Bitter Creek Cafe, which conveniently doubles up as our Bar. During downtime, grab a bike and explore Stewart’s quirky back streets, check out the museum or cross the border to Alaska to get Hyderized (don’t ask, just do it). Contact Last Frontier to find out more about our Heli Ski Lodges in Canada! — Ocean boardwalk close to the Ripley Creek Inn. — The Guide Office. — One of the larger guest rooms at the Ripley Creek Inn. — The dining room, across the street from the Ripley Creek Inn. — Danger. — Bring an instrument … or request one. — Outdoor hot tub. — One of many historical buildings on the Ripley Creek Inn property. — Lounge area with views of the Portland Canal. — Gift shop. — Big snowfalls are a common occurrence, even at sea level. — The boot room. [PAGE] Title: Heliski FAQs | Last Frontier Heliskiing, Canada Content: Heliski FAQ Trip Preparation How to Book Booking Terms Heliski FAQ Got questions? Whether you’re a first-timer or check off 100,000 vertical meters a season, there’s a lot to consider when planning a heliski trip. If you’re wondering about something that isn’t addressed here, give us a call — we’re always happy to talk about any aspect of what we do. How good do I have to be to go heliskiing or heliboarding? Heli skiing and heli boarding is not for novices — there we said it! As much as we’d like to invite everyone to join us, we want to ensure all of our guests enjoy their experience. You don’t need to be pro, but you do need to be proficient. Whether you ski or ride, you should feel comfortable in a helicopter and be able to confidently navigate the challenges of varied terrain and snow conditions. From chest-deep powder to wind-whipped crust, wide-open alpine to steep and narrow trees, we encounter it all in our backcountry. Skiers should be able to make strong and controlled parallel turns with confidence and, if the situation calls for it, you can side slip, step up sideways, traverse and make kick turns. Snowboarders need to have balanced pressure and edging skills. Even if you don’t have a ton of powder experience, you need to be able to maintain control in backcountry conditions. How fit do I need to be? The better physical shape you are in, the more you will be able to ski and ride and the more fun you will ultimately have. We have never heard someone returning home after their heli trip saying, “You know, it was a great trip, but I was too fit.” Which location should I choose? We’ve tried to make it easy. Head on over to our handy side by side comparison . If you’re still unsure, give us a call . When should I visit? We’ve laid it all out in our when should I visit section. Still can’t decide? Give us a call . Where is Last Frontier? It’s all on in our location & terrain section . Will I be required to sign a release of liability or waiver? Yes – all guests are required to read, agree and sign our release of liability, waiver of claims, assumption of risks and indemnity agreement. The release agreement can be read here. How much vertical will I ski or snowboard? We only charge you for the vertical that you choose to ski or snowboard. See our vertical table of what you can expect on any given week. How are groups chosen? Groups are chosen by weight, ability and skiing/snowboarding style preference. We strive to keep groups of friends skiing or riding together if you’re all evenly matched in ability, but there is no guarantee of this unless you are on a Private Tour . Do you offer group discounts? Rarely. For larger groups, there is usually a little wiggle room. Please contact us by phone or email . Are domestic flights included in the package price? Whether you ski with us from Bell 2 Lodge or the Ripley Creek, return domestic air transfers are not included with your heliski package. We’re happy to arrange air transfers for you if required but it’s often more cost-effective to book these flights as part of your travel plans to and from Vancouver. What’s included in my package? Nearly everything you need to have an unforgettable experience comes pre-loaded with your package. That includes lodging and return ground transfers between Smithers and Bell 2 Lodge or Terrace and Ripley Creek. We have a selection of powder skis and poles, and limited stock of snowboards that are free to use. All safety equipment is provided, including avalanche transceivers, ABS airbags and guiding services. We pride ourselves on first-class dining with all meals and soft drinks included. At both Bell 2 Lodge and Ripley Creek, you will have use of our hot tub, sauna, fitness room and games room. What’s not included: Extra vertical footage, pre & post trip hotels, flights, alcohol, gift shop purchases, massages and tips. What do I need to bring? See the checklist via our trip preparation section. Do you mix skiers with snowboarders? Yes, we mix groups. If there are problems with group chemistry, the guide will make the necessary changes, but generally we find that whether on one plank or two, everyone gets along and enjoys their turns. Often the skiers will go first, which allows snowboarders to spread out and travel faster. Can I bring my snowboard? Both lodges do have a small selection of snowboards if you plan to travel light. Or you can bring your own snowboard. Please ensure that you have any extra pieces or parts for your board that will come in handy in the event of breakage. Can non-skiers come too? Yes. If they’re happy relaxing in a remote mountainous setting, they can enjoy the visit. Non-skiers are accommodated based on room availability at either location. Please contact us for non-skiers rates. I’ve never used an avalanche transceiver — is it difficult? All guests visiting Last Frontier will be trained to use the Mammut Element Transceiver. Simple, reliable and easy to use — even for the uninitiated. Can I bring my own (ABS) airbag? All guests will be provided with and trained in the use of the ABS airbag system. You are welcome to bring you own, but will need to ensure that your guide is familiar with it. How do you accommodate guests with special dietary needs? As part of the booking process you will be asked about special requests and dietary restriction. You must let us know at least 14 days prior to travel of any serious dietary restrictions. Please contact us . Technology Our guests come here to disconnect. We realize that in the real world one may be joined at the hip to a device but up here it’s not necessary. It’s guaranteed that everyone will have way more fun if you leave your phone at home and instead bring a wig and tutu. But seriously — please reserve screen time to the privacy of your room. When you are in a communal space we ask you not to be using any device except for the purpose of taking photos. We soften the rules for happy hour in the bar for photos and videos to be shared and to verify the tales of big air. How’s the Internet connection? Despite our best efforts to convince guests they will enjoy their trip more without connecting, we understand it may be necessary. Whether you’re joining us at Bell 2 Lodge or Ripley Creek Inn, personal phone calls are possible. Every room at both locations has its own telephone. At Bell 2 Lodge, we have limited low-speed Internet, which means you won’t be streaming Netflix but you can easily catch up on email and basic web browsing. Charges apply because it’s a satellite system. You can enjoy medium-speed Internet at Ripley Creek and high speed at an additional cost. Mobile phones work in Stewart, so if you have a data plan, that works too. Can I bring my GoPro? Helmet mounted GoPro’s are ok, but chest mounted cameras are prohibited. No WIFI enabled devices are allowed. Please review our safety policy before you pack. How about drones? Unfortunately drones and helicopters don’t mix well. Please leave them at home. Cell phones They need to be in airplane mode and kept away from your avalanche transceiver to avoid any interference. Please see our safety policy . Heli Ski FAQs: Trip Preparation & Fitness You’ve made a wise choice to come heliskiing with us. Now it’s time to get ready. You’ll be clocking over 4,500 vertical meters a day for four or more days straight so it’s important you’re in good physical shape. Simply put, the fitter you are the more you’ll enjoy the experience. We recommend a conditioning program to help you elevate your strength and endurance. If you’re unable to keep up with your group, you may be asked to sit out and will not be reimbursed for any missed heli time. Timeline Convince Your Friend to Join Check Availability [PAGE] Title: About Us, History & People | Last Frontier Heliskiing Canada Content: Bell 2 and Ripley Creek Assistant Lodge Manager Mike Watling Managing Partner / Owner Originally from London, UK, Mike moved to Canada in 1995 and has been involved with Last Frontier since the beginning. Having had a long-standing passion for all things snow and water, he has worn all manner of hats and now leads our team. Mike splits his winter between Bell 2 Lodge and Ripley Creek ensuring our guests are having the time of their lives. When he’s not at the lodges, you'll generally find him, his violin wielding Australian partner Megs and their young daughter, kite surfing, sailing, and cultivating new relationships for the business in distant corners of the world… Cliff Umpleby Director of Operations & Lead Guide Cliff stepped into the Director of Operations role in the summer of 2016. Born in Falkirk, Scotland, Cliff moved to Canada in 1982 and has been part of the team, on and off since 1999. He brings deep heli ski experience to the job having held senior guiding and management roles at operations across BC, as well as several stints in Europe. He’s climbed the formidable Mount Logan three times, and is as solid as they get in the mountains. Cliff is extremely organized and plays a key part in ensuring that our behind-the-scenes systems and protocols run smoothly. Steve Rosset Director of Media & Marketing Steve has been exposed to heli skiing since childhood when his father, George Rosset, founded Last Frontier Heliskiing (and before that TLH Heliskiing). It wasn’t until 2011, however, that he left a career in real estate consulting to join the Last Frontier team. With a deep-seated passion for photography and the outdoors, Steve is on a quest to broadcast Last Frontier Heliskiing to the world. When he’s not planning our next sermon, you’ll find him with his family, hiking, biking or skiing, often with a camera in hand. Natalie Ovens Sales / Reservations and Head Office Manager Born and raised in Germany, Natalie was pulled to Canada for love (she met her Canadian husband on vacation in Spain) and joined Last Frontier in 2007. She has a great love of travel and wants to ensure that all of our guests are well taken care of — before, during and after their trip. Charming, multilingual and highly organized (did we mention she’s from Germany?), Natalie has a natural knack for sparing no detail. The result: flawless execution of each and every trip. Elaine Childs Reservations With (very) dry British wit, Elaine ups the sass factor on the Last Frontier team. Originally from Manchester, Elaine and her husband relocated to British Columbia in 2005 in search of adventures in the great outdoors. Her sharp and quick mind assists guests in setting up their ideal heli skiing vacations. When she’s not looking after her young son (or husband) and has a moment to herself, she enjoys a glass of wine, a good book, knitting and sarcasm. Elaine has been with us since 2007. Monica Robinson Reservations British born with Hungarian heritage, Monica joined the Last Frontier team in 2021. Your reservation will be in good hands as she's got a decade's worth of experience helping people book ski trips in BC. Monica has a diverse set of hobbies including knitting, digital art, calligraphy and writing. When she's not tied up with her hobbies, you'll likely find her in and around the water - swimming, boating and fishing with her husband Nigel. To this day Monica does not ski, but we are working on it.. Maggie Van Der Meulen Financial Controller Maggie has two very obvious passions in life: accounting and cows. She therefore splits her time between her family dairy farm and all things numbers at Last Frontier. Always cool, calm and composed, she’s been a solid rock at our head office since 2011. She also has a not-so-secret love for reading fantasy and 20th century history. While she’s not an accomplished skier quite yet, she’s under heavy pressure from the rest of us to get on the program and join the fun. Jonathan Therrien General Manager - Bell 2 Lodge & Ripley Creek Cameo Hutman [PAGE] Title: Heli Ski Programs & Experience Content: Cliff Umpleby Director of Operations & Lead Guide Cliff stepped into the Director of Operations role in the summer of 2016. Born in Falkirk, Scotland, Cliff moved to Canada in 1982 and has been part of the team, on and off since 1999. He brings a wealth of experience having held senior guiding and management roles at heliski operations across BC, as well as several stints in Europe. He’s climbed the formidable Mount Logan three times, and is as solid as they get in the mountains. Cliff is extremely organised and has the pivotal role ensuring that our ‘behind the scenes’ systems and protocols run smoothly. Pablo Arsenault Guiding Manager & Lead Guide - Bell 2 Lodge Pablo was raised in Montreal and spent his early years skiing in nearby Vermont. His enthusiasm for the sport brought him west to Castle Mountain as a ski patroller and avalanche forecaster and then even further west as the Operations Manager at Hokkaido Backcountry Club, Japan. When he’s not guiding, Pablo is busy tending his family and his bustling motorcycle shop near Calgary. He’s been in the Last Frontier guiding family since 2017. Colin Moorhead Guiding Manager & Lead Guide - Ripley Creek Following in his father’s footsteps, Colin was exposed to mountaineering and skiing at a very young age. He’s been guiding since 1999 and built an impressive climbing resume with dozens of first accents throughout British Columbia as well as a 24 day high alpine ski traverse from Golden to Revelstoke, BC. Colin has been making turns with us since 2008 and now runs the show at Ripley Creek. He’s calm positive and easy going. In the off-season, he operates an extremely busy rock climbing guiding business in his hometown of Squamish so heliskiing for him in the winter is big and a welcome change of gears. Melissa Makepeace Assistant Guiding Manger & Lead Guide - Ripley Creek Mel started guiding for us in 2017. Previously she worked as a cat skiing guide and ski patroller. Mel is the owner of Mountain Addicts Guiding and Instruction in Fernie BC, where she is dedicated to increasing the availability of avalanche education. She spends her summers resting her legs after logging ridiculous amounts of vertical, (and dancing) at Ripley Creek, as well as teaching rock climbing in Squamish BC. Lucas Holtzman Lead Guide Born in St. Catharines, Ontario, Lucas has been guiding since 2002 and he’s been on the Last Frontier guiding roster since 2010. He says his life changed when in 1992 he first put on a pair of skis. Patient, understanding and professional, Lucas loves spending time in the mountains. During the off season he is hard at work as a civil construction foreman in nearby Smithers, where he has put down some very firm roots with his wife and son. Luis Castillo Lead Guide Luis started his ski career in Banff National Park, ski patrolling at Lake Louise. Subsequently he spent eight years doing avalanche control work, which then led him to the back-country ski world where he earned his ACMG ski guide certification. Luis spent three seasons ski guiding in Chile/Argentina before joining Last Frontier Heliskiing. When it comes to non-skiing pursuits, you’ll often find Luis mountain biking, traveling, or honing his wood working skills. Christy Long Lead Guide Born and raised in Vancouver, Christy has a wealth of experience in the mountains. She launched her ski career as cat ski tail guide / ski patroller and in 2022 became a certified ACMG ski guide. Outside of skiing, Christy has an impressive resume of white water rafting expeditions under her belt. Her ski and river adventures have taken her all over BC, the Yukon, Norway and France. In the off-season, Christy works as an ER nurse in Whistler. Dave Stimson Lead Guide Dave started this career as a ski patroller at Castle Mountain Resort in 2008. He cut his teeth as a ski patroller for 15 years, eventually becoming the lead avalanche forecaster and Patrol Director. He started guiding at Last Frontier Heli in 2019 and became certified as an IFMGA Mountain Guide later that year. He left the ski hill and is now a full-time lead guide with us. Dave spends his summer climbing and guiding in the Sierra Nevada, based out of Bishop, California. Greg Franson Lead Guide Greg “The Dragon” Fransen has over 20 years of guiding experience in Alaska, Montana, Washington as well as throughout the various mountain ranges of Canada. He joined Last Frontier Heliskiing in 2022 and is now a vocal fan for the terrain offered up at both Bell 2 and Ripley Creek. When not ski guiding, he calls a little cabin on the wild, west coast of Vancouver Island home. Kat Maceskova Lead Guide Meet Our Pilots The challenges that come with flying in the mountains, along with the precious cargo on board mean you need the right kind of pilot. A good heliski pilot must be highly focused and thrive working in this kind of intense environment. Our pilots are at the top of their game and are closely supported by a team of on-site engineers. Consistency year to year is absolutely key. We have been working with Access Helicopters since 2012. When the flying is done for the day, the pilots hang up their helmets, gather around the piano, sing songs Top Gun style, swoon the local ladies and burn off into the sunset on their motorbikes...In their dreams. Joel ‘Papa’ Valentine [PAGE] Title: Politique de Confidentialité | Last Frontier Helisking, Canada Content: Bulletin Météo Nous faisons ce que nous faisons depuis 1996 et n’avons jamais eu de problème de confidentialité. Alors que les temps changent (la société dicte le besoin de longues décharges de responsabilité et de politiques), nous présentons ci-dessous notre vision des choses. Toutefois, tout le monde a un point de vue différent en ce qui concerne la bonne quantité d’informations, qu’il s’agisse du nombre d’emails envoyés, des détails de carte de crédit conservés pour faciliter les facturations futures ou de la fraîcheur du verre dans lequel la bière est servie. Si quelque chose vous préoccupe – il suffit de demander et nous vous dirons avec plaisir comment nous le gérons et pourquoi. Nous ne prétendrons jamais tout faire parfaitement dans les moindres détails, mais nous sommes fiers d’être de bons chercheurs de solutions. Si jamais nous faisons quelque chose que vous n’aimez pas, faites-le nous savoir immédiatement et nous pourrons y remédier rapidement… comme pour n’importe quel aspect de votre séjour avec nous. Politique de Confidentialité – Mise à jour le 21 août 2018 Votre vie privée est importante pour nous. Nous ne partagerons en aucun cas les informations que vous nous fournissez à des tiers parties sans votre consentement préalable. Cette politique de confidentialité définit la base sur laquelle nous collectons, fournissons ou traitons les données. Veuillez lire attentivement ce qui suit pour comprendre nos points de vue et nos pratiques concernant vos données personnelles et la manière dont nous les traiterons. Si vous souhaitez nous contacter à propos de toute utilisation de données personnelles, n’hésitez pas à nous envoyer u email . 1. A propos de nous Last Frontier Heliskiing a été fondé en 1996 et est basé en Colombie Britannique, au Canada. Notre siège social est situé à Vernon, en Colombie-Britannique, et nous délivrons des services d’héliski au Lodge Bell 2 et à Ripley Creek, à Stewart, en Colombie-Britannique. 2. Quelles informations personnelles collectons-nous et d’où? Des informations sur votre ordinateur, sur vos visites et votre utilisation de ce site Web (y compris votre adresse IP, votre localisation géographique, le type et la version du navigateur, le système d’exploitation, la source de référence, la durée de la visite, les pages vues et les chemins de navigation du site Web). Les informations que vous nous avez fournies lors de votre inscription sur notre site Web (y compris votre adresse e-mail). 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Divulgation d’informations personnelles Nous pouvons divulguer vos informations personnelles à l’un de nos employés, dirigeants, assureurs, conseillers professionnels, agents, fournisseurs ou sous-traitants dans la mesure où cela est raisonnablement nécessaire aux fins énoncées dans la présente politique. Nous pouvons divulguer vos informations personnelles : dans la mesure où nous sommes obligés de le faire par la loi; à l’acheteur (ou l’acheteur potentiel) de toute entreprise ou de tout élément d’actif que nous vendons (ou envisageons); afin d’établir, d’exercer ou de défendre nos droits légaux. Vous acceptez expressément les transferts d’informations personnelles décrits ci-dessus. Vous avez le droit de voir, de modifier ou de supprimer les informations personnelles que nous détenons. Envoyez votre demande par e-mail ici . 5. 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Vos droits Vous avez le droit d’accéder aux informations que nous détenons à votre sujet et de savoir dans quel but nous utilisons ces informations. Vous avez le droit de corriger les inexactitudes dans les informations que nous détenons à votre sujet. Vous avez le droit de retirer votre consentement à l’utilisation de vos informations. Vous avez le droit de porter plainte auprès de l’autorité de surveillance compétente de toute juridiction concernant notre utilisation de vos informations. Vous avez le droit dans certaines circonstances de: Demander à ce que nous supprimions les informations que nous détenons sur vous. Recevoir une copie des informations personnelles que vous nous avez fournies et de nous demander de les fournir à un tiers. Restreindre l’utilisation des informations que nous détenons sur vous. Refuser l’utilisation des informations que nous détenons à votre sujet, y compris lorsque ces informations sont utilisées à des fins de marketing direct. Vous pouvez exercer ces droits en nous contactant ici 10. Amendements Nous pouvons mettre à jour cette politique de temps à autre en publiant une nouvelle version sur notre site Web. Vous devriez consulter cette page de temps en temps pour vous assurer que tout changement apporté à cette politique vous convient. Créez Votre Séjour [PAGE] Title: Heli Ski Photos & Videos | Last Frontier Heliskiing, Canada Content: Feature videos Backgrounder Series Season Recaps Pro Athlete Videos Photo galleries Photo Updates Season after season, photographers, filmers and some of the world’s best athletes come to Last Frontier to push limits and capture epic moments in the world’s biggest heli skiing area. Discover what makes our location special with our collection of featured photos and videos. Feature Videos Check out the best skiing and snowboarding action from Last Frontier Heliskiing with our feature videos that showcase our legendary snow and huge heli skiing terrain.
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In all, we’ve had a very good month of skiing and our terrain is in great shape for the season ahead. What Our Guests Are Saying Nicolas Mueller Pro Snowboarder “Five days in paradise, it was a bummer we only had five…Some of the best heli boarding in the world!” Grant Gunderson Renowned Sports Photographer “Last Frontier not only has some amazing tree skiing, but also has some of the most scenic glaciated runs I've ever skied” Jeff Thomas Filmmaker/Director "Growing up on the South Coast of BC I have been lucky enough to ski and film in a lot of great terrain but during our visit to Last Frontier it showed me that the Mecca for skiing is in Northern BC." Uso de la información personal La información personal mandada a nosotros a través de nuestra web será utilizada con el propósito especificado en esta política o en las páginas relevantes de la web. Sicherheit persönlicher Daten Sie erkennen an, dass die Übertragung von Informationen über das Internet von Natur aus unsicher ist, und wir können die Sicherheit von Daten, die über das Internet gesendet werden, nicht garantieren. Ihre Rechte Sie haben das Recht, auf die über Sie erfassten Daten zuzugreifen, und zu erfragen, zu welchem Zweck wir diese Informationen verwenden. Title: Heli Skiing Packages & Tours in Canada | Build Your Trip Content: Once you’ve taken a good look at both our lodges , you’ll need to decide when you’re coming, for how long and the type of heli ski tour you want. When is the best time to go heli skiing? The snowpack might not be as deep as later in the heli ski season, but it offers up some of the best quality snow all year. Terrain The Backgrounder Series Bell 2 Vs. Ripley Creek Terrain Both Bell 2 Lodge and Ripley Creek offer advanced and challenging terrain both in and out of the trees. Based in the Skeena Mountains, Bell 2 is located right in the middle of our terrain so we fly in all directions from the lodge. It doesn’t just mean you get your own fresh lines, although that’s always the goal, it means you’re more likely to be skiing or riding at a pace that’s right for you. The better physical shape you are in, the more you will be able to ski and ride and the more fun you will ultimately have. Whether you ski with us from Bell 2 Lodge or the Ripley Creek, return domestic air transfers are not included with your heliski package. At both Bell 2 Lodge and Ripley Creek, you will have use of our hot tub, sauna, fitness room and games room. You are welcome to bring you own, but will need to ensure that your guide is familiar with it. If you’re unable to keep up with your group, you may be asked to sit out and will not be reimbursed for any missed heli time. He’s been in the Last Frontier guiding family since 2017. She launched her ski career as cat ski tail guide / ski patroller and in 2022 became a certified ACMG ski guide. He joined Last Frontier Heliskiing in 2022 and is now a vocal fan for the terrain offered up at both Bell 2 and Ripley Creek. Des informations sur votre ordinateur, sur vos visites et votre utilisation de ce site Web (y compris votre adresse IP, votre localisation géographique, le type et la version du navigateur, le système d’exploitation, la source de référence, la durée de la visite, les pages vues et les chemins de navigation du site Web).
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Tumwater Roofing Supply Company | Washington Cedar & Supply Content: Monday - Friday: 7:00 am - 4:00 pm Closed Saturday & Sundays [PAGE] Title: Involvement in Our Community | Washington Cedar & Supply Content: Involvement In Our Community Involvement in our Community WASHINGTON CEDAR & SUPPLY TAKES AN ACTIVE ROLE IN OUR COMMUNITY. SINCE WE ARE A LOCALLY OWNED COMPANY WE HAVE A VESTED INTEREST IN THE AREAS WE SERVE. WE BELIEVE THAT SERVING IN OUR LOCAL COMMUNITIES HELPS CREATE A HEALTHY AND POSITIVE ENVIRONMENT. Some of the things we’ve been up to lately: Donation of roofing materials to The Annie Wright Upper School for Boys tiny house project for the homeless in Seattle. Check out their amazing work HERE! Donation to Auburn High School Trojans Football '18 Donation to Washington State All State Football Game '18 Donation to Eastlake Little League 12U All-Star Baseball Team Donation to Elbe Evangelical Lutheran Church Donation to Mr. Greek Competition, hosted by Alpha Gamma Delta at the University of Washington Volunteering with the scouting program in the Orca District Volunteering with the North Mason School District Sponsorship of the North Mason Peewee Program including Football, Basketball (both girls and boys) and girls fast pitch. You might also see the Manager of the Port Orchard yard coaching various sports. Sponsorship of the Junior Rodeo Association. Kitsap County Washington Spirit Elite Cheer Habitat For Humanity of Island County Sponsorship of the Mariner Marauders Everett Donation to the Boy Scouts of America for Eagle Projects. Enumclaw Pro Rodeo Partnering up with Umpqua Bank for the Junior Achievement of Washington Bowling Classic Habitat for Humanity Auburn WA New Life Ministries International – donation Volunteering with the Kent Little League Donation to the Arizona Blind & Deaf Children's Foundation, Inc. About the Organizations We Support Junior Achievement (JA) empowers young people to own their economic success. Our volunteer-delivered, K-12 programs foster work-readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy skills, and use experiential learning to inspire kids to dream big and reach their potential. Junior Achievement impacts 4 million U.S. students in more than 176,000 classrooms. With the help of 178,000 volunteers, JA students develop the skills they need to experience the realities and opportunities of work and entrepreneurship in the 21st-century global marketplace. The Arizona Blind & Deaf Children's Foundation, Inc. works to support the healthy development and future success of more than 4,000 children in Arizona who are blind, deaf, low-vision, or hard of hearing. The Foundation raises funds, develops programs & awards grants for initiatives that develop the skills necessary to prepare these young people to be self-sufficient, contributing members of society. Rebuilding Together brings volunteers and communities together to improve the homes and lives of homeowners in need. [PAGE] Title: Locations | Washington Cedar & Supply Content: Discover your roofing supply options at one our Washington locations. Locations [PAGE] Title: Residential Roofing Product Catalog | Washington Cedar & Supply Content: [PAGE] Title: Tacoma Roofing Supply Company | Washington Cedar & Supply Content: Monday - Friday: 7:00 am - 4:00 pm Closed Saturday & Sundays [PAGE] Title: | Washington Cedar & Supply Content: [PAGE] Title: Career Openings | Washington Cedar & Supply Content: Washington Cedar & Supply Career Openings Breadcrumbs Career Openings We are always looking for individuals who bring quality and professionalism to our team. Washington Cedar & Supply is the largest independent roofing distributor in the Northwest. With over 50 years of service, we are a stable and established company looking to grow our team. If you are a competent, hard-working candidate please consider joining our organization. Please fill out an application below and turn in to the branch you are interested in working for. [PAGE] Title: Roofing Supply Company Near Seattle, WA | Washington Cedar & Supply Content: We are Proud to Announce Our new branch in Mount Vernon is NOW OPEN! 1215 E. HICKOX RD., SUITE 102 MOUNT VERNON, WA 98274 Join Our Team Today We Are Hiring! Fill out an application today! New File Upload Available Check out our Updated Contact Form File uploads are now available to submit your project! 1967 For Over 55 Years The Northwest leader in roofing distribution services Owned locally, Washington Cedar & Supply provides expert guidance, professional service and local knowhow to roofing projects throughout Seattle and the Northwest. [PAGE] Title: Mount Vernon Roofing Supply Company | Washington Cedar & Supply Content: 1215 East Hickox Road, Suite 102 Mount Vernon, WA 98274 [PAGE] Title: Longview, WA Roofing Supply Company | Washington Cedar & Supply Content: [PAGE] Title: Bremerton Roofing Supply Company | Washington Cedar & Supply Content: Monday - Friday: 7:00 am - 4:00 pm Closed Saturdays & Sundays [PAGE] Title: Administrative Offices | Washington Cedar & Supply Content: 253-833-5195 Hours Due to CORONAVIRUS, our hours are 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Monday through Friday, until further notice [PAGE] Title: Everett Roofing Supply Company | Washington Cedar & Supply Content: Monday - Friday: 7:00 am - 4:00 pm Closed Saturdays & Sundays [PAGE] Title: About Us | Washington Cedar & Supply Content: Homeowners Let us help you make an informed decision Washington Cedar & Supply will: Give you all the information you need whether you know a lot or very little about roofing. Give you at least 3 referrals to licensed and bonded contractors. Offer you 7 showrooms of products, conveniently located across the PNW. Help you if you are dealing with an HOA, we have all the knowledge and tools to work within their constraints and determine what is and is not allowed for your project. One-Stop Contractors We have you covered, for all your roofing needs Washington Cedar & Supply will: Give you a one stop shop for all your roofing needs. Get your delivery to you on time with our professional, L & I trained, delivery staff. Direct you to one of our 7 branches along the I-5 corridor for optimal delivery. We go as far south as Vancouver and north to Bellingham. Help you open an account if you are interested. DOWNLOAD THE CREDIT APPLICATION HERE or contact our Administration department . Testimonials We have been purchasing material from Washington Cedar & Supply since 2005. They have always been very professional with great customer service. They are always on time with roof top delivery no matter where the job is. Emerald City Roofing I want to thank you and everyone at Washington Cedar & Supply for helping my family and I achieve our goal with this project. Thank you for being patient with my wife and I during the purchase and explaining things for us. Troy - Homeowner We had a delivery of roofing materials from Washington Cedar & Supply this past week. I was surprised at the ability of the roof stockers while loading our roof. They were professional and courteous. I am glad we used a locally owned company. Shane I've been doing business with Washington Cedar & Supply Bremerton since 1994. The service and the professionalism is appreciated. Thanks guys for all your help. Kim Gosner President, Kitsap Roofing Your two crew members...Great staff, and they represent Washington Cedar & Supply in a very positive light. Tim - Stewart Roofing We think kindly of your business and will surely send our friends to you for future business, and of course, you have our business too. Mrs. Johnson Their service and product knowledge was outstanding, very friendly environment. I would recommend that anyone needing roofing material go and see them. Carrie Their service and office staff has always gone above and beyond my expectations. Washington Cedar & Supply's staff is one of a kind, I thank them for the quality service they provide my company. Mitch Washington Cedar & Supply took good care of us, pricing was excellent, Rick was very helpful, as was the staff (Tony and Mytra). Kathy and Neal Frodsham My experience with your company was downright magical. I don't recall who specifically I spoke to, but I wish I could thank him and the rest of the gang up there. Since then, my library has been completed; a small landmark in my neighborhood that many see Kelly 1967 History Roofing guidance for over 55 years Washington Cedar & Supply was founded by Leo C. Brutsche in 1967. From a young age Leo was involved in the construction field. After serving in the United States Marine Corps Leo moved to the Bay Area where he opened California Shingle & Shake in 1956. He decided to expand to Washington, where our roots were laid down in Kent in 1967. In 2000 our location in Kent moved to Auburn, where we reside today. We have expanded to branches in Bremerton, Everett, Tumwater, Tacoma, and Longview. In December 2022 we expanded to our new location in Mount Vernon. Together we serve as the largest independently owned roofing distributor in the state of Washington. Our trained and experienced staff is ready and looks forward to helping you with your project. Visit our showrooms today! Careers Join Us Become a part of our team We are always looking for individuals who bring quality and professionalism to our team. [PAGE] Title: Contact Us | Washington Cedar & Supply Content: Get in Touch Contact Us Breadcrumbs Contact Us Feel free to contact us about quotes, contractor referrals, or any other questions here. Don’t hesitate to contact us using the form below with any questions or concerns. Find the location nearest you . We only deliver within a 100 mile radius from our branch locations. Delivery fees may apply. We do not ship. First Name * [PAGE] Title: Auburn, WA Roofing Supply Company | Washington Cedar & Supply Content: Monday - Friday: 7:00 am - 4:00 pm Saturdays: 8:00 am - Noon [PAGE] Title: Blog | Washington Cedar & Supply Content: Stay in the Know News & Tips Breadcrumbs [PAGE] Title: Login | Washington Cedar & Supply Content: (This is not recommended for shared computers) Login
civil, mechanical & electrical
building materials
Enumclaw Pro Rodeo Partnering up with Umpqua Bank for the Junior Achievement of Washington Bowling Classic Habitat for Humanity Auburn WA New Life Ministries International – donation Volunteering with the Kent Little League Donation to the Arizona Blind & Deaf Children's Foundation, Inc. About the Organizations We Support Junior Achievement (JA) empowers young people to own their economic success. With the help of 178,000 volunteers, JA students develop the skills they need to experience the realities and opportunities of work and entrepreneurship in the 21st-century global marketplace. Title: Locations | Washington Cedar & Supply Content: Discover your roofing supply options at one our Washington locations. Title: | Washington Cedar & Supply Content: Title: Roofing Supply Company Near Seattle, WA | Washington Cedar & Supply Content: We are Proud to Announce Our new branch in Mount Vernon is NOW OPEN! Fill out an application today! Title: Longview, WA Roofing Supply Company | Washington Cedar & Supply Content: Title: Bremerton Roofing Supply Company | Washington Cedar & Supply Content: Monday - Friday: 7:00 am - 4:00 pm Closed Saturdays & Sundays Title: About Us | Washington Cedar & Supply Content: Homeowners Let us help you make an informed decision Washington Cedar & Supply will: Give you all the information you need whether you know a lot or very little about roofing. Help you if you are dealing with an HOA, we have all the knowledge and tools to work within their constraints and determine what is and is not allowed for your project. Get your delivery to you on time with our professional, L & I trained, delivery staff. They have always been very professional with great customer service. Emerald City Roofing I want to thank you and everyone at Washington Cedar & Supply for helping my family and I achieve our goal with this project. The service and the professionalism is appreciated. Washington Cedar & Supply's staff is one of a kind, I thank them for the quality service they provide my company. I don't recall who specifically I spoke to, but I wish I could thank him and the rest of the gang up there. Since then, my library has been completed; a small landmark in my neighborhood that many see Kelly 1967 History Roofing guidance for over 55 years Washington Cedar & Supply was founded by Leo C. Brutsche in 1967. In 2000 our location in Kent moved to Auburn, where we reside today. In December 2022 we expanded to our new location in Mount Vernon. Together we serve as the largest independently owned roofing distributor in the state of Washington.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: High conductivity & loudspeaker cables - Cables Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Mini taps and faucets - Taps & Showers Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Trailer light - Light Fittings, Bulbs, Tubes Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Curtain rods & rings, rod brackets - Cabin & Interior fittings Content: Curtain rods & rings, rod brackets Curtain rods & rings, rod brackets 6 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Arctic grade cable to BS6500 - Multi core - Cables Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Manifolds, Externally threaded tubes - BSP pipefittings, brass, bronze - Plumbing Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Shower, bath and bilge (non submersible) emptying pumps, - Pumps Content: Shower, bath and bilge (non submersible) emptying pumps, Shower, bath and bilge (non submersible) emptying pumps, We can't find products matching the selection. General [PAGE] Title: Consumer units, enclosures, RCD's and MCB's - Mains Equipment Content: Consumer units, enclosures, RCD's and MCB's Consumer units, enclosures, RCD's and MCB's 13 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Header tank - Cabin & Water Heating Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Hull paint & Anodes - Hull, Deck & Exterior fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Float switches for bilge pumps - Switches Content: Float switches for bilge pumps Float switches for bilge pumps 4 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Tube reducing sets - Wade Compression Fittings - Inch and metric sizes - Gas Fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Waterproof deck glands by 'Index Marine' - Deck Glands Content: Waterproof deck glands by 'Index Marine' Waterproof deck glands by 'Index Marine' 10 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Compression fittings for 15mm copper - Plumbing Content: Compression fittings for 15mm copper Compression fittings for 15mm copper 6 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Tank vents with gauze, fuel or water - Hull, Deck & Exterior fittings Content: Tank vents with gauze, fuel or water Tank vents with gauze, fuel or water 5 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Nuts, Blank nuts, Stop ends and Olives - Wade Compression Fittings - Inch and metric sizes - Gas Fittings Content: Nuts, Blank nuts, Stop ends and Olives Nuts, Blank nuts, Stop ends and Olives 22 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Thin Wall cables ISO6722 pt4 1993 - Single core - Cables Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Fire extinguishers, Fireblankets - Safety Equipment Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Windlasses, Anti Vandal key, Mooring Pins, Mooring Hooks, Lump Hammer, Magnets, Floating Keyring - Cruising equipment Content: Windlasses, Anti Vandal key, Mooring Pins, Mooring Hooks, Lump Hammer, Magnets, Floating Keyring Windlasses, Anti Vandal key, Mooring Pins, Mooring Hooks, Lump Hammer, Magnets, Floating Keyring 8 Items [PAGE] Title: Interior lights - Fluorescent - Light Fittings, Bulbs, Tubes Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Bilge blowers - Ventilation Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Plug cocks - Wade Compression Fittings - Inch and metric sizes - Gas Fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Copper tubing - Gas Fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Quick Stainless range - Calorifiers, Cyl stats, Thermostatic valves, Immersion heaters, fixing kits - Plumbing Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Submersible and inline water or diesel transfer pumps - Pumps Content: Submersible and inline water or diesel transfer pumps Submersible and inline water or diesel transfer pumps 1 Item Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Carling circuit breakers - Fuses & Circuit Breakers Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Sockets - parallel, reducing - BSP pipefittings, brass, bronze - Plumbing Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Sterling battery chargers - Charging Equipment Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Inline and panel fuseholders and glass fuses - Fuses & Circuit Breakers Content: Inline and panel fuseholders and glass fuses Inline and panel fuseholders and glass fuses 18 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Pump Filters, Accumulators - Plumbing Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Aluminium switch panels with fuse or circuit breaker - Control Panels Content: Aluminium switch panels with fuse or circuit breaker Aluminium switch panels with fuse or circuit breaker 4 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Step, Courtesy, Cupboard lights - Light Fittings, Bulbs, Tubes Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: DOMETIC SMEV products - Sinks, bowls, drainers - Galley Equipment Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Elbows - female female, male female. - BSP pipefittings, brass, bronze - Plumbing Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: SureCal range, horizontal - Calorifiers, Cyl stats, Thermostatic valves, Immersion heaters, fixing kits - Plumbing Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Light Fittings, Bulbs, Tubes Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Advanced Search Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Control Panels Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Generating Equipment Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Cables Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Central heating and hot water circulating pumps - Pumps Content: Central heating and hot water circulating pumps Central heating and hot water circulating pumps 1 Item Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Equal elbows - Wade Compression Fittings - Inch and metric sizes - Gas Fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Copper Saddle Clips - Wade Compression Fittings - Inch and metric sizes - Gas Fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Top opening hatches, Flange adaptor & flexible ducting - Ventilation Content: Top opening hatches, Flange adaptor & flexible ducting Top opening hatches, Flange adaptor & flexible ducting We can't find products matching the selection. General Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Rigid & Flexible PVC conduit & fittings - Cable Accessories Content: Rigid & Flexible PVC conduit & fittings Rigid & Flexible PVC conduit & fittings 10 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Pipe clips, plastic & metal - Plumbing Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Ventilation Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Skin fittings, metal & nylon - Hull, Deck & Exterior fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Diesel fired heater systems - Cabin & Water Heating Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Mini trunking & Open slot trunking - Cable Accessories Content: Mini trunking & Open slot trunking Mini trunking & Open slot trunking 14 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Rocker switches, panel mount - Switches Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Rudder Bearings, Engine Mounts - Engine Room Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Charging Equipment Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Tees, equal and branch reduced - Wade Compression Fittings - Inch and metric sizes - Gas Fittings Content: Tees, equal and branch reduced Tees, equal and branch reduced 12 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Mains Power selector switches & Enclosure boxes - Switches Content: Mains Power selector switches & Enclosure boxes Mains Power selector switches & Enclosure boxes 4 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Aerials & Loudspeakers - Misc. Electricals Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Galley Equipment Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Engine controller, control cables, speedwheels, D handles - Engine Room Content: Engine controller, control cables, speedwheels, D handles Engine controller, control cables, speedwheels, D handles 1 Item Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Tinned Cable - Single core - Cables Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Rotary, Push Pull, Push Push, Horn Push buttons - Switches Content: Rotary, Push Pull, Push Push, Horn Push buttons Rotary, Push Pull, Push Push, Horn Push buttons 8 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Premium Control panels - Control Panels Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Acoustic Insulation - Engine Room Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Wiring diagrams for narrowboats - Plans / Drawings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Pressurised water system components - Plumbing Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Digital hourmeters - Panel meters, Gauges, Battery monitors - Meters & Gauges Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Lifebuoys, Throw lines - Safety Equipment Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Plans / Drawings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Tunnel lights, searchlights - Light Fittings, Bulbs, Tubes Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Wade Compression Fittings - Inch and metric sizes - Gas Fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: THETFORD appliances - Cookers, Ovens, Hobs, Combination units - Galley Equipment Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Deck Glands Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Coathooks - Cabin & Interior fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Washbasins, Baths, Showertrays, Shower doors, Cabinets - Bathroom Equipment Content: Washbasins, Baths, Showertrays, Shower doors, Cabinets Washbasins, Baths, Showertrays, Shower doors, Cabinets 3 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Stainless Steel self tap screws - Cabin & Interior fittings Content: Stainless Steel self tap screws Stainless Steel self tap screws 12 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Manual bilge pumps - Pumps Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Submersible electric bilge pumps - Pumps Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Bathroom Equipment Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Cable Accessories Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: LED & Neon indicators - Indicators Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Deck fillers, DIESEL - Hull, Deck & Exterior fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Water pumps - hand and foot operated - Pumps Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Cabin & Water Heating Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Contact Us Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: DURITE and CARGO range - Panel meters, Gauges, Battery monitors - Meters & Gauges Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Diverter valves, bilge, grey black water - Plumbing Content: Diverter valves, bilge, grey black water Diverter valves, bilge, grey black water 1 Item Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Auto Cable BS6862 - Single core - Cables Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Fairleads, cleats & large bollards - Hull, Deck & Exterior fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Nylon hinges - Cabin & Interior fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Gimballed wall lights, oil or electric, smoke shades - Light Fittings, Bulbs, Tubes Content: Gimballed wall lights, oil or electric, smoke shades Gimballed wall lights, oil or electric, smoke shades 2 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Gas fired heater systems - Cabin & Water Heating Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Whale pipefittings - Plumbing Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: UFO roof vents - Ventilation Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Bulkhead fittings, Cable glands - Cable Accessories Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Handlamps and Torches - Light Fittings, Bulbs, Tubes Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Pumps Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Taps & Showers Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: 'Continental' fuseboxes and fuses - Fuses & Circuit Breakers Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Deck fillers, PUMP OUT, RINSE OUT - Hull, Deck & Exterior fittings Content: Deck fillers, PUMP OUT, RINSE OUT Deck fillers, PUMP OUT, RINSE OUT 2 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Rubber connectors and Rubber hose for 22mm central heating circuits - Water & Waste Hoses, Hose clips, Rubber connectors - Plumbing Content: Rubber connectors and Rubber hose for 22mm central heating circuits Rubber connectors and Rubber hose for 22mm central heating circuits 7 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Plumbing Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Metallic hosetails - Plumbing Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: FOZMULA range - Panel meters, Gauges, Battery monitors - Meters & Gauges Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Deck, cockpit and spreader lights - Light Fittings, Bulbs, Tubes Content: Deck, cockpit and spreader lights Deck, cockpit and spreader lights 2 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Spiral cable wrap, PVC cable sleeving - Cable Accessories Content: Spiral cable wrap, PVC cable sleeving Spiral cable wrap, PVC cable sleeving 15 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Plank & Pole holders, Cabin Steps - Hull, Deck & Exterior fittings Content: Plank & Pole holders, Cabin Steps Plank & Pole holders, Cabin Steps 5 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Gen purpose flex BS6500 - Multi core - Cables Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Interior lights - LED - Light Fittings, Bulbs, Tubes Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Straight, bulkhead and reducing connectors - Wade Compression Fittings - Inch and metric sizes - Gas Fittings Content: Straight, bulkhead and reducing connectors Straight, bulkhead and reducing connectors 17 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: THETFORD products - Sinks, bowls, drainers - Galley Equipment Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: delivery charges Content: delivery charges Delivery charges We use economy postal services and carriers. Higher value items are sent using tracked and/or signed for services. We are happy to upgrade postage to express services where requested, upon payment of any additional costs. Please contact us by phone if you want to do this. Overseas shipping will incur postage surcharges. Please contact us first for a shipping quote. Please state your country so we can calculate shipping correctly. Delivery charges are based on order value, according to the table below order value before VAT delivery charge up to £29.99                                           £4.95 + VAT £30.00 to £49.99                                    £6.95 + VAT £50.00 to £99.99                                    £9.95 + VAT £100.00 and above                               £12.95 + VAT Some items are subject to a carriage surcharge on account of their excessive bulk, weight or length.   The carriage surcharge is added automatically when you place the item in yout basket. If you purchase a 'surcharged' item along with other 'ordinary' items, or other 'surcharged' items, the website may compute excessive delivery charges.   In these circumstances, we recommend you contact us so we can discuss your order, and give you an accurate delivery cost. General [PAGE] Title: Small bollards, Ring bolts & plates, Fender eyes. Snap shackles - Hull, Deck & Exterior fittings Content: Small bollards, Ring bolts & plates, Fender eyes. Snap shackles Small bollards, Ring bolts & plates, Fender eyes. Snap shackles 16 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Cookers, Ovens, Hobs, Combination units - Galley Equipment Content: Cookers, Ovens, Hobs, Combination units Cookers, Ovens, Hobs, Combination units 1 Item Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Immersion heaters and calorifier accessories - Calorifiers, Cyl stats, Thermostatic valves, Immersion heaters, fixing kits - Plumbing Content: Immersion heaters and calorifier accessories Immersion heaters and calorifier accessories 6 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Louvre vents, brass, stainless, chrome - Ventilation Content: Louvre vents, brass, stainless, chrome Louvre vents, brass, stainless, chrome 10 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: SureCal range, vertical - Calorifiers, Cyl stats, Thermostatic valves, Immersion heaters, fixing kits - Plumbing Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Engine Room Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Thermostatic valves, Capilliary and Cylinder Thermostats - Calorifiers, Cyl stats, Thermostatic valves, Immersion heaters, fixing kits - Plumbing Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: 'Blade' fuseboxes and fuseholders, and fuses - Fuses & Circuit Breakers Content: 'Blade' fuseboxes and fuseholders, and fuses 'Blade' fuseboxes and fuseholders, and fuses 20 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Toilet waste pumps - Pumps Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Cupboard, wardrobe & door fittings - Cabin & Interior fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: 'Midi' 'Mega' and 'ANL' fuseholders and fuses - Fuses & Circuit Breakers Content: 'Midi' 'Mega' and 'ANL' fuseholders and fuses 'Midi' 'Mega' and 'ANL' fuseholders and fuses Items 1-24 of 29 Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: BSP pipefittings, brass, bronze - Plumbing Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Water & Waste Hoses, Hose clips, Rubber connectors - Plumbing Content: Water & Waste Hoses, Hose clips, Rubber connectors Water & Waste Hoses, Hose clips, Rubber connectors We can't find products matching the selection. Shop By Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Stern tube, Prop shafts - Engine Room Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Steel hinges for welding - Cabin & Interior fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Water & Waste Hoses - PVC, Non-toxic, Sanitation, Drain, Heater - Water & Waste Hoses, Hose clips, Rubber connectors - Plumbing Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Cruising equipment Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Deck fillers, WATER - Hull, Deck & Exterior fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Grommets & Grommet strip - Cable Accessories Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Wallblocks and Bubble testers - Gas Fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Push fit pipefittings - Plumbing Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Heat shrink tubing, plain & adhesive lined - Cable Accessories Content: Heat shrink tubing, plain & adhesive lined Heat shrink tubing, plain & adhesive lined 12 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Indicators Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Thin Wall cables ISO6722 pt4 1993 - Multi core - Cables Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Comet taps - Taps & Showers Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Anchors, Chains, D and Bow Shackles, Bottle/rigging screws, Snap shackles - Cruising equipment Content: Anchors, Chains, D and Bow Shackles, Bottle/rigging screws, Snap shackles Anchors, Chains, D and Bow Shackles, Bottle/rigging screws, Snap shackles Items 1-24 of 35 [PAGE] Title: Toilets, toilet installation accessories, toilet fluids - Bathroom Equipment Content: Toilets, toilet installation accessories, toilet fluids Toilets, toilet installation accessories, toilet fluids 17 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Bushes, locknuts, flanged locknuts, caps, plugs - BSP pipefittings, brass, bronze - Plumbing Content: Bushes, locknuts, flanged locknuts, caps, plugs Bushes, locknuts, flanged locknuts, caps, plugs Items 1-24 of 35 Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Ball valves for LPG, manual and auto changeover vlaves - Gas Fittings Content: Ball valves for LPG, manual and auto changeover vlaves Ball valves for LPG, manual and auto changeover vlaves 13 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: DOMETIC SMEV appliances - Cookers, Ovens, Hobs, Combination units - Galley Equipment Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Washdown Pumps - Pumps Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Sterling ProPowerQ, ProCombiQ Quasi Sine Inverters & Combis - Generating Equipment Content: Sterling ProPowerQ, ProCombiQ Quasi Sine Inverters & Combis Sterling ProPowerQ, ProCombiQ Quasi Sine Inverters & Combis 13 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Dimmer switch, electronic - Switches Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Stainless Steel woodscrews - Cabin & Interior fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Exhausts, silencers, flexibles, bandage - Engine Room Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Kitchen equipment - Galley Equipment Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Ball valve for fluids, Drain cocks - Plumbing Content: Ball valve for fluids, Drain cocks Ball valve for fluids, Drain cocks 21 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Cable ties, tie mounting bases, cable clips - Cable Accessories Content: Cable ties, tie mounting bases, cable clips Cable ties, tie mounting bases, cable clips Items 1-24 of 41 Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Battery & Starter Cable, plain copper - Cables Content: Battery & Starter Cable, plain copper Battery & Starter Cable, plain copper 9 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Exhaust pipefittings - Engine Room Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Fuel filters, filter fittings, copper washers, - Engine Room Content: Fuel filters, filter fittings, copper washers, Fuel filters, filter fittings, copper washers, 17 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Non Slip Deck covering - Hull, Deck & Exterior fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Greasers, Lubricators, Grease, Gland packing, Sump pumps - Engine Room Content: Greasers, Lubricators, Grease, Gland packing, Sump pumps Greasers, Lubricators, Grease, Gland packing, Sump pumps 12 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Spare filament bulbs - Light Fittings, Bulbs, Tubes Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Sinks, bowls, drainers - Galley Equipment Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Contact Us Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Starter Key switches - Switches Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Plastic hosetails, hose joiners, and bsp fittings - Plumbing Content: Plastic hosetails, hose joiners, and bsp fittings Plastic hosetails, hose joiners, and bsp fittings Items 1-24 of 63 Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Sterling ProPowerSB, ProCombiS Sinewave Inverters - Generating Equipment Content: Sterling ProPowerSB, ProCombiS Sinewave Inverters Sterling ProPowerSB, ProCombiS Sinewave Inverters 5 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Wastewater collection tanks - Pumps Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Aquafax range of taps - Taps & Showers Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Bilge pump accessories - Pumps Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Male and female stud elbows - Wade Compression Fittings - Inch and metric sizes - Gas Fittings Content: Male and female stud elbows Male and female stud elbows 12 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Tees - BSP pipefittings, brass, bronze - Plumbing Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Shopping Basket Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Spare LED bulbs - Light Fittings, Bulbs, Tubes Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Brass & Chrome hinges - Cabin & Interior fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Spare halogen bulbs - Light Fittings, Bulbs, Tubes Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Parts and accessories for Narrowboats, River Boats, Campervans, Horseboxes, Motorhomes Content: Account Can't open the 'menu'?   Click on magnifying glass, type in 'abc' and search, then menu should become accessible Welcome to Acorn Engineering for Canal Boat, River Boat, Caravan, Campervan and Motorhome Parts, Equipment, Chandlery and Accessories! Founded in 1986, Acorn Engineering has one of the largest websites supplying Canal and Narrow boat parts, Caravan, Campervan, Horsebox and Motorhome parts. In addition, Peter Hopley is a retired Inland Marine Surveyor and BSS examiner, bringing a wealth of product knowledge to the busines General [PAGE] Title: Window & Skylight stays - Cabin & Interior fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Fuel hose & hose assemblies - Engine Room Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Mains Equipment Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Ammeter Shunts - Meters & Gauges Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Cable markers - Cable Accessories Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Create New Customer Account Content: Allow remote shopping assistance Tooltip This allows merchants to "see what you see" and take actions on your behalf in order to provide better assistance. Sign-in Information [PAGE] Title: Gas & CO detectors, buzzers, intercoms - Misc. Electricals Content: Gas & CO detectors, buzzers, intercoms Gas & CO detectors, buzzers, intercoms We can't find products matching the selection. General Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Stainless steel hinges - Cabin & Interior fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Clearance & End of Line Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Insulating tapes, Solder - Cable Accessories Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Portholes, glass & liners - Hull, Deck & Exterior fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Hose clips, Zinc Plated - Water & Waste Hoses, Hose clips, Rubber connectors - Plumbing Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Automatic water pumps and pre-assembled water pump sets - Pumps Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Filament bulb indicators, Symbol warning lights - Indicators Content: Filament bulb indicators, Symbol warning lights Filament bulb indicators, Symbol warning lights 9 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Hose clips, Stainless Steel - Water & Waste Hoses, Hose clips, Rubber connectors - Plumbing Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Ropes & mooring lines - Cruising equipment Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: The Barka range of taps and showers - Taps & Showers Content: The Barka range of taps and showers The Barka range of taps and showers 19 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Wall switches, Clipsal, PDL, Architrave, Square, Brass, Chrome - Switches Content: Wall switches, Clipsal, PDL, Architrave, Square, Brass, Chrome Wall switches, Clipsal, PDL, Architrave, Square, Brass, Chrome 13 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Misc. Electricals Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Switches Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Wooden & extending boathooks, Boathook Heads, Boat Poles - Cruising equipment Content: Wooden & extending boathooks, Boathook Heads, Boat Poles Wooden & extending boathooks, Boathook Heads, Boat Poles 5 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Narrowboat Bollards and Tee Studs - Hull, Deck & Exterior fittings Content: Narrowboat Bollards and Tee Studs Narrowboat Bollards and Tee Studs 1 Item Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Barrel bolts, Cabin hooks, Hasps & Staples, Toggle Catches - Cabin & Interior fittings Content: Barrel bolts, Cabin hooks, Hasps & Staples, Toggle Catches Barrel bolts, Cabin hooks, Hasps & Staples, Toggle Catches 15 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Waterproof LED or halogen downlighters - for shower enclosures, or wet areas - Light Fittings, Bulbs, Tubes Content: Waterproof LED or halogen downlighters - for shower enclosures, or wet areas Waterproof LED or halogen downlighters - for shower enclosures, or wet areas 1 Item [PAGE] Title: Bilge Pump Switch panels - Control Panels Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Shoreline connection equipment, galvanic isolators, isolation transformer, hook up leads - Mains Equipment Content: Shoreline connection equipment, galvanic isolators, isolation transformer, hook up leads Shoreline connection equipment, galvanic isolators, isolation transformer, hook up leads 9 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Alternators - Charging Equipment Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Deck labels, Chrome, Stainless Steel - Hull, Deck & Exterior fittings Content: Deck labels, Chrome, Stainless Steel Deck labels, Chrome, Stainless Steel 11 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Regulators, auto shut off valve - Gas Fittings Content: Regulators, auto shut off valve Regulators, auto shut off valve 6 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Nipples - barrel, hexagon, running, expander - BSP pipefittings, brass, bronze - Plumbing Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Navigation lights - Light Fittings, Bulbs, Tubes Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Nozzle to tube and Nozzle to BSP adaptors - Wade Compression Fittings - Inch and metric sizes - Gas Fittings Content: Nozzle to tube and Nozzle to BSP adaptors Nozzle to tube and Nozzle to BSP adaptors 11 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Calorifiers, Cyl stats, Thermostatic valves, Immersion heaters, fixing kits - Plumbing Content: Calorifiers, Cyl stats, Thermostatic valves, Immersion heaters, fixing kits Calorifiers, Cyl stats, Thermostatic valves, Immersion heaters, fixing kits We can't find products matching the selection. Shop By [PAGE] Title: Solenoids, general purpose relays - Relays Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Tinned Cable - Battery & Starter - Cables Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Relays Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Lifting Rings, Box Handles - Cabin & Interior fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Fridges, coolboxes & accessories - Galley Equipment Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Male and female stud couplings - Wade Compression Fittings - Inch and metric sizes - Gas Fittings Content: Male and female stud couplings Male and female stud couplings Items 1-24 of 28 Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: marine boat engine cooling water pumps Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Interior lights - standard bulb - Light Fittings, Bulbs, Tubes Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Wood & coal burning stoves - Cabin & Water Heating Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Gas hose, H.P. pigtails, L.P. hose assemblies - Gas Fittings Content: Gas hose, H.P. pigtails, L.P. hose assemblies Gas hose, H.P. pigtails, L.P. hose assemblies 6 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Chimneys and pipes, Stove Fans and accessories - Cabin & Water Heating Content: Chimneys and pipes, Stove Fans and accessories Chimneys and pipes, Stove Fans and accessories 11 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: The Pennine range of taps and showers - Taps & Showers Content: The Pennine range of taps and showers The Pennine range of taps and showers 1 Item Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Digital battery monitoring meters - Panel meters, Gauges, Battery monitors - Meters & Gauges Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Ceiling grilles - Ventilation Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Adaptor bushes for gauge senders - Meters & Gauges Content: Adaptor bushes for gauge senders Adaptor bushes for gauge senders 1 Item Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Battery Isolation and Changeover switches - Switches Content: Battery Isolation and Changeover switches Battery Isolation and Changeover switches 9 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Cabin & Interior fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Fuses & Circuit Breakers Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Solar & electric ceiling fans - Ventilation Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Gas spanners, Thread seal, PTFE tape, Gas cock grease, Leak detector fluid/spray - Gas Fittings Content: Gas spanners, Thread seal, PTFE tape, Gas cock grease, Leak detector fluid/spray Gas spanners, Thread seal, PTFE tape, Gas cock grease, Leak detector fluid/spray 5 Items [PAGE] Title: Navigation light switch - Switches Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Voltage converters - Misc. Electricals Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Bulb holders - Light Fittings, Bulbs, Tubes Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Deck labels, Brass - Hull, Deck & Exterior fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Interior lights - halogen - Light Fittings, Bulbs, Tubes Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Batteries, Split Charging & Battery Management equipment - Charging Equipment Content: Batteries, Split Charging & Battery Management equipment Batteries, Split Charging & Battery Management equipment 10 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Butterfly, hit & miss, flat grating ventilators - Ventilation Content: Butterfly, hit & miss, flat grating ventilators Butterfly, hit & miss, flat grating ventilators 6 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Gas Fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Test Meters - Meters & Gauges Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Toggle switches, ordinary and waterproof - Switches Content: Toggle switches, ordinary and waterproof Toggle switches, ordinary and waterproof 10 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Meters & Gauges Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Spare Fluorescent tubes - Light Fittings, Bulbs, Tubes Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Safety Equipment Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Brass woodscrews - Cabin & Interior fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Email Protection | Cloudflare Content: Email Protection You are unable to access this email address The website from which you got to this page is protected by Cloudflare. Email addresses on that page have been hidden in order to keep them from being accessed by malicious bots. You must enable Javascript in your browser in order to decode the e-mail address. If you have a website and are interested in protecting it in a similar way, you can sign up for Cloudflare . [PAGE] Title: 'DIN 48' range of square ammeters and voltmeters - Panel meters, Gauges, Battery monitors - Meters & Gauges Content: 'DIN 48' range of square ammeters and voltmeters 'DIN 48' range of square ammeters and voltmeters 1 Item Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Water purification equipment - Plumbing Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Tiller tubes, Tiller handles, Tiller pins - Cruising equipment Content: Tiller tubes, Tiller handles, Tiller pins Tiller tubes, Tiller handles, Tiller pins 5 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: 'R59' range of rectangular ammeters and voltmeters - Panel meters, Gauges, Battery monitors - Meters & Gauges Content: 'R59' range of rectangular ammeters and voltmeters 'R59' range of rectangular ammeters and voltmeters 4 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Tri-Rated cable BS6231 - Single core - Cables Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Narrowboat & Cruiser fenders - Cruising equipment Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Horns & Windscreen wipers - Misc. Electricals Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: KM plastic pipefittings - Clearance & End of Line Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Tinned cable - Multi core - Cables Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Test points - Wade Compression Fittings - Inch and metric sizes - Gas Fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Brass & plastic mushroom vents, vent liners - Ventilation Content: Brass & plastic mushroom vents, vent liners Brass & plastic mushroom vents, vent liners 3 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Basin & shower wastes, and adaptors - Plumbing Content: Basin & shower wastes, and adaptors Basin & shower wastes, and adaptors 12 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Customer Service Content: Ordering Returns & Replacements PLEASE KEEP YOUR RECEIPT OR INVOICE SAFE.  YOU WILL NEED IT IN THE EVENT OF A RETURN OR REFUND BEING REQUESTED. Goods supplied may be returned for refund within 14 days of purchase.  Return postage costs are the buyers responsibility. Goods returned must be 'as new', uninstalled and complete with any original packaging, instruction books or leaflets etc. In the case of goods supplied incorrectly by us we will arrange collection from you, or ask you to take the item to a courier drop off point (typically a high street convenience store) or provide a pre-paid 'returns' bag,   We accept responsibility for return postage costs. Faulty goods should be returned for examination and checking.  We will repair or replace where faults are confirmed.  We suggest phoning us first to discuss any problems as often perceived faults turn out to be due to other causes, or can be easily rectified.  Buyer is initially responsible for return costs but where a fault is confirmed, return postage will be refunded. Ordering and payments Please create an order by placing your item(s) in the basket and proceeding to checkout where you can pay by either card or Paypal. We are also happy to accept telephone orders.  Payments in currencies other than Sterling (GBP) will be subject to a currency conversion fee.   Please enquire. General [PAGE] Title: Panel meters, Gauges, Battery monitors - Meters & Gauges Content: Panel meters, Gauges, Battery monitors Panel meters, Gauges, Battery monitors 1 Item Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy [PAGE] Title: Customer Login Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy
medical devices
Title: Float switches for bilge pumps - Switches Content: Float switches for bilge pumps Float switches for bilge pumps 4 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy Title: Compression fittings for 15mm copper - Plumbing Content: Compression fittings for 15mm copper Compression fittings for 15mm copper 6 Items Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy Title: Generating Equipment Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy Title: Galley Equipment Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy Title: Engine controller, control cables, speedwheels, D handles - Engine Room Content: Engine controller, control cables, speedwheels, D handles Engine controller, control cables, speedwheels, D handles 1 Item Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy Title: Cable Accessories Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy Title: Cabin & Water Heating Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy Title: Plumbing Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy Title: Bilge pump accessories - Pumps Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy Click on magnifying glass, type in 'abc' and search, then menu should become accessible Welcome to Acorn Engineering for Canal Boat, River Boat, Caravan, Campervan and Motorhome Parts, Equipment, Chandlery and Accessories! Title: Mains Equipment Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy Electricals Content: Gas & CO detectors, buzzers, intercoms Gas & CO detectors, buzzers, intercoms We can't find products matching the selection. Title: Automatic water pumps and pre-assembled water pump sets - Pumps Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy Title: Tinned Cable - Battery & Starter - Cables Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy Title: marine boat engine cooling water pumps Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy Title: Cabin & Interior fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy Title: Gas Fittings Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy Title: Water purification equipment - Plumbing Content: Unit 6, Turner Street Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3EG Tel & Fax: 0161 336 2680 Mob: 07711 496177 Email us at: [email protected] Privacy In the case of goods supplied incorrectly by us we will arrange collection from you, or ask you to take the item to a courier drop off point (typically a high street convenience store) or provide a pre-paid 'returns' bag,   We accept responsibility for return postage costs. Ordering and payments Please create an order by placing your item(s) in the basket and proceeding to checkout where you can pay by either card or Paypal.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Our Social Responsibility - Franks Portlock Content: Connect via Social OUR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY At Franks Portlock, we believe Corporate Social Responsibility is a way to assess the impact we have on society, and acknowledges it has a responsibility towards its environment, employees, customers, community and suppliers. Our CSR policy outlines how we plan to act in an ethical and responsible way throughout our regional offices within the North East, London, Scotland, North West and the Midlands. We want to commit to being a socially responsible business internally and externally, and to do this we plan to integrate our CSR commitments into business decisions, minimise the impact our business has on the environments we operate in, and find and support great people to work for us. In doing this we hope to create a sustainable CSR policy that benefits: Our CSR policy is underpinned by our company policies to embed this thinking in our culture; such as our code of conduct and equality and diversity, environmental and data security policies. Franks Portlock has a dedicated Corporate Social Responsibility team to implement these initiatives and monitor their effectiveness, however all employees are responsible for upholding them in day to day activities. Just some of our recent work in the community… We’ve supported dozens of community efforts and charitable causes over the years including Little Lifers, Cash4Kids, Home West Cumbria, West Cumbria Carers Champion Scheme, and many more. To discuss our policy in further detail you can leave us a message here , or to speak to one of our team call 0191 419 3116. INTERESTED IN OUR SERVICES? GET IN TOUCH [PAGE] Title: Nuclear Sector | Asbestos Consultancy - Franks Portlock Content: Nuclear Nuclear Since 2011, Franks Portlock has been working with Sellafield – one of the largest nuclear facilities in the UK – providing asbestos testing services across the site. We appreciate the complexities and challenges of working at a nuclear facility, including the increased compliance requirements and safety and management systems. Our understanding of this means we can support you through the whole process site wide and in all aspects of site operations including maintenance, site remediation and decommissioning, providing a full range of asbestos management, consultancy and testing services. Our project managers will work with you from start to finish to ensure safety is paramount and risk is kept to an absolute minimum. We can deliver the full range of asbestos services including: [PAGE] Title: Insights - Franks Portlock Content: Insights Insights Explore our ‘Insights’ blog for expert opinions, tips, and the latest trends in asbestos and water hygiene services. INTERESTED IN OUR SERVICES? GET IN TOUCH [PAGE] Title: UKAS Accredited Asbestos Consultancy Services - Franks Portlock Content: Asbestos Consultancy We provide assistance for all areas of asbestos management and will support you through the whole process. Speak to a Specialist Asbestos Consultancy Services We offer a wide range of consultancy services, from designing, assessing or implementing management plans to drawing up specifications for asbestos removal including project supervision.  With more than 10 years of experience in asbestos management and a team of award-winning experts, you can feel confident you are in safe hands. We help organisations across a range of sectors, from the marine and nuclear industries to healthcare, residential and retail – both on a regional and national level. We work with clients of many sizes, from those operating smaller buildings and facilities to those with multiple sites across the UK. Our wide range of consultancy services includes: Review of clients’ existing asbestos information and management processes. Asbestos removal and remediation advice. Site remediation project management. Guidance on the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. Advice and guidance on known problems. Electronic asbestos management tools. Third-party data upload and management for systems including Micad, Promaster, QL, shineAsbestos and Keystone. Custom training programs including UKATA-accredited courses. For more information about how we can provide you with ongoing asbestos consultancy, please contact us . [PAGE] Title: Healthcare Sector | Asbestos Consultancy - Franks Portlock Content: Healthcare We have been working with the NHS since we established the company in 2006. We understand that NHS facilities and hospitals, private hospitals, care homes and some clinics offer their services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our flexible approach means we can undertake work at a convenient time to our healthcare clients, minimising disruption to both staff and patients. We can deliver the full range of asbestos services including: [PAGE] Title: Local Authority Sector | Asbestos Consultancy - Franks Portlock Content: Local Authorities Local Authorities We have worked with a range of local authorities across Scotland and England to provide asbestos surveys and management Like private housing, it is often the case that local authority buildings may still contain lower risk materials such as textured coatings or vinyl floor tiles; or high risk materials such as asbestos cement and even insulating board. We offer a complete range of asbestos consultancy services to council tenanted buildings. We will liaise with the tenants and other contractors (for instance gas/heating engineers and electricians) when required to ensure that risk is kept to an absolute minimum. We can deliver the full range of asbestos services including: [PAGE] Title: Asbestos and Legionella Awareness Training - Franks Portlock Content: Legionella Awareness Asbestos Awareness Training Asbestos awareness training, for those to whom it applies, is a mandatory requirement outlined by the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. Examples of those who may come into contact with asbestos include anyone who may disturb the fabric of buildings, people who work on contaminated land and anyone maintaining a building that may be affected by asbestos use. Legionella Awareness The objective of Legionella awareness training is to educate attendees to understand the fundamentals of assessing and controlling the Legionella bacteria, including the legal requirements in accordance with HSE legislation and guidance. INTERESTED IN OUR SERVICES? GET IN TOUCH [PAGE] Title: Legionella Awareness Training - Franks Portlock Content: Speak to a Specialist Paragraph 50 of the HSE, ‘Legionnaires’ disease’ The control of legionella bacteria in water systems, Approve Code of Practice L8 states: Inadequate management, lack of training and poor communication are all contributory factors in outbreaks of legionnaires’ disease. It is therefore important that the people involved in assessing risk and applying precautions are competent, trained and aware of their responsibilities. Therefore, it is imperative that all those involved in the management and implementation of the control of Legionella bacteria within your organisation are fully trained and deemed competent to undertake their roles. Please note it is your responsibility to: To assess the training needs and requirements of your staff, this can be in conjunction with Franks Portlock Consulting Ltd. To complete regular reviews of your staff training records, this can be in conjunction with Franks Portlock Consulting Ltd. To complete regular competence assessments for specific tasks and identify further training requirements and format, e.g., theory, practical, etc. To determine if the content of any training offered meets the requirements. Franks Portlock offer a half day training course that covers the following topics: Introduction [PAGE] Title: Marine Sector | Asbestos Consultancy - Franks Portlock Content: Marine Marine Asbestos was previously widespread in the marine industry – we can help organisations in this sector address the challenges this creates. Franks Portlock was responsible for the asbestos survey, clearance certification and air testing works during the largest marine vessel decommissioning project in the North East of England – proof of our expertise in this sector. The use of asbestos was previously widespread in the marine industry and Franks Portlock can help organisations in this sector address the challenges this creates, providing the full range of asbestos management, consultancy and testing services. We have a commitment to continually delivering a high quality service and are a UKAS accredited organisation, with an ISO14001 accredited environmental management system. Our project managers will work with you to ensure we find a solution that works best for your organisation. We adhere to safe working practices and our valued for our integrity. We can deliver the full range of asbestos services including: [PAGE] Title: Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead - Franks Portlock Content: Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead We acted as the principle contractor for the licensed removal of higher risk asbestos materials prior to the demolition of the Gynaecology department the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, on behalf of the Gateshead Health NHS Trust. Providing a full asbestos management service, we were responsible for helping compile the removal specification and selecting an appropriate, reputable, licensed contractor to carry out the work. A wide range of material types were removed from the site, including asbestos pipework insulation with associated residues and insulating board (AIB). In all, 12 controlled removal enclosures were set up to ensure that the removals were kept to manageable sizes: all these included leak testing and personal monitoring tests for the duration. On completion of each enclosure a four stage clearance was carried out to ensure that the area was suitable for reoccupation, before moving onto the next. Some of the materials were removed using a method known as ‘quilling’, whereby high pressure water is used to remove imbedded and difficult to clean residues. In such circumstances, conventional air monitoring and analysis techniques using phase contrast microscopy are not viable due to water being present on the sample filters. In order to overcome this, we used Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and were able to demonstrate that the airborne asbestos fibre levels were being safely controlled. We were visited twice by an officer from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to check the facilities and working conditions of both removals and analytical procedures. The HSE were happy with their findings. The project ran from 18th April 2016 to 13th June 2016 and was completed on time. Click here to find out more about the work we do with the healthcare sector. “Franks Portlock provided first class management and control of the project and excellent communication throughout.” – Colin Trail, Health and Safety Advisor at QE Facilities Related Case Studies [PAGE] Title: Asbestos Management Surveys - Franks Portlock Content: Asbestos Management Surveys Our team of asbestos consultants are experts in asbestos surveys of all types, including asbestos management surveys. Speak to a Specialist We offer asbestos surveys of all types and are accredited by UKAS to ISO17020 so you can be confident in the level of service we provide, through strict adherence to controls and guidelines. All surveys require sampling to allow us to verify the asbestos content of a suspect material using one of our regional laboratories. Management surveys are strongly recommended in buildings built prior to 2001 or where no architectural information as to the use of asbestos-containing materials is available. What is an asbestos management survey? “A management survey is the standard survey. Its purpose is to locate, as far as reasonably practicable, the presence and extent of any suspect ACMs in the building which could be damaged or disturbed during normal occupancy, including foreseeable maintenance and installation, and to assess their condition.” — HSG 264, HSE Without architectural information about asbestos use, an asbestos management survey forms the bedrock of an asbestos management system. They are used to identify asbestos in premises and, if asbestos is located, establish a material assessment score that is used to go on and create a priority risk assessment (you can find out more information on our asbestos consultancy page . Management surveys are non-destructive, in that only minor (and discreet) disturbance of the building fabric occurs, normally to check beneath surface coatings (paint or wall coverings) or from sampling suspect materials. They are not therefore designed to locate asbestos hidden behind surface materials and a more intrusive survey will be required for that. Providing they can be returned undamaged, the surveyor will check behind items such as service panels or suspended ceiling tiles as it may be reasonably expected for the building occupants to do likewise during their use of the building. All locations within a building should be accessed, including roof and floor voids where safe to do so. If you need an asbestos management survey, please get in touch by leaving us a message and one of our team will get back to you shortly. [PAGE] Title: About Us | Asbestos & Water Hygiene Services - Franks Portlock Content: UKATA Asbestos Awareness Training Clearance certification We are an accredited testing and inspection body and hold ISO/ IEC 17025 and 17020 accreditations for asbestos surveying, sampling, bulk sampling analyses, air sampling/ fibre counting and four stage clearance testing. Water Hygiene Services As a leading environmental management consultancy, we offer a range of water hygiene services to help you manage the risks associated with Legionella. Our quality systems ensure that documentation is accurate and punctual and our team of experts are available to support you 365 days a year, 24 hours a day – providing a flexible service to meet the requirements of your business. Our water hygiene services include: Water hygiene management and advice Legionella risk assessment and control measures Hot and cold water monitoring and inspection Cleaning and disinfection services Training (individual and group) Installation, refurbishment, servicing, design and supply of plant and equipment We offer our services to a wide range of organisations across different sectors and we can tailor our services to meet your specific needs – whether you are a large organisation with multiple sites, or you are operating smaller buildings or facilities. Franks Portlock is a certified member of the Legionella Control Association (LCA). We are regularly audited and assessed by them for compliance with their Code of Conduct for Service Providers and the Service Standards for the Legionella control services for which we are registered, which you can view here . Our membership in the LCA and our compliance with the Code and Service Standards means that we are well-placed to assist our clients in controlling the Legionella risk associated with their water systems. View our LCA member profile here . Our Approach We act in an ethical and responsible way with regard to our work, the environment, and our people. Find out more about our Corporate Social Responsibility work here . We have held an environmental management system certified to BS EN 14001 through the British Assessment Bureau since 2014 and in that time, we have seen a significant reduction in CO2 and waste and are committed to continually improving this. We also have a certified management system complying with ISO 45001 for occupational health and safety. We pride ourselves on the capabilities and expertise of our award-winning and industry-accredited team and the professional, personal and flexible service they provide our clients. A selection of our accreditations, certifications and memberships: We are UKAS accredited for asbestos testing and inspection services. Certified by the British Assessment Bureau for Environmental and Health and Safety quality systems. We’re also registered with the LCA and for a wide range of water hygiene services. Asbestos awareness training is certified though UKATA. Franks Portlock are also members of ATaC and NORAC; two trade bodies within the asbestos consultancy profession. INTERESTED IN OUR SERVICES? GET IN TOUCH [PAGE] Title: Water Hygiene Services & Consultancy - Franks Portlock Content: A leading environmental management consultancy, Franks Portlock provides a range of water hygiene and treatment services. Our Water Hygiene Services Our water hygiene services help maintain safe water systems within any premises you own or occupy, in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, enabling you to be fully compliant with the requirements of HSE’s L8 ACOP. [PAGE] Title: Legionella Management and Monitoring Services - Franks Portlock Content: Water Hygiene Management and Monitoring Water Hygiene Management and Monitoring We offer legionella management and monitoring control schemes, to ensure you are fully compliant with the latest HSE guidance. Speak to a Specialist Managing the Control of Legionella The control of Legionella can be challenging at the beginning, but help is always available.  Make sure you choose your specialist contractor wisely, use the LCA directory to see if the contractor is registered with the LCA and also registered to undertake the task you require. Franks Portlock has the expertise and experience to advise you in all aspects below, to ensure you are fully compliant with the current legislation and guidelines. Legionella Monitoring to meet HSE Guidelines Once you have your Legionella Risk Assessment completed, and signed off all the actions recommended within it, you now must monitor and maintain your water systems to ensure the remedial works you have carried out remain effective. The HSE provides excellent documentation on monitoring legionella bacteria in hot and cold-water systems. This is the basis for any legionella control scheme, and we will recommend the contents as a minimum. A legionella control scheme will typically include the following: A Legionella Risk Assessment. The specific role of an appointed competent person is known as the ‘responsible person’. The control schemes. Review of control measures. Duties and responsibilities of those involved in the supply of water systems. Franks Portlock can assist you with all the above, including the design and implementation of a control scheme in line with the current guidelines produced by the HSE. FAQs WHAT IS A LEGIONELLA WRITTEN SCHEME? If your assessment has shown that there is a reasonably foreseeable risk of exposure to legionella bacteria, there needs to be a written scheme in place to control that risk. A Legionella written scheme of control is a comprehensive risk management document, identifying the necessary measures needed to control the risks from exposure to Legionella bacteria. The written scheme is separate from the legionella risk assessment and is a legal requirement identified by the Health & Safety Executive in their Approved Code of Practice and guidance ACOP L8:2013 (fourth edition) “Legionnaires’ disease. The control of legionella bacteria in water systems”. The written scheme must include an up-to-date plan of the system, instructions for the operation of the system, precautions to be taken to control the risk of exposure to legionella bacteria and details of the checks that are to be carried out (and their frequency) to ensure that the scheme is effective. HOW DO YOU CONTROL LEGIONELLA IN WATER? Temperature is the easiest and cheapest method of controlling the bacteria and temperature profiling is still, in most cases, the chosen method of control. Temperature is a proven form of control; however, it does come with its own issues, normally with storing the hot water at 60ׄ°C and distributing at >50°C. WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MONITORING THE RISK OF LEGIONELLA? If the risk assessment shows that there is a reasonably foreseeable risk and it is reasonably practicable to prevent exposure or control the risk from exposure, the duty holder should appoint a competent person or persons to help undertake the measures needed to comply with the requirements in COSHH. The appointed competent person or persons should have sufficient authority, competence and knowledge of the installation to ensure that all operational procedures are carried out in a timely and effective manner. HOW DO I MEET LEGIONELLA COMPLIANCE? Legionella Risk Assessment: The first step to meeting Legionella compliance is to undertake a full Legionella risk assessment. This risk assessment will identify any potential risk from Legionella that derives from your water system. Legionella Remedial Works:  Your next step is once the risk assessment has been carried out, and the risks have been identified, they must be removed or at the very least – managed in order to go forward with the project. This would be classed as carrying out Legionella remedial works. Legionella Monitoring: You must control and manage the ongoing risk of Legionella exposure to your employees and visitors from your water system by carrying out consistent Legionella monitoring to ensure that your water system continues to be safe. [PAGE] Title: Case Studies - Franks Portlock Content: Case Studies Case Studies We have the technical capabilities and expertise to undertake projects of any scale whether large or small. To find out more about the work we have delivered read our case studies. We help organisations across a range of sectors, from the marine and nuclear industries to healthcare, residential and retail – both on a regional and national level. And we work with organisations of many sizes, from those operating smaller buildings and facilities to those with multiple sites across the UK. INTERESTED IN OUR SERVICES? GET IN TOUCH [PAGE] Title: Join The Team - Franks Portlock Content: Careers JOIN THE TEAM Franks Portlock is a UKAS accredited, leading asbestos consultancy company, specialising in asbestos and water hygiene consultancy. We have a decade of experience in asbestos surveying, sample analysis, air testing, four stage clearance testing, and have expanded rapidly over the past few years. To sustain growth, we are looking to obtain an Asbestos Surveyor/Analyst to work at our Sunderland office. We are an equal opportunities employer and welcome all applications. Regional Manager [PAGE] Title: Asbestos Surveys | Asbestos Consultancy - Franks Portlock Content: WHAT WILL AN ASBESTOS SURVEY TELL ME? Your asbestos survey will help to manage asbestos in the premises. An asbestos survey will tell you: The location and extent of any asbestos present in your premises, or those deemed to be your place of work. The types of asbestos containing material present, including which of the six regulated forms of asbestos were found. The condition of the asbestos containing material and it’s surface treatment (management surveys). Together with the product type, these form a ‘material assessment’ score signifying the relative risk they might pose to occupants. A basic recommendation for further action. DO YOU NEED AN ASBESTOS SURVEY? Whilst asbestos has been banned in the UK since 2000, asbestos materials were widely used in previous years. If your premises was built before the year 2000, it is very possible that asbestos is present. The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 are clear that there is a duty to manage asbestos in non-domestic buildings (regulation 4) and so unless you have records proving that asbestos was not used in the construction of the premises (or installed since), you’ll need to establish if it is present. The most effective way of doing so is by engaging with a UKAS accredited surveying company such as Franks Portlock. WHAT ARE MY RESPONSIBILITIES? The control of asbestos regulation makes it clear that the duty to manage asbestos in non-domestic premises falls to the owner or any person, or organisation, that has direct responsibility for its maintenance and repair – by a lease agreement for example. The duty holder must ensure, ultimately, that asbestos fibres are not made airbourne by general occupancy or works within the premises through careful management, risk assessment, planning, communication and training. We appreciate that this may be daunting and we have the expertise to help you through the whole process, which begins by assessing the site through an asbestos survey. Useful reading: [PAGE] Title: Near-Source and Far-Source Static Sampling - Franks Portlock Content: Speak to a Specialist Near-Source Static Sampling (NSSS) and Far-Source Static Sampling (FSSS) are performed in the same way as background and reassurance air samples but are essentially used to monitor ongoing conditions and works. For example, they may use NSSS for non-licensed/notifiable non-licensed works to monitor any fibre release resulting from those activities. They can also be used in the event of an accidental fibre release caused by damage to asbestos-containing materials. Work with asbestos-contaminated soils is also becoming more prevalent as land is being reused after a legacy of asbestos use in the built environment and NSSS is an important tool in assessing fibre release from these activities. FSSS is used to assess the wider potential impact of an activity and is samples situated around the perimeter of a site to assess the impact on other site workers, members of the public or businesses and households that border it. Again, it’s often prudent and more effective to position the samples strategically in order to assess those that are likely to be affected, particularly if located downwind of the works. The usefulness of such tests can vary depending on environmental conditions – precipitation and strong winds in particular – but can form an important part of a site risk assessment and management strategy when dealing with asbestos. Franks Portlock has more than a decade of experience in offering comprehensive asbestos services. To speak to one of our team, please call 0191 419 3116 or leave us a message today . [PAGE] Title: Four Stage Asbestos Clearance Certification - Franks Portlock Content: Asbestos Clearance Certification Asbestos Clearance Certification We provide asbestos clearance certification in the form of four-stage clearance as outlined by the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and HSG248. Speak to a Specialist 4 Stage Asbestos Clearance A clearance is required following the completion of licensed asbestos removal. Certain types of asbestos material are inherently more friable and subject to tighter controls but at Franks Portlock, we can work alongside you and support you through the decision-making process. Asbestos is only dangerous where it becomes airborne as respirable fibres and as such control measures used to remediate or remove asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) should reflect the relative ease by which these fibres could be released. Removal by its nature is extremely disruptive and more friable materials such as insulating board, thermal insulation and sprayed coating require fully controlled conditions. We appreciate that asbestos removal and remediation works can be confusing and intrusive, so we aim to work alongside you throughout the decision-making process to ensure you remain safe and compliant. We can even help draft specifications and source Licensed Asbestos Removal Contractors. A certificate of reoccupation is required before anybody can safely enter an area subject to licensed asbestos work without PPE and full decontamination procedures and this certificate can only be issued once four distinct stages of assessment are complete. Franks Portlock would always recommend the services of an analytical company independent of the removal contractors. The four stages clearance process are summarised below: 1. Preliminary check of site condition Our analyst will establish the scope of work and ascertain whether it has been carried out accordingly. They will also check the site files to ensure all associated information is present and up to date. Once complete they will then conduct a visual assessment of the site to check that the removal enclosure is intact, that the site decontamination unit is operational and the work area, transit and waste routes are free from unnecessary clutter and any obvious contamination that has arisen as a result of the removal work. Once we are happy these conditions are met and we can begin an inspection of the work enclosure we sign off and move on to stage two. 2. A thorough visual inspection of the enclosure/ work area Initially, the analyst will inspect the removal area to check for any residual material or fallen debris, but all areas of the enclosure, including the airlocks and bag locks, are debris and dust-free. Microscopic asbestos contamination is easily spread within the enclosure during the removal process so it is important to inspect all surfaces within the work area to ensure they have been suitably cleaned. Once deemed clean to a suitable standard, the analyst can move on to stage three, otherwise, the licensed contractor may be required to continue cleaning. 3. Air monitoring for residual asbestos fibres Testing and analysis for asbestos fibres (including asbestiform fibres that fit the respirable criteria) are then carried out. The work enclosure is brushed at the start of the sample run to disturb any unseen fine-settled dust that is likely to contain asbestos fibres. Such dust could give rise to high levels of exposure during the dismantling of the enclosure or subsequent cleaning/maintenance activities in the work area. Samples are collected on filters which are removed from the enclosure and counted on-site using PCM (Phase Contrast Microscopy). Should the air tests be assessed as suitably clean, stage 3 can be signed or ready for the dismantling of the removal enclosure. 4. Final assessment after removal of the asbestos in the enclosure/ work area This is a ‘backstop’ to check for any materials released as the enclosure is taken down. It’s possible they were trapped within the folds of the enclosure material for example. The analyst will check the more general work for any residual problems, including a revisit of the transit and waste routes. Minor issues can normally be cleaned easily before the fourth stage is completed, but in extreme (and very rare) cases, the enclosure may need to be reinstated and the work will need to be redone. Once all four stages are complete, and only after the fourth stage is signed off, a certificate of reoccupation is issued. Note that further testing works associated with asbestos removal may be required and we can assist you with leak testing, personal sampling and pre-start background tests. For more information on our asbestos awareness training, please contact us . [PAGE] Title: Asbestos Background Air Testing - Franks Portlock Content: Asbestos Background Air Testing Asbestos Background Air Testing Our asbestos consultants can help you with the air testing requirements you might have for any project, including background testing. Speak to a Specialist Background asbestos air testing is a useful tool prior to asbestos removal or remediation works. They establish a baseline from which later reassurance or near-source static sampling can be compared. It can highlight pre-existing elevated levels of asbestos fibres or other similar asbestiform materials that are countable under the WHO (World Health Organisation) counting rules and also indicate that the current site conditions will provide difficulties in obtaining a meaningful count later on. Dust and fumes in particular generated from other site works or neighbouring actives can ‘occlude’ sample filters, rendering them uncountable on site using PCM (Phase Contrast Microscopy). This will allow us to investigate and control those variables, or employ alternative analytical techniques. SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) for example will allow fibre discrimination to distinguish asbestos fibres from morphologically similar material and will cope with filters occluded by dust or fumes. Background air tests can help save time and effort later on when asbestos is being remediated, particularly on building sites where refurbishments elsewhere are generating large amounts of dust or interfering fibres (mainly the use of man-made mineral fibre material, such as Rockwool insulation). Franks Portlock has more than a decade’s experience in offering comprehensive asbestos services, including background air testing. To speak to one of our team, please call 0191 419 3116 or contact us . [PAGE] Title: Lynemouth Power Station - Franks Portlock Content: Lynemouth Power Station Lynemouth Power Station We have been Lynemouth Power Station’s asbestos consultant since 2010, at which time we were initially hired to carry out re-inspection works to help their compliance in accordance with the Control of Asbestos Regulations. During this time, we also worked on their programme of converting from coal to biomass generation, which would enable the site to generate safe and sustainable energy for the UK national grid. Working with Kaefer Ltd, the project consisted primarily of asbestos refurbishment and demolition surveys for three boiler units and associated infrastructures to be completed before the conversion could take place. We also conducted a programme of air monitoring where needed to support contracting operatives risk assessments. We provide close and dedicated support throughout all our projects and to ensure a consistent approach to planning and communication, a dedicated project manager was assigned for the duration of the works. They provided a single point of contact for all stakeholders and were responsible for resolving issues that may cause delays to the implementation of surveying or analytical requirements. Additionally, our regional manager provided senior level support, attending weekly planning meetings when significant changes occurred and monthly review meetings. Most recently we have been working with Lynemouth Power Station and Mark One Consultants to move its historical asset and asbestos data to TEAMS (The Electronic Asbestos Management System) database. This will allow us to create an asbestos management plan for the future, as well as creating an online, paperless system. We are pleased to be supporting Lynemouth Power Station in this and future works. Click here to find out more about the work we do in the industrial sector. Related Case Studies [PAGE] Title: Housing Sector | Asbestos Consultancy - Franks Portlock Content: Housing Housing Residential properties may still contain traces of asbestos – it’s important you contact us if you are considering any refurbishment work on your home. Despite all types of asbestos being banned in 1999, some residential buildings may still contain lower risk materials such as textured coatings or vinyl floor tiles; or high risk materials such as asbestos cement and even insulating board in older properties. It is therefore important that you contact us if you are considering carrying out any refurbishment work on your home which may disturb any asbestos risk materials. We also work with architects at the planning stage to help things go smoothly and safely once work is underway. Franks Portlock will support you throughout the full process and provide a personal and flexible service to ensure we are carrying out work at a convenient time for you. We can deliver the full range of asbestos services including: [PAGE] Title: Sitemap - Franks Portlock Content: Head Office/NE England Office: Unit 2b Hylton Park Sunderland Tyne and Wear SR5 3HD HELPFUL LINKS [PAGE] Title: Legionella Risk Assessment Services - Franks Portlock Content: Legionella Risk Assessment Legionella Risk Assessment Franks Portlock provides a comprehensive Legionella Risk Assessment that aims to reduce the risk from Legionella and other waterborne bacteria. Speak to a Specialist LCA Certified Risk Assessment Our membership of the LCA and our compliance with the Code and Service Standards means that we are well placed to assist our clients in carrying out Legionella Risk Assessments, Remedial Works and Monitoring. What is a Legionella Risk Assessment? A Legionella Risk Assessment is the source of information when implementing an Action Plan to address the control measures of Legionella within the premises. The risk assessment should be conducted by a trained and competent person and involve the building manager (or someone who knows the building), who should provide site information on how the building is used and occupied. Once complete, the Risk Assessment should be formally handed over to the Client and the contents clearly explained and discussed. This should form the basis of an Action Plan to address any areas of concern. All of our Legionella risk assessments are completed by City and Guilds qualified, competent and experienced professionals, in accordance with ACOP L8 (4th addition), HSG 274 and British Standard BS 8580. FAQs WHAT IS LEGIONELLA? Legionnaires’ disease is a potentially fatal form of pneumonia caused by exposure to legionella bacteria found in small water droplets. All man-made hot and cold water systems are likely to provide an environment where Legionella can grow. Where conditions are favourable then the bacteria may multiply thus increasing the risk of exposure. WHAT WILL A LEGIONELLA RISK ASSESSMENT TELL ME? A Legionella Risk Assessment should have an executive summary of all the recommendations and control measures, ranked in order of priority. One very common ranking system is Very High, High, Medium and Low, Very Low, using traffic light colours to easily identify the risk rating – red for high, amber for medium and green for low. Each Risk should be addressed in order of priority and closed off with documented evidence of each risk, what was done, by whom and when. DO I NEED A LEGIONELLA RISK ASSESSMENT? Yes. If you are a landlord or responsible for upkeep and maintenance of the premises, you are under a legal obligation to carry out a Legionella Risk Assessment, if your business has five or more employees, you must keep a record of the assessment. Most building managers are aware of the requirements of undertaking a Legionella Risk Assessment but are unaware that this is the very first step, of many, in being compliant. HOW DO I MEET LEGIONELLA COMPLIANCE? Legionella Risk Assessment: The first step to meeting Legionella compliance is to undertake a full Legionella risk assessment. This risk assessment will identify any potential risk from Legionella that derives from your water system. Legionella Remedial Works:  Your next step is once the risk assessment has been carried out, and the risks have been identified, they must be removed or at the very least – managed in order to go forward with the project. This would be classed as carrying out Legionella remedial works. Legionella Monitoring: You must control and manage the ongoing risk of Legionella exposure to your employees and visitors from your water system by carrying out consistent Legionella monitoring to ensure that your water system continues to be safe. [PAGE] Title: News - Franks Portlock Content: Keep up-to-date with the latest industry and company news. INTERESTED IN OUR SERVICES? GET IN TOUCH [PAGE] Title: Asbestos Pre-Refurbishment Surveys - Franks Portlock Content: A refurbishment asbestos survey is normally required as the information gained during a management survey is unlikely to be sufficient for such works. What is an asbestos pre-refurbishment asbestos survey? The surveys are normally required prior to commencing building refurbishment work. As refurbishments normally involve significant disturbance or demolition of the building fabric, a greater level of intrusive inspection is required. In order to do this, some damage is inevitable during the survey process and careful planning is required to ensure that all affected areas are included and premises are vacated and safe to work in. An essential part of this planning is an up-to-date scope of work to make sure that the areas involved and only those involved are subject to intrusive inspection. Where occupants need to return before the refurbishment commences, thoughts should be given to ‘making good’ any damage caused. Depending on the findings, the use of an asbestos removal contractor may be required to facilitate an inspection behind existing asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) as they may hide further ACMs behind. The objective, therefore, is to catalogue all asbestos within the affected area and quantify it, whether this is to form the basis of an asbestos removal programme, to amend the refurbishment specification, or a mixture of both. Franks Portlock consultants would be happy to assist you in this regard. To speak to one of our experts, please call 0191 419 3116 or click here to leave us a message. [PAGE] Title: Asbestos Re-Inspection Surveys - Franks Portlock Content: Speak to a Specialist Asbestos re-inspection surveys are a critical part of an effective asbestos management plan, as laid out in Regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 Asbestos-containing materials located as part of a management survey are subject to a priority risk assessment which combines their physical properties (known as a material assessment) and their potential to harm building occupants. It is important therefore that the material assessment is kept up to date through regularly inspecting known ACMs to ensure their condition hasn’t deteriorated to the extent they now pose a risk. Typically, these reinspections are carried out annually, but a shorter interval may be appropriate for higher-risk materials in frequently accessed areas. We can work with your own asbestos management database, or provide a data transfer/population service of existing survey information as required. Please get in touch and one of our specialists would be happy to discuss your requirements. [PAGE] Title: UKATA Certified Asbestos Awareness Training - Franks Portlock Content: Asbestos Awareness Training Asbestos Awareness Training The HSE state that anyone, employed or self employed, who might be liable to disturb asbestos in the course of their work should receive suitable training to ensure they can work safely and without risk to themselves and others. Speak to a Specialist Asbestos awareness training is for anyone who might possibly disturb asbestos during the course of their work. It is intended to give the candidate a level of knowledge about asbestos but does not enable them to work with asbestos for which further training is required. Asbestos awareness training briefly comprises: The properties of asbestos and it’s historical context Health effects and epidemiology Typical asbestos containing materials and their uses in building and plant Emergency procedures and dealing with accidental damage How to avoid the risks from asbestos We are UKATA certified for our asbestos awareness training and each candidate will sit a short exam comprising multiple choice questions, after which they will receive a certificate should they answer them correctly. Further information can be found on the HSE’s website . [PAGE] Title: Asbestos Pre-Demolition Surveys - Franks Portlock Content: Speak to a Specialist Although similar in nature to refurbishment asbestos surveys , demolition asbestos surveys are fully intrusive and will require access back to the shell of the building throughout. The location, condition and extent of all asbestos within the premises should be recorded, as far as safely and reasonably practical to do so. However, given the inherent dangers sometimes encountered, specialist access equipment or contractors may be required to facilitate the inspection. Due to the extent of the intrusive inspection required, the premises must have been fully vacated before our surveyors embark on the site. The objective of this type of survey is to provide the location and quality of asbestos-containing materials for the basis of a removal specification. Franks Portlock consultants would be more than happy to assist you with this. If you need an asbestos pre-demolition survey, please get in touch by leaving us a message and one of our team will get back to you shortly. [PAGE] Title: Asbestos Reassurance Air Testing - Franks Portlock Content: Asbestos Reassurance Air Testing Asbestos Reassurance Air Testing Our asbestos consultants can help you with the air testing requirements you might have for any project, including asbestos reassurance air testing. Speak to a Specialist Reassurance air testing can be undertaken for a number of reasons but as the name implies, it is normally employed to evidence that areas are safe to occupy after planned works, where this is expected to be the case. After planned non-licensed or notifiable non-licensed asbestos works to prove that any residual fibres are below clearance indicator levels as they should be. Following the completion of the fourth stage of a four-stage asbestos clearance process, once the removal enclosure has been dismantled. These air tests tend to be strategically placed to represent a worst-case scenario and reflect the potential exposure to those using your premises. Normally, results are reported to the clearance indicator level of <0.01 f/cm3 air, the limit of quantification for the test using PCM (Phase Contrast Microscopy), however lower limits of detection are available and we can arrange Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analysis when needed. SEM is also recommended where high levels of other contaminants, primarily dust or fumes, render analysis difficult. Franks Portlock can carry out reassurance testing on your behalf to enable your peace of mind following any asbestos works. If you’d like to discuss any of our air testing services, including reassurance air testing, please contact us or call 0191 419 3116 to speak to one of our experts. [PAGE] Title: Asbestos Personal Air Sampling - Franks Portlock Content: Asbestos Personal Air Sampling Asbestos Personal Air Sampling Our asbestos consultants can help you with the air testing requirements you might have for any project, including personal air sampling. An important test for those working with asbestos is personal air samples taken using wearable air samplers with the head of the sample located on the shoulder in the operatives’ breathing zone. These tests are used to check a number of criteria (HSG248): Establish that the Control Limit is not liable to be exceeded Check the effectiveness of control measures to ensure exposure is reduced to as low as is reasonably practicable for workers Select or confirm that the RPE in use is capable of providing the appropriate degree of protection Ascertain whether the exposure is sporadic and low intensity and whether the short-term limit has not been exceeded Provide medical surveillance records Support current and future risk assessments Franks Portlock can support you whatever the requirement and will provide a written report collating important observations about the work area and opinions on the effectiveness of control methods. An on-site result is normally provided using PCM (Phase Contrast Microscopy) but SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) can also be employed to enable fibre discrimination and great levels of detection in dusty environments where required. If you’d like to discuss any of our air testing services, including reassurance air testing, please contact us or call 0191 419 3116 to speak to one of our experts. [PAGE] Title: Contact - Franks Portlock Content: Contact Please Get in Touch If you’re interested in any of our services, please feel free to contact us. You can get in touch by either calling us at one of our offices listed at our locations page, or by filling out our enquiry form. Please leave this field empty. Our Locations [PAGE] Title: Retail and Leisure Sector | Asbestos Consultancy - Franks Portlock Content: Retail and Leisure We have a wide range of expertise in dealing with commercial and retail properties. We work with businesses to ensure that you are compliant with the control of asbestos regulations and your staff, customers and visitors are safe from the dangers of damaged asbestos. Our flexible and attentive service means we can work around the time constraints associated with operational retail and commercial properties and we provide a discreet and professional service, ensuring disruption is kept to a minimum. For our retail clients, we can deliver the full range of asbestos services including: [PAGE] Title: Legionella Remedial Works | LCA Members - Franks Portlock Content: Water Hygiene Remedial Works Water Hygiene Remedial Works Franks Portlock provides comprehensive Remedial Works that aim to reduce the risk from Legionella and other waterborne bacteria. Speak to a Specialist Accredited Legionella Control We are members of the Legionella Control Association and accredited to the highest standard in everything we do, so you can trust Franks Portlock to provide you with the expertise you need to manage your risk in the most cost-effective way. The engineers are also WRAS-approved for RPZ valve testing and TMV servicing. Once the risk assessment has been carried out, and the risks have been identified, they must be removed or at the very least, reduced to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP). Each action raised within the risk assessment must be signed off to complete the risk assessment itself. This would be classed as carrying out Legionella remedial works. The list below are examples of remedial actions that may be highlighted within a Legionella Risk Assessment that can be undertaken by Franks Portlock: Blind end / Dead leg removal (redundant pipework) or other unwanted water services Cold water storage tank (CWST) clean and disinfection CWST relining (WRAS approved) CWST replacement – GRP, plastic, sectional steel & galvanised CWST upgrade to ensure compliance with current water regulations Installing, repairing or replacing water heaters and calorifiers Installation of flow-through expansion vessels Installation of low-volume water heaters (above and below the sink) Installation or replacement of pipework, stopcocks, isolation valves, double-check valves etc. Installation or replacement of shower pumps/water pumps Installing/replacing ball valves (including delayed Action) Insulation of vessels / CWST & pipework, including BS pipe identification labelling Main’s injection disinfection Reconfiguration of pipework within a cold-water storage tank (improved flow pattern) Reservoir fogging/disinfection RPZ valve installation and testing Thermostatic mixing valve servicing and installation The work is normally discussed with your service provider, to obtain the best possible solution to rectify the issue. This is where Franks Portlock can use its years of experience in assisting the client with the best, most cost-effective solution. FAQs WHY DO I NEED LEGIONELLA REMEDIAL WORK? Anything identified during a Legionella Risk Assessment, annual audit or a routine inspection, that does not meet the required standards or guidelines, will be highlighted within an exception report. These exceptions will need to be addressed within a specified time frame. The urgency of each item will be ranked within the reports, to assist in the prioritisation of the works. HOW LONG WILL THE LEGIONELLA REMEDIAL WORKS TAKE? From the outset, our engineers will ensure that the legionella remedial works are carried out with minimal disruption to your business. Factors such as easy access to rooms and buildings will contribute to time spent on site, along with the amount of work that is required. If you’re after an estimated time frame contact our team to discuss! WHAT DO I DO AFTER THE LEGIONELLA REMEDIAL WORKS? Remedial works are usually identified as part of the recommendations within a Legionella Risk Assessment and must be completed to close the risk assessment off. Each remedial action will be undertaken to reduce the risk of Legionella proliferation to as low as reasonably practical (ALARP). Once the remedial actions have been completed the system must be regularly monitored to ensure the remedial measures put in place remain effective. Guidance for the monitoring can be found in the HSE guidance document HSG274 parts 1,2 & 3. [PAGE] Title: Asbestos Management | Water Hygiene Services - Franks Portlock Content: Connect via Social ASBESTOS & WATER HYGIENE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANCY Franks Portlock is a leading environmental consultancy offering a range of asbestos and water hygiene management and consultancy services. Get In Touch WE ARE FRANKS PORTLOCK Founded in 2006, we have more than a decade of award-winning national industry experience and combine proven consultancy expertise with a personal and friendly service. We will support you throughout every process, finding the most effective solution and ensuring safety is a paramount importance. About Us WE OFFER A WIDE RANGE OF SERVICES At Franks Portlock, we have wealth of experience in helping organisations manage workplace and environmental risk in order to comply with UK safety regulations. We have the technical capabilities and expertise to undertake projects of any scale whether large or small. [PAGE] Title: The Different Sectors We Specialise In - Franks Portlock Content: Read More We help organisations across a range of sectors, from the marine and nuclear industries to healthcare, residential and retail – both on a regional and national level. And we work with organisations of many sizes, from those operating smaller buildings and facilities to those with multiple sites across the UK. Read our case studies below to find out more or click on the services above for further information on our full range of asbestos services. INTERESTED IN OUR SERVICES? GET IN TOUCH [PAGE] Title: Our Locations - Franks Portlock Content: Head Office/NE England Office: Unit 2b Hylton Park Sunderland Tyne and Wear SR5 3HD HELPFUL LINKS [PAGE] Title: Auckland Castle - Franks Portlock Content: Auckland Castle Auckland Castle We were instructed by our client Armstrong Environmental who had been employed by Auckland Castle to project manage the removal of all identified asbestos containing materials within the Queens Head & Postchaise hotels. We project managed the site, arranging on-site facilities such as welfare facilities, waste skips and sectioning off the public areas to create a safe working environment. We were also responsible for helping compile the removal specification and selecting an appropriate, reputable, licensed contractor to carry out the work. A wide range of material types were removed from the sites including non–licensed materials such as asbestos containing floor tiles, asbestos containing textured coating to both walls and ceiling surfaces and cement debris. We conducted continuous air monitoring which included personal air monitoring: this is attached to the removal contractor during works to monitor the asbestos airborne fibre concentration levels to ensure the control methods being used were sufficient for the works being carried out. We also ran background air monitoring to monitor the concentration levels outside the working environment to ensure the safety of other people, and reassurance air monitoring within the work area post completion of works to ensure safe reoccupation. A number of licensed materials containing asbestos were also removed during the project, ranging from fire doors containing asbestos insulation board panels, board walls, board beam cladding and an area which was contaminated with asbestos insulation board debris. The HSE had to be notified about these areas due to the materials being classed as licensed materials, meaning anyone required to remove or work with these materials needed to hold a current up-to-date asbestos removal license. The notification period lasts 14 days so no works can be done within this period. All areas requiring notification to the HSE were notified 3 weeks prior to the project commencing. The project ran to timescale and was completed 3 days earlier than expected, starting Monday 3 October 2016 and finishing on Friday 28 October 2016. Following this project, we are proud to now work with Armstrong Environmental on an ongoing basis. Click here to find out more about the work we do with the retail sector. Related Case Studies [PAGE] Title: Asbestos Sample Testing | Lab Testing Services - Franks Portlock Content: Asbestos Sample Testing Asbestos Sample Testing We have four internal bulk analysis laboratories throughout the UK to test samples generated during our own surveys, as well as those handed in by our clients. Speak to a Specialist Asbestos Lab Testing and Analysis In addition to the standard service, we also offer premium 4 hours and 24-hour turnaround and, subject to availability, a ‘while you wait’ facility. It is not advisable for anyone to sample suspect asbestos material unless trained and equipped to do so. Franks Portlock can safely and discreetly carry out any sampling for you. Franks Portlock’s methodology is fully compliant with the asbestos Health and Safety Guidelines (HSG) 248 and is accredited under ISO/IEC 17025 by UKAS. We use a combination of low-power stereo and polarised light microscopy (PLM) to provide identification of the six regulated asbestos types: Chrysotile [PAGE] Title: Industrial Sector | Asbestos Consultancy - Franks Portlock Content: Industrial We appreciate the scale and complexity of industrial premises. Often, new materials have been placed alongside older legacy equipment, meaning surveying can be a challenging process. We have a wealth of experience in dealing with unique and hazardous industrial sites, which means we can help improve integrity and minimise operational and safety risk. We are a UKAS accredited organisation, with an ISO14001 accredited environmental management system. We have experience of working with businesses on a variety of scales – from those running small plants to organisations with multiple large sites. Our project managers will find a solution that works for you, whilst providing a high-quality service you can trust. We can deliver the full range of asbestos services including: [PAGE] Title: Asbestos Management | Water Hygiene Services - Franks Portlock Content: Head Office/NE England Office: Unit 2b Hylton Park Sunderland Tyne and Wear SR5 3HD HELPFUL LINKS
environmental services
Our understanding of this means we can support you through the whole process site wide and in all aspects of site operations including maintenance, site remediation and decommissioning, providing a full range of asbestos management, consultancy and testing services. Title: UKAS Accredited Asbestos Consultancy Services - Franks Portlock Content: Asbestos Consultancy We provide assistance for all areas of asbestos management and will support you through the whole process. Our project managers will work with you to ensure we find a solution that works best for your organisation. Title: Asbestos Management Surveys - Franks Portlock Content: Asbestos Management Surveys Our team of asbestos consultants are experts in asbestos surveys of all types, including asbestos management surveys. They are used to identify asbestos in premises and, if asbestos is located, establish a material assessment score that is used to go on and create a priority risk assessment (you can find out more information on our asbestos consultancy page . Title: About Us | Asbestos & Water Hygiene Services - Franks Portlock Content: UKATA Asbestos Awareness Training Clearance certification We are an accredited testing and inspection body and hold ISO/ IEC 17025 and 17020 accreditations for asbestos surveying, sampling, bulk sampling analyses, air sampling/ fibre counting and four stage clearance testing. Our water hygiene services include: Water hygiene management and advice Legionella risk assessment and control measures Hot and cold water monitoring and inspection Cleaning and disinfection services Training (individual and group) Installation, refurbishment, servicing, design and supply of plant and equipment We offer our services to a wide range of organisations across different sectors and we can tailor our services to meet your specific needs – whether you are a large organisation with multiple sites, or you are operating smaller buildings or facilities. Our membership in the LCA and our compliance with the Code and Service Standards means that we are well-placed to assist our clients in controlling the Legionella risk associated with their water systems. Title: Water Hygiene Services & Consultancy - Franks Portlock Content: A leading environmental management consultancy, Franks Portlock provides a range of water hygiene and treatment services. Title: Legionella Management and Monitoring Services - Franks Portlock Content: Water Hygiene Management and Monitoring Water Hygiene Management and Monitoring We offer legionella management and monitoring control schemes, to ensure you are fully compliant with the latest HSE guidance. Legionella Monitoring to meet HSE Guidelines Once you have your Legionella Risk Assessment completed, and signed off all the actions recommended within it, you now must monitor and maintain your water systems to ensure the remedial works you have carried out remain effective. The control of legionella bacteria in water systems”. Speak to a Specialist Background asbestos air testing is a useful tool prior to asbestos removal or remediation works. It is therefore important that you contact us if you are considering carrying out any refurbishment work on your home which may disturb any asbestos risk materials. Franks Portlock will support you throughout the full process and provide a personal and flexible service to ensure we are carrying out work at a convenient time for you. Title: Legionella Risk Assessment Services - Franks Portlock Content: Legionella Risk Assessment Legionella Risk Assessment Franks Portlock provides a comprehensive Legionella Risk Assessment that aims to reduce the risk from Legionella and other waterborne bacteria. Speak to a Specialist LCA Certified Risk Assessment Our membership of the LCA and our compliance with the Code and Service Standards means that we are well placed to assist our clients in carrying out Legionella Risk Assessments, Remedial Works and Monitoring. Title: Asbestos Re-Inspection Surveys - Franks Portlock Content: Speak to a Specialist Asbestos re-inspection surveys are a critical part of an effective asbestos management plan, as laid out in Regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 Asbestos-containing materials located as part of a management survey are subject to a priority risk assessment which combines their physical properties (known as a material assessment) and their potential to harm building occupants. Speak to a Specialist Accredited Legionella Control We are members of the Legionella Control Association and accredited to the highest standard in everything we do, so you can trust Franks Portlock to provide you with the expertise you need to manage your risk in the most cost-effective way. Read our case studies below to find out more or click on the services above for further information on our full range of asbestos services.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Western Horse Tack or Equipment | EquestrianCollections Content: $49.99 Western horse tack or equipment for all types of Western riding. Western horse tack or equipment made with top quality leather and materials. We have a large selection of bridles, bits or hackamores. From pleasure riding to showing, you will find the saddle blankets or pads you need. Whether you're training or showing, check out our saddle accessories, bridle accessories or spurs and trowels. Trail riders will love our selection of trail and pack equipment. Western horse tack or equipment from popular brands like Professional's Choice, Weaver or Martin Saddlery at everyday great prices. All our Western horse tack or equipment comes with the Equestrian Collections 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. What is Western Horse Tack? At Equestrian Collections you'll find top quality Western horse tack for sale at prices you can afford. Tack refers to any accessory or piece of equipment used on horses. Tack can refer to English and Western bridles, reins, halters, bits, stirrups, saddles, breastplates, surcingles, harnesses and much more. Western Saddle Accessories We have an incredible amount of Western tack for sale that will delight the eye at the same time they repair, upgrade, or customize your saddle. Saddle covers will protect your saddle from pests, moisture, and dirt. Nylon or leather latigo straps are useful to connect the cinch to the saddle, and are located on the near side of your horse. We also have off billets to connect cinch to saddle, which are shorter and located on the off side of your horse. Check out the great prices we offer on horse tack and equipment from premier brands such as Weaver Leather, Thinline, and Martin Saddlery. Mounting Made Easier Look no further than the E-Z Mount Western for increased rider safety. This mount is easy to use, strong, can be used on every standard Western stirrup, and folds easily and stores in an accessible riding pouch. Select the E-Z Mount for mounting larger horses from the ground. Leather Latigo Straps Equestrian Collections is proud to offer a number of high quality latigo straps. Latigo straps are leather or nylon straps that are used on a Western saddle's saddletree to both secure and tighten the cinch. Choose a latigo strap with pre-drilled holes and coordinating ties, or a latigo strap without holes. Over and under latigo tie straps are also available. Saddle Covers And Seat Savers A soft and comfortable Thinline Western seat saver can provide a comfortable shock absorbing performance. Since the material comes into direct contact with a rider, the bond between horse and rider is strengthened. We have a broad range of Western tack for sale, including a variety of saddle covers . Keep dirt and dust off your saddle with an elastic edged nylon Western cover that boasts its own tote bag. Or how about a saddle cover including fender coverage? Two tone saddle covers for dressage are also an attractive, dust free option. Equestrian Collections has so much more to offer. Check out our Western pads, Western reins, Western dee snaffles, brow bands, cinches, and so much more! How To Care For Your Western Horse Tack Take care daily to wipe off horse tack and equipment with a clean towel or rag. Tack should be thoroughly cleaned before every entrance to the show ring. Each buckle should be unbuckled to wipe off any surface excess dirt, followed by using a damp cloth or sponge to work in a special leather soap. A small inexpensive tack sponge is perfect for this job. Next, wipe off all excess soap residue. Work in a leather oil or conditioner before the tack is completely dry. Avoid using too much oil or conditioner. Equestrian Collections offers a large selection of the most popular Western Tack & Equipment found online. Shoppers looking for the latest Western Saddle Accessories, Western Australian & Stock Saddles or Pack & Trail Equipment will be spoiled with choices! Make your next purchase on Equestrian Collections and always ride in style! My Account [PAGE] Title: Riding Gear for the Horse Rider | EquestrianCollections Content: $110.10 - $142.19 Rider gear for horse riding includes helmets and safety vests that are not made specifically for women, men or child riders. For your safety, Equestrian Collections only features riding helmets that are fully SEI, ASTM approved. Every riding helmets, from traditional velvet to brightly decorated schooling helmets, no matter the color or style, all our riding helmets are approved, so you never have to worry about making the right selection. Rider gear for horse riding is available from top brands like Troxel or Ovation. All our rider gear comes with the Equestrian Collections 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Equestrian Collections offers a large selection of the most popular Rider Riding Gear found online. Shoppers looking for the latest Boot Care, Riding Helmets & Accessories or Safety Vests will be spoiled with choices! Make your next purchase on Equestrian Collections and always ride in style! My Account [PAGE] Title: Horse - Horse Equipment - Horse Healthcare | EquestrianCollections Content: $268.00 Horse Equipment or Horse Health Care Everything for your horse or pony like horse equipment or horse health care at great prices. From horse halters to grooming supplies, we got you covered! Find top horse equipment brands like Hamilton, Ovation or Perris, or horse health care brands like Farnam, Rio Vista or Absorbine. All our horse equipment or horse health care products come with our Equestrian Collections 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Gifts for Horse Owners If you are looking for gifts for a horse owner, or if you are giving a gift to you your own horse, Equestrian Collections makes it easy for you.   Gifts like saddle pads, polo wraps, a new bridle or a nice selection of horse shampoo or conditioners are always welcome. For a real dream gift, of course a new saddle is a great combination gift for the rider as well as the horse!   Check out the Equestrian Collections' Gift Guide for lots more ideas for you to consider. Equestrian Collections offers a large selection of the most popular Horse Equipment found online. Shoppers looking for the latest horse toys, horse treats or horse blankets will be spoiled with choices! We offer a full range of the best Kensington Horse Blankets, Shires Horse Toys and Weaver Horse Supplies, all with our money-back satisfaction guarantee. Make your next purchase on Equestrian Collections and always ride in style! My Account [PAGE] Title: Men's Horse Riding Gear | EquestrianCollections Content: $344.95 Men's Horse Riding Gear Men's Riding Apparel, Riding Boots or Riding Gear from top brands like Pessoa, Horseware or Ovation. From men's riding breeches, riding jackets or riding shirts to men's riding boots or riding helmets, the Equestrian Collections men's department has it all! Men's Riding Collections at great prices on Equestrian Collections - Ride in Style! Equestrian Gifts for Men Equestrian Gift giving for the male rider is easy on Equestrian Collections.  For riders with a passion for their sport, any addition to their riding gear will make for a thoughtful gift.  Consider a pair of riding gloves, a beautiful stock pin, equestrian themed tie, or for a more extravagant gift like a pair of men's riding boots or a new show jacket or show shirt.  Check the Equestrian Collections Gift Guide for more ideas to help you with your gift giving. Equestrian Collections offers a large selection of the most popular Men's Apparel, Boots, and Accessories found online. Shoppers looking for the latest riding breeches, riding chaps, or riding gloves will be spoiled with choices! We offer a full range of the best TuffRider Riding Breeches, Ovation Riding Breeches and TechNiche Coats, all with our money-back satisfaction guarantee. Make your next purchase on Equestrian Collections and always ride in style! My Account [PAGE] Title: Horse Equipment - Horse Halters | EquestrianCollections Content: $24.00 Horse equipment includes all the necessary equipment for the daily handling as well as work of your horse including halters, lunging or training equipment, protective horse boots or grazing muzzles. Find all of the horse equipment you need to take care of your horse on daily basis. Horse equipment such as grazing muzzles, whips, or halters from top brands like Best Friend , Roma or Shires Equestrian. Find high quality horse equipment in the styles as well as colors you want from Equestrian Collections.  Check out our extensive range of English horse tack as well as horse blankets, sheets or coolers from all your favorite equestrian brands. Equestrian Collections offers a large selection of the most popular Horse Equipment found online. Shoppers looking for the latest Horse Halters, Horse Lead Ropes & Lead Lines or Bell Boots will be spoiled with choices! Make your next purchase on Equestrian Collections and always ride in style! My Account [PAGE] Title: Horse Wormers - Horse Dewormers | EquestrianCollections Content: Next Horse Dewormers or Horse Wormers as they are often called are essential for the health of your horse. Parasite control is an important part of horse care; internal parasites are inevitable because insects are often vectors of certain parasites and use horses as intermediate hosts. Horses are grazing animals and the areas they graze are most often contaminated with their own feces, feces of other horses and other wild animals. If internal parasites are not controlled, they can cause some serious health problems in the horse such as intestinal impactions or stomach ulcerations, among others. Horse dewormers or horse wormers come in several types, the specific medications to use and when to use them are dependent on the horse's climate and parasite burden and should be advised by a veterinarian. Equestrian Collections carries several types of dewormers in different forms; oral gels, pastes or pellets. Popular name brand products equine dewormers like Quest, Zimectrin Gold, Strongid C or C2X and Ivercare at great prices. Equestrian Collections offers some of the most popular Horse Dewormers found online. My Account [PAGE] Title: Sale Rack | EquestrianCollections Content: Next Shop 1000s of Deals from our newest selection of clearance products from Ariat, Dublin, Noble, Horseware, WeatherBeeta, FITS, Irideon, TuffRider, Kerrits...and much more.  Find the best deals on favorite equestrian brands in our Sales Section. Everything you need for you and your horse from riding apparel to horse clothing to tack at amazingly low prices. Free shipping excludes auctions and some products with extra shipping requirements.Plus as an added bonus, get FREE Shipping on any $129 US (lower 48) or $199 Canada Orders. Free shipping excludes some products with extra shipping requirements. Savings featuring apparel & footwear, health care, horse equipment, home decor, grooming & stable supplies...and much more. Equestrian Collections offers some of the most popular Sale Rack found online. Equestrian Collections offers some of the most popular Sale Rack found online. My Account [PAGE] Title: Plus Size Riding Apparel | EquestrianCollections Content: Equestrian Collections offers some of the most popular Plus Size Riding Apparel found online. My Account [PAGE] Title: Returns | EquestrianCollections Content: If you have any questions regarding a return, call our customer service representatives toll free at (877) 872-4415. What are your general return policies? Equestrian Collections is committed to customer satisfaction. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, return the new, unused item to us and we will refund, replace, or credit you for it. We have faith in our products and want you to be happy with your purchase. We promise to deliver quality and value in every product we sell. If you are not 100% satisfied with your product under normal use and conditions, please let us know and we'll make it right.Please note: If you are returning used, defective merchandise, it must be cleaned before shipping. Dirty, or soiled, products will be not be accepted. Form of Refund Refunds will be processed within 30 days of receipt of your returned item. The refund will be of "like currency," i.e. if you pay with credit card, we will credit your card; if you pay via PayPal, we will credit your PayPal Account; if you pay with a check, we will refund you with a check by mail. Refunds are for the purchase price, and applicable taxes of the merchandise only. Shipping charges are not included in a typical refund. Special Cases Equestrian Collections carries an enormous number and variety of equestrian products. Some of these products have legal, health, or other special considerations that preclude our ability to accept returns. We encourage you to consult with our Customer Service Representatives with any questions you have on the following categories of products: DVDs, VHS, CDs: Equestrian Collections is committed to following all International Copyright Laws and ending pirating of intellectual property. Due to International Copyright Law, open DVDs, VHS tapes, or CDs are not eligible for return. (Unopened products in their original packaging are, of course, fully returnable) Intimate Apparel and Health Care Products: Equestrian Collections is always concerned about the health of our customers, their horses, and our employees. Open and/or expired supplements, or health care products, as well as all panties and body jewelry, are not eligible for return due to health concerns. Saddles: Because we are riders ourselves, we know that purchasing a new saddle is an important and often lengthy process. Please see our Saddle Return Policy and Trial Saddle Program. We are committed to helping you find the right saddle for you and your horse. Therefore, our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee applies to saddles, and we ask only that you carefully follow all of our specific instructions regarding trial and return shipping of saddles. Custom or Semi-Custom Items: Custom or Semi-Custom Items are made especially for you and are therefore not returnable, except for manufacturer's defect. Our Customer Service Representatives are always available to help you design your custom orders so that they will be just right for you and your horse. Horse Clothing and Blankets: We realize that horse blankets can be difficult to fit, so we allow you to try the blanket on your horse and return it if it does not fit. However, we ask that the blanket be kept CLEAN while you are trying it. Dirty, soiled blankets, or blankets that do not have original tags attached, cannot be returned. Also, if the blanket does not fit, DO NOT leave it on your horse. A poorly fitting blanket will tear, and will therefore be deemed ineligible for return. No horse blanket is completely indestructible! Bits: Bits cannot be returned if they have been put in the horse's mouth due to health concerns. It is recommended to compare the newly purchased bit to a bit already being used for fit. How do I return an item? We want you to be fully satisfied with your purchase.  If you are not, let us know and we will make it right. Simply return the item in its original, unused condition within 30 days of receipt.  Returns received after the 30 day policy will be returned at the customer's expense. If you would like to make a return: Include a copy of the invoice inside the box with the return. Please leave tags attached and return the item(s) in original packaging. You are welcome to return items by any shipping method most cost effective to you. The original shipping and handling, return shipping costs, and/or duties and taxes are non-refundable on returned items. If you fail to return any free gifts that came with an item, the regular retail price of the non-returned gifts will be deducted from your return. If you are exchanging your purchase, please include contact information as exchange shipping fees will apply to the new order and there may be a balance due. If an item is missing, damaged, defective or incorrect please call or email our Customer Service department.  One of our representatives will be happy to explain what steps need to be taken. All returns should be shipped to: Equestrian CollectionsAttn:  Returns254 N. Cedar St.Hazleton, PA 18201 When returning an item for an exchange you will be responsible for the shipping charges on the new item. Please include a check or money order for any price difference and the shipping charges on your replacement order. Include $8.95 for shipping & handling on replacement orders under $100.00. Include $12.00 for shipping & handling on replacement orders over $100.00 (add $0.50 per pound for items over 10 pounds).If you do not include a check or money order for any price difference and shipping & handling on your replacement order, this amount will be invoiced via email. How long will it take to process? Credit on a returned item(s) can take up to 30 days processing time once the item(s) reach our warehouse. Please remember that it may take your financial institution up to 3 business days from the date we issue your credit for it to post in your account. If you paid by check or money order we will send you a check in less than 30 days from the time we receive your return. If you paid with a PayPal Account, your PayPal Account will be credited within 30 days of receipt of your product to our warehouse. How will my money be credited to me? Refunds will be made using the original form of payment, i.e., check for a check; or credit card for credit card; Pay Pal Account to the same Pay Pal account. Please Note: We can only credit the same card that was used for the original purchase.  We can not credit a different card. Gift Cards cannot be refunded. Should you need to return items purchased with a gift card, we will create a NEW gift card for you upon return of those items. Credits can take as long as 30 days from the time the returned item(s) reaches our warehouse.  Please be aware that your financial institution may take as long as 3 business days to post the credit to your account, after we have processed the credit. Footwear. Can I return it? Yes!  Footwear is fully returnable.  All we ask that you do not wear it outside, or damage it in any fashion. If you need to return your footwear for any reason, please re-box your boots carefully and then wrap the box in brown paper or place back in the original shipping box. Please do not stick shipping labels directly on to the box as we want to be able to send out the boots to another customer looking as fresh and nice as when you received them. Footwear returned using the branded box are subject to a restocking fee.Because we want you to be absolutely satisfied with the footwear, here are some suggestions about trying them on,  and some thoughts on fit: Please take the time to try them on and walk in them on a carpet inside the house. If your feet are prone to swell by the end of the day, then this would be a good time to try them on. All tall riding boots will slip at the heel until you have worn them for a while.  This is to be expected and is not fault in the fit.  Given a little time, your heel will mold the back of the boot to fit and the slipping will stop. Trying tall boots on with a nylon boot sock or panty hose will help them slide on easier. Please do not put baby powder or boot stretch on your boots until you have decided to keep them, as this will make them non-returnable. Tall boots should be snug and look "too tall". This is because they will drop at the ankle over a period of time.  So start 1-1.5 inches taller than you think you want them.   Dress boots with a stiffened back used for dressage will not drop. Once you have worn footwear outside, they are not returnable. Underwear. Can I return it? By law, all underwear and undergarments are excluded from our general return policy. Any underwear or undergarments returned to us will be discarded and NO refunds or exchanges will be issued, regardless of condition or packaging. No exceptions. Custom items. Can I return them? We hope that you LOVE your custom product and are thrilled with the choices that you made while creating it.  Custom items have been especially made to your specifications and therefore are uniquely YOURS and cannot be returned. Custom items can only be returned if they have a manufacturer's defect. Saddles. Can I try out and return them? In a word, yes, you can try out and return saddles to Equestrian Collections.  All that we ask is that you carefully follow our specific instructions regarding saddle care and return.We want your new saddle to work well for both you and your horse, so we have developed our limited Trial Purchase plan.  This allows you to check saddle fit on a saddle you have purchased.  However, be aware that you will not be able to ride extensively in the saddle. If you have any questions regarding a return, call our Customer Service Representatives toll free at (877) 872-4415. Limited Trial Purchase With our Limited Trial Purchase, you will be able to girth the saddle up and sit in it to check to see that it fits and is comfortable for both you and your horse.  You will not, however, be able to ride around in it.  You will need to care for the saddle extremely carefully, and follow our specific use instructions.  If you do not, you will not be able to return the saddle and get a refund. Trying out your new saddle in the Limited Trial Program: Please open the box carefully and retain all packaging and paperwork. When trying out a saddle from Equestrian Collections, place a clean saddle pad under the saddle and girth it up, wrap the leathers in vet wraps, tube socks or halter fuzzies. You can certainly move the horse forward in it to see how it works for you and your horse, however we stress that a full refund can only be given if the saddle is absolutely clean and shows no sign of wear. Just wipe it over with a cloth dampened with plain water to remove any barn dust or grime. Please do not oil or use conditioner on this saddle if you are going to return it, as this will render it non-returnable. If the saddle does not fit you or your horse, notify us within seven days of receipt.  Please call our toll free number (please do not e-mail us with this notification) and you will be emailed a pre-paid FedEx return label to be placed on the outside. The FedEx label is only eligible for shipment within the continental US.  You would be responsible for any return shipping fees outside the continental US. Ship the saddle back to us in its original shipping packaging  within five days of receiving return instructions. We stress that a full refund can only be given if the saddle is absolutely clean, returned in its original packaging and shows no sign of wear. Charges and Fees: The full purchase price of the Limited Trial Purchase Saddle, plus shipping and handling charges will be put on your Credit Card when we ship the saddle to you.   The purchase price will be refunded if the saddle is returned to us in new condition, with no signs of wear.  Restocking fees will be charged and deducted from the purchase price if it is determined that saddle is in less than new condition upon return. International Order. Can I return it? Equestrian Collections gladly accepts returns on International Orders.  However, you will be responsible for all duty, taxes and return shipping fees associated with the return shipment. When making an international return, you MUST request a return authorization prior to shipping your item(s) to Equestrian Collections.  You may obtain a return authorization by either calling or e-mailing customer service with your name, order number, and the items you would like to return. Please note:  If you return an international order item without obtaining prior authorization from Equestrian Collections, Equestrian Collections will refuse the shipment and it will be returned to you at your expense. Horse Blankets. Can I return them? We realize that horse blankets can be difficult to fit, so we allow you to try the blanket on your horse and return it if it does not fit.  However, we ask that the blanket be kept CLEAN while you are trying it.  Dirty, soiled blankets, or blankets that do not have original tags attached, can not be returned.Also, if the blanket does not fit, DO NOT leave it on your horse.  A poorly fitting blanket will tear, and will be ineligible for return. This is not considered normal use and conditions.Please remember that horse clothing is manufactured for specific uses.  Many types of sheets, skrims, and fly sheets are not constructed to withstand the rigors of turnout. Equestrian Collections Warranty Equestrian Collections  carries over 90,000 products.  We are committed to each and every product we sell, and our goal is that you are happy with any product you purchase.Some of our products come with Manufacturer's Warranties. Please note, these warranties are through the manufacturer and not Equestrian Collections.  It is the customer's responsibility to meet the qualifications of the manufacturer (For example, return a warranty card after purchase).  Any warranty information provided to Equestrian Collections by the manufacturer will be included with your purchase. Products that DO NOT have a Manufacturer's Warranty are covered by the Equestrian Collections Warranty.  Unless otherwise noted, Equestrian Collections will replace or repair a product that fails within six months of purchase, under normal use and conditions. Why did I get a Store Credit? There are several reasons that you may have been given a store credit when returning an item to Equestrian Collections.The most common reasons for Store Credit are: Item returned was a gift from another person's account Item returned was purchased with a credit card that has since expired (and so cannot be credited) Item returned was a special or custom order Item returned is more than 30 days old My Account [PAGE] Title: Shipping Rates | EquestrianCollections Content: $500.00 and up $64.95 Currently, we ship to Canada twice each week. All packages ready for shipment before 2pm on the day we ship are included in that weeks shipment. After it leaves our building, eastern Canada arrives in 4-6 days, while western Canada is 6-8 Days. No Hassle with Duties and Taxes at Your Door! Here is how it works.We pre-clear all packages to Canada through Customs by collecting the duties and taxes from you as part of checking out on our website. Shipping charges subject to 5% GST, ALL Clothing items are subject to 24% tax (5% GST, 19% Duties) and non clothing items are subject to 13%-19% tax (5% GST and 8% to 14% Duties) depending on product Country of Origin and Harmonization Codes. We are registered with Canada as a Non-Resident Importer, (NRI) and therefore we pre-collect these taxes which covers GST, Canada import duties and brokerage. We take the worry out of importing your order into Canada. We take care of all of the paperwork and pay all the taxes and brokerage fees - so you never are asked for more money. The amount you pay to us is the only amount you will ever pay. Goods are delivered as prepaid. No surprises when you receive your package, no duties, brokerage or taxes to be paid at your door, saving you time and money. No cash on delivery (C.O.D.) or power of attorney (POA) to worry the buyer - easily get our goods into Canada. Quicker shipment of goods as our pre-cleared FedEx shipments do not have to wait for the release from customs. You get online tracking and 100% traceability with FedEx. No worry about lost packages as tracking is available right to your door with the tracking number we provide. My Account [PAGE] Title: Horse Healthcare Products | EquestrianCollections Content: $6.30 - $57.20 Healthcare products from Equestrian Collections include everything you need to keep your horse looking and feeling his best from the inside out. We have a comprehensive selection of supplements for joint care, digestive care, skin and coat or hoof care from reliable brands like Cosequin, Absorbine and Probios. For that beautiful exterior we carry hoof oils, conditioners and detanglers as well as a complete line of grooming supplies from brands like Absorbine, Mane 'n Tail and Oster. Browse our selection of magnetic and alternative therapy products from Back on Track or Veredus to complete your arsenal of wares and keep your horse in tip top condition. We know you love to spoil your horse, and we are prepared to help you! All of our horse healthcare products come with the Equestrian Collections 100% satisfaction guarantee! Equestrian Collections offers a large selection of the most popular Horse Healthcare found online. Shoppers looking for the latest Sheath & Udder Care, Horse First Aid or Hoof Care will be spoiled with choices! Make your next purchase on Equestrian Collections and always ride in style! My Account [PAGE] Title: Ladies Riding Boots - Equestrian Boots | EquestrianCollections Content: $80.99 Equestrian boots for English Riding Ladies horse riding boots are boots specifically designed for riding horses. Ladies riding boots have a ridged sole as well as a low heel to prevent the rider's foot from slipping or getting caught sliding through the stirrup. Equestrian boots come in many different styles such as tall boots, paddock boots or western boots. Ladies tall riding boots are made to prevent the rider's legs from being pinched by the stirrup leathers. Horse riding boots are most commonly made of leather, but can come in other materials such as rubber or PVC. Ladies riding boots can also come insulated or waterproof to protect as well as keep the rider's feet or legs warm in colder climates. Ladies equestrian boots are available in a full range of ladies sizes. Ladies' riding boots are available from top brands like Ariat , Mountain Horse or Dublin . You will always ride in style in ladies riding boots from Equestrian Collections. All our ladies riding boots come with the Equestrian Collections 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Shop our full line of horse riding boots - English, Western, for men , women as well as children's . We also offer an extensive line of riding apparel from top brands at prices for every budget. Equestrian Collections offers a large selection of the most popular Ladies Riding Boots found online. Shoppers looking for the latest Ladies English Riding Boots, Ladies Western Riding Boots or Ladies Barn & Muck Boots will be spoiled with choices! Make your next purchase on Equestrian Collections and always ride in style! My Account [PAGE] Title: Contact Us | EquestrianCollections Content: Customer Service Is AvailableMonday - Friday - 9:00am - 5:00pm EST Email Us Anytime! We will get back to you within 24 hours. Fill Out The Form Below To Email Us Name [PAGE] Title: Western - Western Riding Gear | EquestrianCollections Content: Western Riding Apparel, Tack or Equipment Western riding equipment designed for real riders or their horses. My Account [PAGE] Title: Riding Apparel - Horse Riding Apparel | EquestrianCollections Content: Trending Now in Apparel Horse Riding Apparel Riding Apparel like breeches, riding shirts or riding jackets for Ladies, Men or Kids. Top brands of riding apparel like Ovation, Horseware or Irideon at great prices from Equestrian Collections - Ride in Style! Equestrian Gifts for Riders Gift giving for riders is made easy on Equestrian Collections!  Riders will always welcome gifts of riding apparel like boot socks, riding gloves, stock ties or stock pins.  For more luxury gifts, a beautiful new show shirt or show jacket will be sure to delight.  Check out the Equestrian Collections Holiday Gift Guide for more ideas for people on your gift list. My Account [PAGE] Title: Need Help? | EquestrianCollections Content: Horse Equipment Need Help? For the best shopping experience on Equestrian Collections, here are some helpful hints to find what you need: Keyword Search: If you have some idea of what you are looking to purchase, just use our SEARCH box found conveniently at the top right of the Equestrian homepage. Simply enter a word or phrase that pertains to the item you are looking for and click SEARCH. This will take you to a results page with any items that best match your criteria. Once you are on this page you may refine your results by category, brand, price, color or size. These options are located down the left side of the website page.Browse Categories: If you would prefer to browse through the Equestrian Collections website based on product type, please select one of our categories found as tabs across our website homepage. These are organized by departments like Ladies, Men or Kids.  These categories are designed to help you navigate through our wide selection of products just as you would in a store.Placing your Order: When on our product pages, you will find the product description, brand information and available sizes and/or colors. To make your shopping easier, the drop down menus will show only the sizes and/or colors that are available to purchase (colors/sizes that are out of stock or no longer available will not appear).  Below the ADD TO CART button you will find the product's shipping lead time into our shipping location should it not be in our Pennsylvania facility. The overall ship time for your order is goverened by the item with the longest lead time to our warehouse. Once you are ready to put a product into your cart, simplynclick the ADD TO CART button after you select the size and/or color of the item, if applicable, you wish to purchase.Shopping Cart: You may view your shopping cart at anytime by clicking on the cart icon found in the upper right corner of the Equestrian Collections' homepage. You always have the option to click CONTINUE SHOPPING to continue browsing our website and add additional items to your cart. All existing items will remain in your cart. You have the ability to update the quantity or remove any items in your cart. Gift Certificates for redemption or Coupons should be entered in the cart once you are ready to check out. Any applicable extra shipping and taxes will appear in your cart. After you have reviewed your order, click on NEXT to proceed to our log-in page or address verification, if you are already logged into your account.Logging In: Before check out you will be asked to log in to your account.   You may sign in as an existing customer or as a guest. If you are a new customer, you may enter your email address and quickly create an account.   Your account information is only viewable by YOU and is protected by your log in and password combination.   The entire Equestrian Collections' site is https secure for your confidence and peace of mind.Checkout: Once you are logged into your account, you just have just three final steps to place your order. Verify your billing and shipping information, you may update this information anytime before check out. Choose your delivery method. The premium shipping surcharge, if chosen, does not speed up processing time in our warehouse. The surcharge only speeds up package time in transit to your home by FedEx or USPS Priority mail. The product lead times are found below the add to cart button in most listings. If you have questions at any point during check out, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service Department. Finally, choose your payment method and click SUBMIT for your order confirmation.Order Confirmation: Once you have submitted your order on Equestrian Collections, you will be taken to a confirmation page which summarizes your order and provides you with an order number. This confirmation will also be sent to the email you provided as part of your account information. We suggest that you retain this information for your records. If you have a question regarding your order, it is helpful to have this order number available when contacting Customer Service. Miscellaneous Information Product Lead Times: The ship time of your packages depends on the items you select. Because our complete inventory is well over 150,000 different products many of the items we offer for sale on our website are stored in locations across the US. When you place an order the items are ordered in from those locations, gathered together at our shipping warehouse in Pennsylvania, and then shipped to you. When you are shopping on Equestrian Collections, you will see a ship lead-time for each item listed right below the Add to Cart button. This ship lead-time is the approximate number of business days it takes a particular item to arrive here at the shipping location. The overall ship time for your order is governed by the item with the longest ship delay. However, we will not hold your order for longer than 5 business days before partial shipping it on to you. Delivery times to you will vary depending on where the package's destination is. Coupons: Coupon Codes can come from various sources, such as emails, advertisements, mailings, etc. You may use only one coupon code per order. Please review our Third Party Website Disclaimer as, unfortunately, expired or invalid coupons may be listed on these sites. Feel free to contact Customer Service at 877-872-4415.Redeeming Gift Certificates: To redeem your gift certificate and apply it towards your Equestrian Collections order online, simply enter the gift certificate code on the shopping cart summary page.Payment Options: When ordering online, our payment options include all major credit cards, PayPal, Amazon Payments, Check or Money Order.Canadian Orders: All Canadian packages are pre-cleared by collecting duties and taxes as part of the check out process. We ship to Canada, typically, twice a week by pallet. For additional information please contact Customer Service.International Orders: For specific questions regarding international orders, shipping, or any other inquiries, please contact Customer Service by phone (703) 365 0155, Email or Live Chat.Cancelling an Order: If you need to cancel an order after completing check out, please contact Customer Service as soon as possible. Once the order is in transit a cancelation cannot be processed.Purchasing Gift Certificates: Gift Certificates may be purchased by contacting Customer Service at  877-872-4415 and can be mailed or emailed to you or the recipient. SECURITY GUARANTEE Equestrian Collections understands your concerns regarding online security. We have installed advanced order fraud and hacker intrusion detection systems to catch criminal activity on our website. We work with local, national and international law enforcement agencies to prosecute fraud including but not limited to: Stolen credit cards, fraudulent money orders, mail order scams, product return scams, hacking attempts, phishing attempts, and telephone / wire fraud. Don't be our next investigation.Not responsible for typographical errors. Some colors pictured may vary slightly, due to the reproduction process. Prices are subject to change without notice.  We reserve the right to cancel an order or promotional offer at any time. My Account [PAGE] Title: Satisfaction Guarantee | EquestrianCollections Content: Horse Equipment Equestrian Collections 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Equestrian Collections is committed to customer satisfaction. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, return the item to us and we will refund, replace, or credit you for it. We have faith in our products and want you to be happy with your purchase. We promise to deliver quality and value in every product we sell. If you are not 100% satisfied with your product under normal use and conditions, please let us know and we'll make it right. Form of Refund:Refunds will be processed within 30 days of receipt of your returned item. The refund will be of "like currency," i.e. if you pay with credit card, we will credit your card; if you pay via PayPal, we will credit your PayPal Account; if you pay with a check, we will refund you with a check by mail.Shipping Charges:Refunds are for the purchase price, and applicable taxes of the merchandise only. Shipping charges are not included. Please note: If you are returning used, defective merchandise, it must be cleaned before shipping. Dirty, or soiled, products will be not be accepted. Return Policy Special Cases:Equestrian Collections carries an enormous number and variety of equestrian products. Some of these products have legal, health, or other special considerations that preclude our ability to accept returns. We encourage you to consult with our Customer Service Representatives with any questions you have on the following categories of products: DVDs, VHS, CDs: Equestrian Collections is committed to following all International Copyright Laws and ending pirating of intellectual property. Due to International Copyright Law, open DVDs, VHS tapes, or CDs are not eligible for return. (Unopened products in their original packaging are, of course, full returnable) Intimate Apparel and Health Care Products: Equestrian Collections is always concerned about the health of our customers, their horses, and our employees. Open and/or expired supplements, or health care products, as well as all panties and body jewelry, are not eligible for return due to health concerns. Saddles: Because we are riders ourselves, we know that purchasing a new saddle is an important and often lengthy process. Please see our Saddle Return Policy and Trial Saddle Program. We are committed to helping you find the right saddle for you and your horse. Therefore, our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee applies to saddles, and we ask only that you carefully follow all of our specific instructions regarding trial and return shipping of saddles. Custom or Semi-Custom Items: Custom or Semi-Custom Items are made especially for you and are therefore not returnable, except for manufacturer's defect. Our Customer Service Representatives are always available to help you design your custom orders so that they will be just right for you and your horse. International Orders: We gladly accept the return of International Orders. However, you will be responsible for any duty or taxes associated with the return shipment. Additionally, you must obtain an authorization prior to making an international return shipment to Equestrian Collections. Horse Clothing and Blankets: We realize that horse blankets can be difficult to fit, so we allow you to try the blanket on your horse and return it if it does not fit. However, we ask that the blanket be kept CLEAN while you are trying it. Dirty, soiled blankets, or blankets that do not have original tags attached, can not be returned. Also, if the blanket does not fit, DO NOT leave it on your horse. A poorly fitting blanket will tear, and will therefore be deemed ineligible for return. No horse blanket is completely indestructible! My Account [PAGE] Title: All - Brands - Ariat - WeatherBeeta - Ovation Content: > Brands Brands Top equestrian brands like Ariat , Equine Couture or Ovation for everything for horse or rider. Over 200 equestrian brands carrying products like breeches, riding boots or riding helmets for the rider. For your horse, brands like Professional's Choice , Weaver Leather or Weatherbeeta , bring you a huge choice of horse apparel, horse tack or items for your barn. Everything from our top equestrian brands come with the Equestrian Collections 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Featured Brands [PAGE] Title: Kids Riding Boots - Riding boots for girls | EquestrianCollections Content: $46.99 Riding boots for girls & boys from top brands Kids riding boots for English or Western riding. Riding boots for girls, from zip or lace paddock boots for everyday riding to tall boots for the show ring, kids will be stylishly comfortable in brands like Ariat, Dublin or Ovation. Insulated kids riding boots for those colder months are also available from Ariat, Ovation or Mountain Horse. For the western kids riding boots we carry cute styles from Ariat, Roper or Smoky Mountain. For the rainy, muddy days at the barn the kids will love the adorable prints on the Smoky Mountain rubber boots. While parents will love the tall rubber kids riding boots that are easy to clean that will keep the show boots ready for the show ring. All our kids riding boots, particularly riding boots for girls, come with the Equestrian Collections 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Equestrian Collections offers a large selection of the most popular Kids Riding Boots found online. Shoppers looking for the latest Kids English Riding Boots, Kids Cowboy Boots or Kids Barn & Muck Boots will be spoiled with choices! Make your next purchase on Equestrian Collections and always ride in style! My Account [PAGE] Title: Horse Blankets | EquestrianCollections Content: $29.95 - $51.95 Horse blankets, sheets or coolers are designed to protect your horse from the elements, keep them warm, dry or insect free depending on the type and style of horse blanket. For cold, winter weather, turnout blankets are waterproof, also are designed to stay in place during the rigors of turnout, while stable blankets are not waterproof so should only be used in the stall. Dress sheets are a used to keep your horse clean as well as warm at shows.  Dress sheets often feature fashionable accents. After work, a horse cooler or anti-sweat sheet wicks moisture away from the horse to prevent chills. Horse turnout blankets come in three different weights - heavyweight , medium weight , as well as light weight . No fill turnout blankets are also available. Horse stable blankets come in the same weight selections. Choose the weight of your horse blanket by the temperature of the weather, the degree of protection from the elements, as well as the age or condition of your horse. For warmer temperatures, you will want to check out our selection of horse sheets including turnout sheets to keep your horse clean, or fly sheets to protect against biting insects. Horse blankets, sheets or coolers from top brands like Horseware , Weatherbeeta or Kensington are available in a variety of sizes or styles. Protect your horse with high quality horse blankets from Equestrian Collections. Equestrian Collections offers a large selection of the most popular Horse Blankets found online. Shoppers looking for the latest Horse Blankets, Horse Sheets or Horse Coolers will be spoiled with choices! Make your next purchase on Equestrian Collections and always ride in style! My Account [PAGE] Title: Price Match Program | EquestrianCollections Content: Horse Equipment Price Match Policy Products listed on Amazon and eBay are not eligible for price matching.   If you find a lower price on our Equestrian Collections website within 21 days of your purchase we will be happy to refund the difference in the form of a store credit. My Account [PAGE] Title: Equestrian Gifts - Equestrian Jewelry | EquestrianCollections Content: $10.39 Looking for gifts for the holidays? Equestrian home, equestrian gifts or equestrian jewelry all echo your love of all things horse! Find all things equestrian on Equestrian Collections! All our Equestrian home, equestrian gifts or equestrian jewelry come with the Equestrian Collections 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Equestrian Collections offers a large selection of the most popular Equestrian Home, Gifts & Jewelry found online. Shoppers looking for the latest Equestrian Books, Equestrian Greeting Cards or Equestrian DVDs & Videos will be spoiled with choices! Make your next purchase on Equestrian Collections and always ride in style! My Account [PAGE] Title: Horse Barn or Stable Supplies | EquestrianCollections Content: Tack Room Supplies Horse stable supplies or barn equipment keep your stable organized, tidy as well as safer. Managing a horse stable requires a lot of diligence in keeping up with cleaning, organizing as well as repairs. It is helpful to have terrific horse stable supplies or barn equipment on hand when you need them. Items like cross ties, saddle racks in addition to grooming totes make things easier as well as safer when grooming or tacking up your horse. Other hardware is available to hang bridles or halters. Horses need hay bags, hay racks, feed tubs etc in their stall to minimize feed wastage as well as to keep the stall clean. When colder weather hits, horses need blankets. Many horses have several types of blankets. Blankets should be kept clean, stored away in blanket bags in the off season. They can be kept neat on the front of the horse's stall by using a blanket bar. Equestrian Collections has stable supplies as well as barn equipment from brands like Roma, HorZe or Centaur. All our horse stable supplies together with our barn equipment come with the Equestrian Collections 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Equestrian Collections offers a large selection of the most popular Horse Barn & Stable Supplies or Equipment found online. Shoppers looking for the latest Horse Barn & Stable Supplies, Horse Arena Supplies or Horse Stall Supplies will be spoiled with choices! Make your next purchase on Equestrian Collections and always ride in style! My Account [PAGE] Title: Horse Fly Control - Fly Masks - Fly Spray | EquestrianCollections Content: $5.25 Fly or insect control includes solutions to control pests in the barn as well as protecting your horse directly. Controlling flies and other insects is important not only because they are a nuisance to horse and rider, but they also can carry diseases and other parasites. There are fly traps or fly paper that can be hung around the barn to collect as many as possible. Some barns can install overhead automatic fly sprayers that deliver fly spray throughout the barn. To protect your horse, you can do as little or as much as you choose. The most common method is regular application of fly spray and/or fly repellent along with use of a fly mask to protect the horse's sensitive eyes. Horses that are sensitive to fly bites may need to wear fly sheets and fly boots as well. There is also feed-through fly control that prevents larva from hatching. Equestrian Collections offers a large selection of the most popular Fly & Insect Control found online. Shoppers looking for the latest Fly Spray, Fly Wipes & Lotions or Fly Leg Wraps & Fly Leg Boots will be spoiled with choices! Make your next purchase on Equestrian Collections and always ride in style! My Account [PAGE] Title: Men's Riding Boots - Paddock or Field | EquestrianCollections Content: $100.99 Men's riding boots for all riding disciplines or equestrian activities. Men's riding boots for every season suitable for showing, training or trail riding. Good riding boots provide both safety and comfort while riding. A heeled boot is important when riding to keep your foot from slipping through the stirrup. The leather toe of the boot will provide your feet with protection from injury caused by hooves. Whether endurance riding, roping cattle or competing in dressage, we have men's riding boots that will meet your needs and exceed your expectations. Our riding boots for men are designed with quality, comfort and durability in mind. These boots feature top quality leather and long lasting soles. English or Western styles available for everyday riding, chores or showing. Find men's riding boots on Equestrian Collections from brands like Ariat, Smoky Mountain or Ovation. All our men's riding boots come with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Savvy Shopper Guide for Men's Riding Boots Men's riding boots are essential not only for competitions but for protecting a rider's feet and legs whenever riding a horse. In this guide, we'll introduce you to a wide variety of English horse riding boots for men that are available at Equestrian Collections. A first-class riding boot must not only look good - it must protect ankles and shins while riding, provide a heeled boot to prevent your feet from sliding through the stirrup, and have a quality leather toe to protect any injury from contact with hooves. Long lasting leather soles are also a prerequisite for the savvy shopper. In this guide we will show you durable, top quality riding boots that are right for your budget, and perfect for showing, trail riding, or training. Types of Men's Riding Boots We carry an extensive line of English riding boots from popular brands including Ovation, Ariat, TuffRider, and Tredstep. Choose from six variations - dress, paddock, field, endurance, Winter, or jodhpur boots, depending on your riding style. All of our boots come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Men's Dress Boots Our dress boots are tall, high-quality leather boots without toe caps or laces, and are custom made for show jumping, formal foxhunting, or dressage. Men's Field Boots Field boots are available for hunter/jumper riders, fox hunters, eventers, and can be used for dressage as well. These tall leather boots feature lacing across the foot top which allows heels to lower when riding with shorter stirrups, and ankles to flex. They're available with or without zippers. Men's Paddock Boots We have paddock boots that are meant exclusively for saddle seat riding and pleasure riding. These shorter boots should reach directly above a rider's ankle and should be worn with chaps or half chaps. Men's Endurance Riding Boots Men's endurance riding boots are similar in style to hiking boots, but a small heel is added to make it safe for competitive or casual riding. Men's Winter Riding Boots Men's Winter riding boots keep a rider warm in the coldest, wettest weather, and come in short, medium, or tall styles. Men's Jodhpur Boots Men's jodhpur boots are pull-on riding boots with elastic gussets that are made for riding. Men's Riding Boots Fitting & Sizing Information We have a large variety of sizes that should accommodate most buyers, ranging from 7.5 D (size 20) to a 10 D (size 28) in cowboy boots. Cowboy boots are also available in EE widths. Please refer to your items sizing chart. Men's Riding Boots Care Instructions Boots should be wiped clean of sweat and dirt with a sponge or damp cloth after every ride. A hydrating boot cream should be applied before riding, and after riding a concentrated cleaner should be applied to wash salt from the leather. Check referring product's specific care instructions. Equestrian Collections offers a large selection of the most popular Men's Riding Boots found online. Shoppers looking for the latest Men's English Riding Boots, Men's Western Riding Boots or Men's Barn & Muck Boots will be spoiled with choices! Make your next purchase on Equestrian Collections and always ride in style! My Account [PAGE] Title: Kids Riding Apparel - Ovation - Kids Breeches Content: Horse Equipment Kids Riding Apparel Kids riding apparel is tailored for comfort and safety, and durability for the young rider in all disciplines of horseback riding. Our selection of kids riding apparel covers all of your child's needs, including riding breeches, show coats, helmets, protective vests, paddock boots, tall boots, gloves and riding tops. From the schooling ring to the show arena - our massive selection of kids riding apparel has your young equestrian covered! Equestrian Collections always provides the best in quality, styles and colors or kids riding apparel from popular brands like Ovation, Kerrits, Irideon or Ariat. All of our kids' riding apparel comes with the Equestrian Collections 100% satisfaction guarantee! $7.95 Kids riding apparel is tailored for comfort and safety, and durability for the young rider in all disciplines of horseback riding. Our selection of kids riding apparel covers all of your child's needs, including riding breeches, show coats, helmets, protective vests, paddock boots, tall boots, gloves and riding tops. From the schooling ring to the show arena - our massive selection of kids riding apparel has your young equestrian covered! Equestrian Collections always provides the best in quality, styles and colors or kids riding apparel from popular brands like Ovation, Kerrits, Irideon or Ariat. All of our kids' riding apparel comes with the Equestrian Collections 100% satisfaction guarantee! Savvy Shopper Guide for Kids Riding Apparel One of our favorite areas at Equestrian Collections is our large and ever growing selection of horse riding apparel for kids. Our kids equestrian clothing are carefully tailored for safety and comfort and provide durability for young riders involved in all disciplines of horseback riding. Our apparel selection covers all of your children's needs and includes show coats, riding breeches, protective vests, helmets, tall boots, paddock boots, riding tops and gloves. Your child will look classic and stylish from the show arena to the schooling ring and beyond. Types of Kids Riding Apparel You can rely on Equestrian Collections to provide the best quality riding apparel in the most popular colors and styles. Our list of popular brands is large and includes brands like Irideon, Kerrits, Ariat, HorZe, and Ovation. Every item we sell is backed up by our 100% satisfaction guarantee! Kids Breeches Equestrian Collections offers a broad selection of breeches for children. We have 95% cotton silicone grip full seat breeches with single front zipper pockets and simple elastic leg bottoms. Look no further for the perfect reasonably priced starter pull on breeches for your brand new rider. In addition, we have knee patch, front zip, euro seat, and traditional hunter/jumpers in a wide variety of innovative material patterns and colors. Your child will be ready for any discipline at either the recreational or competitive barn. Kids Riding Coats Everything necessary for the comfort of your child either in the saddle or at the barn can be found here. Check out our outerwear, including Winter riding coats, show coats, rain coats, cooling vests, and jackets. Show coats are made primarily of soft, durable polyester fabric, and are frequently fully lined. We have riding jackets that will keep your young equestrian warm, while at the same time making sure that he or she is not restricted in the saddle. Our jackets have zippers, vents, pockets, mesh linings, and so much more. We have kids raincoats that are waterproof and made for trail riding, horse show competitions, schooling at home, or working at the barn. Our kids riding vests add warmth without bulk as the season becomes cooler. Kids cooling vests have been specially designed to give your child many hours of cool relief whenever he or she rides in hotter weather. Kids Riding Boots Equestrian Collections has a large assortment of kids riding boots for both Western or English riding. Parents will appreciate our tall rubber kids riding boots that are a breeze to clean. Our collection also features lace or zip paddock boots, and insulated boots for the cold weather rider. Kids Riding Apparel Fitting & Sizing Information Check all apparel for fitting information. For additional questions, please refer to your items sizing chart. Kids Riding Apparel Care Instructions Carefully inspect all items of horse riding apparel for kids for unique care instructions. Many of our items are machine washable, but there are some items that should never be put into a washing machine. Equestrian Collections offers a large selection of the most popular Kids Riding Apparel found online. Shoppers looking for the latest Kids Riding Breeches, Kids Jodhpurs or Kids Riding Coats will be spoiled with choices! Make your next purchase on Equestrian Collections and always ride in style! My Account [PAGE] Title: Kids - Kids Riding | EquestrianCollections Content: $77.19 Kids Riding Gear Kids Riding Apparel, Riding Boots or Riding Gear from top brands like Kerrits, Irideon or Ovation. From kids' riding breeches or jodhpurs, riding jackets or riding shirts to kids' paddock boots or riding helmets, the Equestrian Collections kids' department has it all! Kids' Riding Collections at great prices on Equestrian Collections. Equestrian Gifts for Kids Equestrian Collections offers a huge selection of gifts for your equestrian, pony-loving child.  You can't go wrong with a pair of pretty colored schooling breeches, a horsey Tee shirt, a new pair of paddock boots or a show shirt or riding helmet.  Kid's riding gloves, hats or socks make great stocking stuffers too! My Account [PAGE] Title: Men's Riding Apparel - Breeches - Chaps | EquestrianCollections Content: $8.99 Men's riding apparel for schooling to the show ring is made with the comfort or freedom of motion of the rider in mind. Men's riding apparel is available for the English or Western rider. Each discipline has a distinct look rooted in its history. Men's English riding apparel has the look of the British gentleman while men's Western apparel evokes its cowboy heritage. Men's riding apparel from breeches, chaps, or show shirts from our top brands like Ovation, Ariat, or Irideon. All our men's riding English or Western riding apparel comes with the Equestrian Collections 100% satisfaction guarantee. Equestrian Collections offers a large selection of the most popular Men's Riding Apparel found online. Shoppers looking for the latest Men's Riding Breeches, Men's Riding Coats or Men's Riding Chaps will be spoiled with choices! Make your next purchase on Equestrian Collections and always ride in style! My Account [PAGE] Title: English Saddles - All Purpose Saddles | EquestrianCollections Content: $12.49 English saddles are a generic term for saddles which encompass all of the English riding disciplines. The types of English saddles include close contact, dressage, cross country/eventing, all-purpose, endurance, synthetic, lead line or pony saddles. Finding the right English saddle for you or your horse is important. It depends on a few factors - what discipline you ride, the size of your horse, synthetic or leather as well at your budget! English saddles are designed to give the horse freedom of movement while allowing the rider to be in the optimal position to stay balanced with the horse. Finding the right size English saddle for horse as well as rider is important. The types of English saddles are differentiated based on the placement and balance of the seat, saddle flap length and shape of the saddle. Equestrian Collections has many options to choose from and carries top name brands of English saddles such as Pessoa , Henri de Rivel , Ovation or Collegiate . Check out our extensive line of English horse tack from brands you trust at prices to fit your budget as well as the level you ride. Savvy Shopper Guide for English Saddles English saddles are an all-encompassing term which includes saddles for all English riding disciplines. English saddles are specially designed to allow a rider to stay balanced in the optimal position with the horse. It is very important to find the right sized saddle for a rider as well as the horse. Riders must choose between what saddles are right for them based on the balance and placement of the seat, the saddle's shape, and the seat balance. Types of English Saddles Equestrian Collections has many different types of English saddles for sale, including dressage, close contact, all-purpose, cross country/eventing, synthetic, endurance, pony, and lead saddles. The English saddle you choose depends on a number of factors - the size of your horse, what discipline you ride, whether you prefer leather or synthetic, and what your budget is. We carry the finest name brands of saddles such as Henri de Rivel, Pessoa, Collegiate, Kincade, Bates, Treeless, Tekna S Line, HDR, Equi Royal, and Ovation. As always, Equestrian Collections offers a 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee. Dressage English Saddles For Sale Dressage saddles have a more upright deeper seat and longer flaps than other English saddles. They also have longer billet straps and are approximately 1/2" to 1" larger than close contact type saddles. Close Contact Saddles Close contact saddles keep a rider as close as possible to a horse's movement and are specifically made for a jumper rider. The stirrups and saddle skirts/flaps are more forward and shorter in these saddles, and most feature a minimal knee block. All-Purpose Saddles These saddles are designed for all types of English riding, including trail riding, jumping a course of fences, or doing flatwork. Cross Country/Eventing Saddles These saddles have a deeper seat and a bigger knee roll which provide more stability. Endurance Saddles Endurance saddles have sufficient padding for comfort but are lighter, in order to decrease the stress of riding 50 to 100 miles in one day on the horse. Pony Saddles Pony saddles fit the stockier body of a pony, and also can fit the tiny seat of a child. Made of leather or synthetic materials, they offer an inexpensive entry into the sport of riding. English Saddles Fitting & Sizing Information English saddles are available in sizes ranging from narrow to extra wide, and we even carry XXX wide saddles. English Saddle Care instructions Temperature extremes of hot or cold can damage synthetics as well as leathers, so it's a necessity to keep your saddle at a proper level of moisture. You should keep it free of debris and dirt by wiping it with a clean, soft, slightly damp sponge after every ride. Leather can be cleaned with glycerin gel or bar soap, or saddle soap paste, and can be followed up with 100% pure neatsfoot oil. Special synthetic saddle cleaners can be used with man-made materials and faux leather. Conditioners are also important. Try Vaquero rawhide cream or Skidmore's leather cream. Equestrian Collections offers a large selection of the most popular English Saddles found online. Shoppers looking for the latest Dressage Saddles, Close Contact Saddles or All Purpose Saddles will be spoiled with choices! Make your next purchase on Equestrian Collections and always ride in style! My Account [PAGE] Title: Equestrian Collections - Horse - Riding - Boots Content: $40.39 Equestrian Collections Equestrian Collections for horse riding products for horse, rider or barn. From horse riding boots to riding breeches or horse blankets from top equestrian brands. Equestrian Collections features the full or carefully curated selections of over 200 top equestrian brands, with particular emphasis on the English, Endurance, Trail or Pleasure riding styles. Whether you are an equestrian fashionista, a competitive savvy shopper or whether you want nothing but the best for your horse, Equestrian Collections has the perfect horse riding products for you. Equestrian Collections is proud to offer brands like Ariat, WeatherBeeta, Mountain Horse or Ovation. All the horse riding products we carry offer our Equestrian Collections 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. My Account [PAGE] Title: Equestrian Clothing For Women - Ladies Equestrian Apparel | Equestrian Collections Content: Horse Equipment Equestrian Clothing for Women Equestrian clothing for women for the English or Western rider. Ladies riding apparel in traditional or trendy styles. We carry riding apparel for women to enjoy riding in all seasons. Ladies riding apparel is available from warm coats to lightweight sun protective clothing, our ladies riding clothing will keep you comfortable in the saddle. Beautiful show coats as well as show shirts to put together the perfect show outfit. After a long day in the saddle, make yourself comfy with horse themed pajamas. Our sweaters and jeans go from a trip to the barn to running errands around town with comfort as well as style. Ladies equestrian apparel is available from top brands like Ariat, TuffRider or Kerrits. All our ladies riding apparel comes with the Equestrian Collections 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. $46.95 Equestrian clothing for women for the English or Western rider. Ladies riding apparel in traditional or trendy styles. We carry riding apparel for women to enjoy riding in all seasons. Ladies riding apparel is available from warm coats to lightweight sun protective clothing, our ladies riding clothing will keep you comfortable in the saddle. Beautiful show coats as well as show shirts to put together the perfect show outfit. After a long day in the saddle, make yourself comfy with horse themed pajamas. Our sweaters and jeans go from a trip to the barn to running errands around town with comfort as well as style. Ladies equestrian apparel is available from top brands like Ariat, TuffRider or Kerrits. All our ladies riding apparel comes with the Equestrian Collections 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Equestrian Collections offers a large selection of the most popular Ladies Riding Apparel found online. Shoppers looking for the latest Ladies Riding Breeches, Ladies Jodhpurs or Ladies Riding Coats will be spoiled with choices! Make your next purchase on Equestrian Collections and always ride in style! My Account
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Title: Horse - Horse Equipment - Horse Healthcare | EquestrianCollections Content: $268.00 Horse Equipment or Horse Health Care Everything for your horse or pony like horse equipment or horse health care at great prices. Find high quality horse equipment in the styles as well as colors you want from Equestrian Collections. Check out our extensive range of English horse tack as well as horse blankets, sheets or coolers from all your favorite equestrian brands. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, return the new, unused item to us and we will refund, replace, or credit you for it. Our Customer Service Representatives are always available to help you design your custom orders so that they will be just right for you and your horse. Horse Clothing and Blankets: We realize that horse blankets can be difficult to fit, so we allow you to try the blanket on your horse and return it if it does not fit. If you do not, you will not be able to return the saddle and get a refund. Please note:  If you return an international order item without obtaining prior authorization from Equestrian Collections, Equestrian Collections will refuse the shipment and it will be returned to you at your expense. We realize that horse blankets can be difficult to fit, so we allow you to try the blanket on your horse and return it if it does not fit. There are several reasons that you may have been given a store credit when returning an item to Equestrian Collections.The most common reasons for Store Credit are: Item returned was a gift from another person's account Item returned was purchased with a credit card that has since expired (and so cannot be credited) Item returned was a special or custom order Item returned is more than 30 days old My Account Title: Ladies Riding Boots - Equestrian Boots | EquestrianCollections Content: $80.99 Equestrian boots for English Riding Ladies horse riding boots are boots specifically designed for riding horses. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, return the item to us and we will refund, replace, or credit you for it. Our Customer Service Representatives are always available to help you design your custom orders so that they will be just right for you and your horse. Horse Clothing and Blankets: We realize that horse blankets can be difficult to fit, so we allow you to try the blanket on your horse and return it if it does not fit. If you find a lower price on our Equestrian Collections website within 21 days of your purchase we will be happy to refund the difference in the form of a store credit. To protect your horse, you can do as little or as much as you choose. In this guide, we'll introduce you to a wide variety of English horse riding boots for men that are available at Equestrian Collections. Men's riding apparel is available for the English or Western rider. Title: Equestrian Collections - Horse - Riding - Boots Content: $40.39 Equestrian Collections Equestrian Collections for horse riding products for horse, rider or barn. From horse riding boots to riding breeches or horse blankets from top equestrian brands.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Content: Financial information Transparency SOS Children’s Villages India has been a strong advocate of the concerns, rights, and needs of parentless and abandoned children in the country for the last six decades and the organisation’s high standards of accountability and transparency are reflected through the clear distribution of funds it receives from its donors, friends and corporate partners. All these years, our work has been supported extensively by donations from abroad. With the recession in Europe and the USA, foreign donations are on the decline. Since we are a self-implementing NGO unlike other large NGOs and we provide long-term care to abandoned children over a period of 24 years, we need sustained support. Even today, more than 38% of our project costs are still met by donations from our overseas friends. To sustain our current level of work and ensure every child under our care grows up with the strong bonds to be their strongest selves, sustained domestic support is of paramount importance. [PAGE] Title: Sponsor A Child in India with SOS Children's Villages of India Content: Sponsor a child Together we can make a change!! For six decades SOS Children's Villages India continues to provide children without parental care or at the risk of losing it, a value chain of quality care services that goes beyond childcare alone, ensuring wholesome child development. Our long-term customised care interventions such as, Family Like Care, Special Needs Childcare, Individual Foster Care, Short Stay Homes, Family Strengthening, Kinship Care, Emergency Childcare, Education and Youth Skilling are aimed at transforming lives and making children into self-reliant and contributing members of the society. As an NGO for children, we understand the importance of preventing child abandonment which is why we empower vulnerable families in communities to become financially independent, thereby enabling them to create safe and nurturing spaces for children under their care. Today, we are directly touching the lives of 65000 + children every year through our range of care services. Our work is based on Courage
non-profit organization management
Site Overview: Title: Content: Financial information Transparency SOS Children’s Villages India has been a strong advocate of the concerns, rights, and needs of parentless and abandoned children in the country for the last six decades and the organisation’s high standards of accountability and transparency are reflected through the clear distribution of funds it receives from its donors, friends and corporate partners. All these years, our work has been supported extensively by donations from abroad. With the recession in Europe and the USA, foreign donations are on the decline. Since we are a self-implementing NGO unlike other large NGOs and we provide long-term care to abandoned children over a period of 24 years, we need sustained support. Even today, more than 38% of our project costs are still met by donations from our overseas friends. To sustain our current level of work and ensure every child under our care grows up with the strong bonds to be their strongest selves, sustained domestic support is of paramount importance. Title: Sponsor A Child in India with SOS Children's Villages of India Content: Sponsor a child Together we can make a change!! For six decades SOS Children's Villages India continues to provide children without parental care or at the risk of losing it, a value chain of quality care services that goes beyond childcare alone, ensuring wholesome child development. Our long-term customised care interventions such as, Family Like Care, Special Needs Childcare, Individual Foster Care, Short Stay Homes, Family Strengthening, Kinship Care, Emergency Childcare, Education and Youth Skilling are aimed at transforming lives and making children into self-reliant and contributing members of the society. As an NGO for children, we understand the importance of preventing child abandonment which is why we empower vulnerable families in communities to become financially independent, thereby enabling them to create safe and nurturing spaces for children under their care. Today, we are directly touching the lives of 65000 + children every year through our range of care services. Our work is based on Courage
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Icel s.r.l. power film capacitors technical information Content: General Technical Information General technical information - Film capacitors Information and data in the“General Technical Information” document form an integral part of the specifications for the individual series. Specifications and technical data - Film capacitors Data and features shown in the specifications may be subject to change without prior notice. Please always refer to Icel s.r.l. website - – for up-to-date product features, the latest version of specifications, general data, product certifications, and any other information you may require. General Technical Information (UPDATED 10/2021) [PAGE] Title: Content: POLYESTER FILM CAPACITORS POLYESTER FILM CAPACITORS Polyester film capacitors offer a high dielectric constant, which means high volume efficiency and dialectric strength. They also provide excellent self-healing properties and allow high operating temperatures. GENERAL PURPOSE CAPACITORS Polyester film capacitors are typically intended for general purpose applications. They provide the best volume efficiency of all film capacitors at moderate cost. The typical use of polyester film capacitors is in DC applications, such as decoupling, blocking and coupling, bypassing, filtering, audio (noise suppression) and timing. CERTIFICATIONS AND QUALITY Tutti i prodotti ICEL rispettano i regolamenti generali REACH, ROHS, CMRT, CRT e TSCA ( see declarations ) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, GENERAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION AND CONDITIONS OF SALE IMPORTANT: With reference to our entire range of products, technical specifications must be completed with the data shown in our «General Technical Information» and «General Conditions and Terms of Sale» documents, which form an integral part of such specifications. EXPIRED – NOT FOR NEW DESIGN Reference documents for Expired (series)/Not for New Design are available here «Expired». All ICEL products are protected by UL RATED self-extinguishing materials, as per relevant specifications (approved materials). The MAB series of products is also «UL-810 CONSTRUCTION ONLY» approved (product approval). General Technical Information (UPDATED 10/2021) You are viewing the site in reduced mode. To use parametric search and filters, view the site in desktop mode. search by parameter [PAGE] Title: Content: FILM CAPACITOR MANUFACTURERS ICEL - Vematron Group: ICEL S.r.l., specialized in the design, manufacturing and marketing of plastic film capacitors since 1960, and Vematron s.r.l. a distributor of electrical and electromechanical components, measuring and testing instruments, and production accessories, FORM TOGETHER THE ICEL-VEMATRON GROUP. Your browser does not support the video tag. STANDARD AND CUSTOMIZED FILM CAPACITORS A wide range of products, service, efficiency, responsiveness, and support. All this makes us the ideal partner for supplying the capacitors you require. We are able to meet the needs of many application areas for energy conversion and management in the industrial, professional and renewable energy fields. CERTIFIED QUALITY A WIDE PRODUCT RANGE AND CUSTOMIZATION SUPPORT AND CONSULTANCY RESPONSIVENESS AND COMPETITIVENESS HISTORY ICEL srl is located in Castellanza, in the province of Varese, at about 25km from Milan Malpensa airport. The company’s facilities spread over an area of over 8000 sqm. 1960 THE FOUNDING Founded in 1960, Icel s.r.l. is known worldwide as a manufacturer of high-quality plastic film capacitors. The company started as a small manufacturer, with no automation at all. Following the evolution of the market, Icel s.r.l. has now become a fully-automated business, able to manufacture high volumes of electronic components, yet maintaining top-class quality level. 60s and 70s CONSUMER ELECTRONICS The company grew in the consumer market, focusing on the supply of components for electronic appliances. 80s ICEL expanded into the telecommunications market, including low tolerance capacitors in its range of products. Since 90s POWER APPLICATIONS Production mainly focused on power applications, expanding series and types of executions. With the construction of a new factory facility and the consequent introduction of new machinery, processes, information systems and technology, the automation level grew enormously. 2015 FURTHER EXPANSION OF PRODUCTION FACILITIES The production area kept growing, integrating new testing areas and research laboratories. The company could then benefit from a complete and innovative data acquisition system, comprehensive monitoring, and detailed production and testing data. The ongoing improvement and innovation of the automated production lines and related innovative processes went on. Today INTERNATIONALIZATION The company has reached the global market, with 70% of its production destined for other countries , mainly the U.S.A. #ICELWORLD A TEAM AT YOUR DISPOSAL For any need, do not hesitate to contact us [PAGE] Title: Content: PWS – film foil snubber, very high pulse, low losses *recommended A capacitor operating in moist ambient absorbs humidity Humidity enters from the leads-sealing and/or box-sealing contact surfaces and gradually reaches the winding Possible consequences The humidity absorption can cause gradual electrodes oxidation leading in medium-long term to the capacitor damage or failure. If voltage is applied, electrochemical corrosion may occur, destroying the metallization and causing capacitance drop, overheating, swelling of the capacitor’s body and potentially ending up to short-circuit and relevant damage up to explosion and burning. The potential related ageing effect strongly depends on the capacitor design and material, and on the amplitude of the applied voltage. Capacitor Characteristics Capacitors eventually modify their characteristics according to environmental conditions. The magnitude and speed of the modifications depend on dielectric, design and protecting material. With special design and special insulation materials the speed of this process can be slowed, but not completely eliminated Warnings The combination of high operating temperature and high humidity levels, even more with AC voltage operation and with high energy density design is a particularly dangerous and critical situation. This causes a fast ageing of the capacitor, with related relevant main parameters variation, body distortion, decrease of the expected life and rapid increase of the failure probability This possible critical situation shall be taken into account, in particular if units are supposed to be used in tropical countries or at critical environmental and climatic conditions Typical Tests Most common tests adopted to evaluate high humidity and temperature performances for harsh environment are 40°C / 93% RH: standard damp heat steady state test (IEC60068-2; IEC 384-1; AEC Q-200 ref., cockpit, biased = voltage applied) 60°C / 93% RH: damp heat steady state test (IEC60384-17:2019, 56 days, Grade III high robustness under high humidity, biased = voltage applied) 85°C / 85% RH: extreme environmental condition of the THB (Temperature Humidity Biased) test. Very rarely reachable condition in real-life applications adopting film capacitors (IEC60068-2-67; IEC 384-1; AEC Q-200 ref., Level 1, biased) Possible intermediate levels, usually corresponding to high stress levels but more realistic operating conditions and real usage 70°C / 70% RH; 60°C / 60% RH Testing capacitors upon the most severe test classes (85/85/1000: 85°C, 85% RH, 1000h), a typical effect could be the box bulging, even if with electrical parameters still within admitted variations and not corresponding to real electrical damages ICEL PRODUCTS - THZ THZ – this series represents a fundamental innovation and solution for power applications at operating conditions with harsh environments ICEL S.r.l. R&D and technical office developed special materials design and execution to guarantee excellent performances in AC-Power applications up to high voltage ratings, combined with very good performances in harsh environments Together with the high ratings and performances, THZ was also designed to guarantee reasonable dimensions and prices, compared to the existing AC-Power series A slight de-rating of the maximum AC rated voltage ensures the AEC Q-200 85/85/1000 (Level 1) test compliance THZ series also passes the AEC Q-200 cockpit test, the 70/70/1000 test and the IEC60068-2-67 humidity load test (Test Cy) at full ratings The new THZ series is the starting point for the development of further new types which will complete ICEL S.r.l. offer for harsh environment applications Voltage Rated votage (Ur): it is the maximum direct voltage or the maximum rms alternating voltage or the peak value of pulse voltage which can be continuously applied within given ambient temperature range. When AC voltage is present, the sum of Vdc and peak Vac must not exceed Ur At high temperatures voltage derating must be applied The maximum admissible dissipated power must always be considered according to working frequency and temperature To ensure high reliability and long life, power capacitors should not be operated at maximum permissible voltage and maximum operating temperature simultaneously: suggested safety margins should be about 25÷30% lower than ratings Overvoltage: using higher voltages than rated may cause permanent damages Dielectric perforation Insulation Resistance (IR) drop Short circuit Corona effect: high working voltage cause ionization called corona effect due to air trapped between winding layers. If the electric field in the capacitor exceeds the dielectric strength of air, micro discharges can take place damaging film metallization and/or the film itself. This typically causes capacitance drop but also overheating due to IR drop and ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) increase , up to short circuit in case of persistent ionization In general lower reliability and shorter expected life Always refer to what indicated at type specification about the voltages values and waveform applicable and allowed. Always respect voltage ratings and choose capacitors having higher Ur than the working voltage to ensure safety margins and higher reliability. Even if permissible AC voltages would cover lines voltages, ICEL S.r.l . capacitors for power applications are not certified nor suitable for across the line or line to ground applications (X or Y class) Current Rated rms current (Irms): it is the highest permissible rms value of the continuous current flowing through the capacitor at specified maximum case temperature The maximum Irms is given at certain frequency, typically 10kHz or 100kHz Power dissipation and related current derating must be considered according to operating frequency In pulse application with short pulse duration, also skin effect in contacts should be taken in account In specifications of capacitors series for power applications Irms ratings are typically, if not differently specified, referred to max ΔT of +15°C (T case - T ambient), operating at rated power, current and voltage, natural cooling ,≤+70°C ambient. When working near rated maximum operating temperatures, due to power dissipation, the following maximum ΔT shall be considered for safety reasons (polypropylene capacitors) ≤10°C at +85°C Tamb in general ≤5°C at +85°C Tamb general purpose single metallized, not designed for power applications As a general indication for rated max Irms ΔT around +10°C can be obtained applying Irms reduced to about 0.82 x Irms max ΔT around +5°C can be obtained applying Irms reduced to about 0.58 x Irms max If nothing else indicated/permitted in data, avoid operating conditions causing relevant power dissipation at Tamb ≥+95°C (even if capacitor have higher rated upper category) During stationary operation, the capacitor temperature must be always lower than the max operating temperature stated for the capacitor Terminals can give limitations to capacitors max Irms rating or applicable current. The indicative max. current values by terminal style considered for ICEL S.r.l . power capacitor are: Tinned copper leads 0.8mm diameter = about 8A Tinned copper leads 1.0mm diameter = about 10,5A Tinned copper leads 1.2mm diameter = about 14A Lugs up to around 35÷40A depending on type and shape Always refer to the specifications for the max. current and max. voltage capacitor can withstand and apply derating when required The main effect of current flowing through capacitor is heating Together with ambient temperature Ttot = Tamb + ΔT it must remain lower than the specified max operating temperature To keep the Ttot under control derating can be required depending on the operating conditions Peak current flowing through capacitor causes localized heating on contact areas due to contact resistance between leads and capacitor element Heating extends to entire capacitor body, when pulse stress is repetitive. The combined effect of pulse and rms currents must be considered and maximum Ipeak and Irms values not to be exceeded Excessive heating reduces capacitor reliability and expected life and can cause deterioration up to short or open circuit, body deformation and melting with smoke emission and fire Temperature Working at high operating temperatures can require voltage and current derating For any temperature between the rated temperature and the upper category temperature, the temperature derated voltage is the maximum voltage that can be applied Typical voltage derating for power capacitors, unless differently specified, are: Ur decrease 1,5% for every °C exceeding +85°C; Urms decrease 2,5% for every °C exceeding +85°C Irms is typically derated in relation to Tamb Testing of capacitor heating ΔT and Top (Tamb+ΔT) shall be made in conditions equivalent to the real operation conditions and by simulating the worst case working conditions Case temperature must be measured at hottest point, typically near the contacts/heads or on areas having poor dissipation capability because of external reasons like the presence of other hot components Always refer to the maximum power dissipation admitted under normal conditions. It depends on many different factors such as: execution [PAGE] Title: Content: outstanding stability with regard to operating temperature and frequency excellent long-term stability outstanding self-healing properties Polypropylene film capacitors are generally used in AC and pulse applications at high frequencies. They are also used as DC-Link capacitors, in switched mode power supplies (SMPS), electronic ballasts and snubber applications, frequency discrimination and filter circuits as well as in energy storage, and sample and hold applications. POWER CAPACITORS Polypropylene film is widely used for power capacitors, providing high performance, efficiency and reliability in a wide range of applications. Typical power capacitor applications range from industrial drives and green energy systems (wind, solar, etc.) to uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) and lasers for medical engineering. CERTIFICATIONS AND QUALITY All ICEL products fully comply with REACH, ROHS, CMRT, CRT and TSCA general regulations ( see declarations ) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, GENERAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION AND CONDITIONS OF SALE IMPORTANT: With reference to our entire range of products, technical specifications must be completed with the data shown in our «General Technical Information» and «General Conditions and Terms of Sale» documents, which form an integral part of such specifications. EXPIRED – NOT FOR NEW DESIGN Reference documents for Expired (series)/Not for New Design are available here «Expired». All ICEL products are protected by UL RATED self-extinguishing materials, as per relevant specifications (approved materials). The MAB series of products is also «UL-810 CONSTRUCTION ONLY» approved (product approval). General Technical Information (UPDATED 10/2021) You are viewing the site in reduced mode. To use parametric search and filters, view the site in desktop mode. search by parameter [PAGE] Title: Content: prompt online support GENERAL CONDITIONS & TERMS OF SALE Full details of our sales conditions are shown in the «General Conditions and Terms of Sale» document. The «General Conditions and Terms of Sale» and the «General Technical Information» documents form an integral part of any series/product specification. Categories [PAGE] Title: Icel s.r.l. film capacitors documentation Content: Expired - RC Networks Film capacitors are in conformity with international standards and normative Icel srl film capacitors are made in conformity with international standard and normative and also includes series approved by certification institutes as IMQ, VDE, SEV, UL, CSA. The leading philosophy is high quality and reliability, as well as design high performance and long life components: Icel s.r.l. adopts 100% screening and test during the production cycle at final controls and guarantees a full traceability of the production steps. Complete documentation about film capacitors specifications, technical details and quality assurance certifications The increase of demand of high quality products and services from the market induces Icel s.r.l. to a constant improvement of its products, updating and increasing its production capability, adding new and technologically advanced machineries, constantly monitoring and improving processes. Icel s.r.l. adopts a flexible and efficient organization and a quality assurance system certified by DNV in accordance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 normative. A TEAM AT YOUR DISPOSAL For any need, do not hesitate to contact us [PAGE] Title: Content: SALES NETWORK A GLOBAL SALES NETWORK Thanks to a structured distribution network worldwide, we are able to guarantee a widespread presence, a prompt response as well as fast and efficient service. Our agent-distributors are ready to be, as we are, not only your suppliers but also your consultants. BELARUS Savanorių pr, 139B, LT-03150, Vilnius, Lietuva Phone: +370(5)213-36-03 Mail: [email protected] , [email protected] Web: CHINA Advantage Power Ltd. Region:China (Shanghai), Location:Shanghai Phone:(86) 4008-860-626 Mail: [email protected] Web: ALLIED GROUP - Beijing Advantage Power Ltd. Region: China (Beijing), Location: Beijing Phone: (86) 4008-860-626 Mail: [email protected] Web: ALLIED GROUP - Shenzhen Advantage Power Ltd. Region: China (Shenzhen), Location: Shenzhen Phone: (86) 4008-860-626 Mail: [email protected] Web: SINTEC INTERNATIONAL Ltd. Rm 1820 East block Ai-DI, building 5003, Bin-He Da Dao, ShenZhen city Phone: 86-755-8355-1943 Fax: 86-755-8355-1494 Mail: [email protected] Web: DENMARK Hassellunden 14, 2765 Smorum Phone: (+45) 36773044 Fax: (+45) 36773088 Mail: [email protected] Web: MARKKU KAIPIAINEN Phone: +358 40 7025160 Mail: [email protected] FINLAND Phone: +358 40 7025160 Mail: [email protected] FRANCE ALTERNATIVE COMPONENTS 4 Rue Fleury 77410, Claye Souilly Phone: +33 610760883 Phone/Fax: +33 160260706 Mail: [email protected] Web: MANUDAX ZA Les Petites Haies 28, rue de Valenton BP302 94709 Maisons-Alfort cedex FRANCE tél. : + 33 (0) 1 41 78 94 44 fax : + 33 (0) 1 48 99 41 86 Web: GERMANY Thaddäus-Troll-Weg 5, 71549 Auenwald (Germany) Phone: (07191) 318835 Fax: (07191) 318837 Mail: [email protected] Web: MUECAP VERTRIEBSGES fur ELEKTRONISCHE BAUELEMENTE GmbH Lochhamer Schlag 11a, 82166 Grafelfing (Germany) Phone: +49 089 898081-0 Fax: +49 0898543161 Mail: [email protected] Web: WIDAP ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS GmbH & Co. KG Fraunhoferstrasse 20a, 85221 Dachau (Germany) Phone: +49 8131 6155622 Fax: +49 8131 6155629 Mail: [email protected] ; [email protected] Web: INDIA PANKAJ ELECTRONICS A-09, Sector-67, Noida, 201301, U.P India Phone: +91 120 2484316, +91 120 2484317 Fax: +91 11 66173845 Mail: [email protected] ; [email protected] Web: IRAN ELECTRO-CLINIC Int. No. 23, Ground Floor, Boushehri Commercial Complex, South Lalehzar St., Tehran, Iran Phone: +98 21 33530153 Fax: +98 21 36619337 Mail: [email protected] Web: ISRAEL BORAN TECHNOLOGIES Ltd. 18 Hashacahm st. 49125 Petach Tikva (Israel) Menachem Amir Director of Sales Phone: 972 3 9274747 Fax: 972 3 9274741 Mail: [email protected] Web: ITALY Mobile +39 335 5463080 Mail: [email protected] SKYPE: gelatocompass SISRAM SpA Via P. Palmieri 27 10138 TORINO Phone: +39 011 4404444 Fax: +39 011 4404400 Mail: [email protected] Web: VEMATRON S.r.l. Via Mons. Colombo, 34 21053 Castellanza (VA) Phone: +39 0331 504064 Fax: +39 0331 505380 Mail: [email protected] Web: LITHUANIA Savanorių pr, 139B, LT-03150, Vilnius, Lietuva Phone: +370(5)213-36-03 Mail: [email protected] , [email protected] Web: NORWAY Phone: +358 40 7025160 Mail: [email protected] POLAND DACPOL Sp. z o.o. Pulawska str. 34 05-500, Piaseczno, Warsaw, Poland Phone: +48 22 7035-100 Fax: +48 22 7035-101 Mail: [email protected] Web: SOUTH AFRICA TALTRONICS Ltd. (TPS Taltronic Power Solutions) Unit 13, 30 Golden Drive Morehill, Benoni PO Box 25856 East rand 1462 South Africa Phone: +27 11 4250090 / +27 11 4250054 Fax: +27 11 4250029 Mail: [email protected] SOUTH KOREA MILIM SYSCON Co. Ltd. B214 Biz Center SK Technopark, 190-1, Sandaewon-Dong, Jungwon-Gu, Seongnam-Si, Gyeonggi-Do 462-120 Phone: +82 31 776 2288 Fax: +82 31 776 2292 Mail: [email protected] Web: SPAIN Bocangel 38 Poligono Industrial Polvoranca 28028 Madrid Phone: +34 91-7263500 Fax: +34 91-7263334 Web: SACOEL S.A. Carrer del Bailén 71 bis, 5º 2ª, 08009 Barcelona Phone: +34 934 24 92 72 Fax: +34 934 26 06 21 Mail: [email protected] Web: SWEDEN Phone: +358 40 7025160 Mail: [email protected] COMPTRONIC AB Stormbyvägen 2-4 163 55 Spånga, Sweden Phone: +46 856470670 Mail: [email protected] ​Web: SWITZERLAND AMELEC ELECTRONIC GmbH Brunnwiesenstrasse 6a Postfach 8157 Dielsdorf Phone: (+41) 44 8620062 Fax: (+41) 44 8620063 Mail: [email protected] Web: TAIWAN ALLIED GROUP Advantage Power Ltd. Region: Taiwan, Location: New Taipei City Phone: (86) 4008-860-626 Mail: [email protected] Web: TOP TRADE Co. Ltd 7F-4 No.4 Lane 609 Sec. 5 Chongxin Road Taipei Hsien Phone: (886) 2 2999 9431 Fax: (886) 2 2278 1743 Mail: [email protected] Mail: [email protected] Web: TURKEY OHM ELEKTRONIK VE TICARET Ltd Sti. Kemankeş Karamustafa Paşa Mahallesi, Yemişçi Hasan Sk. No:1, 34425 Beyoğlu/İstanbul, Turchia Phone: +90 212 2920590 Fax: +90 212 2442772 Mail: [email protected] Web: UNITED KINGDOM JOHN G PECK Ltd Unit B1, Wymeswold Industrial Park Wymeswold Lane, Burton on the Wolds Loughborough, Leics. LE12 5TY UK Phone:+44 (0) 1509 881010 Fax: +44 (0) 1509 881688 Mail: [email protected] Web: U.S.A. Nichicon America Corporation 927 E State Pkwy, Schaumburg, IL 60173, United States Phone: +1 847 843 7500 Fax: +1 847 843 2798 Web: A TEAM AT YOUR DISPOSAL For any need, do not hesitate to contact us [PAGE] Title: Icel s.r.l. documentation for expired capacitors Content: ICEL s.r.l. provides documentation for «Not for New Design»/Expired capacitor series and for RC networks. The following documents can be downloaded here (see below): MSR - Not for New Design PW - Expired N1 - Monophase RC Unit - available upon request MPB - Not for New Design R3 - Threephase RC Unit - available upon request N3 - Threephase RC Unit - available upon request DCB - Not for New Design MHBA (Ed4 Rev0 09/2018), valid for production codes before 03/2019 PHB/RHB (Ed4 Rev1 10/2021), valid for production codes before 06/2023 PMC/RMC (Ed4 Rev2 10/2021), valid for production codes before 06/2023 MSR - Not for New Design [PAGE] Title: Declarations for Icel capacitors Content: Declarations QUALITY, DECLARATIONS, CERTIFICATIONS, AND TEMPLATES – ICEL CAPACITORS Quality assurance certificates, documents and declarations regarding our capacitors can be downloaded from this page and guarantee that ICEL products and processes comply with all relevant technical and quality requirements. All capacitors are supplied to our customers in strict compliance with these standards and regulations. The following documents can be downloaded here (see below): ISO9001:2015 CERTIFICATE [PAGE] Title: Content: mechanical and electric/electronic maintenance technitian Requirements: High school technical diploma or equivalent qualification Good knowledge of English language A minimum of 3 years experience in a similar role (mandatory) In-depth knowledge of electrical and mechanical systems Production machinary tuning and setting capability Advanced understanding of general maintenance procedures and techniques Management capability of maintenance planning software Capability of automatic machines software and hardware management Effective problem-solving abilities Experience: it is mandatory a good experience level in similar job area Contract of employment: Full time, from Monday to Friday [PAGE] Title: Content: Contacts A TEAM AT YOUR DISPOSAL. PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT US FOR ANY NEED YOU MAY HAVE. Whether you are looking for plastic film capacitors or capacitors for power applications, we are at your disposal with the complete range of products in our catalogue, but also to design, together, the customized solution best suited to your specific requirement. Choosing ICEL means aiming to quality, service and competitiveness. We will reply promptly, providing real-time advice. ICEL S.R.L. [PAGE] Title: Content: NETWORK efficient network of agents worldwide It guarantees timeliness, presence and efficiency. Thanks to an international network of distributors and through punctual service, we maintain a constant and efficient supplier-company-customer connection. INVESTMENT in people, processes, and products We are committed to constant progress on a personal level, economically and as a company, which is why we focus on training and product development, and we tell you about all this through constant communication. RESEARCH an R&D laboratory constantly aiming for innovation A dedicated laboratory, close cooperation with customers and suppliers, thousands of hours of study, testing and experimentation: all this is part of our constant quest for improvement. READINESS reactivity and proactivity in the product order and after-sale phases Fast reaction time, reactivity and proactivity are essential qualities in solving and preventing critical issues. Responsiveness makes us able to react promptly by providing all relevant support as well as products and services in the most efficient way. PRESENCE targeted answers and customized solutions Our presence at the customer’s side takes shape in our design, services, and technical-commercial advice that enables us to address and prevent possible application issues. FLEXIBILITY we adapt to requirements and needs Our flexibility allows us to respond to customer expectations and needs by remaining at their full disposal at any time. This is what makes us more of a partner than a supplier, making the difference. EXPERIENCE over 60 years of Know-how Our experience in the industry helps us to support and anticipate market trends. In addition to professional training, we bring to the table a wealth of practical experience that make us pragmatic, proactive and effective. CARE to every detail with regard to process, product, and relationship If the key to perfection is hidden in every single detail, our way to perfection runs through care for the product, the process and every factor involved, including the human one. PATIENCE appropriate targeted market strategies Waiting does not mean playing for time but knowing how to identify the right moment for every action. Patience allows us to use time and resources in the most appropriate manner, improving tools, training skills and planning actions. COMMITMENT constant analysis and improvement We put the same commitment into every single strategic move, into following market evolution and requirements, never forcing the pace, yet pursuing our goals with determination and just a dash of stubborness. TRUST which we always strive for Trust in a work relationship is never easily granted: it is the result of a relationship and service we care for, day after day, with love and dedication. RESPECT for people, customers, and suppliers The same rights, a dialogue of equals, consideration of personal strengths and needs… at any time: this is the respect we have for every single employee, partner, supplier, and customer. A TEAM AT YOUR DISPOSAL For any need, do not hesitate to contact us
civil, mechanical & electrical
industrial automation
Title: Content: POLYESTER FILM CAPACITORS Title: Content: FILM CAPACITOR MANUFACTURERS ICEL - Vematron Group: ICEL S.r.l., specialized in the design, manufacturing and marketing of plastic film capacitors since 1960, and Vematron s.r.l. 60s and 70s The potential related ageing effect strongly depends on the capacitor design and material, and on the amplitude of the applied voltage. With special design and special insulation materials the speed of this process can be slowed, but not completely eliminated Warnings The combination of high operating temperature and high humidity levels, even more with AC voltage operation and with high energy density design is a particularly dangerous and critical situation. R&D and technical office developed special materials design and execution to guarantee excellent performances in AC-Power applications up to high voltage ratings, combined with very good performances in harsh environments Together with the high ratings and performances, THZ was also designed to guarantee reasonable dimensions and prices, compared to the existing AC-Power series A slight de-rating of the maximum AC rated voltage ensures the AEC Q-200 85/85/1000 (Level 1) test compliance THZ series also passes the AEC Q-200 cockpit test, the 70/70/1000 test and the IEC60068-2-67 humidity load test (Test Cy) at full ratings The new THZ series is the starting point for the development of further new types which will complete ICEL S.r.l. When working near rated maximum operating temperatures, due to power dissipation, the following maximum ΔT shall be considered for safety reasons (polypropylene capacitors) ≤10°C at +85°C Tamb in general ≤5°C at +85°C Tamb general purpose single metallized, not designed for power applications As a general indication for rated max Irms ΔT around +10°C can be obtained applying Irms reduced to about 0.82 x Irms max ΔT around +5°C can be obtained applying Irms reduced to about 0.58 x Irms max If nothing else indicated/permitted in data, avoid operating conditions causing relevant power dissipation at Tamb ≥+95°C (even if capacitor have higher rated upper category) During stationary operation, the capacitor temperature must be always lower than the max operating temperature stated for the capacitor Terminals can give limitations to capacitors max Irms rating or applicable current. The combined effect of pulse and rms currents must be considered and maximum Ipeak and Irms values not to be exceeded Excessive heating reduces capacitor reliability and expected life and can cause deterioration up to short or open circuit, body deformation and melting with smoke emission and fire Temperature Working at high operating temperatures can require voltage and current derating For any temperature between the rated temperature and the upper category temperature, the temperature derated voltage is the maximum voltage that can be applied Typical voltage derating for power capacitors, unless differently specified, are: Ur decrease 1,5% for every °C exceeding +85°C; Urms decrease 2,5% for every °C exceeding +85°C Irms is typically derated in relation to Tamb Testing of capacitor heating ΔT and Top (Tamb+ΔT) shall be made in conditions equivalent to the real operation conditions and by simulating the worst case working conditions Case temperature must be measured at hottest point, typically near the contacts/heads or on areas having poor dissipation capability because of external reasons like the presence of other hot components Always refer to the maximum power dissipation admitted under normal conditions. They are also used as DC-Link capacitors, in switched mode power supplies (SMPS), electronic ballasts and snubber applications, frequency discrimination and filter circuits as well as in energy storage, and sample and hold applications. Polypropylene film is widely used for power capacitors, providing high performance, efficiency and reliability in a wide range of applications. CERTIFICATIONS AND QUALITY All ICEL products fully comply with REACH, ROHS, CMRT, CRT and TSCA general regulations ( see declarations ) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, GENERAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION AND CONDITIONS OF SALE IMPORTANT: With reference to our entire range of products, technical specifications must be completed with the data shown in our «General Technical Information» and «General Conditions and Terms of Sale» documents, which form an integral part of such specifications. Complete documentation about film capacitors specifications, technical details and quality assurance certifications The increase of demand of high quality products and services from the market induces Icel s.r.l. Icel s.r.l. Phone: +358 40 7025160 Mail: [email protected] Phone: +358 40 7025160 Mail: [email protected] Phone: +358 40 7025160 Mail: [email protected] Phone: +358 40 7025160 Mail: [email protected] Whether you are looking for plastic film capacitors or capacitors for power applications, we are at your disposal with the complete range of products in our catalogue, but also to design, together, the customized solution best suited to your specific requirement. in people, processes, and products We are committed to constant progress on a personal level, economically and as a company, which is why we focus on training and product development, and we tell you about all this through constant communication. Responsiveness makes us able to react promptly by providing all relevant support as well as products and services in the most efficient way.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Testimonials | Luxury Wedding Venue Essex Content: For memories That last a lifetime “I cannot recommend Blake Hall to those of you looking for a wedding venue enough. If you want a day that is perfect, runs seamlessly, is enjoyable, then look no further. The grounds make for a stunning backdrop for photographs and the staff ensure your day is perfect. It was genuinely the best day of my life. Thank you Blake Hall!” Rebecca & Marcus “From the very first call, to our visit of your beautiful grounds, we knew Blake Hall was the perfect venue for our wedding! We can not express the exceptional attention to detail, the love, support and kindness shown to us leading up to, during and after our memorable wedding day” Michelle & David “We had the most magical day! It went far better than we ever could have imagined. It was truly unforgettable, we wouldn’t have changed anything, and it was in no small part due to all of your help.   All of our guests said how wonderful the venue and the food was. If we ever decide to renew our vows in the future, we will surely be in touch!” Jackie & Andy “We recently got married at Blake Hall and what can we say but WOW! It really is the most stunning venue! And the staff really do go above and beyond to make your day so special. The dream team!” Shona & Robert “Everything, from the very first viewing of the venue to the day we got married (17th April) we were looked after and supported. The setting is beautiful and the Coach House was perfect for me and my 7 bridesmaids on the night before the wedding. Natalie and Dave were always one step ahead of the game anticipating everyone’s needs couldn’t do enough to make you feel special and everyone commented on how lovely the food.  It was just the best day ever” Claire & Tony “From our very first visit, we were won over by not only the beautiful grounds and wonderful barns, but also your impeccable attention to detail.  It was no surprise then that 14 months later, our wedding day went absolutely perfectly, all thanks to your team! The number one comment from our guests was that the venue was wonderful, and the crew were all so helpful and friendly, which was lovely to hear and always met with enthusiastic nods of agreement from us!” Freddie & Sam “Thank you so much for the absolutely perfect day! We felt so well looked after and it really was the best day of our lives.  Many of our guests said it was the best wedding they had been to!” Georgia & Charlotte “The BEST VENUE AND STAFF! Thank you all for an amazing wedding.  We both really appreciate all your help and we wouldn’t change a thing about our day.  We have memories to last a lifetime because of you guys” Tola & Ayo “From booking with you guys over 3 years ago, the venue is just as immaculate now as it was back then. You can clearly see the attention to detail and that the grounds and the venue are maintained year round, even the morning of the wedding to ensure everything is tip top shape.” Charlotte & James “One of my favourite venues, and I’ve played at hundreds across the UK. But Blake Hall is special.” Louise (Wedding singer) “Everything was perfect. ….. We didn’t have to do anything and behind the scenes you done it all. Every little detail was taken care of and cannot thank you enough. All our guests have said how lovely the venue was and how friendly the staff were. We are so happy we chose Blake hall!” Lettie & Daniel “Cannot recommend this venue & the team behind the scenes enough! So supportive and helpful when moving our date due to COVID and we finally had our big day last month and we couldn’t have asked for a better day!” Phoebe & Edward “We could not have chosen a better place to celebrate our marriage. The staff were amazing & so helpful. Blake Hall really brought our dream wedding to life and everything ran perfectly. I just wish we could do the day all over again!” Amy & Damian “We had the best day of our lives as we had hoped, and a lot of that was down to picking such an amazing venue! Everything felt perfect on the day and all the staff made everything run so smoothly. Thank you for being so accommodating with all my emails and requests running up to the day.  …..    Honestly everything seemed completely perfect to us and we can’t thank you enough” Kathryn & Ben “Hands down, the best kept garden at a wedding venue” Jamie Attfield, wedding make-up artist [PAGE] Title: Accommodation | Luxury Wedding Venue Essex Content: Accommodation The Old Coach House For the night before your wedding. The Old Coach House is three-bedroom cottage, beautifully renovated and stylishly furnished. It is ideal for the night before your big day and it is the perfect place to get ready with your wedding party. On the ground floor there is a lovely sitting room with adjoining fully equipped kitchen. The large dressing room is also downstairs where the wedding party have seating and a dressing table with lights and mirrors to get ready. The dressing room is complete with its own facilities for hair washing and lots of thoughtful touches. Upstairs, there are three bedrooms, one double and two twin rooms, furnished with a lovely fresh ‘English Country’ feel, and a stylish bathroom with a large shower and roll top bath. Download our Brochure “Everything, from the very first viewing of the venue to the day we got married (17th April) we were looked after and supported. The setting is beautiful and the Coach House was perfect for me and my 7 bridesmaids on the night before the wedding. Natalie and Dave were always one step ahead of the game anticipating everyone’s needs couldn’t do enough to make you feel special and everyone commented on how lovely the food.  It was just the best day ever”. Claire & Tony For guests on the night of the wedding Carpenter’s Shop A large, light, bright family room with a double bed and two single beds plus an en-suite with bath and shower. It is available until 12pm the following day. The Tack Room A double bedroom with private terrace and en-suite shower room for your family and friends to stay in comfort on the night of your wedding. Close to the Wedding Barns, it is available until 12pm the following day. The Horse Box A stunning double bedroom with spacious en-suite bathroom. It has its own private, secluded terrace and is available until 12pm the following day. The Apple Store A fully equipped kitchen and breakfast room for all guests staying in The Tack Room, Carpenter’s Shop and Horse Box. A delicious continental breakfast is provided for all to enjoy, either around the large farm table or out on the terrace. “What an amazing day. The whole experience has been magical!… The grounds, both houses are just fantastic. You have helped us make some unforgettable memories. Thank you.” Victoria & Robert The Honeymoon Cottage Stable Cottage is available exclusively to all our couples for the night of their wedding. No need to worry about taxis or checking into a hotel, just wave your guests good bye as you make the short walk to this stunning cottage tucked away in the grounds of Blake Hall. Finished to the very highest standard, Stable Cottage offers a charming sitting room with french windows opening on to a secluded terrace, fully equipped kitchen, beautiful bedroom and luxurious en-suite bathroom. Available for your wedding night until 12 midday the following morning and including a continental breakfast, you can relax and enjoy your first morning as a married couple – the perfect finish to your wedding at Blake Hall. “Amazing. A PERFECT day it was amazing to get ready with all the girls, hear the birds singing and then walk to the ceremony to get married – and then walk back with my new husband!!!! Thank you!” Sonya & Tom [PAGE] Title: Find Us | Luxury Wedding Venue Essex Content: BLAKE HALL WEDDINGS AND EVENTS LIMITED Blake Hall Bobbingworth, Ongar Essex CM5 0DG Tel: 01277 366 687 From the M11 Junction 7 From the Junction 7 roundabout, follow A414 signed to Chelmsford and Ongar. Go straight over both the first and second (The Talbot) roundabouts. Continue 1.8 miles from the Talbot roundabout to a side road left signed to Blake Hall and Bobbingworth. Continue 0.4 miles and the entrance to Blake Hall barn is the second pair of gates on the right, signed Blake Hall. Journey time approx 7 minutes From Great Dunmow From the south side of Dunmow, take the B184 signed to High Ongar and The Rodings. After 6 miles, turn right onto A1060 at Leaden Roding. After 0.7 miles, turn left onto B184 signed Fyfield and Ongar. Continue 6.5 miles to Ongar and the Four Wantz roundabout. Turn right signed A414 M11 and Harlow. After 1.3 miles, turn right down a side road signed to Blake Hall and Bobbingworth. Continue 0.4 miles and the entrance to Blake Hall barn is the second pair of gates on the right, signed Blake Hall. From Brentwood From Brentwood centre, take A128 towards Ongar. After 6.6 miles, turn right at A128 t-junction to Ongar. Continue 1 mile through Ongar High Street to the Four Wantz roundabout and turn left signed A414 M11 and Harlow. After 1.3 miles, turn right down a side road signed to Blake Hall and Bobbingworth. Continue 0.4 miles and the entrance to Blake Hall barn is the second pair of gates on the right, signed Blake Hall. Journey time approx 18 minutes From Chelmsford From London Road, Chelmsford, follow signs at roundabout to A414 Harlow (M11) and Ongar. After approx 9 miles, go straight over the Four Wantz roundabout at Ongar signed A414 M11 and Harlow. After 1.3 miles, turn right down a side road signed to Blake Hall and Bobbingworth. Continue 0.4 miles and the entrance to Blake Hall barn is the second pair of gates on the right, signed Blake Hall Journey time approx 16 minutes Train and Tube Our nearest tube station is Epping (Central Line) which is 6.3 miles away. The nearest main line train is Harlow Town Mainline Station, which is 8.5 miles from us. [PAGE] Title: Home | Luxury Wedding Venue Essex Content: Your browser does not support the video tag. View our video Your browser does not support the video tag. Close Dream wedding venue in Ongar, Essex Within the historic setting of Blake Hall and its stunning private gardens, we are proud to offer you the beautifully restored 17th century barns and surrounding areas for your exclusive use for weddings, wedding receptions and other special occasions. Fully licensed Blake Hall is only offered for exclusive use and is licensed for civil ceremonies either inside the beautifully converted Hay Barn or outside under the canopy of the old Saddlery. Reception drinks can be enjoyed outside on the pretty lawn and terraces between the barns, or inside in the spacious Hay Barn. This leaves the Essex Barn for the wedding breakfast and evening entertainment. For those who prefer a church wedding, the historic church of Bobbingworth is conveniently located at the end of the drive and offers a traditional and romantic setting for couples to say “I do.” For memories that last a lifetime “I cannot recommend Blake Hall to those of you looking for a wedding venue enough. If you want a day that is perfect, runs seamlessly, is enjoyable, then look no further. The grounds make for a stunning backdrop for photographs and the staff ensure your day is perfect. It was genuinely the best day of my life. Thank you Blake Hall!” Rebecca & Marcus The perfect wedding day For those seeking a picturesque and rustic wedding venue in Essex, look no further than Blake Hall Weddings. With the option to exchange vows inside the beautifully restored Hay Barn or outside under the charming canopy of the old Saddlery, this venue offers a stunning backdrop for your special day. Conveniently located near the towns of Ongar, Epping, Brentwood, and Harlow, and easily accessible via the M11 and M25, Blake Hall Weddings provides a peaceful and tranquil setting with 60 acres of formal gardens and woodland exclusively for your use on your wedding day. Download Brochure Helpful Information Looking for local services for your upcoming event? Look no further! We’ve got you covered with information on everything from accommodations and transportation to DJs, makeup artists, musicians, and florists. Whether you’re on a tight budget or looking to splurge, we’ve got options to suit all tastes and needs. Plus, stay up-to-date with the latest news and updates in the area. [PAGE] Title: Barns & Gardens | Luxury Wedding Venue Essex Content: Barns & Gardens Essex Barn This magnificent 17th century barn has been sympathetically restored with modern comforts without losing any of its original charm. The Essex Barn seats between 50 and 150 guests for the wedding breakfast, can accommodate 200 guests in the evening and offers the convenience of the banqueting area, dance floor and licensed bar all under one roof. As the venue is only offered for your exclusive use, you can marry either outside, under the Saddlery, or inside in the stunning Hay Barn and enjoy reception drinks outside on the pretty terraces and lawns between the barns, or inside in the spacious Hay Barn, leaving the Essex Barn for the wedding breakfast and evening entertainment. For memories That last a lifetime “The BEST VENUE AND STAFF! Thank you all for an amazing wedding.  We both really appreciate all your help and we wouldn’t change a thing about our day.  We have memories to last a lifetime because of you guys” Tola & Ayo Hay Barn Sitting across the lawn from the Essex Barn and adjacent to the Saddlery, the stunning restoration of the Hay Barn completes the trilogy of barns for your use at Blake Hall. The Hay Barn is licensed for civil ceremonies for up to 150 guests and with its beam-lined aisle, and magnificent picture window, provides a beautiful, year round, in-door alternative for wedding ceremonies at Blake Hall. It is also be available for reception drinks, if you chose not to be outside on the terrace, leaving the Essex barn for your wedding breakfast and evening entertainment. “The most beautiful, quintessentially English country wedding that I have ever attended” Wedding Guest The Saddlery Between the Essex Barn and Hay Barn, and fully licensed for civil ceremonies and partnership ceremonies, our couples have the choice of getting married under the canopy of the old Saddlery, with their guests looking on from the cedar wood benches on the beautiful lawn outside. A limestone path forms the aisle and a microphone and speakers have been strategically placed so that the ceremony can be clearly heard. The Saddlery also makes a wonderful pavilion from which musicians can play, children can be entertained, and drinks can be served. It is your day and there are so many ways to use this very special and versatile building. Download our Brochure Beautiful gardens for wedding photography Blake Hall and its glorious barns are nestled within 60 acres of historic and beautifully maintained gardens and parkland. Whilst the spacious lawn and terrace directly outside the barns provide the perfect setting for our couples and their guests to enjoy reception drinks and garden games, the stunning and tranquil rose garden, ancient trees and formal lawns are just a short walk from the barns and provide a peaceful retreat for more intimate wedding photographs. From the swathes of daffodils and spring blossom, to the splendour of the rose garden and herbaceous border in the summer to the dramatic autumnal colours, the gardens provide countless photo opportunities throughout the year. The Potting Shed Situated next to the barns, the newly converted Potting Shed is a lovey new addition to our venue. Whilst one partner is getting ready in the Old Coach House, the Potting Shed is available for the other as a great place to finish off getting ready for your big day. No need to risk creasing your outfit on the journey here. Just arrive a few hours early and get changed with a few other members of your wedding party in the Potting Shed. With its long mirrors, sink, shaving socket and lots of hanging space, the Potting Shed is a wonderful place to finish off getting ready for your wedding and to relax before the formalities begin. It is also a great space for some all-important getting-ready photos and, of course, can also be used during the day itself if required. As the Potting Shed is part of the venue, there is no additional charge for using this room. Helpful Information Looking for local services for your upcoming event? Look no further! We’ve got you covered with information on everything from accommodations and transportation to DJs, makeup artists, musicians, and florists. Whether you’re on a tight budget or looking to splurge, we’ve got options to suit all tastes and needs. Plus, stay up-to-date with the latest news and updates in the area. [PAGE] Title: Photo Gallery | Luxury Wedding Venue Essex Content: ©2023 | Company number 09961410 (Registered in England and Wales) | Site by Phoenix Road Creative Manage Cookie Consent To provide the best experiences, we use technologies like cookies to store and/or access device information. Consenting to these technologies will allow us to process data such as browsing behaviour or unique IDs on this site. Not consenting or withdrawing consent, may adversely affect certain features and functions. Functional Functional Always active The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. Preferences Preferences The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. Statistics Statistics The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. Marketing Marketing The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. [PAGE] Title: News & Events | Luxury Wedding Venue Essex Content: Find Us News & Events Stay up-to-date with the latest news and events at Blake Hall! We periodically host events that are open to the public and offer special discounts for weddings. Be sure to check this section regularly for updates on what’s coming up next. January 22nd, 2024 [PAGE] Title: Guest Information | Luxury Wedding Venue Essex Content: ©2023 | Company number 09961410 (Registered in England and Wales) | Site by Phoenix Road Creative Manage Cookie Consent To provide the best experiences, we use technologies like cookies to store and/or access device information. Consenting to these technologies will allow us to process data such as browsing behaviour or unique IDs on this site. Not consenting or withdrawing consent, may adversely affect certain features and functions. Functional Functional Always active The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. Preferences Preferences The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. Statistics Statistics The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. Marketing Marketing The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. [PAGE] Title: Suppliers | Luxury Wedding Venue Essex Content: ©2023 | Company number 09961410 (Registered in England and Wales) | Site by Phoenix Road Creative Manage Cookie Consent To provide the best experiences, we use technologies like cookies to store and/or access device information. Consenting to these technologies will allow us to process data such as browsing behaviour or unique IDs on this site. Not consenting or withdrawing consent, may adversely affect certain features and functions. Functional Functional Always active The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. Preferences Preferences The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. Statistics Statistics The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. Marketing Marketing The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. [PAGE] Title: Food & Drink | Luxury Wedding Venue Essex Content: Food & Drink A Dining Experience When planning your wedding, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is the food. Not only does it need to fit within your budget, but it also needs to be tasty, visually appealing, and reflect your personal preferences. After all, food is a key element in creating a memorable wedding experience for you and your guests. “A huge thank you for all the gorgeous food you made for us on our wedding day. It was perfect, and all the guests kept saying how it was the nicest food they had ever had at a wedding.” Emma & Jack Waters Edge Catering We work with Waters Edge Catering, a leading Essex catering company, who strive to do just that. Their comprehensive menu, using locally sourced produce wherever possible, is not only fresh and tantalisingly tasty, but is also extremely flexible to suit your tastes and preferences. Whether you choose something from their delicious menu or provide us with your favourite child-hood recipe, Waters Edge Catering will try and accommodate your requirements wherever possible – after all it is your Wedding Day. Download our brochure “Absolutely everyone came up to us to tell us how great the food was. We have a lot of friends who are entertainers who regularly eat at a lot of wedding venues and they all said it was the best food they had had at a wedding!” Samantha & Jake [PAGE] Title: About Us | Luxury Wedding Venue Essex Content: Find Us About Us Blake Hall has been home to the Capel Cure family for nearly 230 years.  For nearly 20 years now, they have offered the beautifully restored 17th century barns and the gardens at Blake Hall as the perfect venue for your wedding, party or special celebration. FAQ How many guests can we invite? We can seat up to 150 guests for your ceremony and wedding breakfast, with a licence for up to 200 guests in the evening. We recommend a minimum of 50 adult guests. Can we use our own caterers? To provide quality and reliability we use only our preferred caterer, Waters Edge Catering. Learn more here. [PAGE] Title: Download Brochure | Luxury Wedding Venue Essex Content: ©2023 | Company number 09961410 (Registered in England and Wales) | Site by Phoenix Road Creative Manage Cookie Consent To provide the best experiences, we use technologies like cookies to store and/or access device information. Consenting to these technologies will allow us to process data such as browsing behaviour or unique IDs on this site. Not consenting or withdrawing consent, may adversely affect certain features and functions. Functional Functional Always active The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. Preferences Preferences The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. Statistics Statistics The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. Marketing Marketing The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes.
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Title: Testimonials | Luxury Wedding Venue Essex Content: For memories That last a lifetime “I cannot recommend Blake Hall to those of you looking for a wedding venue enough. Thank you Blake Hall!” Rebecca & Marcus “From the very first call, to our visit of your beautiful grounds, we knew Blake Hall was the perfect venue for our wedding! It was truly unforgettable, we wouldn’t have changed anything, and it was in no small part due to all of your help. All of our guests said how wonderful the venue and the food was. It was just the best day ever” Claire & Tony “From our very first visit, we were won over by not only the beautiful grounds and wonderful barns, but also your impeccable attention to detail. The staff were amazing & so helpful. I just wish we could do the day all over again!” Amy & Damian “We had the best day of our lives as we had hoped, and a lot of that was down to picking such an amazing venue! It is ideal for the night before your big day and it is the perfect place to get ready with your wedding party. Download our Brochure “Everything, from the very first viewing of the venue to the day we got married (17th April) we were looked after and supported. The Tack Room A double bedroom with private terrace and en-suite shower room for your family and friends to stay in comfort on the night of your wedding. A PERFECT day it was amazing to get ready with all the girls, hear the birds singing and then walk to the ceremony to get married – and then walk back with my new husband!!!! Title: Find Us | Luxury Wedding Venue Essex Content: BLAKE HALL WEDDINGS AND EVENTS LIMITED Blake Hall Bobbingworth, Ongar Essex CM5 0DG Tel: 01277 366 687 From the M11 Junction 7 From the Junction 7 roundabout, follow A414 signed to Chelmsford and Ongar. After approx 9 miles, go straight over the Four Wantz roundabout at Ongar signed A414 M11 and Harlow. Thank you Blake Hall!” Rebecca & Marcus The perfect wedding day For those seeking a picturesque and rustic wedding venue in Essex, look no further than Blake Hall Weddings. Title: Barns & Gardens | Luxury Wedding Venue Essex Content: Barns & Gardens Essex Barn This magnificent 17th century barn has been sympathetically restored with modern comforts without losing any of its original charm. It is also be available for reception drinks, if you chose not to be outside on the terrace, leaving the Essex barn for your wedding breakfast and evening entertainment. As the Potting Shed is part of the venue, there is no additional charge for using this room. Not only does it need to fit within your budget, but it also needs to be tasty, visually appealing, and reflect your personal preferences. Title: About Us | Luxury Wedding Venue Essex Content: Find Us About Us Blake Hall has been home to the Capel Cure family for nearly 230 years. We can seat up to 150 guests for your ceremony and wedding breakfast, with a licence for up to 200 guests in the evening.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Business Mindset Coaching - About Coaching and How it can help you Content: Book your FREE Discovery Call With Me Go to slide 1 Go to slide 2 Business Mindset Coaching is Greg McColl. I am an International Life, Personal & Mental Skills Development Coach, working with clients around the world from the UK, USA, Australia, Spain, China, Sri Lanka, Australia and New Zealand. I initially studied Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy in the early 1990’s before studying to qualify as an Audiologist. After 13 years in Audiology, I found myself looking for new challenges and once again returned to the world of the mind, and mental performance. In addition to working and coaching top entrepreneurs, business people and individuals, I also work in the world of motorsport including series such as BRDC F4, Renault Clio Cup UK and also other racing series with riders on “two wheels” including British Superbikes, World Supersport, Thundersport GB and Euro Superstock series, and also in Karting, helping develop young talent’s mental skills. I also work with and have been involved with several Formula 1 teams, with other motorsport series and drivers, the British Racing Drivers Club (BRDC) and also Premiership Rugby Teams. I am a a NLP Master Practitioner Coach and and Mindfulness Coach and a Certified and Accredited Hypnotherapist. I’m based just outside Cheltenham, UK. Find out more about Greg at Start making the changes you want today Book Your Session Online Now Book your session with Greg now Business Mindset Coaching - What is is & How it Can help you When starting a business or growing a business, most entrepreneurs can feel at times left alone on a lonely road. At times like this, focusing and finding direction and motivationcan be seem difficult, especially in the early growth stages when the ratio of effort to results can seem disappointing. Business Mindset Coaching assists you in not just being focused and motivated, but also supports you, encourages you and helps keep you accountable. As entrepreneurs, one thing that will ensure you keep going, growing and developing even if seems hard, less fun or even daunting is Accountability coaching. It helps you develop a “habit of momentum”. When coaching you, I will be your biggest cheerleader, I will also however keep you accountable, and ensure you follow through and move forward. Business Mindset Coaching with me, helps you to take Positive Consistent Action and get the results you want, whether you are an established CEO, Entrepreneur or Manager. Virtual Sessions Sessions take place using Skype, FaceTime or Zoom or by phone. Sessions usually run between 60-90 minutes. In between sessions, we'll keep in touch, to support you and keep focussed there may also be useful tasks or worksheets to complete. Momentum I want you to get the results you want as quickly as possible. Every session we have I hope is our last. I want you get the momentum, drive and progress you need to move forward on your own. However, I'm always happy to do "top up" sessions or help out any way I can if you need assistance. Personal MP3 Sometimes,extra support is required or requested for those times in between sessions. This is where a personally written and recorded MP3 can really help you. Personal MP3's are usually about 20-25 minutes long and can be used in between sessions to help reinforce the work covered in sessions. (additional cost) About Business Mindset Coaching is all about improving your "business mindset". Helping entrepreneurs and business people get the results they want, whether they're a new start up, and entrepreneur or established business. It's about coaching people to help them get what they want and the get the most out of themselves. [PAGE] Title: My Account - Business Mindset Coaching Content: My Account This is not the Kadence Themes login page. Please go here Lost your password? Please enter your username or email address. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. Username or email Reset password About Business Mindset Coaching is all about improving your "business mindset". Helping entrepreneurs and business people get the results they want, whether they're a new start up, and entrepreneur or established business. It's about coaching people to help them get what they want and the get the most out of themselves. [PAGE] Title: Testimonials - Business Mindset Coaching Content: Contact Testimonials Worked a treat yesterday for me as my head was a bit in the wrong place, was the perfect fix! KD - Cirencester, UK Seriously loving this MP3. I’m honestly buzzing at the end of it. Listen to it morning and lunchtime, find it far better than meditation! RH - Australia “I listened to the mp3, its awesome! Its seriously the best thing like that i’ve ever heard.” DH - Melbourne, Aust Things have generally improved and I’m feeling more in control. MC - Cheltenham, UK I really appreciate your help, and your Sleep MP3 worked like a charm! LO - Omaha, USA Thanks for the sessions we’ve worked on together. I’m working less, everything’s more structured and sales are higher! It’s been Fantastic1 WH - Auckland, NZ I’ve already noticed I’m more excited about sitting down at my desk and working! RH - Melbourne, Aust I think you’re great. What you do and your knowledge is amazing! JT - Merseyside, UK About Business Mindset Coaching is all about improving your "business mindset". Helping entrepreneurs and business people get the results they want, whether they're a new start up, and entrepreneur or established business. It's about coaching people to help them get what they want and the get the most out of themselves. [PAGE] Title: Contact - Business Mindset Coaching Content: Subject Your Message By submitting the form I accept the terms & conditions of the website | data use and privacy terms and conditions About Business Mindset Coaching is all about improving your "business mindset". Helping entrepreneurs and business people get the results they want, whether they're a new start up, and entrepreneur or established business. It's about coaching people to help them get what they want and the get the most out of themselves. [PAGE] Title: Greg McColl-Coaching, Motorsport Mental Coaching Skills, Hypnotherapist Content: Imagine yourself thriving, doing what you love and getting exactly what you want out of life , your work and your career. I'm here to help you to advance personally and professionally. Hi, I’m Greg Go to Get in Touch Get in Touch to arrange a 15 minute consultation call to explore how I can help you and answer any questions you may. have. Go to Grab a Copy of My Book Grab a Copy of My New Book, Where I Share my Experiences with Dealing with with Stress, Overwhelm and Getting More Clarity. Grab Your Copy About me I am a  Coach, Trainer, Therapist , Author and Hypnotherapist, helping and supporting people in making changes and getting more of what they want. I am a NLP Master Practitioner Coach, Mindfulness Coach and a Certified and Accredited Hypnotherapist. I also hold as a diploma in Hypnotherapy and Cognitive Techniques for Stress Management in Business, and have been helping and coaching clients as a coach and hypnotherapist since 2014. Trust me! I will boost your communication skills. Get on the path to financial freedom. How Coaching with Me Can Help You... BEING HAPPY Figure out your values and align your life to them. FULFILLING POTENTIAL Overcome roadblocks and accomplish goals. MAKING CHANCES Get over fears and change your habits, beliefs and your mind. FINDING BALANCE Breathe, relax, and become content with your world. Find Your Solutions I can help you improve your Confidence, Manage Change, Improve your Focus or Concentration, Stress management, Sleep, Dealing with Anxiety, building resilience and Business Performance. Other issues I help people with include Anger Management, Mindfulness, Belief Changes, Life Coaching, Goal Setting, Phobias. I can help you find direction and and help you clear these obstacles that can sometimes prevent us getting the most out of ourselves. Coaching is a supportive conversation to help you move towards what you want. Build Your Resilience with Coaching Coaching is an effective way to manage the barriers and obstacles which prevent us from achieving our goals. Today we can be overwhelmed physically, technically, emotionally but most of us are under trained and under prepared mentally to deal with these challenges. Whether it's personal or work related issues, understanding how your mind is working and applying the correct techniques and skills, can help you make the changes you want. Specialising in helping people Change Self Limiting Beliefs, Deal with Anxiety & Stress, Eliminate Sleep Problems, Remove Phobias, Increase Mental Resilience, Improve Business Performance, Increase Confidence, Dealing with anger management I can help you by showing you & teaching you how to manage your mind better. Make the Changes You Want Having worked successfully with people from all walks of life – individuals, business executives, entrepreneurs, small business owners,professional sports people, motorsport drivers & teams, and also those with life-altering health conditions – I have helped them manage to achieve optimum performance and bring about positive change. I use my skills drawn from NLP, Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Mindfulness, and also use many other methodologies and strategies, developed and created by other top therapists & coaches. Get Started - Book Your Session or Schedule a Call Now Personal Commitment and Attention I limit the number of clients I have at any one time, to make sure that when I work with you, you get the best attention and best results for you. Call me today on +44 07537 121887  to discuss how coaching can help you If you're interested in working with me, contact me for an informal chat, to see how I can help. Improve Your Life - Improve Your Mind Success Stories “Greg is a Rock Star Mindset performance Coach who will have you Hitting All your Objectives with Laser Guided... RH - Melbourne, Aus [PAGE] Title: You searched for - Greg McColl Content: By jlbbzy The mind is our greatest tool and ally. It’s power to analyse, it’s cognitive abilities, are what took man from the realm of trees and savannahs into our modern world as we know it today. It is our greatest strength. […]
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Title: Business Mindset Coaching - About Coaching and How it can help you Content: Book your FREE Discovery Call With Me Go to slide 1 Go to slide 2 Business Mindset Coaching is Greg McColl. I am an International Life, Personal & Mental Skills Development Coach, working with clients around the world from the UK, USA, Australia, Spain, China, Sri Lanka, Australia and New Zealand. Find out more about Greg at Start making the changes you want today Book Your Session Online Now Book your session with Greg now Business Mindset Coaching - What is is & How it Can help you When starting a business or growing a business, most entrepreneurs can feel at times left alone on a lonely road. When coaching you, I will be your biggest cheerleader, I will also however keep you accountable, and ensure you follow through and move forward. Business Mindset Coaching with me, helps you to take Positive Consistent Action and get the results you want, whether you are an established CEO, Entrepreneur or Manager. Momentum I want you to get the results you want as quickly as possible. This is where a personally written and recorded MP3 can really help you. It's about coaching people to help them get what they want and the get the most out of themselves. Username or email Reset password About Business Mindset Coaching is all about improving your "business mindset". It's about coaching people to help them get what they want and the get the most out of themselves. It's about coaching people to help them get what they want and the get the most out of themselves. It's about coaching people to help them get what they want and the get the most out of themselves. I also hold as a diploma in Hypnotherapy and Cognitive Techniques for Stress Management in Business, and have been helping and coaching clients as a coach and hypnotherapist since 2014. How Coaching with Me Can Help You... I can help you find direction and and help you clear these obstacles that can sometimes prevent us getting the most out of ourselves. Whether it's personal or work related issues, understanding how your mind is working and applying the correct techniques and skills, can help you make the changes you want. Make the Changes You Want Having worked successfully with people from all walks of life – individuals, business executives, entrepreneurs, small business owners,professional sports people, motorsport drivers & teams, and also those with life-altering health conditions – I have helped them manage to achieve optimum performance and bring about positive change. Call me today on +44 07537 121887  to discuss how coaching can help you If you're interested in working with me, contact me for an informal chat, to see how I can help. Improve Your Life - Improve Your Mind Success Stories “Greg is a Rock Star Mindset performance Coach who will have you Hitting All your Objectives with Laser Guided... RH - Melbourne, Aus It’s power to analyse, it’s cognitive abilities, are what took man from the realm of trees and savannahs into our modern world as we know it today.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Appointment | Park Veterinary Centre Content: [PAGE] Title: Urgent Care | Park Veterinary Centre Content: ✅ Sneezing, runny nose or eyes ✅ Euthanasia Please note, we do not see emergencies. If your pet is experiencing any of these symptoms and has a true emergency, please visit an emergency veterinary hospital. 🚫 Difficulty breathing 🚫 Hit by a car or other trauma 🚫Fall from the roof or higher 🚫Inability to defecate/straining to urinate 🚫Severe vomiting or diarrhea that will not stop 🚫Distended or bloated abdomen [PAGE] Title: Staff | Park Veterinary Centre Content: Dr. Rachael Needles, BSc DVM Managing Veterinarian [PAGE] Title: FAQs | Park Veterinary Centre Content: FAQs Frequently Asked Questions We love to answer questions from our clients, but sometimes we notice the same questions coming up again and again. To make things a little easier, we thought we’d compile a list of the inquiries that we get most often and share the answers. Please feel free to peruse our list of FAQ’s and gather as much information as you can. If you don’t see your question on this list, please don’t hesitate to give us a call or bring it up at your pet’s next appointment. After I have my pet microchipped, is there anything else I need to do? The microchip itself should continue working throughout your pet's lifetime without any maintenance. However, the microchip won't do you or your pet any good unless you have your contact details updated. If you move or change your phone number, be sure to update your contact information with the microchip manufacturer. That way, should your pet get lost or wander off, he or she will be returned to the correct and current address. Can I get health insurance for my pet? If so, what's covered? Yes. Health insurance for pets works a lot like health insurance for humans-there are premiums, deductibles, and various levels of coverage. It's up to you to decide what level of coverage you think works best for you and your pet. Obviously, different coverage levels cover different services and procedures. Generally, more basic coverage will take care of routine office visits, checkups, and diagnostics while more advanced coverage might include prescriptions, procedures, surgeries, and treatments for diseases. Be aware that pet insurance plans will most likely contain certain restrictions and limits, just like regular insurance. Your vet can tell you more about health insurance for your pet, as well as offer recommendations and considerations if you decide to make the purchase. Does my pet have to get a full set of vaccinations to get a rabies certificates? What shot(s) are absolutely necessary for my dog/cat and how much do they cost? Only a rabies vaccination is required to get a rabies certificate. Be aware, though, that your pet will probably need a full physical exam before the vaccine can be administered. Your veterinarian can tell you what shots and vaccines are absolutely necessary for your dog and cat. They may discuss "core" vaccines that every pet should have, as well as additional preventatives that your particular pet might require. Costs for these additional vaccines should be minimal. It is important to remember that the initial cost of preventative medicine is much less than the lost of treating diseases or infections later. How do I know if I am getting value from the relationship I have with my veterinarian? A good veterinary practice should be aiming to meet your needs and to make your life - and that of your pet's - better and more complete. Besides getting good care when you bring your pet in, there are lots of other things a very motivated animal hospital could offer to you that makes the interaction that much more worthwhile. Or, they may really go out of their way to make sure their website is a very useful tool for you, with built-in forms, maps, information, as well as other functionality, so that your experience with them is as good as it can be. Good communication, treatment, and follow up is always very important too, so if you ever feel this is not at the level you would expect, most practices would love to get this feedback so they can continue to make improvements and be a real asset in your life. Take the time to address concerns with the practice manager or owner and chances are that the issue will be fixed! I brought my pet to see the veterinarian for a problem, and my pet isn't getting any better. What can I do? Before you call your veterinarian, make sure you're aware of the time frame for treatment and recovery. Did your vet tell you that your pet might take a day or two to start showing positive signs of getting better? Did they advise you that your pet's treatment won't yield instant results? If the time frame isn't an issue, and you think your pet still isn't getting better, call your veterinarian immediately. They may need a follow-up examination to check your pet's progress and condition. From there, they can obtain more information and make a diagnosis. If your pet isn't improving with the treatment your vet gave him, let them know and they will do everything in their power to help your pet. I recently lost my pet, and I'm having trouble dealing with the loss. Where can I find help? Dealing with the loss of a pet can be as difficult and upsetting as the loss of any family member or loved one. Pet owners treat their companion quite literally as a member of the family, confiding in them, celebrating with them, and building emotional bonds that are as real as those in any human relationship. Many veterinary hospitals, as well as professional organizations and therapists, offer counseling for those grieving over the loss of a pet. Call your veterinary hospital to find out if they offer these services - even if they don't they can refer you to someone who can help you through this challenging period. There are also pet loss hotlines and internet pet - loss support groups. Ask your veterinarian about these services as well. Remember: it's okay to grieve for your pet, and you don't have to face this difficult time alone. My cat doesn't go outside. Why should I put him/her on a heartworm/flea/tick/preventive? Think about this: have you ever seen a mosquito or other insect inside your house? Of course you have! Your cat may not go outside and come in contact with these parasites, but they certainly can come inside and come in contact with your cat. Mosquitoes carry heartworm disease, and can get inside your home and infect your cat. Fleas and ticks can enter your house by attaching to your shoes or clothing, so every time you come home you could potentially be putting your cat at risk. There's really no way to stop these insects from coming in contact with your cat, but you can have your pet on heartworm, flea, and tick preventative to protect them from the diseases these parasites carry. My pet has the same thing wrong that he/she was just treated for. Can the veterinarian just prescribe the same medication that he/she did the last time? While that may seem like the easiest solution, it is certainly not the correct one. Your pet's symptoms may be the same, but their disease may be quite different. Multiple diseases have the same symptoms, or at least similar ones. You may be fooled into thinking your pet's issue is the same as what he or she was just treated for, when in fact the problem is something entirely new. Your veterinarian needs to examine your pet to make sure they are given the correct diagnosis. Giving your pet medication or treatment for the wrong thing is not only ineffective and potentially dangerous but a waste of your money as well. Be sure to bring your pet into the veterinarian's office if he or she exhibits symptoms of any kind. Since I should have an active relationship with a veterinary hospital, how can I choose the right one for my pet and for me? If you have pet(s) a relationship with a good veterinarian is key. Looking for certain things that are important to you, like convenience (what are their open hours?), reputation (are there others you know who have used their services or can you find any reviews about them online?), will go a long way to helping you choosing the right partner in your pet's health. Another component that is very useful in determining the value you might get our of your relationship with a local veterinary clinic is to look at outward signs that it is a quality practice filled with staff that will also cherish your beloved pet. For example, a practice's website is always a good indicator of how much they are investing back into you; if it looks to be high quality, the team very likely is too! Veterinarian bills always seem so there a good reason for this? Consider this: most veterinarians and their staff are in their chosen field for one reason only - they love animals and have a real passion for taking them out of discomfort and keeping them strong and healthy. It is true, however, that veterinary bills can sometimes come as a bit of a surprise to the pet owner, especially when you may only be seeking a small procedure or a routine check-up. But once you realize a few things about the level and type of service you are getting, the reason why this is the case becomes so much clearer. For example, most veterinary practices are much more than that - they are actually self-contained hospitals, complete with surgical suites, exam rooms, labs, recovery areas, and so on. Covering costs to maintain such a facility means that across the board prices have to be at a certain level, otherwise it would not be possible to bring these extremely vital services to you and others in your community. What education does a veterinarian need? Veterinarians must hold a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree, or DVM, to practice as a veterinarian. This is equivalent to a PhD or MD degree, and requires at least four years or graduate school after four initial years of undergraduate coursework. Some veterinary degrees require six years at a university level, as well as more time in pre-veterinary education and clinical studies. After completing their schooling, veterinarians must obtain a license to practice, which requires passing of certain tests and certifications. In addition, they must stay up to date on the latest veterinary information throughout their careers by reading the latest veterinary journals and attending seminars and conferences. Feel free to ask your veterinarian about his or her education...they'll be happy to tell you all about it! What exactly is a veterinarian? A veterinarian is defined as someone qualified and authorized to practice veterinary medicine. They are medical doctors for animals, and have been trained to diagnose and treat disease and injuries in animals. They administer medication, devise treatments, vaccinate, perform surgery, advise on dieting, and provide general health care. Veterinarians care for companion animals (dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, hamsters, etc.), horses, production animals (pigs, cattle, sheep, etc), aquatic animals, and even zoo animals. Different veterinarians may specialize in one area or another. For instance, one veterinarian may be an expert on bird health, while another may specialize in canines. Don't be afraid to ask your veterinarian if they have a specific expertise. What if something happens to my pet but I don't think it's too serious...can I just call in for a diagnosis or some advice? Unfortunately, unless a veterinary doctor has actually laid eyes (and hands) on your pet it is always impossible to say for sure what is going on. Even if it appears to be a relatively minor symptom (like scratching) or occurrence (your cat ate a strange plant from your garden), without looking at other signs and manifestations your vet can never say with any real degree of confidence that things are okay. Because they have a commitment to making things right with your pet, not worse, they would never want to make a recommendation or offer advice based on just a partial picture. This is why they've gone to school for eight years and specialized in animal medicine - they are trained to see things and make connections that the average person cannot, and to make sure even small mishaps don't turn into major losses. Take note: besides being unethical, it is also illegal for veterinarian to prescribe for any animal sign unseen! Which pet food should I feed my dog/cat? Each individual pet has different nutritional needs, so there is not one all-encompassing answer for which pet food to give to you dog or cat. Ask your veterinarian to recommend a pet food that is good for your dog or cat. Keep in mind that a pet's nutritional requirements change as they grow and age. Depending on their stage of life and health situation, you may need to change the food you are giving your pet. Again, your veterinarian can tell you what to feed your dog or cat, as well as advise you on proportions, ingredient lists, and specific nutritional requirements. Why do I even have to go to the veterinarian these days? Aren't there other options? Your pet is a member of your family, and in the same way you would never trust medical advice you get on the internet or from your best friend's sister, you also want to put something as important as this in the hands of true professionals - people who love and have dedicated their lives to helping animals! Getting one wrong piece of "advice" from what you read on the internet or hear in passing can have terrible consequences, so developing a real and lasting relationship with your local veterinarian is one of the most important things you can do for your pet...and ultimately for you! Why does my dog/cat need to have a blood test before starting heartworm medication? Giving heartworm preventative to dogs or cats that are already infected with adult heartworms can be harmful and even fatal to the animal. A blood test before starting any medication will tell your veterinarian if your pet is already infected. Heartworm preventatives kill off heartworm larvae - the medicine does not kill adult heartworms. An owner might think his cat or dog is fine if the pet is on a heartworm preventative, but if the pet was already heartworm-positive, the disease is only worsening and the heartworm preventative is not helping. Why should I bring my pet in for regular veterinary visits...especially when he/she is healthy? Just as you would schedule regular doctor visits for yourself or pediatrician visits for your child, it is a good idea to have your pet see a veterinarian regularly. Even if your pet seems to be in perfectly good health, the fact is that you can never tell for sure if something might be wrong until your pet is evaluated by a professional. The peace of mind that comes from knowing your pet is healthy is well worth it! Also, consider this: the cost of treatment is almost always higher than the cost of prevention. Preventative health care procedures like vaccinations and check-ups are far cheaper than treatments for diseases or injuries. For example, say your pet contracts a dangerous virus. A complicated treatment plan will be far more expensive than an initial vaccination for the virus would have been. Why should I spay or neuter my pet? Why does it cost what it does? There are long-term health benefits to your pet when it is spayed or neutered - it can lower the risk of several cancers and diseases. Ask your veterinarian to explain these benefits. Obviously, the primary benefit is controlling the pet population by regulating the number of unwanted pets. Spaying and neutering requires surgery, and surgery requires anesthesia. The cost of spaying and neutering procedures includes the anesthesia, the veterinary team's time and knowledge, surgical equipment and other medicine, hospitalization, etc. Keep this in mind: a litter of unwanted puppies or kittens will cost far more in the long run than having your pet spayed or neutered early on. Will microchipping hurt my pet? Implanting a microchip under your pet's skin will not hurt him any more than a standard vaccine would. Your pet may feel a slight pinch, but any pain or discomfort should be over extremely quickly. After the chip has been implanted, your pet will not even know it's there. [PAGE] Title: Contact Us | Park Veterinary Centre Content: [PAGE] Title: Careers | Park Veterinary Centre Content: Join Our Team Full-time and part-time positions may be available At Park Veterinary Centre we are always glad to accept resumes from enthusiastic, hard-working, dependable, team oriented people who wish to join our team of veterinary health care professionals. We are an equal opportunity employer and offer you the opportunity to utilize all of your skills in the animal health care field. We provide flexible employment hours to fit in with your schedule. If you think you have what it takes to be part of our team, email your resume and questions to us at [email protected] . We can't wait to meet you! [PAGE] Title: Educational Videos | Park Veterinary Centre Content: [PAGE] Title: Services | Park Veterinary Centre Content: [PAGE] Title: Gallery | Park Veterinary Centre Content: Gallery View Our Facilities Thank you for visiting the Park Veterinary Centre website! Take a moment to view our beautiful facility, or swing by during our regular business hours for an in-person tour. [PAGE] Title: Homepage | Park Veterinary Centre Content: Park Veterinary Centre Caring for Animals since 1997 We are Sherwood Park and Edmonton area veterinary clinic for cats and dogs, rabbits, reptiles, birds and more. We offer surgery, wellness, microchipping, vaccinations, spay and neuter, and grooming among other services. Surgery Who We Are For over 20 years, the caring and compassionate staff at Park Veterinary Centre have been serving the people and pets of the Sherwood Park, and Edmonton area, providing veterinary care to our patients: dogs, cats, even exotic animals like rabbits, reptiles and birds. We are a people-oriented veterinary clinic whose goal is to provide you and your pets with service in veterinary diagnostics, medicine, surgery and grooming. At Park Veterinary Centre, we place a strong emphasis on Availability, Amiability, and Ability. What this means for our clients is longer, more convenient hours, a fully staffed clinic to meet all of your pet’s veterinary care needs, and a dedicated group of caring, friendly, capable professionals who remain committed to the ongoing care and individual attention for each and every patient. Download the PetPage App for Park Veterinary Centre Park Veterinary Clinic has partnered with PetPage to offer you an app that allows you to collaborate and coordinate with their veterinarian to manage their pets' wellness easily and effectively. This mobile app provides pet owners with instant and up to date access to the pets' electronic medical records, as they exist in the veterinarians' patient records. Additionally, pet owners are able to electronically request appointments and prescription refills at any time - whenever is convenient for them. [PAGE] Title: Accessibility | Park Veterinary Centre Content: Accessibility Statement Website Accessibility We strive to provide an excellent online experience for all visitors to our website. We believe all of our visitors should be able to easily navigate our website, regardless of whether the visitor has a need for assistive technologies like screen readers, magnifiers, voice recognition software or switch technology. To ensure access, we are committed to maintaining compliance with current Website Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) The WCAG are recognized and acknowledged as the international standard measure of success. Our site is designed and developed with these guidelines in mind. We regularly test our website to ensure we meet or exceed the standard and that it is usable by guests who use assistive technology. Questions or concerns about the accessibility features of our site should be directed to [email protected] [PAGE] Title: Documents & Forms | Park Veterinary Centre Content: Book Appointment Web Resources The internet is a wealth of information — so much so that sometimes locating quality websites can be challenging. That’s why our staff has taken the time to find a few links to share with you that we think you’ll find helpful: Veterinary Partner ► The Veterinary Partner website provides pet owners with information about general pet health and care, nutrition, behavior, first aid and emergency preparedness, medications and various medical conditions. Whatever you’re looking for, if it’s information that will make your pet happier and healthier, you’ll find it here! Try browsing around in the Pet Connection with nationally syndicated pet expert and author Gina Spadafori. You can even submit your question to be answered by a veterinary professional. House Rabbit Society ► House Rabbit Society (HRS) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to rescuing abandoned rabbits and educating the public about rabbit care. They have over 120 licensed educators and fosterers and 30 local chapters across the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, and Asia. To date we have rescued and found adoptive homes for over 25,200 rabbits. The HRS website contains a wealth of information about rabbits and their care, including articles, links, pictures and much, much more. Reptile and Green Iguana Information ► This site is to help herp keepers and others learn about the captive care requirements of many types of reptiles and amphibians, as well as learn about their biology, health, behavior, conservation, and other matters relating to herps and the world we all live in. Most of the information here is herpetological or herpetocultural in nature, including many of the articles and care documents, links to other sites, and some other resources that may be of interest to visitors. Tortoise Trust Web ► For 25 years the Tortoise Trust has consistently developed new methods of husbandry, and has actively campaigned for the conservation and protection of tortoises and turtles around the world. Visit the Tortoise Trust website to access a wealth of information, including care sheets, articles, links, book recommendations and more. Western New York Herpetological Society ► The Western New York Herpetological Society was founded in 1995 as a forum for others to promote their herpetological interests through the open exchange of ideas, information and experiences. The WNYHS website contains information on how to become a member, various events, care sheets, photos and other helpful resources for the care and husbandry of lizards, turtles and other amphibians. Exotic Pet Vet ► The Exotic Pet Vet website provides useful, practical medical and husbandry information about non-human primates (monkeys and prosimians), small mammals (rabbits, marsupials, rodents, ferrets), birds, reptiles and amphibians, and fish, written by a board certified avian veterinarian with 25 years of experience with these exotic species. An excellent resource for more advanced exotic pet owners, containing a wealth of information and helpful links. Pet Diets ► Veterinary Nutritional Consultations is an independent consulting group for professionals and individual pet owners seeking nutritional advice. VNC draws upon a vast number of products, supplements, and services available to the pet owner. They offer independent advice and expertise that brings together the science of nutrition with the art of clinical practice. The site contains an FAQ section, a nutritional library, a list of homemade diets for special needs and much more. Balance-It Pet Nutrition ► The Balance IT website provides an online tool to create fresh homemade pet food recipes for your pet. Choose from online formulation software, supplements and fortified carbohydrates created by Diplomates of the American College of Veterinary Nutrition. You can also purchase a number of recommended ingredients and supplements for use in your homemade pet food. Pets and Parasites ► The Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) is an independent council of veterinarians, veterinary parasitologists, and other animal health care professionals that was established to create guidelines for the optimal control of internal and external parasites that threaten the health of pets and people. The Pets and Parasites website provides a wealth of information for dog and cat owners and educational resources to help keep pets safe from dangerous parasites. Dog and Cat First Aid Information ► This website contains helpful information regarding first aid and emergency treatments for cats and dogs. Learn how to assemble a comprehensive first aid kit and read up on how you can prepare to handle just about any emergency your companion animal might face, from accidental poisoning to insect bites to bandaging lacerations. Pet Health Network ► Pet Health Network is dedicated to the health and well-being of your dogs and cats. This website features a community of people who have dogs and cats as part of their families. The group provides comprehensive and trustworthy information to ensure your four-legged family members live long, happy and healthy lives. Visitors can access a wealth of information to help keep their pets healthy, and a community where people who love their pets go to share ideas, stories, pictures, and more. Degutopia ► The Degutopia website is the place to learn all there is to know about degus, including their origin, behaviour, history, physiology and tips on how to care for them, all set on a sound scientific basis. The website provides the most accurate, up-to-date, fully referenced degu information on the net. [PAGE] Title: About Us | Park Veterinary Centre Content: About Us Our Story Park Veterinary Centre officially opened its doors on April 1, 1997 in a 1,500 square foot rental facility located about 400 meters from its present location. In 1999, we purchased a new lot of land on which we built the new Park Veterinary Centre as it stands today – a beautiful, state-of-the-art 6,800 square foot veterinary facility, which we officially launched in 2003. We’ve since expanded to develop an additional 1,000 square feet to better serve our patients and clients as well as we have invested in a state of the art SMILE suite (Dental Suite) in 2018. We are thrilled to have been able to continue to grow, both in staff and in our business, and we’re grateful to all of those who have made it possible. We have assembled a team of highly skilled, dedicated veterinary professionals who share the same goal of offering exceptional veterinary care and superior service. We Care For All Pets Common Household Pets: Dogs, Cats Exotic Pets: Ferrets, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Hedgehogs, Sugar Gliders, Rodents (rats, hamsters, gerbils, etc.), Fish Reptiles: Snakes, Frogs/Toads, Bearded Dragons, Chameleons, Geckos, Iguanas, Turtles, Tortoise Other: Chickens Park Veterinary Centre is active in the community, doing volunteer work with Wildlife Rehabilitation Society, SPCA, Humane Centre, and a number of local churches. We employ a worker from Robin Hood Society (special needs) and are involved in Rotary International,  assist the community with discounts and donations, and volunteer with with a number of charitable animal rescue societies. [PAGE] Title: ALLYDVM Pet Medical Records | Park Veterinary Centre Content: Book Appointment ALLYDVM Pet Medical Records View your pet's medical records and communicate with your veterinarian at Park Veterinary Centre in Sherwood Park, AB with ALLYDVM. Log in or sign up to get started! Sign Up Download the PetPage App for Park Veterinary Centre Park Veterinary Clinic has partnered with PetPage to offer you an app that allows you to collaborate and coordinate with their veterinarian to manage their pets' wellness easily and effectively. This mobile app provides pet owners with instant and up to date access to the pets' electronic medical records, as they exist in the veterinarians' patient records. Additionally, pet owners are able to electronically request appointments and prescription refills at any time - whenever is convenient for them.
However, the microchip won't do you or your pet any good unless you have your contact details updated. Can I get health insurance for my pet? It's up to you to decide what level of coverage you think works best for you and your pet. Your vet can tell you more about health insurance for your pet, as well as offer recommendations and considerations if you decide to make the purchase. A good veterinary practice should be aiming to meet your needs and to make your life - and that of your pet's - better and more complete. Or, they may really go out of their way to make sure their website is a very useful tool for you, with built-in forms, maps, information, as well as other functionality, so that your experience with them is as good as it can be. Good communication, treatment, and follow up is always very important too, so if you ever feel this is not at the level you would expect, most practices would love to get this feedback so they can continue to make improvements and be a real asset in your life. Pet owners treat their companion quite literally as a member of the family, confiding in them, celebrating with them, and building emotional bonds that are as real as those in any human relationship. Ask your veterinarian about these services as well. Your pet's symptoms may be the same, but their disease may be quite different. What if something happens to my pet but I don't think it's too serious...can I just call in for a diagnosis or some advice? Ask your veterinarian to recommend a pet food that is good for your dog or cat. Your pet is a member of your family, and in the same way you would never trust medical advice you get on the internet or from your best friend's sister, you also want to put something as important as this in the hands of true professionals - people who love and have dedicated their lives to helping animals! Getting one wrong piece of "advice" from what you read on the internet or hear in passing can have terrible consequences, so developing a real and lasting relationship with your local veterinarian is one of the most important things you can do for your pet...and ultimately for you! Even if your pet seems to be in perfectly good health, the fact is that you can never tell for sure if something might be wrong until your pet is evaluated by a professional. Title: Services | Park Veterinary Centre Content: Title: Homepage | Park Veterinary Centre Content: Park Veterinary Centre Caring for Animals since 1997 We are Sherwood Park and Edmonton area veterinary clinic for cats and dogs, rabbits, reptiles, birds and more. Surgery Who We Are For over 20 years, the caring and compassionate staff at Park Veterinary Centre have been serving the people and pets of the Sherwood Park, and Edmonton area, providing veterinary care to our patients: dogs, cats, even exotic animals like rabbits, reptiles and birds. The Pets and Parasites website provides a wealth of information for dog and cat owners and educational resources to help keep pets safe from dangerous parasites. We are thrilled to have been able to continue to grow, both in staff and in our business, and we’re grateful to all of those who have made it possible.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Blog_Benefits – Information Design Content: Cookies © 2021 All rights reserved Information Design One AG Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. App Store is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions. App Store is a trademark of Apple Inc. Manage Cookie Consent We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. Functional cookies Functional cookies Always active The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. Preferences Preferences The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. 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Manage Cookie Consent We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. Functional cookies Functional cookies Always active The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. Preferences Preferences The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. Statistics Statistics The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. Marketing Marketing The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. [PAGE] Title: aWall-Overview – Information Design Content: Pricing The calming certainty of always knowing everything aWall is the only aviation real time dashboard, which unites field-proven live metrics and clear data visualization on top of a scalable and cloud-based business intelligence platform. Thus, it is the ideal solution for control centers, managers, operational staff and all professionals, who are keen to have their business KPIs at hand: ANYTIME. ANYWHERE. Focused on aviation. Nothing else. Out of the box, aWall is equipped with essential aviation KPIs and tailored visuals for your real-time dashboard. From basic on-time performance to missed baggage and connecting ratios — we got you covered! Customizable to your needs We know that every airline and airport has its specific requirements. Jointly we develop customized KPIs and visualization that helps to support your operations in the most effective way. Benchmark redefined! With the aWall, you can not only monitor your own operational performance but also your competitors’. Equipped with real-time data of more than 200 airlines it’s never been that easy to benchmark! Leave monitoringto smart alerts With real-time push notifications, we’ve put operations monitoring to an entirely new level. Get actively alerted to react quickly and effectively to any kind of situation. Choose your favorite device Being in control of your daily business must not be a question of the device. aWall seamlessly integrates from large TV screens to laptops, tablets, and smartphones — thus keeping you up to date wherever you are. Make cyber security a matter of course aWall keeps your data protected in the AWS cloud with all associated security features and a fully customizable user management. On top, it supports Face-ID, Touch-ID and two-factor authentication, to keep your data extra secure and still conveniently accessible on all your favorite devices. Professionals from leading companies control their daily business with the aWall. Elevate your operations with real-time KPIs! Get in touch with us and discover how the aWall can help your airline, airport or ATC agency. [PAGE] Title: Information Design Content: Find out everything about Information Design: Our history, management team, values, and everything that drives us. Careers Become part of the team! We are always looking for experienced experts and fresh talents. Here are our job openings. About Us Find out everything about Information Design: Our history, management team, values, and everything that drives us Careers Become part of the team! We are always looking for experienced experts and fresh talents. Here are our job openings. Contact Us Contact Us You’ve got a question or inquiry? Want to work with us or want to know about our products? Contact us! Join the world’s biggest digital fuel network. aFuel revolutionizes the operational fueling process — with a unique digitalization approach and the biggest fuel network. Discover aFuel Your next career step starts here. Picture yourself at a place to work where innovative technology meets a borderless and vibrant industry — and a company that offers flexibility, inspiration, and extraordinary teams. Discover open job positions Because great success arises in real time. Start now to enhance your daily  business performance — with a unique product tailored to aviation: live metrics, smart alerts and an app that runs on all your favorite devices. Information Design turns aviation data into valuable and insightful information. Based on that philosophy, we’ve developed unique IT solutions and worked with some of the world’s renowned aviation corporations. Our Portfolio aWall Great success arises in real-time. aWall is the world’s only aviation real-time dashboard, which unites field-proven live metrics and clear data visualization on top of a scalable and cloud-based business intelligence platform — exclusively developed for airlines, airports, and ATC. aFuel World’s biggest digital fuel network aFuel is the system of choice when it comes to digitalizing the operational fueling process. Due to its swift implementation and worldwide coverage of airports, airlines benefit right from the start. Learn more Certified Information Security Information Design has certification for compliance with ISO 27001. The certification is performed by independent third-party auditors. Our compliance with this internationally-recognized standard and code of practice is evidence of our commitment to information security at every level of our organization, and that the Information Design’s security program is in accordance with industry leading best practices. Designing Information since 1996 What can we help you achieve? Want to know more about our products or want to discover how we can help turn your airline’s data into information? [PAGE] Title: Company – Information Design Content: Cookies © 2021 All rights reserved Information Design One AG Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. App Store is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions. App Store is a trademark of Apple Inc. Manage Cookie Consent We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. Functional cookies Functional cookies Always active The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. Preferences Preferences The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. Statistics Statistics The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. Marketing Marketing The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. [PAGE] Title: Airlines – Information Design Content: aFuel expands its network to Croatia with INA partnership April 27, 2023 No Comments aFuel has recently partnered with INA, Croatia’s leading oil and gas company, to enable digital fueling at airports across the country. This partnership allows aFuel to provide a fully digitalized Introducing eSignature: aFuel’s new digital signing feature for eTickets in compliance with eIDAS April 27, 2023 No Comments With the introduction of the eSignature feature, aFuel offers a whole new level of process conformity for all airline customers and into-plane agents partners. The feature seamlessly replaces the need for a hand-written signature while fully aligning with EU legislation. Is Aegean Airlines on the way to becoming Europe’s most reliable airline? March 28, 2022 No Comments In September, Aegean Airlines has delivered an exceptional performance concerning schedule reliability so far. We provide in-depth analysis and discuss if Aegean Airlines can become Europe’s most reliable airline in September (and beyond). easyJet — Flights, Punctuality & Cancellations in 2021 February 2, 2022 No Comments Discover the essential operational analysis of easyJet — one of Europe’s biggest low-cost airlines. We’ve analyzed and assessed the U.K.-based airline concerning the number of flights, on-time performance, and cancellation rates in 2021. Here are the results! How we can help Data Ingeration We’re experts in airline-related data integration and take care of building the solid fundament that drives your tech strategy. Information Management We possess more than 15 years of experience in designing information and key performance indicators — based on the latest data warehouse concepts. Analytics We support airlines with building analytical eco-systems that enables data-driven operations. How we can help We're experts in airline-related data integration and take care of building the solid fundament that drives your tech strategy. Data Integration We possess more than 15 years of experience in designing information and key performance indicators — based on the latest data warehouse concepts. Information Management We support airlines with building analytical eco-systems that enables data-driven operations. Analytics [PAGE] Title: Blog_Analysis – Information Design Content: Cookies © 2021 All rights reserved Information Design One AG Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. App Store is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions. App Store is a trademark of Apple Inc. Manage Cookie Consent We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. Functional cookies Functional cookies Always active The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. Preferences Preferences The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. Statistics Statistics The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. Marketing Marketing The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. [PAGE] Title: Blog_Home – Information Design Content: Cookies © 2021 All rights reserved Information Design One AG Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. App Store is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions. App Store is a trademark of Apple Inc. Manage Cookie Consent We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. Functional cookies Functional cookies Always active The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. Preferences Preferences The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. Statistics Statistics The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. Marketing Marketing The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. [PAGE] Title: Blog_Best-Practices – Information Design Content: Cookies © 2021 All rights reserved Information Design One AG Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. App Store is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions. App Store is a trademark of Apple Inc. Manage Cookie Consent We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. Functional cookies Functional cookies Always active The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. Preferences Preferences The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. Statistics Statistics The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. Marketing Marketing The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. [PAGE] Title: Blog_Library – Information Design Content: Cookies © 2021 All rights reserved Information Design One AG Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. App Store is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions. App Store is a trademark of Apple Inc. Manage Cookie Consent We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. Functional cookies Functional cookies Always active The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. Preferences Preferences The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. Statistics Statistics The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. Marketing Marketing The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. [PAGE] Title: aFuel Overview – Information Design Content: Cookies © 2021 All rights reserved Information Design One AG Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. App Store is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions. App Store is a trademark of Apple Inc. Manage Cookie Consent We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. Functional cookies Functional cookies Always active The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. Preferences Preferences The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. Statistics Statistics The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. Marketing Marketing The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes.
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Functional cookies Functional cookies Always active The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. Functional cookies Functional cookies Always active The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. Title: aWall-Overview – Information Design Content: Pricing The calming certainty of always knowing everything aWall is the only aviation real time dashboard, which unites field-proven live metrics and clear data visualization on top of a scalable and cloud-based business intelligence platform. Equipped with real-time data of more than 200 airlines it’s never been that easy to benchmark! Get in touch with us and discover how the aWall can help your airline, airport or ATC agency. Title: Information Design Content: Find out everything about Information Design: Our history, management team, values, and everything that drives us. Start now to enhance your daily  business performance — with a unique product tailored to aviation: live metrics, smart alerts and an app that runs on all your favorite devices. Learn more Certified Information Security Information Design has certification for compliance with ISO 27001. Want to know more about our products or want to discover how we can help turn your airline’s data into information? Functional cookies Functional cookies Always active The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. Title: Airlines – Information Design Content: aFuel expands its network to Croatia with INA partnership April 27, 2023 No Comments aFuel has recently partnered with INA, Croatia’s leading oil and gas company, to enable digital fueling at airports across the country. How we can help Data Ingeration We’re experts in airline-related data integration and take care of building the solid fundament that drives your tech strategy. Analytics We support airlines with building analytical eco-systems that enables data-driven operations. How we can help We're experts in airline-related data integration and take care of building the solid fundament that drives your tech strategy. Functional cookies Functional cookies Always active The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. Functional cookies Functional cookies Always active The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. Functional cookies Functional cookies Always active The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. Functional cookies Functional cookies Always active The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. Title: aFuel Overview – Information Design Content: Cookies © 2021 All rights reserved Information Design One AG Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. Functional cookies Functional cookies Always active The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Best Web Design Company For You In Ashford Content: Small to medium web design specialists in Ashford. It’s a rare thing! It's an amazing web design package for a small to medium business owners in Ashford We understand the SME market in Ashford, your needs, your goals, budget issues, competing with the big boys. That’s why we have created this amazing web design package. Design, content, build, support, hosting and even search engine optimisation combines to give you the best chance of Internet success. We are the only people we know of that do all of this at a fixed price and it isn’t expensive! Book Time with an SME Web Design Expert We give you more for less So, you get the latest responsive web design with a great admin programme to easily make changes yourself. We write the content to grab the attention of the viewer, add calls to action to get them to get in touch with you and it’s all bundles with initial search engine optimisation and 12 months support worth £300 and its all at an unbeatable price. See Why Our Web Design Is The Best Shocking but true! Most websites online in Ashford don’t make the business owner any money. In fact, it can often cost them money! Yes it is shocking but a website on it's own is not enough, you need marketing writers, web designers, programmers and hosting specialists to make it a website worthy of your name and something that makes you money. That’s what we do. Let's Chat Take the first step Speak with a real SME web design and marketing specialist. Tell us about you and we will tell you about us and why what we do is so different. We are recognised experts in this area with over 23 years of experience and many hundreds of websites completed. Talk to us direct or book a time that suits. Let's Chat Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Reponsive Web Design Tonbridge for Small Business Content: SME web design and marketing specialists for your business in Tonbridge Get the best website for your business in Tonbridge – you deserve it! All websites are not created equal. After 23 years creating web sites for SME business owners we have learnt a thing or two! Thousands of websites later we can confidently say that we have a premium web design package that is hard to beat. It has more standard features and amazing time to pay options as well. That’s why it’s the choice for so many businesses in Tonbridge. Book Time with an SME Web Design Expert Get found or fail! A lot of websites don’t work, they may look amazing but they are invisible on the web. We add search engine optimisation to every web creation we build as standard. Without it you have just thrown money down the drain, seriously it's that important. see why our web design is the best Engage or fail Many websites look amazing and get found but the content is so boring they buy from a competitor. Every website we build is also written by a marketing copywriter to engage you potential customer and ask then for their business. We do all that as standard! Let's Chat You need help or it will fail Most web design companies adopt a build and buy attitude. Once the work is done you never hear from them again. We don’t, we are there with help and support long after your amazing new website is built. Again, it's standard. There are many more standard features listed below. Book time with a web design and marketing expert for advice and a firm quotation today. Let's Chat Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: SEO Services (Search Engine Optimisation) Content: Results driven SEO specialists SEO is the most effective marketing you can do - If it's done right The SEO we do for our clients includes many out of the box features not found anywhere else. We will re write some of your website! If the content of your website is poor, it's not engaging, it doesn't have compelling calls to action, it doesn't ask for anything of the visitor - then your SEO is a waste of money (and we wouldn't take it from you). We remain one of the only SEO companies that provides outstanding SEO that gets you to the top of Google and the other major search engines with an important added major addition. As part of that SEO, we also write the content itself where required on your website to engage and prompt a sales call! Sounds simple doesn't it? - but we don't know any other SEO company that does that! Book 15 minutes with a real SEO expert, we will review your website, tell you where it's going wrong (don't worry every website has SEO errors, even ours!) and provide a FREE report on how you (or we) can fix it, a quotation for you to think about and some incredible insight on SEO. No pressure selling, in fact we will not try to sell to you at all. Book your free SEO Consultation SEO is a game changer Can you image what front page one Google looks like, how much money that generates our clients every month? If you get the right organic search engine position you will get more enquiries – fact. That's something we do well and have been doing for over twenty years. Tight budget? We can work with that. You choose how much you want to spend every month. No contracts, no tie ins, leave whenever you like (don't know any other company that offers that!). Call direct we may have someone free right now. Telephone 01634 810600 Out of hours - use the contact form at the bottom of the page and as soon as we get back in the office we will call you. Book a slot with a real SEO specialist to talk about your business. Not a sales call, a get to know you and your business call with lots of free advice thrown in.. Not Sure SEO Is Right For Your Business? It absolutely is! It doesn't matter what type of business you are, how small or how big - SEO is the best spend of advertising you could ever do. Its not expensive and your new sales enquiries will generate you far more than the cost. Worried it will take up too much time? You don't need any expertise, you do not have to spend any time on it – that's what we do for you. Nothing to think about, nothing to do every month - it's a silent salesman working for you 24 hours a day. What Exactly Is SEO?! It’s a question often asked to be fair. In a nutshell it's: “To increase website traffic from search engines, both in quality and quantity. Instead of direct or paid traffic, SEO targets unpaid traffic (known as "natural" or "organic" results). SEO looks into how search engines operate, the algorithms they utilise, and what people search for. It also considers the actual phrases and words used for queries and which search engines are preferred by the desired audience. By ranking high on SERP (Search Engine Results Page), a website can gain more visitors who can then be converted into paying customers." That’s the simplified version! SEO will increase the number of visitors to your website and if the content on your website is good they will contact you. Book a FREE SEO Chat with an expert How Do I Know You Are Actually Doing SEO For Me? Good point! We will prove how effective the SEO we do is by sending you regular verified reports (we don’t do them another company does) showing you the steady improvement in both natural position and traffic. Book An SEO Consultation Get a FREE report now on your website search engine position Find out where you are and what issues you have that is hampering your natural search engine position. No cost, no sales calls, no obligation. Your web address Your e-mail address to send the report to I don’t like being tied into an SEO contract Nor do we, that's why we are one of the very few SEO companies that don't commit you to any lengthy contracts or in fact any contract! You can leave whenever you like. Book SEO is still a mystery to me We are not going to get technical here, there’s no point talking about algorithms, key word density, market penetration, appropriate content, alt tags, meta tags. We do it so you don’t have to. You can just deal with the increased enquiries and leave the rest to us. And if it isn’t working you can leave at anytime - no risk, no stress OK, – it's time! Book a free consultation with a great SEO specialist. Let’s just talk and you can decide if it's for your business. Call 01634 810600 during office hours or book a time that suits you online. Here's the low-down on SEO. Key components of SEO Keyword Research: SEO starts with identifying the keywords and phrases that your target audience is likely to use when searching for products, services, or information related to your website. On-Page SEO: This involves optimising individual web pages to make them more search engine-friendly. It includes optimising meta titles and descriptions, using relevant keywords in content, and ensuring proper HTML tags and structure. Off-Page SEO: This focuses on building the website's authority and reputation on the Internet. Common off-page SEO techniques include link building, social media marketing, influencer outreach, and online PR. Technical SEO: This aspect deals with the technical aspects of a website that impact its search engine performance. It includes optimising site speed, ensuring mobile-friendliness, improving website security, and optimising the site's structure for search engines to crawl and index efficiently. Content Creation: High-quality, relevant, and engaging content is crucial for SEO. Search engines reward websites that provide valuable content to users. This includes blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and more. User Experience (UX): A good user experience is important both for search engine rankings and for retaining visitors. Websites with intuitive navigation, fast loading times, and mobile optimisation tend to rank better. Local SEO: For businesses targeting a local audience, local SEO strategies are essential. This involves optimising for local keywords, creating and managing Google My Business listings, and encouraging customer reviews. Analytics and Monitoring: SEO professionals use various tools to track the performance of their efforts. Google Analytics and Google Search Console are common tools to monitor website traffic, rankings, and other relevant data. Algorithm Updates: Search engines regularly update their algorithms, affecting how websites are ranked. Staying up-to-date with these changes and adjusting SEO strategies accordingly is crucial. White Hat vs. Black Hat SEO: SEO can be categorised as either "white hat" (ethical and compliant with search engine guidelines) or "black hat" (unethical and in violation of guidelines). It's important to use ethical SEO practices to avoid penalties from search engines. I’m only a small business, will it still work? SEO is perfect for a small business operating in a small area. Regional SEO, also known as local SEO, is a specialised subset of search engine optimisation that focuses on optimising a website or online presence to rank higher in local search results. This approach is particularly beneficial for businesses and organisations that serve specific geographic regions or have physical locations. Here are some key benefits of regional SEO: Increased Visibility to Local Audiences: Regional SEO helps businesses appear in search results when local users search for products, services, or information related to their geographic area. This increased visibility to local audiences can result in more targeted website traffic and potential customers. Better User Experience: Local SEO optimisations often include providing essential information such as business hours, location, contact details, and customer reviews. This enhances the user experience, making it easier for local users to find and interact with your business. Higher Conversion Rates: When your website ranks well in local search results, the traffic it receives is more likely to convert into actual customers. Local users who find your website are often looking for immediate solutions, which can lead to higher conversion rates and sales. Competitive Advantage: Many businesses still neglect local SEO, which means there's an opportunity to gain a competitive advantage by optimising your online presence for local search. Ranking above competitors in local search results can help you capture a larger share of the local market. Cost-Effective Marketing: Local SEO is often more cost-effective than broader, national or international SEO campaigns. You can focus your efforts on a specific geographic area, reducing advertising costs and improving ROI. Mobile Optimisation: With the increasing use of mobile devices, local searches are on the rise. Regional SEO ensures that your website is mobile-friendly and optimised for users searching on smartphones and tablets. Google My Business (GMB) Benefits: Optimising and maintaining your Google My Business listing is a crucial part of regional SEO. A well optimised GMB profile can help you appear in Google's local map pack, a prominent position in search results for local queries. Trust and Credibility: Positive online reviews, accurate business information, and a strong online presence contribute to building trust and credibility with local customers. This trust can lead to repeat business and referrals. Measurable Results: Regional SEO efforts can be tracked and measured using various analytics tools. This allows you to assess the impact of your optimisations and make data-driven decisions for ongoing improvements. Adaptability: Regional SEO strategies can be adapted to changing local market conditions, seasonal trends, and shifts in customer behaviour, ensuring that your online presence remains relevant and effective. In summary, regional SEO can be a highly effective digital marketing strategy for businesses looking to connect with local customers and grow their presence in specific geographic areas. By optimising for local search, you can improve visibility, drive more targeted traffic, and ultimately increase your revenue and customer base within your region. How much does it cost? The cost of SEO services varies based on several factors, including the scope of work, the competitiveness of the industry, the goals you want to achieve, and the SEO agency or consultant you choose to work with. Our monthly SEO starts at £300 per month for a small business but the return on that investment is generally much larger. Here's a breakdown of different pricing models and typical cost ranges: Hourly Rates: Some SEO professionals charge by the hour and they can be really expensive – up to £300 per hour! We are much more realistic and charge £75 per hour for our SEO specialists to work on your website. Monthly Retainer: We, much the same as many other SEO agencies offer monthly retainer packages. These packages typically include a set number of hours or services each month, such as keyword research, on-page optimisation, content creation, and link building. Monthly retainer fees can range from £300 to £5,000 or more, depending on the scope of work. Project-Based Pricing: For specific SEO projects, such as a website audit, site migration, or content strategy development we charge a one-time fee. These project-based prices can vary widely based on the complexity of the project but may range from £1,000 to £5000 or more. Performance-Based Pricing: In some cases, SEO agencies may offer performance-based pricing, where they charge based on the actual results achieved, such as improved rankings or increased organic traffic. This pricing model is less common and not something we encourage you to consider Local SEO Packages: If you're a local business targeting a specific geographic area, we have a great Local SEO package. These packages are tailored to improve your local online visibility and start at just £300 per month. It's important to note that the effectiveness of your SEO investment depends on the quality of the services provided, the expertise of the professionals, and the competitiveness of your industry. Additionally, keep in mind that SEO is an ongoing process, and results may take several months to become evident. Be prepared for a long-term commitment to see the full benefits of SEO, we make sure to have clear goals and expectations when discussing SEO with us. Do you guarantee results? No, we cannot guarantee SEO results, and no legitimate SEO professional or agency should provide such guarantees. SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is a complex and dynamic field that depends on numerous factors, many of which are beyond the control of SEO practitioners. These factors include search engine algorithms, user behaviour, competition, and the quality of your website and content. Here are some reasons why SEO guarantees are not possible or advisable: Search Engine Algorithms: Search engines like Google continuously update their algorithms, which can result in fluctuations in rankings. What works today might not work as effectively tomorrow. Competition: The competitiveness of your industry and the actions of your competitors can impact your SEO performance. If your competitors are also investing in SEO, it can be challenging to outrank them quickly. User Behaviour: User preferences and behaviour change over time. What users are searching for and how they interact with search results can evolve, affecting your SEO performance. Content Quality: SEO success relies heavily on the quality and relevance of your content. If your content doesn't meet the needs of your target audience, it may not rank well. We do change that as part of the SEO process. Technical Issues: Technical problems with your website, such as slow loading times, broken links, or poor mobile optimisation, can hinder SEO efforts. To be honest we would not undertake SEO for you if this was the case. It’s a waste of your money. Backlink Quality: The quality and relevance of backlinks to your site play a crucial role in SEO. Acquiring high-quality backlinks can be challenging and time-consuming. While no one can guarantee specific SEO rankings or results, reputable SEO professionals and agencies like ourselves can provide the following: Transparent Reporting: We provide regular reports on the work performed, changes made to your website, and improvements in rankings and organic traffic. Best Practices: We follow industry best practices and ethical SEO guidelines to maximise the likelihood of positive results. Customised Strategies: We develop customised SEO strategies based on your business goals and target audience. Data-Driven Decisions: We use data and analytics to adjust strategies and tactics as needed to improve performance over time. Realistic Expectations: We set realistic expectations and provide estimates based on our experience and the current state of your website and industry. How will I know SEO is working? First – you should see an increase in sales enquiries! But we also send you regular reports on revised search engine positions to show the progress achieved. The reports will also tell us the customers journey and highlight problem areas on the web site that we will review, advise and change to improve the bounce rate (number of people leaving after just one page). Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Affordable SME Web Design in Bromley Content: Leading Web Design For Bromley SME's Specialists in the SME community Over the past 23 years, we have gradually adapted to our clients' needs. As a result, we have developed and designed numerous websites for small to medium business owners who require additional assistance. In addition to writing and designing their websites, we also incorporate search engine optimisation for maximum impact. And of course, our hosting package comes with exceptional support to ensure our clients feel fully taken care of. We have become the go-to source for web design and marketing among many business owners in Bromley, providing a sense of comfort and security. Book Time with an SME Web Design Expert What makes Us Unique? The staff are probably one of the most experienced and skilled in the business. With an average tenure of over 20 years, they possess extensive knowledge and expertise. They are well-versed in working with SME companies in Bromley, making them stand out as the top choice for any business needs. see why our web design is the best Web Design Doesn't Need to Be Pricey We understand the financial limitations faced by small and medium businesses in Bromley, especially during these challenging economic times. Our rates are unbeatable, and we offer flexible payment plans with interest-free options tailored to your budget. Our product is premium quality at an exceptional price. Let's Chat Find out more Schedule a meeting with our expert in SME web design and marketing. Enquire and challenge them with any tough questions, and receive a set price estimate. We do not offer website rental services, as that idea seems absurd - you should have full ownership of your site. Let's Chat Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Expert Web Design for Maidstone Small Businesses Content: Proven web design solutions that work in Maidstone Why specialise in the SME community? We sort of grew into it over the past 23 years. We have built thousands of websites for small to medium business owners and we soon realised they need extra help. That’s why we write as well as design the websites for them with Search engine optimisation thrown in for good measure and it's wrapped in a big warm outstanding support and hosting package. We have become the web design and marketing comfort blanket for many business owners in Maidstone! Book Time with an SME Web Design Expert What makes Us so special? Probably the staff! Many have been here over twenty years. They have a tonne of experience, they are used to working with SME companies in Maidstone and I think they are about the most experienced and best in the business. see why our web design is the best It all sound very expensive No, we realise the budget constraints of every small to medium business in Maidstone, particularly now with our economy on it's knees. Our prices are unbeatable, we have very flexible payment plans with interest free options and we work to your budget. It’s a premium product at an exceptional price point. Let's Chat OK, I’d like to know more Book an appointment with an SME web design and marketing specialist. Grill him, ask them the uncomfortable questions and get a fixed price quotation. We don’t do rent a website. That just seems ridiculous, you never end up owning it. Let's Chat Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Marketing and Web Design for Herne Bay Businesses Content: Take a look at the best web design package you will find in Herne Bay Best web design package because... We do everything from writing the content to sell you service or product, incredible web design and SEO all wrapped up in an exceptional hosting and support package. No other web design company in Herne Bay gives you as much at our price point. Book Time with an SME Web Design Expert It’s not all about the cost, but if it's low it helps! Cheap is dear – but not always. Our web design service offers a premium website with every bell and whistle you can think of at a price every business can afford. Combine that with SEO and content written by a marketing expert and we are confident that our web design package is the best there is. see why our web design is the best With so many features it must be expensive No, it’s not actually and you will make far more than the cost in a short space of time. We even give a money back guarantee if you don’t like what we have done for you. Add interest free time to pay options to our sublime web design package for every Herne Bay business and you can see why we ae so popular. Let's Chat I’m liking the sound of this what do I do next. Herne Bay isn’t far from us we would be happy to come and see you but let's start with a telephone conversation. Speak to a real marketing experts specialising in helping a business of your size grow. Book an appointment today, we would love to chat with you. Let's Chat Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Reliable Business Website Hosting Services across the UK Content: Hosting Premium, First Class, The Best, Unbelievably Good - Small To Medium Business Hosting You probably think all business hosting is the same - it isn't! SDG provides class leading hosting services to hundreds of business owners across the country. What makes us different? The level of support we offer as standard that we believe no one else does. Your website and your e-mail services are a critical part of your business it needs the best support you can give it. That's what we do. Your website and e-mail services are monitored 24 hours a day every day. Your website is mirrored so if it dies we have a backup copy that we can get live in no time. Our technical staff have the experience and ability to keep you on the web and keep your e-mails running. Contact Us Outstanding Support Support includes talking to us! You are not just a number, We have a great ticket system that guarantees next morning solutions but if its urgent pick up the telephone, we will answer and we will fix it straight away. We will drop everything we are doing and fix your issue. That's why we have hosting customers that have been with us for over two decades. What we do for them is guarantee the best hosting and e-mail facilities and by far the best support package for a fixed annual fee. Lets talk hosting! Book a telephone conversation with one of our hosting experts who will find out what you have, what you need and give you a price so competitive you will find it hard to say no. Hosting, at your service. What is web hosting? Web hosting is a service that allows individuals and organizations to make their websites accessible on the internet. In essence, it involves storing website files, databases, and other content on a server or a network of servers that are connected to the internet. When someone wants to access your website, their web browser sends a request to the web hosting server, which then delivers the requested content to the user's browser, enabling them to view your website. Here are some key aspects of web hosting: Server Space: Web hosting providers allocate server space to store your website's files, including HTML pages, images, videos, and other media. The amount of server space you need depends on the size and complexity of your website. Bandwidth: Web hosting services also provide bandwidth, which determines the amount of data that can be transferred between your server and website visitors. High-traffic websites typically require more bandwidth to ensure smooth performance. Server Types: There are various types of web hosting, including shared hosting, virtual private server (VPS) hosting, dedicated server hosting, cloud hosting, and more. Each type offers different levels of control, scalability, and performance. Shared Hosting: Websites share server resources with other sites on the same server. It's cost-effective but may have limitations in terms of performance and customization. VPS Hosting: VPS hosting offers a virtualized private server within a shared hosting environment. It provides more control and resources than shared hosting. Dedicated Server Hosting: With dedicated hosting, you have an entire server dedicated solely to your website. This provides maximum control and performance but is more expensive. Cloud Hosting: Cloud hosting utilizes a network of interconnected servers to distribute resources dynamically, ensuring scalability and reliability. Domain Name: Your web hosting provider often offers domain registration or integration services. A domain name is the human-readable address (e.g., that users use to access your website. Database Support: Most websites rely on databases to store and retrieve dynamic content, such as user data or product information. Web hosting plans often include support for popular database systems like MySQL or PostgreSQL. Security: Web hosting providers typically offer security features like firewalls, DDoS protection, SSL certificates, and regular software updates to safeguard your website and data. Support and Maintenance: Good hosting providers offer technical support and maintenance to ensure that your website remains accessible and performs well. This can include server monitoring, backup services, and troubleshooting assistance. Choosing the right web hosting provider and plan is crucial for the performance, security, and reliability of your website. The choice should align with your website's requirements, traffic expectations, and budget. The Good news is that with our SDH Hosting plans you get everything her at a fixed price that starts at just £175 per year expanding to our top level of £300 per year. Nothing more, no hidden charges and maximum support comes as standard whatever package you purchase. Talk to us about the best package for you. Is it better to host with a UK company and UK based servers? We are a UK company based in Kent and our servers are in the UK for a very good reason. Hosting your website with a UK-based hosting provider can offer several advantages for a UK company. Here are some factors to consider when deciding whether UK hosting is the right choice for your business: Performance: Hosting your website in the same geographic region as your target audience can lead to faster loading times and a better user experience. When users access a website hosted in the UK, they often experience lower latency, resulting in quicker page load times. SEO Benefits: If your target market is primarily in the UK, hosting your website there may provide some SEO advantages. Search engines like Google consider server location as a minor ranking factor for local search results. However, the impact on SEO is relatively small compared to other factors. Data Privacy and Compliance: Hosting your website in the UK may help you comply with data privacy regulations specific to the region, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). UK-based hosting providers are more likely to be well-versed in these regulations and offer compliant hosting services. Support and Communication: Choosing a hosting provider in your own country can make it easier to communicate and receive support in your preferred language and during your business hours. It can also simplify billing and payment processes. Currency and Payment Convenience: Hosting in the UK often means transactions are in GBP (British Pound), which can be convenient for UK-based companies regarding currency exchange and taxation. Legal and Jurisdictional Considerations: Hosting your website within your own country's jurisdiction can simplify legal matters and dispute resolution, if needed. However, it's important to note that hosting location alone doesn't guarantee superior performance or service. The quality of the hosting provider, the technology they use, their infrastructure, and their support services are equally, if not more, important factors to consider. We have invested heavily in powerful servers, a solid technologically advanced infrastructure and an outstanding support package for our clients. When choosing a hosting provider, regardless of location, consider the following: Reliability and Uptime: Look for a hosting provider with a strong track record of uptime and reliability. Downtime can significantly impact your website's availability. We guarantee 99.9% uptime! Scalability: Ensure that the hosting provider can accommodate your current needs and offer room for growth as your website and business expand. With us there is no limit on the size and usage requirements. Security: We use firewalls, malware scanning, and data backup procedures, to protect your website and customer data. Customer Support: Its simply outstanding. Pricing and Features: Competitive, not the cheapest but nothing we do is cheap. Its still only a few hundred pounds a year though! It’s worth paying a few pounds more for the best hosting solution. In summary, hosting your website in the UK offers benefits in terms of performance, data compliance, and local support. We work hard and invest in technology and hardware to ensure our hosting and support services are class leading for the clients we serve. Is my website safe? With SDG absolutely. Security Assessment - We use Secure Hosting: This includes features like firewalls, regular security updates, and intrusion detection systems. Keep Software Updated: to patch known security vulnerabilities. Use Strong Passwords: Enforce strong, unique passwords for your website, FTP, and hosting accounts. Implement SSL: Install and configure an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate to enable HTTPS on your website, encrypting data between your server and users' browsers. Security Plugins: that can help protect your website from common threats. Regular Scans: We perform regular security scans and audits to identify and address vulnerabilities. Backup Your Website: We regularly back up your website's files and databases to ensure you can quickly recover from any data loss or security incidents. What backup solutions do you offer? It's all part of the package, nothing extra to pay. Backup Solutions: Automatic Backups: Automatic daily backups of your website's files and databases. Offsite Backups: Our web site backups include a cloud-based copy of your web site as well as a hard copy in house backup. So we do two backups of your website every day! Monitoring and Recovery: Security Monitoring: Implement security monitoring tools or services to detect and respond to potential threats in real time. Incident Response Plan: We have a clear incident response plan that outlines steps to take in case of a security breach or data loss. This plan includes the process for restoring your website from backups. Regular Updates: We keep all software and security measures up to date to stay protected against evolving threats. To ensure the safety and backup of your website, it's essential to take a proactive approach to security and data protection, we do all of that for you. What if I want to leave your hosting package? Here’s the steps you will need to take. Select a New Hosting Provider: Research and choose a new web hosting provider that meets your needs and requirements. Consider factors such as hosting type (shared, VPS, dedicated, cloud), server location, pricing, support, and features. Backup Your Website: Before making any changes, it's crucial to back up your website's files and databases. Most hosting providers offer tools or control panels that allow you to create backups. Save these backups in a safe location. Let us Know! If you're cancelling your hosting package. We will work closely with your new provider. No hard feeling but we will be sad to see you go. Some companies charge as much as £500 to leave them, we charge nothing, zero, nada. It’s a complete rip off so make sure you know how much the new hosting company charges you to leave them before signing up. Transfer Your Domain Name (If Applicable): If we also manage your domain name, you may need to transfer it to your new hosting provider or registrar. Follow the specific transfer process outlined by your new provider. Set Up Your New Hosting Account: Sign up for a hosting account with your chosen new provider. This will involve selecting a hosting plan, domain configuration, and setting up your server environment. Upload Your Website Files: We will do that for you – again no charge. Update DNS Records (If Necessary): If you're changing domain registrars or DNS settings, update your DNS records to point to your new hosting provider's servers. This step ensures that visitors are directed to your new hosting environment. Testing and Verification: Test your website thoroughly on the new hosting server to ensure that everything is working correctly. Check for broken links, missing files, and functionality issues. Update Email Settings (If Applicable): If you use our email services associated with your hosting package, update your email client settings to reflect the new email server information provided by your new hosting provider. Remember that the specific steps and processes may vary depending on the one you are moving to. Additionally, be aware of any contractual commitments or penalties associated with canceling your hosting package with them in the future. Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Adorabella Laser Content: Outcome after new site designed and optimised for search engines Users up 381.50% 388.64% Increase in contact conversions Adorabella was a new start Up laser tattoo and hair removal company with limited knowledge of the web or how to make it work from them. SDG created the brand, content for the website and leaflets, built the website and we currently provide hosting and SEO services. Lovely lady, great fun to work with and everyone loved the outcome. Adorabella says:“Outstanding from start to finish. I didn’t have a clue, SDG basically took it all from me, sorted it out and I love their work. Great bunch of people as well. Never going anywhere else, had bad experience with another company, SDG is a different level. Amazed at the level of enquiries I get now from the work they completed - Shannon, Adorabella [PAGE] Title: Small Business Web Design in Folkestone Content: Creating growth with outstanding web design in Folkestone Choose the best web design company in Kent Bold statement but what other web design company do you know in Folkestone that’s been doing this for over 23 years and has built thousands of websites in that time for the small to medium business community. We are one of the few web design and marketing specialists in Folkestone that specialise in helping companies of your size and we have some great solutions Book Time with an SME Web Design Expert Expensive? Not even close We built on business on exceptional web design at an affordable cost. We know you don’t have the knowledge to make your website a success online, that’s what we do for you. We do it for some of the best prices you will find for what we do. Yes, a man in a bedroom in Folkestone will be cheaper but the lack of support will kill your website. Great prices and some of the best payment options you will find are right here. Fixed menu prices as well, we work with your budget. see why our web design is the best What about when it's built? We are still here decades later because of the exceptional support we give after the website is built. We are here to answer any questions and help you grow. Many clients have been with us two decades or more and on their third or fourth website with us. They stay because what we do works for them. Let's Chat What’s the next step? Let’s talk. Book some time with a real small/medium business web design and marketing specialist. We will chat about your business and give you plenty of free advice and if you want, a quotation. You’re not going to be speaking with a salesman, your speaking with a real bona fide marketing expert. It's worth 15 minutes of your time. Let's Chat Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Local Web Design & Marketing Company in Rochester Content: Take a look at Rochester’s best SME web design company We are just around the corner! SDG is a small to medium business web design and marketing company. That’s all we do and we are good at it. Over 23 years in business and we are building new website solutions every day. If you want a website that really works, take a look at what we believe is the best web design package not just in Rochester or Kent, but the whole of the UK. Book Time with an SME Web Design Expert That a bold statement to make! Yes it is but after such a long time and building thousands of websites, we know what it takes and what we need to do to make your website in Rochester generate you new income. You get more as standard and each component combines to create a 24 hour salesman for you at a ridiculously low cost. see why our web design is the best There are 4 vital ingredients Most Design Companies Only Deal With One Of Them. Why is our web design package is exceptional? Firstly, our design is extraordinary, exceeding conventional standards by a substantial margin. Then we skilfully compose content enriched with compelling calls to action, ensuring deep engagement with your potential customers. Then our search engine optimisation strategies are tailored to boost your online visibility to make sure you are found. Finally, our outstanding support is reinforced by top-tier business hosting. Rochester is literally ten minutes away from us! Let’s talk. Let's Chat OK, I want to know more about this! You have three options, we come to you, you can come to us (the coffees not bad!) or we can start with a 15-minute chat with a SME marketing expert over the phone. You can book that online on this page. You get the best in the business for web design with SDG and we guarantee that with our no obligation money back guarantee. Give us a try. Let's Chat Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Blog - Smart Domain Group Content: We love to chat! E-mail is good but talking is much quicker and you get more done! Give us a call to talk about Web Design, Web Redesign, SEO, Hosting or anything marketing. You will speak with a real expert who will listen and give you straight talking honest advise. 1. Call Direct 01634 810600 2.Complete the enquiry form if it's out of office hours and we will call you back as soon as we get in. Contact Form [PAGE] Title: Get a Quote Content: We are the SME design and marketing specialists others copy Start the ball rolling! This is a great no risk no cost offer for you. Spend 15 minutes on the telephone with a real SME marketing expert. Ask them anything about web design, SEO, hosting or marketing. You will get straight talking plain speak advice. 1. Telephone Contact us direct by telephone. It's the quickest way! Call 01634 810600 . We are open Mon to Fri 9.00 to 5.30 and there is always someone available to talk to. 2. or Book Book a free 15 minute consultation with a real small business web design and marketing specialist. Prepare to be impressed! [PAGE] Title: Flint & Sons Content: Back We built Flint & Son’s first website in 2005! He has had a few redesigns since then and he a very smart businessman. We have worked with him on web design, content and search engine optimisation. The web is the only advertising Steve does so it had to be right. We have created several beautifully crafted websites that achieve high visibility and constant sales through our SEO marketing efforts. Steve isn’t our oldest customer but he and SDG have worked together for nearly twenty years and it’s a great example of the productive relationships we encourage with all of our clients. [PAGE] Title: Expert Web Design for Gravesend Businesses Content: Building sublime websites in and around Gravesend SME (small medium enterprise) web design specialists We only work with small and medium business owners on their websites and marketing in Gravesend. It's kind of our thing! We know about budget limitations, fear of the web and your time constraints. That why we do it all for you at a fixed very affordable price. Book Time with an SME Web Design Expert Websites don’t work! That true in many cases but ours do because we write them, design them, build them, add search engine optimisation and the add an outstanding hosting with support package that is simply industry leading. No one does it better. Our website solution has increased the wealth of thousands of customers, many of them from Gravesend. If you want growth at and affordable cost get in touch with one of our marketing experts today. see why our web design is the best Taking the pain away for you and your business in Gravesend. That’s what we do. Yes we build amazing websites with more standard features than any other web design company we know but the key is our support. You need help, got a question, we are here. Need to add something to the website, it's included in our support package and it's free for the first 12 months. Let's Chat OK, sounds great! what do I do next? Find 15 minutes to chat with a real small business marketing expert. We will not sell you anything, just inform and answer and questions you have. If you want an all inclusive fixed price quotation for a new website with interest free time to pay options – we can do that too. Let's Chat Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: CAT Scanning Content: Outcome after new site designed and optimised for search enginesUsers up 622.60% 345.95% Increase in contact conversions CAT Scanning approached us to build, host and search engine optimise their website. After completing competitor analysis and creating a new brand image we began work on the website itself. We wrote the content, created the design, built it and the added hosting with SEO. CAT Scanning says: “Proper company, communication was excellent, they involved me as much as I wanted to be involved and I am so happy with the finished web site. Even better than that my sales and sales enquiries have significantly improved. If you want results and a great web design build experience just give them a call - Alan, CAT Scanning. [PAGE] Title: Responsive Web Design in Gillingham Content: everyone Get An All-Inclusive Quotation Today Telephone 0800 772 0047 (Freephone) and speak with an expert who will give you great advice, tell you why getting web design right is so important and provide you with a no obligation quotation to consider. It will be less than you think and our after-build support packages are outstanding. We are based on the edge of Gillingham, in Chatham, so you are literally five minutes away! We would be happy to come and see you, show you what we can do and give you a quotation you will love; or of course, you can come to our offices.Let's start with a chat on the telephone. Call us on 01634 810600. Every web design company works differently, the same is true in Gillingham but we like to think we do it better! Our focus is to build you a website that oozes quality; from the graphics to the written content that we will write for you. It needs to be found on Google and you will need exceptional support after it is built to make sure it keeps working for you. Book Most Websites Don’t Work! No matter how much you spend on a website, if it doesn't have great content, isn't built correctly and doesn't have search engine optimisation added then it just won’t get you the results you want. Our web design packages have all of these as standard and at a price that will surprise you! Book Get In Touch Speak with one of our experts who will give you honest advice based on two decades of experience in marketing and specifically website marketing. Get a free quotation, think about it and let us begin if it all sounds good. We have been building and designing websites for clients in Gillingham for a very long time, so take advantage of our expertise and talented staff to get you more business this year. Book Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Expert Web Design for Businesses in Sittingbourne Content: Sittingbourne’s best web design company for a reason We Give You More Than Any Other Web Design Company It's not just about web design, there are so many other things to consider for your new website. Content - is it engaging? Can you be found? What if it all goes wrong who do I go to? Is the design responsive? We have all of that covered with our smart web design package, you get more of everything from one of the oldest web design companies in the UK. We do pretty much everything, you can get on with your business. Book Time with an SME Web Design Expert More Standard Features Than You Know What To Do With We have worked hard to create this web design package. It’s the fruit of 23 years creating thousands of websites. It's everything we know bundled together to get you new customers. It works, we sell lots of them and many of our clients in Sittingbourne have been with us twenty years or more because we make them money. see why our web design is the best What Makes It So Different Than Our Competitors? We are not a web design company working in Sittingbourne, We are a web design and marketing company working in Sittingbourne. There's a huge difference. Design is just one aspect, you need so much more. We write the content, we add search engine optimisation, we host on leading edge servers. Our support Is awesome. It doesn’t get any better. Let's Chat I Cant Afford That! Yes you can, we guarantee the best price for what we do and offer interest free monthly payment options. We don’t do rental, you will own it. Rental is stupid! We also offer an unconditional money back guarantee as well. Book 15 minutes with a real SME marketing expert today. No obligation, just listen to what they have to say, it could change your business fortunes and already has for so many people already. Let's Chat Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Videos - SDGWeb Content: Videos Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. We love to chat! E-mail is good but talking is much quicker and you get more done! Give us a call to talk about Web Design, Web Redesign, SEO, Hosting or anything marketing. You will speak with a real expert who will listen and give you straight talking honest advise. 1. Call Direct 01634 810600 2.Complete the enquiry form if it's out of office hours and we will call you back as soon as we get in. Contact Form [PAGE] Title: Web Design in Canterbury Content: Stunning Web Design Solutions In Canterbury Not Ordinary! For the past 23 years we have perfected the best SME web design package in the UK. Bold statement but true. You get more standard features, a web design formula that works and incredible support long after the website is finished. This all comes at an unbeatable price and a raft of extras no one else offers. That’s why we are the first choice for hundreds of small to medium business owners. Book Time with an SME Web Design Expert When you just know it’s right Amazing support, a website that’s look incredible but more importantly is driving new business, I barely lifted a finger, that’s how all web sites should be built are just some of the amazing comments we have had from our clients. When you find the right web design and marketing partner, you know it’s right. That would be us. See Why Our Web Design Is The Best Let me tell you a secret Your website probably won’t get you much new business! Unless you combine creative compelling content with awesome design and search engine optimisation to get found. If you can combine that with outstanding support and class leading hosting services you have hit the jackpot. That’s exactly what we do for hundreds of clients right now – join them. Let's Chat Come on let’s make a date! It's just a first date, we won’t be getting married just yet but it’s a great opportunity to get to know each other! Tell us about your business in Canterbury and we will give you honest straight talking advice on how to get as many new customers as you want. Let's Chat Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Web Design Service in Whitstable - Smart Domain Group Content: Get the best web design package for your business in Whitstable SME web design specialist in Whitstable for over 23 years! We guarantee the most effective web design package you will find with a money back guarantee, unbeatable prices and incredible payment options that include interest free monthly payment options. Book Time with an SME Web Design Expert Our web design package works! Design, content written, SEO, hosting and support all mixed together to give you an incredible web design package for your business in Whitstable that is better than anyone else can offer you. We have had plenty of practise building thousands of websites in the past to create this one-of-a-kind web design package for you. see why our web design is the best Something to think about Remember your mum saying cheap is dear! My mum used to say that and it's true. If you buy a budget website it won’t work don’t waste your money. Look at our standard features below! And its still the best price in our industry! It just keeps getting better. Let's Chat OK, let get talking Book some time with a real web design and marketing expert. Let’s show you what we can do, how we can do that within your budget and you can then have a think about it. We are probably one of the oldest and most respected web design companies in Kent, probably the UK! Trust us with your new website. Let's Chat Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Dibble Optical Content: Outcome after new e-commerce site designed and optimised for search engines. Users up 119.17% Revenue up 11.83% We were approached by Dibble Optical to redesign and search engine Optimise their existing website. Their E-commerce web site was an intrinsic part of the business and it was vital that it looked amazing and had simple core functionality. We achieved this to the delight of the client on time and budget. They say “Really pleased with the work SDG have produced and the outcome achieved. The Ongoing support is phenomenal and we are enjoying an increase in sales and enquiries.”  - Barry Dibble [PAGE] Title: Web Design in Dover Content: We specialise in amazing SME web design in Dover. Beat the competition today. Need help with a new website for your business in Dover? We have copywriters, web designers, programmers and hosting specialists ready to create a stunning and more importantly an effective website that generates you new business enquiries. We are the best at what we do and our prices are very affordable. Book Time with an SME Web Design Expert We are the premium web design company for Dover business owners. We specialise in helping small to medium business owners in Dover. That’s our speciality. Working with a low budget is not an issue. Dealing with business owners with little or no knowledge of the web is what we do most of. We take the pain away from your web design project. see why our web design is the best We're special why? Our web design packages are top of the line but very reasonably priced. Content, design, SEO, hosting and support. It's all there and we guarantee you more standard features than any other web design company with a money back guarantee if you are not delighted with our work. Let's Chat Let’s get together! Book a free chat with a superb small to medium business marketing specialist. They will give you a firm quotation and offer loads of advice on how to make a website really work for your business. Get more new business enquiries with the smart web design package from SDG. Let's Chat Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Specialist Marketing and Web Design for Tunbridge Wells Content: Amazing web design in Tunbridge Wells that really works! Web design in Tunbridge Wells from the specialists We only work for small to medium business owners, sorry if that isn’t you! We specialise in this sector for several reasons. We understand budget constraints, we understand your lack of experience in marketing yourself, and we have created the perfect web design package that does it all for you. Book Time with an SME Web Design Expert Always buy the best! Your website is important, we are premium web designers and a very fair price. Don’t be tempted by one man (or woman) working from the office at home. It never works. It takes a team of 4 people to make an effective website. Web designer, web copywriter, web developer and finally a hosting specialist to bring it all together. We have all of these near you in Tunbridge Wells. see why our web design is the best What makes a great website? Combine the skills of a marketing copywriter with the design flair of a designer, the technical expertise of a developer and a hosting specialist and you have a website that works every time. When we say works we mean it brings in a constant flow of new sales enquiries. Look at our standard features. That’s why we say our web design package is the best there is – you just get more! Let's Chat Let’s start talking to each other It all begins with a telephone call. We get to know you and give you exactly the write web quotation with loads of options. Book online today and a SME marketing expert will be in touch. Let's Chat Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Web Design Experts in Dartford Content: See why more people in Dartford choose us as their web design company Results! We get them. Creative, leading edge design - we do it. Complete design and marketing packages including content, SEO, hosting and your brand spanking new website bundled at an unbelievable price - we do that as well for many business owners in Dartford. You won’t find a better web design product at our price point – we guarantee it. Hundreds of business owners in Dartford trust us to deliver design and marketing solutions for them – come and join them. Book Time with an SME Web Design Expert Extraordinary comes as standard We specialise in crafting exceptional content, featuring captivating headlines, compelling calls to action, and engaging text that piques your potential customer's interest in and around the Dartford areas. All of this is seamlessly integrated into exquisite web design and hosted professionally, add search engine optimisation to enhance your online visibility and you have it all. Our small to medium business web design package is unmatched anywhere else in Dartford and guarantees you the best solution there is. With 23 years of dedicated practice, we've perfected this web design package and know its unmatched. See Why our web design is the best Get a website that works for you! Loads of standard features, amazing staff here to support you now and long after the website is completed. Someone to get marketing advice from whenever you need it and a partnership that will last many years. Most of our clients have been with us twenty years or more. We are not your average web design company. Let's Chat SME Specialists for a reason Our clients know very little about Internet marketing, what works, what doesn’t, the pitfalls, how to get the best results. How to build a website that really generates new customer enquiries. That’s why they use our gifted, friendly team at SDG. We work with them and for them, we are their advisors and sometimes and shoulder for support. We do it well. Lets work together. Let's Chat Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Hodds Johnson Content: Back Being a client of ours for 20 years, Hodds Johnson knew that having a new website from us was a good idea. We told them that they should have a redesign to keep their site up to date with current industry trends and Hodds Johnson agreed. From there, we redesigned their website with new images and an even better aesthetic, ensuring the site was easy to navigate and that all of their services were easy to find. Our SEO team checked the website for any potential errors and made sure that the user experience was improved from their previous websites. [PAGE] Title: Web Design for Margate Businesses Content: Small to medium business web design specialists for your business in Margate You can’t buy experience! Over 23 years and thousands of websites built. We have created some amazing websites for business owners in Margate. We are small to medium business web design specialists. We understand you don’t have a massive web design budget and we understand that despite that you need a website that works for you. That’s exactly what we do and it's at an unbeatable price too. Book Time with an SME Web Design Expert Sublime web design isn’t enough Yes it’s got to look pretty but more importantly it needs content that creates interest and to be found with search engine optimisation. That’s the only way your customers in Margate and the surrounding areas will buy from you. When you wrap that up in an amazing hosting with support package, you have everything you need to succeed online. see why our web design is the best Make it so, Captain! Take a look at our standard features, look at our history, believe us when we say we have the best web design package there is and trust the experience of our team that has produced thousands of small to medium business websites with amazing success stories attached and get in touch. Let's Chat OK - OK, what do I do next?! It’s simple book some time with a real honest to goodness SME web design and marketing expert who will give you some great advice, be bluntly honest and give you free marketing advice with a fixed price quotation for you to consider. Sounds good? - get it booked! Let's Chat Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Amazing Web Design in Northfleet Content: Web design with more standard features and the best price You have found the best web design specialist for Northfleet OK, yes we would say that of course! But after twenty-three years and hundreds of websites built every year since then we know a thing or two and with that experience we have created the best web design package specifically for your size company in Northfleet. Book Time with an SME Web Design Expert What makes it so special? Everyone is saying the same thing! There are 4 reasons why our web design package is so special. Sublime design that’s way better than average. We write the content with great calls to action to get your new potential customer interested. Search engine optimisation to get you found and finally outstanding support with business hosting. Northfleet is just twenty minutes away, we are happy to show you why we are the best! see why our web design is the best If it's good I’ll bet it's expensive We guarantee you will not find a better price for what we do and you can spread the cost with interest free monthly payments. Your website will make far more than the cost anyway but nevertheless you will be pleasantly surprised how inexpensive they are. Let's Chat I’m kind of sold - what next? Convince me! Chat with one of the most experienced small business web design and marketing experts in Kent, probably the UK! Get loads of free advice and a custom quotation for your business to help you grow. It will be the best 15 minutes of your business life! Get in touch or book online. Let's Chat Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Smart Domain Group Web Design Company in Chatham, Medway, Kent Content: We love to chat! E-mail is good but talking is much quicker and you get more done! Give us a call to talk about Web Design, Web Redesign, SEO, Hosting or anything marketing. You will speak with a real expert who will listen and give you straight talking honest advise. 1. Call Direct 01634 810600 2.Complete the enquiry form if it's out of office hours and we will call you back as soon as we get in. 22 years young, thousands of projects completed, amazing staff and customers. Thank you! [PAGE] Title: Testimonials - Smart Domain Group Content: Testimonials 1st Choice Finishes We’re very happy with the website design, it looks great! Thank you for working so quickly on it. Katie 1st Choice Finishes - Devon Ace Scaffolding Services Limited Been with SDG 8/10 years. We have found them very reliable, keeping us updated on any new news to build up our website and emailsAlso their help and support team has helped us out many times 24/7. Graham Ace Scaffolding Services Limited - Kenley, Surrey ADW Safety Cloud ADW Business Consultancy Ltd was recommended to Smart Domain Group as a company that could offer a bespoke website redesign service at a competitive cost, ADW has recently undergone many changes within its business's and Smart Domain has worked with closely with ADW to completely redesign the company profiles and offerings, if you are looking for an organisation that is professional,direct, and business friendly … Go No Further… Andrew Watts ADW Business Consultancy Ltd & ADW Safety Cloud Ltd - Wokingham, Berkshire Breg Products Ltd We have been dealing With Smart Domain for over 12 years, they have built us 3 new websites over that period including one of the first mobile and tablet ready sites as well as handling our optimisation, they are competitively priced and their aftersales support is excellent. I have recommended them to several companies in the past and would have no hesitation doing so in the future. Sandy Haigh, MD Breg Products Ltd - Huddersfield, West Yorkshire Chelsfield Flooring Fantastic from start to finish. They understood my business and what I wanted the website to achieve and delivered. The website looks amazing and I have considerably increased visitors and sales. I ask everyone that comes into the showroom where they found us and almost all say Google. Ray Debolla Chelsfield Flooring Ltd - Orpington, Kent Children's Ark Day Nursery This is my second website with the Smart Domain Group. They are the consummate professionals, friendly and knowledgeable and they just seem to get me and my business. I absolutely recommend them to any business that wants help marketing their business. Naomi Children's Ark Day Nursery - Cambridge, Cambridgeshire Coppards Removals Smart Domain Group have looked after our website and e-mails for a number of years. They are quick to respond to any changes that you wish to make and very helpful with advice when asked for. Our experience with them has always been pleasant with a friendly voice whenever we speak to them. We are very happy with their SEO and all other services that they provide. Steve EastburyCoppards Removals - Bromley, Kent Dibble Optical Our existing website was long overdue an upgrade, and we contacted Tony at Smart Domain Group after spending some time researching local web design companies. Our initial meeting went very well indeed, and we agreed to work together to design and produce a whole new web shop for my small but growing ophthalmic distribution business. I felt that SDG took the time to learn about my company, our business activities, and the profile of our customers and all of this was taken into consideration when preparing the draft design. The company were also able to transfer our products and our customers from our existing website to the new, which saved us a lot of work – something every other company we spoke to said couldn’t be done!Throughout the development and build we appreciated the professional support from Pete, the design & development manager, who was always there to assist and advise. His knowledgeable insight of customer-focused efficiencies in web shop design has been invaluable and has resulted in building a lot of added-value into our business. I have no hesitation in recommending Smart Domain Group to others because my own experience has been exceptional. I have always preferred up-front honesty from a company and this is exactly what we received. Thank you. Dibble Optical, Chatham Kent Feline Features I have had my own mobile cat grooming business for over twenty four years now. Up until about five years ago I had resisted going down the website route for various reasons, and relied on personal referrals/recommendations & a certain amount of advertising to keep “afloat”. I have always been a bit of a technophobe and considered having and maintaining a business web site a daunting prospect! I was introduced to The Smart Domain Group by an existing client of mine at the time who had used their services and expertise to produce a site for them with great success. It was pointed out to me that a site of my own would expose my business: “Feline Features” to an enormous audience as on line advertising had taken over from the more conventional forms. Quite frankly making the decision to have a site designed - which was a culmination of almost twenty years experience - has literally transformed my business both logistically and in terms of gross revenue generated. I can’t praise Tony and his team highly enough in both their artistic and technical input to create a site which is extremely visual and very easy to navigate. The aesthetic result is in my opinion fabulous and, combined with great search engine optimisation, has pushed the site to the top page and usually position 1 or 2 as well on all search engines. Consequently I can’t recommend SDG highly enough!! Many thanks to ALL at SDG! Steven Harrold, OwnerFeline Features - Leyton, London Four Seasons Lofts The website looks great; thank you for all your work. We are very happy with it. Joolz BeaumontFour Seasons Lofts Ltd Four Star Flooring Contracts Thanks for the insight on how it’s going, we are noticing an increase in calls from the Dagenham/Ilford area. We have been along to measure some veterinary practices and commercial offices over the past couple of months and been successful in securing the work, all through the help of the SEO. Sam King, OwnerFour Star Flooring Contracts - Wickford, Essex Glaze-Tech Services Ltd I chose Smart Domain Group to build and support my business website 10 years ago and how glad I am that I did. The web site is top class and constantly updated at my request. Even other website builders compliment the site when touting for my business. I would recommend Smart Domain Group to any business thinking of starting up from new, or looking for a different website builder. ColinGlaze-Tech Services Ltd - Maidstone, Kent JK Signage I have been with the SDG for twelve years and I have to admit, all the staff and Tony are excellent to deal with. John KellyJK Signage - Kilmacanogue, Eire Lilies Water Gardens I am not the most computer literate person in the world, maybe the worst! For that reason and many others i would strongly recommend Smart Domain Group and their team as they have the patience, expertise and advice to enable me to have a e-commerce website which has grown in design, income and new customers. Simon HarmanLilies Water Gardens - Newdigate, Surrey Lyons Electrical Our company has relied on the Smart Domain Group for many years now. If you want Quality, Modernity and Backup at the right price Smart Domain is the go-to company! M. Lyons, Managing DirectorLyons Electrical - Strood, Kent Marmox Smart Domain Group re-did our website just over a year ago. The whole process was quick and painless and the team were professional and really helpful. The new website was completed and up and running quickly. We love our new website and our customers like it too and find it much easier to navigate around. We highly recommend them, both in terms of building a professional looking website and their ongoing support. Sarah Viney, Managing DirectorMarmox UK Ltd - Chatham, Kent May Harris After more than 9 years of working together we cannot recommend Smart Domain Group highly enough. They have continually gone the extra mile to ensure our website is both attractive and relevant whilst making our company easily accessible on the major search engines, something which we know is not easy! Clint Harber DirectorMay Harris Multi Services Ltd - Longfield, Kent Mr Fizz, Masks and Magic Have been with Smart Domain Group for over 20 years and I now have three websites! That says it all! A happy customer! Thank You Tony and your team. Terry KnightMr Fizz & Masks and Magic - Upchurch, Kent Orbtech Solutions Fantastic! Thank you very much, I absolutely love the website! Luca Britton Managing DirectorOrbtech Solutions, Sandwich, Kent Peter Johnson Entertainments Smart Domain Group have done a fabulous job re-designing our website. With their knowledge and creative skills and professionalism, nothing was too much trouble and it has boosted our business and kicked us into the 21st Century! Thank you Smart Domain! Mandy O'Nion, DirectorPeter Johnson Entertainments Ltd - Cranbrook, Kent Preservatim Southern Ltd Very easy to use and very easy on the eye. Alan FieldPreservatim Southern Ltd - Tonbridge, Kent Professional Elevators We needed a logo, responsive website, search engine exposure and felt that SDG were the right company to provide this based on their experience and the quality of their work. Really happy with the results, and working with the Smart Domain Group. Rick Avers, OwnerProfessional Elevators - Gillingham, Kent Regency Flooring I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you all, for your continued good advice & professional support. Graham WallerRegency Flooring - Canterbury, Kent Robinson Motorcycles We have been with Smart Domain Group since the start. They are always very professional, knowledgeable and helpful. Karen RobinsonNick Robinson Motorcycles - Basingstoke, Hampshire Splat Decorating Ltd Super fast, friendly and professional response from initial contact through to finished website! When I ask my clients ‘why did you choose us to carry out the work’ I am repeatedly told ‘your website really stands out and is the best I’ve seen from local decorators’! Naturally offering a high quality service and excellent reputation helps but you need a website to reflect this. Very happy with the service from Smart Domain Group and have recently recommended a friend to have his done by them. Colin Fry, DirectorSplat Decorating Limited - Shirley, Croydon The Rug Shop This was one of the best companies we have ever done business with over the internet, they are very customer orientated giving friendly professional advice,we are extremely satisfied with everything from Smart Domain Group. Matthew HoneThe Rug Shop - Birmingham , West Midlands Wright And Co Estate Agents I am pleased to endorse Smart Domain Group as our website designers. Smart Domain Group are an innovative proactive web design company and I look forward to working with you all for many years to come! Well done guys and keep up the good work. John Wright, DirectorWright & Co Estate Agents - Gillingham, Kent Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Case Studies - Smart Domain Group Content: A R Marquees AR Marquees have been a client of ours for over 10 years and have had several websites with us that have been enhanced as the look and functionality of websites changes over time. The newest incarnation of their website showcases their services, as well as sporting a gallery for images of their marquees and an Event Planner that customers can fill ... 2 Aqua Design & Landscaping Aqua Design & Landscaping came to us wanting a brand new website. They didn't have one and they were unsure about the importance of having a strong online presence. After meeting with one of our marketing experts, Aqua Design & Landscaping was happy to go ahead with a brand new website.We wrote, created, built and designed the website f... 3 Blue Sparkle Cleaning Having been a client of ours since 2004, and an SEO customer of ours since 2014, Blue Sparkle Cleaning has benefited from our services for 20 years. We discussed with them that their old site was out of date and needed a fresh new look, so we re-designed and re-wrote a new site for them.We altered the navigation a little to help customers find what... 4 Debbi Burch Psychotherapy Wanting a brand new website, Debbi Burch came to us. We created this new website, using text supplied by her so that it would have her own, empathetic voice, which is key to attracting new customers. We ensured that this text was rich in keywords and search engine friendly. We also designed the website, talking through everything with her during th... 5 Flint & Sons We built Flint & Son’s first website in 2005! He has had a few redesigns since then and he a very smart businessman. We have worked with him on web design, content and search engine optimisation. The web is the only advertising Steve does so it had to be right.We have created several beautifully crafted websites that achieve high visibili... 6 Folio Folio have been with us for over 16 years! The website was looking a bit dated and needed a complete redesign. We built a new responsive mobile friendly website and the customer loves it! He is also getting more business from it because it utilises the latest technology and is available to more potential customers.This is Folios third website with ... 7 Hodds Johnson Being a client of ours for 20 years, Hodds Johnson knew that having a new website from us was a good idea. We told them that they should have a redesign to keep their site up to date with current industry trends and Hodds Johnson agreed.From there, we redesigned their website with new images and an even better aesthetic, ensuring the site was easy ... 8 Homecare Landscapes Having worked with us since 2007, Homecare Landscapes have always been happy with the work we carry out for them. So, when they wanted a brand new website, we had a meeting with them to discuss their requirements. They wanted their website to showcase the services they provide even more, making it easier for customers to immediately see exactly wha... 9 Instant Access Instant Access wanted a new website from us and spoke with our marketing team on several occasions to ensure everyone was on the same page regarding what they wanted. We made many suggestions to help improve their online visibility and user experience, including pages detailing their range of services split into different drop downs and a page show... 10 KDS Projects Having had a website created by us in 2022 for Kent Decorating Services, they wanted to branch out into other areas with their painting, decorating and renovation services. We created, wrote and designed KDS Projects to reflect the upmarket clientele that they would be working for, ensuring their stunning work would be showcased as soon as cus... 2 Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Responsive Web Design for Ramsgate Businesses Content: Specialist small business web design company for Ramsgate Web design and a whole lot more! A great looking website is good but if the content or getting found is impossible – well then it’s a waste of money. None of us can afford to do that these days. So - look at the best web design package for your business in Ramsgate here. Book Time with an SME Web Design Expert Our web design package stands out for four compelling reasons. First and foremost, our design is simply sublime, surpassing the ordinary by a significant margin. Additionally, we craft compelling content infused with compelling calls to action, ensuring that your potential customers are thoroughly engaged. Furthermore, our search engine optimisation strategies are designed to enhance your online visibility, making sure you're easily discoverable. Finally, our exceptional support is backed by the best business hosting. Located just a short drive from Ramsgate, we would be delighted to demonstrate why we are the premier choice in the industry! Let’s start with a chat first. see why our web design is the best Sounds too expensive for me! It really isn’t and you will get back far more than you spend in new customers. We guarantee the best prices in our industry for the solutions we provide and back that up with a full money back guarantee. Let's Chat OK, what do I need to do now? Book 15 minutes with one of the best small/medium business web design and marketing specialists today. Talk about your business and he will give you some great advice and a firm quotation with interest free time to pay options as well. Let's Chat Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Wright and Co Content: Back As a client of ours for ten years, Wright & Co advertise and sell properties in the Medway area and have always needed a website that reflected that. We suggested that they update their website to keep it in line with current industry trends and made sure that this new website was responsive, as well as facilitating the service that they and their customers needed. We made sure to check for any technical errors before the site went live and ensured the user experience was improved upon from their previous website. They were very pleased with the end result and are using their new website to garner more interest on the properties available. [PAGE] Title: Complete Marketing Solutions for UK SME's Content: The Complete SME marketing solution We make it easy for you Creating a complete marketing solution for a small to medium business involves a comprehensive strategy that encompasses various elements to help the business reach its goals. Here's our step-by-step guide to building a complete marketing solution: This is what we do for many clients who do not have the time, expertise or staff to implement and undertake an advertising strategy. This is a cost-effective way for your business to get experts in several fields working for you at a fraction of the cost of employing them yourselves. Here’s what we do at SDG to create new wealth for your business. You don’t have to take all of them! We customise the complete marketing package to you, your business and your budget. Get in touch, book a free consultation with a real marketing expert and lets show you what we can do to create new business for your business. 1 Set Clear Marketing Goals: Identify your specific marketing objectives. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive sales, generate leads, or something else? Your goals will guide our marketing efforts. 2 Understand Your Target Audience: Define your ideal customer personas. Understand their demographics, preferences, pain points, and online behaviour. This information will help us tailor your marketing efforts effectively. 3 Develop a Brand Identity: Ensure your brand has a consistent and appealing identity, including a memorable logo, brand colours, fonts, and messaging that resonates with your target audience. 4 Create a Website: Build a user-friendly, mobile-responsive website that serves as your online storefront. Optimise it for search engines (SEO) to improve its visibility. 5 Content Marketing: Develop a content strategy that includes blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and other content relevant to your audience. Consistently create and share valuable content to establish authority and engage your audience. 6 Social Media Marketing: Choose the most relevant social media platforms for your business and create a presence there. Regularly post engaging content, interact with your followers, and run targeted ad campaigns. 7 Email Marketing: Build an email list and send out newsletters, promotions, and updates to keep your audience engaged. Personalise your emails for better results. 8 Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Run paid advertising campaigns on platforms like Google Ads and social media. Target specific keywords and demographics to reach potential customers. "Your marketing needs to be as cute as this dog to beat your competitors" 9 Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): Continuously optimise your website for search engines to improve organic search rankings. Focus on keywords, meta tags, and high-quality content. 10 Local SEO: If you have a physical location, optimise your online presence for local search by claiming and optimising your Google My Business listing. 11 Online Reviews and Reputation Management: Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, and social media. Address negative reviews promptly and professionally. 12 Analytics and Tracking: Use tools like Google Analytics to measure the performance of your marketing efforts. Monitor website traffic, conversion rates, email open rates, and other relevant metrics. 13 Budget Management: Allocate your marketing budget wisely across different channels based on their effectiveness. Regularly assess the ROI of each marketing strategy. 14 Collaborate with complementary businesses or influencers in your industry to expand your reach. 15 Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Implement a CRM system to manage and nurture leads, track customer interactions, and enhance customer relationships. 16 Testing and Optimisation: Continuously test different marketing strategies, ads, and content to identify what works best for your business. Adjust your approach accordingly. 17 Legal and Compliance: Ensure that your marketing efforts comply with relevant laws and regulations, such as GDPR for data protection.. 18 Customer Support and Engagement: Provide excellent customer support and engage with your audience on social media and other platforms to build brand loyalty. 19 Feedback and Adaptation: Listen to customer feedback and adapt your marketing strategies accordingly. Be responsive to changing market trends. 20 Measurement and Reporting: Regularly assess the performance of your marketing campaigns and create reports to understand what's working and what needs improvement. Remember that a successful marketing solution requires time, effort, and consistency. It's important to stay adaptable and adjust your strategies as needed to achieve your business objectives. Read enough? It all starts with a conversation. Book a chat with a real gods honest marketing experts that specialises in small to medium business marketing. Book a chat – it’s totally FREE Most asked, marketing. Should I have all my marketing in one place? Having your marketing efforts managed by a single marketing agency offers several benefits, including improved coordination, consistency, and efficiency in your marketing strategies. Here are some of the key advantages of consolidating your marketing with one agency: Integrated Marketing Strategies: When you work with a single agency, they can develop integrated marketing strategies that align with your business goals. This means that your advertising, branding, social media, content, SEO, and other marketing efforts are coordinated to reinforce each other, creating a more powerful and cohesive message. Consistency in Branding: A single marketing agency can ensure consistency in your branding across all channels and platforms. This consistency helps build brand recognition and trust amongst your audience. Streamlined Communication: With one agency managing all your marketing efforts, you have a single point of contact. This simplifies communication and reduces the chances of miscommunication or overlapping efforts. Efficient Resource Allocation: Consolidating your marketing allows you to allocate your resources more efficiently. Your agency can help you determine which marketing channels and strategies are most effective for your business, ensuring you get the best return on investment. Deeper Understanding of Your Business: Over time, a single agency can develop a deep understanding of your business, industry, and target audience. This knowledge enables them to create more targeted and effective marketing campaigns. Cost Savings: Some agencies offer bundled services at a reduced rate when you use multiple services from them. This can result in cost savings compared to working with multiple agencies or freelancers. Efficient Reporting and Analytics: With one agency managing all your marketing data, reporting and analytics become more streamlined. They can provide comprehensive insights into your marketing performance across channels. Faster Decision-Making: Working with one agency often leads to faster decision-making because there's a centralised team responsible for your marketing initiatives. This agility can be essential in responding to market changes or opportunities. Holistic Approach: A single agency can take a holistic approach to your marketing, ensuring that all aspects, from your website to your advertising campaigns, work together seamlessly to achieve your goals. Long-Term Relationship: Establishing a long-term relationship with a marketing agency allows them to grow with your business. They become invested in your success and can adapt their strategies to suit your evolving needs. Expertise Across Channels: Marketing agencies typically have expertise across a wide range of marketing channels, from digital marketing to traditional advertising. This means you can tap into their knowledge and skills in various areas of marketing. Scalability: As your business grows, a single agency can scale your marketing efforts accordingly. They can adapt strategies, allocate more resources, and expand your marketing presence as needed. At SDG we have forged very strong relationships with many business owners. It often begins an incredible journey where we see your business grow with the marketing efforts generated and some have even become friends. Your marketing agency is probably more important than you realise. I am pretty sure I can market my own business. While marketing your own small business can be cost-effective and offer more control, it comes with its share of challenges and potential pitfalls. Here are some common problems small business owners face when handling their own marketing: Lack of Expertise: Marketing is a complex and ever-evolving field that requires specific knowledge and skills. Small business owners may lack the expertise needed to create and execute effective marketing strategies. Time Constraints: Running a small business is time-consuming, and marketing efforts can be particularly demanding. Trying to handle marketing on top of daily operations can lead to burnout and neglect of other essential tasks. Inconsistent Marketing: Without a dedicated marketing plan and schedule, small business owners may engage in sporadic or inconsistent marketing efforts, which can hinder brand visibility and growth. Limited Resources: Small businesses often have limited budgets for marketing. This can restrict their ability to invest in advertising, SEO, content creation, and other marketing initiatives needed to compete effectively. Ineffective Targeting: Without proper market research and data analysis, small business owners may struggle to identify and reach their target audience effectively. This can result in wasted marketing efforts and resources. Overlooking Digital Marketing: In the digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial. Small business owners who are not well-versed in digital marketing may miss out on valuable opportunities to connect with potential customers online. Inadequate Content: Content marketing is a powerful tool, but creating high-quality, relevant content consistently can be challenging for those without content marketing expertise. Lack of Tracking and Analysis: Small business owners may not have the tools or knowledge to track the performance of their marketing efforts effectively. This can make it difficult to assess what's working and what needs adjustment. Ignoring Social Media: Social media platforms are essential for engaging with customers and building brand awareness. Neglecting social media or using it ineffectively can harm a small business's online presence. Competitive Disadvantage: Competitors who invest in professional marketing services may outperform businesses that attempt to market themselves, potentially resulting in a competitive disadvantage. Negative Online Reviews: Poorly executed marketing efforts can lead to negative online reviews or customer feedback, which can harm a business's reputation. Missed Opportunities: Failing to stay updated with marketing trends and changes in consumer behaviour can result in missed opportunities to reach and engage with potential customers. AT SDG we are tending to find that even the smallest micro business we engage with understands the need for marketing and initially they feel a little lost with it all. We have programmers, designers, SEO specialists, marketing experts and copywriters all working together for our clients. It's impossible for any small or even medium sized business for that matter to keep up to date with marketing trends and to have the knowledge to implement it. Talk to us, our advice is FREE and based on decades of experience in everything marketing. It's going to be too expensive for my small business. That’s not true. We have marketing packages starting at £300 per month that will dramatically improve your exposure and introduce your business to may new sales opportunities. Give us a call and speak to an SME marketing expert. Costs nothing and you will learn something that might just help your business get more business. I don’t have the time for marketing That’s great news, you should be working on your business anyway. That’s why so many business owners choose us to deal with all that for them at a fair affordable monthly fee. Lets talk about growing your business. Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Email Protection | Cloudflare Content: Email Protection You are unable to access this email address The website from which you got to this page is protected by Cloudflare. Email addresses on that page have been hidden in order to keep them from being accessed by malicious bots. You must enable Javascript in your browser in order to decode the e-mail address. If you have a website and are interested in protecting it in a similar way, you can sign up for Cloudflare . [PAGE] Title: Marketing and Web Design in Deal Content: Small to medium web design specialists for Deal, we come to you! Much more than just a website We deal with web design, content written, search engine optimisation and amazing support at an unbeatable price. Join the many in Deal that have chosen us as their web design and marketing specialists. Book Time with an SME Web Design Expert Limited budget for your business in Deal? That’s not a problem, we are not expensive and we offer the best interest free time to pay options there is. see why our web design is the best You don’t know a lot about the web? That’s what you are paying us for. We know how to build a website that sings and generates you constant business enquiries and best of all we do it all for you. We visit the Deal area often and would be happy to meet or start the process with a telephone call. Let's Chat Delivering websites in Deal for over 23 years! SDG is one of the oldest web design and marketing companies in the UK. We have built thousands of them in our time and have created the best web design package money can buy at a price that is simply unbelievable. Get in touch, let's chat and see what we can do for you and your business. Let's Chat Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Innovative Web Design in Chatham Content: Sublime web design in Chatham to help your business grow Web design and redesign specialists right here in Chatham We work exclusively with small and medium business owners who appreciate the “all in” experience of content written web design done, SEO added and hosting as one package leaving them to get on with their business. We understand the challenge of limited budgets, lack of marketing knowledge and do everything for our clients at a fixed and affordable price. We think we are one of the best SME web design companies in the Southeast and we live in Chatham! Let’s chat about your business and show you what we can do for you. Book Time with an SME Web Design Expert The best standard features More than any other web design company in Chatham. We write the content with great headlines, calls to action, engaging text that makes your next customer want to speak with you all wrapped up in sublime web design and professionally hosted with search engine optimisation to get you found. It’s the small to medium business package you will find in the UK. We have had 23 years practise to get this just right for you! See Why Our Web Design Is The Best Most websites don’t work! Ok. Let’s explain that! You need great web design for sure but if the content is wet and uninspiring, doesn’t engage or even ask for their business it’s a waste of money. Even if it does all that if it can’t be found - again, you have wasted your money. You need all of them in combination and that’s what we do for you. Let's Chat much more than a web design company We are a specialist small to medium business web design and web marketing company. There is a huge difference. Web design is just a small part of what we can do for you. Getting you found, getting potential clients excited about doing business with you, growing your business. That’s what we do and we have done it a thousand times before. Let’s chat to find out more about working together on your business. Let's Chat Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Web Design in Kent Content: "We are always totally honest to the point of being blunt - would you want it any other way? We're still friendly and cuddly at the same time; Get some great free advice for you and your business today." Got a burning question about Web Design? Responsive websites and why they are essential Responsive websites are essential because they provide an optimal user experience across a wide range of devices and screen sizes. A responsive web design adjusts and adapts the layout and content of a website to ensure it looks and functions well on various devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Here's why responsive websites are crucial: Multi-device Usage: People access the Internet through a variety of devices, each with its own screen size and capabilities. A responsive website ensures that your content is easily accessible and readable regardless of the device being used. Improved User Experience: Responsive design makes it easier for users to navigate and interact with your website. Content is resized and reorganised to fit the screen, reducing the need for zooming, scrolling, or panning. This leads to a more enjoyable and efficient user experience, which can result in longer visit durations and lower bounce rates. SEO Benefits: Search engines like Google prioritise mobile-friendly websites in their search results. A responsive design is a ranking factor for search engine optimisation (SEO). Having a responsive site can improve your site's visibility in search engine results pages, leading to increased organic traffic. Cost-Effectiveness: Maintaining a single responsive website is more cost-effective than developing separate websites for different devices. Building and managing multiple versions of your site can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. Consistent Branding: With a responsive design, your branding elements remain consistent across all devices. This ensures that users recognise and associate your brand with a unified visual identity, regardless of where they're accessing your site. Easier Maintenance: Making updates and changes to a responsive website is simpler because you only need to make changes once, and they will automatically apply to all device sizes. This reduces the chances of inconsistencies or errors that might arise with multiple versions of a site. Adapting to Future Devices: As new devices with varying screen sizes and resolutions are introduced, a responsive design will still provide a satisfactory experience without needing a complete redesign for each new device. Faster Loading Times: Responsive websites are optimised to load quickly on all devices. This is important, as slow-loading sites can lead to higher bounce rates and negatively impact user satisfaction. Accessibility: Responsive design can contribute to improved accessibility for users with disabilities. It allows for better compatibility with assistive technologies and ensures that everyone can access and interact with your content. Competitive Advantage: In a digital landscape where user experience is paramount, having a responsive website can give you a competitive edge against other companies similar to you in Kent. Users are more likely to engage with and trust sites that provide a seamless experience on all devices. In summary, responsive websites are essential because they enable your site to reach a broader audience in your County of Kent and beyond , provide a better user experience, improve SEO, and streamline maintenance efforts. As the use of mobile devices continues to grow, having a responsive design is no longer just a nice-to-have feature but a necessity for any modern website. Why you should never write your own website, use a copywriter While there are certainly advantages to writing your own website content, there are also several reasons why hiring a professional copywriter might be a wise choice. Here are some reasons why you might consider using a copywriter instead of writing your own website content: Here's why responsive websites are crucial: Expertise in Communication: Copywriters are skilled at crafting persuasive and effective messaging. They know how to communicate your brand's value proposition, unique selling points, and story in a way that resonates with your target audience. Engaging and Compelling Content: Copywriters are trained to create content that captures attention and keeps readers engaged. They know how to structure content, use storytelling techniques, and incorporate persuasive language to drive desired actions, such as making a purchase or filling out a contact form. Professionalism: Professional copywriters have experience writing for various industries and niches. They can tailor the tone, style, and language of your content to suit your brand and target audience, ensuring a polished and professional presentation. Time and Efficiency: Writing effective website content can be time-consuming, especially if writing isn't your primary skill or focus. Copywriters can save you time by taking over the content creation process, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business. Objective Perspective: Copywriters bring an objective viewpoint to your content. They can see your brand and offerings from the perspective of potential customers, which often leads to more customer-centric and relatable messaging. SEO Optimisation: Many copywriters are familiar with search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques. They can integrate relevant keywords and optimise content for search engines, improving your website's visibility in search results. Consistency and Brand Voice: Copywriters can help you maintain a consistent brand voice and tone across all your website content. This consistency is important for building brand recognition and trust. Clarity and Structure: Professional copywriters know how to structure content for maximum readability and comprehension. They can organise information logically and present it in a way that's easy for visitors to navigate. Error-Free Content: Copywriters are skilled at proofreading and editing. They can ensure that your content is free of grammatical errors, typos, and inconsistencies. Conversions and Results: Well-crafted content by a copywriter can lead to higher conversion rates. Copywriters understand the psychology of persuasion and can create content that encourages visitors to take the desired actions, whether that's making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or contacting you. Adaptation to Different Platforms: Copywriters can tailor your content to different online platforms, such as social media, blogs, and email campaigns, ensuring that your messaging is effective across various channels. It's important to note that while hiring a copywriter can be beneficial, your involvement in the content creation process is still valuable. Collaborating with a copywriter, providing insights about your brand, and giving feedback can result in content that truly represents your business while benefiting from a professional's expertise in communication and persuasion. Using a professional digital marketing agency is better because Using a professional digital marketing agency can offer numerous benefits for businesses looking to enhance their online presence and reach their target audience effectively. Here are some reasons why hiring a digital marketing agency can be advantageous: Expertise and Specialisation: Digital marketing agencies consist of teams with diverse skills, including SEO specialists, social media experts, content creators, PPC (pay-per-click) advertisers, and more. You benefit from the collective knowledge and experience of professionals who specialise in various areas of digital marketing. Strategic Planning: Digital marketing agencies develop comprehensive strategies tailored to your business goals, target audience, and industry. They can create a cohesive plan that integrates various marketing channels for a more effective approach. Access to Tools and Resources: Digital marketing agencies have access to advanced tools and resources that may be expensive or complex for individual businesses to acquire. These tools help with analytics, keyword research, competitor analysis, and more. Time and Resource Savings: Outsourcing your digital marketing efforts allows you to focus on core business activities while leaving the marketing tasks to the experts. This can result in better time management and improved overall productivity. Scalability: A digital marketing agency can scale their efforts based on your business needs. Whether you're launching a new campaign or expanding into new markets, the agency can adapt their strategies accordingly. Industry Insights: Digital marketing agencies often work with a variety of clients across different industries. This exposure gives them insights into what works and what doesn't in various sectors, allowing them to apply best practices to your campaigns. Fresh Perspectives: An external agency brings an objective viewpoint to your marketing efforts. They can identify areas for improvement, spot new opportunities, and challenge existing assumptions. Continuous Monitoring and Optimisation: Digital marketing agencies continuously monitor the performance of your campaigns and make data-driven adjustments to optimise results. This ongoing optimisation ensures that your marketing efforts remain effective and aligned with your goals. Cost Efficiency: While there is a cost associated with hiring a digital marketing agency, it's often more cost-effective than hiring and training an in-house team, especially for smaller businesses. Multichannel Approach: A digital marketing agency can develop a strategy that leverages multiple online channels such as social media, search engines, email marketing, content marketing, and more. This holistic approach increases your chances of reaching your target audience at various touchpoints. Adaptation to Trends: Digital marketing is constantly evolving, with new trends, algorithms, and technologies emerging regularly. A digital marketing agency stays up-to-date with these changes and adapts your strategies accordingly to stay competitive. Measurable Results: Digital marketing agencies emphasise data-driven decision-making. They provide detailed analytics and reports that show the performance of your campaigns, allowing you to track ROI and understand the impact of your marketing efforts. Remember that when selecting a digital marketing agency, it's important to thoroughly research and choose one that aligns with your business objectives, has a track record of success, and communicates effectively. A well-chosen agency can become a valuable partner in growing your online presence and achieving your marketing goals. Why choose a local design agency? We travel all over Kent and the South East to collaborate and meet our clients. It is always better to meet and discuss whenever possible. Choosing a local design agency for your projects can offer several advantages, depending on your specific needs and circumstances. Here are some reasons why you might consider selecting a local design agency: In-Person Collaboration: Working with a local design agency allows for face-to-face meetings and collaboration. In-person interactions can foster clearer communication, quicker decision-making, and a deeper understanding of your project goals. Cultural and Market Understanding: A local agency often has a better understanding of the local culture, market trends, and consumer preferences. This can lead to more effective and relevant design solutions that resonate with your target audience. Accessibility: Having a design agency nearby means you can easily visit their office, discuss ideas, provide feedback, and address any concerns promptly. This accessibility can streamline the design process and reduce potential communication delays. Site Visits: For projects that require on-site assessments or installations, a local agency can more easily conduct site visits to gather accurate information and ensure that the design aligns with the physical environment. Supporting the Local Economy: Choosing a local agency contributes to your community's economy and helps support local businesses and job growth. Networking Opportunities: A local agency likely has connections within your community, which could lead to collaborations, partnerships, and referrals with other businesses in the area. Time Zone Alignment: Communication and collaboration can be smoother when your agency operates within the same time zone. This minimises potential delays in response times and ensures efficient coordination. Local Regulations and Compliance: A local agency is more likely to be familiar with local regulations, permits, and compliance requirements that might be relevant to your project. Personalised Service: Local agencies often prioritise building strong client relationships. You're more likely to receive personalised attention, as they can focus on your project without the potential distractions of managing a global client base. Showcasing Local Identity: If your project aims to represent or celebrate the local identity of your region, a local design agency is more likely to understand and capture the essence of your community. Faster Turnaround Times: Proximity can lead to quicker project turnaround times. Physical proximity enables faster approvals, revisions, and delivery of design assets. Supporting Sustainable Practices: Collaborating with a local agency can align with sustainability goals by reducing the carbon footprint associated with long-distance communication and travel. While there are compelling reasons to choose a local design agency, it's essential to assess your specific project requirements and consider factors such as the agency's expertise, portfolio, reputation, and ability to meet your design needs effectively. In some cases, the best design agency for your project might be located outside your local area, especially if they specialise in your specific industry or design niche. Is SEO really that important for my business? Yes, SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is indeed important for your business, that’s we give you initial SEO as standard with every web site we build., especially if you have an online presence or rely on your website to attract customers. SEO is the practice of optimising your website and online content to improve its visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). Here are some key reasons why SEO is important for your business: Increased Website Traffic: SEO helps your website rank higher in search engine results, leading to increased organic (non-paid) traffic. People tend to click on the top results, so being visible there can significantly boost your website visits. Targeted Traffic: SEO allows you to target specific keywords and phrases that are relevant to your business. This means that the people finding your website through search engines are more likely to be interested in your products or services. Better User Experience: Good SEO involves improving the usability and user experience of your website. This includes faster loading times, easy navigation, and mobile responsiveness. A positive user experience leads to longer site visits and higher engagement. Higher Brand Credibility: Being present in top search results establishes credibility and trust. Users tend to trust the information provided by search engines, so ranking well can enhance your brand's authority. Cost-Effective Marketing: SEO is a cost-effective marketing strategy compared to other forms of digital advertising. While it might require an initial investment, the long-term benefits can lead to a higher return on investment (ROI). Long-Term Results: Unlike paid advertising, which stops as soon as you stop paying, the effects of SEO can last for a long time. Once you've established a solid ranking, it's easier to maintain it with ongoing optimisation efforts. Competitive Edge: If your competitors are investing in SEO and you're not, you're likely to lose out on potential customers. Ranking higher than your competitors can give you a significant advantage in your industry. Local Business Visibility: For businesses with a physical location, local SEO helps potential customers find you when searching for products or services in their area. Data-Driven Insights: SEO provides valuable insights into user behavior, keywords that drive traffic, and conversion rates. This data can help you make informed decisions about your marketing strategies. Adaptation to User Behaviour: More and more people are using search engines to find information, products, and services. Optimising for search engines ensures you're meeting your audience where they're actively looking. Evolving Digital Landscape: As the digital landscape evolves, SEO remains a critical component. Voice search, mobile optimisation, and algorithm updates all impact SEO strategies, ensuring your website stays up-to-date and relevant. Global Reach: If your business has an international audience or offers products/services to a broader market, SEO can help you reach users from around the world. While SEO is important, it's essential to approach it as a long-term strategy that requires continuous effort and adaptation. It's often beneficial to consult with SEO professionals or agencies to ensure you're implementing the best practices and maximising the benefits of SEO for your business. We do that for you as well. Can i guarantee lots more business with a new website? That’s a really good question. If all the ducks are in place then yes you will get more business but as we say below. Website, content, SEO and amazing support from your marketing company are the combination that gets the most success. While launching a new website can potentially lead to increased business opportunities, it's important to understand that the success of your website in driving more business depends on various factors beyond just having a new site. Here are some considerations to keep in mind: Website Quality: A well-designed, user-friendly, and visually appealing website can attract and retain visitors. It should effectively communicate your brand, products, and services while providing a positive user experience. Content Quality: High-quality and relevant content is essential. It not only informs visitors but also helps with search engine rankings. Content should address the needs and interests of your target audience. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): A new website should be optimised for search engines to improve its visibility in search results. Effective keyword targeting, proper site structure, and quality backlinks are crucial for SEO success. Target Audience: Understanding your target audience is key. Your website's design, content, and messaging should cater to their preferences, needs, and pain points. Marketing and Promotion: Simply launching a website isn't enough. You'll need a strategy to promote it through various channels such as social media, email marketing, and online advertising. Competitor Analysis: Analyse your competitors' websites to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. This can help you position your website more effectively. Conversion Optimisation: A new website should be designed with the goal of converting visitors into customers. Clear calls-to-action, contact forms, and easy navigation contribute to better conversion rates. Mobile Optimisation: With the increasing use of mobile devices, your website must be responsive and mobile-friendly. Many users access websites from smartphones and tablets. Loading Speed: A slow website can lead to high bounce rates. Page speed optimisation is crucial for retaining visitors and providing a positive user experience. Analytics and Tracking: Implement analytics tools to track user behaviour, engagement, and conversions. This data helps you understand what's working and what needs improvement. Social Proof and Testimonials: Showcase customer testimonials, case studies, and social proof to build trust and credibility. Local SEO (if applicable): If your business targets a local audience, optimising for local search results is important. This includes setting up a Google My Business profile and other local directories. While a new website can create opportunities for growth, it's important to set realistic expectations. Guaranteeing "lots more business" solely through a new website might not be feasible. Success requires ongoing efforts, continuous improvements, and a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that goes beyond the website itself. If you're unsure about the process, consider working with professionals who specialise in web design, SEO, and digital marketing to maximise the impact of your new website on your business growth. Is it better to go with an established web design and digital marketing agency? Choosing between an established web design and digital marketing agency or a newer agency depends on your specific needs, goals, and preferences. Both options have their advantages and considerations. Here's a breakdown of the benefits of each: Established Web Design and Digital Marketing Agency: Proven Track Record: Established agencies typically have a portfolio of successful projects and a track record of delivering results for clients. You can review their past work to gauge their capabilities. Experience and Expertise: Established agencies often have experienced professionals who have been working in the industry for a significant amount of time. This experience can lead to more refined strategies and higher-quality work. Resources and Tools: Established agencies may have access to a wider range of resources, tools, and technologies due to their longer time in the industry. This can result in more comprehensive and effective campaigns. Diverse Skill Set: Established agencies often have a team of specialists in various areas such as web design, SEO, content creation, social media, and more. This diversity can lead to a well-rounded approach to your project. Client Relationships: Established agencies have likely developed strong relationships with clients over the years. This can be a sign of their ability to provide ongoing support and collaboration. Industry Knowledge: Longevity in the industry usually means that established agencies have a deep understanding of industry trends, best practices, and changes in algorithms or technologies. Most Newer Web Design and Digital Marketing Agencies: Fresh Ideas and Enthusiasm: Newer agencies often bring fresh ideas, innovative approaches, and a high level of enthusiasm to their projects. They are eager to prove themselves and stand out in the industry. At SDG we are as enthusiastic as we have always been, we love new technology, new design trends and we have several new young energetic staff who love a challenge as well as us old boys and girls so you get the benefit of experience and enthusiasm. Flexible and Agile: Smaller and newer agencies may be more flexible and agile in adapting to your specific needs and requirements. They may also be more willing to customise their services to fit your budget. Our business was built on flexibility and outstanding service and solutions, we also work exclusively with small to medium business owners with very specific needs. Personal Attention: With fewer clients to manage, newer agencies might provide more personalised attention and direct communication with their team members. We have hundreds of clients and we know the first names of all of them. Smaller is not always better, we have the capability and capacity to work quickly and with direct communication a major factor in our continued success. Cost Considerations: Newer agencies might offer competitive pricing as they build their client base. This can be advantageous for businesses with limited budgets. We are the most competitive for the standard features we offer than any other web design and marketing agency we know off. Up-to-Date Skills: Newer agencies often have younger professionals who are more attuned to the latest digital trends, technologies, and platforms. We have them as well as the old brigade. Both work incredibly well together too. Until it's ten pin bowling night when us old boys always win! Innovation: Startups and newer agencies might be more open to experimenting with new strategies and unconventional approaches that larger agencies might avoid due to established processes. We have always been at the forefront of technology, new marketing approaches and definitely unconventional ones. When making your decision, consider your specific project requirements, budget, timeline, and the agency's ability to meet your goals. Regardless of whether you choose an established agency or a newer one, ensure that the agency aligns with your business objectives and has a clear understanding of your target audience and industry. Asking for references, looking at case studies, and having detailed conversations about their approach can help you make an informed decision. What makes an all inclusive web design, content created and SEO applied better? Choosing between an established web design and digital marketing agency or a newer agency depends on your specific needs, goals, and preferences. Both options have their advantages and considerations. Here's a breakdown of the benefits of each: Unified Strategy: With an all-inclusive package, the web design, content creation, and SEO efforts are planned and executed in tandem. This ensures that every aspect of your website aligns with your overall branding, messaging, and SEO goals. Consistency: Consistency across design, content, and SEO is crucial for building a strong online identity. When these elements are developed together, they can seamlessly complement each other, leading to a cohesive user experience. Time Efficiency: Coordinating between multiple agencies or freelancers can be time-consuming and challenging. An all-inclusive package simplifies the process by having one team handle all aspects, saving you time and effort. Holistic Approach: A holistic approach means that the design, content, and SEO are all planned with the bigger picture in mind. This results in a website that's not just visually appealing but also optimized for search engines and user engagement. Optimized Content: Content created in-house by the same team that handles SEO can be strategically optimized for targeted keywords and user intent. This can lead to better search engine rankings and improved user engagement. Seamless User Experience: When design, content, and SEO are integrated, users can easily navigate your site, find relevant information, and have a positive experience. This can lead to longer visit durations and lower bounce rates. Comprehensive Keyword Integration: SEO professionals can work closely with content creators to ensure that keywords are seamlessly integrated into the content. This helps with search engine visibility while maintaining natural language and readability. Conversion Optimization: The team handling all aspects can collaborate to ensure that the website is designed for optimal conversions. Calls-to-action and conversion elements can be strategically placed within the design and content. Ongoing Optimization: An all-inclusive package often includes ongoing SEO monitoring and adjustments. This means that your website's performance is continuously evaluated and improved over time. Single Point of Contact: Having a single agency handle everything simplifies communication and minimizes the potential for misunderstandings or misalignments between different teams. Cost Savings: Bundling services into a comprehensive package can be more cost-effective than hiring separate agencies for design, content, and SEO. You might also benefit from discounted rates for a bundled package. Accountability: With an all-inclusive package, the agency is accountable for the entire process, from design to content quality to SEO performance. This can lead to a higher level of responsibility and commitment. However, it's important to note that the effectiveness of an all-inclusive package depends on the expertise and reputation of the agency providing the services. Best go with one that has at least 23 years experience, hey wait a minute that’s us! Thoroughly research the agency's portfolio, reviews, and case studies to ensure they have a track record of delivering high-quality work in all areas—web design, content creation, and SEO. We would be happy to send you some amazing success stories. Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Web Design in Sevenoaks Content: Experience web design greatness! Well, it’s much more than web design actually! If you want a website that really works, really pulls in potential customers for your business in Tunbridge Wells, you need a full suite of services that combine to create a salesman working all day every day 365 days of the year. Most websites fall far short because web designers are so concentrated on the design but that’s just a small part of it. Book Time with an SME Web Design Expert You Need Content, Design, SEO And Support To Make It Work Let’s say you have a potential customer in Tunbridge wells. They are looking at exactly the service or product you sell. They go online but they can’t find you! They buy from your competitor. That’s because your website was not search engine optimised. OK, and if they do find you and the content is dull and boring, has no calls to action, doesn’t engage – they look elsewhere. Design is the least important of them all. Interesting isn’t it? See why our web design is the best Get Everything In One Place We believe we have the best web design package for your business in Sevenoaks. We have worked hard to make it the best with more standard features than you will find anywhere else and yes – it includes content written for you and search engine optimisation. Let's Chat Want To Know More? Speak with a specialist small to medium business marketing expert and let’s see what we can do to make your business grow with a steady stream on new customer enquiries. Book online or just pick up the telephone. It all starts with a chat. Let's Chat Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Web Design Company for the UK Content: Create amazing websites and marketing strategies that work for our clients 2 Committed To The SME Community Build lasting relationships that benefit both parties. Exceed expectations and help our clients grow. 3 Brutally Honest And Transparent Be honest even if it's not what the client wants to hear. Never oversell our products. 4 Work With Integrity Our reputation is everything. Only offer what we know will work for our clients, care about the results. Admit mistakes. 5 Offer Exceptional Support Support always takes priority. Meet and exceed existing client expectations and ensure our clients know we are always there. 6 Invest In Change Design and marketing is very fluid and what works today may not work tomorrow. Keep our clients up-to-date and empowered to grow. 7 Keeping Up To Date With Technology Invest in the latest technology and train staff constantly to guarantee our clients the best design and marketing solutions at all times. 8 Be Flexible Bend our services and product range to fit our clients' requirements. Grow mutually beneficial business partnerships. 9 Look, Listen And Learn Learn from our clients and each other and share that knowledge to be the best SME design and marketing company in the UK. 10 Forgive Our Customers Sins Always give our best help and advice but the client's needs and wants are paramount, even if we don't think it's right! 11 Understand Our Customers What they do, how they work and what they are looking to achieve. This ensures a mutually beneficial business partnership that endures. 12 Keep It Smart! We remain innovative, inquisitive, ready to learn and ready to benefit from new things and pass them on to our clients. Always keep it smart! Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? Book 15 minutes with a real small to medium Business, Web Design & Marketing expert on the telephone. That 15 minutes of your time that will change the way you do business. [PAGE] Title: Web Design & Marketing Packages in Medway, Kent Content: Web Design Web Design Standard Features We build sublime websites that engage with amazing content we write for you and get you found with Search Engine Optimisation that's included as well. 12 months premium hosting and outstanding support is also included and the best bit - we do almost everything, your time is precious, leave it to experts that know how to get new new customers. We guarantee more standard features and better results than any of our competitors. Everything we do is about creating you new business at a fair price. Book 15 minutes with an SME web design and marketing expert. It's not a sales call, it's a getting to know your business call then great advice to get more customers. If you want a quotation we will do that as well. It will be less than you think. Book 15 minutes with a web design expert SEO -the vital website element! Great website? Amazing content? If you cannot be found you have just wasted your money. We have hundreds of incredible success stories from our clients that have Search Engine Optimisation. Get on the front page of Google and you will get more visitors, that's what we do and we have been for over twenty years for hundreds of clients.We are one of the oldest SEO specialists in the Country. We know how to get you found and encourage a sales call when they do. Book 15 minutes with an SEO expert. We will scan your site, tell you what's wrong and what we can do, give you a quotation and you can decide at your own pace. We don't do pressure selling here. We love to chat! E-mail is good but talking is much quicker and you get more done! Give us a call to talk about Web Design, Web Redesign, SEO, Hosting or anything marketing. You will speak with a real expert who will listen and give you straight talking honest advise. 1. Call Direct 01634 810600 2.Complete the enquiry form if it's out of office hours and we will call you back as soon as we get in. Contact Form [PAGE] Title: Download Pricelists, Terms &amp; Conditions, Product Info Content: We love to chat! E-mail is good but talking is much quicker and you get more done! Give us a call to talk about Web Design, Web Redesign, SEO, Hosting or anything marketing. You will speak with a real expert who will listen and give you straight talking honest advise. 1. Call Direct 01634 810600 2.Complete the enquiry form if it's out of office hours and we will call you back as soon as we get in. Contact Form [PAGE] Title: Easy to use and effective e-commerce websites that will boost your sales Content: 01 12 months HostSmart included! Secure server, SSL certificate, 24 hour data centre support, website backup, domain name, e-mail with spam filters and 99.9% uptime guaranteed. 02 12 months SupportSmart included! Ongoing support for technical issues, design updates. Call, e-mail or use our support ticket system. We’re with you whenever you need us. 03 Finally – you choose how to pay for it - Pay upfront, take another 10% off the total price - 50% now, the balance on completion - 10 interest free monthly payments 04 The cost Call to get a fast quotation The cost depends on how many products; if we or you are adding them and many other factors. We build high end effective E-commerce websites from £3000 + VAT. Unlike the cheap ineffective DIY websites found on the web, these work! Chat Decision Time! If you want a website that works, SEO that gets you to the top, unbeatable support and hosting, or help with all digital marketing? 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Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Lawyers | A-LAW Content: Follow Lawyers Those who practise, research and teach law can help animals in many ways. Read on to find out how you can use your legal experience and expertise to benefit animals. Animals need legal experts! Find out how… you can get involved in A-Law’s work and put your legal skills to work for animals. Pro Bono & voluntary work We are seeking legal professionals who wish to be part of a growing community of lawyers dedicated to improving the protection of animals through the law. Getting involved in the process of law reform, for example, by responding to governmental consultations, lawyers can help draft legislation and ensure that animal protection legislation is interpreted and applied with animal protection in mind. Our policy team and working groups help deliver impartial, objective advice to NGOs. We help find legal strategies to achieve animal welfare obejctives. We provide legal expertise to inform the policy making process. Whatever your area of practice, you can use your legal skills to help animals. The work that we do would not be possible without our dedicated team of volunteers who also help deliver A-Law’s core services. IT, administrative, marketing, financial and all other kinds of non-legal skills are also needed. Download our Volunteer Form here . Get involved with our events & training Animals cannot speak for themselves. They rely upon animal advocates to ensure the law is applied correctly and fairly on their behalf. A-Law runs seminars and other training events so that those who have taken on this responsibility are provided with the right support to undertake this important work. We also help organise legal speakers for university groups and are actively seeking speakers in a range of legal disciplines to help us educate the next generation. Please contact us if you are interested in speaking at a future event. You can also join our events to expand your knowledge and network with other interested professionals, scientists, vets, academics and others who all contribute to strengthen existing animal protection law. As a member, you can also take part in our online Legal Skills Lab sessions run by our Animal Lawyers Network . These take place monthly and are free for members. Help to shape the debate Lawyers can contribute to the debate about animal protection law and ethics and use their legal skills to ensure that the law works for animals, that it is fair and just and properly enforced. Lawyers are often well placed to contribute to discussions about the philosophies on which animal protection laws are based. Lawyers should understand the philosophy and jurisprudence behind animal welfare law and be ready to defend the interests of animals when the law is simply unjust or not properly enforced. You can get involved by debating or writing about animal law and we welcome submissions to our Journal of Animal Law and shorter articles for our news site . Lawyers for Animal Welfare The UK Centre of Animal Law (A-LAW) was originally launched as ‘Lawyers for Animal Welfare’ to provide a forum for lawyers who wanted to improve animal protection by volunteering their legal skills and we continue to act as a hub for lawyers who are interested in using law to advance animal wellbeing. We run seminars and courses to help lawyers upskill in animal welfare law and enforcement. Read more about our Animal Lawyers Network , which runs our Legal Skills Lab and networking events. We also offer information and support to lawyers who want to make their legal practice more animal friendly, from hospitality to Corporate Social Responsibility policies and horse hair free wigs. Find resources for Lawyers for Animal Welfare . Help us to fundraise We are an extremely active charity, and thanks to our dedicated volunteers, we can operate on a modest budget. However, funds are needed to help us provide a grater level of support to animal welfare organisations. We need your support to help raise funds to coordinate these efforts and ensure that animal interests are represented at the highest level. Please consider donating or get in touch if your are interested in finding out more. Become an A-LAW Member Membership is vitally important to our work and also carries with it a range of benefits including: Subscription to The UK Journal of Animal Law | Free or reduced price tickets for A-Law events | An opportunity to attend our free monthly Legal Skills Lab sessions and network at our in-person events | You will also be part of a growing community concerned with improving legal protection for animals. Full membership costs just £35 per year. Join us today. The UK Centre for Animal Law (A-LAW) is a charity that brings together lawyers and other people interested in animal protection law to share experience and to harness that expertise for the benefit of animals. Contact Info [PAGE] Title: Who We Are | A-LAW Content: Follow Our Mission, Vision & Values Our mission is to promote knowledge and education about the law relating to animal protection, to achieve a better legal framework for animals, and to see existing laws being applied properly. Our vision is a world where animal interests are fully protected by law. Our values are integrity, trustworthiness, transparency, teamwork, accountability, diversity and inclusivity. The A-LAW Team Our work for animals! What we’re doing… to realise our vision of a world where animal interests are protected by law. Legal Advocacy We identify and highlight areas of animal law reform and use our expertise to respond to consultations. Animal Law Education We publish The UK Journal of Animal Law and host animal law training seminars & events. Student Outreach We run a thriving Student Group which exists to provide opportunities and inspire the next generation of lawyers. Strategic Support We provide strategic support to animal NGOs to help them identify legal solutions to campaign objectives. Working Together We facilitate and participate in initiatives with animal protection groups and others to further animal interests. Spreading the Word We disseminate news, updates and analysis about the latest animal law and policy developments. Our Annual Review! What we achieved… in 2021 to realise our mission and vision for animals and animal law. The UK Centre for Animal Law (A-LAW) is a charity that brings together lawyers and other people interested in animal protection law to share experience and to harness that expertise for the benefit of animals. Contact Info [PAGE] Title: Animal Law | A-LAW Content: YALN Festive Event! This will be an informal online event for our YALN members to network with other members and our YALN committee. You will have the opportunity to get more involved with the YALN network as well as help shape the future of the network. This is a members only event, if you are interested in learning... [PAGE] Title: Law and legal policy | A-LAW Content: Follow Casework & Projects We want to see strong animal protection laws. This means having robust legislation that is properly enforced. We also want to see the courts applying legislation and building up a body of case law around animal protection. Find out more about some of our recent casework and projects below, which feed into our legal advocacy work. The Senior Policy Team Our legal advocacy for animals! Highlighting some of… our policy and project work and the lawyers who contribute their vital expertise to help animals. Puppy Farming In 2014 A-law held a symposium bringing together key animal welfare charities and animal advocates to discuss ways in which law reform could help the fight against puppy farming (low welfare/high profit breeders). We were later able to put one of our legal volunteers in touch with campaigners for Lucy’s Law, which bans the third party sale of puppies.We continue to monitor the need for legal reform in this area, including restrictions on imports. Sentencing Policy The Animal Welfare (Sentencing) Act 2020 raises the maximum sentence for the most serious offences under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 from six months to five years imprisonment. Our Policy Team worked with other animal groups in support of tougher sentencing powers, and we want to see a similar increase in penalties for serious offences against wildlife. You can read submissions we made on the topic to the House of Commons Public Bill Committee in July 2019 here . Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 There has been widespread criticism of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, both on welfare grounds and for its perceived failure to protect the public from dog attacks. In particular, the breed specific provisions have been criticised for their indiscriminatory nature and harsh provisions which have seen healthy, good natured dogs killed due to their breed. We have advocated for this legislation to be reviewed by the Law Commission with a view to informing law reform. Brexit & Beyond We teamed up with Wildlife & Countryside Link (WCL) to host workshops for animal advocacy groups and charities about some of the legal issues arising from Brexit. We worked with WCL and the groups to publish a major Report for animals, identifying key threats and opportunities. We have continued to work with the #BetterDealforAnimals coalition, bringing together animal charities and NGOs to secure stronger animal protection laws post Brexit. We are grateful to Lush for sponsoring the Brexit report. Trade & Animal Welfare Standards Leaving the EU means that the UK can now enter into trade deals with the EU and other nations. It is important for animal welfare that chepaer, low animal welfare imports are not permitted, and that the UK raises its own standards to match other nations, where appropriate. We are working with animal advocacy groups to ensure that they have the skills to inform negotiations. We are grateful to Lush for funding to ensure that specific trade expertise is available. Current Issues & Debates in Parliament We offer a unique legal perspective on the debates and Bills that are currently before Parliament and affect animals. Visit our publications page to read our consultation responses, briefing papers and press releases. You will also find more information about other specific projects on our pages dedicated to wild animals , companion animals , farmed animals and animals in science . Visit our Scotland page to learn more about the work of our Scottish Steering Committee. Enforcement of Animal Welfare Laws Britain often claims to have world-leading animal welfare laws. Those laws are meaningless, though, if not properly enforced and problems with enforcement have been highlighted in parliamentary reports and elsewhere. We are starting new projects to examine enforcement of animal welfare laws across the UK and will be collaborating with partner organisations, such as the All Party Parliamentary Group for Animal Welfare (APGAW). Spotlight on Hannah Darnell Hannah is a private client solicitor. During lockdown, Hannah used her personal time to raise funds for her local animal shelter, Willows. She raised tens of thousands of pounds, helping the shelter stay solvent during a difficult period. Hannah is also a member of our Scotland Committee and contributes to our policy work. The UK Centre for Animal Law (A-LAW) is a charity that brings together lawyers and other people interested in animal protection law to share experience and to harness that expertise for the benefit of animals. Contact Info [PAGE] Title: Videos | A-LAW Content: Follow Videos Welcome to our video library. Here you will find recordings of past events, as well as exclusive videos about animal protection law and policy. This includes our Bitesize Animal Law Series, which provides an excellent introduction to animals and the law from leading experts in the field. Bitesize Animal Law Enjoy videos from our first Bitesize Animal Law series, which took place in Summer 2020. In these videos, experts from the sector introduce key concepts from animal law and policy. The History of Animal Law by Dr Simon Brooman In our first Animal Law Bitesize episode, Dr Simon Brooman provides an introductory history to animal law. Dr Brooman is a Fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics, Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and SEEDS award winner 2020 from the International Society of Animal Rights for his contributions to developing Animal Law in Higher Education. Legal Personhood for Animals by Dr Joe Wills In our next Bitesize episode, Dr Joe Wills introduces the concept of legal personhood for animals. Dr Joe Wills is a lecturer in law at the University of Leicester. His research interests are in the areas of human rights, animal rights and moral and political theory. He was recently awarded a Leverhulme Research Fellowship to produce a monograph on the moral and legal status of animals in Britain. Animal Welfare, Ethics and Science by Dr Gareth Spark In this Bitesize episode, Dr Gareth Spark considers the interaction between animal welfare, science and ethics. Dr. Spark is an Associate Professor in Law at UEA Law School, University of East Anglia and completed his LL.B (Hons) and LL.M by Research at the University of East Anglia. He also holds a Ph.D from the University of Cambridge. The Animal Welfare Act 2006 by Mike Radford OBE A-LAW Trustee, Mike Radford OBE, provides an introduction to the UK’s Animal Welfare Acts. Mike Radford is a Reader in law in the University of Aberdeen. Over the course of thirty years, he has extensive experience of teaching animal welfare law and working with politicians, officials, NGOs, and professional bodies in developing public policy towards non-human animals. Representing Animals in Public Policy by Dr Steven McCulloch Our next Bitesize session is presented by Dr Steven McCulloch and focuses on how to represent animal interests in the public policy process. Dr Steven McCulloch is Senior Lecturer in Human-Animal Studies at the University of Winchester. Steven qualified as a veterinary surgeon in 2002 from Bristol University and holds a BA Philosophy from Birbeck College, London University. He has a PhD from the Royal Veterinary College, London University, for his thesis ‘The British animal health and welfare policy process: accounting for the interests of sentient species’. Steven’s research focus is on the ethics and policy of animal protection. His research has shown how UK government policy making excludes the interests of sentient animals. Steven proposes animal welfare impact assessment and independent ethical analysis as key reforms. He has applied these reforms to controversial policy issues such as bovine tuberculosis and badger culling. His more recent work has focused on Brexit, which he argues poses substantial risks to animal protection in the UK, EU and internationally. Issues & Challenges in Wildlife Protection by Libby Anderson Join Libby Anderson for our next Bitesize talk, in which she discusses contemporary issues and challenges in UK wildlife protection. Libby is the Policy Advisor for OneKind (formerly Advocates for Animals) and was previously the charity’s Policy Director. Over the past 20 years she has worked to influence Scottish legislation relevant to wild animal welfare, including hunting with dogs, the regulation of snaring, the protection of seals, general licences for the taking and killing of wild birds and the use of wild animals in travelling circuses. Libby is also involved in supporting campaigns on wild animal welfare issues such as a ban on snares and other traps, the culling of mountain hares and the use of glue traps. She is the Secretary of the Wild Animal Welfare Committee (WAWC), which she helped to found in 2014. Farmed Animal Legislation by Paula Sparks In this episode, Paula Spark, A-LAW Chairperson, summarises farmed animal legislation. Paula was previously in practice as a barrister at Doughty Street Chambers. Paula has an interest in animal law and regularly lectures and writes on topics around animal law and policy; she is currently a visiting lecturer at the University of Winchester where she teaches animal law and policy. She also has experience in the voluntary sector, where she worked prior to starting independent practice as a barrister. Bitesize Animal Law: Animals, Social Justice & Interconnectedness Our second Bitesize Animal Law series, which took place throughout Autumn 2020, focuses on animals, social justice and their interconnectedness. The Human Animal Bond & 'No Pet' Clauses by Sarah Dixon & Dr Elizabeth Ormerod In this session, Sarah Dixon and Dr Elizabeth Ormerod discuss the human-animal bond and no pet clauses in rental agreements. Sarah Dixon is a practicising Solicitor, a Director of the FOAL Group Ltd and an animal welfare campaigner. Amongst other campaigns, The FOAL Group Ltd are currently supporting Andrew Rosindell MPs Bill, known commonly as Jasmine’s Law, which seeks to address “no pet” policies. As Small Animal House Physician, Dr Elizabeth Ormerod was responsible for Glasgow University’s innercity charity veterinary clinic during which period she became attuned to the significance of companion animals in the lives of vulnerable people. With multidisciplinary collaboration she developed veterinary outreach programmes, delivering Animal Assisted Intervention (AAI) programmes to schools, nursing homes, hospitals, sheltered housing and prisons. As a Churchill Fellow, and in subsequent study trips, Elizabeth has travelled widely to meet colleagues overseas working on pets in housing issues. She has advocated for her clients when threatened with eviction if they do not relinquish their pets. Elizabeth is the Chairman of the Society for Companion Animal Studies (SCAS); is Vice President for membership of IAHAIO and co- Chair of the IAHAIO International Task Force on animal welfare in AAI; is co-Founder and Vice President of Canine Partners, the UK assistance dog programme; she is a Trustee of Our Special Friends and an adviser to Fostering Compassion. She is a visiting lecturer on the bond to UK veterinary schools. Her work is recognised internationally, and she is the recipient of the Inaugural International William F. McCulloch Award for Excellence in human-animal interaction practice and education. Human Rights and Responsibility in the Anthropocene Age by Alexandra Pimor In our next Bitesize episode, Alexandra Pimor discusses human rights and responsibility in the anthropocene. Alexandra is a senior lecturer in Public (UK and EU) Law, and co-author of Unlocking EU Law (with Tony Storey, Routledge 2018). Her studies explore the intersection between law, governance and spirituality (not in religious terms but in that ‘of the mind’) at both European and international levels. More broadly, she is a scholar engaged in earth activism, with a special focus on the advancement of nature rights and the reframing of legisprudential and jurisprudential orders, based on the ecology of law, earth jurisprudence & ethics, and conscious governance paradigm. International Law, Animals, and the Right of Freedom from Torture by Dr Kadira Pethiyagoda In this Bitesize episode we hear from Dr Kadira Pethiyagoda about his upcoming book: The International Human Rights Law framework should Extend to Animals. Animal Law, Ethics & Policy Conference 2019 Enjoy recordings from our second Animal Law, Ethics & Policy Conference, which took place at Liverpool John Moores University in September 2019. 25 Years of Animal law: Where do we go from here? by Simon Brooman & Debbie Legge In this lecture, Simon Brooman and Debbie Legge reflect on the past 25 years of animal law thought. Brooman and Legge co-authored one of the few legal texts dedicated to Animal Law, ‘The Law Relating to Animals’, back in 1997. They also developed one of the UK’s first taught Animal Law university courses, which Simon continues to teach today at Liverpool John Moores University. In this talk, Legge also touches upon the law of ecocide. Do the WTO rules adequately protect farm animal welfare? by Peter Stevenson In this talk, Peter Stevenson (Chief Policy Advisor at Compassion in World Farming), discusses whether WTO rules are capable of protecting farmed animal welfare. This highly relevant talk highlights why it’s important for the UK to do what it can to insist that imports meet UK animal welfare standards when negotiating trade agreements. Welfare of Wild Animals in Trade by Mark Jones In this wide-ranging talk, Dr Mark Jones (Head of Policy at the Born Free Foundation) discusses global biodiversity, the international wildlife trade (IWT) and its impact on animal welfare, provisions in national and international regulatory frameworks to protect the welfare of animals traded as part of the the IWT, and future directions. Animal Advocacy: A Lifetime of Experience by David Thomas In this talk, David Thomas (Co-founder of Advocates for Animals and Vice Chair of the RSPCA) discusses his impressive legal career, first as a solicitor in the private sector and then as a campaigning lawyer acting in the public interest for child poverty as part of CPAG and later on as a legal consultant for animal protection causes. He is the Co-founder of Advocates for Animals, which is the UK’s first animal protection law firm. Can Studying Animal Law Improve the Humane Treatment of Animals? by Charlie Hume & Lila Tamea In this short talk, LJMU law students, Charlie Hume and Lila Tamea, discuss their experience studying the animal law module at Liverpool John Moores University, and how taking the course has changed the attitudes of them and their peers towards animals. Brexit & Animal Welfare Impact Assessment: Would British Animals Vote to Leave the EU? by Dr Steven McCulloch In this talk, Dr Steven McCulloch of Winchester University considers the potential impact of Brexit on animal welfare. Second Conference on Animal Law, Ethics & Policy Highlights from our Second Conference on Animal Law, Ethics & Policy, which took place on 10-11 September 2019 at Liverpool John Moores University. Past Events Our past events cover a wide range of topics, from pandemic puppies to the welfare of chickens in the UK. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, Animal Law TV, and be first to see new videos. UK Chicken Welfare: What should we know? What do we need to consider? Our A-Law Edinburgh Student Chapter held an event on May 24th 2021, titled ‘UK Chicken Welfare: What should we know? What do we need to consider?’ The event featured speakers Professor Andrew Knight and Danielle Duffield, discussing chicken welfare and the current legal framework governing their protection. SHOW LESS An exchange of minds between the UK and India to protect IUCN Red Listed Species On Earth Day, April 22 2021, A-Law’s Student Ambassadors, Aditi Bardia, Aryan Mandal and Parnika Chaturvedi, hosted guest speakers Gauri Maulekhi Trustee, People For Animals India and Duncan McNair CEO, Save The Asian Elephants (STAE) for an important and insightful discussion about the plight of the Asian Elephants and other IUCN Red Listed Species and how to protect them. Welfare Problems of Flat-Faced Dogs: Can we ever Solve Them? by APDAWG This APDAWG meeting explored brachycephalic welfare issues and the challenges we face when trying to improve the ‘wicked problem’ of brachycephalic dog welfare. The meeting promoted positive actions to improve the overall welfare of brachycephalic dogs. Pandemic Puppy Buying: What have we Learnt? by APDAWG In January 2021, APDAWG explored the buying behaviours and intentions during the pandemic period, as there has been an increase in sales, and aimed to identify and assess any themes and patterns from this period with a goal of better protecting dog welfare. Puppy prices and cases of dog theft have risen as well during this period, and these animals have been shipped both legally and illegally into the UK. SHOW LESS Reframing Discussions on Dog Health & Welfare: What's Needed for Progress? by Dr Brenda Bonnett In this talk, special guest speaker, Dr Brenda Bonnett, explores current global dog health and welfare issues, and methods of improvement, including changes in legislation. Romanian & Other Overseas Rescues: Challenges Facing Welfare by APDAWG This webinar was hosted by APDAWG and discussed the importation of dogs from overseas rescues. The panel discussed how we can help improve, 1) long-term welfare & safety of the dogs being imported into the UK, 2) knowledge available to general public about adopting foreign dogs from reputable, responsible rescues, 3) safety of existing dog & human population in UK, including zoonotic risk, 4) accountability of importing rescues & transporters. Panel of Experts includes: Vicki Graham – South East Dog Rescue Julia Baber – Animalcouriers Ltd Catherine Henstridge or ‘Cat the Vet’ – Small Animal & Media Vet The K9 Angels – UK Charity Rehoming Dogs from Romania Hannah Molloy – Dog Behaviourist Wendy Higgins – Humane Society International Jordan Shelley – Behaviourist & Expert in Stray/Feral Dogs The Animal Welfare (Sentience) Act 2022: Stating the Obvious or an Obvious Step up? by Paula Sparks with the Cambridge Centre for Animal Rights Law This webinar was hosted by APDAWG and discussed the importation of dogs from overseas rescues. The panel discussed how we can help improve, 1) long-term welfare & safety of the dogs being imported into the UK, 2) knowledge available to general public about adopting foreign dogs from reputable, responsible rescues, 3) safety of existing dog & human population in UK, including zoonotic risk, 4) accountability of importing rescues & transporters. Panel of Experts includes: Vicki Graham – South East Dog Rescue Julia Baber – Animalcouriers Ltd Catherine Henstridge or ‘Cat the Vet’ – Small Animal & Media Vet The K9 Angels – UK Charity Rehoming Dogs from Romania Hannah Molloy – Dog Behaviourist Wendy Higgins – Humane Society International Jordan Shelley – Behaviourist & Expert in Stray/Feral Dogs Student Events Events hosted by our Student Group to help inspire and encourage students to get active for animals during their time at university. How Students can help Animals and Develop their Skills by Tiffany Mitchell In this talk, Tiffany Mitchell (Legal Support Officer at the UK Centre for Animal Law) explains how students can help animals, whilst also developing their skills. Animal law can be a tricky field to get into, so if you’re struggling for inspiration, this talk will highlight the different ways you can get involved and build experience. The A-law Student Essay Competition: How and Why to Enter by Sam Groom In this video, BPTC student and A-law Student Coordinator, Sam Groom, talks A-law’s Student Essay Competition. The Competition, which Sam is a previous winner of, runs every year and provides students with an opportunity to research and write about an animal law topic. The winning entry is published in ‘The UK Journal of Animal Law’, the UK’s only academic journal dedicated to animal law and policy. The Cecilia Moot - The UK's first dedicated Animal Law mooting competition Do you like mooting? Are you interested to moot in our Cecilia Moot? Watch to find out more about the UK’s first dedicated Animal Law mooting competition, which runs annually. Career Pathways Towards Legal Advocacy for Animals The UK Centre for Animal Law hosted a careers webinar in November 2020 on animal law career pathways. Speakers included: Sonul Badiani-Hamment – UK External Affairs Adviser, World Animal Protection Iain O’Donnell – Barrister, 1 Crown Office Row Chambers Frances Allen – Barrister and founder of A-LAW and the Goldsmith Animal Rights Team, Goldsmith chambers Three lawyers who have chosen different pathways to advocate for animals are brought together to share their experiences and perspectives for the next generation of lawyers, legal academics and legal activists. The UK Centre for Animal Law (A-LAW) is a charity that brings together lawyers and other people interested in animal protection law to share experience and to harness that expertise for the benefit of animals. Contact Info [PAGE] Title: Comments for A-LAW Content: [PAGE] Title: Fundraising | A-LAW Content: Help us make the law work for animals by fundraising to support our vital work. A big push to raise funds during Animal Law Week (18-22 July). A-Law is asking people to fundraise for the charity during Animal Law Week, so that we can do more throughout the year to help animals. Animal Law Day takes place on 22 July each year and marks the anniversary of the first national legislation to protect animals in 1822. Share your fundraising activities using the hashtag #ALawDay Fundraise and raise awareness about Animal Law University bake sales Save room for dessert when our excellent Student Volunteers run vegan bake sales at their respective universities, or follow suit and host one at your place of business. They can be themed to coincide with a holiday or provide a happy break from the normal routine. Marathon or 5K run Forget your stuffy gym, and instead, run outside to support our work for the animals. In 2022 one of our trustees ran a marathon, raising vital funds. If that’s too big a goal, a sponsored 5k run can help you fundraise and keep fit. Legal dog walk Why not fundraise and keep fit by organising a sponsored dog walk ? Like your favorite competitive race or walk, except this time you get to walk with your dog. Get all your dog-loving friends and colleagues to sponsor you and Fido for a great cause. Other ways to provide financial support Gala dinner We are planning a Gala Animal Law Fundraising Dinner and Prize Giving in 2024. Get in touch now if you are interested in sponsoring a prize or reserving a table for your firm or chambers. Advertising We have opportunities for advertising in our journal and website, subnject to our ethics policy. Of particular interest to universities and course providers. Corporate Sponsorship We have corporate sponsorship opportunities. Sponsor a student prize, an event or our Talking Animal Law podcast. Contact the team for details – [email protected] Make your donation work harder. Employer matched giving Ask if you employers operate a matched giving scheme for sponsored events and will match money you raise up to an agreed amount. It’s a good idea to ask about this in advance. Gift Aid Gift Aid your donations to help us raise funds without costing you any more. Leave a legacy If you would like to leave a legacy in your Will to support the UK Centre for Animal Law, please let us know. The information that your lawyer will need is below: Registered name: UK Centre for Animal Law LimitedCharity number: 1113462Registered office: UK Centre for Animal Law, c/o Emstrey House North, Shrewsbury Business Park, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 6LG. You can make a donation to support our work here . Where do our funds come from? Our activities are largely funded by subscription fees and donations. In 2016 we received a grant from the cosmetics company, Lush, towards our work with the Wildlife and Countryside Link Animal Welfare Strategy group (‘WCL’), advancing animal interests through the Brexit process and in 2021 Lush provided grant funding that enabled us to fund trade expertise to help inform the work of NGOs seeking to advance animal welfare objectives through post-Brexit trade policy. We have also been the recipient of grant funding (2018-2021) from Animal Charity Evaluators Movement Grant towards our student outreach, enabling us to reach more students interested in learning about and engaging in critical debates in animal law. How do we spend our funds? We are a volunteer led charity and our senior team and board of trustees dedicate significant amounts of time to leading our charitable work. Our work is also supported by a large pool of volunteers. We have one part-time employee who provides secretariat support. We not have premises, so our overheads are minimal and all donated income goes directly to making the law work for animals. Why do we need to fundraise more? We are fundraising to employ a full-time project lead so that we can achieve even more for animals through our Good Laws for Animals Project. We have many projects that we want to progress, but we need help to cover our modest running costs and step up our support to animal advocacy groups. How can you help us raise more funds? There are many ways you can help us to raise the necessary funds to improve animal protection laws. We feature some fundraising ideas, as well as opportunities for sponsorship and advertising with us. The UK Centre for Animal Law (A-LAW) is a charity that brings together lawyers and other people interested in animal protection law to share experience and to harness that expertise for the benefit of animals. Contact Info [PAGE] Title: Events & Training | A-LAW Content: Follow Events & Training A-LAW runs events across the UK which stimulate discussion about animal law, provide networking opportunities and low cost training to animal welfare charities and NGOs. Our training events are discounted for A-LAW members and we strive to offer student places at free or substantially discounted rates. Dates for your diary! Join us… for our forthcoming conferences and seminars about animal law and policy. CrowdJustice x A-LAW Webinar Webinar (online) | 15 February 2024 | 6:00pm. Our speakers for this webinar are Paula Sparks (A-LAW) and Maeve Storey (CrowdJustice) and they’ll be discussing Judicial Review and Animal Welfare. Register here . February Legal Skills Lab hosted by the Animal Lawyers’ Network Skills Lab (online) | 28 February 2024 | 1-2pm. To learn about our network, and the ongoing labs and topics, visit our Animal Lawyers’ Network page, here . 4th Annual UK Animal Law Conference Location TBA | 29-30 May 2024 Hosted by UK Centre for Animal Law and Animals, Nature & Society Reading Group (Birmingham City University). You can find more information here . Looking for a guest speaker? We are often invited to speak at universities and colleges about animal law and policy. We help students understand some of the philosophical and ethical issues around our relationship with animals and how this impacts the legal protection afforded them. Get in touch if you would like us to speak at your university, college or event. Some of our highlights! Relive past events… and visit our YouTube channel, Animal Law TV, to watch recordings of our webinars and conferences. Follow Animal Law Careers: Pathways Towards Advocacy for Animals, November 2020 Lawyers who chose different pathways to advocate for animals were brought together to share their experiences and perspectives for the next generation of lawyers, legal academics and legal activists. The individual talks were followed by a panel discussion and Q&A. Animals and Wildlife Law in Scotland, February 2020 A-LAW’s Scottish Steering Committee hosted an event focusing on Scotland’s Animals and Wildlife (Penalties, Protections and Powers) (Scotland) Bill. We were grateful to be joined by Mike Radford OBE, Scott Blair and Libby Anderson (A-LAW), Leia Fitzgerald (Wildlife Management Team Leader, Scottish Government), Andrew Voas BVM&S MRCVS (Scottish Government Veterinary Head of Animal Welfare) and Chief Superintendent Mike Flynn MBE (Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). An evening with Victoria Shroff & Gavin Ridley, January 2020 We welcomed leading Canadian animal lawyer, Victoria Shroff, to talk to us about recent legal developments in Canada, including dog control cases that she has been working on. We were also pleased to welcome Gavin Ridley from the Abused Pet Refuge who spoke about coercive control in domestic abuse cases and how companion animals can be a target for abuse and a tool to exert control over family members. Using the Law to help Animals & Activists, January 2020 A-LAW and Advocates for Animals co-hosted an event in Exeter, discussing some of the legal tools that can be used to help animal advocates. Advocates for Animals co-founder, Edie Bowles, was joined by solicitor, Alice Collinson (Advocates for Animals), barrister, Alan Robertshaw (Goldsmith Chambers), and solicitor, Patricia Sheehan (Mustoe Shorter) for an interesting and informative evening seminar. How to use the Law to Help Animals, September 2019 This event featured guest speakers Michelle Richner from Tier im Recht (TIR) Switzerland and Edie Bowles (Advocates for Animals), alongside A-LAW Chairperson, Paula Sparks. The seminar was an opportunity to discover important differences in animal protection law in Switzerland, as well as showcasing how lawyers can use their legal skills to help animals. Agriculture & Animal Welfare Post-Brexit, November 2018 Co-hosted with solicitors, Leigh Day and Wildlife and Countryside Link, this event enabled lawyers, NGOs and campaigners to explore some of the important post-Brexit issues likely to affect animals used in agriculture, including implications of trade law, procurement and the Agriculture Bill. Animal Rights and Legal Protections: A Perspective from North America, July 2018 An evening with Steven M. Wise, founder and president of the Nonhuman Rights Project (NhRP) and Camille Labchuck, lawyer and executive director of Animal Justice, a national animal-law advocacy organisation in Canada. This event provided an opportunity to hear about the latest developments in the field from the USA and Canada. Student Careers Afternoon, January 2017 In January 2017, A-LAW’s Student Group hosted its first Careers Afternoon for students, the first event of its kind in the UK. The event was well attended by students from various disciplines, including law and veterinary science. We were thrilled to welcome a wide range of guest speakers to address our audience, including lawyers, academics and charity professionals. The UK Centre for Animal Law (A-LAW) is a charity that brings together lawyers and other people interested in animal protection law to share experience and to harness that expertise for the benefit of animals. Contact Info [PAGE] Title: Log In ‹ A-LAW — WordPress Content: [PAGE] Title: Animal Law Conference 2021 | A-LAW Content: Follow Animal Law, Ethics & Policy Conference 2021 Our Third Animal Law, Ethics & Policy conference took place on 9 & 10 September 2021. The conference has become a regular in the animal law calendar with over 100 delegates attending the event in 2019. This year’s Conference provided a great opportunity to learn more about current issues in animal law, find out the latest postgraduate research topics and meet like-minded people. Although the event has now taken place, we will be uploading materials from the event to this page soon. Meet our speakers! Find out more… about the experts who presented at this year’s Conference and read about day two highlights here . Keynote Speaker: Kathy Hessler (USA) Kathy Hessler is a clinical professor of law at Lewis & Clark Law School. She is the first faculty member hired to teach animal law full time in a law school. She received her J.D. from the Marshall-Wythe School of Law at the College of William and Mary and her LL.M. from Georgetown University Law Center.  She is the Director of the Animal Law Clinic and the Aquatic Animal Law Initiative, as well as the faculty advisor for the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund and Animal Law Review at Lewis & Clark. Professor Hessler co-authored Animal Law in a Nutshell (with Pamela Frasch and Sonia Waisman), Animal Law – New Perspectives on Teaching Traditional Law (with Joyce Tischler, Pamela Hart, and Sonia Waisman) and the amicus briefs submitted in the U.S. v. Stevens and Justice v. Gwendolyn Vercher cases. She has written numerous law review and other articles and teaches and lectures widely across the U.S. and internationally and is working on a new book, Aquatic Animal Law. Keynote Speaker: Marina Surkova, animal welfare lawyer (Ukraine) Marina Surkova is a leading lawyer for animal welfare across Ukraine. Qualified in economics and the law she advises Government on animal related matters. Most recently she achieved success with the passing of a comprehensive range of animal laws covering wild, farm and companion animals. She provides legal assistance to animal welfare groups, owners and trains the police how to investigate crimes. Marina Surkova is a member of many working groups on issues from biodiversity to stray animal management. Keynote Speaker: Danielle Duffield (UK) Danielle Duffield practises international arbitration and litigation and is an adjunct animal law lecturer. She has been involved in animal advocacy work in Europe, the United States, and New Zealand, including through policy projects, litigation, academic work and movement building. She co-founded and served as president of New Zealand’s animal law advocacy organisation, the New Zealand Animal Law Association, and co-chairs the Farmed Animal Welfare Committee of the UK Centre for Animal Law. She has published articles on animal law in various law journals including the New Zealand Universities Law Review, the New Zealand Law Journal, and the UK Journal of Animal Law. She has a Bachelor of Laws with First Class Honours and a Bachelor of Arts in Politics from the University of Otago in New Zealand, and a Master of Laws from Harvard Law School, where she was a Frank Knox Memorial Fellow. Keynote Speaker: Ian Robertson (New Zealand) Ian Robertson is the unusual career combination of veterinarian turned lawyer. He combined those careers working as a Prosecutor in New Zealand, Statewide Specialist in Australia, and now works as a Barrister in New Zealand and overseas advising, litigating, teaching and publishing on the subject of animal law. He is the Principal of Guardianz Animal Law and Co-founder of the Sentient Animal Law Foundation Dr Rachel Dunn, Northumbria University (UK) Dr Rachel Dunn is a Senior Lecturer at Northumbria Law School. She researches and teaches animal law, supervising dissertations and PhDs in this area. She also teaches in the Policy Clinic, supervising animal law projects for external organisations with the aim of influencing policy and law reform. Jessica Horton, Northumbria University (UK) Jessica Horton commenced her PhD at Northumbria University in October 2018 and is due to submit her thesis in September 2021. Her research has focused on the legal and moral status of service dogs in England and Wales. She will be joining DEFRA’s companion animal welfare policy team this summer. Dr Simon Brooman, Liverpool John Moores University (UK) Dr Simon Brooman is a Senior Lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University where he teaches animal law. He is co-author of one of the earliest legal textbooks in Britain on animal law, the Law Relating to Animals Welfare (Brooman and Legge, Cavendish 1997) and is co-chair of A-Law’s Animal Experimentation Law Working Group. Dr Debbie Legge, The Open University (UK) Dr Debbie Legge studied environmental law as part of her law degree at the University of Sheffield. She set up and taught environmental law and animal law courses whilst at Liverpool John Moores University. She has written on both areas of law. She was a member of the consumer regulatory body for water and now is an associate lecturer at the Open University where they will soon be teaching a course on environmental law. She co-authored one of the earliest legal textbooks in Britain on animal law, the ‘Law Relating to Animals Welfare’ (Brooman and Legge, Cavendish 1997). Josh Jowitt, University of Newcastle (UK) Josh Jowitt is a lecturer in law at Newcastle Law School, where he specialises in contemporary natural law theory. Corrina Lewis, PhD Candidate University of Liverpool (UK) Having completed her undergraduate degree in Law at the University of Liverpool and her masters degree in Anthrozoology at the University of Exeter, Corrina Lewis is currently undertaking her PhD in Law, funded by the Arts & Humanities Research Council. Her thesis is examining the legal status of companion animals in the UK, utilising relational theory and asymmetric frameworks such as the European Convention on Human Rights with the aim of according personhood to nonhuman animals. Aurélia Prasliková, PhD candidate Pompeu Fabra University Barcelona (Spain) Aurélia Prasliková graduated from the Pan-European Law University in Slovakia, with specialization in International Law. She achieved her LL.M. title at Pompeu Fabra University Barcelona, where she is currently studying a Ph.D. program. Her research is focused on an emerging sub-system of International Law- Global Animal Law Alice Di Concetto, Consultant in European Animal Law and Policy (Europe) Alice Di Concetto is a lecturer in European animal law at the Sorbonne Law School. She additionally founded the European Institute for Animal Law & Policy, where she serves as a consultant in European animal law & policy to major EU-based animal protection nonprofits and public administrations. Debbie Rook, Northumbria University (UK) Debbie Rook is a principal lecturer in law at Northumbria Law School, Northumbria University where she has set up a module in Animal Law on the undergraduate law degree 18 years ago and has been teaching it ever since with 60-80 students choosing the module each year. She recently completed her professional doctorate titled ‘More-than-human families in multi-species tenancies: A critical analysis of ‘no pet’ covenants and the law’ and has published on this topic (Rook (2018) ‘For the Love of Darcie: recognising the human-companion animal relationship in housing law and policy’, Liverpool Law Review 29). Stephanie O'Flynn, Waterford Institute of Technology (Ireland) Stephanie O’ Flynn is a Lecturer in Law in the Department of Law and Criminal Justice at Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland. Stephanie holds a B.A. (Hons) in Legal Studies with Business (WIT), an LL.M. (UCC) and a Ph.D. (NUIG). Her doctoral thesis is entitled “From Animal Welfare to Animal Rights: Changing the Legal Paradigm for Animals.” Stephanie’s main lines of research focus on the legal status of animals, animal rights theory and EU and comparative animal protection law. Sarah Wilson, University of York (UK) Sarah Wilson is a Senior Lecturer in Law at York Law School, University of York, UK. After reading Law at Cardiff Law School she commenced studies in Modern British History gaining a MA (History) and PhD (History) before taking up a number of posts in UK Law Schools. Sarah’s  2014 monograph The Origins of Modern Financial Crime: Historical foundations and current problems in Britain is an entreaty for legal analysis to embrace more extensively greater utilization of history and historical methodology for achieving more rounded understandings of law itself and its interactions with society and social change.  It is from the combination of this intellectual viewpoint, with a lifelong passion in her non-professional life for achieving better human-non human animal relationships, that Sarah’s nascent research in the sphere of ‘Animals and Law’ has taken shape. Shreya Padukone, National Academy for Legal Studies and Research (India) Shreya Padukone is a Research Associate with the Animal Law Centre at the National Academy for Legal Studies and Research, India, where she works primarily to further animal law and policy. She has been a part of the core team organizing three editions of India’s first postgraduate program in Animal Protection Laws. She is also a part of the first cohort of the HSI/India Farm Animal Protection Leadership Programme. Marie Fox, University of Liverpool (UK) Marie Fox holds the Queen Victoria Chair of Law at the University of Liverpool.  Her research is concerned with the legal governance of human and animal bodies, legal conceptions of embodiment and regulation of reproduction. Current projects (funded by the Dunhill Medical Trust, Socio-legal Studies Association and Economic and Social Research Council) focus on pet loss and the place of companion animals in care homes, abortion law reform in Northern Ireland, governance of assisted reproductive technologies and direct to consumer testing, and legal regulation of genital cutting. She is a trustee of North West English Springer Spaniel Rescue. Michael Toze, Lincoln Medical School Michael Toze is Lecturer in Public Health and Social Determinants of Health at the Lincoln Medical School. He previously worked in local government policy and performance management before commencing a PhD in LGBT+ ageing. He has an interest in a range of topics related to public health, health inequalities, LGBT health and ageing. He worked as Research Fellow on the ‘He Means the World to Me’ project, funded by the Dunhill Medical Trust to explore the place of companion animals within care homes. Dr Steven McCulloch, University of Winchester (UK) Steven McCulloch is Senior Lecturer in Human-Animal Studies and Programme Leader for the BA Animal Welfare and Society. He qualified as a veterinary surgeon in 2002 from Bristol University and holds a BA Philosophy from Birbeck College, London University. He has a PhD from the RVC, London for his thesis ‘The British animal health and welfare policy process: accounting for the interests of sentient species’. During 2018-2020 Steven has been writing on the impact of Brexit on animal protection. His research applies animal welfare impact assessment to Brexit. His work argues that Brexit poses substantial risks to weaken animal protection in the UK, EU an internationally. Steven has developed the website Chlorinated Chicken Brexit , focused on Brexit, trade deals and sentient beings. The website includes a comprehensive comparative analysis of UK and US farm animal welfare standards. Steven is Section Editor for Animals in Public Policy, Politics and Society for the journal Animals. He is on the editorial board for the Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics (JAGE). Steven coordinates the monthly ‘Everyday Ethics’ column in the professional veterinary journal In Practice. Steven is a diplomat of ECAWBM and a recognised veterinary specialist in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law. He was the AWSELVA representative organising the ECAWBM/AWSELVA/ESVCE/PsiAnimal Congress in Portugal 2016. The UK Centre for Animal Law (A-LAW) is a charity that brings together lawyers and other people interested in animal protection law to share experience and to harness that expertise for the benefit of animals. Contact Info [PAGE] Title: Our Team | A-LAW Content: Follow Our Team We are proud to be a volunteer-led charity. We are supported by a part time Legal Support Officer and the remainder of our work is carried out by our volunteer team. Meet our Team! The people… behind the UK Centre for Animal Law (A-LAW), the UK’s leading animal law charity. Paula Sparks, Chairperson & Trustee Paula is Chairperson of the UK Centre for Animal Law (A-law). She was previous in practice as a barrister at Doughty Street Chambers. Paula has an interest in animal law and regularly lectures and writes on topics around animal law and policy; she is currently a visiting lecturer at the University of Winchester where she teaches animal law and policy. She also has experience in the voluntary sector, where she worked prior to starting independent practice as a barrister. Alan Bates, Legal and Policy Director & Trustee Alan is A-law’s Legal & Policy Director. He is a barrister who specialises in competition, procurement, public/administrative and EU law. From 2000–2001 he worked at the Law Commission, auditing the compatibility of legislation with the ECHR. He advises campaign organisations on Parliamentary procedure and the legal aspects of their lobbying strategies. Judith-Anne Mackenzie, Senior Policy Advisor Judith-Anne is now retired after a career: (1) as an academic lawyer; (2) in the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel (who draft primary legislation and advise the government on parliamentary procedure); and (3) in the Government Legal Service, in a range of government departments (Energy, Trade and Industry, the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Transport). She is a specialist in public and administrative law, and in land law. Judith-Anne is also special adviser to the Save Me Trust on Whitehall matters. Frances Allen, Senior Policy Advisor & Trustee Frances Allen is a barrister who specialises in public law at Goldsmith Chambers. She has a long-standing interest in animal rights and studied Zoology at University. On gaining tenancy in 1997, Frances co-founded A-law with Jeremy Chipperfield. She is currently on A-law’s Senior Policy Team and is part of the Animal Rights Team at Goldsmith Chambers. Tiffany Mitchell, Legal Support Officer Tiffany is employed as our Legal Support Officer to provide student support and academic outreach, as well as providing legal support for A-law’s other project, policy and educative work. Tiffany is from Newfoundland, Canada. She graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland with a BA in Law & Society and German with a certificate in Criminology. She then graduated in 2018 with a LLB from the University of Leicester. Tiffany was a recipient of the Advancement of Animal Law Scholarship awarded by the Animal Legal Defense Fund, a US Animal Law Charity. She also founded and chaired the UK’s first SALDF Student Society at Leicester University Law School. Libby Anderson, Scottish Steering Committee Libby is a retired animal welfare policy advisor, most recently for the campaigning charity OneKind (formerly Advocates for Animals) based in Edinburgh.  Libby has worked on policy aspects of legislation such as the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006, Marine (Scotland) Act, Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Act 2011, Wild Animals in Travelling Circuses (Scotland) Act 2018, Animal Welfare (Penalties, Protections and Powers) (Scotland) Act 2020 and Hunting with Dogs (Scotland) Act 2023.  She was involved in founding the Cross-Party Group on Animal Welfare in the Scottish Parliament and acted as Secretary for several years.  Currently, she is the Secretary of the Wild Animal Welfare Committee and a Member of the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission. Sophie Mills, Scottish Steering Committee Sophie is a graduate of the University of Aberdeen where she completed the LLB (Hons) and DPLP qualifications.  During her time at university Sophie studied the Animal Welfare course and completed her honours dissertation on the use of animals in scientific procedures. She is currently a second-year trainee solicitor with the WS Society in Edinburgh, on secondment to Eversheds Sutherland (International) LLP and has an interest in charity law. Sophie is passionate about improving animal welfare, and promoting a cruelty free lifestyle. Sophie and her family adopted their first rescue greyhound in 2008 and since then she has campaigned to end greyhound racing. She sits on the Scottish Steering Committee of ALAW. Scott Blair, Scottish Steering Committee Scott Blair is a Scottish Advocate who has an interest in and experience of animal protection law. He is acknowledged as an expert in licensing law and administrative law and aims to bring that expertise into play in animal protection issues. Alison Burns, Scottish Steering Committee Alison Burns is a solicitor, speaker, actor and award-winning jazz singer. As a practicing solicitor specialising in intellectual property, she has worked in legal firms and universities in the UK and is currently the in-house solicitor within her own company. Meanwhile as an actor and jazz singer she joined Hilary Clinton, Aretha Franklin and Steve Jobs in being a recipient of the prestigious Brand Laureate Award. Alison is dedicated to improving animal protection and the recognition of non-human animals’ legal rights and believes that all animals deserve to live a life worth living free from cages, exploitation and cruelty. Hannah Moneagle, Scottish Steering Committee Hannah is a practising Scottish Solicitor, Law Lecturer and the Director of the Grampian Community Law Centre, which forms part of Robert Gordon University’s Law School. Hannah is an Associate of the Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland, a member of Police Scotland’s North East Wildlife and Rural Crime Working Groups, a member of the UK Centre for Animal Law’s wildlife working group and Scottish steering group, and the former Crime and Advocacy Advisor for Scottish Badgers. Hannah is also a Land and Rewilding Manager for an area of woodlands in Aberdeenshire. Hannah’s particular area of interest is wildlife law and specifically badger protection. Hannah has hands-on experience in animal rescue and advocacy, and was previously the appointed Animal Ambassador for Willows Animal Sanctuary and Animal-Assisted Therapy Unit, and a volunteer Care Worker at the North East Wildlife and Animal Rescue Centre, both in Aberdeenshire. Mike Radford OBE, Trustee and Scottish Steering Committee Mike Radford is a Reader in Law at the University of Aberdeen. He has taught and lectured on animal law widely, in addition to working extensively on the development of animal welfare law and policy with politicians, officials, veterinarians, NGOs, and other interested parties. Mike is presently a trustee of Dogs Trust, the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare, and OneKind; a member of the All Party Group on Animal Welfare; and a visiting lecturer at both Edinburgh and Glasgow Vet Schools. He was a founder member of both A-law and the Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law Veterinary Association. Mike was appointed OBE in 2008 for services to animal welfare law. Natalie Harney, Farmed Animals Co-Chair & Trustee Natalie holds a degree in English from the University of Birmingham and completed the GDL with Distinction in 2018. Natalie has a long-standing interest in animal law, particularly enforcement and the accountability of public authorities and private bodies responsible for farmed animal welfare. She works full-time for an animal welfare charity. Dr Debbie Rook, Companion Animals Co-Chair Pending… Randi Milgram, Companion Animals Co-Chair Randi is a US-qualified lawyer and is in the process of requalifying in the UK. She spent several years practicing in intellectual property and public law in America. Her recent practice has focused on various aspects of English companion animal law, primarily comparative analyses of UK-USA breed specific legislation, agricultural protection laws, and puppy mills. A main interest is in connecting modern animal legal advocacy with intersectional socio-political awareness and support. Randi is a trustee of The Animal Advocacy Project. Rob Espin, Wildlife Co-Chair Rob is the chair of A-law’s Wildlife Special Interest Group. Rob trained at a magic circle firm and practised restructuring and insolvency law upon qualification, later moving in-house into a commercial team. He became involved with A-law whilst a student at university studying international wildlife law. Outside of A-law and work, Rob acts pro bono as a consultant for the Lifescape Project and advises on matters of rewilding and wildlife welfare. Dr Angus Nurse, Wildlife Co-Chair Randi is a US-qualified lawyer and is in the process of requalifying in the UK. She spent several years practicing in intellectual property and public law in America. Her recent practice has focused on various aspects of English companion animal law, primarily comparative analyses of UK-USA breed specific legislation, agricultural protection laws, and puppy mills. A main interest is in connecting modern animal legal advocacy with intersectional socio-political awareness and support. Randi is a trustee of The Animal Advocacy Project and also runs the A-law blog. Simon Brooman, Research Animals Co-Chair Pending… Blanche Koenig, Research Animals Co-Chair & Treasurer Blanche is a dual-qualified lawyer (UK & New York) with a background working in-house for various technology companies. Her experience has encompassed a range of topics including commercial contracts, marketing/advertising, privacy, ecommerce & consumer law, company secretarial, competition and disputes and she particularly enjoys supporting corporate ESG programs. Blanche has a long-standing interest in animal protection and volunteers with A-Law on various projects. Natasha Thomas, Podcast Team I am a newly qualified solicitor, working in-house primarily doing commercial work for a tech company. I hold a LLB (Hons) degree, I am CILEx graduate and have recently completed an LLM LPC with BPP University. Whilst my day-to-day job focuses on non-contentious commercial work, I am very passionate about animal welfare and so decided to help with A-LAW. Outside of work, my life mainly resolves around my two rescue dogs, Hannah and Reggie, who very much like to keep me on my toes! Charlotte Edgar, Scottish Steering Committee and Scottish Legal Correspondent Charlotte is a commercial litigation solicitor qualified in Scots and English law. She has a strong interest in animal protection legislation, animal legal philosophy, and strategic litigation involving animal welfare issues. She recently studied for an online Masters degree (LLM) in Animal Law at Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland, Oregon. Charlotte shares her life with two horses and in her spare time, enjoys exploring the beautiful Scottish countryside. Simon Cox, Non-Executive Trustee Simon is an Associate Tenant of Doughty Street Chambers. He is employed as the Migration Lawyer for the Open Society Justice Initiative, where he develops, implements and manages legal strategies and projects to promote the rights of international migrants worldwide. Before taking up his current post in October 2011, Simon was a tenant of Doughty Street Chambers where he acted for many civil society organisations, including Amnesty International, the AIRE Centre, Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, Refugee Legal Centre, Child Poverty Action Group and BUAV. Jeremy Chipperfield, Non-Executive Trustee Jeremy is Co-founder of A-law. He is a barrister and Assistant Coroner in West London and in Oxford. Jeremy’s civil liberties experience includes defending the first criminal prosecution of the new offences (re animal research organisations) under s 145/6 Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 and various proceedings relating to the activities of activists around the country; civil actions against the police and defending High Court actions and Committal applications brought by claimants including Monsanto, Huntingdon Life Sciences, John Lewis and Circus King. Erin Leach, Ethics and philosophy Erin is a Researcher in international human rights law, specialising in the application of the core international human rights treaties and ECtHR caselaw. Her work advocates utilising the international treaty framework to generate effective systemic and policy change at the national level in both member and non-member States. She is particularly interested in indigenous rights and self-determination, prisoners’ rights, refugee law, environmental justice and animal law. She has conducted research for the Queensland Human Rights Commission in Australia ahead of the introduction of the State’s first Human Rights Act this year; Geoffrey Robertson QC at Doughty Street Chambers; and the Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland. Laura Kiy, Events Coordinator, Animal Lawyers Network Following an undergraduate degree in French and English & American Literature, Laura worked in international relocation before running her own business for several years. However, she has always had a keen interest in animal welfare and decided to pursue a career in law to learn how changes to legislation can be influenced in order to afford animals greater protection. Having completed the GDL and LPC LLM, Laura is now a second-year trainee solicitor and enjoys putting her legal research skills to the test by volunteering for A-LAW. Laura is particularly interested in how strategic litigation is used to highlight specific issues concerning animal welfare and the need for reform. Joseph DaVault, Summer Volunteer Intern Joseph is a student volunteer for A-Law from Arkansas, USA. He graduated from Arkansas State University with a BA in World Languages and International Politics. He currently attends the Saint Louis University School of Law where he is concentrating in international law and animal law. At SLU Law, he founded and currently serves as President for the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund Chapter and was a recipient of the 2023 Advancement of Animal Law Scholarship. He also serves as a board member for Project Animal Freedom in Saint Louis. Joseph has an interest in advocacy and protection for animals in mass farming and breeding operations as well as an interest in the development and use of new technologies in the animal rights movement. The UK Centre for Animal Law (A-LAW) is a charity that brings together lawyers and other people interested in animal protection law to share experience and to harness that expertise for the benefit of animals. Contact Info [PAGE] Title: A-LAW Content: [PAGE] Title: Essay Competition | A-LAW Content: 2024 Annual Student Essay Competition! Get writing for animals! Our 2024 Annual Student Essay Writing Competition is live… Our Annual Student Essay Competition is the perfect way to put your animal law research and writing skills to the test! Click on the pictures below for more information about the competition. Student Essay Competition Learn about our Student Essay Competition Congrats to our 2023 winners! Read our 2023 Annual Student Essay Competition Question Our 2023 question was: Can the UK’s hunting legislation be reformed to ensure practical protection for UK wildlife? Daniel: First Place Daniel has an MPhil in European Cultures and is currently researching animal representation(s) in law and literature. He performed vegan poetry to delegates nibbling beef canapés at COP26 and has translated animal rights books into English from Italian and French. Originally from West Yorkshire, he now lives in Cambridge. Madeleine: Second Place Madeleine studied anthropology at LSE, before completing the GDL at BPP university. She is currently studying the Bar Course at the Inns of Court College of Advocacy. She is passionate about animal welfare and rights, and hopes to make an impact in this area in her legal career, promoting awareness of welfare issues and legislative change. Jaaved: Third Place Jaaved is presently pursuing the Bar Vocational Studies program at City, University of London. He holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from Middlesex University (Mauritius Branch Campus). His experience spans across Criminal Law and Civil/Commercial Law domains. He has completed mini pupillages at leading Commercial chambers in Mauritius and interned with a major corporate group in the country. Furthermore, he also interned for 2 years at the Central Crime Investigation Department (CCID) of the Mauritius Police Force, where he was an integral part of the specialised AML/CFT Unit. Jaaved has also dedicated his efforts to various pro bono cases within his local community and has actively engaged in delivering public speeches and presentations. Originating from Mauritius, Jaaved harbours a deep-seated passion for the preservation of fauna and flora. Our Essay Competition Prizes! An opportunity to win a prize for the best animal law essay! £100 book voucher and winning article published in our UK Journal of Animal Law £70 book voucher £30 book voucher The UK Centre for Animal Law (A-LAW) is a charity that brings together lawyers and other people interested in animal protection law to share experience and to harness that expertise for the benefit of animals. Contact Info [PAGE] Title: Cecilia Moot | A-LAW Content: THE CECILIA MOOT The Cecilia Moot! Get involved… in the UK’s first dedicated animal law mooting competition and develop your advocacy skills. Learn more below! Want to get involved? Find out more… about how you can participate in our animal law mooting competition. Cecilia Moot Registration Register Interest in Future Competitions Become a Cecilia Moot Volunteer Meet our Moot Team! Learn more… about the fantastic team behind our Cecilia Moot Competition. Denise Osei, Lead Mooting Officer Denise is Lead Mooting Officer for the Cecilia Moot Court Competition. Prior to joining A-LAW, she studied at the University of Sheffield for her undergraduate degree in Law (with French Law) and at the College of Europe in Bruges, where she completed her LL.M in European Union Law. In 2020, she won third place for the A-LAW National Essay writing competition. She is presently a Trainee at The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. Tiffany Mitchell, Legal Support Officer Tiffany provides student support and academic outreach, as well as providing legal support for A-law’s other project, policy and educative work. Tiffany is from Newfoundland, Canada. She graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland with a BA in Law & Society and German with a certificate in Criminology. She then graduated in 2018 with a LLB from the University of Leicester. Tiffany was a recipient of the Advancement of Animal Law Scholarship awarded by the Animal Legal Defense Fund, a US Animal Law Charity. She also founded and chaired the UK’s first SALDF Student Society at Leicester University Law School. Our Cecilia Moot winners! Be inspired… Meet some of our past Cecilia animal law mooting competition winners. 2020 – 2021 Winners Jessica Franklin and Joe Landman The problem for the Cecilia Moot finals day that took place on 6 and 7 February 2021 revolved around a bonobo who lived a miserable life in a zoo. The main issue was whether a claim could be brought on the bonobo’s behalf under the Human Rights Act 1998. If so, could the zoo be sued for violating the bonobo’s rights under Articles 4, 5, 8 and 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights? What others said about the Cecilia Moot! Get excited for the moot… and learn why you should get involved in the UK’s first animal law moot competition! Thompson G. Page - General counsel to The Center for Animal Litigation, Inc. ‘Participating as a judge in the 2022 Cecelia Moot was a pure delight, and for many who revere the profession, an honor and welcomed professional obligation, to assist and guide future colleagues in their preparation for the law. I only hope my experience from a foreign jurisdiction (US), with its own ever-evolving but often similar body of law concerning allegedly dangerous dogs, added something for the competitors. The participants performed beyond their experience; they possessed a great grasp of what they needed to do with their organized plans; they delivered effective and cogent arguments; and the finalists responded well to questions put to them – all characteristics of a capable advocate before the court. As a result, we “judges” spent a great deal of time deliberating the winning team and overall winner! The preparation of these students and the efforts of the UK Centre for Animal Law are an inspiration for our work on behalf of companion animals on this side of the pond as well. I am proud to have assisted them, in my own small way, to further the goal that these creatures deserve the protection of their fundamental rights under the law, wherever that may be, and especially their right to life and a peaceful existence. All the best for now.’ Read more about Thompson’s experience judging our moot here . Samuel March, Barrister “I wrote the moot problem for the finals of the 2022 Cecilia Moot. Having judged some of the earlier rounds I was aware of the level of talent that was needed to get into the finals. I chose to focus on the Dangerous Dogs Act, and the differences between the way banned breeds and non-banned breeds are treated under it. Animal Law is a niche area of law, and this was an opportunity for some exceptionally bright students to engage with a controversial piece of legislation which raises knotty legal issues. A-LAW brought together a truly inspiring panel of leading experts to judge the finals. As a junior criminal barrister just starting out in a career in animal law, it was humbling to sit amongst them.” The UK Centre for Animal Law (A-LAW) is a charity that brings together lawyers and other people interested in animal protection law to share experience and to harness that expertise for the benefit of animals. Contact Info [PAGE] Title: Students | A-LAW Content: STUDENTS Animal Law on Campus! Everything you need… to learn more about animal law and how to get involved at your university or college. Animal Law on campus Start an animal rights, welfare or law society or get involved with existing societies. We have a range of resouces, including ideas for student societies and other animal advocacy activities on campus. Learn More essay competition Our Annual Student Essay Competition is the perfect way to put your animal law research and writing skills to the test! Enter and you could be in with a chance of winning one of our fantastic prizes as well as getting published in The UK Journal of Animal Law. Learn More animal law moot Join our mooting competition and discover what it’s really like to be a lawyer for animals. Explore interesting and complex animal law problems, whilst also getting the opportunity to advocate in front of leading judges and animal law experts. Learn More LEARN ANIMAL LAW Want to know more about animal law but unsure where to start? Use our helpful resources to navigate this fascinating subject. Find useful materials to read , watch and listen to, as well as information about where you can study animal law, including undergraduate and postgraduate modules and courses. Where to study NEWS and updates There’s lots happening in animal law it can be difficult to keep up. Subscribe to our free Animal Law News to keep up to date. Student members are also eligible to a free E-copy of the Journal of Animal Law, the only animal law journal in the UK. A-LAW News LECTURE SERIES We host a range of animal law events each year. Visit our YouTube channel to watch past events. Student members are eligible to free or discounted places at A-LAW events and we organise a student-focused event each term for our members. Animal Law TV VOLUNTEER Would you like to volunteer with A-LAW and use your skills to help animals? You can assist with social media, writing articles and blogs, fundraising, hosting events, and much more! Please click below and tell us more about you, your interests and skills! We can’t wait to work with you! [PAGE] Title: Our Work | A-LAW Content: Follow What We Do A-LAW is a small charity, but we are active in a number of areas. Our work includes advocacy, providing strategic support to NGOs, student outreach, and legal education. Read on to find out more about what we do. OUR JOURNAL The UK Journal of Animal Law provides an interdisciplinary and critical study of the law as it applies to the rights and welfare of animals. It is published twice a year and includes peer reviewed articles, as well news covering important developments in the field of animal law and policy. Read more OUR CONTENT Stay up to date with developments in animal law and policy, including caselaw, legislation, policy initiatives, parliamentary campaigns and academic animal law papers. Our news section will help you navigate the latest developments in animal law and policy. Read more OUR EVENTS We host animal law events throughout the year, helping you to learn how law impacts upon animal interests. We host webinars and training courses and invite high calibre guest speakers from around the world to talk about animal law. Read more OUR STUDENT NETWORK We run a thriving Student Group for university students. We publish resources for students and offer subsidised or free entry to our events. We have Student Ambassadors and A-LAW Student Chapters at universities across the UK. We also welcome younger members to get involved. Read more OUR ACADEMICS NETWORK We encourage and support academics teaching about animal law, philosophy and ethics to get involved in our work. We run a network for those working and researching in this field, and provide networking opportunities for those teaching or aspiring to teach animal law. Read more OUR LAWYERS NETWORK We act as a hub for lawyers interested in animal protection to volunteer and use their skills to help animals. We provide networking opportunities for legal professionals interested in this field. Our Lawyers page contains additional information and resources. Read more OUR WORKING GROUPS We have working groups specialising in wildlife law, farmed animal law, companion animal law, and the law relating to animals in science. We also have an Animal Ethics, Rights & Philosophy Group, which provides a forum for discussion. Our working groups are led by volunteers from the profession, including academics and practitioners. Read more OUR POLICY WORK We respond to government consultations and contribute to other policy initiatives. We recently worked with Wildlife and Countryside Link and over 40 animal groups to publish a manifesto setting out key animal welfare asks post-Brexit.  We are also involved in a project examining enforcement of animal welfare legislation in the UK, amongst others. Read more OUR LEGAL HELP We work with animal advocacy groups to identify areas where law reform or other legal solutions could address problems, such as poor animal welfare standards. We are not a law firm and cannot give legal advice, but you can visit our General page to find more information about common issues and how these might be addressed. The UK Centre for Animal Law (A-LAW) is a charity that brings together lawyers and other people interested in animal protection law to share experience and to harness that expertise for the benefit of animals. Contact Info [PAGE] Title: animal ethics | A-LAW Content: YALN Festive Event! This will be an informal online event for our YALN members to network with other members and our YALN committee. You will have the opportunity to get more involved with the YALN network as well as help shape the future of the network. This is a members only event, if you are interested in learning... [PAGE] Title: Animal Law Day | A-LAW Content: How you can mark Animal Law Day #A-LawDay We are volunteer led. We have no premises. All donations go directly to support our legal work. Please help us make the law work for animals Educate During Animal Law Week, share our facts, quizzes and news or create your own and raise awareness about animal law reform. Donate Support our special fundraiser so that we can help animals throughout the year via our legal advocacy and pro bono services. Debate Share concerns about areas where the law lags behind scientific evidence about sentience or wellbeing. Why an Animal Law Day? Animal Law is a neglected area of law, but while it has been slow to develop, this is changing and A-Law is increasingly seeing interest in how the law can be used to achieve important social justice reforms for animals, who rank amongst the most vulnerable in our society. We declared Animal Law Day to raise awareness and provide an impetus for lawyers to support the valuable legal work for animals that goes on throughout the year. #ALawDay 22 July 1822 A landmark in British history In 1822 Parliament passed the first legislation protecting animals from deliberate acts of cruelty. It was the first law in the United Kingdom to protect animals and one of the earliest in the world. The statute became known as Martin’s Act after it’s sponsor, Richard Martin MP. While it only protected a limited number of species from certain types of abuse, it was the first time that legislation had been passed with the interests of animals as it’s heart. This act of Parliament was to the first of many animal welfare laws that would cement Britain’s reputation as one of the world leaders in animal welfare. Who was Richard Martin MP? The Member of Parliament who introduced the legislation was the MP for Galway, Richard Martin.  Martin bravely advocated for animals in Parliament, making a number of attempts to improve the lot of animals, as he attempted to prohibit bull baiting and dog fighting. As a result of his efforts, he endured ridicule from his peers, who thought animal protection unworthy a subject of Parliament’s attention. Martin’s efforts did not stop at Parliament. He ensured the law didn’t sit on the statute books unused and it is reported that he personally brought defendants before the magistrates, thus creating living law that would become embeded within society and built upon over the years, as animal welfare law developed incrementally. Richard Martin MP was also an instrumental figure in the foundation of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), the forerunner of the modern day, RSPCA. Continuing to strive for better laws to protect animals While we mark this landmark anniversary, it is also a reminder that we cannot afford complacency, as we see mass species loss, alongside billions of animal lives being compromised by suffering in intensive agriculture systems and laboratories around the world. We must continue what Martin started two hundred years ago. We must ensure that laws protecting animals are robust and that national and international systems of governance have mechanisms to ensure that animal ethics and wellbeing are taken into account in the law making process. We must also strive for existing laws to be properly implemented and enforced with adequate penalties when those laws are violated. For Animal Law Day, we are sharing some of the highlights from this first UK national Animal Law Week in 2023 [PAGE] Title: A-LAW | UK Centre for Animal Law Content: Read More Spotlight on Legal Skills Labs for Animal Advocates Animal advocates, join our network and learn skills that will help you advocate for animals. Our Animal Lawyers’ Network runs an online Legal Skills Lab. This free course for members of the network will provide legal skills in important areas such as law making, political advocacy and more. Explore our programme of events for this term . Spotlight on General Comment 26 The UK Centre for Animal Law (A-LAW) welcomes that the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child has recognised the impact that witnessing violence inflicted on animals can have on children and conversely the positive benefits for children of interacting with the animal world. Read our press release and discover more about the UN’s General Comment 26. Latest News WHAT DO LAWYERS SAY ABOUT THE PROPOSED BAN ON AMERICAN XL BULLDOGS? A-LAW AND FOAL GROUP: JOINT RESPONSE . 25 September 2023 THE UNITED NATIONS RECOGNISES THAT CHILDREN SHOULD BE PROTECTED FROM WITNESSING VIOLENCE TO ANIMALS. READ OUR PRESS RELEASE . 4 September 2023 THIS YEAR WE LAUNCHED A NATIONAL ANIMAL LAW DAY. LEARN MORE HERE . 14 July 2023 WHAT IMPACT HAS BREXIT HAD ON ANIMAL WELFARE POLICY? READ OUR REPORT . 23 June 2023 READ OUR 2021 ANNUAL REPORT AND STRATEGIC PLAN 30 NOVEMBER 2022 The UK Centre for Animal Law (A-LAW) is a charity that brings together lawyers and other people interested in animal protection law to share experience and to harness that expertise for the benefit of animals. Contact Info [PAGE] Title: Student Members | A-LAW Content: Maria-Elena, Past A-LAW Student Ambassador Maria-Elena ran a race to raise funds and spread awareness for animal interests. Animal Law Week Safia, Past Student Member, University of Leicester Safia held a vegan bake sale a week long series of events! Read below! ‘Animal Law Week was a successful week with various interactive events aiming to give students an insight into animal law and the University of Leicester Animal Law Committee. Our first event was a stall in our Student’s Union entrance, our goal for was to raise awareness about A-LAW. Our second event was a debate night held in collaboration with the University of Leicester Debate Society. Prior to the debate, we arranged two motions to be discussed: trophy hunting and animal captivity. We began with animal captivity, which led us into a debate with two very compelling sides. As we spent most of the time discussing animal captivity, which involved lots of deep discussion, we ran out of time to debate trophy hunting. Many interesting points were raised throughout the debate with many students participating, leading to an engaging and thought-provoking event. Collaborating with the Debate Society proved to be incredibly successful, and the committee looks forward to working with them more often in the future.’ Continued on next slide. Animal Law Week ‘Our third event was a documentary screening of The Ghosts in Our Machine, with vegan snacks provided. The documentary followed an animal rights photojournalist documenting the various ways in which animals are used in industries globally. The documentary raises important questions about animal rights and ownership over non-human animals. The film was thought provoking and brought attention to important issues regarding animal welfare and rights laws. We were also joined by a law lecturer interested in this field, Dr Joe Wills, who helped facilitate the post-film discussion. Our last event of the week was a trivia night with vegan pizza provided. The trivia included a special category on animal law. The quiz night proved to be a success with students enjoying vegan pizza and learning fun facts about animal law. Overall, Animal Law Week was a week filled with events showcasing the various ways in which animal law can be engaged with by students. The goal of raising awareness and bringing attention to animal law and issues within the field was achieve. The events also allowed the committee to learn about ways to improve attendance and engage students, leaving us excited for more Animal Law Weeks in the future!’ An exchange of minds between the UK and India to protect IUCN Red Listed Species Aditi, Aryan, Parnika, Past Student Members, University of Bristol On Earth Day, April 22 2021, Aditi, Aryan and Parnika, hosted guest speakers Gauri Maulekhi, Trustee with People For Animals India and Duncan McNair CEO, Save The Asian Elephants (STAE) for an important and insightful discussion about the plight of the Asian Elephants and other IUCN Red Listed Species and how to protect them. A Bake Sale Beliz, Past Student Member, Leicester University ‘The event was a success and the team also managed to get a hold of Lush product samples to help promote the idea of ethical testing and buying. They provided us with product samples to give away during the bake sale. It was great to see so many people interested in animal law during the event as we had lecturers and students asking questions about how we can combat issues in relation to animal rights and welfare. We also handed out some leaflets which informed the general public about the work A-LAW do. For those of you who are thinking about fundraising, our top tip would be to just go for it! With some preparation and organisation, your event could too help promote animal law and raise awareness. We are the voice for animals so never be silent. The more people that know about the reality, the better the chance we have of securing more effective laws, for example, in relation to better animal welfare. So, if you feel passionate about this area of law then don’t feel afraid to share your passion and knowledge with the world, because you can make change happen.’ UK Chicken Welfare: What should we know? What do we need to consider? Mary, Past Student Member Mary hosted an event on chicken welfare in the UK. She hosted guest speakers Danielle Duffield, lawyer, adjunct animal law lecturer, co-chair of A-LAW’s Farmed Animal Working Group and co-founder of the New Zealand Animal Law Association, and Professor Andrew Knight, Professor of Animal Welfare and Ethics, and Founding Director of the University of Winchester Centre for Animal Welfare. Watch the event recording on our YouTube Channel – Animal Law TV! The Last Pig Film Screening Gretta, Student Member, University College Dublin ‘I chose to host a film screening on campus here at UCD because I wanted to connect with an audience who may not have otherwise been familiar with issues related to animal legal rights. I chose the film ‘The Last Pig’ in part because it was the only film related to animal welfare whose trailer I could watch without crying! But the film also stood out to me because it depicted what, in my opinion, are awful aspects of the meat industry in a way that was not graphic or condescending but instead emotional, philosophical and, in a way, gentle. Attendance was fairly low as the screening took place close to the end of term, but afterwards a few of the attendees stuck around to talk about animal law (which they had never heard of and were excited to learn about!), vegetarianism, and veganism. I am hopeful that next term I will be able to put on a larger event and connect with more students on campus and spread the word about animal law.’ A-LAW featured at a Careers Fair at the University of Leeds Tereza, Student Member, University of Leeds ‘In November, I organised my first event at the University of Leeds as a Student Member. It was part of a virtual Law and Finance Careers Fair hosted by the 93% Club Leeds, and also featured firms such as Taylor Wessing and J.P. Morgan. Tiffany Mitchell, Legal Support Officer, presented on behalf of A-LAW and I was able to introduce myself as Student Ambassador as a point of contact for students wanting to learn more about animals in a socio-legal context. Tiffany delivered a really engaging talk about A-LAW which outlined the main aims of the charity and its work and about the wide variety of informational materials A-LAW has on offer – YouTube channel, policy papers, journal, blog, podcast, etc. Students also found out more about ways they can get involved, such as the national essay competition and the Cecilia Moot. As my first event in my ambassador role, it was really exciting to meet students who wanted to learn more about A-LAW and animal law. For the occasion, I thought it would be best to give students a good introduction into the charity and ways to get involved. Anyone who wants to learn more about animal law will then be aware of available resources, events and opportunities. Students at the University of Leeds have shown interest and have started to follow A-LAW’s work. This is really encouraging and hopefully, we will learn more together in the future in my role as Student Ambassador!’ A Bake Sale Helena, Student Member, Birmingham University ‘My name is Helena, I am a Student Member for A-LAW, and the participation and inclusions officer for our BCU Law society. My initiative for fundraising through a bake sale was because I felt more students in the university would engage with a bake sale, rather than a specific event. Through collaborating with the BCU Earth Society, and our aims to be more environmentally friendly, we made the cupcakes vegetarian. There was a lot of engagement, especially from those who were not aware of animal welfare law. The fundraiser was definitely a great way to not only raise money for A-LAW but to educate people on animal welfare, and to promote A-LAW as a charity, as some students were curious about who we were raising funds for. All in all it was a successful fundraiser and we raised £102.50!’ Run a Race Natasha, Student Member, University of Winchester Natasha ran a 14k race and raised funds for A-LAW. She raised just under £500 for A-LAW doubling her fundraising goal. ‘As individuals, we can often feel helpless when it comes to animal welfare. However, getting involved in fundraisers is an amazing opportunity to not only raise money to help charities continue their work, but also raise awareness for these charities, and therefore what you feel passionate about. I wanted to run for A- LAW because I believe their work is essential for animals’ better treatment. Laws currently favour human interests, and A-LAW speaks for animal interests. I had so much fun at the same time and have only questioned myself as to why I didn’t do it sooner! I also received so much support, with donations over doubling my targeted goal. Many hadn’t heard of A-LAW before and commented on what an amazing charity I was running for! If we all do something we consider small, we can achieve something big for animals. Get involved for them!!’ Acting for animals! Find out more… about how you can help animals at university with our student resources including our Inspiration & Ideas booklet. Student Brochure 2022-2023 [PAGE] Title: Animal Lawyers Network | A-LAW Content: Welcome to the Animal Lawyers’ Network, a community of our legal members. Laura & Tiffany About the Animal Lawyers’ Network Our Animal Lawyers’ Network is a commmunity space where lawyers interested in animals and the law can meet, learn and support each other. The Animal Lawyers’ Network runs our Legal Skills Lab, supporting animal advocates who want to learn more about the law. You don’t have to be a lawyer to join. We welcome anyone who shares our vision of a world where animals are fully protected by law. Networking We understand the importance of connecting with other like minded people. Each term we hold at least one event in person so that our members across the UK can meet, learn and share ideas. These events may include informal meetups, seminars, sanctuary visits and more and are organised by our Animal Lawyers’ Network. Legal Skills Lab Our Animal Lawyers’ Network runs an online Legal Skills Lab, with sessions taking place each month over a lunch hour (1 – 2pm UK time). The Legal Skills Lab aims to build legal skills in areas ancillary to animal advocacy, such as law making, political advocacy and more. Legal Skills Lab for Animal Advocates The theme for this term (January – April 2024) is Parliamentary Advocacy. We are pleased to introduce our members to three experts and upcoming topics below. Free Legal Skills Lab These sessions are FREE to members (and you don’t need to be a lawyer to join – just share our vision of a world where animal interests are fully protected by law). Volunteer with A-LAW Use your legal skills to help animals. The work that we do would not be possible without our dedicated team of volunteers who also help deliver A-Law’s core services. IT, administrative, marketing, financial and all other kinds of non-legal skills are also needed. Volunteer Watch our launch event Our Animal Lawyers Network officially launched on 15 September 2022 with an Academic Pathways careers event. We were joined by a panel of experts from the academic community, who shared their experience of advancing animal interests as part of a legal academic practice. The UK Centre for Animal Law (A-LAW) is a charity that brings together lawyers and other people interested in animal protection law to share experience and to harness that expertise for the benefit of animals. Contact Info [PAGE] Title: Careers in Animal Law | A-LAW Content: Follow Careers in Animal Law Read about opportunities to apply what you have learnt about animal law in the workplace. Explore opportunities for careers in private practice, working for an NGO, or in academia. Working for animals! Career opportunities… which can make use of your legal skills for the benefit of animals. About legal practice and animal law If you feel strongly about the treatment of animals in our society, then a career in animal welfare law can be extremely rewarding. There are many lawyers who use their legal skills to help animals, although there is a relatively small number who are able to dedicate their career exclusively to animal welfare. This is in part because there are few opportunities to specialise, but also because animal welfare spans many different areas of law from trade, licensing, tort, crime, and administrative law. Whilst there are lawyers who specialise in animal (welfare) law, traditionally their practices focus on areas such as public and regulatory law, dog law and campaign-related law. There are also lawyers who use their legal skills to work in animal advocacy groups or government departments and many more volunteer with groups such as A-LAW. How can you specialise in animal law? In our experience, very few lawyers specialise in animal law. In part, this reflects the fact that animal law refers collectively to the body of laws that engage animal interests and can span a number of legal disciplines, such as tort (veterinary negligence claims), crime (prosecution of animal cruelty offences). dog law (contractual disputes and criminal liability around dogs), housing law (no pet covenants), licensing and trade law (animal establishment licensing, puppy trade), public Law (judicial review challenges to decisions of public authorities concerning animals) and environmental law (conservation and habitat protection). It is often the case therefore that the animal related areas of practice form only part of a much broader practice, with the possible exception of dog law and criminal prosecution where a greater degree of specialisation is seen. Academic careers in animal law Think about an academic career, which can give you the opportunity to research and teach animal law. As with legal practice, there are very few opportunities to teach animal law exclusively, and generally it forms part of a broader teaching practice within a Law School. Criminology also offers some interesting opportunities to carry out research into animal related crime, such as wildlife trafficking and puppy farming. There are currently only a small number of universities across the UK offering animal law modules and we would like to see this change. Take a look at our Where to Study page to find out which universities offer courses. Campaign & Policy Roles There are some law graduates and lawyers who choose to use their legal backgrounds to work in the fields of policy or campaigns, advocating and lobbying for law reform and other change to improve the protection of animals. This can be very rewarding work, although such posts are highly competitive. Another route can be to work for a Government Agency, such as DEFRA or another public body, including Local Authorities, with animal welfare roles. Our top tips If Animal Law is included as a module on your undergraduate course this would be a good option and may place you at an advantage when seeking employment in this field. If you are interested in working for an animal charity, enquire about opportunities for voluntary work or a secondment. Where possible attend meetings, lectures, seminars and other networking opportunities where you can meet lawyers already practising in this field. Become a member of our Student Group or Young Animal Lawyers Network and get involved with our work. Think creatively. A career in law enforcement (such as with the Wildlife Division of the police force or as an RSPCA inspector) or campaigning may be just as rewarding and enable you to put skills gained during your law degree to real practical effect. Careers events! The A-LAW Team… often hosts events related to careers. Enjoy past recordings and find out more below. Animal Advocacy: A Lifetime of Experience by David Thomas David Thomas discusses his career as a solicitor, which includes launching Advocates for Animals, the UK’s first legal practice focusing exclusively on animal law. This lecture was given to our Animal Law, Ethics and Policy Conference 2019. Animal Law Careers: Academic Pathways We welcomed guest speakers Iyan offor (Lecturer in Law at Birmingham City University), Dr Debbie Rook (Principal lecturer in law at Northumbria University) Dr Angus Nurse (Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Nottingham Trent University) and Professor Johanna Gibson (Queen Mary’s University, London) to discuss academic careers in animal law, including criminology. During this panel discussion hosted by the Young Animal Lawyers Network you will learn about their journeys into animal academia, in which direction they see this subject moving in the future and any challenges they have faced along the way. We will also be seeking advice and recommendations for those starting out on their journey and you will have the opportunity to ask questions during the session. Career Pathways Towards Legal Advocacy for Animals The UK Centre for Animal Law hosted a careers webinar in November 2020 on animal law career pathways. Speakers included: Sonul Badiani-Hamment – UK External Affairs Adviser, World Animal Protection Iain O’Donnell – Barrister, 1 Crown Office Row chambers Frances Allen – Barrister and founder of A-LAW and the Goldsmith Animal Rights Team, Goldsmith chambers Three lawyers who have chosen different pathways to advocate for animals are brought together to share their experiences and perspectives for the next generation of lawyers, legal academics and legal activists. Animal Law Careers Q&A Panel hosted by Beyond Human Rights Watch now a panel Q&A on animal law careers hosted by Beyond Human Rights, the University of Law’s largest legal ethics society. ‘The UK is home to over 200 million dogs, cats, rabbits, pigs, sheep, chickens, cattle and horses. Every one of them, along with the rest of Britain’s animal kingdom, deserves the protection of the law. Animal law is a nascent but growing area of legal practice which aims to do just that, and it’s pulling in more and more talented professionals every year. This discussion is a great learning opportunity if you’re keen to learn more about the state of animal law in the UK, you’re thinking about using your career to protect animals, or you have any burning questions for professionals working in the space.’ Explore More! Additional resources… [PAGE] Title: Companion Animals | A-LAW Content: Follow Companion Animals The Companion Animal Law Group helps to lead and shape A-LAW’s response to legal and policy matters affecting the interests of companion animals, the domesticated animals we humans have the closest bonds with and most commonly interact with. We do this by carrying out legal and policy research, hosting events about companion animal law issues, and responding to Government proposals and consultations. The Group is led by Randi J. Milgram (attorney) and Debbie Rooke (legal academic at Northumbria University). Randi and Debbie Our policy objectives! What we’re doing… to further the interests of the millions of companion animals we share our lives with. The Companion Animal Law Working Group guides A-LAW’s response to legal issues relating to the welfare of animals kept as companions. We aim to improve the lives of companion animals and their owners through efforts to reform relevant laws, to educate the public, and to promote understanding of existing laws and policies. Our work includes responding to relevant government consultations and calls for evidence; examining legal decisions that concern companion animals; assisting with pet-friendly campaigns; and more. Although the UK arguably has some of the strongest laws in the world to protect domesticated animals kept as companions, there are still gaps and many people are unaware that there is a lack of protection for invertebrate species. Similarly, many studies have documented problems with the enforcement of laws and we want to see more robust legislation, properly enforced. We also believe in looking at the bigger picture such as whether some species (such as non-domesticated exotic animals and primates) are suitable to be kept as companions at all and, if they are, how society can safeguard their welfare.  We seek to inject legal expertise into these important debates that civil society is grappling with about our relationship with animals and how we can adequately safeguard their interests. We contribute legal expertise to policy initiatives and publish legal briefing papers, as well as ensuring that public debate is properly informed.  We also raise awareness of animal interests within traditional areas of law such as housing (no pet policies) and family (including the impact of domestic abuse upon companion animals and the red flags that might raise for other vulnerable groups) and we promote the seriousness of animal abuse within the criminal justice system. The Group is led by Randi Milgram and is supported by Research Associate Jessica Ward. We welcome interest from anyone interested in supporting the group’s work. If you would like to find out more about how you can be involved, please email [email protected] . Our current projects! What we’re working on… to improve how the law and policy works for companion animals. Criminal Justice & enforcement Housing & Blanket 'No Pet' Policies Domestic Abuse Support our work for companion animals Donation Amount: [PAGE] Title: Animal Welfare Groups | A-LAW Content: Follow Animal Groups We support animal welfare groups achieve their objectives by using legal strategies and we support the sector with our legal education and resources. Helping animal welfare groups to help animals! What we can do… to support your animal advocacy or campaign group. The Law & Animal Welfare Reform Read this account from A-LAW’s Legal Policy Director and barrister, Alan Bates, about how law can drive reform of animal welfare laws and act as a powerful tool to protect and advance animal interests. Read More Legal Strategies We work with animal welfare and campaign groups to help them find legal soluctions to welfare problems. We help identify ways in which the law can be strengthened and better enforced. We work collaboratively with groups to help them identify legal routes to change. Resources for the animal welfare community. Legal Resources Our website contains a range of legal resources and information. We also have a dedicated Animal Law News  section, with the latest animal law and policy developments, including recent cases, news and analysis. Resources Talking Animal Law Podcast Stay updated through our podcast, Talking Animal Law, with a new episode on the last Wednesday of each month. We shine a light on debate topics, discuss ethics and animal welfare, and analyse recent cases and legislation concerning animal interests. Listen Courses and training Learn about the law relating to animals. We regularly host courses and seminars covering a diverse range of topics from ethics to animal welfare law. You can access some of our past lectures on our YouTube channel, Animal Law TV. Follow us and don’t miss an episode. Animal Law TV Join Us “A-LAW is a great source of information and debate. The Journal also provides a sense of community with other lawyers specialising in animal welfare law. We find the articles extremely helpful in our work in the animal welfare sector.” Joanna Lodge Cats Protection Membership benefits Animal advocacy groups can benefit from A-LAW’s Organisational Membership, which includes a range of benefits including subscription to The UK Journal of Animal Law, reduced cost legal training, bespoke training packages and free advertisement of legal vacancies (including posts suitable for someone with a legal qualification) on the A-LAW website (subject to discretion). Join Us To understand more about how we work with groups to identify legal strategies to achieve animal welfare objectives, read our Annual Report & Strategic Plan 2021 The UK Centre for Animal Law (A-LAW) is a charity that brings together lawyers and other people interested in animal protection law to share experience and to harness that expertise for the benefit of animals. Contact Info [PAGE] Title: Farmed Animals | A-LAW Content: Follow Farmed Animals The Farmed Animal Law Working Group helps to lead and shape A-LAW’s response to legal and policy matters affecting the interests of farmed animals in the UK and beyond. We do this by carrying out legal and policy research, hosting events about farmed animal welfare law, and responding to Government proposals. The Group is led by Co-Chairs Danielle Duffield and Natalie Harney. Danielle & Natalie Our policy objectives! What we’re doing… to further the interests of the millions of animals farmed for food and other commodities. The Farmed Animal Law Working Group helps to lead and shape A-LAW’s response to matters of law and policy that affect the interests of farmed animals in the UK and beyond. We do this by carrying out our own legal and policy research projects, hosting events about farmed animal welfare law, and responding to Government policy proposals. Our priority is the advancement and protection of farmed animal interests through evidence-based and ethical laws that are properly enforced. The Group is collaborative, inclusive and encourages those with differing views and experiences to participate in, and engage constructively with, our work. The scale of animal farming is such that farmed animal law and policy has the potential to impact the lives of significant numbers of animals. Although the UK was historically a leader in farmed animal welfare, there are many areas in which the law has failed to sufficiently keep up with public expectations and modern-day animal welfare science. We have selected the following four priorities as our initial areas of focus: DEFRA policy and its ‘Action Plan for Animal Welfare’; Neglected animals and strategic litigation; Regulation, scrutiny and transparency; and, Farmed animals and trade. Find out more about these areas below. If you are interested in getting involved, or would like to find out more, please email [email protected] . Our current projects! What we’re working on… to improve how the law and policy works for farmed animals. DEFRA Policy & Action Plan for Animal Welfare Neglected Animals & Strategic Litigation [PAGE] Title: Legal Advisory Group on Extreme Dog Conformation | A-LAW Content: Legal Advisory Group on Extreme Conformation in Dogs Working towards a legal framework for responsible dog breeding. Our vision is a world where every domestic dog is born free from extremes of conformation that harm their health and welfare. Purpose Our aim is to use the law to promote the breeding, purchasing, ownership and advertising only of dogs with innate good health, thereby reducing or preventing the suffering that arises due to conformational extremes or inherited conditions at every stage of a dogs’ life. Our intention is to promote both more effective use of existing UK law and regulation in relation to extreme conformations in dogs and to also propose options for reform, where appropriate. Scope Our aim is to inform developments in law and policy related to dog health and welfare specifically in relation to extreme conformations. We are not a campaigning organisation. None of the statements or publications by LAGECDogs should be taken as constituting legal advice in any form.  Any views and comments on these pages are solely LAGECDogs and the individual authors’ opinions and beliefs and should not be regarded as being attributable to any other organisation to which they may belong or be affiliated. We focus on extreme conformation in dogs specifically but also recognise and acknowledge the substantial suffering caused by extreme conformation in other companion animal species, notably cats, rabbits and equines. We address the law of the UK but have a current focus on England. Composition We are a multi-disciplinary group comprised of lawyers, legal academics, veterinary professionals and animal welfare and behaviour scientists. News The Supreme Court in Norway hands down judgment in dog breeding case. Read more: ‘ Important victory for the dogs in the Supreme Court .’ Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons has updated its advice about canine artificial insemination to confirm that it regards both legal types to be acts of veterinary surgery. Read more here . Scottish Government launches a consultation on expanding the animal activities licensing regs, open until 26 September. Find more information here . Scotland Call for Evidence. The Scottish Rural Affairs and Islands Committee has opened a call for evidence following the introduction of the Welfare of Dogs (Scotland) Bill. The Bill proposes measures to encourage responsible ownership and breeding, including proposals for the Scottish Government to make a code of practice for people who are considering getting or selling a dog. The deadline for submissions is 11 August. The link to respond is here . EFRA Inquiry update. EFRA Inquiry on Pet Welfare and Abuse hears oral evidence on 4 July 2023. Find out more here . Brachy’s in the media. Dutch weigh law to ban cruelly overbred pets ( Article published on 22 June 2023 about a proposed ban on ‘possessing and advertising all pets with attributes proved to cause medical issues’. Breed trends. Kennel Club registrations for the English Bulldog have risen from 4,782 in 2012 to 15,403 in 2021 ( Kennel Club ), and Pets4Homes data shows that French Bulldogs remained the most frequently advertised breed on the selling platform in ( Pets4 Homes, 2022 ). Legal journal article. Journal of Animal Law publishes article about the legal issues around extreme conformations and breeding. Read here Stakeholder meeting – breeding extreme conformations in dogs. The Animal Welfare Act (AWA) is not fit for purpose in terms of safeguarding the welfare of dogs and their progeny; so was the unanimous conclusion of stakeholders attending a recent conference on the breeding and purchasing of dogs held by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Animal Welfare (APGAW). The event, run in conjunction with the University of Advanced settings. Read full article . Discover more about our approach Written evidence to EFRA Committee (2023) Read our written evidence to the EFRA Committee Pet Welfare and Abuse Inquiry addressing harmful conformations. All written submissions to the Committee on this issue can be found here . Written submissions to DEFRA (2023) Read our written submissions to DEFRA about  the effectiveness of The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 in relation to dog breeding. Our open response to a student question about dog breeding We were recently contacted by a student of further education who wrote ‘I’m struggling to find relevant court cases. Is it the case that very few people are taken to task about their breeding methods because it’s perhaps a relatively new problem, or is it just too difficult to get to that point?’ Read Dr Helena Howe’s open response . Listen to Dr Helena Howe’s podcast series…episode  1 out now. The English Bulldog is on trial in Norway. The future of the Bulldog hangs in the balance as the Norwegian Supreme Court decides whether breeding of this much-loved breed should be banned. The dogs have done nothing wrong; the fault lies with us. We may find extreme physical features like big eyes, very flat faces or deep skin folds on dogs cute but these traits can cause our dogs to suffer throughout their lives. In the UK we claim to be a nation of animal lovers. Yet we are breeding and buying dogs for their looks despite the evidence of harm. What is the cause of this problem and what should we do about it? Dr Helena Howe explores how the case for a ban reached the Norwegian Supreme Court and talks to leading experts in the field about how the law can help us to help dogs. Meet the committee [PAGE] Title: Farmed Animals & Trade | A-LAW Content: Farmed Animals Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla lectus libero, convallis feugiat sagittis vel, ullamcorper eget tellus. Maecenas aliquet risus eu sem dapibus, eget feugiat nulla elementum. Pellentesque pulvinar sed dolor et cursus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc augue tortor, sodales quis tellus eget, posuere semper nisi. Duis eget velit porttitor, ornare sapien at, luctus quam. Donec rhoncus ultricies nisl, at porttitor ligula mollis non. Suspendisse bibendum condimentum sapien. Pellentesque at gravida nisl, in ornare justo. Nullam imperdiet, elit tempor faucibus rhoncus, ante nulla condimentum erat, nec efficitur sapien orci congue turpis. Donec sit amet ipsum eget ante elementum aliquam at eget tellus. Phasellus sed eros at libero semper bibendum. Praesent rutrum urna quis urna finibus ullamcorper. Donec ac convallis arcu. Nulla urna nibh, ullamcorper sit amet tincidunt ut, ultricies in ipsum. Sed a dolor justo. Nunc diam justo, consequat sit amet congue quis, accumsan quis tortor. Suspendisse ut consectetur ligula. Nam sed vulputate risus. Vestibulum commodo nibh eget erat semper iaculis. Donec vitae imperdiet odio. In fermentum dui eget cursus gravida. Proin egestas nec libero sit amet dapibus. Nullam dictum finibus est in dignissim. Aliquam ac mauris ut mi interdum varius vulputate in lorem. Fusce egestas blandit justo, sed vehicula diam luctus non. Pellentesque et cursus orci. [PAGE] Title: Email Protection | Cloudflare Content: Email Protection You are unable to access this email address The website from which you got to this page is protected by Cloudflare. Email addresses on that page have been hidden in order to keep them from being accessed by malicious bots. You must enable Javascript in your browser in order to decode the e-mail address. If you have a website and are interested in protecting it in a similar way, you can sign up for Cloudflare . [PAGE] Title: Scotland | A-LAW Content: Follow Animal Law in Scotland A-LAW’s Scotland Committee injects much needed legal advocacy into the political and law-making process. Our Committee members include recognised experts in animal welfare law. With your support we can provide legal advocacy for animals, identifying opportunities to strengthen the law, working with law and policy makers to ensure that animal interests are represented. We welcome the creation of an Animal Welfare Commission by the Scottish Government. We support the work of the Commission by identifying issues concerning animals and feeding into the political process, providing much needed political representation for animals. Mike  Radford Chair of the Scotland Committee Our work in Scotland! What we’re doing… to represent animals in the Scottish legal and political systems. About animal law in Scotland The power to make laws about animal welfare has been largely devolved to Scotland, with some exceptions. International treaties are entered into by the UK Government and the regulation of animals in research is reserved to Westminster. The Scottish Government has an Animal Health and Welfare Division which administers animal welfare policy. This Division is part of the Directorate for Agriculture, Food and Rural Communities. Find out more here . The enforcement of animal welfare law is the responsibility of the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). The SSPCA investigates animal cruelty cases, but unlike the RSPCA, which operates in England and Wales, it does not bring prosecutions. Local authorities are responsible for enforcing animal welfare laws in their district. There is an agreed Memorandum of Understanding between the SSPCA and local authorities as to their respective operations, which helps to avoid duplication of effort. If there is a prosecution it will be brought by the Procurator Fiscal and put before the Scottish courts. Find Scottish animal protection laws on the Scottish Government animal health and welfare page here . Scottish Animal Welfare Commission The Scottish Government has set up a new independent body to provide scientific and ethical advice to the Government about animal welfare. The Scottish Animal Welfare Commission is chaired by Professor Cathy Dwyer and will consider how the needs of sentient animals (capable of experiencing feelings) are being met by Scottish policies, what can be done to further protect the welfare of sentient animals and to provide research for future policy development. The Animal Welfare Commission will be concerned with policies relating to wild and companion animals. In relation to farming and zoos, there already exists a UK Animal Welfare Committee and a UK Zoo Expert Committee. The Scottish Animal Welfare Commission will limit itself in these areas to matters that fall within the responsibility of the Scottish Government. Scottish Parliament Information Centre subject profile on animal health and welfare The subject profile is an excellent source of information about the law in Scotland relating to animals and the legal and policy landscape, including current policy initiatives. The document sets out key legislation, roles and responsibilities across areas relating to both domesticated animals and wildlife. Access the subject profile here . Meet the members of our Scotland Committee Mike Radford [PAGE] Title: Podcast | A-LAW Content: Join A-LAW Chairperson, Paula Sparks, each month for a new episode. We talk to scientists, lawyers and campaigners about the latest animal law news, ethics and policy. Latest Episode Episode #25: Law and veganism – extended edition Talking Animal Law with Dr Jeanette Rowley, Dr Carlo Prisco and Ralf Muller-Amenitsch. Co-hosted with Tamara Bedic. This extended episode is co-hosted with Tamara Bedic, President of the National Lawyers Guild NYC (2022) and Chair of the NLGNYC Animal Rights Committee, and features three prominent guests talking about veganism and how it engages fundamental human rights across the UK, Germany and Italy. Episode #25: Law and veganism – extended edition Talking Animal Law with Dr Jeanette Rowley, Dr Carlo Prisco and Ralf Muller-Amenitsch. This extended episode is co-hosted with Tamara Bedic, President of the National Lawyers Guild NYC (2022) and Chair of the NLGNYC Animal Rights Committee, and features three prominent guests talking about veganism and how it engages fundamental human rights across the UK, Germany and Italy. Episode #24: Silent fish – legal protection for fish in commercial fisheries. Talking Animal Law with John Garratt In this episode we discuss the capture and slaughter of fish in commercial fisheries with John Garratt,  co-author of a paper with Dr Steven McCulloch ‘Wild Fish Welfare in UK Commercial Sea Fisheries: Qualitative Analysis of Stakeholder Views’. This is a deep dive into fish welfare during the capture and killing processes, exploring opportunities for law reform and how measures to protect fish welfare can support other objectives. Episode #23: Forgotten fish – legal protection at the time of killing farmed fish. Talking Animal Law with Amro Hussain In this episode, we discuss the legal protection of farmed fish with Amro Hussain, Senior Public Affairs Lead at The Humane League UK. In particular, we focus on the protection of welfare at the time of killing and ask why current legal protections are not sufficient. Episode #22: Talking Christian Orthodoxy, animals and law Talking Animal Law with Dr Christina Nellist Dr Christina Nellist, B.Ed; Ph.D; FOCAE. Eastern Orthodox Theologian, Fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics and Editor of Pan Orthodox Concern for Animals, talks about animals and theology. This episode explores how Christian theology has influenced the development of law in the Western hemisphere and how it can help us navigate some of the current dilemas about society’s treatment of animals. Episode #21: Talking Animal Law and trophy hunting Talking Animal Law with Professor David Bilchitz and Eduardo Goncalves. This episode is co-hosted with Tamara Bedic, Chair of the Animal Rights Committee of the New York Guild of Lawyers (New York City division). We are talking about trophy hunting with our guests, Eduardo Goncalves, founder of the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting in the UK and Professor David Bilchitz,  Professor of Fundamental Rights and Constitutional Law at the University of Johannesburg and Professor of Law at the University of Reading. Episode #20: Talking Animal Law and farrowing crates Talking Animal Law with Dr Stephen McCulloch In this episode, we talk to Dr Steven McCulloch, veterinary surgeon and expert in animal welfare about the use of farrowing crates. Dr McCulloch is the author of a recent report called Banning Farrowing Crates in the UK: Transitioning to Free Farrowing to Meet the Welfare Needs of Pigs. We discuss the use of farrowing crates and the call for a ban on animal welfare grounds. Episode #19: Animals and society in the nineteenth century Britain Talking Animal Law with Dr Hilda Kean In this week’s podcast, Paula Sparks chats to Hilda Kean (a British historian who specialises in the cultural history of animals) to discuss a brief history of human and animal relationships in the light of the bicentenary anniversary of the Martin’s Act. Dr Hilda Kean discusses early legislation, the SPCA, the changing relationship between animals and humans, enforcement and how it compares with attitudes towards animal welfare today. This episode contains references to animal cruelty, including cat skinning, that some people may find distressing. Episode #18: How the law can help save Asian elephants Talking Animal Law with Duncan McNair In this week’s episode we talk to Duncan McNair, CEO of Save the Asian Elephants (‘STAE’) about elephants, and the impact that unethical elephant tourist attractions have on the welfare of the individual elephant and on the elephant population. Duncan discusses proposals for law reform that would see a ban on the marketing of certain tourist attractions in Asia involving elephants. Episode #17: The elephant in the court Talking Animal Law with Dr Joe Wills Dr Joe Wills talks about a case brought by the Nonhuman Rights Project (NhRP) on behalf of an elephant named Happy. The NhRP is seeking a writ of habeas corpus to secure Happy’s freedom, so that she can be transferred to an elephant sanctuary.  The case has recently been heard by New York’s highest court and raises fundamental issues about legal personhood. Episode #16: Dogs: reducing attacks and promoting responsible ownership Talking Animal Law with Dr Angus Nurse Dr Angus Nurse is the author of a Government commissioned report: ‘Investigation of measures to reduce dog attacks and promote responsible ownership amongst dog owners with dog control issues in the UK.’ 2021. Dr Nurse discusses the report and its implications for dog control policy, law and enforcement. Episode #15: Cosmetics testing and animals. Talking Animal Law with David Thomas and Kerry Postlewhite David Thomas, lawyer at Advocates for Animals and Kerry Postlewhite of Cruelty Free International, discuss the use of animals for cosmetics testing. We learn about the legal landscape and current challenges. Episode #14: The Vegan Imperative Talking Animal Law with David Blatte David Blatte, author of ‘The Vegan Imperative, Why We Must Give Up Meat and Why We Don’t’ talks about the book, compassion and his career as an animal law attorney. Read a sample on Amazon here . Episode #13: A legal victory for beavers in Scotland Talking Animal Law with Scott Blair, Rob Espin and Alan McDonnell We hear from lawyers and the petitioner involved in a public law challenge in 2021 against the Scottish Government’s beaver killing policy. Learn about the legal issues involved and the implications of the decision for Scotland’s beaver population and beyond. Episode #12: Sir David Amess and his legacy for animals Talking Animal Law with David Bowles We speak to David Bowles, RSPCA Head of Public Affairs, about some of the causes supported by the late Sir David Amess who was MP for Southend West and a consistent champion of animal welfare throughout his long career. Sir David Amess MP was tragically killed in 2021, but his legacy lives on. Join us in remembering a great advocate against animal suffering who worked for decades in Parliament to enshrine animal welfare standards in law. Episode #11: Can lobsters, octopus and like species experience sensations such as pain? Talking Animal Law with Claire Howard An independent review of sentience commissioned by the UK Government and conducted by the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) has concluded there is ‘strong scientific evidence decapod crustaceans (crabs, lobsters, prawns, & crayfish) and cephalopod molluscs ( such as such as octopuses, squid and cuttlefish) are sentient.’ We discuss the report and it’s findings with Claire Howard, Director of Crustacean Compassion, an award-winning animal welfare organisation dedicated to the humane treatment of decapod crustaceans. Episode #10: Glue traps: problems and legal solutions Talking Animal Law with Rob Espin Rob Espin, solicitor and co-chair of A-Law’s Wildlife Law Working Group, discusses problems around the use of rodent glue traps and outlines proposed new laws designed to restrict their use. Episode #9: A legal perspective on puppy farming and dog theft in Ireland Talking Animal Law with Dr Stephanie Flynn We discuss the puppy trade and dog theft in Ireland with Dr. Stephanie O’ Flynn, a Lecturer in Law in the Department of Law and Criminal Justice at Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland. Stephanie has a particular interest in the legal treatment of dogs, and in this episode she talks about some of the challenges posed by low welfare breeding, dog theft and the pandemic. Episode #8: Proposed restrictions on the import of dogs into Great Britain Talking Animal Law with Marc Abraham, Sarah Dixon and Jordan Shelley With a consultation into the Commercial and Non-Commercial Movement of Pets into Great Britain due to close on 16 Oct 2021, we ask three campaigners (Marc Abraham, Sarah Dixon and Jordan Shelley) at the forefront of the fight against ‘puppy farms’ and ear cropping, respectively, for their views on import restrictions for dogs with cropped ears or docked tails or under 6 months of age. We ask specifically, should the government exempt animal rescue and re-homing organisations from these restrictions? Episode #7: Should pet abduction be a specific offence? Talking Animal Law with John Cooper QC In this episode, we discuss the case for a specific crime of pet abduction. Should the criminal justice system treat the theft of companion animals in the same way as the theft of inanimate property or does the law need reform? We talk to John Cooper QC, who has been advising the pet theft campaign. Episode #6: Non stun slaughter and religious freedoms: finding a balance Talking Animal Law with Dr Joe Wills Warning: some listeners may find content distressing Dr Joe Wills from Leicester Law School, discusses the decision in Centraal Israëlitisch Consistorie van België and Others. In this case, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that Member States could require pre-stunning of animals before slaughter, without infringing fundamental human rights. There has to be a balance between promoting animal welfare and respecting the rights of those in religious communities to practice their beliefs. Episode #5: Domestic abuse: are animals a missing link? Talking Animal Law with Dr Samantha Pickles and Rachel Horman-Brown Warning: adult themes, not suitable for children. ‘Where animals are abused, people are at risk and where people are abused, animals are at risk.’ That is the central message of this episode, in which we consider what can be learnt about domestic abuse and coercive control when we take the time to consider the animal within the home. What does this tell us and how can we protect vulnerable family members? Episode #4: Nowzad, ‘Praying for a miracle’ Talking Animal Law with Peter Egan In this special edition, Peter Egan, actor, animal advocate and ambassador for the charity Nowzad, talks about the organisation behind the headlines, including the brave team who at the time of broadcast are facing danger from Taliban forces in Afghanistan. Our thoughts are also with other animal rescues in the region, including Kabul Small Animal Rescue and with all people at heightened risk in this region. The title is taken from Nowzad’s leader, Pen Farthing who in one of his early tweets, asked people to pray for a miracle. Episode #3: Legal challenges to Government decisions on badger culling and the Ivory Act Talking Animal Law with Alan Bates and Frances Allen Our legal experts discuss two legal cases that made the headlines in 2020. Friends of Antique Cultural Treasures Ltd v DEFRA [2020] EWCA Civ 649, concerning a challenge to the legality of the Ivory Act 2018, and R (National Farmers Union & Anor) v Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [2020] EWHC 1192 (Admin) challenging a decision not to grant licences to kill badgers in furtherance of its policy for control of bovine TB. Barristers Frances Allen and Alan Bates explain what judicial review is, how it was used in each of these respective cases, and what lesson can be learnt from these legal challenges. Episode #2: Reflecting on a career in animal law with Peter Stevenson Talking Animal Law with Peter Stevenson OBE Peter is a qualified lawyer who has worked for nearly three decades in animal welfare. During this time, he played a leading role in winning the EU bans on veal crates, battery cages and sow stalls as well as a new status for animals in EU law as sentient beings. In October 2020, Peter was awarded an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list, in recognition of his tremendous contributions in the field of animal welfare. Paula talks to Peter talks about his career, the highs and lows, successes and obstacles and what he sees as the challenges ahead. Episode #1: Pilot This episode introduces you to our brand new podcast, Talking Animal Law. In this episode we tell you who we are and explain why we are launching this legal podcast focusing exclusively on animals. [PAGE] Title: Animals in Science | A-LAW Content: Follow Animals in Science We are committed to ensuring that the legislation regulating the use of animals in research is adequately applied and implemented, which is more likely to happen if there is proper scrutiny, transparency and accountability. We aim to work with others to achieve these goals. The Group is led by Blanche Koenig and Simon Brooman, and supported by Nadine Lees. Blanche & Simon Our policy objectives! What we’re doing… to further the interests of the hundreds of thousands of animals used in scientific research. The Animals in Science Working Group helps to lead and shape A-LAW’s response to matters of law and policy that affect the interests of animals used in labs across the country. We do this by carrying out our own legal and policy research projects and responding to Government policy proposals. The Animals in Science Working Group wants to see legislation that fully supports the principles of reduction, replacement and refinement. We believe that to give full effect to those principles, issues around governance, accountability and transparency need to be addressed. We have selected the following four priorities as our initial areas of focus: Replacement of animal use in science; Chemical regulation; Transparency and Freedom of Information; and, Oversight and accountability Find out more about these areas below. If you are interested in getting involved, or would like to find out more, please email [email protected] . Our current projects! What we’re working on… to improve how the law and policy works for research animals. Replacement of Animal Use in Science Chemical Regulation [PAGE] Title: General information | A-LAW Content: Follow General Information General information about your rights and responsibilities towards animals, including where to find more detailed guidance. Please note, we are not a law firm and cannot provide legal advice about specific cases. More information! General responsibilities towards animals… Whilst the information on this page has been carefully prepared, it does not constitute legal advice and should not be used or relied upon and you should not act or refrain from acting, upon the information contained within this website. A-LAW, its trustees, volunteers and agents do not accept or assume any responsibility or duty of care in respect of any use of or reliance upon this information. Accordingly A-LAW does not accept any liability for any loss arising from any action taken or not by any person in reliance on this information or any part of it. Legal responsibilities towards animals in your care The Animal Welfare Act 2006 places a duty of care on people in England and Wales to take reasonable steps to meet the welfare needs of their animals. In Scotland, the equivalent legislation is the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006 and in Northern Ireland it is the Welfare of Animals Act (Northern Ireland) 2011. The Government, through the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)  publishes Codes of Practice relating to the welfare needs of specific breeds, such as cats, dogs, horses and non-human primates. For England and Wales, this guidance can be found on the RSPCA website here . The Codes of Practice and other useful information about animal welfare in Northern Ireland can be found on the website of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs for Northern Ireland here . The Codes of Practice for Scotland can be found here . Further useful information about a person’s legal duty to care for animals can be found on the RSPCA’s website here . Wildlife Crime The responsibility for enforcement of the laws protecting wildlife lies with the police service and if you suspect a wildlife crime you can report this either to your local police or to the RSPCA, using the helpline numbers above. In London, the Wildlife Crime Unit of the Metropolitan Police can be contacted. See further information on their website here . There is very helpful information about the law protecting wildlife on the RSPCA website here . Where the issue relates to interference with wild birds, you can also contact the RSPB here . Information about humane control of pigeons is available from the Pigeon Control Resource Centre (PCRC), an online resource for issues relating to pigeon control. The information on the site is geared towards solving pigeon control problems by the use of humane and non-lethal control methods. Click here for more information. The Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) also publishes advisory leaflets and their specialist wildlife advisors are available to discuss specific problems. DEFRA’s website is here . Animal Laws outside of the UK Where your concern relates to an animal welfare issue outside the UK, you may find it helpful to contact an animal welfare organisation in the relevant country. Cases of suspected cruelty may be addressed to the country’s embassy in the UK for forwarding to relevant local authorities. Avoid contributing to global wildlife problems. Wildlife crime is a major problem and when travelling abroad it is important to be aware of restrictions on the importation of animals and animal products to avoid unwittingly breaking the law. Also, be aware of the impact that your actions may have on local wildlife, as behind many so-called tourist activities with animals, there lies a catalogue of animal suffering. You can discover more from Save the Asian Elephant (S.T.A.E) The Born Free Foundation and the Captive Animals Protection Society both welcome information from the public about the animal welfare issues in zoos and circuses, whether in the UK or elsewhere in the world. Concerns about suspected cruelty to animals In England and Wales, the RSPCA investigates potential wrongdoing and also brings prosecutions, although the RSPCA has proposed handing over it’s prosecutorial role to the Crown Prosecution Service. In Scotland, the SSPCA investigates cases and reports potential offences to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal (COPFS), who will bring any criminal proceedings on behalf of the Crown.  In Northern Ireland the Welfare of Animals Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 is enforced by Department of Agriculture and Rural Development inspectors (farmed animals), Council inspectors (other animals, such as domestic pets and horses), and PSNI constables. You can call the RSPCA’s cruelty line on 0300 1234 999. The SSPCA’s number is 03000 999 999. Lines are often very busy, so please bear in mind that these organisations are charities and have limited resources. You may also visit the RSPCA’s website here , which contains useful information, including a cruelty checklist that can be used before reporting suspected cruelty. If you require immediate assistance – for example, if you see animal cruelty in progress, or a dog that is suffering in a hot car – the best option will usually be to contact the police. In most areas of the UK, you can contact the local police by dialing 111 (or, in an emergency, 999). Although the RSPCA do investigate and prosecute cases of suspected animal abuse or neglect, the police do have a legal responsibility for investigating offences against animals and should not insist that you contact the RSPCA if you are concerned that a crime is being committed.  You can also provide information about suspected serious crimes anonymously to Crime stoppers on 0800 555 111. Pet shops, breeding & boarding establishments, zoos and stray animals Pet shops, dog breeding and boarding establishments, and zoos are all licensed and inspected by local authorities. If you have a complaint about such an establishment, it is appropriate to contact the environmental health department of the district or borough council for the relevant area. Local authorities are also responsible for dealing with stray dogs. They employ animal wardens who can intervene to ensure that animals are being cared for properly. They can also take action where pet animals are being used or allowed to cause a danger or a nuisance to other people or animals. Veterinary Standards If you are concerned about poor veterinary practice you should raise it with the veterinary practice directly. If you are unhappy with the response and there are professional conduct issues you can bring these to the attention of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS). This is the best way of trying to ensure that lessons are learnt for the benefit of animal welfare. There is also a vet mediation service which is free to members of the public with complaints about vet services: . If you are contemplating bringing a civil claim for negligence, it is important that legal advice is sought from a specialist in this area of law. Details may be obtained from the Law Society of England and Wales here and the Law Society of Scotland here . The UK Centre for Animal Law (A-LAW) is a charity that brings together lawyers and other people interested in animal protection law to share experience and to harness that expertise for the benefit of animals. Contact Info [PAGE] Title: Wild Animals | A-LAW Content: Follow Wild Animals The Wildlife Law Working Group leads A-LAW’s response to legal issues of wildlife welfare both in the UK and internationally. The group’s work includes responding to relevant government consultations and calls for evidence concerning wildlife, issuing policy papers and reports on contemporary welfare issues, contributing to law reform initiatives and publishing case reports on wildlife welfare judgements. The Group is led by Co-Chairs Rob Espin and Angus Nurse and is supported by research associate Francesca Nicholls. Rob & Angus Our policy objectives! What we’re doing… to strengthen the welfare protection offered to all types of wildlife. The United Kingdom is blessed by a plethora of wild animals which roam its lands, from the most elegant birds of prey soaring over northern dales, to beavers enhancing the wetlands of Scotland, to red squirrels repopulating Welsh forests. Notwithstanding such rich natural history, our wildlife is increasingly threatened and persecuted through various forms of human activity. As well as habitat loss caused by development and expansion our wildlife often faces the threats from targeted actions such as shooting, trapping, hunting and other acts of direct cruelty. The Wildlife Law Working Group seeks to work with all stakeholders involved in the protection of wildlife to ensure that the interests of animals are safeguarded. The Working Group recognises that the interests of wildlife can only be secured by taking a holistic approach to the problems posed and therefore pursues this mission statement in various ways. The Working Group not only works to review and reform the legal regime protecting the welfare of wild animals but also collaborates with other organisations to ensure the standards enshrined in legislation are enforced in practice and properly reflect the highest possible wellbeing for animals. The Working Group is an inclusive group of likeminded individuals who are passionate about wildlife welfare and welcomes enquiries from individuals who are interested in volunteering to support the group’s work. We have selected the following four priorities as our initial areas of focus: Habitat protection; Captive wild animals. Find out more about these areas below. If you are interested in getting involved, or would like to find out more, please email [email protected] . Our current projects! What we’re working on… to improve how the law and policy works for wild animals. Habitat Protection Support our work for wild animals Donation Amount: Is this donation on behalf of a company? No Make this an anonymous donation. Donation Total: £10.00 The UK Centre for Animal Law (A-LAW) is a charity that brings together lawyers and other people interested in animal protection law to share experience and to harness that expertise for the benefit of animals. Contact Info Follow Habitat Protection We will consider whether the protection provided to wild habitats by UK legislation (and the enforcement of such legislation) is sufficient to meet the welfare requirements of wild animals. Specific focus points include:a) Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 ("CHSR"): The effectiveness of the implementation and practical enforcement of the CHSR, including the recommendations of the Law Commission's Review of Wildlife Law (2015); andb) Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 ("WCA"): The effectiveness the WCA given the limitation of its scope certain of its provisions to species explicitly listed in its schedules. Read our overview of Bees & Neonicotinoids here . Our bitesize introduction to animal law series included this informative lecture addressing some of the issues around wildlife protection in the UK Wildlife Trade We will be evaluating the UK's regulation of the trade of wildlife, including:a) Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora 1975 ("CITES") and the Wildlife Trade Regulations (the"WTR"): The need for the UK to retain the WTR post expiration of the Brexit transition period and to implement the EU Action Plan Against Wildlife Trafficking;b) Fur Trade: Merits of the UK adopting domestic fur trade bans for all fur species beyond the current EU regime;c) Implementation of the Ivory Act Mark Jones, Born Free Foundation at our 2019 conference, speaking about the welfare of wild animals in trade. Traps The Glue Traps (Offences) Act received royal assent 28 April 2022 and will ban the use of glue traps (sticky boards used to capture rodents) by members of the public in the next two years. The legislation will make the use of glue traps a criminal offence, punishable by imprisonment or a fine, unless the user of the trap holds a glue trap licence, issued by the Secretary of State. The Glue Traps (Offences) Act 2022 is subject to a 2 year lead-in period whilst the licensing scheme is being created and rolled out, meaning the provisions in the Act have not yet come into force. The Secretary of State will determine when the different provisions of the Act will take effect. Due to the availability and inexpensiveness of glue traps, they have become a commonly used method of pest control. There have been several reports about the inhumane nature of these traps, concerns have been raised about how long animals may remain alive and trapped to the glue trap after capture, how they may injure themselves in their desperation to get free and how the traps might not be sufficiently monitored. For further reading, you can find here a House of Commons Library paper on the Glue Traps (Offences) Bill. You can also listen to our podcast episode with our Wildlife Law Working Group Co-chair, Rob Epsin. We are also concerned about the use of other types of traps and the lack of enforcement around legislation intended to protect animals who become trapped, either as the target or an unintended species. We are reviewing the legislation in this area and are aiming to complete our report later in the year. Our recent work Read Captive Wild Animals Wild animals may be kept by people as pets or for exhibition and performance in zoos. In a report to the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission earlier this year (2021) we questioned the suitability of exotic (non native, wild) animals to be kept in homes and highlighted various legal and policy options that governments could consider to mitigate against the risks associated with the trade in exotics, including zoonotic disease and species decline, as well as animals being kept in wholly unsuitable conditions that do not meet their welfare needs. We also published a report about the ownership of primates as pets which we used as the basis of our consultation response to Defra. We will continue to monitor developments in this area. Our recent work [PAGE] Title: postgraduate | A-LAW Content: YALN Festive Event! This will be an informal online event for our YALN members to network with other members and our YALN committee. You will have the opportunity to get more involved with the YALN network as well as help shape the future of the network. This is a members only event, if you are interested in learning... [PAGE] Title: Ethics and the philosophy of law | A-LAW Content: Follow Animal Rights, Philosophy & Ethics We believe it is important to question the philosophies underpinning the animal welfare laws that have developed incrementally since the nineteenth century. We help shine a light on important debated and discussions about legal, ethical and philosophical approaches to animal protection to support learning in this important area. Erin & Jeremy The big questions! What we’re doing… to contribute to the debate about animal rights, philosophy and ethics. Animal Rights We are often asked if we are an animal welfare or an animal rights organisation. We are neither. As a lawyer led registered charity advancing education in, public knowledge about, and effective application of, the law relating to animal protection we believe it is important to contribute to debate about the philosophies behind law and to provide a forum for discussion about legal philosophy and ethical issues concerning our treatment of animals. We will be bringing you the latest news about cases concerning personhood and the property status of animals, as well as debate and learning about issues such as utilitarian and rights based approaches to animal protection. Legal & Political Representation If animal interests are to be fully protected, there must be a mechanism in the law making machinery to ensure that those interests are recognised and taken into consideration. This means political representation of animal interests in the policy making process. The Animal Welfare (Sentience) bill is currently the means by which the government seeks to introduce new measures to ensure that animal interests are taken into account in the policy making process. We want to see the bill include a prospective duty upon Ministers to take into account animal interests before policy is made. We also want assurance that any Animal Welfare Committee established to advise the  government includes an appropriate range of expertise in law, ethics and animal welfare science and is not dominated by industry interest groups. International Law We also believe that it is critically important that animals are properly represented on the global stage. As with the domestic law making process, international law neeeds to recognise the intrinsic value of animals as sentient beings and to ensure that their interests are properly considered. Over the coming months we will be bringing you the latest thinking about how animals can be properly represented within the UN infrastructure and at other key global institutions and we will be sharing our own views on these issues. Who we are! Meet the people… behind our Animal Rights, Philosophy & Ethics Working Group. Jeremy Chipperfield Jeremy is one of the co-founders of A-LAW. He is a barrister at Goldsmith Chambers and an Assistant Coroner. He has extensive civil liberties, immigration and public law experience. Erin Leach Erin is a dedicated consultant with an LLM in Human Rights Law from The University of Edinburgh, specialising in the application of the core international human rights treaties. Start learning more! Enjoy past events… about animal rights, ethics and the political representation of animals. Find more videos on our YouTube channel, Animal Law TV . Legal Personhood for Animals by Dr Joe Wills Dr Joe Wills of the University of Leicester, introduces the concept of personhood and explores arguments that species other than humans should be recognised as legal persons. Animal Welfare, Ethics & Science by Dr Gareth Spark Dr Gareth Spark, of the University of East Anglia, explores the interface between animal law, ethics and science, and discusses how we weigh their intrinsic value and interests. Representing Animals in Public Policy by Dr Steven McCulloch Dr Steven McCulloch, of the University of Winchester, discusses the political representation of animals in thepolicy making process, and possible mechanisms for taking into account animal interests when policy decisions are being made. The UK Centre for Animal Law (A-LAW) is a charity that brings together lawyers and other people interested in animal protection law to share experience and to harness that expertise for the benefit of animals. Contact Info
government, defense & legal
law practice
Find out how… you can get involved in A-Law’s work and put your legal skills to work for animals. Help to shape the debate Lawyers can contribute to the debate about animal protection law and ethics and use their legal skills to ensure that the law works for animals, that it is fair and just and properly enforced. The A-LAW Team Our work for animals! The Senior Policy Team Our legal advocacy for animals! You will also find more information about other specific projects on our pages dedicated to wild animals , companion animals , farmed animals and animals in science . Steven’s research focus is on the ethics and policy of animal protection. Paula has an interest in animal law and regularly lectures and writes on topics around animal law and policy; she is currently a visiting lecturer at the University of Winchester where she teaches animal law and policy. He is the Co-founder of Advocates for Animals, which is the UK’s first animal protection law firm. Paula has an interest in animal law and regularly lectures and writes on topics around animal law and policy; she is currently a visiting lecturer at the University of Winchester where she teaches animal law and policy. Currently, she is the Secretary of the Wild Animal Welfare Committee and a Member of the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission. Hannah is an Associate of the Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland, a member of Police Scotland’s North East Wildlife and Rural Crime Working Groups, a member of the UK Centre for Animal Law’s wildlife working group and Scottish steering group, and the former Crime and Advocacy Advisor for Scottish Badgers. Prior to joining A-LAW, she studied at the University of Sheffield for her undergraduate degree in Law (with French Law) and at the College of Europe in Bruges, where she completed her LL.M in European Union Law. Read on to find out more about what we do. We have working groups specialising in wildlife law, farmed animal law, companion animal law, and the law relating to animals in science. Title: A-LAW | UK Centre for Animal Law Content: Read More Spotlight on Legal Skills Labs for Animal Advocates Animal advocates, join our network and learn skills that will help you advocate for animals. There are also lawyers who use their legal skills to work in animal advocacy groups or government departments and many more volunteer with groups such as A-LAW. This discussion is a great learning opportunity if you’re keen to learn more about the state of animal law in the UK, you’re thinking about using your career to protect animals, or you have any burning questions for professionals working in the space.’ Explore More! Join Us To understand more about how we work with groups to identify legal strategies to achieve animal welfare objectives, read our Annual Report & Strategic Plan 2021 The UK Centre for Animal Law (A-LAW) is a charity that brings together lawyers and other people interested in animal protection law to share experience and to harness that expertise for the benefit of animals. Animal Rights We are often asked if we are an animal welfare or an animal rights organisation. Who we are!
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines according to ISO 18436 category II - iba Content: Zustands­überwachung und ‑diagnostik von Maschinen nach ISO 18436 Kategorie II iba Training Diese nach DIN ISO 18436-2 zertifizierte Schulung vermittelt aufbauend auf DIN ISO 18436-2 Kategorie I ein vertieftes Verständnis von Schwingungen in Maschinen, deren Entstehung, Erfassung und Analyse. Nach dem Seminar können Sie Diagnosen erstellen und Korrektur­maßnahmen vorschlagen. Routine­messungen eigenständig nach Norm interpretieren und bewerten. Den Zustand der Maschine oder Anlage bewerten und doku­men­tieren. Messroutinen mit mobilen und online Systemen festlegen und durch­führen. Zielgruppe Instandhalter, Ingenieure und Techniker zu deren Aufgaben die Erfassung und Analyse von Schwingungs­daten gehört. 98% of all participants evaluate the overall impression of our trainings with good to very good. Inhalte [PAGE] Title: Automated key data calculation and web-based product and process analysis with ibaDaVIS - iba Content: Automatisierte Kennwert­berechnung und webbasierte Produkt- und Prozess­analyse mit ibaDaVIS iba Training In diesem Training lernen Sie die Möglich­keiten der webbasierten Visuali­sierung und Analyse von Produkt­kennwerten mit ibaDaVIS kennen. Nach dem Seminar können Sie Prozess- und produkt­spezifische Kenn­werte (z. B. Produkt‑ID, MIN-, MAX‑Werte von Signalen) in einer MS‑SQL Datenbank abspeichern. Kennwerte über­sichtlich und in geeigneter Form mit ibaDaVIS auf Dashboards im Webbrowser darstellen. ibaDaVIS-Dashboards zur Prozess­analyse und zur Filterung nach auf­fälligen Werten verwenden. Messdateien anhand von Prozess­werten mit ibaDaVIS finden und zur weiter­gehenden Analyse mit ibaAnalyzer öffnen. Einen einfachen mess­datei­bezogenen PDF‑Report erstellen und diesen mit ibaDaVIS im Webbrowser öffnen. Zielgruppe Mitarbeiter aus F&E-, Produktions- und Qualitäts­abteilungen , die die Möglich­keiten der webbasierten Visuali­sierung und Analyse von Produkt­kennwerten mit ibaDaVIS kennenlernen wollen. 98% of all participants evaluate the overall impression of our trainings with good to very good. Schwerpunkt ibaAnalyzer ibaAnalyzer is characterized by its broad capability for analyzing and evaluating data. The application is intuitive and offers an advanced set of functions. The license for analyzing measurement files, which have been generated with the iba system, is free of charge. Learn more ibaAnalyzer-DB ibaAnalyzer-DB, the database interface for ibaAnalyzer, allows for further aggregating the measured data length or time related and storing them along with the calculated characteristic values in databases. Learn more ibaDaVIS ibaDaVIS allows the visualization and analysis of your process and quality data as well as characteristic values in the web browser. You can interactively access detailed data from the overview on the dashboard. [PAGE] Title: Monitoring and analysis of vibration data with ibaInSpectra - iba Content: Überwachung und Analyse von Schwingungs­daten mit ibaInSpectra iba Training In diesem Training lernen Sie die Möglich­keiten der Überwachung und Analyse von Schwingungs­daten mit ibaInSpectra kennen. Nach dem Seminar können Sie Die wichtigsten Grund­lagen und Berech­nungen zur Schwingungs­analyse. Online-Schwingungs­kennwerte überwachen mit dem ibaInSpectra-Expert Modul. Online-Orbit­überwachung mit dem ibaInSpectra-Orbit Modul. InSpectra Module konfigu­rieren und Schwingungs­daten analysieren mit ibaAnalyzer-InSpectra. Zielgruppe Instandhalter, Schwingungs­analysten und Mitarbeiter aus F&E‑/Produktions‑/Qualitäts­abteilungen, die die Möglich­keiten der Überwachung und Analyse von Schwingungs­daten mit iba‑Technik kennenlernen wollen. 98% of all participants evaluate the overall impression of our trainings with good to very good. Schwerpunkt ibaInSpectra - Real-time Condition Monitoring of process vibrations With ibaInSpectra, vibrations are monitored continuously and possible error sources can be detected in an early stage. As ibaInSpectra is integrated in ibaPDA, not only can pure vibration analyses can be done, but possible relations between vibrational effects and process behavior can also be determined. Learn more ibaAnalyzer-InSpectra ibaAnalyzer-InSpectra can now be added to utilize the powerful ibaInSpectra library offline. Analysis configurations can first be designed and tested offline within ibaAnalyzer and transfer to ibaPDA for real-time vibration monitoring. [PAGE] Title: Monitoring and analysis of processes and machine conditions using ibaInCycle - iba Content: Überwachung und Analyse von Prozessen und Maschinen­zuständen mit ibaInCycle iba Training In diesem Training lernen Sie die Möglich­keiten der Überwachung und Analyse von zyklischen und rotierenden Prozessen mit ibaInCycle kennen. Nach dem Seminar können Sie InCycle Module konfigu­rieren und zyklische Prozesse analysieren mit ibaAnalyzer-InCycle. Zyklische und rotierende Prozesse online überwachen mit ibaInCycle. Prozesszyklen vergleichbar machen mit der TSA-Methode. Anomalien und Verschleiß automatisch erkennen mit ibaInCycle-AutoAdapting. Zielgruppe Instandhalter, Technologen und Mitarbeiter aus F&E‑/Produktions‑/Qualitäts­abteilungen, die die Möglich­keiten der Überwachung und Analyse von zyklischen und rotierenden Prozessen mit iba‑Technik kennenlernen wollen. 98% of all participants evaluate the overall impression of our trainings with good to very good. Schwerpunkt ibaInCycle - Online monitoring of cyclical processes for quality assurance and machine diagnosis ibaInCycle monitors cyclically recurring and rotating processes online. A precise forecast of quality features is therefore possible already during production. Implementing measures promptly can prevent damage and malfunctions of machines or plants, thereby ensuring the product quality. Learn more ibaAnalyzer-InCycle - Detailed offline analysis of cyclic processes ibaAnalyzer-Cycle offers the functions of ibaInCycle for monitoring cyclic processes offline. Analysis configurations can first be designed and tested offline within ibaAnalyzer and transferred to ibaPDA for real-time monitoring. It can also be used to verify existing ibaInCycle installations to help tune the online calculations. [PAGE] Title: Grow your skill set as you learn from iba experts - iba Content: iba Austria Training Hands-on Training with iba Experts On-site in your company or in our office in Linz, we offer various trainings and workshops. Experienced users deepen their knowledge about iba products, while new users get a compact introduction to the various areas of application of the iba system with many practical examples and exercises. We deal with your topics in customer-specific workshops. Based on the workshop results, you will be able to do the following steps alone on-site and use the iba products to their full extent. Modern training center Linz iba Trainings are held in our modern training center in Linz. A modern didactic system promotes the principle of "learning by doing". Each participant works at his own workplace and can engage in direct dialogue with the trainer. The learned is directly applied and deepened. Practice-oriented training The participants benefit from the solutions to their tasks and can gain valuable insights for the use of iba products in their own company. What is iba-Training? iba Training is designed specifically for customers looking for a hands-on training experience. By attending these courses, you will dedicate two or three days to understanding how the iba system fits together, learning best practices, and creating assets needed to execute your next project. No one knows iba - like iba All iba Training is done by qualified iba technicians and iba engineers. Small-group Environments Grow your skill set as you learn from iba experts in a small-group environment. iba Training will help you master the iba system in a short period of time. Learn from iba Experts Our trainers have years of experience in dealing with the iba system and pass on their knowledge directly. 98% of all participants evaluate the overall impression of our trainings with good to very good. Compact courses [PAGE] Title: Digitalization - iba Content: "Due to process and cloud connectivity, we can help you to digitize your processes." Dr. Andreas Quick, Head of Product Management, iba AG Digitalization Area of Application The acquisition of measurement data in machines and plants is a basic prerequisite for your digitalization strategy. Measurement data can be used to create a digital image which can be used for optimization, validation, and long-term analysis. Convincing characteristic values (Key Performance Indicator, KPI) can flexibly be calculated on basis of raw data and be saved in databases or cloud systems. This allows you to optimize plants and identify process anomalies at an early stage. Companies who rely on the iba System for Digitalization Business Benefits a digital image of your processes Calculate your Industry 4.0 strategy Data Acquisition High-resolution process data can be acquired by ibaPDA using comprehensive process connectivity. This allows you to record time-synchronized control data and machine data, as well as energy and vibration data, to a single measurement file. Saved measurement files become the foundation for efficient analysis of your processes. Online Streaming Measurement data can also be aggregated online and then output to databases or cloud systems. Therefore, you have immediate access to measurement data in your superordinate system. Automatically calculating characteristic Values With ibaPDA, product-related measurement data are stored in data files. ibaAnalyzer and ibaDatCoordinator can comprehensively and automatically calculate characteristic values and quality data using high-resolution data from ibaPDA. ibaAnalyzer-DB allows for further aggregating the measured data as length- or time-related values and storing them, along with the calculated characteristic values, in databases. ibaDAQ – the ideal Edge Device With the ibaDAQ family, iba AG offers an ideal edge device which allows you acquire data locally and to store aggregated characteristic values in your superordinate system. With ibaDAQ, data acquisition as well as the calculation of characteristic values takes place directly at the machine. An advantage for the digitalization of your machines and plants within the framework of your Industrie 4.0 strategy. ibaDAQ provides the necessary interfaces for acquiring high-resolution measurement data (southbound) and for data output (northbound). [PAGE] Title: Analysis of iba measurement data using ibaAnalyzer - iba Content: In diesem Training lernen Sie die umfangreichen Analyse­möglichkeiten mit der lizenzfreien Software ibaAnalyzer kennen. Nach dem Seminar können Sie ibaAnalyzer (mit Formel­editor) effektiv einsetzen. Umfangreiche Analysen zur Störungs­suche und Qualitäts­beurteilung von Produkten erstellen und zur späteren Wieder­verwendung abspeichern. Einen Bericht mit ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator erstellen und automatisch mit ibaDat­Coordinator im PDF‑Format erzeugen lassen. Zielgruppe Inbetriebnehmer, Instandhalter und Mitarbeiter aus Produktions‑/Qualitäts­abteilungen, die die umfangreichen Analyse­möglichkeiten mit der lizenzfreien Software ibaAnalyzer kennenlernen wollen. 98% of all participants evaluate the overall impression of our trainings with good to very good. Schwerpunkt ibaAnalyzer ibaAnalyzer is characterized by its broad capability for analyzing and evaluating data. The application is intuitive and offers an advanced set of functions. The license for analyzing measurement files, which have been generated with the iba system, is free of charge. [PAGE] Title: LOT Auswertung von iba-Messdaten mit ibaAnalyzer (Tag) - iba Content: Auswertung von iba‑Messdaten mit ibaAnalyzer Live Online Training In diesem Live Online Training lernen Sie die umfangreichen Analyse­möglichkeiten mit der kostenfreien Software ibaAnalyzer kennen. Nach dem Seminar können Sie ibaAnalyzer (mit Formel­editor) effektiv einsetzen. Umfangreiche Analysen zur Störungs­suche und Qualitäts­beurteilung von Produkten erstellen und zur späteren Wieder­verwendung abspeichern. Einen Bericht mit ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator erstellen und automatisch mit ibaDat­Coordinator im PDF‑Format erzeugen lassen. Zielgruppe Inbetriebnehmer, Instandhalter und Mitarbeiter aus Produktions‑/Qualitäts­abteilungen, die die umfangreichen Analyse­möglichkeiten mit der lizenzfreien Software ibaAnalyzer kennenlernen wollen. 98% of all participants evaluate the overall impression of our trainings with good to very good. Schwerpunkt ibaAnalyzer ibaAnalyzer is characterized by its broad capability for analyzing and evaluating data. The application is intuitive and offers an advanced set of functions. The license for analyzing measurement files, which have been generated with the iba system, is free of charge. [PAGE] Title: Imprint - iba Content: Responsible for the editorial content according to §55 Abs. 2 RStV Dr. Ulrich Lettau, Koenigswarterstrasse 44, 90762 Fuerth, Germany Webmaster: Harald Opel Copyright iba AG. All rights reserved. Legal and copyright information All images and graphics are subject to copyright. For recording, processing and distributing data whether in printed or electronic format, you need to submit a written request asking the author for the permission to use these data. Follow us on [PAGE] Title: iba System - iba Content: "With the iba system you receive the greatest possible clarity about all technical processes." Dr. Ulrich Lettau, CEO, iba AG iba System See The Big Picture The iba system for process data acquisition and analysis consists of perfectly adjusted hardware and software components for acquiring, recording, analyzing and processing measurement data. Due to the modular design and the simple configuration, the iba system can be adapted comfortably to the various tasks and is scalable in size at any time. Business Benefits of critical plant conditions Autonomous, modular, scalable Our data acquisition and software solutions for measuring, validating and analyzing machine, production and energy plants are scalable and can be perfectly extended at any time. They can not only grow along with increasing requirements but also get along with all common industrial control systems. Learn more Scalable at any Time Apart from its comprehensive connectivity, scalability is another main feature of an iba System. It is extendable at any time and can grow with increasing requirements. Starting from troubleshooting of a PLC with 64 signals to monitoring of a large plant with over 100,000 signals, camera systems with machine vision applications and quality data loaded into databases for automated product release and other features. Data Acquisition Data acquisition with iba can exactly be customized to your situation and aims. You only configure those interfaces and signals which you need for capturing your process. This allows you to start on a small base and add further interfaces, signals, data stores or camera systems, when your requirements grow. Data Analysis At the beginning, analysis in general is interactive and signal-oriented. Nonetheless, measurement data can automatically be analyzed with the iba System, e.g. for quality documentation or when machines are compared on base of characteristic values. The calculation is done interactively once and then, basing on analysis rules automatically updated for every product or fixed time intervals. The results can automatically be documented in reports or loaded in databases - no matter whether they are OEE values or product details. Optimizing With the web-based application ibaDaVIS the plant or machine behavior can be visualized user-specific on dashboards. The analysis delivers important results concerning the optimizing of processes and machines for different user groups. The iba System – an open Ecosystem If products of the iba system do not fully meet your requirements, you can also publish data recorded with iba via our Northbound interfaces and use them in your environment. Areas of Application It is our mission to bring transparency to the world of industrial production, power generation and energy distribution plants. Using an iba system, you can be sure that your plants and machines are captured 360° and every single process within can be 24/7 seamlessly recorded and made visible. [PAGE] Title: Compact Measurement Modules - iba Content: Compact measurement modules Acquire signals with high precision on site Using the ibaPADU (Parallel Analog Digital Unit) device family, analog and digital signals can be acquired and recorded with high precision by the data acquisition system ibaPDA. Fast and synchronous sampling of all signals allows detailed analyzing of all processes. Compact Measurement Modules at a Glance Sampling rates from 1 kHz to 100 kHz, depending on the device Simultaneous data acquisition due to one A/D converter per channel, 16 bit resolution Adjustable level and input characteristics Each channel galvanically isolated Product Highlights Anti-aliasing filters reduce disturbances A digital filter can be activated per channel together with an analog anti-aliasing filter. The digital anti-aliasing filter is adjusted automatically to the configured sampling rate. Comfortable configuration in ibaPDA The signals are converted internally and are available via the FO interface. The signals can be conveniently selected and configured with ibaPDA. All necessary parameters like input signal range, input impedance, or filters can be adjusted for each channel in the software. Inputs for current and voltage signals ibaPADU is a device family for measurement of analog and digital signals. The analog inputs are available as current and voltage inputs with different measuring ranges. Each channel is galvanically isolated and equipped with its own A/D converter. Additional Connection Each device has an additional RJ11-jack for the connection to a notebook with an ibaCom-PCMCIA-F card. Thus, it is possible to carry out measurements in parallel at the RJ11-jack without affecting the data transmission on the fiber optic cable. Analog low-pass filter An analog low-pass filter is permanently active in both devices ibaPADU-8AI-U and ibaPADU-8AI-I. In the voltage module ibaPADU-8AI-U, an additional digital low-pass filter can be activated as option. With the 3Mbit protocol up to 1 kHz The devices ibaPADU-8AI-U and ibaPADU-8AI-I work with the 3Mbit protocol. Thus, up to 8 devices can be linked in a daisy-chain on the fiber optics link and up to 64 analog and 64 digital signals can be transmitted at a fixed sampling rate of 1 Hz. The possible distance between two devices may be up to 2 km. Flexible settings with "Flex" protocol The devices ibaPADU-4-AI-U, ibaPADU-D-8AI-U and ibaPADU-D-8AI-I work with the 32Mbit Flex protocol. With 32Mbit Flex, the data transmission rate is 32Mbit/s and up to 15 "Flex" devices can be connected to a ring topology. Different device modes which provide the device specific properties of the previous devices like measuring range, input impedance and filters, are set by means of a rotary switch. Overview Compact Measurement Modules [PAGE] Title: Product Newsletter - iba Content: Subscribe to regular Product Information Subscribe to stay up-to-date with iba Whenever updates, new features or important information are available for a product, you will be informed by e-mail immediately. Simply enter your data and choose for which products you would like to receive regular information. [PAGE] Title: Process Connectivity - iba Content: Process Connectivity iba System The basis of all process data analysis is the time-synchronous acquisition of relevant data at characteristic places within an automated process. Different signal sources can be combined. Due to isochronous measurement, causal relationships can be detected and understood, even in complex and distributed systems. "We get along with almost everybody!" Traditional measurement systems acquire electronic sensor signals with the help of A/D converters. In the era of digital control systems, most measurement values that are of interest are already present in the automation system. This is why iba offers various methods for accessing the internal values of control systems directly. Your Connection to almost every System Broad Connectivity to Automation Systems A main characteristic of the iba system is the broad connectivity to automation systems. Via field bus connections, Ethernet protocols or system interfaces, an iba system can be connected to almost every automation system independently of manufacturer and device generation. Requesting Measurement Data during running Operation For many systems, Xplorer interfaces and request method are available. This method allows you to optionally request internal variables of the PLC. Thus, you can newly select measurement values without having to stop the PLC and adapt these to the respective requirement. The measurement values are addressed with their symbolic name. Sending data is done by a software request block in the PLC which has to be integrated once. Data transmission is done via UDP or field buses. Connectivity Configurator PLC / protocol Connection type Please specify at least one of the filter criteria above to see a list of matching connectivity options. The right solution for different requirements The iba system acquires all relevant data in technological processes. Whether independently acquiring fast analog values (up to 100kHz) coming directly from sensors, data exchanged over field buses, or variables from automation systems, all data can be synchronized. ibaPDA As the central core of the iba system, ibaPDA has proven itself as one of the most versatile data acquisition systems for maintenance and production for many years. Among the many powerful features of ibaPDA are asset-agnostic acquisition, high-speed synchronous archiving, and real-time streaming analytics. Your Benefits at a Glance Time synchronous [PAGE] Title: Process Analysis - iba Content: "Process Analysis is knowledge instead of guessing. 24/7 clarity in real time." Mayday Yoon, General Manager, iba Korea System Co. Ltd. Process Analysis Area of Application Process analysis is made easy with an iba system. Being able to quickly and efficiently analyze process data is vital to process optimization. Having the ability to make data driven decisions when new systems are put in place or existing systems are being modified is crucial. Access to originally recorded raw data, as well as aggregated statistical data, is paramount to successful long-term process improvement. Companies who rely on the iba System for Process Analysis Business Benefits productivity through more efficient processes Optimize processes through continuous monitoring and analytics Efficient Data Acquisition supports effective Process Analytics Efficient and effective process and product analytics require access to repeatable, reliable data acquisition solutions. Analysis of time-series and product-based data for various timeframes is imperative and must be supported by the data acquisition system. ibaPDA is an ideal solution for these requirements. ibaPDA is capable of recording time-series and/or product-based data. Measurement files can be stored for visualization, transferred to appropriate personnel for in-depth analysis, and processed automatically. ibaHD-Server can be added to archive data and events that allow you to visualize long-term historical trends, as well as drill down to higher-resolution, millisecond-level data in a flash. In addition, video recorded with ibaCapture can be synchronized with the measured data to provide a complete picture of your processes and products. All of these products provide valuable insight into your processes and products. Flexible and reusable Analytics With ibaAnalyzer, you have flexible and powerful analytics tools at your disposal. Whether visualizing raw-data or aggregated mathematical relationships, users have a large library of analysis functions at their fingertips. Reusable templates can be created for flexible failure-mode, root-cause and long-term analytics to transform data into information. These analysis templates can be easily automated using ibaDATCoordinator, allowing you to make concise data-driven decisions to increase yield and improve product quality. Success Stories [PAGE] Title: Success Stories - iba Content: [PAGE] Title: Training in Fuerth: Measurement, data evaluation and automatic reporting with iba - iba Content: Messen und Analysieren mit iba-Messtechnik Tag 3 Automati­sierte Bericht­erstellung und Qualitäts­dokumen­tation ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator Automatisierte Berichterstellung und Qualitäts­dokumentation mit ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator Nach dem Seminar können Sie Nach den Tagen 1 und 2 Das Messsystem ibaPDA konfigurieren. Online-Signal­verläufe in Layouts darstellen. Die aufgezeich­neten Daten mit ibaAnalyzer analysieren. Einen einfachen Bericht mit ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator erstellen und automatisch (auch ereignis­gesteuert) mit ibaDat­Coordinator erzeugen lassen. Nach den Tagen 2 und 3 Signale für den Bericht mit ibaAnalyzer aufbereiten. Das Report-Layout mit den unter­schied­lichen Objekten (Text, Signal, Diagramm, Bild, …) erstellen. Das automatische Erzeugen des Reports im PDF-Format mit ibaDat­Coordinator konfigurieren. Automatisch Berichte per E‑Mail versenden. Zielgruppe Programmierer, Inbetriebnehmer, Instandhalter und Mitarbeiter aus Produktions­abteilungen, Qualitäts­manager, die einen kompakten Einstieg mit vielen praktischen Beispielen und Übungen in die verschiedenen Einsatz­möglich­keiten des iba‑Systems möchten. Ihre Vorteile Kompaktes Schulungs­format Keine weite Anreise 98% of all participants evaluate the overall impression of our trainings with good to very good. Schwerpunkte [PAGE] Title: Acquire & Record - iba Content: Acquire & Record iba System The basis of all process data analysis is the time synchronous acquisition of relevant data at characteristic places within an automated plant. Like a flight recorder, the iba system records and stores various measurement data available for the long term. The data is recorded continuously (24/7) or triggered by certain defined events. Signals chosen by the user can be visualized on the live monitor. Different Signal Sources can be combined Due to the isochronous measurement, causal relations can be detected and understood also in complex and distributed systems. The iba system acquires all relevant data in technological plants. Independently, whether fast analog values (up to 100kHz) coming directly from sensors, data exchanged over field buses or variables from automation systems. Everything can be set into relation to one another. The scalable Core Software in Measuring Value Acquisition ibaPDA As the central core of the iba system, ibaPDA has proven itself as one of the most versatile data acquisition systems for maintenance and production for many years. Among the many powerful features of ibaPDA are asset-agnostic acquisition, high-speed synchronous archiving, and real-time streaming analytics. Record and analyze videos and measurement data synchronously ibaCapture ibaCapture, in conjunction with ibaPDA, records video and HMI images synchronously with measurement data. Recording can be done continuously, or triggered by events. Important events can be automatically stored as still images. For historical analytics, ibaAnalyzer can be used to automatically retrieve, align, and display recorded video and HMI images with archived measurement data. Historical Data available immediately ibaHD-Server ibaHD-Server empowers users with the ability to perform long-term analytics while rapidly visualizing trends and events from months to milliseconds. Easily archive large time-synchronized data sets, even from multiple ibaPDA systems. Querying events provides immediate access to failure-mode and root-cause discovery. Your Benefits at a Glance Flexible recording [PAGE] Title: Security - iba Content: Product Information Security iba AG's product security team, ProductCERT acts holistically to identify security threats and issues with the aim of improving iba AG's products. ProductCERT maintains relationships with partners and security experts to test the security of iba products against current threat scenarios and to advance product security. iba AG develops recommendations for the secure operation of iba components in industry. In this way, it makes it easier for operators to cope with the constantly growing threat situation in the field of IT security. Security advices are provided via Product Information Newsletter for subscribers and published on this page (see table) to inform customers about necessary steps for the secure operation of iba products. ID [PAGE] Title: Compact Course: Measurement, data evaluation and automatic reporting with iba - iba Content: Measurement, data evaluation and automatic reporting with iba Training Austria If you are new to using iba products and want a concise introduction to the application possibilities, complete with practical examples and exercises, visit our three-day training session in Linz. Or if you are an experienced user looking to deepen your knowledge of iba products, our training session is also a great option for you. Structure of the training Measuring and analyzing with iba Measurement Technology Day 3 Automated reporting and quality documentation ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator Automated reporting and quality documentation with ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator After the seminar, participants will be equipped to perform the following tasks After days 1 and 2 Set up the ibaPDA measurement system. Show signal curves in real-time layouts. Analyze the recorded data using ibaAnalyzer. Generate concise reports easily with the ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator, and automate the process using ibaDatCoordinator for event-driven reporting. After days 2 and 3 Use ibaAnalyzer to prepare signals for the report. Create the report layout by leveraging various objects like text, signal, diagram, image, and more. Configure ibaDatCoordinator for automatic generation of the report in PDF format. Automate report delivery via email. Target audience Programmers, commissioning engineers, maintenance staff, employees from production departments, and quality managers who want a concise introduction with practical examples and exercises on how to use the iba System for various applications. The benefits of our program A concise training format Avoiding the need for extended travel 98% of all participants evaluate the overall impression of our trainings with good to very good. Main focus [PAGE] Title: Synchronous recording of video and measurement data using ibaCapture - iba Content: Synchrone Aufzeichnung von Videobildern und Messdaten mit ibaCapture iba Training Wenn Sie bereits mit dem iba‑System arbeiten, lernen Sie in diesem Training die Möglich­keiten der zeitsynchronen Videodaten­aufzeichnung und -analyse mit iba‑Technik kennen. Nach dem Seminar können Sie Eine IP‑Kamera für die Aufzeichnung mit dem ibaCapture-Manager konfigurieren und mit ibaPDA koppeln. Die Live-Darstellung der Kamerabilder prozess­abhängig mit ibaQPanel (Scenario-Player) steuern lassen. Videodaten und Signale (analog/digital) zeitsynchron mit ibaAnalyzer auswerten. Einen einfachen Bericht (mit Videodaten) mit ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator erstellen und automatisch mit ibaDat­Coordinator im PDF‑Format erzeugen. Zielgruppe Inbetriebnehmer, Instandhalter und Mitarbeiter aus Produktions‑/Qualitäts­abteilungen, die bereits mit iba‑Systemen arbeiten und jetzt die Möglich­keiten der zeitsynchronen Videodaten­aufzeichnung und ‑analyse mit iba‑Technik erlernen wollen. 98% of all participants evaluate the overall impression of our trainings with good to very good. Schwerpunkt ibaCapture ibaCapture, in conjunction with ibaPDA, records video and HMI images synchronously with measurement data. Recording can be done continuously, or triggered by events. Important events can be automatically stored as still images. For historical analytics, ibaAnalyzer can be used to automatically retrieve, align, and display recorded video and HMI images with archived measurement data. [PAGE] Title: LOT Auswertung von iba-Messdaten mit ibaAnalyzer (Abend) - iba Content: Auswertung von iba‑Messdaten mit ibaAnalyzer Live Online Training In diesem Live Online Training lernen Sie die umfangreichen Analysemöglichkeiten mit der kostenfreien Software ibaAnalyzer kennen. Nach dem Seminar können Sie ibaAnalyzer (mit Formel­editor) effektiv einsetzen. Umfangreiche Analysen zur Störungs­suche und Qualitäts­beurteilung von Produkten erstellen und zur späteren Wieder­verwendung abspeichern. Einen Bericht mit ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator erstellen und automatisch mit ibaDat­Coordinator im PDF‑Format erzeugen lassen. Zielgruppe Inbetriebnehmer, Instandhalter und Mitarbeiter aus Produktions‑/​Qualitäts­abteilungen, die die umfangreichen Analyse­möglichkeiten mit der lizenzfreien Software ibaAnalyzer kennenlernen wollen. 98% of all participants evaluate the overall impression of our trainings with good to very good. Schwerpunkt ibaAnalyzer ibaAnalyzer is characterized by its broad capability for analyzing and evaluating data. The application is intuitive and offers an advanced set of functions. The license for analyzing measurement files, which have been generated with the iba system, is free of charge. [PAGE] Title: Certified System Integrator - iba Content: Certified System Integrator Strong Partners for mutual Success Partnerships and cooperations are becoming increasingly important. They not only bundle know-how for your project success but also enable high-quality solutions. Our System Integrators artCon Gesellschaft für Softwareengineering mbH The company artCon Gesellschaft für Softwareengineering mbH (Company for Software Engineering Ltd.) is specialized in the conception and realization of complex tasks of automation for industrial plants. Emphases of the activities are revamp and modernization projects, in particular for rolling mills and processing lines for sheet metal and stainless steel. Karl-Zucker-Strasse 3 [PAGE] Title: Areas of Application - iba Content: Digitalization Areas of Application It is our mission to bring transparency to the world of industrial production, power generation and energy distribution plants. Using an iba system, you can be sure that your plants and machines are captured 360° and every single process within can be 24/7 seamlessly recorded and made visible. [PAGE] Title: Software - iba Content: Central Manager Software Our data acquisition and software solutions for measuring, validating and analyzing machine, production and energy plants are scalable and can be perfectly extended at any time. Learn more Software at a Glance Learn more ibaHD-Server ibaHD-Server empowers users with the ability to perform long-term analytics while rapidly visualizing trends and events from months to milliseconds. Easily archive large time-synchronized data sets, even from multiple ibaPDA systems. Querying events provides immediate access to failure-mode and root-cause discovery. Learn more ibaDatCoordinator ibaDatCoordinator is a powerful tool for processing and managing measurement data automatically. Typical fields of application are automatic data management, creating reports or the extraction of product-related characteristic values in databases or other systems. In synergy with ibaAnalyzer, various tasks can be done fully automatically and routine procedures can be simplified. Learn more ibaDaVIS ibaDaVIS allows the visualization and analysis of your process and quality data as well as characteristic values in the web browser. You can interactively access detailed data from the overview on the dashboard. Learn more ibaCMC-Condition Monitoring Center The Condition Monitoring Center ibaCMC is a high-end web-based desktop application for trending, alarming and reporting tasks. The only piece of software needed on the client side is a web browser. [PAGE] Title: Data Acquisition from a PLC SIMATIC S7 - iba Content: Datenerfassung aus einer SPS SIMATIC S7 iba Training In diesem Training lernen Sie, wie man das Messsystem ibaPDA zum Erfassen von Messdaten aus einer SIMATIC S7-Steuerung einsetzt. Nach dem Seminar können Sie Die unter­schied­lichen Mess­metho­den/Schnitt­stellen zum Messen mit ibaPDA an einem Profibus-Master richtig einsetzen. Das Modul ibaBM‑DP in verschiedenen Modi (Sniffer, aktiver Slave, Request) in ein bestehendes Profibus-Netzwerk integrieren und konfigu­rieren. ibaPDA-PLC‑Xplorer zum Messen an einer SIMATIC S7 einsetzen. Zielgruppe Programmierer, Inbetriebnehmer und Instandhalter, die das Messsystem ibaPDA zum Erfassen von Messdaten aus einer SIMATIC S7-Steuerung einsetzen wollen. 98% of all participants evaluate the overall impression of our trainings with good to very good. Schwerpunkt ibaPDA-PLC-Xplorer As an entry-level system, users can deploy ibaPDA-PLC-Xplorer on a smaller scale. This license offers functionality similar to ibaPDA with a limited signal count. Without additional hardware, this is an inexpensive way of measuring, displaying and recording signals from various manufacturers' PLCs. ibaBM - Field and Drive buses The iba bus monitors make it possible to connect to different field bus and drive technologies. [PAGE] Title: Vibration Analysis - iba Content: "By combining process and vibration analysis, you will optimize the real time monitoring and offline analysis of your plant and processes." Christian Reinbrecht, Product Manager, iba AG Vibration Analysis Area of Application For reliable real-time monitoring of vibrations, offline analysis tools for optimization and validation are indispensable. The iba system offers you coordinated tools for vibration monitoring and analysis combined with process data. Real Time Vibration Monitoring ibaInSpectra offers all the possibilities for real-time monitoring of vibrations - from the individually adjustable frequency band monitoring, to a self-learning module for monitoring frequency spectra, to the orbit monitoring of shaft motions. Integrating vibration monitoring into ibaPDA makes it possible to take process influences into account during monitoring and to optimize alerting. Offline Vibration Analysis Analysis tools are crucial for being able to make meaningful statements about the state of machines and systems or causes of problematic process vibrations. The integration of vibration analysis into the analysis tool ibaAnalyzer offers entirely new possibilities for examining correlations between processes and vibration behavior. Companies who rely on the iba System for Vibration Analysis Business Benefits anomalies from long-term machine trends Correlate Real Time Vibration Monitoring Online Monitoring: Optimizing Processes, increasing Product Quality ibaInSpectra is an integrated technology module of the ibaPDA process data acquisition system and processes vibration signals continuously and in real-time. With spectrum and orbit analyses, vibrations can be monitored online and set into relation to other process parameters. When vibrations become critical, the plant operator is informed via alarm message or email. In addition, a feedback in the plant control can be implemented to automatically adjust the corresponding parameters. ibaInSpectra offers different modules for analyzing vibrations online. Also users with little practical experience can do a fast configuration due to the preconfigured calculations. For experts in the field of vibrations, there is a freely configurable Expert module that allows for the implementation of a wide spectrum of applications. The frequency bands to be monitored can be defined as fixed or depending on process variables and checked to see if they exceed limits. Shaft motions can be monitored online using the Orbit module. iba-System for Real Time Vibration Monitoring Product for Real Time Vibration Monitoring ibaInSpectra - Real-time Condition Monitoring of process vibrations With ibaInSpectra, vibrations are monitored continuously and possible error sources can be detected in an early stage. As ibaInSpectra is integrated in ibaPDA, not only can pure vibration analyses can be done, but possible relations between vibrational effects and process behavior can also be determined. Offline Vibration Analysis Intelligent Tools for offline Analysis The offline analysis tool ibaAnalyzer-InSpectra makes it possible to create meaningful analyses from the recorded vibration data. ibaAnalyzer-InSpectra offers the functionality of ibaInSpectra for vibration and orbit monitoring offline in ibaAnalyzer. Analysis configurations can first be designed and tested offline within ibaAnalyzer and transferred to ibaPDA for real time vibration monitoring. Alarms and outliners in the online monitoring can be reproduced with the offline analysis and set into relation with process data. ibaAnalyzer-InSpectra is also optimized for manual vibration analysis and offers a unique performance. The analysis methods and functions for vibration analysis as well as the visualization options are also exceptional. Initial frequency and vibration analyses of the data recorded with ibaPDA and ibaCMC reveal interesting areas that can be analyzed in more detail with ibaAnalyzer-InSpectra subsequently. The results from ibaAnalyzer-InSpectra can be used to optimize ibaInSpectra modules with regard to calculation settings or to adjust measurement conditions and calculated characteristic values in ibaCMC. iba-System for offline Vibration Analysis Products for Offline Vibration Analysis ibaAnalyzer-InSpectra ibaAnalyzer-InSpectra can now be added to utilize the powerful ibaInSpectra library offline. Analysis configurations can first be designed and tested offline within ibaAnalyzer and transfer to ibaPDA for real-time vibration monitoring. [PAGE] Title: Downloads - iba Content: Legacy Bus connection for WAGO Legacy Field and Drive Buses Legacy Mobile Data Acquisition [PAGE] Title: Product Information - iba Content: [PAGE] Title: Expand your knowledge and skills - iba Content: Expand your Knowledge and Skills What are iba webinars? iba webinars are free of charge. In around 45 minutes, iba experts guide you through specific topics and answer your questions in a Q&A session. Learn to help you get the most out of your iba software Gain valuable insight Sessions geared to different levels from beginners to seasoned professionals 97% of participants recommend our webinars. Upcoming Webinars New webinars are planned. Stay tuned for more details. On-demand Webinars [PAGE] Title: Training in Hagen: Measurement, data evaluation and automatic reporting with iba - iba Content: Messen und Analysieren mit iba-Messtechnik Tag 3 Automati­sierte Bericht­erstellung und Qualitäts­dokumen­tation ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator Automatisierte Berichterstellung und Qualitäts­dokumentation mit ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator Nach dem Seminar können Sie Nach den Tagen 1 und 2 Das Messsystem ibaPDA konfigurieren. Online-Signal­verläufe in Layouts darstellen. Die aufgezeich­neten Daten mit ibaAnalyzer analysieren. Einen einfachen Bericht mit ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator erstellen und automatisch (auch ereignis­gesteuert) mit ibaDat­Coordinator erzeugen lassen. Nach den Tagen 2 und 3 Signale für den Bericht mit ibaAnalyzer aufbereiten. Das Report-Layout mit den unter­schied­lichen Objekten (Text, Signal, Diagramm, Bild, …) erstellen. Das automatische Erzeugen des Reports im PDF‑Format mit ibaDat­Coordinator konfigu­rieren. Automatisch Berichte per E‑Mail versenden. Zielgruppe Programmierer, Inbetriebnehmer, Instandhalter und Mitarbeiter aus Produktions­abteilungen, Qualitäts­manager, die einen kompakten Einstieg mit vielen praktischen Beispielen und Übungen in die verschiedenen Einsatz­möglich­keiten des iba‑Systems möchten. Ihre Vorteile Kompaktes Schulungs­format Keine weite Anreise 98% of all participants evaluate the overall impression of our trainings with good to very good. Schwerpunkte [PAGE] Title: Website user registration - iba Content: Ms. I consent to the processing of my data * By choosing a country, my request will be forwarded to the country branch of iba AG responsible for sales and support. Follow us on [PAGE] Title: ibaM-DAQ - iba Content: Intelligent processor module for stand-alone data acquisition Local data acquisition with full ibaPDA functionality Data storage in the device Data transfer over Ethernet Extremely compact design for on-site installation Extensive process and output connectivity Automatic calculation of meaningful KPIs within the device ibaPDA basic license for 64 signals included, upgrade possible Product Highlights Operation and configuration as on the PC A monitor, mouse, and keyboard can be connected to ibaM-DAQ and can be operated as conveniently as an ibaPDA system running on a PC. Moreover, they can also be operated from an ibaPDA client connected via the network. Data storage in the device An internal SSD provides enough space for the measurement data. If required, the disk space can be expanded by connecting an external hard drive to the USB interface or via NAS. Time synchronization For global time synchronization, all time sources supported by ibaPDA (DCF77, PTP, ibaClock) as well as NTP can be used. The time is buffered by means of an internal battery. Monitoring and alarm A digital input and output are available on the processor module. The latter can be configured as an alarm output, for example. The input can be used to initiate a safe shutdown of the device, for example due to a monitored trigger signal. Use of additional iba devices via fiber optics The ibaM-FO-2IO interface module offers the functionality of the proven ibaFOB-io boards and supports the 32Mbit Flex and 32Mbit ibaNet protocols. Licenses included ibaM-DAQ is available with an ibaPDA basic license for up to 64 signals and two data stores. With the license ibaPDA-Interface-PLC-Xplorer, ibaM-DAQ has direct access to different PLC systems. The license ibaPDA-OPC-UAServer+ allows the ibaPDA system to be operated as an OPC UA server and to acquire all signals configured in ibaPDA via an OPC UA client interface. With the included ibaPDA-Data-Store-MQTT-16 license, signal data can be streamed to an MQTT broker. Free analysis included For the evaluation of the measurement data, the free analysis tool ibaAnalyzer can run directly on the ibaM-DAQ device or be used on a separate computer. User-specific characteristics Once the evaluation requirements have been defined, the analysis rule can be saved and reused at any time. Analyses can also be started and performed automatically. Connect to a database with ibaAnalyzer-DB If the data needs to be processed in a database, measurement data can be loaded into a database with ibaAnalyzer-DB. Direct writing to databases/ clouds Time-based data can also be written directly from ibaPDA to databases/clouds. For this purpose, special data stores subject to licensing are available. Integration in SNMP monitoring The ibaM-DAQ device can be integrated into a company-wide network management system via the SNMP interface (Simple Network Management Protocol) in ibaPDA. ibaM-DAQ as edge device Collect data on the edge device, process it autonomously and automatically In the course of digitization, automation or operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT) are increasingly converging. ibaM-DAQ can play an important role as an edge device. The device acts as an interface between hardware-oriented acquisition in the OT sector and the processing and analysis function in the IT sector. For superordinate systems, the data is also permanently available and traceable in the form of high-resolution raw data and/or aggregated characteristic values. All software tools needed for these tasks are available with ibaPDA and ibaAnalyzer in the device. Application examples Data acquisition on mobile plants Applications with Ethernet-based I/Os: Standard Ethernet protocols, ibaNet-E Use of existing network infrastructure Direct access to different control systems Connection to the WAGO 750 I/O system via ibaW-750 Internal recording and KPI calculation Applications in cranes, locomotives, special-purpose vehicles Local acquisition of fast signals Applications with Ethernet-based I/Os as above Connection of existing iba devices by means of ibaM-FO-2IO via ibaNet FO with the 32Mbit and 32Mbit Flex protocols Sampling rates of up to 100 kHz via FO, depending on the iba device Applications on test benches, special-purpose machines, in the energy sector, etc. Connection of classic iba bus monitors Applications with Ethernet-based I/Os as above Connection of existing iba bus monitors by means of ibaM-FO-2IO via ibaNet FO with the 32Mbit and 32Mbit Flex protocols Applications for small to medium-sized plants with fieldbus structures ibaM-DAQ is part of ibaMAQS With the ibaMAQS modular system, iba has raised the bar in the field of measurement technology. This flexible system enables user-specific solutions and is both scalable and perfectly tuned for demanding tasks. [PAGE] Title: Measurement and data evaluation with iba - iba Content: Messen und Analysieren mit dem iba‑System iba Training In diesem Training lernen Sie die grund­legenden Eigenschaften und Möglichkeiten der iba‑Mess­technik bzgl. Aufzeichnung, der Analyse und der automati­sierten Weiter­verarbeitung der Messdaten kennen. Nach dem Seminar können Sie Das Messsystem ibaPDA konfigurieren. Online-Signal­verläufe in Layouts darstellen. Die aufgezeich­neten Daten mit ibaAnalyzer analysieren. Einen einfachen Bericht mit ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator erstellen und auto­matisch (auch ereignis­gesteuert) mit ibaDat­Coordinator erzeugen lassen. Zielgruppe Programmierer, Inbetriebnehmer, Instandhalter und Mitarbeiter aus Produktions‑/Qualitäts­abteilungen, die bislang wenig oder gar nicht mit iba‑Mess­technik gearbeitet haben und jetzt die grund­legenden Eigen­schaften und Möglich­keiten der iba‑Mess­technik (Aufzeichnung, Analyse, automa­tisierte Weiter­verarbeitung der Messdaten) erlernen möchten. 98% of all participants evaluate the overall impression of our trainings with good to very good. Schwerpunkt ibaPDA As the central core of the iba system, ibaPDA has proven itself as one of the most versatile data acquisition systems for maintenance and production for many years. Among the many powerful features of ibaPDA are asset-agnostic acquisition, high-speed synchronous archiving, and real-time streaming analytics. Learn more ibaAnalyzer ibaAnalyzer is characterized by its broad capability for analyzing and evaluating data. The application is intuitive and offers an advanced set of functions. The license for analyzing measurement files, which have been generated with the iba system, is free of charge. [PAGE] Title: iba Info Days - iba Content: Your quick Entry into the iba System What are iba Info Days? iba Info Days are a great way to get an overview of the iba system as a whole. Get a high-level look at individual products as well as groups of products used in specific application areas. Clear picture of iba products their application areas and configuration options provided by iba application specialists Live product demonstrations and examples of application provided by iba product managers Networking Sufficient time is planned to ask individual questions and to get in touch with the speakers Users will find useful information for the day-to-day handling of iba products Decision-makers will be supported in their evaluation process General overview of iba products. iba Info Days do not replace iba product training 98% of participants recommend iba Info Days. Upcoming iba Info Days [PAGE] Title: Supporting you the iba Way - iba Content: [PAGE] Title: Long term acquisition and analysis of data and events using ibaHD-Server - iba Content: Langzeit­erfassung und Analyse von Daten und Ereignissen mit ibaHD-Server iba Training In diesem Training lernen Sie die Möglichkeiten der Langzeit­erfassung, Auswertung und Weiter­verarbeitung von Signalen mit dem iba‑System. Nach dem Seminar können Sie Das iba‑System mit ibaHD-Server für die Langzeit­aufzeichnung konfigurieren. Die abgespei­cherten Daten aus dem ibaHD-Server mit ibaAnalyzer darstellen und analysieren. Einen Langzeit­bericht (über einen Tag, eine Woche, …) mit Daten aus dem ibaHD-Server mit ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator erstellen. Das automatische Erzeugen des Langzeit­berichts im PDF‑Format mit ibaDat­Coordinator konfigurieren. Zielgruppe Inbetriebnehmer, Instandhalter und Mitarbeiter aus Produktions‑/Qualitäts­abteilungen, die die Möglich­keiten der Langzeit­erfassung, Auswertung und Weiter­verarbeitung von Signalen mit dem iba‑System kennenlernen wollen. 98% of all participants evaluate the overall impression of our trainings with good to very good. Schwerpunkt ibaHD-Server ibaHD-Server empowers users with the ability to perform long-term analytics while rapidly visualizing trends and events from months to milliseconds. Easily archive large time-synchronized data sets, even from multiple ibaPDA systems. Querying events provides immediate access to failure-mode and root-cause discovery. [PAGE] Title: Products - iba Content: Learn more Measuring from the Beginning ibaPDA-PLC-Xplorer offers the full ibaPDA functionality with access to different PLCs. Without additional hardware, this is an inexpensive way of measuring, displaying and recording signals. Learn more Areas of Application It is our mission to bring transparency to the world of industrial production, power generation and energy distribution plants. Using an iba system, you can be sure that your plants and machines are captured 360° and every single process within can be 24/7 seamlessly recorded and made visible. [PAGE] Title: Hardware - iba Content: WAGO-I/O-System 750 Hardware For more than 30 years, our area of expertise has been the development of high-quality systems for process data acquisition, analysis and signal processing. Meet ibaMAQS: the new Modular Measurement System With the ibaMAQS modular system, iba has raised the bar in the field of measurement technology. This flexible system enables user-specific solutions and is both scalable and perfectly tuned for demanding tasks. "We are one of the few companies offering the complete technology chain from hardware to software to database technology." Oliver Soukup, Head of Development, iba AG Areas of Application It is our mission to bring transparency to the world of industrial production, power generation and energy distribution plants. Using an iba system, you can be sure that your plants and machines are captured 360° and every single process within can be 24/7 seamlessly recorded and made visible. [PAGE] Title: Experts for Measurement Systems for Industry and Energy - iba Content: Companies who rely on the iba System Become Part of our Team! Whatever your talents and passions are - we give your work a purpose and you a clear objective. Become part of something big with us - and of a great team where everyone can give their input and contribute. Learn more Quality Management & Information Security Third-party certification bodies provide independent confirmation that we meet the requirements of international standards. Since 1994 we have held an ISO 9001 certificate and are now also certified according to ISO 27001:2013. ISO/IEC 27001:2013 ISO/IEC 27001 is an international standard on how to manage information security. It details requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an information security management system (ISMS) – the aim of which is to help organizations make the information assets they hold more secure. ISO 9001:2015 ISO 9001 is defined as the international standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS). Organizations use the standard to demonstrate the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements. NLF / ILO-OSH 2001 International labour standards (conventions and recommendations) and the other instruments on occupational safety and health (codes of practice and guidelines) aim at ensuring and promoting a safe and healthy working environment. AEO – Authorised Economic Operator The AEO (Authorised Economic Operator) certification is a crucial part of the EU security concept and grants customs advantages to companies that carry this certificate, from which you also benefit. As of 01/05/2016 only AEO-certified companies can receive customs simplifications. Resources Learn more about process analysis, condition monitoring, troubleshooting and more. Browse our collection of resources, including case studies and events. [PAGE] Title: Protección de datos - iba Content: Nederlands Política de Privacidad iba AG concede la más alta protección de datos personales. Cumplimos con la regulación de protección de datos, al recolectar, procesar y utilizar los datos personales de los clientes. Con esta política de privacidad informamos a nuestros aliados, clientes, proveedores, partes interesadas, terceros y aplicantes sobre el procesamiento de datos en iba AG Fürth. Utilizamos medidas técnicas y organizacionales de seguridad para proteger los datos proporcionados a iba AG, de la manipulación accidental o intencional, pérdida, destrucción o acceso de personas no autorizadas. Nuestras medidas de seguridad son continuamente adaptadas a los desarrollos tecnológicos. Si lanzamos nuevos productos o servicios, cambian los procedimientos de Internet o si la tecnología de seguridad de Internet y EDP se actualiza posteriormente, la "Política de Seguridad" debe actualizarse. Por lo tanto, nos reservamos el derecho de cambiar o complementar la política según sea necesario. Publicaremos el cambio aquí. El último cambio realizado en la política de privacidad fue el 18 de enero de 2021. La parte responsable en materia de leyes de privacidad de datos es: iba AG, Königswarterstrasse 44, 90762 Fürth, [email protected], Teléfono: +49 (911) 97282-14 Datos de contacto de la oficina de protección de datos: La oficina de protección de datos de iba AG puede ser localizada en la dirección de arriba y mediante [email protected] . 1. Partes interesadas, clientes, proveedores, socios comerciales Procesamos los siguientes datos personales de nuestros socios comerciales y terceros: Primer nombre y apellido, saludo, título (si aplica) Dirección(es) postal(es) Número(s) de fax (si aplica) Dirección(es) de correo electrónico Información requerida para administrar al cliente adecuadamente 2. Aplicantes Procesamos los siguientes datos personales de los aplicantes: Primer nombre y apellido, saludo, título (si aplica) Dirección(es) postal(es) Número(s) de fax (si aplica) Dirección(es) de correo electrónico Información que ha sido proporcionada voluntariamente como parte de la aplicación (CV, curso de entrenamiento, certificados, calificaciones, pretensiones de renta) 3. Propósito del procesamiento de datos Procesamos datos personales por los siguientes motivos: Ejecutar y manejar ventas y procesos de compra, incluyendo la correspondencia Intercambio pre-contractual de información sobre ofertas en ventas y compras Administración de clientes, incluyendo actividades de soporte y entrenamiento Para iniciar y ejecutar una relación laboral 4. Bases legales Las bases legales para el procesamiento de datos en iba AG son: Art. 6 párr. 1, subpárrafo 1 (b) RGPD para el desempeño del área comercial transacción o en el contexto de un empleado o una relación laboral, Art. 6 párr. 1, subpárrafo 1 (a) RGPD, siempre que se nos haya dado el consentimiento para procesar sus datos personales para ciertos propósitos. 5. Divulgación de datos a terceros Divulgamos los datos personales a los siguientes destinatarios en contexto de iniciar un negocio, actividades pre-contractuales, adminisitración y atención de clientes así como soporte y entrenamiento: A una sucursal de iba AG responsable de las ventas y soporte, si el soporte debe ser proporcionado por otra sucursal de iba AG debido a regulaciones internas Bancos, institutos de crédito, compañías de seguro y asociaciones profesionales Dependiendo de la orden, a otros destinatarios bajo mutuo acuerdo 6. Transmisión de datos a países terceros Los datos solo son transmitidos a países terceros (países fuera del Área Económica Europea - AEE) si es necesario para iniciar una actividad comercial en el área de responsabilidad de nuestras sucursales o si nos ha dado su consentimiento o si es legalmente permitido. En este caso, tomamos medidas para asegurar que sus datos están protegidos, por ejemplo mediante regulaciones contractuales. Solo enviamos información a los destinatarios que aseguran la protección de los datos según la normativa del RGPD para su transmisión a terceros países (artículos 44 a 49 del RGPD). 7. Periodos de retención Almacenamos los datos personales en nuestra ubicación durante los periodos de retención legales. Estos usualmente duran 10 años, más un periodo de espera de otros 2 años para registrar los casos de una posible suspensión por expiración. 8. Derechos de las partes interesadas Posee los siguientes derechos como "parte interesada" de quien se obtienen los datos: Derecho a la información, en el art. 15 del RGPD Derecho a Correcciones, en el art. 16 del RGPD Derecho a supresión ("ser olvidado"), bajo el art. 17 del RGPD Derecho a la restricción del procesamiento, en el art. 18 del RGPD Derecho a transferir sus datos en un formato estructurado, común y leído por máquinas, como indica el art. 20 del RGPD Si procesamos sus datos personales para ciertos motivos bajo su consentimiento, tiene el derecho, como lo indica el art. 7, párr. 3 del RGPD, de revocar su consentimiento en cualquier momento. Después de recibir su revocación, detendremos el procesamiento de datos por el motivo por el cual nos ha dado su consentimiento. La legalidad del procesamiento antes de recibir la revocación no se verá afectada. Derecho de objeción: Si procesamos sus datos personales para salvaguardar intereses legítimos en el sentido del art. 6, párr. 1 subpárrafo 1 (f) del RGPD, tiene el derecho, como lo indica el art. 21, párr. 1 del RGPD de objetar este procesamiento por motivos que resulten de una situación particular. Puede objetar a este procesamiento por motivos de propaganda directa en cualquier momento sin justificación, como lo indica el art. 21, párr. 2 del RGPD. Para ejercer el derecho de objeción, solo es necesario que envíe un correo electrónico informal a [email protected] especificando cuál ley de protección de datos se está objetando. Si considera que el procesamiento de sus datos personales viola la Regulación de Protección General de Datos, tiene el derecho de presentar un reclamo ante la autoridad supervisora de protección de datos (generalmente el comisionado estatal para la protección de datos y libertad de información), como lo indica el art. 77, párr. 1 del RGPD. El reclamo puede ser presentado ante la autoridad supervisora que es responsable en el lugar de su residencia, lugar de trabajo o la presunta infracción. La autoridad supervisora que es responsable de la protección de datos en la oficina principal de iba AG: Bayerisches Landesamt für Datenschutzaufsicht, Postfach 606, 91511 Ansbach, Alemania 9. Contacto mediante el formulario web Los formularios de nuestra página web pueden ser utilizados para contactarnos en caso de requerir información adicional, por ejemplo, para registrarse a nuestros seminarios, entrenamientos o eventos. En todos los formularios nos referimos a esta política de privacidad y pedimos la confirmación del procesamiento de los datos del usuario. Se guardan los siguientes datos: Primer nombre, apellido, correo electrónico, nombre de la compañía, contenido específico del formulario. El consentimiento del usuario es la base legal para procesar sus datos como lo indica el art. 6 párr. 1 (a) del RGPD. 10. Suscripción al boletín informativo Los boletines informativos son un servicio gratuito de iba AG, para informarle sobre las noticias, eventos y productos. Al suscribirse, adicional a los datos personales, como el primer nombre, apellido, correo electrónico, nombre de la compañía, también recopilamos los puntos de interés seleccionados por la persona y la fecha. Adicionalmente, nos referimos a esta política de privacidad y pedimos confirmación del procesamiento de los datos. Luego de la suscripción, le enviamos un correo electrónico que corresponde al procedimiento de doble confirmación del registro. Siempre puede oponerse a recibir los boletines informativos mediante el enlace para darse de baja que se encuentra en cada boletín. Registramos las tasas de apertura y clics para optimizar nuestro boletín. Si un usuario da de baja en el boletín, los datos personales se eliminan de inmediato. El consentimiento del usuario es la base legal para procesar sus datos luego de suscribirse a los boletines, como lo indica el art. 6, párr. 1 (a) del RGPD. 11. Registro en el sitio web Al registrarse en nuestro sitio web, puede realizar descargas gratuitas en el área de descarga, como softwares y manuales. Al registrarse, adicional a los datos personales, como el primer nombre, apellido, correo electrónico y nombre de la compañía, también se recopilan datos como calle, código postal, ciudad y número telefónico. Adicionalmente, nos referimos a esta política de privacidad y confirmamos el consentimiento del procesamiento de datos. Los datos personales que nos han sido comunicados a través de nuestro sitio web solo son almacenados hasta que cumplan la finalidad para la que nos fueron confiados. Si se deben respetar los periodos de retención comercial y fiscal, el periodo de almacenamiento de ciertos datos puede ser de hasta 10 años. Si una cuenta creada está inactiva durante doce meses, eliminaremos esta cuenta y los datos personales proporcionados. El consentimiento del usuario es la base legal para procesar sus datos según el art. 6 párr. 1 (a) del RGPD. 12. Registro a seminarios web Los seminarios web se utilizan en iba AG para complementar la oferta de seminarios, transmitiendo nuevos avances y productos. Para participar, generalmente se solicitan los siguientes datos: Primer nombre, apellido, correo electrónico, nombre de la compañía. Estos se realizan a través de Internet. Utilizamos el software GotoWebinar de la compañía LogMeIn, Inc. LogMeIn, Inc. es quien proporciona este servicio y el procesamiento de los datos asociados. Encontrará la Política de Privacidad de LogMeIn aquí . Transferimos su registro o datos de cliente a LogMeIn, Inc. para la implementación del seminario web. Los datos estadísticos son enviados a iba AG durante y después del seminario web. Si asiste al seminario web, pregunta o responde una pregunta durante el evento, adicional a los datos de su registro recibiremos información sobre la duración de la participación, interés en el seminario, las preguntas realizadas o respuestas dadas con el fin de mejorar el servicio al cliente o incrementar la satisfacción del usuario. LogMeIn proporciona esos datos como una exportación de datos. Se establece una conexión encriptada entre usted y el organizador del seminario. Podemos grabar la información de sonido e imagen transmitida como parte de la reunión. La lista de participantes no se muestra y por lo tanto tampoco la información personal es transmitida durante la grabación. Al hacer clic en "Participar", puede confirmar que no realizará ninguna grabación o tomará ninguna captura de pantalla de este seminario. 13. Google Fonts Utilizamos las Google Fonts (Fuentes de Google) en nuestro sitio web para mostrar fuentes externas. Para permitir la representación de ciertas fuentes en nuestro sitio web, se establece una conexión con servidor de Google en los EE.UU cuando se accede a nuestro sitio web. El art. 6, párr, 1, del RGPD es la base legal para este procesamiento. Nuestro interés principal es la optimización y operación económica de nuestro sitio web. Mediante el enlace de Google que se encuentra en nuestro sitio web, Google puede determinar de cuál sitio web se ha enviado su solicitud y a cuál dirección IP se transmitirá la representación de la fuente. Google procesa sus datos personales en EE.UU también y se ha sometido al Escudo de Privacidad EU-US: . La información adicional sobre el motivo y finalidad de la recolección de datos y su procesamiento por Google se puede encontrar en la política de privacidad de Google. Allí podrá encontrar también información adicional sobre sus derechos y posibles configuraciones para proteger su privacidad: 14. Google Maps Utilizamos Google Maps en nuestro sitio web para mostrar nuestra ubicación, ubicaciones de eventos y crear direcciones. Si accede al componente de Google Maps de nuestro sitio web, Google guardará una cookie en su dispositivo mediante su buscador web. Sus configuraciones de usuario y datos se ajustarán con el fin de mostrar ubicaciones y crear direcciones. No podemos descartar que Google utilice un servidor en los EE.UU. Las bases legales para este procedimiento es el art. 6, párr. 1 lit. f del RGPD. Nuestro interés principal es la optimización y funcionamiento de nuestro sitio web. Mediante el enlace de Google que se encuentra en nuestro sitio web, Google puede determinar de cuál sitio web se ha enviado su solicitud y a cuál dirección IP se transmitirá la representación de la fuente. Si no está de acuerdo con este procesamiento, tiene la oportunidad de evitar que las cookies sean instaladas realizando las configuraciones pertinentes en su buscador web. Google procesa sus datos personales en EE.UU también y se ha sometido al Escudo de Privacidad EU-US: . La información adicional sobre el motivo y finalidad de la recolección de datos y su procesamiento por Google se puede encontrar en la política de privacidad de Google. Allí podrá encontrar también información adicional sobre sus derechos y posibles configuraciones para proteger su privacidad: El uso de Google Maps y la información obtenida mediante Google Maps corresponden a los términos de uso de Google: y los términos y condiciones de negocios de Google Maps . 15. YouTube Hemos integrado videos de YouTube en nuestro sitio web que se encuentran en y pueden reproducirse directamente desde nuestro sitio web. La base legal para este procedimiento es el art. 6, párr. 1, lit. f del RGPD. Nuestro interés principal es la mejora de la calidad en nuestro sitio web. Para reproducir los videos, se establece un enlace a los servidores de YouTube en los EE.UU tan pronto como acceda a nuestro sitio web, en donde se encuentre un video de YouTube. Se requiere de este enlace para que sea posible la reproducción del respectivo video en nuestro sitio web a través de su navegador web. En el proceso, YouTube al menos grabará y procesará su dirección IP, la fecha y hora, así como la página web que visitó. Adicionalmente, Google establece una conexión a la red publicitaria "DoubleClick". Si ha iniciado sesión en YouTube al mismo tiempo que el ingreso a la página, YouTube asignará la información de conexión a su cuenta de YouTube. Si desea evitar esto, debe cerrar sesión en YouTube antes de visitar nuestra página web o realizar las configuraciones correspondientes en su cuenta de usuario de YouTube. Por motivos de funcionalidad, así como el análisis del comportamiento del usuario, YouTube guarda cookies constantemente mediante su navegador web en su dispositivo. Si no ha accedido a este procesamiento, tiene la oportunidad de evitar guardar las cookies al realizar las configuraciones pertinentes en su navegador web. YouTube es una subsidiaria de Google. Google procesa sus datos personales en los EE.UU y se ha sometido al Escudo de privacidad de UE-EE.UU: . La información adicional sobre el motivo y finalidad de la recolección de datos y su procesamiento por Google se puede encontrar en la política de privacidad de Google. Allí podrá encontrar también información adicional sobre sus derechos y posibles configuraciones para proteger su privacidad: . 16. Análisis de uso del sitio web El sitio web utiliza Matomo, un software que analiza estadísticamente los accesos de visitantes. Matomo utiliza cookies, que son archivos de texto ubicados en su computador y permite realizar el análisis de uso del sitio web. La información generada por las cookies acerca del uso de nuestro sitio web, se almacena en el servidor de iba AG. El anonimato automático de las direcciones IP con el complemento AnonymizeIP, guarda las direcciones IP en Matomo en formato truncado – los datos recolectados no pueden ser asignados posteriormente a cierta persona. Por motivos de análisis, se utiliza la Herramienta "Google Search Console", la cual proporciona al operador del sitio web un resultado de análisis impersonal para el visitante del sitio web Utilizamos esta información para evaluar el uso de nuestro sitio web. Los datos almacenados no están vinculados a otras fuentes de datos o traspasados a terceras partes. Revocación de la adquisición de datos por Matomo Al desmarcar el análisis web, se almacena una "cookie permanente" en su computador, si lo permiten las configuraciones de su navegador. Esta cookie se utiliza para señalizar en el software de análisis que no se debe guardar su navegador. Si ha marcado el borrado automático de cookies en su navegador, al salir del programa, también se borrará la opción de desmarcar la cookie. En este caso, debe configurar la adquisición de datos nuevamente cuando acceda al sitio web. También debe configurar la adquisición de sus datos nuevamente cuando utilice un computador diferente o un navegador web diferente. Si su navegador admite la tecnología "Do-Not-Track" (No rastrear) y ha marcado esta opción, su visita será ignorada automáticamente. 17. Enlace a otros sitios web Como operadores del sitio web, no tenemos influencia en el contenido de las páginas enlazadas. Estas páginas fueron estrictamente verificadas previo a la activación de los enlaces. Sin embargo, no se puede ignorar que los operadores de las páginas respectivas puedan hacer cambios que violen las leyes aplicadas en nuestra filosofía. Los enlaces a otros sitios que son mostrados en nuestro sitio web pueden recolectar datos del usuario si hace clic en ellos o sigue sus instrucciones. No tenemos control sobre los datos recolectados voluntaria o involuntariamente por propagandas o sitios web de terceras partes. Generalmente, recomendamos revisar las políticas de privacidad de los sitios web si no tiene conocimiento sobre la recolección y uso de sus datos. 18. Procesamiento de datos personales en el contexto del uso de redes sociales Procesamiento de datos para el monitoreo de cuentas de redes sociales Para el uso de las respectivas redes sociales, aplican los términos de uso y política de privacidad de la compañía que opera la red social. Ofrecemos la posibilidad de utilizar los llamados "iconos de redes sociales" en nuestro sitio web. Para proteger sus datos, confiamos en la solución a través del enlace para su implementación. Al hacer clic en el gráfico, se les remitirá a los servicios de los proveedores. Solo así, sus datos serán enviados a los proveedores respectivos. Si no hace clic en el gráfico, no ocurrirá ninguna comunicación entre usted y el proveedor de la red social. Nosotros, iba AG, Fuerth, operamos en las siguientes redes sociales por motivos de relaciones públicas: Facebook [PAGE] Title: Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines according to ISO 18436 category I - iba Content: Zustands­überwachung und ‑diagnostik von Maschinen nach ISO 18436 Kategorie I iba Training Diese nach DIN ISO 18436-2 zertifizierte Schulung vermittelt ein Grundverständnis von Schwingungen in Maschinen, deren Entstehung, Erfassung und Analyse. Nach dem Seminar können Sie Schwingungs­messungen mit mobilen und online Systemen durchführen. Veränderungen des Maschinen­zustands zuverlässig erkennen. Die zustands­orientierte Instand­haltung in ihrem Unternehmen verbessern. Die Qualität, Sicherheit und Zuver­lässig­keit ihrer Prozesse optimieren. Zielgruppe Instandhalter, Ingenieure und Techniker zu deren Aufgaben die Erfassung und Analyse von Schwingungs­daten gehört. 98% of all participants evaluate the overall impression of our trainings with good to very good. Inhalte Grund­lagen der Schwingungs­technik Daten­erfassung Grund­lagen der Signal­verarbeitung Zustands­überwachung Grund­lagen der Fehler­analyse Anlagen­kenntnisse Bestehen der Prüfung (Artikelnummer 61.002002) und 6 Monate Erfahrung im Bereich der Schwingungs­überwachung. Teilnahme an der Schulung ist auch ohne Teilnahme an der Prüfung möglich. Costs 2.500,- € excl. VAT (Training ISO 18436 Cat I / Order no. 61.002000) 400,- € excl. VAT (Exam ISO 18436-2 Cat I / Order no. 61.002002) Bestellinformationen [PAGE] Title: Quality Documentation - iba Content: "Production Managers can relax knowing iba is on the job." Detlef Maaß, Consultant, iba AG Quality Documentation Area of Application For documenting automated production systems and processes, quality data characteristics and calculated analytical values need to be stored in a reliable quality management system. With the iba system, customer specific reports can be automatically generated per product and/or process along with extracting these values into an open database format for storage and long-term historical trending and analysis. Companies who rely on the iba System for Quality Documentation Business Benefits root cause of quality defects Automate statistical Calculations With ibaPDA, product-related measurement data are stored in data files. ibaAnalyzer and ibaDatCoordinator can comprehensively and automatically calculate characteristic values and quality data using high-resolution data from ibaPDA. ibaAnalyzer-DB allows for further aggregating the measured data as length- or time-related values and storing them, along with the calculated analytical values, in databases. Generate Quality Documentation automatically Once production of a product is complete, customer-specific reports containing the measured data and calculated statistical data can be automatically generated via user-defined templates created in ibaAnalyzer. These reports can be easily stored and emailed in a number of formats (e.g. PDF, HTML, XPS, etc). With ibaAnalyzer-DB the measured data and calculated statistics can be stored in a database for long-term analysis and cross-product documentation. Therefore, the iba system can be a powerful, flexible, and easily-implemented reporting system. Success Stories [PAGE] Title: Frequently Asked Questions - iba Content: ibaCapture License information by means of ibaDongle Viewer More recent versions of iba software installation programs always allow the installation of ibaDongleViewer. It is specially displayed in the start menu. After starting ibaDongleViewer all information stored on the active dongle is shown. License information in ibaPDA ibaPDA lincence information can be displayed either by means of ibaPDA Server Status or directly in the IO-Manager. 1. ibaPDA Server Status: Activation via start menu (iba>ibaPDA>Server Status) or the icon in the tray (right mouse click>Status).: 2. IO-Manager: Activation via ibaPDA Client (Configuration>IO Manager>Hardware>General). License information in ibaHD-Server ibaHD-Server license information can be displayed by means of the HD Manager. Activation via start menu (iba>ibaHD Server>ibaHD Manager) or the icon in the tray (right mouse click>Open).: License information in ibaCapture ibaCapture license information can be displayed in the CC-Server. Activation via server configuration (select server)>Service>License info. Information about changing the language setting in Windows If the language setting of the system is different from the language setting of the program, problems can occur with the display of ibaPDA server messages, performance counters and the display of Technostrings via OPC DA. The format setting and the display language refer to the general language settings of the Windows interface and the ibaPDA Client. Taking over the settings in the system account is important for the ibaPDA Server, as described in point 3 (Taking over the settings for the user “System”). 1. Format settings Control Panel > Region and Language> Formats Please select the appropriate format. 2. Display language Control Panel > Region and Language> Keyboards and Languages Please choose a display language. 3. Taking over the settings for the user “System” Usually, the Windows user “System” is used by ibaPDA Server. If you change the language settings for Windows, you also have to change the settings for the user “System”. Otherwise the language setting for the user “System” is retained unchanged. In that case, e.g. at the start of the acquisition server-generated validation messages are displayed (ostensibly) in the wrong language by ibaPDA. The notation of the performance indicator (usable with the virtual function PerformanceCounter) is also related to the language setting of the user “System”. The interpretation of Technostrings via OPC DA differs as well. Control Panel > Region and Language> Administrative > Copy settings => Apply Please select "Welcome screen and system accounts". How can I update installed software after the EUP date has expired? The EUP date can be extended by purchasing a corresponding extension. Each EUP extension adds one year to the previous EUP date. Extensions are also possible when the EUP date is already several years in the past. If that is the case, several extensions can be purchased whereas the EUP date increases by one year with every extension. To periodically extend the EUP date of your licenses, some regions offer corresponding software maintenance and support contracts. Please contact your local sales partner How does EUP work? Every license receives an EUP date while being created. This date expires after two years from the time of delivery. The versions of the corresponding software contain a required EUP date. During the installation of software updates, the EUP date of the license is cross-checked against the required EUP date of the version to be installed. In case the EUP date of the dongle is before the required EUP date, you will receive a warning and the installation will be aborted. You can still install updates after the EUP date of a dongle has expired, provided that the required EUP date of the software version is before the EUP date of the dongle. The required EUP date of a software version corresponds to the release date of the main version. A main version is defined by the second digit of the version number. Bugfix versions for a main version (defined by the third digit of the version number) always have the same required EUP date as the corresponding main version. When the EUP date of your dongle covers a main version, you can use all bugfix versions for this main version. Details concerning the EUP dates can be viewed in the license information at any time. This information is also displayed during the installation of the corresponding products. What is EUP? There is no expiration date or annual fee for iba AG software licenses. Once purchased licenses can be used without restrictions. To further benefit from the continuous development and new functions of the software products, iba AG introduced the EUP model (extended update period). You can install updates up to two years after purchasing the software free of charge. To install updates after the expiration of EUP, it is possible to purchase one-year extensions. This way, you will be able to use all new functions of iba software products. For most iba software products updates can be installed for two years after purchase. This limitation is enforced by introducing the EUP concept (Extended Update Period). To benefit from continuous development, new functions and full support after the initial two years, the EUP date has to be extended. Your existing licenses remain valid at any time and can be used without functional restrictions. There is no expiration date for the license. For more information about extending an EUP please contact your Please contact your local sales partner . How can I connect iba devices to my Notebook? We offer the following solutions: ibaFOB-io-USB: With the USB adapter from iba AG, measurement data can be acquired via ibaNet optical fiber connections. This allows notebooks to be connected to all iba peripherals, for example ibaPADU analog-to-digital converters, ibaNet750 devices, ibaLink system couplings and ibaBM bus monitors. The USB adapter is suitable for both USB 2.0 and USB 3.x interfaces and offers a bidirectional fiber optic interface with support for all ibaNet protocols (2Mbit, 3Mbit, 5Mbit, 32Mbit as well as 32MbitFlex). The protocol used at the FO is automatically recognized by the USB adapter. In function and performance, the USB adapter is comparable to an ibaFOB-io ExpressCard. ibaFOB-io-ExpressCard (Type 34 and Type 54) supports all currently defined ibaNet protocols of 2-Mbit up to 32-Mbit Flex in both input and output direction. ibaCom-PCMCIA-F (PC Card Type II) supports direct connection to the RJ45 socket via coiled cords. When using the ibaCom-FO-A adaptor you can connect 2-Mbit- and 3.3-Mbit FO cables for a maximum of 64 analog and 64 digital inputs. ibaCom-PCMCIA-F is not supported by 64bit operating systems. Follow us on [PAGE] Title: Measurement Systems for Industry and Energy - iba Content: Nederlands Your entry into the iba system: iba Info Days in Germany and Austria iba Info Days are a great way to get an overview of the iba system as a whole. Get a high-level look at individual products as well as groups of products used in specific application areas. Learn more Become a certified vibration analyst with iba In the modern training center in Fürth, the globally recognized certification as vibration analyst can be taken. This will enable you to reliably detect and evaluate changes in machine conditions and thus implement potentials. Learn more Meet ibaMAQS: the new Modular measurement system With the ibaMAQS modular system, iba has raised the bar in the field of measurement technology. This flexible system enables user-specific solutions and is both scalable and perfectly tuned for demanding tasks. Learn more See the Big Picture with the iba System The iba System for process data acquisition and analysis consists of perfectly adjusted hardware and software components for acquiring, recording, analyzing and processing measurement data. Your entry into the iba system: iba Info Days in Germany and Austria Become a certified vibration analyst with iba Meet ibaMAQS: the new Modular measurement system See the Big Picture with the iba System The iba System Autonomous, modular, scalable The iba system for process data acquisition and analysis consists of perfectly-adjusted hardware and software components for acquiring, recording, analyzing and processing measurement data. Due to the modular design and simple configuration, the iba system can be adapted comfortably to various tasks and is scalable at any time. [PAGE] Title: Automatic processing of measurement data - iba Content: ibaDatCoordinator at a Glance Powerful tool for automated data processing Automated processing of measurement data recorded with the iba system - both measurement files and data from ibaHD‑Server - or third party files Automatic extract of time-series data to databases or files Publish batch-wise aggregated data via different connectors Automatic generation of quality and fault reports, triggered or timebased Notifications based on measurement data (e.g. limit exceedance) Copy DAT-files based on different criteria Integrated status monitoring Script function as open interface for free processing of data files The different tasks Copy task Copying or moving measurement files, e.g., from the acquisition system to a file server to create a backup of the measurement data. Report task Automatic report generation. Reports can be created and printed at specified times or after completion of a product or batch, or exported as a file in various file formats. Extraction task With the extraction task, data can be transfered from a measurement file to a database or another file format. Additionally, data can be extracted from an ibaHD-Server into a measurement file. (subject to license) Script task Execution of self-created scripts. This task provides an open interface for free processing of the measurement files. Condition task Conditions can be used to control the execution of subsequent tasks. This can be used to find „outlier signals“ or to compile measurement files of specific product groups. Pause task The pause task allows you to pause a job for a defined period of time. This allows, for example, the delayed execution of an update task. Upload task Transfer files (DAT-files or also the result files of an extraction or report task) to external (cloud) systems. ftp, sftp, ssh, Amazon S3 and Azure Data Lake are supported. Splitter task Split a measurement file into several files with shorter time ranges. ibaHD-Import task Import a measurement file into ibaHD-Server. S7-Writer task With the S7-Writer task, it is possible to extract or calculate data from a measurement file and write this data in data blocks (DB) within an S7-PLC. (subject to license) Update data task With an update data task, you can add info fields to a DAT file and rename the DAT file on the basis of the data available in a database. (subject to license) HD offline event task With the HD offline event task, events can be written to HD stores of the ibaHD-Server and calculated values (KPIs) can be stored as numeric or text fields of the events. Like report and extraction tasks, predefined analysis files (PDO files) can be used to configure the calculations carried out by ibaAnalyzer. Cleanup task With a cleanup task, you can limit the data volume. This ensures that there is always sufficient storage capacity available for new data. Publish task Publish calculated data via Apache Kafka as well as the integrated OPC UA and SNMP servers. (subject to license) Transfer task Transfer files (DAT-files or also the result files of an extraction or report task) between two instances of ibaDatCoordinator server. Product Features Generating individual reports The actual analysis is done by ibaAnalyzer, which is started in the background using the predefined analysis file. ibaDatCoordinator is continuously monitoring a directory where the recording system stores the files. Cyclic tasks For recurring tasks, a cycle can be chosen. Within this cycle, the tasks are executed automatically, e.g. the creation of daily reports. Integrated monitoring of tasks ibaDatCoordinator monitors the status of each task. Notifications about success or failure of the tasks can be configured to ensure that users are always informed. Furthermore, ibaDatCoordinator is able to monitor the signals in accordance with defined limit values. User-friendly design ibaDatCoordinator is characterized by a user-friendly operation. The data files are processed by means of the so-called “jobs”. This Software is one of many useful Add-ons of ibaAnalyzer ibaAnalyzer is characterized by its broad capability for analyzing and evaluating data. The application is intuitive and offers an advanced set of functions. The license for analyzing measurement files, which have been generated with the iba system, is free of charge. [PAGE] Title: Automated generation of fault and quality reports with ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator - iba Content: Automati­sierte Erstellung von Stör- und Qualitäts­berichten mit ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator iba Training Wenn Sie bereits mit dem ibaAnalyzer arbeiten, lernen Sie in diesem Training die umfang­reichen Möglich­keiten der Report­erstellung mit dem integrierten Reportgenerator kennen. Nach dem Seminar können Sie Signale für den Bericht mit ibaAnalyzer aufbereiten. Das Report-Layout mit den unter­schied­lichen Objekten (Text, Signal, Diagramm, Bild, …) erstellen. Das automatische Erzeugen des Reports im PDF‑Format mit ibaDat­Coordinator konfigurieren. Automatisch Berichte per E‑Mail versenden. Zielgruppe Inbetriebnehmer, Instandhalter und Mitarbeiter aus Produktions‑/Qualitäts­abteilungen, die bereits mit ibaAnalyzer gearbeitet haben und jetzt die umfang­reichen Möglich­keiten der Report­erstellung mit dem integrierten Reportgenerator erlernen wollen. 98% of all participants evaluate the overall impression of our trainings with good to very good. Schwerpunkt ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator In ibaAnalyzer the user has with the Reportgenerator a powerful tool at his disposal, that permits to generate individual reports flexibly. The Reportgenerator offers efficient options for creating templates and gives the right form to the analysis result. [PAGE] Title: Analyze & Optimize - iba Content: Analyze & Optimize iba System Depending on the objective, the data are analyzed individually - either directly during acquisition (online) or on the basis of the recorded values following an event. By deriving Key Performance Indicators (KPI), the user gains valuable information about the acquired process. This way, clean measurement data become a tangible competitive advantage. Analyzing and Evaluating of Measured Data Analyze Data Depending on it’s objective, recorded data are individually analyzed after measurement: either interactively or automatically on base of pre-defined analysis rules. Also long-term analysis of HD data is possible. With ibaAnalyzer you have a flexible tool with a free license which can be installed and deployed several times. Optimize Independently, whether fast analog values (up to 100kHz) coming directly from sensors, data exchanged over field buses or variables from automation systems. Everything can be set into relation to one another. Learn more Derive Information By deriving Key Performance Indicators (KPI), the user gains valuable information about the acquired process. This way, clean measurement data become a tangible competitive advantage. Interactive analysis The common method for all unforeseeable incidents allows for a comprehensive troubleshooting. Reports The compact automatically generated overview of the analysis results allows to draw fast and easy meaningful conclusions. Alarm In case of deviations from the usual process behaviour, the user will be informed automatically. Data extraction to the database Store compressed information for the cross referencing of process and quality parameters in databases and access the high resolution measurement data with just a mouse-click for cause analysis. Long-term trends The findings of the long-term analysis show trends of plant or machine parameters and enable predictions for future developments. The powerful Analysis Software - flexible and free of Charge ibaAnalyzer ibaAnalyzer is characterized by its broad capability for analyzing and evaluating data. The application is intuitive and offers an advanced set of functions. The license for analyzing measurement files, which have been generated with the iba system, is free of charge. Automatic Post-processing of Measurement Files ibaDatCoordinator ibaDatCoordinator is a powerful tool for processing and managing measurement data automatically. Typical fields of application are automatic data management, creating reports or the extraction of product-related characteristic values in databases or other systems. In synergy with ibaAnalyzer, various tasks can be done fully automatically and routine procedures can be simplified. Web-based visualization for product and process analysis ibaDaVIS ibaDaVIS allows the visualization and analysis of your process and quality data as well as characteristic values in the web browser. You can interactively access detailed data from the overview on the dashboard. Your Benefits at a Glance Calculation of KPIs Generating Product and Quality Reports Automatic Processing [PAGE] Title: Website user login - iba Content: [PAGE] Title: Datenschutz - iba Content: freiwillig zur Verfügung gestellte Informationen im Rahmen einer Bewerbung (Lebenslauf, Ausbildungsverlauf, Zeugnisse, Qualifikationen, ggf. Gehaltswunsch) 3. Zweck der Datenverarbeitung Wir verarbeiten personenbezogene Daten zu Zwecken der Ausführung und Abwicklung von Verkaufs- und Einkaufsvorgängen einschließlich der Korrespondenz Vorvertraglicher Informationsaustausch zu Angeboten im Verkauf und Einkauf Kundenverwaltung inklusive Support und Schulungstätigkeiten Zur Anbahnung und Durchführung eines Beschäftigungsverhältnisses 4. Rechtsgrundlage Rechtsgrundlagen für die Datenverarbeitung bei der iba AG sind Art. 6 Abs. 1 Unterabsatz 1 Buchstabe b DSGVO zur Erfüllung eines Handelsgeschäfts oder im Rahmen einer Anstellung bzw. im Beschäftigungsverhältnis, Art. 6 Abs. 1 Unterabsatz 1 Buchstabe a DSGVO, soweit Sie uns Ihre Einwilligung zur Verarbeitung der Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten für bestimmte Zwecke gegeben haben. 5. Weitergabe personenbezogener Daten an Dritte Wir geben personenbezogene Daten im Rahmen einer Geschäftsanbahnung, Vorvertraglicher Aktivtäten, Kundenverwaltung und –pflege sowie Support und Schulungsmaßnahmen an folgende Empfänger weiter: Zuständige Landesniederlassung der iba AG für Vertrieb und Support, wenn eine Betreuung von einer anderen Niederlassung der iba AG aufgrund innerbetrieblicher Regelungen erfolgen muss. Banken, Kreditinstitute, Versicherungen und Berufsgenossenschaften je nach Auftrag an weitere Empfänger, die wir mit Ihnen abstimmen 6. Datenübermittlung in Drittstaaten Eine Datenübermittlung in Drittstaaten (Staaten außerhalb des Europäischen Wirtschaftsraums – EWR) findet nur statt, soweit dies zur Anbahnung einer Geschäftstätigkeit im Zuständigkeitsgebiet unserer Niederlassungen erforderlich oder Sie uns Ihre Einwilligung erteilt haben oder dies anderweitig gesetzlich zulässig ist. In diesem Fall ergreifen wir Maßnahmen, um den Schutz Ihrer Daten sicherzustellen, beispielsweise durch vertragliche Regelungen. Wir übermitteln ausschließlich an Empfänger, die den Schutz Ihrer Daten nach den Vorschriften der DSGVO für die Übermittlung an Drittländer (Art. 44 bis 49 DSGVO) sicherstellen. 7. Aufbewahrungsfristen Die personenbezogenen Daten werden bei uns für die Dauer der gesetzlichen Aufbewahrungsfristen gespeichert. In der Regel sind dies 10 Jahre zuzüglich einer Karenzzeit von weiteren 2 Jahren, um Fälle einer möglichen Ablaufhemmung zu erfassen. Nach Ablauf von 12 Jahren prüfen wir, ob Gründe für eine weitere Aufbewahrung vorliegen. 8. Rechte betroffener Personen Sie haben folgende Rechte als „betroffene Person“, deren Daten wir verarbeiten: Recht auf Auskunft nach Art. 15 DSGVO Recht auf Berichtigung nach Art. 16 DSGVO Recht auf Löschung („Vergessenwerden“) nach Art. 17 DSGVO Recht auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung nach Art. 18 DSGVO Recht auf Übertragung Ihrer Daten in einem strukturierten, gängigen und maschinenlesbaren Format nach Art. 20 DSGVO Soweit wir die Verarbeitung für bestimmte Zwecke Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten auf Grundlage Ihrer Einwilligung durchführen, haben Sie nach Art. 7 Abs. 3 DSGVO das Recht, Ihre Einwilligung jederzeit zu widerrufen. Nach Erhalt Ihres Widerrufs werden wir die Datenverarbeitung für die Zwecke einstellen, für die Sie uns die Einwilligung erteilt haben. Die Rechtmäßigkeit der Verarbeitung vor Erhalt Ihres Widerrufs bleibt unberührt. Widerspruchsrecht: Wenn wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten zur Wahrung von berechtigten Interessen im Sinne von Art. 6 Abs. 1 Unterabsatz 1 Buchstabe f DSGVO verarbeiten, haben Sie nach Art. 21 Abs. 1 DSGVO das Recht, dieser Verarbeitung aus Gründen zu widersprechen, die sich aus Ihrer besonderen Situation ergeben. Gegen die Verarbeitung zu Zwecken der Direktwerbung können Sie gem. Art. 21 Abs. 2 DSGVO jederzeit ohne Begründung widersprechen. Um Ihr Widerspruchsrecht auszuüben, genügt eine formlose Mitteilung an uns per E-Mail an [email protected] mit der Angabe, welcher Datenverarbeitung Sie widersprechen. Wenn Sie der Meinung sind, dass die Verarbeitung der Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten gegen die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung verstößt, haben Sie das Recht zur Beschwerde nach Art. 77 Abs. 1 DSGVO bei einer Aufsichtsbehörde für den Datenschutz (in der Regel Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit). Die Beschwerde kann insbesondere bei der Aufsichtsbehörde eingelegt werden, die am Ort Ihres gewöhnlichen Aufenthalts, Ihres Arbeitsplatzes oder des mutmaßlichen Verstoßes zuständig ist. Am Sitz der iba AG ist folgende Aufsichtsbehörde für den Datenschutz zuständig: Bayerisches Landesamt für Datenschutzaufsicht, Postfach 606, 91511 Ansbach 9. Kontaktaufnahme über Webformular Formulare auf unserer Website dienen der Kontaktaufnahme um beispielsweise weiterführende Informationen zu erhalten oder sich zu Seminaren, Schulungen und Events anzumelden. In jedem Formular verweisen wir auf diese Datenschutzerklärung und lassen uns die Verarbeitung der Nutzerdaten bestätigen. Erfasst werden folgende Daten: Vorname, Name, E-Mail-Adresse, Firmenname, formularspezifische Inhalte. Die Einwilligung des Nutzers ist die Rechtsgrundlage zur Verarbeitung seiner Daten laut Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit a DSGVO. 10. Anmeldung zum Newsletter Newsletter stellen bei der iba AG einen kostenfreien Service da, sich über Neuigkeiten, Events und Produkte zu informieren. Bei Anmeldung erfassen wir neben den personenbezogenen Daten wie Vorname, Name, E-Mail-Adresse, Firmenname auch die von der Person ausgewählten Schwerpunkte und das Datum. Des Weiteren verweisen wir auf diese Datenschutzerklärung und lassen uns die Verarbeitung der Nutzerdaten bestätigen. Nach Anmeldung versenden wir eine Mail nach dem sogenannten Double-opt-in-Verfahren in der die Anmeldung bestätigt wird. Dem Empfang kann jederzeit durch den Abmeldelink (Opt-out), der sich in jedem Newsletter befindet, widersprochen werden. Zur Optimierung unseres Newsletters erfassen wir die Öffnungs- und Klickraten. Erfolgt eine Abmeldung vom Newsletter werden die personenbezogenen Daten zeitnah gelöscht. Die Einwilligung des Nutzers ist die Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung der Daten nach Anmeldung zum Newsletter laut Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit a DSGVO. 11. Registrierung auf der Website Durch Registrierung auf unserer Website können unentgeltlich weitere Downloads wie Software und Handbücher im Downloadbereich geladen werden. Bei der Registrierung erfassen wir neben den personenbezogenen Daten wie Vorname, Name, E-Mail-Adresse, Firmenname, Straße, Postleitzahl, Ort und Telefonnummer. Des Weiteren verweisen wir auf diese Datenschutzerklärung und lassen uns die Verarbeitung der Nutzerdaten bestätigen. Personenbezogene Daten, die uns über unsere Website mitgeteilt worden sind, werden nur so lange gespeichert, bis der Zweck erfüllt ist, zu dem sie uns anvertraut wurden. Soweit handels- und steuerrechtliche Aufbewahrungsfristen zu beachten sind, kann die Speicherdauer zu bestimmten Daten bis zu zehn Jahre betragen. Ist ein erstellter Account für zwölf Monate inaktiv, löschen wir diesen und die überlassenen personenbezogenen Daten. Die Einwilligung des Nutzers ist die Rechtsgrundlage zur Verarbeitung seiner Daten laut Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit a DSGVO. 12. Anmeldung zu Webinaren Webinare werden bei der iba AG als Ergänzung des Seminarangebotes, zur Vermittlung von Produktthemen und Präsentationen verwendet. Um teilnehmen zu können werden in der Regel bei Webinaren folgende Daten abgefragt: Vorname, Name, E-Mail-Adresse, Firmenname. Sie finden über das Internet statt. Wir verwenden für die Durchführung unserer Webinarangebote die Software GotoWebinar von der Firma LogMeIn Inc. Für die Bereitstellung dieses Dienstes und die damit verbundene Datenverarbeitung ist LogMeIn, Inc. der Auftragsverarbeiter. Die Datenschutzerklärung von LogMeIn finden Sie hier . Für die auftragsbezogene Durchführung des Webinars übermitteln wir Ihre Anmelde- bzw. Kundendaten an LogMeIn, Inc. Während und nach der Durchführung des Webinars werden Statistikdaten an iba AG übermittelt. Nehmen Sie an einem Webinar teil, stellen oder beantworten eine Frage während des Webinars, erhalten wir zusätzlich zu Ihren Anmeldedaten Informationen über die Teilnahmedauer, Interesse an dem Webinar, die gestellte Frage, bzw. Antwort zur Verbesserung des Kundenservice oder Ausbau der Nutzerzufriedenheit. Diese werden uns von LogMeIn als Datenexport bereitgestellt. Es wird eine verschlüsselte Verbindung zwischen Ihnen und dem Organisator des Webinars aufgebaut. Die im Rahmen dieser Sitzung übermittelten Ton- oder Bildinformationen werden von uns ggf. aufgezeichnet. Die Teilnehmerliste wird nicht dargestellt und somit keine personenbezogenen Daten bei der Aufzeichnung übermittelt. Durch Ihren Klick auf „Teilnehmen“ bestätigen Sie, dass Sie keine Aufzeichnung oder Bildschirmkopien dieser Sitzung erstellen werden. 13. Google Fonts Wir setzen in unserem Internetauftritt Google Fonts zur Darstellung externer Schriftarten ein. Um die Darstellung bestimmter Schriften in unserem Internetauftritt zu ermöglichen, wird bei Aufruf unseres Internetauftritts eine Verbindung zu dem Google-Server in den USA aufgebaut. Rechtsgrundlage ist Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO. Unser berechtigtes Interesse liegt in der Optimierung und dem wirtschaftlichen Betrieb unseres Internetauftritts. Durch die bei Aufruf unseres Internetauftritts hergestellte Verbindung zu Google kann Google ermitteln, von welcher Website Ihre Anfrage gesendet worden ist und an welche IP-Adresse die Darstellung der Schrift zu übermitteln ist. Google verarbeitet Ihre personenbezogenen Daten auch in den USA und hat sich dem EU-US-Privacy-Shield unterworfen: . Weitere Informationen zu Zweck und Umfang der Datenerhebung und ihrer Verarbeitung durch Google erhalten Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung. Dort erhalten Sie auch weitere Informationen zu Ihren Rechten und Einstellungsmöglichkeiten zum Schutze Ihrer Privatsphäre: . 14. Google Maps Wir setzen in unserem Internetauftritt Google Maps zur Darstellung unseres Standorts, zur Darstellung von Veranstaltungsorten sowie zur Erstellung von Anfahrtsbeschreibungen ein. Sofern Sie die in unseren Internetauftritt eingebundene Komponente Google Maps aufrufen, speichert Google über Ihren Web-Browser ein Cookie auf Ihrem Endgerät. Um Standorte anzuzeigen und Anfahrtsbeschreibungen zu erstellen, werden Ihre Nutzereinstellungen und -daten verarbeitet. Hierbei können wir nicht ausschließen, dass Google Server in den USA einsetzt. Rechtsgrundlage ist Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO. Unser berechtigtes Interesse liegt in der Optimierung der Funktionalität unseres Internetauftritts. Durch die so hergestellte Verbindung zu Google kann Google ermitteln, von welcher Website Ihre Anfrage gesendet worden ist und an welche IP-Adresse die Anfahrtsbeschreibung zu übermitteln ist. Sofern Sie mit dieser Verarbeitung nicht einverstanden sind, haben Sie die Möglichkeit, die Installation der Cookies durch die entsprechenden Einstellungen in Ihrem Web-Browser zu verhindern. Google verarbeitet Ihre personenbezogenen Daten auch in den USA und hat sich dem EU-US-Privacy-Shield unterworfen: . Weitere Informationen zu Zweck und Umfang der Datenerhebung und ihrer Verarbeitung durch Google erhalten Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung. Dort erhalten Sie auch weitere Informationen zu Ihren Rechten und Einstellungsmöglichkeiten zum Schutze Ihrer Privatsphäre: . Die Nutzung von Google Maps sowie der über Google Maps erlangten Informationen erfolgt nach den Google-Nutzungsbedingungen und den Geschäftsbedingungen für Google Maps . 15. YouTube Wir haben YouTube-Videos in unseren Internetauftritt eingebunden, die auf gespeichert sind und von unserem Internetauftritt aus direkt abgespielt werden können. Rechtsgrundlage ist Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO. Unser berechtigtes Interesse liegt in der Qualitätsverbesserung unseres Internetauftritts. Um Videos anzeigen zu können, wird eine Verbindung zu YouTube-Servern in den USA hergestellt, sobald Sie eine unserer Webseiten aufrufen, auf der ein YouTube-Video eingebettet ist. Diese Verbindung ist erforderlich, um das jeweilige Video auf unserem Internetauftritt über Ihren Web-Browser darstellen zu können. Im Zuge dessen wird YouTube zumindest Ihre IP-Adresse, das Datum inklusive Uhrzeit sowie die von Ihnen besuchte Webseite erfassen und verarbeiten. Zudem wird eine Verbindung zu dem Werbenetzwerk "DoubleClick" von Google hergestellt. Wenn Sie gleichzeitig bei YouTube eingeloggt sind, weist YouTube die Verbindungsinformationen Ihrem YouTube-Konto zu. Möchten Sie das verhindern, müssen Sie sich entweder vor dem Besuch unseres Internetauftritts bei YouTube ausloggen oder die entsprechenden Einstellungen in Ihrem YouTube-Benutzerkonto vornehmen. Zum Zwecke der Funktionalität sowie zur Analyse des Nutzungsverhaltens speichert YouTube dauerhaft Cookies über Ihren Web-Browser auf Ihrem Endgerät. Falls Sie mit dieser Verarbeitung nicht einverstanden sind, haben Sie die Möglichkeit, die Speicherung der Cookies durch eine Einstellung in Ihrem Web-Browsers zu verhindern. YouTube ist ein Tochterunternehmen von Google. Google verarbeitet Ihre personenbezogenen Daten auch in den USA und hat sich dem EU-US-Privacy-Shield unterworfen: . Weitere Informationen zu Zweck und Umfang der Datenerhebung und ihrer Verarbeitung durch Google erhalten Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung. Dort erhalten Sie auch weitere Informationen zu Ihren Rechten und Einstellungsmöglichkeiten zum Schutze Ihrer Privatsphäre: . 16. Nutzungsanalyse der Website Diese Website benutzt Matomo, eine Software zur statistischen Auswertung der Besucherzugriffe. Matomo verwendet sogenannte "Cookies", Textdateien, die auf Ihrem Computer gespeichert werden und die unsererseits eine Analyse der Benutzung der Website ermöglichen. Die durch den Cookie erzeugten Informationen über Ihre Benutzung unseres Internetangebotes werden auf einem Server der iba AG gespeichert. Durch die automatische Anonymisierung der IP-Adressen mit dem Plugin AnonymizeIP werden IP-Adressen in Matomo in gekürzter Form gespeichert - die erhobenen Daten können somit nicht mehr bestimmten Personen zugeordnet werden. Für Analysezwecke wird das Tool "Google Search Console" genutzt, das dem Internetseitenbetreiber ein nicht personenbezogenes Analyseergebnis der Website-Besucher zur Verfügung stellt. Wir benutzen diese Informationen, um die Nutzung unseres Internetangebotes auszuwerten. Eine Verknüpfung der gespeicherten Daten mit anderen Datenquellen oder eine Weitergabe an Dritte findet nicht statt. Widerruf der Datenerfassung durch Matomo Durch das Deaktivieren der Webanalyse wird ein "Permanenter Cookie" auf Ihrem Computer gespeichert, sofern Ihre Browsereinstellungen dies zulassen. Dieser Cookie dient dem Zweck, der Analysesoftware zu signalisieren, Ihren Browser nicht zu erfassen. Sollten Sie in Ihrem Browser das automatische Löschen der Cookies aktiviert haben, wird beim Beenden des Programms auch der Deaktivierungs-Cookie gelöscht. In diesem Fall müssen Sie beim nächsten Aufruf dieser Website der Datenerfassung erneut widersprechen. Auch wenn Sie einen anderen Computer oder einen anderen Webbrowser verwenden, müssen Sie der Erfassung Ihrer Daten erneut widersprechen. Sofern Ihr Browser die "Do-Not-Track"-Technik unterstützt und Sie diese aktiviert haben, wird Ihr Besuch automatisch ignoriert. 17. Links auf andere Websites Wir als Betreiber der Website haben keinen Einfluss auf die inhaltliche Ausgestaltung der verlinkten Seiten. Diese wurden vor der Freischaltung der Links sorgfältig übergeprüft. Dennoch kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden, dass durch die Betreiber der jeweiligen Seiten inhaltliche Änderungen vorgenommen wurden, die gegen geltendes Recht oder unsere Philosophie verstoßen. Links zu anderen Websites, die auf unserer Website angezeigt werden, sammeln gegebenenfalls Nutzerdaten, wenn Sie auf diese klicken oder sonst Ihren Anweisungen folgen. Wir haben keine Kontrolle über die Daten, die über Anzeigen oder Websites Dritter freiwillig oder unfreiwillig erhoben werden. Wir empfehlen generell die Datenschutzrichtlinien (Privacy Policies) von Websites einzusehen, wenn Sie Bedenken hinsichtlich der Erhebung und der Nutzung Ihrer Daten haben. 18. Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten im Rahmen der Nutzung sozialer Netzwerke Datenverarbeitung zum eigenen Monitoring der Social Media Accounts Für die Nutzung des jeweiligen sozialen Netzwerks gelten die Nutzungs- und Datenschutzbedingungen des Betreibers des sozialen Netzwerks. Wir bieten Ihnen auf unserer Webseite die Möglichkeit der Nutzung sogenannter "Social Media Buttons (Icons)" an. Zum Schutze Ihrer Daten setzen wir bei der Implementierung auf eine Link-Lösung. Durch Anklicken der Grafik werden Sie somit zu den Diensten der jeweiligen Anbieter weitergeleitet. Erst dann werden Ihre Daten an die jeweiligen Anbieter weitergeleitet. Wenn Sie die Grafik nicht anklicken, findet keinerlei Austausch zwischen Ihnen und den Anbietern der Social-Media Buttons statt. Wir, die iba AG, Fürth, betreiben die Social Media Seiten Facebook [PAGE] Title: Power Quality - iba Content: "We acquire and monitor Power Quality according to binding standards." Dries Boone, General Manager, iba Benelux BVBA Power Quality Area of Application Measuring and monitoring electric power quality is a crucial tool for energy producers, grid operators, and consumers alike. Documenting supply reliability and voltage quality to prove compliance with emission limits is possible, in addition to providing the analytics tools to troubleshoot and prevent faults. Companies who rely on the iba System for Power Quality Business Benefits Safety and Quality in Energy Grids Power Quality: The Burden of Proof is on Energy Producers The stability of the power grid is influenced by distributed energy generation, as well as the associated fluctuating provision of power from renewable resources. Energy suppliers must always ensure that the energy fed into the public grid meets the quality criteria of the European Standard EN 50160. This not only affects utilities, but also companies operating their own power plants that feed energy into the public grid. High-quality Power requires optimized Facilities Grid operators have to comply with EN 50160 as well. The require­ments for transmission grids increase with the distributed structure and use of power electronics, e.g. to control power flows or operating HVDC facilities where direct current is transmitted over very long distances. In addition to monitoring the electrical power, it is also important to monitor the electrical control systems, such as inverters and rectifiers. The modular ibaPQU-S system enables the raw electrical power and calculated power quality characteristics to be synchronously integrated with the recorded process data in ibaPDA. This enables users to thoroughly evaluate all data, recognize contexts, and thereby determine the root causes of faults or quality variations. Moreover, analytics of measured data provide important information regarding sizing the power system for its optimal operation. Consumers are obliged to not disturb Power Quality Electricity consumers influence the grid quality by their powered electronic devices, e.g. frequency-regulated drives. Grid reactances and the harmonic factor of the currents create repercussions in the grid that impair the power quality in the supply grid. An example is the high surge-like load caused by the starting and running of large machines, e.g. main drives of rolling mills or arc furnaces. Both energy producers and large-scale consumers must observe the "D-A-CH-CZ - Technical Rules for the Assessment of Network Disturbances" that specify the limits for the emission of power system disturbances. The ibaPQU-S system is also capable of determining the characteristics required in this body rules and of monitoring compliance with the limit values. Moreover, power suppliers contractually agree with each large consumer the extent of disturbances they are allowed to inject into the grid. A violation of the limit values can be punished with fines. Monitoring the electric power quality at the transfer point provides information about whether and what disturbances are fed into the grid. Possible Applications for Power Quality by iba The iba system provides a wide range of functions to monitor and optimize electrical power facilities Continuous monitoring of the power quality in energy grids Digital fault recorder [PAGE] Title: Online visualization of measurement data and quality data using ibaQPanel - iba Content: Visualisieren von Mess- und Qualitäts­daten mit ibaQPanel iba Training In diesem Training lernen Sie die Möglich­keiten der Echtzeit­visuali­sierung von Signalen mit dem ibaPDA-Add‑on ibaQPanel kennen. Nach dem Seminar können Sie Das Messsystem ibaPDA konfigurieren. Umfangreiche benutzer­freundliche Layouts mit den verschiedenen Objekten (Zeiger­instrumente, Text­felder, Chart, Button, …) zum Eingeben und Visuali­sieren von Signalen erstellen. Layouts benutzer­abhängig gestalten. Ereignis­gesteuerte Objekte und Layouts para­metrieren. Zielgruppe Inbetriebnehmer, Instandhalter und Mitarbeiter aus Produktions‑/Qualitäts­abteilungen, die die Möglich­keiten der Echtzeit­visuali­sierung von Signalen mit dem ibaPDA-Add‑on ibaQPanel kennenlernen wollen. 98% of all participants evaluate the overall impression of our trainings with good to very good. Schwerpunkt ibaQPanel ibaQPanel is a software addon that allows for the live display of process and quality data in an HMI-picture. ibaQPanel combines the functionality of technological representations of measurement variables with elements typical for HMI screens. It is seamlessly integrated in ibaPDA. [PAGE] Title: Tutorials - iba Content: ibaAnalyzer: How to install ibaAnalyzer (01) By activating external video from YouTube, you consent to transmitting data to this third party. How to install ibaAnalyzer (01) In this video we´ll guide you through the installation of ibaAnalyzer. ibaAnalyzer: How to select and open data files (02) By activating external video from YouTube, you consent to transmitting data to this third party. How to select and open data files (02) In this video we´ll show you how to select and open data files in ibaAnalyzer. ibaAnalyzer: How to select and display signals (03) By activating external video from YouTube, you consent to transmitting data to this third party. How to select and display signals (03) In this video we´ll show you how to select and display signals. ibaAnalyzer: Graph and signal definitions window (04) By activating external video from YouTube, you consent to transmitting data to this third party. Graph and signal definitions window (04) You will now learn about the important features of the graph and signal definitions windows. ibaAnalyzer: Find signals using text search (05) By activating external video from YouTube, you consent to transmitting data to this third party. Activate once Find signals using text search (05) In this video, you will learn some of the basic requirements which are necessary for you to create mathematical expressions. ibaAnalyzer: Close data files and save/close analysis (06) By activating external video from YouTube, you consent to transmitting data to this third party. Close data files and save/close analysis (06) We will now learn how to terminate the ibaAnalyzer session. ibaAnalyzer: How to use markers (07) By activating external video from YouTube, you consent to transmitting data to this third party. Activate once How to use markers (07) In this video, we will learn how to use markers. Markers provide you with the possibility of getting fast information for a selected area on the graph. ibaAnalyzer: How to open sequential data files (08) By activating external video from YouTube, you consent to transmitting data to this third party. Activate once How to open sequential data files (08) In this video; you will learn how to open sequential data files and to compare records from different data files. ibaAnalyzer: Mathematical expressions (09) Activate once Mathematical expressions (09) In this video, you will learn some of the basic requirements which are necessary for you to create mathematical expressions. ibaAnalyzer: Manipulate signals using boolean operations (10) By activating external video from YouTube, you consent to transmitting data to this third party. Manipulate signals using boolean operations (10) In this video, you will learn how to manipulate signals using boolean operations. ibaAnalyzer: How to indicate when specified limits have been exceeded (11) By activating external video from YouTube, you consent to transmitting data to this third party. Activate once How to indicate when specified limits have been exceeded (11) In this video, you will learn how to indicate when specified limits have been exceeded by an input signal. ibaAnalyzer: Calculate the accumulated weight of strip passing a particular point (12) By activating external video from YouTube, you consent to transmitting data to this third party. Activate once Calculate the accumulated weight of strip passing a particular point (12) In this video, you will learn how to use the Expression builder to calculate the accumulated weight of strip passing a particular point. ibaPDA-PLC-Xplorer ibaPDA-PLC-Xplorer: How to get started (E01) By activating external video from YouTube, you consent to transmitting data to this third party. Activate once How to get started (01) In this tutorial you will learn, how to install ibaPDA-PLC-Xplorer for first use, set up an interface to a PLC and to configure some signals for data recording. ibaPDA-PLC-Xplorer: Interface a SIMATIC S7-1500 and usage of address books (E02) By activating external video from YouTube, you consent to transmitting data to this third party. Activate once Interface a SIMATIC S7-1500 and usage of address books (02) In this tutorial you will learn how you can connect to a SIMATIC S7-1500 controller with ibaPDA-PLC-Xplorer and how to use S7 address books. ibaPDA-PLC-Xplorer: Interface SIMATIC S7-1500 controller, create S7 address books directly from PLC By activating external video from YouTube, you consent to transmitting data to this third party. Activate once Interface SIMATIC S7-1500 controller, create S7 address books directly from PLC (03) In this tutorial you will learn how to interface a SIMATIC S7-1500 controller and create S7 address books directly from PLC. ibaCapture ibaCapture: How to set up an ONVIF camera (01) By activating external video from YouTube, you consent to transmitting data to this third party. Activate once How to set up an ONVIF camera (01) In this video you are going to learn how to quickly set up an ONVIF compliant camera in ibaCapture. As a prerequisite, make sure that the camera is switched on and reachable over the network. ibaCapture: How to display live and recorded video (02) By activating external video from YouTube, you consent to transmitting data to this third party. Activate once How to display live and recorded video (02) In this video we are going to show you how to show video in ibaCapture Manager Camera View. As a prerequisite, you need to have an ibaCapture Server with at least one camera set up for recording. ibaCapture: How to connect ibaPDA with ibaCapture (03) By activating external video from YouTube, you consent to transmitting data to this third party. Activate once How to connect ibaPDA with ibaCapture (03) In this video we are going to show you how to set up a connection between ibaCapture and ibaPDA in order to synchronize data and video acquisition. ibaInCycle ibaInCycle: How to monitor Outlier with the Auto Adapting Module By activating external video from YouTube, you consent to transmitting data to this third party. Activate once How to monitor Outlier with the Auto Adapting Module In this video we will show you what the new Module “InCycle Auto Adapting” can be used for. ibaInCycle: How to detect Wear with the Auto Adapting Module By activating external video from YouTube, you consent to transmitting data to this third party. How to detect Wear with the Auto Adapting Module In this video we will show you how to detect Wear with the ibaInCycle Auto Adapting Module. ibaInCycle: How to detect Gear Teeth Failure with the Expert Module By activating external video from YouTube, you consent to transmitting data to this third party. Activate once How to detect Gear Teeth Failure with the Expert Module In this video we will show you how to monitor a rotating gear in mesh having a damage on one of its gear teeth using our InCycle Expert Module. ibaInSpectra Vibration Analysis with ibaInSpectra - How to get started By activating external video from YouTube, you consent to transmitting data to this third party. Activate once How to get started (01) Learn how to configure a simple ibaInSpectra Expert Module in a quick way to calculate some frequency dependent values from an acceleration sensor. Vibration Analysis with ibaInSpectra - Configuration of Profiles By activating external video from YouTube, you consent to transmitting data to this third party. [PAGE] Title: Données personnelles - iba Content: Nederlands Déclaration de protection des données iba AG attache une grande importance à la protection des données personnelles. Nous respectons les règles de protection des données lors de la collecte, du traitement et de l'utilisation de vos données personnelles. Avec cette déclaration de protection des données, nous informons les parties intéressées, les clients, les fournisseurs, les partenaires commerciaux, les tiers et les candidats du traitement des données au sein d'iba AG Fürth. Nous utilisons des mesures de sécurité techniques et organisationnelles pour protéger les données que vous avez fournies à iba AG contre toute manipulation, perte, destruction ou accès accidentels ou intentionnels par des personnes non autorisées. Nos mesures de sécurité sont continuellement adaptées aux évolutions technologiques. Dès que nous introduisons de nouveaux produits ou services, que les procédures Internet changent ou si les technologies de sécurité Internet ou informatique se développent davantage, la « déclaration de protection des données » doit être mise à jour. Nous nous réservons donc le droit de modifier ou de compléter à la déclaration si nécessaire. La modification sera publiée ici. L'état actuel de la déclaration de protection des données est daté du 18 janvier 2021. Le responsable au regard de la loi sur la protection des données est : iba AG, Königswarterstrasse 44, 90762 Fürth, [email protected], téléphone : +49 (911) 97282-14 Coordonnées du délégué à la protection des données : Le délégué à la protection des données d'iba AG peut être contacté à l'adresse ci-dessus et à [email protected] . 1. Parties intéressées, clients, fournisseurs, partenaires commerciaux Nous traitons les données personnelles suivantes de nos partenaires commerciaux et de tiers : Prénom, nom et titre le cas échéant Adresse(s) postale(s) Numéro(s) de fax le cas échéant Adresse(s) e-mail Informations nécessaires à une bonne gestion des clients 2. Candidats Nous traitons les données personnelles suivantes de nos candidats : Prénom, nom et titre le cas échéant Adresse(s) postale(s) Numéro(s) de fax le cas échéant Adresse(e) e-mail Informations fournies volontairement dans le cadre d'une candidature (curriculum vitae, formation, certificats, qualifications, et éventuellement salaire souhaité) 3. But du traitement des données Nous traitons les données personnelles dans les buts suivants : Exécution et traitement des transactions de vente et d'achat, y compris la correspondance Échange d'informations précontractuel sur les offres de vente et d'achat Gestion des clients, y compris les activités de support et de formation Initiation et mise en place d'une relation de travail 4. Base juridique Les bases juridiques du traitement des données chez iba AG sont l'art.6, paragraphe 1, alinéa 1, lettre b du RGPD pour la réalisation d'une transaction commerciale ou dans le cadre d'une relation de travail ou d'emploi, l'art. 6, paragraphe 1, alinéa 1 lettre a du RGPD, dans la mesure où vous nous avez donné votre consentement pour traiter vos données personnelles à des fins spécifiques. 5. Transmission de données personnelles à des tiers Nous transmettons des données personnelles aux destinataires suivants dans le cadre de la création d'entreprise, des activités précontractuelles, de l'administration et de la prise en charge des clients ainsi que des mesures de soutien et de formation : Responsable de la branche régionale d'iba AG pour les ventes et le support, si le support doit être fourni par une autre branche d'iba AG en raison de réglementations internes. Banques, établissements de crédit, compagnies d'assurance et associations professionnelles en fonction de la commande à d'autres destinataires que nous coordonnons avec vous 6. Transfert de données vers des pays tiers Les données ne sont transférées vers des pays tiers (pays hors de l'Espace économique européen - EEE) que si cela est nécessaire pour lancer une activité commerciale dans la zone de responsabilité de nos succursales ou si vous nous avez donné votre consentement ou si cela est légalement autorisé. Dans ce cas, nous prenons des mesures pour assurer la protection de vos données, par exemple par le biais de réglementations contractuelles. Nous ne transmettons qu'aux destinataires qui assurent la protection de vos données conformément aux dispositions du RGPD pour la transmission vers des pays tiers (art.44 à 49 RGPD). 7. Périodes de conservation Nous conservons les données personnelles pendant la durée des périodes de conservation légales. En règle générale, il s'agit de 10 ans plus une période d'attente de 2 ans supplémentaires pour l'enregistrement, en cas d'un éventuel retard dans le processus. Après 12 ans, nous vérifierons s'il existe des raisons pour un stockage supplémentaire. 8. Droits de la personne concernée Vous disposez des droits suivants en tant que « personne concernée » dont nous traitons les données : Droit à l'information selon l'article 15 du RGPD Droit à la rectification selon l'article 16 du RGPD Droit à la suppression ("à oublier") selon l'article 17 du RGPD Droit à la limitation du traitement selon l'article 18 du RGPD Droit de transférer vos données dans un format structuré, commun et lisible par machine conformément à l'article 20 du RGPD Si nous traitons vos données personnelles à certaines fins sur la base de votre consentement, vous avez le droit de révoquer votre consentement à tout moment conformément à l'article 7, paragraphe 3 du RGPD. Après réception de votre révocation, nous arrêterons de traiter les données aux fins pour lesquelles vous nous avez donné votre consentement. La légalité du traitement avant la réception de votre révocation reste inchangée. Droit d'opposition : Si nous traitons vos données personnelles pour sauvegarder des intérêts légitimes au sens de l'article 6, paragraphe 1, alinéa 1 lettre f du RGPD, vous avez le droit, conformément à l'article 21, paragraphe 1 du RGPD, de vous opposer à ce traitement pour des raisons découlant de votre situation particulière. Vous pouvez vous opposer au traitement à des fins de marketing direct conformément à l'article 21, paragraphe 2, du RGPD à tout moment sans justification. Pour exercer votre droit d'opposition, il suffit de nous envoyer un e-mail informel à [email protected] en indiquant le traitement des données auquel vous vous opposez. Si vous estimez que le traitement de vos données personnelles enfreint le règlement général sur la protection des données, vous avez le droit de déposer une plainte auprès d'une autorité de contrôle de la protection des données (généralement le commissaire fédéral à la protection des données et à la liberté d'information conformément à l'article 77 (1) du RGPD). La réclamation peut notamment être adressée à l'autorité de contrôle compétente sur le lieu de votre résidence habituelle, de votre lieu de travail ou de l'infraction présumée. L'autorité de contrôle suivante est responsable de la protection des données au siège d'iba AG : Bayerisches Landesamt für Datenschutzaufsicht (Office bavarois pour le contrôle de la protection des données), Postfach 606, 91511 Ansbach 9. Prise de contact via formulaire web Les formulaires de notre site Web servent à prendre contact, par exemple pour recevoir de plus amples informations ou pour vous inscrire à des séminaires, des formations et des événements. Dans chaque formulaire, nous nous référons à cette déclaration de protection des données et nous confirmons le traitement des données des utilisateurs. Les données suivantes sont enregistrées : Prénom, nom, adresse e-mail, raison sociale, contenu spécifique au formulaire. Le consentement de l'utilisateur est la base juridique du traitement de ses données conformément à l'article 6, paragraphe 1, du RGPD. 10. Inscription à la newsletter Chez iba AG, les newsletters représentent un service gratuit servant à informer sur les actualités, les événements et les produits. Lors de votre inscription, nous collectons des données personnelles telles que le prénom, le nom, l'adresse e-mail et la raison sociale ainsi que le thème et la date sélectionnés par la personne. En outre, nous nous référons à cette déclaration de protection des données et nous demandons de confirmer le traitement des données de l'utilisateur. Après l'inscription, nous vous enverrons un e-mail en utilisant la procédure dite de double opt-in afin de confirmer l'inscription. La réception peut être révoquée à tout moment par le lien de désinscription (opt-out), qui se trouve dans chaque newsletter. Pour optimiser notre newsletter, nous enregistrons les taux d'ouverture et de clic. Si vous vous désabonnez de la newsletter, les données personnelles seront supprimées rapidement. Le consentement de l'utilisateur est la base juridique du traitement des données après son inscription à la newsletter conformément à l'article 6, paragraphe 1, du RGPD. 11. Inscription sur le site En vous inscrivant sur notre site Web, d'autres téléchargements tels que des logiciels et des manuels peuvent être effectués gratuitement dans la zone de téléchargement. Lors de l'inscription, nous collectons des données personnelles telles que le prénom, le nom, l'adresse e-mail, la raison sociale, la rue, le code postal, la ville et le numéro de téléphone. En outre, nous nous référons à cette déclaration de protection des données et nous demandons de confirmer le traitement des données de l'utilisateur. Les données personnelles qui nous ont été communiquées via notre site Web ne seront conservées que jusqu'à ce que la finalité pour laquelle elles nous ont été confiées soit remplie. En ce qui concerne les délais de conservation commerciaux et fiscaux, la durée de conservation de certaines données peut aller jusqu'à dix ans. Si un compte qui a été créé est inactif pendant douze mois, nous le supprimerons ainsi que les données personnelles fournies. Le consentement de l'utilisateur est la base juridique du traitement de ses données conformément à l'article 6, paragraphe 1, du RGPD. 12. Inscription aux webinaires Les webinaires sont utilisés chez iba AG pour compléter la gamme de séminaires, et pour communiquer des sujets relatifs aux produits ainsi que des présentations. Afin de pouvoir participer, les données suivantes sont généralement demandées dans les webinaires : Prénom, nom, adresse e-mail, raison sociale. Ils se déroulent sur Internet. Nous utilisons le logiciel GotoWebinar de LogMeIn Inc. pour réaliser nos webinaires. LogMeIn, Inc. est le sous-traitant pour la fourniture de ce service et le traitement des données associé. La politique de confidentialité de LogMeIn peut être trouvée ici . Pour la mise en œuvre du webinaire liée à une commande, nous transmettons votre inscription ou vos données client à LogMeIn, Inc. Pendant et après la réalisation du webinaire, les données statistiques sont transmises à iba AG. 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Grâce à la connexion à Google établie de cette manière, Google peut déterminer à partir de quel site Web votre demande a été envoyée et à quelle adresse IP les instructions doivent être envoyées./p> Si vous n'acceptez pas ce traitement, vous avez la possibilité d'empêcher l'installation de cookies en définissant les paramètres appropriés dans votre navigateur Web. Google traite également vos données personnelles aux États-Unis et s'est soumise au bouclier de protection des données UE-États-Unis : . Vous trouverez de plus amples informations sur le but et la portée de la collecte de données et de leur traitement par Google dans la déclaration de protection des données. Vous y trouverez également de plus amples informations sur vos droits et les options de paramétrage pour protéger votre vie privée : . L'utilisation de Google Maps et les informations obtenues via Google Maps sont basées sur les conditions d'utilisation de Google et les conditions d'utilisation de Google Maps . 15. 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Si vous souhaitez éviter cela, vous devez soit vous déconnecter de YouTube avant de visiter notre site Web, soit définir les paramètres appropriés dans votre compte utilisateur YouTube. À des fins de fonctionnalité et pour analyser le comportement d'utilisation, YouTube enregistre en permanence des cookies sur votre appareil via votre navigateur Web. Si vous n'acceptez pas ce traitement, vous avez la possibilité d'empêcher le stockage de cookies en paramétrant votre navigateur Web. YouTube est une filiale de Google. Google traite également vos données personnelles aux États-Unis et s'est soumise au bouclier de protection des données UE-États-Unis : . Vous trouverez de plus amples informations sur le but et la portée de la collecte de données et de leur traitement par Google dans la déclaration de protection des données. Vous y trouverez également de plus amples informations sur vos droits et les options de paramétrage pour protéger votre vie privée : . 16. Analyse de l'utilisation du site Web Ce site Web utilise Matomo, un logiciel d'analyse statistique de l'accès des visiteurs. Matomo utilise des «cookies», des fichiers texte qui sont stockés sur votre ordinateur et qui nous permettent d'analyser l'utilisation du site Web. Les informations générées par le cookie concernant votre utilisation de notre site Web sont stockées sur un serveur iba AG. L'anonymisation automatique des adresses IP avec le plug-in AnonymizeIP signifie que les adresses IP sont enregistrées dans Matomo sous forme abrégée  ; les données collectées ne peuvent donc plus être attribuées à des personnes spécifiques. L'outil « Google Search Console » est utilisé à des fins d'analyse et fournit à l'exploitant du site Web un résultat d'analyse non personnel pour les visiteurs du site Web. Nous utilisons ces informations pour évaluer l'utilisation de notre site Web. Les données enregistrées ne sont pas liées à d'autres sources de données ni transmises à des tiers. Révocation de la collecte de données par Matomo En désactivant l'analyse Web, un « cookie permanent » sera enregistré sur votre ordinateur si les paramètres de votre navigateur le permettent. Ce cookie est utilisé pour signaler au logiciel d'analyse de ne pas enregistrer votre navigateur. Si vous avez activé la suppression automatique des cookies dans votre navigateur, le cookie de désactivation sera également supprimé lorsque vous quitterez le programme. Dans ce cas, vous devrez vous opposer à la collecte de données lors de votre prochaine visite sur ce site. Même si vous utilisez un autre ordinateur ou un autre navigateur Web, vous devrez à nouveau vous opposer à la collecte de vos données. Si votre navigateur prend en charge la technologie « Do-Not-Track » (ne pas suivre) et que vous l'avez activée, votre visite sera automatiquement ignorée. 17. Liens vers d'autres sites Web En tant qu'exploitant du site Web, nous n'avons aucune influence sur le contenu des pages liées. 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Traitement des données personnelles lors de l'utilisation des réseaux sociaux Traitement des données pour votre propre suivi des comptes de réseaux sociaux Les conditions d'utilisation et de protection des données de l'exploitant du réseau social s'appliquent à l'utilisation du réseau social concerné. Nous vous offrons la possibilité d'utiliser ce que l'on appelle des « Social Media Buttons (icônes) » sur notre site Web, à savoir boutons de réseaux sociaux. Pour protéger vos données, nous utilisons une solution de lien lors de la mise en œuvre. En cliquant sur le graphique, vous serez redirigé(e) vers les services du fournisseur respectif. Ce n'est qu'alors que vos données seront transmises au fournisseur respectif. Si vous ne cliquez pas sur le graphique, il n'y aura pas d'échange entre vous et les fournisseurs de boutons de réseaux sociaux. Nous, iba AG, Fürth, exploitons les pages de réseaux sociaux Facebook [PAGE] Title: Training Benelux - iba Content: iba Benelux Training Hands-on Training with iba Experts On-site in your company or in our office in Gent, we offer various trainings and workshops. Experienced users deepen their knowledge about iba products, while new users get a compact introduction to the various areas of application of the iba system with many practical examples and exercises. We deal with your topics in customer-specific workshops. Based on the workshop results, you will be able to do the following steps alone on-site and use the iba products to their full extent. Modern training center Gent iba Trainings are held in our modern training center in Gent. A modern didactic system promotes the principle of "learning by doing". Each participant works at his own workplace and can engage in direct dialogue with the trainer. The learned is directly applied and deepened. Practice-oriented training The participants benefit from the solutions to their tasks and can gain valuable insights for the use of iba products in their own company. What is iba-Training? iba Training is designed specifically for customers looking for a hands-on training experience. By attending these courses, you will dedicate two or three days to understanding how the iba system fits together, learning best practices, and creating assets needed to execute your next project. No one knows iba - like iba All iba Training is done by qualified iba technicians and iba engineers. Small-group Environments Grow your skill set as you learn from iba experts in a small-group environment. iba Training will help you master the iba system in a short period of time. Learn from iba Experts Our trainers have years of experience in dealing with the iba system and pass on their knowledge directly. 98% of all participants evaluate the overall impression of our trainings with good to very good. Basic courses Analysis of iba measurement data Graphical programming using ibaLogic Measurement and data evaluation with iba Long-term data archiving and evaluation with ibaHD-Server Synchronous recording of video and measurement data using ibaCapture Monitoring and analysis of vibration data with ibaInSpectra Advanced courses Creating reports and quality documentation automatically using ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator Data Acquisition from a PLC SIMATIC S7 Visualization of measurement data and quality data using ibaQPanel Web-based visualization and analysis of iba measurement data using ibaDaVIS Monitoring and analysis of processes and machine conditions using ibaInCycle Request more Information I would like to learn more about the following iba Trainings Measurement, data evaluation and automatic reporting with iba Analysis of iba measurement data using ibaAnalyzer Graphical programming using ibaLogic Measurement and data evaluation with iba Long term acquisition and analysis of data and events using ibaHD-Server Synchronous recording of video and measurement data using ibaCapture Monitoring and analysis of vibration data with ibaInSpectra Automated generation of fault and quality reports with ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator Data Acquisition from a PLC SIMATIC S7 Online visualization of measurement data and quality data using ibaQPanel Automated key data calculation and web-based product and process analysis with ibaDaVIS Monitoring and analysis of processes and machine conditions using ibaInCycle Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines according to ISO 18436 category I Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines according to ISO 18436 category II I consent to the processing of my data* By choosing a country, my request will be forwarded to the country branch of iba AG responsible for sales and support. Leave a comment [PAGE] Title: Training America - iba Content: iba America Training Hands-on Training with iba Experts On-site in your company or in our office in Alpharetta, GA, we offer various trainings and workshops. Experienced users deepen their knowledge about iba products, while new users get a compact introduction to the various areas of application of the iba system with many practical examples and exercises. We deal with your topics in customer-specific workshops. Based on the workshop results, you will be able to do the following steps alone on-site and use the iba products to their full extent. What is iba-Training? iba Training is designed specifically for customers looking for a hands-on training experience. By attending these courses, you will dedicate two or three days to understanding how the iba system fits together, learning best practices, and creating assets needed to execute your next project. No one knows iba - like iba All iba Training is done by qualified iba technicians and iba engineers. Small-group Environments Grow your skill set as you learn from iba experts in a small-group environment. iba Training will help you master the iba system in a short period of time. Learn from iba Experts Our trainers have years of experience in dealing with the iba system and pass on their knowledge directly. 98% of all participants evaluate the overall impression of our trainings with good to very good. Basic courses Analysis of iba measurement data Graphical programming using ibaLogic Measurement and data evaluation with iba Long-term data archiving and evaluation with ibaHD-Server Synchronous recording of video and measurement data using ibaCapture Monitoring and analysis of vibration data with ibaInSpectra Advanced courses Creating reports and quality documentation automatically using ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator Data Acquisition from a PLC SIMATIC S7 Visualization of measurement data and quality data using ibaQPanel Web-based visualization and analysis of iba measurement data using ibaDaVIS Monitoring and analysis of processes and machine conditions using ibaInCycle Two-day Training Workshops 2024 [PAGE] Title: JOB RELIABILITY FOR YOUR CAREER. - iba Content: Partners JOB RELIABILITY FOR YOUR CAREER. Create solutions and products to help our customers successfully implement the requirements of the digital world in the Industry 4.0 environment. Whatever your talents and passions - Your work will make sense and you will have a clear goal. Become a part of something big with us - and of a great team in which every single individual's input and participation is welcome. In a nutshell: We offer you not only a job. But something you can identify with. PIONEERING With Hearts and Minds for Industry 4.0 No matter whether you’re a pupil. Student. A graduate or professionally experienced. In addition to classic careers in fields such as engineering, production, logistics, sales and marketing, we are increasingly looking for experts from the fields of software development, data science and IT security. Whatever makes your heart beat – whoever is fascinated in designing and shaping the industry transformation like us has the opportunity to share their passion with us. "You can find your own tasks here - and also think outside the box and try something new." Fabian, Scrum Master & Software Developer [DU] Fabian, Scrum Master bei der iba AG By activating external video from YouTube, you consent to transmitting data to this third party. Activate once We consider the balance between professional and private commitment as an important impetus for creativity and satisfaction as well as the basis for peak performance. Life-long learning and regular changes in perspective are part of our management culture. Our task areas and application areas are just as diverse as our global locations. SUPPO RTING individuality and see diversity as an asset “I am very grateful for the whole environment. Not only do I have my work here, but I also enjoy spending time with my colleagues.” Isabell, Hardware Developer [Wir] Isabell & Harry, Hardwareentwickler bei der iba AG By activating external video from YouTube, you consent to transmitting data to this third party. LONG TERM Discover new paths: We stay by your side. Changing perspectives - developing fresh ideas: whether through a change in function or industry, project work or a stay abroad. Peak performances need balance. Whether more time for family, a hobby or continuing education - we actively support you in harmonising your private and professional goals. Adjust your work to your needs with us and let us implement your plans together. "Advising customers with my technical background and developing solutions together - that’s iba-like and just my thing." Ulrike Stangl, Marketing & Sales A variety of attractive offers Health and sports We offer you a wide range of health and sports activities. Flexible and mobile working Thanks to flexible working hours and mobile working, you can keep important appointments. We also offer you the option of working at your home office. Tax-free benefits Benefit from our childcare subsidy or our value card, for example. Creative freedom We offer you freedom for creative working. Modern working environment You can work anywhere with our modern devices. Our focus here is on modern and user-friendly software. Company catering Our team of chefs conjures up a diverse and tasty menu from fresh ingredients daily. Good for your health and communication. Private supplementary insurance We want you and your family to be well taken care of. JobRad We lease your JobRad. You ride it whenever you want: to work, in everyday life, on vacation or for sports. Easy Accessible The main train station and subway station are within walking distance of the Headquarters. There are also plenty of free parking spaces available, including electric charging stations. Join our Team [PAGE] Title: Graphical programming using ibaLogic - iba Content: In diesem Training lernen Sie das grafische Programmieren mit der Soft-SPS ibaLogic. Nach dem Seminar können Sie Die grafische Program­mierung von ibaLogic durchführen. Die Ein-/Ausgänge und System­einstellungen konfigu­rieren. Wieder­verwendbare FBs und Makros erstellen. Einfache Programme in Structured Text (ST) erstellen. Daten im iba‑DAT-Format aufzeichnen. TCP/IP-Telegramme mit ibaLogic versenden und empfangen. Zielgruppe Programmierer, Inbetriebnehmer, Instandhalter und Mitarbeiter aus Produktions­abteilungen, die das grafische Programmieren mit der Soft‑SPS ibaLogic erlernen wollen. 98% of all participants evaluate the overall impression of our trainings with good to very good. Schwerpunkt ibaLogic ibaLogic is a system for signal processing and automation. The fifth generation of the ibaLogic system, which already functions reliably in many industrial applications, has been programmed in a new way and provided with an up-to-date interface. [PAGE] Title: Output Connectivity - iba Content: Output Connectivity iba System With the broad northbound connectivity measurement and quality data can also be processed outside the iba system. With connections to databases and cloud systems, data acquired with iba can be stored, evaluated and analyzed in your system. Due to process and cloud connectivity, we can help you digitalize your processes. Learn more Process Monitoring ibaPDA offers various streaming interfaces for online monitoring of processes captured with ibaPDA such as: OPC UA, MQTT, SAP S/4 HANA, Apache Kafka. Further interfaces are being planned. Storing and Analyzing characteristic Values For long-term storage and analysis of length- or time-based aggregated data or characteristic values calculated in ibaAnalyzer, the iba system offers an open database interface to SQL databases (SQL Server/MS Azure, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, …) via OLEDB or ODBC. Open Ecosystem Using these interfaces you can easily create a performant reporting system or use the data for your data analytics applications. Your Benefits at a Glance Realization of your Industry 4.0 strategy Open Ecosystem for the integration of your applications Cross-System Transfer [PAGE] Title: ibaInSpectra-Bundle - iba Content: Averaging type for frequency ranges Linear, exponential, peak hold Example View of the Software Configuration of Bands and characteristic Values Signal tree with calculated characteristic values and results of the frequency band analysis Real time visualization of the spectra as an individual spectrum, waterfall or contour view Configuration of the frequency bands to analyze Definition of alerts and alarms for frequency bands and characteristic values Configuration of the characteristic value calculation Raw data of the time signal of the current frequency analysis Visualization of the frequency bands with characteristic values and alarm thresholds ibaInSpectra Auto-Adapting Module Automatically learn Spectral Analysis The auto-adapting module can be used to detect damage to machines, gearboxes and motors as well as qualityrelated changes in process vibrations already at a very early stage. The self-learning InSpectra module offers optimal protection for systems through automatic monitoring in real time using learned reference values. Auto-Adapting Module at a Glance Self-learning InSpectra module for spectral analysis Reference spectra for various process conditions Analysis across the entire spectrum Automatic learning of reference values Individual definition of warning and alarm limits Online visualization in real time Early detection of changes and damage Product Features Detecting Damage at an early Stage The auto-adapting module is able to use a series of spectra to learn what the ideal spectrum should look like. The so-called reference spectrum can be learned for various process states, which, for example, relate to different speeds, materials or load areas, etc. Learning and Monitoring Instead of having to manually configure a frequency analysis for certain ranges, all ranges of the spectrum are considered in the auto-adapting module. In the process, the spectrum can be individually divided into any number of ranges. Convincing characteristic Values The auto-adapting module calculates meaningful characteristic values for every state. Learning and Monitoring Phase Example View of the Software Example of Monitoring with the ibaInSpectra Auto-Adapting Module Signal tree with calculated characteristic values and trends of the spectra difference Real time visualization of the spectra as an individual spectrum, waterfall or contour view Time gradient of difference to the learned reference spectra as an absolute and relative value Management and adjustment of the learned reference spectra for the different process conditions Visualization of the current spectrum (blue) and the reference spectra of the warning and alarm threshold (yellow and red) in the FFT view ibaInSpectra Orbit Module Monitoring the Shaft Motion The ibaInSpectra Orbit module can be used to monitor the shaft motion relative to bearing housing and therefore allows a reliable monitoring and evaluation of the machine condition. For a stable calculation of the parameters, even at different speeds, the input signals are sampled relative to speed. Orbit Module at a Glance Calculation of characteristic values for validation and monitoring Display of one or several shaft motions (orbit) Display of the shaft center motion (centerline) Speed-dependent resampling Calculation profiles for multiple usage Customized visualization Display of the phase reference Averaging over several rotations (linear or peak hold) Product Features Calculation of speed-dependent characteristic Values This ensures not only reliable results for all conditions but also allows an averaging of the orbit over several revolutions. Better Insight thanks to a flexible Visualization The orbit view offers various possibilities to adjust the visualization of the shaft motion individually. So the shaft motion can be visualized including phase reference. In addition, the movement history of the shaft center can be displayed over a time period. Offline detailed Analysis with Playback Function For a detailed offline analysis the recorded data can be opened together with the calculation profiles in ibaAnalyzer-InSpectra. Shaft motions can be analyzed subsequently and can be compared with other process data to recognize correlations. Additionally, the behavior can be reproduced at certain points of time, using the playback function. Characteristic Values of the Orbit Module Orbit counter [PAGE] Title: Support - iba Content: "We are familiar with the broad connectivity and have access to a comprehensive knowledge database." iba Support Team If you have questions concerning our products, we provide fast and competent support. Our support is provided by competent engineers who exactly know the different areas of application of the iba system and the individual products. [PAGE] Title: Your quick entry into the iba system - iba Content: iba Training Practice-oriented Training All trainings are done by our qualified technicians and engineers. Due to the small training groups, they can also respond to individual questions. Our trainers all have years of experience in using the iba system and provide you with their collected experience.
civil, mechanical & electrical
industrial automation
This allows you to record time-synchronized control data and machine data, as well as energy and vibration data, to a single measurement file. The iba System – an open Ecosystem If products of the iba system do not fully meet your requirements, you can also publish data recorded with iba via our Northbound interfaces and use them in your environment. Fast and synchronous sampling of all signals allows detailed analyzing of all processes. Title: Product Information - iba Content: Title: Experts for Measurement Systems for Industry and Energy - iba Content: Companies who rely on the iba System Become Part of our Team! La parte responsable en materia de leyes de privacidad de datos es: iba AG, Königswarterstrasse 44, 90762 Fürth, [email protected], Teléfono: +49 (911) 97282-14 Datos de contacto de la oficina de protección de datos: La oficina de protección de datos de iba AG puede ser localizada en la dirección de arriba y mediante [email protected] . La información adicional sobre el motivo y finalidad de la recolección de datos y su procesamiento por Google se puede encontrar en la política de privacidad de Google. La información adicional sobre el motivo y finalidad de la recolección de datos y su procesamiento por Google se puede encontrar en la política de privacidad de Google. La información adicional sobre el motivo y finalidad de la recolección de datos y su procesamiento por Google se puede encontrar en la política de privacidad de Google. Title: Measurement Systems for Industry and Energy - iba Content: Nederlands Your entry into the iba system: iba Info Days in Germany and Austria iba Info Days are a great way to get an overview of the iba system as a whole. Learn more See the Big Picture with the iba System The iba System for process data acquisition and analysis consists of perfectly adjusted hardware and software components for acquiring, recording, analyzing and processing measurement data. Your entry into the iba system: iba Info Days in Germany and Austria Become a certified vibration analyst with iba Meet ibaMAQS: the new Modular measurement system See the Big Picture with the iba System The iba System Autonomous, modular, scalable The iba system for process data acquisition and analysis consists of perfectly-adjusted hardware and software components for acquiring, recording, analyzing and processing measurement data. Title: Automatic processing of measurement data - iba Content: ibaDatCoordinator at a Glance Powerful tool for automated data processing Automated processing of measurement data recorded with the iba system - both measurement files and data from ibaHD‑Server - or third party files Automatic extract of time-series data to databases or files Publish batch-wise aggregated data via different connectors Automatic generation of quality and fault reports, triggered or timebased Notifications based on measurement data (e.g. limit exceedance) Copy DAT-files based on different criteria Integrated status monitoring Script function as open interface for free processing of data files The different tasks Copy task Copying or moving measurement files, e.g., from the acquisition system to a file server to create a backup of the measurement data. Nach Erhalt Ihres Widerrufs werden wir die Datenverarbeitung für die Zwecke einstellen, für die Sie uns die Einwilligung erteilt haben. Vous trouverez de plus amples informations sur le but et la portée de la collecte de données et de leur traitement par Google dans la déclaration de protection des données. Vous trouverez de plus amples informations sur le but et la portée de la collecte de données et de leur traitement par Google dans la déclaration de protection des données. Vous trouverez de plus amples informations sur le but et la portée de la collecte de données et de leur traitement par Google dans la déclaration de protection des données. Basic courses Analysis of iba measurement data Graphical programming using ibaLogic Measurement and data evaluation with iba Long-term data archiving and evaluation with ibaHD-Server Synchronous recording of video and measurement data using ibaCapture Monitoring and analysis of vibration data with ibaInSpectra Advanced courses Creating reports and quality documentation automatically using ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator Data Acquisition from a PLC SIMATIC S7 Visualization of measurement data and quality data using ibaQPanel Web-based visualization and analysis of iba measurement data using ibaDaVIS Monitoring and analysis of processes and machine conditions using ibaInCycle Request more Information I would like to learn more about the following iba Trainings Measurement, data evaluation and automatic reporting with iba Analysis of iba measurement data using ibaAnalyzer Graphical programming using ibaLogic Measurement and data evaluation with iba Long term acquisition and analysis of data and events using ibaHD-Server Synchronous recording of video and measurement data using ibaCapture Monitoring and analysis of vibration data with ibaInSpectra Automated generation of fault and quality reports with ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator Data Acquisition from a PLC SIMATIC S7 Online visualization of measurement data and quality data using ibaQPanel Automated key data calculation and web-based product and process analysis with ibaDaVIS Monitoring and analysis of processes and machine conditions using ibaInCycle Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines according to ISO 18436 category I Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines according to ISO 18436 category II I consent to the processing of my data* By choosing a country, my request will be forwarded to the country branch of iba AG responsible for sales and support. Basic courses Analysis of iba measurement data Graphical programming using ibaLogic Measurement and data evaluation with iba Long-term data archiving and evaluation with ibaHD-Server Synchronous recording of video and measurement data using ibaCapture Monitoring and analysis of vibration data with ibaInSpectra Advanced courses Creating reports and quality documentation automatically using ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator Data Acquisition from a PLC SIMATIC S7 Visualization of measurement data and quality data using ibaQPanel Web-based visualization and analysis of iba measurement data using ibaDaVIS Monitoring and analysis of processes and machine conditions using ibaInCycle Two-day Training Workshops 2024 Die Ein-/Ausgänge und System­einstellungen konfigu­rieren.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Online Hotel Channels Manager, Property Management System, PMS, Booking Engine - Content: About Us We work with you to extend your hospitality to a wider audience! Xmitter specializes in channel management and booking engine software to optimize sales for hotels, resorts, guest houses, villas and other accommodation operators. We also provide website designing services and payment gateway solutions. Our Team The Xmitter team is committed to understanding customers and clients' requirements and providing the kind of solutions and service that help contribute towards clients' long-term growth and success. Our Mission To create effective solutions through extensive research, innovative strategies and cutting-edge technology that positively impact clients, customers and travelers in the Hotel and Travel industry. Our Vision To be one of the leading technology partners by consistently delivering accurate analysis and innovative solutions to the hotel industry. Our Channel Partners Our Partners Channel Partners We are always interested in working with new channel partners. We would be happy to discuss an XML integration with you. Please email a copy of your API documentation to [email protected] with a description of your proposal. Our Products [PAGE] Title: Email Protection | Cloudflare Content: Email Protection You are unable to access this email address The website from which you got to this page is protected by Cloudflare. Email addresses on that page have been hidden in order to keep them from being accessed by malicious bots. You must enable Javascript in your browser in order to decode the e-mail address. If you have a website and are interested in protecting it in a similar way, you can sign up for Cloudflare . [PAGE] Title: Hotel Channel Manager Software to Manage OTA's, Hotels Room Inventory Management - Content: Channel Manager One interface to boost online visibility and maximize room occupancy. Our easy-to-use channel manager comes with advanced features that simplify online inventory distribution and help bring more guests your way. Leave the hassle of multiple logins behind and let Xmitter Channel Manager help you efficiently manage pricing, bookings, inventory and much more across multiple OTAs through just a single interface. Display your available inventory and promote all your rooms at once across online channels to attract more bookings. Optimise the efficiency of your online inventory distribution by linking your booking engine and your channel manager to work in sync with each other. Why is Xmitter the best Channel Manager for your hotel? User friendly Our channel manager has been designed to facilitate a seamless inventory management experience. A single login gives you access to all important data about your rooms. Quick Updates All available rooms will be promoted, based on conditions that you define, to all online channels without manual involvement. Smart Rate Update Quickly make modifications in room rates by percentage or amount as per your requirement. Common Pool Inventory This feature dynamically updates inventory of rooms to sell across OTAs and helps avoid overbookings. Walk-in Reservations You can update walk-in reservations into the channel manager and it will automatically adjust the inventory across all OTAs, no more manual increasing or decreasing of inventory required. Manage Bookings Easily modify pricing and availability for selected days and room types in real-time. Maintain rate parity across OTAs. Intimations and Alerts You will receive email notifications when inventory is 'Low' or 'Sold Out', as per conditions you set. Hotel Performance Reports Take better decisions based on relevant information. You can get monthly reports on online bookings with data about room nights, room types, room rates, and revenue generated. Premium Rate Shopper It will show you the room rates for competitors you select, across several online travel agencies and sales channels for upto a month's duration at a time. Review the comparison data and strategically modify your pricing. Promotions Promotions help to make your hotel rooms stand out from competition. Increase sales by creating special offers and attracting more guests. Audit Logs Audit Logs will maintain a record of all the changes and updates performed. Graphical Report Analysis You will have access to real-time data about bookings arranged in simple graphical charts. Our Channel Partners Our Partners Channel Partners We are always interested in working with new channel partners. We would be happy to discuss an XML integration with you. Please email a copy of your API documentation to [email protected] with a description of your proposal. Our Products [PAGE] Title: Contact us for Channel Manager, Booking Engine & Payment Gateway Services Content: Our Partners Channel Partners We are always interested in working with new channel partners. We would be happy to discuss an XML integration with you. Please email a copy of your API documentation to [email protected] with a description of your proposal. Our Products [PAGE] Title: Xmitter - Hospitality management product with PMS, CRS, RMS & Channel Managements Content: Revenue Management Boost occupancy and revenue. Strategic pricing and promotions can attract a lot of new guests to your hotel. Xmitter's Revenue Management will help you get the most of your Channel Manager and provide the strategy to efficiently set room rates and offers. Our focus is on helping you maximize occupancy and revenues with well-developed revenue management strategies that analyse several factors including the varying travel seasons, nationwide travel trends, hospitality and travel market, inventory availability patterns and competitors' rates, etc. Plan ahead by taking advantage of forecasts provided on the likely course of the travel market. Why is Xmitter the best solution for your revenue management needs? Dedicated Revenue Manager An Xmitter expert will be assigned to exclusively assist you. This Revenue Manager will monitor your property's online sales performance, answer your queries, and resolve your problems. You will receive plans that aim to maximise occupancy at different times of the year from Low Season to Peak Season. OTA Registration Your dedicated Revenue Manager will take care of the registration of your hotel on major OTAs to increase online visibility and bookings. Manage Online Business You can rest easy knowing your Revenue Manager will monitor your business on OTAs and efficiently co-ordinate with them. Managing content, maintaining your OTA ranking and content score will also be handled by your Revenue Manager. Business Analysis Your Revenue Manager will continuously assess the business, take stock of dip and rise patterns, look into the reasons and give advice on how to tackle them with the aid of insights. Strategies Your Revenue Manager will tirelessly work on building suitable pricing strategies to increase your profit margins. The strategies will be based on many factors and meticulous research of the travel market, competitors' rates, and travel trends, etc. You will be receive updates so that you can quickly respond to changes in the market. Monitoring Revenue Growth Your Revenue Manager will study pricing patterns and provide a forecast on future trends. Areas with scope for improvement will be identified and helpful suggestions on achievable targets will be given. Revenue Reports The Revenue Manager can provide a variety of detailed reports that will help you keep track of helpful statistics such as the revenue generated from each OTA, average room rate, highest and lowest performing OTAs and average occupancy with data on room type, etc. Our Channel Partners Our Partners Channel Partners We are always interested in working with new channel partners. We would be happy to discuss an XML integration with you. Please email a copy of your API documentation to [email protected] with a description of your proposal. Our Products [PAGE] Title: New Registration Form - Xmitter Content: You can call us anytime on +91 (22) 67134499 We're looking forward to working with you. Please tell us about your property. 01 Personal Info [PAGE] Title: Channel Manager Login to Manage all your Channels from Single Window - Content: [PAGE] Title: Online Hotel Channel Manager Integration Software, Best Hotel Room Inventory Management System - Content: Get Started Why Xmitter? In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving travel and hospitality industry, technology is playing a crucial role in dramatically shaping consumer habits; from researching hotels, comparing room rates and facilities, to safely transacting online, conveniently booking hotel rooms and rating/reviewing their stays. Hotels that attempt to understand and adapt to these new developments will build stronger customer relationships by going beyond guests' expectations. Xmitter helps hotels do just that with its offerings! With a wide range of solutions such as Xmitter Channel Manager to efficiently manage online inventory distribution, a Booking Engine to facilitate easy direct bookings online, Website Design to create websites for independent hotels, Revenue Management to employ insights for effective room pricing, and Secure 365, a payment gateway that facilitates secure safe and easy online transactions. Our Products and Services at a Glance. Xmitter places the ability to expertly manage hotel room queries, hotel booking confirmations, online hotel channel partners, and much more at Hoteliers' fingertips through a single, user-friendly interface. Channel Manager Our easy-to-use channel manager simplifies online inventory distribution and helps bring more guests your way. Booking Engine Offer your guests a room reservation experience on your hotel website through their smartphone, tablet or PC. Website Design Today's consumer expects a beautifully designed, mobile-friendly website that complements your beautiful hotel. Revenue Management With the aid of insights, Revenue Management will provide the strategy to efficiently maximise room occupancy. Our Channel Partners Our Partners Channel Partners We are always interested in working with new channel partners. We would be happy to discuss an XML integration with you. Please email a copy of your API documentation to [email protected] with a description of your proposal. Our Products [PAGE] Title: Hotel New Website Design & Development, Current Hotel Website Redesign at Content: Website Design Hotel websites that rate high on looks and user-friendliness. Travellers might give up on booking a room on your hotel website if faced with lack of a user-friendly experience. To increase your hotel's direct bookings, ensuring your booking engine provides a smooth and fast experience is a must. But even the most efficient booking engine relies on the support of the hotel website that's hosts it. Contact us to get a website developed or re-designed to boost your hotel's direct bookings! Why invest in developing a hotel website with Xmitter? In sync with Booking Engine You may already have a booking engine that looks quite good but if your hotel website is old and takes time to load, it will reduce the efficiency of your booking engine too. When the website design and booking engine have been optimized to work in sync with each other, it makes direct bookings much simpler and quicker for potential guests. A pleasant direct booking experience is likely to bring them back to your hotel website for future bookings. Unified Technology You end up falling behind when your hotel's website and booking engine are not connected. Promotions, special offers, rates and availability require seamless and quick updating but making the same updates many times and co-ordinations with an external website developer can lead to needless delays. Enhancing the design and technologies that power your hotel's website and booking engine to complement each other will result in a smoother experience while updating your hotels reservations, rates and promotions. Implementing these changes becomes easier when the provider is the same. Smart Design The consumer has come to expect a beautifully designed website to complement your beautiful hotel. And beautifully designed does stop at aesthetic appeal, it also requires content that keeps guests engaged and increases the likelihood of them clicking on 'book now'. Keeping visitors interested and avoiding a confusing design is critical. Mobile-friendly OTAs have got guests accustomed to a completely mobile-friendly booking experience and they now expect nothing less from you. A lot of last minute booking are done through mobiles. Having a booking engine that is mobile-friendly but a website that is not, will end up affecting the guest's booking experience in a negative way and take away bookings that could have been yours. Our Channel Partners Our Partners Channel Partners We are always interested in working with new channel partners. We would be happy to discuss an XML integration with you. Please email a copy of your API documentation to [email protected] with a description of your proposal. Our Products [PAGE] Title: Hotel Booking Engine for Travel Agents, Online Hotel Reservation System Software for Website - Content: Booking Engine Direct sales channel with secure online bookings. To increase your hotel's direct bookings, ensuring your booking engine provides a smooth and fast experience is a must. Xmitter's online booking engine helps offer your guests a better room reservation experience whether they access your hotel website using their smartphone, tablet, or PC. Developing your website's booking engine is a sound investment as it offers you the best opportunity for direct sales. Ensure a secure booking process and the added value of promotions with our feature-rich booking engine. We can also re-design your current hotel website or develop a new hotel website that will work in harmony with your booking engine to ensure a truly seamless booking experience. Why is Xmitter's booking engine the best one for your hotel? Quick Setup Your booking engine will be up and running within one working day so that you can start accepting direct bookings on your website without further delay. Hassle-free Booking Process Our simple and user friendly booking engine will help make bookings on your website a breeze. Responsive Booking Engine Our responsive booking engine helps provide a smooth direct booking experience to guests on their different devices such as PCs, smartphones or tablets. Booking Intimations It sends an immediate email notification to the hotelier upon booking confirmation and a booking voucher to the customer's email address. Promotions From flat discounts on room rates to percent off, our booking engine lets you define offers to attract guests and increase direct sales. Payment Gateway Options Choose from our multiple integrated payment gateways for guests to easily make direct online payments with a range of payment options such as debit card, credit card, cash card and netbanking. Enable fast and safe online transactions in multiple currencies. Reports Hoteliers have easy access to a variety of reports such as reservation and cancellation reports. Our Channel Partners Our Partners Channel Partners We are always interested in working with new channel partners. We would be happy to discuss an XML integration with you. Please email a copy of your API documentation to [email protected] with a description of your proposal. Our Products
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Title: Email Protection | Cloudflare Content: Email Protection You are unable to access this email address The website from which you got to this page is protected by Cloudflare. Title: Hotel Channel Manager Software to Manage OTA's, Hotels Room Inventory Management - Content: Channel Manager One interface to boost online visibility and maximize room occupancy. Leave the hassle of multiple logins behind and let Xmitter Channel Manager help you efficiently manage pricing, bookings, inventory and much more across multiple OTAs through just a single interface. You can get monthly reports on online bookings with data about room nights, room types, room rates, and revenue generated. Title: Contact us for Channel Manager, Booking Engine & Payment Gateway Services Content: Our Partners Channel Partners We are always interested in working with new channel partners. Strategic pricing and promotions can attract a lot of new guests to your hotel. Xmitter's Revenue Management will help you get the most of your Channel Manager and provide the strategy to efficiently set room rates and offers. Our focus is on helping you maximize occupancy and revenues with well-developed revenue management strategies that analyse several factors including the varying travel seasons, nationwide travel trends, hospitality and travel market, inventory availability patterns and competitors' rates, etc. OTA Registration Your dedicated Revenue Manager will take care of the registration of your hotel on major OTAs to increase online visibility and bookings. You will be receive updates so that you can quickly respond to changes in the market. Title: Online Hotel Channel Manager Integration Software, Best Hotel Room Inventory Management System - Content: Get Started Why Xmitter? With a wide range of solutions such as Xmitter Channel Manager to efficiently manage online inventory distribution, a Booking Engine to facilitate easy direct bookings online, Website Design to create websites for independent hotels, Revenue Management to employ insights for effective room pricing, and Secure 365, a payment gateway that facilitates secure safe and easy online transactions. Channel Manager Our easy-to-use channel manager simplifies online inventory distribution and helps bring more guests your way. Title: Hotel New Website Design & Development, Current Hotel Website Redesign at Content: Website Design Hotel websites that rate high on looks and user-friendliness. To increase your hotel's direct bookings, ensuring your booking engine provides a smooth and fast experience is a must. Enhancing the design and technologies that power your hotel's website and booking engine to complement each other will result in a smoother experience while updating your hotels reservations, rates and promotions. Having a booking engine that is mobile-friendly but a website that is not, will end up affecting the guest's booking experience in a negative way and take away bookings that could have been yours. Title: Hotel Booking Engine for Travel Agents, Online Hotel Reservation System Software for Website - Content: Booking Engine Direct sales channel with secure online bookings. To increase your hotel's direct bookings, ensuring your booking engine provides a smooth and fast experience is a must. We can also re-design your current hotel website or develop a new hotel website that will work in harmony with your booking engine to ensure a truly seamless booking experience.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: How It Works Content: BLOG How It Works A Pragmatic, Real World Funding Model Innovocracy was built to connect passionate Supporters, who may have a personal or professional interest in specific research, with passionate Innovators seeking to change the world for the better. In many cases, Supporters may simply wish to encourage innovation and research at an academic institution they have a connection with. Anyone, anywhere may support an Innovocracy project. Small Donations Can Add Up To Big Results With Innovocracy, an Innovator can post the details of their proposed project and request funding, usually between $3000 and $15,000 (though we do not cap the amount of the requests), to get their project from idea to reality. Individuals and organizations that want to support those projects can become supporters by pledging any amount towards that goal. If the goal is reached, Innovocracy funds the project and charges the Supporters for their contribution. If it does not, no funds are collected or distributed. This is support with no strings attached and over 90% of the funds collected are distributed directly to the Innovator via their educational institution. No equity changes hands and Innovators may offer incentives to Supporters. These incentives may be updates, sample products or other thank you items. However, no Innovator is required to compensate their Supporters in any way. Creating An Innovation Network provides the platform for soliciting funding. Our academic partners, including colleges and universities large and small, provide the environment for innovation. Member institutions support Innovocracy through financial and logistical support, creating a network of innovation across the universe of higher education. As we build out our network of universities, colleges, Innovators and Supporters, we are creating an engine of innovation powered by our educational system. Each node added to the network greatly expands the base of potential Supporters. By joining the Innovocracy network you and your organization are literally accelerating the flow of ideas into useful applications. Overview How It Works Launch Partners Underwriting Opportunities Board of Directors For information on partnering with Innovocracy contact us .'s Newsletter [PAGE] Title: Underwriting Opportunities Content: BLOG Underwriting Opportunities Underwriting Innovation in Higher Education: An Opportunity The Innovocracy Project offers venture investors, corporations and foundations with an opportunity to help unlock the innovation found in academic research- in a way that creates marketable products and ideas. It also provides early access to ideas and their inventors. Overview How It Works Launch Partners Underwriting Opportunities Board of Directors For information on working with Innovocracy as an Underwriter contact us .'s Newsletter [PAGE] Title: Overview Content: BLOG Overview Innovocracy: Bridging The Gap Between Ideas and Reality Both pure and applied research often reveal potential products and services that can have a positive impact on society. But taking that research and developing it into working prototypes or demonstrating a proof of concept can be challenging. In the academic environment finding the funds to build out and test ideas with commercial applications is often a challenge. Yet finding those funds can unlock the potential of the millions of dollars and thousands of hours spent on research programs. Innovocracy was created to bridge the gap between powerful ideas and beneficial applications of those ideas. We offer a funding source that connects people who want to support innovation in academic research and those innovators found on campuses around the world. Overview How It Works Launch Partners Underwriting Opportunities Board of Directors's Newsletter
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Title: How It Works Content: BLOG How It Works A Pragmatic, Real World Funding Model Innovocracy was built to connect passionate Supporters, who may have a personal or professional interest in specific research, with passionate Innovators seeking to change the world for the better. Small Donations Can Add Up To Big Results With Innovocracy, an Innovator can post the details of their proposed project and request funding, usually between $3000 and $15,000 (though we do not cap the amount of the requests), to get their project from idea to reality. If the goal is reached, Innovocracy funds the project and charges the Supporters for their contribution. This is support with no strings attached and over 90% of the funds collected are distributed directly to the Innovator via their educational institution. These incentives may be updates, sample products or other thank you items. However, no Innovator is required to compensate their Supporters in any way. Member institutions support Innovocracy through financial and logistical support, creating a network of innovation across the universe of higher education. As we build out our network of universities, colleges, Innovators and Supporters, we are creating an engine of innovation powered by our educational system. Overview How It Works Launch Partners Underwriting Opportunities Board of Directors For information on partnering with Innovocracy contact us . Title: Underwriting Opportunities Content: BLOG Underwriting Opportunities Underwriting Innovation in Higher Education: An Opportunity The Innovocracy Project offers venture investors, corporations and foundations with an opportunity to help unlock the innovation found in academic research- in a way that creates marketable products and ideas. Overview How It Works Launch Partners Underwriting Opportunities Board of Directors For information on working with Innovocracy as an Underwriter contact us . Title: Overview Content: BLOG Overview Innovocracy: Bridging The Gap Between Ideas and Reality Both pure and applied research often reveal potential products and services that can have a positive impact on society. In the academic environment finding the funds to build out and test ideas with commercial applications is often a challenge. Yet finding those funds can unlock the potential of the millions of dollars and thousands of hours spent on research programs. Innovocracy was created to bridge the gap between powerful ideas and beneficial applications of those ideas. We offer a funding source that connects people who want to support innovation in academic research and those innovators found on campuses around the world. Overview How It Works Launch Partners Underwriting Opportunities Board of Directors's Newsletter
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Scale Tickets - Scaleit USA Content: A scale ticket is the printed document of the critical transaction information stored in your database. A scale ticket is the currency of your business. A scale ticket can be printed, submitted for billing (exported to popular accounting packages) and archived. Scaleit W8 scale software provides an array of formats of how a scale ticket can be configured, printed and transmitted. Scale tickets can also be customized and configured to fit a specific design or special needs in an almost limitless way.  Your scale tickets can include unique company information, messages, and company logos in full color. Scaleit W8 works with all printers. Perhaps your company has an existing supply of pre-printed scale tickets – Scaleit W8 will fill-in the data. Go Green! Scaleit W8 has built-in functionality to send scale tickets to multiple recipients as e-mails or text messages. Q: Why are scale tickets important in trucking? A: Electronic Scale Tickets help ensure better tracking, more detailed reporting and, most importantly, more accurate accounting of what comes across your scale. No longer having to rely on handwritten tickets that are often lost or illegible; electric scale ticketing not only speeds up your scaling process, it allows you to be confident you are getting accurately paid for what you weigh. Handwritten, carbon copy tickets are not ideal. Using them can be extremely costly and require extensive record keeping in file folders that can occupy entire scale houses. This data is not backed up, leaving it vulnerable to loss. Electronic scale tickets, on the other hand, are available at the touch of a button and always backed up. Q: What is an empty weight ticket? A: An empty weight ticket is often referred to as a public weighing. This is a one-time paid and one-time weighed process. These are normally used by over the road, long haul truckers who need to know how much their trucks and trailers weigh prior to going over a state-run scale where they could be ticketed. Our software allows for public weighing, as long as the facility is open for public weighing. Q: Why is Scaleit W8! Ideal for grain scale tickets? A: Farmers prefer to use our software for weighing the grain boils for a few key reasons: a. We integrate with Moisture Readers. This allows for the farmers to weigh and calculate the moisture of the grain load in one ticket, giving them all the data required for their reporting needs, all tied back to the one transaction. b. Bin Inventory – Our software allows farmers to track the inventory level of their Grain Bins. c. Reports – Many farms need\require a multi-year history of their season and the yield the field produced for insurance purposes. By using our software, they have all that information for as long as they need it and they can access any year\field\crop anytime. Scaleit W8 Software Preview Highly Recommend! I was manually calculating and entering all of our scale tickets prior to using Scaleit. This is a great program and has been a huge time and money saver!! Without it, we would have had no choice but to hire additional personnel. The Scaleit team has been very responsive and quickly resolves the little hiccups that come with any software integration. I can always get a hold of someone if needed after hours and they are always polite, respectful and very, very knowledgeable. It integrated beautifully with QuickBooks and I anticipate using Scaleit for years to come. Not only is the program itself worth its weight in gold but the customer service cannot be matched!! Koreen Verified Customer We are very Glad Sanford Scale recommended Scaleit USA to us. We called various other program vendors and were told we had to purchase specific equipment to run their programs. When we called Scaleit we were told that they would make any cameras, printers, and computers we wanted work, even our used equipment. Scaleit USA configured everything online using existing I.T. wiring installed; we did not even have to hire an outside vendor for this. We are a small Metals Recycling Company and this program works great for our needs. We have never had a program breakdown, outage, or delay since using Scaleit. When we need help adding new equipment, the I.T. members at Scaleit are very helpful and courteous. Thanks guys and keep up the good work. Keith Henderson Verified Customer Where do we begin about Scaleit USA! We have been using this company since 2013 at Hanson Mountain Rock Quarry in Sallisaw, Oklahoma. They have exceeded our expectations on so many levels and occasions. Their technicians are very polite and helpful. If they don’t know the answer, they will find out in a timely manner. They have helped us to make many modifications to perfect our scale tickets to satisfy our customer’s needs. It’s amazing to see how persistent and quick they are in reprogramming our system. I couldn’t imagine ever using another company. Sincerely, Hanson Mt. Quarry President, Sheila Cullum Scale House Manager, DeAnna Carr Sheila Cullum [PAGE] Title: Hardware for Scale Software - Scaleit USA Content: [PAGE] Title: W8 Setup Download - Scaleit USA Content: DOWNLOAD TRIAL W8 Setup Download Please complete the form to receive a fully functional, 14-day free trial download of Scaleit W8 scale software. For tutorial videos on how to install and operate our software, please click here . Scaleit support hours are Monday – Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (EST). Scaleit Support Contact Information: Main Phone: 855.722.5348 Ext. 1 After hours support: 855.722.5348 Ext. 9 For a full list of recommend system requirements, please click here . Download Trial [PAGE] Title: Build Your Subscription Archives - Scaleit USA Content: DOWNLOAD TRIAL Build Your Subscription Begin building your subscription by selecting whether your business is in need of our cloud solution which includes unlimited transactions annually, advanced cloud reporting, and requires no server equipment to be setup on site, or if a locally hosted software option would meet your business’ needs. Showing all 3 results [PAGE] Title: Our History - Scaleit USA Content: 1970 1970 In the spring of 1970, Odd Landgraff, Odd Rasen, and Roy Hansen began Landgraff Vekter (vekter = scales) as equal partners from a rented garage in Oslo. Landgraff was the company salesman. Rasen and Hansen were service technicians. The company provided and serviced all types of scales. 1971 1971 May 14, 1971 marks the official registration date of Landgraff Vekter AS. Odd Landgraff, Odd Rasen, and Roy Hansen became equal partners in the new shareholder company. They worked from the rented garage for two years. May 29, 1971 – Al Unser won the Indianapolis 500 for the second year in a row. 1973 1973 The company moves to a new business location. During the years of 1973 – 1984, it was business as usual. The company experienced modest growth. By year’s end, the company added a secretary and a third service technician. The scalemen had a blue-collar approach to business and were happy to be self-employed. 1976 1976 April 1, 1976 – Apple was established in Steve Jobs’s garage in Los Altos, California. Before the 1980s, truck scales relied on mechanical means of measuring. The innovation of software introduced a new world of opportunity and rapidly accelerated the adaptation to electronic truck scales. Early users realized a multitude of new found benefits: efficiency, minimized paperwork, speed, fewer human errors, greater accuracy, increased profitability, streamlined operations, etc. 1981 1981 January 1981 – Flintab, a Swedish truck scale manufacturer starts a new truck scale dealership with Nordic Supply. The new business is a department of Nordic Supply. This is the beginning of what later is known as Flintab Vekter. August 12, 1981 – IBM launched their first personal computer (IBM PC). 1985 1985 January 1985 – Landgraff acquires the truck scale division from Nordic Supply that becomes Flintab Vekter AS. Landgraff handles the sales and service of smaller scales, and Flintab Vekter AS handles the truck scales. The combined company becomes a major player in Norway. November 1985 – Microsoft introduced Windows. 1986 1986 During the spring of 1986, Dag Rasen was involved in software development and while working full-time for Norsk Data (a Norwegian computer company), his father asks if he would be able to develop a software package for Flintab truck scales. By the year’s end of 1986, the first version named “DOS-X11” was complete. 1987 1987 January 8, 1987 – The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above 2,000 for the first time, and the market closed at 2,002.25. January 1987 – Åsland Pukkverk became the first software customer of the newly developed DOS-based software program. February 1987 – Flintab Vekter hired Dag Rasen full-time. Oct. 19, 1987 (Black Monday) – The day stock markets around the world crashed. Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) dropped by 508 points to 1738.74 (22.61%). Q4 1987 – Feiring Bruk AS becomes one of our earliest, substantial, and most significant customers. Feiring Bruk is family owned with origins in crushed stone and gravel plants. Their business is dominant in eastern Norway, where they have 10 quarrying operations that are producing aggregate, sand & gravel, soil, bark and asphalt products ( The company buys 10 software licenses and is our first networked solution customer operating on a Novell network. Case study of Feiring Bruk By the year’s end of 1987, Flintab Vekter sold a total of 20 software licenses. 1988 1988 Leading up to a software breakthrough, Dag discovered two outstanding programmers and hired them both. At that time, they were senior year college master students in software development and part-time employees. They both made a great impact in software development for the next two years. Each year from 1986 to 1997, thousands of scales of all types were sold. Between 15 and 20 truck scales per year were sold and a majority of them were purchased with software in a variety of market segments such as aggregate, waste, recycling, grain, bulk, etc. At these earliest stages of evolution, it was apparent to the scalemen that their software was becoming a determining factor in winning new scale business. More software licenses than truck scales were sold. During this time, 250-300 DOS licenses were sold to mostly single location customers. Virtually all remain current customers today. 1990 May 22, 1990 – Microsoft released Windows 3.0. 1991 1991 Tom Roy Hansen joins Landgraff Vekter. Previously, he was a carpenter with an entrepreneurial spirit who renovated and accumulated investment properties. June 1991 – At the annual meeting of the Norwegian Sand and Gravel Association, Dag Rasen was invited to conduct a presentation. For the first time ever, he presented a new concept – unmanned weighing operations and the first unmanned driver terminal. Members and attendees dismissed the concept and terminal with ridicule and amusement, “Dette vil aldri fungere i vår bransje!” (This will never work in our branch!). 1992 1992 By 1992, a number of companies such as Toledo (later became Metter-Toledo), Berkel (Avery bought Berkel and Weigh-tronix to become the company we know today as Avery Weigh-tronix), and Danvægt (Danish truck scale manufacturer) started developing truck scale software. Late 1992 – Odd Landgraff left the company. October 24, 1992 – The first World Series ever with games played outside the United States of America. The American League champion Toronto Blue Jays played the National League champion Atlanta Braves. Toronto defeated Atlanta, four games to two, marking the first time a team based outside the United States won the World Series. 1993 1993 June 1993 – Veidekke ASA became a very important new Flintab Vekter customer. Veidekke is one of Scandinavia’s largest, most reliable, and most respected contractors and property developers. Headquartered in Oslo, the company has approximately 6,000 employees with about 700 ongoing projects at any one time spread over large parts of Scandinavia. Veidekke recognizes that the total quality of a project increases through close interaction between all stakeholders. The first of many sales consisted of complete weighing solutions – truck scales and truck scale software. The company had utilized several truck scale softwares before. When asked why they chose our company? – “You know our business!” – Testimonial – April 1993 – The seniors Odd Rasen and Roy Hansen extended greater and increasing responsibilities to their respective sons. The boys (Tom Roy and Dag) had drive and ambition and were given ownership shares. Tom Roy was already the Sales Manager and Dag was the Technical Manager. Business was already very good but they wanted to achieve more and they wanted to expand. The sons found conviction that their software was the determining factor in winning more business overall and closing more new truck scale sales over competitors who offered just a scale. December 8, 1993 – U.S. President Bill Clinton signed the North American Free Trade Agreement into law. 1994 1994 January 1994 – The Landgraff and Flintab businesses relocate to a new building – the same location from which it operates today. Still operating as separate companies comprised of approximately 6 employees each. Tom Roy was promoted Manager for Landgraff Vekter, Dag was promoted Manager of Flintab Vekter. February 1994 – The 1994 Winter Olympics, officially known as the XVII Olympic Winter Games, opened in Lillehammer, Norway. Early 1994 – Embarking an ambitious project to build the new Oslo International Airport , the Civil Airport Administration (today Avinor) invited bids for unmanned weighing solutions (scales, terminals, software and support) to track, weigh, and manage the removal and reuse of rock, stone, and gravel materials from where a small mountain once stood. Flintab Vekter was awarded the project because of our ability to prove reliable unmanned weighing operations. The airport authority had stringent requirements for scale ticketing, operational consistency, and reporting. All companies involved in the hauling, removal, and delivery of aggregate materials were required to adopt our software. The construction of the main airport started in August 1994. Mid 1994 – Scancem became our first international customer. Scancem is now known as Scancem International DA, a part of HeidelbergCement – the largest producer in the African cement market. Headquartered in Oslo, Norway, the company operates in seven sub-Saharan countries. They purchased complete weighing solutions (scales and software) for their new sites in Ghana and Togo. The company employs 68,000 people at 2,800 locations in 50 countries. 1994 – 1996 were busy and very productive years. The businesses were realizing excellent growth, increasing their investment in development, and expanding their dealer network to approximately 30 including 10 industrial/truck scale dealers. 1996 1996 October 1996 – The new Oslo International Airport opened on schedule. Using 10 scales, between 1-2 million weighings were performed over the 2 year construction project. Some truck scales that were utilized in the airport project were used in a related high-speed train construction project that began immediately following the airport opening. 1997 1997 January 1, 1997 – To improve customer service, reduce operating costs, improve marketing, gain greater market share, and establish a clearer identity as the market leader, the two companies merged to establish Landgraff & Flintab Vekter AS. Dag and Tom Roy had set in motion their own business development plan. The newly merged company had 12 employees and a total revenue of $3M. February 16, 1997 – Jeff Gordon won his first Daytona 500, becoming the youngest driver in history to win the race. Mid 1997 – “V2K,” our first Windows-based software was released. Icopal became the first new customer and purchased 20 licenses. Headquartered in Denmark, the Icopal Group delivers high-end products for flat and pitched roofing and offers a broad service range including installation services. The Icopal Group now has an annual revenue of approximately EUR 1 billion with some 3,600 employees worldwide. Summer 1997 – Kraft Foods became a new customer. A new truck scale and software was installed at their operation branch (previously Freia Chocolate) in Oslo. 1998 September 4, 1998 – incorporated. 1999 1999 Ragn-Sells AS became a new customer for scales and software. The company is Scandinavia’s foremost expert in waste recycling and new environment. The company and its 2,300 employees have a deep belief in “Part of the cycle” ecological thinking – both the economic and environmental ( They initially purchased 6 licenses, which later increased to 15. 60 software licenses sold in 1999. 2002 2002 2001 & 2002 – Tough and challenging years for business and personal reasons. Norway experienced a housing crash and overall the business climate was down. Our company remained profitable, the business plan was expanded, and five new employees were hired. After years of working almost around the clock, Dag was exhausted and took a much needed leave of absence. Tom Roy was recovering from a life-threatening surgery so he was absent for almost two years. 2003 2003 January 2003 – Dag returns! Later in the year Tom Roy returns! Leadership was again healthy and re-energized. The company was consolidated, regained its prior momentum, and repositioned to realize its most substantial expansion and success. February 2003 – Franzefoss AS Group consolidated enterprise-wide to the V2K software. Previously, the company had some licenses of older versions of our software. Franzefoss Aggregate AS, a subsidiary and one of Norway’s leading mining companies became admired as a knowledgeable company. Over decades as a supplier to the construction industry, public sector, agriculture, and more, they have developed a unique expertise. Franzefoss Aggregate produced approximately 3 million tons of crushed stone, gravel, sand, soil, and asphalt at 17 plants in Norway. The group also includes a sister company, Franzefoss Recycling AS. May 5, 2003 – Professional social networking site LinkedIn was launched. LinkedIn reported more than 100 million registered users, spanning more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. Mid 2003 – Scaleit SRL was established in Romania as the Scaleit Software Development Department. Beginning with just two highly talented programmers, they began developing a totally new software package while continuing to support older V2K Windows-based versions. Oleg Andrisan was hired as Manager. He previously served as an independent software developer contractor since 2001. 2006 2006 2004-2006 – Landgraff & Flintab Vekter acquired 3 small truck scale sales & service dealerships. Dag and Tom refined and repositioned the business model and added new staff. July 2006 – Jydsk Vægtfabrik became the first international Scaleit software dealer. With a long history of manufacturing and selling truck scales, this modern Danish company currently provides high technology weighing equipment for the truck scale industry. Jydsk Weight Factory is the Danish distributer of Sartorius industrial scales and Bilanchai truck scales. 2007 2007 January 1, 2007- Scaleit Group AS was established as the parent company and business development group for the development of the Scaleit brand to introduce new companies to new markets. Dag and Tom Roy became the principals for the group, vacating their respective roles. Promotions are made to fill new Landgraff & Flintab Vekter Managing Director positions. January 1, 2007 – Romania joined the European Union (The “EU”). Spring 2007 – Scaleit W8 was released! Our mission is to be the #1 choice worldwide in truck scale software solutions. June 2007 – GLØR Lillehammer became the first Scaleit W8 customer in Norway. GLØR is the waste recycling company owned and operated by the five cities in the Lillehammer region. The group served 35,000 people and 17,000 household customers. Each city currently utilizes Scaleit W8 software in a networked environment. 2008 April 2008 Aker Yards became the first Scaleit Romania customer. Aker Yards, a subsidiary of the South Korean industrial conglomerate STX Corporation, is the largest shipbuilding group in Europe and the fourth largest in the world. Headquartered in Oslo, Norway, they purchased scales and software for their shipyard in Romania. April 14, 2008 – Delta Air Lines reached an agreement with Northwest Airlines to take over Northwest and create the world’s biggest airline. 2008 – Coca-Cola became a new customer in Romania. Scaleit Romania installed two truck scales in two production plants: Ploiesti in 2008 and Timisoara in 2009. Both plants are equipped with Scaleit W8 weighing software. We’re also contracted for maintenance and annual metrological verification. October 2008 – Petrom became a new customer. Our company was still in its infancy in Romania and perceived as invisible and uncompetitive. Once aware of our software and expertise, Petrom awarded the largest contract ever issued for truck scale solutions in Romania to Scaleit Romania. Petrom is the largest company in Romania, focused on extraction and processing of oil and natural gases. Our contract started in 2009 and required the installation of 34 unmanned truck scale systems (all with W8 software) in 17 bio-remediation plants all over Romania near oil extraction points. Scaleit Romania acts as a sub-contractor for Precia Molen, being responsible for civil works and installation works of the weighbridge systems, as well as installation of computers with W8 weighing software. W8 is currently installed in 5 locations with on-line/off-line synchronization with a central database. Scaleit Romania has installed video surveillance systems on each location with picture acquisition of every vehicle being weighed. As of May 2011, 5 locations (10 weighbridges) have been installed, tested, and certified. The 2011 schedule included 3 new locations to be installed, each with 2 weighbridge systems. The remaining 9 locations (18 weighbridges remaining) are scheduled for 2012 and 2013. 2008 – Under the leadership of Oleg Andrisan and Viorel Vasile, Scaleit Romania succeeded in selling 50 truck scales during the first year. The department expanded to 20 employees and Scaleit Group revenue increased exceeding $8M. 2009 2009 Bechtel became a Scaleit Romania customer. We performed a retrofit of seven truck scales originally installed in 2008. All scales use W8 software. The scales are used for weighing construction materials that are used in building several sections of the Transylvania Motorway. March 2009 – Scaleit Romania was reorganized and operated as two companies: Scaleit and Scaleit Software. Also, 2009 marked the first year of manufacturing our own truck scales for the Romanian market. During our first year, we developed and sold 85 scales! 2010 August 2010 In preparation for the introduction and launch of Scaleit USA, Dag and his family relocated from Norway to Clearwater, Florida. October 11, 2010 – The official launch of and start date of Scaleit USA. November 2010 – Sorensen Sand and Gravel became the first Scaleit USA customer. Family owned and operated since 1982, their aggregate operation became the first subscriber for the radically new Scale W8 concept. -Testimonial – 2010 – Scaleit Romania developed and sold 100+ scales. Scaleit Group expanded to 50+ employees, and the total revenue increased to $10 million. 2011 2011 ArcelorMittal became a new Scaleit Romania customer. ArcelorMittal is the world’s leading steel company with operations in 60+ countries, and the current leader in all major global steel markets. We performed a rail track scale retrofit (17 meters, 100 ton). The rail scale retrofitting took place in Hunedoara. Additionally, we developed and installed an automatic railcar identification system to prevent human errors on weighing of rail cars within trains. October 2011 – National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM) issues NTEP Certificate of Conformance 11-097 for CN 6979, Scaleit W8 is NTEP approved! October 2011 – Concluding only our third year of truck scale manufacturing and sales activities, we projected our company would build and sell 150-175 truck scales, 85% integrated with Scaleit W8, and a total projected revenue of $14M for the calendar year of 2011. We exceeded our projections! Nearly 200 truck scales were sold, 90%+ integrated with Scaleit W8. We have long believed that W8 motivates customers to choose Scaleit as their weighing equipment solution provider and the reason for our rapid growth. It is our customers that tell us this is true. 2014 2014 Scaleit USA is growing! With the need to accomidate more employees Scaleit USA reloctes to bigger offices in Clearwater, FL. 2016 2016 Scaleit USA releases the future of scale software; Scaleit iW8. Scaleit iW8 offers our customer full cloud access to all their tickets and reports from each scale house. 2020 2020 Scaleit USA releases their very own Driver Kiosk. Once againg bring the best prices and features to the Scale Industry. The Scaleit Driver Terminal works alongside Scaleit W8 and is deisgned to allow for completely unattended scale ticketing. It is designed to be plug and play so you can be up and completing tickets in no time! 2021 2021 [PAGE] Title: Waste, Scrap Metal and Agricultural Inventory Management - Content: Waste, Scrap Metal and Agricultural Inventory Management Scaleit W8, Ticketing and Inventory Management Software Hi there. This video is going walk you through our inventory management system within Scaleit W8. Now, we do have some basic inventory built in that is our simple inventory module and if all you’re looking to do is capture incoming versus outgoing average price and total amount on hand over a given time period, that would be built into our simple inventory which is under “settings”, “advanced”, “inventory,” “simple inventory.” If you’re looking to do more advanced items with your inventory such as process, transfer, do inventory checks or more powerful reporting, that would be here in our advanced inventory section. So, I’m going to go and open up my advanced inventory window and this is for my scrap metal that I had set up. We have copper one, two and some cans. You can have multiple storage locations per product so you have copper #1-A copper #1-B or if you just want to set up one for each product, you have that can be done as well. We built in some handy items within the product setup that allow you to automatically create an inventory location for this product when you create it. Now within the inventory window, there are a lot of things that you have access to. So we can do an inventory check which you know if you’re walking around the yard and you want to say hey this is  October 1st and I’m going to do an inventory check and this is what I have on hand now. So, I’m going to go just do that for copper number one really quick and instead of 1500, I’m going to say I have 2000 on hand now at a price of $3.05 and put the date in for 10/1 even though we are already recording the date. So, that resets my in and out and puts my quantity on hand at 2000. Now we did not lose any of that history for that storage location. We can still run past reports to see that history. If you need to do any sort of inventory transfers – let’s say I had multiple copper number one, you know storage is set up, I could transfer from one to the other or, more importantly, inventory processing. So, let’s say I’m going take copper number two and turn it into copper number one, I can go here and do a process of copper #2 and I’m going process we’ll say 200 pounds and I’m turning it into copper #1 so let’s go ahead and select that and the result is 190 pounds, so there was a 10-pound loss during that process.  Then we’ll do that on $3.05 a pound, set and we’ll just do demo here, and yes. So, it reduced copper #2 and put in 190 pounds and copper #1. All of this is recording every action you take against that inventory location so you can run a report and see what came in and what went out, what was processed, transferred, or any reductions in inventory that you would think of. We do have an overview button here and if I click that it will automatically open up the report window and just give you a quick printable overview of your inventory situation current on hand amounts. Again, these reports can be customized with different ones added, so this is running it for all the inventory locations I have. I did not specify just to do it for the scrap side and if you do look, we do have some negative inventory amounts. While that is strange, it is allowed within our software if the setting is turned on. If you do not want to allow negative inventory to occur that setting can be turned off. If the scale operator decides to or tries to remove inventory from a location that doesn’t have enough it will stop them. So, let’s go ahead and go into the ticketing side of it. I’m going to go ahead and let’s load in a vehicle and a seller and I’m going to buy some copper #1 and you notice it loaded inventory location 6 copper #1 and I’m going say I’m going buy 250 pounds of it and finish. So since I selected that storage unit, it is going to then adjust my inventory accordingly and take in another 250 pounds. So based on the ticket direction, incoming product versus outgoing product, it knows which inventory to add or remove from based on the storage item here. Now let’s go ahead and hop over onto the aggregate side of things. Why there’s really no difference, it just helps to see it with your materials named what you’re used to and seeing a ticket in action. So I’m going to go ahead and load a ticket here and we’re going be selling half inch travel and we’re going to say this is coming out of pile B. If I hover over it, it actually gives you an amount on hand as well. So, let’s go ahead and sell 12,000 pounds and finish. Let’s go back into our inventory and we’re going to see that an additional 12,000 pounds is taken out of this storage for having scrap. Now as I mentioned earlier, you can transfer inventory from pile A to pile B, so I’m going go ahead and transfer. Let’s go ahead and do one from A into B. We are going to transfer 50,000 pounds, demo, hit OK and we reduced pile A and added it to pile B. You can also move inventory between yards. If you want to take a load of whatever material, it is from one yard to another. All that is built right into Scaleit W8 and it doesn’t matter if you’re using this for agricultural, for landfills, aggregate or scrap. We have the ability to set up the inventory, to process it the way you want to see it and have your reports. So, when you create a new storage unit location, you go here, and you can name it whatever you would like. I like to keep the names based on the product name. So, since I already have road base I’m just going call this spot two. Then I’m going link road base to this, and you’ll see it add down here so you can transfer between these two since they have the same product assigned to them. This screen is your amount on hand. Currently inventory amount is what you started off with when you did your last inventory check so it will record that as well. So, you can see where you started versus where you are now and then you can cross reference any additional reports or past tickets that you need to. And as I mentioned before, we have a lot of reports available for you on this so I’m going hop over to this report and while we have a lot built out just to let us know what you’re looking for and if we have one that’s already made we can get it set up on your PC or make you know any adjustments you need to others. So let’s go down to the storage report by day and I’m just going do it for the first five days. Now this report does not have any filters built into it but we can and do have some that have filters built in so that you can say OK just show it to me for product A or product B. So, this is looking at date ranges. You’ll see my grain has stayed steady over the last few days with minor increases. I’ve had some ups and downs with my half inch gravel I’ve been buying or producing it and selling it and then copper has been staying pretty level. What is cool is that it breaks it down for you by date each ticket you’ve done, what storage unit it went to, and what either went out or went into it. So, like I said, this one is not filtering it by any specific product right now but it you know it is easy to do so. We have a filter built-in for product, customer, and date range is here for you. So this gives you each day what you had on hand in each location. Pretty handy report. We have various other inventory reports built in. So, if I wanted to run incoming product summary this is materials I’m buying so this would be on the scrap metal side and it will breakdown every item I’ve purchased over this date range and give me a different averages, price purchased at and amounts on hand as well. I’ve only bought two items, copper #1 and #2, total pounds, average price, and total price that I purchased it at. So you can find these very handy and very helpful to help you run your business. If there are any questions you have, please feel free to reach out to us. I’ll be more than happy to walk you through it on a live demo or answer any additional questions you might have. Thank you. Have an awesome day and hope to talk to you soon. Scaleit W8 Software Preview Highly Recommend! I was manually calculating and entering all of our scale tickets prior to using Scaleit. This is a great program and has been a huge time and money saver!! Without it, we would have had no choice but to hire additional personnel. The Scaleit team has been very responsive and quickly resolves the little hiccups that come with any software integration. I can always get a hold of someone if needed after hours and they are always polite, respectful and very, very knowledgeable. It integrated beautifully with QuickBooks and I anticipate using Scaleit for years to come. Not only is the program itself worth its weight in gold but the customer service cannot be matched!! Koreen Verified Customer We are very Glad Sanford Scale recommended Scaleit USA to us. We called various other program vendors and were told we had to purchase specific equipment to run their programs. When we called Scaleit we were told that they would make any cameras, printers, and computers we wanted work, even our used equipment. Scaleit USA configured everything online using existing I.T. wiring installed; we did not even have to hire an outside vendor for this. We are a small Metals Recycling Company and this program works great for our needs. We have never had a program breakdown, outage, or delay since using Scaleit. When we need help adding new equipment, the I.T. members at Scaleit are very helpful and courteous. Thanks guys and keep up the good work. Keith Henderson Verified Customer Where do we begin about Scaleit USA! We have been using this company since 2013 at Hanson Mountain Rock Quarry in Sallisaw, Oklahoma. They have exceeded our expectations on so many levels and occasions. Their technicians are very polite and helpful. If they don’t know the answer, they will find out in a timely manner. They have helped us to make many modifications to perfect our scale tickets to satisfy our customer’s needs. It’s amazing to see how persistent and quick they are in reprogramming our system. I couldn’t imagine ever using another company. Sincerely, Hanson Mt. Quarry President, Sheila Cullum Scale House Manager, DeAnna Carr Sheila Cullum [PAGE] Title: Waste Software. Landfill Software. Scale Software - Scaleit USA Content: Waste Software. Landfill Software. Scale Software Simple Solutions for you Waste and Landfill Facility Scaleit W8 is a simple solution to waste and landfill management. Scaleit W8 is an extraordinary software program designed to empower managers and owners in the Waste and Landfill Industry. Managers can now gain complete control of their Waste and Landfill operations with one simple software system. Scaleit W8 is a comprehensive software program that allows managers to customize reports for environmental agency reporting, facilitate company expansion, supply accurate and timely data and much more. Scaleit W8’s customizable option makes this powerful software system the perfect solution for all sized operations. Scaleit W8 can be easily configured with different user interfaces for all operations that use a truck scale: Aggregate Software, Scrap Metal Software, Waste Software, Landfill Software, Recycling Software and Agricultural Software. Since 1986 Scaleit W8 Waste and Landfill Software has successfully helped hundreds of Municipal Landfills gain full compliance and run their landfill operation more efficiently. Scaleit W8 is an easy-to-use, user friendly software system that meets the challenges and obstacles landfill operations face on a daily basis. Since landfills companies are all sizes and operate differently, Scaleit W8 can be easily redesigned to meet the expectations of every operation. Affordable Waste and Landfill Software Scaleit W8 Waste and Landfill Software is an affordable solution that includes No Start Up Costs and low annual fees. This complete software package includes regular software updates and unbeatable technical support. Scaleit can be configured with different user interfaces. Each interface can be redesigned to accommodate every landfill. Gain full freedom by managing separate departments and companies with different interfaces all with one software system. [PAGE] Title: Software Partners - Scaleit USA Content: Software Partners Foundation Software – America’s #1 Construction Accounting Software Since 1985, Foundation Software—author & developer of Foundation® job cost accounting, project management & scheduling software— helps contractors improve their accounting and reporting processes.  With robust construction modules; customizable construction reporting; Foundation mobile –  a remote timecard entry application that works with phones, tablets and other popular handheld devices; and Foundation eAccess – an employee portal for paystub information, Foundation works for contractors of various trades and sizes. Both on-premise software and SaaS versions are available. | 800-246-0800. – a payroll service just for construction. is an online payroll service provider just for the construction industry that offers payroll processing services AND takes care of construction-specific payroll tasks.  In addition to traditional processing services (checks, direct deposit, taxes, W2s) also includes the following construction payroll items as a standard part of their service: Certified payroll and construction reporting Tracks multiple prevailing wage jobs and pay rates Tracks multiple states and localities Handles complex union payrolls Fully integrates with QuickBooks and other accounting programs Offers easy and secure online payroll interface See how easy your construction payroll can be –  visit . [PAGE] Title: Farm Inventory - Scaleit USA Content: Schedule a Demo Tracking farm inventory across various fields and facilities as trucks haul goods from one location to another or out for delivery to a customer requires detailed information about inventory, costs, labor, expiration dates and more.Scaleit offers many convenient features for agriculture and farm inventory management: You can have multiple storage locations for each product. When you create a product, you can create a location to correspond with it. Easily transfer products from one location to another and inventory amounts will update instantly for both locations, whether that means switching items from one pile or yard to another. Your account can be configured to suit your business setup. Conduct a physical inventory update as you walk through your facility to update quantities on hand. If your business processes goods, you can track goods as they are converted to finished goods, including waste and costs incurred. Whether you’re a soybean farmer who gets paid by the weight of your soybeans or you manufacture agricultural chemicals, Scaleit is designed to handle everything from report management to invoicing, equipment costs, budgeting, payroll, accounting, inventory tracking and monitoring profits of different crops and fields. Scaleit W8! can be configured to work with any type of scale to generate scale tickets, import goods quantities for inventory management and maintain meticulous reports for regulatory compliance. Quickly assess product performance from one season to another and make decisions about the upcoming season based on historical data. Farm inventory management is easier to master with the broad range of features offered by Scaleit Software.  Manufacturers and distributors of grain, agrochemicals, feed, machinery, and crops can strengthen their ability to operate profitability when faced with supply chain and economic disruptions. Improve workflows while creating transparent financial information for ledgers and tax purposes. Enjoy the vast benefits of Scaleit farm inventory management features at no additional cost. The broad array of functions gives you greater control over operations at no added cost to your weighing subscriptions. Get started today with a free trial for greater farm inventory management control for seasons to come. Scaleit W8 Software Preview Highly Recommend! I was manually calculating and entering all of our scale tickets prior to using Scaleit. This is a great program and has been a huge time and money saver!! Without it, we would have had no choice but to hire additional personnel. The Scaleit team has been very responsive and quickly resolves the little hiccups that come with any software integration. I can always get a hold of someone if needed after hours and they are always polite, respectful and very, very knowledgeable. It integrated beautifully with QuickBooks and I anticipate using Scaleit for years to come. Not only is the program itself worth its weight in gold but the customer service cannot be matched!! Koreen Verified Customer We are very Glad Sanford Scale recommended Scaleit USA to us. We called various other program vendors and were told we had to purchase specific equipment to run their programs. When we called Scaleit we were told that they would make any cameras, printers, and computers we wanted work, even our used equipment. Scaleit USA configured everything online using existing I.T. wiring installed; we did not even have to hire an outside vendor for this. We are a small Metals Recycling Company and this program works great for our needs. We have never had a program breakdown, outage, or delay since using Scaleit. When we need help adding new equipment, the I.T. members at Scaleit are very helpful and courteous. Thanks guys and keep up the good work. Keith Henderson Verified Customer Where do we begin about Scaleit USA! We have been using this company since 2013 at Hanson Mountain Rock Quarry in Sallisaw, Oklahoma. They have exceeded our expectations on so many levels and occasions. Their technicians are very polite and helpful. If they don’t know the answer, they will find out in a timely manner. They have helped us to make many modifications to perfect our scale tickets to satisfy our customer’s needs. It’s amazing to see how persistent and quick they are in reprogramming our system. I couldn’t imagine ever using another company. Sincerely, Hanson Mt. Quarry President, Sheila Cullum Scale House Manager, DeAnna Carr Sheila Cullum [PAGE] Title: Truck Scale Software - Scaleit USA Content: Schedule a Demo Scale management is an essential part of the transport industry. Scale management is important in order to make a profit. Furthermore, the sale of truck scales has increased in conjunction with the increase in industry standards for accuracy and control. Scale management is more important today than just a few years ago. Businesses that have never used truck scales before now have begun to use them, expanding the scale management industry. Since 1995 the scale industry found a significant need for truck scales and truck scale management. Their use of truck scales and scale management are still growing. If you are in the need of Inventory Software, Custom Reporting, Accounting integration or Payment Processing…we have the software for you! We also offer customer portals, cloud access, and automatic backup solutions. Truck Scale with Truck Scale Software Truck scales and scale management has been available since 1985. Since then, truck scales and scale management has become an important part of truck scale delivery in recent years. A large number of truck scales had a truck scale software license in 2009. After the financial crisis, we believe that the market of truck scales and truck scale software has improved. We also believe that in the years ahead, the purchase of truck scales and scale management software will become a higher priority because of tighter budgets and the need to more closely monitor profits. Increased Sale of Truck Scales All indicators show an increase in sale of scale management software in the future of USA. Scaleit W8 Software Preview Highly Recommend! I was manually calculating and entering all of our scale tickets prior to using Scaleit. This is a great program and has been a huge time and money saver!! Without it, we would have had no choice but to hire additional personnel. The Scaleit team has been very responsive and quickly resolves the little hiccups that come with any software integration. I can always get a hold of someone if needed after hours and they are always polite, respectful and very, very knowledgeable. It integrated beautifully with QuickBooks and I anticipate using Scaleit for years to come. Not only is the program itself worth its weight in gold but the customer service cannot be matched!! Koreen Verified Customer We are very Glad Sanford Scale recommended Scaleit USA to us. We called various other program vendors and were told we had to purchase specific equipment to run their programs. When we called Scaleit we were told that they would make any cameras, printers, and computers we wanted work, even our used equipment. Scaleit USA configured everything online using existing I.T. wiring installed; we did not even have to hire an outside vendor for this. We are a small Metals Recycling Company and this program works great for our needs. We have never had a program breakdown, outage, or delay since using Scaleit. When we need help adding new equipment, the I.T. members at Scaleit are very helpful and courteous. Thanks guys and keep up the good work. Keith Henderson Verified Customer Where do we begin about Scaleit USA! We have been using this company since 2013 at Hanson Mountain Rock Quarry in Sallisaw, Oklahoma. They have exceeded our expectations on so many levels and occasions. Their technicians are very polite and helpful. If they don’t know the answer, they will find out in a timely manner. They have helped us to make many modifications to perfect our scale tickets to satisfy our customer’s needs. It’s amazing to see how persistent and quick they are in reprogramming our system. I couldn’t imagine ever using another company. Sincerely, Hanson Mt. Quarry President, Sheila Cullum Scale House Manager, DeAnna Carr Sheila Cullum [PAGE] Title: Scale Management Software - Scaleit USA Content: Schedule a Demo Scale management is an essential part of the transport industry. Scale management is important in order to make a profit. Furthermore, the sale of truck scales has increased in conjunction with the increase in industry standards for accuracy and control. Scale management is more important today than just a few years ago. Businesses that have never used truck scales before now have begun to use them, expanding the scale management industry. Since 1995 the waste industry found a significant need for truck scales and truck scale management. Their use of truck scales and scale management are still growing. We work with all electronic indicators on the market. From Scrap Yard to Family Farms, our software can be the perfect fit for your business! Truck Scale with Truck Scale Software Scale management has been available since 1985. Since then, truck scales and scale management has become an important part of truck scale delivery in recent years. After the financial crisis, we believe that the market of truck scales and truck scale software has improved. We also believe that in the years ahead, the purchase of truck scales and scale management software will become a higher priority because of tighter budgets and the need to more closely monitor profits. With our unique subscription model; no matter the size of your business, we have the perfect subscription for you! Increased Sale of Truck Scales Another reason we believe in increased sale of truck scales, truck scale software, and scale management is because states need to monitor interstate transport trucking weights more effectively. We believe it is a favorable time to establish a market position with a cutting edge solution that has a low initial cost. All indicators show an increase in sale of truck scale software in the future of USA. Scaleit W8 Software Preview Highly Recommend! I was manually calculating and entering all of our scale tickets prior to using Scaleit. This is a great program and has been a huge time and money saver!! Without it, we would have had no choice but to hire additional personnel. The Scaleit team has been very responsive and quickly resolves the little hiccups that come with any software integration. I can always get a hold of someone if needed after hours and they are always polite, respectful and very, very knowledgeable. It integrated beautifully with QuickBooks and I anticipate using Scaleit for years to come. Not only is the program itself worth its weight in gold but the customer service cannot be matched!! Koreen Verified Customer We are very Glad Sanford Scale recommended Scaleit USA to us. We called various other program vendors and were told we had to purchase specific equipment to run their programs. When we called Scaleit we were told that they would make any cameras, printers, and computers we wanted work, even our used equipment. Scaleit USA configured everything online using existing I.T. wiring installed; we did not even have to hire an outside vendor for this. We are a small Metals Recycling Company and this program works great for our needs. We have never had a program breakdown, outage, or delay since using Scaleit. When we need help adding new equipment, the I.T. members at Scaleit are very helpful and courteous. Thanks guys and keep up the good work. Keith Henderson Verified Customer Where do we begin about Scaleit USA! We have been using this company since 2013 at Hanson Mountain Rock Quarry in Sallisaw, Oklahoma. They have exceeded our expectations on so many levels and occasions. Their technicians are very polite and helpful. If they don’t know the answer, they will find out in a timely manner. They have helped us to make many modifications to perfect our scale tickets to satisfy our customer’s needs. It’s amazing to see how persistent and quick they are in reprogramming our system. I couldn’t imagine ever using another company. Sincerely, Hanson Mt. Quarry President, Sheila Cullum Scale House Manager, DeAnna Carr Sheila Cullum [PAGE] Title: Features & Add Ons - Scaleit USA Content: The foundation & future of Scaleit Software Scaleit W8 - Scale Software Highly Recommend! I was manually calculating and entering all of our scale tickets prior to using Scaleit. This is a great program and has been a huge time and money saver!! Without it, we would have had no choice but to hire additional personnel. The Scaleit team has been very responsive and quickly resolves the little hiccups that come with any software integration. I can always get a hold of someone if needed after hours and they are always polite, respectful and very, very knowledgeable. It integrated beautifully with QuickBooks and I anticipate using Scaleit for years to come. Not only is the program itself worth its weight in gold but the customer service cannot be matched!! Koreen Verified Customer We are very Glad Sanford Scale recommended Scaleit USA to us. We called various other program vendors and were told we had to purchase specific equipment to run their programs. When we called Scaleit we were told that they would make any cameras, printers, and computers we wanted work, even our used equipment. Scaleit USA configured everything online using existing I.T. wiring installed; we did not even have to hire an outside vendor for this. We are a small Metals Recycling Company and this program works great for our needs. We have never had a program breakdown, outage, or delay since using Scaleit. When we need help adding new equipment, the I.T. members at Scaleit are very helpful and courteous. Thanks guys and keep up the good work. Keith Henderson Verified Customer Where do we begin about Scaleit USA! We have been using this company since 2013 at Hanson Mountain Rock Quarry in Sallisaw, Oklahoma. They have exceeded our expectations on so many levels and occasions. Their technicians are very polite and helpful. If they don’t know the answer, they will find out in a timely manner. They have helped us to make many modifications to perfect our scale tickets to satisfy our customer’s needs. It’s amazing to see how persistent and quick they are in reprogramming our system. I couldn’t imagine ever using another company. Sincerely, Hanson Mt. Quarry President, Sheila Cullum Scale House Manager, DeAnna Carr Sheila Cullum [PAGE] Title: Agricultural Software - Scaleit USA Content: Agricultural Software Global Information Management Software Scaleit USA is the nation’s most respected software provider in the Agricultural Industry. Scaleit W8 Agricultural Software is a powerful software system designed to simplify farm management. Scaleit W8 efficiently manages all aspects of a farming operation. Scaleit W8 is the only software system needed to manage reports, invoicing, equipment costs, budgeting, payroll, accounting, track costs and monitor profits of different crops and fields. Scaleit W8 offers  completely customizable tickets and reports that can be redesigned to meet the requirements of every farming operation. Scaleit W8 now fully integrates with the Dickey-John™ GAC2700 Moisture Analysis Computer and Moisture Reader (Dickey John 2100, Dickey John 2500 and Perten 5200)! All moisture calculations are generated on the tickets and reports. Are you still processing scale tickets and transactions manually? Throughout the United States and European markets, Scaleit has assisted thousands of Agricultural businesses to make the transition from manual to digital.Scaleit W8’s superior system has allowed farm owners to experience an immediate improvement and payback on their investment. Scaleit W8 is an innovative Global Agricultural Software System that exceeds the high demands of the Agricultural Software Industry. Scaleit W8 easily configures with different user interfaces for all operations that use a truck scale: Aggregate Software, Scrap Metal Software, Waste Software, Landfill Software, Recycling Software and Agricultural Software. Integrates with Moisture Readers Scaleit W8 now fully integrates with the Dickey-John™ GAC2500 Moisture Analysis Computer and Moisture Reader (Dickey John 2100, 2500 and 2700 and Perten 5200). All moisture calculations are generated on the tickets and reports. Digital Ticketing Throughout the United States and European markets, Scaleit has assisted thousands of Agricultural businesses to make the transition from manual to digital. Customized Reporting Scaleit W8 offers completely customizable tickets and reports that can be redesigned to meet the requirements of every farming operation. Try Our Risk-Free Option Try Scaleit W8 Agricultural Software before you buy it! Scaleit will provide Agricultural Software with No Startup Cost and include software updates and remote technical support for a low annual fee. Schedule a Demo Try Our Free Downloadable Version - Scaleit USA Scaleit USA, a free downloadable version of the popular scrap metal software, allows customers to pay for their individual use of the product by purchasing our prepaid weighing subscriptions. Weighing subscriptions are registered within Scaleit W8 and software tracks how many transactions are left for the customer. Weighing subscriptions range in price from $1,500 (2000 transactions) to $3,000 (unlimited transactions, renewed annually). Unlimited Access to more than 500 reports at No Cost! Fully compliant with state specific laws. Software updates regularly to accommodate any compliance changes. Integrated with all law enforcement uploads (including Finder, BWI, txDPS, LeadsOnline). Complete recycling software package included Offer the latest Microsoft .NET platform. Compatible with all scale indicators that have a serial/rs232 or network output. Compatible with any Windows PC Compatible with printers supported by Windows. Compatible with most IP cameras. Compatible with most hardware (ID scanners, signature pad, fingerprint readers). Integrates with all major accounting software(s). NO Startup Costs! Download Trial Scaleit W8 Software Preview Highly Recommend! I was manually calculating and entering all of our scale tickets prior to using Scaleit. This is a great program and has been a huge time and money saver!! Without it, we would have had no choice but to hire additional personnel. The Scaleit team has been very responsive and quickly resolves the little hiccups that come with any software integration. I can always get a hold of someone if needed after hours and they are always polite, respectful and very, very knowledgeable. It integrated beautifully with QuickBooks and I anticipate using Scaleit for years to come. Not only is the program itself worth its weight in gold but the customer service cannot be matched!! Koreen Verified Customer We are very Glad Sanford Scale recommended Scaleit USA to us. We called various other program vendors and were told we had to purchase specific equipment to run their programs. When we called Scaleit we were told that they would make any cameras, printers, and computers we wanted work, even our used equipment. Scaleit USA configured everything online using existing I.T. wiring installed; we did not even have to hire an outside vendor for this. We are a small Metals Recycling Company and this program works great for our needs. We have never had a program breakdown, outage, or delay since using Scaleit. When we need help adding new equipment, the I.T. members at Scaleit are very helpful and courteous. Thanks guys and keep up the good work. Keith Henderson Verified Customer Where do we begin about Scaleit USA! We have been using this company since 2013 at Hanson Mountain Rock Quarry in Sallisaw, Oklahoma. They have exceeded our expectations on so many levels and occasions. Their technicians are very polite and helpful. If they don’t know the answer, they will find out in a timely manner. They have helped us to make many modifications to perfect our scale tickets to satisfy our customer’s needs. It’s amazing to see how persistent and quick they are in reprogramming our system. I couldn’t imagine ever using another company. Sincerely, Hanson Mt. Quarry President, Sheila Cullum Scale House Manager, DeAnna Carr Sheila Cullum [PAGE] Title: Scaleit Support - Scaleit USA Content: Knowledge Base Scaleit USA will provide all the support your organization needs A paid weighing subscriber is entitled to remote technical support and instruction needed throughout the course of a current subscription. All developed software improvements and upgrades will be available at no cost. At no Customer cost, we accept remote technical support responsibilities during the manufacturers’ warranty period on computers, peripherals and other devices purchased from Scaleit. Any technical support on site (including travel) or outside business hours (8am to 5pm ET) will be billed at $120 per hour. We maintain an extensive scale ticket template library. Tickets are suitable for use with Windows recognized printers. If an existing template is not easily adaptable to your organizations specific needs Scaleit USA can provide custom tickets for $500 each. Scaleit USA also has an extensive library of report templates. If an existing report is not easily adaptable to your organizations specific needs we can provide custom reports for $500 each. Scaleit W8 will integrate with existing ERP, CRM or other accounting software packages (QuickBooks, Sage/Peachtree, etc.). W8 subscribers are entitled to an initial integration at no cost. By customer request, we can provide remote technical support on related computer hardware, software and network issues beyond our control or responsibility. Technical support labor will be billed at $120 per hour. Server Transfers: All customers receive 1 server transfer per year at no cost. These must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance. If they are not scheduled or you require more than 1 transfer in the calendar year, they will be billed at $120/hr. [PAGE] Title: Contact - Scaleit USA Content: Our technical support agents are standing by to assist you with setup, training, or general support. Support hours are Monday – Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (EST) Scaleit USA 4625 East Bay Drive Suite 107 Clearwater, FL 33764 Main Phone: 855.722.5348 Ext. 1 After hours support: 727.353.9754 [PAGE] Title: Scaleit W8 Scale Software - Scaleit USA Content: The foundation & future of Scaleit Software Scaleit W8 - Scale Software Compare Features & Add Ons Highly Recommend! I was manually calculating and entering all of our scale tickets prior to using Scaleit. This is a great program and has been a huge time and money saver!! Without it, we would have had no choice but to hire additional personnel. The Scaleit team has been very responsive and quickly resolves the little hiccups that come with any software integration. I can always get a hold of someone if needed after hours and they are always polite, respectful and very, very knowledgeable. It integrated beautifully with QuickBooks and I anticipate using Scaleit for years to come. Not only is the program itself worth its weight in gold but the customer service cannot be matched!! Koreen Verified Customer We are very Glad Sanford Scale recommended Scaleit USA to us. We called various other program vendors and were told we had to purchase specific equipment to run their programs. When we called Scaleit we were told that they would make any cameras, printers, and computers we wanted work, even our used equipment. Scaleit USA configured everything online using existing I.T. wiring installed; we did not even have to hire an outside vendor for this. We are a small Metals Recycling Company and this program works great for our needs. We have never had a program breakdown, outage, or delay since using Scaleit. When we need help adding new equipment, the I.T. members at Scaleit are very helpful and courteous. Thanks guys and keep up the good work. Keith Henderson Verified Customer Where do we begin about Scaleit USA! We have been using this company since 2013 at Hanson Mountain Rock Quarry in Sallisaw, Oklahoma. They have exceeded our expectations on so many levels and occasions. Their technicians are very polite and helpful. If they don’t know the answer, they will find out in a timely manner. They have helped us to make many modifications to perfect our scale tickets to satisfy our customer’s needs. It’s amazing to see how persistent and quick they are in reprogramming our system. I couldn’t imagine ever using another company. Sincerely, Hanson Mt. Quarry President, Sheila Cullum Scale House Manager, DeAnna Carr Sheila Cullum [PAGE] Title: Scale Software | Weighing Software - Scaleit USA Content: DOWNLOAD TRIAL Scale Software | Weighing Software Scaleit W8 is an extremely user friendly scale and weighing software. Scaleit W8 is also an extremely flexible Windows application. The scale and weighing software provides all the functionality required for daily operation and management of truck scales and scales management. The flexibility of the scale and weighing software is extended even more by implementing XML script concept, allowing the user to define: • functional modes • design of customized statistical reports • data import/export protocols • screen layout The Scaleit W8 scale and weighing software is known for reliability and an easy-to-use graphic user interface. The scale and weighing software is easy to install and operate. There is no up-front investment and low annual operating cost. Our mission is to be the industries’ number one choice of scale and weighing software in waste, aggregate, recycling, scrap metal, and bulk weighing solutions. Scaleit W8 Software Preview Highly Recommend! I was manually calculating and entering all of our scale tickets prior to using Scaleit. This is a great program and has been a huge time and money saver!! Without it, we would have had no choice but to hire additional personnel. The Scaleit team has been very responsive and quickly resolves the little hiccups that come with any software integration. I can always get a hold of someone if needed after hours and they are always polite, respectful and very, very knowledgeable. It integrated beautifully with QuickBooks and I anticipate using Scaleit for years to come. Not only is the program itself worth its weight in gold but the customer service cannot be matched!! Koreen Verified Customer We are very Glad Sanford Scale recommended Scaleit USA to us. We called various other program vendors and were told we had to purchase specific equipment to run their programs. When we called Scaleit we were told that they would make any cameras, printers, and computers we wanted work, even our used equipment. Scaleit USA configured everything online using existing I.T. wiring installed; we did not even have to hire an outside vendor for this. We are a small Metals Recycling Company and this program works great for our needs. We have never had a program breakdown, outage, or delay since using Scaleit. When we need help adding new equipment, the I.T. members at Scaleit are very helpful and courteous. Thanks guys and keep up the good work. Keith Henderson Verified Customer Where do we begin about Scaleit USA! We have been using this company since 2013 at Hanson Mountain Rock Quarry in Sallisaw, Oklahoma. They have exceeded our expectations on so many levels and occasions. Their technicians are very polite and helpful. If they don’t know the answer, they will find out in a timely manner. They have helped us to make many modifications to perfect our scale tickets to satisfy our customer’s needs. It’s amazing to see how persistent and quick they are in reprogramming our system. I couldn’t imagine ever using another company. Sincerely, Hanson Mt. Quarry President, Sheila Cullum Scale House Manager, DeAnna Carr Sheila Cullum [PAGE] Title: Blog - Scaleit USA Content: Welcome to the ScaleIt Software Blog Scrappy Holidays: Mastering Holiday Scrap Collection Strategies for Winter Revenue A brief guide to acquiring more scrap during the winter slowdown. As winter approaches, it’s time to focus on holiday scrap collection strategies to keep your scrap yard thriving. Most of us are thinking more about tinsel and eggnog than scrap metal. But your scrap … Read More A Guide to Scaleit’s Unmanned Truck Scale Terminal Everything you need to know about non-contact truck scale operations from Scaleit. As a business owner, you may be looking for ways to make your business more flexible. Perhaps you want to expand your hours, or you want to maintain productivity in the midst of … Read More How Scaleit Truck Scale Software Makes Accounting Easier A guide to our truck scale software’s best accounting and payment reconciliation features. For some business owners, running the numbers is their least favorite part. Accounting can be stressful and frustrating. Even people with a head for numbers are often looking for a way to … Read More A Brief Guide to Scaleit’s Truck Scale Software Reporting Capabilities Learn what’s possible with our-state-of-the-art truck scale software. Scaleit is a state-of-the-art truck scale software built by industry experts who saw the need for a better platform. Scaleit is packed with features designed to make industrial weighing easier, and we’re proud of each and every … Read More The Relationship Between Scrap and Oil Prices A guide to oil prices do—and don’t—affect the price of scrap metal. In the scrap business, you may hear people talk about the fact that oil and scrap prices act as opposing forces. When the price of one goes up, the other goes down. Given … Read More Harvesting Efficiency: How Scaleit’s Truck Scale Software Empowers Farmers Specialized features for harvest season and beyond. Harvest season is upon us, which means long days and nights for the hardworking farmers among us. Every farm and every farmer will leverage different technology to streamline the process. For some, this means truck scale software. Large-scale … Read More Helpful Business Resources for Recycling Plants, Aggregate Businesses, and Scapyards Excellent business resources to help you stay connected to industry news and your fellow business owners. At Scaleit, our goal is to be a valuable tool and helpful resource for recycling, scrap, and aggregate businesses. We’re very proud of the features and tools we’ve built … Read More Helpful Aggregate Business, Recycling Plant, and Scrapyard Resources Excellent ways to stay connected to industry news and your fellow business owners. At Scaleit, our goal is to be a valuable tool and helpful resource for recycling, scrap, and aggregate businesses. We’re very proud of the features and tools we’ve built into our truck … Read More Dousing the Danger: Understanding and Preventing Scrapyard Fires Practical tips for preventing a scrapyard fire. Scrapyard fires seem to be all over the news these days, from Phoenix to Philadelphia, across oceans to London and India. That’s because scrapyards often play host to so many different types of materials. From oxidized metals and … Read More Diversifying Your Scrapyard’s Services: Opportunities for Additional Revenue Streams Why Not Diversify? Running a scrapyard isn’t for the faint of heart. You’re wrestling with heavy machinery, managing a team, and working in all kinds of weather. And yet, we love it. There’s something about this industry that gets your blood pumping. Still, we can … Read More Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Scrap Metal & Recycling Software - Scaleit USA Content: Scrap Metal & Recycling Software Simple Solutions for Scrap Yard Management Scaleit uses advanced modern technology that provides a simple and reliable solution to scrap yard and recycling management. Scaleit W8 Scrap Metal Software is a superior software program designed to accommodate facilities of all sizes. This advanced technology allows owners and managers to connect to their business from anywhere around the world. Manage inventory, cash flow, report transactions, customize financial reports and much more with Scaleit W8 Scrap Metal Software! When you use Scaleit W8 you are always in compliance with all local and federal laws. Scaleit W8 is integrated with all law enforcement uploads and updates regularly to accommodate compliance changes. Scaleit W8 is a comprehensive software program that is compatible with most scale indicators, printers, IP cameras, hardware and fully integrates with all major accounting software. Scaleit W8 can run different departments and facilities with different interfaces. Scaleit W8 can be configured with different user interfaces for all businesses that use a truck scale, for example, aggregate software, scrap metal software, waste software, landfill software, recycling software and agricultural software. With Scaleit W8, you will never have to worry about purchasing any unnecessary software. Scaleit W8 can be completely customized and redesigned to meet the specific needs and requirements of every business. Compliance When you use Scaleit W8 you are always in compliance with all local and federal laws. Scaleit W8 is integrated with all law enforcement uploads and updates regularly to accommodate compliance changes. Compatability Scaleit W8 is a comprehensive software program that is compatible with most scale indicators, printers, IP cameras, hardware and fully integrates with all major accounting software. Interface Configuration Scaleit W8 can run different departments and facilities with different interfaces. Scaleit W8 can be configured with different user interfaces for all businesses that use a truck scale, for example, aggregate software, scrap metal software, waste software, landfill software, recycling software and agricultural software. Why You Should Choose Scaleit W8 Scrap Metal Software Scaleit has dominated the scrap metal software industry for nearly 45 years. Scaleit remains the most trusted Scrap Yard Software Provider in the United States and throughout Europe. Scaleit W8 has helped thousands of recycling companies gain full compliance and achieve maximum control of their operation. Scaleit is an active member of the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries and the International Society of Weighing & Measurement. Schedule a Demo At Scaleit, we believe that Scrap Metal Software should be simple and affordable for every client. We are so confident in our scrap metal software that we ask our clients to try Scaleit W8 before purchasing! We provide recycling software at No Startup Cost and include software updates and remote technical support for a low annual fee. Try Our Free Downloadable Version - Scaleit USA Scaleit USA, a free downloadable version of the popular scrap metal software, allows customers to pay for their individual use of the product by purchasing our prepaid weighing subscriptions. Weighing subscriptions are registered within Scaleit W8 and software tracks how many transactions are left for the customer. Weighing subscriptions range in price from $1,500 (2000 transactions) to $3,000 (unlimited transactions, renewed annually). Unlimited Access to more than 500 reports at No Cost! Fully compliant with state specific laws. Software updates regularly to accommodate any compliance changes. Integrated with all law enforcement uploads (including Finder, BWI, txDPS, LeadsOnline). Complete recycling software package included Offer the latest Microsoft .NET platform. Compatible with all scale indicators that have a serial/rs232 or network output. Compatible with any Windows PC Compatible with printers supported by Windows. Compatible with most IP cameras. Compatible with most hardware (ID scanners, signature pad, fingerprint readers). Integrates with all major accounting software(s). NO Startup Costs! Download Trial Scaleit W8 Software Preview Highly Recommend! I was manually calculating and entering all of our scale tickets prior to using Scaleit. This is a great program and has been a huge time and money saver!! Without it, we would have had no choice but to hire additional personnel. The Scaleit team has been very responsive and quickly resolves the little hiccups that come with any software integration. I can always get a hold of someone if needed after hours and they are always polite, respectful and very, very knowledgeable. It integrated beautifully with QuickBooks and I anticipate using Scaleit for years to come. Not only is the program itself worth its weight in gold but the customer service cannot be matched!! Koreen Verified Customer We are very Glad Sanford Scale recommended Scaleit USA to us. We called various other program vendors and were told we had to purchase specific equipment to run their programs. When we called Scaleit we were told that they would make any cameras, printers, and computers we wanted work, even our used equipment. Scaleit USA configured everything online using existing I.T. wiring installed; we did not even have to hire an outside vendor for this. We are a small Metals Recycling Company and this program works great for our needs. We have never had a program breakdown, outage, or delay since using Scaleit. When we need help adding new equipment, the I.T. members at Scaleit are very helpful and courteous. Thanks guys and keep up the good work. Keith Henderson Verified Customer Where do we begin about Scaleit USA! We have been using this company since 2013 at Hanson Mountain Rock Quarry in Sallisaw, Oklahoma. They have exceeded our expectations on so many levels and occasions. Their technicians are very polite and helpful. If they don’t know the answer, they will find out in a timely manner. They have helped us to make many modifications to perfect our scale tickets to satisfy our customer’s needs. It’s amazing to see how persistent and quick they are in reprogramming our system. I couldn’t imagine ever using another company. Sincerely, Hanson Mt. Quarry President, Sheila Cullum Scale House Manager, DeAnna Carr Sheila Cullum [PAGE] Title: Aggregate Software - Scaleit USA Content: Aggregate Software World's Leader in Aggregate Software Scaleit W8 Aggregate Software is a powerful software solution designed specifically for the Aggregate Industry. Scaleit W8 uses modern technology to maximize productivity by accurately generating tickets and reports with lightning speed. Scaleit W8 Aggregate Software was designed to grow and adapt with your aggregate company.  You will never purchase another software system again! As your company expands so does Scaleit W8 Aggregate Software. Scaleit W8 was designed to accommodate any sized operation. Scaleit W8 is an easy-to-use software program that simplifies the daily tasks of an aggregate operation. Scaleit W8 can be completely customized to meet the requirements of any aggregate operation. This efficient software easily integrates with all major accounting systems, quickly processes credit cards, track materials, and customizes report transactions.  Scaleit W8 is a complete comprehensive aggregate software program designed to work with all truck scales. Scaleit W8 has helped thousands of aggregate companies maximize productivity, gain full compliance and effectively manage their daily operations. Integrate Processes Scaleit W8 efficiently and easily integrates with all major accounting systems, quickly processes credit cards, track materials, and customizes report transactions. Compliance Scaleit W8 has helped thousands of aggregate companies maximize productivity, gain full compliance and effectively manage their daily operations. Simplify Daily Tasks Scaleit W8 is an easy-to-use software program that simplifies the daily tasks of an aggregate operation of any size. A Superior Aggregate Software System Scaleit W8 Aggregate Software was first introduced to the Aggregate Industry in 1986. Quickly spreading throughout the United States and into the European markets, Scaleit USA became the world’s top provider of aggregate software. Over 30 years ago Scaleit USA’s first software customer was an aggregate company. They remain a customer today. Scaleit’s trusted software systems build relationships that last a lifetime. Risk-Free- No Start Up Costs! Schedule a Demo At Scaleit USA, we want every customer to be satisfied with their software purchase. That is why we offer a risk- free solution that allows each customer to try Scaleit W8 before purchasing. This complete Aggregate Software package comes with low annual costs, software updates and remote technical support. Try Our Free Downloadable Version - Scaleit USA Scaleit USA, a free downloadable version of the popular scrap metal software, allows customers to pay for their individual use of the product by purchasing our prepaid weighing subscriptions. Weighing subscriptions are registered within Scaleit W8 and software tracks how many transactions are left for the customer. Weighing subscriptions range in price from $1,500 (2000 transactions) to $3,000 (unlimited transactions, renewed annually). Unlimited Access to more than 500 reports at No Cost! Fully compliant with state specific laws. Software updates regularly to accommodate any compliance changes. Integrated with all law enforcement uploads (including Finder, BWI, txDPS, LeadsOnline). Complete recycling software package included Offer the latest Microsoft .NET platform. Compatible with all scale indicators that have a serial/rs232 or network output. Compatible with any Windows PC Compatible with printers supported by Windows. Compatible with most IP cameras. Compatible with most hardware (ID scanners, signature pad, fingerprint readers). Integrates with all major accounting software(s). NO Startup Costs! Download Trial Scaleit W8 Software Preview Highly Recommend! I was manually calculating and entering all of our scale tickets prior to using Scaleit. This is a great program and has been a huge time and money saver!! Without it, we would have had no choice but to hire additional personnel. The Scaleit team has been very responsive and quickly resolves the little hiccups that come with any software integration. I can always get a hold of someone if needed after hours and they are always polite, respectful and very, very knowledgeable. It integrated beautifully with QuickBooks and I anticipate using Scaleit for years to come. Not only is the program itself worth its weight in gold but the customer service cannot be matched!! Koreen Verified Customer We are very Glad Sanford Scale recommended Scaleit USA to us. We called various other program vendors and were told we had to purchase specific equipment to run their programs. When we called Scaleit we were told that they would make any cameras, printers, and computers we wanted work, even our used equipment. Scaleit USA configured everything online using existing I.T. wiring installed; we did not even have to hire an outside vendor for this. We are a small Metals Recycling Company and this program works great for our needs. We have never had a program breakdown, outage, or delay since using Scaleit. When we need help adding new equipment, the I.T. members at Scaleit are very helpful and courteous. Thanks guys and keep up the good work. Keith Henderson Verified Customer Where do we begin about Scaleit USA! We have been using this company since 2013 at Hanson Mountain Rock Quarry in Sallisaw, Oklahoma. They have exceeded our expectations on so many levels and occasions. Their technicians are very polite and helpful. If they don’t know the answer, they will find out in a timely manner. They have helped us to make many modifications to perfect our scale tickets to satisfy our customer’s needs. It’s amazing to see how persistent and quick they are in reprogramming our system. I couldn’t imagine ever using another company. Sincerely, Hanson Mt. Quarry President, Sheila Cullum Scale House Manager, DeAnna Carr Sheila Cullum [PAGE] Title: Waste Software - Scaleit USA Content: Waste Software Simple Solutions for you Waste and Landfill Facility Scaleit W8 is a simple solution to waste and landfill management. Scaleit W8 is an extraordinary software program designed to empower managers and owners in the Waste and Landfill Industry. Managers can now gain complete control of their Waste and Landfill operations with one simple software system. Scaleit W8 is a comprehensive software program that allows managers to customize reports for environmental agency reporting, facilitate company expansion, supply accurate and timely data and much more. Scaleit W8’s customizable option makes this powerful software system the perfect solution for all sized operations. Scaleit W8 can be easily configured with different user interfaces for all operations that use a truck scale: Aggregate Software, Scrap Metal Software, Waste Software, Landfill Software, Recycling Software and Agricultural Software. Since 1986 Scaleit W8 Waste and Landfill Software has successfully helped hundreds of Municipal Landfills gain full compliance and run their landfill operation more efficiently. Scaleit W8 is an easy-to-use, user friendly software system that meets the challenges and obstacles landfill operations face on a daily basis. Since landfills companies are all sizes and operate differently, Scaleit W8 can be easily redesigned to meet the expectations of every operation. Customize Reports Scaleit W8 is a comprehensive software program that allows managers to customize reports for environmental agency reporting, facilitate company expansion, supply accurate and timely data and much more. Compliance Scaleit W8 has helped hundreds of Municipal Landfills gain full compliance and run their landfill operation more efficiently. Technical Support Scaleit W8 is a complete software package that includes regular software updates and unbeatable technical support. Affordable Waste and Landfill Software Scaleit W8 Waste and Landfill Software is an affordable solution that includes No Start Up Costs and low annual fees. This complete software package includes regular software updates and unbeatable technical support. Scaleit can be configured with different user interfaces. Each interface can be redesigned to accommodate every landfill. Gain full freedom by managing separate departments and companies with different interfaces all with one software system. Schedule a Demo Try Our Free Downloadable Version - Scaleit USA Scaleit USA, a free downloadable version of the popular scrap metal software, allows customers to pay for their individual use of the product by purchasing our prepaid weighing subscriptions. Weighing subscriptions are registered within Scaleit W8 and software tracks how many transactions are left for the customer. Weighing subscriptions range in price from $1,500 (2000 transactions) to $3,000 (unlimited transactions, renewed annually). Unlimited Access to more than 500 reports at No Cost! Fully compliant with state specific laws. Software updates regularly to accommodate any compliance changes. Integrated with all law enforcement uploads (including Finder, BWI, txDPS, LeadsOnline). Complete recycling software package included Offer the latest Microsoft .NET platform. Compatible with all scale indicators that have a serial/rs232 or network output. Compatible with any Windows PC Compatible with printers supported by Windows. Compatible with most IP cameras. Compatible with most hardware (ID scanners, signature pad, fingerprint readers). Integrates with all major accounting software(s). NO Startup Costs! Download Trial Scaleit W8 Software Preview Highly Recommend! I was manually calculating and entering all of our scale tickets prior to using Scaleit. This is a great program and has been a huge time and money saver!! Without it, we would have had no choice but to hire additional personnel. The Scaleit team has been very responsive and quickly resolves the little hiccups that come with any software integration. I can always get a hold of someone if needed after hours and they are always polite, respectful and very, very knowledgeable. It integrated beautifully with QuickBooks and I anticipate using Scaleit for years to come. Not only is the program itself worth its weight in gold but the customer service cannot be matched!! Koreen Verified Customer We are very Glad Sanford Scale recommended Scaleit USA to us. We called various other program vendors and were told we had to purchase specific equipment to run their programs. When we called Scaleit we were told that they would make any cameras, printers, and computers we wanted work, even our used equipment. Scaleit USA configured everything online using existing I.T. wiring installed; we did not even have to hire an outside vendor for this. We are a small Metals Recycling Company and this program works great for our needs. We have never had a program breakdown, outage, or delay since using Scaleit. When we need help adding new equipment, the I.T. members at Scaleit are very helpful and courteous. Thanks guys and keep up the good work. Keith Henderson Verified Customer Where do we begin about Scaleit USA! We have been using this company since 2013 at Hanson Mountain Rock Quarry in Sallisaw, Oklahoma. They have exceeded our expectations on so many levels and occasions. Their technicians are very polite and helpful. If they don’t know the answer, they will find out in a timely manner. They have helped us to make many modifications to perfect our scale tickets to satisfy our customer’s needs. It’s amazing to see how persistent and quick they are in reprogramming our system. I couldn’t imagine ever using another company. Sincerely, Hanson Mt. Quarry President, Sheila Cullum Scale House Manager, DeAnna Carr Sheila Cullum [PAGE] Title: Schedule a Demo - Scaleit USA Content: For tutorial videos on how to install and operate our software, please click here . Scaleit support hours are Monday – Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (EST). Scaleit Support Contact Information: Main Phone: 855.722.5348 Ext. 1 After hours support: 855.722.5348 Ext. 9 For a full list of recommend system requirements, please click here . Schedule a Demo [PAGE] Title: Recycling Software - Scaleit USA Content: Schedule a Demo Since 1986 Scaleit W8 Waste and Landfill Software has successfully helped hundreds of Municipal Landfills gain full compliance and run their landfill operation more efficiently. Scaleit W8 is an easy-to-use, user friendly software system that meets the challenges and obstacles landfill operations face on a daily basis. Since landfills companies are all sizes and operate differently, Scaleit W8 can be easily redesigned to meet the expectations of every operation. Affordable Waste and Landfill Software Scaleit W8 Waste and Landfill Software is an affordable solution that includes No Start Up Costs and low annual fees. This complete software package includes regular software updates and unbeatable technical support. Scaleit can be configured with different user interfaces. Each interface can be redesigned to accommodate every landfill. Gain full freedom by managing separate departments and companies with different interfaces all with one software system. Scaleit W8 Software Preview Highly Recommend! I was manually calculating and entering all of our scale tickets prior to using Scaleit. This is a great program and has been a huge time and money saver!! Without it, we would have had no choice but to hire additional personnel. The Scaleit team has been very responsive and quickly resolves the little hiccups that come with any software integration. I can always get a hold of someone if needed after hours and they are always polite, respectful and very, very knowledgeable. It integrated beautifully with QuickBooks and I anticipate using Scaleit for years to come. Not only is the program itself worth its weight in gold but the customer service cannot be matched!! Koreen Verified Customer We are very Glad Sanford Scale recommended Scaleit USA to us. We called various other program vendors and were told we had to purchase specific equipment to run their programs. When we called Scaleit we were told that they would make any cameras, printers, and computers we wanted work, even our used equipment. Scaleit USA configured everything online using existing I.T. wiring installed; we did not even have to hire an outside vendor for this. We are a small Metals Recycling Company and this program works great for our needs. We have never had a program breakdown, outage, or delay since using Scaleit. When we need help adding new equipment, the I.T. members at Scaleit are very helpful and courteous. Thanks guys and keep up the good work. Keith Henderson Verified Customer Where do we begin about Scaleit USA! We have been using this company since 2013 at Hanson Mountain Rock Quarry in Sallisaw, Oklahoma. They have exceeded our expectations on so many levels and occasions. Their technicians are very polite and helpful. If they don’t know the answer, they will find out in a timely manner. They have helped us to make many modifications to perfect our scale tickets to satisfy our customer’s needs. It’s amazing to see how persistent and quick they are in reprogramming our system. I couldn’t imagine ever using another company. Sincerely, Hanson Mt. Quarry President, Sheila Cullum Scale House Manager, DeAnna Carr Sheila Cullum
information technology & electronics
computer software
By using our software, they have all that information for as long as they need it and they can access any year\field\crop anytime. Again, these reports can be customized with different ones added, so this is running it for all the inventory locations I have. We have the ability to set up the inventory, to process it the way you want to see it and have your reports. And as I mentioned before, we have a lot of reports available for you on this so I’m going hop over to this report and while we have a lot built out just to let us know what you’re looking for and if we have one that’s already made we can get it set up on your PC or make you know any adjustments you need to others. So you can find these very handy and very helpful to help you run your business. Scale Software - Scaleit USA Content: Waste Software. Scaleit W8 can be easily configured with different user interfaces for all operations that use a truck scale: Aggregate Software, Scrap Metal Software, Waste Software, Landfill Software, Recycling Software and Agricultural Software. Scaleit W8! Truck Scale with Truck Scale Software Truck scales and scale management has been available since 1985. Truck Scale with Truck Scale Software Scale management has been available since 1985. Scaleit W8 easily configures with different user interfaces for all operations that use a truck scale: Aggregate Software, Scrap Metal Software, Waste Software, Landfill Software, Recycling Software and Agricultural Software. Title: Scale Software | Weighing Software - Scaleit USA Content: DOWNLOAD TRIAL Scale Software | Weighing Software Scaleit W8 is an extremely user friendly scale and weighing software. The scale and weighing software provides all the functionality required for daily operation and management of truck scales and scales management. But your scrap … Read More A Guide to Scaleit’s Unmanned Truck Scale Terminal Everything you need to know about non-contact truck scale operations from Scaleit. Scaleit W8 is a comprehensive software program that is compatible with most scale indicators, printers, IP cameras, hardware and fully integrates with all major accounting software. Scaleit W8 can be configured with different user interfaces for all businesses that use a truck scale, for example, aggregate software, scrap metal software, waste software, landfill software, recycling software and agricultural software. Scaleit W8 can be configured with different user interfaces for all businesses that use a truck scale, for example, aggregate software, scrap metal software, waste software, landfill software, recycling software and agricultural software. Scaleit W8 is a complete comprehensive aggregate software program designed to work with all truck scales. Over 30 years ago Scaleit USA’s first software customer was an aggregate company. Scaleit W8 can be easily configured with different user interfaces for all operations that use a truck scale: Aggregate Software, Scrap Metal Software, Waste Software, Landfill Software, Recycling Software and Agricultural Software.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Onpage SEO Archives - Brasserie Content: No Comments There is a ton of conflicting advice out there about different SEO methods to improve your rankings .  Some swear by guests posts others will recommend a broader link building strategy but the one thing most experts agree on is that food SEO starts with your website.  If you want good rankings then your onpage factors need to be done right.  Here is a guide on how to improve your onpage SEO and boost those rankings. Your Page Titles Page titles are extremely important, they need to be unique and your keywords should be included in the title.  If you are trying to rank for “best cheesecake recipe” then your title could be something along the lines of “Best Cheesecake Recipe I Have Ever Tasted”.  The title makes sense and the keywords are included. Meta Description A meta description is a short and concise description of what your page/post is about, it has to be less than 160 characters and it should include your keywords.  If your using a plugin like Yoast it will indicate if the keyword is included and if it is the right length. URL Structure If you are building your site with WordPress then their default setting will give you a weird URL structure, you need search engine friendly urls with the relevant keyword. Keyword Density It is important that your keywords feature throughout your content so Google understands just what your content is about, at the same time you can’t overdo it or you will lose rankings for keyword stuffing. Headings Content needs to be broken up into manageable chunks making it easier for readers to scan and consume your content.  You can break up your content with headings.  Headings range from H1 to H6, H1 is reserved strictly for your title.  The heading let search engine know what the sections of your content are about.  You should also make sure to use keywords in the headings. Images Images make your site more appealing and you can say a lot with images.  However you still need to optimize your images for your SEO efforts.  Incorporating your keywords into your image alt tags and titles is a good practice. Interlinking Your Content Interlinking the content on your site helps to take your visitors on a journey through your site.  It connects one piece of content to another and it helps the Google bot find its way around. Onpage SEO is the foundation of your SEO efforts and it helps the search crawlers discover what your site is all about and what information it conveys.  Don’t overlook or disregard your onpage efforts. Sign Up for More SEO Tips Your Name (required) [PAGE] Title: July 2019 - Brasserie Content: No Comments There is a ton of conflicting advice out there about different SEO methods to improve your rankings .  Some swear by guests posts others will recommend a broader link building strategy but the one thing most experts agree on is that food SEO starts with your website.  If you want good rankings then your onpage factors need to be done right.  Here is a guide on how to improve your onpage SEO and boost those rankings. Your Page Titles Page titles are extremely important, they need to be unique and your keywords should be included in the title.  If you are trying to rank for “best cheesecake recipe” then your title could be something along the lines of “Best Cheesecake Recipe I Have Ever Tasted”.  The title makes sense and the keywords are included. Meta Description A meta description is a short and concise description of what your page/post is about, it has to be less than 160 characters and it should include your keywords.  If your using a plugin like Yoast it will indicate if the keyword is included and if it is the right length. URL Structure If you are building your site with WordPress then their default setting will give you a weird URL structure, you need search engine friendly urls with the relevant keyword. Keyword Density It is important that your keywords feature throughout your content so Google understands just what your content is about, at the same time you can’t overdo it or you will lose rankings for keyword stuffing. Headings Content needs to be broken up into manageable chunks making it easier for readers to scan and consume your content.  You can break up your content with headings.  Headings range from H1 to H6, H1 is reserved strictly for your title.  The heading let search engine know what the sections of your content are about.  You should also make sure to use keywords in the headings. Images Images make your site more appealing and you can say a lot with images.  However you still need to optimize your images for your SEO efforts.  Incorporating your keywords into your image alt tags and titles is a good practice. Interlinking Your Content Interlinking the content on your site helps to take your visitors on a journey through your site.  It connects one piece of content to another and it helps the Google bot find its way around. Onpage SEO is the foundation of your SEO efforts and it helps the search crawlers discover what your site is all about and what information it conveys.  Don’t overlook or disregard your onpage efforts. [PAGE] Title: About - Brasserie Content: Menu About Are you looking for help with improving your online presence?  Then you have come to the right place.  Brasserie Portland has been helping businesses just like yours take advantage of everything that the internet has to offer.  Whether you are looking for a consultation to help with your existing SEO campaigns or you would like a full blown customized campaign we can make it happen. Our team has been helping companies from all over the world improve their search presence.  In today’s world everyone turns to Google when looking for a product or service it is more important than ever that your business is there.  Our team can help you do that. If you would like to book a consultation or chat more about what we can do then give us a call. Sign Up for More SEO Tips Your Name (required) [PAGE] Title: Interlinking Archives - Brasserie Content: No Comments There is a ton of conflicting advice out there about different SEO methods to improve your rankings .  Some swear by guests posts others will recommend a broader link building strategy but the one thing most experts agree on is that food SEO starts with your website.  If you want good rankings then your onpage factors need to be done right.  Here is a guide on how to improve your onpage SEO and boost those rankings. Your Page Titles Page titles are extremely important, they need to be unique and your keywords should be included in the title.  If you are trying to rank for “best cheesecake recipe” then your title could be something along the lines of “Best Cheesecake Recipe I Have Ever Tasted”.  The title makes sense and the keywords are included. Meta Description A meta description is a short and concise description of what your page/post is about, it has to be less than 160 characters and it should include your keywords.  If your using a plugin like Yoast it will indicate if the keyword is included and if it is the right length. URL Structure If you are building your site with WordPress then their default setting will give you a weird URL structure, you need search engine friendly urls with the relevant keyword. Keyword Density It is important that your keywords feature throughout your content so Google understands just what your content is about, at the same time you can’t overdo it or you will lose rankings for keyword stuffing. Headings Content needs to be broken up into manageable chunks making it easier for readers to scan and consume your content.  You can break up your content with headings.  Headings range from H1 to H6, H1 is reserved strictly for your title.  The heading let search engine know what the sections of your content are about.  You should also make sure to use keywords in the headings. Images Images make your site more appealing and you can say a lot with images.  However you still need to optimize your images for your SEO efforts.  Incorporating your keywords into your image alt tags and titles is a good practice. Interlinking Your Content Interlinking the content on your site helps to take your visitors on a journey through your site.  It connects one piece of content to another and it helps the Google bot find its way around. Onpage SEO is the foundation of your SEO efforts and it helps the search crawlers discover what your site is all about and what information it conveys.  Don’t overlook or disregard your onpage efforts. Sign Up for More SEO Tips Your Name (required) [PAGE] Title: Keyword Density Archives - Brasserie Content: No Comments There is a ton of conflicting advice out there about different SEO methods to improve your rankings .  Some swear by guests posts others will recommend a broader link building strategy but the one thing most experts agree on is that food SEO starts with your website.  If you want good rankings then your onpage factors need to be done right.  Here is a guide on how to improve your onpage SEO and boost those rankings. Your Page Titles Page titles are extremely important, they need to be unique and your keywords should be included in the title.  If you are trying to rank for “best cheesecake recipe” then your title could be something along the lines of “Best Cheesecake Recipe I Have Ever Tasted”.  The title makes sense and the keywords are included. Meta Description A meta description is a short and concise description of what your page/post is about, it has to be less than 160 characters and it should include your keywords.  If your using a plugin like Yoast it will indicate if the keyword is included and if it is the right length. URL Structure If you are building your site with WordPress then their default setting will give you a weird URL structure, you need search engine friendly urls with the relevant keyword. Keyword Density It is important that your keywords feature throughout your content so Google understands just what your content is about, at the same time you can’t overdo it or you will lose rankings for keyword stuffing. Headings Content needs to be broken up into manageable chunks making it easier for readers to scan and consume your content.  You can break up your content with headings.  Headings range from H1 to H6, H1 is reserved strictly for your title.  The heading let search engine know what the sections of your content are about.  You should also make sure to use keywords in the headings. Images Images make your site more appealing and you can say a lot with images.  However you still need to optimize your images for your SEO efforts.  Incorporating your keywords into your image alt tags and titles is a good practice. Interlinking Your Content Interlinking the content on your site helps to take your visitors on a journey through your site.  It connects one piece of content to another and it helps the Google bot find its way around. Onpage SEO is the foundation of your SEO efforts and it helps the search crawlers discover what your site is all about and what information it conveys.  Don’t overlook or disregard your onpage efforts. Sign Up for More SEO Tips Your Name (required) [PAGE] Title: SEO Archives - Brasserie Content: No Comments SEO and content marketing are both aspects of digital marketing but the two go hand in hand, unfortunately most website owners don’t know how to make them work together. Let’s take a look at what each is and how to make them work for you. What is SEO SEO is done to improve your organic rankings and ultimately provide more traffic to your site.  To improve your rankings you will have to do keyword research, onpage SEO, make sure technical elements are in place and build some backlinks to your site.  Most websites get their traffic from search results although nowadays social media can be a pretty close second. Content Marketing A variety of things make up content marketing, everything from blog posts to videos and everything in between.  Regardless of the type of content that you create it is done with the intention of attracting and engaging your readers.  Content marketing is a big part of your overall SEO strategy.  Any SEO agency worth working with creates content with both Google and the end user in mind. Quality Content for Backlinks Link building is an important part of your SEO strategy .  When websites link back to your site it helps to drive referral traffic, it increases your authority and helps boost your rankings.  It is effectively a vote for your website.  That being said you need content that is worth linking to.  Other website won’t hesitate to link to your site if the content is good enough. Content Centered Around Keywords When people search for different words or phrases pertaining to your niche you want your website to show up.  That is why it is important to create content relating to your keywords.  Every site whether it is for business or a blog will have keywords that they are trying to rank for, creating content can help you to do that.  SEO will provide the keywords you are trying to rank for and your content gives you the context. Both are an Ongoing Process SEO is an ongoing process and you will need to keep working at if you want to maintain your rankings.  Google loves fresh content so the two work together to keep your website at the top of the search results page.  More digital marketing agencies are focusing much of their work on creating content.  Even business websites have blogs to help engage the audience and to rank for more keywords. Content marketing and SEO both have the same goals and that is to increase the amount of traffic you get to your site.  The two can work together well to give your site better rankings and better traffic. [PAGE] Title: Content Marketing Archives - Brasserie Content: No Comments SEO and content marketing are both aspects of digital marketing but the two go hand in hand, unfortunately most website owners don’t know how to make them work together. Let’s take a look at what each is and how to make them work for you. What is SEO SEO is done to improve your organic rankings and ultimately provide more traffic to your site.  To improve your rankings you will have to do keyword research, onpage SEO, make sure technical elements are in place and build some backlinks to your site.  Most websites get their traffic from search results although nowadays social media can be a pretty close second. Content Marketing A variety of things make up content marketing, everything from blog posts to videos and everything in between.  Regardless of the type of content that you create it is done with the intention of attracting and engaging your readers.  Content marketing is a big part of your overall SEO strategy.  Any SEO agency worth working with creates content with both Google and the end user in mind. Quality Content for Backlinks Link building is an important part of your SEO strategy .  When websites link back to your site it helps to drive referral traffic, it increases your authority and helps boost your rankings.  It is effectively a vote for your website.  That being said you need content that is worth linking to.  Other website won’t hesitate to link to your site if the content is good enough. Content Centered Around Keywords When people search for different words or phrases pertaining to your niche you want your website to show up.  That is why it is important to create content relating to your keywords.  Every site whether it is for business or a blog will have keywords that they are trying to rank for, creating content can help you to do that.  SEO will provide the keywords you are trying to rank for and your content gives you the context. Both are an Ongoing Process SEO is an ongoing process and you will need to keep working at if you want to maintain your rankings.  Google loves fresh content so the two work together to keep your website at the top of the search results page.  More digital marketing agencies are focusing much of their work on creating content.  Even business websites have blogs to help engage the audience and to rank for more keywords. Content marketing and SEO both have the same goals and that is to increase the amount of traffic you get to your site.  The two can work together well to give your site better rankings and better traffic. Sign Up for More SEO Tips Your Name (required) [PAGE] Title: URL Structure Archives - Brasserie Content: No Comments There is a ton of conflicting advice out there about different SEO methods to improve your rankings .  Some swear by guests posts others will recommend a broader link building strategy but the one thing most experts agree on is that food SEO starts with your website.  If you want good rankings then your onpage factors need to be done right.  Here is a guide on how to improve your onpage SEO and boost those rankings. Your Page Titles Page titles are extremely important, they need to be unique and your keywords should be included in the title.  If you are trying to rank for “best cheesecake recipe” then your title could be something along the lines of “Best Cheesecake Recipe I Have Ever Tasted”.  The title makes sense and the keywords are included. Meta Description A meta description is a short and concise description of what your page/post is about, it has to be less than 160 characters and it should include your keywords.  If your using a plugin like Yoast it will indicate if the keyword is included and if it is the right length. URL Structure If you are building your site with WordPress then their default setting will give you a weird URL structure, you need search engine friendly urls with the relevant keyword. Keyword Density It is important that your keywords feature throughout your content so Google understands just what your content is about, at the same time you can’t overdo it or you will lose rankings for keyword stuffing. Headings Content needs to be broken up into manageable chunks making it easier for readers to scan and consume your content.  You can break up your content with headings.  Headings range from H1 to H6, H1 is reserved strictly for your title.  The heading let search engine know what the sections of your content are about.  You should also make sure to use keywords in the headings. Images Images make your site more appealing and you can say a lot with images.  However you still need to optimize your images for your SEO efforts.  Incorporating your keywords into your image alt tags and titles is a good practice. Interlinking Your Content Interlinking the content on your site helps to take your visitors on a journey through your site.  It connects one piece of content to another and it helps the Google bot find its way around. Onpage SEO is the foundation of your SEO efforts and it helps the search crawlers discover what your site is all about and what information it conveys.  Don’t overlook or disregard your onpage efforts. Sign Up for More SEO Tips Your Name (required) [PAGE] Title: 5 Tips For Hiring The Best Portland SEO Company For Your Business - Brasserie Content: 5 Tips For Hiring The Best Portland SEO Company For Your Business August 20, 2019 No Comments SEO (search engine optimization) is integral in any digital marketing campaign. The objective of search engine optimization is to increase your business’ online presence thereby enhancing its popularity to draw in more traffic for conversions. It is a highly effective approach to finding and attracting your Portland target audience at a minimum cost. SEO is a process with notable returns on investment, but the results do not appear overnight, they take time and commitment which is why a growing business should consider outsourcing the optimization services from an established Portland SEO company. Below are some tips that can help you hire the best SEO agency that will help your business make significant strides online. 1. Be Clear About What You Want To hire the best optimization experts, you need to have a clear picture of what it is you want for your business. This will form the basis of what you need to consider when searching for the right company for the job. Be clear about your needs, which you can do by discussing with your team and then listing the services you deem essential for your optimization campaign. 2. Evaluate Their Digital expertise Once you know that you want, you will be confident when asking the SEO firm if they can meet your needs and expectations. Not all SEO agencies operate from a perky office in a corporate address. You also should take some time to take into account your industry niche and then give preferent to any optimization firm that understands your type of business. While the outer image of the company does speak about what you can expect, what you want is a team of SEO experts that will get the work done promptly and at its best. 3. Research Their Past And Ongoing Projects The number of online users that require SEO services is vast and thus the SEO firm with years of experience should have a robust list of past and current projects. You should request them to allow you to review a few of these projects so that you can have an idea of the kind of work they will deliver. Take note of any unique traits in what they have to offer to be confident that you will get something personalized to meet your needs and preferences. 4. Inquire About Their Employees And Experts An established SEO company in Portland will be the best at what it does only if it has the right workforce. It should have a staff made up of trained and qualified optimization experts who are passionate and enthusiastic about their work. Professionals who are always seeking to push the envelope by being creative and developing innovative SEO strategies. Moreover, the SEO agency should have a staff that is friendly, responsive, and always ready to discuss with you to know what you want or address any concerns you may have. 5. Consider Your Budget Hiring the best SEO company is an investment from which you should expect notable returns. However, it always is prudent to plan and account for every penny you spent hence the need to have a budget for your business’ SEO campaign.  Request the Portland optimization firm to give you an estimate or quotation and do your best to negotiate and get the most affordable price. An experienced SEO agency will develop an SEO campaign that meets your needs and expectation and be within your budget. [PAGE] Title: What is SEO Archives - Brasserie Content: No Comments SEO and content marketing are both aspects of digital marketing but the two go hand in hand, unfortunately most website owners don’t know how to make them work together. Let’s take a look at what each is and how to make them work for you. What is SEO SEO is done to improve your organic rankings and ultimately provide more traffic to your site.  To improve your rankings you will have to do keyword research, onpage SEO, make sure technical elements are in place and build some backlinks to your site.  Most websites get their traffic from search results although nowadays social media can be a pretty close second. Content Marketing A variety of things make up content marketing, everything from blog posts to videos and everything in between.  Regardless of the type of content that you create it is done with the intention of attracting and engaging your readers.  Content marketing is a big part of your overall SEO strategy.  Any SEO agency worth working with creates content with both Google and the end user in mind. Quality Content for Backlinks Link building is an important part of your SEO strategy .  When websites link back to your site it helps to drive referral traffic, it increases your authority and helps boost your rankings.  It is effectively a vote for your website.  That being said you need content that is worth linking to.  Other website won’t hesitate to link to your site if the content is good enough. Content Centered Around Keywords When people search for different words or phrases pertaining to your niche you want your website to show up.  That is why it is important to create content relating to your keywords.  Every site whether it is for business or a blog will have keywords that they are trying to rank for, creating content can help you to do that.  SEO will provide the keywords you are trying to rank for and your content gives you the context. Both are an Ongoing Process SEO is an ongoing process and you will need to keep working at if you want to maintain your rankings.  Google loves fresh content so the two work together to keep your website at the top of the search results page.  More digital marketing agencies are focusing much of their work on creating content.  Even business websites have blogs to help engage the audience and to rank for more keywords. Content marketing and SEO both have the same goals and that is to increase the amount of traffic you get to your site.  The two can work together well to give your site better rankings and better traffic. Sign Up for More SEO Tips Your Name (required) [PAGE] Title: Backlinks Archives - Brasserie Content: No Comments SEO and content marketing are both aspects of digital marketing but the two go hand in hand, unfortunately most website owners don’t know how to make them work together. Let’s take a look at what each is and how to make them work for you. What is SEO SEO is done to improve your organic rankings and ultimately provide more traffic to your site.  To improve your rankings you will have to do keyword research, onpage SEO, make sure technical elements are in place and build some backlinks to your site.  Most websites get their traffic from search results although nowadays social media can be a pretty close second. Content Marketing A variety of things make up content marketing, everything from blog posts to videos and everything in between.  Regardless of the type of content that you create it is done with the intention of attracting and engaging your readers.  Content marketing is a big part of your overall SEO strategy.  Any SEO agency worth working with creates content with both Google and the end user in mind. Quality Content for Backlinks Link building is an important part of your SEO strategy .  When websites link back to your site it helps to drive referral traffic, it increases your authority and helps boost your rankings.  It is effectively a vote for your website.  That being said you need content that is worth linking to.  Other website won’t hesitate to link to your site if the content is good enough. Content Centered Around Keywords When people search for different words or phrases pertaining to your niche you want your website to show up.  That is why it is important to create content relating to your keywords.  Every site whether it is for business or a blog will have keywords that they are trying to rank for, creating content can help you to do that.  SEO will provide the keywords you are trying to rank for and your content gives you the context. Both are an Ongoing Process SEO is an ongoing process and you will need to keep working at if you want to maintain your rankings.  Google loves fresh content so the two work together to keep your website at the top of the search results page.  More digital marketing agencies are focusing much of their work on creating content.  Even business websites have blogs to help engage the audience and to rank for more keywords. Content marketing and SEO both have the same goals and that is to increase the amount of traffic you get to your site.  The two can work together well to give your site better rankings and better traffic. Sign Up for More SEO Tips Your Name (required) [PAGE] Title: How to Improve Your Onpage SEO - Brasserie Content: How to Improve Your Onpage SEO July 30, 2019 No Comments There is a ton of conflicting advice out there about different SEO methods to improve your rankings .  Some swear by guests posts others will recommend a broader link building strategy but the one thing most experts agree on is that food SEO starts with your website.  If you want good rankings then your onpage factors need to be done right.  Here is a guide on how to improve your onpage SEO and boost those rankings. Your Page Titles Page titles are extremely important, they need to be unique and your keywords should be included in the title.  If you are trying to rank for “best cheesecake recipe” then your title could be something along the lines of “Best Cheesecake Recipe I Have Ever Tasted”.  The title makes sense and the keywords are included. Meta Description A meta description is a short and concise description of what your page/post is about, it has to be less than 160 characters and it should include your keywords.  If your using a plugin like Yoast it will indicate if the keyword is included and if it is the right length. URL Structure If you are building your site with WordPress then their default setting will give you a weird URL structure, you need search engine friendly urls with the relevant keyword. Keyword Density It is important that your keywords feature throughout your content so Google understands just what your content is about, at the same time you can’t overdo it or you will lose rankings for keyword stuffing. Headings Content needs to be broken up into manageable chunks making it easier for readers to scan and consume your content.  You can break up your content with headings.  Headings range from H1 to H6, H1 is reserved strictly for your title.  The heading let search engine know what the sections of your content are about.  You should also make sure to use keywords in the headings. Images Images make your site more appealing and you can say a lot with images.  However you still need to optimize your images for your SEO efforts.  Incorporating your keywords into your image alt tags and titles is a good practice. Interlinking Your Content Interlinking the content on your site helps to take your visitors on a journey through your site.  It connects one piece of content to another and it helps the Google bot find its way around. Onpage SEO is the foundation of your SEO efforts and it helps the search crawlers discover what your site is all about and what information it conveys.  Don’t overlook or disregard your onpage efforts. [PAGE] Title: Brasserie - Best Portland SEO Company - Local SEO Portland Oregon Content: No Comments SEO (search engine optimization) is integral in any digital marketing campaign. The objective of search engine optimization is to increase your business’ online presence thereby enhancing its popularity to draw in more traffic for conversions. It is a highly effective approach to finding and attracting your Portland target audience at a minimum cost. SEO is a process with notable returns on investment, but the results do not appear overnight, they take time and commitment which is why a growing business should consider outsourcing the optimization services from an established Portland SEO company. Below are some tips that can help you hire the best SEO agency that will help your business make significant strides online. 1. Be Clear About What You Want To hire the best optimization experts, you need to have a clear picture of what it is you want for your business. This will form the basis of what you need to consider when searching for the right company for the job. Be clear about your needs, which you can do by discussing with your team and then listing the services you deem essential for your optimization campaign. 2. Evaluate Their Digital expertise Once you know that you want, you will be confident when asking the SEO firm if they can meet your needs and expectations. Not all SEO agencies operate from a perky office in a corporate address. You also should take some time to take into account your industry niche and then give preferent to any optimization firm that understands your type of business. While the outer image of the company does speak about what you can expect, what you want is a team of SEO experts that will get the work done promptly and at its best. 3. Research Their Past And Ongoing Projects The number of online users that require SEO services is vast and thus the SEO firm with years of experience should have a robust list of past and current projects. You should request them to allow you to review a few of these projects so that you can have an idea of the kind of work they will deliver. Take note of any unique traits in what they have to offer to be confident that you will get something personalized to meet your needs and preferences. 4. Inquire About Their Employees And Experts An established SEO company in Portland will be the best at what it does only if it has the right workforce. It should have a staff made up of trained and qualified optimization experts who are passionate and enthusiastic about their work. Professionals who are always seeking to push the envelope by being creative and developing innovative SEO strategies. Moreover, the SEO agency should have a staff that is friendly, responsive, and always ready to discuss with you to know what you want or address any concerns you may have. 5. Consider Your Budget Hiring the best SEO company is an investment from which you should expect notable returns. However, it always is prudent to plan and account for every penny you spent hence the need to have a budget for your business’ SEO campaign.  Request the Portland optimization firm to give you an estimate or quotation and do your best to negotiate and get the most affordable price. An experienced SEO agency will develop an SEO campaign that meets your needs and expectation and be within your budget. [PAGE] Title: SEO and Content Marketing - Brasserie Content: No Comments SEO and content marketing are both aspects of digital marketing but the two go hand in hand, unfortunately most website owners don’t know how to make them work together. Let’s take a look at what each is and how to make them work for you. What is SEO SEO is done to improve your organic rankings and ultimately provide more traffic to your site.  To improve your rankings you will have to do keyword research, onpage SEO, make sure technical elements are in place and build some backlinks to your site.  Most websites get their traffic from search results although nowadays social media can be a pretty close second. Content Marketing A variety of things make up content marketing, everything from blog posts to videos and everything in between.  Regardless of the type of content that you create it is done with the intention of attracting and engaging your readers.  Content marketing is a big part of your overall SEO strategy.  Any SEO agency worth working with creates content with both Google and the end user in mind. Quality Content for Backlinks Link building is an important part of your SEO strategy .  When websites link back to your site it helps to drive referral traffic, it increases your authority and helps boost your rankings.  It is effectively a vote for your website.  That being said you need content that is worth linking to.  Other website won’t hesitate to link to your site if the content is good enough. Content Centered Around Keywords When people search for different words or phrases pertaining to your niche you want your website to show up.  That is why it is important to create content relating to your keywords.  Every site whether it is for business or a blog will have keywords that they are trying to rank for, creating content can help you to do that.  SEO will provide the keywords you are trying to rank for and your content gives you the context. Both are an Ongoing Process SEO is an ongoing process and you will need to keep working at if you want to maintain your rankings.  Google loves fresh content so the two work together to keep your website at the top of the search results page.  More digital marketing agencies are focusing much of their work on creating content.  Even business websites have blogs to help engage the audience and to rank for more keywords. Content marketing and SEO both have the same goals and that is to increase the amount of traffic you get to your site.  The two can work together well to give your site better rankings and better traffic. [PAGE] Title: Contact Us - Brasserie Content: Menu Contact Us If you have any questions or concerns the please feel free to contact us using the form below. Your Name (required) Sign Up for More SEO Tips Your Name (required) [PAGE] Title: Content Archives - Brasserie Content: No Comments SEO and content marketing are both aspects of digital marketing but the two go hand in hand, unfortunately most website owners don’t know how to make them work together. Let’s take a look at what each is and how to make them work for you. What is SEO SEO is done to improve your organic rankings and ultimately provide more traffic to your site.  To improve your rankings you will have to do keyword research, onpage SEO, make sure technical elements are in place and build some backlinks to your site.  Most websites get their traffic from search results although nowadays social media can be a pretty close second. Content Marketing A variety of things make up content marketing, everything from blog posts to videos and everything in between.  Regardless of the type of content that you create it is done with the intention of attracting and engaging your readers.  Content marketing is a big part of your overall SEO strategy.  Any SEO agency worth working with creates content with both Google and the end user in mind. Quality Content for Backlinks Link building is an important part of your SEO strategy .  When websites link back to your site it helps to drive referral traffic, it increases your authority and helps boost your rankings.  It is effectively a vote for your website.  That being said you need content that is worth linking to.  Other website won’t hesitate to link to your site if the content is good enough. Content Centered Around Keywords When people search for different words or phrases pertaining to your niche you want your website to show up.  That is why it is important to create content relating to your keywords.  Every site whether it is for business or a blog will have keywords that they are trying to rank for, creating content can help you to do that.  SEO will provide the keywords you are trying to rank for and your content gives you the context. Both are an Ongoing Process SEO is an ongoing process and you will need to keep working at if you want to maintain your rankings.  Google loves fresh content so the two work together to keep your website at the top of the search results page.  More digital marketing agencies are focusing much of their work on creating content.  Even business websites have blogs to help engage the audience and to rank for more keywords. Content marketing and SEO both have the same goals and that is to increase the amount of traffic you get to your site.  The two can work together well to give your site better rankings and better traffic. Sign Up for More SEO Tips Your Name (required) [PAGE] Title: Keywords Archives - Brasserie Content: No Comments SEO and content marketing are both aspects of digital marketing but the two go hand in hand, unfortunately most website owners don’t know how to make them work together. Let’s take a look at what each is and how to make them work for you. What is SEO SEO is done to improve your organic rankings and ultimately provide more traffic to your site.  To improve your rankings you will have to do keyword research, onpage SEO, make sure technical elements are in place and build some backlinks to your site.  Most websites get their traffic from search results although nowadays social media can be a pretty close second. Content Marketing A variety of things make up content marketing, everything from blog posts to videos and everything in between.  Regardless of the type of content that you create it is done with the intention of attracting and engaging your readers.  Content marketing is a big part of your overall SEO strategy.  Any SEO agency worth working with creates content with both Google and the end user in mind. Quality Content for Backlinks Link building is an important part of your SEO strategy .  When websites link back to your site it helps to drive referral traffic, it increases your authority and helps boost your rankings.  It is effectively a vote for your website.  That being said you need content that is worth linking to.  Other website won’t hesitate to link to your site if the content is good enough. Content Centered Around Keywords When people search for different words or phrases pertaining to your niche you want your website to show up.  That is why it is important to create content relating to your keywords.  Every site whether it is for business or a blog will have keywords that they are trying to rank for, creating content can help you to do that.  SEO will provide the keywords you are trying to rank for and your content gives you the context. Both are an Ongoing Process SEO is an ongoing process and you will need to keep working at if you want to maintain your rankings.  Google loves fresh content so the two work together to keep your website at the top of the search results page.  More digital marketing agencies are focusing much of their work on creating content.  Even business websites have blogs to help engage the audience and to rank for more keywords. Content marketing and SEO both have the same goals and that is to increase the amount of traffic you get to your site.  The two can work together well to give your site better rankings and better traffic. Sign Up for More SEO Tips Your Name (required) [PAGE] Title: August 2019 - Brasserie Content: No Comments SEO (search engine optimization) is integral in any digital marketing campaign. The objective of search engine optimization is to increase your business’ online presence thereby enhancing its popularity to draw in more traffic for conversions. It is a highly effective approach to finding and attracting your Portland target audience at a minimum cost. SEO is a process with notable returns on investment, but the results do not appear overnight, they take time and commitment which is why a growing business should consider outsourcing the optimization services from an established Portland SEO company. Below are some tips that can help you hire the best SEO agency that will help your business make significant strides online. 1. Be Clear About What You Want To hire the best optimization experts, you need to have a clear picture of what it is you want for your business. This will form the basis of what you need to consider when searching for the right company for the job. Be clear about your needs, which you can do by discussing with your team and then listing the services you deem essential for your optimization campaign. 2. Evaluate Their Digital expertise Once you know that you want, you will be confident when asking the SEO firm if they can meet your needs and expectations. Not all SEO agencies operate from a perky office in a corporate address. You also should take some time to take into account your industry niche and then give preferent to any optimization firm that understands your type of business. While the outer image of the company does speak about what you can expect, what you want is a team of SEO experts that will get the work done promptly and at its best. 3. Research Their Past And Ongoing Projects The number of online users that require SEO services is vast and thus the SEO firm with years of experience should have a robust list of past and current projects. You should request them to allow you to review a few of these projects so that you can have an idea of the kind of work they will deliver. Take note of any unique traits in what they have to offer to be confident that you will get something personalized to meet your needs and preferences. 4. Inquire About Their Employees And Experts An established SEO company in Portland will be the best at what it does only if it has the right workforce. It should have a staff made up of trained and qualified optimization experts who are passionate and enthusiastic about their work. Professionals who are always seeking to push the envelope by being creative and developing innovative SEO strategies. Moreover, the SEO agency should have a staff that is friendly, responsive, and always ready to discuss with you to know what you want or address any concerns you may have. 5. Consider Your Budget Hiring the best SEO company is an investment from which you should expect notable returns. However, it always is prudent to plan and account for every penny you spent hence the need to have a budget for your business’ SEO campaign.  Request the Portland optimization firm to give you an estimate or quotation and do your best to negotiate and get the most affordable price. An experienced SEO agency will develop an SEO campaign that meets your needs and expectation and be within your budget. [PAGE] Title: Meta Description Archives - Brasserie Content: No Comments There is a ton of conflicting advice out there about different SEO methods to improve your rankings .  Some swear by guests posts others will recommend a broader link building strategy but the one thing most experts agree on is that food SEO starts with your website.  If you want good rankings then your onpage factors need to be done right.  Here is a guide on how to improve your onpage SEO and boost those rankings. Your Page Titles Page titles are extremely important, they need to be unique and your keywords should be included in the title.  If you are trying to rank for “best cheesecake recipe” then your title could be something along the lines of “Best Cheesecake Recipe I Have Ever Tasted”.  The title makes sense and the keywords are included. Meta Description A meta description is a short and concise description of what your page/post is about, it has to be less than 160 characters and it should include your keywords.  If your using a plugin like Yoast it will indicate if the keyword is included and if it is the right length. URL Structure If you are building your site with WordPress then their default setting will give you a weird URL structure, you need search engine friendly urls with the relevant keyword. Keyword Density It is important that your keywords feature throughout your content so Google understands just what your content is about, at the same time you can’t overdo it or you will lose rankings for keyword stuffing. Headings Content needs to be broken up into manageable chunks making it easier for readers to scan and consume your content.  You can break up your content with headings.  Headings range from H1 to H6, H1 is reserved strictly for your title.  The heading let search engine know what the sections of your content are about.  You should also make sure to use keywords in the headings. Images Images make your site more appealing and you can say a lot with images.  However you still need to optimize your images for your SEO efforts.  Incorporating your keywords into your image alt tags and titles is a good practice. Interlinking Your Content Interlinking the content on your site helps to take your visitors on a journey through your site.  It connects one piece of content to another and it helps the Google bot find its way around. Onpage SEO is the foundation of your SEO efforts and it helps the search crawlers discover what your site is all about and what information it conveys.  Don’t overlook or disregard your onpage efforts. Sign Up for More SEO Tips Your Name (required) [PAGE] Title: Headings Archives - Brasserie Content: No Comments There is a ton of conflicting advice out there about different SEO methods to improve your rankings .  Some swear by guests posts others will recommend a broader link building strategy but the one thing most experts agree on is that food SEO starts with your website.  If you want good rankings then your onpage factors need to be done right.  Here is a guide on how to improve your onpage SEO and boost those rankings. Your Page Titles Page titles are extremely important, they need to be unique and your keywords should be included in the title.  If you are trying to rank for “best cheesecake recipe” then your title could be something along the lines of “Best Cheesecake Recipe I Have Ever Tasted”.  The title makes sense and the keywords are included. Meta Description A meta description is a short and concise description of what your page/post is about, it has to be less than 160 characters and it should include your keywords.  If your using a plugin like Yoast it will indicate if the keyword is included and if it is the right length. URL Structure If you are building your site with WordPress then their default setting will give you a weird URL structure, you need search engine friendly urls with the relevant keyword. Keyword Density It is important that your keywords feature throughout your content so Google understands just what your content is about, at the same time you can’t overdo it or you will lose rankings for keyword stuffing. Headings Content needs to be broken up into manageable chunks making it easier for readers to scan and consume your content.  You can break up your content with headings.  Headings range from H1 to H6, H1 is reserved strictly for your title.  The heading let search engine know what the sections of your content are about.  You should also make sure to use keywords in the headings. Images Images make your site more appealing and you can say a lot with images.  However you still need to optimize your images for your SEO efforts.  Incorporating your keywords into your image alt tags and titles is a good practice. Interlinking Your Content Interlinking the content on your site helps to take your visitors on a journey through your site.  It connects one piece of content to another and it helps the Google bot find its way around. Onpage SEO is the foundation of your SEO efforts and it helps the search crawlers discover what your site is all about and what information it conveys.  Don’t overlook or disregard your onpage efforts. Sign Up for More SEO Tips Your Name (required) [PAGE] Title: SEO Archives - Brasserie Content: No Comments SEO and content marketing are both aspects of digital marketing but the two go hand in hand, unfortunately most website owners don’t know how to make them work together. Let’s take a look at what each is and how to make them work for you. What is SEO SEO is done to improve your organic rankings and ultimately provide more traffic to your site.  To improve your rankings you will have to do keyword research, onpage SEO, make sure technical elements are in place and build some backlinks to your site.  Most websites get their traffic from search results although nowadays social media can be a pretty close second. Content Marketing A variety of things make up content marketing, everything from blog posts to videos and everything in between.  Regardless of the type of content that you create it is done with the intention of attracting and engaging your readers.  Content marketing is a big part of your overall SEO strategy.  Any SEO agency worth working with creates content with both Google and the end user in mind. Quality Content for Backlinks Link building is an important part of your SEO strategy .  When websites link back to your site it helps to drive referral traffic, it increases your authority and helps boost your rankings.  It is effectively a vote for your website.  That being said you need content that is worth linking to.  Other website won’t hesitate to link to your site if the content is good enough. Content Centered Around Keywords When people search for different words or phrases pertaining to your niche you want your website to show up.  That is why it is important to create content relating to your keywords.  Every site whether it is for business or a blog will have keywords that they are trying to rank for, creating content can help you to do that.  SEO will provide the keywords you are trying to rank for and your content gives you the context. Both are an Ongoing Process SEO is an ongoing process and you will need to keep working at if you want to maintain your rankings.  Google loves fresh content so the two work together to keep your website at the top of the search results page.  More digital marketing agencies are focusing much of their work on creating content.  Even business websites have blogs to help engage the audience and to rank for more keywords. Content marketing and SEO both have the same goals and that is to increase the amount of traffic you get to your site.  The two can work together well to give your site better rankings and better traffic. Sign Up for More SEO Tips Your Name (required) [PAGE] Title: Page Titles Archives - Brasserie Content: No Comments There is a ton of conflicting advice out there about different SEO methods to improve your rankings .  Some swear by guests posts others will recommend a broader link building strategy but the one thing most experts agree on is that food SEO starts with your website.  If you want good rankings then your onpage factors need to be done right.  Here is a guide on how to improve your onpage SEO and boost those rankings. Your Page Titles Page titles are extremely important, they need to be unique and your keywords should be included in the title.  If you are trying to rank for “best cheesecake recipe” then your title could be something along the lines of “Best Cheesecake Recipe I Have Ever Tasted”.  The title makes sense and the keywords are included. Meta Description A meta description is a short and concise description of what your page/post is about, it has to be less than 160 characters and it should include your keywords.  If your using a plugin like Yoast it will indicate if the keyword is included and if it is the right length. URL Structure If you are building your site with WordPress then their default setting will give you a weird URL structure, you need search engine friendly urls with the relevant keyword. Keyword Density It is important that your keywords feature throughout your content so Google understands just what your content is about, at the same time you can’t overdo it or you will lose rankings for keyword stuffing. Headings Content needs to be broken up into manageable chunks making it easier for readers to scan and consume your content.  You can break up your content with headings.  Headings range from H1 to H6, H1 is reserved strictly for your title.  The heading let search engine know what the sections of your content are about.  You should also make sure to use keywords in the headings. Images Images make your site more appealing and you can say a lot with images.  However you still need to optimize your images for your SEO efforts.  Incorporating your keywords into your image alt tags and titles is a good practice. Interlinking Your Content Interlinking the content on your site helps to take your visitors on a journey through your site.  It connects one piece of content to another and it helps the Google bot find its way around. Onpage SEO is the foundation of your SEO efforts and it helps the search crawlers discover what your site is all about and what information it conveys.  Don’t overlook or disregard your onpage efforts. Sign Up for More SEO Tips Your Name (required)
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You can break up your content with headings. You can break up your content with headings. You can break up your content with headings. You can break up your content with headings. Every site whether it is for business or a blog will have keywords that they are trying to rank for, creating content can help you to do that. Content marketing and SEO both have the same goals and that is to increase the amount of traffic you get to your site. Every site whether it is for business or a blog will have keywords that they are trying to rank for, creating content can help you to do that. Content marketing and SEO both have the same goals and that is to increase the amount of traffic you get to your site. You can break up your content with headings. Every site whether it is for business or a blog will have keywords that they are trying to rank for, creating content can help you to do that. Content marketing and SEO both have the same goals and that is to increase the amount of traffic you get to your site. Content marketing and SEO both have the same goals and that is to increase the amount of traffic you get to your site. You can break up your content with headings. Content marketing and SEO both have the same goals and that is to increase the amount of traffic you get to your site. Content marketing and SEO both have the same goals and that is to increase the amount of traffic you get to your site. Content marketing and SEO both have the same goals and that is to increase the amount of traffic you get to your site. You can break up your content with headings. You can break up your content with headings. Content marketing and SEO both have the same goals and that is to increase the amount of traffic you get to your site. You can break up your content with headings.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: House Cleaning Services in Jacksonville FL | Clean4Real Content: The Cleaners You Can Trust! Experienced & Certified Team Our people is what makes us great. We carefully select team members that are friendly, have fantastic service attitude, and love to clean. Cleaning Service Tailored for You Your home will always be cleaned from ceiling fans to baseboards. You can allow us to clean your entire house or we can customize our cleaning service to your needs. Always on Time After you book us, you’ll receive an email or text confirmation and a 2-day reminder. There will never be a “no show” under our watch! A few words from our customers... Melissa L. In preparation for our new baby, we reached out to Clean4Real and have been so thankful!! Our first cleaning was a deep clean and had our first bi-weekly follow up today. Not only do they do an amazing job, they even bought us a baby present! Always on time and our house has never looked better! Highly recommended! Wesley L. I am an obsessively clean person and was always worried that a cleaning service wouldn't be up to my exacting standards. That was until I found Clean 4 Real, who has by far exceeded my expectations! I have been a bi-weekly customer for over two years and am amazed at how great my house looks after each cleaning. Effie B. I have been looking for a cleaning service that cleans like I do and I have found it! I had a different cleaning service to do an initial clean and they missed so many obvious areas, that I needed to find a service that truly stood out and Clean4real not only proved themselves to take on the task, but went beyond. BOOK A CLEANING House Cleaning Services in Jacksonville FL. Discover Jacksonville’s finest house cleaners, and treat YOUR home to the freshly-tidied look without all the stress! It is our goal to provide the best office and house cleaning services in Jacksonville, Florida. We want to make your life safer, greener and of course, cleaner.  You can count on us for keeping things clean and tidy. In other words, Clean4Real is your local go-to maid service you can count on every time. We specialize in the interior beautification of homes, as well as apartments, condos, offices and vacation rentals. Clean4Real provides detailed ceiling-to-floor cleanings as part of the initial cleanings, one-time cleaning, market-ready cleaning, post construction clean-ups. We are licensed and insured. All of our Cleaning Technicians are professional, courteous and screened. Most of all, our cleaning teams love what they do. As a result, we have many highly satisfied customers. Leave the house cleaning to us and enjoy doing the things that matter most. Dependable Cleaners for Your Home. We offer dependable home cleaning service in Jacksonville, FL, and surrounding areas. Our maids are known for their keen attention to detail. At Clean4Real, we care about your health and safety. That’s the reason we use eco-friendly and green cleaning products. Don’t worry if you have pets, we love them too. Above all, we want to make sure they are comfortable while we are working. 100% Delight Guarantee. It is our promise to bring the best care to any space we clean. We promise to give you consistently delightful house cleaning experience. But, mistakes happen. Our services come with a satisfaction guarantee. If we make a mistake, we will fix it. Let us know about deficient cleaning within 24 hours.  After that, we will re-clean any area of concern. Consequently, it is our promise and guarantee, and you deserve it. To know more about us , please browse through the website. [PAGE] Title: Cleaning Jobs in Jacksonville FL Content: Cleaning Service Team Member Opportunities Cleaning Jobs in Jacksonville FL At Clean4Real, we are always looking to hire House Cleaners and Housecleaning Supervisors who can follow our goal of providing the best possible cleaning experience to our clients. We offer a positive work environment, meaningful work and great pay, as well as second-to-none training and ongoing education to help you achieve your best. Our success depends on great people and we treat our team well. Please DO NOT call our office regarding employment. In the form below, please be sure to tell us about your last few jobs including where you worked, dates employed, job duties, and reason for leaving. Oh, and, you know, tell us a little bit about yourself. All prospective employees must submit to a credit check, a criminal background check, and a drug test. We are an equal opportunity employer. Come join our team! We are successful because our staff pays extreme attention to the ‘little things’. We promote eco-friendly cleaning as well, which is a great thing for your health! “What about my cleaning experience?” – We have had a few team members that never cleaned professionally, yet became very good at what they do. We train you to make sure you can succeed. What we are looking for: Compassionate People [PAGE] Title: Cleaning Service Team - the Story of the Clean4Real Content: About Clean4Real Cleaning Services in Jacksonville Clean4Real provides residential cleaning services throughout the Jacksonville, FL area Clean4Real is dedicated to providing you with high quality cleaning services for your home or office. We are licensed and insured to be prepared for any tough case scenario. We carefully screen all of our team members and conduct a criminal background check on all employees. Our maids deliver thorough and reliable cleaning service every time they enter your home. We value our team members, so our turnover is very low. That allows you to have the same people cleaning your house on a regular basis. Clean4Real is a Jacksonville local cleaning company. We hope to help you have a healthier and cleaner place to live. Jacksonville FL is a great city and we love living here. It would be a privilege to provide services to you! Proven History of Success We know that if you love our service, you would gladly recommend us to your friends. Your satisfaction is our number one priority. For that reason, we are offering a 100% satisfaction guarantee – we will re-clean your home at no additional cost. We are proud to offer the detailed service of a small business with the support and benefits of a growing company. We are a unique company that small enough to give personal attention to every customer but equipped to handle big jobs. Our teams use high quality cleaning products and tools. Our products include natural or Green Sealed Certified cleaners. Hospital grade disinfectants are available by request. Our Values At Clean4Real, we believe that positive attitude, energy, and great family values are great contributors to the joy of living. It is our desire to maintain a business that gives people more opportunities to enjoy life: a benefit of having extra time and clean, healthy, and non-toxic living spaces. We think it’s a good thing! Contact Us Clean4Real Cleaning Services 1467 Pine Grove Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32205 904-274-0084 Hours of business: Mon – Fri 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Sat – 8:30am to 12:30pm Rain or shine, call or text us at 904-274-0084 or send us an email at [email protected] If you have any questions or concerns for Clean4Real we want to hear about it. If you need a free quote please click here . Come Home and Relax! [PAGE] Title: Free Cleaning from Clean4Real Professional House Cleaners Content: Do you want us to send you Specials and Discounts? Any other information or comments This iframe contains the logic required to handle AJAX powered Gravity Forms. Terms: 1. Refer only people you know personally. 3. You can not refer yourself. 2. You will receive a free cleaning once they become a regular client (after their 3rd maintenance cleaning). 3. They must not have already used our services in the past. 4. Anyone can refer us, even if you don’t use our services! We will send you a $100 gift certificate to use any way you want. [PAGE] Title: Jacksonville Office Cleaning Services, Commercial Cleaning, Janitorial Content: A Cleaning Solution, The Proactive Way Schedule a Free Site Analysis for Cleaning Today REQUEST CONTACT Office Cleaning Services in Jacksonville, FL Clean4Real can provide commercial cleaning services for your business needs. Maintaining a clean, organized and well-controlled environment is a necessity in keeping your business running smoothly. A clean office promotes a professional image and enhances the work experience for your employees. If you are looking for Jacksonville janitorial and commercial office cleaning services, be assured that Clean4Real will provide high quality commercial cleaning service. We provide janitorial services for general offices, schools, pre-schools and day care centers, medical offices, churches, fitness centers etc. You can schedule Jacksonville office cleaning services from daily or weekly to once per month, depending on your business cleaning needs. We provide all necessary commercial cleaning service tools, equipment, and cleaning solutions. We have the resources and expertise to get the job done right every time. Please use our form or call us at 904-274-0084 to schedule a free on site estimate of your facility or campus. We will provide you with a detailed proposal shortly after the tour of your business site. Cleaning & Disinfecting Disinfect and kill germs on hard surfaces. Vacuuming & Mopping Keep your floors clean and improve indoor air quality. Dusting & Trash Removal Keep your work space dust & trash free. You can expect the following when scheduling your commercial cleaning: Office Areas Sweep and mop all hard surface floors Vacuum all carpets, including behind doors Clean front door glass inside and out Dust pictures, tables, desks, window sills Disinfect door knobs, light switches Empty/remove all trash, replace trash liners Bathrooms Wipe clean partitions walls and top surfaces Clean and sanitize all sinks and countertops Clean and sanitize all toilets and urinals Shine mirrors, glass, chrome, and fixtures Refill paper products and soap dispensers Kitchen / Break Room Clean and sanitize all sinks, fixtures, counters, and tables Refill paper products and soap dispensers Disinfect door knobs and other high touch areas Mop floors [PAGE] Title: Cleaning & Home Organization Blog - Clean4Real Content: Cleaning & Home Organization Blog Housekeeping and Cleaning Tips Welcome to our little corner of the housekeeping, organizing and cleaning tips. Feel free to look around and share your thoughts. We would be happy to hear from you! Cleaning Tips , How To, DYI, Hacks No matter how much you clean, your bathroom is a breeding ground for mold.  Black mold can show quickly and be difficult to completely remove once it’s appeared.  Humidity claims the credit for that. If you want to keep your bathroom mold-free and clean, it is very important to take the necessary precautions in order to prevent mold from growing … [PAGE] Title: House Cleaning Checklist | Clean4Real Cleaning Services Content: House Cleaning Checklist House Cleaning Checklist You can be sure that all of the services on the following house cleaning checklist will be thoroughly performed. Whether you select a regular or a deep house cleaning, move-out or post-renovation cleaning, our maids will deliver high quality results. Our house cleaning checklist serves as a guarantee of services that we will perform when cleaning your home. We would be glad to create a customized plan to fit your needs. Weekly, bi-weekly or just a one-time customized house cleaning services. High standard affordable home cleaning services. We love keeping Jacksonville homes shiny clean! [PAGE] Title: Request a Cleaning Estimate - Clean4Real Cleaning Services Content: Designed and Developed by Benon Design , LLC. | Digital Marketing Agency © 2020 Clean4Real Cleaning Services 1467 Pine Grove Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32205 Type and Press “enter” to Search [PAGE] Title: Home Cleaning Service in Jacksonville FL | Clean4Real Content: Comfort and efficiency are important and so is choosing the right Maid Service Get Started Now! Call or text us at 904-274-0084 or submit an estimate request online. We are here to help! Get a Cleaning Estimate! Our Home Cleaning Service Makes Your Life Comfortable Every household is unique when it comes to choosing their home cleaning services. Some rooms are hardly used and require less attention than high touch areas such as bathrooms and kitchens. Save time by choosing only rooms you need cleaned. Clean4Real is not like other maid services, we clean only what you need. You can choose morning or afternoon cleanings on a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or one time only basis. We will be there when you need us. Our professional cleaning teams are well trained and thoroughly screened. You don’t have to worry about providing any cleaning supplies, tools or equipment. Our maids come to your home fully equipped and ready to deliver the best housekeeping and cleaning services available in Jacksonville FL and surrounding areas. Consistently Delightful House Cleaning Experience First Time Deluxe House Cleaning Restores your home to an easier, maintenance level of clean. Tackles long-term dust, dirt, smudges, smears, grime, and gunk. Requires heavy-duty cleaning tools, supplies, and strong hands. First Time General House Cleaning Prepares a home that is already close to maintenance level. Tackles the worst of your kitchen, bathrooms, and floors, and a general dusting everywhere else. If we can reach it in-place, we clean it. Ongoing Maintenance House Cleaning* Regular Weekly, Bi-Weekly or Monthly service. Helps to keep your home consistently clean. Gives you extra time to do what you love doing. *Must have either Deluxe or General cleaning first. Vacant and Empty Home? Your Guarantee Includes: Inside and behind the refrigerator cleaned Insides and outsides of your kitchen and bathroom cabinets and drawers Ask us about cleaning inside an oven and washing windows What Do You Get? Certified Cleaning Team (1-2 people) All tools/supplies Amazing and fast customer service 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Book Appointment! Maid Services Pricing How much would it cost to clean a house? That’s a great question! We estimate all of our houses based on several individual factors, including home size, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, number of pets and the frequency of the cleanings. To give you a rough idea, an average 2,500 square foot house with 4 bedrooms and 3 full bathrooms on an every 2 week cycle will be approximately $130 to $165 per cleaning. Why are some “independent” house cleaners charge less? It may seem like choosing an individual home cleaner might save you money, but it might cost you more in the long run. Are you ready to be an employer? How about being liable when someone gets hurt in your house? Beyond the potential tax and insurance headaches, consider what happens if something is damaged or stolen. It’s a good practice to hire a professional cleaning service . that has the tools, training, and insurance coverage to take care of your housekeeping needs.
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Title: House Cleaning Services in Jacksonville FL | Clean4Real Content: The Cleaners You Can Trust! You can allow us to clean your entire house or we can customize our cleaning service to your needs. House Cleaning Services in Jacksonville FL. Most of all, our cleaning teams love what they do. Title: Cleaning Jobs in Jacksonville FL Content: Cleaning Service Team Member Opportunities Cleaning Jobs in Jacksonville FL At Clean4Real, we are always looking to hire House Cleaners and Housecleaning Supervisors who can follow our goal of providing the best possible cleaning experience to our clients. Our success depends on great people and we treat our team well. Title: Cleaning Service Team - the Story of the Clean4Real Content: About Clean4Real Cleaning Services in Jacksonville Clean4Real provides residential cleaning services throughout the Jacksonville, FL area Clean4Real is dedicated to providing you with high quality cleaning services for your home or office. Jacksonville FL is a great city and we love living here. For that reason, we are offering a 100% satisfaction guarantee – we will re-clean your home at no additional cost. Our teams use high quality cleaning products and tools. Contact Us Clean4Real Cleaning Services 1467 Pine Grove Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32205 904-274-0084 Hours of business: Mon – Fri 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Sat – 8:30am to 12:30pm Rain or shine, call or text us at 904-274-0084 or send us an email at [email protected] If you have any questions or concerns for Clean4Real we want to hear about it. Title: Free Cleaning from Clean4Real Professional House Cleaners Content: Do you want us to send you Specials and Discounts? Office Cleaning Services in Jacksonville, FL Clean4Real can provide commercial cleaning services for your business needs. If you are looking for Jacksonville janitorial and commercial office cleaning services, be assured that Clean4Real will provide high quality commercial cleaning service. Please use our form or call us at 904-274-0084 to schedule a free on site estimate of your facility or campus. Our house cleaning checklist serves as a guarantee of services that we will perform when cleaning your home. Title: Home Cleaning Service in Jacksonville FL | Clean4Real Content: Comfort and efficiency are important and so is choosing the right Maid Service Get Started Now! Our Home Cleaning Service Makes Your Life Comfortable Every household is unique when it comes to choosing their home cleaning services. Our maids come to your home fully equipped and ready to deliver the best housekeeping and cleaning services available in Jacksonville FL and surrounding areas. that has the tools, training, and insurance coverage to take care of your housekeeping needs.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Projects • Providence Infrastructure Consultants Content: Join us. Start enjoying life and loving your career. How Can We Help? [PAGE] Title: Awards • Providence Infrastructure Consultants Content: Awards Project Highlight: City of Greeley – 60-inch Bellvue Water Transmission Pipeline ACEC Colorado 2019 Engineering Excellence AwardsProvidence and the City of Greeley are the proud recipients of an Honor Award for the ACEC Colorado 2019 Engineering Excellence Awards. On this page you'll find links to all related materials for this project and the award. Executive SummaryIn late 2003, the City of ... Read more Press Release: ACEC Colorado 2019 Engineering Excellence Award – Greeley ACEC Colorado 2019 Engineering Excellence AwardProvidence Infrastructure Consultants and City of Greeley Awarded an Honor Award in the ACEC Colorado 2019 Engineering Excellence AwardsCENTENNIAL, CO, November 5, 2018 – Providence Infrastructure Consultants (Providence) and The City of Greeley (City) have been named an Honor Award recipient in the ACEC Colorado ... Read more Project Highlight: City of Northglenn – WWTP Headworks & Clarifier Project ACEC Colorado 2019 Engineering Excellence AwardsProvidence and the City of Northglenn are the proud recipients of an Excellence Award for the ACEC Colorado 2019 Engineering Excellence Awards. On this page you'll find links to all related materials for this project and the award. Executive SummaryThe main purpose of the Northglenn ... Read more Press Release: ACEC Colorado 2019 Engineering Excellence Award – Northglenn ACEC Colorado 2019 Engineering Excellence AwardProvidence Infrastructure Consultants and City of Northglenn Awarded an Excellence Award in the ACEC Colorado 2019 Engineering Excellence AwardsCENTENNIAL, CO, November 5, 2018 – Providence Infrastructure Consultants (Providence) and The City of Northglenn (City) have been named an Excellence Award recipient in the ACEC Colorado ... [PAGE] Title: Asset Management • Providence Infrastructure Consultants Content: Asset Management Asset Management Many water and wastewater utility providers have facilities that are experiencing moderate to severe degradation and are continually faced with the dilemma of replacing or extending the service life of buried infrastructure. These replacement versus rehabilitation decisions have significant budget and service continuity implications. Our experienced staff of designers understand that utilities are in need of proven assessment management and condition assessment processes in order to make proper decisions. As such Providence Infrastructure Consultants strives to provide our clients with valuable information about the specific condition of their systems and the alternatives associated with keep these systems operational using the most cost effective strategies available. Services [PAGE] Title: Careers • Providence Infrastructure Consultants Content: Paid Costco or Sam's Club Membership Current Job Openings Our currently available jobs are listed on this page. We are continually seeking to enhance our professional services staff. If interested, please submit a letter of interest and resume to [email protected] . Providence is an Equal Opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or protected status. ▸Civil / CAD Drafter Discipline: Civil/Environmental Location: Highlands Ranch, Colorado Position Description PIC currently has an opening for a full-time Civil / CAD Drafter to join our team in Denver. The position is located in the South Denver suburb of Highlands Ranch. This is an entry-level position, although applicants with applicable experience will also be considered. The primary duties of this position will be to support the development of planning, design, construction, and record documents in an independent manner under direction from engineering staff on various projects that include pump stations, water/wastewater treatment plants, medium-to-large diameter pipelines, sanitary sewer lift stations, and the structural / mechanical / electrical aspects of these facilities. The position requires the ability to perform drafting assignments requiring application of electronic drafting techniques in AutoCAD. Knowledge of AutoCAD Civil 3D is a plus. Drafters are expected to work independently with advice from engineering supervision. The ability to work as an integrated member of a project team and willingness to collaborate with colleagues is essential to this position. This is an excellent and challenging opportunity to join a stable and growing company that supports career enhancement at all levels. Competitive salary to be provided based on education and experience. Support for moving expenses, if required, are available. Benefits Eight (8) paid holidays per year Paid Time Off (PTO) – Accrual rate increases with years of service Medical, Dental, Vision Insurance [PAGE] Title: Infrastructure Design • Providence Infrastructure Consultants Content: Infrastructure Design Infrastructure Design The need to provide water distribution and wastewater collection to growing service areas combined with the need to reach beyond municipal service boundaries to obtain source water supplies has challenged municipal utility providers in their ability to meet both existing and future demands in a cost-effective manner. Our experienced staff of designers work with clients to explore creative solutions to properly balance permitting, design, construction, operational, and financing needs associated with source, treated, waste, and recycled water projects. Services [PAGE] Title: Master Planning • Providence Infrastructure Consultants Content: Master Planning Master Planning As with any project involving numerous stakeholders, master plans are a dynamic process. Even though the desired evaluation may be well defined, the decision-making process will inevitably have the potential to change throughout the project. An important challenge is to establish a consensus with all stakeholders on decisions regarding the future of any given project. Our experienced staff of designers collaboratively work with clients to support the selection, development, and implementation of asset replacement models which have the functionality to allow our clients to prioritize the replacement of assets based on changing conditions such as on-going replacement / rehabilitation projects, changing hydraulic conditions, asset condition, risk, and changes to the physical environment. Services [PAGE] Title: About Us • Providence Infrastructure Consultants Content: Search Lee Lindeen, PEPresident "At Providence, our top priority is our clients. Our team members understand the difficulties water and wastewater utility providers face every day. We also understand the stress these difficulties can cause. This is why we work with our clients with a straightforward and proven approach to find the right solutions for their communities." About Providence People. At Providence, our focus is people. Protecting people’s health and well-being. Providing sustainable solutions for our clients and the people they serve. Building lasting partnerships with the people we work with and the people we serve. At Providence, we know that effective partnerships are the foundation for successful projects, stronger communities, and a safer future. Partnership. We believe that successful projects begin with successful partnerships. Every community has its own set of unique needs. Together, we work closely with our clients to best understand these needs and provide reliable, cost-effective solutions that fit their community. Providence. We are engineers and technicians. We are friends and neighbors that live in the communities we serve. We are committed to a better future where all communities have sustainable long-term water and wastewater solutions. We are Providence. History Founded in 2012, Providence Infrastructure Consultants is a privately held professional engineering services firm based in Highlands Ranch, Colorado. Providence is led by a core group of seasoned engineers that provide high-quality services with competitive fees. From our Highlands Ranch office, Providence serves water and wastewater utility providers throughout the Rocky Mountain West and Midwest. As a Colorado based firm, Providence provides both local and regional clients quality services in a flexible, responsive, and economical manner. Company Structure Our staff goes above and beyond to provide our clients with superior service. With a carefully managed and efficient overhead structure and a single layer of management, Providence is able to provide cost-effective and creative solutions that address long-term solutions for our client’s specific needs. Philosophy We understand the difficulties that utility providers confront while planning, designing, constructing, and maintaining water and wastewater infrastructure. Our clients face enormous challenges with the sustainable operation of these systems including budget shortfalls, ever expanding regulatory requirements, chronic infrastructure deterioration, and the need to implement complicated technologies and processes. Our team of knowledgeable and experienced engineers and technologists understand these challenges. This experience has shaped our goal to meet these challenges by serving our clients with integrity, flexibility, and focus. Awards [PAGE] Title: Services • Providence Infrastructure Consultants Content: Join us. Start enjoying life and loving your career. How Can We Help? [PAGE] Title: Providence Infrastructure Consultants • Providence Infrastructure Consultants Content: Search Who We Are Since 2012 Providence has served water and wastewater utility providers throughout the Rocky Mountain West and Midwest. As a privately held Colorado based firm, we provide both local and regional clients with quality services in a flexible, responsive, and economical manner. About UsRead More What We Do Our experienced staff of designers work with clients to explore creative solutions to properly balance permitting, design, construction, operational, and financing needs associated with source, treated, waste, and recycled water projects. [PAGE] Title: Contact • Providence Infrastructure Consultants Content: Highlands Ranch Office 300 Plaza Drive Suite 320 Highlands Ranch, Colorado 80129 (303) 997-5035
civil, mechanical & electrical
civil engineering
Title: Projects • Providence Infrastructure Consultants Content: Join us. Title: Awards • Providence Infrastructure Consultants Content: Awards Project Highlight: City of Greeley – 60-inch Bellvue Water Transmission Pipeline ACEC Colorado 2019 Engineering Excellence AwardsProvidence and the City of Greeley are the proud recipients of an Honor Award for the ACEC Colorado 2019 Engineering Excellence Awards. Title: Asset Management • Providence Infrastructure Consultants Content: Asset Management Asset Management Many water and wastewater utility providers have facilities that are experiencing moderate to severe degradation and are continually faced with the dilemma of replacing or extending the service life of buried infrastructure. This is an entry-level position, although applicants with applicable experience will also be considered. The ability to work as an integrated member of a project team and willingness to collaborate with colleagues is essential to this position. Title: Infrastructure Design • Providence Infrastructure Consultants Content: Infrastructure Design Infrastructure Design The need to provide water distribution and wastewater collection to growing service areas combined with the need to reach beyond municipal service boundaries to obtain source water supplies has challenged municipal utility providers in their ability to meet both existing and future demands in a cost-effective manner. Our experienced staff of designers work with clients to explore creative solutions to properly balance permitting, design, construction, operational, and financing needs associated with source, treated, waste, and recycled water projects. Our experienced staff of designers collaboratively work with clients to support the selection, development, and implementation of asset replacement models which have the functionality to allow our clients to prioritize the replacement of assets based on changing conditions such as on-going replacement / rehabilitation projects, changing hydraulic conditions, asset condition, risk, and changes to the physical environment. We also understand the stress these difficulties can cause. This is why we work with our clients with a straightforward and proven approach to find the right solutions for their communities." At Providence, our focus is people. Providing sustainable solutions for our clients and the people they serve. Building lasting partnerships with the people we work with and the people we serve. Together, we work closely with our clients to best understand these needs and provide reliable, cost-effective solutions that fit their community. We are Providence. History Founded in 2012, Providence Infrastructure Consultants is a privately held professional engineering services firm based in Highlands Ranch, Colorado. Providence is led by a core group of seasoned engineers that provide high-quality services with competitive fees. Our team of knowledgeable and experienced engineers and technologists understand these challenges. Title: Services • Providence Infrastructure Consultants Content: Join us. Title: Providence Infrastructure Consultants • Providence Infrastructure Consultants Content: Search Who We Are Since 2012 Providence has served water and wastewater utility providers throughout the Rocky Mountain West and Midwest.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Well Servicing with Restricted Height | Peak Well Systems Content: Applications Well Servicing with Restricted Height Well Servicing with Restricted Height Do you have limited rig up height offshore? Rig up height can be critical at well sites where there are overhead obstructions or limited crane working height. Peak has a system specifically designed for use in areas where available rig up height is minimal. Typically, Peak’s solutions will give you a 40 percent saving in required lubricator length. Stay Informed Peak’s monthly newsletter, e-News, keeps you up-to-date with our latest product launches, upcoming events, technology developments and case studies. If you would like to receive e-News, please submit your email address above: [PAGE] Title: Interchangeable Ring Broaching Tool | Peak Well Systems Content: Wellbore Cleanup Systems Interchangeable Ring Broaching Tool High-Temperature, High-Strength Magnet > Interchangeable Ring Broaching Tool Pump Bailer Hydrostatic Bailer Drive Down Bailer Radial Brush System Torque-Action Debris Breaker Dump Bailer Interchangeable Ring Broaching Tool The Interchangeable Ring Broaching Tool is used for removing scale and debris from the tubing wall. Interchangeable Rings are slipped over a Central Mandrel and secured in place by the Top Sub. The Rings are supplied in various OD’s to suit the Tubing ID. The Central Mandrel is ported to allow maximum bypass. This feature reduces any hydraulic cushioning effect when jarring down to remove debris and prevents the build up of debris above the tool. An optional Bottom Sample Cup allows scale and other debris to be recovered to surface for further analysis.Applications Removal of scale, sand, perforation damage and wax from the inside of tubulars Features & Benefits Ported Mandrel for added bypass Interchangeable Broaching Rings Optional Sample Cup for retrieving debris sample for analysis 360 degree effective cutting face Simple to redress [PAGE] Title: Peak eCutter Animation | Peak Well Systems Content: Peak TV Peak eCutter Animation [PAGE] Title: SIMultra Motion Graphic | Peak Well Systems Content: Peak TV SIMultra Motion Graphic [PAGE] Title: Peak Cutter | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems Peak Cutter FRC GLV Pulling Tool HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) DJD FRC Pulling Tool Double Jar Down Adaptor HD Pulling System IN FRC Pulling Tool Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear Wireline Retrieval System Wireline Centre Spear Tapered Wire Retriever Multi-Pin Running Tool HD Dual Fish Neck Sub Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing IB Orientation Indicator Indexing Tool Tubing End Locator Sidewall Cutter > Peak Cutter Peak eCutter High-Pressure Peak eCutter Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter Pump Down Go-Devil Peak Impression Block (PIB) Peak Cutter The Peak Cutter is a unique, power-charged, non-explosive cutter that is dropped from surface to sever slicklines and cables in the event that a toolstring becomes stuck downhole. It is designed to cut cleanly above the toolstring assembly - safely and reliably - and allow the upper section of the wire/cable to be recovered quickly to surface.Applications Deployment in the event that a toolstring becomes stuck downhole Recovery of wire or cable from situations where wire or tools have been blown up hole Deployment in subsea wells where the Peak Cutter is held as a contingency within a tool catcher integral to the seabed well control package Features & Benefits Incorporates an integral non-hydraulic, non-pyrotechnic power charge, a contingent cutting arrangement and integral wire/cable clamp assembly No need for explosives, so the Peak Cutter is also safe to deploy Capable of cutting all industry wire from 0.108-in slickline up to 5/16-in heavy-duty Dyform cable Supplied with three retaining plates which cover full 0.108-in – 0.312-in range of tool Rollerized versions are available on request subject to completion size Simple field redress Supplied with safety clamp for secure and safe handling at the well site Offers an accurate and reliable result, particularly when deployed in high viscous fluids and deviated wells Available for rapid rental with immediate mobilization Does not require radio silence Product Code: 215 [PAGE] Title: WellGlide | Peak Well Systems Content: Running and pulling tool centralization in larger-bore tubulars Well interventions with Peak SIM sealing integrity management system Features & Benefits Provides standoff from tubing wall equivalent to OD of large lock mandrel Enables using one or more subs anywhere along the length of a conventional toolstring Reduces inventory requirements for sub bodies by using interchangeable rollers Increases operating range by using various diameter rollers Increases application range by using different material rollers including AISI 4140 steel, AISI 316 stainless steel, Nylatron®, or customer specifications Provides maximum bypass in fluid due to its fluted body Supplied with connection options to suit customer requirements Integrates with 2 11/16-in heavy-duty fishing string when supplied with ultra-heavy-duty (UHD) connection and neck WellGlide and SIM are marks of Schlumberger. Product Code: 107 [PAGE] Title: Wireline Retrieval System | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems Wireline Retrieval System Wireline Retrieval System The Peak Wireline Retrieval System consists of interchangeable tool components to locate and recover parted wireline. The system incorporates a unique design feature which allows the Slotted Finder Finger Sleeve to be adjusted to any chosen diameter to suit a range of nominal tubing ID and nipple dimensions.Applications Safely locating the top of parted wire Balling over the top of wire Latching and retrieving wire back to surface Features & Benefits Adjustable Finder Finger Sleeve Extension Bar options Option to run in conjunction with Peak Centre Spear, two, three or four-Prong Wireline Grab, Lead Impression Block or Adjustable Finder Finger Sleeve Multiple running neck options [PAGE] Title: Training and Development | Peak Well Systems Content: Culture Quality Safety Environment > Training and Development Compliance Training and Development Knowledge and skills development is critical to Peak’s business sustainability. Ultimately, a more skilled and knowledgeable workforce thrives to realize the vision of the organization and maintain a vibrant and motivated environment. Peak’s training and competency programme focuses on the requirements of various roles in the areas of HSE, quality, and core knowledge and skills to provide the appropriate training and support to our people in order to achieve the highest desired level of competency. Online learning, when appropriate, is our preferred training delivery method. It enables us to support the global Peak family wherever they are. Although we are obsessive about making products that are simple to operate and maintain, we recognize the need for training our customers too. Training of our customers is one of our key areas of focus. Our product and operations experts conduct training courses covering the use and maintenance of our products which are all field redressable. In addition to these courses, Peak offers assembly animations on selected products to provide ad-hoc access to our end-users for redress instructions. These are presented and delivered in the simplest and most effective manner catering for customers in remote locations or where English may not be their first language. Stay Informed Peak’s monthly newsletter, e-News, keeps you up-to-date with our latest product launches, upcoming events, technology developments and case studies. If you would like to receive e-News, please submit your email address above: [PAGE] Title: Fishing Systems | Peak Well Systems Content: Roller Systems > Fishing Systems Wellbore Cleanup Systems Premium Utility Toolstring Fishing Systems Peak Well Systems’ range of market leading fishing systems has a highly successful track record of recovering items lost down the wellbore and expediting a return to production for customers. From discrete fishing tool rental to fully tailored, full service, heavy- and ultraheavy-duty fishing solutions, Peak has the products, expertise, and global reach to provide the right package at the right time to its customers. Heavy-duty fishing solutions For problematic fish, Peak’s heavy- and ultraheavy-duty fishing tools offer an efficient, cost-effective alternative to coiled tubing or workovers. They are fast becoming the tools of choice for operators and service companies around the world due to their reliability, strength, and performance. Our skilled heavy-duty fishing team will meticulously plan a customers’ fishing operation, and backed by in-house engineering support, can tailor a solution to meet any fishing challenge and to suit any well environment. For high-angle and high straight-pull force applications, improved performance and capabilities are attained by combining Peak’s heavy- and ultraheavy-duty fishing tools with tractor and powered intervention platforms. For more information on our heavy-duty fishing solutions, email: [email protected] . Products [PAGE] Title: Any Other Enquiries | Peak Well Systems Content: Any Other Enquiries To request a quotation for our products and services, email [email protected] . For all other enquiries, email [email protected] . Stay Informed Peak’s monthly newsletter, e-News, keeps you up-to-date with our latest product launches, upcoming events, technology developments and case studies. If you would like to receive e-News, please submit your email address above: [PAGE] Title: FRC GLV Pulling Tool | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems FRC GLV Pulling Tool > FRC GLV Pulling Tool HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) DJD FRC Pulling Tool Double Jar Down Adaptor HD Pulling System IN FRC Pulling Tool Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear Wireline Retrieval System Wireline Centre Spear Tapered Wire Retriever Multi-Pin Running Tool HD Dual Fish Neck Sub Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing IB Orientation Indicator Indexing Tool Tubing End Locator Sidewall Cutter Peak Cutter Peak eCutter High-Pressure Peak eCutter Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter Pump Down Go-Devil Peak Impression Block (PIB) FRC GLV Pulling Tool Peak’s Full Radial Contact Gas Lift Valve (FRC GLV) Pulling Tool is used in conjunction with a kickover tool for recovering gas lift valves (GLV) during GLV change-out operations. The FRC GLV Pulling Tool is designed to engage the full 360 degree underside of an external fish neck and is generally used in conventional and heavy jarring applications. The full contact area provides a much greater load bearing area compared to standard two or three dog-type pulling tools which are commonly used in gas-lift valve changeout operations. The full supporting latch finger face reduces the amount of damage to both the latch fingers and the fish neck to be recovered by evenly distributing the load whilst also improving impact transmission, greatly increasing chances for successful recovery. Incorporating a positive locking key feature and expansion profiles on the core and latch fingers, ensures clean disengagement from the GLV during downward jarring. The FRC GLV Pulling Tool does not rely upon springs and steel memory for disengagement which also makes re-pinning safe and easy.Applications Retrieval of gas lift valves in conventional or heavy jarring applications Features & Benefits Cores available to suit top and bottom latch GLV’s Suits all standard SPM pockets and GLV latches Full 360 degree (Full Radial Contact) latch finger coverage 'Jar down to release' - positive locking core and latch finger expansion profile feature to assist in safe tool disengagement Simple and safe to redress - no special pinning tools required Additional cores available to suit special reach requirements Robust design [PAGE] Title: Peak Values | Peak Well Systems Content: About Peak Peak Values Introduction Corporate Profile Global Presence > Peak Values Technology Innovation Commercial Terms & Conditions Technical Alerts News & Press Releases Peak Values MissionPeak's mission is to improve the performance of wells through advanced downhole technology.VisionPeak’s vision is to be our customer’s partner of choice for flow control and well intervention solutions, in every valued well around the world. In order to achieve this, we have a set of core values that underpin every aspect of our business: People—We are a motivated and committed team—this is a core pillar of our success. Innovation—We excel and grow by pioneering solutions for tomorrow's intervention challenges. Quality—We produce reliable and proven products that elevate the safety and success of every customers' well intervention. Our core values also serve as a practical and clear guide to the behaviour that the company expects from everyone that works for Peak worldwide. All Peak Personnel understand, support and live these values and we make every effort to align ourselves with other companies, both customers and suppliers, who share these values and adhere to the same high standards of business practice. To be the market leader and our customers' partner of choice for flow control and well intervention products and services on all conveyances. Copyright © 2024 Peak Well Systems [PAGE] Title: Peak TV | Peak Well Systems Content: HD FRC DJD Pulling Tool Animation Peak Cutter Animation [PAGE] Title: Tubular Jar | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Tubular Jar Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel Stem Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar > Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool Tubular Jar The Tubular Jar is a simple yet effective mechanical-type jar designed for use during operations where there is a potential for debris ingress that may prevent critical jar manipulation. Applications Ideal during fishing operations when the design of standard spang jars can be impeded by wire, debris, or other foreign matter in the tubing Deployed inside large ID tubing or casing where conventional spang jars are prone to buckling or scissoring Features & Benefits Improved diameter in jar rod Increased mass above jar rod reduces amount of stem required above, which ultimately reduces toolstring length Supplied with connection options to suit customer requirements Effectively carries out fishing operations in wellbores with suspected wire, debris or other foreign matter Robust design for effective routine wireline functions in large tubing or casing Product Code: 126 [PAGE] Title: Well Flow Enhancement | Peak Well Systems Content: Applications Well Flow Enhancement Is your production affected by formation damage from perforating? Are you looking for a simple method of enhancing production from specific perforated zones? SIM FloWell has been designed and developed by Peak to remove formation damage by inducing a sudden pressure drawdown in the wellbore to causes a surge of fluid inflow from the reservoir. This provides a simple, safer, low cost, and robust way to surge perforations when required. Moreover, Peak's SIM plug systems can isolate zones of interest and, with the use of coiled tubing or capillary-style tubing intervention, can pump well flow enhancement fluids into these specific zones. Stay Informed Peak’s monthly newsletter, e-News, keeps you up-to-date with our latest product launches, upcoming events, technology developments and case studies. If you would like to receive e-News, please submit your email address above: [PAGE] Title: Accelerator | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Accelerator Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket > Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel Stem Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool Accelerator The Accelerator is designed to provide a high-controlled impact force when used in conjunction with the Power Jar. The Accelerator is designed to simulate wire stretch when working at shallow depths in deviated or tortuous wellbores or when working with braided line. The Accelerator is positioned below the rope socket, swivel, or both, and any applied upward tension compresses the Belleville springs providing a source of stored energy and travel for the Power Jar. As the jar fires, the stored energy accelerates the toolstring, increasing impact on the fish or downhole device to be recovered. The use of an Accelerator also reduces shock loading at the rope socket, swivel, or both. Applications Reduces shock loading at the rope socket during jarring Simulates wire stretch when working at shallow depths to improve jar impact performance Features & Benefits Used for optimum configuration with standard-, medium- or high-load Accelerator set-up options Increased stroke length compared with most readily available accelerators improving jar impact Equipped with interchangeable Belleville washers Simple robust design Connection options available to suit customer requirements Product Code: 124 [PAGE] Title: Indexing Tool | Peak Well Systems Content: Increases flexibility for use across different tubing sizes and downhole toolstring options Provides minimum three-point indexing system, even with smaller-OD tools Ensures continuous rotation at a consistent angle via spring-assisted J mandrel, regardless of deviation Offers greater flexibility with multiple upper- and lower-connection options Enhances fish recovery in deviated and larger-bore completions, with optional customized eccentric lower threading Improves application for special customer requirements, using customized designs Product Code: 222 [PAGE] Title: Crossover | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Crossover Crossover The Peak Crossover is designed to connect two toolstring items with different connections. Manufactured from the highest quality material, Peak can supply the complete range of Crossovers to suit most readily available connection types.Applications To provide a connection between two toolstring items with different connections Features & Benefits Supplied with industry standard crossover configurations Crossovers supplied in both standard and special lengths and diameters to suit operational requirements Crossovers can be supplied with third-party proprietary connections to suit customer requirements Product Code: 101 [PAGE] Title: Well Integrity | Peak Well Systems Content: Safe 100% mechanically set Reduces NPT Multiple setting capability minimizes wireline runs TUBING ALIGNMENT TOOL Restores Well Integrity Creates conduit across parted tubing Simple Installation Easy in-field set-up and slickline deployment Efficient Design Maximum through bore to allow passage of deepset plugs Peak provides a range of well integrity devices for identifying breaches between production tubing and annulus, straddling leaks, shutting off water and gas, and realigning broken or damaged tubing. Peak’s flagship Leak Detection Tool can be used to create a temporary sealing barrier, thus enabling a surface pressure test to identify potential leak paths between the tubing and the annulus. Its multiple setting capability reduces NPT by allowing the leak to be pinpointed quickly, minimizing wireline runs. [PAGE] Title: Compliance | Peak Well Systems Content: Culture Quality Safety Environment Training and Development > Compliance Compliance Commitment towards compliance and integrity is endemic across the company, and driven by clear leadership and accountability from management. The nature of Peak’s global business means that we maintain a detailed risk-based compliance programme to ensure we deliver integrity across all our business activities and locations. Peak’s compliance programme includes written standards and controls suitable for our business, along with regular training of expected behaviours and compliance for all employees. Review of compliance is undertaken by management on a regular basis along with due-diligence and development of Peak’s third parties. Stay Informed Peak’s monthly newsletter, e-News, keeps you up-to-date with our latest product launches, upcoming events, technology developments and case studies. If you would like to receive e-News, please submit your email address above: [PAGE] Title: Engineering & NPD | Peak Well Systems Content: Reliability Cost Effectiveness Key Responsibilities:Maintaining our technology values ensures that our design engineers are the best in their field - innovative, customer-focused and dependable. Peak design engineers work on the design of new tools and the building and testing of prototypes, whilst supporting the business process from the preparation and issue of drawings, to the supervision of workshops, including the receipt and inspection of tools.Qualifications:Our engineers have a mechanical engineering degree, and preferably experience working in the oil and gas industry.How to Apply:If you are looking for a career path in engineering and would like to apply to Peak for a position within the Engineering & NPD team, we would like to hear from you. To browse and apply for any current vacancies, visit our job listing page. Copyright © 2024 Peak Well Systems [PAGE] Title: Well Integrity & Remediation | Peak Well Systems Content: Applications Well Integrity & Remediation Well Barrier & Isolation > Well Integrity & Remediation Data Acquisition Well Flow Enhancement Well Servicing with High Angle Wells Well Servicing with Restricted Height Routine Well Servicing & Maintenance Fishing Wellbore Cleanup & Debris Removal Completions Well Integrity & Remediation Peak has designed and developed a suite of tools for investigating breaches in the tubing wall, helping restore well integrity and safety.The Peak leak detection tool is designed to identify the position of any tubing to annulus communication within the completion string. The tool is slickline deployed and allows for multiple tests without the need to pull back to surface. Once the leak area has been identified, other products such as the Peak straddle system may be deployed to isolate the leak path and restore well integrity. Stay Informed Peak’s monthly newsletter, e-News, keeps you up-to-date with our latest product launches, upcoming events, technology developments and case studies. If you would like to receive e-News, please submit your email address above: [PAGE] Title: Pump Bailer | Peak Well Systems Content: Wellbore Cleanup Systems Pump Bailer High-Temperature, High-Strength Magnet Interchangeable Ring Broaching Tool > Pump Bailer Hydrostatic Bailer Drive Down Bailer Radial Brush System Torque-Action Debris Breaker Dump Bailer Pump Bailer The Pump Bailer is designed to recover sand, gravel, gun debris or other loose fill from above or inside any subsurface flow control device. The Pump Bailer operates on the fundamental lift pump and piston principle. During the upstroke of the Bailer, suction is created, drawing in debris through the Bailer Check Sub where it is retained. A ball check valve, integral to the internal rod assembly allows maximum downstroke for continuous debris recovery until the chamber is full.Applications Recovering loose sand, gravel or gun debris from inside flow control devices Obtaining bottom hole debris samples for analysis Features & Benefits Bailer length, shoe, shoe length and checking device can be supplied to suit customer requirements Bottom subs available: Half Mule, Full Mule, Castleated, Snorkle The intermediate checking device ensures the shoe is changed independently reducing unnecessary expense if component requires replacing due to onsite modification or damage Shortened bailer shoes ensure less downward travel required for optimal debris recovery Inventory reduction due to interchange ability of parts between Peak Drive Down, Pump and Hydrostatic Bailers Incorporating robust Stub Acme threads reduces likelihood of threads galling during continuous make up and break out of components where debris may be present Robust design [PAGE] Title: Double Jar Down Adaptor | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems Double Jar Down Adaptor FRC GLV Pulling Tool HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) DJD FRC Pulling Tool > Double Jar Down Adaptor HD Pulling System IN FRC Pulling Tool Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear Wireline Retrieval System Wireline Centre Spear Tapered Wire Retriever Multi-Pin Running Tool HD Dual Fish Neck Sub Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing IB Orientation Indicator Indexing Tool Tubing End Locator Sidewall Cutter Peak Cutter Peak eCutter High-Pressure Peak eCutter Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter Pump Down Go-Devil Peak Impression Block (PIB) Double Jar Down Adaptor The Double Jar Down Adaptor can be fitted to a Full Radial Contact (FRC) and Heavy-Duty FRC (HD FRC) Pulling Tool to recover an external fishing neck. Unlike the FRC Pulling Tool which has a fixed ‘jar down to release’ mode, the Double Jar Down Adaptor enables repetitive jarring down as much as needed to latch the fish without the inherent risk or prematurely shearing the ‘jar down to release’ pin. If the fish cannot be recovered, the upper pin in the Double Jar Down Adaptor will shear thus allowing subsequent downward jarring to release the Pulling Tool.Applications Gas lift work [PAGE] Title: Gauge Hangers | Peak Well Systems Content: > Gauge Hangers Deployment Systems Gauge Hangers Peak offers customers a choice of Gauge Hangers depending upon the application and well structure, from simple, effective Plug Hangers that carry downhole gauges for well monitoring to Gauge Hangers for larger tubing or more complex well geometries. The advantage of deployment with Peak’s Running Tools in all cases is that it allows the tool being conveyed to be placed as close as is desired to the area of interest for pin-point data acquisition. In more challenging environments, the Large Bore Gauge Hanger can also be used to carry data acquisition devices, or as an anchor for instruments or equipment that require suspension in the wellbore. Due to its extremely high load capacity, the Large Bore Gauge Hanger is ideal for high flow rate wells or high weight stack-up applications. Moreover, its compact design makes it suited to rig ups with height restrictions. The Hi-Ex Gauge Hanger is a slim, high expansion tool that can be passed through narrow restrictions or smaller completion tubing and set in larger ID liners/casings. Most importantly, the slim design minimizes the restriction to flow enabling better quality data to be recorded during production and / or injection conditions. Products [PAGE] Title: Bespoke Products | Peak Well Systems Content: Flow Control Well Integrity Production Enhancement Well Intervention > Bespoke Products After-Sales Support Rentals Bespoke Products Close working relationships between Peak Well Systems and its customers, coupled with our expertise in downhole technology design, has led to the development of bespoke products that address unusual downhole challenges. To contact our rapid product development (RPD) team regarding a bespoke product to be made, please email [email protected] with an overview of your challenge and requirements. Products WellGuard and the Telescoping Space-Out Joint are two such downhole tools that were designed for major IOCs, and which continue to be manufactured today for customers.  Please click on one of the links below to see these samples of our bespoke products: Reduces problems associated with completion space-out, especially on subsea completions Fully rollerized to aid well intervention operations in highly deviated wells Rig time cost savings Hydraulic-operated option for use on wells with pneumatic actuators operating the master valve Lightweight for safety [PAGE] Title: Well Monitoring | Peak Well Systems Content: Well Monitoring GAUGE HANGERS Simple and Robust Large through-bore for high flow rate wells Capable of High Load Capacity Suited to high weight stack-up applications Ideal for Height-Restricted Rig-Ups Compact design DEPLOYMENT SYSTEMS User-friendly Simple running and setting method Field Redressable Simple and quick to redress quickly Deployed by all Industry-Standard Means Slickline, Wireline, Coiled Tubing, Drillpipe, Tractor Peak has a range of Gauge Hangers which can be used to suspend data acquisition devices for monitoring characteristics in flowing wells, or as an anchor for instruments that require suspension in the wellbore.  These devices can be suspended anywhere in the well. Peak’s Gauge Hangers offer the advantage of having a robust design and build, ideal for challenging downhole environments and in high flow rate wells, which means they can be confidently placed close to perforating zones. [PAGE] Title: Roller Stem | Peak Well Systems Content: Roller Stem The Peak Roller Stem is designed to assist conveyance of a wireline toolstring into high-angle deviated wells. The Roller Stem is designed to substitute standard wireline stem and can be positioned along the length of the toolstring to lift the body and the weight of the string upon the axles of the rollers incorporated within the Roller Stem. This eliminates any friction between the toolstring body and the tubing wall. The Roller Stem has no welded parts and is fully field serviceable.Applications For use in high-angle deviated wells to assist toolstring conveyance Features & Benefits Rollers supported on replaceable sintered bronze bushings which are fully field serviceable Double roller retention mechanism to ensure rollers remain locked in place Interchangeable rollers allow the stem to be optimally used in various sized wellbores Multiple sized, interchangeable rollers available to suit varying tubing ID’s or applications Rollers supplied in AISI 4140, 316 Stainless Steel, Nylatron or as specified by customer Supplied with connection options to suit customer requirements Special length and diameter rollers can be supplied to suit customer requirements Heavy-duty robust design [PAGE] Title: Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket > Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel Stem Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket The Braided Line Multi-function Rope Socket (MFRS) is designed to reduce the overall length of a toolstring by removing the requirement for an extra connection. The integral configuration also ensures that a swivel, a crucial component when using braided line, is always included in the toolstring. A unique one-piece Slip and Initiator Clamp arrangement ensures maximum line pull can be attained with minimal slippage. A Belleville Washer assembly creates a pre-load tension to ensure there is very little movement of the termination during upward and downward jarring.Applications For use with braided line operations Features & Benefits Integral Rope Socket and Swivel: Reduces overall toolstring length and ensuring a swivel is incorporated into the braided line toolstring One piece Slip and Initiator Clamp arrangement for ease of use and inventory reduction Heavy-duty thrust bearings: Enhance rotation under load Integral grease nipple: Allows easy lubrication and prevent corrosion Critical components ENP treated to further assist in prevention of internal corrosion Assembly/disassembly Tool provided for simple cable termination and break out Heavy-duty robust design Integral Belleville Spring design to guarantee positive load maintained on thrust bearings to ensure continuous rotation Debris Rings to prevent ingress of foreign matter Swivel components are supported at rotation point to prevent lateral movement and wear Third-party proprietary connections available to suit customer requirements Product Code: 123 [PAGE] Title: Career Paths & Vacancies | Peak Well Systems Content: Why Work at Peak > Career Paths & Vacancies Career Paths & Vacancies As a leading international specialist in the design and manufacture of advanced downhole tools, Peak Well Systems is continually looking for outstanding and dedicated individuals wishing to pursue a long-term career in the oil and gas industry. We invite high-caliber individuals to apply to us at any time, irrespective of their discipline. To browse and apply for any current vacancies, visit our job listing page. Positions that we are always looking to fill are: Petroleum Engineers [PAGE] Title: News & Press Releases | Peak Well Systems Content: About Peak News & Press Releases News & Press Releases Schlumberger Acquires Peak Well Systems Peak’s advanced flow control products and well intervention solutions expand Production Services portfolio HOUSTON, January 5, 2016—Schlumberger today announced the acquisition of Peak Well Systems (Peak), a leading specialist in the design and deve… Posted on 05/01/2017 by Peak Peak’s new IRIS-3D technology wins the Energy Institute’s Innovation Award ABERDEEN, UNITED KINGDOM - Peak Well Systems (“Peak”), a leading specialist in the design and development of advanced downhole tools for well intervention, is delighted to announce that its IRIS-3D technology has won the Innovation Award at the annua… Posted on 11/11/2016 by Peak Peak Customer commissions Peak to undertake gas testing of the 4-1/2” and 5-1/2” SIMULTRA Retrievable Bridge Plug PERTH, AUSTRALIA - Peak Well Systems (“Peak”), a leading specialist in the design and development of advanced downhole tools for well intervention, announces that it has been commissioned by an international oil company (the “Customer”) to undertake … Posted on 23/08/2016 by Peak Peak’s 5-1/2” SIMULTRA Retrievable Bridge Plug receives V0 certification PERTH, AUSTRALIA - Peak Well Systems (“Peak”), a leading specialist in the design and development of advanced downhole tools for well intervention, has reached another important milestone in the development program for its SIMULTRA range of retrievab… Posted on 30/06/2016 by Peak Peak’s SIMULTRA Retrievable Bridge Plug receives V0 certification at 10kpsi PERTH, AUSTRALIA - Peak Well Systems (“Peak”), a leading specialist in the design and development of advanced downhole tools for well intervention, has reached a major milestone in the development program for its SIMULTRA range of retrievable bridge … Posted on 26/04/2016 by Peak Peak appoints Neil Poxon as Global Business Development Director PERTH, AUSTRALIA. Peak Well Systems (“Peak”), a leading specialist in the design and development of advanced downhole tools for well intervention, is pleased to announce the appointment of Neil Poxon as Global Business Development Director, effective… [PAGE] Title: Knuckle Joint | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Knuckle Joint Knuckle Joint The Knuckle Joint, when incorporated into a wireline toolstring, provides flexibility in high-angle deviated wellbores. The Peak Knuckle Joint incorporates several innovative design features including an integral grease nipple to ensure internal components are continuously lubricated for a prolonged working and storage period. Critical internal components of the Knuckle Joint are also electro-less nickel-plated to further assist in prevention of internal corrosion which is common with standard knuckle joints.Applications To provide flexibility in a wireline toolstring to assist conveyance in high-angle deviated wellbores Features & Benefits Integral grease nipple: Ensures easy lubrication and prevent corrosion Critical components ENP treated to further assist in prevention of internal corrosion Heavy-duty robust design Contingent fish neck on most lower joint components Third-party proprietary connections available to suit customer requirements Product Code: 125 [PAGE] Title: Torque-Action Debris Breaker | Peak Well Systems Content: Wellbore Cleanup Systems Torque-Action Debris Breaker High-Temperature, High-Strength Magnet Interchangeable Ring Broaching Tool Pump Bailer Hydrostatic Bailer Drive Down Bailer Radial Brush System > Torque-Action Debris Breaker Dump Bailer Torque-Action Debris Breaker The impact-driven Torque-Action Debris Breaker wellbore cleanup and debris removal tool is deployed downhole to break up concretions of sand and scale which are resisting removal by other methods. The Torque-Action Debris Breaker tool is jarred down mechanically in the well, with each jar applying a short-duration torque via the unique helically split torque sub. The main torque body comes in 1 1/2-in, 1 7/8-in and, 2 1/2-in sizes  and has several different show sizes that can be easily changed on the main body of the tool as the scale is broken down. The debris is recovered by subsequent bailer runs.Applications To break up persistent sand/scale concretions which have resisted recovery by other methods. Features & Benefits Integral sprung torque system which applies torque to the cutting edges with each downward jar Internal support sleeve to limit loading on the torque spring should the tool become wedged in solids Left hand threads, where required, to prevent tool back-off down-hole Comes with different shoe sizes that are changed out on the same main tool body No other specialist tools required Overall reduction in time required for descaling, thus reducing intervention time and costs Production can resume much faster than ever before using alternative methods of descaling Delivers exceptional cost-effective results compared to other descaling alternatives such as mechanical, chemical or sonic break-down Full range of broach sizes available (1.700 in - 4.700 in); details upon request Product Code: 117 [PAGE] Title: Braided Line Rope Socket | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket The Braided Line Rope Socket is available for use where high pulling forces are anticipated. The design incorporates a special one-piece Slip and Initiator Clamp arrangement to ensure maximum line pull can be attained with minimal slippage. A Belleville Spring Stack assembly creates a pre-loaded tension to ensure there is very little movement of the termination during upward and downward jarring.Applications For use with braided line operations to provide connection of the wireline to the toolstring Features & Benefits Incorporates a Peak Heavy-Duty Dual Fish Neck One piece slip assembly for ease of use Belleville Spring Stack to minimize cable slippage Assembly/disassembly tool provided to aid make up/break out of Slip assembly Product Code: 123 [PAGE] Title: Slickline Rope Socket | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Compact Toolstring > Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel Stem Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool Slickline Rope Socket Designed to attach the wireline to the toolstring, the Slickline Rope Socket incorporates a robust Sleeve feature which is designed to maintain form and ensure continuous performance. Should the Rope Socket and toolstring be left in the well due to any unforeseen circumstances and the wire has been recovered, the HD FRC Pulling Tool can be run to engage the Peak HD Dual Fish Neck and if required, prolonged, heavy jarring can be carried out to recover the toolstring.Applications To provide connection of the wireline to the toolstring Features & Benefits Robust Pear Drop and Sleeve feature to maintain form and ensure continuous performance The Peak signature HD Dual Fish Neck allows use of both standard pulling tools and Peak HD FRC Pulling Tool range for recovery Suits all wire sizes Third-party proprietary connections available to suit customer requirements Product Code: 123 [PAGE] Title: Tubing Alignment Tool | Peak Well Systems Content: Leak Detection Tool > Tubing Alignment Tool Tubing Alignment Tool The Peak Tubing Alignment Tool is designed to realign and create a conduit across parted tubing, allowing remedial work to be conducted below the tubing break.The tool does not create a pressure seal as it is designed primarily to allow a deep set barrier to be placed below the tubing break in order to make the well safe prior to further remedial intervention.The design of the Tubing Alignment Tool is highly subject to each individual application, dependent on location and nature of the tubing break.Applications Restoring well integrity in older ‘brown’ fields Allowing the setting of deep set barrier below break in completion tubing to make well safe Making wells safe prior to rig conducting workover Features & Benefits Simple slickline deployment and installation Can be recovered to surface if required Flexible design that allows for easy in-field set up once the length of the tubing gap is ascertained Can be supplied with various options for landing-off in the upper section of tubing Maximum through bore to allow passage of deep set plug on slickline or e-line Will pass through most standard TRSCSSSV nipples Recovered using standard GS-type Pulling Tool Locking and No-Go fingers can be included for added retention Tailor made solutions for all tubing sizes Product Code: 290 [PAGE] Title: Flow Control | Peak Well Systems Content: Flow Control Flow Control SIM System Superior, V5-grade slickline-conveyed downhole tools for high performance sealing integrity within fluid environment wells. Available for industry sizes 2-3/8 in to 7 in. SIMplus System Peak’s portfolio of V3-grade flow control products for high integrity sealing applications in demanding conditions of fluid and temperature cycling. Available for industry sizes 2-3/8” to 7”. SIMultra System Peak’s new generation of flow control products – a range of V0-certified downhole sealing systems incorporating a unique hybrid metal-elastomer seal technology proven to meet the extremes of high performance, high pressure, high temperature and gas wells. The Peak flow control portfolio comprises a full range of industry-leading SIM sealing integrity management system technologies, which are rapidly becoming downhole products of choice for well intervention work among both operators and service companies. Peak provides customers with a choice of fully accredited flow control solutions that can be set anywhere in the tubing string without the need for a nipple profile. [PAGE] Title: UHD Accelerator | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring UHD Accelerator Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel Stem Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket > UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool UHD Accelerator The Ultra-Heavy-Duty (UHD) Accelerator is designed to be run in tandem with an identical UHD Accelerator to provide a high, controlled impact force when used in conjunction with the Peak Power Jar. The unique ‘over-stress limiting’ feature is guaranteed to generate velocity for impact that is consistent, continuous and performs under extreme conditions during prolonged periods of jarring. Whilst reducing shock loading at the rope socket/swivel, the Peak UHD Accelerator is also designed to simulate wire stretch when working at shallow depths, deviated or tortuous wellbores when working with braided line. The Accelerator is positioned below the rope socket/swivel and any applied upward tension compresses the Belleville Springs whilst extending the ultimate Accelerator stroke length. As the jar fires, the stored energy accelerates the toolstring increasing impact on the fish or downhole device to be recovered.Applications For use with ultra-heavy-duty braided line operations Features & Benefits Unique ‘over-stress limiting’ feature dramatically increases the working life of the Belleville Washer configuration and accelerator components by preventing excessive stress on critical parts Unique ‘over-stress limiting’ feature provides a consistently high impact without performance deterioration when used in conjunction with the UHD Power Jar Unique ‘over-stress limiting’ feature removes 'in-operation' redress time and cost commonly associated and required with standard accelerators Optimum usage configuration with standard or high-load accelerator set up options Increased stroke length compared to most readily available accelerators improving jar impact Integral primary and contingent Peak heavy-duty fish necks on all components which have a 60% increased load bearing area compared to standard fish necks, improving overall strength Interchangeable Belleville Washers Supplied with Peak 2 11/16-in UHD QC connections Product Code: 124 [PAGE] Title: Choke Systems | Peak Well Systems Content: > Choke Systems FloWell Choke Systems Peak Plug Systems can be fitted with an independently recoverable downhole choke thus allowing the plugs to be used to choke back well fluids as desired. Peak Choke Systems can be used to: Control oil or gas flow between two or more sands to control cross flow and improve overall reservoir performance, Control gas flow from a gas reservoir below an existing oil reservoir and thus provide natural gas lift, Control gas flow from differing reservoirs to give a controlled mix from the well, for example to balance gas dilutions between high and low CO2 content gases. Products [PAGE] Title: Slick & Swivel Rope Socket | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket > Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel Stem Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool Slick & Swivel Rope Socket The Slick and Swivel Rope Socket is designed to reduce the overall length of a toolstring by removing the requirement for an extra connection. The working life of alloy slicklines can be extended when a swivel is incorporated below the rope socket. The swivel assists the tool rotation and prevents “over-torqueing” of the wire. The integral configuration ensures that a swivel is always included in the toolstring.Applications For use with slickline operations Features & Benefits Integral Rope Socket and Swivel: Reduce overall toolstring length and ensuring a swivel is incorporated into the slickline toolstring Heavy-duty thrust bearings: Enhance rotation under load Integral grease nipple: Allows easy lubrication and prevent corrosion Critical components ENP treated to further assist in prevention of internal corrosion Heavy-duty robust design Integral Belleville Spring design: Guarantees positive load maintained on thrust bearings to ensure continuous rotation Debris Rings: Prevent ingress of foreign matter Swivel components are supported at rotation point to prevent lateral movement and wear Third-party proprietary connections available to suit customer requirements Product Code: 123 [PAGE] Title: Wireline Centre Spear | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems Wireline Centre Spear FRC GLV Pulling Tool HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) DJD FRC Pulling Tool Double Jar Down Adaptor HD Pulling System IN FRC Pulling Tool Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear Wireline Retrieval System > Wireline Centre Spear Tapered Wire Retriever Multi-Pin Running Tool HD Dual Fish Neck Sub Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing IB Orientation Indicator Indexing Tool Tubing End Locator Sidewall Cutter Peak Cutter Peak eCutter High-Pressure Peak eCutter Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter Pump Down Go-Devil Peak Impression Block (PIB) Wireline Centre Spear The Wireline Centre Spear can be run independently or in conjunction with the Peak Wire Retrieval System, for the purpose of recovering parted wire back to surface. The optional Peak Wire Retrieval System utiliszs a unique design feature which allows the Slotted Finder Sleeve to be adjusted to any chosen diameter to suit a range of nominal tubing ID and nipple dimensions.Applications For retrieval of parted wireline from within the wellbore Features & Benefits Option to run in conjunction with the Peak Adjustable Finder Finger Sleeve to prevent the Centre Spear passing the top of the parted wire Multiple Barbs for latching and retrieving balled wire Adaptor Sub supplied with industry standard connections Rounded barb profile to prevent cutting of fished wire on high pulls Robust design [PAGE] Title: Routine Well Servicing & Maintenance | Peak Well Systems Content: Applications Routine Well Servicing & Maintenance Routine Well Servicing & Maintenance With the number of brownfields increasing globally, well-servicing activity is on the rise. The importance of servicing wells safely and efficiently is critical. With this in mind, Peak tools are designed to perform safely in harsh conditions and can be redressed in the field quickly and easily. Stay Informed Peak’s monthly newsletter, e-News, keeps you up-to-date with our latest product launches, upcoming events, technology developments and case studies. If you would like to receive e-News, please submit your email address above: [PAGE] Title: Plug Systems | Peak Well Systems Content: > Plug Systems Deployment Systems Straddle Systems Accessories Plug Systems Plug systems from Peak Well Systems provide a high quality, safe barrier within the wellbore, delivering ultimate flexibility for well intervention, remediation and well integrity operations. Available as both permanent and retrievable options, plug systems can be set anywhere in the tubing string without the need for a nipple profile making them ideal for monobore completions. The design simplicity of Peak plug systems offers cost-effective deployment and flexibility in remote locations. They have an advanced mechanical setting mechanism, eliminating the need for complex and dangerous setting tools and making them very safe and reliable to use. Furthermore, like the deployment systems, they can be easily redressed in the field by personnel with a limited understanding of English. Peak plug systems are universally compliant with all deployment methods such as slickline, wireline, coiled tubing, drillpipe and tractor. The adaptability of Peak’s plug systems enables use in a number of different applications: Collision barrier during drilling operations Wellhead isolation Zonal isolation for water shut-off Zonal isolation to prevent cross flow/co-mingling Downhole choke – choking back unwanted/excessive gas production Packer setting and tubing tests during completions/workovers Tubing integrity testing [PAGE] Title: SIM System | Peak Well Systems Content: Reduced Inventory Interchangeable components Simple & Reliable Easy to use The SIM sealing integrity management system is a range of superior V5-rated, slickline-conveyed and recoverable tools that offer numerous well intervention benefits. They can be mechanically set anywhere in the tubing string without the need for a nipple profile. Moreover, its simple design has no need for complex setting tools or explosives, thus reducing operating costs and removing potential safety hazards inherent in alternative systems. The SIM system product range includes a number of interchangeable modular components, all based on and built up from the SIM plug body with the SIM running tool as the primary means of deployment. The SIM system can be deployed by all industry standard means (wireline, coiled tubing, drillpipe and tractor). Click to view our Track Record. SIM systems from Peak... Simple Safe Assured [PAGE] Title: Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) FRC GLV Pulling Tool HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) DJD FRC Pulling Tool Double Jar Down Adaptor HD Pulling System IN FRC Pulling Tool Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear Wireline Retrieval System Wireline Centre Spear Tapered Wire Retriever Multi-Pin Running Tool HD Dual Fish Neck Sub > Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing IB Orientation Indicator Indexing Tool Tubing End Locator Sidewall Cutter Peak Cutter Peak eCutter High-Pressure Peak eCutter Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter Pump Down Go-Devil Peak Impression Block (PIB) Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) Provides pinning and repinning options in combination with GS pulling and running tools for applications and wireline intervention operations. The MAT sub provides multiple pinning options to vary the shear-to-release mode of the GS pulling or running tool that it’s fitted to. Repinning is simplified with a safer, built-in rearming tool. Applications Recovery of downhole flow devices Fishing applications that require a jar up to release option Setting of downhole items that requires a jar down to release option Features & Benefits Simplifies redressing with quick exchange of shear pin, screws, pins, and springs Streamlines repinning with safer, built-in rearming tool Facilitates retrofitting Minimizes misruns with three running-mode options:- Jar down to shear- Jar up to shear- Jar up, followed by jar down to shear Performs reliably with robust materials and downhole design to industry-standard ODs Reduces toolbox inventory by eliminating separate tools for jarring up, jarring down, and double jarring down Product Code: 207 [PAGE] Title: UHD Linear Jar | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring UHD Linear Jar Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel Stem Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar > UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool UHD Linear Jar The Ultra-Heavy-Duty (UHD) Linear Jar is designed to operate at high angles where normal tubular jar action may be limited. The Peak Dual Roller System reduces friction between the jar rod and outer housing allowing a smooth bi-directional stroke to effectively impart sufficient upward and downward force to carry out most routine wireline functions in deviated wellbores. The UHD Linear Jar is specifically designed for use with braided line work where line speed is often minimal and in conjunction with the UHD Power Jar and Peak’s WellGlide for improved overall friction reducing performance during heavy-duty fishing operations.Applications For use with ultra-heavy-duty braided line operations For use in high-angle, deviated wells to enable a smooth bi-directional stroke to effectively carry out routine wireline and heavy-duty braided line fishing operations Ideal for use during fishing operations, when the design of standard spang jars could be impeded by wire, debris or other foreign matter in the tubing Designed for use in conjunction with the UHD Power Jar and Peak’s WellGlide for improved overall friction reducing performance Features & Benefits Peak Integral Dual Roller System designed to enable a near frictionless jar stroke to increase effective impact force particularly in high-angle, deviated wells Supplied with Peak  2 11/16-in UHD QC connections Product Code: 120 [PAGE] Title: On-Site Support | Peak Well Systems Content: On-Site Support Peak has a global team of experienced field specialists that are available to customers at short notice. We can mobilize immediately and be onsite quickly to help with the deployment and retrieval of Peak tools, offering onsite, hands-on support to your offshore/onshore personnel as required. Peak’s tools are designed to be simple to use, but as skill sets can vary, we recommend that customers employ Peak field specialists for deployment. All Peak field specialists are fully conversant with all Peak products and equipped with offshore survival training certification for working offshore anywhere in the world. Remember to enquire about Peak field specialists on your next well intervention project using Peak Well Systems. [PAGE] Title: Straddle Systems | Peak Well Systems Content: Plug Systems Deployment Systems > Straddle Systems Accessories Straddle Systems Peak’s plug systems can be fitted with straddle tubes between an upper and lower packer to provide isolation across the straddled zone. Peak straddle systems can be used to: Isolate water zones Isolate a hole in tubing Isolate a leaking device within the tubing – SPM, SSD etc. Products [PAGE] Title: Environment | Peak Well Systems Content: Culture Quality Safety > Environment Training and Development Compliance Environment Peak is committed to preventing pollution, protecting the environment, and fulfilling our responsibility towards local and international regulations for an environmentally sustainable future. We actively analyze and assess the impact of our activities on the environment, and implement solutions and measures to control and reduce our impact. Our QHSE reporting system is utilized across the organization to report any environmental risks or incidents. Stay Informed Peak’s monthly newsletter, e-News, keeps you up-to-date with our latest product launches, upcoming events, technology developments and case studies. If you would like to receive e-News, please submit your email address above: [PAGE] Title: Premium Utility Toolstring | Peak Well Systems Content: Roller Systems Fishing Systems Wellbore Cleanup Systems > Premium Utility Toolstring Premium Utility Toolstring Peak Well Systems has developed an extensive range of market leading toolstrings, recognized for their reliability, strength, and performance in maximizing well operations. One of the toolstrings is Peak’s highly effective compact toolstring, which is designed for use where the available rig-up height is limited and for improved conveyance in highly deviated wells. Products Please click on one of the links below: [PAGE] Title: Company Video | Peak Well Systems Content: Peak TV Company Video [PAGE] Title: Hydraulic Jar | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Hydraulic Jar Hydraulic Jar High-performance tool for high-angle operations, with a unique inverted upstroke feature enabling performance continuity in high-debris environments. The Peak Hydraulic Jar minimizes debris influx on the upstroke because its internal components are in the upper section of the assembly—unlike standard hydraulic jars. Also, any debris that enters the outer housing simply falls to the bottom of the tube and away from critical working components. Applications High angle standard wireline, or wireline fishing operations High debris environments High temperature wells Features & Benefits Reduces debris influx and increases performance in high-debris environments by inverting the latch and jar rod design Improves impact force and reduces stem spacing requirement because of its increased mass above the jar rod Simplifies and expedites redress with minimal working parts Minimizes internal corrosion risks with hard chrome plating on critical components Ensures consistency and accuracy of firing times with Lee Chek® and Lee Jeva® (check and restrictor) valves Provides flexibility for application requirements with multiple connection options Excels in high temperature wells up to 392 degF [200 degC] Extends reach and performance in high-angle deviated wells by combining with Peak Accelerator, Peak Linear Jar, and WellGlide* roller-centralizer sub Product Code: 147 [PAGE] Title: Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel Stem Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem > Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) The Modular Drop Bar System is a series of interchangeable components designed to increase the operational flexibility when there is a requirement for deploying a Drop Bar/Go-Devil to activate an Interface-type Cutter Bar. The variable Drop Bar length and Bottom Sub options cover most wellbore geometries and downhole conditions. The Peak design also provides the option of incorporating the Peak Fluted Slip-Over and Slip-Over Roller Centralizers when deploying in larger bore or high angle wells.Applications For activating Cutter Bars Providing a solid base to enable deployment of Cutter Bar Can be deployed to regain mechanical jar action if lost Features & Benefits Can be deployed as a 2-ft, 3-ft or 5-ft section to suit operational application Can be used using the Flat Bottom or Mule Bottom Sub options to suit operational application Optional Fluted Slip-Over or Slip-Over Roller Centralizer options for deploying in larger bore or high-angle wells Suits multiple line sizes up to 5/16-in diameter Inventory reduction due to the unique modular design Product Code: 122 [PAGE] Title: HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) FRC GLV Pulling Tool > HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) DJD FRC Pulling Tool Double Jar Down Adaptor HD Pulling System IN FRC Pulling Tool Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear Wireline Retrieval System Wireline Centre Spear Tapered Wire Retriever Multi-Pin Running Tool HD Dual Fish Neck Sub Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing IB Orientation Indicator Indexing Tool Tubing End Locator Sidewall Cutter Peak Cutter Peak eCutter High-Pressure Peak eCutter Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter Pump Down Go-Devil Peak Impression Block (PIB) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) The Heavy-Duty Full Radial Contact (HD FRC) Pulling Tool ('Jar Up to Shear') will engage the Peak signature HD 45 degree Fish Neck and a standard 90 degree Fish Neck. The HD FRC Pulling Tool is designed for use in applications where it is not desirable or feasible to run a ‘jar down to shear’ Pulling Tool. This may include recovery of wire and/or fishing in highly deviated conditions.Applications Where a jar down to shear tool is not the preferred option due to the nature of the fish or well conditions Conveyance and recovery of Peak Wire Retrieval System where a jar up to release function is required Features & Benefits Angled latch fingers make releasing in high angle wells trouble free Incorporates Peak signature 45-degree heavy-duty latch finger face which creates easier release from 90-degree type fishing necks in high-angle wells 360 degree full radial contact latch fingers mean heavy pulling weights are spread evenly across latch and fishing neck Optional Bell Guide Bottom Subs for use in larger ID tubulars 'Jar up to release' feature Two shear pin size option Robust design [PAGE] Title: UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel Stem Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) > UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket The Ultra-Heavy-Duty (UHD) Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket has been manufactured for use where high pulling forces are anticipated. A unique one-piece slip and initiator clamp arrangement ensures maximum line pull can be attained with minimal slippage. A Belleville Washer assembly creates a pre-load tension to ensure there is very little movement of the termination during upward and downward jarring. The UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket is a combination rope socket and swivel designed to reduce the overall length of the toolstring by removing the requirement for an extra connection. The integral configuration also ensures that a swivel, a crucial component when using  braided line, is always included in the toolstring. The Multi Shear Pin Release Sub allows the cable and upper rope socket assembly to be recovered should the toolstring become stuck, leaving a clean heavy-duty fish neck that can be recovered using the Heavy-Duty Full Radial Contact (HD FRC) Pulling Tool.Applications For use with ultra-heavy-duty braided line operations Features & Benefits Integral rope socket and swivel: Reduces overall toolstring length and ensuring a swivel is incorporated into the braided line toolstring One piece slip and initiator clamp arrangement for ease of use and inventory reduction Integral primary and contingent Peak HD Fish Neck which has a 60% increased load bearing area compared to standard fish necks, improving overall strength Multi Shear Pin options to suit operational application for mechanical release Heavy-duty tapered roller bearings for enhanced rotation under load Integral grease nipple to allow easy lubrication and prevent corrosion Critical components ENP treated to further assist in prevention of internal corrosion Assembly/disassembly tool provided for simple cable termination and break out Supplied with Peak 2 11/16-in UHD QC connection Product Code: 123 [PAGE] Title: SIM System Animation | Peak Well Systems Content: Peak TV SIM System Animation [PAGE] Title: Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter FRC GLV Pulling Tool HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) DJD FRC Pulling Tool Double Jar Down Adaptor HD Pulling System IN FRC Pulling Tool Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear Wireline Retrieval System Wireline Centre Spear Tapered Wire Retriever Multi-Pin Running Tool HD Dual Fish Neck Sub Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing IB Orientation Indicator Indexing Tool Tubing End Locator Sidewall Cutter Peak Cutter Peak eCutter High-Pressure Peak eCutter > Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter Pump Down Go-Devil Peak Impression Block (PIB) Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter The Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter electronically activated nonexplosive wireline cutter is used to sever heavy-duty wireline cables when a toolstring becomes stuck downhole.Like the field-proven Peak eCutter, the Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter cutter incorporates an electronic timer and trigger module that introduces a time-based delay allowing a pre-designated time to elapse before the cutting function is activated. The electronics module is designed to operate safely and reliably in temperatures up to 177 degC [350 degF]. Upon activation, the Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter cutter cuts cleanly above the toolstring assembly to allow the upper section of the wire/cable to be recovered quickly to surface. Its simple design incorporates robust blades and gripping systems that enable it to cleanly cut 0.320-in to 0.590-in heavy-duty wire/cable safely, reliably, and accurately - even in highly deviated wells, high viscous fluids, and complex geometry wells. Applications Deployment in all stuck toolstring events for target depth and activation assurance Severing of heavy-duty wire/cable in highly deviated and complex geometry wells Pump-Down deployment [PAGE] Title: eWellGlide | Peak Well Systems Content: Clamp-On Roller Centralizer Fluted Centralizer Fluted Slip-Over Centralizer Roller Stem WellGlide > eWellGlide eWellGlide eWellGlide is a fluted roller-centralizer sub designed to assist conveyance of a wireline toolstring into high-angle, deviated wells. It incorporates a central monoconductor or 22-pin for connection to an e-line. eWellGlide is positioned along a toolstring to lift the body and weight of the string onto the axles of rollers incorporated into the eWellGlide roller sub and eliminate friction between the toolstring body and tubing wall. Interchangeable rollers enable optimal functionality in wellbores of various sizes. The fluted body of eWellGlide ensures sufficient bypass when running through fluids and centralizes a running or pulling tool inside larger bore tubulars. Applications Central monoconductor or 22-pin enables signal Compatible with standard SLB monoconductor or production logging tools Suitable for use in high-angle, highly deviated wells For centralizing running and pulling tools in larger bore tubulars Monoconductor eWellGlide is suitable for perforation operations Features & Benefits Suitable for use in high-angle, highly deviated wells For centralizing running and pulling tools in larger bore tubulars Able to operate successfully in high-angle, highly-deviated wellbores Fluted body for maximum bypass in fluid Interchangeable rollers increase operating range and provide effective options to the end-user Lowers inventory requirements, lowering cost Multiple subs can be positioned anywhere along the toolstring NACE compliant Robust: available in stainless steel and Inconel material Harder, wear-resistant QPQ axles and rollers inhibit galling and extend service life Product Code: 107 [PAGE] Title: Fluted Centralizer | Peak Well Systems Content: Clamp-On Roller Centralizer > Fluted Centralizer Fluted Slip-Over Centralizer Roller Stem WellGlide eWellGlide Fluted Centralizer The Fluted Centralizer is a one piece design that can be used to centralize a toolstring or lower BHA in the tubing string. The Fluted Centralizer can also be used in some cases to drift the well bore. The fluted design allows for sufficient fluid bypass to enable efficient toolstring conveyance in well fluids.Applications To centralize a toolstring or lower BHA Specific drifting applications One piece robust design Special No-Go type designs can be supplied to enable tagging of nipple profile The fluted design allows for sufficient fluid bypass to enable efficient toolstring conveyance in well fluids Bull Nose Bottom Subs available Connection options available to suit customer requirements Product Code: 107 [PAGE] Title: Telescoping Space Out Joint | Peak Well Systems Content: > Telescoping Space Out Joint WellGuard Hydraulic Hold Open Tool Telescoping Space Out Joint The telescoping space out joint reduces rig time and problems associated with completion space out, especially on subsea completions.  The continous bore between upper and lower completions aids well intervention operations in deviated wells. The joint is shipped in the closed position then, on the rig floor, the transport pins holding the joint closed can be removed and the telescoping space Out joint fully stroked open. Rated shear pins are then inserted which will be sheared out when the lower end of the telescoping space out joint lands off on the lower completion. The lower end can be supplied with various centralizer/mule shoe designs to suit particular applications.Applications Subsea workovers and completions Prevention of bottle necks between WEG and liner top Smart completions for easy land-off Features & Benefits Fully rollerized to reduce friction at high angles Long stroke length - up to one standard joint Bell Guide lower end to locate and centralize on liner hanger Convex and concave rollers to match tubing radius Rig time cost savings Slick bore from tubing hanger to bottom of the well allows for trouble free intervention Product Code: 600 [PAGE] Title: WellGuard Hydraulic Hold Open Tool | Peak Well Systems Content: Telescoping Space Out Joint > WellGuard Hydraulic Hold Open Tool WellGuard Hydraulic Hold Open Tool The WellGuard hydraulic hold-open tool offers a hydraulic operated option for use on wells with pneumatic actuators operating the master valve. Traditionally during well intervention on these wells, a fusible cap has to be installed on the pneumatic actuator rod to prevent undesirable closure should the ESD system be operated whilst wire/cable is across the master valve.However in an emergency situation the master valve cannot be closed unless the fusible cap is removed or, in the worst cases, the heat of a fire melts the low melting point alloy.WellGuard offers a hydraulic operated option to replace the fusible cap and ensure safety of the wellsite.Applications On wellheads that have a pneumatic actuator operating the master valve Where a fusible cap is no longer desirable as a means of preventing the master valve closing during emergency situations Features & Benefits Simple design easily redressed offshore Can be adapted to suit various actuators Lightweight less than 10 kgs for safety during handling Can be attached to the actuator temporarily for the duration of the well intervention Emergency fusible plug for worst case scenarios Allows for master valve control at the wireline panel Product Code: 904 [PAGE] Title: Hydraulic Jar Animation | Peak Well Systems Content: Peak TV Hydraulic Jar Animation [PAGE] Title: Deployment Systems | Peak Well Systems Content: Plug Systems > Deployment Systems Straddle Systems Deployment Systems Peak products are deployed using running tools that enable the user to land-off the toolstring at any desired depth within the tubing. This user-friendly running and setting method makes them consistent with core skill sets of offshore personnel around the world, making them ultra-reliable specialist tools for everyday operations. Furthermore, like the plug systems, they can be easily redressed in the field by personnel with a limited understanding of English. Peak offers a choice of slickline-deployed running tools, depending upon the application and mechanical force required to set the plugs. However, they can be deployed by all industry standard means (wireline, coiled tubing, drillpipe and tractor). Products [PAGE] Title: Pump Down Go-Devil | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems Pump Down Go-Devil FRC GLV Pulling Tool HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) DJD FRC Pulling Tool Double Jar Down Adaptor HD Pulling System IN FRC Pulling Tool Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear Wireline Retrieval System Wireline Centre Spear Tapered Wire Retriever Multi-Pin Running Tool HD Dual Fish Neck Sub Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing IB Orientation Indicator Indexing Tool Tubing End Locator Sidewall Cutter Peak Cutter Peak eCutter High-Pressure Peak eCutter Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter > Pump Down Go-Devil Peak Impression Block (PIB) Pump Down Go-Devil The Peak Pump Down Go-Devil is designed to assist in remedial wire recovery operations where a cutter with a time delay activation device is dropped from surface.The Pump Down Go-Devil can be used to ‘chase’ the cutter to the desired hold-up depth in deviated/horizontal wells.It is offered with either two flexible elastomer cups or two rigid Teflon cups where toughness is a requirement that will pass through downhole restrictions and allow recovery to surface after the wire cut is acheived.Applications Pump time delay cutter bar to depth in high-angle wells Features & Benefits Longer option designed to pass through GLM’s whilst retaining seal Designed to pass through restrictions Tool can be fitted to wire on surface without need to cut Available to suit various wire/cable diameters Swab cups available in elastomer or Teflon material Product Code: 122 [PAGE] Title: HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) FRC GLV Pulling Tool HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) > HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) DJD FRC Pulling Tool Double Jar Down Adaptor HD Pulling System IN FRC Pulling Tool Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear Wireline Retrieval System Wireline Centre Spear Tapered Wire Retriever Multi-Pin Running Tool HD Dual Fish Neck Sub Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing IB Orientation Indicator Indexing Tool Tubing End Locator Sidewall Cutter Peak Cutter Peak eCutter High-Pressure Peak eCutter Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter Pump Down Go-Devil Peak Impression Block (PIB) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) The Peak-Heavy Duty Full Radial Contact (HD FRC) Pulling Tool ('Jar Down to Shear') will engage the Peak signature Heavy-Duty 45-degree Fish Neck and a standard 90-degree Fish Neck. The HD FRC Pulling Tool is designed for use in applications where heavy upward jarring is required to retrieve a stuck fish with a 'jar down to release' function. The Peak signature Heavy-Duty 45-degree Fish Neck has a 60% increased load bearing area to that of standard fish necks. The 360 degree “full radial contact” design of the HD FRC latch fingers increases impact transmission through the fish during continuous heavy upward jarring. The HD FRC has a 'jar down to release' and locking core feature allowing it to be safely retrieved back to surface if required.Applications Heavy upward jarring applications with a 'jar down to release' function Features & Benefits Built to withstand prolonged heavy upward jarring Incorporates Peak signature 45-degree heavy-duty latch finger face with a 60% increased load bearing area compared to standard latch fingers 360 degree full radial contact latch fingers minimize flaring of fish neck and increase impact transmission Optional Bell Guide Bottom Subs for use in larger ID tubulars 'Jar down to release' feature Two shear pin size options Robust design [PAGE] Title: UHD Power Jar | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring UHD Power Jar Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel Stem Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint > UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool UHD Power Jar The Ultra-Heavy-Duty (UHD) Power Jar is a high performance, fully adjustable spring jar with a unique inverted upstroke feature which has been developed out of necessity to ensure performance continuity in high debris environments. Compared to standard spring jars, the internal workings of the UHD Power Jar are located in the upper section of the assembly. This ensures very little debris influx during upstroke and any debris that has entered the outer housing simply falls to the bottom of the tube, away from the critical working components.Applications For use with ultra-heavy-duty braided line operations Features & Benefits Inverted latch and jar rod to reduce debris influx significantly increasing performance in high debris environments Increased mass above jar rod improving impact force whilst reducing amount of stem required above Opposable Button Locking Mechanism to enable “on toolstring” adjustment & also maintain precise jar setting whilst in-hole Peak Integral Dual Roller System designed to enable a near frictionless jar stroke to increase effective impact force particularly in high-angle, deviated wells Minimal working parts to provide the operator simple and rapid redress with ultimate reduction in cost Spring stack permanently relaxed and compressed only during firing operation increasing component working life with ultimate reduction in cost Universal Hydraulic Calibration Sub to suit all connection types Critical components ENP treated to further assist in prevention of internal corrosion Supplied with 2 11/16-in UHD QC connection Product Code: 220 [PAGE] Title: Production Enhancement | Peak Well Systems Content: Production Enhancement CHOKE SYSTEMS Flexible Design Re-sizable to suit flow requirements Less Runs Required Can be recovered to surface without the plug body Reduced Costs Additional runs and plug redressing are no longer required FLOWELL Safe and Robust 100% mechanical Ideal for Remote Locations Uses standard lubricator rig-up height, even for long zones Enhances Well Performance Removes formation damage e.g. crushed zones in perforation tunnels Peak Well Systems aims to improve well productivity and our production enhancement products, which include choke systems and FloWell, are designed to improve fluid flow rate. Deployed by any industry standard means (slickline, wireline, coiled tubing, drillpipe and tractor), these products can be set anywhere in the tubing for maximum flexibility.  Peak’s choke systems are used with plugs to control flow across different producing zones. FloWell has been designed to remove near wellbore damage (e.g. crush zones within perforation tunnels) in order to improve flow rate from the reservoir. [PAGE] Title: Multi-Pin Running Tool | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems Multi-Pin Running Tool FRC GLV Pulling Tool HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) DJD FRC Pulling Tool Double Jar Down Adaptor HD Pulling System IN FRC Pulling Tool Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear Wireline Retrieval System Wireline Centre Spear Tapered Wire Retriever > Multi-Pin Running Tool HD Dual Fish Neck Sub Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing IB Orientation Indicator Indexing Tool Tubing End Locator Sidewall Cutter Peak Cutter Peak eCutter High-Pressure Peak eCutter Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter Pump Down Go-Devil Peak Impression Block (PIB) Multi-Pin Running Tool Multi-Pin Running Tools (MPRT) are designed for use primarily as shearable devices which can be connected to a variety of tools such as Wireline Grabs, Wire Finders, Perforating Gun Drifts, RBP Drifts, Non-Releasable Overshots/Spears etc. With 'jar up' and 'jar down to shear' options, the MPRT can also be used to deploy Junk Catchers or Sealing Prongs. Internal and external fish neck options provide the operator with the flexibility to choose the device which best suits the well geometry and operation to be performed.Applications Utilized as safety shear-out device for fishing applications including conveyance of Wireline Grabs, Wire Finders, Non-Releasable Overshots and Spears etc. Conveyance of extended, rigid assemblies including Perforating Gun Drifts, Retrievable Bridge Plug Drifts etc. Deployment of Junk Catchers and Sealing Prongs Features & Benefits Internal and external fish neck options to suit well geometry and operation All Internal Neck Subs suit all standard GS and Peak IN FRC sizes External Neck Sub incorporates a standard fish neck and Peak HD Chamfered Fish Neck which is aligned for use with the Peak HD FRC Pulling Tool for ultra-heavy jarring applications 'Jar-up' and 'jar-down to release' functions Multiple pinning options to suit varied applications Simple to re-pin [PAGE] Title: Wellbore Cleanup & Debris Removal | Peak Well Systems Content: Applications Wellbore Cleanup & Debris Removal Wellbore Cleanup & Debris Removal Do you have a problem with scale, sand, or other debris in your wellbore? Scale, sand, and other debris is an increasing global problem for oil companies who have maturing fields where there is an ongoing build-up in producing wells. Peak has various tools specifically designed to enhance wellbore cleanup and debris removal through cost-effective slickline intervention. Stay Informed Peak’s monthly newsletter, e-News, keeps you up-to-date with our latest product launches, upcoming events, technology developments and case studies. If you would like to receive e-News, please submit your email address above: [PAGE] Title: Power Jar Animation | Peak Well Systems Content: Peak TV Power Jar Animation [PAGE] Title: Power Jar | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Power Jar Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel Stem Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) > Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool Power Jar The Power Jar is a high-performance, fully adjustable spring jar with a unique inverted upstroke feature, which has been developed out of necessity to ensure performance continuity in high-debris environments. Compared with standard spring jars, the internal workings of the Power Jar are located in the upper section of the assembly. This ensures minimal debris influx during upstroke and any debris that has entered the outer housing simply falls to the bottom of the tube, away from the critical working components. Applications High angle, standard wireline, or wireline fishing operations Features & Benefits Increased performance in high-debris environments enabled by inverted latch and jar rod, which significantly reduces debris influx Improved impact force and reduced amount of stem due to increased mass above the jar rod Adjustable on-toolstring and precise jar setting while in hole enabled by opposable button locking mechanism Amplified effective impact force, particularly in deviated wells, and near frictionless jar stroke enabled by Peak Integral Dual Roller System Reduced cost due to minimal working parts, resulting in simple and rapid redress Controlled impact at lower jar settings due to dual spring stack Increased component working life and reduced cost due to Spring Stack permanently relaxed and compressed only during firing operation Supplied with connection options to suit customer requirements Aligned with Peak’s Accelerator, Linear Jar and WellGlide roller-centralizer sub for effective conveyance and performance in high-angle, deviated wells Universal Hydraulic Calibration Sub suitable for a range of Power Jars sizes and all connection types WellGlide is a mark of Schlumberger. Product Code: 220 [PAGE] Title: Dump Bailer | Peak Well Systems Content: Wellbore Cleanup Systems Dump Bailer High-Temperature, High-Strength Magnet Interchangeable Ring Broaching Tool Pump Bailer Hydrostatic Bailer Drive Down Bailer Radial Brush System Torque-Action Debris Breaker > Dump Bailer Dump Bailer The Peak Dump Bailer is designed to be run on the bottom of a toolstring to transport various fluids to a given depth within a wellbore.By simple maniplulation of the toolstring the fluid can then be expelled from the dump bailer leaving it at a pre-determined depth within the well.Applications Dumping cement on top of permanent plugs Depositing acid at scale restrictions Depositing acid on flow control items that may be scaled up preventing recovery Features & Benefits Available with standard slickline connections Simple, robust design Easy and quick field redress Can be supplied in modular design allowing field changeable variations in length Can be supplied with various burst discs to suit every application Cost-effective method of transporting fluids to given point within the wellbore Product Code: 114 [PAGE] Title: Accessories | Peak Well Systems Content: Plug Systems Deployment Systems Straddle Systems > Accessories Accessories As part of the SIM and SIMplus System ranges, Peak Well Systems provides a number of tools regularly deployed as part of the downhole assembly. The modular components of Peak’s Sealing Integrity portfolio are interchangeable, requiring less inventory whilst still improving well performance. All tools are recoverable from the wellbore using the Plug Pulling Tool for GS-type Fishing Neck. Products [PAGE] Title: Corporate Profile | Peak Well Systems Content: About Peak Corporate Profile Introduction > Corporate Profile Global Presence Peak Values Technology Innovation Commercial Terms & Conditions Technical Alerts News & Press Releases Corporate Profile Established in 2002, Peak Well Systems is a market-leading specialist in the design and manufacture of advanced downhole tools that extend well life, restore well integrity, and enhance well performance. Peak’s ongoing success in delivering an excellent service to customers can be attributed to many critical success factors that are core to our business processes: Relentless Customer Focus - Being a leader in customer understanding, care, and satisfaction. Quality People - Being an employer of choice and attracting the best people. Superior Technology - Offering innovative products, making them more reliable and stronger, to add value to the well like no other technology available. Continuous Improvement - Enhancing our business through a smart approach to everything we do. Best Performance - Outperforming our competition in all aspects of our business. Today, Peak has an extended global network of technical sales support, rental, and distribution facilities dedicated to meeting the worldwide demand for Peak products. Our main manufacturing facilities are located in Australia and are supported by an additional manufacturing and assembly facility in the United Kingdom. Peak currently employs over 100 people around the world in design, engineering, manufacturing, sales, marketing, and management functions. Stay Informed Peak’s monthly newsletter, e-News, keeps you up-to-date with our latest product launches, upcoming events, technology developments and case studies. If you would like to receive e-News, please submit your email address above: [PAGE] Title: Torque-Action Debris Breaker | Peak Well Systems Content: Peak TV Torque-Action Debris Breaker [PAGE] Title: Clamp-On Roller Centralizer | Peak Well Systems Content: > Clamp-On Roller Centralizer Fluted Centralizer Fluted Slip-Over Centralizer Roller Stem WellGlide eWellGlide Clamp-On Roller Centralizer The clamp-on roller centralizer is designed to affix to and centralize wireline tools such as slim cement mapping tools (SCMT’s) to allow deployment in high-angle, deviated wellbores. The Peak design allows easy adaptability to any wireline tool that has a dogbone OD and comes in a range of sizes to suit the well geometry. The centralizer sits free on the shaft and is kept in position by the larger OD’s on either side. The integral rollers reduce the contact area of the centralizer against the tubing wall and the body of the roller sub ensures that there is sufficient bypass when dropped in fluid.Applications To centralize wireline tools to acquire good quality well data in high-angle wells or where the liner top prevents wireline centralizers from collapsing Rollerized design allows for deployment in high angle, deviated well bores Features & Benefits Ability to operate successfully in high angle, deviated wellbores Robust design with minimal components Designed to suit all Peak and third-party wireline tools Dual securing application with large screws designed to locate into grooves and lateral clamping mechanism to ensure clamp-on roller centralizer is firmly secured Rollers supplied in AISI 4140, 316 Stainless Steel, Nylatron or as specified by customer Interchangeable rollers increase the operating range of the centralizer and provide the end user with effective options Product Code: 107 [PAGE] Title: Assembly Animations | Peak Well Systems Content: Redress Kits Training > Assembly Animations On-Site Support Your browser does not support the video tag. Assembly animations are available exclusively for all Peak customers as part of our ongoing commitment to providing quality customer support services. To request an assembly animation, please contact a member of our customer support team. --> Assembly Animations Peak has developed several high-quality animations that provide clear instructions on how to assemble our main products. Your browser does not support the video tag. Assembly animations are available exclusively for all Peak customers as part of our ongoing commitment to providing quality customer support services. To request an assembly animation, please contact a member of our customer support team. Copyright © 2024 Peak Well Systems [PAGE] Title: Peak eCutter | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems Peak eCutter FRC GLV Pulling Tool HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) DJD FRC Pulling Tool Double Jar Down Adaptor HD Pulling System IN FRC Pulling Tool Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear Wireline Retrieval System Wireline Centre Spear Tapered Wire Retriever Multi-Pin Running Tool HD Dual Fish Neck Sub Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing IB Orientation Indicator Indexing Tool Tubing End Locator Sidewall Cutter Peak Cutter > Peak eCutter High-Pressure Peak eCutter Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter Pump Down Go-Devil Peak Impression Block (PIB) Peak eCutter The Peak eCutter electronically activated nonexplosive wireline cutter is used to sever slicklines and cables when a toolstring becomes stuck downhole.The Peak eCutter cutter is a variant of the standard Peak Cutter whereby, rather than being activated by impact against the stuck toolstring, the Peak eCutter cutter is activated via an electronic timer and trigger module. Providing the same elements of unparalleled safety and reliability to cleanly cut a wide range of wire sizes as the field-proven standard Peak Cutter, the Peak eCutter cutter provides the ultimate operational flexibility and functionality to ensure that the cut is performed at the required point especially in highly deviated or complex geometry wells. Applications Deployment in all stuck toolstring events for target depth and activation assurance Severing of wire and cable in highly deviated wells Pump-Down deployment [PAGE] Title: Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear FRC GLV Pulling Tool HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) DJD FRC Pulling Tool Double Jar Down Adaptor HD Pulling System IN FRC Pulling Tool Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot > Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear Wireline Retrieval System Wireline Centre Spear Tapered Wire Retriever Multi-Pin Running Tool HD Dual Fish Neck Sub Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing IB Orientation Indicator Indexing Tool Tubing End Locator Sidewall Cutter Peak Cutter Peak eCutter High-Pressure Peak eCutter Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter Pump Down Go-Devil Peak Impression Block (PIB) Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear The heavy-duty releasable spear is used for the recovery of downhole items with missing or damaged internal fish necks. An adjustment sleeve varies the reach of the tool and interchangeable slips are fitted to suit the inside diameter that the Spear needs to engage. With the spear’s reach correctly adjusted and if required, a release pin can be sheared by downward jarring. Once sheared, a positive locking feature will ensure that the slips remain retracted, allowing the toolstring and Spear to disengage from the fish for safe recovery back to the surface. The 'jar down to release' feature provides the option of running the tool directly connected to the toolstring.Applications Retrieval of items with damaged or missing internal fish necks Features & Benefits Reach adjustment sleeve to suit varying engagement depth of slips Interchangeable slips for engaging varying internal diameters Slips interchangeable between releasable and non-releasable versions 'Jar down to release' feature Positive locking feature to assist in safe tool release Simple to redress/re-pin for quick turnaround between wireline runs Robust design [PAGE] Title: High-Temperature, High-Strength Magnet | Peak Well Systems Content: Wellbore Cleanup Systems High-Temperature, High-Strength Magnet High-Temperature, High-Strength Magnet The High-Temperature, High-Strength Magnet is used to recover loose ferrous objects from within a well. Unlike normal magnets, the Peak magnetic insert can withstand prolonged exposure to very high downhole temperatures without losing magnetic strength.Applications Recovery of ferrous objects such as parted pulling tool dogs, perforating gun debris, corrosion scale etc. Features & Benefits Suitable for oil and gas environments with high resistance to CO2 and H2S Ensured recovery of ferrous objects with powerful magnetic insert Available in a range of sizes to suit application and well geometry Effective conveyance into the well enabled by stainless steel shroud Customized magnet designs available [PAGE] Title: Bore-Sensing Drift | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Bore-Sensing Drift Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel Stem Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift > Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool Bore-Sensing Drift The fully adjustable Peak Bore-Sensing Drift offers the ultimate in flexibility, accuracy and reliability, providing a full range of drift coverage with minimal inventory. Deployed on slickline and all standard conveyance methods, the Bore-Sensing Drift features two sets of keys that collapse to pass any restriction in the well tubing. When run downhole, the positioning of the keys provide full-radial coverage of obstructions, debris, or damage in the wellbore. The keys remain collapsed and on recovery to surface they can be measured to determine the minimum ID of the well tubing. The Bore-Sensing Drift’s design allows for sufficient bypass of fluid similar to most fluted centralizer drifts. Applications Drifting wells before intervention runs to measure actual minimum ID in the path to target depth Features & benefits Simple to use: keys can be adjusted easily at the wellsite Robust design: can be run multiple times Flexible: can be supplied in all standard industry connection types Reduced inventory: one tool covers a wellbore ID measuring range of 2.300 in to 1.900 in Cost-effective: minimal working parts result in simple and rapid redress in the field Product Code: 153 [PAGE] Title: Blind Box | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Blind Box Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel Stem Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter > Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool Blind Box The Peak Blind Box is used to dislodge or push tools down the wellbore and consists of a simple one piece design made from the highest quality material. The Blind Box is generally used when heavy downward jarring is required to clear an obstruction, dislodge a stuck fish  or sever wireline at the rope socket when a toolstring is stuck or wire has parted downhole. The solid full bore design also allows the Blind Box to be used to locate the fluid level in a wellbore.Applications Can be used to clear an obstruction or to dislodge a stuck fish Sever wireline at the rope socket when a toolstring is stuck or wire has parted downhole Can be used to locate the fluid level in the wellbore Features & Benefits Connection options available to suit customer requirements Tapered designs available [PAGE] Title: FloWell | Peak Well Systems Content: FloWell FloWell offers a simple, safe, low-cost and robust solution for removing formation damage to improve well productivity. Near wellbore damage such as crush zone damage within perforation tunnels or skin damage caused during drilling and completion can severely restrict production rates. FloWell is a slickline deployed system which can create a dynamic underbalance at any given location within the wellbore. FloWell uses Peak plugs to isolate the zone of interest and prevent unwanted stimulation of nearby zones. Situated between the plugs are the FloWell stimulation tubes that can be stacked to accommodate any given interval. Once activated, the FloWell tubes create a sudden under-balance in the isolated region between the two packers. This induces a surge flow through perforation tunnels, designed to reduce flow restriction from crush zone damage and/or reduce the ‘skin factor’ created by fluids during drilling and completion. FloWell enables standard slickline tools and procedures to be used, and is 100% mechanical, so requires no pyrotechnics, no electronics, and no pressure devices to activate the tool. Products [PAGE] Title: Deployment Systems | Peak Well Systems Content: Plug Systems > Deployment Systems Straddle Systems Accessories Deployment Systems Peak products are deployed using running tools that enable the user to land-off the toolstring at any desired depth within the tubing. This user-friendly running and setting method makes them consistent with core skill sets of offshore personnel around the world, making them ultra-reliable specialist tools for everyday operations. Furthermore, like the plug systems, they can be easily redressed in the field by personnel with a limited understanding of English. Peak offers a choice of slickline-deployed running tools, depending upon the application and mechanical force required to set the plugs. However, they can be deployed by all industry standard means (wireline, coiled tubing, drillpipe and tractor). Products [PAGE] Title: Technology Innovation | Peak Well Systems Content: About Peak Technology Innovation Introduction Corporate Profile Global Presence Peak Values > Technology Innovation Commercial Terms & Conditions Technical Alerts News & Press Releases Technology Innovation Vital to Peak's vision is the development and successful market introduction of new winning products. Our core strategic aim is to introduce new products that allow our customers to drive down operating costs and avoid pulling tubing strings.Peak’s new product innovation strategy has been developed with two principles, these being: to maximize our core competencies to target new product innovation towards the challenges which our industry faces Peak Technology Values Simplicity User friendly designs mean our products are easy to deploy as well as being field redressable. Improved Functionality Products with more functionality and interchangeability reduce inventory whilst still improving well performance. Strength Superior designs coupled with advanced materials enables Peak products to withstand the harshest well environments. Reliability Peak products have an excellent track record of dependability, even in the most challenging wells. Cost Effectiveness Peak products consistently deliver the best long-term returns for clients Embedded Know-How Peak products are functional, yet simple and robust, redressable in the field, and suitable for use in remote locations by personnel with little or no understanding of English. Peak products are designed and developed with these technology principles at the core of the innovation process. We are careful to embed our know-how into our tools to deliver winning products. We have a wealth of well intervention experience, and specialist know-how in key areas such as materials science, temperature resistance, debris tolerance, pressure sealing, downhole mechanical advantage, disposable downhole microelectronics, and design for manufacture. Peak’s experts nurture and develop our pool of bright young talent, all coached and mentored, and encouraged to visit the wellsite, especially when testing new products in the field. More than 20 percent of Peak’s revenues come from products that are less than three years from market launch – a key metric for the management team to ensure that it continues to foster a culture of successful innovation. Peak takes a diligent approach to ensure that it protects its intellectual property when appropriate to do so and that we have freedom to practise our art. World Class New Product Development ProcessTo deliver speed-to-market with winning new products, a stage-gate process has been adopted and embedded within Peak. This ensures detailed market and technical planning is undertaken prior to making key design, development and market launch decisions. In addition to the Peak NPD process, our performance in the cultivation, gestation and incubation of new product ideas are key measurements for the business.Peak currently has a balanced portfolio of NPD projects. Each development is screened against technical risk and potential market reward, whilst always ensuring that each development is in line with our technology values and product innovation strategy. Copyright © 2024 Peak Well Systems [PAGE] Title: Quick Connect (QC) | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Quick Connect (QC) Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel Stem Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover > Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool Quick Connect (QC) The Peak Quick Connect (QC) is a simple and effective wireline tool quick connection that offers a vast range of benefits versus sucker rod type threaded connections when supplied integral to tooling components. Applications Designed to simply and quickly connect two wireline tool components, the Peak QC can be incorporated into most wireline tool and toolstring assemblies and is proven to increase efficiency and performance with improved strength and added safety Features & Benefits 100% compatible with the industry standard QLS connection Robust design with an increased tensile strength compared to equivalent sucker rod connections Rapid make up and break out of toolstrings - around four times faster than sucker rod connections Peak QC cannot be released downhole unlike sucker rod connections Minimal moving components with a simple one piece laser cut locking plate and spring arrangement No small buttons, springs, circlips or pins making redress simpler, faster and more cost effective than other types of quick connections Peak QC components last longer than sucker rod threads which can stretch and weaken whilst pipe wrench marks permanently damage and deform wireline tools Safety No pipe wrenches required = no strains, cuts from burrs, upper body or facial injuries due to slipping pipe wrenches Reduced exposure to making up and breaking out connections ultimately reducing potential for harm Breaking out tools at height e.g semi-submersible operations are safer, quicker and easier with the Peak QC due to less time spent inman-riding harnesses, no heavy or cumbersome pipe wrenche use required at height and only one person required to make up or break out reducing exposure to potential harm Product Code: 121 [PAGE] Title: Accessories | Peak Well Systems Content: Plug Systems Deployment Systems Straddle Systems > Accessories Accessories As part of the SIM and SIMplus system ranges, Peak Well Systems provides a number of tools regularly deployed as part of the downhole assembly. The modular components of Peak’s sealing integrity portfolio are interchangeable, requiring less inventory whilst still improving well performance. All tools are recoverable from the wellbore using the plug pulling tool for GS-type fishing neck. Products [PAGE] Title: Tungsten Stem | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Tungsten Stem Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel Stem > Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool Tungsten Stem Peak Tungsten Stem is primarily used to substitute standard stem in higher pressure applications to enable the wire or cable to run into the well against pressure and friction. The Peak Tungsten Stem can also be utilized during flowing gradient surveys to provide extra weight/mass to the toolstring to reduce tool lift. The stem weight also assists upward and downward jarring impact in conjunction with a mechanical type jar as well as allowing shorter toolstrings in height restricted applications due to the increased weight per foot. Made from the highest quality material, Peak Tungsten Stem is available in various lengths, diameters and connection options to suit standard and non-standard operations.Applications Utilised as a substitute to standard stem for additional weight in higher pressure applications to enable the wire to run into the well against pressure and friction Provides extra weight to reduce tool lift during flowing gradient surveys Increased weight per foot enables shorter toolstrings in height restricted applications Features & Benefits Supplied with industry standard connections and also third-party proprietary connections to suit customer requirements Unique securing mechanism ensures prevention of internal movement of tungsten rod Stem supplied in standard lengths and diameters Special sizes available on request to suit customer requirements Product Code: 144 [PAGE] Title: Wellbore Cleanup Systems | Peak Well Systems Content: Roller Systems Fishing Systems > Wellbore Cleanup Systems Premium Utility Toolstring Wellbore Cleanup Systems Wellbore debris can cause major problems in completions, so Peak Well Systems has an extensive range of wellbore cleanup tools for all kinds of debris removal. The Torque-Action Debris Breaker wellbore cleanup and debris removal tool is in high demand as it can significantly reduce intervention time, allowing production to resume faster than ever before. Products [PAGE] Title: Safety | Peak Well Systems Content: Culture Quality > Safety Environment Training and Development Compliance Safety Our online event reporting system allows all Peak employees to report HSE and quality-related hazardous situations to help prevent harm to our people and environment as well as ensuring that these situations do not affect our customers. Our incident reporting captures HSE, product quality and service quality incidents affecting our product and service delivery – including efficiency and quality - to our customers as well as our internal processes and people. All incidents are responded to and prioritized according to our risk matrices which regard safety of our stakeholders and quality of our products and services with the utmost importance. Incident investigations are performed by senior management and corrective and preventive action plans are devised accordingly. A regular review is performed by management to ensure all incidents are investigated, addressed, and closed out appropriately. Stay Informed Peak’s monthly newsletter, e-News, keeps you up-to-date with our latest product launches, upcoming events, technology developments and case studies. If you would like to receive e-News, please submit your email address above: [PAGE] Title: SIM Track Record | Peak Well Systems Content: SIM Track Record SIM Track Record Peak Well Systems has established itself as a market leader in the design and provision of advanced plug systems, with a successful track record of over 2,500 deployments using its highly successful SIM System which is employed worldwide today. Copyright © 2024 Peak Well Systems [PAGE] Title: Rentals | Peak Well Systems Content: Flow Control Well Integrity Production Enhancement Well Intervention Bespoke Products After-Sales Support > Rentals Rentals Peak Well Systems offers an extensive inventory of rental equipment that can be mobilized immediately if required. Equipment packages can be configured to suit your specific operational requirements. Flow Control PLUGGING Peak's range of flow control devices includes the flagship SIM System plug for setting in nippleless completions across a wide range of industry-standard tubing sizes. WELL INTEGRITY Peak provides a fange of flow control devices for straddling leaks, shutting off water and gas and realigning broken or damages tubing. DATA ACQUISITION [PAGE] Title: Radial Brush System | Peak Well Systems Content: Wellbore Cleanup Systems Radial Brush System High-Temperature, High-Strength Magnet Interchangeable Ring Broaching Tool Pump Bailer Hydrostatic Bailer Drive Down Bailer > Radial Brush System Torque-Action Debris Breaker Dump Bailer Radial Brush System The Radial Brush System has been developed to assist in the cleaning of downhole nipple profiles and associated completion components. The design incorporates a series of interchangeable radial brush rings assembled on a common mandrel. The use of a common mandrel means a reduced inventory as the same mandrel can be utilized for a range of different brush sizes to suit various completion designs. As the tool utilizes a series of brush rings it can be configured with brushes of different diameters thereby providing a tapered brush effect. The brush bristles can be supplied in various stiffness’ and several different materials such as phosphor bronze, stainless steel etc.Applications Scale debris removal from sub surface safety valves (SSSV) and nipples Wax removal Pre-cleaning of casing/tubing wall prior to setting patches or packers Cleaning riser and tubing hanger bores Features & Benefits Reduced inventory due to common mandrel across a given size range Brushes available with different bristle stiffness’ Brushes available with bristles from various materials Multi-ring design allows for different brush sizes to be run at the same time Reduced redress cost as bristle wear may be limited to only one brush ring out of the set of three Can be supplied with a Sucker Rod Bottom Sub to connect a series of brushes Product Code: 142 [PAGE] Title: Stem | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Stem Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel > Stem Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool Stem Stem provides weight/mass to the toolstring to enable the wire to run into the well against pressure and friction. Stem weight also assists upward and downward jarring impact in conjunction with a mechanical type jar. Made from the highest quality material, Peak Slickline Stem is available in various lengths, diameters and connection options to suit standard and non-standard operations.Applications To provide weight/mass to the toolstring To enable the wire to run into the well against pressure and friction To provide extension length for diagnostic or space out purposes Features & Benefits Supplied with industry standard connections and also third party proprietary connections to suit customer requirements Stem supplied in standard lengths and diameters Special sizes available on request to suit customer requirements Product Code: 102 [PAGE] Title: Fluted Slip-Over Centralizer | Peak Well Systems Content: Clamp-On Roller Centralizer Fluted Centralizer > Fluted Slip-Over Centralizer Roller Stem WellGlide eWellGlide Fluted Slip-Over Centralizer The Fluted Slip-Over Roller Centralizer is designed to affix to and centralize a wireline cutter or drop bar to allow deployment in high-angle deviated wellbores. The Peak design allows easy adaptability to any cutter or drop bar and comes in a range of sizes to suit the well geometry. The integral rollers reduce the contact area of the Centralizer against the tubing wall and the fluted body of the Roller Sub ensures that there is sufficient bypass when dropped in fluid.Applications To centralize a Wireline cutter or drop bar to prevent passing of rope socket/cable head when deployed. Rollerized design allows for deployment in high-angle deviated wellbores Features & Benefits Ability to operate successfully in high-angle deviated wellbores Robust design with minimal components Designed to suit all Peak and third-party wireline cutters and drop bars Dual securing application with large grub screws designed to locate into grooves and lateral clamping mechanism to ensure Slip-Over Centralizer is firmly secured Rollers supplied in AISI 4140, 316 Stainless Steel, Nylatron or as specified by customer Interchangeable rollers increase the operating range of the Slip-Over Centralizer and provide the end user with effective options Product Code: 107 [PAGE] Title: Deployment Systems | Peak Well Systems Content: Plug Systems > Deployment Systems Straddle Systems Accessories Deployment Systems Peak products are deployed using Running Tools that enable the user to land-off the toolstring at any desired depth within the tubing. This user-friendly running and setting method makes them consistent with core skill sets of offshore personnel around the world, making them ultra-reliable specialist tools for everyday operations. Furthermore, like the Plug Systems, they can be easily redressed in the field by personnel with a limited understanding of English. Peak offers a choice of slickline-deployed Running Tools, depending upon the application and mechanical force required to set the plugs. However, they can be deployed by all industry standard means (wireline, coiled tubing, drillpipe and tractor). Products [PAGE] Title: Wireline Retrieval System Assembly | Peak Well Systems Content: Peak TV Wireline Retrieval System Assembly [PAGE] Title: Leak Detection Tool Animation | Peak Well Systems Content: Peak TV Leak Detection Tool Animation [PAGE] Title: Deployment Systems | Peak Well Systems Content: Gauge Hangers > Deployment Systems Deployment Systems Peak Gauge Hangers are deployed using Running Tools that enable the user to land-off the toolstring at any desired depth within the tubing. This user-friendly running and setting method makes them consistent with core skill sets of offshore personnel around the world, making them ultra-reliable specialist tools for everyday operations. Adaptors are available for deployment of all gauge hangers using e-line. Products [PAGE] Title: Homepage | Peak Well Systems Content: Disclaimer | Privacy Statement | Terms & Conditions Improving the Performance of Wells through Advanced Downhole Technology Peak Well Systems is a leading specialist in the design and manufacture of advanced downhole tools for well intervention. Simple Safe Assured COVID-19 RESPONSE PRODUCT CATALOG Heavy-Duty Fishing Solutions Peak Well Systems’ heavy-duty fishing solutions are fast becoming the tools of choice for oil and gas operators and service companies around the world because of their reliability, strength, and performance. FIND OUT MORE SIMultra retrievable bridge plug Fully certified to ISO 14310:2008 (API Spec 11D1) grade V0 and quality grade Q1, the SIMultra retrievable bridge plug delivers both proven sealing integrity and dependable retrievability, even in challenging downhole conditions. In Focus North Sea Well Access Restored Through Intelligent Wireline Intervention Read more > An operator offshore UK was faced with a major challenge when the lower coupon of a surface lubricator valve was not captured as planned by a third-party milling company and fell downhole into the well. The operator also suspected debris accumulation downhole. To remedy the situation, the operator required a solution to retrieve the dropped valve coupon and remove any other debris from the well. Posted on by Peak READ MORE Well-Safe Solutions Recovers 11,575 ft of Slickline Lost in a Well After 15 Years Read more > After several attempts to clear a long-lost fish using various intervention methods, solutions provided by Peak Well Systems enabled the successful recovery of 11,575 ft of 0.125-in slickline from a well, making plug and abandonment (P&A) possible. Posted on by Peak READ MORE Shell Removes 900-ft Parted Wireline and Toolstring from North Sea Well, UK Read more > Shell used a heavy-duty fishing package by Peak Well Systems to clean up approximately 900 ft of parted wireline and a stuck toolstring during P&A operations of its Brent Charlie Platform offshore UK. Posted on [PAGE] Title: Quality | Peak Well Systems Content: Culture > Quality Safety Environment Training and Development Compliance HSE and Quality Management Programme Peak’s product development process incorporates ’safety-by-design’ principles. These principles allow us to design out any health and safety risks with products prior to production to ensure that the health and safety of the end-user is not compromised. Our technology and manufacturing centres in Perth (Australia) and Aberdeen (United Kingdom) are certified for ISO 9001 , ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards.Peak is committed to the achievement of internationally recognized standards in every aspect of our work: AS/NZS ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management AS/NZS ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental Management AS/NZS ISO 45001:2018 - Health and Safety Management Stay Informed Peak’s monthly newsletter, e-News, keeps you up-to-date with our latest product launches, upcoming events, technology developments and case studies. If you would like to receive e-News, please submit your email address above: [PAGE] Title: Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel Stem Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar > Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool The Peak Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool facilitates the recovery of a wide range of downhole equipment fitted with external fishing necks without the need for separate tooling to pin up or release the pulling tool.The Peak MAP Tool has a unique and versatile latch system to tackle external fishing necks with varying connections and lengths and can be configured for 'jar down', 'jar up' or 'double jar down' release to set and retrieve tools downhole. With an inbuilt indicator to display the configured jar release mode, the Peak MAP Tool improves safety and allows for a quick change between operating modes.The adjustable core feature allows the Peak MAP Tool to be altered to suit any reach requirement. The latch release sleeve enables the tool to be detached from the fishing neck at surface with no special releasing tool requirement.With its simplified design mechanism, no specialist tooling is required for redressing or pinning, the Peak MAP Tool simplifies inventory, reduces cost and improves operational efficiency.Applications Deploy or recover downhole equipment Features & Benefits Increased operational flexibility from a single tool via 'multi-action jar down'/'jar up'/'double jar down for release', reducing inventory Single adjustable core for all connections - BC/QC/SR/rope socket including flat topped rope sockets for industry standard standing valves Visual indicator of Core Position for standard industry connections and Shear Mode to minimise scope for operator error Simple, robust design; pawl free for reliable service, ease of redress and minimized components Rapid redress via shear pin alignment between upper core and body; repinning achievable without the need for a pinning tool High strength latching dogs for medium-duty service No separate tooling to pin up, release or retrieve Product Code: 250 [PAGE] Title: Well Barrier & Isolation | Peak Well Systems Content: Applications Well Barrier & Isolation > Well Barrier & Isolation Well Integrity & Remediation Data Acquisition Well Flow Enhancement Well Servicing with High Angle Wells Well Servicing with Restricted Height Routine Well Servicing & Maintenance Fishing Wellbore Cleanup & Debris Removal Completions Well Barrier & Isolation When the success of your completion relies on flow control, you need proven and dependable well barrier and isolation solutions. Peak offers a suite of robust plug and straddle systems that can simplify completions while establishing a reliable downhole barrier. These advanced plug systems hold pressure from above and below, ensuring zonal isolation for a wide range of applications including: Plug and abandonment Collision barrier during drilling operations Wellhead isolation Zonal isolation for water shutoff Zonal isolation to prevent cross flow or comingling Packer setting and tubing testing during completions Tubing integrity testing Permanent zonal isolation Our retrievable and permanent bridge plugs are designed to be set on slickline without the need for explosives, timers, etc. They can pass through all standard completions and nipple sizes allowing them to set anywhere within the completion string. The simple design of our plugs ensures they can be easily and quickly redressed in remote locations without the need for specialist tools. If required, they can be deployed on industry-standard pyrotechnic setting tools or coil/pipe using Peak's hydraulic setting tool. Stay Informed Peak’s monthly newsletter, e-News, keeps you up-to-date with our latest product launches, upcoming events, technology developments and case studies. If you would like to receive e-News, please submit your email address above: [PAGE] Title: Roller Systems | Peak Well Systems Content: > Roller Systems Fishing Systems Wellbore Cleanup Systems Premium Utility Toolstring Roller Systems As wells become increasingly complex and high deviation makes well intervention more challenging, Peak Well Systems has responded by developing advanced roller systems with more reliability and functionality than other products and conveyance options available to the market.  The unique design of Peak’s roller systems offer several significant benefits, ultimately leading to near-zero friction.Peak’s flagship roller centralizer, WellGlide, has been specifically designed to convey wireline toolstrings into high-angle, deviated wells with minimal friction. Consisting one body and a range of interchangeable rollers (which offer 360 degree coverage), WellGlide can be set up to suit each individual deployment. WellGlide has successfully been deployed in wells up to 80 degrees deviation.WellGlide is also compatible with Peak’s SIM system for flow control. Coupled with the safety of the SIM plug (which requires no nipple profile, nor any complex setting tools), intervention is extremely effective without damage to equipment or the well.Products Please click on one of the links below: [PAGE] Title: Nipple Products | Peak Well Systems Content: No special running tool required Suitable for high deviation applications Reduces NPT during testing FLOSAFE LOCK MANDREL Safe & Correct Deployment of WRSV Simple shear tell-tale mechanism 100% Retrofittable Suits most Otis X type nipple profiles Safety Features Unique internal collet engagement feature Peak Well Systems prides itself on offering customers a range of flow control products which can be set anywhere in the tubing without the need for a nipple profile.  However, we also cater for customers that want the quality and reliability of Peak products for deployment in tubing with nipple profiles. The FloSafe Lock Mandrel , complete with FloSafe Running Tool, and the Peak Standing Valve are two such downhole tools that were originally designed for major IOCs, and which continue to be manufactured today for all our customers. [PAGE] Title: FloWell Animation | Peak Well Systems Content: Peak TV FloWell Animation [PAGE] Title: Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear FRC GLV Pulling Tool HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) DJD FRC Pulling Tool Double Jar Down Adaptor HD Pulling System IN FRC Pulling Tool Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear > Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear Wireline Retrieval System Wireline Centre Spear Tapered Wire Retriever Multi-Pin Running Tool HD Dual Fish Neck Sub Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing IB Orientation Indicator Indexing Tool Tubing End Locator Sidewall Cutter Peak Cutter Peak eCutter High-Pressure Peak eCutter Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter Pump Down Go-Devil Peak Impression Block (PIB) Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear The heavy-duty non-releasable spear is used for the recovery of downhole items with missing or damaged internal fish necks. An adjustment sleeve varies the reach of the tool and interchangeable slips are fitted to suit the inside diameter that the spear is required to engage. The spear can be set using a conventional 'jar up to shear' tool and retrieved using a Peak heavy-duty full radial contact (HD FRC) pulling tool.Applications Retrieval of items with damaged or missing internal fish necks Features & Benefits Reach adjustment sleeve to suit varying engagement depth of slips Interchangeable slips for engaging varying inside diameters Slips interchangeable between releasable and non-releasable versions Integral Peak HD dual fish neck Simple to redress [PAGE] Title: Straddle Systems | Peak Well Systems Content: Plug Systems Deployment Systems > Straddle Systems Straddle Systems Peak’s Plug Systems can be fitted with straddle tubes between an upper and lower packer to provide isolation across the straddled zone. Peak Straddle Systems can be used to: Isolate water zones Isolate a hole in tubing Isolate a leaking device within the tubing – SPM, SSD etc. Products [PAGE] Title: Plug Systems | Peak Well Systems Content: > Plug Systems Deployment Systems Straddle Systems Plug Systems Plug systems from Peak Well Systems provide a high quality, safe barrier within the wellbore, delivering ultimate flexibility for well intervention, remediation and well integrity operations. Available as both permanent and retrievable options, plug systems can be set anywhere in the tubing string without the need for a nipple profile making them ideal for monobore completions. The design simplicity of Peak plug systems offers cost effective deployment and flexibility in remote locations. They have an advanced mechanical setting mechanism, eliminating the need for complex and dangerous setting tools and making them very safe and reliable to use. Furthermore, like the deployment systems, they can be easily redressed in the field by personnel with a limited understanding of English. Peak plug systems are universally compliant with all deployment methods such as slickline, wireline, coiled tubing, drillpipe and tractor. The adaptability of Peak’s plug systems enables use in a number of different applications: Collision barrier during drilling operations Wellhead isolation Zonal isolation for water shutoff Zonal isolation to prevent cross flow/co-mingling Downhole choke – choking back unwanted/excessive gas production Packer setting and tubing tests during completions/workovers Tubing integrity testing [PAGE] Title: Training | Peak Well Systems Content: Redress Kits > Training Assembly Animations On-Site Support Training Peak has a network of dedicated technical support and customer support teams to guide you through the sales and deployment process. Furthermore, Peak provides several 4-5 day training modules in SIM systems , fishing and, toolstring deployment, both onsite and offsite for customers. Modules include practical and classroom lessons before completing a final assessment. Refresher courses are also available. Bespoke packages are available upon request. As part of the training materials provided, Peak has developed many high-quality assembly animations that provide clear instructions on how to assemble our main products. For further information on our training modules, please email us now. [PAGE] Title: Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot FRC GLV Pulling Tool HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) DJD FRC Pulling Tool Double Jar Down Adaptor HD Pulling System IN FRC Pulling Tool Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot > Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear Wireline Retrieval System Wireline Centre Spear Tapered Wire Retriever Multi-Pin Running Tool HD Dual Fish Neck Sub Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing IB Orientation Indicator Indexing Tool Tubing End Locator Sidewall Cutter Peak Cutter Peak eCutter High-Pressure Peak eCutter Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter Pump Down Go-Devil Peak Impression Block (PIB) Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot The heavy-duty non-releasable overshot is used for the retrieval of downhole items with damaged or missing external fish necks. The overshot is “planted” onto the fish to provide a new fish neck profile. This is then engaged with a standard releasable pulling tool or a Peak HD FRC pulling tool for heavy jarring applications.Applications Replacing damaged or missing external fish necks Providing a new fish neck profile for releasable pulling tools to engage Features & Benefits Adjustable core for varying reach Interchangeable slips to engage varying OD’s Slips interchangeable between releasable and non-releasable versions Multiple running neck options - multi-pin running tool, HD dual fish neck etc. Optional bell guide bottom subs for use in larger ID tubular Bypass ports through tool body to provide maximum flow area if fish cannot be recovered Robust design [PAGE] Title: SIMultra Seal Technology | Peak Well Systems Content: SIM System SIMplus System SIMultra System > SIMultra Seal Technology Nipple Products SIMultra Seal Technology SIMultra seal technology is an innovative, high-performance, hybrid metal-elastomer sealing system certified to the highest ISO 14310-V0 standard. The SIMultra seal system is ideally suited to both retrievable and life-of-well products such as plugs, packers and straddles and also to a wide range of technical challenges including: high pressure, high temperature, high expansion, high flow rate and chemically hostile conditions.Importantly, the SIMultra sealing element has a high expansion ratio, expanding and retracting significantly further than conventional V0 sealing technologies. The seal will retract to a smaller-than-original outside diameter (OD) without relying upon the memory of the elastomer and this, combined with the high expansion ratio, ensures reliable system retrieval every run.Features SIMultra seal technology operates by radially expanding a solid metal envelope into sealing contact with a tubular bore Its metallic structure is layered both internally and externally with polymeric materials which assist in the formation of the sealing boundary By combining the benefits of both metal-to-metal seals and traditional elastomeric seals, the SIMultra seal system can operate at temperatures and pressures far exceeding the current capabilities of traditional technology It eliminates all traditional elastomeric failure modes including failures through extrusion; explosive decompression; chemical degradation and crystallization; cyclic failure and abrading/nibbling The use of a metallic envelope rather than a traditional elastomeric element not only enables the seal to withstand very high pressures, but it also ensures a much larger throughbore in packer and straddle solutions using the SIMultra sealing system Benefits Reduced operating time as a result of consistent, reliable and effective seal deployment and recovery Reduced operating time through the rapid deployment of a life-of-well wellbore seal without the need for cement above the seal Increased production as a result of maximization of the downhole flow through straddle and packer isolation and lift systems Increased production by using SIMultra seal technology high performance solutions to enable completion and intervention operations under previously inaccessible well conditions Increased operational flexibility with the ability to deploy SIMultra seal enabled systems easily and safely on all conveyance systems: slickline, e-line, coiled tubing, drillpipe and tractor [PAGE] Title: FlexiDrift Animation | Peak Well Systems Content: Peak TV FlexiDrift Animation [PAGE] Title: Linear Jar | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Linear Jar Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel Stem Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar > Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool Linear Jar The Linear Jar is ideal for use in high-angle wells where normal spang-jar (link type) or tubular-jar action may be limited. The unique dual-roller system from Peak Well Systems reduces friction between the jar rod and outer housing. The resulting smooth bidirectional strokes drive upward and downward forces to power most routine wireline functions in deviated wellbores. To further improve the overall friction-reducing performance, the Linear Jar also works with the Power Jar (an inverted upstroke spring jar) and WellGlide* roller-centralizer sub. Applications Wireline operations in high angle, deviated wells Fishing operations in suspected wire, debris, or other foreign-matter environments Large-ID tubing or casing operations Combined operations with the Power Jar (inverted upstroke spring jar) for improved overall friction-reducing performance Features & Benefits Smooth bidirectional stroke produced by unique dual-roller system for enabling most routine wireline functions in high-angle deviated wellbores Improved durability because of increased jar rod diameter Range of connection options that meet customer requirements Improved overall friction-reducing performance in combination with the Power Jar (inverted upstroke spring jar) Outperformance over standard spang jars for fishing operations in wellbores with suspected wire, debris, or other foreign matter Robust design for conducting routine wireline functions in large-diameter tubing or casing, where conventional spang jars are prone to buckling or scissoring Product Code: 120 [PAGE] Title: Events & Industry Conferences | Peak Well Systems Content: SPE/ICoTA Virtual Well Intervention Conference Date: 22-23 March 2022 The Woodlands Waterway Marrot Hotel and Convention Centre, TX, USA Stand/Booth No: Booth 401 The SPE/ICoTA Virtual Well Intervention Conference aims to bring together thousands of E&P professionals and experts to learn, exchange knowledge, and network. [PAGE] Title: Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel Stem Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar > Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub The Peak Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub is a simple and effective device to increase safety and improve  current and potentially dangerous methods of pull testing braided line rope sockets prior to deployment. Apart from ensuring the rope socket integrity, the pull test that ensures the winch is secured correctly and that sheaves and other securing/lifting attachments are fit for sustaining heavy loads or impact. The Peak design allows the pull test to be carried out totally contained within the lubricator. If the cable or tools part during the pull test, personnel would not be harmed & the equipment is unlikely to sustain damage as it is protected within the pressure control equipment. The main body is made up to the interchangeable plate to suit the specific quick union which is then connected to the toolstring. The lubricator can then be lowered with the sub inserted between both mating quick unions. The lubricator collar would then be made up to the BOP and tension can be taken up and the pull taken on the cable to “bed in” the slips of the rope socket and test all attachments.Applications Safe pull testing greatly improving safety Features & Benefits Eliminates external pull testing greatly improving safety Supplied with connection options to suit any wireline toolstring Interchangeable plates to suit any PCE quick union for inventory reduction Can be used with all braided cables up to 5/16-in in diameter SWL for all sizes is rated to 10,000 lbs Product Code: 904 [PAGE] Title: Straddle Systems | Peak Well Systems Content: Plug Systems Deployment Systems > Straddle Systems Accessories Straddle Systems Peak’s Plug Systems can be fitted with straddle tubes between an upper and lower packer to provide isolation across the straddled zone. Peak Straddle Systems can be used to: Isolate water zones Isolate a hole in tubing Isolate a leaking device within the tubing – SPM, SSD etc. Products [PAGE] Title: Manufacturing | Peak Well Systems Content: > Manufacturing Engineering & NPD Technical Sales Manufacturing Peak has a state-of-the-art CNC machine workshop in our Perth, Western Australia facility. This is equipped with new Okuma, Doosan and Puma machines, incorporating all the latest technology. The workshop staff conduct off-line programming through FeatureCAM software, as well as direct programming on the machines themselves. We are always looking to expand our machine team with highly skilled CNC machinists and programmers who are looking for a new challenge. These positions are very much suited to those with experience in small and one-off batch runs, varying run-times and a wide scope of products.Key Responsibilities:Key responsibilities for a CNC operator include: CNC programming and the operation of CNC machines First level inspection Determination of machining sequence and approach Manufacture of both production and prototype components Qualifications:Our machinists tend to have a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, a 1st Class Machinist Trade Certificate or an equivalent qualification, along with proven programming experience.How to Apply:If you are looking for a career path in manufacturing and would like to apply to Peak for a position within the Manufacturing team based in Perth, we would like to hear from you. To browse and apply for any current vacancies, visit our job listing page. Copyright © 2024 Peak Well Systems [PAGE] Title: Hydraulic Calibration Sub | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Hydraulic Calibration Sub Hydraulic Calibration Sub The Hydraulic Calibration Sub allows rapid and accurate set up of the Power Jar prior to deployment. The Hydraulic Calibration Sub is easily made up to the jar by sliding the sub over the lower end and by simply inserting the punch and split guide ring. The handle can then be turned to open the jar at the predetermined setting required. With a 1:1 setting ratio, the hydraulic gauge displays the actual release force expected downhole. Applications Directly calibrates the Power Jar for downhole use Features & Benefits One Calibration Sub suits all connection types Removal of integral threaded jar subs not required Direct 1:1 setting ratio Quick and easy Power Jar set up Inventory reduction [PAGE] Title: Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot FRC GLV Pulling Tool HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) DJD FRC Pulling Tool Double Jar Down Adaptor HD Pulling System IN FRC Pulling Tool > Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear Wireline Retrieval System Wireline Centre Spear Tapered Wire Retriever Multi-Pin Running Tool HD Dual Fish Neck Sub Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing IB Orientation Indicator Indexing Tool Tubing End Locator Sidewall Cutter Peak Cutter Peak eCutter High-Pressure Peak eCutter Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter Pump Down Go-Devil Peak Impression Block (PIB) Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot The heavy-duty releasable overshot is designed for the recovery of downhole items with missing or damaged external fish necks. The jar down to release feature provides the option of running the tool directly connected to the toolstring. Once sheared the core is locked in the release position to ensure the overshot will disengage from the fish.Applications Engaging items with damaged or missing external fish necks Alternative to the heavy-duty non-releasable overshot Features & Benefits Adjustable core for varying reach Interchangeable slips to engage varying OD’s Slips interchangeable between releasable and non-releasable versions Optional bell guide bottom subs for use in larger ID tubulars 'Jar down to release' feature Locking core feature to assist in safe tool release Simple to redress/re-pin for quick turnaround between wireline runs Two shear pin size options Inventory reduction [PAGE] Title: Request a Quote | Peak Well Systems Content: > Request a Quote HR Enquiries Any Other Enquiries Request a Quote Peak’s sales engineers are responsible for separate geographical areas to ensure a dedicated service to customers. The sales engineers also work closely together to guarantee that local knowledge and experience complement the company’s global service delivery. To request a quotation, email [email protected] and the appropriate member of our team will provide you with a quotation to address your specific requirements. Copyright © 2024 Peak Well Systems [PAGE] Title: Production Choke Animation | Peak Well Systems Content: Peak TV Production Choke Animation [PAGE] Title: Straddle System Animation | Peak Well Systems Content: Peak TV Straddle System Animation [PAGE] Title: Leak Detection Tool | Peak Well Systems Content: > Leak Detection Tool Tubing Alignment Tool Leak Detection Tool The Leak Detection Tool is designed to create a temporary sealing barrier to enable a surface pressure test to ascertain a potential leak path between the tubing and annulus. Using the field proven SIM Running Tool, the Detection Tool is deployed in the well to a desired depth, predominantly at a depth below a suspected leak path, on a conventional slickline toolstring. Reciprocation at depth allows the radial indexing mechanism to activate, anchoring the Running Tool slips to the tubing wall.  To effect the “seal”, light jarring down is required to expand the element of the Leak Detection Tool. Tubing pressure is then applied to test tubing integrity. The cycle can then be repeated and fine tuned until the exact location of a leak is detected.Applications As a temporary barrier to identify the location of a downhole leak To determine the position of tubing to annulus communication To check the integrity of older wells Features & Benefits Leak Detection device which can be reset a number of times without the need to pull back to surface Multiple setting capability reduces NPT by allowing the leak to be pinpointed quickly, minimizing wireline runs Holds pressures of 1,500 psi at 350 degF from above The integral self-equalizing device allows the pressure to equalize across the elastomer cup before moving the elastomer into the fully retracted position Simple, robust design The Mechanical Leak Detection Tool can be supplied as an Adapter System to the patented SIM Running Tool (UK Patent No: GB2432607 & GB2424237) The Leak Detection Tool can also be purchased as a complete system packaged in conjunction with the patented SIM Running Tool (UK Patent No: GB2432607 & GB2424237) Currently available for 2 3/8-in, 2 7/8-in, 3 1/2-in, and 4 1/2-in tubing, however various sizes available on request to suit customer requirements Product Code: 362 [PAGE] Title: Hydrostatic Bailer | Peak Well Systems Content: Wellbore Cleanup Systems Hydrostatic Bailer High-Temperature, High-Strength Magnet Interchangeable Ring Broaching Tool Pump Bailer > Hydrostatic Bailer Drive Down Bailer Radial Brush System Torque-Action Debris Breaker Dump Bailer Hydrostatic Bailer The Hydrostatic Bailer is designed to recover sand, gravel, gun debris or other loose fill from above or inside any subsurface flow control device. Due to the force exerted as a result of larger piston areas, the 3-in and 3 1/2-in version incorporates a unique Trip Key system that removes the requirement for long, drawn out hydrostatic and shear pin strength calculations. The Trip Keys hold the travelling Internal Plug in place until jarring down shears the 1/4-in shear screws. The mandrel will then move up and the keys, which are no longer supporting the Internal Plug, retract causing the Internal Plug to accelerate upward creating an increased suction (in conjunction with the higher external pressure) which draws debris into the Bailer through the Bailer Check Sub. The 3-in, 2 1/2-in, 2 1/4-in, 1 7/8-in, and 1 3/4-in versions incorporate a pressure retaining Single or Multi-Pin Sub which seals in atmospheric pressure at surface. The Multi-Pin Sub allows the operator to select the number and type of pins depending on the differential pressure and operational application. The bailer is activated by jarring down and shearing the selected pins in the Multi-Pin Sub.Applications Recovering loose sand, gravel or gun debris from inside hard to reach flow control devices Features & Benefits Trip key design means shear pin/screw sees no direct loading from well pressure Safe Break design - three equalizing functions Bailer length, shoe, shoe length and checking device can be supplied to suit customer requirements Bottom Subs available: Half Mule, Full Mule, Castleated, Snorkle No requirement for long, drawn out hydrostatic or shear pin strength calculations The intermediate checking device ensures the shoe is changed independently reducing unnecessary expense if component requires replacing due to onsite modification or damage Inventory reduction due to interchange ability of parts between Peak Drive Down, Pump and Hydrostatic Bailers Incorporating robust Stub Acme threads reduces likelihood of threads galling during continuous make up and break out of components where debris may be present Product Code: 107 [PAGE] Title: FlexiDrift | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring FlexiDrift Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel Stem Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool > FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool FlexiDrift The fully adjustable Peak FlexiDrift offers the ultimate in flexibility, accuracy and reliability providing a full range of drift coverage with minimal inventory. Deployed on slickline and all other standard industry conveyance methods, the FlexiDrift consists of a mandrel with two sets of adjustable rails that can be manually extended with ease using the adjustment sleeves to the desired radius of the well tubing. When run downhole, the unique positioning of the extended rails provides the highest radial contact across the widest operating range of required drift sizes to confirm the minimum diameter specification of well bore tubing whilst ensuring no unforeseen obstructions, debris or damage is present in the well prior to other operations. The FlexiDrift’ unique design allows for sufficient bypass of fluid like any fluted centralizer drift; and is available in three standard tool sizes that can be accurately adjusted to within 10 thous of the desired diameter to span drift diameters of 2.000 in – 2.750 in, 2.720 in – 3.750 in and 3.700 in – 5.750 in respectively. Upwards jarring will activate the shear release function to retract the FlexiDrift to the minimum size to allow for reliable retrieval to surface in the event of becoming stuck downhole. Applications Ensures no unforeseen obstructions in the well prior to well intervention Verification of well ID Features & benefits Simple to use: Easily adjustable at well site to within 10 thou of desired diameter Better extension range: Provides the highest radial contact across the widest operating range of required drift sizes Robust design: Can be run multiple times for multiple applications Reduced inventory: Available in three standard tool sizes to suit drift diameters ranging from 2.000 in – 5.750 in Reliable retrieval: Emergency shear out function allows drift to collapse to minimum ID by jarring up - even in high deviation wells and those with a high level of scale or debris Fully field redressable Can be supplied in all standard industry connection types Allows for bypass of fluid Product Code: 153 [PAGE] Title: Pump Down Stem | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Pump Down Stem Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel Stem Tungsten Stem > Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool Pump Down Stem The Peak Pump Down Stem is designed to configure to a standard slickline toolstring to combat the difficulty of getting to depth in highly deviated wells. The Pump Down Stem design incorporates cup type elements which provide an increased surface area to enable pumping the toolstring into the well. The Stem can be run with one, two or no cups as is required.Applications Conveying a toolstring to target depth Features & Benefits [PAGE] Title: Hi-Ex Gauge Hanger Animation | Peak Well Systems Content: Peak TV Hi-Ex Gauge Hanger Animation [PAGE] Title: HD Dual Fish Neck Sub | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems HD Dual Fish Neck Sub FRC GLV Pulling Tool HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) DJD FRC Pulling Tool Double Jar Down Adaptor HD Pulling System IN FRC Pulling Tool Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear Wireline Retrieval System Wireline Centre Spear Tapered Wire Retriever Multi-Pin Running Tool > HD Dual Fish Neck Sub Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing IB Orientation Indicator Indexing Tool Tubing End Locator Sidewall Cutter Peak Cutter Peak eCutter High-Pressure Peak eCutter Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter Pump Down Go-Devil Peak Impression Block (PIB) HD Dual Fish Neck Sub The Heavy-Duty (HD) Dual Fish Neck Sub is used to provide a secondary heavy-duty fish neck profile in addition to the conventional fish neck profile. The 45-degree secondary Peak HD Fish Neck has a 60% increased load bearing area compared to standard fish necks. This is designed for use in conjunction with the Peak HD FRC Pulling Tool and can withstand prolonged heavy jarring impact.Applications For use as a running and retrieval neck on Wire Grabs, Non-Releasable Overshots, Non-Releasable Spears etc. Features & Benefits Peak HD Fish Neck has a 60% increased load bearing area compared to standard fish necks and is designed for use in conjunction with the Peak HD FRC Pulling Tool 45-degree profile of the Peak HD Fish Neck assists in tool release after prolonged upward jarring 45-degree profile of the Peak HD Fish Neck assists in tool release at high angles in deviated wellbores Conventional upper neck profile for use with industry standard running and pulling tools Bottom connection supplied to suit customer requirements Robust design [PAGE] Title: Technical Papers | Peak Well Systems Content: Case Study > Technical Papers Events & Industry Conferences Downloads Peak TV Glossary SIM Track Record Technical Papers SPE-199800-MS Unique Electronically Activated Nonexplosive Wireline Cutter Provides Safe and Reliable Cuts on Largest Range of Slickline and Wireline Cables The electronically activated nonexplosive wireline cutter drops from surface to sever slicklines and cables when a toolstring becomes stuck downhole. The cutter is activated via an electronic timer and trigger module. The cutter was originally desig… Read More → Posted on 25/03/2020 by Peak SPE-188468-MS Optimizing Cost and Restoring Integrity with the First Saudi Aramco Mechanical Descaling Using a Wireline Torque Action Debris Breaker Tool This paper aims to address the great success of utilizing the torque action debris breaker (TADB) tool as a wireline mean to restore wellbore accessibility. The tool was trial tested to remove hard scale accumulation consisting of 95% Iron compounds.… Posted on 16/11/2017 by Peak SPE-177686-MS New Innovation Improves Performance and Reliability of Downhole Plugs Sealing technologies provide a vital role in a wide range of applications no more so than in the design and development of Retrievable Bridge Plugs (RBP) where performance is a vital safety and operational consideration. Moreover, for workover operat… [PAGE] Title: Plug Systems | Peak Well Systems Content: > Plug Systems Deployment Systems Straddle Systems Accessories Plug Systems Plug systems from Peak Well Systems provide a high quality, safe barrier within the wellbore, delivering ultimate flexibility for well intervention, remediation and well integrity operations. Available as both permanent and retrievable options, plug systems can be set anywhere in the tubing string without the need for a nipple profile making them ideal for monobore completions. The design simplicity of Peak plug systems offers cost effective deployment and flexibility in remote locations. They have an advanced mechanical setting mechanism, eliminating the need for complex and dangerous setting tools and making them very safe and reliable to use. Furthermore, like the deployment systems, they can be easily redressed in the field by personnel with a limited understanding of English. Peak plug systems are universally compliant with all deployment methods such as slickline, wireline, coiled tubing, drillpipe and tractor. The adaptability of Peak’s Plug Systems enables use in a number of different applications: Collision barrier during drilling operations Wellhead isolation Zonal isolation for water shut-off Zonal isolation to prevent cross flow/co-mingling Downhole choke – choking back unwanted/excessive gas production Packer setting and tubing tests during completions/workovers Tubing integrity testing [PAGE] Title: High-Pressure Peak eCutter | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems High-Pressure Peak eCutter FRC GLV Pulling Tool HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) DJD FRC Pulling Tool Double Jar Down Adaptor HD Pulling System IN FRC Pulling Tool Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear Wireline Retrieval System Wireline Centre Spear Tapered Wire Retriever Multi-Pin Running Tool HD Dual Fish Neck Sub Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing IB Orientation Indicator Indexing Tool Tubing End Locator Sidewall Cutter Peak Cutter Peak eCutter > High-Pressure Peak eCutter Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter Pump Down Go-Devil Peak Impression Block (PIB) High-Pressure Peak eCutter The High-Pressure Peak eCutter electronically activated nonexplosive wireline cutter is used to sever slicklines and cables when a toolstring becomes stuck downhole.The High-Pressure Peak eCutter cutter is specifically designed to withstand high pressures up to 20,000 psi. It is activated via an electronic timer and trigger module. Preprogrammed countdown times and optional custom programming capabilities support target depth and activation assurance. The cutting action is driven by a patented mechanical actuator with the timer and trigger module powered by a small onboard lithium battery. It performs clean cuts above the toolstring assembly in a wide range of wire sizes from 0.108-in slickline to 0.440-in heavy-duty cable enabling the upper section of wire or heavy-duty cable to be retrieved to surface. Robust blades and a cable gripping system offer a safer, more reliable, and accurate result. Applications [PAGE] Title: IB Orientation Indicator | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems IB Orientation Indicator FRC GLV Pulling Tool HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) DJD FRC Pulling Tool Double Jar Down Adaptor HD Pulling System IN FRC Pulling Tool Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear Wireline Retrieval System Wireline Centre Spear Tapered Wire Retriever Multi-Pin Running Tool HD Dual Fish Neck Sub Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing > IB Orientation Indicator Indexing Tool Tubing End Locator Sidewall Cutter Peak Cutter Peak eCutter High-Pressure Peak eCutter Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter Pump Down Go-Devil Peak Impression Block (PIB) IB Orientation Indicator The Impression Block Orientation Indicator is an important component during operations where understanding the position of a fish within the tubing is critical.The Orientation Indicator can be fitted to an Impression Block and activation of the sub is simultaneous with the downward jar whilst obtaining an impression. This downward jar action forces a mandrel to impress against a non-magnetic steel ball and a leaded bronze disc. The ball which is free within the chamber will always rest against the low side so the impression obtained on the brass disc can be referenced directly with the impression on the block. Confirming the low side of the tubing in relation to the position of the fish greatly assists the operator in selecting the correct tool for the next stage in the recovery operation.Applications Determining low side of wellbore in relation to fish to enhance recovery operations Features & Benefits Reusable Bronze Impression Disc for cost-effectiveness and inventory reduction Lead free for ease of use, quick turnaround and handling Simple ratchet release mechanism for positive engagement and quick redress Can be made up to any Impression Block equal to or greater than 2.500-in OD Connection options available to suit customer requirements Product Code: 226 [PAGE] Title: Tapered Wire Retriever | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems Tapered Wire Retriever FRC GLV Pulling Tool HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) DJD FRC Pulling Tool Double Jar Down Adaptor HD Pulling System IN FRC Pulling Tool Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear Wireline Retrieval System Wireline Centre Spear > Tapered Wire Retriever Multi-Pin Running Tool HD Dual Fish Neck Sub Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing IB Orientation Indicator Indexing Tool Tubing End Locator Sidewall Cutter Peak Cutter Peak eCutter High-Pressure Peak eCutter Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter Pump Down Go-Devil Peak Impression Block (PIB) Tapered Wire Retriever The Tapered Wire Retriever is used for the process of locating and recovering parted wireline in a single run. Peak’s Tapered Wire Retriever incorporates a unique design feature which allows the Slotted Finder Finger Sleeve to be adjusted to any chosen diameter to suit a range of nominal tubing ID and nipple dimensions.Applications Safely locating the top of parted wire Latching and retrieving wire back to surface Features & Benefits Peak Adjustable Finder Finger Sleeve Extension bar options [PAGE] Title: SIMultra System | Peak Well Systems Content: SIMultra System PLUG SYSTEMS Full V0 Certification Provides V0-certified, ultra-reliable, gas-tight zonal isolation in high performance environments Recovery Reliability Includes a 110% retractable seal for improved recovery reliability and features unrivalled running clearances and flow paths Simple, Proven Design Game-changing plug technology within a simple, proven design that is fully redressable in the field DEPLOYMENT SYSTEMS Safe Nonexplosive, fully pressure balanced tool – no trapped pressure at surface. Flexible and Reliable Enables full reversible control over setting and retrieval with configurable actuators that make the system suitable for a wide range of applications Deployed by all Industry-Standard Means Modular system capable of deployment on slickline, e-line, coiled tubing, drillpipe and tractor STRADDLE SYSTEMS Field Redressable Simple and quick to redress remotely Simple Design, Maximum Safety Unique design for secure deployment recovery without jeopardizing safety Effective for Enhancing Productivity Zonal isolation with stackable straddle tubes A new era of energy production demands a new generation of downhole plugs – tools proven to meet the extremes of high performance, HPHT and gas wells. The SIMultra System employs an ISO-14310 V0-rated SIMultra retrievable bridge plug incorporating a unique hybrid metal-elastomer seal for exceptional performance and improved recovery reliability. SIMultra seal technology offers peace of mind to all operators for whom the reliability of their downhole seal technology is critical without compromising on performance, even up to the highest V0 specification. The SIMultra retrievable bridge plug is set and retrieved using Peak’s modular, nonexplosive, PowerTool setting system which enables deployment in vertical and horizontal wells using all conventional conveyance methods. SIM Systems from Peak... Simple Safe Assured [PAGE] Title: Technical Alerts | Peak Well Systems Content: Error loading MacroEngine script (file: TechnicalAlerts.cshtml) Copyright © 2024 Peak Well Systems [PAGE] Title: Compact Toolstring | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Compact Toolstring > Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel Stem Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool Compact Toolstring The Compact Toolstring (CTS) is designed for use where the available rig-up height is limited and for improved conveyance in highly deviated wells. Depending on the well geometry, the customer has the option to incorporate or remove components which will ensure optimum operational performance. The CTS can be split into two main categories, the “Power” version and the “Setting” version. Both options can be extended to include an integral dual neck rope socket, Swivel and WellGlide complete with interchangeable rollers.Applications For use in rig ups with limited height availability For use in high-angle deviated wells Features & Benefits The base “Power” version includes the Peak Power Jar (Inverted Upstroke Spring Jar), Accelerator and Linear Jar available with either 1 7/8 in or 2 1/8 in The base “Setting” version includes the Peak Dummy Power Jar, Linear Jar and Heavy Stem section and is used predominantly for installing devices where Hydraulic or Spring Jars are not required Configuration options extended to include an integral dual neck rope socket, Swivel and WellGlide Reduced overall length [PAGE] Title: Redress Kits | Peak Well Systems Content: > Redress Kits Training Assembly Animations On-Site Support Redress Kits Our genuine Peak parts and redress kits work in perfect harmony with your well intervention and flow control tools for optimum performance and exceptional reliability. Peak products are designed to be redressed easily onsite. Provided that you have a redress kit to hand, you can simply redress them whenever it suits you. To make the process even simpler, we have developed several assembly animations for our main products. These are particularly useful for use by slickline crews responsible for redressing the equipment, even if their first language is not English. Watch our demo animation . To order your redress kits, email [email protected] . [PAGE] Title: Technical Sales | Peak Well Systems Content: Manufacturing Engineering & NPD > Technical Sales Technical Sales Providing superb customer care is a core component of our business strategy and integral to Peak achieving its vision. Our technical sales teams, located around the world, are critical to our success, which is why we invest heavily in providing highly talented and knowledgeable individuals to assist and support our customers.The technical sales team is intimately familiar with every Peak tool and hence qualified to assess customer requirements, advise on optimum solutions and handle customer orders, as well liase between the engineering, NPD, manufacturing and operations teams.Key Responsibilities:Key responsibilities for a Peak technical sales manager are to: Identify sales opportunities for new business and develop appropriate strategies. Foster strong relationships with customers. Prepare proposals/tenders and their associated commercial evaluations and business cases. Qualifications:It is essential that every individual within our sales teams has the relevant industry background and knowledge of well intervention, downhole products and, preferably, has a petroleum engineering background with an operator or service company.How to Apply:If you are looking for a career path in technical sales and would like to apply to Peak for a position within one of our regional sales teams, we would like to hear from you. To browse and apply for any current vacancies, visit our job listing page. Copyright © 2024 Peak Well Systems [PAGE] Title: Bearing Swivel | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Bearing Swivel Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel > Bearing Swivel Stem Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool Bearing Swivel The Bearing Swivel is designed to allow free rotation of the toolstring and minimize line torque during slickline or cable deployment. The thrust bearing design ensures that the swivel continues to rotate smoothly when subjected to high loads. The Swivel is generally positioned directly below the rope socket to prevent torque creating an issue with wirelines. The Bearing Swivel incorporates several design features including robust thrust-type bearings with an integral grease nipple to ensure internal components are continuously lubricated for a prolonged working and storage period. Critical internal components of the Swivel are also electro-less nickel-plated to further assist in prevention of internal corrosion which is common with standard swivel joints.Applications Predominantly used to provide rotation in a wireline toolstring and minimize line torque The Swivel can be utilized to provide a rotating point when handling long or cumbersome tools to aid make up or break out Ideal for use during swabbing operations where prolonged high loads are encountered Features & Benefits Integral grease nipple: Ensures easy lubrication and prevent corrosion Critical components ENP treated to further assist in prevention of internal corrosion Heavy-duty robust design Integral Belleville Spring design to guarantee positive load maintained on thrust bearings to ensure continuous rotation Debris Rings: Prevent ingress of foreign matter Swivel components are supported at rotation point to prevent lateral movement and wear Contingent fish neck on most lower joint components Third-party proprietary connections available to suit customer requirements Product Code: 130 [PAGE] Title: Data Acquisition | Peak Well Systems Content: Applications Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Do you need a robust gauge hanger that can be located close to the perforating zone? Peak has a range of slickline-set gauge hangers to suspend data acquisition devices for monitoring characteristics in flowing wells or to provide an anchor for instruments that require suspension in the wellbore. Due to the flexibility of the SIM sealing integrity management system, these devices can be suspended anywhere in the well. Peak’s gauge hangers are of robust design and build. They are ideal for use in challenging downhole environments and high flow rate wells and can be placed close to perforating zones with confidence. Stay Informed Peak’s monthly newsletter, e-News, keeps you up-to-date with our latest product launches, upcoming events, technology developments and case studies. If you would like to receive e-News, please submit your email address above: [PAGE] Title: IN FRC Pulling Tool | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems IN FRC Pulling Tool FRC GLV Pulling Tool HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) DJD FRC Pulling Tool Double Jar Down Adaptor HD Pulling System > IN FRC Pulling Tool Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear Wireline Retrieval System Wireline Centre Spear Tapered Wire Retriever Multi-Pin Running Tool HD Dual Fish Neck Sub Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing IB Orientation Indicator Indexing Tool Tubing End Locator Sidewall Cutter Peak Cutter Peak eCutter High-Pressure Peak eCutter Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter Pump Down Go-Devil Peak Impression Block (PIB) IN FRC Pulling Tool The Internal Neck Full Radial Contact (IN FRC) Pulling Tool is designed to meet a market demand for a heavy-duty tool suitable for the recovery of downhole equipment fitted with internal Otis-type fish necks. Applications Recovery of stuck down hole devices fitted with internal Otis-type fish necks Engaging badly scaled fish necks Retrieval of items with worn or damaged fish necks Features & Benefits Contact area between latch fingers and fish neck 30% greater than standard GS pulling tool dogs No powerful springs for safe assembly and disassembly Stepped latch fingers to minimize required downward travel to shear off One piece collet style latch fingers Latch finger grip increases as line pull increases Locking core to assist in safe tool release Optional serrated latch fingers available Robust design J-Slot release feature to easily disengage tool from fish neck at surface Two shear pin size options Available in all standard GS sizes Product Code: 210 [PAGE] Title: Tubing End Locator | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems Tubing End Locator FRC GLV Pulling Tool HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) DJD FRC Pulling Tool Double Jar Down Adaptor HD Pulling System IN FRC Pulling Tool Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear Wireline Retrieval System Wireline Centre Spear Tapered Wire Retriever Multi-Pin Running Tool HD Dual Fish Neck Sub Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing IB Orientation Indicator Indexing Tool > Tubing End Locator Sidewall Cutter Peak Cutter Peak eCutter High-Pressure Peak eCutter Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter Pump Down Go-Devil Peak Impression Block (PIB) Tubing End Locator The Tubing End Locator is a device used to locate the end of a specific size of completion string or broken tubing in order to confirm its accurate position in the wellbore for further depth-critical intervention work. The device can be run as part of a tolstring or, more commonly, directly on the bottom of the toolstring.Applications Locate tubing end/break in tubing Depth correlation Sprung loaded arm enhances ability in high deviation situations Simple shear pin release - allows for overpull to be taken and safely recovered to surface. Sizes to suit 2 3/8 in to 7 in Available with all common toolstring connections Product Code: 135 [PAGE] Title: Peak Cutter Animation | Peak Well Systems Content: Peak TV Peak Cutter Animation [PAGE] Title: Completions | Peak Well Systems Content: Applications Completions Well Barrier & Isolation Well Integrity & Remediation Data Acquisition Well Flow Enhancement Well Servicing with High Angle Wells Well Servicing with Restricted Height Routine Well Servicing & Maintenance Fishing Wellbore Cleanup & Debris Removal > Completions Completions When conducting a workover on a completion, space out of the recompletion is critical, both to save rig time and to prevent damage to the lower completion. Peak has worked with a major IOC to develop a bespoke system consisting of an extra-long/telescoping joint that allows the operator to reliably bridge the gap between the upper and lower completion to facilitate future well intervention activities. Recompleting using this method avoids any bottlenecks for reentry into the lower completion that are often a problem. Stay Informed Peak’s monthly newsletter, e-News, keeps you up-to-date with our latest product launches, upcoming events, technology developments and case studies. If you would like to receive e-News, please submit your email address above: [PAGE] Title: Gauge Cutter | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Gauge Cutter Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel Stem Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub > Gauge Cutter Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool Gauge Cutter The Gauge Cutter is predominantly used for drifting the tubing string but also designed to remove scale, debris, paraffin wax etc. Reaching target depth with the Gauge Cutter confirms that the tubing string is clear prior to performing more complex tasks such as recovering or installing flow control devices.Applications Predominantly used for drifting the tubing but also designed to remove scale, debris, paraffin wax etc. Features & Benefits Supplied in a range of sizes - various lengths and diameters available on request Saw tooth design available on request Tapered design available on request Product Code: 117 [PAGE] Title: Peak Impression Block (PIB) | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems Peak Impression Block (PIB) FRC GLV Pulling Tool HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) DJD FRC Pulling Tool Double Jar Down Adaptor HD Pulling System IN FRC Pulling Tool Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear Wireline Retrieval System Wireline Centre Spear Tapered Wire Retriever Multi-Pin Running Tool HD Dual Fish Neck Sub Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing IB Orientation Indicator Indexing Tool Tubing End Locator Sidewall Cutter Peak Cutter Peak eCutter High-Pressure Peak eCutter Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter Pump Down Go-Devil > Peak Impression Block (PIB) Peak Impression Block (PIB) The Peak Impression Block (PIB) is a unique LEAD-FREE tool for taking high definition impressions of objects, known or unknown, within the wellbore.  The PIB reduces operating time, whilst offering a safer and more environmentally friendly alternative to LIBs.The Peak Impression Block uses high-performance, rapid-change inserts that eliminate the health and environmental issues associated with lead used in LIBs. PIB Inserts can be changed quickly and easily within seconds, enabling used inserts to be kept as a permanent record of operation. The PIB is also ideally suited to higher temperature applications where traditional lead-based impression blocks would be unsuitable.A single jar down is all that is required to obtain a high definition impression. Upon recovery, the used PIB Insert is simply removed from the main body and replaced with a new Insert. The PIB is instantly ready for redeployment, enabling the used Insert to be kept for analysis.Applications To provide an impression of foreign or incorrectly positioned obstructions within the wellbore Features & Benefits Lead-free - eliminates health and environmental issues issued with standard LIBs (no filing of lead offshore, no melting lead, no hazardous fumes or hot metal) High definition imprints Simple to use and rapid to replace inserts within seconds. Single-use inserts offer a permanent record of operation Working temperature of 620 degF - High resistance to heat in excess of 450 degF that would melt standard lead inserts Available in four standard OD sizes for 2-7/8-in, 3-1/2-in, 4-1/2-in, 5-1/2-in and 7-in completions Product Code: 111 [PAGE] Title: HR Enquiries | Peak Well Systems Content: Request a Quote > HR Enquiries Any Other Enquiries HR Enquiries If you are interested in a career or (for students) vacational work with Peak Well Systems, please direct your application, with a CV and covering letter, to: HR Manager, Peak Well Systems Perth, Western Australia P: +61 8 9270 0500 E: [email protected] No Recruitment Agencies please - see our 'Partnering with Peak' policy for more information Stay Informed Peak’s monthly newsletter, e-News, keeps you up-to-date with our latest product launches, upcoming events, technology developments and case studies. If you would like to receive e-News, please submit your email address above: [PAGE] Title: eMAT/GS Tool | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring eMAT/GS Tool eMAT/GS Tool Peak’s eMAT/GS Tool is used to replicate traditional GS functionality on slickline during e-line deployments. The eMAT/GS Tool provides a reliable deployment technique without the need for pyrotechnics, pressurized nitrogen or downhole power generation tools that would usually require additional field specialists. At depth, the eMAT/GS Tool receives power from a surface power supply. This allows trapped hydraulic pressure to vent, which retracts the dogs of the GS component, and leaves the payload in the well. Applications Deploy or recover downhole equipment with a GS fish neck on e-line Wireline fishing [PAGE] Title: SIMplus Animation | Peak Well Systems Content: Peak TV SIMplus Animation [PAGE] Title: eSetting Tool | Peak Well Systems Content: > eSetting Tool eSetting Tool Peak’s nonexplosive eSetting Tool is used to deploy Peak’s Hi-Ex Gauge Hanger to any location in the wellbore using simple slickline operations. The eSetting Tool provides a reliable deployment technique without the need for pyrotechnics, pressurized nitrogen or complex hydraulic pumps. Simple actuation using the pre-programmed electronic timer system gives full operational flexibility and control across a broad range of different operating environments and well depths. The force required to set the Hi-Ex Gauge Hanger is derived from a staged spring mechanism in the eSetting Tool and is capable of securely setting Hi-Ex Gauge Hangers in all sizes of casing. The low-power electronic timer is powered by small Lithium batteries making for easy transportation and rapid deployment of the complete system in the field. At depth, the eSetting Tool activates and sets the Hi-Ex Gauge Hanger, expanding its arms to the tubing wall and securely anchoring and centralizing itself inside the tubing via the bidirectional slips. Once the Hi-Ex Gauge Hanger is set, the eSetting Tool automatically releases from the hanger. The ability to disarm the timer by upward jarring provides a fail-safe system in the event of operational difficulties. Applications Used for the deployment of 2.2-in Hi-Ex Gauge Hangers on slickline Rated to 10,000 psi, 177 degC Features & Benefits Simplified logistics: safe and rapid mobilization to well sites globally Integrated non-hydraulic, non-pyrotechnic power system No radio-silence requirement, reducing NPT Disposable, low cost electronics, for simple field redress Range of pre-programmed countdown times for operational flexibility and control Emergency jar-up feature to dis-arm the timer Product Code: 342 [PAGE] Title: Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel Stem Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter Blind Box > Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher The Combination Gauge Ring and Wire Scratcher is a flexible system designed to drift the well and brush a specific area within the tubing in a single run. The interchangeable Gauge Cutter Rings allow the system to be utilized across a range of tubing sizes that will save the customer significant time and ultimately cost by removing unnecessary wireline runs.Applications Designed to drift the well and brush a specific area in a single run Can be used as a traditional gauge cutter when wire scratcher not required Features & Benefits Combined design of gauge cutter and wire scratcher reduces wireline runs saving customer time and ultimate cost Interchangeable Gauge Cutter Rings provide flexibility to suit a range of tubing sizes Ported Gauge Cutter Rings provide sufficient bypass in fluid Positive stop prevents Gauge Cutter Ring from backing off from the mandrel Minimal components and robust design Inventory reduction [PAGE] Title: Downloads | Peak Well Systems Content: [PAGE] Title: Spang Jar | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring Spang Jar Spang Jar The Spang Jar generates impact force required downhole to manipulate tools and sever shear pins. Jar impact is mainly affected by speed of movement, applied stem weight above the jar, stroke length, and deviation. Peak Spang Jars are available in various stroke lengths, diameters, and connection options to suit the customers requirements. Applications Provide upward and downward impact in conjunction with the toolstring weight and wireline speed Features & Benefits Supplied in a range of sizes and stroke lengths to suit most application Offered with available third-party proprietary connections to suit customer requirements Product Code: 127 [PAGE] Title: DJD FRC Pulling Tool | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems DJD FRC Pulling Tool FRC GLV Pulling Tool HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) > DJD FRC Pulling Tool Double Jar Down Adaptor HD Pulling System IN FRC Pulling Tool Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear Wireline Retrieval System Wireline Centre Spear Tapered Wire Retriever Multi-Pin Running Tool HD Dual Fish Neck Sub Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing IB Orientation Indicator Indexing Tool Tubing End Locator Sidewall Cutter Peak Cutter Peak eCutter High-Pressure Peak eCutter Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter Pump Down Go-Devil Peak Impression Block (PIB) DJD FRC Pulling Tool The double jar down full radial contact (DJD FRC) pulling tool is used for external fishing neck recovery. The DJD FRC pulling tool enables repetitive downward jarring to latch the fish without an inherent risk of prematurely shearing the jar-down-to-release pin. The tool shears the upper pin in the DJD adaptor if the fish cannot be recovered—allowing subsequent downward jarring to release the pulling tool. Applications High-cost well intervention [PAGE] Title: SIMplus System | Peak Well Systems Content: Reduced Inventory Interchangeable components Simple & Reliable Easy to use The SIMplus system offers high performance V3-rated sealing integrity which can be deployed by all conventional means (slickline, wireline, coiled tubing, drillpipe, and tractor). It employs an ISO-14310 Grade V3-rated SIMplus retrievable bridge plug for well barrier applications in monobore wells, creating a reliable and high-performance downhole seal in fluid and temperature cycling environments. It is believed to be the only mechanically-set V3-rated plug available, thus providing a simple, easy and reliable setting solution in challenging applications. SIM Systems from Peak... Simple Safe Assured [PAGE] Title: Well Servicing with High Angle Wells | Peak Well Systems Content: Applications Well Servicing with High Angle Wells Well Barrier & Isolation Well Integrity & Remediation Data Acquisition Well Flow Enhancement > Well Servicing with High Angle Wells Well Servicing with Restricted Height Routine Well Servicing & Maintenance Fishing Wellbore Cleanup & Debris Removal Completions Well Servicing with High Angle Wells With an ever-increasing demand to access the maximum pay zone, the use of high-angle wells in now commonplace. However, high-angle wells have created well intervention problems due to difficulties in accessing the deeper sections of the well. Peak addresses these problems by offering friction-reducing well intervention tools and tools specifically designed to operate at high angles where wire manipulation is limited. Stay Informed Peak’s monthly newsletter, e-News, keeps you up-to-date with our latest product launches, upcoming events, technology developments and case studies. If you would like to receive e-News, please submit your email address above: [PAGE] Title: Fishing | Peak Well Systems Content: Applications Fishing Well Barrier & Isolation Well Integrity & Remediation Data Acquisition Well Flow Enhancement Well Servicing with High Angle Wells Well Servicing with Restricted Height Routine Well Servicing & Maintenance > Fishing Wellbore Cleanup & Debris Removal Completions Fishing Fishing operations are becoming more routine within the industry as companies seek to maximize production from existing wells wherever possible. Peak has a range of high-performance fishing tools, including heavy-duty and ultraheavy-duty fishing equipment designed specifically for the recovery of problematic fish that have resisted previous attempts of recovery by standard slickline intervention. For high angle and high straight-pull-force applications, Peak’s heavy-duty and ultraheavy-duty fishing tools can be combined with tractor and powered intervention compatible platforms. For information on our heavy-duty fshing solutions, email [email protected] . Stay Informed Peak’s monthly newsletter, e-News, keeps you up-to-date with our latest product launches, upcoming events, technology developments and case studies. If you would like to receive e-News, please submit your email address above: [PAGE] Title: Drive Down Bailer | Peak Well Systems Content: Wellbore Cleanup Systems Drive Down Bailer High-Temperature, High-Strength Magnet Interchangeable Ring Broaching Tool Pump Bailer Hydrostatic Bailer > Drive Down Bailer Radial Brush System Torque-Action Debris Breaker Dump Bailer Drive Down Bailer The Drive Down Bailer can be used to recover hard packed sand, gravel or gun debris from above or inside any subsurface flow control device. Often used in applications where the accumulated debris is hard in texture and difficult to break up, the Drive Down Bailer, being of strong design and incorporating few moving parts, is ideal to “jar” into and loosen up hard debris. As the Bailer enters the fill, the flapper or ball is pushed “off-seat”, collects the debris to be recovered and closes as the Bailer is removed - containing the debris and allowing it to be retrieved to surface. The Drive Down Bailer may also be used to acquire bottom hole debris samples for analysis.Applications Recovering hard packed sand, gravel or gun debris Obtaining bottom hole debris samples for analysis Features & Benefits Optional Drive Down Shoes including Serrated Flat Bottom, Castleated, Mule and Half Mule Shoe Optional intermediate checking devices including flapper, ball and junk catcher type Robust design The intermediate checking device ensures the shoe is changed independently reducing unnecessary expense if component requires replacing due to onsite modification or damage Shortened bailer shoes ensure less downward travel required for optimal debris recovery Inventory reduction due to interchange ability of parts between Peak Drive Down, Pump and Hydrostatic Bailers Incorporating robust Stub Acme threads reduces likelihood of threads galling during continuous make up and break out of components where debris may be present Product Code: 114 [PAGE] Title: HD FRC DJD Pulling Tool Animation | Peak Well Systems Content: Peak TV HD FRC DJD Pulling Tool Animation HD FRC DJD Pulling Tool Animation Copyright © 2024 Peak Well Systems [PAGE] Title: Why Work at Peak | Peak Well Systems Content: > Why Work at Peak Career Paths & Vacancies Why Work at Peak As global demand for Peak products continues to grow, so does Peak's need to recruit people who want to make a difference. A job at Peak is an opportunity to achieve your potential, a chance to make that difference. You will be developed and given opportunities to grow with the company. We are continually seeking individuals that want to make a positive impact at work, people that want to be proud of what they have accomplished, and of Peak. We will provide a clear direction with regular feedback on your performance. We will challenge you to deliver your potential and, where appropriate, provide you with the training and development you may need to achieve this. We are committed to providing a framework for our employees that ensures the provision of training and development that will enable them to undertake their roles and enhance their careers at Peak. Each employee participates in an annual appraisal and development process. This process provides the employee with an opportunity to discuss their training and development needs, participate in the planning process for their career advancement, and plan a schedule for the coming year. Copyright © 2024 Peak Well Systems [PAGE] Title: Glossary | Peak Well Systems Content: Case Study Technical Papers Events & Industry Conferences Downloads Peak TV > Glossary SIM Track Record Glossary A Accelerator Device used to store potential energy and convert it to kinetic energy when the  power jar fires. An accelerator is what generates the impact force by accelerating the toolstring stem. B Bridge Plug A permanent or retrievable downhole tool set typically on wireline to isolate a section of the well. C Compact toolstring Short toolstring that can contain all the standard toolstring items such as rope socket , accelerator, stem,power jar, spang jar etc. Mainly suitable for wells with 4 1/2" or larger tubulars Completions String of tubulars and other compoents through which the hydrocarbons are produced to surface. Crossover Means of connecting tools with differing connections together to form a complete string. D Gathering of data generally from deep within the wellbore. Debris Removal Removal of unwanted debris/deposits from the wellbore. Deviated Wells Wells who's trajectory or angle is not truelly vertical. Generally deviation is not highly significant for wireline intervention until it excedes 50 degree from the vertical. Downward Jarring The use of wireline toolstring to impart a downward shock load on tool or object within the wellbore. Downward becomrs less effective as the well deviation increases. E Cable with electric conduit used to lower equipment into well bore. F Fish Neck Distinct profile on the uppermost section of a tool used for running or recovery of equipment within well bore Fishing Tools Equipment used in the recovery of stuck tools or objects from the well bore. Flow Control Equipment used in the management of hydrocarbon flow within the completion string. G The rotational position of perforating gun charges H HPHT High pressure / High Temperature wells. Generally used for wells with temperatures exceding 350F and wellhead pressures of 10k psi or greater I Device used to isolate a section of the completion string or well bore. J Applying a shock load impact through manipulation of toolstring components. K Knuckle Joint A tool that can be included within a toolstring to provide some articulation to allow tools to travel freely pasted kinks or bends within the wellbore L Detecting a leak path from within the completion producing bore to annulus M A tool set by purely mechanical manipulation of toolstring. Monobore A completion string with minimal restrictions. Generally the only restriction being through the sub-surface safety valve. N [PAGE] Title: After-Sales Support | Peak Well Systems Content: Flow Control Well Integrity Production Enhancement Well Intervention Bespoke Products > After-Sales Support Rentals After-sales support Peak Well Systems prides itself on providing a superior level of customer service that always meets and usually exceeds the expectations of our customers around the world. Using Peak products is about building partnerships with Peak and feeling assured that you are working with specialists that understand the challenges - before, during, and after deployment. Customers can benefit from a range of after-sales support options: [PAGE] Title: Standing Valve | Peak Well Systems Content: > Standing Valve FloSafe Lock Mandrel Standing Valve The Peak Standing Valve was designed to address an industry need for a suitably sized Standing Valve for use within a DST string to allow maximum throughbore. Differing from a standing valve that locks into a nipple profile, the Peak Standing Valve is a sit-on No-Go design that can be used to test the integrity of tubing connections and downhole jewellery situated above the standing valve. The design does not incorporate any lock-out feature and so allows the wire and toolstring to remain attached to the standing valve during pressure test operations to minimize deployment and recovery time. The Peak Standing Valve can also be designed to fit any standard Top No-Go or Bottom No-Go profile nipple with a seal bore. Features & Benefits Integral equalizing feature to prevent pulling against any hydrostatic head Standard rope socket fishing neck allowing running and recovery on standard pulling tools; no special running tool required Spring-on-ball design is suitable for high deviation applications Reduces NPT by remaining latched onto standing valve during testing Product Code: 304 [PAGE] Title: Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing | Peak Well Systems Content: Fishing Systems Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing FRC GLV Pulling Tool HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Up) HD FRC Pulling Tool (Jar Down) DJD FRC Pulling Tool Double Jar Down Adaptor HD Pulling System IN FRC Pulling Tool Heavy-Duty Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Overshot Heavy-Duty Releasable Spear Heavy-Duty Non-Releasable Spear Wireline Retrieval System Wireline Centre Spear Tapered Wire Retriever Multi-Pin Running Tool HD Dual Fish Neck Sub Multi-Action Top Sub (MAT Sub) > Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing IB Orientation Indicator Indexing Tool Tubing End Locator Sidewall Cutter Peak Cutter Peak eCutter High-Pressure Peak eCutter Heavy-Duty Peak eCutter Pump Down Go-Devil Peak Impression Block (PIB) Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing The Integral Bell Guide Bottom Housing is fitted to tools to increase the effective diameter of the tool inside larger tubing and casing diameters. Applications For use in conjunction with Peak and third-party tools inside larger ID tubing and casing Features & Benefits Increase the effective catchment area of the tool skirt Fits directly to the tool body Supplied in any diameter to suit customer requirements Fluted option for fluid bypass Roller option for use in high-angle deviated wells Robust design [PAGE] Title: UHD Knuckle Joint | Peak Well Systems Content: Premium Utility Toolstring UHD Knuckle Joint Compact Toolstring Slickline Rope Socket Slick & Swivel Rope Socket Braided Line Rope Socket Braided Line Multi-Function Rope Socket Accelerator Knuckle Joint Swivel Bearing Swivel Stem Tungsten Stem Pump Down Stem Modular Drop Bar System (Go-Devil) Power Jar Hydraulic Calibration Sub Spang Jar Tubular Jar Linear Jar Crossover Quick Connect (QC) UHD Multi-Function Shear Pin Rope Socket UHD Accelerator > UHD Knuckle Joint UHD Power Jar UHD Linear Jar Safe Enclosed Pull Test Sub Gauge Cutter Blind Box Combination Gauge Ring & Wire Scratcher GS Pulling Tool Hydraulic Jar Multi-Action Pulling (MAP) Tool FlexiDrift Bore-Sensing Drift eMAT/GS Tool UHD Knuckle Joint The Ultra-Heavy-Duty (UHD) Knuckle Joint, when incorporated into a wireline toolstring, provides flexibility in high angle, deviated wellbores. The UHD Knuckle Joint incorporates several design features including integral grease nipple to ensure internal components are continuously lubricated for a prolonged working and storage period. Critical internal components of the UHD Knuckle Joint are also electroless nickel-plated to further assist in prevention of internal corrosion which is common with standard knuckle joints.Applications To provide flexibility in a wireline toolstring to assist conveyance in high angle, deviated wellbores Features & Benefits Integral grease nipple to ensure easy lubrication and prevent corrosion Critical components ENP treated to further assist in prevention of internal corrosion Integral primary and contingent Peak heavy-duty fish necks on all components which have a 60% increased load bearing area compared to standard fish necks, improving overall strength Supplied with Peak 2 11/16-in UHD QC connections Product Code: 125 [PAGE] Title: Peak Impression Block Video | Peak Well Systems Content: Peak TV Peak Impression Block Video
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It is designed to cut cleanly above the toolstring assembly - safely and reliably - and allow the upper section of the wire/cable to be recovered quickly to surface.Applications Deployment in the event that a toolstring becomes stuck downhole Recovery of wire or cable from situations where wire or tools have been blown up hole Deployment in subsea wells where the Peak Cutter is held as a contingency within a tool catcher integral to the seabed well control package Features & Benefits Incorporates an integral non-hydraulic, non-pyrotechnic power charge, a contingent cutting arrangement and integral wire/cable clamp assembly No need for explosives, so the Peak Cutter is also safe to deploy Capable of cutting all industry wire from 0.108-in slickline up to 5/16-in heavy-duty Dyform cable Supplied with three retaining plates which cover full 0.108-in – 0.312-in range of tool Rollerized versions are available on request subject to completion size Simple field redress Supplied with safety clamp for secure and safe handling at the well site Offers an accurate and reliable result, particularly when deployed in high viscous fluids and deviated wells Available for rapid rental with immediate mobilization Does not require radio silence Product Code: 215 In order to achieve this, we have a set of core values that underpin every aspect of our business: People—We are a motivated and committed team—this is a core pillar of our success. A Belleville Washer assembly creates a pre-load tension to ensure there is very little movement of the termination during upward and downward jarring.Applications For use with braided line operations Features & Benefits Integral Rope Socket and Swivel: Reduces overall toolstring length and ensuring a swivel is incorporated into the braided line toolstring One piece Slip and Initiator Clamp arrangement for ease of use and inventory reduction Heavy-duty thrust bearings: Enhance rotation under load Integral grease nipple: Allows easy lubrication and prevent corrosion Critical components ENP treated to further assist in prevention of internal corrosion Assembly/disassembly Tool provided for simple cable termination and break out Heavy-duty robust design Integral Belleville Spring design to guarantee positive load maintained on thrust bearings to ensure continuous rotation Debris Rings to prevent ingress of foreign matter Swivel components are supported at rotation point to prevent lateral movement and wear Third-party proprietary connections available to suit customer requirements Product Code: 123 Title: News & Press Releases | Peak Well Systems Content: About Peak News & Press Releases News & Press Releases Schlumberger Acquires Peak Well Systems Peak’s advanced flow control products and well intervention solutions expand Production Services portfolio HOUSTON, January 5, 2016—Schlumberger today announced the acquisition of Peak Well Systems (Peak), a leading specialist in the design and deve… Posted on 05/01/2017 by Peak Peak’s new IRIS-3D technology wins the Energy Institute’s Innovation Award ABERDEEN, UNITED KINGDOM - Peak Well Systems (“Peak”), a leading specialist in the design and development of advanced downhole tools for well intervention, is delighted to announce that its IRIS-3D technology has won the Innovation Award at the annua… Posted on 11/11/2016 by Peak Peak Customer commissions Peak to undertake gas testing of the 4-1/2” and 5-1/2” SIMULTRA Retrievable Bridge Plug PERTH, AUSTRALIA - Peak Well Systems (“Peak”), a leading specialist in the design and development of advanced downhole tools for well intervention, announces that it has been commissioned by an international oil company (the “Customer”) to undertake … Posted on 23/08/2016 by Peak Peak’s 5-1/2” SIMULTRA Retrievable Bridge Plug receives V0 certification PERTH, AUSTRALIA - Peak Well Systems (“Peak”), a leading specialist in the design and development of advanced downhole tools for well intervention, has reached another important milestone in the development program for its SIMULTRA range of retrievab… Posted on 30/06/2016 by Peak Peak’s SIMULTRA Retrievable Bridge Plug receives V0 certification at 10kpsi PERTH, AUSTRALIA - Peak Well Systems (“Peak”), a leading specialist in the design and development of advanced downhole tools for well intervention, has reached a major milestone in the development program for its SIMULTRA range of retrievable bridge … Posted on 26/04/2016 by Peak Peak appoints Neil Poxon as Global Business Development Director PERTH, AUSTRALIA. Should the Rope Socket and toolstring be left in the well due to any unforeseen circumstances and the wire has been recovered, the HD FRC Pulling Tool can be run to engage the Peak HD Dual Fish Neck and if required, prolonged, heavy jarring can be carried out to recover the toolstring.Applications To provide connection of the wireline to the toolstring Features & Benefits Robust Pear Drop and Sleeve feature to maintain form and ensure continuous performance The Peak signature HD Dual Fish Neck allows use of both standard pulling tools and Peak HD FRC Pulling Tool range for recovery Suits all wire sizes Third-party proprietary connections available to suit customer requirements Product Code: 123 Title: Tubing Alignment Tool | Peak Well Systems Content: Leak Detection Tool > Tubing Alignment Tool Tubing Alignment Tool The Peak Tubing Alignment Tool is designed to realign and create a conduit across parted tubing, allowing remedial work to be conducted below the tubing break.The tool does not create a pressure seal as it is designed primarily to allow a deep set barrier to be placed below the tubing break in order to make the well safe prior to further remedial intervention.The design of the Tubing Alignment Tool is highly subject to each individual application, dependent on location and nature of the tubing break.Applications Restoring well integrity in older ‘brown’ fields Allowing the setting of deep set barrier below break in completion tubing to make well safe Making wells safe prior to rig conducting workover Features & Benefits Simple slickline deployment and installation Can be recovered to surface if required Flexible design that allows for easy in-field set up once the length of the tubing gap is ascertained Can be supplied with various options for landing-off in the upper section of tubing Maximum through bore to allow passage of deep set plug on slickline or e-line Will pass through most standard TRSCSSSV nipples Recovered using standard GS-type Pulling Tool Locking and No-Go fingers can be included for added retention Tailor made solutions for all tubing sizes Product Code: 290 As the jar fires, the stored energy accelerates the toolstring increasing impact on the fish or downhole device to be recovered.Applications For use with ultra-heavy-duty braided line operations Features & Benefits Unique ‘over-stress limiting’ feature dramatically increases the working life of the Belleville Washer configuration and accelerator components by preventing excessive stress on critical parts Unique ‘over-stress limiting’ feature provides a consistently high impact without performance deterioration when used in conjunction with the UHD Power Jar Unique ‘over-stress limiting’ feature removes 'in-operation' redress time and cost commonly associated and required with standard accelerators Optimum usage configuration with standard or high-load accelerator set up options Increased stroke length compared to most readily available accelerators improving jar impact Integral primary and contingent Peak heavy-duty fish necks on all components which have a 60% increased load bearing area compared to standard fish necks, improving overall strength Interchangeable Belleville Washers Supplied with Peak 2 11/16-in UHD QC connections Product Code: 124 Title: Plug Systems | Peak Well Systems Content: > Plug Systems Deployment Systems Straddle Systems Accessories Plug Systems Plug systems from Peak Well Systems provide a high quality, safe barrier within the wellbore, delivering ultimate flexibility for well intervention, remediation and well integrity operations. The UHD Linear Jar is specifically designed for use with braided line work where line speed is often minimal and in conjunction with the UHD Power Jar and Peak’s WellGlide for improved overall friction reducing performance during heavy-duty fishing operations.Applications For use with ultra-heavy-duty braided line operations For use in high-angle, deviated wells to enable a smooth bi-directional stroke to effectively carry out routine wireline and heavy-duty braided line fishing operations Ideal for use during fishing operations, when the design of standard spang jars could be impeded by wire, debris or other foreign matter in the tubing Designed for use in conjunction with the UHD Power Jar and Peak’s WellGlide for improved overall friction reducing performance Features & Benefits Peak Integral Dual Roller System designed to enable a near frictionless jar stroke to increase effective impact force particularly in high-angle, deviated wells Supplied with Peak  2 11/16-in UHD QC connections Product Code: 120 The Multi Shear Pin Release Sub allows the cable and upper rope socket assembly to be recovered should the toolstring become stuck, leaving a clean heavy-duty fish neck that can be recovered using the Heavy-Duty Full Radial Contact (HD FRC) Pulling Tool.Applications For use with ultra-heavy-duty braided line operations Features & Benefits Integral rope socket and swivel: Reduces overall toolstring length and ensuring a swivel is incorporated into the braided line toolstring One piece slip and initiator clamp arrangement for ease of use and inventory reduction Integral primary and contingent Peak HD Fish Neck which has a 60% increased load bearing area compared to standard fish necks, improving overall strength Multi Shear Pin options to suit operational application for mechanical release Heavy-duty tapered roller bearings for enhanced rotation under load Integral grease nipple to allow easy lubrication and prevent corrosion Critical components ENP treated to further assist in prevention of internal corrosion Assembly/disassembly tool provided for simple cable termination and break out Supplied with Peak 2 11/16-in UHD QC connection Product Code: 123 Title: Deployment Systems | Peak Well Systems Content: Plug Systems > Deployment Systems Straddle Systems Deployment Systems Peak products are deployed using running tools that enable the user to land-off the toolstring at any desired depth within the tubing. Applications Drifting wells before intervention runs to measure actual minimum ID in the path to target depth Features & benefits Simple to use: keys can be adjusted easily at the wellsite Robust design: can be run multiple times Flexible: can be supplied in all standard industry connection types Reduced inventory: one tool covers a wellbore ID measuring range of 2.300 in to 1.900 in Cost-effective: minimal working parts result in simple and rapid redress in the field Product Code: 153 Title: Deployment Systems | Peak Well Systems Content: Plug Systems > Deployment Systems Straddle Systems Accessories Deployment Systems Peak products are deployed using running tools that enable the user to land-off the toolstring at any desired depth within the tubing. Title: Deployment Systems | Peak Well Systems Content: Plug Systems > Deployment Systems Straddle Systems Accessories Deployment Systems Peak products are deployed using Running Tools that enable the user to land-off the toolstring at any desired depth within the tubing. The simple design of our plugs ensures they can be easily and quickly redressed in remote locations without the need for specialist tools. Title: Plug Systems | Peak Well Systems Content: > Plug Systems Deployment Systems Straddle Systems Plug Systems Plug systems from Peak Well Systems provide a high quality, safe barrier within the wellbore, delivering ultimate flexibility for well intervention, remediation and well integrity operations. Applications Ensures no unforeseen obstructions in the well prior to well intervention Verification of well ID Features & benefits Simple to use: Easily adjustable at well site to within 10 thou of desired diameter Better extension range: Provides the highest radial contact across the widest operating range of required drift sizes Robust design: Can be run multiple times for multiple applications Reduced inventory: Available in three standard tool sizes to suit drift diameters ranging from 2.000 in – 5.750 in Reliable retrieval: Emergency shear out function allows drift to collapse to minimum ID by jarring up - even in high deviation wells and those with a high level of scale or debris Fully field redressable Can be supplied in all standard industry connection types Allows for bypass of fluid Product Code: 153 Features & Benefits Peak HD Fish Neck has a 60% increased load bearing area compared to standard fish necks and is designed for use in conjunction with the Peak HD FRC Pulling Tool 45-degree profile of the Peak HD Fish Neck assists in tool release after prolonged upward jarring 45-degree profile of the Peak HD Fish Neck assists in tool release at high angles in deviated wellbores Conventional upper neck profile for use with industry standard running and pulling tools Bottom connection supplied to suit customer requirements Robust design Title: Plug Systems | Peak Well Systems Content: > Plug Systems Deployment Systems Straddle Systems Accessories Plug Systems Plug systems from Peak Well Systems provide a high quality, safe barrier within the wellbore, delivering ultimate flexibility for well intervention, remediation and well integrity operations. We will challenge you to deliver your potential and, where appropriate, provide you with the training and development you may need to achieve this.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: About us | Dreamtel Broadband Service Content: Home » About Us Dream Weavers Group has consummate its unbeaten presence in North and West India in different sectors and banged with tremendous milestones. Prolong it’s diversify portfolio with extensive domain knowledge, dedication and core professional team we are successfully embarked our presence in market. With the addition of a new quill at the name of DreamTel in its chronicle, it is exhibiting its roadmap. Apna Telelink Pvt. Ltd (DreamTel) an Internet and Internet Telephony service provider is a venture of Dream Weavers Group. DreamTel is paving its success with enthusiastic workforce, extensive telecom network, and superior MIMO and OFDM technology offering incredibly best global communication and internet services. We are stepped into rivulet of broadband and internet solutions with the combination of latest technologies, competency and domain knowledge. Apna Telelink Pvt. Ltd. has ISP license for Pan Punjab, it has serves the extensive portfolio of high-capacity, integrated convergent (voice, data and video) digital network, to offer services spanning the entire infocomm value chain. We specialize in catering VOIP communication and Hi-Speed wireless Internet solutions which is futuristic technology and gives upto 100 Mbps throughput to the clients. DreamTel reaffirm its commitment to give unbreakable and hi-speed internet service with zero percent error. Our distinctive approaches are “bestow quality service” at “cheapest bucks” which makes DreamTel unique from the crowd. Vision The vision of DreamTel is to be universally admired & benchmarked as a finest service provider Provide innovative and finest products and services to our clients at exceptional value. Provide a pleasant, nurturing and growth oriented environment to DreamTel personnel Business operations of the highest integrity, forging an enduring and profitable relationship with customer Mission Our focus is invention and implementation of world class latest technology in VOIP and Internet services to cater the need of rural and urban expanse and to sustain vision and mission by constantly seeking enhancement via continuous edification and learning, application of novel technologies and paramount business practices. CALL ABROAD AT CHEAPEST RATES (INR) Internet Services [PAGE] Title: DreamTel Making World Move Faster Content: Home » FAQ's Can I recharge my account any time ? Yes, you can recharge your account 24 hours a day 7 days a week. When you are ready, you can top-up your account online, or by contacting our customer services. Will my wireless airtime be used when I place a call using my DreamTel Pin less/Pin based dialing account? Yes, you will be using your wireless airtime when you use your account, but why not call during your free nights and weekends! For the international portion of your call made on our network, you will be charged our great international rates and you will save more than 95%! Are there any monthly charges? There are no monthly charges. Will my DreamTel Pin less/Pin based dialing account expire? As long as you recharge your account at least once every 120 days, your account will not expire. Account will expire if you do not recharge with in 120 days from the date of purchase or 120 days from last recharge. You need to pay connection charges after 1 year in case of DreamTel to DreamTel phone. Will the rates be same 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Yes, you get the same low rates no matter when you call. Why some countries have higher mobile rate? In some countries mobile users do not pay to receive a call on their mobile phone. This is known as calling party pays. Mobile carriers therefore charge more to the calling party to connect the call. Can I get the similar rates calling from my home phone? Yes, we provide you an access number, also called as DID number to dial from your home phone. But you need to register home phone to your DreamTel Pin less/Pin based dialing account. How quickly can I use the service after registration? Once the registration is successful, account is ready to use. Is it safe to purchase your services over the Internet? DreamTel makes it possible for sensitive data to be safely transmitted over the Internet. The information is encrypted using proprietary and secure sockets layer (SSL) technology. What are the billing increments? Calls are billed in one-minute increments. How do I view my account information on-line? To view your call records and recharge menus, click on Login and then enter your mobile number as user name and the provided password in password field. Can I use my mobile phone to make long distance calls using Pin less/Pin based dialing? Will I be charged same rates? Yes, you can use your mobile phone to make calls using the Pin less/Pin based dialing which is designed to provide long distance services for mobile users. The charge remains the same as published for long distance services in our website. You can have a list of access number also called DID numbers from our website. Do I need to take any precautions while using my mobile ? If so what? While making calls using our DreamTel service, when our system prompts to enter destination phone number, enter the number and after entering the number do not press the call or dial button in your mobile phone. This will disconnect the already connected call and use the mobile providers long distance service, if you have the option. Please note that our system doesn't prompt to press any button after the destination number. Kindly directly dial your country code without adding + or 00 numbers. How can I make calls easily, using my mobile phone number? You can store our access number in phonebook memory. Call the number and listen the system prompt to enter the destination number and enter the numbers. Press the # key to make the dialing process faster. Do not press the call or dial button after the number as this will disconnect the call and connects your local provider's long distance service which may be expensive. Other Questions? If you have any questions, please call our Customer Care (US) at 8455704991 and Customer Care (Canada) at 4164772149, 24hours a day, 7 days a week. CALL ABROAD AT CHEAPEST RATES (INR) Internet Services [PAGE] Title: DreamTel Making World Move Faster Content: DreamTel stores are neat & well maintained 2). DreamTel products & services are true worth for money 3). DreamTel Representatives (DRs) are knowledgeable & responsive 4). DreamTel Representatives (DRs) are enthusiastic and cheerful 5). I find DRs capable to handle my queries and concerns 6). DreamTel network coverage and quality is good 7). I would recommend DreamTel to my friends Any specific feedback you would like to share with us concerning DreamTel products and services (Give a brief detail in the box below) CALL ABROAD AT CHEAPEST RATES (INR) Internet Services [PAGE] Title: DreamTel Making World Move Faster Content: Website Designed & Maintained by DREAM BUSINESS SYSTEMS Get in touch Please get in touch with us for additional information about DreamTel and our services. We’re based in Jalandhar [PAGE] Title: DreamTel Making World Move Faster Content: Website Designed & Maintained by DREAM BUSINESS SYSTEMS Get in touch Please get in touch with us for additional information about DreamTel and our services. We’re based in Jalandhar [PAGE] Title: DreamTel Making World Move Faster Content: Home » Smart Home At DreamTel, we believe in providing the end users with technology integrated with expertise and a mission to create smart IOTs. Our automation and control solutions for buildings and homes let people control entire environment simply by the push of a button. The systems are loaded with various features such as light control, light intensity control, security, temperature and humidity sensing along with motion and contact sensing as well through IR transmitters to provide greater comfort, expediency and safety. The products designed are built to work together as an absolute system, enabling the end users to scrutinize, administer, and control everything from a single platform. From being in business for more than a decade, we have thrived to set ourselves apart from other home automation businesses. Smart Homes Concept in India is flourishing and we are becoming the prominent technological support for building smart city in many areas domestically, our vision is to enable everyone to truly sense the world for which we design various sensors available all over the globe. We are here to help you build a smart home so that it can make a difference in your life. We define a complete smart home as one that has the heating/air conditioning, lighting, secure access control, telephone, entertainment, irrigation and security systems connected to a tab/smart phone with an eveready wireless connection and software that enables the operation of all systems using a tab/smart phone. The smart gadget is programmed to automatically operate some systems by time or events or manually as desired. Over the years, our technology has evolved and our company has grown, but our goal remains the same. We think energy management at home should save you money, not cost you money. Hence, we have come up with a technology that can help the owner control and monitor his home from any location in the world merely by having an authorized access. That way you not only save money on your utilities, but you can also do good for the environment, increase your home safety, and get the peace of mind that you deserve. With Dreamtel home automation, you really control everything the way it should be controlled and we’ll always be right behind you. Contact us For general inquiries, please call us at 0181-7102777. You can also email us anytime, and we’ll route your questions to the person best suited to help you. CALL ABROAD AT CHEAPEST RATES (INR) Internet Services [PAGE] Title: Apply for New Connection | Dreamtel Internet Service Content: Website Designed & Maintained by DREAM BUSINESS SYSTEMS Get in touch Please get in touch with us for additional information about DreamTel and our services. We’re based in Jalandhar [PAGE] Title: DreamTel Making World Move Faster Content: Website Designed & Maintained by DREAM BUSINESS SYSTEMS Get in touch Please get in touch with us for additional information about DreamTel and our services. We’re based in Jalandhar [PAGE] Title: DreamTel Making World Move Faster Content: For Becoming our Privileged Channel Partner Please Contact at +91 0181-7102777 For Becoming our Privileged Franchisee Partner Please Contact at +91 0181-7102777 To download Franchisee Application Form , click here Notes: Your form should be complete. We reserve the right at our sole discretion to accept or deny such application. If you are qualified, we will process your application and contact you. The authorization may take 3 to 5 days. Courier the filled Franchisee Application Form at Apna Telelink Pvt. Ltd, sco 1-12, 4th floor, PPR Mall, Mithapur Road, Jalandhar. Personal Information [PAGE] Title: DreamTel Making World Move Faster Content: Home » Leased Line DreamTel Leased Line DreamTel offers corporate internet service for business users. It is a lucrative & finest Internet offering designed to meet dedicated bandwidth requirements to support critical business applications. It can simply span short or long distances. This service extends following benefits to our corporate customers : Guaranteed 1:1 bandwidth [PAGE] Title: Best Broadband Service in Punjab | Dreamtel Broadband Content: Discover how you can modify your home to a smart home to suit your family's needs, enjoy a modish and comfortable lifestyle, save energy and secure your residence Add Speed to your online life with 100mpbs* Wireless TURBO Broadband. Upto 100 mbps* Its true, World is a smaller place Call anywhere in the world in less than 10Paisa/Sec SMART PEOPLE, [PAGE] Title: High Speed Broadband Service Provider | Unlimited Broadband Service Content: Home » Broadband DreamTel Wi-Fi/Internet broadband service allows you to browse the Internet just about anytime anywhere, without using wires. With DreamTel Wi-Fi/Internet broadband service you can access the Internet through a wireless router. DreamTel offers a wide range of Wi-Fi internet broadband plans suiting the need of the consumer segment both residential and commercial. Features [PAGE] Title: Contact Us | Dreamtel Broadband Content: Hira Colony Road, Near Gulati Nursing Home, Hoshiarpur, Contact No:- 9855547771 Jalandhar Grover Communication Grover Communication, Shop No. 1&2, Outside Seth Hukam Chand Colony, Maqusadan, Jalandhar Contact No. - 9876041410 M/S Internet World (Franchisee) Mr. Raj Kumar Madaan, # 14, Gopal Nagar, Near Gazigulla Chowk, Adjoining Parkash Ice cream, Jalandhar, Punjab Mob. 9815966083 Raj Enterprises Hoshiarpur road, Opp- Johal Hospital, Rama Mandi, Jalandhar. 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Phone No:98550-66614,98035-12285 Malsian Brothers Communication DreamTel, 1st Floor, Shop No. 5, Baba Mast Ram Market, Opp. Police Station, Shahkot.Mob: - +918847070205, 9780952868 and 8847368127 Mehatpur Sood Moblie Repair, Asmailpur Road, Mehatpur Phone No : 98148-92222 Moga Ishwar Chowk, Akalsar Road, Moga Contact No. 9217519026, 9780211813, 9041211813 Mullanpur Sran computers Shop no. 2 and 3 GTB college road, Adjoining BSNL exchange, Mullanpur Dakha. Phone No.: 9779910116/ 9814410116 Nakodar Wadhwa Tower Post office Road , Nakodar 01821292792 Nihal Singh Wala R.S.Computer opp water works, Hospital road Nihal singh Wala. Sukhwinder Singh Mb No: 9872281361 Noormahal Maa Durga Music Centre ,Near New Bus Stand ,Noormahal Phone No:90415-91625 Phagwara 2 Main Bazaar Mehli Gate Near Dr. Ustaad Phagwara. Contact Person. :- Ishant Contact Number. :- 6239723196/8558870701 Phillaur M.S NETWORLD J.S Hayre Market, Opp Nana Printing Press, Akalpur Road, Near New Gas Agency, Phillaur. Phone No.: 9878599008 Shahkot Brothers Communication DreamTel, 1st Floor, Shop No. 5, Baba Mast Ram Market, Opp. Police Station, Shahkot.Mob: - +918847070205, 9780952868 and 8847368127 Sultanpur Opp. Mehfil Restaurant Kapurthala Road,Sultanpur Lodhi Phone no.: 9815222544 Tanda M/S Kaloty Computers And Telecom Opp. Govt College Main Gate, New Market, Darapur Byepass, Urmar, Teh. Dasuya, 9815925002 International Offices
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Title: DreamTel Making World Move Faster Content: Home » FAQ's Can I recharge my account any time ? When you are ready, you can top-up your account online, or by contacting our customer services. For the international portion of your call made on our network, you will be charged our great international rates and you will save more than 95%! Can I get the similar rates calling from my home phone? Yes, we provide you an access number, also called as DID number to dial from your home phone. But you need to register home phone to your DreamTel Pin less/Pin based dialing account. Is it safe to purchase your services over the Internet? Can I use my mobile phone to make long distance calls using Pin less/Pin based dialing? Yes, you can use your mobile phone to make calls using the Pin less/Pin based dialing which is designed to provide long distance services for mobile users. While making calls using our DreamTel service, when our system prompts to enter destination phone number, enter the number and after entering the number do not press the call or dial button in your mobile phone. This will disconnect the already connected call and use the mobile providers long distance service, if you have the option. Do not press the call or dial button after the number as this will disconnect the call and connects your local provider's long distance service which may be expensive. That way you not only save money on your utilities, but you can also do good for the environment, increase your home safety, and get the peace of mind that you deserve. Title: Apply for New Connection | Dreamtel Internet Service Content: Website Designed & Maintained by DREAM BUSINESS SYSTEMS Get in touch Please get in touch with us for additional information about DreamTel and our services. If you are qualified, we will process your application and contact you. With DreamTel Wi-Fi/Internet broadband service you can access the Internet through a wireless router. Title: Contact Us | Dreamtel Broadband Content: Hira Colony Road, Near Gulati Nursing Home, Hoshiarpur, Contact No:- 9855547771 Jalandhar Grover Communication Grover Communication, Shop No. Phone No. J.S Hayre Market, Opp Nana Printing Press, Akalpur Road, Near New Gas Agency, Phillaur. Phone No.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Size Guide – DANIELLA SHEVEL Content: Terms & Conditions Subscribe Sign up for exclusive access to new drops, offers, events & $30 off your first order for signing up. Right arrow long [PAGE] Title: Everyday – DANIELLA SHEVEL Content: Terms & Conditions Subscribe Sign up for exclusive access to new drops, offers, events & $30 off your first order for signing up. Right arrow long [PAGE] Title: Prints – DANIELLA SHEVEL Content: Terms & Conditions Subscribe Sign up for exclusive access to new drops, offers, events & $30 off your first order for signing up. Right arrow long [PAGE] Title: IN THE PRESS – DANIELLA SHEVEL Content: Terms & Conditions Subscribe Sign up for exclusive access to new drops, offers, events & $30 off your first order for signing up. Right arrow long [PAGE] Title: Top picks – DANIELLA SHEVEL Content: Terms & Conditions Subscribe Sign up for exclusive access to new drops, offers, events & $30 off your first order for signing up. Right arrow long [PAGE] Title: Reviews – DANIELLA SHEVEL Content: Terms & Conditions Subscribe Sign up for exclusive access to new drops, offers, events & $30 off your first order for signing up. Right arrow long [PAGE] Title: Sustainable practices at DANIELLA SHEVEL shoes and footwear Content: Learn More Buy less, buy better. As a small business we feel a huge responsibility to be part of the solution. It’s necessary that as an industry we collectively set new and better standards to offset the environmental and social impacts of the fashion system. 300 million pairs of shoes are estimated to end up in our landfills each year in the U.S. On the other hand, according to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the number of children around the world who have never owned a pair of shoes is about 300 million. Our Process Actions speak louder than words. Small batch production Our small-batch production slows down the fashion cycle and ensures that we don’t overproduce styles which eventually end up as unnecessary waste in our landfills. Craftsmanship & protecting our artisans go hand in hand We choose to work with factory partners who uphold high standards when it comes to craftsmanship, living wages, high-quality production, and good working conditions. Quality matters Our pieces are made to last so that you can buy less, buy better, and get more wear from your shoes for years to come. Our factory partners Our shoes are produced in Italy and Brazil. We work with smaller factories which are able to support our small-batch production and are primarily family run and owned. Each has about 3-20 artisans and has passed down the skills and craftsmanship from one generation to the next. Through these close relationships we make a conscious effort to stay away from overseas shoe production hubs where cheap labor and environmental control aren’t properly managed or regulated. All our factory employees are paid living wages which are monitored and set by the Brazilian and Italian footwear sectors. Leather & vegan leather We offer styles in both vegan and real leather. Our leather is 100% a by-product of the meat industry, and we don’t use any exotic skins or leathers where animals are killed solely for their skins. Our vegan leather options are continuing to increase seasonally, and while they also have their environmental setbacks, we continue to experiment with plant-based materials such as cactus leather. The reality is that plant-based leathers would solve many issues that vegan and real leather can’t such as the chemical-heavy tanning process; however, the quality and technology of the product isn’t perfected yet for footwear. We continue to prototype and test these new materials as they become available to be at the forefront of new innovative materials to help the environment. Reducing our carbon footprint We partner with EcoCart to empower our community to make your order 100% carbon neutral. By opting into our EcoCart box at checkout, for only $2-$4 you can make your order 100% carbon neutral. When we say your order is "carbon neutral" or "net zero", this means we will eliminate, capture, or otherwise mitigate all carbon emissions created from making each pair and shipping them to your door. Each time someone checks the carbon-neutral box at checkout, we will automatically purchase verified emissions reductions, more commonly known as “offsets” through our friends at EcoCart. These purchases support environmental projects, like wind and solar farms that create clean energy, or protecting trees that would otherwise be cut down so that they can continue to absorb carbon from the air. We give you information about the project your specific donation is supporting, so you know your money is going to the right place. Helping to dispose of your shoes We can start getting this right immediately The shoe disposal process causes significant pollution, and as a footwear industry, we must find better ways to repurpose shoes and/or materials. There are multiple ways to recycle your shoes and one of our favorite non-profit organizations is Soles4Souls who help to prevent pairs overfilling landfills, providing shoes to those in need and creating jobs through the resale of used pairs. In an effort to help encourage the upcycling of your shoes and reducing waste in our landfills we offer a $50 credit for every 5 pairs that you donate to Soles4Souls. OR For every $250 donated to Soles4Souls we will match with a $50 credit toward a purchase of our shoes. How to get your $50 credit Help save our planet 1. For shoe donations got to: . There are various drop off locations or they can be mailed in for free. For donating funds please go to this link: . Please send us the donation receipt once submitted. One $50 credit per order allowed. 2. For mailing in shoes please take a picture of the shipping label and email us the image to [email protected] with the subject line: Soles4Souls donation. If dropping off at a location, please send us the email communication you have with that area district personnel so we can confirm with them and then we will issue the $50 credit to you to use towards your next purchase. 3. Please make sure to list DANIELLA SHEVEL on your donor form to get the credit. Get your $50 credit: Donate Funds The bottom line Our price point reflects the craftsmanship, long lasting, best in class materials and fair trade that happens at every step of our shoe making process. Supporting small businesses like ours help to make the supply chain & industry more competitive while providing growth opportunities for businesses that consider the environmental impact of their processes and don’t just produce for the sake of high growth at the lowest cost—without regard for the environmental and human tradeoffs as a result. We aim to continue to set new standards and truly appreciate your support. Need some help? [PAGE] Title: Best sellers – DANIELLA SHEVEL Content: Terms & Conditions Subscribe Sign up for exclusive access to new drops, offers, events & $30 off your first order for signing up. Right arrow long [PAGE] Title: Join our VIP shoe club 👠 – DANIELLA SHEVEL Content: Terms & Conditions Subscribe Sign up for exclusive access to new drops, offers, events & $30 off your first order for signing up. Right arrow long [PAGE] Title: How to recycle and dispose of your shoes – DANIELLA SHEVEL Content: Helping to dispose of your shoes Upcycling your old pairs & a $50 credit The shoe disposal process causes significant pollution, and as a footwear industry, we must find better ways to repurpose shoes and/or materials. There are multiple ways to recycle your shoes and one of our favorite non-profit organizations is Soles4Souls who help to prevent pairs overfilling landfills, providing shoes to those in need and creating jobs through the resale of used pairs. In an effort to help encourage the upcycling of your shoes and reducing waste in our landfills we offer a $50 credit for every 5 pairs that you donate to Soles4Souls. OR For every $250 donated to Soles4Souls we will match with a $50 credit toward a purchase of our shoes. How to get your $50 credit Help save our planet 1. For shoe donations got to: . There are various drop off locations or they can be mailed in for free. For donating funds please go to this link: . Please send us the donation receipt once submitted. One $50 credit per order allowed. 2. For mailing in shoes please take a picture of the shipping label and email us the image to [email protected] with the subject line: Soles4Souls donation. If dropping off at a location, please send us the email communication you have with that area district personnel so we can confirm with them and then we will issue the $50 credit to you to use towards your next purchase. 3. Please make sure to list DANIELLA SHEVEL on your donor form to get the credit. Get your $50 credit: [PAGE] Title: Wedding shoes – DANIELLA SHEVEL Content: Terms & Conditions Subscribe Sign up for exclusive access to new drops, offers, events & $30 off your first order for signing up. Right arrow long [PAGE] Title: Shipping Information – DANIELLA SHEVEL Content: Shipping Information FREE SHIPPING IN THE US We offer free UPS ground shipping on all orders shipped within the US. Orders placed before 12pm EST will be shipped out same day. Orders placed after 12pm EST will ship out the next business day. Please allow 3-7 business days for all ground shipping orders. Orders placed Friday - Sunday will ship out Monday. Currently we don’t offer delivery on weekends. EXPEDITED SHIPPING Expedited shipping options are available at checkout should you need your shoes sooner. INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING International shipping rates are calculated at checkout in real time. Our shoes are shipped from the US and are subject to taxes and duties as determined by the destination country. We remit all taxes and duties so your shoes aren't held up at customs when they arrive. POSSIBLE DELAYS We do our best to ensure the timely delivery of all orders. When selecting your shipping options for domestic and/or international orders, please bear in mind that we are only provided with an estimated delivery date from our carriers. On a rare occasion, these packages can arrive outside of the estimated timeframe. Need More Help? [PAGE] Title: Contact Us Today – DANIELLA SHEVEL Content: 353 Bleecker St., New York NY 10014 Hours 24/7 support. If we are unavailable please email us and we will respond within 5 hours. INQUIRIES [PAGE] Title: Shop all – DANIELLA SHEVEL Content: Terms & Conditions Subscribe Sign up for exclusive access to new drops, offers, events & $30 off your first order for signing up. Right arrow long [PAGE] Title: DS e-Gift Card – DANIELLA SHEVEL Content: Terms & Conditions Subscribe Sign up for exclusive access to new drops, offers, events & $30 off your first order for signing up. Right arrow long [PAGE] Title: Designer Shoes You Can Wear from Day to Night | DANIELLA SHEVEL Content: Terms & Conditions Subscribe Sign up for exclusive access to new drops, offers, events & $30 off your first order for signing up. Right arrow long [PAGE] Title: Vegan Shoes by Daniella Shevel – DANIELLA SHEVEL Content: Terms & Conditions Subscribe Sign up for exclusive access to new drops, offers, events & $30 off your first order for signing up. Right arrow long [PAGE] Title: AS SEEN ON – DANIELLA SHEVEL Content: Terms & Conditions Subscribe Sign up for exclusive access to new drops, offers, events & $30 off your first order for signing up. Right arrow long [PAGE] Title: Meet Daniella Shevel Women's Luxury Shoe Creator and Designer – DANIELLA SHEVEL Content: Hello there, I am Daniella, founder, designer and CEO. I wanted to personally introduce myself and tell you a little bit about what inspired me to create this brand. Born and raised in South Africa, I never in my wildest African dreams thought that I would end up in New York City designing my own shoe collection and running a direct-to-consumer shoe business. CC-BY-SA-4 I’ve always believed that it is important to invest in quality footwear that fits well and doesn’t hurt or cramp your feet. This idea started when I was really young with my mom who would caution me to wear proper shoes as I got older in order to avoid exacerbating issues like bunions. I want women to expect beautiful design and comfort from their shoes without compromise. I want women to have a brand that they know they can go to and trust that their shoes have been designed for REAL everyday life and not just the moments we see glamorized in movies and on Instagram. I approach every design with the intent to create something that's beautiful, proportional, flattering, and fit-tested for comfort. For example, sourcing thicker heels, adding extra cushion to insoles, and choosing the softest and highest quality materials. I personally try and fit each pair to test the exact pitch or steepness of a heel for better weight distribution. Every pair is made to be worn all day... every pair FUNCTIONAL. Our shoes aren’t seasonal. They are made to last. It isn’t worth the investment if you can’t wear a pair all day, and if it won’t last you season after season. Our small batch production ensures that we don't over produce, which is better for our environment and minimizes the waste that ends up in our landfills. My designs are feminine, bold and intended for you to feel beautiful when you wear them as they accentuate and celebrate the beautiful curves, and lines of our feet and legs. The secret sauce is that we couple this with an unflinching dedication to versatility and comfort. I made the choice early on to grow our business by selling directly to you primarily, because it enables us to keep our prices down by up to 50% for a product that is made exactly the same way that other luxury shoe brands make their shoes. Read More ...worn by the likes of celebrities like Hayley Kiyoko and influencers such as Mary Leest, who boasts 1 million followers on Instagram. And don’t let the heel height scare you; hidden inside is memory foam, so you’ll feel like you’re walking on clouds. When labeling a pair of boots as “amazing,” certain requirements must be met: flattering shape, season-less color, and unique details... Daniella Shevel is worthy of that label. These shoes are like the timeless leather jacket in your closet, an investment that will actually last! SEE MORE PRESS Why shoes? My parents, 3 younger siblings, and I immigrated from South Africa right before I started college in America. I graduated from USC with a business degree which felt like the right career move at the time despite the fact that in my heart I wanted to design shoes. I moved to New York and worked for 7 years on the business development & digital marketing teams for companies including Shopbop, ShopStyle, and rag&bone. At 28, I found myself stuck in a cycle of doing what looked good from the outside—a stable and well-paying job—but on the inside, I was miserable. I was yearning to make a bigger impact in an authentic way and I honestly couldn’t get shoes off of my mind. Something interesting had also happened while I was working long hours in the corporate fashion world. I had become very frustrated with the shoe industry. My feet were constantly hurting, and I felt female shoe designers were under-represented. I’m pretty short, and I enjoy wearing heels both day and night. I was constantly trying to find shoes that I wanted to wear without needing to carry an extra ‘flat’ pair to change into in the bathroom or on the subway. I left my corporate fashion job, packed my bags, took my design sketches, and went to Italy visiting one shoe factory after another. Every meeting would end in a “NO” from the factory. I couldn’t meet the order minimums, and the factories didn’t want to take the risk with a new, inexperienced designer. On top of this, I had to find a factory that would meet the high level of quality and craftsmanship that I knew I needed. Out of desperation, I sought advice from people in the footwear industry, and even those professionals told me not to waste my time or the money. I felt intimidated and embarrassed, but my gut said don’t give up. I just need one “YES”. After months of trying without a formal shoe design background, I finally got a ‘YES’ from an Italian factory, and soon I had my own shoe prototypes in hand. They were far from perfect, but suddenly my dream was becoming a reality as I held those first prototypes in my hands. I knew at this point I could make Daniella Shevel a reality. It is possible… I like to give some context and background on getting to this point because I know when I was starting out that if I had read a story like this that it would’ve meant so much to know that you can shape your journey, and that if you’re willing to put in the work and not give up that you can manifest what you think is impossible. As cliché as it sounds, it’s true. My favorite moments are when women try on our shoes for the first time and are shocked by how comfortable they are AND how beautiful they look on their feet. That’s when I know we are on the right track. We are so much more than our shoes, but if we walk in more comfort, we can do more throughout our days and get the most out of what we are pursuing. We are redefining what beauty and comfort feel like. With that said, I am always here to answer your questions and chat. Please feel free to get in touch anytime - I love hearing from you! [PAGE] Title: The classics – DANIELLA SHEVEL Content: Terms & Conditions Subscribe Sign up for exclusive access to new drops, offers, events & $30 off your first order for signing up. Right arrow long [PAGE] Title: Store location – DANIELLA SHEVEL Content: Terms & Conditions Subscribe Sign up for exclusive access to new drops, offers, events & $30 off your first order for signing up. Right arrow long
consumer & supply chain
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300 million pairs of shoes are estimated to end up in our landfills each year in the U.S. On the other hand, according to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the number of children around the world who have never owned a pair of shoes is about 300 million. We continue to prototype and test these new materials as they become available to be at the forefront of new innovative materials to help the environment. In an effort to help encourage the upcycling of your shoes and reducing waste in our landfills we offer a $50 credit for every 5 pairs that you donate to Soles4Souls. For every $250 donated to Soles4Souls we will match with a $50 credit toward a purchase of our shoes. If dropping off at a location, please send us the email communication you have with that area district personnel so we can confirm with them and then we will issue the $50 credit to you to use towards your next purchase. Title: How to recycle and dispose of your shoes – DANIELLA SHEVEL In an effort to help encourage the upcycling of your shoes and reducing waste in our landfills we offer a $50 credit for every 5 pairs that you donate to Soles4Souls. If dropping off at a location, please send us the email communication you have with that area district personnel so we can confirm with them and then we will issue the $50 credit to you to use towards your next purchase. Title: Shipping Information – DANIELLA SHEVEL Need More Help? Title: Designer Shoes You Can Wear from Day to Night | DANIELLA SHEVEL Title: Vegan Shoes by Daniella Shevel – DANIELLA SHEVEL It isn’t worth the investment if you can’t wear a pair all day, and if it won’t last you season after season. I graduated from USC with a business degree which felt like the right career move at the time despite the fact that in my heart I wanted to design shoes. On top of this, I had to find a factory that would meet the high level of quality and craftsmanship that I knew I needed. After months of trying without a formal shoe design background, I finally got a ‘YES’ from an Italian factory, and soon I had my own shoe prototypes in hand. It is possible… I like to give some context and background on getting to this point because I know when I was starting out that if I had read a story like this that it would’ve meant so much to know that you can shape your journey, and that if you’re willing to put in the work and not give up that you can manifest what you think is impossible. My favorite moments are when women try on our shoes for the first time and are shocked by how comfortable they are AND how beautiful they look on their feet. That’s when I know we are on the right track. We are so much more than our shoes, but if we walk in more comfort, we can do more throughout our days and get the most out of what we are pursuing.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Joist | Built for Contractors: Estimates, Invoices, & Payments App Content: Windows & Doors We’re on a Mission At Joist, we’re committed to helping contractors reach their full potential. We provide software solutions that make working with clients and managing business simple. Our mission is to empower contractors to be heroes, as they work hard to solve problems and find solutions for home and property owners every day. LEARN MORE Trusted by Contractors Like You So simple, professional, and gives the customer so many options to pay including financing and credit cards. It has upped my business sales 35%-45%.- Joe Goossens The solution to my problems! After trying many invoice apps, I finally came across this one after a friend of mine recommended it to me. It makes jobs flow easier because of its simplicity and great design. I would recommend this app to every contractor for any trade!- Desert Innovations Landscape Joist allows my customers to pay online, saving me trips back to the job to pick up checks. Have I mentioned that I love this app? It is a contractor's dream.- Michael Ward Wow! My world became so much easier with the Joist App. Estimating jobs was cut over 1/2 of my time normally. Invoicing brought me to a higher level in my business than ever before. The comments I get from my customers about the app says they love it, love it, love it. I’m looking forward to the future with Joist Pro!- JC Design Co. I needed a professional estimate and invoice app that I could update and edit without having to be at a computer. Easy to make changes on the go. Access to all invoices and estimates from my phone, tablet or computer. It's a great app that is simple to use and looks professional.- Jacobie H. Win More Jobs. Save Time. Get Paid Faster. [PAGE] Title: Handyman Estimating & Invoicing App  | Joist  - Joist Content: Try It For Free Joist allows you to easily build and send handyman invoices and estimates from any device in the field or at home while helping you keep your projects on time and within budget. Joist also offers features like payment processing and financing so customers can pay you online directly from the invoice. Save Time Run your handyman business from the jobsite and on the go. Create estimates and share invoices in minutes. Access your customers’ information from anywhere. Read More Look Professional Beat the competition with a fast, modern sales process. Provide digital quotes and convenient automated reminders to your customers. Read More Get Paid Faster Make it easy for your customers to pay you with convenient payment options. Get paid on time when you accept your customers’ preferred method. “Joist is the best and solves my most important general contractor problems.” – First Last Name | Company Name Trusted by Contractors Like You Wow! My world became so much easier with the Joist App. Estimating jobs was cut over 1/2 of my time normally. Invoicing brought me to a higher level in my business than ever before. The comments I get from my customers about the app says they love it, love it, love it. I’m looking forward to the future with Joist Pro!- JC Design Co. The solution to my problems! After trying many invoice apps, I finally came across this one after a friend of mine recommended it to me. It makes jobs flow easier because of its simplicity and great design. I would recommend this app to every contractor for any trade!- Desert Innovations Landscape I needed a professional estimate and invoice app that I could update and edit without having to be at a computer. Easy to make changes on the go. Access to all invoices and estimates from my phone, tablet or computer. It's a great app that is simple to use and looks professional.- Jacobie H. Create Estimates and Invoices in Seconds Flat Joist’s all-in-one handyman estimating and invoicing software lets you build custom invoices, estimates, work orders and more from any web-connected device. Get customer signatures and approvals in real time via email Convert approved estimates to invoices instantly Add new line items, like labor and material pricing, to your estimates in seconds Create and store all your customer contacts securely in your Joist account Keep track of professional documents with cloud storage backing you up Create Your First Estimate or Invoice with Joist [PAGE] Title: Joist | Free Estimate Software & Mobile App Built For Contractors Content: Estimates Designed Specifically for Contractors Win more clients on-the-spot with quick and professional estimates Create and deliver estimates in just minutes with our easy-to-use mobile estimating tool. Stand out from the competition with improved accuracy, transparency, and professionalism. Win more than just jobs — win lifetime customers, word-of-mouth referrals, and time back in your day. Create Estimates in Minutes Create quick estimates by storing and selecting your most-used services in the items catalogue, making future estimates that much easier. Stand Out from the Competition Win more jobs with fast, easy-to-read, detailed estimates. Get Signatures in Seconds Easily enable your clients to digitally sign your estimates in-person or online. Powerful Features, Built For Contractors Take advantage of cost markups, deposit requests, payment schedules, and job photos to estimate like a pro. Easily Make Templates & Custom Contracts Reuse line items, duplicate estimate templates and attach standard contracts to help you save time and simplify your sales process. Start Your First Estimate Today [PAGE] Title: Try Joist for Free | Contractor Estimate, Invoice, & Payments App Content: Plastering Our happy clients say Very helpful and extremly convenient. I love this app it helps me keep track of all my clients and contracts. Going to be upgrading soon.- Remon E I've been using this app since it first came out. And they just keep getting better with new features. I've invoiced and estimated hundreds of clients in the last 2-3 years and Joist has been my #1 choice.- Brittany L It's very easy to use and helps me to keep record of what I'm doing. I'm just now getting legit and this app makes it that much easier. 🙏 Joist for making my life easy.- Edward M Save time, cut cash flow delays, and look like a pro in front of customers. [PAGE] Title: Plumbing Estimating & Invoicing Software  | Joist  - Joist Content: Try It For Free Joist allows you to easily build and send plumbing invoices and estimates from any device in the field or at home while helping you keep your projects on time and within budget. Joist also offers features like payment processing and financing so customers can pay you online directly from the invoice. Save Time Run your plumbing business from the jobsite and on the go. Create more accurate estimates and share invoices in minutes. Access your customers’ information from anywhere. Read More Look Professional Beat the competition with a fast, modern sales process. Provide digital quotes and convenient automated reminders to your customers. Read More Get Paid Faster Make it easy for your customers to pay you with convenient payment options. Get paid on time when you accept your customers’ preferred method. “Joist is the best and solves my most important general contractor problems.” – First Last Name | Company Name Trusted by Contractors Like You Wow! My world became so much easier with the Joist App. Estimating jobs was cut over 1/2 of my time normally. Invoicing brought me to a higher level in my business than ever before. The comments I get from my customers about the app says they love it, love it, love it. I’m looking forward to the future with Joist Pro!- JC Design Co. The solution to my problems! After trying many invoice apps, I finally came across this one after a friend of mine recommended it to me. It makes jobs flow easier because of its simplicity and great design. I would recommend this app to every contractor for any trade!- Desert Innovations Landscape I needed a professional estimate and invoice app that I could update and edit without having to be at a computer. Easy to make changes on the go. Access to all invoices and estimates from my phone, tablet or computer. It's a great app that is simple to use and looks professional.- Jacobie H. Create Estimates and Invoices in Seconds Flat Joist plumbing estimating and invoicing software lets you build custom invoices, estimates, work orders and more from any web-connected device. Get customer signatures and approvals in real time via email Convert approved estimates to invoices instantly Add new line items, like labor and material, to your estimates in seconds Create and store all your customer contacts securely in your Joist account Keep track of professional documents with cloud storage backing you up Create Your First Estimate or Invoice with Joist [PAGE] Title: Joist & Quickbooks: Integrating the Best for Contractors | Joist Content: Manage, organize, and automate your bookkeeping with our QuickBooks Online Sync. Spend less time keeping records and more time delighting customers, all while keeping your books organized. Sync Data in Real Time Automatically sync your Joist data to your QuickBooks Online account. Organize Your Financials Stop scrambling to find lost documents during tax season, and stressing about errors in your tax return. Eliminate Duplicate Data Entry Stop manually re-creating your Joist estimates and invoices in QuickBooks just to update your books. Improve Cash Flow Visibility Keep better track of how much money is flowing in and out of your business. Sync your QuickBooks Online Account [PAGE] Title: Invoicing & Estimating Software for All Contractor Trades | Joist Content: TRY IT FREE TODAY Wow! My world became so much easier with the Joist App. Estimating jobs was cut over 1/2 of my time normally. Invoicing brought me to a higher level in my business than ever before. The comments I get from my customers about the app says they love it, love it, love it. I’m looking forward to the future with Joist Pro!- JC Design Co. The solution to my problems! After trying many invoice apps, I finally came across this one after a friend of mine recommended it to me. It makes jobs flow easier because of its simplicity and great design. I would recommend this app to every contractor for any trade!- Desert Innovations Landscape I needed a professional estimate and invoice app that I could update and edit without having to be at a computer. Easy to make changes on the go. Access to all invoices and estimates from my phone, tablet or computer. It's a great app that is simple to use and looks professional.- Jacobie H. Estimate, Invoice, Collect Payments, and Manage Projects from Anywhere, at Anytime. [PAGE] Title: Client Management | Joist App Content: Store, access, and export customer information from anywhere, at any time. Keeping track of customers and jobs just got that much easier. Access Customer Information Anywhere Easily add new customers and access relevant customer information on-the-job within your customer records. Strengthen Your Sales Process with Client Notifications Get notified every time your client opens and views your estimate and invoice so you can always stay one step ahead. Impress Clients Deliver clear, professional estimates and invoices, convenient payment options and simple eSignatures to wow your clients. Improve Your Client Management [PAGE] Title: About Us - Joist Content: avg. app store rating OUR STORY Our original founders created Joist after the learning lessons from their own service-based company which they scaled across Eastern Canada. Soon after, they were meeting other contractors who were experiencing similar problems. With the explosion of mobile software and the launch of the iPad, the timing was perfect to build something new. By providing a mobile and web platform for estimating, invoicing, recording, processing payments, and managing projects from anywhere, Joist aims to enable contractors to reach their fullest potential. We make it effortless for contactors to win jobs, get time back in their day, and better serve their customers. New, exciting opportunities with Joist await. Where will Joist take your business? “We’ve built Joist to be the world’s easiest estimating & invoicing tool for trade service pros, and we’re constantly listening to ensure we deliver on our goal: to make contractors heroes. That’s what motivates and excites us!” – Sebastien Provencher, President [PAGE] Title: Roof Estimating and Invoicing App | Joist Content: Try It For Free Joist allows you to easily design and send roofing estimates and invoices from any device in the field or at home while helping you keep your project on time and within budget. Joist also offers payment processing and financing tools so that customers can pay you online directly from their invoice. Save Time Run your roofing business from the jobsite and on the go. Revamp your process with roof estimating software and share invoices in minutes. Access your customers’ information from anywhere. Read More Look Professional Beat the competition with a fast, modern sales process. Provide digital quotes for new roof projects and convenient automated reminders to your customers. Read More Get Paid Faster Make it easy for your customers to pay for roofing projects with convenient payment options. Get paid on time when you accept your customers’ preferred method. “Joist is the best and solves my most important general contractor problems.” – First Last Name | Company Name Trusted by Contractors Like You Wow! My world became so much easier with the Joist App. Estimating jobs was cut over 1/2 of my time normally. Invoicing brought me to a higher level in my business than ever before. The comments I get from my customers about the app says they love it, love it, love it. I’m looking forward to the future with Joist Pro!- JC Design Co. The solution to my problems! After trying many invoice apps, I finally came across this one after a friend of mine recommended it to me. It makes jobs flow easier because of its simplicity and great design. I would recommend this app to every contractor for any trade!- Desert Innovations Landscape I needed a professional estimate and invoice app that I could update and edit without having to be at a computer. Easy to make changes on the go. Access to all invoices and estimates from my phone, tablet or computer. It's a great app that is simple to use and looks professional.- Jacobie H. Create More Accurate Estimates and Invoices in Seconds Flat Joist’s roof estimating software lets you build custom invoices, estimates, work orders and more from any web-connected device. Easily create professional bids with the help of our intuitive roof estimating and invoicing tools Get customer signatures and approvals for roofing estimates in real-time via email Convert approved estimates/bids to invoices instantly Add new line items, like labor costs and building material prices, to your estimates in seconds Create and store all your customer contacts securely in your Joist account Keep track of professional documents with cloud-based storage backing you up Create Your First Estimate or Invoice with Joist’a all-in-one roofing estimation software [PAGE] Title: Joist | Free Invoice App Designed For Contractors Content: Invoices Designed Specifically for Contractors Create customized and professional invoices Create & send invoices in minutes with our easy-to-use mobile invoicing tool. Customize your invoices, sell bigger jobs, get paid faster, and offer your customers flexible payment methods. Simplify your finances and spend more time focusing on growing your business. Get Paid Faster Ensure quick payments with invoices that can be paid online with credit cards or eCheck. Collect Milestone Payments Throughout Your Project Offer customized payment schedules so your customers can pay as the job progresses. Customize Your Invoices Add your company logo and project photos to your invoices to stand out from your competitors with a more professional look. Stay On Top of Your Business with Simple Sales Reports Record payments, view monthly sales reports and easily keep track of outstanding invoices Sign On-The-Go Allow your clients to sign and return invoices on-the-go with the Joist in-app signature feature. Start Your First Invoice Today [PAGE] Title: Homeowner & Customer Financing for Contractors | Joist App Content: Homeowner & Customer Financing for Contractors Sell bigger jobs and support customers’ needs with integrated financing options Try Joist Free Land more jobs, win more upsells, and get paid faster by offering your financing options with every estimate and invoice you deliver. Your clients will have access to 12+ top lenders with funds available in 1-2 business days, which means you get paid with less delay. Clients are funded directly by their lender so it’s business as usual for you! Get Clients to a Decision Faster Help your clients get to a decision faster by offering quick and easy financing options at no cost to you. Win More Jobs Provide flexible payment options, reduce hesitation, and get to a signed contract faster. Increase Their Buying Power Make your clients dream projects attainable or help them pay for unexpected repairs to their home. Get Signatures in Seconds Enable clients to review estimates and sign online or on-the-spot with eSignatures. Create Cash Flow Options Ensure your customers have access to additional funding to cover change orders and project scope adjustments. Free To Use - Zero Financial Risk No sign up required and use it whenever you need to so you can get paid immediately. Start Offering Flexible Financing Options Try Joist Free WE WORK WITH LENDERS YOUR CLIENTS WILL LOVE. WE PARTNER WITH SOME OF THE TOP LENDERS IN THE INDUSTRY, OFFERING FAST APPLICATIONS FOR LOANS FROM $1,000 TO $100,000, APRS AS LOW AS 4.99%*, AND FUNDING WITHIN 1-2 BUSINESS DAYS. *Rates as of 3/4/2022. Advertised rates & terms are subject to change without notice. Learn why over one million contractors have trusted Joist to manage their business [PAGE] Title: Free Contractor Payment Software | Joist App Content: Turn on payments now. Offer Your Clients the Convenience of Paying Online Clients can easily pay online from a phone or laptop straight from your invoices. It’s easy to use for both you and your client, and you’ll spend less time tracking down and following up on payments, invoices, and disputes once the job is complete. Fast Payouts Directly to Your Bank Account Get payouts from Joist Payments transactions directly to your bank account in as little as two days. Clients can pay the job deposit online right from your estimate or invoice to help you save time and simplify your sales process. Cover Transaction Fees Joist Payments makes it easy to cover fees with simple, one-click markup tools. Protect your profits while still offering your customers convenient ways to pay. Increase your sales with “Buy Now Pay Later” Give clients the option to pay their invoices in four installments, while you get paid on-time and in full. They will see a ‘Pay Later’ button, allowing them to pay in short-term, interest-free payments at checkout with no additional cost to you. Instant Payouts If you need your PayPal balance transferred to your bank as soon as possible, PayPal lets you do just that! Transfer your money instantly for just $10 (or for as low as 1% for amounts under $1,000). PayPal Debit Card* Instantly access your PayPal balance with a MasterCard debit card (*In the US only, no monthly fee and no minimum balance required). Win More Jobs with Online Deposits Clients can pay the job deposit online right from your estimate or invoice to help you save time and simplify your sales process. Start Collecting Payments for Your Work TURN IT ON NOW Frequently asked questions Will I automatically receive money directly into my bank account or will I have to go to the PayPal dashboard every time to transfer funds? Once you activate Automatic Withdrawal from your PayPal account, you will receive automated daily payouts directly to your bank account without the need to go to the PayPal dashboard. How long does a payment take to get to me? When a client pays you through Joist Payments, the balance (minus the transaction fee) often appears in your PayPal account right away, and you can generally expect to see the funds to transfer into your bank account within 2 business days. Do my clients need a PayPal account to pay me? No, your clients will be able to checkout without having their own PayPal account. [PAGE] Title: Pricing - Joist Content: Book a call with Joist expert 1st priority email response times 1st priority call with Joist expert Flexibility Operate from anywhere with mobile app & desktop views FAQ How will Joist Pro help my business? Joist Pro gives you a leg up on the competition. Joist Pro has our most professional set of features to date that are proven to help you win more jobs and make more money, including logo branding, document photos, custom contracts, client notifications, work orders and QuickBooks Sync. Can I switch plans later and keep all my information? Absolutely. Your data is backed up and secure, so you’re able to switch or cancel your plan at any time. How does the free trial work? You have 7 days after signing up for Joist where you can experience the full power of Joist Pro or Joist Elite. After your trial ends, you will receive upgrade options to continue accessing the powerful features in the Pro or Elite plans. Do I need Joist Pro to use Joist payments or homeowner financing? These optional features and services are available to all Joist customers, regardless of which version of Joist you are using. TRUSTED BY CONTRACTORS LIKE YOU So simple, professional, and gives the customer so many options to pay including financing and credit cards. It has upped my business sales 35%-45%. - Joe Goossens The solution to my problems! After trying many invoice apps, I finally came across this one after a friend of mine recommended it to me. It makes jobs flow easier because of its simplicity and great design. I would recommend this app to every contractor for any trade! - Desert Innovation Landscape Joist allows my customers to pay online, saving me trips back to the job to pick up checks. Have I mentioned that I love this app? It is a contractor's dream. - Michael Ward Wow! My world became so much easier with the Joist App. Estimating jobs was cut over 1/2 of my time normally. Invoicing brought me to a higher level in my business than ever before. The comments I get from my customers about the app says they love it, love it, love it. I’m looking forward to the future with Joist Pro! - JC Design Co. I needed a professional estimate and invoice app that I could update and edit without having to be at a computer. Easy to make changes on the go. Access to all invoices and estimates from my phone, tablet or computer. It's a great app that is simple to use and looks professional. - Jacobie H. Learn why over 1 million contractors trust Joist to manage their business Let's Go [PAGE] Title: Email Protection | Cloudflare Content: Email Protection You are unable to access this email address The website from which you got to this page is protected by Cloudflare. Email addresses on that page have been hidden in order to keep them from being accessed by malicious bots. You must enable Javascript in your browser in order to decode the e-mail address. If you have a website and are interested in protecting it in a similar way, you can sign up for Cloudflare . [PAGE] Title: Joist Pro Elite | Contractor Estimate, Invoice, and Payments App Content: Stay on Top of Project Changes with Change Orders Handle project changes like a pro without the piles of paperwork Instantly send change orders to customers for on-the-spot review and signature Give your clients peace of mind knowing documents are approved before any work continues Gain Powerful Insights with Sales Reporting Take the guesswork out of running your business with Sales Reporting Get daily snapshots of your revenue, estimate win rate, invoiced volume, and other key metrics Receive business insights in weekly emailed reports, exclusively for Joist Elite customers Track company performance from anywhere, anytime Organize Your Estimates with Sections Organize your estimates in a way that works best for you and your customers Group line items together into easy-to-understand sections like Labor or Materials, and ultimately help your clients visualize where and how the work will be done Enhance Your Documents with Web & Social Links Show your clients they can trust your business by harnessing the power of testimonials. Easily add links to previous work, your company website, Facebook, Google, Instagram, or Yelp Showcase Your Professionalism with License & Insurance We know you worked hard for your credentials. Your customers should know it too! Add your license & insurance information to estimates across devices Win trust with potential clients and assure current customers that they’re working with a pro [PAGE] Title: Joist Estimates, Invoices, and Payments Features | Joist App Content: TRY IT FREE TODAY Win more jobs, increase your profit and support your clients with homeowner financing Land more jobs, win more upsells, and get paid faster by offering your customers financing options on-site. We’ve partnered with some of the industry’s best lenders to offer your clients competitive personal loans with quick funding in as early as 3 business days. Learn More Automate bookkeeping by syncing your Joist and QuickBooks Online accounts Manage, organize, and automate your bookkeeping with our QuickBooks Online sync. Spend less time keeping records and more time delighting customers, all while keeping your books organized. Learn More Stay organized and manage customers on the go Store, access, and export customer information from anywhere, at any time. Keeping track of customers and jobs just got that much easier. [PAGE] Title: Electrical Estimating & Invoicing Software | Joist  - Joist Content: Try It For Free Joist allows you to easily build and send electrical invoices and estimates from any device in the field or at home while helping you keep your projects on time and within budget. Joist also offers features like payment processing and financing so customers can pay you online directly from the invoice. Save Time Run your business from the jobsite and on the go. Create estimates and share invoices in minutes. Access your customers’ information from anywhere. Read More Look Professional Beat the competition with a fast, modern sales process. Provide digital quotes and convenient automated reminders to your customers. Read More Get Paid Faster Make it easy for your customers to pay you with convenient payment options. Get paid on time when you accept your customers’ preferred method. “Joist is the best and solves my most important general contractor problems.” – First Last Name | Company Name Trusted by Contractors Like You Wow! My world became so much easier with the Joist App. Estimating jobs was cut over 1/2 of my time normally. Invoicing brought me to a higher level in my business than ever before. The comments I get from my customers about the app says they love it, love it, love it. I’m looking forward to the future with Joist Pro!- JC Design Co. The solution to my problems! After trying many invoice apps, I finally came across this one after a friend of mine recommended it to me. It makes jobs flow easier because of its simplicity and great design. I would recommend this app to every contractor for any trade!- Desert Innovations Landscape I needed a professional estimate and invoice app that I could update and edit without having to be at a computer. Easy to make changes on the go. Access to all invoices and estimates from my phone, tablet or computer. It's a great app that is simple to use and looks professional.- Jacobie H. Create Estimates and Invoices in Seconds Flat Joist’s electrical estimating and invoicing software lets you build custom invoices, estimates, work order and more from any web-connected device. Get customer signatures and approvals in real time via email Convert approved estimates/bids to invoices instantly Add new line items, like labor units and material prices, to your estimates in seconds Create and store all your customer contacts securely in your Joist account Keep track of professional documents with cloud storage backing you up Create Your First Estimate or Invoice with Joist [PAGE] Title: Joist Pro | Contractor Estimate, Invoice, and Payments App Content: Win More Jobs with Logos, Photos & Attachments Upload your company logo to make your estimates and invoices look more professional Stand out from the competition by adding up to 20 photos to your estimates and invoices Impress clients with the documents they want to see – from floor plans and receipts – to every estimate and invoice you send Keep Projects Moving with Work Orders Keep sub-contractors in the loop by creating work orders from existing estimates or invoices Share job details with your teams via email or text message with the push of a button Automatically remove sensitive information like prices and client signatures from work orders Cut Down on Bookkeeping with the Joist + QuickBooks Integration Automatically sync estimates and invoices from Joist Pro to your QuickBooks Online account Make tax time easier with a consistent record of your jobs Stay One Step Ahead with Client Notifications & Contracts Get notified whenever your client opens an email, views, and even signs an estimate or invoice Cover your bases with contracts, and get the signatures you need to move forward with the work Include contracts as attachments on your estimates and invoices, as needed Give your sales process and customer experience an upgrade. Start using Joist Pro features. [PAGE] Title: HVAC Estimating & Invoicing Software | Joist  - Joist Content: Try It For Free Joist allows you to easily build and send invoices and estimates from any device in the field or at home while helping you keep your projects on time and within budget. Joist also offers features like payment processing and financing so customers can pay you online directly from the invoice. Save Time Run your HVAC business from the jobsite and on the go. Create more accurate estimates and share invoices in minutes. Access your customers’ information from anywhere. Read More Look Professional Beat the competition with a fast, modern sales process. Provide digital quotes and convenient automated reminders to your customers. Read More Get Paid Faster Make it easy for your customers to pay you with convenient payment options. Get paid on time when you accept your customers’ preferred method. “Joist is the best and solves my most important general contractor problems.” – First Last Name | Company Name Trusted by Contractors Like You Wow! My world became so much easier with the Joist App. Estimating jobs was cut over 1/2 of my time normally. Invoicing brought me to a higher level in my business than ever before. The comments I get from my customers about the app says they love it, love it, love it. I’m looking forward to the future with Joist Pro!- JC Design Co. The solution to my problems! After trying many invoice apps, I finally came across this one after a friend of mine recommended it to me. It makes jobs flow easier because of its simplicity and great design. I would recommend this app to every contractor for any trade!- Desert Innovations Landscape I needed a professional estimate and invoice app that I could update and edit without having to be at a computer. Easy to make changes on the go. Access to all invoices and estimates from my phone, tablet or computer. It's a great app that is simple to use and looks professional.- Jacobie H. Create Estimates and Invoices in Seconds Flat Joist’s cloud-based software lets you build custom invoices, estimates, work order and more from any web-connected device. Get customer signatures and approvals in real time via email Convert approved estimates to invoices instantly Add new line items, like labor rates and material pricing, to your estimates in seconds Create and store all your customer contacts securely in your Joist account Keep track of professional documents with cloud storage backing you up Create Your First Estimate or Invoice with Joist Stand Out with a Modern Experience for Your Customers Joist provides peace of mind and credibility for your customers through intuitive and professional HVAC software. Send links to branded documents through Joist’s homeowner portal Enable customers to approve and sign estimates and invoices in real time Keep track of your construction proposals in one place Attach jobsite photos and important files to invoices and estimates Send reminders to customers for outstanding approvals or invoices Log in and explore Joist’s customer management software for HVAC contractors Increase Cashflow by Making it Easy and Seamless for Your Customers to Pay You Use Joist Payments to enable customers to pay directly from their invoice Request deposits before work is completed Include custom payment terms and scheduled due dates on invoices Accept online credit, debit and track ALL of your payments using Joist Payments. Set up payment schedules for customers so they can pay as the job progresses Learn more about HVAC invoicing & payment features with Joist [PAGE] Title: Blog - Joist Content: What is a Service Business? If you're curious about what a service business is and how to make yours successful, you're in the right place. In this article, we'll start by defining a service business. You'll learn about different types, like salons, law firms, and fitness coaches. We'll also discuss the challenges you might face,... read more → Jan 12 How to Price Handyman Jobs How to price handyman jobs is one of the biggest concerns for small service providers. Learn why finding the right pricing model is essential in this article. Plus, explore different pricing strategies and how to decide what to charge customers.   As a bonus, you’ll get tips you can use right... read more → Jan 10 How to Price Flooring Jobs Is the price right?  Pricing flooring jobs can be a big headache for flooring contractors.  How do you set a price that’s profitable and fair to the customer at the same time? It’s a delicate balancing act between profitability and competitiveness.  On top of that, there are a bunch of... read more → Jan 09 How to Price Residential Electrical Work Are you running a small electrical business?  If so, you know that setting prices can be tough. You need to keep your customers and your business happy. You might lose customers if your prices are too high or struggle to make a profit if they're too low.  It's important to... read more → Oct 25 The Contractor’s Toolbox – October 2023 The Joist app helps contractors like you make it easy to estimate, invoice, collect payments, and manage projects on the go.   And because we’re always adding new app features that'll make your work life easier, we’ve started the Contractor’s Toolbox. This newsletter series will tell you what you need to... read more → Sep 08 How to Offer Financing as a Home Services Contractor Due to rising costs, many potential clients are worried that they simply cannot afford home improvement. This is why contractor financing has become a hot topic in the home improvement industry: 65% of projects over $5K are financed. It is crucial for contractors to offer financing, since approximately 25% of... read more → Aug 23 How to Estimate a Masonry Job (in 7 Easy Steps) Knowing how to estimate masonry work is essential for any construction professional or contractor. Whether planning to build a brick wall, undertake a restoration project, or execute a comprehensive masonry job, understanding how to estimate the costs involved is fundamental to project success. Assessing masonry work involves considering factors such... read more → Aug 07 How to Follow Up on an Estimate (with Email Templates) Ever come to a prospect’s home, take your measurements and ask your questions, then send over a detailed quote, only to never hear back? Of course you have. It’s a fundamental truth that every home services business owner knows very well: Not every lead converts to a customer. That doesn’t... read more → Jul 12 How to Ask for a Deposit ‘Politely’ as a Contractor Deposits, also known as down payments, can be a touchy subject in any industry. And construction is no exception.   Even seasoned business leaders struggle with how to steer a conversation toward fees. So, if you find the whole process of securing a contractor deposit a bit awkward, know you’re not... read more → Jul 10 The Contractor’s Toolbox – July 2023 Picture this: It’s been a long day on the job, and you still need to prep and send out estimates to three prospective clients and submit an invoice for the work you completed today.  You’re in luck, because the Joist team is continually at work to make the estimating and... read more → [PAGE] Title: Content:
information technology & electronics
information technology and services
Have I mentioned that I love this app? Read More Get Paid Faster Make it easy for your customers to pay you with convenient payment options. I love this app it helps me keep track of all my clients and contracts. Read More Get Paid Faster Make it easy for your customers to pay you with convenient payment options. Title: Client Management | Joist App Content: Store, access, and export customer information from anywhere, at any time. Read More Get Paid Faster Make it easy for your customers to pay for roofing projects with convenient payment options. Clients can pay the job deposit online right from your estimate or invoice to help you save time and simplify your sales process. Win More Jobs with Online Deposits Clients can pay the job deposit online right from your estimate or invoice to help you save time and simplify your sales process. How will Joist Pro help my business? Have I mentioned that I love this app? Title: Joist Pro Elite | Contractor Estimate, Invoice, and Payments App Content: Stay on Top of Project Changes with Change Orders Handle project changes like a pro without the piles of paperwork Instantly send change orders to customers for on-the-spot review and signature Give your clients peace of mind knowing documents are approved before any work continues Gain Powerful Insights with Sales Reporting Take the guesswork out of running your business with Sales Reporting Get daily snapshots of your revenue, estimate win rate, invoiced volume, and other key metrics Receive business insights in weekly emailed reports, exclusively for Joist Elite customers Track company performance from anywhere, anytime Organize Your Estimates with Sections Organize your estimates in a way that works best for you and your customers Group line items together into easy-to-understand sections like Labor or Materials, and ultimately help your clients visualize where and how the work will be done Enhance Your Documents with Web & Social Links Show your clients they can trust your business by harnessing the power of testimonials. Learn More Stay organized and manage customers on the go Store, access, and export customer information from anywhere, at any time. Read More Get Paid Faster Make it easy for your customers to pay you with convenient payment options. Title: Joist Pro | Contractor Estimate, Invoice, and Payments App Content: Win More Jobs with Logos, Photos & Attachments Upload your company logo to make your estimates and invoices look more professional Stand out from the competition by adding up to 20 photos to your estimates and invoices Impress clients with the documents they want to see – from floor plans and receipts – to every estimate and invoice you send Keep Projects Moving with Work Orders Keep sub-contractors in the loop by creating work orders from existing estimates or invoices Share job details with your teams via email or text message with the push of a button Automatically remove sensitive information like prices and client signatures from work orders Cut Down on Bookkeeping with the Joist + QuickBooks Integration Automatically sync estimates and invoices from Joist Pro to your QuickBooks Online account Make tax time easier with a consistent record of your jobs Stay One Step Ahead with Client Notifications & Contracts Get notified whenever your client opens an email, views, and even signs an estimate or invoice Cover your bases with contracts, and get the signatures you need to move forward with the work Include contracts as attachments on your estimates and invoices, as needed Give your sales process and customer experience an upgrade. Read More Get Paid Faster Make it easy for your customers to pay you with convenient payment options. Get customer signatures and approvals in real time via email Convert approved estimates to invoices instantly Add new line items, like labor rates and material pricing, to your estimates in seconds Create and store all your customer contacts securely in your Joist account Keep track of professional documents with cloud storage backing you up Create Your First Estimate or Invoice with Joist Stand Out with a Modern Experience for Your Customers Joist provides peace of mind and credibility for your customers through intuitive and professional HVAC software. Send links to branded documents through Joist’s homeowner portal Enable customers to approve and sign estimates and invoices in real time Keep track of your construction proposals in one place Attach jobsite photos and important files to invoices and estimates Send reminders to customers for outstanding approvals or invoices Log in and explore Joist’s customer management software for HVAC contractors Increase Cashflow by Making it Easy and Seamless for Your Customers to Pay You Use Joist Payments to enable customers to pay directly from their invoice Request deposits before work is completed Include custom payment terms and scheduled due dates on invoices Accept online credit, debit and track ALL of your payments using Joist Payments. Set up payment schedules for customers so they can pay as the job progresses Learn more about HVAC invoicing & payment features with Joist It's important to... read more → Oct 25 The Contractor’s Toolbox – October 2023 The Joist app helps contractors like you make it easy to estimate, invoice, collect payments, and manage projects on the go. It is crucial for contractors to offer financing, since approximately 25% of... read more → Aug 23 How to Estimate a Masonry Job (in 7 Easy Steps) Knowing how to estimate masonry work is essential for any construction professional or contractor.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Pet Vaccination Services | Mimram Vets Content: Vaccinations for cats, dogs and rabbits Why is vaccination important Vaccination is vital in protecting your pet from key infectious diseases that cause pain, distress and can be life-threatening. Annual preventative healthcare and vaccination appointments provide an opportunity for regular health checks for your pet and an understanding of their needs. Vaccinations for cats and dogs usually consist of a primary course of two or three vaccinations to stimulate an immune response, followed by annual boosters to maintain immunity as the initial immune response gradually fades over time. Vaccinations for dogs For dogs, their first vaccination is generally done at around eight weeks old, with the second vaccination given two to four weeks later. Core vaccinations for dogs include cover against distemper, parvovirus, canine infectious hepatitis and leptospirosis. The practice team will advise on when it is safe for your puppy to start going out for walks, meeting other dogs and starting puppy training classes. All dogs should have an annual booster to keep them fully protected. It is important to ensure that booster injections are given each year and do not lapse, otherwise your dog may need to restart a full course to ensure they have adequate protection. Vaccinations for cats Cats can generally be vaccinated from eight or nine weeks of age, with a second vaccination given three to four weeks later. Core cat vaccinations include feline herpesvirus, calicivirus and feline panleukopaenia virus – sometimes referred to as parvovirus – which causes feline infectious enteritis. We also recommend vaccinating most cats against the feline leukaemia virus, which suppresses the immune system and is potentially fatal. Adult cats should receive annual booster vaccinations to maintain immunity – particularly if they are going to be spending time in catteries or going outside. It is important to keep your cat’s vaccinations up to date, as overdue booster injections allow for a decrease in immunity and may mean that your cat needs to restart their primary vaccination course to be adequately protected. Vaccinations for rabbits Rabbits need to be vaccinated against two life-threatening diseases: myxomatosis and the classic and variant strains of rabbit haemorrhagic disease. These diseases are easily transmissible and both indoor and outdoor rabbits are at risk. All rabbits should therefore receive yearly vaccinations to ensure they are protected. [PAGE] Title: Pet Neutering Services | Mimram Vets Content: Pet Neutering Why should I neuter my pet? At Mimram Vets we encourage neutering of pets. There are numerous benefits for both pet and owner such as preventing unwanted litters and many health benefits. However, before considering if you would like to neuter your pet we would invite you to discuss it with a member of our team. When can I neuter my pet? We will consider castration from 6 months of age but the correct time to castrate a dog is multifactorial and dependent on the individual dog, From 6 months we are happy to examine your pet and assess whether it is appropriate to castrate them at this time. If you are part of the Pet Health Plan, your 6 month health check is the perfect opportunity to start this discussion. Usually, we prefer the larger breed dogs to have completed their bone growth  – so we wait until at least 1 year and for giant breeds 18 months. Very nervous individuals also may benefit from waiting. If you have any questions please contact us and we will arrange a consultation. We advise that female dogs are spayed 3 to 4 months after their first season. If your dog has already had more than one season, we advise spaying 3 to 4 months after the last season finished. With cats, we are happy to discuss neutering from 4 and a half months of age for both sexes. Generally speaking male rabbits can be neutered from 4 months and females from 6 months. This does however depend to some extent on the size, breed and stage of development of the rabbit. All neutering operations are surgical procedures and need to be booked in advance. If we have not seen your pet before it will always be necessary to check him or her before admission. What do I need to do if my pet is coming in for an operation/procedure? Generally speaking we would advise not to feed your pet after 8pm on the night before the operation/procedure. Water can be left down overnight but this should be taken away first thing in the morning. Please note that rabbits and small furries SHOULD NOT be starved at all. We don’t usually fast puppies or kittens before a procedure. Please always contact us for specific advice regarding these young patients. Please bring dogs to the surgery with a secure collar and lead. Cats must be brought in a secure cat cage or basket. We are also able to castrate male guinea pigs and rats so that multi-animal groups can live together rather than having to be housed separately. Please phone the surgery to discuss the procedures for these small pets. Post-operation When your dog or cat goes home he/she may be feeling quite sleepy so they will need somewhere warm and quiet to sleep. They may not always feel like eating but if they do, a small amount of boiled chicken/white fish and rice or some scrambled egg is ideal. Rabbits need to eat continuously and a rabbit not eating is an emergency! If your rabbit is not eating after a procedure don’t delay – contact us straight away!
Title: Pet Vaccination Services | Mimram Vets Content: Vaccinations for cats, dogs and rabbits Why is vaccination important Vaccination is vital in protecting your pet from key infectious diseases that cause pain, distress and can be life-threatening. Annual preventative healthcare and vaccination appointments provide an opportunity for regular health checks for your pet and an understanding of their needs. Vaccinations for cats and dogs usually consist of a primary course of two or three vaccinations to stimulate an immune response, followed by annual boosters to maintain immunity as the initial immune response gradually fades over time. Vaccinations for dogs For dogs, their first vaccination is generally done at around eight weeks old, with the second vaccination given two to four weeks later. It is important to ensure that booster injections are given each year and do not lapse, otherwise your dog may need to restart a full course to ensure they have adequate protection. Core cat vaccinations include feline herpesvirus, calicivirus and feline panleukopaenia virus – sometimes referred to as parvovirus – which causes feline infectious enteritis. It is important to keep your cat’s vaccinations up to date, as overdue booster injections allow for a decrease in immunity and may mean that your cat needs to restart their primary vaccination course to be adequately protected. Title: Pet Neutering Services | Mimram Vets Content: Pet Neutering Why should I neuter my pet? We will consider castration from 6 months of age but the correct time to castrate a dog is multifactorial and dependent on the individual dog, From 6 months we are happy to examine your pet and assess whether it is appropriate to castrate them at this time. If you are part of the Pet Health Plan, your 6 month health check is the perfect opportunity to start this discussion. We advise that female dogs are spayed 3 to 4 months after their first season. With cats, we are happy to discuss neutering from 4 and a half months of age for both sexes. Generally speaking male rabbits can be neutered from 4 months and females from 6 months. If we have not seen your pet before it will always be necessary to check him or her before admission. Generally speaking we would advise not to feed your pet after 8pm on the night before the operation/procedure. Please note that rabbits and small furries SHOULD NOT be starved at all. Please phone the surgery to discuss the procedures for these small pets. They may not always feel like eating but if they do, a small amount of boiled chicken/white fish and rice or some scrambled egg is ideal. Rabbits need to eat continuously and a rabbit not eating is an emergency! If your rabbit is not eating after a procedure don’t delay – contact us straight away!
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Apparatus – Associated Fire Safety Group Content: Sproat Lake This eMAX Rescue Pumper/Tanker is built on the newly updated E-One Typhoon Cab & Chassis. This unit is powered by an ISL9 450 HP engine and Allison 3000 transmission. This apparatus features a fully extruded cab and body, a Darley eMAX 1500 GPM pump, 1250 Gallons of water and 30 Gallons of foam. It also features full rescue depth compartments and has a rear 10 inch dump valve. [PAGE] Title: 3M SCOTT Fire & Safety – Associated Fire Safety Group Content: Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device [PAGE] Title: Contact Us – Associated Fire Safety Group Content: Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device [PAGE] Title: Res-Q-Jack – Associated Fire Safety Group Content: Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device [PAGE] Title: Balaclava – Associated Fire Safety Group Content: Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device [PAGE] Title: Rescue – Associated Fire Safety Group Content: Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device [PAGE] Title: PPV Fans – Associated Fire Safety Group Content: Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device [PAGE] Title: Turnout Gear – Associated Fire Safety Group Content: Close Turnout Gear Worn or damaged gear is often repairable and a more cost-effective solution than replacement. Associated Fire Safety will repair gear without compromising its original construction to maximize the gear’s performance. We can also repair gear as part of its maintenance, fixing small issues before they become big problems. Departments using Associated Fire Safety for annual maintenance have dramatically decreased their turnout replacement rate and added time to the useful life of the department’s assets. As a verified independent service provider (UL Certified), our repairs are documented through a Quality Management System to demonstrate our proficiency in performing advanced repairs on turnout gear outer shells, thermal liners, and moisture barriers. We clean the tough stuff -  fuels, oils, resins, grease, asbestos and other harmful contaminates. This extends the useful life of your turnout gear, and helps stretch your budget. Gear exposed to blood-borne pathogens such as HIV, hepatitis B or tuberculosis, can be treated with our help. We use an exclusive disinfection and sterilization process for suspected or known blood-borne pathogen contaminants or other viruses and bacteria. Customer Care [PAGE] Title: Careers – Associated Fire Safety Group Content: Close Careers Associated Fire Safety Group is constantly looking for new talent in all aspects of the company. AFSG is always growing and attempting to develop new markets and grow our company culture. Please feel free to send in your resume/CV to apply. Also, check back here periodically, as we will be posting available positions here. Customer Care [PAGE] Title: Firefighting Equipment Canada | Associated Fire Safety Equipment – Associated Fire Safety Group Content: Delivering high-quality products built with safety as the top priority. Delivering high-quality products built with safety as the top priority. Delivering high-quality products built with safety as the top priority. Delivering high-quality products built with safety as the top priority. 1/4 [PAGE] Title: Hand Tools – Associated Fire Safety Group Content: Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device [PAGE] Title: Wildland Fire Fighting Equipment in Canada – Associated Fire Safety Group Content: Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device [PAGE] Title: Boots – Associated Fire Safety Group Content: Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device [PAGE] Title: Thermal Imaging Cameras – Associated Fire Safety Group Content: Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device [PAGE] Title: Helmets – Associated Fire Safety Group Content: Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device [PAGE] Title: Gloves – Associated Fire Safety Group Content: Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device
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Site Overview: Title: Apparatus – Associated Fire Safety Group This unit is powered by an ISL9 450 HP engine and Allison 3000 transmission. Title: 3M SCOTT Fire & Safety – Associated Fire Safety Group Content: Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device Content: Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device Content: Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Title: Rescue – Associated Fire Safety Group Title: Turnout Gear – Associated Fire Safety Group We can also repair gear as part of its maintenance, fixing small issues before they become big problems. This extends the useful life of your turnout gear, and helps stretch your budget. Gear exposed to blood-borne pathogens such as HIV, hepatitis B or tuberculosis, can be treated with our help. We use an exclusive disinfection and sterilization process for suspected or known blood-borne pathogen contaminants or other viruses and bacteria. Customer Care Content: Close Careers Associated Fire Safety Group is constantly looking for new talent in all aspects of the company. Customer Care
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Review of ‘The Secret Barrister by Anon’ - Financial advisers, investment and pensions advice and mortgage brokers in - Ware - SWCO Financial Planning Content: review of ‘the secret barrister by anon’ Review of ‘The Secret Barrister by Anon’ There is a very popular book out at the moment called ‘This is going to hurt’ by Adam Kay and it’s the memories of a Junior doctor. My mother read it and found it very amusing and heart-breaking at the same time. I assumed ‘the Secret Barrister’ was along the same lines and so had placed it on my Christmas list.Daughter number two duly obliged and so, stuffed with over indulgence and a cold virus that was preventing me from running, I settled down for a good read!This book has nothing in common with Kays book. It is not funny. There is nothing funny about a criminal justice system which is so flawed at every stage that seasoned criminals know how to exploit it, whilst the innocently accused could stand to lose literally everything.As is always the case, there are many hard-working decent people who daily strive to keep the structure going but it appears to be a thankless task. Underfunded police forces and cuts to the CPS mean that many cases get thrown out of court as vital procedural information is not collected or at worst lost. The struggling barrister can attend a magistrate’s court with no knowledge of the cases he is dealing with and can have literally 15 minutes to prepare.Our friend describes the magistrates court as something akin to the wild west and openly confesses to learning to ‘wing it’ as he is handed over a four-foot-high pile of files which constitute that mornings seven trials of which the first starts in 10 minutes! And yet, these are people’s lives, and I can only imagine what it must be like to be in the system with the potential for Crown court, imprisonment, loss of earnings, loss of job, loss of life partner etc. The writer sympathetically describes the size of the stakes.A few myths are also busted and none more so that the fact that a Judge does not have a gavel and that no money changes hands when it comes to bail.The other big myth our author is keen to dispel is that this is a well-paid career. It would appear that due to the Government fixing the costs, the hourly rate is pretty poor. However, like nurses, it seems that for many, the desire to see justice served, and the genuinely guilty ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ be put away and the genuinely innocent be exonerated is a sufficiently high calling.I have to admit to finding it a tough read. Partly this was my fault because of my misconceptions about what the book actually was, and partly because a Kate Atkinson awaited me when I finished (has she ever written a weak novel?) but mostly because it scared me. It is always easy to throw money at a problem, but the cutbacks to the CPS and to the police have simply gone too far and this is meaning too many cases of bad people getting away with crimes and too many victims remaining traumatised and resentful that justice has not been served.This is a political book and whilst I have been guilty of lapping up red top rhetoric around lenient sentencing and easy prison life, this book gives a very balanced view on the political points scoring this kind of rhetoric actually is.I would recommend this book simply for its elucidation of a subject I knew very little about, but its 343 pages seemed a tough stretch in comparison to other similar incarcerations! There is a very popular book out at the moment called ‘This is going to hurt’ by Adam Kay and it’s the memories of a Junior doctor. My mother read it and found it very amusing and heart-breaking at the same time. I assumed ‘the Secret Barrister’ was along the same lines and so had placed it on my Christmas list.Daughter number two duly obliged and so, stuffed with over indulgence and a cold virus that was preventing me from running, I settled down for a good read!This book has nothing in common with Kays book. It is not funny. There is nothing funny about a criminal justice system which is so flawed at every stage that seasoned criminals know how to exploit it, whilst the innocently accused could stand to lose literally everything.As is always the case, there are many hard-working decent people who daily strive to keep the structure going but it appears to be a thankless task. Underfunded police forces and cuts to the CPS mean that many cases get thrown out of court as vital procedural information is not collected or at worst lost. The struggling barrister can attend a magistrate’s court with no knowledge of the cases he is dealing with and can have literally 15 minutes to prepare.Our friend describes the magistrates court as something akin to the wild west and openly confesses to learning to ‘wing it’ as he is handed over a four-foot-high pile of files which constitute that mornings seven trials of which the first starts in 10 minutes! And yet, these are people’s lives, and I can only imagine what it must be like to be in the system with the potential for Crown court, imprisonment, loss of earnings, loss of job, loss of life partner etc. The writer sympathetically describes the size of the stakes.A few myths are also busted and none more so that the fact that a Judge does not have a gavel and that no money changes hands when it comes to bail.The other big myth our author is keen to dispel is that this is a well-paid career. It would appear that due to the Government fixing the costs, the hourly rate is pretty poor. However, like nurses, it seems that for many, the desire to see justice served, and the genuinely guilty ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ be put away and the genuinely innocent be exonerated is a sufficiently high calling.I have to admit to finding it a tough read. Partly this was my fault because of my misconceptions about what the book actually was, and partly because a Kate Atkinson awaited me when I finished (has she ever written a weak novel?) but mostly because it scared me. It is always easy to throw money at a problem, but the cutbacks to the CPS and to the police have simply gone too far and this is meaning too many cases of bad people getting away with crimes and too many victims remaining traumatised and resentful that justice has not been served.This is a political book and whilst I have been guilty of lapping up red top rhetoric around lenient sentencing and easy prison life, this book gives a very balanced view on the political points scoring this kind of rhetoric actually is.I would recommend this book simply for its elucidation of a subject I knew very little about, but its 343 pages seemed a tough stretch in comparison to other similar incarcerations! Company address: SWCO Financial Planning, The Tower, The Maltings, Hoe Lane, Ware, Herts, SG12 9LR T: 01920 444915 E: [email protected] Registered office address: The Tower, The Maltings, Hoe Lane, Ware, Herts. SG12 9LR. Registered in England and Wales under reference.... SWCO Financial Planning is an Appointed Representative of ValidPath Ltd, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. ValidPath Ltd is entered on the Financial Services Register ( ) under reference 197107. The guidance provided within this website is subject to the UK regulatory regime and is therefore primarily targeted at consumers based in the UK. Copyright © 2014 Adviser Pro All Rights Reserved. [PAGE] Title: What will 2019 bring for investors? - Financial advisers, investment and pensions advice and mortgage brokers in - Ware - SWCO Financial Planning Content: what will 2019 bring for investors? What will 2019 bring for investors? If you are expecting specific predictions, do not bother to read on. I have no insider knowledge of the direction that markets will take. It has never been part of SWCOs investment philosophy to make tactical bets and it never will. As our clients know only too well, having been through the initial financial planning experience, including goal setting and cash flow projections, our investment portfolios are graded on a time basis. In other words, when will these funds be required? The longer the time horizon, the greater the level of equity exposure as we believe that risk is reduced over time. Therefore, the shorter-term movements of the equity markets, whether UK or global are of little significance when our clients time horizon is longer term. What is of greater importance is that each of our client portfolios is suitably diversified and whilst most advisers will subscribe to a diversification through stocks and bonds, we believe that a greater degree of diversification is required for the modern retail portfolio. Therefore, our portfolios have further diversification into Property, Absolute Return Funds and Commodities, with the amounts depended on risk and timeframe. Investing involves risk. No investment, I repeat, no investment goes up in a straight line. Even low risk short dated gilts (loans to the Government) have short term capital fluctuations and so it is important that we have sufficient short term cash to meet our known capital expenditure plus a bit extra to cover the unexpected. We then accept short term volatility in our investment portfolios. I am proud of the fact that the majority of our valued clients fully understand this and are calm whilst these corrections take place. They are normal parts of an investment cycle. I can’t end this blog without making at least one prediction: Volatility will remain in stock markets and the FTSE 100 will end the year either higher or lower. However, in five years’ time I would be confident that with dividends reinvested, you should be better off. If you are expecting specific predictions, do not bother to read on. I have no insider knowledge of the direction that markets will take. It has never been part of SWCOs investment philosophy to make tactical bets and it never will. As our clients know only too well, having been through the initial financial planning experience, including goal setting and cash flow projections, our investment portfolios are graded on a time basis. In other words, when will these funds be required? The longer the time horizon, the greater the level of equity exposure as we believe that risk is reduced over time. Therefore, the shorter-term movements of the equity markets, whether UK or global are of little significance when our clients time horizon is longer term. What is of greater importance is that each of our client portfolios is suitably diversified and whilst most advisers will subscribe to a diversification through stocks and bonds, we believe that a greater degree of diversification is required for the modern retail portfolio. Therefore, our portfolios have further diversification into Property, Absolute Return Funds and Commodities, with the amounts depended on risk and timeframe. Investing involves risk. No investment, I repeat, no investment goes up in a straight line. Even low risk short dated gilts (loans to the Government) have short term capital fluctuations and so it is important that we have sufficient short term cash to meet our known capital expenditure plus a bit extra to cover the unexpected. We then accept short term volatility in our investment portfolios. I am proud of the fact that the majority of our valued clients fully understand this and are calm whilst these corrections take place. They are normal parts of an investment cycle. I can’t end this blog without making at least one prediction: Volatility will remain in stock markets and the FTSE 100 will end the year either higher or lower. However, in five years’ time I would be confident that with dividends reinvested, you should be better off. Company address: SWCO Financial Planning, The Tower, The Maltings, Hoe Lane, Ware, Herts, SG12 9LR T: 01920 444915 E: [email protected] Registered office address: The Tower, The Maltings, Hoe Lane, Ware, Herts. SG12 9LR. Registered in England and Wales under reference.... SWCO Financial Planning is an Appointed Representative of ValidPath Ltd, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. ValidPath Ltd is entered on the Financial Services Register ( ) under reference 197107. The guidance provided within this website is subject to the UK regulatory regime and is therefore primarily targeted at consumers based in the UK. Copyright © 2014 Adviser Pro All Rights Reserved. [PAGE] Title: Nevertheless by John Kirby - Financial advisers, investment and pensions advice and mortgage brokers in - Ware - SWCO Financial Planning Content: nevertheless by john kirby Nevertheless by John Kirby Firstly, this is a Christian book. A very Christian book. A very good book, but not the Good Book!But if you’re not a believer, please don’t be put off, as this is such an inspirational tale of a man with a singular focus that ultimately has, and is, affecting the lives of thousands of people in a positive way. John Kirby is a Bradford lad with a troubled past which included highs and lows, but the experience of those lows, and in particular the low of being heavily in debt, and the effect that had on him as a single parent at that time, the guilt, the shame, the rejection and the fear led him to set up CAP UK.‘Nevertheless’ is the story of John and CAP which started with a vision, a simple faith, a single minded belief and no money! Today there are CAP centres not only across the UK but also in Australia, New Zealand and Canada. I have had the honour of meeting John on a few occasions, and I’ve also seen him doing his job. I attended an ‘awards evening’ to celebrate some of the many who had their lives turned around through CAP. Each story had a common event: Self harm or attempted suicide. That’s the lows that debt can pull us down to, but through proper budgeting and CAP advocating on their behalf, these humble men and women talked about saved marriages, returned dignity, savings and most importantly hope. There’s an economic law called ‘The law of diminishing returns’ or sometimes called the ‘marginal utility of satisfaction’ which states that there comes a point where the satisfaction, or benefit starts to decrease from a level or increased amount of input. In the case of John Kirby (input) this law seems not to apply. The sheer joy he derives (output) from each person freed from debt, (and yes, in many cases, becoming Christians) never seems to decrease. There are many successful entrepreneurs who are driven people, but in so many cases I sense the overriding motive to be selfish. What is inspiring about this book is that Kirby is so evidently selfless. In a world where we are ever more conscious of our social responsibility to society as a whole, it is the likes of John whom I look up to as a role model. In my business, I have the good fortune to make a reasonable living, but I want to make sure that the responsibility that comes with that, I take seriously, and that I can make a difference in the lives of others. If you would like a copy of John’s book, do drop me an email, I have plenty of copies which I want to give away. It will inspire you to make a difference too! Firstly, this is a Christian book. A very Christian book. A very good book, but not the Good Book!But if you’re not a believer, please don’t be put off, as this is such an inspirational tale of a man with a singular focus that ultimately has, and is, affecting the lives of thousands of people in a positive way. John Kirby is a Bradford lad with a troubled past which included highs and lows, but the experience of those lows, and in particular the low of being heavily in debt, and the effect that had on him as a single parent at that time, the guilt, the shame, the rejection and the fear led him to set up CAP UK.‘Nevertheless’ is the story of John and CAP which started with a vision, a simple faith, a single minded belief and no money! Today there are CAP centres not only across the UK but also in Australia, New Zealand and Canada. I have had the honour of meeting John on a few occasions, and I’ve also seen him doing his job. I attended an ‘awards evening’ to celebrate some of the many who had their lives turned around through CAP. Each story had a common event: Self harm or attempted suicide. That’s the lows that debt can pull us down to, but through proper budgeting and CAP advocating on their behalf, these humble men and women talked about saved marriages, returned dignity, savings and most importantly hope. There’s an economic law called ‘The law of diminishing returns’ or sometimes called the ‘marginal utility of satisfaction’ which states that there comes a point where the satisfaction, or benefit starts to decrease from a level or increased amount of input. In the case of John Kirby (input) this law seems not to apply. The sheer joy he derives (output) from each person freed from debt, (and yes, in many cases, becoming Christians) never seems to decrease. There are many successful entrepreneurs who are driven people, but in so many cases I sense the overriding motive to be selfish. What is inspiring about this book is that Kirby is so evidently selfless. In a world where we are ever more conscious of our social responsibility to society as a whole, it is the likes of John whom I look up to as a role model. In my business, I have the good fortune to make a reasonable living, but I want to make sure that the responsibility that comes with that, I take seriously, and that I can make a difference in the lives of others. If you would like a copy of John’s book, do drop me an email, I have plenty of copies which I want to give away. It will inspire you to make a difference too! Company address: SWCO Financial Planning, The Tower, The Maltings, Hoe Lane, Ware, Herts, SG12 9LR T: 01920 444915 E: [email protected] Registered office address: The Tower, The Maltings, Hoe Lane, Ware, Herts. SG12 9LR. Registered in England and Wales under reference.... SWCO Financial Planning is an Appointed Representative of ValidPath Ltd, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. ValidPath Ltd is entered on the Financial Services Register ( ) under reference 197107. The guidance provided within this website is subject to the UK regulatory regime and is therefore primarily targeted at consumers based in the UK. Copyright © 2014 Adviser Pro All Rights Reserved.
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The writer sympathetically describes the size of the stakes.A few myths are also busted and none more so that the fact that a Judge does not have a gavel and that no money changes hands when it comes to bail.The other big myth our author is keen to dispel is that this is a well-paid career. It is always easy to throw money at a problem, but the cutbacks to the CPS and to the police have simply gone too far and this is meaning too many cases of bad people getting away with crimes and too many victims remaining traumatised and resentful that justice has not been served.This is a political book and whilst I have been guilty of lapping up red top rhetoric around lenient sentencing and easy prison life, this book gives a very balanced view on the political points scoring this kind of rhetoric actually is.I would recommend this book simply for its elucidation of a subject I knew very little about, but its 343 pages seemed a tough stretch in comparison to other similar incarcerations! There is a very popular book out at the moment called ‘This is going to hurt’ by Adam Kay and it’s the memories of a Junior doctor. The writer sympathetically describes the size of the stakes.A few myths are also busted and none more so that the fact that a Judge does not have a gavel and that no money changes hands when it comes to bail.The other big myth our author is keen to dispel is that this is a well-paid career. It is always easy to throw money at a problem, but the cutbacks to the CPS and to the police have simply gone too far and this is meaning too many cases of bad people getting away with crimes and too many victims remaining traumatised and resentful that justice has not been served.This is a political book and whilst I have been guilty of lapping up red top rhetoric around lenient sentencing and easy prison life, this book gives a very balanced view on the political points scoring this kind of rhetoric actually is.I would recommend this book simply for its elucidation of a subject I knew very little about, but its 343 pages seemed a tough stretch in comparison to other similar incarcerations! Registered in England and Wales under reference.... SWCO Financial Planning is an Appointed Representative of ValidPath Ltd, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. - Financial advisers, investment and pensions advice and mortgage brokers in - Ware - SWCO Financial Planning Content: what will 2019 bring for investors? I have no insider knowledge of the direction that markets will take. Therefore, the shorter-term movements of the equity markets, whether UK or global are of little significance when our clients time horizon is longer term. What is of greater importance is that each of our client portfolios is suitably diversified and whilst most advisers will subscribe to a diversification through stocks and bonds, we believe that a greater degree of diversification is required for the modern retail portfolio. I have no insider knowledge of the direction that markets will take. Therefore, the shorter-term movements of the equity markets, whether UK or global are of little significance when our clients time horizon is longer term. What is of greater importance is that each of our client portfolios is suitably diversified and whilst most advisers will subscribe to a diversification through stocks and bonds, we believe that a greater degree of diversification is required for the modern retail portfolio. Registered in England and Wales under reference.... SWCO Financial Planning is an Appointed Representative of ValidPath Ltd, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. A very good book, but not the Good Book!But if you’re not a believer, please don’t be put off, as this is such an inspirational tale of a man with a singular focus that ultimately has, and is, affecting the lives of thousands of people in a positive way. John Kirby is a Bradford lad with a troubled past which included highs and lows, but the experience of those lows, and in particular the low of being heavily in debt, and the effect that had on him as a single parent at that time, the guilt, the shame, the rejection and the fear led him to set up CAP UK.‘Nevertheless’ is the story of John and CAP which started with a vision, a simple faith, a single minded belief and no money! In my business, I have the good fortune to make a reasonable living, but I want to make sure that the responsibility that comes with that, I take seriously, and that I can make a difference in the lives of others. A very good book, but not the Good Book!But if you’re not a believer, please don’t be put off, as this is such an inspirational tale of a man with a singular focus that ultimately has, and is, affecting the lives of thousands of people in a positive way. John Kirby is a Bradford lad with a troubled past which included highs and lows, but the experience of those lows, and in particular the low of being heavily in debt, and the effect that had on him as a single parent at that time, the guilt, the shame, the rejection and the fear led him to set up CAP UK.‘Nevertheless’ is the story of John and CAP which started with a vision, a simple faith, a single minded belief and no money! In my business, I have the good fortune to make a reasonable living, but I want to make sure that the responsibility that comes with that, I take seriously, and that I can make a difference in the lives of others.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Permanent Recruitment Software | Firefish Software Content: Reporting Bring your temp database to life Application data shows that more than 1 in 3 applications come from existing candidates.Bring your permanent candidate database to life and maximise your opportunity with powerful search tools. Ensuring your recruiters don't spend time trawling external sources when the a potential match is already in their database. Automate temp candidate matching Firefish uses candidate data to identify the potential matches within your existing permanent candidate database. With automated features including CV formatting, Talent Pools and more, your recruiters will be able to speed up processes meaning they spend less time trawling databases and more time placing candidates. Reduce time per placement Recruiters can spend anywhere between 8 and 15 minutes reading a CV, increasing time per placement and leaving opportunities open for other recruitment agencies. With Firefish, recruiters have the tools to built registration forms and perform CV-scans throughout their database, ensuring they only see relevant candidates. Build better relationships Like any relationship, candidate and client relationships are built on two things – communication and mutual trust. Give your recruiters the tools to nurture both candidate and client relationships with Firefish. Ensuring they can send a range of communications and that all previous and upcoming activities are automatically stored in your recruitment CRM. Explore Recruitment CRM→ Improve candidate quality The quality of a placed candidate says a lot about your agency.‍By automating admin tasks, the Firefish Applicant Tracking System ensures your recruiters have more time available to engage with candidates in the selection process. Giving them the opportunity to collect more information and qualify candidates ahead of shortlisting. Enhance your candidate experience Firefish ATS gives recruitment agencies the tools to create an immersive candidate experience by tracking the candidates throughout the recruitment journey, identifying key milestones. With clear workflows, recruiters can manage candidates, action automated tasks and manage contract placements in just a few clicks. Simplify interview workflows We understand the balancing act recruiters face when shortlisting candidates and arranging interviews.With Firefish, recruiters can easily track and arrange interviews through their job workflow. From considering, to recruiter interviews, employer interviews and offers – it’s all covered in your applicant tracking workflow! Collaborate with hiring managers Collaborate with hiring managers, providing the opportunity for input and transparency throughout the recruitment process. Through your client portal, hiring managers will have the ability to review candidates, add notes, ratings, and shortlist candidates for interview. Explore Applicant Tracking System → Mitigate recruitment risks Minimise the risk of recruiters bypassing compliance checks and placing non-compliant candidates.With Firefish compliance workflows, recruiters are unable to confirm a placement until all mandatory compliance checks have been completed and authorised within the system. Prevent placement delays Some roles require a number of compliance checks before a candidate can be placed. Delays not only leave all parties frustrated but also increase time and cost per placement.Firefish streamlines candidate compliance processes –ensuring recruiters can collate information and check the compliance status of every candidate. Protect your recruitment brand Placing a non-compliant candidate or working with anon-compliant company can cause significant damage to your permanent recruitment agency.Firefish compliance workflows provide recruiters with a safety net to ensure they don’t place a non-compliant candidate or work with a non-compliant company. Explore Compliance→ Align your recruitment brand In a competitive landscape, aligning your recruitment and marketing activities is vital for cutting through the noise and reaching top-talent ahead of your competitors.Firefish gives you the tools to brand all aspects of your recruitment activities, from managing your website within your CRM, to white labelling your recruitment software and pushing candidates back to your branded application pages. Immerse your candidates On average it takes a minimum of 8 touch points before someone trusts a brand enough to consider their service and your recruitment agency is no different.Utilise a range of communication methods including email integration, 2-way SMS and VOIP to immerse both passive and active candidates in an engaging recruitment journey that converts. Reduce cost-per-placement With many job boards increasing their prices for recruitment agencies, it’s important to use a blended mix of channels for acquiring new candidate applications.Broadcast your jobs to more than 200 platforms and social networks in just the click of a button with Firefish Multiposting. Allowing you to receive applications directly into your Recruitment CRM. Automate messages and alerts Reduce the risk of candidates slipping through the net, campaigns falling off the list when applications pick-up and your pipeline drying up.Firefish gives recruiters the tools to automate personalised candidate job alerts, schedule a range communications and automate follow-up tasks. Explore Marketing Tools → Put candidates in control Candidates want to be able to search and apply for jobs, anytime, anywhere and on any device.Put candidates in control of their own recruitment journey with a branded candidate portal. Giving candidates the ability to update their preferences, availability, experience and more - at a time that suits them. Build your recruitment brand We know a thing or two about building a recruitment brand - just ask the thousands on our recruitment subscriber list.To build your brand, you need to generate a range of content. Firefish websites give you the ability to create blogs, job specific campaigns, build staff profiles and showcase your success through testimonials - all from within your CRM. Showcase employer branding Familiarising candidates with a clients brands at an early stage can lead to long term success on placement.Build a branded career site for your client, allowing them to showcase their brand and advertise exclusive roles whilst ensuring all applications come directly into your recruitment CRM for shortlisting. Attract a flow of organic candidates Google reports that between 13 and 15 million people search for jobs each month. Attract a constant stream of organic candidates and get more eyes on your jobs by using the SEO tools on Firefish and our Google for Jobs integration. Reducing your cost per placement and providing hiring managers with relevant candidates. Identify placement patterns In a challenging economy, allocating resource to the channels providing the best return on placements is vital to your recruitment agencies success.Firefish Reporting helps recruitment agency leaders to analyse which channels are delivering most candidates, interviews and placements. Understand your candidates By analysing your candidate data, you’ll be able to get a better understanding of the make-up of your candidate database.Using this information will allow your recruiters to tailor their recruitment approach, communications and more. Track candidate experience As a recruitment agency, your job is to not only place the right candidates but to also make sure your candidates have an engaging recruitment experience.With recruitment reports, you can identify areas causing candidate drop-offs, (like withdrawing post-interview or going cold after applying). [PAGE] Title: Customer Support | Firefish Software Content: We support recruiters in over 25 countries from our UK-based Head Office. On average, our Support Team resolve any queries or issues within 97 minutes. Uptime across all Firefish products in the last 90 days. Book a Demo Award-winning Customer Support Firefish support is handled by our award-winning in-house Customer team who are passionate about tech but still recruiters at heart. Our UK-based support team are available during working hours by phone, live chat and email or you can book a session with a member of the team at a time that suits you. We’re always on hand to answer any questions you have, or you can do a quick search of our Fish Tank knowledge hub. Resources to Suit Your Style of Learning Regardless of how you like to receive information, we’ve got you covered. If you’re looking for self-service support, our Fishtank articles are packed with product how-to’s and best practice tips and available at the click of a button.Prefer a more interactive method? We run monthly live webinars, covering different aspects of the system. Our award-winning recruitment blog is also perfect for business articles. Community Driven Product Roadmap As a Firefish customer, you drive our product roadmap. Through our UserVoice platform, you’ll have the opportunity to vote for new Firefish features and improvements you would like to see to the system. We update our product on weekly basis with small improvements so we’re continually leading the way on the recruitment software market. What Our Client Say "The standout for me is the customer service and support, prompt, efficient, they listen, always answer the phone, nothing is too much trouble, I get the feeling they appreciate and want to keep our business, which in this day and age is a rarity unfortunately." "Good, robust software but one thing I would say is that the support is better than any application I have ever used. So, if there is a difficulty, it is resolved very, very quickly. The support team are lovely, really good to work with." "We have been using Firefish for quite a few years now having moved over from Bullhorn. What a difference. At Bullhorn we were just a number and rarely got actually speak to anyone when we had a problem. The team at FF have been nothing but helpful and supportive (especially when I ask stupid questions) and have worked really hard to ensure everything works smoothly." [PAGE] Title: Contract Recruitment Software | Firefish Content: Segment your contract candidates into high-converting, dynamic talent pools and keep them engaged across a variety of different platforms directly from within Firefish. See the results! Within six months of using Firefish, you’ll watch candidate engagement levels increase by 200% and your recruiters will be making 25% more placements. With all your recruitment activities managed together in one place, you’ll see clearly what’s working and what’s not. Join thousands of recruitment agency leaders "We've made more progress in 9 months of partnership with Firefish than in the last 15 years." Rod Carmichael, Managing Director "Firefish is easy to install, user friendly and comes with great customer service at the right price." Andrew Goodfellow, Director/ Co-Founder "It's revolutionised our way of working." Emma Doo, Managing Partner [PAGE] Title: Customer Success | Firefish Software Content: Process update check-ins per year with your Firefish Coach when using our Playbook service. Access to your personal Fishtank training platform when working with our Account Managers. Our Account Management team recently helped a Firefish client increase candidate engagement by 800%. Getting Setup for Success Every business that joins Firefish gets a tailored onboarding program delivered by their own dedicated onboarding coach. From the initial planning call, we’ll establish both the components that make up the success of your implementation and any business objectives key to your growth plans. We’ll guide you through all aspects of your onboarding, training your recruiters, handling your migration and more. Putting you in the best position for success. Your Dedicated Account Manager Your recruitment software is an investment and the higher your system adoption, the better the return on investment. Firefish clients with 10 or more recruiters will be assigned a dedicated Account Manager. Your Account Manager works closely with you to run health checks, analyse adoption across your business and identify avenues for growth. Coaching Towards Your Recruitment Goals Whatever your goals are, we’re here to help you reach them. Our Success Coaches can be booked for hourly sessions either on-site or virtually. In an ever-changing landscape, sometimes your recruitment processes need re-aligned to help you become a leaner business. Our Customer Success Team can help you create an active playbook that will align your processes with the software. Your playbook will be the blueprint of your business that can be updated each quarter as your business grows and your goals change. What Our Client Say "Firefish were very helpful in supporting us throughout the onboarding process and continue to be supportive as our business grows. The product itself is a dream, easy to use and navigate through its constantly evolving features." "From day one, Firefish wanted to be our partner and grow together. No other supplier showed this to us. They also started from the candidate journey and engagement which is something we really value." "Firefish has completely transformed the way we do business. It is very easy to use and the team at Firefish are constantly issuing resources and advice on how to get more out of the system." [PAGE] Title: Recruitment Software for Scale-ups | Firefish Content: Exceeding your potential begins with the right software Propel your agency to the forefront of the industry with powerful recruitment agency software Leading recruitment software for agencies focused on scaling Delivery made easy Arm your recruitment agency with software designed to automate and optimise recruitment processes through intuitive workflows suited to every type of recruitment. Build your brand Firefish empowers recruitment agencies to elevate their brand and engage with candidates through campaigns, integrated websites and intuitive marketing features. Scale with profit We know that profitability matters when scaling. With Firefish, you'll have all the tools required to scale, without the overheads of multiple software platforms. Features that connect the dots throughout your agency Turn on your engagement engine By increasing candidate engagement, identifying potential matches and increasing agency reach, Firefish enables recruiters to convert 25% placements, turning your CRM into an engagement engine. Book a Demo Automate Processes Enable recruiters to be where it matters, when it matters with automations that handle often overlooked recruitment activities and reminders. Identify Top Talent With AI-candidate matching, engagement indicators and powerful search tools, Firefish empowers recruiters to find top talent at lightening speed. Build Your Database Intuitive sourcing features make it easy to identify, add and update candidates from external sources, feeding straight into your engagement engine. Automate with AI Reduce the barriers in your delivery time with powerful recruitment AI features that enable recruiters to generate and distribute jobs in seconds. Growth requires more than just intuition The old way Your recruitment CRM is full of data but your success relies on a recruiters ability to know the difference between dead and active data. Without this, recruiters become reliant on expensive job boards and targeting unengaged candidates. The Firefish way We understand that data without action is like a spark without fuel. Firefish bridges that gap, taking data to the heart of your agency turning dead-data to active-data. Driving engagement from the offset, resulting in a 25% increase in conversion rates and better client relationships. Powering success for recruitment agencies in all industries Technology "You feel like a valued customer and nothing is too much work. Coming from a CRM we had used for over 15 years I was nervous about the integration but the process was so well managed and all aspects of the migration were taken into consideration" Construction "Firefish collects everything we need in one place. From making notes on contacts for credit control, to searching for candidates, to linking with our other software without issue. I couldnt recommend it enough and is an essential for recruitment if you want an efficient workplace." Finance & Accountancy "At Bullhorn (being a small agency) we were just a number and rarely got actually speak to anyone when we had a problem. The team at Firefish have been nothing but helpful and supportive and have worked really hard to ensure everything works smoothly." IT & Cyber Security "Having researched many companies, Firefish came up on top in every area possible. Before purchasing it I had no idea how good their customer support was. It's quite frankly excellent and an example of how any customer support should be." Building the best recruitment agencies, one user at a time We understand the need for scale-up agencies to have flexibility on licence numbers, that's why we'll never make you renew your contract when adding or removing recruiter licenses. Basic Exceed your potential with a powerful Recruitment CRM that propels your agency to the forefront of the industry. £85/per user monthly [PAGE] Title: In-house Recruitment Software | Firefish Software Content: All hiring managers have their own Firefish login, where they gain full transparency on candidate shortlists and see clearly how the hiring process is progressing. See the results! Within six months of using Firefish, you’ll watch candidate engagement levels increase by 200% and your recruiters will be making 25% more placements. With all your recruitment activities managed together in one place, you’ll see clearly what’s working and what’s not. Join thousands of recruitment agency leaders "We've made more progress in 9 months of partnership with Firefish than in the last 15 years." Rod Carmichael, Managing Director "Firefish is easy to install, user friendly and comes with great customer service at the right price." Andrew Goodfellow, Director/ Co-Founder "It's revolutionised our way of working." Emma Doo, Managing Partner Fuelled by the success of our users Today, Firefish helps recruitment companies of all sizes and industries to accelerate growth by putting data at the heart of their recruitment agency, and it’s  recognised by users who have voted us as the best recruitment CRM software provider at a number of awards. PRODUCT [PAGE] Title: Best RPO software solution for UK recruitment agencies Content: Build custom dashboards and bring your data to life with a variety of visualisation options. Use the reports dashboard and build data stories to learn from your data, focus your business and bring accountability to your team. See the results! Within six months of using Firefish, you’ll watch candidate engagement levels increase by 200% and your recruiters will be making 25% more placements. With all your recruitment activities managed together in one place, you’ll see clearly what’s working and what’s not. Join thousands of recruitment agency leaders "We've made more progress in 9 months of partnership with Firefish than in the last 15 years." Rod Carmichael, Managing Director "Firefish is easy to install, user friendly and comes with great customer service at the right price." Andrew Goodfellow, Director/ Co-Founder "It's revolutionised our way of working." Emma Doo, Managing Partner Fuelled by the success of our users Today, Firefish helps recruitment companies of all sizes and industries to accelerate growth by putting data at the heart of their recruitment agency, and it’s  recognised by users who have voted us as the best recruitment CRM software provider at a number of awards. Product [PAGE] Title: Firefish Software Content: Book a Demo AI-Powered Advert Generation Create professional and high converting adverts at the click of a button, with the AI-Powered Advert Content Generator Transform Your Job Ads With AI Create professional, engaging adverts in seconds with Firefish Software's AI powered advert content generator. ‍ With custom brand voice and advert structure prompts, your recruiters will be able to generate a job ad that is professional, engaging, and on brand in seconds. Save Hours Writing Ads Give your recruiters back more time for the important things by using Advert GPT to produce professionally written Job Adverts in seconds. Keep Your Ads On Brand Clearly define your brand voice and style. Keep your ads consistent and on-brand across teams and platforms. Multi-Post in Seconds Use the Firefish Multiposter to post your newly created adverts across all your favourite job boards in just a few clicks. Book a Demo Empower Recruiters With AI Powered Advert Generation Use Advert GPT and the Brand Voice Generator to create AI-Enhanced Job Ads that stand out and convert candidates. [PAGE] Title: Evertime Firefish Integration Content: Evertime Manage your contractor back office through Firefish with our seamless integration with Evertime. Firefish integrates with Evertime to provide you with a complete everyday solution for temp and contract recruitment . Place a candidate through Firefish and use the Evertime integration to handle all payroll, tax and other back office tasks like submission of timesheets, expenses and receipts  – all within the Firefish system. INTEGRATION HIGHLIGHTS Manage all your temp and contract pay and bill activities from Firefish Each time a contract placement, extension, or termination is made through Firefish, easily submit an CSV report directly to Evertime from your CRM Get hiring manager timesheet approval through a secure email link Manage candidate compliance , extensions and terminations within Firefish – no need to train staff in a separate payroll software. Get notified of candidate AWR and holiday accrual. This integration if free to Firefish customers with an Evertime license on Basic, Professional and Enterprise packages. What is Firefish software? Firefish Software is a combined recruitment marketing and CRM software that’s changing the way businesses recruit. To grow in this busy market, you need your recruitment and marketing channels to be seamlessly aligned and managed from one place. Firefish turns your business into an inbound recruitment engine so you can reach candidates first. Learn more What is Evertime? Evertime is a game-changing Pay & Bill SaaS solution and can quickly and easily integrate with a range of front office systems. It’s a brilliant, reliable, cloud-based platform that fully manages all aspects of contractor Pay & Bill. [PAGE] Title: Candidate Talent Pools | Firefish Software Content: Book a Demo Talent Pools Segment your candidates into high-converting, dynamic talent pools and keep them engaged across a variety of different platforms. How Talent Pools can bring you more success Stay ahead of your competitors In the current market, the average candidate is only on the market for only 10 days. Stay ahead your competitors with Firefish, automatically have candidates to your talent pools and receive notifications you so you can get there first. Nurture and engage passive candidates With a CRM full of talent, it can be easy to lose touch with great candidates when they find something new or even just decide to stay put. By using talent pools, you can keep them in one place and choose from several communication options to nurture your relationships and make sure you are the first call when they come on the market again in future. Use your Talent Pools to win more business What better way to convince a prospect to offer you exclusivity on a role than to show them just how relevant your candidates are to their hiring needs? Tailor your talent pools to the needs of your clients and have an instant warm lead whenever new talent is added to the pool. The perfect tool to engage your database By coupling Talent Pools with your SMS campaigns, you'll be able to create high-impact personalised campaigns that lead to more placements. Segment your database into dynamic talent pools using filters such as location, job type, contract end-date and much more. Once your Talent Pools are setup, you'll be able to send personalised campaigns to candidates within your chosen pools at the click of a button. Firefish gave us a more efficient way to categorise our pool of candidates and clients, minimising time spend on admin. Theodora P, Recruitment Director [PAGE] Title: Marketing & Portals Content: Supercharge candidate sourcing & deliver first-class candidate journeys Attract 45% more qualified candidates with the built-in recruitment marketing solution. MARKETING & PORTALS Supercharge your candidate attraction strategy Firefish's recruitment CRM offers built-in marketing and communication tools that enable recruitment agencies to attract more qualified candidates through increased brand visibility and amplified reach on every job.‍Deliver unbeatable experiences for candidates and exceptional hiring journeys for clients. Go to section → Recruitment Agency Websites Bolster your agency's brand and maximise your candidate experience with a range of professional recruitment website templates. Manage your entire web presence with ease - and without needing a developer - from inside your CRM. Control your brand colours, imagery and fonts, create powerful content for your plugins, and manage the candidate journey from application all the way to placement and beyond. Learn more Job Board Multiposting Amplify the reach of your job ads and post across all of your favourite job boards in just a few clicks. Use the native AI-powered advert content generator to write professional job adverts instantly, while maintaining your agency's brand voice. Manage your agency's job board credits and advert structure, and view incoming applications from multiple unique job boards all without leaving Firefish. Learn more Learn more Candidate Portal Deliver exceptional candidate journeys and boost engagement levels with the self-service candidate portal. Let your candidates upload their own compliance documentation, add references and select their own marketing preferences - giving your recruiters more time to recruit. Learn more Learn more Hiring Manager Portal Bring your clients into the heart of their hiring journey and maximise buy-in with the hiring manager portal. Construct talent pools tailored to each client's needs, allowing hiring managers to source their own talent. Allow clients leave instant interview feedback, and request new vacancies in just a few clicks. How Bright Purple increased placements through better engagement Driving placements from existing candidates Through data cleansing led by Firefish, Bright Purple has benefited from a smaller, more relevant database that is fully GDPR compliant. This has enabled their recruiters to target warmer candidates, driving placements as a result. Measuring candidate acquisition sources By utilising the reports dashboards on Firefish, Bright Purples leadership team were able to identify that over a third of applicants were coming from applicants already in their database - helping them to prioritise database engagement. Driving digital engagement from the CRM Firefish enables Bright Purple to manage their website from within the CRM, allowing the team to reduce the time it takes to improve their candidate journey whilst giving them the ability to run marketing campaigns from one platform. Fuelled by the success of our users Today, Firefish helps recruitment companies of all sizes and industries to accelerate growth by putting data at the heart of their recruitment agency, and it’s  recognised by users who have voted us as the best recruitment CRM software provider at a number of awards. Recruitment Marketing FAQs What does recruitment marketing software do? Recruitment marketing software gives recruitment agencies the tools to broadcast roles from within their recruitment CRM. This gives recruiters the ability to build email marketing campaigns, send bulk text message campaigns to candidates and report on their marketing efforts via reporting dashboards. Why should recruitment agencies use marketing software? Marketing software is a great tool for recruitment agencies as it helps to ensure all candidate and client communications are on-brand. Recruitment marketing software also allows agencies to broadcast open roles, nurture candidate relationships, and analyse campaign performance. How much does recruitment marketing software cost? Firefish recruitment marketing tools are available as part of the Firefish Recruitment Software package, starting at £60 per month. Bulk discounts are available for agencies with 11 or more recruiters. How do recruitment agencies market their roles? Successful recruitment agencies utilise a multi-channel marketing strategy to ensure maximum exposure of both their brand and roles. Recruitment agencies use marketing software to post jobs across multiple job boards and social media platforms. Additionally, their marketing software gives them the tools to automate candidate job alerts and communications. What are the best candidate communication tools? Utilising multiple communication channels across your candidate communication strategy is key for nurturing candidate relationship. Use recruitment marketing tools to setup email marketing campaigns, text message campaigns and setup automated job alerts. PRODUCT [PAGE] Title: Applicant Tracking System | Firefish Software Content: APPLICANT TRACKING SYSTEM Increase profitability through streamlined recruitment operations Take complete control of your candidate pipeline with customisable applicant tracking workflows designed for every type of recruitment. Amazing candidate journeys begin with efficient workflows Transform your recruitment agency's hiring journeys with Firefish's Applicant Tracking System (ATS), with seamlessly integrated task and diary management. Empower your recruiters to make more placements by reducing admin, streamlining processes, and optimising communications. TAILORED applicant tracking WORKFLOWS Deliver exceptional hiring journeys from beginning to end Empower your recruiters to exceed their potential with features that optimise communication, provide excellent hiring journeys, and simplify the post-placement process. Permanent Recruitment Workflows keyboard_arrow_UP Potential Matches Get a head start on identifying the perfect candidate as Firefish automatically matches existing candidates to relevant jobs and contacts in your database. CV Formatter Instantly transform your candidates' CVs into professional, branded, well-formatted CVs in seconds; without leaving your CRM. Interview Management Manage interviews within your job workflows and scheduled interviews will automatically appear in your Outlook calendar and Firefish To Do list. Offer Management Simplify your offer process with purpose-built automated email templates to ensure clear communication and excellent candidate and client experiences. Forecast Management Accurately track the expected revenue of vacancies, understand when they are likely to be completed, and review the probability of successful placements. Potential Matches Get a head start on identifying the perfect candidate as Firefish automatically matches existing candidates to relevant jobs and contacts in your database. Learn More → Interview Management Manage interviews within your job workflows and scheduled interviews will automatically appear in your Outlook calendar and Firefish To Do list. Learn More → Offer Management Simplify your offer process with purpose-built automated email templates to ensure clear communication and excellent candidate and client experiences. Learn More → Forecast Management Accurately track the expected revenue of vacancies, understand when they are likely to be completed, and review the probability of successful placements. keyboard_arrow_UP Bulk Placements Simplify contract management and coordinate the placement of multiple candidates with different start dates, unique contracts and different payment rates in bulk. Payment Calculator Customise your contract roles to match the payment facility and company type required for each role. Firefish will calculate the charge rate required to achieve your required margin. Extensions & Terminations Collate a list of active contractors and manage their periods of work in a matter of seconds; automatically updating the relevant candidate record and triggering automated processes. Contract Generator Instantly create personalised, polished and branded contracts and increase placement speed by enabling candidates and clients to sign electronically. Contract Generator Instantly create personalised, polished, and branded contracts and increase placement speed by enabling candidates and clients to sign electronically. Payment Calculator Customise your contract roles to match the payment facility and company type required for each role. Firefish will calculate the charge rate required to achieve your required margin. Bulk Placements Simplify contract management and coordinate the placement of multiple candidates with different start dates, unique contracts and different payment rates in bulk. Extensions & Terminations Collate a list of active contractors and manage their periods of work in a matter of seconds; automatically updating the relevant candidate record and triggering automated processes. Bulk Placements Simplify contract management and coordinate the placement of multiple candidates with different start dates, unique contracts and different payment rates in bulk. Learn More → Payment Calculator Customise your contract roles to match the payment facility and company type required for each role. Firefish will calculate the charge rate required to achieve your required margin. Learn More → Extensions & Terminations Collate a list of active contractors and manage their periods of work in a matter of seconds; automatically updating the relevant candidate record and triggering automated processes. Learn More → Contract Generator (eSign) Instantly create personalised, polished, and branded contracts and increase placement speed by enabling candidates and clients to sign electronically. keyboard_arrow_UP Postcode Radius Matching Optimise candidate selection by enabling Firefish to instantly match existing candidates with live job openings based on their postcode location. Multiple Rates & Positions Tailor your temp roles with the ability to include multiple rates to cover overtime and additional charges, along with basic pay. Reduce admin by creating multiple positions. Bulk Workflow Actions Progress candidates through stages in bulk. Schedule multiple interviews at once, make multiple placements and trigger numerous extensions simultaneously. Contract Roll-on Perform the post-placement management of temp candidates with ease. Roll-on multiple contracts at the same time and in the same place. Compliance Rules Protect your placements and clients with seamlessly integrated compliance processes at any stage of your temporary workflow. Postcode Radius Matching Optimise candidate selection by enabling Firefish to instantly match existing candidates with live job openings based on their postcode location. Learn More → Multiple Rates & Positions Tailor your temp roles with the ability to include multiple rates to cover overtime and additional charges, along with basic pay. Reduce admin by creating multiple positions. Learn More → Bulk Workflow Actions Progress candidates through stages in bulk. Schedule multiple interviews at once, make multiple placements and trigger numerous extensions simultaneously. Learn More Contract Roll-On Perform the post-placement management of temp candidates with ease. Roll-on multiple contracts at the same time and in the same place. Protect your placements and clients with seamlessly integrated compliance processes at any stage of your temporary workflow.‍ Exec Search Recruitment Workflows keyboard_arrow_UP Flexible Workflow Stages Adapt workflow stages to align with your executive search agency and client needs, effortlessly add or remove stages, and fine-tune compliance and automation rules for each stage. Dynamic Long Lists Create dynamic long-lists for your vacancies and manage everything in one place, add candidates to your long-lists by email or directly from LinkedIn. Retainers & Split Fees Firefish allows recruiters to work on a retainer basis, track payment milestones and split fees with other colleagues in your business with ease. Hiring Manager Portals Use your branded Hiring Manager Portal to engage hiring managers at the core of their hiring journey and grant them controlled access to workflows and purpose-built talent pools. Flexible Workflow Stages Adapt workflow stages to align with your executive search agency and client needs, effortlessly add or remove stages, and fine-tune compliance and automation rules for each stage. Learn More → Dynamic Long-Lists Create dynamic long-lists for your vacancies and manage everything in one place, add candidates to your long-lists by email or directly from LinkedIn. Learn More Retainers & Split Fees Aid recruiters working on a retainer basis by tracking payment milestones, and enabling them to split fees with other colleagues in your business with ease. Learn More Hiring Manager Portal Use your branded Hiring Manager Portal to engage hiring managers at the core of their hiring journey and grant them controlled access to workflows and purpose-built talent pools. How Bright Purple increased placements through better engagement Driving placements from existing candidates Through data cleansing led by Firefish, Bright Purple has benefited from a smaller, more relevant database that is fully GDPR compliant. This has enabled their recruiters to target warmer candidates, driving placements as a result. Measuring candidate acquisition sources By utilising the reports dashboards on Firefish, Bright Purples leadership team were able to identify that over a third of applicants were coming from applicants already in their database - helping them to prioritise database engagement. Driving digital engagement from the CRM Firefish enables Bright Purple to manage their website from within the CRM, allowing the team to reduce the time it takes to improve their candidate journey whilst giving them the ability to run marketing campaigns from one platform. Fuelled by the success of our users Today, Firefish helps recruitment companies of all sizes and industries to accelerate growth by putting data at the heart of their recruitment agency, and it’s  recognised by users who have voted us as the best recruitment CRM software provider at a number of awards. Applicant Tracking System (ATS) FAQs What is an Applicant Tracking System? An Applicant Tracking System helps recruiters keep close track of candidates and hiring processes, from first touch through to placement. An efficient recruitment ATS should help recruiters manage all job activities such as candidate selection, interviews, CV sends-outs, offer management, contract extensions, terminations and more. Why do recruitment agencies need an Applicant Tracking System? Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) enables recruitment agencies to manage all aspects of their hiring processes whilst ensuring a positive candidate and client experience. Applicant Tracking Systems make it easy for recruiters to analyse their pipeline on each job whilst providing the opportunity to report on pipeline activities. Why is it important to have a good ATS? Recruitment Agencies with a good Applicant Tracking System operate far more efficiently than those without. A well utilised recruitment ATS helps recruitment agencies to reduce both time and cost-per-placement. Analyse job pipeline movement and measure return on investment per job stage. What is the difference between a Recruitment ATS and a Recruitment CRM? A Recruitment CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system is a tool for holding candidate, client and company data. It often uses automation to nurture relationships clients, engage candidates and holds information in one central repository.  A Recruitment ATS can often be found within a CRM and focuses solely on the hiring process, acting as a step-by-step workflow for filling vacancies. What features should an Applicant Tracking System have? An ATS that is integrated with your Recruitment CRM can bring a number of tools that can change the way you recruit, some essential features include:Candidate Matching – Will find relevant candidates from your existing database to place in live roles ‍Direct Apply – Will add candidates who have applied via the company website or a 3rd party job board straight into your job workflow. Interview Management Tool – This will help you when scheduling interviews and collecting feedback. ‍Compliance Tools – A top CRM will also have your compliance workflows working seamlessly with your ATS to make sure only fully compliant candidates are placed. ‍Post Placement Tools – This is most useful for Temp recruitment or Contract recruitment and will include adding additional rates, extending or terminating contracts, and even generating contracts automatically from pre-made templates. PRODUCT [PAGE] Title: Recruitment Agency CRM | Firefish Content: Search & Match LinkedIn Chrome Extension Firefish enables recruiters to make more placements by empowering them to add, update, and manage both candidates and clients in their recruitment CRM, directly from a LinkedIn profile.Reduce time-per-placement by streamlining social sourcing and propelling your recruitment agency towards its' next growth milestone by enhancing business development processes. Learn more Advanced Search Search your database using a wide variety of filters to create highly detailed, targeted searches across candidate, contact, and company records. Saved Searches Save your most frequently used searches to remove hours of filter setting, creating shortcuts to your most utilised candidate and client database searches. Radius Search Search your recruitment CRM for candidates based within a specific radius and postcode match across the UK, Republic of Ireland, and North America. Boolean Search Use Boolean search strings within Firefish to perform deep, detailed searches of your entire database, from candidate profiles and preferences, to CVs. Talent Pools Segment your candidate database into dynamic, custom lists based on skillset, location, industry, and much more.  Firefish also enables recruiters to add candidates entering your database from LinkedIn, Outlook and other sources to custom Talent Pools.Use talent pools to communicate new vacancies, nurture passive candidates, and launch email campaigns all in one place. Potential Matches Get a head start on finding the perfect candidate and let Firefish automatically match existing candidates in recruitment CRM to relevant live roles. What's more, candidates will also be matched up with contacts in your database with the preferences that match the candidates skillset. Use potential matches to fill jobs quicker and carry out targeted BD campaigns using Speculative CVs. Database Automation Record Deletion/ Archiving Take total control of your recruitment agency's database, ensuring that your agency remains compliant and that all data remains relevant. Data Retention Alerts Receive automatic alerts when archived candidates are nearing the end of their GDPR data retention period. Bulk record deletion makes it easy to stay compliant. Bulk Actions Optimise the data in your recruitment CRM in bulk to save hours of database cleansing and management tasks. Duplicate Management Merge duplicate records and combine candidate, and client records. Firefish automatically flags duplicates that have been added manually, from adverts and from LinkedIn. Company Site Management Customise the look and feel of your CRM interface and define user permissions and automation rules that control who can access and edit your database. Engagement Tracking Utilise colour coded candidate engagement indicators that provide recruiters with instant insight into which candidates are engaging with your agency's content. Hot / New Candidate Alerts Automatically flag new candidates when they are added to the CRM and tag hot candidates to quickly compare the best talent throughout your database. Spec CV's Maintain and develop client relationships by equipping recruiters with the tools to send anonymised Spec CVs in seconds from within your recruitment CRM. Communications 2-Way SMS Bring candidate communications to life with 2-way text messages that empower recruiters to send and receive replies straight into CRM records. Calling (VOIP) Call out directly from a candidate or contact record with our VOIP integration, offering a powerful communications solution, keeping you connected with candidates - anytime, anywhere. 2-Way Email Tracking Never miss a message with  Office 365 and Gmail integrations that  link your email inbox for quick email add-in and auto-population of meetings to your calendar. Task Management Empowering recruiters to stay on top of often forgotten tasks with personalised, automated 'To Do' lists that integrate with email calendars Make more placements from your existing database Within six months of using Firefish, you’ll see candidate engagement levels increase by 200% and your recruiters converting 25% more placements. How Bright Purple Increased Data Driven Placements Driving placements from existing candidates Through data cleansing led by Firefish, Bright Purple has benefited from a smaller, more relevant database that is fully GDPR compliant. This has enabled their recruiters to target warmer candidates, driving placements as a result. Measuring candidate acquisition sources By utilising the reports dashboards on Firefish, Bright Purples leadership team were able to identify that over a third of applicants were coming from applicants already in their database - helping them to prioritise database engagement. Driving digital engagement from the CRM Firefish enables Bright Purple to manage their website from within the CRM, allowing the team to reduce the time it takes to improve their candidate journey whilst giving them the ability to run marketing campaigns from one platform. Fuelled by the success of our users Today, Firefish helps recruitment companies of all sizes and industries to accelerate growth by putting data at the heart of their recruitment agency, and it’s  recognised by users who have voted us as the best recruitment CRM software provider at a number of awards. Recruitment CRM FAQs What is a recruitment CRM? A recruitment CRM is a candidate relationship management platform, that gives recruiters the tools to establish, nurture and maintain candidate relationships. What is the difference between a recruitment CRM and ATS? A recruitment CRM is designed to help recruiters manage and maintain candidate relationships. Whereas an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) gives recruiters the tools to manage candidate journey through the recruitment process, using dynamic workflows. Why do recruitment agencies need a CRM? A recruitment CRM ensures all candidate data is stored in a secure, compliant recruitment database. By using a recruitment CRM, your recruitment agency will have the tools to manage candidate activities and relationships. A recruitment CRM also gives you the tools to generate dynamic reports from across your candidate database. How much does a recruitment CRM cost? Firefish Recruitment CRM is available from £60 per month however we provide volume discounts for 11+ users. Can I customise the data in my recruitment CRM? You can create custom fields within candidate, client and company records to reflect your recruitment agencies way of working. Ensuring your recruitment CRM works for you. PRODUCT [PAGE] Title: Recruitment Software for growing agencies | Firefish Content: Enhance compliance onboarding and foster better client relationships through branded candidate and hiring manager portals. Artificial Intelligence Harness the power of recruitment AI and empower your recruiters to spend time generating profit whilst attracting a flow of qualified candidates. Performance Analysis Measure the metrics that matter to you with real-time reports dashboards that provide you with unrivalled business and recruiter performance insights. Compliance Control Protect your agency, recruiters, clients and candidates with compliance workflows that ensure all mandatory compliance checks are complete. Supporting you, every step of the way Migrations Our team of data scientists are migration specialists. From migrating decade-old databases, to migrating from over 55 CRM systems, they've seen it all. Onboarding From the initial planning call, your Project Manager will establish your plan for successful implementation and any objectives key to your growth plans. Support Our UK-based support team are available during working hours by phone, live chat and email, alternatively you can schedule a session at a time that suits you. Adoption With Firefish, your Account Manager works closely with you to run health checks, analyse adoption across your agency and identify processes that drive growth. Powering the recruitment processes of high-growth agencies Business Support "Having moved from Bullhorn, it is clear how much more support you get as an SME with Firefish. There are lots of ways to drive improvements and it is simple to train new staff on, build KPI's and generate reports. Also you get the ability to interact with your entire database." Construction "The ease of use is fantastic, you don't need to over complicate the workflows, compared to the others I have been involved with over the years in recruitment. Firefish blows the rest out the water! The implementation was quick and easy and the team are always on hand to answer any questions." Technology "Firefish is a huge improvement over our previous CRM and has allowed our consultants to work a lot more effectively and efficiently across the board. Especially when working in a hybrid environment. The support is second to none with fast response times, knowledgeable experts and clear explanations." IT "The User Interface is very easy to use and new starts to the company can be on-boarded very quickly! If you feel Firefish should make any improvements they have an open community site where ideas are talked through, shared and voted on and regularly updated. Great team and very friendly customer service." Accelerating growth requires more than just intuition The old way Your CRM is full of data but your agency's success relies on a recruiter's ability to know the difference between dead and active data. Without this, recruiters become reliant on expensive job boards and targeting unengaged candidates. The Firefish way We understand that data without action is like a spark without fuel. Firefish bridges that gap, making data the beating heart of your agency and turning dead-data to active-data. Firefish drives engagement from the offset, resulting in a 25% increase in conversion rates and better client relationships. Book a Demo Building the agencies of tomorrow, recruiter by recruiter We understand the need for scale-up agencies to have flexibility on licence numbers, that's why we'll never make you renew your contract when adding or removing recruiter licenses. Professional Recruitment agency software that accelerates growth, delivers seamless integration and scales with your agency. £95/per user monthly [PAGE] Title: Recruitment Software Integrations | Firefish Software Content: Book a Demo Firefish Integrations The Firefish recruitment CRM integrates with Certified Partners to help you streamline your recruitment activities. If you can’t find the integration you’re looking for, we also offer an open API. Firefish Integrations [PAGE] Title: Enterprise Recruitment Software for Large Agencies | Firefish Content: Engagement Data-driven growth We bring all of your data—candidates, clients, recruiters, sales, and more—into the same system. With an intelligent data core, your recruitment business can make decisions based on data rather than intuiton. Process alignment Our solution streamlines recruiter workflows, ensuring teams work seamlessly. Data-driven insights enable process optimisation, and alignment, positioning enterprise agencies for profitable growth in a rapidly evolving industry. Multi-site management Effortlessly manage multiple sites and brands within a single CRM instance. Gain actionable oversight of regional or group performance, streamlining operations and maximising efficiency across your entire recruitment business. Collaborative recruitment We bring all of your data—candidates, clients, recruiters, sales, and more—into the same system. With an intelligent data core, your recruitment business can make decisions based on data rather than intuiton. SUPPORTING YOUR SUCCESS A partner at every stage of your journey Hassle free implementation Every business that joins Firefish gets a tailored onboarding program delivered by their own dedicated onboarding coach.From the initial planning call, we’ll establish both the components that make up the success of your implementation and any business objectives key to your growth plans. Long-term success At Firefish, our philosophy is always working in partnership with our clients to help them achieve their goals. Ensuring our software grows with your business. Accelerating profitable growth together Whatever your goals are, we’re here to help you reach them. Our Success Coaches can be booked for hourly sessions either on-site or virtually. Book a Demo "Firefish has definitely taught us to look from inside out as opposed to spending a fortune on marketing. We get real value from going to the database first to find a candidate we already have in the system."- Rob S, IntaPeople COMPLIANCE Water-tight compliance controls With native compliance workflows on Firefish, recruiters can place candidates in confidence, safe in the knowledge that all mandatory checks have been completed. From company terms to right-to-work documentation, credit checks to data retention - take control of compliance across your recruitment agency. ANALYTICS Real-time reporting dashboards Analyse candidate, contact and recruitment activity data to make informed business decisions and accurately evaluate the performance of your recruitment agency.View your recruitment data in fully branded, customisable visual graphs. Giving you the tools to understand your recruitment database, identify high-performing activities and leverage a positive return on investment. [PAGE] Title: Outlook Firefish Integration Content: Outlook Perfectly sync your Outlook inbox and calendar with your Firefish CRM. Firefish seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Office 365 so your Outlook inbox and calendar syncs perfectly with your recruitment CRM. Link up your Outlook inbox with Firefish and you’ll never miss a beat! This integration ensures 2-way emails are logged on contact records, automates important reminders and sends instant email invites to contacts – all without leaving Firefish. Integration highlights Add, update and shortlist any candidates in your database without leaving your Outlook inbox Easily transfer CVs and documents between Outlook and the Firefish CRM Log all 2-way emails on the relevant candidate and contact record View all recent activity at a glance and easily filter to find exactly what you’re looking for Any actions like interviews, meetings and follow-up calls that are booked in Firefish will automatically appear in your Outlook calendar Access your Outlook inbox and your Firefish CRM together anytime, anywhere. This integration is free to all Firefish customers who use Office 365 and are on our Basic, Professional or Enterprise packages. What is Firefish software? Firefish Software is a combined recruitment marketing and CRM software that’s changing the way businesses recruit.Firefish brings your recruitment activities together under one roof so you can manage them all in one place - perform recruitment activities quickly, in bulk and with no admin. Learn more What is Outlook? Microsoft Outlook is the email and information management tool from Microsoft and is available as part of the Microsoft Office suite. Outlook 365 is the cloud-based version of Microsoft Outlook, so you can access anywhere on the web. [PAGE] Title: Timesheet Portal Firefish Integration Content: The perfect software integration for temp and contractor recruitment agencies. Two powerful software products have come together to streamline your temp and contract workflows. Once you've booked a candidate, their placement data is instantly transferred from Firefish into Timesheet Portal so they can begin submitting timesheets – and you can begin generating invoices – straight away. Integration Features Seamlessly manage your temp and contract jobs end-to-end, from bookings through to pay and bill, all on one platfrom. Accurately and efficiently log and confirm timesheet details online and on the go Eliminate imports and exports of paper timesheets Manage candidate compliance, extensions and terminations Keep tabs of your candidates in real time – where they’re working and what they (and you) are due to be paid Get notified of candidate AWR and holiday accrual Manage electronic signing of terms and legal documents with Legal eSign. This integration is available to all Firefish customers with a Timesheet Portal license on our Basic, Professional and Enterprise packages. What is Firefish software? FirefishSoftware is a combined recruitment marketing and CRM software that’s changing the way businesses recruit. To run a top-billing temp desk, you need the right tools to make your high-volume recruitment process as efficient as possible. Firefish lets you perform recruitment activities quickly, in bulk and with no admin. Learn more What is Timesheet Portal? Timesheet Portal is a time and expense software solution for managing temporary and contract workers when they’re out on a job. Timesheet Portal’s time and expense recording significantly improves the pay and bill process for recruitment agencies by syncing seamlessly with payroll software such as Xero, Sage and Quickbooks. [PAGE] Title: Recruitment Video Tips | Firefish Software Content: Company Number: SC370891        VAT Number: 984027013 © 2022 Firefish Software. [PAGE] Title: Recruitment Contract Generator | Firefish Software Content: How the contract generator can help your recruitment agency Ensure constancy across contracts Keeping your contracts consistent across your recruitment teams is no easy task. Using custom contract templates on Firefish will keep your recruiters consistent and prevent them from agreeing to terms that they shouldn’t. Save time on contract creation Manually producing contracts for each new client and placement is a time-consuming process. The contract generator does the hard work for you without the human error and integrates seamlessly into the job workflow to save your recruiter's time. Have multiple customisable templates Having multiple templates that are fully customisable allows your recruiters to tweak contracts to fit specific roles whilst retaining consistency with the rest of your business. You can also regenerate contracts as many times as you like to make sure each contract is on point. Contract Creation in few clicks In today’s recruitment world, it's not unusual to need multiple contract types. Whether it’s a PAYE, umbrella, or IR35 contract, a statement of work or a tailored contract for your best clients, you need to easily access your contracts and be able tailor them to the job as effortlessly as possible. The contract generator is guaranteed to save your recruiters hours on preparing contracts as well as easily automating the consistency of your contracts to make sure human error doesn’t creep in and lead to recruiters accidently agreeing to things they shouldn’t. In Firefish we found a system that catered for all our needs and actually thought for us and helped us increase candidate and client contact. Simon W [PAGE] Title: Contact us | Firefish Recruitment Software Content: we're here to help! Got a question for us? If you have a question but you're not sure who to ask, just fill out this form and we'll put you in touch with a member of our team who can help. If you're an existing Firefish user with a support query, please email [email protected] .‍‍Phone: +44 141 648 8520 ‍Email: [email protected]‍ Address: The Aquarium, Level 1 The Sinclair Building, 18-20 Eagle Street, Glasgow, G4 9XA. If you’re a business that would like to integrate with Firefish or to gain access to our API, head over to this page . Thank you! Your submission has been received! Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form. PRODUCT [PAGE] Title: Gmail Firefish Integration Content: Gmail Manage your recruitment database from your inbox with Firefish for Gmail. The Firefish for Gmail integration streamlines your email activity and allows you to place candidates directly from your Gmail inbox. Simply download the Firefish for Gmail add-on to begin shortlisting and placing candidates from your database without leaving your inbox – because who wants the extra admin? Integration highlights Add, update and shortlist any candidates in your database without leaving your Gmail inbox Never register the same candidate twice thanks to our duplicate management system Easily transfer CVs and documents between Gmail and the Firefish CRM Any actions like interviews, meetings and follow-up calls that are booked in Firefish will automatically appear in your Gmail calendar Reduce admin by streamlining your email activities onto one platform Access your Gmail inbox and your Firefish CRM together anytime, anywhere. This integration is free to all Firefish customers on our Basic, Professional and Enterprise packages. What is Firefish software? Firefish Software is a combined recruitment marketing and CRM software that’s changing the way businesses recruit.Firefish brings your recruitment activities together under one roof so you can manage them all in one place - perform recruitment activities quickly, in bulk and with no admin. Learn more What is Gmail? Gmail is a free and easy-to-use email service developed by the search engine giant, Google. Gmail is a cloud-based service, meaning you can access your email from anywhere via the web. Gmail is now the second largest paid email provider for businesses, after Microsoft Outlook. [PAGE] Title: Recruitment Agency Compliance | Firefish Software Content: Water-tight security features for your CRM User Profiles Compartmentalise the data in your CRM for better security and set clear permissions for each type of user. 2-Factor Authentication Safeguard your CRM from unauthorised access with two unique forms of login protection. Time / IP Resrictions Protect your CRM and ensure a positive work/life balance for your recruiters by restricting access to known working locations and office hours. Candidate Compliance GDPR Workflow Ensure GDPR compliance with fully auditable, automated processes that flag records due for deletion or renewal and allow recruiters to decide. Reference Management Request references from candidates and direct them to the candidate portal to input or upload. Track reference requests and see when references come in. Custom Compliance Controls Set controls on what information is mandatory for candidates and what stage of each job workflow can be reached without full compliance sign off. Candidate Compliance Workflows Utilise water-tight compliance workflows to ensure that every successful placement is signed off and compliant, protecting your agency and your clients. Company Compliance Custom Terms Banding Create standard or custom terms for each salary banding for every company in your CRM. Track and send terms proposals and set follow-ups for account reviews. Credit Checks Record the credit status of the companies in your CRM to ensure your only engage with businesses with the means to pay. Company  Compliance Workflows Set compliance rules to ensure that roles can only be worked for fully compliant companies with signed terms and positive credit status. "Firefish has enabled us to really grow over the years by streamlining our processes and engaging our database." Rob SamuelIT Manager, IntaPeople Continue Reading Fuelled by the success of our users Today, Firefish helps recruitment companies of all sizes and industries to accelerate growth by putting data at the heart of their recruitment agency, and it’s  recognised by users who have voted us as the best recruitment CRM software provider at a number of awards. Recruitment Compliance FAQs What is Recruitment Compliance? Recruitment compliance is for ensuring that candidates in the hiring process meet the legal and policy expectations required to work in their desired role. This will often include a legal right to work and/ or certain certifications relevant to the industry that the candidate wants to work in. Why is Recruitment Compliance Important? Recruitment compliance is very important for recruitment agencies as poor compliance can have series ramifications. Working with uncompliant businesses and candidates can lead to wasted time and resources if placements fall through, placing an uncompliant candidate can seriously harm your professional reputation. And at worst it may even lead to financial sanctions. How do you manage recruitment compliance? A good CRM will have compliance workflows that integrate seamlessly across your recruitment activities. Make your compliance by ensuring that your candidates all have the relevant ID, Right to work and certification documents uploaded on your system. User permissions should also be set to ensure that only credit-checked companies can be worked with and placements must be signed off by an appointed senior colleague or compliance user. How do you review your current database for compliance? Using reporting features in your CRM or even a search functionality you can highlight the candidates requiring compliance details and reach out. You can also track the activity of your recruiters to make sure everyone is taking the time to ask for and update compliance details. Having a comprehensive candidate record is also essential for building a timeline of any communications and uploading of documents. How do you stay compliant with GDPR in recruitment? Stay on top of the candidate GDPR consent by allowing them to choose their own preferences in their candidate portal. With good recruitment software you can also set up triggers that will inform you when a candidate’s consent has expired, prompting you to reach out and confirm their preferences once again. PRODUCT [PAGE] Title: News & product updates | Firefish Software Content: Check out what one of our fin-tastic fishes got up to for charity this October. August 3, 2023 Cheeky Tiki Time! The weather recently hasn’t felt like summer, so we’ve turned up the heat and excitement at our "Cheeky Tiki" Summer Social! Culture July 19, 2023 June Newssplash Check out what the shoal have been up to in June with some new fishy faces, fishaversaries and fin-tastic monthly winners! Culture June 9, 2023 May Newssplash Check out what the shoal have been up to in May with some new fishy faces, fishaversaries and fin-tastic monthly winners! Culture Firefish welcomes Richard Lewis as Chairman Firefish Software are delighted to announce the appointment of our new Chairman, Richard Lewis. Culture May 12, 2023 April Newssplash See what the shoal have been up to recently, from new faces to quizzes and Aprils monthly winners! Culture September 7, 2023 August Newssplash Check out what the shoal have been up to in August, from fin-tastic monthly winners, doggy-days in the park and more! Culture August 3, 2023 Cheeky Tiki Time! The weather recently hasn’t felt like summer, so we’ve turned up the heat and excitement at our "Cheeky Tiki" Summer Social! Culture April 20, 2023 Firefish Announces £4M Strategic Investment We are thrilled to announce a £4m strategic investment, led by the Foresight Group, signalling a new chapter in Firefish's growth. Event October 12, 2022 Firefish Software at the Agency Expo 2022 Team Firefish were back at the Recruitment Agency Expo in Birmingham on October 5th-6th, making a splash with a brand new stand! Event August 10, 2022 Firefish in List of Top Scottish Employment Companies We are delighted to announce that Firefish Software has ranked in Best Startup Scotland’s list of the Top Employment companies in Scotland! Event June 8, 2022 Northern Tech Awards 2022 We are proud to announce that once again Firefish has made the top 100 Fastest Growing Northern Tech Companies. Event May 12, 2022 Firefish shortlisted for TWO Talent Tech Awards! Firefish Software and our CEO Wendy McDougall are up for two awards at the TIARA Talent Tech Star awards, this year. Event [PAGE] Title: Book a Demo | Firefish Software Content: Take the guesswork out of growth and win faster. Providing the intelligence your recruitment teams need to win faster.‍‍ Powerful Insights: Take the guesswork out of growth and build your business on real-time insights. Unlock Innovation: Maintain a competitive edge with industry leading software, backed by the agencies of tomorrow. Win Faster: Scale your agency, streamline recruitment operations and accelerate profitable growth. Complete the form to schedule a discovery call with one of our Growth experts. [PAGE] Title: LinkedIn Chrome Extension | Firefish Content: Book a Demo LinkedIn Chrome Extension Transform social sourcing processes by empowering recruiters to capture and update both candidate and client records in their recruitment CRM, directly from a LinkedIn profile. Transform your social sourcing strategy Firefish enables recruiters to make more placements by empowering them to add, update and manage both candidates and clients in their recruitment CRM, directly from a LinkedIn profile. Reduce time-per-placement by streamlining social sourcing and propel your recruitment agency towards it’s next growth milestone by enhancing business development prospecting. Automated Segmentation Automatically add candidates to talent pools from LinkedIn profiles when updating preferences. Duplicate Management Identify duplicate candidate and contact records during social sourcing. Enhanced Marketing Book a Demo Streamline Social Sourcing Processes With 80% of recruitment agencies using social sourcing as part of their candidate attraction strategy, are your recruiters making the most of their time on LinkedIn? Add candidates directly into considering lists for open roles or apply candidates to open ads, all from a LinkedIn profile and without changing tabs. Having been in recruitment for 10 years and I have used various systems, but Firefish is the best recruitment software out there. From integrations, coaching sessions, configurations, to general support - they have an amazing team that are there to help and support at anytime. Laura T Lusona Recruitment Group Firefish is a fantastic resource for recruiters to easily track, monitor, and update roles, candidates and even client information.  This is the real all-rounder of recruitment agency software. Rhianna B Value Match Recruitment The Firefish Chrome Extension is excellent, very simple to use and a real time saver! It cuts down the admin of adding new candidates saving around 50% of the time normally spent clicking between tabs , searching for duplicates and updating candidate records. Chris B Rec2Rec Solutions I love how adaptable Firefish is in every sense. From the setup, to the email templates and how recruiters communicate with candidates. This is the best recruitment software that we have ever used. Rachel F [PAGE] Title: Our Mission, Story and Team | About Firefish Content: Book a Demo Our Story, Mission & People Our purpose (and passion) is accelerating profitable growth for recruitment agencies by unlocking the value in their data; empowering recruiters to exceed their potential. Our Story Back in 2004, our CEO Wendy was running a top-billing recruitment agency. She and her team were constantly frustrated by the limitations of the recruitment software options available, which felt out of touch with the needs of the modern recruitment business. What’s more, none of these systems were looking to the future; no one was talking about marketing and the value in recruitment data.And so in 2010, Firefish was born. Today, we're proud to be a multi-award-winning recruitment software business that supports high-growth recruitment agencies in more than 25 countries. Empowering them to thrive as the agencies of tomorrow. Our History Firefish is born. It's time to change the future of recruitment software. 2011 We move into our first office and also release our first recruitment blog, paving the way for some future awards. 2014 Time to accelerate growth! We complete a seed-funding round as well as launching our TEAM partnership. 2015 Busy year! Firefish officially becomes a cloud-based solution. We also pick-up an award for 'Best Technical Innovation', all while moving into our new Aquarium. 2017 The awards keep coming! We pick-up a business award for 'Service Excellence' alongside 'Recruitment Blog of the Year'. 2018 No stopping us now! We scoop the award for 'Best Recruitment CRM' as well as placing 4th in Scotland's fastest growing companies. 2020 Firefish turns 10 and we throw party or two to celebrate! We also introduce our work-from-anywhere policy. 2022 Growth continues! Firefish is named in the top 100 Fastest Growing Tech Companies for the 4th consecutive year. 2023 It's time for our next phase of growth. We successfully secure a £4m strategic investment to accelerate growth. Leadership Team [PAGE] Title: Trust & Data Security | Firefish Software Content: Firefish Data Security  - Built for Trust Trust Overview At Firefish, we combine enterprise-class security features with comprehensive annual audits of our applications, systems, and networks to ensure all customer data is fully protected. Our systems are built with a privacy-by-design approach and we deliver our service through a world-leading technology infrastructure. We periodically update our Data Security and if you have an active Firefish subscription, we will let you know when we do via an email or in-app notification. Last updated: September 2023 A trusting partnership By partnering with Microsoft Azure, we’re able to provide our customers with an ultra-secure cloud-based solution for their recruitment teams. As much as ninety per cent of Fortune 500 businesses trust Microsoft Cloud globally, and the Azure platform is recognised as the most trusted cloud solution for governmental institutions internationally . In terms of compliance, Azure also meets a broad set of international and industry-specific compliance standards such as ISO 27001, HIPAA, FedRAMP, SOC 1 and SOC 2 as well as country-specific standards such as Australia IRAP, UK G-Cloud and Singapore MTCS. Rigorous third-party audits, such as commissioned by the British Standards Institute confirm Azure’s adherence to the strict security controls these standards mandate. Further information on Microsoft’s security overview can be found here . For those customers choosing to utilise our white label VOIP and SMS messaging tools (Twillio), these providers will ensure appropriate legal methods of transfer of data (see below). Cyber Essentials Firefish Software Ltd is compliant with the requirements of the Cyber Essentials Scheme and has been accredited with their certificate of assurance in relation to Data Security. Cyber Essentials is a Government-backed, industry-supported scheme to help organisations protect themselves against online security threats. Our certificate number for the Cyber Essentials Scheme is 5c904d76-2a94-467c-b3f9-d54b042b33d8. If you require a hard copy of this certificate, please simply contact [email protected]. Physical security All Firefish physical hardware will be located within secure Microsoft data centres at two locations within Europe. Our primary data centre is located in Microsoft’s West European centre (Netherlands) with a secondary centre in Microsoft’s North Europe region (Ireland). Both of these facilities are secured by a series of measures including (but not limited to) biometric access, security alarm systems and round-the-clock security staff. Additional security information on Microsoft’s data centres can be found here. At this time, all of our customer data is stored within the Microsoft Azure Platform. Customer live data along with all backups and replicas reside exclusively within the primary and secondary data centres within Europe. Firefish does not pass data to any other third party for processing except when explicitly requested by the client, for example through a 3rd party integration with time sheeting software or for the migration of data from one system to another. Regarding the very small amounts of data stored on our physical premises, the Firefish offices have a controlled secure-entry system to the building and an additional security barrier into our own offices, which only authorised Firefish employees have access to. The building also has a fitted fire service alarm with instant call-out for three fire engines. Any internal operations data that we store in our shared folders are protected in our own internal comms room which can only be accessed exclusively by authorised key holders – CEO, CTO, Director of Product and Operations Team. Encryption Firefish Software uses encryption for two main purposes; data storage and data transfer. Firefish Software has procedures in place to ensure personal data is protected to safeguard against the unauthorised or unlawful processing of such data. Laptops, desktop PCs and mobile devices issued by the company are all encrypted in addition to being configured to automatically lock after a short period of time, meaning the impact of the loss/theft of a machine is greatly reduced. In the event of loss or theft, users will report this immediately so all credentials which that user had access to can be changed. There are 3 main areas in which data can reside: 1. In transit between the customer's machine and Firefish production servers.  All traffic is encrypted using https: sha256RSA algorithm and 2048 Bit key. 2. Firefish has a tiered architecture of servers and the data can be in transit between internal servers. As this is a trusted virtual network, data is not encrypted. 3. At rest.  Firefish stores data at rest within the Microsoft Azure infrastructure.  Customer accounts created prior to July 2019 use unencrypted file share for documents such as CVs whilst all other data is stored on drives that encrypts the data as it is written to the media. For accounts created on or after July 2019 all data is stored on drives that encrypts the data as it is written to the media. Network security & server access As our production network is provided by Microsoft Azure, it is protected by redundant firewalls, best-in-class router technology, secure HTTPS transport over public networks, regular audits, and network Intrusion Detection/Prevention technologies (IDS/IPS) which monitor and block malicious traffic and network attacks. Access to the client data through our production system is only available via Remote Desktop for technical administration and HTTPS to the Firefish application. Remote desktop access to all of our servers is restricted to authorised individuals only and uses multi-factor authentication to ensure the highest level of security is maintained. Authorised users log into our system with their username and password and must also verify their attempt to access each individual server via a registered mobile device. Any attempt to login immediately alerts the mobile device and a fraudulent attempt can be stopped and reported to administrators. Only authorised Firefish technical staff have had mobile devices registered and been provided access to the underlying machines through this process. Access to our on-premise network (non-production) is via physical, wireless or remote access. Physical access is protected by physical security described above, wireless connection is over a WPA2 authenticated Wi-Fi and remote connections are via a TLS VPN connection. In addition to the requirements to connect to the network, all network resources are protected by a username and password combination to access data. Only Firefish employees and our IT partner have credentials for access to on-premise data. Application & data security We employ many different layers of security to keep your data safe. These security policies and processes follow industry best practices wherever possible and are periodically reviewed for conformance and compliance. Some highlights include: Separate privileges for customer data and application access, and customer data is not commingled.‍ Biennially, we perform industry-leading third party security scanning and penetration audits on our external-facing infrastructure to determine any possible security threats.‍ Source code management is employed for all applications and development processes.‍ Application source code is hosted using an industry leading-secure, third party source code repository.‍ All user communication with Firefish is done through your internet browser of choice through a secure HTTPS connection.‍ Users log in to Firefish using a username and password and the application also has Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) as an enhanced security measure. With MFA enabled, all users will be required to complete two types of verification when logging into Firefish. Security apps such as Microsoft Authenticator and Google Authenticator are supported.‍ Basic password security requires a minimum of 8 characters and can include symbols. When a new user receives their temporary, system-generated password they will be prompted to update this the first time they log in. This temporary password is valid for 24 hours only to ensure security of each user licence.‍ Superusers can elect to enable enhanced password security.  This provides optimal password security by stipulating that passwords must, in addition to the basic rules of 8 characters minimum, include 3 of the 4 following characters: uppercase, lowercase, number, symbol.‍ Password security can be increased or decreased at any time by a system Superuser via the System Configuration page.  Password security settings apply to all users i.e. recruiters (Basic, Professional & Enterprise), candidates (Professional & Enterprise) and employers (Enterprise). Business Operations & Support Through the course of our ongoing business operations and providing our service to customers, we may enlist third-party software or software-as-a-service suppliers (i.e video conferencing, issue tracking,accounting or other line-of-business applications) in order to meet our business obligations. Some of these suppliers may be located outside of the EU or the UK and as such are outside the direct jurisdiction of the GDPR or the UK GDPR. Where this is the case, we both adopt our own standard internal data protection measures and take steps to provide that data transfers are made only to suppliers based in jurisdictions that are the subject of a UK or EU adequacy decision (as appropriate) or in the absence of such a decision that appropriate safeguards in terms of Article 46 GDPR or UK GDPR (as appropriate) are in place, for example using appropriate Standard Contractual Clauses, or such other appropriate legal method of transfer. Service monitoring & reporting We have several different levels of application monitoring to ensure that services are being rendered according to acceptable performance standards. We provide a public operational service status page which documents our historical uptimes and provides information in the event of a service disruption.‍ Uptime monitoring by a third party (Uptime robot) which notifies us when external services slow down or fail. This is linked directly to messaging services that alert our engineers and prompt them to respond within our SLAs.‍ Internal application instrumentation on server loads and performance, in the rare case that resources are consumed at unusual rates.‍ We provide status of unusual or degraded operations through our ‘announcement’ section on the Fish Tank ‍ In case of a system alert, events are escalated to our Head of Operations, Network Engineering, and Security coverage. Employees are trained on security incident response processes, including communication channels and escalation paths. Key personnel We limit access to your data to employees that are required to support the use of our services.  (Our customer support and technical support team). These employees have accepted our confidentiality agreement as part of their terms of employment and will have accepted our code of conduct which includes non-disclosure both during and post-employment when handling customer data. Similarly prior to starting at Firefish, two references are obtained, one from their most recent employer and one from a previous employer. All employees are also subject to a Disclosure Scotland criminal record check prior to employment commencing, with this being renewed every 4 years for those with access to sensitive data. We also run a company focus day every six months, ongoing reviews of current processes, and allowances for continuous improvement as business and/or client scenarios evolve. Data & full-system backups Microsoft Azure complies with EU Data Protection Law and both the primary and secondary data centres operate fully within the European Economic Area territory (full overview of Microsoft’s privacy policies can be found here ). All of our client databases are backed up using the following strategy: A full database backup is performed once a week and before any system update We then perform an incremental backup three times weekly Finally, we perform transaction backups every 30 minutes throughout each day. In the rare event of a data or software issue, loss of data from the database is therefore minimised to 30 minutes max. These backups are stored in such a way that they can provide a full backup for the previous 28 to 35 days dependant on the date the original data was backed up. The entire file system is also protected by “Geo-redundant storage”. This means that the file system is continuously backed up automatically by Microsoft Azure to multiple data centres within Europe and any transient data corruption is automatically fixed by the Azure framework. Our primary data centre is Microsoft’s West Europe Data Centre (Amsterdam) and is mirrored with a secondary site at Microsoft’s North Europe Data Centre (Dublin). Three copies of the data are stored at each of the data centres at all times, meaning a minimum of six copies of all data will exist for the full 28-day period. Data import & export For the two-way exchange of your data, either at the start or end of your contract, we provide a secure location for you to upload/download the data via a secure HTTPS/ SMB 3.0 Connection. When you provide source data to Firefish to be imported into your system, we will retain the data after the import has been completed for 5 working days in the case of a standard bulk upload and 40 working days for data migrations. For exports from Firefish, the data is removed 5 working days from the date of export. Business continuity & disaster recovery In terms of the Firefish system, a failure requiring disaster recovery can stem from one of four causes: A software or data fault/failure - In the rare event of a software or data failure, the majority of the time data corruption is automatically repaired by the Microsoft Azure framework. If data has been lost, we can restore a backup of the database and files directly from our internal backups and aim to do so within two-hours of receiving notification that the event has occurred. The most recent database backup will be restored from internal backups to return the data to its state prior to the fault occurring (up to 30 minutes’ data loss) and any missing files will be restored from the secondary file backups (up to 7 days’ data loss). ‍ A server or hardware fault/failure - Firefish has been configured in a highly available, load-balanced manner. This effectively means that in the event of an isolated hardware failure, the affected server will be taken offline and a secondary server steps in to take over the processing of requests to minimise disruption to service. This is implemented using database mirroring for the database servers and load-balancing for the web servers. The Microsoft Azure framework provides automatic healing, allowing any hardware failures to automatically fail over to another server so that after some time (circa 30 minutes) the compromised server will again be available to process requests.  In the unlikely event that both the primary and the secondary servers suffer from a simultaneous failure, the service will be unavailable until the Microsoft Azure framework self-healing is complete (circa 30 minutes). Normal service will then resume.‍ A Microsoft Azure Service fault/failure -  Firefish is built upon the Microsoft Azure framework and uses a variety of services hosted directly by Microsoft within their European data centres. If one of these services is faulty, Firefish performance may slow down or in extreme cases, service could be interrupted.  In the event of an Azure Service failure, Firefish will work with Microsoft to identify the problem and then circumvent it using alternative services, where available. This process would take a few hours, but with prolonged Azure Service failure Firefish could be impacted until Microsoft resume full operations. However, the core Microsoft Azure Services are backed by a 99.9% uptime SLA.‍ A data centre failure - As all data and backups are stored throughout multiple physical sites, the failure of a single site will not impact on data recovery. If the primary data centre fails, all the data will be securely stored at the secondary site until the primary data centre comes back online. At this point, any damaged data will be automatically repaired and restored. After the data has been recovered, the servers will be turned back on and normal service will resume. Recovery rates will depend upon the type of problem at the data centre and Microsoft do not currently provide durations for this recovery process.  In the highly unlikely event of the data centre not being recoverable, Firefish will recreate the servers in the secondary data centre, allowing normal service to be resumed. This process may take up to 48 hours. If any of the above scenarios were to occur, service may be interrupted or unavailable while we resolve the fault. However, any affected clients will be notified by a member of the Support team when a problem is encountered and an alert will be provided via our announcements page. The Incident Manager will then provide any work-around available (if applicable) and an estimate of the duration to resolve/final notification when the issue has been resolved. As Firefish also operates an environment open to continuous improvements, a full team review and any improvements to our processes would also be provided to the customer. PRODUCT [PAGE] Title: Executive Search Software | Firefish Content: You work with some exclusive networks, so you can’t risk having data loose online. Our GDPR workflows ensure your data is safe and compliant. See the results! Within six months of using Firefish, you’ll watch candidate engagement levels increase by 200% and your recruiters will be making 25% more placements. With all your recruitment activities managed together in one place, you’ll see clearly what’s working and what’s not. Join thousands of recruitment agency leaders "We've made more progress in 9 months of partnership with Firefish than in the last 15 years." Rod Carmichael, Managing Director "Firefish is easy to install, user friendly and comes with great customer service at the right price." Andrew Goodfellow, Director/ Co-Founder "It's revolutionised our way of working." Emma Doo, Managing Partner Fuelled by the success of our users Today, Firefish helps recruitment companies of all sizes and industries to accelerate growth by putting data at the heart of their recruitment agency, and it’s  recognised by users who have voted us as the best recruitment CRM software provider at a number of awards. PRODUCT [PAGE] Title: Our Partners | Firefish Software Content: Book a Demo Firefish PARTNERS Here are just some of the partners we're working closely with to provide our customers with a full recruitment package. Click the logos below to find out more... Explore Firefish Partners [PAGE] Title: Pricing | Firefish Software Content: How Bright Purple increased placements through better engagement Driving placements from existing candidates Through data cleansing led by Firefish, Bright Purple have benefited from a smaller, more relevant database that is fully GDPR compliant. Allowing their recruiters to target warmer candidates and driving placements as a result. Measuring candidate acquisition sources By utilising the reports dashboards on Firefish, Bright Purples leadership team were able to identify that over a third of applicants were coming from applicants already in their database - helping them to prioritise database engagement. Driving digital engagement from the CRM Firefish enables Bright Purple to manage their website from within the CRM. Allowing the team to reduce the time it takes to improve their candidate journey and giving them the ability to run marketing campaigns from one platform. Frequently Asked Questions Are there any upfront costs? There are minimal onboarding fees, depending on which version of Firefish you choose. The fee covers your choice of coaching, web integration and level of data migration. Cost of this depends on your requirements. What kind of support does my licence include? Your licence includes unlimited phone, email and web-based support from our award-winning UK-based team. It also includes on-demand learning available 24/7 on our customer Fishtank. Are there any ongoing costs like training? Initial training is included in your onboarding, and additional tailored online or on-site sessions can be booked at an additional cost. For more details, get in touch . How often is the product updated? We have a weekly release that ensures you’re always using the most recent version of Firefish for your subscription level. This will always be free of charge and done outside of standard business hours. For new features and improvements, we take direction from our user community, where users vote for which updates they’d like to see prioritised. Do you provide discounts for multiple users? Yes, we provide volume discounts for 11+ users. Please get in touch for full details on volume pricing discounts. Is there a minimum contract? There is a minimum commitment of 12 months. If we go for a lower package, can we upgrade? Of course! You can choose to upgrade your Firefish package at any time. There may be additional costs when upgrading depending on which version of Firefish you choose. The upgrade fee covers your choice of coaching and web integration. If we cancel, does it cost us to get our data back? If you choose to leave Firefish, the first full export of your data is free of charge. However, there is a charge of £650 + VAT for any future requests. PRODUCT [PAGE] Title: Temporary Recruitment Software | Firefish Content: Reporting Bring your temp database to life Application data shows that more than 1 in 3 applications come from existing candidates.Bring your temporary candidate database to life and maximise your opportunity with powerful search tools. Ensuring your recruiters don't spend time trawling external sources when the a potential match is already in their database. Automate temp candidate matching Firefish uses candidate data to identify the potential matches within your existing temporary candidate database. With automated features including CV formatting, Talent Pools and more, your recruiters will be able to speed up processes meaning they spend less time trawling databases and more time placing candidates. Reduce time per placement Recruiters can spend anywhere between 8 and 15 minutes reading a CV, increasing time per placement and leaving opportunities open for other recruitment agencies. With Firefish, recruiters have the tools to built registration forms and perform CV-scans throughout their database, ensuring they only see relevant candidates. Build better relationships Like any relationship, candidate and client relationships are built on two things – communication and mutual trust. Give your recruiters the tools to nurture both candidate and client relationships with Firefish. Ensuring they can send a range of communications and that all previous and upcoming activities are automatically stored in your recruitment CRM. Explore Recruitment CRM→ Improve candidate quality The quality of a placed candidate says a lot about your agency.‍By automating admin tasks, the Firefish Applicant Tracking System ensures your recruiters have more time available to engage with candidates in the selection process. Giving them the opportunity to collect more information and qualify candidates ahead of shortlisting. Enhance your candidate experience Firefish ATS gives recruitment agencies the tools to create an immersive candidate experience by tracking the candidates throughout the recruitment journey, identifying key milestones. With clear workflows, recruiters can manage candidates, action automated tasks and manage contract placements in just a few clicks. Simplify interview workflows We understand the balancing act recruiters face when shortlisting candidates and arranging interviews.With Firefish, recruiters can easily track and arrange interviews through their job workflow. From considering, to recruiter interviews, employer interviews and offers – it’s all covered in your applicant tracking workflow! Collaborate with hiring managers Collaborate with hiring managers, providing the opportunity for input and transparency throughout the recruitment process. Through your client portal, hiring managers will have the ability to review candidates, add notes, ratings, and shortlist candidates for interview. Explore Applicant Tracking System → Mitigate recruitment risks Minimise the risk of recruiters bypassing compliance checks and placing non-compliant candidates.With Firefish compliance workflows, recruiters are unable to confirm a placement until all mandatory compliance checks have been completed and authorised within the system. Prevent placement delays Some roles require a number of compliance checks before a candidate can be placed. Delays not only leave all parties frustrated but also increase time and cost per placement.Firefish streamlines candidate compliance processes –ensuring recruiters can collate information and check the compliance status of every candidate. Protect your recruitment brand Placing a non-compliant candidate or working with anon-compliant company can cause significant damage to your recruitment agency.Firefish compliance workflows provide recruiters with a safety net to ensure they don’t place a non-compliant candidate or work with a non-compliant company. Explore Compliance→ Align your recruitment brand In a competitive landscape, aligning your recruitment and marketing activities is vital for cutting through the noise and reaching top-talent ahead of your competitors.Firefish gives you the tools to brand all aspects of your recruitment activities, from managing your website within your CRM, to white labelling your recruitment software and pushing candidates back to your branded application pages. Immerse your candidates On average it takes a minimum of 8 touch points before someone trusts a brand enough to consider their service and your recruitment agency is no different.Utilise a range of communication methods including email integration, 2-way SMS and VOIP to immerse both passive and active candidates in an engaging recruitment journey that converts. Reduce cost-per-placement With many job boards increasing their prices for recruitment agencies, it’s important to use a blended mix of channels for acquiring new candidate applications.Broadcast your jobs to more than 200 platforms and social networks in just the click of a button with Firefish Multiposting. Allowing you to receive applications directly into your Recruitment CRM. Automate messages and alerts Reduce the risk of temporary candidates slipping through the net, campaigns falling off the list when applications pick-up and your pipeline drying up.Firefish gives recruiters the tools to automate personalised candidate job alerts, schedule a range communications and automate follow-up tasks. Explore Marketing Tools → Put candidates in control Candidates want to be able to search and apply for jobs, anytime, anywhere and on any device.Put candidates in control of their own recruitment journey with a branded candidate portal. Giving candidates the ability to update their preferences, availability, experience and more - at a time that suits them. Build your recruitment brand We know a thing or two about building a recruitment brand - just ask the thousands on our recruitment subscriber list.To build your brand, you need to generate a range of content. Firefish websites give you the ability to create blogs, job specific campaigns, build staff profiles and showcase your success through testimonials - all from within your CRM. Showcase employer branding Familiarising candidates with a clients brands at an early stage can lead to long term success on placement.Build a branded career site for your client, allowing them to showcase their brand and advertise exclusive roles whilst ensuring all applications come directly into your recruitment CRM for shortlisting. Attract a flow of organic candidates Google reports that between 13 and 15 million people search for jobs each month. Attract a constant stream of organic candidates and get more eyes on your jobs by using the SEO tools on Firefish and our Google for Jobs integration. Reducing your cost per placement and providing hiring managers with relevant candidates. Explore Websites → Identify placement patterns In a challenging economy, allocating resource to the channels providing the best return on placements is vital to your recruitment agencies success.Firefish Reporting helps recruitment agency leaders to analyse which channels are delivering most candidates, interviews and placements. Understand your candidates By analysing your candidate data, you’ll be able to get abetter understand of the make-up of your candidate database.Using this information will allow your recruiters to tailor their recruitment approach, communications and more. Track candidate experience As a recruitment agency, your job is to not only place the right candidates but to also make sure your candidates have an engaging recruitment experience.With recruitment reports, you can identify areas causing candidate drop-offs, (like withdrawing post-interview or going cold after applying). [PAGE] Title: Data Migrations | Firefish Software Content: Book a Demo Recruitment Database Migrations Made Easy It's time for change. Step into the new and migrate data from your old recruitment software with ease. No project is too big or complex for our experts and we’ll handle it from start to finish. Data Specialists You Can Trust 55+ 1,000,000 100% Over the years we've handled data migrations from over 55 recruitment CRMs - there's not much we haven't seen! We've completed migrations of all shapes and sizes. Ranging from 100 to 1,000,000 candidate records. In the last 6 months, we've received 100% positive feedback following data migrations. Book a Demo You’re in Safe Hands With Us We're big believers in change however it's natural for any company changing to a new recruitment system to have a certain level of anxiety. The good news is you’re in safe hands with Firefish. Our in-house team of data scientists are migration specialists. They’ve migrated decades-old databases into Firefish from over 50 recruitment CRM providers. Cleanse Your Database and Make More Placements The average recruitment database is filled with unengaged, dead data that won’t help your recruiters make placements – making it difficult to accurately report and forecast. Our data experts are on-hand to help cleanse your database before it enters Firefish, meaning you’ll be primed and ready to make more placements on go-live. Plan Every Aspect of Your Move with Full Visibility Data Migrations can be planned and scheduled up to a year in advance. When you’re ready to make the move to Firefish, we’ll securely pick-up your data and run the migration for you – so you can focus on your area of expertise; recruiting. Before you go live with Firefish, we’ll take you through the migrated data, giving you the chance to make any changes so your team hit the ground running – ensuring maximum adoption from the offset. What Our Client Say "The Support and Migration teams were excellent. They actually fixed a lot of issues that our last provider had created." "The migration process was stress free, something that I would never have dream of during considering our CRM. A clear and detailed migration plan with realistic timescales was shares at the start of the migration. The Firefish team were in constant communication with updates through the migration. Despite some complications with the data provided by our former CRM provider, the product was delivered on time." "From the beginning of the process, the Firefish team were incredibly easy to work with in terms of the data migration and testing." [PAGE] Title: Our story | Firefish Software Content: Built by recruiters, for recruiters It's been eleven years since Wendy McDougall and Andrew Mackay officially founded Firefish Software . Since launching in 2010, we’ve helped hundreds of recruiter-owned agencies gain serious competitive edge by combining their recruitment CRM and marketing activities onto one platform. By recruiting the Firefish way, our users convert 45% more candidates directly into their own recruitment website, increase their candidate engagement by over 200% and make at least 25% more placements. Now in 26 countries and consistently growing by over 30% year-on-year, our team never see challenges, only opportunities to help our customers grow. But what exactly has the Firefish journey looked like for the product, the team and the business as a whole? The timeline below has everything you need to know! Are you ready to recruit the Firefish way? [PAGE] Title: SourceWhale Firefish Integration Content: SourceWhale Automatically sync your candidate and contact information in Firefish with SourceWhale. SourceWhale is the leading business development and headhunting platform for recruiters. The platform empowers teams to drive better engagement, book more meetings and achieve higher revenue. Automate tasks like data syncing, activity tracking and follow-ups to spend more time on what matters - personalised approaches across phone, email, LinkedIn and more. Access real-time data on what’s working and what isn’t, so you can scale best practices across your business, and leverage the suite of AI features including WhaleGPT, Content Coach and sentiment analysis to drive even better results. The Firefish and SourceWhale integration allows recruiters to automatically sync candidates, contacts and companies into your Firefish recruitment CRM. Integration Highlights Import candidates, contacts and companies from your SourceWhale account directly into Firefish. Automatically create new profiles or update existing records for the candidates you import from SourceWhale. Automatically add a note straight into the action summary of your Firefish record when an action is completed on the same record in SourceWhale. Import and reflect marketing and GDPR preferences set in SourceWhale on the linked record within Firefish. This integration is available on Basic, Pro and Enterpise plans. What is Firefish software? Firefish is the engagement engine for recruitment agencies, providing everything you need to empower your recruiters to reach their potential and accelerate data-driven growth. Learn more What is SourceWhale? SourceWhale is the leading business development and headhunting platform for recruiters. The platform empowers teams to drive better engagement, book more meetings and achieve higher revenue. [PAGE] Title: What's New | Firefish Software Content: NEW IN Analytics Industry Benchmarking The Firefish industry benchmarking feature enables agencies to compare the performance of their recruiters with anonymised data from the average recruiter in their industry. This tool gives agencies the ability to effectively measure performance and create specific KPIs to develop teams of recruiters and drive data-lead growth. Stay in the loop with future updates NEW nATIVE ai AI tools natively integrated with your recruitment CRM - no add-ons, no plugins, and no fuss. Empower recruiters with powerful, built-in AI tools At Fireifsh we believe the future of AI in recruitment should be built-in, not added on.All of our AI tools and features are already in Firefish and are designed to produce engaging, professional content in a matter of seconds - giving recruiters more time to do what they do best... recruit. Plugin Content Creator Produce all of the content for your plugin pages in seconds. Add your title and let Firefish's native AI generate everything from general content to blogs and meet the team profiles. Learn More → AI Recruiter Summary Save hours on summarising your candidate CVs by using AI to instantly create rich and compelling recruiter summaries that merge into CV-sent emails and Spec CV cover letters. Learn More → Advert Content Generator Create professional, engaging adverts in a matter of clicks. Customise prompts to ensure all the adverts from your agency follow the same structure and remain on brand, regardless of who posts them. [PAGE] Title: Recruitment CRM | Firefish Software Content: Sounds like me! Make more placements from your existing database Within six months of using Firefish, you’ll see candidate engagement levels increase by 200% and your recruiters converting 25% more placements. Book a Demo Having been in recruitment for 10 years and I have used various systems, but Firefish is the best recruitment software out there. From integrations, coaching sessions, configurations, to general support - they have an amazing team that are there to help and support at anytime. Laura T Lusona Recruitment Group Firefish is a fantastic resource for recruiters to easily track, monitor, and update roles, candidates and even client information.  This is the real all-rounder of recruitment agency software. Rhianna B Value Match Recruitment I love how adaptable Firefish is in every sense. From the setup, to the email templates and how recruiters communicate with candidates. This is the best recruitment software that we have ever used. Rachel F
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Title: Recruitment Software for Scale-ups | Firefish Content: Exceeding your potential begins with the right software Propel your agency to the forefront of the industry with powerful recruitment agency software Leading recruitment software for agencies focused on scaling Delivery made easy Arm your recruitment agency with software designed to automate and optimise recruitment processes through intuitive workflows suited to every type of recruitment. Driving digital engagement from the CRM Firefish enables Bright Purple to manage their website from within the CRM, allowing the team to reduce the time it takes to improve their candidate journey whilst giving them the ability to run marketing campaigns from one platform. Fuelled by the success of our users Today, Firefish helps recruitment companies of all sizes and industries to accelerate growth by putting data at the heart of their recruitment agency, and it’s  recognised by users who have voted us as the best recruitment CRM software provider at a number of awards. Recruitment marketing software gives recruitment agencies the tools to broadcast roles from within their recruitment CRM. Marketing software is a great tool for recruitment agencies as it helps to ensure all candidate and client communications are on-brand. Driving digital engagement from the CRM Firefish enables Bright Purple to manage their website from within the CRM, allowing the team to reduce the time it takes to improve their candidate journey whilst giving them the ability to run marketing campaigns from one platform. Fuelled by the success of our users Today, Firefish helps recruitment companies of all sizes and industries to accelerate growth by putting data at the heart of their recruitment agency, and it’s  recognised by users who have voted us as the best recruitment CRM software provider at a number of awards. An ATS that is integrated with your Recruitment CRM can bring a number of tools that can change the way you recruit, some essential features include:Candidate Matching – Will find relevant candidates from your existing database to place in live roles ‍Direct Apply – Will add candidates who have applied via the company website or a 3rd party job board straight into your job workflow. Driving digital engagement from the CRM Firefish enables Bright Purple to manage their website from within the CRM, allowing the team to reduce the time it takes to improve their candidate journey whilst giving them the ability to run marketing campaigns from one platform. Fuelled by the success of our users Today, Firefish helps recruitment companies of all sizes and industries to accelerate growth by putting data at the heart of their recruitment agency, and it’s  recognised by users who have voted us as the best recruitment CRM software provider at a number of awards. By using a recruitment CRM, your recruitment agency will have the tools to manage candidate activities and relationships. A recruitment CRM also gives you the tools to generate dynamic reports from across your candidate database. Title: Timesheet Portal Firefish Integration Content: The perfect software integration for temp and contractor recruitment agencies. Title: Contact us | Firefish Recruitment Software Content: we're here to help! Transform your social sourcing strategy Firefish enables recruiters to make more placements by empowering them to add, update and manage both candidates and clients in their recruitment CRM, directly from a LinkedIn profile. We periodically update our Data Security and if you have an active Firefish subscription, we will let you know when we do via an email or in-app notification. At this time, all of our customer data is stored within the Microsoft Azure Platform. However, the core Microsoft Azure Services are backed by a 99.9% uptime SLA.‍ A data centre failure - As all data and backups are stored throughout multiple physical sites, the failure of a single site will not impact on data recovery. When you’re ready to make the move to Firefish, we’ll securely pick-up your data and run the migration for you – so you can focus on your area of expertise; recruiting. Make more placements from your existing database Within six months of using Firefish, you’ll see candidate engagement levels increase by 200% and your recruiters converting 25% more placements.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Shoe Aid is working with some of the largest organisations Content: All News There is a place where thousands of men, women, and children wear footwear that is not fit for purpose. And at least 280,000 homeless people (10,000 living on the streets) have no shoes or shoes that are falling to pieces, and that place is the UK. Shoe Aid is working with some of the largest organisations in the UK to reduce footwear poverty and reduce footwear waste and its impact on the environment, all of which are helping Shoe Aid deliver its MISSION: ‘Make a DIFFERENCE and change LIVES‘ Follow us on Social Media STEPTEMBER 2023 [PAGE] Title: Schools and Education - Shoe Aid Content: All News Schools and Education There is a place where thousands of men, women, and children wear footwear that is not fit for purpose. And at least 280,000 homeless people (10,000 living on the streets) have no shoes or shoes that are falling to pieces, and that place is the UK. Shoe Aid a national charity based here in the UK who source and supply free footwear through a collection and distribution network, so no child or adult need go without shoes. Our mission is to tackle footwear poverty. Shoe Aid has a positive impact on the environment as we re-distribute footwear rather than it ends up at landfill – this is a positive message we aim to communicate. Your school can take part in a project to collect footwear for shoe aid to use in the fight against footwear poverty. We have downloadable posters to use throughout your school, if you want to personalise them then please let us know. Once you have collected footwear let us know and we will arrange for the items to be collected. We have a lot of schools that have and already collect footwear for shoe aid. Please also note that schools can access shoe aid for donations of footwear for students, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds and families on low incomes and struggling. We ask where possible that all items of footwear collected are ‘Fit for Purpose’ as in they are not overly damaged have holes or could cause distress or injury, basically can be comfortably worn again. Shoe Aid asks schools to consider donations of £1 when donating shoes (any number of shoes as long as they are all fit for purpose) which helps towards the operational costs of shoe aid. The charity currently isn’t funded, we raise funds through projects like STEPTEMBER (regional as well as national) so we can continue to support men, women and children throughout the UK through your generosity and support. Please note all fundraising is voluntary and will never be compulsory, we hope that everyone sees the value in the work that we do, making a DIFFERENCE and changing LIVES. Follow us on Social Media STEPTEMBER 2023 [PAGE] Title: donate to shoe aid to make a difference and change lives Content: All News Donate When we live in times where children attend school in footwear which would leave most of us with a feeling of horror, Shoe Aid is STEPPING UP. Shoe Aid is working with manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, schools and organisations to provide a solution, making a DIFFERENCE and changing LIVES. But we can still do more, if you or your company, school, college or university, community enterprise would like to STEP UP for Shoe Aid why not get in touch, organise a collection or donate your surplus or returned stock. As well as bringing some cheer, comfort and warming smiles by providing footwear, Shoe Aid is helping to minimise the impact on the environment by reducing the amount of footwear waste sent to landfill. The pictures below are real shoes worn by real young people attending school somewhere in the UK, for reasons they probably have very little control over. Make a DIFFERENCE, change a LIFE and STEP UP for Shoe Aid TODAY. To continue to support those in need and cover the costs of distributing footwear we have set up a PayPal account to accept donations which will support Shoe Aid and help with the fight against footwear poverty and have a positive impact on waste and the environment. To donate items of footwear to Shoe Aid we are working with a number of businesses to provide donation boxes where you can take your old items of footwear. If you wish to donate a large amount of footwear please contact Shoe Aid directly [email protected] If there isn’t a location near you – you could always post your donated items of footwear to Shoe Aid directly. Click here to download a Shoe Aid Label We ask where possible that all items of footwear donated are :- ‘Fit for Purpose’ – not overly damaged. Footwear that doesn’t have holes in, or cause injury, basically, can be worn again. Shoe Aid accepts all footwear items, men’s, women’s and children’s. Football Boots/Trainers, Wellingtons, Outdoor Shoes/Boots, Boots, All Sports Shoes, and Safety footwear. Items of footwear we can’t re-use if items are torn or worn out we cannot find them a suitable home Footwear we can use and donate to those in our society who cannot afford everyday footwear items We don’t need original boxes – Just the item of footwear is sufficient We also have collection/donation shoe boxes located within retail stores throughout the UK Birmingham, Leicestershire, London, Huddersfield, Manchester, Lincoln, Liverpool, Milton Keynes, Sheffield, Guildford, Southampton, Salisbury, Cardiff, Bristol, Cirencester, Brighton, Lutterworth, Solihull, Leeds, Grimsby and Nottingham (this continues to grow) that are partners, sponsors, supporters or donators to Shoe Aid. Shoe Bin Locations Please zoom into the map below to find the nearest location to you where you can donate your items ZIP / Address: No results found in this location. Please try again. Follow us on Social Media STEPTEMBER 2023 [PAGE] Title: Work With Us - Shoe Aid Content: All News Work With Us There is a place where thousands of men, women, and children wear footwear that is not fit for purpose. And at least 280,000 homeless people (10,000 living on the streets) have no shoes or shoes that are falling to pieces, and that place is the UK. Shoe Aid a national charity based here in the UK who source and supply free footwear through a collection and distribution network, so no child or adult need go without shoes The Problem is Serious – Over 2 million shoes are thrown into landfill every week. On average, one pair of shoes takes upwards of one thousand years to biodegrade (synthetic fibres and textiles. Shoe Aid is helping to avoid an environmental disaster for shoe manufacturers and distributors; in the same way super-markets are currently getting blamed for food waste.” Shoe aid is tackling the problem, we have provided education to over 25,000 people in more than one thousand organisations on the importance of recycling and repurposing footwear. At the same time distributing tens of thousands of shoes to over fifteen countries around the world. “Shoe Aid are reducing the number of shoes being thrown away into landfill by increasing shoe donations through supporters of the charity with collection points. We work with a number of retail brands, who provide new footwear, end of line footwear, samples and once worn footwear. Shoe Aid then proactively finds charities, social and community enterprises to donate footwear items, from school shoes to everyday shoes for everyday wear. Shoe Aid relies on footwear donations to deliver its service to those in need. We ensure all our footwear is ‘Fit for Purpose’ and donate new and used items ‘Free of Charge.’ Whilst the service is ‘Free’ Shoe Aid is not free to operate. Poverty of any kind is not voluntary, part-time or weekends only, Shoe Aid has volunteers who help sort and clean donated footwear in readiness. However, to help more people and organisations – Shoe Aid needs to operate ‘Full Time’to meet the needs and demands of men, women, children, and families who do not have suitable footwear to part in everyday life. A young boy/girl cannot join their friends at the local football team because have not got a pair of football boots and their family cannot afford any. Their parents seek help through a charity linked to Shoe Aid and receive a pair of boots for their child. They now play football, they are a star player and smile ear to ear, one day they may turn out to be a football legend, without a donation would this be possible?’ A group of students at a modern secondary school from disadvantaged backgrounds are given outdoor boots/shoes to take part in a national student scheme – walking, climbing, hiking and other outdoor activities. They all make new friends and gain a life-changing experience, all possible with a donation. Man or Woman given a pair of smart formal shoes to attend an interview – feeling a sense of normal, their confidence is boosted, they get the Job, life changes. Possible with a single pair of shoes donated by Shoe Aid. A child attending school can now wear shoes that no longer have holes, leak or are worn out, a feeling of inclusion without bullying or ridicule. Every item of footwear that Shoe Aid collects and donates can change lives, not just now but in the future too. Finally, repurposing unused or used footwear has a positive impact on the environment – less waste, less footwear ending up at landfill and taking anywhere from 50 years to one thousand years due to materials to bio-degrade. We are Shoe Aid – making a DIFFERENCE and changing LIVES We would like to ask for your help if we can, and continue to tackle footwear poverty. Follow us on Social Media STEPTEMBER 2023 [PAGE] Title: Shoe Aid in Sports - Shoe Aid Content: Shoe Aid are working towards building relationships with a host of sporting communities. Currently we are working within the following arena’s Football – See separate Web Page for further information Follow us on Social Media STEPTEMBER 2023 [PAGE] Title: Posters and Media - Shoe Aid Content: All News Posters and Media Here you will find marketing materials, posters and social media images that can be used as part of your fundraising in STEPTEMBER, follow this link and download, either, PDF JPG or PNG formats. For any other request for media or marketing support please email [email protected] Follow us on Social Media STEPTEMBER 2023 [PAGE] Title: Contact Form - Shoe Aid Content: All News Contact Form For Footwear Requests please email [email protected] Please indicate type of footwear, male or female or child or teenager and appropriate size Call Shoe Aid – Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 07511 983508 Your Name (Required) Your Email (Required for us to contact you back) Your Organisation (If applicable) Your Location (Required so that we can help you to find Shoe Bin Locations) Your Phone Number (Required for us to contact you) Your Subject (Required) Your Message (So that we understand how we can help you) Δ Follow us on Social Media STEPTEMBER 2023 [PAGE] Title: footwear community Content: All News Supporters Without the generosity of the footwear community and associated businesses, Shoe Aid would not be able to make a DIFFERENCE and change so many LIVES. We are eternally grateful that these organisations have STEPPED UP and helped tackle footwear poverty, Thank You. Follow us on Social Media STEPTEMBER 2023 [PAGE] Title: unique charity Shoe Aid works proactively with other groups Content: All News Our Services Shoe Aid is a unique charity in that we work proactively with other community, social and educational groups and provide footwear ‘Fit for Purpose’ and free of charge. There is no charge to use Shoe Aid. We are a not for profit charity so we have to find our funding from other means, grants and charitable donations. Anyone can donate to support Shoe Aid’s work and can do so through PayPal, Facebook, text and directly through our website. The more shoes we are able to donate the more we can make a DIFFERENCE and change LIVES. Shoe Aid is STEPPING UP to footwear poverty not only here in the UK but also the world. How can Shoe Aid help you? If you are a school/college or other educational establishment and have pupil premium students who do not have functional footwear, footwear not suitable for everyday wear and want to support them, then you should contact us. Not only school footwear but footwear for everyday use. It might be trainers/pumps so that they can take part in school activities. Wellingtons or outdoor shoes to go on school trips, shoes for that all-important Prom, we want every young person/child to have the opportunity to take part and feel inclusive. Shoe Aid will do everything it can to provide footwear ‘Fit for Purpose’ A social enterprise, community group, refugee forum, homeless charity or indeed any other charity helping people live a normal inclusive life, footwear to so that they can take part In leisure activities, going to work, enjoying a night out with friends, then contact Shoe Aid. To get help from Shoe Aid and request footwear for any purpose please provide the following information to [email protected] Your name Your Organisation details (School, Charity, Social or Community Group) Contact details (Address and contact phone number) A list of footwear items you would like help with including sizes and whether they are for a male, female, or child. Shoe Aid will respond with details of how we can help and how quickly we can get items to you. It is important that you provide details of your organisation. Unfortunately we do not make donations directly to the public. If you are struggling and need help please contact a support/community group and they will get in touch with Shoe Aid and we can organise a donation of footwear. We currently provide a range of footwear items: Trainers, Football Boots, Walking and Outdoor shoes/boots, Wellingtons (Men’s, Ladies and Children), Safety Footwear (Men’s and Women’s), Men’s functional shoes, ladies functional shoes, Children’s school shoes, Children’s outdoor shoes, Children’s functional everyday shoes, slippers, flip flops, anything that is footwear related, we even have a stock of roller blades, ice skates, horse riding boots. *Shoe Aid provides its services ‘free of charge’ however, it’s not free to run Shoe Aid and we ask organisations to consider a voluntary financial contribution towards admin and distribution costs for using the service. Follow us on Social Media STEPTEMBER 2023 [PAGE] Title: STEPTEMBER fund raising campaign Content: STEPTEMBER STEPPING UP to Footwear Poverty There is a place where thousands of men, women, and children wear footwear that is not fit for purpose. And at least 280,000 homeless people (10,000 living on the streets) have no shoes or shoes that are falling to pieces, and that place is the UK. This September Shoe Aid will begin its fundraising campaign to raise awareness about footwear poverty in particular School Shoes and Trainers. We want to raise the issue of footwear poverty and get people to focus on the challenges and impact it has. In September this year, there are four Tuesdays (we are calling these days SHOESDAYS), each of these days we are asking people to organise events to raise funds to help combat footwear poverty,  that’s four opportunities to take part, everyone can take part in one or all of the days. Shoe Aid supports charities both here in the UK and internationally by providing footwear for all purposes to those most in need and struggling financially. We send requests to retail brands, wholesalers and manufacturers and ask them to provide new footwear, end-of-line footwear, samples and once-worn footwear. Shoe Aid then proactively finds charities, social and community enterprises to donate footwear items, from school shoes to everyday shoes for everyday wear. Rather than have a badge or ribbon or other icon we want to ask people to wear ODD SHOES for one or all the SHOESDAYS. They can also wear NO SHOES. Sharing images from these events/days across social media should help raise the issues of footwear poverty. People will not be limited to NO SHOES or ODD SHOES; we are looking for people to be creative too. We would like people to help headline the issues and challenges of footwear poverty here in the UK and the world. As well as shoe/footwear donations we are asking for monetary donations to support Shoe Aids’ work. This would be (voluntary) £3 from each person who wears ODD SHOES or NO SHOES or donates items or footwear. People and organisations could also have competitions, and quizzes (footwear themed) to raise funds for Shoe Aid and footwear poverty. There are no limitations, we will ask everyone to #Tag #SteppingUP2FootwearPoverty. Shoe Aid relies on footwear donations to deliver its service to those in need. We ensure all our footwear is ‘Fit for Purpose’ and donate new and used items ‘Free of Charge’. Whilst the service is ‘Free’ Shoe Aid is not free to operate. Poverty of any kind is not voluntary, part-time or at weekends only, Shoe Aid has volunteers who help sort and clean donated footwear in readiness. However, to help more people and organisations – Shoe Aid needs to operate ‘Full Time’ to meet the needs and demands of men, women, children and families who don’t have suitable footwear to part in everyday life. “A child attending school can now wear shoes that no longer have holes, leak or are worn out, a feeling of inclusion without bullying or ridicule”. “Man or Woman given a pair of smart formal shoes to attend an interview – feeling a sense of normal, their confidence is boosted, they get the Job, life changes. Possible with a single pair of shoes donated by Shoe Aid”. “A group of students at a modern secondary school from disadvantaged backgrounds are given outdoor boots/shoes to take part in a national student scheme – walking, climbing, hiking and other outdoor activities. They all make new friends, and gain a life-changing experience, all possible with a donation”. STEPPING UP, making a difference and changing lives Follow us on Social Media STEPTEMBER 2023 [PAGE] Title: Trustees - Shoe Aid Content: Chairman [email protected] Andy is a marketing and sales innovator with over 30 years of experience engaging in sales and marketing concepts that create global business opportunities and recognition. He has several business firsts to his name in many market sectors by introducing visionary strategies. Simon Wright Trustee Simon has over 15 years experience of working in the IT Industry across different sectors. He has his own successful IT consulting business supplying services to a wide range of businesses Ali Beddow Follow us on Social Media STEPTEMBER 2023 [PAGE] Title: download media Downloads - Shoe Aid media posters promotion charity Content: All News Downloads Download and Media, we want your fundraising and donations for Shoe Aid to be as successful as possible so below we have provided downloads of posters you can print and display throughout your place of work, store or educational building. Here is a link to our current logos and other media assets, please note this is a link to a dropbox folder managed by Shoe Aid Download folder Shoe Aid Simply click on the pictures to download print-ready posters. [PAGE] Title: Ambassadors - Shoe Aid Content: Eddie Kidd Eddie Kidd Eddie Kidd OBE has been in a wheelchair for 23 years following a stunt crash in 1996. A stunt double for James Bond, a World Champion and an 80’s icon, Eddie is a supporter and Ambassador for many charities including Shoe Aid. It was Eddie who decided he wanted to help Shoe Aid, his trainers (used whilst training for the Marathon) have been signed and donated to Shoe Aid to help raise funds to support the charities work. Eddie is also raising funds for his own specialist treatment ‘Eddie Fights back’ a legend in his own right, an inspiration, and we are humbled by his decision to be Ambassador for Shoe Aid The link below is for Eddie’s own Facebook Page. Follow us on Social Media STEPTEMBER 2023 [PAGE] Title: Shoe Aid is a charity tackling footwear poverty in the UK Content: All News About Shoe Aid is a national charity based here in the UK who source and supply free footwear through a collection and distribution network, so no child or adult need go without shoes Thousands of men, women or children are wearing footwear that is neither suitable nor fit for purpose. And at least 10,000 homeless people have no shoes or shoes that are falling to pieces. The Problem is Serious – Over 2 million shoes are thrown into landfill every week. On average, one pair of shoes takes upwards of 1000 years to biodegrade (man-made fibres and textiles. Shoe Aid is helping to avoid an environmental disaster for shoe manufacturers and distributors; in the same way, supermarkets are currently getting blamed for food waste”. Shoe aid is tackling the problem, by educating on the importance of recycling and repurposing footwear. At the same time distributing tens of thousands of pairs of shoes to over 15 countries around the world. “Shoe Aid is reducing the number of shoes being thrown away into landfill by increasing shoe donations through supporters of the charity with collection points”. There is global footwear poverty with significant implications 1.5 billion people worldwide without shoes of which 300 million are children. 70 million of those children are unable to access suitable education footwear because shoes are required as part of the school uniform. We have a manifesto: We believe that it is wrong that millions of unwanted shoes end up in landfill, almost 2 million every week. Which is as much an environmental disaster as it is a tragic waste. Wrong that tens of thousands of people wear unsuitable or no shoes, causing damage to foot health, academic potential and self-esteem, not just now, but later in life. Wrong that over 10,000 homeless people living on the streets may not have access to warm sturdy shoes. As a result, trench foot still exists on the streets of the UK. This is why Shoe Aid is STEPPING UP to footwear poverty, help us make a DIFFERENCE and change LIVES. Follow us on Social Media STEPTEMBER 2023 [PAGE] Title: We believe that it is wrong that millions of shoes end up at landfil Content: All News Manifesto We believe that it is wrong that millions of unwanted shoes end up in landfill, almost 2 million every week. This is as much an environmental disaster as it is a tragic waste. It’s wrong that thousands of men, women and children wear shoes that are likely not fit for purpose, are damaging to foot health, academic potential and self-esteem, not just now, but later in life. It is wrong that 200,000 homeless people may not have access to warm sturdy or functional footwear. As a result, 10,000 of those people who sleep on the streets may have trench foot which still exists on the streets of the UK. We cannot continue to ignore the problem. It’s solvable and that is why Shoe Aid was created. We are asking for people to donate something which we all have at home and no longer use or need. There are collection boxes at many locations throughout the UK, Birmingham, Leicester, London, Huddersfield, Manchester, Lincoln, Liverpool, Milton Keynes, Sheffield, Derby and Nottingham making it easier for people to donate shoes “Fit for Purpose” Shoe Aid collects and redistributes unused and unwanted footwear throughout the UK and World. It also educates on the importance of recycling and re-using old, unwanted footwear. We also work with some of the major retail and commercial footwear suppliers and manufacturers in the UK reducing the environmental waste crisis by redistributing footwear to those most in need. Follow us on Social Media STEPTEMBER 2023 [PAGE] Title: shoe aids vision for shoe poverty in the UK and the World Content: All News Shoe Aid Mission Statement Shoe Aid is a charity based in the UK sourcing and supplying free footwear through a collection and distribution network, STEPPING UP to footwear poverty so no child or adult need go without shoes. We will tackle the problem through education in schools, offices, organisations, and social and community enterprises on the importance of recycling and repurposing footwear. At the same time distributing donated items of footwear to over 15 countries around the world. Shoe Aid wants to reduce the number of items of footwear being thrown away into landfill by increasing shoe donations through supporters of the charity with collection points. Our mission: Make a DIFFERENCE and change LIVES Follow us on Social Media STEPTEMBER 2023 [PAGE] Title: News Archive - Shoe Aid Content: Highclare School STEPPED UP this STEPTEMBER Highclare STEPPED UP for this year’s STEPTEMBER campaign and not only raised and donated a huge sum of money to support Shoe Aid but a small mountain of footwear too. Approx 200+ pairs, Highclare have supported Shoe Aid for the past two years and it was another humbling visit to collect the cheque and the … Our STEPTEMBER Fundraiser Launched, Stepping UP Our September fundraising campaign STEPTEMBER has officially launched, this year there are four Tuesdays (SHOESDAYS) where you can raise awareness and funds to support Shoe Aid in combatting Footwear Poverty here in the UK. There is a place where thousands of men, women, and children wear footwear that is not fit for purpose. And at … New stores added for donating footwear to Shoe Aid The following stores have been added to our donation location map, welcome aboard, Pitter Patter Kids, Oldham and Kids Shoe Den in Northampton. If you have footwear that is no longer used and is ‘Fit for Purpose then drop by these stores and drop off your donation. Shoe Aid Reopens on the 11 January 2022 following the Christmas and New Year holiday break, opening times for 2022 will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays 10.00 am – 4.00 pm. STEPTEMBER 2023
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Title: Shoe Aid is working with some of the largest organisations Content: All News There is a place where thousands of men, women, and children wear footwear that is not fit for purpose. Shoe Aid is working with some of the largest organisations in the UK to reduce footwear poverty and reduce footwear waste and its impact on the environment, all of which are helping Shoe Aid deliver its MISSION: ‘Make a DIFFERENCE and change LIVES‘ Follow us on Social Media We ask where possible that all items of footwear collected are ‘Fit for Purpose’ as in they are not overly damaged have holes or could cause distress or injury, basically can be comfortably worn again. Title: donate to shoe aid to make a difference and change lives Content: All News Donate When we live in times where children attend school in footwear which would leave most of us with a feeling of horror, Shoe Aid is STEPPING UP. To continue to support those in need and cover the costs of distributing footwear we have set up a PayPal account to accept donations which will support Shoe Aid and help with the fight against footwear poverty and have a positive impact on waste and the environment. To donate items of footwear to Shoe Aid we are working with a number of businesses to provide donation boxes where you can take your old items of footwear. Items of footwear we can’t re-use if items are torn or worn out we cannot find them a suitable home Footwear we can use and donate to those in our society who cannot afford everyday footwear items We don’t need original boxes – Just the item of footwear is sufficient We also have collection/donation shoe boxes located within retail stores throughout the UK Birmingham, Leicestershire, London, Huddersfield, Manchester, Lincoln, Liverpool, Milton Keynes, Sheffield, Guildford, Southampton, Salisbury, Cardiff, Bristol, Cirencester, Brighton, Lutterworth, Solihull, Leeds, Grimsby and Nottingham (this continues to grow) that are partners, sponsors, supporters or donators to Shoe Aid. Title: Work With Us - Shoe Aid Content: All News Work With Us There is a place where thousands of men, women, and children wear footwear that is not fit for purpose. Shoe Aid a national charity based here in the UK who source and supply free footwear through a collection and distribution network, so no child or adult need go without shoes The Problem is Serious – Over 2 million shoes are thrown into landfill every week. Shoe Aid is helping to avoid an environmental disaster for shoe manufacturers and distributors; in the same way super-markets are currently getting blamed for food waste.” Shoe aid is tackling the problem, we have provided education to over 25,000 people in more than one thousand organisations on the importance of recycling and repurposing footwear. We are Shoe Aid – making a DIFFERENCE and changing LIVES We would like to ask for your help if we can, and continue to tackle footwear poverty. Title: Posters and Media - Shoe Aid Content: All News Posters and Media Here you will find marketing materials, posters and social media images that can be used as part of your fundraising in STEPTEMBER, follow this link and download, either, PDF JPG or PNG formats. Shoe Aid is STEPPING UP to footwear poverty not only here in the UK but also the world. If you are a school/college or other educational establishment and have pupil premium students who do not have functional footwear, footwear not suitable for everyday wear and want to support them, then you should contact us. Shoe Aid will do everything it can to provide footwear ‘Fit for Purpose’ A social enterprise, community group, refugee forum, homeless charity or indeed any other charity helping people live a normal inclusive life, footwear to so that they can take part In leisure activities, going to work, enjoying a night out with friends, then contact Shoe Aid. They can also wear NO SHOES. It was Eddie who decided he wanted to help Shoe Aid, his trainers (used whilst training for the Marathon) have been signed and donated to Shoe Aid to help raise funds to support the charities work. Title: Shoe Aid is a charity tackling footwear poverty in the UK Content: All News About Shoe Aid is a national charity based here in the UK who source and supply free footwear through a collection and distribution network, so no child or adult need go without shoes Thousands of men, women or children are wearing footwear that is neither suitable nor fit for purpose. This is why Shoe Aid is STEPPING UP to footwear poverty, help us make a DIFFERENCE and change LIVES. Title: shoe aids vision for shoe poverty in the UK and the World Content: All News Shoe Aid Mission Statement Shoe Aid is a charity based in the UK sourcing and supplying free footwear through a collection and distribution network, STEPPING UP to footwear poverty so no child or adult need go without shoes.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Email Protection | Cloudflare Content: Email Protection You are unable to access this email address The website from which you got to this page is protected by Cloudflare. Email addresses on that page have been hidden in order to keep them from being accessed by malicious bots. You must enable Javascript in your browser in order to decode the e-mail address. If you have a website and are interested in protecting it in a similar way, you can sign up for Cloudflare . [PAGE] Title: Belford Florist - Flower Delivery by Flower Power Content: Proud Member of the Flower Power For fresh, high-quality flowers, you can count on Flower Power. Our professional staff of florists will work with you to create beautiful, unique gifts for your special occasions. Not only do we provide flower delivery, we can deliver nationwide as well through our trusted network of florists. We even offer same day flower delivery at no extra cost for those last-minute gifts! Create a special memory by sending fresh flowers Flower Power, your local florist, has just the right bouquet to fit every occasion and budget. Let us help you create smiles with our unique designs of Mother's Day flowers, Birthday flowers, or Anniversary flowers. Say “I love you” with a stunning arrangement of Valentine's Day roses, add joy to the holidays with a seasonal centerpiece, or cheer up a friend with a fun get well flower gift basket. Let Flower Power help you surprise someone with the best flowers in Belford NJ today. When you need to send your condolences we can help with a thoughtful funeral flower arrangement. When you want to send a thoughtful gift, why not send flowers? Using our secure website, you can order flowers at your convenience, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The extensive online selection from Flower Power is sure to please. For a unique gift, you can call us and one of our highly trained florists will create a beautiful one-of-a-kind floral arrangement just for you. Turn to Flower Power The floral designers at Flower Power are dedicated to creating fabulous gifts using only choice flowers . We also have a wide selection of plants and gift baskets for whatever occasion you’re looking for. Don’t your loved ones deserve the best? All of our flower arrangements are professionally arranged and personally delivered straight to your recipient. Trust the finest florist to add that extra special touch to any occasion and show your loved ones how much you care. Some sites ship your flowers in a box, wrapped in cellophane and left for you to trim and arrange. Not Flower Power! If you want fresh flower delivery , count on our expert staff for hand-arranged, hand-delivered bouquets. When you send flowers through Flower Power, you can rest easy knowing that your recipients will not be faced with damaged flowers. Their gift will be designed by a professional florist and delivered at its best. My Saved Bouquets (0) Log in to save this item as a favorite. Items will be saved for 14 days [PAGE] Title: Just Because Flowers Delivery Belford NJ - Flower Power Content: Just Because Just Because Flowers You don’t need a reason to make someone smile! Surprise someone special with a bouquet from Flower Power. From romantic roses to modern arrangements, we’ve got it all! We can even deliver your bouquet nationwide or locally to Belford, NJ. Sort: [PAGE] Title: Birthday Flowers Delivery Belford NJ - Flower Power Content: Birthday Birthday Flowers Look no further than Flower Power for birthday gifts! Liven up any birthday party with a festive birthday flowers or surprise them with a cheerful "Happy Birthday" bouquet! We offer birthday flower delivery to Belford, NJ or nationwide. Sort: [PAGE] Title: Site Map | Flower Power Florist & Gifts Content: (732) 495-9400 (800) 626-1287 Sorry! Only three add on items can be selected at a time. If you wish to change your selection, please set one of your currently selected items back to default. Learn More About [PAGE] Title: Flowers for Love & Romance Delivery Belford NJ - Flower Power Content: Love & Romance Flowers for Love & Romance Romance isn't just for Valentine's Day, celebrate your love every day with a romantic gift from Flower Power, your local florist in Belford. From romantic roses to modern masterpieces, we have the perfect bouquet to express your emotions! Sort: [PAGE] Title: Get Well Flowers Delivery Belford NJ - Flower Power Content: Get Well Get Well Flowers Nothing says "Get Well Soon" like a vibrant bouquet of fresh flowers! Look no further for get well gifts than Flower Power. We deliver get well flowers to Belford, NJ or nationwide to brighten their day. They'll be sure to get well soon! Sort: [PAGE] Title: Valentine's Day Delivery Belford NJ - Flower Power Content: (732) 495-9400 (800) 626-1287 Sorry! Only three add on items can be selected at a time. If you wish to change your selection, please set one of your currently selected items back to default. Learn More About
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If you have a website and are interested in protecting it in a similar way, you can sign up for Cloudflare . Title: Belford Florist - Flower Delivery by Flower Power Content: Proud Member of the Flower Power For fresh, high-quality flowers, you can count on Flower Power. Our professional staff of florists will work with you to create beautiful, unique gifts for your special occasions. Let us help you create smiles with our unique designs of Mother's Day flowers, Birthday flowers, or Anniversary flowers. Say “I love you” with a stunning arrangement of Valentine's Day roses, add joy to the holidays with a seasonal centerpiece, or cheer up a friend with a fun get well flower gift basket. Let Flower Power help you surprise someone with the best flowers in Belford NJ today. The extensive online selection from Flower Power is sure to please. For a unique gift, you can call us and one of our highly trained florists will create a beautiful one-of-a-kind floral arrangement just for you. Not Flower Power! Their gift will be designed by a professional florist and delivered at its best. Items will be saved for 14 days Title: Just Because Flowers Delivery Belford NJ - Flower Power Content: Just Because Just Because Flowers You don’t need a reason to make someone smile! Surprise someone special with a bouquet from Flower Power. Title: Birthday Flowers Delivery Belford NJ - Flower Power Content: Birthday Birthday Flowers Look no further than Flower Power for birthday gifts! We offer birthday flower delivery to Belford, NJ or nationwide. Title: Site Map | Flower Power Florist & Gifts Content: (732) 495-9400 (800) 626-1287 Sorry! Only three add on items can be selected at a time. We deliver get well flowers to Belford, NJ or nationwide to brighten their day. Title: Valentine's Day Delivery Belford NJ - Flower Power Content: (732) 495-9400 (800) 626-1287 Sorry! Only three add on items can be selected at a time.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Hours & Directions - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: Definitions & Disclosures Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. [PAGE] Title: Sands Ford of Pottsville | Loans and Leases | Pottsville, PA serving Bethel, Tamaqua, Frackville and Hamburg PA Content: closed Buying Vs Leasing a Ford​ Deciding whether to buy or lease a new Sands Ford of Pottsville can be a difficult choice. It is important to know the differences between the two options so you can figure out which is best for you. When you buy a vehicle, you are paying for the entire vehicle. Typically buyers make a down payment, either pay the sales tax in cash or roll the amount into the loan, and then make monthly payments with a set interest rate. This option is great for those who drive many miles, or plan on keeping their car for a long period of time. When you lease a vehicle, you are only paying for the amount of the vehicle you use. The sales tax is included in the monthly lease payment, which is determined in part by a money factor that is much like an interest rate on a new car loan. Typically the first monthly payment is made when you sign the contract. Leasing is a great option for those who want lower monthly payments and a new vehicle every few years. [PAGE] Title: Costars - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: Staff What is COSTARS? COSTARS is the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s cooperative purchasing program and serves as a conduit between registered and eligible local public procurement units (LPPUs) and state-affiliated entities (together “Members”) are able to leverage contracts established by the Department of General Services (DGS) to cost-effectively and efficiently identify suppliers with whom to do business. The goals of this program are: To encourage, expand, and facilitate the opportunities for Members to achieve procurement savings and the best value through an interactive partnership with the Commonwealth. To provide increased opportunities for Suppliers of any size to participate and compete for Members’ business. To provide contracts with competitive pricing. The Commonwealth Procurement Code provides the statutory authority for Member entities to engage in cooperative purchasing with the Commonwealth. The Procurement Code authorizes DGS to enter into cooperative purchasing contracts solely for the use of its members. DGS requires eligible LPPUs and state affiliated entities to register as COSTARS members, and only those organizations registered with DGS may purchase from contract. Why use COSTARS? Quite simply, you are guaranteed the lowest price. With the prearranged competitive pricing, you will never have to solicit bids from multiple suppliers again. The process is simplified as much as possible in order to make it quick and easy for Members to get the vehicle they need at a competitive price. Thus, saving both Members and Suppliers time and money. Contact Us Contact us with any questions, concerns or information requests. Municipality Name* [PAGE] Title: We will buy your vehicle for cash in Pottsville, PA. Contact us today! Content: Staff We Buy Cars at Sands Ford Of Pottsville! Looking to sell your vehicle and walk away with some extra cash? Come down to Sands Ford Of Pottsville in Pottsville, PA. We make it effortless for you to sell your vehicle and if you like upgrade to a new car or SUV. We will never pressure you to upgrade your vehicle when you sell you car to us. Regardless of where you purchased your vehicle we can buy it for cash! How to Sell a Car to Sands Ford Of Pottsville When you come to our dealership to sell your vehicle, you can easily get a pre-owned car appraisal in person. You can also decide to value your trade online if you would like and receive a trade-in estimate in minutes. Once you receive your official trade-in offer from our sales team, you can then decide to put the value of your car toward a new truck, car or SUV or walk away with the cash!. Please make sure to have the following before selling your vehicle to: The vehicle and all keys/remotes The car’s owner’s manual Valid state-issued photo ID Title or loan payoff information Vehicle registration Wondering if you can sell a car you still owe money on? Got a quick question? Contact us today and can walk you through our used car purchase process or trade-in process. We’ll answer any questions you have along the way and help you get the value you deserve for your used car. View Inventory Quick Question Complete the form below and one of our friendly and professional staff will get you an answer right away. Complete the form below and one of our friendly and professional staff will get you an answer right away. First Name* [PAGE] Title: Ford Service & Car Repair at Sands Ford of Pottsville, Pennsylvania | Vehicle Maintenance near Bethel, Tamaqua, Frackville, Hamburg. Content: Definitions & Disclosures Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. [PAGE] Title: Sands Ford of Pottsville | About Us | Pottsville, Pennsylvania Content: About Us Get to Know Us, Your New Ford Dealership Serving Pottsville Sands Ford of Pottsville is your source for new & used Ford cars, trucks, SUV, parts, service and more in the Pottsville area. Our goal is to provide the best possible service to our customers and make sure your car buying experience is second to none. We are conveniently located at 1456 Route 61 South Pottsville, PA 17901. We feature an extensive selection of new and certified pre-owned Ford vehicles, as well as used cars from many other makes. Sands Ford of Pottsville is committed to providing superior service in all departments, from sales to finance to parts and service, and we invite you to search through our online inventory and stop by our dealership for a test drive. If you have any questions, please give us a call at (888) 960-7281 . 1456 Route 61 South [PAGE] Title: Contact Us - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: Definitions & Disclosures Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. [PAGE] Title: 3S Auto & Truck Accessories - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: Staff 3S Auto & Truck Accessories Introducing our most exciting venture yet, 3S Auto & Truck Accessories. 3S Auto & Truck Accessories is a custom accessories installer where you install or purchase custom accessories for your vehicle. 3S Auto & Truck Accessories is not limited to any make or model, so take your car in to get it customized to your liking. For Fun Want those bronze rims on the Ford Bronco? We can do that. Dreaming of a lift kit on the Jeep Wrangler that was catching your eye? Consider it done. Looking to add some performance to your Mustang, Challenger or WRX? Give us a call, we can make it happen. For Everyday Use Looking for a bedliner (spray in or drop in) and tonneau cover to keep you truck bed protected? Everyone does. Maybe you need a brush guard and all-weather floor mats. No problem. For Work To get the job done and stay organized, we can upfit your truck or van. Ladder racks, tool boxes, bulkheads and racks and bins customized for your profession. We can have all of this installed with your purchase of a new truck or van. Or change your old one to meet your new needs. Nevertheless, we create: convivence, value, and modularity for you. With over 14 years of experience, you will be confident that we will provide the greatest quality work without any shortcuts. In our minds, if it does not meet our highest expectations, then we consider it a loss and we are sure that you feel the same way. Getting custom accessories is an easy process. During a vehicle sale, you can simply tell your salesperson about any accessories that you wish to install and they will gladly assist you with the process. You can also get into contact with 3S Auto & Truck Accessories by calling (267) 733-0040 and they will walk you through your needs. Finally, you also have the option to buy accessories and install them yourself by calling (267) 733-0040 . 3S Auto & Truck Accessories is the premier accessories installer in the Greater Philadelphia Area. We service all makes and models. With nearly 20 years’ worth of experience, we are committed to providing the most exceptional installations and make the car of your dreams into reality. Please fill out the form and we will be in contact with you or give us a call at (267) 733-0040 . Contact Us Contact us with any questions, concerns or information requests. First Name* [PAGE] Title: FordPass Rewards - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: Disclosures *FordPass App, compatible with select smartphone platforms, is available via a download. Message and data rates may apply. **FordPass Connect (optional on select vehicles), the FordPass App and complimentary Connected Service are required for remote features (see FordPass terms for details). Connected service and features depend on compatible AT&T network availability. Evolving technology/cellular networks/vehicle capability may limit functionality and prevent operation of connected features. Connected service excludes Wi-Fi hotspot. †Points and Milestones are not redeemable for cash or check. Must be enrolled in FordPass Rewards. See the FordPass Rewards Program terms and conditions at for information regarding expiration, redemption, forfeiture and other limitations on FordPass Rewards Points. ††75,000 for diesel vehicles. Modem must be activated within 60 days of purchase through the FordPass App on a smartphone and remain active for at least 6 months after activation. Buyers of non-modem equipped vehicles will also receive Points after enrollment. Visit a participating dealer for details. ‡See the FordPass™ Rewards Visa® Terms and Conditions in the Summary of Credit Terms. Points are not redeemable for cash. Please see the FordPass™ Rewards Program terms and conditions at for information regarding expiration, redemption, forfeiture and other limitations on FordPass™ Rewards Points. Must be enrolled in FordPass Rewards. (888) 960-7281 [PAGE] Title: Costars - Contact Us - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: Definitions & Disclosures Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. [PAGE] Title: Ford Vehicle Comparisons & Model Research - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: Definitions & Disclosures Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. [PAGE] Title: All Inventory - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: Sands Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM Sands Ford of Pottsville Sands Ford of Red Hill Fewer Filters Ext: Brilliant Black Crystal Prl Int: Medium Slate Gray Sands Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM501 N West End BlvdQuakertown, PA 18951 Stock #: CD23032 Sands Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM501 N West End BlvdQuakertown, PA 18951 Stock #: AC23047 Sands Ford of Red Hill602 Main StreetRed Hill, PA 18076 Stock #: A3294 Sands Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM501 N West End BlvdQuakertown, PA 18951 Stock #: AD24002 Int: Dark Slate Gray Interior Location: Sands Ford of Pottsville1456 Route 61 S Pottsville PA 17901Pottsville, PA 17901 Stock #: AF23700 Sands Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM501 N West End BlvdQuakertown, PA 18951 Stock #: BC23191 Sands Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM501 N West End BlvdQuakertown, PA 18951 Stock #: AD23156 Sands Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM501 N West End BlvdQuakertown, PA 18951 Stock #: DC23175 Sands Ford of Red Hill602 Main StreetRed Hill, PA 18076 Stock #: N4009 Sands Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM501 N West End BlvdQuakertown, PA 18951 Stock #: AC23169 Ext: Deep Cherry Red Crystal Pearl Int: Black Sands Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM501 N West End BlvdQuakertown, PA 18951 Stock #: AC24026 Ext: Snowflake White Pearl Mica Int: Black Sands Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM501 N West End BlvdQuakertown, PA 18951 Stock #: AC23187 radio_button_checked radio_button_unchecked Rate based on Estimated Credit Score 5.71% radio_button_checked radio_button_unchecked Custom Rate Enter rate Payment or price based on amount financed for Term (Months) and Finance Rate (APR) estimated on average for the credit score input by customer using the site calculator. These calculators are for illustration purposes only and do not include license and title fees, additional or optional charges associated with the sale and/or financing of the vehicle. Terms may not represent actual available credit terms. Credit score is not the only factor determining Finance Rate. We encourage you to seek advice from qualified financial service professionals regarding all your personal finance needs. Cancel Apply All Vehicles VEHICLE DATACertain specifications, prices and equipment data have been provided under license from Chrome Data Solutions (\’Chrome Data\’). © 2024 Chrome Data Solutions, LP. All Rights Reserved. This information is supplied for personal use only and may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever without the express written consent of Chrome Data. Chrome Data makes no guarantee or warranty, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any warranty of merchantability or fitness for particular purpose, with respect to the data presented here. All specifications, prices and equipment are subject to change without notice. ESTIMATE MPGEPA mileage ratings are supplied by Chrome Data Solutions, LP for comparison purposes only. Your actual mileage will vary, depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle, driving conditions, battery pack age/condition (hybrid models only) and other factors. Based on 2019 EPA mileage ratings. Your MPGe/MPG and driving range will vary depending on driving conditions, how you drive and maintain your vehicle, battery-pack age/condition, and other factors. PRICINGVehicle pricing is believed to be accurate. Tax, title and registration are not included in prices shown unless otherwise stated. Manufacturer incentives may vary by region and are subject to change. Vehicle information & features are based upon standard equipment and may vary by vehicle. Monthly payments may be higher or lower based upon incentives, qualifying programs, credit qualifications, residency & fees. No claims, or warranties are made to guarantee the accuracy of vehicle pricing, payments or actual equipment. Call to confirm accuracy of any information. (888) 960-7281 [PAGE] Title: Used Vehicles Specials in Pottsville, PA - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: radio_button_checked radio_button_unchecked Custom Rate Enter rate Payment or price based on amount financed for Term (Months) and Finance Rate (APR) estimated on average for the credit score input by customer using the site calculator. These calculators are for illustration purposes only and do not include license and title fees, additional or optional charges associated with the sale and/or financing of the vehicle. Terms may not represent actual available credit terms. Credit score is not the only factor determining Finance Rate. We encourage you to seek advice from qualified financial service professionals regarding all your personal finance needs. Cancel Apply Used Car Specials VEHICLE DATACertain specifications, prices and equipment data have been provided under license from Chrome Data Solutions (\’Chrome Data\’). © 2024 Chrome Data Solutions, LP. All Rights Reserved. This information is supplied for personal use only and may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever without the express written consent of Chrome Data. Chrome Data makes no guarantee or warranty, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any warranty of merchantability or fitness for particular purpose, with respect to the data presented here. All specifications, prices and equipment are subject to change without notice. ESTIMATE MPGEPA mileage ratings are supplied by Chrome Data Solutions, LP for comparison purposes only. Your actual mileage will vary, depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle, driving conditions, battery pack age/condition (hybrid models only) and other factors. Based on 2019 EPA mileage ratings. Your MPGe/MPG and driving range will vary depending on driving conditions, how you drive and maintain your vehicle, battery-pack age/condition, and other factors. PRICINGVehicle pricing is believed to be accurate. Tax, title and registration are not included in prices shown unless otherwise stated. Manufacturer incentives may vary by region and are subject to change. Vehicle information & features are based upon standard equipment and may vary by vehicle. Monthly payments may be higher or lower based upon incentives, qualifying programs, credit qualifications, residency & fees. No claims, or warranties are made to guarantee the accuracy of vehicle pricing, payments or actual equipment. Call to confirm accuracy of any information. (888) 960-7281 [PAGE] Title: Sands Ford of Pottsville | New & Used Ford Dealership | Pottsville, PA Content: Definitions & Disclosures Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. [PAGE] Title: Meet Our Staff - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: Definitions & Disclosures Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. [PAGE] Title: Quick Lane Tire & Auto Center Service - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: Definitions & Disclosures Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. [PAGE] Title: New Ford Model Research & Information - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: Definitions & Disclosures Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. [PAGE] Title: Sitemap - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: Definitions & Disclosures Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. [PAGE] Title: New Inventory - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: radio_button_checked radio_button_unchecked Custom Rate Enter rate Payment or price based on amount financed for Term (Months) and Finance Rate (APR) estimated on average for the credit score input by customer using the site calculator. These calculators are for illustration purposes only and do not include license and title fees, additional or optional charges associated with the sale and/or financing of the vehicle. Terms may not represent actual available credit terms. Credit score is not the only factor determining Finance Rate. We encourage you to seek advice from qualified financial service professionals regarding all your personal finance needs. Cancel Apply New Ford Vehicles VEHICLE DATACertain specifications, prices and equipment data have been provided under license from Chrome Data Solutions (\’Chrome Data\’). © 2024 Chrome Data Solutions, LP. All Rights Reserved. This information is supplied for personal use only and may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever without the express written consent of Chrome Data. Chrome Data makes no guarantee or warranty, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any warranty of merchantability or fitness for particular purpose, with respect to the data presented here. All specifications, prices and equipment are subject to change without notice. ESTIMATE MPGEPA mileage ratings are supplied by Chrome Data Solutions, LP for comparison purposes only. Your actual mileage will vary, depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle, driving conditions, battery pack age/condition (hybrid models only) and other factors. Based on 2019 EPA mileage ratings. Your MPGe/MPG and driving range will vary depending on driving conditions, how you drive and maintain your vehicle, battery-pack age/condition, and other factors. PRICINGVehicle pricing is believed to be accurate. Tax, title and registration are not included in prices shown unless otherwise stated. Manufacturer incentives may vary by region and are subject to change. Vehicle information & features are based upon standard equipment and may vary by vehicle. Monthly payments may be higher or lower based upon incentives, qualifying programs, credit qualifications, residency & fees. No claims, or warranties are made to guarantee the accuracy of vehicle pricing, payments or actual equipment. Call to confirm accuracy of any information. (888) 960-7281 [PAGE] Title: Mobile Service - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: We'll be on our way. Expert Service Right in Your Driveway. At Sands Ford of Pottsville, our technicians can perform a lot of the same services remotely that we do in the dealership, such as oil and filter changes, brake services, batteries, tire rotations, recalls and more. Please contact us for details as service may vary. Ford Mobile Service is offered by participating dealers and may be limited based on availability, distance, or other dealer-specified criteria. Does not include parts or repair charges. Scheduling Mobile Service is Easy. Here's What To Do. Just contact us to schedule For Mobile Service or simply schedule service in the FordPass App.* *FordPass App, compatible with select smartphone platforms, is available via a download. Message and data rates may apply. Visit a participating dealer for details. Contact Us Get the App. Ear the Rewards. Download the FordPass App* to join FordPass Rewards. You'll earn Points on all of your service and maintenance.** *FordPass App, compatible with select smartphone platforms, is available via a download. Message and data rates may apply. Visit a participating dealer for details. **Must be enrolled in FordPass Rewards to receive FordPass Rewards bonus Points. Points are not redeemable for cash or check. See the FordPass Rewards Program terms and conditions at for information regarding expiration, redemption, forfeiture, and other limitations on FordPass Rewards Points. No Matter What Mode You're In, We've Got You. Frequently Asked Questions What services are available with Ford Mobile Service? Routine maintenance services ranging from oil and filter change to brake services and batteries to tire rotation and wiper replacement. We also offer service for fluids and filters, lamps and bulbs, diagnostic scanning, software updates and accessories, as well as PSA and recall. Please contact us for details as services may vary. Are there location requirements to utilize Ford Mobile Service? Because location conditions can vary by seasonality and dealer mileage requirements, please contact us for details. Can I use coupons for service through Ford Mobile Service? You sure can – Ford Service rebates and offers are eligible except where expressly excluded. Check with us for terms and more information. Are mechanics screened and certified? Yes, Ford Mobile Service technicians are Ford factory-trained and certified. (888) 960-7281 [PAGE] Title: Tire Finder Tool - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: Definitions & Disclosures Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. [PAGE] Title: Ford Pickup & Delivery - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: We'll drop it off. At Sands Ford of Pottsville, We Make it Easy Owning a Ford gives you access to a host of benefits, including complimentary Ford Pickup & Delivery.* We will pick up your vehicle, service it, then bring it back. Just tell us when and where. For further questions, just ask. *Ford Pickup & Delivery is offered by participating dealers and may be limited based on availability, distance, or other dealer-specified criteria. Does not include parts or repair charges. A nonoperational vehicle is not eligible and will require a Roadside event. Ford Pickup & Delivery is Complimentary The next time you need service, we will make the round trip for you. No need to drive to or from our dealership.* You can even schedule service right in the FordPass App.** *Ford Pickup & Delivery is offered by participating dealers and may be limited based on availability, distance, or other dealer-specified criteria. Does not include parts or repair charges. A nonoperational vehicle is not eligible and will require a Roadside event. **FordPass App, compatible with select smartphone platforms, is available via a download.Message and data rates may apply. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS WILL I GET A LOANER VEHICLE? A loaner vehicle may or may not be available. Alternative options may be offered as well. Just ask when you schedule your service. HOW LONG WILL SERVICE TAKE? Every service is different. At Sands Ford of Pottsville, we will discuss timing when you book your appointment. HOW WILL I RECEIVE UPDATES ABOUT MY VEHICLE SERVICE? Phone, text or email, however you like. WILL MY VEHICLE ONLY GET SERVICE AT THE DEALERSHIP I CHOOSE? Yes. IS THE FORD PICKUP & DELIVERY PROGRAM AVAILABLE FOR ALL REPAIRS? All warranty and customer-pay repairs are eligible, as long as your vehicle is drivable and not part of a roadside collision. Does not include parts or repair charges. HOW DO I KNOW WHICH MAINTENANCE SERVICES I NEED? Check the service tab in your FordPass® App or log in with your vehicle details to find your maintenance schedule here. ARE THERE ANY DISTANCE RESTRICTIONS FOR FORD PICKUP & DELIVERY? Some restrictions may apply. Just call us to find out. CAN FORD PICKUP & DELIVERY BE USED WITH ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE? Not at this time. HOW DO I RESOLVE BILLING ISSUES? Just call us for all billing and payment questions. CAN I USE COUPONS FOR SERVICE THROUGH FORD PICKUP & DELIVERY? Yes! All rebates and special offers apply. HOW DO I MAKE CHANGES OR CANCEL MY FORD PICKUP & DELIVERY TIME? Just contact us at (888) 960-7281 . CAN I CHANGE MY FORD PICKUP & DELIVERY LOCATION? Not a problem! Just contact us for more information. WHO CAN I TALK TO IF I HAVE ANY ISSUES WITH MY FORD PICKUP & DELIVERY SERVICE? At Sands Ford of Pottsville, we’re happy to answer any questions at (888) 960-7281 . *Ford Pickup & Delivery is offered by participating dealers and may be limited based on availability, distance, or other dealer-specified criteria. Does not include parts or repair charges. A nonoperational vehicle is not eligible and will require a Roadside event. (888) 960-7281 [PAGE] Title: Schedule A Service Appointment - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: Schedule a Service Appointment Can’t find what you’re looking for? Please call (570) 622-1991 to reach our service department (888) 960-7281 Definitions & Disclosures Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. [PAGE] Title: Employment Application - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: Definitions & Disclosures Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. [PAGE] Title: Pre-Owned Inventory - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: Sands Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM Sands Ford of Pottsville Sands Ford of Red Hill Condition Sands Ford of Red Hill602 Main StreetRed Hill, PA 18076 Stock #: A4063 Sands Ford of Red Hill602 Main StreetRed Hill, PA 18076 Stock #: R5573 Sands Ford of Red Hill602 Main StreetRed Hill, PA 18076 Stock #: A4053 Sands Ford of Pottsville1456 Route 61 S Pottsville PA 17901Pottsville, PA 17901 Stock #: P3076 Sands Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM501 N West End BlvdQuakertown, PA 18951 Stock #: MC23196 Sands Ford of Pottsville1456 Route 61 S Pottsville PA 17901Pottsville, PA 17901 Stock #: P3092 Sands Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM501 N West End BlvdQuakertown, PA 18951 Stock #: AD24010 Sands Ford of Red Hill602 Main StreetRed Hill, PA 18076 Stock #: A4030 Sands Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM501 N West End BlvdQuakertown, PA 18951 Stock #: AC24053 Sands Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM501 N West End BlvdQuakertown, PA 18951 Stock #: AC23111 Sands Ford of Pottsville1456 Route 61 S Pottsville PA 17901Pottsville, PA 17901 Stock #: DF23594 Sands Ford of Red Hill602 Main StreetRed Hill, PA 18076 Stock #: R5483 radio_button_checked radio_button_unchecked Rate based on Estimated Credit Score 5.71% radio_button_checked radio_button_unchecked Custom Rate Enter rate Payment or price based on amount financed for Term (Months) and Finance Rate (APR) estimated on average for the credit score input by customer using the site calculator. These calculators are for illustration purposes only and do not include license and title fees, additional or optional charges associated with the sale and/or financing of the vehicle. Terms may not represent actual available credit terms. Credit score is not the only factor determining Finance Rate. We encourage you to seek advice from qualified financial service professionals regarding all your personal finance needs. Cancel Apply Used Vehicles VEHICLE DATACertain specifications, prices and equipment data have been provided under license from Chrome Data Solutions (\’Chrome Data\’). © 2024 Chrome Data Solutions, LP. All Rights Reserved. This information is supplied for personal use only and may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever without the express written consent of Chrome Data. Chrome Data makes no guarantee or warranty, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any warranty of merchantability or fitness for particular purpose, with respect to the data presented here. All specifications, prices and equipment are subject to change without notice. ESTIMATE MPGEPA mileage ratings are supplied by Chrome Data Solutions, LP for comparison purposes only. Your actual mileage will vary, depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle, driving conditions, battery pack age/condition (hybrid models only) and other factors. Based on 2019 EPA mileage ratings. Your MPGe/MPG and driving range will vary depending on driving conditions, how you drive and maintain your vehicle, battery-pack age/condition, and other factors. PRICINGVehicle pricing is believed to be accurate. Tax, title and registration are not included in prices shown unless otherwise stated. Manufacturer incentives may vary by region and are subject to change. Vehicle information & features are based upon standard equipment and may vary by vehicle. Monthly payments may be higher or lower based upon incentives, qualifying programs, credit qualifications, residency & fees. No claims, or warranties are made to guarantee the accuracy of vehicle pricing, payments or actual equipment. Call to confirm accuracy of any information. (888) 960-7281 [PAGE] Title: New Inventory - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: radio_button_checked radio_button_unchecked Custom Rate Enter rate Payment or price based on amount financed for Term (Months) and Finance Rate (APR) estimated on average for the credit score input by customer using the site calculator. These calculators are for illustration purposes only and do not include license and title fees, additional or optional charges associated with the sale and/or financing of the vehicle. Terms may not represent actual available credit terms. Credit score is not the only factor determining Finance Rate. We encourage you to seek advice from qualified financial service professionals regarding all your personal finance needs. Cancel Apply New Ford Vehicles VEHICLE DATACertain specifications, prices and equipment data have been provided under license from Chrome Data Solutions (\’Chrome Data\’). © 2024 Chrome Data Solutions, LP. All Rights Reserved. This information is supplied for personal use only and may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever without the express written consent of Chrome Data. Chrome Data makes no guarantee or warranty, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any warranty of merchantability or fitness for particular purpose, with respect to the data presented here. All specifications, prices and equipment are subject to change without notice. ESTIMATE MPGEPA mileage ratings are supplied by Chrome Data Solutions, LP for comparison purposes only. Your actual mileage will vary, depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle, driving conditions, battery pack age/condition (hybrid models only) and other factors. Based on 2019 EPA mileage ratings. Your MPGe/MPG and driving range will vary depending on driving conditions, how you drive and maintain your vehicle, battery-pack age/condition, and other factors. PRICINGVehicle pricing is believed to be accurate. Tax, title and registration are not included in prices shown unless otherwise stated. Manufacturer incentives may vary by region and are subject to change. Vehicle information & features are based upon standard equipment and may vary by vehicle. Monthly payments may be higher or lower based upon incentives, qualifying programs, credit qualifications, residency & fees. No claims, or warranties are made to guarantee the accuracy of vehicle pricing, payments or actual equipment. Call to confirm accuracy of any information. (888) 960-7281 [PAGE] Title: Tell Us - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: Definitions & Disclosures Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. [PAGE] Title: Sands Ford of Pottsville | Pottsville Ford Auto Body Content: Take the Right Steps to Keep Your Ford a Ford Before an accident: If original parts aren’t included in your policy, talk to your agent about getting original parts coverage. Make sure you have our dealership’s body shop contact information. Be prepared and take extra precautions when seasons or driving habits change. Get an Estimate After an accident: If original parts aren’t included in your policy, talk to your agent about getting original parts coverage. Make sure you have our dealership’s body shop contact information. Be prepared and take extra precautions when seasons or driving habits change. Pottsville‘s Best Shopping Experience We feature an extensive selection of new and certified pre-owned Ford vehicles, as well as used cars from many other makes. Sands Ford of Pottsville is committed to providing superior service in all departments, from sales to finance to parts and service, and we invite you to search through our online inventory and stop by our dealership for a test drive. If you have any questions, please give us a call at (888) 960-7281. [PAGE] Title: Additional Disclaimers - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: Staff Definitions and Disclosures Ford dealers value the confidence you have in the Ford brand and to that end we want you to understand the terms and representations we make on our site. Below are definitions and disclosures related to the terms and functionalities you may encounter while you explore the Ford brand. This list is not all-inclusive and we invite you to contact us directly using the information in the “Contact Us” section of our home page. Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price (also referred to as “MSRP”, “Base MSRP” or the “Starting At” price), excludes taxes, title, license, registration and/or electronic filing fees, destination freight and delivery charges, dealer fees, and optional equipment. The “MSRP” shown may also represent pricing for authenticated AXZ Plan (the “Plan”) customers. Restrictions and eligibility requirements apply to the Plan.Not all AXZ Plan customers will qualify for the Plan pricing shown. AXZ Plan pricing where shown does not include taxes, title, license and registration fees, destination freight and delivery charges, dealer fees, and optional equipment.Ford Motor Company reserves the right to modify the terms of AXZ Plan pricing or availability at any time. Some dealers may also choose not to participate in plan pricing. For information on pricing, please contact us using the information in the “Contact Us” section of our home page or use our email form for more information. The Payment Calculator will calculate a monthly payment based on the MSRP (or AXZ Plan pricing for authenticated Plan customers) of the vehicle you have chosen and configured. This may or may not include the dealer-installed accessories or all options chosen. The Payment Calculator is for general estimation and illustration purposes, only. Actual monthly payment is based on a variety of factors, including differing financing or leasing terms, accessory prices and installation costs. Financing payment calculations are estimates only, and are based on amount of down payment, APR, and term of financing, and does not take into account important individual information, such as your qualifications for the financing terms displayed. Lease payment calculations are estimates only, and are based on an annual mileage calculation determined by your dealer, and does not take into account important individual information, such as your qualifications for the leasing terms displayed. A charge is assessed for any mileage driven that exceeds mileage limits displayed or set by us at signing. Not all buyers will qualify for financing or a lease. Contact us for details or use our email form for more information. “Option” or “Option Package” price and monthly payment displayed is for estimation and illustration purposes, only. Prices and monthly payments may vary based on features included in a package, financing terms and availability. Some Options or Option Packages are not available separately. Not all Options or Option Packages are available on all vehicles. Contact us for details or use our email form for more information. “Dealer Accessories” are defined as items that do not appear on the factory window sticker that are installed by us, your Ford Dealer. Actual Prices for all accessories may vary and depend upon a variety of factors. Prices DO NOT include installation or painting, which may be required for particular items. Please check with us for complete pricing accuracy for all accessories and parts. The “Trade Evaluation” tool on our site provides estimated trade-in value for your vehicle, only, and many factors that cannot be assessed without a physical inspection of the vehicle may affect actual value. We use the services of a third-party vendor to provide the Trade Evaluation tool. While we believe this information is reliable, we are not responsible for and do not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the information. Contact us for details or use our email form for more information. References through-out our site to gas mileage are EPA estimated city/highway mpg based on base engine/transmission configuration. For Dealer Ordered vehicles, the vehicle has already been ordered by the dealer and is in the process of being manufactured by the factory. If you are interested in a vehicle marked “Dealer Ordered”, contact us using the information in the “Contact Us” section of our home page. Images shown are for information purposes only, and may not necessarily represent the configurable options selected or available on the vehicle. We cannot be responsible for typographical or other errors, including data transmission, display, or software errors, that may appear on the site. If you feel information displayed is in error, please contact us using the information in the “Contact Us” section of our home page. While our inventory is generally updated on a daily basis, there are no guarantees that the inventory shown will be available at the dealership. Mid-model-year manufacturing changes, as well as dealer-added accessories on the actual vehicle may differ from the options and features listed. Vehicles that are identified as ‘Exact Matches’ may have a different price or different features not represented on the site. We make every effort to provide you with the most accurate, up-to-date information, however, for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding actual vehicle availability please contact us using the information in the “Contact Us” section of our home page or use our email form for more information. Offers and incentives shown may not be available to all customers. Incentives lists are examples of offers available at the time of posting and are subject to change and expiration. Not all incentives can be redeemed together. To take advantage of rebates, incentives and/or financing offers you must take new retail delivery from dealer stock by the expiration date noted. Not all buyers will qualify for all incentives, Ford Credit Services financing or other offers. Restrictions apply. See us for complete details or use our email form for more information. (888) 960-7281 [PAGE] Title: Costars Services - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: Staff Services - Why Choose Sands? Sands Auto Group have been meeting the needs of our community ever since our inception in 1926. We have fulfilled the request of local, state and federal entities utilizing the COSTARS program to procure the lowest possible price for you. We’ve fulfilled many orders through tight deadlines, massive orders, and custom upfit solutions that are tailor-made to our clients’ exact specifications. All of our vehicles: SUV’s, vans, trucks (including chassis cabs) are qualified under the COSTARS program. Across all of our dealerships, we can supply the vehicle that will fit your needs. For example, Sands Ford can supply vehicles such as Escapes, Explorers (passenger and police interceptor), Expeditions, Transit, Econoline, small trucks, and all the way up to F-550 (Sands Ford of Pottsville can supply up to F750). In addition to our versatile inventory across three dealerships, you will be able to upfit your vehicle that is tailored for your needs. Upon request and before the vehicle is delivered, we will install the necessary equipment on your vehicle. As a result, negating the need to look for an upfitter after the purchase. Whether your needs range from ladder racks, storage solutions, tonneau covers, etc., we do it all. Nevertheless, we create: convivence, value, and modularity for you. In addition to our upfit solutions, we have a mobile servicing vehicle that will come to you! We will gladly come to you and service all the vehicles at the designated location. Gone are the days bringing the vehicle into the shop and setting aside to an entire day for a simple oil change. Instead, schedule an appointment and we will be in and out. While were there, why not schedule us for other vehicles that are due for maintenance? Spend less time in the shop and spend more time in the field. Contact Us Contact us with any questions, concerns or information requests. Municipality Name* [PAGE] Title: Payment Calculators - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: Staff Payment Calculator Use our handy payment calculator to estimate your monthly payments and see what purchase price fits into your monthly budget. Estimate Monthly Payments Only an estimate. Excludes taxes, title, license, and insurance. Price The total cost of the vehicle. Down payment Down Payment A down payment is an initial, upfront payment you make toward the total cost of the vehicle. Your down payment could be cash, the value of a trade-in, or both. The more you put down, the less you need to borrow. A larger down payment may also reduce your monthly payment and your total cost of financing. Trade-in value Trade-in Value The trade in value is the amount that a dealer is willing to offer you towards the purchase of a new vehicle in exchange for your current one. It’s typically based on the market value of your vehicle (the amount it would sell for on the open market). Payoff amount Payoff Amount Your payoff amount is how much you will actually have to pay to satisfy the terms of your mortgage loan and completely pay off your debt. Your payoff amount is different from your current balance. Additional down payment Additional down payment in cash. Term Loan Term This is the length of your auto loan, generally expressed in months. A shorter loan term (in which you make monthly payments for fewer months) will reduce your total loan cost. A longer loan can reduce your monthly payment, but you pay more interest over the life of the loan. A longer loan also puts you at risk for negative equity, which is when you owe more on the vehicle than the vehicle is worth. Finance rate (APR) Finance Rate (APR) This is the annual percentage rate, and is not always the same as the interest rate. This represents the annual rate that is charged, and as such, is the actual annual cost to the consumer over the course of the auto loan. The APR will allow you to more easily shop and compare car loans, since it equates all loans to the same annual rate. radio_button_checked Rate based on estimated credit score: radio_button_unchecked [PAGE] Title: Accessibility Content: Staff Accessibility At Sands Ford of Pottsville we are committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone, and applying the relevant accessibility standards. We welcome feedback. If you have questions or comments or encounter any content aspect of functionality of this Site that you believe is not accessible, please contact us and provide a description of the feature you feel is not accessible or a suggestion for improvement. We take your input seriously and will consider all feedback received as we evaluate ways to accommodate our customers and continuously improve our overall access accessibility policies. Definitions & Disclosures Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. [PAGE] Title: Parts Center - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: closed Quality Parts for Your Quality Ride We have a large stock of genuine OEM parts, which have been specially designed and tested to be used on your vehicle. The Sands Ford of Pottsville parts department can also help locate any hard to find parts, along with any accessories you may want for your vehicle. Take the guesswork out of ordering parts for your car by giving us a call at (888) 261-1148 or using our order parts form online. [PAGE] Title: Roush Vehicles - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: radio_button_checked radio_button_unchecked Custom Rate Enter rate Payment or price based on amount financed for Term (Months) and Finance Rate (APR) estimated on average for the credit score input by customer using the site calculator. These calculators are for illustration purposes only and do not include license and title fees, additional or optional charges associated with the sale and/or financing of the vehicle. Terms may not represent actual available credit terms. Credit score is not the only factor determining Finance Rate. We encourage you to seek advice from qualified financial service professionals regarding all your personal finance needs. Cancel Apply New Ford Vehicles VEHICLE DATACertain specifications, prices and equipment data have been provided under license from Chrome Data Solutions (\’Chrome Data\’). © 2024 Chrome Data Solutions, LP. All Rights Reserved. This information is supplied for personal use only and may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever without the express written consent of Chrome Data. Chrome Data makes no guarantee or warranty, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any warranty of merchantability or fitness for particular purpose, with respect to the data presented here. All specifications, prices and equipment are subject to change without notice. ESTIMATE MPGEPA mileage ratings are supplied by Chrome Data Solutions, LP for comparison purposes only. Your actual mileage will vary, depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle, driving conditions, battery pack age/condition (hybrid models only) and other factors. Based on 2019 EPA mileage ratings. Your MPGe/MPG and driving range will vary depending on driving conditions, how you drive and maintain your vehicle, battery-pack age/condition, and other factors. PRICINGVehicle pricing is believed to be accurate. Tax, title and registration are not included in prices shown unless otherwise stated. Manufacturer incentives may vary by region and are subject to change. Vehicle information & features are based upon standard equipment and may vary by vehicle. Monthly payments may be higher or lower based upon incentives, qualifying programs, credit qualifications, residency & fees. No claims, or warranties are made to guarantee the accuracy of vehicle pricing, payments or actual equipment. Call to confirm accuracy of any information. (888) 960-7281 [PAGE] Title: New Ford Vehicle Specials in Pottsville, PA - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: radio_button_checked radio_button_unchecked Custom Rate Enter rate Payment or price based on amount financed for Term (Months) and Finance Rate (APR) estimated on average for the credit score input by customer using the site calculator. These calculators are for illustration purposes only and do not include license and title fees, additional or optional charges associated with the sale and/or financing of the vehicle. Terms may not represent actual available credit terms. Credit score is not the only factor determining Finance Rate. We encourage you to seek advice from qualified financial service professionals regarding all your personal finance needs. Cancel Apply New Car Specials VEHICLE DATACertain specifications, prices and equipment data have been provided under license from Chrome Data Solutions (\’Chrome Data\’). © 2024 Chrome Data Solutions, LP. All Rights Reserved. This information is supplied for personal use only and may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever without the express written consent of Chrome Data. Chrome Data makes no guarantee or warranty, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any warranty of merchantability or fitness for particular purpose, with respect to the data presented here. All specifications, prices and equipment are subject to change without notice. ESTIMATE MPGEPA mileage ratings are supplied by Chrome Data Solutions, LP for comparison purposes only. Your actual mileage will vary, depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle, driving conditions, battery pack age/condition (hybrid models only) and other factors. Based on 2019 EPA mileage ratings. Your MPGe/MPG and driving range will vary depending on driving conditions, how you drive and maintain your vehicle, battery-pack age/condition, and other factors. PRICINGVehicle pricing is believed to be accurate. Tax, title and registration are not included in prices shown unless otherwise stated. Manufacturer incentives may vary by region and are subject to change. Vehicle information & features are based upon standard equipment and may vary by vehicle. Monthly payments may be higher or lower based upon incentives, qualifying programs, credit qualifications, residency & fees. No claims, or warranties are made to guarantee the accuracy of vehicle pricing, payments or actual equipment. Call to confirm accuracy of any information. (888) 960-7281 [PAGE] Title: Ford Advantage Certified Inventory - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: radio_button_checked radio_button_unchecked Custom Rate Enter rate Payment or price based on amount financed for Term (Months) and Finance Rate (APR) estimated on average for the credit score input by customer using the site calculator. These calculators are for illustration purposes only and do not include license and title fees, additional or optional charges associated with the sale and/or financing of the vehicle. Terms may not represent actual available credit terms. Credit score is not the only factor determining Finance Rate. We encourage you to seek advice from qualified financial service professionals regarding all your personal finance needs. Cancel Apply Ford Advantage Certified Used Vehicles VEHICLE DATACertain specifications, prices and equipment data have been provided under license from Chrome Data Solutions (\’Chrome Data\’). © 2024 Chrome Data Solutions, LP. All Rights Reserved. This information is supplied for personal use only and may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever without the express written consent of Chrome Data. Chrome Data makes no guarantee or warranty, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any warranty of merchantability or fitness for particular purpose, with respect to the data presented here. All specifications, prices and equipment are subject to change without notice. ESTIMATE MPGEPA mileage ratings are supplied by Chrome Data Solutions, LP for comparison purposes only. Your actual mileage will vary, depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle, driving conditions, battery pack age/condition (hybrid models only) and other factors. Based on 2019 EPA mileage ratings. Your MPGe/MPG and driving range will vary depending on driving conditions, how you drive and maintain your vehicle, battery-pack age/condition, and other factors. PRICINGVehicle pricing is believed to be accurate. Tax, title and registration are not included in prices shown unless otherwise stated. Manufacturer incentives may vary by region and are subject to change. Vehicle information & features are based upon standard equipment and may vary by vehicle. Monthly payments may be higher or lower based upon incentives, qualifying programs, credit qualifications, residency & fees. No claims, or warranties are made to guarantee the accuracy of vehicle pricing, payments or actual equipment. Call to confirm accuracy of any information. (888) 960-7281 [PAGE] Title: Ford Certified Pre-Owned Program in Pottsville, PA - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: View Blue Certified Brochure View 139-Point Inspection Checklist Introducing the Ford Blue Advantage 14-Day/1,000-Mile Money Back Guarantee* Take the stress out of used car buying with the confidence of knowing you made the right decision with our 14-Day/1,000-Mile (whichever comes first) Money Back Guarantee. That means you can return your Ford Blue Advantage used vehicle to the Ford Dealer you purchased it from, and they’ll work with you to find another vehicle to better suit your needs. *Only available at participating Ford Dealers. Vehicle must be returned within 14 days/1,000 miles (whichever comes first) from the original sales date and mileage as stated on bill of sale, and returned in same condition as sold (excludes normal wear and tear). Dealer cannot accept a return if the vehicle has a lien or other encumbrance. Original trade-in vehicle will not be returned to you. Purchasing a different vehicle may require a new credit application with different financial terms than the original contract. If you have already returned a Ford Blue Advantage vehicle to a Ford dealer within the last six months, you are not eligible for the Money Back Guarantee program and your request to return will not be honored. See your dealer for important program guidelines and restrictions Free CARFAX® Vehicle History Report When you purchase a Ford Blue Advantage used vehicle, transparency comes with it. Each of our vehicles feature the added peace of mind of a free CARFAX® Vehicle History Report. Earn Points With FordPass™ Rewards Earn FordPass Rewards Points3 with your Ford Blue Advantage vehicle purchase. Gold or EV Certified vehicles earn 22,000 Points and Blue Certified vehicles earn 11,000 Points. Points are flexible—how you spend them is up to you. You’re Covered With 24/7 Roadside Assistance From flat tires to dead batteries, we have you covered with complimentary 24/7, Ford Roadside Assistance1 available 365 days a year for 7 years with Gold Certified vehicles, 8 years with EV Certified vehicles and 90 days with Blue Certified vehicles.2 Gold Certified:1See Sands Ford of Pottsville for warranty coverage details 2Only available at participating Ford Dealers. Vehicle must be returned within 14 days/1,000 miles (whichever comes first) from the original sales date and mileage as stated on bill of sale, and returned in same condition as sold (excludes normal wear and tear). Dealer cannot accept a return if the vehicle has a lien or other encumbrance. Original trade-in vehicle will not be returned to you. Purchasing a different vehicle may require a new credit application with different financial terms than the original contract. If you have already returned a Ford Blue Advantage vehicle to a Ford dealer within the last six months, you are not eligible for the Money Back Guarantee program and your request to return will not be honored. See Sands Ford of Pottsville for important program guidelines and restrictions. 3Roadside Assistance is included for certain owners and available to everyone for a per-service fee. Ford reserves the right to change program details without obligations. Ford Roadside Assistance is a complimentary ordering to all Ford owners for up to 5 years or 60,000 miles (from the date of sale), whichever comes first. Ford reserves the right to change program details without obligations. 4Buyers of Ford Blue Advantage vehicles will receive 22,000 Points (Gold Certified) or 11,000 Points (Blue Certified) after enrollment within 60 days of vehicle sale. Modem not required. Visit a participating dealer for details. Blue Certified:1See Sands Ford of Pottsville for warranty coverage details. 2Only available at participating Ford Dealers. Vehicle must be returned within 14 days/1,000 miles (whichever comes first) from the original sales date and mileage as stated on bill of sale, and returned in same condition as sold (excludes normal wear and tear). Dealer cannot accept a return if the vehicle has a lien or other encumbrance. Original trade-in vehicle will not be returned to you. Purchasing a different vehicle may require a new credit application with different financial terms than the original contract. If you have already returned a Ford Blue Advantage vehicle to a Ford dealer within the last six months, you are not eligible for the Money Back Guarantee program and your request to return will not be honored. See your dealer for important program guidelines and restrictions. 3Roadside Assistance is included for certain owners and available to everyone for a per-service fee. Ford reserves the right to change program details without obligations. Ford Roadside Assistance is a complimentary ordering to all Ford owners for up to 5 years or 60,000 miles (from the date of sale), whichever comes first. Ford reserves the right to change program details without obligations. 4Buyers of Ford Blue Advantage vehicles will receive 22,000 Points (Gold Certified) or 11,000 Points (Blue Certified) after enrollment within 60 days of vehicle sale. Modem not required. Visit Sands Ford of Pottsville for details. Gold Certified:1See Sands Ford of Pottsville for warranty coverage details. 2Ford Roadside Assistance is included for certain owners and available to everyone for a per service fee. Ford reserves the right to change program details without obligations.3Buyers of Ford Blue Advantage vehicles will receive 22,000 Points (Gold Certified) or 11,000 Points (Blue Certified) after enrollment within 60 days of vehicle sale. Modem not required. Visit Sands Ford of Pottsville for details. Blue Certified:1See Sands Ford of Pottsville for warranty coverage details. 2Ford Roadside Assistance is included for certain owners and available to everyone for a per service fee. Ford reserves the right to change program details without obligations. 3Buyers of Ford Blue Advantage vehicles will receive 22,000 Points (Gold Certified) or 11,000 Points (Blue Certified) after enrollment within 60 days of vehicle sale. Modem not required. Visit Sands Ford of Pottsville for details. EV Certified:1See Sands Ford of Pottsville for warranty coverage details. 2Ford Roadside Assistance is included for certain owners and available to everyone for a per-service fee. Ford reserves the right to change program details without obligations. Ford Roadside Assistance is a complimentary offering to all Ford owners for up to 5 years or 60,000 miles and Lincoln owners for up to 6 years or 70,000 miles (from the date of sale), whichever comes first. EV Owners: Beyond 50 miles, your vehicle will be taken to the closest public charger or Ford EV-certified dealer. 3Buyers of Ford Blue Advantage™ vehicles will receive 22,000 Points (Gold or EV Certified) or 11,000 Points (Blue Certified) after enrollment within 60 days of vehicle sale. Modem not required. Visit Sands Ford of Pottsville for details. FordPass: 3Buyers of Ford Blue Advantage vehicles will receive 22,000 Points (Gold or EV Certified) or 11,000 Points (Blue Certified) after enrollment within 60 days of vehicle sale. Modem not required. Visit a participating dealer for details. Roadside Assistance:1Ford Roadside Assistance is included for certain owners and available to everyone for a per-service fee. Ford reserves the right to change program details without obligations. Ford Roadside Assistance is a complimentary offering to all Ford owners for up to 5 years or 60,000 miles and Lincoln owners for up to 6 years or 70,000 miles (from the date of sale), whichever comes first. EV Owners: Beyond 50 miles, your vehicle will be taken to the closest public charger or Ford EV-certified dealer. 2See Sands Ford of Pottsville for warranty coverage details. (888) 960-7281 [PAGE] Title: Edmunds Trade In - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: Definitions & Disclosures Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This site, and all information and materials appearing on it, are presented to the user “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. Price does not include applicable tax, title, and license charges. ‡Vehicles shown at different locations are not currently in our inventory (Not in Stock) but can be made available to you at our location within a reasonable date from the time of your request, not to exceed one week. [PAGE] Title: Ford Service & Repair Specials - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: Staff Ford Service & Repair Specials Check out these offers and save money on the essentials when you service your vehicle at Sands Ford of Pottsville. Buy four select tires, get up to a $125 rebate by mail or earn up to 26,000 FordPass® Rewards bonus Points. * On these name brands: Bridgestone, Michelin®, Pirelli®, Yokohama®, Firestone, Goodyear, Cooper, Dunlop, Toyo®, Falken, BFGoodrich®, and Uniroyal®.FordPass Rewards members also earn 10 Points per $1 spent on Ford Service. *Dealer-installed retail purchases only. Limit one offer per vehicle. $125 tire rebate or 26,000 FordPass® Rewards bonus Points on Bridgestone Alenza A/S Ultra and Bridgestone Turanza EV tire lines. $100 tire rebate or 22,000 FordPass Rewards bonus Points on any Bridgestone (excluding Alenza A/S Ultra and Turanza EV), Michelin® ($70 tire rebate plus $30 bonus rebate), Pirelli®, and Yokohama® or on Firestone Destination A/T2, Firestone Destination X/T, and Firestone Destination M/T2 tire lines. $70 tire rebate or 15,000 FordPass Rewards bonus Points on any Goodyear, Cooper, Dunlop, and Firestone (excluding Destination A/T2, Destination X/T, and Destination M/T2) or on Toyo® Proxes, Toyo Celsius, Toyo Open Country, Falken Wildpeak A/T Trail, Falken Wildpeak H/T 02, and Falken Aklimate (all-weather 3PMS). $60 tire rebate or 14,000 FordPass Rewards bonus Points on any BFGoodrich®. $40 tire rebate or 10,000 FordPass Rewards bonus Points on Uniroyal®. Must be enrolled in FordPass Rewards to receive FordPass Rewards bonus Points. Points are not redeemable for cash or check. See the FordPass Rewards Program terms and conditions at for information regarding expiration, redemption, forfeiture, and other limitations on FordPass Rewards Points. Offer valid 2/1/24 to 3/31/24. Submit rebate by 4/30/24 by mail-in rebate form or online at . Cannot be combined with any other tire manufacturer-sponsored rebate/offer. See Service Advisor for vehicle applications and offer details. Expires 3/31/24. *Dealer-installed retail purchases only. Limit one offer per vehicle. $125 tire rebate or 26,000 ... Show Details Schedule Service Low Price Tire Guarantee* Why buy tires anywhere else, when your Ford Dealer offers all of this:• 17 major brands• 30-day price guarantee• All makes and models *Valid on dealer-installed retail purchases only. Requires presentation of competitor's current price ad/offer on exact tire sold by dealership within 30 days after purchase. For online quotes, guarantee applies only to new tires sold on retailer websites. Excludes tires sold by third parties on marketplace sites and any resellers. See Service Advisor for details. Expires 12/31/24. *Valid on dealer-installed retail purchases only. Requires presentation of competitor's current ... Show Details Schedule Service Ford Mobile Service Let your dealer come to you for routine vehicle maintenance. It’s complimentary and available at select locations. * *Ford Mobile Service is offered by participating dealers and may be limited based on availability, distance, or other dealer-specified criteria. Does not include parts or repair charges. *Ford Mobile Service is offered by participating dealers and may be limited based on availability, ... Show Details Schedule Service Ford Pickup & Delivery When you need service, let your dealer pick up, service, and return your vehicle. It’s complimentary and available at select locations. * *Ford Pickup & Delivery is offered by participating dealers and may be limited based on availability, distance, or other dealer-specified criteria. Does not include parts or repair charges. A nonoperational vehicle is not eligible and will require a Roadside event. *Ford Pickup & Delivery is offered by participating dealers and may be limited based on availability, ... Show Details Schedule Service Ford Parts Warranty: Two years. Unlimited mileage. Includes labor. * Ford Parts are covered for a full two years with unlimited mileage. Even limited labor costs are included. * *See your U.S. dealership for a copy of the limited warranty. Expiration Date: March 31, 2024 Schedule Service Motorcraft® Warranty: Two years. Unlimited mileage. Includes labor. * Motorcraft parts are covered for a full two years with unlimited mileage. Even limited labor costs are included. * *See your U.S. dealer for a copy of the limited warranty. Motorcraft® is a registered trademark of Ford Motor Company. *See your U.S. dealer for a copy of the limited warranty. Motorcraft® is a registered ... Show Details Schedule Service The Works® Package Synthetic Blend Oil Change and More* • Tire Rotation and Pressure Check• Brake Inspection• Vehicle Checkup• Fluid Top-Off• Battery Test• Filter Check• Belts and Hoses Check *Up to six quarts of Motorcraft® oil and Motorcraft oil filter. Hybrid battery test excluded. See Service Advisor for exclusions and details. Expires 12/31/24. Motorcraft® is a registered trademark of Ford Motor Company. *Up to six quarts of Motorcraft® oil and Motorcraft oil filter. Hybrid battery ... Show Details Schedule Service Get Everyday Special Financing on Vehicle Service With the FordPass® Rewards Visa® Card. * Enjoy 0% Intro APR* for six billing cycles from the date of purchase on Ford Dealership purchases over $499. Earn 11,000 FordPass Rewards Points** after your first purchase. After your six billing cycles expire, you have a variable APR of 23.24%-30.24% based on the prime rate, depending on how you meet our credit criteria.Important Information Please see the Summary of Credit Terms for important information on rates, fees, costs, conditions, and limitations. Minimum monthly payments required. Please note you must pay your entire statement balance (with the exception of purchases made with this promotional rate during its promotional rate period) in full by the payment due date each month to avoid being charged interest on new non-promotional purchases from the date those purchases are made.Special Financing Offer Details: Purchases in which single or multiple items are purchased in the same transaction totaling at least $499.00 at Ford Dealerships will be referred to as “Eligible Purchases” in your Summary of Credit Terms . All transactions are subject to approval. Accounts are eligible only if they are open, in good standing, and not already subject to special terms. All other terms of your account remain in effect. Minimum monthly payments required. *For additional information about Annual Percentage Rates (APRs), fees, and other costs, see the Summary of Credit Terms .**See the FordPass® Rewards Visa® Terms and Conditions in the Summary of Credit Terms . Points are not redeemable for cash or check. Please see the FordPass Rewards Program terms and conditions at for information regarding expiration, redemption, forfeiture, and other limitations on FordPass Rewards Points. Must be enrolled in FordPass Rewards.Cards are issued by First National Bank of Omaha (FNBO®), pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A., Inc. Visa, and Visa Signature are registered trademarks of Visa International Service Association and used under license. *For additional information about Annual Percentage Rates (APRs), fees, and other costs, see ... Show Details [PAGE] Title: Parts Return - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: Parts Return Sands Auto Group: Parts Return Policy For all parts that are returnable and to ensure proper return credit is given, please complete a part return request. Parts return request can be completed on our website located here. This online form must be completed by the customer and approved by parts specialist before returning the part. The requests will be reviewed daily for return eligibility.  If approved for return, a return credit will be processed for customer accounts pending final inspection of the part. If the customer is on the delivery route schedule, a driver will be routed for part pick up and return credit delivery.  The return credit is pending final inspection by the parts department. All returns must be in their origional box, bag or container and in the same condition they were received.  Before parts are used they should be checked for damage and fitting before they altered for prepping to paint, painted, glued welded or otherwise affixed. Damaged parts must be returned within 3 days of origional date of invoice to be eligible to be returned for damage credit. There is a 30 day return limit on all returnable items, from the date of invoicing.  This excludes all parts that are not returnable. Non returnable items include glass, interior trim, exhaust, accessory items, all other items marked as non returnable on the invoice or packaging, and all opened items. Core returns must be returned in the origional box.  Cores returned in anything other than the origional box cannot be returned for core credit.  Cores must also be drained of fluids before they can be returned or picked up. Parts returns are accepted from customers on a basis of normal business.  However, if a customer is returning a larger than normal volume of parts, beyond what is considered normal business, a return fee of 25% will be applied.  This policy will be determined on an individual case basis. Parts Return Write a note below and one of our friendly parts experts will get you an answer. First Name* [PAGE] Title: Commercial Vehicles - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: radio_button_checked radio_button_unchecked Custom Rate Enter rate Payment or price based on amount financed for Term (Months) and Finance Rate (APR) estimated on average for the credit score input by customer using the site calculator. These calculators are for illustration purposes only and do not include license and title fees, additional or optional charges associated with the sale and/or financing of the vehicle. Terms may not represent actual available credit terms. Credit score is not the only factor determining Finance Rate. We encourage you to seek advice from qualified financial service professionals regarding all your personal finance needs. Cancel Apply Used Vehicles VEHICLE DATACertain specifications, prices and equipment data have been provided under license from Chrome Data Solutions (\’Chrome Data\’). © 2024 Chrome Data Solutions, LP. All Rights Reserved. This information is supplied for personal use only and may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever without the express written consent of Chrome Data. Chrome Data makes no guarantee or warranty, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any warranty of merchantability or fitness for particular purpose, with respect to the data presented here. All specifications, prices and equipment are subject to change without notice. ESTIMATE MPGEPA mileage ratings are supplied by Chrome Data Solutions, LP for comparison purposes only. Your actual mileage will vary, depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle, driving conditions, battery pack age/condition (hybrid models only) and other factors. Based on 2019 EPA mileage ratings. Your MPGe/MPG and driving range will vary depending on driving conditions, how you drive and maintain your vehicle, battery-pack age/condition, and other factors. PRICINGVehicle pricing is believed to be accurate. Tax, title and registration are not included in prices shown unless otherwise stated. Manufacturer incentives may vary by region and are subject to change. Vehicle information & features are based upon standard equipment and may vary by vehicle. Monthly payments may be higher or lower based upon incentives, qualifying programs, credit qualifications, residency & fees. No claims, or warranties are made to guarantee the accuracy of vehicle pricing, payments or actual equipment. Call to confirm accuracy of any information. (888) 960-7281
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When you lease a vehicle, you are only paying for the amount of the vehicle you use. The sales tax is included in the monthly lease payment, which is determined in part by a money factor that is much like an interest rate on a new car loan. We will never pressure you to upgrade your vehicle when you sell you car to us. We can do that. **FordPass Connect (optional on select vehicles), the FordPass App and complimentary Connected Service are required for remote features (see FordPass terms for details). Title: Sands Ford of Pottsville | New & Used Ford Dealership | Pottsville, PA Content: Definitions & Disclosures Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Just contact us to schedule For Mobile Service or simply schedule service in the FordPass App. You'll earn Points on all of your service and maintenance. A loaner vehicle may or may not be available. Title: Additional Disclaimers - Sands Ford of Pottsville Content: Staff Definitions and Disclosures Ford dealers value the confidence you have in the Ford brand and to that end we want you to understand the terms and representations we make on our site. AXZ Plan pricing where shown does not include taxes, title, license and registration fees, destination freight and delivery charges, dealer fees, and optional equipment.Ford Motor Company reserves the right to modify the terms of AXZ Plan pricing or availability at any time. This may or may not include the dealer-installed accessories or all options chosen. Prices and monthly payments may vary based on features included in a package, financing terms and availability. Not all Options or Option Packages are available on all vehicles. Please check with us for complete pricing accuracy for all accessories and parts. If you have already returned a Ford Blue Advantage vehicle to a Ford dealer within the last six months, you are not eligible for the Money Back Guarantee program and your request to return will not be honored. If you have already returned a Ford Blue Advantage vehicle to a Ford dealer within the last six months, you are not eligible for the Money Back Guarantee program and your request to return will not be honored. If you have already returned a Ford Blue Advantage vehicle to a Ford dealer within the last six months, you are not eligible for the Money Back Guarantee program and your request to return will not be honored. *Ford Mobile Service is offered by participating dealers and may be limited based on availability, ... Show Details Schedule Service Ford Pickup & Delivery When you need service, let your dealer pick up, service, and return your vehicle. After your six billing cycles expire, you have a variable APR of 23.24%-30.24% based on the prime rate, depending on how you meet our credit criteria.Important Information Please see the Summary of Credit Terms for important information on rates, fees, costs, conditions, and limitations.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: ABOUT THE DRH COLLECTION - The DRH Collection Content: We work in tandem with our suppliers to design and develop innovative products and collections which are unique to DRH ABOUT THE DRH COLLECTION Founded in 2004 and based in London, The DRH Collection specialises in supplying the middle and top end of the Retail, Hospitality, and Trophy & Engraving markets with ceramic and glass tableware, kitchenware, bakeware and giftware, designed and produced all around the world. Representing brands from the United States and throughout Europe, it gives us the ability to source from a huge selection of shapes and designs. Alongside these existing items, we work in tandem with our suppliers to design and develop new and exciting assortments, enabling us to bring to market some fantastic, innovative products and collections which are unique to DRH. With both of these combined, it has allowed us to build a catalogue full of variety! Our ability to create new items also enables us to work with our customers to make their own bespoke ranges. Be it by surface design, a change of colour or a completely new shape; we have produced a rich variety of products over the years! To see our full product offering, learn more about the brands we represent or get a better idea what we may be able to offer in regards to bespoke work, please click on any of the buttons below. [PAGE] Title: SHOWROOM - The DRH Collection Content: Powered by GDPR Cookie Compliance Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Enable All [PAGE] Title: About Our Brands - The DRH Collection Content: Representing brands from the United States and throughout Europe, it gives us the ability to source from a huge selection of shapes and designs. About Our Brands We are proud to work with some of the industry’s most exciting and interesting brands. Below is a short introduction about each of our suppliers, telling you a little about them and what makes them quite so special and different! Anton Studio Designs is one of two of our own in house brands which we have introduced in recent years. First launched in 2012, ASD was developed to enable us to create our own distinctive and sophisticated glassware assortment, with a focus on fun designs and modern shapes. Thanks to this, and its smart gift packaging with pink or grey trim, ASD has quickly grown within DRH to become an important brand with some great, UK designed collections. Specialising in glassware, Artland are on the eastern side of the States in New Jersey, and have the most amazing designs, ranges and product knowledge. Their stemware collections span both giftware and loose stock, and the majority of Artland’s ranges contain some element of colour. Unusually, and thanks to their superb ability to source mouth blown glass, the colour is within the glass itself– not sprayed on – making it more suitable for use in the dishwasher. Sitting alongside their stemware offering they also have a fantastic assortment of beautiful, large plain serveware items, which too is gift boxed. BIA, based in sunny California, supply us with a huge selection of ranges, spanning a multitude of core areas of the business. Their most iconic offering is that of their award winning, giftware collections. Among these are not only some fantastic tea and coffee sets, but also their great selection of highly identifiable (and in some instances, collectable) cheese designs. To add to this, in association with BIA, we also work exclusively with UK artist, Clare Mackie, to create beautifully illustrated, ceramic, giftware ranges, with which we have won several industry awards too. Through BIA, we also source beautifully shaped bakeware, fun and colourful tableware assortments, and a sizable collection of core whiteware items. The Bohemia brand is renowned for producing quality glassware over many centuries featuring their extraordinary craftsmanship. Producing in both 24% lead and non-lead, Bohemia’s offering in shape and design in unparalleled. Covering both stemware and accessory items, our assortment has been selected to represent some of the very best of their abilities and superb quality. The Dornberger brand is one of the longest established in the UK glass industry, and can be traced back to 1895, with the same family remaining involved with it since its earliest days. Today, as the second of our in house brands, it is intended that this name and brand will become the leading name associated with our own shapes and designs of both lead crystal and plain glassware. Primarily, the Dornberger brand was launched for the Trophy & Engraving market, however, it very quickly became evident that the plain stemware and giftware was incredibly popular with our customers in the retail and hospitality industries, and so it swiftly worked its way into our main catalogue! Lubiana is located in Poland and is one of the largest factories in Europe, producing hundreds of millions of tonnes of porcelain every year! Lubiana specialises in porcelain for the catering industry, however due to an amazingly expansive range many of their shapes are far from out of place in the home. As well as a multitude of shapes offered, ranging from fine and light to catering weight, and square to triangular, Lubiana also are incredibly astute at bespoke surface designs. Designed and manufactured in Germany, Stölzle specialise in machine made, clear glass stemware and tumblers. They have a brilliant assortment of ranges – from the classically, soft curved lined glassware to far more modern collections with sharp angles. Irrespective of the range though, their quality levels are astonishing, and the glass they produce has incredible clarity and weight. Vista Alegre is a Portuguese producer associated with incredible high quality. Established in 1824, they use the skills and techniques used by generations of craftsmen. Taking pride of place within VA’s collections are some astonishing glass stemware and giftware ranges, comprising innovative shapes and designs, the majority of which are mouth blown, hand crafted , 30% lead crystal. These techniques give a unique purity and weight to the crystal, making it a world reference in quality, brightness and beauty. Contact Us [PAGE] Title: TRADE SHOWS - The DRH Collection Content: Powered by GDPR Cookie Compliance Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Enable All [PAGE] Title: Email Protection | Cloudflare Content: Email Protection You are unable to access this email address The website from which you got to this page is protected by Cloudflare. Email addresses on that page have been hidden in order to keep them from being accessed by malicious bots. You must enable Javascript in your browser in order to decode the e-mail address. If you have a website and are interested in protecting it in a similar way, you can sign up for Cloudflare . [PAGE] Title: The DRH Collection | Wholesale Glassware, Bakeware & Tableware Content: Anton Studio Designs - Vortex Decorative Bowl ABOUT THE DRH COLLECTION Founded in 2004 and based in London, The DRH Collection specialises in supplying the middle and top end of the Retail, Hospitality, and Trophy & Engraving markets with ceramic and glass tableware, kitchenware, bakeware and giftware, designed and produced all around the world. Representing brands from the United States and throughout Europe, it gives us the ability to source from a huge selection of shapes and designs. Alongside these existing items, we work in tandem with our suppliers to design and develop new and exciting assortments, enabling us to bring to market some fantastic, innovative products and collections which are unique to DRH. With both of these combined, it has allowed us to build a catalogue full of variety! Our ability to create new items also enables us to work with our customers to make their own bespoke ranges. Be it by surface design, a change of colour or a completely new shape; we have produced a rich variety of products over the years! To see our full product offering, learn more about the brands we represent or get a better idea what we may be able to offer in regards to bespoke work, please click on any of the buttons below. View our products About our brands Bespoke work CATALOGUES At the beginning of each year we launch our new catalogue, which you can view and download here. Included within are all of our stocked ranges consisting of plenty of new items to join our existing assortments. We also release a mid-year supplementary catalogue in June, full of new products which are ideal for the second half of the year. Click on each catalogue to scroll through, and press the buttons under each to download. For prices on our range, please contact us using the below. [PAGE] Title: CONTACT US - The DRH Collection Content: Powered by GDPR Cookie Compliance Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Enable All [PAGE] Title: Products By Range - The DRH Collection Content: Powered by GDPR Cookie Compliance Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Enable All [PAGE] Title: New Account Form - The DRH Collection Content: New Account Form To open an account with us please fill in the new account form below. Once you are finished, simply click on the ‘Submit’ button & it will come straight to us. We will inform you once your account is open & ready for you to place your first order! Please fill in all fields marked with ‘*’, if not applicable please mark n/a If you are applying from within Europe (with the exception of the UK), then your account will be set up with our Dutch business, The DRH Collection BV. Applications from all other nations will be set up with our UK business, The DRH Collection Ltd. (some exceptions to this do apply, and we will advise you should this be the case with your application). Register for a trade account "*" indicates required fields [PAGE] Title: Customer Service - The DRH Collection Content: Customer Service We are determined to become known for a level of service by which others will be judged. Between the DRH team in the office and our Reps out on the road, we have a wealth of expertise, experience and knowledge, not only about our collections, but the industry in general. Along with many members of staff having been at The DRH Collection for several years since we established in 2004, most, the Reps included, have been in the industry of a good number of years previously! We love to hear from our customers, current and hopefully future, be it about items in our range, stocks, special enquiries or just about anything else for that matter! Our offices are open from 9am – 5.30pm, Monday to Friday (with the exception of UK National Holidays): Should you have any questions about us, our products or services, we’d be delighted to hear from you. Contact Us [PAGE] Title: CATALOGUES - The DRH Collection Content: Powered by GDPR Cookie Compliance Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Strictly Necessary Cookies Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Enable or Disable Cookies If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Enable All
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Title: ABOUT THE DRH COLLECTION - The DRH Collection Content: We work in tandem with our suppliers to design and develop innovative products and collections which are unique to DRH Our ability to create new items also enables us to work with our customers to make their own bespoke ranges. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Title: About Our Brands - The DRH Collection Content: Representing brands from the United States and throughout Europe, it gives us the ability to source from a huge selection of shapes and designs. About Our Brands We are proud to work with some of the industry’s most exciting and interesting brands. Sitting alongside their stemware offering they also have a fantastic assortment of beautiful, large plain serveware items, which too is gift boxed. Covering both stemware and accessory items, our assortment has been selected to represent some of the very best of their abilities and superb quality. Today, as the second of our in house brands, it is intended that this name and brand will become the leading name associated with our own shapes and designs of both lead crystal and plain glassware. These techniques give a unique purity and weight to the crystal, making it a world reference in quality, brightness and beauty. Title: TRADE SHOWS - The DRH Collection Content: Powered by GDPR Cookie Compliance Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Our ability to create new items also enables us to work with our customers to make their own bespoke ranges. View our products About our brands Bespoke work Title: CONTACT US - The DRH Collection Content: Powered by GDPR Cookie Compliance Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Title: Products By Range - The DRH Collection Content: Powered by GDPR Cookie Compliance Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. We will inform you once your account is open & ready for you to place your first order! Along with many members of staff having been at The DRH Collection for several years since we established in 2004, most, the Reps included, have been in the industry of a good number of years previously! This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Fundraising for Businesses - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Are you a local business looking to help raise money for our local charity? Ways you can help: 1. Donate directly Be part of our “One of our 100” business community and give £100 towards our current premises appeal . We’re fundraising this autumn towards renovation costs for our new move and need your help. Send us your logo so we can promote your generosity and be part of other local businesses ensuring more people can access face to face advice. You’ll even get an invitation to our opening event when the building is ready! If you haven’t received a letter from us and would like to get involved, please find more information in our Premises Appeal Business letter. Example: Businesses such as Chartwell Funding are already part of our local businesses who have donated to our cause. 2. Nominate us as your Charity of the Year or social corporate responsibility giving Lots of local business funding is done by word of mouth and the larger charities are sometimes the most obvious choice. When your chance to nominate a charity to give to comes up, please nominate us! Don’t forget that you need to nominate our full name “Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire” (and not just “Citizens Advice”) for us to receive the donations. 3. Host a networking event, presentation or talk for us Perhaps you attend local business breakfasts, network at women’s groups or host interest events? Why not invite us along to do a presentation about our work as a charity or find out what it’s like to be a Citizens Advice advisor? We would be happy to do a short talk or presentation for you. 4. Gather colleagues to enter a sponsored challenge as a work team Do something social with colleagues and raise money for us at the same time. Why not raise sponsorship for us as a work team or department? You can register charity places to run for us at the Bath Half Marathon in October 2023 or register your interest with us for charity places to run the 10K at the Great Bristol Run in May 2024. To find out more visit our Choose Your Challenge page. If you don’t find anything quite right, why not set your own event up and tell us about it? Equally, your business would be welcome to sponsor our running merchandise. 5. Ask your HR department to claim back matched funding If you’ve ever done any volunteering for us (or even collected sponsorship money for us) and work for a larger company, they will probably offer a limited or ongoing financial contribution towards your volunteering or fundraising efforts and match the amount! It’s worth asking your HR department about it as it might not be so obvious. Go to our Matched Funding pages where we tell you a bit more about it and some of the local companies that might offer it. Example: One of our volunteers is a generalist advisor and recently claimed back some of her hours with her employer, Lloyds Bank. Generously, they have donated £400 towards our work for our volunteer’s amazing efforts, which she can continue to claim back year after year if she keeps volunteering with us! 6. Host a Collection Tin for us in your reception area If you have an area that is client or customer facing such as a reception desk, waiting room or a retail or cafe space, we would love you to host one of our collection tins to raise cash for us through your customers. You won’t need to do anything – as we’re local we can make sure the funds are collected regularly. Example: Soft Rock playcafe in Thornbury has been hosting a collection tin at their tills for a number of months. We also have posters and leaflets to display, letting people know about our daily services to put up. If you would be happy to have one, please phone our Yate office on 01454 334961 or email Katie Collier at [email protected] . 7. Donate a voucher or prize towards a charity raffle If your business has something to sell, like a product or an experience, we would love to hear from you. Feel free to get in touch or post directly to: Katie Collier, Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire, Kennedy Way, Yate, BS37 4DQ or email for us to collect locally. If you are in the building/decorating trade or simply relocating offices, we’d be particularly interested in practical donations towards renovating our new premises. Example: Tesco and Morrisons Yate, Marshfield Ice Cream have contributed chocolates and fizz and a voucher to some recent prize winners. Swagger gift shop in Chipping Sodbury have kindly donated gift bags to sell to raise further funds. 8. Have our logo on your Christmas cards Why not make a donation to our cause and include our logo on your company Christmas cards for 2024? It looks great for your social corporate responsibility and supports our work financially and raises awareness about our work for all your customers – Win win? 9. Something bigger If you’re interested in match funding for future appeals or contributing significantly to a face-to-face outreach session in your neighbourhood or even place of work, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Find out more how you can partner with us. Walk 50km of the Cotswold Way for us Run 10K for us at the Great Bristol Run Keep the conversation going Read our latest news and advice columns * indicates required [PAGE] Title: Why volunteer with Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire? Content: Reasons to Volunteer Ten reasons to volunteer Why volunteer with Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire? Here are ten reasons why you should – from boosting your confidence to getting to know your community. Why volunteer? Make a difference It can be incredibly rewarding to contribute something non-financial to a cause you care about. Boost your confidence Trying something new and getting out of your comfort zone every now and then can do wonders for your confidence levels. Do something interesting Don’t let your spare time trickle away – fill it doing something interesting and challenging. Meet new people Tired of doing the same things with the same group of friends? Widen your circle and horizons by meeting people you might not normally. Improve your prospects Having volunteering on your CV demonstrates that you’re someone with initiative and a rounded life. Nearly one third of the volunteers who leave the Citizens Advice service each year go on into paid work. Get to know your community Whether you’ve lived in a town for 20 years or have just moved there as a student, you’ll develop a great feel for the people and the place at a CAB. Why volunteer? Put your talents to use Use it or lose it! Got the gift of languages? Volunteer as an interpreter. A flair for design? Create reception displays. The possibilities are endless. Enjoy free training Adviser training is accredited by the Open College Network, and other skills like PR, campaigning and administration can be learnt on the job in a supportive environment. Gain office-based work experience Get ahead of the competition for jobs and university places with some real life experience. Law students, for example, can knock 6 months off their training contract by volunteering as an adviser. Why volunteer? We need you! Seventy five per cent of the people who work in the Citizens Advice service are volunteers, and we simply wouldn’t be here for our clients without them. Our Volunteers tell their stories Who better to explain the benefits of volunteering with us than our current, dedicated team members? Pippa, from Bristol, is a Gateway Adviser with Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire having previously worked in IT administration for 20 years. She began training in November and completed in February, and is now helping clients with a wide range of problems. She covers the face-to-face session in Yate on a Monday and the telephone Adviceline on Wednesday afternoons. She said: “I wanted to volunteer as I had retired and wanted to do something with my time. I’m a perpetual volunteer – I always helped at my children’s school with the Parent Teacher Association. Volunteering is part of what I do really. “It’s about giving back to the community and helping people. I like helping people and help people to the best of my ability – and I get that pleasure out of it. It’s a constant learning curve. The people we help appreciate the help we give them.” Maya, a student in Bristol, said: “I started volunteering in October last year. My friend at university did some volunteering with Citizens Advice so I thought I would quite like to do it as well. “I like the charity’s ethos and it is a really important part of the community.I enjoy enabling people to move forwards with their issues – it’s rewarding to see people feel as though they can improve their situation.” Mary-Anne is a Generalist Adviser having previously worked as a nurse in the NHS. She began volunteering with Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire in September 2017 and works on Mondays and Fridays. She said: “I retired from the NHS and felt I still had skills to share and wanted to make use of those skills. So while I had time and the ability I thought it was a good thing to do. “If you have an interest in people and you are happy to give up some time, I think it’s a very valuable and interesting role.” Discover [PAGE] Title: Impact - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Our Stories We may be a small charity, but we are having a huge impact in South Gloucestershire. Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire continues to run face-to-face advice in six neighbourhoods across the county, providing a point of “real person” contact six times in any given week. We also provide telephone advice every weekday (except Bank Holidays) – all run by our incredible volunteers. Our office also provides specialist advice including for Universal Credit , debt and energy. In 2022/23, we helped 5,900 people with almost 16,526 issues. We are experiencing people using our service needing us for an increased number of issues as well as increasing complexity. Although our services meet a lot of people who come to as a last resort often needing debt, housing or employment advice particularly during the cost of living crisis, our services are open to ANYONE in South Gloucestershire – about anything. By being accessible and continuing our services for FREE, we hope to prevent people from needing us in desperate need. Click on the image below to find out our 2022/23 stats showing a breakdown of exactly who we have helped in South Gloucestershire: Click here to view our 2022/23 Impact Report “You have given me the light I needed to see at this awful time in my life.” Sarah* came to us in October 2023. She has mental and physical health issues meaning she struggles being out of the house. She needed help filling in a Work Capability Assessment (WCA) form in relation to her Universal Credit claim. She said she had asked a number of professionals including her counsellor for help with this but had been “passed around” and not received the help she needed. After contacting the Citizens Advice Adviceline, she was put in touch with Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire. Our Adviser Jacky was able to complete the WCA form with her over the phone. Sarah was recently informed she has been awarded Limited Capability for Work-Related Activity (LCWRA) status – the best possible outcome for her, meaning she will get an extra amount of money each month. She has said this will allow her to pay for private healthcare as she is struggling to get the help she needs on the NHS. In a heartfelt email of thanks to Jacky, Sarah wrote: “I cannot thank you enough for the help you have given me. “I’m so grateful for your assistance and am getting emotional writing this. “You have given me the light I needed to see at this awful time in my life.” *not her real name. [PAGE] Title: Get Advice - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: At Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire, we provide: Generalist advice on any topic (received at drop-in sessions or by telephone) Specialist debt and welfare benefits advice (appointment only) Help to Claim on Universal credit advice (by telephone or online here ) Energy saving and water bill workshops (across South Gloucestershire) BSL Information videos on PIP, ESA and Universal credit here Face-to-Face advice [PAGE] Title: Leave A Gift in Your Will - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Home > Get Involved > Donate Today > Leave A Gift in Your Will Leave A Gift in Your Will You can help us pay it forward for future generations in South Gloucestershire. With the current cost of living crisis and ordinary people struggling more than ever, your legacy is more important today than ever before. Any gift, however small, will help to ensure that we are still here for your family and friends, and their children and grandchildren, whatever their problems may be. None of us can predict what problems our families and friends – and their children and grandchildren – may face in the future. They might have money difficulties, a relationship breakdown or ill health. They might have a disability, face an employment dispute or become a victim of discrimination. We are determined to make sure that whatever problems they face in the future, they don’t have to face them alone. Even if you’re unable to make a regular gift in your lifetime to us, a gift in your Will provides a lovely legacy to the people of South Gloucestershire. Need more information? Just email Katie Collier at [email protected] to be sent free information with no obligation. How to leave a gift in your will The impact of leaving a gift in your will Make an In Memory Donation Discover [PAGE] Title: Online Advice - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: British Sign Language information videos Before you come to see us, we would advise you check the latest up-to-date advice online here. We are supported by the national Citizens Advice, so please select what you are looking for below or go to their website . Of course, if you still need face to face advice or to chat to someone by telephone, you can come to one of our local drop-in face to face sessions across South Gloucestershire or phone our free telephone adviceline. Benefits [PAGE] Title: Staff Vacancies at Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Our Latest News Search Thanks also to the following Parish Councils: Dodington, Rockhampton, Westerleigh, Hawkesbury Upton, Pucklechurch and others who made donations throughout the year [PAGE] Title: Review of the year - our 2023 highlights - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Home > About Our Charity > Review of the year – our 2023 highlights Review of the year – our 2023 highlights It’s been a challenging but rewarding year for Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire. Here, we recap our highlights from 2023. 2023 was charity’s busiest year on record Adviser Mary-Anne speaking with a client We’ve helped 6,359 clients so far this year – meaning it is our busiest year on record, with 20% more clients than last year We’ve also seen many more cost-of-living related problems than we did prior to Covid – with more than 250 issues in the month of October compared to an average of less than 100 prior to the pandemic We continued to deliver top-quality advice despite the increasing demand – achieving a green (good) marks in the Local Performance and Quality Framework (LPQF) overseen by national Citizens Advice Growing our team in 2023 Group photo of part of the team during Volunteers Week We’re very grateful to be taking on an additional six Volunteers this winter – thank you and welcome to the team one and all We’ve also launched new projects including When Advice Really Matters (WARM) which links with health services in the region – the Aviva -funded progamme providing remote delivery of advice and the Ingeus -funded project which provides advice to people on probation. These are going well thanks to our newly-recruited Advisers We’ve also grown the Help To Claim team thanks to additional funding from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) We welcomed our new Chair of the Board of Trustees John-Paul Corry in March. J-P joins us at an exciting time as we move towards completion of our purchase of new offices at Badminton Court, Yate Month-by-month – our calendar of 2023 Finance and Admin Manager Amanda cuts the cake at her 25-year anniversary party January We added a new advice session on Mondays in Yate – which has proved very popular alongside Tuesday and Friday sessions February Ofgem took action against forced installation of prepayment meters following campaigning from Citizens Advice – including by us locally March We celebrated our Finance and Admin Manager Amanda’s 25-year anniversary of working with the charity with a party at our Yate HQ Bristol 10k runners prior to the event April The charity launched a new face-to-face session in Emersons Green as well as moving to a new venue for the weekly session in Thornbury. We were very grateful in April to receive an additional grant of £120,000 from South Gloucestershire Council to fund our advice services May Our five runners completed the Bristol 10K – raising  more than £1,800 for our charity. We’re looking for runners to take part next year (2024) – as well as walkers to take part in “Ultra Challenges” for our charity. You can read more about this here June The charity celebrated Volunteers Week with a “thank you“ event for our Advisers featuring awards such as “best laugh”, “morning cheerleader” and “funniest Adviser”. We also welcomed national Citizens Advice CEO Clare Moriarty to our office in Yate July We launched our new premises fundraising appeal – having found a new home in Yate. The move will allow us to double the number of people we can help face-to-face August Our Volunteer Adviser John spoke about why volunteering with Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire is one of the most satisfying things he’s done. Read his thoughts here September We said goodbye to our Adviser Mike who volunteered with us for more than ten years. We held a leaving celebration at our office in Yate. Thank you Mike Bath Half Marathon runner Krystal after the run October Our runners Krystal and Maya took on the challenge of the Bath Half Marathon – raising a brilliant £783 for our charity between the two of them. We experienced our busiest month for cost-of-living-related issues on record – at more than 250 issues recorded for the month November The charity unveiled our Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Christmas Cards – which can be bought for £3.50 for a pack of ten on our website here . We shared some wonderful feedback from one of our Help To Claim clients who described our Adviser Peter as “excellent” and “ten out of ten” December The charity launched our Christmas Appeal – asking for donations of  £20 to support our work. We were very pleased to see coverage on BBC News Online . We were very grateful to receive £35,884 from the National Lottery Community Fund to support core costs, IT and additional training Thank you so much for your support this year – from reading our newsletters to donating to our charity, you are helping us and we appreciate it. We are proud of what we have achieved this year and believe 2024 will be even better. Thank you for reading from all of the team at Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire! Walk 50km of the Cotswold Way for us Run 10K for us at the Great Bristol Run Keep the conversation going Read our latest news and advice columns * indicates required [PAGE] Title: Face-to-face FAQs - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Face-to-face FAQs What should I expect at my face-to-face appointment? To receive face-to-face advice just turn up during our advertised drop-in hours. We may ask you to wait for an Adviser in our waiting room. Whilst you’re waiting, a member of our team will ask you to fill out a basic form to understand the problem you need help with. Once called by name, you’ll then be able to receive one-to-one advice in one of our rooms. Please let us know if you would like a chaperone or if you need assistance completing your form. Our advisor will then give you a short ‘triage’ 15 minute face-to-face assessment. We give the majority of advice at these sessions on the spot, or we may need to book a more in-depth follow up appointment. Where additional support is needed that’s beyond the scope of what we do, we may signpost or refer you to one of our trusted partners. If you are unable to make the drop-in times, you can phone our advice line open Monday to Friday 9-5pm (excluding Bank Holidays). Your call will go to a local call-hander who can provide the same excellent service by phone. If all our call handlers are busy, your call will go to the national AdviceLine. Please also be aware we cannot provide advice on behalf of a third party (including young adults). Please encourage friends or family members to seek advice through us for themselves wherever possible. What kind of general advice might I receive? Quality: Our generalist advisers are all volunteers but have received intensive and specialist training to help you. Our debt specialists all have the relevant accreditation from the Institute of Money Advisers. National Citizens Advice regularly audits the quality of our advice. In addition, we are registered with the Advice Services Alliance and hold the Advice Quality Standard award. Experience: We’ve been delivering high-quality advice services in South Gloucestershire for nearly 50 years. Our longest serving volunteer has been with us for 20 years! Many others have been providing and developing their skills for over 10 years in the county. Specialised supervisors monitor our advisors. The national Citizens Advice network quality checks and regularly audits all case notes. Information: Please be aware that advisors will listen, research your options and look at the possible outcomes of different courses of action. They will not tell you what to do but will give you the information you need to make your own decisions. They will help you to make informed decisions based on your individual needs by giving you the most up-to-date information and guidance available. Follow up: We will ask you if you are able to access the internet and use the computer in order for you to follow up on the advice given. If needed, we may be able to print out some helpful information but we are not able to email you with a summary of the information you received. If you are unsure of the advice you receive, you are welcome to receive repeat advice or provide us with feedback so we can improve our service. Should you receive repeat advice, we try and match you with a different advisor to ensure your case is dealt with impartially and fairly. What happens to my personal data or the information I disclose? During a drop-in session, we will ask you to fill out a double-sided paper form to disclose your name and address and a brief outline of your problem. The information we collect is received and stored securely and confidentially on our national database. During the advice session, we may need to check certain facts such as disability status or insolvency information in order to make sure we provide you with the correct support. You only need to disclose information you feel comfortable with and we will always give a reason as to why the information is requested. After an advice session, your advisor shreds any handwritten notes immediately. Your profile with detailed casenotes – written up electronically by the advisor – is stored as a password protected file on our national database, describing what help was advised. These records have strict access permissions. We do not refer to clients by name in any other setting so any recorded casenotes and personal details remain completely confidential. On the data we collect, there is an opportunity to opt in (and out) to any further contact or storage of your details. We will not advise on behalf of anyone else so we will not pass on your session details. If you have any concerns about data safety or storage, please feel free to get in touch. I can’t make the drop in sessions – how do I get help? Our free telephone advice line is available from 9am – 5pm Monday to Fridays (excluding Bank Holidays) where you can speak to local advisors. Please contact 0808 278 7947 where you should get through to a representative from Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire. During peak times, or if all our local call-handlers are busy, your call may go to other Citizens Advice locations. This is also managed by volunteers so please be patient. Discover [PAGE] Title: British Sign Language information videos Content: Home > Get Advice > British Sign Language information videos British Sign Language information videos Please click on one of our British Sign Language Information videos for more information about our services. Universal Credit [PAGE] Title: Research and campaigns - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Home > Research and campaigns Research and campaigns Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire actively campaigns against unfair policies of government, service providers and other bodies – informed by our research. Tackling problems at source helps everyone, whether they have come to us for advice or not, and frees up bureau resources. Our campaigning is effective because it is rooted in the experiences of real people, our clients. We try to have an influence at local, regional and national levels, by joining with other Citizens Advice offices in major national campaigns or by smaller pieces of local work. What is research & campaigns work? All of us are affected by the rules and principles which shape the services and benefits that we all rely on. These rules and principles are evident in legislation, regulations, codes of practice and the policies of service providers. However, they are not always written down or easy to find out about. Some policies affecting clients are national, such as social security, employment and immigration laws. Others are affected by local policies and practices – such as housing benefit, community care, housing, health and education. For more about the service and its campaigning role click here . Discover [PAGE] Title: Coverage - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire in the media Content: In the media We’re thrilled to see coverage of Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire in the local media. On this page, you can read and hear our press appearances. We’re grateful to our colleagues in newspapers, news sites and radio for highlighting our stories and sharing them with a wider audience. Radio coverage Yvonne Parks spoke on BCfm Radio on what to do if you are struggling to pay council tax. 04/03/23. Yvonne Parks spoke on BCfm Radio about debt and options for managing it. 16/03/23. Yvonne Parks appeared on BCfm Radio to speak about the social tariffs available from Bristol Water and how they can cut debt and wipe off arrears. 13/02/23. CEO Chantal Watts talked on BCfm Radio about the impact of the cost-of-living crisis in South Gloucestershire. 30/01/23. Newspapers and news sites Our generous donation from Lyegrove Lodge No 7890 was covered by the Gazette . 22/01/24 Marion was interviewed by Greatest Hits Radio Gloucestershire about the cost-of-living crisis. 20/01/24 BBC News Online has covered our Christmas appeal. 10/12/23 The Gazette Series has run stories on our Bath Half runners both before and after the run on 15th October. 19/10/23 The BBC , Yate and Sodbury Voice and Gazette Series have covered our premises move and fundraising appeal. 07/08/23 Our #VolunteersWeek celebration has been picked up by the Gazette Series . 06/06/23 Gloucestershire Live has covered our call for people to check they can get the one-off £301 cost-of-living payment. 12/05/23 Bristol 10K runner Megan’s fundraising efforts have been covered in the Gazette Series . 11/05/23 Our appeal for people to check their national insurance record has been featured in the Gazette Series . 04/05/23. The May Thornbury and Emersons Green Voice newspapers include pieces on our new sessions. 01/05/23. The May 2023 Yate and Sodbury Voice features our Bristol 10K runner Megan! 25/04/23. Bristol Live picked up our appeal for people to check they have redeemed the full £400-worth of energy vouchers. 21/04/23. Bristol Live has covered our latest figures on the impact of the cost-of-living crisis in South Gloucestershire. 26/03/23. Yate and Sodbury Gazette article on our carbon monoxide project. 02/03/23. Fishponds Voice article on our adviser Julien’s aim to run the Bristol 10K to raise money for our charity. 01/03/23. Bristol Live article on the situation around prepayment meters in South Gloucestershire. 13/02/23. Discover [PAGE] Title: In Memory donations - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Home > Get Involved > Donate Today > In Memory donations In Memory donations Many families collect donations in memory at a loved one’s funeral or celebration of life as a special way of remembering them. Asking or fundraising for In Memory donations is a wonderful tribute to a loved one who may have used our advice services at Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire who someone who simply loved South Gloucestershire. Collecting donations in person If you choose to have a memorial collection at a funeral, or celebration of life, we would love to help you in any way and would love to promote your service. If you are making funeral arrangements, your funeral director may be able to help you plan this collection but we can also provide information about our charity, Gift Aid forms and our logo and address to put on your Order of Service. Paying in your collection – If you are posting your collection to us, please ensure you give us the following information so we can acknowledge your generosity appropriately. The name of the person the funds are in memory of Your details, and where you would like us to post an acknowledgement to Posted donations and completed Gift Aid forms should be sent to: Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire, Kennedy Way, Yate BS37 4DQ. Online tribute funds You may want to set up an online tribute fund to remember a loved one, either in addition to cash donations immediately around funeral arrangements, or in memory within the following year. Add photos and memories, collect donations, and share details of any fundraising you’re doing in their memory. We can help you set it up, edit it up and share it as JustGiving page and promote it our website. Alternatively, you can find our charity through the MuchLoved website, and create a free tribute fund through them. For more information, please contact Katie Collier at [email protected] or phone our admin line to find out more details. Discover [PAGE] Title: Get Involved - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Home > Get Involved Get Involved Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire is an independent charity for the local community. We rely on your help in supporting us to make a local impact for South Gloucestershire. We want to invite you to get involved. Click on the links below to see how you can make a difference today: Donate Today Be Part Of Our Campaigns Partner With Us Leave a Gift in your Will Discover [PAGE] Title: Partner With Us - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Home > Get Involved > Partner With Us Partner With Us Make us your Charity of the Year Our local community is at the heart of what we do. If you go to our Get Advice pages, you’ll see that we currently regular face to face sessions at 6 venues across South Gloucestershire and you could be part of offering more. If you’re a local Parish council or business who wants to do your part for the local community, please get in touch about contributing financially to the cost of running a regular advice session at a venue in your local neighbourhood. We can talk through the costs of providing a portion or full service depending on the reach of your neighbourhood and budget, or we can put you in touch with others in your vicinity who are interested in funding something together. You’ll see our current advice sessions are being offered weekly and fortnightly in Yate, Bradley Stoke, Stoke Gifford, Cadbury Heath, Thornbury and Emersons Green. Not represented yet? Now is your chance. Just email our CEO Chantal Watts or call 01454 334960 to find out more. Discover [PAGE] Title: Donate Today - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: How will my money make a difference? £10 could support an hour of Advisor time helping up to 4 clients £20 could help towards specialist training course for a specialist supervisor who passes on their knowledge to over 20 advising volunteers £50 could help towards our rental premises across the county – ensuring we can continue to provide face to face contact to our clients in a warm, safe environment Donate today Donate here as a monthly or one-off donation through Paypal. Give by cheque (payable to “Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire”) at: Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire, Kennedy Way, Yate, BS37 4DQ. Email [email protected] to find our bank transfer details. Can I Gift Aid my donation? Yes please! We would love you to! If you are a UK taxpayer, we can claim 25p on every £1 you donate at no extra cost! So if you were to give a £40 gift, we could get an extra £10 back from HMRC just by you filling in and returning our CASG Gift Aid Declaration form . Just email back to [email protected]. Other easy ways: Donate as you Shop with Easy Fundraising – You can fundraise as you shop through EasyFundraising. Just create an account here and choose “Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire” as your chosen charity. Just make sure you add the donation reminder to your browser as you shop! Facebook Birthday Fundraiser – Are you on Facebook? When it’s your birthday you can select us as your chosen charity. Facebook should prompt you when your special day is coming up. The donations automatically come to us so you don’t need to do anything else after set up! Just let us know so we can thank you! Gift cards – Want to donate to Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire on behalf of someone special? We offer the option of purchasing a gift card – which goes to your friend or family member while the money comes to our charity. It’s a great way of sharing your support for our service and creating a meaningful token as a birthday present or gift. The cards can be made out for any amount and are available to buy here . Other ways to give: Legacy donation – Thinking about legacies (or even writing your will) can feel overwhelming but it doesn’t have to be a grand gesture to make a difference. We can help you. We would love you to consider including us in your will to leave a long-lasting impact for South Gloucestershire. Click Leaving a Gift in Your Will for more information or contact Katie Collier at [email protected] . Corporate donations – Whether you work in a top FTSE company, or run your own local business, you can choose us to give to in your workplace. Suggest a collection pot at your next team building day or charity gala dinner. We would be happy to provide collection pots, leaflets or posters for you to display to help your colleagues know what we do. Just get in touch for more information. Does your solicitors, estate agents’ or school have a Charity of the Year for 2023? Next time nominate our cause. We would love to help you market it and give you ideas to join in with. Discover [PAGE] Title: Accessibility - How we are making this website accessible to users Content: Home > Accessibility Accessibility We’ve endeavoured to make this website usable and accessible to a wide range of users. This page explains some of the features which should make this site easier to use. There are also links to other websites that can help you. If you are experiencing any problems accessing the information on this site call us on 01525 374589. Accessible features Each page has a link (within the footer) to the site map listing all the pages within our site. You can use the keyboard to access all pages of this site. Images have alternative descriptive text. Change the text size Internet Explorer: Tools Menu / Zoom / Zoom in or Zoom out Google Chrome: Menu / use + & – beside Zoom Firefox: Menu / use + & – at top of block Safari: View / Zoom In or Zoom Out View / Zoom Text Only / Zoom In or Zoom Out Navigating this accessible site You can access the main sections of this website from the main menu bar. You can access each sections’ navigation either from the drop-downs from the main menu bar or from the landing page of each section. A site map lists all pages on the website (in the Footer). A search facility is available on every page (in the Footer). You can reach the homepage by clicking on the Citizens Advice logo. Links to pages that give you legal information are at the bottom of the footer menu. Downloading documents Most documents on this site are in PDF format. You can download a free PDF reader . If you require any documents in a different format or size to make it accessible please contact us. Adapt your computer to make the web more accessible To find out ways to adapt your computer specifically for your requirements visit the BBC My Web, My Way website. Accessibility compliance This site has been developed in accordance with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 to an AA star rating. Standards compliance This site has been built to HTML 5.0 standards. This site has been built to CSS 3.0 standards. Local News [PAGE] Title: Community fundraising news Content: Home > About Our Charity > Our Supporters > 2024 Community Fundraising News 2024 Community Fundraising News Here we highlight some of the amazing things you are doing to raise awareness of our work and the need for financial help to keep our service going in South Gloucestershire. Local Businesses – Are you part of the 100? As part of our premises fundraising appeal , we asked 100 local businesses to support our work with just £100 each. We are still hoping to move in to our new offices this year, so any future names will be added to our “Wall of Fame” below. Thank you to the following businesses for your financial or practical support: Rolls Royce Burges Salmon Charitable Trust Chartwell Funding For further information on our full list of funders, please find our thanks listed in our latest annual review or find our latest accounts through the Charity Commission website. Lyegrove Lodge No 7890 We’ve received a fantastic donation of £1,000 from members of Lyegrove Lodge No 7890 Freemasons in Chipping Sodbury. Thank you so much. The money will go towards renovating our new premises in Yate – which will allow us to double the number of clients we can help each week. Read more in our news story . Discover [PAGE] Title: Our online Charity "Shop" - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Home > Get Involved > Donate Today > Donate now to our work > Our online Charity “Shop” Our online Charity “Shop” Over the last year, we have kindly been donated a few things to sell for proceeds to go to our work. Click into each image to see in more detail. Please follow our step-by-step guide on how to purchase at the bottom of the page. Charity bags (Ranging from £5-10) Early in 2023, we were donated a number of “surprise” gift bags from Swagger gift bags with a random selection of goodies. Here they are now for you to see: Charity Bag 1: £10Contains: 1 address book, 2 greetings cards, To do list, bath melts, coaster, ornamental sign, postcard. Charity Bag 2: £10Contains: 1 address book, 2 greetings cards, bath melts, calendar planner (timeless), ornamental sign, mini bath bomb, postcard. Charity Bag 3: £10 Contains: 1 address book, 2 greetings cards, To do list, calendar planner (timeless), ornamental sign, mini bath bomb, coaster, postcard. Charity Bag 4: £10 donation Contains: 1 address book, 2 greetings cards, calendar planner (timeless), reward chart, 2 ornamental signs, mini bath bomb, coaster, postcard. Charity Bag 5: £10 donationContains: 1 address book, 2 greetings cards, 1 to-do list, 1 coaster, 1 ornamental sign, 1 keyring, mini bath bomb, postcard. Charity Bag 6: £10 donationContains: 1 address book, 1 to-do list, 1 NHS fun face mask, 2 greetings cards, 1 mini bath bomb, postcard. Charity Bag 7: £8 donation (No gift bag)Contains: 1 address book, 1 to-do list, 2 greetings cards, 1 ornamental sign, bath melts, mini bath bomb, postcard. Humorous Greetings Cards (1 in stock unless otherwise stated). The following cards are made by Bold&Bright and are blank inside : £2 each (Why not make a £10 donation and pick out 5?) We have been kindly donated these cards to sell but as an organisation do not endorse their messaging. Please click into each to see them in closer detail. £2 (3 in stock)“She was living proof you really could have it all” £2“You activate 14 muscles when opening a bottle of wine. Fitness is my passion.” £2“Online Shopping gave her a reason to live another 3 to 5 business days.” £2“Congratulations: The only thing almost as exciting as having a lovely baby, is being able to drink again.” £2 (2 in stock)“She didn’t get tipsy and jolly, she got smashed and sweary.” £2“Am I the perfect Mother? No. Do I try my best each day to be the perfect Mother? Also, no.” £2 (2 in stock)“He was about: 20% Stud, 80% Muffin” £2 (2 in stock)“I love to party, and by ‘party’ I mean drink wine on my sofa.” £2“When people ask you what you do for fun…but there is no classy way to say “binge drink.” £2 (3 in stock)“Happy Birthday: Let’s get bad and boozy” £2“Happy Birthday: Remember when you used to climb mountains, but now you need to steady yourself to fart?” Christmas Cards – £3.50 for a pack of 10 These high-quality cards come in 1 design featuring a country scene with white envelopes, with “Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year” inside and our charity logo on the back. Find them here for more information. Harry Potter Collectible Hardback books These are being sold by us on eBay – please view here . How to purchase: All products above are shown as is – there is no additional stock (unless stated). If you would like to purchase something from below, please make the correct donation on our Paypal donate link, adding a comment of what you would like to buy, eg. “Charity Bag 4” Please note: Collection only from our Yate office (next to the Leisure Centre near the Shopping Centre) at Kennedy Way, BS37 4DQ. Our offices are open to drop-in advice sessions on Mondays 4-6pm, Tuesdays 10-3pm and Fridays 10-1pm or please knock loudly on the outer day for other week days. If you’re not sure about the process, please email [email protected] for queries about your purchase. Walk 50km of the Cotswold Way for us Run 10K for us at the Great Bristol Run Keep the conversation going Read our latest news and advice columns * indicates required [PAGE] Title: Telephone Advice - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: We provide free telephone generalist advice every weekday: Just call for free on 0808 278 7947 or TEXTPHONE 18001 144 8884 We provide free telephone advice every weekday from Mondays to Fridays 9am-5pm (except Bank Holidays). Just call our local advice volunteers who will be able to help you with the same specialist advice as through our face-to-face methods. Our call handlers are trained advice volunteers from and for residents of South Gloucestershire. If an adviser from your local office is not available at the time of calling, you will be transferred to a national Citizens Advice adviser outside of our area who will be able to give you the same advice. You may be wondering whether the service is for you. It is for anyone in South Gloucestershire – last year we helped people aged 15 to 104. You can call or visit multiple times if you need to. We are here to provide you with up-to-date information and we will signpost you onto other specialist services if needed. Please be aware that it is serviced by volunteers so there may be a wait. We ask for your patience throughout our free service. Looking for our Help to Claim telephone support instead? Click here for more details on how you can receive specific support on making your first claim for Universal Credit. Discover [PAGE] Title: About our Charity - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Adviser Mary-Anne speaking with a client Read about Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire – including our vision, mission and values and how we can help. At Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire, we work to help residents of South Gloucestershire find a way forward. Our main office is based in Yate, near Bristol and we have a number of outreach venues where our supervisors and volunteer advisors continue to provide ongoing advice face-to-face. We help people find a way forward We can all face problems that seem complicated or intimidating. At Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire , we believe no one should have to face these problems without good quality, independent advice. That’s why we’re here: to give people the knowledge and the confidence they need to find their way forward – whoever they are, and whatever their problem. We give advice to millions of people We’re part of a network of independent charities that offers confidential advice online, over the phone, and in person, for free. When we say we’re for everyone, we mean it. People rely on us because we’re independent and totally impartial. In 2022/23, Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire helped 5,900 people with 16,500 issues through face-to-face appointments and telephone advice. We speak up for our clients No one else sees so many people with so many different kinds of problems, and that gives us a unique insight into the challenges people are facing today. With the right evidence, we can show big organisations – from companies right up to the government – how they can make things better for people. We see how problems can be linked. By helping people with the underlying cause of their problems and making sure they don’t get worse, we save the government and public services hundreds of millions of pounds every year. Our vision, mission and values Vision – where we want to get to Everyone living in South Gloucestershire will be able to access free advice to meet their individual needs. Mission – how we get there We provide free, confidential advice to help people overcome their problems. And we campaign on big issues when their voices need to be heard. Values – how we work to achieve our mission We are in alignment with the national Citizens Advice values to help us achieve our cultural ambition: an inclusive, purpose driven workplace that listens, works together, is open and honest, accessible and helps everyone be the very best they can be. These values, and the example behaviours that bring them to life guide everything we do as we work together towards our shared purpose of helping more people, whoever they are and whatever their problem. Purpose driven: We always focus on the people who need our help. People focused: We recognise value and reward contributions and talents in an open, fair and meaningful way. Collaborative: We build relationships across teams and locations to foster innovation and inclusive ways of working. Transparent: We’re open and honest, sharing information early and often whenever we can. Discover [PAGE] Title: Fundraise for us - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Home > Get Involved > Fundraise for us Fundraise for us Latest Campaigns See how you can get involved NOW in our latest fundraising campaigns: Dust off your trainers and sign up to one of our sponsored challenges for 2024 today. More here or click one of our options below. Perhaps you’d like to fundraise us as an interest group, through neighbours, school, workplace or even a sponsored challenge. Click below to find out how: Fundraising for schools Join one of our sponsored challenges Fundraising in our neighbourhoods Local fundraising network We would love you to be our hands and feet to help our reach go even further. If you would like to get involved in our volunteer fundraising network to generate ideas and events to raise more funds to our work, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you. Just email Katie Collier at [email protected] for more information on community fundraising ideas. Discover [PAGE] Title: Contact Us - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Find our face-to-face drop-in venues for advice. Call our telephone adviceline during weekdays 0808 2787947 (9-5pm) to speak to a local Adviser. Check out our online advice pages. Need to know more about our charity? Phone us: 01454 334961* (Admin only) Or write to us at: Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Yate BS37 4DQ Don’t miss: Our weekly news by email on all the work and advice tips from Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire, please subscribe via our homepage. Follow our social media updates: Facebook , Twitter and Instagram . Please note: Only our advice channels are able to give advice – please do not use our office or social media contact details for advice purposes. Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire is a small, independent charity under the umbrella of national Citizens Advice . Not happy? If you wish to provide feedback on our local service or make a formal complaint, please find our Complaints Policy by clicking here . Discover [PAGE] Title: Join our Sponsored Challenges - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Home > Get Involved > Fundraise for us > Join our Sponsored Challenges Join our Sponsored Challenges Whether you’re a seasoned runner or a complete novice, we can support you all the way! By raising sponsorship (and being a sponsor) for our work in South Gloucestershire means you’re supporting a local charity doing brilliant work. Click on one of the options below for 2024 as see what you’d like to take part in. If you’re interested in taking part and want to find out more, or official register a place with us, please feel free to contact Katie Collier directly. Fancy a different challenge? Can’t quite see anything you’d like to try? Perhaps you are part of a local sports club, running club or cycling group? Or even fancy doing a sponsored silence or head shave! Or on the smaller scale, just gather a group of people together as you would normally do and ask friends to sponsor you! Let us know if you would like support around promoting your event, as well as paper sponsorship and Gift Aid forms. Please find our Fundraising in our Neighbourhoods page for further ideas. If you’re looking to donate more generally to our cause, you can send us a donation directly through our Make a Donation/Donate page and leave a comment as to where you would like it to go. For 2024, our unrestricted funds will be put towards the renovation costs for our premises move which will enable us to double the number of people we see face-to-face, and our impact. To find out more, register your interest in book a place on any of our sponsored challenges, get in touch for more information. Discover [PAGE] Title: Will you make us your Charity of the Year? Content: Home > Will you make us your Charity of the Year? Will you make us your Charity of the Year? Will your work friends help us? Whether you have an official AGM for charity giving or a good social rep who organises charity collection pots – we would love you to consider us as your Charity of the Year this year, or at your next event, no matter how small. NB: Please donate to “ Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire ” rather than the national umbrella charity “Citizens Advice” which can’t be diverted to us. Why support us as your Charity of the Year? We need your help. Like many charities, we rely heavily on individual donations, but unlike other charities, many dismiss us as a branch of government. We’re not. In fact we’re a small, independent charity and we work purely for the people of South Gloucestershire. As a local business, we hope you’ll want to help us. Naturally our funds are restricted to supporting people in South Gloucestershire only, which is why your local help is so important to us. Recent funding cuts meant we’ve had to reduce some of our services, but we’re still here providing face to face advice sessions in Yate, Bradley Stoke, Cadbury Heath, Thornbury and Emersons Green. We also provide free telephone advice every weekday (except Bank holidays.) So what do we do? We give people the information and advice they need to find a way forward – whoever they are and whatever their problem. We have a huge reach in our local neighbourhoods which means we may well have helped you or your colleague or neighbour – or will do at some point in your life. As well as generalist advice services on any issue, we also have specialist energy and utilities advisors, a specialist debt team, and we’re a regional lead in providing support for Universal Credit applications. Anyone can access our services from age 15+ and come back as many times as they need to for free advice on any topic. Our work really does make a difference to people’s lives. We’re helping over 4,000 people a year with over 18,000 issues, putting £3.5 million a year back into the pockets of local people who need it most. We do this through helping people access things like pension credits, supporting people to appeal unfair benefits decisions, or to manage complex debt issues. Other ways to help Enter a running challenge as a work team We have some opportunities where you can raise sponsorship for us as a work team. You can register charity places to run for us at the Bath Half Marathon in October 2024 or at the Great Bristol Run in May 2024. To find out more visit our Choose Your Challenge page. Host a Collection Tin for us If you run a retail or cafe space, we would love you to host a collection tin by your till or public area to raise cash for us through your customers. You won’t need to do anything – as we’re local we can make sure the funds are collected every month. We also have posters and leaflets to display, letting people know about our daily services. If you would be happy to have one, please phone our Yate office on 01454 334961 or email Katie Collier at [email protected] . Raffle Prizes We always appreciate raffle prizes to raise further funds and would love any contributions – a gift or voucher. If you have something you would like to donate please post to: Katie Collier, Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire, Kennedy Way, Yate, BS37 4DQ or email for us to collect locally. Discover [PAGE] Title: Fundraising in our Neighbourhoods - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Fundraising in our Neighbourhoods One of our volunteers raising awareness of our work at Yate International Festival 2023 Supporting our local communities across South Gloucestershire is what we do. But as a small charity covering the breadth of the county from Severn Beach right across to Marshfield as well as the outskirts of Bristol such as Longwell Green and Filton, we have a lot to do to raise awareness and much needed funds for our work. So whatever age you are and whatever your interests or abilities, we know you can help. Perhaps its having a coffee morning, suggesting your local pub quiz to raise funds for us, hiring a hall and having a clothes swap or putting our name forward for your local choir concert – we’d love for you to help make it happen. Nominate us = there are lots of ways of putting our name forward to win funds without actually needing to donate yourself. Go to our Nominate Us page to find out how with a few clicks you could help us win important donations! Local Girlguiding – We know that for a number of local Brownie and Guide units, there is a chance to complete your charity badge. If you’re interested in learning more about what we do for your badge or just to raise money for us, we can help. We would happily send you some information or come and do a talk in your South Gloucestershire unit. Matched funding with your employer – If you’ve ever done any volunteering for us (or even collected sponsorship money for us) and work for a larger company, they will probably offer a limited or ongoing financial contribution towards your volunteering or fundraising efforts and match the amount! It’s worth asking your HR department about it as it might not be so obvious. Go to our Matched Funding pages where we tell you a bit more about it and some of the local companies that might offer it. To see what other people have been up to locally, visit our Community Fundraising News page. Want to start planning something regularly for us? If you would like to play an active part in our community fundraising for Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire, please fill out our form below and we can be in touch: Sign up to be part of our volunteer fundraising network * indicates required Please include your email address or phone number below First Name * [PAGE] Title: Our Stories - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Home > About Our Charity > Our Stories Our Stories Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire helped more than 4,000 people last year. Here are some stories from clients we’ve advised – including their outcomes. Case Study Date: December 2023 A client has thanked Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire – saying the charity helped her when no one else would. The client, who has a three-year-old child, has mental and physical health issues meaning she struggles being out of the house. She needed help filling in a Work Capability Assessment (WCA) form in relation to her Universal Credit claim. She said she had asked a number of professionals including her counsellor for help with this but had been “passed around” and not received the help she needed. After contacting the Citizens Advice Adviceline, she was put in touch with Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire. Our Adviser Jacky was able to complete the WCA form with her over the phone. The client was recently informed she has been awarded Limited Capability for Work-Related Activity (LCWRA) status – the best possible outcome for her, meaning she will get an extra amount of money each month. The client has said this will allow her to pay for private healthcare as she is struggling to get the help she needs on the NHS. In a heartfelt email of thanks to Jacky, the client wrote: “I cannot thank you enough for the help you have given me. “I’m so grateful for your assistance and am getting emotional writing this. “You have given me the light I needed to see at this awful time in my life.” The client added: “The fact I have been made LCWRA has relieved a lot of stress and hopefully I can now pay for private healthcare. “Hopefully I can get the help I need, and get a different counsellor and different therapy so I can get better and move towards a different job. “I would describe the service I received as excellent – even more so because I have spoken to lots of professionals and no one would help me. “The help I have received from Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire makes me emotional – they have saved my life.” Case Study Date: July 2023 A client described the service she received from Help To Claim as “excellent” and praised our Adviser Peter’s communication skills after he was able to provide clarity on claiming New Style Employment and Support Allowance (nsESA) alongside Universal Credit (UC). The client has had to stop work for health reasons and had already made a claim for Universal Credit. But she called Help To Claim to find out whether she should be claiming nsESA – either instead or at the same time as UC. She talked through her situation with Peter and he was able to perform calculations to show what she would be entitled to. He found she wouldn’t receive any more money by claiming nsESA as well as UC – as the amount of nsESA she receives would be deducted from her UC. But nsESA payments – of £84.80 per week – would begin sooner and would come more regularly every two weeks rather than monthly. She would also receive £103.40 of UC each month. She said: “Peter was excellent. He was very welcoming on the phone call. He was very empathetic. I found his communication skills to be superb. Ten out of ten. “It’s an ongoing problem but the advice allowed me to take the next step forward.” Case Study Date: July 2023 Our Adviser Kate was able to help a Foodbank Project client receive a backdated payment of more than £4,000. This came despite Universal Credit initially saying the client was not eligible for the payment. The client is a single parent with three children, one of whom receives disability living allowance (DLA). The client receives Universal Credit. The child’s condition deteriorated and as a result, the Department for Work and Pensions increased the DLA payment in January 2022. The client’s Universal Credit did not increase – even though she was eligible for a higher amount due to the change in her child’s DLA payment. The client was told by Universal Credit earlier this year that they had been underpaying her benefit since the change in January 2022; but they would only backdate the increased amount for one month – it seemed they were treating the case as a late-reported change of circumstances instead of a supersession. Kate identified this was a mistake – and advised the client to challenge the decision from Universal Credit not to backdate the increased payment. Following a review, Universal Credit agreed to pay the full backdated amount of more than £4,000. The client said: “I am really, really pleased. Kate is brilliant and it’s not the first time she has helped me. “I wouldn’t have got the backdated payment without her. It will help us massively.” Case Study Date: July 2023 A big congratulations to our Adviser Linda for helping a client get £1,836 in debt written off – which she thinks they would never have been able to repay. The client – who has mental health problems and learning difficulties – had been making regular monthly repayments of £114.40 on a bank loan, but became unable to repay after losing their job. They spoke to the bank who agreed to pause repayments for three months – but when repayments were due to begin again, they would be at a higher rate than previously. The client would not have been eligible for a Debt Relief Order – but Linda pursued the option of using a Debt And Mental Health Evidence form. This was successful in getting the debt written off and will make a huge difference for the client who would not have been able to pay anything towards it, Linda said. Discover [PAGE] Title: Blog Archives - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Our Latest News Search Thanks also to the following Parish Councils: Dodington, Rockhampton, Westerleigh, Hawkesbury Upton, Pucklechurch and others who made donations throughout the year [PAGE] Title: Site Map - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Our Latest News Search Thanks also to the following Parish Councils: Dodington, Rockhampton, Westerleigh, Hawkesbury Upton, Pucklechurch and others who made donations throughout the year [PAGE] Title: Advice from Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Online advice Welcome to Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire offers free, confidential, impartial and independent advice on a wide range of subjects to help people find a way forward. Our face-to-face, telephone and online advice is available to any South Gloucestershire resident who needs it from the age of 15. YOU CAN CONTACT US – our local advisers are available on 0808 278 7947 between 10am and 4pm when we are not open for face-to-face drop-in sessions in Yate (Monday 4pm-6pm, Tuesday 10am to 3pm and Friday 10am to 1pm) excluding Bank Holidays. You can still phone us during face-to-face contact times but you are likely to wait longer and the call will be diverted to national Citizens Advice . Here’s some of our latest news… [PAGE] Title: Fundraising for Schools - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Are you a local school in South Gloucestershire and would you like to fundraise for us? Take on our NEW schools fundraising challenge this autumn! This Autumn, we’re fundraising for our new premises – to make sure many more people can get advice face-to-face in your community. How much can your South Gloucestershire school raise for us this Autumn and make it into our Hall of Fame? £500? £1,000? £2,000? Or even £5,000? You choose! If you would like to get your class or school involved, just email us here to let us know and we’ll send you a thermometer poster to colour in as you go and share your fundraising journey as a school together. You’ll also find below a poster below to put up on your class noticeboards with your target, a poster with ideas on how everyone can fundraise for us as an individual or collectively, and a class fundraising award poster to celebrate your achievements – you may like to do this at the end of every term or at the end of the academic year. Please let us know if you’re taking part and we’d love to see photos of your fundraising activities and how you’re doing on your fundraising target. We’re happy to support you every step of the way – we’d love to promote your activities on social media! Hall of Fame Huge thanks to St Anne’s CE VC Primary school in Oldland Common who have chosen us as one of their charities to support for 2023/24, raising funds for us on their non-uniform day in July. If you want to get involved, just download our resources here: [PAGE] Title: How to get to us - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Y1 – Bristol to Chipping Sodbury Y6 – Bristol to Chipping Sodbury via Cribbs Causeway How to get to us by train Yate Railway Station is located in Station Road. It’s possible to walk from here – taking around 20 minutes to half an hour. How to get to us by car There are a number of car parks near our Yate office in Kennedy Way. It is important to keep to the following time limits or you will get a ticket! Shopping centre car parks off Station Road – four hours Leisure centre car park off Kennedy Road – 12 hours Car park adjacent to Courtside Surgery off Kennedy Road – 12 hours Minor Injuries Unit car park off Kennedy Way – 1 hour Morrisons – accessible from Poole Court Drive – 3 hours B&Q off Station Road – 2 hours Bradley Stoke The nearest bus stop to our Bradley Stoke session at the Jubilee Centre is the Manor Farm roundabout. It’s a short walk from here to the venue at Savages Wood Road. You can get the 73 bus between Bradley Stoke and Bristol Temple Meads or the 963 between Patchway and Winterbourne at this stop. If you are travelling by car, there’s free parking on site. Patchway Station is around 35 mins walk away. Cadbury Heath There’s a northbound bus stop directly outside the Juice Project at Newtown Road – and a southbound stop across Park Crescent. These stops are served by the 19 between Bath and Bristol Parkway, 43 and 44 between Cadbury Heath and Bristol city centre and SB1 between Brislington and New Cheltenham. Anyone getting to the venue by car can park around the green. Stoke Gifford Visiting the community centre in Little Stoke, it’s possible to get both the Y6 (Bristol to Chipping Sodbury via Cribbs Causeway) and the 12 (between Bristol Parkway and Aztec West) from Farley Close and the 12 from Kingsway . There is also free parking on site. Patchway Station is around 30 mins walk away. Emersons Green If you are coming to Emersons Green Village Hall, you can take the 48 and 49 buses between Emersons Green and Bristol city centre from the stops at Church Farm Road. There is parking at the venue but visitors must log their registration number on a monitor at the venue or they will get a £100 fine. Thornbury Thornbury Town Hall is not far from the Rock Street stop, where you can take the T1 between the city centre and Thornbury, 207 between Thornbury and Newtown, Glos., and the 60 and 62 between Thornbury and Dursley, Glos. You can park in one of the town centre car parks including St Mary Street which is free for two hours. Thornbury Railway Station is a five or ten-minute walk away. Walk 50km of the Cotswold Way for us Run 10K for us at the Great Bristol Run Keep the conversation going Read our latest news and advice columns * indicates required [PAGE] Title: Meet the team - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Home > About Our Charity > Meet the team Meet the team Meet Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire’s team of dedicated Volunteers, Staff and Trustees. We’re based in Yate and run drop-in sessions around South Gloucestershire . Volunteers Mary-Anne – Generalist Adviser Mary-Anne has been with Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire for over five years. She is a Generalist Adviser and also helps clients complete forms for claiming benefits. For many years she worked in the health service. Janet – Benefits and Generalist Adviser Janet has been a volunteer at Citizens Advice for more than ten years. She is a Benefits and Generalist Adviser. She helps people to claim benefits, and appeal decisions where necessary. She also gives advice on whatever issues our clients have. She is a former research chemist and science teacher. Jacky – Adviser Jacky started volunteering with Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire in late 2022. She helps people who are applying for health-related benefits, putting to good use her 20 years of experience working in the NHS. Staff Chantal Watts – Chief Executive Officer I have worked for the organisation of Citizens Advice for 24 years . I started as a Volunteer and progressed to a Welfare Benefit Adviser undertaking general and disability forms along with assisting clients with their appeals and tribunal representations. I joined the team at Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire 16 years ago as a Supervisor and then progressed to Operations Manager. I have now been CEO for the past 9 years after the retirement of my predecessor. I have seen many changes over the years I have been with the organisation and hope I have had a positive impact on the lives of our clients. Amanda Wood – Finance & Admin Manager Amanda is our Finance & Admin Manager. Her role is wide ranging but is primarily responsible for dealing with Finance, HR & IT along with all other back office support. She has a wealth of experience having been with the organisation for 25 years. Rebecca Brown – Development Manager Becky is our Development Manager leading on strategy, income generation and communications. Her work is focussed on demonstrating impact to secure much-needed funding to deliver effective advice services. Becky’s an experienced bid-writer and has been working at a senior level in the voluntary sector for over 13 years. Katie Collier – Individual Giving Fundraiser Katie is our Individual Giving Fundraiser, working to raise awareness of our work as a charity through our communications, events and local groups. Katie has worked across the spectrum of fundraising for the last ten years and is excited to get many more people raising money and engaging with the brilliant work Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire does. Katie can be contacted at: [email protected] Julien Bristow-Goldschmidt – Help To Claim Adviser Julien has been with Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire since June 2022. He works on the Help To Claim team advising people on their eligibility for Universal Credit and signposting to other benefits or agencies for further advice. He has previously worked as a benefits adviser at a different charity in Bristol. In his spare time Julien is a big football fan. Eliza – Advice Session Supervisor and Debt Adviser Eliza is an Advice Session Supervisor and Debt Adviser at Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire. She supervises the Friday drop-in session in Yate, supporting the advisers and their clients, to ensure that people using our service get the best advice and support they can with their issue. Eliza is also a debt caseworker and supports clients with their debt problems. Mark Cardwell – Communications Officer Mark is Communications Officer with Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire. He has responsibility for publicising and promoting the vital work we do as well as maintaining strong internal communications. Mark is a former reporter and is keen to continue building valuable relationships between our charity and local media. Mark can be contacted at: [email protected] Trustees John-Paul Corry – Chair John-Paul is a seasoned professional with 30 years of experience in growing international industrial businesses. With a focus on helping organizations to develop and grow, J-P is passionate about creating happier, healthier, and more effective work environments. As our Chair, J-P aims to provide energy, clarity, and meaningful impact in delivering our strategy. Robert Cole – Vice Chair I have been a Trustee for over three years. My background is most recently as a consultant and trainer in organisation change, programmes and projects. Earlier I did research and development in distributed computer systems and networking, including contributions to the early development of the Internet. Discover [PAGE] Title: Visit Us - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: How to get to us Visit Us for Face-to-Face Advice Our face to face advice sessions at 6 venues run across South Gloucestershire, currently in Yate, Stoke Gifford, Bradley Stoke, Thornbury, Cadbury Heath and Emersons Green. Do I need to prebook? No, you are unable to prebook an appointment as all our face-to-face advice sessions are drop-in (unless otherwise stated). These are drop-in sessions and operate on a first come first serve basis. Everyone who sees an advisor will get an initial 15 minute session, where we can help find you information to solve your problems. Please note: Please be advised to leave extra time. We cannot guarantee you will be seen on the day if it is particularly busy and can only be seen when an advisor is available, but our volunteers try and ensure we triage effectively. If necessary, we’ll make you a further appointment to look at it all in more detail. We have a small waiting area in our Yate office with a free book swap available but currently no onsite toilet facilities so please use nearby amenities at the local shopping centre before you arrive. Yate Office, Kennedy Way, BS37 4DQ Monday [PAGE] Title: Our Supporters - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Community fundraising news Thank you to all our supporters. We couldn’t carry our work on without the local community’s support. We are hugely grateful to all our supporters below who have supported us financially in 2022/23. Although our work falls under the umbrella of the national Citizens Advice,  at Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire we operate as a small, independent charity dependent on grants and donations, no matter how small. To find our public financial accounts, please visit our page at the Charity Commission website. Funding from our supporters makes it possible for us to continue providing vital advice for people in South Gloucestershire. If you are a local South Gloucestershire Parish council, local business or grant-making trust who would like to support our work for 2023/4 in general or specific project, please do get in touch. We would like to thank Mangotsfield and Castle Green URC Church and Renishaw Community Fund for their recent donations, as well as Marshfield Farm Ice Cream, Morrisons Yate and Tesco Extra Yate for donated prizes. Yate Town Council [PAGE] Title: News from Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Our Latest News Search Thanks also to the following Parish Councils: Dodington, Rockhampton, Westerleigh, Hawkesbury Upton, Pucklechurch and others who made donations throughout the year [PAGE] Title: Feedback - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: I consent to Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire collecting and storing my data from this form Captcha If you are human, leave this field blank. Local News [PAGE] Title: Our Premises Appeal - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Our current premises in Yate has become too small Will you help us  double the number of people we help? Every 2 minutes, people are turning to Citizens Advice for help as we face the cost-of-living crisis together. In 2022, we helped record numbers of people in crisis with foodbank referrals and emergency support. Three-quarters of people who turned to us for crisis support in 2022 did so for the first time, and already, 2023 is proving to be even worse. We hear about spiralling costs, shortfalls in income and families simply unable to afford even the essentials. Every day we’re talking to people who literally don’t know where else to turn. We’re working hard at Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire to cope with this increasing demand. Since April, we have added an extra session in Yate for out-of-office hours, we run new advice sessions in Emersons Green and now have a new funded project worker coordinating with the NHS primary care trust to enable people with health barriers to access the support they need. Our Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire received an “Excellent” advice rating last year and has worked in the county for nearly 50 years. Despite offering free telephone advice and regular face-to-face drop in sessions across six venues in South Gloucestershire, there are many more people we are still not reaching. We launched a summer fundraising appeal in 2023, but still are looking to raise funds to move into our new home in 2024. We don’t currently have enough advice rooms to cope with the demand and so at our regular drop-in sessions in Yate, people are having to squeeze into our small waiting room, with people sitting on the floor and queuing for our help outside just to see someone to get the help they desperately need. Our current premises are not accessibility friendly, with no public toilets on site and people needing to leave mobility scooters and pushchairs outside. In recruiting additional volunteers and staff to cope with these numbers, we have quickly outgrown our premises and we don’t have enough desk space to enable our volunteer advisors to have the room they need. Will you help us double the amount of people we see face-to-face? Give just £10 to help more local people in our community in their time of need. Our Solution We have just secured a bigger premises in Yate which will allow us to see many more clients at any one time. Our current offices only provide 4 advice rooms where clients can come to us to be heard confidentially, whatever their problem. Our new home would allow us to create 8 advice rooms which would help 80 people every week in Yate alone. At the moment we help over 4,000 people a year. With your donation, we hope to help 8,000 people every year. We need your help to make our new home a welcoming space to everyone who comes, whatever their circumstance. With your funds, we hope to start renovating to make the building fit for purpose –with a new reception area, a larger waiting room for more clients, more advice rooms and larger office space for increasing numbers of volunteer advisors and staff to complete their work safely and confidentially. We want our building to be a warm and welcoming space for local people – providing new sofas and chairs in the new waiting room, with a book and toy corner, space for pushchairs, wheelchairs and mobility scooters. We also want to make sure everyone gets the help they need to be a beacon to everyone who needs us, whatever stage of life. As our new premises will be close to Yate train station we want accessible signage to let people know we’re there for them, visible by road and train. Our Funding Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire is an independent, local charity which means we don’t automatically get national Citizens Advice or government funding. We are reliant on generous donations and grants to sustain our local services. We already run face-to-face sessions almost every day across the county – partially funded by generous local authority and grant-making trusts to provide face-to-face support in Yate, Bradley Stoke, Stoke Gifford, Cadbury Heath, Thornbury and Emersons Green. However, as funding cuts increase and the demand for our services exponentially increases, we need to diversify our income to individuals who are invested in our neighbourhoods, so we can only do it with your help. How to  Donate: Donate online £10 or more directly here. Make a bank transfer: Account name: Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire, Account number: 00020437       Sort-code: 40-52-40 Donate by cheque, payable to ‘Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire’ and return to: Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire, Kennedy Way, Yate BS37 4DQ Find us on JustGiving and CrowdFunder . REGULAR DONATION If you would like to make a lasting contribution to the sustainability of our work across South Gloucestershire, we would really appreciate a regular monthly donation towards our work. You can choose this option through our donate page. MATCH FUNDING We would love to offer match funding for this appeal. If you’re a local business who can contribute to match funding, please get in touch. COMMUNITY EVENTS If you would like to fundraise towards our work through your local group or neighbourhood, please feel free to let us know so we can promote it further. Just write a note saying “For Premises Appeal” if you would like your donation to be restricted to this appeal. LEAVING A LEGACY Want to do a bit more for South Gloucestershire? If you would like to make sure we continue to be at the heart of our community need for many more years to come, perhaps you would consider leaving a donation in your Will? You can still mark it as restricted to our premises appeal fund if you would like – for more information about how to do this, go to Leave A Gift in Your Will page. WANT TO KEEP UPDATED? For more information about our appeal, our move date or how we will spend the money, please feel free to email Katie Collier at [email protected] with any questions or to receive regular updates specifically on this appeal, please email with the subject heading “Premises Updates”. Discover [PAGE] Title: Useful Links - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Home > Useful Links Useful Links In addition to Adviceguide, which is maintained by Citizens Advice, this page contains a number of sites that you may find useful in answering current questions. However, we cannot assume any responsibility for the contents of these other websites. The inclusion of any such site on this page should not be taken as endorsement of any kind by Citizens Advice or by Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire or as any association with its operators However, if you come across any other site that has been useful to you or your organisation in providing information,  advice or advocacy, do let us know which one and how it helped you and we will consider adding it to this page for the benefit of others in South Gloucestershire. Our email address is [email protected] Advice Agencies Locally [PAGE] Title: Information for volunteers Content: Would you like to make a difference to local people in South Gloucestershire? Our Adviser Mary-Anne helping a client Aims and principles of the service To ensure that individuals do not suffer through ignorance of their rights and responsibilities or of the services available; or through an inability to express their needs effectively. To exercise a responsible influence on the development of social policies and services, both locally and nationally. The service is opposed to all forms of racism and discrimination and is committed to ensuring that all services are equally available to all people. Resists and challenges acts of discrimination and undertakes to support its clients and staff when confronted with racial harassment. Seeks actively to conform to the 1976 Race Relations Act and 1984 Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) Code of Practice. Is an Equal Opportunities employer and encourages participation of all ethnic groups at all levels of the service. The Service therefore provides free to all individuals a confidential and impartial service of information, guidance and support, and makes responsible use of the experience so gained. The service offers professional standards of service. It relies on committed volunteers. Availability information It is hoped that all new volunteers will commit themselves to two years voluntary work in the Bureau. The charity asks that advice workers do a minimum of two sessions per week. The rota will be negotiable, but flexibility will be important. Certain days may be particularly busy when one or more extensions may be operating. As others will cover for you when you are on holiday, it is hoped that you will cover for others. The time commitment will commence from the start of the training. Teamwork is an essential feature of working in the service. Team meetings These are held monthly. You will be asked to attend as of these as you can due to the training content. Training to be an adviser The total training time will be approximately 4 months. It takes about six months from the start of basic training to the day when a new worker can go on the rota. There is a further 6 months during which the new adviser is under supervision. By the end of this period the adviser will hope to have achieved the competencies which make up the Certificate in Generalist Advice Work. At an appropriate time in trainees sit in and observe interviews with clients and later progress to conducting supervised interviews under the guidance of an experienced adviser. Training is also given in writing up case notes at the conclusion of an interview. Each training programme is organised by the Training Officer, who is an experienced adviser. For more information, please contact Lead Supervisor Emmanuelle Claverie at: [email protected] Discover [PAGE] Title: Volunteer Vacancies at Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Our Latest News Search Thanks also to the following Parish Councils: Dodington, Rockhampton, Westerleigh, Hawkesbury Upton, Pucklechurch and others who made donations throughout the year [PAGE] Title: Publications - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Home > Publications Publications Read about our most recent Impact Report from 2022/23 , celebrating the achievements and impact for the last year from Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire: Cost-of-living insights reports COL data report Dec 2023 – The latest summary of what the charity has seen in South Gloucestershire in relation to the cost-of-living crisis. It shows the number of people coming to us for help with cost-of-living-related issues is higher than last winter. Other recommended guides from our national Citizens Advice: How to Survive Losing Your Job –  Have you lost your job? This new guide provides lots of useful information to help you through this difficult time. Guide to Parenthood – Having  your first baby soon?  This new  guide will give you lots of practical  information to help you get ready for a big change in your life. Living With Illness & Disability – Do you have an illness or disability?  This new guide will give you lots of information on getting the right help, what benefits you might be entitled to, managing your money and lots more. Discover [PAGE] Title: Volunteer Content: Volunteer Vacancies Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire is a leader in supporting volunteering. Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire is a vital advice charity in the South West. We help more than 4,000 people per year with a huge range of problems including but not limited to benefits, debt, housing, relationships and employment. And our dedicated volunteers are essential to what we do. Our 20 volunteers give 200 hours a week to help the people of South Gloucestershire and have secured £3.7 million in financial outcomes for the people they help in the past year. Volunteers are the backbone of Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire and we would love for you to volunteer with us. We put the highest priority on ensuring that our team of volunteers receive full, up-to-date training. They are also expertly supported on a day to day basis. This ensures that people who use the service receive the best service possible. We are always exploring new and better ways of making volunteering worthwhile. Joining our team can mean more fulfillment, opportunity and learning for you. We’d love it if you could join our team and help us deliver top-quality advice to those who need it in our community. It’s a hugely rewarding role – and we have many team members who have stayed with us for years. There are lots of ways that you can volunteer with us at Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire. You could become a: Generalist face-to-face advisor, working from our Yate office* Generalist telephone advisor working either in our Yate office or from home* Admin volunteer (office/homeworking) Fundraising volunteer (remote) Research and campaigns volunteer (remote) If you are taking up one of these roles, we ask that you commit to giving volunteer help twice a week for two years of work with the charity. [PAGE] Title: Log In ‹ Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire — WordPress Content:
non-profit organization management
Title: Fundraising for Businesses - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Are you a local business looking to help raise money for our local charity? Why not invite us along to do a presentation about our work as a charity or find out what it’s like to be a Citizens Advice advisor? Title: Impact - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Our Stories We may be a small charity, but we are having a huge impact in South Gloucestershire. Title: Get Advice - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: At Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire, we provide: Generalist advice on any topic (received at drop-in sessions or by telephone) Specialist debt and welfare benefits advice (appointment only) Help to Claim on Universal credit advice (by telephone or online here ) Energy saving and water bill workshops (across South Gloucestershire) BSL Information videos on PIP, ESA and Universal credit here Face-to-Face advice How to leave a gift in your will The impact of leaving a gift in your will Make an In Memory Donation Discover 2023 was charity’s busiest year on record Adviser Mary-Anne speaking with a client We’ve helped 6,359 clients so far this year – meaning it is our busiest year on record, with 20% more clients than last year We’ve also seen many more cost-of-living related problems than we did prior to Covid – with more than 250 issues in the month of October compared to an average of less than 100 prior to the pandemic We continued to deliver top-quality advice despite the increasing demand – achieving a green (good) marks in the Local Performance and Quality Framework (LPQF) overseen by national Citizens Advice Growing our team in 2023 Group photo of part of the team during Volunteers Week We’re very grateful to be taking on an additional six Volunteers this winter – thank you and welcome to the team one and all We’ve also launched new projects including When Advice Really Matters (WARM) which links with health services in the region – the Aviva -funded progamme providing remote delivery of advice and the Ingeus -funded project which provides advice to people on probation. Click on the links below to see how you can make a difference today: Donate Today Be Part Of Our Campaigns Partner With Us Leave a Gift in your Will Discover We can help you. If an adviser from your local office is not available at the time of calling, you will be transferred to a national Citizens Advice adviser outside of our area who will be able to give you the same advice. Title: Will you make us your Charity of the Year? Will you make us your Charity of the Year? We’re not. Title: Advice from Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Online advice Welcome to Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire offers free, confidential, impartial and independent advice on a wide range of subjects to help people find a way forward. Title: Fundraising for Schools - Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire Content: Are you a local school in South Gloucestershire and would you like to fundraise for us? Give just £10 to help more local people in our community in their time of need. You can still mark it as restricted to our premises appeal fund if you would like – for more information about how to do this, go to Leave A Gift in Your Will page. The inclusion of any such site on this page should not be taken as endorsement of any kind by Citizens Advice or by Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire or as any association with its operators However, if you come across any other site that has been useful to you or your organisation in providing information,  advice or advocacy, do let us know which one and how it helped you and we will consider adding it to this page for the benefit of others in South Gloucestershire. Title: Information for volunteers Content: Would you like to make a difference to local people in South Gloucestershire? Volunteers are the backbone of Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire and we would love for you to volunteer with us. There are lots of ways that you can volunteer with us at Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Brat Box Subscription: Monthly Enamel Pins and Patches from Artists Content: Subscription Plans What is Brat Box It’s pins. It’s patches. It’s stickers. It’s artists. And it might be you (if you’re cool enough). Brat Box is the creme de la creme of pin and patch clubs. In fact, we are the ONLY pin and patch club out there. We offer a subscription service where members get a curated box of pins, patches, stickers and artist content delivered straight to their door every month. Surprised monthly. Enjoyed daily. Members get more benefits than just the box! 5 items (4 pins or 3 pins and 1 patch + 1 custom vinyl sticker) $49 Retail Value for as low as $23! Free shipping 3 new box themes to choose from every month Discover new artists! Every box includes collectible creator bio cards Customize your box each month with new add-on accessories available at members-only discounted prices! 20% off and free shipping in the member's shop Rewards! Get member exclusive loyalty pins and patches after 4, 8 & 12 boxes. Access to members-only trading and selling group Pause and skip shipments any time. You’ll also get to trade-in one pin or patch every four months But why pins and patches? If you have to ask maybe Brat Box isn’t for you just yet. There's a big resurgence of independent artists transferring their artwork into wearable goods like pins and patches. Now, illustrators, graphic designers, cartoonist and even tattoo artists have a medium to make their work accessible for mass audiences. This has spawned a big (and highly engaged) community of pin and patch heads that are now able show support for their favorite artists without having to spend loads of money on prints that noone will ever see. And these aren't your grandma's pins. They're an awesomely easy, affordable and addicting way to add some personal flair to the everyday. And it’s becoming quite the fashion trend as style bloggers and celebrities have been seen sporting their pieces of flair by making big statements on leather jackets, bags, beanies and denim. To the touch. We lose a lot of the physical world to the internet these days. We share, and tag our friends in funny memes and create our zeitgeist of pop cultural references, but these tokens of recognition seem fleeting. A majority of the work that has been emerging is a reflection of our times. Each piece designed as a way to represent parts of our personalities, but in a 3-D form that you can touch, wear, collect and gift! But CAUTION: starting a collection can lead to addiction. So how does Brat Box work? We're glad you asked! We work with independent artist to curate you a box of pins and patches that’ll you’ll love each month. Since we want your pin and patch collection to represent what you love we’ll ask you to choose specific themes each month to help us get it right. To start a membership, choose a payment plan. You can either pay monthly or prepay and save! Last but certainly not least, we’ll send you a txt/email three to four weeks before each box ships, or a few days after you sign up if you sign up after the 10th, so you can choose a theme for the month. Once we’ve finished curating you the perfect selection of pins, patches and stickers we’ll ship them straight to your door beautifully packaged featuring content about each artist. Subscription plans ALL BRAT BOX PLANS INCLUDE: 5 items (4 pins or 3 pins and 1 patch + 1 custom vinyl sticker) $49 Retail Value for as low as $23! Free shipping 3 new box themes to choose from every month Discover new artists! Every box includes collectible creator bio cards Customize your box each month with new add-on accessories available at members-only discounted prices! 20% off and free shipping in the member's shop Rewards! Get member exclusive loyalty pins and patches after 4, 8 & 12 boxes. Access to members-only trading and selling group Pause and skip shipments any time. Payment plans $30 per box ($6 per item) Prepay and save 4 boxes (7% discount) $28 per box ($5.60 per item) / $112 pre-paid 8 boxes (17% discount) $25 per box ($5 per item) / $200 pre-paid 12 boxes (23% discount) $23 per box ($4.60 per item) / $276 pre-paid Prepaid plans will switch over to monthly plans after the prepaid expires. How much is shipping? $Free.99 for all members shipping to US domestic addresses. If your shipping address is international we’ll charge you $6. Why wouldn’t I just buy my own pin and patches? For starters, we’re not saying you shouldn’t. In fact, you should become a member and still buy your own. Doctors recommend at least on pin or patch for every outfit. Support independent art every chance you get. But foreals, we buy large quantities so we are able to get price breaks and pass savings onto you. Most of the pins and patches we offer run at retail for $8 to $14 each. When you factor in shipping you’re looking at $12 to $17 for one pin. Some plans will save you up to 35% compared buying them yourself. And, we’re professional pin and patch heads so we have our ear to the ground and know who has the hottest stuff out there. If all that’s not enough, from time to time we’ll be offering exclusive pins and patches, and artist content that you won’t get anywhere else. I just signed up, what should I expect? Well, now that you’re on your way to being the envy of all earthlings you should take a minute to meditate on how awesome you are. Feels good doesn’t it. (1) Your Order Confirmation should be waiting for you in your email inbox. We’ve included some details about your membership plan and an estimated ship date of your first box. Look over your order confirmation to make sure all your details are correct. If not, email [email protected] or visit , log in and update your information from your account page. (2) You'll also receive an email with the subject "Membership Perks! You've Unlocked 20% OFF and FREE SHIPPING!" use this to actiavte your Brat Box Shop account. This will award you up to 20% off and free shipping on all your shop orders! (3) Next. Picking your theme! We required that you fork over your mobile phone number during the sign-up process, so make sure your number is correct. Theme selection messages are usually sent out around the 10 to the 15th of every month. Follow up message will be sent to members who have not yet chosen their monthly theme, or to members who join after the initial theme selection messages are sent. If you sign up after the 24th of the month, it's likely you missed the cutoff so you'll receive the next month's box shipment. This means you'll have to wait to pick your theme until the 10-15th of the next month. Usually there will be 2 to 3 themes that you can choose from each month. Picking your theme is a very important step because it helps us make sure we are finding pins and patches that you’ll wear proudly. From the day that we txt you the theme link you have 7 days to make a selection or we’ll end up picking you the most popular theme. What if you missed the theme txt? Don’t worry, we sent you an email as well. You have 7 days to make a selection or we’ll end up picking you the most popular theme. (3) Next. You chill. We work. You collect. We’ll work with all our artist friends to curate an assortment of pins or patches that you’ll wear proudly. Then, we ship them straight to your doorstep for you to wear, collect or gift! Get a cork board, this is going to get out of hand How long does it take to ship after I sign up? We typically ship out on the first of every month unless we’ve notified you otherwise. US domestic shipments usually take about 4 to 5 business days to arrive, and up to 10 business days for international. If you sign up after the 15th of any given month you’ll be put on the next month schedule which means your first box won’t ship out until the next-next month. Can I change my plan? Yes. But you will be shipped the box corresponding to the last plan you will billed for. Your new plan will kick in next shipment. Returns No sendy backsies. But as a member you’ll get the option to trade in. Click here to learn more. Every pin and patch you receive from Brat Box was specially selected just for you, it’s yours forever. If you receive something you already own, or something that you’re not feeling just gift it! I’m sure you have a friend that would wear it proudly. There’s also an amazing pin trading community on Instagram. Billing & Cancellation Ongoing Membership. Your membership begins on the day you choose your plan . Upon signing up and choosing a plan, we'll bill you for the cost of plan plus shipping. In subsequent months, you'll be billed when you pick your theme, or one week before your monthly box ships whichever comes first. This allows you some control over when you are billed. Your Brat Box membership will continue month-to-month unless and until you cancel your membership or we terminate it. You must have Internet access and provide us with a current, valid, accepted method of payment (as such may be updated from time to time, “Payment Method”) to use the Brat Box service. We will bill the monthly membership fee to your Payment Method. You must cancel your membership before it renews each month in order to avoid billing of the next month’s membership fees to your Payment Method. Pause Your Account. If you ever need to skip a shipment, don't worry! You can pause your shipment anytime. To pause your subscription, log in to your Brat Box account, under "Subscription Settings," select "Pause My Account." Your account will automatically unpause and become active for the next month's shipment. Cancellation. Signing up to Brat Box requires a two paid shipment committment. Members will only be able to cancel after two paid shipments. After that you may cancel your Brat Box membership at any time by logging in to your Brat Box account, under "Subscription Setting", and selecting "Cancel My Membership". For prepaid plans, after your shipment credits run out for the boxes you’ve prepaid you’ll be automatically renewed at a monthly plan. You cannot get a refund for prepaid plans, but you are free to cancel whenever you’d like. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] . WE DO NOT PROVIDE REFUNDS OR CREDITS FOR ANY PERIODS OF TIME THAT WERE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. [PAGE] Title: Brat Box Subscription: Monthly Enamel Pins and Patches from Artists Content: [PAGE] Title: Brat Box Subscription: Monthly Enamel Pins and Patches from Artists Content: Get Brat Box Join the best pin and patch club there is. Get a box of artist designed pins, patches and vinyl stickers based on your favorite themes delivered monthly. Sign up now Join the best pin and patch club there is. Get a box of artist designed pins and patches based on your favorite themes delivered monthly. Plus up to 20% off and FREE SHIPPING in our Shop . Three new themes every month! Check out past Brat Box themes. Previous Next Your new favorite flair shop The best destination for RAD pins, patches and small goods from the world's most awesome artists. Subscription members get FREE SHIPPING and 20% OFF on everything. Browse Brat Box Shop What's in a Brat Box? Each month your Brat Box will include 5 items. Pins, patches and a custom designed vinyl sticker. Plus, every item comes with collectible artist cards showcasing creators from around the world! How it works The easiest way to upgrade your pin and patch game. Pick a plan. Pay monthly or prepay. Pins and patches, or just pins. You choose. Pick a theme. Before each box ships, we'll text you a link with different themes to choose from. Chill. We got you. We work with independent artists to curate an assortment of pins and patches you'll love. Flexible subscription plans Monthly or discounted prepaid plans. Skip shipments or add more each month! All Brat Box plans include: 5 items (4 pins or 3 pins and 1 patch + 1 custom vinyl sticker) $49 Retail Value for as low as $23! Free shipping 3 new box themes to choose from every month Discover new artists! Every box includes collectible creator bio cards Customize your box each month with new add-on accessories available at members-only discounted prices! 20% off and free shipping in the member's shop Rewards! Get member exclusive loyalty pins and patches after 4, 8 & 12 boxes. Access to members-only trading and selling group Pause and skip shipments any time. Plans start as low as $23 per box! Up to 50% off normal retail for 5 items when including free shipping! "Best subscription ever. I’ve discovered so many awesome creators and pins! My collection is nuts!" [PAGE] Title: Brat Box Subscription: Monthly Enamel Pins and Patches from Artists Content: Pick your plan All Brat Box plans include: 5 items (4 pins or 3 pins and 1 patch + 1 custom vinyl sticker) $49 Retail Value for as low as $23! Free shipping 3 new box themes to choose from every month Discover new artists! Every box includes collectible creator bio cards Customize your box each month with new add-on accessories available at members-only discounted prices! 20% off and free shipping in the member's shop Rewards! Get member exclusive loyalty pins and patches after 4, 8 & 12 boxes. Access to members-only trading and selling group Pause and skip shipments any time. Monthly plan ($6 per item) / $32 billed monthly w/ assembly I prefer
consumer & supply chain
Title: Brat Box Subscription: Monthly Enamel Pins and Patches from Artists Content: Subscription Plans What is Brat Box It’s pins. You’ll also get to trade-in one pin or patch every four months But why pins and patches? Each piece designed as a way to represent parts of our personalities, but in a 3-D form that you can touch, wear, collect and gift! We work with independent artist to curate you a box of pins and patches that’ll you’ll love each month. Since we want your pin and patch collection to represent what you love we’ll ask you to choose specific themes each month to help us get it right. Last but certainly not least, we’ll send you a txt/email three to four weeks before each box ships, or a few days after you sign up if you sign up after the 10th, so you can choose a theme for the month. If all that’s not enough, from time to time we’ll be offering exclusive pins and patches, and artist content that you won’t get anywhere else. If you sign up after the 24th of the month, it's likely you missed the cutoff so you'll receive the next month's box shipment. This means you'll have to wait to pick your theme until the 10-15th of the next month. Usually there will be 2 to 3 themes that you can choose from each month. From the day that we txt you the theme link you have 7 days to make a selection or we’ll end up picking you the most popular theme. If you sign up after the 15th of any given month you’ll be put on the next month schedule which means your first box won’t ship out until the next-next month. You must cancel your membership before it renews each month in order to avoid billing of the next month’s membership fees to your Payment Method. After that you may cancel your Brat Box membership at any time by logging in to your Brat Box account, under "Subscription Setting", and selecting "Cancel My Membership". Title: Brat Box Subscription: Monthly Enamel Pins and Patches from Artists Content: Title: Brat Box Subscription: Monthly Enamel Pins and Patches from Artists Content: Get Brat Box Join the best pin and patch club there is. Previous Next Your new favorite flair shop The best destination for RAD pins, patches and small goods from the world's most awesome artists. Pins and patches, or just pins. We work with independent artists to curate an assortment of pins and patches you'll love. Title: Brat Box Subscription: Monthly Enamel Pins and Patches from Artists Content: Pick your plan All Brat Box plans include: 5 items (4 pins or 3 pins and 1 patch + 1 custom vinyl sticker) $49 Retail Value for as low as $23!
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Advance & Master Google AdWords Certificate Training Program Dubai Content: PROGRAM DETAILS Google AdWords Certification Search Engine Marketing MasterClass will teach you about the technicalities of Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC), and how it can be used effectively to drive quality traffic to your website, as well as the accompanying terminology and technical skills. During the module, you will understand how to set up a Google AdWords account and develop an AdWords campaign through three key elements: keyword research, ad copy, and landing pages. The module also addresses AdWords campaign settings and ongoing campaign management. You will recognize the features of effective, optimized ads and develop skills in writing compelling and targeted ad copy. Get familiar with various terminologies & tools: Terminologies: Bidding, CPC, CPA, CTR, Conversion Rate, Budget, Targeting, Quality Score etc. Tools: Keyword Planner, Ad Builder, and Display Planner This program is delivered in both Classroom & Online Live Instructor-Led Format. Leverage technology to learn in an Online Live Instructor-Led Format and attend the sessions from the comfort of your home or office. Both formats are delivered by the same trainers & offer the same certifications.​ PROGRAM MODULES AdWords101 Basics AdWords fundamentals. Our hands-on Google AdWords course focuses on how Pay-Per-Click (PPC) works, how to create and structure your company’s account, and how to create a positive ROI paid search campaign from start to finish. MODULE AdWords 201 Advanced This Module will expand on the basics to show you how to make the best use of the tools, reports, and features within AdWords, in order to put power behind your campaigns. We’ll dig into reporting, diagnostic and campaign expansion tools. MODULE AdWords 301 Expert Building on the foundation of our Advanced AdWords course, this training will expand on the basics to show you how to make the best use of programmatic, display, and video ads Download Brochure TRAINING METHODOLOGY All our trainers come with a rich experience of both technique and strategy of digital marketing. Understanding the varied needs of a diverse & multi-cultural audience, our training methodology is designed knowing that “One Size Doesn’t Fit All”, which allows our delegates to learn, unlearn, enjoy, experiment and excel. Instructor Led Presentations Instructor-led presentations followed by live demonstration would make it easy for you to learn & understand the concepts. Group Exercises Participate in Group Exercises to learn from other industry experts & craft parallel strategies. Live Projects You learn when you do it & dirty your hands. With Live Project, you choose a project of your choice & implement what you learn. One-One Counselling Sessions 15 to 30 Minutes of an exclusive session with the trainer would help you define your career & business goals. Assessments & Project Reports Regular Assessments & Project Reports would give us a fair idea about how well are you learning & what needs to be improved. Industry Case Studies Industry Case Studies Best Case Practices in the form of a case study to learn 'How they do it' and 'Why they do it'. Secure your seat in one of the upcoming Google AdWords programs PROGRAM DIRECTOR Gaurav Oberoi Gaurav Oberoi is a Serial Entrepreneur with more than a decade of Experience as a Digital Marketing Thought leader, Technology Entrepreneur, Digital Transformation Consultant & Business Coach. As an official regional Trainer & Speaker for Google Partner Academy, Gaurav has trained over 250 Google Partner Agencies. Gaurav has also been associated with various Google Premier SMB partners in India & Middle East as a Consultant & Business Strategist. Gaurav is a Harvard Business School Graduate with Bachelors of Engineering & Masters in Business Administration (MBA). [PAGE] Title: Digital Industry Advisory Council Board Influencer Members Dubai Content: Call: +971 58 5967769 INDUSTRY ADVISORY COUNCIL The Industry Advisory Council, representing the largest and most influential digital brands, validates all Course Modules & Training Methodology. The council comprises of influencers in the industry who have joined the initiative to bridge the talent gap & build the eco-system of digitally trained professionals in the Internet Economy. By providing expert insights and recommendations, members of the Council ensure that graduates get to learn the most up to date digital modules, build their core competencies and knowledge needed to thrive in their digital careers in Digital Industry. Our Industry council members come from world's largest brands, few of them are presented below. We are working hard to ensure we maintain a healthy mix of influencers in the council. If you want to recommend someone for our Industry Council please write to us at [email protected] Digital Marketing is future of data-driven marketing. It now encompasses Mobile Phones, digital displays, and power of analytics is used to directly reach out to the customers. Ajay Rathi, Sr. Director - IT, Meraas Holding Industry Advisory Council Members Include: [PAGE] Title: Inc Academy Reviews Content: Ministry of Media, Government of Kuwait Nationality: Kuwaiti Gaurav has a good way of explaing the subject. I hope everyone dealing with Social Media can experience this training. Ms. Fatima Redha Hassan Ministry of Projects, Government of Kuwait Nationality: Kuwaiti Gaurav has very good knowledge, good performance, huge ability to explain friendly. This experience will change my life specially at work & will change the way I use Social Media. Mr. Hmoud Saleh Al-Shaheen Ministry of Planning, Government of Kuwait Nationality: Kuwaiti Gaurav is Energetic, thoughtful, excellent deliveance of message. The training was highly professional and most importantly work related. Gina Garaventa Miele Nationality: Swiss​ intense but very interesting days. My KPIs were to learn more twoI took the Social Media Marketing Course and it was of how FB and IG works and have more knowledge when working with an agency. My KPIs were successfully fulfilled and I left the course with a lot more knowledge and a better strategy of how to handle the Social Media channels with an agency. Gaurav was very knowledgeable, approachable and patient. He took the time to help answer everyone's questions and even had time before or after the session for private meetings. Additionally, I appreciate that at the end of day one, he sent us all the documents and many templates and useful tools that we can use on a daily basis. Overall, it was a very fruitful course and I would recommend the course to anyone who is on the client side or even wants to handle the Social Media on their own. Juma AlJallaf Head of Security & Privacy Section - Social Network Department at Dubai Police HQ Nationality: Emirati Thank you very much for the course. We learned a lot. it was really fantastic course, I hope we will take more course Thanks a million. Eliana El Hage Corporate Business Development Director (MEA Region) at IE Business School Nationality: Spanish My second interaction with Gaurav is when I joined his Social Media Course in Dubai. Other than that Gaurav is an expert I had the chance to work with Gaurav twice. My first interaction with Gaurav was when I was Marketing Director at a university in Dubai where he helped us improve our SEM and SEO. Gaurav is a real expert and just by taking a quick look at our accounts he was able to recommend a few changes that had a great positive the subject and all the new advancements, he is a great teacher that can transmit the subject in a very clear way. The course was very beneficial for me as Gaurav went in details through all the big social media platforms and gave the class tips on what usually works and how to optimize results without spending huge amounts. I definitely recommend Gaurav's course to anyone in digital marketing, it's even good for advanced users, a learned a great deal. [PAGE] Title: About KHDA Approved Digital Marketing Institute | Inc Academy Dubai Content: Digital Marketing Training & Consultancy for Professionals , Businesses & Educators Inc Academy, is a leading Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing Training company in the region with its HQ in New York. Inc Academy designs and delivers Digital Marketing & Social Media Marketing training programs to individuals and businesses. Our courses are practical, relevant, and industry-validated. Our expert trainers use a blend of local market insights, digital marketing industry knowledge, and globally recommended training methodologies to deliver extremely engaging and germane training sessions. Inc Academy has delivered training in more than 20 countries, to individuals of over 100+ nationalities, helping them leverage the power of digital to increase their marketing ROI, grow their business or take the next leap in their career. We are committed to delivering top-quality training programs, focusing on clear advice, practical solutions, and proven insights to the future leaders of the media and marketing industries. Our Training Programs are accredited by the Government of Dubai KHDA (Knowledge and Human Development Authority). We are also members of the London-based CPD (Continuing Professional Development). Our Alumni testimonials substantiate the quality and professionalism with which our courses are executed. There are no second thoughts about the fact that Digital has transformed the way we live and work. Inc Academy bridges the digital knowledge gap by bringing together the best industry experts and training methodology, We train ambitious individuals aiming to learn digital to enhance their professional prowess. We Coach, Leaders wanting to take their organizations to the next level using the immense potential of digital. And we also consult businesses on Digital Transformation and capacity building to compete in the digital age. We work with global technology organizations to build the digital ecosystem in the region. With a blend of successful experience, impressive industry credentials, insightful trainers, localized content, and a unique training methodology, we ensure that our delegates get the best experience and knowledge from our services. Industry Advisory Council Members Include: FOUNDER'S MESSAGE The dawn of digital age has not just transformed marketing, but also the way businesses work. As consumers shift online and advertising spends and media activities follow them, there are greater opportunities for everyone online. At Inc Academy, we design and deliver insightful programs to ensure that every delegate is equipped with the necessary skills to grow professionally. As the digital economy experiences exponential growth, the demand for skilled digital professionals is significant and growing. Whether you are a working professional wanting to enhance your skills, or a seasoned business owner wanting to build your brand online, or a digital enthusiast just starting out, our programs are perfect for you. A lot of the current innovation and thinking in marketing is happening through the various digital channels. Our trainer network comprises of expert practitioners from the industry, who deliver first-hand experiences and real-world case studies. I look forward to welcoming you to the next leap of your career. “Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories, you tell.” – Seth Godin, Bestselling Author, and Blogger At Inc Academy, We use a blend of local market insights, digital marketing industry knowledge, and globally recommended training methodologies to equip you with the right tools, which you can use in your business or workplace to amplify the reach and maximize the returns on investments from your online marketing spend. Founder & Managing Director | Inc Academy Proud to have trained thousands of individuals, hundreds of businesses & entrepreneurs. [PAGE] Title: Digital Marketing Agency Dubai | Transparent - Data Driven - Consultancy Based Digital Marketing Company Content: We push at the horizons of what’s possible. delivering the dynamic strategies We don’t stay in our lane – but we always keep our hands on the wheel. We’re a dedicated partner, not a digital add-on: experts not generalists. It’s everything digital should be – and more. INDUSTRIES Retail We’ve got the automation and experience to move fast and drive immediate sales, but also work towards longer-term digital roadmaps for all types of brands – brick and mortar, D2C, marketplace, omnichannel and e-commerce. FMCG The FMCG industry is undergoing a digital revolution with brands moving online and direct-to-consumer, or selling through marketplaces and online channels but looking to have direct client engagement and impact. We use the full scope of our reach to generate content strategy, assets, media reach and performance for all types of FMCG brands. Startups We’ll Match Your Ambition & Drive Every Step Of The Way - We Get it! We know what it’s like to grow a startup from the ground up. After all, that’s exactly what we did. We’re no fluff, common-sense marketers that know how to scale your digital marketing for success. From the smallest seeds grow the biggest ideas. Scaling your startup requires a combination of time, effort and resources to get to the next level. That’s where we come in. We have expertise in all aspects of digital marketing to help your startup flourish. Education The education industry requires a unique digital marketing strategy of generating and nurturing intent over a long period, while still ‘closing leads’ at the pointy end. Our work here engages multiple teams across content, media and performance, working to digital excellence roadmaps. Finance Fintech and traditional financial organisations are aggressively moving online to reach customers directly with data-driven, agile campaigns. We’re well-versed in the complexities of advertising finance online – including channel and legal restrictions, online to offline attribution, and governance. From BNPL fintechs to traditional lenders to insurance – you name it, we’ve worked across it. B2B B2B brands utilise our full service scope – creating and capturing intent with content and media; to nurturing and closing leads with performance channels and marketing automation. We love getting to know unique industries, products and customers, and have worked across finance, insurance, technology, HR and more. Real Estate Ignite Your Digital World with Strategic Marketing Solutions. We implement a paid strategy including creative content that keeps businesses on top of customer minds. We do so through an effective combination of community building, paid acquisition, and social marketing. Travel & Entertainment Travel and entertainment companies bring together our fast-moving retail agency approach with our experience in creating brand and destination intent. This distinctive skill set allows us to work across everything from media and content to highly-tuned performance campaigns online. We work with government travel organisations, destinations, hospitality groups, OTA’s, food delivery and more. [PAGE] Title: Social Media Marketing Course Dubai | Social Media Courses - Inc Academy Content: WORKSHOP Social Media Strategy Workshop Acquire a solid understanding of the foundational principles and key channels of social media marketing. Learn how to develop an integrated and effective social media marketing strategy that aligns with your business objectives. Gain insights on audience targeting, content creation, community management, and measurement to drive engagement and achieve your social media marketing goals. MODULE Social Media For Businesses Leverage social amplification and shareable content for lead generation in your business. Use social listening to identify and target potential leads. Optimize your advertising campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat & LinkedIn to drive quality leads. Maximize your social media strategy for effective lead generation and business growth. MODULE FB, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat & LinkedIn Boost your online presence through targeted social media advertising. Harness the power of content seeding and promotion to expand your reach and increase brand visibility. Learn how to optimize ad campaigns for maximum engagement and lead generation. Implement effective distribution strategies to ensure your content reaches the right audience at the right time. MODULE Advertising on Social Media Discover effective strategies to create and optimize social media advertising campaigns, expanding your brand's reach, acquiring more customers, increasing user engagement, and building strong brand equity across popular social media platforms. MODULE Remarketing on Social Media Learn advanced remarketing techniques to target your loyal customers and engage with visitors who have interacted with your brand on social media. Discover effective strategies to execute a multi-platform and multi-device remarketing strategy, maximizing your brand's reach and driving conversions. MODULE Influencer Marketing & Reporting Understand the impact of influencers on brand perception and learn effective strategies for selecting the right influencers and evaluating campaign success. Discover how to build strong partnerships with influencers to enhance brand awareness, credibility, and reach. Download Brochure TRAINING METHODOLOGY Experienced Trainers: Our team of trainers brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise in digital marketing techniques and strategies. With their diverse backgrounds, they understand the unique needs of a multicultural audience. Our training methodology recognizes that "One Size Doesn't Fit All," allowing delegates to learn, unlearn, experiment, and excel. Join us for an engaging and customized learning experience. Instructor Led Presentations Interactive Learning: Engage in hands-on training sessions, group exercises, and discussions to enhance your digital marketing skills and knowledge. Group Exercises Engage in group exercises to learn from industry experts and develop parallel strategies for effective learning. Live Projects Get hands-on experience with a Live Project of your choice to implement what you learn. Learn by doing and gain practical skills. One-One Counselling Sessions Define your career and business goals with an exclusive 15 to 30-minute session with the trainer. Assessments & Project Reports Regular assessments & project reports help track progress and identify areas for improvement, ensuring effective learning. Industry Case Studies [PAGE] Title: Digital Marketing Course for Professionals - Inc Academy Content: Global Head of Amazon Ads & Performance Marketing, Reckitt Many thanks, Gaurav! You helped me a lot. Senior Manager, Global Campaigns Dubai Tourism Gaurav's skills as a trainer are impeccable. Head of Marketing - Citymax Hotels & Foodmark, Landmark Group SELECTING TRAINING ACADEMY Key points to remember while you evaluate your training partner Selecting the right digital marketing trainer is crucial for gaining comprehensive knowledge and practical skills. Here are key points to consider when choosing a digital marketing trainer: Check if the academy has a Dedicated Trainer rather than a bunch of freelancers Look for trainers who have hands-on experience across multiple industries Choose a trainer who is passionate about teaching digital marketing and considers training as a primary job rather than a side gig Avoid Trainers Tied to Sales or Agencies. This can lead to biased or sales-oriented teaching rather than objective education. Seek training sessions that maintain a professional setup rather than resembling a school setup. Prefer trainers who adopt a consultative-based teaching style, offering personalized attention and guidance. Look for a trainer who incorporates practical applications, case studies, and real-world examples that are also applicable in the local market (regional) into the curriculum. Check reviews and testimonials from previous participants to gauge the effectiveness and quality of the training. HOW TO APPLY IN 3 SIMPLE STEPS Select Course Select the suitable course based on your training needs Select Schedule Choose your cohort/schedule - Online or Classroom. Weekdays or weekends. Secure your seat Book your spot today CAREER PATH REPORT As per our research, over 82% of Candidates got promoted within 6 months after completing their Digital Marketing Course from Inc Academy [PAGE] Title: Specialized Expert Digital Marketing Training Courses for Professionals Content: Using tools to create a basic website or blog for your business. Learn to set up the theme, connect with a domain & be online. E-COMMERCE DEVELOPMENT Get sell go Learn to use eCommerce Website Creation tools to develop your exclusive Online Store to sell your products directly to the customers. Content Specialized Modules CONTENT MARKETING Content Speaks Create the right content for the right persona & show them at the right place at the right price. Learn to promote content across publisher network TIKTOK MARKETING Are you TikTok Ready? Reach diverse audiences around the world through TikTok Ads, an all-in-one marketing solutions platform across some of the world’s fastest-growing mobile apps. Advanced Analytics & SEO Specialized Modules CONVERSION (PIXEL) TRACKING Track conversions using Conversions Tags and Pixels. In-Depth Analytics for Attribution Modeling for eCommerce. ADVANCED SEO Advanced Strategies for SEO Professionals Mobile SEO Strategy, eCommerce SEO & Voice-Based SEO Marketing & Designing Tools SOCIAL MEDIA LISTENING Hussh someone is talking.... Monitor your brand, competitors & discussions across social media and web platforms. Learn to use Listening Tools to stay updated. DESIGNING & EDITING Getting ready for the show Learn to use easy & user-friendly video & photo designing tools for your Social Media & Website. Marketing Automation Specialized Modules EMAIL MARKETING One to many communication Create an effective Email marketing plan using email marketing tools. In addition to this learn to create & interpret Email Marketing Reports. INBOUND MARKETING One to one communication Create an effective Marketing Automation Strategy to automate customer purchase journey, increase retention, cross sell & up-sell. Digital Sales Specialization Modules LEAD GENERATION Sales starts with "hello" Create B2B & B2C lead generation campaigns to generate queries from potential buyers of your products & services. LINKEDIN SALES NAVIGATOR Social CRM to generate more leads & manage existing relationships. LinkedIn to increase Sales & nurture Leads.​ Monetising Specialized Modules AFFILIATE MARKETING Network that gives money Be a part of affiliate networks & make extra income by listing website on publisher network & converting your hobby into a profession. SELLING ON AMAZON Where eveyone buys from Increase sales through 3rd Party platforms like Amazon. Listing & Advertising to put products in front of millions of potential in-market buyers. Mobile Specific Specialization Modules GOOGLE MAPS Get found locally Learn how to use your free Google My Business to create listings that will stand out when customers search online. [PAGE] Title: Specialized Expert Digital Marketing Training Courses for Professionals Content: Using tools to create a basic website or blog for your business. Learn to set up the theme, connect with a domain & be online. E-COMMERCE DEVELOPMENT Get sell go Learn to use eCommerce Website Creation tools to develop your exclusive Online Store to sell your products directly to the customers. Content Specialized Modules CONTENT MARKETING Content Speaks Create the right content for the right persona & show them at the right place at the right price. Learn to promote content across publisher network TIKTOK MARKETING Are you TikTok Ready? Reach diverse audiences around the world through TikTok Ads, an all-in-one marketing solutions platform across some of the world’s fastest-growing mobile apps. Advanced Analytics & SEO Specialized Modules CONVERSION (PIXEL) TRACKING Track conversions using Conversions Tags and Pixels. In-Depth Analytics for Attribution Modeling for eCommerce. ADVANCED SEO Advanced Strategies for SEO Professionals Mobile SEO Strategy, eCommerce SEO & Voice-Based SEO Marketing & Designing Tools SOCIAL MEDIA LISTENING Hussh someone is talking.... Monitor your brand, competitors & discussions across social media and web platforms. Learn to use Listening Tools to stay updated. DESIGNING & EDITING Getting ready for the show Learn to use easy & user-friendly video & photo designing tools for your Social Media & Website. Marketing Automation Specialized Modules EMAIL MARKETING One to many communication Create an effective Email marketing plan using email marketing tools. In addition to this learn to create & interpret Email Marketing Reports. INBOUND MARKETING One to one communication Create an effective Marketing Automation Strategy to automate customer purchase journey, increase retention, cross sell & up-sell. Digital Sales Specialization Modules LEAD GENERATION Sales starts with "hello" Create B2B & B2C lead generation campaigns to generate queries from potential buyers of your products & services. LINKEDIN SALES NAVIGATOR Social CRM to generate more leads & manage existing relationships. LinkedIn to increase Sales & nurture Leads.​ Monetising Specialized Modules AFFILIATE MARKETING Network that gives money Be a part of affiliate networks & make extra income by listing website on publisher network & converting your hobby into a profession. SELLING ON AMAZON Where eveyone buys from Increase sales through 3rd Party platforms like Amazon. Listing & Advertising to put products in front of millions of potential in-market buyers. Mobile Specific Specialization Modules GOOGLE MAPS Get found locally Learn how to use your free Google My Business to create listings that will stand out when customers search online. [PAGE] Title: Inc Digital Academy Expert Thoughts | Digital Industry Insights Content: HD-01, in5 Tech, Investor Hub, Dubai Knowledge Village, Dubai Internet City, Dubai - 54106, UAE "Inc Academy" © 2024 All rights reserved. bottom of page [PAGE] Title: SEO Google AdWords & Google Analytics Course Content: Search Engine Optimization In this module, you will be introduced to a range of specialist tools, on-site and off-site optimization techniques, as well as keyword research practices and link building tactics. MODULE Search Engine Marketing Learn about the key concepts of Google AdWords (Search Advertising, Display, Content & YouTube Advertising Tips & Tricks). This module includes sessions on Programmatic & Remarketing on Google to generate Leads, Increase Sales. MODULE Digital (Google) Analytics Efficiently monitor and optimize your digital marketing strategy, and develop an understanding of key analytics platforms and metrics that can help you to measure its effectiveness. TRAINING METHODOLOGY All our trainers come with a rich experience of both technique and strategy of digital marketing. Understanding the varied needs of a diverse & multi-cultural audience, our training methodology is designed knowing that “One Size Doesn’t Fit All”, which allows our delegates to learn, unlearn, enjoy, experiment and excel. Instructor Led Presentations Instructor-led presentations followed by live demonstration would make it easy for you to learn & understand the concepts. Group Exercises Participate in Group Exercises to learn from other industry experts & craft parallel strategies. Live Projects You learn when you do it & dirty your hands. With Live Project, you choose a project of your choice & implement what you learn. One-One Counselling Sessions 15 to 30 Minutes of an exclusive session with the trainer would help you define your career & business goals. Assessments & Project Reports Regular Assessments & Project Reports would give us a fair idea about how well are you learning & what needs to be improved. Industry Case Studies Industry Case Studies Best Case Practices in the form of a case study to learn 'How they do it' and 'Why they do it'. [PAGE] Title: Best Digital Marketing Course Lagos Nigeria | Adefisayo Akinsanya Content: Call: +971 58 5967769 Booming Nigeria Internet User Instagram user engagement is 10x higher than Facebook and 84% more than Twitter. Facebook remains the Social Media King in terms of Reach. Digital Marketing Training Course Nigeria Adefisayo Akinsanya Corporate Branding & Digital Communications Manager Accion Microfinance Bank Limited My Experience It was practical, insightful and engaging. I thank the team at Inc Academy & Gaurav Oberoi for the insightful experience. We don't have such training quality available in Nigeria. I am glad that I attended this training. I feel more confident & prepared for the Digital Strategy for my Bank. Highly recommended to anyone looking to gain practical knowledge in Digital Marketing. Accion Microfinance Bank Limited Established in 2007, Accion Microfinance Bank has a mission, “to economically empower micro-entrepreneurs and low-income earners by providing financial services in a sustainable, ethical and profitable manner.” The bank which has a license to operate nationally in Nigeria, has an extensive branch network where customers have easy access to various products and services that include savings, loans, micro-insurance and e-commerce. Accion Microfinance Bank has solid shareholder investments from three major banks – Ecobank, Zenith Bank and Citi Bank - as well as International Finance Corporation, a member of the World Bank and Accion Investments - all of which contribute to its strong financial base and allow it to service an ever-increasing number of customers. The bank’s corporate social responsibility focuses on education, in which donations of educational materials and supplies are made to pupils of public primary schools. Accion Microfinance Bank has won several awards including the EFInA Award for the financial service provider that has deepened financial inclusion in Nigeria, the Lagos State Enterprise (LEAD) award for Best Microfinance Bank in Lagos State multiple times, and the LEAD Centenary MFB of the Year, for its impact on socio-economic development, contributions to sustainable development, and its commitment to financial inclusion in Nigeria. CASE STUDY - 2 Booming Ghana Internet User Digital Marketing ecosystem in Ghana is growing at a fast rate. It is important for marketing professionals to learn digital marketing. [PAGE] Title: Advance & Master Google Web Analytics Certification Programs Dubai Content: Call: +971 58 5967769 Google Analytics Certification Program Google Analytics training courses are a hands-on learning experience to develop your understanding of the more technical aspects of Analytics. Each course is a full-day session and packed with real-world examples of how Google Analytics is used. You will learn how you can use Google Analytics on your website and how to harness the platform to track your website’s performance and marketing efforts and are able to analyze and deliver detailed conversion reports with regards to goals, funnels, and conversions. PROGRAM DETAILS Google Analytics Certification The Analytics Masterclass will help you develop the knowledge and skills required to measure, monitor and optimize your digital marketing activity. This will equip you with the technical understanding and insights to build an online reporting structure for your business. In order to monitor and measure online traffic, you will know the range of specialized tools on offer. This module will teach you to set up analytics accounts, views and permissions and apply analytics tracking across your website(s). You will understand the importance of aligning business KPIs with your analytics goal configuration and learn how to utilize the features of Google Analytics to develop a detailed profile of your target audience (location, demographics, technology, devices, and interests). This program is delivered in both Classroom & Online Live Instructor-Led Format. Leverage technology to learn in an Online Live Instructor-Led Format and attend the sessions from the comfort of your home or office. Both formats are delivered by the same trainers & offer the same certifications.​ PROGRAM MODULES Analytics101 Basics Analytics for beginners and intermediate users. An overview of strategy and the platform. You will be able to analyze and deliver detailed conversion reports with regards to goals, funnels, and conversions. MODULE Analytics 201 Advanced Learn how to use powerful tools like campaign attribution and advanced segments, as well as effective methods for setting up goals and improving the integrity of your data. MODULE Analytics 301 Expert This Google Tag Manager course is focused on understanding the Google Tag Manager interface with the hands-on configuration of common Google Analytics measurement use cases. Download Brochure TRAINING METHODOLOGY All our trainers come with a rich experience of both technique and strategy of digital marketing. Understanding the varied needs of a diverse & multi-cultural audience, our training methodology is designed knowing that “One Size Doesn’t Fit All”, which allows our delegates to learn, unlearn, enjoy, experiment and excel. Instructor Led Presentations Instructor-led presentations followed by live demonstration would make it easy for you to learn & understand the concepts. Group Exercises Participate in Group Exercises to learn from other industry experts & craft parallel strategies. Live Projects You learn when you do it & dirty your hands. With Live Project, you choose a project of your choice & implement what you learn. One-One Counselling Sessions 15 to 30 Minutes of an exclusive session with the trainer would help you define your career & business goals. Assessments & Project Reports Regular Assessments & Project Reports would give us a fair idea about how well are you learning & what needs to be improved. Industry Case Studies Industry Case Studies Best Case Practices in the form of a case study to learn 'How they do it' and 'Why they do it'. Secure your seat in one of the upcoming Google Analytics programs PROGRAM DIRECTOR Gaurav Oberoi Gaurav Oberoi is a Serial Entrepreneur with more than a decade of Experience as a Digital Marketing Thought leader, Technology Entrepreneur, Digital Transformation Consultant & Business Coach. As an official regional Trainer & Speaker for Google Partner Academy, Gaurav has trained over 250 Google Partner Agencies. Gaurav has also been associated with various Google Premier SMB partners in India & Middle East as a Consultant & Business Strategist. Gaurav is a Harvard Business School Graduate with Bachelors of Engineering & Masters in Business Administration (MBA). [PAGE] Title: Contact Inc Academy - Digital Marketing Training Company Dubai Content: c/o Happy Samples FZ LLC Investor Hub, HD01, in5 Tech, Dubai Knowledge Village, Dubai Internet City, Dubai - 54106, UAE Ph: +971 58 520 8388 Landline: +971 42967992 [PAGE] Title: Lead Generation Course Dubai for Business Specialized Training Content: Senior VP Commercial Operations, FlyDubai Professional Certification in Digital Marketing is a great course for starter - mid-range knowledge person. Rehab Sharif CEO & Founder WhiteDeal Bahrain & GCC I recommend and certainly encourage others to attend Professional Certification in Digital Marketing Training from Inc Academy. Gaurav is So Good & So Knowledgable. Sarah Thomas Head of Marketing Fitness First Middle East I really enjoyed the training. I am confident that I can build my learnings into our business strategy. Gaurav has excellent knowledge & good delivery method. [PAGE] Title: KHDA Approved Digital Marketing Courses Dubai | UAE | Inc Academy Content: HD-01, in5 Tech, Investor Hub, Dubai Knowledge Village, Dubai Internet City, Dubai - 54106, UAE "Inc Academy" © 2024 All rights reserved. bottom of page [PAGE] Title: Inc Academy Alumni Network | Trained Professionals & Individuals Content: Call: +971 58 5967769 LIST OF COMPANIES We are honored to have trained candidates working for some of the prestigious organizations including Fortune 500 Companies. Below is the list of a few from the region. Government & Charity Organizations [PAGE] Title: LinkedIn Marketing Training Course Dubai | Inc Academy Content: Introduction: Building Profile on LinkedIn Learn how to optimize your profile and build your network Increase your first degree networks to raise your profile Set objectives and optimize your personal and organizations LinkedIn presence Module 1: LinkedIn Company Strategy Create Company Business page on LinkedIn Strategies to optimize the company page Content Strategies to optimize Company page Module 2: LinkedIn Campaign Strategy Key Considerations for an Awareness Campaign Key Considerations for a Consideration Campaign Key Considerations for a Conversion Campaign Module 3: Targeting and Audiences Building Audiences natively in LinkedIn Rules around native audiences Module 4: Campaign Execution & Delivery Defining LinkedIn Campaign Objectives [PAGE] Title: Inc Academy Recommendations & Reviews Content: HD-01, in5 Tech, Investor Hub, Dubai Knowledge Village, Dubai Internet City, Dubai - 54106, UAE "Inc Academy" © 2024 All rights reserved. bottom of page [PAGE] Title: Digital Marketing Course Dubai | Learn Digital Marketing in Dubai UAE - Inc Academy Content: SM Strategy Workshop Acquire a solid understanding of the foundational principles and key channels of social media marketing. Learn how to develop an integrated and effective social media marketing strategy that aligns with your business objectives. Gain insights on audience targeting, content creation, community management, and measurement to drive engagement and achieve your social media marketing goals. SOCIAL MEDIA MODULE Social Media For Businesses Leverage social amplification and shareable content for lead generation in your business. Use social listening to identify and target potential leads. Optimize your advertising campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat & LinkedIn to drive quality leads. Maximize your social media strategy for effective lead generation and business growth. SOCIAL MEDIA MODULE FB, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat & LinkedIn Boost your online presence through targeted social media advertising. Harness the power of content seeding and promotion to expand your reach and increase brand visibility. Learn how to optimize ad campaigns for maximum engagement and lead generation. Implement effective distribution strategies to ensure your content reaches the right audience at the right time. SOCIAL MEDIA MODULE Advertising on Social Media Discover effective strategies to create and optimize social media advertising campaigns, expanding your brand's reach, acquiring more customers, increasing user engagement, and building strong brand equity across popular social media platforms. SOCIAL MEDIA MODULE Remarketing on Social Media Learn advanced remarketing techniques to target your loyal customers and engage with visitors who have interacted with your brand on social media. Discover effective strategies to execute a multi-platform and multi-device remarketing strategy, maximizing your brand's reach and driving conversions. SOCIAL MEDIA MODULE Influencer Marketing & Reporting Understand the impact of influencers on brand perception and learn effective strategies for selecting the right influencers and evaluating campaign success. Discover how to build strong partnerships with influencers to enhance brand awareness, credibility, and reach. BUSINESS WORKSHOP Linkedin Marketing Masterclass Unlock the secrets to success on the world's largest professional network. Learn profile optimization, network building, advertising, and lead generation strategies. Boost your brand's visibility and drive meaningful results. BUSINESS WORKSHOP Email Marketing Masterclass Discover the power of targeted communication. Learn how to build an email list, create engaging content, design effective campaigns, and measure performance. Drive conversions, nurture customer relationships, and maximize ROI. Take your email marketing to the next level. BUSINESS WORKSHOP Basics of Programmatic Media Advertising Learn the essentials of programmatic ad buying, including real-time bidding, audience targeting, and data optimization. Boost your digital advertising skills and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of programmatic media. Download Brochure TRAINING METHODOLOGY Experienced Trainers: Our team of trainers brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise in digital marketing techniques and strategies. With their diverse backgrounds, they understand the unique needs of a multicultural audience. Our training methodology recognizes that "One Size Doesn't Fit All," allowing delegates to learn, unlearn, experiment, and excel. Join us for an engaging and customized learning experience. Instructor Led Presentations Interactive Learning: Engage in hands-on training sessions, group exercises, and discussions to enhance your digital marketing skills and knowledge. Group Exercises Engage in group exercises to learn from industry experts and develop parallel strategies for effective learning. Live Projects Get hands-on experience with a Live Project of your choice to implement what you learn. Learn by doing and gain practical skills. One-One Counselling Sessions Define your career and business goals with an exclusive 15 to 30-minute session with the trainer. Assessments & Project Reports Regular assessments & project reports help track progress and identify areas for improvement, ensuring effective learning. Industry Case Studies Real-world examples and understand successful strategies with industry case studies, exploring 'How' and 'Why' they work. PROGRAM DIRECTOR Gaurav Oberoi Gaurav Oberoi is a highly accomplished professional with a strong background in technology, digital marketing, and training. He holds a degree in Engineering and an MBA from Harvard Business School, which has equipped him with a solid foundation in both technical and business aspects. With over 15 years of experience, Gaurav has established himself as a renowned expert in the field. He has had the privilege of serving as an official Regional Trainer and Consultant for Google, where he has contributed his expertise in digital marketing strategies. Additionally, Gaurav has worked as a Digital Marketing Consultant and Business Coach for numerous companies, leveraging his knowledge to help them achieve their marketing goals. Gaurav's passion for training and coaching has been evident throughout his career. Since 2012, he has been actively involved in training professionals and organizations, empowering them with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in digital marketing. To date, he has successfully trained over 5000 professionals and 250 organizations, making a significant impact on their digital marketing strategies. As a serial entrepreneur, Gaurav has a deep understanding of the digital industry from various perspectives. He has achieved three successful exits within the past decade, demonstrating his business acumen and ability to navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape. Gaurav's diverse experiences, including owning a digital agency, being a client, training others, and working as a software architect utilizing Google and Facebook APIs, have provided him with valuable insights and a holistic understanding of the digital ecosystem. [PAGE] Title: Custom (in-house) Digital Marketing & Digital Transformation Training Content: Contact GOOGLE As Google's Official Training Partner & Google's Regional Trainers, we conducted 40+ Workshops for Google Agency Partners in India & Middle East to build Google AdWords Capabilities. During the program, over 250 agencies were trained on AdWords Selling, Optimization & Certifications. DUBAI TOURISM Trained &established in-house capabilities for DTCM (Dubai Tourism) Marketing Team to effectively Strategize, Audit & Optimize Marketing Campaigns. The training included analyzing and auditing past campaigns, training teams on Programmatic & Google Marketing Platform. Tips to effectively manage the campaigns. TRAINING METHODOLOGY Assessments would give us a fair idea about the learning requirements & kind of content needed. Instructor Led Presentations Instructor-led presentations followed by live demonstration would make it easy for you to learn & understand the concepts. Live Audit The trainer would conduct Live Audits & Analysis of Digital Platforms to make it more real for the candidate One-One Counselling Sessions 15 to 30 Minutes of an exclusive session with the trainer would help you define your career & business goals. Group Exercises Participate in Group Exercises to learn from other industry experts & craft parallel strategies. Contact Clementine Martini Senior Manager, Global Campaigns, Dubai Tourism Gaurav gives a lot of his time and energy before and after the class for one-on-one discussions where participants can discuss some issues more in-depth. Colin Neubronner Vice President Marketing Oman Air I have no hesitation in recommending Gaurav and Inc Academy to any Company looking to upgrade their organizational capabilities in the area of digital and social media marketing. Sarah Thomas Head of Marketing Fitness First Middle East I really enjoyed the training. I am confident that I can build my learnings into our business strategy. Gaurav has excellent knowledge & good delivery method. [PAGE] Title: eCommerce Setup & Development Course - Online Training Content: PROGRAM DETAILS eCommerce Portal Development Specialized Module In this course, you’ll learn how to design your online store without needing any coding experience. First, you’ll establish your brand and what you stand for. Then, you’ll develop your brand identity with a logo and color scheme. Finally, we bring everything together to create your beautiful, custom online store. Course Modules: Design Your Store: Learn how to edit the look and feel of your store. Make a Logo: Use an online logo maker for a fast, free way to build your brand identity. Mobile Design: Get in your customer’s shoes (and phone) and learn to design for the on-the-go shopper. Sales-First Thinking: Looking beautiful is great, but is your online store optimized to make sales? Contact [PAGE] Title: Digital Marketing Training Course for Marketing Professors in Dubai Content: WORKSHOP Brand 'Me' Finding you is easy now, your first impression is no more personal, it is social. Your prospective employers judge you and build perception about you through your online presence. Convert Perception into a 'BRAND'. You as a Brand - 'Brand Me' 16 Hours WORKSHOP Faculty Development Programs Our Faculty Development Programs are aimed at enhancing digital marketing skill-set and training capabilities of marketing course educators. The program enables the participants to develop competence in understanding recent advances in Digital Marketing, to improve pedagogies and to better presentation skills to become effective marketing faculty. The program ultimately trains the trainers to build upon their capabilities & independently deliver digital marketing sessions in the university. Faculty Development Joint Programs Our industry ready, digital marketing certification programs can directly be included in your existing curriculum for students as an optional subject OR as an offering to corporates for their corporate training needs. [PAGE] Title: Free Digital Marketing Course in Dubai, UAE & Riyadh KSA Content: Inc Academy's  Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing Demo Session - Guided To Pursue Digital Marketing Certification Course. 60 Minutes demo for Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing & Social Media Marketing. Meet the trainer: Gaurav Oberoi Learn about our unique training methodology Get answers to your queries Check the vibe of our awesome training venue Demo Session Registration [PAGE] Title: 7 Compelling Reasons to Secure a Digital Marketing Certification from Inc Academy Content: 7 Compelling Reasons to Secure a Digital Marketing Certification from Inc Academy Rated 0 out of 5 stars. No ratings yet In today's digital age, the demand for skilled digital marketing professionals is skyrocketing. As businesses and individuals shift their operations online, there are tremendous opportunities in the field of digital marketing. However, the talent gap in this sector is widening globally. That's where Inc Academy comes in. With tailored digital marketing courses designed for professionals in the Middle East, Inc Academy provides industry-validated programs to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in the digital marketing landscape. In this blog post, we'll explore seven compelling reasons why securing a digital marketing certification from Inc Academy is a smart investment in your career. Here's why you should invest in Digital Marketing Course offered by Inc Academy: 1. Great Reviews from Alumni The reviews and testimonials from Inc Academy's alumni speak volumes about the quality and professionalism of the courses. With training programs conducted in over 20 countries for individuals from more than 90 nationalities, Inc Academy has had the privilege of working with esteemed organizations and professionals, including government officials, entrepreneurs, and marketing professionals from renowned companies. The positive feedback from these individuals showcases the value and impact of the training provided by Inc Academy. We have had the pleasure of hosting Government Officials from Government of Dubai, Dubai Tourism, Dubai Police, Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) Dubai, Government of Abu Dhabi, Ministry of Communication and IT (KSA), General Entertainment Authority (KSA), Government of Kuwait etc. We have also hosted Entrepreneurs and Marketing Professionals from companies like PepsiCo, Unilever, Mediclinic, JW Marriott, Etihad Airways, Savola, Al Marai, Majid Al Futtaim, Chalhoub Group, Al Tayer Group, Fitness First, Mashreq Bank, University of Sharjah, New York University Abu Dhabi, Landmark Group, AW Rostamani, Subway, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, United Foods, Dabur, Etisalat, Midea, Samsung, Zee TV, Jaguar Land Rover and Many more. Here's what some of our Alumni say about the Program & Trainer: "I really enjoyed the training. I am confident that I can build my learnings into our business strategy. Gaurav has excellent knowledge & good delivery method." Sarah Thomas Head of Marketing - Fitness First Middle East "I took the Social Media Marketing Course and it was two intense but very interesting days. My KPIs were to learn more of how FB and IG works and have more knowledge when working with an agency. My KPIs were successfully fulfilled and I left the course with a lot more knowledge and a better strategy of how to handle the Social Media channels with an agency. Gaurav was very knowledgeable, approachable and patient. He took the time to help answer everyone's questions and even had time before or after the session for private meetings. Additionally, I appreciate that at the end of day one, he sent us all the documents and many templates and useful tools that we can use on a daily basis. Overall, it was a very fruitful course and I would recommend the course to anyone who is on the client side or even wants to handle the Social Media on their own." Gina Garaventa Head of Marketing - Miele "I had the chance to work with Gaurav twice. My first interaction with Gaurav was when I was Marketing Director at a university in Dubai where he helped us improve our SEM and SEO. Gaurav is a real expert and just by taking a quick look at our accounts he was able to recommend a few changes that had a great positive impact. My second interaction with Gaurav is when I joined his Social Media Course in Dubai. Other than that Gaurav is an expert in the subject and all the new advancements, he is a great teacher that can transmit the subject in a very clear way. The course was very beneficial for me as Gaurav went in details through all the big social media platforms and gave the class tips on what usually works and how to optimize results without spending huge amounts. I definitely recommend Gaurav's course to anyone in digital marketing, it's even good for advanced users, a learned a great deal." Eliana El Hage Read Customer Testimonials 2. KHDA Accreditation, CPD UK Membership & Industry Validated Programs Inc Academy holds accreditation from the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), Government of Dubai. This accreditation is a testament to the high standards of quality and relevance upheld by Inc Academy's digital marketing and social media marketing training programs. Additionally, Inc Academy is a member of the CPD (Continuing Professional Development) in the UK, further affirming its commitment to providing industry-validated programs. The involvement of industry experts through the Industry Advisory Council ensures that the courses remain up-to-date and aligned with the latest trends and practices. Our Industry Advisory Council has individuals from the largest and most influential technology, education and digital organizations including Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Etisalat, Fetchr & IMT Dubai. By providing expert insights and recommendations, members of the Council ensure that the Program dispenses up-to-date modules and helps participants build their core competencies and knowledge needed to thrive in their careers. 3. Training Delivered by Experienced & Certified Trainer IInc Academy's courses are conducted by Mr. Gaurav Oberoi, a seasoned professional with over 15 years of experience as a technology entrepreneur, digital marketing thought leader, expert trainer, and consultant. Gaurav has been an official regional trainer and speaker for the Google Partner Academy Program and has worked with numerous companies in the Middle East as a digital marketing consultant. His expertise and knowledge bring immense value to the training programs, ensuring that participants receive top-notch instruction and guidance. He is currently the official collaborator for TikTok for business in the Regin Read his recommendations on LinkedIn: 4. Highly Engaging Classroom & Online Live Instructor Led Format Inc Academy offers highly interactive classroom-based and online instructor-led training programs that foster experiential learning in an accelerated format. The programs combine live workshops with hands-on training using important tools and real-world case studies. Whether you choose the classroom or online format, you'll receive the same quality content and engaging learning experience. The professional classroom setup at Inc Academy's Training Facility provides an ideal learning environment, while online sessions leverage technology to deliver live instruction. Our sessions are conducted in a professional classroom setup at our Training Facility at Sheraton Jumeirah Beach Resort, JBR, The Walk, Dubai. Online Live Instructor-Led Sessions are conducted leveraging technology wherein the trainer & attendees learn Live. The trainer & course content for both online and classroom sessions are the same. 5. Globally Recognized Certificates Upon completion of the program, participants will be eligible to earn up to 12 certificates. The participation certificate, accredited by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) Dubai, is awarded by Inc Academy. The program also prepares participants for exam-based certifications from industry giants such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and HubSpot Academy. These globally recognized certificates enhance your professional profile and demonstrate your expertise as a digital marketer. Acquiring these certifications instantly amplifies your professional prowess and value as a digital marketer. 6. Reputed Training Company - with 11 Years of History With a history spanning over eight years, Inc Academy has established itself as a reputed training company. Conducting programs in more than 20 countries for individuals from over 90 nationalities, Inc Academy has built a strong track record of delivering high-quality training and empowering professionals to excel in their digital marketing careers. The experience and expertise gained over the years make Inc Academy a reliable choice for individuals seeking comprehensive and impactful digital marketing education. Previous Batches: 7. Bridging the Digital Marketing Skills Gap in the Industry The digital skills gap is a well-known challenge in the industry, with an increasing number of digital jobs and a shortage of skilled professionals. By enrolling in a digital marketing certification program from Inc Academy, you position yourself to bridge this skills gap and tap into the multitude of opportunities available in the Middle East and beyond. With digital transformation sweeping across industries, having a strong foundation in digital marketing is crucial for entrepreneurs and marketing leaders to maximize their return on investment and evaluate the effectiveness of marketing initiatives. Conclusion Investing in a digital marketing certification program from Inc Academy is a smart move for anyone looking to establish or advance their career in digital marketing. With great reviews from alumni, accreditations, experienced trainers, engaging learning formats, globally recognized certificates, a strong reputation, and the ability to bridge the digital skills gap, Inc Academy offers a comprehensive and valuable learning experience. So, seize the opportunity and enroll in Inc Academy's digital marketing courses to unlock your full potential in the dynamic world of digital marketing. To learn more about upcoming courses or to get your questions answered, reach out to our representatives at +971 52 437 1377 . Your digital marketing journey starts here! 2 likes. Post not marked as liked2 Featured Posts
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AdWords 201 Advanced This Module will expand on the basics to show you how to make the best use of the tools, reports, and features within AdWords, in order to put power behind your campaigns. AdWords 301 Expert Building on the foundation of our Advanced AdWords course, this training will expand on the basics to show you how to make the best use of programmatic, display, and video ads Download Brochure Title: About KHDA Approved Digital Marketing Institute | Inc Academy Dubai Content: Digital Marketing Training & Consultancy for Professionals , Businesses & Educators Inc Academy, is a leading Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing Training company in the region with its HQ in New York. Inc Academy designs and delivers Digital Marketing & Social Media Marketing training programs to individuals and businesses. “Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories, you tell.” – Seth Godin, Bestselling Author, and Blogger At Inc Academy, We use a blend of local market insights, digital marketing industry knowledge, and globally recommended training methodologies to equip you with the right tools, which you can use in your business or workplace to amplify the reach and maximize the returns on investments from your online marketing spend. We know what it’s like to grow a startup from the ground up. Title: Social Media Marketing Course Dubai | Social Media Courses - Inc Academy Content: WORKSHOP Social Media Strategy Workshop Acquire a solid understanding of the foundational principles and key channels of social media marketing. Learn how to develop an integrated and effective social media marketing strategy that aligns with your business objectives. Advertising on Social Media Discover effective strategies to create and optimize social media advertising campaigns, expanding your brand's reach, acquiring more customers, increasing user engagement, and building strong brand equity across popular social media platforms. Here are key points to consider when choosing a digital marketing trainer: Check if the academy has a Dedicated Trainer rather than a bunch of freelancers Look for trainers who have hands-on experience across multiple industries Choose a trainer who is passionate about teaching digital marketing and considers training as a primary job rather than a side gig Avoid Trainers Tied to Sales or Agencies. You will learn how you can use Google Analytics on your website and how to harness the platform to track your website’s performance and marketing efforts and are able to analyze and deliver detailed conversion reports with regards to goals, funnels, and conversions. Title: Inc Academy Alumni Network | Trained Professionals & Individuals Content: Call: +971 58 5967769 Title: LinkedIn Marketing Training Course Dubai | Inc Academy Content: Introduction: Building Profile on LinkedIn Learn how to optimize your profile and build your network Increase your first degree networks to raise your profile Set objectives and optimize your personal and organizations LinkedIn presence Module 1: LinkedIn Company Strategy Create Company Business page on LinkedIn Strategies to optimize the company page Content Strategies to optimize Company page Module 2: LinkedIn Campaign Strategy Key Considerations for an Awareness Campaign Key Considerations for a Consideration Campaign Key Considerations for a Conversion Campaign Module 3: Targeting and Audiences Building Audiences natively in LinkedIn Rules around native audiences Module 4: Campaign Execution & Delivery Defining LinkedIn Campaign Objectives Learn how to develop an integrated and effective social media marketing strategy that aligns with your business objectives. Advertising on Social Media Discover effective strategies to create and optimize social media advertising campaigns, expanding your brand's reach, acquiring more customers, increasing user engagement, and building strong brand equity across popular social media platforms. Learn how to build an email list, create engaging content, design effective campaigns, and measure performance. He has had the privilege of serving as an official Regional Trainer and Consultant for Google, where he has contributed his expertise in digital marketing strategies. Title: Digital Marketing Training Course for Marketing Professors in Dubai Content: WORKSHOP Brand 'Me' Finding you is easy now, your first impression is no more personal, it is social. With tailored digital marketing courses designed for professionals in the Middle East, Inc Academy provides industry-validated programs to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in the digital marketing landscape. Gaurav has been an official regional trainer and speaker for the Google Partner Academy Program and has worked with numerous companies in the Middle East as a digital marketing consultant.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Schedule a Tour and Visit MJDS Content: How did you hear about MJDS?*required Any specific questions you would like answered? We are located in a beautiful campus a short walk away from Lake Michigan. Our address is: 6401 N. Santa Monica Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53092 [PAGE] Title: Lunch - Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: Lunch Exciting Updates to the MJDS Hot Lunch Program! Our goal is to provide a nutritious kosher-style lunch made from scratch (whenever possible), from whole fresh foods. Every hot lunch includes a main protein, carbohydrate and vegetables. EVERY day includes fresh fruit and small dessert. NEW this year, to better serve our families, MJDS will have a vegetarian kitchen! Twice a month there will be a Wednesday hot dog lunch with the hot dogs prepared outside of the kitchen by members of our Family-Teacher-Organization. Prices for these meat lunches will be the same as non-meat lunches. We have increased our options and each day will feature more choices for fresh fruits and vegetables.  Daily lunch prices will return to our 2022 rates of $5.00 for 3K and $5.50 for JK-eighth grade. Discounts are still offered when lunch is purchases for the full year (10 free lunches) or the full month (1 free per month). Below is the menu for the month. You can order the entire month, a full year or choose specific hot lunch dates for your student(s). You may use one order form for up to three students! Please note there are separate menus for 3K students. 3K [PAGE] Title: MJDS Leadership Content: History and Governance Today we lead the school; tomorrow our students will lead the world. In 1981, visionary director Doris Shneidman, two extraordinary teachers, eleven students and their parents believed that having Jewish values intertwined throughout every grade, every day and every educational experience in a pluralistic community Jewish day school would help form the leaders of tomorrow. They could not have known the incredible continuing impact of their vision. MJDS is built on the same core values today. Our school continues to reflect the academic excellence, innovation and Jewish values that allow each child to thrive. Driving our teaching and learning is a focus on wonder, empathy and tikkun olam that prepares every student to excel in a world that is ever-changing. We are grateful for our Board of Directors who are extremely dedicated and generous with their time and resources to ensure a bright future for our school and students. Responsibilities of the Board include: Establishing school policies to ensure that our mission and vision is pursued and upheld Developing and guiding a strategic plan Financial oversight of the school, including the budget and fundraising efforts EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Lina Dreyfus Wallace, President Assistant Director, Wellness URJ Olin-Sang-Ruby Union Institute Allan Carneol, Vice President President Zetley, Carneol & Stein, S.C. Jason Gottlieb, Vice President Senior Product Specialist Emmi Wolters Kluwer Bonnie Klein-Tasman, Vice President and Secretary Professor, Dept. of Psychology University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Rachel Zarem, Vice President and Treasurer Director ManpowerGroup FTO REPRESENTATIVES Carlie Aizenberg Educator Kids' Yoga Instructor Jessica Carpenter Owner Doors Interior HONORARY BOARD MEMBERS Debra Altshul-Stark* Elliot Berman* Nathan Bernstein* Judy Bloch, z"l* Maris Bock* Ric Domnitz* Howard Frankenthal Larry Gellman* Dr. Marc Jacobson* Debra Koenig* Dan Kohl* Steve Kravit* David Lowe* Felicia Miller* Sandy Mitz, z"l* Rick Ross, z"l Michael Schaalman* Dan Sinykin* Martin R. Stein* * Past President of the Board of Directors BOARD MEMBERS Aaron Aizenberg Attorney Kravit, Hovel & Krawczyk, S. C. Lauren Berger Director of Annual Giving Hadassah Brian DeNeve Director of Communications Quad Jason Dropik School Administrator Indian Community School Mark Freedman, MD Senior Partner and Owner Eye Care Specialists SC Sara Galicki Accounts Payable Manager Trike Property Management Ellie Gettinger Director of Digital Learning Jewish Theological Seminary Caren Goldberg Consultant Milwaukee Jewish Federation Lori Jacobson Vice President, Account Management, Ret. MedImpact Healthcare Systems Michael Mazius, PhD Staff Psychologist North Shore Center, LLC Santiago Navarro Principal Bruce-Guadalupe Community School Sharyl Paley, MD Pediatrician Bayshore Pediatrics - Children's Wisconsin Dan Rosenfeld Principal Mid-America Real Estate Sarah Schott Chief Administrative Officer and General Counsel Gravie Peter Sprinkmann President Sprinkmann Sons Corporation Yael Stein Title ID Educator CESA 1 [PAGE] Title: Underwriting - Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: Yes! I will underwrite the MJDS Gala with the following underwriting opportunity:*required Cocktail Hour | Includes website recognition, inclusion in sponsor loop, 6 individual tickets, bar signage ($5,000.00) Mission Video | Includes website recognition, inclusion in sponsor loop, 6 individual tickets, recognition in gala video credits. ($5,000.00) Dinner Wine | Includes website recognition, inclusion in sponsor loop, 2 individual tickets ($2,500.00) Lighting & Sound | Includes website recognition, inclusion in sponsor loop, 2 individual tickets. ($2,500.00) Media | Includes website recognition, inclusion in sponsor loop, 2 individual tickets. ($2,500.00) Flowers | Includes website recognition, 2 individual tickets. ($2,000.00) Photography | Includes website recognition, 2 individual tickets. ($2,000.00) Friend of the Gala | Includes website recognition. ($1,000.00) Help us put every dollar to work for MJDS... Yes, I would like to offset the processing fee. ($25.00) Help us put every dollar to work for MJDS... Yes, I would like to offset the processing fee. ($50.00) Help us put every dollar to work for MJDS... Yes, I would like to offset the processing fee. ($63.00) Help us put every dollar to work for MJDS... Yes, I would like to offset the processing fee. ($125.00) offsetting the processing fee for your payment. To avoid a processing fee, you may send a check to MJDS, Attn: Jeffrey Bern, 6401 N. Santa Monica Blvd., Milwaukee, WI 53217. Thank you!​​ Underwriting Information Please indicate exactly how it should be listed​​​ in any print materials. Contact name: [PAGE] Title: Tribute Message - Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: 6401 N. Santa Monica Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53217 [PAGE] Title: SEARCH - Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: [PAGE] Title: Lower School (first-fourth grade) - Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: Our students enter first grade prepared to: read to learn understand the language of mathematics ask and find answers to questions related to science, social studies and Jewish studies Students use technology to support their roles as consumers and producers of new information. Students learn hot\w to do research so they can become knowledge-seekers and knowledge-creators. The arts play an even larger role in the curriculum as students begin to look through a STEAM lens, incorporating science, technology, engineering, the arts, and math. Hebrew and Jewish studies take on a new meaning as students continue on their journey to becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah and to internalize the Jewish values that are such an integral part of the MJDS experience. Prayer (tefillah) is a regular part of their schooling, as are Jewish holiday celebrations and weekly Kabbalat Shabbat experiences. Students are provided developmentally-appropriate opportunities to “own their learning” by regularly allowing their voice and choice to shine through in what they want to learn about a particular topic. As they continually grow and thrive as learners, they also acquire the grade-level specific skills, habits and core competencies expected of students who will find success throughout their lives. Students have an opportunity to articulate and explore their passions through projects and interdisciplinary learning opportunities. A yearly portfolio of work samples teaches our students how to measure their academic, social and emotional growth over time. Students document their learning using blogs, journals and storytelling, developing a habit of reflecting on their learning each day. Students are taught how to provide feedback to others through peer review and critique. First through fifth grade classrooms use the same language arts and math curriculum, as well as teaching strategies. A reading and writing workshop model of instruction supports individual growth and provides for continuity in instruction. This approach allows teachers to build upon each student’s strengths and provides more scaffolding in the areas in which students may need further support. [PAGE] Title: MJDS Gala | April 17, 2024 Content: Cathy z"l and Arnold Peltz Sheryl and Mike Primakow Jodi Habush Sinykin and Dan Sinykin Cocktail Hour [PAGE] Title: Affordable Customized Tuition Program | Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: FAQ At MJDS, we are committed to providing personalized, values-based education that meets the needs of each student and family. We also believe we have a social obligation to the same commitment to the affordability of an MJDS education. We will work with every family who chooses MJDS so that a fair tuition is possible. We do this with donor and community support and commitment through the Affordable Customized Tuition (ACT) Program. Affordable Customized Tuition The following ranges provide a general picture of the assistance available. Actual tuition is based on each family’s unique financial circumstances and will be set in partnership with Business Administrator Christy Horn. To start a conversation or receive the necessary application to complete, contact Christy at [email protected] or 414-967-8309. Please note that our admissions process is independent from the financial process, and admissions decisions are made without regard to a family’s ability to pay tuition. The confidentiality of your family's personal and financial information is important to us. The forms and supplemental materials shared with us for the purposes of the Affordable Customized Tuition Program are held in strict confidence by our Business Administrator, Christy Horn. Contact Business Administrator Christy Horn at [email protected] or 414-967-8309. Christy will determine a unique, customized plan for each family. FAQ regarding the Affordable Customized Tuition Program Supporting the Advancement of Jewish Education (SAJE) SAJE is an exciting initiative that significantly reduces Milwaukee Jewish Day School tuition for families who work full-time (minimum of 32 hours per week) for a Jewish communal partner agency or synagogue. For new SAJE families, 2022-23 tuition is $6,000 per child per year. SAJE applies to tuition only - fees, fundraisers, after-school programming and grade-level programs are separate. Learn more about SAJE by contacting Business Administrator Christy Horn at 414-967-8309 or [email protected] . See the magic of MJDS for yourself by scheduling a tour with Director of Admissions Michal Deskalo at 414-967-8308 or [email protected] . Milwaukee Jewish Day School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, any gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, national/ethnic origin or ancestry, age, disability, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in the administration of the school’s educational policies, admissions policies, employment policies, financial aid programs or other school-administered programs. [PAGE] Title: Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: received need based financial assistance in the 2022-23 school year 10 represented by the student body 200+ of professional development per staff member 50% are recommended for high school honors classes 100 are involved in the Repairing Together program 3 circle button container Where academic excellence and Jewish values prepare children for a lifetime of success, leadership and engagement with the world [PAGE] Title: Publications - Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: Contact Us Publications The MJDS Annual Report provides an overview of our work during the course of the year and it is a pleasure for us to share our accomplishments with each one of you. [PAGE] Title: MJDS | Jewish Life Content: Tikkun Olam: MJDS Students Build a Tiny Home Jewish Life At MJDS, students do more than learn about Judaism… they live it! The prevailing culture at MJDS reflects the many expressions of Judaism and the diverse dimensions and aspects of Jewish cultural life. Within our school, Jewish art is displayed on the walls, Jewish music is heard in the hallways and Jewish values are integrated into every facet of school life – from Hebrew class, to gym, to science. We create a culture committed to the values of mitzvot (commandments), acts of hesed (kindness) and tikkun olam (repairing the world). Holidays Students experience the holidays, discovering how they bring meaning and value to their lives. In addition to Jewish holidays, MJDS students commemorate events such as Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), Yom Hazikaron (Israel’s Memorial Day) and the Yahrzeit of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin, z”l. These events are observed in a sensitive, age-appropriate manner. Israel A connection to and a love for the State of Israel is an integral part of MJDS. Celebration of Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel’s Independence Day) is an exciting time at our school. We are fortunate to have a shin-shin (representative) from Israel who volunteers at school to help foster this connection. This program brings Israeli teenagers, recently graduated from high school, to Milwaukee where they devote a year of service to the Jewish community before beginning their formal military service in Israel. They share their culture with the students at every grade level. Students learn Israeli dance, participate in the Walk for Israel and collect donations to plant trees in Israel. As a culminating educational, religious and cultural experience, eighth graders and staff chaperones travel to Israel each year. Tefillah Students gather for tefillah (prayer) every day. And on Torah reading days, tefillah is held in the Beit Midrash (chapel). Each year, through our scope and sequence curriculum, students build upon their repertoire of prayers. Student prayer leaders call out pages and serve as role models for the entire school. They recite a set kevah (liturgy) and they learn the kavanah (meaning) of the prayers. On Torah reading days, students in the older grades have an opportunity to read from the Torah scroll. In this egalitarian service, boys are required to wear kippot (head covering) and girls are encouraged to do so if they desire. Tallitot (prayer shawls) are available for students who have become B’nai Mitzvah. Students learn about the practice of wearing tefillin, and are encouraged to wear them if they choose. Shabbat Sing The joy and sanctity of Shabbat are marked each Friday in school in anticipation of the start of Shabbat. Traditionally we celebrate the coming of Shabbat with a weekly morning Shabbat Sing. and classroom Kabbalat Shabbat celebrations for students in 3K through fifth grade. Upper school students prepare to welcome Shabbat with a communal Kabbalat Shabbat program each Friday morning. Teachers and community leaders often join us for upper school Kabbalat Shabbat. Since March 2020 we have been gathering on Zoom for Shabbat Sing and have even enjoyed several special Alumni Shabbat Sing events with over 100 attendees from around the country and even Israel! Contact [email protected] if you would like information to attend virtually. [PAGE] Title: Jewish Music and Tefillah - Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: Torah Schmooze Jewish Music and Tefillah This is a space for us to share our learning of Jewish Music and Tefillah. Updates will be made on a regular basis and we look forward to sharing videos, song lyrics, student work, performances and more! Shabbat Sing is a time honored tradition at MJDS where parents and other family members are welcome and encouraged to attend! Join us on Friday mornings for singing and dancing. Come to school in-person or watch a livestream on Facebook . If you prefer to start signing and dancing right now, just click on a link below! [PAGE] Title: MJDS Fruit and Nuts eFAN Content: MJDS Fruit and Nuts FAN 2023 All proceeds support our Affordable Customized Tuition (ACT) program to help MJDS remain affordable for all families. FAN 2023 ordering is now closed. We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you next year! Families will receive their orders on November 8 for delivery to their supporters. The orders placed for shipping will be processed in mid-November and the actual delivery time will vary based upon the carrier used and any significant weather delays. Thank you for supporting our school while bringing a little sweetness to the world! If you have questions, please contact our FAN Support Team at [email protected] . [PAGE] Title: MJDS Fast Facts | Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: Contact Us MJDS Fast Facts At Milwaukee Jewish Day School, Jewish values are foundational to students experiencing a progressive and multidisciplinary academic curriculum enhancing their quality of education. We understand that each child is an individual with unique interests, strengths and challenges and recognize that social growth builds academic strength and success. Student-owned learning is a guiding principle; MJDS students are supported and encouraged to pursue their interests, digging deeper into their learning through innovative experiences. Established: 1981 Grades: Three-year kindergarten (3K) through eighth grade School Day: 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m [PAGE] Title: Early Childhood (three, four and five years old) - Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: Early Childhood (three, four and five years old) Our application for Early Childhood is available, download & complete today. Apply Our enriching, three-year kindergarten journey is comprised of classes that launch our students on their eleven-year learning path that culminates in eighth grade. The program focuses on exploration, curiosity and Jewish values. Personalized and meaningful academic, social and emotional learning opportunities are at the core of instruction, and the readiness of each child determines the pace, intensity and depth of learning. Jewish values are modeled and integrated into all aspects of teaching and learning, with a focus on kindness (hesed) and wonder and awe (yir'ah). Technology is seamlessly integrated using iPads to enhance communication and creativity through blogs, applications and design tools. Multiple opportunities to explore, discover and create through play-based learning and targeted instruction characterize a typical day in MJDS' kindergarten. Daily Hebrew and Jewish studies complement the language arts, math, social studies and science curriculum. Music, physical education and art are woven into each day, playing an important role in the development of the whole child. Daily communication with parents provides a unique partnership between school and home that allows a window into daily learning and maximizes every child's opportunity for success. MJDS incorporates an innovative and individualized curriculum so young children are empowered to own their learning, setting a solid foundation for growth and development. MJDS Early Childhood details and highlights: Competitive tuition rates. Families can take advantage of full-day three-year old kindergarten Special learning experiences in Hebrew, Jewish studies, art, music and physical education Early drop-off beginning at 7 a.m. (no additional charge) with the option for aftercare until 6 p.m. (M-Th, additional cost) An enriching and supportive learning environment with a student to teacher ratio no greater than 9:1 Option to enroll in the school's delicious hot lunch program (monthly or annual basis, additional cost) Flexible week options available (e.g., child attends four days per week) 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. school day, early dismissal on Fridays If you have any questions, or want to tour our school , please contact MJDS Director of Admissions, Outreach and Alumni Relations Michal Deskalo . [PAGE] Title: Life at MJDS - Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: Life at MJDS Engaged in a world of opportunities Welcome to a vibrant, pluralistic learning community committed to 21st century learning. We inspire our students to own their learning and live their Judaism in a meaningful way through a Jewish Journey that starts in three-year-old-kindergarten and culminates in eighth grade. Our children enrich their Jewish identity as they respectfully explore, debate and embrace Jewish life and learning. Our Jewish values are intertwined in a multidisciplinary curriculum that extends beyond the common core standards and the classroom, into real life experiences that transform students into mensches, problem solvers, critical thinkers and leaders. Discover the world of opportunities that all together can only be lived at MJDS [PAGE] Title: Educational Philosophy - Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: 6401 N. Santa Monica Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53217 [PAGE] Title: Arts Content: How many books can be checked out at a time? Students in kindergarten can check out one book at a time. Students in first through third grade can check out two books at a time. Students in grades fourth through eighth can check out three books at a time. Extra books are allowed for specific projects or reports. Does the library have a policy on donations? The library is happy to accept donations of paperback an hardcover books that are age appropriate for students in kindergarten through eighth grade. Materials that are in excellent condition and meet our selection policy may be placed in our library collection. If you are interested in donating items, please contact our Library Coordinator Cheryl Siegel-Gajewski at [email protected] or 414-967-7136. [PAGE] Title: Torah Schmooze - Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: Torah Schmooze Dear MJDS Community, I’m Joel Alter, parent of twin 1st graders Annael and Ayelet. We’re having a great year at MJDS. With a new year underway, I want to celebrate an important initiative from MJDS’s Gev. Mara Kleiman, and to encourage more of us to participate: Wednesday Morning Torah Schmooze. Each Wednesday from right after 8AM until about 8:45, parents have gathered for discussion on a theme guided by a discussion leader - maybe a parent, maybe a community rabbi, maybe someone who’s both. The prompts for our discussions have varied, from the big but specific question of what guidance Jewish tradition has for raising Jewish kids, to an issue drawn from the Torah portion of the week, such as ‘What defines oppression?’. The presenters open the issues by cracking open the passages they bring. Maybe the Torah, maybe poems, maybe other Jewish texts. The participants bring just one thing: open hearts. This initiative reminds me why I enrolled my children at MJDS: to help them be literate in Jewish tradition not only by gaining specific content knowledge, but by internalizing that tradition is about them and about us - it’s about the lives we live and aspire to. Tradition is not something external to us, an outside resource to be accessed or not, but fundamentally it is a part of us. In order for that to be true for them, it has to be true for us. We have to learn and relearn how to encounter texts and ideas from our tradition in a way that we’re open to them and they’re open to us. The fact that I’m a rabbi in the community does not guarantee that I’m always open to tradition’s voice. Like anyone else, I need to be reintroduced to it all the time. I’m excited about being in this conversation with you. I’m eager for the discoveries that are possible when we open ourselves to the texts of our tradition. Because we have a common stake in this outcome as parents, we’re already primed for this conversation. I’ve already seen that participants are helping one another see clearly and with insight, are lifting each other up, and are forming a community of grateful seekers. I’d love to see more parents join. The Wednesday morning time slot works for some of us and not others. Perhaps we can find alternative time slots during the week. Please be in touch with Gev. Kleiman to let her know what’s possible for you. Thank you to Gev. Kleiman and MJDS. Thank you for considering being a part of this new facet of the wonderful MJDS community. Joel Alter [PAGE] Title: The MJDS Mission Content: Contact Us Who We Are MJDS: Where academic excellence and Jewish values prepare children for a lifetime of success, leadership and engagement with the world. הצהרת כוונות בית הספר היהודי היומי הקהילתי של מילווקי – היכן שמצויינות חינוכית וערכים יהודיים מכינים את תלמידינו לחיים של הצלחה, מנהיגות ומעורבות. Jewish Pluralism It was beautiful in its greatness, in the length of its branches; for its roots went down to abundant water." Ezekiel 31:7 Milwaukee Jewish Day School is a pluralistic Jewish community. Our curricular shorashim (roots) include Jewish text, theology, practice, Israel and memory. We partner with our families, empowering students to develop these Jewish shorashim, nourish their neshamot (souls) and grow into lifelong Jewish learners. "Who is wise? One who learns from all." Pirkei Avot 4 We are rooted in this idea that we learn from others. By exploring the diversity of Jewish tradition, understanding and expression, we better understand our own Judaism. At MJDS, we give students and families the experiences and tools to engage with the world, while creating meaningful Jewish time together. Core Values Empathy Our students aim to understand and be sensitive to the feelings, thoughts and experience of others. Wonder Our students are encouraged to experience curiosity and appreciation of the world around us." Tikkun Olam Our students are taught that our responsibility as Jews, and as people, is to make the world a better place. Rally Cry: Moving From Me to We 2023-24 Strategic Plan MJDS Fast Facts At Milwaukee Jewish Day School, Jewish values are foundational to students experiencing a progressive and multidisciplinary academic curriculum enhancing their quality of education. We understand that each child is an individual with unique interests, strengths and challenges and recognize that social growth builds academic strength and success. Student-owned learning is a guiding principle; MJDS students are supported and encouraged to pursue their interests, digging deeper into their learning through innovative experiences. Established: 1981 Grades: Three-year kindergarten (3K) through eighth grade School Day: 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m [PAGE] Title: Job Opportunities - Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: Contact Us Job Opportunities The Milwaukee Jewish Day School (MJDS) is a private school located in the North Shore of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The school serves students in grades K3-8. Our staff is a mix of people who identify as Jewish and people who don’t. All are welcome. If our beliefs align with your educational philosophy, come meet with us! All staff members at MJDS believe: In encouraging curiosity and awareness of the world around us Each person is an individual with unique gifts who will be loved, respected and valued every day Growth requires risk and FAILure In seeking to understand before being understood In assuming the best of all people In always being solutions oriented Everyone has the ability to heal injustice Learning should be collaborative, student-owned and move each student from engagement to empowerment Why Milwaukee: Our community is an ideal place to live for so many reasons. Our cost of living is 13% lower than the national average, located on the gorgeous shores of Lake Michigan. We are home to three major institutions of higher ed – Marquette, UW-Milwaukee and MSOE along with several smaller local colleges. Madison and Chicago are each only 90 minutes away, and culture abounds in every MKE neighborhood. The Milwaukee Art Museum, Betty Brinn Children’s Museum, the Milwaukee Public Museum, Summerfest, dozens of local music and comedy venues, major pro sports, incredible golf, an incredibly diverse population and oh so many delicious restaurants and breweries for the foodie in you. Thank you for your interest, but currently we have no openings. Milwaukee Jewish Day School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, any gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, national/ethnic origin or ancestry, age, disability, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in the administration of the school’s educational policies, admissions policies, employment policies, financial aid programs or other school-administered programs. [PAGE] Title: Introducing New Staff - Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: Introducing New Staff Introducing New Staff Cristy Danielson - Fourth Grade Lead Teacher Cristy spent the last six years as the 4th grade teacher at Bader Hillel Academy and before that she worked in the Grafton school district for several years.  Her love for children, ability to foster curiosity in students and her belief in our student owned learning philosophy will strengthen our Lower School team. Lani Denny - Lower School Student Coach Lani recently returned to Milwaukee after living in Israel. An MJDS alum and former 4th grade lead teacher, Lani knows our school and community well. She will work closely with teachers and families in supporting the individual needs of students and will join our support services team, helping to strengthen the social, emotional and academic growth of every child. Yael Gal - Upper School Hebrew Teacher Yael is the driving force behind Hebrew at Nicolet and UWM, and we are thrilled that she is returning to MJDS. Yael will help MJDS advance our proficiency approach to second language acquisition, improving our Hebrew program and connection to Israel. Matt Honigman - Dean of Students Matt, an MJDS alum, joins our school as the new Dean of Students. With many years of experience in the elementary grades and deep connection to our community, Matt will  be an outstanding addition, and will  support student growth, accelerate staff development and provide phenomenal customer service to our families and community. Janette Hudson - Upper School Science & Math Teacher Janette is returning to her home state after teaching science and math in Colorado for the last seven years. We are excited for Janette to encourage higher-order thinking and foster a passion for life-long learning, diversity, and social responsibility in our Upper School. Welcome home, Janette! Julia Larson - School Counselor Julia joins MJDS after serving as the school counselor at Atwater Elementary and most recently, Madison Country Day School. With a B.A. in psychology and a Masters in educational psychology, Julia brings incredible experience in, and passion for, meeting the individual needs of every student. She will add valuable depth to our support services team and as a full-time, state licensed school counselor, partner extensively with classroom teachers, administration and our families. Mary Luedtke - Third Grade Lead Teacher Mary will be our new 3rd grade lead teacher. Mary spent the last five years as the 3rd grade teacher at Bader Hillel Academy and before that she worked in the Grafton school district for several years. Mary's passion for 3rd grade, her background and professionalism, curiosity, candor, and most importantly, love for students make her a great fit for MJDS. Rachel Maybird - Development Team Rachel, a current parent and daughter of teacher Karen Arbit, is passionate about MJDS's mission and vision and is looking forward to strengthening her connection with our wonderful community. We are thrilled to welcome Rachel! Becca Segal - Lower School Jewish Studies Teacher Becca, a Milwaukee native,  joins MJDS as a new Lower School Jewish Studies teacher. She brings extensive experience in elementary education, having taught at the Milwaukee French Immersion school for several years. We are delighted to welcome Becca to our school community. [PAGE] Title: MJDS | Jewish Life Content: 6401 N. Santa Monica Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53217 [PAGE] Title: Family Portal Content: This page is protected. Please log in to view this page. Please provide your username and password to log in: Username [PAGE] Title: FAQ | Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: Q. Are there obligations in addition to tuition? A. Tuition affordability at MJDS is all of our responsibility. Every family, no matter their financial circumstances, is asked to do their part to help keep tuition affordable for all. At the start of each school year, you will be asked to participate in a school-wide Fruit and Nut (FAN) sale, a selection of gourmet kosher candies and snack mixes in support of the Affordable Customized Tuition Program. We ask each family to sell a minimum of 75 boxes to friends, family, coworkers and businesses. The sale also includes options for donations to local food pantries and MJDS, and an "opt-out" option to donate to MJDS in lieu of selling product. This sale requires your time, but there is no financial commitment on your part if you are able to sell the minimum number of boxes to others. All families become members of the Family Teacher Organization (FTO). Q. How does the MJDS FTO function? A. MJDS is a community day school where we encourage parent participation to help build a strong, vibrant community. As a part of this community, you agree to donate at least four (4) hours per family each year in various capacities, including but not limited to FTO board of directors, room parent, Shabbat dinner/Ladies/Men’s night event coordinator, etc. Opportunities will be communicated to families during the summer. Additionally you agree to pay a $36 per family membership fee annually. Q. Does MJDS offer transportation? A. Bus transportation is provided by the Nicolet school district to families living within this area. Families that use the bus service pay an annual fee of $135 per family. This fee helps offset the costs for student supervision before and after school and administrative costs associated with coordination of the bus service. Q. Does MJDS offer after-school care programs? A. MJDS offers after-school care for 3K students only. The cost is in addition to tuition. The Harry and Rose Samson Family Jewish Community Center (JCC) provides an after-school care program through Kids Center for MJDS students in junior kindergarten through second grade. This program allows students to remain in a safe, comfortable and nurturing environment while they share activities and enjoy free play and homework time with other students. Fees are set by the JCC. A. You may contact Business Administrator Christy Horn, [email protected] or 414-967-8309. Tuition Affordability Q&A [PAGE] Title: Middle School - TEMPLATE: New Client Site (Custom) Content: Torah Schmooze Upper School (fifth through eighth grade) As students enter upper school, their journey becomes more focused, more rigorous and more empowering. They feel a sense of urgency to be given more voice and choice, as well as authentic opportunities to make a difference in the school and in the community. These critical needs are met through the outstanding teachers, curriculum and philosophy of the MJDS upper school years. Small classes and highly trained academic specialists in language arts, social studies, math, science, Hebrew and Jewish Studies give MJDS students more opportunities to lead and to inspire others. Upper school students live the Jewish values of purpose and repairing the world. Hebrew, Jewish studies and prayer are approached with the guiding questions of “Why and What if?” The relationship between Jewish Studies, Science and Social Studies allows students to connect their Jewish values and ethical issues in those areas of study. At MJDS, we give students and parents a deeper understanding that for us, FAIL is a “first attempt in learning.” It is key to our value of creating an ethic of excellence that MJDS graduates take with them into the world. The end of eighth grade provides students multiple opportunities to demonstrate the success of their learning journey as they transition to various high schools. Area high schools routinely report that MJDS students are well-prepared for the transition, are confident in their ability to learn and participate in classes and sharing their leadership abilities beginning in freshman year. The entire MJDS experience culminates with our annual Israel Trip, when students spend 12 days touring and experiencing the culture of the land. Choice is provided through the ETC (Exploring the Core) program and Omanut (Music and Arts program) enrichment classes. These exploratory courses run four days a week, and children get to expand their interests through a myriad of choices including: guitar [PAGE] Title: Admissions Welcome - Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: Lower School First through fourth grade students are provided opportunities to own their learning, becoming knowledge seekers and creators. Learn more Upper School Upper school students are given more choices and authentic opportunities to make a difference in the community, connecting with their Jewish values. From Our Families MJDS Parent, Shannon W. The decision was difficult to switch our son for one year. The initial idea was his; however, we were responsible for the follow through. We were hoping for an environment where he could learn to advocate for himself, and grow some confidence in his abilities. We have felt that was done and then some. We have seen him really become his own person this year. You all have created such a wonderful environment of nurturing and challenges. We are so grateful for all that you do. - MJDS Parent, Shannon W. MJDS parent, Brad T. These are amazing educators who put the needs of their students first and actively engage all parents daily/weekly. The fact that our son will not have any more in classroom time with them is crushing, but their virtual teaching is amazing. Big props to Wendy Messnick Cohen , Jori Broidy , and Adon Lippman as well. As a parent, I couldn't ask for anything more from our kids' school. As much as it is crushing for parents, know their hearts are probably hurting too. -MJDS parent, Brad T. MJDS parent, Jessica B. We look forward with hope and enthusiasm to when school reopens in person, but we know that until that time, our kids are continuing to move forward with their academic learning, their friendships, and their relationships with MJDS staff, teachers, and the Jewish community. -MJDS parent, Jessica B. MJDS parent, Hannah S. Milwaukee Jewish Day School is doing a great job adjusting to the current situation! I’m so thankful to have these amazing teachers for my kids! I can’t wait to be together at Shabbat sing in person! -MJDS parent, Hannah S. Milwaukee Jewish Day School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, any gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, national/ethnic origin or ancestry, age, disability, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in the administration of the school’s educational policies, admissions policies, employment policies, financial aid programs or other school-administered programs. [PAGE] Title: Faculty and Staff Directory Content: Upper School Student Coach, Athletic Director Staff Professional Development MJDS is committed to the professional and career development of staff to learn about the latest programming and teaching techniques for 21st century learning. Every week, our staff comes together for immersive professional learning that carries on throughout the course of the school year. In addition, our administrators and staff attend a variety of conferences and seminars outside of MJDS to amplify their education: The Prizmah Conference National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Conference The Paradigm Project Conference National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Conference Civic Spirit [PAGE] Title: Sponsorship - Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: MJDS Gala Sponsorship Opportunities Yes! I will sponsor the MJDS Gala with the following sponsorship opportunity:*required Event Sponsor ($18,000) Includes two tables for 8, website recognition, table sign, logo in sponsor loop, Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle print ad recognition, recognition on event signage, podium recognition ($18,000.00) Diamond Sponsorship ($10,000) Includes table for 8, website recognition, table sign, logo in sponsor loop, Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle print ad recognition. ($10,000.00) Platinum Sponsorship ($7,200) Includes table for 8, website recognition, table sign, logo in sponsor loop. ($7,200.00) Gold Sponsorship ($5,000) Includes table for 8, website recognition and table sign. ($5,000.00) Silver Sponsorship ($3,600) Includes table for 8 and website recognition. ($3,600.00) Help us put every dollar to work for MJDS... Yes, I would like to offset the processing fee. ($90.00) Help us put every dollar to work for MJDS... Yes, I would like to offset the processing fee. ($125.00) Help us put every dollar to work for MJDS... Yes, I would like to offset the processing fee. ($180.00) Help us put every dollar to work for MJDS... Yes, I would like to offset the processing fee. ($250.00) Help us put every dollar to work for MJDS... Yes, I would like to offset the processing fee. ($450.00) offsetting the processing fee for your payment. To avoid a processing fee, you may send a check to MJDS, Attn: Jeffrey Bern, 6401 N. Santa Monica Blvd., Milwaukee, WI 53217. Thank you!​​ Sponsorship Information Please indicate exactly how it should be listed​​​ in any print materials. Contact name: [PAGE] Title: Student Wellness - Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: MJDS  follows Wisconsin's Childhood Communicable Disease guidance. Please keep your student  home when they exhibit: Active vomiting or diarrhea – must stay home 24 hours symptom-free. Fever/chills/generalized body aches – must stay home 24 hours fever-free (temp less than 100.4) without the use of fever-reducing medications. Undiagnosed, new, and/or untreated rash or skin condition - cannot return until evaluated by MD. Severe cough which prevents the child from participating comfortably in activities – must stay home until cough resolves and is evaluated by MD. Abdominal pain that continues for more than 2 hours or intermittent abdominal pain associated with fever or other signs or symptoms – must stay home until evaluated by MD. Student can return after 24 hours on antibiotics for a variety of bacterial causes. Doctor's note of clearance for various student-specific medical conditions: Students may be sent home for known or suspected cases of communicable disease. If your child contracts a contagious disease/condition (such as chicken pox, pertussis, strep or impetigo), please notify the school immediately. Before any prescription medication may be administered to a student during the school day, school personnel must receive an administration of medication form completed by a legal guardian and the signature of the ordering provider. Prescription medication must be in its original bottle and clearly marked with the student's name. Please do not place medications in student backpacks. Students are not allowed to keep/carry medications with them during the day. School personnel may not provide ibuprofen or any other over-the-counter (OTC) medication to students during school hours without completion of the administration of medication form . Over-the-counter medication must be in its original bottle and clearly marked with the child's name. Please do not place medications in student backpacks. Students are not allowed to keep/carry medications with them during the day. Immunizations The Student Immunization Law requires that all students through grade 12 meet a minimum number of required immunizations prior to school entrance. All students must complete the Student Immunization Record each school year. These requirements can be waived only for health, religious or personal conviction reasons. Students not in compliance will receive a warning letter from the school. If compliance is not fulfilled within the designation time frame set by the State of Wisconsin, the child’s name and record is sent to the County Health Department and District Attorney’s office. This is per state protocol. Please update the school nurse when your child receives vaccinations throughout the school year. MJDS requires that your physician complete the medical examination form for all new students, and continuing students entering senior kindergarten and seventh grade. The school nurse can request forms annually for students who have special health concerns. Asthma Treatment Forms Guardians of students  with asthma should complete the administration of medication form . MJDS requires that all students in K3 through eighth grade keep spare inhaled medications in the office. Students in fifth through eighth grade may self-administer asthma medications by completing the administration of medication form and the linked Asthma Action Plan . If your student has severe allergies, please complete the administration of medication form and the linked FARE form . If your student requires rescue seizure medications, please complete the administration of medication form and the linked SAP form . If your student requires the use of rescue glucagon,  please complete the administration of medication form and submit the Diabetes Medical Management Plan (DMMP) to the school nurse . The school nurse should be notified immediately if this information changes. [PAGE] Title: Welcome from Head of School - Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: Welcome from Head of School Leading, Succeeding and Engaging Welcome to MJDS! You are entering a learning community where inspiring wonder is the basis for lifelong learning. At MJDS, rather than asking students to memorize information, we empower children to ask questions, find problems and solve them. This fuels their curiosity about the world, both present and future. Student-led learning emphasizes documentation, reflection, questioning, using evidence to find answers, and participating in teams rather than working in isolation. Success is focused on growth and process as students are given opportunities to demonstrate development over time. We are committed to making an MJDS education affordable to every family who chooses to attend through our Affordable Customized Tuition Program. Over half of MJDS families receive assistance and do not pay full tuition. I am thrilled you are taking the time to explore our website and believe the best way to really know us and understand the unique MJDS learning journey is to see it for yourself. I invite you to visit us and experience how we inspire and facilitate our students’ passions in an atmosphere driven by our core values of wonder, empathy and tikkun olam. Spend time at MJDS and you will soon understand what we mean when say that at MJDS, we inspire a passion for learning. As a parent of three current MJDS students, I see the incredible impact of choosing MJDS for your family. I look forward to sharing MJDS with you, through the eyes of our students today and those who are already making the world a better place by leading, succeeding and engaging. Bivrachah, [PAGE] Title: MJDS Gala | April 17, 2024 Content: We are excited to announce the 2024 MJDS Gala celebrating L'dor V'dor, from generation to generation! Save the Date! Wednesday, April 17, 2024 | 5:00 - 9:30 p.m. Italian Community Center 631 E. Chicago St. in Milwaukee's Third Ward. Event highlights include: Musical performance by MJDS upper school choir Dinner by Bartolotta Restaurants with kosher option from Hannah's Kitchen, plus open bar Live auction Sponsorship and Underwriting opportunities are detailed below. Individual tickets to the Gala will be available in early Spring 2024. Sponsorship Levels (includes table) Event Sponsor | $18,000 Two tables for 8, website recognition, table sign, logo in sponsor loop, Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle print ad recognition, recognition on event signage, podium recognition. Diamond | $10,000 Table for 8, website recognition, table sign, logo in sponsor loop, Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle print ad recognition. Platinum | $7,200 Table for 8, website recognition, table sign, logo in sponsor loop. Gold | $5,000 Table for 8, website recognition and table sign. Silver | $3,600 Table for 8 and website recognition. Underwriting Opportunities (includes tickets) Cocktail Hour | $5,000 Website recognition, inclusion in sponsor loop, 6 individual tickets, bar signage. Mission Video | $5,000 Website recognition, inclusion in sponsor loop, 6 individual tickets, recognition in gala video credits. Dinner Wine | $2,500 Website recognition, inclusion in sponsor loop, 2 individual tickets. Lighting & Sound | $2,500 Website recognition, inclusion in sponsor loop, 2 individual tickets. Media | $2,500 Website recognition, inclusion in sponsor loop, 2 individual tickets. Flowers | $2,000 Website recognition, 2 individual tickets. Photography | $2,000 Website recognition, 2 individual tickets. Friend of the Gala | $1,000 Website recognition. Tribute Message Tribute Message | $360 Send a message (25 words or less) in honor or memory of someone to be shared on the screen. Click for more images [PAGE] Title: Repairing Together Content: Donor advised funds from the Greater Milwaukee Foundation Clarice S. Turer Charitable Fund B’nei B’rith Shorewood Private and Anonymous Donors Our Team Elsie Crawford Elsie is the founder and visionary beyond Repairing Together. She is a native of the Netherlands where she earned a degree in Spanish-Dutch translation/interpretation. Prior to immigrating to the United States, Elsie worked for the Dutch Library Association co-developing literacy programs for new immigrants and young adults with learning disabilities. She also worked as a lobbyist with the European Commission on Culture on legislation for European libraries, documentation centers and universities and she worked at the Israeli Embassy in the Hague. Elsie is fluent in Dutch, English, French, Spanish, Hebrew and German. She worked for 9 years at the Milwaukee Jewish Federation managing cultural relationships and delegations between Milwaukee and Israel. Elsie started the Repairing Together project being an alum parent of MJDS, worried that the obvious racial disparities and inequity in society would imprint on young students instead of teaching them openness, curiosity towards others, acceptance and friendships. Robert (Bobby) Ehlrich Bobby comes to Repairing Together after spending the previous three years in urban education in New York City. He holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Wisconsin in Journalism and Political Science. After graduating, he spent a year in Israel teaching English in a school primarily serving recent immigrants. Bobby spent the next three years teaching third and fourth grade in Brooklyn, helping students navigate the pandemic and return to in-person learning. He brings a passion for social justice, education and history with hopes to combine these into a program where students collaborate and bond over their shared histories and turn into lifelong allies for marginalized communities. Our volunteer advisory board provides curriculum, fundraising and evaluation support: Elana Kahn Repairing Together Advisory Board Chair, Elana has performed more than two decades of Jewish communal work. She has dedicated herself to building bridges between people and communities, cultivating belonging, inclusion and countering polarization through personal relationships. Elana has served as Director of Milwaukee's Jewish Community Relations Council (which also responds to antisemitic and racist occurences), Editor of the Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle and the Associate Dean for Outreach at Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership in Chicago. She held leadership roles in interfaith and intergroup efforts within and beyond Wisconsin. Nancy Barnett Advises Repairing Together on community relations and fundraising. She believes in the power of community and participates in many forms of volunteering. She is an officer of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation and the Harry and Rose Samson Family JCC, and sits on the board of the Nathan and Esther Pelz Holocaust Education Resource Center (HERC), the Jewish Community Foundation and Congregation Shalom, her local synagogue. Rabbi Marc Berkson The rabbi of Congregation Emanu’El B’ne Jeshurun since 1999. Active in a wide range of local and regional Jewish, inter-religious, and human relations programs and organizations, Rabbi Berkson brings his love of teaching and his community-building skills to the table. Craig Bonin Sixth grade Math and Science teacher at the Indian Community School. Also serves as Treasurer for the Milwaukee Indian Education Committee (MIEC), serving the academic needs and programs for the Native American community in the greater Milwaukee area. Mr. Bonin earned his undergraduate degree in Elementary Education from Carroll University. He continued his education at National-Louis University where he earned a Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction, then earned an Educational Specialist degree in Administration and Leadership. He is an enrolled member of the Oneida Nation, Bear clan. Karen Bradley, Ed.D. Elementary school Principal in Skokie, IL, with thirty years of teaching and school administration experience. She began her career in education as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Kenya and has since practiced in inner city Chicago, Evanston and Skokie, Illinois. She has extensive experience in curriculum and program development as well as in mentoring other educators at various stages of their careers. Anthony Brazouski, Ph.D. Has served as a Chief Academic Officer at the Indian Community School, Executive Director of Academic Achievement, high school Principal, Assistant Principal, K-12 language arts Coordinator, and high school English teacher. He is currently the Superintendent/Elementary School Principal Herman Neosho Rubicon School District. Mark Denning Anishinaabe name is Nodaway Benaise and he is Sturgeon Clan, enrolled in the Oneida Tribe of Wisconsin. His ancestry includes Menonimee, Mille Lacs Ojibwe, Stockbridge-Munsee, French and English. Mark is an experienced educator, lecturer and curriculum specialist in American Indian history and culture. As a parent of four children, he was fortunate to serve on the board to bring about Milwaukee's Indian Community School, a flagship institution for Urban American Indian education. He has served as an advisor on the Gates Millennium Educational Foundation and is a board member of the Indian Summer Festival. Mark lectures at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee - School of Education. Pnina Goldfarb, Ph.D. Repairing Together Vice-Chair, has been a Research Consultant since 2009 for Wraparound Milwaukee, a program that serves adjudicated youth who have been diagnosed with mental illness. She has over 40 years of experience with children and youth who experience mental & behavioral health issues in a breadth of professional arenas including public and private schools, hospitals, clinics and universities. She has served as an educator, teacher trainer, school consultant, curriculum developer and researcher. Aaron Lippman Head of School at Milwaukee Jewish Day School. He is grateful to work alongside incredible mission-driven educators at MJDS and in service to the Milwaukee Jewish community. He has a Masters in both Education and Administration along with extensive leadership training through the Accelerate Institute, as a Ryan Fellow. Aaron has also worked as a Camp Counselor and Administrator for over a decade in New York and Chicago. Resources Resources for Schools, Families, and Community These resources are meant to be a starting place, not at all comprehensive, to support our schools, families, and wider community in expanding on the work of Repairing Together. Curriculum Resources [PAGE] Title: MJDS | Eighth Grade Israel Trip Content: Tikkun Olam: MJDS Students Build a Tiny Home Israel Trip Since 2008, our students' exploration of their Jewish identity culminates in eighth grade with a whirlwind two-week experience in Israel. This trip provides students with hands-on learning that deepens their connection with Israel and Jewish culture. From the iconic sites of Jerusalem to the warm hospitality of our partnership region of Sovev Kinneret, this is the most powerful Jewish learning experience at MJDS. Class of 2023 [PAGE] Title: Family Portal Content: This page is protected. Please log in to view this page. Please provide your username and password to log in: Username [PAGE] Title: Tikkun Olam Content: Tikkun Olam: MJDS Students Build a Tiny Home Tikkun Olam: MJDS Students Build a Tiny Home Students will get hands-on design and building experience as they create a custom Tiny Home to be delivered to the Veterans Village in Racine. The Veterans Outreach of Wisconsin organization addresses the needs of homeless veterans, providing their own personal home to sleep and relax. Each house has a bed, chair and television. Meals and bathroom facilities are available 24-hours a day in the communal lodge which encourages the veterans to interact with each other and reduce isolation. Follow our journey as we prepare for a Spring 2023 delivery! Student Blog Posts Thursday, March 16: It was raining, and we were tired, so we decided to stay indoors. We went over what we learned, what we did, and what we still need to do. We looked at the blueprints, and we tried to ask and answer questions that we had. Our next steps are to flip over the floor (easier said than done...), put on the other sheets of wood on the other side, and then build the walls. We still don't know if we will build the walls directly on the floor, or build them off of it and then connect them to the floor, but we need to cross one bridge at a time. Tuesday, March 14: We made a mistake last Thursday, and we needed to fix it. The plywood boards on the floor were not square, which would mean the entire house would be tilted and unsteady. Adon Salinski, our woodworking teacher, removed the boards, but then we had to put them on again, which took all of the class time. Although the boards are still a bit over the edge, they were square, which means our tiny house would still be OK. We learned how to put on wood glue, and we had to problem solve how to put on the boards so they wouldn't be uneven. Veterans Village [PAGE] Title: Application Process | Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: 1. Schedule a tour Tours are an important part of the admissions process. Taking a school tour is a wonderful opportunity for families to see the facility, meet teachers and staff, see our students as they learn and ask questions along the way. To schedule your visit click here or call at 414-967-8308. 2. Send application Create an account with FACTS SIS to complete an application for your child. If you have any questions, reach out to [email protected] . Children must be three years old by September 1 to enter three-year old kindergarten. Children must be four years old by September 1 to enter junior kindergarten and five years old by September 1 to enter senior kindergarten. [PAGE] Title: Visitor Background Screening - Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: Other names used, including maiden names​​ Date of Birth*required Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format I authorize Milwaukee Jewish Day School (MJDS) to obtain a background check report on me, including any investigative consumer reports. I understand that, as allowed by applicable law, MJDS may rely on this authorization to order additional background check reports, including investigative consumer reports, as a volunteer, from any CRA without asking me for my authorization again. I understand MJDS may order background check reports under my legal name and any other names I may have used. I also instruct and authorize the following persons, agencies, and entities to disclose all information about or concerning me, as allowed by law, including by not limited to: my past or present employers; learning institutions, including colleges and universities; law enforcement and all other federal, state and local agencies; federal, state and local courts; the military; credit bureaus; testing facilities; motor vehicle records agencies; all other private and public sector repositories of information; and any other person, organization, or agency with any information about or concerning me. As allowed by law, such disclosures may contain the following information pertaining to me: public records; a social security number verification; driving records; military service; credentials/certifications; worker's compensation injuries; and verification of prior employment and education. Signature*required I certify that this information is true and correct. Submit [PAGE] Title: Contact Us - Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: 6401 N. Santa Monica Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53217 [PAGE] Title: MJDS Alumni Content: Alums in Action Leading, Engaging and Succeeding At MJDS we care about each of our students, instilling a lifelong love of learning and the skills to become upstanding citizens. While on their MJDS journey, students develop the mindset and work ethic needed to collaborate, create and succeed in any environment. Our graduates are leaders among their peers and in the larger community. They are passionate, self-assured, critical thinkers who bring their Jewish values to engage and improve our world. To date, more than 800 students have graduated rom MJDS. We invite you to read their stories which illustrate the incredible young men and women who take their knowledge and experiences from an MJDS education and positively impact the world. MJDS Alumni News Congratulations to Sarah Yudkovitch ('20) on her acceptance as a member of the 2020-21 Milwaukee Jewish Teen Philanthropy Board! Ariana Rosenfeld ('18) recently led a three-week program for eighth grade students that focuses on antisemitism. Session one addressed the difference between antisemitism and anti-Zionism. Next week's session will feature a panel of MJDS alumni discussing how they've been impacted by antisemitism, and the program will conclude with a workshop on how students can combat antisemitism in their lives. Joey Weisenberg (‘96) is performing as part of the Kennedy Center's Arts Across America series presented by the National Museum of American Jewish History. Tune in to see and hear him perform "Songs & Dreams" Alexis Block research on the importance of physical contact and specifically hugging was featured in the New York Times . Hilary Miller ('11) was elected as the one student in the world to hold UN Watch's Morris B. Abram Fellowship [PAGE] Title: Why MJDS? | Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: Visit MJDS At MJDS, students blend their creativity, curiosity and determination to form their intellect and develop as people. We inspire students to think differently, to take risks and to follow their passions. Throughout the MJDS journey, students learn how to appreciate, respect and collaborate with one another. Our students and alumni possess self-confidence, self-awareness and pride in their academic pursuits as they endeavor to improve the world. Here’s a few more ways in which we set students up for success... Smaller class sizes allow our teachers to help your child reach their own level of personal success. Teachers and students connect in unique ways, forming strong bonds that create a safe space for each student to realize their own tremendous potential. Our pluralistic community propels our ever-present respect for diversity, and we actively explore each other’s differences through tolerance and understanding. Our curricula and school culture provide a model of social responsibility for students to live a life guided by Jewish values. Academic excellence in a warm and supportive environment gives students a stronger sense of belonging, confidence and strength. “In our son's first year at MJDS, we have seen him blossom. This school ensures that each child feels that he or she is part of a community and a family. The teachers create a warm environment where all children are encouraged to learn creatively and at their own pace. Not only has our son excelled in his schooling, he has developed a strong sense of Judaism. This has brought more Jewish traditions into our home as well. The junior kindergarten year has been a wonderful experience for our son, and our entire family.” – MJDS kindergarten parent. [PAGE] Title: MJDS | Athletics Content: Tikkun Olam: MJDS Students Build a Tiny Home Athletics MJDS athletics are an integral part of our educational program. The athletics program is designed to enhance the overall MJDS experience by helping each student develop skills necessary for personal growth, teamwork and healthy competition. It is through meaningful athletic experiences that students put Jewish values into action, adopt Jewish behaviors and identify Jewish outcomes. For details, contact Athletic Director Adon Brugman at [email protected] . Upper School Athletics Our after-school athletics program allows all upper school students to participate equally in a safe, fun environment. We encourage students to participate in the North Shore Conference, meeting and competing against teams from other area middle schools. Although winning is one goal, the main focus of athletics at MJDS is to build teamwork, learn sportsmanship and practice cooperation. No one is cut from any team based on skill, and play time is divided equally among all players, teams and clubs are open to students of all abilities. Time Frame [PAGE] Title: MJDS Student Resources Content: Visit MJDS Library for FAQs and more information School Library Catalog : Find books owned by the Free Family Library eBooks! : Click here to browse and read our new eBook collection! Contact [email protected] for login and password. BadgerLink : State-funded online research databases CountyCat : Milwaukee County public library catalogs [PAGE] Title: Family Portal Content: Forgot your login? Please enter your email address. Instructions for retrieving your username and password will be emailed to you. Email: [PAGE] Title: Site Map - TEMPLATE: New Client Site (Custom) Content: 6401 N. Santa Monica Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53217 [PAGE] Title: MJDS Public Calendar Content: Fri, Mar 1 Sat, Mar 2 Parents and staff can go to their portals for a detailed calendar. Contact Kia Xiong, [email protected] , for help. [PAGE] Title: Arts Content: Arts (Omanut) At MJDS every student is an artist MJDS upper school students are given space to practice and hone their artistic talents weekly in their Omanut (arts and crafts) classes. Signature programs include: calligraphy
education management
Title: Underwriting - Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: Yes! We will work with every family who chooses MJDS so that a fair tuition is possible. Title: MJDS | Jewish Life Content: Tikkun Olam: MJDS Students Build a Tiny Home Jewish Life At MJDS, students do more than learn about Judaism… they live it! Within our school, Jewish art is displayed on the walls, Jewish music is heard in the hallways and Jewish values are integrated into every facet of school life – from Hebrew class, to gym, to science. Israel A connection to and a love for the State of Israel is an integral part of MJDS. They share their culture with the students at every grade level. Title: Life at MJDS - Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: Life at MJDS Engaged in a world of opportunities Welcome to a vibrant, pluralistic learning community committed to 21st century learning. We inspire our students to own their learning and live their Judaism in a meaningful way through a Jewish Journey that starts in three-year-old-kindergarten and culminates in eighth grade. Title: The MJDS Mission Content: Contact Us Who We Are MJDS: Where academic excellence and Jewish values prepare children for a lifetime of success, leadership and engagement with the world. With a B.A. Title: FAQ | Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: Q. A. A. A. We are so grateful for all that you do. We look forward with hope and enthusiasm to when school reopens in person, but we know that until that time, our kids are continuing to move forward with their academic learning, their friendships, and their relationships with MJDS staff, teachers, and the Jewish community. Title: Sponsorship - Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: MJDS Gala Title: MJDS | Eighth Grade Israel Trip Content: Tikkun Olam: MJDS Students Build a Tiny Home Israel Trip Since 2008, our students' exploration of their Jewish identity culminates in eighth grade with a whirlwind two-week experience in Israel. Title: Application Process | Milwaukee Jewish Day School Content: 1. Please enter your email address.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Study Abroad Programs | Study Abroad Scholarships & Internships Content: Hear From Our Students on the Study Abroad Blog CEA CAPA Takes 3rd in Go Overseas Community Choice Awards | CEA CAPA Content Creator | February 08, 2024 February 08, 2024 CEA CAPA Takes 3rd in Go Overseas Community Choice Awards CEA CAPA Content Creator 10 Hidden Gems I Discovered Studying Abroad in Barcelona | CEA CAPA Content Creator | February 01, 2024 February 01, 2024 10 Hidden Gems I Discovered Studying Abroad in Barcelona CEA CAPA Content Creator Discovering the Passion of Paris by Studying Abroad | Adrien Allen | January 31, 2024 January 31, 2024 Discovering the Passion of Paris by Studying Abroad Adrien Allen First-Generation Student's Guide to Studying Abroad in Rome | Alison Haskell | January 29, 2024 January 29, 2024 First-Generation Student's Guide to Studying Abroad in Rome Alison Haskell Scholarships and funding Think you can't afford to study abroad? Think again! CEA scholarships, grants, payment plans, and financial aid support make finding funding easy. Don't let finances stand in the way of the adventure of a lifetime... Connect with our Financial Services team today to learn about your options [PAGE] Title: Custom Study Abroad Program Development | Start Planning Content: Custom Study Abroad Program Development Start Planning Getting Started CEA CAPA makes it easy for institutions to create and facilitate custom and faculty-led programs while expanding study abroad offerings. We understand how much planning, energy, and effort go into creating a successful study abroad program - and we handle the details, so you don't have to. On this page, we'll walk through the program lifecycle step by step, including CEA CAPA's approach to program development, pre-departure, arrival onsite, and post-program support. Get started today by contacting your institution's CEA CAPA Regional Director to discuss your program ideas. If you're a faculty or program leader, please ensure you work with your department and/or Study Abroad Office to obtain any needed program approvals from your institution. Program Development Choose your program's academic structure CEA CAPA's approach to custom programs allows institutions and students to choose the program that best suits their needs. Our academic program models provide adaptable and versatile programming opportunities across all our study abroad locations. Faculty-Taught: Faculty member(s) leads a group abroad and teaches a specific course(s). CEA CAPA-Taught: Students enroll in CEA CAPA- and/or partner institution-taught courses as part of a specifically designed program. Shared Academics: Faculty member(s) leads a group, teaches a specific course, and students also enroll in CEA CAPA- and/or partner institution-taught courses. Determine Program Duration and Term Program length options include J-Term, summer, Maymester, intersession, quarter, trimester, block, semester, or academic year; programs are typically a minimum of three weeks. Select Your Program’s Location CEA CAPA supports programs in the locations seen below. In each of these cities, CEA CAPA has established programming, infrastructure, and staffing. This allows us to provide robust academic, logistical, and health/safety support for which we’re known. Europe France• Aix-en-Provence• French Riviera: Antibes• French Alps: Grenoble• Paris Hungary• Budapest Spain• Alicante• Barcelona• Granada• Madrid• Seville Latin America Costa Rica• San José Choose Academic Enhancements Our active learning focus allows students to gain a deeper understanding of the curriculum. Both in and out of the classroom, academic enhancements encourage students to connect their first-hand observations to the subjects they study. You may choose to complement your program’s academics with: Guest Lectures *Availability varies based on location and program duration Explore Housing Options We choose housing that provides an optimal experience for students. Housing varies by location and duration of the program, but may include: Shared Apartments Hotels or Hostels Explore Beyond the Classroom Our knowledgeable onsite staff and extensive local networks allow students to explore notable sites with historic, cultural, and scenic value and relate these experiences to their studies. The program may designate specific activities or rely on CEA CAPA’s expertise to design co-curriculars that complement program objectives, such as: Day Trips or Overnight Excursions Cultural Engagement Request a Proposal “Over the six years that we have worked with CEA on our custom program to Rome we have been consistently impressed by the quality of collaboration, the attention to details—both logistical and academic—and the collegiality of the staff both in the US and especially in Rome. Furthermore, CEA’s program pricing has been highly competitive, and they have been very responsive and creative in finding affordable and high quality solutions to our needs. On site, CEA staff members have been fantastic—friendly, efficient, highly professional, and dedicated to the success of our program. The study center in Prati has offered us very well-equipped teaching spaces and has many aspects of our complex program run even more smoothly. They are truly colleagues in our academic endeavor.” William L. North, Associate Professor of History at Carleton College 02 2 We'll Help You Recruit and Prepare Students By: Providing recruitment tools and resources. Offering student support services such as pre-departure forms, visa advising, and addressing student/family questions. Arranging a video call with the program leader and CEA CAPA onsite staff to plan a daily program schedule of activities. Assisting with the design and facilitation of a comprehensive pre-departure orientation. 03 3 Arrival Onsite Once Students and Faculty Arrive OnSite, We Will: Provide airport transfer, an arrival orientation focusing on health and safety during the program, and a tour of the city. Keep onsite staff available during every aspect and stage of the program. Offer 24/7 emergency support and handle student issues as needed. 04 4 After the Program Ends, We Will: Provide transcripts or grade reports as needed. Send program evaluations. Meet with you to debrief and begin planning any future programs. Learn More Find additional information about CEA CAPA's Custom and Faculty-Led programming and support: Why CEA capa? Learn More Program Options Explore the variety of academic disciplines, co-curricular programming, and cultural engagement activities that CEA CAPA can support across our locations. View Examples Signature Programs Learn how you can draw upon CEA CAPA's experiences and expertise to develop a signature program for your institution. [PAGE] Title: Become a CEA CAPA Academic Affiliate | University Partnerships Content: Partner Benefits Support Responsibilities Partner Benefits CEA CAPA wants to assist your internationalization efforts and help your institution expand access to study abroad. By becoming a CEA CAPA Affiliate, your institution will receive a variety of benefits to assist your office and your students. We offer institutions the advantage of access to all our program locations without the need for a minimum cohort. Your institution can issue their own credit or accept credit from one of our School of Record institutions. Support with Campus Internationalization Our Institutional Relations Team is here to help you sort through the various CEA CAPA program models that best fit your school’s internationalization plans. Should you choose to affiliate with us, an agreement that is simple and non-binding, our staff and programming can support your efforts from program development and recruitment to onsite support and alumni initiatives. Customized Marketing Support As CEA CAPA strives to provide varying levels of personalized support to each institutional partnership, our Marketing Team can develop and implement customized marketing solutions for study abroad, internship, and faculty-led programming. We can create marketing collateral such as tailored student recruitment emails, customized websites, institution-branded brochures, presentation templates, and more. Review our Customized Marketing Look Book! What CEA CAPA Asks of Our Partners As a CEA CAPA partner, we ask that your institution agree to support study abroad and formally collaborate on internationalization efforts through study abroad recruitment and operational practices. To this end, we ask our partners to: Highlight Our Programs: Make CEA CAPA literature available to students and display CEA CAPA marketing materials where appropriate on campus. Transfer Credit: Assist students in transferring academic credit from courses taken through CEA CAPA study abroad programs. Process Financial Aid: Facilitate the transfer of financial aid for eligible students who wish to study abroad through CEA CAPA. Promote Visits: Help arrange for CEA CAPA representatives to meet with prospective students and faculty, including study abroad fairs, classroom/office visits, or tables on campus, when appropriate. Consider Additional Programming: Examine the opportunity for additional programming for returning and alumni study abroad students to ease re-entry to the home academic institution and encourage future study abroad advocacy. To learn more, please contact your Regional Director or [email protected] . Receive a $750 Flight Credit when you apply by February 14, 2024 Get your flight credit code and access to Passbook in two easy steps. With Passbook, you can track your favorite programs and courses, save flight credits, and watch videos on the destination you're interested in. [PAGE] Title: Custom Study Abroad Programs | The CEA CAPA Advantage Content: Institutions can rely on us to ensure every detail is taken care of for the custom program abroad-from accommodations and classroom space to student visa advising, and risk management. Accommodations in shared student apartments, residence halls, hotels, or homestays Faculty services and support, including apartment accommodation Airport transfer/pickup Classroom space and academic calendar Experience and dedicated onsite support staff Insurance and risk management Health and safety locater app Visa advising for students and faculty CEA CAPA's Partner Marketing team is here to provide a consultative marketing approach to assist in promoting and recruiting for the custom program. Customized marketing support can include: Flyers, posters, presentations, digital signage, social media posts, and email campaign templates highlighting your program. Assistance with on-campus informational sessions, presentations, tabling at study abroad fairs, etc. Pre-Departure Support Each custom program is assigned a dedicated US-based CEA CAPA Custom Program Manager. Pre-departure support includes: Pre-Departure Programming Support: CEA CAPA will arrange video conference calls to introduce CEA CAPA’s onsite team and review all aspects of the program proposal details. The CEA CAPA Custom Program Manager will work closely with the institution personnel to finalize program inclusions and incorporate the program elements into a final program calendar by 30 days prior to the program start date. Pre-Departure Student Advising: A dedicated CEA CAPA Student Advisor is the main contact for your students from the time they are confirmed until the program beings. Advisors are trained to advise students on a variety of topics including health and safety, identity, and cultural integration. Enrollment Management: CEA CAPA can design customized pre-departure communications to capture student information and preferences such as: emergency contact information, health information, housing preferences, course registration, and more. Pre-Departure Orientation: CEA CAPA can organize a virtual pre-departure orientation for the group, which may be recorded. This orientation can set expectations for the program, review health and safety protocols, advise on entry into the country, and provide recommendations for packing. OnSite Support Each CEA CAPA custom program location has dedicated staff who are fully available to assist students and faculty in country. Each program has a comprehensive orientation process and offers a high level of hands-on support throughout the duration of the program. Faculty & Program Support: CEA CAPA staff are responsible for ensuring the program runs smoothly and according to plan. They can assist with any questions or concerns related to program resources, bookings, housing, and other guidance. Student Advising & Support: CEA CAPA staff are available to advise students on any issues they may encounter while abroad and are trained to deal with the variety of issues such as health and safety, personal and academic advising, travel and specific cultural events and activities, housing and roommate issues, identity, and cultural integration. Health, Safety Support, and Risk Management We prioritize the safety and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff at each step of the custom program process. In all CEA locations, we’ve established emergency response procedures and safety protocols aligned with the Forum on Education Abroad’s Standards of Good Practices. In addition, we utilize resources from the U.S. Department of State, NAFSA: Association of International Educators, Overseas Security Advisory Council, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the World Health Organization. CEA also enrolls all students and faculty leaders in a mandatory medical insurance and emergency support plan. This uniform policy ensures that program participants have the insurance coverage they need abroad, while allowing CEA staff to respond expediently and consistently if emergencies arise. “I could not have been more pleased with the level of professionalism, attention to detail, helpfulness, and enthusiasm that CEA provided throughout the process. Not only was the Phoenix staff extremely helpful and timely, but the on the ground staff in Paris went above and beyond our expectations. And while I believe that partnering with CEA for a study abroad is perfect for a first time program or faculty member, even an old pro like me can benefit from their excellent level of service and commitment. Thank you CEA and we look forward to being back in Paris!!” Dr. Chris Haynes, Assistant Professor of Political Science at University of New Haven Learn More Find additional information about CEA CAPA's Custom and Faculty-Led programming and support: Program Options Explore the variety of academic disciplines, co-curricular programming, and cultural engagement activities that CEA CAPA can support across our locations. View Examples Start Planning Walk through the program lifecycle, including CEA CAPA's approach to program development, pre-departure, arrival onsite, and post-program support. Start Now Signature Programs Learn how you can draw upon CEA CAPA's experience and expertise to develop a signature program for your university. [PAGE] Title: Study Abroad Alumni | CEA Ambassador & Internship Mentors Content: Returning Home Alumni Ambassadors Being An Ambassador Internship Peer Mentors Alumni Stories Welcome back, CEA CAPA alumni! Thank you for studying abroad with us. We hope you’ve returned with an enhanced résumé, new friendships, unforgettable memories, and most importantly, a broader view of the world. The best part about being an alumnus? The opportunity to help and support other students go on their own great adventure abroad! You can also explore re-entry resources and opportunities to connect with our alumni network as you transition back into home life and learn how to reap more benefits from your experience going forward. There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered. Nelson Mandela CEA CAPA Alumni Ambassador Program Share Your Experience With Students on Campus Your study abroad journey doesn’t have to end when your program does. Leverage your experience and enthusiasm for study abroad as a CEA CAPA Alumni Ambassador! Our program gives you the chance to inspire others to embark on their own study abroad adventure. Our goal is also to help you answer the “what now?” question. We help you better articulate your growth, clarify your career aspirations, and consider your next steps after graduation. We designed this program around a student schedule: it is flexible and customizable based on your availability, interests, and goals. Make the position your own by developing an outreach plan that best fits your campus and interests! Become an Alumni Ambassador What it's Like Being an Ambassador As a CEA CAPA Alumni Ambassador, you create study abroad awareness in person and via social media, while supporting students through the pre-departure process. You commit for at least one semester, and can continue as long as you’d like! All outreach must follow guidelines established by your home campus and study abroad office. Outreach may include: Supporting the study abroad office Presenting to student groups Assisting CEA CAPA representatives during their visit to your campus Create a video or blog for CEA CAPA social media Share your experience on social media Answer student questions through the Ambassador Directory Program Benefits CEA CAPA’s Alumni Ambassador program gives you the following perks: $300 payment upon completion of the program + additional rewards! Ambassador Go-Again Discount* (Double the alumni rate! ) Letter of recommendation MIIS Graduate School Scholarship for all former and current ambassadors Career-advising workshops and support Leadership opportunities and professional development Onsite Ambassadorship Program (limited locations available) Student leadership and professional development opportunity for our high-performing Ambassadors to be selected to return to where they studied abroad, support program operations, and help facilitate the study abroad experience for onsite students. Qualifications Enthusiastic CEA CAPA alumni who want to support prospective study abroad students Hold a minimum of 2.5 GPA (lower averages considered on case-by-case basis) Financially cleared with CEA CAPA [PAGE] Title: Family & Parent Resources for Students Studying Abroad | CEA Content: Showing My Family Around London Health, Safety, and Wellness Abroad At CEA CAPA, the health, safety, and well-being of our students are our highest priorities. We believe that a successful study or intern abroad program begins before a student gets on an airplane. Our Health & Safety Team is here to support your student from the start as they prepare for their time abroad. All CEA CAPA students have access to health and wellness resources and advising, and our Health & Safety Team is available to confidentially discuss each student’s personal health and wellness concerns. Every CEA CAPA program includes a travel health insurance plan through Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI) and with this plan, students can access a custom portal to download their insurance card, find medical or mental health care providers abroad, and access important documentation for their travels. In the event of an emergency, students and families can contact CEA CAPA 24/7 for support. Please see our Health & Wellness page for tips, insurance brochures, FAQs, and more. Financial Options CEA CAPA strives to provide high quality programming at an accessible cost. The cost of studying or interning abroad varies according to many factors—but most students can find programs that align with costs at their home campus. All CEA CAPA programs include the cost of tuition, housing, international insurance, onsite support, excursions, and so much more, making our programs easy to plan and budget for. CEA CAPA offers scholarships , grants, flight vouchers , and other options to help reduce the overall cost of attendance. Your student also has the option to set up interest-free payment plans. Lastly, your student can check with their home institution regarding potential financial aid options. Frequently Asked Questions Why study abroad? Studying and interning abroad allows students to experience learning outside of the traditional classroom setting, gain international experience, and expand their sense of cultural awareness. Students who study or intern abroad experience new cultures, meet people from all over the world, and make lifelong friendships while expanding their personal and professional network. Ask 100 students why they studied abroad, and they’ll each give you a different answer. And we appreciate that! The reasons to study or intern abroad are endless. Will my student get academic credit for this experience? All CEA study and intern abroad programs require that students take at least one course for academic credit. Our quality assurance protocols are designed to align all courses with U.S. higher education standards. Your student can speak to their study abroad or academic advisor at their home institution to understand how the credits will count toward their degree requirements. To read more about our evaluation process, visit the Academics page. Is it safe to study abroad? While no study abroad provider can guarantee safety on an international program, we work tirelessly to create environments where students are set up for success with their well-being top of mind. With pre-departure and onsite orientations, a dedicated Health & Safety Team, and onsite and U.S. based support staff who truly know the needs of U.S. college students, we are prepared to support your student through a successful study or intern abroad program. For the most up-to-date information about CEA programs, please visit our Program Updates page. I still have questions. Who do I ask? The first person you should ask about almost any study or intern abroad related question is the student you’re supporting through this process! Nine times out of ten we will have already shared some very important and relevant information with them via phone, text, or email. If you’ve checked with them and you still have questions, please feel free to call us at 1-800-266-4441. “My daughter arrived just a few days ago in Spain and CEA has been absolutely amazing… She stated that her host was wonderful and the hospitality is beyond what she expected. The host went over and beyond the call of duty when my daughter’s luggage was lost, she provided her with some of her clothes and gave her any essentials that were needed to feel complete for that day. As a parent I am truly grateful and can rest a little easier tonight…” Parent of a Fall ’21 semester student “We would like to thank you and the rest of CEA for providing our daughter with a life-defining experience in Florence. Her trip was flawless and executed perfectly. Her apartment was amazingly located in the center of Florence, actually in the Piazza del Duomo. Incredible! That she could walk everywhere in 15 minutes added significantly to her experience. Her classes were fantastic. She loved all of her teachers. They took many out-of-classroom excursions that allowed her to further experience the wonderful culture of Florence. In addition, the CEA trips were excellent. They went to beautiful and varied locations and were very well run. The on-ground CEA staff was extremely responsive and helpful. We rave about our daughter's semester in Florence and CEA and we are extremely grateful to CEA for her fabulous experience in Italy!” Parent of a CEA Florence student “I wanted to give you feedback on the arrival process. It was wonderful! Chloe said that the minute she came through the luggage area she could clearly see CEA Staff. They whisked her away and promptly delivered her to her apartment. Once at the curb she was pleasantly and promptly greeted by staff that showed her to her apartment. Now, let’s talk about that apartment! Chloe excitedly sent us a video. WOW! What a great apartment. It seems like so much thought was given as to what could make their stays welcoming and cozy. The place is beautiful, clean with spacious common areas. The outdoor patios and space are amazing. She is so excited for what is ahead. Thank you so much!” Parents of a Spring '22 Barcelona Student Study Abroad [PAGE] Title: Sydney Study Abroad Programs | Study Abroad Sydney Australia Content: Blue Mountains Taronga Zoo Get out and explore! Excursions are offered for most semester and summer programs. Semester and summer programs typically include a full-day excursion to the dazzling Blue Mountains, which includes a visit to Featherdale National Park where you can get up close and personal with kangaroos and koalas, and dinner and overnight stay at the Taronga Zoo. You’ll receive a calendar of excursions during orientation. Take advantage of your time studying abroad in Sydney! CEA CAPA offers cultural activities to match your interests. Whether you enjoy concerts, clubs, sports, or something entirely different, our onsite staff helps you engage with local culture. Many activities are offered through our Experiential Learning program, which help you connect lessons learned in the classroom to hands-on experiences outside of class. Below are just a few examples of the activities we offer in Sydney: Sydney Harbor Cruise Take a cruise around Sydney Harbour to learn more about the city while experiencing spectacular views of Sydney’s Opera House and downtown skyline. Sydney Observatory View the starry night sky during an evening visit to the Sydney Observatory. Beach Tour This beach tour will take students along the famous coastal path from Coogee Beach to Bondi Beach. It will stop along six of the best beaches in Sydney. Performance at the Sydney Opera House Students will enjoy the performance of a lifetime at the Sydney Opera House alongside their peers. Tickets to performances are available to students at a discounted rate. Food Crawl Experience Sydney as the Aussies do! Students will be led on a guided tour of the local food scene in Sydney to experience the cuisine firsthand. Pub Trivia Experience one of Sydney’s most popular local activities with trivia at a city pub. Networking Hour Enjoy networking hours throughout your term in Sydney. Located in various restaurants across Sydney, these gatherings will allow you the time to connect with your peers and local professionals. Content Creator Program Want to build your digital portfolio while you study abroad? Join the CEA CAPA Content Creator Program ! You’ll blog, photograph, and video your experience abroad, then share them on social media. Alumni Ambassador Program Your study abroad adventure doesn’t have to end when your program is over. Keep sharing your study abroad love on your home campus by becoming an Alumni Ambassador! This internship allows you to help other students on their study abroad journeys while gaining work experience and growing your professional network. Get up to $750 in Flight Credits or Grants toward study or internship programs when you apply by February 14, 2024
higher education
Content: Custom Study Abroad Program Development Start Planning Getting Started CEA CAPA makes it easy for institutions to create and facilitate custom and faculty-led programs while expanding study abroad offerings. If you're a faculty or program leader, please ensure you work with your department and/or Study Abroad Office to obtain any needed program approvals from your institution. Program Development Choose your program's academic structure CEA CAPA's approach to custom programs allows institutions and students to choose the program that best suits their needs. The program may designate specific activities or rely on CEA CAPA’s expertise to design co-curriculars that complement program objectives, such as: Day Trips or Overnight Excursions Cultural Engagement Request a Proposal “Over the six years that we have worked with CEA on our custom program to Rome we have been consistently impressed by the quality of collaboration, the attention to details—both logistical and academic—and the collegiality of the staff both in the US and especially in Rome. 03 3 Arrival Onsite Once Students and Faculty Arrive OnSite, We Will: Provide airport transfer, an arrival orientation focusing on health and safety during the program, and a tour of the city. By becoming a CEA CAPA Affiliate, your institution will receive a variety of benefits to assist your office and your students. Accommodations in shared student apartments, residence halls, hotels, or homestays Faculty services and support, including apartment accommodation Airport transfer/pickup Classroom space and academic calendar Experience and dedicated onsite support staff Insurance and risk management Health and safety locater app Visa advising for students and faculty CEA CAPA's Partner Marketing team is here to provide a consultative marketing approach to assist in promoting and recruiting for the custom program. OnSite Support Each CEA CAPA custom program location has dedicated staff who are fully available to assist students and faculty in country. Each program has a comprehensive orientation process and offers a high level of hands-on support throughout the duration of the program. Leverage your experience and enthusiasm for study abroad as a CEA CAPA Alumni Ambassador! Become an Alumni Ambassador What it's Like Being an Ambassador As a CEA CAPA Alumni Ambassador, you create study abroad awareness in person and via social media, while supporting students through the pre-departure process. Outreach may include: Supporting the study abroad office Presenting to student groups Assisting CEA CAPA representatives during their visit to your campus Create a video or blog for CEA CAPA social media Share your experience on social media Answer student questions through the Ambassador Directory Program Benefits CEA CAPA’s Alumni Ambassador program gives you the following perks: $300 payment upon completion of the program + additional rewards! Our Health & Safety Team is here to support your student from the start as they prepare for their time abroad. The cost of studying or interning abroad varies according to many factors—but most students can find programs that align with costs at their home campus. Your student can speak to their study abroad or academic advisor at their home institution to understand how the credits will count toward their degree requirements. With pre-departure and onsite orientations, a dedicated Health & Safety Team, and onsite and U.S. based support staff who truly know the needs of U.S. college students, we are prepared to support your student through a successful study or intern abroad program. The host went over and beyond the call of duty when my daughter’s luggage was lost, she provided her with some of her clothes and gave her any essentials that were needed to feel complete for that day. Once at the curb she was pleasantly and promptly greeted by staff that showed her to her apartment. Title: Sydney Study Abroad Programs | Study Abroad Sydney Australia Take advantage of your time studying abroad in Sydney!
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Contact GiveMeTheVin To Sell Your Car Online Today Content: Transaction Examples Example 1 Sell us your car and the bid is $25,000, but your payoff is $5,000. We would cut you a check for $20,000, and you would sign a Bill of Sale and a Power of Attorney for us to pay off the title with your bank. Example 2 Sell us your car and the bid is $25,000, but your payoff is $30,000. You would sign a Bill of Sale and a Power of Attorney selling us your car. In addition, you would need to include a $5,000 check to cover your negative equity. Example 3 Sell us your car and the bid is $25,000, and you own your car free and clear. You would sign Bill of Sale and Power of Attorney and receive a check for $25,000. X Disclaimer All bids and appraisals are based on your description of your vehicle. When arriving at a GIVE ME THE VIN™ affiliate to sell or trade your vehicle, the unit will be inspected by the dealer. All phone calls that are aired on Radio, TV or the Internet are recorded. The recorded description you give of your vehicle is available to all GIVE ME THE VIN™ affiliates to confirm both your description of the vehicle and bid you received. Business offices at dealerships are closed on Saturdays. We will gladly transact your deal on a Saturday, but checks can only be issued on business days. All radio shows are recorded and any discrepancy can be resolved by audio replay. We request that all auto dealers identify themselves immediately, either on-air or on the Web. Failure to do so may result in your bid being invalid. Visit the blog for recent news or comments. John's personal email is [email protected] . Email him anytime for advice or questions regarding your vehicle concerns. X [PAGE] Title: Car Selling and Automotive Careers Opportunities | GiveMeTheVin Content: Transaction Examples Example 1 Sell us your car and the bid is $25,000, but your payoff is $5,000. We would cut you a check for $20,000, and you would sign a Bill of Sale and a Power of Attorney for us to pay off the title with your bank. Example 2 Sell us your car and the bid is $25,000, but your payoff is $30,000. You would sign a Bill of Sale and a Power of Attorney selling us your car. In addition, you would need to include a $5,000 check to cover your negative equity. Example 3 Sell us your car and the bid is $25,000, and you own your car free and clear. You would sign Bill of Sale and Power of Attorney and receive a check for $25,000. X Disclaimer All bids and appraisals are based on your description of your vehicle. When arriving at a GIVE ME THE VIN™ affiliate to sell or trade your vehicle, the unit will be inspected by the dealer. All phone calls that are aired on Radio, TV or the Internet are recorded. The recorded description you give of your vehicle is available to all GIVE ME THE VIN™ affiliates to confirm both your description of the vehicle and bid you received. Business offices at dealerships are closed on Saturdays. We will gladly transact your deal on a Saturday, but checks can only be issued on business days. All radio shows are recorded and any discrepancy can be resolved by audio replay. We request that all auto dealers identify themselves immediately, either on-air or on the Web. Failure to do so may result in your bid being invalid. Visit the blog for recent news or comments. John's personal email is [email protected] . Email him anytime for advice or questions regarding your vehicle concerns. X [PAGE] Title: Reasons to Sell Your Car To John Clay Wolfe | GiveMeTheVin Content: TV Why Have John Buy Your Car? If it rolls and runs, and is not complete junk... JCW buys it. He loves to buy cars and wants the oppertunity to buy your car. If you are a skeptic, please click here to read GMTV’s reviews on Better Business Site . Cruise around the site, media, in the news, and reviews, and you’ll get the vibe of what makes us special. After you clearly understand you have come to the right place, put your VIN in box, and press GO. We look forward to doing business with you. John Clay Wolfe John Clay Wolfe , with over 441,749 cars bought since starting in the industry after high school, has revolutionized the car-selling process through Say goodbye to dealing with dealerships and get a true buy offer for your car. JCW puts your vehicle right on the money, providing you with a hassle-free online option to sell your car for more. No need to sell your car to a dealer anymore - you can sell it to us online, right now! If You’re Getting an Opinion, Get a Great One! Kelly Blue Book, NADA Guide, and Black Book are not car buyers, they simply give opinions. "Those silly books are guides designed to help dealers make money from the public. My book is a check book!" said Wolfe. "I play the market, not what some silly book says… and people don't realize that KBB is owned by the largest car dealer in the country, literally. It's just a fact. The market is the real money, and I have the money to pay market. Imagine Amazon meets Wall Street with Domino’s Pizza-style delivery (but pick up, in this case) — that's what we do here at GIVE ME THE VIN™. Just put your VIN* in the box and press Enter." Wolfe continues, "Our systems today decode the VIN's, so dealers text VIN's while trading cars among one another... the non-dealer public is smarter than most dealers understand, and they will quickly adapt to the same method. When Suzy Q Smith sends me her VIN, mileage, and a brief description of her vehicle, my system generates a hard buy figure for her in seconds. We then email her an offer after I or one of our managers double-checks our system offer." GIVE ME THE VIN™ is JCW's way of inviting the public into the licensed dealer world, giving the consumer a better alternative against lowball trade offers from the dealership. JCW's bid will also be honored at many franchise dealerships as what’s known as an "In & Out". See our FAQ page for more details. If you would like to hear JCW bid on cars live on the air, tune into his syndicated radio show (delivered on Westwood One radio for the past ten years). Along with providing entertaining news, interviews, and on-air personalities, bidding on cars during showtime is John's 100% business. ( Read more about JCW’s remarkable story at the D magazine. ) Show me the VIN! * A VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is the 17-digit serial number that comes with your car. The VIN is often found on the dash below your inspection sticker, or may perhaps appear on a sticker placed in the driver’s side doorjamb. Those 17 digits contain the details we need regarding factory build codes, year, model, engine size, equipment options, and much more. Ford trucks, Dodge trucks, and Nissan products do not decode fully, so submitting as many details to us as possible helps tremendously. Tell us options like color, navigation, sun/moon roof, leather, King Ranch, stick shift, or long bed (including variations, such as in this case single wheel or dually). The VIN will get us close, but we still need you to fill in the details. Only you know the problems with your car, so please be honest in your description. If it has hail damage, then write hail damage in the comments field. If it clunks when you put it in reverse, be up-front and tell us. Discussing any problems at the beginning of the process makes life easier than re-hashing price due to non-disclosure at the start. John Clay Wolfe LIVE Saturday Mornings 8:00A-Noon(CT) Click below to listen commercial free [PAGE] Title: Best Places To Sell Your Car Near You | GiveMeTheVin Content: Transaction Examples Example 1 Sell us your car and the bid is $25,000, but your payoff is $5,000. We would cut you a check for $20,000, and you would sign a Bill of Sale and a Power of Attorney for us to pay off the title with your bank. Example 2 Sell us your car and the bid is $25,000, but your payoff is $30,000. You would sign a Bill of Sale and a Power of Attorney selling us your car. In addition, you would need to include a $5,000 check to cover your negative equity. Example 3 Sell us your car and the bid is $25,000, and you own your car free and clear. You would sign Bill of Sale and Power of Attorney and receive a check for $25,000. X Disclaimer All bids and appraisals are based on your description of your vehicle. When arriving at a GIVE ME THE VIN™ affiliate to sell or trade your vehicle, the unit will be inspected by the dealer. All phone calls that are aired on Radio, TV or the Internet are recorded. The recorded description you give of your vehicle is available to all GIVE ME THE VIN™ affiliates to confirm both your description of the vehicle and bid you received. Business offices at dealerships are closed on Saturdays. We will gladly transact your deal on a Saturday, but checks can only be issued on business days. All radio shows are recorded and any discrepancy can be resolved by audio replay. We request that all auto dealers identify themselves immediately, either on-air or on the Web. Failure to do so may result in your bid being invalid. Visit the blog for recent news or comments. John's personal email is [email protected] . Email him anytime for advice or questions regarding your vehicle concerns. X [PAGE] Title: Sell Us Your Car For Cash: Online, Quick, and Easy | GiveMeTheVin Content: Transaction Examples Example 1 Sell us your car and the bid is $25,000, but your payoff is $5,000. We would cut you a check for $20,000, and you would sign a Bill of Sale and a Power of Attorney for us to pay off the title with your bank. Example 2 Sell us your car and the bid is $25,000, but your payoff is $30,000. You would sign a Bill of Sale and a Power of Attorney selling us your car. In addition, you would need to include a $5,000 check to cover your negative equity. Example 3 Sell us your car and the bid is $25,000, and you own your car free and clear. You would sign Bill of Sale and Power of Attorney and receive a check for $25,000. X Disclaimer All bids and appraisals are based on your description of your vehicle. When arriving at a GIVE ME THE VIN™ affiliate to sell or trade your vehicle, the unit will be inspected by the dealer. All phone calls that are aired on Radio, TV or the Internet are recorded. The recorded description you give of your vehicle is available to all GIVE ME THE VIN™ affiliates to confirm both your description of the vehicle and bid you received. Business offices at dealerships are closed on Saturdays. We will gladly transact your deal on a Saturday, but checks can only be issued on business days. All radio shows are recorded and any discrepancy can be resolved by audio replay. We request that all auto dealers identify themselves immediately, either on-air or on the Web. Failure to do so may result in your bid being invalid. Visit the blog for recent news or comments. John's personal email is [email protected] . Email him anytime for advice or questions regarding your vehicle concerns. X [PAGE] Title: What You Need To Know When Selling Your Car: FAQs | GiveMeTheVin Content: Frequently Asked Questions Will you beat my CARMAX offer? YES. We will either (A) beat your CarMax offer, or (B) guarantee to mail you a $100 check for having given us the Last Look opportunity. Please read this carefully: If you send a photo – not an email copy, but an actual picture – of CarMax's current in-store offer letter to you, and give us the opportunity to beat that offer, we will either beat their offer or owe you a $100 check. GUARANTEED. However, if we bid your car at $10,000 and you say, “I just sold it to Carmax for more, now where is my $100?” then you just cost yourself $100. We pay you the $100 for the option to beat their offer. If we beat it, you get more money for your car. If we don't beat it, you get $100 check. As long as you let us bid before you sell, you come out ahead. We want to buy your car, and do not want to miss it over any amount of money. That just makes business sense for GMTV. We are very transparent, and this $100 CarMax guarantee is just as straightforward as it sounds. This $100 guarantee only stands for confirmed CARMAX written in-store offers. We are much simpler to work with than our competitors. Our entire process is online, and we will pick up the vehicle at your location, which they simply do not. If you fail to grant us that option to beat the CarMax in-store offer, then the advertised guarantee is null/void. I’ve never heard of such a thing before - make me feel safe about GMTV? OK, not to brag, but… GMTV processes over $2 Billion in annual auto transactions, and is a leading buyer/seller at multiple auto auctions around the country. We have 29 years in the wholesale car business means GMTV’s reputation is trusted on countless dealer to dealer transactions coast to coast. The GMTV founder, John Clay Wolfe, has hosted the nationally syndicated John Clay Wolfe Show for over a decade - his show airs on iHeart Media, Cumulus Radio, Westwood One, and other mainstream media outlets across America. It is of utmost importance to GMTV that your process run flawlessly. GMTV pays with a check drawn at Bank of America, this is available for deposit immediately. John Clay Wolfe’s favorite quote is, “Fast pay equals longtime friend,” and GMTV subscribes to that theory. Please be honest and up-front with known conditions or problems with your vehicle, and you will get paid on the spot, end of story. For more validation, please read our BBB reviews . Can I cash my check from GMTV? YES. Our checks are cashable at your nearest Bank of America location. Other buyers, like CarMax, issue you a “draft”—which resembles a check, but it is not cashable. Their drafts are for deposit only and will not process for several days. We don’t pay with float-filled funny-money like our competitors do. Does GMTV buy bikes/ATV’s/RV’s? YES. We have bought numerous commercial trucks, busses, food trucks, trailers, heavy machinery, backhoes, ambulances, limos, bikes, ATVs, and RVs—and we want more. If it rolls on tires or tracks, we buy it. These vehicles will take us longer to evaluate so please give us the time to make a purchase offer. How long to get my offer after I submit my VIN to the website? If you included the correct 17 digits VIN, multiple pictures, and a description, and do so during normal business hours, expect 15-30 minutes. We will call you to verify your information about your vehicle and ask you any additional questions we need answered to value your vehicle correctly. How do you buy a car sight unseen? Don’t you need to see it? We don’t. Well, kinda sorta. We do need pictures of your vehicle with your online submission, and are asking for photos so we can accurately and fairly assess the value of your vehicle. Your pictures help our buyers get top dollar for your vehicle. John Clay Wolfe made a purchase quote on his radio show, and I want to accept his offer. What is my next step? Go to our homepage and enter your VIN, upload your vehicles pictures, and identify yourself a s radio caller in the comments section. Remind John what he offered you on-air, what day you called, and about what time you called. The GMTV team will put the wheels in motion to get your vehicle picked up and get you paid! How does John Clay Wolfe make offers on the radio without seeing the cars? John knows cars and John knows people. If you're telling him the truth on-air about your vehicle’s condition, equipment, and mileage, then he will make an offer. For the last twenty years, he’s s been buying cars sight-unseen from dealers all over the country, based entirely on a verbal description of the vehicle. Will you buy my salvage title car? YES. We will typically be a buyer at 50% of the value of a non-salvaged vehicle. All salvage-titled vehicles have, at one point, suffered damage equal to at least 50% of the vehicle’s value, impacting the both the buyer and the seller. Will you buy my car with hail damage, dents, in need of bodywork? YES. We typically don’t buy “junk” valued at less than $1,000, but we will buy cars which need reconditioning. That said, you must disclose the needed reconditioning in both your pictures and your description. It can be very disappointing when our inspector or transporter arrives at your location to make the exchange, only to discover that the vehicle does not match the information that was used to make our offer to you. Please be honest and up-front with the reconditioning level. Who inspects my car before you pick it up? Do I have to drive it to a location to have it inspected? Our transporter will inspect your vehicle, match it to the description you have provided, and exchange the title for payment. You may also bring the vehicle to any of our drop centers for quick inspection and payment, or opt for curbside service at your home or office in most locations . Is your offer negotiable? YES. Our offers are negotiable on a case-by-case basis. Our buying team does our best to accurately assess the value with our first offer, but we may be open to continuing the discussion. Why is there a $250 breakup/unwind acceptance on a purchase order to buy my car? This ONLY applies when a seller has not been honest. We take you at your word when providing information about your vehicle, and once we strike our deal, we incur many expenses in keeping our end of it. We believe people generally keep their agreements, and know you would understand that we experience losses in the event you suddenly change your mind after accepting our deal. Can I sell you a leased car? YES, we can do 3rd party lease buyouts as long as the bank supplies us the correct documents. Call your leaseholder (your bank, the credit union, or the car’s finance company), and get the current payoff amount to include when submitting your information to GMTV. Leasing companies sometimes have additional fees for early termination which would affect the “take-home” amount you would receive after the sale. What if I owe more than your purchase offer, but still want to sell? We call this being upside down or under water. The difference between our purchase offer and the amount owed is called negative equity. This difference will have to be paid to us at the time of possession/pickup. We will make a payoff amount to your lending institution in the amount of the purchase offer and you will provide us with the check for the difference. Put another way, we will pay the whole amount to your lender so that you are free and clear, and then you will reimburse us for whatever amount you had still owed to them. What happens to all of the cars you purchase? We redistribute them to franchise/independent dealers, other markets, large dealer groups, and other countries at a small margin. GMTV founder John Clay Wolfe has been in the automotive business sector since 1991, and has worldwide contacts who wish to buy these vehicles. How long will it be until my bank receives payoff? We fund your payoff immediately — we want the title as badly as you want the vehicle paid off! It can take a few days for your bank to process the payoff, which is why we quote a 10-day payoff from your financial institution. We cannot sell your vehicle until we have the clear title. I lost my title — can I still sell you my vehicle? YES. Just contact one of our associates to help walk you through the next steps. A family member’s name is on the title, but I own it. Can I still sell it to you? YES. We will have them fill out all the paperwork before signing the check over to you. If the person on the title is deceased, can I still sell it to you? YES. Although most companies would not be equipped with handling this kind of situation, our GMTV office is able to help you through this delicate process. Why won’t you pay me in cash? Because it is simply not safe to carry that much cash or keep it at the office. For the safety of our drivers and our office staff, we do not carry or keep cash on hand. [PAGE] Title: Selling Your Car Online Has Never Been Easier | GiveMeTheVin Content: Transaction Examples Example 1 Sell us your car and the bid is $25,000, but your payoff is $5,000. We would cut you a check for $20,000, and you would sign a Bill of Sale and a Power of Attorney for us to pay off the title with your bank. Example 2 Sell us your car and the bid is $25,000, but your payoff is $30,000. You would sign a Bill of Sale and a Power of Attorney selling us your car. In addition, you would need to include a $5,000 check to cover your negative equity. Example 3 Sell us your car and the bid is $25,000, and you own your car free and clear. You would sign Bill of Sale and Power of Attorney and receive a check for $25,000. X Disclaimer All bids and appraisals are based on your description of your vehicle. When arriving at a GIVE ME THE VIN™ affiliate to sell or trade your vehicle, the unit will be inspected by the dealer. All phone calls that are aired on Radio, TV or the Internet are recorded. The recorded description you give of your vehicle is available to all GIVE ME THE VIN™ affiliates to confirm both your description of the vehicle and bid you received. Business offices at dealerships are closed on Saturdays. We will gladly transact your deal on a Saturday, but checks can only be issued on business days. All radio shows are recorded and any discrepancy can be resolved by audio replay. We request that all auto dealers identify themselves immediately, either on-air or on the Web. Failure to do so may result in your bid being invalid. Visit the blog for recent news or comments. John's personal email is [email protected] . Email him anytime for advice or questions regarding your vehicle concerns. X Video is not support in your browser Camera [PAGE] Title: Selling Your Car? Read Reviews From Happy Customers | GiveMeTheVin Content: Transaction Examples Example 1 Sell us your car and the bid is $25,000, but your payoff is $5,000. We would cut you a check for $20,000, and you would sign a Bill of Sale and a Power of Attorney for us to pay off the title with your bank. Example 2 Sell us your car and the bid is $25,000, but your payoff is $30,000. You would sign a Bill of Sale and a Power of Attorney selling us your car. In addition, you would need to include a $5,000 check to cover your negative equity. Example 3 Sell us your car and the bid is $25,000, and you own your car free and clear. You would sign Bill of Sale and Power of Attorney and receive a check for $25,000. X Disclaimer All bids and appraisals are based on your description of your vehicle. When arriving at a GIVE ME THE VIN™ affiliate to sell or trade your vehicle, the unit will be inspected by the dealer. All phone calls that are aired on Radio, TV or the Internet are recorded. The recorded description you give of your vehicle is available to all GIVE ME THE VIN™ affiliates to confirm both your description of the vehicle and bid you received. Business offices at dealerships are closed on Saturdays. We will gladly transact your deal on a Saturday, but checks can only be issued on business days. All radio shows are recorded and any discrepancy can be resolved by audio replay. We request that all auto dealers identify themselves immediately, either on-air or on the Web. Failure to do so may result in your bid being invalid. Visit the blog for recent news or comments. John's personal email is [email protected] . Email him anytime for advice or questions regarding your vehicle concerns. X [PAGE] Title: Get the best prices when you sell your car with Give Me The VIN Content: Sell Your Car With GivemetheVIN Get an offer for your car today! Sell your car to GivemetheVIN for a stress-free and hassle-free experience. All you need to do is enter your 17-digit VIN or license plate number to get an offer from our team. No haggling of prices. No unnecessary sales talk. Just a swift and straightforward process that exceeds expectations. How Selling Your Car To GiveMeTheVin Works Selling your car doesn’t need to be stressful, we make it simple! 1. Get the Offer GivemetheVIN is a used car buyer with the most straightforward sale processes in the wholesale auto industry. After years of experience in the business, our owner and CEO, John Clay Wolfe, noticed the challenges of selling used cars to dealers. The process involved many steps and often included lengthy negotiations to arrive at the agreed price. To help streamline this, he created an easier way to sell vehicles involving fewer procedures that can be completed online or over the phone. With his new and fresh idea, GivemetheVIN was established. Just send your VIN and photos of your car, and we will make a fair offer within the day. 2. We Pick-up or You Deliver Have a busy schedule? That’s not a problem when you sell your car to us. Unlike other used car buyers, we will come to you instead of forcing you to deliver your vehicle to us. We don’t inconvenience our clients; that’s why we do FREE car pick-ups nationwide. This means you get to experience the GivemetheVIN difference no matter where you are in the country. However, you can also choose to deliver your vehicle yourself if you are near our location. We give you detailed instructions on how to find us to ensure a seamless experience. No matter which you pick, our team has your back. 3. Close the Deal GivemetheVIN remains consistent in delivering flawless transactions from start to finish. Upon pick-up, our partner will quickly assess your vehicle to verify your claims about its condition, which is why you need to be transparent with us to avoid any potential delays. Once everything is confirmed, we will pay you on the spot. GivemetheVIN only issues live checks from Bank of America. This is what sets us apart from our competition. Other used car buyers pay with a “bank draft,” which is not cashable and requires several days of processing. Why Sell Your Car to GivemetheVIN “Yes it’s true – we’ll pay you $100 for the last look on your car!” Selling your car for cash doesn’t have to be a laborious process. At GMTV, we have over 28 years of industry experience, and we’ve found a way to streamline the process. You’re dealing with professionals with extensive experience closing deals that benefit both sellers and buyers. Our team has been the leading car buyer and seller across multiple locations around the country. We process billions in auto transactions each year. After a deal is closed, you can cash your check at any time at the nearest Bank of America in your location. Our checks are also ready to deposit immediately. Over Two Decades of Experience: Quick and Easy Car Selling Process: We Provide the Best Offers: When you work with GMTV, you’re making a deal with seasoned professionals who understand the ins and outs of the process. We can help you sell your leased car and vehicles with negative equity or lost titles. At GMTV, we make selling your car for cash easy and hassle-free. The application process can be done online, making everything convenient. In addition, our experts can perform valuations over the phone to provide you with the best estimate for your deal. During negotiations, our team will provide you with an irresistible offer. We’ll even try our best to beat any CARMAX offer. Give us a chance to beat anyone else’s offer, and we’ll even mail you a $100 check if we don’t beat that offer. What Our Customers Say GivemetheVIN is a used car buyer that has over 28 years of experience in the car wholesale industry. John Clay Wolfe established the business right after graduating high school and has completed thousands of transactions from coast to coast since then. As a result, we know how the industry works and are highly knowledgeable about the unique nuances of the used car market. But instead of using our expertise to get more money out of the sellers, we chose to utilize it to improve the entire sale process in a way that benefits both parties. Today, GivemetheVIN remains the leading buyer/seller at numerous auto transactions in America and is dedicated to providing the best possible experiences. But don’t take our word for it! Here’s what our clients have to say about us: Harold F. Read More “I never give 5 star ratings but in this case I will. Even though the transaction on my end was not easy they were patient and got the job done. My 92 year old mom understood the transaction and all she had to do was sign.” RC L Read More I was looking at several ways to sell my car and just had the best to offer. Jeff Martin was the one who helped me through the process and he was always quick to respond and help with any questions. Along with the rest of the awesome team, I had my car sold, paperwork done, and checked in my hand within hours. Highly recommend if you want to sell your car with little hassle and get a great price!” Rob B Read More [When]I first heard of this I thought it would be a lowball offer since the offer would be made from pictures and carfax. Was offered more than what was owed on the car. Had tried to trade the car in and was lowballed by the dealership $3000 less than what was owed. Kept the car and was about to try to sell myself and decided to try Give me the Vin. Way too easy!! will never trade in and lose money ever again. Will most definitely use again.” Previous Resources for Selling your Car Reasons To Sell Your Car To GiveMeTheVin Online, Today Simple process: Our process is as straightforward as it gets. Just send in your VIN, negotiate our offer and accept. It’s that easy! Safety: GivemetheVIN partners with verified and credible towing companies that will pick up your car at your location. Fair value: We don’t lowball our offers. If your car is deemed in good condition, we are willing to pay you a reasonable price. Quick: The entire transaction can be completed in just two days. We don’t like wasting time negotiating; that’s why we offer a bluebook car value right off the bat. Reliable: We have remained successful in the competitive used car buy and sell industry for so long, thanks to our reliable processes. FAQs How to sell my car online? With GivemetheVIN, you need to provide your car’s 17-digit VIN, multiple pictures of your car’s interior and exterior, and a detailed description of its current condition. We will also require you to provide one valid identification for our records. Where can I sell my car for cash? A quick search of the “best places to sell my car online” will give you several recommendations. But, it’s essential to transact with a buyer that knows what they’re doing. GivemetheVIN has been selling vehicles for decades, and we are the top choice for many people wishing to sell their used vehicles on the internet. How much can I sell my car for? It depends on the model, manufacturing date, mileage and vehicle’s current state. If you’re wondering “what’s the value of my car”, it’s impossible to know the exact amount, but we will say this – we always give high offers to cars in good condition. What happens after I accept the offer from GivemetheVIN? Once you accept the offer from GivemetheVIN, we will allow you to choose between pick-up or drop-off. If you select pick-up, we will arrange a schedule for the collection at a date and time convenient for your schedule. If you choose to drop off the car, on the other hand, we will give you detailed instructions of our location and make sure that you will have no issues finding us. Then, all that’s left to do is to hand over the check in exchange for the car.
civil, mechanical & electrical
We would cut you a check for $20,000, and you would sign a Bill of Sale and a Power of Attorney for us to pay off the title with your bank. The recorded description you give of your vehicle is available to all GIVE ME THE VIN™ affiliates to confirm both your description of the vehicle and bid you received. We would cut you a check for $20,000, and you would sign a Bill of Sale and a Power of Attorney for us to pay off the title with your bank. The recorded description you give of your vehicle is available to all GIVE ME THE VIN™ affiliates to confirm both your description of the vehicle and bid you received. No need to sell your car to a dealer anymore - you can sell it to us online, right now! Only you know the problems with your car, so please be honest in your description. We would cut you a check for $20,000, and you would sign a Bill of Sale and a Power of Attorney for us to pay off the title with your bank. The recorded description you give of your vehicle is available to all GIVE ME THE VIN™ affiliates to confirm both your description of the vehicle and bid you received. We would cut you a check for $20,000, and you would sign a Bill of Sale and a Power of Attorney for us to pay off the title with your bank. The recorded description you give of your vehicle is available to all GIVE ME THE VIN™ affiliates to confirm both your description of the vehicle and bid you received. If we beat it, you get more money for your car. We do need pictures of your vehicle with your online submission, and are asking for photos so we can accurately and fairly assess the value of your vehicle. We would cut you a check for $20,000, and you would sign a Bill of Sale and a Power of Attorney for us to pay off the title with your bank. The recorded description you give of your vehicle is available to all GIVE ME THE VIN™ affiliates to confirm both your description of the vehicle and bid you received. We would cut you a check for $20,000, and you would sign a Bill of Sale and a Power of Attorney for us to pay off the title with your bank. The recorded description you give of your vehicle is available to all GIVE ME THE VIN™ affiliates to confirm both your description of the vehicle and bid you received. Title: Get the best prices when you sell your car with Give Me The VIN Content: Sell Your Car With GivemetheVIN Get an offer for your car today! Why Sell Your Car to GivemetheVIN “Yes it’s true – we’ll pay you $100 for the last look on your car!” Selling your car for cash doesn’t have to be a laborious process. After a deal is closed, you can cash your check at any time at the nearest Bank of America in your location. With GivemetheVIN, you need to provide your car’s 17-digit VIN, multiple pictures of your car’s interior and exterior, and a detailed description of its current condition.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Distinctively Christian – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Distinctively Christian The following is the foundation of beliefs on which Sandhills Classical Christian School is based. They will be unapologetically taught in various ways through all grade levels. These statements will be considered primary doctrine. Secondary doctrines and issues will not be presented as primary doctrine. When these doctrines or issues arise, they will be referred back to the family and their church for final authority. We believe the Bible to be the only inerrant, authoritative Word of God. (Isa. 40:8, II Timothy 3:16-17, Hebrews 4:12, 11 Peter 1:20-21) We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent and has all authority and power. (John 10:30, 37-38) We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory. (Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23, 1 Peter 1:3-5) We believe that, for the salvation of lost and sinful men, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary. (Romans 3:19) We believe that salvation is by grace through faith alone. (Ephesians 2:8) We believe that faith without works is dead. (James 2:17) We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life. (2 Corinthians 6:16, Ezekiel 36:27, John 16:13) We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved to the resurrection of life, and they that are lost to the resurrection of damnation. (Matthew 7:13- 14, Matthew 13:41-43) We believe in the spiritual unity of all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. (Philippians 2:1-11) SCCS STATEMENT ON HUMAN NATURE, MARRIAGE, AND SEXULAITY We believe that God offers redemption and restoration to all who confess and forsake their sin, seeking His mercy and forgiveness through Jesus Christ (Acts 3:19-21;Rom.10:9-10; 1 Cor. 6:9-11). We believe that every person must be afforded compassion, love, kindness, respect, and dignity (Mark 12:28-31; Luke 6:31). Hateful and harassing behavior or attitudes directed toward any individual are to be repudiated and are not in accord with Scripture nor the doctrines of Sandhills Classical Christian School. We believe that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as either male or female. These two distinct, complementary sexes together reflect the image and nature God (Gen. 1:26-27). Rejection of one’s biological sex is a rejection of the image of God within that person. We believe that the term “marriage” has only one meaning: the uniting of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in Scripture (Gen. 2:18-25). We believe that God intends sexual intimacy to occur only between a man and a woman who are married to each other (1 Cor. 6:18; 7:2-5; Heb. 13:4). We believe that God has commanded that no intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of a marriage between a man and a woman. We believe that any form of sexual immorality (including but not limited to adultery, fornication, homosexual behavior, and bisexual conduct) is sinful and offensive to God (Matt. 15:18-20; 1 Cor. 6:9-10). We believe that in order to preserve the function and integrity of Sandhills Classical Christian School and to provide a biblical role model to the student body and the community, it is imperative that all persons employed by or enrolled in Sandhills Classical Christian School in any capacity, or who serve as volunteers, adhere to and abide by this Statement on Human Nature, Marriage, and Sexuality (Matt. 5:16; Phil. 2:14-16; 1 Thess. 5:22). Preschool [PAGE] Title: Courses & Curriculum – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Whispering Pines, NC 28327 (910) 695-1874 Sandhills Classical Christian School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational, admission, financial aid, or employment policies, or any other programs administered by the school. [PAGE] Title: Spirit Store – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Spirit Store Welcome to the School Spirit Store! In the Spirit Store, you can order all your SCCS spirit apparel needs! Our spirit store current carries four options to order from. As the year progresses, we will begin to offer different styles and designs of spirit apparel as well as house apparel for 6-12 grade. Spirit apparel tops can be worn on Fridays with a uniform bottom. To pre-order from the Spirit Store please email [email protected] with your order and you can pick it up at the concession stand in the Arts & Athletics Center when it’s ready. Spirit Store will be open at all home games in the concession stand. Come cheer SCCS on and purchase/pick up your spirit wear! Preschool [PAGE] Title: Scholastic Achievement and Life Outcomes – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Scholastic Achievement and Life Outcomes A Higher Standard for Living A recent study of life outcomes conducted at the University of Notre Dame produced some astounding results. This 2018-2019 study compared alumni (ages 24-42) from public, secular private, Catholic, evangelical Christian, religious homeschool, and ACCS (classical Christian) schools, on topics of life-choices, preparation, attitudes, values, opinions, and practices. This research confirms what history has repeatedly demonstrated—classical Christian education can influence the course of a home, a community, or a nation. Understandably, some will view the results of this survey skeptically because of the significant differences between classical Christian schools and the others surveyed. Higher Academic Achievement On average, our students test two to four grade levels above the national average (see graphs below). SCCS is not a “gifted” school. Our dedication to classical Christian pedagogy combined with an excellent teaching staff take ordinary children from where they are and elevate them to be the very best students they can be. Preschool [PAGE] Title: About Sandhills – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: About Sandhills A Classical Christian School in Moore County, NC Sandhills Classical Christian Schools (SCCS) offers Preschool classes through Grade 12. We are distinctly Christian and intentionally Classical in our teaching methodology. We believe a Classical model of instruction that is founded upon a Biblical worldview best assists parents in fulfilling their God-given responsibility of educating their children to love the Lord their God with all their heart, all their mind, all their soul, and all their strength. Our curriculum has a strong emphasis in the Humanities and Moral Philosophy utilizing the developmental stages of the Trivium as tools of reasoning and learning. Use of Classical Christian pedagogy helps take students from wherever they are and elevate them to be the very best student they can be. Our experienced teachers, low student/teacher ratio, academic rigor and focus upon moral character all combine to create a strong learning environment. Join us as we actively live out our mission of graduating citizens of excellence for the glory of God. Dell Cook,Head of School Our students come from the surrounding counties including Hoke, Lee, Harnett, Scotland, and Cumberland. SCCS Locations are a quick commute from: Aberdeen [PAGE] Title: Preschool – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Preschool Preschool Mission Sandhills Classical Christian School graduates citizens of excellence who observe, think, and articulate with humility, reason, and clarity for the glory of God. At the Preschool of SCCS, we seek to provide a developmentally appropriate, Christ-centered learning environment where children know they are loved and feel secure. This is achieved by providing opportunities for children to explore and learn through engaging experiences that cultivate wisdom, knowledge and virtue in the whole child; spiritually, cognitively, physically, emotionally, and socially. Our goal is that children develop a love of learning, moving to their next phase of education as confident children of God. Three & Four Year Olds We firmly believe your child’s first school experience is extremely important in shaping his/her attitude and approach toward learning. Our preschool provides a safe, sound Christian environment with an academically appropriate, Bible-based education. We honor God daily by including prayer, Bible stories, memory verses, songs, and hymns in daily activities. We offer nurturing classrooms for three- and four-year olds, as well as a PreKindergarten program. One goal of our program is to love and educate children through dynamic individual or group-structured activities, hands-on experiences, and personal creativity. Another goal is to provide a Christian atmosphere of love and truth, helping each child develop his/her own God-given gifts. Our classrooms thrive on developing: spiritual maturity early literacy in pre-reading and pre-writing activities communication skills in oral language and listening foundational math and problem solving personal social growth and biblical sound character traits physical growth of fine and gross motor skills Preschool Programs Offered: 3yr Half Day Program; 2 days a week (T/TH) or 3 days a week (MWF) 3yr Full Day Program; 5 days a week (M-F) 4yr Half Day Program; 4 days a week (M-TH) 4yr Full Day Program; 5 days a week (M-F) PreKindergarten Half Day Program; 5 days a week (M-F) PreKindergarten Full Day Program; 5 days a week (M-F) Full Day Summer Term [PAGE] Title: Tuition & Financial Aid – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Tuition & Fees Financial Aid & Scholarships Sandhills Classical Christian School recognizes there may be families who would like to attend Sandhills Classical Christian School but are financially unable to do so. Therefore, the school offers ways for families to make the education affordable. Tuition Reduction Incentive Program (T.R.I.P.) The first is through T.R.I.P . (Tuition Reduction Incentive Program), a voluntary program of the school’s Parent Association. T.R.I.P. allows you to earn credits toward tuition through purchases you already make. . Financial Aid for K-12th Grade Students Tuition Assistance for K-12th grades- is a tuition credit provided by the school based on need. Each year Sandhills Classical Christian School allocates a specific and limited amount of funds to assist qualifying families. Sandhills Classical Christian School uses an independent, outside source to assist in determining financial need. FACTS Grant & Aid Management has been selected by SCCS to conduct fair and confidential financial need assessments for families that may need assistance paying tuition. If you have questions during the financial aid application process, you may reach FACTS at 866-315-9262. Parents must fill out an application to be considered for financial aid. The Application fee for FACTS is $40. Upon completion of the Enrollment Application for SCCS, please email [email protected] and request the link for the Financial Aid Application. . Scholarships General Scholarship donations are used to help pay for tuition assistance. Sandhills Classical Christian School does not receive or accept state or federal funding or scholarships of any kind. Military Scholarships are scholarships which are specifically targeted for military families and are provided by external organizations. [PAGE] Title: Accreditation & School Profile – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: 576 students in preschool through 12th grade School Hours Kindergarten (half-day): 8:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Kindergarten (full-day) through 5th grade: 8:15 a.m.-3:00 p.m. 6th through 12th grades: 7:55 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Calendar 170 days in school year 4-quarter grading system 2-week break between quarters Preschool SCCS Preschool offers nurturing classrooms for 3- and 4-year-olds, as well as an excellent pre-kindergarten program. Our goal is to love and educate children through dynamic individual and group-structured activities, hands-on experiences, and personal creativity. Half Day Classes: 8:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Full Day Classes: 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Admission Admission to Sandhills Classical Christian School is selective and holistic. We consider each applicant based upon academic records, teacher recommendations, standardized test scores, pre-admission assessments, and student and family interviews. Sandhills Classical Christian School admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin. Graduation Graduation candidates of Sandhills Classical Christian School must have at least a C average (70% or higher). Given the high value we place on academic rigor and the abilities of our students, most courses are taught at an Honors level. Designated Honors classes receive weighted grades of .5 point. Also of note is the study of Latin, which begins in third grade and continues as a required course through eighth grade. Logic, Rhetoric, Senior Thesis, and Capstone classes complete the classical model. Graduate Profile [PAGE] Title: Parents Association – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Board Members 2023-2024 Casey Jordan, President – [email protected] Kate Gilmore, Vice PresidentBrooke Sellers, SecretaryAshley Matthews, Treasurer Our goal for the PA is to enhance the SCCS experience for everyone involved in our school – administration, teachers, parents, and students. We are sincerely desiring your thoughts, suggestions, and feedback at any time. We welcome your involvement in any aspect of our community – classroom assistance, community outreach, and school events to name a few! Moms in Prayer (MIP) What is Moms in Prayer? Allows moms to gather for one hour each week to pray for their children, teachers, and school – no refreshments, no homework, no dressing up, no experience required – just come as you are and pray. And whether you pray silently or out loud, God hears!Every child needs a praying mom! If you are interested in praying with MIP but have children still at home with you, please contact us ASAP! In the past, there has always been a separate group for these moms who want to be able to pray with their little ones. How great it would be to have enough interest for a preschool group again this year!Visit ! Preschool [PAGE] Title: Board of Directors – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Board of Directors Jamie Encinosa Jamie Encinosa is the Executive Vice President of Operations for Rhetson Companies located in Moore County.  She holds a B.S. degree in Worship and Music Studies and a M.A. degree in Management and Leadership from Liberty University as well as General Contractor licenses in North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee.  Originally from Maryland, Jamie met her husband Mat while attending Liberty University and moved to Moore County in 2013.  Mat serves as Pastor of Worship Ministries at Christ Community Church and they have two children currently enrolled at SCCS. Kathie Parson Kathie Parson and her husband Mark are the parents of 2019 SCCS graduate Wyatt, who has attended since preschool. In those transformational years Kathie volunteered in several capacities, most notably in development and marketing. Her professional life focuses on interpersonal communications, as she is a Network Development Specialist with the Strategy & Innovation division of FirstHealth of the Carolinas, a regional hospital headquartered in Pinehurst. She also serves as a physician and community liaison for FirstHealth. She was previously the Director of Corporate Relations for Esslinger – Wooten -Maxwell, Inc. Realtors in Miami, Director of Marketing for Petty Enterprises and a former administrator for Senator Harris Blake of Pinehurst.  She earned her bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of North Carolina at Pembroke and her master’s degree in Executive Leadership/Coaching from Liberty University. Kathie and her family attend Christ Community Church. Carol Pizzi Carol Pizzi was a SCCS board member prior to being hired as the Grammar School Principal. In her three-year service as principal at SCCS, Carol put her master’s degree in School Administration to good use. In addition to her role as Principal, Carol was point-person in guiding our school through the ACCS accreditation process. She has taught English in private Christian schools, served as an assistant principal at Delaware Christian School in Ohio and has taught developmental English at Sandhills Community College. She presently serves as Ministries Coordinator for Trinity Christian Fellowship Church. In her free time, Carol enjoys reading, cooking and facetiming with her grandson, Avery. Nathan Shelton Nathan Shelton is a retired Air Force Officer currently working as the Senior Director – Delivery Operations at The BRIEF Lab, Southern Pines, NC. Born in Exeter, NH, he also lived in California and Florida before attending Florida State University where he received his B.S. in Criminology. Along with attending several professional military education courses, he also earned his master’s degree in Aeronautical Science from Embry Riddle University. Nathan, husband to Angela, and father to Gavin (SCCS Class of ‘25) and Hunter (SCCS Class of ‘27), currently serves as an Elder at Grace Church Southern Pines and enjoys attending SCCS sporting events and making handmade knives when time allows. Amita Sherwood Amita is the CEO and principal consultant of E Squared Solutions, a professional services firm specializing in helping its clients increase value to customers, improve operational efficiencies, and boost human potential. She is a certified Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt with over 17 years of performance improvement and organizational effectiveness experience in a variety of industries. Amita holds a Bachelor’s degree in Management Science and Information Systems from The Pennsylvania State University. Amita and her husband, Doug, have two daughters at SCCS. They are members at The Village Chapel in Pinehurst, where Amita also serves on the Board of Trustees. Nancy Simonette Mrs. Simonette, a retired teacher, taught 35 years in a Middle School setting, and two years at a private Christian School. She earned a B.S. in Elementary Education and a M.S. in Educational Administration/Curriculum and Development from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. She also completed advanced studies at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. She has a son and daughter, two granddaughters and one great grandson. She and her husband, Dennis Hite, live at Belle Meade in Southern Pines. John Stamas John Stamas, co-founder of Defender Capital Partners is a graduate of Rutgers College. John has served in several board positions including: Charlotte Symphony, Charlotte Center City Partners, Historic Southend, Brookstone Schools-inner city classical Christian school, and CharlotteOne. John’s athletic experience includes coaching boy’s basketball for Charlotte Latin High School and Olympic High School. Folks most admired are Christ, William Wilberforce, Lincoln, excellent and dedicated teachers, and anyone who can dunk! John is happy to be part of the team helping SCCS reach as many people as possible. Alan Terry Alan Terry graduated from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania with a M.B.A degree in Finance. Originally from Missouri, Alan and his wife Penny moved to the area in 2001. They have two children and three grandchildren and are greatly involved in the community. Alan enjoys staying active with special interests in cycling, golf, and tennis. Alan and Penny attend Christ Community Church where Alan currently serves on the elder board. Preschool [PAGE] Title: Student Life – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: FACTS Family Portal Student Life Our students experience an education beyond the classroom, which shapes not only what they learn, but who they become. We believe our dedication to classical Christian pedagogy takes children from wherever they are and elevates them to be the very best students they can be. We also pride ourselves on training our students to be polite, courteous, and well-mannered. “Yes sir,” “Yes ma’am,” “Please,” and “Thank you” are phrases you will frequently hear from our students. Come Grow with Us: A newly developed 60-acre campus, complete with academic buildings, sporting fields, an Arts & Athletics Center, and K-2 Building (coming soon) Expanding Jr. High, JV, and Varsity athletic teams with afterschool club activities (for students in grades K-5) Flourishing arts program with offerings in fine arts, band, chorus, and drama Afternoon electives offered to all students in grades 6-12 Participating in the life of the greater Moore County community with charitable projects at each grade level Preschool [PAGE] Title: Welcome – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Learn More Parent Comments “Transitioning our children to SCCS has been a life-changing decision for us. The school and the teachers have included us in a family of learning and faith. It has been an incredible investment in our kid’s future, and we couldn’t be more thankful.” Aaron and Brooke Seller “After homeschooling our two youngest sons for a number of years, we felt a more full-orbed school environment would benefit their development: spiritually, academically, socially, and physically. From nurturing solid friendships, learning from teachers who are more like mentors, and being immersed in an environment with a biblical worldview and academic rigor to both ground and challenge them, Sandhills Classical Christian School has met that need and more. From the staff to the board, parents, and coaches, SCCS has loved us all and prepared our boys to live for Christ in the world they will soon enter. We thank the Lord every day for SCCS and could not more highly recommend it.” Stan and Ginny Layton “Our family has been consistently amazed since partnering with SCCS for our Classical Education goals. The teachers and administrative staff have developed an atmosphere of higher standards of learning along with personal care and support for each student and family. The lessons - both academic and life - trickle into our family conversations at home on a regular basis, repeatedly demonstrating the faithful level of commitment to testify of God’s goodness, encouraging student diligence and joy in a partnered learning environment reaching beyond the classroom and into our homes and hearts. Thank you SCCS.” Dean and Angela Hoffman Previous Next Transitioning our children to SCCS has been a life-changing decision for us. The school and the teachers have included us in a family of learning and faith. It has been an incredible investment in our kid’s future, and we couldn’t be more thankful. Aaron and Brooke Seller After homeschooling our two youngest sons for a number of years, we felt a more full-orbed school environment would benefit their development: spiritually, academically, socially, and physically. From nurturing solid friendships, learning from teachers who are more like mentors, and being immersed in an environment with a biblical worldview and academic rigor to both ground and challenge them, Sandhills Classical Christian School has met that need and more. From the staff to the board, parents, and coaches, SCCS has loved us all and prepared our boys to live for Christ in the world they will soon enter. We thank the Lord every day for SCCS and could not more highly recommend it. Stan and Ginny Layton Our family has been consistently amazed since partnering with SCCS for our Classical Education goals. The teachers and administrative staff have developed an atmosphere of higher standards of learning along with personal care and support for each student and family. The lessons - both academic and life - trickle into our family conversations at home on a regular basis, repeatedly demonstrating the faithful level of commitment to testify of God’s goodness, encouraging student diligence and joy in a partnered learning environment reaching beyond the classroom and into our homes and hearts. Thank you SCCS. Dean and Angela Hoffman [PAGE] Title: SCCS Athletics & Clubs – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: SCCS Athletics & Clubs SCCS Sports and Co-Curriculars In keeping with the mandate of 1 Corinthians 10:1, “to do all things to the glory of God,” SCCS offers many co-curricular activities to students. Co-curriculars enhance students’ educational experience by adding depth to what they are learning in their regular curriculum. The activities give each student the opportunity to take the academic and spiritual discipline learned in the classroom and transfer it into activities outside of the classroom. Physical education is also a regular part of our daily activities. Students participate in a variety of athletic activities to increase strength, coordination, and overall fitness. Athletics [PAGE] Title: Events – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Events At SCCS, there’s always something to keep you and your families engaged! We invite you to come out and cheer on our athletic teams as they compete against other local schools, volunteer in a service project to help the community, or offer your creativity to one of the many SCCS school events. September 8 – Homecoming [PAGE] Title: Academics – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Academics What is Classical Christian Education? To clearly explain the classical Christian model of education, we must define both classical and Christian education. Classical education has inspired great thinkers beginning with the Golden Age of Greece and the Roman Empire. It influenced great kings and reformers of the Middle Ages and philosophers and artists of the Renaissance. It galvanized the Pilgrims and our Founding Fathers in their determination to build a new government. Today, we see the influence of classical education in every academic discipline including science, politics, mathematics, art, and astronomy. What is Classical Education? It is the process of helping students become great thinkers. Classical education refers to the content and the methodology of instruction. At Sandhills Classical Christian School, the curriculum is classical in content as distinguished by the integrated study of scripture, Latin, logic, literature, philosophy, and rhetoric in addition to history, mathematics, science, and physical education. The school is classical in methodology, as distinguished by its embracing of the Trivium (a three-pronged approach to learning: grammar , logic , and rhetoric ) which coincides with the God-given stage of development in a child’s brain. Why Latin? The classically educated student begins to study Latin in the third grade. The study of Latin increases students’ vocabulary. It not only gives the students a better understanding of the English language, but it also lays the foundation for learning other languages as well. Its benefits are also seen in math and science because it trains the mind in logic, detail, and problem solving. Not Just Another Christian School Deuteronomy 6 instructs us to use the Bible as a guide to teach our children all about life. A classical Christian school does not simply add Bible courses and Bible memorization to the students’ day. It views all subjects through the lens of Scripture. The Lord challenges the faithful to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5) In this way, students can address and impact their culture. As Paul appealed to Athenians based on what he knew of their poets and gods, so classical Christian education will prepare students to address the people and issues of their times. Jesus said that loving God with all our heart, soul, and mind is the first and greatest commandment (Matthew 22:37-38). Classical Christian education is a time-proven way to accomplish this. What is an Integrated Curriculum? Most contemporary American high school education programs consist of “subjects”: math, science, English, and history. These subjects are taught by teachers who know their individual disciplines. For example, in Algebra class, students learn mathematical terms, how to solve equations, and graphing; in Civics, students study the War for Independence, the Constitution, and the three branches of government; English students are taught to write complete sentences with subject and verb agreement, proper modifiers, and punctuation while reading some interesting fiction and poetry. The problem in these compartmentalized subjects is this: equations have nothing to do with history; punctuation is irrelevant to the Constitution; and Thomas Jefferson is disconnected from Greek city-states. Perhaps most regrettably, morality and ethics are not part of the curriculum; whether or not the colonists should have fought the war against Britain is never addressed. The modern high schooler learns how to study for tests and subsequently forgets the material because it is not needed again. The result is that each subject is an air-tight compartment from the next, never overlapping or relating. Secular education is missing a very important component, one which classical and Christian education provides: integration. Contemporary education is the outworking of a philosophy that views everything as a machine through which science teaches us to dissect, looking for how things are made. The compartmentalization of subjects is a dissection and without a synthesis, a bringing back together, the subject dies and beauty is lost. What a tragedy! Classical education, on the other hand, seeks not only to take things apart to see how they work but also to bring them together again. The Socratic method breaks ideas, information, and subjects down to see how the constituent parts relate, and then it brings them back together to discover how the learner can apply the lesson. In classical Christian education all school subjects are related, and a classical teacher helps the student to discover the connections in two ways: concepts within subjects and concepts between subjects. For example, Julius Caesar being assassinated in 44 B.C. is connected to Octavian becoming Caesar Augustus which has direct bearing on Virgil writing the epic, The Aeneid, which inspired Dante in his writing of The Divine Comedy. All of this has theological implications for Christianity. Furthermore, as Christians, we see all things in God’s world as related and under the Lord’s authority. “Whatever the modern educator’s reasons for rejecting the classical curriculum, his classrooms suffer from its absence in three notable ways. In them, human experience tends to be dealt with narrowly and reductively, broken down into isolated, unconnected units; students ignorant of what questions to ask are presented with uninvited and consequently meaningless information; and there is no basis for making moral and aesthetic judgments or for attaching learning to behavior.” David Hicks, Norms and Nobility Preschool [PAGE] Title: Mission & Vision – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Mission & Vision Mission Sandhills Classical Christian School graduates citizens of excellence who observe, think, and articulate with humility, reason, and clarity for the glory of God. At SCCS, we desire: To graduate young men and women who listen carefully, think clearly, reason logically, and articulate clearly and persuasively To develop students who are able to evaluate all of their experiences in light of Scripture To foster learners who hunger for the truth and recognize cultural influences as distinct from biblical ones To cultivate children of character who are both socially graceful and spiritually gracious, and who possess humility and gratitude towards our loving God Vision SCCS continues to strive for excellence in all we do. We provide a classical education that couples spiritual vitality with engaged students, exceptional staff, and robust programs in a well-designed learning environment supported by strong fiscal management and committed donor development. Preschool [PAGE] Title: A La Carte Classes – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: A La Carte Classes Students in 6th – 12th grade may apply to take a la carte classes An application must be completed and accompanied by a $150 application fee. Once received, a contract for the courses desired will be sent. This needs to be completed and accompanied by a contract fee of $100 for the first course and $50 for each additional course. This may be paid all at one time or spread out over an 11 month period. If spread out over the 11 months, a 2% tuition installment fee is also added. If the fee is paid in advance, no refunds will be given should the student leave during the school year. Because students will be considered enrolled at SCCS, all school policies apply (uniform, discipline, attendance, etc.) A la carte classes and tuition listed below (no more than three courses may be taken at one time, cost listed per course): 6th grade Science, 7th grade Science, Biology, Environmental Science, Chemistry, Physics (1 credit): $1,250 6th grade Math, 7th grade Math, Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus (1 credit): $1,250 6th-12th grade (ELA) English Literature Arts (2 credits): $2,000 6th-12th grade History (1 credit): $1,000 6th-12th grade Bible (1 credit): $1,000 Spanish I, Spanish II, Spanish III (1 credit): $1,000 11th/12th grade Humanities (3 credits): $3,000 Preschool [PAGE] Title: Reading Resources – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Reading Resources Parent Education These books are essential primary source texts for classical Christian education and godly parenting: (click the image to purchase) CLASSICAL ME, CLASSICAL THEE SERECT THOUGHTS OF AN UNLIKELY CONVERT By Rosaria Butterfield A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO CULTURE By John Stonestreet BATTLE FOR THE AMERICAN MIND By David Goodwin and Pete Hegseth AGE OF OPPORTUNITY [PAGE] Title: Admissions – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Admissions How to Apply – Grades K through 12 Applying is easy using our Online Application. We encourage families to apply online as it simplifies submission and provides parents a tool for tracking online the status of their admission after their application has been submitted. A nonrefundable fee of $170 must be submitted with each application. (Preschool enrollment information can be found here .) Start Application Phone: (910) 695-1874Email: [email protected] Creating an Online Application To begin the online application process, Create an Account . Then log into your account and Create A New Student Application for your child. You will then have the flexibility to log in and out of your account and access your open application. Preschool Our preschool program offers a variety of options for your child. Enrollment begins in January with our current and previous families, and then opens up to those who have inquired and been placed on our enrollment inquiry list. We do take enrollment throughout the year, as long as all age requirements are met for the classroom. You must speak to Preschool Administration before completing an application to ensure that a spot is available for your child and that all necessary requirements are met. If you have already received an offer for placement, please click Start Application here: If you are interested in more information regarding enrollment or being placed on the enrollment inquiry list, please contact Shanna Browning at (910) 420-6974 or [email protected] . Preschool Programs Offered: 3-Year-Old Half-Day Program; 2 days a week (T/TH) or 3 days a week (MWF) 3-Year-Old Full-Day Program; 5 days a week (M-F) 4-Year-Old Half-Day Program; 4 days a week (M-TH) 4-Year-Old Full-Day Program; 5 days a week (M-F) PreKindergarten Half-Day Program; 5 days a week (M-F) PreKindergarten Full Day-Program; 5 days a week (M-F) Full Day Summer Term [PAGE] Title: Calendar – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Whispering Pines, NC 28327 (910) 695-1874 Sandhills Classical Christian School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational, admission, financial aid, or employment policies, or any other programs administered by the school. [PAGE] Title: Faculty & Staff – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Faculty & Staff Our Educators Sandhills Classical Christian School’s educators are among the best in their field. They bring with them not only the tools of their craft but a belief in the school’s mission to cultivate students for the glory of God. We invite you to contact a member of our faculty or staff. Meet Our Administrative Staff Head of School Dell Cook Dell Cook comes to Sandhills Classical Christian School with over 20 years experience in classical and Christian education. Mr. Cook holds two masters degrees in Divinity (Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) and Theology (Reformed Theological Seminary). In 20 years at Cary Christian School, Mr. Cook taught, served, and led in a variety of roles and capacities. He has taught in all three stages of the trivium from 4th to 12th grades, including Old and New Testament, Theology, History, Apologetics, Hermeneutics, Hebrew, and Greek. Additionally he has served in several administrative roles as Athletic Director, Rhetoric School Principal, and Headmaster. Mr. Cook has been blessed to serve on the national board of the Association of Classical and Christian Schools (ACCS) and served on and lead several accreditation teams through ACCS. Dell and his wife of 25 years, Ginny, have three children: Katie, Lauren, and Andrew. A few details about Mr. Cook include: Two masters degrees in Divinity (Southeastern Theological Seminary) and Theology (Reformed Theological Seminary) Served on the national Board of Directors for the Association of Classical and Christian Schools (ACCS) Served on and led several ACCS accreditation teams nationwide President of the Board of Trustees for Worldview Academy Teaching experience in all three levels of the trivium from 4th to 12th grades Administrative experience as Athletics Director, Rhetoric School Principal, and Headmaster Ryan Baker Dean of Academics Ryan Baker is a veteran of over 20 years in education in both teaching and administration. Ryan holds a Bachelor of Science in English Education from Northern Arizona University. His teaching experience includes 5 years at Xavier College Prep in Phoenix, Arizona teaching Literature and Humanities and 12 years at Cary Christian School where he and his classes were consistently honored and acknowledged by students and parents alike as one of the most impactful and important in their education. At Cary Christian, Mr. Baker also served as Rhetoric School Principal and then Dean of the Upper School. Most recently, Ryan was the Headmaster at Grace Classical School in Jacksonville, NC. Ryan and his wife of 23 years, Heather, have six children. Andrew Morton Associate Dean of Upper School Having earned a B.A. in Philosophy from Grove City College, Andrew is passionate about teaching Christians, in all seasons of life, how to integrate the life of their mind with that of their faith. For the past eight years he has taught logic, philosophy, apologetics, history, and mathematics at Covenant Classical School in Concord, North Carolina, where he also served as Dean of Students. His wife, Elizabeth, and his two children, William and Claire, faithfully sacrifice their summers to travel with Andrew as he teaches with Worldview Academy. Elizabeth Griffin Associate Dean of Lower School Mrs. Elizabeth Griffin comes to Sandhills Classical with over 20 years of experience in education. She attended Cary High School in Cary, NC and was awarded the North Carolina Prospective Teaching Fellowship to pursue a career in Elementary Education with a concentration in Spanish Language and Literature. Mrs. Griffin holds a Bachelor of Elementary Education from UNC-Chapel Hill and a Master of School Administration from NC State University. She has been an educator since 2001, and a K-12 school administrator since 2010. Her classroom teaching experience is in grades kindergarten through second grade and she loves building positive relationships with students. For the past seven years, Mrs. Griffin has served as the Head of Lower School, and most recently the Assistant Head of School at Harrells Christian Academy in Harrells, NC. Mrs. Griffin has two boys. Her oldest son, Hudson, attends Pinecrest High School and is a member of the golf team. Her youngest son, Hayes, attends SCCS and loves baseball. Mrs. Griffin’s husband, Bryan, is a financial advisor.  They have two dogs and attend church at The Village Chapel of Pinehurst. Larry Richardson Athletic Director Larry Richardson serves as the Athletic Director at SCCS. Larry has been a longtime baseball umpire and basketball referee and has officiated SCCS basketball games every year since basketball has been a sport in the school’s existence. A co-founder of the Upward Basketball and Cheerleading Program in Moore County, Larry continues as the Upward League Director and believes strongly in their motto that “it is a race to the heart of a child, and the first one there wins!” A longtime active member of the Aberdeen First Baptist Church, Larry continues to hold several leadership positions including Co-Director for Sunday School and serves as a Sunday school teacher. He and his wife Deborah have been married 48 years and have four children and nine grandchildren Shanna Browning Preschool Director Shanna Browning has over 15 years of experience, both administratively and teaching in a preschool environment. She enjoys watching little minds connect with what they are being taught. Spending time with her husband, Henry, her three children, two step-children, and grandson is one of her greatest joys. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology: Christian Counseling and is currenty working towards her Masters: Early Childhood Education through Liberty University. Gene Liechty Development Director Gene Liechty comes to Sandhills Classical Christian School with 18 years of experience in the area of marketing & development. Mr. Liechty received his BA in Marketing/Communications from Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. More recently, he attended Greyfriars Ministerial Hall in Moscow, Idaho. Gene served as Director of Advancement at Cary Christian School in Cary, North Carolina (2002-2012) and Director of Development at Logos School in Moscow, Idaho (2013-2018). Mr. Liechty has also planted several churches over the last 20 years. Gene and his wife of 24 years, Kimberly, have four grown children: Grace, Carter, Silas, and Ian. Angela Pihlgren Admissions Director Angela Pihlgren previously taught preschool at SCCS. She has also worked with children for many years in her church and loves helping children to learn and become independent. Mrs. Pihlgren holds an Associates in Baking and Culinary Arts. Her many talents include cooking, baking, gardening, and making crafts. She has two children that attend SCCS. Mrs. Pihlgren appreciates the loving environment, smaller classes, nurturing Christian teachers, and the family like atmosphere at SCCS. 100% of our K-12 academic teachers hold a Bachelor’s Degree or above 48% of our K-12 academic teachers hold a Master’s Degree or above 100% of our K-12 academic teachers pursue ACCS certification Teachers have two years to complete their certification Multiple CPR and First Aid Certified staff are available on each campus 100% of our K-12 teachers are Christian educators Faculty & Staff [PAGE] Title: Classical Education Model – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Classical Education Model Classical Education Model Classical education has inspired great thinkers beginning with the Golden Age of Greece and the Roman Empire It influenced great kings and reformers of the Middle Ages and philosophers and artists of the Renaissance. It galvanized the Pilgrims and our Founding Fathers in their determination to build a new government. Today, we see the influence of the classical education in every academic discipline including science, politics, mathematics, art, and astronomy. The school is classical in methodology, as distinguished by its embracing of the Trivium ( a three-pronged approach to learning: grammar , logic , and rhetoric ) which coincides with the God-Given stage of development in a child’s brain. The Grammar Stage Young children (grades K-5) are adept at memorizing large amounts of information using chants, songs, and rhythmic verse. The youngest in this group can recite a book by heart while the older among them can rattle off verbatim whole parts of their favorite movie. The grammar stage makes great use of this natural ability to give children a firm foundation of facts in math, phonograms, natural history, geography, science, etc. The students are given information, much of which is retained for a lifetime. The Teacher as: Instructor . The Logic or Dialetic Stage As a child matures (grades 6-8), he/she becomes naturally adept at argument (which is why pre and early teens begin to question authority). In the Dialectic Stage children learn the ins and outs of formal logic. Logic enables them to assimilate the facts they learned in the grammar stage into a more thorough and cohesive understanding of their subjects arranging their thoughts in a rational and meaningful way. Students are taught how to reason through their questions and come to understand that disagreement need not be disagreeable. The teacher as: Coach . The Rhetoric Stage Students have now honed their Socratic skills of asking questions and questioning answers, enabling them to engage the dominant ideas of past and present cultures. The goal of classical Christian education is not to just graduate students with high GPA’s, who attend the best colleges and universities, or who pull down high-paying jobs (although this form of education produces such students). The crowning jewel of classical Christian education is raising individuals who impact their generation and generations to come with the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom found in the Gospel of Christ. The Teacher as: Mentor [PAGE] Title: Contact – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Whispering Pines, NC 28327 (910) 695-1874 Sandhills Classical Christian School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational, admission, financial aid, or employment policies, or any other programs administered by the school. [PAGE] Title: Careers – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Open Positions Preschool Aftercare Teachers (Part-Time) – Southern Pines & Pinehurst Sandhills Classical Christian School is seeking Teachers for our daily Preschool Aftercare program (2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.), located at both our Southern Pines and Pinehurst campus locations.  Qualified candidates must have previous experience working with children.  An associate’s degree in early education is preferred but not required.  All candidates must embrace the school’s mission, statement of faith, and classical Christian model of education. Please send cover letter and resume to [email protected] . Grammar School Aftercare Teacher Sandhills Classical Christian School is seeking an Aftercare Teacher for our Grammar School (Grades K-5). A bachelor’s degree and sufficient classroom experience are preferred. All candidates must embrace the school’s mission, statement of faith, and classical Christian model of education. Please send cover letter and resume to [email protected] . Grammar School Lead Teacher Sandhills Classical Christian School is seeking a Lead Teacher for our Grammar School (Grades K-5). Qualified candidates must hold at minimum a bachelor’s degree and sufficient classroom experience. All candidates must embrace the school’s mission, statement of faith, and classical Christian model of education. Please send cover letter and resume to [email protected] . Grammar School Assistant Teacher Sandhills Classical Christian School is seeking an Assistant Teacher for our Grammar School (Grades K-5). A bachelor’s degree and sufficient classroom experience are preferred. All candidates must embrace the school’s mission, statement of faith, and classical Christian model of education. Please send cover letter and resume to [email protected] . Grammar School Music Teacher Sandhills Classical Christian School is seeking a Music Teacher for our Grammar School (Grades K-6).  Qualified candidates must hold at minimum a bachelor’s degree and sufficient classroom experience.  All candidates must embrace the school’s mission, statement of faith, and classical Christian model of education.  Please send cover letter and resume to [email protected] . Upper School Music Teacher Sandhills Classical Christian School is seeking a Music Teacher for our Upper School (Grades 7-12).  Qualified candidates must hold at minimum a bachelor’s degree and sufficient classroom experience.  All candidates must embrace the school’s mission, statement of faith, and classical Christian model of education.  Please send cover letter and resume to [email protected] . Guidance Counselor Sandhills Classical Christian School is seeking a part-time Guidance Counselor.  Prior guidance experience preferred.  Qualified candidates must hold at minimum a bachelor’s degree.  All candidates must embrace the school’s mission, statement of faith, and classical Christian model of education.  Please send cover letter and resume to [email protected] . Administrative Assistant Sandhills Classical Christian School is seeking an Administrative Assistant to assist in our Grammar School.  All candidates must embrace the school’s mission and statement of faith. Hours would normally be Monday-Friday, 7:30-4:00, but adjustments may be required for specific events.  Please send cover letter and resume to [email protected] . Substitute Teachers Substitute teachers are needed for the preschool, Grammar School, and Logic/Rhetoric School. Qualified candidates must be Christian and dedicated to the classical Christian model of education. To apply, please download and complete a Substitute Teacher Application. Return completed application to [email protected] along with your cover letter and resume. [PAGE] Title: Friends of Sandhills – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Friends of Sandhills Corporate Sponsors for the 2023 – 2024 Academic Year The generous support of these local businesses is truly a blessing! Please consider these companies as you have need of goods and services. All Steel Construction, Inc. Artiga Building Design, Inc. Bernbach Travel – Bill and Lindsey Smith Brent Tanner, Attorney at Law – Parker Bryan Family Law Carrie Kirby Premier Real Estate [PAGE] Title: Give to Sandhills – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Learn More The Boosterthon Our 2023 SCCS safari-themed Boosterthon - ROAR! - will be held from September 22-29. Get Ready for a terrific week! Stay tuned for more information! Reminder: This is a Preschool - Grade 5 event at SCCS. Coming Soon Memorials/In Honors These are gifts given in memory of a loved one who has passed or are a way to give honor to a special individual. The financial amounts are invested where the donor has requested—usually Annual Fund. Planned Giving Gifts can be given to the school through individual bequests, annuities, and other planned giving instruments. Preschool
education management
Title: Distinctively Christian – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Distinctively Christian The following is the foundation of beliefs on which Sandhills Classical Christian School is based. We believe that in order to preserve the function and integrity of Sandhills Classical Christian School and to provide a biblical role model to the student body and the community, it is imperative that all persons employed by or enrolled in Sandhills Classical Christian School in any capacity, or who serve as volunteers, adhere to and abide by this Statement on Human Nature, Marriage, and Sexuality (Matt. Title: About Sandhills – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: About Sandhills A Classical Christian School in Moore County, NC Sandhills Classical Christian Schools (SCCS) offers Preschool classes through Grade 12. We believe a Classical model of instruction that is founded upon a Biblical worldview best assists parents in fulfilling their God-given responsibility of educating their children to love the Lord their God with all their heart, all their mind, all their soul, and all their strength. Title: Preschool – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Preschool Preschool Mission Sandhills Classical Christian School graduates citizens of excellence who observe, think, and articulate with humility, reason, and clarity for the glory of God. Title: Tuition & Financial Aid – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Tuition & Fees Financial Aid & Scholarships Sandhills Classical Christian School recognizes there may be families who would like to attend Sandhills Classical Christian School but are financially unable to do so. She holds a B.S. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of North Carolina at Pembroke and her master’s degree in Executive Leadership/Coaching from Liberty University. She has taught English in private Christian schools, served as an assistant principal at Delaware Christian School in Ohio and has taught developmental English at Sandhills Community College. Amita holds a Bachelor’s degree in Management Science and Information Systems from The Pennsylvania State University. Title: Student Life – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: FACTS Family Portal Student Life Our students experience an education beyond the classroom, which shapes not only what they learn, but who they become. Title: Welcome – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Learn More Parent Comments “Transitioning our children to SCCS has been a life-changing decision for us. Title: Academics – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Academics What is Classical Christian Education? What is Classical Education? At Sandhills Classical Christian School, the curriculum is classical in content as distinguished by the integrated study of scripture, Latin, logic, literature, philosophy, and rhetoric in addition to history, mathematics, science, and physical education. Preschool Our preschool program offers a variety of options for your child. A few details about Mr. Cook include: Two masters degrees in Divinity (Southeastern Theological Seminary) and Theology (Reformed Theological Seminary) Served on the national Board of Directors for the Association of Classical and Christian Schools (ACCS) Served on and led several ACCS accreditation teams nationwide President of the Board of Trustees for Worldview Academy Teaching experience in all three levels of the trivium from 4th to 12th grades Administrative experience as Athletics Director, Rhetoric School Principal, and Headmaster Ryan Baker Dean of Academics Ryan Baker is a veteran of over 20 years in education in both teaching and administration. She has also worked with children for many years in her church and loves helping children to learn and become independent. Title: Careers – Sandhills Classical Christian School Content: Open Positions Preschool Aftercare Teachers (Part-Time) – Southern Pines & Pinehurst Sandhills Classical Christian School is seeking Teachers for our daily Preschool Aftercare program (2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.), located at both our Southern Pines and Pinehurst campus locations. To apply, please download and complete a Substitute Teacher Application.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Toronto Common Law Marriage Lawyer | Relationship Lawyer | Baker and Baker Family Law Content: Toronto Common Law Marriage Lawyer Read Time: 3 mins Toronto Common Law Marriage Lawyer August 15, 2015 Common law marriage & relationship lawyer. In Ontario, you are considered to be in a common law relationship if you have been living together as a couple for three years, or one year if there is a child born from the relationship. Up until a few years ago, common law relationships were treated very differently from marriages in Ontario. Essentially, the breakdown of a common law relationship was treated as an accounting exercise in which the lawyers determined what each partner brought into the relationship and what he or she owned at the end of it, and tried to give each partner what belonged to him or her. This was very different from married couples, who were treated as a unit and were both expected to have a share in all property regardless of who officially owned it. It was especially true of the marital home. Common-Law Contract Lawyers In the last few years, this has changed. Today, as long as you both acted as if you were married — for example, if you had joint bank accounts — for the most part, you are treated that way. For example, under the previous way of thinking, if you moved into your partner’s home and lived there for 20 years, at the end of your relationship, you had no rights to the house. Today, it’s often assumed that you have an interest in the house. It is also assumed that failing to give you a reasonable interest might result in “unjust enrichment” for your former partner, since you may have contributed to the family with your time, money, and childcare services, but he or she ended up with most of the property that was earned during the relationship. At Baker and Baker Family Lawyers , we can help you determine fair and reasonable compensation for all that you gave to the relationship, and help make sure that you are treated fairly under Ontario family law. Looking for a Toronto Common Law Marriage & Relationship Lawyer? If you are not married and are experiencing a breakdown in your common law relationship, contact Baker & Baker at 416-964-2215 or by email. Our Toronto common-law marriage and common law separation lawyers can meet with you and explain your rights under Ontario’s Family Law Act. Live chat Hi, you may just be browsing, but we are available to answer your questions. Can we help you? BAKER & BAKER TORONTO FAMILY LAWYERS Baker and Baker Family Lawyers serves individuals and families throughout the Greater Toronto Area, including downtown Toronto, North York, York, Mississauga, Markham and Vaughan. [PAGE] Title: Toronto Same Sex Divorce Lawyer | LGBT Family Lawyers | Baker and Baker Family Law Content: Toronto Same Sex Divorce lawyer Divorce Toronto Same Sex Divorce lawyer August 15, 2015 Toronto same sex divorce lawyer. Same-sex marriage was legalized in Canada in 2005, making Canada the fourth country in the world to legalize it. It was already legal in various provinces and territories at the time, but the lack of federal unity caused problems for many couples who got married in one part of Canada, but were not considered married in other parts or who were not covered under some Canada-wide legislation. It also caused problems with regard to divorce and separation of couples depending on where in Canada they lived. Same-Sex Divorce Now, if you are part of a same-sex couple, your marriage or relationship is treated the same as any other under the law in Canada. This means that if you are married and your relationship ends, issues of property, children and spousal support are covered under the Divorce Act. If you are not married but are in a common-law relationship, issues relating to support are covered under the Family Law Act. Some particular issues of interest to same-sex partners are: Adoption of the biological children of one spouse by the other spouse. Custody of children of a same-sex marriage after a divorce. Although the law treats both parents as equally entitled to custody, there can be issues of bias in favor of the biological parent. Issues regarding the validity of marriages outside of Canada, whether you were married in another jurisdiction that doesn’t have gay marriage or are thinking of moving to one. Spousal support of same-sex partners. Although the law considers same-sex couples the same as opposite-sex couples, sometimes it can be difficult to convince a court that one partner sacrificed career opportunities for the sake of the marriage and the children. The court may assume that same-sex marriages tend to be more egalitarian. Looking for a Toronto same sex divorce lawyer? Our Toronto same-sex marriage and divorce lawyers can help you with more information on your rights and responsibilities, as well as any other issues of particular concern to gay and lesbian partners. Contact Baker & Baker at 416-964-2215 or email us for a free consultation. Live chat Hi, you may just be browsing, but we are available to answer your questions. Can we help you? BAKER & BAKER TORONTO FAMILY LAWYERS Baker and Baker Family Lawyers serves individuals and families throughout the Greater Toronto Area, including downtown Toronto, North York, York, Mississauga, Markham and Vaughan. [PAGE] Title: Toronto Spousal And Child Support Variation Lawyer | Baker and Baker Family Law Content: Toronto Spousal And Child Support Variation lawyer Child / Spousal Support Toronto Spousal And Child Support Variation lawyer August 15, 2015 Over a third of the cases in family court, today involve changing existing agreements regarding support and custody. A separation agreement is a document drafted at a certain point in your relationship and meant to deal with the situation at that moment. Although a well-drafted agreement will take into account the fact that circumstances will change and will include clauses on how to deal with those changes without going to court, sometimes a couple will be unable to come to a resolution. They may find themselves in court many years after their relationship is over, applying for a variation. Spousal And Child Support Variation Lawyers There are many reasons why spouses may seek variations: There may have been drastic changes in earnings, jobs, careers, or other life circumstances. One or both former spouses may be in new relationships. The children may be older and have needs that cannot be met by current custody and access arrangements, or they may want their custody and access arrangements changed. One parent may have decided to move out of province or out of the country with the children, and apply for custody modification. One or both parents may have decided that the arrangements are not sustainable in the long run. At Baker and Baker Family Lawyers our Toronto divorce variation lawyers can help ensure that variations respect everyone’s needs and rights. We can also explain your options and the likelihood of success in court. In order to get support modification orders, we generally have to show significant changes in your life circumstances and that the changes could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time that the initial orders were made. We can also help you to try to work out solutions that don’t involve going to court. Looking for a Toronto Spousal And Child Support Variation Lawyer? For information on your rights and responsibilities regarding custody, access and support orders, and your chances in applying for or contesting variations in court, contact Baker & Baker at 416-964-2215 or by email to set up a free consultation. If the court is unavoidable, we will help you through the process as much as we can. Live chat Hi, you may just be browsing, but we are available to answer your questions. Can we help you? BAKER & BAKER TORONTO FAMILY LAWYERS Baker and Baker Family Lawyers serves individuals and families throughout the Greater Toronto Area, including downtown Toronto, North York, York, Mississauga, Markham and Vaughan. [PAGE] Title: FAQs - Baker and Baker Family Law Baker and Baker Family Law Content: Book a consultation FAQs We are here to help you with any questions or comments you may have about family law and will and estate planning. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for please contact us . Court Addresses Where can I find out a Court office address? Custody and Access What is supervised access? My wife and I are going to separate. If our children live with her, will I still be entitled to a joint custody arrangement? My ex-spouse is going to move to another city for a better job opportunity and I won’t be able to visit my child during my regular access. Will my ex-spouse be able to move with our child? Divorce Proceedings Why should I have a lawyer represent me in family law matters? What do I do if my spouse has filed for divorce? How do I resolve the issues arising out of my separation from my spouse? What is a Separation Agreement? What are my rights in a common law relationship? What are grounds for obtaining a divorce? What is a motion? How do you legally dissolve a common law marriage? What is a financial statement? Is it possible to have the terms and conditions outlined in an order changed? Under what circumstances may I obtain a restraining order? Is a marriage contract valid if it prepared after marriage? Marriage Contracts I inherited money during my marriage. Do I have to share my inheritance with my former spouse? How is the Matrimonial Home divided between parties at separation? Are there any items that I do not have to split the value of with my ex-spouse? How can I protect my property or business that I am bringing into a marriage? Support & Property Division Who must provide income information for the purpose of paying support? Is child support paid while a child is attending college or university? Can I share my spouse’s Canada Pension Plan credits? Where can I find detailed information about child support amounts and obligations? Can I vary the support order if my ex spouse does not agree? What if there is shared or split custody of the children? How will I obtain a copy of my existing child support order if I can’t find the original? What do I do if my spouse has filed for divorce? What if we are unable to agree on terms of a Separation Agreement? I invested more money in the matrimonial home during the marriage, do I receive a larger portion of its value at separation? Will & Estate Planning How can I find a copy of a deceased person’s will? How do I apply for death benefits? How do I determine the amount of estate administration tax? What is a certificate of appointment of estate trustee? How do I find out which court the will was filed in? I have remarried and have a marriage contract. My spouse has died. Do the obligations in our marriage contract survive death? What are my rights to property and assets if my spouse dies? BAKER & BAKER TORONTO FAMILY LAWYERS Baker and Baker Family Lawyers serves individuals and families throughout the Greater Toronto Area, including downtown Toronto, North York, York, Mississauga, Markham and Vaughan. [PAGE] Title: Toronto Grandparents Visitation and Access Lawyer | Baker and Baker Family Law Content: Toronto Grandparents Visitation lawyer August 15, 2015 Toronto Grandparents Visitation lawyer. Although many grandparents feel a strong connection to their grandchildren, sometimes they may not be able to see their grandchildren, for many reasons such as: The death of their own child and relocation of their grandchildren’s surviving parent Divorce or separation of their grandchildren’s parents Alienation from their own child, who is the parent of their grandchildren Unfortunately, grandparents don’t really have rights in Ontario family law. If you are a grandparent and you have lost contact with your grandchildren because of decisions made by their parents, normally there is very little that can be done by the courts. We recommend trying to work things out informally, or by going to family counselling or seeing a mediator. We will help you if it is possible. Grandparent’s Visitation And Access Lawyer If mediation and negotiation don’t work, there is a legal recourse through the courts, but it is difficult to use. Grandparents can apply for access to their grandchildren through the courts as “third-party members,” with no special rights to the child. In order to apply for access, you will need police and Children’s Aid Society clearances, and then you will have to: Prove that you have an established bond with your grandchild Prove that a relationship with you is in the child’s best interests Prove that the relationship has been harmed by your grandchild’s parents and that there was no good reason for it Although there have been efforts to make grandparents’ rights a priority for the court, so far a grandparent is legally in the same position as any other non-parent who has a close relationship with the child. The rights of the child’s parents, including their right to decide who has access to the children, are assumed to be much greater than grandparents’ rights. Our Toronto grandparents’ rights lawyer can argue on your behalf during your application. The fact that you are related by blood will be taken into account. However, it will be weighed along with other considerations such as the stability of your grandchild’s environment and the wishes of his or her parents. Looking for a Toronto Grandparents Visitation lawyer? Although grandparents do not have legally defined rights in Ontario family law, contact Baker & Baker at 416-964-2215 or by email to see if there is anything you can do to get back into contact with your grandchildren. We may be able to help. Live chat Hi, you may just be browsing, but we are available to answer your questions. Can we help you? BAKER & BAKER TORONTO FAMILY LAWYERS Baker and Baker Family Lawyers serves individuals and families throughout the Greater Toronto Area, including downtown Toronto, North York, York, Mississauga, Markham and Vaughan. [PAGE] Title: About Baker and Baker Family Law Lawyers in Toronto | Baker and Baker Family Law Content: About Us Baker and Baker Family Law Nobody plans for a divorce. Nobody plans to spend thousands of dollars and years of his or her life fighting with the people he or she once loved. At Baker and Baker, we understand that this is a stressful time for you and that it can be difficult to separate emotions from practical realities. That’s why we believe in guiding you through your legal matters as efficiently and effectively as possible, and why we use our experience and skills to find you solutions that will save you time, money and a great deal of trouble. Legal Separation Lawyers In Toronto With 75 years of combined experience, we are in a strong position to help you. Our lawyers have a wide range of backgrounds, including experience in mediation as well as complex matters of custody, support, professional practice and business valuations, and complex tax and pension matters. We offer a free half-hour consultation, often with our most senior lawyer, who will use his 35 years of experience for your benefit. Once we have answered your family law questions, we will talk about your situation and give you our opinion about your case. Generally, our best advice is to: Start with mediation, as this is generally far less expensive and time-consuming than any other process, and helps protect your children and your family from needless conflict. Try to settle as many of the issues between you and the other party as possible. If mediation doesn’t work, hire lawyers who can help you negotiate a solution. As a last resort, go to court. Our office is conveniently located in 1251 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M4T 1W6 ; four blocks south of St. Clair at Woodlawn and two blocks north of the Summerhill subway station. We also speak French and Italian in the office. Contact Us Let us help you put this part of your life behind you. Contact Baker & Baker at 416-964-2215 or by email to set up a free consultation and learn more about your options. Live chat Hi, you may just be browsing, but we are available to answer your questions. Can we help you? BAKER & BAKER TORONTO FAMILY LAWYERS Baker and Baker Family Lawyers serves individuals and families throughout the Greater Toronto Area, including downtown Toronto, North York, York, Mississauga, Markham and Vaughan. [PAGE] Title: Toronto Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer, Cohabitation Contracts | Baker and Baker Family Law Content: Toronto Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer, Prenup Read Time: 3 mins Toronto Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer, Prenup August 15, 2015 Toronto prenuptial agreement lawyer. Marriage and cohabitation contracts are now an accepted and normal part of the marriage process, especially when one or both partners have a great deal of property or when one or both partners have been married before. While nobody wants to think of a new relationship or marriage ending in divorce, it is important to think of your future. Being wise and preparing for the possibility that your marriage may end will not bring about its end, but having a marriage or cohabitation agreement in place if anything goes wrong may save you a great deal of trouble and money if it does. Our Toronto marriage contract lawyers can help you consider your options, understand your rights and obligations under Ontario family law, and draft a well-written cohabitation or prenuptial agreement that will help you in the event of a separation or divorce. Prenuptial Agreement Lawyers You can decide many issues, such as spousal support and property division, in a marriage contract. However, some things cannot be legally decided before a separation. For example: Custody and access: You cannot make decisions about the future custody of your children. Child support: You cannot waive future support on behalf of your children. Marital home: The law says that both spouses have an equal right to live in the marital home, and you cannot change that. There is also the possibility that your agreement, however well-drafted, may be set aside at some future point under certain circumstances. For example, if your marriage lasts 20 years and your spouse is ill and cannot work after the marriage is over, a court may decide that even if he or she waived the right to spousal support, it should still be provided. However, typically most contracts are held up by the courts, even 20 years later, especially if both spouses had competent legal advisers. Looking for a Toronto prenuptial agreement lawyer? At Baker and Baker Family Lawyers you can find out more about marriage and cohabitation agreements and how they may apply to your relationship, contact our Toronto marriage contract lawyers by email or call us at 416-964-2215 . Live chat Hi, you may just be browsing, but we are available to answer your questions. Can we help you? BAKER & BAKER TORONTO FAMILY LAWYERS Baker and Baker Family Lawyers serves individuals and families throughout the Greater Toronto Area, including downtown Toronto, North York, York, Mississauga, Markham and Vaughan. [PAGE] Title: Toronto Spousal Support Lawyer | Spousal Support Guidelines | Baker and Baker Family Law Content: Health The spouses’ ages The purpose of spousal support is to give a lower-income spouse, who may have sacrificed income and career opportunities during the marriage, time to get back on his or her feet, and compensation for the lost income and career opportunities. In general, the shorter the marriage, the shorter the duration of spousal support. For marriages that have lasted 20 years or more, spousal support may be for life. Resentment, anger, and misunderstandings of each spouse’s rights and responsibilities can make this a very emotional and trying subject to try to resolve. It’s important to have a steady, knowledgeable professional to help you come to an agreement that will work for everyone so that the situation doesn’t deteriorate into a destructive court battle. At Baker and Baker Family Lawyers in Toronto, we will begin by showing you the base range amount. Our Toronto spousal support lawyer will then help you decide where in that range your support amount should be and whether you would prefer to pay or receive a lump sum or extend payments over time. If possible we will help you resolve your issues with your spouse through negotiation and mediation, so that the solutions you come to do not take an extraordinary amount of time, effort and money to resolve. As your circumstances change, with job and income changes and possible remarriages, we will also help you with spousal support variation, ensuring that your amount of spousal support remains fair and reasonable. Looking for a Toronto spousal support lawyer? Let us help you resolve these issues fairly. Contact Baker & Baker at 416-964-2215 or by email for information. Live chat Hi, you may just be browsing, but we are available to answer your questions. Can we help you? BAKER & BAKER TORONTO FAMILY LAWYERS Baker and Baker Family Lawyers serves individuals and families throughout the Greater Toronto Area, including downtown Toronto, North York, York, Mississauga, Markham and Vaughan. [PAGE] Title: Toronto Divorce and Family Lawyers, Child Custody and Support Lawyer, Property Division | Baker and Baker Family Law Content: “The initial consultation is really free and is quite comprehensive.” - Tom St. Louis “Thank you Donald Baker and the whole team at Baker & Baker. He not only helped us to get our separation agreement finalized in record time, saving money and stress. He also helped me to overcome my anger which could have led to catastrophe.” - Michelle Kemp “Highly recommended, the staff at Baker and Baker provided me with excellent legal services and advice during a difficult time. I was impressed with the level of transparency and commitment to me and my situation throughout the process.” - Massimo Galati “Most people are usually confused and frightened of the legal process and the unknown. B&B Law provides a smooth, sensitive solution with integrity. Integrity defines the firm. Thank you Donald for nearly 20 years.” - Nick Stepanow Our best advice is to: Start with mediation This is generally far less expensive and time-consuming than any other process, and helps protect your children and your family from needless conflict. Try to settle as many issues between you and the other party as possible. Negotiate If mediation doesn't work, hire lawyers who can help you negotiate a solution. We offer a free half-hour consultation, often with our most senior lawyer, who will use his 35 years of experience for your benefit. Meet our team Our Toronto divorce lawyers are as diverse as our practice. We all believe in mediation and alternative dispute resolution and have backgrounds that enable us to advocate on our clients' behalf in various complex family law topics. Donald S. Baker Contact Me Got questions? We’re here to help. Click the button below to initiate the live chat or give us a call at 416-964-2215. BAKER & BAKER TORONTO FAMILY LAWYERS Baker and Baker Family Lawyers serves individuals and families throughout the Greater Toronto Area, including downtown Toronto, North York, York, Mississauga, Markham and Vaughan. [PAGE] Title: Toronto Family Lawyer Services - Baker and Baker Family Law Baker and Baker Family Law Content: 100% Secure Baker & Baker Law remains fully operational during the COVID-19 health emergency. Our commitment to providing excellent client service is still a priority. While you may be used to coming in to our office to drop off your information and to meet with us in person, we are recommending the following alternatives: phone calls or video conferences may be scheduled in lieu of face-to-face meetings, and your personal information can be emailed to us at your convenience. Toggle navigation [PAGE] Title: Contact Toronto Family Lawyers | Baker and Baker Family Law Content: We’re here to help, 416-964-2215 Get in touch with us today Contact Baker & Baker if you are seeking information or help with a family law matter. Our team of dedicated lawyers has the experience, knowledge and skill to help you, even in complex cases involving custody, support and complex division of property. We are committed to guiding you through this time as quickly, fairly and efficiently as possible so that you can move forward to the next part of your life. How would you like to be contacted? By phone I have read the disclaimer Live chat Hi, you may just be browsing, but we are available to answer your questions. Can we help you? BAKER & BAKER TORONTO FAMILY LAWYERS Baker and Baker Family Lawyers serves individuals and families throughout the Greater Toronto Area, including downtown Toronto, North York, York, Mississauga, Markham and Vaughan. [PAGE] Title: Toronto Separation Agreement Lawyer | Child Support Guidelines | Baker and Baker Family Law Content: Toronto Separation Agreement Lawyer August 15, 2015 Toronto separation agreement lawyer. When you draw up a separation agreement, it deals with the situation you are in at that moment. If your marriage is short and there are no children or large amounts of the complex property involved, your separation agreement may only be necessary for a short while. Otherwise, you may need to deal with each other for a longer period of time. A well-drafted separation agreement will try to anticipate all kinds of changes in life circumstances over the years. There should be provisions to deal with: Child support: These changes can be made quickly and efficiently, by exchanging financial information and looking up the Child Support Guidelines once a year. Spousal support: Spousal support is usually only intended to give the lower-income spouse time to get on his or her feet. Most separation agreements require recipient spouses to periodically prove that they are making efforts to become self-sufficient. Complex business, property or financial matters: If spouses must continue to work with each other in a business setting, there should be clauses drafted into the agreement that specify their rights and obligations to their business and to each other. If none of the clauses dealing with these kinds of modifications are sufficient, there are usually provisions describing how unexpected problems should be resolved. At Baker & Baker, we strongly recommend making negotiation and mediation a part of these provisions. Sometimes mediation does not work and spouses decide to go to court. They may be unhappy with the way the separation agreement was agreed upon, or how it has worked for them, or unhappy with their lives since the divorce. Sometimes there are simply circumstances that nobody could have predicted when the separation began and which defy easy solutions such as international relocations. One of the best ways to avoid going to court is to understand that the separation agreement you negotiate at the beginning of your separation must work for all parties for a long time. All parties must be satisfied with it and have a stake in making it work. At Baker and Baker Family Lawyers , our Toronto lawyers can help ensure that this is the case. Looking for a Toronto Separation Agreement Lawyer? If you are considering making changes to your separation agreement, contact Baker and Baker Family Lawyers at 416-964-2215 or by email. We can help you work out solutions that will keep your matter out of the court system. Live chat Hi, you may just be browsing, but we are available to answer your questions. Can we help you? BAKER & BAKER TORONTO FAMILY LAWYERS Baker and Baker Family Lawyers serves individuals and families throughout the Greater Toronto Area, including downtown Toronto, North York, York, Mississauga, Markham and Vaughan. [PAGE] Title: Toronto Child Custody Lawyer | Child Suport Lawyer | Baker and Baker Family Law Content: Toronto Child Custody Lawyer August 12, 2015 Toronto child custody lawyer services at Baker and Baker Family Lawyers. If you have children, the most important part of your separation will be the decisions you make about their care. The focus has to be on your children’s best interests. With very rare exceptions, this will mean working with your children’s other parent to make sure they suffer as little as possible during this difficult time. Baker and Baker Family Lawyers in Toronto can help you decide the major family law issues regarding your children such as: Child Custody, or where your children will live and who will make decisions about their life, education, health and religious upbringing Access, or contact with noncustodial parents, so that your children can maintain emotional connections Child support, provided by the noncustodial parent to the custodial parent for the care of their children If your children are very young, you will have to deal with their other parent for many years. It is very important to begin your new relationship as separated co-parents properly. Child Custody And Child Access Lawyers In the court system, it can be very easy to waste years and end up using your children as weapons. This can be devastating financially and emotionally for the entire family. Our Toronto child custody lawyer tries to use mediation and other methods outside the courts to ensure a more positive result and settle issues of custody and access as quickly and cooperatively as possible. There are many types of custody arrangements: Sole custody: The child lives with one parent, who has responsibility for his or her care and makes all major decisions about his or her upbringing. Shared custody: The parents share both care and responsibility for the child. Joint custody: Parents share decision making with respect to major decisions in the child’s life such as religion, health, education Split custody: If there is more than one child, each parent has custody of at least one child. We also work with parenting coordinators who have experience helping parents put their children first. We will work together to create a parenting plan that will enable issues to be dealt with smoothly and with a minimum of conflict as the children grow and your family’s needs change. Looking for a Toronto child custody lawyer? Contact Baker & Baker at 416-964-2215 or by email for information on how you and your partner can get your children through your separation in a healthy, constructive way. Live chat Hi, you may just be browsing, but we are available to answer your questions. Can we help you? BAKER & BAKER TORONTO FAMILY LAWYERS Baker and Baker Family Lawyers serves individuals and families throughout the Greater Toronto Area, including downtown Toronto, North York, York, Mississauga, Markham and Vaughan. [PAGE] Title: Toronto Child Relocation Lawyer | Custody Relocation | Baker and Baker Family Law Content: Toronto Child Relocation Lawyer August 15, 2015 Child relocation can be a very difficult case to deal with. Although it is important for both parents to be involved in a child’s life, parents have a right to live their own lives. In today’s world of globalization and fluid work circumstances, it is not unusual for people to change jobs and careers frequently and find job opportunities very far away. It is also not unusual for them to become romantically involved with people who live in another city, province, or even continent. When a parent who has custody of a child wants to move and the non-custodial parent doesn’t agree, it presents a serious challenge to the courts. Lawyers For Changing Child Custody Arrangements Unfortunately, Ontario doesn’t have legislation to address child relocation. There are some principles the court generally considers, always keeping in mind the best interests of the children: The reason for the relocation (i.e., whether the relocating parent is moving for a new job, a new partner or for some other reason) How much each parent is involved in the children’s life The wishes of the children How much difficulty the move will add to the noncustodial parent’s ability to see the children Whether the children will benefit from the move, either from the custodial parent’s greater earnings, better schools or other reasons The noncustodial parent’s ability to travel or pay for the children to travel The ability to compensate, for example by arranging for the children to spend the school year with one parent and holidays with the other parent As always, it’s advisable for parents to try to work out their own solutions through negotiation or mediation , rather than going through the courts. At Baker and Baker Family Lawyers , our Toronto custody relocation lawyers can help you find out how likely the courts are to decide in your favour and can help you work out a solution so that you don’t have to go before a judge. For example, although the noncustodial parent must pay child support whether he or she is able to see the child or not, it may be possible to negotiate for a reduction in child support if the cost of travelling or paying for the child’s travel expenses is large. There may be many solutions that can help resolve the situation. Looking for a Toronto Child Relocation Lawyer? If you are facing a court battle over relocation, contact Baker & Baker at 416-964-2215 or by email. Let us help you explore your options. Live chat Hi, you may just be browsing, but we are available to answer your questions. Can we help you? BAKER & BAKER TORONTO FAMILY LAWYERS Baker and Baker Family Lawyers serves individuals and families throughout the Greater Toronto Area, including downtown Toronto, North York, York, Mississauga, Markham and Vaughan. [PAGE] Title: Toronto Domestic Violence And Assault Lawyer | Baker and Baker Family Law Content: Toronto Domestic Violence And Assault Lawyer Read Time: 3 mins Toronto Domestic Violence And Assault Lawyer August 15, 2015 Toronto Domestic Violence And Assault Lawyer. Family violence is a very serious problem. Domestic abuse can cause untold damage to a family, to spouses and to children. If you are a victim of family violence, the police should be involved. Restraining Order Lawyers Restraining orders or Peace Bonds are issued by the court to prevent people from contacting those they may want to harm. They are sometimes called “no-contact” orders. A Peace Bond is issued by a Justice of the Peace if there have been threats or acts of violence to property or persons. It’s not a criminal charge, but breaching a Peace Bond is an offense. A restraining order issued in Family Court, only applies to spouses and ex-spouses, and is usually part of a larger proceeding. When Charges Are Not Appropriate Unfortunately, sometimes charges of domestic abuse can become part of a separation process when they should not be. Sometimes allegations of abuse are used to get a spouse out of the marital home. Sometimes during a fight, if the police are called, they will charge one of the spouses even if there has been no violence, because there have been threats or alleged threats. This can turn into a very difficult situation for both spouses, because in Ontario police are not allowed to withdraw charges even if the alleged victim withdraws his or her statements regarding threats or abuse. Spouses who change their minds about their charges may even face charges for making false statements to the police. This entire process can cost a great deal of money and harm a person’s reputation. Our Toronto domestic violence and assault lawyer can help you manage your family affairs in the face of these charges, and can help you understand how criminal charges are likely to affect other issues in a separation such as custody and access. Looking for a Toronto Domestic Violence And Assault Lawyer? If you are a victim of family violence or have been accused of partner assault, contact Baker & Baker at 416-964-2215 or by email. We can help you decide what to do about the charges, how to work with the courts or with each other to resolve the situation, and get your life back to normal. Live chat Hi, you may just be browsing, but we are available to answer your questions. Can we help you? BAKER & BAKER TORONTO FAMILY LAWYERS Baker and Baker Family Lawyers serves individuals and families throughout the Greater Toronto Area, including downtown Toronto, North York, York, Mississauga, Markham and Vaughan. [PAGE] Title: Toronto Mediation Lawyer | Divorce Mediator | Family Lawyers | Baker and Baker Family Law Content: Toronto Mediation Lawyer August 15, 2015 Toronto mediation lawyer. There are many different forms of alternative dispute resolution. They are an alternative to the court system, with its high costs, long delays, and atmosphere of conflict. Mediation And Collaborative Divorce Mediation is usually carried out without lawyers. Both parties meet with a trained, experienced mediator , such as Toronto divorce mediator Donald Baker, and work out a solution in a fairly informal setting. The emphasis is on cooperation and finding creative solutions that will work for the entire family. We focus on needs and interests rather than procedures. A mediator can help you deal with your matter sensitively and creatively, and save you an enormous amount of time and money. More importantly, any solutions will come from you. Court-imposed arrangements are never as good as what you come up with on your own, particularly when it comes to custody and access. Mediation is also much faster than the court system. You can always find a mediator who will be available relatively soon. A collaborative divorce is a form of alternative dispute resolution in which clients try to work out their issues outside of the court system with the help of their lawyers. However, both parties must agree in advance that if they cannot resolve their issues, they will hire new lawyers before going to court. Family Law Arbitration Arbitration, a sort of private court system, is not always necessarily cheaper than going to regular court. The proceedings are less casual than mediation, with lawyers and evidence being treated in a formal way, especially if complex issues of property are involved. However, it can be much faster and you generally have more control over the process. Sometimes court is unavoidable. However, at Baker and Baker Family Lawyers, we have found that if it is possible to work outside the court system, it is almost always worth it, especially if children are involved. Looking for a Toronto mediation lawyer? Baker and Baker Family Lawyers is a family firm committed to helping clients use alternative dispute resolution to find solutions that will fit their families’ needs best. Contact us at 416-964-2215 or by email to learn more about how mediation and arbitration can help you resolve your matters. Live chat Hi, you may just be browsing, but we are available to answer your questions. Can we help you? BAKER & BAKER TORONTO FAMILY LAWYERS Baker and Baker Family Lawyers serves individuals and families throughout the Greater Toronto Area, including downtown Toronto, North York, York, Mississauga, Markham and Vaughan. [PAGE] Title: Disclaimer - Baker and Baker Family Law Baker and Baker Family Law Content: Book a consultation Disclaimer The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult a lawyer for advice regarding your individual situation. We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls, letters and electronic mail. Contacting us does not create a lawyer-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as a lawyer-client relationship has been established. BAKER & BAKER TORONTO FAMILY LAWYERS Baker and Baker Family Lawyers serves individuals and families throughout the Greater Toronto Area, including downtown Toronto, North York, York, Mississauga, Markham and Vaughan. [PAGE] Title: Toronto Child Support Lawyer | Baker and Baker Family Law Content: Toronto Child Support Lawyer Guidelines Child Custody & Access Toronto Child Support Lawyer Guidelines August 12, 2015 Toronto child support lawyer. For the most part, the question of how to calculate child support is simple to answer. Although family cases used to involve fighting over budgets and children’s needs, today most of our clients simply use the Child Support Guidelines. These are tables that take into account each parent’s income and the number of children in a family, and decide the amount of support that should be payable every month to the parent who has custody of the children. However, the topic is not always as cut-and-dry as it appears. There are many fine points that still need to be determined. For example: Parents who are self-employed, or who earn far more or far less than the average Canadian, may need to adjust the Table amounts. Stock options, commissions, bonuses and other parts of a parent’s income may be more difficult to quantify than a basic salary. Allowances may be made for business expenses and deductions. Special and extraordinary expenses may need to be determined. These include nannies, daycare and extracurricular activities that cost more than what is expected such as private training with an Olympic swimming coach instead of regular swimming lessons. If both parents share custody, the Table amounts may be adjusted to account for the amount of time that each parent takes care of the children. As the children grow and incomes and custody arrangements change, the amount will have to be adjusted. If either parent does not provide full financial disclosure, this can make the process more difficult. Our Toronto child support lawyer can help you work out these issues, hopefully without recourse to the court system. Our priority will be your children and their right to a stable home environment, and to financial support that is fair and reasonable. Looking for a Toronto child support lawyer? We can help you determine the proper amount of child support your children need and work out a way to make child support manageable for the family. Contact us by email or call us at 416-964-2215 . Live chat Hi, you may just be browsing, but we are available to answer your questions. Can we help you? BAKER & BAKER TORONTO FAMILY LAWYERS Baker and Baker Family Lawyers serves individuals and families throughout the Greater Toronto Area, including downtown Toronto, North York, York, Mississauga, Markham and Vaughan. [PAGE] Title: Toronto Divorce Lawyers | Divorce Mediator | Legal Separation | Baker and Baker Family Law Content: By far the most common ground used is a one-year separation. Legal Separation Lawyers During the separation, couples usually try to come up with a separation agreement which covers the main aspects of their separation: Issues regarding children, including custody, access, and child support Property, including possession of the marital home and division of property Spousal support Any other items that the separating spouses feel necessary to cover in an agreement The separation agreement is a binding contract that is there to help you set out how you should deal with each other now that your marriage is over. Most couples try to do this through negotiation or through a mediator. At the end of the separation, you are granted an uncontested divorce. If the divorce is contested and mediation has not resulted in an agreement, then all aspects of the separation will instead be decided in court. While entering the courtroom may be necessary in a few cases, such as those involving domestic violence, in reality, the court process is usually exhausting and very expensive. Custody disputes, in particular, can become very destructive. Most clients settle partway through the process and very few cases go to trial. As an overall game plan, at Baker and Baker Family Lawyers , our Toronto divorce lawyers try to negotiate a separation agreement and avoid going to court. Our hope is to get our clients through the process as quickly and inexpensively as possible. It is much better to come to an agreement privately with the help of a mediator or lawyers so that you can work out your own agreement without an outside force – a judge – imposing it on you. Looking for Toronto divorce lawyers? Let our Toronto Divorce Lawyers help you settle your matters efficiently. Contact Baker & Baker at 416-964-2215 or by email for more information. Live chat Hi, you may just be browsing, but we are available to answer your questions. Can we help you? BAKER & BAKER TORONTO FAMILY LAWYERS Baker and Baker Family Lawyers serves individuals and families throughout the Greater Toronto Area, including downtown Toronto, North York, York, Mississauga, Markham and Vaughan. [PAGE] Title: Donald Baker - Baker & Baker Family Law Baker and Baker Family Law Content: [email protected] 416-964-2215 Donald has been a lecturer at the Bar Admission Course for the Law Society. He is also a trained mediator in family law with extensive experience. Donald S. Baker has been practicing law since his call to the Ontario Bar in 1978, first as a litigator and then as a family law specialist. For over thirty years he has successfully represented clients in complex matters relating to enforcement of custody and support orders, professional practice and business valuations, and complex tax and pension matters in the Ontario Court of Justice, the Superior Court of Justice and the Court of Appeal. Donald has been a lecturer at the Bar Admission Course for the Law Society. He is also trained mediator in family law with extensive experience. Donald received his undergraduate degree from the University of Toronto and his LL.B. from Osgoode Hall Law School in 1976. Happily married with four children, Donald resides in Toronto with his wife, Catherine. Years of Experience 42 Years (Year of call: 1978) Areas of Practice [PAGE] Title: Toronto Property Division Lawyer | Family Lawyers | Baker and Baker Family Law Content: Significant pensions Business interests There is also a wide range of exceptions to the “split down the middle” approach, particularly if the relationship has been short. Inheritances and gifts received during the marriage are exempt from sharing and property owned before the marriage can all be exceptions to the law and may complicate matters considerably. Hiding or failing to disclose assets can also cause severe complications and result in court costs being awarded to your spouse. Asset Division Lawyers At Baker and Baker Family Lawyers in Toronto, we have the necessary background to help with complicated property matters. Particularly when it comes to business valuations and complex investments and pensions, our Toronto property division lawyer can help you through the confusing process of separating your assets. We can help you come to reasoned, fair evaluations so that both sides can emerge with their rights and property protected in the final divorce settlement. If there are complex issues, such as a jointly owned business, we can help you extricate your business affairs from one another. We can also help you work out how to both maintain your ties to businesses or property if it is necessary. In either case, mediation may be invaluable in helping you come to creative solutions rather than having a court impose a solution on you. Looking for a Toronto property division lawyer? Baker and Baker Family Lawyers in Toronto can help make your division of property understandable and fair. Contact Baker & Baker at 416-964-2215 or by email to set up a free initial consultation. Live chat Hi, you may just be browsing, but we are available to answer your questions. Can we help you? BAKER & BAKER TORONTO FAMILY LAWYERS Baker and Baker Family Lawyers serves individuals and families throughout the Greater Toronto Area, including downtown Toronto, North York, York, Mississauga, Markham and Vaughan. [PAGE] Title: Toronto Marital Hidden Assets and Fraud Lawyer | Family Lawyers | Baker and Baker Family Law Content: Toronto Marital Hidden Assets and Fraud lawyer Read Time: 3 mins Toronto Marital Hidden Assets and Fraud lawyer August 15, 2015 There are many laws in place to ensure that both partners are treated fairly under the law during separation and divorce. The law treats property gained during a marriage as divisible property so that a spouse who has sacrificed a career and financial opportunities for the benefit of the family is not left destitute at the end of the marriage. The couple is treated as a unit, and it is assumed that both spouses have an equal right to any property, other than exempt property acquired during the relationship, regardless of who earned it, because the non earning spouse’s contributions may have helped the earning spouse to succeed. An unpleasant part of divorce is that spouses often feel emotional and resentful toward each other and may not care about fairness, the law or the other spouse’s rights. Particularly if the higher-earning spouse was in charge of most of the finances, he or she may be tempted to not disclose the full extent of his or her financial worth. Forensic Accountants There are many ways to deal with this. At Baker and Baker Family Lawyers , our Toronto hidden assets and marital fraud lawyers can help you find out if your partner is committing marital fraud and hiding his or her assets. With the help of forensic accountants and other specialists, we may be able to find undeclared accounts and discover where money, stocks and other property are being hidden. We can: Use Canada Revenue Agency’s records to find inconsistencies in your spouse’s claims Carry out lifestyle assessments Ask judges to impute income based on outside factors Although hiring outside experts can become expensive, if your spouse is committing fraud, you could lose a great deal of money in the property division process and in spousal support calculations. Additionally, the courts punish people who do not cooperate fully with the separation process, and sometimes award costs to the other party. Failure to fully disclose one’s assets certainly qualifies as failing to cooperate. Looking for a Toronto Marital Hidden Assets and Fraud lawyer? If you feel your partner is not being honest about his or her property, let us help. We can advise you as to your rights and help you make sure that your partner gives you full financial disclosure. Contact Baker & Baker at 416-964-2215 or by email for more information. Live chat Hi, you may just be browsing, but we are available to answer your questions. Can we help you? BAKER & BAKER TORONTO FAMILY LAWYERS Baker and Baker Family Lawyers serves individuals and families throughout the Greater Toronto Area, including downtown Toronto, North York, York, Mississauga, Markham and Vaughan. [PAGE] Title: Blog Articles From Toronto Family Lawyers | Baker and Baker Family Law Content: The division of property after a divorce is often a contentious issue between former spouses, particularly if there is no marriage contract or prenuptial agreement. Expectations sometimes run counter to a spouse’s actual property entitlement, which leads to uncertainty. What is classified as property? The property, in this case, includes assets, debts accumulated throughout the marriage, joint bank accounts, pensions, real estate and business property. Ontario family law states that the value of any property or asset acquired during a marriage that is still in existence at the time of divorce must be shared equally between spouses.
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At Baker and Baker Family Lawyers , we can help you determine fair and reasonable compensation for all that you gave to the relationship, and help make sure that you are treated fairly under Ontario family law. Title: Toronto Spousal And Child Support Variation Lawyer | Baker and Baker Family Law Content: Toronto Spousal And Child Support Variation lawyer Child / Spousal Support Toronto Spousal And Child Support Variation lawyer August 15, 2015 Over a third of the cases in family court, today involve changing existing agreements regarding support and custody. If the court is unavoidable, we will help you through the process as much as we can. Title: FAQs - Baker and Baker Family Law Baker and Baker Family Law Content: Book a consultation FAQs We are here to help you with any questions or comments you may have about family law and will and estate planning. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for please contact us . In order to apply for access, you will need police and Children’s Aid Society clearances, and then you will have to: Prove that you have an established bond with your grandchild Prove that a relationship with you is in the child’s best interests Prove that the relationship has been harmed by your grandchild’s parents and that there was no good reason for it Although there have been efforts to make grandparents’ rights a priority for the court, so far a grandparent is legally in the same position as any other non-parent who has a close relationship with the child. For example, if your marriage lasts 20 years and your spouse is ill and cannot work after the marriage is over, a court may decide that even if he or she waived the right to spousal support, it should still be provided. At Baker and Baker Family Lawyers you can find out more about marriage and cohabitation agreements and how they may apply to your relationship, contact our Toronto marriage contract lawyers by email or call us at 416-964-2215 . Title: Contact Toronto Family Lawyers | Baker and Baker Family Law Content: We’re here to help, 416-964-2215 Get in touch with us today Contact Baker & Baker if you are seeking information or help with a family law matter. At Baker and Baker Family Lawyers , our Toronto lawyers can help ensure that this is the case. Title: Toronto Child Custody Lawyer | Child Suport Lawyer | Baker and Baker Family Law Content: Toronto Child Custody Lawyer August 12, 2015 Toronto child custody lawyer services at Baker and Baker Family Lawyers. Baker and Baker Family Lawyers in Toronto can help you decide the major family law issues regarding your children such as: Child Custody, or where your children will live and who will make decisions about their life, education, health and religious upbringing Access, or contact with noncustodial parents, so that your children can maintain emotional connections Child support, provided by the noncustodial parent to the custodial parent for the care of their children If your children are very young, you will have to deal with their other parent for many years. At Baker and Baker Family Lawyers , our Toronto custody relocation lawyers can help you find out how likely the courts are to decide in your favour and can help you work out a solution so that you don’t have to go before a judge. For example, although the noncustodial parent must pay child support whether he or she is able to see the child or not, it may be possible to negotiate for a reduction in child support if the cost of travelling or paying for the child’s travel expenses is large. We can help you decide what to do about the charges, how to work with the courts or with each other to resolve the situation, and get your life back to normal. Title: Toronto Mediation Lawyer | Divorce Mediator | Family Lawyers | Baker and Baker Family Law Content: Toronto Mediation Lawyer August 15, 2015 Toronto mediation lawyer. Title: Disclaimer - Baker and Baker Family Law Baker and Baker Family Law Content: Book a consultation Disclaimer The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. Title: Toronto Child Support Lawyer | Baker and Baker Family Law Content: Toronto Child Support Lawyer Guidelines Child Custody & Access Toronto Child Support Lawyer Guidelines August 12, 2015 Toronto child support lawyer. Legal Separation Lawyers During the separation, couples usually try to come up with a separation agreement which covers the main aspects of their separation: Issues regarding children, including custody, access, and child support Property, including possession of the marital home and division of property Spousal support Any other items that the separating spouses feel necessary to cover in an agreement The separation agreement is a binding contract that is there to help you set out how you should deal with each other now that your marriage is over. At Baker and Baker Family Lawyers , our Toronto hidden assets and marital fraud lawyers can help you find out if your partner is committing marital fraud and hiding his or her assets.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Global Assignment Services at Post Content: Tel: (800) 888-6060 Global Assignment Services at Post With many years of experience managing global assignments, we know that an expatriate move can be an emotional experience. It is critical to address any and all employee concerns up-front, to ensure a high success rate. Incorporating our client’s culture into each step along the way also provides a level of comfort. We know how to make international assignments the exciting, learning experiences they are meant to be. Our confidence stems from working with many multi-national corporations over the years. This experience is why many companies trust us when it comes to managing their employees’ moves while on assignment. Paragon Relocation is capable of providing any and all global assignment management services required by our clients. The following services are the ones most often utilized. To contact a Paragon representative to obtain more information, click here . Expatriate Benefits Counseling & Administration Paragon’s International Assignment Consultants work to implement and provide continuous benefits during the global assignment. Instruction is also provided on utilizing Paragon’s online and mobile accessible relocation portal (PRISM). The Consultant will also coordinate and provide oversight for the delivery of all services and benefits at post. For international assignments this can include ensuring expense reimbursements are processed and correctly paid, including monthly rents, tuition for school, car lease payments, and allowances for housing and goods and services. Generally, unless instructed to do otherwise, Paragon provides a Consultant in the host region, enabling the employee to take advantage of local, expert knowledge in their new location. Expense Audit, Processing, Payment and Reporting Paragon utilizes a single platform and cutting edge technology to provide the highest level of transparency and accuracy in expense management. From service authorization to payroll interface, each transaction is managed with our PRISM system. Data flows through well-defined and controlled processes, and is monitored for accurate tax and financial reporting coding. In addition, Paragon’s robust reporting package offers many options. Our services include: 1) logging payment requests upon receipt, 2) data entry, 3) tracking, 4) auditing against policy, 5) calculating accruals of actual expenses and 6) providing reconciliations against budgeted amounts. Paragon also exchanges funds in order to deliver reimbursements in whatever currencies are requested by the client and/or employee. Global Compensation Companies worldwide have recognized the need to properly track and collect compensation data to achieve accurate income reporting and tax compliance. Paragon has the solution. Our model is flexible, allowing our clients to define the scope of service that best supports their compliance and administrative needs. Paragon supports home country, host country and split payrolls. Our services include: 1) calculating benefits, 2) producing payroll instructions, 3) accumulating payroll data from multiple sources and in multiple currencies, 4) collecting bonus and equity information to calculate total compensation, 5) preparing wage updates, internal payroll reporting and year-end reconciliations, 6) supplying estimates for planning purposes and 7) providing statements of accruals, budget versus actual analyses and global statements of earnings. In addition, we supply a secure portal for data transfer. Tenancy Management When employees are on assignment, their to-do list can seem endless. Paragon’s tenancy management service reduces their administrative demands, provides peace of mind, increases the recovery rate for deposits and usually reduces costs. The service also allows employees to focus on their jobs. The standard service includes: 1) coordinating, paying and tracking security deposits, rent and utility payments, 2) negotiating leases up-front and scheduling lease renewals or the breaking of a lease, 3) coordinating home repairs and maintenance and 4) providing 24/7 telephone support for tenancy issues and home emergencies. Global Employee Assistance Program Through its global employee assistance program, Paragon provides timely emergency support to employees and their families. Whether domestic or international, internal to the company or personal, solution based assistance is made available. The list of services usually made available includes emergency medical care, professional and personal counseling and critical incident management, but additional assistance can be added depending on the situation. With Paragon’s help, your employees can feel safe knowing there is a place for them to turn just in case the unexpected occurs. The service provides peace of mind when things are going well and a lifeline when people experience various crises. In reality, people can become overwhelmed by the challenges of living and working in a foreign country, by taking on increased responsibilities at work or when experiencing marital or family discord. Companies must be prepared to provide support. Repatriation Services Companies often report attrition as high as 40% due to the lack of an adequate repatriation program. Included in Paragon’s service is the coordination of all aspects of moving out of the host country and back to the expatriate’s home country or other location, including the rental or purchase of a new home, if applicable. Paragon’s services include: lease cancellation; handling the refunding of any security deposits; disposal of any unwanted items; shutting-off the utilities; and, assistance as necessary to ensure the expatriate departs on time. In addition, Paragon offers repatriation counseling. This is critical because repatriation is one of the most difficult phases of any global assignment. By neglecting the repatriation process, many companies lose their considerable investment in valuable employees. Tax Assistance Paragon Relocation offers its clients expertise and operational experience for handling all tax matters related to global assignments. Paragon’s services include audits of all tax calculations in 80 different countries, tax provider coordination, aggregation of data in multiple currencies from multiple sources, detailed reporting and the management of split payrolls across home and host countries. All amounts and calculations are audited prior to sending to the client’s payroll for processing. In addition, all expenses are available any time online through Paragon’s relocation portal, PRISM. Paragon Relocation405 State Highway 121 BypassSuite A250Lewisville, TX 75067 USA [PAGE] Title: Locations Content: Tel: (800) 888-6060 Locations Paragon Relocation is a full service, global relocation management company. We offer a complete set of relocation services, including everything required for intra- and inter-country relocations . We have offices in the United States and across the globe, including in the Americas, EMEA and APAC regions. Much of our focus and staff is in the United States; but, we provide services in 150 countries. The United States is home to Paragon’s Global Headquarters, while our International Headquarters is based in London. We service the Asia Pacific region primarily out of our Hong Kong office. Please find our contact information for each office listed below. Global Headquarters 405 State Highway 121 Bypass, Suite A250 Lewisville, TX 75067 USA +1.972.819.5100 phone +1.972.819.5090 fax Paragon Relocation – France Autre Societe A 8 Rue D Athenes 75009 Paris France +33.173.775.692 phone +33.173.775.556 fax International Headquarters & Global Customer Service Center – UK Wimbledon Business Centre The Old Town Hall The Murray Suite 4 Queens Road Wimbledon SW19 8YB United Kingdom +44 (0) 2034 052793 phone Global Customer Service Center – Hong Kong Level 8 Admiralty Center Tower II 18 Harcourt Road Admiralty Hong Kong China +852.2907.5880 phone +852.2907.5886 fax Western Regional Office – California 26441 Crown Valley Pkwy, Suite 201 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 USA +1.949.635.6000 phone +1.949.888.2491 fax We welcome you to fill out the form below, as well. We will route your inquiry to the appropriate office. Paragon Relocation405 State Highway 121 BypassSuite A250Lewisville, TX 75067 USA [PAGE] Title: Financial Services Content: Tel: (800) 888-6060 Financial Services In every relocation or global assignment , financial services play a critical role. Everything from the employee and family wanting to receive an equitable settlement for their home to timely reimbursement of expenses must be handled with the utmost care. Paragon Relocation is known for its experience, expertise, meticulous administration, strict audit and compliance standards, advanced systems and technology. With payroll system integration, a global footprint, a dedicated specialist for each client and a proud history, we stand ready to take care of our clients’ financial needs. Funding options, flexibility, cash flow management, currency conversion, tax liabilities and financial reporting are important topics for most corporations. While the topics that need to be addressed are usually similar when it comes to relocation, the services offered by different companies vary. Our clients choose us because we customize our services for them, adjusting to meet their requirements. To speak with a Paragon representative about financial services, click here . Expense Processing, Audit & Reporting Employees want their approved relocation reimbursements and we consistently get them out accurately and quickly. All Paragon Relocation expense audit, processing, payment and reporting takes place inside of a single system with real-time updates. From service authorization to payroll interface, each transaction flows through well-defined and controlled processes and is coded for financial reporting. In addition, employees have continuous access to all data and can request or run their own reports at any time via a dedicated web portal. Industry leading technology has always been the foundation of superior service. The net result is accuracy, transparency and consistency, making Paragon Relocation a trusted partner for relocation services. Our services include: 1) logging payment requests upon receipt, 2) data entry, 3) tracking, 4) auditing against policy, 5) calculating accruals of actual expenses and 6) providing reconciliations against budgeted amounts. In addition, many reporting options are available. Payments, Reimbursements & Funding Options Funding transactions and disbursing payments is important business. The world of finance has become incredibly complicated, requiring companies to seek the help of experts. Paragon’s experience is extensive, based on years of implementations and providing relocation services. Whether a company is domestic only or involves multiple countries and currencies, Paragon knows the way and can deliver the services needed. For employee reimbursements and supplier payments, Paragon Relocation supports: 1) company funded working capital accounts, 2) just in time or ACH/wire transfer payments and 3) in some cases, Paragon funding. We also handle international disbursements and currency conversions for global relocation. In regard to U.S. homesale, inventory purchases can be client or in some cases Paragon funded. Tax Expertise Paragon Relocation offers its clients expertise and operational experience for handling all tax matters related to relocation and global assignments. As an active member of the industry organization, Worldwide ERC®, Paragon stays up-to-date on all relocation-related tax laws and regulations, as do all top relocation companies. Backed-up by real estate and tax attorneys, Paragon’s staff can provide expert guidance on key topics, as needed, including tax gross-up rules and regulations, the differences between the Supplemental Method and the Marginal Method, VAT tax strategies, IRS revenue rulings for the proper treatment of reimbursements and the reasons why you might use current federal and flat state tax rates in the U.S. versus a fixed rate. Additional services include: 1) identification of reporting requirements, 2) audits of all tax calculations, 3) tax provider coordination, 4) tax calculations in over 80 countries, 5) aggregating data for shadow or tax filings and 6) reconciliations of global statements of earnings to U.S. W-2s. Whatever relocation assistance our clients need is what we provide or coordinate. International Banking Working with its global service partners, Paragon can assist any employee on assignment or international transfer with: 1) setting up accounts at preferred local banks, 2) splitting deposits, 3) applying for credit cards, 4) requesting direct deposits, 5) executing wires transfers, 6) remote money management or 7) whatever banking services have been requested. These activities can be complicated enough all on their own, but in an international situation currency fluctuations, language barriers, and foreign rules and regulations can make the process overwhelming. Most people need help. In addition, not all international banking services are alike, especially in emerging markets. Paragon works through proven banking partners and local experts to ensure competitive pricing, quality service and access to a foreign trade desk if needed. Handling financial matters the right way can improve acceptance rates for international assignments and bolster employee satisfaction. Global Compensation Companies worldwide have recognized the need to properly track and collect compensation data to achieve accurate income reporting and tax compliance. Paragon Relocation has the solution. Our model is flexible, allowing our clients to define the scope of service that best supports their compliance and administrative needs. Paragon supports home country, host country and split payrolls. Our services include: 1) calculating benefits, 2) producing payroll instructions, 3) accumulating payroll data from multiple sources and in multiple currencies, 4) collecting bonus and equity information to calculate total compensation, 5) preparing wage updates, internal payroll reporting and year-end reconciliations, 6) supplying estimates for planning purposes and 7) providing statements of accruals, budget versus actual analyses and global statements of earnings. In addition, we supply a secure portal for data transfer. Paragon Relocation405 State Highway 121 BypassSuite A250Lewisville, TX 75067 USA [PAGE] Title: Voluntary Employee Benefits Content: Tel: (800) 888-6060 Voluntary Employee Benefits Over the years employee benefits have been cut to save costs. Yet, these benefits can be critical to helping people in their personal lives. Voluntary Benefits often fill at least some of this void. While dental insurance and vision plans are well known examples, there are other important Voluntary Benefits to consider. Paragon offers Voluntary Benefits programs, (under Paragon Home Resources), at no cost to the company, that can improve employee productivity and retention. Paragon Home Resources Paragon Home Resources provides assistance with home and move-related services throughout many stages in life. Whether looking to buy your first home, buy a larger home, downsize to a smaller home or looking for help managing your home, Paragon can help. Best of all, when you sell and buy a home, you can earn cash rewards up to $12,000* for each transaction. Plus, enjoy a single point of coordination and a friendly voice to help you through the process. Services available nationwide. Our services include assistance with: Selling Your Current Home [PAGE] Title: Authorized Representatives Content: Tel: (800) 888-6060 Authorized Representatives Paragon Relocation is a unique relocation company that welcomes local and regional service providers who would like to partner in order to expand their capabilities. Our Authorized Representative program is a contractual agreement allowing each party to leverage our combined resources to deliver better overall solutions. Paragon Authorized Representatives (PARs) benefit from being able to provide new services to their existing clients, better compete with global service providers for new business and earn fees for referring business to Paragon that doesn’t make sense for them. In business for over 25 years and providing service in 150 different countries makes Paragon an established and truly global relocation company. Paragon Relocation’s broad capabilities have met every need for clients both large and small over the years. Our consulting team, technology, IT support and training assistance ensure that each Paragon Authorized Representative is equipped to succeed. Paragon’s scale also allows smaller providers to benefit from preferred pricing and other efficiencies normally reserved for global relocation companies. Our past experience has taught us that combining our PAR’s local knowledge and expertise with Paragon’s scale and empowerment creates a service delivery advantage over larger providers, by virtue of taking advantage of the best the marketplace has to offer. This is the same argument as that for a Fortune 1000 company to outsource relocation services in the first place. Expertise is what delivers the best possible results in the end. If you’re interested in working with an established relocation company and becoming a Paragon Authorized Representative (PAR), please fill out the form below or contact us directly at our global headquarters. Global Headquarters 405 State Highway 121 Bypass, Suite A250 Lewisville TX, 75067 USA +1.972.819.5100 phone +1.972.819.5090 fax Paragon Relocation405 State Highway 121 BypassSuite A250Lewisville, TX 75067 USA [PAGE] Title: Relocation Program Management Content: Tel: (800) 888-6060 Relocation Program Management Managing a domestic or international relocation program requires in-depth knowledge of various subjects, including real estate, mortgage financing, shipping household goods, global compensation and benefits, tax rules and regulations and financial reporting. Constant change complicates matters exponentially. Paragon Relocation can manage the process as an extension of our clients’ human resources, payroll and supply chain functions. We provide the people, infrastructure, technology, expertise and insights corporations need, all packaged together in our relocation program management service. Working together we can achieve our clients’ program and strategic objectives. To learn more about our program management solution, please contact us directly. Account Management Service delivery is coordinated and executed through a single point of contact, the Paragon Account Manager, who manages a client’s entire program and every detail underneath it. This pivotal role ensures effective program administration, excellent customer service and program updates, or changes as needed. Our organizational structure empowers our Account Managers to make important decisions and involve additional resources as needed. We strive to prevent or deal with all issues when they are reported and before they become a high visibility problem. The benefits of our model are heightened accountability, simplicity, quicker response times and a true client advocate within Paragon’s organization. Our Account Managers are also financially incented to beat deadlines, respond quickly and always deliver the best service. Benefits Counseling & Administration Paragon’s Relocation Consultants contact each employee to explain their benefits, what services we provide, the employee’s role and responsibilities, the steps in the process and how to utilize Paragon’s online and mobile phone-accessible relocation portal (PRISM). Thereafter the consultant acts as the employee’s single point of contact, developing rapport the more time they spend together. Ongoing communication takes place according to the employee’s preference. The employee’s spouse/partner, if applicable, is encouraged to participate. All consultants are available via phone, email, video chat, PRISM and text; plus, they can be reached in the evenings and on weekends. The same Consultant handles all administrative duties, including the management and coordination of suppliers. Quality Assurance Owned, reported and monitored by the Account Manager for each client, quality management is a daily, weekly, monthly and ongoing exercise. Best-in-class quality approaches integrate quality management into every activity and discussion versus setting aside time to conduct periodic reviews. Paragon never stops talking about quality and collects input and feedback from a wide array of sources. We track and monitor an extensive list of metrics and KPIs, client surveys, employee surveys, exit interviews, proactive service calls and ongoing verbal solicitation of feedback. In addition, our management employs root cause analysis and six sigma teachings, a fact-based, data-driven approach to optimizing processes, driving continuous improvement and achieving better results. Quality service is our top priority at Paragon; better employee satisfaction is the result. Reporting & Analysis Better technology means better reporting. Paragon’s customized relocation portal, PRISM, is our single repository worldwide, for all program data. On demand, it provides real-time information from around the world, instantly. Other companies often have to manually aggregate data from multiple systems, but not with PRISM. PRISM comes with standard reports pre-populated, but client-customized reports can be added at any time and Paragon will accept ad hoc or manual requests as well. Our turn-around time is among the fastest in the industry. All reports are available in a variety of formats, including Microsoft Excel, PDF and HTML. Example data includes: employee initiations, file status, expenses, tax gross-ups, supplier payments, budget variance, exceptions, home listings, homes closed, etc. Our clients benefit by knowing exactly where their program stands at all times and in whatever detail they prefer. In addition, cost projections and budget variances are at their fingertips, 24/7. Cost Management Paragon analyzes existing programs’ performances and looks for opportunities to save costs or to re-deploy resources and funds in more productive ways. In meetings with Paragon’s Account Manager, the findings of our due diligence will be presented and discussed. Topics could include: 1) comparisons of actual and budgeted expenses, 2) reviews of exceptions and the reasons for them, 3) benefit utilization, 4) average days on market for homesale, 5) average days for temporary accommodations, 6) employee satisfaction ratings, etc. We understand that reducing or containing costs is a top priority for all companies. Paragon acts as a true partner for its clients, caring as much about our clients’ businesses as we do about our own. Paragon Relocation405 State Highway 121 BypassSuite A250Lewisville, TX 75067 USA [PAGE] Title: Sales Content: Tel: (800) 888-6060 Sales Paragon Relocation’s business development or sales team is ready and waiting to assist you. We assist companies with evaluating their situation and needs, learning about the services that are available and also reviewing their existing policies. As part of this process, we take the time to understand the people and culture too, as this has a significant bearing on how to implement. To kick things off, we would like to get to know you better in whatever manner suits you best. We are happy to give high level advise about relocation services or enter into a more substantive conversation specific to your situation. Please tell us how we can best help you. Global Headquarters 405 State Highway 121 Bypass, Suite A250 Lewisville, TX 75067 USA +1.972.819.5100 phone +1.972.819.5090 fax Paragon Relocation405 State Highway 121 BypassSuite A250Lewisville, TX 75067 USA [PAGE] Title: Meet the President & CEO Content: Tel: (800) 888-6060 Meet the President & CEO My first meaningful, money-making, work experience was selling women’s shoes to movie stars in Beverly Hills, while I worked my way through university. After earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in history and political science and a secondary school teaching credential, all from California State University, I went on to teach public junior and senior high school students, as well as adult school, in the inner-city of Los Angeles. My passion for education led me to earn a master’s degree in education administration with an administrative credential from Cal State. At this early point in my career, I had set myself on the path to becoming a school principal or superintendent, but, much like life itself, things changed abruptly. I did not know at the time that I would wind up in the relocation industry. At the age of twenty-nine, acting on nothing more than an impulse, I applied for a position with Merrill Lynch Relocation Management, on the opposite side of the country in New York. The company later became Prudential and then Brookfield Relocation. As the youngest person ever hired into a management position by the company, I poured my energy and enthusiasm into working with others to found and build Merrill’s Group Move and Consulting Services Division. For seven years, I worked closely with many Fortune 1000 companies, leading the planning and implementation of group moves as well as other relocation consulting projects. The experience of starting a new business from scratch, inside Merrill Lynch, is one I quickly fell in love with. Each and every day I faced new and exciting challenges; it brought out the best in me and gave me an opportunity to develop my true potential. As Merrill’s Group Move and Consulting Services Division achieved great success, I seized a second opportunity to build a business from the ground up. I agreed to start a consulting division for Premier Relocation Services, a Weyerhaeuser Company. As Senior Vice President in charge of this division, I again focused on the art of group moves, plus related consulting services. When the Weyerhaeuser Company, our parent, decided to exit the relocation business altogether, along with others, I decided to capitalize on the change. Emboldened by my success at Premier, I completed a leveraged buy-out of the consulting services division I founded and launched it as my own company. In May of 1991, on a Wednesday, Premier Decision Management (later Paragon Relocation) became an independently owned entity. On that Friday, payroll was funded, under my direction as President and CEO. This is a moment I will never forget and one in which I take great pride. What started as my desire to enter the business world, while still teaching in California, had led me to the top position of a successful relocation and consulting business, providing services to large, multinational corporations. What a journey! Though our company headquarters and operations started in Orange County, California, a few years into the company’s history an operations office was opened in Chicago to provide relocation services for a major client headquartered in that city. We provided the same client on-site services as well. Later, even though offices have been maintained in Southern California and Chicago, we moved our headquarters and the bulk of the company’s domestic operations to the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Along the way, relocation operations offices were also opened in Europe and Hong Kong, China to support Paragon’s international relocation business. Paragon Authorized Representatives (PARs) were brought on next in key countries around the world. Now, with offices spread across the world, Paragon had finally grown into both a national and global relocation management company. With thoughts of the recession in 2008 and managing through several downturns in mind, I made the critical decision to diversify the company to position us for the next ten years of growth. We established our holding company, Paragon Global Resources, Inc., as the owner of various subsidiaries. Paragon’s newest subsidiaries, Paragon Real Estate Resources and Paragon Home Resources, offer relocation related services that can be used by corporations as voluntary benefits to assist their employees with personal moves, or to support their parents or other loved ones in retirement. Paragon has come a very long way since being founded in 1991; yet the story is not over. I now see the company as far more than what it started out being. I see Paragon as assisting others with life decisions in many different contexts, providing expertise, guidance and solutions wherever needed. That’s what we do. Sincerely, Joseph A. Morabito President & CEO Paragon Relocation405 State Highway 121 BypassSuite A250Lewisville, TX 75067 USA [PAGE] Title: Press Releases Archives - Paragon Relocation Content: Paragon Relocation’s Jennifer Morabito Publishes Article in Mobility Magazine Jennifer Morabito’s latest article, on Buying a New Construction Home, has been published in the May issue of Mobility Magazine. As Manager, Global Consulting Services for Paragon Relocation, Ms. Morabito’s contributions to the mobility industry entail different forms of thought leadership and leading the delivery of Paragon’s relocation services to corporate clients. Mobility Magazine is produced by Worldwide ERC® , the bellwether advocate for the global mobility industry. Since 1964, Worldwide ERC® has been committed to organizing and educating relocation industry professionals, driving innovation and success in the process. Scott McCain Promoted to President of Paragon Relocation Paragon is pleased to announce the promotion of Scott McCain to the position of president at Paragon Relocation. In his new capacity, Mr. McCain will retain responsibility for Global Business Development and Consulting, while adding Account Management, Operations and Business Alliances to his duties. Scott McCain joined Paragon in 2012 as senior vice president of global business development. McCain’s advancement at Paragon reflects his leadership, outstanding performance, determination and vast industry expertise. Joe Morabito Named HR Superstar by HRO Today In the category of Relocation Provider, HRO Today has named Joseph A. Morabito, President and CEO of Paragon Relocation, as an HR Superstar for 2016. Morabito represents the best of the best in HR leadership “through forward thinking and innovative practices.” This award is a celebration of transformative leadership, with selections based on external nominations and input from HRO Today staff. Paragon is pleased to accept this award on behalf of Mr. Morabito. Paragon Relocation Employees Earn CRP® and GMS® Designations from Worldwide ERC® Paragon Relocation is pleased to announce that six of its employees recently earned the Certified Relocation Professional® (CRP) designation from Worldwide ERC® and one achieved the Global Mobility Specialist® (GMS) designation. These achievements illustrate the company’s ongoing commitment to providing its clients with The Best Thinking in Relocation™. Annually, Paragon requires its employees to complete trainings to ensure the company is leading the way when it comes to industry knowledge and expertise. CEO Business Mind Talk Radio Show Champions Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Everywhere A new talk radio show hosted by Joseph Morabito, President and CEO of Paragon Global Resources, Inc. is catching on all across the United States. First launched by 1180 AM KCKQ in Reno, Nevada, the program provides innovative and practical business advice grounded in Mr. Morabito’s own personal business successes. According to Morabito, “Business owners and entrepreneurs know that good information is priceless; just one great idea can make all the difference. Each week, in one fast paced hour, we share lots of proven tips and ideas to help you be more successful in business.” New Company Paragon Real Estate Resources, Inc. Assists Customers with Life Decisions When Moving For 25 years, Paragon Global Resources, Inc., has worked through its subsidiaries to assist major corporations and their employees with human resource counseling and administration, domestic and international relocation, household goods moving services and mortgage assistance. Not long ago, we began providing some of these services to assist customers with personal moves. We have known for some time that buying and selling real estate is stressful, so much so that some characterize it as the most stressful event in their life. This stress has created a clear need for companies that can deliver peace of mind, in response, Joseph Morabito, President and CEO of Paragon, has launched Paragon Real Estate Resources. Paragon Launches New Company Paragon Home Resources to Assist Seniors and Their Families Since being founded in 1991, Paragon has assisted many major corporations and their employees with human resource counseling and administration, relocation, buying and selling real estate, mortgages and moving services. In the past several years, we have also worked directly with individuals to provide several of these services. With 78 million Baby Boomers turning 65 at the rate of 10,000 a day, for the next 18 to 20 years, it is only natural that we support these very same customers as they transition into retirement. As a result, Joseph Morabito, President and CEO of Paragon, has launched Paragon Home Resources. Baker’s Dozen Survey Recognizes Paragon for its Quality of Service The 2016 Baker’s Dozen survey of relocation service providers, conducted by HRO Today, named Paragon Relocation as a top provider both overall and for quality of service. HRO’s survey separates a handful of relocation management companies from the pack each year, based on customer reviews. In the global relocation management industry, it is considered to be an honor just to appear in the rankings at all. In 2016, Paragon Relocation not only made the list but improved upon its ranking year over year. [The Rest of the Story] Mobility Magazine: Joseph Morabito Wins HRO Today’s Industry “Superstar” Award As a leader and pioneer in the relocation industry, with over three decades of hands-on experience, Joseph Morabito’s name comes up again and again in conversations about how to tackle industry challenges. Not long ago, Morabito was recognized by HRO Today magazine because he has “demonstrated forward thinking and transformative actions in the field.” Joe’s mention in Mobility magazine is immediately below: Paragon Relocation Opens New Office in London Paragon Relocation is moving its International Headquarters from Dublin, Ireland to Southwest London, in the suburb of Wimbledon, as of April 1, 2016. Abigail Flanagan, senior director global operations and business alliances and other staff members will be based at this new office location. Paragon will occupy the Murray Suite of the Old Town Hall Building, an iconic white-fronted Victorian building in what is now a much sought-after location for businesses. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Case Studies Archives - Paragon Relocation Content: Global Implementation Paragon Relocation’s immediate challenge was the implementation of a large scale, complex, global relocation program. There were numerous areas of consideration as Paragon was a single source solution to replace four separate global relocation service providers. Logistically, client users were spread over 82 different countries. Financially, services were billed in 22 different currencies. And due to the nature of the client’s business, visa and immigration challenges included remote locations with limited resources and an immediate need to have employees on-site. Relationships and issues with local and regional service providers such as DSP and household goods suppliers made streamlining a challenge. IT systems and HR processes had to be re-engineered to bring the team to a common platform. Escalation Management Process Paragon became aware of customer dissatisfaction with the household goods movers in the South of France. The customer was extremely unhappy with the quality of the departure moving crew’s work and their timeliness. To manage this situation, Paragon’s challenge was to determine the source of dissatisfaction; ensure the household goods were safe and intact; address any issues with the mover so the situation would not happen again; and, most importantly, ensure the client and employee were satisfied with the final resolution. Additionally, Paragon focused on lessons learned from this situation and how to apply them across the company. BVO with Sunset Clause One of Paragon’s valued clients was being audited by the IRS and their relocation Buyer Value Option (BVO) homesale program was under scrutiny. For a corporation to be tax compliant with IRS Revenue Ruling 2005-76, Worldwide ERC® tax counsel recommends client organizations provide a guaranteed buyout at the end of the BVO process in order to operate in the most favorable way to protect the tax exempt status of their third-party relocation homesale program. Since the client previously did not include a buyout for their BVO program, this created a possible financial risk. International Assignment Acceptance Rates While a survey from the Worldwide ERC® notes family issues as the primary driver for failure of international assignments, a surprising number of respondents to Paragon’s survey do not view a lack of spouse/domestic partner career assistance as a deterrent to accepting international assignments. This finding suggests both the employee on assignment and company may be underestimating the financial, and more importantly, the emotional impact resulting from spouses/domestic partners putting their careers “on hold.” Legalities, as well as language barriers, skill set translation, etc. may impede the spouse/domestic partner’s ability to remain productive for the duration of the assignment. Household Goods Audit A Fortune 1000 semiconductor supplier company with more than 22,000 employees worldwide in more than 50 locations. Products include power and signal management, logic, discrete, and custom devices for automotive, communications, computing, consumer, industrial, LED lighting, medical, military/aerospace and power applications. Paragon identified the need for expert-level review of client household goods invoices. For this client in particular, who used client-directed suppliers, the need was apparent through the number of household goods exceptions and questions on billing issues. Cutting Costs Through Exception Management For a Fortune 500 global manufacturer of construction and mining equipment with more than 150,000 employees in 500 locations worldwide, Paragon became aware of a rising number of exceptions to policy. The rising exceptions resulted in increased overall relocation costs. Exception costs were in fact skyrocketing, having tripled in the previous three years despite the fact that relocation volume only increased slightly. To manage this mounting expense, the client asked Paragon to craft an exception management process that reduced overall exception requests and ultimately cut costs, all while maintaining the client’s desire to “take care of families in need” in an equitable manner. Selection and Retention: Evaluating Return on Investment for International Assignments Although International Mobility is more commonplace and expected to surpass the volume of traditional domestic move programs within the next 10 years, none of the companies surveyed have a tool in place to measure Return on Investment (ROI). In addition, a majority of organizations do not have a formal candidate assessment process, career path, and/or assimilation plan designed for assignees. According to a recent industry survey, 48% of repatriated U.S. assignees leave the company within two (2) years of return from assignment. With relocation costs estimated near three times the annual base salary per year on assignment, greater emphasize should be placed on the human capital. As with any other investment, ensuring proper candidate selection, coupled with a long-term development strategy is paramount. Cross Cultural Training When accepting an international assignment, one of the assignee’s considerations is the family’s ability to adjust to their new location as well as their own professional adaptability to a foreign culture. The value of cross-cultural awareness training assists the assignee in becoming sensitive to cultural differences. Expatriates and their families benefit greatly from this training by recognizing how culture influences perceptions, attitudes, communication, behavior, daily life and the practice of doing business. Home Leave Benefits In an effort for international relocating assignees to maintain family ties and stay current with home business contacts and associates, many companies offer the Home Leave Benefit. This benefit is provided to expatriates and their dependent family members on a yearly basis for the duration of the assignment. Some companies provide this benefit to give the assignee and family members an “extra break” from the assignment and do not require a trip to the departure location. However, of the companies surveyed, 67% stated that the philosophy for offering the benefit was for continued connectivity to home business contacts and home community with the majority allowing up to 10 days leave. Brazil Taxation As the world’s seventh largest economy and the largest in Latin America, Brazil has rapidly become one of the busiest locations for expatriate assignments. Unfortunately, it is also a high tax location and foreign companies are discovering many unpredicted and significant costs to operate in this market. One of the most significant costs arises when Brazilian entities pay external invoices in foreign currency such as euro or dollar. The Brazilian authorities impose a range of taxes (IOR, IRRF) that can increase costs by up to 40%, which is often not budgeted. The tax is usually paid directly to the authorities and is not linked to the P&L item cost, so future forecasting is difficult. Posts navigation [PAGE] Title: Careers at Paragon Relocation Content: Tel: (800) 888-6060 Careers at Paragon Relocation Paragon Relocation is a fast-paced, entrepreneurial relocation services company looking for the best and the brightest to join our ranks to pursue their careers. We maintain our competitive advantage as a relocation company by hiring the most capable, responsive, dedicated and proactive thinkers in business today. At Paragon Relocation, we understand that business is all about people and that people are the reason you succeed in the end. Material assets such as facilities, equipment, computers and software, for example, are only as good as the people using them. To attract great employees, Paragon offers great benefits, with medical, dental and vision being standard. The health of our employees is important to us. We also offer a 401k plan, annual bonuses, incentive plans and tuition reimbursement. At Paragon, we take a long-term approach towards employment in the global relocation industry. While other companies offer similar benefits, Paragon Relocation’s culture sets it apart. We provide a family atmosphere filled with a variety of team activities; plus, we strongly believe in supporting the communities we live and work in. Being one of the top relocation companies in the world has never distracted us from building a first-class organization. To show that we understand there must be a balance between work and the rest of your life, we offer flexible schedules and a more relaxed but still professional dress code. We know it’s really all about a person’s focus, discipline and passion. We want you to achieve great things and have fun at the same time. If you would like to apply to an open position, please click on the Apply Now button below that corresponds to the position you’re interested in at Paragon Relocation or any of the Paragon family of companies. We look forward to talking with you about the great opportunities in the global relocation industry at Paragon. [There are currently no open positions. Please check again soon.] * Paragon Relocation is an equal opportunity employer and prohibits discrimination based on race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, equal pay, disability or genetic information Paragon Relocation405 State Highway 121 BypassSuite A250Lewisville, TX 75067 USA [PAGE] Title: Submit an RFP Request Content: Tel: (800) 888-6060 Submit an RFP Request Paragon Relocation welcomes companies to submit a request for proposal or RFP, as they grant us the opportunity to explain and detail our relocation services as well as explain the benefits of working with a relocation company committed to customizing our services to meet the needs of our clients. Although Paragon is a full-service, global relocation company, offering solutions for every corporate need, we pride ourselves in tailoring our solutions to each unique situation. And, while we provide services in 150 different countries, what matter is that we provide the relocation services you need when and where you need them. Please use the form below to request our participation in your relocation company RFP. There is an opportunity to attach a file, if appropriate. Global Headquarters 405 State Highway 121 Bypass, Suite A250 Lewisville, TX 75067 USA +1.972.819.5100 phone +1.972.819.5090 fax File size limit: 10MB [PAGE] Title: Social Responsibility Content: Tel: (800) 888-6060 Social Responsibility Paragon conducts business in a way that is consistent with our long established core values. These values encompass the quality of service supplied to our customers, building cooperative relationships with our employees, customers and suppliers and making a positive contribution to the communities where we do business. Corporate social responsibility is a top priority at Paragon. The key principles that drive our social responsibility and that we adhere to are: Diversity Paragon Global Resources has worked to create an environment which values individual differences and enables everyone to contribute their full potential in pursuit of business objectives. We encourage an inclusive work environment, teamwork, openness, respect for others (regardless of race, religion, color, sex, parental status, national origin, age, disability or family medical history, political affiliation or military service) and promoting the common good. Paragon delivers annual diversity training to ensure all employees understand the value of each and every individual; plus, webinars and additional training are offered to increase awareness of cultures all around the world. Environmental Policy Paragon is committed to conservation and protection of our environment. Our approach to environmental stewardship has long been interdisciplinary and comprehensive. Given that Paragon is a provider of services and not a manufacturer, our practices focus on energy conservation and environmental protection. These practices include: 1. recycling, 2. efficient use of natural resources, 3. integrating “carbon footprint awareness” and environmental consideration into daily operations and business decision making processes, 4. selecting or favoring suppliers and companies that are environmentally friendly, 5. participating in projects, events and fundraisers for environmental causes, and 6. purchasing carbon credits, as appropriate. In short, we work to contribute to the environment in almost everything we do. As an example, all U.S. Paragon locations have recycling bins that have been placed in the lunchrooms to collect plastic bottles and aluminum cans. Our Rancho Santa Margarita office goes even further, separating the plastics bottles from the aluminum items and giving the plastic items to local schools. The schools recycle them and use the money they fund school supplies which were unavailable to them due to state budget cuts. This location also recycles used printer, fax and copier toners, as well as used cell phones. These items are collected and sent to charities like HopeLine. HopeLine recycles the used items and products to raise money for individuals who have been victims of domestic abuse. This is a win, win for all involved. Ethics Paragon’s code of ethics includes the structure by which every employee is bound and sets forth key policies and procedures established to ensure that Paragon is operating its businesses in a legal and ethical manner. Above all, this code emphasizes the importance of honesty and integrity in everything we do. Community Giving Our giving and support is seen in areas such as the homeless, abused women, elderly abuse, causes for children, and support of our military and disaster relief efforts. We continually contribute, through employee volunteerism and corporate philanthropy, to charitable organizations that share our values. We are dedicated to creating an attitude of community pride through awareness, enrichment and involvement. For money raised by our employees, Paragon matches funds to increase the impact of our employees’ efforts. The following is a short list of Corporate supported charities: Alzheimer’s Association, American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, American Lung Association, American Red Cross, Casa Teresa Disaster Relief, Habitat for Humanity, Harvest Food Drive, International Response Fund, Lupus Foundation, Salvation Army, St. Jude Children’s Hospital, Susan B. Komen Foundation, Toys for Tots, National Charity League, World Vision and World Wildlife Fund. Financial Responsibility Paragon has made the commitment to: become knowledgeable of, and follow, applicable financial standards and requirements; apply sound financial practices and ensure transparency in financial dealings; promote and practice responsible financial behavior throughout our organization; undergo an annual SAS 70 Audit to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley legislation; and, maintain our contract and compliance department and function to ensure accuracy in all our business dealings Paragon Relocation405 State Highway 121 BypassSuite A250Lewisville, TX 75067 USA [PAGE] Title: Schedule of Events Content: Tel: (800) 888-6060 Schedule of Events Due to Covid-19, all 2020 in-person events and conferences have been cancelled and participation will instead be conducted virtually. Paragon Relocation participates regularly in numerous regional, national and international events. Events represent a unique opportunity for our employees to learn about relocation industry trends. They also provide a chance for us to meet with corporate clients and prospects in person to hear what’s on their minds and how we can assist them with relocation services . As a relocation company dedicated to serving our clients, there is never enough time to meet with our customers. Paragon Relocation traditionally attends the annual conferences for the Society for Human Resources Management and the Worldwide ERC® . In addition, we attend several annual meetings and conferences focused on the needs of seniors, whether it be assisted living or home care. Paragon Relocation recognizes the importance of eldercare when an employee considering relocation is also a family caregiver. Representatives of Paragon Relocation or our other Paragon subsidiaries, Paragon Home Resources and Paragon Financial Resources, would be happy to meet with you during any of these events. If you’re unable to attend, or if you’d prefer to meet separately, please contact us or call (800) 888-6060. Paragon Relocation405 State Highway 121 BypassSuite A250Lewisville, TX 75067 USA [PAGE] Title: Consulting Approach Content: Consulting Approach Consulting isn’t just something we do at Paragon; it’s what we are. Over 25 years ago, Paragon formally entered the global relocation services industry as a consulting company, assisting in the development of comprehensive relocation services and global assignment management policies and programs for the Fortune 1000. This entrée into relocation is the foundation from which Paragon Relocation evolved into a full service global relocation company, providing not only the guidance but the coordination, tracking and follow-up to administer programs. Due to our consulting roots, we’ve never lost sight of the most important foundation of any relocation program, a well-designed policy.  Today, Paragon Relocation still encourages clients to start each engagement with an assessment of current policy components. We provide comprehensive consulting services for benchmarking domestic and international policies as part of this step. We provide consulting services for domestic and international relocation services to assist corporations to achieve cost savings, increased management capability and higher transferee satisfaction. In addition, Paragon Relocation’s consulting group has been successful in addressing complex relocation issues such as attracting transferees to high cost locations or emerging markets, total program cost reduction, consolidating a decentralized program and simplifying global relocation services processes. Paragon’s Global consulting team is comprised of seasoned industry professionals who are trained to proactively interact with you and your team, analyze your current state and advise on how to reach your desired future state. Collaboration and “listening to understand” help us to engage with our clients in whatever capacity they need us to so that we may develop a trusted partnership, effectively strategize efficiencies and then deliver on what we promise. We recognize that global relocation services is about much more than just moving people; it’s about successfully managing a corporation’s human capital. Closing the gap between relocation strategy and execution is an expertise that is achieved through years of experience working at different levels, in different functions and across multiple industries. Paragon Relocation Consulting’s primary objective is to draw from this knowledge and combine it with industry best practices, the latest trends and our client’s culture, needs and goals to provide practical solutions to your greatest challenges. Paragon Consulting is driven to help you achieve your human capital and relocation goals. We offer solutions for today and tomorrow that scale and realign as the needs and objectives of your organization change. We don’t consider ourselves successful unless we can impart a positive and measurable impact on the long-term health of your organization. Please click here to contact a relocation expert directly. Paragon Relocation405 State Highway 121 BypassSuite A250Lewisville, TX 75067 USA [PAGE] Title: Industry Articles Archives - Paragon Relocation Content: Talent Management and The Growing Need to Provide Eldercare Benefits for Employees At a March, 2010 talent management conference, the presenter shared results from a survey of corporate leaders. For more than 80% of respondents, the statistics told a story of ineffectiveness and struggle in recruiting and retaining top talent. Even worse, one out of ten respondents feels that their talent management struggles are leading to the actual demise of their companies. Fast forward to 2017 and it would appear that the narrative is continuing. According to the 2016 National Study of Employers, companies have reported increasing difficulty in recruiting candidates for highly-skilled jobs, from 2005 to 2016. Aligning Mobility with Talent Management: How to Seize the Moment A confluence of business, social and people management trends is giving global mobility a ‘golden moment’ to align more closely with talent. Business transformation presents mobility with the chance to align more fully with the talent function and, by extension, play a bigger role in talent attraction and recruitment. Doing so will deliver competitive advantage and commercial success through an organization’s most important assets – its people. All this comes at a time when disruptive events – such as the UK’s and US’s renegotiation of global trade alliances and fast-evolving immigration scenarios – are hampering employers’ ability to attract and recruit skilled workers from overseas. US-led mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in Europe are also at their highest levels since 2012. This is likely to mean that more senior and mid-level leaders will be moving on assignment into Europe to smooth transitions, with implications for organizational talent pipelines. Buying a New Construction Home Buying your first or next home is one of the most important decisions in your life. The quality of the decision you make will affect you far into the future and may have a positive or negative impact on your life and financial situation. Extensive research and due diligence should go into the process to ensure making the best decision possible. While there are many guides available for buying a new construction home, experience can be the best teacher. This article is written based on firsthand experience and experience helping others while working in the relocation industry. Relocating Employees & Diversity The benefits of a more diverse workgroup have been substantiated in a number of studies. Sangeeta Bharadwaj-Badal, lead scientist for Gallup’s Entrepreneurship and Job Creation initiative, notes that a Gallup study of more than 800 business units from two companies representing two different industries found that gender-diverse business units have better financial outcomes by an average of 57 percent over those dominated by one gender. Gender-diverse work groups achieve better financial performance because different viewpoints of men and women lead to better problem-solving, allowing the company to serve an increasingly diverse customer base, and gender diversity also helps companies attract and retain talented women. Sustaining Corporate Culture During a Group Move Forbes Magazine introduced contributor Josh Bersin’s article, “Culture: Why It’s The Hottest Topic in Business Today” with the statement that “Culture is the New Black.” The statement summed up the fact that culture, and the way to promote it, change it and retain it, is a top issue at most companies today. Shawn Parr of the consulting firm Bulldog Drummond further states that, “Corporate culture is a hot topic among businesses that want to attract the best talent, translate their values to products and services, and show customers what they’re all about.” A company with a positive corporate culture is a hard won achievement. It should be tended to and nurtured to ensure its continual renewal. Recruiting Millennials: Lessons Learned from Pokémon GO Why did I choose to write about recruiting millennials? As of 2015, millennials, those born between 1980 and 2000, represent the largest single demographic in the U.S. workforce. According to the Pew Research Center, the rapid growth of this segment is partly attributable to an increase of college educated foreign nationals immigrating to the U.S. early in their careers. Between 2010 and 2015, almost 50% of new immigrant workers were millennials. The bottom line is your recruiting strategy has to target millennials, just due to their sheer numbers. Cost Savings & Relocation Policy Design Balancing the competing initiatives of developing and maintaining competitive relocation or assignment benefits and containing costs is difficult. With an increase in global economic volatility, most notably the economic crisis in South America, Brexit and the price of crude oil, many CFOs continue to look for ways to cut or contain costs. Human resource leaders will be evaluating their relocation service offerings, attempting to save money without negatively impacting recruiting and talent management initiatives. Policy Design is the first place to look when assessing cost saving opportunities for relocation and mobility programs. [PAGE] Title: Relocation Company: Paragon Relocation Content: Helping corporations and their relocating employees succeed wherever they live and work Why Choose Paragon Paragon is a unique relocation company that distinguishes itself through innovative thinking, thought leadership and our accumulated knowledge and expertise. Corporate relocation is and always has been our primary business, ever since being founded as a global mobility consulting company in 1991. However, even the best plan can fall flat if not properly implemented. To ensure success, we modify our programs and global relocation services to fit the unique needs of our clients and HR partners. The end result is success, the success our clients asked for and what their business demands. Paragon Case Studies Global Implementation After being awarded a new corporate account’s business for relocation services, Paragon’s immediate challenge was the implementation of a large scale, complex, global relocation program. Logistically, relocation services, resources, supplier relationships and client users were spread over 82 different countries… CASE STUDY Global Implementation After being awarded a new corporate account’s business for relocation services, Paragon’s immediate challenge was the implementation of a large scale, complex, global relocation program. Logistically, relocation services, resources, supplier relationships and client users were spread over 82 different countries… CASE STUDY Buyer Value Option (BVO) with a Sunset Clause One of Paragon’s corporate relocation clients was being audited by the IRS; their Buyer Value Option (BVO) homesale program was under scrutiny. For a corporation to be tax compliant with IRS Revenue Ruling 2005-76, Worldwide ERC® tax counsel recommends client organizations provide a guaranteed buyout at the end… CASE STUDY Buyer Value Option (BVO) with a Sunset Clause One of Paragon’s corporate relocation clients was being audited by the IRS; their Buyer Value Option (BVO) homesale program was under scrutiny. For a corporation to be tax compliant with IRS Revenue Ruling 2005-76, Worldwide ERC® tax counsel recommends client organizations provide a guaranteed buyout at the end… CASE STUDY Household Goods Invoice Audit A Fortune 1000 supplier to semiconductor companies, with more than 22,000 employees worldwide in more than 50 locations, was seeking a relocation company to help cut costs. Paragon identified the need for expert-level review of household goods invoices. For this client in particular, who used client-directed suppliers… CASE STUDY Household Goods Invoice Audit A Fortune 1000 supplier to semiconductor companies, with more than 22,000 employees worldwide in more than 50 locations, was seeking a relocation company to help cut costs. Paragon identified the need for expert-level review of household goods invoices. For this client in particular, who used client-directed suppliers… CASE STUDY Cutting Cost Through Exception Management Paragon became aware of a rising number of exceptions to the relocation policy for a high-volume global relocation services client, which resulted in increased relocation costs. Exception costs had skyrocketed, tripling in the last three years, while employee relocation volume had increased only slightly… CASE STUDY Cutting Cost Through Exception Management Paragon became aware of a rising number of exceptions to the relocation policy for a high-volume global relocation services client, which resulted in increased relocation costs. Exception costs had skyrocketed, tripling in the last three years, while employee relocation volume had increased only slightly… CASE STUDY Escalation Management Process Paragon Relocation became aware of customer dissatisfaction with household goods movers in the South of France. The customer was extremely unhappy with the timeliness and quality of the departure moving crew’s work. A relocation company has to work very closely with household goods suppliers to ensure satisfaction… CASE STUDY Escalation Management Process Paragon Relocation became aware of customer dissatisfaction with household goods movers in the South of France. The customer was extremely unhappy with the timeliness and quality of the departure moving crew’s work. A relocation company has to work very closely with household goods suppliers to ensure satisfaction… Contact a Paragon Representative Full Service, Global Company Paragon Relocation is a leading, global relocation company known for providing thought leadership, innovative programs, value-added support and superior customer service to our clients and the families we relocate. We offer a complete suite of relocation services; if you’re looking for consulting , domestic or global relocation services , global assignment management , or voluntary employee benefits , Paragon is ready to serve you. Services Offered Policy & Program Development At Paragon Relocation we hold relocation policy and program development up as the single most important aspect to any relocation services. True to Paragon’s consulting origins, we can develop the right relocation policy and program for your company’s specific needs and situation. Click here to learn more. Policy & Program Development At Paragon Relocation we hold relocation policy and program development up as the single most important aspect to any relocation services. True to Paragon’s consulting origins, we can develop the right relocation policy and program for your company’s specific needs and situation. Click here to learn more. Services Cost Estimates For relocation services and global assignments, cost containment is typically a top corporate goal. Paragon offers a variety of cost estimation services to assist companies with cutting costs and staying within their budget. Visit our cost estimation services page to learn about what Paragon offers. Cost Estimates For relocation services and global assignments, cost containment is typically a top corporate goal. Paragon offers a variety of cost estimation services to assist companies with cutting costs and staying within their budget. Visit our cost estimation services page to learn about what Paragon offers. Services Relocation Services Paragon offers a complete list of relocation services within borders and across borders in over 150 different countries. We’ll customize our services to meet your company’s specific situation and needs too. With Paragon’s broad capabilities, we provide the services and support our clients need when and where they need them, including on-site. Click here to learn more. Relocation Services Paragon offers a complete list of relocation services within borders and across borders in over 150 different countries. We’ll customize our services to meet your company’s specific situation and needs too. With Paragon’s broad capabilities, we provide the services and support our clients need when and where they need them, including on-site. Click here to learn more. Services Global Assignment Services at Post With many years of experience managing global assignments , we know that an expatriate move can be an emotional experience. It is critical to address any and all employee concerns up-front, to ensure a high success rate. Let us assist you with your global assignments needs. Click here to learn more. Global Assignment Services at Post With many years of experience managing global assignments , we know that an expatriate move can be an emotional experience. It is critical to address any and all employee concerns up-front, to ensure a high success rate. Let us assist you with your global assignments needs. Click here to learn more. Services Supply Chain Management Paragon is a privately held, truly independent global relocation company. Not owned or bound to any real estate or household goods moving company, Paragon Relocation is free to select suppliers of relocation services based solely on quality and price. Let us put our years of supply chain management experience to work for you. Supply Chain Management Paragon is a privately held, truly independent global relocation company. Not owned or bound to any real estate or household goods moving company, Paragon Relocation is free to select suppliers of relocation services based solely on quality and price. Let us put our years of supply chain management experience to work for you. Services Voluntary Employee Benefits For many years, employers have been forced to cut benefits in order to achieve cost savings. Voluntary benefits have provided a way to offset these reductions while also supporting better employee productivity and retention. Paragon offers voluntary benefits at no cost to the employer that can improve the quality of employees’ lives. Click here to learn more. Voluntary Employee Benefits For many years, employers have been forced to cut benefits in order to achieve cost savings. Voluntary benefits have provided a way to offset these reductions while also supporting better employee productivity and retention. Paragon offers voluntary benefits at no cost to the employer that can improve the quality of employees’ lives. Click here to learn more. Stay Up-To-Date on Emerging Trends Paragon Relocation is unique among top relocation companies. Our management team includes experienced professionals and important subject matter experts. Our own talent management strategy has succeeded in attracting and retaining top talent, to the benefit of our clients. Our employees are our greatest strength and the reason why Paragon is at the forefront of industry innovation. When we say we offer The Best Thinking in Relocation™, we do it by word and by deed. To stay up-to-date on emerging trends for relocation services, access our industry articles , case studies , white papers or blog . Recent Articles Aligning Mobility with Talent Management Business transformation presents mobility with the chance to align more fully with the talent function and, by extension, play a bigger role in talent attraction and recruitment. Doing so will deliver competitive advantage and commercial success through an organization’s most important assets – its people… Industry Article Aligning Mobility with Talent Management Business transformation presents mobility with the chance to align more fully with the talent function and, by extension, play a bigger role in talent attraction and recruitment. Doing so will deliver competitive advantage and commercial success through an organization’s most important assets – its people… Industry Article Relocating Employees & Diversity “Diversity is the art of thinking independently together” – Malcom Forbes. The workplace should be a reflection of our larger society. As the demographics of the U.S. shift, so too should the composition of employees at companies. Many of today’s leading employers are committed to diversity, and almost half… Industry Article Relocating Employees & Diversity “Diversity is the art of thinking independently together” – Malcom Forbes. The workplace should be a reflection of our larger society. As the demographics of the U.S. shift, so too should the composition of employees at companies. Many of today’s leading employers are committed to diversity, and almost half… Industry Article Why did I choose to write about recruiting millennials? As of 2015, millennials, those born between 1980 and 2000, represent the largest single demographic in the U.S. workforce. According to the Pew Research Center, the rapid growth of this segment… Industry Article Why did I choose to write about recruiting millennials? As of 2015, millennials, those born between 1980 and 2000, represent the largest single demographic in the U.S. workforce. According to the Pew Research Center, the rapid growth of this segment… Industry Article Sustaining Corporate Culture During a Group Move “Corporate culture is a hot topic among businesses that want to attract the best talent, translate their values to products and services, and show customers what they’re all about.” A company with a positive corporate culture is a hard won achievement. It should be… Industry Article Sustaining Corporate Culture During a Group Move “Corporate culture is a hot topic among businesses that want to attract the best talent, translate their values to products and services, and show customers what they’re all about.” A company with a positive corporate culture is a hard won achievement. It should be… Industry Article Cost Savings & Relocation Policy Design Balancing the competing priorities of developing and maintaining competitive relocation or assignment benefits and containing costs is difficult. With an increase in global economic volatility many CFOs continue to look for ways to cut or contain costs. Human resource leaders will be… Industry Article Cost Savings & Relocation Policy Design Balancing the competing priorities of developing and maintaining competitive relocation or assignment benefits and containing costs is difficult. With an increase in global economic volatility many CFOs continue to look for ways to cut or contain costs. Human resource leaders will be… Getting To Know Each Other At Paragon Relocation, we believe it is important to get to know each other as part of doing business together. Trust is the foundation of all long-term partnerships. We welcome you to contact us to learn more about our global relocation services or to ask for assistance. One thing we can promise is that we will listen to you; our more than 25 years of experience has taught us just how important listening is. We’ll also help you in any way we can, whether we offer the services you need or not. Our Contact Us page offers a web form for you to reach a Paragon representative; it also provides our physical address and phone number. RFP Assistance A Request for Proposal can be a useful tool in selecting a relocation company. It allows you to compare services, culture and pricing among various providers in an efficient format. Paragon’s RFP Guide has been created to assist you with this process. The guide walks you through the major steps, suggests scoring each participant, provides a sample timeline and highlights common mistakes to avoid. If you’ve already prepared your RFP, click here to submit it directly to Paragon Relocation. Or, if you’d prefer to talk with someone first, please contact us . Meet a Consultant LaTardra Massington, Relocation Consultant The Relocation Consultant is the single-point-of-coordination for employees and their families.  Paragon’s Consultants manage the fulfillment of global relocation services to ensure the highest quality delivery; plus, they are empowered to make decisions that are in the best interest of our clients and their relocating employees. Follow Us Follow Us on LinkedIn Last we checked, there were over 400 million registered users on LinkedIn; two new members join every second. Paragon shares product announcements, news and relocation services updates with our LinkedIn followers. If you’re on LinkedIn, we invite you to follow us on our company page . LINKEDIN Follow Us on LinkedIn Last we checked, there were over 400 million registered users on LinkedIn; two new members join every second. Paragon shares product announcements, news and relocation services updates with our LinkedIn followers. If you’re on LinkedIn, we invite you to follow us on our company page . FACEBOOK Like Us On Facebook Facebook boasts more than 1 billion daily users. In addition, over 4.73 billion pieces of content are shared daily. Paragon Relocation provides important information and relocation services updates to its Facebook friends. Click here to access and like our company page on Facebook. FACEBOOK Like Us On Facebook Facebook boasts more than 1 billion daily users. In addition, over 4.73 billion pieces of content are shared daily. Paragon Relocation provides important information and relocation services updates to its Facebook friends. Click here to access and like our company page on Facebook. TWITTER Follow Us On Twitter With over 300 million active users, Twitter has helped to define social media. Paragon regularly shares information with our Twitter followers. It’s a convenient way to learn more about us. Click here to visit our profile page and follow us on Twitter. TWITTER Follow Us On Twitter With over 300 million active users, Twitter has helped to define social media. Paragon regularly shares information with our Twitter followers. It’s a convenient way to learn more about us. Click here to visit our profile page and follow us on Twitter. EMAIL Join Our Distribution List Paragon sends relocation services updates, industry news and developments and company announcements to our email distribution list. We welcome you to join our distribution list in order to find out more about Paragon and also stay up-to-date. Click here to be taken to the sign-up page. EMAIL Join Our Distribution List Paragon sends relocation services updates, industry news and developments and company announcements to our email distribution list. We welcome you to join our distribution list in order to find out more about Paragon and also stay up-to-date. Click here to be taken to the sign-up page. Paragon Relocation405 State Highway 121 BypassSuite A250Lewisville, TX 75067 USA [PAGE] Title: Assisting with Life Decisions Content: Tel: (800) 888-6060 Assisting with Life Decisions Relocation is chock-full of critical decisions that affect corporate culture, revenue and profitability; but, these decisions also have a profound effect on employees, their happiness, their families and ultimately the quality of their lives. At Paragon Relocation we understand that our business is really about people and that people are the most important variable in every equation. As a result, it isn’t enough that there is a solution; we stay awake at night working to find the very best solutions, for both company and employee. In any relocation, it is the individual employees who depend on us the most, as every decision can have a direct and meaningful impact on their lives and the lives of their families. The fact that they have put their trust in us during such a stressful event and when there is so much at stake gives us great pride. We cherish this role. That is why when we are helping employees succeed wherever they live and work, we think of ourselves as Assisting with Life Decisions. Assisting with Life Decisions has naturally become our motto because it best describes what we actually do. And although it seems natural to first think about individual employees, this phrase applies equally well to how we assist our clients and their management teams with planning, communicating and executing relocation programs. We know the careers of our Human Resource partners depend on getting everything right. That’s why we ultimately act as an extension of HR departments, leveraging our experience and wealth of industry expertise to ensure success. Paragon Relocation405 State Highway 121 BypassSuite A250Lewisville, TX 75067 USA [PAGE] Title: Relocation across Borders Content: Tel: (800) 888-6060 Relocation across Borders Paragon is a full service, global relocation company, operating in 150 different countries, with offices on three different continents and authorized representatives in additional strategic locations. We’re hard at work somewhere in the world, no matter what time it is. Our global footprint reflects the extent of our global relocation services; Paragon provides all the relocation services that global companies need, from international cost estimates to expatriate benefits counseling and administration, from visa and immigration services to language and cross-cultural training. With many years of experience providing services all around the world, trust Paragon for your global mobility needs. Candidate Assessment Employee selection is critical for international relocations. Recognizing and addressing the key traits that will have the strongest correlation to success is the first step. This type of assessment also plays a critical role in talent management. Paragon’s candidate assessment program facilitates decision-making, establishes developmental focus and explores the attitudes, behaviors and competencies necessary for relocation in another country. It also allows corporations to identify employees and families who may need more support than others in the destination. The evaluation process often includes surveys, but a variety of approaches are possible depending on corporate objectives, corporate culture and the desired level of involvement. Assessments often aid companies in deciding which global relocation services to offer. Pre-Decision Consulting The Candidate Assessment is the starting point for Paragon’s International Pre-Decision Consulting service. Pre-Decision Consulting examines the details of each employee’s situation in light of the company’s policy, the logistics of the move, the characteristics of the destination location and the Candidate Assessment. Interviewing employees as part of the process is recommended, as this additional effort can often uncover important considerations. Pre-Decision Consulting improves the chance of success with international relocations. A second benefit can be fewer exceptions to policy, which should lower overall cost. The work can be used to make changes in the benefits offered or to whom benefits are offered to ensure costs are kept within budget. International Cost Estimates Paragon provides comprehensive international cost estimates for clients. This can include relocation costs, allowances and compensation (hypothetical income, social tax and tax equalization). An international relocation consultant will interview the employee after acceptance to improve the initial estimate’s accuracy. Factors such as size of the home, original price, number of family members and the container space needed for shipment of household goods, if applicable, will be incorporated. All estimates can be updated periodically going forward so that they reflect the latest information. The estimates allow for reporting variances to budget and the accrual of expenses, giving management a better understanding of true costs. With up-to-date tax tables for 80 countries and the ability to report the results in multiple currencies, Paragon can provide estimates for any and every scenario. Expatriate Benefits Counseling & Administration Paragon’s International Consultants contact each employee to explain their benefits, what services we provide, the employee’s role and responsibilities and the steps in the process from start to finish. Instruction is then provided on utilizing Paragon’s online and mobile accessible relocation portal (PRISM). The consultant also coordinates and provides oversight for the delivery of all services. For international relocations, this can include ensuring expense reimbursements are processed and correctly paid, coordinating the process for visa and immigration approval, arranging destination services, providing temporary living options, shipping household goods, delivering cross cultural and language training, providing spousal assistance, etc. In addition, based on client and employee preference, Paragon can provide a separate consultant for the home and host locations, enabling the employee to take advantage of expert, local knowledge in their new location. Expense Audit, Processing, Payment and Reporting Paragon utilizes a single platform and cutting edge technology to provide the highest level of transparency and accuracy in expense management. From service authorization to payroll interface, each transaction is managed within our PRISM system. Data flows through well-defined and controlled processes, and is monitored for accurate tax and financial reporting coding. In addition, Paragon’s robust reporting package offers many options, including ad hoc, fiscal year, compliance, etc. Our services include: 1) logging payment requests upon receipt, 2) data entry, 3) tracking, 4) auditing against policy, 5) calculating accruals of actual expenses and 6) providing reconciliations against budgeted amounts. Paragon also exchanges funds in order to deliver reimbursements in whatever currencies are requested by the client and/or employee. Visa & Immigration Services Paragon’s visa and immigration services, a critical component for our global relocation services, save time for both company and employee, while leveraging experts and contacts with local knowledge to deliver a better experience. Our network of trusted partners was chosen based on rigorous screening processes that assess expertise, experience, customer service and value added. International travel comes with enough critical details and logistics questions, never mind that most employees are expected to work at the same time. Paragon takes responsibility for each immigration case from initiation to completion. Paragon’s approach includes: 1) analysis of visa options, timing and cost, 2) application processing along with regular updates, 3) authentication of all documents, 4) passport issuance or extension and 5) expiration alerts and reporting. International Destination Services Paragon offers an extensive suite of services to successfully support an employee’s transition across borders. We manage all aspects of the transition into and out of the host location – from global immigration coordination to settling-in services. Our objective is to help your assignee and family settle into the new location as quickly as possible, so that they can focus their energies on their job. Assistance may be provided as an all-inclusive service or as specific service modules, based on individual or company preference. Support is normally provided by a local company in the destination location – so they know the area personally and in detail. Whenever possible we also match supplier partners to employees based on their ability to support specific needs. When employees are well prepared and properly supported, they settle-in more successfully and are more productive. For employers, this means lower rates of relocation-failure, more satisfied employees and an increased return on investment. International Household Goods Shipment Paragon leverages our supply chain independence to collaborate with best-in-class international household goods suppliers. Our Partner Select program was developed in response to large variations in the pricing of international shipments and a lack of standardized pricing tariffs. The program enables us to create high quality, cost-saving programs for our clients. A key element of Partner Select is submitting every move to a competitive bidding process to achieve the lowest cost possible. Homefinding The homefinding process begins with client authorization, which includes the assignee’s housing budget and the number of days authorized for homefinding. The Destination Service Provider (DSP) conducts a needs assessment prior to the assignee’s homefinding trip, matching the assignee’s wants and needs to the client’s housing budget. Paragon’s DSPs are expected to research and preview homes using a variety of tools to ensure that properties are suitable and available to view on the homefinding day. The DSP provides the assignee with an itinerary prior to arrival. After the trip, a comprehensive tour report is sent to our Consultant that validates the homefinding activities. Temporary Accommodation Services Hotel costs can add up quickly, while a transferring employee waits for a rental property to become available for household goods delivery. Corporations can save money by providing temporary accommodation services and avoiding higher lodging costs. This service begins with an in-depth needs assessment to determine allowable housing limits or allowances, space requirements, family needs, commuting issues and rental requirements. Then, employees will work with local representatives who are familiar with the area’s features and amenities to identify several units meeting the employee’s needs. Paragon contracts with a number of firms to provide multiple options and pricing packages. The employee can then make the right decision given his/her budget and personal situation. Local pick-up, a community tour and rental counseling can be included. Settling-In Services Settling-in services assist employees who are relocating with getting acclimated to their new environment as quickly as possible. The main benefit is employees can focus on their jobs and stay productive. Otherwise the details can be overwhelming. The service begins when the employee or family moves into their new home. A needs assessment is performed prior to arrival. Examples of typical services include setting up bank accounts, assistance with insurance forms, help finding a doctor and local medical facilities, either obtaining a vehicle lease or purchasing a vehicle, buying furniture, finding the best transportation options and just about any other form of assistance a person might need. Employee & Family Concierge Services Concierge services provide a local contact to appear in-person and oversee various tasks involving the employee and/or family members. The net effect is to take away any worries an employee might have and allow them to be focused and productive at work. The services provided are customized to meet the needs of each employee and their family. The process begins with an assessment of those needs and typically ends once the employee’s transition is complete. The concierge often starts with receiving household goods at the new home and is then a flexible resource, available as needed. Typical activities include community orientations, interviewing and scheduling service professionals, arranging for deliveries, overseeing the installation of locks and security alarms, chauffeuring family members and running routine errands. School Choice Assistance The availability of quality schools for the children of employees is a critical factor in the decision to accept an international relocation. Incomplete information can often lead to apprehension; while at the same time, meeting admission requirements for more competitive options can be tedious and time consuming. Paragon makes the process easy for employees, saving them time and frustration while ensuring they have all the information they need. Paragon’s school assistance service includes: 1) a list of all local school options, 2) school brochures and enrollment materials, 3) admission policies and testing procedures, 4) third-party evaluations, 5) direct reimbursements for tuition if applicable and 6) special needs assistance. Once the family arrives, a local representative will work with the employee and/or spouse on any necessary registrations or interviews. Language & Cross-Cultural Training Language and cross-cultural training for international relocations reduces failure rates, increases the satisfaction of the employee, boosts productivity and improves long-term retention. While not all companies offer a complete suite of global relocation services, this service cannot be left out. Paragon offers family-centered cultural programs to develop knowledge of the host country’s history, social customs, culture, and business practices. The training starts by establishing a framework for understanding cultural differences. Language training is available based on each individual’s schedule and can be available during evenings or weekends. Live instruction, online instruction, self-study utilizing audio recordings or visually-oriented CD ROMs and immersion programs are available based on the proficiency and preferences of each employee or family member. Instruction can and is encouraged to begin prior to departure. Spouse/Partner Assistance Paragon provides spousal support services during and after the move. Our services are designed to ensure that any concerns are addressed quickly and in a time sensitive way, improving the likelihood of success. Since spouses may not want or be able to work in the new location, counseling is provided as to other alternatives to maintain job skills. To keep employees happy, companies must be prepared to care for spouses. Security Services As security continues to be a major concern in a growing list of countries around the world, Paragon can coordinate training and consulting engagements with qualified crisis and risk management companies. These measures can give employees who are relocating the confidence to move forward; and, it can enable them to focus on their jobs in order to be as productive as possible. Pre-departure awareness training is critical and should include identification of the most likely threats, steps to take to reduce personal risk and the preferred course of action in the event of a security emergency. Additional training can include: 1) emergency driving, 2) planning for and obtaining medical treatment and 3) how to reduce the threat of kidnapping. The implementation will depend on the specific circumstances and destination country. Tax Assistance Paragon Relocation offers its clients expertise and operational experience for handling all tax matters related to international relocation. Paragon’s international relocation services include audits of tax calculations in 80 different countries, tax provider coordination, aggregation of data in multiple currencies from multiple sources, detailed reporting and the management of split payrolls across home and host countries. All amounts and calculations are audited prior to sending to the client’s payroll for processing. In addition, all expenses are available online at any time, through Paragon’s relocation portal, PRISM. Paragon Relocation405 State Highway 121 BypassSuite A250Lewisville, TX 75067 USA [PAGE] Title: Relocation within Borders Content: Tel: (800) 888-6060 Relocation within Borders Paragon provides a full suite of relocation within borders services, from pre-decision consulting to cost estimation, from homesale services to property management and from spouse/partner assistance to the transportation of household goods. Paragon Relocation works with clients large and small, some with many locations and others with only a few, providing fully outsourced relocation programs or individual services depending on need. With Paragon’s broad capabilities, we provide the services and support our clients need when and where they need them, including on-site. The following is a list of standard relocation within borders services offered by Paragon. To contact a sales representative to learn more, click here . Pre-Decision Consulting Paragon’s pre-decision consulting service examines the details of each employee’s situation in light of the company’s policy benefits, the logistics of the move and the characteristics of the destination location. This critical due diligence can decrease the need for exceptions to policy later, lowering overall cost. The work is done in advance of implementation and can be used to make changes in the benefits offered or to whom benefits are offered, to ensure the relocation program falls within budget. Interviewing employees is optional but recommended. Common components of the service include: 1) identifying basic facts about the current home, including the likely selling price and any family or timing issues that may affect selling the property; 2) establishing the likely purchase price of the new home; 3) estimating the total cost for the move; 4) identifying family transition and spousal support needs; and 5) completing a cost of living comparison. Benefits Counseling & Administration Paragon’s Relocation Consultants contact each employee to explain their benefits, what services we provide, the employee’s role and responsibilities, the steps in the process and how to utilize Paragon’s online and mobile accessible relocation portal (PRISM). Thereafter the consultant acts as the employee’s single point of contact, developing rapport the more time they spend together. Ongoing communication takes place according to the employee’s preference. The employee’s spouse/partner, if applicable, is encouraged to participate in all meetings or discussions. All consultants are available via phone, email, video chat, PRISM and text; plus, they can be reached in the evenings and on weekends. Paragon’s benefits counseling is effective in guiding employees and answering their questions from start to finish. The same Consultants have ownership and accountability for service delivery and the management of suppliers. There are no layers or interfaces through other Paragon teams or departments. Cost Estimation Once the decision to accept a move has been finalized, Paragon’s Consulting Team can calculate the total cost to relocate an employee. In this approach, a Relocation Consultant interviews the employee to improve the accuracy of the estimate. Critical information is collected during the interview, including home size, original price paid, number of family members, etc., all of which is factored into the final estimate. This work is done one person at a time and estimates are updated periodically based on the actual expenses incurred. In addition, all relocation costs, allowances and compensation are included in the analysis. The estimates support reporting budget variances and accruing actual expenses for tighter management control. Expense Audit, Processing, Payment & Reporting Employees want their relocation reimbursements and we consistently get them out accurately and quickly. All Paragon expense audit, processing, payment and reporting takes place inside of a single system with real-time updates. From service authorization to payroll interface, each transaction flows through well-defined and controlled processes and is coded for financial reporting. In addition, employees have continuous access to all data and can request or run their own reports at any time, via a dedicated web portal. Industry leading technology has always been the foundation for superior service. The net result is accuracy, transparency and consistency, making Paragon Relocation a trusted partner for expense management. Our services include: 1) logging payment requests upon receipt, 2) data entry, 3) tracking, 4) auditing against policy, 5) calculating accruals of actual expenses and 6) providing reconciliations against budgeted amounts. In addition, Paragon’s robust reporting package offers many options. Home Marketing Assistance in the United States and Canada The objective of Home Marketing Assistance is to price and show the home in the most favorable light, to achieve the highest possible sales price within the shortest amount of time. This avoids more costly inventory buy-out scenarios, expedites the move and reduces temporary living/travel costs and tax gross-up, all at the same time. Paragon’s Relocation Consultant truly becomes the employee’s advocate and guides them through the process. It begins with an in-depth needs and situation assessment. Important steps that the consultant counsels or assists the employee with are: 1) choosing a Realtor, 2) setting the list price, 3) marketing the home, 4) pre-qualifying potential buyers, 5) negotiating the final sale terms and 6) closing the sale. Paragon recommends that Home Marketing Assistance be included anytime a company’s domestic relocation services include Homesale. Homesale Services in the United States and Canada Homesale programs provide peace of mind to transferring employees, freeing them up to focus on finding their new home. At the same time a good program will insulate companies from tax gross-up costs and other risks. Paragon’s standard homesale programs include: 1) appraised value, 2) amended value, 3) buyer value and 4) direct reimbursement. All Paragon homesale programs includes a single point of coordination throughout the entire process, where the Relocation Consultant provides Home Marketing Assistance and manages all negotiations as well as the closing process. Paragon ensures all homesale programs adhere to the Worldwide ERC®’s 11 step Amended Value Process. In addition, Paragon can customize homesale policies to achieve employee and corporate goals. Property Management Services in the United States and Canada Whether employees just want their home looked after and maintained, or full-service property management, Paragon can accommodate every possible situation. When employees encounter difficulty selling their home quickly or if companies need to facilitate temporary assignments without the added expense of a traditional Homesale program, Paragon can meet their needs. All expenses are tracked and reported by Paragon. Standard services include: 1) rental assistance to find, screen and secure a tenant, 2) lease negotiation, 3) rent collection, 4) vacant property management, 5) periodic in-person property inspections, 6) lawn and property maintenance and 7) 24/7 emergency response service. Homefinding Services in the United States and Canada Whether employees are renting or buying, finding a suitable new home is a top priority of relocating employees. Not finding that new home when they need it can become a major distraction. It’s costly for companies too, when exceptions have to be made to extend temporary living benefits or the storage of household goods. Paragon Relocation gets employees into their new home efficiently and in accordance with their needs. In addition, we advise and help employees buy and lease the smart way, to avoid possible problems should they need to move again. Our homefinding service includes: 1) employee needs assessment, 2) timing management, 3) destination market counseling, 4) selection of a relocation trained Realtor, 5) a community tour with home viewing, 6) mortgage pre-qualification, 7) an assessment of which options best fit the employee’s situation and 8) closing/title assistance when buying. Rental Assistance Paragon’s rental counseling and search services get relocating employees ahead of the game, before they arrive in their new destination. The service includes online tools, identification of pre-screened properties, local pick-up, a community tour and rental counseling. With the assistance of an experienced Paragon agent, employees not only find a place to stay but find the right place to stay. Typical issues, such as an ever-tightening rental market, rural locations or lease rejection, can be overcome with the right help. Without that help, searching for a home can end up being no easier for a renter than it is for a homeowner. Delays in finding a suitable apartment or home also lead to additional temporary living or household goods storage costs. These types of issues can quickly pile up, exceeding budgeted amounts and impacting productivity. Temporary Living Services Hotel costs can add up quickly, while a transferring employee waits for a home purchase or other logistical issue to be resolved. Corporations can save money by providing Temporary Living Services and avoiding higher lodging costs. This service begins with an in-depth needs assessment to determine space requirements, family needs, commuting issues and rental requirements. Paragon will then identify several units meeting the employee’s needs in the destination area, to ensure ample choices and greater satisfaction. The employee can then make the right decision given his/her budget. Paragon contracts with a number of firms to provide multiple options and pricing packages. Plus, direct bill arrangements are available in the United States and Canada. Spouse/Partner Assistance With the rise of two-income families, it is increasingly critical to provide employment support for spouses. Otherwise, families that rely on a second income may be forced to turn down a relocation. Even when families don’t need a second income, spouses can struggle to adjust without a job if their career is important to them. To keep employees happy, companies must be prepared to care for the needs of the spouse. The benefit is greater focus, satisfaction, and productivity for the employee. Paragon’s spousal employment support includes a needs assessment, networking strategies, a new resume, interview assistance and help identifying target companies. In addition, the spouse will receive a personal advisor with knowledge of the local job scene. Transportation of Household Goods Paragon takes the worry out of moving your personal belongings, giving you more time to focus on family and what’s happening at the office. We succeed in doing this because of how tightly we manage our supplier partners. Paragon tracks multiple performance metrics and rigorously manages every move. Our discipline can help avoid excess temporary living or storage charges. 100% of all invoices are audited for accuracy and potential over-charging. Plus, Paragon stands apart from many other relocation companies in being totally independent of its suppliers and therefore able to select moving companies based solely on the best combination of price and performance. In addition, Paragon’s Relocation Consultants follow employees through the entire process, including before, during and after their move. Tax Assistance Paragon’s services include: 1) identification of reporting requirements, 2) audits of all tax and gross-up calculations, 3) tax provider coordination, 4) aggregating data for shadow or tax filings and 5) reconciliations of global statements of earnings to U.S. W-2s. All amounts and calculations are audited prior to sending to the client’s payroll for processing. In addition, all expenses are available any time online through Paragon’s relocation portal, PRISM. At the end of the year, a FAQ sheet and IRS Form 3903 are sent to each employee who incurs relocation expenses in the current tax year, within the United States. Paragon Relocation405 State Highway 121 BypassSuite A250Lewisville, TX 75067 USA [PAGE] Title: Contact Us Content: Tel: (800) 888-6060 Contact Us Paragon Relocation welcomes any and all inquiries from corporations or others interested in domestic or global relocation services . Please contact us via phone or by completing the form shown below. We will respond to your inquiry as quickly as possible. Global Headquarters 405 State Highway 121 Bypass, Suite A250 Lewisville TX, 75067 USA +1.972.819.5100 phone +1.972.819.5090 fax Paragon Relocation405 State Highway 121 BypassSuite A250Lewisville, TX 75067 USA [PAGE] Title: Group Move Management Content: Tel: (800) 888-6060 Group Move Management Paragon Relocation has managed group moves for corporate relocation since its inception in 1991. We know that maintaining employee productivity during the group move and a high acceptance rate among key employees is critical to success. Our approach increases the move acceptance rate for employees and imparts a contagious enthusiasm to them for what lies ahead. In fact, boosting morale to counter the inevitability that some employees won’t make the trip is a standard component of our relocation services for a group move. Through each step of the process, Paragon’s Consulting Team adapts the details of the plan to fit our client’s culture and values. Getting this last piece right can be difficult; however, our experience and expertise tells us nothing matters more to the success of the move. To obtain additional information about our Group Move Management services, click here . Group Move Planning Group move planning focuses on the development of agreed objectives, a corporate action plan, and an employee timeline for the move. Once planning is complete, the specific move population can be identified. Employees can also be segmented into key, important, and non-key groups to establish appropriate severance or stay bonuses to ensure business continuity. In addition, assistance is provided to select supplier partners which may be important to the move. Demographic Study An Employee Demographic Study is required to gather critical information about the move population. This supports policy development and accurately estimating the costs of employee benefits. The survey provides cumulative personal and attitudinal information specific to the move population, which play an important role in program design and the move’s ultimate success. Communications Development As part of implementation, Paragon creates a variety of communications and supporting materials to ensure employees and all stakeholders clearly understand the changes and resources available to support them. This service is critical to educating employees about the process, keeping everyone aligned, setting proper expectations and coordinating follow-up activities. A strong communication plan and informative supporting materials are critical drivers of final employee satisfaction. This effort is tailored to each client’s needs, as no two clients are exactly alike. Our service typically includes: 1) announcement scripts, 2) email introductions, 3) PDF brochures, 4) web links, and 5) orientation sessions. Policy/Program Orientations Orientation programs are provided to familiarize employees with the relocation benefits applicable to their move. Shortly thereafter, group orientations are held for the employee, spouse and older family members to introduce them to the new area. At these meetings, Paragon will help employees and their family members to understand the services that are available to assist with their move. Managed Area Orientation Tours Paragon manages Area Orientation Tours prior to a homefinding trip to introduce the employee and spouse to the new community. The tour is designed to “sell” the new community and business location and to increase move acceptance. This service includes: development of the tour itinerary, program and budget; review of all approved events and local supplier partners; assignment to a trained real estate agent to provide community orientation; consolidated billing of all tour expenses; and access to paragon staff members for any questions. Managed Area Orientation Tours are the most cost-effective means of introducing the destination area to the employee, spouse and family. Business Continuity Planning Paragon offers comprehensive Business Continuity Planning to ensure that productivity is maintained throughout the transition. Paragon’s seasoned managing consultants implement sessions with department management to establish the specific tasks, milestones and staff accountabilities necessary. These consulting sessions aid in the development of an organization-wide, integrated plan, which senior management can utilize as a blueprint to manage the organization during the move to the new location. Facility Move Management Facility rightsizing can lay a foundation for future growth and profitability. Paragon can assist with all aspects of moving office or plant contents, including: organization; move timeline review and development; adjacency studies; personnel floor plan design; planning for the physical move; developing van line bidder specifications; selecting van line carriers; establishing facility goods move costs; managing the move; purchasing of new furniture and equipment; disposing of unwanted furniture and equipment; and, developing a capital asset inventory management program. Facility Move Management services are the best means of ensuring an on-time start-up for a group move. Paragon provides complete management of the entire process. Through proper planning and phased implementation, we help our clients achieve a smooth and efficient transition. Paragon Relocation405 State Highway 121 BypassSuite A250Lewisville, TX 75067 USA [PAGE] Title: Supply Chain Management Content: Tel: (800) 888-6060 Supply Chain Management Not owned by or bound to any real estate or household goods company, Paragon Relocation is free to select suppliers based solely on service quality and the competitiveness of their pricing. We then pass those advantages on to our clients. While we take great pride in our suppliers and the services they provide, we also acknowledge that sometimes existing relationships work best. We welcome our clients’ existing suppliers as a result. Paragon’s supply chain management services are critical to achieving excellence in execution and delivering superior customer service. To find out more about our supplier partners and the services we can provide, please contact us . Supplier Selection Using a well-documented process, Paragon selects suppliers objectively based on proven criteria for each function or service. Examples include financial stability, system protocols, training excellence, metric and KPI tracking, quality measures and after-hours support. To exceed customer expectations requires more effort than this, however. Ensuring our business represents a meaningful portion of each supplier’s volume, using long-term relationships to increase the use of shared technology, relying more on metrics and KPIs to judge performance so that our suppliers are free to make maximum use of their expertise and emphasizing total cost rather than isolating singular transactions has helped us turn standard business relationships into true partnerships. As a result, we describe our suppliers as supplier partners, a term that is validated every day by actual experience. Cost Management Beyond the selection process, Paragon Relocation works hard to make sure our clients receive the best possible prices; we also help them to save as much money as they can without compromising service. We use regular benchmarking of the pricing and services offered by our current and prospective suppliers, as well as continuous data gathering, to verify our costs are as low as possible. If any opportunities are identified, we then pass the savings on to our clients. In addition, consolidating purchase requirements and agreements with preferred suppliers maximizes our leverage to negotiate rates, at the same time that it improves stability. Paragon also contractually requires all household goods van lines to comply with invoice audits performed by an objective third party specialist, at no cost to our clients. This approach lowers costs while maintaining the highest possible service levels. Service Level Agreements Paragon utilizes Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with its suppliers to ensure consistent and excellent service. Our SLAs generally include performance requirements and expectations, process requirements for important items like exception management, and communication criteria between the supplier partner, Paragon and the transferring employee or assignee, among other things. With all new clients, we train our suppliers on the details of the client’s policy, define the Service Level Agreement so that it is specific to that client’s needs, explain all processes, review communication protocols and define escalation procedures. Training suppliers on the needs and culture of our clients is also a critical step. Compliance with SLAs is measured through metrics and KPIs, exception requests and survey results. Additionally, supplier partners are required to sign the Paragon Partner Pledge. The pledge is the supplier’s commitment to support Paragon’s Mission Statement to provide an extraordinary customer experience, one family at a time. Metrics & Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) All supplier partner contracts include service specific metrics and KPIs. Data is collected real-time. These measurements prove we deliver excellent service. However, they can never replace the feedback we get directly from customers, as no measurement system is perfect. In the end what matters most is whether our customers are happy; this is our top goal. Each supplier partner’s performance is reviewed regularly. Results are viewed on a color coded dashboard and any metrics or KPIs that require immediate action are escalated. If non-performance isn’t corrected, suppliers will ultimately be removed from our system. The key is providing a clear line of sight into performance and taking swift action when needed. Communication As is the case in any business relationship, communication and providing feedback is critical to success. The first and most important tenet of good communication is to welcome the message, no matter what it is. At Paragon, we not only welcome feedback of all sorts, we embrace it and follow-up on the details. This is key to how we have formed successful partnerships with our suppliers. In addition, Paragon holds quarterly reviews with suppliers, requiring that at least two per year take place in person. Despite advancement in technologies, we still feel strongly that nothing truly replaces face-to-face interaction. We also keep an open door policy, schedule regular phone calls, talk to our suppliers at industry conferences and hold an annual supplier partner awards ceremony to recognize top performance. Our extensive supplier communication means we know almost as much about our suppliers as they do. Supplier Diversity Paragon Relocation’s Supplier Diversity Program drives broader inclusion and diversification of our global supply chain. It also reflects Paragon’s values and culture. Our leadership team believes diversity is good for business too. In fact, Paragon actively pursues diversity across regional, cultural, gender, race and other factors in its business dealings. And, Paragon has set a goal of allocating 10% or more of its spend to suppliers that are owned by minorities, women, service disabled and veterans, as well as companies located in historically underutilized business (HUB) zones. At Paragon, we want the diversity of our suppliers to reflect the diversity of the world around us. Click here to read a Paragon article on the power of diversity. Paragon Relocation405 State Highway 121 BypassSuite A250Lewisville, TX 75067 USA [PAGE] Title: Leadership Team Content: Tel: (800) 888-6060 Leadership Team Providing relocation services is a complex industry requiring the nimble coordination of different companies, functions and tasks in order to deliver a seamless experience to a single individual. Then, of course, the symphony must be repeated again and again without error or even the slightest misstep. Each member of Paragon Relocation’s leadership team rose to the top in their functional area by first working in multiple different roles related to relocation services. The benefit of taking this lengthy path is firsthand knowledge of the minutiae and details that must be properly cared for to achieve success. This is one reason Paragon Relocation is one of the top relocation companies operating today. Paragon’s leadership has combined this knowledge with visionary thinking, entrepreneurial innovation and top management practices to build Paragon Relocation into what it is today. The following are Paragon Relocation’s leaders: Joseph A. Morabito President & CEO Joseph Morabito is President and Chief Executive Officer of Paragon Global Resources, the parent company to Paragon Relocation and Paragon Home Resources. Mr. Morabito has more than 40 years of relocation industry experience. As a pioneer and innovator in the field, Mr. Morabito has worked with clients throughout the United States, Europe and Asia, touching virtually every industry with the delivery of management consulting services. Prior to founding Paragon, Mr. Morabito held positions in senior management at Premier Relocation Services (a Weyerhaeuser company) and Merrill Lynch Relocation Management. Mr. Morabito has been published in HR industry publications including Human Resource Executive and Mobility. He has been featured as a speaker at a variety of conferences and was written about in The Wall Street Journal. Mr. Morabito was named 2012 International Relocation Personality of the Year by Re:locate magazine. Most recently, he was named a 2015 HR Superstar in the Relocation Providers category by HRO Today, a leading HR publication. Mr. Morabito earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in both history and political science with a minor in foreign languages; a Master of Arts degree in education, with emphasis in personnel administration; and teaching and education administration credentials, all from California State University. In addition, Mr. Morabito completed all coursework for the real estate broker exam in California. He holds the Worldwide ERC® Senior Certified Relocation Professional (SCRP) designation and is a Worldwide ERC® Distinguished Service award winner. He has served on Worldwide ERC®’s Public Policy Committee, which assesses and deals with business risk and opportunities arising from legislative, regulatory and judicial actions that impact relocation. E-mail Mr. Morabito April Braun, CRP, GMS Vice President & Global Chief Financial Officer April Braun is Vice President & Global Chief Financial Officer in charge of corporate and client accounting at Paragon Global Resources. She also oversees the operational aspect of service delivery for Paragon Home Resources and Paragon Relocation Resources, implementing various operations, business alliances, human resources support and financial functions. Joining Paragon in 2015, Ms. Braun spent 14 years with SIRVA Relocation where she was strategic in building the Client Finance department and overseeing the expense management function. She has used her vast experience to build and develop the service delivery model for our customers at Paragon Home Resources, with a focus on technology. Ms. Braun received the Paragon President’s Award in 2017 for her contributions to the growth of the company and customer experience within Paragon Relocation. Ms. Braun earned a Bachelor of Science degree, majoring in Accounting, from Cleveland State University and has pursued course work towards a master’s degree from Indiana Wesleyan University. She holds the Certified Relocation Professional (CRP) and Global Mobility Specialist (GMS) designations from Worldwide ERC®. E-mail Ms. Braun Karen Rose, CRP, GMS Vice President, Senior Managing Consultant Ms. Rose joined Paragon in 2003 as Manager, Business Development for the Western Region, where she was responsible for growing Paragon’s business in the western United States. In 2005, Ms. Rose transitioned from sales to operations, becoming Manager of Global Relocation Services. In this role, Ms. Rose acted as the single point-of-coordination for new authorizations, custom reporting, escalation issues, exceptions to policy, policy resources and billing questions. She is also responsible for mobilizing internal Paragon resources for special instances, such as group moves. In 2014, Ms. Rose was promoted to Vice President, Global Relocation Services due to her work in growing one of Paragon’s most prestigious accounts. Ms. Rose supports Paragon as Vice President, Senior Managing Consultant for both Paragon Relocation Resources (PRR) and Paragon Home Resources (PHR). She supports operations technology functions, policy development and marketing and sales initiatives. Ms. Rose holds her Certified Relocation Professional (CRP) and Global Mobility Specialist (GMS) designations from Worldwide ERC®. She is an active member of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Pacific Northwest Relocation, Southern California Relocation and Bay Area Professionals in Relocation Management organizations. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration from California Polytechnic University. E-mail Ms. Rose Michael Morabito, CRP, GMS Vice President, Global Business Development Michael Morabito joined Paragon in 2002 and has served in multiple roles since that time, including Operations, Consulting, Marketing and Business Development. His many years in sales and the successes that followed led to Morabito’s promotion from Director to Vice President of Business Development for Paragon’s subsidiaries, where he now holds responsibility for all sales within North America. Mr. Morabito holds the Certified Relocation Professional (CRP) and Global Mobility Specialist (GMS) designations from Worldwide ERC® as well as a mortgage license (NMLS # 1301933) in the state of California. Prior to his lengthy work in the relocation industry, Mr. Morabito earned a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from California State University, Fullerton. Morabito also belongs to the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), the Institute for Supply Management (ISM), the British American Business Council (BABC), Bay Area Mobility Management (BAMM) and Southern California Relocation Council (SCRC) and has traveled extensively throughout the world. Email Mr. Morabito Paragon Relocation405 State Highway 121 BypassSuite A250Lewisville, TX 75067 USA [PAGE] Title: White Papers Archives - Paragon Relocation Content: The Cornerstones of Program Design A well-designed mobility program recognizes that need for balance and seeks to ensure that all the forms of relocation assistance are implemented effectively and economically while helping relocated employees maintain their job productivity during the transition period. As employee mobility continues to play a critical role in organization’s talent acquisition and management processes, effective relocation and assignment benefits are paramount to reaching corporate goals. Program Design is more than just establishing policy provisions and the final document. Consideration should be paid to underlying drivers of mobility. How Implementing a Data Accumulation Service Can Reduce Cost and Improve Efficiencies in Your Relocation Program Big Business today generates ‘Big Data’. As the amount of data generated increases exponentially, we are faced with the problem of how to collect, protect, and aggregate information effectively. Equally important is the ability to leverage information available to reduce costs, make better management decisions, and satisfy business requirements. When data comes from a single source, collection and collation is easy. However, the world of global mobility poses a much greater challenge to data users because information comes from a myriad of sources, often from different countries and in different currencies; Human Resources, Payroll, Accounts Payable, Third Party Suppliers, Benefits Administrators, and Government Agencies. Sunset Clause: The Missing Link to an Effective Buyer Value Option Program During the past decade, Buyer Value Option (BVO) programs have produced successful results with lower costs to the client; providing an excellent alternative to either guaranteed buy-out (GBO) homesale or direct reimbursement programs. The BVO Program is a form of homesale assistance typically offered by companies who provide a structured program designed to facilitate selling of the relocating employee’s home. It allows payment of specific approved selling expenses, often including Realtor commissions and stated non-recurring closing costs, associated with the sale of the home. When administered properly, the program provides a favorable tax option for paying these costs, significantly reducing total relocation expenses for both the employer and the employee; a win-win solution. Eliminating the Two Deed Process This paper describes IRS and Worldwide ERC (Employee Relocation Counsel) rulings with regards to the use of blank deeds when transferring titles. The use of a blank deed to transfer title in a relocation transaction is considered consistent with two (2) bona fide, independent sale transactions for federal tax purposes. In light of this, Paragon recommends the use of a blank deed in states/situations where it is appropriate. With the introduction of Revenue Ruling 2005-74, it holds that use of a blank deed complies with a sale having occurred for federal income tax purposes, potentially eliminating the use of two (2) deeds where state law and practices will allow and where the employer (corporation) follows the Worldwide ERC eleven key elements. As a result, Paragon recommends the elimination of two (2) deeds in states that do not have the following: notary statutes; false claim laws including Qui Tam; states that do not impose a state transfer tax/fees with transfer of ownership; real estate licensing issues; and states without withholding statutes. Staging Allowance: A Contemporary Spin on the Home Sale Bonus This paper describes a new type of home sale incentive which may better drive the sale of a home in a declining real estate market. With the decline in U.S. domestic housing markets, companies are struggling with how to effectively drive its mobility goals. In order to offset extended marketing times and loss of equity, organizations are resurrecting guaranteed buyout provisions and home sale bonuses to ease the burden on the transferee. Excluding Properties with Chinese Drywall from Homesale Assistance This paper describes how recent developments related to Chinese Drywall compromises traditional homesale transactions and inventory management. There’s a new inspection issue to contend with in the U.S. Real Estate Market. In 2009, a new nemesis, Chinese Drywall, has become positioned to join the ranks of radon, synthetic stucco, and toxic mold. During the housing boom, new construction was at an all time high and domestic producers of drywall were unable to keep up with the demand. To fill that void, China offered a viable solution: the necessary supply of goods as well as lower costs to builders. However, as homeowners have settled into their new homes, many are reporting issues ranging from unpleasant sulfur (“rotten egg”) odors to corrosion of electrical and HVAC components which are being linked to the Chinese Drywall.
finance, marketing & human resources
human resources
Paragon Relocation is capable of providing any and all global assignment management services required by our clients. Included in Paragon’s service is the coordination of all aspects of moving out of the host country and back to the expatriate’s home country or other location, including the rental or purchase of a new home, if applicable. Much of our focus and staff is in the United States; but, we provide services in 150 countries. In addition, many reporting options are available. In business for over 25 years and providing service in 150 different countries makes Paragon an established and truly global relocation company. Paragon acts as a true partner for its clients, caring as much about our clients’ businesses as we do about our own. Assists Customers with Life Decisions When Moving For 25 years, Paragon Global Resources, Inc., has worked through its subsidiaries to assist major corporations and their employees with human resource counseling and administration, domestic and international relocation, household goods moving services and mortgage assistance. And, while we provide services in 150 different countries, what matter is that we provide the relocation services you need when and where you need them. A relocation company has to work very closely with household goods suppliers to ensure satisfaction… Contact a Paragon Representative Full Service, Global Company Paragon Relocation is a leading, global relocation company known for providing thought leadership, innovative programs, value-added support and superior customer service to our clients and the families we relocate. We offer a complete suite of relocation services; if you’re looking for consulting , domestic or global relocation services , global assignment management , or voluntary employee benefits , Paragon is ready to serve you. We’ll also help you in any way we can, whether we offer the services you need or not. Paragon’s Consultants manage the fulfillment of global relocation services to ensure the highest quality delivery; plus, they are empowered to make decisions that are in the best interest of our clients and their relocating employees. Our global footprint reflects the extent of our global relocation services; Paragon provides all the relocation services that global companies need, from international cost estimates to expatriate benefits counseling and administration, from visa and immigration services to language and cross-cultural training. The service begins when the employee or family moves into their new home. The services provided are customized to meet the needs of each employee and their family. In addition, all expenses are available online at any time, through Paragon’s relocation portal, PRISM. At these meetings, Paragon will help employees and their family members to understand the services that are available to assist with their move. To find out more about our supplier partners and the services we can provide, please contact us . Training suppliers on the needs and culture of our clients is also a critical step. Mr. Morabito has more than 40 years of relocation industry experience.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Consulting - illucIT Software GmbH Content: Save time and money by getting an expert’s insights You want someone to introduce you to agile project management? You want your existing software to be brought up to date? You need help to solve your custom technical issues? Don't waste time and money figuring out things on your own. We provide you with the information you need in order to successfully start or continue your project right now. Our Services [PAGE] Title: Imprint - illucIT Software GmbH Content: Angular -Logo. Licence: Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) . No changes have been made. HTML5-Logo: HTML5 -Logo. Licence: Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) . No changes have been made. This imprint also applies to social media pages like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Information about online dispute resolution: [PAGE] Title: Team - illucIT Software GmbH Content: Contact We are illucIT Software and this is our team Our founders, Christian Simon and Sebastian Lindner already know each other from their work at the computer science department of the University of Würzburg. In 2013 they decided to found illucIT Software together. [PAGE] Title: Maintenance - illucIT Software GmbH Content: We make sure that everything is up and running You want a competent partner to analyze and to solve your application and platform problems? You want bugs and performance bottlenecks identified and removed early on? You want to reduce downtime by having someone you can rely on and who takes care of your needs as soon as possible? We are the reliable partner by your side taking care of your projects Software deployments With Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery in place, deployment of new software versions or bug fixes is a matter of minutes. Troubleshooting and Root Cause Analysis We support you by analyzing problems or performance bottlenecks and help you eliminate them. Administration Besides the development of your custom software solution, we offer the following additional services Server administration (Windows, Linux) Monitoring: be informed about incidents immediately Gathering of user statistics (Google Analytics) Search Engine Optimization (Google Webmaster Tools) More information? [PAGE] Title: Datenschutz - illucIT Software GmbH Content: Kontakt Datenschutzerklärung Mit dieser Datenschutzerklärung möchten wir Sie darüber informieren, welche personenbezogenen Daten auf dieser Homepage erhoben und zu welchem Zweck diese verwendet  und verarbeitet werden. Die Datenschutzerklärung können Sie jederzeit unter abrufen. Verantwortlicher Verantwortlicher im Sinne der Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) sowie der nationalen Datenschutzgesetze ist: illucIT Software GmbH Egloffsteinstraße 11b 97072 Würzburg, Deutschland Tel.: +49 931 / 99161950 Email: [email protected] Sollten Sie Fragen zum Datenschutz haben, können Sie unter den vorgenannten Daten Kontakt zu der verantwortlichen Stelle aufnehmen. Umfang der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten Wir erheben und verwenden Ihre personenbezogenen Daten regelmäßig nur, nachdem Sie uns hierzu Ihre Einwilligung erklärt haben. Sollte die Einholung Ihrer Einwilligung aus tatsächlichen Gründen nicht möglich sein, sind wir ausnahmsweise zur Erhebung und Verwendung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten berechtigt, wenn die Verarbeitung durch gesetzliche Vorschriften gestattet ist. Ihr personenbezogen Daten erheben und verwenden wir grundsätzlich nur, soweit sie für die Funktionsfähigkeit unserer Webseite sowie die Bereitstellung der Inhalte unserer Webseite sowie eine mögliche Vertragsabwicklung und -anbahnung notwendig sind. Betroffene Personen und Arten der verarbeiteten Daten Von der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten sind die Besucher und Nutzer unserer Webseite betroffen. Im Rahmen unserer Webseite verarbeiten wird unter anderem folgende Daten: Kontaktdaten (z.B. E-Mail-Adresse) Nutzungsdaten (z.B. besuchte Webseiten, Zugriffszeiten) Meta-/Kommunikationsdaten (z.B. Geräte-Informationen, IP-Adressen) Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten In diesem Abschnitt möchten wir Sie über die rechtliche Grundlage der Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten informieren. Wenn wir uns für einen Verarbeitungsvorgang die Einwilligung der betroffenen Person einholen, gilt Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a und Art. 7 DSGVO als Rechtsgrundlage. Sind die personenbezogenen Daten der betroffenen Person zur Erfüllung eines Vertrags oder zur Durchführung vorvertraglicher Maßnahmen notwendig, so gilt Art. 6 lit. b DSGVO als Rechtsgrundlage. Soweit Ihre personenbezogenen Daten zur Erfüllung einer rechtlichen Verpflichtung erforderlich sind, der unseres Unternehmens unterliegt (z.B. Aufbewahrung von Rechnungsdokumenten aus steuerrechtlichen Gründen), so dient Art. 6 lit. c DSGVO als Rechtsgrundlage. In Fällen, in denen lebenswichtige Interessen der betroffenen Person oder einer anderen natürlichen Person eine Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten erforderlich machen, dient Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. d DSGVO als Rechtsgrundlage. Ist die Verarbeitung zur Wahrung eines berechtigten Interesses unseres Unternehmens oder eines Dritten erforderlich und überwiegen die Interessen, Grundrechte und Grundfreiheiten des Betroffenen das erstgenannte Interesse nicht, so dient Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO als Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung. Zweck der Verarbeitung Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten, um Ihnen unsere Webseite inkl. Inhalte und Funktionen bereitzustellen, um mit Ihnen in Kontakt zu treten, um die Sicherheit unsere Webseite zu gewährleisten sowie die Reichweite unsere Webseite zu messen. Datenlöschung und Speicherdauer Wir speichern Ihre Daten nicht über die gesetzlichen Anforderungen hinaus. Wir löschen bzw. sperren die personenbezogenen Daten der betroffenen Person, nach Maßgabe der Art. 17 und 18 DSGVO sowie nach Ablauf der jeweiligen gesetzlichen Aufbewahrungsfrist oder sobald der Zweck der Speicherung entfällt. So müssen in Deutschland z.B. Buchungsbelege gem. § 147 Abs. 1 AO für 10 Jahre aufbewahrt werden. Es ist jedoch möglich, dass auch nach Ablauf der gesetzlichen Frist zur Aufbewahrung ein Zweck für die Speicherung besteht. Das wäre z.B. der Fall, wenn Ihre Daten aufgrund einer Vertragsanbahnung oder zur Vertragserfüllung benötig werden. Bereitstellung der Webseite, Erfassung von allgemeinen Informationen und Logfiles Der Aufruf unserer Webseite führt dazu, dass automatisch Daten und Informationen von unserem System über das Computersystems der betroffenen Personen erhoben und in den sog. Logfiles des Servers gespeichert werden. Folgende Informationen werden hierbei erfasst: Informationen über den Browsertyp und die verwendete Version Das Betriebssystem des Nutzers Die anonymisierte IP-Adresse des Nutzers Datum und Uhrzeit des Zugriffs Websites, von denen das System des Nutzers auf unsere Internetseite gelangt Websites, die vom System des Nutzers über unsere Website aufgerufen werden Die Logfile-Informationen werden aus Sicherheitsgründen erhoben – z.B. zur Aufklärung von Betrugsfällen. Die Erhebung der Logfile-Informationen sowie die vorübergehende Speicherung der Daten erfolgt auf Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen im Sinne des Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO. IP-Adressen der Nutzer werden immer verfremdet bevor diese gespeichert werden, sodass eine Zuordnung des aufrufenden Clients und damit ein Personenbezug nicht mehr möglich ist. Hosting Zur Bereitstellung dieser Webseite nehmen wir die Leistungen eines Hostinganbieters in Anspruch. Dies umfasst Infrastrukturleistungen, Speicherplatz, Rechenkapazität, Datenbankdienste sowie technische Wartungs- und Sicherheitsleistungen. Im Rahmen dieser Leistungen verarbeiten wir und/oder der Hostinganbieter Bestandsdaten, Kontaktdaten, Inhaltsdaten, Vertragsdaten, Nutzungsdaten, Meta- und Kommunikationsdaten von Kunden, Interessenten und Besuchern unserer Webseite. Gesetzliche Grundlage für die Verarbeitung ist unser berechtigtes Interesse an der sicheren Bereitstellung unserer Webseite nach Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO i.V.m. Art. 28 DSGVO. Nutzung im Rahmen vertraglicher Leistungen Falls Sie unserer Webseite oder unsere Kontaktmöglichkeiten zum Abschluss oder zu Anbahnung eines Vertragsverhältnisses nutzen, verarbeiten wir Ihre Bestandsdaten (z.B. Namen und Adressen sowie Kontaktdaten) und Vertragsdaten (z.B. in Anspruch genommene Leistungen) zur Erfüllung unserer vertraglichen Verpflichtungen. Die gesetzliche Grundlage zur Speicherung Ihrer Daten ist Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit b. DSGVO. Wir löschen Ihre Daten nach Ablauf der gesetzlichen Gewährleistungs- und vergleichbarer Pflichten. Kontaktmöglichkeiten Wenn Sie mit uns im Rahmen der angebotenen Kontaktmöglichkeiten in Kontakt treten, verarbeiten wir Ihre angegeben Daten Nutzers zur Bearbeitung Ihrer Kontaktanfrage und deren Abwicklung gem. Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO. Sofern die Speicherung Ihrer Anfrage nicht mehr erforderlich ist, werden wir diese löschen. Es gelten die gesetzlichen Fristen zur Archivierung. Kommentare Wir bieten Ihnen die Möglichkeit auf unserer Webseite Kommentare in unserem Blog zu verfassen. Hierbei haben wir die Möglichkeit Ihre IP-Adresse für 7 Tage zu speichern. Die Speicherung erfolgt zur unserer Sicherheit für den Fall, dass ein Kommentar gegen geltendes Recht verstößt und auf Grundlage unseres berechtigten Interesses im Sinne des Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO. Cookies Cookies sind kleine Dateien, die auf der Festplatte eines Besuchers abgelegt werden. Sie erlauben es, Informationen über einen bestimmten Zeitraum vorzuhalten. Wir setzen technisch notwendige Cookies ein, um unsere Website betreiben zu können. In den Cookies werden dabei folgende Daten gespeichert und übermittelt: Spracheinstellung Es werden insbesondere KEINE Cookies für Werbe-, Tracking- oder Analysezweckezwecke eingesetzt. Die Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten unter Verwendung technisch notweniger Cookies ist Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO. Die Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten unter Verwendung von Cookies zu Analysezwecken ist bei Vorliegen einer diesbezüglichen Einwilligung des Nutzers Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO, es sei denn es wird in diesem Datenschutzhinweis auf unser berechtigtes Interesse nach ist Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO verwiesen. Inhalte Dritter Auf unserer Webseite setzen wir keine Inhalte Dritter ein. Zusammenarbeit mit Auftragsverarbeitern, Dritten und Übermittlungen in Drittländer Sollten wir Dritten gegenüber Daten im Rahmen der Verarbeitung von Daten übermitteln, offenbaren, oder sonst Zugriff gewähren, so erfolgt dies ausschließlich auf Grundlage einer gesetzlichen Erlaubnis oder rechtlichen Verpflichtung, oder wenn Sie hierzu eingewilligt haben, oder auf Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen (z.B. beim Einsatz von Webhostern). Wenn wir Dritte mit der Verarbeitung von Daten auf Grundlage eines Auftragsverarbeitungsvertrages beauftragen, erfolgt dies auf Grundlage des Art. 28 DSGVO. Eine Verarbeitung in Drittländern – dies sind alle Länder außerhalb der Europäischen Union (EU) oder des Europäischen Wirtschaftsraums (EWR) – erfolgt nur, wenn die Verarbeitung der Erfüllung unserer vorvertraglichen oder vertraglichen Pflichten dient und Sie Ihre Einwilligung zu der Verarbeitung gegeben haben oder wir aufgrund einer rechtlichen Verpflichtung oder auf Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen die Verarbeitung in einem Drittland durchführen lassen dürfen. Es gelten hierbei die Regelungen der Art. 44 ff. DSGVO. Für die Verarbeitung in einem Drittland sind besondere Garantien notwendig. Hierzu zählt die offizielle Feststellung eines der EU entsprechenden Datenschutzniveaus (z.B. „Privacy Shield“ für die U.S.A). Rechte der Betroffenen Als Betroffener haben Sie nach Art. 15 DSGVO die Möglichkeit Auskunft darüber zu verlangen, ob betroffene Daten verarbeitet werden sowie Auskunft über die Daten selbst und die Möglichkeit eine Kopie der Daten zu erhalten. Weiterhin haben Sie nach Art. 16 DSGVO das Recht, die Vervollständigung der Sie betreffenden Daten oder die Berichtigung der Sie betreffenden unrichtigen Daten zu verlangen. Sie können nach Art. 17 DSGVO die Löschung der betreffenden Daten und nach Art. 18 DSGVO die Einschränkung der Verarbeitung der Daten verlangen. Nach Art. 20 DSGVO haben Sie das Recht die Bereitstellung der betreffenden Daten sowie die Übermittlung an andere Verantwortliche zu verlangen. Weiterhin haben Sie nach Art. 77 DSGVO das Recht, Beschwerde bei der zuständigen Aufsichtsbehörde einzureichen. Widerrufsrecht Sie können Ihre Einwilligung zur Nutzung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten jederzeit nach Art. 7 Abs. 3 DSGVO für die Zukunft widerrufen. Widerspruchsrecht Sie haben die Möglichkeit der Verarbeitung von Daten, die Sie betreffen, nach Art. 21 DSGVO jederzeit zu widersprechen. Änderung der Datenschutzerklärung An dieser Stelle haben Sie die Möglichkeit die gültige Version der Datenschutzerklärung einzusehen. Zukünftige Änderungen werden an dieser Stelle veröffentlicht. Stand: Oktober 2022 [PAGE] Title: Development - illucIT Software GmbH Content: Software that makes your life easier You want to improve your business productivity? You want a software that is clean, well-designed, easy to use and suits your business needs? You want to introduce a unified workflow in your company instead of doing repetitive tasks over and over again? You want a tailor-made software that is easy to maintain and scales well? Design and User Experience Applications you actually like to use Your user experience is key to the success of the product. Therefore we integrate design aspects in the development process early on. Wireframing and Storyboarding Visual analysis of use cases and user journeys Easy to understand, especially for stakeholders without a technical background Avoids misunderstandings during the business analysis Enables the product owner to get feedback from a larger group of stakeholders even before the actual implementation Development State of the art software that is customized to your needs Whether you are starting a new project or if you are looking for someone to improve an existing software solution, we cover a broad spectrum of application development tasks Design [PAGE] Title: Project Management - illucIT Software GmbH Content: Project Management Project management as simple as possible, but not simpler You want your project to be managed in a way, where you don’t have to spend months of preparing documents before seeing first results? You want changing requirements and feedback to be integrated as soon as possible, so that the final product meets your expectations? You want a partner who understands your business needs and to finds a solution for your problems without you having to worry about the technical implementation? You want to have an overview over the current state of your project and when it will be finished? Agile Project Management Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software Planning Your Road to Success Analysis of your business needs Requirements Engineering Breaking down your requirements into epics and stories Close cooperation between business people and developers Agile project planning with Atlassian JIRA‎ Prioritization of stories according to their business value Complete overview over the state of the current development Full control over what is implemented Full integration into the development process Support of Scrum and Kanban workflows Close Cooperation Defining and scoping of project releases Time scheduling [PAGE] Title: Blog - illucIT Software GmbH Content: Get the Current Transaction in Wildfly Recently we had a problem with a broken transaction in an application running in Wildfly 20. javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException: WFLYJPA0060: Transaction is required to perform this operation (either use a transaction or extended persistence context) We were not shure which line caused the exception,… more Stackoverflow in Tomcat 8.5.49 and 9.0.29 This week we set up a developoment environment on a new PC for a JavaEE project using Tomcat 8.5 (we downloaded the recently released version 8.5.49 to be specific). We started up the IDE, deployed the WAR on a Tomcat server and… more [PAGE] Title: Jobs Archive - illucIT Software GmbH Content: [PAGE] Title: illucIT Software GmbH Content: Produktivitätstechniken: Weniger Überstunden und mehr Freizeit 2022-08-02 Gestern noch bis spät in die Nacht gearbeitet und heute früh schon wieder unzählige Aufgaben auf der To-do-Liste? Überstunden bei wichtigen Projekten sind im Arbeitsleben ganz normal. Allerdings führen ständige Überstunden zu erheblichem Stress, welcher langfristig gesundheitliche Probleme verursachen kann. Dieser Artikel stellt verschiedenen Techniken vor, die Arbeitnehmern helfen, um produktiver zu arbeiten und so insgesamt für eine ausgewogenere Work-Life-Balance zu sorgen.   Die Eisenhower-Matrix   Die Eisenhower-Matrix ist eine der bekanntesten Methoden des Zeitmanagements. Dabei geht es um die Kategorisierung der Arbeitsaufgaben. Ziel ist es, die richtigen Prioritäten zu setzen. Dieses Prinzip ist auf eine Rede des amerikanischen… Employees lose up to 3.5 hours of effective working time per week 2021-07-28 According to a recent study, German companies still have some catching up to do when it comes to digitization. The results of the study come from the company UiPath. We have summarized them for you here.   Time lost due to lack of automation.   Employees lose about three and a half hours of effective working time each week due to recurring tasks that can be automated. In addition, more than half of employees feel they perform mostly repetitive tasks (58 percent). As a result, employees lack the time they need to devote to their core activities, such as customer… Get the Current Transaction in Wildfly 2021-07-20 Recently we had a problem with a broken transaction in an application running in Wildfly 20. javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException: WFLYJPA0060: Transaction is required to perform this operation (either use a transaction or extended persistence context) We were not shure which line caused the exception, as the stacktrace was not very specific. So we debugged the application step by step and checked with the following code if the transaction was set to rollback or was still active: CDI.current().select(TransactionSynchronizationRegistry.class).get().getTransactionStatus() As long as the status 1 (ACTIVE) was returned the transaction was still valid, but at the subroutine the status switched to 4 (MARKED_ROLLBACK). We… Stackoverflow in Tomcat 8.5.49 and 9.0.29 2019-12-10 This week we set up a developoment environment on a new PC for a JavaEE project using Tomcat 8.5 (we downloaded the recently released version 8.5.49 to be specific). We started up the IDE, deployed the WAR on a Tomcat server and ran into the following error: javax.faces.view.facelets.TagAttributeException: […] Could not Resolve Variable [Overflow]: … After some research using our favorite search engine we came across: and So… sounds like there is a recursive file include? Strangely some weeks ago the project ran on our old developoment environment that had a Tomcat 8.5.14… Also these posts were relatively… Docker for Windows and Host Volumes 2019-04-26 The container management system Docker is quite useful for running services or applications in a controlled, isolated environment. In a lot of situations it is also useful to have directories inside a docker container mapped to a local folder on the host system. Especially in a development environment, where this setup allows you to modify source files (e.g. for a web application) in the host-volume directly in your IDE, and have the running docker service find those updated files immediately without the need for a deployment. Although Docker containers usually run Linux binaries, there is also the “Docker Desktop” suite… WildFly 15 Bundle Database Driver And Datasource Into Application 2019-02-05 This article describes how to bundle a database driver and the datasource configuration into an enterprise archive (EAR).  In my case I used WildFly 15 and MariaDB JDBC Client as the database driver for MySQL. The Java MySQL JDBC driver is under the GPL license and cannot be bundled into the application (at least for me).
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Title: Consulting - illucIT Software GmbH Content: Save time and money by getting an expert’s insights You want someone to introduce you to agile project management? Title: Maintenance - illucIT Software GmbH Content: We make sure that everything is up and running You want a competent partner to analyze and to solve your application and platform problems? Title: Datenschutz - illucIT Software GmbH Content: Kontakt Datenschutzerklärung Mit dieser Datenschutzerklärung möchten wir Sie darüber informieren, welche personenbezogenen Daten auf dieser Homepage erhoben und zu welchem Zweck diese verwendet  und verarbeitet werden. Ihr personenbezogen Daten erheben und verwenden wir grundsätzlich nur, soweit sie für die Funktionsfähigkeit unserer Webseite sowie die Bereitstellung der Inhalte unserer Webseite sowie eine mögliche Vertragsabwicklung und -anbahnung notwendig sind. a und Art. Sind die personenbezogenen Daten der betroffenen Person zur Erfüllung eines Vertrags oder zur Durchführung vorvertraglicher Maßnahmen notwendig, so gilt Art. Ist die Verarbeitung zur Wahrung eines berechtigten Interesses unseres Unternehmens oder eines Dritten erforderlich und überwiegen die Interessen, Grundrechte und Grundfreiheiten des Betroffenen das erstgenannte Interesse nicht, so dient Art. Die gesetzliche Grundlage zur Speicherung Ihrer Daten ist Art. 1 lit b. DSGVO. Die Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten unter Verwendung technisch notweniger Cookies ist Art. Die Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten unter Verwendung von Cookies zu Analysezwecken ist bei Vorliegen einer diesbezüglichen Einwilligung des Nutzers Art. 16 DSGVO das Recht, die Vervollständigung der Sie betreffenden Daten oder die Berichtigung der Sie betreffenden unrichtigen Daten zu verlangen. 17 DSGVO die Löschung der betreffenden Daten und nach Art. 18 DSGVO die Einschränkung der Verarbeitung der Daten verlangen. Widerspruchsrecht Sie haben die Möglichkeit der Verarbeitung von Daten, die Sie betreffen, nach Art. Wireframing and Storyboarding Visual analysis of use cases and user journeys Easy to understand, especially for stakeholders without a technical background Avoids misunderstandings during the business analysis Enables the product owner to get feedback from a larger group of stakeholders even before the actual implementation Development State of the art software that is customized to your needs Whether you are starting a new project or if you are looking for someone to improve an existing software solution, we cover a broad spectrum of application development tasks Design You want a partner who understands your business needs and to finds a solution for your problems without you having to worry about the technical implementation? You want to have an overview over the current state of your project and when it will be finished? Title: Blog - illucIT Software GmbH Content: Get the Current Transaction in Wildfly Recently we had a problem with a broken transaction in an application running in Wildfly 20. javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException: WFLYJPA0060: Transaction is required to perform this operation (either use a transaction or extended persistence context) We were not shure which line caused the exception,… more Stackoverflow in Tomcat 8.5.49 and 9.0.29 This week we set up a developoment environment on a new PC for a JavaEE project using Tomcat 8.5 (we downloaded the recently released version 8.5.49 to be specific). As a result, employees lack the time they need to devote to their core activities, such as customer… Get the Current Transaction in Wildfly 2021-07-20 Recently we had a problem with a broken transaction in an application running in Wildfly 20. javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException: WFLYJPA0060: Transaction is required to perform this operation (either use a transaction or extended persistence context) We were not shure which line caused the exception, as the stacktrace was not very specific.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: MES Solution | Polaris Automation Content: MES Solution Problem A large consumer hard goods manufacturer wanted an MES solution to track downtime events and OEE metrics from the production equipment on the shop floor. In addition, they wanted to track rejected units through their repair stations to understand their First Pass Yield (FPY) metric. Both automatic and manual downtime events needed to be tracked in the system. The automatic events already included the correct downtime reason code information. The manual events needed a way for the operators to select the correct downtime reason code prior to the end of their shift. The client wanted to show the key metrics for success using large, web-based displays throughout the line. These metrics included the following: Current downtime event and length Total downtime for the shift Assembly Yield for the shift First Pass Yield for the shift Shift data for the previous 2 shifts Data from various systems needed to be assembled so that reasons for defects and First Pass Yield metrics could be visualized. Proposed Solution The manufacturer was in search of an MES solution that could meet all their requirements. Most traditional off-the-shelf products met some of the needs but not all. The manufacturer also needed help obtaining and linking machine data to the MES solution. In a joint initiative with the manufacturer, Polaris Automation was able to develop a MES solution for obtaining and visualizing the key metrics. In addition, Polaris Automation was able to provide implementation services to gather the machine data and link it to the new system. A data concentrator was installed to optimize data collection on the plant floor and to control the shift start and stop times. Using this methodology, the network traffic was reduced since the MES solution did not have to talk to individual pieces of equipment. Screens were developed to control shift times, record downtime reason codes, and track defects. Dashboards were also created to display all the metrics in a simple and concise format for display throughout the plant floor. Outcome The MES solution was successfully installed with the following outcomes realized: The new system has been successfully rolled out to twelve additional facilities. $72M in projected savings across all lines over the next seven years The amount of downtime and the reasons for the downtime are now recorded and can be acted upon to improve efficiency of the equipment. 15% incremental return on small recurring downtimes First Pass Yield metrics are now in place providing vision into quality. Reduction of rework/retesting. The client can identify and address issues in the process now that there is a focus on the First Pass Yield. Scrap accountability and reduction Testimonial “Polaris has partnered with us for many years to develop an MES solution that we own as a company. This is a product that can support our business for many years, and we can change it to accommodate our needs as we see fit. We were not provided with a “canned” solution that we had to fit our process into. It is something that was built for us that meets our needs. Polaris has worked with us as a partner and helped out in all aspects of the project including programming, consulting, hardware acquisition, and engineering support when we requested it.” Connect with us! Polaris Automation is a systems integrator specializing in the design and development of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) and industrial automation control systems. ©2024 Polaris Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
civil, mechanical & electrical
industrial automation
Site Overview: Title: MES Solution | Polaris Automation Content: MES Solution Problem A large consumer hard goods manufacturer wanted an MES solution to track downtime events and OEE metrics from the production equipment on the shop floor. Both automatic and manual downtime events needed to be tracked in the system. The manual events needed a way for the operators to select the correct downtime reason code prior to the end of their shift. The client wanted to show the key metrics for success using large, web-based displays throughout the line. These metrics included the following: Current downtime event and length Total downtime for the shift Assembly Yield for the shift First Pass Yield for the shift Shift data for the previous 2 shifts Data from various systems needed to be assembled so that reasons for defects and First Pass Yield metrics could be visualized. Proposed Solution The manufacturer was in search of an MES solution that could meet all their requirements. Most traditional off-the-shelf products met some of the needs but not all. The manufacturer also needed help obtaining and linking machine data to the MES solution. In a joint initiative with the manufacturer, Polaris Automation was able to develop a MES solution for obtaining and visualizing the key metrics. In addition, Polaris Automation was able to provide implementation services to gather the machine data and link it to the new system. A data concentrator was installed to optimize data collection on the plant floor and to control the shift start and stop times. Screens were developed to control shift times, record downtime reason codes, and track defects. $72M in projected savings across all lines over the next seven years The amount of downtime and the reasons for the downtime are now recorded and can be acted upon to improve efficiency of the equipment. The client can identify and address issues in the process now that there is a focus on the First Pass Yield. Scrap accountability and reduction Testimonial “Polaris has partnered with us for many years to develop an MES solution that we own as a company. This is a product that can support our business for many years, and we can change it to accommodate our needs as we see fit. We were not provided with a “canned” solution that we had to fit our process into. It is something that was built for us that meets our needs. Polaris has worked with us as a partner and helped out in all aspects of the project including programming, consulting, hardware acquisition, and engineering support when we requested it.” Connect with us!
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Bedford Chartered Accountants | Jameson Accounting Services Content: May 31, 2017 As the Director of a small business you may end up owing the company money – or to put this in more formal terms, the Directors’ Loan Account becomes a debtor balance.  If this debt is small and repaid in a short space of time, it is unlikely […] [PAGE] Title: Contact Bedford Accountants | Jameson Accounting Services Content: Home » Contact Us Contact Us Please complete and submit the form below and we will be in touch as soon as possible. Alternatively please call us on 07974 825093 or 07855 497687, or write to us at Jameson Accounting Services, 87 Hillesden Avenue, Elstow, Bedford.  MK42 9AJ. Your Name (required) [PAGE] Title: Bedford Payroll Services | Jameson Accounting Services Content: Home » Our Services » Other services Other services Jameson Accounting can also provide many other services that can assist you in achieving your business goals.  We are happy to discuss any requirement you may have but listed below you will find some of our more popular services.  Please fill out the contact form or call us on 07974 825093 to discuss these or any other requirements you may have [PAGE] Title: Bedford Accountants and Tax - Jameson Accounting Content: Read more » Jameson Accounting Services are chartered accountants based in Bedford, Bedfordshire. Whether you are an individual, sole trader, in partnership or run a limited company we aim to help you achieve your business development ambitions.  We can provide experienced finance resource on a virtual, part time basis.  We can also assist with your accounting requirements, tax returns and provide tax advice.  If you employ people we can also provide your business with payroll services.  We offer the professional and reliable service you would expect from a chartered accountant, with a friendly, personal and flexible touch. Please contact us to discuss how we can assist you – our initial meeting will always be free of charge and at no obligation. Post navigation
finance, marketing & human resources
Site Overview: Title: Bedford Chartered Accountants | Jameson Accounting Services Content: May 31, 2017 As the Director of a small business you may end up owing the company money – or to put this in more formal terms, the Directors’ Loan Account becomes a debtor balance. If this debt is small and repaid in a short space of time, it is unlikely […] Title: Contact Bedford Accountants | Jameson Accounting Services Content: Home » Contact Us Contact Us Please complete and submit the form below and we will be in touch as soon as possible. Alternatively please call us on 07974 825093 or 07855 497687, or write to us at Jameson Accounting Services, 87 Hillesden Avenue, Elstow, Bedford. MK42 9AJ. Your Name (required) Title: Bedford Payroll Services | Jameson Accounting Services Content: Home » Our Services » Other services Other services Jameson Accounting can also provide many other services that can assist you in achieving your business goals. We are happy to discuss any requirement you may have but listed below you will find some of our more popular services. Please fill out the contact form or call us on 07974 825093 to discuss these or any other requirements you may have Title: Bedford Accountants and Tax - Jameson Accounting Content: Read more » Jameson Accounting Services are chartered accountants based in Bedford, Bedfordshire. Whether you are an individual, sole trader, in partnership or run a limited company we aim to help you achieve your business development ambitions. We can provide experienced finance resource on a virtual, part time basis. We can also assist with your accounting requirements, tax returns and provide tax advice. If you employ people we can also provide your business with payroll services. We offer the professional and reliable service you would expect from a chartered accountant, with a friendly, personal and flexible touch. Please contact us to discuss how we can assist you – our initial meeting will always be free of charge and at no obligation. Post navigation
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Upcoming Events — Rigpa Content: Sangha News Upcoming Events Rigpa offers a year-round programme of both in-person and online courses, talks, retreats and teaching events led by Rigpa's teachers and other teachers from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. ONLINE: To find more recorded and live teaching events, daily meditations, dharma talks and more visit Rigpa’s online platform ‘Prajna ’. IN-PERSON & ONLINE: To join programmes in-person or online with a group in your location, connect with one of Rigpa's groups or centres around the world. Find a group or centre nearest you . [PAGE] Title: Resources — Rigpa Content: Sangha News Resources A range of resources for personal study and inspiration including free online study resources & videos, prayers, daily reflections, publications and shop. Teachings Given in Rigpa Centres - on YouTube A series of talks given by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche in Rigpa Centres in 2018 on the topic of bringing Tibetan Buddhism to the West. Talks given in Rigpa’s main retreat centre, Lerab Ling, by teachers including Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche, Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Sharon Salzberg, Samdhong Rinpoche, Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche and others. Free Study Resources Rigpa Shedra Wiki is an online encyclopedia and media library of Tibetan Buddhism designed especially for students of Rigpa and Sogyal Rinpoche yet is beneficial to everyone with an interest in Tibetan Buddhism. Lotsawa House is a virtual library of translations from Tibetan, including works by Indian Buddhist masters preserved in the Tibetan language. The site contains more than 1000 texts in nine different languages, translated by a collaboration of Tibetan translators. Watch the Empathy and Compassion in Society conferences' videos, featuring some of the world's foremost experts on compassion. These professional conferences have been organized by the Tenzin Gyatso Institute since 2012 in different countries. YouTube channel | conference website Supporting You and Your Loved Ones Photo: KhrisKa Photos Rigpa Prayer Request Service You can sponsor prayers and practices for people who are close to you, who may be ill, facing difficulties, dying, or recently deceased, by sending a prayer request to Lerab Ling. Needless to say, prayers from our community can be requested by and for anyone, irrespective of their faith. Photo: KhrisKa Photos A daily quotation from the book Glimpse After Glimpse by Sogyal Rinpoche right into your email-box every morning to inspire your day. Publications and Shop ZAM, the Rigpa shop makes available the great wealth of teachings that Sogyal Rinpoche and other great Tibetan Buddhist masters have given over the years in Rigpa, to benefit as many people as possible. It also offers a range of items to support Dharma practice, such as ritual items, images, practice books and other study materials. The Rigpa Tibetan Calendar has been published yearly since 1979. It is beautifully illustrated with many images and filled with features: prayers for auspiciousness and to remove obstacles, special practice days and festivals, anniversaries of masters of all the Tibetan lineages, key national holidays holidays and much more. Lerab Ling International Conferences bring together world-renowned meditation teachers and key people in our society, such as scientists, psychologists, educators and business leaders to explore what happens when we get to know our minds. You can purchase DVDs or VODs of past conferences. View is a magazine for practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism, and anyone with an interest in Buddhism. Rigpa is fortunate to host many eminent Buddhist teachers. View aims to share the teachings and interviews that these masters give, and to explore the many different ways in which the Buddha's teachings are being applied in the world today. [PAGE] Title: Rigpa News — Rigpa Content: The 3rd Anniversary of Sogyal Rinpoche’s Parinirvana Aug 28, 2022 Today marks the 3rd anniversary since Sogyal Rinpoche passed into parinirvana. Sogyal Rinpoche was the author of the highly acclaimed The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying and the founder of Rigpa. In the five-day practice event commemorating his dharma legacy, his students celebrated his dharma vision and legacy, practising in the presence of his holy relics. [PAGE] Title: Rigpé Shyönnu — Rigpa Content: Young people interested in meditation, compassion and Buddhist philosophy About us We are an international group of young people* who share an interest in Buddhist thought and practice. Most of us are part of the Rigpa Sangha and we welcome people from any background! You can find us in Austria, Australia, France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Nepal, Switzerland & the United Kingdom. *between 18 and 35ish years old The Shyönnu Spirit is to bring open mindedness, a fresh spark and a creative outlook to whatever we do - our events, practice and life in general. We aim to create a sense of community and friendship that supports young people to work with their minds and hearts amidst the challenges of modern life. “What does ‘Rigpé Shyönnu’ mean? It is Tibetan and literally means youthfulness (shyönnu) of the innermost nature of mind (rigpa).” Events Every summer and winter we organise international retreats. Throughout the year, we also hold other local events in Amsterdam, Berlin, Cologne, London and other cities. Currently, we are offering a number of online events. To find out more about our upcoming events, follow us on Instagram , facebook or sign up to our newsletter . Impressions of Past Events Next Events Online Practice Sessions We regularly come together online to meditate for 20 minutes. Everyone is welcome to join and these sessions are free of charge. When? Wednesdays @ 18:00 CET, for 20min How to join? Subscribe to our newsletter (see below) and you will receive an invitation to the next session. Or follow us on instagram where you’ll find information on the upcoming sessions. Connect If you want to get involved or have any questions, just write us an email at [email protected] . We would love to hear from you! Subscribe to Our Newsletter to receive invitations to our upcoming events and updates about our activities Email Address [PAGE] Title: Activity in Society — Rigpa Content: Activity in Society Spiritual Care Programme The Spiritual Care Programme, was established and has been supported by Rigpa since 1993, offering non-denominational, contemplative-based care for health and social care professionals and trained volunteers as well as for a general public. The programme now runs independently in various countries around the world. Rigpa continues to hold Buddhist courses and seminars on death and dying. Care Centres Sukhavati, outside Berlin, uniquely combines spiritual community, specialized care, and educational training, under one roof. The centre provides spiritual guidance and support, as well as specialized care, to anyone—of all backgrounds and beliefs—facing a major challenge in their life, such as illness, old age, or death. The Care Centre at Dzogchen Beara , Ireland provides a sense of space and ease and is especially designed as a sanctuary of rest and renewal. International Conferences Rigpa regularly hosts international conferences that bring together Buddhist teachers & scientists to present & enhance the links between the Buddhist science of the mind & western science, as well as conferences that bring together leading experts on compassion. Lerab Ling Conferences Charitable Projects supported by Rigpa Each year Rigpa sponsors a large variety of monasteries in the East, educational projects, the freeing of lives of animals, as well as many charities directly helping victims of natural disasters. Current projects Rigpa supports include freeing lives, the constructions of a monastery by Kyabje Soktse Rinpoche, the Manjushri Educational Project for under-privileged children in Nepal co-ordinated by Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche, & projects to preserve the traditional culture & sacred art of Tibetan Buddhism in Rigpa's centres in France & Ireland. Make a donation. Rigpé Yeshé - Programme for children, teens & families Founded in 2005, the heart of Rigpé Yéshé's vision is to offer children and teenagers an authentic spiritual path so that they can grow into wise, compassionate and happy young people who have confidence in their true nature, the courage to face the challenges of the modern world and who can be truly of benefit to others. The Association Rigpé Yeshé is recognized and registered by the French Ministry of Youth and Sports as an official programme for children and teenagers. More Information Photo: KhrisKa photos Prayer Requests Rigpa's main retreat centre, Lerab Ling in France, is home to a community of monastic and lay spiritual practitioners who observe a daily schedule of prayer, practice and meditation, following one of the most ancient lineages of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. You can sponsor prayers and practices for people close to you, who are ill, facing difficulties, dying, or deceased, by sending a prayer request to Lerab Ling. Prayers done by our community can be requested by anyone, irrespective of your faith. The Tenzin Gyatso Institute, named after the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet, was established with the mission of serving and advancing the Dalai Lama's vision, principles, and values. His message of compassion, religious harmony and universal responsibility has touched the hearts and minds of millions of people from all walks of life and spiritual traditions who recognize its truth, its urgency, and its extraordinary potential. The Tenzin Gyatso Institute is the organiser of Empathy and Compassion in Society international conferences. [PAGE] Title: Rigpa Sangha Member Portal — Rigpa Content: Contact Us Use the form on the right to contact us. You can edit the text in this area, and change where the contact form on the right submits to, by entering edit mode using the modes on the bottom right. Email Address * [PAGE] Title: Retreat Centres — Rigpa Content: Retreat Centres Lerab Ling, France Lerab Ling is one of the leading centres of Tibetan Buddhist culture and learning in Europe. Since it opened in 1992 in southern France, it has been blessed by visits from some of the greatest masters of our time including His Holiness the Dalai Lama (in 2000 and 2008), His Holiness Sakya Trizin, Penor Rinpoche, Dodrupchen Rinpoche, Trulshik Rinpoche and Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok and many other contemporary Buddhist teachers. Home to a traditional Tibetan Buddhist temple, built to help preserve the unique spiritual traditions, art and culture of Tibetan Buddhism and to serve as a home for the teachings of the Buddha. The sacred decoration of both the interior and exterior of the temple was completed by master craftsmen and artists from Tibetan communities in India, Nepal and Bhutan. In the centre is a seven-metre-high statue of Buddha that was made in Burma and assembled on site at Lerab Ling.  It is a replica of the famous statue in the Mahabodhi temple at Bodhgaya in India, the place where the Buddha attained enlightenment. It was Kyabjé Trulshik Rinpoche who gave the temple its Tibetan name when he visited Lerab Ling in 2005. He named it Palri Pema Ösel Dargyé Ling, which means a place like the Glorious Mountain of Padmasambhava, from where his tradition—the ‘Clear Light teachings of the Great Perfection’, or Dzogpachenpo—will flourish and spread. Many lamas who have visited Lerab Ling, including His Holiness the Dalai Lama, have emphasized the important role that centres like Lerab Ling have to play in the preservation of Tibet’s wisdom culture. Lerab Ling is home to a monastic community of monks and nuns a number of whom were ordained by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and a lay spiritual community who participate in daily prayers and meditation practices. It is possible to request prayers to be dedicated by the Lerab Ling spiritual community for loved ones who are ill or going through difficulties. Personal Retreats : Lerab Ling welcomes anyone who wishes to take a break from their daily life and dedicate some time to contemplation and reflection, regardless of their spiritual tradition or beliefs. Rigpa instructors who have completed a three-year retreat under the guidance of Sogyal Rinpoche, individually guide each person and support them throughout their stay. Watch a video about Personal Retreats | Go to Lerab Ling's website Dzogchen Beara, Ireland Rigpa’s long-term retreat centre in south-west Ireland, Dzogchen Beara offers a unique year-round programme of weekend retreats and seminars. Set on the wild and beautiful Beara Peninsula in south-west Ireland, the centre sits high on cliffs overlooking the Atlantic Ocean with breathtaking views of sea and sky. Dzogchen Beara extends a warm and open-hearted welcome to all, offering many different ways to experience this unique place of peace and inspiration, for casual visitors or those who wish to attend an event or to stay a while. Construction of Ireland's first Buddhist temple is now underway in Dzogchen Beara. The temple will be built in the style of a traditional Tibetan monastery, a form of architecture designed to be an inspiring symbol of the Buddha’s teachings. The projected completion date is October 2017. [PAGE] Title: Where we are — Rigpa Content: Retreat Centres Lerab Ling, France Lerab Ling is one of the leading centres of Tibetan Buddhist culture and learning in Europe. Since it opened in 1992 in southern France, it has been blessed by visits from some of the greatest masters of our time including His Holiness the Dalai Lama (in 2000 and 2008), His Holiness Sakya Trizin, Penor Rinpoche, Dodrupchen Rinpoche, Trulshik Rinpoche and Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok and many other contemporary Buddhist teachers. Read more about Lerab Ling | Go to Lerab Ling's web site Dzogchen Beara, Ireland Rigpa’s long-term retreat centre in south-west Ireland, Dzogchen Beara offers a unique year-round programme of weekend retreats and seminars. Set on the wild and beautiful Beara Peninsula in south-west Ireland, the centre sits high on cliffs overlooking the Atlantic Ocean with breathtaking views of sea and sky. Construction of Ireland's first Buddhist temple is now underway in Dzogchen Beara. Read more about Dzogchen Beara | Go to Dzogchen Beara's web site Study online from anywhere [PAGE] Title: Meditation & Compassion — Rigpa Content: Meditation & Compassion Meditation The ultimate “purpose of meditation is to awaken in us the sky-like nature of mind, and to introduce us to that which we really are, our unchanging pure awareness which underlies the whole of life and death.” The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying By training in mindfulness and calm abiding (shamatha) meditation, we pacify our scattered minds, defuse our powerful emotions and overcome distraction. The first & basic practice of meditation is to allow the mind to settle into a state of ‘calm abiding’, where it will find peace & stability. It is a practice through which we rest the mind naturally in a state of relaxed awareness, in order to allow the nature of mind to reveal itself. The ancient method of meditation has come to be seen as a powerful support for modern life—something that can be practised anywhere, by anyone, of any age or background. Moreover, there is growing scientific evidence that meditation has a positive effect on our health and wellbeing. teachings on meditation > Compassion The practice of compassion has for centuries been a guiding principle in the world’s major religious and ethical traditions, but it has never been more urgently needed than it is today. By developing compassion and loving kindness both for ourselves and others, we discover a stable sense of self-esteem and a healthy, nourishing love for ourselves. This supplies the basis from which we can begin to direct our minds to relieving the suffering of all beings. Compassion is not simply a sense of sympathy or caring for someone who is suffering, not simply a warmth of heart toward the person before you, or a sharp clarity of recognition of their needs and pain. It is also a sustained and practical determination to do whatever is possible and necessary to help alleviate their suffering. The particular strength of the Buddhist teaching is that it shows the ‘logic’ of compassion, as well as the damage that a lack of compassion has done to us. When studying and practising compassion, we develop a more wholesome, less selfish way of being. We gain knowledge and awareness by looking at compassion from Buddhist, personal and modern scientific points of view and then deepen it through personal analysis and reflection. [PAGE] Title: Rigpa's Leadership Teams — Rigpa Content: Delivering the Teachings and Dharma Products Prajna Prajna is a project of Rigpa available to both Rigpa members and open to anyone with an interest in Tibetan Buddhism. It is an online platform that hosts a vast library of Buddhist teachings from all traditions, regular live practices, teachings, talks and courses. 🪷 Go to Prajna ZAM ZAM is Rigpa’s online store that sells a range of dharma items such as practice books, incense and ritual items. It also has a shop ‘Windhorse’ at Lerab Ling, Rigpa’s retreat centre in France. La visión: Supervisando la Dirección Espiritual Consejeros Espirituales La dirección espiritual en Rigpa es mantenida por el Consejo de la Visión, junto con los Maestros y Practicantes Senior de Rigpa, y con la guía de nuestros Consejeros Espirituales, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoché, Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoché y Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoché - así como con el consejo de muchos grandes maestros de la Escuela Nyingma del Budismo Tibetano. El Consejo de la Visión El Consejo de la Visión supervisa la autenticidad espiritual de Rigpa, ayudando a garantizar que todas sus actividades permanezcan fieles a su visión, valores y cultura. Lo hacemos escuchando atentamente a los miembros, trabajando en colaboración con el resto de la organización y con la guía espiritual de los lamas que asesoran a Rigpa. Lee más sobre el Consejo de la Visión | Lea la Carta del Consejo de la Visión (en inglés) Gabriele Maass [PAGE] Title: Sangha News — Rigpa Content: International News | , Lerab Ling | Many of us are familiar with the retreats that take place and the teachers who visit Lerab Ling each year, but so much more happens in one year in Lerab Ling! As we come to the end of 2023, it’s a great moment to look back, celebrate and appreciate! [PAGE] Title: Online Learning — Rigpa Content: More info Rigpa Online Courses Rigpa Online Courses offer a complete path of study and practice in Tibetan Buddhist meditation, wherever you are in the world. Courses are available in English & Spanish. The Rigpa Online Courses programme provides study and practice guidance and support for students who are not able to take courses at established Rigpa centres. While students are encouraged to develop a daily practice, and to engage with regular study of the course curriculum, students are free to participate in the ways and extent that fit their circumstances. The courses are generally 8 to 12 weeks in length, with one session per week. Students post answers to a weekly assignments which the instructors read and respond to. The instructor will also post a weekly summary. Connect through Rigpa Australia > Cours de Rigpa en ligne - Francophone Le programme des cours de Rigpa en ligne a démarré aux États-Unis en 1999. Forts de ces onze années d’expérience, un centre de cours en ligne francophone a ouvert en octobre 2010. Cours de Rigpa en ligne > Cursos de Rigpa online - Hispanohablante Los cursos de Rigpa online forman un programa de estudio bien establecido que comenzó en 1999 en los Estados Unidos. Estamos encantados de inaugurar un nuevo centro online en español, en noviembre 2010, con un equipo de instructores experimentados, de los cuales todos han completado el retiro de tres años.  [PAGE] Title: A Complete Buddhist Path — Rigpa Content: For Young People A Complete Buddhist Path The essence of all Buddhist teachings is to arrive at lasting peace and happiness through transforming the mind. Rigpa offers courses and events that can help us face the challenges and big questions in life, as well as an in-depth curriculum of study, reflection, practice and retreat based on the graduated stages of the Buddhist path of awakening. A Complete Path of Buddhist Study and Practice Courses and events offered in Rigpa form part of an in-depth curriculum of study, reflection, practice and retreat designed for anyone who wishes to follow the teachings of the Buddha and in particular the Buddhist tradition of Tibet. The general approach shared in Rigpa is that of Tibetan Buddhism, which brings together the Basic Yana, the Mahayana and the Vajrayana ( see Glossary of Terms ). In particular, Rigpa follows the Nyingma lineage and tradition of Dzogchen, or “Great Perfection”—the most ancient and direct stream of wisdom within the Buddhist tradition of Tibet, which reveals the way to realize the innermost nature of mind. The essence of all Buddhist teachings is to arrive at lasting peace and happiness through transforming the mind. The Buddha taught the importance of recognizing the reality of suffering, abandoning its causes and achieving liberation by following the path. The underlying goal of Rigpa’s path of study and practice is to support individuals of all ages, cultures and backgrounds, to travel this path and gradually embody the wisdom and compassion that are the essence of the Buddha’s teachings. In general, the Buddhist path is very flexible. Buddha was renowned for teaching a wide variety of ways to practise, each attuned to the needs of different individuals. At all stages of the path, one can study and practise in great depth, or in a more essential way, the key point being the transformation that actually takes place in one’s being. Stages of the Path The Rigpa curriculum is broadly divided into five stages or categories and each stage has a number of core areas: Courses, retreats and teaching events happening in Rigpa are labelled according to these categories to make it clearer which part of the path they emphasize. This is intended to indicate what is best suited for beginners, what is best suited for more established Buddhist practitioners, what are core Buddhist studies and what is relevant for anyone, and so on. This is not intended to be rigid or prescriptive, but to provide a general reference point. It is highly recommended that those already following courses and programmes in Rigpa seek out the advice of experienced instructors or peers in order to make the best choices about how to best continue their studies. In the spirit of the Buddha, individuals are encouraged to question, clarify, explore and test the teachings and practices until they arrive at a personal conviction. A culture of open dialogue and critical analysis is encouraged at every stage of the path. Stages of the Path in more detail Foundations of the Buddhist Path Foundations of the Path is not only for beginners, but also for all Buddhist students, wherever they are on the path. The main aims of the Foundations of the Buddhist Path is to: Share the key principles of Buddha’s insight into our mind and the world, as well as the practices of meditation, loving-kindness and compassion. There is no notion of having to become a Buddhist at this point. You can simply use what you find relevant to face the challenges and big questions of life. Provide a solid foundation in the key philosophical principles and practices of Buddhism, especially those of the Basic yana, so that one has a stable and solid foundation for the later stages of the path. The overview of the whole Buddhist path is also shared at this stage. Introduce the vision of study and practice followed in Rigpa, which spans the whole of life, dying, death and beyond in the spirit of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. Emphasis is placed on applying these Buddhist principles and practices to our own mind, habits and emotions in a way that brings benefit to all areas of our lives. On this path we come to understand our mind and its nature and learn about what Buddha Shakyamuni identified as the true causes of happiness and suffering. For those who wish, the Refuge Vow can be taken at this stage. Doing so marks the formal entry point to the Buddhist path. Mahayana Photo: KhrisKa photos This category of courses and events is based on the ‘Great Vehicle’ (Mahayana) of Buddhism and starts to explore the central practice of bodhichitta—the altruistic wish to attain enlightenment for the sake of all beings. This approach entails training in love and compassion to the fullest extent as well as developing profound insight into the ultimate nature of reality, or shunyata. These teachings and practices can be of great practical value to anybody, regardless of whether they wish to be Buddhist or not, but they also form the heart of formally following the Buddhist path. For those who wish, the Bodhisattva Vow can be taken at this stage. Doing so marks the formal entry point to the Mahayana. Vajrayana | Preliminaries (ngöndro) Photo: KhrisKa Photos As the foundation for the Vajrayana and Dzogchen stages, the preliminary practices, or ngöndro in Tibetan, have been skilfully designed to effect deep transformation at every level of our being and stabilize our practice. Not only do they prepare the practitioner for the profound practices of Vajrayana and Dzogchen, but they also form a complete path to enlightenment. While studying and practising the preliminaries, students also reflect on their path and whether or not they wish to begin the main Vajrayana or Dzogchen practices with their respective commitments. Vajrayana (tantra and sadhana) Photo: KhrisKa Photos The main Vajrayana path is a specialized path of the Mahayana that is suitable for students with certain affinities. This path requires students to have formally entered the Buddhist path by taking Refuge and Bodhisattva vows, and to have a solid foundation and experience of the principles and practices of the Mahayana as well as the Vajrayana preliminaries. After reflection, one can formally enter the Vajrayana by receiving an empowerment from a qualified master, which enables one to study the Vajrayana teachings, or tantras, and engage in Vajrayana practices, or sadhanas. Vajrayana practices emphasize the close guidance of a qualified teacher and employ many special methods such as visualization, mantra recitation and profound meditation, in order to arrive swiftly at a direct realization of one’s true nature and the nature of reality itself. Rigpa upholds a vibrant lineage of sadhana practice, drupchös, drupchens and nyenpas, supported by the corresponding teachings, practice instruction, retreat guidance and ritual training according to our tradition. Dzogchen The study and practice of Dzogchen is considered the highest path in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and especially appropriate for the present time. As one teacher says, “as a way in which to realize the innermost nature of mind—that which we really are—Dzogchen is the clearest, most effective, and most relevant to the modern world.” Though generally associated with the Nyingma or Ancient School of Tibetan Buddhism founded by King Trisong Detsen, Khenpo Shantarakshita, Guru Padmasambhava and others, Dzogchen has been practised throughout the centuries by masters of all the different schools of Tibet as their innermost practice. Formal Dzogchen practice is intended for those who have accomplished the Vajrayana preliminaries and have accepted the guidance of a qualified Dzogchen master. In Rigpa, the Dzogchen perspective that the nature of our mind is primordially perfect is shared throughout all the stages of the path beginning with the practice of meditation. The spirit is one of uncovering our true nature rather than fabricating something new. General Dzogchen teachings, and teachings pointing out the nature of mind are not restricted only to the Dzogchen stage of the curriculum. This is reflected in the teachings Sogyal Rinpoche gave and those given by the many different masters who continue to visit Rigpa. In addition to maturing a new generation of teachers, practitioners and instructors, Rigpa continues to invite lineage masters to give teachings, transmissions and guidance on study and practice to Rigpa students and teachers. [PAGE] Title: About Sogyal Rinpoche — Rigpa Content: Press About Sogyal Rinpoche Sogyal Rinpoche was the author of the highly acclaimed The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying and the founder of Rigpa. Born in Eastern Tibet, Sogyal Rinpoche was recognized at an early age as the incarnation of Tertön Sogyal Lerab Lingpa, a renowned mystic and saint who was also teacher to the Thirteenth Dalai Lama. Rinpoche received the traditional training of a Tibetan lama under the close supervision of Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö, one of the most outstanding spiritual masters of the twentieth century, who raised him like his very own son. Rinpoche went on to study with many other teachers from all schools of Tibetan Buddhism, especially Dudjom Rinpoche and Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. First as a translator and aide to his revered masters and then teaching in his own right, he visited many countries, observing the reality of individuals’ lives, and seeking to make the Tibetan Buddhist teachings relevant and meaningful to people today. Sogyal Rinpoche & Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö Dudjom Rinpoche & Sogyal Rinpoche Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche & Sogyal Rinpoche Out of this was born his unique style of teaching and his acute ability to attune the teachings to modern life, demonstrated so vividly in his groundbreaking book, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying . Sogyal Rinpoche, teaching at Rigpa’s Berlin centre, Dharma Mati, 2013 Sogyal Rinpoche dedicated his life to establishing the Buddhist path in the West, and especially the study and practice of Dzogchen, the Great Perfection. He taught for over forty-five years and founded the international network of Buddhist centres and groups to which he gave the name Rigpa. An inspirational and charismatic figure, Sogyal Rinpoche was known for the way he would connect personally and directly with his audience, challenge people’s assumptions and habits and teach in response to the needs of the moment. He left a unique body of instructions that reveal how the compassion and wisdom taught by Buddha can be used practically in everyday life and work. And Rinpoche’s revolutionary vision for end-of-life care has been adopted by institutions and groups of various kinds, educational, medical and spiritual. After forty years as Spiritual Director of Rigpa, Sogyal Rinpoche stepped down following accusations of misconduct from former students. He passed away in August 2019. The legacy of his Dharma work continues to be upheld today by his students, many of whom are highly respected practitioners, teachers, scholars, and translators of Tibetan Buddhism. The community that he founded, Rigpa, continues to thrive to this day, offering courses, seminars and retreats to anyone who is interested in exploring the profound wisdom and powerful methods of Tibetan Buddhism. These programmes are led by Rigpa’s teachers and instructors and by visiting teachers and lamas, especially from the Nyingma (‘Ancient’) lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. [PAGE] Title: WE CAN SUPPORT YOU WITH OUR PRAYERS — Rigpa Content: WE CAN SUPPORT YOU WITH OUR PRAYERS Rigpa Prayer Request Service Lerab Ling, Rigpa’s main retreat centre in France, is home to a thriving community of monastic and lay spiritual practitioners, following one of the most ancient lineages of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. The community observes a daily schedule of meditation and prayers, aimed at the well-being and happiness of all beings, irrespective of their religious orientation. The motivation of every Buddhist practitioner is directed towards the ultimate and lasting happiness of all beings. Your request for prayers is held with this highest of all aspirations. You can request prayers for yourself, those close to you, your projects or your pets: In case of ill health, approaching the end of life, or when experiencing difficulties (Tendrel Nyesel) For the deceased (Riwo Sangchö and Dukngal Rangdrol) For the swift accomplishment of activities (Zabtik Drolchok) To remove obstacles to a long life (Chime Pakme Nyingtik) To ask the Dharma Protectors to support your spiritual path Read more details below or go directly to request your prayers: Request Prayers > > HOW TO REQUEST PRAYERS The quickest way to request prayers is online where we can immediately act upon your request. Your prayers will be carried out within 24 hours or on a specific date that you may ask for. In the 'comments and dedication' section at the bottom of the online page, you can enter the names of those to pray for and the reason. This will help us to direct our prayers more specifically. For deceased, please let us know the date of passing. Praying yourself is considered to be the most powerful because of your direct connection with the person or situation that needs support and the strength of your intention. > HOW PRAYERS ARE CARRIED OUT Your request will be carried out within 24 hours during our daily group practices, according to one of the most ancient lineages of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Those who perform the practices are trained in directing prayers, chanting the liturgies, playing musical instruments and performing the associated rituals. Every request is read out or projected onto screens for a number of days, or on a specific day you request. Additionally, all names are sent periodically to some monasteries in India, Sikkim and Nepal, with which Rigpa holds a close connection. There the names are also included in their daily practices, practice intensives, and ceremonies. Please note that while we cannot guarantee the effectiveness of the prayers, we receive many testimonies from people who experienced positive effects and felt very much supported. > MAKING A DONATION It is only thanks to your donation that we can offer and uphold this prayer request service. Following the tradition reaching back to the times of the Buddha, donations support the Lerab Ling practitioners, as well as the temple and its sacred environment. A part of your contribution is also used to support the related monasteries and ceremonies in the East. > SUGGESTED DONATIONS FOR PRAYER REQUESTS Please note: These suggested amounts are merely a guideline, and you may choose to offer as much as you are inspired to and comfortable with. For personal challenges and difficulties (Tendrel Nyesel) – €20 For the deceased – €40 For sponsoring Tendrel Nyesel on a special day: - on Guru Rinpoche and Dakini Days – €35 - on the four major Buddhist festival days – 108 € - on a day important to you (operations, exams, lawsuits, etc.) – €20 For Dharma Protectors practice – €50 For all other purposes – €20 Thank you for your generosity! > PRACTICES FOR YOUR PRAYERS Prayers on your behalf will be carried out during the following practices: Prayers for ill health, approaching the end of life, averting difficulties Requests for this practice are read out or projected for 7 days during the daily Tendrel Nyesel practice which is the main practice of the Rigpa community. It is a terma revealed by Tertön Sogyal, Lerab Lingpa (1856-1926), and is especially aimed at eliminating and transforming inauspicious circumstances by invoking Guru Rinpoche, together with the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and all the mandalas of the Hundred Peaceful and Wrathful Deities, including Tsokchen Düpa, Lama Gongdü and Kagyé. Practices for the deceased The name of the deceased is read out or projected during the daily Riwo Sangchö practice for 3 days in a row and then for 7 consecutive weeks on the weekday of their passing. The terma of Riwo Sangchö (Mountain Smoke Offering) is a profound practice of offering and purification and was revealed by the tertön Lhatsün Namkha Jikmé (1597-1653). Additionally, the name is included for 7 weeks in the Dukngal Rangdrol practice, held every week by a specialist group of senior members of the monastic community and lay practitioners. The practice of Dukngal Rangdrol (Self-Liberation of Suffering) is based on the Buddha of Compassion, Avalokiteshvara, and is a terma from the Longchen Nyingtik cycle, revealed by Jikmé Lingpa (1729-1798). *You are welcome to send a photograph of the deceased to [email protected] , so we can see who we are praying for. Practice for the Swift Accomplishment of Activity Requests for this practice are read out for two weeks during our daily practice of Zabtik Drolchok, the Profound Essence of Tara. This is a popular practice of Green Tara that was revealed as a mind terma by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (1829-1870). It is considered to be especially beneficial for the accomplishment of one’s projects and activities. Practice for Long Life Requests for this practice are read out for two weeks during our daily practice of Chime Pakme Nyingtik, the Heart Essence of the Sublime Lady of Immortality. This is a long-life practice of White Tara that was discovered as a mind terma by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (1820-1892). Many masters have been able to remove obstacles to their long life and enhance their accomplishments through this sadhana. Dharma Protectors Practices Dharma Protectors are emanations of the Buddha whose role it is to protect the teachings and those who practise them and to support practitioners in attaining spiritual realisation. These practices are performed every day by a group of specially trained practitioners in a dedicated shrine room. Prayers and Practices in the East In addition to the prayers and practices that you can sponsor in Lerab Ling, the Prayer Request team facilitates in requesting divinations on what practices would be appropriate and favourable for you to sponsor in monasteries in the East. For these particular practices, before you make a donation, please contact [email protected] . Depending on the outcome of the divination, you can sponsor prayers and practices that will be carried out by the monastic community at Nubri Gompa in Nepal. If you need help with any of the above, please contact us at [email protected] [PAGE] Title: Teachers in Rigpa — Rigpa Content: Teachers in Rigpa Masters of the Nyingma Tradition Guiding Rigpa Since Rigpa’s founder and main teacher, Sogyal Rinpoche, passed away in 2019, great masters of the Nyingma and Longchen Nyingtik traditions who have taught, guided and given transmissions and instructions to the Rigpa community over many years, continue to do so. Lamas and teachers who teach regularly in Rigpa centres around the world and online include (in alphabetical order) Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche, Khamtrul Rinpoche, Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche, Khenchen Pema Sherab, Neten Chokling Rinpoche, Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche, Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Tulku Ridgzin Pema Rinpoche and Western teachers Andy Karr, Chagdud Khadro, Dungse Jampal Norbu, Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel and Lama Tsering Everest. In addition, Rigpa is honoured to regularly host the head of the Sakya school, His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin Ratna Vajra Rinpoche and one of the most senior teachers of the Gelugpa school of Tibetan Buddhism His Eminence the 7th Kyabje Yongzin Ling Rinpoche. Rigpa’s Teachers & Practice Holders Along with these masters, a group of Senior Teachers and Practice Holders were formally introduced to the Rigpa sangha in August 2021 as those who are requested by Rigpa’s Vision Board & Spiritual Advisors to take the lead in guiding our community’s study and practice, along with the full mandala of Rigpa’s teachers, practice holders and activity holders. All of Rigpa’s teachers and practice holders are responsible to the Buddhadharma and to Rigpa’s sangha and lineage and therefore they are accountable to Rigpa’s Vision Board and Spiritual Advisors. They all adhere to ethical standards including Rigpa’s Code of Conduct and comply with the laws in each country where they teach and practice. Rigpa's Senior Teachers and Senior Practice Holders ‘Senior Teachers’ are those who take responsibility for overseeing and guiding the study and practice of the Rigpa sangha internationally; they teach on a wide range of Dharma topics and teach both Rigpa sangha and public audiences. ’Senior Practice Holders’ are the most senior knowledge holders of the lineage of Vajrayana practices held in Rigpa. Patrick Gaffney Senior Teacher Patrick Gaffney is a Buddhist teacher, writer and translator who has studied and worked with some of the most renowned masters of Tibet. Patrick met Sogyal Rinpoche at Cambridge University in the 1970s and spent the next 40 years studying closely with him and helping in the development of Rigpa. He is the co-editor of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, and has also edited a number of other books and translations, including two books by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Patrick now concentrates on sharing the Dharma in retreats and online courses. He has a particular interest in the teachings of Dzogchen and lojong, training the mind. Lama Yönten Senior Practice Holder Lama Yönten is from the Nyarong Region of Tibet, close to the seat of Tertön Sogyal, Sogyal Rinpoche’s predecessor. He also spent some time in Larung Gar, the centre of Buddhist learning established by Khenpo Jikmé Phuntsok, another incarnation of Tertön Sogyal. After escaping the troubles in Tibet, Lama Yönten settled in South India, where he lived at Dzogchen Monastery and completed some retreat. Sogyal Rinpoche met him there and requested him to come to Lerab Ling, Rigpa’s retreat centre in southern France. Lama Yönten is the only Tibetan Lama that Sogyal Rinpoche has ever asked to come and live in the West. Lama Yönten has lived in Lerab Ling for about 20 years as a perfect monk, and is a well-respected elder in the community. He has helped the Lerab Ling community with many different lama visits, projects and work, and presides regularly over Vajrayana practices. Ane Sangye Chozom Senior Practice Holder Having been raised in a US military family and graduating from Washington State University with a Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing, Ane Sangye Chozom joined the US Navy Nurse Corps in 1979. While still on active duty, she took refuge vows with Anagarika Munindra during a 10-day vipassana retreat being led by Joseph Goldstein at the Insight Meditation Society. In the early 1980s Ane-la met Sogyal Rinpoche in America; and in the mid-1990s she moved to Lerab Ling, Rigpa's retreat centre in southern France, where she has supported the areas of teaching and practice communications for decades. In February 2002, she received novice ordination from Kyabjé Trulshik Rinpoche in Boudhanath, Nepal. Tenpa Rabgye Senior Practice Holder Tenpa took refuge in 1999 with Tulku Pegyal Rinpoche and met Sogyal Rinpoche in 2000. In 2004, he moved to Lerab Ling, Rigpa's retreat centre in southern France, where he has been part of the practice community and supporting its activity ever since. Tenpa has received teachings and transmissions from Sogyal Rinpoche and many other great masters, and participated in the Rigpa Three Year Retreat in 2006–2009. He received getsül ordination from Kyabjé Trulshik Rinpoche in 2006 and gelong ordination from His Holiness the Dalai Lama in 2010. Since 2004, Tenpa has been the loving attendant of Mayumla Tsering Wangmo, Sogyal Rinpoche's mother. He enjoys listening to teachings and tries to maintain a discipline of regular study. In the future, he aspires to do more retreat to study and accomplish further Vajrayana practices. Pia Artigas Senior Teacher Pia Artigas was born in Chile and spent some of her youth in US. She worked as a criminal lawyer in Chile for 20 years. Mother of two and grandmother of five, she now lives in Madrid with her husband. Pia met the Dharma in 2003 through Sogyal Rinpoche's book, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. Recognizing Rinpoche as her root teacher, she has been following his teachings and practice instructions ever since, and has also received teachings and empowerments from many other masters who have taught in Rigpa. Pia helped establish Rigpa in Spain and then founded Rigpa Madrid in 2008. As coordinator and senior instructor since that time, she has organized many national retreats and also given instructor training courses in Spain. She regularly teaches meditation and lojong to the sangha and leads programmes for new students; as well as giving occasional Dharma talks, weekend courses and retreats. Valerie Baker Senior Teacher Valerie Baker first met and received teachings from Sogyal Rinpoche in the early 1990s. Within a year she moved to Dzogchen Beara, Rigpa’s retreat centre in south-western Ireland, where she stayed for 12 years, supporting the centre’s activities and accomplishing practice in retreat. In 2006, Valerie relocated to Lerab Ling in southern France, where she attended Rigpa’s 2006–2009 Three Year Retreat and was responsible for sharing the teachings Rinpoche gave there with the wider sangha through the Home Retreat Intensive Programme. Since then, she has been part of the team supporting Rinpoche’s international teaching tours and making his teachings available to the sangha. Valerie is a member of the Rigpa Vision Board. Her main passion—as a student and as a teacher—is the practice of compassion and bodhichitta. Alain Beauregard Senior Teacher Alain Beauregard is a physicist and high-tech entrepreneur. He has been a Rigpa student since 1995 and engaged in Rigpa Canada activities since 1998, including acting as a simultaneous translator of live teachings for various events in North America. At the age of 46, Alain’s life changed dramatically with the discovery of an advanced stage 4 metastatic bladder cancer, incurable according to medicine. However, through the power of prayer and the healing practices of Tibetan Buddhism, the chemotherapy treatments he received were extremely effective, and a complete cure was achieved in four months, against all odds. Alain’s story inspired the French-language radio series ‘Vivre Autrement’ on Radio-Canada. Alain has been teaching internationally on healing since 2011 and is currently the president of Rigpa Canada. He hosts lectures, weekends and retreats on the emotional and spiritual approach to healing, based on the Buddhist teachings and his own healing experience. Karin Behrendt Senior Teacher Karin Behrendt grew up in Berlin, where she received a teacher-training in arts and worked as a percussionist. She started to practise Zen Buddhism in her early twenties, before encountering the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and learning to love its richness and profundity. Karin has worked in varied roles to support Rigpa. She accompanied Sogyal Rinpoche as his main German translator for over 20 years and has translated for many other teachers visiting Rigpa, as well as several books and websites about the Dharma and spiritual care for the dying. Based on her own experience with illness and death, one of her favourite subjects in her live and online talks and courses is the Tibetan Buddhist understanding of impermanence and death as an integral part of life, and the methods to cope with and prepare for it. She lives with her partner in southern France, close to Rigpa’s retreat centre, Lerab Ling. Susan Browne Senior Practice Holder Susan Browne has been a Dharma student for over 30 years and has done several years of closed retreat. She has guided many individuals and groups in retreat and was responsible for the care of over 400 students during Rigpa's 2006–2009 Three Year Retreat. She currently prepares and guides retreatants to enter tsa sum retreat at Dzogchen Beara and is passionate about the continuity of the practice lineage. She is an instructor on topics such as meditation, contemplation and compassion practices, as well as Vajrayana practices. Damien Brohon Senior Teacher Damien Brohon has been studying and practising Dharma for 30 years in the Kagyü, Nyingmapa and Bön lineages, and has followed courses at the Institut National des Langues Orientales, Collège International de Philosophie, École Pratique des Hautes Études and Institut Khyentse Wangpo. As a Rigpa teacher, Damien's main focus is on Buddhist philosophy. He has taught on this subject for many years in courses, weekends and retreats in French-speaking countries, as well as in other settings, such as the Institut d’Études Bouddhiques and Institut Khyentse Wangpo. He also gives conferences on ‘Art and spirituality’. Damien has a deep wish to contribute to a profound change in Rigpa's culture: one that is based on transparency, ethics, and an increased importance given to study as a means for students to follow their path with complete clarity and safety. Philippe Cornu Senior Teacher Philippe Cornu, born in Paris, was a pharmacist before he turned to Tibetan Buddhism. He has been a Tibetan translator and teaching History of Religion, Buddhism and Hinduism since 2011 at the Louvain Catholic University (UC Lovain) in Belgium. While President of the Buddhist Studies Institute of the Khyentse Wangpo Institute (Paris) with scholars from different Buddhist schools, he’s been a Tibetan Buddhist practitioner since 1980. Philippe followed Sogyal Rinpoche’s teachings since 1980, becoming a Rigpa senior instructor in 1994, and has been a student of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu and Yongzin Tenzin Namdak. He is the author and translator of numerous books including: Longchenpa’s Natural Freedom of the Mind, The Encyclopedia of Buddhism, Vasubandhu’s Five Treaties on Mind Only, Padmasambhava’s Tibetan Book of the Dead, Buddhism, a Happiness Philosophy?, and recently the Buddhism Manuals, volumes I, II and III. Kirsten Czeczor Senior Teacher Kirsten Czeczor comes from the Ruhr area in Germany. She encountered Buddhism while training as a healer, and followed the teachings in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition with Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche and Sogyal Rinpoche, the author of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. Kirsten has worked for Rigpa Germany in a variety of roles for over 25 years, and has received teachings and transmissions from many teachers—including HH Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche during his last visit to France, in Prapoutel. At the end of a three-month retreat in 1992, she stayed at Lerab Ling, Rigpa's retreat centre in southern France, to help set it up. Later, she attended Rigpa’s 2006–2009 Three Year Retreat in Lerab Ling to deepen her study and practice. Currently living in Berlin at Dharma Mati, Rigpa's largest city centre, Kirsten gives courses on meditation and loves to communicate Buddha‘s teachings and to guide practices. Mauro De March Senior Teacher Mauro De March has practised the Dharma for 40 years. In that time, he has been attendant and close friends to many great masters, and an ambassador of Rigpa in the East. He also has an in-depth knowledge of Buddhism’s cultural and artistic heritage and supervised the crafting of sacred decorations of the temple at Lerab Ling, Rigpa's retreat centre in southern France. He took part in Rigpa's Three Year Retreat under Sogyal Rinpoche's guidance, and particularly enjoys guiding students individually. Seth Dye Senior Teacher Seth Dye was born in France to American parents. At the age of 16, he moved to the US, where he went on to complete a thesis in biology on sustainable agriculture and work in different jobs in this field. In 1994 he encountered Tibetan Buddhism and met Nyoshul Khenpo in Lerab Ling, Rigpa’s retreat centre in southern France. He has been a Rigpa student ever since. Seth has been closely trained by Sogyal Rinpoche as master of ceremony, as well as by many other teachers, and has been supporting Rinpoche in his travels, teachings and public events for many years. He oversaw the construction of the Lerab Ling temple and sacred decoration, and has played a role in helping to establish the Vajrayana tradition in Rigpa, including as an instructor. He is a member of Rigpa’s Vision Board. María García Quesada Senior Teacher María García Quesada has been a student of the Dharma for more than 20 years. She turned to meditation at the age of 18 to better understand her emotions and fear of death, and has made practice a priority in her life ever since. She discovered the Buddhist path while living and working as a physiotherapist near Lerab Ling, Rigpa’s retreat centre in southern France; and later followed Rigpa’s seven-year Home Retreat Intensive Programme of study and practice, under the guidance of Sogyal Rinpoche. The Buddhist teachings have brought so much meaning to María’s life, her deep wish is to share the Dharma with others, so they may also benefit. She is characterized by her joy and enthusiasm in presenting the teachings on meditation and compassion. Ian Ives Senior Teacher Ian Ives grew up in the US and has been a student of Sogyal Rinpoche since he was a teenager. He studied at the Rigpa Shedra East in Pharping, Nepal under the guidance of Khenchen Namdrol from 2007 to 2012, and before that at Rigpa Shedra West, from 2003 to 2006. He attended the seven-month teaching periods of Rigpa’s 2006–2009 Three Year Retreat, and served as a teaching assistant to Rinpoche from 2007 to 2017; travelling with him extensively from 2012 onward. Since this time, and with the encouragement of Rinpoche, he has been guiding study sessions and teaching on topics connected to the foundational and Mahayana levels. Ian helps design and guide Rigpa’s international study programme and the programme for Lerab Ling, Rigpa’s retreat centre in southern France. He has a family with two young children and lives near Lerab Ling. Gail Kollner Senior Teacher Gail Kollner began investigating Buddhism in the 1970s, taking refuge with Dodrupchen Rinpoche in 1974. She met Sogyal Rinpoche during this period when he was interpreting for Dudjom Rinpoche, and felt a strong connection. She formally requested to become Sogyal Rinpoche's student in 1985, and assisted for many years to organize events and retreats in America. She has been a national team member, course instructor, and US retreat presenter. Gail has completed two three-month retreats and Rigpa’s 2006–2013 study programme, the Home Retreat Intensive Programme. She continues to serve on the US teaching services team and currently coordinates the curriculum and teachers. She has a particular interest in the teachings on ngöndro and on death and dying. Gail has been a registered nurse specializing in hospice care, and has a Masters degree in Psychology. She has also studied calligraphy and book-making, and has a black belt in Aikido. Sherab Leypoldt Senior Teacher Sherab Leypoldt has studied with Sogyal Rinpoche since the early 1990s. In 1997, she moved to Rigpa’s retreat centre in southern France, Lerab Ling, where she studied and trained for over 20 years; receiving empowerments, teachings and instructions from great masters in all four schools of Tibetan Buddhism, predominantly in the Dzogchen Longchen Nyingtik lineage. From 2006 to 2009 she attended Rigpa’s Three Year Retreat. In 2011, Sherab moved to Australia, where she now lives on the breathtakingly beautiful Mid-North Coast of New South Wales. Sherab continues to research, compile and make available Sogyal Rinpoche’s teachings. She helps to develop courses, events and materials for Rigpa’s students and centres around the world. She is currently coordinating a seven-year Home Retreat that provides education and training on the complete Buddhist path, from the Basic Vehicle right up to Dzogchen, which is being run in three countries. Verena Pfeiffer Senior Teacher Verena Pfeiffer is from Germany and has been a student of Sogyal Rinpoche since 2005. She attended the seven-month teaching periods of Rigpa’s 2006–2009 Three Year Retreat and has been studying at Rigpa Shedra East in Pharping, Nepal under the guidance of Khenchen Namdrol since 2007. Verena helped support Sogyal Rinpoche’s teaching events as an instructor and German translator, and regularly helps to lead teaching retreats in Rigpa. She has recently begun teaching at the Rigpa Shedra, using Khenpo Kunpal’s commentary on the Bodhicharyavatara. Verena is a member of the Rigpa Vision Board and lives in the Netherlands with her partner and their much-adored dog. Sébastien Reggiany Senior Teacher Sébastien Reggiany was born in France and fell in love with the Dharma in 1993 while travelling to northern India. He met Sogyal Rinpoche in Paris in 1994, and has studied with him ever since. Quitting his job as a physics teacher and leaving his rock band; he entered a three-year retreat in Lerab Ling, Rigpa’s retreat centre in southern France, from 2006 to 2009. Sébastien later helped organize and hold international Rigpa retreats, serving as Sogyal Rinpoche’s teaching assistant. Over the years, Sébastien has been active in a variety of service, teaching and leadership roles within Rigpa. He is currently salaried by Lerab Ling and Rigpa France to work on the Rigpa Curriculum and its programme of courses and events. Sébastien has a passion for trying to make sense of the entire path by exploring the sutras, tantras and traditional commentaries, as well as the contemporary ones. Pascal Rey Senior Practice Holder Pascal Rey met Sogyal Rinpoche in 1997. Rinpoche’s book, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, had a tremendous impact on him. He has received many teachings and transmissions from visiting lamas in Lerab Ling, Rigpa’s retreat centre in southern France, from 1999 to the present day, and completed Rigpa’s 2006–2009 Three Year Retreat. Pascal has been a ritual and shrine master (chöpön) in the Vajrayana ritual practices for 10 years. In 2014 he became Rigpa's chant leader (umdzé) after receiving training in Chokling Monastery and Dodrupchen Rinpoche's monastery. More recently, he has been working on the adaptation of Tibetan Vajrayana rituals and liturgies into Western languages and music. Ruth Seehausen Senior Teacher Ruth Seehausen was attracted to Tibetan Buddhism from a young age, and became a Rigpa student in 1986. Over the decades, she has contributed in various service and leadership capacities within Rigpa. Ruth completed the 2006–2009 Three Year Retreat in Lerab Ling, Rigpa’s retreat centre in southern France, as well as a number of shorter retreats over the years. She currently divides her time between Germany and France, and devotes herself to Dharma study, practice and regular retreats, in addition to holding meditation seminars for the general public and guiding Rigpa students on Vajrayana preliminary practices. Ruth has a deep interest in the workings of mind, exploring how Buddhist study and practice can help modern audiences cope with life's challenges, and equip them with the tools to overcome them. She has been passionate about fine arts and photography since childhood, and has completed numerous trainings in this field. Dominique Side Senior Teacher Dominique Side encountered Tibetan Buddhism in the mid-1970s in London. She has studied with Sogyal Rinpoche and Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche in particular, and over the years held a number of leadership roles in Rigpa UK and in Lerab Ling, Rigpa’s retreat centre in southern France. She has completed several strict retreats and has also obtained a PhD in Madhyamaka philosophy from Bristol University, UK. She taught Buddhism in London schools for eight years and has written textbooks on the subject. Under the guidance of Dzongsar Khyentse she initiated the Milinda training programme for Dharma teachers in 2017, and she also served as vice-president of the European Buddhist Union for five years. As a senior teacher in Rigpa, she specializes in making Buddhist thought and philosophy accessible to all. Since the Stockholm Conference in 1972, Dominique has been concerned by environmental issues and for 15 years worked professionally as a writer and editor on the interface between environment and economic development. Claudia Thurn Senior Practice Holder Claudia Thurn has been following the Buddhist path with Sogyal Rinpoche since 1995, after the early passing of her father. Since then, her deep underlying interest has always been spiritual care. She has been coordinating Vajrayana and other practices internationally and in Lerab Ling, Rigpa’s retreat centre in southern France, since the start of Rigpa’s Three Year Retreat in 2006; combining the traditional roles of gekkö and umdze (mainly with practice CDs) in one person. Claudia continues to deepen her study and practice, and to make practice materials and knowledge available for the Rigpa sangha. She has accomplished a number of long-term closed retreats, and is dedicated to helping establish the Vajrayana Buddhist tradition in the West. Jan Van Der Breggen Senior Teacher Jan Van Der Breggen has studied the Dharma since the mid-1990s, receiving teachings and empowerment from many masters, but principally from Sogyal Rinpoche and Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche. From 2006 to 2009, he participated in a three-year retreat in France, under Sogyal Rinpoche's guidance. He is currently participating in Milinda, a 10-year Buddhist teacher training programme, under the guidance of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche. Jan grew up in the Netherlands and has lived in Brisbane, Australia, since 1998, where he obtained a postgraduate degree in information technology. He makes a living as a data and analytics professional for a large financial service provider. Jan was instrumental in founding Rigpa Brisbane in 1999, where he has served as a Dharma instructor for over 20 years. Damien Van Effenterre Senior Teacher Damien Van Effenterre is a former scientist who became a student and translator of Buddhist philosophy. After completing a PhD in physics, Damien worked as a researcher in the field of biophysics at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). He started to practise meditation and follow the teachings of Sogyal Rinpoche in 1999. In 2007, he left his scientific career to pursue in-depth study of the Tibetan language and Buddhist philosophy and practice, at both the Rigpa Shedra in Nepal and Namdroling monastery in South India. He studied for 12 years under the guidance of Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche, Khenchen Pema Sherab, Khenpo Tashi Tseten and many other great lamas, khenpos and khenmos. Damien served as Director of Rigpa International’s Shedra Department for eight years, while also translating for Shedra classes in Pharping, Nepal. Since 2015, he has been living in Bhutan with his Bhutanese wife and son. Rigpa's Teachers and Practice Holders ‘Teachers’ specialise in one or several Dharma topics connected to the path of study and practice, such as meditation, foundations of Buddhism, lojong, madhyamaka, Vajrayana preliminary practices (Ngondro), and so on. ‘Practice Holders’ lead Vajrayana group practice for the Rigpa community around the world, contributing to the continuation of the vibrant tradition of Vajrayana in Rigpa. [PAGE] Title: About Buddhism — Rigpa Content: About Buddhism Shakyamuni Buddha Over 2,500 years ago, a man who had been searching for the truth for many, many lifetimes came to a quiet place in northern India and sat down under a tree. He continued to sit under the tree, with immense resolve, and vowed not to get up until he had found the truth. At dusk, it is said, he conquered all the dark forces of delusion; and early the next morning, as the star Venus broke in the dawn sky, the man was rewarded for his age-long patience, discipline, and flawless concentration by achieving the final goal of human existence, enlightenment. At that sacred moment, the earth itself shuddered, as if 'drunk with bliss,' and as the scriptures tell us, “No one anywhere was angry, ill, or sad; no one did evil, none was proud; the world became quite quiet, as though it had reached full perfection.” This man became known as the Buddha. ~ The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, Sogyal Rinpoche Buddha Shakyamuni, the Indian prince Gautama Siddhartha, attained enlightenment in the sixth century BCE. He taught the spiritual path known today as Buddhism. Buddha, however, also has a much deeper meaning. It means anyone who has completely awakened from ignorance and opened to his or her vast potential for wisdom. A buddha is one who has brought a final end to suffering and frustration, and discovered a lasting happiness and peace. During the Buddha’s lifetime, the influence of his teachings was confined to a relatively small area in northeast India. In the centuries after his enlightenment, however, Buddhism spread throughout the whole of the East. © Tertön Sogyal Trust Lineage of the General Teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni The lineage of the teachings of the Buddha in India, prior to their introduction into Tibet. Lineage masters of the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism Lineage masters of the Kagyü school of Tibetan Buddhism Lineage masters of the Sakya school of Tibetan Buddhism Lineage masters of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism The Five Rimé Tankhas © Tertön Sogyal Trust, courtesy Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche Read more in 'The Buddhist Traditions of Tibet' booklet available for purchase from ZAM Rigpa Shop. Tibetan Buddhism After the Buddha passed away over 2,500 years ago, his teachings spread throughout Asia and were established in Tibet in the eighth century. Buddhism developed in different ways according to the culture of each country, but the essence and core principles of the Buddha’s teachings are the same throughout the world. Padmasambhava or ‘Guru Rinpoche’, the ‘Precious Master’, as he is affectionately known by the Tibetan people, is the great master and saint who brought the teaching of Buddha to Tibet in the eighth century. Guru Rinpoche established the first Buddhist monastery in Tibet at Samyé, and infused his blessing into the whole landscape of Tibet and the Himalayas. He is considered by Tibetans to be the ‘Second Buddha'. It is to his compassion, his blessing and his all-encompassing vision that Tibetan Buddhism owes its dynamism, vitality and success. For the people of Tibet, the teaching of Buddha pervades the very fabric of their existence, every facet of their everyday life and culture, almost like the very air they breathe. Therein lies the strength of the Buddhist tradition of Tibet, and also the reason why Tibet has for so long held a place in popular imagination as the spiritual ‘heartland’ of the planet. “There have been many incredible and incomparable masters from the noble land of India and from Tibet, the land of snows, yet of them all, the one who has the greatest compassion and blessing toward beings in this difficult age is Padmasambhava, who embodies the compassion and wisdom of all the buddhas.” ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche In Tibet, 1,200 years of history were devoted almost exclusively to the training of the heart and mind through spiritual practice. While the West gradually mastered the outer world through science and technology, in the laboratories that were the monasteries and hermitages of the Himalayas, Tibet perfected the ‘inner sciences’ of the mind, every bit as precise and rigorous as the methodology of science. In recent years, these two traditions have come together to yield important research on the benefits of practising meditation and compassion, and to develop ways in which these practical tools can be applied in medicine and psychology, education and other fields. Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism The Nyingma, or Ancient school of Tibetan Buddhism is the name given to the followers of the original translations of the teachings of the Buddha into Tibetan which were carried out up until the time of the Indian translator Smrtijñanakirti in the late tenth century. They are known as the ‘Earlier Translation School', Ngagyur Nyingma, distinguishing them from the ‘New Schools’, Sarma, such as the Kadam, Kagyü, Sakya, and eventually Geluk, which followed the later translations made from the time of the great translator Rinchen Zangpo (958-1055) onwards. Central to the Nyingma tradition is the extraordinary figure of Padmasambhava, Guru Rinpoche, the great guru who introduced Buddhism to Tibet in the eighth century. He travelled throughout the country, teaching and practising, taming the forces that were inhibiting the Buddhadharma, and infusing his blessing into the whole landscape of Tibet. Read more about the Nyingma School Within the Nyingma tradition, the full spectrum of spiritual paths is divided into nine yanas, a system of practice bringing together all the approaches of the Buddha’s teaching into a single comprehensive path to enlightenment. Read more about the Nine Yanas Longchen Nyingtik Lineage The Longchen Nyingtik is a Nyingma cycle of teachings and practice, which was discovered by Jikmé Lingpa as mind terma. The Longchen Nyingtik terma consists of tantric sadhanas and teachings. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche said: "The cycle of the Longchen Nyingtik is composed of many sections. It includes the preliminary and main practices, the development  and completion stages, and, most important, the practice of Ati Yoga, or Dzogchen. It thus constitutes a complete path to enlightenment."* In the Longchen Nyingtik tradition, the preliminary (or ngöndro) practices are commonly referred to as the Longchen Nyingtik Ngöndro. After completing the ngondro, training in the development and completion stages is done through sadhana practices such as Rigdzin Dupa. Traditionally, a student trains in a series of three sadhanas known as the Three Roots. Finally, if the student is sufficiently prepared, a qualified teacher may give the students instructions in Dzogchen, which focus on the direct realization of the nature of mind. Read more about the Longchen Nyingtik * The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel: The Practice of Guru Yoga According to the Longchen Nyingtik Tradition, by Dilgo Khyentse, Shambhala Publications, page 8 Buddhism in the West Today, more and more people around the world are recognising the tremendous gift that Buddhism has to offer, one offered with no notion of conversion or exclusivity, and to people of any faith or none. These teachings hold the key to qualities that we urgently need today—the peace of mind to bring us inner strength, confidence and happiness, and the compassion and good heart to help us free ourselves from our destructive emotions. In a world racked by turmoil and mental suffering, the Buddhist teachings could not be more practical. They speak to us all, and any one of us can put them into action so as to live our lives with more wisdom and more compassion. [PAGE] Title: About Rigpa — Rigpa Content: Press About Rigpa Rigpa is an international network of centres and groups offering the Buddha’s teachings in a way that is based on an authentic tradition, yet also relevant and beneficial for people in the modern world. Rigpa offers courses and seminars in meditation and compassion, as well as a complete path of study and practice for every stage of the Buddha’s teachings. Who are we? Rigpa courses (Photo: KhrisKa Photos) Rigpa was founded in 1979 by Sogyal Rinpoche , a Buddhist teacher from Tibet, who was also the author of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. Rigpa has the gracious patronage of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and each national Rigpa association has charitable and non-profit status. Meditation and Compassion through to traditional Buddhist studies Our courses and programmes share simple meditation techniques and methods for training in compassion, which have been developed over centuries, yet help us deal with the challenges of everyday life. Meditation and compassion have been shown to be beneficial in many different ways, including bringing peace of mind, tackling stress, depression and other mental health problems. They can also help us to develop more kindness and warm-heartedness for ourselves, our families and those around us. For those who wish to go deeper into studying and practising Buddhism, Rigpa also offers study and practice programs including courses in the Vajrayana Buddhist tradition of Tibet, a traditional study college ( shedra ) and short and long practice retreats ( drupdra ). Inviting teachers of all traditions A unique feature of Rigpa’s event programme is that it regularly hosts teachers of all Tibetan Buddhist traditions who give teachings and empowerments, as well as Buddhist masters of other lineages, and teachers from different spiritual traditions. Such diversity is a continuation of the rimé or ‘non-sectarian’ approach, advocated by Sogyal Rinpoche's master Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö who was an incarnation of one of the initiators of the rimé movement—the great 19th century master Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo. Buddhism and western science: In more recent years this open spirit of enquiry has also resulted in an active and a mutually illuminating dialogue with experts from other disciplines, both spiritual and scientific, that continues to develop Tibetan Buddhism, in particular including through Rigpa's conference programme. [PAGE] Title: The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying ❊ 30th Anniversary — Rigpa Content: Press The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying ❊ 30th Anniversary This year marks the 30th Anniversary since ‘The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying’ was first published. A 30th Anniversary edition of the book will be released soon! Testimonials Words from The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying The Essence of ‘The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying’ These videos give the essence of some of the main themes in this book, from a public talk given by Sogyal Rinpoche in Sydney in 2012. The talk was entitled ‘The Art of Living and Dying, The Heart Essence of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying.’ Find more videos from this talk on YouTube . Join courses or events on the themes of the book > The story of the book The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying is widely regarded as one of the most complete and authoritative presentations of the Tibetan Buddhist teachings. A manual for life and death and a source of sacred inspiration from the heart of the Tibetan tradition, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying provides a lucid and inspiring introduction to the practice of meditation, to the nature of mind, to karma and rebirth, to compassionate love and care for the dying, and to the trials and rewards of the spiritual path. The teachings of Tibetan Buddhism have been called one of the last ancient wisdom traditions on earth. They are extraordinarily profound and relevant because they transmit a special understanding of the mind or, to be more precise, the knowledge of our true nature—the innermost, essential nature of the mind. In practice, they empower us to thrive in the world with kindness, compassion, resilience, and equanimity. These crucial instructions have been handed down meticulously over centuries from masters to their students in an unbroken line to the present day. From the heart of the Tibetan tradition, the book presents simple yet powerful practices that anyone, whatever their religion or background, can do to transform their lives, prepare for death, and help the dying. Over three decades The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying has touched and supported people from all walks of life. There were many who said it had transformed the death of a loved one or helped them at other critical moments in their lives. Some told of how they had read the book two or three times all the way through and still return to it at moments of crisis. Others kept it by their bedside and used it to dip into repeatedly for guidance and inspiration. In various places, medical and educational institutions adopted the book for their training courses and made use of its methods and practices. How wonderful it is that the teachings from this tradition are increasingly accessible to people everywhere, young and old so that anyone can learn and carry these values of wisdom and compassion into everyday life and to face the struggles of the world. Sogyal Rinpoche gives an overview of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. Sydney 2017 “The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying” is a gift to the world, a soothing balm for these troubled times that has the capacity to awaken within us those qualities of love and compassion that are at the very core of the teachings and which enrich our lives with meaning, insight and depth.” Nigel Westlake (award-winning Australian composer) Join Courses and Events based on the Book JOIN US to explore the topics presented in The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying! Click on a country below to find online and in-person courses and events based on the teachings in the book. [PAGE] Title: Press — Rigpa Content: For information about how Rigpa is reforming, visit our ‘Moving Forward’ page . Rigpa Statement 5 September, 2019 Many students of Sogyal Rinpoche are grieving and remembering his accomplishments and contributions in bringing the Buddha’s teachings to the West, particularly through The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, and the teachings he gave around the world over the last 40 years. Rigpa acknowledges that this may also be a difficult period for past and present members of the Rigpa community who are hurt, and wishes to express again our deepest apologies. We continue our process of healing and reaching out, and the reforms that Rigpa has taken over the past two years . We also wish to express our gratitude for all the support and condolences we are receiving at this time. Public Statement following Sogyal Rinpoche’s Passing 28 August, 2019 With deep sadness, we announce the passing of Sogyal Rinpoche on Wednesday 28 August 2019, following complications during his cancer treatment. Sogyal Rinpoche is currently resting in tukdam, which is when a realized practitioner continues to abide by the recognition of the nature of mind after the moment of death. Sogyal Rinpoche was a world-renowned Buddhist teacher from Tibet, recognized as the incarnation of a great master and visionary saint of the nineteenth century, Tertön Sogyal Lerab Lingpa. He founded the international Buddhist network Rigpa, was the author of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, and dedicated over 45 years to bringing the Buddhist teachings to the West. He stepped down as spiritual director in 2017. His students have now entered a traditional period of prayers and ceremonies that will extend over at least seven weeks. In Tibetan Buddhism, the period of forty-nine days following the moment of death is considered to be the most powerful time for spiritual practice. We are deeply touched by the outpouring of condolences and recognition of Sogyal Rinpoche and his work, and of sincere kindness and fraternity towards the Rigpa Sangha, from members of the public, lamas and friends from around the world. Since Rigpa was founded, over 80 renowned teachers from all schools of Tibetan Buddhism and other Buddhist traditions, have been teaching in Rigpa and guiding the study and practice of Rigpa students, at the invitation of Sogyal Rinpoche. Rigpa upholds in particular the Nyingma tradition, the oldest school of Tibetan Buddhism, and offers the Buddhist teachings of meditation, compassion and wisdom to the modern world. Statement from Rigpa following the release of the independent report 5 September 2018 We acknowledge the gravity of the independent report that Rigpa commissioned last year following allegations of misconduct by Rigpa’s Founder and former Spiritual Director Sogyal Rinpoche, and thank the investigator and the witnesses. We feel deeply sorry and apologise for the hurt experienced by past and present members of the Rigpa community. We are contemplating on our role as an organisation, and how we may have contributed to this situation. We will do everything we can to reach out to, and support everyone who has been affected, and take full responsibility for ensuring that Rigpa provides a safe environment for all. These are our heartfelt commitments. The findings in the report will affect many people. It will take time for all of us to reflect on the report’s contents. Rigpa commits to act upon the report’s recommendations. We will move forward in consultation with our community. In the face of the allegations, last year Sogyal Rinpoche retired definitively as Spiritual Director of Rigpa, and now has no organisational role in Rigpa. Rigpa has already undertaken a number of significant steps in the last twelve months: A new Vision Board was appointed, guided by spiritual advisors, and Rigpa boards have agreed a new decision-making and governance structure; Our community has taken part in an international process to put in place a strong Code of Conduct published in June 2018. We have also just completed our grievance procedure, that includes an independent Grievance Council of senior western Buddhist teachers that will receive complaints brought by Rigpa members and the public; And we set up this independent investigation for complainants to come forward, and be listened to in an open, impartial and sensitive way. We are committed to continuing the process of healing, reconciliation and change. To acknowledge the importance of this process of healing and change, senior members of management are stepping down from their positions of governance. Rigpa’s goal has always been, and continues to be, to offer a complete spiritual path, to invite many teachers, especially from the “Ancient” Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, and to offer the Buddhist teachings of meditation, compassion and wisdom to the modern world. The Vision Board, Rigpa Boards, and the boards of Lerab Ling and Dzogchen Beara ------- The report of the independent investigation can be found here . Previous statements Rigpa Statement 20 June 2018 The Rigpa Code of Conduct and the Shared Values and Guidelines of the Rigpa Community have been adopted by all the boards of the Rigpa entities in June 2018. Rigpa is committed to creating a culture where every person feels confident and empowered to give feedback fearlessly, express their concerns and report unethical behavior. Extensive advice about ethical conduct already exists within the teaching of Buddha. In the Code of Conduct, we summarise certain key features while providing practical guidelines to clarify what is expected of all who participate in Rigpa events and activities. Everyone who participates in Rigpa has a responsibility to conduct themselves in accordance with the laws of the land and the values outlined in this Rigpa Code of Conduct. Over several months, the international Rigpa community took part in a series of workshops and discussions, and had opportunities to submit feedback on these issues. Their combined input was also distilled into a broad set of Shared Values and Guidelines of the Rigpa Community, which are rooted in the wisdom and compassion of the Buddhist path, and complement the Code of Conduct for Rigpa members and anyone with a role in the activities associated with Rigpa. In setting out certain values and standards of behaviour, we hope the Code of Conduct and the Guidelines will not only serve as a basis for education and training, but also inspire individuals to reflect on their own behaviour in the light of contemporary secular and Buddhist ethical standards, and provide a clear basis to report breaches of conduct and resolve grievances. In addition to the Code and Guidelines, a Grievance Procedure has been developed, that is easy to use, with options for resolving conflicts, receiving formal complaints and making recommendations on misconduct to boards and national teams. The Procedure will be announced once we have received the results of the investigation report, as this may include additional recommendations. Rigpa Statement April 2018 This statement is a summary of the 5-page communication sent to the Rigpa community by the Vision Board on 30 April 2018. Following Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche’s tour of Europe, the new Vision Board has met for the first time in March. That immensely clarifying and timely visit provided the ideal springboard for us to begin our work together. We recognize and feel ourselves the anguish and shock, and sense of loss and pain, that our community has been through these past months. There have also been moments of extraordinary openness, togetherness and shared resolve, that have shone through. We believe the willingness of our Sangha to be open, to listen to each other and to exchange, has shown the strength and big heartedness of our community. We, as a Vision Board, feel a deep and humble sense of responsibility, and will do all that we can to support this way forward for the Sangha. We are also committed to looking into what we need to learn from this situation, and what we need to change, in order to provide the safest and most conducive environment for everyone in Rigpa. We also realize that Rigpa needs to renew its vision. Several threads of consultation and enquiry will need to come together in order for us to do so, including the guidance from our main spiritual advisors (Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche and Khenchen Namdrol), as well as other progressive, experienced Buddhist teachers, and the input from the Sangha—your expressed wishes and aspirations, calls for change, wisdom and insight. We feel it important to recognize that we, as a community, still need time to heal and process the upheavals that we have been through. We also need to appreciate and be sensitive to our diversity. Rigpa has been many things to many different people. Some of us remain deeply devoted to Sogyal Rinpoche and will continue to follow his teachings. Some of us are uncertain about our relationship and are still in a process of reflection and uncertainty. Some of us relate to Rigpa as a place where we receive teachings from multiple teachers. It is important that Rigpa remains a home to all, open to all, and as inclusive as possible. We will do our best to support the development of a renewed vision, taking all this into account, while also remaining true to Sogyal Rinpoche’s original intention for Rigpa to offer a clear and authentic path to enlightenment for the modern world. The Vision Board has since held a second meeting in May, and will communicate again to the Rigpa sangha over the summer. Read more about the Vision Board Rigpa Statement January 2018 Spiritual Governance Following the retirement of Sogyal Rinpoche from the role of Spiritual Director of Rigpa in August 2017, a 'Vision Board' has now been appointed to guide Rigpa into the future. The Vision Board is made up of seven of Sogyal Rinpoche's long-standing students who share a deep understanding of the vision of Rigpa. Their task will be to oversee the culture of study and practice, care for the Rigpa community, nurture teachers, and strengthen links with other Buddhist teachers and organizations—all in the open and inclusive spirit that Rigpa has sought to cultivate over the last forty years. The Vision Board is composed, alphabetically, of: Valerie Baker, Mauro de March, Seth Dye, Patrick Gaffney, Verena Pfeiffer, Philip Philippou and Vinciane Rycroft. Read more about the Vision Board members. To maintain the authenticity of Rigpa's work, the Vision Board will be advised by a number of Tibetan Buddhist lamas including Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche and Mindrolling Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche (both key figures in interpreting Tibetan Buddhism in the modern world) and Khenchen Namdrol (a great scholar and lineage holder of the Ngagyur Nyingma tradition). Other Tibetan Buddhist lamas will be invited to advise in the future. The Vision Board will commence its role from March 2018. Although Sogyal Rinpoche is no longer the Spiritual Director of Rigpa, he has an ongoing responsibility as a teacher to his students. In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, the sacred bond between student and teacher continues until enlightenment. At present, as Sogyal Rinpoche is in a period of retreat and undergoing medical treatment for colon cancer, he may only give occasional pre-recorded teachings to his students. Rigpa Investigation In August 2017, Rigpa pledged to set up an independent investigation by a neutral third party into the allegations made against Sogyal Rinpoche in July 2017. Rigpa's heartfelt concern is for the wellbeing of its Rigpa community, including the authors of the letter of allegations, and to ensure that the positive qualities shared in the Rigpa community do not diminish. The UK law firm Lewis Silkin, highly regarded in Europe for working with harassment complaints, has been appointed to undertake this investigation. Lewis Silkin will act as a neutral, third-party investigator conducting confidential fact-finding interviews, primarily with the eight individuals who wrote the letter of complaint. The Boards of Rigpa understand that it is their duty to investigate the allegations made against Sogyal Rinpoche in the July letter, according to the laws in the respective countries. While no criminal charges have been made, it is essential that Rigpa follows through with engaging a neutral third-party who can listen objectively to the description of the events as described in the letter. Concurrently, the Rigpa US Board has engaged An Olive Branch, a Zen-based reconciliation organisation, to help support the Rigpa community in US and in all countries with healing and reconciliation. We consider this to be a crucially important part of the process we need to go through together as community. Code of Conduct and Grievance Procedure Rigpa has also instigated a consultation process within its international community, through which a code of conduct and a grievance process for Rigpa are being established. The Rigpa community will have the opportunity to review and reflect on the first draft of these procedures in January. Throughout this period of change, Rigpa continues to focus on its vision of making the Buddhist teachings of meditation, compassion and wisdom available to the modern world. Rigpa's centres around the world continue to offer courses, programmes and retreats led by Rigpa teachers and, instructors, as well as and visiting teachers and lamas. More information . Rigpa Statement 22 November, 2017 Rigpa is an international network of Buddhist centres dedicated to making the Buddhist teachings of meditation, compassion and wisdom available to the modern world. The courses and programmes offered by Rigpa have helped many thousands of people around the world experience relief from suffering and find meaning in their lives. In July this year, a number of allegations were brought against Sogyal Rinpoche, the then spiritual director of Rigpa, which have been widely shared in the media and on the internet. The governing boards and management teams of Rigpa worldwide have taken this matter very seriously and are working through the current issues with respect and compassion for everyone concerned, and in a way that is entirely consistent with Buddhist values. We would like to state clearly that there is no place for abuse in our community and we are conscious of our responsibility to provide a safe, welcoming and supportive environment for our members and the public. Following the allegations, Sogyal Rinpoche decided to retire as Spiritual Director of Rigpa and has entered a period of retreat. The governing boards and management teams of Rigpa, having sought professional and spiritual advice, are currently undertaking the following actions: Setting up an independent investigation by a neutral third party into the various allegations that have been made. We hope to announce shortly further details of this process that will be a first step towards healing and reconciliation. Launching an international consultation process to establish both a code of conduct and a grievance process for Rigpa, which should be finalized by the end of the year. Establishing a new spiritual advisory group to guide the Rigpa organization, comprising an Advisory Panel of Lamas and a Vision Board formed of some of Rigpa’s most senior and trusted students. Rigpa has also instigated a worldwide consultation process, to listen to its students and to strengthen Rigpa's key values and culture. This includes open meetings for students at our centres and a process for bringing feedback together from across all countries. Rigpa continues to uphold its membership in Buddhist Unions in many countries in Europe, as well as on the European Buddhist Union. The Union Bouddhiste Française is the only Buddhist Union to suspend Rigpa's membership, however this is only on a temporary basis, pending clarification of the allegations that have been made. Rigpa Statement 11 August 2017 Rigpa is an international network of Buddhist centres dedicated to making the Buddhist teachings of meditation, compassion and wisdom available to the modern world. The courses and programmes offered by Rigpa have helped many thousands of people around the world experience relief from suffering and find meaning in their lives. Recently, a number of allegations have been brought against Sogyal Rinpoche, the spiritual director of Rigpa, which have been widely shared in the media and on the internet. The governing boards and management teams of Rigpa worldwide take this matter very seriously and are resolved to clarify the situation responsibly, and in a way that is entirely consistent with Buddhist values. After internal consultation, Sogyal Rinpoche has decided, with immediate effect, to retire as spiritual director from all the organizations that bear the name of Rigpa in different countries around the world. The governing boards and management teams of Rigpa, having sought professional and spiritual advice, will assure that the following steps are taken: 1. Set up an independent investigation by a neutral third party into the various allegations that have been made. 2. Launch an international consultation process to establish both a code of conduct and a grievance process for Rigpa. 3. Establish a new spiritual advisory group to guide the Rigpa organization. These steps are being taken by the boards and management teams of Rigpa worldwide, in a true spirit of collaboration. Channels will be established so that any member of our community has the opportunity to express their wishes, views and concerns. [PAGE] Title: Insights and Learnings from a Journey — Rigpa Content: Version Français | Deutsche Version | Versión en español In July 2017, serious complaints were raised regarding the relationship of Rigpa’s Founder, Sogyal Rinpoche, with some of his students. At the time, Sogyal Rinpoche stepped down as Spiritual Director of the Rigpa organisation and retired. Following a serious illness, he passed away in August 2019. In response to the complaints, Rigpa undertook a number of reforms . Alongside taking practical measures, we have examined ourselves and reflected on how we contributed to this situation as a community. We have come to terms with the fact that, as a community, we should have supported people much more in their relationship with Sogyal Rinpoche. The student-teacher relationship in Vajrayana and Dzogchen is very specific and not one that we are familiar with in the West. Misunderstandings both on the part of the teacher and of the student led to people being hurt. While we do not speak for Sogyal Rinpoche or comment on his actions, as he has himself apologised on many occasions, we can look at ourselves. Through ongoing processes of reflection and discussion, within the Rigpa community as well as with other Buddhist groups, we are continuing to learn from the last few years on deeply personal and cultural levels. We are learning to: Remind ourselves that devotion is something very personal and it is not appropriate for others to judge or qualify one’s devotion. Adjust our culture to be more open to the diversity of points of view and concerns, and be mindful and aware of the misunderstandings that can arise in a tradition based on devotion. Continue a deep reflection on the cultural misunderstandings that arose when Vajrayana Buddhism was introduced into Western society and culture, with the support, for example, of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche's talks to Rigpa, which were subsequently published in his book Poison is Medicine. Have clear explanations about the relationship between Vajrayana students and teachers and its boundaries, an explicit code of conduct for present-day and future Rigpa teachers, and precise guidelines on the process for becoming a Vajrayana student. This includes clarifying the meaning of the Vajrayana commitments or samaya according to the tradition, dispelling the Western misunderstandings. Hold open dialogues about the feminine in Vajrayana Buddhism, about which there is much to understand. This vast topic was discussed in depth in June 2021 at an inter-sangha symposium initiated by Rigpa entitled Treasuring the Feminine in Vajrayana Buddhism. Read the Symposium report here Engage in a restorative process, allowing those who were hurt in their relationship with Sogyal Rinpoche to be heard and ask for restorative actions or reconciliation. Since our community has been confronted by the letter from eight students bringing serious complaints against Sogyal Rinpoche in July 2017, we have done our best to reach out to individuals and to create spaces for them to be heard, and to learn and change – this includes the Olive Branch process (in USA) and open spaces facilitated in Rigpa centres in 2017 and 2018, interviews held by the independent investigation in 2018, and the restorative process opened in 2020. The restorative process is a neutral space where those who were hurt in their relationship with Sogyal Rinpoche can express what restorative action they wish for. It continues to be open. Contact Tim Chapman at [email protected] . Continue to ensure that all Vision Board members, main teachers and Rigpa boards, management teams and volunteers, engage in an extended personal reflection on what we need to learn from the hurt experienced by some people in their relationship with Sogyal Rinpoche, and renew our deepest apologies to those who were hurt. Change the way Rigpa functions as a group of charities – with new boards; open collaboration; a code of ethics and conduct; a commitment to the safety and wellbeing of all who come into contact with Rigpa; grievance councils examining concerns and complaints; and a commitment to transparency, including the publication of the independent investigation report. Each individual who has had a connection with Rigpa or Sogyal Rinpoche is dealing in a different way, and many have experienced shock or grief. We are deeply sorry about this. Through all our individual and collective experiences, we continue to grow and share our learnings with the wider Buddhist community in the West with the wish that these situations do not happen again. Rigpa, as established by Sogyal Rinpoche with the advice of so many great masters over forty years, is an incredible treasure, and we cherish it. Its goal is to offer a complete spiritual path under the guidance of many great teachers, especially from the “Ancient” Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, and to offer the Buddhist teachings of meditation, compassion and wisdom to the modern world. • Full details about Rigpa’s reforms in response to the complaints can be found here . • If you, or someone you are in contact with, needs support, please read more here about the different support that is available to you. Réflexions et apprentissages En juillet 2017, de graves plaintes ont été émises concernant la relation du fondateur de Rigpa, Sogyal Rinpoché, avec certains de ses étudiants. Sogyal Rinpoché a alors démissionné de son rôle de Directeur spirituel de l’organisation Rigpa, et s’est retiré. Il est décédé en août 2019 , à la suite d’une grave maladie. En réponse à ces plaintes, Rigpa a mis en place un certain nombre d’actions importantes . Parallèlement à ces changements concrets, nous avons réfléchi et examiné comment nous avions pu contribuer à cette situation, en tant que communauté. Nous avons réalisé que nous aurions dû soutenir bien plus les gens dans leur relation avec Sogyal Rinpoché, en tant que communauté. La relation maître-étudiant est très spécifique dans le Vajrayana et le Dzogchen, et ne nous est pas très familière en Occident. Et des gens en ont été blessés, en raison de malentendus de part et d’autres. Nous ne pouvons parler au nom de Sogyal Rinpoché, ni commenter ses actions, puisqu’il s’est lui-même excusé à de nombreuses reprises, mais nous pouvons nous examiner nous-mêmes. Par un processus continu de réflexions et de discussions au sein de la communauté de Rigpa, ainsi qu’avec d’autres groupes bouddhistes, nous continuons à apprendre de ces dernières années, à des niveaux profonds, qu’ils soient personnels ou culturels. Nous sommes en train d’apprendre : à nous rappeler que la dévotion est quelque chose de très personnel, et qu’il n’est pas approprié de juger la dévotion de qui que ce soit. à ajuster notre comportement, pour être plus ouverts aux différents points de vue et préoccupations, pour être plus attentifs et conscients des malentendus qui peuvent s’élever dans une tradition basée sur la dévotion. à poursuivre notre réflexion plus profondément encore sur les malentendus culturels qui sont apparus lorsque le Bouddhisme Vajrayana a été introduit dans la société et la culture occidentale, avec le soutien, par exemple, des entretiens de Dzongsar Khyentsé Rinpoché avec Rigpa, qui ont été ensuite publiés dans son livre Poison is Medicine. à avoir des explications claires sur la relation entre étudiants et maîtres du Vajrayana, et ses limites. Un Code de conduite, sans équivoque, a été établi, à l’usage des enseignants de Rigpa, actuels ou futurs, ainsi que des directives précises sur le processus à suivre pour devenir un étudiant du Vajrayana. Il s’agit notamment de clarifier le sens des engagements du Vajrayana, ou samaya, selon la tradition, en dissipant les malentendus occidentaux. à organiser des échanges ouverts sur le féminin dans le Bouddhisme Vajrayana, dont il y a beaucoup à comprendre. Ce vaste sujet a été exploré en profondeur en juin 2021, lors d’un colloque inter-sangha organisé par Rigpa, dont le thème était « Trésor de la féminité dans le Bouddhisme Vajrayana ». Lire le rapport ici à nous engager dans un processus de réparation, permettant à ceux qui ont été blessés dans leur relation avec Sogyal Rinpoché d’être entendus et de pouvoir demander des actions réparatrice ou de réconciliation. Depuis que notre communauté a été confrontée à la lettre émanant de huit étudiants, exprimant de graves plaintes à l’encontre de Sogyal Rinpoché, en juillet 2017, nous avons fait de notre mieux pour nous mettre en contact avec chacun d’eux, leur permettre d’être écoutés, et pour que nous apprenions et changions. Ceci incluait le processus « Olive Branch » ( aux États Unis), des espaces d’entretiens dans les centres Rigpa, en 2017 et en 2018, des entretiens réalisés par le groupe indépendant d’investigation en 2018 et le processus de réparation, en 2020 et 2021. Le processus de réparation est un espace neutre où ceux qui ont été blessés dans leur relation avec Sogyal Rinpoché peuvent exprimer quelle action réparatrice ils souhaitent. Ce processus reste ouvert. Contactez Tim Chapman à l'adresse [email protected] . à nous assurer que tous les membres du Conseil de Vision, les principaux enseignants, les Conseils d’Administration de Rigpa, les équipes de direction et les bénévoles, restent engagés dans une réflexion personnelle profonde sur ce que nous devons apprendre des expériences douloureuses de certaines personnes dans leur relation avec Sogyal Rinpoché et nous renouvelons nos excuses les plus sincères à ceux qui ont été blessés. à changer le mode de fonctionnement de Rigpa, en tant qu’association, avec de nouveaux Conseils d’Administration, une collaboration ouverte, une Charte éthique, un Code de conduite, un engagement pour la sécurité et le bien-être de tous ceux qui entrent en contact avec Rigpa ; des Comités de doléance à l’écoute des préoccupations et des plaintes ; et un engagement à plus de transparence, y compris celui de la publication du rapport d’enquête indépendant. Chaque personne, ayant eu un lien avec Rigpa ou Sogyal Rinpoché, fait face à sa manière à ces quatre dernières années, et nombreuses sont celles qui ont été choquées ou sont en deuil. Nous en sommes profondément désolés. Avec toutes ces expériences, qu’elles soient individuelles ou collectives, nous continuerons de mûrir et de partager ce que nous apprenons avec la communauté bouddhiste dans son ensemble, en Occident. Nous souhaitons que ces situations ne se reproduisent jamais plus. Rigpa, tel qu’il a été créé par Sogyal Rinpoché, avec les conseils de tant de grands maîtres durant plus de quarante ans, est un trésor incroyable et nous est précieux. Son objectif est de proposer un chemin spirituel complet, sous la direction de nombreux grands maîtres, en particulier de « l’ancienne » tradition Nyingma du Bouddhisme tibétain et d’offrir les enseignements bouddhistes sur la méditation, la compassion et la sagesse au monde moderne. Pour en savoir plus sur les actions entreprises par Rigpa en réponse à ces plaintes, cliquez ici . Einsichten und Erfahrungen auf dem Weg Im Juli 2017 wurden gegenüber Rigpas Gründer, Sogyal Rinpoche, ernsthafte Vorwürfe bezüglich seiner Beziehung zu einigen seiner Schüler*innen erhoben. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt legte Sogyal Rinpoche seine Rolle als spiritueller Leiter der Rigpa-Organisation nieder und zog sich zurück. Er verstarb im August 2019 als Folge einer schweren Krankheit. Als Reaktion auf die Beschwerden hat Rigpa eine Reihe von Reformen eingeleitet . Neben der Einführung von praktischen Maßnahmen haben wir uns selbst hinterfragt und darüber nachgedacht, wie wir als Gemeinschaft zu dieser Situation beigetragen haben. Wir sind zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass wir als Gemeinschaft die Menschen in ihrer Beziehung zu Sogyal Rinpoche viel mehr hätten unterstützen sollen. Die Beziehung zwischen Schüler*in und Lehrer*in im Vajrayana und Dzogchen ist sehr speziell, und wir sind im Westen nicht damit vertraut. Missverständnisse sowohl auf Seiten des Lehrers als auch auf Seiten der Schüler*innen haben dazu geführt, dass Menschen verletzt wurden. Wir können zwar nicht in Sogyal Rinpoches Namen sprechen oder Kommentare über seine Handlungen abgeben – er hat sich mehrfach selbst entschuldigt –, aber wir können uns selbst hinterfragen. Durch fortlaufende Reflexions- und Diskussionsprozesse innerhalb der Rigpa-Gemeinschaft und mit anderen buddhistischen Gruppen sind wir weiterhin dabei, auf einer sehr persönlichen und auch auf einer allgemeinen Ebene, die Kultur in Rigpa betreffend, aus den letzten Jahren zu lernen. Wir haben Folgendes erkannt: Wir dürfen nicht vergessen: Hingabe ist etwas sehr Persönliches und es ist nicht angemessen, dass jemand die Hingabe eines anderen beurteilt oder bewertet. Wir müssen die Kultur in Rigpa verändern, um für die Vielfalt von Standpunkten und Anliegen offener zu sein, und wir müssen uns der Missverständnisse bewusst sein, die in einer Tradition entstehen können, die auf Hingabe basiert. Wir müssen weiterhin tiefgehend über die kulturellen Missverständnisse nachdenken, die mit dem Einzug des Vajrayana-Buddhismus in die westliche Gesellschaft und Kultur aufgetreten sind, wobei wir unter anderem auf die Vorträge von Dzongsar Khyentse innerhalb Rigpas zurückgreifen können, die in seinem Buch Poison is Medicine veröffentlicht wurden. Wir brauchen klare Erklärungen über die Beziehung zwischen Vajrayana-Schüler*innen und -Lehrer*innen und ihre Grenzen, einen expliziten Verhaltenskodex für gegenwärtige und zukünftige Rigpa-Lehrer*innen, sowie genaue Richtlinien für den Prozess, ein*e Vajrayana-Schüler*in zu werden. Dazu gehört auch die Klärung der Bedeutung der Vajrayana-Verpflichtungen bzw. des Samaya gemäß der Tradition, um westliche Missverständnisse auszuräumen. Wir müssen offene Dialoge über das Weibliche im Vajrayana-Buddhismus führen, ein umfangreiches Thema, bei dem es viel zu verstehen gibt. Es wurde im Juni 2021 auf einem Sangha-übergreifenden Symposium mit dem Titel Das Weibliche im Vajrayana-Buddhismus wertschätzen eingehend diskutiert. Wir müssen den Wiedergutmachungsprozess fortführen, der es allen, die in ihrer Beziehung zu Sogyal Rinpoche verletzt wurden, ermöglicht, gehört zu werden und um Wiedergutmachungsmaßnahmen oder Schlichtung zu bitten. Seit sich unsere Gemeinschaft mit dem Brief von acht Schüler*innen auseinandergesetzt hat, in dem diese im Juli 2017 schwerwiegende Vorwürfe gegen Sogyal Rinpoche vorgebracht haben, haben wir unser Bestes getan, um auf Personen zuzugehen und Möglichkeiten zu schaffen, in denen sie gehört werden, und aus allem zu lernen und uns zu verändern – darunter das Olive Branch-Angebot (in den USA) und die offenen Begegnungen, die 2017 und 2018 in den Rigpa-Zentren angeboten wurden, die Gespräche, die 2018 im Rahmen der unabhängigen Untersuchung durchgeführt wurden, sowie der Wiedergutmachungsprozess 2020 und 2021. Der Mediationsprozess gewährt einen neutralen Raum, in dem alle, die in ihrer Beziehung zu Sogyal Rinpoche verletzt wurden, zum Ausdruck bringen können, welche anschließenden Maßnahmen sie sich wünschen. Er steht weiterhin allen offen. Bitte wende dich an Tim Chapman, [email protected] . Wir müssen sicherstellen, dass alle Mitglieder des Rigpa Vision Board, die wichtigsten Lehrer*innen und die Rigpa-Vorstände, -Mangementteams und ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeiter*innen weiterhin persönlich darüber nachdenken, was wir aus den Verletzungen lernen müssen, die einige Menschen in ihrer Beziehung zu Sogyal Rinpoche erfahren haben. Die Art und Weise, wie Rigpa als eine Gruppe von gemeinnützigen Vereinen funktioniert, muss sich ändern – mit neuen Vorständen, offener Zusammenarbeit, einem Ethik- und Verhaltenskodex, einer Verpflichtung zur Sicherheit und zum Wohlergehen aller, die mit Rigpa in Kontakt kommen, mit Beschwerdegremien, die Vorwürfe und Beschwerden prüfen, und einer Verpflichtung zu Transparenz, einschließlich der Veröffentlichung des unabhängigen Untersuchungsberichts. Jede*r, der*die mit Rigpa verbunden war, ist mit den vergangenen vier Jahren auf andere Weise umgegangen, und viele haben einen Schock oder Trauer erlebt. Wir bedauern dies zutiefst. Durch all unsere individuellen und gemeinsamen Erfahrungen wachsen wir weiter und teilen unsere Erkenntnisse mit der breiteren buddhistischen Gemeinschaft im Westen mit dem Wunsch, dass sich derartige Situationen nicht wiederholen. Rigpa, wie es von Sogyal Rinpoche, begleitet von den Ratschlägen so vieler großer Meister*innen, über vierzig Jahre hinweg aufgebaut wurde, ist ein unglaublicher Schatz, der uns weiterhin am Herzen liegt. Rigpas Ziel ist es, unter der Anleitung vieler großer Lehrer*innen, insbesondere aus der „alten“ Nyingma-Tradition des tibetischen Buddhismus, einen vollständigen spirituellen Pfad anzubieten und die buddhistischen Lehren der Meditation, des Mitgefühls und der Weisheit in die moderne Welt zu tragen. Ausführliche Informationen über die Reformen, die Rigpa aufgrund der Beschwerden vorgenommen hat, finden sich hier . Reflexiones y aprendizajes de un viaje En julio de 2017, surgieron graves acusaciones sobre la relación del fundador de Rigpa, Sogyal Rinpoché, con algunos de sus estudiantes. En ese momento, Sogyal Rinpoché dejó de ser el Director Espiritual de la organización de Rigpa y entró en retiro. Tras una grave enfermedad, falleció en agosto de 2019. En respuesta a las acusaciones, Rigpa emprendió una serie de reformas . Además de tomar medidas prácticas, nos hemos examinado a nosotros mismos y hemos reflexionado sobre cómo hemos contribuido a esta situación como comunidad. Hemos aceptado el hecho de que, como comunidad, deberíamos haber apoyado mucho más a las personas en su relación con Sogyal Rinpoché. La relación entre discípulo y maestro en el Vajrayana y el Dzogchen es muy específica y no es la que conocemos en Occidente. Los malentendidos, tanto por parte del maestro como del estudiante, han hecho que algunas personas se sientan heridas. Aunque no hablamos en nombre de Sogyal Rinpoché ni comentamos sus acciones, ya que él mismo se ha disculpado en muchas ocasiones, sí podemos examinarnos a nosotros mismos. A través de procesos continuos de reflexión y debate, tanto dentro de la comunidad de Rigpa como con otros grupos budistas, seguimos aprendiendo de los últimos años a niveles profundamente personales y culturales. Estamos aprendiendo a: Recordar que la devoción es algo muy personal y que no es conveniente que los demás juzguen o califiquen la propia devoción. Ajustar nuestra cultura para estar más abiertos a la diversidad de puntos de vista y preocupaciones, y ser conscientes de los malentendidos que pueden surgir en una tradición basada en la devoción. Mantener una profunda reflexión sobre los malentendidos culturales que surgieron cuando el budismo Vajrayana se introdujo en la sociedad y la cultura occidentales, con el apoyo, por ejemplo, de las charlas que Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoché dio en Rigpa y que posteriormente se publicaron en su libro Poison is Medicine [El veneno es la medicina]. Tener explicaciones claras sobre la relación entre estudiantes y maestros en el Vajrayana y sus límites, un código de conducta explícito para los actuales y futuros maestros de Rigpa, y guías precisas sobre el proceso para convertirse en estudiante del Vajrayana. Esto incluye aclarar el significado de los compromisos en el Vajrayana o ‘samayas’ según la tradición, disipando los malentendidos occidentales. Mantener diálogos abiertos sobre lo femenino en el budismo Vajrayana, sobre lo que hay mucho que entender. Este amplio tema se debatió en profundidad en junio de 2021 en un simposio entre sanghas iniciado por Rigpa titulado Treasuring the Feminine in Vajrayana Buddhism [Atesorar lo femenino en el budismo Vajrayana]. Participar en un proceso restaurativo, permitiendo que aquellos que fueron heridos en su relación con Sogyal Rinpoché sean escuchados y pidan acciones restaurativas o de reconciliación. Desde que nuestra comunidad se enfrentó a la carta de ocho estudiantes que presentaron graves acusaciones contra Sogyal Rinpoché en julio de 2017, hemos hecho todo lo posible para llegar a las personas y crear espacios para que sean escuchadas, y en los que podamos aprender y cambiar - esto incluye el proceso Olive Branch [Rama de Olivo] (en EE.UU.) y los espacios abiertos facilitados en los centros de Rigpa en 2017 y 2018, las entrevistas realizadas por la investigación independiente en 2018, y el proceso restaurativo en 2020 y 2021. Seguir garantizando que todos los miembros del Consejo de la Visión, los maestros principales y los Consejos de Rigpa, los equipos de gestión y los voluntarios, realicen una amplia reflexión personal sobre lo que debemos aprender del daño experimentado por algunas personas en su relación con Sogyal Rinpoché y renovar nuestras más profundas disculpas a aquellos que fueron heridos.. Cambiar la forma en que Rigpa funciona como grupo de organizaciones benéficas: con nuevos consejos de administración; colaboración abierta; un código de ética y conducta; un compromiso con la seguridad y el bienestar de todos los que entran en contacto con Rigpa; consejos de quejas que examinan las preocupaciones y las reclamaciones; y un compromiso con la transparencia, incluida la publicación del informe de investigación independiente. Cada persona que ha tenido una conexión con Rigpa o con Sogyal Rinpoché ha afrontado los últimos cuatro años de una manera diferente, y muchos han experimentado una conmoción o dolor. Lo lamentamos profundamente. A través de todas nuestras experiencias individuales y colectivas, seguimos creciendo y compartiendo nuestros aprendizajes con la comunidad budista más amplia de Occidente con el deseo de que estas situaciones no vuelvan a ocurrir. Rigpa, tal y como la estableció Sogyal Rinpoché con el asesoramiento de muchos grandes maestros a lo largo de cuarenta años, es un tesoro increíble, y lo apreciamos. Su objetivo es ofrecer un camino espiritual completo bajo la guía de muchos grandes maestros, especialmente de la "Antigua" tradición Nyingma del budismo tibetano, y ofrecer las enseñanzas budistas de meditación, compasión y sabiduría al mundo moderno. La información completa sobre las reformas de Rigpa en respuesta a las acusaciones puede encontrarse aquí. [PAGE] Title: Donate — Rigpa Content: Donate Support us "I would like Rigpa to be firmly established as a vehicle for the transmission of the extraordinary teachings of Dzogpachenpo (the highest teaching of Buddha), in the modern world. In order for this to happen, it is crucially important that we become genuine practitioners of the Dharma, motivated by the sincere wish to bring all beings to the state of enlightenment. This is the vision of Rigpa, which is in the true spirit of bodhichitta, as we seek to make a lasting contribution to the Dharma, for the benefit of all humanity." Sogyal Rinpoche, Founder of Rigpa Securing Rigpa’s Lineage & Legacy Three grants are available to support Rigpa students on the path For more than 40 years, Rigpa students have had the good fortune to receive teachings and transmissions from many great Tibetan lineage holders and it is our wish to continue these precious lineages. Securing Rigpa’s Lineage and Legacy is a Rigpa initiative aiming to ensure that the key pillars of our unique spiritual heritage have the vital support they need. In this way, the unbroken living lineage of wisdom that is at the heart of the Buddhist tradition will continue to bring benefit to the world long into the future. more info The Tertön Sogyal Foundations In 1996, recognising the need to assure the long-term financial sustainability of Rigpa, a group of students began to set-up a network of Tertön Sogyal Foundations. more info These foundations were established as vehicles for receiving larger donations (such as bequests), with the purpose of maximising the value of these gifts through investing them prudently, providing an annual income stream from interest while protecting the principal. In 2021 Rigpa introduced three Grants to benefit students, instructors, scholars, practitioners and teachers in need of financial assistance for their studies and practice, at every stage of their path. 1. Study & Practice Grants aim to financially support Rigpa sangha members who need financial help for study, practice and retreat, from newer students to Senior Teachers. more info 2. Light of Dharma Grants aim to sponsor projects and programmes that make Dharma teachings available in new and inventive ways, attuned to these times of fast-developing technologies and great unpredictability. more info 3. Elders Grants aim to provide financial support for senior Rigpa members who have devoted their lives to Rigpa and reached retirement age, to spend the remaining years of their lives deepening their spiritual path, primarily as residents of sangha communities. more info A Grant-making Committee recommends and oversees the disbursal of grants through a fair, open and transparent process. Grants are approved by the Tertön Sogyal Foundations Boards, which review applications recommended by the Committee. The Committee is guided by annual priorities set by Rigpa’s International Boards and the Vision Board, in consultation with the International Steering Group. Applying for Grants – For Study and Practice Grants, applications are accepted twice a year, before 1st of July and 1st of December. Applications will be reviewed by the Committee within two weeks of these deadlines. Here you will find more information on how to apply for a grant. Applications for Light of Dharma Grants and Elders Grants can be made at any time. The Precious Cycle of Giving and Receiving The Tertön Sogyal Foundations are now supporting students who need financial help to deepen their study and practice. At the same time fundraising for the Foundations continues , as well as for each Grant individually, to ensure the financial stability necessary to fulfil their purposes. Respecting the intentions of donors, grant applicants are asked only to apply if they have a genuine financial need and have fully explored alternative sources of funding. Applicants are asked to apply only for the minimum amount needed. Lineage and Legacy Annual Report A Lineage and Legacy Annual Report will be published online, containing details of that year’s priorities, grants awarded and results from investment and fundraising. Giving in Buddhism Since ancient times, the spirit of generosity has been a defining characteristic of the Buddhist tradition. Today, as the Buddhist teachings spread throughout the modern world, your support is needed more than ever. There are many ways you can support Rigpa’s vision of communicating the Buddha’s teachings to modern men and women. For an overview and more detailed description of the charitable projects Rigpa supports, please go here . make a donation > Tax-efficient Giving In most countries Rigpa has full charitable status with tax benefits. If you would like to make a tax-efficient donation in the country you are resident, or wish to talk things over with a member of our team, please contact us at: [email protected] . You can make gifts to Rigpa in the following ways: Secure online donation by Credit Card or PayPal Via your national Rigpa Centre By international bank transfer Please send an email to [email protected] and we will provide you with our bank information. Direct contact [PAGE] Title: Programmes for the Rigpa Sangha — Rigpa Content: Contact Us Use the form on the right to contact us. You can edit the text in this area, and change where the contact form on the right submits to, by entering edit mode using the modes on the bottom right. Email Address * [PAGE] Title: Jobs in Rigpa — Rigpa Content: Dharma Mati City Centre, Berlin New vacancies will be shared here soon About Rigpa and working for Rigpa What is Rigpa? Rigpa is an international network of 117 centres and groups in 24 countries offering the Buddha’s teachings in a way that is rooted in an authentic tradition, while also relevant and beneficial for us all in our 21st Century lives. Rigpa offers courses, seminars and retreats in meditation and compassion for anyone exploring how these teachings can support them in life, and—for those interested in deeper Buddhist studies and practice—we offer a complete path of study and practice in every stage of the Buddha’s teachings. Our programmes are offered both online or in person (or in hybrid format). What is Prajna? Prajna (online platform) offers a treasure trove of wisdom from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition - with a vast collection of teachings from masters who lived and taught in Tibet, through to today’s younger Western and Tibetan teachers. Prajna is the platform where Rigpa’s courses, programmes and live events are delivered to both Rigpa members and the public. Bringing Buddhist values into our work As a Buddhist organisation, everyone supporting the activity of Rigpa (employed staff or volunteers) endeavours to apply Buddhist values such as compassion, patience, generosity and mindfulness to our life, work and our interactions with each other. It’s not necessary to be Buddhist to work for Rigpa, although it helps to have some interest and openness to Buddhist values. Everyone supporting the activity of Rigpa (employed staff or volunteers) is required to sign Rigpa’s Code of Conduct . Job locations and teams Rigpa’s teams are based all around the world, mostly in Europe, USA and Australia. Many positions have the advantage of working with a dynamic mix of volunteers and employed (salaried) staff from different countries, language and cultural backgrounds on short term and long term projects, processes and activities. Some positions will be based in a specific location, while many can be conducted from any location or timezone working online. Check the details in each job description. From others who have volunteered and worked for Rigpa "Working for Prajna has given a real meaning and purpose to my work." Hans-Fredrik "It's a great opportunity to work for a positive change in the world." “I love working with an international team who are all passionate about our goals (big and small). The diversity of the work makes it always interesting and challenging, and bringing the motivation to apply Buddhist principles to our day means there are opportunities every moment to grow and evolve.” Gill [PAGE] Title: Courses — Rigpa Content: For Young People Courses Rigpa centres offer a range of courses and programmes for everyone - whether you want to learn how to meditate and develop compassion to overcome the mental and emotional challenges of daily life, or engage with a complete path of study and practice that follows every stage of the Buddha’s teachings and can lead to enlightenment. The courses below are intended for those new to Buddhism. For those who wish to embark on the Buddhist path, contact your local centre to find out about a graduated path of study and practice. online learning About the courses we offer These are just some of the courses offered in Rigpa centres around the world. To find out what courses are offered near you, contact your local centre or online learning site. What Meditation Really Is This unique course brings together over 2,000 years of Buddhist wisdom and experience in a way that is authentic, accessible and completely relevant to modern life. Led by experienced meditators, it offers a complete introduction to meditation and shows how it can unlock our natural confidence, compassion and creativity. You will gain a genuine experience of meditation and all the tools you need to take the benefits into every aspect of your life. Cultivating Compassion Explore what compassion is and why it might be beneficial to us and the world around us. In this workshop we examine how we can make compassion a sustainable part of our everyday life and considers the reasons for doing so. Photo: KhrisKa Photos In the Mirror of Death This course guides participants through the essential teachings on dying and death from the Buddhist tradition of Tibet. It offers a glimpse of this practical wisdom and sacred inspiration, which is so beneficial for today’s world. The universal message of these teachings speaks to people from all walks of life and is relevant for those of any spiritual tradition or none. It shows us how we can face uncertainty and change, transform difficulty and fear, prepare for death and support others to die with dignity. Introduction to Buddhism The course offers an introduction to Buddhist ideas and approaches. Taught by the Buddha over 2,500 years ago and passed down to us by a lineage of masters who studied these words, reflected deeply on their meaning and experienced their truth personally, these principles are as useful today as they were when first spoken in the gardens and groves of India so many years ago. The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying - the course. For the last thirty years, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying has been inspiring a quiet revolution in the way we look at life and death. This simple introductory course is for anyone who has read the book and who wants to reflect on and explore its main themes. The course introduces meditation, loving-kindness and compassion practices—simple but profound Buddhist practices that you don't need to be a Buddhist to do. These practices can help us to understand ourselves better and become warmer, more open and effective human beings. [PAGE] Title: Rigpa Content: A Complete Buddhist Path Photo: KhrisKa Photos The first & basic practice of meditation is to allow the mind to settle into a state of ‘calm abiding’, where it will find peace & stability. By developing compassion and loving kindness both for ourselves and others, we discover a stable sense of self-esteem and a healthy, nourishing love for ourselves. Find out more through videos, online courses, courses and retreats. Courses and events offered in Rigpa form part of an in-depth curriculum of study, reflection, practice and retreat based on the graduated stages of the Buddhist path of awakening. At each stage one can study and practise in depth, or in a more essential way, the key point being the transformation that actually takes place in one’s being. More info Activity in Society The Spiritual Care Programme, was established and has been supported by Rigpa since 1993, offering non-denominational, contemplative-based care for health and social care professionals and trained volunteers as well as for a general public. The programme now runs independently in various countries around the world. Rigpa continues to hold Buddhist courses and seminars on death and dying . Rigpa and affiliated entities regularly host international conferences that bring together Buddhist teachers, scientists & leading experts to discuss the benefits of meditation, compassion and other topics. Lerab Ling Conferences | Compassion in Society Charitable Projects Each year Rigpa sponsors a number of monasteries in the East, educational projects, freeing animals’ lives, as well as charities directly helping victims of natural disasters. Read more More Activities > Sogyal Rinpoche’s Parinirvana Sogyal Rinpoche entered into parinirvana on 28th August, 2019. Sogyal Rinpoche was a world-renowned Buddhist teacher from Tibet, recognized as the incarnation of a great master and visionary saint of the nineteenth century, Tertön Sogyal Lerab Lingpa. He founded the international Buddhist network Rigpa, was the author of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, and dedicated over 45 years to bringing the Buddhist teachings to the West. Read more
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A Complete Path of Buddhist Study and Practice Courses and events offered in Rigpa form part of an in-depth curriculum of study, reflection, practice and retreat designed for anyone who wishes to follow the teachings of the Buddha and in particular the Buddhist tradition of Tibet. The main aims of the Foundations of the Buddhist Path is to: Share the key principles of Buddha’s insight into our mind and the world, as well as the practices of meditation, loving-kindness and compassion. Title: WE CAN SUPPORT YOU WITH OUR PRAYERS — Rigpa Content: WE CAN SUPPORT YOU WITH OUR PRAYERS Rigpa Prayer Request Service Lerab Ling, Rigpa’s main retreat centre in France, is home to a thriving community of monastic and lay spiritual practitioners, following one of the most ancient lineages of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Title: Teachers in Rigpa — Rigpa Content: Teachers in Rigpa Masters of the Nyingma Tradition Guiding Rigpa Since Rigpa’s founder and main teacher, Sogyal Rinpoche, passed away in 2019, great masters of the Nyingma and Longchen Nyingtik traditions who have taught, guided and given transmissions and instructions to the Rigpa community over many years, continue to do so. In 2004, he moved to Lerab Ling, Rigpa's retreat centre in southern France, where he has been part of the practice community and supporting its activity ever since. Recognizing Rinpoche as her root teacher, she has been following his teachings and practice instructions ever since, and has also received teachings and empowerments from many other masters who have taught in Rigpa. She accompanied Sogyal Rinpoche as his main German translator for over 20 years and has translated for many other teachers visiting Rigpa, as well as several books and websites about the Dharma and spiritual care for the dying. She is an instructor on topics such as meditation, contemplation and compassion practices, as well as Vajrayana practices. He has been a Rigpa student ever since. Seth has been closely trained by Sogyal Rinpoche as master of ceremony, as well as by many other teachers, and has been supporting Rinpoche in his travels, teachings and public events for many years. In 1997, she moved to Rigpa’s retreat centre in southern France, Lerab Ling, where she studied and trained for over 20 years; receiving empowerments, teachings and instructions from great masters in all four schools of Tibetan Buddhism, predominantly in the Dzogchen Longchen Nyingtik lineage. She has studied with Sogyal Rinpoche and Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche in particular, and over the years held a number of leadership roles in Rigpa UK and in Lerab Ling, Rigpa’s retreat centre in southern France. Rigpa offers courses and seminars in meditation and compassion, as well as a complete path of study and practice for every stage of the Buddha’s teachings. Who are we? Since Rigpa was founded, over 80 renowned teachers from all schools of Tibetan Buddhism and other Buddhist traditions, have been teaching in Rigpa and guiding the study and practice of Rigpa students, at the invitation of Sogyal Rinpoche. Rigpa’s goal has always been, and continues to be, to offer a complete spiritual path, to invite many teachers, especially from the “Ancient” Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, and to offer the Buddhist teachings of meditation, compassion and wisdom to the modern world. Read more about the Vision Board Rigpa Statement January 2018 Spiritual Governance Following the retirement of Sogyal Rinpoche from the role of Spiritual Director of Rigpa in August 2017, a 'Vision Board' has now been appointed to guide Rigpa into the future. Its goal is to offer a complete spiritual path under the guidance of many great teachers, especially from the “Ancient” Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, and to offer the Buddhist teachings of meditation, compassion and wisdom to the modern world. Sogyal Rinpoche, Founder of Rigpa Securing Rigpa’s Lineage & Legacy Three grants are available to support Rigpa students on the path For more than 40 years, Rigpa students have had the good fortune to receive teachings and transmissions from many great Tibetan lineage holders and it is our wish to continue these precious lineages. Rigpa offers courses, seminars and retreats in meditation and compassion for anyone exploring how these teachings can support them in life, and—for those interested in deeper Buddhist studies and practice—we offer a complete path of study and practice in every stage of the Buddha’s teachings.
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To Redeem your loyalty points: 1) On the homepage of click the loyalty rewards icon in the bottom right corner. 2) Select Redeem Points 3) Choose the loyalty reward you would like to redeem. 4) Once selected you will receive a custom coupon code! You can apply it to your cart automatically or copy and past it for future use. You should also receive a separate email with the code, so if you're not ready to use it right away you can save it for later! Points expire in one year. Amaranth Stoneware Canada [PAGE] Title: Slab Rollers | Amaranth Stoneware Pottery Supplies Content: Login Slab Rollers Listed are just a few of our favourite slab rollers. If you'd like a quote for one not listed please reach out to us! All Slab rollers ship for $40 or less ANYWHERE in Canada. Sale [PAGE] Title: Lore Plant Labels | Celebrate the Meaning of Plants! Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Speedball Underglazes Content: Login Speedball Underglazes Offering artists spectacular results that fire true consistently, Speedball’s Underglazes are unmatched in vibrancy and value.  Originally formulated to perform in a wide firing range, 05-6, Speedball’s Underglazes have been successfully fired at Cone 10.  Suitable for use on greenware or bisque, each color produces a softer, velvety finish when left unglazed, and intensifies in richness when covered with a clear glaze*.  Trusted by some of today’s most well-known and acclaimed ceramic artists, Speedball Underglazes offer incredible quality at an unbeatable price—on average, saving artists over 50% versus leading brands. All colors are dinnerware safe when used and fired as directed, are lead-free and carry the AP Seal. Sale [PAGE] Title: Kitchen & Home Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Themes | Garden Stakes | "Mom's Garden," "Secret Garden," "Herb Garden" Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Spectrum Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Gift Card Gift Certificate Content: Please allow 1-24 hours for a gift card code to be emailed. Want to get a friend muddy, but don't know their schedule? Needing a gift for a potter? Gift Certificate is the way to go. Choose your denomination for that perfect gift. Know a mug enthusiasts who'd like to pick out their own coffee mug? Gift Cards are perfect! Redeemable for anything sold at Amaranth, even the clay to make your own kitchen sink! Share this on: [PAGE] Title: Sanbao Texture Tools Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Open Studio Space | Wheel Rental | Take Home Rentals Content: Open Studio Space & Rentals Take your skills to the next level! We're now renting out Equipment, tools and services to help you guys make some cool creations outside of the classroom. *Any tool rental or facility use that results in damages must be payed for. [PAGE] Title: Practical Bee Collection Content: Login Practical Bee Collection Living in a rural area in South Eastern Ontario surrounded by great lakes, farms and close knit communities we've been inspired to create our Practical Bee collection of functional ware. With neighbors growing their own produce, caring for their own animals and taking care of the Earth under their toes we wanted our line to celebrate that. Our practical bee collection is hand thrown with a tan body speckled clay. The glazes selected are reminiscent of our communities' farm houses and bring the speckles in the clay to life. Bring the farm and your family together. [PAGE] Title: Laguna Clay Content: Login Laguna Clay Choose from over 40 varieties of clay, including stoneware, paper clay, porcelain, sculptural and raku. We've handpicked and tested all our clays - we LOVE them for their quality, consistency and variety. We carry both Laguna and Tucker's clay. Laguna was purchased by Miller Clay a few years ago, so you can also find clay bodies under their old Miller names. They're sold in 50 lb boxes or 25 lb pugs. Rates for shipping clay in Canada vary greatly by region. We have a flat rate we find covers most regions, but sadly not all. Some orders may have a follow up shipping fee for clay. If you would like to order 4+ boxes please reach out to us as we'll compare freight and courier quotes to find the best shipping rate to your address. [PAGE] Title: Clearance - Handmade Pottery Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Dirty Girls Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Potter Apparel Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Crown Point Carving Tools Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Finishing Accessories Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Coyote Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Clayscapes Pottery Glazes | Shipped in Canada by Amaranth Stoneware Content: SAFETY DATA SHEETS (SDS) Made for dipping and pouring, these glazes have been developed by potters for potters.  They are easy to mix up and use and work well in combination with each other.  They are lead free, microwave, dishwasher, and food safe.  Garden Green, Satin Black and Copper Patina are the only three that are not food appropriate. Please allow 2 weeks for shipping. If you do have issues with your glaze it is advised to contact Clayscapes directly for assistance. Dry glazes only. [PAGE] Title: Xiem Tools Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Gift Cards Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Free Resources Content: 9) Throwing Plates Handbuilding Templates Template Maker is easy to use and you can print off templates. Although meant for paper these templates can be easily transferrable to pottery making and provide inspiration! Check out the template maker site here! Big on handbuilding? Here's a Pinterest board with heaps of free templates! Check out the vast selection of free templates here. If you haven't been yet, hop over to! Jessica and her partner have put a lot of work into their clayshare website and we know many potters who find it a valuable resource whether they spring for the premium membership or not! Check out the website here. Shrink Ruler Downloads Looking for a quick fix? Grab yourself some cardboard and print your own shrink ruler! This website has inches & centimeters available for various shrinkage rates. How handy is that? [PAGE] Title: Employment Opportunities Content: Employment Opportunities We are always interested in hearing from potential instructors, mud-pack leaders & clay enthusiasts - email us at [email protected] Are  you a playful mudder - or clay afficionado - or do you have skills that would help us deliver exceptional service? We are interested in hearing from people who are interested in part or full-time opportunities.  Send your email to [email protected] ________________________________________________________ We are currently not recruiting, but if you know you would be a great fit and see a role for yourself here reach out to us! Amaranth Stoneware Canada [PAGE] Title: Glazes by Colour Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Wholesale Content: Login Wholesale Want to wholesale our handmade pottery? If you’d like to become one of our wholesale retailers please email the following information to: [email protected] Business Name: Business Location: Tax ID #: We're only a phone call away if you'd like to place an order over the phone! We also offer display stands , that we're happy to help you choose! Are you a Full-time potter, community studio or school? Reach out to [email protected] for information on our business discounts and receive up to 25% off supplies. 800-465-5444 (toll free) [PAGE] Title: Underglaze Transfers Content: Underglaze Transfers Currently stocking Elan Pottery Transfers & Sanbao Underglaze Transfers One custom silkscreened underglaze rice paper transfer sheet for use on greenware or bisque pottery. These extra large sheets come with a usable area of 19" long x 13" wide compared to the more common 8.5" X 6.5" sheet, making them excellent for larger plates and cutting into strips to wrap all the way around a few mugs. They can can be fired anywhere from cone 04 to cone 11 and work well in gas, wood, or electric firings. Typical fire to cone 6 and use a zinc free clear or celadon on top! [PAGE] Title: Botanicals | Outdoor Garden Decoration Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: GR Pottery Forms Content: Login GR Pottery Forms We love our GR Pottery forms for creating in classes or open studio! If there's a GR Form you're after that isn't listed here let us know! We can custom order for you. [PAGE] Title: Comic Latin | "It's All Greek to Me!" Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Opulence Glaze by Mid-South Ceramics Content: Login Opulence Glaze by Mid-South Ceramics Opulence Glaze was developed by Dr. Richard Eppler, the foremost glaze chemist in the world, and Tom Turnbull. Manufactured by Mid-South Ceramic Supply Company, sales started in 1986 with the goal to give potters access to quality glaze results with the brillance and clarity to match any in the ceramic industry. A potter did not need to be a chemist, one only needed to add water. Since this time many commercial glazes have joined the market, yet Opulence still stands out as the best dipping glaze available. Another advantage that was foremost in development, Opulence Glaze can be blended and/or used as a base glaze so to give each potter their own individual, signature glazes. Also, there is no question about the food safety of the glazes. New lines are being developed under the same standards and scrutiny begun with Dr. Eppler. Now available in 5 distinctive finishes in both brushing and dipping, Opulence Glaze stays in the forefront of the commercial glaze industry. Each glaze is backed by Mid-South Ceramic’s commitment to education, quality and best results. *Opulence is manufactured in Pints for brushing and Dry for dipping or spraying. [PAGE] Title: All Glazes Content: Every glaze available through Amaranth Stoneware! All the glazes we carry are suitable for cone 5-6 firing EXCEPT for Duncan Lusters. If there is a glaze you're looking for not listed please reach out to our team. We can custom order and love to help our fellow Canadian Potters! [PAGE] Title: Tucker's & Laguna Pottery Clay | Available at Amaranth Stoneware Canada Content: Login Clay Choose from over 40 varieties of clay, including stoneware, paper clay, porcelain, sculptural and raku. We've handpicked and tested all our clays - we LOVE them for their quality, consistency and variety. We carry both Laguna and Tucker's clay. Laguna was purchased by Miller Clay a few years ago, so you can also find clay bodies under their old Miller names. They're sold in 50 lb boxes or 25 lb pugs. Tucker's is from Richmond Hill, Ontario and is sold in 20 kg boxes or 10 kg pugs. Rates for shipping clay in Canada vary greatly by region. Once you place an order that includes clay we will contact you to let you know the rate. Use the "All Products" dropbox to browse what you need or send us an email if you have any questions. [PAGE] Title: Pottery Wheels by Shimpo, Brent, Pacifica and Speedball | Amaranth Stoneware Canada Content: Login Wheels Looking for a great new wheel? We can help with that! We have bats, tiles and wheels available at Amaranth. If you're looking for a wheel not shown on the website, contact us for a quote. All wheel prices include: delivery to our studio & splash-pan. Shipping: Every wheel is $90 or less to ship to ANY Province in Canada! Live in the territories? Please contact us for a quote on a discounted rate. Artista Speedball wheel includes free shipping ANYWHERE in Canada! [PAGE] Title: Georgies Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Mudtools Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Mayco Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Calendar Content: Login Calendar Learn all about the wonderful Mud Pack Leaders that teach our pottery classes and read our Class Policies . We're thrilled to welcome you back into our studio. Private Bookings are available and can be scheduled around our teacher's availability. We've changed our class policies, so please make sure to read them before committing to a class or workshop. [PAGE] Title: Liquid Ingredients and Aids | Pottery Supplies at Amaranth Stoneware Canada Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Dry Ingredients | Raw Materials for Mixing Dry Glaze & Clay | Amaranth Stoneware Canada Content: Login Dry Ingredients If picking up in studio please allow a minimum of 2 business days for your order to be ready. Prices subject to change. We are clearing out our dry materials and will only carry the ingredients we use in production. Dry materials are pre-order only. You can call our studio to place a preorder over the phone and have the items brought in for you to pickup. [PAGE] Title: Sayings | Quotes for the Garden Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Contact us Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Our Story Content: Login Our Story Amaranth Stoneware began over 25 years ago in a garage in South-Eastern Ontario. From that cornerstone moment, we have seen our business grow to become the amazing pottery studio space it is today. Now, we host classes and retail pottery supplies like clay, glazes, and equipment to eager creators. We create homemade and durable stoneware items to help people all over Canada and the USA to add quaint details to their homes and gardens. The name “Amaranth” comes from a plant, but it also means “one that does not wither”. This plant provides dye, paper, vegetables and grains, as well as unfading beautiful blooms. The value of an amaranth is undeniably linked to it’s symbol of immortality, durability, beauty, determination, and variety: all things we strive to accomplish at Amaranth Stoneware We are committed to providing superior customer service and the best quality pottery products. We ensure that our products are as hardy as they are elegant; they are able to maintain their beauty in ice, snow, or intense heat without fading or cracking. Our naturally handcrafted products are perfect for the socially and environmentally conscious people. We strive to produce eco-friendly products and promote our local economy through our business. Think you remember seeing us from somewhere? You may have! We're always happy to send samples for press or have media come and visit us in the studio. We can even get you muddy here. If you require any information about us please contact: [email protected] [PAGE] Title: Laguna Glaze | Available in Canada at Amaranth Stoneware Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Equipment Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Glaze Sample Sets Content: Login Glaze Sample Sets Doesn't matter the brand - we love a great glaze sample set! A chance to experiment and explore! Create your own combinations, experiment on different glaze bodies and mix and match brands! [PAGE] Title: Garrity Tools Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Garden Decor & Homes for Living Things Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Nesting | Bird Houses, Roosting Boxes, Nest Depots Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Bird Feeders | Suet Feeders, Meal Worms, Tail Prop Feeders Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Wiziwig Tools Content: Create matching sets with Wiziwig Ribs! Each Rib Creates 7 Tools-In-One Made of 18 Gauge High quality Stainless Steel (about the thickness of 12 sheets of paper) They do not flex or bend and are very rust resistant! [PAGE] Title: All Underglazes & Stains Content: All Underglazes & Stains Decorate your work with underglazes! We carry Amaco Velvet Underglazes & Coyote Underglazes. Both are fantastic and reputable brands we use in our own production work! Also available are axner underglaze pens (hello beautiful fine lines!), underglaze transfers, and Stains [PAGE] Title: Clearance Content: Clearance We're clearing some shelf space at Amaranth! We're making room for newer glazes & more variety. Just because you may see a glaze in clearance does not mean you'll never see it again! We can always special order in glazes for you from any of the brands we carry. Sale [PAGE] Title: Bugs | Attract Native Plants and Animals to the Garden! Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Garden Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Mr. Mark's / Ceramic Shop Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Birds, Bees & Butterflies Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: News Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Learn - Creative Classes Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Pottery and Glass Kilns | Amaranth Stoneware Pottery Supplies Canada Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Pottery Studio Packages Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Kilns Content: Kilns Ordering a kiln through Amaranth can have it's benefits! Potters receives a $175 gift card with every kiln purchase to use towards a future order. We also offer a 1:1 training on how to fire your kiln. For quotes please send an email with your shipping address including postal code. [PAGE] Title: Plaques | Quotes for the Garden Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Friends | Enchanted Garden Stakes Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Home, Bed & Bath Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Garden Markers | Plant Species Labels Content: Login Garden Markers Our handcrafted Garden Markers are easy to read and feature a unique illustration of the plant leaf printed on natural white stoneware. These Garden Markers are completely weatherproof and will not crack or fade. They also come with a 14.5" rustproof garden hanger designed to allow the Garden Markers to hang well above the soil without turning. White Stoneware approximately 3.5" x 2.25". Sale [PAGE] Title: Tools Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Kitchen Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Amaranth Stoneware | Pottery Studio & Supplies | Handcrafted Stoneware Content: Notes: * *Indicates a required field Amaranth Stoneware covers all your pottery needs. We offer pottery glazes, equipment, and clay as well as specialty items to give your daily life the quaint touch of handmade stoneware. Amaranth Stoneware Canada [PAGE] Title: Handmade Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Mason Stains | Pottery Supplies at Amaranth Stoneware Canada Content: Mason Stain Mas on Stains are the oldest North American Company with the widest variety of colour for ceramic stain, with 170 years of experience. Mason Stains are a combinations of oxides, fritted to insure uniformity of color and thus insure uniformity of results in firing. They can be used to color transparent or opaque glazes, underglazes or slips. Color results will vary according to glaze composition, firing temperature and kiln atmosphere. [PAGE] Title: Pottery Supply House Clay (PSH) Content: Pottery Supply House Clay (PSH) Made in Oakville, Ontario PSH clay is available in 20 kg boxes or 10 kg bags. Rates for shipping clay in Canada vary greatly by region. We have a flat rate we find covers most regions, but sadly not all. Some orders may have a follow up shipping fee for clay. If you would like to order 4+ boxes please reach out to us as we'll compare freight and courier quotes to find the best shipping rate to your address. [PAGE] Title: Teacher Profiles Content: Login Teacher Profiles Want to teach with us? Is there a Master Potter you want to come to Kingston & learn from? Let us know! We're happy to invite potters and other makers to teach at our studio. Just email us! The folks who lead you through the mud: Krista Cameron Krista has been teaching in the Brockville area for over 10 years in her home studio and for Developmental Services of Leeds and Grenville. Her first love is wheel throwing, but she doesn’t turn her nose up at a good hand-building session and it's versatility. During classes with Krista, it is important to laugh and have fun but most importantly it's teaching you how to create a piece that you will be proud to show off! Linda Wolfram-Fraser Linda W.F. loves to create. Using nature as her inspiration, she plays with mud in her Garden Studio. Creating everything from utilitarian pieces like mugs, trays and bowls, to sculpture and whimsical non-functional pieces. Linda is fascinated with all things pottery. From the creation of different shapes and sizes, to the chemical composition of glazes and the variety of temperatures it can be fired to. She hooked on the challenge! Bringing smiles to faces and joy to the soul, her whimsical pieces can brighten dull days and lift heavy hearts. Owen Davies Owen Davies is a well rounded potter who has learned from multiple experts throughout his young life. Owen is knowledgeable with multiple firing techniques and can make one of the smallest or largest pots you've even seen! You can watch his skills on Twitch or catch him at the local Wolfe Island Market! Linda Williams Influenced by the study of animation at Sheridan College, life-drawing and an interest in modern dance. Linda's earliest sculptures were exaggerations of human form and gesture. A sculpting and hand building ceramicist, Linda has a knack for bringing life to clay and supporting her students to breath the same into their pieces. Her classes are inspiring, thoughtful, uplifting and full of kindness. Hyla Nemy (she/her) Hyla is a potter, craftswoman and farmer based in Katarokwi / Kingston ON, the traditional lands of the Huron Wendat, Mississauga and Anishnabek. Hyla first started working in clay at St Lawrence College, followed by the Nova Scotia School of Art + Design and the Haliburton School of Art + Design. Hyla’s work celebrates the intrinsic and historical connection between pottery, food and community. She pulls on her background in farming to create functional wares that elevate our experiences making, eating and sharing food together. She currently creates & teaches at the Kingston Pottery Guild & Amaranth Stoneware,  and continues to work growing food and flowers. Steve Blair Steve came to join us in March of 2022 and his patience, sense of humour and positive attitude have made him a welcomed addition to the Amaranth Team! Steve thoroughly enjoys teaching and introducing our students to throwing on the wheel.  He is always happy to share knowledge and does so in a fun and light-hearted way.  When he isn't teaching here, you might find him working in our retail space.  If you have ever called us or been to our store, it's very likely that you have spoken with him already! Amaranth Stoneware Canada [PAGE] Title: Detours | For Life's Little Bumps! | Funny Garden Signs Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: FAQs Content: We then set you up with an order form to submit. EASY PEASY! 2. Do you make exclusive products for companies? That can certainly be discussed! Contact us by e-mail or calling is best to discuss what you'd like. Returns: 1. What's your return policy? Handmade Stoneware: Of course we're advocates for what we make, but we're not out of this world when we say our products are super durable. In the case something does break when it arrives to you or you need to return it please contact us. We will gladly provide a merchandise refund, exchange, or replacement for your order within 30 days of receipt. We also ask that you help us do a better job and let us know where the breakage was, how it was shipped to you, where it was stored etc. We ask these types of questions to improve our shipping, so that you never have to worry about receiving another product that has been damaged during its journey to you. Pottery Supplies: We honour returns up to 30 days from purchase and with the receipt. Return Shipping is prepaid by you. We recommend tracking information and insurance if the item is valued over $100. Items must be unused and arrive to our studio in good condition. Once the item is returned the refund will be applied to your account. If you have any questions about returning a product talk to us we're happy to help! 2. How do I return an item? Talk to us! You can do so by either emailing [email protected] or call us at 1-800-465-5444. You can even reach out to us on Social Media or mail us. Whatever you're comfortable with. From there we ask you a couple questions including your choice of reimbursement (replacement, exchange, or return). Allow two weeks for us to receive the product. From there you'll see the appropriate changes made. Either by receiving a new tracking number or the reimbursement on your credit card. 3. I'm pretty sure my product isn't right and is a factory error or something was damaged along the way! Talk to us! Sometimes a glaze may have frozen on it's way to you, so check out our blog on how to rework your clay or glaze! Have materials separated in the glaze? This is a common occurrence and can happen, try Epsom salts and remixing the glaze! Was there a ding in your GR form? Let us know and we can offer the form at cost or send off a new one with your next order. 4. Something arrived broken! What next? Oh no! Certainly not fun to open a box to find something broken. Please take photos of the box, packaging and broken item(s) and send us an email. Once we have those submitted we can go from there for options. Please note: All claims for broken delivered items must be submitted within 5 days of receiving your package! So please open your box and inspect your package when it arrives. 5. Something is missing from my order! Let us know! We can either refund the missing item or get it shipped off for you! Amaranth Stoneware Canada [PAGE] Title: Mayco Brushes Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Amaco Content: Login Amaco Finish your work with ceramic glazes or underglazes: gloss or matte, detailed draftsmanship, fluid and easy, high or low fire. AMACO has the right glaze for your project. Want something that isn't listed? We can order it for you! Just call us at 613-541-1156. [PAGE] Title: Are My Pots Ready? Content: Are My Pots Ready? We'll post your class here once unloaded from the kiln! Students are also called or emailed once pots are unloaded. We keep pots for one month after the unloading date. If not picked up within that month your pots are "Put up for adoption". If you're unable to pickup your pots within the specified time frame please call and speak with a staff member. If you are sending someone to pick pots up on your behalf, we recommend sending them a photo of your work (pre-glazed) from class and inform your buddy how your pots are signed. We highly recommend picking up your own pots when possible. Pots typically take 3-6 weeks to be completed depending on the class and season. Class [PAGE] Title: Axner Underglaze Pens Content: Login Axner Underglaze Pens Axner Underglaze Pens were developed for Cone 05 and 06 firings, with most colors doing quite well at higher temperatures. We only carry colours that remain strong and vibrant in a Cone 5/6 firing. *Note: Only food safe if a food-safe clear glaze is applied over these underglazes. [PAGE] Title: Minnesota Clay Company Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Glazing Tools Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Tucker's Clay Content: Tucker's Clay Tucker's is from Richmond Hill, Ontario and is sold in 20 kg boxes or 10 kg pugs. Rates for shipping clay in Canada vary greatly by region. We have a flat rate we find covers most regions, but sadly not all. Some orders may have a follow up shipping fee for clay. If you would like to order 4+ boxes please reach out to us as we'll compare freight and courier quotes to find the best shipping rate to your address. [PAGE] Title: Pets - Food, Accessories & Memories Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Workshops Content: Login Workshops Learn all about the wonderful Mud Pack Leaders that teach our pottery classes and read our Class Policie s You want to play with mud? We've got you covered! Workshops are one day experiences playing with clay. They are a great way to dip your toes into pottery making! Join us this Fall to dip your toes into the world of pottery or expand your knowledge! Looking for a more in dept experience with pottery making? You can find our multi week classes here. Please carefully read all class descriptions and our class policies before you commit to a class or workshop. [PAGE] Title: Overglaze Content: Login Overglaze True to the name! Overglazes are a final step to add a little oomph to your pottery. Typically giving a metallic affect. Overglazes can be paints for your own design or a transfer which can also be a very realistic or fine drawing or photo. Typically fired to cone 020-018. If firing in a community studio check with them to make sure you can use one! [PAGE] Title: Class Policy Content: Add to Cart Translation missing: en.products.notify_form.description: *Federal, Provincial & Municipal guidelines must be followed. Please be familiar with local policies as they change.* We want you and everyone else in the class to have a swell time! So here are our class policies, designed with everyone's best interests in mind: Respect everyone in the class. We all have our strengths & weaknesses, so lets be supportive and kind to one another. You are expected to clean up your own mud mess as best as possible within your station. Check out this youtube video. Classes start at the time given, so please arrive early enough to get yourself settled in. We recommend 10 minutes. If we cancel a class or workshop due to illness or weather, we will do our best to accommodate everyone when we reschedule. If you cancel your participation 5 days or more before the first class starts, 100% credit  goes towards a future course at Amaranth Stoneware. Cancelled with less than 5 days notice: If we are able to replace your spot in the class then that's fantastic you'll get a credit towards a future class at Amaranth Stoneware. If we are not able to fill your spot then you forfeit your payment. We suggest sending a friend instead! If you do not show up to the class you have registered for we cannot provide a refund or alternative class for you. Full payment must be made before the first class begins. Class & Workshop registration is non-refundable but we are happy to offer you class credit to put towards a future date or towards supplies or pottery in the store. Classes are for those 12+ years old. Classes are subject to cancellation or rescheduling if the minimum number of students is not met. If cancelled due to low participation a full refund will be offered. We will contact everyone via email or phone once pottery is fired and ready for pickup. Any pieces not picked up for over 1 month after their final firing will be up for adoption. Your own clay and tools MUST be taken home with you at the end of your class. Clay and tools left behind after your last class are donated / put up for adoption. Lastly: relax, have fun, and GET MUDDY! Some adjustments we've made since Covid19: Because we all want to create, but stay safe at the same time we have some new guidelines in place: 1) Please stay home if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19 or have been in contact with someone with Covid-19. We'll arrange for an alternate experience or offer as a makeup for you. 2) Masks are appreciated, but not necessary for now. Please be familiar with local municipal, provincial or federal policies.  Hand sanitizer is also available at the door. Please use it as you arrive and bonus points for on your way out! 3) Please maintain physical distancing while in the classroom. Check out this youtube video to clean at your wheel. Share this on: [PAGE] Title: Plant Labels | Plant Species Labels Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Handbuilding Tools Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: MKM Rollers & Stamps Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Bees | Attract Native Plants and Animals to the Garden! Content: Login Bees Bees sometimes need a helping hand to find a safe haven, proper nutrition and a safe place to drink water. With growing urbanization we want to help as many bees as possible find the things they need in any situation. Sale [PAGE] Title: Low Fire Glazes ^05/06 Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Employee Profiles Content: WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE POTTERY TOOL OR BRAND?:Mudtools WHAT IS YOUR MOST LISTENED-TO ARTIST?Talking Heads IF YOU WERE A COOKIE, WHAT WOULD YOU BE? Lemon or Nanaimo Bar Boodles - Official Puppy Eyed Greeter HOW LONG HAVE YOU WORKED AT AMARANTH STONEWARE?:Since Birth IF YOU WERE A COOKIE, WHAT WOULD YOU BE?:LiverSnap DO YOU HAVE A NICKNAME?:The Runner Bella - Official Sniffer / Personal Space Tester OUTSIDE OF POTTERY, WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY OR PASSION? :Looking cute and chasing squirrels WHAT IS YOUR MOST LISTENED-TO ARTIST?:The killers DO YOU HAVE A NICKNAME?:Smella Bella Carole - RnD - Production Potter HOW LONG HAVE YOU WORKED AT AMARANTH STONEWARE?:27 years (I know!) OUTSIDE OF POTTERY, WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY OR PASSION? :Gardening, Wine making, interior decoration and Coronation Street. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE POTTERY TOOL OR BRAND?:Xiem Tools and Baileys Slab Roller Catherine - Production Pottery Supervisor HOW LONG HAVE YOU WORKED AT AMARANTH STONEWARE?:12 years on and off OUTSIDE OF POTTERY, WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY OR PASSION? :Camping WHAT IS YOUR MOST LISTENED-TO ARTIST?:The killers Evelyn - Retail & Odd Jobber OUTSIDE OF POTTERY, WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY OR PASSION? :Reading, travelling and giving my dog forehead kisses. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE POTTERY TOOL OR BRAND?:For glaze - Opulence. For tools - Do-All mudtools IF YOU WERE A COOKIE, WHAT WOULD YOU BE?:Snickerdoodle - because the shop next door can sometimes hear me laugh SOCIAL MEDIA: [PAGE] Title: Butterflies | Attract Native Plants and Animals to the Garden! Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Raw Materials Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Heritage Collection Content: Login Heritage Collection Taking inspiration from beautiful redbrick homes in Kingston Ontario, we chose warm red stoneware to create our Heritage Line.   Handcrafted in our studio, the Heritage collection brings comfort and simplicity to your table.  Like historic homes, unique and built to last, our pottery is individually handcrafted on the wheel with purpose and attention to design and detail. Mugs, plates and bowls are available in 3 rich colours Pearl, Emerald and Sapphire. Little gems ! [PAGE] Title: Kemper Tools Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Bisqueware Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Throwing Tools Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We ask that you call or email in your order and we'll quote you on shipping costs getting you the best bang for your buck! [PAGE] Title: Classes Content: Login Classes Learn all about the wonderful Mud Pack Leaders that teach our pottery classes and read our Class Policie s You want to play with mud? We've got you covered! Here you will find our multi-week classes. These classes give you a more in depth knowledge into making pottery and experience a complete process. They will leave you brimming with the endless possibilities of clay! Join us & dip your toes into the world of pottery or expand your knowledge!
consumer & supply chain
Title: Glazes, Underglazes & Stains Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? You should also receive a separate email with the code, so if you're not ready to use it right away you can save it for later! If you'd like a quote for one not listed please reach out to us! If you would like to order 4+ boxes please reach out to us as we'll compare freight and courier quotes to find the best shipping rate to your address. Send your email to [email protected] ________________________________________________________ We are currently not recruiting, but if you know you would be a great fit and see a role for yourself here reach out to us! Title: Tucker's & Laguna Pottery Clay | Available at Amaranth Stoneware Canada Content: Login Clay Choose from over 40 varieties of clay, including stoneware, paper clay, porcelain, sculptural and raku. Once you place an order that includes clay we will contact you to let you know the rate. Use the "All Products" dropbox to browse what you need or send us an email if you have any questions. We can help with that! If you're looking for a wheel not shown on the website, contact us for a quote. Title: Liquid Ingredients and Aids | Pottery Supplies at Amaranth Stoneware Canada Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? You can call our studio to place a preorder over the phone and have the items brought in for you to pickup. Title: Laguna Glaze | Available in Canada at Amaranth Stoneware Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? We can always special order in glazes for you from any of the brands we carry. Title: Pottery and Glass Kilns | Amaranth Stoneware Pottery Supplies Canada Content: Subtotal: $0.00 CAD Is your order over 200LBS? Sometimes a glaze may have frozen on it's way to you, so check out our blog on how to rework your clay or glaze! We can either refund the missing item or get it shipped off for you! We can order it for you! If you do not show up to the class you have registered for we cannot provide a refund or alternative class for you. Please use it as you arrive and bonus points for on your way out!
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Pensions | Alexander James Financial Planning Content: Contact Us Pensions Pensions are the most tax efficient way to save for your retirement income. We help you choose the best pension plan and our pension predicting tools give you a clear picture of what your future will look like in retirement, how long your money will last and what you will need to do to meet your specific goals. Personal Pensions We are able to arrange three types of personal pensions: Stake Holder Pension - a low cost pension plan, ideal for people starting out. Personal Pension - for a full range of investment options, fully insured and for greater flexibility. SIPP Pension (Self Invested Personal Pension) - for the widest range of investments, including commercial property and for the ability to convert to flexible drawdown at 55 years. Workplace Pensions With Auto Enrolment all small companies are legally bound to set up pension schemes for their workforce. At Alexander James we have a whole range of solutions so we can take the strain away from company directors and set up workplace pension schemes for them. Annuities An annuity is a vehicle which will provide a pension income in retirement. Although they have become less popular since the new pension freedoms were introduced, we believe they still have a role to play for some people. An annuity can provide either a guaranteed life time income or a fixed term income. You are able to fix the term of an annuity for a given period of time, giving you greater control. Flexible Drawdown Many pensions can be converted to flexible drawdown products. This enables you to keep your pension fully invested and at the same time draw down an income. Case Study [PAGE] Title: David Dixson - IFA and Managing Director Content: Contact Us David Dixson - IFA and Managing Director David is the Managing Director, owner of Alexander James Financial Planning Ltd and is one of the two fully qualified IFA's. David trained as a stockbroker with Edward Jones, building his business from scratch to an impressive two hundred clients and five and a half million pounds worth of assets under management in the short space of three years. David has been providing sound financial advice for over ten years to his clients on pensions, investments and protection. He also offers a specialism in long term care and estate planning. Prior to this David had a long career in teaching. He believes that knowledge and understanding are the keys to successful investing and takes pride in the level of education he provides for his clients, to enable them to make the best possible choices. A collaborative, friendly approach from a highly qualified team of professionals [PAGE] Title: Contact us | How to find us Content: Contact Us Follow us Alexander James Financial Planning Ltd is registered in England no. 07887927. Registered Office at Innovation Centre, Highfield Drive, St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex, TN38 9UH. Alexander James Financial Planning Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority no. 605325. [PAGE] Title: Meet the Team at Alexander James Financial Planning Content: Contact Us About Alexander James Financial Planning The team at Alexander James are all highly qualified and experienced IFA's and Mortgage Brokers. Each adviser has several years experience in their field of expertise and can offer good reliable financial advice. If you click `to read more` by each adviser you will find more information. Meet the Team [PAGE] Title: Independent Mortgage Advice | Alexander James Content: Contact Us Independent Mortgage Advice We are independent whole of market mortgage advisers offering products and advice for all of your mortgage needs including residential purchases, additional borrowing, re-mortgages and buy to let purchases. We can also source second charge mortgages, complex buy to lets, bridging loans, houses in multiple occupation. We have helped clients to purchase new homes, build their dream extension, save money on their existing mortgage and even take years off of their mortgage. We can look at all options for changing interest only mortgages onto repayment options or use other arms of the firm to provide repayment vehicles. Being whole of market allows us to source a lender that fits you and your needs. Our approach is to build up a profile of you and your family with your current and future circumstances to then tailor a mortgage to fit your needs. Whilst we may well be arranging potentially the largest financial commitment in your life, it is also important that we help you look at ways in which we can protect you and your family for the future in the event of a crisis. Please find further information on the types of protection available on our Protection link. At Alexander James financial Planning we pride ourselves on our service and efficiency, we are available at your convenience via telephone, email or face to face communications and aim to take the stress out of setting up your new mortgage. Case Study [PAGE] Title: Insurance and Income Protection | Alexander James Content: Contact Us Insurance and Income Protection At Alexander James we will help you protect your family, your business and your possessions with a wide range of products. With any protection product it is important for us to understand the question of why you need protection and what you need it for. To enable us to make the correct recommendation we take the time to get to know you and your future plans. Life Insurance Mortgage protection - a decreasing term insurance. This will repay your mortgage on death and the premium paid will decrease as your mortgage reduces. Level Term Insurance - This type of life insurance is taken out for a fixed period of time (for example 10 years). Regardless of when you die in that period of time, it will pay out the sum that was insured at the beginning of the policy (for example £100,000.00). Family Income Benefit - This type of insurance will pay a regular income on death to a named person (for example your wife or children). Critical Illness Cover This insurance pays out a lump sum benefit (for example £100,000.00) on the diagnosis of one of a listed critical illness (for example heart disease, cancer, stroke). Critical illness cover can be combined with life insurance in a joint policy. This will pay out on either death or the diagnosis of a critical illness depending on which occurs first. Income Protection This insurance pays out in the event of an accident or illness preventing you from working. The insurance pays an income of up to 55% of your earnings. The policy can be claimed upon more than once should accidents or illness prevent you from working. The insurance can be job specific. This means that it will pay out if you are unable to work in your specific profession up to a given retirement age. Business Protection Many businesses take the trouble to insure their property and their assets but forget to insure the key people in the company. What would happen in your company if you, the owner or a key person in your company were taken seriously ill, had an accident or die? Could you easily replace them? Business Protection is designed to deal with this particular scenario. Health Insurance Accident Insurance - designed to pay out on a specific accident (broken bones, loss of limbs etc) and in some cases with cover for unemployment. Health Insurance - designed to provide private healthcare and pay for hospital/dental treatment. Case Study [PAGE] Title: Investment Advice | Alexander James Financial Planning Content: Service: Investments Michael came to speak to us back in 2007 wanting to invest into tax efficient investments. Over the next three years we made a number of investments maximising his ISA allowance each year. He also asked us to look at the other investments he had made and we were able to find better solutions and improve his existing portfolio. In total we had made investments and transfers to the value of £42,000.00. At the end of 2015 we reviewed Michael's portfolio and to his delight the portfolio's value stood at £92,000.00. Did You Know!? Every adult above the age of 18 has a full ISA allowance. An ISA is a tax wrapper which protects your investment from income tax and capital gains tax. This means if the investment grows in value you will not suffer capital gains tax on encashment and you will not pay income tax on any monies you draw down from the ISA. You can put up to £15,000 per annum into an ISA every year. ISA's can contain one of the following: cash, collective investments, stocks and shares, bonds and gilts. You can encash or partly encash an ISA at any time (depending on the investment). A collaborative, friendly approach from a highly qualified team of professionals [PAGE] Title: Scott Pritty - Mortgage Advisor Content: Contact Us Scott Pritty - Mortgage Broker I'm an independent whole of market mortgage advisor with 5 years experience within financial services, with extensive knowledge from retail banking and mortgage advice. I can make unbiased recommendations for residential and Buy To Let mortgages. I am also able to source commercial loans for Complex Buy To Lets, HMO's (houses with multiple occupants), bridging finance and second charges. Along with arranging mortgages I can advise on suitable protection for your home or investment ranging from income protection, life insurance and critical illness policies. I can help with your first home purchase, remortgage for further borrowing or a more competitive interest rate. I work closely with aspiring and experienced landlords to maintain competitive mortgage interest rates across their portfolio no matter the size. I pride myself with my professionalism and service standard by spending time with clients to understand individual and family circumstances along with future plans to tailor advice to fit specific needs and goals. A collaborative, friendly approach from a highly qualified team of professionals [PAGE] Title: Alexander James | Independent Financial Advice, East Sussex Content: Contact Us Financial advice without the stress Whether you want to invest some money, start a pension plan for a financially secure retirement or put some money in an ISA, you are in good hands with Alexander James. Here's why: We give uniquely personal financial advice - by taking time to get to know you, your goals and your circumstances, we can tailor our advice to your specific needs You will have a personal financial adviser who will remain dedicated to you as long as you need us. They will be there to answer your questions and to ensure that your unique needs are met. We are a directly authorised and whole of market financial planning company. In contrast to many IFA firms, we hold a licence directly with the FCA and we are completely independent. Your needs are all we care about when we give completely unbiased financial advice. Helping you plan for the future security & prosperity of your family Alexander James helped us with our new mortgage and then was able to review our protection and pensions. Alexander James came recommended. They guided me through some difficult financial decisions. Working with Small Businesses owners Before your appointment with our financial advisors: Gather any relevant paperwork such as life policies, pension policies, savings accounts etc. Think of the reasons why you want to invest your money, start a pension, take out life insurance. Come to the appointment with questions you would like to ask the financial adviser. These three simple steps will help us get to know you and your goals. A collaborative, friendly approach from a highly qualified team of finance professionals [PAGE] Title: Long Term Care and Estate Planning | Alexander James Content: Contact Us Long Term Care & Estate Planning There comes a point in everyone's life when we need to plan for what happens to our estate after we are gone or how to pay for long term care should we need it in later life. At Alexander James we have the necessary expertise to guide you through the difficult decisions you need to make. The starting point of this process is always to ensure that you have an up to date will and to nominate powers of attorney to those you can trust and who will have your best interests at heart. Should you, or a loved one, need to go into a care home we are able to advise you on the best way to fund the care home fees whilst protecting your assets. Care Annuities Care Annuities are a very tax efficient way of paying for long term care because they are paid directly to the care home and are not subject to income tax. Security - a Care Annuity will pay care home fees for you or your loved one for as long as you need care. Peace of mind - you will never need to move to a less expensive home due to running out of funds. Reduced Inheritance Tax liability - the cost of your annuity is removed from the value of the estate. If you use a Care Annuity it also enables you to plan for the smooth dispersal of the rest of the estate in the full knowledge that the care home fees are covered. Deferred care annuity - there are a growing number of providers who provide this facility. The deferment period can be anything up to five years. This can be paid for through regular payments or a lump sum. Immediate care annuity - This provides immediate cover to pay for care home fees and requires an upfront, lump sum payment. Estate Planning Use of Trusts - at Alexander James we are able to advise you on the use of a range of different trusts to enable you to plan for any Inheritance Tax liabilities. Use of Business Property Tax Relief - at Alexander James we have access to and are able to advise on a wide range of products that use Business Property Tax relief to plan for Inheritance Tax liabilities. Gifting - Alexander James are able to advise you on how to use your gifting allowance, and potentially exempt transfers as a way of planning for the dispersal of your estate. Did You Know!? Inhertance Tax Gifts and Transfers You can gift part of your estate every year to your friends and family and help to reduce your IHT liabilities. Cash Gift A maximum of £250 per year to any person A maximum of £3000 in total gifts per year A wedding gift of up to £5000 for your child or partner A wedding gift of up to £2500 for your grandchild and their partner A wedding gift of up to £1000 to anyone else Potentially Taxable Gifts If you wish to make a larger gift to a friend or a family member you can. These gifts will remain a part of your estate for seven years after the transfer. This means that if you were to die during this seven year period the gift would still be subject to IHT. However the taxation does go down on a sliding scale depending upon the time in which death occurs during that seven year period. The technical name for these gifts is a potentially exempt transfer (PET). Gifts in Trust You can also place a gift in trust so the gift fall outside of your estate. The same seven year rule applies The maximum you can place into trust is £325000 If you exceed this amount you will pay tax on excess above £32500 of the gift at 20% A collaborative, friendly approach from a highly qualified team of professionals
finance, marketing & human resources
financial services
Title: Pensions | Alexander James Financial Planning Content: Contact Us Pensions Pensions are the most tax efficient way to save for your retirement income. We help you choose the best pension plan and our pension predicting tools give you a clear picture of what your future will look like in retirement, how long your money will last and what you will need to do to meet your specific goals. Title: Meet the Team at Alexander James Financial Planning Content: Contact Us About Alexander James Financial Planning The team at Alexander James are all highly qualified and experienced IFA's and Mortgage Brokers. Title: Independent Mortgage Advice | Alexander James Content: Contact Us Independent Mortgage Advice We are independent whole of market mortgage advisers offering products and advice for all of your mortgage needs including residential purchases, additional borrowing, re-mortgages and buy to let purchases. Our approach is to build up a profile of you and your family with your current and future circumstances to then tailor a mortgage to fit your needs. Whilst we may well be arranging potentially the largest financial commitment in your life, it is also important that we help you look at ways in which we can protect you and your family for the future in the event of a crisis. Title: Insurance and Income Protection | Alexander James Content: Contact Us Insurance and Income Protection At Alexander James we will help you protect your family, your business and your possessions with a wide range of products. To enable us to make the correct recommendation we take the time to get to know you and your future plans. Life Insurance Mortgage protection - a decreasing term insurance. Level Term Insurance - This type of life insurance is taken out for a fixed period of time (for example 10 years). Income Protection This insurance pays out in the event of an accident or illness preventing you from working. Over the next three years we made a number of investments maximising his ISA allowance each year. Along with arranging mortgages I can advise on suitable protection for your home or investment ranging from income protection, life insurance and critical illness policies. Title: Alexander James | Independent Financial Advice, East Sussex Content: Contact Us Financial advice without the stress Whether you want to invest some money, start a pension plan for a financially secure retirement or put some money in an ISA, you are in good hands with Alexander James. Here's why: We give uniquely personal financial advice - by taking time to get to know you, your goals and your circumstances, we can tailor our advice to your specific needs You will have a personal financial adviser who will remain dedicated to you as long as you need us. Helping you plan for the future security & prosperity of your family Alexander James helped us with our new mortgage and then was able to review our protection and pensions. Title: Long Term Care and Estate Planning | Alexander James Content: Contact Us Long Term Care & Estate Planning There comes a point in everyone's life when we need to plan for what happens to our estate after we are gone or how to pay for long term care should we need it in later life. If you use a Care Annuity it also enables you to plan for the smooth dispersal of the rest of the estate in the full knowledge that the care home fees are covered. This means that if you were to die during this seven year period the gift would still be subject to IHT. The same seven year rule applies The maximum you can place into trust is £325000 If you exceed this amount you will pay tax on excess above £32500 of the gift at 20% A collaborative, friendly approach from a highly qualified team of professionals
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: List Verify - Email Verification and Reputation Protection Content: Login Email List Verify Velocity offers an easy-to-use system to verify your email list. Verification can keep your list in shape while protecting your reputation and help improve your email delivery. We strongly recommend any older list be verified before sending it out. Email List Verification Features Easy-to-use - upload a list and click verify to start Detects Bad Syntax emails Checks against our known hard bounces database of bad addresses. Over 100 million! DNS record verification for MX records Bad role prefixes such as admin@ abuse@ nospam@ Protects against spam bot emails by checking a known spambot list Spam Trap protection by our research and sending history Verifies if the email still exists via an SMTP connection [PAGE] Title: Pricing and Packages for Velocity Marketing Software Content: 1 Dedicated IP and Domain Included Unlimited Lists $125 per month Buy Now 500,000 1 Dedicated IP and Domain Included Recommended: 5 additional IPs 1 domain for every 2 to 3 IPS Unlimited Lists $250 per month Buy Now 1,000,000 Free Drag and Drop Message Editor 1 Dedicated IP and Domain Included Recommended: 16 additional IPs 1 domain for every 2 to 3 IPS Unlimited Lists $375 per month Buy Now 5,000,000 Free Drag and Drop Message Editor 1 Dedicated IP and Domain Included Recommended: 32 additional IPs 1 domain for every 2 to 3 IPS Unlimited Lists $900 per month Buy Now 10,000,000 Free Drag and Drop Message Editor Recommended: 64 additional IPs 1 domain for every 2 to 3 IPS 1 Dedicated IP and Domain Included Unlimited Lists [PAGE] Title: AntiSpam Policy Content: Login Anti Spam Policy : Velocity Marketing Software anti-spam policy, our service is intended b2b communications is crafted to protect our reputations and provide a good experience to our customers and the email recipients'. What is Spam? This is unsolicited email to users without the recipients' consent. What violates our Anti-Spam policy? a. Sending content that does not comply policy, this includes content that violates the CAN-SPAM law. b. Sending campaigns with anonymous email accounts, bad contact information, harvested email lists c. Inappropriate content: anything illegal, hateful, or low quality scores. What Velocity Marketing Software does do to enforce this policy? 1. Our system has a built-in CAN-SPAM compliance. 2. Block list that have bad domains and invalid addresses. 3. Track complaints from users' and recipients' excessive complaints will cause an account to be shutdown. 4. Every email sent from Velocity Marketing Software contains an unsubscribe link that allows users to opt-out on receiving any future emails. 5. Verify large lists that are uploaded into the system. 6. Include contact information from the sender in the footer of every email sent and the domain whois. 7. GDPR complaint unsubscribe system allows users to view/edit/delete their infomation. You must agree to our Anti-SPAM policies and our Terms and Conditions as a user of Velocity Marketing Software. Company Name [PAGE] Title: Get a demo of Velocity Marketing Software contact our sales team today! Content: Screenshots of some of the Velocity Email Marketing system features Contact us today to schedule a full walk-though demo of the entire system. Main Page For the Platform Latest News and Updates, Manage Additional users, Manage Billing Zoom Message Editor Our standard email message editor included in all plans. Supports emoji's, utf8 content, able to view and editor the html. Zoom Contact Lists View inside a contact list. See email status, add contacts, manage columns, filtering the data, exporting and more! Zoom Create Campaign The create A/B campaign page which allows rotating multiple subject lines, from names, messages and more! We support emoji's as well. [PAGE] Title: Political Email Marketing for Local, State and National Elections Content: Login Political Email and SMS Marketing Services We specialize in email marketing for political campaigns and groups. Whether it is for fundraising or generating exposure for your candidate. Velocity has worked with campaigns of all sizes from local government, state, Pacs, and national-level campaigns. Using the Velocity platform, you can reach voters using our extensive databases or you may provide an email/sms that we will send an email/sms campaign out to. What we can offer: Fully managed and Self-Service email campaigns. For fully managed we will provide the data, message design, and deployment of your email campaign. P2P SMS texting campaigns for donations, getting out the vote or other political messaging. Targeted data based on location, income, gender, district, political party, and other targeting options. Custom Email Message Design. We can build and design a responsive email message for your political email blast. Dedicated account managers who are all United States-based and can speak with you over the phone, chat, or email. Real-time reporting of opens, clicks, opt-outs and is CAN-SPAM compliant. We are also able to do custom requests and help in other areas such as Social Media Marketing, PPC Click Advertising and more! Time is running out! Fill out a lead form on the right side or give us a call. We have fast turn-around times and can get your campaign out the same day! Company Name [PAGE] Title: Reseller/Whitelabel Program Content: Login Reseller/Whitelabel Options Our platform is built to be resold. We offer a whitelabel branding for our platform and provide a client manager interface to manage your clients. You can have your own custom login domain name, logo and even control the colors/CSS of the system. Built in Clients tab to manage all your clients. Option to switch into a client's account and help them with campaigns. Mass management system for creating campaigns, messages, and lists over large numbers of accounts. Lease data to clients. Allow clients to use an email list but not export or view contacts. Option for resellers to split a list by x amount of records and send them to all clients. We can customize a solution to your needs as we have built the entire system ourselves! [PAGE] Title: API Integration with Velocity Marketing Software Content: Login Advanced API We offer an API that is open to all our clients which allows you to interact with our system remotely within your own applications. What we provide with our API: Multiple API keys can be created along with custom permissions Restful API Documentation for all the api calls API testing and preview area API's can return responses in either JSON, XML or CSV Code examples of the API in PHP Custom APIs can be developed if needed Webhooks for clicks, opens and unsubscribes available. SMTP API available to send emails and IMAP to receive email replies Using Premium Webhooks you can connect our API to Zapier to access thousands of other applications [PAGE] Title: Managed Email Marketing and Full Service Email Campaigns Content: Velocity Marketing Software is an industry leader in managed email campaigns. Here is a portion of what we can do for managed email marketing campaigns: Message design and creation Targeted consumer and business data to reach your audience. Landing page design and development Campaign Broadcasting/Scheduling Real-time reporting for all managed campaigns. Including opens, clicks, unsubscribes and replies Create whitelabeled reports to give to your clients Have a specific need? Contact us for a customized experience [PAGE] Title: List Management - Manage your Email Lists Content: Login List Management Velocity offers the ultimate solution in list management. These features just scratch the surface of what Velocity's email list management system can do for your email marketing needs. Here are some of Velocity's email list management features: No limit on the number of lists. We will bill based on email sends not on uploaded contacts! Upload lists in .txt, .csv formats or Upload with a zip file and a combination of formats Lists can be merged, imported and exported via the browser or ftp Up to 100 custom fields in each list Organize lists with folders No limit on the number of lists in the system Suppression list supported either by email, domain or MD5 Save complex searches based on custom columns in your list List Stats give a breakdown of your entire email list Export options to export to a new list, zip file, to a ftp location or CSV download Built-in datafeed option for sharing email lists Ability to search each list in the account for a specific email address [PAGE] Title: Career Opportunities Content: Careers: Career Opportunities We are Hiring. Velocity Marketing Software is currently looking for dedicated and gifted individuals to expand and refine our company's vision. Whether you have years of experience in marketing or are simply looking for an entry level position, there may be a place for you within our company. Velocity Marketing Software is located outside of Chicago and the open positions will be at our office. Here are some of the current positions we are hiring for: • Sales/Account Manager - Multiple openings! For more information, contact [email protected] Please include a resume and any other information/portfolio. Features [PAGE] Title: Contact Velocity Marketing Software to request a quote and more information about our services Content: How did you find us? Send message Velocity Marketing Software Email Experts Over 20 years of history with cold email marketing. Call Us 800-351-6893 We are located outside of Chicago in the suburb of Lombard, IL USA. Main Service Offerings [PAGE] Title: Velocity Marketing Software Site Map Content: [PAGE] Title: Newsletter and email templates with Velocity Content: Login Email Message and Newsletter Templates Velocity Marketing Software has many email templates that are free to use for use in our system or you can contact us to design a custom email template for your business. We offer a library of responsive templates built into the system Create your own email template from scratch using either our standard editor or upgrade to our drag and drop editor. Integrated Unsplash and Giphy to provide custom graphics for your email messages. We also offer email message design services [PAGE] Title: Velocity Email Marketing Service - Web based email marketing platform Content: Login Email Marketing Software Velocity offers a cloud based email marketing software with an easy-to-use system. You will have complete control of your email marketing campaign. From uploading your lists to designing the message and picking when to launch your campaign. Features: Easy-to-use three core steps. Select list, select your message, then schedule your campaign Full reporting for clicks, opens, replies, unsubscribes, and email status Campaign scheduling system gives full control of when to send your email campaign Impressive list management features not found in other email software. Handles very large lists over 10 million records. Custom data fields in each list over 100, merging, MD5 suppression lists and much more Templates and easy message editor to create HTML and Text based email messages. Drag and Drop Editor as an option as well! Reputation Monitoring for IP/Domain Smart Delivery to each individual ISP A/B Campaign testing up to 250 variations can be tested at one time Supports multiple ip's/domains/and sending servers CAN Spam compliance with our email footer and unsubscribe technology. GDPR complaint unsubscribe system which gives recipients the options to view/modify/delete their data. All major email authentication technologies support DKIM, SPF, DMARC, rDNS, TLS Encryption Dedicated IP addresses and domains lets you control your sending reputation. Option to bring in your own domains or your Windows Server with ip's to send off of. Email warmup system to warmup domains and ip addresses for mailing with a rampup system. List-Unsubscribe Header and oneClick unsubscribe support to help reduce complaints and compliance. New features and updates being added all the time! And much more! [PAGE] Title: Email Marketing Services with Velocity Marketing Software - Bulk Email Software Content: More Details... Political Email and SMS Marketing Services Whether it is for fundraising or generating exposure for your candidate. Velocity has worked with campaigns of all sizes from local government, state, Pacs, and national-level campaigns. Velocity Marketing Software can take care of all email marketing needs View more of our services Email Editor Messages: Using our system you can build and design your own email message. We offer unlimited image hosting for all our accounts which you can use to store the images for your email newsletters. Velocity supports both HTML and text based email messages. Built in web browser and major email provider preview service allows you to see how your email message will appear to those email providers/browsers. Need a custom design? We can also create your own newsletter design if needed as well! List Management: Velocity offers the ultimate solution in list management. Lists can be uploaded in .txt, .csv or a zip file with a combination of the other formats. Lists can be merged, imported and exported via the browser or ftp. Up to 240 fields in each list and the option to merge multiple lists together Organize lists with folders. No limits on the number of lists in the system. These features just scratch the surface of what Velocity's email list management system can do for your email marketing needs. Email Templates: With over 100+ email templates built into Velocity there is a template for your email marketing needs. We also offer an email message design service to create your own email template for your email marketing campaigns. Advanced API: We offer an API that is open to all our clients which allows you to interact with our system remotely with your own applications. In our system we provide documentation, support, examples of using our API interface. With the API you can do almost anything that you can normally do with our main platform. Email Marketing Software: Velocity offers a web based email marketing program that allows you to schedule your own campaigns to your list. We specialize in high volume email sending and offer the best features in the email marketing industry. Managed Email Campaigns: Let us manage your email marketing campaigns. We can do the entire process including message design, landing pages, and email broadcasting. We offer full real time reporting for all our managed campaigns. Features [PAGE] Title: Testimonials for Velocity Marketing Software Content: Testimonials Tom W. "I have to tell you that your system has worked so well and so fast for us that we were able to catch up on the backlog we had with the one server. You guys are head and shoulders above what we have experienced in the past with other companies and I thank you for that." Jim G. "Your tech support and response has been great! They have fixed a lot of issues that I had right away, answered my questions, and responded in a very timely manner to my (many!) support requests. I left another email marketing service because of their lousy support and lack of caring to my issues." Bobby F. "I have been tremendously impressed with your support and dev team. They have been adding stuff so fast I am blown away. I spent 18 months on another platform without a single feature added. This is an amazing breath of fresh air and as soon as my course launches I am going to pimp your service hard!" Jeff R. "Your software has totally and completely impressed me!!! The company's account managers have been so great with all the services and was on top of things." Jordan B. "You guys are freaking AMAZING! Retry queue is awesome!" Barbara "I LOVE your Service!!! Only a small learning curve then VERY User Friendly! Setting up & Sending Mailings is Super Easy. Tracking is Great!! Can you tell I'm quite sold!!" Zach R. "We really enjoy the system. There are so many features I am amazed I have not seen other places. Something as simple as splitting list…ingenious yet never seen it on any other ESP." Ben T. "Had the opportunity to utilize the services of Velocity on numerous occasions. In the past I have worked with my different vendors and we could not quite find exactly what were looking for. Colin at velocity changed all of that. His professional approach, knowledgeable insights, and timely responses are irreplaceable. I would definitely recommend Velocity to any professional who is looking for superior work with a fair price" Features [PAGE] Title: Email Message - Build and Design your email message with Velocity Content: Login Email Messages Using the Velocity email system you can build and design your own email message using our built-in editor. You are in complete control of your messages, and we are here to help using our support ticket system. Here are some of our customizable options: Supports HTML and text based email messages Unlimited Image Hosting (store images for your email newsletters) Preview system to view your message either in the browser or via email Spam check system using SpamAssassin to see if your message is likely to end up in spam or not Option to upload html messages, images, or a zip file containing images and the html file Need a little help? Let us design your email message for your account [PAGE] Title: Login to Velocity Marketing Software Content: Login to Velocity Marketing Software Username [PAGE] Title: Velocity Marketing Software - Platform Features Content: Reseller/whitelabel options using the Velocity Marketing Platform, create a new revenue stream. Detailed Features: Create opener and clickers lists or bad addresses with one click Lease business or consumer data from our trusted list vendors Resellers can also give clients leased lists or lists that are locked and can't be modified or downloaded Clean lists of spam traps, screamers and hard bounces against our do not mail file Upload an unlimited number of lists into the system Formats include .txt, .csv, .xls, .xlsx and (.zip containing multiple files of other file types) Merge multiple lists together or segment and create new smaller lists Global List Stats allows you to see quick stats on all your data Create folders to organize your lists into groups Search all lists for a specific email address and identify what lists contain the email address Share lists with third parties via a secure password protected link and limit the number of downloads Filter the data by different status codes and either drop that data or export it Search inside a list by any column for specific data or data ranges, zip codes as an example Export data by selecting a specific range of email id's or columns and choose your format Unsubscribe system to unsubscribe a single address, multiple addresses or a single domain Automatically block email address that have unsubscribed from a campaign or feedback loop Email suppression lists supported including MD5 suppression lists Optin Form Builder build your own capture forms with an easy drag and drop interface that can be placed on your own website to build your own optin email list Messages Over 100 free message templates are available with the ability to easily edit with our standard message editor Drag and Drop message editor premium upgrade offered HTML and Text based emails supported Image hosting with no limits on number of images uploaded into the system Bulk Upload image system to import many images at one time from a folder Check your message and subject line spam score against spam assassin for better delivery Built in system to check for broken images or links that do not exist Personalize message and/or subject line with any column inside an email list Landing pages can be created to display data or capture data with our form builder System Settings Able to use our IP's, your own IP's or a third party IP's with a vps/server that supports Windows 2012, 2016, 2019 64bit servers We register domains for use with the system and take care of server setups We support SPF, DKIM, senderid, DMARC, TLS email authentication technologies All accounts are CAN SPAM compliant, containing a physical mailing address and unsubscribe link Option to customize the footer of messages sent out on a per campaign basis Disable role suppression such as sales@, support@ and other common prefixes Settings for enabling the listunsubscribe header in emails sent Settings for asking the for feedback on unsubscribe request Domains have the option to either forward replies, capture replies, and setup a redirection URL Conversion tracking pixels and links allow you to track conversions and revenue from campaigns System checks to make sure rDNS is setup, servers are online, and tracking is working Self-healing system that checks if a server is down or rDNS is missing will then resume campaigns automatically once the issue is fixed Setup domain connections based on domain name or domain name groups Partner with Velocity and become a Reseller! Entire System can be co-branded or whitelabled and resold to create a new revenue stream Generic domains and option to use custom domains for system login and/or signup forms Built in Clients tab to manage all your clients or employees Option to switch into a client's account and help them with campaigns Mass management system for creating campaigns, messages, and lists over large numbers of accounts Option for resellers to split a list by x amount of records and send them to all clients Zapier support via Webhooks Connect to over 2000+ apps via Zapier using webhooks Automatically add to a list, unsubscribe list or add a lead in the CRM Campaigns Built in campaign scheduling, choose a date/time to send your campaign Message and/or subject line personalization available Randomize campaigns by rotating subject lines, messages, from names and from addresses Easily enter subject line, from name, from address, and sending profile (IP/Domain combination) IP's can be rotated either using a rotation group or option to rotate all IP's on a server Create campaigns to more than one list by holding the control key and selecting multiple lists Multiple suppression lists can be used at one time when creating a campaign in the same fashion Select a custom footer/physical mailing address on a campaign level Use stored IP groups, subject lines, from names and from addresses to save time Repeat campaigns with our recurring campaigns feature Record bounce reason for failed addresses Control how fast your campaign will go out to increase delivery Settings to move openers/clickers into a specified list from a campaign Including a link in your message to view the email in a browser "View as a webpage" Campaign Status area to view the status of pending and running campaigns Pause and resume campaigns while they are sending Reporting Accounts can be purchased to give your client their own private login to specified campaigns (this is great for resellers because you can now let your clients view their campaign in real time) Private reporting URL can be given out for any specific campaign via secure link Reporting Real time reporting for all campaigns within the system Track all opens, clicks, replies, optouts, conversions and feedback loop reports Graphs for open/clicks history based on days/hour to track performance Option to view the raw data Export all campaign reports to a .csv file. Opens/clicks are updated within the list along with IP address and date/time of when it occurred Click history will show which user clicked which link and export that information to a csv file If recording bounce reason the list is also updated with that information Preferences to control what information is shown by default on the campaign reports page Identify email addresses that have clicked or opened your message along with date, IP address, and country of origin based on the IP Reputation/Suppression Global suppression of known complainers, bots, spamtraps are applied to uploaded lists Role suppression to handle common prefixes which can lead to complaints such as abuse@ spam@ Domain suppression for spamtrap domains User level suppression for emails that send in complaints Global Suppressed Bounce system to store and block every single invalid address (we maintain this across all accounts to help improve your reputation) Feedback Loops are supported (we support the major FBL's and provide links on how to set them up. Emails that are reported via FBL are autoplaced into the unsubscribe list by default) Data Finder Search for either consumer or business data from our trusted list vendors Consumer data can be leased or sold Consumer data we can do targeting based on geographic, gender and keywords Business data can be leased ONLY Business data can be targeted based on geographic, industry, sic codes, revenue size, employee size, job title, company name, gender, and keywords API Built in API to access all the reporting information inside the account Custom API's can be built upon request Support 24/7 access to support and online help using the built-in support ticket system FAQ guide for common issues and questions for the system Help Videos that show the user step by step on how to do certain tasks in the system Email Messages: Using our system you can build and design your own email message. We offer unlimited image hosting for all our accounts which you can use to store the images for your email newsletters. Velocity supports both HTML and text based email messages. Built in web browser/and major email provider preview service allows you to see how your email message will appear to those email providers/browsers. Need a custom design? We can also create your own newsletter design if needed as well! List Management: Velocity offers the ultimate solution in list management. Lists can be uploaded in .txt, .csv, .xls, .xlsx formats or a zip file with a combination of the other formats. Lists can be merged, imported and exported via the browser or ftp. Up to 250 fields in each list and the option to merge multiple lists together Organize lists with folders. No limits on the number of lists in the system. These features just scratch the surface of what Velocity's email list management system can do for your email marketing needs. Newsletter Templates: With over 100+ email templates built into Velocity there is a template for your email marketing needs. We also have offer an email message design service to create your own email template for your email marketing campaigns. Advanced API: We offer an API that is open to all our clients which allows you to interact with our system remotely with your own applications. In our system we provide documentation, support, examples of using our API interface. With the API you can do almost anything that you can normally do with our main platform. Online Support: Online web based support system which you can enter in support tickets and have our support engineers provide support. Built in FAQ and video tutorials to help you learn how to use the software. We also have very knowledgable support account managers to answer questions that you may have. Reseller White Label: Our platform is built to be resold. We offer a whitelabel branding for our platform and provide a client manager interface to manage your clients Email List Verify: Our platform is built to be resold. We offer a whitelabel branding for our platform and provide a client manager interface to manage your clients Features [PAGE] Title: Velocity Marketing - Services Email Marketing, Managed Email Campaigns, Email Verification Content: Whether it is for fundraising or generating exposure for your candidate. Velocity has worked with campaigns of all sizes from local government, state, Pacs, and national-level campaigns. Email Marketing Software: Velocity offers a web based email marketing program that allows you to schedule your own campaigns to your list. We specialize in high volume email sending and offer the best features in the email marketing industry. Managed Email Campaigns: Let us manage your email marketing campaigns. We can do the entire process including message design, landing pages, and email broadcasting. We offer full real time reporting for all our managed campaigns. Features [PAGE] Title: Velocity Marketing Software | Email Marketing Software BlogVelocity Marketing Software | Email Marketing Software Blog Content: 2023 Year Recap and Updates Posted on December 27, 2023 by admin | Comments Off on 2023 Year Recap and Updates 2023 gave us some new features. We rolled our AI Writer to all accounts. Launched P2P SMS for political campaigns and a ton of improvements to our email campaign system. December 10, 2023, For the SMTP API added List-Unsubscribe header to outgoing emails. We also focused on improving some edge cases for reply capturing and unsubscribes. November 18, 2023, Improvements made to SMTP/Trigger Logs area. Added more filtering options to breakdown by email/send status. New Sending Profile Information on the stats page gives a breakdown of emails sent per profile such as domain, IP, opens and clicks. Improved handling of large exports of data. September 28, 2023, Domain renewals and purchases fees are now $17 a year for a domain. Due to Verisign increasing the fees for .com and .net last several years and they will continue in 2024. September 25, 2023, Warmup emails should no longer be forwarded if you have email forwarding enabled. This will reduce unwanted emails. June 28, 2023, API list page put the description of each API on the index page. For email replies captured we now detect the words remove/retired as unsubscribes. May 26, 2023, AI Writer added to all accounts. Each account comes with free 20 credits for testing the different AI tools. Features option to do bulk jobs using csv files. April 15, 2023, On the create/edit campaign page there is now an indicator called “Camps” on profile select of how many current campaigns under campaign status are using that profile, this includes any of the profile rotation features. April 3, 2023, New email status code called “Domain Risky No A Record” we now check if domain has a DNS A record for the domain part of the email. We also check if a www. record if neither exists the email is marked “Domain Risky No A Record”. Based on our research the vast majority of spamtraps do not have any DNS a record setup for the domain. These are treated as a hard bounce once detected during sending. March 9, 2023, For the drag editor editor we have now tied the image hosting section into the editor. When changing an image you can select the image hosting folder button and will display all the images from the image hosting section. [PAGE] Title: Velocity Marketing Software - Platform Features Content: "How can I improve my open rates?" Something as simple as a subject line can make all the difference. With our system, you can perform an A/B campaign to test out different subject lines. Our system will then report to you the opens for certain subject lines used. Make sure to keep your message clean and simple. Don't use keywords that will trigger spam filters. You can also check your messages for spam triggers through our system before you send your message out. Make sure you IP and domain warmup strategies and build to your send volume "What format does my list have to be in?" Our system accepts either .csv (comma separated values) files, .txt, .xls, zip files containing (.txt, .csv, .xls) files up to 90mb. For format, the list needs to be one email per line. If you have multiple columns, there has to be a column called "email" in order for our system to pick it up. Features
finance, marketing & human resources
marketing and advertising
What is Spam? a. Title: Managed Email Marketing and Full Service Email Campaigns Content: Velocity Marketing Software is an industry leader in managed email campaigns. Upload lists in .txt, .csv formats or Upload with a zip file and a combination of formats Lists can be merged, imported and exported via the browser or ftp Up to 100 custom fields in each list Organize lists with folders No limit on the number of lists in the system Suppression list supported either by email, domain or MD5 Save complex searches based on custom columns in your list List Stats give a breakdown of your entire email list Export options to export to a new list, zip file, to a ftp location or CSV download Built-in datafeed option for sharing email lists Ability to search each list in the account for a specific email address Title: Newsletter and email templates with Velocity Content: Login Email Message and Newsletter Templates Velocity Marketing Software has many email templates that are free to use for use in our system or you can contact us to design a custom email template for your business. Title: Velocity Email Marketing Service - Web based email marketing platform Content: Login Email Marketing Software Velocity offers a cloud based email marketing software with an easy-to-use system. Select list, select your message, then schedule your campaign Full reporting for clicks, opens, replies, unsubscribes, and email status Campaign scheduling system gives full control of when to send your email campaign Impressive list management features not found in other email software. Custom data fields in each list over 100, merging, MD5 suppression lists and much more Templates and easy message editor to create HTML and Text based email messages. Velocity Marketing Software can take care of all email marketing needs View more of our services Email Editor Messages: Using our system you can build and design your own email message. We also offer an email message design service to create your own email template for your email marketing campaigns. Email Marketing Software: Velocity offers a web based email marketing program that allows you to schedule your own campaigns to your list. Title: Testimonials for Velocity Marketing Software Content: Testimonials Tom W. "I have to tell you that your system has worked so well and so fast for us that we were able to catch up on the backlog we had with the one server. Title: Email Message - Build and Design your email message with Velocity Content: Login Email Messages Using the Velocity email system you can build and design your own email message using our built-in editor. Here are some of our customizable options: Supports HTML and text based email messages Unlimited Image Hosting (store images for your email newsletters) Preview system to view your message either in the browser or via email Spam check system using SpamAssassin to see if your message is likely to end up in spam or not Option to upload html messages, images, or a zip file containing images and the html file Need a little help? Detailed Features: Create opener and clickers lists or bad addresses with one click Lease business or consumer data from our trusted list vendors Resellers can also give clients leased lists or lists that are locked and can't be modified or downloaded Clean lists of spam traps, screamers and hard bounces against our do not mail file Upload an unlimited number of lists into the system Formats include .txt, .csv, .xls, .xlsx and (.zip containing multiple files of other file types) Merge multiple lists together or segment and create new smaller lists Global List Stats allows you to see quick stats on all your data Create folders to organize your lists into groups Search all lists for a specific email address and identify what lists contain the email address Share lists with third parties via a secure password protected link and limit the number of downloads Filter the data by different status codes and either drop that data or export it Search inside a list by any column for specific data or data ranges, zip codes as an example Export data by selecting a specific range of email id's or columns and choose your format Unsubscribe system to unsubscribe a single address, multiple addresses or a single domain Automatically block email address that have unsubscribed from a campaign or feedback loop Email suppression lists supported including MD5 suppression lists Optin Form Builder build your own capture forms with an easy drag and drop interface that can be placed on your own website to build your own optin email list Messages Over 100 free message templates are available with the ability to easily edit with our standard message editor Drag and Drop message editor premium upgrade offered HTML and Text based emails supported Image hosting with no limits on number of images uploaded into the system Bulk Upload image system to import many images at one time from a folder Check your message and subject line spam score against spam assassin for better delivery Built in system to check for broken images or links that do not exist Personalize message and/or subject line with any column inside an email list Landing pages can be created to display data or capture data with our form builder System Settings Able to use our IP's, your own IP's or a third party IP's with a vps/server that supports Windows 2012, 2016, 2019 64bit servers We register domains for use with the system and take care of server setups We support SPF, DKIM, senderid, DMARC, TLS email authentication technologies All accounts are CAN SPAM compliant, containing a physical mailing address and unsubscribe link Option to customize the footer of messages sent out on a per campaign basis Disable role suppression such as sales@, support@ and other common prefixes Settings for enabling the listunsubscribe header in emails sent Settings for asking the for feedback on unsubscribe request Domains have the option to either forward replies, capture replies, and setup a redirection URL Conversion tracking pixels and links allow you to track conversions and revenue from campaigns System checks to make sure rDNS is setup, servers are online, and tracking is working Self-healing system that checks if a server is down or rDNS is missing will then resume campaigns automatically once the issue is fixed Setup domain connections based on domain name or domain name groups Partner with Velocity and become a Reseller! Entire System can be co-branded or whitelabled and resold to create a new revenue stream Generic domains and option to use custom domains for system login and/or signup forms Built in Clients tab to manage all your clients or employees Option to switch into a client's account and help them with campaigns Mass management system for creating campaigns, messages, and lists over large numbers of accounts Option for resellers to split a list by x amount of records and send them to all clients Zapier support via Webhooks Connect to over 2000+ apps via Zapier using webhooks Automatically add to a list, unsubscribe list or add a lead in the CRM Campaigns Built in campaign scheduling, choose a date/time to send your campaign Message and/or subject line personalization available Randomize campaigns by rotating subject lines, messages, from names and from addresses Easily enter subject line, from name, from address, and sending profile (IP/Domain combination) IP's can be rotated either using a rotation group or option to rotate all IP's on a server Create campaigns to more than one list by holding the control key and selecting multiple lists Multiple suppression lists can be used at one time when creating a campaign in the same fashion Select a custom footer/physical mailing address on a campaign level Use stored IP groups, subject lines, from names and from addresses to save time Repeat campaigns with our recurring campaigns feature Record bounce reason for failed addresses Control how fast your campaign will go out to increase delivery Settings to move openers/clickers into a specified list from a campaign Including a link in your message to view the email in a browser "View as a webpage" Campaign Status area to view the status of pending and running campaigns Pause and resume campaigns while they are sending Reporting Accounts can be purchased to give your client their own private login to specified campaigns (this is great for resellers because you can now let your clients view their campaign in real time) Private reporting URL can be given out for any specific campaign via secure link Reporting Real time reporting for all campaigns within the system Track all opens, clicks, replies, optouts, conversions and feedback loop reports Graphs for open/clicks history based on days/hour to track performance Option to view the raw data Export all campaign reports to a .csv file. Opens/clicks are updated within the list along with IP address and date/time of when it occurred Click history will show which user clicked which link and export that information to a csv file If recording bounce reason the list is also updated with that information Preferences to control what information is shown by default on the campaign reports page Identify email addresses that have clicked or opened your message along with date, IP address, and country of origin based on the IP Reputation/Suppression Global suppression of known complainers, bots, spamtraps are applied to uploaded lists Role suppression to handle common prefixes which can lead to complaints such as abuse@ spam@ Domain suppression for spamtrap domains User level suppression for emails that send in complaints Global Suppressed Bounce system to store and block every single invalid address (we maintain this across all accounts to help improve your reputation) Feedback Loops are supported (we support the major FBL's and provide links on how to set them up. Built in API to access all the reporting information inside the account Custom API's can be built upon request Support 24/7 access to support and online help using the built-in support ticket system FAQ guide for common issues and questions for the system Help Videos that show the user step by step on how to do certain tasks in the system Email Messages: Using our system you can build and design your own email message. We also have offer an email message design service to create your own email template for your email marketing campaigns. Email Marketing Software: Velocity offers a web based email marketing program that allows you to schedule your own campaigns to your list.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: News – LUXENDARY Content: Luxendary Chrome Series V2 Recall. September 27, 2018 Dear friends,   This post is to inform you that we are voluntarily recalling the Luxendary Chrome Series V2 phone cases sold between September 21st, 2018 and September 16th, 2018. This recall... Luxendary Chrome Series V2 Recall. September 27, 2018 Dear friends,   This post is to inform you that we are voluntarily recalling the Luxendary Chrome Series V2 phone cases sold between September 21st, 2018 and September 16th, 2018. This recall... [PAGE] Title: Contact Us – LUXENDARY Content: Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Opens in a new window. [PAGE] Title: Warranty – LUXENDARY Content: Warranty Luxendary Warranty: Peace of Mind in Every Purchase When you choose Luxendary, you're not just acquiring an item—you're embracing a lifestyle of luxury and individuality. Made with love in Miami, Florida, each of our products is a canvas for your expression. We are so confident you'll adore your unique piece that we offer a reassuring one-year warranty. Coverage Period Your Luxendary masterpiece is covered by a one-year limited warranty, effective from your original date of purchase. Make sure to keep your proof of purchase handy. What's Protected? We cover defects in materials and workmanship, ensuring your product stays as exquisite as the day you received it. And yes, regular wear and tear is on us! Claiming Your Warranty Have an issue? No need to fret. Simply email our caring customer support team at [email protected] , and we'll guide you smoothly through the process. Exclusions and Fees While we do cover everyday wear and tear, misuse of the product isn't included in the warranty. Customers handle return fees, and a nominal $9.99 shipping & handling charge will be applied to all exchanged or replaced items (19.99 for Canada). Let's Make It Right If you ever find yourself less than completely satisfied, or if you have any queries regarding your Luxendary experience, we're only an email away. Our goal is to ensure you are thrilled with your purchase, from day one and always. Got the Replacement Auth. code? [PAGE] Title: Partners – LUXENDARY Content: Continue shopping Partners Please feel free to contact us with all business questions (wholesale, collaboration, licencing, etc) via email at [email protected] . --- [PAGE] Title: About Us – LUXENDARY Content: We're more than a brand. We're your canvas for self-expression. A Canvas for Your Individuality. Why fit in? Our products let you be you, whether it's through an NFT or a personal statement. Artistry in Your Hands. Craftsmanship meets creativity. Our items are more than useful; they're custom art pieces. Experience Over Material. We offer exclusivity, not just products. You're not buying an item; you're investing in yourself. Beyond Functionality. We blend luxury and ease. Our tech-savvy products prioritize both design and function. Elevate the Everyday. Turn the mundane magnificent. We make everyday items feel exclusive. Artist Collabs [PAGE] Title: Design Studio | iPhone 15 Series – LUXENDARY Content: iPhone 15 ProVariant sold out or unavailable iPhone 15 Pro MaxVariant sold out or unavailable iPhone 15Variant sold out or unavailable iPhone 15 PlusVariant sold out or unavailable Design Like Da Vinci: Use our AI image generation tool to craft Your Masterpiece. Hand-Drawn Vibes: Textured printed design for an artisanal touch. Sleek & Vibrant: Maintains your iPhone 15 Series' natural look and feel. MagSafe Magic: Seamless magnetic attachment and fast wireless charging. Click the "Customize" button below and unleash your inner Van Gogh! Regular price $ 19.50 [PAGE] Title: Legendary Luxury – LUXENDARY Content: Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Opens in a new window. [PAGE] Title: Collections – LUXENDARY Content: Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Opens in a new window. [PAGE] Title: FAQ – LUXENDARY Content: FAQ Why Choose Luxendary? We don't just offer products; we offer canvases for your self-expression. Fashion, personality, and style converge into something extraordinary in your hands. Crafted with care in Miami, Florida, every Luxendary product is a luxury item that allows you to unleash your creativity. What's Included in Your Purchase? Each package includes your customized Luxendary product, beautifully presented in a picture-frame-style packaging, complete with a one-year warranty. Which Models Do We Cater To? Our products aren't just for specific phone models anymore. We've expanded our line to include other lifestyle items, all customizable to your taste. How Big Are These Canvases for Self-Expression? Dimensions vary across products, but rest assured that each item is crafted to feel just right in your hands. What Makes Luxendary Unique? Unlimited Choices Thanks to You: With our revolutionary customization tool featuring AI image generation, you're the designer. Create an unlimited number of cool designs that are uniquely you. Are Our Products Eco-Friendly? Yes, we prioritize sustainability without compromising on luxury. Warranty and Support All Luxendary products come with a one-year warranty. For more details, visit our warranty page on . Other Question? [PAGE] Title: Media Room – LUXENDARY Content: Luxendary x Luxury Experience & Co Took Flight ... July 12, 2019 AutoConcierge Set the Stage to Create the Top Pre-ESPY's Experience with The Who's Who in the Sports and Entertainment World NEWS PROVIDED BY Luxury Experience & Co  Jul 12, 2019,... Luxendary x Luxury Experience & Co Took Flight ... July 12, 2019 AutoConcierge Set the Stage to Create the Top Pre-ESPY's Experience with The Who's Who in the Sports and Entertainment World NEWS PROVIDED BY Luxury Experience & Co  Jul 12, 2019,... Luxendary x Luxury Experience &amp; Co Announce... July 8, 2019 AutoConcierge Sets the Stage to Create the Top Pre-ESPY's Experience with The Who's Who in the Sports World and Entertainment Industry NEWS PROVIDED BY Luxury Experience & Co  Jul 08,... Luxendary x Luxury Experience &amp; Co Announce... July 8, 2019 AutoConcierge Sets the Stage to Create the Top Pre-ESPY's Experience with The Who's Who in the Sports World and Entertainment Industry NEWS PROVIDED BY Luxury Experience & Co  Jul 08,... Luxendary x Luxury Experience & Co Celebrated t... April 18, 2019 2019 West Elm Estate Set the Stage for the Top Desert Celebrity & Influencer Experience NEWS PROVIDED BY Luxury Experience & Co  Apr 18, 2019, 08:41 ET  WOODLAND HILLS, Calif., April... Luxendary x Luxury Experience & Co Celebrated t... April 18, 2019 2019 West Elm Estate Set the Stage for the Top Desert Celebrity & Influencer Experience NEWS PROVIDED BY Luxury Experience & Co  Apr 18, 2019, 08:41 ET  WOODLAND HILLS, Calif., April... Luxendary x Luxury Experience & Co Announces Th... April 9, 2019 2019 West Elm House Sets The Stage To Create the Top Desert Celebrity & Influencer Experience   NEWS PROVIDED BY Luxury Experience & Co  Apr 09, 2019, 08:43 ET  WOODLAND... Luxendary x Luxury Experience & Co Announces Th... April 9, 2019 2019 West Elm House Sets The Stage To Create the Top Desert Celebrity & Influencer Experience   NEWS PROVIDED BY Luxury Experience & Co  Apr 09, 2019, 08:43 ET  WOODLAND... [PAGE] Title: Ambassador – LUXENDARY Content: - Are you popular on the Internet? - Do a lot of people compliment and admire Your Style? - Would you like to receive Free Luxendary products to review and share on Your Platform? If you answered YES to any of these questions, then we'd like to speak with you about our Luxendary Ambassador opportunity! To submit your application or find out more, please send us an email to [email protected] with detailed information about You (Name, Country/City) and Your Platform (social media channel, number of followers/subscribers, main demographic, etc). Our team will carefully review your application and get back to you with the decision/further steps. Stay Awesome and Good Luck!
consumer & supply chain
consumer goods
Content: Luxendary Chrome Series V2 Recall. Title: Warranty Content: Warranty Luxendary Warranty: Peace of Mind in Every Purchase When you choose Luxendary, you're not just acquiring an item—you're embracing a lifestyle of luxury and individuality. We are so confident you'll adore your unique piece that we offer a reassuring one-year warranty. And yes, regular wear and tear is on us! Exclusions and Fees While we do cover everyday wear and tear, misuse of the product isn't included in the warranty. Our goal is to ensure you are thrilled with your purchase, from day one and always. Title: About Us We make everyday items feel exclusive. Title: Design Studio | iPhone 15 Series Title: Legendary Luxury We don't just offer products; we offer canvases for your self-expression. Crafted with care in Miami, Florida, every Luxendary product is a luxury item that allows you to unleash your creativity. What's Included in Your Purchase? We've expanded our line to include other lifestyle items, all customizable to your taste. Are Our Products Eco-Friendly? For more details, visit our warranty page on . Content: Luxendary x Luxury Experience & Co Took Flight ... July 12, 2019 AutoConcierge Set the Stage to Create the Top Pre-ESPY's Experience with The Who's Who in the Sports and Entertainment World NEWS PROVIDED BY Luxury Experience & Co  Jul 12, 2019,... Luxendary x Luxury Experience & Co Took Flight ... July 12, 2019 AutoConcierge Set the Stage to Create the Top Pre-ESPY's Experience with The Who's Who in the Sports and Entertainment World NEWS PROVIDED BY Luxury Experience & Co  Jul 12, 2019,... Luxendary x Luxury Experience &amp; Co Announce... July 8, 2019 AutoConcierge Sets the Stage to Create the Top Pre-ESPY's Experience with The Who's Who in the Sports World and Entertainment Industry NEWS PROVIDED BY Luxury Experience & Co  Jul 08,... Luxendary x Luxury Experience &amp; Co Announce... July 8, 2019 AutoConcierge Sets the Stage to Create the Top Pre-ESPY's Experience with The Who's Who in the Sports World and Entertainment Industry NEWS PROVIDED BY Luxury Experience & Co  Jul 08,... Luxendary x Luxury Experience & Co Celebrated t... April 18, 2019 2019 West Elm Estate Set the Stage for the Top Desert Celebrity & Influencer Experience NEWS PROVIDED BY Luxury Experience & Co  Apr 18, 2019, 08:41 ET  WOODLAND HILLS, Calif., April... Luxendary x Luxury Experience & Co Celebrated t... April 18, 2019 2019 West Elm Estate Set the Stage for the Top Desert Celebrity & Influencer Experience NEWS PROVIDED BY Luxury Experience & Co  Apr 18, 2019, 08:41 ET  WOODLAND HILLS, Calif., April... Luxendary x Luxury Experience & Co Announces Th... April 9, 2019 2019 West Elm House Sets The Stage To Create the Top Desert Celebrity & Influencer Experience   NEWS PROVIDED BY Luxury Experience & Co  Apr 09, 2019, 08:43 ET  WOODLAND... Luxendary x Luxury Experience & Co Announces Th... April 9, 2019 2019 West Elm House Sets The Stage To Create the Top Desert Celebrity & Influencer Experience   NEWS PROVIDED BY Luxury Experience & Co  Apr 09, 2019, 08:43 ET  WOODLAND... If you answered YES to any of these questions, then we'd like to speak with you about our Luxendary Ambassador opportunity! To submit your application or find out more, please send us an email to [email protected] with detailed information about You (Name, Country/City) and Your Platform (social media channel, number of followers/subscribers, main demographic, etc).
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Coolsan Australia - Home Content: Read Case Study Providing value you can measure “Whilst using ChillSafe we experienced a reduction in deposited moulds, yeasts and bacteria (settle plate test method) in our cold rooms and this has been reflected in an increased shelf-life on our manufactured products.” “Last season, ChillSafe saved us 5% on fruit storage – waste was reduced from about 8% to 3%. On 1000 bins, that’s the equivalent of saving around 20-25 tonnes of fruit! And ChillSafe is safe, easy to use and odourless.” A powerful supply chain partner Billions of dollars are spent annually on ensuring food safety, reducing risk and extending shelf-life To combat these costs and improve commercial outcomes, we developed ChillSafe® ChillSafe is a HACCP and Organic Australia certified air treatment product, supplied in sachet format, that generates hydrogen peroxide vapour (HPV) 24/7 for better hygiene and less spoilage throughout the entire supply chain. Our ultra low dose vapour constantly treats the air and every surface of any space reaching the most hard to clean places and can be used wherever people work. ChillSafe complements existing hygiene solutions creating an active ChillSafe Zone to reduce cross contamination risk over time and protect storage spaces and food against unwanted bacteria, mould, yeast, viruses, ethylene and odour. Environmentally activated Small & compact 13cm x 18cm No power required [PAGE] Title: ChillSafe | ROS Technology - How does ChillSafe work? Content: Our Technology Coolsan AU 2020-08-24T18:50:45+09:30 Consumer outrage over excessive food spoilage, waste and plastic packaging. Heavy reliance on chemical treatments. Food-borne diseases are responsible for preventable deaths and illnesses globally. There is no silver bullet, but we can improve the situation. Create a 24/7 ChillSafe Zone for broad spectrum protection against bacteria, mould, yeast and viruses as well as ethylene and odours. When used in conjunction with existing shelf-life extension technologies and existing cleaning and hygiene routines, you’ll experience real differences you can see, smell, feel and measure. Make ChillSafe an essential part of your HACCP food safety program. The science 1 Each Tyvek® sachet contains very safe common ingredients. The active ingredient, sodium percarbonate, is used in everyday household detergents with “oxy” action. 2 Absorption of water vapour from the air activates the sodium percarbonate, creating an ultra low dose Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour (HPV). 3 On contact with microbes, ethylene and odours the HPV breaks down to oxygen and water and is constantly replenished by the ChillSafe sachet for 30 days. What is ultra low? ChillSafe HPV is at least 10-times less than the globally recognised OSHA safety threshold limit of 1ppm. It’s so low, you can hardly measure it, but within 30 days you can see, smell, feel and measure the difference. Why hydrogen peroxide? We chose hydrogen peroxide due to its safety, broad spectrum antimicrobial properties and ability to actively remove ethylene and odours in a ChillSafe HPV Zone. Evidence of ChillSafe’s efficacy in commercial trials Reduction in Bacillus atrophaeus spores on biological indicators This chart shows the cumulative effect of ChillSafe on Bacillus atrophaeus indicator spores commonly used to confirm hospital sanitation procedures using extremely high dose HPV treatment. The study was conducted by the South Australian Research and Development Institute, in three independent food service establishment coolrooms, over three months confirming a 2-3 log reduction in viable spore counts. Reduction of TVC in ChillSafe Treated Abattoir This chart shows the results of microbial swabs collected at a commercial UK abattoir over a period of three months. The measured total viable count (TVC) decreased significantly on the walls of the Chill Hall, surface of the evaporator unit and a sample of offal retained within the environment. Effect of ChillSafe on Ethylene in 3°C Coolroom This chart highlights the effect of ChillSafe on ethylene gas introduced into a refrigerated space at high concentration. The dark blue line shows the reduction of ethylene without ChillSafe, the light blue line shows the accelerated reduction of ethylene in the same refrigerated space with ChillSafe. The installation ChillSafe works in any ambient or refrigerated food storage or handling area. Simply install ChillSafe on the wall of any food storage space, either using the sticker provided on each sachet or the ChillSafe racking system, and water vapour in the air activates each sachet for 30 days. ChillSafe sachets are available in two convenient sizes, C25 treats up to 25m3 and C50 treats up to 50m3. The ChillSafe racking system optimises sachet performance and allows up to 5 sachets of any size to be daisy chained for larger spaces simplifying sachet installation, relocation for cleaning and replacement every 30 days. © Copyright 2020 Coolsan Australia Pty Ltd | All Rights Reserved [PAGE] Title: ChillSafe - Where to buy ChillSafe and distributor enquiries Content: Sales & Distribution Enquiries Coolsan AU 2020-03-22T11:42:46+10:30 Submit your enquiry (All fields are required unless specified optional) My enquiry is about * [PAGE] Title: ChillSafe | Keep refrigerated produce fresher for longer Content: About us Coolsan AU 2020-03-22T13:51:39+10:30 It started with a remote Australian town and a PhD Chemist wanting to stop coriander going slimy. In 2005 Dr Gary Erickson and his wife Merrill were operating a restaurant in rural New South Wales and were frustrated by the fact that fruits, vegetables and herbs lasted only days before decomposing in the cool room. As a chemist with a background developing hospital sanitation technology using very high levels Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour (HPV), he theorised that very low levels of HPV in refrigerated spaces could reduce food spoilage microbes and food waste. He developed the first ChillSafe prototype and proved the concept extending the freshness of produce used in his restaurant. Whilst attending an international food Expo, Gary and Merryl met Thomas deMasi, an experienced food retailing and marketing consultant. Coming from a family Fruit and Vegetable business, Thomas could see the value of Gary’s invention across the entire supply chain. Together they co-founded Coolsan Australia and over the last 10 years, supported by their specialised team, have commercialised the ChillSafe range of products to tackle food waste and food hygiene globally. LEFT: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation Microbiology Laboratory Manager Geoff Holds (left) with Coolsan Principal Scientist Dr Gary Erickson (front) and Coolsan Chief Executive Thomas deMasi (right) during ChillSafe testing in 2014. © Copyright 2020 Coolsan Australia Pty Ltd | All Rights Reserved [PAGE] Title: My Account – Coolsan Sales Content: My Account Coolsan AU 2014-12-01T12:43:09+10:30 Login
consumer & supply chain
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Site Overview: Title: Coolsan Australia - Home Content: Read Case Study Providing value you can measure “Whilst using ChillSafe we experienced a reduction in deposited moulds, yeasts and bacteria (settle plate test method) in our cold rooms and this has been reflected in an increased shelf-life on our manufactured products.” “Last season, ChillSafe saved us 5% on fruit storage – waste was reduced from about 8% to 3%. And ChillSafe is safe, easy to use and odourless.” A powerful supply chain partner Billions of dollars are spent annually on ensuring food safety, reducing risk and extending shelf-life To combat these costs and improve commercial outcomes, we developed ChillSafe® ChillSafe is a HACCP and Organic Australia certified air treatment product, supplied in sachet format, that generates hydrogen peroxide vapour (HPV) 24/7 for better hygiene and less spoilage throughout the entire supply chain. Our ultra low dose vapour constantly treats the air and every surface of any space reaching the most hard to clean places and can be used wherever people work. Title: ChillSafe | ROS Technology - How does ChillSafe work? Content: Our Technology Coolsan AU 2020-08-24T18:50:45+09:30 Consumer outrage over excessive food spoilage, waste and plastic packaging. Heavy reliance on chemical treatments. Food-borne diseases are responsible for preventable deaths and illnesses globally. There is no silver bullet, but we can improve the situation. 2 Absorption of water vapour from the air activates the sodium percarbonate, creating an ultra low dose Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour (HPV). 3 On contact with microbes, ethylene and odours the HPV breaks down to oxygen and water and is constantly replenished by the ChillSafe sachet for 30 days. We chose hydrogen peroxide due to its safety, broad spectrum antimicrobial properties and ability to actively remove ethylene and odours in a ChillSafe HPV Zone. Evidence of ChillSafe’s efficacy in commercial trials Reduction in Bacillus atrophaeus spores on biological indicators This chart shows the cumulative effect of ChillSafe on Bacillus atrophaeus indicator spores commonly used to confirm hospital sanitation procedures using extremely high dose HPV treatment. Reduction of TVC in ChillSafe Treated Abattoir This chart shows the results of microbial swabs collected at a commercial UK abattoir over a period of three months. Effect of ChillSafe on Ethylene in 3°C Coolroom This chart highlights the effect of ChillSafe on ethylene gas introduced into a refrigerated space at high concentration. Simply install ChillSafe on the wall of any food storage space, either using the sticker provided on each sachet or the ChillSafe racking system, and water vapour in the air activates each sachet for 30 days. Title: ChillSafe | Keep refrigerated produce fresher for longer Content: About us Coolsan AU 2020-03-22T13:51:39+10:30 It started with a remote Australian town and a PhD Chemist wanting to stop coriander going slimy. As a chemist with a background developing hospital sanitation technology using very high levels Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour (HPV), he theorised that very low levels of HPV in refrigerated spaces could reduce food spoilage microbes and food waste. Whilst attending an international food Expo, Gary and Merryl met Thomas deMasi, an experienced food retailing and marketing consultant. Title: My Account – Coolsan Sales Content: My Account Coolsan AU 2014-12-01T12:43:09+10:30 Login
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Services: Online Marketing,SEO,SEM,SMM,Conversion,e-commerce - Content: Conversion Targets 15 Essential conversion actions taken by website visitors, also called conversion targets. Bringing a visitor to your website is not enough and does not really help much, unless the visitor interacts by taking certain actions, also called conversion actions. Setting conversion targets for your website is the first step to help it grow. Here are the most important ones: Make a purchase, also called sales conversion. Is that what online marketing is about, sales? And at the end of the day, this number is the one that counts more. If all the marketing campaign actions goes well, sales is the end result. However focusing just on this could make us miss the whole picture. Online marketing is much more than sales. Sure, by converting a visitor to buying customer is what we want the most, however developing a loyal audience that can buy in the future and having a good and useful website is more important. It is the sign of a healthy business that is here to stay. Create an account. In other words subscribe to the website. Most of the time it is associated with subscribing to the newsletter as well, however it is not mandatory. Having a visitor subscribe to your e-commerce website is the first step in order to purchase products or services. So it is one of the most important conversion actions a visitor can take. Also measuring this metric and track back sales failures can determine the cause of the problem and fixing it can result to increase of the conversion rate. Subscribe to the Newsletter. This is some times not considered such an important conversion target, however it is a vital step to audience development. According to many case studies based on actual marketing campaigns, newsletter has a significant greater conversion rate than other audience reaching channels, such as Facebook, Tweeter and other social media. The reason is very simple. People who have subscribed to your newsletter and stay subscribed, like the content you share, they think it is useful to them and thus they have a higher success conversion rate. Read an article, product or service description. This is the difference between an interacting visitor and a bounced visitor. It is the metric that describes how relevant and useful is the content of a website to the visitor. The more time the visitor stays on the page interacting, in other words reading, the less the bounce rate of a website is. Read more... Like on Facebook, Google+ and other social networks. This is an important step to develop a website's audience. It is vital for any business to have a social media presence and the larger the audience the more the reach of every social media post. Read more... Follow on Tweeter, Google+ and other social networks. Some social networks have a follow action required by the visitors, before they start receiving social media posts. This action is an important step to develop a website's audience for the social networks that require following action. Read more... Take an offer. Taking an offer sent, or proposed from inside the website, or even from the outside using AdWords or some other kind of advertisement is another important target. Read more... Take a survey. Would you like to know what your customers want? Well, there is no better way than ask them. Having a customer or visitor take a survey not only provides with valuable feedback about their needs, but also improves the chances to take an offer at the end of the survey, or take another action and convert in another way, i.e. subscribe to the newsletter. Share a content, product or service. There is not a better way to promote products or services than through a customer's referral. Having a customer taking this conversion action, increases the chances of sales conversion, increases relevant traffic to the website and promotes it to the social media, which increasing the website's backlinks and helps improving the website's ranking with the search engines. In most cases, customers would love to do that, if you make it easy for them. Read more... Suggest to a friend. Just like content sharing, suggesting to a friend via email, is one of the best ways to promote products or services. This conversion action taken by a visitor or customer, increases the chances of sales conversion, because it usually targets an individual who is interested in this type of product or service, increases relevant traffic to the website and helps improving the website's ranking with the search engines. In most cases, customers would love to do that, if you make it easy for them. Read more... Submit a form. In many cases a customer or visitor can submit a form, in order to ask for more information about a product or service. This could help with sales conversion, audience development, since they could choose to subscribe to a newsletter or a reminder about the product or service they are interested in. Here is how you could add smart and useful forms to your website. Read more... Rate / review a product or service. I cannot stress this enough. Customers are your best salesmen, period! A satisfied customer can be your best weapon to increase your trust and improve your sales conversion. In most cases, customers would love to rate and review your products and services, if you make it easy for them. Here is how you do that. Read more... Leave a comment. Just like Ratting and reviewing, allowing your customers to add comments about products or services could be very beneficial to your website. Not only improves the description of a product or service, by adding FAQ Q&A, but it also helps your customers interact with each other and sharing their experience from your services. This helps building up a great foundation of trust for your visitors and potential customers and helps improving the website's ranking with the search engines, since the search engines and social media really care about the amount of people talking about this. In fact social networks like Facebook have a special metric for this specific thing, called " People talking about this ", currently called "People engaged". In most cases, customers would love to do that, if you make it easy for them. Adding such a functionality to your website is not difficult. Here is how you do it. Read more... Contact, chat or call. Directing a visitor to interact by contacting, chatting or even calling you, could mean the difference from making the sale or not. According to recent case studies, using real life examples, 9 out of 10 visitors would purchase if they had the opportunity to ask something in real time, by using a chat. Also, having a contact with full details, telephone number and even chat, increases dramatically the chances of sales conversion and builds up trust towards visitors. Adding such a functionality to your website is not difficult. Here is how you do it. Read more... Click on a link or button. Directing a visitor to interact by clicking a link or button, is a good way to minimize your website's bounce rate, increase visitor interaction and promote offers. Such an action can also lead to newsletter subscription, taking up an offer, sales conversion, and helps improving the website's ranking with the search engines. Adding such a functionality to your website is not difficult. Here is how you do it. Read more... Web design Is web design really important to website success? The truth is that it is very important. In order to understand how important it is, ask yourself the following question: Would you eat at a restaurant that is not clean, its menus are disorganized and confusing, the stuff is rude and the service is slow? And if you ate there once, would you ever go back? Search Engine Optimization What is Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the work performed by a Search Engine Optimization Specialist, in order to improve the visibility of a website in the search engines' unpaid results. You may have heard those results as organic, natural, or even earned results. That is because it takes a lot of effort to produce them and the effect is permanent. It is very unusual for those websites, that earned a high natural search engine results' position to drop, if the SEO Specialist has done a good job. Online Marketing What is online marketing and how does it work? The internet is changing every day. New technologies, tools, programming languages, ways to communicate and perform daily tasks, are introduced every few months and so online marketing has to adapt and stay up to date, in order to be successful. New online marketing techniques, ways to promote brands, products and services are also invented daily. A technique that used to work a few months ago may not work today and a new technique that works great now, is introduced. And the interesting thing is that most of them do not require a lot of money in order to be put to motion. This is where online marketing differentiates from traditional marketing. Traditional marketing requires constant exposure to the media and constant funds to be allocated in order to be successful, while online marketing can make use of clever new approaches and techniques that, other than the cost of the service provided by the online marketing specialist, is not costly in general. [PAGE] Title: Services: Conversational Marketing Service Content: Back to: Services Conversational Marketing Service Join the wave of the most engaging and successful marketing in the history of the Digital Marketing and boost your leads and sales by 10 times! Please select how many months you want this service to run in the quantity box. Sales price $999.99 Description How would you like to have a virtual salesman who engages in real conversation with your clients, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, answers all their questions and drives them to the right products or services they need and drives your sales conversion through the roof? And that's not all. It even helps in creating countless new leads and followers base, build customer loyalty and promote your brand to new audience every day. This is the power of Conversational Marketing via Chatbots. How is Conversational Marketing different than traditional Marketing and why should you care? The biggest difference is when in traditional ads someone clicks your ad and then leaves your landing page, you have nothing out of the deal, other that the cost of the click. You do not know who they were, no way to reach them, no way to get back to them with an offer, it is just a waste of money! On the other hand when someone interacts with your ad, your Chatbot gets all their information and can even ask them questions that will drive them to the sales funnel or even segment them depending on their needs and characteristics, like gender, budget, etc. That way, you can approach them with an offer, add them in your Newsletters, message them or call them and talk to them directly and have them on your list for future campaigns. The second difference is that you can actually interact with the customer in real time. Statistics tell us that more than 90% of the customers would chose to interact with your business via chat, rather than call you or email you. The reason is very simple. It is convenience and urgency. They would rather so their shopping during hours your business is closed and would like to ask you a question about your product or service at that time. A waiting time for an answer that ranges to a few minutes is acceptable, but no longer than that. So if your business cannot provide them with an immediate answer they should just go somewhere else. However, with Conversational Marketing your 24/7 Chatbot will always give them the right answer, drive them to the right product or service and close the deal. You could even get notified about it and if you could take over the conversation if you choose too and all that is completely transparent to your client. That is why it is over ten times ore effective to any other marketing technique! The third difference is its cost effectiveness. The Lead Acquisition Cost (LAC) of Conversational Marketing is much more lower than any other type of Marketing today. While the CPC has been sky rocketed that [ast few years, Facebook Messenger Ads cost is really low in comparison. You can actually get hundreds of new high quality leads by spending a few tens of dollars and just because you 24/7 Chatbot will be conversing with those leads a large percentage will be actually converted to immediate sales, significantly lowering the LAC. According to all of the above, the reason why should you care about Conversational Marketing is very clear. Conversational Marketing is a great new weapon in your Marketing arsenal that will dramatically decrease your advertisement costs, rapidly build your leads and followers base, establish your brand as a market leader and sky rocket your sales! And just because less than 1% of the Market is currently using it, getting on this boat now, will establish you as a leader! How does Conversational Marketing work? We use a powerful new Framework to create a Chatbot that learns and evolves, just like a Digital Assistant does and even learns new skills while your business needs and your customers demands evolve. Throughout all this time, we nurture and improve the Chatbot by answering all unanswered customers' questions and build new sales funnels throughout marketing campaigns that drive your customers to engage in real time, in personal conversation and eventually convert to real sales. We start by designing a Marketing Campaign capable to generate new leads and drive new customers to your website, increase the awareness of your brand to the public and build a customer base that will dramatically increase your sales now and in the future. The Chatbot is not only capable to create new leads and followers, but to also segment them, depending on current business and future needs. That means that even if you have not realized a marketing need in the future, the Chatbot already is working on it. How is this possible? This is the power of conversational marketing! The Chatbot asks questions too! And these questions are stored into its database, so that way it knows everything about your clients or your prospect clients and can segment them dynamically depending on your current and future needs. For example, you could run a campaign for all clients who are women, are interested in beauty products and are within 45 to 55 age range. Do you need some extra info about the customers in question? Just send a Chatblast and ask them. For example, you could ask them if they have dry or greasy skin. So if in the future you have a product for dry skin, you can add that to a new campaign that includes all the previous criteria plus it will be sent only to the women with dry skin. The possibilities are endless. How much do all the above cost? We offer Conversational Marketing as a monthly service that includes: Facebook Messenger Leeds Acquisition Campaign design and management monthly service, for a monthly revenue of $50K+: $675.00 Chatbot platform monthly cost and maintenance: $300.00 Chatbot creation service: $10,000.00 Chatbot integration with your Facebook business page and your website: $500.00 Total cost: $11.475,00 You get all of the above for only $999.99 monthly fee* and you can stop it at any time. The service is covered by a 15 days money back warranty, so it is an 100% non risk investment. * Facebook advertisement cost is not included and is paid directly by the customer. By ordering this service you guarantee that you are in a position, have the capability and you are willing to pay for your own ad spend. In any situation that the customer is unable to pay or will not pay for their ad spend,, Inc. cannot be held responsible for any outcome of the marketing campaign and any warranty is void. By ordering this service you also accept the above terms. Reviews [PAGE] Title: Useful features should work on all devices having unique&fresh design - Content: Design for success Our web design aims for functionality, user experience and Search Engine Optimization. Most of our websites land on Google’s first page, in certain key words, only a few weeks after being published. We always perform Device Optimization to all websites so they look and feel great on any device, like phones, tables, laptops, desktops, game consoles, etc. [PAGE] Title: Review Case Studies - Content: Oschmann Employee Screening Oschmann Employee Screening Services is a provider of DOT Drug & Alcohol Testing, Motor Carrier Compliance, and Employee Background Check Programs. Problem: Reviews that were being left were people complaining about having to perform drug tests, not the service of the facility. In fact there is a review of someone who left a 3 star review, in order to ask a question. Kayla Ruedebusch actually wrote, in their one and only Google review: "Haven't been to this one yet. Is it supervised or unsupervised screenings?". Created 16 March 2018 Last update 27 March 2018 Hit 2040 [PAGE] Title: Portfolio: Online Marketing,SEO,Sales Conversion,Web Design - Content: [PAGE] Title: ORM, Online marketing, SEO, social, conversion, web design - Content: Did you know you can increase the number and quality of your business reviews? 97% of consumers search for local businesses online. 93% of consumers read online reviews about local businesses. 85% of consumers trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation. 73% of consumers think that reviews older than 3 months are not relevant. Most consumers look at 2+ review sites before making a decision. Your online review rating impacts your business! We work to bring in the good reviews and minimize the bad ones so that you’re putting your best foot forward and have the reputation you deserve. Click Learn more if you are interested to know how to achieve just that. Click to learn more... Designing Experiences There is no better feeling in this business than creating a new website, promoting it and making it available for everyone to experience. There is no business like Webbusiness! [PAGE] Title: Tools, frameworks and APIs we use for SEO & online marketing - Content: Google Analytics Worked extensively with Google Analytics for many years and with the combined usage of the rest of Google Tools and other analytics tools like Clicky , Quantcast and Compete and in some projects combining with website build in analytics systems, produced useful information that helped in minimizing the bounce rate, increase the conversion rate and improve the website's position in Google's search results. Created 16 February 2016 Last update 07 April 2017 Hit 2231 [PAGE] Title: We have over 15 years experience with Online Marketing & SEO - Content: Tweet A few words about was created by IT professionals with over 30 years of experience in the IT business and over 15 years of experience designing websites, e-commerce systems, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Digital Marketing. Some of our past clients include Telecom Italia, TIM, Atlas Copco and others. We are 100% U.S. - Illinois based company and we provide all the services from within our company, without any outsourcing. Our areas of expertise include Online Marketing, SEO, SEM, Competition Analysis, Social Networks Development and Marketing, e-commerce, Sales Conversion Optimization, Analytics and others. We are always ready to help, co-operative, full of positive energy and highly motivated. Our customers love working with us! Check their reviews on Google: Customer Reviews Our philosophy: Honesty ● Integrity ● Transparency ● Efficiency ● Punctuality ● Courtesy "Do the right thing—follow the law, act honorably, and treat each other with respect.” Google [PAGE] Title: SEO Blog: Accurate and up to date updates about today's web. - Content: Google PageSpeed Insights (PSI) tool switches to lossy image compression and recommends to experiment with compression to achieve faster web page loading time This article contains everything you need to know in order to adapt your website to the new Google PageSpeed Insights (PSI) tool image compression guidelines and get a good performance score. Note: For those who don't know what Google PageSpeed Insights tool is, I would say in a few words, that it is a tool that measures the performance of a web page and the score that it gives at the end, is an important factor in Google's Search Engine Ranking algorithm. In other words, this tool helps you determine any optimizations you need to do in order for your web page to score a higher number. The faster and best optimized a web page is, the higher the score and the higher the score, the higher the Search Engine Ranking. March 29th, 2017. Google updates the documentation of PageSpeed Insights also known as PSI tool . For the first time ever, they recommend lossy image compression. In their own words they state: Experiment with optimal quality settings for raster formats: don't be afraid to dial down the 'quality' settings, the results are often very good and byte savings are significant. Created 13 June 2017 Last update 09 April 2018 Hit 3336 [PAGE] Title: Please read the testimonials from some of our customers. - Content: Nikos Koromilas, Managing Director at I met Emmanuel Mantzas, founder of in 1993. I was immediately drawn to the integrity of his character, sincerity and, above all, honesty. He has been developing various computer programs for our business ever since and I saw what is his biggest asset - maximum extent of knowledge in his area of expertise. In the past few years is responsible to develop and market our e-shop, . I have to say that we have completely let go and enjoyed the ride, relying in their extensive knowledge and great marketing strategy. They have kept our website up to date with all new web technologies and trends and pushed our search engine's ranking to the top, thus boosting our sales. If you want the best to boost your website's sales and to push you to the top of the search engines' ranking, they are the professionals for you. Nikos Koromilas, Managing director at Last update 01 June 2017 Hit 2324
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Is that what online marketing is about, sales? Online marketing is much more than sales. Having a visitor subscribe to your e-commerce website is the first step in order to purchase products or services. So it is one of the most important conversion actions a visitor can take. The more time the visitor stays on the page interacting, in other words reading, the less the bounce rate of a website is. Read more... Like on Facebook, Google+ and other social networks. This conversion action taken by a visitor or customer, increases the chances of sales conversion, because it usually targets an individual who is interested in this type of product or service, increases relevant traffic to the website and helps improving the website's ranking with the search engines. In many cases a customer or visitor can submit a form, in order to ask for more information about a product or service. This could help with sales conversion, audience development, since they could choose to subscribe to a newsletter or a reminder about the product or service they are interested in. Not only improves the description of a product or service, by adding FAQ Q&A, but it also helps your customers interact with each other and sharing their experience from your services. Such an action can also lead to newsletter subscription, taking up an offer, sales conversion, and helps improving the website's ranking with the search engines. Title: Services: Conversational Marketing Service Content: Back to: Services Conversational Marketing Service Join the wave of the most engaging and successful marketing in the history of the Digital Marketing and boost your leads and sales by 10 times! And that's not all. You do not know who they were, no way to reach them, no way to get back to them with an offer, it is just a waste of money! On the other hand when someone interacts with your ad, your Chatbot gets all their information and can even ask them questions that will drive them to the sales funnel or even segment them depending on their needs and characteristics, like gender, budget, etc. We start by designing a Marketing Campaign capable to generate new leads and drive new customers to your website, increase the awareness of your brand to the public and build a customer base that will dramatically increase your sales now and in the future. Title: ORM, Online marketing, SEO, social, conversion, web design - Content: Did you know you can increase the number and quality of your business reviews? Note: For those who don't know what Google PageSpeed Insights tool is, I would say in a few words, that it is a tool that measures the performance of a web page and the score that it gives at the end, is an important factor in Google's Search Engine Ranking algorithm. They have kept our website up to date with all new web technologies and trends and pushed our search engine's ranking to the top, thus boosting our sales. If you want the best to boost your website's sales and to push you to the top of the search engines' ranking, they are the professionals for you.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Prices and Availability - Cotswold Park Barns | Gloucestershire | Cotswold Park Barns Content: Date Cotswold Park Barns Cotswold Park Barns has 10 bedrooms all with en-suite bathrooms. All 10 bedrooms can be set as twin or double bedrooms – depending on your requirements Two of the bedrooms are suitable for a wheelchair user and one of them having an ensuite annex that can accommodate a carer / nurse Up to 2 children could be added to your numbers by using the annexes adjacent to the 2 bedrooms in the Hay Barn [PAGE] Title: Exclusive Luxury Holiday Barns in the Cotswolds | Cotswold Park Barns Content: Situated amongst the most beautiful countryside that the Cotswolds has to offer Exclusive, Luxury, Cotswold Park Barns accommodating up to 22 people Welcome to the Cotswolds An Area of Outstanding National Beauty (AONB) the Cotswolds has become an iconic British tourism destination. With so much more to offer than just it's famous golden stone and celebrity spotting. Exclusive Use Cotswold Park Barns is only hired out exclusively, situated amongst 195 acres of private land. Centrally Located Located just 7 miles from Cirencester, the capital of the Cotswolds, and just over 8 miles to both Cheltenham and Gloucester, Cotswold Park Barns is perfectly situated. Special and Unique The true heart of the Cotswolds lies in it's natural beauty and Cotswold Park Barns sums up this perfectly. [PAGE] Title: Cotswold Park Barns | Barn in Gloucestershire | Cotswold Park Barns Content: T&Cs When booking Cotswold Park Barns for your holiday you are booking the whole property giving you the privacy and exclusivity you expect when coming to the Cotswolds. The Barns have been created from the original dairy buildings belonging to Cotswold Park House that is lived in by the owners of the estate Our 10 bedrooms will sleep up to 20 adults and if you have children or guests that can use sofa beds the numbers can be up to 22. You can book Cotswold Park Barns for an entire week, a weekday or a long weekend – let us know your requirements and we will do our best to accommodate them. Other Facilities The Threshing Barn accomodates a large Dining Room which is able to seat, comfortably, up to 22 people. Attached to the dining room is a hand crafted, spacious kitchen. The rooms can be separated by folding back doors if desired. Overlooking the dining room is a glass front mezzanine where you can sit in relative peace and quiet and read the papers, relax or watch what is going on below! In the Dairy, as well as the 6 bedrooms, we have a stunning reception/sitting room for the whole group to be together. Plenty of sofas and chairs, television, bluetooth hmusic system and mood lighting. To make your stay even more comfortable there is a built in bar. Downstairs we have a bootroom for all your coats, boots and wet clothes. There is a tumble drier for your own use if wanted. The Courtyard area is fully equipped for outside dining, BBQs or just relaxing and taking in the beautiful views. We have a conference room available Sleeps 20 [PAGE] Title: Booking Login | Cotswold Park Barns Content: Date View Booking To view your booking please input your booking reference and the email address you used to make your booking with. Once logged in you can view and manage your booking. Booking Reference [PAGE] Title: Our Properties in Cirencester | Cotswold Park Barns Content: UK > England > Gloucestershire > Cirencester Our Properties in Cirencester We are surrounded by some of the country’s prettiest villages that include Bibury, Bourton on the Water and Stow on the Wold to name just a few.  This makes us the perfect base for visitors to the Cotswolds Within easy reach of the Barns we have numerous classic English country pubs and fantastic restaurants with menus created from the products sourced from local farms We are also blessed with some of the country’s most beautiful tourist spots – see our what to do page for more information The Barns themselves are sat in the centre of a 195 acre estate with amazing views over the rolling Cotswold hills You are guaranteed your privacy except for maybe the occasional visit from one of our small dogs or one of our children – none of which bite, we promise!!!!! If you are looking for something a little bit smaller - then please have a look at our other property, next door to the Barns - Cotswold Park Lodge - which sleeps up to 6 people, available for 3 to 7 day lets. In The Heart of the Cotswolds Cotswold Park Barns is situated on the Cotswold Park Estate in the heart of the Cotswolds. The Barns are just 10 minutes from the beautiful market town of Cirencester and 10 minutes from the Regency Town of Cheltenham. We are located within an hour of Cardiff, Bristol, Bath, Newbury, Oxford, Birmingham, Warwick, Worcester, Cheltenham and Gloucester. London is just 80 minutes from Kemble station on a direct high speed train and 1 hour & 45 minutes by car. Cirencester [PAGE] Title: Sitemap | Cotswold Park Barns Content: Can't find what your looking for? Try searching our website using the search box below: Connect with us: [PAGE] Title: Contact Us | Cotswold Park Barns Content: 07720 296 717 Mailing List Our mailing list is a great way to stay informed about news and special offers, sign up with your name and email address, you can unsubscribe at any time. Click here to subscribe . Cotswold Park Barns Registered Office: Cotswold Park Barns, Woodmancote Cirencester GB GL7 7EL United Kingdom VAT Number: 155026628 Do not fill in this field Forename [PAGE] Title: Renovation | Holiday Ideas | Cotswold Park Barns Content: Date Our Properties During the middle of the 1900’s The Cotswold Park Estate became a working dairy and all of the farm buildings were used for this purpose. In the late 70’s the last cow was milked and the dairy stopped. The barns were then not used as the main house was rented out to non-farming tenants and the land became just sheep grazing. Holiday Ideas > Renovation Renovation The barns are listed buildings and at the turn of the century there were murmurs that the barns needed work done to them and fairly soon. Our plan was hatched, planning achieved on our first attempt and in 2012 the diggers moved in. The first job was to reinstate the original farm track that wound its way across the beautiful parkland to the lane just above the main drive. This took 4 long months through a terrible winter of heavy snow and rain. Once we had reached the Barns the renovation could start to take place. The obligatory hideous portacabins and portaloos arrived and our amazing team of builders got underway. The spring and summer of 2013 were not kind to us. It seemed to rain everyday, but everyone persevered through it all. The Hay Barn was first to be worked on - We found old photos of the building with its original roof (one end of it had no roof when we started) and brick by brick and stone by stone the stonemasons got to work. From 2 old sheds we have created 4 beautiful bedrooms. The focus was the moved to the Diary - A long building with a concrete trough down one side, and a hideous asbestos corrugated roof to add to our problems. The roof came off, the floor was dug out and over the next few months a building containing 6 ensuite bedrooms and a large sitting room was formed. Whilst this was going on the very pretty old byre was gently restored to being the stunning building that is our conference room now. This building has been restored to it former glory and beyond. Every stone and shape bought back to how it should be. Renovation of cotswold barns [PAGE] Title: Gloucestershire Holiday Ideas | Cotswold Park Barns Content: Corporate When booking Cotswold Park Barns for your event you are booking the whole property giving you privacy and exclusivity. The Barns have been created from the original dairy buildings belonging to Cotswold Park House that is lived in by the owners of the estate Meeting and Conference Facilities Much of the thought process behind the design of the Barns was to ensure that we are able to accommodate Corporate Groups looking for a suitable working environment whilst also being able to have the privacy and freedom that we offer. [PAGE] Title: Gallery - Cotswold Park Barns | Gloucestershire | Cotswold Park Barns Content: Date Cotswold Park Barns Cotswold Park Barns has 10 bedrooms all with en-suite bathrooms. All 10 bedrooms can be set as twin or double bedrooms – depending on your requirements Two of the bedrooms are suitable for a wheelchair user and one of them having an ensuite annex that can accommodate a carer / nurse Up to 2 children could be added to your numbers by using the annexes adjacent to the 2 bedrooms in the Hay Barn
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Title: Prices and Availability - Cotswold Park Barns | Gloucestershire | Cotswold Park Barns Content: Date Cotswold Park Barns Cotswold Park Barns has 10 bedrooms all with en-suite bathrooms. Centrally Located Located just 7 miles from Cirencester, the capital of the Cotswolds, and just over 8 miles to both Cheltenham and Gloucester, Cotswold Park Barns is perfectly situated. Title: Cotswold Park Barns | Barn in Gloucestershire | Cotswold Park Barns Content: T&Cs When booking Cotswold Park Barns for your holiday you are booking the whole property giving you the privacy and exclusivity you expect when coming to the Cotswolds. The Barns have been created from the original dairy buildings belonging to Cotswold Park House that is lived in by the owners of the estate Our 10 bedrooms will sleep up to 20 adults and if you have children or guests that can use sofa beds the numbers can be up to 22. In the Dairy, as well as the 6 bedrooms, we have a stunning reception/sitting room for the whole group to be together. We have a conference room available Sleeps 20 Title: Booking Login | Cotswold Park Barns Content: Date View Booking To view your booking please input your booking reference and the email address you used to make your booking with. Title: Our Properties in Cirencester | Cotswold Park Barns Content: UK > England > Gloucestershire > Cirencester Our Properties in Cirencester We are surrounded by some of the country’s prettiest villages that include Bibury, Bourton on the Water and Stow on the Wold to name just a few. This makes us the perfect base for visitors to the Cotswolds Within easy reach of the Barns we have numerous classic English country pubs and fantastic restaurants with menus created from the products sourced from local farms We are also blessed with some of the country’s most beautiful tourist spots – see our what to do page for more information The Barns themselves are sat in the centre of a 195 acre estate with amazing views over the rolling Cotswold hills You are guaranteed your privacy except for maybe the occasional visit from one of our small dogs or one of our children – none of which bite, we promise!!!!! In The Heart of the Cotswolds Cotswold Park Barns is situated on the Cotswold Park Estate in the heart of the Cotswolds. The Barns are just 10 minutes from the beautiful market town of Cirencester and 10 minutes from the Regency Town of Cheltenham. Title: Renovation | Holiday Ideas | Cotswold Park Barns Content: Date Our Properties During the middle of the 1900’s The Cotswold Park Estate became a working dairy and all of the farm buildings were used for this purpose. The barns were then not used as the main house was rented out to non-farming tenants and the land became just sheep grazing. It seemed to rain everyday, but everyone persevered through it all. The Hay Barn was first to be worked on - We found old photos of the building with its original roof (one end of it had no roof when we started) and brick by brick and stone by stone the stonemasons got to work. From 2 old sheds we have created 4 beautiful bedrooms. Whilst this was going on the very pretty old byre was gently restored to being the stunning building that is our conference room now. Title: Gloucestershire Holiday Ideas | Cotswold Park Barns Content: Corporate When booking Cotswold Park Barns for your event you are booking the whole property giving you privacy and exclusivity. The Barns have been created from the original dairy buildings belonging to Cotswold Park House that is lived in by the owners of the estate Meeting and Conference Facilities Much of the thought process behind the design of the Barns was to ensure that we are able to accommodate Corporate Groups looking for a suitable working environment whilst also being able to have the privacy and freedom that we offer. Title: Gallery - Cotswold Park Barns | Gloucestershire | Cotswold Park Barns Content: Date Cotswold Park Barns Cotswold Park Barns has 10 bedrooms all with en-suite bathrooms.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: AL TAYYAR EXPRESS COURIER & CARGO - Career Content: Description bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. bla bla bla bla bla bla bla . bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. bla bla bla bla bla bla bla . bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. bla bla bla bla bla bla bla . Technical Skills [PAGE] Title: AL TAYYAR EXPRESS COURIER & CARGO - Services Content: The organization is dealing with all the varieties in a rapid rate of heavy equipment comprising 40 Feet Flat Bed , Low Bed trailers, Pickups and Cranes of various capacities for land transportation. We practice our expertise: - 24 hours of trucking service local , GCC & Middle East - General Transportation and Odd dimensional cargo. - Group age and consolidation of consignment from different locations. Customs clearance and documentation. - Delivery for your Bulk shipment, project cargo to different location around Bahrain and GCC and Middle East. - Evaluate your Transport requirement. - Strategy and full track for on time movement within the budget. Efficient, reliable and secure handling of the cargo. Fleet of trucks at our disposal. Well versed with G.C.C / Middle East custom formalities at various land borders. Perfect solution for fast and effective movement of merchandize within GCC / Middle East. Quality service and absolute attention to serve our clients is the cornerstone of our aim. We place the customer first. Promoting our customer to select us as their first choice. DOM MAIL MANAGEMENT Save time and money with our efficient mail management services and solutions. Altayyar Express offers a cost-efficient and suitable mail product for your businesses mail in the GCC and globally. We provide superb standards and performance in transit time’s worldwide. Altayyar Express offers individually and connivance with a single product for all your destination, as well as provide consultancy with the highest quality to benefit your business. We provide a mail product for all sorts: - Banking [PAGE] Title: AL TAYYAR EXPRESS COURIER & CARGO - NEWS Content: Bla bla bla Friday, 21 August 2017 bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla Website open soon Friday, 07 August 2017 bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla Bla bla bla Friday, 07 August 2017 bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla Quick links [PAGE] Title: AL TAYYAR EXPRESS COURIER & CARGO - About us Content: GET TO KNOW US BETTER WHO WE ARE We have the experience and expertise to help you with all your shipping needs. A team of experienced professionals providing you the perfect balance to offer you the most comprehensive logistics solutions carefully designed to efficiently manage your supply chain. We are providing best and very competitive rates for all over Kingdom of Bahrain with an edge of providing documentations and clearing facilities with an ease and peace of mind for our esteemed customers. A one stop- solution for all your Freight needs combining – Sea Freight, Air Freight, Road Freight and Customs clearance. We back every consignment with a commitment, Personal attention. Our customer focused solutions in-depth market knowledge and vast industry experience will ensure that your shipments arrives safe, secure and on time, every time. We define the logistics as the management of goods, information and financial transaction to ensure the timely and cost effective flow of inventory from suppliers to end customers on a global basis. Our focus is on what matters most to the international and multinational customer effective transportation and logistics program for realistic, reliable end to end results. Our sixe , innovations and industry expertise allow us to deliver solutions with measurable impact. Al-Tayyar Express knowledge and experience mean we will never make empty promises. OUR MISSION We build relationship that creates success. We are trusted source of audience research and strategic insight, giving our clients the power to make decision with confidence. Through sustainable growth to uplift standards of living within communities and contribute towards company's growth and profitability. To move consignments from collection to destination in the most cost- effective, efficient method, tracking the position of cargo throughout the journey. Deliver a consistent experience to our customers that are a superior to what they expect. Have a harmonious, enthusiastic environment where employees at all levels are responsive to our customer needs and react with a sense of urgency and follow through. An environment where ethics and values are not sacrificed, where we listen to and educate the customer to build value. If your goals include optimizing your distribution network, our Logistics Optimization techniques will work to configure the best arrangements for your organization. If you want to outsource your transportation operations, our Freight Management service is designed to meet that goal. Whatever your need in Supply Chain Management, Logistics, or Freight Transportation, we probably have the resources and knowledge required to get the job done. OUR VISION A company is only as good as the promises it keeps. To connect Kingdom of Bahrain to and from the rest of the world with a variety of products depending on customer demands. Quick links [PAGE] Title: AL TAYYAR EXPRESS COURIER & CARGO - Contact us Content: 1 Login or create new account. 2 Review your order. 3 Payment & FREE shipment If you still have problems, please let us know, by sending an email to [email protected] . Thank you! SHOWROOM HOURS [PAGE] Title: AL TAYYAR EXPRESS COURIER & CARGO Content: AL TAYYAR EXPRESS COURIER & CARGO P. O. BOX 24161 KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN GET SOCIAL © 2017 All rights reserved. Designed by CG BH . SIGN IN YOUR ACCOUNT TO HAVE ACCESS TO DIFFERENT FEATURES USERNAME
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logistics and supply chain
Site Overview: Title: AL TAYYAR EXPRESS COURIER & CARGO - Career Content: Description bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. Technical Skills We practice our expertise: - 24 hours of trucking service local , GCC & Middle East - General Transportation and Odd dimensional cargo. - Delivery for your Bulk shipment, project cargo to different location around Bahrain and GCC and Middle East. - Evaluate your Transport requirement. Well versed with G.C.C / Middle East custom formalities at various land borders. Quality service and absolute attention to serve our clients is the cornerstone of our aim. Save time and money with our efficient mail management services and solutions. Altayyar Express offers individually and connivance with a single product for all your destination, as well as provide consultancy with the highest quality to benefit your business. We provide a mail product for all sorts: - Banking Title: AL TAYYAR EXPRESS COURIER & CARGO - About us Content: GET TO KNOW US BETTER We have the experience and expertise to help you with all your shipping needs. A one stop- solution for all your Freight needs combining – Sea Freight, Air Freight, Road Freight and Customs clearance. Our customer focused solutions in-depth market knowledge and vast industry experience will ensure that your shipments arrives safe, secure and on time, every time. We define the logistics as the management of goods, information and financial transaction to ensure the timely and cost effective flow of inventory from suppliers to end customers on a global basis. Have a harmonious, enthusiastic environment where employees at all levels are responsive to our customer needs and react with a sense of urgency and follow through. An environment where ethics and values are not sacrificed, where we listen to and educate the customer to build value. If you want to outsource your transportation operations, our Freight Management service is designed to meet that goal. To connect Kingdom of Bahrain to and from the rest of the world with a variety of products depending on customer demands.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Contact - The Guidance Center - Nurture development. Foster resilience. Cultivate well-being. Content: Employee Login Contact Us Main phone number: 734-785-7700 Michigan Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988 (available 24/7) Options For Deaf /Hard of Hearing TTY Users: Use your preferred relay service or dial 988 and then press 711. Para ayuda en español contacta a 988. Detroit-Wayne Integrated Health Network Crisis and Access Department: 800-241-4949 (available 24/7) If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. If you wish to speak to someone during business hours about a concern you have that has not been resolved by speaking to your treatment team or a supervisor, you may contact The Guidance Center’s Customer Service Department at 844-820-4819. Please do not use The Guidance Center website for communication of any emergency situations under any circumstances. All non-emergency calls to our agency should use the number 734-785-7700. The Guidance Center would like to hear from you. Please complete the requested information below to send us your questions or comments or to sign up to receive communications from us. Hours Specialists are available Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. A receptionist is available Monday – Thursday from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. to forward emergency after-hours calls to the appropriate areas. On weekends and at all other times, an emergency number will be left on the agency’s voicemail system. For more information on specific services, or to schedule an appointment, call The Guidance Center at 734-785-7700 and ask for a Client Referral Specialist. A Client Referral Specialist acts as a single point of entry for all services for both adults and children. Clinical case managers are available to triage calls, to direct clients to the appropriate level of care and to provide information and referrals to other community services when needed. Insurance verification and pre-authorization are also done prior to the first appointment. Please do not submit client information through this website. Name* [PAGE] Title: DEI Council & SOGIE Committee - The Guidance Center - Nurture development. Foster resilience. Cultivate well-being. Content: Employee Login The Guidance Center’s Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion We celebrate people of all races, ethnicities, gender identities and expressions, sexual orientations, socioeconomic statuses, cultures, nationalities (without regard to immigration status), religions, ages, sizes, abilities, and neurodiversities. Black lives matter. Systemic racism causes inequities in physical and behavioral health, education, and other systems. We are committed to providing culturally-competent services. To accomplish this, people of color must have a voice at all levels of our organization. People with diverse sexual orientation and gender identity expression (SOGIE) deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Intolerance and discrimination have serious impacts on them, their loved ones and the community. We are committed to providing a safe and affirming space where people of all sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions can find support and unconditional acceptance. Creating a culture in which we embrace diversity, equity and inclusion and strive to dismantle oppression is critical to our mission to: Nurture development. Foster resilience. Cultivate well-being. Contact our DEI Council at [email protected] Our SOGIE Commitment In working to dismantle oppression and promote diversity, equity and inclusion, The Guidance Center is committed to providing a safe and affirming space where staff and clients of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and expressions can find support and unconditional acceptance to: Nurture development. Foster resilience. Cultivate well-being. Contact our SOGIE Committee at [email protected] Meet our DEI/SOGIE Team [PAGE] Title: About - The Guidance Center - Nurture development. Foster resilience. Cultivate well-being. Content: Employee Login About The Guidance Center Since 1958 The Guidance Center has been committed to its mission to: Nurture development. Foster resilience. Cultivate well-being. Throughout the last six decades the agency has maintained a collaborative relationship with its local communities and schools to support adults and children experiencing mental health difficulties and other challenges. A group of concerned residents and educators recognized the need for mental health services in our area and joined forces in 1958 to help form The Guidance Center. Since then we have worked as a team to respond to the needs of children, adults and families in southeast Michigan. The agency operates a wide range of programs and services at 18 locations. Our expertise in mental health and wellness, early childhood education, intellectual & developmental disabilities services and support, mentoring, substance-use disorders, Kids-TALK Children’s Advocacy Center, Champions of Wayne, Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC), Nurture the Future, and research and evaluation helps more than 16,000 children and adults annually work on their own personal triumphs in life. In October 2021, The Guidance Center was selected by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) to participate in its five-year Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) demonstration pilot. TGC is one of only thirteen community mental health agencies in the state of Michigan selected for this pilot. The rigorous certification process verified TGC as meeting all 125 of the national standards required of CCBHC service providers by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Our Mission Nurture development. Foster resilience. Cultivate well-being. Our Vision The Guidance Center is an innovative leader in programs, community engagement, and collaboration to create a vibrant future for those we serve. Core Values These values are the foundation of our culture, our decision-making processes, and the steadfast pursuit of our mission: Welcoming and Accessible Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Respect and Dignity Innovation and Creativity Excellence and Quality Teamwork and Collaboration Accountability and Reliability Stewardship and Integrity More about us [PAGE] Title: Hours and Locations - The Guidance Center - Nurture development. Foster resilience. Cultivate well-being. Content: 20600 Eureka Road, Suite 800 Taylor, Michigan 48180 734-785-7700 Mon-Fri: 8:30am – 5pm or by appointment Sat: CLOSED Sun: CLOSED Lincoln Park Community Resource Center 3320 Electric Street Lincoln Park, MI 48146 734-785-7705 x7421 Mon-Thu: Fri: Sat: Sun: CLOSED Walter White Community Resource Center 550 Eaton River Rouge, MI 48218 313-294-6276 Mon: 12-4pm Tue-Wed: 8:30am – 12pm Thu-Fri: By appointment only Sat: CLOSED Sun: CLOSED Head Start Sites 45201 Owen St. Belleville, MI 48111 734-785-7708 Mon-Thu: Fri: Sat: Sun: CLOSED Lincoln Park Head Start 3320 Electric Avenue Lincoln Park, MI 48146 313-381-0976 Mon-Thu: Fri: Sat: Sun: CLOSED River Rouge Head Start 550 Eaton River Rouge, MI 48218 313-928-6200 Mon-Thu: Fri: Sat: Sun: CLOSED Romulus Head Start 35200 Smith Rd Romulus, MI 48174 734-785-7792 Mon-Thu: Fri: Sat: Sun: CLOSED Taylor-Fischer Head Start 8882 Beech Daly Rd. Taylor, MI 48180 734-785-7720 Mon-Thu: Fri: Sat: Sun: CLOSED Taylor-New Hope Head Start 8850 Pardee Rd. Taylor, MI 48180 734-785-7713 Mon-Thu: Fri: Sat: Sun: CLOSED Kids-TALK Children's Advocacy Centers 40 East Ferry Street Detroit, MI 48202 313-833-2970 Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm Sat-Sun: CLOSED *Emergent forensic interviews available by appointment (evenings, weekends, holidays). Southgate Campus 19275 Northline Southgate, MI 48195 734-785-7716 Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm Sat-Sun: CLOSED *Emergent forensic interviews available by appointment (evenings, weekends, holidays). Walk-In Clinic Southgate Campus Walk-In Clinic for Psychiatric Services (must already be a patient with The Guidance Center) 13101 Allen Road Building 4, Entrance C Southgate, MI 48195 734-785-7774 Fridays only: 9:00am-2:00pm (Maximum of 15 clients per day will be seen: first come, first served. Not for Adult & Family or Building #6 clients. Donate Today Make a difference and donate to our programs and campaigns. We greatly appreciate your support. View our donation options
mental health care
Title: Contact - The Guidance Center - Nurture development. If you wish to speak to someone during business hours about a concern you have that has not been resolved by speaking to your treatment team or a supervisor, you may contact The Guidance Center’s Customer Service Department at 844-820-4819. Please complete the requested information below to send us your questions or comments or to sign up to receive communications from us. On weekends and at all other times, an emergency number will be left on the agency’s voicemail system. For more information on specific services, or to schedule an appointment, call The Guidance Center at 734-785-7700 and ask for a Client Referral Specialist. We are committed to providing a safe and affirming space where people of all sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions can find support and unconditional acceptance. Creating a culture in which we embrace diversity, equity and inclusion and strive to dismantle oppression is critical to our mission to: Nurture development. Contact our DEI Council at [email protected] Our SOGIE Commitment In working to dismantle oppression and promote diversity, equity and inclusion, The Guidance Center is committed to providing a safe and affirming space where staff and clients of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and expressions can find support and unconditional acceptance to: Nurture development. Contact our SOGIE Committee at [email protected] Meet our DEI/SOGIE Team Content: Employee Login About The Guidance Center Since 1958 The Guidance Center has been committed to its mission to: Nurture development. A group of concerned residents and educators recognized the need for mental health services in our area and joined forces in 1958 to help form The Guidance Center. Since then we have worked as a team to respond to the needs of children, adults and families in southeast Michigan. The agency operates a wide range of programs and services at 18 locations. Our expertise in mental health and wellness, early childhood education, intellectual & developmental disabilities services and support, mentoring, substance-use disorders, Kids-TALK Children’s Advocacy Center, Champions of Wayne, Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC), Nurture the Future, and research and evaluation helps more than 16,000 children and adults annually work on their own personal triumphs in life. In October 2021, The Guidance Center was selected by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) to participate in its five-year Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) demonstration pilot. Our Mission Nurture development. Our Vision The Guidance Center is an innovative leader in programs, community engagement, and collaboration to create a vibrant future for those we serve. Core Values These values are the foundation of our culture, our decision-making processes, and the steadfast pursuit of our mission: Welcoming and Accessible Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Respect and Dignity Innovation and Creativity Excellence and Quality Teamwork and Collaboration Accountability and Reliability Stewardship and Integrity More about us Content: 20600 Eureka Road, Suite 800 Taylor, Michigan 48180 734-785-7700 Mon-Fri: 8:30am – 5pm or by appointment Sat: CLOSED Sun: CLOSED Lincoln Park Community Resource Center 3320 Electric Street Lincoln Park, MI 48146 734-785-7705 x7421 Mon-Thu: Fri: Sat: Sun: CLOSED Walter White Community Resource Center 550 Eaton River Rouge, MI 48218 313-294-6276 Mon: 12-4pm Tue-Wed: 8:30am – 12pm Thu-Fri: By appointment only Sat: CLOSED Sun: CLOSED Head Start Sites 45201 Owen St. Belleville, MI 48111 734-785-7708 Mon-Thu: Fri: Sat: Sun: CLOSED Lincoln Park Head Start 3320 Electric Avenue Lincoln Park, MI 48146 313-381-0976 Mon-Thu: Fri: Sat: Sun: CLOSED River Rouge Head Start 550 Eaton River Rouge, MI 48218 313-928-6200 Mon-Thu: Fri: Sat: Sun: CLOSED Romulus Head Start 35200 Smith Rd Romulus, MI 48174 734-785-7792 Mon-Thu: Fri: Sat: Sun: CLOSED Taylor-Fischer Head Start 8882 Beech Daly Rd. Taylor, MI 48180 734-785-7713 Mon-Thu: Fri: Sat: Sun: CLOSED Kids-TALK Children's Advocacy Centers 40 East Ferry Street Detroit, MI 48202 313-833-2970 Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm Sat-Sun: CLOSED *Emergent forensic interviews available by appointment (evenings, weekends, holidays).
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: IETF | Liaisons Content: About us Liaisons The IETF has a number of liaison relationships with other organizations, frequently other Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) or other Internet governance organizations. IETF liaison managers and liaisons to other organizations or subgroups within organizations are appointed by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB). For more information about the procedures that govern IETF liaisons, please see RFC 4052 “IAB Liaison Management” and RFC 4053 (BCP 103) “Procedures for Handling Liaison Statements to and from the IETF.” The primary contact on liaison negotiation is the IAB. You can send email to the IAB liaison coordinators at [email protected] . The current liaison coordinators are Wes Hardaker , Suresh Krishnan , and Tommy Pauly . When and how are new liaisons established? The IAB is responsible for establishing new formal liaison relationships if conditions warrant appointing a specific person or persons to such a task. Establishing a liaison relationship can provide the framework for ongoing communications to: Prevent inadvertent duplication of effort, without obstructing either organization from pursuing its own mandate Provide authoritative information about one organization’s dependence on the other’s work New liaison appointments are rare, since the best way for organizations to work with the IETF is to do so by participating in the relevant working groups, or to have IETF working group members participate directly in the other organization’s structures. How are formal liaison statements sent and received? A list of sent and received liaison statements and their status is available on the IETF Datatracker. If a formal established liaison relationship exists (see table below), the appointed liaison manager is responsible for managing, tracking and ensuring all outgoing liaison statements (sent by the IETF or some group within the IETF) and incoming liaison statements (sent by the other SDO) are processed and handled. Each liaison manager has a corresponding contact point from the other SDO. If no formal established liaison relationship exists, it is still possible to send formal liaison statements. Please contact [email protected] before sending any statements for this case. To submit a liaison statement, please reach out to the appropriate liaison manager, or the IAB liaison coordinators. In more detail, this means: Outgoing (sent by the IETF or a group within the IETF) Contact the liaison manager if the organization you want to send the liaison statement to is listed below. If no liaison manager is assigned for the organization, please email the IAB liaison coordinators at [email protected] instead. Incoming (sent by another SDO to the IETF or a group within the IETF) Contact the person responsible for liaison management in the other SDO. If you don’t know the correct contact, please ask the respective IETF liaison manager below or send an email to [email protected] . If you are the person responsible for liaison management in the other SDO and you have not sent liaison statements to the IETF before, please contact [email protected] for assistance before you send liaison statements. Current liaison managers and appointments Liaison Managers [PAGE] Title: IETF | IETF Contacts Content: To report a copyright infringement: Copyright infringement To request an authenticated document or to serve a subpoena, see our legal requests procedures To report/discuss an issue of conduct by a community participant or community leader: Ombudsteam To report/discuss an issue of conduct by a member of the IETF Administration LLC Board, staff or a contractor: IETF LLC Whistleblower Hotline For questions, concerns and requests concerning personal data: [email protected] For all other complaints, contact the IETF Executive Director: [email protected] Internet Standards and Standards Development The Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) is responsible for technical management of IETF activities and the Internet standards process. For general inquires, contact the IESG Secretary: [email protected] To report a vulnerability with an IETF protocol: Guidance on Reporting Protocol Vulnerabilities to the IETF Liaisons and liaison statements The IETF has a limited number of liaison relationships with other organizations. Liaisons from the IETF to other organizations are appointed by the Internet Architecture Board ( IAB ). If you have any question about liaison management or need information about sending a liaison statement to the IETF, please contact the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) at [email protected] IT Infrastructure and Services To report a vulnerability in our infrastructure or services: Vulnerability Disclosure Statement To raise an issue with a specific IETF system please see the appropriate GitHub repository Postal Address IETF Administration LLC1000 N West Street, Suite 1200Wilmington, DE 19801USAPhone: +1 ‪(302) 319-3421‬ Secretariat Association Management Solutions, LLC (AMS)5177 Brandin CourtFremont, California 94538USAPhone: +1-510-492-4080Fax: +1-510-492-4001 Encrypted Email To send encrypted email, you can use our PGP key and send to the email address in the key (encrypted at ietf dot org.) This is for credit card or other confidential information ONLY; other email must be sent to the appropriate addresses above. [PAGE] Title: IETF | Working groups Content: Introduction The vast majority of the IETF's work is done in its many Working Groups, of which there are well over one hundred. This guide is aimed at people who are new to IETF Working Groups and explains the basics of how they work, how to participate in one, and what to expect. A Working Group is really just a mailing list with a bit of supervision and facilitation. Anyone can "join" a Working Group just by subscribing to the mailing list, no permission or account required. Once subscribed, anyone can post to a Working Group mailing list. All messages are publicly archived . All activity in a Working Group is covered by the Note Well , the set of policies governing participation in the IETF. The full list of active Working Groups is on Datatracker . Organization and management of Working Groups Each Working Group has a charter, approved by the IESG, that describes the specific problems or deliverables (a guideline, a standards specification, etc) it has been formed to address. Charters state the scope of work for the Working Group, and lay out goals and milestones that show how this work will be completed. Some charters also specify what the Working Group will not do, Each Working Group is chartered within an Area and has a responsible Area Director who appoints one, two, or sometimes three chairs to manage the Working Group. The chairs are responsible for the quality of the Working Group's output. They must keep the Working Group productive and making progress on its drafts, by manage discussion and by scheduling meetings when appropriate. The chairs must also manage the formal processes around Working Group documents and ensure the Working Group complies with IETF policies. Chairs can appoint a Working Group Secretary to assist them. Consensus decision making The general rule on how Working Groups make decisions is that the Working Group has to come to "rough consensus", meaning that a very large majority of those who care must agree, and that those in the minority have had a chance to explain why and their points have been addressed, even if they were not agreed with. It is up to the chairs to decide when the Working Group has reached rough consensus; sometimes the responsible AD will also do so. The chairs may use a poll to help with this, but this is not formal voting and should not be mistaken as such. This consensus-based approach can take a much longer time to reach a conclusion than a formal vote, but many IETF participants regard it as essential for developing protocols that work reliably at Internet scale. Note, the IETF used to use 'humming' as a method of determining consensus but this practice has largely ceased as it disadvantages remote participants. References to humming still appear in IETF literature. Working Group documents Working Group documents are Internet-Drafts that the Working Group has decided to adopt as official working documents, following a formal call for adoption by the chairs. This call for adoption will generally only come after extensive review and discussion. Sometimes a Working Group will consider several alternatives before selecting a particular Internet-Draft as a Working Group document. A Working Group will often take ideas from several of these alternatives to create a single Working Group document. The WG chairs appoint who will be the authors or editors of Working Group I-Ds; often those who wrote the initial draft continue work on behalf of the Working Group. There is often more than one author/editor for Working Group documents, particularly for complex documents. When multiple documents are combined, the chairs determine who will be listed as authors on the title page and who will be acknowledged as contributors in the body of the document. As a Working Group document is progressing, participants suggest changes on the Working Group's mailing list (or online if the document is maintained somewhere accessible). The document authors/editors are expected to follow the discussion and make changes when there is consensus so that the contents of the document accurately reflect Working Group decisions. When a document editor does not follow the consensus, the chairs will either be more forceful about getting changes that match the consensus or replace the document editor with someone more responsive. When a Working Group document is ready to progress beyond the Working Group, the chairs will assign a "shepherd" to take over the final process. The role of the document shepherd is described in RFC 4858: Document Shepherding from Working Group Last Call to Publication . A chair who knows the history of the document within the Working Group, often does the shepherd write-up. Face-to-face sessions at IETF meetings Most Working Groups meet face-to-face at IETF meetings (with excellent remote participation support) as these are generally highly productive sessions. It's the job of the chairs to request face-to-face sessions and set the agenda for those. If you want something discussed at the meeting, be sure to let the chairs know about it. The most important thing to do before coming to a face-to-face meeting is to read the Working Group mailing list and documents ahead of time so that you can understand what is being said. Meetings are explicitly not for education: they are for developing the Working Group documents, and often the presentations expect you to be up to date with the current state of documents and discussions. Any agreements reached at a face-to-face meeting must also gain consensus on the mailing list after the session, and you'll therefore often hear the phrase "to be confirmed on the list." There are numerous examples of important decisions reached in meetings that are later overturned on the mailing list. At the start of a face-to-face session, the chairs will normally ask for a volunteer to take notes. This is an excellent way to learn more about the work, the IETF process, and the other participants. They may also ask for a volunteer 'scribe' to monitor the chat and report on any questions or key points raised. Interim Working Group meetings Working Groups sometimes hold interim meetings between IETF meetings. Like regular IETF meetings, someone needs to take notes, and the group needs to take attendance. Decisions tentatively made during an interim Working Group meeting must still be confirmed on the mailing list. Interim meetings are subject to the IETF Note Well. Most interim meetings are virtual these days and have the same reporting requirements as face-to-face virtual meetings. The IESG has rules for advance notice the on time and place of interim Working Group meetings, as well as reporting the results of the meetings. The purpose of these rules is to make interim meetings accessible to as many Working Group participants as possible and to maintain the transparency of the Working Group process. Working Group resources Each Working Group has a set of pages in Datatracker with information on the chairs, charter, documents, meetings, mailing list, and more. Some Working Groups use GitHub repositories to manage their documents and track issues and changes. See RFC 8874: Working Group GitHub Usage Guidance and RFC 8875: Working Group GitHub Administration for more details on how this is intended to work. Staying on track, making progress and resolving disputes While the chairs are tasked with ensuring the Working Groups stays on track and continues to make progress, this is something all participants should actively contribute to. The mailing list and face-to-face meetings are supposed to focus on only what is in the charter and not wander off on other "interesting" topics. Of course, looking a bit outside the scope of the Working Group is occasionally useful, but the large majority of the discussion should be on the topics listed in the charter. Discussions will get stuck on contentious points, and the chair will need to steer people toward productive interaction, and then declare when rough consensus has been met and the discussion is over. Sometimes there is a disagreement on whether or not a particular topic is within the scope of the charter. One possible resolution for this, is for the Working Group to agree to work towards a re-charter so that the topic is in scope. Occasionally, there is a disagreement between an individual chair and participant, in which case another chair will aim to resolve it. If a participant disagrees with a decision of the chairs, such as a call on consensus, and this cannot be resolved within the Working Group, they should bring their concerns to the responsible Area Director. Any participant who believes they have been mistreated, in violation of the Code of Conduct , should raise this privately with the chairs or go directly to the Ombudsteam . Closing a Working Group When a Working Group has fulfilled its charter, it is supposed to cease operations, unless it is re-chartered for follow-on work. In the IETF, it is a mark of success that the Working Group closes up because it fulfilled its charter, and the list of concluded Working Groups is long. Some Working Group mailing lists continue on after the Working Group is closed, to enable ongoing discussion of the same topics. [PAGE] Title: IETF | Support the IETF Content: Support the IETF By supporting the IETF today, you are ensuring a free and open Internet exists tomorrow. Your support directly helps the IETF continue its work. It provides the means and tools for IETF participants around the world to convene and collaborate. It helps ensure a strong, financially stable IETF of the future, working truly independently and not reliant on any single funding source. Read the IETF Case for Support (pdf) to learn how the work of the IETF is critical to the Internet's free and open ethos, enabling innovation and independence. There are several ways to financially support the IETF to ensure its work remains open, accessible, and available to anyone around the world. IETF Endowment The IETF Endowment is a designated fund created to ensure the long-term sustainability of the IETF. Gifts made to the IETF Endowment will help IETF reach its goal of financial independence. Thanks to a generous gift from the Internet Society, all gifts made to the Endowment through 2029 will be matched, allowing your donation to go further! Make a gift online to the IETF today. Meeting Sponsorship Three times a year, the global IETF community of engineers, technologists, developers, and other experts gather in-person and online to learn from each other, to test emerging standards, and to advance new ideas. These meetings bring together more than 1,000 participants and require significant planning, preparation and support. IETF Meeting Sponsorships helps make these events more sustainable, and promotes diverse participation. Operations The work of the IETF and the IETF Administration LLC happens all year long. IETF participants collaborate on standards development remotely through mailing lists and online forums to ensure that progress continues between official gatherings. Members of the all-volunteer leadership meet regularly to monitor the progress of work underway and chart the course ahead. The costs of providing continuous connections among the IETF community are not insignificant. Ways to give [PAGE] Title: IETF | Standards process Content: Internet standards Standards process The process of creating a standard is straightforward: a specification undergoes a period of development and several iterations of review by the Internet community and revision based upon experience. The basic formal definition of the IETF standards process is RFC 2026 (BCP 9). However, this document has been amended several times. The intellectual property rules are now separate, in RFC 5378 (BCP 78) (rights in contributions) and RFC 8179 (BCP 79) (rights in technology). Another update is RFC 5742 (BCP 92) (independent submissions to the RFC Editor). From RFC 2026, section 1.2: In outline, the process of creating an Internet Standard is straightforward: a specification undergoes a period of development and several iterations of review by the Internet community and revision based upon experience, is adopted as a Standard by the appropriate body... and is published. In practice, the process is more complicated, due to (1) the difficulty of creating specifications of high technical quality; (2) the need to consider the interests of all of the affected parties; (3) the importance of establishing widespread community consensus; and (4) the difficulty of evaluating the utility of a particular specification for the Internet community. The goals of the Internet Standards Process are: technical excellence; clear, concise, and easily understood documentation; openness and fairness; and timeliness. ... The goal of technical competence, the requirement for prior implementation and testing, and the need to allow all interested parties to comment all require significant time and effort. On the other hand, today's rapid development of networking technology demands timely development of standards. The Internet Standards Process is intended to balance these conflicting goals. The process is believed to be as short and simple as possible without sacrificing technical excellence, thorough testing before adoption of a standard, or openness and fairness. The IETF welcomes the critical evaluation of protocols and has provided guidance on how to report vulnerabilities . [PAGE] Title: IETF | IETF mailing lists Content: A reasonably complete list of our public mailing lists can be found on the main listinfo page . Announcement Lists Announcement lists are used for distributing information about various topics. Anyone may subscribe to these announcement lists: Only authorised senders can post a message to one of these lists with all other messages rejected. IETF Announce. This is the main announcement list for the IETF. It is fairly high traffic (~5 messages per day) as it is used for announcements a wide range of topics, including IETF meetings, the activities and actions of the Internet Engineering Steering Group ( IESG ), RFC publication, activities of the other leadership groups within the IETF, updates from the Nominating Committee , and other announcements of interest to the IETF community. [ Subscribe | Archive ] I-D Announce. Specifically for actions taken on Internet-Drafts currently being considered by the IETF. [ Subscribe | Archive ] New Working Group Docs. Notifications when Internet-Drafts are adopted by an IETF working group [ Subscribe | Archive ] IPR Announce. Notifications when IPR disclosures are uploaded to the IETF website. [ Subscribe | Archive ] IESG Agenda Distribution. A summarized agenda for each IESG biweekly teleconference is sent to this list. [ Subscribe | Archive ] RFP Announce. Distributes new RFPs for IETF related work and announces contract awards. [ Subscribe | Archive ] IRTF Announce. Announcements about IRTF meetings, the activities and actions of the IRTF , and other announcements of interest to the IRTF community. [ Subscribe | Archive ] Working Group and BoF lists Each IETF working group and Birds-of-a-Feather group maintains a general discussion mailing list where most of its work is conducted. Mail on the working group mailing lists is expected to be technically relevant to the working groups supported by those lists. Anyone can subscribe to a working group list and the archives are all public. To subscribe to a Working Group mailing list see the web page for that working group using the list of active working groups on our Datatracker system. There is also a list of concluded Working Groups and BOFs which provides pointers to mail archives if available. General discussion lists These cover a wide range of topics. Anyone can subscribe to a general discussion list and the archives are all public.Unfortunately we do not have an index of general discussion lists and so what follows is a non-exhaustive list of the most important ones: IETF Discussion list. This list furthers the development and specification of Internet technology through the general discussion of technical, procedural, operational, and other topics for which no dedicated mailing lists exist. As this is the most general IETF mailing list, considerable latitude in terms of topics is allowed. It is the IETF list with posting on the broadest charter, and can be a place to start discussions on a particular topic. However, there are posts and topics that are unsuitable for this mailing list and so this list has special rules on content and moderation [ Subscribe | Archive ] Architecture Discuss list. Technical discussion forum for all members of the IETF community that are interested in larger architectural issues. It is meant to be an open discussion forum for all long and/or wide range architectural concerns related to the Internet architecture. In particular, it may be used to discuss and bring forth different points of view on controversial architectural questions. [ Subscribe | Archive ] Last Call list. The discussion forum for proposed actions that are in IETF Last Call. [ Subscribe | Archive ] Admin Discuss list. For any general issue related to the IETF Administration LLC ( IETF LLC ) and its work including meetings, finances and general IETF operations. It is used as the reply-to address for IETF LLC consultations with the IETF community. [ Subscribe | Archive ] RFC Interest list. General discussion about RFCs and the editorial and publication processes. NOTE: This list address is on one of the IETF subsidiary sites, [ Subscribe | Archive ] TLP Interest list. General discussion on the IETF Trust and the Trust Legal Provisions for IETF Documents [ Subscribe | Archive ] IRTF Discussion list. This list is for discussion of topics relating to the Internet Research Task Force . In particular, this list is a forum for discussing proposals for new research groups. Conference and workshop announcements are NOT to be sent to this list. [ Subscribe | Archive ] Meeting lists Each IETF meeting has four lists created just for that meeting using an easily guessable naming scheme. Meeting participants are automatically subscribed to two or more of these lists when they register for the meeting, unless they opt out. The links below are updated for the current meeting, when those lists are created. Meeting announcement list. Low volumes list used to send important announcements just before, during and after a meeting including the welcome email, useful location information, updates on any issues and the wrap up email. [ Subscribe | Archive ] Participant discussion list. Where meeting participants can connect with each other regarding issues related to the meeting. [ Subscribe | Archive ] New participants list. For participants who have attended fewer than five meetings. Used to provide specific information tailored for participants new to the IETF, including details of special events. [ Subscribe | Archive ] Companions list. For companions of IETF participants, to help with networking. [ Subscribe | Archive ] Please note that messages regarding meeting issues that require the involvement of the Secretariat or meeting Network Operations Center (NOC) should be sent to the Helpdesk rather than bothering all of the other meeting participants. Leadership lists IETF Community leadership groups all have private mailing lists but many of them allow any IETF participant to post to those lists so that they can provide feedback to those groups. The list below is of mailto: links for the key leadership lists: [PAGE] Title: IETF | What’s the deal with Media Over QUIC? Content: What’s the deal with Media Over QUIC? Brett BralleyThought Leadership Content Writer, Cisco 25 Jan 2024 In 2022, the IETF formed a working group for Media Over QUIC (MoQ)—a media delivery solution that has the potential to transform how we send and receive media during live streaming, real-time collaboration, gaming, and more. For those of you unfamiliar with this IETF work, here’s a primer on what you need to know: from what MoQ is, to how it works, to how it can completely change the game of media delivery. What is Media Over QUIC? We have many media streaming services, like Netflix and YouTube, on the Internet today. We also have services, like Webex and Zoom, that allow low-latency video to flow quickly to sets of users. However, the services that allow media to scale to audiences of millions of people have high latency, explains Cullen Jennings , CTO/Fellow at Cisco and a participant in the MoQ Working Group . “Meanwhile, the video conferencing services that have low latency can’t scale out in a cost-effective way,” he adds. “What MoQ is trying to do is build a new protocol that allows low latency for streaming services and higher scale for real-time media conferencing. We want to bring together the best of both of these to create one set of technology that replaces these two silos of existing technology. MoQ can stream media from a user that is producing the media content up into the cloud, and then take that media from the cloud and distribute it down to many viewers.” According to the MoQ Working Group Charter , MoQ is a “simple low-latency media delivery solution for ingest and distribution of media.” It includes a single protocol for sending and receiving high-quality media (including audio, video, and timed metadata, such as closed captions and cue points) in a way that provides ultra low latency for the end user. That publisher/subscriber protocol supports multiple media formats, interoperability when indicating the media and media format being sent, rate adaption strategies based on changing codec rates or chosen media encoding/qualities, and cache-friendly mechanisms. To achieve low latency and high quality, the protocol works in conjunction with installed media relays throughout the data distribution chain. Those relays function as cache mechanisms, where copies of media are stored and then distributed as needed. As its name indicates, MoQ is laid on top of QUIC mechanisms (QUIC streams and/or QUIC datagrams), and can be used over raw QUIC or WebTransport. All media sent and received using the protocol can also be encrypted at the transport layer using standard QUIC, and can even be end-to-end encrypted. “MoQ is inspired by many existing design patterns,” says Jennings. “It uses much of of what has been learned about real-time media from RTP, it takes the scaling ideas from HLS / DASH and HTTP CDNs, and in some ways it can be considered an application-level multicast overlay as as well as an application layer Named Data Networking. It works by subscribing to named data, caching, and real-time publishing to subscribers looking for named data. This makes it a very flexible architecture for many uses on the Internet beyond just media.” How does it work? To understand how MoQ can completely transform media delivery, it’s important to take a look at how media travels now without it. When, for example, a live streamer sends content out over YouTube Live, the journey it travels from the publisher to the individual viewer looks something like this: A video live-streamed on the Internet can travel from the publisher, to a cloud-based video service, to a content delivery network (CDN), and then via an ISP to user’s home Wi-Fi, finally reaching the user’s device application. Data packets inevitably get lost in the commute, which results in rebuffering video and audio that cuts in and out. To alleviate this problem now, the user’s video streaming application will send another request to the video streaming service for the missing data packets. The request has to travel all the way from the user to the CDN, then the missing data packets make the journey once again back to the user. We know this can be a thousands-of-miles journey, and that’s what causes latency problems. What’s more, the home connection of a user might be subpar, and the delay can worsen. That’s where the installed relays come in: MoQ allows the media to flow through multiple relays, which can help “fan out” the data to many downstream users. They also form a point for re-requesting the lost data. The relays can be placed throughout the data transportation route, including at the CDN level, within a 5G network, and even on a user’s local Wi-Fi. (This is not a new idea: HTTP has enabled the same thing for a long time, but MoQ introduces this idea to low-latency media.) As media travels, copies of the data are stored in these relays. When data packets are lost, instead of the user sending a request that must travel thousands of miles, it might only have to travel a few hundred to the local 5G network, or better yet, a few feet to the user's local Wi-Fi router. This means that MoQ can enable error recovery so quickly that we don’t have to wait for the playout of data. This means we experience less latency, which leads to a better user experience. The relays also help the data efficiently scale, as they are designed to need minimal processing of the data. If many downstream clients are receiving the same media, a relay only needs to receive one copy of the media, then sends it out to the many clients downstream. In some situations, this also helps reduce bandwidth and general power consumption of the Internet. What other cool things can MoQ enable? 1. As partially explained above, MoQ can enable fan-out, meaning one copy of media can be distributed hundreds, even thousands of times, instead of many copies traveling through a network. For example, imagine a branch office at a major corporation like Cisco, where 100 people in the same building might be on the same conference call. As it is now, the content of that call has to travel 100 times, arriving at each individual user’s device. With MoQ, a media relay installed at that local branch office would enable fan out, meaning the content from that call only travels one time. Copies are stored in the local relay, and then are distributed within the branch office as many times as necessary. 2. With MoQ, media content can be end-to-end encrypted. But even when this is the case, media relays can still access information like the priority field needed for caching, and that can reveal helpful information that allows media to make forwarding decisions. So if a network is congested, the media relay can decide whether to drop or delay certain media as needed. 3. MoQ also creates a solution to another problem: different applications have different latency needs, and MoQ would enable “tunable latency,” explains Will Law, a MoQ Working Group participant and Cloud Technology Group chief architect at Akamai Technologies. “A stack such as WebRTC is optimized for playback at the live-edge only; it is difficult to use it for near-live and VOD playback,” he says. “Segmented formats (HLS, DASH, HESP) can operate at scale in the one-to-few-seconds latency range, but not for real-time. “MoQ is being built so that it can be used across all three latency regimes: real-time, interactive, and VOD. Far more video by volume is consumed as VOD playback (which you can conceptualize as infinite latency) than as live. Peak traffic, however, is driven by live consumption. So a format in which the latency can be tuned to the application requirements is particularly useful.” Why MoQ? Why now? For the past 22 years, Law has been involved with streaming media, “a period over which we have seen the rise of Internet-delivered media and the advent of HTTP delivery and adaptive bitrate streaming,” he says. The last decade has seen a refinement in methods and protocols used, such as HTTP/3, “but progress has been incremental in terms of improving QoE, reducing rebuffering, and lowering latency.” Law co-chairs the WebTransport working group at the World Wide Web Consortium, and he notes that WebTransport, “offers an efficient connection between a client and a server, but it requires an application to give it utility. “It became evident to me early on in that project that the prime candidate application was video delivery, especially live video delivery. Various companies were experimenting independently with leveraging QUIC for media delivery via a transport other than HTTP.” That’s why he joined the Birds of a Feather discussion of MoQ in 2022 and has been involved ever since. A powerful piece of the puzzle is the fact that a single protocol can be used, he adds. “Today media delivery is a mixture of different protocols and formats for contribution, real-time distribution, and non-real time and VOD (video on demand),” he says. Each of those protocols come with their own boundaries, complexities, and latencies, he notes. “Having a single format and protocol across all elements of the distribution chain (contribution, processing, distribution) can improve the efficiency, reduce the errors and conversion costs and improve the overall performance.” Luke Curley is a software engineer at Discord as well as a MoQ Working Group participant. When he was an engineer at Twitch, he came across a need for a better user experience than current protocols allow. “We hit a latency boundary of HLS, and WebRTC was really the only option available in the browser,” he recalls. “However, the user experience just wasn’t good enough for our use-case, so I had to search for something else.’ He started investigating QUIC and the QuicTransport origin trial , which indicated that “browser support was a real possibility,” he says. “We gambled on it, it worked great, and soon enough, we had Warp running in production. We realized that we had to advocate for these new standards (ex. WebTransport, WebCodecs) otherwise they might never see the light of day.” Curley says MoQ goes beyond what other protocols thus far have been able to offer. “WebRTC is a monolith that owns the entire pipeline: capturing, encoding, transmitting, receiving, decoding, rendering. If you want a Google Meets clone, then WebRTC does a fantastic job. However, if you want to make even the slightest modification, then WebRTC is too brittle. It's a very narrowly defined blackbox that doesn't allow for any experimentation or divergent use-cases. “MoQ is a devolution, relying on individual web technologies instead. QUIC provides the networking (via WebTransport), WebCodecs provides the encoding/decoding, and the application is free to choose how to capture/render. Your application is actually responsible for the user experience, which involves more work, of course, but creates a huge opportunity. “And critically, there's an explicit layer for relays in the form of MoQTransport . It's a generic live pub/sub framework designed for CDNs and mass fanout. It's quite a pain to build a WebRTC CDN because of how coupled it is to the conferencing use-case, while MoQ aims to offer a more generic experience more like HTTP (but live).” How will different industries benefit? There are two industries that will benefit greatly from MoQ: real-time collaboration apps like Webex, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc., and live streaming, explains Jennings. “We have two converging problems,” he says . “Real-time collaboration apps want low latency, high quality, and a wider reach. The live-streaming industry would like to bring down latency to allow for real-time interactivity. Neither has been able to make significant progress, and they probably won’t if they continue to make incremental improvements (in other words, scaling up to 2,000 from 1,000 participants).” MoQ is a disruptive solution that will “bring together the best of both worlds — the responsiveness of real-time voice and video conferencing and the scale and reach of larger-scale streaming — solving problems for both industries,” he adds. “If used the right way, Media Over QUIC has the potential to yield an incredible real-time experience on a wide scale, no matter your Internet connection. It also forms the basis for a highly scalable and low-latency publish/subscribe networks that can be used by many types of applications,” Jennings says. CDNs also have the potential to reap the benefits of MoQ in a big way, explains Law. “Today, CDNs must deploy separate networks to deliver real-time media, VOD movies, and live sports events, due to the different protocols and formats involved in delivering those content types,” he explains.  “Idle machines in one network cannot serve traffic on another and inter-network capacity must be carefully managed. “The allure of MoQ is that a single delivery network, protocol, and format can address multiple market segments concurrently. This affords lower network OPEX and better capacity management while maximizing the addressable market.” Jennings says that even though MoQ is designed for improving media delivery, it will enable so much more and benefit other markets. “MoQ is actually a very generic mechanism that allows us to do even more than deliver media,” he explains. “MoQ allows us to build a publisher/subscriber network across the internet that works on low latency, high fan out, and high scalability, and this can be used for lots of applications.”Other use cases include: IoT: “IoT devices report tons of information up their local edge network, with different monitoring systems trying to subscribe to and monitor pieces of that information, he says. This will make that process simpler for the systems subscribing to that media. Push notifications: “Many applications have the issue of when events happen, many clients have to be notified, and there isn’t a simple way to do that,” Jennings explains. “MoQ can enable an easier and simpler way to accomplish this.” 5G Networks: Modern 5G networks have opened up the opportunity of using servers that provide very low latency to clients. “However, there isn’t a good programming model of how to take advantage of this,” says Jennings. “In the same way CDNs gave a simple way for applications to use data centers all over the world, deploying MoQ relay nodes in the 5G edge would give applications an easy way to use the low latency capabilities of the 5G networks.“ Text messaging protocols: “MoQ allows the most used messaging apps like WhatsApp to create a way to deliver text messages to millions of people in a very scalable way.” What will the end-user experience with MoQ? In a recent blog post authored by Jennings, he quotes user experience designer Vanessa Costa-Massimo on the psychological impacts of latency and how it can impede hybrid work: “When we experience latency [on a real-time video conferencing app], our first instinct is to blame not a faulty network connection, but the person we’re talking to,” she says. “We assume that if it takes a couple seconds for someone to respond, they’re not paying attention, or they’re lazy, rude, or some other negative quality, before we realize it could actually be a latency issue.” This indicates that collaboration is most certainly affected by latency, Jennings says. “MoQ is a powerful solution in this way. If we can get rid of this hindrance to meaningful collaboration and trust in one another, we can enable end-users to accomplish their best work together.” Realistically, most end-users won’t know they’re using MoQ at all, except that they’ll be happier with their experiences, from live streaming to gaming to video-conferencing calls, says Law. “The old cliche of hearing your sports event on your neighbors OTA broadcast ahead of your OTT broadcast will have inverted—with OTT becoming significantly faster than any cable, satellite, or over-the-air based distribution channel.” Where is MoQ now? What’s next? As of IETF 118 in Prague, Law says “the core spec for MoQ Transport is slowly baking, and some degree of interoperability was achieved for the first time among the six early implementations.” Now, the group can shift their focus to the media streaming formats that will ride on top of it, he says. The group will hold an interim meeting Feb. 6–8 in the United States. The on-site portion of the hybrid meeting will be hosted by Comcast at their offices in Denver, Colorado. The meeting includes a one-day hackathon/interop on Feb. 6, followed by two days of interim meetings on Feb. 7–8. Those interested in participating can learn more here . The mailing list is also open and active ( click here to subscribe ), along with GitHub issues. Anyone with interest in the future of Internet-delivered media is encouraged to review the Internet-Drafts currently being considered by the MoQ working group , and to get involved. Share this page [PAGE] Title: IETF | Protocol registries (IANA) Content: Internet standards Protocol registries (IANA) The global coordination of the DNS Root, IP addressing, and other Internet protocol resources is performed as the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions. IANA is responsible for coordinating some of the key elements that keep the Internet running smoothly. The Internet is renowned for being a worldwide network free from central coordination. But there is a technical need for key parts of the Internet to be globally coordinated. IANA undertakes this coordination role. IANA allocates and maintains unique codes and numbering systems (parameters) used in the IETF technical standards. IANA activities can be broadly grouped into three categories: Domain Names Management of the DNS Root, the .int and .arpa domains, and an IDN practices resources Number Resources Coordination of the global pool of IP and AS numbers, primarily providing them to Regional Internet Registries. Protocol Assignments Internet protocols’ numbering systems are managed in conjunction with standards bodies. Accessing IANA-maintained information [PAGE] Title: IETF | Security & privacy Content: Topics of interest Security & privacy Trust by users in security and privacy on the Internet is a critical part of its success. A range of components, including robust implementations, careful deployment, and appropriate use of security technologies, is required to create a trusted Internet. Technical standards and Best Current Practice documents developed in the IETF provide important foundational elements for security and privacy on the Internet. IETF standards strive to be resilient against a host of known and emerging threats. Internet security has long been an integral part of the process of developing Internet standards: for more than 20 years, all RFCs have been required to include a section that discusses the security considerations of the protocol or procedures that are the main topic of the RFC. The IETF Security Area , with more than 20 active Working Groups , provides a focal point for security-related technical work in the IETF. Their work includes: enabling secure and privacy-preserving communications; helping collect, verify, understand, and update the state of network end-points; and providing protocols and applications the means to handle the authentication, authorization, and accounting of users, applications, and devices. The IETF Security Directorate , consisting of the Working Group Chairs of the Security Area and selected individuals chosen for their technical knowledge in security, work with other groups within the IETF to help ensure IETF protocols provide an appropriate level of security for their intended usage. A few recent and current efforts underway in the IETF are described below: The latest version of the Transport Layer Security protocol, TLS 1.3, updates the most important security protocol on the Internet . TLS 1.3 delivers superior privacy, security, and performance over previous versions. This capability is a foundation of online commerce, medicine, and other sensitive transactions. For these and many other uses it is critical that transmitted information not be tampered with, forged, or read by anyone other than the sender and receiver. These features have been a key part of the Internet’s growth and are critical to many uses today. Importantly, given the significant improvements TLS 1.3 provides, its adoption rate since publication as a standard is increasing five times faster than the previous version. The Automated Certificate Management Environment ( ACME ) protocol, recently published as RFC 8555, lets you set up a secure website in just a few seconds. When you connect to your bank or your health care provider over the Internet, you need to know that you’re actually talking to them, and not a bad actor who is impersonating them and might steal your information or tamper with the transaction. Security protocols such as TLS 1.3 provide encryption that protects you from everyone except the other side of the connection, but don’t themselves allow you to verify who that person is. ACME automates all the steps needed to verify that the other side of a secure connection is who you think it is, unlocking the potential for universal encryption on the Internet. As an evolution of existing technologies for secure two-party communication, development of the emerging Messaging Layering Security (MLS) protocol has seen strong participation by significant industry players. MLS aims to provide a standards-based approach for message protection within groups, potentially very large ones. MLS aims to ensure message confidentiality, integrity and forward secrecy, which ensures previously sent messages remain confidential even if the system is compromised at some point in the future. Several widely-deployed applications have developed their own protocols to meet these kinds of needs. While these independently-developed  protocols are similar, no two are close enough to interoperate at a cryptographic level. The MLS Working Group is following the approach used in the development of TLS 1.3, benefiting from broad participation by industry and cryptographic researchers to implement and verify the protocol as it works towards standardization. [PAGE] Title: IETF | Working Group keywords Content: Working Group keywords IETF Working Groups have volunteered key words related to technologies they are working on. This page provides a summary set of keywords contributed by Working Group chairs on a volunteer basis. This is intended to help find specific efforts underway within the IETF related to a particular topic. Work in the IETF covers a broad range of technologies, including those which may not be referenced here. Please review the complete list of active Working Groups for further information. [PAGE] Title: IETF | IETF Meetings Content: Information about how we plan where and when to hold our meetings, the community requirements that we aim to fulfill in venue selection, and policies regarding meeting planning. Upcoming events [PAGE] Title: IETF | Birds of a Feather Content: Participate Birds of a Feather Birds of a Feather sessions (BOFs) are initial discussions about a particular topic of interest to the IETF community. BOFs are usually held at IETF meetings, and requests to hold a BOF must be made significantly in advance of the meeting. Any interested party may submit a BOF proposal for consideration by the Internet Engineering Steering Group ( IESG ). Proposals are due by the BOF submission deadline determined for each meeting, and will be approved or declined for scheduling prior to the publication of the IETF meeting agenda. See the BOF submission procedures below for more information. Though some BOFs lead to forming a working group , BoFs may be used to gather a sense of the IETF community about a topic without intending to form a working group. BoFs are not a required step in forming working groups. If an Area Director believes that a proposal for a new working group is compelling, well thought out, and well organized, the Area Director can initiate the process of chartering a working group without approving a BOF. Submitting a BOF proposal To propose a BOF session for an upcoming IETF meeting, it is best to contact an Area Director (AD) in the relevant Area in advance of the BoF proposal submission deadline date for the meeting, or simply send email about a potential BOF proposal to the full IESG at [email protected] . Proposals for BOFs must be submitted in the Datatracker prior to the BoF submission deadline. Logging in to the BOF request page requires IETF Datatracker credentials. The request form contains a list of information that must be included with each proposal. Further Information RFC 2418 Section 2.4 provides guidance and details about proposing a Birds of a Feather session, particularly in the context of "IETF Working Group Guidelines and Procedures". RFC 5434 , as its title suggests, provides "Considerations for Having a Successful Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) Session". RFC 6771 provides guidelines on how to have a side meeting to work on a possible proposal for new work in the IETF. Request a Birds of a Feather session for the next IETF Meeting [PAGE] Title: IETF | Hackathons Content: Participate Hackathons An unofficial motto of the IETF is, "We believe in rough consensus and running code." Implementation experience provides critical feedback to the standardization process. IETF participants are encouraged to develop implementations of standards and pre-standard specifications before, during, and after the IETF standardization process. While many participants write code relevant to IETF standards on their own time for work or pleasure, the IETF also plays host to a number of activities to encourage participants develop, contribute, and promote code directly related to the IETF and IETF standards. [PAGE] Title: IETF | Donate to the IETF Endowment Content: IETF Endowment Donate to the IETF Endowment Help sustain the mission of the IETF for the long-term as it fosters and produces technical standards that improve how the global Internet is developed, used, and managed. Donate to the IETF Endowment $10 You must select an amount (or enter a custom amount) Make it monthly Donor details for your receipt Show your details on the Supporters page Choose a payment method Thank you for your donation to the IETF You will receive a receipt for the donation at the email address you provided. There was an error processing your payment Please try again later [PAGE] Title: IETF | IETF 119 Brisbane Content: 16 Mar 2024 - 22 Mar 2024 IETF 119 starts Saturday 16 March and runs through Friday afternoon, 22 March. The IETF Hackathon and IETF Codesprint take place on the weekend. Events to help new participants get the most out of IETF meetings begin on Sunday afternoon. Participants should plan their travel accordingly. An introduction to IETF meetings provides an overview of how to prepare for and get the most out of sessions all week. Key details Register Registration Fee Waivers Terms and conditions Participant List Visa and LOI Information Participation Information [PAGE] Title: IETF | RFCs Content: RFCs RFC documents contain technical specifications and organizational notes for the Internet. RFCs produced by the IETF cover many aspects of computer networking. They describe the Internet's technical foundations, such as addressing, routing, and transport technologies. RFCs also specify protocols like TLS 1.3 , QUIC , and WebRTC that are used to deliver services used by billions of people every day, such as real-time collaboration, email, and the domain name system. Only some RFCs are standards. Depending on their maturity level and what they cover, RFCs are labeled with different statuses: Internet Standard, Proposed Standard, Best Current Practice, Experimental, Informational, and Historic. The RFC Series includes documents produced by the IETF, the Internet Architecture Board ( IAB ), the Internet Research Task Force ( IRTF ), and independent submitters . All RFCs are published by the RFC Editor , which is the authoritative source for retrieving RFCs. RFCs usually begin as Internet-Drafts ( I-Ds ) written by an individual or a small group. In the IETF, these are then usually adopted by a working group , and improved and revised. Less often, I-Ds are considered within the IETF as “individual submissions” sponsored by an Area Director. While not every I-D becomes an RFC, a well-defined set of processes (also documented in RFCs) guides the consideration and progression of a document. When they are published, RFCs are freely available online. Software developers, hardware manufacturers, and network operators around the world voluntarily implement and adopt the technical specifications described by RFCs. The IETF recognizes that security vulnerabilities will be discovered in IETF protocols and welcomes their critical evaluation by researchers. The Internet Engineering Steering Group has provided guidance on how to report vulnerabilities believed to be discovered in IETF protocols. The first document in this series, RFC 1 , was written in 1969. It was soon followed by others, including those that describe the core Internet Protocol (IP) still used in the Internet today. RFCs started as informal technical notes and the name originally stood for “Request For Comments” but now they are simply known as RFCs. The collaborative process used to develop early RFCs remains an important part of the IETF spirit. Today, there are more than 9000 individually numbered documents in the series. you might be interested in [PAGE] Title: IETF | IETF Areas Content: Topics of interest IETF Areas The IETF divides its work into a number of Areas, each comprised of working groups that relate to that Area's focus. The area structure is defined by the IESG, and the IESG can add areas, redefine areas, merge areas, change the number of Area Directors (ADs) assigned to an area, or close down areas. Changes to the area structure affect the IETF in many ways; decisions to change the area structure are taken in consultation with the community. When changing the area structure, the IESG can decide which members are responsible for new and changed areas, including making one sitting AD responsible for multiple areas, but the IESG can only add new members through the Nominating Committee process. The primary task of area management is handled by one, two, or three Area Directors per area. An AD may be advised by one or more directorates, which are created, selected, chaired and if necessary disbanded by the AD. Directorates may be specific to an area, specific to a technology, or chartered in some other fashion. The ADs for an area are jointly responsible for making sure the WGs in the area are well coordinated, that there is coverage for the technologies needed in the area, and that the challenges most important to the Internet in that area are indeed being worked on. A full list of active working groups, sorted by area, may be found at the IETF Datatracker . The IESG decides which areas working groups belong to. The charter of each Area is listed below. For more information about the role of the IESG in areas and working groups, please see RFC 3710 ("An IESG charter"), section 6 and RFC 2418 ("IETF Working Group Guidelines and Procedures"). Applications and Real-Time Area (art) The ART area develops application protocols and architectures in the IETF. The work in the area falls into roughly three categories, with blurry distinctions between them. One category consists of protocols and architectures specifically designed to support delay-sensitive interpersonal communications via voice, video, instant messaging, presence, and other means, otherwise known as "real-time" applications and services. A second category consists of protocols and architectures to support applications that may be more tolerant of delay, including HTTP, email, and FTP. The third category consists of building blocks that are designed for use across a wide variety of applications and may be employed by both real-time and non-real-time applications, such as URI schemes, MIME types, authentication mechanisms, data formats, metrics, and codecs. General Area (gen) The General Area consists of a few IETF WGs and other activities focused on supporting, updating and maintaining the IETF standards development process. As General AD, the IETF Chair manages the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART) and other IETF-wide directorates. Internet Area (int) The primary technical topics covered by the Internet Area include IP layer (both IPv4 and IPv6), implications of IPv4 address depletion, co-existence between the IP versions, DNS, DHCP, host and router configuration, mobility, multihoming, identifier-locator separation, VPNs and pseudowires along with related MPLS issues, and various link layer technologies. The Internet Area is also responsible for specifying how IP will run over new link layer protocols. Learn more from this Internet Area introduction tutorial presented at a recent IETF meeting. Operations and Management Area (ops) The primary technical areas covered by the Operations & Management (OPS) Area include: Network Management, AAA, and various operational issues facing the Internet such as DNS operations, IPv6 operations, operational security and Routing operations. Unlike most IETF areas, the Operations & Management area is logically divided into two separate functions: Network Management and Operations. The Network Management function covers Internet management and AAA, and the related protocols, including but not limited to NETCONF, SNMP, RADIUS, Diameter, and CAPWAP, and of data modeling and data modeling languages used in management such as SMI and YANG. Another important role of the Management function is to identify potential or actual management issues regarding IETF protocols and documents in all areas, and to work with the other areas to resolve those issues. The Operations function is largely responsible for soliciting operator feedback and input regarding IETF work. Another important role of the Operations function is to identify potential or actual operational issues regarding IETF protocols and documents in all areas, and to work with the other areas to resolve those issues. The OPS area intersects most often with the Routing, Internet and Security areas. Routing Area (rtg) The Routing Area is responsible for facilitating the operation of the Internet routing system by maintaining and improving the scalability and stability characteristics of the existing routing protocols and developing new protocols, extensions, and bug fixes. Forwarding methods (such as destination-based unicast and multicast forwarding, MPLS, and pseudowire) as well as associated routing and signaling protocols (such as OSPF, IS-IS, BGP, RSVP-TE, LDP, PIM, RPL, and VPNs at Layer 2 and Layer 3), and both centralized and distributed routing architectures (to address, for example, virtualization, service chaining, traffic engineering, and data center routing) are within the scope of the Routing Area. The interactions of routing systems with configuration and orchestration platforms (for example, routing-related YANG models and path computation engines) are handled in the Routing Area as well. The Routing Area also works on Generalized MPLS used in the control plane of optical networks, and the security and manageability aspects of the routing system. The Routing Area Working Groups cover a wide range of data plane technologies (Layer 1, Layer 2, Layer 3) and control protocols. The Routing Area intersects most frequently with the Internet Area, the Operations and Management Area, and the Security Area. Interaction with the Internet Area concentrates mainly on IP forwarding and encapsulation. Ongoing work with the Operations and Management Area is on developing YANG models and considering the management and operation of the routing infrastructure. With the Security Area, the ongoing focus is on routing protocol security and its impact on the Internet's infrastructure security. Work in the Routing Area often overlaps with work in other standards development organizations (SDOs). In particular, there have been interactions with Broadband Forum, IEEE, and ITU-T. Security Area (sec) The Security Area is the home for working groups focused on security protocols. They provide one or more of the security services: integrity, authentication, non-repudiation, confidentiality, and access control. Since many of the security mechanisms needed to provide these security services employ cryptography, key management is also vital. The Security Area intersects with all other IETF Areas, and the participants are frequently involved with activities in the working groups from other areas. This involvement focuses upon practical application of Security Area protocols and technologies to the protocols of other Areas. Transport Area (tsv) The transport and services area - usually just called "transport area" or "TSV area" - covers a range of technical topics related to data transport in the Internet. The Transport Area works on mechanisms related to end-to-end data transport to support Internet applications and services that exchange potentially large volumes of traffic at potentially high bandwidths. A key focus are mechanisms to detect and react to congestion in the Internet, such as the congestion control algorithms in Internet transport control protocols such as TCP, SCTP, MPTCP, and DCCP. Current and new transport work includes congestion signaling and reporting, forward error correction, multicast, QoS and reservation signaling, DiffServ and congestion control for unresponsive flows, NAT regularization and specification, storage protocols for the Internet, peer-to-peer streaming, performance metrics for Internet paths, experimentation with congestion control schemes developed in the IRTF, multipath extensions to existing transport protocols, congestion control for "background" bulk transfers, and extensions to the IETF protocols for multimedia transport. The transport area intersects most frequently with Internet Area, the ART Area, the Security Area and several IRTF research groups . [PAGE] Title: IETF | Intellectual property rights Content: Section 1 of BCP 78 formally defines a Contribution as: any submission to the IETF intended by the Contributor for publication as all or part of an Internet-Draft or RFC [...] and any statement made within the context of an IETF activity. Such statements include oral statements in IETF sessions as well as written and electronic communications, made at any time or place, that are addressed to:* the IETF plenary session,* any IETF working group or portion thereof,* any Birds of a Feather (BOF) session,* the IESG, or any member thereof on behalf of the IESG,* the IAB, or any member thereof on behalf of the IAB,* any IETF mailing list, including the IETF list itself, any working group or design team list, or any other list functioning under IETF auspices,* the RFC Editor or the Internet-Drafts function [...]. Basic grant of rights to the IETF Trust As explained in Section 5.3 of BCP 78 , when a contribution is made, the contributor grants the following to the IETF Trust: a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, world-wide, sublicensable right and license to the IETF Trust under all such copyrights and other rights in the Contribution:a. to copy, publish, display, and distribute the Contribution, in whole or in part,b. to prepare translations of the Contribution into languages other than English, in whole or in part, and to copy, publish, display, and distribute such translations or portions thereof, and d. to reproduce any trademarks, service marks, or trade names which are included in the Contribution solely in connection with the reproduction, distribution, or publication of the Contribution and derivative works thereof as permitted by this Section 5.3, provided that when reproducing Contributions, trademark and service mark identifiers used in the Contribution, including TM and (R), will be preserved. As noted, this grant of rights cannot be revoked. Rights to derivative works By default, making a contribution grants to the IETF Trust the following rights regarding derivative works based on that contribution (bullet c. from above): c. to modify or prepare derivative works (in addition to translations) that are based on or incorporate all or part of the Contribution, and to copy, publish, display, and distribute such derivative works, or portions thereof [...] When an Internet-Draft is submitted, this right to create derivative works can be limited or explicitly disallowed, by the incorporation of a specific notice in the I-D. Doing this has significant implications for how an Internet-Draft may be used by the IETF, as explained in Section 3.3 of BCP 78 : The right to produce derivative works, in addition to translations, is required for all IETF Standards Track documents and for most IETF non-Standards Track documents. There are two exceptions to this requirement: documents describing proprietary technologies and documents that are republications of the work of other standards organizations. It is also possible to specify a more liberal license for derivative works if the Internet-Draft is intended as an Independent Submission. This too has significant implications for how an Internet-Draft may be used by the IETF. IETF Trust licensing of Contributions The IETF Trust grants specific licenses to IETF contributions as set out in the Trust Legal Provisions . The Trust FAQ provides significant additional detail and context. The Licenses For Use Outside the IETF Standards Process only allow someone to copy and distribute IETF Contributions and IETF Documents in full and without modification; to produce translations into other languages and publish those in full and without modification; and to copy and distribute unmodified portions of IETF Contributions and IETF Documents with certain restrictions. The License For Use Within the IETF Standards Process allows for all the same uses and additionally, unless explicitly disallowed in a notice in the document, allows for the creation of derivative works as part of the IETF standards process. There are also specific licenses for the use of code components. Note that the IETF Trust retains copyright of the format of RFCs and Internet-Drafts. The IETF Trust claims trademark rights in the IETF logo and acronym and provides licenses and usage guidance for the IETF logo and acronym . The IETF also makes available a set of Supporter Badges and Protocol Badges , with specific license terms. This sections draws on BCP 79: Intellectual Property Rights in IETF Technology , which should be consulted for further detail. The grants of rights covered above, do not affect rights to patented technology. During the standards process any IETF contribution covered by patents or patent applications owned by a participant or their sponsor must be disclosed , or they must refrain from participating. A contribution is any submission to the IETF that is intended for publication as all or part of an Internet-Draft or an RFC, or any statement made within the context of an IETF activity such as a working group discussion on a mailing list or during a meeting. The IETF Datatracker maintains a list of IPR disclosures made to the IETF. Section 7 of BCP 79 explains in general how IPR claims may impact the standards process: In general, IETF working groups prefer technologies with no known IPR claims or, for technologies with claims against them, an offer of royalty-free licensing. However, to solve a given technical problem, IETF working groups have the discretion to adopt a technology as to which IPR claims have been made if they feel that this technology is superior enough to alternatives with fewer IPR claims or free licensing to outweigh the potential cost of the licenses. [PAGE] Title: IETF | Privacy & policies Content: Go Privacy and policies The IETF has developed and operates by processes and policies to ensure its activities align with its goals and objectives. This page provides links to some of those that are most commonly referenced. Internet Standards Process (BCP 9)This set of documents describes the process used by the Internet community for the standardization of protocols and procedures. It defines the stages in the standardization process, the requirements for moving a document between stages and the types of documents used during this process. Working Group processes (BCP 25)This set of documents describes the guidelines and procedures for forming and operating IETF working groups, managing working group mailing lists, and managing and enforcing a anti-harassment procedures. Privacy Statement The IETF is committed to protecting the privacy and security of the personal information of our participants and of visitors to our website. This statement describes how information shared with and collected by the IETF will be used. It applies to the Internet Engineering Task Force ("IETF"), the Internet Architecture Board ("IAB") and the Internet Research Task Force ("IRTF"). Web analytics This document describes the approach to web analytics for content on maintained in the Wagtail CMS. Anti-Harassment Policy The IETF strives to create and maintain an environment in which people of many different backgrounds are treated with dignity, decency, and respect. This policy documents the expectations about IETF participants’ behavior. Guidelines for Conduct (BCP 54)This document provides a set of guidelines for personal interaction in the Internet Engineering Task Force. The guidelines recognize the diversity of IETF participants, emphasize the value of mutual respect, and stress the broad applicability of our work. IETF Meeting Photography Policy The intent behind this policy is to balance people's legitimate desire not to be photographed with the IETF's ability to document activities and enable remote participation. The following policy applies to all IETF events, including working group meetings, plenaries, and the hackathon. Copyright (BCP 78)The IETF policies about rights in Contributions to IETF documents or activities are designed to ensure that such Contributions can be made available to the IETF and Internet communities while permitting the authors to retain as many rights as possible. This memo details the IETF policies on rights in Contributions to the IETF. It also describes the objectives that the policies are designed to meet. Patents, Participation (BCP 79)The IETF policies about Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), such as patent rights, relative to technologies developed in the IETF are designed to ensure that IETF working groups and participants have as much information as possible about any IPR constraints on a technical proposal as early as possible in the development process. The policies are intended to benefit the Internet community and the public at large, while respecting the legitimate rights of IPR holders. This document sets out the IETF policies concerning IPR related to technology worked on within the IETF. It also describes the objectives that the policies are designed to meet. IETF Logo and trademark policies The IETF Trust holds registered trademarks in the IETF name and the stylized IETF “four diamonds” logo in a number of countries. The IETF Trust also claims trademark rights in variants of these marks, such as the IAB’s version of the “diamonds” logo. [PAGE] Title: IETF | Links Content: [PAGE] Title: IETF | Internet standards Content: Go Internet standards The IETF is the premier Internet standards organization. It follows open and well-documented processes for setting these standards. Once published, those standards are made freely available. Improving existing standards and creating, implementing, and deploying new standards is an ongoing effort. The IETF's mission is to produce high quality, relevant technical documents that describe these voluntary standards. IETF working groups are the primary mechanism for development of IETF specifications and guidelines. [PAGE] Title: IETF | Internet-Drafts Content: Participate Internet-Drafts Internet-Drafts (I-Ds) are working documents of the IETF, its Areas, and its Working Groups. Other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. During the development of a specification, draft versions of the document are made available for informal review and comment by placing them in the IETF's Internet-Drafts directory. This makes an evolving working document readily available to a wide audience, facilitating the process of review and revision. Internet-Drafts (often referred to simply as "drafts") have no formal status, and are subject to change or removal at any time; therefore they should not be cited or quoted in any formal document. Author an Internet-Draft Anyone can author an Internet-Draft. Opinions expressed in the drafts are the authors' alone. The drafts do not necessarily have any standing in the IETF unless, for instance, they are adopted by a working group or approved as an RFC. The Internet-Draft Author Resources website provides authors information on how to write an I-D and the tools available to support authoring . Submit an Internet-Draft Submitting an I-D via the IETF Datatracker submission tool places it in the IETF's Internet-Drafts directory. This makes the I-D readily available to a wide audience, facilitating the process of review and revision. More detail about how to submit an I-D is available on Internet-Draft Authors Resources website . Search for a Current Internet-Draft The most effective way to search for, and browse, Internet-Drafts, is by using the IETF Datatracker . Internet-Drafts can be retrieved using http or rsync . Verify an Internet-Draft's Signature The IETF digitally signs all submitted Internet-Drafts to mark these specific drafts as being authentic, and being received by the IETF through the normal Internet-Draft Submission Process . More information is available about how to locate and verify I-D digital signatures . The IETF digitally signs Internet-Drafts submitted to the IETF repository, and those signatures can be used to verify an Internet-Draft's authenticity. For information on working with Internet-Draft signatures, click here . Need Additional Assistance? [PAGE] Title: IETF | Open records Content: About us Open records The IETF operates in an open and transparent fashion and we publish open records of most of the contributions, submissions, statements, and communications that we receive. Our open records are mix of document based data such as email messages or meeting minutes, structured data such as details of Working Groups, and raw data such as statistics on meeting attendance. Our Privacy Statement explains our approach to transparency. For details of how our records are licensed please see the IETF Trust website . Other sites with open records In addition to this website, you can also access our open records on these other sites: Datatracker . Through this tool you can find public data on all of our published documents (RFCs and Internet-Drafts), working groups and teams, meetings and proceedings, IPR disclosures, liaison statements and statistics. You can also use the Datatracker API to access data programmatically. Mail Archive . This allows you to search the archives of all of our public mailing lists. It provides a unique and permanent URL for every email message received. RFC Editor website. This provides access to all RFCs in a variety of formats through a number of mechanisms. Statistics dashboards [PAGE] Title: IETF | Automated network management Content: Topics of interest Automated network management The IETF is working on standards for automated network management which, as the name implies, aims to improve and make more efficient management of networks as they continue to increase in size and complexity. As the number and diversity of devices that make up the individual networks that comprise the Internet continue to grow, automating routine network management tasks becomes ever-more important. Data modeling-driven management applies the YANG modeling language to formally describe data sources and APIs. Importantly, work within the IETF to produce data models, using its consensus-based approach to develop open standards, helps facilitate cross-industry collaboration and coordination. A key to automated network management is the YANG data modeling language used to model configuration and state data manipulated by the Network Configuration Protocol  (NETCONF) and RESTCONF which were developed within the IETF. Yet the key measure of success is deployment of the work undertaken within the IETF.  Efforts to advance YANG development and the tools needed to support it are also a consistent presence at IETF Hackathons. IETF participants have undertaken education efforts around protocols such as RESTCONF and NETCONF, and helped develop tools, such as the YANG Catalog , to support its work. Looking further ahead, the IETF is also standardizing protocols for autonomic networking, which aims to enable networks to be self-managing, including self-configuration, self-optimization,  self-healing, and self-protection. If successful, autonomic networking will greatly simplify routine network management tasks. Research on automated network management in the Internet Research Task Force resulted in RFC7575 and RFC7576, and led to the creation of the IETF ANIMA working group, which finished standardizing the first phase of an Autonomic Networking Infrastructure (ANI) in 2021. This includes the key elements: Bootstrapping Remote Secure Key Infrastructures (BRKSI), an Autonomous Control Plane (ACP) and a common Generic Autonomic Signaling Protocol (GRASP). RFC8993 provides an overview. These ANIMA protocol technologies are specified as independent modules, so they can be used individually as building blocks for further work in network automation, even when full autonomous behavior is not possible or desirable. [PAGE] Title: IETF | Groups Content: About us Groups The work of the IETF is undertaken and supported by a wide variety of groups with differing structures, goals, and responsibilities. While the technical work in the IETF is primarily undertaken in working groups as part of the IETF standards development process, other groups, including those described below, provide support for and help organize this work. These groups provide administrative oversight for the IETF,  help select individuals to serve in leadership roles, and develop the tools and services used as part of the IETF standards process. [PAGE] Title: IETF | New transport technology Content: Topics of interest New transport technology The development of new transport technologies in the IETF provides capabilities that improve the ability of Internet applications to send data over the Internet. As the Internet has evolved, there has been a significant amount of work to develop protocols that more effectively and efficiently move data. The central role transport protocols play in how the Internet works is reflected by the fact that Transport Area working groups often include participation by technologists involved in other Areas such as Security and Routing . Recently, the QUIC Working Group has been developing a UDP-based, stream-multiplexing, encrypted transport protocol, based on pre-standardization implementation and deployment experience. Key goals for QUIC protocol are minimizing latency, improving performance, and providing always-secure transport that uses TLS 1.3 by default. Work on QUIC has been underway since 2016 and the first specifications are expected to be published as RFCs shortly. IETF has already launched multiple working groups to leverage the services that QUIC provides. Even well-established transport protocols, such as TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol), which have roots that pre-date the IETF itself, continue to be extended and refined to meet the needs of applications and users of the growing global Internet. One example is Low Latency, Low Loss, Scalable Throughput (L4S), which extends the Explicit Congestion Networking (ECN) framework to potentially lower latency by orders of magnitude. Another is TCP RACK, which seeks to modernize the way that TCP detects packet losses to allow faster recovery. Another area of work understanding how to best make use of transport protocols to enable networking for devices with differing, and perhaps constrained, connectivity. For example, the DTN ( Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking ) Working Group specifies mechanisms for data communications in the presence of long delays and/or intermittent connectivity. More broadly, the TAPS ( Transport Services ) Working Group is aiming to define how applications interface with underlying transport protocols to improve their ability to use available networking. The IPPM ( IP Performance Measurement ) Working Group creates standards for operators to safely measure the characteristics of their network. More information about work underway is available in this Transport Area introduction presentation . [PAGE] Title: IETF | Introduction Content: About the IETF The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), founded in 1986, is the premiere standards development organization (SDO) for the Internet. The IETF makes voluntary standards that are often adopted by Internet users, network operators, and equipment vendors, and it thus helps shape the trajectory of the development of the Internet. But in no way does the IETF control, or even patrol, the Internet. Quoting from RFC 3935: A Mission Statement for the IETF : "the overall goal of the IETF is to make the Internet work better.""Its mission is to produce high quality, relevant technical and engineering documents that influence the way people design, use, and manage the Internet in such a way as to make the Internet work better. These documents include protocol standards, best current practices, and informational documents of various kinds." The Mission Statement further states that the Internet isn't value-neutral, and neither is the IETF. The IETF wants the Internet to be useful for communities that share our commitment to openness and fairness. The IETF embraces technical concepts such as decentralized control, edge-user empowerment and sharing of resources, because those concepts resonate with the core values of the IETF community. These concepts have little to do with the technology that's possible, and much to do with the technology that the IETF chooses to create. Participants There is no membership in the IETF. Anyone can participate by signing up to a working group mailing list (more on that below), or registering for an IETF meeting. All IETF participants are considered volunteers and expected to participate as individuals, including those paid to participate. The IETF welcomes all interested individuals and participants come from all over the world and from many different parts of the Internet industry. In any one year, over 7000 people actively participate in the IETF either by authoring a document, engaging in a mailing list discussion, or attending a meeting. The only fee the IETF charges is for registering for an IETF meeting, with options in place to prevent that fee from becoming a barrier to participation. IETF participants are regularly shown the Note Well , a reminder of the policies and processes they are expected to comply with. To ensure an environment in which people of many different backgrounds are treated with dignity, decency, and respect, these policies include a code of conduct , an anti-harassment policy , and the IETF has an Ombudsteam who are the point of escalation for any problems with conduct. The IETF conducts its work solely in English. Principles The IETF pursues its mission in adherence to the following cardinal principles: Open process Any interested person can participate in the work, know what is being decided, and make his or her voice heard on the issue. Part of this principle is our commitment to making our documents, our Working Group mailing lists, our attendance lists, and our meeting minutes publicly available on the Internet. Technical competence The issues on which the IETF produces its documents are issues where the IETF has the competence needed to speak to them, and that the IETF is willing to listen to technically competent input from any source. Technical competence also means that we expect IETF output to be designed to sound network engineering principles - this is also often referred to as "engineering quality". Volunteer Core Our participants and our leadership are people who come to the IETF because they want to do work that furthers the IETF's mission of "making the Internet work better." Rough consensus and running code We make standards based on the combined engineering judgement of our participants and our real-world experience in implementing and deploying our specifications. Protocol ownership When the IETF takes ownership of a protocol or function, it accepts the responsibility for all aspects of the protocol, even though some aspects may rarely or never be seen on the Internet. Conversely, when the IETF is not responsible for a protocol or function, it does not attempt to exert control over it, even though it may at times touch or affect the Internet. RFCs The IETF publishes its technical documentation as RFCs, an acronym for their historical title Requests for Comments. RFCs are sequentially numbered, starting with RFC 1 published in 1969 (the RFC series predates the IETF). Each RFC has a status, generally one of 'Internet Standard', 'Proposed Standard', 'Best Current Practice' (or 'BCP' in short), 'Informational', 'Experimental' or 'Historic'. Some statuses may change over time. RFCs are freely available. The RFC series has two sub-series, STDs and BCPs, with each numbered STD and BCP comprising one or more RFCs. STDs are 'Internet Standard' RFCs and BCPs are RFCs that describe Best Current Practices in the Internet, some of which are administrative processes for the IETF. Once an RFC is published, it is never revised. If the specification it describes changes, the standard will be re-published in another RFC that "obsoletes" the first. If a technical or editorial error is found in an RFC, an errata may be linked to the RFC and/or held for the next document update. The authoritative repository of RFCs is the RFC Editor website. The Work The work of the IETF is to produce technical documents (RFCs) that define how Internet technology works in detail, and can be operated and managed at scale. New work in the IETF begins with one or more participants producing a discussion document called an Internet-Draft (I-D) and then working to get that I-D adopted for further work. Anyone can write an Internet-Draft on any topic they believe is relevant to the IETF. There are different routes that an I-D can follow to be adopted, worked on and eventually become an RFC. The IETF has policies about Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) that are designed to ensure that IETF participants have as much information as possible about any IPR constraints on a technical proposal as early as possible in the development process. The majority of the IETF's work is done in Working Groups . A Working Group (WG) has its own mailing list with most of its interaction, and all of it official work, conducted on this list. The day to day work of WGs revolves around Internet-Drafts and over time the WG shapes them into RFCs. Decisions within WGs, as with the broader IETF, are taken by 'rough consensus' and not by voting. When a WG has finished with an I-D it goes through a process to ensure that it has approval from the appointed technical leadership and the consensus support of the IETF as a whole. When an I-D has cleared all the hurdles to become an RFC it goes through a professional editorial process and is then assigned a number and published in a range of formats. IETF Meetings The IETF holds three week-long meetings a year with the primary goal of helping Working Groups get their tasks done, and promoting cross-WG discussions. In-person participation at IETF meetings now averages between 1000 and 1500 participants, with hundreds of additional participants joining remotely. These meetings rotate around the globe. IETF meetings are very different from standard computer industry conferences as there is no exposition hall, no sales staff and the sessions are mostly meetings of existing or proposed working groups who meet to discuss their ongoing work. There are generally several concurrent session tracks. WG sessions at IETF meetings are not decision making and any consensus reached during a session must be referred to the WG mailing list to see if it has consensus support across all WG participants, not just those that participated in the session. To assist new participants, there are tutorials and networking sessions, and often several social events open to all participants. Additionally, there is a plenary session for the IETF to meet as a whole, and where the various leadership bodies report on their activities and take questions from the participants. All sessions have live remote participation support and recordings of the sessions are posted on YouTube soon after they are recorded. The full proceedings of all IETF meetings (agenda, sessions materials, recordings, chat logs, etc) are archived and permanently available online after the meeting. IETF meetings are operated on a cost-recovery basis and participants are charged a fee to participate, whether in person or remotely, as sponsorship income does not cover the full cost. There is a "no questions asked" remote participation fee waiver available to anyone for whom the fee would be a barrier to participation. Individual Working Groups can choose to hold interim meetings outside of the regular IETF meeting cycle. These are often remote-only and are always free to participate in. [PAGE] Title: IETF | Overview Content: Administration Overview The IETF Administration LLC (IETF LLC) provides the corporate legal home for the IETF, the Internet Architecture Board (IAB), and the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF). Mission The best possible support corporation to the IETF/IRTF/IAB Values Trusted.  The LLC will uphold the values and policies of the IETF/IRTF/IAB as if they were its own. Transparent.  The IETF community can expect the LLC to keep it informed about its work and to keep comprehensive records which are public by default and only make them confidential where there is specific justification. Responsive.  The LLC will act consistently with the documented consensus of the IETF community, adapt its decisions in response to consensus-based community guidance, and engage with the community to obtain consensus-based guidance for how it operates where none exists. Diligent.  The LLC will always do its job diligently by following professional best practice, acting ethically and minimising risks. Evidence-led.  The IETF LLC will use evidence, both qualitative and quantitative, as the primary driver of its decision making. Focused.  The LLC will focus solely on its defined role and within its defined mandate. Equitable. The LLC will deal with all members of the IETF community equitably regardless of sex, race, geography, culture, religion, age, health or other status. Responsibilities Operations. Supporting the ongoing operations of the IETF, including meetings and non-meeting activities. Finances. Managing the IETF's finances and budget. Fundraising. Raising money on behalf of the IETF. Compliance. Establishing and enforcing policies to ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and rules. The IETF LLC has no role in the oversight or steering of the standards process as currently conducted by the IESG and IAB, the appeal chain, the confirming bodies for existing IETF and IAB appointments, the IRTF, or ISOC's memberships in other organizations. Strategy The IETF LLC holds an annual strategic retreat to develop its annual strategic plan, which is then shared with the community for feedback before it is finalised: IETF Administrative Strategic Plan 2024 IETF Administrative Strategic Plan 2020 Relationship to the Internet Society (ISOC) The IETF LLC is a single member LLC disregarded entity of the Internet Society . It is a 501(c)(3) charity but does not have a separate IRS registration as a single member LLC disregarded entity and so any charitable contributions to the IETF are treated as contributions to the Internet Society, and the IETF LLC does not complete a Form 990 as it is included on the Form 990 of the Internet Society. LLC Agreement Transition and Shared Services Agreement Certificate of Formation IETF-ISOC Funding Agreement (2020) IETF-ISOC Funding Agreement Amendment (2020) IETF-ISOC Funding Agreement Amended and Restated (2024) Relevant RFCs The IETF LLC implements the v2.0 IETF Administrative Support Activity (IASA), replacing the previous IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC) as documented in a set of RFCs produced by the IASA2 working group : RFC 8711 Structure of the IETF Administrative Support Activity, version 2.0 RFC 8713 IAB, IESG, IETF Trust, and IETF LLC Selection, Confirmation, and Recall Process: Operation of the IETF Nominating and Recall Committees RFC 8717 IETF Administrative Support Activity 2.0: Consolidated Updates to IETF Administrative Terminology you might be interested in [PAGE] Title: IETF | Topics of interest Content: Go Topics of interest The IETF works on a broad range of networking technologies that provide the foundation for the Internet's growth and evolution. The pages below provide a guide to some popular topics that cut across IETF Areas. [PAGE] Title: IETF | About us Content: [PAGE] Title: IETF | IETF Administration LLC Content: About us Administration The IETF Administration LLC (IETF LLC) provides the corporate legal home for the IETF, the Internet Architecture Board (IAB), and the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF). The responsibilities of the IETF LLC include: supporting the ongoing operations of the IETF, including meetings and non-meeting activities; managing the IETF's finances and budget; raising money on behalf of the IETF, and establishing and enforcing policies. [PAGE] Title: IETF | Participate in the IETF Content: Go Participate The global IETF community works together in many different ways to produce high quality, relevant technical documents that influence the way people design, use, and manage the Internet. Internet technical standards are built on the combined engineering judgement of IETF participants , including individuals from academia and network operators, router vendors and open source projects. Anyone can contribute to this work. Read more in the Introduction to the IETF [PAGE] Title: IETF | Infrastructure and Services Vulnerability Disclosure Statement Content: Policies and procedures Infrastructure and Services Vulnerability Disclosure The IETF Administration LLC (IETF LLC) operates the infrastructure and services that support the IETF, IRTF and IAB, including that managed by staff, contractors or volunteers; third-party managed infrastructure and services; and tools developed by staff, contractors or volunteers. The IETF LLC is not responsible for the standards development process and protocol vulnerabilities should be reported according to the guidance provided by the Internet Engineering Steering Group. The IETF LLC is committed to resolving security vulnerabilities quickly and carefully. If you believe you have discovered a security related issue within our online systems, then please help us by disclosing the issue to us by following the process below. NOTE: Please be aware that the IETF operates in an open and transparent fashion and we publish extensive open records through multiple mechanisms. Please do not report our open records as vulnerabilities. Process Contact us via email at [email protected] with a detailed report of the potential vulnerability. If you believe the vulnerability is serious or there is a chance that email is insecure, then please encrypt the message with PGP using this PGP Key , fingerprint 9E7A 1B85 6A21 1343 2AC6  241B 0097 A16B F233 2D8B. Your email should include as much of the following as possible: Type of vulnerability. Whether the information has been published or shared with others. Step-by-step instructions/proof-of-concept codes to replicate the issue. You will receive an immediate automated reply to acknowledge that we have received your report. We will then review the information and work to validate the reported vulnerability. If the vulnerability is validated we will complete the investigation and notify you, generally within 7 days. Where appropriate you will receive results of the vulnerability findings, a plan for resolution and plans for public disclosure. We aim to resolve all validated vulnerabilities that are brought to our attention as quickly as possible and in any event will do so no later than 90 days after the report was received. Limitations We do not permit the following types of security research: Causing, or attempting to cause, a Denial of Service (DoS) condition. Accessing, or attempting to access, data or information that you are not authorised to access.. Destroying or corrupting, or attempting to destroy or corrupt, data or information that you are not authorised to access. User Security So that we may protect the security of our users we request that any potential vulnerability that you believe you have discovered is not shared outside of trusted circles, until we have had the opportunity to research, respond and address the reported vulnerability and inform users if needed. We also ask that you do not share or post any information on our users that you are not authorised to access, in any environment. Public Disclosure The IETF has a strong commitment to transparency and in line with that we will publicly disclose the vulnerability soon after full resolution and no more than 90 days after the report was received, unless we are unable to do so for legal or contractual reasons, or if disclosure is the responsibility of a third-party. Our Commitment If you act in good faith and follow this process then we make the following commitments to you: The information that you share with us as part of this process will be kept confidential within the IETF LLC, our directly contracted vendors and a small team of volunteers. It will not be shared with other third-parties without your permission. We will not initiate legal action against security researchers attempting to find vulnerabilities within our systems who adhere to this policy. If you report a vulnerability that materially affects our services or infrastructure then with your consent we will give you thanks with public acknowledgement. Recognition We want to thank the following people for reporting vulnerabilities responsibly: Oussama Kasmi. CVE-2021-41174 (Javascript injection in Grafana) for NOC dashboard. Hari Priandana. Open redirect in Datatracker Markus Stenberg. Paypal receipt replay in Registration system. Lucas Tesson. Reflected XSS in online ABNF parser. If you have any questions or you wish to report a vulnerability, please contact [email protected] . [PAGE] Title: IETF | Publishing and accessing RFCs Content: Publishing and accessing RFCs Internet-Drafts that have successfully completed the IETF review process are submitted to the RFC Editor for publication. The RFC Editor is responsible for the operational implementation of the RFC Series. This includes editorial management, production, and publication of RFCs. These tasks require the organized activity of several experts. The term “RFC Editor” includes the RFC Series Editor , the RFC Production Center, and the RFC Publisher. The RFC Production Center (RPC) works with authors and others to ensure documents are clear and follow the RFC Style Manual . Once an RFC is ready for publication, authors undertake a final review for errors, editorial and otherwise. Upon approval by all authors, the RPC publishes the RFC, including assigning its unique RFC number. Published RFCs never change. Yet, despite careful review and proofreading, errors do sometimes go undetected. To address these cases, the RFC Editor issues errata . Technical Errata address errors in the technical content, and follow guidelines established by the Internet Engineering Steering Group . Editorial Errata address spelling, grammar, punctuation, or syntax errors that do not affect the technical meaning. The RFC Editor website contains a wealth of information about their history and editing process. RFC 9280 defines the RFC Editor model in detail. Accessing and using RFCs RFCs are available free of charge to anyone via the Internet. A variety of options to access and search them are available via: [PAGE] Title: IETF | Internet of things Content: Topics of interest The Internet of Things The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects or "things" embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity to enable objects to exchange data with the manufacturer, operator, and/or other connected devices. The Internet of Things refers to a system with devices that are often constrained in communication and computation capabilities, now becoming more commonly connected to the Internet or at least to an IP network, and to various services that are built on top of the capabilities these devices jointly provide. It is expected that this development will usher in more machine-to-machine communication using the Internet with no human user actively involved. IoT is a very rapidly growing area of technology and connects with a number of other emerging technologies. Several IETF Working Groups , spanning multiple Areas are developing protocols and best common practices that are directly relevant to the communication and security aspects of IoT. These protocols are used by a variety of companies, as well as other IoT standards development organizations (SDOs) and alliances, to build and specify interoperable systems. Due to the distributed nature of IoT protocol development and use, there is often a need for coordination across different groups working on IoT. The IETF IoT Directorate is an advisory group of experts selected by the IETF Internet Area Directors and the IoT Directorate Chairs. The main purpose of the IoT Directorate is coordination within the IETF on IoT-related work, and increasing the visibility and communication between IETF IoT activities and other SDOs, industry alliances, and other organizations. A IETF Blog post provides an overview of IoT-related work underway within the IETF. you might be interested in [PAGE] Title: IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force Content: In 2022, the IETF formed a working group for Media Over QUIC (MoQ)—a media delivery solution that has the potential to transform how we send and receive media during live streaming, real-time collaboration, gaming, and more. 25 Jan 2024 The IETF Administration LLC has finalised its budget for 2024. 18 Jan 2024 All news Search the IETF email archive Much of the daily work of the IETF is conducted on electronic mailing lists. A new mail archive tool realizing the requirements developed in RFC 6778 is now in use: Go Search IETF Datatracker The IETF Datatracker contains data about IETF documents, working groups, meetings, agendas, minutes, presentations, and more: Go Understanding the Internet Engineering Task Force Working Groups Working Groups are the primary mechanism for development of IETF specifications and guidelines. Working Groups are typically created to address a specific problem or to produce one or more specific deliverables (a guideline, standards specification, etc.). [PAGE] Title: IETF Search Content: The search results below include information from the primary public-facing website of the IETF. Go Publicly-available messages from the IETF mailing list archives. Go IETF documents, working groups, and meetings. Go
information technology & electronics
computer networking
Working Group documents Working Group documents are Internet-Drafts that the Working Group has decided to adopt as official working documents, following a formal call for adoption by the chairs. Working Group resources Each Working Group has a set of pages in Datatracker with information on the chairs, charter, documents, meetings, mailing list, and more. [ Subscribe | Archive ] Working Group and BoF lists Each IETF working group and Birds-of-a-Feather group maintains a general discussion mailing list where most of its work is conducted. To subscribe to a Working Group mailing list see the web page for that working group using the list of active working groups on our Datatracker system. For any general issue related to the IETF Administration LLC ( IETF LLC ) and its work including meetings, finances and general IETF operations. MoQ can stream media from a user that is producing the media content up into the cloud, and then take that media from the cloud and distribute it down to many viewers.” According to the MoQ Working Group Charter , MoQ is a “simple low-latency media delivery solution for ingest and distribution of media.” It includes a single protocol for sending and receiving high-quality media (including audio, video, and timed metadata, such as closed captions and cue points) in a way that provides ultra low latency for the end user. RFC 6771 provides guidelines on how to have a side meeting to work on a possible proposal for new work in the IETF. For more information about the role of the IESG in areas and working groups, please see RFC 3710 ("An IESG charter"), section 6 and RFC 2418 ("IETF Working Group Guidelines and Procedures"). A contribution is any submission to the IETF that is intended for publication as all or part of an Internet-Draft or an RFC, or any statement made within the context of an IETF activity such as a working group discussion on a mailing list or during a meeting. Internet Standards Process (BCP 9)This set of documents describes the process used by the Internet community for the standardization of protocols and procedures. Patents, Participation (BCP 79)The IETF policies about Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), such as patent rights, relative to technologies developed in the IETF are designed to ensure that IETF working groups and participants have as much information as possible about any IPR constraints on a technical proposal as early as possible in the development process. Title: IETF | Internet standards Content: Go Internet standards The IETF is the premier Internet standards organization. Title: IETF | Internet-Drafts Content: Participate Internet-Drafts Internet-Drafts (I-Ds) are working documents of the IETF, its Areas, and its Working Groups. Title: IETF | New transport technology Content: Topics of interest New transport technology The development of new transport technologies in the IETF provides capabilities that improve the ability of Internet applications to send data over the Internet. The central role transport protocols play in how the Internet works is reflected by the fact that Transport Area working groups often include participation by technologists involved in other Areas such as Security and Routing . The IETF has policies about Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) that are designed to ensure that IETF participants have as much information as possible about any IPR constraints on a technical proposal as early as possible in the development process. A Working Group (WG) has its own mailing list with most of its interaction, and all of it official work, conducted on this list. We also ask that you do not share or post any information on our users that you are not authorised to access, in any environment. Title: IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force Content: In 2022, the IETF formed a working group for Media Over QUIC (MoQ)—a media delivery solution that has the potential to transform how we send and receive media during live streaming, real-time collaboration, gaming, and more. Go IETF documents, working groups, and meetings.
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Buy Tickets | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: Buy Tickets Before you buy: Good news! You are NOT required to login to purchase your tickets.  Tickets may be purchased with or without an account. Whatever works best for you!  Simply click the “Buy Tickets” button below to: Purchase your tickets as a Guest. After choosing your show and your seats, click to purchase your tickets. The system will take you to “Checkout Options.” Choose “Purchase as a Guest”, then simply enter your contact and credit card information. No password or account registration required. (See image below.) Purchase with an Existing Account. Enter your email and password to use your existing account to purchase or use an account credit. Forgot your password? Just click the red button on the login page and we’ll send you a link to reset your password. Purchase with a New Account. First time you’ve bought tickets at SLO REP? You may also choose to create a new account and password to purchase your tickets Questions? Please contact our Box Office at (805) 786-2440 or email [email protected]. The choice is yours! Buy Tickets Please note: When ordering tickets, please avoid using your browser’s back button as it can remove items from your cart. If you do not receive an email confirmation of your order, please contact the Box Office at 805-786-2440 or email [email protected] . For accessible and/or wheelchair seating, please contact the Box Office at (805) 786-2440 or email [email protected] . If you have questions or experience any trouble ordering online, please call the box office at (805) 786-2440 or email [email protected] and our staff will be happy to help. NOTE: Box Office voicemail messages and emails are answered during regular business hours: Wed – Fri, from 3 – 6 pm and on Show Saturdays from 3 – 5 pm. During non-business hours, please leave a message or send an email and our staff will get back to you as soon as possible. All tickets sales are final. Exchanges may be possible with 24 hours notice. Ticket Prices: Ticket prices vary for each show and depend upon the location of your seat. Prices may be viewed for each specific performance by clicking the “Buy Tickets” link below.  General price ranges are listed below: Ubu’s Other Shoe Staged Readings – $15-$22 Academy of Creative Theatre Performances – $15-$25 Mainstage Season Subscription Shows Musicals – $20-$45 Non-Musicals – $20-$42 Holiday Show – $20-$38 Gala Musical Beehive-The 60s Musical – $40-$60 Beehive Bash – $120-$150 Group ticket discounts are available when ordering 10+ tickets for the same performance. For more information and to reserve your group seats, please contact the Box Office at 805-786-2440 or email [email protected]. Buy Tickets Box Office Information & Hours Regular Box Office Hours Wed-Fri: 3 pm – 6 pm Show Saturdays Only: 3 pm – 6 pm The Box Office window opens one hour before showtime for will call tickets and current show sales. Box Office Phone: (805) 786-2440 Box Office Email: [email protected] Please leave a message or send an email at any time and our staff will get back to you during regular business hours. Buy your tickets online using the links above any time! Gift Certificates Gift certificates are available in any amount you wish, they can be exchanged for any production on our stage, and they never, ever expire! Order online or contact our friendly box office staff  at (805) 786-2440 to purchase by phone. Holiday Gift Certificates specially packaged with a coffee mug and candy may be purchased in the lobby before each performance of A Christmas Story or at the box office during regular box office hours. Purchase Gift Certificates Complimentary Ticket Vouchers If you have ticket vouchers from canceled shows, or from volunteering at SLO REP, we are happy to reserve your seats! To use your vouchers, please email [email protected] with the following information: Your Name Your Phone # Your requested performance DATE, TIME, # of TICKETS and any specific SEATING REQUESTS Our staff will confirm your reservation via email within one or two business days. Please bring your TICKET VOUCHERS to the Box Office on the day of the show to redeem your tickets. You may also call the Box Office at (805) 786-2440 and leave a detailed message. Your call will be returned by SLO REP staff. To read our ticketing policies, please click HERE . [PAGE] Title: Stones in His Pockets | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: PG-13 Rating Strong language is used. Some F-Bombs with Irish accents throughout. The subject of suicide, and its repercussions on family and community, are present in the play. Stones in His Pockets Play by Marie Jones Directed by Lawrence Lesher Dialect Coach by Tyler Seiple Costume Design by Rylee Terry Lights and Sound by Kevin Harris Set Design by Dave Linfield Stage Manager by Breanna Fawcett Show Times August 11 – August 27, 2023  Thu - Sat @ 7 pm  Sat & Sun @ 2 pm About A hilarious clash of cultures pitting reality against Hollywood endings. With just two actors playing over a dozen parts, Stones In His Pockets is a comedic yet tragic take on the effects of the Hollywood dream in a small Irish town. When a Hollywood film crew takes over a rural town in County Kerry, the townspeople are excited to be part of a major film.  Charlie Conlan and Jake Quinn, both local extras on the film, tell the story of the impact this movie set has upon the local community. Photos RyLo Media Design, Ryan C. Loyd Reviews An unalloyed source of joy, laughter, tears and delight. – The Daily Mail [PAGE] Title: A Christmas Story – 2023 | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: Holiday entertainment for the whole family, ages 5 and up! A Christmas Story – 2023 A Play in Two Acts written by Philip Grecian Based on the Warner Bros. Motion Picture by Jean Shepherd, Leigh Brown & Bob Clark Based on the book “In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash” by Jean Shepherd Directed by Kevin Harris Scenic Design by Dave Linfield Original Costume Design by Randal Sumabat Stage Management by Lupita Rodriguez and Genevieve Bjork-Nelson Show Times November 17 – December 23, 2023  Wed - Sat @ 7 pm  Sat & Sun @ 2 pm About 10th Anniversary production! Humorist Jean Shepherd’s memoir of growing up in the midwest in the 1940s follows 9-year-old Ralphie Parker in his quest to get a genuine Red Ryder BB gun under the tree for Christmas. Ralphie pleads his case before his mother, his teacher and even Santa Claus himself at Goldblatt’s Department Store. The consistent response: “You’ll shoot your eye out!” All the elements from the beloved motion picture are here, including the family’s temperamental exploding furnace; Scut Farkas, the school bully; the boys’ experiment with a wet tongue on a cold lamppost; Ralphie’s father winning a lamp shaped like a woman’s leg in a net stocking; Ralphie’s fantasy scenarios and more. A Christmas Story is a Central Coast holiday tradition! Bring the whole family to A Christmas Story for a heartwarming, hilarious, nostalgic holiday treat! There will be no performances on Thanksgiving Day, November 23rd or on Friday, December 1st due to the Downtown SLO Holiday Parade. Photos Reviews Christmas is upon us, with heart-warming stories to unfold. Take the whole family for a truly wonderful tale, well-told. – Charlotte Alexander [PAGE] Title: Board of Directors | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: [email protected] Pam and her husband Mitch retired from their careers in the Bay Area in 2015 and relocated to the tiny town of Harmony. Both Nichters are passionate gardeners and enjoy working in their home gardens as well as volunteering time with the Master Gardeners of SLO County. Fans of live theatre, the Nichters sought a local theatre to enjoy and support, and to their delight discovered SLO REP. A longtime board member of Berkeley Repertory Theatre and Marin Summer Theatre, Pam joined the SLO REP board in 2017. She is honored to be part of the team helping to nurture professional theatrical productions for the entertainment and enrichment of the public, and theatre education opportunities for youth. Pam strongly believes the entertainment and storytelling aspects of live theatre can provide transformative and thought-provoking opportunities for dialog with friends, family and communities Diane Clausen Vice President Diane moved to SLO from the SF Bay Area in 2013 upon retirement from a career in education. Starting out as a Middle School teacher, she then spent 30+ years as a development professional (fundraising) for institutions including UCSB, Laguna Blanca School, UC Davis and Menlo School in Atherton, CA. A forever fan of theatre, music and dance, Diane soon became a regular at SLO REP shows. Her son and family live in SLO and she takes particular pleasure in watching her grandchildren in their many performances, several of which have been at SLO REP. Diane has served on the Homeless Foundation of SLO County, as a member of the Friends of 40 Prado Board, and in various positions on the SLO Newcomers Board. Diane is excited to be part of the SLO REP Board at a time when moving to the next level of excellence, made possible by the likelihood of a new downtown facility, is very much a reality in the near future. Michael Simkins Secretary Michael is a lifelong learner and theatre buff. He was an elementary schoolteacher for 15 years in the Los Angeles area where he also taught drama and musical theatre workshops for elementary and middle school students. He pursued his theatre avocation by attending plays, taking acting workshops, and appearing in community theatre. In 1987, Michael began nine years as principal of Baywood Elementary School in Los Osos. He spent the following 12 years directing federal and state educational technology projects in Silicon Valley. In semi-retirement, he has been a Cal Poly lecturer, community college instructor, and consultant to various organizations including the Federal Communications Commission. Currently, he serves as CEO of Spokes, San Luis Obispo County’s nonprofit support center. Deborah Stewart Treasurer Debbie has held a lifetime love of theatre that began with her first steps into the footlights at the age of four. Theatre and music was her continued focus throughout her youth and through college where she obtained her bachelor’s degree in Theatre Arts from the University of California, Riverside. Life took its own twists and turns which let her to San Luis Obispo nearly 30 years ago with her husband, Robert, who is a local physician. She went back to school 20 years ago and became a CPA. Debbie is currently a Senior Tax Manager at the local firm, Glenn Burdette. Debbie has continued to stay active in her love of music as a soloist, member of a small vocal ensemble and choir member of Mission San Luis Obispo. She has previously served on the board of the San Luis Obispo Youth Symphony. Debbie is thrilled to share both her financial and theatrical experience as a board member of SLO REP. Jay Beck Director Jay is a 6th generation resident of San Luis Obispo county and was born and raised here on the Central Coast. After leaving for college and living in Seattle and San Francisco, Jay moved with his wife back to San Luis Obispo to raise their family. Jay works for a local community bank and brings a broad and diverse background in finance and business operations to the table. He currently sits on the following boards as part of his efforts to support the community. Housing Authority of San Luis Obispo (Chairman), SLO Non Profit Housing Corporation, The Sandlot Group of San Luis Obispo (Founding Treasurer), Leadership SLO. In addition to these boards, Jay also currently serves on the Downtown Association’s Economic Development Committee and The SLO Chamber’s Business and Economic Council (Current Chairman) Jerry Chirpich Director Jerry Chirpich was born in Minnesota and after attending college at Mankato State, moved to California in 1958 to start a career with Deluxe Check Printers (now Deluxe Corp.) Jerry was Plant Manager for two of the company’s largest operations for 20 years and retired after 35 years of service in 1992. He and wife Sharynn moved to San Luis Obispo in 1994 from the San Fernando Valley. Jerry has been active in San Luis Obispo Country Club serving on the board for four years—two years as president—and continues to serve on the finance committee. Jerry and his wife Sharynn are also active in the community by volunteering for Hospice Hope Chest, Womenaide, Prado Day Care, Festival Mozaic and the Performing Arts Center. They have one daughter and three grandchildren who live in Southern California. Keith George Director Keith is a retired trust and estates lawyer and active supporter of the arts having served previously on the boards of the San Luis Obispo Little Theatre (now SLO REP), the Foundation for the Performing Arts Center, and the San Luis Obispo Mozart Festival (now Festival Mozaic). He graduated from Stanford University and earned law degrees from the University of San Francisco and New York University. Keith and his wife, Wendy have lived in San Luis Obispo County since 1973 and currently live in Morro Bay. Richard Luckett Director Richard Luckett has been a resident of San Luis Obispo since 1980. A retired PG&E engineer, and an ardent supporter of the arts, he has also served on the board of the Foundation for the Performing Arts Center and has been a longtime patron of the arts in San Luis Obispo. Richard and his wife Catherine (a retired Speech Pathologist in the San Luis Unified School District) are world travelers, arts supporters and theatre lovers. Richard is pleased to be a member of SLO REP’s Board of Directors. Susan Minker Director Originally from New York, Susan has gradually (and gratefully) moved West, first to Tucson, Arizona where she was the only female partner in a group of 27 diagnostic radiologists, and then to the central coast, when she and her (now late) husband retired. Since moving here, Susan has served on the boards of the SLO Health Commission, the SLO Symphony, the SLO International Film Festival, and the Hearst Cancer Resource Center. Susan saw her first play, the original Broadway production of West Side Story, when she was thirteen years old and was instantly in thrall. She acted (poorly) in college and has had minor roles in a couple of local productions (Oklahoma! with Chameleon Productions and The Royal Family with the Little Theatre). One of her only regrets in life is that she isn’t a better actress. Had she been, she would have pursued acting instead of medicine as a career. Susan is thrilled that as a SLO REP board member, she is able to serve in some way to promote and support our wonderful local repertory theatre. Susan lives in Los Osos with her two beloved standard poodles. Myraline Morris Whitaker Director Myraline Morris Whitaker has been an avid theatregoer since age 14 when she saw, for the first of many times, A Raisin in the Sun in New Orleans. Since then, she has kept a Playbill from every play she has seen, including multiple performances of a wide variety of productions, among them: Hair, Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar and Grill, Les Misérables, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, and The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe. Myraline enjoyed a decades‐long career in the hospitality industry, coming to San Luis Obispo County in 2005 as Chief Operating Officer of Martin Resorts, overseeing four hotels and two restaurants. She formed Central Coast of California Hospitality LLC (CCCH) in 2009. Her company operated the SeaCrest Oceanfront Hotel, the Inn at the Cove in Pismo Beach, and the Inn at Rose’s Landing in Morro Bay. She created an inclusive, diverse work environment for more than 100 employees. Now retired, Myraline continues to advocate for diversity in the workplace and community. She is a member of the Diversity Coalition of San Luis Obispo County, the Cal Poly Black Faculty and Staff Association, and the NAACP. Myraline and her husband Joe Whitaker live in Arroyo Grande. Jeff Olds Director Jeff and his wife Linda own the local Jamba stores. They have lived here since 2000 and sponsored several shows with SLO REP. Prior to moving here, Jeff was a lawyer in the Bay Area and specialized in business and estate planning law. He graduated from the University of San Francisco School of Law and from the University of Michigan with a B.A. in English Literature. He has been a fan of theatre since performing in high school plays. Jeff has served on several boards of directors and is presently on the Economic Activities Committee of Downtown SLO. Wilda Rosene Director “It all started in a parking lot in SLO one June day in 1992 when a friend said they needed board members at SLO REP. ‘Send your resume over right away,’ I was told. I did and I have been an active member of the theatre group ever since serving as President of the Board three different times, actually being employed for about 18 months and generally doing whatever is necessary to make our theatre the best ever. It is a joy to see how far we have come in these 29 years and I look forward to serving this theatre for many years to come!” Chip Visci Director Live theatre has commanded Chip’s respect since elementary school when, as an unsuspecting understudy, he was suddenly the lead in a play mercifully forgotten. He soon realized his talents lay elsewhere. His three-plus decades in newspaper journalism included several years as arts and entertainment editor for the Detroit Free Press, and led to positions in newspaper management and on the corporate staff of Knight Ridder. He was publisher of the San Luis Obispo Tribune from 2005 to 2008. From 2009 to 2014, Chip served in various communications and marketing roles at Cal Poly including Director of Communications for the Office of the President. He also served as senior strategist for AMF Media Group. Since moving to the Central Coast, Chip has served on a variety of nonprofit boards, including the San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce, the Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce, the Housing Trust Fund of San Luis Obispo County, Visit San Luis Obispo County, and the Governing Board of the Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center. Chip and his wife Marty Claus live in Shell Beach. Ellie Washington Director Ellie managed marketing and PR campaigns for over 100 musicals and plays in the professional theatre industry in Sacramento, including box office-breaking national tour engagements of Wicked and The Lion King, working on shows starring Broadway legends Carol Channing and Tommy Tune, and many Tony Award™-nominated actors. A Cal Poly journalism alum, she couldn’t resist when the opportunity arose to return to the SLO life, where she is a Realtor® with COMPASS. It brings her joy to utilize her experience and passion to support SLO REP’s mission. [PAGE] Title: Host a Guest Artist | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: Host a Guest Artist Do you have a spare bedroom, ADU, apartment or guest house? SLO REP’s Host Home Program matches Guest Artists with area Hosts for the duration of their time working at the theatre. Guest Artists’ full time stays range from 3 weeks to 3 months, and part time Hosts are needed for shorter term stays. The philanthropic support of our Hosts plays a crucial role in keeping alive the vision of our vibrant performing arts organization. We are committed to bringing the best talent to our community from all over the nation, ensuring we can continue to provide the high standard of live entertainment that residents and visitors alike have come to expect from SLO REP. We truly cannot thank our Hosts enough for making our visiting artists feel at home in our community. Host families become an integral part of a guest artist’s experience by welcoming them into their home or property. Click HERE to view a copy of our Host Home Information sheet so you can see what is expected of Hosts and Guest Artists during their stay. For more information or to sign up to be a Host, please email Kevin Harris at [email protected] Benefits Hosting an actor or director in your home is a wonderful way to get to know some very interesting people AND get an insiders’ look at life in the theatre. Many host families and artists forge lasting friendships and stay in contact for years, PLUS host families receive complimentary tickets to SLO REP productions, acknowledgement in playbills and invitations to special events. We are so grateful for our 2023 – 24 Season Housing Sponsors: Pam & Mitch Nichter Ann Robinson [PAGE] Title: Keely and Du | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: R Rating This play deals seriously with the topics of sexual assault, kidnapping, and abortion in a frank, uncompromising manner. There is some described violence that may be triggering for some audience members. For more information, please email Kevin Harris . Keely and Du Play by Jane Martin Directed by Kristina Melsheimer Artistic Direction by Michael Siebrass Show Times September 1 – September 2, 2023  Friday @ 7 pm  Saturday @ 2 pm & 7 pm About Keely and Du is a 1993 play by Jane Martin that is just as relevant and thought-provoking today as it was 30 years ago. The story centers on Du, a right-to-life activist, and Keely, a pregnant rape victim whom Du is confining. Through the course of the play, the two women transcend their circumstances and the ideological issues that separate them to forge a relationship, but one without any easy answers. Who is accountable? What is the extent of individual freedom? What are a rape victim’s rights? What are a Christian’s realities of procreation? Their passionate stories exist on the extreme edge of everyday reality.  This is a mind-probing issue play with a gripping human face. Winner of the 1993 American Theatre Critics Association Award, Best New Play Finalist for the 1994 Pulitzer Prize for Drama *Please note that this show is intended for adults only. If this were a movie, it would be rated “R”. For more information, please see our content advisory by clicking the “R” in the upper right corner of this page. Reviews A connection between two women distanced by all creation is shaped with ineffable grace. – The New York Times Brings a bit of light as well as heat to an already red hot topic. – Los Angeles Times [PAGE] Title: Donate Now | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: Search Donate Now As SLO REP looks to the future, we need your support now more than ever. There are two exciting opportunities for your tax deductible donation to SLO REP. Your gift today can help to shape the future of SLO REP and downtown San Luis Obispo for years to come. 1. ANNUAL FUND Your generous annual gifts support professional live theatre on the Central Coast, both now and into the future. Ticket sales provide only about 60% of our budgetary needs. Your generous gifts provide the rest, helping to bring nearly 200 performances to our downtown SLO stage each and every year. In addition to our shows and events, SLO REP’s Academy of Creative Theatre education program (ACT) provides year-round camps, classes and performance experiences for hundreds of young artists at our Empleo Street Headquarters every year. To make a donation to our Annual Fund and keep live theatre going strong today and tomorrow, please use the link below. ANNUAL FUND 2. A NEW STAGE We’re building A New Stage in downtown San Luis Obispo! You can help build the future of live theatre on the Central Coast by supporting A New Stage: The Capital Campaign for San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre . For more information and to donate online, please click the link below. A NEW STAGE Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs) If you are age 72 or older, IRS rules require you to take required minimum distributions (RMDs) each year from your tax-deferred retirement accounts. A qualified charitable distribution (QCD) is a direct transfer of funds from your IRA to a qualified charity. Amounts distributed as a QCD can be counted toward satisfying your RMD for the year, up to $100,000. The QCD is excluded from your taxable income. This is not the case with a regular withdrawal from an IRA, even if you use the money to make a charitable contribution later on. (Read more about the tax implications and best practices regarding RMDs and QCDs HERE .) If you would like to make a contribution from your IRA, a donor-advised fund or through a direct transfer of securities, please contact Development Director Patty Thayer at (805) 781-3889, ext. 15 or email [email protected] . SLO REP is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Federal Tax ID# 95–2556678. All donations are tax deductible, as allowed by law, and will be promptly and gratefully acknowledged. Your donation may also be sent by mail to: SLO Repertory Theatre PO Box 122 San Luis Obispo, CA  93406 Donor Reception & Season Preview Brunch Major Donors to SLO REP ($1,000+) will receive an invitation to our annual donor reception and season preview held on March 17, 2024. Honored guests will enjoy a delightful reception along with a sneak preview of the upcoming season! Donor Reception Sponsored by Joan G. Sargen For more information, please contact: Patty Thayer Development & Capital Campaign Director [email protected] (805) 781–3889 x15 We believe in the Donor Bill of Rights. SLO Repertory Theatre is proud to have achieved the Gold Seal of Transparency from Candid (formerly Guidestar.) Annual Fund Donor Benefits Fans & Friends (up to $99) Our sincere thanks! (along with a receipt for your taxes) Stage Managers ($100-$249) All above benefits Donor listing in our playbill Star ($250-$499) All above benefits Complimentary drink coupon for the SLO REP bar Directors ($500-$999) All above benefits Complimentary SLO REP wine tumbler (to be picked up at the theatre) Producers ($1,000-$2,999) All above benefits Invitation to the Annual Donor Reception Concierge Ticketing assistance by SLO REP staff 4 complimentary tickets (by request) Executive Producers ($3,000-$4,999) All above benefits 4 additional complimentary tickets (by request) Donors of $5,000 or more receive additional benefits. Please contact Patty Thayer, Development Director at (805) 781-3889, ext. 15 to discuss your options. Please note: According to IRS regulations, all tangible benefits (valued at $75+) such as complimentary tickets, will be detailed on your donation receipt. Any part of these benefits may be waived, if desired. If your contribution comes from a donor-advised fund or IRA, these benefits are not permitted. [PAGE] Title: Constellations | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: March 15 – March 16, 2024  Fri & Sat @ 7 pm  Sat @ 2 pm About This spellbinding, romantic journey begins with a simple encounter between a man and a woman. But what happens next defies the boundaries of the world we think we know—delving into the infinite possibilities of their relationship and raising questions about the difference between choice and destiny. Reviews Short and sweet and strangely haunting…The devilishly clever scribe is not playing games with either his characters or his audience, because with each iteration Roland and Marianne grow closer to one another—and become more important to us. And by the end of the play (has it really been only an hour?), we’re fully invested in their lives. All of them. – Variety [PAGE] Title: Suite Surrender | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: PG-13 Rating Suite Surrender includes depictions of alcohol consumption, mild swearing, and some sexually suggestive lines/humor. These themes will be handled conscientiously during rehearsals and performances, but parents should use their best judgment whether the show is appropriate for their child. Please feel free to reach out with any questions. Suite Surrender Play by Michael McKeever Directed by Rachel Tietz Show Times January 12 – January 21, 2024  Wed - Sat @ 7 pm  Sat & Sun @ 2 pm About What could go wrong? Everything, in this classic farce! It’s 1942, and two of Hollywood’s biggest divas have descended upon the luxurious Palm Beach Royale Hotel — assistants, luggage, and legendary feud with one another in tow. Everything seems to be in order for their wartime performance…that is, until they are somehow assigned to the same suite. Mistaken identities, overblown egos, double entendres, and a lap dog named Mr. Boodles round out this hilarious riot of a love note to the classic farces of the 30s and 40s. This professionally-produced production features students participating in our ACT program for young artists. Bring your kids and grandkids to this family-friendly show! Photos RyLo Media Design, Ryan C. Loyd Reviews [PAGE] Title: The Thanksgiving Play | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: May 3 – May 19, 2024  Thu - Sat @ 7 pm  Sat & Sun @ 2 pm About Good intentions collide with absurd assumptions in this wickedly funny satire, as a troupe of well-meaning, but hilariously misguided teaching artists scramble to create a school pageant that can somehow celebrate both Turkey Day and Native American Heritage Month. Reviews Very, very funny... this clever satire is something for which to be truly thankful. – Hollywood Reporter The familiar, whitewashed story of Pilgrims and Native Americans chowing down together gets a delicious roasting from expert farceurs – The New York Times [PAGE] Title: Beehive – The 60s Musical | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: PG Rating A song-filled look at the decade of the 1960s best suited for children ages 8 and up accompanied by an adult. Beehive – The 60s Musical Created by Larry Gallagher Directed and Choreographed by Keenon D. Hooks Assistant Directed and Choreographed by Augusto Guardado Musical Director by Michael Wilkins Costume Design by Barbara Harvey Abbott Wigs by Renee' Van Niel Scenic Design by David Linfield Sound & Lighting Design by Kevin Harris Prop Design by Suzy Newman Stage Management by Bree Fawcett, Gigi Bjork-Nelson Show Times February 9 – March 10, 2024  Wed - Sat @ 7 pm  Sat & Sun @ 2 pm About A toe-tapping salute to the powerful female voices of the 1960s A loving, rockin’ celebration of the 1960s and the powerful female voices whose music stands the test of time – including Diana Ross, Janis Joplin, Carole King, Aretha Franklin, and Tina Turner! With over two dozen timeless hits, including “It’s My Party,” “My Boyfriend’s Back,” “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?,” “Son of a Preacher Man,” and “You Don’t Own Me,” the show takes you on a song-filled journey told from the perspective of six women coming of age during this unforgettable time, taking us from their first Beehive Dance through a decade of change. BEEHIVE – The ‘60s Musical will have you dancing in the aisles! Beehive features six incredible vocalists, backed up by our rockin’ house band, THE HEAVY CATS, led by Music Director Michael Wilkins. Join us for SLO REP’s biggest show of the year! THE BEEHIVE BASH! Friday, February 16, 2024 @ 6 pm For a truly incredible Beehive evening, join us for the BEEHIVE BASH! Tickets are going fast, so hurry to get yours for this all inclusive evening of entertainment before we are completely sold out. Tickets start at $120. For more information and tickets, please click HERE. To view our BEEHIVE playbill, please click HERE. Photos RyLo Media Design, Ryan C. Loyd Reviews From all the upbeat music to the slower, powerful songs, along with all the energetic dancing, it is a show packed with lively entertainment. – San Diego Union Tribune [PAGE] Title: Ways to Give | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: Search Ways to Give Thank you for supporting professional live theatre at SLO REP. We could not do what we do without you! 8 great ways to support SLO REP: Donate – Your contribution to our Annual Fund supports vibrant, exciting, professional live theatre on our stage and our standards-based Academy of Theatre educational program at our Empleo Street Headquarters. Ticket sales and tuition cover only 60% of our costs – your donation makes the difference! Contribute to our Capital Campaign for A New Stage in the Cultural Arts District of downtown SLO!  To find out more about how you can play a part in building the future of live theatre on the Central Coast, please click HERE. Make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from your IRA Tax-Free to SLO REP. If you are 72 or older, a donation to SLO REP can count as your required minimum distribution from your IRA, and save you money on taxes! (You can read more about QCDs and RMDs HERE. ) Leave a Legacy – Help ensure the future of local theatre by including SLO REP in your will or estate plans. If you’ve already made plans for a legacy gift, please let us know! We want to celebrate your foresight now! Contact Patty Thayer at [email protected] for more information. Host an Actor or Director in your Home – If you’ve got a spare room or guest house, and would consider sharing your space, please contact Suzy Newman at [email protected] to find out how you can become one of our guest artist hosts. Sponsor a Show! Our sponsors are the cornerstone of each and every season here at SLO REP. Their early, generous support helps to fund our productions before they even begin rehearsals — from royalties, to actor contracts, to sets, costumes and more! To find out more about becoming a SLO REP Sponsor for future productions, please contact Development Director Patty Thayer at [email protected] or call (805) 781-3889, ext. 15. Volunteer – We need our generous volunteers more than ever. For more information about how to join our corps of volunteers, please click HERE . Like and Share – Help us increase our visibility on social media channels like Facebook , Instagram , and YouTube by liking, sharing, writing a review, sharing a photo and more! For more information about Sponsorships, Legacy Gifts, Advertising or to make an individual gift by phone, please contact Patty Thayer at (805) 781-3889, ext. 15 or email [email protected] . To read SLO REP’s Gift Acceptance Policy, please click HERE. Donor Reception & Season Preview Brunch Major Donors to SLO REP ($1,000+) will receive an invitation to our annual donor reception and season preview held on March 17, 2024. Honored guests will enjoy a delightful reception along with a sneak preview of the upcoming season! Donor Reception Sponsored by Joan G. Sargen For more information, please contact: Patty Thayer Development & Capital Campaign Director [email protected] (805) 781–3889 x15 [PAGE] Title: Adult Classes | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: Class Details Have you ever wondered if you might enjoy acting? Or are you looking to brush up on your fundamental acting skills? This fun and enjoyable class, in a uniquely safe and playful environment, will introduce you to the basic techniques of the craft through valuable physical and vocal exercises, script and character analysis, and in-class performance experience. Students will explore their individual creativity while also working collaboratively through scenes from classic and contemporary theatre and film. Join us to explore this complex and exciting art form! No prior acting experience is necessary. [PAGE] Title: Mission Statement | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: Search Mission Statement SLO REP strengthens theatre’s cultural influence and enriches the Central Coast by producing professional theatre, nurturing artists and providing theatre education for children and adults. Our Belief Live theatre’s powerful storytelling connects people in ways that open the mind, nourish the soul and illuminate our shared humanity. Vision To be a nationally recognized regional theatre that: Produces professional theatrical productions in a state-of-the-art facility. Strengthens the cultural vitality of the Central Coast, entertains audiences, nurtures artists, and cultivates future generations of theatre enthusiasts. Creates a strong and sustainable economic impact, attracting residents and visitors to downtown San Luis Obispo. Land Acknowledgement San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre acknowledges with respect that the place we work and gather is located on the traditional land of the Northern Chumash people. Read more about SLO REP’s work and commitments towards diversity, equity and inclusion. San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Unforgettable characters. Extraordinary stories. Since 1947. [PAGE] Title: What the Constitution Means to Me | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: PG-13 Rating Content warning: What the Constitution Means to Me contains adult language and themes that may not be suitable for all ages. What the Constitution Means to Me Play by Heidi Schreck Directed by Kevin Harris Scenic Design by Dave Linfield Costume Design by Barbara Harvey Abbott Show Times March 29 – April 14, 2024  Thu - Sat @ 7 pm  Sat & Sun @ 2 pm About Playwright Heidi Schreck’s boundary-breaking play traces the profound relationship between four generations of women and the founding document that shaped their lives. Hilarious, hopeful, and incredibly honest, this Tony and Pulitzer nominated play exposes baked-in biases and omissions, while also breathing new life into our Constitution, and imagining how American lives will be impacted for generations to come. Reviews Not just the best play to open on Broadway so far this season, but also the most important. – The New York Times Every American should see this play! – The Seattle Times [PAGE] Title: Our Sponsors | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: Academy of Creative Theatre Sponsors Thanks to our ACT Season Sponsors: Ann Robinson Catherine & Richard Luckett Additional Support for our ACT Technology has been provided by Susan Minker ACT Scholarship Support has been provided by Our Show Sponsors are gratefully acknowledged on individual show pages. SLO REP is a proud member of Theatre Communications Group and Californians for the Arts SLO Repertory Theatre is proud to have achieved the Gold Seal of Transparency from Candid (formerly Guidestar.) San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Unforgettable characters. Extraordinary stories. Since 1947. [PAGE] Title: History | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: Kind Lady, 1948 / Blithe Spirit, 1947 Celebrating Live Theatre Since 1947 This organization was created in the summer of 1947 by a small group of people who wanted to “put on a show”. These 10-15 theatre-lovers, swept up in the last wave of the larger Little Theatre movement across the country, recognized the need for an organized drama troupe in San Luis Obispo, and, late in 1947, decided on the name San Luis Obispo Little Theatre and began rehearsal for their first production — Noel Coward’s Blithe Spirit– which opened at the San Luis Obispo High School Auditorium in early 1948. From 1947-52, this core group of actors/directors/costumers/theatre lovers produced 21 shows in various locations around town. One show at a time, simply trying to make enough money with one production to be able to put on the next. Our theatre took the next step forward in 1952, when this unofficial group applied for 501(c)3 nonprofit status. These theatre-lovers, responsible for every aspect of every production, immediately transformed into our first Board members.  Being a nonprofit, the Little Theatre was now able to accept donations, opening up a brand new revenue stream for the theatre. This new money allowed the board to begin thinking further than one show ahead. Soon, the theatre began producing four, five, six shows each year. The names of the Board members were the same names you would see in every program. These were theatre-lovers, volunteers producing plays for the love of the art form. From 1952 to about 1980, our theatre produced more than 150 plays in approximately 25 venues around the county (from Cambria to Arroyo Grande). In 1981, the Board of Directors negotiated a lease for an empty band room on the Junior High School campus on Lizzie Street. Affectionately known as the Hilltop Theatre, this venue allowed the Little Theatre to produce a full season of plays and offer season subscriptions, which, in turn, created several new revenue streams for the organization. In 1993, the Little Theatre moved into our current home, the former City library, on the corner of Palm and Morro Streets.  A crew was quickly assembled to transform this empty library into a functional performance space before our first season downtown. Risers were built, seats were installed, and—legend has it—the building was finished and legally able to welcome the public inside just a few hours before our first production opened. Throughout the years, thousands upon thousands of volunteers have kept this organization going strong. There were ups, there were downs, but somehow, through the dedication and perseverance of these volunteers, this organization stayed afloat, presenting live theatre for our community. We could never name all those who gave of their time, nor can we ever thank them enough. For over 40 years, we hosted a gathering here at the theatre, wherein we presented the annual Volunteer Awards. Named for very special people in our history, these awards were presented by the Board of Directors to acknowledge those folks who truly went above and beyond the call of duty to make live theatre possible in San Luis Obispo. Please click HERE to view a list of all of our honorees throughout the years. The San Luis Obispo Little Theatre had an incredible history as a nonprofit, community theatre: 70 years, over 900 plays, hundreds of board members, thousands of volunteers. Like most nonprofit performing arts organizations, this theatre had both very good and very bad years organizationally, artistically and financially. But from 2012-2017, something changed. The theatre experienced unprecedented growth, both artistically and financially. As we began to plan our 2017-2018 Season, we knew that it was time for a change.  It was way past time to reward the dedicated, professional work of our artists; to pay them for their amazing contributions. It was also time to publicly recognize internal changes that had already taken place. In order to continue the growth we had experienced for the last 5, the last 30, the last 70 years, it was time to become the only nonprofit, professional, theatre in San Luis Obispo County. Welcome to the San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre This natural evolution to a professional regional theatre more accurately reflects our  mission to our community and our current place in the local and national arts scene. SLO REP employs local actors and directors, as well as talented professionals from throughout the country. Volunteers continue to play a very  important role in this organization and, with their guidance and support, we will soon build a new home in downtown San Luis Obispo for live, local theatre. Nothing enhances and energizes a city like having a successful, professional, nationally-recognized regional theatre in its downtown. We look forward to bringing professional live theatre to the Central Coast and to becoming an important part of the national theatre conversation for years to come. We are so proud of our history, and thrilled about the future. Thank you to everyone who is a part of the incredible history of the San Luis Obispo Little Theatre. We hope you’ll join us on our journey as SLO REP. San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Unforgettable characters. Extraordinary stories. Since 1947. Picasso at the Lapin Agile, 2014 [PAGE] Title: Teen Internships | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: Search Teen Internships The goal of ACT’s internship program is to give teens ages 14-18 leadership opportunities in the theatre and classroom setting in assistance to ACT’s programs. We want the internship to be beneficial to both the student and ACT! Apply Now! What you’d do: Interns will assist ACT’s professional teaching artists by encouraging students to participate or helping guide them in warm ups, activities/games, scenes or choreography. Interns will also support the ACT admin team by preparing scripts, gathering supplies and materials for class, crafting costume/set pieces, and assisting with tech/backstage during class performances. Awesome reasons to intern with ACT: ★Work alongside professional actors, directors, choreographers, and instructors. ★Get valuable teaching artist training and mentoring. ★Add experience to your resume and satisfy your volunteer hours requirement. ★Be a role model for young actors and share what you’ve learned in theatre. ★Discounted tuition for your own ACT class/camp (see below). Time Commitment: As a volunteer intern, you can work the hours and weeks that best fit your schedule. When you fill out your application, you’ll have the option to select the time frames that work for you in assistance to our camps, or weekday afternoons in assistance to our after-school classes. Discount and other perks: ★For every two classes (or equivalent) of volunteering, interns will receive $100 off of class tuition for any ACT program. 2 classes of volunteering = $100 discount; 4 classes of volunteering = $200 discount; 6 classes of volunteering = $300 discount, etc. ★One pass for all mainstage shows of SLO REP’s 2023/24 season ★A SLO REP t-shirt! The Process: Click the Apply Now button below to fill out your Google Forms application. You’ll be asked for your experience working in theatre and with kids (if you don’t have any experience, please don’t let that deter your from applying!). You’ll also be asked for your general availability. Once we’ve received your application, we’ll be in touch to set up a short and informal video interview. [PAGE] Title: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Racial Equity Statement Theatre plays a vital role in shaping our culture and our community. SLO REP believes that we have a responsibility to enact positive change through our productions, operations, educational programs, and policies. We at SLO REP acknowledge that we operate within a society of long-standing racist and oppressive systems, and so we commit ourselves to being an actively anti-racist organization that is welcoming to all. We make these commitments to you and to ourselves. We invite our artists, audiences, and colleagues to hold us accountable Anti-Racism Work and Commitments Our Belief Statement: Live theatre’s powerful storytelling connects people in ways that open the mind, nourish the soul and illuminate our shared humanity. Our desire and our mission as a company of artists and storytellers is to live up to this statement. Over the past two years, our board and staff have taken a long, hard look at our organization and have sought to identify tangible, actionable steps forward to make SLO REP a more welcoming, inclusive and diverse organization. We started with a list of questions which led to a list of action items (see below) and a continuing commitment to move forward in this area. SLO REP is in a unique position, in that we are raising the funds to move into a brand new building dedicated to that vision — illuminating our shared humanity. It is our #1 priority to do everything we can to ensure that this new theatre is built with a strong, diverse, anti-racist foundation, and that we act now in our current space, to leave no question that we can move forward with integrity and true solidarity. All of us remain grateful to have this opportunity to explore our organization and do better. We hope you’ll join us on our journey. Our Current Work (2022 – present) SLO REP’s current DEI intiatives are a result of our efforts to become a more diverse, inclusive, equitable and actively anti-racist organization and from the 5 Questions (see below) we posed to ourselves in 2020. We want to be a model in the SLO community as well as for other regional theatres for the actions that we take. We have distilled our efforts and program into three core initiatives that will directly and indirectly impact on our organization and the community. Programmatic Goals As we move through our first full season of performances (2022-23), we have made progress toward more diverse casting and artistic team roles and have been able to hire more diverse casts and creative teams for our productions. However – as we already knew – the outreach to and hiring of actors from outside San Luis Obispo County is costly.  Therefore, we continue our commitment to: Organizing in-person auditions in areas, such as Los Angeles and San Francisco, with more diverse actor and artistic talent pools. This effort incurs travel costs for our team and off-site (i.e. space rentals) costs. Continuing to seek talent through virtual auditions, in order to provide more equitable access for actors and artistic professionals from out of the area. Contracting with performers from underrepresented communities for at least 25% of available mainstage contracts. Producing at least one play written by a BIPOC playwright in our 5 play mainstage season. Contracting BIPOC directors/core artistic team members for at least 20% of available mainstage contracts. Education – ACT Goals Growing and building participation in a theatre training program is an investment in our local youth. Numerous studies have shown that students who participate in theatre education reap gains in academic and intellectual skills and in measures of psychological well being, i.e. regulation of emotions, positive self-concept, empathy, and the ability to take others’ perspectives.  To grow and diversify the ACT program, we are committed to: Actively seek native Spanish speakers to fill administrative and teaching roles. Continuing to translate ACT outreach/marketing materials into Spanish. Reserving places in each class for scholarship students. Ensuring tuition scholarships are accessible and comprehensive for potential students and families. Expanding outreach to local schools, particularly those nearby such as Pacheco and Hawthorne Elementary Schools and Laguna Middle School. Allocating marketing funds to ACT, in order to specifically reach out to underrepresented communities. Organizational Education and Training Goals We believe in the importance of focusing inward, as well, and are committed to providing DEI seminars and training for all staff members (working more than 25 hours per week), all Board Members and all ACT instructors. This will include in-person training as well as virtual theatre industry-focused training. 5 Questions These 5 Questions were part of SLO REP’s work during 2019-21, when we were shut down due to the pandemic. We continue to ask these questions to review where we are as an organization. QUESTION #1: How can SLO REP use the power of live theatre and its platform in the community to fully realize our belief statement in the context of social justice? Action Items: During the 2020 shutdown, we produced a weekly segment on THE INTERMISSION SHOW highlighting BIPOC artists and plays written by playwrights of color. (Note: This action item continued until our last Intermission Show on May 14, 2021.) Our staff researched the work of under-recognized playwrights and artists of color and created a dedicated website page highlighting diverse voices in theatre. This page includes links for our audience to learn more and to purchase/read these often brilliant works of theatre. You can view our “Diverse Voices in Theatre” page HERE . Action Items: In the year of the first full season after reopening to the public SLO REP commits to: Produce at least one play written by a BIPOC playwright in our 5 play mainstage season. QUESTION #3: How can our year-round educational program reach, support, nurture, and empower a new generation of BIPOC theatre artists and patrons? Action Items: SLO REP will translate all ACT outreach/marketing materials into Spanish (Completed Fall, 2020; ongoing updates will be made with new classes and programs) Scholarship requirements/materials amended to make scholarships more accessible (amended Fall, 2020; also ongoing) Board and staff will actively seek and reach out to communities of color for all class sessions (ongoing) We will allocate additional marketing funds specifically to reach out to potential BIPOC students (ongoing) Action Items: In the year of the first full season after reopening to the public SLO REP commits to: Contracting BIPOC performers for at least 25% of available mainstage contracts. Contracting BIPOC directors/core artistic team members for at least 20% of available mainstage contracts. Organize in-person auditions in areas with a greater population of BIPOC artists. Add at least one BIPOC Board member. And in the meantime, SLO REP commits to: Diversifying our database by organizing a call for virtual submissions aimed at building relationships that can lead to future in person collaborations. [PAGE] Title: Season Ticket Package Options | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: Season Ticket Package Options 3-Show Season Pass – Only $99! Your 3-Show Season pass gives you flexibility on show dates and the BEST price for all three remaining Season shows in our 77th Season: What the Constitution Means to Me, The Thanksgiving Play and 9 to 5, The Musical. Just buy your season pass online, then choose your dates and seats and use your pass to buy your tickets! OR better yet, just call us and we’ll book the BEST seats available!  Easy! Proceed to Purchase Easy to Order – Here’s how: 1. Click the link above to get to our ticketing site. Once you add the 3-show pass to your shopping cart, be sure to log in or set up a SLO REP account to complete your purchase. Remember, one pass is good for one ticket to 3 different shows! If you would like to purchase two tickets to one show, then you’ll need to purchase two passes. NOTE:  The pass functions like a gift card — you must first purchase the pass, then you can apply the funds on your pass toward your ticket purchase. The pass is only valid for the 3 shows listed above (not valid for Beehive – The 60s Musical.) 2. Once you purchase your pass, while still logged into your account, you can now use your pass to reserve your seats. Choose your show dates and your seats, add them to your shopping cart, then use your pass to pay for them – just like a gift card. ~ OR ~ 3. Just call the Box Office at (805) 786-2440 and we’ll find you the best seats available. After hours, please leave a message and our staff will call you back asap. Reserve your seats right away or wait till you’re sure of your schedule. Either way, you’ll get the BEST seats at the BEST price in 2024! Proceed to Purchase Feel like a “How to Purchase” manual might help? Here’s a full guide on how to Redeem Your Pass Passes are not valid for the following shows: BEEHIVE – The 60s Musical, A Christmas Story or Suite Surrender). [PAGE] Title: Email Protection | Cloudflare Content: Email Protection You are unable to access this email address The website from which you got to this page is protected by Cloudflare. Email addresses on that page have been hidden in order to keep them from being accessed by malicious bots. You must enable Javascript in your browser in order to decode the e-mail address. If you have a website and are interested in protecting it in a similar way, you can sign up for Cloudflare . [PAGE] Title: ACT Classes | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: Search ACT Classes We offer high quality, year-round theatre education for the students of CA’s Central Coast. Most of our classes take place after school twice per week in six-week sessions located at our Education and Admin Headquarters at 3533 Empleo Street. With classes for ages 3-18, ranging from beginners to advanced training, there’s a class designed to engage students at every experience level. Whether your child is looking for a fun way to express themselves or looking to take their theatrical training to the next level, ACT has classes for everyone! Spring After-School Session: April 1-May 24, 2024. Details coming soon! NEW! ACT now offers digital gift cards for all our classes and camps! [PAGE] Title: Heroes of the Fourth Turning | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: Adult themes and language; strong political views and arguments. Heroes of the Fourth Turning Play by Will Arbery Directed by Gregory Gorrindo Artistic Direction by Michael Siebrass Show Times October 20 – October 21, 2023  Friday @ 7 pm  Saturday @ 2 pm & 7 pm About It’s nearing midnight in Wyoming, where four young conservatives have gathered at a backyard after-party. They’ve returned home to toast their mentor Gina, newly inducted as president of a tiny Catholic college. But as their reunion spirals into spiritual chaos and clashing generational politics, it becomes less a celebration than a vicious fight to be understood. On a chilly night in the middle of America, Will Arbery’s haunting play offers grace and disarming clarity, speaking to the heart of a country at war with itself. Heroes of the 4th Turning is a scrupulously hewn drama centering on four alumni of a conservative Catholic college who confront themselves and each other, clashing over theology, politics and personal responsibility. Reviews A work of singular distinction, for which the word ‘remarkable’ is, if anything, an understatement. – The Wall Street Journal [PAGE] Title: ACT Staff and Instructors | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: (805) 781-3889 x 14 [email protected] A native of the Central Coast, Kerry has been involved in theatre since she was young, including many productions on the SLO REP stage as a performer, instructor, and director. Kerry holds a BA (with honors) in Theatre Arts from Cal Poly’s Theatre and Dance Department, where her interest in teaching was piqued by a course in Children’s Drama. Kerry has also trained with the Utah Shakespeare Festival, PCPA, and Cal State Fullerton’s Musical Theatre program. Her passion for teaching young performers continues to grow, and she is honored to have served as SLO REP’s Education Director for over 15 years. She can’t wait to see you at the theatre! Rachel Tietz [email protected] Rachel Tietz is absolutely thrilled to be a member of the ACT team! A graduate of the Pacific Conservatory Theatre (PCPA) 2011, Rachel also earned a degree in Arts and Humanities from Allan Hancock College during the 2020 theatre hiatus. She has been teaching and directing for the ACT program since 2017. Previous SLO REP credits include Betty Jean in The Marvelous Wonderettes, Ruth Condomine in Blithe Spirit, Philia in A Funny Thing Happened…Forum, Ulla in The Producers, and Miss Shields in A Christmas Story. She has also had the pleasure to write, direct, and perform in many shows at The Great American Melodrama and Vaudeville. A central coast native, Rachel has a deep passion for working with young artists and for enriching the arts community. Shannon Peters [email protected] Shannon Peters is beyond grateful to be back home on the central coast and a member of SLO REP’s education team! A graduate of PCPA, Shannon continued her education at Utah State University earning a BFA before moving to New York and starring in multiple customer service roles! Previous SLO Rep credits include A Wrinkle in Time (Director), Xanadu (Melpomene) and Why Do Fools Fall In Love (Deedee). Other favorite roles include Maggie in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (USU), Viola in Twelfth Night (USU) and the Actress in Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery (Lyric Repertory Theatre). As an alumni of the ACT Program and the daughter of an educator, she feels at home in the classroom and understands the importance of cultivating joy and creative freedom for young performers of all ages. Lester Wilson ACT Resident Stage Manager Lester Wilson received his B.A. in Theatre Arts & English at Cal Poly State University, has been involved with many theatre companies on the Central Coast, and Los Angeles area performing, designing, and directing. Some of his favorite roles include Nicely Nicely Johnson in Guys & Dolls, Baloo The Bear in The Jungle Book, the title role in You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown, and The Genie of the Lamp in Disney’s Aladdin. He’s worked with such Improv groups as The Groundlings, Upright Citizens Brigade, & iO West. He is also a teacher with Academy of Creative Theatre (ACT) at SLO REP, a director at AGHS Theatre Company, and Improv Coach for award winning AGHS Improv Team: Grin & Bare It. He enjoys all aspects of theatre and loves helping students develop and hone their skills while broadening their horizons as people and artists, it’s the power of theatre. The world is a stage, enjoy it! Jeff Salsbury ACT Instructor Jeff Salsbury grew up on the Central Coast and had some of his first performance experiences on the SLO REP stage. He holds a BFA in Musical Theatre from UC, Irvine, where he performed in plays, musicals and with the improv team, and he has been acting professionally on the Central Coast and around the country for the past 9 years. He has also been teaching professionally at local acting conservatories as well as in the Santa Maria-Bonita School District for the past 5 years. Having performed with such theatres as PCPA – Pacific Conservatory Theatre, The Great American Melodrama, McLeod Summer Theatre and Texas Shakespeare Festival, he is excited and honored to share his love of theatre and his love of teaching with the talented young actors of the ACT program here at SLO REP. Amanda Thayer ACT Instructor Amanda Thayer is excited to be teaching her first class at SLO REP. As a mom and a children’s librarian, she has a passion for sharing stories with little ones. Amanda has also performed with SLO REP, The Great American Melodrama and Opera SLO. She has served as a dramaturgy intern with PCPA and as an assistant for theatre programs at local high schools. Thank you for supporting youth arts! Vincent Lemos ACT Instructor Vincent is totally stoked to be part of the ACT program. He has been working with SLO REP for a hot minute (on and off since 2014) in many capacities, including actor, instructor, and button presser. Vincent is a graduate of the Pacific Conservatory Theatre’s professional actor training program (PCPA class of 2020) where he discovered his knack for theatre education, which he plans to pursue. He’s also spent several years under the guidance of Lester Wilson as part of AGHS’s award-winning improv team, Grin and Bare it. He plans to utilize all of this training to effectively encourage and instruct his students in the basics of acting and performance. Johnny Valerio ACT Instructor Johnny Valerio is a Central Coast based actor. A graduate of PCPA, he has collaborated on main stage productions as well as Student Outreach programs there, and is currently also a guest artist with PCPA. He has recently worked with SLO REP on Around the World in 80 Days as well as with the ACT program. He hopes to continue to work with educational programs in order to help students access Theater in a way that is fun, creative, and collaborative. With a focus on ensemble work, improv, and ‘voice and speech’ work, he hopes to engage students in a way that helps build their foundation as actors. Eliana Nunley ACT Instructor Eliana Nunley is a resident artist with Opera San Luis Obispo and has been training in voice for over 9 years. She is a hip-hop and jazz teacher at Flex Performing Arts, SLO Movement Arts Center, and the Cal Poly Recreation Center. Her favorite roles in theater have included “Ursula” in The Little Mermaid, “Cinderella” in Cinderella, and “Mary Poppins” in Mary Poppins Jr. She has performed with Opera SLO in Carousel (2022), New Years Gala (2021), and South Pacific (2019), as well as San Luis Obispo Repertory Theater’s staged readings, Academy of Creative Theater, and Nipomo High School Theater. Outside of performing and teaching, she enjoys painting, hiking, and hanging out with her three younger sisters and two adopted dogs. Penny DellaPelle ACT Instructor Penny DellaPelle has been having a blast returning to SLO REP and providing students with the kinds of creative, confidence-building experiences she was so fortunate to have as a young person! She was cast in her first ACT production at age ten, and for the next eight years this program was her home away from home. Some of her favorite ACT roles include Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice and Lady Macbeth in Macbeth. She’s also appeared on the SLO REP mainstage and in Ubu’s Other Shoe staged readings. Her other experience includes five years on the Actors Under Pressure improv team, and recently studying in the award-winning Cuesta College theatre department. Offstage, Penny has a deep passion for science and sustainability, and is currently working towards a degree in plant science and ecosystem management. She’s honored to be passing on the gift of youth theatre! Isaac Capp ACT Instructor A PCPA graduate, Isaac has been performing with SLO Rep since he was 13, and began teaching with ACT in 2020. You may have seen him recently in Around the World in 80 Days and Xanadu, and as Eugene in PCPA’s 2020 production of Brighton Beach Memoirs. Isaac loves to draw and to be outside, and has recently become a bird watching fanatic. [PAGE] Title: A New Stage | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: A New Stage The Capital Campaign for San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre For more than 30 fabulous years, residents and visitors to San Luis Obispo have been coming to see live theatre in a borrowed, 97-seat venue in Downtown SLO. Now is the time for A New Stage. SLO REP’s state-of-the-art new, professional performing arts facility will be located on the corner of Monterey and Nipomo Streets in downtown SLO and will serve as the active anchor and the entryway to the Cultural Arts District, enhancing our downtown’s historic role as the beating heart of San Luis Obispo’s rich culture and economy. Our new theatres will confirm San Luis Obispo as the premier destination for arts and culture in the county and, after more than 77 years, create a permanent home for SLO Repertory Theatre. We are now within sight of the finish line and with your support, SLO REP is absolutely ready to bring this Campaign for a new theatre to a successful conclusion. Please join us and help to make this dream a reality.  To view a list of our Capital Campaign Donors, please click HERE. To make your donation today, please click the link below. For more information about the campaign or to learn how you can make an IRA qualified charitable distribution or stock/securities transfer, please contact: Patty Thayer Director of Development and Capital Campaign (805) 781-3889 X 15  / [email protected] San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre PO Box 122 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 “Books are read and movies are watched, but plays are felt. In SLO REP’s new theatre, the plays will touch your souls.” JEFF DANIELS Actor and Founder of the Purple Rose Theatre Company [PAGE] Title: February 2024 | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. February 9 [PAGE] Title: The Revolutionists | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: Play by Lauren Gunderson Directed by Jill Turnbow Artistic Direction by Michael Siebrass Show Times January 26 – January 27, 2024  Fri & Sat @ 7 pm  Sat @ 2 pm About Four beautiful, badass women lose their heads in this irreverent, girl-powered comedy set during the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror. Playwright Olympe de Gouges, assassin Charlotte Corday, former queen (and fan of ribbons) Marie Antoinette, and Haitian rebel Marianne Angelle hang out, murder Marat, and try to beat back the extremist insanity in 1793 Paris. This grand and dream-tweaked comedy is about violence and legacy, art and activism, feminism and terrorism, compatriots and chosen sisters, and how we actually go about changing the world. It’s a true story. Or total fiction. Or a play about a play. Or a raucous resurrection…that ends in a song and a scaffold. Reviews …in this sparkling work, politics is very, very funny. [Gunderson] knows it’s tricky to present entertaining, yet socially driven art, but she does so without losing the rhythm and forward momentum of her characters…These are hilarious and lovable women trapped in a history with a somber final act – Houston Chronicle …a sassy, hold-on-to-your-seats theatrical adventure…[Gunderson] has created a play that is wonderfully wild and raucous…It’s a wild ride, filled with verbal gymnastics that come racing at you so quickly it’s occasionally hard to keep up. Listen closely, though, and hang on tight. If you do, you’ll be treated to an invigorating and enlightening journey. – Cincinnati Enquirer [PAGE] Title: Plan Your Visit | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: Search Plan Your Visit SLO REP is located at 888 Morro Street , right in the heart of downtown San Luis Obispo surrounded by great restaurants, shopping, galleries, museums and so much to enjoy! We recommend arriving early, or staying a little later, to enjoy dining at one of our great downtown restaurants or wine bars. Stroll downtown and visit the historic Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa , shop, have a bite to eat, or you could really splurge and stay the night! San Luis Obispo hotels and homestays offer travelers a restful night sleep after an enjoyable afternoon or evening at SLO REP. Explore these SLO vacation ideas , find fun things to do in San Luis Obispo, and book your stay at Parking The best place to park near the theatre is in the gateless 842 Palm Street Parking Structure or the 919 Palm Street Parking Structure, both located very near the theatre. The first hour of parking is FREE in all parking structures Monday through Saturday and completely FREE all day on Sundays. The parking garage at 842 Palm now uses gateless entry, requiring pre-payment for parking via convenient phone apps or at kiosks in the structure. You will need to PARK then PAY then come to the PLAY! All on-street parking meters are in force 7 days per week, Monday-Saturday 9 am-9 pm and Sundays 1 pm-9 pm. Patrons with ADA placards may park on the street with no parking fees. IMPORTANT: Please arrive early on Thursday nights to allow extra time for parking. The SLO Downtown Farmers Market takes place every Thursday night beginning at 6 pm on Higuera Street.  We suggest you plan to arrive at the parking garage no later than 6 pm to ensure you are in plenty of time to find a parking place and take your seats by 7 pm. Our lobby and our theatre bar open at 6 pm. Please click HERE for more information on how to pay for parking in downtown SLO, including a list and links to the parking apps available. Policies & Theatre Information COVID-19 Safety Guidelines Please click HERE for our most recent COVID safety guidelines. As safety protocols  change, we will adjust our policies and procedures accordingly. Late seating The lobby opens one hour before show time. Please arrive at the theatre at least 15 minutes early and allow extra time for parking. Our intimate space makes late seating difficult and is often disruptive to the experience of other patrons who were in their seats at the start of the show. Therefore, late seating is not guaranteed and is at the complete discretion of the house manager. Please note that seats remaining empty at show-time may be re-assigned to other patrons for various reasons, including the need to make late seating possible near the entrance to the theatre. If the show is sold-out, any unclaimed seats or will-call tickets may be made available for purchase to the general public at show time. Please double-check the show time listed on your tickets and arrive early to ensure your seats. In general, Mainstage shows begin at 2 PM for matinees, 7 PM for evening shows. Refunds and Exchanges Tickets are non-refundable. If you are unable to attend due to illness or other issues, we are happy to exchange your tickets for another performance, subject to availability. If you are ill, or experiencing any symptoms of cold, flu or COVID-19, please do NOT come to the theatre. Contact the Box Office at (805) 786-2440 or email [email protected] and we will be happy to exchange your seats for another performance. Children We do not recommend bringing children under age 5 to SLO REP, except to our Academy of Creative Theatre (ACT) performances, where their attendance is absolutely encouraged! Children age 3 and above must have a ticket and sit in a seat. Babes in arms are generally allowed for ACT shows, but we ask that you inform the box office of your intent and that you request seating near the exit. Please note that not all programming is appropriate for all ages. Please check each show’s webpage for our ratings guide for more details. Cell phones, pagers, and watch alarms As a courtesy to our actors and other audience members, please turn off your watch alarms, cell phones, and pagers (or set them to silent mode) before entering the theatre. Cameras, smart phones, and other recording devices The use of cameras, smart phones, and all other video/audio recording equipment of any kind are strictly prohibited in the theatre. No photos or recordings may be taken inside the theatre. Food and drink The bar is open in the lobby one hour before each performance. Wine, beer, soft drinks, coffee and sparkling water are available. Wine has been provided by Niner Wine Estates. Our coffee is generously provided by Coastal Peaks Coffee. Disruptions The House Manager reserves the right to ask any disruptive audience member to leave. Public Art This sculpture, located on the lawn outside SLO REP, is called “Bee Bee Works His Magic.” It was created by artists Carol Paulsen and Stephen Plowman. You can find out more about “Bee Bee” and all of the creative and beautiful public art in San Luis Obispo . Bee Bee Works His Magic by Carol Paulsen and Stephen Plowman [PAGE] Title: Academy of Creative Theatre | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: Para Español About ACT The Academy of Creative Theatre (ACT) is a theatre education and training program offering year-round theatre classes , camps , and performance opportunities for young artists. With programs for ages 3-18, ranging from beginners to advanced training, there’s a class designed to engage students at every experience level. Whether your child is looking for a fun way to express themselves or looking to take their theatrical training to the next level, ACT has something for everyone! Our programs take place at our headquarters located at 3533 Empleo Street in San Luis Obispo and are taught by professional teaching artists . Thanks to generous grant funding, ACT offers partial and full tuition scholarships for all of our programs. Please see the Financial Assistance page for more information. NEW! ACT now offers digital gift cards for all our classes and camps! Stay in touch with ACT Receive email updates on upcoming classes, camps, auditions, and more! Up Next with ACT [PAGE] Title: Nunsense – A Musical Comedy | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: PG Rating This musical comedy is suitable for all ages, however we don’t recommend bringing children younger than age 6 to the theatre. Nunsense – A Musical Comedy Book, Music and Lyrics by Dan Goggin Director/Choreography by John Keating Musical Direction by Marshall Keating Stage Management by Lupita Rodriguez Scenic Design by Dave Linfield Lighting/Sound Design by Kevin Harris Costume Design by Stephanie Joseph Props by Suzy Newman Show Times September 15 – October 15, 2023  Thu - Sat @ 7 pm  Sat & Sun @ 2 pm About A zany, wholesome, hilarious musical revue – a heavenly delight! The five nuns from Little Sisters of Hoboken put on a fundraiser to bury sisters accidentally poisoned by the convent cook, Sister Julia, Child of God. Fortunately, the remaining sisters –  Mother Superior, Sister Hubert (Mistress of Novices), Sister Mary Leo, Sister Robert Anne and Sister Mary Amnesia – all have hidden talents that bring merriment to this show full of  “nun” liners, “nun” puns and “nun” sequiturs. Winner! Four Outer Critics Circle Awards, including Best Off -Broadway Musical Photos RyLo Media Design, Ryan C. Loyd Reviews Wacky and outrageous with a hysterical ‘anything goes’ sense of fun! – The New York Times [PAGE] Title: Staff | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: (805) 781-3889 x10 [email protected] Kevin Harris received his MFA in Directing from the University of Iowa (2007), his BFA in Acting from New York University (1996), and his California Teaching Credential from Chapman University. While at NYU, he spent three years at the Atlantic Theatre Company studying acting under David Mamet, William H. Macy, and Felicity Huffman; he also spent a year at Musical Theatre Works (CAP 21) learning the finer intricacies of “jazz hands”. Favorite roles at the Atlantic include The Russian (Chess), Alan Strang (Equus), Jamie (The Last Five Years), Orsino (12th Night), and Rev. Hale (The Crucible). For several years, Kevin worked as a freelance director in L.O.R.T./Equity theatres across the nation. Favorite shows: The Merry Wives of Windsor, The Comedy of Errors, The Exhibitionists, Militant Language, Woyzeck, Ghost Sonata, The Cherry Orchard, Man of la Mancha, and several original plays which have gone on to be produced at the New York Theatre Workshop, The Public Theatre, The O’Neill, Cherry Lane, and many others. From 1999-2002 he was the Artistic Director of Centerpoint Theatre Group in San Luis Obispo, CA. In 2005, he traveled to the West Bank and Gaza Strip to co-write and direct an original play with Ashtar Theatre, Palestine’s only professional theatre company. The subsequent play, The Era of Whales, has been performed in Gaza, Ramallah, Nablus, Jerusalem, and several international theatre festivals. Kevin has taught at the University of Iowa, University of Chicago, and has led dozens of workshops on A Practical Handbook for the Actor across the country. Patty Thayer (805) 781-3889 x15 [email protected] After earning a BA degree in Theatre and Speech Communications, Patty began her professional life at Lamb’s Players Theatre in the San Diego area, working first as an actress, then in the box office, house management, tour scheduling, fundraising, marketing and even bookkeeping. Thus are lifelong arts administrators created. After relocating to the Central Coast with her husband David and their two sons, Patty joined the staff at the San Luis Obispo Symphony and successfully led the marketing and communications efforts for that organization for 16 years. She has been a part of the team at SLO REP since 2013. Patty is a proud graduate of Leadership San Luis Obispo Class XI and serves on the Parking and Access Committee for Downtown SLO. Kerry DiMaggio (805) 781-3889, ext. 14 [email protected] A native of the Central Coast, Kerry has been involved in theatre since she was young, including many productions on SLO REP stage. Kerry holds a BA (with honors) in Theatre Arts from Cal Poly’s Theatre and Dance Department, where her interest in teaching was piqued by a course in Children’s Drama. Kerry began working with ACT as an instructor, and shortly after transitioned to Education Director. 15 years later, she is thrilled to still be leading this fantastic program! Kerry is also an actor, singer, and director, and when not onstage in some capacity, she can be found enjoying SLO with her husband and their two young daughters. Suzy Newman (805) 781-3889 x17 [email protected] Suzy Newman has worked in regional theatres throughout the country, but has spent most of her career in theatres on the Central Coast. She was the Company Manager at The Great American Melodrama and Vaudeville and the Development Coordinator for PCPA – Pacific Conservatory Theatre. She received her MFA in Acting from the University of Alabama and continues to freelance as an actor and director. David Linfield Please email only. [email protected] Dave was bitten by the theatre bug in 1990, when an audition notice for a community theatre production caught his fancy. He discovered a whole new circle of friends and has spent a large portion of his evenings since then rehearsing and performing with theatre groups around the county. Over the years, he has migrated away from performing, and has embraced technical stagecraft as much more than a hobby. While Dave hasn’t had any formal theatre arts schooling, his educational background in graphic design and his occupational experience with retail display and housing construction have all blended together nicely with his passion for designing and building sets. Rachel Tietz (805) 781-3889 ext. 14 [email protected] Rachel Tietz is absolutely thrilled to be a member of the SLO REP team! A graduate of the Pacific Conservatory Theatre (PCPA) 2011, Rachel also earned a degree in Arts and Humanities from Allan Hancock College during the 2020 theatre hiatus. She has been teaching and directing for the ACT program since 2017. Previous SLO REP acting credits include Betty Jean in The Marvelous Wonderettes, Ruth Condomine in Blithe Spirit, Philia in A Funny Thing Happened…Forum, Ulla in The Producers, and Miss Shields in A Christmas Story. She has also had the pleasure to write, direct, and perform in many shows at The Great American Melodrama and Vaudeville. A central coast native, Rachel has a deep passion for working with young artists and for enriching the arts community. Shannon Peters (805) 781-3889 ext. 14 [email protected] Shannon Peters is beyond grateful to be back home on the central coast and a member of SLO REP’s education team! A graduate of PCPA, Shannon continued her education at Utah State University earning a BFA before moving to New York and starring in multiple customer service roles! Previous SLO REP credits include A Wrinkle in Time (Director), Xanadu (Melpomene) and Why Do Fools Fall In Love (Deedee). Other favorite roles include Maggie in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (USU), Viola in Twelfth Night (USU) and the Actress in Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery (Lyric Repertory Theatre). As an alumni of the ACT Program and the daughter of an educator, she feels at home in the classroom and understands the importance of cultivating joy and creative freedom for young performers of all ages. Brian Lampert (805) 781-3889 x22 [email protected] Brian brings a wealth of experience from his time at Universal Studios Hollywood, where he managed teams within the Attractions and Entertainment departments. His love for providing world-class theme park entertainment shines through in his work, as he’s deeply passionate about creating theater and fostering volunteerism here at SLO REP. He’s an Improv actor and performed at Upright Citizens Brigade LA, Bovine Metropolis Denver, and teaches his own classes. Brian’s journey in the world of theater is grounded by a BA from Cal Poly’s Theatre and Dance Department. Carey Blauvelt [PAGE] Title: ACT Shows | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: Search ACT Shows Our summer and winter production classes offer students the opportunity to participate in a full length, fully supported production on SLO REP stage, while simultaneously providing professional training in a welcoming, inclusive atmosphere. Participation is by audition, and tuition fees are charged for all students cast in the production. Generous need-based scholarships are always available. Summer 2024 Our next ACT show will be announced soon. Stay tuned! Suite Surrender Suite Surrender finished its very successful run on January 21, 2024 It’s 1942, and two of Hollywood’s biggest divas have descended upon the luxurious Palm Beach Royale Hotel — assistants, luggage, and legendary feud with one another in tow. Everything seems to be in order for their wartime performance…that is, until they are somehow assigned to the same suite. Mistaken identities, overblown egos, double entendres, and a lap dog named Mr. Boodles round out this hilarious riot of a love note to the classic farces of the 30s and 40s. History Honk! Jr. – A Musical Tale of the Ugly Duckling Honk! JR finished its successful run on July 23, 2023. Ugly looks quite a bit different from his darling duckling brothers and sisters. The other animals on the farm are quick to notice and point this out, despite his mother’s protective flapping. Feeling rather foul about himself, the little fowl finds himself on an adventure of self-discovery, all the while unknowingly outwitting a very hungry Cat. Along the way, Ugly meets a whole flock of unique characters and finds out being different is not a bad thing to be. A Wrinkle in Time Winter 2023 A Wrinkle in Time finished its successful run on January 22, 2023 One of literature’s most enduring young heroines, Meg Murry, is back – braces, stubbornness and all. Once again, she’s joining forces with Mrs. Whatsit, Charles Wallace, Calvin O’Keefe and more to battle the forces of evil so she can rescue her father, save humanity and find herself. Macbeth Winter 2020 Macbeth finished its successful run on January 19, 2020. Returning home from battle, the victorious Macbeth meets three witches on the heath. Driven by their disturbing prophecies, he sets out on the path to murder. The Little Mermaid Jr. Summer 2019 The Little Mermaid Jr. finished its successful run on July 21, 2019. In a magical underwater kingdom, the beautiful young mermaid, Ariel, longs to leave her ocean home – and her fins – behind and live in the world above. But first, she’ll have to defy her father, King Triton, make a deal with the evil sea witch, Ursula, and convince the handsome Prince Eric that she’s the girl whose enchanting voice he’s been seeking. Pride and Prejudice Winter 2019 Pride and Prejudice finished its successful run on January 20, 2019 Marriage is an inevitable fact of life for the five Bennet sisters — Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty, and Lydia. With the family estate entailed away to their closest male cousin, their only hope to advance in life is to find a rich and single man — and one has just arrived in the form of the very handsome and very well-off Charles Bingley. The kindhearted and beautiful Jane seems poised to make a match, but must contend with her overly zealous mother, his snobbish sister, and a slippery social ladder. And when Bingley’s taciturn friend Fitzwilliam Darcy shows an interest in the opinionated and spirited Elizabeth, the situation becomes more complicated than either of them expect. Mary Poppins, Jr. Summer 2018 Mary Poppins finished its successful run on July 22, 2018 Based on one of the most popular Disney movies of all time and the Broadway musical that played for over 2,500 performances and received multiple Olivier and Tony Awards nominations, Disney and Cameron Mackintosh’s Mary Poppins is capturing hearts in a whole new way: as a “practically perfect” Broadway Junior musical! A Little Princess Winter 2018 A Little Princess finished its successful run on January 28, 2018. Young Sara Crewe would rather stay with her dear father in India than leave for Miss Minchin’s boarding school in grim, bustling London, but her father insists she receive an English education. Using her books and her imagination, she is able to quickly win friends and make the best of things. But when her fate takes a disastrous turn, will her vibrant inner life be enough to sustain her through tragedy and hardship? In this heartfelt, faithful adaptation of the beloved novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett, one girl’s goodwill and courage show what being a princess truly means. Into the Woods Jr. Summer 2017 Into the Woods finished its successful run on July 30, 2017. Be careful what you wish for as Stephen Sondheim’s and James Lapine’s cockeyed fairytale comes to life in this young performers’ adaptation of their groundbreaking, Tony Award-winning musical.  Featuring all of your favorite characters – Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack (and his beanstalk) and the Witch – this rich retelling of classic Brothers Grimm fables is the perfect summer musical for your whole family. The Importance of Being Earnest Winter 2017 The Importance of Being Earnest finished its successful run on January 29, 2017. The story revolves around one of the most ingenious, and hilarious, cases of mistaken identity ever put into a play: Cecily Cardew and Gwendolen Fairfax are both in love with the same mythical suitor.  The reliable Jack Worthing has wooed Gwendolen under the name Ernest while the adorable dandy Algernon Moncrieff has also posed as Ernest to win the heart of Cecily.  When all four arrive at Jack’s country home on the same weekend accompanied by the formidable Lady Bracknell, the gallants must grapple with the riotous consequences of their deceptions. The Jungle Book KIDS Summer 2016 The Jungle Book finished its successful run on July 31, 2016. The jungle is jumpin’ with a jazzy beat in Disney’s The Jungle Book KIDS. Specially adapted from the classic Disney animated film, Disney’s The Jungle Book KIDS features a host of colorful characters and all of your favorite songs from the classic animated movie musical. Little Women of Orchard House Winter 2015-2016 Little Women of Orchard House finished its successful run on January 31, 2016. Pirates of Penzance The Pirates of Penzance finished its successful run on August 2, 2015. The Secret Garden The Secret Garden finished its successful run on January 25, 2015. Sponsors [PAGE] Title: HONK! Jr. “A Musical Tale of the Ugly Duckling” | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: G HONK! Jr. “A Musical Tale of the Ugly Duckling” Music by George Stiles Book and Lyrics by Anthony Drewe Directed by Shannon Peters Asst. Direction and Stage Manager by Alex Miller Musical Direction by Danielle McNamara Choreography by Meggie Siegrist Backstage Manager by Lester Wilson Costume Design by Cheryl Nacario Show Times July 14 – July 23, 2023  Wed - Sat @ 7 pm  Sat & Sun @ 2 pm About Honk! JR concluded its very successful run on July 23, 2023. Stay tuned for our 2024 Summer Musical Announcement and Auditions! In this delightful story for audiences of all ages, the animals on the farm are quick to point out that Ugly looks different from his darling duckling brothers and sisters. Ugly embarks on an adventure of self-discovery where he unknowingly outwits a very hungry cat, meets a whole flock of unique characters and finds out that being different is not so bad. This professionally-produced production features students participating in our ACT program for young artists. Bring your kids and grandkids to this family-friendly show! Reviews It’s a wonderful musical tale for adults and kids alike with plenty of plucky humor – Maryland Theatre Guide [PAGE] Title: 9 to 5 – The Musical | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: PG 9 to 5 – The Musical Music and Lyrics by Dolly Parton Book by Patricia Resnick Based on the 20th Century Fox Picture by Originally produced on Broadway by Robert Greenblatt, April 2009 Show Times June 7 – June 30, 2024  Wed - Sat @ 7 pm  Sat & Sun @ 2 pm About Set in the late 1970s, this story of friendship and revenge in the Rolodex era is outrageous, thoughtprovoking and even a little romantic. Pushed to the boiling point, three female coworkers concoct a plan to get even with their egotistical, lying, hypocritical boss. In a turn of events, Violet, Judy and Doralee live out their wildest fantasy – giving their boss the boot! While he remains “otherwise engaged,” the women give their workplace a dream makeover, taking control of the company that had always kept them down. Reviews “The fi rst Broadway eff ort of Dolly Parton…it is funny, true, playful and poignant in just the right ways.” – Chicago Sun Times [PAGE] Title: Financial Assistance | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: Financial Assistance Policies & Procedures To ensure fairness to all families, the following policies have been developed for granting scholarships. If you plan to apply for a scholarship, please register for the class using the $20 deposit option. Our classes often sell out, and this will ensure that your space is held while your application is being processed. If you are unable to pay the $20, please reach out to us at (805) 781-3889 x 14 or [email protected] . Each family will complete one scholarship application each year, due at least one week before the beginning of the first program in which the child will be participating. These applications are kept in the strictest confidence. This scholarship application will be kept on file and referred to, upon request, for multiple program participation within one year. The Education Director will review all applications and, in consultation with the Managing Artistic Director, a scholarship amount will be determined based on individual needs. Scholarships can be awarded at 25%, 50%, 75% or even 100% of the remaining balance of the program tuition. Scholarships will be awarded for additional program participation based on an evaluation by the student’s instructor, and demonstration of continued need. Students will be evaluated on attendance, evidence of individual effort and progress, and attitude. If a student exhibits lack of preparation, interest, or motivation, the scholarship may be reconsidered after discussion with the student and their family. At the discretion of the Managing Artistic Director and/or the Education Director, in-kind services may also be considered to fulfill tuition requirements in lieu of formal scholarship consideration. Payment plans are also available upon registration. [PAGE] Title: Contact | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: Contact Box Office Box Office Phone: (805) 786-2440 Box Office Email: [email protected] Box Office Location: 888 Morro Street, San Luis Obispo Box Office Hours Wed-Fri: 3 pm – 6 pm Show Saturdays: 3 pm – 5 pm The Box Office window opens one hour before showtime for will call tickets only. Buy tickets online HERE Administrative Offices Phone:  (805) 781-3889 Call this number for a complete list of staff extensions or visit our staff page HERE . Academy of Creative Theatre (ACT) Phone: (805) 781-3889, ext. 14 Email: [email protected] Address Downtown Theatre Venue: 888 Morro Street San Luis Obispo ACT Education Center & SLO REP Headquarters 3533 Empleo Street San Luis Obispo Type and Press “enter” to Search Stay connected [PAGE] Title: Volunteer | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: Search Volunteer Volunteers play a very important role in keeping SLO REP rolling along show after show. Most volunteer opportunities are in the area of patron hospitality including bartending, greeting patrons and checking tickets, or selling merchandise and other refreshments.  Specialized areas in which volunteers are needed include set construction and painting and office assistance with mailings, filing, etc. Health & Safety Guidelines Protecting the health and safety of our audience, actors, volunteers and staff is of the utmost importance to all of us at SLO REP. To that end, all staff, actors and crew have been vaccinated AND we are currently requiring all Patron Hospitality volunteers to be vaccinated as well. For more information about our COVID safety protocols, please read through our Health and Safety Information. Sign-Up to Volunteer! It’s as easy as 1-2-3! Create a Track it Forward account , and you’ll begin receiving information about volunteering, open times and volunteer roles, and be able to select specific volunteer times. If you have any questions, simply send an email to [email protected]. *Please note: Youth Volunteers under the age of 18 must complete and submit a Youth Volunteer Waiver to participate. That form may be downloaded HERE. If you already have an account and would like to sign up for an available volunteer shift, you can view the calendar of available volunteer opportunities HERE, sign-in to your account and sign-up online. Attire: Please wear black pants or skirt with a white or black shirt, and closed-toe shoes. You will also be required to wear a face mask when greeting the public at the theatre. For more information about front-0f-house volunteer duties and protocols, please download and read the following checklists:
non-profit organization management
Please bring your TICKET VOUCHERS to the Box Office on the day of the show to redeem your tickets. Title: A Christmas Story – 2023 | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: Holiday entertainment for the whole family, ages 5 and up! Her son and family live in SLO and she takes particular pleasure in watching her grandchildren in their many performances, several of which have been at SLO REP. Diane has served on the Homeless Foundation of SLO County, as a member of the Friends of 40 Prado Board, and in various positions on the SLO Newcomers Board. All of them. To find out more about how you can play a part in building the future of live theatre on the Central Coast, please click HERE. As we began to plan our 2017-2018 Season, we knew that it was time for a change. Volunteers continue to play a very  important role in this organization and, with their guidance and support, we will soon build a new home in downtown San Luis Obispo for live, local theatre. We want to be a model in the SLO community as well as for other regional theatres for the actions that we take. Title: ACT Staff and Instructors | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: (805) 781-3889 x 14 [email protected] A native of the Central Coast, Kerry has been involved in theatre since she was young, including many productions on the SLO REP stage as a performer, instructor, and director. Her passion for teaching young performers continues to grow, and she is honored to have served as SLO REP’s Education Director for over 15 years. She has been teaching and directing for the ACT program since 2017. He holds a BFA in Musical Theatre from UC, Irvine, where he performed in plays, musicals and with the improv team, and he has been acting professionally on the Central Coast and around the country for the past 9 years. Title: A New Stage | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: A New Stage The Capital Campaign for San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre For more than 30 fabulous years, residents and visitors to San Luis Obispo have been coming to see live theatre in a borrowed, 97-seat venue in Downtown SLO. Title: February 2024 | San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre Content: There are no events on this day. Or a play about a play. We suggest you plan to arrive at the parking garage no later than 6 pm to ensure you are in plenty of time to find a parking place and take your seats by 7 pm. She has been a part of the team at SLO REP since 2013. 14 [email protected] A native of the Central Coast, Kerry has been involved in theatre since she was young, including many productions on SLO REP stage. She has been teaching and directing for the ACT program since 2017. It’s as easy as 1-2-3!
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: History of BlackHawk Molding | Plastic Bottle Cap Manufacturer Content: Contact Us History Blackhawk Molding Co, Inc. was founded in 1949. It is a privately held Illinois corporation; with its headquarters in Addison, Illinois. The company operates three manufacturing plants in the USA; located in Addison, Illinois; Mayflower, Arkansas; and Sparks, Nevada. Its’ European partner operates plants near Nottingham, England and in Lodz, Poland. Blackhawk Molding Co, Inc. specializes in inventing and manufacturing proprietary products. Blackhawk is a pioneer in supplying plastic injection molded products to the dairy, bottled water and juice industries. Its’ Swinger Handle™ put Blackhawk on the map in the dairy industry early in the 1960s. This handle along with the equipment to assemble it to fiber-board cartons was sold in the hundreds of millions to the dairy industry. When blow molded bottles came into use, Blackhawk was one of the first suppliers of injection molded caps. Many companies have come and gone in this industry with Blackhawk surviving as one of the major suppliers. Through the years the company has developed a wide range of caps for the dairy and bottled water industries. BLACKHAWK MOLDING CO., INC. Custom molding company was founded by Walter Hidding in Illinois Primary product line included an array of plastic toys, scoops, household, personal care and medical products Capabilities include custom blow molding Introduces the Grip-It Handle and Swinger Handle to the dairy industry HDPE single thread caps are added to the product line A second manufacturing facility is opened in Mayflower, Arkansas The valve-actuated system was introduced to the bottled water industry Press-On caps are added to the product line Worldwide product licensing programs are started The Super Quad™ four-threaded cap is patented and gains market share with billions of caps sold to the dairy industry The companion STS capping system is invented The patented SafeGard™ 55mm cap with Kleen Peel™ technology is introduced to the marketplace Blackhawk becomes a leading supplier of caps in the bottled water industry The SafeGard cap is manufactured in the UK A third manufacturing facility is opened in Sparks, Nevada A second European plant begins manufacture of the SafeGard cap in Poland Introduces resin additives to the 38mm and 55mm product lines, providing a greener option for the environment The product line expands once more with the Universal™ 55mm, THE Beverage™ 38mm and the 38mm Top Seal™ caps to meet the demands of the marketplace LT cap was added to our product line pioneering the way to lowering packaging materials In the late 1980s, Blackhawk entered the bottled water industry by developing, patenting, manufacturing and selling its SafeGard™ line of no-spill caps. This product has been a true success story in the bottled water industry. Part of this innovation was introducing the Kleen Peel™ no-stick label. The company has developed a full line of caps for the bottled water industry. We are a dominant supplier in this industry. Blackhawk’s position in the bottled water and dairy industry has lead to supplying caps for juice and “belly-wash” industries utilizing specialty foam for sealing. The company also makes capping equipment, de-capping equipment, and bottle handling tools. Choose a category [PAGE] Title: Certifications | Blackhawk Molding Content: Contact Us for Expert Advice Monday to Friday 8am - 5pm CST 630-458-2100 [PAGE] Title: Bottle Cap Research & Development | BlackHawk Molding Content: Contact Us Research & Development At Blackhawk our R&D team is constantly working on new innovations to meet the market and consumers demands. Blackhawk makes all of our own molds in our state of the art tool room. This gives us the ability to custom make just about any type of closure for just about any level of demand, small or large. For more information e-mail us at [email protected] . U5 This revolutionary cap was designed to accommodate virtually any cooler probe used in the bottle water market. The U-5 cap avoids breaking probes; and allows for a wide variety of probe specifications. TOP SEAL As a further continuance of Blackhawk’s proven leadership in innovative closures for the Dairy, Water, and Juice industries; Blackhawk is now offering the Top Seal Cap. The Top Seal cap is specifically designed for 38mm glass bottles. REVO One of the toughest obstacles about taking your medicine or daily vitamins is removing the foil seal. Removing the foil seal can be a painful and frustrating process. Blackhawk Molding has addressed this dilemma with our patented Revo-cap. The Revo-cap’s unique design makes the process of removing the foil seal effortless. Choose a category [PAGE] Title: Beverage Caps | BlackHawk Molding Content: “Sealing you can rely on easy to apply on” As a further continuance of Blackhawk’s proven leadership in innovative closures for the Dairy, Water, and Juice industries; Blackhawk is ... 7 Records - Page 1 of 1 Choose a category [PAGE] Title: Line Operators, Quality Maintenance & Manager Training | BlackHawk Molding Content: Contact Us Training Blackhawk has developed an extensive hands-on training session for our valued customers. The training is targeted for line operators, quality, maintenance, and managerial personnel to help identify possible production issues. Participants will be trained by Qualified Blackhawk personnel. They will perform the interactive hands-on training and demonstrate how to properly complete the following: Fundamentals of in-coming cap/bottle inspection Demonstrate proper technique for sizing caps and bottles Review defective product Capping equipment set-up and trouble-shooting Proper equipment cleaning information After successfully completing the program, students will be tested and be given a certificate. Course Length: 1.5 hours – 2 hour session Recommended Class size: Up to 8 students per session Call 630-458-2100 or Contact your Blackhawk Sales Representative Needed Materials Bring the desire to learn, Blackhawk to provide everything else. Choose a category [PAGE] Title: Bottle Caps & Accessories | BlackHawk Molding Content: Blackhawk's 48mm cap is manufactured to the standard 48mm glass bottle neck finish. For further questions please contact your local sales representative or Contact Customer service at 630 458 2... 1 Record - Page 1 of 1 Choose a category [PAGE] Title: Beverage Caps | BlackHawk Molding Content: “Sealing you can rely on easy to apply on” As a further continuance of Blackhawk’s proven leadership in innovative closures for the Dairy, Water, and Juice industries; Blackhawk is ... 7 Records - Page 1 of 1 Choose a category [PAGE] Title: Plastic Scoops | BlackHawk Molding Content: Label Options For further questions please contact your local sales representative or Contact Customer service at 630 458 2100 or email [email protected]. 4 Records - Page 1 of 1 Choose a category [PAGE] Title: Frequently Asked Questions About BlackHawk Molding Content: Contact Us FAQ Q: Where are you located? A: We have 4 locations: Addison, IL, Mayflower, AR, Sparks, NV and Lodz, Poland Q: What style and size caps do you make? A: You can see all our caps on our product page by clicking here . Q: Do you comply with the requirements of FDA Title 21 CFR Parts 175-178? A: Yes All materials used in production of our products comply with requirements of DGA Title 21 CFR Parts 175 – 18 regulations. Our domestic facilities and manufacturing practices are inspected and certified as conforming for production of dairy closures by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Q: Are you SQF certified? A: Yes, all 3 of our US plants are SQF 2000 certified. To reach this and maintain this certification we undergo rigorous annual external third party audits as well as an annual internal audit. Our SQF certification insures that Blackhawk customers are always receiving excellent safe quality food packaging. Q: How can I get samples of your closures? A: Contact our sales group at [email protected] or Tel. 630-458-2100 Fax: 630-543-1905 Q: Where can I purchase bottles with your neck finish? A: Contact our Sales Group at [email protected] . They will have a technical rep provide you with bottle manufacturers in your area. Q: Do you export your closures? A: Yes we have customers worldwide using our closures Q: How do I place an order? A: Contact Customer Service for assistance: Email: [email protected] Fax: 630-543-1905 Phone: 630-458-2100 Q: How do I know my order was placed? A: A member of our Customer Service team will send you a sales order confirmation with the expected ship date Q: How do I know my order was shipped? A: A member of our Customer Service team will email you the shipping details within 24 hours of your order being shipped Q: How do I setup an account with Blackhawk? A: Contact our Customer Service team for assistance Email: [email protected] Phone: 630-458-2100 Q: Can I get custom labeled or printed caps? A: Yes, Contact our customer service group for details and artwork instructions Q: How many colors do you have for caps? A: This is dependent on which product you are inquiring about. You can view all of the colors for each product in our product section of the website. Be aware that the colors you may be viewing may appear different on your computer screen. Q: Are custom colors available? A: Yes. There may be additional costs based on the complexity of the color you are requesting and the anticipated volume for the custom color along with a lengthy testing procedure to ensure the custom color passes all of our rigorous quality tests. Q: What is the price of your caps? A: Contact your local sales representative or contact customer service at 630-458-2100 or email [email protected] and they will process your individual needs. Q: What is the minimum order I can place? A: We have a $500 minimum per order placed Q: Will Blackhawk arrange the freight for my order? A: Yes, Customer Service will arrange and invoice the freight on your invoice for the product. Or you can choose to use your own carrier and pay the transport company direct. Choose a category [PAGE] Title: Environmental Friendly Bottle Cap | BlackHawk Molding Content: Staged Cooling Tower Parts are captured directly from under the press and conveyed to the “Staged Cooling Tower(SCT).” An interface between the molding machine and the STC ensure each chamber holds a full box of cooled parts. After loading the box, the SCT advances the full box and stages the next empty box. The SCT is designed to fit in tight spaces and with a minimal footprint. In addition, the system’s set-up allows it to flexible for a wide variety of plastic components. The system is adjustable and can be designed with customizable staging compartments. The design allows for multiple systems to feed into one central secondary operation. [PAGE] Title: Water Caps | BlackHawk Molding Content: Designed for everyday use Easily attaches to bottle in one motion No collars to tighten Includes adaptable tube system for 3 to 5 Gallon bottles 12 Individually packages pumps per case Cost Eff... 15 Records - Page 1 of 1 Choose a category [PAGE] Title: 38mm Caps | BlackHawk Molding Content: “Sealing you can rely on easy to apply on” As a further continuance of Blackhawk’s proven leadership in innovative closures for the Dairy, Water, and Juice industries; Blackhawk is ... 5 Records - Page 1 of 1 Choose a category [PAGE] Title: 48mm Caps | BlackHawk Molding Content: Blackhawk's 48mm cap is manufactured to the standard 48mm glass bottle neck finish. For further questions please contact your local sales representative or Contact Customer service at 630 458 2... 2 Records - Page 1 of 1 Choose a category [PAGE] Title: 33mm Caps | BlackHawk Molding Content: Our Press On cap is the latest generation of Press-on caps available. It comes in a plug style for easy application and removal. This style is forgiving to wider variations in press-on finish bottle n... 1 Record - Page 1 of 1 Choose a category [PAGE] Title: 55mm Caps | BlackHawk Molding Content: This revolutionary cap was designed to accommodate virtually any cooler probe used in the bottle water market. The U-5 cap avoids breaking probes; and allows for a wide variety of probe specifications... 4 Records - Page 1 of 1 Choose a category [PAGE] Title: BlackHawk Molding Mission Statement Content: Contact Us Mission Statement Blackhawk provides a family oriented environment understanding the importance of combining a positive work atmosphere with strong support for our employees. Our goal is to combine the expertise of our employee’s to give our customers the best tamper evident package in the market. Core competencies Injection molding of closures for the dairy, Juice and water industry A designer and developer of value added packaging Innovation in all manners of “green” packaging Assembly and closure decoration [PAGE] Title: Bottle Capping Equipment | BlackHawk Molding Content: Capping Equipment STS cappers Blackhawk’s patented STS capping system is manufactured in our state of the art tool room at our Addison facility. Blackhawks desired to have a simple and effective capping system to be exclusively available to our customers. The STS cappers are powered by a direct drive capping system. STS capping system capping experience: Very clean and consistent capping operation Due to the design of our capping chucks they are easy to clean. Generates low bacteria counts in the capping environment. Clutch-less system STS cappers are run on a direct drive system No need for individual torque adjustment No downtime disassembling and assembling magnetic chucks Easy to use Simple and effective with minimal moving parts Install and let them run Capping Chuck Houses Our capping chuck houses were designed with simplicity in mind. There are only 4 components that comprise our chuck houses. Grande pin- allows for easy disassembly from the capping units for easy cleaning and maintenance. Spring actuator- when the cap and bottle are presented to the actuator it activates the capping jaws that grip and tighten the cap on the bottle. Capper jaws- are designed with serrations that marry with the closure to insure consistent capping. Hygienic drain holes- allows for the capping chucks to be fully cleaned in CIP tanks and drained, evacuating excess material and bacteria. Blackhawk manufactures, supplies, maintains, and services all of these components for our customers. Any questions regarding our STS capping equipment please contact [email protected] Choose a category [PAGE] Title: Bottle Cap Innovations | BlackHawk Molding Content: Blackhawk has expanded its printing capabilities to allow us to manufacture pressure sensitive side labels for our customers. Benefits- Improvement of JIT inventory function Blackhawk will Coordi... 4 Records - Page 1 of 1 Choose a category [PAGE] Title: Water Cooler Accessories | BlackHawk Molding Content: Designed for everyday use Easily attaches to bottle in one motion No collars to tighten Includes adaptable tube system for 3 to 5 Gallon bottles 12 Individually packages pumps per case Cost Eff... 4 Records - Page 1 of 1 Choose a category [PAGE] Title: Technical Bulletins | Blackhawk Molding Content: Blow Molding Bottles - Part 1 Published on Monday, January 21, 2013 by developer Blow molding HDPE bottles is a challenging task when blowing products that must be consistent with a mated closure. Before any SuperQuad caps are shipped to a new customer, a survey is taken by Blackhawk engineers. The survey includes assessing blow moldi Blow Molding Bottles - Part 2 Published on Monday, January 21, 2013 by developer Blow molding HDPE bottles is a challenging task when blowing products that must be consistent with a mated closure. This is the second installment in blow molding bottle issues when changing settings in the blow molding process. Gram Weight The Blac Bottle Lip Sealing Issues Published on Monday, January 21, 2013 by developer The HDPE bottle lip surface and “I” opening play a critical role in sealing the bottle contents. When a smooth clean surface is produced and the critical bottle tolerances are in specification, a plug style closure will have a positive sealing application Bull Gear in Capper Turret Published on Monday, January 21, 2013 by developer The Bull Gear is the integral component that allows the STS Cappers to perform in tightening Blackhawk’s SuperQuad cap. The gear is in an enclosure, located on the capping turret and cannot be seen. This unit is sometimes neglected and will create a major Cap Pick Off Published on Monday, January 21, 2013 by developer The cap pick off is very important component during the capping application. This is the section on the filler where the caps are placed on the bottle. If this section on the filler is not set up properly, the capping application will result with various CHA’s Component Wear Published on Monday, January 21, 2013 by developer The Chuck Housing Assembly (CHA) is the work horse mechanism behind Blackhawk’s Security Twist System. Tightening thousands of closures over an extended period generates universal wear on the internal component by moving up and down and side to side. The Chuck Housing Identification Published on Monday, January 21, 2013 by developer My name is Robert Komperda. I will be creating the quarterly “Blackhawk Bulletin” for our customers. This bulletin is designed to be inserted into a three ring binder. The bulletin will contain information that will help inform our customer’s on a variety Cleaning the Chuck Housing Assembly Published on Monday, January 21, 2013 by developer Dairies perform an excellent job in cleaning and sanitizing their filling equipment day in and day out. Cleaning the Chuck Housing Assembly (CHA) is as important as cleaning the filler itself. This is the last mechanical piece of equipment that engages th Collapsing the Bottle Neck Finish Published on Monday, January 21, 2013 by developer Collapsing the bottle neck finish will have major production issues. When the neck is distorted, the cap pick off setting is compromised causing the cap to bottle engagement to be miss-applied resulting in a poor cap to be applied correctly. This issue ca Overloading the Rotary Feeding Equipment Published on Monday, January 21, 2013 by developer The production day at a dairy is beginning to take shape. But, before this even takes place, dairies have the arduous task of cleaning the equipment and filling lines to ensure the product is safe from harmful bacteria. This is a very time consuming task Partial Carton Identifier Published on Monday, January 21, 2013 by developer This bulletin addresses concerns of how to handle and regulate partial cartons of caps. When an operator runs across an open partially filled box the operator is suspicious and not sure what to do. Are these rejected parts? Was this box accidentally loade Rotating Cap Inventory Published on Monday, January 21, 2013 by developer Time to start fresh with a “New Year’s” resolution. As we begin the New Year, we make resolutions. The problem in keeping resolutions is the discipline to maintain them; easier said than done. Rotating cap inventory is the resolution. When shipments of STS Capper Gear and Bearings Published on Monday, January 21, 2013 by developer The STS Cappers are the units that tighten and secure the Blackhawk SuperQuad caps on current SuperQuad bottles. The virtually maintenance free units are made to withstand the harsh conditions at the dairies. Over years of use, some of the key components Blackhawk Molding New Labeling Information Published on Monday, June 18, 2012 by developer Blackhawk Molding is in the process of converting the current closure information that has been printed on the box to a new labeling information sticker. This should help our customers identify what type of product is in the box they have ordered. 14 Records - Page 1 of 1 Choose a category [PAGE] Title: Contact BlackHawk Molding Content: Your request has been submitted. Facilities Addison/Chicago, Illinois 120 West Interstate Road Addison, IL 60101 USA Phone: (630)458-2100 Fax: (630)543-3904 Office Hours: 8am – 5pm (CST) Shipping/Receiving Dock Hours: 7am – 3pm (CST) Mayflower/Little Rock, Arkansas Gandy & Wheeler Rd. P.O. Box 37 Mayflower, AR. 72106 Office Hours: 8am – 4pm (CST) Shipping/Receiving Dock Hours: 8am – 4pm (CST) Sparks/Reno, Nevada 990 Deming Way Sparks, NV. 89431 Office Hours: 7am – 3pm (PST) Shipping/Receiving Dock Hours: 7am – 3pm (PST) Poland [PAGE] Title: Plastic Bottle Caps for the Dairy, Water & Beverage Industries | BlackHawk Molding Co., Inc. Content: Contact Us for Expert Advice Monday to Friday 8am - 5pm CST 630-458-2100 [PAGE] Title: Technical Support & Customer Service | BlackHawk Molding Content: Preliminary survey's on new customers. Surveying existing capping equipment & blow mold operation. Blowing bottles to determine proper neck sizing for potential customers or existing customers going to different size packages. Determining proper equipment after initial survey for running our Super Quad. Working with outside equipment vendors on delivering the total package. Assist on converting equipment & blow mold neck finishes. Bottle & equipment auditing on current customers. Technical Services Department: Facilities / Equipment Survey Our technical services staff visits the facilities of potential new customers and assesses existing equipment for conditions, applicability and convertibility to the caps change proposed. Equipment needs and costs are assessed. Blackhawk and the customer then partner in making the change with Blackhawk's Technical Services Department consulting all the way through the process and after. The various parts of the survey typically include evaluation of capping, cap feeding systems and blow molding equipment. Consulting Services Our Technical Services Department has over 100 years of combined experience in working on the technical aspects of our caps and capping business. We are intimate with capping equipment and blow molding equipment including working with many prominent equipment suppliers. Our consulting goes from concept to planning, to ordering, to installation, to ongoing support. As long as you are our customer, we walk down the road with you. Training Training is a major activity of the Technical Services Department. We believe that our customers should be fully equipped to trouble shoot their own packaging lines. A recipient of our "one of a kind" training will be able to measure bottles and caps and evaluate the equipment interface. The person will be able to determine the root cause of any capping problem. Is it the bottle? Is it the cap? Is it the equipment? When the cause of a problem is determined usually solutions are not far behind. » Read More about Blackhawk Molding's Training Services Customer Service Department Blackhawk's Customer Service Department is highly trained and well positioned to assist our customers. Areas of service and expertise include: Order placement and coordination Labeling from artwork to the label itself Coordinating transportation and freight forwarding [PAGE] Title: Dairy Caps | Milk Caps | BlackHawk Molding Content: “Sealing you can rely on easy to apply on” As a further continuance of Blackhawk’s proven leadership in innovative closures for the Dairy, Water, and Juice industries; Blackhawk is ... 6 Records - Page 1 of 1 Choose a category [PAGE] Title: Environmental Friendly Bottle Cap | BlackHawk Molding Content: Contact Us Environmental From the introduction of our LT Cap that is 16% lighter than the average Dairy closure to the introduction of using CaCO3 as a resin replacement in our SafeGard Plus cap to a wide range of internal recycling and waste diversion programs, Blackhawk is committed to reducing our impact on the environment. Choose a category [PAGE] Title: 28mm Caps | BlackHawk Molding Content: Closures are compatible 28mm PCO/BPF,30/25 high and 38mm 3 start The closures are applied using Standard Chucks. The plug seal design eliminates the need for costly liners The comfortable mouthpi... 1 Record - Page 1 of 1 Choose a category [PAGE] Title: Industry Links | BlackHawk Molding Content: Contact Us for Expert Advice Monday to Friday 8am - 5pm CST 630-458-2100 [PAGE] Title: Production Line Design, Mold Making & Custom Packaging | BlackHawk Molding Content: Contact Us Design Blackhawk has its own engineering group which designs and develops its customer’s product-related production line systems, such as, parts orientation equipment, feeders, chutes, blow-molding mold components, assembly machines, etc. Blackhawk also has its own captive tool room and mold making department for building production injection molds as well as compete prototype, design, engineering and mold making capabilities. This allows Blackhawk to build and maintain all of our tooling requirements throughout the United States and the World. Additionally, Blackhawk has the ability to build custom molds for anyone interested in bringing their own custom packaging idea to market. Blackhawk Molding has supplied 38mm tamper evident ratchet finish caps to Hillside Plastics for many years. Hillside’s application is for a premium hot fill product and our customers were experiencing occasional spin by, and shipping failures. We approached Blackhawk with our unique issue and Blackhawk evaluated the problem, recommended a solution and SOLVED THE PROBLEM!! In solving the problem, the folks at Blackhawk Molding really listened and cared about getting the details correct. The result was a custom molded closure AND Blackhawk ALSO took on a secondary lining process which improved our lead time. The new improved cap has been on the market for the last year and we’ve received nothing but compliments from our customer base. A true success story. Needless to say, we at Hillside are delighted to be associated with Blackhawk Molding and look forward to increasing our business together for many years to come. - Pete Haas President of Hillside Plastics, Inc. Choose a category
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Custom molding company was founded by Walter Hidding in Illinois Primary product line included an array of plastic toys, scoops, household, personal care and medical products Capabilities include custom blow molding Introduces the Grip-It Handle and Swinger Handle to the dairy industry HDPE single thread caps are added to the product line A second manufacturing facility is opened in Mayflower, Arkansas The valve-actuated system was introduced to the bottled water industry Press-On caps are added to the product line Worldwide product licensing programs are started The Super Quad™ four-threaded cap is patented and gains market share with billions of caps sold to the dairy industry The companion STS capping system is invented The patented SafeGard™ 55mm cap with Kleen Peel™ technology is introduced to the marketplace Blackhawk becomes a leading supplier of caps in the bottled water industry The SafeGard cap is manufactured in the UK A third manufacturing facility is opened in Sparks, Nevada A second European plant begins manufacture of the SafeGard cap in Poland Introduces resin additives to the 38mm and 55mm product lines, providing a greener option for the environment The product line expands once more with the Universal™ 55mm, THE Beverage™ 38mm and the 38mm Top Seal™ caps to meet the demands of the marketplace LT cap was added to our product line pioneering the way to lowering packaging materials In the late 1980s, Blackhawk entered the bottled water industry by developing, patenting, manufacturing and selling its SafeGard™ line of no-spill caps. This product has been a true success story in the bottled water industry. Content: “Sealing you can rely on easy to apply on” As a further continuance of Blackhawk’s proven leadership in innovative closures for the Dairy, Water, and Juice industries; Blackhawk is ... 7 Records - Page 1 of 1 Choose a category For further questions please contact your local sales representative or Contact Customer service at 630 458 2... 1 Record - Page 1 of 1 Choose a category Content: “Sealing you can rely on easy to apply on” As a further continuance of Blackhawk’s proven leadership in innovative closures for the Dairy, Water, and Juice industries; Blackhawk is ... 7 Records - Page 1 of 1 Choose a category Content: Contact Us A: Yes, Contact our customer service group for details and artwork instructions Q: How many colors do you have for caps? Content: “Sealing you can rely on easy to apply on” As a further continuance of Blackhawk’s proven leadership in innovative closures for the Dairy, Water, and Juice industries; Blackhawk is ... 5 Records - Page 1 of 1 Choose a category For further questions please contact your local sales representative or Contact Customer service at 630 458 2... 2 Records - Page 1 of 1 Choose a category Title: Bottle Capping Equipment | BlackHawk Molding STS capping system capping experience: Very clean and consistent capping operation Due to the design of our capping chucks they are easy to clean. This is the section on the filler where the caps are placed on the bottle. Was this box accidentally loade Rotating Cap Inventory Published on Monday, January 21, 2013 by developer Time to start fresh with a “New Year’s” resolution. This should help our customers identify what type of product is in the box they have ordered. Title: Contact BlackHawk Molding Title: Technical Support & Customer Service | BlackHawk Molding We are intimate with capping equipment and blow molding equipment including working with many prominent equipment suppliers. Is it the equipment? Content: “Sealing you can rely on easy to apply on” As a further continuance of Blackhawk’s proven leadership in innovative closures for the Dairy, Water, and Juice industries; Blackhawk is ... 6 Records - Page 1 of 1 Choose a category Title: Production Line Design, Mold Making & Custom Packaging | BlackHawk Molding
Site Overview: [PAGE] Title: Hornersalus - Cookies Policy Content: Cookies Policy Information about our use of cookies Our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and also allows us to improve our site. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we store on your browser or the hard drive of your computer if you agree. Cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer's hard drive.We use the following cookies: · Strictly necessary cookies. These are cookies that are required for the operation of our website. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of our website or make use of e-billing services. · Analytical/performance cookies. They allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around our website when they are using it. This helps us to improve the way our website works, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily. · Functionality cookies. These are used to recognise you when you return to our website. This enables us to personalise our content for you, greet you by name and remember your preferences. · Targeting cookies. These cookies record your visit to our website, the pages you have visited and the links you have followed. We will use this information to make our website and the advertising displayed on it more relevant to your interests. Please note that third parties (including, for example, advertising networks and providers of external services like web traffic analysis services may also use cookies, over which we have no control. These cookies are likely to be analytical/performance cookies or targeting cookies. You block cookies by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. However, if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of our site. Except for essential cookies, all cookies will expire after 60 days. [PAGE] Title: Hornersalus - Training Content: © Copyright 2022 — HornerSalus Training We deliver easy to digest, tailored training courses for venues, event production agencies, technical suppliers and other individuals in the Event sector. We actually provide teaching rather than training; the difference is what results in genuine learning for our clients. Our course attendees won’t just be left cramming what feels like a bunch of gibberish in order to pass an exam. Rather they will gain a solid comprehension of health and safety practice and achieve not only their required qualification, but the ability to apply it with confidence in their work. Our bespoke courses are designed for your place of work or chosen venue and adapted to suit your individual needs. Read what our clients say Events Industry 1 Day This course has been designed to give employees and management a broad overview of health and safety legislation and the issues to be considered when either undertaking the work activity in your place of work or hosting live events. From hazard identification and risk assessment to basic safety management, the course also includes guidance on the selection and management of contractors to ensure safe working. After the completion of this course you should be able to identify hazards that might be encountered in your workplace and at live events. Events Industry 2 Day The 2-day course provides attendees a deeper dive into Event Safety than the 1-day course and includes an exam to benchmark progress and levels of comprehension in health and safety. We have an excellent track record for delivering successful, genuinely educational courses which can all be tailored to address your staff’s individual goals. Fire Marshall All business are required to have designated fire marshals with up to date knowledge and training. This course will help employers fulfil their fire safety legislation obligations under the RRO, making them aware of all key information regarding fire safety in the workplace. The course is relevant for fire marshals and any managers with fire safety management responsibilities or health & safety representatives. Our fire marshal training courses are certificated and comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (RRO). IOSH Working Safely & IOSH Managing Safely For standardised training courses such as IOSH Working Safely or IOSH Managing Safely we can arrange this through the BSC on your behalf and provide course content training sessions and revision sessions in order to help your staff pass. What Our Clients Say “Firstly I wanted to thank you for a very successful couple of days training. My team have given me very positive feedback. It was very relevant and well delivered. Also agreat start to our working relationship.” Steve B Head of Production “A very successful training course - many thanks for all your advice and sensible suggestions. It really was so valuable for us and we are determined to carry things forward. With many thanks again. It was so useful!” Camilla G Head of Museum Events The Victoria and Albert Museum “Thanks for training course sign off, the feedback has been all positive. The team think it is one of the most useful sessions we have had. It certainly flagged the responsibilities very clearly." Adam W Want to know more about our courses in detail? E: [email protected] We are open from 9am — 5:30pm weekdays. Your Name: [PAGE] Title: Hornersalus - Information Content: © Copyright 2022 — HornerSalus information This page just contains some useful H&S resources for your reference. You may never need to know these but if the day comes along when you do you’ll know where to find them! If most of these terms instantly bamboozle you don’t worry – drop us a line and we’ll be happy to help answer all of your questions in plain English. Membership & Affiliations [PAGE] Title: Hornersalus - Contact Content: 51-53 Mount Pleasant, 3rd Floor, London, WC1X 0AE 0208 954 6333 Give us a call or drop us an email, we endeavour to answer all enquiries promptly on business days and asap over the weekend. We are open from 9am — 5:30pm weekdays. Recruitment If you think you have what it takes to work in a thriving event safety consultancy then please send in your CV and a covering letter to [email protected] [PAGE] Title: Hornersalus - Event Safety Consultancy Content: SERVING THE CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND BEYOND EVENTS, FASHION, DESIGN, HOSPITALITY, FILM Since 2010 we’ve been advising the innovators, the leaders, the high-flyers and the dreamers; there’s no time for paper pushing when you’re pushing the envelope. Learn Our Story Busy Much? The length of your to-do list is already rivalling ‘War and Peace’ and now the labyrinth of event safety looms into view. Enter HornerSalus. We work seamlessly and proactively alongside you to ensure you meet all your responsibilities without ever losing pace. View Services LAW! Huh? Good God. What is it good for? Ok, we’re aware it isn’t the most thrilling of event considerations but keeping everybody safe and complying with relevant laws is critical stuff with sobering consequences if mishandled. Our fully accredited safety experts have a meticulous knowledge of all things ISO to ACOP to guarantee you complete compliance peace of mind. View Training Planning Something Spectacular? We want to help you realise even your bravest creative concepts. Our experienced safety consultants work with big brands and big ideas every day and thrive on finding bespoke solutions for even your most out-there ideas. [PAGE] Title: Hornersalus - Fire Safety Professional Services Content: [PAGE] Title: Hornersalus - Projects Content: 51-53 Mount Pleasant, 3rd Floor London, WC1X 0AE Est. 2010 - Event Safety Counsultancy - UK & Europe Memberships & Affiliations [PAGE] Title: Hornersalus - About Us Content: [PAGE] Title: Hornersalus - Consultancy Services Content: [PAGE] Title: Hornersalus - News Content: News Award Winning Sheffield Nightclub Obtains ISO 9001 We were appointed by a client in Sheffield who own and operate a successful and award winning nightclub to assist them with their adoption of ISO 9001 : 2015.
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Title: Hornersalus - Cookies Policy Content: Cookies Policy Information about our use of cookies Our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and also allows us to improve our site. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. These are cookies that are required for the operation of our website. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of our website or make use of e-billing services. These cookies record your visit to our website, the pages you have visited and the links you have followed. You block cookies by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. However, if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of our site. Title: Hornersalus - Training Content: © Copyright 2022 — HornerSalus Training We deliver easy to digest, tailored training courses for venues, event production agencies, technical suppliers and other individuals in the Event sector. Read what our clients say Events Industry 1 Day This course has been designed to give employees and management a broad overview of health and safety legislation and the issues to be considered when either undertaking the work activity in your place of work or hosting live events. Events Industry 2 Day The 2-day course provides attendees a deeper dive into Event Safety than the 1-day course and includes an exam to benchmark progress and levels of comprehension in health and safety. The course is relevant for fire marshals and any managers with fire safety management responsibilities or health & safety representatives. Also agreat start to our working relationship.” Steve B Head of Production “A very successful training course - many thanks for all your advice and sensible suggestions. It was so useful!” Camilla G Head of Museum Events The Victoria and Albert Museum “Thanks for training course sign off, the feedback has been all positive. If most of these terms instantly bamboozle you don’t worry – drop us a line and we’ll be happy to help answer all of your questions in plain English. Title: Hornersalus - Event Safety Consultancy Content: SERVING THE CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND BEYOND What is it good for? Title: Hornersalus - Fire Safety Professional Services Content: Title: Hornersalus - About Us Content: Title: Hornersalus - Consultancy Services Content: