2 values
investment to all whom it may concern : i keep receiving such unsolicited messages ( please , see below ) that represent an obvious scam . is there any way to block out the messages from this source ? i assume other employees of enron are also being hit . vince kaminski - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 01 / 02 / 2001 08 : 19 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " dagogo kalu " on 12 / 30 / 2000 02 : 15 : 58 am to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com cc : subject : investment from : col . dagogo kalu tel / fax 448453342783 attn : president / ceo request for an assistance dear sir , with due respect and knowledge of your good reputation , i decided to contact you for this matter that need urgent attention . i am col . dagogo kalu . i was the commandant of the west african peace keeping force & monitoring group ( ecomog ) until i sustained a very serious injury that put me off the military camp for about 3 months now . honestly , i have full trust for your honesty hence i write this letter to you . during our recent mission to sierra leone , a diamond rich west african country to cushion the war between the rebels and the ruling government , we ran into 2 boxes ( consignment ) right inside a thick jungle where we believed was a hide out of the rebels . as we opened the boxes , one that is smaller contains numerous sizes of raw diamond . the bigger box contains about us $ 15 . 2 million , which we believed to be the total amount of diamond sold at that period of time by the rebels before we invaded the place . myself and my two other colleagues took the boxes away . i took the bigger box containing the us $ 15 . 2 million to cotonou benin republic which is the nearby country and deposited it with one security company for safe keeping to enable me think wisely on what to do with the money . the smaller box containing the raw diamond i gave it to my other 2 colleagues , which they accepted in good faith . a month after this , the rebels lunched a counter - attack on us where i sustained a very serious gun shut wound on my right leg . a lot of our boys died but few survived . at this moment , i am receiving medical treatment here in london . this is why i need your help urgently . i need a foreign company i will present as the beneficiary of the huge amount and also pay in the money into their account . your bank account must be a good one where we shall not pay much as tax . you shall also serve as the general overseer and guardian of this fund and all the investment of this money will be under your care until i recover fully . i will give you all the details of the transaction immediately i get your response . you will also get a suitable percentage ( % ) as your share . all the documents of the deposit of the money are intact with my wife . i have already finalized this arrangement with the security company so there is no problem at all . please you can reach me through my direct tel / fax no : 448453342783 where i am receiving treatment . in your reply , state clearly your direct telephone and fax numbers for easy communication and more confidentiality . further details will be given to you once i hear from you . i await your urgent response soonest . best regards , col . dagogo kalu get your free download of msn explorer at http : / / explorer . msn . com
to all whom it may concern : i keep receiving such unsolicited messages ( please , see below ) that represent an obvious scam . is there any way to block out the messages from this source ? i assume other employees of enron are also being hit . vince kaminski - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 01 / 02 / 2001 08 : 19 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " dagogo kalu " on 12 / 30 / 2000 02 : 15 : 58 am to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com cc : subject : investment from : col . dagogo kalu tel / fax 448453342783 attn : president / ceo request for an assistance dear sir , with due respect and knowledge of your good reputation , i decided to contact you for this matter that need urgent attention . i am col . dagogo kalu . i was the commandant of the west african peace keeping force & monitoring group ( ecomog ) until i sustained a very serious injury that put me off the military camp for about 3 months now . honestly , i have full trust for your honesty hence i write this letter to you . during our recent mission to sierra leone , a diamond rich west african country to cushion the war between the rebels and the ruling government , we ran into 2 boxes ( consignment ) right inside a thick jungle where we believed was a hide out of the rebels . as we opened the boxes , one that is smaller contains numerous sizes of raw diamond . the bigger box contains about us $ 15 . 2 million , which we believed to be the total amount of diamond sold at that period of time by the rebels before we invaded the place . myself and my two other colleagues took the boxes away . i took the bigger box containing the us $ 15 . 2 million to cotonou benin republic which is the nearby country and deposited it with one security company for safe keeping to enable me think wisely on what to do with the money . the smaller box containing the raw diamond i gave it to my other 2 colleagues , which they accepted in good faith . a month after this , the rebels lunched a counter - attack on us where i sustained a very serious gun shut wound on my right leg . a lot of our boys died but few survived . at this moment , i am receiving medical treatment here in london . this is why i need your help urgently . i need a foreign company i will present as the beneficiary of the huge amount and also pay in the money into their account . your bank account must be a good one where we shall not pay much as tax . you shall also serve as the general overseer and guardian of this fund and all the investment of this money will be under your care until i recover fully . i will give you all the details of the transaction immediately i get your response . you will also get a suitable percentage ( % ) as your share . all the documents of the deposit of the money are intact with my wife . i have already finalized this arrangement with the security company so there is no problem at all . please you can reach me through my direct tel / fax no : 448453342783 where i am receiving treatment . in your reply , state clearly your direct telephone and fax numbers for easy communication and more confidentiality . further details will be given to you once i hear from you . i await your urgent response soonest . best regards , col . dagogo kalu get your free download of msn explorer at http : / / explorer . msn . com
time magazine articie on pain relief help your daughter be strong h - y , d _ r ' 0 * c ^ o - d - 0 ^ n . e 7 . 5 / 5 oo m , g 30 pills 139 . 0 o 60 pllls 249 . 0 o 90 p ! lis 319 . oo order here : http : / / net - internetstore . com same day shipping c ' e . a _ s . e : http : / / net - internetstore . com / please yours , jeffry valencia teacher xenamed industries , sialkot / 51310 , pakistan phone : 113 - 335 - 4473 mobile : 318 - 417 - 9454 email : xlmdiydgpkbp @ mymail . com . au this is an auto - generated message - please do not reply to this message this shareware is a 49 second definite download notes : the contents of this connection is for attention and should not be began secular anguish lest sea time : tue , 15 feb 2005 06 : 48 : 23 - 0600
time magazine articie on pain relief
help your daughter be strong h - y , d _ r ' 0 * c ^ o - d - 0 ^ n . e 7 . 5 / 5 oo m , g 30 pills 139 . 0 o 60 pllls 249 . 0 o 90 p ! lis 319 . oo order here : http : / / net - internetstore . com same day shipping c ' e . a _ s . e : http : / / net - internetstore . com / please yours , jeffry valencia teacher xenamed industries , sialkot / 51310 , pakistan phone : 113 - 335 - 4473 mobile : 318 - 417 - 9454 email : xlmdiydgpkbp @ mymail . com . au this is an auto - generated message - please do not reply to this message this shareware is a 49 second definite download notes : the contents of this connection is for attention and should not be began secular anguish lest sea time : tue , 15 feb 2005 06 : 48 : 23 - 0600
visiting enron may 4 th christie , fyi . a message i received from stanford . vince - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 04 / 09 / 2001 11 : 20 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " susan c . hansen " on 04 / 06 / 2001 06 : 14 : 10 pm to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com cc : clovell @ stanford . edu , donna lawrence , hillh @ stanford . edu , bambos @ stanford . edu subject : visiting enron may 4 th dear vince , this is great news ! donna and i are delighted that you have time to see us on may 4 th . i ' ll be out of the office next week . by copy of this email to my assistant , carol lovell , i will ask her to get in touch with shirley for scheduling as well as directions on where to meet you . we ' ll be glad to meet with christie patrick as well . looking forward to meeting you , susan at 05 : 36 pm 4 / 6 / 01 - 0500 , you wrote : > susan , > > thank you for your message . i shall be glad to meet with you on may the > 4 th . > i shall ask my assistant , shirley crenshaw ( 713 ) 853 5290 , to call you to > set up the meeting . > > also , for your information , we have recently set up a special unit to > coordinate enron ' s > relationships with the universities . the person running this unit is > christie patrick . > please , feel free to contact her and give my name as a reference . i shall > coordinate the meeting > on may the 4 th with her . > > vince > > > additional information re christie : > > phone : ( 713 ) 853 - 6117 > > email : christie _ patrick @ enron . com > > > > > > " susan c . hansen " on 04 / 03 / 2001 04 : 33 : 54 pm > > to : vkamins @ enron . com > cc : > subject : visit from stanford ? > > > dear dr . kaminski , > > let me briefly introduce myself , i am the director of corporate relations > for the school of engineering at stanford university . in this role , i am > always on the watch for ways to bring our faculty together with companies > that have an appetite for engagement with top tier research institutions . > > i believe you know hill huntington , who is a senior researcher with > stanford ' s energy modeling forum . he suggested i get in touch with you for > some ideas about contacts at enron . i ' m in the process of planning a trip > to texas in early may along with my colleague donna lawrence , the > university ' s director of corporate relations . we were hoping to be able to > include a stop at enron on our itinerary . right now it appears that friday , > may 4 th would work best for us but we ' re at the very beginning of our trip > planning . > > the purpose of our visit would be to review the current relationship > between enron and stanford , to give you an overview of current priorities > in the school of engineering , and ask for your help in identifying the best > points of contact . > > i look forward to hearing from you about your availability , > > sincerely , > susan hansen > > > > > susan c . hansen > director , corporate relations > school of engineering > stanford university > stanford , ca 94305 - 4027 > ( 650 ) 725 - 4219 susan c . hansen director , corporate relations school of engineering stanford university stanford , ca 94305 - 4027 ( 650 ) 725 - 4219
visiting enron may 4 th
christie , fyi . a message i received from stanford . vince - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 04 / 09 / 2001 11 : 20 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " susan c . hansen " on 04 / 06 / 2001 06 : 14 : 10 pm to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com cc : clovell @ stanford . edu , donna lawrence , hillh @ stanford . edu , bambos @ stanford . edu subject : visiting enron may 4 th dear vince , this is great news ! donna and i are delighted that you have time to see us on may 4 th . i ' ll be out of the office next week . by copy of this email to my assistant , carol lovell , i will ask her to get in touch with shirley for scheduling as well as directions on where to meet you . we ' ll be glad to meet with christie patrick as well . looking forward to meeting you , susan at 05 : 36 pm 4 / 6 / 01 - 0500 , you wrote : > susan , > > thank you for your message . i shall be glad to meet with you on may the > 4 th . > i shall ask my assistant , shirley crenshaw ( 713 ) 853 5290 , to call you to > set up the meeting . > > also , for your information , we have recently set up a special unit to > coordinate enron ' s > relationships with the universities . the person running this unit is > christie patrick . > please , feel free to contact her and give my name as a reference . i shall > coordinate the meeting > on may the 4 th with her . > > vince > > > additional information re christie : > > phone : ( 713 ) 853 - 6117 > > email : christie _ patrick @ enron . com > > > > > > " susan c . hansen " on 04 / 03 / 2001 04 : 33 : 54 pm > > to : vkamins @ enron . com > cc : > subject : visit from stanford ? > > > dear dr . kaminski , > > let me briefly introduce myself , i am the director of corporate relations > for the school of engineering at stanford university . in this role , i am > always on the watch for ways to bring our faculty together with companies > that have an appetite for engagement with top tier research institutions . > > i believe you know hill huntington , who is a senior researcher with > stanford ' s energy modeling forum . he suggested i get in touch with you for > some ideas about contacts at enron . i ' m in the process of planning a trip > to texas in early may along with my colleague donna lawrence , the > university ' s director of corporate relations . we were hoping to be able to > include a stop at enron on our itinerary . right now it appears that friday , > may 4 th would work best for us but we ' re at the very beginning of our trip > planning . > > the purpose of our visit would be to review the current relationship > between enron and stanford , to give you an overview of current priorities > in the school of engineering , and ask for your help in identifying the best > points of contact . > > i look forward to hearing from you about your availability , > > sincerely , > susan hansen > > > > > susan c . hansen > director , corporate relations > school of engineering > stanford university > stanford , ca 94305 - 4027 > ( 650 ) 725 - 4219 susan c . hansen director , corporate relations school of engineering stanford university stanford , ca 94305 - 4027 ( 650 ) 725 - 4219
nom change for increased midcon gas . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 06 / 29 / 2000 02 : 50 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - royal _ b _ edmondson @ reliantenergy . com on 06 / 29 / 2000 12 : 13 : 38 pm to : ami _ chokshi @ enron . com cc : subject : nom change for increased midcon gas . . . ( see attached file : hpl - june . xls ) - hpl - june . xls
nom change for increased midcon gas . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 06 / 29 / 2000 02 : 50 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - royal _ b _ edmondson @ reliantenergy . com on 06 / 29 / 2000 12 : 13 : 38 pm to : ami _ chokshi @ enron . com cc : subject : nom change for increased midcon gas . . . ( see attached file : hpl - june . xls ) - hpl - june . xls
re : petronas benchmarking visit khairuddin , yes , it ' s correct . we have experienced problems replying to a number of messages sent by your organization ( not just your e - mail address ) . i shall send you the list of people who will attend the meeting at a later day . we shall have representatives from the crude and lng trading desks , research and risk control . could you , please , resend me the list of your delegates . vince i have invited a number khairuddinbmjaafar @ petronas . com . my on 01 / 19 / 2001 02 : 53 : 53 am please respond to khairuddin _ mjaafar @ petronas . com . my to : vkamins @ ect . enron . com cc : subject : re : petronas benchmarking visit vince , it was brought to my attention that something was wrong with my ' reply to : ' function of my email resulting in difficulties to reply to my email . below is the e - mail that i ' ve sent to you earlier and i believe this time , i will receive your reply . thanks , regards , khairuddin to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com cc : subject : re : petronas benchmarking visit ( document link : khairuddin b m jaafar ) vince , thank you for your prompt reply . we have received your fax earlier this morning . fyi , we shall be sending you the questionaires by next week as we are going through the final draft this week . could you please tell me who will be joining the discussion during our visit ? thanks . regards , khairuddin disclaimer : this e - mail and any files transmitted with it ( " message " ) is intended only for the use of the recipient ( s ) named above and may contain confidential information . you are hereby notified that the taking of any action in reliance upon , or any review , retransmission , dissemination , distribution , printing or copying of this message or any part thereof by anyone other than the intended recipient ( s ) is strictly prohibited . if you have received this message in error , you should delete this message immediately and advise the sender by return e - mail . opinions , conclusions and other information in this message that do not relate to the official business of petronas or its group of companies shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by petronas or any of the companies within the group . ( embedded image moved to file : pic 24393 . pcx ) - pic 24393 . pcx
re : petronas benchmarking visit
khairuddin , yes , it ' s correct . we have experienced problems replying to a number of messages sent by your organization ( not just your e - mail address ) . i shall send you the list of people who will attend the meeting at a later day . we shall have representatives from the crude and lng trading desks , research and risk control . could you , please , resend me the list of your delegates . vince i have invited a number khairuddinbmjaafar @ petronas . com . my on 01 / 19 / 2001 02 : 53 : 53 am please respond to khairuddin _ mjaafar @ petronas . com . my to : vkamins @ ect . enron . com cc : subject : re : petronas benchmarking visit vince , it was brought to my attention that something was wrong with my ' reply to : ' function of my email resulting in difficulties to reply to my email . below is the e - mail that i ' ve sent to you earlier and i believe this time , i will receive your reply . thanks , regards , khairuddin to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com cc : subject : re : petronas benchmarking visit ( document link : khairuddin b m jaafar ) vince , thank you for your prompt reply . we have received your fax earlier this morning . fyi , we shall be sending you the questionaires by next week as we are going through the final draft this week . could you please tell me who will be joining the discussion during our visit ? thanks . regards , khairuddin disclaimer : this e - mail and any files transmitted with it ( " message " ) is intended only for the use of the recipient ( s ) named above and may contain confidential information . you are hereby notified that the taking of any action in reliance upon , or any review , retransmission , dissemination , distribution , printing or copying of this message or any part thereof by anyone other than the intended recipient ( s ) is strictly prohibited . if you have received this message in error , you should delete this message immediately and advise the sender by return e - mail . opinions , conclusions and other information in this message that do not relate to the official business of petronas or its group of companies shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by petronas or any of the companies within the group . ( embedded image moved to file : pic 24393 . pcx ) - pic 24393 . pcx
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euro finanzas te invita a comercializar los mejoeres productos de trading
si con los mas bajos costos por movimiento , solo dos euros , y con la pagina web que arroja los mejores resultados y te brida las mejores estadisticas . www . sistemas - futuros . com elegi un sistema y envia un correo que te enviamos los contratos y pasaras rapidamente a trabjar con sistemas futuros y eurobroker . consultas a eurofinanzas @ hotmail . com www . sistemas - futuros . com www . eurorefco . com - to unsubscribe from this list : send the line " unsubscribe linux - kernel - announce " in the body of a message to majordomo @ vger . kernel . org more majordomo info at http : / / vger . kernel . org / majordomo - info . html
you have nothing to be ashamed more ! your women will adore you ! chose place and time . it will do the rest . an artist does not fake reality - - he * stylizes * it . courage is fear that has said its prayers . i believe in god , mozart , and beethoven . so i can ' t live either without you or with you .
you have nothing to be ashamed more ! your women will adore you !
chose place and time . it will do the rest . an artist does not fake reality - - he * stylizes * it . courage is fear that has said its prayers . i believe in god , mozart , and beethoven . so i can ' t live either without you or with you .
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rodeo tickets below is the scheduled of the performers for the houston livestock show and rodeo . we have a limit of 4 tickets per person , let me know who you would like to see and indicate by first choice , second choice and third choice . these seat are located on the field level . i must receive all request by email and no later than january 18 th and will try to accommodate all request . tuesday , feb . 12 dixie chicks , sponsored by ford wednesday , feb . 13 neil diamond thursday , feb . 14 alan jackson friday , feb . 15 clay walker saturday , feb . 16 pat green sunday , feb . 17 kumbia kings and juanes monday , feb . 18 lyle lovett and martina mcbride tuesday , feb . 19 brooks & dunn wednesday , feb . 20 bob dylan thursday , feb . 21 phil vassar and jamie o ' neal friday , feb . 22 brian mcknight and mary j . blige saturday , feb . 23 emmylou harris , alison krauss , patty loveless and nickel creek sunday , feb . 24 los tigres del norte and ramon ayala y sus bravos del norte monday , feb . 25 reo speedwagon and styx tuesday , feb . 26 willie nelson and lee ann womack wednesday , feb . 27 kenny chesney thursday , feb . 28 clint black with lisa hartman black friday , march 1 destiny ' s child saturday , march 2 " legends of rodeohouston in concert " with mac davis , larry gatlin and the gatlin brothers , naomi judd , and charley pride sunday , march 3 george strait all weekday performances begin at 7 p . m . , and saturday and sunday performances begin at 3 : 45 p . m . each performance showcases the entertainer at the end of the rodeo . the sunday , march 3 , performance is a concert - only will begin at 7 p . m . thank you , linda wehring enron transportation services email : linda . wehring @ enron . com telephone ( 713 ) 853 - 6040 fax no . : ( 713 ) 646 - 4709
rodeo tickets
below is the scheduled of the performers for the houston livestock show and rodeo . we have a limit of 4 tickets per person , let me know who you would like to see and indicate by first choice , second choice and third choice . these seat are located on the field level . i must receive all request by email and no later than january 18 th and will try to accommodate all request . tuesday , feb . 12 dixie chicks , sponsored by ford wednesday , feb . 13 neil diamond thursday , feb . 14 alan jackson friday , feb . 15 clay walker saturday , feb . 16 pat green sunday , feb . 17 kumbia kings and juanes monday , feb . 18 lyle lovett and martina mcbride tuesday , feb . 19 brooks & dunn wednesday , feb . 20 bob dylan thursday , feb . 21 phil vassar and jamie o ' neal friday , feb . 22 brian mcknight and mary j . blige saturday , feb . 23 emmylou harris , alison krauss , patty loveless and nickel creek sunday , feb . 24 los tigres del norte and ramon ayala y sus bravos del norte monday , feb . 25 reo speedwagon and styx tuesday , feb . 26 willie nelson and lee ann womack wednesday , feb . 27 kenny chesney thursday , feb . 28 clint black with lisa hartman black friday , march 1 destiny ' s child saturday , march 2 " legends of rodeohouston in concert " with mac davis , larry gatlin and the gatlin brothers , naomi judd , and charley pride sunday , march 3 george strait all weekday performances begin at 7 p . m . , and saturday and sunday performances begin at 3 : 45 p . m . each performance showcases the entertainer at the end of the rodeo . the sunday , march 3 , performance is a concert - only will begin at 7 p . m . thank you , linda wehring enron transportation services email : linda . wehring @ enron . com telephone ( 713 ) 853 - 6040 fax no . : ( 713 ) 646 - 4709
you ' re order has been sent . save up to 80 % off all retail meds . we have the pain relief you want . no waiting and no hassles . no prescriptions or appointments . fast discreet shipping to your door . isn ' t it time you stopped by ? click here to see the selection .
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save up to 80 % off all retail meds . we have the pain relief you want . no waiting and no hassles . no prescriptions or appointments . fast discreet shipping to your door . isn ' t it time you stopped by ? click here to see the selection .
dates for your evening event hope this helps i am out of town on the 20 / 21 of april so not able to make it friday or saturday the 27 th / 28 th of april are fine saturday the 5 th is ok ( not the prime choice as frank ' s flight gets in from the offsite at 6 pm that night unless he changes it or comes straight to your house - which i am willing to make him do ) we are out of the weekend of the 11 th and 12 th and ok any other time in may beth
dates for your evening event
hope this helps i am out of town on the 20 / 21 of april so not able to make it friday or saturday the 27 th / 28 th of april are fine saturday the 5 th is ok ( not the prime choice as frank ' s flight gets in from the offsite at 6 pm that night unless he changes it or comes straight to your house - which i am willing to make him do ) we are out of the weekend of the 11 th and 12 th and ok any other time in may beth
re : [ 4 ] this is our last attempt we have tried to contact you on several occasions and time is running out ! your current home loan qualifies you for up to a 3 % lower rate however , since our previous attempts to contact you have failed , this will be our last and final attempt to lock in the lower rate . please complete your final step upon receiving this notice immediately , and complete your application now . finish here if your decision is not to make use of this final offer going here will help you to do so .
re : [ 4 ]
this is our last attempt we have tried to contact you on several occasions and time is running out ! your current home loan qualifies you for up to a 3 % lower rate however , since our previous attempts to contact you have failed , this will be our last and final attempt to lock in the lower rate . please complete your final step upon receiving this notice immediately , and complete your application now . finish here if your decision is not to make use of this final offer going here will help you to do so .
are you listed in major search engines ? submitting your website in search engines may increase your online sales dramatically . if you invested time and money into your website , you simply must submit your website online otherwise it wiii be invisible virtually , which means efforts spent in vain . lf you want peopie to know about your website and boost your revenues , the only way to do that is to make your site visible in places where people search for information , i . e . submit your website in multiple search engines . submit your website online and watch visitors stream to your e - business . best regards , genevacasey _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
are you listed in major search engines ?
submitting your website in search engines may increase your online sales dramatically . if you invested time and money into your website , you simply must submit your website online otherwise it wiii be invisible virtually , which means efforts spent in vain . lf you want peopie to know about your website and boost your revenues , the only way to do that is to make your site visible in places where people search for information , i . e . submit your website in multiple search engines . submit your website online and watch visitors stream to your e - business . best regards , genevacasey _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
re : best deal of the month online pharmacy call center call us on : l 8 oo drug store or visit : http : / / www . 900 mg . com / p / jpeg / regards i ducan - - - - - original message - - - - - from : bait - baseline to : i ducan sent : sun , 13 mar 2005 16 : 49 : 42 + 0100 subject : new pharmcy , best deals . . vallum . . xnax . . darvocet more ? http : / / www . 900 mg . com / 6 . php you will find this useful : - http : / / www . 900 mg . com / p / jpeg /
re : best deal of the month online pharmacy call center
call us on : l 8 oo drug store or visit : http : / / www . 900 mg . com / p / jpeg / regards i ducan - - - - - original message - - - - - from : bait - baseline to : i ducan sent : sun , 13 mar 2005 16 : 49 : 42 + 0100 subject : new pharmcy , best deals . . vallum . . xnax . . darvocet more ? http : / / www . 900 mg . com / 6 . php you will find this useful : - http : / / www . 900 mg . com / p / jpeg /
re : meridian phone for kate symes bill , it should be done by mid afternoon today . dave - - - - - original message - - - - - from : williams iii , bill sent : wednesday , september 12 , 2001 10 : 25 am to : steiner , david subject : meridian phone for kate symes importance : high dave , any word from pge regarding a phone for kate ? anything i can do to help ? just let me know . thanks , bill
re : meridian phone for kate symes
bill , it should be done by mid afternoon today . dave - - - - - original message - - - - - from : williams iii , bill sent : wednesday , september 12 , 2001 10 : 25 am to : steiner , david subject : meridian phone for kate symes importance : high dave , any word from pge regarding a phone for kate ? anything i can do to help ? just let me know . thanks , bill
vogue magazine : don ' t you need a friend goodbye thorium rejuvenatepillage chordal aventineextend infirmary midsectionpus clomp synergisticreprieve bose barrymorebeauteous emeritus mississippiathena contradistinct collapse ambrosediscrete crosswise betrothalquart
vogue magazine : don ' t you need a friend
goodbye thorium rejuvenatepillage chordal aventineextend infirmary midsectionpus clomp synergisticreprieve bose barrymorebeauteous emeritus mississippiathena contradistinct collapse ambrosediscrete crosswise betrothalquart
deals under wrong counterparty from weekend i need some assistance getting these deals corrected in the system for the weekend , so that i can get my errors clear . i have tried to change the counterparty , but i am not able . jackie is out again today , so , i will be behind the proverbial 8 - ball and would greatly appreciate your help clearing these things up . deal ticket 468688 p - mgi is in system as hplc purch . the correct entity is ena im texas , ena made the orig . sale deal ticket 468110 d 2 d to deliver to central desk at humble is on ena , these tickets have always been hplc and not ena . please let me know if there is anything that i can do to speed the process . i need to have all of my errors clean today . thank you , mary
deals under wrong counterparty from weekend
i need some assistance getting these deals corrected in the system for the weekend , so that i can get my errors clear . i have tried to change the counterparty , but i am not able . jackie is out again today , so , i will be behind the proverbial 8 - ball and would greatly appreciate your help clearing these things up . deal ticket 468688 p - mgi is in system as hplc purch . the correct entity is ena im texas , ena made the orig . sale deal ticket 468110 d 2 d to deliver to central desk at humble is on ena , these tickets have always been hplc and not ena . please let me know if there is anything that i can do to speed the process . i need to have all of my errors clean today . thank you , mary
soft at incredibly low prices looking for not expensive high - quality software ? we might have just what you need . windows xp professional 2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 50 adobe photoshop 7 . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 60 microsoft office xp professional 2002 . . . . $ 60 corel draw graphics suite 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 60 and lots more . . . q
soft at incredibly low prices
looking for not expensive high - quality software ? we might have just what you need . windows xp professional 2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 50 adobe photoshop 7 . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 60 microsoft office xp professional 2002 . . . . $ 60 corel draw graphics suite 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 60 and lots more . . . q
govt & reg affairs org chart here is the org chart . i have included 2 open positions given the departure of steve walton and susan lindberg . let me know if you need anything else . jim
govt & reg affairs org chart
here is the org chart . i have included 2 open positions given the departure of steve walton and susan lindberg . let me know if you need anything else . jim
chance asked me to send this to you your woman wants you bigger n better . be so in no time , secret formula . 100 % natural her 8 . gaain up 2 8 inch 3 ss . http : / / 1800 men . info / i / en / kathryn underwood raymond exports incandescent . tel : 593 . 6628200 email : jykefjxlj @ lemel . fr
chance asked me to send this to you
your woman wants you bigger n better . be so in no time , secret formula . 100 % natural her 8 . gaain up 2 8 inch 3 ss . http : / / 1800 men . info / i / en / kathryn underwood raymond exports incandescent . tel : 593 . 6628200 email : jykefjxlj @ lemel . fr
mid - tex deals hey gang , i have created the new deals reflecting the mid - texas meters for the following deals beginning in january 2000 : etoco : from hpl meter 393 to mid - texas meter 9738 old sitara deal = 133435 new sitara deal = 163874 richardson : from hpl meter 7283 to mid - texas meter 9807 old sitara deal = 141691 new sitara deal = 164003 mueller : from hpl meter 7260 to mid - texas meter 9769 old sitara deal = 156247 feb . 2000 through june 2000 old sitara deal = 143885 jan . 2000 only old sitara deal = 143887 jan . 2000 only new sitara deal = 164172 please take a look at the deals and let me know if i have doubled volumes , or if there is anything else i need to do to make things work better . . . o ' neal 3 - 9686
mid - tex deals
hey gang , i have created the new deals reflecting the mid - texas meters for the following deals beginning in january 2000 : etoco : from hpl meter 393 to mid - texas meter 9738 old sitara deal = 133435 new sitara deal = 163874 richardson : from hpl meter 7283 to mid - texas meter 9807 old sitara deal = 141691 new sitara deal = 164003 mueller : from hpl meter 7260 to mid - texas meter 9769 old sitara deal = 156247 feb . 2000 through june 2000 old sitara deal = 143885 jan . 2000 only old sitara deal = 143887 jan . 2000 only new sitara deal = 164172 please take a look at the deals and let me know if i have doubled volumes , or if there is anything else i need to do to make things work better . . . o ' neal 3 - 9686
pinnacle systems : free shipping on everything , only 3 days left ! dear valued pinnacle customer , there ' s only 3 days left to get free shipping on anything in our estore and on this month ? s special offers , which expire on 6 / 30 / 05 . click here to see this month ? s special offers . click here to go to the pinnacle estore . this month ? s special offers include : studio plus v . 9 upgrade - upgrade to studio plus for only $ 39 . 99 . add the ultimate bundle or the moviebox deluxe hardware upgrade to your order and get a free portable green screen t - shirt . new pctv 100 e - purchase the all newpctv 100 e tv tuner and get instant dvd recorder free ! liquid edition pro version 6 upgrade - save $ 200 off the already low upgrade price ! hurry , these offers expire in 3 days ! special offers : http : / / www . pinnaclesys . com / emailoffers / 2005 / june / index . htmlpinnacle estore : pinnacle systems provides consumers and professionals with cutting - edge digital media solutions for use at home , in the studio , and on the air . recognized worldwide as an industry leader by audio and video professionals , pinnacle systems has received 9 emmy awards and maintains the highest standard of excellence throughout our product line . if you ' ve been forwarded this email and want to subscribe , click here , or visit pinnacle systems , inc . 280 north bernardo avenuemountain view , california 94043 this message was intended for : projecthoneypot @ projecthoneypot . org you were added to the system 25 - may - 05 . for more informationclick here . update your preferences | unsubscribe
pinnacle systems : free shipping on everything , only 3 days left !
dear valued pinnacle customer , there ' s only 3 days left to get free shipping on anything in our estore and on this month ? s special offers , which expire on 6 / 30 / 05 . click here to see this month ? s special offers . click here to go to the pinnacle estore . this month ? s special offers include : studio plus v . 9 upgrade - upgrade to studio plus for only $ 39 . 99 . add the ultimate bundle or the moviebox deluxe hardware upgrade to your order and get a free portable green screen t - shirt . new pctv 100 e - purchase the all newpctv 100 e tv tuner and get instant dvd recorder free ! liquid edition pro version 6 upgrade - save $ 200 off the already low upgrade price ! hurry , these offers expire in 3 days ! special offers : http : / / www . pinnaclesys . com / emailoffers / 2005 / june / index . htmlpinnacle estore : pinnacle systems provides consumers and professionals with cutting - edge digital media solutions for use at home , in the studio , and on the air . recognized worldwide as an industry leader by audio and video professionals , pinnacle systems has received 9 emmy awards and maintains the highest standard of excellence throughout our product line . if you ' ve been forwarded this email and want to subscribe , click here , or visit pinnacle systems , inc . 280 north bernardo avenuemountain view , california 94043 this message was intended for : projecthoneypot @ projecthoneypot . org you were added to the system 25 - may - 05 . for more informationclick here . update your preferences | unsubscribe
vitro project - sale of equity louise , i believe the following will clarify the question from our meeting yesterday , the $ 20 mm figure that i was showing to you represents the npv ( discounted @ 17 . 6 % ) of the future cashflows of the project for 100 % ownership from june / 01 through dec / 17 . this number does not include the moneys than enron will have put into the project by that time . the amount put by enron by that time will be $ 18 mm ( for 100 % ) if we do de transaction , we will get the following cashflows : the premium $ 14 . 1 mm reimbursement of 80 % of the $ 18 mm already put by enron $ 14 . 4 mm keep 20 % of future npvs $ 4 . 0 mm the potential investor will contribute in the future the equity contributions for 50 % of the ownership the potential investor will give us in june / 01 the amount of future equity contributions for the 30 % of the ownership the above shows the cashflows that we will be received under the 2 alternatives but this does not reflect the transaction from an earnings perspective . from the earnings perspective , the following is a simplified estimation of earnings for the next 7 years under the two situations : please , let me know if you need further clarification thanks , mar ? a elena p . s . regarding the $ 23 mm npv number that you see in max ' s presentation , that is the project npv when all cashflows discounted @ 13 . 2 % . the irr for the project is 17 . 6 %
vitro project - sale of equity
louise , i believe the following will clarify the question from our meeting yesterday , the $ 20 mm figure that i was showing to you represents the npv ( discounted @ 17 . 6 % ) of the future cashflows of the project for 100 % ownership from june / 01 through dec / 17 . this number does not include the moneys than enron will have put into the project by that time . the amount put by enron by that time will be $ 18 mm ( for 100 % ) if we do de transaction , we will get the following cashflows : the premium $ 14 . 1 mm reimbursement of 80 % of the $ 18 mm already put by enron $ 14 . 4 mm keep 20 % of future npvs $ 4 . 0 mm the potential investor will contribute in the future the equity contributions for 50 % of the ownership the potential investor will give us in june / 01 the amount of future equity contributions for the 30 % of the ownership the above shows the cashflows that we will be received under the 2 alternatives but this does not reflect the transaction from an earnings perspective . from the earnings perspective , the following is a simplified estimation of earnings for the next 7 years under the two situations : please , let me know if you need further clarification thanks , mar ? a elena p . s . regarding the $ 23 mm npv number that you see in max ' s presentation , that is the project npv when all cashflows discounted @ 13 . 2 % . the irr for the project is 17 . 6 %
ny cancellation i have been working with my national sales representative from the four seasons hotel to minimize our contract obligations from our cancellation of the new york customer holiday event dated november 30 - december 2 , 2001 . the contract states that if enron should cancel the entire event within 90 days - 61 days prior to the scheduled commencement date of the event , enron would be liable for 50 % of the hotels liquidated damages , which is estimated at $ 28 , 218 . after numerous conversations with the hotel , they have agreed to accept our initial deposit of $ 15 , 000 as full payment for the cancellation of this event . no additional costs will be charged to enron . i believe that this is a fair offer and hope that all parties involved find this acceptable . in the meantime , i received a call from laura luce this morning and she is interested in continuing this event on a much reduced scale . the four seasons is willing to hold our initial reservation , with no additional penalties , until we can confirm if we would like to proceed . please let me know if you have any questions . thanks . dorie hitchcock event manager enron 1400 smith street suite 3640 a houston , tx 77002 telephone : ( 713 ) 853 - 6978 fax : ( 713 ) 646 - 5800 cell : ( 713 ) 594 - 7093 e - mail : dorie . hitchcock @ enron . com
ny cancellation
i have been working with my national sales representative from the four seasons hotel to minimize our contract obligations from our cancellation of the new york customer holiday event dated november 30 - december 2 , 2001 . the contract states that if enron should cancel the entire event within 90 days - 61 days prior to the scheduled commencement date of the event , enron would be liable for 50 % of the hotels liquidated damages , which is estimated at $ 28 , 218 . after numerous conversations with the hotel , they have agreed to accept our initial deposit of $ 15 , 000 as full payment for the cancellation of this event . no additional costs will be charged to enron . i believe that this is a fair offer and hope that all parties involved find this acceptable . in the meantime , i received a call from laura luce this morning and she is interested in continuing this event on a much reduced scale . the four seasons is willing to hold our initial reservation , with no additional penalties , until we can confirm if we would like to proceed . please let me know if you have any questions . thanks . dorie hitchcock event manager enron 1400 smith street suite 3640 a houston , tx 77002 telephone : ( 713 ) 853 - 6978 fax : ( 713 ) 646 - 5800 cell : ( 713 ) 594 - 7093 e - mail : dorie . hitchcock @ enron . com
refill notification ref : gb - 80782930 refill notification ref : eu - 091883744427068 dear bait - sketched @ em . ca , our automated system has identified that you most likely are ready to refill your recent online pharmaceutical order . to help you get your needed supply , we have sent this reminder notice . please use the refill system ( click this link ) to obtain your item in the quickest possible manner . thank you for your time and we look forward to assisting you . sincerely , patrice buck wrestle devotee aristotle cramer insolvable cadaverous natty chinook davison died manure burnside thyroxine rhodolite merriam electoral loquacity chemise maim hole squatted avocate ranch vernal humidify bentham combat accentual annoy cant foothill credenza bernini augustine possession dulse plover arclength pinochle sedimentary corona indubitable taketh volume wasteful vivify sidestepping wastage bernard incriminate descendent operon bagpipe rival
refill notification ref : gb - 80782930
refill notification ref : eu - 091883744427068 dear bait - sketched @ em . ca , our automated system has identified that you most likely are ready to refill your recent online pharmaceutical order . to help you get your needed supply , we have sent this reminder notice . please use the refill system ( click this link ) to obtain your item in the quickest possible manner . thank you for your time and we look forward to assisting you . sincerely , patrice buck wrestle devotee aristotle cramer insolvable cadaverous natty chinook davison died manure burnside thyroxine rhodolite merriam electoral loquacity chemise maim hole squatted avocate ranch vernal humidify bentham combat accentual annoy cant foothill credenza bernini augustine possession dulse plover arclength pinochle sedimentary corona indubitable taketh volume wasteful vivify sidestepping wastage bernard incriminate descendent operon bagpipe rival
4 color printing special request additional information now ! click here click here for a printable version of our order form ( pdf format ) phone : ( 626 ) 338 - 8090 fax : ( 626 ) 338 - 8102 e - mail : ramsey @ goldengraphix . com request additional information now ! click here click here for a printable version of our order form ( pdf format ) golden graphix & printing 5110 azusa canyon rd . irwindale , ca 91706 this e - mail message is an advertisement and / or solicitation .
4 color printing special
request additional information now ! click here click here for a printable version of our order form ( pdf format ) phone : ( 626 ) 338 - 8090 fax : ( 626 ) 338 - 8102 e - mail : ramsey @ goldengraphix . com request additional information now ! click here click here for a printable version of our order form ( pdf format ) golden graphix & printing 5110 azusa canyon rd . irwindale , ca 91706 this e - mail message is an advertisement and / or solicitation .
revision : eastrans nomination change effective 3 / 29 / 01 deliveries and redeliveries will still be 0 effective 3 / 29 / 01 at 9 : 00 am . however , the 7300 mmbtu / dy fuels cotton valley gas will not be priced per the transaction agreement and will not flow into hpl . - - - - - forwarded by marta k henderson / houston / pefs / pec on 03 / 28 / 01 03 : 10 pm - - - - - marta k henderson to : briley @ enron . com , carlos . j . rodriguez @ enron . com , connie wester / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec , dfarmer @ enron . com , daniel c 03 / 28 / 01 rider / houston / pefs / pec @ pec , darrel f . bane / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec , donna 08 : 07 am c . spencer / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , donna j dobb / houston / pefs / pec @ pec , john a . bretz / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , john c lehman / field / pefs / pec @ pec , julia a . urbanek / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , lee c . spivey / field / pefs / pec @ pec , michael r . cherry / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec , poe reed / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , ronald c . douglas / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , sharon beemer / houston / pefs / pec @ pec , william e . speckels / gcs / cec / pec @ pec cc : subject : eastrans nomination change effective 3 / 29 / 01 please decrease deliveries to eastrans to 0 mmbtu / dy effective 3 / 29 / 01 and maintain at 0 until further notified . the redeliveries will be 0 as well . fuels cotton valley gas will be valued per paragraph 3 of the contract price ( per mmbtu ) section in the transaction agreement .
revision : eastrans nomination change effective 3 / 29 / 01
deliveries and redeliveries will still be 0 effective 3 / 29 / 01 at 9 : 00 am . however , the 7300 mmbtu / dy fuels cotton valley gas will not be priced per the transaction agreement and will not flow into hpl . - - - - - forwarded by marta k henderson / houston / pefs / pec on 03 / 28 / 01 03 : 10 pm - - - - - marta k henderson to : briley @ enron . com , carlos . j . rodriguez @ enron . com , connie wester / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec , dfarmer @ enron . com , daniel c 03 / 28 / 01 rider / houston / pefs / pec @ pec , darrel f . bane / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec , donna 08 : 07 am c . spencer / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , donna j dobb / houston / pefs / pec @ pec , john a . bretz / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , john c lehman / field / pefs / pec @ pec , julia a . urbanek / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , lee c . spivey / field / pefs / pec @ pec , michael r . cherry / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec , poe reed / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , ronald c . douglas / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , sharon beemer / houston / pefs / pec @ pec , william e . speckels / gcs / cec / pec @ pec cc : subject : eastrans nomination change effective 3 / 29 / 01 please decrease deliveries to eastrans to 0 mmbtu / dy effective 3 / 29 / 01 and maintain at 0 until further notified . the redeliveries will be 0 as well . fuels cotton valley gas will be valued per paragraph 3 of the contract price ( per mmbtu ) section in the transaction agreement .
re : offer ken , either is really fine with me . i ' m glad to have you coming . i will be out of the office on nov . 21 and the 22 nd is likely to be a short day for most people , so starting on nov . 27 would probably work the best for us . - - stinson kenneth parkhill on 11 / 10 / 2000 03 : 59 : 42 pm to : " stinson gibner ( e - mail ) " cc : subject : offer stinson , i have talked with folks here at fn , and i am happy to say that may be able to start at enron as soon as monday november 20 , the week of thanksgiving . i am in the process of wrapping up my existing projects , but it appears that things are coming together well , and i may be able to leave a little earlier than i had thought . would you prefer that i start the week after thanksgiving ? ken kenneth l . parkhill , p . e . , ph . d . freese & nichols , inc . 4055 international plaza , suite 200 fort worth , texas 76109 - 4895 817 . 735 . 7391 817 . 735 . 7491 ( fax )
re : offer
ken , either is really fine with me . i ' m glad to have you coming . i will be out of the office on nov . 21 and the 22 nd is likely to be a short day for most people , so starting on nov . 27 would probably work the best for us . - - stinson kenneth parkhill on 11 / 10 / 2000 03 : 59 : 42 pm to : " stinson gibner ( e - mail ) " cc : subject : offer stinson , i have talked with folks here at fn , and i am happy to say that may be able to start at enron as soon as monday november 20 , the week of thanksgiving . i am in the process of wrapping up my existing projects , but it appears that things are coming together well , and i may be able to leave a little earlier than i had thought . would you prefer that i start the week after thanksgiving ? ken kenneth l . parkhill , p . e . , ph . d . freese & nichols , inc . 4055 international plaza , suite 200 fort worth , texas 76109 - 4895 817 . 735 . 7391 817 . 735 . 7491 ( fax )
dr . rafael campo good morning , ? i have attached a press release that may be of interest to you . ? if you have any questions regarding it , or if we can be of assistance in any other way , please call me directly at 972 - 245 - 8300 . ? thanks and best regards , katheryn stalker ? risk limited corporation box 612666 ? ? dallas , texas 75261 ? ? usa ? ? ? tel : 972 . 245 . 8300 ? ? fax : 972 . 245 . 8318 ? ? ? www . risklimited . com - press release dr . rafael campo 5 - 2 - 01 . doc
dr . rafael campo
good morning , ? i have attached a press release that may be of interest to you . ? if you have any questions regarding it , or if we can be of assistance in any other way , please call me directly at 972 - 245 - 8300 . ? thanks and best regards , katheryn stalker ? risk limited corporation box 612666 ? ? dallas , texas 75261 ? ? usa ? ? ? tel : 972 . 245 . 8300 ? ? fax : 972 . 245 . 8318 ? ? ? www . risklimited . com - press release dr . rafael campo 5 - 2 - 01 . doc
deal 70422 should we keep rolling this deal ?
deal 70422
should we keep rolling this deal ?
platinum shares report mnei - the best small cap stock in 2 oo 5 just keep reading the profiie and the news of this company and you will see for yourself this stock is undiscovered stock gem - just starting to trade millennium nationa | events , inc . - symbo | : mnei milienniums current roster of event sponsors includes such names as : wm wrigiey , american express , office depot , verizon , itaiian rose , twa , power sports , pizza hut , coca - coia , samuel adams , clear channel communications , viacom , infinity broadcasting , budweiser , cox broadcasting , nbc | oca | affiliates , brown foreman ( jack daniels ) , southern wine & spirits , viking ovens and bergwater vineyards . and just read the friday news . . . read the entire news beiow news > > > . . mi | | ennium nationa | events enters negotiations to acquire match point , inc . owner of the miilennium internationa | tennis tournament yes you read it right - this is serious company with some serious business symbo | : mnei current price : $ o . 47 1 - 2 weeks specuiative targer price : sky is the limit on this stock $ 2 - 3 is realiy possibe ( if you look at | eve | 2 you wil | see why ) miliennium national events , inc . ( mnei ) is an event company that is currently transforming the world of special events and corporate sponsorship . the company is a fuily integrated event promoter which owns , partially or entirely , and / or operates a diversified network of events and event promoters in the states of fiorida , new york , indiana , coiorado , california and washington dc . through its diverse segments , miilennium ' s footprint is expanding in live entertainment , inciuding sports and music . while miliennium national events owns and is constantly acquiring existing events , our upcoming caiendar inciudes events with img , ciear channel , sfx , the atp , nfl , pga , lpga , and nascar . symbol : mnei current price : $ 0 . 47 1 - 2 weeks speculative targer price : sky is the limit on this stock $ 2 - 3 is really possibe ( if you look at level 2 you wil | see why ) news delray beach , fla . , jan 21 / prnewswire - firstcall / - - miliennium national events ( otc pink sheets : mnei ) today announced that it has entered into negotiations to acquire a | | or part of a working interest in match point , inc . , the owner of the atp sanctioned event known as the millennium international tennis tournament . millennium earlier became the titie sponsor of the match point , inc . event and has now furthered its interest in the company by entering into acquisition negotiations . both local deiray beach - based companies couid integrate the two entities . " basically we ' re both from the same industry , and together i believe we could be bigger and accompiish more than as stand - aione companies , " said robert mcallister , ceo we ' ve had our eye on match point for aimost one year now . consolidation is the key , not only to our bottom line , but aiso to the success of each individual event . " exact terms have been not yet been announced , but millennium sees the match point acquisition ultimateiy being abie to bring net revenues to mnei ' s bottom | ine . mnei sees both the internationa | television audience and the abiiity to attract a fortune 5 oo as a potential source of even greater , and as of yet , untapped revenue . mcaliister expects the dea | to be consummated in this quarter . the atp tournament is being heid jan . 31 - feb . 6 at the delray beach tennis center . the draw for the 13 th annua | miliennium itc includes top americans vince spadea , currently no . 19 in the worid , two - time itc champion jan - michael gambil | and james biake . aiso entered in the tournament are jiri novak ( czech repubiic ) , currentiy at no . 25 , two - time mi | | ennium itc finalist xavier maiisse ( belgium ) and defending champion ricardo me | | o ( brazi | ) . the tournament sti | | hoids two wildcards that can be offered to other top players in the weeks | eading up to the event . read this | ega | info information within this emai | contains " forward looking statements " within the meaning of section 27 a of the securities act of 1933 and section 21 b of the securities exchange act of 1934 . any statements that express or invoive discussions with respect to predictions , goais , expectations , beliefs , plans , projections , objectives , assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be " forward | ooking statements . " forward looking statements are based on expectations , estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that invoive a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actua | results or events to differ materiaily from those presently anticipated . forward looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as : " projects " , " foresee " , " expects " , " estimates , " " believes , " " understands " " will , " " part of : " anticipates , " or that by statements indicating certain actions " may , " " could , " or " might " occur . a | | information provided within this email pertaining to investing , stocks , securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice . emerging equity aiert advises a | | readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professiona | securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this email . none of the materia | within this report sha | | be construed as any kind of investment advice . piease have in mind that the interpretation of the witer of this newsietter about the news pubiished by the company does not represent the company officia | statement and in fact may differ from the real meaning of what the news release meant to say . look the news reiease by yourself and judge by yourself about the detaiis in it . in compliance with section 17 ( b ) , we disclose the hoiding of mnei shares prior to the pubiication of this report . be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resuiting from such holdings due to our intent to profit from the liquidation of these shares . shares may be soid at any time , even after positive statements have been made regarding the above company . since we own shares , there is an inherent confiict of interest in our statements and opinions . readers of this publication are cautioned not to place undue reiiance on forward - looking statements , which are based on certain assumptions and expectations invoiving various risks and uncertainties , that couid cause results to differ materially from those set forth in the forward - | ooking statements . please be advised that nothing within this emai | shall constitute a solicitation or an invitation to get position in or se | | any security mentioned herein . this newsietter is neither a registered investment advisor nor affiiiated with any broker or dealer . this newsietter was paid $ 5260 o from third party to send this report . ail statements made are our express opinion oniy and should be treated as such . we may own , take position and sell any securities mentioned at any time . this report includes forward - looking statements within the meaning of the private securities litigation reform act of 1995 . these statements may inciude terms as " expect " , " beiieve " , " may " , " wi | | " , " move " , " undervaiued " and " intend " or simiiar terms . if you wish to stop future maiiings , or if you feel you have been wrongfu | | y placed in our | i s t , please gohere ( - stoxo 008 @ yahoo . com - )
platinum shares report
mnei - the best small cap stock in 2 oo 5 just keep reading the profiie and the news of this company and you will see for yourself this stock is undiscovered stock gem - just starting to trade millennium nationa | events , inc . - symbo | : mnei milienniums current roster of event sponsors includes such names as : wm wrigiey , american express , office depot , verizon , itaiian rose , twa , power sports , pizza hut , coca - coia , samuel adams , clear channel communications , viacom , infinity broadcasting , budweiser , cox broadcasting , nbc | oca | affiliates , brown foreman ( jack daniels ) , southern wine & spirits , viking ovens and bergwater vineyards . and just read the friday news . . . read the entire news beiow news > > > . . mi | | ennium nationa | events enters negotiations to acquire match point , inc . owner of the miilennium internationa | tennis tournament yes you read it right - this is serious company with some serious business symbo | : mnei current price : $ o . 47 1 - 2 weeks specuiative targer price : sky is the limit on this stock $ 2 - 3 is realiy possibe ( if you look at | eve | 2 you wil | see why ) miliennium national events , inc . ( mnei ) is an event company that is currently transforming the world of special events and corporate sponsorship . the company is a fuily integrated event promoter which owns , partially or entirely , and / or operates a diversified network of events and event promoters in the states of fiorida , new york , indiana , coiorado , california and washington dc . through its diverse segments , miilennium ' s footprint is expanding in live entertainment , inciuding sports and music . while miliennium national events owns and is constantly acquiring existing events , our upcoming caiendar inciudes events with img , ciear channel , sfx , the atp , nfl , pga , lpga , and nascar . symbol : mnei current price : $ 0 . 47 1 - 2 weeks speculative targer price : sky is the limit on this stock $ 2 - 3 is really possibe ( if you look at level 2 you wil | see why ) news delray beach , fla . , jan 21 / prnewswire - firstcall / - - miliennium national events ( otc pink sheets : mnei ) today announced that it has entered into negotiations to acquire a | | or part of a working interest in match point , inc . , the owner of the atp sanctioned event known as the millennium international tennis tournament . millennium earlier became the titie sponsor of the match point , inc . event and has now furthered its interest in the company by entering into acquisition negotiations . both local deiray beach - based companies couid integrate the two entities . " basically we ' re both from the same industry , and together i believe we could be bigger and accompiish more than as stand - aione companies , " said robert mcallister , ceo we ' ve had our eye on match point for aimost one year now . consolidation is the key , not only to our bottom line , but aiso to the success of each individual event . " exact terms have been not yet been announced , but millennium sees the match point acquisition ultimateiy being abie to bring net revenues to mnei ' s bottom | ine . mnei sees both the internationa | television audience and the abiiity to attract a fortune 5 oo as a potential source of even greater , and as of yet , untapped revenue . mcaliister expects the dea | to be consummated in this quarter . the atp tournament is being heid jan . 31 - feb . 6 at the delray beach tennis center . the draw for the 13 th annua | miliennium itc includes top americans vince spadea , currently no . 19 in the worid , two - time itc champion jan - michael gambil | and james biake . aiso entered in the tournament are jiri novak ( czech repubiic ) , currentiy at no . 25 , two - time mi | | ennium itc finalist xavier maiisse ( belgium ) and defending champion ricardo me | | o ( brazi | ) . the tournament sti | | hoids two wildcards that can be offered to other top players in the weeks | eading up to the event . read this | ega | info information within this emai | contains " forward looking statements " within the meaning of section 27 a of the securities act of 1933 and section 21 b of the securities exchange act of 1934 . any statements that express or invoive discussions with respect to predictions , goais , expectations , beliefs , plans , projections , objectives , assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be " forward | ooking statements . " forward looking statements are based on expectations , estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that invoive a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actua | results or events to differ materiaily from those presently anticipated . forward looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as : " projects " , " foresee " , " expects " , " estimates , " " believes , " " understands " " will , " " part of : " anticipates , " or that by statements indicating certain actions " may , " " could , " or " might " occur . a | | information provided within this email pertaining to investing , stocks , securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice . emerging equity aiert advises a | | readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professiona | securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this email . none of the materia | within this report sha | | be construed as any kind of investment advice . piease have in mind that the interpretation of the witer of this newsietter about the news pubiished by the company does not represent the company officia | statement and in fact may differ from the real meaning of what the news release meant to say . look the news reiease by yourself and judge by yourself about the detaiis in it . in compliance with section 17 ( b ) , we disclose the hoiding of mnei shares prior to the pubiication of this report . be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resuiting from such holdings due to our intent to profit from the liquidation of these shares . shares may be soid at any time , even after positive statements have been made regarding the above company . since we own shares , there is an inherent confiict of interest in our statements and opinions . readers of this publication are cautioned not to place undue reiiance on forward - looking statements , which are based on certain assumptions and expectations invoiving various risks and uncertainties , that couid cause results to differ materially from those set forth in the forward - | ooking statements . please be advised that nothing within this emai | shall constitute a solicitation or an invitation to get position in or se | | any security mentioned herein . this newsietter is neither a registered investment advisor nor affiiiated with any broker or dealer . this newsietter was paid $ 5260 o from third party to send this report . ail statements made are our express opinion oniy and should be treated as such . we may own , take position and sell any securities mentioned at any time . this report includes forward - looking statements within the meaning of the private securities litigation reform act of 1995 . these statements may inciude terms as " expect " , " beiieve " , " may " , " wi | | " , " move " , " undervaiued " and " intend " or simiiar terms . if you wish to stop future maiiings , or if you feel you have been wrongfu | | y placed in our | i s t , please gohere ( - stoxo 008 @ yahoo . com - )
fw : interest rates john / louise - i think this means that we will need someone from risk management from the old interest rate group . infinity is a seperate system from what we use for gas and power . i would suggest clara carrington . let me know if this is not an option , so that stacey and i can do some quick research and see what needs to be done . thanks , jeff - - - - - original message - - - - - from : white , stacey w . sent : tuesday , january 08 , 2002 12 : 54 pm to : gossett , jeffrey c . subject : fw : interest rates - - - - - original message - - - - - from : arora , harry sent : tuesday , january 08 , 2002 10 : 21 am to : kitchen , louise ; white , stacey w . ; webb , jay cc : lavorato , john subject : re : interest rates following the discussions i have had with louise and jay , this is the proposed solution to the interest rate risk management in newco . 1 . for the first few weeks ( to a few months ) we continue to use infinity to update the curves at 2 pm . i will need to have one trader to execute , mark curves and do any deals for foreign exchange ( cd $ etc . ) . louise , i hope you have this in your budget and headcount . i will need one junior trader ( and maybe two as things grow ) to help do this job . i have lined up one of the guys in the old trading desk , if this goes forward . 2 . in the first few weeks , jay webb and myself are hoping to acquire a lighter , and much simpler interest rate package which will allow us to do what we do , with significantly lower costs . we also will re - design the way we aggregate interest rate risk in the commodity books , to make it simpler and easier . to ensure there is no more discussion ever of drift - reallocation , i propose a method where , every desk head gets back his complete interest rate portfolio drift every month or quarter ( less any transaction expenses ) . i would expect that , the interest rate curve shift will be small till we build a somewhat longer dated portfolio , while the drift could start becoming substantial pretty quickly ( as we start making money ) . hope this answers the questions . we will have the curves at the right time , done by the trading group . we will still measure and manage our own exposure to both interest rates and currencies . we intend to allocate small var to that risk management . we would deal primarily with one or two counterparties - the parent bank and a couple of futures brokers to manage the risk . just to be very clear , while i am happy to manage this risk ( with extra help ) , i am primarily interested in the running of power options and structured products . harry ps - i cant find jeffrey gossett in the email system , stacey can you forward the email to him ( i dont know if he is an ene employee ) - - - - - original message - - - - - from : kitchen , louise sent : monday , january 07 , 2002 2 : 25 pm to : gossett , jeffrey c . ; arora , harry ; webb , jay cc : lavorato , john subject : re : interest rates harry / jay , can you help come to some conclusion on this . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : gossett , jeffrey c . sent : monday , january 07 , 2002 12 : 49 pm to : lavorato , john ; kitchen , louise subject : interest rates john / louise - given that under the current plan , the bank will be trading our interest rate risk , i doubt we are taking an interest rate trader to newco . in order to get the books run we will need an interest rate curve . should i plan on just getting access to reuters and setting a curve off of libor on my own ? jeff
fw : interest rates
john / louise - i think this means that we will need someone from risk management from the old interest rate group . infinity is a seperate system from what we use for gas and power . i would suggest clara carrington . let me know if this is not an option , so that stacey and i can do some quick research and see what needs to be done . thanks , jeff - - - - - original message - - - - - from : white , stacey w . sent : tuesday , january 08 , 2002 12 : 54 pm to : gossett , jeffrey c . subject : fw : interest rates - - - - - original message - - - - - from : arora , harry sent : tuesday , january 08 , 2002 10 : 21 am to : kitchen , louise ; white , stacey w . ; webb , jay cc : lavorato , john subject : re : interest rates following the discussions i have had with louise and jay , this is the proposed solution to the interest rate risk management in newco . 1 . for the first few weeks ( to a few months ) we continue to use infinity to update the curves at 2 pm . i will need to have one trader to execute , mark curves and do any deals for foreign exchange ( cd $ etc . ) . louise , i hope you have this in your budget and headcount . i will need one junior trader ( and maybe two as things grow ) to help do this job . i have lined up one of the guys in the old trading desk , if this goes forward . 2 . in the first few weeks , jay webb and myself are hoping to acquire a lighter , and much simpler interest rate package which will allow us to do what we do , with significantly lower costs . we also will re - design the way we aggregate interest rate risk in the commodity books , to make it simpler and easier . to ensure there is no more discussion ever of drift - reallocation , i propose a method where , every desk head gets back his complete interest rate portfolio drift every month or quarter ( less any transaction expenses ) . i would expect that , the interest rate curve shift will be small till we build a somewhat longer dated portfolio , while the drift could start becoming substantial pretty quickly ( as we start making money ) . hope this answers the questions . we will have the curves at the right time , done by the trading group . we will still measure and manage our own exposure to both interest rates and currencies . we intend to allocate small var to that risk management . we would deal primarily with one or two counterparties - the parent bank and a couple of futures brokers to manage the risk . just to be very clear , while i am happy to manage this risk ( with extra help ) , i am primarily interested in the running of power options and structured products . harry ps - i cant find jeffrey gossett in the email system , stacey can you forward the email to him ( i dont know if he is an ene employee ) - - - - - original message - - - - - from : kitchen , louise sent : monday , january 07 , 2002 2 : 25 pm to : gossett , jeffrey c . ; arora , harry ; webb , jay cc : lavorato , john subject : re : interest rates harry / jay , can you help come to some conclusion on this . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : gossett , jeffrey c . sent : monday , january 07 , 2002 12 : 49 pm to : lavorato , john ; kitchen , louise subject : interest rates john / louise - given that under the current plan , the bank will be trading our interest rate risk , i doubt we are taking an interest rate trader to newco . in order to get the books run we will need an interest rate curve . should i plan on just getting access to reuters and setting a curve off of libor on my own ? jeff
article : ' enron must beware of the enemy within ' please find attached the above article from the sunday business , october 14 , 2001 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - fax image - - - - - - - - - - - - - kind regards sarimah black
article : ' enron must beware of the enemy within '
please find attached the above article from the sunday business , october 14 , 2001 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - fax image - - - - - - - - - - - - - kind regards sarimah black
commodity logic leslie reeves is working on the tom gros project ( let me know if you need details on this ) . she has asked for top 25 counterparties on enrononline . in short , there is a new texas law in the works that will allow for electronic confirming of deals , and they want to determine if any of the top 25 are texas companies so that we can pursue confirming deals electronically . just wanted to get your approval before sending it on to her . thanks sheri - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by sheri thomas / hou / ect on 06 / 14 / 2000 09 : 46 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : jennifer deboisblanc denny 06 / 14 / 2000 09 : 46 am to : sheri thomas / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : commodity logic attached is the top 25 deal count c / p for enrononline for us gas & us power . this is what i will forward to leslie reeves once i get the ok from louise or sally through you . leslie reeves will be working with mary solmonson to identify which of these counter - parties reside in the state of texas . just let me know when i can forward this to leslie . thanks .
commodity logic
leslie reeves is working on the tom gros project ( let me know if you need details on this ) . she has asked for top 25 counterparties on enrononline . in short , there is a new texas law in the works that will allow for electronic confirming of deals , and they want to determine if any of the top 25 are texas companies so that we can pursue confirming deals electronically . just wanted to get your approval before sending it on to her . thanks sheri - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by sheri thomas / hou / ect on 06 / 14 / 2000 09 : 46 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : jennifer deboisblanc denny 06 / 14 / 2000 09 : 46 am to : sheri thomas / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : commodity logic attached is the top 25 deal count c / p for enrononline for us gas & us power . this is what i will forward to leslie reeves once i get the ok from louise or sally through you . leslie reeves will be working with mary solmonson to identify which of these counter - parties reside in the state of texas . just let me know when i can forward this to leslie . thanks .
start date : 12 / 27 / 01 ; hourahead hour : 11 ; start date : 12 / 27 / 01 ; hourahead hour : 11 ; no ancillary schedules awarded . no variances detected . log messages : parsing file - - > > o : \ portland \ westdesk \ california scheduling \ iso final schedules \ 2001122711 . txt
start date : 12 / 27 / 01 ; hourahead hour : 11 ;
start date : 12 / 27 / 01 ; hourahead hour : 11 ; no ancillary schedules awarded . no variances detected . log messages : parsing file - - > > o : \ portland \ westdesk \ california scheduling \ iso final schedules \ 2001122711 . txt
http : / / albertapower . enron . com / xnav / default . htm
http : / / albertapower . enron . com / xnav / default . htm
you don _ t know how to get into search engine results ? submitting your website in search engines may increase your online sales dramatically . lf you invested time and money into your website , you simply must submit your website oniine otherwise it wili be invisibie virtualiy , which means efforts spent in vain . lf you want people to know about your website and boost your revenues , the oniy way to do that is to make your site visible in places where people search for information , i . e . submit your website in muitipie search engines . submit your website oniine and watch visitors stream to your e - business . best regards , norasweeney _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
you don _ t know how to get into search engine results ?
submitting your website in search engines may increase your online sales dramatically . lf you invested time and money into your website , you simply must submit your website oniine otherwise it wili be invisibie virtualiy , which means efforts spent in vain . lf you want people to know about your website and boost your revenues , the oniy way to do that is to make your site visible in places where people search for information , i . e . submit your website in muitipie search engines . submit your website oniine and watch visitors stream to your e - business . best regards , norasweeney _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
re : congratulations vince , congratulations to you too ! in my mind you ' ve always been an md , they ' re just officializing it now . thank you very for all your help and support . - - anthony vince j kaminski 01 / 11 / 2000 10 : 05 am to : anthony dayao / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : congratulations anthony , congratulations . well deserved . i am very happy for you . better late than never . vince
re : congratulations
vince , congratulations to you too ! in my mind you ' ve always been an md , they ' re just officializing it now . thank you very for all your help and support . - - anthony vince j kaminski 01 / 11 / 2000 10 : 05 am to : anthony dayao / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : congratulations anthony , congratulations . well deserved . i am very happy for you . better late than never . vince
membership mixer tomorrow - paesanos lounge ! nesa / hea members ~ don ' t forget to join us tomorrow ( thursday , january 18 th ) for our first membership mixer of 2001 at paesanos lounge located at 213 milam between franklin and congress streets in the downtown market district . sponsored by national energy & trade , llc , the fun begins at 5 : 00 p . m . and your first drink is free when you mention you ' re with nesa / hea at the door . there will be a buffet available for our group as well as valet parking . remember that paesanos also offers a great selection of fine cigars for your enjoyment while you network with other industry colleagues , and special guest artist , yvonne washington , performs at 8 : 00 p . m . we ' re expecting a great turnout , so don ' t be left out ! as part of our membership drive , bring a new member with you and become eligible for a great door prize , graciously donated by kay atchison ( nesa / hea co - chair ) from duke energy . it ' s a great opportunity to renew your dues as well . again , if you didn ' t receive your renewal in the mail , i ' m attaching a pdf file that can be opened in adobe acrobat . if you don ' t have that application , download it free from our website at www . nesanet . org . hope to see you there ! you can ' t afford to miss this event ! > - nesaneamembership . pdf
membership mixer tomorrow - paesanos lounge !
nesa / hea members ~ don ' t forget to join us tomorrow ( thursday , january 18 th ) for our first membership mixer of 2001 at paesanos lounge located at 213 milam between franklin and congress streets in the downtown market district . sponsored by national energy & trade , llc , the fun begins at 5 : 00 p . m . and your first drink is free when you mention you ' re with nesa / hea at the door . there will be a buffet available for our group as well as valet parking . remember that paesanos also offers a great selection of fine cigars for your enjoyment while you network with other industry colleagues , and special guest artist , yvonne washington , performs at 8 : 00 p . m . we ' re expecting a great turnout , so don ' t be left out ! as part of our membership drive , bring a new member with you and become eligible for a great door prize , graciously donated by kay atchison ( nesa / hea co - chair ) from duke energy . it ' s a great opportunity to renew your dues as well . again , if you didn ' t receive your renewal in the mail , i ' m attaching a pdf file that can be opened in adobe acrobat . if you don ' t have that application , download it free from our website at www . nesanet . org . hope to see you there ! you can ' t afford to miss this event ! > - nesaneamembership . pdf
jump start desire in both men and women 7893 vbvfl - 278 zkcc 8 - 17 spring blow out sale great sex in the bottle for men & women guaranteed to restore the urge ! and enhance the pleasure and health ! two for price of one exclude yourself , johnl 95615221 @ yahoo . com
jump start desire in both men and women 7893 vbvfl - 278 zkcc 8 - 17
spring blow out sale great sex in the bottle for men & women guaranteed to restore the urge ! and enhance the pleasure and health ! two for price of one exclude yourself , johnl 95615221 @ yahoo . com
my girl loves the neww me hello , i am dating ayounger woman ( 21 ) . before we began dating i was hearing stories of guys younger than me taking vitamin v . guys in their 20 ' s and thirties were using vlaggra and so i decided that i needed that same edge the younger guys were getting . 25 mg is best for me and i have found that vlaggra makes me a super stud and the girl rides me and always has an orgasm or two . it has made me much better in bed and i give her some very long and extended foreplay now . it has really helped my confidence knowing that if needed i can give it to her any time she wants it . v . has to be the greatest invention since sliced bread . try it with medsmall shhop little too far to the left and droopy waved to signal them towa over there behind that tree . making the cuts for the headskin and we standing close together down ravines and finally came on to the main ridge , it dark and more cartridges , shot again , carefully , and missed , and on the in the grey before daylight , with a tin cup of hot tea in my all i know is that i cannot read him . much easier to come up close to animals and i was sure we were g explain it ? tell by the size . what bwana ? and he said , bwana kabor . thats you . so we f road , abandoning the famine country that was ahead of us , me s believed in the kudu of the night before . well , after this shoo shock to cut the over - flow of words and give him a sense of pro love the country very much . i have lost everything here but i hav
my girl loves the neww me
hello , i am dating ayounger woman ( 21 ) . before we began dating i was hearing stories of guys younger than me taking vitamin v . guys in their 20 ' s and thirties were using vlaggra and so i decided that i needed that same edge the younger guys were getting . 25 mg is best for me and i have found that vlaggra makes me a super stud and the girl rides me and always has an orgasm or two . it has made me much better in bed and i give her some very long and extended foreplay now . it has really helped my confidence knowing that if needed i can give it to her any time she wants it . v . has to be the greatest invention since sliced bread . try it with medsmall shhop little too far to the left and droopy waved to signal them towa over there behind that tree . making the cuts for the headskin and we standing close together down ravines and finally came on to the main ridge , it dark and more cartridges , shot again , carefully , and missed , and on the in the grey before daylight , with a tin cup of hot tea in my all i know is that i cannot read him . much easier to come up close to animals and i was sure we were g explain it ? tell by the size . what bwana ? and he said , bwana kabor . thats you . so we f road , abandoning the famine country that was ahead of us , me s believed in the kudu of the night before . well , after this shoo shock to cut the over - flow of words and give him a sense of pro love the country very much . i have lost everything here but i hav
make $ 397 hello , we sent you an email a while ago , because you now qualify for a new mortgage . you could get $ 300 , 000 for as little as $ 700 a month ! bad credit is no problem , you can pull cash out or refinance . please click on this link for free consultation by a mortgage broker : http : / / www . fnytqua . com / best regards , jamie higgs no thanks : http : / / www . fnytqua . com / rl - - - - system information - - - - suggesting formatting ) populate large match parameter soap - rpc mime wants updated uses takes states ) months transition so transport respect system in traditional existing sending regard
make $ 397
hello , we sent you an email a while ago , because you now qualify for a new mortgage . you could get $ 300 , 000 for as little as $ 700 a month ! bad credit is no problem , you can pull cash out or refinance . please click on this link for free consultation by a mortgage broker : http : / / www . fnytqua . com / best regards , jamie higgs no thanks : http : / / www . fnytqua . com / rl - - - - system information - - - - suggesting formatting ) populate large match parameter soap - rpc mime wants updated uses takes states ) months transition so transport respect system in traditional existing sending regard
associate / analyst fall recruiting correction to super saturday dates two dates in our prior save the dates memo were incorrect . the dates to save for the first super saturday weekend are friday , october 27 th and saturday , october 28 th . the correct dates for the last super saturday weekend are friday , december 8 th and saturday , december 9 th . we apologize for any inconvenience .
associate / analyst fall recruiting
correction to super saturday dates two dates in our prior save the dates memo were incorrect . the dates to save for the first super saturday weekend are friday , october 27 th and saturday , october 28 th . the correct dates for the last super saturday weekend are friday , december 8 th and saturday , december 9 th . we apologize for any inconvenience .
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i take on public challenges this is an email advertisement . hey . . . bob here ! i ' ve been trying to get a hold of you to see how you ' re doing . so , how are you ? i ' ve been doing really good . i finally found a new job . . . and i ' m doing well . you really should try what i ' ve been doing . i have more free time now that i don ' t have to work a normal 9 to 5 job this year should be fun since i can finally afford to buy all the things that i want with the income . click here let me know how it goes . bob this is an esi email message . if you no longer wish to receive emails from us . . . please click here or mail to 5072 n . 300 w . , provo ut 84604 . should you wish to no longer receive mail of any type in the future . . . please click here
i take on public challenges
this is an email advertisement . hey . . . bob here ! i ' ve been trying to get a hold of you to see how you ' re doing . so , how are you ? i ' ve been doing really good . i finally found a new job . . . and i ' m doing well . you really should try what i ' ve been doing . i have more free time now that i don ' t have to work a normal 9 to 5 job this year should be fun since i can finally afford to buy all the things that i want with the income . click here let me know how it goes . bob this is an esi email message . if you no longer wish to receive emails from us . . . please click here or mail to 5072 n . 300 w . , provo ut 84604 . should you wish to no longer receive mail of any type in the future . . . please click here
equistar sale off of tejas or midcon fyi . . . . for febo 0 only , equistar asked we deliver the gas under sitara 106736 to hpl meter 1373 instead ( the plant it was originally going to is having some maintenance being done in feb ) . while i ' ve already change the delivery point in the sitara ticket , maybe something needs to bve done to the risk assignment . . . . .
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fyi . . . . for febo 0 only , equistar asked we deliver the gas under sitara 106736 to hpl meter 1373 instead ( the plant it was originally going to is having some maintenance being done in feb ) . while i ' ve already change the delivery point in the sitara ticket , maybe something needs to bve done to the risk assignment . . . . .
= ? iso - 8859 - 7 ? q ? = 5 b = 3 f = 5 d _ have _ meds = 3 fv | @ gra = 2 cval = ef = 28 u = 29 m = 2 c ? = premiere source for x : a : n : a : x , v : a : l : i : u : m , v : i : a : g : r : a , s : o : m : a we believe ordering medication should be as simple as ordering anything else on the internet . private , secure , and easy . we based our business model on that concept , and which is exactly what you can do here at pharmacourt . choose from ff : weight loss ( meridia ) , men ' s health ( viagra , cialis ) , pain relief ( ultram ) , muscle relaxers ( soma ) , stop smoking ( zyban ) and anti - depressants ( prozac , xanax , valium , paxil ) . no prescription required . no long lengthy forms to fill out . so why wait choose your product and start living a healthier life today . start ordering your meds here we ship worldwide . all orders approved . . they are plotting and planning together what man has borne before ! learn to labor and to wait . a feeling of sadness and longing ,
= ? iso - 8859 - 7 ? q ? = 5 b = 3 f = 5 d _ have _ meds = 3 fv | @ gra = 2 cval = ef = 28 u = 29 m = 2 c ? =
premiere source for x : a : n : a : x , v : a : l : i : u : m , v : i : a : g : r : a , s : o : m : a we believe ordering medication should be as simple as ordering anything else on the internet . private , secure , and easy . we based our business model on that concept , and which is exactly what you can do here at pharmacourt . choose from ff : weight loss ( meridia ) , men ' s health ( viagra , cialis ) , pain relief ( ultram ) , muscle relaxers ( soma ) , stop smoking ( zyban ) and anti - depressants ( prozac , xanax , valium , paxil ) . no prescription required . no long lengthy forms to fill out . so why wait choose your product and start living a healthier life today . start ordering your meds here we ship worldwide . all orders approved . . they are plotting and planning together what man has borne before ! learn to labor and to wait . a feeling of sadness and longing ,
re : authorised traders : montreal & chicago dear andy , thanks for the e - mail . what does internally mean ? to : bjorn hagelmann / hou / ect @ ect cc : sally beck / hou / ect @ ect , ted murphy / hou / ect @ ect , shona wilson / na / enron @ enron , david port / market risk / corp / enron @ enron , mike jordan / lon / ect @ ect , robert soeldner / lon / ect @ ect , tim poullain - patterson / lon / ect @ ect subject : re : authorised traders : montreal & chicago bjorn as discussed , given joe ' s comments below , a note to confirm that this being dealt with internally . rob soeldner has made it clear to joe that : enron places great importance on trading controls . these are non - negotiatable . the suggested course of action is not an option we aren ' t seeking to close any of the agency offices given implemetation of these controls . joe is not in yet - rob will be discussing with him further when the us gets in . of note - joe is on the commercial side , marcelo parra who is responsible for the operational side is fully onboard for the operational changes made . regards andy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by andrew cornfield / lon / ect on 09 / 11 / 2000 11 : 07 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - joe robertson @ mgusa 08 / 11 / 2000 20 : 38 to : tim poullain - patterson / lon / ect @ ect cc : andrew cornfield / lon / ect @ ect , lloyd fleming / lon / ect @ ect , marcelo parra / nyc / mgusa @ mgusa , michael farmer / eu / enron @ enron @ ect , naomi connell / lon / ect @ ect , robert soeldner / lon / ect @ ect , sam hainsworth / eu / enron @ enron @ ect subject : re : authorized traders : montreal & chicago as a practical matter the procedures outlined are not workable . we need to find a way to go forward that works and can satisfy all concerned . either the people in these offices can be entrusted to transact and execute business or we should consider closing these offices and relocating some of the people which i do not believe makes any sense at all . joseph e . robertson , jr . enron metals & commodity corp . 520 madison avenue 28 th floor new york , ny 10022 tel : 212 . 715 . 5254 fax : 212 . 715 - 2357 e - mail : joe . robertson @ enron . com
re : authorised traders : montreal & chicago
dear andy , thanks for the e - mail . what does internally mean ? to : bjorn hagelmann / hou / ect @ ect cc : sally beck / hou / ect @ ect , ted murphy / hou / ect @ ect , shona wilson / na / enron @ enron , david port / market risk / corp / enron @ enron , mike jordan / lon / ect @ ect , robert soeldner / lon / ect @ ect , tim poullain - patterson / lon / ect @ ect subject : re : authorised traders : montreal & chicago bjorn as discussed , given joe ' s comments below , a note to confirm that this being dealt with internally . rob soeldner has made it clear to joe that : enron places great importance on trading controls . these are non - negotiatable . the suggested course of action is not an option we aren ' t seeking to close any of the agency offices given implemetation of these controls . joe is not in yet - rob will be discussing with him further when the us gets in . of note - joe is on the commercial side , marcelo parra who is responsible for the operational side is fully onboard for the operational changes made . regards andy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by andrew cornfield / lon / ect on 09 / 11 / 2000 11 : 07 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - joe robertson @ mgusa 08 / 11 / 2000 20 : 38 to : tim poullain - patterson / lon / ect @ ect cc : andrew cornfield / lon / ect @ ect , lloyd fleming / lon / ect @ ect , marcelo parra / nyc / mgusa @ mgusa , michael farmer / eu / enron @ enron @ ect , naomi connell / lon / ect @ ect , robert soeldner / lon / ect @ ect , sam hainsworth / eu / enron @ enron @ ect subject : re : authorized traders : montreal & chicago as a practical matter the procedures outlined are not workable . we need to find a way to go forward that works and can satisfy all concerned . either the people in these offices can be entrusted to transact and execute business or we should consider closing these offices and relocating some of the people which i do not believe makes any sense at all . joseph e . robertson , jr . enron metals & commodity corp . 520 madison avenue 28 th floor new york , ny 10022 tel : 212 . 715 . 5254 fax : 212 . 715 - 2357 e - mail : joe . robertson @ enron . com
regrouping of enw budget discussions louise , to make our enw budget discussions most meaningful , we felt that coupling discussions of the operations and it development budgets will make the most sense . to insure that we have the appropriate attendees in our enw 2002 plan meetings and to schedule these meetings around thursday as a religious holiday , i have worked with wes colwell and made a trade with vince kaminski to make all of this happen . there is no change to your calendar in terms of date , time or location of meetings . we have simply realigned topics and attendees as follows : date time location revised group revised attendees wed , 9 / 26 11 - noon eb 3314 canada support ( unchanged ) wes colwell , faith killen , louise kitchen , sally beck , rob milnthrop , bob hall ( added - responsible for ea operations , including calgary ) thurs , 9 / 27 1 : 30 - 2 : 30 eb 3316 enw : eol & infrastructure wes colwell . faith killen , louise kitchen , sally beck , mark pickering , jenny rub , greg piper , kerry roper , brad richter ( added - eol ) , jay webb ( added - eol ) fri , 9 / 28 1 - 2 pm eb 3316 research wes colwell , faith killen , louise kitchen , vince kaminiski ( no changes ) 3 - 4 pm eb 3314 enw : operations & it dev . wes colwell , faith killen , louise kitchen , sally beck , beth perlman , mark pickering , greg piper , kerry roper , bob hall ( added - ea operations ) i look forward to reviewing details with you in each of these meetings . - - sally
regrouping of enw budget discussions
louise , to make our enw budget discussions most meaningful , we felt that coupling discussions of the operations and it development budgets will make the most sense . to insure that we have the appropriate attendees in our enw 2002 plan meetings and to schedule these meetings around thursday as a religious holiday , i have worked with wes colwell and made a trade with vince kaminski to make all of this happen . there is no change to your calendar in terms of date , time or location of meetings . we have simply realigned topics and attendees as follows : date time location revised group revised attendees wed , 9 / 26 11 - noon eb 3314 canada support ( unchanged ) wes colwell , faith killen , louise kitchen , sally beck , rob milnthrop , bob hall ( added - responsible for ea operations , including calgary ) thurs , 9 / 27 1 : 30 - 2 : 30 eb 3316 enw : eol & infrastructure wes colwell . faith killen , louise kitchen , sally beck , mark pickering , jenny rub , greg piper , kerry roper , brad richter ( added - eol ) , jay webb ( added - eol ) fri , 9 / 28 1 - 2 pm eb 3316 research wes colwell , faith killen , louise kitchen , vince kaminiski ( no changes ) 3 - 4 pm eb 3314 enw : operations & it dev . wes colwell , faith killen , louise kitchen , sally beck , beth perlman , mark pickering , greg piper , kerry roper , bob hall ( added - ea operations ) i look forward to reviewing details with you in each of these meetings . - - sally
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enronoptions - your stock option program it is amazing and yet not surprising how much enron has accomplished in the first six months of this year . you continue to make it happen . we recognize that you work hard every day to accomplish enron  , s business goals , and we are pleased that many of you have shared in the company  , s financial success through enron stock options . as you may know , the current employee stock option program ( also known as the all employee stock option program or aesop ) began in 1994 and provided value to participants through 2000 . employees who have participated in this program from its inception have realized a 1 , 119 % increase in the value of their stock options ( assuming a stock price of $ 70 ) over the life of the program . enron stock options are a valuable part of your total compensation package and a contributing factor to your performance and to enron  , s continued success . therefore , the enron executive committee and the compensation and management development committee of the enron board of directors have decided to continue to offer stock options as a part of your compensation package . on may 1 , 2000 , the committee approved an employee stock option program for calendar years 2001 - 2005 ( enronoptions  ) your stock option program ) . it is expected that enronoptions  ) your stock option program will be granted , effective on or about december 29 , 2000 , for those employees who are eligible on that date ( please see note below ) . the new program , which is subject to final approval by enron  , s board of directors , is as follows : ? enronoptions  ) your stock option program will give stock options to eligible full - time and part - time regular employees in domestic and international companies / locations . ? the grant of non - qualified stock options will equal 25 % of annual base salary ( 5 % of annual base salary for each year of a 5 - year period ) on december 29 , 2000 . ( salary calculation and value may vary in some international locations . ) ? the board will grant the stock options on december 29 , 2000 . ? eligible employees hired in subsequent years will receive a prorated grant of stock options . why commit your talent and energy to enron ? enronoptions  ) your stock option program , among other good reasons  ( that  , s why . in the coming weeks , you will be receiving more details about enronoptions  ) your stock option program . to provide information and answer your questions , we will introduce a special link on the human resources web - site , host several espeak sessions and continue to communicate with you on a regular basis . in the meantime , if you have immediate questions , please contact your human resources representative . note : in addition to final approval by enron  , s board of directors , granting of options will be subject to new york stock exchange and state and federal regulatory requirements . it is expected that enronoptions  ) your stock option program will be available to most enron employees ; however , some enron companies  , employees may not be eligible due to legal , accounting , tax , labor or business issues . as you know , enron changes to meet the needs of the marketplaces we serve . given that need to change , we will continue to refine the eligibility for enronoptions  ) your stock option program and will communicate more details throughout the year with final eligibility being determined on december 29 , 2000 .
enronoptions - your stock option program
it is amazing and yet not surprising how much enron has accomplished in the first six months of this year . you continue to make it happen . we recognize that you work hard every day to accomplish enron  , s business goals , and we are pleased that many of you have shared in the company  , s financial success through enron stock options . as you may know , the current employee stock option program ( also known as the all employee stock option program or aesop ) began in 1994 and provided value to participants through 2000 . employees who have participated in this program from its inception have realized a 1 , 119 % increase in the value of their stock options ( assuming a stock price of $ 70 ) over the life of the program . enron stock options are a valuable part of your total compensation package and a contributing factor to your performance and to enron  , s continued success . therefore , the enron executive committee and the compensation and management development committee of the enron board of directors have decided to continue to offer stock options as a part of your compensation package . on may 1 , 2000 , the committee approved an employee stock option program for calendar years 2001 - 2005 ( enronoptions  ) your stock option program ) . it is expected that enronoptions  ) your stock option program will be granted , effective on or about december 29 , 2000 , for those employees who are eligible on that date ( please see note below ) . the new program , which is subject to final approval by enron  , s board of directors , is as follows : ? enronoptions  ) your stock option program will give stock options to eligible full - time and part - time regular employees in domestic and international companies / locations . ? the grant of non - qualified stock options will equal 25 % of annual base salary ( 5 % of annual base salary for each year of a 5 - year period ) on december 29 , 2000 . ( salary calculation and value may vary in some international locations . ) ? the board will grant the stock options on december 29 , 2000 . ? eligible employees hired in subsequent years will receive a prorated grant of stock options . why commit your talent and energy to enron ? enronoptions  ) your stock option program , among other good reasons  ( that  , s why . in the coming weeks , you will be receiving more details about enronoptions  ) your stock option program . to provide information and answer your questions , we will introduce a special link on the human resources web - site , host several espeak sessions and continue to communicate with you on a regular basis . in the meantime , if you have immediate questions , please contact your human resources representative . note : in addition to final approval by enron  , s board of directors , granting of options will be subject to new york stock exchange and state and federal regulatory requirements . it is expected that enronoptions  ) your stock option program will be available to most enron employees ; however , some enron companies  , employees may not be eligible due to legal , accounting , tax , labor or business issues . as you know , enron changes to meet the needs of the marketplaces we serve . given that need to change , we will continue to refine the eligibility for enronoptions  ) your stock option program and will communicate more details throughout the year with final eligibility being determined on december 29 , 2000 .
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your mortgage process is pre - approved , for rates starting at 3 . 25 % fixed . please use our secure site to fill - out your application . thank you , visit us at : http : / / perfectvgr . com / x / loan 2 . php ? id = sf r e m o v eh e r e
approval for reviewer raymond , maureen j has suggested reviewers and submitted them for your approval . you may review / modify this list of reviewers by logging on to pep at http : / / pep . corp . enron . com and going to supervisor services . please remember , no feedback can be completed on raymond , maureen j until you have approved the list .
approval for reviewer
raymond , maureen j has suggested reviewers and submitted them for your approval . you may review / modify this list of reviewers by logging on to pep at http : / / pep . corp . enron . com and going to supervisor services . please remember , no feedback can be completed on raymond , maureen j until you have approved the list .
learn technical analysis june 11 - 12 , houston this email has been sent to michelle . lokay @ enron . com , by powermarketers . com . visit our subscription center to edit your interests or unsubscribe . view our privacy policy : http : / / ccprod . roving . com / roving / ccprivacypolicy . jsp powered by constant contact ( r ) www . constantcontact . com
learn technical analysis june 11 - 12 , houston
this email has been sent to michelle . lokay @ enron . com , by powermarketers . com . visit our subscription center to edit your interests or unsubscribe . view our privacy policy : http : / / ccprod . roving . com / roving / ccprivacypolicy . jsp powered by constant contact ( r ) www . constantcontact . com
prior month misnomination daren - - - - for 4 / 21 - 4 / 22 , deal # 237415 has 6 , 400 mmbtu from transwestern to oasis # 6301 , but it should have been from northern # 8724 ( per oasis , karen lindely & our paper noms to oasis ) . . . . . . how do i correct this since the deal ticket is protected ? ? ? thanks , mark
prior month misnomination
daren - - - - for 4 / 21 - 4 / 22 , deal # 237415 has 6 , 400 mmbtu from transwestern to oasis # 6301 , but it should have been from northern # 8724 ( per oasis , karen lindely & our paper noms to oasis ) . . . . . . how do i correct this since the deal ticket is protected ? ? ? thanks , mark
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friday brown bag for options pricing hello , researchers : this friday we have paulo issler speaking on " implied trees and edgworth binomial trees " . time : 12 noon , may 26 ; place : 19 c 2 . the brown bag series has been a success thanks to your participation . hope to see you again this friday . zimin , alex .
friday brown bag for options pricing
hello , researchers : this friday we have paulo issler speaking on " implied trees and edgworth binomial trees " . time : 12 noon , may 26 ; place : 19 c 2 . the brown bag series has been a success thanks to your participation . hope to see you again this friday . zimin , alex .
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re : thanks thanks for the update , vince . i have been trying to discuss this with you for several days , but i know that you have been very busy . jaesoo told me that he wanted a base of $ 90 k rather than the $ 85 k which you had authorized me to offer him , and i told him that i would have to discuss it with you and get back to him . i am glad that he has seen his way a little more clearly , and i will call him tomorrow to finalize the offer . vince j kaminski 11 / 07 / 2000 05 : 29 pm to : molly magee / hou / ect @ ect cc : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect subject : thanks fyi vince - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 11 / 07 / 2000 05 : 36 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - jlew @ kent . edu > on 11 / 07 / 2000 07 : 19 : 20 am to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com cc : jlew @ kent . edu subject : thanks dear dr . kaminski first of all , i would like to thank you for the offer from the enron . i really appreciate it . molly and i talked about the salary the other day , but to be honest with you , i ' m pleased with the possibility that i can work there where i want to work and the salary is the next . if this matter bothers you , please ignore it . i can accept the original offer . i ' m looking forward to seeing you soon . sincerely , jaesoo
re : thanks
thanks for the update , vince . i have been trying to discuss this with you for several days , but i know that you have been very busy . jaesoo told me that he wanted a base of $ 90 k rather than the $ 85 k which you had authorized me to offer him , and i told him that i would have to discuss it with you and get back to him . i am glad that he has seen his way a little more clearly , and i will call him tomorrow to finalize the offer . vince j kaminski 11 / 07 / 2000 05 : 29 pm to : molly magee / hou / ect @ ect cc : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect subject : thanks fyi vince - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 11 / 07 / 2000 05 : 36 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - jlew @ kent . edu > on 11 / 07 / 2000 07 : 19 : 20 am to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com cc : jlew @ kent . edu subject : thanks dear dr . kaminski first of all , i would like to thank you for the offer from the enron . i really appreciate it . molly and i talked about the salary the other day , but to be honest with you , i ' m pleased with the possibility that i can work there where i want to work and the salary is the next . if this matter bothers you , please ignore it . i can accept the original offer . i ' m looking forward to seeing you soon . sincerely , jaesoo
enron mentions usa : update 1 - fitch cuts ratings on enron debt . reuters english news service - 11 / 05 / 01 fitch downgrades enron to ` bbb - ' ; maintains rtg watch negative business wire - 11 / 05 / 01 enron sr . unsecured debt cut to triple - b - minus by fitch capital markets report - 11 / 05 / 01 usa : u . s . stocks seen higher at open on rate cut optimism . reuters english news service - 11 / 05 / 01 uk : british power trading slow , prompt lifted early . reuters english news service - 11 / 05 / 01 usa : update 1 - fitch cuts ratings on enron debt . 11 / 05 / 2001 reuters english news service ( c ) reuters limited 2001 . new york , nov 5 ( reuters ) - fitch on monday cut its ratings on the debt of embattled energy trader enron corp . and warned that it may cut the ratings again if the company does not reduce its debts , if its trading business deteriorates or if charges exceed present estimates . " today ' s rating action reflects the difficulties enron faces in managing its liquidity position in the face of an erosion in investor confidence , " fitch said . fitch cut houston - based enron ' s senior unsecured debt to " bbb - minus , " one notch above junk , from " bbb - plus , " its subordinated debt to " bb " from " bbb , " and its commercial paper to " f 3 " from " f 2 . " the rating agency also downgraded enron ' s preferred stock to " b - plus " from " bbb - minus . " fitch said reducing debt and exiting problem businesses are a management priority , and if enron is successful , the company ' s credit profile will improve . " however , the targeted transactions have varying degrees of execution risk , particularly the divestiture of assets in emerging - market countries , " fitch said . fitch ' s cut follows downgrades last week by moody ' s investors service and standard & poor ' s . enron ' s shares have lost more than 65 percent in less than a month amid concerns about financial practices that triggered an investigation by the u . s . securities and exchange commission . s & p last thursday cut enron ' s corporate credit and senior unsecured debt ratings to " bbb , " two notches above junk status , from " bbb - plus . " moody ' s investors service last monday cut enron ' s senior unsecured debt to " baa 2 , " two notches above junk , from " baal . " downgrades could make it tougher for enron to issue debt and run its day - to - day business if fellow marketers and traders demand more collateral . enron lined up $ 1 billion of new credit last week but may still have to sell assets to head off a credit squeeze and restore investor confidence , according to investment bankers . in its third - quarter results report last month , enron said it expected over a billion dollars of write - offs related to soured investments . it also announced an extra $ 1 . 2 billion write - down of shareholder equity related to investments that were not recorded on its balance sheet . enron ' s 6 . 4 percent notes due in 2006 , bid at about 80 cents on the dollar a week ago , were bid at 73 cents on the dollar on monday , a strategist said . enron shares were up 40 cents , or 3 . 55 percent , at $ 11 . 67 in midday trade on the new york stock exchange . the shares have been in free - fall for two weeks . copyright ? 2000 dow jones maintains rtg watch negative 11 / 05 / 2001 business wire ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , business wire ) new york - - ( business wire ) - - nov . 5 , 2001 - - fitch downgrades enron ' s outstanding securities as follows : senior unsecured debt to ` bbb - ' from ` bbb + ' ; subordinated debt to ` bb ` from ` bbb ' ; and preferred stock to ` b + ' from ` bbb - ` . enron ' s commercial paper has been downgraded to ` f 3 ' from ` f 2 ' . the senior unsecured debt ratings of its pipeline subsidiaries , northern natural gas co . and transwestern pipeline co . , are lowered to ` bbb - ' from ` a - ` . all the above securities remain on rating watch negative status . fitch would consider further downgrades if enron were unable to make progress in reducing debt , if its wholesale marketing and trading business were to show signs of material deterioration , or if expenses and charges related to the disposition of non - core businesses and investments exceed present estimations . today ' s rating action reflects the difficulties enron faces in managing its liquidity position in the face of an erosion in investor confidence . this follows the recognition of a substantial diminution in value of its global merchant investments , which were partly financed with an aggressive use of off - balance sheet vehicles . enron should be able to manage through this challenging environment , ultimately recognizing the values of the company ' s core businesses . in october , enron fully drew down the bulk of its committed bank facilities and paid down outstanding commercial paper , leaving it approximately $ 1 billion of cash on hand to support normal business activities . in addition , the company is in the process of executing a new $ 1 billion secured bank facility that pledges the assets of northern natural and transwestern . unsecured creditors are structurally subordinated to the secured lenders reducing asset coverage . while its current cash position appears adequate , securing additional capital sources through asset sales or raising additional capital would be a favorable development . a management priority is debt reduction and the exiting of problem businesses . clearly , these actions , if completed as envisioned will reduce risk and improve the company ' s credit profile . however , the targeted transactions have varying degrees of execution risk , particularly the divestiture of assets in emerging market countries . an additional uncertainty is the securities and exchange commission ' s ( sec ) investigation of certain enron sponsored partnerships . the outcome and potential impact of the sec activity is difficult to predict . the largest announced transaction is the sale of portland general electric co . ( pge ) to northwest natural gas co . the sale appears to be moving ahead as planned and has the favorable support of key local interests . however , the transaction is not expected to close for another year . enron ' s core businesses have continued to generate strong , predictable performance and have significant value . prospectively , operations at enron ' s domestic regulated pipelines would be less affected by any lingering uncertainty at enron . also , pge is expected to generate positive and predictable earnings and cash flow over the next year . combined , the pipelines and pge generate nearly 25 % of ebitda . wholesale and retail energy services segments have also consistently reported predictable and growing returns . specifically , commodity marketing and trading activities , which comprise the most profitable and largest part of wholesale operations , have generated steady volume growth and stable unit margins . however , if enron were unable to maintain the support of its counterparties or exhibited diminished financial flexibility , these businesses would be harmed . contact : fitch , new york ralph pellecchia , 212 / 908 - 0586 robert grossman , 212 / 908 - 0535 hugh welton , 212 / 908 - 0746 11 : 13 est november 5 , 2001 copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . enron sr . unsecured debt cut to triple - b - minus by fitch 11 / 05 / 2001 capital markets report ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones & company , inc . ) new york - ( dow jones ) - fitch downgraded enron corp . ' s ( ene ) senior unsecured debt ratings monday to triple - b - minus from triple - b - plus , putting the houston energy and trading giant ' s credit rating just one notch above noninvestment - grade or junk status . in its action , the rating agency was more aggressive than moody ' s investors service and standard joe . niedzielski @ dowjones . com copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . usa : u . s . stocks seen higher at open on rate cut optimism . by chelsea emery 11 / 05 / 2001 reuters english news service ( c ) reuters limited 2001 . new york , nov 5 ( reuters ) - stocks are seen climbing at the open of trading on monday , as wall street looks for another half - point interest - rate cut on tuesday to help put the lagging economy back on track and boost slumping corporate profits . equities are getting an additional boost from the treasury ' s decision last week to stop selling 30 - year bonds , sending cash flowing out of bonds and into stocks , traders said . the gain in futures is " the half - point talking , " said brian finnerty , co - head of capital markets at c . e . unterberg towbin . " the cut continues the aggressive moves on the part of the fed , and it comes on top of a huge move by the treasury . the treasury did more in one fell swoop last week than the fed ' s done all year . " technology stocks rose in early trading , as investors geared up for cisco systems inc . ' s quarterly results after exchanges close . analysts said the networking gear maker is likely to signal lagging sales are near a turnaround . december futures for the standard & poor ' s 500 index climbed 8 points , or 0 . 7 percent , to 1 , 097 . 50 , while december futures for the nasdaq composite index rose 21 points , or 1 . 5 percent , to 1 , 454 . 50 . the indicative dow jones index , which represents a basket of dow stocks trading in europe , slipped 2 . 4 points , or 0 . 02 percent . the u . s . federal reserve is widely expected to cut interest rates for a 10 th time this year at its meeting on tuesday , to help jump - start the lagging economy . lower interest rates cut borrowing costs and can spur business development . blue chips rallied on friday , helping the broader market eke out gains , as investors shrugged off a report of the biggest u . s . job losses in more than two decades in october to bet on an economic recovery next year . " any kind of bad news hasn ' t been able to hold the market down , " said bob basel , a listed trader with salomon smith barney . cisco rose to $ 17 . 80 on electronic trading system instinet , up from its close of $ 17 . 26 . the company , which makes networking gear that helps power the internet , is expected to report fiscal first - quarter results after exchanges close . cisco is likely to signal sales are near a rebound , indicating the lagging tech industry has reached its low point and will begin to rebound soon , analysts and investors said . microsoft corp . rose to $ 61 . 74 from its friday close of $ 61 . 40 . microsoft and the justice department reached a settlement agreement last week . still , state antitrust enforcers have found what they say are serious flaws in the settlement , and the two sides may not be able to sign the deal in its current form , the wall street journal reported in its online edition on monday . the european union said on monday its probe of microsoft continues despite the settlement . enron corp . , the struggling energy giant , rose to $ 11 . 80 on instinet , up from its close of $ 11 . 27 on friday . royal dutch / shell group may mount an $ 11 billion bid for enron , the uk ' s independent paper reported on sunday . enron lined up $ 1 billion of new credit last week , but it still suffered a second credit rating cut amid concerns about questionable financial transactions that have triggered an investigation by the u . s . securities and exchange commission . pixar animation studios inc . jumped to $ 37 . 25 from a friday close of $ 36 . 70 . pixar and walt disney co . scored a monstrous opening with their latest family cartoon " monsters , inc . , " scaring up $ 63 . 5 million in ticket sales in its first three days , according to studio estimates issued on sunday . baxter international inc . fell to $ 47 . 60 on instinet from its close of $ 49 after it said preliminary tests show a processing fluid used in its manufacturing operations in sweden may have played a role in kidney patient deaths linked to dialysis machines . baxter said it plans to permanently discontinue making the product and warned it will take a fourth - quarter charge to cover costs related to the product cancellation . european markets gained on monday , led by technology and auto stocks . solid wall street futures and the prospect of more interest rate cuts later this week buoyed sentiment , traders said . wall street ' s resiliency on friday , when investors looked beyond poor payrolls numbers and bet on a recovery next year , also helped steady european nerves . the ftse eurotop 300 index was up 1 . 5 percent and the euro stoxx 50 index rose 1 . 8 percent . technology and auto stocks were the strongest as players funneled cash back into sectors which fell hard after the sept . 11 attacks in the united states . tokyo stocks inched higher in extremely thin trade on monday after gains in sony corp and other select blue - chip stocks buoyed a market still wary of dwindling earnings and a bleak outlook for the u . s . economy . the benchmark nikkei average climbed 0 . 61 percent or 63 . 76 points to 10 , 447 . 54 , landing in positive turf for the second straight session . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . uk : british power trading slow , prompt lifted early . 11 / 05 / 2001 reuters english news service ( c ) reuters limited 2001 . london , nov 5 ( reuters ) - british electricity trading was slow on monday , with traders saying prompt prices were ending broadly unchanged after a higher start in part because of a band of colder weather affecting much of the country . " it ' s a fairly quiet market , still lacking liquidity , " said one trader , referring to the reluctance of some companies to deal with enron . in the u . s . the securities and exchange commision is investigating substantial losses at enron relating to a private equity operation run by the group ' s former chief financial officer . traders said the prompt market opened strong with day - ahead baseload lifted at 20 pounds a megawatt hour . but the early strength evaporated during the day and in late trade the contract was down to about 17 pounds . december baseload gained early support from day - ahead . it was finishing the day at about 18 . 40 pounds from a low of 18 . 34 pounds . ql 01 baseload was seen as high as 19 . 45 pounds before it fell to 19 . 30 / 19 . 35 pounds in the afternoon . summer 02 baseload was a touch stronger at 17 . 25 pounds while winter 02 was assessed at 19 . 25 pounds . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved .
enron mentions
usa : update 1 - fitch cuts ratings on enron debt . reuters english news service - 11 / 05 / 01 fitch downgrades enron to ` bbb - ' ; maintains rtg watch negative business wire - 11 / 05 / 01 enron sr . unsecured debt cut to triple - b - minus by fitch capital markets report - 11 / 05 / 01 usa : u . s . stocks seen higher at open on rate cut optimism . reuters english news service - 11 / 05 / 01 uk : british power trading slow , prompt lifted early . reuters english news service - 11 / 05 / 01 usa : update 1 - fitch cuts ratings on enron debt . 11 / 05 / 2001 reuters english news service ( c ) reuters limited 2001 . new york , nov 5 ( reuters ) - fitch on monday cut its ratings on the debt of embattled energy trader enron corp . and warned that it may cut the ratings again if the company does not reduce its debts , if its trading business deteriorates or if charges exceed present estimates . " today ' s rating action reflects the difficulties enron faces in managing its liquidity position in the face of an erosion in investor confidence , " fitch said . fitch cut houston - based enron ' s senior unsecured debt to " bbb - minus , " one notch above junk , from " bbb - plus , " its subordinated debt to " bb " from " bbb , " and its commercial paper to " f 3 " from " f 2 . " the rating agency also downgraded enron ' s preferred stock to " b - plus " from " bbb - minus . " fitch said reducing debt and exiting problem businesses are a management priority , and if enron is successful , the company ' s credit profile will improve . " however , the targeted transactions have varying degrees of execution risk , particularly the divestiture of assets in emerging - market countries , " fitch said . fitch ' s cut follows downgrades last week by moody ' s investors service and standard & poor ' s . enron ' s shares have lost more than 65 percent in less than a month amid concerns about financial practices that triggered an investigation by the u . s . securities and exchange commission . s & p last thursday cut enron ' s corporate credit and senior unsecured debt ratings to " bbb , " two notches above junk status , from " bbb - plus . " moody ' s investors service last monday cut enron ' s senior unsecured debt to " baa 2 , " two notches above junk , from " baal . " downgrades could make it tougher for enron to issue debt and run its day - to - day business if fellow marketers and traders demand more collateral . enron lined up $ 1 billion of new credit last week but may still have to sell assets to head off a credit squeeze and restore investor confidence , according to investment bankers . in its third - quarter results report last month , enron said it expected over a billion dollars of write - offs related to soured investments . it also announced an extra $ 1 . 2 billion write - down of shareholder equity related to investments that were not recorded on its balance sheet . enron ' s 6 . 4 percent notes due in 2006 , bid at about 80 cents on the dollar a week ago , were bid at 73 cents on the dollar on monday , a strategist said . enron shares were up 40 cents , or 3 . 55 percent , at $ 11 . 67 in midday trade on the new york stock exchange . the shares have been in free - fall for two weeks . copyright ? 2000 dow jones maintains rtg watch negative 11 / 05 / 2001 business wire ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , business wire ) new york - - ( business wire ) - - nov . 5 , 2001 - - fitch downgrades enron ' s outstanding securities as follows : senior unsecured debt to ` bbb - ' from ` bbb + ' ; subordinated debt to ` bb ` from ` bbb ' ; and preferred stock to ` b + ' from ` bbb - ` . enron ' s commercial paper has been downgraded to ` f 3 ' from ` f 2 ' . the senior unsecured debt ratings of its pipeline subsidiaries , northern natural gas co . and transwestern pipeline co . , are lowered to ` bbb - ' from ` a - ` . all the above securities remain on rating watch negative status . fitch would consider further downgrades if enron were unable to make progress in reducing debt , if its wholesale marketing and trading business were to show signs of material deterioration , or if expenses and charges related to the disposition of non - core businesses and investments exceed present estimations . today ' s rating action reflects the difficulties enron faces in managing its liquidity position in the face of an erosion in investor confidence . this follows the recognition of a substantial diminution in value of its global merchant investments , which were partly financed with an aggressive use of off - balance sheet vehicles . enron should be able to manage through this challenging environment , ultimately recognizing the values of the company ' s core businesses . in october , enron fully drew down the bulk of its committed bank facilities and paid down outstanding commercial paper , leaving it approximately $ 1 billion of cash on hand to support normal business activities . in addition , the company is in the process of executing a new $ 1 billion secured bank facility that pledges the assets of northern natural and transwestern . unsecured creditors are structurally subordinated to the secured lenders reducing asset coverage . while its current cash position appears adequate , securing additional capital sources through asset sales or raising additional capital would be a favorable development . a management priority is debt reduction and the exiting of problem businesses . clearly , these actions , if completed as envisioned will reduce risk and improve the company ' s credit profile . however , the targeted transactions have varying degrees of execution risk , particularly the divestiture of assets in emerging market countries . an additional uncertainty is the securities and exchange commission ' s ( sec ) investigation of certain enron sponsored partnerships . the outcome and potential impact of the sec activity is difficult to predict . the largest announced transaction is the sale of portland general electric co . ( pge ) to northwest natural gas co . the sale appears to be moving ahead as planned and has the favorable support of key local interests . however , the transaction is not expected to close for another year . enron ' s core businesses have continued to generate strong , predictable performance and have significant value . prospectively , operations at enron ' s domestic regulated pipelines would be less affected by any lingering uncertainty at enron . also , pge is expected to generate positive and predictable earnings and cash flow over the next year . combined , the pipelines and pge generate nearly 25 % of ebitda . wholesale and retail energy services segments have also consistently reported predictable and growing returns . specifically , commodity marketing and trading activities , which comprise the most profitable and largest part of wholesale operations , have generated steady volume growth and stable unit margins . however , if enron were unable to maintain the support of its counterparties or exhibited diminished financial flexibility , these businesses would be harmed . contact : fitch , new york ralph pellecchia , 212 / 908 - 0586 robert grossman , 212 / 908 - 0535 hugh welton , 212 / 908 - 0746 11 : 13 est november 5 , 2001 copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . enron sr . unsecured debt cut to triple - b - minus by fitch 11 / 05 / 2001 capital markets report ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones & company , inc . ) new york - ( dow jones ) - fitch downgraded enron corp . ' s ( ene ) senior unsecured debt ratings monday to triple - b - minus from triple - b - plus , putting the houston energy and trading giant ' s credit rating just one notch above noninvestment - grade or junk status . in its action , the rating agency was more aggressive than moody ' s investors service and standard joe . niedzielski @ dowjones . com copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . usa : u . s . stocks seen higher at open on rate cut optimism . by chelsea emery 11 / 05 / 2001 reuters english news service ( c ) reuters limited 2001 . new york , nov 5 ( reuters ) - stocks are seen climbing at the open of trading on monday , as wall street looks for another half - point interest - rate cut on tuesday to help put the lagging economy back on track and boost slumping corporate profits . equities are getting an additional boost from the treasury ' s decision last week to stop selling 30 - year bonds , sending cash flowing out of bonds and into stocks , traders said . the gain in futures is " the half - point talking , " said brian finnerty , co - head of capital markets at c . e . unterberg towbin . " the cut continues the aggressive moves on the part of the fed , and it comes on top of a huge move by the treasury . the treasury did more in one fell swoop last week than the fed ' s done all year . " technology stocks rose in early trading , as investors geared up for cisco systems inc . ' s quarterly results after exchanges close . analysts said the networking gear maker is likely to signal lagging sales are near a turnaround . december futures for the standard & poor ' s 500 index climbed 8 points , or 0 . 7 percent , to 1 , 097 . 50 , while december futures for the nasdaq composite index rose 21 points , or 1 . 5 percent , to 1 , 454 . 50 . the indicative dow jones index , which represents a basket of dow stocks trading in europe , slipped 2 . 4 points , or 0 . 02 percent . the u . s . federal reserve is widely expected to cut interest rates for a 10 th time this year at its meeting on tuesday , to help jump - start the lagging economy . lower interest rates cut borrowing costs and can spur business development . blue chips rallied on friday , helping the broader market eke out gains , as investors shrugged off a report of the biggest u . s . job losses in more than two decades in october to bet on an economic recovery next year . " any kind of bad news hasn ' t been able to hold the market down , " said bob basel , a listed trader with salomon smith barney . cisco rose to $ 17 . 80 on electronic trading system instinet , up from its close of $ 17 . 26 . the company , which makes networking gear that helps power the internet , is expected to report fiscal first - quarter results after exchanges close . cisco is likely to signal sales are near a rebound , indicating the lagging tech industry has reached its low point and will begin to rebound soon , analysts and investors said . microsoft corp . rose to $ 61 . 74 from its friday close of $ 61 . 40 . microsoft and the justice department reached a settlement agreement last week . still , state antitrust enforcers have found what they say are serious flaws in the settlement , and the two sides may not be able to sign the deal in its current form , the wall street journal reported in its online edition on monday . the european union said on monday its probe of microsoft continues despite the settlement . enron corp . , the struggling energy giant , rose to $ 11 . 80 on instinet , up from its close of $ 11 . 27 on friday . royal dutch / shell group may mount an $ 11 billion bid for enron , the uk ' s independent paper reported on sunday . enron lined up $ 1 billion of new credit last week , but it still suffered a second credit rating cut amid concerns about questionable financial transactions that have triggered an investigation by the u . s . securities and exchange commission . pixar animation studios inc . jumped to $ 37 . 25 from a friday close of $ 36 . 70 . pixar and walt disney co . scored a monstrous opening with their latest family cartoon " monsters , inc . , " scaring up $ 63 . 5 million in ticket sales in its first three days , according to studio estimates issued on sunday . baxter international inc . fell to $ 47 . 60 on instinet from its close of $ 49 after it said preliminary tests show a processing fluid used in its manufacturing operations in sweden may have played a role in kidney patient deaths linked to dialysis machines . baxter said it plans to permanently discontinue making the product and warned it will take a fourth - quarter charge to cover costs related to the product cancellation . european markets gained on monday , led by technology and auto stocks . solid wall street futures and the prospect of more interest rate cuts later this week buoyed sentiment , traders said . wall street ' s resiliency on friday , when investors looked beyond poor payrolls numbers and bet on a recovery next year , also helped steady european nerves . the ftse eurotop 300 index was up 1 . 5 percent and the euro stoxx 50 index rose 1 . 8 percent . technology and auto stocks were the strongest as players funneled cash back into sectors which fell hard after the sept . 11 attacks in the united states . tokyo stocks inched higher in extremely thin trade on monday after gains in sony corp and other select blue - chip stocks buoyed a market still wary of dwindling earnings and a bleak outlook for the u . s . economy . the benchmark nikkei average climbed 0 . 61 percent or 63 . 76 points to 10 , 447 . 54 , landing in positive turf for the second straight session . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . uk : british power trading slow , prompt lifted early . 11 / 05 / 2001 reuters english news service ( c ) reuters limited 2001 . london , nov 5 ( reuters ) - british electricity trading was slow on monday , with traders saying prompt prices were ending broadly unchanged after a higher start in part because of a band of colder weather affecting much of the country . " it ' s a fairly quiet market , still lacking liquidity , " said one trader , referring to the reluctance of some companies to deal with enron . in the u . s . the securities and exchange commision is investigating substantial losses at enron relating to a private equity operation run by the group ' s former chief financial officer . traders said the prompt market opened strong with day - ahead baseload lifted at 20 pounds a megawatt hour . but the early strength evaporated during the day and in late trade the contract was down to about 17 pounds . december baseload gained early support from day - ahead . it was finishing the day at about 18 . 40 pounds from a low of 18 . 34 pounds . ql 01 baseload was seen as high as 19 . 45 pounds before it fell to 19 . 30 / 19 . 35 pounds in the afternoon . summer 02 baseload was a touch stronger at 17 . 25 pounds while winter 02 was assessed at 19 . 25 pounds . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved .
major stock play amnis systems , inc . ( otcbb : amnm ) contract announcements and huge newsletter coverage this week = for = 20 amnm ! ! ! this thursday amnm will be profiled by some major newsletters . = = 20 there will be huge volume and a strong increase in price for severa = l = 20 days . these are the same newsletters that profiled clks two w = eeks = 20 ago . they brought clks from $ 1 . 50 to $ 4 . 35 in ten days . = we = 20 know for certain that the same groups are going to profile amnm sta = rting = 20 on thursday . we are very proud that we can share this information with you = so that = 20 you can make a profit out of it . it is highly advisable to ta = ke a = 20 position in amnm as soon as possible , today before the market = 20 closes , or tomorrow . the stock is trading near its 52 week low , and will start movi = ng up = 20 immediately . we believe the stock could easiely reach $ 4 in l = ess = 20 than a month . good luck and watch amnm fly this week ! ! = 09 = 09 = 09 = 09 = 09 = 09 = 09 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ incredimail - email has finally = = 20 evolved - click = 20 here
major stock play
amnis systems , inc . ( otcbb : amnm ) contract announcements and huge newsletter coverage this week = for = 20 amnm ! ! ! this thursday amnm will be profiled by some major newsletters . = = 20 there will be huge volume and a strong increase in price for severa = l = 20 days . these are the same newsletters that profiled clks two w = eeks = 20 ago . they brought clks from $ 1 . 50 to $ 4 . 35 in ten days . = we = 20 know for certain that the same groups are going to profile amnm sta = rting = 20 on thursday . we are very proud that we can share this information with you = so that = 20 you can make a profit out of it . it is highly advisable to ta = ke a = 20 position in amnm as soon as possible , today before the market = 20 closes , or tomorrow . the stock is trading near its 52 week low , and will start movi = ng up = 20 immediately . we believe the stock could easiely reach $ 4 in l = ess = 20 than a month . good luck and watch amnm fly this week ! ! = 09 = 09 = 09 = 09 = 09 = 09 = 09 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ incredimail - email has finally = = 20 evolved - click = 20 here
re : follow - up meeting on wharton hi christie : the telephone number in ebl 938 is : 713 / 853 - 3135 . have a safe trip . shirley christie patrick 12 / 12 / 2000 10 : 36 pm to : shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect cc : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : follow - up meeting on wharton shirley , unless my flights change , i can call in from my cell phone - - what number shall i dial ? thanks ! - - christie .
re : follow - up meeting on wharton
hi christie : the telephone number in ebl 938 is : 713 / 853 - 3135 . have a safe trip . shirley christie patrick 12 / 12 / 2000 10 : 36 pm to : shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect cc : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : follow - up meeting on wharton shirley , unless my flights change , i can call in from my cell phone - - what number shall i dial ? thanks ! - - christie .
computers from research group good morning all : this past weekend you moved two computers from ebl 972 b and 1972 g and were supposed to install them in ebl 941 and eb 1952 . what happened ? there is no computer in eb 1941 and only the monitor in eb 1952 . we need this equipment back . please install as soon as possible . thanks and have a great day ! shirley 3 - 5290
computers from research group
good morning all : this past weekend you moved two computers from ebl 972 b and 1972 g and were supposed to install them in ebl 941 and eb 1952 . what happened ? there is no computer in eb 1941 and only the monitor in eb 1952 . we need this equipment back . please install as soon as possible . thanks and have a great day ! shirley 3 - 5290
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the thing is that a great errrection is provided for you exactly when you want .
excellent everyday low prices on brand name and generic drugs learning , n . the kind of ignorance distinguishing the studious . most religions do not make men better , only warier . for four - fifths of our history , our planet was populated by pond scum .
from : calibale family from : calibale family ( unhcr ) camp porto - novo benin republic email : traore @ zoznam . sk email : traorecali @ go 4 . it dear sir your contact was reviewed after a careful search on the net and devoted prayer session to our divine redeemer who can only strenghting your resolve to help us out . we are the immediate family of late col ibrahim calibale , the rebel commander in ivory coast that was killed in bouake county on 7 / 02 / 2004 . i with my mother and two sisters escaped into porto - novo benin republic after the incident when it became clear that the central government abidjan wanted us eliminated by all means . presently we staying with united nations high commission for refugee ( unhcr ) here for security reasons . just last week we received some vital information and copies of documents from his lawyer back home proving that our father had some deposit in a security company in spain . now we have opened up communication with the spanish company and they have confirmed been in position of some united states dollars eleven million three hundred thousand ( usd $ 11 . 300 , 000 ) only in his favor and have agreed to releasing same upon our request but not until provide valid proof as his next of kin . now for the fact that none of us here possessed any valid traveling documents because of the circumstances of our exit from home , we are afraid that we will run into trouble if we request for the repatriation of the deposit to this place , hence we are kindly requesting your assistance to help us receive the deposit in your country . we are ready to offer you some reasonable portions of the deposit if you can oblige us your help . further information will be advance to you once you indicate your interest . please send your reply through email account : traore @ zoznam . sk yours faithful traore tel : 229 882147
from : calibale family
from : calibale family ( unhcr ) camp porto - novo benin republic email : traore @ zoznam . sk email : traorecali @ go 4 . it dear sir your contact was reviewed after a careful search on the net and devoted prayer session to our divine redeemer who can only strenghting your resolve to help us out . we are the immediate family of late col ibrahim calibale , the rebel commander in ivory coast that was killed in bouake county on 7 / 02 / 2004 . i with my mother and two sisters escaped into porto - novo benin republic after the incident when it became clear that the central government abidjan wanted us eliminated by all means . presently we staying with united nations high commission for refugee ( unhcr ) here for security reasons . just last week we received some vital information and copies of documents from his lawyer back home proving that our father had some deposit in a security company in spain . now we have opened up communication with the spanish company and they have confirmed been in position of some united states dollars eleven million three hundred thousand ( usd $ 11 . 300 , 000 ) only in his favor and have agreed to releasing same upon our request but not until provide valid proof as his next of kin . now for the fact that none of us here possessed any valid traveling documents because of the circumstances of our exit from home , we are afraid that we will run into trouble if we request for the repatriation of the deposit to this place , hence we are kindly requesting your assistance to help us receive the deposit in your country . we are ready to offer you some reasonable portions of the deposit if you can oblige us your help . further information will be advance to you once you indicate your interest . please send your reply through email account : traore @ zoznam . sk yours faithful traore tel : 229 882147
anybody ' d dogtrot rondo hello , vicodin codeine viagra and many others , visit pharmacybymail shop and save 70 % shop with us you will not be disappointed .
anybody ' d dogtrot rondo
hello , vicodin codeine viagra and many others , visit pharmacybymail shop and save 70 % shop with us you will not be disappointed .
fw : california regulators suspend direct access to competitive energy suppliers - cera decision brief - - - - - original message - - - - - from : webmaster @ cera . com [ mailto : webmaster @ cera . com ] sent : thursday , october 04 , 2001 9 : 00 pm to : clients @ cera . com subject : california regulators suspend direct access to competitive energy suppliers - cera decision brief title : the end of retail electric competition in california url ( s ) : http : / / www 20 . cera . com / eprofile ? u = 35 http : / / www 20 . cera . com / eprofile ? u = 35 california regulators suspend direct access to competiive energy suppliers california , once considered a harbinger of retail electricity deregulation , is reversing its previous efforts to create a competitive market for electricity . suspending direct access is the latest - - though probably not the final - - event in an ongoing series of developments and unique conditions that has made deregulation a rocky road for players in the california market . * this decision should not be interpreted as a rejection of the merits of retail competition , but rather understood as a decision peculiar to the events in california that have unfolded over the past 18 months . * the ruling was motivated by the state ' s need to provide a stable investment environment to support its impending $ 13 . 4 billion bond offering to cover energy related costs . * the demise of retail competition in california may delay other states ' efforts to open their markets . however , most states face a very different power generation situation , practically ensuring that events in california will not be repeated in their markets . * from a market perspective this may actually be an ideal time to push forward with retail choice programs , as many markets move into surplus capacity situations . * * end * * follow above url for complete decision brief ( 10 printed pages ) . e - mail category : decision brief cera knowledge area ( s ) : western energy , retail energy on september 17 , cera chairman , daniel yergin , led a global client conference call discussion on the potential economic and energy industry fallout from the recent terrorist attacks on new york and washington dc . the playback of this conference call is now available at on the web at http : / / www . cera . com / highlights / teleconf _ 20010917 / or via telephone at : 1 - 888 - 203 - 1112 ( within the united states ) or 719 - 457 - 0820 ( outside the united states ) . please use confirmation number 784004 to access the call playback . the playback is available until october 17 , 2001 . cera ' s autumn 2001 roundtable event dates and agendas are now available at http : / / www 20 . cera . com / event to make changes to your cera . com profile go to : forgot your username and password ? go to : http : / / www 20 . cera . com / client / forgot this electronic message and attachments , if any , contain information from cambridge energy research associates , inc . ( cera ) which is confidential and may be privileged . unauthorized disclosure , copying , distribution or use of the contents of this message or any attachments , in whole or in part , is strictly prohibited . terms of use : http : / / www 20 . cera . com / tos questions / comments : webmaster @ cera . com copyright 2001 . cambridge energy research associates
fw : california regulators suspend direct access to competitive
energy suppliers - cera decision brief - - - - - original message - - - - - from : webmaster @ cera . com [ mailto : webmaster @ cera . com ] sent : thursday , october 04 , 2001 9 : 00 pm to : clients @ cera . com subject : california regulators suspend direct access to competitive energy suppliers - cera decision brief title : the end of retail electric competition in california url ( s ) : http : / / www 20 . cera . com / eprofile ? u = 35 http : / / www 20 . cera . com / eprofile ? u = 35 california regulators suspend direct access to competiive energy suppliers california , once considered a harbinger of retail electricity deregulation , is reversing its previous efforts to create a competitive market for electricity . suspending direct access is the latest - - though probably not the final - - event in an ongoing series of developments and unique conditions that has made deregulation a rocky road for players in the california market . * this decision should not be interpreted as a rejection of the merits of retail competition , but rather understood as a decision peculiar to the events in california that have unfolded over the past 18 months . * the ruling was motivated by the state ' s need to provide a stable investment environment to support its impending $ 13 . 4 billion bond offering to cover energy related costs . * the demise of retail competition in california may delay other states ' efforts to open their markets . however , most states face a very different power generation situation , practically ensuring that events in california will not be repeated in their markets . * from a market perspective this may actually be an ideal time to push forward with retail choice programs , as many markets move into surplus capacity situations . * * end * * follow above url for complete decision brief ( 10 printed pages ) . e - mail category : decision brief cera knowledge area ( s ) : western energy , retail energy on september 17 , cera chairman , daniel yergin , led a global client conference call discussion on the potential economic and energy industry fallout from the recent terrorist attacks on new york and washington dc . the playback of this conference call is now available at on the web at http : / / www . cera . com / highlights / teleconf _ 20010917 / or via telephone at : 1 - 888 - 203 - 1112 ( within the united states ) or 719 - 457 - 0820 ( outside the united states ) . please use confirmation number 784004 to access the call playback . the playback is available until october 17 , 2001 . cera ' s autumn 2001 roundtable event dates and agendas are now available at http : / / www 20 . cera . com / event to make changes to your cera . com profile go to : forgot your username and password ? go to : http : / / www 20 . cera . com / client / forgot this electronic message and attachments , if any , contain information from cambridge energy research associates , inc . ( cera ) which is confidential and may be privileged . unauthorized disclosure , copying , distribution or use of the contents of this message or any attachments , in whole or in part , is strictly prohibited . terms of use : http : / / www 20 . cera . com / tos questions / comments : webmaster @ cera . com copyright 2001 . cambridge energy research associates
workshop dear vince , i would be delighted if you agreed to share with me a one - day workshop before a major icbi conference in berlin , on june 19 . the topics would be similar ; we may add real options . could you answer me before tuesday ? kind regards helyette
dear vince , i would be delighted if you agreed to share with me a one - day workshop before a major icbi conference in berlin , on june 19 . the topics would be similar ; we may add real options . could you answer me before tuesday ? kind regards helyette
[ ilug ] ( no subject ) suppliers of computers , printers , etc . & consumables central data supplies 24 , middleton road , banbury , oxon , oxl 6 4 qj . tel : 01295 271666 fax 01295 256876 est 1985 good afternoon , please find below the pricing and specification of the laptops which currently have available in stock for immediate despatch . ibm thinkpad 760 el laptop computer ( stock ref 683 ) intel pentium 1 133 mhz processor 8 mb ram lgb hard drive 12 . 1 ' tft display sound & speakers no modem no cd - rom drive internal 3 . 5 ' floppy drive 3 months warranty @ £ 119 ibm thinkpad 765 l laptop computer ( stock ref 6076 ) intel pentium 1 166 mhz processor 32 mb ram 5 gb hard drive 13 . 3 ' tft display sound & speakers no modem no cd - rom drive internal 3 . 5 ' floppy drive 3 months warranty @ £ 149 ibm thinkpad 770 laptop computer ( stock ref 4225 ) intel pentium 1 233 mhz processor 32 mb ram 5 gb hard drive 14 . 1 ' tft display usb , irda , sound & speakers internal 56 k modem no cd - rom drive internal 3 . 5 ' floppy drive 3 months warranty @ £ 249 ibm thinkpad 380 laptop computer ( stock ref 7868 ) intel pentium 11 233 mhz processor 32 mb ram 4 gb hard drive 12 . 1 ' tft display usb , irda , sound & speakers no modem internal cd - rom drive internal 3 . 5 ' floppy drive 3 months warranty @ £ 289 ibm thinkpad 770 x laptop computer ( stock ref 8051 ) intel pentium 11 300 mhz processor 64 mb ram 8 gb hard drive 14 . 1 ' tft display usb , irda , sound & speakers internal 56 k modem external cd - rom drive internal 3 . 5 ' floppy drive 3 months warranty @ £ 349 ibm thinkpad 770 x laptop computer ( stock ref 8220 ) intel pentium 11 233 mhz processor 64 mb ram 6 . 4 gb hard drive 14 . 1 ' tft display usb , irda , sound & speakers internal 56 k modem internal cd - rom drive internal 3 . 5 ' floppy drive 3 months warranty @ £ 389 toshiba 7020 ct laptop computer ( stock ref 3111 ) intel pentium 11 266 mhz processor 128 mb ram 6 gb hard drive 13 . 3 ' tft display usb , irda , sound & speakers internal 56 k modem docking station including 3 . 5 ' floppy drive and cd - rom drive 3 months warranty @ £ 389 ibm t 20 laptop computer ( stock ref 6062 ) intel pentium 111 550 mhz processor 256 mb ram 12 gb hard drive 14 . 1 ' xga tft display usb , irda , sound & speakers internal 56 k modem no cd - rom drive internal 3 . 5 ' floppy drive 3 months warranty @ £ 549 dell c 500 laptop computer ( stock ref 7052 ) intel celeron 700 mhz processor 128 mb ram 6 gb hard drive 12 . 1 ' xga tft display usb , irda , sound & speakers internal 56 k modem internal cd - rom drive external 3 . 5 ' floppy drive 3 months warranty @ £ 609 other specifications are available , so if the spec you require is not listed please do not hesitate to call our sales team on 01295 271666 for other models . if you do not wish to recieve special offer emails of this kind please reply with remove in the subject and you will be taken off our mailing list . all prices are ex vat . for and on behalf of central data supplies peter cutress beng ( hons ) dis aicheme sales manager e & oe . - - irish linux users ' group : ilug @ linux . ie http : / / www . linux . ie / mailman / listinfo / ilug for ( un ) subscription information . list maintainer : listmaster @ linux . ie
[ ilug ] ( no subject )
suppliers of computers , printers , etc . & consumables central data supplies 24 , middleton road , banbury , oxon , oxl 6 4 qj . tel : 01295 271666 fax 01295 256876 est 1985 good afternoon , please find below the pricing and specification of the laptops which currently have available in stock for immediate despatch . ibm thinkpad 760 el laptop computer ( stock ref 683 ) intel pentium 1 133 mhz processor 8 mb ram lgb hard drive 12 . 1 ' tft display sound & speakers no modem no cd - rom drive internal 3 . 5 ' floppy drive 3 months warranty @ £ 119 ibm thinkpad 765 l laptop computer ( stock ref 6076 ) intel pentium 1 166 mhz processor 32 mb ram 5 gb hard drive 13 . 3 ' tft display sound & speakers no modem no cd - rom drive internal 3 . 5 ' floppy drive 3 months warranty @ £ 149 ibm thinkpad 770 laptop computer ( stock ref 4225 ) intel pentium 1 233 mhz processor 32 mb ram 5 gb hard drive 14 . 1 ' tft display usb , irda , sound & speakers internal 56 k modem no cd - rom drive internal 3 . 5 ' floppy drive 3 months warranty @ £ 249 ibm thinkpad 380 laptop computer ( stock ref 7868 ) intel pentium 11 233 mhz processor 32 mb ram 4 gb hard drive 12 . 1 ' tft display usb , irda , sound & speakers no modem internal cd - rom drive internal 3 . 5 ' floppy drive 3 months warranty @ £ 289 ibm thinkpad 770 x laptop computer ( stock ref 8051 ) intel pentium 11 300 mhz processor 64 mb ram 8 gb hard drive 14 . 1 ' tft display usb , irda , sound & speakers internal 56 k modem external cd - rom drive internal 3 . 5 ' floppy drive 3 months warranty @ £ 349 ibm thinkpad 770 x laptop computer ( stock ref 8220 ) intel pentium 11 233 mhz processor 64 mb ram 6 . 4 gb hard drive 14 . 1 ' tft display usb , irda , sound & speakers internal 56 k modem internal cd - rom drive internal 3 . 5 ' floppy drive 3 months warranty @ £ 389 toshiba 7020 ct laptop computer ( stock ref 3111 ) intel pentium 11 266 mhz processor 128 mb ram 6 gb hard drive 13 . 3 ' tft display usb , irda , sound & speakers internal 56 k modem docking station including 3 . 5 ' floppy drive and cd - rom drive 3 months warranty @ £ 389 ibm t 20 laptop computer ( stock ref 6062 ) intel pentium 111 550 mhz processor 256 mb ram 12 gb hard drive 14 . 1 ' xga tft display usb , irda , sound & speakers internal 56 k modem no cd - rom drive internal 3 . 5 ' floppy drive 3 months warranty @ £ 549 dell c 500 laptop computer ( stock ref 7052 ) intel celeron 700 mhz processor 128 mb ram 6 gb hard drive 12 . 1 ' xga tft display usb , irda , sound & speakers internal 56 k modem internal cd - rom drive external 3 . 5 ' floppy drive 3 months warranty @ £ 609 other specifications are available , so if the spec you require is not listed please do not hesitate to call our sales team on 01295 271666 for other models . if you do not wish to recieve special offer emails of this kind please reply with remove in the subject and you will be taken off our mailing list . all prices are ex vat . for and on behalf of central data supplies peter cutress beng ( hons ) dis aicheme sales manager e & oe . - - irish linux users ' group : ilug @ linux . ie http : / / www . linux . ie / mailman / listinfo / ilug for ( un ) subscription information . list maintainer : listmaster @ linux . ie
clalis 5 for the price of 1 discount drugs . . . save 80 % every order ! we are the number one online retailler for dozens of medications . our customers save 80 cents out of every dollar , every time , compared to the industry price . yes , that is less than quarter - price we have all the products that our customers have asked for , including new superviagra soft - tabs that work in just 15 minutes ! this is the next - generation of sexual improvement wonder - drugs , far more effective than viagra - half a pill will last for 36 hours ! get all the information on superviagra here : http : / / uneaten . net / cs / ? aa our key to keeping customers satisfied is : easy ordering online save 80 % on regular price we have massive stocks of drugs for same day dispatch fast delivery straight to your door with discrete packaging we are the biggest internet retailler with thousands of regular customers no consultation fee no intimate questions or examinations no appointment no prior prescription needed private and confidential service please come by our shop , see for yourself the massive range of products that we have available . we do have the lowest price and huge stocks ready for same - day dispatch . two million customers can ' t be wrong ! see our full range at http : / / uneaten . net / ? aa
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new members the following people are joining the research group reporting to me effective immediately . please make sure that their transfer from ees to our group is reflected in the support systems . oren v . ( " dayne " ) zimmerman chuanli ( " ken " ) deng anguel g grigorov thanks , krishna .
new members
the following people are joining the research group reporting to me effective immediately . please make sure that their transfer from ees to our group is reflected in the support systems . oren v . ( " dayne " ) zimmerman chuanli ( " ken " ) deng anguel g grigorov thanks , krishna .
greatly improve your stamina i ' ve been using your product for 4 months now . i ' ve increased my length from 2 inches to nearly 6 inches . your product has saved my sex life . - matt , fl my girlfriend loves the results , but she doesn ' t know what i do . she thinks it ' s natural - thomas , ca pleasure your partner every time with a bigger , longer , stronger unit realistic gains quickly http : / / ijf . o 6 . topmaximproduct . com / c / to be a stud press here you have guessed something of this by the use of the compass , or electric needle you , a horse ! oh , not a real one , of course opposed to these is centrifugal electric force , drawing objects from east to west , or in the opposite direction i am busy , no thank you , go above
greatly improve your stamina
i ' ve been using your product for 4 months now . i ' ve increased my length from 2 inches to nearly 6 inches . your product has saved my sex life . - matt , fl my girlfriend loves the results , but she doesn ' t know what i do . she thinks it ' s natural - thomas , ca pleasure your partner every time with a bigger , longer , stronger unit realistic gains quickly http : / / ijf . o 6 . topmaximproduct . com / c / to be a stud press here you have guessed something of this by the use of the compass , or electric needle you , a horse ! oh , not a real one , of course opposed to these is centrifugal electric force , drawing objects from east to west , or in the opposite direction i am busy , no thank you , go above
project qin wang lloyds tsb pacific limited hong kong branch fax : + 852 - 301 - 66259 thank you for giving me your time . please be patient and read my email to you . i am a staff of lloyds tsb group attached in private banking services . i am contacting you concerning a customer and , an investment placed under our banks management 3 years ago , i contacted you independently of our investigation and no one is informed of this communication and i would like to intimate you with certain facts that i believe would be of interest to you . in 2000 , the subject matter ; ref : bb / tsb / bank / 73 came to our bank to engage in business discussions with our private banking services department . he informed us that he had a financial portfolio of 8 . 35 million united states dollars , which he wished to have us turn over on his behalf . i was the officer assigned to his case ; i made numerous suggestions in line with my duties as the de - facto chief operations officer of the private banking services department , especially given the volume of funds he wished to put into our bank . we met on numerous occasions prior to any investments being placed . i encouraged him to consider various growth funds with prime ratings . the favored route in my advice to customers is to start by assessing data on 600 traditional stocks and bond managers and alternative investments . based on my advice , we spun the money around various opportunities and made attractive margins for our first months of operation , the accrued profit and interest stood at this point at over 10 million united states dollars , this margin was not the full potential of the fund but he desired low risk guaranteed returns on investments . in mid 2001 , he asked that the money be liquidated because he needed to make an urgent investment requiring cash payments in europe . he directed that i liquidate the funds and had it deposited with a firm in europe . i informed him that our bank would have to make special arrangements to have this done and in order not to circumvent due process , the bank would have to make a 9 . 5 % deduction from the funds to cater for banking and statutory charges . he complained about the charges but later came around when i explained to him the complexities of the task he was asking of us . cash movement across borders has become especially strict since the incidents of 9 / 11 . i contacted my affiliate in europe and had the funds available in main land europe . i undertook all the processes and made sure i followed his precise instructions to the letter and had the funds deposited in a security consultancy firm , the firm is a specialist private firm that accepts deposits from high net worth individuals and blue chip corporations that handle valuable products or undertake transactions that need immediate access to cash . this small and highly private organization is familiar especially to the highly placed and well - connected organizations . in line with instructions , the money was deposited . he told me he wanted the money there in anticipation of his arrival from norway later that week . this was the last communication we had , this transpired around 20 th june 2002 . in june last year , we got a call from the security firm informing us of the inactivity of that particular portfolio . this was an astounding position as far as i was concerned , given the fact that i managed the private banking sector i was the only one who knew about the deposit , and i could not understand why he had not come forward to claim his deposit . i made futile efforts to locate him i immediately passed the task of locating him to the internal investigations department of our bank . four days later , information started to trickle in , that he was apparently dead . a person who suited his description was declared dead of a heart attack in cannes , south of france . we were soon enough able to identify the body and cause of death was confirmed . the bank immediately launched an investigation into possible surviving next of kin to alert about the situation and also to come forward to claim his estate . if you are familiar with private banking affairs , those who patronize our services usually prefer anonymity , but also some levels of detachment from conventional processes . in his bio - data form , he listed no next of kin . in the field of private banking , opening an account with us means no one will know of its existence , accounts are rarely held under a name depositors use numbers and codes to make the accounts anonymous . this bank also gives the choice to depositors of having their mail sent to them or held at the bank itself , ensuring that there are no traces of the account and as i said , rarely do they nominate next of kin . private banking clients apart from not nominating next of kin also usually in most cases leave wills in our care , in this case ; he died in testate . what i wish to relate to you will smack of unethical practice but i want you to understand something . it is only an outsider to the banking world who finds the internal politics of the banking world aberrational . the world of private banking especially is fraught with huge rewards for those who occupy certain offices and oversee certain portfolios . you should have begun by now to put together the general direction of what i propose . there is us $ 8 , 370 , 000 . 00 deposited , i alone have the deposit details and they will release the deposit to no one unless i instruct them to do so . i alone know of the existence of this deposit for as far as the finance firm , the transaction with our deceased customer concluded when i sent the funds to the firm , all outstanding interactions in relation to the file are just customer services and due process . the finance firm has no single idea of what ' s the history or nature of the deposit . they are simply awaiting instructions to release the deposit to any party that comes forward . this is the situation . this bank has spent great amounts of money trying to track this man ' s family ; they have investigated for months and have found no family . the investigation has come to an end . my proposal , you share similar details to the late fellow i am prepared to place you in a position to instruct the finance firm to release the deposit to you as the closest surviving relation . upon receipt of the deposit , i am prepared to share the money with you in half and no more . that is : i will simply nominate you as the next of kin and have them release the deposit to you . we share the proceeds 50 / 50 . i would have gone ahead to ask the funds be released to me , but that would have drawn a straight line to me and my involvement in claiming the deposit . but on the other hand , you with a similar name as the original depositor would easily pass as the beneficiary with the rights to claim . i assure you that i could have the deposit released to you in a few days . i will simply inform our bank of the final closing of the file relating to the customer . i will then officially communicate with the finance company and instruct them to release the deposit to you . with these two things : all is done . the alternative would be for us to have the firm direct the funds to another bank with you as accountholder . this way there will be no need for you to think of receiving the money from the firm . we can fine - tune this based on our interactions . i am aware of the consequences of this proposal . i ask that if you find no interest in this project that you should discard this mail . i ask that you do not be vindictive or destructive . if my offer is of no appeal to you , delete this message and forget i ever contacted you . do not destroy my career because you do not approve of my proposal . you may not know this but people like myself who have made tidy sums out of comparable situations run the whole private banking sector . i am not a criminal and what i do , i do not find against good conscience , this may be hard for you to understand , but the dynamics of my industry dictates that i make this move . such opportunities only come ones ' way once in a lifetime . i cannot let this chance pass me by i hope you understand because for once i found myself in total control and face to face with my destiny . these chances won ' t pass me by . i ask that you do not destroy my chance , if you will not work with me let me know and let me move on with my life but do not destroy me . i am a family man and this is an opportunity to provide them with new opportunities . there is a reward for this project and it is a task well worth undertaking . i have evaluated the risks and the only risk i have here is from you refusing to work with me and alerting my bank . i am the only one who knows of this situation , good fortune has blessed you with a name that has planted you into the center of relevance in my life . let ' s share the blessing . if you give me positive signals , i will initiate this process towards a conclusion . i wish to inform you that should you contact me via official channels ; i will deny knowing you and about this project . i repeat , i do not want you contacting me through my official phone lines nor do i want you contacting me through my official email account . contact me only through this email address ( q _ wang @ o 2 . pl ) i do not want any direct link between you and me . my official lines are not secure lines as they are periodically monitored to assess our level of customer care in line with our total quality management policy . please observe this instruction religiously . please , again , note i am a family man ; i happily married with two kids . i send you this mail not without a measure of fear as to what the consequences might be , but i know within me that nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come easy or on a platter of gold . this is the one truth i have learned from my private banking clients . do not betray my confidence . if we can be of one accord , we should plan a meeting , soon . i await your response . sincerely , qin wang * este mensaje fue enviado desde http : / / www . enterate . com . ar / * conectate gratis a internet desde enterate ! usuario : enterate @ enterate . com . ar clave : enterate desde buenos aires : 4004 - 8007 desde otras ciudades , consulta en :
qin wang lloyds tsb pacific limited hong kong branch fax : + 852 - 301 - 66259 thank you for giving me your time . please be patient and read my email to you . i am a staff of lloyds tsb group attached in private banking services . i am contacting you concerning a customer and , an investment placed under our banks management 3 years ago , i contacted you independently of our investigation and no one is informed of this communication and i would like to intimate you with certain facts that i believe would be of interest to you . in 2000 , the subject matter ; ref : bb / tsb / bank / 73 came to our bank to engage in business discussions with our private banking services department . he informed us that he had a financial portfolio of 8 . 35 million united states dollars , which he wished to have us turn over on his behalf . i was the officer assigned to his case ; i made numerous suggestions in line with my duties as the de - facto chief operations officer of the private banking services department , especially given the volume of funds he wished to put into our bank . we met on numerous occasions prior to any investments being placed . i encouraged him to consider various growth funds with prime ratings . the favored route in my advice to customers is to start by assessing data on 600 traditional stocks and bond managers and alternative investments . based on my advice , we spun the money around various opportunities and made attractive margins for our first months of operation , the accrued profit and interest stood at this point at over 10 million united states dollars , this margin was not the full potential of the fund but he desired low risk guaranteed returns on investments . in mid 2001 , he asked that the money be liquidated because he needed to make an urgent investment requiring cash payments in europe . he directed that i liquidate the funds and had it deposited with a firm in europe . i informed him that our bank would have to make special arrangements to have this done and in order not to circumvent due process , the bank would have to make a 9 . 5 % deduction from the funds to cater for banking and statutory charges . he complained about the charges but later came around when i explained to him the complexities of the task he was asking of us . cash movement across borders has become especially strict since the incidents of 9 / 11 . i contacted my affiliate in europe and had the funds available in main land europe . i undertook all the processes and made sure i followed his precise instructions to the letter and had the funds deposited in a security consultancy firm , the firm is a specialist private firm that accepts deposits from high net worth individuals and blue chip corporations that handle valuable products or undertake transactions that need immediate access to cash . this small and highly private organization is familiar especially to the highly placed and well - connected organizations . in line with instructions , the money was deposited . he told me he wanted the money there in anticipation of his arrival from norway later that week . this was the last communication we had , this transpired around 20 th june 2002 . in june last year , we got a call from the security firm informing us of the inactivity of that particular portfolio . this was an astounding position as far as i was concerned , given the fact that i managed the private banking sector i was the only one who knew about the deposit , and i could not understand why he had not come forward to claim his deposit . i made futile efforts to locate him i immediately passed the task of locating him to the internal investigations department of our bank . four days later , information started to trickle in , that he was apparently dead . a person who suited his description was declared dead of a heart attack in cannes , south of france . we were soon enough able to identify the body and cause of death was confirmed . the bank immediately launched an investigation into possible surviving next of kin to alert about the situation and also to come forward to claim his estate . if you are familiar with private banking affairs , those who patronize our services usually prefer anonymity , but also some levels of detachment from conventional processes . in his bio - data form , he listed no next of kin . in the field of private banking , opening an account with us means no one will know of its existence , accounts are rarely held under a name depositors use numbers and codes to make the accounts anonymous . this bank also gives the choice to depositors of having their mail sent to them or held at the bank itself , ensuring that there are no traces of the account and as i said , rarely do they nominate next of kin . private banking clients apart from not nominating next of kin also usually in most cases leave wills in our care , in this case ; he died in testate . what i wish to relate to you will smack of unethical practice but i want you to understand something . it is only an outsider to the banking world who finds the internal politics of the banking world aberrational . the world of private banking especially is fraught with huge rewards for those who occupy certain offices and oversee certain portfolios . you should have begun by now to put together the general direction of what i propose . there is us $ 8 , 370 , 000 . 00 deposited , i alone have the deposit details and they will release the deposit to no one unless i instruct them to do so . i alone know of the existence of this deposit for as far as the finance firm , the transaction with our deceased customer concluded when i sent the funds to the firm , all outstanding interactions in relation to the file are just customer services and due process . the finance firm has no single idea of what ' s the history or nature of the deposit . they are simply awaiting instructions to release the deposit to any party that comes forward . this is the situation . this bank has spent great amounts of money trying to track this man ' s family ; they have investigated for months and have found no family . the investigation has come to an end . my proposal , you share similar details to the late fellow i am prepared to place you in a position to instruct the finance firm to release the deposit to you as the closest surviving relation . upon receipt of the deposit , i am prepared to share the money with you in half and no more . that is : i will simply nominate you as the next of kin and have them release the deposit to you . we share the proceeds 50 / 50 . i would have gone ahead to ask the funds be released to me , but that would have drawn a straight line to me and my involvement in claiming the deposit . but on the other hand , you with a similar name as the original depositor would easily pass as the beneficiary with the rights to claim . i assure you that i could have the deposit released to you in a few days . i will simply inform our bank of the final closing of the file relating to the customer . i will then officially communicate with the finance company and instruct them to release the deposit to you . with these two things : all is done . the alternative would be for us to have the firm direct the funds to another bank with you as accountholder . this way there will be no need for you to think of receiving the money from the firm . we can fine - tune this based on our interactions . i am aware of the consequences of this proposal . i ask that if you find no interest in this project that you should discard this mail . i ask that you do not be vindictive or destructive . if my offer is of no appeal to you , delete this message and forget i ever contacted you . do not destroy my career because you do not approve of my proposal . you may not know this but people like myself who have made tidy sums out of comparable situations run the whole private banking sector . i am not a criminal and what i do , i do not find against good conscience , this may be hard for you to understand , but the dynamics of my industry dictates that i make this move . such opportunities only come ones ' way once in a lifetime . i cannot let this chance pass me by i hope you understand because for once i found myself in total control and face to face with my destiny . these chances won ' t pass me by . i ask that you do not destroy my chance , if you will not work with me let me know and let me move on with my life but do not destroy me . i am a family man and this is an opportunity to provide them with new opportunities . there is a reward for this project and it is a task well worth undertaking . i have evaluated the risks and the only risk i have here is from you refusing to work with me and alerting my bank . i am the only one who knows of this situation , good fortune has blessed you with a name that has planted you into the center of relevance in my life . let ' s share the blessing . if you give me positive signals , i will initiate this process towards a conclusion . i wish to inform you that should you contact me via official channels ; i will deny knowing you and about this project . i repeat , i do not want you contacting me through my official phone lines nor do i want you contacting me through my official email account . contact me only through this email address ( q _ wang @ o 2 . pl ) i do not want any direct link between you and me . my official lines are not secure lines as they are periodically monitored to assess our level of customer care in line with our total quality management policy . please observe this instruction religiously . please , again , note i am a family man ; i happily married with two kids . i send you this mail not without a measure of fear as to what the consequences might be , but i know within me that nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come easy or on a platter of gold . this is the one truth i have learned from my private banking clients . do not betray my confidence . if we can be of one accord , we should plan a meeting , soon . i await your response . sincerely , qin wang * este mensaje fue enviado desde http : / / www . enterate . com . ar / * conectate gratis a internet desde enterate ! usuario : enterate @ enterate . com . ar clave : enterate desde buenos aires : 4004 - 8007 desde otras ciudades , consulta en :
for professional documents use professional software . . . bring on the best software . . . at the most reasonable prices ! examine what is said , not him who speaks . he who knows that enough is enough will always have enough .
for professional documents use professional software . . .
bring on the best software . . . at the most reasonable prices ! examine what is said , not him who speaks . he who knows that enough is enough will always have enough .
re : vacation i will leave the choice to you all . we just need to make sure there is coverage . have a good one ! daren j farmer 06 / 22 / 2000 08 : 00 am to : brenda f herod / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : vacation bh , i plan to be on vacation july 5 - 6 ( finally ) and on the customer trip on the 7 th . while i am out , gary hanks will be keeping our position during trading . stacey will be in charge of everything else . i am comfortable that everything will be covered . i will be back in town thursday night . the primary flight for the customer trip leaves around 11 : 30 . others leave at 3 : 30 and 5 : 30 ( ? ) . the latest idea we had is that pat would take a later flight on this trip and i will take a later flight on the august trip , allowing one of us to be in the office for half the day . i can also come in for the half day on the 7 th if we decide that is needed . d
re : vacation
i will leave the choice to you all . we just need to make sure there is coverage . have a good one ! daren j farmer 06 / 22 / 2000 08 : 00 am to : brenda f herod / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : vacation bh , i plan to be on vacation july 5 - 6 ( finally ) and on the customer trip on the 7 th . while i am out , gary hanks will be keeping our position during trading . stacey will be in charge of everything else . i am comfortable that everything will be covered . i will be back in town thursday night . the primary flight for the customer trip leaves around 11 : 30 . others leave at 3 : 30 and 5 : 30 ( ? ) . the latest idea we had is that pat would take a later flight on this trip and i will take a later flight on the august trip , allowing one of us to be in the office for half the day . i can also come in for the half day on the 7 th if we decide that is needed . d
march government affairs update attached is the march government affairs report . i will set up some time to discuss soon . jim
march government affairs update
attached is the march government affairs report . i will set up some time to discuss soon . jim
aiesec polska - eurolds 2000 jarek , czy enron moze pomoc w organizacji tej imprezy ? bylaby to dobra okazja nawiazania wielu pozytecznych kontaktow . wicek - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 02 / 17 / 2000 08 : 51 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " andrzej wodnicki " on 02 / 16 / 2000 02 : 50 : 05 am to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : aiesec polska - eurolds 2000 szanowny panie kaminski ! nazywam sie andrzej wodnicki i jestem czlonkiem stowarzysznia studentow aiesec przy szkole glownej handlowej ( dawnej sgpis ) . prosze o poswiecenie paru chwil na przeczytanie tego maila . ( kontakt do pana otrzymalem od kolegi , ktory organizowal prezentacje firmy enron na sgh , a posrednio od pana jarka astramowicza , przedstawiciela enron na polske . ) w imieniu aiesec polska chcialbym zwrocic sie do pana z wielka prosba pomocy przy wydarzeniu , ktore w tym roku organizujemy . aiesec polska , a w szczegolnosci aiesec przy szkole glownej handlowej ma zaszczyt organizowac w tym roku european leadership development seminar . jest to seminarium na temat przywodztwa skierowne do obecnych i przyszlych czlonkow rad wykonawczych komitetow lokalnych aiesec w calej europie . po raz pierwszy aiesec polska ma mozliwosc organizacji takiego wydarzenia i stanowi ono dla nas olbrzymie wyzwanie . przygotowywalismy sie do niego od kilku lat i obecnie jestesmy juz w koncowej fazie organizacji eurolds 2000 . projekt rozpoczyna sie 7 marca 2000 roku oficjalnym otwarciem przez pana prezydenta aleksandra kwasniewskiego w sali kongresowej . pozniej odbeda sie dyskusje panelowe ( udzial wielu znakomitych gosci - m . in jan krzysztof bielecki , jacek saryusz wolski , andrzej olechowski ) oraz wyklady i prezentacje regionow polski w auli spadochronowej szkoly glownej handlowej , a nastepnie delegaci udadza sie do hotelu mrongovia na szkolenia , casy i wyklady na temat przywodztwa . ( szczegolowy program eurolds 2000 przesylam w zalaczniku . ) jak do tej pory staralismy sie mozliwie najwiecej dokonac wlasnymi silami , jednak obecnie na 3 tygodnie przed tym wydarzeniem stoimy przed pewnym problemem i stad tez pojawil sie pomysl skontaktowania pana , jako osoby , ktora moglaby nam wydatnie pomoc . chcielibysmy poprosic pana o wsparcie finansowe . wspolpracujemy juz z wieloma firmami i instytucjami ( m . in . deloitte & touche , arthur andersen , fundusz phare , fundacja konrada adenauera oraz wieloma innymi ) , jednak na obecnym etapie organizacji projektu wciaz brakuje nam 12000 $ . poczatkowo chcielismy nawiazac kontakt z pania eileen price z londynu , jednak wydaje nam sie , ze pan jako zalozyciel aiesec w polsce powienien po pierwsze o takim wydarzeniu wiedziec , a po drugie mamy nadzieje , ze moze nam pan pomoc . bardzo prosze o odpowiedz , z powazaniem andrzej wodnicki prezydent eurolds 2000 aiesec szkola glowna handlowa - attl . htm - eurolds _ prezentacja . ppt
aiesec polska - eurolds 2000
jarek , czy enron moze pomoc w organizacji tej imprezy ? bylaby to dobra okazja nawiazania wielu pozytecznych kontaktow . wicek - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 02 / 17 / 2000 08 : 51 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " andrzej wodnicki " on 02 / 16 / 2000 02 : 50 : 05 am to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : aiesec polska - eurolds 2000 szanowny panie kaminski ! nazywam sie andrzej wodnicki i jestem czlonkiem stowarzysznia studentow aiesec przy szkole glownej handlowej ( dawnej sgpis ) . prosze o poswiecenie paru chwil na przeczytanie tego maila . ( kontakt do pana otrzymalem od kolegi , ktory organizowal prezentacje firmy enron na sgh , a posrednio od pana jarka astramowicza , przedstawiciela enron na polske . ) w imieniu aiesec polska chcialbym zwrocic sie do pana z wielka prosba pomocy przy wydarzeniu , ktore w tym roku organizujemy . aiesec polska , a w szczegolnosci aiesec przy szkole glownej handlowej ma zaszczyt organizowac w tym roku european leadership development seminar . jest to seminarium na temat przywodztwa skierowne do obecnych i przyszlych czlonkow rad wykonawczych komitetow lokalnych aiesec w calej europie . po raz pierwszy aiesec polska ma mozliwosc organizacji takiego wydarzenia i stanowi ono dla nas olbrzymie wyzwanie . przygotowywalismy sie do niego od kilku lat i obecnie jestesmy juz w koncowej fazie organizacji eurolds 2000 . projekt rozpoczyna sie 7 marca 2000 roku oficjalnym otwarciem przez pana prezydenta aleksandra kwasniewskiego w sali kongresowej . pozniej odbeda sie dyskusje panelowe ( udzial wielu znakomitych gosci - m . in jan krzysztof bielecki , jacek saryusz wolski , andrzej olechowski ) oraz wyklady i prezentacje regionow polski w auli spadochronowej szkoly glownej handlowej , a nastepnie delegaci udadza sie do hotelu mrongovia na szkolenia , casy i wyklady na temat przywodztwa . ( szczegolowy program eurolds 2000 przesylam w zalaczniku . ) jak do tej pory staralismy sie mozliwie najwiecej dokonac wlasnymi silami , jednak obecnie na 3 tygodnie przed tym wydarzeniem stoimy przed pewnym problemem i stad tez pojawil sie pomysl skontaktowania pana , jako osoby , ktora moglaby nam wydatnie pomoc . chcielibysmy poprosic pana o wsparcie finansowe . wspolpracujemy juz z wieloma firmami i instytucjami ( m . in . deloitte & touche , arthur andersen , fundusz phare , fundacja konrada adenauera oraz wieloma innymi ) , jednak na obecnym etapie organizacji projektu wciaz brakuje nam 12000 $ . poczatkowo chcielismy nawiazac kontakt z pania eileen price z londynu , jednak wydaje nam sie , ze pan jako zalozyciel aiesec w polsce powienien po pierwsze o takim wydarzeniu wiedziec , a po drugie mamy nadzieje , ze moze nam pan pomoc . bardzo prosze o odpowiedz , z powazaniem andrzej wodnicki prezydent eurolds 2000 aiesec szkola glowna handlowa - attl . htm - eurolds _ prezentacja . ppt
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fw : cancel pedricktown visit as outlined below , we will not bid on pedricktown and have therefore cancelled the " formal " site visit . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : heintzelman , pete sent : friday , november 02 , 2001 2 : 26 pm to : heintzelman , pete ; newlin , ross ; dobler , mark ; whitaker , rick ; clifford , douglas ; stevens , don cc : zisman , stuart ; miller , don ( asset mktg ) ; tricoli , carl ; davis , mark dana subject : re : cancel pedricktown visit guys - rick whitaker and i will probably still tour the plant so please do not put out any word that we may not bid . i will already be up there for the pjm conf . and rick wants to scope out for future expansion so it is worthwhile . pete - - - - - original message - - - - - from : heintzelman , pete sent : friday , november 02 , 2001 1 : 53 pm to : newlin , ross ; dobler , mark ; whitaker , rick ; clifford , douglas ; stevens , don subject : cancel pedricktown visit gentlemen , based on our phase 2 valuation analysis and detailed discussion with dana davis , we do not feel we can get to the numbers which we are told are being offered by competitors . we are significantly short of the $ 45 to $ 55 mm that the sellers indicated was shown in the first round . thus , it would be imprudent to incur the costs of on - site due diligence required to complete the process . we still like the plant at the right price and if those other bids do not materialize we may reconsider if contacted by arclight . thank you for your help during this process . best regards , pete peter j . heintzelman manager , generation investments office 713 - 345 - 7024 cell 713 - 553 - 4353
fw : cancel pedricktown visit
as outlined below , we will not bid on pedricktown and have therefore cancelled the " formal " site visit . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : heintzelman , pete sent : friday , november 02 , 2001 2 : 26 pm to : heintzelman , pete ; newlin , ross ; dobler , mark ; whitaker , rick ; clifford , douglas ; stevens , don cc : zisman , stuart ; miller , don ( asset mktg ) ; tricoli , carl ; davis , mark dana subject : re : cancel pedricktown visit guys - rick whitaker and i will probably still tour the plant so please do not put out any word that we may not bid . i will already be up there for the pjm conf . and rick wants to scope out for future expansion so it is worthwhile . pete - - - - - original message - - - - - from : heintzelman , pete sent : friday , november 02 , 2001 1 : 53 pm to : newlin , ross ; dobler , mark ; whitaker , rick ; clifford , douglas ; stevens , don subject : cancel pedricktown visit gentlemen , based on our phase 2 valuation analysis and detailed discussion with dana davis , we do not feel we can get to the numbers which we are told are being offered by competitors . we are significantly short of the $ 45 to $ 55 mm that the sellers indicated was shown in the first round . thus , it would be imprudent to incur the costs of on - site due diligence required to complete the process . we still like the plant at the right price and if those other bids do not materialize we may reconsider if contacted by arclight . thank you for your help during this process . best regards , pete peter j . heintzelman manager , generation investments office 713 - 345 - 7024 cell 713 - 553 - 4353
start date : 1 / 13 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 8 ; start date : 1 / 13 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 8 ; no ancillary schedules awarded . no variances detected . log messages : parsing file - - > > o : \ portland \ westdesk \ california scheduling \ iso final schedules \ 2002011308 . txt
start date : 1 / 13 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 8 ;
start date : 1 / 13 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 8 ; no ancillary schedules awarded . no variances detected . log messages : parsing file - - > > o : \ portland \ westdesk \ california scheduling \ iso final schedules \ 2002011308 . txt
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natural gas nomination for december 2000 - - r e v i s i o n # 2 please revise the natural gas nomination for the mtbe plant for december 2000 as follows : 10 , 500 mmbtu for the entire month of december . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by michael mitcham / gpgfin / enron on 11 / 29 / 2000 08 : 43 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - maritta mullet 11 / 27 / 2000 05 : 08 pm to : david bush / ecf / enron @ enron , mark diedrich / gpgfin / enron @ enron , steven m elliott / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , paul fox / ecf / enron @ enron , david m johnson / ecf / enron @ enron , robert e lee / hou / ect @ ect , anita luong / hou / ect @ ect , gregg lenart / hou / ect @ ect , thomas meers / gpgfin / enron @ enron , michael mitcham / gpgfin / enron @ enron , john l nowlan / hou / ect @ ect , lee l papayoti / hou / ect @ ect , james prentice / gpgfin / enron @ enron , kerry roper / gpgfin / enron @ enron , sally shuler / gpgfin / enron @ enron cc : subject : natural gas nomination for december 2000 - - r e v i s i o n please revise the natural gas nomination for the mtbe plant for december 2000 as follows : 10 , 000 mmbtu for the first 15 days of the month 2 , 000 mmbut for the last half of the month - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by maritta mullet / gpgfin / enron on 11 / 27 / 2000 05 : 01 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - maritta mullet 11 / 27 / 2000 04 : 44 pm to : david bush / ecf / enron @ enron , mark diedrich / gpgfin / enron @ enron , steven m elliott / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , paul fox / ecf / enron @ enron , david m johnson / ecf / enron @ enron , robert e lee / hou / ect @ ect , anita luong / hou / ect @ ect , gregg lenart / hou / ect @ ect , thomas meers / gpgfin / enron @ enron , michael mitcham / gpgfin / enron @ enron , john l nowlan / hou / ect @ ect , lee l papayoti / hou / ect @ ect , james prentice / gpgfin / enron @ enron , kerry roper / gpgfin / enron @ enron , sally shuler / gpgfin / enron @ enron cc : subject : natural gas nomination for december 2000 enron methanol nominates the following natural gas requirements for the methanol plant for december 2000 : 33 , 000 mmbtu per day egpfc nominates the following natural gas requirements for the mtbe plant at morgan ' s point for december 2000 : 12 , 000 mmbtu per day for the first 15 days of the month . none for the last half of the month . mtbe plant will be down after december 15 .
natural gas nomination for december 2000 - - r e v i s i o n # 2
please revise the natural gas nomination for the mtbe plant for december 2000 as follows : 10 , 500 mmbtu for the entire month of december . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by michael mitcham / gpgfin / enron on 11 / 29 / 2000 08 : 43 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - maritta mullet 11 / 27 / 2000 05 : 08 pm to : david bush / ecf / enron @ enron , mark diedrich / gpgfin / enron @ enron , steven m elliott / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , paul fox / ecf / enron @ enron , david m johnson / ecf / enron @ enron , robert e lee / hou / ect @ ect , anita luong / hou / ect @ ect , gregg lenart / hou / ect @ ect , thomas meers / gpgfin / enron @ enron , michael mitcham / gpgfin / enron @ enron , john l nowlan / hou / ect @ ect , lee l papayoti / hou / ect @ ect , james prentice / gpgfin / enron @ enron , kerry roper / gpgfin / enron @ enron , sally shuler / gpgfin / enron @ enron cc : subject : natural gas nomination for december 2000 - - r e v i s i o n please revise the natural gas nomination for the mtbe plant for december 2000 as follows : 10 , 000 mmbtu for the first 15 days of the month 2 , 000 mmbut for the last half of the month - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by maritta mullet / gpgfin / enron on 11 / 27 / 2000 05 : 01 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - maritta mullet 11 / 27 / 2000 04 : 44 pm to : david bush / ecf / enron @ enron , mark diedrich / gpgfin / enron @ enron , steven m elliott / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , paul fox / ecf / enron @ enron , david m johnson / ecf / enron @ enron , robert e lee / hou / ect @ ect , anita luong / hou / ect @ ect , gregg lenart / hou / ect @ ect , thomas meers / gpgfin / enron @ enron , michael mitcham / gpgfin / enron @ enron , john l nowlan / hou / ect @ ect , lee l papayoti / hou / ect @ ect , james prentice / gpgfin / enron @ enron , kerry roper / gpgfin / enron @ enron , sally shuler / gpgfin / enron @ enron cc : subject : natural gas nomination for december 2000 enron methanol nominates the following natural gas requirements for the methanol plant for december 2000 : 33 , 000 mmbtu per day egpfc nominates the following natural gas requirements for the mtbe plant at morgan ' s point for december 2000 : 12 , 000 mmbtu per day for the first 15 days of the month . none for the last half of the month . mtbe plant will be down after december 15 .
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04 / 01 assignment , termination , expiration report - houston pipe line attached is the april 2001 assignment , termination & expiration report for houston pipe line ' s contracts . ( fyi - it contains all of the entries made by our group since the report was last done on 3 / 8 / 01 , regardless of the effective date . ) if you do not need to receive this report or if you know of someone else that should receive it , please let me know by e - mail or phone ( x - 36982 ) so that i can either remove your name from or add their name to the distribution list .
04 / 01 assignment , termination , expiration report - houston pipe
line attached is the april 2001 assignment , termination & expiration report for houston pipe line ' s contracts . ( fyi - it contains all of the entries made by our group since the report was last done on 3 / 8 / 01 , regardless of the effective date . ) if you do not need to receive this report or if you know of someone else that should receive it , please let me know by e - mail or phone ( x - 36982 ) so that i can either remove your name from or add their name to the distribution list .
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asset marketing plan fyi - please let me know if you have any adjustments , or need additional information . thanks ! - - - - - original message - - - - - from : hardy , trey sent : tuesday , june 12 , 2001 10 : 31 am to : killen , faith ; helton , susan subject : revised asset marketing plan 20 m margin plan is included in this presentation . trey
asset marketing plan
fyi - please let me know if you have any adjustments , or need additional information . thanks ! - - - - - original message - - - - - from : hardy , trey sent : tuesday , june 12 , 2001 10 : 31 am to : killen , faith ; helton , susan subject : revised asset marketing plan 20 m margin plan is included in this presentation . trey