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The American Liver Foundation is a national, voluntary nonprofit organization dedicated to the prevention, treatment, and cure of hepatitis and other liver diseases through research, education and advocacy. Although liver diseases are among the leading seven major causes of death in the United States, there was no national voluntary health agency devoted exclusively to combating liver diseases until 1976, when the American Liver Foundation was formed. Many serious liver diseases are potentially preventable; education about them can give individuals an opportunity to participate in their own preventive health care. An increase in research can make it possible to develop improved treatments and find cures. A major effort is necessary to control the increase in liver diseases.
The Children's Liver Association for Support Services has a mission to provide family support, emotional support and educational materials for families with children afflicted with liver disease and liver transplantation and they provide medical research seed grants. Additionally, they strive to increase public awareness about the importance of organ donation.
CLASS maintains a telephone hot line to enable liver disease patients, their families and the general public to obtain information about liver disease, services of the organization, and referrals to medical professionals. They perform family matching with other families in their geographical area via database and provide direct financial assistance to families in need directly related to their child's liver disease.
CLASS publishes a quarterly newsletter, CLASS Notes, that is free, and are planning to have several brochures available. They have a bibliography of books and articles that are available to members and a lending library of articles on liver transplants, immunosuppressant medications, hepatitis, and books that include, "Puzzle People, Love, Medicine, Miracles," and "How it Feels to Fight for Your Life." | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45160000 |
“States don’t fail overnight. The seeds of of their destruction are sown deep within their political institutions.”
Is it cutlure, weather, or Geography? What about war or some singular event that re-writes history? In their new book, Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty, authors Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson argue that man, not nature, sows the seeds of his own destruction through political and economic institutions.
“Korea,” they write, “to take just one example, is a remarkably homogeneous nation, yet the people of North Korea are among the poorest on earth while their brothers and sisters in South Korea are among the richest. The south forges a society that created incentives, rewarded innovation, and allowed everyone to participate in economic opportunities.”
1. Lack of property rights (e.g., North Korea)
North Korea’s economic institutions make it almost impossible for people to own property; the state owns everything, including nearly all land and capital. Agriculture is organized via collective farms. People work for the ruling Korean Workers’ Party, not themselves, which destroys their incentive to succeed.
2. Forced Labor (e.g., Uzbekistan)
Coercion is a surefire way to fail. Yet, until recently, at least in the scope of human history, most economies were based on the coercion of workers — think slavery, serfdom, and other forms of forced labor. In fact, the list of strategies for getting people to do what they don’t want to do is as long as the list of societies that relied on them. Forced labor is also responsible for the lack of innovation and technological progress in most of these societies, ranging from ancient Rome to the U.S. South.
3. A tilted playing field (e.g., South Africa)
In 1904 in South Africa, the mining industry created a caste system for jobs. From then on, only Europeans could be blacksmiths, brickmakers, boilermakers — basically any skilled job or profession. This “color bar,” as South Africans called it, was extended to the entire economy in 1926 and lasted until the 1980s, robbing black South Africans of any opportunity to use their skills and talents. They were condemned to work as unskilled laborers in the mines and in agriculture — and at very low wages, too, making it extremely profitable for the elite who owned the mines and farms.
4. The big men get greedy (e.g., Egypt)
When elites control an economy, they often use their power to create monopolies and block the entry of new people and firms. This was exactly how Egypt worked for three decades under Hosni Mubarak. The government and military owned vast swaths of the economy — by some estimates, as much as 40 percent. Even when they did “liberalize,” they privatized large parts of the economy right into the hands of Mubarak’s friends and those of his son Gamal.
5. Elites block new technologies (e.g., Austria and Russia)
New technologies are extremely disruptive. They sweep aside old business models and make existing skills and organizations obsolete. They redistribute not just income and wealth but also political power. This gives elites a big incentive to try to stop the march of progress. Good for them, but not for society.
Consider what happened in the 19th century, as railways were spreading across Britain and the United States. When a proposal to build a railway was put before Francis I, emperor of Austria, he was still haunted by the specter of the 1789 French Revolution and replied, “No, no, I will have nothing to do with it, lest the revolution might come into the country.” The same thing happened in Russia until the 1860s. With new technologies blocked, the tsarist regime was safe, at least for a while. As Britain and the United States grew rapidly, however, Austria and Russia failed to do so.
6. No law and order (e.g., Somalia)
One must-have for successful economies is an effective centralized state. Without this, there is no hope of providing order, an effective system of laws, mechanisms for resolving disputes, or basic public goods.
Yet large parts of the world today are still dominated by stateless societies. Although countries like Somalia or the new country of South Sudan do have internationally recognized governments, they exercise little power outside their capitals, and maybe not even there. Both countries have been built atop societies that historically never created a centralized state but were divided into clans where decisions were made by consensus among adult males. No clan was ever able to dominate or create a set of nationally respected laws or rules. There were no political positions, no administrators, no taxes, no government expenditures, no police, no lawyers — in other words, no government.
7. A weak central government (e.g., Colombia)
…its central government is unable or unwilling to exert control over probably half the country, which is dominated by left-wing guerrillas, most famously the FARC, and, increasingly, right-wing paramilitaries. The drug lords may be on the run, but the state’s absence from much of the country leads not only to lack of public services such as roads and health care, but also to lack of well-defined, institutionalized property rights.
8. Bad public services (e.g., Peru)
Calca and nearby Acomayo are two Peruvian provinces. Both are high in the mountains, and both are inhabited by the Quechua-speaking descendants of the Incas. Both grow the same crops, yet Acomayo is much poorer, with its inhabitants consuming about one-third less than those in Calca. … The road to Calca is paved, while the one to Acomayo is in terrible disrepair. To get beyond Acomayo you need a horse or a mule — not due to any differences in topography, but because there are no paved roads. In Calca, they sell their corn and beans on the market for money, while in Acomayo they grow the same crops for their own subsistence.
9. Political exploitation (e.g, Bolivia)
For the great mass of rural Bolivians, one elite had simply replaced another in what German sociologist Robert Michels called the “iron law of oligarchy.” Rural people still had insecure property rights and still had to sell their votes for access to land, credit, or work. The main difference was that instead of providing these services to the traditional landowners, they now provided them to the MNR.
10. Fighting over the spoils (e.g., Sierra Leone)
Intense extraction breeds instability and failure because, consistent with the iron law of oligarchy, it creates incentives for others to depose the existing elites and take over.
This is exactly what happened in Sierra Leone. Siaka Stevens and his All People’s Congress (APC) party ran the country from 1967 until 1985 as their personal fiefdom. Little changed when Stevens stepped aside, passing the baton to his protégé, Joseph Momoh, who just continued the plunder.
The trouble is that this sort of extraction creates deep-seated grievances and invites contests for power from would-be strongmen hoping to get their hands on the loot.
|Still curious? Why Nations Fail will change the way you look at—and understand—the world. Nassim Taleb just gave it a 5 star review.| | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45164000 |
Terms of Impairment
The ADA Blurs the Line Between Lawful Activity and Unlawful Discrimination
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed by Congress and signed into law by President George Bush in 1990 amid much congratulatory hoopla. “Let the shameful wall of exclusion finally come tumbling down,” the President declared. “Every man, woman, and child with a disability can now pass through once-closed doors into a bright new era of equality, independence, and freedom.” Like all the other grand, noble exercises in federal utopia-building, the ADA is proving to be a prolific source of examples of the law of unintended consequences. One would almost suspect that a group of crazed free-market economists had dreamed this law up so as to never run out of illustrations of the ways coercive legislation leads to harmful results.
Stories about the litigation the ADA has spawned are legion: a suit by a 350-pound Tennessee woman against a movie theater for not having seats wide enough to accommodate her; a judge who argued that he should not be removed from the bench after being caught shoplifting because he was “disabled” by depression over his daughter’s failure to get into law school; a suit by a deaf lifeguard over a YMCA’s insistence that all lifeguards be able to hear distress cries. The list goes on and on.
The remarkable vagueness of the law makes it easy for prowling lawyers to concoct federal cases out of rejection, disappointment, or inconvenience. A person has a “disability” if he has a “physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities.” But what counts as an “impairment”? What is a “major life activity”? What is a “substantial limit”? Laws used to be very precise. You knew whether you had stolen another person’s car or not. But with the ADA, the demarcation between lawful activity and unlawful “discrimination” is pure fog.
Among the “impairments” that have become prominent under the ADA is attention-deficit disorder (ADD). This recently “discovered” learning disability can entitle the “sufferer” to special legal status and obligates others to provide special compensatory treatment, known in legal parlance as “accommodation.” In the years to come, one of the most uttered phrases in America will be, “You must accommodate me—or else.”
Children who have trouble staying focused, following instructions, or playing calmly are said to have ADD. There are no objective symptoms, and everyone who has ever been around children very much knows that at times virtually every child has trouble paying attention to what adults want him to pay attention to. Fortunately, trained experts—child psychologists and counselors with the appropriate university degrees and state certificates—are able to diagnose ADD. In fact, parents often ask them to.
Why would a parent want to have his child diagnosed as having a learning disability? The answer is that in the perverse world of the ADA, the special privileges to which you are entitled if you fall into the “protected class” of the disabled give you significant advantages over normal (or, to use the politically correct term, “differently abled”) people.
One accommodation to which those with this learning disability are entitled is the right to take crucial exams, such as the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), and the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) under special conditions—in a distraction-free room and with extended time. Taking away the normal, pressure-filled test conditions and replacing them with the congenial conditions of ADA accommodation can make a large difference in performance. Parents know that, and, wanting to maximize the chances of success for their children, some shop around for a specialist who will give the desired diagnosis. The number of exams given under “special circumstances” has risen exponentially ever since the ADA became law.
The Educational Testing Service (ETS) administers the SAT, LSAT, MCAT, and other exams. When students show their ADD papers, they are routinely given the mandatory “accommodation.” When their scores are reported to colleges and universities, ETS marks them as “nonstandard administration,” which could mean that the test was given in braille, in enlarged print, or, as with those “disabled” with ADD, additional time. More than that ETS does not dare say, for fear that it would be sued if it provided any further information about the exact testing conditions.
Once they have the test results, colleges and universities are careful not to treat the standard ones as any different from the nonstandard ones. To do so would, again, be to invite litigation. The expense and adverse publicity that would come from a suit alleging one of the most heinous of all contemporary offenses—discrimination against the disabled—is simply not worth the benefit of being able to assess more fully the capabilities of the various applicants.
The result is that students whose parents were clever and wealthy enough to use the ADA to their advantage by securing a “disability” diagnosis wind up with a substantial advantage over others. The student who was allowed to take, for example, the MCAT without time pressure is more likely to gain admittance into medical school than an otherwise comparable student who took the MCAT normally.
A Legal Leg Up
To the extent that attention-deficit disorder diagnoses are just a scam (and some medical experts argue that the very notion of ADD is quackery), the law is simply giving the unscrupulous a means of getting ahead of everyone else. To the extent that ADD is real and the law is assisting individuals who have a hard time concentrating to get into colleges and professional schools, it is attacking one of the most important functions of market competition, namely, steering people into the kinds of work for which they are best suited. Not even the most vociferous advocate for “the disabled” would be willing to be treated or operated on by a doctor who has difficulty in staying focused.
By short-circuiting the market’s tendency to direct people into appropriate work, the ADA increases the likelihood that consumers will suffer at the hands of less-than-competent practitioners. Ordinarily, the slightest chance that something might harm a consumer is enough to send statists into frantic activity. Several years ago, for instance, the federal government banned the use of Alar in apple orchards when it was disclosed that some lab rats developed tumors after being force-fed megadoses of the chemical. The resulting publicity had mothers wondering if it was even safe to dump apple juice down the drain. Sober scientists pointed out that neither the apple juice nor Alar posed even the slightest threat to humans, but their voices were drowned out by the cry, “We must not take chances!”
There is far more likelihood that someone will be harmed by the egalitarians’ attack on standards, of which the ADA is an integral part. However, you search in vain for any expression of concern from them that compelling schools to admit lesser-qualified individuals involves taking chances. Evidently, risks brought on by their own feel-good meddling with individual decision-making and the natural order of the world don’t count.
Despite the high-blown rhetoric, the ADA is a terrible solution to a virtually non-existent problem. Most truly handicapped people who wanted to work, attend college, or do anything else were able to do so prior to the enactment of the ADA. They had to adapt to the world, however, pursuing goals that were realistic given their mental and physical limitations. They had to seek out institutions and employers that wanted them, rather than forcing themselves on those that didn’t. They naturally steered themselves toward those situations where their handicaps were not handicaps at all, just as people lacking an aptitude for mathematics steer themselves into fields where mathematical ability is not important.
The statists with their mania for group rights, however, can’t tolerate that “the handicapped” sometimes have to take “no” for an answer. Rather than trying to help the handicapped to improve their abilities and find the places where they fit in naturally, they take the political path of legislated coercion. Much as we may feel for the disabled individual struggling to make ends meet (and bear in mind that many disabled people succeed very well on their own), it is wrong to use coercion to deprive other people of their freedom to make decisions—their right to say “no.” | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45167000 |
28th mayo 2010
Masters student uses pedal power to create novel machine
An innovative bicycle-powered water pump, created by a student at the University of Sheffield, has proved a huge success and is now in regular production in Guatemala, transforming the lives of rural residents.
Jon Leary, 24, a MEng student in the University’s Department of Mechanical Engineering, took his bicycle machine design from a Steel City drawing board to the heart of Guatemala as part of his dissertation, which required him to ‘make something useful out of rubbish.’
During his four month stint in Guatemala, Jon spent time improving the design for his bicibomba movil – a mobile bicycle-powered water pump to be used for irrigation and general water distribution - by working with the Guatemalan NGO Maya Pedal, who design and build a variety of weird and wonderful bicycle machines using abandoned bikes sent over from the US and Canada. Maya Pedal’s aim is to produce machines which can improve the daily lives of locals, without them having to resort to expensive electrical or environmentally damaging fossil fuelled machines. Their machines, which are human-powered sustainable energy sources, range from the bicilavadora (bicycle washing machine) to the bicimolino (corn grinder).
Jon created the machine using a normal bike, which is plugged into a frame with an old electrical pump converted to a friction drive attached to the back wheel. The back tyre of the bike makes direct contact with the former armature of the motor, which is covered with rubber from an old tyre to give better grip. The machine was tested to a range of heights and on flat ground the pump can achieve a 40 litres per minute flow rate - equal to about three normal showers. At 26 meters, a flow rate of 5 liters per minute can be achieved.
The bike frame can be built quickly and easily using only basic workshop tools and materials, including a few lengths of angle iron, some flat lengths of metal, bicycle seat posts and seat tubes, and a scrapped standard electric centrifugal water pump.
Prior to Jon’s design, Maya Pedal had already produced a popular machine capable of drawing water from up to 30m below the surface, however many farmers lived on steep inclines and wanted to distribute the water once it had been extracted from the well. As a result, unlike Maya Pedal’s other static designs, Jon’s bike is completely mobile - when a person is done pumping, they can simply flip the frame upside down and it will sit on top of the back wheel like a pannier rack. This mobility enables users to pump from the bottom of the hill to a mid-way tank until full, and then continue pumping from the mid-way tank to the top of the hill. The number of mid-way tanks can be increased indefinitely, effectively making the pumping distance unlimited.
The machine is now in regular production in Guatemala and at least six more models have been made since Jon’s departure from the country last summer. Jon has since produced an open source construction manual for the machine, which is freely available on Maya Pedal’s web site. The manual was recently sent to Malawi by students from the University of Strathclyde involved in a rural irrigation project aiming to address some of the agricultural problems that the developing nation is facing.
In two months time, Jon will return to Guatemala with a team of three more of the University’s recent graduates from the Department of Mechanical Engineering to design, build and test a wind turbine. The turbine will be designed specifically for Maya Pedal and as a result will be constructed from disused bicycle parts and other scrap materials.
Jon said: “When I was asked to design a novel product from waste material for my Master's thesis, I never would have expected that I'd end up welding together bicycle machines in the highlands of Guatemala! Working at Maya Pedal was like being on Scrapheap Challenge - there is a storeroom full of stripped down bicycle parts, a workshop full of tools and the only limit is your own imagination. There was never a dull day, the volunteers came from all around the world to be there and everyone in the local town was so friendly - it’s certainly an experience I’ll never forget.”
Dr Steve Bradbury from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Sheffield, said: “It is gratifying to see that the design expertise that we foster in our students can be utilised in worthy projects such as this. It is a result where everybody wins; Jon, the University and most importantly, the people of Guatamala.” | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45173000 |
Who is this Program for?:
This program is designed to teach children ages 2+ years old, children with learning challenges, and English Language Learners. We guide the child as well as the parents on how to correctly teach a child to read.
How does this Program Work?:
The program teaches the Alphabet, Letter Sounds, Blending, Phonics, Sight Words, Long Vowels, and Common Grammatical Exceptions.
1. Entertaining Stories.
2. Engaging and Musical Instructional Videos.
3. Games and Flashcards.
This program provides you with fun educational resources that guide your child through the steps needed to learn to read. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45176000 |
Lykes Brothers is studying the carbon footprint of its 337,000-acre ranch in Highlands County.
John Alleyne thinks Highlands County, already known for its 450,000 acres of prime agricultural lands, has the potential for at least one more significant crop: Carbon credits. Under a cap-and-trade system, which many see coming within the next few years, the federal government is likely to cap carbon emissions for various kinds of activities, from farming to manufacturing. Some enterprises will be able to earn “credits” because they consume more carbon than they produce; others will be able to earn credits because they can easily reduce their emissions well below their limits. In either case, the credits can then be sold to other businesses for whom lowering emissions is tougher.
In Europe, carbon trading is rapidly expanding, from $31 billion in value in 2006 to $78.6 billion last year. The European carbon markets have emerged in response to the Kyoto Protocol, an international treaty that mandates cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. The treaty wasn’t ratified by the U.S., so carbon trading here remains voluntary and less lucrative. Still, for public relations reasons, businesses in the U.S. that produce high levels of greenhouse gases can purchase credits to help offset their excess emissions. Currently, a single carbon credit, defined as a metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent, trades for as low as a dollar on the Chicago Climate Exchange. In Europe, carbon credits can trade for $20 or more. Sandra Kling, chief environmental scientist for Eco 2 Asset Solutions, says the proposed Waxman-Markey climate change bill includes a cap-and-trade plan much like the Kyoto agreement that, if approved, would likely boost the price significantly.
The limits for farm lands will depend on how much carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide is created in growing and harvesting crops. Farms can cut their greenhouse gas emissions and earn carbon credits by implementing greener farming methods, not farming the land at all or planting cleaner crops, such as carbon-absorbing trees. A typical 100 acres of citrus, for example, would garner about 80 carbon credits a year, while 100 acres of longleaf or slash pine trees would equal about 108 carbon credits annually.
Alleyne, director of the county’s agricultural extension office, says land owners and farmers are asking questions about carbon credits particularly as citrus, one of county’s cornerstone crops, continues to fade after 20 years of losses from citrus canker and greening. “Some of the growers are in a transition stage,” says Alleyne, whose office recently hosted the county’s first carbon-credit workshop. “They are looking for new opportunities for revenue.”
Lykes Brothers, which owns the 337,000-acre Lykes Ranch in Highlands and Glades counties, is already getting ready. Sandra Kling, chief environmental scientist for Eco 2 Asset Solutions, a Lykes subsidiary that helps landowners measure carbon emissions, says the ranch’s carbon footprint is under study to determine how many carbon credits it might have to trade. “I see climate change legislation coming,” Kling says. “Eventually, we’ll be transitioning to a carbon-constrained world.” | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45178000 |
In the Media
China battles desertification
July 05, 2012
As scientists increasingly label desertification as one of the most burning challenges facing the world today, a small village in China’s semi-arid Northeastern region of Inner Mongolia is fighting back.
Chifeng City’s dry climate and sparse vegetation have given way to severe surface erosion and poor soil fertility. Agriculture and animal husbandry, the two economic cornerstones of Chifeng City’s nine counties and three districts, are increasingly threatened by the spell of desertification, though afforestation began as early as 1940.
Chifeng City identified deforestation and plowing of hill slopes, continued overuse of sandified farmlands and intensive grazing as the main culprits of the problem, in a region low in plant density and productivity. China is currently saddled with a colossal 2.6 million square-kilometre area of desertified and sandified land – almost a quarter of the country’s total territory, covering 18 provinces and impacting 400 million people.
“By 2030, the demand for food is likely to increase by 50 percent, and by 45 percent for energy and 30 percent for water. Each of these demands will claim more land. This would lead to more deforestation unless we commit to restore degraded land,” Luc Gnacadja, executive secretary of the UNCCD stressed.
Please click here to read the original news item.
Keywords: Asia, China, deforestation, desert, desertification, Inner Mongolia, UNCCD | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45188000 |
When I Am Afraid
Explore the Bible Series
October 18, 2009
Background Passage: Psalm 56:1-13
Lesson Passage: Psalm 56:1-13
The superscription of this Psalm indicates that David wrote these words during his sojourn with the Philistines (See I Samuel 21:10-15). Wearied by the constant threats of King Saul, David nearly broke under the stress of fear, and he used this Psalm to give expression to his emotional distress. I value this Psalm, among many others, because it provides insight into the emotional life of a great man of God. David’s godliness did not exempt him from the frailties of human nature, and his genuine transparency about his fears helps me understand the machinations of my own heart.
David’s relationship with Saul deteriorated badly after
Saul’s disobedience at Gilgal (See I Samuel 15:1-35). God rejected Saul as king of
In a frantic effort to escape Saul’s treachery, David sought
refuge, of all places, among the Philistines.
Achish, king of the Philistine city of
Fear has a crippling effect on God’s people. This debilitating malady may take many forms, but, at its heart, fear arises from a struggle with trusting God. The world seemed to close in on David. For reasons he could not control, his relationship with Saul disintegrated quickly, and death loomed at every turn. For a long season David sought to run from his pursuer, but his efforts left him emotionally exhausted and without refuge. He saw no reliable route of escape.
Perhaps some of you feel like David. You encounter danger at
every turn. Escape seems impossible, and
you weary of the struggle.
I. David’s Great Trial (vv. 1-7)
A. The Nature of David’s Trials
1. “a man tramples me” (v. 1b and 2a): David spent his youth in an agrarian environment, and he knew the destructiveness of animal stampedes. Panicked herds can do great damage to anything in their paths, and this poor man felt like he had been trampled under hoof.
2. “all day long an attacker oppresses me” (1c and 2a): Saul’s pursuit seemed interminable; all day long he harassed the beleaguered young man. While the pursuit had acute moments of danger, David emphasized, in this phrase, his exhaustion from the dogged, ongoing pursuit of his adversary. “Oppresses” denotes a weighing down, to labor under an unbearable load.
3. “many attack me proudly” (v. 2b): Saul amassed a vast array of allies to murder David. In his conceit, Saul apparently believed his alliances would spell doom for his prey.
4. “all day long they injure my cause” (v. 5a): Some translations (NKJV and NIV) render this verse “twist my words.” Whatever the case, David believed his adversaries had constructed their murderous alliances around a superstructure of lies.
5. “all their thoughts are against me for evil” (v. 5b): Saul was obsessed with murdering his friend and servant, and every waking thought centered on the king’s fixation on killing his rival.
6. “they stir up strife, they lurk, they watch my steps, as they have waited for my life” (v. 6): This series of brief descriptions depict the insidious nature of Saul’s conspiracy. Like many obsessed people, he used subterfuge and whispered conversations to rally his co-conspirators. Dear readers, I have often found that whispered, “confidential” conversations reveal a sinister, ungodly, diabolical motive. Refuse to let conspiratorial people to dump their “trash” in your ear (See Romans 1:28-31, I Timothy 5:13, and I Peter 2:1).
B. David’s Confidence in God
1. “be gracious to me, O God” (1a and 7): David’s hope, we see, rested in the Lord. His first recourse was to devote his cause to God, in prayer. His supplications demonstrated that he had not lost all hope, and he still had confidence that God would help him, according to the Lord’s grace. The prayer continues in Verse Seven where David asked the Lord to vindicate him before his enemies, especially those nations that had allied with Saul, against David.
2. “when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you (v. 3): Some stressful situations call for careful expressions of trust, and, for David, fear did not repel him from the Lord; rather, the distress attracted the supplicant to the throne of grace. These words do not imply that David only sought the Lord during times of trial, but they reflect the consistent course of David’s practice of prayer. Some days ago, as I babysat my little grandson, I turned my eyes for a split second, and, as I was distracted, he pushed a button on our stereo system. Instantaneously, loud music blared from the speakers, and the sound startled Kyle. A look of panic coursed over his face, and he fled immediately to the safety of my arms. No one taught him to seek safety; he fled to me instinctively. Like our little boy, David’s turned intuitively to the arms of the Lord, during a season of peril.
God, whose word I praise, in God, I trust; I shall not be afraid” (v. 4): Some
time earlier, God had given his word to make David king of
II. David’s Confidence in the Faithfulness of God (vv. 8-11)
A. “you have kept count of my tossings” (v. 8a): The word translated “tossings” (ESV) may also mean “wanderings.” Whatever the translation, David’s point is unmistakable. He took comfort that God had not forgotten him; that the Lord noticed his suffering and fear.
B. “put my tears in your bottle, are they not in your book?” (v. 8b): “Bottle” refers to an animal skin used to store liquids, like wine. David called on the Lord to collect his tears; that is, he petitioned God to take note of his weeping. In mid-verse, the Psalmist changed analogies when he referred to the Lord’s book. In this context David seems to have seen the Lord as a business man who keeps meticulous records, and he hoped that God would record his tears.
C. “then my enemies will turn back… this I know, that God is for me” (v. 9): David had many enemies, but he also enjoyed the support of one important ally, the Lord. Saul was against him, but God was for him.
D. “in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?” (vv. 10-11): Again, David referred to his fear, a fear that only trust in God can relieve.
III. David’s Vows to the Lord (vv. 12-13): In this section, David made two vows to God; then, he followed his promises with a final note of thanksgiving.
A. “I must perform my vows to you” (v. 12a): We do not know the nature of these promises David made, but, perhaps, the hardships of life had deterred him from keeping his word. This phrase seems to indicate a renewal of David’s vows to God.
B. I will render thank offerings to you, O God” (v. 12b-13): The Mosaic Law encouraged a “peace offering” that the Jewish people made in seasons of thanksgiving (See Leviticus 7:11-21, 28-36). Perhaps David, during his flight from Saul, neglected his sacrificial responsibilities. In the final verse of the Psalm, David identified the object of his thanksgiving, God’s deliverance of his soul from death. The Lord had kept David from stumbling, thus enabling him to walk before the Lord in the light of life. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45193000 |
The sun sets over Welsh mountains in a December 2008 file photo.
Sunspot group 1024, which finally developed over the 4th of July weekend.
A large flare shoots out from the sun.
After one of the longest sunspot droughts in modern times, solar activity picked up quickly over the weekend.
A new group of sunspots developed, and while not dramatic by historic standards, the spots were the most significant in many months.
"This is the best sunspot I've seen in two years," observer Michael Buxton of Ocean Beach, Calif., said on Spaceweather.com.
Solar activity goes in a roughly 11-year cycle. Sunspots are the visible signs of that activity, and they are the sites from which massive solar storms lift off.
The past two years have marked the lowest low in the cycle since 1913, and for a while scientists were wondering if activity would ever pick back up.
During 2009 so far, the sun has been completely free of spots about 77 percent of the time. NASA researchers last month said quiet jet streams inside the sun were responsible, and that activity would soon return to normal.
The new set of spots, named 1024, is kicking up modest solar flares.
Sunspots are cool regions on the sun where magnetic energy builds up. They serve as a cap on material welling up from below.
Often, that material is released in spectacular light shows called solar flares and discharges of charged particles known as coronal mass ejections.
The ejections can travel as space storms to Earth within a day or so, and major storms can knock out satellites and trip power grids on the surface.
Prior to the low-activity period, astronomers had been predicting that the next peak in solar activity, expected in 2013, might be one of the most active in many decades.
That forecast was recently revised, however, and scientists now expect the next peak to be modest.
All this matters because, as laid out in a report earlier this year by the National Academy of Sciences, a major solar storm nowadays could cause up to $2 trillion in initial damages by crippling communications on Earth and fueling chaos among residents and even governments in a scenario that would require four to 10 years for recovery.
Such a storm struck in 1859, knocking out telegraph communications and causing those lines to erupt in flames. The world then was not so dependent on electronic communication systems, however.
Copyright © 2009 Imaginova Corp. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45196000 |
Health & Medicine - Posted by Futurity-Jenny Leonard on Wednesday, July 6, 2011 16:53 - 1 Comment
In 20s, hypertension risk for low earners
DUKE (US) — Young adults with lower income and less education face the greatest risk of having high blood pressure, new data shows.
Researchers examined data from more than 14,000 men and women between 24 and 32 years old, exploring why nearly one in five has high blood pressure. The results were published in the July issue of the journal Hypertension.
“The rates of obesity and high blood pressure in this young adult population are striking and our findings provide a clearer picture of who appears to be at highest risk,” says Beverly Brummett, the study’s lead author and associate research professor at Duke University. “Those with low education and income tended to be more overweight and exercised less, and in turn had higher blood pressure.”
The recent studies are from the 2008 National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, known as Add Health, funded by the National Institutes of Health. Findings published in the May issue of the journal Epidemiology found 19 percent of young adults had elevated blood pressure, which significantly increases the likelihood of developing heart disease and stroke. Only 11 percent of the study participants had ever been told by their doctor they had the condition.
In the latest study, researchers found that lower household income was most strongly associated with elevated blood pressure. A lower education level was also related to higher blood pressure, but not as strongly as household income and by way of behavioral risk factors, such as smoking and less exercise.
Researchers contrasted their findings with a smaller study among a similar young adult population in France conducted during the same timeframe. In the French study, education was more strongly associated than income with high blood pressure.
“The U.S. data were collected amid the recent economic recession, which resulted in job loss and diminished household incomes among many study participants,” says Redford Williams, director of Duke’s Behavioral Medicine Research Center and study co-author. “It’s interesting to consider that in the U.S., where we do not have a national health care system as they do in France, we find that household income is most strongly associated with blood pressure. The differences in the health care systems may play a role.”
“It wasn’t all good news for people with higher education and incomes,” Brummett says. “Young adults with higher income and education tended to have higher alcohol intake, which is strongly related to elevated blood pressure.”
Brummett and Williams emphasized that blood pressure monitoring should be done routinely much earlier in life.
“Waiting until middle age, as many people do, may be too late,” Brummett adds.
Interventions that promote weight loss and reduce resting heart rate have the potential to reduce the impact of less education and low income on blood pressure, especially among young adults, researchers say. And the benefits would extend into middle and older adulthood.
“People in this age group should stop smoking, drink no more than two servings of alcohol per day, exercise regularly, and get in the habit of monitoring their blood pressure,” Williams says.
Study co-authors include additional researchers from Duke and the University of North Carolina.
More news from Duke University: http://today.duke.edu/ | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45202000 |
The information age has brought about many ways for educators to help their students learn, creating an atmosphere where the learners desire flexibility in the way they learn. Modern students expect on-demand, high-quality learning environments that allow them to have more say in what and how they learn.
Flexible Learning in an Information Society uses a flexible learning framework to explain the best ways of creating a meaningful learning environment. This framework consists of eight factors -- institutional, management, technological, pedagogical, ethical, interface design, resource support, and evaluation -- and a systematic understanding of these factors can create successful flexible learning environments. Gathering the knowledge of leading researchers from around the world, Flexible Learning in an Information Society presents a broad understanding of the emerging field of flexible learning and provides guidance in creating these environments.
Price: Sign In for price | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45205000 |
By The LEAD Project
Published August 2012 List Price:$24.95, Your Amazon.com Price: $13.95
Amazon.com Sales Rank:1,750 Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
Scratch is the wildly popular educational programming language used by millions of first-time learners in classrooms, libraries, and homes worldwide. By dragging together colorful blocks of code, kids quickly learn computer programming concepts and make cool games and animations.
In Super Scratch Programming Adventure!, kids learn programming fundamentals as they make their very own playable video games. They'll create projects inspired by classic arcade games that can be programmed (and played!) in an afternoon. The book's patient, step-by-step explanations of the code and fun programming challenges will have kids creating their own games in no time.
This full-color comic book makes programming concepts like flow control, subroutines, and data types effortless to absorb. Packed with ideas for games that kids will be proud to show off, Super Scratch Programming Adventure! is the perfect first step for the budding programmer.
GDNet Staff Review: Super Scratch Programming Adventure is a departure from the typical books I review. For one, it is for kids. And it is written in the style of a comic book (or "graphic novel" as some soon-to-be-mentioned kids corrected me). It is a book designed to gently get kids involved in game programming using the already-gentle "Scratch" programming/animating tool for kids.
As for my reviewers, I knew I was so far out of the target demographic that I wouldn't be able to fairly review this title, so I recruited a couple of local kids to help me. My first reviewer was my ten year-old daughter, and the second was her 12 year-old male Manga-obsessed friend from across the street. I figured they would give me a good idea of how this book would appeal to kids.
My daughter was already a bit of a Scratch-adept, having taken a one-week course in it over the summer. She was also a bit lazy in her approach, as each chapter of the book is a two-page framing story followed by several pages of "how to make a Scratch program that resolves the situation in the story". There are plenty of code listings and screenshots, but since Scratch is such a colorful Lego-esque environment to start with, the code listings merge in seamlessly with the comic characters.
And that's how programmers start out!
Super Scratch Programming Adventure is a bit of a grand experiment in cultivating baby programmers. It is written for a very young audience ''' the 10 and 12 year-olds I tested the book on were probably on the upper bound of the audience. It is clearly the child of No Starch Press's "Manga Guide" series, only even more approachable and colorful, with splashy colorful listings and screenshots on every page.
The Amazon price for this book at the time of this review is under $14. You can buy a PDF version from No Starch Press's website but it's more expensive. And If you get this in the hands of the right kid, it is going to be read a dozen times and will be traded with friends and will be generally abused, so you probably want the paper copy anyway.
If you have a 6-10 year old boy or girl in your family, I unhesitatingly recommend Super Scratch Programming Adventure for their holiday gift. It is not too expensive, and if it ends up in the hands of the right kid, it will be a life-changing experience. If anything, check out the "Click To Look Inside" link on the Amazon page to see how kids' programming books should be done.
This is one of those books that, 40 years from now, experienced programmers will be sharing "oh yeah, that's the book that got me started" stories. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45208000 |
Gardening Articles: Care :: Pests & Problems
Peach Tree Borer
by National Gardening Association Editors
Adult moths are 3/4" long.
This photo shows an adult peach tree borer, a blue-black moth. The moths' inch-long caterpillars damage trees by boring into the bark at or near soil level. The first indications of its presence are small piles of sawdust around the base of the tree. Sometimes a gummy sap oozes from holes. This pest also attacks almond, apricot, flowering cherry, nectarine, and plum trees. Mature trees can tolerate some damage; young trees are most vulnerable.
Peach tree borer is mostly a problem in California, but can occur wherever peaches grow.
Prevention and Control
In spring, make frequent checks of tree trunks near the soil line for evidence of borers. If you find a hole, probe inside with a stiff wire to kill the caterpillar. After leaves fall in autumn, spray horticultural oil as directed on the product label. Encourage parasitic wasps by providing habitat.
Photography by Eugene E. Nelson, Bugwood.org | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45210000 |
(Best months for planting Tomato in USA - Zone 5a regions)
S = Plant undercover in seed trays. P = Plant direct in garden where they are to grow.
There is nothing like the taste of a freshly picked tomato, warm from the sunshine. In the smallest of gardens or even an apartment with a window-box, it is worth growing at least one tomato plant for the pleasure it will give you. They will grow in pots, troughs or even hanging baskets.
Tomatoes are frost tender and should be grown in shelter or under cover in cool climates.
Tomatoes need feeding. In a garden bed, compost and mulching will produce a crop from one or two plants. In containers, use some suitable long term fertiliser pellets or feed regularly when you water. Feeding also improves the flavour of the fruit.
When you plant out, put the seedlings in a deep holes, up to the top set of leaves. The covered stems will put out extra roots and you will have a stronger, healthier plant.
There are many different varieties of tomatoes but they all have one of two growth habits.
Compact bush growth, stops at a specific height and useful for containers. If left without supporting stakes, they will form a dense carpet which excludes weeds and keeps the soil cool and damp.
Will continue growing a main stem, or vine until stopped by frost. The majority of heirloom tomatoes are indeterminate.
Both types need stakes to give them some support otherwise they will sprawl across the garden.
Varieties include Acid-free, Bush, Tall, Cherry, Yellow and many others.
Use in sauces, with fried meals, in sandwiches. Can be frozen whole or in pieces.
This planting guide is a general reference intended for home gardeners. We recommend that you take into account your local conditions in making planting decisions. Gardenate is not a farming or commercial advisory service. For specific advice, please contact your local plant suppliers, gardening groups, or agricultural department. The information on this site is presented in good faith, but we take no responsibility as to the accuracy of the information provided. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45211000 |
The length of amyloid fibrils found in diseases such as Alzheimer and Parkinson appears to play a role in the degree of their toxicity, according to researchers at the University of Leeds. Their findings are published in The Journal of Biological Chemistry in a paper titled “Fibril Fragmentation Enhances Amyloid Cytotoxicity.”
Sheena Radford, Ph.D., and colleagues systematically analyzed the effects of fragmentation on three of the 30 or so proteins that form amyloid in human diseases. Their results showed that in addition to the expected relationship between fragmentation and the ability to seed, the length of fibrils also correlated with their ability to disrupt membranes and reduce cell viability. This was evident even when there were no other changes in molecular architecture.
Co-author, Eric Hewitt, Ph.D., says that while the findings provide scientists with unexpected new insights for the development of therapeutics against amyloid deposit-related diseases, the next stage of research will involve looking at a greater numbers of the proteins that form amyloid fibrils. “We anticipate that when we look at amyloid fibers formed from other proteins, they may well follow the same rules.”
“It may be that because they’re smaller it’s easier for them to infiltrate cells,” Dr. Hewitt suggests. “We’ve observed them killing cells, but we’re not sure yet exactly how they do it. Nor do we know whether these short fibers form naturally when amyloid fibers assemble or whether some molecular process makes them disassemble or fragment into shorter fibers. These are our next big challenges.” | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45221000 |
How about doing a set design for Romeo and Juliet. You decide what scale
you want to do it at, and materials to use - maybe mixed media (wood,
metal, wire, paint, clay...). The kids can explore the time period, what
materials were used in architecture, clothing... during that period.
On Sun, 7 Sep 1997 10:04:55 -0400 (EDT) Toulouse95 writes: >The 9th grade English teacher at my school is doing a unit on >Shakespeare/Romeo and Juliet. She wants the art students to some >project on >this theme - the Advanced English class's must be 3-D. I know many of >you >must have some novel ideas in those creative heads of yours. Any >suggestions? > >Thanks, >Mary Jane > > > | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45228000 |
SANTO DOMINGO, Aug 03 (IPS) - One of the major difficulties to overcome in climate change adaptation policies in the Dominican Republic is society’s low awareness of the risks, even though this Caribbean island nation is seriously exposed to the impacts of the phenomenon.
The probable consequences of climate change for the Dominican Republic range from the loss of 14 percent of the country’s territory by 2100 and the salinisation of half of its aquifers, to more intense natural catastrophes like hurricanes and unusual rainfall patterns.
“This is why one of the main focuses of our work is to try to sensitise people about the issue, to get them to understand how much they could lose due to this problem,” the projects coordinator at the Dominican Institute for Integral Development (IDDI), Evaydee Pérez, told IPS.
She said risk perception among Dominicans is low. That is also true for those involved in the tourism business, she added, pointing out that the rule for building hotels at least 60 metres from the coast is not always respected.
And awareness remains low, she said, despite the risk of salinisation, which is already affecting the water supplies of hotels that depend on the millions of tourists who visit the country every year.
The expert said there is still a tendency to see climate change as a problem of the future. Nor do people realise that it is not only an environmental issue, but also an economic and social concern, she added. “Many people don’t understand this, and see it as a myth, an excuse,” she said.
A Gallup poll commissioned by the government found that climate change was the fifth most pressing concern among the Dominicans surveyed, and that the population had very little knowledge about the causes of the phenomenon.
The IDDI, a non-profit institution created in 1984 to help fight poverty in both rural and urban areas, sponsors several projects designed to foment understanding and promote climate change adaptation measures in the most vulnerable communities.
The institute is part of Climacción, a Dominican initiative that brings together individuals, organisations, companies and academic institutions in a movement that generates ideas and actions mainly aimed at raising awareness on and researching climate change.
After clarifying that the idea is to complement government efforts, Pérez said public policies would be more efficient if the local population participated. “For example, it is important for women to talk about how they are affected by climate change, and what can be done. They are hit harder by the effects of this problem,” she said.
In the La Barquita de Los Mina neighbourhoods, one of many that stretch along the Ozama River in Santo Domingo, Eridania Rosario is one of the women who do not seem to be daunted by the rigours of the climate - even though on more than one occasion, her house has been almost completely covered with water when the river flooded.
“If you ask 50 people from La Barquita, they will all say the same thing. Our main problem here is the river, which overflows its banks when it rains a lot,” she told IPS. As the president of the neighbourhood association, Rosario is more informed than most local people, and believes the rains have become more intense as a result of climate change.
Other people told IPS they did not know why the Ozama River kept flooding, and said they built their humble shacks there, defying the danger, because they had nowhere else to live. “Without a doubt, these sectors are the most vulnerable to climate change,” Pérez said.
Some 30 organisations in the capital joined together in May in the “community network for adaptation to climate change”, to come up with joint actions, especially in the city’s most vulnerable communities, which are home to some 400,000 people, according to Pérez’s estimates.
The network was created through an IDDI project to promote education and communication. “We talk about the issue in plain language, because one of the hurdles to eliminating barriers is that information on climate change is still couched in scientific terms, and the message doesn’t reach the public,” she said.
A study that the IDDI published in July states that 13 of the country’s 31 provinces face high or very high vulnerability to climate change, including Santo Domingo, the country’s industrial and economic hub, as well as provinces along the border with Haiti. (The Dominican Republic covers two-thirds of the island of Hispaniola, and Haiti makes up the remaining portion.)
The study says that one of the top priorities is capacity-building to raise the level of awareness of the local population on the risks they face. “There are many families who live in those areas as if they had adapted to the danger,” said Luis Alejo, coordinator of the IDDI risk management group.
The strategy followed by his unit in communities at risk of natural disasters is to sensitise people about the dangers to which they are exposed, while strengthening local capacities of prevention, mitigation and response to extreme weather events.
“There is a national system that includes municipal prevention committees, but they have to be rooted in, and accompanied by, the grassroots level. Neighbourhood organisations and associations, clubs and churches must be included in the process of training, capacity-building and coordination,” Alejo told IPS.
The support includes supplying the tools for local residents to act in an organised manner in case of floods, landslides or other emergencies, such as loudspeakers, generators, radio equipment, shovels, wheelbarrows, flashlights and other elements.
© Inter Press Service (2012) — All Rights ReservedOriginal source: Inter Press Service
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New Study Finds Link Between Flu Shot, H1N1 Pandemic
A new study has found that people who received a flu shot before the outbreak of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic were more likely to catch the swine flu virus, a startling discovery given the fact that experts have blamed the pharmaceutical industry for deliberately engineering the pandemic to make huge profits from vaccines.
“Researchers, led by Vancouver’s Dr. Danuta Skowronski, an influenza expert at the B.C. Centre for Disease Control, noticed in the early weeks of the pandemic that people who got a flu shot for the 2008-09 winter seemed to be more likely to get infected with the pandemic virus than people who hadn’t received a flu shot,” reports the Vancouver Sun.
Despite the claim that the link was only related to Canadians who had received the flu shot, Dr. Skowronski was able to re-create the results in ferrets. Giving half the ferrets the 2008 seasonal flu shot and the rest a placebo injection, eventually all the ferrets were infected with the pandemic H1N1 virus.
Despite the results of the experiment, Skowronsk still bizarrely encouraged people to get the flu shot. According to the CDC, the 2009 H1N1 outbreak killed as many as 400,000 people – although others dispute this figure.
Confirmation that the seasonal flu vaccine could very well have been the cause of the H1N1 outbreak or at least helped it spread validates the testimony of experts like former Chair of the Council of Europe’s Sub-committee on Health Wolfgang Wodarg, who in February 2010 told the Alex Jones Show that the pandemic was manufactured by pharmaceutical companies in league with the World Health Organization to make vast profits while endangering public health.
Initial reports that the swine flu bug was a never-before-seen intercontinental mixture of human, avian and pig viruses from America, Europe and Asia prompted theories that the virus could have been synthetically manufactured in a lab.
Wodarg said that governments were “threatened” by special interest groups within the pharmaceutical industry as well as the WHO to buy the vaccines and inject their populations without any reasonable scientific reason for doing so, and yet in countries like Germany and France only around 6 per cent took the vaccine despite enough being available to cover 90 per cent of the population.
Wodarg said there was “no other explanation” for what happened than the fact that the WHO worked in cahoots with the pharmaceutical industry to manufacture the panic in order to generate vast profits, agreeing with host Alex Jones that the entire farce was a hoax.
He also explained how health authorities were “already waiting for something to happen” before the pandemic started and then exploited the virus for their own purposes.
Professor Ulrich Keil, director of the World Health Organization’s Collaborating Centre for Epidemiology, also slammed the swine flu epidemic as an overblown “angst campaign”, devised in conjunction with major drug companies to boost profits for vaccine manufacturers.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45236000 |
You can speed up the access to nodes of a large Info file by giving it a tags table. Unlike the tags table for a program, the tags table for an Info file lives inside the file itself and is used automatically whenever Info reads in the file.
To make a tags table, go to a node in the file using Emacs Info mode and type
M-x Info-tagify. Then you must use C-x C-s to save the
file. Info files produced by the
makeinfo command that is part
of the Texinfo package always have tags tables to begin with.
Once the Info file has a tags table, you must make certain it is up
to date. If you edit an Info file directly (as opposed to editing its
Texinfo source), and, as a result of deletion of text, any node moves back
more than a thousand characters in the file from the position
recorded in the tags table, Info will no longer be able to find that
node. To update the tags table, use the
An Info file tags table appears at the end of the file and looks like this:
^_^L Tag Table: File: info, Node: Cross-refs^?21419 File: info, Node: Tags^?22145 ^_ End Tag Table
Note that it contains one line per node, and this line contains the beginning of the node’s header (ending just after the node name), a ‘DEL’ character, and the character position in the file of the beginning of the node. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45241000 |
*** I've posted a copy of this in here, but you may want to check the link at the bottom as it gives a variety of resources. ***
Did you know that with one wrong mouse click you could make it possible for someone to read all your email, documents, or instant messages? That they could also view your grades, online bank accounts, or change your course schedule? That they could read or change anything on your computer? Or anything accessed from it? That they could turn on your computer's microphone to listen in on conversations? Or command your computer to attack other network users or sites? Or use your computer for a computer crime for which you may be blamed?
Did you know a newly installed Windows XP, 2000, NT, or Linux computer is likely vulnerable to the same type of compromise without even a mouse click just by being attached to the network?
Did you know several such incidents have occurred on computers at JMU...from Windows 95 and Macintosh desktops to Windows NT and Unix servers? That they've been used to attack other computers and divulge information? Did you know all our computers are scanned constantly from around the world by people hoping to take advantage of them?
Did you know that your behavior impacts your neighbors' security and their behavior yours?
The Internet, paired with today's software, provides us astonishing capabilities for sharing and communication. However, these same capabilities also provide access and computer power to more than 300 million people around the world...some of whom may not share our behavioral expectations. Examples, such as random acts of vandalism, can be found in any local newspaper.
The threats associated with online folks' behavior are very different from similar threats in the physical world. Using the same freedom and functionality we treasure, they can communicate with our computers almost instantaneously, almost anonymously, and en masse from around the world. They don't even need to be a computer expert. It only takes one person to write a destructive program to enable many people without technical knowledge to cause problems, just as all of us use word processors and web browsers without knowing how they work or being able to write one ourselves.
While the risks associated with these threats can be decreased by limiting communications, limiting computer functionality, and increasing the complexity involved with our computing environment, they can't be eliminated because security is never absolute. Moreover, the more we wish to maintain our current freedom in communications and computing, the more necessary it is that we individually take steps to take care of ourselves and reduce the need for outside controls and limitations.
The only person ultimately in control of a computer is the operator in front of the keyboard. That person presently has the freedom to run any software he or she wants and communicate with anyone around the world. Each of us must do his or her part to help ensure the integrity of our network by operating our computers safely.
Our computers can do almost anything we tell them to do. Unfortunately, this versatility makes them very complicated. A certain amount of awareness and skill is necessary to operate such a complicated device safely on a world wide network. The goal of the R.U.N.S.A.F.E. program is to help you attain the knowledge and skills necessary for safely operating an Internet connected computer.
The information and associated steps listed on this page are key components to everyone's online security. Everyone should understand them and be able to take the actions described. R.U.N.S.A.F.E. workshops are offered once per semester that describe the incidents we've seen at JMU, the threats we're exposed to, and that teach the defensive concepts and procedures described here. Onsite workshops are also available to groups. (contact Gary Flynn to schedule one).
Click here to download the RUNSAFE workshop PowerPoint presentation. If you don't have PowerPoint, you can get a free viewer from Microsoft here.
A sixteen minute RUNSAFE awareness video is available. It can be downloaded here. The material is copyrighted by Jim Blackburn but may be used for educational purposes. The file is 161 MB in size.
R.U.N.S.A.F.E. Goal for All Computer Operators on the JMU network:
* Understand the material on this page.
* Run anti-virus software and update it weekly. Preferably the campus supported Norton Anti-virus.
* Treat email attachments and other unknown programs with caution.
* Use the Windows Update Site on every new installation and monthly thereafter.
* Choose strong passwords for your own desktop, particularly Windows NT/2000/XP machines, and on servers which you may use and keep them confidential.
* Use care if you enable Microsoft File Sharing.
* Visit the Hot Topics! page at least monthly.
* For all server operators (Windows 2000/IIS/Unix/Mac/Whatever) and all unix desktop operators:
1. Set up new computers with the network cable disconnected.
2. Turn off all services running on the newly installed computer.
3. Connect to network and download and install patches.
4. Turn on only needed services.
5. Subscribe to vendor security bulletins and check the Hot Topics page weekly.
REFUSE to Run Unknown Programs
Our computers operate the way they do entirely because of the programs we run on them. When we run a program, we give control of our computer to the author of the program. In fact, a computer break-in is just someone running a program on our computer.
A perpetrator may convince us to run their program which then takes control of our computer. Or they may force our computer to run their program by using software defects or unintentional access. The program may then tell our computer to email viruses to our friends. It may tell our computer to collect and reveal our passwords. It may tell our computer to disable its anti-virus and personal firewall protection. It may tell our computer to flood a web site with traffic in an attempt to disable it. Or it may tell our computer to break into someone else's computer to help hide the identity of the perpetrator.
Since programs control the computer and everything the computer does or has access to, it is very important that we not run programs written by people we don't know or trust. Almost every other security precaution depends upon our having control of our computers. If we run unknown programs, we don't.
A program can take many forms. It might be a Windows .exe file. It might be a Microsoft Word macro. It might be a script.
We may find programs in many places. They may be offered to us in email attachments. They may be on web sites. They may be on shared folders. As we'll see later, they even may be forced on us over the network if we don't keep our computers up to date. For now, we'll concentrate on the programs over which we have a choice about running.
In our point and click world, knowing what to click and what not to click can be confusing. We are conditioned to click on everything. Here are some rules of thumb that may be helpful:
* We should pause a moment to consider the nature of the site, file, or message and how much we want to trust our computer to it before clicking:
o when the file or icon is an email attachment or associated with an instant message
o when the file or icon is in a shared directory accessible to other people on the network. For example, a Kazaa or Windows File Sharing directory.
o when our browser asks us if we want to allow extra access. For example, to download or execute a file, plug-in, or ActiveX control.
o when our Word processor or spreadsheet asks us if we want to allow a macro to run.
o when we don't know for certain where the file came from or through whose hands it passed
* We're generally safe to click in the following situations as long as our computer software is kept up to date.
o When the file is on our own computer. Note that an icon may point to a file actually on a shared drive or web site particularly with Microsoft's Active Desktop enabled.
o When we're browsing the web and our browser doesn't prompt us for extra access.
o When we're reading email and there are no attachments.
It all cases, risk is decreased if we save a file and open it with its related application rather than double-click it or choose "Open this file from its current location".
* By design or defect, a file displayed on our screen may not always appear as it should. It may look like a relatively harmless Word document (resume.doc), picture file (mydog.jpg) or sound file but may actually be a malicious executable program (spy.exe). By saving it to disk and opening it with the application that should go with it, we'll protect ourselves from this scenario. The couple of additional mouse clicks it takes to do this may save a lot of aggravation or worse.
* For example, if you are offered a file displayed as "resume.doc" in an email attachment or on a web site, don't double-click it or open it from its current location. Instead, save it to disk, open Word, and use Word's File->Open menu to open the file you saved. If the file doesn't open properly, or its name changes, its almost a sure sign something is badly wrong with the file.
There have been many instances of malicious programs spread automatically or getting passed around purposely or innocently. When such a program is discovered, vendors of anti-virus software update their products to recognize the new program. Running the anti-virus product on our computers protects us from this recognized program if we fail in our efforts at refusing unknown programs. But like flu shots, anti-virus software won't protect us from new viruses. Fast moving, email based viruses can circle the globe in hours and infect a lot of computers before antivirus software can be updated. Nevertheless, installing and maintaining anti-virus software is a very important part of maintaining the security of our computers. JMU has purchased licenses for Norton anti-virus for faculty, staff, and students home and office computers. It is fully supported by the helpdesk. Why not install it now?
* Click here to learn how to install the campus provided Norton antivirus software.
* Click here for instructions on checking the campus provided Norton antivirus software for proper operation.
When we receive email, we can rarely be sure who sent it. The FROM: information is as easily falsified as the return address on a paper envelope. Virus programs running on an infected computer can easily send out email in anyone's name. Accordingly, email attachments, which may contain malicious programs, should all be treated with caution. One click is all it takes to lose complete control of our computer and everything it accesses.
* Be particularly careful of unexpected or unusual email or attachments regardless of the source, content, or attachment name.
* Treat any email attachment whose name ends in ".exe", ".com", ".bat", ."scr", ".pif", ".shs", ".js", ".hta", ".vbs", or any ending you're not familiar with as you would hazardous waste material. Find out what it is from the sender before opening it!
-->more information on refusing unknown programs...
UPDATE Our Computers Regularly
Computer programs frequently contain defects. Some of these defects can allow third parties to run programs of their choice on our computers without any action on our part. This allows the third party to take control of our computers, and all the resources and data they have access to, for their own purposes.
* Defects in client programs like browsers, email clients, and media players may allow unwanted programs to run if we click a link to a malicious web page or receive malicious email. These types of defects can cause us to lose control of our computer simply by browsing the web or starting our email client.
* Defects in server programs like web or file servers, can allow someone to force unwanted programs to be run on our server. They exploit the defect by making malicious web or file requests. The exploitation might be carried out by an individual or by an automated program like a worm.
Running defective, vulnerable software on our networked computers is similar to leaving broken windows in our homes and offices for strangers to enter. Except with the Internet, people can enter these "windows" from anywhere in the world. Large scale scans from around the world are often seen within days of new vulnerabilities being announced. Machines with defective software or vulnerable configurations have been known to be compromised within hours of being attached to the network both here and elsewhere. Most software is out-of-date and full of vulnerable defects on the installation CDs and even sometimes when downloaded from vendor web sites. Scanners and automated worms may find a vulnerable server almost as soon as it is connected to the network. It is necessary to check for updates as soon as new software is installed and regularly thereafter.
Microsoft Windows Systems
Windows Desktop Operators:
* Use the Windows Update Service after every new installation.
* Re-use the Windows Update Service once a month to keep the computer up to date.
* If Microsoft Office is installed and you're not using JMU's Novell services for software management, visit the Office Update Site monthly. You'll need the original distribution media to install Office patches. People using JMU's Novell services can wait until Office patches are available through the JMUAPPS menu or use the Office Update Site as desired.
* Double-click the Norton Anti-Virus gold shield icon in the lower left of your screen. A Norton window will come up. Check the date of the Virus Definition File. If it is more than two weeks old, the Norton Anti-Virus program is not updating itself correctly. Click here for further instructions.
* Upgrade or replace software which Microsoft doesn't support with security patches. Of particular importance in this respect are:
o Microsoft Personal Web Server and Peer Web Services
o Internet Explorer versions 3 and 4
o Office 97 and 98 for Windows
o Windows 95
* Cygwin users must also check for defect updates in Unix programs packaged with Cygwin or installed separately. For example, OpenSSH.
* Review computer security Hot Topics page at least monthly for announcements of software defects or other issues that may affect you.
Windows Server Operators:
Servers need to have more timely patches as they run software that is accessible to anyone on the Internet. Patches should be installed as they become available.
* NEVER bring up a server until all patches and configuration changes have been completed. Unpatched servers have been found and compromised in minutes by automated worms and scripts. Install the software while the machine is disconnected from the network, make sure all servers are shut down, connect to the network and download the patches, disconnect from the network, and apply patches.
* Use Microsoft's HfNetChk Patch Analyzer tool to check Windows NT, 2000, and XP systems for needed patches. The QChain utility may be used to chain together multiple patches so they canbe installed without individual reboots.
* Subscribe to Microsoft's Security Bulletin Mailing List and apply patches as soon after they are announced and can be tested as possible.
* Cygwin users must also check for defect updates in Unix programs packaged with Cygwin or installed separately. For example, OpenSSH.
* Review computer security Hot Topics and Serious Defects pages weekly for announcements of software defects or other issues that may affect you.
* If you install non-Microsoft software, subscribe to vendor security bulletins or check their web site regularly for updates.
Linux and other Unix Systems
These systems often have server programs running after even a desktop default installation.
* NEVER bring up a server until all patches and configuration changes have been completed. Unpatched servers have been found and compromised in minutes by automated worms and scripts. Install the software while the machine is disconnected from the network, make sure all services started in the inetd.conf file, /etc/rc* files, or your vendor's equivalent have been disabled, connect to the network and download the patches, disconnect from the network, and apply patches.
* Subscribe to vendor security bulletins and apply patches as soon after they are available as possible. Click here for a list of various vendor security sites and notification services.
* Review computer security Hot Topics page at least monthly for announcements of software defects or other issues that may affect you. Server operators should check both the Hot Topics and Serious Defects pages weekly.
MacIntosh OSX is based on unix. Many unix related defects also affect MacIntosh OSX.
* Current security roll-up patches can be viewed and downloaded at http://www.info.appl...ty_updates.html
* Software updates can be requested using the Software Update pane in System Preferences.
* Email notification of security defects in MacOSX can be obtained by subscribing to the Apple notification service at http://lists.apple.c...curity-announce
* Review computer security Hot Topics page at least monthly for announcements of software defects or other issues that may affect you.
* Keep anti-virus software up to date.
* If available, check your vendor's security site monthly for critical security updates.
-->more information on updating our computers...
NULLIFY Unneeded Risks
Whether by operator mistakes, attempts at making computers easy to use, or encouraging open access, our computer's software sometimes grants more access to our computers than is needed. We can decrease risk by eliminating unneeded access to our computers.
* Microsoft Windows generally installs with several open doors by default. Shut these doors by following the following precautions:
o Assign a good password to all Windows NT, 2000, and XP accounts paying particular attention to the Administrator and other privileged accounts.
o Disable network access to the Windows Administrator account.
o Be very careful with Microsoft File Sharing. It is commonly misconfigured. Don't share more than you need to.
* Install and configure the IIS Lockdown Tool on NT, 2000, and XP computers to disable unneeded access and oft-exploited functionality on IIS Web servers that may be running.
* Disable unused Linux services
* Nullify Risks of Anonymous, Public Storage.
* Limit unwanted network communications with a firewall. If your computer is only used to communicate in certain ways, the consequences of mistakes or defects can be decreased by disabling other, unnecessary communication channels. One way this can be done is through desktop firewalls. Windows XP comes with firewall functionality built-in in the form of its Internet Connection Firewall. Other Windows operators have many commercial and no-cost choices. ZoneAlarm, by ZoneLabs, is free for personal or non-profit use but they specifically exclude educational institutions from this offer. You can, however, use it on a personal computer at home. Keep in mind that all desktop firewalls are vulnerable to locally run code. Some viruses disable them. Linux operators can take advantage of the built in ipchains or iptables facilities. More information on personal firewalls.
* Web Service designers, providers, and administrators should familiarize themselves with Guidelines on Securing Public Web Servers (PDF-National Institute of Standards and Technology)
* Follow platform specific "best practices" guidelines when configuring a public server
* Disable music and peer sharing services when not needed
* Use the NT/2000/XP Administrator and unix root accounts only when needed for system maintenance. Use a normal user account for all other activities particularly browsing the web and reading email.
The Checkup! security scanning service periodically scans JMU computers looking for those with vulnerabilities that others may exploit. If your computer is found to have a vulnerability, you may receive an automated email message alerting you to the problem. More information will be available shortly.
-->more information on nullifying unneeded risk...
SAFEGUARD Our Identity and Password
Passwords are the combination locks used to protect our computer accounts. It goes without saying that giving out our combination or leaving the lock unlatched (i.e. walking away from a logged on computer), compromises our security. However, technology provides ways for people to obtain our combination even if we aren't careless. To thwart such misuse, we must choose complex combinations. There are three elements to a complex combination:
1. It can't be obvious. That is, it can't exist in an attack dictionary.
* Every word in an English language dictionary can be tried in minutes. Attack dictionaries also include names, common misspellings, words with numbers, and other commonly used passwords. You also don't want the password to have any personal significance to you...your dog's name for example. Using a dictionary word for a password is like using a locker number for a combination.
2. It can't be a short
* A combination lock with a two number combination wouldn't protect very well. Anything less than an eight character password is like having a such a combination. It simply won't hold up for long on the network.
3. It can't be made up of just a few characters
* A combination lock with only ten numbers on the dial isn't as effective as one with fifty. Using just lower case letters is like limiting a combination lock to ten numbers. On systems that support them, passwords should contain at least one of each of the following characters:
o Uppercase letters ( A-Z )
o Lowercase letters ( a-z )
o Numbers ( 0-9 )
o Punctuation marks ( !@#$%^&*()_+=- ) etc.
Different systems have different capabilities. Some will not let you use all the strength features mentioned here. When you get an account or change your password on a system, you should be given instructions on any limitations.
How, you may ask, am I ever going to remember such a complicated password?
* Pick a sentence that reminds you of the password. For example:
o if my car makes it through 2 semesters, I'll be lucky (imcmit2s,Ibl)
o only Bill Gates could afford this $70.00 textbook (oBGcat$7t)
o What time is my accounting class in Showker 240? (WtimaciS2?)
* If you absolutely have to, record it in a secure location. It's probably safer to store a strong password in a place where someone would have to physically break in than to expose a weak password to 300,000,000 people on the Internet.
Accounts that are not accessible from the network, or that can be disabled if too many unsuccessful attempts are detected, are not as susceptible to high-speed guessing attacks. However, some systems have network accessible accounts you may not know about. Passwords for Windows NT, 2000, and XP Professional Administrator accounts and accounts included in the Administrator, Backup Operator, and Server Operator groups must be as strong as possible as these accounts have full, remote access to the entire file system through hidden shares. You can disable network access to these accounts by following the procedures here.
Never type your password into an untrusted computer or web site.
-->more information on safeguarding passwords...
ASSURE Sufficient Resources for Proper System Care
Do you want your organization's web server to become known as the one that makes headlines when it is used to bring down a high profile Internet site? That is used to break into your neighbors computer? That harbors illegal or inappropriate files? That gives away any privileged information that is stored on it? That is unreliable?
A publicly accessible network resource needs special care in its initial setup. Today's development projects often encompass many architectures, products, and technologies. Depending upon the level of your involvement with each component, you or your project team may need to be aware of a wide variety of issues. For example, a safe deployment of a web based application may involve taking into account implementation and development issues in any of the following environments:
* Core operating system issues in Unix or Windows
* Web server issues in Internet Information Services or Apache
* Web development issues in server and client side scripting and components
* Issues with transaction processors or application servers like Tuxedo or MTS
* Backend database issues with Access, Oracle, or MySQL
Issues with authentication, file access controls, data authorization, encryption, and network access controls often cross OS, web server, web development, application server, and database realms.
Perhaps less well known due to vendor marketing efforts and perhaps our own wishful thinking, a service needs ongoing monitoring and maintenance regardless of platform. Without this care, the server may not remain in operation long, it may not preserve the confidentiality and integrity of resident data and accounts, or it may be used as a base of operations for criminal activity including attacks on other computers.
* Budget planning, hiring procedures, staffing levels, and job descriptions should reflect the need for developer and administrator training and ongoing monitoring and maintenance in a complex and ever changing environment.
* Allow time for regular maintenance
* Elevate security and ongoing maintenance to the same level of consideration as cost, ease of use, functionality, and performance.
-->more information on assuring system care...
It is impossible to provide absolute security for our computers just as it is impossible to provide absolute security for ourselves or our possessions in the physical world. Insecurity is a fact of life. There are no technical panaceas.
There are 200 million people connected to the Internet and we cannot control their actions. They have world-wide, almost instantaneous and anonymous access to our computers' network ports. There are practical compromises in the design of our computers and networks that may leave them vulnerable to certain activities. Accordingly, we must temper our actions with awareness and take some precautions.
* Regularly backup critical or hard to replace data
* Be careful about whom and what you trust. Don't believe everything you see on the web or in email messages.
* Do not ignore warning messages. In particular, those associated with:
o Web browsers warning about site certificate mismatches
o Web browsers warning about file downloads or potential security problems
o SSH clients like Putty, F-Secure, and SecureCRT warning about host key mismatches
o Repeated virus warnings
-->more information on facing insecurity...
EVERYBODY Needs to Do Their Part
Your particular computer may not seem to be a desirable target of a compromise attempt but any computer is attractive as a stepping stone or attack vehicle. Simple Windows 95 and Macintosh desktops have been involved in security incidents. Even with switched networks, a compromised computer may be used to sniff network traffic from neighboring computers. Thus, your security is dependant upon your neighbors' security and their security on yours.
In the days of standalone computers, reckless or unauthorized use of a computer affected just one computer. With a networked computer and its access to shared network resources and common communications lines, the same actions may affect many computers, accounts, services, or people.
As long as we want to continue to have relatively open computing and communications choices, and preserve our privacy, services, and data, each one of us must do his or her part to help ensure the integrity of our network.
* Do your part - RUNSAFE
* Encourage and help your peers to do their part - RUNSAFE
-->more information on doing our part...
Feel free to use or derive from R.U.N.S.A.F.E. material as long as you give credit to JMU. A note to [email protected] describing your project would be greatly appreciated!
Sponsored by: █ Sparkhost - Hosting Without Compromises! █ Hybrid Performance Web Hosting █ Spark Host Stream Hosting █ Hybrid IRC & IRCd Server Shell Accounts
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0 members, 0 guests, 0 anonymous users | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45251000 |
Submit Module Request
Green Map's Energy & Environment Exploration Modules are designed to help middle and high school age youth experience and interpret their community's energy and environment from a sustainability perspective.
These timely resources are adaptable for different learning objectives and time frames. Each illustrated module includes:
- learning objectives,
- indoor and outdoor mapmaking tips and field reports,
- vocabulary, essay and discussion suggestions,
- activities to chart environmental assets and address important skills, topics and issues related to sustainability.
Educators and youth group leaders can copy an entire module or just the relevant page(s) for your students or use them on computer screens. The Educator's Guide is provided in text format so you can edit and adapt sections, as needed, or blend them into ongoing curriculum or projects.
These Modules are provided free to educators and youth group leaders during the 2008-2009 school year. By using these modules, students will gain a first-hand understanding of these complicated themes and how to make everyday choices that are more sustainable. You'll also get a 'taste' of Green Mapmaking, which we hope will lead towards registration of a full-scale mapmaking project. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45258000 |
Our oceans are an absolute marvel - but they are also in a deep, deep crisis. If we don’t act fast, our oceans will continue to deteriorate and vital food sources and essential functions provided to our planet and its people by the oceans could be lost forever. Since healthy oceans underpin our very survival, Greenpeace is today releasing an “Emergency Oceans Rescue Plan” aimed at world leaders, which sets out the best way to save our oceans- something that can and should be done at the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) which takes place later this month in Japan.
Our plan shows how to create a global network of marine reserves- wildlife parks at sea- to cover 40% of the world’s oceans. As scientists keep telling us, that’s exactly the kind of large-scale protection we need if we are to maintain living oceans. Our “Emergency Oceans Rescue Plan
” is a call for policy-makers to implement it.
The benefits are obvious. Large-scale marine reserves will not just protect the full diversity of marine life and ensure healthy fisheries. They will also help us to alleviate food insecurity and poverty and build the resilience of our oceans to the impacts of climate change and, ultimately, allow us to sustain life on Earth for future generations.
If we want our oceans to thrive and to continue to support human and animal life, then we need marine reserves now. Marine reserves are off-limits to fishing, fossil fuel extraction and other industrial activities. Establishing marine reserves effectively puts a massive ‘STOP’ sign right in the front of those destructive bottom trawlers and dirty oil exploration ships that roam our oceans so freely right now, and says “yes” to healthy oceans and fish for the future.’
Last month, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told politicians gathered in New York that a “rescue package similar to that introduced after the global financial crisis is urgently needed to halt the worldwide loss of biodiversity, which is resulting in a heavy human cost.”
Well, with respect to our oceans, world leaders preparing for the CBD meeting need look no further than the Emergency Oceans Rescue Plan. The CBD meeting is a chance for world leaders to halt the massive loss of marine biodiversity and ensure the survival of the millions dependent on the oceans for food and their livelihoods - all that is needed is political will.
Please spread the word and join the call for marine reserves. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45259000 |
Organizations or clubs are designed for students in diverting their attention and with purpose of bringing them extra form of relaxation and interaction with other students. It may be innumerable but almost serving the same purpose, they may differ from types of it. Some are into music, religion, science, major subjects or let us say law, theatre, political, sports, community service and groups that are dedicated with the all about of “essay on speech writing and presentation
.” Approval of the faculty and the dean is significant in order to make it formal and legal.
These organizations are led by fellow students who they thought would best fit the position of being the president. Advantages lie from joining and participating from the aforesaid. It keeps you on track, active and away from vices. School clubs also serves a training ground for selected participants and haven especially with their free time.
Social interaction is enhanced and which develop at its best that will be beneficial on their future. The students are draw closer despite of their differences. Sharing ideas, swopping of opinions can bring them together which in the end can give them positive result in terms of personality building. Today, students are always up for challenges and responsibilities, and these clubs is counted in.
At times, being not able to attend the class they make these clubs as an excuse. But is taken for granted to the fullest that sometimes affect their performance in school. The policies of school organizations when not executed well will always be the reason of irresponsible students in skipping classes. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45260000 |
Greenwood strongly believes that students need to develop their hidden talents and deserve every opportunity to do so. At previous schools many Greenwood students have never had a chance to develop their creative abilities; they were pulled out of fine arts classes in order to receive more individualized academic instruction. For this reason, Greenwood has developed a strong fine arts program that encompasses art, music, and drama. Each fine arts class is taught by professionals in their respective fields, who also enjoy working with young people
While many schools question the role that the arts have in education, Greenwood has seen how:
- It encourages creative problem solving and self-expression.
- It fosters patience and confidence in handling unfamiliar materials and assignments.
- It helps students improve their visual-spatial skills.
Although the object of art classes is to develop imagination and skill, the therapeutic benefits, such as the enhancement of fine motor skills, cannot be ignored. Many of our students have been found to possess superior talent in this discipline.
A typical Greenwood student’s class week includes two art classes. Drawing, sculpture, pottery, watercolor painting, and pen-and-ink techniques are taught. In addition, a popular student-drawn calendar is distributed to all on our mailing list each year. Crafts are also offered as extracurricular activities and as part of the Village Program.
Music is a valued and required course at Greenwood. We provide regular instruction in music appreciation and drumming, with private instruction for students who are studying an instrument. Our more advanced students perform as a rock band. It is our belief that developing a sense of rhythm, meter, and pitch is important for all students and may have significant benefits for those whose learning is hampered by auditory or kinesthetic difficulties. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45262000 |
1997 the Department of the Interior added the Grove Street
Cemetery to the National Register of Historic Places.
Three years later the Department
declared the cemetery a National Historic Landmark, the first
cemetery so designated in New England, because "this
site possesses national significance in commemorating the
history of the United States of America."
the cemetery "represents a mile-stone in the development
of a cemetery as a distinct institution.
Its monuments reflect the history of funerary
art in America while its entrance gate is recognized as one
of the leading examples of Egyptian Revival style in the
"The Dead Shall Be Raised"
Thomas Clarke Williams | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45264000 |
Field Biology Laboratory
The field biology laboratory is not only a space for the continuing study of the flora and fauna of North Carolina, but is also a rich source of archival materials collected over many decades. The lab contains a collection of study skins and mounts of birds native to North Carolina, and a collection of bird nests from the Piedmont region. This laboratory houses two historical collections of bird eggs gathered in the 1800s, including the T. Gilbert Pearson egg collection. In addition, students have access to a herbarium of North Carolina plants, and reference collections of preserved reptiles, amphibians, and mammal skulls of species native to North Carolina and beyond.
Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory
Students investigate various aspects of human physiology using computer-based software for recording electrocardiograms, electromyograms, and electroencephalograms. Advanced studies in neuroscience include the recording of individual neuronal action potentials. An associated laboratory for field studies in fisheries biology houses a complete array of equipment for the investigation of aquatic ecology, limnology, and ichthyology.
Microbial Genetics and Molecular Biology Facility
Standard and advanced equipment in the molecular biology and microbial genetics lab provide students with the tools for the study of the phylogenetic relationship between microbial organisms and the molecular analysis of signaling processes in nematodes. In their independent research projects, students utilize instrumentation for the growth of organisms under a variety of conditions, and the isolation, purification and quantification of genomic DNA. Students routinely utilize the techniques of PCR, Pulsed-field Gel electrophoresis, fluorescent microscopy, recombinant DNA technologies and RNAi. The department has two fully-equipped laboratories dedicated to independent, student research projects.
Forensic Biology Laboratory
The forensic biology laboratory supports advanced forensics students in Molecular Cell Biology and Forensic Anthropology. Students pursue the identification of drugs and toxins utilizing the gas chromatograph-mass spectrograph, which provides definitive identification of these substances. The laboratory is also where students investigate a variety of topics related to cause of death, e.g., identification of diatoms related to deaths by drowning, and skeletal damage due to ballistics, cutting and blunt force trauma. The highlight of the Forensic Anthropology course, the investigation of clandestine graves, utilizes the equipment and archival materials of the forensic biology lab for this capstone experience in forensics.
Forensic Chemistry Laboratory
Students utilize research-grade microscopes for the analysis of trace forensic evidence, and explore a variety of chemical methods for developing latent fingerprints. Forensic chemistry students employ the fully automated Shimadzu QP 2010 gas chromatography-mass spectrograph for the definitive identification of illegal drugs. Another major focus of the laboratory experience is the preparation of forensic DNA Profiles. After DNA extraction, forensic STR loci (including the CODIS loci) are amplified with the 9700 Thermocycler. Fluorescence detection of STR alleles is accomplished with one of the ABI 310 Genetic Analyzers. The ABI 7500 Real-Time PCR system is used to monitor DNA extraction from unusual forensic samples such as dentition. Computer-based GeneMapper software allows students to complete the construction of human DNA Profiles encompassing fifteen STR forensic markers. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45267000 |
Become a fan of h2g2
There is a stretch of coast running along north west Somerset, which points to an extraordinary episode in the life of the Earth. Along this coast is evidence of:
A Jurassic sea invading a Triassic desert in the form of fossilised ripples of sand.
The recession of the sea preserved in cliffs composed almost entirely of alabaster.
The resurgence of the sea, as evidenced by thousands of iridescent ammonites, tiny scallops, fish, and a myriad of warm, shallow sea fossils.
Unfortunately, the exact location will have to remain obscure, as fossil 'collectors' have had a deleterious impact over the years. A general location, however, will probably cause no harm. The following beaches and their fossils can be found between Hinkley Point and Porlock. Look across the Bristol Channel and you will be able to make out the south coast of Wales.
The Modern Coast
Other than the odd flat section caused by shallow river valleys, this coast is a mass of cliffs which end abruptly, diving straight down on to beaches that shelve off into the deep waters of the Bristol Channel. The coast here is exposed to the Atlantic weather, which is why, in part, it is so attractive to the fossil hunter. Based on observations by the renowned geologist Dr Peter Hardy of The University of Bristol, it has been estimated that the water erosion on this stretch totals about a millimetre a year (for the hard cliff rock). There are other, lower, cliffs composed of red mudstone which erode at a much faster rate, often causing a lethal environment for the unwary walker.
One of the reasons for this quick mudstone erosion is the height of the landscape behind the cliffs. The Quantocks are at one end, and Exmoor begins a little further on. Rain thunders down on to both, and percolates down, saturating the porous and mudstone rocks. Mudstone is similar to clay, in that it is composed of microscopic sheets of crystal lattice. When pressure is applied to these lattices, they slide off each other, like a surf board over water. This is why clay is so slippery. Destabilise these mudstone cliffs with lots of water, and things begin to slide.
Pillars of Alabaster
The alabaster cliff fall in 1998 was a tremendous sight. Five or six house-sized squares of cliff had fallen to the beach and jammed up against each other to form a room. These squares were composed of pink, orange and red alabaster, striated (marked with striate) with a shale-like rock. Where they had bashed against each other on the tumble down from the cliff, thousands of shards of alabaster had been knocked off, and lay scattered across the beach like a carpet. Within a couple of months there was not a single shard left. A mixture of high tides and tourists had scoured the beach.
Today, the fall is even more impressive. Several more blocks of alabaster, weighing at least a hundred tons apiece, have fallen from the cliff to join the other pioneers. Now it is easy to see that the entire cliff behind is composed of the same material. One of the layers of alabaster has slipped out, slid sideways, and now rises 35ft into the air from the beach. From the sea side of the beach it resembles a pillar. Erosion of the alabaster is fast. Since 1998, the sea has eroded the lower portions of the blocks, so they have 'waists'. Although interesting to look at, this feature has rendered the blocks even more unsafe than before. Be very careful when close to the blocks, and get ready to run at the faintest of noises.
This coast records the turning point between the Triassic and Jurassic eras. It used to be mountainous desert around here and you can still see evidence of it. The soil is stained red by haematite (oxidised iron ore, usually in particulate form), laid down when the desert was young. There is also more obvious evidence. Among the two hundred million-year-old rocks on the beach you can see fossilised ripples - identical to those found on the beach sand after the tide has gone out. There are also rocks that look like the cracked mud you would get at the bottom of a dried up puddle or pool, and this is precisely what they record - an incursion of sea into a desert, followed by a retreat.
This happened many times, perhaps over a period of millions of years. There is other evidence of a turbulent past; jumbled conglomerates lie here and there. Conglomerates usually gather where a vigorous, fast flowing river or stream connects with a slower moving body of water or lake. The vigorous river then dumps its detritus (wood, gravel, rocks, etc) into the slow body, where it might compact over years and turn into a conglomerate. The higgledy-piggledy patterns of the conglomerate rocks on this beach point to violent flooding and recession as the seas washed in and out of the ancient desert. The desert was eventually covered in ocean, marking the beginning of the Lower Jurassic period. The iridescent ammonites found here (Caloceras johnstoni) are the 'zone fossils' for the Lower Jurassic. A zone fossil marks definitive borders between one age and the next. When a fossil is particularly common worldwide, strata can be identified and dated by their presence.
Sea-Shells, Bone-Beds and Iridescent Ammonites
Among the more famous fossils along this stretch are the bone beds. These are, as the name would suggest, beds of fossils composed of bones, mainly of fishes, but also containing scales and teeth. Entire fishes have been found a little further on. There are also what appear to be miniature scallops in profusion, captured in a dark, hard rock. But the most obvious of fossils in this area have to be the aforementioned iridescent ammonites. Some are over two feet across, and when wet, shine like mother of pearl. This Researcher has a 12" by 10" slate covered edge to edge with ammonites of this nature, none larger than an inch across. People have been down to this beach with pneumatic drills and other heavy equipment to dig these prizes out of the rock. This is a huge shame, as some of the largest ammonites are otherwise too heavy to move, and would have given the casual passer-by enjoyment for years to come.
Is There Somewhere Else You Could Go?
The short and happy answer is yes. Britain is brimming with fossils, some of which are easier to find than others. The easiest of all are in gravel paths and driveways. Have a good look in among the stones and, if you find one that has a patterned surface (rather like someone has pushed a sponge into it) you have found yourself a fossil coral. Also, everyone has heard about Lyme Regis. Again, caution is advised under the cliffs, but if you keep your head down, and walk along the beach, you should come away with an ammonite or two. One tip is to visit your local museum - they frequently run days out, where children of all ages can go to a site accompanied by a professional palaeontologist or geologist.
If this entry has piqued your interest in Somerset, geology, or fossils, then try the entries below, which deal with all three subjects in varying degrees: | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45272000 |
Click here to view an interactive map of the Northern Ireland dataset as currently collated by CEDaR.
The map is generated through the NBN Gateway using their Interactive Mapping Tool.
Coregonus autumnalis pollan Thompson
Pollan is a glacial relict of an Alaskan-Siberian whitefish species and is not found anywhere in Western Europe outside of Ireland. It is a good example of the importance of correct taxonomy in determining conservation importance. For most of the twentieth century, pollan was regarded as one or other of two coregonid species found in Britain. However, molecular studies in the 1970s showed conclusively that it was C. autumnalis, but that there were sufficient differences to regard it as a distinct subspecies C. a. pollan. In a recent revision, Kottelat has suggested that it should be designated as a full species C. pollan rather than a subspecies, which would make it an endemic Irish species. Further work is required to validate this proposal. Irrespective of its exact classification, pollan is one of the most unique elements of the Irish fauna. Pollan entered the Shannon system as a migratory fish at the end of the last Ice Age, some 14,000 years ago, and from there it spread to Loughs Erne and Neagh, all of which were interconnected in the period of glacial retreat. As the sea temperature and salinity increased, pollan lost its migratory habit and became restricted to freshwater. However, pollan have been found in the Erne estuary at Ballyshannon and downstream of Coleraine on the Lower River Bann. Since Neagh, Erne and Shannon (Ree and Derg) stocks have been isolated for over 10,000 years, undoubtedly genetic differences have evolved among them as a result of adaptation to local conditions and by genetic drift. There is also some evidence of distinct populations within Lough Neagh, presumably maintained as a result of natal homing to separate spawning areas.
Pollan is a silvery trout-shaped fish, with a dark greeny-blue back. Superficially, it resembles a herring but is easily recognised due to the presence of the diagnostic salmonid adipose fin, a small fleshy dorsal fin just in front of the tail.
Pollan spawn in December and January in shallow rocky areas of the loughs where wave action provides good oxygenation for the developing eggs. The young fish feed on animal plankton and on larger invertebrates as they grow older. $Mysis relicta$, a glacial relict crustacean, is an important food source in Lough Neagh, as are the abundant larvae of chironomid midges. Spawning takes place from about three years of age and individuals can generally live for about five years, although a seven-year-old has been recorded from Lower Lough Erne.
There are no similar freshwater species present in Ireland but two related whitefish species are found in Scotland, Cumbria, and Wales, although several populations of these have become extinct in recent decades.
How to see this species
Lough Neagh pollan are fished for commercially and can be seen as fishermen land their catches at various quays around the lough. They can be bought in some fish markets and shops during the fishing season (March to October). Pollan sometimes move down the Lower River Bann and they have been caught by anglers downstream of Coleraine.
Although still common in Lough Neagh, pollan is no longer found in Upper Lough Erne and has become very rare in Lower Lough Erne since the 1970s. It was abundant in Lough Erne in the early part of the twentieth century where it formed the subject of a substantial commercial fishery. Exploitation of Lough Neagh pollan is controlled by Fisheries Legislation, enforced by the Fisheries Conservancy Board Northern Ireland.
Why is this species a priority in Northern Ireland?
Pollan is not found anywhere else in Western Europe outside Ireland
Threats/Causes of decline
Pollan require water with a good level of oxygen and so eutrophication, due to nutrient enrichment, and climatic warming are major threats, especially in the deeper lakes where oxygenation due to wind-mixing is reduced. The other major threat is increase of non-native species such as pike, roach and zebra mussel, which have been linked to the decline in Lower Lough Erne, possibly as a result of predation and decline in zooplankton availability. The recent introduction of zebra mussel into Lough Neagh presents a serious threat to pollan in this lough.
Conservation of this species
An all-Ireland Species Action Plan was published in 2005. There is also a UK Species Action Plan which was published in 1995.
What you can do
Support the restoration of Northern Ireland lakes to high water quality status. Help prevent the further spread of zebra mussels within Lough Neagh.
Text written by:
Professor Andrew Ferguson | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45273000 |
Power is actualized only where word and deed have not parted company, where words are not empty and deeds not brutal, where words are not used to veil intentions but to disclose realities, and where deeds are not used to violate and destroy but to establish relations and create new realities.
-Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition
Arendt’s conception of power is one of the most subtle and elusive features of her political theory. Here Arendt poses the problem of power in terms of power’s loss, of powerlessness, which is also what she calls “the death of political communities.”
What is powerlessness? What, exactly, is lost when power is lost?
There are many ways to become powerless in the world of twenty-first century politics. In the United States we often imagine that citizens would be powerless without their constitutional rights – the vote, free speech, due process. In and around the world’s many war zones, the loss of military protection seems to produce a very different kind of powerlessness, one that is linked to both our physical vulnerability to violence as human beings and the persistence of violence between sovereign states (and within them.) There is also the powerlessness that seems to follow from the dislocations or migrations of peoples, a condition that Arendt calls mass homelessness, which may come from the movement of peoples across borders or the redrawing of borders across peoples. Poverty appears to be another form of powerlessness altogether, one that disrupts our capacity to appropriate nonhuman nature through labor and work and thereby sustain our lives. Arendt argues that mass destitution, alongside mass homelessness, is a form of powerlessness that is peculiar to the political condition of the modern age.
Many other kinds of powerlessness can be added to this list. The list is disturbing not only for its variety and length, but also because the felt urgency of each danger invites us to elevate one or two above the others, so that we risk settling for powerlessness of several kinds in order to secure power in one or two “emergency” domains. We choose between the power of kill lists and drone strikes and the power of due process for Americans accused of terrorism. We weigh our powerlessness in the face of global warming against the powerlessness caused by the Great Recession, where the hoped-for “recovery” will be defined by consumption-led “growth,” rendered tangible by lower gas prices and more crowded shopping malls. Or, we may think that US power in the globalizing world of free trade and faster capital flows is dependent upon “securing our national borders,” achieved through the quasi-militarization of immigration enforcement. Hard choices are the stuff of politics - they are supposed to be what power is all about - but the dilemmas of modern powerlessness are peculiarly wrenching in large part because they are not readily negotiable by political action, by those practices of public creativity and initiative that are uniquely capable of redefining what is possible in the common world. Rather, these “choices” and others like them seem more like dead-ends, tired old traps that mark the growing powerlessness of politics itself.
The death of the body politic, which can only occur by way of the powerlessness of politics itself, is Arendt’s main concern in the above quote. In contrast to Hobbes, Rousseau, Weber, and Habermas, among others, Arendt distinguishes power from domination, strength, rationality, propaganda, and violence. Located within the open and common world of human speech and action, power reveals its ethical and political limits when it is overcome by deception, empty words, destruction, and “brutality.” Rooted in the human conditions of natality and plurality, and constituted by the gathered actions of many in a public space of appearance, power exists only in its actualization through speech and deed. Like action, power depends upon the public self-disclosure of actors in historical time. Actors acting together with other actors generate power. Yet because we do not know “who” we disclose ourselves to be in the course of collective action, or what the effects of our actions will turn out to mean in the web of human stories, power itself is always “boundless and unpredictable,” which in part explains its peculiar force. Given its boundlessness and unpredictability, power cannot be stored up for emergencies, like weapons or food and water, nor kept in place through fixed territories, as with national sovereignty. Power therefore co-exists only uneasily with machpolitik. Power can overcome violence and strength through the gathered voices and acts of the many; it can also be destroyed (but not replaced) through the dispersal of the many and the dissolution of the space of appearance. In-between gathering and dispersal, power is preserved through what Arendt calls “organization,” the laws, traditions, habits, and institutions that sustain the space of appearance during those interims when actors disperse temporarily and withdraw back into the private realm, only to reappear later.
For Arendt, the loss of power is the loss of our capacity to act with others in a way that generates, sustains, and discloses a common world. Powerlessness is marked by the receding of public spaces. This may occur, for example, through the gentle decline of a formally constituted public realm into the technocratic shadows of the social, or through the brutal sovereign repression of spontaneously emergent spaces of appearance. In both cases, our ethical and political incapacities to act together, and the philosophical inability to recognize power when we see it, are at the root of modern political powerlessness. Power-seekers, on Arendt’s view, would be well advised to cultivate a deeper political appreciation for both the immaterial force and fragility of human natality, plurality, and public space, which will be lost when power is mistaken for its rivals, like reason, strength, violence, or sovereignty.
Congratulations and Welcome to the Newest Hannah Arendt Center Fellows, Wyatt Mason, Bill Dixon, Laura Ephraim, and Ursula Ludz.
Wyatt Mason (Senior Arendt Center Fellow) is a contributing editor of Harper's Magazine and a contributing writer to The New York Times Magazine. His writing also appears in The New York Review of Books and The New Yorker. Modern Library publishes his translations of the works of Arthur Rimbaud, Rimbaud Complete and I Promise to be Good. A 2003-2004 fellow of the Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers at the New York Public Library, he received the 2005 Nona Balakian Citation from the National Book Critics Circle and a National Magazine Award in 2006. He teaches non-fiction in the Bennington Writing Seminars and will be Senior Fellow at the Hannah Arendt Center at Bard College for 2010-2011.
Charles (Bill) Dixon (Post-Doctoral Fellow) is a political theorist and a PhD. candidate in Political Science at Johns Hopkins University. Dixon’s research interests include ancient and modern theories of democracy, political judgment and action, political economy, and ontological problems in social science. He is currently working on a project on the politics of capitalist globalization and global warming.
Laura Ephraim (Post-Doctoral Fellow) recently finished her PhD in Political Science at Northwestern University. Her research scrutinizes several iconic texts from the origins of modern science in order to reopen a question that Hannah Arendt posed in The Human Condition, among other works: namely, what is the role of science in a democratic society? While at the Arendt Center, Laura will begin work on a book manuscript to extend the themes of her dissertation and will teach in the Language & Thinking Program and the First Year Seminar.
Ursula Ludz (Visiting Scholar) is editor of Letters: 1925-1975 by Hannah Arendt and Martin Heidegger and Arendt’s Denktagebuch among other publications. She will be in residence at the Center in the Fall, 2010. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45275000 |
Depression is a mental illness characterized by feelings of profound sadness and lack of interest in enjoyable activities. It may cause a wide range of symptoms, both physical and emotional. Unlike a blue mood, depression can last for weeks, months, or years, and rarely subsides without treatment.
Depression in college
Here’s what you need to know about how to prevent and treat depression while you or your child is in college.
Can folic acid help ease depression?
Folic acid, the B-vitamin that is famous for its role in preventing birth defects, is now under scrutiny for its effects on another devastating condition—depression.
How to choose a therapist or counselor
Perhaps you have a chronic or difficult problem, or maybe you feel depressed or sad. Before you jump into therapy, there are important issues that you need to consider.
Could your depression be related to your medication?
After two weeks of taking Accutane, an acne medication, 19-year-old Joe began experiencing fatigue, lack of motivation, sleep problems, and crying spells. He was diagnosed with depression—something his healthcare provider eventually believed was related to his use of Accutane.
Creativity and depression: is there a link?
History is filled with writers, poets, artists, musicians, composers, and other creative people who wrestled with mood disorders. But is this portrayal just a stereotype, or is there really a link between creativity and depression?
Depression screening advised for all adults
Soon your doctor may start asking more questions about your mental health. Prompting these changes are innovative new recommendations from the US Preventive Services Task Force on screening for depression in adults.
The role of depression in adolescent obesity
About 5% of children and adolescents in the Unites States suffer from depression. Could this put them at increased risk for obesity? A study from the journal
explores the possible link. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45278000 |
International Healthcare Worker Safety Center
Global Initiative for Healthcare Worker Safety
A forum for sharing research and best practices worldwide in the prevention of needlesticks and occupational exposures to bloodborne pathogens
Defining the problem...
Healthcare workers are a critical resource in every corner of the globe -- the infrastructure without which healthcare cannot exist. But in caring for us, they place themselves at risk daily of contracting life-threatening infections from bloodborne pathogens, including HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Injuries from needles and other sharp medical devices, along with accidental exposures to blood and body fluids from splashes and sprays, are the most serious occupational hazard faced by healthcare workers. (read more)
...and the solution.
Who should use this site?
Devices with engineered sharps injury protection are highly effective in reducing the risk of needlesticks and sharps injuries. We know that a combination of safer devices, hepatitis B vaccine and basic barrier garments save lives. The challenge is to get protective devices and products into the hands of healthcare workers who need them most--in every corner of the globe.
- Occupational health and infection
control practitioners looking for
training and educational resources in needlestick prevention and
- Researchers looking for the latest articles and
abstracts related to occupational
- Hospital and healthcare administrators
looking for information about EPINet,
a sharps injury surveillance program
- EPINet users worldwide who want to share
ask technical questions
- Medical device manufacturers looking to improve their products and participate in the global strategy for healthcare worker protection
We welcome your comments, questions, and suggestions for additions to this website. To submit a comment, please click here.
To learn more about the Center's Global Initiative for Healthcare Worker Safety and how you can participate, click here. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45284000 |
Characters.—Trunk usually cylindrical, when a terminal bud only is developed, becoming conical and branched when several develope: consisting of cellular tissue, among which the vascular tissue is mixed in bundles, usually without any distinction of bark, wood, and pith, and destitute of medullary rays; increasing in diameter by the addition of new matter to the centre. Leaves frequently sheathing at the base, and not readily separating from the stem by an articulation, mostly alternate, generally parallel-veined, rarely netted. Flowers usually having a ternary division; the calyx and corolla either distinct or undistinguishable in colour and size, or absent. Embryo with but one cotyledon; if with two, then the accessory one is imperfect, and alternate with the other; radicle usually enclosed within the substance of this embryo, through which it bursts when germinating (Lindley, chiefly).
The Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Vol. II, 3th American ed., was written by Jonathan Pereira in 1853. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45287000 |
Almost all of the 33 developed and developing countries surveyed in a new study had introduced or progressed with significant climate-related legislation within their own borders in the past year.
In 2012, 18 countries made significant progress, according to the report by the Grantham Research Institute at LSE and Globe International, which brings together legislators from different countries.
Only Canada had gone backwards on climate change, by repealing the Act implementing its targets under the Kyoto Protocol treaty to cut global emissions.
Despite a tough economic year for many countries, such as those in the eurozone, some progress was made by developed nations.
The EU as a whole made progress through its new directive on energy efficiency, while the US pushed forward with regulating carbon dioxide through its Clean Air Act.
Action by developing countries was more significant, with Mexico leading the way with a new climate law to cut emissions by 30% compared to "business as usual" by 2020, and major progress by countries ranging from Kenya to Pakistan. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45289000 |
Any responsible pet owner knows that owning pets, especially dogs, is a big responsibility. However, in Costa Rica there is a big dog dilemma.
With thousands of puppy mills, so-called breeders, and pet shops throughout the island nation, dogs are everywhere, yet sadly, an estimated one million dogs are released to the streets each year by owners no longer able to or perhaps no longer want to care for them.
Just as in many other countries, dogs in Costa Rica are used as status symbols, given as gifts to children and loved ones, and brought in as companions. However, when the novelty wears off and the dogs grow, often without proper training or space to live, they can become more work than their owners think they are worth, and the dogs are thrown out into the street.
Dogs once welcomed into homes are just as quickly left to fend for themselves on the streets and even given a new name, “callejeros” or “street dogs”.
Animals rescue workers have long urged residents to carefully consider bringing a pet into their home, and to never buy from pet stores, as many of the dogs come from puppy mills that continue to mistreat and over breed dogs, that as many now see just wind up on the streets.
During a recent National Geographic Channel documentary, “Dog Whisperer” Cesar Milan traveled to with Last Chance for Animals (LCA) to take a look inside puppy mills. Lat year, the Cesar Milan Foundation and LCA teamed up to create a PSA in Costa Rica tilted, “Adopt, Don’t Shop.”
See the Spanish-language PSA here. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45295000 |
The Problem of the Holy Roman Empire in the Survey Course: A Chaos Approach
In 1980 Jack Gagliardo noted that the Holy Roman Empire had "virtually disappeared from modern European history textbooks." The situation has probably gotten worse in the past 15 years. Despite the efforts of historians like Mack Walker, one would be hard pressed to find a Western civilization student who has even a remote understanding of or interest in the empire. The reasons for this neglect are well known. European history has long been fettered by an overly teleological conception of history, in which the "modern" nation is seen as the inevitable culmination of human development. Within this context the Holy Roman Empire appears as an embryonic German nation-state that died before it could be bornand thus as a failure. A reconsideration of the way we teach the "Old Reich" would be welcome, if only because it offers us a unique oppor tunity to break out of the linear and highly nationalist framework of the standard survey.1
But to transcend the nationalist framework, we need to understand it. A brief examination of the main Western civilization texts shows that they continue to evaluate institutions like the Old Reich in terms of how they contributed to the development of the modern nation. Although more recently published survey texts generally pay lip service to the idea that we cannot really project the notion of "France" and "Germany" into medieval times, they nevertheless treat the empire as an essentially German entity, even when they know otherwise. Marvin Perry, for one, sees the empire merely as a "kingdom consisting mainly of German-speaking principalities." In the same vein, Thomas Greer and Galvin Lewis note that "by the eleventh century there were three principal feudal states in Europe; the Holy Roman Empire, the kingdom of France, and the kingdom of England," thus putting all three on the same footing and tempting us to regard them all as embryonic national monarchies.2
Confining the facts about the empire within the nationalist paradigm inherited from the 19th century distorts the history of central Europe by prematurely marking it off as unique. For example, by holding that Otto and his successors were merely kings of Germany, the Investiture Contest and its sequelae appear as the harbingers of a kind of political anarchy unique to Middle Europe. Likewise, equating the disintegration of the Holy Roman Empire with the disintegration of the German state gives central European history a uniquely anarchic and "backward" character. This in turn implies that German history in particular is cursed with a lingering barbarism, preventing Germans from forming a modern state. The rulers of central European states like Austria, Bavaria, Prussia, and Württemberg thus appear as purely destructive forces of decentralization rebelling against an imaginary German kingdom that never was.
Any reconsideration of the empire's place in European history really depends on emancipating ourselves from the nationalist presuppositions of the last two centuries and beginning with entirely new categories. But to ask whether the nation-state was the inevitable culmination of some developmental sequence is ultimately to question whether historical outcomes are always predetermined. One way to approach this question is to examine the emerging science of "chaos."
According to evolutionary paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould, a distinction must be made between historical and experimental knowledge. While theoretical physics may attempt to deduce universal laws which can be tested in the lab, historical explanations depend on "contingent detail" that occurs only once. Although "we can explain an event after it occurs," Gould argues that "contingency precludes its repetition, even from an identical starting point."3 Astro nomer Stephen Dole affords an example of this contingency on a vast scale. With the aid of a computer program known as ACRETE, Dole suggests how the present planetary system might have evolved from a primeval gas cloud. Specifying the exact size and shape of the gas, Dole simulated the evolution of a number of alternative solar systems out of more or less the same cloud. Some of the solar systems generated featured planets even larger than Jupiter, while others ended up with a number of smaller planets. In a later discussion of Dole's work, Richard Isaacman and Carl Sagan noted that it was possible to generate very different solar systems by only slightly varying the initial conditions.4
If Isaacman and Sagan are correct, the history of our solar system apparently depended on contingencies which preclude that history being repeated, even if one started with more or less the same conditions. At some point in the historical process, the chance collision of two gas molecules might have set in motion a chain of events leading to the formation of a very different solar system. Moreover, even if we accept the inevitability of our solar system and the formation of Earth as we know it, the human species' rise to prominence was by no means guaranteed. Gould thus argues that humanity's ascension to dominance was the result of a "curious chain of events" that "would probably never happen again."5
A Matter of Probability
Now, I would argue that the history of Europe lends itself to a chaos approach. Although authors of the major texts write as if nationalism was some ineluctable component of "modernity," the emergence of nations such as France or Germany may have actually been a mere matter of probability. If the Carolinian Empire had either held together or fallen apart completely, the history of the West would have been radically different. Even the Treaty of Verdun in 843 was, according to Geoffrey Barraclough, "the result not of racial or provincial differences, but simply of dynastic conflicts within the royal house" in which power was up for grabs.6 In this context, the emergence of the various states in the West appears as a fortuitous accretion of territorial units not unlike the emergence of our solar system out of some primeval gas cloud. While the cloud (Europe) might have resolved itself into a single star (empire) or fragmented into billions of asteroids (anarchy), it ended up slowly resolving itself into a number of small planets (nations).
That the western Frankish kingdom eventually resolved itself into one state while the eastern developed into a number of states may have been the result of a series of unpredictable choices made by real individuals at crucial points in the historical process. The constant division and redivision of the Carolinian realm after Verdun meant that any rival king within that realm had the right to take the imperial power if he was strong enough. No supposed "national character" predisposed Otto the Great, rather than his royal contemporary across the Rhine, to take the imperial title. Not only was the imperial title not reserved for the eastern (as opposed to the western) Franks, but Otto's assumption of the imperial crown was a kind of accident. If Otto had died or a West Frankish ruler of equal ability had arisen, the latter might have taken the imperial crown, intervened in papal affairs and fragmented his realm. Consequently, the association of the "Empire" with the East Franks (and thus the Germans) was also a mere accident of history. Moreover, as D.J.A. Matthew has pointed out, the medieval emperors had every reason for believing that the division between East and West Francia was not permanent.7 The fact that the eastern rather than western kingdom happened to produce a leader powerful enough to claim the imperial title does not in any way establish some kind of metaphysical link between the eastern Franks and the Reich.
Even after the division between the eastern and western Frankish kingdom, Otto and his successors claimed a spiritual domain over the West in some ways similar to that of the Pope. In this context, the East Frankish domains of the Ottonian rulers appear analogous to the Papal states, because both were local temporal symbols of a universal moral authority. The emperors' special relationship with the church gave them an indirect authority over other European kings that should not be underestimated. According to Barraclough, there was thus originally "less divergence between Europe and Asia [China] than is sometimes supposed," because the European imperial "ideal" embodied by the Reich "was basically the same as that of the Chinese and other Oriental rulers."8
Regarding the empire as a vestigial universal state that only gradually shrank to its final dimensions, rather than a stillborn German national entity, allows us to open up a whole new way of looking at central European history. By recognizing the genuinely universal characteristics of the empire, we are in a position to see the history of Mitteleuropa in a new light. The universal claims of Otto and his successors, we may now argue, led to two related developments concerning the princes. On the one hand, Otto's elevation promoted them. When their liege lord claimed a vague supremacy over even the king of France, the East Frankish vassals became potentially equal to that king. On the other hand, the Papacy confirmed the independence of the great princes by periodically excommunicating the emperors.
A Common European History
In other words, by putting the story of the empire on an equal level with that of the Papacy, we put the history of Württemberg and Bavaria on an equal level with that of France. If the empire, like the Papacy, was a fundamentally universalist institution, it became the framework for a system of states that stretched far beyond the domains of "Germany." What the princely states had in common with states such as France was their basis in dynastic politics. In The Making of a State: Württemberg, 15931793, James A. Vann delineated in the greatest detail how even one of the smaller central European states followed the same pattern of centralization as its larger neighbors on both sides of the Rhine, at a time when the Old Reich itself was becoming a sort of league of central European states.9 Again, Mary Fulbrook notes that "concomitant with" the "overall pattern of Imperial decentralization was ... a rather high degree of centralization of power at the territorial level," a fact that takes on new significance when we free ourselves from the erroneous notion that the Old Reich was the national German state that should have evolved in Middle Europe.10
Only such a reinterpretation of the history of the empire will enable us to recognize that the development of central Europe was "normal" and not inherently "backward," thus avoiding the necessity of postulating a German special path predestined from time immemoriala postulate that has provided both an explanation and an alibi for Nazism. Like other European rulers, the German princes were not proponents but opponents of feudalism. No less than the kings of France, the princes struggled against the pretensions of their vassals. Indeed, the transformation of the empire during the struggle between the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation makes perfect sense within a larger European context. Like elsewhere in Europe, religious war in central Europe actually strengthened the dynastic state (as opposed to European unity under emperor or Pope). Within this framework, a good deal of the peculiarity of central European historyat least before the 19th centurybegins to disappear.
If European history was not some inevitable progress toward the nation as 19th-century scholars would have had it, if chance events could have enormous long-run consequences, we can ask ourselves what might have happened if the emperors had been successful in creating a Chinese-like Europe dominated by a universal empire, or if the West Frankish rather than the East Frankish rulers had taken the imperial crown. Clearly, a different Europe with different national boundaries, or perhaps no nations at all as we understand them, might have resulted. By opening up a new appreciation of the unpredictability of the historical process, the study of the Holy Roman Empire might well have a truly universal significance to students of history after all.
Lawrence Birken teaches history at Ball State University. His most recent book is Hitler as Philosophe: Remnants of the Enlightenment in National Socialism (New York: Praeger, 1995). He is currently working on a new intellectual history of modern Europe.
1. See John Gagliardo, Reich and Nation: The Holy Roman Empire as Idea and Reality, 17631806 (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1980), 3.
2. Thomas Greer and Galvin Lewis, A Brief History of the Western World, 6th ed. (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1992), 214; Marvin Perry, Western Civilization: A Brief History, 3rd ed. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1997), 260.
3. Stephen Jay Gould, Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History (New York: W. W. Norton and Co., 1989), 278.
4. Stephen Dole, "Computer Simulation of the Formation of Planetary Systems," Icarus 13 (1970): 494508; Richard Isaacman and Carl Sagan, "Computer Simulation of Planetary Accretion Dynamics: Sensitivity to Initial Conditions," Icarus 31 (1977): 530.
5. Gould, Wonderful Life, 285.
6. Geoffrey Barraclough, Factors in German History (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1979), 6.
7. D.J.A. Matthew, "Reflections on the Medieval Roman Empire," History 77 (October 1992), 36869, 390.
8. Geoffrey Barraclough, Turning Points in World History (London: Thames and Hudson, 1977), 2122.
9. James A. Vann, The Making of a State: Württemberg, 15931793 (Ithaca: Cornell University, 1984), 1819, 3435.
10. Mary Fulbrook, A Concise History of Germany (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991), 70.
Copyright © American Historical AssociationLast Updated: February 19, 2008 4:19 PM | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45296000 |
John Calvin was born in 1509. He died in 1564. John Calvin was the son of a lawyer. He was born in Noyon, Picardy and was therefore a Frenchman. Calvin developed a love for scholarship and literature.
In 1523 he went to the University of Paris where he studied theology.
To maintain himself while a student, Calvin secured a small chaplaincy attached to Noyon Cathedral.
In 1528 he went to Orleans to study Law, and one year later Calvin went to Bourges also to study Law.
Calvin was pressurised by his father to study Law but in 1531 his father died giving Calvin the freedom to resume his religious studies.
In the same year that his father died, Calvin went to the College de France in Paris to study Greek. This college was noted for its Humanistic approach to learning. In fact, all the colleges that Calvin attended had Humanistic leanings and it was only natural that this influenced Calvin. He became an admirer of Erasmus.
At some point between 1528 and 1533 he experienced a
"sudden conversion" and grasped Protestantism. "God subdued my
soul to docility by a sudden conversion" was how Calvin described this
Many historians look on the time from 1531 to 1533 as being the key time as this was the first time that he had been free from his father’s ‘shackles’. Calvin was highly critical of the abuses in the French Catholic church but he never doubted that he was God’s chosen instrument in the spiritual regeneration of the world.
At this time in France his ideas would have been heretical especially after the Day of the Placards incident when Francis I felt personally threatened by the Protestants and joined with the Sorbonne and the Parlément of Paris to hunt out heretics. Calvin lived at a dangerous time for heretics and in 1533 he fled Paris. In the following year 24 heretics were burned at the stake. For three years (1533 to 1536) he roamed France, Italy and Switzerland.
In 1536 the first edition of "Institutes of the Christian Religion" was published in Basle. It was revised on a number of occasions and the final edition was published in 1559. This book was a clear explanation of his religious beliefs. The later versions expanded on how his church should be organised.
In July 1536, Calvin went to Geneva which became the centre of his work. He had been trying to go to Strasbourg but the spread of the Habsburg-Valois Wars made him detour to Geneva where a fiery Protestant called Guillaume Farel persuaded him to stay.
Geneva was a French-speaking Swiss city. At the time of Calvin’s arrival the city was struggling to achieve independence against two authorities who were trying to exercise control over Geneva. The first was the Dukes of Savoy and the second was the Bishop of Geneva. Geneva was not yet part of Switzerland (not until 1815) and the city allied with the cantons of Bern and Fribourg against Savoy. The bishop fled Geneva and Savoy was defeated in 1535.
In May 1536 the city adopted religious reform:
1) monasteries were dissolved
2) Mass was abolished
3) Papal authority renounced
But within Geneva itself a struggle took place between those who wanted mild reform (such as no compulsory church attendance) and those who demanded radical reform such as Calvin and Farel. The split was deeper than this however. The mild reformers were called the Libertines and they wanted magistrates firmly in control of the clergy. Calvin wanted a city controlled by the clergy - a theocracy. In 1538, the Libertines won the day and Farel and Calvin fled the city and went to Strasbourg.
From 1538 to 1541 Calvin stayed in Strasbourg. Here he learned a lot about the ideas of Martin Bucer; a moderate Protestant reformer from Germany. Calvin was especially interested in Bucer’s ideas on ecclesiastical organisation.
In 1540 Calvin attended a Catholic/Protestant conference at Hagenau and in the following year he attended similar conferences at Worms and Regensburg.
In September 1541 Calvin returned to Geneva after the Libertines had fallen from power in 1540. It took Calvin 14 years before he could fully impose his version of liturgy, doctrine, organisation of the church and moral behaviour.
Calvin’s services were plain and simple. He placed great importance on the sermon. His sermons were very logical and learned. Though he himself liked music, he distrusted its use in religious services believing that it distracted people from the matter in hand - the worship and the seeking knowledge of God. Musical instruments were banned from churches - though congregational singing was permitted and this proved to be both popular and an effective way of ‘spreading’ the message. All matters relating to worship came from the Scriptures - so psalms took the place of hymns in services.
In 1541, added by the city council, Calvin drew up the Ecclesiastical Ordinances. He rejected the organisation of the Medieval Church as contrary to the New Testament. He wanted a church modelled on the church in Apostolic times. There were to be no bishops. All ministers were equal. They had to preach, administer the sacraments and look after the spiritual welfare of the people. Moral discipline was also upheld by the ministers - but they were helped by the elders.
The elders were civilian (laymen) who lived within the congregation and who were elected by the city council. Calvin was not keen on this but it provided a link between the Church and state. The elders and deacons (also laymen who looked after the relief of the poor were subject to popular appointment and in that respect they introduced an important element of democracy into the church. All officers in the church belonged to the consistory and if there was a power struggle between the ministers and the laymen the outcome of that power struggle determined whether the church became Erastian (i.e. followed the way Erasmus wished a church to go) or the state would become theocratic i.e. the church controlled all aspects of life. Eventually Geneva became theocratic.
Calvin was a strong believer in behaving as God wished. Immorality was severely condemned but to begin with the consistory was not an effective body. It only started to be so when the number of appointed ministers was greater than the elders. Also in 1555, the city council gave the consistory the right to excommunicate offenders. Only after this date was a strict moral code imposed and every sin was made a crime e.g. no work or pleasure on a Sunday; no extravagance in dress. If you were excommunicated you were banished from the city. Blasphemy could be punished by death; lewd singing could be punished by your tongue being pierced.
Calvin believed that the church and state should be separate but the consistory tried moral and religious offenders. Two members of the consistory, accompanied by a minister, visited every parish to see that all was well and that people could see that they were being checked on. The state had to obey the teachings of the church, according to Calvin, and once he had managed to ensure this power, he felt confident enough to shut down taverns - though this was actually done by magistrates - and replace them with "evangelical refreshment places" where you could drink alcohol but this was accompanied by Bible readings. Meals (in public) were preceded by the saying of grace. Not surprisingly these were far from popular and even Calvin recognised that he had gone too far and the taverns were re-opened with due speed!!
Was Calvin totally supported in Geneva? It must be remembered that he was introducing a very disciplined code to the city and that this code effectively controlled peoples lives. There were those who opposed Calvin and he was never totally secure until he had the support of Geneva’s most important families. These 1,500 men had a right to elect the city council which governed the city’s 13,000 people. Many felt angered that their privacy was being trespassed on and though a moral code to maintain standards was accepted, Calvin saw it going all the way so that everybody in the city was affected - a view not shared by everyone. This changed in favour of Calvin when a Spanish scholar called Michael Servetus came to Geneva in 1553. He questioned the validity of the Trinity which is central to all Christianity. The Libertines sided with Servetus to ‘get’ at Calvin and but his trial and burning as a heretic gave Calvin the opportunity to target the Libertines who fled Geneva. In May 1555, the Libertines attempted a take-over of Geneva which was a disaster. The ringleaders were caught and executed and this success further strengthened Calvin’s hand.
What were Calvin’s beliefs ?
Calvinism was based around the absolute power and supremacy of God.
The world was created so that Mankind might get to know Him. Calvin believed that Man was sinful and could only approach God through faith in Christ - not through Mass and pilgrimages.
Calvin believed that the New Testament and baptism and the Eucharist had been created to provide Man with continual divine guidance when seeking faith.
In Calvin’s view, Man, who is corrupt, is confronted by the omnipotent (all powerful) and omnipresent (present everywhere) God who before the world began predestined some for eternal salvation (the Elect) while the others would suffer everlasting damnation (the Reprobates).
The chosen few were saved by the operation of divine grace which cannot be challenged and cannot be earned by Man’s merits. You might have lead what you might have considered a perfectly good life that was true to God but if you were a reprobate you remained one because for all your qualities you were inherently corrupt and God would know this even if you did not. However, a reprobate by behaving decently could achieve an inner conviction of salvation. An Elect could never fall from grace.
However, God remained the judge and lawgiver of men. Predestination remained a vital belief in Calvinism.
|"We call predestination God’s eternal decree, by which He determined what He willed to become of each man. For all are not created in equal condition; rather, eternal life is ordained for some, eternal damnation for others." (Institutes)|
Calvin and Europe
Calvinism was a belief that was dependent on the strength of the individual. You controlled your own goodness on Earth and this depended on the strength of your inner conviction. This was a personal belief not dependent on the whims of an individual pope or relics, indulgences etc. You may have been a reprobate in the eyes of God but you would not know this and so a person would lead a life for God to fully know him.
Geneva became the most influential city in the Protestant movement. It represented the city where religion had been most truly reformed and changed for the better. John Knox, the Scottish Protestant leader, called Geneva "the most perfect school of Christ." Geneva’s impact on Europe was huge for two reasons :Calvin did not want his belief to be restricted to just one area and he did not want Geneva to become a refuge for fleeing Protestants. The city was to be the heart that pumped Calvinism to all of Europe. This spread was to be based on a new educational system which was established in Geneva. Both primary and secondary schools were created and in 1559 the Academy was established which was to become the University of Geneva.
Geneva was/is French speaking and Calvin spoke French. It was expected that many French Huguenots (Calvinists in France were known as Huguenots) would head for the university to train as missionaries. This was the main task of the university. In 1559 it had 162 students. In 1564, it had over 1500 students. Most of these were foreign. Calvin had some luck with his teaching staff as there had been a dispute over the level of pay at Lausanne University and many of the teaching staff there simply transferred to Geneva as the pay was better and the financial structure of the university was on a stronger footing. After their course at Geneva, the missionaries were given a French-speaking congregation in Switzerland where they could perfect their skills before moving on to France itself. The ease with which ministers could get into France was a bonus for Calvin. However, the size of the country was to be both a help and a hindrance to Calvinists.
The first Huguenot (Calvinist) ministers arrived in France in 1553. By 1563, there were nearly 90 Huguenots in France and the speed of its spread surprised even Calvin.
Henry II of France was a strong catholic and he had established a body called the Chambre Ardente in 1547 to monitor and hunt out ‘heresy’ in France. It was not a success and was disbanded in 1550. Whereas his father (Francis I) had used Protestantism to help advance his power against the Parlement de Paris, Henry had no wish to have any association with Protestants whatsoever.
In 1555 the first Huguenot congregation to have a permanent minister was established in Paris. By 1558, this congregation was worshipping in the open guarded by armed sympathisers.
In 1559, the first synod (national council) was held in Paris. 72 local congregations were represented by the elders from each congregation. In some regions of France travelling ministers had to be used but this was never a major problem as the organisation of the church was so tight. Many Huguenot communities were near each other so communication was never really a problem. Educated merchants were drawn to Calvinism. This occurred probably as a result of the impact of the Renaissance and as a reaction to the rigidity of the catholic Church.
A number of noble families converted to Calvinism though there is not one common link to explain their conversion. Each family had its own individual reason. Ironically one of these reasons may have been patriotic. Catholicism was linked to Rome and since the Concordat of Bologna, the French had always linked their religion to national causes. By associating yourself with Calvinism, you would be expressing your belief that France should have no links to Italy.
The Huguenots were concentrated on the coast mainly in the west (La Rochelle) and in the south-east. They develop their own cavalry force and openly worshipped in their own churches. The sheer size of France aided them in the respect that the royal government in Paris found it difficult enough to assert its authority generally. The strict organisation of the Huguenots made any attempt by the authorities to crush them very difficult. Added to this was the simple fact that la Rochelle was a long way from Paris.
By 1561, there were 2150 Huguenot churches in France and Calvinists were estimated to be about 10% of the population - about 1 million people. It has to be remembered that the first Calvinist ministers only got to France in 1553. Calvinism within France became a large minority religion.
Calvin made important gains in this state. Ministers first arrived here in the 1550’s aided by Huguenot preachers who were fleeing from France. They made slow progress at first. Why ?
Lutheranism had already taken root as had Anabaptism so Calvinism was seen as another protest religion in a ever crowded field. There was also a lot of persecution in general against Protestants. In 1524, Charles V had introduced his own Inquisition to the region and in 1529 and 1531 new edicts were introduced ordering death to anyone who was found guilty of being a Lutheran or simply sheltered them or help Lutherans spread their beliefs.
In 1550 Charles V removed the authority of city councils to try heretics. It was his belief that city magistrates were too lenient and that the provincial courts which took over this duty would have far greater control than the city magistrates.
These measures did check the spread of Protestantism but Calvinism was the most successful of the three and the best equipped to survive. Why ?
Its system of non-religious governments by elders allowed it to operate regardless of the authorities. The Anabaptists were too reliant on the role of the individual as opposed to strength in numbers and organisation while the Lutherans were poorly organised and more open to attack from the authorities.
By 1560, Calvinism had not spread far because the authorities were very active against it. In total, Protestantism accounted for 5% of the whole population in the Netherlands of which the Calvinists were just a small part. No noble men appeared to be interested as they were too concerned with their political power and economic well being. Their knew that the Catholic Church was corrupt but they found the Calvinists far too authoritarian as the church told you what you could do and what you could not. Most Calvinists were from Antwerp, Ghent and regions near Germany.
Calvinism developed into a popular movement in NW Rhineland and Westphalia - both neighbours of the Netherlands. These were the only areas to convert. In 1562, Frederick III modelled churches in his territory on the Calvinist model which was contrary to the 1555 Religious Settlement of Augsburg which stated that churches could only be Catholic or Lutheran. Heidelburg became a leading intellectual centre but the spread elsewhere was very limited due to Lutheranism and the input of Calvinism into Germany served to disunite the Protestant movement and help the Catholic Church in the Counter-Reformation. John Sigismund of Brandenburg was to convert at a later date and his state followed.
The western area of Poland was German speaking which had helped Luther. However, Poland had a history of nationalism and a desire to be independent and this did not help Luther who had not spent time organising his church. Calvinism first reached Poland in 1550 and the nobles latched on to the idea of using the civilian population - and giving them some power in their religious rights - as a lever to expand their own power. Two leading nobles (Prince Radziwill the Black and John a Lasco) actively helped the spread of Calvinism as did two kings (Stephen II and Stephen Bathory). Regardless of this, Calvinism did not spread far. Why ?
Most Poles did not speak German and therefore language remained a major stumbling block as most Calvinist preachers did not speak Polish and could not communicate with the population. Another problem was that numerous Protestant religions already existed in Poland (Bohemian Brethren, Anabaptists, Unitarians etc.) and those who might be won away from the Catholic Church had already been so.
In 1573 in the Confederation of Warsaw, both Catholics and Protestants agreed to make religious toleration part of the constitution to be sworn by each succeeding king. But the division among the Protestants meant that the Catholic Church dominated the country and her nickname at this time was the "Spain of the north". | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45300000 |
The House of Commons, 1793-94 by Karl Anton Hickel.
National Portrait Gallery, London.
Published in 2010
The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1604-1629 edited by Andrew Thrush and John P. Ferris, was published in six volumes in November 2010.
Some of the darkest moments in the history of Parliament are revealed in the most comprehensive survey ever compiled of the House of Commons in the early seventeenth century. While many MPs feared that England’s representative institution was teetering on the brink of extinction, two successive kings were no less fearful that some of the most influential members of the Commons were secretly trying to undermine the monarchy. In 1629 the king forced the House of Commons to adjourn amid scenes of uproar as a band of Members, led by Sir John Eliot, dragged the Speaker back to his chair while the House agreed a formal protest. Parliament was not called again until 1640, when the king, having failed to suppress rebellion in Scotland, was left with no other option. Two years later the country descended into Civil War.
The volumes include biographies of each of the 1,782 men who sat in the House of Commons. The composition of the Commons is included in Dr Andrew Thrush’s introductory survey
The MPs featured in the biographies include:
- The key Commons politicians of the period, among them Sir Edward Coke, the finest lawyer of his day with an arrogance to match his talents; Edward Alford, the talented and bluntly-spoken Sussex squire who was one of the foremost champions of the Commons’ right to free speech; Sir Edwin Sandys, famed for his razor-sharp intellect and an ability to articulate clearly and powerfully the concerns of his colleagues, but who went on to lose all his credit in the Commons over his views on religion and support for Buckingham; and Sir Robert Phelips, son of a former Speaker of the Commons and the greatest orator of his day, a man described by Sir John Eliot as possessing ‘elegance of words, readiness and dexterity in fancy and conception, a voice and pronunciation of much sweetness’.
- Men who went on to become famous during the Civil War, such as the parliamentary hero John Hampden and the military strongman and Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell, who made a single intervention in the 1628 Parliament.
- Men who sat in Parliament but were more famous outside politics, such as the architect Inigo Jones, who was brought into Parliament in 1621 through the intervention of his friend the earl of Arundel, and who was put to work by the Commons erecting a gallery in the House; and the poet John Donne whose election in 1614 formed part of a quest for government office, a quest which he gave up the following year when he was ordained.
- Very many less celebrated figures, such James I’s physican Sir William Paddy, whose ill-judged liaison with the wife of one of the king’s Scottish courtiers led to scenes which, as related by one newsletter-writer, would not have been out of place in a Whitehall farce; or John Martyn, who represented Nottingham in 1625 and who once accused some local opponents of ‘procuring morris-dancers to assault’ him. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45303000 |
SMTE will develop, research, and evaluate an instructional model and a prototypical six-week hybrid learning experience that consists of an educational computer game with screen-based 3-D design simulations (three weeks) and follow-up hands-on physical modeling activities and reflection time (three weeks). The game will situate the students in an inhospitable environment and invite them to undertake a quest that requires solving technological design problems to sustain themselves. The quest will contextualize grades 6-8 Standards for Technological Literacy (PI Hacker was a member of the STL development team) and apply standards-based mathematics and science.
Development of materials will be guided by the process described by Wiggins and McTigue in Understanding by Design (UbD), and will be informed by NRC’s How People Learn and by research on anchored instruction. The Project will follow the planning process described in UbD: 1) identify desired results, 2) determine acceptable evidence, and 3) plan learning experiences and instruction. Grant and Denise Wiggins will serve as Project consultants to ensure congruence with the UbD model.
The Project will foster a thoughtful pedagogical approach to design that will serve as the core instructional strategy. The NSF-developed informed design model melds guided inquiry with open-ended design and leads students to develop conceptual understanding before they engage in design activity. Consequently, students approach design from a more “informed” perspective. CTL co-directors Burghardt and Hacker will embed the informed design pedagogy into both the 3-D simulations and the physical modeling.
Bloomsburg University’s Institute for Interactive Technologies will provide the expertise in gaming, game development, and instructional design. Bloomsburg faculty and students will build the active 3-D worlds, design the background scenery, and develop animated human-like characters (avatars).
Knowledge and skill builder activities (see informed design text box), designed to teach important STEM background concepts and skills, will be presented as realistic 3-D simulations.
The simulations will be driven by a knowledge-based engineering (KBE) framework. Using KBE (an object-oriented programming language tightly integrated with a geometric modeling tool), developers capture knowledge about a design process, so that users, aided by 3-D simulations, can evaluate the effect of design changes.
Tom Robertson, president and CEO, Kinetics Inc., Chapel Hill, NC, is one of the nation’s foremost KBE experts. He will serve as a senior Project consultant and will program the animated contexts within which the 3-D simulations occur. Robertson, an engineer, has developed numerous simulations for a wide variety of companies internationally, and is a pioneer in the deployment of KBE in education. The simulations will appear realistic; 3-D graphics will be consistent with the context. The 3-D simulations will be well integrated into the online gaming environment. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45307000 |
THE FRUIT of the Church is holiness. It was therefore natural for the long process of the establishment of the Orthodox Church in America to be climaxed by witness of holiness--the canonization of the holy elder Herman of Alaska. For those who participated in the ceremonies of the canonization in Alaska, as well as for those who prayed to the newly glorified saint in churches throughout the United States and Canada, this holiness was manifested in the depth of the holy elder's humility and in the strength of his faith. The act of canonization eclipsed everything else--human plans for the future, fears, accomplishments, successes and failures. All this was illumined by new light, the light of sanctity now shining above America--a light surpassing human reason and bringing the fullness of Divine Grace into the life of the Church.
In the course of its 175-year existence the Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church in America and Canada went through many phases of a sociological and psychological nature. It began with the missionary efforts of the Valaam monks and was at first totally involved in the Christian enlightenment of the Aleut natives and in the planting of Christian morality and Christian socio-economic foundations among them. It spread throughout the American continent and began to create new pan-Orthodox units in America, continuing to be concerned about mission among the Americans on the one hand, and organizing the first parishes for Orthodox immigrants o all national origins on the other. When the Orthodox immigrants were divided into more definite ethnic groups in which Orthodoxy began to coincide with and sometimes was even replaced by ethnic aspirations, the Church naturally began to expend much energy on the organization of our socio-ethnic "ghettos." In these ghettos all that was brought from the Old World was not developed but "preserved", beginning with recipes and ending with language, culture and provincial politics. This period, which continued for a considerable time, had an undisputed significance in the process of Church growth and development. Thanks to this period a number of important principles in the areas of liturgical life, piety, traditions, character and order were preserved. It also created a prolonged crisis which caused members of our younger generations who were leaving their ethnic and parochial ghetto and associated it with something totally contradictory to the "American way of life" to reject not only their sociological roots but Orthodoxy as well--Orthodoxy being so closely associated with sociological factors. In the last two or three decades a new current has appeared in our Church life. The desire to "conserve" traditional values, so predominant in the sociological ghetto, began to be replaced gradually by the attempt to integrate Orthodoxy into American life. These efforts were not always successful; quite often they carried with them the danger simply of replacing what is Russian, Carpatho-Russian, Ukrainian by what is American. This, in terms of its quality, threatened to be as provincial as everything that preceded it. At the same time there was a growth of the healthy tendency to accomplish the "churching of Americanism," if one may put it that way, rather than the "Americanization of Orthodoxy." There began an era of the discovery of Orthodoxy in all it untarnished value of Orthodoxy as a self-sufficient principle, to which all other principles must be subordinate. There began a rediscovery of the Church's sacramental life, in which were to be found the sources of spiritual and intellectual sustenance. At first, Orthodoxy was an "embarrassment" because it was a "foreign faith," because it was something contradictory to "American culture." Later, Orthodoxy became a source of "pride," as one can be "proud" of exotic costumes, traditions and background. Now, glory be to God, we have begun to LIVE Orthodoxy, that is, to understand fully that Orthodoxy is not a museum, not a repository, not exoticism, but LIFE.
FOR MANY long years our ecclesiastical and social interests were concentrated almost exclusively upon ourselves, upon our own problems. Even when we thought we were speaking about America our point of departure was our ethnic identity. America for us was "they" and not "we". If, as a Church, we participated in the life of the nation, this participation expressed itself first of all in the fact that we sent our children to the front, where they fought heroically for the country's freedom. As for the rest, our reactions always concentrated on negative things: we warned the country (and were justified in doing so) about political, moral and social dangers.
Although a portion of our participation was directed to creative ends, basically our participation was concentrated upon ourselves and the solution of our "internal problems." We are accustomed to this approach; it will not be easy for us to survive the crisis which has been placed before us by the course of historical and ecclesiastical events. The resolution of this crisis is the major theme of the extremely important test to which our autocephaly has called us.
It is useful to remember that in Greek the world "crisis" means "judgment". Now the meaning of this word is relevant for us in the most direct way. God's judgment is being done to us, the judgment of history and the judgment of our conscience. In the light of this judgment we will have to justify the gift which has been handed to us by the Church, the gift of maturity and independence. We wanted this and our desire has been fulfilled. Looking with gratitude to all our past, to the entire and great tradition of Russian and ecumenical Orthodoxy which we have inherited, we should see in this a good and favorable wind and not a crutch for our support nor eyeglasses through which we can look at the reality of life. In accepting autocephaly we witnessed to our maximal loyalty to the historical road of America and Canada.
In accepting autocephaly our Church accepted American and Canadian citizenship; the acceptance of citizenship always implies liberation from and rejection of any other historical and political loyalties. In turning from the 14th All-American Sobor of the Metropolia to the First Council of the Orthodox Church in America we close the last volume of our 175-year history and place it together with the other volumes on the shelf of experience and respect, simultaneously opening a fresh page of a new book of our ecclesiastical life. The title page of this book bears the inscription "Orthodox Church in America." What will appear on the pages after the title depends on us.
AND SO OUR autocephaly has placed our Church face to face with America. All those things which earlier could stand between us psychologically--"Russian heritage," our "emigre identity," "tradition" and all similar factors--have now disappeared. There is nothing that can shelter us from the reality before which God has placed us. To what extent does American life need us as a Christian spiritual force, and to what degree do we need American reality? The second part of this question is so clear that no one is asking it: American life is our life. Even those of us who have become American not by birth but by choice have lived here a very considerable portion of our life. Every day, through newspapers, through the television screen, through encounters, through our work we continually meet American life. If we are still inclined to think that this American life does not depend on us and has no relationship to us, that it is "they" and not "we" who die at the front in Vietnam, poison themselves with drugs, kill, and fall victim to killers, make the politics of the nation, get lost in search of higher values, are joyful and suffer--woe to us! For a long, long time, and especially from the moment we proclaimed ourselves the Church of America, it is WE, these are OUR children, this is OUR present and OUR future.
Incidentally, this does not even contradict all our attachment to other cultures, to other peoples and their history: everything in the world is so closely interwoven, so full of mutual responsibility, that everything occurring in America has its reflex in India, in Africa, in Russia, in the world. "I am not involved", "I do not care", "It is none of my business", was never a respectable criterion: now this formula can only be defective. It is better to resurrect the wonderful thought of Dostoyevsky according to which "everyone is guilty before all men for everything." And we add the words of Christ: "He who puts his hand to the plow and turns back is unworthy of the Kingdom of God."
There can be no doubt that America is passing through a deep crisis touching on the spiritual, social and political life of the nation. We can point out that the crisis is not exclusively an American one. It has the same manifestations--and even more radical ones--in all countries and all peoples of the world. There can be no doubt that the solution of the crisis and a constructive way out of it do not lie merely in the area of new legislation, limitation of "excessive" freedom, police control of the population.
The profound causes of the crisis are on the spiritual level; therefore its solution requires a colossal effort of the spiritual strength of the nation. Doubtless at the root of the crisis there is a wrong understanding of freedom. The error extends in two directions. Those who wish to limit freedom forget that the limitation of freedom has no end--how can we know when to stop, how can we make certain that the limitation of freedoms will not lead to a police state and concentration camps for dissenters.
Those who lean in the other direction forget (or do not want to remember) that freedom without responsibility is not freedom but arbitrariness, anarchy, nihilism. Those who struggle against the establishment do not think about the fact that "anti-system" can become a much more frightful system than the "establishment." Therefore the country is torn by the radicalism of two beliefs, both of which are intent on tearing the country apart.
In addition to all this, and notwithstanding all the horrors that are so zealously described in our press, we must remember, first of all, the great majority represented by those whom the President has called the "silent majority." These words are often repeated ironically, but they are a very good description of the mass of American people to which most of us belong and which, like a working horse, pulls the country out of moral, economic and political crises.
Secondly, among the young (and sometimes not so young) representatives of the "new culture" who give us such a fright and whom we are ready to bury in the mass grave of historical forgetfulness it is good to look for those who depart from "normal" American life for a number of reasons deserving our full attention. Due to a lack of spiritual guidance as well as because of inbred American conformity, they often take the wrong road and perish ignominiously and uselessly. It is good to scrutinize the fundamental themes, the motivations, which drive these young people out of well-to-do homes, a successful life, practical materialism. Close analysis inevitably leads us to the fact that youth is repulsed by complacent satisfaction with American well-being, by the false sense of security, by the exaggerated individualism that pushes people into loneliness and isolation, by the rationalization of even religious experience, by social injustice. These are negative themes.
The positive ones are a desire for spiritual experience, for liberation from captivity to material values, a search for spiritual reality and mystical experience, for a sacramental justification of life in all its details--love, sex, friendship, race, and so on. There is a search for the realities of life and death, which were so long concealed by our "funeral home culture" and were so cruelly revealed by the conflict in Vietnam. Youth is only partially responsible for the uncontrolled spiritualistic experimentation which has brought and is bringing so many of them to a tragic end; a great--much greater--responsibility lies on those who did not support, reveal, teach, be an example in time. We also bear responsibility, particularly because we--our Church--have long possessed first-class answers to all these questions.
WHAT CAN WE, as a Church, as the heirs of a spiritual experience of many centuries, say to contemporary young America? Even on the basis of our historical experience, on a purely negative plane, we can witness to the ease with which freedom can be lost. The trouble is that freedom, like good health, the comforts of life, or even hot water every day, is understood best when it is no longer available. We know very well what not-freedom is. What it is to be endangered when you think, to be in even greater danger when you speak, and to invite catastrophe when you set thoughts on paper. We know what it is to be unfree to believe, to pray, to go to Church when you choose. What it is to be unfree to leave your country when you wish. What it is to be unfree to organize your life as you see fit.
It is our holy duty to share our negative experience with all politically naive people, with all those who are easily caught in the net of the demonic propaganda of the other side, where man means nothing. Where "the death of one man is a tragedy--the death of ten thousand is a statistic," in the words of one ideologist on the "other side." This is not a political statement, for it concerns not only "political freedoms" but, first of all, the freedom of the spirit. This is witnessing to the real presence of the demonic in politics, in history, in sociology, of demonism which quenches the spirit and which rises against God and humanity. Therefore the power of this witness must be evangelical power, the power of Christ, always denying darkness and the devil, whatever the coloring which they adopt--even if they appear "in the image of an angel of light."
THE VOICE OF Orthodox spiritual experience will have even greater power in answering the spiritual quest of our time. For this we ourselves must realize the spiritual strength of our Church, which is not an exotic museum, but the living power of the Holy Spirit, Who breathes "wherever he wills " in this world. All contemporary problems can be answered, first of all, in the sacramental theology of the Orthodox Church. Human interrelationships (the social order), love and the family (sex), the value of the human personality (racial problems), freedom and responsibility (legislation and jurisprudence), morality (discipline), social reforms ("love thy neighbor"), suffering (purification), death (resurrection)--all these problems can be properly solved in the light of the sacramental understanding of life as organic co-operation in the Divine act of the creation of the world. The experience of spiritual life (the Jesus prayer, solitary life, monasticism, fasting, effort) is the answer to the search for spiritual life. The practice of Orthodox contemplation (hesychasm) is the answer to the thirst for mystical experience. The Divine services, particularly the Eucharist, are the answers to the thirst for sacrifice, cult, communion in love, union with God.
Our time is looking for symbols and for cult. Symbols are justified only when a genuine spiritual content stands behind them. Otherwise they turn into ritual. Ritual and idols sooner or later lead to demonology. Here is a boundless field for our preaching, for our mission in America, in Canada. This is why it is good to bring down the walls, to tear the bonds which tie us to ourselves and keep us away from serving "these little ones." These, then, in very brief form, are the tasks--responsible, important, holy tasks--which confront our Orthodox Church in America.
AND SO WE STAND--weak and uncertain as yet--before these tasks, the extent of which is very simple. It was once clearly expressed by His Grace, Bishop Dmitri, when he was asked what he considers the ultimate goal of Orthodoxy in America. Without any hesitation, His Grace said: "America must become Orthodox. If I believe that Orthodoxy is the revelation of Truth, then this, and only this, can be the purpose of its presence in America." The road leading to this goal is long. The way to holiness, to God, to the Kingdom of God, is equally long.
We have set out on a new road. Many issues, problems, projects, opportunities, difficulties, achievements are ahead of us on the road. On the agendas of our Councils old and familiar "unfinished business" will appear once again--the statute, pensions, ecumenism, charity, education and so on. It would be good, at this Council and at subsequent ones, to put in first place the questions of our spiritual growth, the deepening of our commitment to the Church, our sacramental and eucharistic rebirth, our organic entrance into the very essence of the Church, our total life in the Church.
No matter how important all other questions may be, they are among those things which will be "added" to those who first of all seek the Kingdom of God and its righteousness. In thirst for God's Truth, in hunger for the Bread of the Holy Eucharist, in the creation of God's Christian family welded together by the bonds of the love of Christ--there is found the only token of the success of our service to the Church, to America, and to humanity, the token of the justification of our autocephaly, of our membership in the Orthodox Church in America.
The Orthodox Church, February, March, April 1971.
Should you have any questions or comments please e-mail us! | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45309000 |
Have you ever sprouted a bean seed? Every one of my kids did this in preschool, and I remember sprouting beans in grade school. At some arts festivals and county fairs, I’ve seen booths where you could plant a bean seed and take it home to watch it grow. Maybe you’ve sprouted a bean seed?
Amazingly, bean seeds will sprout even under somewhat unnatural conditions. For example, the seed I started in grade school was in a clear plastic cup. We folded a piece of paper towel into a strip, rolled it into a cylinder, and lined the cup with it. Then we wet the paper, shoved the bean seed between the paper and the wall of the cup, and set it on a windowsill. We watched roots grow down while stem and leaves grew up.
I’d be willing to bet that most people who have sprouted beans have never seen their bean plants grow up. Let’s reverse that trend! Make a point in the next growing season to plant some beans in your kitchen garden.
There are bush beans and climbing beans (also known as pole beans). Bush bean plants grow short and nearly support their own weight. They can look like very small shrubs. Climbing bean plants grow long and twist around whatever they find nearby that’s at least as tall as they are; they’re vines. All the climbing bean plants I’ve grown have reached at least 10 feet in length. The photos show what you can look forward to if you plant climbing beans (which I recommend over bush beans in an article titled Canning and Freezing: How Big Should Beans Be?)
In hopes of encouraging you: I gave the bean plants in the photographs no special care. Before I planted seeds, I dug an eight-inch circular hole about eight inches deep, filled it halfway with compost, and added back soil I’d removed to make the hole. I tossed the compost and soil to blend it a bit, and then erected a support in the center of the hole. Then I set four seeds around the support.
I watered heavily the day I planted seeds, and kept the soil damp until seeds sprouted. Then, for the remainder of the season, I left the plants alone except when I harvested beans. It’s that easy. You can grow that!
You Can Grow That is a loose coalition of garden bloggers encouraging people to garden. Please visit the You Can Grow That website for a list of other participating blogs. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45311000 |
The term “heart failure” can be very alarming. While it does not mean the heart has “failed” or stopped working, it is a serious condition. Congestive heart failure (CHF) means the heart does not pump as well as it should to meet the body’s oxygen demands, often due to heart diseases such as cardiomyopathy or cardiovascular disease. CHF can result from either a reduced ability of the heart muscle to contract or from a mechanical problem that limits the ability of the heart’s chambers to fill with blood. When weakened, the heart is unable to keep up with the demands placed upon it; blood returns to the heart faster than it can be pumped out so that it gets backed up or congested—hence the name of the disorder.
CHF occurs most frequently in those over age 60 and is the leading cause of hospitalization and death in that age group. In over 50 percent of cases, sudden death occurs due to a cardiac arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat. Unfortunately, antiarrhythmic medications may not be effective in controlling arrhythmias caused by CHF.
Patients with CHF can enjoy better health if they treat the underlying cause, if possible. For many patients the outlook is uncertain and depends on the extent of the disease and the patient’s response to therapy. However, in other cases, restricted salt intake and medication are used to ease the strain on the heart and to relieve symptoms. While CHF is a serious health risk, it is possible for patients to live with CHF and manage many symptoms effectively with proper treatment if they adhere to prescribed regimens. Noncompliance with a doctor’s recommendations regarding diet or medication increases the risk that the disease will worsen.
When to Call an Ambulance
Call an ambulance immediately if you experience severe breathlessness or crushing chest pain with or without nausea, vomiting, profuse sweating, weakness or intense feelings of dread. Such symptoms may indicate a heart attack.
- Make an appointment with a doctor if you regularly experience fatigue and shortness of breath after mild physical activity.
- Call your doctor if you experience any of the following during treatment for congestive heart failure: fever, rapid or irregular heartbeat, wheezing, severe shortness of breath or any worsening of the other symptoms of congestive heart failure.
Congestive heart failure is a progressive process and should not be confused with a heart attack, which involves sudden tissue death of the heart muscle. Although heart failure may occur suddenly in some cases, gradual loss of function is more common. Fatigue, shortness of breath on exertion and increased frequency of nighttime urination develop and worsen over time. Shortness of breath is often worse when lying down, (a condition known as orthopnea), as fluid from the legs pools in the lungs. Elevating the head with pillows eases chest congestion, but in advanced stages the patient may be unable to recline at all without severe breathlessness, and may need to sleep upright in a chair.
Failure of the left side of the heart (left-sided failure) is most common. It leads to increased pressure in the pulmonary veins in the lungs, which forces fluid into the surrounding microscopic air sacs, or alveoli, that transfer oxygen to the bloodstream. As the alveoli fill with fluid, they no longer function properly, which limits the amount of oxygen available to the body (see pulmonary edema for more information) and produces the most characteristic symptoms of congestive heart failure: fatigue and shortness of breath. In right-sided failure, the increased pressure in the veins returning blood from the rest of the body combined with the compensatory retention of sodium and water leads to fluid accumulation and swelling in the abdomen, liver and legs. Often, both left- and right-sided heart failure occur together.
CHF symptoms include:
- Shortness of breath and wheezing after limited physical exertion. In advanced cases shortness of breath occurs even at rest, and attacks of severe breathlessness disturb sleep (left-sided failure).
- Severe fatigue and weakness.
- Dry cough or cough that produces frothy or bloody sputum (left-sided failure).
- Frequent urination during the night (right-sided failure).
- Swelling of the ankles and feet, or swelling in the lower back if the patient is bedridden (right-sided failure).
- Rapid weight gain due to fluid retention (right-sided failure).
- Abdominal pain and a feeling of fullness (right-sided failure).
- Swollen neck veins (right-sided failure).
- Loss of appetite (anorexia); nausea and/or vomiting.
- Irregular or rapid heartbeat.
- Anxiety; in severe cases irritability, restlessness, and mental confusion may occur.
CHF occurs when the heart attempts to compensate for the “congestion” (or backup) of blood in a number of ways. It beats faster and expands somewhat more than usual as it fills with blood, so that when it contracts, more blood is forced out to the body. In addition, the decreased volume of blood reaching the kidneys causes them to start a hormonal cascade (renin-angiotensin system), which results in the retention of sodium and water. These efforts help meet the body’s demands in the short term, but they ultimately have very harmful long-term effects. Faster beating allows less time for the heart to refill after contraction, so that less blood ends up being circulated. Also, the extra effort increases the heart muscle’s demand for oxygen; if this need is not met adequately, heart rhythm can become dangerously erratic (see cardiac arrhythmias for more information) and ultimately fatal.
The following provides an overview of some of the underlying diseases or conditions that can cause CHF:
- Coronary artery disease (obstruction of the coronary arteries by atherosclerotic plaque so that heart tissue is starved of oxygen) often leads to a heart attack, which damages the heart muscle and causes CHF.
- Valvular heart disease, such as aortic stenosis can cause CHF.
- Heart muscle injury due to viral infections (see myocarditis) or long-term drug or alcohol use (see cardiomyopathy) may result in CHF.
- Conditions that overwork the heart, such as heart valve defects, high blood pressure, increased levels of thyroid hormones (thyrotoxicosis) and anemia may lead to CHF.
- Infiltration of the heart muscle by other tissue, as occurs with amyloidosis (accumulation of a waxy substance), may cause CHF.
- Pulmonary embolism, severe bacterial or viral infections, pregnancy or childbirth, and physical overexertion are all triggers for CHF to develop in a weakened heart.
- Right-sided heart failure commonly results from left-sided heart failure.
- CHF may result from restricted entry of blood into the heart due to thickening of the tissue surrounding the heart (pericardium), or to accumulation of excessive fibrous tissue in the heart muscle.
- Familial cardiomyopathy can lead to heart failure
- Don’t smoke.
- Consume no more than two alcoholic beverages a day.
- Eat a healthy, balanced diet low in salt and fat, exercise regularly and lose weight if you are overweight.
- Adhere to a prescribed treatment program for other forms of heart disease.
- If you are diabetic, maintain careful control of your blood sugar.
The Johns Hopkins Cardiomyopathy and Heart Failure Practice, directed by Dr. Stuart Russell, uses a multidisciplinary approach to the evaluation and management of patients with heart failure due to any cause. Important components of this team approach include social work, dietary counseling, physical rehabilitation, educational programs and support groups. Our goal is to empower patients to better care for themselves. We believe that transplantation is the “court of last resort” and will do everything possible to avoid transplantation, if possible.
At Johns Hopkins, evaluation for heart failure begins with an examination by one of our physicians at our Outpatient Center (satellite facility) at Green Spring Station. If necessary, you may be asked to undergo one or more of the following tests. Exercise treadmill tests and electrocardiograms are performed at the outpatient locations. The others are done in the hospital’s Cardiovascular Diagnostic Laboratory. We can also now offer all these tests in a single day at the same place in our Heart Success One-Day Clinic.
- Chest X-rays may be taken to determine the heart’s size and shape, as well as the presence of congestion in the lungs.
- An electrocardiogram, also called an ECG or EKG, records your heart’s electrical activity during rest to determine abnormal heart rhythms. ECG abnormalities can indicate rhythm disturbances, heart muscle damage, inadequate blood flow to segments of the heart, and enlargement of the heart muscle. You may be given a portable ECG device, known as a Holter monitor, to measure the heart’s electrical activity over a 24-hour period.
- Exercise stress tests, also known as treadmill tests, help determine irregular heart rhythms during exercise. During this test, the heart’s electrical activity is monitored through small metal sensors applied to your skin while you exercise on a stationary bicycle or treadmill.
- Your doctor may order an echocardiogram to evaluate heart function. During this test, sound waves bounced off the heart are recorded and translated into images. The pictures can reveal abnormal heart size, shape and movement. Echocardiography also can be used to calculate the ejection fraction, or volume of blood pumped out to the body when the heart contracts.
- Coronary angiography, or X-ray of the heart’s blood vessels, may be performed to evaluate pressures in the heart chambers and the pumping function. In this procedure, a tiny catheter is inserted into an artery of a leg or arm and threaded up into the coronary arteries. A contrast material is then injected from the end of the catheter into the coronary arteries, which provides a clear image of the blood vessels on X-ray.
For more information about terms used in this section, please visit our Heart and Circulatory System Glossary.
The Johns Hopkins Cardiomyopathy and Heart Failure Practice, as described in the previous section, evaluates and manages patients with heart failure due to any cause.
Core components of treatment:
- Clinical care of patients with heart failure and following cardiac transplantation.
- Basic science, hemodynamic, genetic and clinical research pertaining to cardiomyopathy, heart failure and cardiac transplantation.
- Education directed at both patients and professionals regarding cardiomyopathy, heart failure and cardiac transplantation.
- All facets of clinical care of patients with cardiomyopathy, heart failure or cardiac transplantation.
- Left ventricular assist devices.
- Novel research programs for patients with cardiomyopathy or heart failure.
- Endomyocardial biopsy.
Possible courses of treatment:
- Lifestyle changes such as reducing salt intake (salt contributes to fluid retention and swelling), eating smaller, more frequent meals (less effort is required to digest smaller portions) and avoiding caffeine (which can exacerbate heartbeat irregularities) may be helpful.
- Wearing support stockings can help reduce swelling in the legs.
- Most often, some type of medication is prescribed for heart failure patients.
- Vasodilators, often the foundation of treatment for CHF, may be prescribed to dilate blood vessels, reducing blood pressure and easing blood flow.
- Diuretics (such as hydrochloro thiazide, metolazone, furosemide or bumetanide) reduce the amount of fluid in the body and are useful for patients with fluid retention and hypertension.
- Weigh yourself daily, because a sudden gain in weight is usually due to fluid retention and may require an increase in your water pill (diuretic).
- Digitalis glycosides strengthen the heart’s contractions, helping to improve circulation. In the United States digoxin is the most commonly prescribed type of digitalis.
- Anticoagulants (such as warfarin) help prevent blood clots.
- Beta blockers (such as carvedilol and metoprolol), calcium channel blockers (such as amlodipine) and tranquilizers (such as diazepam) help improve blood flow, ease breathing and relieve anxiety.
- Beta blockers added to ACE inhibitors have been shown to improve survival. If ACE inhibitors are not tolerated, angiotension receptor blockers, such as losartan and valsartan, may be substituted.
- It may be necessary, in advanced cases, to administer oxygen through a nasal tube. Mechanical devices for administration of oxygen are available for home use after the condition has stabilized in the hospital.
- More severe cases of heart failure may require surgery to bypass blocked blood vessels or replace heart valves.
- If the blood vessels are clogged with plaque, the doctor may perform an outpatient procedure called percutaneous transluminal angioplasty.
- During this procedure the doctor will use local anesthesia and insert a catheter (a long, narrow tube) with a deflated balloon at its tip into the narrowed part of the artery. The balloon is then inflated, compressing the plaque and enlarging the inner diameter of the blood vessel so blood can flow more easily.
If other treatments fail and the heart muscle has been too badly damaged, you may require a heart transplant. The survival rate for this surgery is 80 percent after one year and over 60 percent after four years.
Cardiovascular Diagnostic and Interventional Laboratory
The Johns Hopkins Hospital Cardiovascular Diagnostic Laboratory (CVDL) is a state-of-the-art imaging facility performing over 24,000 diagnostic and interventional procedures annually. The CVDL operates 11 procedure rooms.
There are three general areas within the CVDL: Cardiology, Radiology and Electrophysiology. The Cardiology section is involved in treating patients with disorders of the heart and vascular tree including coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, valve disease, congenital heart defects, cardiomyopathy and peripheral vascular disease.
Services specific to cardiomyopathy, a leading cause of heart failure, in the CDVL include:
- Diagnosis and evaluation of cardiomyopathic conditions using endomyocardial biopsy.
- Hemodynamic and metabolic assessment of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy using transvenous pacing protocols, percutaneous septal myocardial ablation. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45314000 |
An excerpt from www.HouseOfNames.com archives copyright © 2000 - 2013
Where did the French Nanteuil family come from? What is the French Nanteuil family crest and coat of arms? When did the Nanteuil family first arrive in the United States? Where did the various branches of the family go? What is the Nanteuil family history?
Spelling variations of this family name include: Nantel, Nantauil, Le Nantel, Le Nanteuil, Nanteuil, Le Nantauil, De Nantel, De Nanteuil and many more.
First found in Ile-de-France where they held a family seat in the seigneurie of Haudoin. This region of France is notable for the inclusion of Paris as its main urban center and extends to the north and east.
This web page shows only a small excerpt of our Nanteuil research. Another 122 words(9 lines of text) are included under the topic Early Nanteuil History in all our PDF Extended History products.
More information is included under the topic Early Nanteuil Notables in all our PDF Extended History products.
Some of the first settlers of this family name or some of its variants were: Louis Nantel who settled in Quebec in 1668 from Picardy.
The Nanteuil Family Crest was acquired from the Houseofnames.com archives. The Nanteuil Family Crest was drawn according to heraldic standards based on published blazons. We generally include the oldest published family crest once associated with each surname.
This page was last modified on 21 October 2010 at 14:17.
houseofnames.com is an internet property owned by Swyrich Corporation. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45316000 |
Chapter 18 - Your First All-Grain Batch
18.4 Starting the Mash
1. Heat up enough water to conduct the mash. At a water to grain ratio of 1.5:1 qt./lb., the amount would be 12.5 quarts or about 3 gallons. Always make more, you will often need it. Heat up 4 gallons if you can. At a ratio of 1.5:1, the initial infusion temperature should 163°F to create a mash temperature of 152°F. (See Chapter 16 - Mash Methods for the infusion calculations.)
2. Preheat the cooler with some hot water, about a gallon. Swirl it around to heat up the cooler and then dump it. Preheating will prevent initial heat loss from the mash to the tun.
3. Pour in about 1 gallon of your strike water into the Mash Tun and stir in the crushed grain. This is the doughing-in stage. Mix the water and grist together gradually to avoid shocking the enzymes. Stir it to make sure all the grain is fully wetted, but don't splash. Hot side aeration can occur anytime the wort is hotter than 80°F. Oxidation of wort compounds will not be affected by the subsequent boil, and will cause flavor stability problems later.
4. Check the temperature to see if it has stabilized at the target temperature range of 150 - 155°F. If the temperature is too low, ex. 145 °F, add some more hot water. If it is too high, ex. 160°F, then add cold water to bring it down. 155°F is the highest we want for this recipe. It will yield a sweet, full bodied wort.
5. Okay, the mash temperature came out a little low (148°F) so I am adding 2.5 quarts of hot water to bring it up to 152°F. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45318000 |
Supplement Studies: Sorting Out the Confusion
To consumers, keeping track of the research on vitamin supplements can be an exercise in frustration. Different studies on the same vitamins often present conflicting information. Why the contrary findings?
A closer look at the study design often reveals the cause of these discrepancies. Next time you read a news story about a vitamin trial, keep the following questions in mind, since the answers may help you put conflicting results into context:
1. What vitamin dose did study participants take—and for how long did they take it?
The most obvious source of conflicting findings is the fact that different studies test different doses of vitamins, for different lengths of time. Take vitamin D as an example. Studies have found that it protects against fractures at doses of 700 to 800 IU a day, (1) but that 400 IU a day has less benefit. (2) A short vitamin supplement trial may not show any benefit simply because it takes a long time for a disease to develop or for the vitamin’s protective effects to emerge.
2. Who were the study participants—and how healthy were their lifestyles?
Everyone knows that diet, smoking, exercise, and other lifestyle choices can have a dramatic effect on our health. These lifestyle characteristics can also have an effect on how our bodies respond to vitamins. A supplement is only useful to people whose diets are lacking in that specific nutrient; a randomized trial that gives vitamin pills to well-fed participants may not show any results. Similarly, people who smoke may have greater need for certain vitamins, so a study conducted on smokers could have different results from one conducted on people who never smoked or who have kicked the habit.
3. When did study participants take the supplement?
A supplement may only be beneficial at one stage of a disease or condition and not another, so studies done at different stages may have different results. Folate deficiency in mothers, for example, leads to neural tube defects, but folate supplements only protect against defects if taken in the first few weeks after conception.
4. How did researchers measure the supplement’s effectiveness?
Studies often differ in how they measure their outcomes—that is, how they measure whether a supplement had any benefit. Heart disease, for example, covers a wide range of conditions, including heart attack, stroke, or peripheral vascular disease. If a study measures the effect of a vitamin supplement on heart disease overall, it may miss a supplement’s protective effect against stroke.
For more information on how to understand news stories about nutrition research, see “Nutrition Research and Mass Media—An Introduction.”
1.Holick MF. Vitamin D deficiency. N Engl J Med. 2007; 357:266-81.
2.Jackson RD, LaCroix AZ, Gass M, et al. Calcium plus vitamin D supplementation and the risk of fractures. N Engl J Med. 2006; 354:669-83.
The aim of the Harvard School of Public Health Nutrition Source is to provide timely information on diet and nutrition for clinicians, allied health professionals, and the public. The contents of this Web site are not intended to offer personal medical advice. You should seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Web site. The information does not mention brand names, nor does it endorse any particular products. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45321000 |
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)'s list of World Heritage sites contains over 900 of the most important natural and cultural locations in world. Sadly, 35 of 200+ sites designated as natural World Heritage properties are considered in danger and face threats such as pollution, human armed conflict, poaching, uncontrolled urbanization, and unchecked tourism and development.
Here are five locations where humans have left their mark, perhaps irreversibly damaging some of the world's most biodiverse sites.
Belize Barrier Reef
The largest barrier reef in North America, this World Heritage site comprises a diverse range of coastal lagoons, mangrove forests and estuaries. It is home to many threatened species -- such as marine turtles, manatees and the American marine crocodile -- as well as over 425 species of plants and more than 500 species of fish. Dangers to the site include heavy tourism and other human development in coastal areas.
Kahuzi-Biega National Park
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Comprising mostly tropical forest, Kahuzi-Biega National Park is named for its two extinct volcanoes: Kahuzi and Biega. The park is home to one of the last groups of eastern lowland gorillas, of which only about 150 individuals remain, according to UNESCO. Kahuzi-Biega National Park is situated in one of the most densely populated areas of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, placing its flora and fauna - including many endangered species - under constant threat.
Rainforests of the Atsinanana
This World Heritage site comprises six national parks in eastern Madagascar, one of the most biodiverse countries on the planet. The African island is home to over 12,000 endemic plant species and several primate groups, including several species of lemurs. Madagascar's Atsinanana Rainforests are a critical to the island's unique ecosystem and biodiversity, but they continue to be threatened by deforestation.
Garamba National Park
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Located in the northeastern part of the Congo, near the Sudanese border, Garamba National Park lies between the Nile and Zaire rivers. Savannahs, grasslands, woodlands, forests and swamps make up the landscape, which is home to animals such as elephants, giraffes, hippos, chimpanzees, leopards, lions, antelope and the extremely rare white rhino. (According to UNESCO, only about 30 white rhinos remain in the wild). Despite local conservation efforts, poaching remains a significant concern for this World Heritage site.
Everglades National Park
This South Florida World Heritage site is the largest mangrove ecosystem in the Western Hemisphere, the longest continuous stand of sawgrass prairie, and the most important breeding ground for wading birds in North America. Comprising freshwater marshes, tropical wetlands and seagrass ecosystems, the Everglades are home to more than 400 species of birds, 275+ species of fish, and over 800 species of land and water vertebrates. Some of these species include the Florida panther, snail kite, alligator, crocodile and manatee. However, these animals are threatened by a loss of marine habitat, and the site remains in danger due to the degradation of the entire ecosystem, thanks to agricultural and urban development, and pollution.
Follow Laura DiMugno on Twitter: www.twitter.com/KeepItGreenLD | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45325000 |
Clogged roadways need new approaches
Next time you're stuck in traffic ground to a halt, think about this: as smart as our cars have become, our roadways are about to get a whole lot smarter.
It's certainly needed. Cities everywhere are battling an increase in demand and an inability to build sufficient infrastructure to cope. For example, in the U.S., as population grew nearly 20% between 1982 and 2001, traffic jumped 236%.
Building new roads and new lanes often just isn't possible any longer, but building intelligence into the roads and the cars — with roadside sensors, radio frequency tags, and global positioning systems — certainly is.
In London, a congestion management system has lowered traffic volume to mid-1980s levels. In Singapore, a system can predict traffic speeds with nearly 90% accuracy. With future enhancements, the system will help predict — rather than merely monitor — other traffic conditions, as well.
A series of conversations for a smarter planet
Nobody likes traffic congestion
Every year, traffic wastes 58 supertankers of fuel. What can you do? Build a smarter planet.
IBM Smarter Trends
This new resource shares content on key issues such as: transport, energy, water and city development.
Traffic systems are part of a larger system
Rethinking how we get from point A to point B means applying new technology and new policies to old assumptions and habits. It means improving the drivers' experience, not just where and when they drive. And it could lead to advances in the cars we drive, the roads we drive them on, and the public transit we might take instead. For example:
Many cities around the world face common transport challenges. Download this report (US) from the IBM Institute for Business Value on how cities can learn from one another's success in integrating their transportation services.
Read further examples (US) of how IBM has helped organisations tackle their transportation issues.
Smarter transportation means better systems for rail, air, public transit and freight. These can improve our cities, our economy and our daily lives. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45328000 |
What is the media? What does it do? Students examine the types and roles of the media by taking on the role of newsmaker and agenda setter.
Students will be able to:
ANTICIPATE by asking students if they’ve ever seen a television newscast. Ask students to recall any details they remember (graphics, music, story topics). Ask students who they think makes decisions about what stories television newscasts discuss.
DISTRIBUTE the Reading pages to each student.
READ the two reading pages with the class, pausing to discuss as necessary.
CHECK for understanding by doing the T/F Active Participation activity. Have students respond “True” or “False” as a chorus or use thumbs up/thumbs down.
DISTRIBUTE scissors, glue, and the Agenda Cutout Activity pages. Students can complete this activity individually or in pairs.
READ the directions for the cutout activity.
ALLOW students to complete the cutout activity.
REVIEW the answers to the cutout activity.
DISTRIBUTE one worksheet to each student and review the directions for the activities.
ALLOW students to complete the worksheet.
DISTRIBUTE one Extension Activity to each student and review the directions.
ALLOW students to complete the extension activity.
CLOSE by asking students to silently recall as many roles of the media as they can. Call on students until all roles have been named. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45329000 |
Altruistic Aphids, an Evolutionary Anomaly
by Brian Thomas, M.S. *
Certain aphids manipulate plant tissues to form a hollow gall in which they then reside. But aphids will also help heal plant tissue that they’ve damaged. This behavior serves as a vital self-defense mechanism, because when the gall’s walls are eaten by caterpillars, the tender aphids inside become easy prey for other insect predators.
Evolutionary biologist Takema Fukatsu of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Tsukuba, Japan, found that specialized aphid guards extrude their body contents to fill holes in the plant wall, “kneading their own gooey blood into a big scab.”1 Many of these types of aphids, named Nipponaphis monzeni, die in the process. In a recently-published study, the research team examined gall walls in various stages of repair and found that the aphid-made scab played the same role as animal-skin scabs, serving as templates for body tissue to grow over the area and repair the wound.2 Moreover, the aphids were responsible for manipulating the repair of the plant tissue, “because it healed only if live aphids were still in the gall.”1
Interestingly, scientists have labored for decades to manipulate plant tissue growth like these aphids do. This process entails many technical problems, since some kind of chemical must provide precise communication with the particular plant’s biochemical networks to signal specific dormant genes to activate.
Natural processes alone would not produce what is observed here: organisms sacrificing their lives for the greater good of the remaining individuals. Nor do they adequately account for the origin of tiny creatures that can precisely manipulate intricate biochemical pathways for the purpose of healing a plant wound.
Natural processes alone cannot explain it, but creation does. And now the Creator’s intricate and complex handiwork is providing a blueprint for scientists seeking to find “novel compounds that could prove useful for manipulating plant cell and tissue cultures.”1
- Youngsteadt, E. Aphids Play Doctor. ScienceNOW Daily News. Posted on sciencenow.sciencemag.org February 25, 2009.
- Kutsukake, M. Scab formation and wound healing of plant tissue by soldier aphid. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. Published online before print February 25, 2009.
* Mr. Thomas is Science Writer at the Institute for Creation Research.
Article posted on March 17, 2009. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45330000 |
Satellite project to predict earthquakes will 'help save lives'
Scientists have launched a project that they hope could one day help save thousands of lives by predicting when and where earthquakes will happen. A group of British and Russian scientists signed an agreement to work together on the project earlier this week in Moscow.
The TwinSat project involves the launch of two satellites – one of which they say is about the size of an old television set and the other smaller than a shoebox – which will orbit the earth a few hundred miles apart.
Data from the satellites will be collated with data from the ground as the scientists try to understand what natural warnings are given prior to earthquakes.
"As stress builds up in the Earth prior to an earthquake, subtle electromagnetic signals are released that can be read from the upper atmosphere," said Professor Alan Smith, Director of the Mullard Space Science Laboratory at University College, London, who was in Moscow this week to launch the project.
"We want to try to work out how these signals differ from all the other things that are present at any given time." The two linked satellites will monitor zones with high seismic and volcanic activity, such as Iceland and the Kamchatka Peninsula in the far east of Russia. The project is being run by a team of British and Russian scientists and was heralded "a new milestone in UK-Russia space collaboration" by Professor Smith.
Professor Vitaly Chmyrev, of the Institute of Physics of the Earth in Moscow, one of the Russian partners, said that the possibilities for progress in earthquake research were extremely exciting. He said that the project will "benefit both Russian and British science in addition to making the Earth a safer place".
Professor Chmyrev noted that in the days leading up to the devastating earthquake in Haiti last year, satellites picked up electromagnetic signals from the area, but they were only analysed afterwards. This project could be a huge step towards understanding how to read these signals. "Just imagine if we could have accurately predicted the Haiti earthquake a few weeks before," said Professor Chmyrev. "Or if we had predicted the Icelandic volcano eruption that paralysed transport routes for weeks. The potential human and economic benefits are enormous."
Peter Sammonds, Professor of Geophysics at UCL and another member of the project team, said that because the satellites were so small, the technology was relatively cheap. "These satellites are absolutely incredible, you can almost hold them in the palm of your hand," he said. "If the project progresses as we want it to, we'll be able to send up several more of them to increase coverage."
The first satellite launch is planned for 2015, and the team is confident that the project could change the way we understand earthquakes. "It wasn't long ago that if you said there was a chance of predicting earthquakes, people would say you were a charlatan, and not a real scientist," said Professor Chmyrev. "But science moves quickly and I'm absolutely certain that sooner or later we'll be able to make very accurate predictions."
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World news in pictures
Google challenges US surveillance gagging order
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Negotiable Depending on Experience: The Green Recruitment Company: The Green R...
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There are three different types of drought, not one. There is a meteorological drought, when actual rainfall is deficient (20 per cent below normal) or scanty (60 per cent or more below normal). The Indian Meteorological Department has now declared a deficiency of 29 per cent in the south-west monsoon. Let
With three quarters of all districts receiving deficient rainfall so far and the overall rain deficit worsening since last week, the country seems headed into the worst drought year over the last two decades.
NEW DELHI: With the India Meteorological Department declaring on Thursday a deficiency of 29 per cent in the southwest monsoon, the number of drought-affected districts has risen to 177. Last week, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said 141 districts were drought-hit.
Met Department Says Rains Might Return Tomorrow
Ahmedabad: Monsoon has taken a break and there has been not a single spell of shower since July 27. However, there seems to be some good news in store as the monsoon is expected to revive by August 13. However, the rains this year have so far blessed only Saurashtra and Kutch which have already received more than its annual average rainfall.
NEW DELHI: With the monsoon showing no sign of any major recovery, the India Meteorological Department late on Monday decided to reduce its estimate of rainfall during the season to 87 per cent for the country as a whole and for the season in its entirety. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45344000 |
London, Dec mber 6: A new has demonstrated for the first time that a simple breath test could be used for colorectal cancer screening.
Cancer tissue has different metabolism compared to normal healthy cells and produces some substances which can be detected in the breath of these patients. Analysis of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) linked to cancer is a new frontier in cancer screening.
Led by Donato F. Altomare, MD, of the Department of Emergency and Organ Transplantation at the University Aldo Moro of Bari, researchers collected exhaled breath from 37 patients with colorectal cancer and 41 healthy controls which was processed offline to evaluate the VOC profile. VOCs of interest had been identified and selected, and VOC patterns able to discriminate patients from controls set up.
A probabilistic neural network (PNN) was used to identify the pattern of VOCs that better discriminated between the two groups.
Results showed that patients with colorectal cancer have a different selective VOC pattern compared with healthy controls, based on analysis of 15 of 58 specific compounds in exhaled breath samples.
The PNN in this study was able to discriminate patients with colorectal cancer with an accuracy of over 75 percent, with the model correctly assigning 19 patients.
“The technique of breath sampling is very easy and non-invasive, although the method is still in the early phase of development,” Altomare notes. “Our study’s findings provide further support for the value of breath testing as a screening tool.”
The study has been published in BJS. (ANI) | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45345000 |
Great Ape Profiles
|Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) |
The largest Great Ape
Males: 400 pounds (180 kg); up to 6 feet (1.8 m) standing
Females: 200 pounds (90 kg); up to 5 feet (1.5 m) standing
Habitat: Lowland gorillas live in rainforests in East and West Africa; mountain gorillas live in rainforests in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda.
Community: Up to 30 gorillas live in a troop. A troop includes one male, many females, and their offspring.
Diet: Plants and some insects. Wild gorillas have big potbellies, which are full of bulky plants.
You'll notice: The silvery back of the adult male
Baby fact: Baby gorillas have little white tufts of hair on their bottoms that look like tails.
Did you know? An adult male gorilla is very protective of his family. He will stand and beat his chest to scare away intruders. This is where the idea of King Kong comes from. But the truth is that gorillas generally have quiet, peaceful lives.
|Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus, Pongo abelii) |
The world's largest arboreal (tree-dwelling) animal
Males: 200 pounds (90 kg); up to 4.5 feet (1.4 m) standing
Females: 110 pounds (50 kg); up to 3.5 feet (1.1 m) standing
Habitat: Tropical rainforests in Borneo and Sumatra
Community: Orangutans are more solitary than other great apes, though mothers and their young stay close for years. An orangutan eats a lot of fruit, and since fruit trees can grow far apart, it is probably better for a single orangutan to find a tree and eat its fill.
Diet: Mostly fruit; other plants, some birds' eggs and meat
You'll notice: Its long red hair
Baby fact: Baby orangutans play in the treetops like little acrobats.
Did you know? During rainstorms, an orangutan may hold a big leaf over its head like an umbrella.
|Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes, Pan paniscus)|
Most people's favorite ape
Males: 115 pounds (52 kg); up to 4.5 feet (1.4 m) standing
Females: 90 pounds (40.5 kg); up to 4 feet (1.2 m) standing
Habitat: Forests and savannas in western and central Africa
Community: An average community has about 50 members-males, females, and offspring. Each group has a complex hierarchy that is headed by an "alpha male," or boss. The alpha male is usually the smartest male ape, rather than the biggest.
Diet: Mostly fruit; other plants and some meat
You'll notice: Its strong bald brow
Baby fact: A baby chimpanzee weighs only two or three pounds at birth.
Did You Know? Chimps use a variety of tools. For example, a chimp may peel a twig and use it to catch ants, or find just the right-sized rock to crack nuts. Also, sick chimps have been seen eating plants that have medicinal properties.
|Bonobos (Pan paniscus)
The smallest great ape
Males: 100 pounds (45 kg); up to 3.3 feet (1 m) standing
Females: 75 pounds (34 kg); up to 3.3 feet (1 m) standing
Habitat: Rainforests in central Democratic Republic of the Congo
Community: Bonobos live in groups of about 20 to 50 that are as complex as chimpanzee groups, but more close-knit. Bonobos are not as aggressive with each other as chimps are, and female bonobos have a more dominant role than females in chimp groups.
Diet: Mostly fruit; other plants and some meat (rarely)
You'll notice: How the hair on its head often "parts" in the middle
Baby fact: Unlike chimps, bonobos are born with dark faces that match their bodies.
Did you know? Bonobos are much like chimps, and in fact were once thought to be just another kind of chimp. They were only "discovered" in 1929. Scientists still know less about bonobos than about any of the other great apes.
What's your favorite ape?
Information Please® Database, © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The Risk of Drinking Too Much Water- Seattle Chiropractor's Report
Seattle Chiropractor's Report
Typically this time of year, we are reading articles on dehydration (lack of water). For good reason! More often then not, drinking too little water can become a major problem for people who are active in summer weather.
What about drinking too much water? Is there such a thing? The answer is a startling “yes”, it’s called hyponatremia. Although extremely rare, endurance athletes tend to have the highest risk of experiencing this condition. For example, in 2002, a healthy 28-year-old female collapsed during the Boston Marathon as a result of hyponatremia. She didn’t make it, which prompted not only the running community but also the scientist to start asking questions.
Symptoms: Nausea, cramps, dizziness and headaches. It is difficult to distinguish between dehydration and hyponatremia symptoms. The difference in symptoms is that people experiencing hyponatremia have normal vital signs in the initial states. They are also more likely to vomit and become puffy.
Treatment: IV with a concentrated sodium solution, a diuretic medication to speed water loss and an anti-convulsive medication, in case of seizure, according to Dr. John Cianca, medical director for the Houston Marathon. It is important that hyponatremia is diagnosed correctly and not mistaken for dehydration as the treatment for these two conditions are opposite of each other.
Dr. Arthur Siegel, director of internal medicine at McLean Hospital, studied 2 women who died during marathons from hyponatremia. He found that they both died of brain swelling from the water intoxication. He determined that they died not from “drinking too much water, but because their kidneys stopped excreting water as a response to skeletal muscle injury. When runners “hit the wall” they force their muscles to continue to exercise even after they’ve run out of glycogen, or fuel. This triggers a stress hormone in the brain to tell the kidneys to halt water excretion, in an effort to maximize blood volume. When this happens, even a relatively small amount of fluid can cause the brain to swell. If a person continues to consume fluids, the body reacts to the inflammation by continue to protect blood volume making the brain swell even more.” Dr. Siegel thinks that it’s the combination of over-drinking during and after the race, once the muscle injury has begun, that people start to get in trouble.
So how can you protect yourself? First, understand how you sweat. People who tend to be “salty sweaters” are at a higher risk for hyponatremia. If you are running or working out for more than 5 hours, weight yourself periodically. If you gain weight, stop drinking water. Just as a heads up, women tend to be more at risk for this then men as they tend to lose more sodium and retain more fluid then men.
Although rare, it’s important to keep an eye on your water consumption, especially if you are an athlete.
Information Source: http://www.amaasportsmed.org/news_room/hyponatremia_reuters.htm
If you have any questions, please feel free to email Kevin Rindal, Seattle Chiropractor at [email protected]. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45354000 |
The same holds true for cultures. American history offers many things to make us proud, but there are just as many actions we've undertaken and attitudes we've held that we'd just as soon forget. And yet, to truly understand who we are, in all our complexity, we need to acknowledge the past -- both the glories and the gaffes.
That's the idea behind "Living Legacy," the new exhibit of items from the MAC's extensive and prestigious American Indian collection. The legacy of museum collecting over the past century is indeed a mixed bag, and the museum's own collection echoes that tension.
"When we started looking at it, we realized we wanted to [create] an exhibit that looked at the mixed legacy of collecting Indian cultural materials," says Curator of Collections Laura Thayer, who served as the exhibit's project manager. "So in this exhibit we try to show the more negative aspects of that, and what we hope are the more positive, contemporary aspects."
The exhibit serves as a look in the memory mirror for the MAC. "It's a historic journey of the evolution of this organization," Thayer says, "of how we went from collecting objects from a race of people that everybody at the time thought would disappear, to a more modern approach of involving tribal members in the management of the collection."
& lt;span class= & quot;dropcap & quot; & S & lt;/span & pokane's museum got its start back in 1916, when William M. Manning -- a former surveyor and Stevens County engineer -- loaned his collection of American Indian cultural materials to the nascent Spokane Historical Society for an exhibit. Two years later, the organization became the Eastern Washington State Historical Society; several years after that, the museum finally got a permanent home when Helen Campbell Powell donated her family's house in Browne's Addition. The organization continued to grow and expand to its present form: the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture. But the very first pieces acquired -- Accession No. 1, in museum-speak -- came from Manning.
At the time that Manning was amassing his collection (roughly 1900 to 1915), non-Indian collectors of Indian cultural materials believed that tribal culture was disappearing across the continent, and they set out to collect and document as much of this culture as possible before it was gone. At a meeting of the historical society in 1916, Manning reportedly said that "much can be gathered in the way of historical material from the Indians if an effort is made before it is too late."
Unfortunately, Manning and others had little understanding of what was considered sacred among Native cultures -- and the resultant hurt and anger continue to this day. And once the materials made their way into museums and exhibits, most of their stories -- the cultural and personal context -- were lost.
In "Living Legacy," six glass cases in the center of the gallery hold several items on display. "The cases provide a good preservation environment for a long-term exhibit like this one," Thayer says, "but they're also a metaphor for how these objects were perceived [by the collectors] as art objects, divorced from their meaning."
The Manning collection was the starting point for the exhibit, but objects from other significant collections tell part of the story of the Northern Plateau tribes as well. "Tisa [Matheson, curator of American Indian collections,] chose objects from other collections within the American Indian collection," says Thayer, "other major collections that are factors in how prominent and important our Plateau collection is today."
One of those is the Chap Dunning collection, she says. "At the time it was acquired in '62, it was considered to be the most important and high-quality Northern Plateau collection on the planet," she says. "Even now, with the addition of the MONAC collection, her collection makes up one-third of our Plateau collection."
Many of the items from the Dunning collection that are part of the exhibit can be seen in historic photographs taken by Dunning's friend, photographer Dick Lewis. The photographs become a step along the path to reconnect the objects with their stories.
& lt;span class= & quot;dropcap & quot; & T & lt;/span & he MAC continues to collect items from area cultures, including local tribes, but now the focus is more on working jointly with the tribes to assure the stewardship of our regional cultural heritage. Following passage of the Native American Graves and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) in 1990, regional tribes and the museum worked to develop a closer relationship. One result was the creation of the museum's American Indian Cultural Council, with representation from the four Northern Plateau tribes. The Council oversees the museum's American Indian collections, programs and exhibits -- including this one.
"The Cultural Council has the final say with anything that's done with the [American Indian] collection," says Thayer.
In addition to the historical collections, the exhibit features the work of contemporary artists from the Plateau region.
"We recently developed and adopted a five-year collecting plan for all the collections," Thayer says. "This exhibit comes at a great time because it gives us the impetus to carry out the acquisition plan, and show it off right away."
One of the featured artists is basket maker Elaine Timentwa Emerson of the Colville Confederated Tribes. Her work has been featured at the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian, and the MAC recently acquired one of her baskets for its permanent collection. Her baskets are beautiful, but her words speak just as eloquently: "I make baskets," she says, "because I want people to know... we are still here."
"Living Legacy: The American Indian Collection" is on display through July 18, 2010. The MAC, 2316 W. First Ave., is open Tuesdays-Sundays from 11 am-5 pm. Tickets: $7; $5, seniors and students. E-mail [email protected] or call 456-3931.
by Jack Nisbet
& lt;span class= & quot;dropcap & quot; & A & lt;/span & t the end of the 19th century, the Inland Northwest abounded with mineral wealth -- from silver in the Coeur d'Alenes to lead-zinc strikes on the lower Pend Oreille, from the huge gold mines in Rossland to the Copper Queen on Chewelah Mountain. Young men of all descriptions found their way to Spokane to fan out and stake a claim.
William Morley Manning's story begins there -- a kid bouncing back and forth between his home in Ontario, Canada, and the region's mines. In the years to come, he'd leave his mark on the Inland Northwest, but not for mining. Manning was a collector of Indian artifacts -- a controversial collector -- and his collection was the starting point for the museum that has since become the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture. Along the way, Manning met legendary local tribal leaders like Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce, Chief Masseslow of the Kalispel Tribe and William Three Mountain the Younger of the Spokanes. Now the MAC's latest and perhaps most ambitious show since 2001, "Living Legacy," is bringing Manning's collection -- along with other historical materials and contemporary artworks -- out for all to see.
& lt;span class= & quot;dropcap & quot; & A & lt;/span & s early as 1897, a 20-year-old Manning filed for U.S. citizenship in Idaho, but then he retreated back to Toronto to enroll in a course for mining engineers. Although there is no evidence he ever received any kind of degree, he soon found his way back West and put whatever skills he had gained to use; the 1900 Washington state census lists Manning as a 23-year-old assayer in Stevens County, which at that time covered the entire northeast corner of the state and encompassed several rich mining districts.
That region also boiled with a host of unresolved Indian land issues -- although the Spokane and Colville reservations had been established, there were still families living on traditional lands in the Colville and Kettle River valleys. A large portion of the Kalispel tribe had refused to move to the Flathead Reservation in Montana, and still lived in the Pend Oreille Valley without any treaty benefits at all.
Manning plunged into these territorial matters when he became involved with some mining claims on First Thought Mountain just west of Orient on the Kettle River. And over the next couple of years, Manning met Chief Joseph on the Colville Reservation and started his collecting by purchasing some artifacts from him. Manning described one of them as a council pipe:
...of serpentine rock having a solid silver inlay from end to end ... It is about 12 inches long, one and a half at large end by three quarters at small end and weighs about a couple of pounds. This pipe was a personal gift from Chief Joseph and is contained in a leather case which is beaded to represent the design on the pipe.
In his account, written two decades after the fact, Manning related nothing about how he came in contact with Joseph, or what he might have done to deserve such a gift, but such exchanges would not have been considered unusual at the time. Chief Joseph was a well-known figure, respected by many in the white community for the resilience and humanity he displayed during the Nez Perce conflict of 1877-78, and his fame had only increased as he was exiled first to Oklahoma and then to the Colville Reservation. Many white collectors recognized the cultural value and craftsmanship inherent in tribal artifacts, and many tribal people sold or made them as a source of income. After Joseph's death in 1904, headdresses and clothing articles that were said to have belonged to the famous Nez Perce chief went on display in towns throughout the Inland Northwest.
Manning became acquainted with other people on the Colville Reservation besides Chief Joseph, and he purchased a range of other artifacts from them. These included a fish spear carved from a cedar shaft 16 feet long that ended in two delicate long tines. The fork was held apart by a spreader, and a running noose of native hemp ran from the lower end to an iron point that fit into a socket in the center. Minus the iron spear point, this was exactly the rigging described in words by fur trapper and explorer David Thompson when he visited Kettle Falls in 1811, and shown in a painting by Paul Kane on the same site in 1847. According to Manning, the Colville fisherman was well aware of his spear's value as both an artifact and a useful tool.
"The Indian from whom I got this spear would not sell me the 16-foot pole at any price but permitted me to cut off the pole just above the spear crotch attachment," Manning wrote. "These fish spears are not to be found any more in this section of the country."
& lt;span class= & quot;dropcap & quot; & D & lt;/span & uring the early years of the 20th century, Manning shuttled between Colville and Spokane, and by 1905 he had signed on as a member of the mining and geology committee for a newly formed historical society in Spokane. At the same time he continued to collect tribal artifacts, and his contacts branched out from the Colville to the Kalispel.
During that same time, Masseslow (see story, page 24) and other Kalispel people had also sold a variety of cultural objects to Manning, including more than a dozen beautiful flat twined bags, with both traditional and modern designs, constructed of traditional materials such as Indian hemp, wild rye, corn husks and rawhide ties. Manning had bought gloves, leggings, tobacco pouches, belts, parfleches (folded bags made from animal hide), mortars and pestles, cedar weaving needles and a pack saddle fashioned from wood, elk horn and rawhide.
When Kalispel tribal elder Francis Cullooyah thumbs through the list of Manning purchases today, practically every object reminds him of another scene from his own youth -- leggings he saw at a dance, one old woman dipping fingers into her tobacco pouch, a pack saddle buried in the mud for who knows how long before someone stepped on it while climbing up the bank from a creek.
In 1906, Manning became a naturalized U.S. citizen. He was still based in Stevens County, and the local Colville newspaper began running humorous lines about seeing "Bill" in Spokane with a lady friend named Pet Cummings, who he later married. During this period, Manning's job as a road surveyor required him to trace boundary lines on the Spokane Reservation. There Manning developed a relationship with a tribal leader named William Three Mountain the Younger (see story, page 26). Once again, the young mining engineer, not yet 30 years old, had stumbled into one of the leading figures of a tribe involved in serious questions of territory, removal and cultural survival.
& lt;span class= & quot;dropcap & quot; & I & lt;/span & n 1916, the Spokane Historical Society, precursor to the current Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture, mounted a display of "curios" on the third floor of Spokane's City Hall. An article in a city newspaper recorded the transactions of the meeting.
W.M. Manning, who has loaned to the historical society the largest single exhibit, said much can be gathered in the way of historical material from the Indians if an effort is made before it is too late. He spent several years in collecting his exhibit.
Manning valued his collection at $1,200. That original display moved several times over the years, and in 1924 Manning removed certain items, including Chief Joseph's council pipe, from the exhibit. Aside from the absence of those items, Manning's collection has remained with the Eastern Washington State Historical Society ever since.
Manning moved to Helena in the 1930s. In 1944, while inspecting a mine in the Garnet Range, he suffered a heart attack and died within a few days. In the early 1950s, Joel Ferris of the Eastern Washington State Historical Society officially purchased Manning's collection of tribal material from his widow for a price of $750. Today, that collection is at the center of the MAC's American Indian collection -- and the largest collection of Plateau cultural materials anywhere in the world.
In going through the artifacts, curators found that Manning had collected scattered items from a variety of cultures, including the Southwest and Coastal traditions. Some of these may have been trade items in the possession of local tribes, and Manning had misidentified the origin of several of his artifacts. The museum also found that the collector had picked up rather than purchased some of the items. These included a handful of grave goods from the Spokane Reservation. The robbing of ancestral graves by white collectors has long been a source of tremendous bitterness among tribal members, and Manning was certainly guilty of it to some degree. Many collectors of his time, no matter how much they respected the work and culture of the tribes, felt that American Indians would surely soon be extinct, and that by holding an artifact a white person could "own" pieces of that vanished history.
& lt;span class= & quot;dropcap & quot; & B & lt;/span & ut Manning and those many others were wrong. All the Plateau tribes survived; their culture is very much alive. The MAC now has an American Indian Cultural Council that oversees their important collection of tribal artifacts, including the Manning collection.
Over time, all objects of ceremonial or spiritual importance associated with his collection have been repatriated to the appropriate tribes -- those items will be represented in "Living Legacy" as empty spaces. But the articles that he purchased fairly and with respect from tribal members will be on display because the tribes themselves want to share them with the larger community.
"We will move on," says Michael Holloman, director of the Center for Plateau Cultural Studies at the MAC, "with the understanding that we are not going to tell the story of these pieces in the same way that Manning did. They belong to the history of the tribes that made them."
Jack Nisbet and his wife Claire were consultants for the MAC's "Living Legacy" exhibit.
by Jack Nisbet
& lt;span class= & quot;dropcap & quot; & O & lt;/span & ne of William Morley Manning's prized purchases was a beautiful 12-foot sturgeon-nosed canoe from Chief Masseslow, a well-known Kalispel leader who at the time was fighting a protracted legal battle with the U.S. government over a separate reservation for the Kalispel people.
"This canoe was made for me in 1905 by totally blind Chief Massalaw of the Boundary (Kalispel) tribe, Pend d'Oreille River, Washington," wrote Manning in a brief note. "Ends bound with birch bark and sealed with pine pitch."
The following summer Manning bought "buckskin moccasins & amp; other clothing from Kalispel Indians at 4th of July celebration" in Cusick.
It's impossible to say how much Manning might have known about the contentious history of the Kalispel situation at the time he was buying these articles, but his collecting habit drew him into contact with the tribe's most important political figure of that time.
Masseslow was born in 1826 near the present Kalispel Reservation, across the Pend Oreille River from Cusick, Wash. His father Victor was a secondary leader who grew in stature after the Americans assumed control of Washington Territory. After Victor was elected as chief of the Kalispel people in 1853, he consistently argued for a Kalispel homeland on the Pend Oreille River, discouraged the encroachment of white settlers and resisted sending Kalispel children to the agency school because he thought it was important that they should speak the Kalispel language instead of English. In 1884, when the aged Victor appeared before agent Sidney Waters on the arm of his son, Masseslow, Waters described the chief as "the wildest of all Indians attached to this agency."
In 1887, Victor and Masseslow attended a crucial negotiation between the Northwest Indian Commission and the Kalispels in Sandpoint. There agent John Wright, a former Tennessee congressman and Confederate colonel, promised that if the Kalispel people would leave their valley home and resettle on the Colville, Coeur d'Alene or Flathead Reservations, the U.S. government would offer them land, implements and an annual stipend for Victor.
Victor replied that he would rather stay and see his home. "The old people that are blind and crawling about. What will become of them? Must I take them and pack them on my back to the Flathead reservation?"
Masseslow next rose and stated, "The little quarter of money you offer will not make us happy. We will not be happy till we die. I am a chief, and these are my people." The Kalispels then retired to council together, and over the next three days "obstinately demanded a reservation within the boundary of the lands claimed by them." Although some Kalispels did move to the Flathead Reservation, the treaty submitted to Congress was not signed by Masseslow and therefore considered invalid.
After the Pend Oreille Valley was opened to white settlers in 1890, Masseslow continued to resist offers to buy up Indian land on the east side of the Pend Oreille River. Reports of ongoing conflicts led to the summoning of Captain J.W. Bubb from Fort Spokane to investigate the situation. Chief Masseslow met directly with Bubb and demanded action, "complaining that his people in the Calispel valley are being abused by white settlers, taking their lands from them and threatening their lives."
Masseslow did befriend some settlers, and the tribal relationship with white residents and visitors was economically complex. When John Brown's cabin burned, it was Masseslow who provided Brown's family with blankets, cooking utensils and new moccasins for his little girl. During the early 1900s, a steamboat company advertised trips from Newport to Box Canyon as a summer day trip, with a stop at the Kalispel tribe's summer encampment. During these tourist visits, "Kalispel women traded briskly in trinkets and beadwork."
During those same years, Masseslow traveled to see agent John Webster at the Colville agency in Miles to plead for a school and church for his people. When Webster reciprocated by visiting the Kalispels on their homeland around 1905, it marked the tribe's first visit from a Bureau agent in a decade. Since W.M. Manning's name is mentioned in a business letter to Webster, it is possible that the Indian agent formed the connection between the miner and the chief, because 1905 also happened to be the year that W. M. Manning obtained his sturgeon-nosed canoe from Masseslow. Since Manning stated that Masseslow was completely blind by then, Kalispel elder Francis Cullooyah suggests that the canoe may have been fashioned by some or all of the chief's four understudies at that time.
By 1908, Masseslow had named John Bigsmoke as his successor, but even in his later years he remained a familiar figure to both locals and visitors. When photographer Edward Curtis visited the Kalispel people, he took several dramatic photographs of the blind chief, and Masseslow's name appeared regularly in the Newport and Spokane newspapers. One article describes how Father Taelman of Gonzaga traveled to the Calispel Valley on Christmas Eve 1912. He was rowed across the river from Cusick to meet Masseslow and John Bigsmoke, then performed a midnight mass in honor of the holiday. Masseslow, more than 85 years old at the time, addressed the congregation in the Kalispel language. That same year he retired as chief, but was still active in 1914 when President Woodrow Wilson finally signed the order creating the Kalispel Reservation.
When Masseslow passed away in 1920, he was well into his 90s. He had watched his Kalispel people survive the fur trade, missionary, mining and settlement eras, and helped guide them to the return of their homeland sovereignty.
by Jack Nisbet
& lt;span class= & quot;dropcap & quot; & I & lt;/span & n 1906, while working as a road surveyor in Stevens County, William Morley Manning first met a tribal leader named William Three Mountain the Younger. The Three Mountain name predates the early missionary era among the Spokane people.
Spokane tribal elder Pauline Flett explains that Spokane language renders it as Chah-tle-hsote, (three-bare peaks-snag) and evokes the story of an epic journey. "Tle means mountain," Flett says. "We remember hsote, a forest of bare trees, maybe a big burn, maybe a storm of some kind. The original Three Mountain crossed through that bare forest three times going over the mountain. Probably to the coast, we think, because in those days when we said 'the Mountain' we meant the Cascade Mountains, and crossing over them meant going to the coast."
As a teenager, William Three Mountain the Elder lived with the family of Reverend Elkanah Walker at Tshimakain Mission near what is now Colville as early as 1839. He left after two years, and in time assumed the leadership of a band of Spokanes that spent a good part of the year at the mouth of Latah Creek. After the modern city began to form around Spokane Falls, this band moved to Deep Creek and then to the West End of the present Spokane Reservation. Throughout his life, Three Mountain the Elder played a chief's role in questions of tribal politics, resettlement and religion. In fact, he was killed trying to mediate a dispute in 1883.
William Three Mountain the Younger was born about 1864. He grew into a tall man, "always a head above everyone else" at gatherings. Around 1900, he was elected as chief of the band his father had led to the West End opposite the mouth of Deep Creek. Like his father, William took active and sometimes controversial stands in politics and religion.
Three Mountain the Younger and his wife Mattie developed a farm near Detillion Bridge, eight miles upstream from the mouth of the Spokane River.
"There was a distinctive rock in the river there, we called it Detillion Rock," recalls Pauline Flett, "with the old A-frame Presbyterian Church nearby. William Three Mountain's house was just a stone's throw from Detillion Rock."
In 1907 and again around 1912, Captain John Webster of the Bureau of Indian Affairs assessed Three Mountain the Younger's work as one of three judges for the Agency Court sessions: "Intelligent, serious, dignified and straight-forward, with courage and integrity. By temperament an old-time Indian who recognizes ... the new conditions thrust upon his people ... he brings to his duties intelligent observation. Keen analysis of evidence and strict impartiality."
In 1912, when Three Mountain strenuously objected to Webster's attempts to erect a sawmill on the West End, the agent seemed to understand Three Mountain's concern. "Like most of the old full bloods he is averse to the introduction of certain devices of the white man on the reservation -- such as railroads, sawmills, etc."
Once again, Manning may have been introduced to the Three Mountain through his relationship with John Webster. Census records show that in 1905, Mattie Three Mountain was living with her husband William near the proposed road between Detillion Bridge and the Turk Mines. W.M. Manning surveyed this road three years later, and in 1911, Mattie Three Mountain affixed her thumbprint to an agreement giving consent for a new wagon road 20 feet wide to open along the south boundary of her allotment. In return, an existing wagon road that crossed the northwestern corner of her allotment would be closed.
At some point during these years, Manning purchased a pair of Mattie's moccasins right off her feet and entered them into his collection as item No. 88. The moccasins are tiny and most beautifully made.
Woman's buckskin moccasins, bought from wife of Chief Three Mountain of the Spokanes, who were at the time, wearing them. Solid beaded design in blue, green, yellow, old rose and purple. 7 1/2" long. Beaded on front and outside only.
It was probably also around this time that Manning purchased catalogue item No. 105 from Mattie's husband.
Bow of iron wood, back lined with deer sinew firmly attached by fish glue. Both ends so fashioned as to form when strung a cupid bow. 36 inches long. Five plain, wooden or target (Bird) arrows attached. Very old, obtained from Chief Three Mountain of Spokanes.
William Three Mountain the Younger died at his home near Detillion Bridge in January of 1939. He was survived by his widow Mattie and one son. Mattie lived in the house until the plans for Grand Coulee Dam forced her to move higher up on the hillside in 1941.
by Ann M. Colford
& lt;span class= & quot;dropcap & quot; & "T & lt;/span & he collections you see here are not artifacts," reads the gallery's opening text. "They are a living legacy bound within the continuum of cultural tradition and modern Plateau Indian life."
That's a bold and direct statement of the theme behind the "Living Legacy" exhibit, the first major display from the MAC's nationally significant American Indian collection in five years. With this exhibit, which just opened last week, the museum team has undertaken two tasks -- to display some of the Indian materials that the public has been clamoring to see, and to cast a critical eye on museum practices of the past.
Around the perimeter, visitors see items collected by William M. Manning, including a canoe made for him by Kalispel Chief Masseslow and a cornhusk bag acquired from William Three Mountain of the Spokane Tribe.
The story of Manning's interactions with local tribal people illustrates the complexities when two cultures meet -- especially when there's a power differential between the two groups. Non-Indian Americans in the Victorian era felt comfortable acquiring objects from people perceived as "other" and putting them on display as exotic art objects. On the other hand, Indian people frequently participated in this commerce with non-Indian collectors -- it was one more source of trade in a changing world.
The interpretive text on the walls and at five learning stations tells this story and provides some of the cultural context for the materials on view. But the six glass display cases in the center of the gallery are the visual draw for visitors. The cases hold stunningly colorful beaded bags, detailed woven bags and baskets, tools, toys and articles of clothing, all arranged on glass shelves with no labels or descriptions immediately apparent -- much as they would have been displayed in Manning's day. The interpretive material is separate, in an 84-page exhibit catalog set on a table between the cases.
The idea behind the design is to juxtapose the old and new museum exhibit methods "to symbolize the mixed legacy of collecting American Indian cultural materials." But that symbolism only works when visitors take the time to find and read the accompanying materials. A century's worth of old-style exhibits have trained us to gaze at the pretty things behind glass, and most of Saturday's visitors bypassed the text and went straight to the objects in the cases, sans context.
The exhibit concludes with pieces recently added to the MAC's permanent collection from three local contemporary American Indian artists -- George Flett, Josiah Blackeagle Pinkham and Elaine Timentwa Emerson. More than anything else, the current work makes the "living" part of "Living Legacy" real. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45355000 |
Recent medical advancements have made it seem possible that the fountain of youth is only a decade away from reality. But even if we could develop something that enables us to achieve immortality, should we?
Recently, Morgan Freeman asked a tantalizing question on Sci Fi’s popular show “Through the Wormhole.” It is a question that has baffled scientists, doctors, adventurers and philosophers since humans’ earliest times. The question of "can we live forever" is beyond fascinating for many of us, and even if it were possible, is that a good thing and is it really "possible" according to the laws of physics?
First though, one must consider the broader implications of such a scientific breakthrough that extends beyond the planet Earth and even human beings. For example, if in the hypothetical sequence posed, eternal life actually became common, how does it escape most accepted theories of the universe, which explicably say the universe has a beginning and an end? Furthermore, there seems to be two competeting theories on the universe and its beginning and demise. The almost collectively accepted theory of the “Big Bang” seems to satisfy a genesis for the universe, whereas its end is controversial. Physicists differ on how the universe may end in what are called "the big rip" and "the big freeze" or "big crunch." See, astronomers have discovered that other stars are moving away from our star, the Sun, at a faster rate than light would seemingly allow.
This presents a major problem for scientists, because it seemingly violates the laws of physics. But because the universe is filled with exotic things such as dark matter and dark energy, it is impossible to truly calculate why this phenomenon is happening. So let us assume that this dark energy is something that naturally occurred before the big bang, so therefore it does not violate any natural laws, and it explains the faster-than-light growth of the universe and it would give credence to "the big rip" theory. This means, all matter would rip apart, which includes "us," regardless of how long you have lived.
In the other scenario, the universe expands like a big fat balloon and then, presumably gravity, contracts the universe and bang, it crunches "us" all. So again, regardless of age, there seems to be no escape. But, some scientists have explained there are other dimensions that could, again in theory, connect us to other universes’, which could hypothetically extend life. But until that is proven, it is a long shot, and even if true, these other universes could be inhospitable to us.
So why are we fascinated with living forever then, when if you look at the science, even if we prolong life, we will still "die" anyway? Well, let us look at the recent fountain of youth advancements that may enable this philosophical paradox to even exist.
Currently, most data and scientists seem to conclude that the answer for longevity is in the DNA. While some believe that singling out specific DNA sequencing could help slow the aging process, others look to something called “removing the garbage.” Essentially, this is based on the belief that proper cell division is hindered because too much “garbage” accumulates around the cells, causing them and us to advance more rapidly towards death. It seems that of all the data presented, a combination of gene therapy would be needed, because even if you slow the aging process or remove the DNA sequence that makes death inevitable, we would just stay young longer and maybe not as active, or we would just live long but become old and handicapped. Either of those two is not ideal, and only when combined is the fountain of youth humans desire accomplished.
But again, the eventual death of the universe and the adverse societal impact it would have, makes the fountain of youth a scary proposition. If a sort of combined gene therapy were created that could keep us young and forever living, it would not only be groundbreaking, but dangerous. As we have witnessed with divisive debate over the recent health care bill that simply wanted to allow universal health care, a fountain of youth pill could create a massive war. Who would be allowed to live forever? When we look at our current political climate, which even routine things such as raising the debt ceiling are impossible tasks, how could we ever develop a fair system based off of something so naturally intoxicating? Well, I do not believe we could, so even if we could develop a form of therapy to allow eternal life, it is pointless for two specific reasons. For one, it still only prolongs the inevitable and it would probably cause the end of the world because something so good would allow people to believe it is ok to kill over, like we have done numerous times through out our history.
So, unless it can be proven our society can share good things we already have, here’s hoping this fountain of youth is not discovered for a very long time. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45357000 |
In the 21st century, as technology becomes more sophisticated and available, individuals have access to almost infinite opportunities for participation in their communities, as well as for entertainment and leisure-time activities. In today’s workplaces, as computers take over routine tasks, a far greater proportion of employees are engaged in tasks that require them to be flexible and creative problem solvers.
In order for today’s students to be successful in this environment, schools must provide them with more than basic skills. Students also must become proficient at 21st century skills, such as critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, use of technology, self-direction, and communication.
Assessing Projects meets teachers’ needs in several ways. You can
Assessment can provide information about more than a students’ knowledge or performance at the end of a unit. Read about the many different purposes of assessment.
In traditional classrooms, student assessment is often limited to tests, papers, and oral presentations. Learn about the different types of assessment.
Research suggests that students experience significant learning benefits when they are in classrooms where assessment is continuous and ongoing. Read about the benefits of formative assessment.
Determining how and when students are using higher-order thinking such as critical thinking, creativity, problem solving, and metacognition, can be a challenge. Learn about ways of assessing thinking.
The use of formative assessment is a powerful tool for improving student learning, but it does not happen in a vacuum. Read about what components are necessary for successful assessment in your school. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45359000 |
Ask The Expert
October 29, 2010
"ITB syndrome" is short for iliotibial band syndrome. It refers to a common cause of knee pain.
The iliotibial band is a tough fibrous (scar-like) tissue that extends from the region of the hip to the knee along the outside of the leg. Along with other muscles of the leg, the IT band helps stabilize the knee, especially when the knee is stressed during physical activity.
ITB syndrome develops when there is damage, irritation or inflammation of the IT band. The most common site is at the outside of the knee where the tissue of the IT band rubs over a bony bump.
Pain over the outside of the knee is the most common symptom, although some people complain of pain higher up, along the outside of the thigh or hip. Repetitive knee flexing tends to make it worse. Rest usually relieves the symptoms.
While ITB syndrome may occur for no apparent reason, it's common among people who are:
Treatment options include:
In cases where these measures don't work, doctors may recommend a cortisone injection or even surgery to remove a bony bump that's irritating the IT band. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45360000 |
What Is It?
In generalized anxiety disorder, a person has frequent or nearly constant, nagging feelings of worry or anxiety. These feelings are either unusually intense or out of proportion to the real troubles and dangers of the person's everyday life.
The disorder is defined as persistent worry every day or almost every day for six months or more. In some cases, a person with generalized anxiety disorder feels he or she has always been a worrier, even since childhood or adolescence. In other cases, the anxiety may be triggered by a crisis or a period of stress, such as a job loss, a family illness or the death of a relative. Although the crisis eventually goes away and the stress passes, an unexplained feeling of anxiety may last months or years.
In addition to suffering from constant (or non-stop) worries and anxieties, people with generalized anxiety disorder may have low self-esteem or feel insecure because they see people's intentions or events in negative terms, or they experience them as intimidating or critical. Physical symptoms may lead them to seek treatment from a primary care doctor, cardiologist, pulmonary specialist or gastroenterologist. Stress can intensify the anxiety.
Experts believe that some people with this disorder have a genetic (inherited) tendency to develop it. The disorder probably stems from how a variety of brain structures communicate with each other as they manage the fear response. Chemical messengers, gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) and serotonin, transmit signals along the circuits connecting brain regions. The medications used to treat anxiety affect these chemicals.
About 3% to 8% of people in the United States have generalized anxiety disorder. Women have the problem twice as often as men. The average adult patient first seeks medical attention between the ages of 20 and 30. However, the illness can occur at any age. Generalized anxiety disorder also has been diagnosed in young children, teenagers and elderly people. The illness is the most common anxiety disorder affecting people age 65 and older.
Of all psychiatric illnesses, generalized anxiety disorder is the least likely to occur alone. Between 50% and 90% of people with the disorder also have at least one other problem, usually panic disorder, a phobia, depression, dysthymia (a less severe form of depression), alcoholism or some other form of substance abuse.
By definition, in generalized anxiety disorder, the person has persistent worry or anxiety that lasts for at least six months. This worry or anxiety is excessive, troubling and hard to control, and it often interferes with a person's ability to function at home, at work or in social situations.
To be diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, a person has to have at least three of the following symptoms:
People with generalized anxiety disorder also may have a wide range of anxiety-related physical symptoms that may seem like symptoms of heart disease, respiratory illness, digestive diseases and other medical illnesses.
You may consult a primary care doctor first if you suspect your physical symptoms are part of a medical illness. Your doctor may do tests to check for medical problems. If the results are normal, your doctor may ask about your family history, your history of any mental distress, current anxieties, recent stresses, and daily use of prescription and nonprescription drugs. Some drugs can cause anxiety symptoms. The doctor then may refer you to a psychiatrist for care.
Your psychiatrist will diagnose generalized anxiety disorder based on a full psychiatric evaluation that includes:
The psychiatrist also may order diagnostic tests, if necessary, to check for a medical illness. These won't be needed if they already have been done by the doctor who referred you to the psychiatrist.
Symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder can last for many months, but the condition can last longer (many years) especially without treatment, with symptoms occurring over many years.
Since stress is a normal part of life, there is usually no way to prevent generalized anxiety disorder in someone who is vulnerable. However, once diagnosed, various treatments can effectively reduce symptoms.
If you have generalized anxiety disorder, the most effective treatment is usually a combination of medications and psychotherapy. Research shows that using both has a more lasting positive effect than either one alone. Your doctor may also offer treatment for other conditions that may be making matters worse, such as a medical problem or depression.
You may need to try more than one approach before you find the right one. Many different kinds of medications can relieve anxiety. Here are the most common categories prescribed:
A number of psychotherapy techniques may be helpful. Here are some examples:
Your therapist may combine any of the above approaches or may discuss others -- for example, meditation, hypnosis or exercise -- with you so that the approach fits your specific problems and needs.
When To Call a Professional
See your doctor if you are troubled by severe worry or anxiety, especially if:
In general, the outlook is good. With appropriate treatment, about 50% of patients improve within 3 weeks of starting treatment, and 77% improve within 9 months.
American Psychiatric Association
1000 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22209-3901
National Institute of Mental Health
Science Writing, Press, and Dissemination Branch
6001 Executive Blvd.
Room 8184, MSC 9663
Bethesda, MD 20892-9663
Anxiety Disorders Association of America
8730 Georgia Ave.
Silver Spring, MD 20910 | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45361000 |
Myanmar: Peace talks may bring end to conflict and displacement closer
Displaced woman with her child
in eastern Myanmar’s Kayin State,
Refugees International, 2005
- Country Statistics
- Latest IDP figure:
- More than 450,000
... Click here for more
- Number of refugees:
- (Originating from the country)
214,594 (UNHCR, as of December 2011)
- Total Population:
- 48.7 million (UNFPA, 14 November 2012, p.113)
Download Asia-Pacific Overview
31 December 2012
Myanmar is undergoing major political reforms and has initiated a series of peace processes, but in 2012 it also continued to experience armed conflict and new inter-communal violence that led to significant internal displacement. As of the end of the year, the country was estimated to be hosting at least 450,000 IDPs.
In western Rakhine state, inter-communal violence broke out in June pitting ethnic Rakhine against ethnic Rohingya and other Muslim minorities, and forcing more than 100,000 people from both communities to flee. The IDPs took shelter in displacement camps in and around the state capital of Sittwe or with host communities. Following a new outbreak of violence in October, a further 36,000 fled, many seeking refuge in the same camps.
By the end of the year, more than 125,000 people were internally displaced in Rakhine state. Of that total, 115,000 were registered as IDPs while more than 10,000 were not. Humanitarian organisations and the government have provided assistance, but the camps are overcrowded and lack access to basic services. Health care, education and livelihood opportunities are also limited, and it was not safe for IDPs to leave the camps. As an indirect result of the violence, several hundred thousand ethnic Rohingya living in the north of the state lost access to the much-needed humanitarian assistance they had been receiving for years until trouble first broke out in June.
In north-eastern Kachin state and the northern part of neighbouring Shan state, fighting between the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and the Myanmar military, which began in June 2011, intensified in December 2012. The military reportedly launched airstrikes on the town of Laiza, where KIA has its main base. By the end of the year, more than 75,000 people had been internally displaced. Over 40,000 were living in areas controlled by KIA, to which UN agencies had only limited access, but they also receive some assistance from local organisations.
In the south-east, tensions between the Myanmar army and ethnic non-state armed groups (NSAGs) eased during 2012 when compared with previous years, though there were numerous ceasefire violations in the southern part of Shan state. There were no clashes in Kayah and Mon states and Bago and Tanintharyi regions, with very few isolated incidents between NSAG and Border Guard Force personalities in Kayin state that were quickly contained. As of the end of the year these areas were estimated to be hosting around 250,000 protracted IDPs who had fled their homes to escape armed conflict and human rights violations. Many among them face security risks because of the presence of landmines, and they also lack access to adequate food, clean water, sanitation, durable shelter, health services, education and livelihoods.
Efforts towards a full-fledged peace process continued as the government on either the national or state level signed preliminary ceasefire or peace agreements with the NSAGs. As of the end of the year, KIA was the only group not to have signed such an agreement. The Peace Donor Support Group and the Myanmar Peace Support Initiative were set up in 2012 with the aim of providing assistance to conflict-affected people, including IDPs, and support for the ceasefires and ongoing peace-building efforts.
The government has also initiated a process of political reform. In parliamentary by-elections in April, candidates of the formerly banned National League for Democracy (NLD) won 43 of the 45 seats that were contested. Among the newly elected NLD MPs was the Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, who also became chair of the lower house’s Committee for Rule of Law and Peace and Stability. The government continued to release political prisoners and liberalise the media, and new legislation and regulations governing demonstrations were also adopted.
In response, several countries and regional bodies including the US, Norway and the EU, have eased their sanctions on Myanmar. A number of high-level officials visited the country in 2012, including President Barack Obama, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres, and the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator, Valerie Amos.
In 2013, it will be important to ensure that peace-building efforts are matched by an end to fighting on the ground and that the views of IDPs and a discussion of issues related to internal displacement, such as durable solutions, are included in the peace process. Increased foreign investment and the exploitation of natural resources should adhere to ethical standards, including those set out in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), of which the government was intending to become a signatory.
Myanmar: 89 killed, more than 36,000 people newly displaced in new waves of violence
(16 November 2012)
Since October, at least 89 people have been killed
and more than 36,000 internally displaced
in Myanmar’s western state of Rakhine. Reports suggest the new wave of violence was caused by friction between ethnic Rakhine Buddhists and Rohingyas and members of other Muslim ethnic minorities. The situation remains tense despite curfews
and an increased presence of security forces
Several thousand people fled to host communities
or to already overcrowded IDP camps
near and in the state capital Sittwe, where food, water and shelter
as well as sanitation and health services
are in short supply. An unknown number of people have risked their lives trying to escape by sea to Sittwe, or to other countries, with reports of shipwrecks
, people missing
, a woman giving birth
en route, and fatalities, including children
. Bangladesh has reportedly closed its borders
Humanitarian personnel are carrying out needs assessments
and providing assistance
despite security threats
. Including those already displaced by the first wave of inter-communal violence in June, more than 110’000
people are said to be currently living as IDPs in Rakhine State.
In November 2010 the first national elections since 1990 were held in Myanmar. While the party set up by the previous government and the armed forces retain most legislative and executive power, the elections may nevertheless have opened up a window of opportunity for greater civilian governance and power-sharing. At the same time, recent fighting between opposition non-state armed groups (NSAGs) and government forces in Kayin/Karen, Kachin, and Shan States, which displaced many within eastern Myanmar and into Thailand and China, is a sign that ethnic tensions remain serious and peace elusive.
Since April 2009, armed conflict between the armed forces and NSAGs has intensified, as several NSAGs that had concluded a ceasefire with the government in the 1990s refused to obey government orders to transform into army-led border guard forces. (...)
Download full Overview
19 July 2011
||Displacement continues in context of armed conflicts (19 July 2011) HTML | PDF
Internal Displacement Profile
"Causes, Background and Patterns of Movement","Overview of the causes of displacement in Myanmar"
"IDP Population Figures","IDP Population Figures"
"Physical Security and Integrity","Physical Security and Integrity"
"Basic Necessities of Life","Basic Necessities of Life"
"Property, Livelihoods, Education and Other Economic, Social and Cultural Rights","Property","Livelihoods","Education and Other Economic","Social and Cultural Rights"
"National and International Response","National and international response"
Previous Profile updates
- Key Documents
- Situation of human rights in Myanmar, UN GA, 16 November 2012
- Changing Realities, Poverty and Displacement in South East Burma/Myanmar, The Border Consortium (TBC), 31 October 2012
- Situation of human rights in Myanmar, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, 25 September 2012
- "The Government Could Have Stopped This", Human Rights Watch (HRW), August 2012
- Myanmar: The Politics of Economic Reform, International Crisis Group (ICG), 27 July 2012
- "Untold Miseries" - Wartime Abuses and Forced Displacement in Burma’s Kachin State, HRW, 20 March 2012
- Towards a Burmese spring, Himal South Asian, December 2011
- Myanmar: A New Peace Initiative, International Crisis Group (ICG), 30 November 2011 | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45362000 |
JUDAKI, a small Lor tribe of the Ḵorramābād region in western Persia. It forms part of the Bālā Gariva group of tribes, which inhabits the mountainous region between the Kaškān and Dez rivers, and which also includes the Bayrānavand (q.v.), Dirakvand (q.v.), Pāpi, and Sagvand tribes. According to the British colonial administrator, Arnold Talbot Wilson (1884-1940), around 1910 the Judakis’ grazing lands were located between the Kaškān river and the main Dezful-Ḵorramābād caravan route, and they occupied the villages of Čulhul, which was their headquarters, and Jāydar, around which were their only cultivated lands, as well as the villages of Bādamak, Čamešk, and Riḵān in what is today the rural district (dehestān) of Bālā Gariva (p. 29). Their number was estimated at 500 families in the 1870s by Albert Houtum-Schindler (q.v.; p. 86), at some 800 families in the early 1900s by Hyacinth Louis Rabino (1877-1950 p. 33), and at some 600 families in the early 1930s by Masʿud Kayhān (p. 66).
The linguist Oskar Mann (1867-1917), who conducted research in Iran and Central Asia between 1901 and 1907, mentions a small group of Judaki which he calls Judaki-ye Ḥoseynābād on his list of the tribes of the Pošt-e Kuh (p. xxv). But this group is not mentioned by any other authority on the area.
Albert Houtum-Schindler, “Reisen im südwestlichen Persien,” Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin 14, 1879, pp. 81-124.
Masʿud Kayhān, Joḡrāfiā-ye mofaṣṣal-e Irān: II—Siāsi, Tehran, 1932.
Oskar Mann, Die Mundarten der Lur-Stämme im südwestlichen Persien, Berlin, 1910.
Hyacinth Louis Rabino, Les tribus du Louristan: Médailles des Qadjars, Paris, 1916.
Arnold Talbot Wilson, Luristan, Military Report on South-West Persia 5, Simla, 1910.
Originally Published: June 15, 2009
Last Updated: April 17, 2012
This article is available in print.
Vol. XV, Fac. 1, p. 87 | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45369000 |
||A Discourse on Taqwa (Obedience to Allah) (1 of 1), Read 19 times |
||Issues: The Islamic Personality |
||Thursday, January 27, 2005 08:01 PM |
Taqwa - Fear of Allah
Ibn Juzayy said in his dictionary of terms from the introduction to his tafsir:
"Taqwa's meaning is fear, clinging to obedience to Allah and abandoning disobedience to Him. It is the sum of all good."
And in his commentary:
We will discuss taqwa in three sections.
Concerning its benefits derived from the Qur'an, and they are fifteen:
Guidance, because of His words "guidance for the muttaqeen (the people of taqwa)";
Help because of His words "Truly, Allah is with the people who have taqwa";
Close friendship [with Allah] because of His words, "Allah is the close friend of the muttaqeen";
Love because of His words, "Truly Allah loves the muttaqeen";
Covering over [of wrong actions] because of His words, "If you have taqwa of Allah He will make for you a discrimination and He will cover over for you your wrong actions";
A way out from unhappiness, and provision from where one does not expect because of His words, "Whoever has taqwa of Allah He will make a way out for him and provide him from where he does not expect";
Facilitation of affairs because of His words, "Whoever has taqwa of Allah He will make ease for him in his affair";
Full covering over of wrong actions and magnification of rewards because of His words, "Whoever has taqwa of Allah He will cover over his wrong actions and magnify a reward for him";
Acceptance of actions because of His words, "Allah only accepts from the people of taqwa";
Success because of His words, "Have taqwa of Allah in order that you might succeed";
Good news because of His words "For them there is good news in this world and in the next";
Entrance into the Garden because of His words "Truly, there are for the people of taqwa with their Lord Gardens of bliss";
Salvation from the Fire because of His words "Then We will save the ones who had taqwa".
There are ten things which awaken taqwa:
Fear of punishment in the next life;
Fear [of punishment in] this life;
Hope of worldly reward;
Hope of the reward of the next world;
Fear of the reckoning;
Shyness and bashfulness before the gaze of Allah, and this is the station of fearful watchfulness (muraqabah);
Showing gratitude for His blessings by obeying Him;
Knowledge, because of His words, "They only fear Allah, of His slaves, the ones who have knowledge";
Exalting and honouring His majesty, and it is the station of awe;
Sincerity in love because of the words of the one who said:
"You disobey God while you make apparent that you love Him,
This, by my life, in analogy is a marvel.
If your love were sincere you would obey Him,
Truly, the lover towards the one he loves is obedient."
And to Allah be attributed the good of the one who said:
"She said, and she had asked about the state of her lover,
'For Allah's sake, describe him and do not omit nor exceed!'
I said, 'If he had feared death from thirst,
and you had said, "Stop! don't approach the water!" then he would not have approached.'"
The Third Section
There are five degrees of taqwa:
That the slave should protect himself from kufr (covering over the truth), and that is the station of Islam;
That he should protect himself from acts of disobedience and forbidden things, and it is the station of turning or repentance (tawbah);
That he should protects himself from doubtful matters, and that is the station of caution or carefulness (wara');
That he should protect himself from even those things that are permitted, and that is the station of doing without (zuhd);
That he should protect himself from the presence of other than Allah in his heart, and it is the presence of witnessing (mushahadah).
That ends what Ibn Juzayy al-Kalbi wrote on taqwa.
Edited by administrator | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45374000 |
In pushing this position the UN demonstrates that emitting CO2 is, in fact, not dangerous. Why else would they not impose the same requirement on all countries?
Substitute CO2 emissions for mercury or lead being pumped into rivers and the ocean. Does it make sense to allow China and India, or any other country, a position in which toxic waste is pumped willy nilly into the water system?
Of course not.
Obviously, emitting CO2 can't be that bad...
China and India should be spared the full burden of fighting climate change, the United Nations said on Tuesday in an agenda-setting report published just days ahead of an intergovernmental conference to agree to a successor to the Kyoto protocols.
The report of the UN Development Programme recommends that countries such as China and India should be required to reduce their emissions by only 20 per cent by 2050, while the rich industrialised countries shoulder a cut of 80 per cent.
The report will provide ammunition for developing countries wishing to avoid adopting stringent targets on emissions. China, India and others have argued that rich countries should carry more responsibility for the climate because most of the stock of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere came from the growth of their industry.
But the White House made it clear at international meetings on climate change in September that it would not sign up to any agreement that did not include China and the other developing nations going through rapid industrialisation.
Heated discussions over the share of the burden that each country should take for cutting emissions are likely to be the main focus of UN talks on climate change beginning next week in Bali, Indonesia. The talks, the most important since the Kyoto protocol was drafted in 1997, will mark the first negotiations on a potential successor to the treaty, the main provisions of which expire in 2012.
The report estimates that the world needs to spend about 1.6 per cent of gross domestic product each year until 2030 in order to prevent emissions rising to dangerous levels. Developed countries should aim to cut their emissions by 30 per cent by 2020, the UNDP report said.
In a sign of the scale of the task facing ministers at Bali the report also risked opening old wounds by questioning whether the carbon-trading system established at Kyoto was less effective at reducing emissions than a straightforward carbon tax – such as the one proposed on Tuesday by Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, in Beijing.
Kevin Watkins, lead author of the report, said: “Cap-and-trade is not particularly working. We need to develop the strategy into a carbon tax.”
Emissions trading finally started under the Kyoto protocol in 2005, and last year the market was worth about $30bn, according to the World Bank. Most of the transactions took place under the European Union’s emissions trading system, which was designed to help EU member states meet their commitments to cut emissions under the protocol.
Mr Watkins told the Financial Times: “If the rich countries can cut emissions by 80 per cent we have a 50:50 chance of [limiting] temperature rises to 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels [which scientists say is the limit of safety].”
The UN’s report came as internet search company Google supplied fresh evidence of investor enthusiasm for low-carbon technology by saying that it would branch out into renewable energy. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45378000 |
WASHINGTON/LONDON – It turns out that our ancestors — meat-eating or tuber-loving, Mediterranean or Arctic, roaming or sedentary — all could have used some medicine to help prevent heart disease.
A new study of 137 mummified bodies, some as old as 3,500 years, found a high prevalence of hardening of the arteries, which often presages heart attack or stroke.
The condition was common in four groups — ancient Egyptians, pre-Columbian people in Peru and Utah, and 19th-century Alaska natives — with different diets and ways of life.
“It kind of casts doubt on — makes us pause and think about — whether we understand risk factors (for cardiovascular disease) as well as we thought we did,” said Randall Thompson, a physician at the University of Missouri who headed a research team of 19 cardiologists, radiologists and anthropologists.
“Probable or definite” atherosclerosis was evident in 34 percent of the mummies. Only 4 percent, however, had atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries, where it can cause heart attacks. The condition was more common in people who died in middle and old age, but was also seen frequently in those dying in their 30s.
The prevalence of diseased arteries in the mummies is not very different from that seen today, leading the researchers to conclude that cardiovascular disease “is an inherent component of human aging and not characteristic of any specific diet or lifestyle.”
Thompson, who is a practicing cardiologist, said he was especially surprised by how common atherosclerosis was in people whose diets are viewed in some quarters as especially healthful.
Thompson said there could be unknown factors that contributed to the mummies’ narrowed arteries. He said the ancestral Puebloans, who lived in underground caves in modern-day Colorado and Utah, used fire for heat and cooking. That produced a lot of smoke. “They were breathing in a lot of smoke and that could have had the same effect as cigarettes,” he said.
The 51 ancient Peruvians, who in life presumably ate a lot of beans and complex carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes and manioc, had atherosclerosis in 25 percent of their mummies. Three of the five Aleutian hunter-gatherers, who ate a “paleo diet” high in meat and devoid of sweets and grains, showed atherosclerosis. One woman who died in her late 40s had “the kind of disease we see in people with bypass surgery,” he said.
“I think we’ll have a debate about just how important diet is and what we ought to be communicating to patients,” he added. “A healthy diet and lifestyle may lead to less disease, but it doesn’t prevent disease altogether.”
Many previous studies have sought to diagnose disease in ancient preserved human remains.
One study published two years ago found atherosclerosis common in Egyptian mummies. Whether that represented what was happening elsewhere in the ancient world, or was only an occupational hazard of butter-slurping layabout priests and pharaohs, was unknown.
The new study, presented Sunday at the American College of Cardiology meeting in San Francisco and published online by the Lancet, appears to be the first to compare findings from many different mummy populations.
Heart disease epidemiologists were quick to say the study should not undermine evidence from thousands of studies suggesting that atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is mostly a 20th-century problem.
“Heart attack and stroke are modern plagues that have increased and then steadily decreased over modern times,” said Henry Blackburn of the University of Minnesota, who has documented wildly varying rates of heart attack in different countries with different diets.
Atherosclerosis is a process in which the wall of an artery fills with fat, fibrous tissue and, in later stages, grains of calcium. If the “plaque” gets large enough, it limits the flow of blood. When that happens and tissue downstream dies, the result is a heart attack or stroke.
The researchers used CT scanners to detect calcium in arteries. They looked in the aorta, which is the body’s main arterial trunk; the coronary arteries of the heart; the carotid arteries of the neck; and the arteries of the thigh and the lower leg.
When calcium was present, they concluded the person had atherosclerosis — a diagnosis supported by studies of living patients.
Of the 137 mummies, 76 were Egyptian, with the oldest from about 1800 B.C.; 51 Peruvian, from 900 B.C. to A.D. 1500; five Puebloans from the American West, from 1500 B.C. to A.D. 1500; and five Aleutian natives from the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries.
Atherosclerosis was present in 38 percent of the Egyptians, 25 percent of the Peruvians, 40 percent of the Puebloans and 60 percent of the Alaska natives (although the number of mummies of the latter two groups is so small that the percentages are statistically meaningless).
Whether any of the mummified people died of atherosclerotic disease could not be determined.
Only the Egyptian bodies were intentionally preserved. The others were naturally mummified by the cold and dry conditions of the places where the people died. As a consequence, they may not be representative snapshots of their populations. Nevertheless, a few generalities stand out.
One of them is that atherosclerosis increases with age. Those with no sign of the condition had an average estimated age at death of 32 years. Slightly more than half the mummies in their 40s, however, had at least one calcified artery. For the few mummies older than 50, the prevalence was lower — about 40 percent.
Studies of present-day populations have found a similar increase in calcium with age as well as atherosclerosis in young adults.
A review of 3,832 autopsies done on troops who died in combat or of unintentional injuries in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars found that 9 percent had atherosclerosis in the coronaries. That’s a dramatic drop from the prevalence found in autopsies of casualties of the Korean (77 percent) and Vietnam (45 percent) wars.
The team plans to examine more remains. Next up are naturally mummified bodies from Mongolia and “bog people” preserved in peat deposits in Britain and Scandinavia.
The latter group may be hard to evaluate, however, because the bogs the bodies were thrown into (often following execution) had acidic water that dissolves calcium, including most of the bones. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45380000 |
int p = 7; if(++p > 10 && p++ > 11) p++;
I know the output of p after the execution is 8 but I do not know why.
code would execute as
(8 > 10 && 8 > 11 ) this is false so the p++ at the end would not be executed. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I have a quiz this week dealing with these types of problems and this is one of the questions on the practice quiz. The answer is 8 but I would like to know why so that I better understand what I'm doing.
Playing around with the code I see that the 8 is coming from within the if statement and not after. I deleted the p++ after the statement and I still get an output of 8. How does this work?
Found out where I was messing up.
The ++p at the beginning of the statement was making the p=8, everything after that was false. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45382000 |
You have been there before. The best part of any professional development activity is the collaboration with other teachers. Hearing the struggles and successes of others helps us to articulate our own ideas and spark new excitement in our own curriculum. We hope to strengthen the community of chemistry educators and provide a place for discussion and collaboration right here at this site.
Summer is one of my favorite times as a teacher! Like most teachers I like to take a little time away from school, but, once I've rested a bit, its my favorite time to do research as well. I encourage you to take time this summer to explore labs and activities that you think may work for your classroom, but just didn't have time to examine with your busy teaching schedule.
Call for Symposia and Workshops for the 23rd BCCE at Grand Valley State University – Greener on the Grand: Empowering Chemical Educators for a Greener Tomorrow, August 3 – 7, 2014
I’d like to report on one of the end-of-year research projects that two of my general chemistry students completed during class this year. If you’d like read more about these end-of year research projects in general, click here.
Wow! Talk about an interesting idea! A very neat experiment, called “Hydroglyphics”, has been published by Philseok Kim, Jack Alvarenga, Joanna Aizenberg and Raymond Sleeper in the Journal of Chemical Education.
I came across a simple, yet interesting experiment that was first described by Elizabeth Sumner Walter in 2001. She merely had students pour water into a dish containing some Gobstoppers candies. I showed this experiment to some of my college chemistry students while they were workin
Inquiry is a fluid concept. There are some truly fabulous activities on Grand Valley State University's Target Inquiry (TI) website (www.gvsu.edu/targetinquiry). Yes, I am biased as I was part of the first TI cohort, but there are several labs now that were written later and they, too, are terrific. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45383000 |
Flies are a nuisance when buzzing around the home -- especially in large numbers. However, some species of flies also pose a health risk.
In particular, house flies can mechanically transmit a wide range of disease-causing microbes, including those responsible for food poisoning, dysentery, tuberculosis, cholera and parasitic worm infections.
Call Ehrlich free at to arrange a FREE pest inspection or find out how to get rid of flies.
Flies found in the House
There are thousands of different species of flies but the most common fly problems are caused by:
- House flies – Adults 1/4" - 5/16". Female houseflies lay 400-600 eggs in decaying matter or faeces which develop into maggots or larvae. Attracted to any uncovered food or organic waste.
- Blow fly or Bottle fly – Adults 1/4" - 1/2", usually metallic blue or green but can be black or grey. Significant numbers in a house will often indicate a dead animal (such as a mouse or rat) in the property.
- Cluster fly - Adults 1/4" - 3/8". Cluster flies often take shelter over the winter inside homes (such as in attics) and can occur in very large numbers in the home as they emerge in the spring.
- Fruit fly - Adults 1/10” - 1/5”. Small, chunky flies with large eyes, either red or black in color. Often seen around food, they are a big pest problem for bars and restaurants. These flies cause a high percentage of the insect contamination of fruit products.
- Moth fly - Adults 1/4" - 3/8". Moth flies, can be identified because their body and wings are very hairy, and they have a heart-shaped appearance. They live in the gelatinous material found in drains which is their preferred breeding habitat. Usually a bigger pest problem for businesses.
- Phorid fly - Adults 1/6" - 1/8". Phorid flies, can be identified because of their humpbacked appearance. But the most identifying characteristic are the two heavy veins of the wing. They breed in decaying organic matter that has almost become an unrecognizable state and are attracted to slimy drains, sewer leaks and dirty garbage cans. Generally a bigger pest problem for businesses than private homes.
To some extent, you can prevent flies around your home by minimizing food sources and larval habitat:
- Always cover food – flies spread diseases by landing on food.
- Clear away food and liquid spillages immediately.
- Clean food debris from under kitchen appliances.
- Make sure all trash bins have tightly sealed lids.
- Keep compost enclosed and covered.
- Clean up after pets – animal droppings are very attractive landing and breeding spots for flies.
Finally, you can help prevent flies from entering your home:
- Close windows and doors or block light with curtains.
- Fit fine-mesh screens to windows, especially around kitchen and garbage areas. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45384000 |
While we begin the massive task of porting the lesson plans from the old site over to the new site, I will be placing the newly moved lesson plans here until I get pages for each category sorted out. For those of you who cringe at the prospect of scrolling through several meters of un classified links, please feel free to use our search tool up in the nav bar. It works pretty well.
Brand New stuff
An engaging game that has the students trying to spot a liar! It is adaptable to any level.
A fun activity that gets kids to look up the meanings of the names of their favorite characters.
A HUGE submission from David Bove(These are some nice clean worksheets with Japanese instructions on many of them!) 3rd Person Conjugation
Comparative Superlative Listening
Don't Get Around Much Anymore
Family Rules 1
Family Rules 2
Family Rules 3
Family Rules 4
Freddie The Leaf 1
Freddie The Leaf 2
Freddie The Leaf 3
Freddie The Leaf 4 | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45385000 |
When Prayers for Rain are Answered
The sight of floodwaters covering Tel Aviv highways and Modi’in shopping malls from this week’s rains was jarring and unexpected. Israel is, in most minds, an arid land bereft of water, not cursed with its superabundance. But a look at geography and history suggests differently, pointing to both the accomplishments of Zionist technology and their fragility.
Where today there are high-tech industries, tourists, and millions of Israelis, once there were hippopotami. During most of the past 10,000 years, Israel’s Coastal Plain was swamp. Bones recovered from excavations there suggest that hippos may have been present even into Hellenistic times, along with an astonishing array of other wildlife. The Nahal Taninim, which empties into the sea near Kibbutz Ma’agan Michael, translates as “Crocodile River”, describing another long-extinct denizen. Today's landscape is not only modern—Tel Aviv skyscrapers, the Ayalon Freeway, apartment buildings as far as the eye can see—but deceptive. It hints at the existence of nature, in ways that New York and Los Angeles rarely do, but implies that nature has been overcome. It has not.
Israel’s Coastal Plain stretches from Gaza to Haifa. Bordering the Mediterranean are sand dunes and rocky cliffs, cut by rivers from the east and pummeled by waves and storms from the west. The waves breach the dunes and cliffs and deposit sand in the river mouths, which flood to form swamps. Through time, settlements were either located to the east along the foothills, like Antipatris, or, like Jaffa and Caesaria, perched on fossilized dunes or rocky outcrops closer to the sea, with the spaces in between occupied by fish, fowl, and mammals.
From the Bronze Age onward, engineers strove to keep the river mouths open, but silt from the highlands and sand from the sea inevitably closed them off. The immense Bronze Age and Iron Age fortifications at Tel Akko were partly created out of sand dredged from a now-disappeared estuary. Then, in the middle of the first millennium B.C.E., the Phoenicians started over, some two kilometers to the west,and founded the Akko—or Acre—that persists today on a rocky outcrop jutting precariously into the sea. Such settlement histories are typical.
The swamps and hidden recesses of the Coastal Plain held abundant resources—and abundant bandits and thieves. As early as the Late Bronze Age, the Hittite king Burnaburiash wrote angrily to the Egyptian king Akhenaten accusing one of Akhenaten’s Canaanite princelings of plundering a caravan. Graves of these merchants have been excavated where they appear to have been hastily buried, just north of Akko.
Through the Crusader period, kings and villagers kept the coast under control, maintaining waterworks and harbors and fighting the battle between too much water and too little. But from the medieval Mamluk period onward, sand, silt, and insecurity gradually made the Coastal Plain a malarial marsh. On the eve of Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt in 1798,the coastal interior was occupied by Bedouin who raided Coastal Plain settlements and whose animals destroyed the fragile vegetation that held sand dunes in check. Thereafter, dunes progressed inland at a rate of dozens of feet per year, burying agricultural lands. By the 19th century, the Coastal Plain, along with much of the country, had fallen into disrepair. Before the British mandate, malaria infected a majority of residents; even in Jerusalem, far from the coast, a 1912 survey showed that between 40 and 80 percent of schoolchildren had symptoms.
Change came quickly. In the 19th century, global interest in Palestine, including superpower competition and tourism, began to lift the coast from dereliction. Beginning in the 1870s, Zionists purchased tracts on the coast and in the Jezreel Valley and Huleh Basin, largely unwanted swamps of the Coastal Plain, and set about making them habitable. The first agricultural settlement—Petach Tikvah, along the banks of the Yarkon River—was quickly abandoned because of malaria. But its settlers' successors dug canals and planted eucalyptus for drainage and suppressed mosquitoes. Bypassing traditional subsistence farming methods, they introduced modern agricultural techniques and multiplied yields. Prosperity and labor needs helped ignite mass Arab migration to the area, especially from Egypt, as well as the purchase by absentee Arab landlords of previously abandoned land. Along with the drained swamps, the most successful symbol of the Zionist mastery of nature was Tel Aviv itself, founded in 1909 on a sand dune north of Jaffa.
Yet an increasing population on the coast meant, at first, more grazing animals and cutting of forests for fuel; both increased soil erosion, clogging streams with silt. Complex ecosystems with varied plant and animal species were flattened, reduced to mono-crop orange groves feeding the European market. Many of Palestine’s remaining forests fell victim to the building of Turkish railroads and World War I. Thereafter, the British introduced regulations—later continued by Israel—for agriculture, land use, town planning, and architecture, rules largely honored in the breach.
The Coastal Plain is Israel’s agricultural, industrial and residential heartland. The new state’s need for housing, food, and industry was overwhelming and, in turn, overwhelmed sensible planning. By the 1950s, water diverted for all these competing purposes began to reduce the coast’s streams and rivers, and discharged waste turned them into toxic trickles. The imperatives of growth led to the 1964 construction of the National Water Carrier, which routed water from the Sea of Galilee south through pipes and culverts, thereby dramatically reducing the Jordan River, the Sea of Galilee, and the Dead Sea. By 1967, almost all the streams south of the Galilee were being used for sewage, a problem addressed by treatment plants only in the next decades. Despite enormous progress in public health and water efficiency, there remains enormous competition among these sectors for water allocations—as there is between Israel and the Palestinians.
Today, Israel has over 1,000 square kilometers of man-made “impervious surface area”—buildings, roads, parking lots; this measure places it within the world’s top 100 countries. Coastal aquifers have been severely depleted and contaminated by seawater and industrial pollutants. An increasing part of the rain that falls on Judean and Samarian hills slides down paved streets, highways, sewers, and riverbeds to the sea, failing to recharge the aquifers. The automobile has been especially destructive. In 1960 there were 70,000 cars in Israel; today there are 2.5 million. The construction of a modern highway system has constricted the ability of the landscape to drain and recycle water.
Technological societies like Israel and the United States have manipulated environments with determination but little understanding of the long-term impacts. Lining riverbeds with concrete, as with the Ayalon and throughout Los Angeles, gives the illusion of mastering nature. In average years, the consequences are mostly invisible; the absence of thriving ecosystems is apparent, but not the failure of the aquifers to be recharged. Then, the inevitable flooding causes surprise.
When it comes to environmental issues, liberal democratic societies have been partially self-correcting. They periodically take steps, like dismantling dams in the Pacific Northwest and reflooding parts of the Huleh Basin, to ameliorate and undo negative conditions. Arguably, however, Israel’s environmental progress is slipping, a victim of both politics and economics.
Still, if Israel and the United States have been environmentally overconfident and insensitive, other countries have been catastrophically cruel. The Communist legacy of environmental destruction in Russia, Eastern Europe, and China is nearly beyond description. Soviet engineers reversed the flow of entire rivers and nearly emptied the entire Aral Sea, leaving a chemical-laden dustbowl. Communist politics demanded that technology master and subjugate nature to demonstrate the wisdom and superiority of the Party. Zionists were never so absolute; they were and, one hopes, are capable of learning to work with nature.
The flooding in Israel and elsewhere shows that nature will not be mastered. The response to the hundred-year storm or, worse, the earthquake and tsunami, can be planned up to a point—after which matters are in God’s hands. Humans push the limits, ignoring, minimizing, or rationalizing risks as only they can. But flooded highways are gentle reminders that nature has its own reclamation project, which will triumph over ours.
Comments are closed for this article. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45387000 |
Career and Positions
Part in the Removal of Opposition Through
Anti-jewish Propaganda and Incitement
Ant-Jewish Boycott of 1933
Anti-Jewish demonstrations of November 1938
Use of His Authority as Gauleiter in the Service
of the Conspiracy
Through his words and his deeds Julius
Streicher assumed for himself the unofficial title of "Jew-baiter
Number One" of Nazi Germany. For the course of some twenty-five
years, Streicher educated the German people in hatred and incited them
to the persecution and to the extermination of the Jewish race. He was
an accessory to murder, on a scale perhaps never attained before.
Streicher was born in 1885. He became a school
teacher in Nurnberg and formed a party of his own, which he called
the German Socialist Party. The chief policy of that party was anti-semitism.
In 1922 he handed over his party to Hitler,
who wrote a glowing account of Streicher's generosity in Mein
The appointments which Streicher held in the Party
and state were few. From 1921 until 1945, he was a member of the Nazi
Party. In 1925 he was appointed Gauleiter of Franconia, and he
remained until about February 1940. From the time that the Nazi
government came into power in 1933 until 1945 he was a member of the
Reichstag. In addition to that, he held the title of
Obergruppenfuehrer in the SA (2975-PS).
The propaganda which Streicher carried out
throughout those years was chiefly done through the medium of his
newspapers. He was the editor and publisher of "Der Stuermer'
from 1922 until 1933, and thereafter the publisher and owner of the
paper. In 1933 he also founded and thereafter published a daily
newspaper called the "Fraenkische Tageszeitung."
In addition, in later years he published several
other papers, mostly local journals, from Nurnberg.
The course of Streicher's incitement and
propaganda may be traced more or less in chronological order by
referring to short extracts from "Der Stuermer." The
extracts which follow were selected at random. They were selected
with a view to showing the various methods which Streicher employed
to incite the German people against the Jewish race, but his
newspapers are crowded with them, week after week, day after day. It
is impossible to pick up any copy without finding the same kind of
invective and incitement in the headlines and in the articles.
In a speech which Streicher made in 1922 in
Nurnberg, after abusing the Jews in the first paragraph, he went on
"We know that Germany will be free when the
Jew has been excluded from the life of the German people."
In a speech in 1924 he stated:
"I beg you and particularly those of you
who carry the cross throughout the land to become somewhat more
serious when I speak of the enemy of the German people, namely, the
Jew. Not out of irresponsibility or for fun do I fight against the
Jewish enemy, but because I bear within me the knowledge that the
whole misfortune was brought to Germany by the Jews alone.
"I ask you once more, what is at stake
today? The Jew seeks domination not only among the German people
but among all peoples. The communists pave the way for him. Do you
not know that the God of the Old Testament orders the Jews to
consume and enslave the peoples of the earth?
"The government allows the Jew to do as he
pleases. The people expect action to be taken. You may think about
Adolf Hitler as you please, but one thing you must admit. He
possessed the courage to attempt to free the German people from the
Jew by a national revolution. That was action indeed." (M-12).
In a speech in April 1925 Streicher declared:
"You must realize that the Jew wants our
people to perish. That is why you must join us and leave those who
have brought you nothing but war, inflation, and discord. For
thousands of years the Jew has been destroying the nations. Let us
make a new beginning today so that we can annihilate the
This appears to be the earliest expression of one
of the conspirators' primary objectives -- the annihilation of the
Jewish race. Fourteen years later it became the official policy of
the Nazi Government.
In April 1932 Streicher made the following
"For 13 years I have fought against
"We know that the Jew whether he is
baptized as a Protestant or as a Catholic, remains a Jew. Why
cannot you realize, you Protestant clergymen, you Catholic priests,
you who have scales before your eyes and serve the god of the Jews
who is not the God of Love but the God of Hate. Why do you not
listen to Christ, who said to the Jews, 'You are children of the
Ant-Jewish Boycott of 1933.
When the Nazi Party came to power, they officially
started their campaign against the Jews by the boycott of 1 April
1933. The boycott was agreed on and approved by the whole government,
as appears from Goebbel's diary (2409-PS).
Streicher vas appointed the chairman of the
central committee for the organization of that boycott. He started
his work on Wednesday, 29 March (2156-PS).
On that same day the central committee issued a
proclamation announcing that the boycott would start on Saturday at
10:00 -AM sharp:
"Jewry will realize whom it has
On 30 March, two days before the boycott was due
to start, an article was published under the title, "Defeat the
Enemy of the World !by Julius Streicher, official leader of the
central committee to combat the Jewish atrocity and boycott
campaign" (2153-PS). The article stated, in part:
"Jewry wanted this battle. It shall have it
until it realizes that the Germany of the brown battalions is not a
country of cowardice and surrender. Jewry will have to fight until
we have won victory.
"National Socialists! Defeat the enemy of
the world. Even if the world is full of devils, we shall succeed in
the end." (2153-PS) .
As head of the central committee for that boycott,
Streicher outlined in detail the organization of the boycott in
orders which the committee published on 31 March 1933 (2154-PS). The
committee stressed that no violence should be employed against the
Jews during the boycott, but not for humanitarian reasons. The order
was issued because, if no violence were employed, Jewish employers
would have no grounds for discharging their employees without notice,
and for refusing to pay them any wages. The Jews were also reported,
apparently, to be transferring businesses to German figureheads in
order to alleviate the results of this persecution; accordingly the
committee declared that any property so transferred was to be
considered as Jewish for the purpose of the boycott (2154-PS).
It is therefore clear that early in 1933 Streicher
was taking a leading part, as appointed by the Government, in the
persecution against the Jews.
Further extracts from Streicher's newspapers
illustrate the form which his propaganda developed as the years went
on. An article in the New Year's issue of a new paper founded and
edited by Streicher -- a semimedical paper called "The People's
Health Through Blood and Soil" -- is an example of the
remarkable lengths to which he went in propagandizing against the
"It is established for all eternity; alien
albumen is the sperm of a man of alien race. The male sperm in
cohabitation is partially or completely absorbed by the female, and
thus enters her bloodstream. One single cohabitation of a Jew with
an Aryan woman is sufficient to poison her blood forever. Together
with the alien albumen she has absorbed the alien soul. Never again
will she be able to bear purely Aryan children, even when married
to an Aryan. They will all be bastards, with a dual soul and a body
of a mixed breed. Their children will also be crossbreeds; that
means, ugly people of unsteady character and with a tendency to
illnesses. Now we know why the Jew uses every artifice of seduction
in order to ravish German girls at as early an age as possible; why
the Jewish doctor rapes his patients while they were under
anaesthetic. He wants the German girl and the German woman to
absorb the alien sperm of the Jew. She is never again to bear
German children. But the blood products of all animals right down
to the bacteria like the serum, lymph, extracts from internal
organs etc., are all alien albumen. They have a poisonous effect if
directly introduced into the blood stream either by vaccination or
by injection. By these products of sick animals the blood is
ravished, the Aryan is impregnated with an alien species. The
author and abettor of such action is the Jew. He has been aware of
the secrets of the race question for centuries, and therefore plans
systematically the annihilation of the nations which are superior
to him. Science and authorities are his instruments for the
enforcing of pseudo-science and the concealment of truth."
At the beginning of 1935, the following extract,
entitled "The Chosen People of the Criminals," appeared in
" *** and all the same, or, let us say,
just because of this, the history book of the Jews, which is
usually called the Holy Scriptures, impresses us as a horrible
criminal romance, which makes the 150 penny-dreadfuls of the
British Jew, Edgar Wallace, go green with envy. This 'holy' book
abounds in murder, incest, fraud, theft, and indecency."
In a speech on 4 October 1935 (the month following
the proclamation of the Nurnberg Decrees) Streicher made a speech
which is reported in the Voelkischer Beobachter and is entitled in
that newspaper "Safeguard of German Blood and German
Honor." The report in that article reads in part:
"Gauleiter Streicher speaks at a German
Labor Front mass demonstration for the Nurnberg laws."
"We have therefore, to unmask the Jew, and
that is what I have been doing for the past fifteen years."
In a leading article in "Der Stuermer"
Streicher again emphasized the part which he himself had taken in
"The 'Stuermer's' 15 years of work of
enlightenment has already led an army of those who know -- millions
strong -- to National Socialism. The continued work of the 'Stuermer'
will help to ensure that every German down to the last man will,
with heart and hand, join the ranks of those whose aim it is to
crush the head of the serpent Pan-Juda beneath their heels. He who
helps to bring this about helps to eliminate the devil, and this
devil is the Jew." (M-6).
The extraordinary length to which Streicher went
in his propaganda is illustrated by the publication in "Der
Stuermer" of a photograph of the burning hull of the airship
"Hindenburg, which caught fire in June 1937 in America. The
caption beneath the picture includes the comment:
"The first radio picture from the United
States of America shows quite clearly that a Jew stands behind the
explosion of our airship Hindenburg. Nature has depicted clearly
and quite correctly that devil in human guise."
Although it is not clear from that photograph, the
meaning of that comment is apparently that the cloud of smoke in the
air is in the shape of a Jewish face.
In a speech in September 1937 at the opening of
the Wilhelm Gustloff bridge in Nurnberg, Streicher declared:
"The man who murdered Wilhelm Gustloff had
to come from the Jewish people, because the Jewish text books teach
that every Jew has the right to kill a non-Jew, and, indeed, that
it is pleasing to the Jewish God to kill as many non-Jews as
"Look at the way the Jewish people have
been following for thousands of years past; everywhere murder,
everywhere mass murder. Neither must we forget that behind
present-day wars there stands the Jewish financier who pursues his
aims and interests. The Jew always lives on the blood of other
nations; he needs such murder and such victims. For us who know,
the murder of Wilhelm Gustloff is the same as ritual murder."
"It is our duty to tell the children at
school and the bigger ones what this memorial means."
"The Jew no longer shows himself among us
openly as he used to. But it would be wrong to say that victory is
ours. Full and final victory will have been achieved only when the
whole world has been rid of Jews." (M 4)
Extracts from the correspondence columns of "Der
Stuermer," show another method which Streicher employed in his
propaganda (M-26; M-27; M-28). The correspondence columns of every
issue are full of purported "letters" from Germans
protesting that some German has been buying shoes from a Jewish shop,
etc., thus by printing these letters assisting in the general boycott
of the Jews.
"Ritual Murder" Propaganda.
Another form of propaganda employed by Streicher
concerned the "Ritual Murder." Sometime in 1934 "Der
Stuermer" began publishing accounts of Jewish ritual murder
which horrified the whole world to such an extent that even the
Archbishop of Canterbury, together with people from every country in
the world, protested that any government should allow such matter to
be published in their national newspapers.
Streicher based his ritual murder propaganda on a
medieval belief that during their Eastertide celebrations the Jews
were in the habit of murdering Christian children. Streicher
misrepresented this medieval belief to make it appear that not only
was this done in the Middle Ages, but that the Jews are still doing
it and still want to do it. A few passages from "Der Stuermer"
together with descriptions of photographs published therein will
illustrate the type of propaganda that Streicher was putting out
concerning "ritual murder":
"This the French front-line soldier should
take with him to France: The German people have taken a new lease
of life. They want peace, but if anyone tries to attack them, if
anyone tries to torture them again, if anyone tries to push them
back into the past, then the world would see another heroic epic;
then heaven will decide where righteousness lies -- here, or where
the Jew has the whiphand and where he instigates massacres, one
could almost say the biggest ritual murders of all times. If the
German people are to be slaughtered according to the Jewish rites,
the whole world will be thus slaughtered at the same time."
"As you have drummed morning and evening
prayers into your children's heads, so now drum this into their
heads, so that the German people may gain the spiritual power to
convince the rest of the world which the Jews desire to lead
against us." (M-2).
A photograph published in "Der Stuermer"
in April 1937 purports to show three Jews ritually murdering a girl
by cutting her throat, with the blood pouring out into a bucket on
the ground The caption underneath that photograph is as follows:
"Ritual murder at Polna. Ritual murder of
Agnes Hruza by the Jews Hilsner, Erdmann, and Wassermann, taken
from a contemporary postcard.
Another article in "Der Stuermer", in
April 1937, describes what is alleged to happen when ritual murder
takes place, and the blood is mixed with the bread and drunk by the
Jews in their feast. During the feast the head of the family is
supposed to explain:
"May all gentiles perish -- as the child
whose blood is contained in the bread and wine." (2699-PS).
An article in "Der Stuermer" for July
1938 has these further remarks to make on "ritual murder":
"Whoever had the occasion to be an
eye-witness during the slaughtering of animals or to see at least a
truthful film on the slaughtering-will never forget this horrible
experience. It is atrocious. And unwillingly, he is reminded of the
crimes which the Jews have committed for centuries on men. He will
be reminded of the ritual murder. History points out hundreds of
cases in which non-Jewish children were tortured to death. They
also were given the same incision through the throat as is found on
slaughtered animals. They also were slowly bled to death while
fully conscious." (2700-PS).
On special occasions, or when Streicher had some
particular subject matter to put before Germany, he was in the habit
of issuing special editions of "Der Stuermer." "Ritual
murder" was such a special subject that he issued one of these
special editions dealing solely with it, in May 1939. One of the
photographs published in this issue shows a child having knives stuck
into its side, from which blood is spurting; and below the pedestal
on which the child stands are five presumably dead children bleeding
on the ground. The caption beneath that picture reads as follows:
"In the year 1476 the Jews in Regensburg murdered six boys. They
drew their blood and tortured them to death in an underground vault
which belongs to the Jew Josfel. The judges found the body of the
murdered boys; and blood stains are on an altar."
Two other pictures are explained by their
captions. One reads: "For the Jewish New Year celebrations in
1913, World Jewry published this picture. On the Jewish New Year and
on the Day of Atonement the Jews slaughtered a so-called 'kapores'
cock; that is to say, dead cock, whose blood and death is intended to
purify the Jews. In 1913 the 'kapores' cock had the head of the
Russian Czar Nicholas II. By publishing this postcard the Jews
intended to say that Nicholas II would be their next purifying
sacrifice. On 6 July 1918, the Czar was murdered by the Jews Jurowsky
The other picture shows the Jews holding a similar
"***the 'kapores' cock which has the head
of the Fuehrer. The Hebrew script says that one day Jews will kill
all Hitlerites. Then the Jews will be delivered from all
misfortunes, but in due course the Jews will realize that they have
reckoned without an Adolf Hitler.
In addition to reproductions of a number of
previous articles on "ritual murder" beneath a picture of
Streicher, another picture bears the caption: "At the Passover
Meal. The wine and Matzoh, unleavened bread, contains non-Jewish
blood. The Jew prays before the meal. He prays for death to all
The fifth page of this same issue reproduces some
of the European and American newspaper articles and letters
protesting against this propaganda on "ritual murder."
Among these is the "Stuermer's" answer to the letter from
the Archbishop of Canterbury, written to the editor of the London
Times in protest (M-10)
Page 6 contains another picture of a man having
his throat cut; again the usual spurt of blood falling into a basin
on the floor, with the following caption:
"The ritual murder of the boy Heinrich. In
the year 1345 the Jews in Munich slaughtered a non-Jewish boy. The
martyr was declared holy by the church."
On page 8 appears another picture entitled:
"The Holy Gabriel. This boy was crucified
and tortured to death by the Jews in the year 1690. The blood was
drawn off him."
Page 11 reproduces a piece of sculpture on the
wall of the Wallfahrts Chapel, representing the ritual murder of a
boy named Werner. The picture shows the boy strung up by his feet and
being murdered by two Jews. Page 12 reproduces another picture taken
from the same place. The caption is:
"The embalmed body of Trient who was
tortured to death by the Jews."
Page 13 contains another picture; somebody else
having a knife stuck into him; more blood coming out into a basin. On
page 14 are two pictures. One is said to show the ritual murder of
the boy Andreas. The other is the picture of a tombstone, and the
caption reads as follows:
"The tombstone of Hilsner. This is the
memorial to a Jewish ritual murderer, Leopold Hilsner. He was found
guilty of two ritual murders and was condemned to death by hanging
in two trials. The emperor was bribed and pardoned him. Masaryk,
the friend of the Jews, liberated him from penal servitude in 1918.
On his tombstone Iying Jewry calls this twofold murderer an
The next page produces yet another picture of a
woman being murdered by having her throat cut in the same way. Page
17 produces a picture of the Archbishop of Canterbury together with a
picture of an old Jewish man, with a caption reading:
"Dr. Lang, the Archbishop of Canterbury,
the highest dignitary of the English Church, and his allies, a
typical example of the Jewish Race."
The last page contains a picture of "Holy
Simon, who was tortured to death."
This issue of "Der Stuermer" is nothing
but an incitement to the people of Germany who read it, an incitement
to murder. It is filled with pictures of murder, murder alleged to be
against the German people. It is an encouragement, to all who read it
to avenge themselves in the same way.
In January 1938 the persecution of the Jews became
more and more severe another special issue of "Der Stuermer"
was published. A passage from the leading article in that issue
written by Streicher, states:
"*** The supreme aim and highest task of
the state is therefore to conserve people, blood, and race. But if
this is the supreme task, any crime against this law must be
punished with the supreme penalty. 'Der Steurmer' takes therefore
the view that there are only two punishments for the crime of
polluting the race:
"1. Penal servitude for life for attempted
"2. Death for committing race
The following are some of the headlines on the
articles contained in that edition:
"Jewish race polluters at work."
"Fifteen year old non-Jewess ravaged."
"A dangerous race polluter. He regards
German women as fair game for himself."
"The Jewish sanatorium. A Jewish
institution for the cultivation of race pollution."
"Rape of a feeble-minded girl."
"The Jewish butler. He steals from his
Jewish masters and commits race pollution." (M-40).
Another article appearing in "Der Stuermer,"
written by Streicher's editor, Karl Holz, states:
"The revenge will break loose one day and
will exterminate Jewry from the surface of the earth." (M-35).
Again, in September 1938, "Der Stuermer"
published an article describing the Jews as follows:
"A parasite, an enemy, an evil-doer, a
disseminator of diseases who must be destroyed in the interest of
This is no longer propaganda for the persecution
of the Jews; this is propaganda for the extermination of Jews, and
for the murder not of one Jew but of all Jews (see 2698-PS).
A picture published in "Der Stuermer" in
December 1938 shows a girl being strangled by a man whose hands are
around her neck. The shadow of the man's face, which is shown against
the background, has quite obvious Jewish features. The caption under
that picture is as follows:
"Castration for Race Polluters. Only heavy
penalties will preserve our womenfolk from a tighter grip from
ghastly Jewish claws. The Jews are our misfortune."
Anti-Jewish demonstrations of November 1938.
While his anti-Jewish propaganda was becoming
constantly fiercer, Streicher took a leading part in the organized
demonstrations against the Jews which took place on 9 November 1938
and 10 November 1938. In the autumn of that year, on the occasion of
a meeting of press representatives in Nurnberg, Streicher organized
the breaking-up of the Nurnberg synagogues. It was announced that
Streicher personally would set the crane in motion with which the
Jewish symbols would be torn down from the synagogues 1724- PS). The
event was described as follows:
" *** the synagogue is being demolished!
Julius Streicher himself inaugurates the work by a speech lasting
more than an hour and a half. By his order -- so to speak as a
prelude of the demolition -- the tremendous Star of David came off
the cupola." (2711-PS).
Streicher took active part in the November
demonstrations of that year, particularly in his Gau of Franconia.
The Nurnberg demonstrations were reported as follows in the "Fraenksche
Tageszeitung, which was Streicher's paper, on 11 November:
" *** In Nurnberg and Furth it resulted in
demonstrations by the crowd against the Jewish murders. These
lasted until the early hours of the morning. Far too long had one
watched the activities of the Jews in Germany."
"After midnight the excitement of the
populace reached its peak and a large crowd marched to the
synagogues in Nurnberg and Furth and burned these two Jewish
buildings where the murder of Germans had been preached.
"The fire-brigades, which had been notified
immediately, saw to it that the fire was continued to the original
outbreak The windows of the Jewish shopkeepers, who still had not
given up hope of selling their junk to the stupid Goims, were
smashed. Thanks to the disciplined behavior of the SA men and the
police, who had rushed to the scene, there was no plundering."
On 10 November, the day of the demonstrations,
Streicher made a speech stating in part as follows:
"From the cradle, the Jew is not being
taught, like we are, such texts as, 'Thou shalt love thy neighbor
as thyself,' or 'If you are smitten on the left cheek, offer then
your right one.' No, he is told: 'With the non-Jew you can do
whatever you like.' He is even taught that the slaughtering of a
non-Jew is an act pleasing to God. For 20 years we have been
writing about this in 'Der Stuermer'; for 20 years we have been
preaching it throughout the world and we have made millions
recognize the truth."
"The Jew slaughtered in one night 75,000
people; when he emigrated to Egypt he killed all the first-born,
i.e. a whole future generation of Egyptians. What would have
happened if the Jew had succeeded in driving the nations into war
against us, and if we had lost the war? The Jew protected by
foreign bayonets, would have fallen on us and would have
slaughtered and murdered us. Never forget what history has taught
After the November 1938 demonstrations,
irregularities occurred in the Gau of Franconia in connection with
the organized Aryanization of Jewish property. Aryanization of Jewish
property was regulated by the Nazi State, which had decreed that the
proceeds of the transfer of Jewish properties to Aryans were to go to
the State. In Streicher's Gau of Franconia, however, a good deal of
the proceeds never found their way as far as the State. -As a result
Goering set up a commission to investigate what had taken place. The
report of that commission (1757-PS) describes what had been taking
place in Streicher's Gau:
"*** Following upon the November
demonstrations the Deputy Gauleiter, Holz, took up the Jewish
questions. His reasons can be given here in detail on the basis of
his statement of 25 March 1939:
"The 9th and 10th of November 1938.
"In the night of the 9 November 1938 and 10
November 1938 and on 10 November 1938, events took place throughout
Germany which I [Holz] considered to be the signal for a completely
different treatment of the Jewish question in Germany. Synagogues
and Jewish schools were burnt down and Jewish property was smashed
both in shops and in private houses. Besides this, a large number
of particular Jews were taken to concentration camps by the police.
Toward midday we discussed these events in the Gauleiter's house.
All of- us were of the opinion that we now faced a completely new
state of affairs on the Jewish question. By the great action
against the Jews, carried out in the night and morning of the 10th
of November, all guiding principles and all laws on the subject had
been made illusory. We were of the opinion (particularly myself)
that we should now act on our own initiative in this respect. I
proposed to the Gauleiter that in view -of the great existing lack
of housing, the best thing would be to put the Jews into a kind of
internment camp. Then the houses would become free in a twinkling,
and the housing shortage would be relieved, at least in part.
Besides that, we would have the Jews under control and supervision.
I added 'The same thing happened to our prisoners of war and war
internees.' The Gauleiter said that this suggestion was for the
time being impossible to carry out. Thereupon I made a new proposal
to him. I said that I considered it unthinkable that, after the
Jews had had their property smashed, they -should continue to be
able to own houses and land. I proposed that these houses and this
land ought to be taken away from them, and declared myself ready to
carry through such an action. I declared that by the Aryanization
of Jewish land and houses a large sum could accrue to the Gau out
of the proceeds. I named some million of marks. I stated that, in
my opinion, this Aryanization could be carried out as legally as
the Aryanization of shops. The Gauleiter's answer was something to
this effect: 'If you think you can carry this out, do so. The sum
gained will then be used to build a Gau school.' "
"The Aryanization was accomplished by the
alienation of properties, the surrender of claims, especially
mortgage claims, and reductions in buying price.
"The payment allowed the Jews was basically
10% of the nominal value or nominal sum of the claim. As a
justification for these low prices, Holz claimed at the Berlin
meeting of 6 February 1939, that the Jews had mostly bought their
property during the inflation period for a tenth of its value. As
has been shown by investigating a large number of individual cases
selected at random, this claim is not true." (1757-PS)
The second part of this report, which contains the
findings of the commission, reads in part as follows:
"*** Gauleiter Streicher likes to beat
people with a riding whip but only if he is in the company of
several persons assisting him. Usually the beatings are carried out
with sadistic brutality.
"The best known case is that of Steinruck,
whom he beat bloodily in the prison cell, together with Deputy
Gauleiter Holz and SA Brigadier General Koenig. After returning
from this scene to the Deutscher Hof he said: 'Now I am relieved. I
needed that again!' Later he also stated several times that he
needed another Steinruck case in order to 'relieve' himself.
"In August 1938, he beat Editor Burker at
the District House together with District Office Leader Schoeller
and his Adjutant Koenig.
"On 2 December 1938 he asked to have three
youthful criminals (15 to 17 years old) who had been arrested for
robbery brought to the room of the director of the Criminal Police
Office in Nurnberg-Furth. Streicher who was accompanied by his son,
Lothar, had the youths brought in singly and question them about
their sex life and in particular, through clear and detailed
questioning, he laid stress on determining whether and since when
they masturbated. ***
"*** The last one of these three boys he
beat with his riding whip, with blows on the head and on the rest
of the body." (1757-PS)
A later passage shows the authority and power
which Streicher held in his Gau:
"According to reports of reliable witnesses
Gauleiter Streicher is in the habit of pointing out on the most
varied occasions that he alone gives orders in the district of
Franconia. For instance, at a meeting in the Colosseum in Nurnberg
in 1935 he said that nobody could remove him from office. In a
meeting at Herkules Hall, where he described how he had beaten
Professor Steinruck, he emphasized that he would not let himself be
beaten by anybody, not even by an Adolf Hitler.
"For, this also must be stated here, in
Franconia the Gau acts first and then orders the absolutely
powerless authorities to approve." (1757-PS)
That report shows the kind of treatment and
persecution which the Jews were receiving in the Gau over which
Streicher ruled. It further shows the absolute authority with which
Streicher acted in his district.
As a result either of that investigation or of
some other matter, Streicher was relieved of his position as
Gauleiter in February 1940, but he did not cease from propaganda or
from control of his newspaper. In an article written in "Der
Stuermer," on 4 November 1943, Streicher declared:
"It is really the truth that the Jews, so
to speak, have disappeared from Europe and that the Jewish
reservoir of the East, from which the Jewish plague has for
centuries beset the peoples of Europe, has ceased to exist.
However, the Fuehrer of the German people at the beginning of the
war prophesied what has now come to pass." (1965-PS).
That article, signed by Streicher, shows that he
had knowledge of the Jewish exterminations which were going on in the
East. Streicher's article was written in November 1943. In April 1943
the Warsaw ghetto was destroyed. Between April 1942 and April 1944
more than 1,700,000 Jews were killed in Auschwitz and Dachau. It
seems clear from this article that Streicher knew what was happening,
perhaps not the details, but the fact that Jews were being
Perversion of Youth.
Streicher paid particular attention to the
instruction and perversion of the children and youth of Germany. He
was not content with inciting the German population. He started to
poison the minds of the children at school at the earliest possible
date. He continually emphasized the need for teaching children
antisemitism. In a speech as early as June 1925 Streicher said:
"I repeat, we demand the transformation of
the school into a national German institution of education. If we
let German children be taught by German teachers, then we shall
have laid the foundations for the national German school. This
national German school must teach racial doctrine."
"We demand, therefore, the introduction of
racial doctrine into the school." (M-30)
The "Fraenkische Tageszeitung" of 19
March 1934 reports Streicher's address at a girls' school at
"Then Julius Streicher spoke about his life
and told them about a girl who at one time went to his school and
who fell for a Jew and was finished for the rest of her life."
Every summer in Nurnberg a youth celebration was
held. At this pagan rite the youth of Nurnberg were rallied,
organized, and incited, encouraged by Streicher. Streicher's speech
to the Hitler Youth on the "Holy Mountain" near Nurnberg on
22 June 1935 contained the following statements:
"Boys and girls, look back to a little more
than 10 years ago. A great war -- the World War -- had whirled over
the peoples of the earth and had left in the end a heap of ruins.
Only one people remained victorious in this dreadful war, a people
of whom Christ said its father is the devil. That people had ruined
the German nation in body and soul. Then Adolf Hitler, unknown to
anybody, arose from among the people and became the voice which
called to a holy war and battle. He cried to the people for
everybody to take courage again and to rise and get a helping hand
to take the devil from the German people, so that the human race
might be free again from these people that have wandered about the
world for centuries and millennia, marked with the sign of Cain.
"Boys and girls, even if they say that the Jews were once the
chosen people, do not believe it, but believe us when we say that
the Jews are not a chosen people. Because it cannot be that a
chosen people should act among the peoples as the Jews do
A report of Streicher's address to 2,000 children
at Nurnberg at Christmas-time, 1936, states:
"'Do you know who the Devil is,' he asked
his breathlessly listening audience. 'The Jew, the Jew,' resounded
from a thousand children's voices."(M-44).
Streicher was not content with writing and
talking. He issued a book for teachers, written by one Fink and
published from the "Der Stuermer" offices, called "The
Jewish Question and School Instruction." This book emphasizes
the necessity of anti-semitic
teaching in schools, and suggests ways in which the subject can be
introduced and handled. The preface, written by Streicher, reads in
part as follows:
"The National Socialist state brought fundamental changes into
all spheres of life of the German people.
"It has also presented the German teacher
with some new tasks. The National Socialist state demands that its
teachers instruct German children in social questions. As far as
the German people is concerned the racial question is a Jewish
question. Those who want to teach the child all about the Jew must
themselves have a thorough knowledge of the subject.
"Those who take to heart all that has been
written with such feeling by Fritz Fink, who for many years has
been greatly concerned about the German people, will be grateful
for the creator of this outwardly insignificant publication."
(M-46). The preface is signed by Julius Streicher, City of the
Reich Party Rallies, Nurnberg, in the year 1937.
The introduction to this book reads as follows:
"Racial and Jewish questions are the
fundamental problems of the National Socialist ideology. The
solution of these problems will secure the existence of National
Socialism and with this the existence of our nation for all time.
The enormous significance of the racial question is recognized
almost without exception today by all the German people. In order
to attain this recognition our people had to travel through a long
road of suffering.
"No one should be allowed to grow up in the
midst of our people without this knowledge of the monstrous
character and dangerousness of the Jew." (M-46).
A later passage in the book contains this
"One who has reached this stage of
understanding will inevitably remain an enemy of the Jews all his
life and will instill this hatred into his own children." (M-
"Der Stuermer" also published some
children's books. Although Streicher himself did not write the books,
they were published from his publishing business, and they are on the
same line of everything else published and issued from that business.
Among these books was one entitled "Don't trust the Fox in the
green meadow nor the Jew on his oath." It is a picture book for
children. The pictures all depict Jews in an offensive light. And
Opposite each picture there is a little story. For instance, opposite
one picture, which portrays an unpleasant-looking Jewish butcher
cutting up meat, there appears the following
"The Jewish butcher: he sells half refuse
instead of meat. A piece of meat lies on the floor; the cat claws
another. This doesn't worry the Jew butcher since the meat increases
in weight. Besides one mustn't forget he won't have to eat it
The story opposite another picture reads as
"Jesus Christ says 'The Jew is a murderer
through and through'. And when Christ had to die the Lord didn't
know any other people who would have tortured Him to death so he
chose the Jews. That is why the Jews pride themselves on being the
chosen people." (M-32).
Other pictures in this book portray: a girl being
led away by an evil-appearing Jew; Streicher smiling benignly at a
children's party, greeting the little children; children looking at
copies of "Der Stuermer" posted on a wall; Jewish children
being taken away from an Aryan school by an unpleasant-looking
father, with all the Aryan children shouting and dancing and enjoying
the fun very much (M-32).
Another book, called "The Poisonous
Fungus," is very similar in character and appearance, and
likewise calculated to poison the minds of readers. One of the
pictures in this book shows a girl sitting in a Jewish doctor's
waiting room. The story that goes with this picture is not a very
pleasant story, but it is only by adverting to these matters that it
becomes possible to believe the kind of education which German
children received from Streicher.
The story reads as follows:
"Inge sits in the reception room of the Jew
doctor. She has to wait a long time. She looks through the journals
which are on the table. But she is much too nervous to read even a
few sentences. Again and again she remembers the talk with her
mother. And again and again her mind reflects on the warnings of
her leader of the League of German Girls: 'A German must not
consult a Jew doctor. And particularly not a German girl. Many a
girl that went to a Jew doctor to be cured, found disease and
"When Inge had entered the waiting room,
she experienced an extraordinary incident. From the doctor's
consulting room she could hear the sound of crying. She heard the
voice of a young girl: 'Doctor, doctor, leave me alone!'
"Then she heard the scornful laughing of a
man. And then, all of a sudden, it became absolutely silent. Inge
had listened breathlessly.
"'What may be the meaning of all this?' she
asked herself and her heart was pounding. And again she thought of
the warning of her leader in the League of German Girls.
"Inge was already waiting for an hour.
Again she takes the journals in an endeavor to read. Then the door
opens. Inge looks up. The Jew appears. She screams. In terror she
drops the paper. Horrified she jumps up. Her eyes stare into the
face of the Jewish doctor. And this face is the face of the devil.
In the middle of this devil's face is a huge crooked nose. Behind
the spectacles two criminal eyes. And the thick lips are grinning,
a grinning that expresses: 'Now I got you at last, you little
"And then the Jew approaches her. His
fleshy fingers stretch out after her. But now Inge has composed
herself. Before the Jew can grab hold of her, she smacks the fat
face of the Jew doctor with her hand. One jump to the door.
Breathlessly Inge runs down the stairs. Breathlessly she escapes
the Jew house." (1778-PS).
Another photograph shows youthful admirers
standing around looking at Streicher's picture, with the following
"'Without a solution of the Jewish question
there will be no salvation for mankind.' That is what he shouted to
us. All of us could understand him. And when, at the end, he
shouted 'Sieg Heil' for the Fuehrer, we all acclaimed him with
tremendous enthusiasm. For two hours Streicher spoke at that
occasion. To us it appeared to have been but a few minutes."
The effect of all this propaganda is evident from
the columns of "Der Stuermer" itself. In April 1936 there
was published a letter, which is typical of many others that appear
in other copies from children of all ages. The third paragraph of
this letter, signed by the boys and girls of the National Socialist
Youth Hostel at Grossmuellen, reads:
"*** Today we saw a play on how the devil
persuades - the Jew to shoot a conscientious National Socialist. In
the course of the play the Jew did it too. We all heard the shot.
We would have all liked to jump up and arrest the Jew. But then the
policeman came and after a short struggle took the Jew along. You
can imagine, dear Stuermer, that we heartily cheered the policeman.
In the whole play not one name was mentioned, but we all knew that
this play represented the murder by the Jew Frankfurter. We were
very sick when we went to bed that night. None felt like talking to
the others. This play made it clear to us how the Jew sets to
Streicher's authority as a Gauleiter was
extensive. The Organization Book of the NSDAP for 1938 describes the
duties and authority of Gauleiters as follows:
"The Gauleiter bears over-all
responsibility for the Fuehrer for the sector of sovereignty
entrusted to him. The rights, duties and jurisdiction of the
Gauleiter result primarily from the mission assigned by the Fuehrer
and, apart from that, from detailed direction." (1814-PS)
Streicher's association with the Fuehrer and other
Nazi conspirators may also be seen from the newspapers. On the
occasion of Streicher's 50th birthday, Hitler paid a visit to
Nurnberg to congratulate him. The account of that meeting is
published in the "Voelkischer Beobachter" of 13 February
1934 as follows:
"Adolf Hitler spoke to his old comrades in
battle and to his followers in words which went straight to their
hearts. By way of introduction he remarked that it was a special
pleasure to be present for a short while in Nurnberg, the town of
the National Socialist community which had been steeled in battle,
at this day of honor of Julius Streicher, and to be within the
circle of the standard bearers of the National Socialist idea
during many years.
"Just as they, all of them, had during the
years of oppression unshakeably believed in the victory of the
movement, so his friend and comrade in the battle, Streicher, had
stood faithfully at his side at all times. It had been this
unshakeable belief that had moved mountains.
"For Streicher it would surely be a solemn
thought, that this 50th anniversary meant not only the halfway
point of a century, but also of a thousand years of German history
to him. He had in Streicher a companion of whom he could say that
here in Nurnberg was a man who would never waver for a single
second and who would unflinchingly stand behind him in every
A letter from Himmler, published in "Der
Stuermer" of April 1937, declared:
"If in future years the history of the
reawakening of the German people is written, and if already the
next generation will be unable to understand that the German people
was once friendly to the Jews, it will be stated that Julius
Streicher and his weekly paper 'Der Stuermer' have contributed a
great deal towards the enlightenment regarding the enemy of
humanity. "(Signed) For the Reichsfuehrer SS, Himmler."
Finally a letter from von Schirach, the Reich
Youth Leader, published in "Der Stuermer" of January 1938,
had this to say:
"It is the historical merit of 'Der
Stuermer' to have enlightened the broad masses of our people in a
popular way as to the Jewish world danger. 'Der Stuermer' is right
in refusing to fulfill its task in the tone of the aesthetic
drawing room. Jewry has shown no regard for the German people. We
have, therefore, no cause to be considerate and to spare our worst
enemy. What we fail to do today our youngsters of tomorrow will
have to suffer for bitterly." (M-45).
It may be that Streicher is less directly involved
in the physical commission of the crimes against Jews than some of
his coconspirators. The submission of the Prosecution is that his
crime is no less worse for that reason. No government in the world,
before the Nazis came to power, could have embarked upon and it; into
effect a policy of mass Jewish extermination in the way in which they
did, without having a people who would back them and support them,
and without having a large number of people who were prepared to
carry out the murder themselves. (See Chapter XII on Persecution of
It was to the task of educating and poisoning the
people with hate, and of producing murderers, that Streicher set
himself. For 25 years he continued unrelentingly the perversion of
the people and youth of Germany. He went on and on, as he saw the
results of his work bearing fruit.
In the early days he was preaching persecution. As
persecution took place he preached extermination and annihilation
and, as millions of Jews were exterminated and annihilated, in the Ghettos
of the East, he cried out for more and more.
The crime of Streicher is that he made these
crimes possible, which they would never have been had it not been for
him and for those like him. Without Streicher and his propaganda, the
Kaltenbrunners, the Himmlers,
the General Stroops would have had nobody to do their
In its extent Streicher's crime is probably
greater and more far-reaching than that of any of the other
defendants. The misery which they caused ceased with their capture.
The effects of this man's crime, of the poison that he has put into
the minds of millions of young boys and girls goes on, for he
concentrated upon the youth and childhood of Germany. He leaves
behind him a legacy of almost a whole people poisoned with hate,
sadism, and murder, and perverted by him. That people remain a
problem and perhaps a menace to the rest of civilization for
generations to come.
[Streicher was sentenced to death by hanging at
the Nuremberg Trial.
On October 16, 1946, Streicher was executed. When he went up to the
scaffolding, he spat at the hangman and said, "The Bolsheviks
will hang you one day!" Just before he fell to his death,
he shouted, "Purim Festival, 1946!" apparently referring to
the Jewish celebration
commemorating the deliverance of the Jews from Haman, who had
advocated their extermination, but had instead himself been hanged.*]
Nazi Conspiracy & Aggression, Volume II, Chapter XVI, pp.
*Conot, Robert. Justice
At Nuremberg. NY: Carroll & Graf, 1984. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45392000 |
In certain areas across North America, energy prices remain regulated. This means that all energy providing processes including pricing are governed by a regulatory or government body, with only the local utility able to sell directly to consumers. The utility or government set the prices for natural gas and electricity supply, along with the associated transportation and distribution costs associated with those commodities. Consumers therefore have no choice when it comes to their energy provider.
Deregulation has taken place in many states and provinces
throughout North America. It has allowed competitive energy
suppliers, such as Just Energy, to enter the markets and offer
their energy supply products to consumers. Energy prices are not
regulated in these areas and consumers are not forced to receive
supply from their utility. In deregulated markets, consumers can
choose their supplier, similar to other common household service
providers. The marketing of these services is still
Deregulation gives consumers choice - the power of the buyer. A deregulated market allows you to choose your commodity supplier. It also motivates retailers to differentiate their products from the utility and those of competitors by developing innovative features, pricing plans and options that would have otherwise not been available to you. Green energy products are an example of innovative programs made possible by retailers like Just Energy. In deregulated electricity markets, these products support the generation and injection of renewable energy into your electricity grid, making it greener than it otherwise would have been. In a deregulated natural gas market, these green products support emission reduction projects that prevent polluting gases from entering the atmosphere and help contribute to a cleaner, greener environment.
The utility is still responsible for the distribution of the commodity to your home regardless of the supplier you choose. The supply price however is not set by that same utility. Depending on where you live, you may continue to be billed by your utility with a mention of your supplier, or be billed directly by your supplier.
You now have options to choose your provider, like Just Energy, to offer competitive pricing.
With more competition in the market, you benefit from a variety of product options that may have otherwise not been available to you, including JustGreen, which ensures that the equivalent of up to 100% of the energy you consume is offset by sustainable energy sources.
Although your natural gas and/or electricity supply will be coming from a new source, your local utility/distribution company will continue to ensure the consistent delivery of the energy to your home. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45406000 |
MCP Plaid Phonics Bundle Level C (Grade 3)
MCP Plaid Phonics Level C blends phonics instruction with meaningful reading in curriculum-related fiction and nonfiction. By combining phonics skills with vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking, students will develop reading fluency. The activities help develop spelling (encoding), recognize words in context, and use phonics in word-building and personal writing.This Bundle includes Student Worktext, Teacher Resource Guide and Parent Guide. Used for homeschool or classroom. MCP Plaid phonics works parallel with Spelling Workout to reinforce key spelling and phonics skills. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45414000 |
(BPT) - Maintain equipment used to detect enemy planes and ships. Control steam generators. Operate nuclear propulsion plant machinery. These are just a few of the tasks Sailors aboard Navy aircraft carriers and submarines fulfill in both peace and wartime roles around the world. These Sailors are responsible for operating, controlling and maintaining state-of-the-art nuclear components that power the fleet; the core of the Navy’s ability to operate forward and maintain readiness.
Today’s Sailors continue to make history. They take on tremendous roles and responsibilities such as working to build the Gerald R. Ford, a new class of carriers expected to be delivered in 2015. Aircraft carriers are the centerpiece of the Navy, and the Gerald R. Ford class builds upon the branch’s legacy of aircraft carrier innovation stretching back to the first aircraft carrier, USS Langley (CV 1) and continuing to the present day. The introduction of jet aircraft, angled decks and nuclear power were all innovations that kept the fleet relevant for Cold War needs. Gerald R. Ford continues the aircraft carrier history of modernization and adaptability that will enable her to serve our country for decades to come. Sailors in the nuclear community are involved in maritime security, sea control, deterrence, humanitarian assistance, forward presence and power projection. Submarines and their crews provide attack, surveillance, research and nuclear deterrence roles.
Sailors interested in joining an elite group of professionals who design, build, operate, maintain and manage the Navy’s nuclear-powered ships and submarines can join the Nuclear Officers in the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program. These officers oversee the nuclear reactors that power the Navy’s vessels, as well as the facilities that support the program’s ongoing training, operations and technology.
The Navy has four specialized Nuclear Officer career paths available for Sailors who are a graduate or student of an accredited college or university in the United States or in a U.S. territory pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree (in the preferred fields of mathematics, engineering, physics, chemistry or other technical areas). They must also have completed or be enrolled in a college curriculum that includes a minimum of one year each of calculus-based physics and mathematics through integral calculus. These career paths are:
* Submarine Officer – This position oversees the specialized personnel, departments and missions of Navy attack, ballistic missile and guided missile submarines – taking charge of all that goes into driving, powering, arming, operating and ultimately commanding these stealth vessels.
* Surface Warfare Officer – These specialists oversee the propulsion systems and personnel aboard multibillion dollar, megaton, nuclear-powered aircraft carriers – managing the operational intricacies of the most capable ships on earth.
* Naval Reactors Engineer – These technical experts are responsible for researching, designing and maintaining Naval nuclear reactors across the Navy Fleet – supporting all the activities involved with ongoing operations and personnel training.
* Naval Nuclear Power School Instructor – Be one of the select few who learn and then teach the fundamentals of nuclear propulsion – guiding Navy understudies through a comprehensive curriculum, encompassing everything from science to math, electrical engineering to reactor dynamics.
Other nuclear power careers are available for Sailors with a high school diploma or GED. These Nuclear Operations personnel operate, control and maintain the state-of-the-art components that power Navy aircraft carriers and submarines, doing anything from operating nuclear propulsion plant machinery to controlling auxiliary equipment that supports Naval reactors to maintaining the electronic equipment used to send and receive messages, detect enemy planes and ships and determine target distance.
Jobs available for nuclear-trained specialists include:
* Machinist’s Mate (MM) – These specialists work on the mechanical side of everything related to propulsion and power-generating systems.
* Electrician’s Mate (EM) – EM’s work on the electrical side of everything related to propulsion and power-generating systems.
* Electronics Technician (ET) – An ET works with the electronic equipment related to maintaining reactor safety and control.
Visit navy.com to learn more about Nuclear Operations career opportunities and the background required to serve. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45418000 |
The impact of the drought currently gripping the United States is real and tangible, as millions can attest. But the depth of the pain still falls short of that experienced by many in the Great Plains and beyond during the so-called Dust Bowl era of the 1930s.
Here is a look -- by the numbers -- comparing what happened then and what's happening now, both times due to pervasive and historic droughts.
The Dust Bowl days
8: The years of the general duration of the so-called Dust Bowl era, from 1931 to 1939
3.5 million: People who left their homes in the Great Plains and beyond due to drought
250,000: Families who lost their farms and ranches to bank foreclosures
60 mph: Speed of winds pushing a huge dust cloud on April 13, 1935, through Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and beyond -- causing hundreds of deaths -- during what is called "Black Sunday"
5: The string of years in the 1930s of the warmest temperatures ever recorded until recently in Amarillo, Texas
74: The degrees of temperature drop in an 18-hour span in Boise City, Oklahoma, in February 1933, as Dust Bowl winters were often bitterly cold
20 million: Hectares of range and farmland ruined annually during the Dust Bowl era | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45421000 |
A Balanced Curriculum
'Strengths in teaching include the excellent use of assessment to further pupils' learning and good levels of pace and challenge.' (Ofsted, 2012)
We are pleased to offer a stimulating, varied and creative curriculum, which allows all children to thrive and make the best possible progress in a variety of ways. Whilst maintaining the importance of the core subjects, teachers use a topic themed approach to develop skills across the curriculum. Termly class trips (which are partially funded by the PSA) are used to enrich lessons through new experiences and a hands on approach!
'One parent commented that 'Teachers do a fantastic job,' (Ofsted 2012)
Incredibly popular with the children, our 'theme weeks' allow a whole weekly timetable to be devoted to a theme followed across the school; these happen once each term. Visiting speakers take workshops, coaching sessions and assemblies to develop children's thinking about the theme, furthermore inspiring work carried out in the classroom. A sharing assembly at the end of the week, allows children and parents to see how each class has approached the theme. Recent themes covered include: Science; Climate Change and Get Active. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45423000 |
Web Search powered by Yahoo! SEARCH
See class lists and photos from each school, and look for a special section in Monday's edition.
The technology they refer for on site systems isn't emerging, it's been around for years. In the past, State and County officials fought hard against these systems. Why? Because they could allow building in areas outside of the UGA where they say growth is bad.
On Site Septic systems have always been the ultimate recyclers of water. Water came out of the ground, into the house, was used,and returned to the ground through a septic were it is treated and returned to the aquifer.
A recent study done by Kitsap recommends septic in developments with a density of 3.7units per acres or less.
Let's encourage our State and County officials to approve and use these system. They could save millions in Sewage plant upgrades, save water, and lower the cost of a new home.
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100% of the dollars donated are distributed to local food banks.
Find searchable data, including public employee salaries, crime stats and more. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45430000 |
Eisenhower was President. Elvis was King. It was 19 August 1959, and a new era in Kalamazoo's history was about to begin. The nation's first pedestrian shopping mall opened on the two blocks of South Burdick Street between Water and South Streets with much fanfare, a mere two and a half months after construction first began. The Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra was on hand to celebrate the event with 50,000 people who visited the mall on its first day, more than ten times the usual number.
So why would a city construct a pedestrian mall in the heart of its business district? Like the rest of the country, Kalamazoo faced urban decay. The growth of suburban shopping centers raised fears that downtown would lose its place as the business and cultural heart of the community. The city hoped that a mall would bring back business and counter the decline in real estate values.
The Gruen Plan
The Kalamazoo 1980 plan, also known as the Gruen Plan, was presented by the architectural firm Victor Gruen & Associates in March 1958. Its revolutionary design called for a loop street system that would encircle downtown; a series of pedestrian malls, new parking lots, and renovated stores and offices would lie in the center. Faced with maintaining the status quo or taking a bold step forward, the City Commission approved the design, although funding problems prevented the full plan from being implemented. Shared by the City of Kalamazoo and the property owners fronting the two-block mall, the cost of construction was only $60,000. A third block was added from South Street to Lovell Street in 1960, and a fourth between Water and Eleanor Streets in 1975. Through the leadership of Mayor Glenn Allen Jr., Elton Ham, Garret VanHaaften, Ray Dykema, Irving Gilmore, and others, the Kalamazoo Mall became a reality.
A Street Once More
Kalamazooans enjoyed the mall for nearly forty years, but ultimately it could not counter the continued effects of suburbanization. Critics complained of the lack of convenient parking, the exposure of shoppers to bad weather, public perceptions of crime, and less shopping diversity. In the mid-1990's the proposed introduction of an access street through two blocks of the mall became the most controversial component of Project Downtown's 10-point plan for Kalamazoo's revitalization. In a hotly contested election, voters approved the access street in May 1997. Construction on the 14-foot wide street began a year later in April 1998. The city officially reopened the street on 9 October 1998 with a weekend celebration highlighted by a visit from Governor John Engler, a big band concert reflecting the one in 1959, and a fireworks display. There was even a citywide raffle to select the lucky citizen who would drive the first car down the mall since 1959.
The unprecedented decision to construct a pedestrian mall in the heart of its business district placed Kalamazoo in the national spotlight in 1959. Today, critics argue that the heyday of the pedestrian mall has passed. Of the over two hundred pedestrian malls constructed in the 1970's and 1980's, only a few remain. People are still clearly divided over this issue. Yet despite the disagreement over the Kalamazoo Mall itself, the two sides ultimately want the same thing: a healthy and vibrant downtown. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45439000 |
DENISON, TX -- Vaccination for pertussis, also known as whooping cough, is one of several required school shots.Grayson County Health Department request early immunization for kids. But with a recent rise in whooping cough cases, health officials now urge vaccinations for everyone.
According to the Center for Disease Control, the number of whooping cough cases have increased each year from 1980 through 2005. A recent study reports a 44% increase in cases nationwide with confirmed cases in Oklahoma.
Whooping cough is a highly contagious bacterial disease affecting infants, children and adults. Symptoms include uncontrollable, violent coughing that create a whooping sound as patients struggle for air.
Health officials report 970 cases so far this year in New York alone, compared to 931 for all of 2011.
The CDC says cases increased the most among kids and teens ages 10 through 19 and in infants less than 6 months old.
Grayson County Clinic Nurse Nancy Grella says the disease is contracted through infected coughs or sneezes but the severity of symptoms vary with the age of the patient.
"For adults who are healthy, it's an inconvenience," says Grella. "It's a nagging lasting cough, I mean it can lead to pneumonia but a lot of times it doesn't. The population is really impacts are the babies because the babies are too young too have all of their immunizations."
She added, "Infants that get whooping cough, get so sick and they cough so hard that...bless their little hearts, it can kill them. So there is a big push throughout the United States to make sure all of those around an infant are immunized with the tetanus that contains pertussis."
The Sherman office of Grayson County Health is holding a "Back -to-School" shot clinic on Monday August 27th which includes the pertussis vaccination.
You can also come anytime from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Tuesdays in Denison at 205 N. Houston (903) 465-2878
or Wednesdays and Thursdays in Sherman at 515 N. Walnut (903) 893-0131.
For even more detailed immunization information, visit their website at http://www.co.grayson.tx.us/ or the Center for Disease Control at http://www.cdc.gov/. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45450000 |
Space Shuttle Endeavour will soon make its final journey and will retire at the California Science Center in Los Angeles. But it will make some stops and flyovers along the way, NASA said Friday.
Endeavour, piggybacked on the back of a modified 747 airplane, is scheduled to leave Florida's Kennedy Space Center at sunrise on September 17. After flyovers of the area it will head west. Endeavour will make low flyovers of NASA's Stennis Space Center in Mississippi and the Michoud Assembly plant near New Orleans.
The next stop, NASA says, will be Houston, which bid for a retired shuttle but did not get one. Several members of the Texas legislative delegation were outraged and expressed their displeasure to NASA, but to no avail.
As Endeavour approaches the Texas coast, it will fly over Houston, Galveston and Clearlake. The 747 carrying Endeavour will touch down at Ellington Field near the Johnson Space Center. Endeavour will spend the rest of September 17 and all of the September 18 there.
At sunrise on the 19th Endeavour will depart Houston and refuel in El Paso at Biggs Army Airfield. The next low flyovers at 1,500-feet will take place over White Sands Tests Facility in New Mexico and the Dryden Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base in California.
If for some reason a shuttle cannot land in California or Florida, White Sands has served as an emergency shuttle landing facility. White Sands was used once for a shuttle landing as a test. So much sand was kicked up into the vehicle that after that, White Sands became a last resort landing site.
Edwards in California is where shuttles landed during the early days of the program, and later when weather at the Kennedy Space Center was not cooperative.
After the Edwards flyover, the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft, SCA, will land at Dryden.
The extensive flyovers will continue on the September 20, first over Northern California. The SCA is scheduled to pass near the Ames Research Center outside San Francisco. It will make numerous flyovers of landmarks, NASA says, in multiple cities including San Francisco and Sacramento.
The final flyovers will take place over Los Angeles before landing at LAX around 11 a.m. Pacific time.
Endeavour will remain there until October 12 when it will be towed through the streets of Los Angeles to the California Science Center.
Endeavour made its first trip to space on May 7, 1992. It replaced Challenger, which exploded in 1986, killing seven crew members, including teacher Christa McAuliffe. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45452000 |
What: Tocopheryl acetate, also known as vitamin E acetate, is the ester of acetic acid and Tocopherol (vitamin E). (Wiki).
Tocopheryl acetate is used as an alternative to Tocopherol itself because it is less acidic. It is believed that the acetate hydrolyzes once it is absorbed into the skin, regenerating the Tocopherol which provides UV protection and anti-aging benefits.
Origin: Tocopherol is a fat-soluble vitamin that can be isolated from vegetable oil, dairy products, meat, eggs, cereals, nuts, and leafy green and yellow vegetables. Tocopheryl Acetate is a combination of acetic acid and Tocopherol.
Products Found In: Makeup, skin care, soap, hair care, body care, sunscreen.
Alternate Names: Tocopheryl Acetate; Tocopheryl Acetateretinyl Palmitate; , Vitamine E Acetate; Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E Acetate) (EWG).
Toxicity: Tocopheryl Acetate is generally classified as moderately hazardous. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45462000 |
|Origin:||Latin gradus 'step, degree'|
grade1 S3 W3 [countable]
a particular level of quality that a product, material etc has:
The best grades of tea are expensive.
industrial grade diamonds
low grade products
a particular level of job:
There are lots of jobs in junior grades.
a mark that a student is given for their work or for an examination:
mark in schoolSES
He got a grade A in maths.
Tim worked hard and got good grades.
to succeed or reach the necessary standard:
What does it take to make the grade as a top golfer?
one of the 12 years that students are at school in the American school system, or the students in a particular year
second/eleventh etc grade
My brother is in sixth grade.
a fifth-grade teacher
a slope or a degree of slope, especially in a road or railway [= gradient British English] | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45466000 |
The Computer Engineering Technology curriculum provides the skills required to install, service,
and maintain computers, peripherals, networks, and microprocessor and computer controlled equipment.
It includes training in both hardware and software, emphasizing operating systems concepts to
provide a unified view of computer systems. Coursework includes mathematics, physics, electronics,
digital circuits, and programming, with emphasis on the operation, use, and interfacing of memory
and devices to the CPU. Additional topics may include communications, networks, operating systems,
programming languages, Internet configuration and design, and industrial applications. Graduates
should qualify for employment opportunities in electronics technology, computer service, computer
networks, server maintenance, programming, and other areas requiring knowledge of electronic and
computer systems. Graduates may also qualify for certification in electronics, computers, or networks.
Visit the Computer Engineering Technology website
View course and hour requirements for Computer Engineering Technology - A40160 | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45475000 |
A Guide to the Otto Wick Papers, 1919-1967
Composer, conductor, teacher, and arranger, Otto Wick was born in Krefeld, Germany, on July 8, 1885. Wick studied music in Krefeld and Kiel before emigrating to America in 1905 in order to study composition with Vassily Ilyich Safonoff, the conductor of the New York Philharmonic. He worked in New York primarily as a conductor and composer, authoring several compositions for the stage, including the operetta Alles für die Kunst, the cantata Temples of Peshawur, and the opera The Moonmaid, among others.
Wick also composed several works on Texas themes. He moved to San Antonio in 1935 with his completed historical opera, The Lone Star. Although intended for the Texas Centennial in 1936, although it was never produced in its entirety. Nonetheless, he composed other works on historical themes pertaining to Texas and Mexico, such as the symphonic poem The Gulf of Mexico, inspired by William H. Prescott’s Conquest of Mexico, and a symphonic trilogy entitled, Montezuma. In addition to composing, Wick was the dean of music at the University of San Antonio for four years and also taught at Trinity University for three years. Furthermore, he served as the musical conductor of the City-Wide Easter Sunrise Association for twenty years before his death in 1957.
Handbook of Texas Online, s.v. "Wick, Otto, "http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/WW/fwibn.html (accessed October 19, 2010).
The Otto Wick Papers, 1919-1967, contain the scores and libretti of the historical opera, The Lone Star, scores to the symphonic trilogy Montezuma, a bound reprint of Temples of Peshawur, and three libretti of unpublished compositions, including The Moonmaid, Matasuntha, and Alles für die Kunst. In addition, the collection contains a bound copy of Erinnerung, based on a poem by Joseph Wick, as well as newspaper clippings, stage directions, sheet music, notes, and correspondence.
This collection is open for research use.
Otto Wick Papers, 1919-1967, Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin.
Basic processing and cataloging of this collection was supported with funds from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) for the Briscoe Center’s "History Revealed: Bringing Collections to Light" project, 2009-2011.
Detailed Description of the Papers | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45483000 |
Simulink Basics Tutorial
Simulink is a graphical extension to MATLAB
for modeling and simulation of systems. In Simulink, systems are
drawn on screen as block diagrams. Many elements of block diagrams
are available, such as transfer functions, summing junctions, etc., as
well as virtual input and output devices such as function generators
and oscilloscopes. Simulink is integrated with MATLAB and data can be
easily transfered between the programs. In these tutorials, we will
apply Simulink to the examples from the MATLAB tutorials to model the
systems, build controllers, and simulate the systems. Simulink is
supported on Unix, Macintosh, and Windows environments; and is
included in the student version of MATLAB for personal
computers. For more information on Simulink, contact the MathWorks.
The idea behind these tutorials is that you can view
them in one window while running Simulink in another window. System
model files can be downloaded from the tutorials and opened in
Simulink. You will modify and extend these system while learning to
use Simulink for system modeling, control, and simulation. Do not
confuse the windows, icons, and menus in the tutorials for your actual
Simulink windows. Most images in these tutorials are not live - they
simply display what you should see in your own Simulink windows. All
Simulink operations should be done in your Simulink windows.
Simulink is started from the MATLAB command prompt by entering the following command:
Alternatively, you can hit the New Simulink Model button at the top of the MATLAB
command window as shown below:
When it starts, Simulink brings up two windows. The first is the main
Simulink window, which appears as:
The second window is a blank, untitled, model window. This is the
window into which a new model can be drawn.
In Simulink, a model is a collection of blocks which, in general,
represents a system. In addition, to drawing a model into a blank
model window, previously saved model files can be loaded either from
the File menu or from the MATLAB command prompt. As an example,
download the following model file by clicking on the following link
and saving the file in the directory you are running MATLAB from.
Open this file in Simulink by entering the following command in the
MATLAB command window. (Alternatively, you can load this file using
the Open option in the File menu in Simulink, or by
hitting Ctrl+O in Simulink.)
The following model window should appear.
A new model can be created by selecting New from the
File menu in any Simulink window (or by hitting Ctrl+N).
There are two major classes of items in Simulink: blocks and
lines. Blocks are used to generate, modify, combine, output,
and display signals. Lines are used to transfer signals from one
block to another.
There are several general classes of blocks:
Blocks have zero to several input terminals and zero to several output
terminals. Unused input terminals are indicated by a small open
triangle. Unused output terminals are indicated by a small triangular
point. The block shown below has an unused input terminal on the left
and an unused output terminal on the right.
- Sources: Used to generate various signals
- Sinks: Used to output or display signals
- Discrete: Linear, discrete-time system elements (transfer functions, state-space models, etc.)
- Linear: Linear, continuous-time system elements and connections (summing junctions, gains, etc.)
- Nonlinear: Nonlinear operators (arbitrary functions, saturation, delay, etc.)
- Connections: Multiplex, Demultiplex, System Macros, etc.
Lines transmit signals in the direction indicated by the arrow. Lines
must always transmit signals from the output terminal of one block to
the input terminal of another block. On exception to this is a line
can tap off of another line, splitting the signal to each of two
destination blocks, as shown below (click the figure to download the
model file called split.mdl).
Lines can never inject a signal into another line; lines must
be combined through the use of a block such as a summing junction.
A signal can be either a scalar signal or a vector signal. For
Single-Input, Single-Output systems, scalar signals are generally
used. For Multi-Input, Multi-Output systems, vector signals are often
used, consisting of two or more scalar signals. The lines used to
transmit scalar and vector signals are identical. The type of signal
carried by a line is determined by the blocks on either end of the
The simple model (from the model file
section) consists of three blocks: Step, Transfer Fcn, and Scope. The
Step is a source block from which a step input signal
originates. This signal is transfered through the line in the
direction indicated by the arrow to the Transfer Function linear
block. The Transfer Function modifies its input signal and
outputs a new signal on a line to the Scope. The Scope is a sink
block used to display a signal much like an oscilloscope.
There are many more types of blocks available in Simulink, some of
which will be discussed later. Right now, we will examine just the
three we have used in the simple model.
A block can be modified by double-clicking on it. For example, if you
double-click on the "Transfer Fcn" block in the simple model,
you will see the following dialog box.
This dialog box contains fields for the numerator and the denominator
of the block's transfer function. By entering a vector containing the
coefficients of the desired numerator or denominator polynomial, the
desired transfer function can be entered. For example, to change the
denominator to s^2+2s+1, enter the following into the denominator
[1 2 1]
and hit the close button, the model window will change to the
which reflects the change in the denominator of the transfer function.
The "step" block can also be double-clicked, bringing up the following
The default parameters in this dialog box generate a step function
occurring at time=1 sec, from an initial level of zero to a level of
1. (in other words, a unit step at t=1). Each of these parameters can
be changed. Close this dialog before continuing.
The most complicated of these three blocks is the "Scope" block.
Double clicking on this brings up a blank oscilloscope screen.
When a simulation is performed, the signal which feeds into the scope
will be displayed in this window. Detailed operation of the scope
will not be covered in this tutorial. The only function we will use
is the autoscale button, which appears as a pair of binoculars in the
upper portion of the window.
To run a simulation, we will work with the following model file:
Download and open this file in Simulink following the previous instructions for this file. You should see
the following model window.
Before running a simulation of this system, first open the scope window
by double-clicking on the scope block. Then, to start the simulation,
either select Start from the Simulation menu (as shown
below) or hit Ctrl-T in the model window.
The simulation should run very quickly and the scope window will
appear as shown below.
Note that the simulation output (shown in yellow) is at a very low
level relative to the axes of the scope. To fix this, hit the
autoscale button (binoculars), which will rescale the axes as shown below.
Note that the step response does not begin until t=1. This can be
changed by double-clicking on the "step" block. Now, we will change
the parameters of the system and simulate the system again.
Double-click on the "Transfer Fcn" block in the model window and
change the denominator to
[1 20 400]
Re-run the simulation (hit Ctrl-T) and you should see what appears as
a flat line in the scope window. Hit the autoscale button, and you
should see the following in the scope window.
Notice that the autoscale button only changes the vertical axis. Since
the new transfer function has a very fast response, it it compressed
into a very narrow part of the scope window. This is not really a
problem with the scope, but with the simulation itself. Simulink
simulated the system for a full ten seconds even though the system had
reached steady state shortly after one second.
To correct this, you need to change the parameters of the simulation
itself. In the model window, select Parameters from the
Simulation menu. You will see the following dialog box.
There are many simulation parameter options; we will only be concerned
with the start and stop times, which tell Simulink over what time
period to perform the simulation. Change Start time from 0.0
to 0.8 (since the step doesn't occur until t=1.0. Change Stop
time from 10.0 to 2.0, which should be only shortly after the
system settles. Close the dialog box and rerun the simulation. After
hitting the autoscale button, the scope window should provide a much
better display of the step response as shown below.
In this section, you will learn how to build systems in Simulink using
the building blocks in Simulink's Block
Libraries. You will build the following system.
If you would like to download the completed model, here.
First you will gather all the necessary blocks from the block
libraries. Then you will modify the blocks so they correspond to the
blocks in the desired model. Finally, you will connect the blocks
with lines to form the complete system. After this, you will simulate
the complete system to verify that it works.
Follow the steps below to collect the necessary blocks:
- Create a new model (New from the File menu or
Ctrl-N). You will get a blank model window.
- Double-click on the Sources icon in the main Simulink window.
This opens the Sources window which contains the Sources Block
Library. Sources are used to generate signals. Click here for more information on block libraries.
- Drag the Step block from the sources window into the left side of
your model window.
- Double-click on the Linear icon in the main Simulink window to
open the Linear Block Library window.
- Drag the Sum, Gain, and two instances of the Transfer Fcn
(drag it two times) into your model window arranged approximately as
shown below. The exact alignment is not important since it can be
changed later. Just try to get the correct relative positions. Notice
that the second Transfer Function block has a 1 after its name. Since
no two blocks may have the same name, Simulink automatically appends
numbers following the names of blocks to differentiate between them.
- Double-click on the Sinks icon in the main Simulink window to
open the Sinks window.
- Drag the Scope block into the right side of your model window.
Follow these steps to properly modify the blocks in your model.
- Double-click your Sum block. Since you will want the second
input to be subtracted, enter +- into the list of signs field. Close
the dialog box.
- Double-click your Gain block. Change the gain to 2.5 and close
the dialog box.
- Double-click the leftmost Transfer Function block. Change the
numerator to [1 2] and the denominator to [1 0]. Close the dialog
- Double-click the rightmost Transfer Function block. Leave the
numerator , but change the denominator to [1 2 4]. Close the
dialog box. Your model should appear as:
- Change the name of the first Transfer Function block by clicking
on the words "Transfer Fcn". A box and an editing cursor will appear
on the block's name as shown below. Use the keyboard (the mouse is
also useful) to delete the existing name and type in the new name, "PI
Controller". Click anywhere outside the name box to finish editing.
- Similarly, change the name of the second Transfer Function block
from "Transfer Fcn1" to "Plant". Now, all the blocks are entered
properly. Your model should appear as:
Connecting Blocks with Lines
Now that the blocks are properly laid out, you will now connect them
together. Follow these steps.
- Drag the mouse from the output terminal of the Step block to the
upper (positive) input of the Sum block. Let go of the mouse button
only when the mouse is right on the input terminal. Do not worry
about the path you follow while dragging, the line will route itself.
You should see the following.
The resulting line should have a filled arrowhead. If the arrowhead
is open, as shown below, it means it is not connected to anything.
You can continue the partial line you just drew by treating the open
arrowhead as an output terminal and drawing just as before.
Alternatively, if you want to redraw the line, or if the line
connected to the wrong terminal, you should delete the line and redraw
it. To delete a line (or any other object), simply click on it to
select it, and hit the delete key.
- Draw a line connecting the Sum block output to the Gain input.
Also draw a line from the Gain to the PI Controller, a line from the
PI Controller to the Plant, and a line from the Plant to the Scope.
You should now have the following.
- The line remaining to be drawn is the feedback signal connecting
the output of the Plant to the negative input of the Sum block. This
line is different in two ways. First, since this line loops around
and does not simply follow the shortest (right-angled) route so it
needs to be drawn in several stages. Second, there is no output
terminal to start from, so the line has to tap off of an existing
To tap off the output line, hold the Ctrl key while dragging the mouse
from the point on the existing line where you want to tap off. In
this case, start just to the right of the Plant. Drag until you get
to the lower left corner of the desired feedback signal line as shown
Now, the open arrowhead of this partial line can be treated as an
output terminal. Draw a line from it to the negative terminal of the
Sum block in the usual manner.
- Now, you will align the blocks with each other for a neater
appearance. Once connected, the actual positions of the blocks does
not matter, but it is easier to read if they are aligned. To move
each block, drag it with the mouse. The lines will stay connected and
re-route themselves. The middles and corners of lines can also be
dragged to different locations. Starting at the left, drag each block
so that the lines connecting them are purely horizontal. Also, adjust
the spacing between blocks to leave room for signal labels. You
should have something like:
- Finally, you will place labels in your model to identify the
signals. To place a label anywhere in your model, double click at the
point you want the label to be. Start by double clicking above the
line leading from the Step block. You will get a blank text box with
an editing cursor as shown below
Type an r in this box, labeling the reference signal and click outside
it to end editing.
- Label the error (e) signal, the control (u) signal, and the
output (y) signal in the same manner. Your final model should appear as:
- To save your model, select Save As in the File menu
and type in any desired model name. The completed model can be found
Now that the model is complete, you can simulate the model. Select
Start from the Simulation menu to run the simulation.
Double-click on the Scope block to view its output. Hit the autoscale
button (binoculars) and you should see the following.
Taking Variables from MATLAB
In some cases, parameters, such as gain, may be calculated in MATLAB
to be used in a Simulink model. If this is the case, it is not
necessary to enter the result of the MATLAB calculation directly into
Simulink. For example, suppose we calculated the gain in MATLAB in
the variable K. Emulate this by entering the following command at the
MATLAB command prompt.
This variable can now be used in the Simulink Gain block. In your
simulink model, double-click on the Gain block and enter the following
in the Gain field.
Close this dialog box. Notice now that the Gain block in the Simulink
model shows the variable K rather than a number.
Now, you can re-run the simulation and view the output on the Scope.
The result should be the same as before.
Now, if any calculations are done in MATLAB to change any of the
variab used in the Simulink model, the simulation will use the new
values the next time it is run. To try this, in MATLAB, change the
gain, K, by entering the following at the command prompt.
Start the Simulink simulation again, bring up the Scope window, and
hit the autoscale button. You will see the following output which
reflects the new, higher gain.
Besides variab, signals, and even entire systems can be exchanged
between MATLAB and Simulink. For more information, click here.
MATLAB Basics |
MATLAB Modeling |
Root Locus |
Frequency Response |
State Space |
Digital Control |
Simulink Basics |
Simulink Modeling | | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45486000 |
Hahnemann, Samuel Christian Friedrich
HAHNEMANN, SAMUEL CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH (1755- 1843), the founder of the homoeopathic system of medicine, was born at Meissen in Saxony, 10th April 1755. He studied first at the "elector's school" of Meissen, and thereafter as a student of medicine at Leipsic and Vienna. He took the degree of M.D. at Erlangen in 1779, and after acting as physician at various places he returned in 1789 to Leipsic, where he largely occupied himself in the translation of medical works. While working at Cullen's ..4fateria .3.1ed•ica, he was struck by the contradictory account given of the properties of Peruvian bark. He had previously meditated much on the unsatisfactory nature of the science of medicine ; and, after much refiexion and many experiments, he became convinced of the truth of the principle sintilia similibetx curuntur (see HOMOEOPATHY), i.e., the cure for a disease is the very drug that would in a healthy person produce the symptoms of such disease. Further experiments convinced him that the conventional doses produced symptoms of unnecessary and dangerous violence, and this led to another principle, that of minimum doses, according to which the benefit to be derived from a medicine can be fully obtained by the administration of a very small quantity. Firmly convinced of the truth of these principles, Hahnemann spent the rest of his life in making them known to the world. He encountered much opposition, and in 1821 was forced to leave Leipsic, as he was not allowed to dispense his own prescriptions. The grand duke of Anhalt-Kothen, however, appointed him his physician, and at Kothen lie resided till 1835 when lie removed to Paris. He died 2d July 1843. Hahnemann was a man of remarkable courage and perseverance. He not only sacrificed his immediate interests for the sake of his convictions, but made many painful experiments upon his own person.
Halmemann's chief work, in which he expounds his system, is his Organon der rationellest Heilkunde (Dresden, 1810,; 6th ed., Kothen, 1865 ; English translation by Dudgeon, London, 1849). His other important writings are Pragnaelita de viribus snedicatnentorunt positivis (2 vols., Leipsic, 1805) ; Reine Arzneiniittellehre (6 vols., Dresden, 1811) ; Die ehrostisehen Krankheiten (4 vols., Dresden, 1828-30). His smaller writings have been edited by Staid (2 vols., Dresden and Leipsic, 1829-34). See also Albrescht's Hahnemann's Leben said Werken (2d ed., Leipsic, 1875). | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45488000 |
Icmake source files are written according to a well-defined syntax, closely resembling the syntax of the C programming language. This is no coincidence. Since the C programming language is so central in the Unix operating system, we assumed that many people using the Unix operating system are familiar with this language. Providing a new tool which is founded on this familiar programming language relieves everybody of the burden of learning yet another dialect, thus simplifying the use of the new system and allowing its new users to concentrate on its possibilities rather than on its grammatical form.
Considering icmake's specific function, we have incorporated a lot of familiar constructs from C into icmake: most C operators were implemented in icmake, as were some of the standard C runtime functions. In this respect icmake's grammar is a subset of the C programming language. However, we have taken the liberty of defining two datatypes not normally found in C. There is a datatype `string' (yes, its variables contain strings) and a datatype `list', containing lists of strings. We believe these extensions to the C programming language are so minor that just this paragraph would probably suffice for their definition. However, they will be described in somewhat greater detail in the following sections. Also, some elements of C++ are found in icmake's grammar: some icmake-functions have been overloaded; they do different but comparable tasks depending on the types of arguments they are called with. Again, we believe this to be a minor departure from the `pure C' grammar, and think this practice is very much in line with C++'s philosophy.
One of the tasks of the preprocessor is to strip the makefile of comment. Icmake recognizes two types of comment: standard C-like comment and end-of-line comment, which is also recognized by the Gnu C compiler and by Microsoft's C compiler.
Standard comment must be preceded by /* and must be closed by */. This type of comment may stretch over more than one line. End-of-line comment is preceded by // and ends when a new line starts.
Lines which start with #! are skipped by the preprocessor. This feature is included to allow the use of executable makefiles. Apart from the #! directive, icmake recognizes two more preprocessor directives: #include and #define. All preprocessor directives start with a `#'-character which must be located at the first column of a line in the makefile.
The #include directive must obey the following syntax:
When the preprocessor icm-pp encounters this directive, `filename' is read. The filename may include a path specification. When the filename is surrounded by double quotes, icm-pp attempts to access this file exactly as stated. When the filename is enclosed by < and >, icm-pp attempts to access this file relative to the directory pointed to by the environment variable IM. Using the #include directive, large icmake scripts may be modularized, or a set of standard icmake source scripts may be used to realize a particular icmake script.
The #define directive is a means of incorporating constants in a makefile. The directive follows the following syntax:
#define identifier redefinition-of-identifier
The defined name (the name of the defined constant) must be an identifier according to the C programming language: the first character must be an underscore or a character of the alphabet; subsequent characters may be underscores or alphanumerics.
The redefinition part of the #define directive consists of spaces, numbers, or whatever is appropriate. The preprocessor simply replaces all occurrences of the defined constant following the #define directive by the redefinition part. Note that redefinition's are not further expanded; an already defined name which occurs in the redefinition part is not processed but is left as-is.
Also note that icm-pp considers the redefinition part to be all characters found on a line beyond the defined constant. This would also include comment, if found on the line. Consequently, it is normally not a good idea to use comment-to-end-of-line on lines containing #define directives.
|Non-Linux FOSS: libnotify, OS X Style||Jun 18, 2013|
|Containers—Not Virtual Machines—Are the Future Cloud||Jun 17, 2013|
|Lock-Free Multi-Producer Multi-Consumer Queue on Ring Buffer||Jun 12, 2013|
|Weechat, Irssi's Little Brother||Jun 11, 2013|
|One Tail Just Isn't Enough||Jun 07, 2013|
|Introduction to MapReduce with Hadoop on Linux||Jun 05, 2013|
- Containers—Not Virtual Machines—Are the Future Cloud
- Non-Linux FOSS: libnotify, OS X Style
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- Validate an E-Mail Address with PHP, the Right Way
- Lock-Free Multi-Producer Multi-Consumer Queue on Ring Buffer
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- Introduction to MapReduce with Hadoop on Linux
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How to Build an Optimal Hadoop Cluster to Store and Maintain Unlimited Amounts of Data Using Microservers
Realizing the promise of Apache® Hadoop® requires the effective deployment of compute, memory, storage and networking to achieve optimal results. With its flexibility and multitude of options, it is easy to over or under provision the server infrastructure, resulting in poor performance and high TCO. Join us for an in depth, technical discussion with industry experts from leading Hadoop and server companies who will provide insights into the key considerations for designing and deploying an optimal Hadoop cluster.
Some of key questions to be discussed are:
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Roe's legacy of law, morality--40 years later
1973 Supreme Court decision still stands, passions remain high on both sides of the issue
Four decades since Roe v. Wade, and little, it seems, has changed.
The January 22, 1973, Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion remains the law of the land, passions remain high on both sides of the issue, and protests are held each year on its anniversary.
Access to abortion, then and now, is about more than simple legalities. Social, religious and family values, as well as finances and politics, still play a role in shaping the abortion issue, but many legal and medical experts say the debate has become entrenched. "Much of the controversy about abortion is really stimulated by the interest groups on both sides of the political question, rather than by ordinary Americans," said David Garrow, a law professor at the University of Pittsburgh, and a longtime Supreme Court scholar. "The American people and many political leaders have already made up their minds about legal abortion."
Public opinion on abortion has remained stable over the years. A CNN/Opinion Research survey last August found 44% said abortion should be legal in all or most circumstances, while 52% said only under few or no circumstances. And 88% said the procedure should be allowed when the woman's life is in danger; 83-percent said so in cases of rape or incest. The margin of error was plus-or-minus 3 points.
The Roe decision did not prompt "abortion on demand," as many opponents of the procedure had predicted it would. Nor have various legislatures or court rulings restricted access as much as some supporters claim.
Research from the Alan Guttmacher Institute finds the number of abortions at its lowest level since Roe, remaining steady at about 1.2 million reported procedures in the year 2011, down 25-percent since the all-time high in 1990.
Bans on abortion in the United States began early in the 19th century. Connecticut in 1812 became first state to outlaw them, specifically after "quickening," the time in the pregnancy when the woman starts to feel fetal movements.
The laws were designed primarily to protect women from dangerous "back alley" abortions. These laws were also ambiguous, given the Victorian moral code that stifled debate on so personal a subject as unwanted pregnancies. Since then, movements have come and gone to relax the restrictions or to give women more choice, but such efforts mostly went nowhere.
It was not until the 1960s that an organized movement was launched to ease the laws regulating abortions. Medical technology had advanced to the point where they could be done safely by trained medical staff in clean, professional environments. By the early 1970s, a number of states had changed their laws, though most did so in very limited ways.
The legal fights culminated with Roe v. Wade, the court's 7-2 decision giving women a qualified constitutional right to abortion during most of the pregnancy. The court, in fact, heard two cases around the same time: Roe (aka Norma McCorvey, who has since become an abortion opponent), which challenged a Texas law banning abortions except to save the woman's life; and Doe v. Bolton, involving a Georgia law requiring that abortions be performed only in accredited hospitals and only after a review by a hospital staff committee and an exam by two doctors other than the woman's physician.
The Roe and Doe rulings affected laws in 46 states.
For the justices, Roe reflected earlier cases involving the right to privacy. That "right," wrote Justice Harry Blackmun in the main opinion for the court, is "broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy."
"Prior to Roe," said Garrow, "whether one could obtain a legal abortion in the face of an unwanted pregnancy was a crapshoot. For 40 years now, it's been a constitutionally guaranteed right."
He is the 1994 author of "Liberty and Sexuality: The Right to Privacy and the Making of Roe v. Wade."
But the ruling was a qualified one, and that fact has been used by abortion opponents in their efforts to narrow the scope of other abortion provisions. Blackmun noted that the state's "important interests in safeguarding health, maintaining medical standards, and protecting potential life" are compelling enough to justify regulation "at some point in pregnancy."
That "qualified right" found its form in the controversial "trimester analysis" laid out by the justices in Roe: permitting no government regulation during the first three months of a pregnancy; allowing limited regulation in the second trimester to protect the woman's health and safety; and granting government the power to ban abortions during the third trimester -- a time when, medical consensus has concluded, the fetus is capable of living on its own.
That reasoning has outraged abortion opponents and puzzled many legal scholars.
"The better argument for the result reached in Roe v. Wade," said Edward Lazarus -- a former law clerk for Blackmun and an author of "Closed Chambers: The Rise, Fall, and Future of the Modern Supreme Court"-- "is that it's necessary for the equality of women, rather than grounding it in the privacy right."
After Roe, the high court affirmed the right to abortion in subsequent cases: striking down provisions requiring a husband's consent for a first-trimester abortion; requiring parental consent for an unmarried woman under 18; striking down efforts to expand on laws requiring women to give informed consent before having an abortion; striking down a 24-hour waiting period; and striking down a law requiring doctors to inform women of the risks and of assistance available if she were to carry the fetus to term.
But there was one notable victory for abortion opponents: a ban on the use of taxpayer funds to finance abortions for poor women.
The abortion issue has been revisited several times since Roe, most famously in Webster v. Reproductive Health Services (1989) and Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992).
Webster (a 5-4 decision) upheld major parts of a Missouri abortion law that prohibited the use of public facilities or the participation of public employees in abortions, and required doctors to test the viability of the fetus before an performing any abortion.
Justices William Rehnquist, Byron White and Anthony Kennedy said they would allow restrictions on abortion, but only if the restrictions had a rational basis. More important, the three conservative justices said, a compelling government interest need not be required to justify restrictions on abortion. That was a blow for anti-abortion forces.
Then came the Casey ruling, in which the justices outlined their views on Roe. The decision (also 5-4) reaffirmed the heart of Roe while giving states the power to regulate procedures so long as they did not impose an "undue burden" on a woman's right to abortion. The standard: Undue burden exists if "the purpose and effect is to place substantial obstacles in the path of a woman seeking an abortion before the fetus attains viability." The ruling left supporters on both sides of the issue dissatisfied, feeling it was ambiguous.
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor joined neither opinion, saying there was nothing in it to justify reconsidering Roe. Nevertheless, Blackmun wrote, "the right to reproductive choice" was in danger of being overturned.
Another legacy of Roe: The head-counting of justices on the court, a what-if scenario that could lead to the overturning of Roe. The current 5-4 conservative majority might shift in either direction if two or more justices leave the bench in the next few years, as is widely expected.
In the meantime, conservatives in Congress have promised to push for tougher restrictions on access to abortion, though many political experts say the goal is not necessarily aimed at overturning Roe.
They found success five years ago when the justices, in a 5-4 ruling, upheld a federal ban on a controversial late-term procedure, rejecting concerns the law didn't take into account the physical safety of the woman.
The procedure -- called "partial birth abortion" by its critics -- is typically performed in the middle-to-late second trimester. The legal sticking point was that the law lacked a "health exception" for women who might suffer serious medical complications, something the justices have said in the past is necessary when considering abortion restrictions.
The swing vote, as in previous cases, came from Kennedy. In angry dissent, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, then the lone woman on the high court, called the majority's conclusions "alarming" and said they "cannot be understood as anything other than an effort to chip away a right declared again and again by this court, and with increasing comprehension of its centrality to women's lives."
Ginsburg has long been a leading voice for gender equality. Ironically, some of the opposition to her 1993 nomination to the high court came from feminists, who did not like her criticism over the legal reasoning of Roe.
She believed a more gradual liberalization to abortion would have kept the issue back in the states, avoiding the social and political upheaval that has been part of Roe's legacy. The law on abortion was evolving at the time of Roe, Ginsburg recalled in 2005. "The Supreme Court stopped all that by deeming every law -- even the most liberal -- as unconstitutional. That seemed to me not the way courts generally work."
But Ginsburg, in her rulings, has upheld a woman's reproductive choice. "When government controls that decision for her, she's being treated as less than a full adult human being responsible for her own choices," she said during her confirmation.
If there is one overriding legacy of the Roe decision, it may be that it opened and expanded the debate on the rights of women, sexuality, health care, and medical decisions. Issues like cloning, stem cells, and fetal research have become part of the national lexicon. As significant as it was, Roe v. Wade was only the beginning of the battle.
Copyright 2013 by CNN NewSource. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45501000 |
The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a real name dropper when you’re programming in Java. Contrary to what the name indicates, the Java Virtual Machine can be encountered in relation with other programming languages as well.
In general, it’s not necessary to know what the Java Virtual Machine is, or even what it does, to be able to program in Java. On the other hand, familiarizing yourself with the inner workings of a machine does help to increase your understanding and overall insight.
This article brushes over the idea of the Java Virtual Machine, what it does for you, and some of the most important pros and cons. Although I’ve tried to keep it simple, and there is definitely more advanced literature on the subject, a rudimentary understanding of Java and programming is expected.
The semantics of a programming language are designed to be close to our natural language, while staying concise and easy to interpret for a machine. As you probably know, the programming language is wholly different from machine code, the set of instructions a computer uses to construct and run a program. This we call high-level languages; one or multiple levels of abstraction from the machine code.
Before it is able to run, high-level code must first be interpreted. A lot of programming interfaces compile in advance (AOT compilation) for a specific platform. This makes the program more efficient at runtime, but far less compatible with different platforms. Java, in contrast, works with an intermediate language called Java bytecode and the Java Virtual Machine.
JVM & Java Bytecode
When your Java project builds, it translates the source code (contained in *.java source files) to Java bytecode (most often contained in *.class files). This takes your high-level code one step closer to machine code, but not quite there yet. This bytecode is a collection of compact instructions; easier for a machine to interpret, but less readable.
When you run a Java application on your computer, cellphone, or any other Java-enabled platform, you essentially pass this Java bytecode to the Java Virtual Machine. The interpreter in the Java Virtual Machine usually starts compiling the entire bytecode at runtime, following the principles of so-called just-in-time compilation. This makes for the typical, albeit often slight delay when opening a Java application, but generally enhances the program performance compared to interpreted compilation.
The main advantage of this system is the increased compatibility. Since your applications run in a virtual machine instead of directly on your hardware, the developer can program and build their application once, which can then be executed on every device with an implementation of the Java Virtual Machine. This principle has given birth to the Java slogan: “Write once, run everywhere.”
Pro: Compatibility & Increased Security
Apart from code compatibility, the Java Virtual Machine comes with other benefits. One of the most important of those is the relative security of Java programs as a result of the Java Virtual Machine. Security, meaning that a program running in a virtual machine is far less likely to disrupt the user’s operating system, or corrupt data files, if errors occur.
Con: Different JVM Implementations & Debugging
One of the main criticisms voiced against the code compatibility and the Java Virtual Machine is due to the many different implementations of the latter. You see, the Java Virtual Machine is not one piece of software. Oracle, the owners of Java, have their implementation of the Java Virtual Machine, but other people can make theirs if it satisfies various practical and contractual claims.
These different implementations mean that your code may run smoothly on one Java Virtual Machine, but crash and burn on another. Although, in practice, you can write your code once and run it everywhere, more complex code sometimes still has to be debugged in different Java Virtual Machine implementations to ensure correct operation.
Do you have any experience of working with the Java Virtual Machine? If so, is there anything I missed out here that should be mentioned?
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At Kelly Mill Elementary, students don’t get scolded for using cellphones during class. No one bats an eye when they bring a laptop, iPad or Nintendo DS into the classroom.
In fact, teachers and administrators at the Cumming, Ga., school encourage it.
They say technology is providing new ways to engage students in learning. So, students take notes on their iPads, respond to teachers’ questions on their cellphones and compete on math quizzes on their laptops — and teachers think of technology as another learning tool.
“It is as natural for today’s learner to use technology to learn as it is for my generation to use paper and pencil,” Kelly Mill Elementary Principal Ron McAllister said.
The approach is called BYOT — Bring Your Own Technology — and something similar is on its way to Collier County schools. This week, Collier Superintendent Kamela Patton will lead a team of 38 district officials heading to Georgia to learn more about it through a conference held by the Forsyth County school district, which oversees Kelly Mill Elementary. The 39,000-student district north of Atlanta has a BYOT policy at all 36 of its schools.
Collier County School District administrators budgeted $25,000 of operating dollars for the trip, which begins Wednesday. The list of those attending the three-day conference includes: the associate superintendent, deputy superintendent, a board member and teachers and principals from schools across the district.
Patton said administrators will likely select several schools to run a pilot program of BYOT.
“We think it’s a good thing for our kids, so that’s the reason we’re investing our time and our resources into it — because we believe in it,” she said. “For us, it’s a matter of going to see, what are the details to make it happen and implement it?”
When Forsyth County schools administrators began exploring BYOT in 2009, state law stood in the way.
Created 20 years earlier, the law banned students from using cellphones and other electronic devices at school. The district had to get a waiver from the state Board of Education to avoid violating it, said Jill Hobson, director of instructional technology.
Other states passed similar laws in the late 80s and early 90s, viewing cellphones as distractions. In those that didn’t, school systems often took similar actions — either barring phones or requiring students keep them powered down.
Gradually, opinions have shifted on the role of technology in the classroom.
Georgia lawmakers repealed the law barring cellphones from schools and other states did the same. Lee County School Board members signed off on a change last fall that stops teachers from confiscating students’ cellphones. Miami-Dade County school district administrators implemented a BYOD — Bring Your Own Device — policy last summer.
In the Collier County School District, students can’t use electronics during the school day. That includes while on the bus, in between classes, during lunch and in the restroom.
But Hobson said policies like that aren’t keeping electronics out. Forsyth County Schools had something similar before launching its BYOT initiative, and dealt with as many as 400 disciplinary actions related to electronic devices each year.
“Every school system is doing BYOT,” Hobson said. “Whether they want to acknowledge it or not, the kids have it with them. It is in their pockets. It’s a matter of whether we want to leverage that for learning or continue to fight it.”
Patton said the Collier County School District doesn’t track how many students own electronic devices, but 20 percent of those using its wireless Internet are non-employees.
“Who does that tell you is using it? The kids,” she said. “So, you’ve got to quit fighting them and figure out, how do you embrace that?”
On a recent school day, a cluster of children at Kelly Mill Elementary sat down for a Skype session with a Daily News reporter, holding iPads, smartphones and laptops. They got up one by one to describe how they’d used them at school.
One Kelly Mill Elementary student talked about creating a QR code — a bar code that, when scanned by a smartphone or tablet, links to a website — to connect people to information he put together for a project. Another said he uses a website, IXL.com, to practice multiplication and division and to compete with other students.
Other students talked about iPhone apps — one called StoryKit that makes electronic stories and another called Pic Collage, which creates collages.
“So many apps are fun,” a student said. “Even if they educate you, you can still have fun while learning.”
Increased student engagement is one benefit of using technology at school, said Mark Warschauer, a professor of education and informatics at the University of California, Irvine. His research shows it can also lead to more measurable results, including small improvements in test scores.
Warschauer hasn’t conducted formal research on BYOT initiatives, but he has visited schools where they’re in place and talked to students, parents and teachers. He’s generally “very positive” about the concept.
Students like working with technology, Warschauer said. They like the images and sounds and the quick feedback it can provide. If teachers can take advantage of that, they can make classes more engaging — and perhaps see better results, he said.
Allowing students to use technology at school doesn’t just change learning: It also changes teaching.
“A teacher’s role has to change when kids have access to all the information in the world in their pockets,” McAllister said.
Teachers don’t need to stand at the front of a classroom and lecture students, he said. They’re more like facilitators.
Using technology in lessons has become normal to teachers, McAllister said.
“The hook has been when a teacher sees a kid engaged in learning that they’ve never seen engaged before,” he said. “And teachers buy into that because that’s exactly what they want.”
What about students who don’t have their own electronic devices?
Critics say BYOT policies leave them behind, widening the gap between low and high income students. That was initially one of the biggest concerns for administrators with the Collier County School District, where more than 63 percent of students are categorized as economically needy.
Forsyth County schools administrators said the district supplements what students own with laptops and other computers, and students are happy to share. Surveys of students show they don’t get negative responses when using school technology instead of their own, Hobson said.
And even in schools with higher percentages of lower income students, devices are becoming more prevalent, said Tim Clark, coordinator of instructional technology for Forsyth County Schools.
“As a teacher uses technology more in the classroom, there becomes more of a purpose for it. It becomes like another school supply,” he said.
The greater challenge is often that students don’t have wireless Internet access at home, so the district is identifying local businesses willing to allow them to use free Wi-Fi, Clark said.
Another concern some raise is that electronics can be distracting. To combat that, the Forsyth County school district requires students to use its filtered wireless Internet, which blocks sites with inappropriate content. They also have to power their devices down at their teacher’s request.
At the same time, teachers are trying to teach “responsible use” — when it’s appropriate to have a cellphone out and when it’s not.
“How many times do kids doodle on a piece of paper or write notes and pass them to another kid? Those are behavior issues and not really technology issues,” Clark said.
Warschauer said laptops in classrooms will make a good school better, but won’t make a bad school good.
“If you’re doing good things with students, you can do better things with laptops,” he said. “If the teachers and students have a lot of discipline problems or are wasting a lot of time, there’s no better way to waste time than with a laptop connected to the Internet — other than maybe an iPad or cellphone connected to the Internet.” | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45514000 |
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A but of a mystery to me too , but perhaps it was something like "put a cross where the new center would be", or "put a cross where the furthest corner will be".
At school today my daughter was asked to double the size of a shape by puting a x at the top or the square at the top then havin " make it to times biger bt counting alopng how many away it was from point x could you help me to xplain this to her because she does not get it ? thanks | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45526000 |
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IntussusceptionBy Mayo Clinic staff
Original Article: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/intussusception/DS00798
Intussusception (in-tuh-suh-SEP-shun) is a serious disorder in which part of the intestine slides into an adjacent part of the intestine. This "telescoping" often blocks food or fluid from passing through. Intussusception also cuts off the blood supply to the part of the intestine that's affected. Intussusception can lead to a tear in the bowel (perforation), infection and death of bowel tissue.
Intussusception is the most common cause of intestinal obstruction in children younger than 3. Intussusception is rare in adults. Most cases of adult intussusception are the result of an underlying medical condition, such as a tumor. In contrast, the cause of most cases of intussusception in children is unknown.
In children, the intestines can usually be pushed back into position with an X-ray procedure. In adults, surgery is often required to correct the problem.
The first sign of intussusception in an otherwise healthy infant may be sudden, loud crying caused by abdominal pain. Infants who have abdominal pain may pull their knees to their chests when they cry. The pain of intussusception comes and goes, usually every 15 to 20 minutes at first. These painful episodes last longer and happen more often as time passes.
Other frequent signs and symptoms of intussusception include:
- Stool mixed with blood and mucus (sometimes referred to as "currant jelly" stool because of its appearance)
- A lump in the abdomen
Less common signs and symptoms include:
Some infants have no obvious pain, don't pass blood or have a lump in the abdomen. Some older children have pain but no other symptoms.
Because intussusception is rare in adults and symptoms of the disorder are often nonspecific, it is more challenging to identify. Abdominal pain is the most common symptom, followed by nausea and vomiting and diarrhea. A significant percentage of people have no signs and symptoms.
When to see a doctor
Intussusception requires emergency medical care. If you or your child develops the signs or symptoms listed above, seek medical help right away.
In infants, remember that signs of abdominal pain may include recurrent bouts of pulling the knees to the chest and crying.
Your intestine is shaped like a long tube. In intussusception, one part of your intestine — usually the small intestine — slides inside an adjacent part. This is sometimes called telescoping because it's similar to the way a collapsible telescope folds together.
In some cases, the telescoping is caused by an abnormal growth in the intestine, such as a polyp or a tumor (called a lead point). The normal wave-like contractions of the intestine grab this lead point and pull it and the lining of the intestine into the bowel ahead of it. In most cases, however, no cause can be identified for intussusception.
In the vast majority of cases of intussusception in children, the cause is unknown. Because intussusception seems to occur more often in the fall and winter and because many children with the problem also have flu-like symptoms, some suspect a virus may play a role in the condition. In a few instances, a lead point is identified as the cause of the condition — most frequently Meckel's diverticulum (a pouch in the lining of the small intestine).
In adults, intussusception is usually the result of a medical condition, such as:
- A tumor
- Scar-like tissue in the intestine (adhesions)
- Surgical scars in the small intestine or colon
- Inflammation, such as from Crohn's disease
Risk factors for intussusception include:
- Age. Children are much more likely to develop intussusception than adults are. It's the most common cause of bowel obstruction in children between the ages of 6 months and 3 years.
- Sex. Intussusception more often affects boys.
- Abnormal intestinal formation at birth. A condition present at birth (congenital) in which the intestine doesn't develop correctly (malrotation) also is a risk factor for intussusception.
- A prior history of intussusception. Once you've had intussusception, you're at increased risk to develop it again.
- AIDS. There is some evidence of an increased incidence of intussusception in people with acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
Intussusception can cut off the blood supply to the affected portion of the intestine. If left untreated, lack of blood causes tissue of the intestinal wall to die. Tissue death can lead to a tear (perforation) in the intestinal wall, which can cause an infection of the lining of the abdominal cavity (peritonitis).
Peritonitis is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention. Signs and symptoms of peritonitis include:
- Abdominal pain
- Abdominal swelling
- Low urine output
Peritonitis may cause your child to go into shock. Signs and symptoms of shock include:
- Cool, clammy skin that may be pale or gray
- A weak and rapid pulse
- Abnormal breathing that may be either slow and shallow or very rapid
- Lackluster eyes that seem to stare blankly
- Profound listlessness
A child who is in shock may be conscious or unconscious. If you suspect your child is in shock, seek emergency medical care right away.
Preparing for your appointment
Emergency medical care is required to treat intussusception. You may not have much time to prepare for an appointment.
What to expect from your doctor
Your child's doctor is likely to ask you a number of questions, including:
- When did your child begin experiencing abdominal pain or other symptoms?
- Does your child's pain appear to be continuous — or is it occurring off and on?
- Does the pain begin and end suddenly?
- Has your child experienced nausea, vomiting or diarrhea?
- Have you noticed any blood in your child's stool?
- Have you noticed any swelling or a lump in your child's abdomen?
What you can do in the meantime
Don't give your child any over-the-counter medications to treat symptoms before the appointment.
Tests and diagnosis
Your or your child's doctor will start by getting a history of the symptoms of the problem. He or she may be able to feel a sausage-shaped lump in the abdomen. To confirm the diagnosis, your doctor may order:
- Ultrasound or other abdominal imaging. An ultrasound, X-ray or computerized tomography (CT) scan may reveal intestinal obstruction caused by intussusception. Imaging will typically show a "bull's eye," representing the intestine coiled within the intestine. Abdominal imaging also can show if the intestine has been torn (perforated).
- Air or barium enema. An air or barium enema is basically a colon X-ray. During the procedure, the doctor will insert air (the preferred choice in most cases) or liquid barium into the colon through the rectum. This makes the images on the X-ray clearer. An air or barium enema will fix intussusception 90 percent of the time in children, and no further treatment is needed. A barium enema can't be used if the intestine is torn.
Treatments and drugs
Treatment of intussusception typically happens as a medical emergency. Emergency medical care is required to avoid severe dehydration and shock, as well as prevent infection that can occur when a portion of intestine dies due to lack of blood.
When your child arrives at the hospital, the doctors will first stabilize his or her medical condition. This includes:
- Giving your child fluids through an intravenous (IV) line
- Helping the intestines decompress by putting a tube through the child's nose and into the stomach (nasogastric tube)
Correcting the intussusception
To treat the problem, your doctor may recommend:
- A barium or air enema. This is both a diagnostic procedure and a treatment. If an enema works, further treatment is usually not necessary. This treatment is highly effective in children, but rarely used in adults. Intussusception recurs as often as 15 to 20 percent of the time and the treatment will have to be repeated.
- Surgery. If the intestine is torn, if an enema is unsuccessful in correcting the problem or if a lead point is the cause, surgery is necessary. The surgeon will free the portion of the intestine that is trapped, clear the obstruction and, if necessary, remove any of the intestinal tissue that has died. Surgery is the main treatment for adults and for people who are acutely ill.
In some cases, intussusception may be temporary and go away without treatment.
- Kitigawa S, et al. Intussusception in children. http://www.uptodate.com/index. Accessed Oct. 25, 2012.
- Hodin RA, et al. Small bowel obstruction: Causes and management. http://www.uptodate.com/index. Accessed Oct. 25, 2012.
- Pepper VK, et al. Diagnosis and management of pediatric appendicitis, intussusception, and Meckel diverticulum. Surgical Clinics of North America. 2012;92:505.
- Lindor RA, et al. Adult intussusception: Presentation, management, and outcomes of 148 patients. The Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2012;43:1.
- AskMayoExpert. Intussusception. Rochester, Minn.: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; 2012. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45531000 |
Homocysteine, Total, Plasma
As an aid for screening patients suspected of having an inherited disorder of methionine metabolism including:
-Cystathionine beta-synthase deficiency (homocystinuria)
-Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase deficiency (MTHFR) and its thermolabile variants:
-Methionine synthase deficiency
-Cobalamin (Cbl) metabolism:
-Combined methyl-Cbl and adenosyl-Cbl deficiencies: Cbl C2, Cbl D2, and Cbl F3 deficiencies
-Methyl-Cbl specific deficiencies: Cbl D-Var1, Cbl E, and Cbl G deficiencies
-Transcobalamin II deficiency:
-Adenosylhomocysteinase (AHCY) deficiency
-Glycine N-methyltransferase (GNMT) deficiency
-Methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT) I/III deficiency
Clinical Information Discusses physiology, pathophysiology, and general clinical aspects, as they relate to a laboratory test
To be used in conjunction with plasma amino acids and urine organic acids to aid in the biochemical screening for primary and secondary disorders of methionine metabolism.
Homocysteine is an intermediary in the sulfur-amino acid metabolism pathways, linking the methionine cycle to the folate cycle. Inborn errors of metabolism that lead to homocysteinemia/-uria include cystathionine beta-synthase deficiency (homocystinuria) and various defects of methionine re-methylation. Genetic defects in vitamin cofactors (vitamin B6, B12, and folate) and nutritional deficiency of B12 and folate also lead to abnormal homocysteine accumulation.
Homocysteine concentration is an indicator of acquired folate or cobalamin deficiency, and is a contributing factor in the pathogenesis of neural tube defects. Homocysteine also was thought to be an independent predictor of cardiovascular disease (atherosclerosis, heart disease, thromboembolism), as early observational studies prior to 2000 linked homocysteine to cardiovascular risk and morbidity and mortality. However, following FDA-mandated folic acid supplementation in 1998, homocysteine concentrations decreased by approximately 10% without a similar change in cardiovascular or ischemic events. Currently, the use of homocysteine for assessment of cardiovascular risk is uncertain and controversial. Based on several meta-analyses, at present, homocysteine may be regarded as a weak risk factor for coronary heart disease, and there is a lack of direct causal relationship between hyperhomocysteinemia and cardiovascular disease. It is most likely an indicator of poor lifestyle and diet.
Reference Values Describes reference intervals and additional information for interpretation of test results. May include intervals based on age and sex when appropriate. Intervals are Mayo-derived, unless otherwise designated. If an interpretive report is provided, the reference value field will state this.
Adults: < or =13 mcmol/L
Reference values apply to fasting specimens only.
Homocysteine concentrations >13 mcmol/L are considered abnormal in patients evaluated for suspected nutritional deficiencies (B12, folate) and inborn errors of metabolism. Measurement of methylmalonic acid (MMA) distinguishes between B12 (cobalamin) and folate deficiencies, as MMA is only elevated in B12 deficiency. Response to dietary treatment can be evaluated by monitoring plasma homocysteine concentrations over time.
Homocysteine concentrations < or =10 mcmol/L are desirable when utilized for cardiovascular risk.
Cautions Discusses conditions that may cause diagnostic confusion, including improper specimen collection and handling, inappropriate test selection, and interfering substances
A fasting specimen is recommended; however, nonfasting homocysteine concentrations produce slightly higher, but likely clinically insignificant changes.
Other factors that may influence and increase plasma homocysteine include:
-Poor diet/cofactor deficiencies
-Chronic kidney disease/renal disease
Medications that may increase homocysteine concentrations include:
Vitamin B6 antagonist
Inactivation of methionine synthase
Interference with folate metabolism
Interference with folate metabolism
Estrogen-induced vitamin B6 deficiency
Clinical Reference Provides recommendations for further in-depth reading of a clinical nature
1. Mudd SH, Levy HL, Kraus JP: Disorders of transsulfuration. In The Metabolic and Molecular Basis of Inherited Disease. Edited by CR Scriver, AL Beaudet, WS Sly, et al. New York, McGraw Hill Book Company, 2001, pp 2007-2056
2. Myers GL, Christenson RH, Cushman M, et al: National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory Medicine Practice guidelines: emerging biomarkers for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Clin Chem, 2009;55(2):51-57
3. Refsum H, Smith AD, Ueland PM, et al: Facts and recommendations about total homocysteine determinations: an expert opinion. Clin Chem 2004 January;50:3-32
4. Turgeon CT, Magera MJ, Cuthbert CD, et al: Determination of total homocysteine, methylmalonic acid, and 2-methylcitric acid in dried blood spots by tandem mass spectrometry. Clin Chem 2010 November;56:1686-1695 | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45532000 |
When you have 400 earthquakes on top of one of the largest supervolcanoes on Earth, people pay attention.
And since the day after Christmas, that's what has happened at Yellowstone National Park. Scientists are seeing what they call a "swarm" of low intensity earthquakes -- the largest since the 1980s. The biggest quake had a magnitude of 3.9, below the level that can cause damage.
But the earthquakes have made worldwide news because the park lies on a giant caldera, the crater of a volcano that scientists say could one day explode and destroy most of North America and freeze the rest of the world under a shroud of ash for up to two years. Still, the latest earthquakes are nothing to fear, said park geologist Hank Heasler.
Read the full story at idahostatesman.com. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45535000 |
Don't skip necessary tests for fear of radiation risk
"People should not skip necessary medical imaging procedures, such as mammography, radiography (x-ray) and computed tomography (CT), because they are afraid the radiation exposure might cause cancer," said Dr. Stewart Bushong, professor of radiology at BCM. "There is no measurable increased risk when imaging procedures are administered appropriately."
It is important to understand the different kinds of imaging procedures and the amount of radiation exposure, Bushong said. "When you look at the amount of radiation exposure in each, the doses are very low."
Radiation dose is measured in millisieverts, or mSv.
Procedures and doses
Bushong ranked common diagnostic imaging procedures from low to high dose and pointed out that natural background radiation contributes approximately 3 mSv each year to our individual radiation dose.
- Mammography: a diagnostic procedure to detect breast tumors by the use of X-rays (0.1 mSv).
- Radiography: an X-ray of a bone or particular body part (1 mSv).
- Positron emission tomography or PET scan: a technique to examine the metabolic activity in various tissues, especially in the brain (5 mSv).
- Fluoroscopy: examination of body structures using a fluoroscope. These are commonly used to examine the lungs and gastrointestinal tract (10 mSv).
- CT scan: uses special X-ray systems and computers to create cross-sectional images of the body (10 mSv).
"Many people think magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and diagnostic ultrasound result in radiation exposure, but they do not," said Bushong. "These tests are harmless."
Approximately 100 mSv would be an example of a dose of radiation which could cause concern, Bushong said.
Bushong said the average amount of medical radiation exposure has been on the rise, but many professional organizations are keeping a close eye on such radiation exposures and any inappropriate overutilization.
"We worry about people who are frequently having these tests repeated when they do not need repeats, especially children," said Bushong. "Organizations including the American College of Radiation, American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Radiological Society of America, and the Center for Devices and Radiological Health have convened to address these concerns."
These organizations have set guidelines on radiation exposure doses and developed educational programs to reduce unnecessary and inappropriate diagnostic medical imaging.
Bushong said patients should not be scared or refuse necessary examinations.
"Diagnostic medical examinations are very effective at detecting many conditions early, helping to implement effective treatment plans," said Bushong. "Patients should discuss any concerns they may have about radiation exposure with their doctors." | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45541000 |
|Impact of orphanhood on underweight prevalence in sub-Saharan Africa|
||Rivers, Jonathan; Mason, John; Silvestre, Eva; Gillespie, Stuart; Mahy, Mary; Monasch, Roeland
||Food and Nutrition Bulletin, Volume 29, Number 1, March 2008 , pp. 32-42(11)
Accepting attitudes toward people living with HIV (PLHIV)
Multiple African Countries
Background. In Africa, approximately 25 million people live with HIV/AIDS and 12 million children are orphaned. Although evidence indicates that orphans risk losing opportunities for adequate education, health care, and future employment, the immediate effects of orphanhood on child nutritional status remain poorly understood.
Objective. This paper assesses the nutritional impact of orphanhood, with particular emphasis on taking account of various factors potentially confounding or masking these impacts.
Methods. Child anthropometry and orphan status were examined in 23 Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys and Demographic and Health Surveys throughout sub-Saharan Africa, which were subsequently merged into larger, region-specific datasets (East, West, and Southern Africa). To compare orphans and nonorphans, linear regression and probit models were developed, taking account of orphan status and type, presence of a surviving parent in the household, household structure, child age and sex, urban versus rural residence, and current wealth status.
Results. Few differences emerged between orphans and nonorphans in controlled and uncontrolled comparisons, regardless of orphan type, presence of surviving parent, or household structure. Age differentials did confound nutritional comparisons, although in the counterintuitive direction, with orphans (who were 8 months older on average) becoming less malnourished when age differences were taken into account. Wealth did appear to be associated with orphanhood status, although it did not significantly confound nutritional comparisons.
Conclusions. Orphans were not consistently more malnourished than nonorphans, even when potential confounding variables were examined. Since household wealth status is likely to change after becoming affected by HIV, ruling out wealth as a potential confounder would require more detailed, prospective studies.
Diet & Nutrition FAQs
Reviewed by Melissa Conrad Stoppler, MD
Take the Diet & Nutrition Quiz First! Before reading this FAQ, challenge yourself and
Test your Knowledge!
Q:According to the USDA, there is no difference between a “portion” and a “serving.” True or False?
A:False. A “portion” is how much food you choose to eat at one time, whether in a restaurant, from a package, or in your own kitchen. Versus a portion, a “serving” size is the amount of food listed on a product's Nutrition Facts. Sometimes, the portion size and serving size match; sometimes they do not. Keep in mind that the serving size on the Nutrition Facts is not a recommended amount of food to eat. It is a quick way of letting you know the calories and nutrients in a certain amount of food.
Q:A serving of what kind of vegetables should be about the size of a baseball?
A:A Serving of Broccoli. A serving of broccoli should be about the size of a baseball, which is equivalent to about one cup.
Q:From which foods can we get carbohydrates?
A:Milk products and fruits, whole grain breads and cereals, table sugar, starchy vegetables, and legumes. Carbohydrates are called "simple" or "complex," depending on how fast your body digests and absorbs the sugar. You get simple carbohydrates from fruits, milk products, and table sugar. Complex carbohydrates include whole grain breads and cereals, starchy vegetables, and legumes. Complex carbohydrates and some simple carbohydrates provide vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Products made with refined sugar provide little nutrition. It is wise to limit these products.
Q:Which has more calories: A plain bagel with cream cheese or a toaster waffle with syrup?
A:A Toaster Waffle with Syrup. A 4-inch regular toaster waffle with syrup has 129 calories.
Q:A good rule of thumb is to drink 10-12 glasses of water per day. True or False?
A:False. There is no evidence to show that drinking 10-12 glasses of water is necessary. Generally, nutritionists recommend we follow the “8x8” rule, which is to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. Drinking more water does indeed boost metabolism - especially if your glass is icy cold. Your body must work to warm the water up, burning a few extra calories in the process. As for other benefits of water, 85% of your brain tissue is water, which means that if you're dehydrated, both your body and your mind will be stressed.
Q:According to the USDA’s famous Food Pyramid, we need 2-3 servings of which food group every day?
A:Milk, cheese, and yogurt products. The USDA's famous Food Pyramid confirms that we need 2-3 daily servings from the milk, yogurt, and cheese group; 2-3 daily servings from the meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts group; 3-5 daily servings of vegetables; 2-4 servings from the fruit class; 6-11 daily servings from the bread, cereal, rice, and pasta category, and to use fats, oils, and sweets very sparingly.
Q:One serving of peanut butter is about the size of a ping pong ball. True or False?
A:A Ping Pong Ball. One serving of peanut butter is equivalent to two tablespoons, which, together are about the size of a ping pong ball.
Q:Diet is a major contributor to overweight and obesity. How many U.S. adults would you guess are overweight or obese?
A:Nearly 70% of all U.S. adults are overweight or obese! More than two-thirds (68%) of all U.S. adults are overweight or obese. This breaks down to 64.1% of U.S. women and 72.3% of U.S. men.
More than two-thirds (68%) of all U.S. adults are overweight or obese.
This breaks down to 64.1% of U.S. women and 72.3% of U.S. men.
Q:A burrito should be the size of a checkbook. True or False?
A:A Burrito. While MyPyramid.gov states that a serving of chicken breast should be about the size of a deck of cards, ideally, a burrito should be no larger than the size of a checkbook.
Q:People with a body mass index (BMI) value of what or more are considered obese?
A:30. BMI values between 18.5 and 24.9 are considered to be a “normal” or “healthy” weight. BMI values between 25 and 29.9 are considered “overweight,” while BMI values of 30 and above are considered “obese.” BMIs above 25 are unhealthy and have been shown to increase the risk of certain chronic diseases. BMIs under 18.5 are considered “underweight.”
Q:According to the USDA, pasta falls into the “grain” category. True or False?
A:Pastas. Food made from wheat, rice, oats, corn, or another cereal is a grain product. Bread, pasta, oatmeal, cornflakes, and grits may not seem like it, but they are all grain products.
Q:What food should be no larger than an ordinary computer mouse?
A:A Baked or Sweet Potato. When choosing baked or sweet potatoes, be sure to choose a medium–sized potato.
Q:To keep your diet in check, a correct-sized portion of what food should be near the size of a package of dental floss: Chocolate or Butter?
A:Chocolate. According to MyPyramid.gov, an ounce of chocolate should be about the size as a package of dental floss.
Q:A serving of what food should be about the size of a deck of playing cards? Beef or Bread?
A:A Deck of Playing Cards. Beef's bundle of nutrients is beneficial for growing, developing and maintaining overall health through all life's stages.
Q:Most Americans consume the greatest amount of calcium from milk. True or False?
A:Cheese. While calcium is derived from various sources in the U.S. food supply, more than one-quarter (27%) of Americans get their calcium from cheese sources.
Source quiz on MedicineNet
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Diet & Nutrition Related Slideshowsback to top ↑ | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45545000 |
Definition: 'Taenia Solium'
Taenia soliumType: Term
1. the pork, armed, or solitary tapeworm of humans, acquired by eating insufficiently cooked pork infected with Cysticercus cellulosae; hatching of ova within the human intestine may result in establishment of cysticerci in human tissues, resulting in cysticercosis.
The information shown above for Taenia solium is provided by Stedman's.
* Stedman's, part of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, provide a comprehensive line of health-science publications for healthcare professionals and medical students. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45546000 |
Researchers studying mice have identified a potential target for treating diabetes and obesity.
Scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, found that when the target protein was disabled, the animals became more sensitive to insulin and were less likely to get fat even when they ate a high-fat diet that caused their littermates to become obese.
The researchers studied how the body manufactures fat from dietary sources such as carbohydrates. That process requires an enzyme called fatty acid synthase (FAS). Mice engineered so that they don't make FAS in their fat cells can eat a high-fat diet without becoming obese.
"Mice without FAS were significantly more resistant to obesity than their wild-type littermates," first author Irfan J. Lodhi, PhD, said.
"And it wasn't because they ate less. The mice ate just as much fatty food, but they metabolized more of the fat and released it as heat," he said.
To understand why that happened, Lodhi, a research instructor in medicine, analyzed their fat cells.
Mice have two types of fat: white fat and brown fat. White fat stores excess calories and contributes to obesity. Brown fat helps burn calories and protects against obesity.
In mice genetically blocked from making fatty acid synthase in fat cells, Lodhi and his colleagues noticed that the animals' white fat was transformed into tissue that resembled brown fat.
"These cells are 'brite' cells, brown fat found where white fat cells should be," Lodhi said.
"They had the genetic signature of brown fat cells and acted like brown fat cells. Because the mice were resistant to obesity, it appears that fatty acid synthase may control a switch between white fat and brown fat. When we removed FAS from the equation, white fat transformed into brite cells that burned more energy."
Determining whether humans also have brown fat has been somewhat controversial throughout the years, but recent studies elsewhere have confirmed that people have it.
"It definitely exists, and perhaps the next strategy we'll use for treating people with diabetes and obesity will be to try to reverse their problems by activating these brown fat cells," senior investigator Clay F. Semenkovich, MD, said.
Semenkovich, the Herbert S. Gasser Professor of Medicine, professor of cell biology and physiology and director of the Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Lipid Research, said that the new work is exciting because FAS provides a target that may be able to activate brown fat cells to treat obesity and diabetes. But even better, he says it may be possible to target a protein downstream from FAS to lower the risk for potential side effects from the therapy.
Lodhi and Semenkovich noticed that in mice without FAS in their fat cells, activity of PPAR-alpha (the fat burner) was increased, while PPAR-gamma (the fat builder) activity decreased.
"There was decreased fat when we blocked PexRAP," Lodhi said.
"Those mice also had improved glucose metabolism, so we think that inhibiting either fatty acid synthase or PexRAP might be good strategies for treating obesity and diabetes," he added.
The findings are published online in the journal Cell Metabolism. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45547000 |
The Learning Journey Match It Matching Cards - First Words
This matching game introduces kids to new words in a fun and festive way. The brightly illustrated set of 30 self-correcting puzzle pairs are a terrific learning tool for all children as they learn new language skills. For ages 3 years and up.
- Word matching game
- 30 Cards
- 2-Piece self-correcting puzzle cards
- Introduces simple spelling words
- Develops vocabulary
- Builds self confidence
- Care instructions: Wipe clean.
- Cards measure 6.06"W x 2.95"H x .08"D
- For ages 3 years and up
- Made in China | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45549000 |
A cortisol level is a blood test that measures the amount of cortisol, a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal gland.
How the test is performed
A blood sample is needed. For information on how this is done, see: Venipuncture
How to prepare for the test
Usually, the health care provider will ask that the test be done in the morning. This is important, because cortisol levels vary throughout the day.
The health care provider may ask you to stop taking drugs that can affect the test. Drugs that can increase cortisol measurements include:
Human-made (synthetic) glucocorticoids, such as prednisone and prednisolone
Drugs that can decrease cortisol measurements include:
How the test will feel
When the needle is inserted to draw blood, some people feel moderate pain, while others feel only a prick or stinging sensation. Afterward, there may be some throbbing.
Why the test is performed
The test is done to check for increased or decreased cortisol production. Cortisol is a steroid hormone released from the adrenal gland in response to ACTH, a hormone from the pituitary gland in the brain.
Cortisol affects many different body systems. It plays a role in:
Metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and protein
Different diseases, such as Cushing's disease and Addison's disease, can lead to either too much or too little production of cortisol. Cortisol levels are often measured to help diagnose these conditions and to evaluate how well the pituitary and adrenal glands are working.
Normal values for a blood sample taken at 8 in the morning are 6 - 23 micrograms per deciliter (mcg/dL).
The examples above are common measurements for results for these tests. Normal value ranges may vary slightly among different laboratories. Some labs use different measurements or may test different specimens.Talk to your doctor about the meaning of your specific test results.
What abnormal results mean
Higher than normal levels may indicate:
The pituitary gland near the brain makes too much of the hormone ACTH (called Cushing's disease) because of excess growth of the pituitary gland, or a tumor in the pituitary gland or elsewhere in the body (such as the pancreas, lung, and thyroid)
Veins and arteries vary in size from one patient to another and from one side of the body to the other. Obtaining a blood sample from some people may be more difficult than from others.
Other risks associated with having blood drawn are slight but may include:
Fainting or feeling light-headed
Hematoma (blood accumulating under the skin)
Infection (a slight risk any time the skin is broken)
Normally, cortisol levels rise and fall during the day, repeating on a 24-hour cycle (diurnal variation). Highest levels are at about 6 - 8 a.m. and lowest levels are at about midnight.
Physical and emotional stress, as well as illness, can increase cortisol levels, because during the normal stress response the pituitary gland releases more ACTH.
Higher than normal cortisol levels are expected in women who take estrogen or birth control pills.
Stewart PM, Krone NP. The adrenal cortex. In: Kronenberg HM, Melmed S, Polonsky KS, Larsen PR, eds. Williams Textbook of Endocrinology. 12th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier; 2011: chap 15.
Nancy J. Rennert, MD, Chief of Endocrinology & Diabetes, Norwalk Hospital, Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45552000 |
Effective cues will also emphasize stabilization of the pelvis and lumbar spine both statically and dynamically in all positions and throughout all movements. Cueing pelvic stability during an exercise will ensure optimal performance of the movement and help prevent any unnecessary stress on the lumbar spine. The abdominal muscles must often be recruited to maintain the rib cage, and indirectly, the thoracic spine, in proper alignment. Instructors must cue participants to prevent the rib cage from lifting up in the supine position or deviate forward in a sitting position, causing the thoracic spine to extend.
Instructors should remain aware of cueing stabilization of the scapulae and shoulders and realize the importance during the initiation of every exercise. When stability is absent, there is a tendency to overwork muscles around the neck and shoulders. Since they lack a direct bony attachment to the rib cage and spine, the scapulae have a great deal of mobility in making a greater range of motion available to the arms. Although the scapulae move with the arms, a sense of stability, not rigidity, should always be maintained.
Regarding head and cervical spine placement, the cervical spine should hold its natural curve and the skull should balance directly above the shoulders when sitting in neutral. This position should also be maintained when lying on the back. In most instances, the cervical spine should be encouraged to continue the line created by the thoracic spine during flexion, extension, lateral flexion and rotation. Continually referring to these biomechanical principles will ensure that the cues an instructor is providing will help all clients or groups perform the exercises to the best of their ability.
According to research, one of the most overused cues in the Pilates industry at large is ‘slide your shoulders down.’ “While this may be effective with a small percentage of client groups, it can also have some very detrimental effects on others,” says Moira. “In many participants, sliding the shoulders down may overly depress them, produce compression on nerves of the neck and shoulders and decrease the range of motion in the shoulder joint. To be more effective, instructors should look at each client their individual needs to determine what the optimal cue is for them.”
“It is important to understand what type of a learner the client is and then be able to select cues that will be appropriate for that individual. Someone who is a “thinker learner” will want to know the intricacies of a movement and may not respond as well to visual images. In this case, using phrases such as ‘feel the head of the femur rotating freely within the hip socket’ may elicit a better response.
To conclude, an effective Pilates instructor will be able to relate to any type of client, no matter how they learn best, by having a well stocked tool box of cues available at a moment’s notice. A good practice exercise for instructors on their own is to go through 5‑10 repetitions of an exercise and use a different cue for each repetition. Instructors should be clear in their own mind why they are teaching a client a particular exercise or modification. This will ensure they will be able to develop a rapport with any client who walks in their door.
More importantly, emphasizing positive reinforcement when working with clients is crucial to effective cueing, and therefore effective Pilates instruction. Many clients will react quicker if they are told why they are doing a particular exercise a certain way as opposed to it being thrown at them because it comes next on the chart. So next time you’re thinking about how to approach your client with a new exercise or movement – remember to think about their individual needs and how to approach them with the change. It’ll make all the difference. | fwe2-CC-MAIN-2013-20-45555000 |
Subsets and Splits