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formal | welfare | welfare | racist | And we should never forget them. These numbers also don't account for the stain on our national reputation for blatantly disregarding the welfare of the Afghan people who fought alongside us to help us accomplish our mission there. Leaving behind allies will have consequences that will affect our ability to build coalitions in the future. | 2020-01-06 | Mr. GRASSLEY | Senate | CREC-2021-09-15-pt1-PgS6531-2 | null | noncoded | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve |
formal | welfare | welfare | racist | They have tremendous tasks before them. They must seek to establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. Clearly, no one person by themselves is equal to such a task. | 2020-01-06 | Unknown | House | CREC-2023-02-21-pt1-PgH859-3 | null | noncoded | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve |
formal | welfare | welfare | racist | We remember: Steven Michael Robin and Branden Paul Estorffe of the Bay St. Louis Police Department, who were shot and killed while conducting a welfare check, and Marzell Jerome Brooks of the Brookhaven Police Department, who passed from COVID-19 during the commission of his job duties. We remember: Myiesha Breanna Stewart of the Greenville Police Department, who was shot and killed during a vehicle pursuit of a suspect who fled the scene after a shooting; Lee Dan Vance, Jr. | 2020-01-06 | Mrs. HYDE-SMITH | Senate | CREC-2023-05-16-pt1-PgS1676 | null | noncoded | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve |
formal | welfare | welfare | racist | This legislation builds off bipartisan progress we have made this Congress using existing Federal frameworks to reduce emissions and prepare for the effects of climate change that are already here. In November 2018, the Fourth National Climate Assessment concluded that climate change is affecting the natural environment, agriculture, energy production and use, land and water resources, transportation, and human health and welfare across the U. S. | 2020-01-06 | Mr. CARDIN | Senate | CREC-2020-02-13-pt1-PgS1067-2 | null | noncoded | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve |
formal | Baltimore | references to cities with large racial minority populations being overrun by crime, drugs, rodents | racist | This is George Washington. Another Washington statue was defaced in Baltimore. A statue of Thomas Jefferson was ripped down in Portland also. | 2020-01-06 | Mr. McCONNELL | Senate | CREC-2020-06-23-pt1-PgS3131-8 | null | coded | Minorities are dirty and criminals |
formal | Baltimore | references to cities with large racial minority populations being overrun by crime, drugs, rodents | racist | You have seen this on television--break down the doors, go in with the hammers, steal everything you can, do it within 2 or 3 minutes, and get out of there. So in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New York, Boston, Houston, Atlanta, Sacramento, Baltimore, Las Vegas, and Seattle, groups of dozens make off with hundreds of thousands in merchandise. I requested a briefing from the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security on these organized retail crime groups. | 2020-01-06 | Unknown | Senate | CREC-2022-01-05-pt1-PgS43-2 | null | coded | Minorities are dirty and criminals |
formal | Baltimore | references to cities with large racial minority populations being overrun by crime, drugs, rodents | racist | This is happening throughout our country. We have had gun violence in Baltimore. A few years ago, we had gun violence at Great Mills High School in Maryland. | 2020-01-06 | Mr. CARDIN | Senate | CREC-2022-05-26-pt1-PgS2732 | null | coded | Minorities are dirty and criminals |
formal | Baltimore | references to cities with large racial minority populations being overrun by crime, drugs, rodents | racist | 2 million cases and over 72,000 Americans have died. The CDC has designated the Baltimore-Washington corridor as a hotspot, as cases continue to rise in the region. As of May 6, there have been 28,163 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 1,290 confirmed deaths in the State of Maryland. ... Despite the immense burden Maryland's small businesses are facing, they have stepped up to help local hospitals, nursing homes, and other frontline workers. Sagamore Spirits Distillery in Baltimore is one such small business. Sagamore has completely converted its operation to distill corn ethanol to produce hand sanitizers. | 2020-01-06 | Mr. CARDIN | Senate | CREC-2020-05-07-pt1-PgS2313-8 | null | noncoded | Minorities are dirty and criminals |
formal | Baltimore | references to cities with large racial minority populations being overrun by crime, drugs, rodents | racist | Madam President, today I missed the vote on passage of S. 914, as amended, in order to attend an event related to vaccine distribution in Baltimore City with Vice President Kamala Harris. Had I been in attendance, I would have voted yes on this important, bipartisan bill. | 2020-01-06 | Mr. VAN HOLLEN | Senate | CREC-2021-04-29-pt1-PgS2349 | null | noncoded | Minorities are dirty and criminals |
formal | Baltimore | references to cities with large racial minority populations being overrun by crime, drugs, rodents | racist | Born and raised in California, Bruce believed deeply in the power of people. As a college student at Wesleyan, he traveled to Baltimore to march alongside Martin Luther King, Jr. , and he protested fraternity discrimination by starting a new, inclusive group. | 2020-01-06 | Mr. PADILLA | Senate | CREC-2021-12-01-pt1-PgS8861-3 | null | noncoded | Minorities are dirty and criminals |
formal | Baltimore | references to cities with large racial minority populations being overrun by crime, drugs, rodents | racist | Dean Tobin has been a tireless advocate and instructor who truly treasures the law school community. Donald Tobin has been dean and professor of law at my alma mater, the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law located in Baltimore City, since 2014. Under his leadership, the law school has built upon two centuries of distinguished history to deliver its core academic mission of integrating legal theory and practice, serving as a resource and partner to neighboring communities and training the next generation of excellent lawyers and leaders. ... Donald's positivity and kind nature were critical to his success throughout a deanship ``book-ended'' by unthinkable events. In the aftermath of the killing of Freddie Gray in the spring of 2015, Donald led efforts to expand the law school's positive impact in the community, bolstering channels to local volunteer opportunities and providing forums for students and faculty to explore the systemic causes that led to Baltimore's unrest and to possible solutions. Donald redoubled the school's efforts to recruit and retain highly qualified and diverse students, while keeping legal education accessible and affordable. | 2020-01-06 | Mr. CARDIN | Senate | CREC-2022-03-30-pt1-PgS1863-2 | null | noncoded | Minorities are dirty and criminals |
formal | Baltimore | references to cities with large racial minority populations being overrun by crime, drugs, rodents | racist | Attorney Weiss is actually investigating. It also calls into question what the FBI's Baltimore field office is reviewing and whether it is the full scope of evidence. Now, I have asked Director Wray about that whole issue. | 2020-01-06 | Mr. GRASSLEY | Senate | CREC-2022-09-07-pt1-PgS4488-6 | null | noncoded | Minorities are dirty and criminals |
formal | Baltimore | references to cities with large racial minority populations being overrun by crime, drugs, rodents | racist | The PACT Act, in addition to providing the historic relief to toxic-exposed veterans, boosts claims processing; bolsters the Veterans' Administration's workforce; and invests in VA healthcare facilities nationwide to ensure the Agency can meet the immediate and future needs of every veteran it serves, including the 300,000-plus veterans who live in the State of Maryland. I will tell you, it provides for improvements to the community health centers in Prince George's and Baltimore City for our veterans. The Safer Communities Act closes loopholes that allowed convicted domestic violence abusers to buy firearms legally. | 2020-01-06 | Mr. CARDIN | Senate | CREC-2022-09-22-pt1-PgS4959 | null | noncoded | Minorities are dirty and criminals |
formal | Baltimore | references to cities with large racial minority populations being overrun by crime, drugs, rodents | racist | He also has two supportive children, who are both talented athletes--Micah and Imani. In May 2019, he received his bachelor of arts Degree, with honors, from Southern Illinois University in healthcare management and will complete his master's in healthcare administration from the University of Baltimore this December. . | 2020-01-06 | Mr. LANKFORD | Senate | CREC-2023-09-19-pt1-PgS4582-2 | null | noncoded | Minorities are dirty and criminals |
formal | election integrity | election integrity | racist | Madam President, along with my colleague Senator Mike Crapo, I rise today to ask unanimous consent to have printed in the Record the mission statement for the Citizens Committee for Election Integrity and their recommended minimum standards for fair and honest elections. Idahoans concerned about election integrity formed the Citizens Committee for Election Integrity to demonstrate the meaning of the Constitution by helping ensure the voices of ``We the people'' are heard. . | 2020-01-06 | Mr. RISCH | Senate | CREC-2021-01-21-pt1-PgS89 | null | coded | Voter suppression that targets people of color |
formal | election integrity | election integrity | racist | This latest umpteenth iteration is only a compromise in the sense that the left and the far left argued among themselves about exactly how much power to grab and in which areas. This latest bill still subjects popular, commonsense election integrity protections like voter ID to the whims ofFederal bureaucrats. It still sends government money to political campaigns--government money, taxpayers' money, to political campaigns, for goodness' sake. | 2020-01-06 | Mr. McCONNELL | Senate | CREC-2021-10-20-pt1-PgS7095-4 | null | coded | Voter suppression that targets people of color |
formal | election integrity | election integrity | racist | Well, that did set the stage for another civil rights battle, and it was 1890. It was after Benjamin Harrison's successful Presidential campaign, in which he promised election reform and election integrity because, you see, anyone looking at our Republic would know that we are all affected, no matter what State we come from, by the integrity of the elections in the other States. There has to be integrity in all of them for this U. | 2020-01-06 | Mr. MERKLEY | Senate | CREC-2022-01-18-pt1-PgS237 | null | coded | Voter suppression that targets people of color |
formal | election integrity | election integrity | racist | The Act fails even to make any meaningful changes to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, despite bipartisan calls for repealing that provision. Section 230 facilitates the spread of foreign disinformation online, which is a serious threat to our national security and election integrity. It must be repealed. | 2020-01-06 | Unknown | House | CREC-2020-12-24-pt1-PgH9150-2 | null | noncoded | Voter suppression that targets people of color |
formal | election integrity | election integrity | racist | But any American who thinks that today, in 2021, that fight is over--that the fight for voting rights is over--is sorely and, unfortunately, sadly mistaken. In the wake of the most recent election, an election that the former President has repeatedly lied about and claimed was stolen, more than 253 bills in 43 States have been introduced to tighten voting rules under the pernicious, nasty guise of election integrity. In Iowa, the State legislature voted to cut early voting by 9 days. | 2020-01-06 | Mr. SCHUMER | Senate | CREC-2021-03-01-pt1-PgS908-2 | null | noncoded | Voter suppression that targets people of color |
formal | election integrity | election integrity | racist | S. Senate spoke of ``the pernicious and nasty guise of election integrity. '' ``Pernicious and nasty guise of election integrity''--the majority leader of the U. S. | 2020-01-06 | Mr. BARRASSO | Senate | CREC-2021-03-03-pt1-PgS1007 | null | noncoded | Voter suppression that targets people of color |
formal | election integrity | election integrity | racist | Earlier this year, we witnessed only the latest example in the form of a violent insurrection right here in this Chamber, right here in this Capitol, an attack fueled by the insidious lies of the former President aimed at overturning the results of a free and fair election. In the wake of the November election, one of the safest and most secure in American history, dozens of Republican-led State legislatures have seized on the former President's big lie and introduced hundreds of bills aimed at tightening voting rules under the nasty guise--the nasty, malicious, and false guise--of election integrity. These bills, sadly, are aimed at Americans of color--Black Americans, Latinos, Native Americans. | 2020-01-06 | Mr. SCHUMER | Senate | CREC-2021-03-17-pt1-PgS1578-2 | null | noncoded | Voter suppression that targets people of color |
formal | election integrity | election integrity | racist | One is the breakdown of trust in the system itself and the other is an overtly partisan attempt to use this loss of trust as a pretext to change the results of future elections by limiting the participation of voters deemed unworthy--although that is rarely said out loud--or unlikely to vote for your particular political party. This discussion is usually framed in terms of election integrity--the prevention of widespread voter fraud--which it is argued is tainting the outcome of our elections. Unfortunately, these so-called election integrity measures almost invariably end up limiting the participation of a substantial number of voters, many of whom have historically been denied the right to vote by one device or another for over 100 years. It is limiting that participation either as inadvertent collateral damage or, more likely, as stone-cold partisan voter suppression. | 2020-01-06 | Mr. KING | Senate | CREC-2021-10-19-pt1-PgS7082-5 | null | noncoded | Voter suppression that targets people of color |
formal | election integrity | election integrity | racist | It was so disturbing to read in the Washington Post that the RNC is not abandoning the conspiracy of the Big Lie so much as it is doubling down. According to reports, they are working on creating a ``permanent infrastructure in every state to ramp up `election integrity' activities'' as a way to cater to that portion of their base that still believes in wacky election fraud conspiracies. As a sign of how unserious this report is, the RNC also makes unfounded claims of a ``continuing onslaught of Democrat election manipulation. | 2020-01-06 | Mr. SCHUMER | Senate | CREC-2023-02-01-pt1-PgS180-2 | null | noncoded | Voter suppression that targets people of color |
formal | election integrity | election integrity | racist | It is an act, and each generation must do its part to build what we called the Beloved Community. '' We should heed these words in our day and age because today House Republicans introduced their latest broadside against the fundamental right to vote, a sweeping bill that one lawmaker called ``the most substantive and conservative election integrity legislation that will come before the House in over a generation. '' Let me say that again: ``the most substantive and conservative election integrity legislation that will come before the House in over a generation. '' Democrats here in the Senate will never allow such a terrible proposal to become law, and very soon, we will once again move to bring real, much needed voting rights legislation before Congress. | 2020-01-06 | Mr. SCHUMER | Senate | CREC-2023-07-10-pt1-PgS2264-3 | null | noncoded | Voter suppression that targets people of color |
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