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voter fraud | voter fraud | racist | But Abbott pointed to her case as proof that “voter fraud is real and will be punished in the state of Texas.” | 07/25/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Disenfranchisement of minority voters | Informal | null |
voter fraud | voter fraud | racist | The motivation for voter ID laws is nothing to do with preventing voter fraud - there would have to be some proof that it is actually happening on anywhere near the scale of people that these laws are disenfranchising to make that excuse remotely justifiable. | 04/03/2021 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | Disenfranchisement of minority voters | Informal | null |
public schools | public school | racist | With 'educators' in the public schools pushing the trans agenda, could insecure little children be scared into thinking that something as simple as a haircut could change them into the opposite sex? | 04/25/2016 | null | null | GenderCritical | PRAW API | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Informal | null |
public schools | public school | racist | They ARE poor… 1 in 6 children in the US don’t have food security. There are refugees here, we don’t have healthcare, our public schools are failing, and allowing more refugees increases demand for good jobs, food, and housing, of which we already have a shortage. Despite what the left is screaming at you, you can be anti-immigration and not be racist. | 05/21/2022 | null | null | WhitePeopleTwitter | PRAW API | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Informal | null |
soy | soy boy | anti-liberal | Do you also like decaf soy caramel latte, rimmed glasses, lumberjack shirts, pipe smoking, Apple and post-post-modern experimental retro-folk-industrial bands I probably haven't heard of? ;) | 03/17/2016 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberal or establishment Republican men | Informal | null |
soy | soy boy | anti-liberal | All the dude had to do was NOT cry and overdose on soy while watching the stah wahs trailer and he couldn't do that. Now hes going to be a meme | 04/15/2019 | null | null | Braincels | PRAW API | liberal or establishment Republican men | Informal | null |
soy | soy boy | anti-liberal | Say what you will, but animals are meant for human consumption. When the world goes to shit and I know how to hunt my own food, my family will be alright compared to the femboys who only survived off soy lattes. | 11/18/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberal or establishment Republican men | Informal | null |
pede | centipede | white supremacist | If a 70 year old can do 3+ rallies a day for 3 weeks straight then you can finish your homework and run a mile. HIGH ENERGY PEDE CMON YOU GOT THIS | 02/27/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Trump supporter | Informal | null |
pede | centipede | white supremacist | one of these days CNN is gonna cross a REAL based pede - one who doesn't APOLOGIZE - one who isn't afraid to let a lawyer go in and rip CNN a new one (or two) ------- one of these days......... | 07/06/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Trump supporter | Informal | null |
pede | centipede | white supremacist | If you get let go from a job, I don't think there's any shame in taking unemployment. You and your employer pay into it with each paycheck (even if you didn't know it) so it is available to support you should you need it. (Payroll/HR industry pede here) That aside, good luck on your interview! You'll do great! | 12/13/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Trump supporter | Informal | null |
pede | centipede | white supremacist | Way ahead of you bud but, I’m glad you did it - better later then never. It is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and I encourage every pede to delete this cancer from their lives. | 03/28/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Trump supporter | Informal | null |
pede | centipede | white supremacist | I teared up in joy when Trump was elected in 2016, California pede here. I hope they are prosperous. | 12/13/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Trump supporter | Informal | null |
pede | centipede | white supremacist | Disagreement makes me a shill? I've been a pede since before the primaries. When was the last time one of these worked? | 05/26/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Trump supporter | Informal | null |
pede | centipede | white supremacist | Almost 360K pede When they go low, we go high. When they go high (IF they even had the ability to go high), we go higher | 02/02/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Trump supporter | Informal | null |
politically correct | political correctness | racist | Oh Boy, the man will be booted off the airwaves because he is not politically correct .. ever. Closet Trumper and definitely hates the Clintons. | 03/11/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | We should let people be openly racist | Informal | null |
politically correct | political correctness | racist | Yep, was blind back then. Trump opened millions of peoples eyes with his give no shits attitude and politically incorrect stance. We need more like him. Politically Correct silences the truth. | 03/19/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | We should let people be openly racist | Informal | null |
Make America Great Again | MAGA | white supremacist | They've aready forgotten....MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Build the wall, lock her up, sell Puerto Rico to Denmark, kids in cages, fake charities, nepotism, be a sexual predator and support other sexual predators, windmills kill birds, bleach injections cure Covid and Russia, OMG RUSSIA IS THE BEST! Fuck you America, you brought this on yourself. | 02/20/2021 | null | null | WhitePeopleTwitter | PRAW API | Make America White Again | Informal | null |
Make America Great Again | MAGA | white supremacist | John 3:16. The Bible is a book of truth and love and the quran is a basically terrorist handbook. There is only one true god, and you're either with us or against us. Make America Great Again. | 03/26/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Make America White Again | Informal | null |
coincidence | coincidence | antisemitic | Just a little oopsie doodle keyboard slip up, that's all. And it's definitely not a coincidence that podestas art collection features so many children in suspect positions. Or the spirit cooking. Maybe spirit cooking refers to dominos, where they were ordering the logo of pizza that they want to divide up? Btw, how many ways should the slice be divided again? | 06/01/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish conspiracy | Informal | null |
tax cuts | cut taxes | racist | I'm perfectly happy with this strategy. The death of the Democratic party is more important to me than making the tax cuts permanent. | 04/18/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Informal | null |
grooming | grooming | anti-LGBTQ | But just so I get this straight, wanting to fuck little kids is a mental illness but grooming them into drag, oddball sex fetishes, contrived gender identities and brain-washing them into mutilating their bodies because of their favorite color isn't? | 07/25/2021 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | LGBTQ people are predators | Informal | null |
grooming | grooming | anti-LGBTQ | Telling a man they can get pregnant is like saying the earth is flat. I swear, these big techs are grooming idiots | 05/19/2021 | null | null | SocialJusticeInAction | PRAW API | LGBTQ people are predators | Informal | null |
neoliberal | neoliberal | liberal | Republicans and neoliberal democrats don’t want a free market or smaller government. They want big corporations that appeal to them instead of liberals and a big government that bans being trans and puts minorities in their place. They can pretend all they like to believe the contrary, but when the cards hit the table they will always support the police, the military, and the paychecks of the wealthy over us. | 03/13/2022 | null | null | WhitePeopleTwitter | PRAW API | Non-leftist liberals | Informal | null |
neoliberal | neoliberal | liberal | Most of chapo already knows Bernie loses but neoliberal is pretending this isn’t the case for some strange glorified gloat. Get ready for the failbrigades. They’re not much different than Trumptards and will soon face full fascism! | 07/04/2019 | null | null | ChapoTrapHouse | PRAW API | Non-leftist liberals | Informal | null |
neoliberal | neoliberal | liberal | And /r/politics has been fellating each other over Pelosi throwing shade on Trump, and acting as if this somehow redeems her neoliberal fuckery. Fuck Pelosi. | 12/13/2018 | null | null | ChapoTrapHouse | PRAW API | Non-leftist liberals | Informal | null |
soy | soy boy | anti-liberal | The funny thing is, there IS unity in this country, unless you're on the left and have a persistent need for there to be division. Its funny how quickly they resort to violence. Also, that little soy infused man-child would have broke like a sheet of Ice on the cement. An ass kicking would have been a drastic understatement. | 03/09/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberal or establishment Republican men | Informal | null |
soy | soy boy | anti-liberal | Not a single day goes by without a mayocel trying to defend “muh white women”. Can’t believe this crap is the top comment. It’s almost like soy is embedded in their DNA. Stop justifying this shit like a cuck. She tried putting him down for the obvious truth that he can’t get laid because he’s facially disfigured. He should be celebrated, not ashamed for speaking the truth. | 03/04/2019 | null | null | Braincels | PRAW API | liberal or establishment Republican men | Informal | null |
soy | soy boy | anti-liberal | Who the fuck didn't see this coming. u/Board_Gaming is Tee-hee-ing so hard right now. She doesn't even need to blatantly censor us anymore with the consequences of getting the heat put on her. Now she just sends soy boy Gus to do her dirty work. **It's fucking over!** u/gusfestus2 you cucked son of a bitch | 02/26/2018 | null | null | Braincels | PRAW API | liberal or establishment Republican men | Informal | null |
soy | soy boy | anti-liberal | That’s what dead on the inside looks like. “I’m a failure, but look at my shirt. I’m whiter than the walls behind me, therefore I must make up for this travesty. I have nothing else. Soy nation!” | 01/28/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberal or establishment Republican men | Informal | null |
pede | centipede | white supremacist | lol I'm 40+ years pede I don't need an education on what a burner phone is but thanks my man spez: let's crowdfund Chucky a Jitterbug | 01/11/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Trump supporter | Informal | null |
pede | centipede | white supremacist | If a skunk could talk, I doubt it would admit to being the one that stinks. It's everyone else, and mostly President Trump. I won't be watching. If it's any good, hopefully a kind pede will post the synopsis. | 03/26/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Trump supporter | Informal | null |
pede | centipede | white supremacist | > Despite being Atheist, I actually prayed on Election Night for Trump to Win That's brilliant! Haha! Thank you Pede | 02/24/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Trump supporter | Informal | null |
pede | centipede | white supremacist | Tampa pede here. I wish it wasn't hitting overnight I wanted to watch it roll through. Regardless, everyone stay safe we don't need any more voting democrats because of this storm | 09/08/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Trump supporter | Informal | null |
pede | centipede | white supremacist | WE are what they are scared of, ultimately......For good reason, the citizenry is in an uproar the like I have never seen in my lifetime. Maybe a slightly older pede can tell me if 1968 was equivalent or not. Now of course we are not all the way through the revels yet. If this shit show doesn't get you good and angry, you are not a true patriot. spez: I can't grammar so good | 05/23/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Trump supporter | Informal | null |
pede | centipede | white supremacist | If I saw this happen to another pede I'd go medieval on their asses. I'm thinking we need to start carrying maces whenever we get together. | 08/16/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Trump supporter | Informal | null |
pede | centipede | white supremacist | Here you go, pede I used this many times to quiet people who were all OMG TRUMP HAD 4 READ 'EM FOUR BANKRUPTCIES!! FAILED BUSINESSMAN! | 05/23/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Trump supporter | Informal | null |
big pharma | big pharma | anti-vax | Who would dare question the kind, selfless, “humanitarian”, totally up-and-up, NEVER about $$$ or profit PR campaign. Thank you big pharma - we are safe and secure in your arms! | 03/19/2021 | null | null | NoNewNormal | PRAW API | Evil pharmaceutical companies sell poison for profit | Informal | null |
Clown World | Clown World | white supremacist | I mean we saw it when a democrat attempted a political assassination of a sitting senator, we saw it with the covington hoax, the smollet hoax, alex jones being deplatformed. It's a clown world. | 05/18/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | White supremacist signal originating in 4chan troll meme that clowns are racist | Informal | null |
Clown World | Clown World | white supremacist | hITleR hAd A dIfFerENt oPInioN! Yeah, and he was shipping jews in cattle cars to their deaths while simultaneously trying to subjugate the world. This guy was wearing a red hat. But I guess in Clown World those two things are the same. | 08/03/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | White supremacist signal originating in 4chan troll meme that clowns are racist | Informal | null |
Clown World | Clown World | white supremacist | You know what? Men are taking over Mother's Day. If you don't like it you best get out of clown world. Honk. | 05/13/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | White supremacist signal originating in 4chan troll meme that clowns are racist | Informal | null |
Clown World | Clown World | white supremacist | So it's ok for this landwhale to reject ethnics, when our women(except black women) worship white males? It goes both ways. Def a clown world | 05/04/2019 | null | null | Braincels | PRAW API | White supremacist signal originating in 4chan troll meme that clowns are racist | Informal | null |
Clown World | Clown World | white supremacist | it still remains a mystery to this day how they can accuse Trump of exactly what Joe Biden has bragged about doing in public. They are now trying to say what Biden himself admitted to is a conspiracy theory. How far into clown world do we have to go before people start realizing they are being lied to? It's mind-boggling. | 01/22/2020 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | White supremacist signal originating in 4chan troll meme that clowns are racist | Informal | null |
Clown World | Clown World | white supremacist | There’s no sub for men in a gif just girls, yes celebrate how good they are and soooo precious. Clown world | 04/22/2019 | null | null | Braincels | PRAW API | White supremacist signal originating in 4chan troll meme that clowns are racist | Informal | null |
America First | America First | antisemitic | Why would he not answer [Tel Aviv?]( It is the internationally recognized capital of Israel. Jerusalem is claimed by Israel as their capital but also by the Palestinians as well. Do not fall out with your father over politics, especially that issue, declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel was a very bold move. I much prefer America first rather than Israel first, Bush and the neocons did that crap already. | 12/22/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | We need to protect ourselves from Jewish influence | Informal | null |
grooming | grooming | anti-LGBTQ | Basically no sex talk from k-3'rd grade. Anyone protesting against this bill is saying it is okay to teach k-3 sexual orientation and other things pertaining to that. It really should be called the anti grooming bill. | 03/18/2022 | null | null | SocialJusticeInAction | PRAW API | LGBTQ people are predators | Informal | null |
gender crit | gender critical | transphobic | Gender Critical (both subs) is a mixture of actual transphobic radfems and other people that hate trans people/women. There are also some trolls. They aren't all radfems. | 10/26/2014 | null | null | GenderCynical | PRAW API | Self-referential term for transphobic people | Informal | null |
gender crit | gender critical | transphobic | He claims that she said people like him should die, but they translate everything slightly gender critical into saying you literally want trans people to die, so who knows what she really said? Plus they tell us they want us to die all the time and we don’t beat them up for it. | 10/25/2018 | null | null | GenderCritical | PRAW API | Self-referential term for transphobic people | Informal | null |
soy | soy boy | anti-liberal | but did they poll soy drinking, oversized scarf wearing, tight pants rocking, social science degreed, gender fluid hipsters in Quebec? He's killing it with them and do I have to remind everyone they are much more enlightened and intellectual than us simple folk | 04/08/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberal or establishment Republican men | Informal | null |
soy | soy boy | anti-liberal | Damn who knew San Antonio wasn't all a bunch of soy blooded Texans. Its a shame it and Austin are such liberal hellscapes. | 12/16/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberal or establishment Republican men | Informal | null |
soy | soy boy | anti-liberal | Based on the patterns in this person's writing, if it true, they can be easily identified. I still think it's just some soy boy jerkoff fan fiction. I wonder if in 6.5 years, if a Dem is president, if based on all the nonsense we see now will go towards them, or will we just continue on with our lives like normal people. | 09/06/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberal or establishment Republican men | Informal | null |
pede | centipede | white supremacist | I backed him from the beginning, but I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to junk it. I wanted to watch him take down all the rest - and he did! Found myself here two months before the election - watched it happen with my pede fam. (Arkansas, not Alabama) | 03/07/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Trump supporter | Informal | null |
pede | centipede | white supremacist | Senator Graham, you are definitely born again hard! Hell, I may even allow you to serve as a soldier in my beloved Pede Army. | 10/05/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Trump supporter | Informal | null |
pede | centipede | white supremacist | As a Puerto Rico Pede I wholeheartedly agree with their decission. I am **SICKENED** to see people here parading that man as a fucking hero. He should have been left rotting in jail. | 05/24/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Trump supporter | Informal | null |
handouts | government handout | racist | Importing non merit persons into our emerging robotic /VR 1st world environ is lunacy. Decades late are we in need of purging communists from our education system, and too their socially promoting abject incompetence. Our reduced competence in all that is valuable to educating productive adults to simply appease the needs of the DNC for idiots to vote for their handouts is over. Merit... yes | 05/17/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Any money that the government gives to support vulnerable people | Informal | null |
social justice warriors | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Because Social Justice Warriors are parasites, infecting whoever, and whatever, they target. Their express purpose is to Affirmative Action the hell out of it while replacing every semblance of quality and fun with ideological politics and propaganda. That's it. | 03/05/2019 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
social justice warriors | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | We are the Social Justice Warriors. Check your privilege and abandon your critical thinking skills. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own unless you are a filthy straight white man, ew. Your problematic culture will adapt to pander to us. Resistance is harassment. | 02/26/2016 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
social justice warriors | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Huffpost is just a propaganda machine where white people can utilize Social justice warriors to censor people. Nothing good will come out of this for us. | 01/15/2016 | null | null | aznidentity | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
social justice warriors | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | But good luck, most civil rights lawyers are just social justice warriors in disguise race hustling in black neighborhoods, they wouldn’t touch it. | 05/01/2021 | null | null | NoNewNormal | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
NWO | New World Order | antisemitic | They don't like the current globalist NWO cucks because they are against a greater israel and war with Iran... | 11/06/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people control the world | Informal | null |
NWO | New World Order | antisemitic | If you think the cabal will ever truly be defeated you havn't been paying attention, it is on us to pass the ability to fight the good fight onto the next generation, freedom is NEVER more than one generation from being extinguished, we got lucky with Trump and the patriots backing him and the fact the enemy over played their hand early, twenty more years of slowly pushing their agenda an inch at a time and the NWO would have succeeded. | 07/24/2018 | null | null | greatawakening | PRAW API | Jewish people control the world | Informal | null |
NWO | New World Order | antisemitic | For a reason I’d say, I’d heard of Kazakhstan but just not heard of Astana, it’s been made for the elite, the NWO and it’s Real the Masonic, illuminati symbolism is hard to ignore once you know what to look for. | 03/04/2018 | null | null | greatawakening | PRAW API | Jewish people control the world | Informal | null |
NWO | New World Order | antisemitic | As cool as that would be, it wouldnt be very fun. That would mean we would start launching missiles back and forth. Lets try to defeat Islam through Trump first and derail the NWO that way IMO. | 07/16/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people control the world | Informal | null |
NWO | New World Order | antisemitic | A step closer to labeling all dissidents of the NWO agenda as terrrorists. If they cant get a civil war here, they'll amplify their Evil in the Eurozone to drag us all in. Hope whatever patriots in the gov, military or IC, have some international contingents that can break the shadowy elements power overseas. | 07/29/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people control the world | Informal | null |
NWO | New World Order | antisemitic | Manchurian candidate. (it's real) On another note, John Lennon was based as can be. I believe Yoked was not whom John thought she was. I believe she was his NWO babysitter because he was causing too much light to be shown on our government. He was truly based in every sense of the word. | 12/22/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people control the world | Informal | null |
big pharma | big pharma | anti-vax | I don’t think a lot of Reddit is real. A lot of young developing minds spend hours on here. We already know about team Halo being paid by the WHO to make sick tiktoks about how fucking rad MRNA vaccines are. I think it’s safe to assume 90% of the bullshit on here is bots or paid puppets. Big pharma has the deepest pockets and the most evil intent, I’m starting to think big pharma is enemy #1, over big tech. | 05/01/2021 | null | null | NoNewNormal | PRAW API | Evil pharmaceutical companies sell poison for profit | Informal | null |
big pharma | big pharma | anti-vax | This is true, but society does not only consist of Big Pharma and Porn, they are like parasites that are eating society. All the common people around you are suffering from it, few rich fucks only reap the profits. | 03/04/2017 | null | null | NoFap | PRAW API | Evil pharmaceutical companies sell poison for profit | Informal | null |
big pharma | big pharma | anti-vax | If people want to get the vaccine because it makes them feel safe i 100% support them, if someone doesn’t want to take the vaccine because they feel safer not then they shouldn’t be shamed, pressured, or blamed for the pandemic because it’s clear no amount of vaccines are fixing anything in terms of the spread. That and big Pharma and the FDA have been extremely shady with this ordeal and profiting immensely. So I personally am not supporting that as I know I’ll be okay | 12/09/2021 | null | null | WhitePeopleTwitter | PRAW API | Evil pharmaceutical companies sell poison for profit | Informal | null |
multicultural | multiculturalism | Islamophobic | Capitulation by a foreign invader assisted by local government traitors and multicultural propaganda enforced by the metro thought police. | 06/26/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Too many Muslims | Informal | null |
multicultural | multiculturalism | Islamophobic | > A truly multicultural country can never be strong or united. Well, i know she talks a lot of shit, but you can't really disagree with that one, surely. | 06/13/2016 | null | null | MensRights | PRAW API | Too many Muslims | Informal | null |
Baltimore | references to cities with large racial minority populations being overrun by crime, drugs, rodents | racist | Baltimore is going to end up like Detroit, having a lack of police. Then the chimps will start wiping each other out. | 06/04/2015 | null | null | CoonTown | PRAW API | Minorities are dirty and criminals | Informal | null |
Baltimore | references to cities with large racial minority populations being overrun by crime, drugs, rodents | racist | Baltimore will become the east coast Detroit indeed. Now that whites have seen a the ineptitude of a sheboon mayor hopefully at least something good will come of this. | 04/30/2015 | null | null | CoonTown | PRAW API | Minorities are dirty and criminals | Informal | null |
beta male | beta | white supremacist | Liberal campuses are a cesspool of beta male rapists. Why do you think universities are always going on about no means no, emergency rape phones/whistles etc? | 11/14/2017 | null | null | milliondollarextreme | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
multiculturalism | multiculturalism | Islamophobic | I think this video is the epitome of cognitive dissonance. Libs have been brainwashed, indoctrinated and conditioned by a cultural Marxist agenda, disguised as multiculturalism bullshit. | 12/29/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Too many Muslims | Informal | null |
multiculturalism | multiculturalism | Islamophobic | Multiculturalism was a giant social experiment that is going on in reality the harder the reaction will be. | 01/31/2016 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | Too many Muslims | Informal | null |
multiculturalism | multiculturalism | Islamophobic | Alright, I'll come right out and say it, I am a ethno nationalist and I think all peoples, white people included deserve their own state. And yes I used MDE. Go ahead prove to me multiculturalism is better. | 09/12/2018 | null | null | CringeAnarchy | PRAW API | Too many Muslims | Informal | null |
multiculturalism | multiculturalism | Islamophobic | Since when does it matter to the powers that be care what we think? The beast of multiculturalism and diversity must be fed goyim. | 12/14/2016 | null | null | uncensorednews | PRAW API | Too many Muslims | Informal | null |
multiculturalism | multiculturalism | Islamophobic | Multiculturalism is going great in Holland, just like in the rest of Europe (provided that you're a Muslim). | 02/24/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Too many Muslims | Informal | null |
multiculturalism | multiculturalism | Islamophobic | You used to have a culture. You just let yourselves become brainwashed with this idea of multiculturalism to the detriment of your British/French heritage. | 04/06/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Too many Muslims | Informal | null |
cuckold | cuck | white supremacist | She got out of college, and was immediately handed a $600,000 a year no-show job at NBC. That's all you need to know about her and her scumbag mother and cuckold step-father to form an opinion. | 02/24/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberal or establishment Republican men | Informal | null |
cuckold | cuck | white supremacist | Everyone is a corrupt piece of shit. Including Cuckold Trump. -CaptainXNintendo, top-level This subreddit and bot are not in any way affiliated with the moderators of /r/The_Donald. Direct questions about removal to them. | 05/13/2018 | null | null | RemovedByThe_Donald | PRAW API | liberal or establishment Republican men | Informal | null |
cuckold | cuck | white supremacist | Fuck that orange bastard and his cuckold followers. The men are submissive and the women are on their knees as well. Suck, Suck, Suck...just sucking his dick ALL the time. They will even sacrifice Grandma and Grandpa to suck Trump dick...FUCK all of 'em! | 05/03/2020 | null | null | BlackPeopleTwitter | PRAW API | liberal or establishment Republican men | Informal | null |
cuckold | cuck | white supremacist | My sister called my mother and I racist for voting Trump her and her cuckold husband moved an hour away because they didn't want their kid going to a school that is mostly Mexican. | 09/16/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberal or establishment Republican men | Informal | null |
extremism | Islamic extremism | Islamophobic | They believe in very similar ideologies, the only difference is typically Muslims grow up in countries that foster that extremism more. Although if the US was run by Christian law, radical Christianity would increase. | 05/23/2017 | null | null | CringeAnarchy | PRAW API | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Informal | null |
quota | quotas | racist | They’ve clearly met their quota of employing stupid people and now they want someone to do the hard work of thinking and decision making but for half the wage. | 03/23/2022 | null | null | antiwork | PRAW API | Opposition to efforts to achieve gender or racial parity | Informal | null |
family values | family values | homophobic | But they cropped out the woman her half-brother was cheating on his wife with while his wife was cheating on him with her secret service agent. Republican Family Values! | 11/16/2022 | null | null | WhitePeopleTwitter | PRAW API | Opposition to gay marriage | Informal | null |
New World Order | New World Order | antisemitic | George Sorros wants to flood western cultures with Muslim immigration everywhere. My guess is that islam can be so authoritarian, it can be a vehicle to control the population easier. new world order brought to you by tolerance and loss of native culture, borders and language. | 07/08/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people control the world | Informal | null |
New World Order | New World Order | antisemitic | What was done to Katie was an odd suicide by doorknob for that driver in her lane headed right for her. No accident and worrisome there are no particulars on Katie, or maybe keeping her condition secret while being guarded like Ft. Knox. After threats on First Son's and Little Granddaughter's lives, and the missiles that went up from Whilby Island aimed at AF1, pretty close to wishing we could be as ruthless as the demonic democrat hussein new world order b/c we would not miss. | 06/24/2018 | null | null | greatawakening | PRAW API | Jewish people control the world | Informal | null |
New World Order | New World Order | antisemitic | That's nothing. Bill Cooper called it several months before it happened. He said there is a major attack coming that they would blame on Osama Bin Laden but it would actually be the architects of the new world order. He was another conspiracy radio host from Texas but he never made it as big as Jones because he was killed by police outside his house a couple of weeks after 9/11. | 02/05/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people control the world | Informal | null |
inner city | inner city | racist | I hate them soo much. Purposefully reporting what ISN'T news, just to avoid the real news. Breaking! There is NO CONNECTION between democrats and inner city school scores. | 09/19/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | African American neighborhoods | Informal | null |
inner city | inner city | racist | Here here! The liberal white saviors need to stay home and go help inner city kids in the communities they have destroyed. | 02/28/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | African American neighborhoods | Informal | null |
inner city | inner city | racist | want to defund planned parenthood so that millions of inner city, blue State dems can stop getting the birth control pills that slows the growth rate of inner city, blue State dems........does not sound like clear reasoning to me. | 11/19/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | African American neighborhoods | Informal | null |
cabal | cabal | antisemitic | If there’s one thing we’ve learned, if something is allowed to happen without pushback from the Satanic Cabal and enjoys bipartisan support it’s because they’re the ones pushing it. | 02/13/2020 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Powerful group of Jewish people who control the world | Informal | null |
cabal | cabal | antisemitic | He's been working with NK, Iran is next. Trump is trying to get these people out of the clutches of the cabal too. That's where WW (world wide) come in. | 04/26/2018 | null | null | greatawakening | PRAW API | Powerful group of Jewish people who control the world | Informal | null |
cabal | cabal | antisemitic | I've been eating crow for a year and a half when it comes to Trump and I am fascinated by Q. But it doesn't mean that we are out of the woods yet. We may be witnessing a Business Plot 2.0 that will leave us run by a different cabal of Trump's friends. I will give Trump all the credit for taking out the pedovores BUT will continue to watch him like a hawk, as we all should. | 05/20/2018 | null | null | greatawakening | PRAW API | Powerful group of Jewish people who control the world | Informal | null |
cabal | cabal | antisemitic | This whole thing with the Clinton cabal makes my wife so ill that she begged me to keep it all to myself. I pray Hillary goes to jail and a 350 pound unwashed bull dyke sits on her face. | 11/04/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Powerful group of Jewish people who control the world | Informal | null |
religious freedom | religious freedom | homophobic | They always teach it as being about “religious freedom”. It’s the exact same thing they do when teaching that the civil war was about “states rights”. | 05/04/2022 | null | null | WhitePeopleTwitter | PRAW API | Discrimination against LGBTQ people | Informal | null |
cultural Marxist | cultural Marxists | antisemitic | We've been telling you they are commies (cultural marxists i.e. authoritarians working for the overthrow of western civilization) for months now. | 12/28/2014 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | Jewish people are upending society | Informal | null |
cultural Marxist | cultural Marxists | antisemitic | No it fucking doesn't you thick cretin. That's the lie you cultural marxists tell yourselves when people call you and your garbage ideology out. In fact, the most antisemitic and racist people in the entire western world are the cultural marxists. | 07/08/2018 | null | null | CringeAnarchy | PRAW API | Jewish people are upending society | Informal | null |
steroids | steroids | transphobic | Prepubescence gender transformation surgery? I think that's a stretch. I don't know much about steroids or human growth hormone etc. but I think it's probably more likely they've been given the drugs one would take if they were to transition from female to male, but without the surgery. | 09/16/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Trans people are drug abusers | Informal | null |
steroids | steroids | transphobic | Since we don't let other athletes use steroids up until the maximum threshold, neither should transsexuals. | 10/19/2018 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | Trans people are drug abusers | Informal | null |
Subsets and Splits