stringlengths 7
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fat chicks . <repeat> make uggs look like socks . | irony | null |
why do negros dance to the left ? because they have no rights . | irony | null |
what is the difference between a black person and a bench ? at least a bench can support a family | irony | null |
a black woman has seven sons ; jerome , jerome , jerome , jerome , jerome , jerome and jerome . how does she distinguish between them ? by their last names . | irony | null |
how do you pickup a jewish girl ? broom and dustpan . | irony | null |
what is the usual woman 's response to a black guy 's pickup line ? rape ! <allcaps> | irony | null |
my weed is like the qur'an . <repeat> i burn it until i get stoned . | irony | null |
what do you call a muslim feminist ? dead . | irony | null |
so the federal government said we are no longer allowed to call people from indiana " indianians " . <repeat> now we must refer to them as " indyots " . | irony | null |
why do black people take so long to check out at the grocery store ? mixers in one transaction , booze in the other | irony | null |
alabama where eharmony and ancestry are the same website . | irony | null |
when i was in t - ball as a kid , i could tell my coach was catholic as soon as i joined the team from the way he molested me the same way my priest did . i mean like to a t. | irony | null |
Girls I have dated can never estimate measurements. Just make sure you never date a female carpenter. | inferiority | null |
I wish GPS' had an avoid ghetto" setting!" | inferiority | null |
That place was infested with black people. | inferiority | null |
Sorry , that must be my Black coming out. | inferiority | null |
Some guy in my school started talking that way randomly, along with some other effeminate mannerism. Funny, when he came out and we all just said we know. [...] I read somewhere that your true accent is the accent you speak when you are drunk or angry as the cognitive load present in putting on a fake accent vanishes or weakens | stereotypical | null |
I just don't understand it. I think you must just be doing it for attention. When this phase is over and you go back to putting effort into your appearance, you can be treated with respect. | inferiority | null |
Don't worry about Mr. ________. He's just extremely Jewish. | stereotypical | null |
She should be the employeer, and she needs to be a Mexican looking for a cleaning job. | stereotypical | null |
Old woman:: "Schools shouldn't offer free lunches to kids, since that means their parents just take advantage, and don't bother trying to find jobs to support their kids." Me:: "So you think we should allow kids to starve?!" Woman's husband:: "You see [myname], if you give them handouts, these people don't work. When I got out of high school, if you wanted to eat, you had to find a job. Nobody has any work ethic anymore." At a party. Made me feel like I was talking to a compassion-less brick wall. | stereotypical | null |
Person cutting my hair:: So are you seeing anyone? Me:: Not since things ended with my last boyfriend. It was complicated, he was from Afghanistan... Person cutting my hair:: And he was a terrorist? I was going to say that a close family member had died in a bombing and he had to go back to Kabul. But I guess terrorist works? | stereotypical | null |
You're pretty for a black girl. | stereotypical | null |
She's a girl, of course she has mood swings. | inferiority | null |
There's African Americans and then there's black people. There's a difference. Like, Oprah is an African American, but some random black guy off the street doesn't deserve the title, you know? | inferiority | null |
You can't play with them - they don't speak English. | other | null |
Surveying gender is easy because there's only male and female. | other | null |
But you are too strong to be raped. | stereotypical | null |
Believe me, my son is NOT gay. He has never once touched a Barbie, he's built like a linebacker, and he's a real man's man. | stereotypical | null |
No, can you get one of the boys to carry that out? It's too heavy for you. | inferiority | null |
Wait, can I catch your Asperger's? | stereotypical | null |
Bisexual people don't exist. Gay people just say that so they can walk down the hall with a girl holding hands. | other | null |
Your mom is Brazilian isn't she? Maybe she could come to the school sometime for gym and teach the class how to dance samba! | stereotypical | null |
You're a girl. You're not expected to know where it is. | other | null |
I'm male, and am asking this question to non-binary identified people. Why do you give so much of a crap? Why can't you just lighten up, let the thread happen, and ignore it? | stereotypical | null |
Person 1:: That's not your real hair, you're fully black! Person 2:: It's fake, stop trying to convince us that black people can have long hair! Two people in my class talking about my mid-back length curly hair, two weeks ago. I'm a 17 year old Eritrean (East African) female in London. It made me feel disappointed, enraged, but mostly, shocked by their ignorance and outright lack of manners. | inferiority | null |
Oh my God! Yea, that shooting at Haas last week was so crazy! I feel like I go to a ghetto school now! | irony | null |
I like you, you don't act gay. | inferiority | null |
Cool story, babe. Now make me a sandwich. | other | null |
While talking to a co-worker over our break... Co-Worker:: Why do you have all those State Park brochures? Me:: I want to get into camping. I never did much of that growing up. Co-Worker:: You should find an outdoorsy guy to date! Then he can teach you all that stuff. I am a queer woman who is not interested in men. | inferiority | null |
You might want to think about losing weight if you want to get married and have children. Men are very visual creatures. | inferiority | null |
No offense, but that's seriously gay. | irony | incitement |
I'm not going to screen you for STDs because you aren't really at risk as a lesbian. But then again, I don't really know how you people have sex. | white_grievance | null |
I SAID A NORMAL NAME......AMERICAN!! | irony | inferiority |
Lol, Asian gay guys are too girly, I suppose. | inferiority | null |
Doctor:: How did this happen? Me:: My mother pushed me down some stairs when I told her that I'm a lesbian. Doctor:: Oh, that's understandable then. | other | null |
Walks into a post office to buy stamps. Me (Hmong American):: Hello, I would like to get the pixar stamps. Clerk:: *Takes out Chinese New Year Stamps, while smiling like she made my day* I think you'll like these. Me:: *Looks at her and the stamps...* No, it's okay. I'll just get the pixar ones. Clerk:: *Pushes the stamps forward* Awkward silence of me thinking... Me:: Okay *Buys and walks away* Clerk:: Xie xie WTF?! with a tickle in my tummy... Did this just really happen to me...? | stereotypical | null |
You only got into [my university] because you're Native American AND Mexican. I had to work harder to get into this same honors program, and that's not fair. | white_grievance | null |
You mean your boyfriend coded it up in a week! | inferiority | null |
Not all gay men are sissies, but all sissies are gay. | stereotypical | null |
You're going to be the expert on all things African American. | other | null |
Co-worker's facebook status:: Not sure how the guy sitting next to me in class can smell so bad and still be alive. First comment:: Is he Indian? | stereotypical | null |
Find yourself an Asian girl. She'll be more docile. | stereotypical | null |
Yeah, it's like when black people dye their hair blonde and wear neon colors. It just doesn't work! | other | null |
Jihad is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The whole thing is basically founded on going out and killing people for G-d. | stereotypical | null |
Don't pick that up, you're a girl. Let one of the boys do that. | inferiority | null |
You're actually very pretty. Most dark skinned girls don't have your looks. | inferiority | null |
You haven't seen the Godfather movies?! You are not really a man if you haven't seen them. | other | null |
Of course I love you, I just prefer the straight part of you to the gay part. | other | null |
Doing a Physics degree is no way to get yourself a husband! | inferiority | null |
H&R Block employee when my best friend (who's black) and I went to get our taxes done together:: "Employed?" Me:: "Yes." H&R:: "Any children?" Me:: "No." H&R, turns to my friend:: "Okay, and you. Employed?" Him:: "Yes." H&R:: "Any children?" Him:: "No." H&R:: "Are you sure?" Him:: "Um..." H&R:: "Just checking." Him:: "Yes, I'm sure." | stereotypical | null |
There are scholarships available solely for black men, black women, only women, Hispanic men and women...but if there was a scholarship that only a white man could apply for, I bet it would cause an uproar. Just sayin'. Is this fair in today's day and age? What did my generation do to oppress any specific group of people? Isn't it time for equality across the board? | white_grievance | null |
Hahaha, you're so funny! You're not asexual! There's no such thing! Humans are MADE for sex! You just haven't had GOOD sex yet! Someday you'll meet the right guy and you'll want to screw his brains out, and then you'll remember how insane you were to ever say you're asexual! | other | null |
So how much Indian ARE you? I mean, you don't look it. | other | null |
*gasps* You've NEVER had taiyaki* before? You're not really Japanese! | other | null |
So you're really not into men? Like, really really not into men? Are you sure? | other | null |
Classmate:: So, which one of your parents is black and which is white? Me:: My mom is white and my dad is black. Classmate:: (trying to by funny) So, your mom was a rape victim? I was 17 years old. | stereotypical | null |
I just think that the feminist movement glorifies obesity. It should focus on being healthy, because what it's doing now is just as bad as the mainstream media! | stereotypical | null |
I wouldn't call myself a feminist anymore. I think I'm a realist now. I think maybe we're in denial and that men and women aren't necessarily capable of the same things. Maybe women need to make some sacrifices. | stereotypical | null |
God made Adam and Eve, not Adele and Eve. | other | null |
Don't become one of those militant gay people. | other | null |
Go back to China. | incitement | null |
Female Coworker:: So you're driving cross country? Me:: Yep. FC:: Are you gonna stop at hotels or something? Me:: Nah, like I did before I'll just stop at rest stops when I get too tired and sleep in the car. FC:: Oh, well, do you have any protection? Me:: Uh, sure I guess, I mean I have pepper spray and always carry my pocketknife... FC:: No no, I meant do you have a MAN to protect you. Because obviously women can't defend themselves, and men never get robbed or assaulted... | stereotypical | null |
Bisexual is a term that gay guys in high school use when they want to hold hands with girls and feel like a normal person for a change. | stereotypical | null |
That's why black men, like my boyfriend, date us white women. They like REAL hair, real nails, and none of that attitude. Black girls are way too ghetto and too much work. | inferiority | null |
Well you know, you are going to have to deal with some uneducatable black kids. | inferiority | null |
I wish you'd stop calling me a feminist. I'm not a feminist. It's really insulting. I love all that traditional woman stuff, cooking, cleaning, like that. | other | null |
No you can't like him. It's the most disgusting thing to mix a Black and an Asian! | inferiority | null |
I didn't know that such a dark girl could be pretty. | inferiority | null |
If the Japs are offended, then screw them. They should have stayed away from Pearl Harbor." The highest rated comment on a very old and very racist Bugs Bunny cartoon shown on YouTube. 7 macro,race 6 years ago | incitement | null |
Dad:: So what are you taking next semester? Me:: Intro to philosophy, deductive logic, women and modernism- Dad:: Ha! That's a contradiction right there! Me:: Why? Dad:: Modern women aren't logical! | stereotypical | null |
Wow, look at all these black kids. Hey, I bet they all have the same dad. All black people are totally related. | stereotypical | null |
You communicate like a girl, I just don't get it. I'm a guy. You need to just say what you mean! | stereotypical | null |
I believe in equal rights for gay people, but I wish they wouldn't kiss in public. It's gross. | inferiority | null |
Why can't all Black Women wear their hair like yours? | other | null |
After you strip off his makeup and clothes, biologically he's still a man"." | stereotypical | null |
While sitting with a friend, observing the art at Museum of Modern Art, a museum security employee approaches us. Employee:: So, where are you from? (to my friend) Lemme guess, Japan? Friend:: Uh, no, Korea. Employee:: Ah, and you... (to me) Where are you from? Puerto Rico? Me:: No, I'm from California. Employee:: Right, but you probably are Puerto Rican. Me:: I'm not. Employee:: Are you sure? You *must* have some Puerto Rican blood in you! Me:: I assure you, I don't. | stereotypical | null |
I don't know how well this software [facial recognition software] will work in places like Asia because all Chinese people look the same. | stereotypical | null |
I want to make bumper stickers that say ISLAM IS NOT A PEACEFUL RELIGION and sell them. | stereotypical | null |
We don't keep eating utensils in the car. That's what FAT FAT FAT people do. | stereotypical | null |
You're Middle Eastern? Really? It's so good to know there are actually decent Middle Eastern people out there. | stereotypical | null |
But you're not REALLY disabled. You look so pretty! | stereotypical | null |
You can't be a person of colour; you're too pale! | stereotypical | null |
Why are there so many party stores in the ghetto? Like do all the poor people like to celebrate they're poor? | inferiority | null |
She always wears such revealing clothing and flirts with all of these guys when we're out. It's just gross and dangerous. I'm not saying that a person deserves to be raped, but... | incitement | null |
Why do you listen to 'Chinese music?' You don't even understand and they all look the same anyways. | stereotypical | null |
Are you really going to let a GIRL beat you? | inferiority | null |
WHY are you Atheist? | other | null |
Black Student:: Yeah man us Black people don't do too well in water. White student:: Yeah, yall took advantage of that free boat ride huh? An exchange my friend who attends Lake Forest College overheard. | stereotypical | null |
Men are just better at some things. That's just the way it is. Like men are better at driving cars or flying airplanes. But you sure look pretty. | inferiority | null |
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