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ru-en | "У Mercedes-Benz одновременно наблюдается хороший рост продаж и средневзвешенной цены - больше, например, чем у BMW - отсюда и больший рост финансовой емкости, - пояснила гендиректор НАПИ Татьяна Арабаджи. - | "Mercedes-Benz is simultaneously seeing good growth in sales and the weighted average price - more, for example, than BMW - hence the greater growth in financial capacity," explained Tatiana Arabadzhi, General Director of NAPI. | "Mercedes-Benz has both good growth in sales and weighted average price — more than BMW, for example — hence the greater growth in the financial capacity, explained the general director of NAPI Tatyana Arabadzhi. — | 0.274806 | 93 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | По темпам роста продаж фантастические показатели демонстрируют китайские бренды, также значительно увеличившие финансовую емкость в этом году". | In terms of sales growth rates, Chinese brands are showing fantastic results, which also significantly increased their financial capacity this year." | Chinese brands, which have also significantly increased their financial capacity this year, demonstrate fantastic sales growth performance." | 0.274806 | 93 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Российская Lada по динамике роста доходов демонстрирует среднерыночные показатели (плюс 28%), на автомобили этой марки россияне потратили за 10 месяцев 229,4 млрд рублей. | The Russian Lada in terms of income growth dynamics demonstrates average market indicators (plus 28%), Russians spent 229.4 billion rubles on cars of this brand in 10 months. | Russian Lada demonstrates average market indicators in terms of income growth dynamics (plus 28%), Russians spent 229.4 billion rubles on this brand's cars over 10 months. | 0.418228 | 94 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | На уровне прошлого года по финансовой емкости находятся компании, продажи машин которых в штуках в 2021 году упали: в частности, Volkswagen, Mitsubishi и Nissan. | At the level of last year in terms of financial capacity, there are companies whose car sales in pieces fell in 2021: in particular, Volkswagen, Mitsubishi and Nissan. | There are companies at last year's level in terms of financial capacity whose car sales in units fell in 2021: in particular, Volkswagen, Mitsubishi and Nissan. | -1.159418 | 83 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | УАЗ и вовсе в минусе - за 10 месяцев россияне потратили на внедорожники и пикапы этой марки 12 млрд рублей против 12,4 млрд рублей годом ранее. | UAZ is completely in the red - for 10 months, the Russians spent 12 billion rubles on SUVs and pickups of this brand against 12.4 billion rubles a year earlier. | UAZ is even in the red — over 10 months, Russians spent 12 billion rubles on this brand's off-road vehicles and pickups of against 12.4 billion rubles the previous year. | -0.824359 | 63 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | На фоне проблем с поставками автокомпонентов и перебоями в производстве, охватившими весь мировой автопром, автокомпании продолжают непрерывно корректировать цены - тот же "АвтоВАЗ" повышал стоимость моделей Lada семь раз за год, последнее подорожание (на 8-10 тыс. рублей) произошло в конце ноября. | Against the backdrop of problems with the supply of auto components and interruptions in production that have engulfed the entire global auto industry, auto companies continue to continuously adjust prices - the same AvtoVAZ increased the cost of Lada models seven times a year, the last increase in price (by 8-10 thousand rubles) occurred at the end of November. | Amid problems with the supply of car components and production disruptions that affected the global car industry, car companies keep constantly adjusting prices — AvtoVAZ increased the cost of Lada models seven times in the year, the last increase (by 8–10 thousand rubles) happened at the end of November. | 1.605216 | 93 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Регулярно переписывают ценники на свою продукцию и другие автопроизводители. | Regularly rewrite the price tags for their products and other automakers. | Other car manufacturers also regularly rewrite the prices of their products. | -0.176472 | 71 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Объемы автомобильного рынка России в денежном выражении будут увеличиваться и дальше - помимо дефицита машин свой вклад в это делает инфляция, а также стремление автоконцернов отыграть прошлые потери, считают эксперты. | The volume of the Russian automotive market in monetary terms will continue to increase - in addition to the shortage of cars, inflation also contributes to this, as well as the desire of automakers to win back past losses, experts say. | The volume of the Russian car market in monetary terms will continue to increase — in addition to the car shortage, inflation contribution to this, as well as the car concerns' desire to win back their past losses, experts say. | -0.500415 | 67 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | В условиях дефицита автомобилей, я думаю, что многие автоконцерны даже смогли отчасти переложить на потребителя издержки прошлых периодов, которые они не могли закладывать в цену автомобилей ранее, | In the context of a shortage of cars, I think that many automakers were even able to partially pass on to the consumer the costs of past periods that they could not include in the price of cars earlier, | With the car shortage, I think many car groups have even been able to partially pass on to the consumer the costs of past periods, which they could not put into the car price earlier, | -0.095486 | 72 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | говорит аналитик "ВТБ Капитала" по автопрому Владимир Беспалов. - | says Vladimir Bespalov, an auto industry analyst at VTB Capital. - | says Vladimir Bespalov, car industry analyst at VTB Capital. — | 0.471414 | 79 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Полагаю, что в финансовом плане автопроизводители чувствуют себя сейчас очень хорошо, поддерживая высокую маржинальность продаж". | I believe that financially, automakers are doing very well now, maintaining high sales margins." | I believe car manufacturers are feeling very good financially right now, maintaining high sales margins." | 0.471414 | 79 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Косвенным индикатором этого являются темпы роста стоимости автомобилей, которые наблюдаются в течение 2021 года, цены на новые машины растут быстрее инфляции, уточняет эксперт. | An indirect indicator of this is the rate of growth in the cost of cars that are observed during 2021, the prices of new cars are growing faster than inflation, the expert specifies. | An indirect indicator of this is the growth rate of the car cost, observed during 2021, the prices of new cars are growing faster than inflation, the expert specifies. | -1.229288 | 58 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | В долгосрочной перспективе рынок будет расти и в количественном выражении, и в денежном, но в основном за счет инфляции и усложнения конструкции самих машин, прогнозирует Беспалов. | In the long term, the market will grow both in quantitative terms and in monetary terms, but mainly due to inflation and the complexity of the design of the machines themselves, Bespalov predicts. | In the long term, the market will grow in both quantitative and monetary terms, but mostly due to inflation and the sophistication of the cars' design, predicts Bespalov. | -0.338444 | 69 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | "Нам придется направить больше американских и натовских войск на восточный фланг, B9 - все те страны НАТО, в отношении которых у нас есть священное обязательство защищать их от любого нападения со стороны России" - заявил Байден. | "We will have to send more US and NATO troops to the eastern flank, B9 - all those NATO countries for which we have a sacred obligation to protect them from any attack from Russia," Biden said. | "We will have to send more American and NATO troops to the eastern flank, B9 — all those NATO countries for which we have a sacred commitment to protect from any Russian attack," stated Biden. | 1.246348 | 100 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Ранее пресс-секретарь президента России Дмитрий Песков подчеркнул, что у Москвы отсутствуют намерения по вторжению на территорию Украины. | Earlier, the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov stressed that Moscow has no intentions to invade the territory of Ukraine. | Earlier, Dmitry Peskov, press secretary to the Russian President, emphasized that Moscow had no intentions to invade Ukraine. | -4.227888 | 0 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | При этом он указал, что Москва видит проблему в боевом применении Киевом поставленных Турцией дронов, а также в том, что "американское вооружение приближается к нашей территории". | At the same time, he pointed out that Moscow sees a problem in the combat use of drones supplied by Turkey by Kyiv, and also in the fact that "American weapons are approaching our territory." | At the same time, he pointed out that Moscow saw a problem in Kyiv's military use of drones supplied by Turkey, as well as in the fact that "American weapons are getting closer to our territory". | -4.173145 | 1 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Сразу ухожу с таких собеседований. | I leave such interviews right away. | I walk out of such interviews immediately. | 1.246348 | 100 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Если уже на собеседовании меня хотят заставить слушать крики, ждать часами, пить непонятную бурду и ещё чашку мыть - страшно представить, что будет на работе. | If already at the interview they want to make me listen to screams, wait for hours, drink an incomprehensible drink and wash another cup - it's scary to imagine what will happen at work. | If at the interview they already want me to put up with being shouted at, waiting for hours, drinking some sort of balderdash and then washing the cup, it is dreadful to think of what the work will be like. | 0.370471 | 84 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Я себе нормальное место найду, без эйчарной прослойки, где сразу разговариваешь с руководителем. | I will find a normal place for myself, without an emotional layer, where you immediately talk to the manager. | I will find a normal place for myself, without an HR layer, where you talk to the leader directly. | -0.505407 | 68 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Матрас Promtex-Orient Monolit Combi 16 100x185 см | Mattress Promtex-Orient Monolit Combi 16 100x185 cm | Promtex-Orient Monolit Combi 16 mattress 100x185 cm | -0.395922 | 70 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Средний по высоте матрас беспружинной конструкции Промтекс-Ориент Монолит Комби 16 создан из чередующихся слоев натурального латекса и кокосовой койры. | Medium height springless construction mattress Promtex-Orient Monolith Combi 16 is made of alternating layers of natural latex and coconut coir. | The springless medium-high mattress Promtex-Orient Monolit Combi 16 is made of sandwiched layers of natural latex and coconut coir. | -0.149582 | 74.5 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Одна сторона средне-жесткая, вторая умеренно жесткая. | One side is medium hard, the other is moderately hard. | One side is medium firm, the other is moderately firm. | 0.276736 | 90.5 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Изящный белый чехол из жаккарда простеган на синтепоне и дополнен молнией по периметру. | An elegant white jacquard cover is quilted on synthetic winterizer and complemented by a zipper around the perimeter. | The delicate white jacquard cover is quilted on polyester batting and supplemented with a zip fastener along the perimeter. | 0.119013 | 85 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Два вида наполнителя. | Two types of filler. | Two types of fillers. | -0.417326 | 78 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Сэндвич-модель состоит из восьми слоев наполнителей. | Sandwich model consists of eight layers of fillers. | The sandwich model consists of eight layers of fillers. | 0.328127 | 91 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Между плитами латекса проложены тонкие плиты из койры кокоса. | Thin slabs of coconut coir are laid between the latex slabs. | Thin coconut coir slabs are placed between latex slabs. | 0.095017 | 87 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Слоеная структура матраса отличается повышенной износостойкостью, долговечностью и устойчивостью к нагрузкам. | The layered structure of the mattress is characterized by increased wear resistance, durability and resistance to stress. | The layered structure of the mattress stands out with its increased wear resistance, durability and strength. | 0.269849 | 90 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Натуральный латекс по своим характеристикам плотный, эластичный, воздухопроницаемый материал. | Natural latex is a dense, elastic, breathable material. | Natural latex is characterized as a thick, elastic, breathable material. | 1.320705 | 98 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Наполнитель держит форму и быстро восстанавливается после нагрузок. | The filler keeps its shape and quickly recovers after stress. | The filler holds its shape and quickly recovers after loads. | -1.113537 | 78 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Кокосовая койра усиливает прочность изделия, от природы обладает антимикробными свойствами. | Coconut coir enhances the strength of the product, naturally has antimicrobial properties. | Coconut coir strengthens the durability of the product and has natural antimicrobic properties. | -1.113537 | 78 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Сочетание этих двух материалов позволяет создать устойчивое к нагрузкам ортопедичное спальное место, которое прослужит покупателям долгие годы. | The combination of these two materials allows you to create a load-resistant orthopedic bed that will serve customers for many years. | The combination of these two materials makes it possible to create a sturdy orthopedic bed that will serve customers for a very long time. | 0.955569 | 95 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Универсальность и ортопедическая опора. | Versatility and orthopedic support. | Universality and orthopedic support. | 1.320705 | 98 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Матрас подходит для людей разного типа телосложения и возраста. | The mattress is suitable for people of different body types and ages. | The mattress is suitable for people of any build and age. | -0.067468 | 76 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Средне-жесткая поверхность универсальна сбалансированным сочетанием ортопедичности и комфорта. | The medium-hard surface is versatile with a balanced combination of orthopedics and comfort. | The medium-firm surface is universal with its balanced combination of orthopedics and comfort. | 1.246348 | 100 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Обратная сторона модели менее комфортна для мягких тканей, но обладает более выраженными ортопедическими свойствами. | The reverse side of the model is less comfortable for soft tissues, but has more pronounced orthopedic properties. | The reverse side of the model is less comfortable for soft tissues, but has more significant orthopedic properties. | -0.067468 | 76 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Умеренно жесткое спальное место более актуально для тех, кто нуждается в "разгрузке" спины и здоровой осанке. | A moderately hard bed is more relevant for those who need to "unload" their backs and have a healthy posture. | The moderately firm sleeping area is more suitable for those who need to relieve their spines and have a healthy posture. | -1.052831 | 58 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Матрас идеально подойдет как для одного человека, так и для семейной пары. | The mattress is ideal for both a single person and a couple. | The mattress is ideal for one person and for a married couple. | -0.012726 | 77 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Последние особенно оценят наличие устойчивой поверхности и отсутствие эффекта "волны", когда колебания на одной стороне матраса могут передаваться на противоположную, беспокоя человека во сне. | The latter will especially appreciate the presence of a stable surface and the absence of the "wave" effect, when fluctuations on one side of the mattress can be transmitted to the opposite side, disturbing a person in a dream. | The latter will especially appreciate the presence of a stable surface and the absence of the "wave" effect, which is when vibrations on one side of the mattress can be sent to the other one and disturb the person's sleep. | -0.286728 | 57 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Мольберт настольный "Студия" 20*24*54(65) см для холста 40 см. | Table easel "Studio" 20*24*54 (65) cm for canvas 40 cm. | Studio Tabletop Easel 20*24*54(65) cm for a 40 cm canvas. | -0.238695 | 58 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Настольный мольберт "Студия" с регулируемым по высоте верхним держателем. | Table easel "Studio" with height-adjustable top holder. | Studio table easel with a height-adjustable upper holder. | -0.382794 | 55 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Подойдет для холстов небольшого размера. | Suitable for small size canvases. | Suitable for small canvases. | -0.719024 | 48 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Материал - натуральный бук, лакированный. | Material - natural beech, lacquered. | Material — natural beechwood, lacquered. | -0.334761 | 56 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Удобно будет работать как начинающим, так и профессиональным художникам. | It will be convenient for both beginners and professional artists. | It will be convenient for both beginners and professional artists to work. | 0.797501 | 100 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Плавная регулировка угла наклона. | Smooth adjustment of the tilt angle. | Smooth adjustment of the slope angle. | -1.16215 | 78.5 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Оснащен полкой-упором для холстов и планшетов. | Equipped with a shelf-emphasis for canvases and tablets. | Equipped with a supporting shelf for canvases and boards. | -0.005128 | 88.5 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Верхний держатель надежно фиксирует холст. | The top holder securely fixes the canvas. | The upper holder fixes the canvas securely. | 0.255884 | 76.5 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Максимальная высота мольберта - 65 см, максимальный размер холста - 40 см. | Maximum easel height - 65 cm, maximum canvas size - 40 cm. | Maximum height of the easel — 65 cm, maximum size of the canvas — 40 cm. | -0.278679 | 68.5 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Если с подобного номера звонит мошенник, вроде как "сотрудник МВД" или другой силовой структуры, то сразу сбрасывать неэффективно, а заносить в черный список, скорее всего, не успеть. | If a scammer calls from a similar number, such as an "employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs" or another law enforcement agency, then it is inefficient to immediately drop it, and most likely it will not be possible to blacklist it in time. | If a scammer calls from such a number, pretending to be an "officer from the interior ministry" or other law enforcement agency, it is not effective to immediately hang up, and you probably won't manage to blacklist it in time. | 0.820941 | 89 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Потому что для подтверждения своей лжи о причастности к силовым структурам он быстро повторяет вызов и продолжает пугать и уговаривать. | Because in order to confirm his lie about involvement in law enforcement agencies, he quickly repeats the call and continues to frighten and persuade. | Because, to confirm his lie that he is affiliated with the law enforcement agencies, he will quickly call again and continue to intimidate and persuade. | -0.461143 | 62.5 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Например, можно сделать миленькую игрушку для себя или своего малыша, аппликации для творчества, бижутерию, украшения для интерьера и даже предметы одежды и аксессуары. | For example, you can make a cute toy for yourself or your baby, appliqués for creativity, jewelry, interior decorations, and even clothing and accessories. | For example, you could make a cute toy for yourself or your child, some appliques for your art, imitation jewelry, interior decorations and even clothes and accessories. | 0.746941 | 95 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Представьте пару "свалянных" пушистеньких овечек на своей полочке, небольшую фоторамку на стене, красочное ожерелье, которое отлично будет смотреться с новым платьем, или уникальные домашние тапочки, которых точно ни у кого не будет… | Imagine a pair of "dumped" fluffy sheep on your shelf, a small photo frame on the wall, a colorful necklace that will look great with a new dress, or unique house slippers that no one will have... | Imagine a couple of felted fluffy lambs on your shelf, a small photo frame on the wall, an eye-catching necklace to match your new dress, or a pair of unique house shoes that no one else will have... | 0.906253 | 97 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Воплощайте свои идеи, "обваливая" эту замечательную шерсть! | Bring your ideas to life by "rolling" this wonderful wool! | Bring those ideas to life by felting this incredible wool! | -0.368237 | 81 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Мария Карташова, что значит "в ответ на это"? | Maria Kartashova, what does "in response to this" mean? | Maria Kartashova, what does it mean "in response to this"? | 0.428319 | 91 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Я же свои мысли не озвучиваю, я вас всех мысленно проклинаю. | I do not voice my thoughts, I mentally curse you all. | I do not voice my thoughts, I mentally curse you all. | 0.030041 | 86 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Мысленно отрубаю головы всем, кто мне не уступил место, мысленно отправляю в кювет и сжигаю все машины, которые мешают моему проходу, мысленно все! | I mentally cut off the heads of everyone who did not give way to me, mentally send them to a ditch and burn all the cars that interfere with my passage, mentally everything! | I mentally chop off the heads of everyone who didn't let me pass, I mentally send all cars that get in my way into the ditch and burn them, everything in my head! | 0.348664 | 90 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | А с виду я вам даже улыбаться могу. | And I can even smile at you. | And I can even smile at you on the outside. | -2.120659 | 59 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Но я помню, что мысль материальна! | But I remember that thought is material! | But I remember that a thought is material! | 0.52629 | 94 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Петр, Николай Второй за годы своего царствования не подписал ни одного смертного приговора. | Peter, Nicholas II did not sign a single death sentence during the years of his reign. | Piotr, Nicholas the Second never signed one death warrant during the years of his reign. | -0.52484 | 75 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Даже таким беспредельщикам, как Коба и его бригада. | Even to such lawless people as Koba and his brigade. | Even for such extremists as Koba and his crew. | 0.858226 | 100 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | И кровавое воскресенье - это уже выдумка большевиков. | And Bloody Sunday is already an invention of the Bolsheviks. | As to Bloody Sunday — it was simply a fiction of the Bolsheviks. | 0.415645 | 92 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Матрас Comfort Line Hard Classic TFK 180х190. | Mattress Comfort Line Hard Classic TFK 180x190. | Comfort Line Hard Classic TFK mattress 180х190. | 0.415645 | 92 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Матрас, жесткий с обеих сторон. | Mattress hard on both sides. | Mattress, firm on both sides. | 0.858226 | 100 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Природный материал латексированная кокосовая койра не вызывает аллергических реакций и добавляет необходимые жесткость и упругость матрасу. | The natural material latex coconut coir does not cause allergic reactions and adds the necessary rigidity and elasticity to the mattress. | The natural material is latex coconut coir that does not cause allergic reactions and adds the necessary firmness and elasticity to the mattress. | -0.52484 | 75 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Независимый пружинный блок TFK (512 пружин на одно спальное место) подарит неповторимый комфорт и правильную поддержку позвоночника во время сна. | Independent spring block TFK (512 springs per bed) will give you unique comfort and proper support of the spine during sleep. | TFK independent pocket spring unit (512 springs per sleeping area) will provide unique comfort and proper support for the back during sleep. | -0.580162 | 74 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Чехол из хлопкового жаккарда, простеганного на 200 г. | Cover in cotton jacquard quilted 200 g. | Cotton jacquard cover, quilted for 200 g. | -0.52484 | 75 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | холлконе придает защиту и уют. | hallcone gives protection and comfort. | of hollcon gives protection and comfort. | -0.580162 | 74 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Максимальная нагрузка на одно спальное место: 130 кг. | Maximum load per bed: 130 kg. | Maximum load per sleeping area: 130 kg. | 0.415645 | 92 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Моя лошадка. | My horse. | My little horse. | 0.305 | 90 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Домик для пони с аксессуарами, в дисплее 6 шт. | Pony house with accessories, display 6 pcs. | A little pony house with accessories, 6-item package. | -0.635485 | 73 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Очаровательная лошадка-пони живет в уютном складном розовом домике. | An adorable pony lives in a cozy foldable pink house. | An adorable pony lives in a cozy little pink folding house. | 0.747258 | 98 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Если раскрыть ее домик, то внутри одной из его половинок можно установить кухню, а на второй половинке - стол, расставив на нем угощения для гостей. | If you open her house, then inside one of its halves you can install a kitchen, and on the second half - a table, placing treats for guests on it. | If you open it up, you can put a kitchen in one half and a table with treats for guests in the second one. | 0.509401 | 93 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | У пони большие красивые глаза, ее гриву и хвост можно расчесывать щеткой. | The pony has big beautiful eyes, its mane and tail can be combed with a brush. | The pony has big beautiful eyes, with a mane and a tail that you can brush. | 0.414258 | 91 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | В состав набора входят: пони 9 см, расческа, домик (2 половинки), встраиваемый столик (2 детали), кухня (2 детали), аксессуары: ножницы (2 детали), торт с сердечком (2детали), бутылка сока, 2 бокала, чайник, чашка и блюдце. | The set includes: pony 9 cm, hairbrush, house (2 halves), built-in table (2 parts), kitchen (2 parts), accessories: scissors (2 parts), cake with a heart (2 parts), juice bottle, 2 glasses, teapot, cup and saucer. | The set includes: 9 cm pony, comb, house (2 halves), installable table (2 pieces), kitchen (2 pieces), accessories: scissors (2 pieces), cake with a heart (2 pieces), bottle of juice, 2 glasses, teapot, tea cup and saucer. | 0.461829 | 92 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Матрас MIELLA Duet Cocos-Latex DS 90х190х27, вес 27,9 кг. | Mattress MIELLA Duet Cocos-Latex DS 90x190x27, weight 27.9 kg. | MIELLA Duet Cocos-Latex DS Mattress 90х190х27, weight 27.9 kg. | 0.461829 | 92 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Чередующиеся слои латекса и жесткой кокосовой койры дают эффект улучшенной поддержки тела. | Alternating layers of latex and tough coconut coir give the effect of improved body support. | Sandwiched layers of latex and firm coconut coir give the effect of improved body support. | 0.223972 | 87 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Матрас MIELLA Duet Cocos-Latex DS без проблем выдерживает нагрузку до 170 кг на одно спальное место. | The MIELLA Duet Cocos-Latex DS mattress can easily withstand loads of up to 170 kg per bed. | MIELLA Duet Cocos-Latex DS Mattress can easily stand a load of up to 170 kg per sleeping area. | 0.461829 | 92 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | При этом нет эффекта волны: супруги, лежащие рядом, не скатываются друг к другу независимо от разницы в весе. | At the same time, there is no wave effect: spouses lying side by side do not roll towards each other, regardless of the difference in weight. | However, there is no wave effect: spouses lying next to each other do not roll toward each other, regardless of their weight difference. | 0.461829 | 92 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Материалы, из которых изготовлена модель, прошли тщательный контроль качества. | The materials from which the model is made have undergone careful quality control. | The materials that the model is made of underwent thorough quality control. | -0.013886 | 82 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Они вентилируются, не отсыревают, не впитывают запахи. | They are ventilated, do not damp, do not absorb odors. | They are ventilated, do not get damp, and do not absorb odors. | -1.488602 | 51 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Благодаря полноценной циркуляции воздуха создается уникальный микроклимат, способствующий здоровому отдыху. | Thanks to the full circulation of air, a unique microclimate is created that promotes healthy rest. | A unique microclimate is created due to full air circulation and contribute to a healthy rest. | 0.414258 | 91 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Для скрепления деталей использован высокопрочный термоклей. | High-strength thermal glue was used to fasten the parts. | High-strength hot-melt adhesive is used to fasten the parts. | -0.727458 | 67 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Фильм ученицы Александра Сокурова получил европейского "Оскара" за лучший монтаж | The film of the student of Alexander Sokurov received the European "Oscar" for the best editing | The movie of Alexander Sokurov's student received the European Oscar for best film editing | -0.394458 | 74 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Номинированный на премию "Оскар" российский фильм "Разжимая кулаки" получил награду Европейской киноакадемии (ее также называют "Европейским "Оскаром") в номинации "Лучший монтаж", сообщает ""Московский комсомолец". | The Oscar-nominated Russian film Unclenching Fists won the European Film Academy (also known as the European Oscar) award for Best Editing, according to Moskovsky Komsomolets. | According to Moskovsky Komsomolets, the Russian movie "Unclenching the Fists", which was nominated for the Oscar, received the European Film Academy Awards (also called the "European Oscar") in the Best Editing category. | -0.299315 | 76 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Жюри конкурса, голосовавшее онлайн из-за сложной эпидемиологической ситуации, оценило выдающееся мастерство создателей фильма. | The jury of the competition, which voted online due to the difficult epidemiological situation, appreciated the outstanding skill of the filmmakers. | The award's jury, which voted online due to the difficult epidemiological situation, appreciated the excellence of the filmmakers. | -0.346886 | 75 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Максимальное количество наград получил в этот раз фильм Ясмилы Жбанич (Босния) "Куда ты идешь, Аида?" | The maximum number of awards was received this time by the film by Yasmila Zbanich (Bosnia) "Where are you going, Aida?" | The movie "Quo Vadis, Aida?" by Jasmila Zbanic (Bosnia) received the maximum number of awards this time. | -0.646795 | 50.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Главная героиня ленты - переводчица при миссии ООН, которая пытается спасти свою семью во время войны в Югославии. | The main character of the tape is a translator at the UN mission, who is trying to save her family during the war in Yugoslavia. | The female lead of the movie is a UN translator who is trying to save her family during the Yugoslav War. | -0.077652 | 66.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Что до драмы "Разжимая кулаки", снятой Кирой Коваленко (выпускница мастерской Александра Сокурова), то этот фильм рассказывает о сложных отношениях властного отца и желающих освободиться от отцовской опеки взрослеющих детей в Северной Осетии. | As for the drama "Unclenching Fists," filmed by Kira Kovalenko (a graduate of Alexander Sokurov's workshop), this film tells about the difficult relationship between an imperious father and those who want to free themselves from paternal guardianship of growing children in North Ossetia. | As for the drama "Unclenching the Fists", filmed by Kira Kovalenko (alumni of Alexander Sokurov), this movie tells the story of the uneasy relationship between an autocratic father and his coming-of-age children who want to break free from father’s care in North Ossetia. | 1.142646 | 99.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Ранее было объявлено, что этот фильм номинирован на кинопремию "Оскар" как лучший фильм, снятый на иностранном языке. | It was previously announced that the film was nominated for an Oscar as Best Foreign Language Film. | It was previously announced that the movie is nominated for the Oscar film award as the best foreign language film. | -0.144525 | 68 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Как показывают регулярные дружеские встречи президентов России, Азербайджана, Турции, по-моему, вы, мягко говоря, не в теме. | As the regular friendly meetings of the Presidents of Russia, Azerbaijan, Turkey show, in my opinion, you are, to put it mildly, out of touch. | As shown by the regular friendly meetings among the presidents of Russia, Azerbaijan, and Turkey you are, in my opinion, ill-informed, to put it mildly. | 0.41498 | 79 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Только вчера президент Азербайджана одобрил открытие совместного азербайджанско-российского предприятия КамАЗ. | Only yesterday, the President of Azerbaijan approved the opening of a joint Azerbaijani-Russian enterprise KamAZ. | Just yesterday the president of Azerbaijan approved of the opening of a joint Azerbaijani-Russian KamAZ enterprise. | 0.100963 | 72 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
Subsets and Splits