I have a swollen lump under my right earlobe about the sizes of a quarter and it hurts.. the pain is radiating to my ear and it feels like it is poking my ear cannal. Is that serious? I am 47, 52 and 200 lbs. I have been weight gaining for the last two months. I have a history of phyllodes tumor in my breast.
Welcome to Chat Doctor .1. Lump in that location are usually lymph nodal if there is any underlying causes (primary or infective etiology)2. Parotid gland mass lesions seen in this region.3. Salivary ductal dilatation, and can be mass arising from underlying bone.4. It can be confirmed by getting an ultrasound scan done to know where it is arising from and what it consists of and how it's involving adjacent anatomical structures.5. Hope it helps you. Anything to ask ? Do not hesitate. Thank you.
Yesterday I fell off our porch and have a golfball size hematoma in the middle of my shin. Of course it is painful but today it has turned red and below towards ankle is red and hot. I have factor V Leiden and have a long history of blood clots. I am resistant to coumdin and take 150 mg lovenox injections bid. The fact it is getting hot is bothering me more than anything and like I said is very painful and sensitive. Should I go to the ER? Thank you. My email is YYYY@YYYY /
Hello, thanks for writing thanks asking at Chat Doctor, I have read your question, your body is showing certain reactions to the hematoma, the pain and read this causing is generally the symptoms of it. All the Chat Doctor. Since you said that it is hurting I suggest you to consult an ER or a general physician nearby. Taking antihistamines and painkillers as prescribed by the physician may reduce the pain within an hour or so. Wishing you a good health,
I hope you can answer this question and provide me some relief. Why do I have severe itching under the skin of my feet? I have tried many creams for itching; but to NO avail!. It can go from mild to extremewhere I must pull off my socks and frantically itch the bottom of my feet. Again, it is NOT on top of the skin but under it.HELP me, please! I am a very healthy, active person; but this has been going on sporadically for 4 months .Nancy Hoover YYYY@YYYY (Im a high school AP English teacher 925-999-8654
Hello, The itching of the feet (without being able to see anything on the skin itself) could indicate a disturbance in the peripheral nerves. This can happen with diabetes, vitamin B deficiency and other illnesses. I would consult with a neurologist to do a test to see if there is normal sensation to heat, cold, pain and vibration. This could help indicate the cause. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Im on holiday in thailand and taking augmentin that a friend gave cos i got a bad flu (antibiotics prob not for flu, but im feeling better). now another friend of mine is also getting sick, can i give her some of that antibiotics or do i have to complete the course?
Hello Your friend advised antibiotics and you got relief. Now your friend is suffering (another) and you want to give antibiotics. The self-medication is a dangerous trend. The 2nd most important point I want to tell you is that FLU is a viral disease and don't respond to antibiotics. When flu occurs either take anti-viral or simple paracetamol but after the advice of doctor. Since you got relief with antibiotics (maybe mere coincidence). Need not complete the course rather simple paracetamol is sufficient. If you have any problem. Please consult a doctor and get his treatment. Good luck.
My 5 yr old had an ear infection about 15 days ago. He was given keflex at first. The beginning of this week we took him back to the dr s and his ear infection was worse and now put on amox 400mg susp. He has been stating that his stomach is upset, head hurts in the forehead area, and has dark circles under his eyes. Is this normal with sinus issues? My pediatricion stated there is nothing to worry about and to cont to take the medication. We are just concerned.
Hello, Amox is strong enough antibiotics for ear infection. Stomach upset like loose motion is a usual side effect of it. It may be due to the same he is not getting enough rest and having dark circles or head hurting. You can use some probiotics like Darla or Sporadic for stomach upset or use more curd in food. Finish the course of antibiotics as prescribed. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Hello, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Forum. Since your mother is a diabetic patient, she can donate kidney to his son as diabetes is a disease of pancreas. As far concerned about the good health of mother and son it depends upon the donors other kidney and receivers further complications. If every thing remains alright person can survive up to normal age. Mind it in kidney patient serum creatinine level is very important, and it is maintained around 1 at any cost. Infection is another factor which influence the life of a patient (organ transplant). Good luck.
I have been dealing with a nice little interplay between pneumonia and asthma for several months now. That finally seems to be getting sorted, but over the last few days I ve developed what I believe is diaphragm pain. The pain is constant, and also sore to palpate. Do I need to do anything about this, or will it resolve with time?
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. In my opinion, you should consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system, chest x-ray and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test). As pain can be due to either pneumonia or worsening of asthma. So chest x-ray is needed to rule out lung infection (pneumonia). PFT is needed for the diagnosis of worsening of asthma. You may need antibiotics, inhaled bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroid. So better to first diagnose yourself and then start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.
my son was born with 3.800 kg and he had left shoulder dsylocatia in the time of delivery through vaccum and he had jitterness twice but he did not get that jitterness further and now he is good and active and he is normal whether he ll get further complications later
Thank you for sharing your query on Chat Doctor, I have carefully worked through your case, the babies with shoulder dystonia can develop temporary or permanent complications, the most common of these injuries are damage to the brachial plexus nerves, the potential long-term consequences depend on the nature and extent of the injury. Fortunately most brachial plexus birth injuries are transient, the majority of such injuries resolve by 3 months, with a range of 2 weeks-12 months, only a 4 to 15 % result in some degree of permanent injury such as hand muscle imbalance, deformities of the shoulder and elbow and the compromised arm can be 10 cm shorter than the nonaffected arm. Please kindly rate if my advice has been helpful Wishing you a good health Chat Doctor.
pain is like heartburn but in a small area in left breast, not all time, sometimes happens when I drink liquid, and sometimes when I dont (I tend to drink hot boiled water frequently throughout the day) There is no lump in the breast, just this occasional heartburn like sensation inside the breast in a small spot. The sensation is approximately halfway between the cleavage and the nipple (but one inch higher than the level of the nipple). The sensation area is about a one inch circle in size
Hello dear, thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. In my opinion you are having HERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) mostly. But since you have left sided chest pain, better to rule out cardiac cause first. So get done ECG. If ECG is normal then no need to worry much for cardiac cause. Breast related cause is also less likely as you are not having breast lump. You are having mostly HERD. It is due to laxity of gastroesophageal sphincter. Because of this the acid of the stomach tends to come up in the esophagus and cause the symptoms of heart burn. So better to follow these steps for symptomatic relief. 1. Avoid hot and spicy food. 2. Avoid stress and tension. 3. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals. 4. Start Proton pump inhibitors. 5. Go for walk after meals. 6. Keep 2 - 3 pillows under head in bed.
Dear Doctor , my name is manu , age for 30., i will check to ultrasound scan -abdomen and pelvis that scan result for impression
Fatty liver is a condition where Triglycerides (a fat component) accumulates in the liver cells. It is a reversible condition. Fatty liver can arise out of excessive alcohol consumption, or it may be nonalcoholic (as in obese and diabetics). Certain Chat Doctor. Grade 2 fatty liver is mainly a finding on USG, where the liver as a whole looks whiter. It is reversible. The fat deposits in the liver cause inflammatory changes and if allowed to progress, may cause hepatocellular injury, and lead to chronic liver disease. The best way to deal with this problem, is to cut down on alcohol intake (if you take it), gradual weight reduction (if you are obese), reduce intake of fat and refined carboy
21months old infant having fever since a week.. Controlled by fever medicines but appears if medicine not given 6 hourly. No cough or cold. submandibular swelling since day second of fever. Heamogram normal. Typhoid negative. Pls suggest what it could be...Urine routine and blood culture is under testing... What else needed for diagnosis??
Hi, Thanks for the query. I understand your concern. Fever medicine would bring down fever. But complete freedom from the problem need removal of basic cause. (like suitable antibiotic added to fever medicine in case of infection) Fever with submandibular swelling could be a lymph swelling due to infection of the area Chat Doctor. . Accompanied by swelling of lymph nodes at other sites. You have started with many investigations. But in my view a detailed physical examination by a pediatrician would be important in order to make primary impression of the cause & then advise specific investigations to confirm the diagnosis followed by cause specific treatment. Please consult her pediatrician for guidance. Thanks
i have a lump of knot on my shin bone, I have had the knot for years. I am not a sick person. the only doctors that have seen the kont were prenatal doctors and said very little about it. I am scared of what it could be but i would like to have it removed someday if it so able to be.
Hi, Dear,Thanks for the query to My Chat Doctor Clinic. I studied your query in details and understood your health concerns.-Cause of your Shin lump -a-In my opinion-c-this is -Sebaceous Cyst ? Or a Lipo-fibroma ? Lipoma? Or Varicose lump-you being lady. This advice would help you to plan treatment with your doctor. Hope this resolves your query. Wellcome for further query in this regard. Have a Good Day...!! With Regards
I noticed my ankle starting to swell yesterday but thought nothing of it cause I haven t had any injuries , but this morning I could barely put on my shoe , it s huge. It doesn t hurt or anything just really uncomfortable to walk on. What could cause my ankle to swell like this overnight and Could this be dangerous or life threatening?
Hi, You should investigate for sudden swelling over a foot. Hypoproteinemia, liver malfunction, cardiac problem, kidney disease etc. can be the reason for that. For that, I suggest you investigate with SGPT, GOT, EKG, urea, creatinine estimation, serum protein estimation for further work up. According to cause specific treatment given. You should consult a physician for examination and discuss all these. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
Hello. My grandfather was in a nursing home being fed when he threw up and was having problems breathing so he was hospitalized. When he was in the ER, he was breathing on his own but was in pain. We were told he had pneumonia that day and that he was going to be kept. The next day though we were informed that he was having trouble breathing and he had to be out on a Bipap machine to help him breath. He has been in the hospital for about a week now on this machine. The family was told that he had been aspirating food and that it is in his lungs which is causing the breathing issues. He cannot swallow so he cannot eat anything or drink anything because the hospital is afraid that this may go down to the lungs as well and cause more issues. There was talking about using a feeding tube (which he had once before but was taken out) to get him more nutrition in his body but this causes an issue because he cannot breath on his own so the hospital does not know what procedure he can endure. What are some options that can be done in this case so that he can be treated?
Hello rearward welcome to Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your query for your grandfather in details .* This condition is of multifactorial probably multi organ involvement needs precise evaluation of the patient thoroughly, co relation with all supportive reports of laboratory, x-ray and others to comment further. Hope this will help to clear your doubt . Wishing him fine recovery. Always welcome for any further assistance anytime. Regards .
dear sirmy cousin brother (age 16month ) is suffering from liver swelling problemmay be due to his swelling problem he is not developing like other kidsand becoming thinner and thinner each day . we have been gone through many check upsand test as doctor have guided, but still the accurate reasons for swelling isntdiscover yet. the doctors here now have almost given hope but however we are still hoping for good news. sincerely yours,sajan
Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor .... Noted you have swelling over liver area and cause not identifiable... Which investigation have you done??? Here first hemolytic anemia should rule out by relic count and peripheral smear examination with electrophoresis.... If still cause not found then liver biopsy may be needed to rule out alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency or metabolic liver disease.... Detail history through parents and examination needed to look for any metabolic disease like glycogen storage disease.... You can discuss all these with your doctor, and you might get cause for liver enlargement.... If needed complete liver profiling also done... Liver biopsy also useful for identification of embryonic malignancy....If you need USG and CT scan like investigation useful. Hope my suggestion will help you.... Take care//// Chat Doctor. .
Ultrasounds shows a 11 mm left renal cyst. A bright echo with equivocal shadowing is seen along posterior margin and could represent a calcification. No evidence of hydronephrosis. Impression
HelloYour findings may suggest small simple cyst in left kidney with possible small wall calcification. Simple renal cysts are generally age related developmental findings, and it only requires follow-up ultrasound. Renal cysts may require treatment if there is pain, increase in size of cyst, infection etc. Focal wall calcification may be due to many reasons like sequel of past infection in cyst etc. This is not a serious finding, and it is not concerning. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
i was told i have bronchial infection, was given and finished z-pack, and am using inhaler. i feel better, but have noticed a little wheezing, and sometimes cough. i dont want to take a steroid, which doctor said hed give me if i got worse. i am not worse. am i o.k. just with the inhaler?
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion, you are mostly having post infectious bronchitis. It is common after lung infection. It is actually due to inflammatory process in trachea after infection. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and PFT (pulmonary function test). PFT will not only confirm the diagnosis, but it will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment of bronchitis is based on severity only. You will need newer longer acting inhaled bronchodilator like formoterol or albuterol. Also start inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) (budesonide or albuterol). No need to worry about ICS. They act locally without any systemic side effects. They are best in action to reduce inflammation in trachea. Don't worry, you will be alright. Consult pulmonologist and start newer inhaled treatment. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
I had oral herpes 9 months ago which was not treated properly . Due to which i am suffering from post herpetic neuralgia. I am having reccurent dry/semi dry cough for the last 2 months. is it due to post herpetic neuralgia which i suspect coz when the cough starts at the same time i have all that itchings of post heroetic neuralgia.... kindly advice. regards
Hello, Oral herpes is the viral infection which occurs due to many reasons like having intimate or personal contact with someone who infected or touches open herpes sore or something that has been in contact with the herpes virus, such as infected razors, towels, dishes, and other shared items. After the first infection, the virus becomes dormant in the nerve tissues in the face. Sometimes, the virus later reactivates, causing neuralgia like condition. I would suggest you to oral pathologist as well as a neurologist for proper treatment. The doctor may order a viral culture test, viral DNA test, and Track test to confirm the diagnosis. The doctor may prescribe antiviral Chat Doctor.
Had an ultra sound of the right and left abdomen and pelvic area (internally) Came back with a fatty liver, which I also had 4 years ago! 4 years ago I had the same symptoms, had an Ultra sound and a ct w/dye & a colonostophy. Results, small kidney stone.Symptoms are, Dull ache mostly on right side at waste line other times left side, sometimes to the right of my belly button a bloating/aching feeling. I wake up in the morning and fill great. And I have a great bowel movement 1-3 times a day no blood. (Sometimes, it feels like a pregnancy) but I am 59 years old and stop menstrual cycle at 39. I have a lot of stress in my life, taking care of my 91 year old mom , 70 year old stop father and a husband that doesnt work.. Primary doctor says its inflammation cause the aches.I weigh 159 & 5 tall, for the most part I eat good. I drive a small car in sales, in and out of the car, sit in front of the computer for work. Bottom line it is discomfort aching feeling, whicChatDoctores and goes. I can touch wear it aches!
HelloThanks for writing to ChatDoctorFatty liver in your case is most likely due to obesity. So, you should try to reduce your body weight. Fatty liver is reversible stage. You need few more investigations like routine hologram, LFT,FT, Lipid profile, RBS. You should try to reduce stress in your life. Furthermore, you can try yoga and meditation. Psychological assistance can be given if needed. You also need gastroenterologist opinion for vague pain abdomen. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
I am a 19 year old female and i have been experiencing sharp shooting pains in my neck and head for a couple months now. I have been to a neurologist offering me no answers. I have had a CT scan and x rays, as well as a spinal tap. For the past couple days my shoulder and left arm have been having shooting pains that radiates into a dull, heavy, painful feeling. My chest feels extremely tight as well. Is this realted? Should i go to the ER again?
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, all these symptoms are related. In teenagers, undiagnosed stress and anxiety are very common. And these can cause multiple pains at head, neck, shoulder along with chest tightness. So better to consult psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. Try to identify stressor in your life and start working on its solution. You will also need anxiolytic Chat Doctor. Calcium and vitamin D 3 supplements are also beneficial for multiple pains. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
i am sinto form India. i am 23 year old.i am facing problem with my eosinophil count from last two years. due to that breathing problems & cough problems. i am taking treatment but not get positive result so please advise us the further..witch treatment is good homiyo,ayurvedha or alopathy ??
Hi I would recommend you to take a allopathic approach as I am an allopathic doctor and these generally work provided your diagnosis made would recommend you to consult a pulmonologist and get evaluated in form of Chest X-ray spirometry and few other tests to determine whether it is asthma, allergic lung disease, or allergic bronchopulmonary aspergilli or any other illness with high eosinophil counts like Chung Strauss disease me know if you have anymore questions wish you a healthy life ahead.
I have a friend fighting a glioblastoma x 2 years. Has now been told he has cirrhosis and hepatitis C. Receiving Avastin therapy. Are these liver problems from therapy or were they underlying all the time and if so, shouldnt all of this been checked before going through 2 major brain surgeries and all the chem and radiation?
First, he has hepatitis C. So the hepatitis C may have cause the liver problems, not necessarily the nuroblastoma or the chemotherapy can be blamed for the liver issues. The infection is a strong risk factor for liver failure too. As for the surgery, usually a check-up is always performed before a big surgery. Chances are that his levels were normal then. In that case, a doctor cannot always predict if the failure will result in times to come. Besides, we have to take into account what is the most dangerous condition for the patient. Some hard decisions are usually taken according to what will benefit the patient most. Usually this is done in consultation with the family of the patient
What might be the cause/causes of a blackout? I am 68 yrs old, reasonably healthy, with no diagnosis of any heart or brain problem, but recently woke up from a blackout with no clue as to the cause. I have been to a brain clinic and other doctors so far, but they are not telling me anything about what happened to me, and are saying there is nothing wrong with me. I don t believe them I m sorry to have bothered you. I did not realize there was a fee to ask a question, but I do understand. right now, I don t even have sufficient funds to pay for a phone, so I need to be vrey cautious of how I spend the $$ I do have. thank you anyway,
Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor. I understand your concern. If the doctor did a good clinical examination, conducted tests like EKG, Holder monitoring and a CT scan with contrast and then told you that there is nothing to worry, then you have nothing to worry. You probably had a vasovagal syncope which is nothing to be concerned about. But avoid being in places of danger where you may be harmed, should you have another episode. Take care
Hi my name is Annette. I have a 2 year old little boy who is complaining of genital pain. He seems to get some relief when he pees, but at the sametime i see him really pushing to pee. He pushes so hard that the tip of his penis turns blue, then when he stops pushing it goes back to normal. He is not complaining of pain when he pees and he has no redness swelling or even fever. He is playful and acting normal and then all of a sudden he grabs his genitals and says it hurts.
A careful examination to the tip of penis can exclude metal stenosis which is the presence of small opening of the urethra, which can cause pain among urination or struggling with it.another condition which can cause this is crystalloid which is the presence of crystals in the urinary tract, and once it's inside the urethra it's painful through urination or just after urination, and it causes obstruction to urinary flow .the other common cause of this problem is cystitis which is a lower urinary tract infection .the last two conditions can be excluded by doing a routine urinalysis and 24 hour urine collection for calcium, creatinine, urine acid and oxalate. I hope this helps
Hi, they put me on cephalexin for infection that I have above my lip, got put on it yesterday 3 times a day and its 500 mg. When will i see results? And its still swollen and red in one area.And is ok to swollow the pill I hope cause they did not say like one of the pages that you should not so I hope thats ok. They said they are not sure what happen and I think maybe I got bitten or something cause there was a mark there and know like I said still a mark but red around it and I was running a temp also of 100
Hi. Thanks for the query. As per your symptoms of having a red and swollen area above the upper lip and having raised body temperature can be either due to allergic reaction to any bee sting or can be due to infection like Hair follicle infection. As you are being treated with Cephalexin that is an antibiotic, and you have taken 3 doses without any side effects you can continue taking the antibiotic for the prescribed time period by your physician. You can also take Acetaminophen or Tylenol for reducing body temperature. Topical application of steroid ointment can help in reducing inflammation and discomfort. Hope this helps. Regards.
hi i am a fatty liver patient dr suggest me hepa merz syrup and losec(omeprazole) can u guide me about omeprazol and hepa merz s side effects bcz in past i was also patient of shatricaa pain in my right leg and currently i am a blood pressure patient thankx
Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor, and thanks for posting your question. Coming to your question, HEPA mere contains orbiting and aspartame, which are commonly prescribed in liver disorders. It is mainly useful to detoxify ammonia. Side effects of HEPA mere are mainly nausea, vomiting and abdominal discomfort, but they are very rare. It should be avoided in renal insufficiency, if creatinine is more than 3\u00a0mg/DL. Omeprazole is proton pump inhibitor, and it decreases the production of acid in stomach. You can site all the side effects of omeprazole on Google, but again they are very rare, but can commonly lead to stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and headache. If you have symptoms like convulsions, blurred vision, confusion and kidney problems, then you should stop the Chat Doctor. Hope this answers your question and ask me any of your further relevant queries.
Looking to get a 2nd opinion on knee pain. Had an MRI done in Sept. Showed damaged muniscus and cartilage. Did 8 sessions of physical therapy. Helped by strengthening my leg due to walking with a bad limp. Continued to have pain so had cortisone shot in November. Now back to pain constantly
In its early stages, arthritis of the knee is treated with nonsurgical methods. Some of the more common options include changes in activity level, pain relievers such as acetaminophen or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. another treatment option is a procedure called viscosupplementation. In this procedure, a gel-like fluid called hyaluronic acid is injected into the knee joint. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance found in the synovial (joint) fluid. It acts as a lubricant to enable bones to move smoothly over each other and as a shock absorber for joint loads. People with osteoarthritis (\"wear-and-tear\" arthritis) have a lower-than-normal concentration of hyaluronic acid in their joints. Viscosupplementation may be a therapeutic option for individuals with osteoarthritis as probably your case seems to be. There is a course of these injections for longer term reliefYour doctor may consider it if it agrees
My grandson has what appear to be hives (vs a rash) on his legs and arms (mostly) I see one on his abdomin. Any idea what this may be, or how to treat? He does have exzema, and today, we put chortisone cream all over his body (which we do as part of his regmine. Ususally just where he is dry, but my daughter did put it all over him today).Thank you!
Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor. From your description, the possibilities of the rash on the extremities include muscular eczema or popular urticaria. While muscular eczema is a type of eczema, popular urticaria is a reaction to insect bites commonly mosquito bites. This is commonly seen in child Chat Doctor. While cortisone cream will help in treating the rashes, remember that you cannot use it\" routinely\". It is a mild steroid and has to be discontinued once the rashes subside. (2-3 weeks)To prevent recurrences, use a moisturizer twice a day. useful arm shirts and trousers so that his extremities are covered, and mosquito bites can be avoided. Hope this helps you. Take care.
Hi, Im a 20 year old female and Ive been battling mono for a few weeks now and this past week has been the worst. Im suffering from extreme swelling in my tonsils and lymph nodes in my neck. I was just prescribed prednisone yesterday to help with the swelling and although my tonsils seemed to have gone down, my lymph nodes have not. Is there anything in addition that I can do to reduce the swelling? My second question is that I am also having a difficult time speaking because it hurts when I do so. Is this normal?
Welcome to Chat Doctor .1. The lymph nodal enlargement is because of the consular infection in your case.2. Do not worry, everything take its own time, give at least 5 days for complete cure.3. Comming to lymph nodal enlargement, it does take a bit more time.4. Nothnig to worry, speaking difficulty also gets better soon.5. Hope it helps you, wish you good health. Anything to ask ? Do not hesitate. Thank you.
Hi, I understand these services cost money, which i don t have and U have no idea how sorry I am because if U could help me, there is no limit to what I would pay you. I had my 5th MRI , since 2007 I was diagnosed with severe spondylotic changes, significant levoscoliosis to the left & is now a worry they say about my heart & lungs. Also lg. left lateral disc bulges @L4-5 & L5-S1 w/hard & soft disc material create severe neural foraminal narrowing at these levels. Also Central Canal Stenosis . I went to see a Orthopedic Specialist, he met w/a team of surgeons & they said NO WAY for surgery, I am 47 and my scolosis has increased 12 degrees in the past 18 months & the Dr s said, we have never seen that & it is like a once in a blue moon . My pain is unbearable. My DR. had me on oxycodone (3) 15 mgs every 4 hrs., for 15+ years, she has recently cut me back to 30 mgs every 4 hours & said in 7 days she will cut more. Reason, she said to much negativity w/oxycodone + she lost her license to write scrips & this DR office is cutting across the board on all chronic pain patients. All I want is to have a life, or at least some quallity of one. I have been diagnosed 7 yrs ago for major chronic depression and GAD . I hurt so bad I do not know what to do or who to go to for help now. I know you are paid for your service, I wish I could..... Thank you (there is more) but I guess that is enough typing because U probably never will get this anyways, so have a good day....
Hi, thanks for writing to Chat Doctor. As you have been on pain medications since many years, there is a high possibility for you to suffer their adverse systemic reactions. I suggest you to try RADIO FREQUENCY ABLATION which is said to give significant relief from pain in patients with Chronic back pain. Its effect may last anyway between 6 months to 2 years without the need for taking daily pain pills. Hope this information is helpful. Good day
I have a stinging feeling in my left chest area. Its is not currently all that intense, but it does go and come. My left chest area is the only place I feel it and thats why it concerns me so much, its just above my heart area. Im a 56 year old Black woman who is very concerned about the risk of heart attack. I have gone to the doctor many times about similar problems and different pains in this same area. I have had every heart test known to man, I think. Im always told my heart is fine, but this or things like this keep coming up. Last visit to the doctor to check on my heart resulted with me getting to go home with a bag full of Nexium pills to take. What should I do?
Hello! Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! I read your question and understand your concern. Your symptoms seem to be caused by musculoskeletal pain or anxiety. They don't seem to be related to any cardiac disorder and the fact that all your previous cardiac tests have resulted normal, is another argument in favor of an extra-cardiac cause. Is the stinging feeling modulated by body movements or breathing? A musculoskeletal pain would be modulated from the respiratory movements. Does medium make any changes to your condition? Have you tried any painkillers? I would not exclude a pinched thoracic nerve, which could mimic a similar clinical scenario. I recommend consulting with the neurologist for a careful physical examination for neurological signs and performing a chest x-ray, a routine blood test and a cervico-thoracal spine x-ray to exclude any other possible cause. If all the above-mentioned tests result normal, anxiety would be the most probable diagnosis. Hope to have been helpful! Best wishes,
yes please I have had 4 total hip replacements on my left side. And it has been 2 and half years. And the replacement slips every time I take a step and I get a sharp pain that jolts through out my hip joint and down my leg to my toes and it is fire ants YYYY@YYYY .
Hi,First it's sad to hear you had 4 THR on one single side. Well, now the pain you are facing from hip till the toes is nerve induces. What will be happening is due to the weakness in the core muscles, spinal muscles and hip muscles this sort of pain arises. It is not difficult to get rid of the pain. In fact it will be more easy and by doing certain exercises your hip will also become stronger to hold the THR implant. Try to meet up a physical therapist who can assess you once and then guide you exercises for core stability, spinal muscle strengthening and hip muscles. As when exercises are performed under supervision there is always a benefit for accuracy and no chance of having any other issue. You should work out on both sides rather one side. As body functions as a single joint unit. Unity is the biggest strength, so when all the muscles above and below the hip joint becomes stronger there will be no chance for the hip to dislocate again. Also, this will be a little slow process, but it will surely help you. I have seen many cases with THR and some really unimagined cases, but to be honest with the grace of god all went well with all of somewhat you need to keep is the patience and faith in your own self to strengthen the muscles, which will give you immense stability for you. If you have more question you can ask me directly, Thank you
I see my chiropractor regularly and have for years for chronic sciatica, lower back and nerve damage. I know I have hemorrhoids, but don t have ongoing issues with that. Lately the bottom of my tailbone feels like it has been bruised and hurts when I sit a certain way. I teach first grade, so I am always moving. I have always been an active person, and many times overdo things.
Dear Sir/ Madam, Thank you for posting you query on Chat Doctor.come advice you to take proper rest. Do not try to over stress your self. I suggest you to take specific ergonomic posture.1. Keep your back straight, maintain all 3 natural curves in your spine2. Distribute your weight evenly on both hips3. Keep your head and neck aligned over your shoulders4. Sit back in your chair; your back should be supported by the seat back5. Adjust your chair height so that your hips are slightly higher than your knees6. Be sure your feet are supported by the floor or a footrest7. Avoid being in one position for long periods of time; get up from your chair at least once every 30 mins or vice versa8Do not twist or bend your backlog with this point i would recommend you to strengthen your back. Hot water fermentation will help in reveling soreness and pain, do it multiple times in a day. Apart from this I recommend you get additional investigation done like X-ray and MRI, to see the level of nerve involvement. You can always stay active, but do not overdo anything which increases your pain. Hope you find my advice informative, and please revert if you need nay further information. With best wishesTehzib Sailed(PT)
hi I am in USA and having dental pain. I went for consultation and doctor tolds me that at upper right side after last tooth Gum is cut and is exposing some nerve. Which is causing me headache . He applied cavity - varnish by 3M and gave me ibuprofine. Its give me relief for couple of hours. I will be here for next 2 weeks . Is there any way to prevent it for some more time.. and as of now I am taking one 200mg ibuprofine a day. How long can i continue with that. Can i increase it to twice a day . Thanks sachin
Hi, Thank you for the query. The history what you gave suggest of gingival recession exposing the root fur cation or a deep cervical abrasion of the teeth. So application of cavity varnish can give you relief for some extent but the infection due to it may not respond to this treatment. You have not specified your age, I suggest you to take keterol-dt 2 tablets at once by dissolving them in water which will give you relief for 6 to 8 hrs when you have severe pain or else eugenic plus along with a course of antibiotic can be taken to postpone your treatment for another 2 weeks and get relief from pain. Another thing to be taken care is avoided very hot and cold foods and use a sensory rapid action toothpaste soot hat if the pain is because of sensitivity it might reduce. Hope this information will help you.
I have a friend with severe back pain she cannot bend, lay flat or take deep breath. It is localized in the center of her lumbar region. At the base of the small of her back. Its been 4 days and it has gotten increasingly worse and now her feet look discolored. There is bruising and swelling at the site but no pain in legs or limbs. She does not remember injuring it but says it started sore wednesday and by wed. Evening was locked up and excrusiating does this sound like a muscle, disc or other injury. Im really concerned
HiT hank you for asking ChatDoctorI have gone through your query. Your problem is most likely a lumbar intervertebral disc injury. A physical examination with an Orthopedic will give clue for that and an X-ray followed by an MRI of Lumbosacral spine if needed will be required to confirm it. Peripheral pulses also should be looked to rule out any vascular blockade. For such condition in my patients I advise NSAIDs like Diclofenac muscle relaxants like thiocolchicoside and neurotrophic Chat Doctor. I also send them for physiotherapy after a short resting of 4 to 5 days. Hope this may help you. Let me know if you have any further query.
i am worried about my son all he does is complain about his stomach hurting and every so often he complains of his butt hurting as well. this did not start until he first started school and he first got strep and they started him on antibiotics back in august.
I presume he is about 5-6 years old. Is there any element of coercion in making him eat his food? Are either of you among the parents forcing him to eat food against his wish? If you are, then that is the cause of his symptoms and not some gastric illness. I don't think this problem is at all related to the school event that you described, or to the use of antibiotics. The butt pain could be due to some injectables given to him in his butt area. If not due to that, you should get him checked by his pediatrician.
Dear Dr., I recently suffered a miscarriage. I am now given folinext D and Matilda forte. I am thelessamia minor and have low level of B12. Can folinext D and matilda forte be taken together. I have this doubt as the formula has many things in common so will it cause some problem?
Hi, Based on the findings of low vitamin B-12 your doctor has advised you take multivitamin supplement Malta forte which contains substantial amount of vitamin B-12 and folic acid. Folinext-D is an omega-3 fatty acid is also found to be useful for patients suffering from thalassemia. Continue taking them as prescribed. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
I thought i jarred my left hand pinky but it seems alot worse. A week later, and after icing the area the distal phalanx is still extremely red, and hot and tingling. My whole pinky is still very swallon and hard to straighten. What does this sound like to you? and should i get it examined further?
Hello, The symptoms seem to be related to parochial which is a nail infection. I suggest using cold compresses for local application. I also suggest using anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen to relieve the inflammation. Furthermore, I recommend using an antibiotic cream for local application such as Newsprint cream. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
sir,i m raj.i had been taking rosuvas f20 now ,I m taking present my cholesterol & triglyceride is normal. however my bp is 135/92.i m also taking 75 mg thyronorm for hypothyroid .uric acid is 7.sgpt & sgot increased .sir,what is reason of increasing bp.
Rosuvastatin can cause increase in liver enzymes. If the levels of enzyme remains persistently high 3 times the normal then rosuvastatin should be discontinued. Moreover lifestyle modifications like decreased salt intake and to avoid vegetables like tomato, cabbage, Tanzania bhaji, etc. may also keep your uric acid normal. Do brisk walking daily for 30 minutes. I think this will all help to control your BP.
Hi I can understand your concern... Let me know you in your report all normal except motility.... Rapidly progressive sperm usually greater than it is less.... Second non-motile sperm usually less than 5 to 10% .... But here it is more ... This can create problem in conception. So cause searched for before that confirm abnormal result by just repeat semen analysis second time ....3 days sexual abstinence should there before recollection. Rule out following etiology ....-excess stress-heat that is hot shower and tight under cloth -hormones and steroid-smoking -alcohol -vitamin and mineral deficiency You can take hey forte tablet which contain selenium, coenzymes Q, zinc and antioxidant which help in improve motility. Consult psychiatrist or sexologist for this. Take care
Hii, may nswer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...HiI have lower abdominal pain most to the lower left but also on the right hand side and lower back - I went to the doctors and he said it was tender glands near the pelvic area.. he has given me Metronidazone to help and it doesnt seem to have worked.. this is my 4th day taking them. I have had a smear and vaginal swab done so waiting on results. Is this something to be concerned about?
HI welcome to Chat Doctor. I understand your query and concern. Your symptoms are suggestive of pelvic inflammatory disease. Get investigations like Transvaginal ultrasound and Urine culture. You need to start antibiotic course by consulting your gynecologist. Take 3-4 liters of water daily. Maintain Or genital hygiene. Practice safe sex. Also get Culture sensitivity to know the exact organism. Treatment should be initiated immediately or else it leads to complications like Infertility, endometriosis,cysts in the ovary. Consult your gynecologist at the earliest for expert management. Post your further queries if any. Thank you
Hi dear I read your problem of shortness of breath, Rhinitis and a lot of skin brown spots. U also have lack of energy, dizziness,tiredness also. First u go to GP for investigation.1-Hb2-CHEST X RAY3-PFT4-GBP5-ECG The cause of your problem is decreased immunity and Liver function abnormality. For acid reflux there may be defect in LES tone, abnormal positioning of gastroesophageal June and abnormal relaxation of diaphragm. For asthma presence of allergens, infection,emotional stress, vigrous exercise, cold,environment and air pollution can develop this condition.First u go for investigation and then reply for the reports then I can solve your problem. Thanks for query.
Hello doctor, My baby is 36 days old.i am giving him lactozin 1 and breast feeding also but I am worried if I feed him bottle milk then he sleeps for hours but if he is breastfeeded of mine then he sleeps less and feel hungry quickly and urinates more.Doctor what to do? Every one is getting angry not feed bottle milk but if I feed then my baby by no seconds he sleep and stop drinking. Please help me and from last two days he is having gas with peculiar smell,stool once a day but bit tight. Waitting for reply doctor.
Hello madam, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and understand your concern. I would like to make suggestions for you as follows
hi doctor my 1year old son is having loose motion for last two weeks i am given him treatment for child speaclist my baby was normal but last two day again he is having loose motion he is 5 to 7,8 time to stool in a day i am not feeding breast him because i am working women please suggest as to how can me get him morions to normalise and what to give him to eat we are very much worried
Hello, Your child is having loose motions and this is the second episode in 2 weeks. I wanted to know was your child prescribed zinc for the previous episode. If not, then please give him syrup zinc 20 mg per day for 14\u00a0days. Zinc improves the immunity of the gut and helps to prevent future episodes of gastroenteritis. Regarding his diet giving him curd/ yogurt, banana and chichi will help. Hope that helps. Preeti
Hello sister is 22 year. .she has seizure history of 7 year. .In this year she is diagnosed. .With hodgekin lymphoma Mixed cellular it, stage unfavourable doctor advise d to take ABVD chemo of 4 cycle after day1 chemo .now she has completed 4 chemo we had AGAIN PETCT SCAN..SCAN report suggest bilateral subcontinenter level 2 nodes are seen rest of the neck region are unremarkable. .Both lung shows faint defused ground glass Opacification .A few low density media sternal nodes are seen largest size 1.4cm ..sir can it be perfectly cured...
Ground glass opacities in the lung can have a very extensive list of causes. Lymphoma itself can certainly cause this, but even minor infections can do this as well. Aspiration of saliva that occurs during a seizure can cause inflammation of segments of the lung as well. The location of the opacities is sometimes helpful in differentiating. Also, their course over time can also be another factor to help differentiate causes. If it is lymphoma, it will not get better on its own and will need further treatment that can be discussed with the Oncologist. If it is an infection, it may improve or resolve. I hope this answers your question.
I was diagnosed with DID a couple of years ago though I was told I had multiple personality disorder in 1992. I blackout often, faint, etc. My ARNP states there is no treatment for that other than therapy. Is this true. Im having dome pretty bad transitions and they are lasting longer. Its kinda weird Im new to this. Didn t want to admit it
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Up to one extent your ARP could be right. Most of the MPS cases manages themselves with the help of Occupational therapy and Rational Emotive Therapy and meditation. As long as your multiple personalities do not hurt you or make you to do socially unacceptable things, it needs to be ignored. Mindful ignorance creates a vacuum between you and the inner self and slowly the trouble can be lessened, again up to an extent. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
I am 15 and recently have been experiencing a faster heart beat lately. This happens when I get up and walk, when doing exercising, and while laying down. I have been an active person all my life and still am now. However I have not been eating very healthy. I need to know what I should do about this, and how I could help this. My stress level is a little high right now because of finals coming up.
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion, your palpitations are mostly due to high stress level in you. But at your age of 15 years, we should first rule out arrhythmia (rhythm disturbances in heart) as a cause for your palpitations. So get done ECG, 2d echo and Holder monitoring (24 hour continuous monitoring of ECG). If all these are normal then no need to worry about major heart diseases. Control of stress and anxiety are needed in your case. For this better to consult psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. You may need anxiolytic Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright. But first rule out arrhythmia. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
im 30year old ,i havent baby till now ,married from 13 month, my weight 65, cycle regular every 28 or 30 day max but the last period after 36 day from the last one whats the analysis i need to be sure theres no problem with me & my husband 31years ,weight 75,has problem in motility he take treatment for this from 11month
Welcome to Chat Doctor, As you are having regular 28 to 30 days cycle, and occasional cycle of 36 may happen due to stress or hormonal imbalance. It will rectify on its own. As you mentioned your husband has motility problem, if it is sperm motility problem then it could be the reason that you are not conceiving. At least 50% motility of sperms is required. As it is more than 1 year since you are trying for a child, I recommend you visit your gynecologist who will do a full examination and test and give appropriate treatment. Hope that answers your question, Chat Doctor.
If I sit for 30 minutes or more I have problem with my knees getting out of chair. I do have pain down the side of my legs. I eat healthy and exercise at least 4 times a week. I m a 54 year old female and take no medications. Do you have any suggestions as to what may be causing my knee pain?
Hi, thank-you for providing the brief history of you. As you are 54 there will be degenerative changes in the normal physiological process of the body. Exercise and diet is good for making the physiological responses better, but the degenerative changes cannot be predicted. Taking a thorough clinical examination and may be an MRI of knee or either the lumbar spine should give some inputs to the history. As the pain is in the knee and radiating down this can be due to either of the factors, either a ligament injury in the knee joint or may be a pinched nerve in the lumbar spine. Based on the clinical examination and laboratory investigation the treatment can be planned. Regards Jay In Chat Doctor.
This problem is causing huge embarrassment and I don t feel as if I can speak to anyone in person about it - no one knows (as of yet apart from myself) as I dont have enough confidence to tell anyone. However, I m a 20 year old female, and basically the problem is that when I laugh too much at something I have an accident (literally wet myself) I ve had this for years but I really couldn t bring myself to talk to anyone about it in person and I m not confident and I m really embarrassed about the whole thing. So I was just wondering are there any solutions recommended for this, like medication I can have or something to prevent this happening in the future? (And also solutions which don t involve me having to speak to a doctor in person) Thank you.
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. The problem you are talking about is so common and there is nothing you have to worry about. The same problem might be available even before. You noticed it just now, and then you are worrying. Loss of bladder and urethral support causes The loss of urine when laughing or coughing. This problem is known as stress urinary incontinence. Stress is the pressure exerted by abdomen on the urethra. When you laugh or cough, abdomen exerts pressure on the urethra and a small quantity of urine escapes. That is it. Take care. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. http
Eight years ago, I spent several months in the hospital for an aortic anyeurism & a dissection. I am on Medicare, and have been quite pleased with the level of care I have received. Currently, I have a bad tooth that began to develop an abscess, resulting in swelling of my lower jaw, fever, and pain.My ex-wife had a prescription of azithromycin,500mg, on a 3-pill regemin. I started this past Friday & finished today. The swelling has subsided, along with the pain.I had planned to contact my internal medicine doctor tomorrow to find out if Medicare can help me. In the meantime, Ive Googled & Binged for information, and what Im discovering is Im pretty much out of luck (no dental help from Medicare). Any suggestions/ideas that I might share w/ my Doctor tomorrow?
Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Read your query. The signs and symptoms you have mentioned suggests acute abscess in relation to the decayed tooth, the abscess being subsided due to the use of azithromycin.(Though antibiotic should be avoided over the counter and taken only after the doctor prescribed for you.) I would advise you to visit your dentist and get a radiograph done as to evaluate the tooth which is involved. Go ahead with the needed treatment of root canal. Avoid applying hot bag externally. Hope this was useful. Thanks and regards.
I am 25 years old guy and I urinate 15 to 20 times a day and there is always pain in my kidneys when I sit or walk.also I ejaculate early when I masturbate and there is no long erection in my penis. can I face a big problem in my sex life after marriage ? please help me out.
Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor Thanks for your query As you urinate many times a day and a kind of pain in kidneys, one possibility is that you have a urinary tract infection for which you need investigations, like urine routine and microscopy and ultrasound of kidneys and bladder. But looking at a premature ejaculation also, a possible differential diagnosis would be high anxiety. You need to be evaluated by a surgeon/urologist and an Chat Doctor. Take care
Hello. I have a question. I have been blacking out for over 6 years now. It doesn t matter what I am doing just all of a sudden I will get dizzy, feel sick and not be able to see anything. I have fallen down and haven t been able to get up for a few minutes as well. I have had constant and severe migraines for 6 years as well. I drink a lot of water. That is basically all I drink. I have the right amount of sugar that I am suppose to have. Lately these black outs are happening a minimum of 10 times a day. I thought that maybe it was stress but its been happening for so long and its happened during the times when I was completely stress free.
Hello! I understand your concern. In my opinion these paintings called syncope can be caused by an orthostatic hypotension, a heart problem or even epilepsy. Migraine can be exacerbated by orthostatic hypotension, the most probable diagnosis in your situation. I would recommend further examinations like
I have been experiencing shortness of breath for moment and then my pulse increases dramatically. I then feel dizzy and get shaky. It has been going on for about 2 weeks several times throughout the day. It feels like panic attacks but they are occurring when I am just sitting at desk or walking at work. I am prone to panic attacks normally when I get extremely anxious about something or stressed out but nothing is going on when they occur. Sure I have some added stress with work, new baby, husband being gone but I feel that I am managing things even when these episodes come on.
Dear Lisa, Hi! Firstly I should appreciate the way you have so nicely described your symptoms. Please understand that the very nature of panic attacks says that they can occur any moment, and can occur even when you are not physically active. If you are prone to having panic attacks, any mild stress will make you have a lot many panic attacks. If its causing distress to you, you should surely visit a psychiatrist who would like to start you on some medications along with psychotherapy. The main information which is missing out in your write-up is your current age. If you are old aged, you should also get yourself checked by a physician and get an ECG done, just to be sure that we are dealing with only the panics. Hope this settles your concerns.
Hi, I have what seems to be like a clump of bumbs beside my left testicle but i dont think it s attached. im 17 and ive had it for as long as i can remember but it seems like it may have gotten bigger. Ive also been experiencing Lower back pain after a strenuous workout but i dont know if thats related
HelloThanks for your query, based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have multiple Sebaceous Cysts over Scrotum. The scrotal skin is rich in sebaceous glands and hence prone to get more sebaceous cyst due to accumulation of sebum beneath the skin. Normally they fade away without treatment however they need to be treated if increase in size or get infected. Please consult qualified General Surgeon for clinical evaluation and further treatment. If needed some of them which are bigger may need to get excised in Toto (Completely along with the sac). Chat Doctor.
hello dr, i am 59 yrs old i am disabled now for 17 years. i always worked two jobs before i was disabled i had lots of energy and loved my jobs and was able to pay all my bills and keep roof over my head i did not have anyone to help me if ever i needed it. at 22 i got married and had to still make sure bills were paid i worked at the state house as a secretary. the marriage did not last he did not take care of our home and bills i did it all. i was mentally abused and toward the end pysically abused. all his attention was on drugs and party and loosing job after job. i was terribly traumatized because he was not who i beleived he was as a man when i first married him. so i went into factory work because it was more money than secretarial and went to pyschiatrists to help myself not fall to pieces every day to me from then on was very hard for me to not have the fright and feelin that a bomb was gonna fall on me. my dr. suggested self help books to me and i read and read every one i saw at the libary and practiced to be reborn again as a strong person. l995 i remarried to i thought was a wonderful man and the same happened again cheating mental abuse pysical abuse and i could not have a conversation with him because all he did was yell and terrize me i married a monster. i am separated now and on my own and it feels like i have gone to another planet. it feels so good not to be terrized and abused. i moved out of the state i lived in and back to the state my family lives at least here i have family around. but dr. it is hard finding a good pyschiatrist here so i have no pych. dr. now to give me my medicine. i am bipolar inside of me i feel i can t go anyway i take vey bad panic attacks it comes over me and i freeze and can t run out and at other times i am able to. my head feels so filled up with fright that i can not think and when i am able to try to concentate with all my heart bad thougts come in i try so hard to through it out of my mind. whether i can or not(it stays in my subconsious and come out another time even tho i go to my self help books and also tapes to calm me it does not work i pray to god i read inspirational books and quotes i look into you make life yourself you are the captain of your soul what you do is only my own doing being so depressed. when i was taking my medication i was able to concentrate on what i had to do but nights i feel like the booky man is coming to get me. i am very jumpy and i have a feelin in side like someone is hitting my heart with a hammer. sooner or later i will find a psys. dr, and my day will be much better with my medicine so i do have a primary dr she is nice but doe not want to prescribe me any of the medicine that i take she said the pysc. does it. night time come and i am so panicky can t do nothing i feel like a lump on a log. i have tried herbal medicines from a herbal dr my cousin told me about because i wanted to be physically ok. watch what i eat and i would appreciate any advice from you because maybe you know some thing i can think abou read or whatever to become a smiling person without constant migraine. dr. i thank you in advance for any advice or opinion. thank you again god bless
I can understand your feelings and appreciate your query on Chat Doctor. After going through your history I can see that anyone could have landed in the same situation that you are in, and you are facing it bravely. Self-help books and techniques are helpful, but a time comes when professional help is needed. Now you need professional help. Combination of professional and self-help will provide better results for you. I would suggest you to start antidepressant medicine and the one that has antianxiety effects as well. You also need some anxiolytic for few weeks and some relaxation techniques. Please ask if you have any queries, I would be pleased to answer. I hope you find it helpful.
Ive been taking fruta planta for the pass week N a half, and lately ive been feeling like my heart Muscles are sore that type of sore you feel the next day when youve been working out! Is this something I should take in consideration and what type of symptoms could this b for?
Welcome to Chat Doctor, Let me tell you a little about fruit Planta
I had a P.E last year, which there was no cause found. I have had 6 months of anticoagulation therapy . I had my d-dimer retested 3 months ago and it was found to still be high (this was 3 months into anticoagulation). I have just had my d-dimer again and it is still high - around the 3000 mark. I have had a CT scan also 3 months ago to rule out any further clots whicChatDoctore back clear. I want to know what could be causing my consistently high d-dimer?
Hello and thanks for the question. Of course the concern is that the elevated D-dimer may reflect active blood clotting in your body. I would suggest that in addition to the CT which was already done that your doctors check an ultrasound of your lower extremities to make sure there is no DVT. There are other things which may elevate the D-dimer including inflammation. If you have any underlying inflammatory disorder such as rheumatoid arthritis or chronic kidney disease or lupus. If your doctor decides to stop the warfarin you should be followed closely for recurrence of the thrombosis. Thanks again for sending the query. Please let us know if you have any additional concerns.
hello sir , My name is Hasan Sheikh .My nephew have face problem due to Albumin+++. Sir, I want to know about solution of this disease & what it is. which foods is increase protein level. Thank you.
Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. If you mean that album is elevated in his urine then this is MST commonly caused by certain kidney disorders and further kidney function evaluation should be done. Food isn't usually related to it, and he should just avoid meat till the right diagnosis is established. If he hasn't any other symptoms then this shouldn't worry you. Wish you good health.
My 2 mth old son has constant mucus build up at bedtime, it sounds like he s gagging on or getting really full and he sometimes spits up mucas +milk after being breastfed. The mucus is not always reachable with an aspirator..what should I be doing to help clear this up it s been three wks.
Hello dear! I can understand your concern. Please tell me a little more detail regarding family history of asthma and allergy.I would recommend steam inhalation before going to bed and normal saline nebulizations twice daily. Start montelukast sachet 4 mg once at night for 3 months and if there are still more secretions you can also nebulize with acetyl cysteine sachet dissolved in 10 ml of normal saline and nebulize with 1 ml of that diluted solution in 2 ml normal saline before going to bed Hope it will help. Wishing your child good health
My son has had a wound on his back that has not healed x1 week. He has also had loose stools runny nose and what seems to be an uri. He also has reactive airway disease. i have also had a wound appear on my neck this week and have had headaches. Could any of this be from mrsa?
Hello, MRSA may cause damage to many organs, but the clinical picture of your son probably relates to a viral infection. MRSA can cause sinusitis which usually presents with headaches, nasal congestion and perhaps even fever. I could not tell by your description. Nobody could tell you, actually. Cultures are needed to diagnose infections by specific pathogens. Normally in cases like that, doctors do not ask for cultures. I could not also comment on your wound. This description is too vague to be assessed. It could be better assessed in a clinical encounter. If you could provide a good quality picture, it would probably help. In general, MRSA is not a common pathogen in normal individuals. Risk factors for having MRSA include MRSA carriers (MRSA can reside in their noses), hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis patients, diabetes, cancer, hospitalization, stroke etc. Of course close contacts can acquire MRSA from high risk patients. So the answer is that unless you have any of the above you're not likely to have MRSA. I hope I've ad Chat Doctor. Kind Regards!
Hi. I have had a rash on my inner thighs and labia area for a couple months. I get it sometimes in summer or when hot and sweaty. Usually a diaper rash cream works but not this time. Its extremely itchy. Ive used anti.fungal. hydracortisone. Yeast cream. Nothing worki.I am worried now because I.also have these growths that are increased in size. And am getting more.all in the inner leg/ thighs and now labia. I am miserable and dont even want to have sex with my boyfriend. This is all new. Havent been to see doctor yet.
Hello, Thanks for posting on Chat Doctor, It will be difficult to tell exactly what type of rash you might be having without seeing it. A little more information regarding the characteristics of the rash such as type of primary lesion, distribution, color, base, contours etc. If the cause can be determined then treatment could be effective. You might be suffering from contact dermatitis which is a type of skin diseases when the body comes into contact with specific allergens. From the look of things you will need to consult a dermatologist who can confirm or rule out my suspicion. Treatment is multidisciplinary and will involve you using appropriate soaps/cleansing agents, and may also need to take antihistamines such as chlopheniramine to get rid of the itching. Hope this helps
I havebeen perscibed cepodoxime pro for an ecologist infection...have had several other antibiotics., which have not killed the bacteria or else I keep infecting with ecological. Also having trouble with uretha closing if I sit too long! Will this antibiotic help me. This is over a period of three months?
Hi, Thanks for posting in Chat Doctor. I have read your description and understand your concern. Well, Cefuroxime Pro is a medication composed of Cefuroxime Protein, which is an orally administered, extended spectrum, semisynthetic antibiotic belonging to the cephalosporin class. It indicated for the treatment of patients with mild to moderate infections caused by susceptible strains of microorganisms. It appears that you could be having urinary tract infection and this antibiotic could help in overcoming the same. If the infection does not subside even with taking the appropriate course of this prescribed antibiotic, it would be advisable to undergo the following test
My 6 year old had recurrent swollen glands and recurrent, painful lesions on his gums and sometimes inner lip. They sometime bleed during brushing. They eventually go away and reoccur in a different part of his mouth. Please help. His Pediatrician only says, it s viral and use oragel.
Hello, I can understand your concern. The recurrent swollen glands can be due to viral or bacterial infection, but the ulcer like lesions in the mouth seems to be like authors ulcers which are painful ulcers healing in 7-10 days and recurring in different parts of mouth. Apthous ulcers can occur if the child has constant upset stomach or vitamin B complex deficiency. I would advise you to start vitamin B complex supplements such as B-Folcin once a day for 1 month. In addition, you can apply local Endocrine gel (McCoppin) over the ulcers. It will help in faster healing of the ulcers and relief from pain of the ulcers. If the child is constantly having constipation or upset stomach, laxatives should be given after consultation with a physician. If the ulcers do not heal in 7 days or if they keep recurring, you should consult a dentist for clinical examination of the ulcers and further investigations along with treatment. I hope this information helps you. Thank you for choosing Chat Doctor. I wish your child feels better soon. Best,
Hi earlier on today I accidentally mixed harpic toilet cleaner and bleach in my toilet and whilst cleaning it the fumes were very strong and I struggled to breath for a bit. the fumes subsided and I carried on but have since then felt like I have a bad cold and hs brought on a dry cough and now this evening I can taste blood at the back of my mouth when I cough. will this exposure to the fumes have a long lasting damage/effect on my lungs?
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. No need to worry about long term effect or damage to lungs. You are having inhalation injury. Such fumes are very irritable in nature. On inhalation, these fumes cause irritation, inflammation in nose, throat and trachea (wind pipe). So patient feels cough, cold and sore throat. The best treatment for this is avoidance of exposure and inhalation of fresh air. Anti-inflammatory and anti histamine Chat Doctor. So start these
Hi doctor. Enclosed is a copy of my Urinalysis lab report. Highlighted are the results that concern me. Background
Hello, It is not right to get blood in urine. If you are getting it, then it means you are having some infection at that place. So, if I would be your treating physician then I would have suggested you
i am from pakistan. the problem is related to my son who is 7.9 years old. his name is basil. his weight is 18 kgs, his height is 114 cm. he has been on and off quite sick from august 2010 till date. last august he was diagonosed with typhoid and had antibiotic course of 14 days. then after two months he had malaria. then in december he had mild jaundice. then april 2o11 he had malaria again. and in may he had chicken pox. then he was well for 10 days and now again for the past two days he has on n off fever with stomach ache. we have done several tests in tyhe past. but all were clear. so i have no clue what to do and why he is falling sick alot. please help me.
For a 7 yr old kid, the weight gain is inadequate, and he falls sick frequently; all along he had many viral, parasitic as well bacterial infections. Hygiene is very important in handwashing, toilets as well eating and Chat Doctor. I suggest screening for TB and proper clinical examination including blood tests and ultrasound test of the abdomen are needed. A proper dietician help would warrant for appropriate calories and protein intake for him.
hello My baby is 6 months old..we dont get drinking we ger mineral water cans .i have read it is not safe to give mineral water to babies..can we give aquaguard or pureit filter water.which is better.i want to give her dal water..plz suggest..Thank you
Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor. I understand your concern. Pureit is mostly RO+UV water filter while aqua guard is only UV filter. It is better to give Surat purified water as it will remove all bacteria & virus and excess of mineral while preserving minimum required quantity of mineral that is useful to body. Only RO purified water may remove excess of minerals leading to deficiency of certain mineral that are obtained by water. So, it should be second choice. Only aqua guard purified water will remove all bacteria with most viruses but will not remove mineral, thereby leading to high mineral intake if groundwater is used. So, it should be 3rd choice. Hope this will be helpful. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Do ask if any further question is there. Take care.
I take 50 mg of Larsardon in the mornings and when I exercise around 9 a. m. it reall goes up from about 135/70 when I awake up to 179 or 180 . In the afternoon it drops down to 102 or below . Can I split the pill and take 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 at night so it will be good in the mornings ?? Thanks
Hi! Of course, you can use separate. Losartan can be used in a single dose or in equal doses a day divided twice (every 12 hours). Its does vary from 25 mg to 100 mg (maximal dose). Losartan takes a few hours to start acting, it does not act immediately after use. I do not know how long have you been taking losartan? It needs at least 3-4 weeks to reach the maximal effect. In addition to your question, I would say that during physical activity the blood pressure is slightly increased, but of course it matters also what type of exercise you do and how much your heart rate goes under training. You should monitor your heart rate during training. I recommend that you stop training the moment you see that your heart rate has increased too much (if you had written you age, I could have told you what is the maximal heart rate you should have while you train). Thank you for using Chat Doctor !
Help? Had the removal of big toe about 5 weeks ago. Went in on three week aftercare visit .Doc said it looked good. Just soak it once a day in salt and wear the surgical tube bandage. I take good care of it. Problem is it is so painful yet?Burns and I think it now includes my toe beside the big one. I already had a pitch nerve on the next toe beside the big toe I had the nail removed,which the doc knew about.. I did have that toe injected a while back .When I came in to the doc I had already been there three other times for fungus and partical removal. Did this flair up the nerve too? How long will the burning and drainage be?
HiT hanks for posting on ChatDoctorSoreness at site of toe removal and next toe is common after such a surgical intervention as a result of damage to nerve endings. Pain at the site too is normal and will regress progressively as the wound completely heals. The pain however should be controllable with pain medications like ibuprofen. A toe infection by bacteria or fungi may also give such symptoms but less like in your case since no other associated symptoms have yet been noticed. I will suggest you continue with soaking the site in salt water, maintain good hygiene, avoid traumatizing the toe and take pain medications like ibuprofen. Hope my answer will help you Best regards
The inside of my thighs, legs, buttocks, and lower part of my back have been itching for about 4 months. There seems to be a rash that correlates but it is not as blatant as a fungal rash would normally be. Could this attributed to eczema, or could it be a fungal infection?
Hello, Thank you for posting on Chat Doctor. It seems you are suffering from Tina courts and corporal, a kind of fungal infection. I would suggest you to consult your dermatologist for proper management of the condition. I usually recommend proper course of oral antifungal Chat Doctor. You can additionally use antifungal dusting powder containing ketoconazole during daytime and a soap containing ketoconazole for rinsing of affected areas. Take oral antihistamines for itching as required. Maintain hygiene over those areas and avoid wearing tight undergarments. Hope your queries are resolved and wish you best of health. Thank you and take care
Hi, thanks for query. You missed period, and it is about more than 2 months since your last period.Most pregnancy test kit are very sensitive, so they pick up pregnancy very easily. Still The best and surest way to rule out pregnancy is ultrasound. This will definitely show the pregnancy and growing life inside. By this time in normal pregnancy fetal heart beating can also be seen. Please go for one to have mental peace. Then if there is no pregnancy talk to your doctor who give some tablets, and you will have your periods.
I have osteopinia. I have had it now for 4 years. I am 58 years old and I have been either on fozamax or actonel. Both with side effects after taking each for 4 months or longer. ( fatique ,aches and lethargic) Actonel has been more tolerable. Does it benefit me to take medication when it is not constantly improving density to do so? After the first two years my density improved somewhat, but now after my last test it seems to be about the same. I am very active. I run, do body fitness with weight bearing regularly and yoga . I watch my calcium intake and vitamin D which I have been tested for which showed I was not deficient.
Hi welcome to ChatDoctorostteopenia is the precursor of osteoporosis. There are 3 major cause of lowering bone mineral density- 1) deficiency of It D and calcium 2) inactive of it D receptors by certain inflammatory cytokines result from the presence of few microbes 3) low level of estrogen in case of menopause. As your it D and calcium level is normal, so you have the others causative factors like It D receptor inactivation and low estrogen level. If you will go for a proper homeopathic treatment that things can be solved. It is needed a some detail physical symptoms to suggest some homeopathy remedies like i) how is about your sweats? More sweats than other?, ii) do you have any burning sensation of hands or palms or legs. iii)are you susceptible for catching cold easily iii) do you have any hot flushing of face and any part of body. iv) do you prefer egg mostly in your diet.etc. So if you want to consult me can contact here. Thank you
I had my gallbladder removed 3 months ago. i felt great and everything seemed to be going fine. until recently i started having shooting pain where my gallbladder used to be, accompanied by shooting leg cramps , anywhere between my hip and the bottom of my feet . I also contracted hepatitus c when i was younger (about 8 years ago). but it spontaneously cleared within a month or two of diagnosis. Could it be my liver? i have an appointment but i wanted to research before i went in.
Hello, heinsightz2020,I do not believe that your gallbladder surgery 3 months ago would have anything to do with your current symptoms. Shooting pain between the hip down to the feet is suggestive of pinched nerve or Sciatica which can occur with sudden twisting or some kind of misstep or lifting & bending action. As for your Hepatitis-C, you mention that it cleared spontaneously. I am a little skeptical about that, especially if you never had treatment. I advise you to get a complete set of liver tests, get a HAVANA viral count and see if the hepatitis is active. Hepatitis virus stays in your system long after exposure and a person can be free of symptoms for years before it starts showing its effects. As you are probably aware, this chronicHepatitis-C can lead to Cirrhosis and also liver cancer. It is very important that you have these blood tests done. I wish you well.
Hey my names is Josh. Ive been getting a reoccurring bruise on the left side of my abdomen under my ribs for the past year. Around the same time the bruising started, I started to get chronic neck and back pain. Also, Ive had fatty tumors on both sides of my abdomen. Another symptom Ive had is pain in the back of my skull and my jaw. Parts of my skull feel squishy, it was never like that before. Ive been in a lot of pain for the past year and a half. Im only 19 and I feel like Im losing my strength and concentration. Do you know what could be causing it?
Hello, Thanks for the query understand your concerned need a detailed neurological examination to establish the diagnosis. You may be having muscle spasm, pain related to poor posture. The other possibility could be a fibromyalgia. Please consult a local neurologist who will help you through clinical evaluation and if needed investigationsPlease get back if you need any additional information Best wishes
My son is suffering for high fever since yesterday morning 102-103.6. He is 10 years and 45kgs. His doc asked me to give alternate doses of meftal p 250 amd medomol 300. Its not really effective. I am also sponge him. According to 15mg/kg his dose will be 675 mg of paracetmol is this correct?
Hi, thank you for choosing Chat Doctor. Fever medications in child Chat Doctor. As your child is above average weight you can give him paracetamol dose of 650\u00a0mg given every 4 to 6 holy. If his fever is not coming down you can do whole body sponging with Luke warm water for his temperature to come down. Even then It's still persisting one dose of metal can be given. But kindly note that fever per se is not harmful unless it is high grade for longer duration. Kindly give him plenty of fluids also as they tend to be deny
I had a root canal today and my dentist said he felt the tooth was necrotic. During the procedure a unbearable burning sensation and pulsating pain happened when the infection began to drain. Im on a strong antibiotic now and my cheek has swelled very bad. Is the swelling normal and will the antibiotics help take it down?
Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complaint in case if you have started root canal treatment of tooth and there have been Chat Doctor. . Many a time when the root canal treatment is started and after first sitting the tooth is packed the pus left inside and inflammation leads to swelling, and you should consult your treating dentist and get evaluated, and he can do a cleaning of the canals of tooth as well as
My son had surgery for a deviated septum on Aug. 4th, 2010. He had an allergic reaction to dilaudid and morphine (hives). Since his surgery he has developed hypertension and is only 17 years old. I can think of nothing else to cause this other than one or both of the drugs he was given. Could this be the likely cause?
Hello, After going through your medical query I understand your concern and would like to tell you that morphine is not a cause to develop hypertension in your sons' case it can be most likely due to hereditary hypertension or anxiety. If his BP is more than 140/90 then kindly consult a physician personally for proper management. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
My 1 year old daughter has a white spotted rash on her legs and belly. I noticed it a few hours ago (before nap) and it has now spread since then. It had been just two small areas, but now it is down most of her left leg and spread on a large portion of her belly. She does NOT seem to be running a fever, but does seem a little more irritable then normal. The rash is blotchy, and each blotchy spot seems to have any where from 2-5 white spots within in the red blotch. Have any idea what it could be or how to make it go away?
Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Skin conditions are best diagnosed only after seeing directly. I suggest you to upload photographs of the same on this website, so that I can guide you scientifically. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.
my husband has stage 4 colon cancer spread peppered throughout the omentum. His oncologist says that this type of cancer doesn t respond well to chemo. my hubby has a-fib and a weak heart that also makes him a poor chemo candidate. So no real help. Is there anything to be done? Any new medications?
Hello welcome chemo is not the last court of appeal in oncological cases has also got serious side effects. So if your patient is not a chemo candidate.u don't have to worry. Try homeopathy it will surely help it's my experience and expertise in such cases on the basis of which I'm saying that.take plenty of antioxidants meanwhile dontworry homeopathy herbal medicine like Ayurveda can surely help in such cases because they will give only positive results no negativity can be obtained .trust homoeopathyregards Chat Doctor. D
I fell on concrete about a month ago and hit my knee very hard. It hurt for a while and was slightly swollen. the swelling then went down but this past few days it is hurting again and now there is a lump where i had hit it. what does that mean and how should i treat it.
Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have hematoma or swelling due to some injuries. Either some minute bony injury or some ligament or meniscus injury. You should go for MRI knee. Then take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
hello doctor, we got my husband blood test done, and his eosinphils count have come 10.1 which our doc says its well his B12 level count is husband does not want to take allopathy medicine...he is sufferrring from sneezing and numbness from 4 years we have gopt all the MRI done and they are normal...can you help me out...right now he is on homeopathy medicines which are not helping him much...we are looking for faster relief as it has started effecting our personal and his professional life....khushi
Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. He has eosinophilic. His b12 level is normal. Don't worry about that. There are many causes of eosinophilic. Asthma, allergy, hypersensitivity, parasitic infection etc. You should go for allergy test. Svoid the allergic substance. Anti histamininic Chat Doctor. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
Thankyou, I have a sister-in-law in Italy who collapsed due to intense smoking, she has been in intensive care and has been on a breathing machine. We were told she also has a virus received from a bird in her home and has been heavily sedated. We were told she may have to have a tracheomtey procedure. Could this be from the above diagnosis. thankyou for time.
Hello dear, thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. In my opinion she is having CO2 narcosis (excess carbon dioxide in the body). It is common in smoker. Due to severe damage in lungs (because of smoking), carbon dioxide can not be completely exposed from the body. So this will slowly rise in the body. Excess of CO2 suppress the Central nervous system (CNS) and makes person unconscious. So she might be collapsed mostly due to CO2 narcosis. The treatment of this is hyperventilation. So patient is put on mechanical ventilator and hyperventilated to remove excess CO2. Viral infection is associated can even worse the condition. So she is also under sedation to achieve good ventilation. Ask her to quit smoking as soon as possible once she is stable.
For the last 2 months I have been short of breath, cough or gasp when talking and or doing activities. Around the same time I also have noticed that it feels like my heart is slowing down then pounding sometimes feels like it is skipping a beat and I can feel it on my right side of my chest. They do not occur at the same time but the feeling in my chest is happening more and more each day. It occurs when I am resting, relaxing on the couch and with activity. Do I need to see my doctor? (sometimes I have a dizzy spell)
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, we should definitely rule out heart diseases first. Because you're all symptoms like shortness of breath, cough, pounding of heart, missed beats etc. are characteristic symptoms of heart diseases. So consult cardiologist and get done 1. Blood pressure monitoring 2. ECG 3. 2d echo 4. Holder monitoring (24 hours continuous recording of ECG) 5. Stress test (trade mill test). You will need cardiac supportive Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright. But first rule out heart diseases. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
My left leg is 5 cm shorter than my right. I wear a lift in my left shoe to help even things out but my left knee has been causing serious pain. I cannot sit, kneel or do any movement that bends the knee with weight. I can bend while sitting without pain, just popping. What should I do?
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. You are having left lower limb shortening. So pathological osteoporosis, osteoarthritis are more in left lower limb joints (especially knee joint because it is the most weight-bearing joint). Shoe lifts and other things are temporary measures. On long run, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis are bound to occur which cause pain on weight-bearing positions. So consult orthopedic doctor and get done clinical examination of left knee and x-ray left knee. You will need calcium, vitamin D3 supplements, physiotherapy and knee replacement (if osteoarthritis is severe). Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
I have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, & lupus(connective tissue disease) but my recent blood work doesnt show any flare ups active. Over the last year Ive aged years, Wont heal, at all, scar over scratches, dizzy all the time, at times, cant speak, and j truly feel like Im dying. The worst is the veins or arteries, showing all over body, especially hand and arms, the swelling, even between, knuckles , & horrific pain. I get constant kidney infections, extreme fatigue, weight gain, sleep apnea, narcolepsy among other things for no apparent reason and they dont know whats wrong, my grandfather died of water on the brain and was mid diagnosed his whole life.y hands are purple/red and get high blood pressure frequently, desperate got help, my symptoms mimic so many illnesses
Hello ! Thank you for your query. Dear sir, Looking into your problem I think that probably all your symptoms can be attributed to Lupus at present. You didn't mention your age and tests positive on basis of which you were diagnosed having these illnesses. I advise you to immediately consult a rheumatologist to assess you for disease activity because you condition seems to be critically joint pains and fatigue can be because of lupus and additionally Rheumatoid arthritis plus fibromyalgia. Kidney infection in lupus patients requires immediate interventions .both routine blood tests like CBC, ESR,CRP Urine r/m and other specialized tests will be required for you as your thinks to be best. Your disease seems to be very active this time. Kindly get in touch with your doctor at earliest. Hope it helps you. Take care.
Have bloodshot eye over 3weeks,my optician thinks it is viral conjunctivitis.It is slowly clearing. I also suffering from tingling hands and feet at night and have dreadful night sweats. I am 54 and has had good health apart from arthritis in feet and has had sciatica twice, I am on anti hypertensive medication coverysl 5mg since 2012. I hope you can help me please.
Hi, thank you for providing me an opportunity to answer your query. Based on the history what you provided it doesn't seem that something is connected to the viral conjunctivitis. It will be related to your spine as you have mentioned you had sciatica symptoms twice. I don't think these symptoms will stay for long duration. A little care taken will get you away from the symptoms. Kindly do some neck and back strengthening exercises and avoid using big pillows and soft surface to sleep, i wish you recover with this and do best in future with your health. Thank you.
Hello doctor, Age 29. I was worried about get mad. These thoughts made me panic and couldn t concentrate on any where even tv program. I have consulted doctor he given me medicine called sertraline tablet. I was taking it past two years. I am not taking the medicine from past 4 months. Now the feeling started again slowly. Can you help me
As per details given by you, these uncontrollable and irrational thoughts which seem to bother you could be manifestation of Obsessive compulsive disorder. It is recommended to restart sertraline for an early control of these symptoms. It is also recommended that you should stop these medications gradually after consulting your psychiatrist. If you have any additional queries please feel free to raise them.
My son is 10 months old and he had a fever of 101-102 for the past 4 days and now that it is gone he started having red little spots on his face, down the neck and back and some on his legs. It got worsen since morning. And I was also giving him baby tylenol because he is teething and had fever. Do you know what could it be and should I go see his pediatrician?
Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Fever of few days without any localizing signs could as well a viral illness. Usually rather than fever, what is more important is the activity of the child, in between 2 fever episodes on the same day. If the kid is active and playing around when there is no fever, it is probably viral illness and it doesn't require antibiotics at all. Once viral fever comes it will there for 4-7 days. So do not worry about duration if the kid is active. Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15\u00a0mg/kg/dose (maximum ceiling dose of 500\u00a0mg) every 4-6th hourly that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.
I ve had problems with kidney stones for about 3 months. I ve passed three stones with great difficulty. I still have 2 stones in my right kidney that are to large to pass. My urologist said that the stones should not be causing me any pain, but I have a thumping, throbbing pain in my right flank. My urologist said that Lithotripsy would have to be done so the stone could pass. He explained that this could be very painful, but that I should be having no pain at this time. If not kidney stones, what should we be looking for? I have been an RN for many years. I am not trying to self diagnose, but I still believe that the pain is kidney stone related. HELP!
Hi, Thanks for writing in. The kidney is connected to the urinary bladder through the ureters. It is possible that there might be small stones in the ureter which are undetected. At time even after passage of stones from the kidney and through the ureter there is mild injury to the wall of ureter and this causes pain and discomfort. Please discuss with your doctor and take prescription for an alpha blocker and urine alkalizer to help reduce the acidity of urine to prevent more stone formation. The alpha blocker will relax the smooth muscle and treat symptoms of spasm due to any problem in the ureter. Please do not worry.
hi - i want to conceive a child for which i have post humuous sperm from my husband..i havent seen a fertility doc yet, but the sperm bank is telling me i have a one in a million chance of conceiving. the viability of the sperm is 15% - could the sperm bank be correct or do i still have a chance?
Hello, No sperm bank result varies plus semen analysis result varies when you give sample in different time, so visit a gynecologist. Do serum TSH and serum prolactin then do HSG on day 8th then do follicular study after taking Camphene from day 2 until follicle size increases to 18 mm then rupture and then GUI for early results. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
I stopped taking Klonopin , Lithium , Gapapentin, Lamictal , and Wellbutrin for PTSD, depression, and a dissociative disorder (possibly DID) two weeks ago. I ve been extremely weak, shaky, lightheaded, and dizzy. My skin feels like it s being hit with mild shocks and my vision has been blurred. Things seem very confusing and surreal, and I ve been completely dissociating for large portions of the day. My memory and concentration are so bad that I struggle to finish sentences. My anxiety s gone through the roof, and I ve started having nightmares again (although I have gone from depressed to unusually happy). This has all been getting consistently worse, although I normally deal with dizziness and blurred vision from concussions, anxiety, and problems with memory and dissociation. My psychiatrist won t see me because my home has bed bugs, and I don t have a general doctor. Is any of this indicative of anything serious, and will it go away?
Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for your question... You have been taking a combination of medication - including a sedative, anti-depressant and mood stabilizer. Your current symptoms may be due to two possibilities - discontinuation / with Chat Doctor. It is definitely not advisable to suddenly discontinue medication without the advice of a doctor. So, I would advise you to visit your psychiatrist and continue medication and discuss your difficulties with him and decide on further management options. Wish you all the best. -
Hi my daughter is 9 and had a meningitis shot on Friday. Monday evening she became ill, throwing up all night and a fever. The fever was 101 and went up to 103. She very tired and is unable to sit up with out getting a really bad headache. My Dr.s nurse said that non of her patients ever had problems and wasn t sure if it was from the shot. Would a reaction take a couple days to hit her?
Thank you for your query. Yes it is possible for the vaccines to have side effects for up to 5 to 7\u00a0days after the shot (depending on the type of meningitis g\u00eetes vaccine). The symptoms are usually mild, when present and could account for the lack of incidence of side effects (as the nurse suggested). This does not rule out the possibility of the shot causing these symptoms. It is, however, better to have it looked at especially if it worries you and continues for more than 2 days. Try to keep her head slightly elevated with a pillow. Change is posture (lying down to standing) should be done gradually to avoid sudden pressure changes to the head which cause headaches. Deny Chat Doctor. HY
my daughter is 14 and she complains alot about back and neck pain I took her to the chiropracter and he said that her spine was 10 degrees off and her hips were not even. Should I take her to the doctor to get x-rays chiroprator just want to pop her bones twice a week but I not so sure that will work?
Good evening madam. Do u observe any difference in walking and lilting to one side. Hips are not even indicates that there is some problem with bones around hip or any fixed deformities around hip. It causes lordosis around the lumbar region of spine which is due to compensation to the hip problem. It is no way related to neck problem. I advice to meet orthopedic surgeon and undergo complete evaluation of the problem as it is the right time. You can send me the pictures and reports so I can conclude and guide u properly
My kids and I was outside for a while and suddenly noticed a lump swelling on my almost 13 yr olds forehead, but he swears he didn t hit it on anything and it doesn t hurt. I gave him an allergy pill in case it s from a mosquito but I m am unsure of what it is or what to do.
Hi. Thanks for your query. Read and understood the problem your son of 13 years is having. Since you were outside and your son swears there was not any direct hit on the forehead, the most probable reason can be an inset bite. Some stings may not cause pain but can have sudden swellings like your son has. IT is good that you have already given him an anti-allergy pill. He may require oral steroids. Consult a Doctor to get further treatment in the form of oral steroids if your Doctor feels so. Till then apply cold compresses.
Hi, I have been battling a cold for about a week now. Within the last 3 or 4 days, Ive developed a wet cough where my chest and throat feel like theyre on fire and sometimes yellowish mucus comes up. It never comes up when I blow my nose, only when I cough hard. Please help! Thank you
Thanks for your questioning my opinion you are suffering from bacterial upper/ lower resp tract infection you need to visit a Pulmonologist, who may request for a chest X-ray and a sputum culture and sensitivity and accordingly the most suitable and effective medicines can be started in my patients I usually start them on broad spectrum cephalosporins and clavulinic acid along with some decongestants steam inhalation will help a lot of done thrice a day thanks feel free to ask more questions
hi want to know wat i have wrong with me i have a coldsore on my left hand side in the crease of my mouth which is very painful an dry an i also have a lump under my chin or tounge with hurts if i touch it with my fingers or softly touch it its like a swollen gland but im unsure how do i fix this?
Hi, From history it seems that there might be having Authors ulcer producing cold sore at angle of your mouth. Due to not getting rest of the part due to talking, eating etc. healing of ulcer delayed. Due to this infection there might be having enlarged tender sub mandibular lymph nodes. Go for one antibiotic medicine course for 3-5 days like Amoxicillin. Apply antibiotic cream or mention violet locally. Ok and take care.
Hi. I am male and I received oral sex nearly 3 weeks ago. 2 days after the event I started to get a sharp sensation at the base of my penis (the position would be at around 10 o clock on a clock face) when the foreskin is rolled back. I am worried this may be related to an std, although I can find nothing that would have such a symptom. There is no visual signs of any problem, just this sensation. Could this be an std?
Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. No, it is not looks like any kind of infections. It looks like it is a friction caused at the time of sex. STDs usually have incubation period starting from the 4 to 5 days. So it be never from second day onwards. Secondly STDs can also have other symptoms presentations also which is absent here. So it is not the STDs. In most probability not a STD. You should take good care of local hygiene which includes cleanliness. Wash the part good with clean water after each act of micturition and sex. I will be happy to answer your further concern on Chat Doctor. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist, ChatDoctor.
My mom was bleeding from her nose mouth amd eyes this morning. She was also coughing up blood clots. She lives in hawaii on a small island called molokai. That hospital ia very small and outdated. But she went to rhe hospital there amd said ahe was fine. Im scared for her
Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Out mom have some bleeding disorder She should go for complete coagulation profile test with platelet count. Search the cause of bleeding, and then she should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
My 7yr old son has a temp of 104.2 at 6pm. I gave him advil for children. At 615 it was 104, 627 it was 103.7 at 643 it was 103.2. I took him to the doctor yesterday he said he had the stomach flu (even though he wasn t vommitting or having an upset stomach) and he prescibed him Azithromycin. Will this help or should I take him back to the hospital.
Hellenist common cause of high grade fever in this age is some viral infection. During first few days' fever may be the only symptom and other symptoms like cough, cold,loose motion, vomiting etc. develop later on. The main aim of management here is to give antipyretic like paracetamol and or ibuprofen along with tepid sponging for fever. Giving plenty of fluids helps in maintaining proper HY Chat Doctor. I don't know on what basis your doctor has diagnosed him as a case of stomach flu as there is not any suggestive symptom. Also, I don't recommend Azithromycin without knowing the type and site of infection. Here I would like to continue Advil and tepid sponging with proper monitoring of temperature. I request you to consult your pediatrician if you notice any other significant symptom. Regards