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{"content":[{"text":"5.","bbox":{"left":0.088637,"top":0.092263,"width":0.014705999999999997,"height":0.016779000000000002}},{"text":"A line in the standard (𝑥, 𝑦)5coordinate plane passes \n through points5(−3,1) and (8, −6). The slope of the line \n is: \n A. Positive \n B. Negative \n C. Zero \n D. Undefined \n E. Cannot be determined by the given information","bbox":{"left":0.118049,"top":0.091368,"width":0.441174,"height":0.13979499999999997}},{"text":"6.","bbox":{"left":0.088637,"top":0.249233,"width":0.014705999999999997,"height":0.016779000000000016}},{"text":"Stevens High School is voting for their student body \n president. 500 seniors voted, 298 of whom voted for the \n eventual winner. Suppose that the election is indicative \n of how the entire school of 2,700 students would vote. \n Which of the following values is closest to how many of \n the 2,700 students would have voted for the winner?","bbox":{"left":0.118049,"top":0.249233,"width":0.44117600000000007,"height":0.10504899999999998}},{"text":"A. 783 \n B. 1,505 \n C. 1,620 \n D. 1,783 \n E. 1,980","bbox":{"left":0.118049,"top":0.371671,"width":0.07686,"height":0.08897500000000003}},{"text":"7.","bbox":{"left":0.088637,"top":0.47893,"width":0.014705999999999997,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"Let 𝑎 = 5𝑏 − 𝑐 + 8. What happens to the value of 𝑎 if \n the values of 𝑏 and 𝑐 both increase by 5? \n A. It increases by 5 \n B. It increases by 10 \n C. It increases by 15 \n D. It increases by 20 \n E. Cannot be determined from the given information","bbox":{"left":0.118049,"top":0.478035,"width":0.44117599999999996,"height":0.12373400000000001}},{"text":"8.","bbox":{"left":0.088637,"top":0.620748,"width":0.014705999999999997,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"A function 𝑓(𝑥) is defined as 𝑓(𝑥) = 4!\"#$. What is 𝑥 \n when 𝑓(𝑥) = 64? \n A. 2 \n B. 3 \n C. 4 \n D. 5 \n E. 10","bbox":{"left":0.118049,"top":0.618717,"width":0.440583,"height":0.12526199999999998}},{"text":"9.","bbox":{"left":0.088637,"top":0.762566,"width":0.014705999999999997,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"The list of numbers 88, 76, 23, 𝑥, 𝑦, and551 has a median \n of 49. The mode of the list is 23. To the nearest whole \n number, what is the mean of the list? \n A. 23 \n B. 47 \n C. 49 \n D. 51 \n E. 71","bbox":{"left":0.118049,"top":0.761671,"width":0.441177,"height":0.141702}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.67197,"top":0.020007,"width":0.300133,"height":0.05726}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.67197,"top":0.020007,"width":0.300133,"height":0.05726}]} | |
{"content":[{"text":"Acces PDF 5 4 Practice \n Factoring Polynomials Answers \n as search for them. In some cases, you \n likewise complete not discover the \n notice 5 4 practice factoring polynomials \n answers that you are looking for. It will \n unquestionably squander the time.","bbox":{"left":0.142857,"top":0.062362,"width":0.713598,"height":0.503804}},{"text":"However below, taking into account you \n visit this web page, it will be hence \n enormously simple to get as with ease","bbox":{"left":0.152382,"top":0.629854,"width":0.677024,"height":0.17467600000000005}},{"text":"Page 2/30","bbox":{"left":0.387152,"top":0.83752,"width":0.12253700000000006,"height":0.05163899999999999}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]} | |
{"content":[{"text":"NOTICE OF PROPOSED REGULATION AMENDMENT","bbox":{"left":0.280392,"top":0.08903,"width":0.497784,"height":0.020985000000000004}},{"text":"Date:","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.140864,"width":0.04231399999999999,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"June 2, 2016","bbox":{"left":0.169804,"top":0.140864,"width":0.099804,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"REGULATION TITLE: \n Schedule of Tuition and Fees","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.175712,"width":0.229589,"height":0.037636}},{"text":"REGULATION NO.: \n UCF-9.001","bbox":{"left":0.588235,"top":0.175712,"width":0.17858800000000008,"height":0.037636}},{"text":"SUMMARY OF REGULATION AMENDMENT: This regulation is amended to update the \n repeat course fee in (6)(b) which was adjusted by the Florida Board of Governors for Fall 2016.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.227985,"width":0.7647840000000001,"height":0.037636}},{"text":"AUTHORITY: BOG Regulations 1.001 and 7.001","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.280257,"width":0.407255,"height":0.021121}},{"text":"NAME OF PERSONS WHO INITIATED PROPOSED REGULATION AMENDMENT: \n Tracy Clark, Associate Vice President and Controller","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.315106,"width":0.745647,"height":0.037636}},{"text":"COMMENTS CONCERNING THE PROPOSED REGULATION AMENDMENT \n SHOULD BE SUBMITTED WITHIN 14 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THIS NOTICE TO \n THE CONTACT PERSON IDENTIFIED BELOW. The comments must identify the \n regulation you are commenting on.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.367818,"width":0.7648569999999999,"height":0.07204500000000003}},{"text":"THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED REGARDING THE PROPOSED REGULATION \n AMENDMENT IS: \n Regulations Administrator \n 4365 Andromeda Loop N. \n Millican Hall, Suite 360 \n Orlando, FL 32816-0015 \n Phone: (407) 823-2482 \n e-mail: [email protected]","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.454939,"width":0.7647440000000001,"height":0.14174200000000003}},{"text":"FULL TEXT OF THE PROPOSED REGULATION AMENDMENT:","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.628742,"width":0.582706,"height":0.021121999999999974}},{"text":"UCF-9.001 Schedule of Tuition and Fees","bbox":{"left":0.164706,"top":0.681455,"width":0.337627,"height":0.02098500000000003}},{"text":"(1) All students shall pay resident or non-resident tuition, as applicable, and associated fees. \n Tuition shall be defined as the basic fee charged to a student for instruction in credit courses at \n the University of Central Florida. Non-resident tuition shall be defined as the basic fee and the \n out-of-state fee assessed to non-resident students for instruction in credit courses at the \n University of Central Florida. Only those students who qualify as a Florida resident as defined \n in BOG Regulation 7.005 shall not be assessed the out-of-state fee.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.716015,"width":0.745568,"height":0.150818}},{"text":"(2)","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.880409,"width":0.02280399999999999,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Associated fees shall include the following:","bbox":{"left":0.150196,"top":0.880409,"width":0.34231300000000003,"height":0.020212000000000008}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]} | |
{"content":[{"text":"REFERENCE COPY \n Reference \n This is not an official FCC license. It is a record of public information contained in the FCC's licensing database on the date that this reference \n copy was generated. In cases where FCC rules require the presentation, posting, or display of an FCC license, this document may not be used in \n place of an official FCC license. \n Federal Communications Commission \n Wireless Telecommunications Bureau \n RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION \n LICENSEE: ST. MARY'S MEDICAL CENTER Call Sign File Number \n WQNK667 \n Radio Service \n IG - Industrial/Business Pool, Conventional \n ATTN: GENERAL MANAGER \n ST. MARY'S MEDICAL CENTER \n 1050 LINDEN AVE \n LONG BEACH, CA 90813 Regulatory Status \n PMRS \n Frequency Coordination Number \n FCC Registration Number (FRN): 0020523445 \n Grant Date Effective Date Expiration Date Print Date \n 03-07-2011 03-07-2011 03-07-2021 \n STATION TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS \n Fixed Location Address or Mobile Area of Operation \n Loc. 1 Address: 1050 LINDEN AVE \n City: LONG BEACH County: LOS ANGELES State: CA \n Lat (NAD83): 33-46-45.1 N Long (NAD83): 118-11-13.2 W ASR No.: Ground Elev: 11.0 \n Loc. 2 Area of operation \n Operating within a 16.0 km radius around fixed location 1 \n Copy \n Antennas \n Loc Ant Frequencies Sta. No. No. Emission Output ERP Ant. Ant. Construct \n No. No. (MHz) Cls. Units Pagers Designator Power (watts) Ht./Tp AAT Deadline \n (watts) meters meter Date \n 1 1 000464.97500000 FB2 1 11K2F1D 50.000 75.000 62.0 s 59.0 03-07-2012 \n 11K2F3E \n 7K60FXD \n 7K60FXE \n 1 1 000464.30000000 FB2 1 11K2F1D 50.000 75.000 62.0 59.0 03-07-2012 \n 11K2F3E \n 7K60FXD \n 7K60FXE \n Conditions: \n Pursuant to §309(h) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §309(h), this license is subject to the \n following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor any right in the use of the \n frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authorized herein. Neither the \n license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation of the Communications Act of \n 1934, as amended. See 47 U.S.C. § 310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of use or control conferred by §706 of \n the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. See 47 U.S.C. §606. \n FCC 601-LM \n Page 1 of 3 August 2007","bbox":{"left":0.07518,"top":0.050283,"width":0.881945,"height":0.907468}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]} | |
{"content":[{"text":"The following individuals indicated interest in serving on the bylaws committee:","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.135495,"width":0.62533,"height":0.019153000000000003}},{"text":"Brian Anleu – NEC \n Henriot St. Gerard - NEC \n Emily Leongini - DCC \n Eva Guo - Clarksburg Cluster \n Yvonne van Lowe - Whitman Cluster \n Adam Lee - Churchill Cluster/DCC","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.209586,"width":0.291804,"height":0.15585699999999997}},{"text":"Please email Kellie ([email protected]) if you want to serve on the bylaws committee","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.42023,"width":0.7085480000000001,"height":0.019152999999999976}},{"text":"STANDARDS OF CONTINUING AFFILIATION (SOCA) \n Both Maryland PTA and MCCPTA monitors and records whether local PTAs fulfill the necessary \n eight (8) requirements necessary to remain members in good standing. All PT(S)A presidents \n should work closely with their treasurers and other board of directors members to complete \n them in a timely manner every year. I will hold MCCPTA cluster coordinators and area vice \n presidents accountable to monitor the status of these requirements using spreadsheets \n provided to MCCPTA by Maryland PTA. Please visit http://www.mccpta.org/soca-compliance--- \n guidebooks.html for complete information on satisfying all SOCA requirements. Instead of \n circulating your local PTA status on a monthly basis, I expect to distribute a spreadsheet \n indicating local PTA status during the following months: September, November, January and \n March.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.494239,"width":0.7630230000000001,"height":0.20168399999999997}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]} | |
{"content":[{"text":"Item 4.3 \n Page 2","bbox":{"left":0.845882,"top":0.045609,"width":0.060006000000000004,"height":0.031341999999999995}},{"text":"CAPACITY/CONGESTION RELIEF PROJECTS","bbox":{"left":0.094118,"top":0.089746,"width":0.44464200000000004,"height":0.017450000000000007}},{"text":"Traffic Management - ITS Phase 3 \n The project includes conduit and fiber optic cable at the following locations: \n • Lake Street from 1st Street to 2nd Street; \n • Lemmon Drive from North Virginia Street to US 395; and \n • Rock Boulevard from Greg Street to Prater Way.","bbox":{"left":0.094118,"top":0.125655,"width":0.6242909999999999,"height":0.09340699999999999}},{"text":"Also included in ITS Phase 3 is a Road Weather Information Sensor (RWIS) at Sharlands Avenue \n at Robb Drive. The weather sensors will detect ice on the road thereby alerting Reno Maintenance \n Crews that snowplow operations are required in the northwest. The project will install 20 \n Gridsmart Performance Packages. These are upgrades to existing Gridsmart detection systems and \n can detect/count pedestrian and bicycles. Titan Electrical Contracting, Inc. was awarded the \n construction contract on April 23, 2021. Construction is scheduled to begin July 6, 2021.","bbox":{"left":0.094138,"top":0.237926,"width":0.8118399999999999,"height":0.10821300000000003}},{"text":"Traffic Management - ITS Phase 4 \n The project includes conduit and fiber optic cable at the following locations: \n • Sharlands Avenue from Robb Drive to Mae Anne Avenue; \n • Double R Boulevard from South Meadows Parkway to Sandhill Road; \n • Geiger Grade from South Virginia Street to Veterans Parkway; \n • Prater Way from Pyramid Way to Sparks City Hall traffic center; \n • Feasibility studies for Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) and traveler information systems; \n and \n • ITS Master Plan update including a 5-year future ITS project list.","bbox":{"left":0.094118,"top":0.364898,"width":0.811788,"height":0.169468}},{"text":"Ninety percent (90%) plans are currently in development and scheduled for submittal July 2021. \n Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., has been awarded the contract for this project.","bbox":{"left":0.094138,"top":0.55323,"width":0.8117399999999999,"height":0.035633999999999943}},{"text":"North Valleys Package 3B \n Package 3B includes the addition of capacity to the right turn lane at North Virginia \n Street/Business 395. This project also includes improvements to two bus stop pads located within \n the project area, and associated access and drainage improvements. The project has advertised for \n construction bids and is anticipated to start construction in late summer 2021.","bbox":{"left":0.094097,"top":0.607625,"width":0.811902,"height":0.09018400000000004}},{"text":"Sparks Boulevard Project \n The project seeks to increase safety, increase roadway capacity, and improve bicycle and \n pedestrian facilities by widening Sparks Boulevard to six lanes between Greg Street and Baring \n Boulevard. Professional engineering services are underway with Atkins North America, Inc., \n performing environmental studies and preliminary design. The RTC, in cooperation with the City \n of Sparks, Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) and the Federal Highway \n Administration (FHWA) has initiated an Environmental Assessment (EA) to evaluate and \n document the proposed project’s potential impacts between the I-80 westbound ramps and Baring \n Boulevard.","bbox":{"left":0.094077,"top":0.716564,"width":0.812005,"height":0.16260699999999995}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]} | |
{"content":[{"text":"Dd form 1149 fillable","bbox":{"left":0.351765,"top":0.190429,"width":0.28767600000000004,"height":0.03129499999999999}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.0,"top":0.0,"width":1.000458,"height":0.112311},{"left":0.092631,"top":0.322121,"width":0.347386,"height":0.078321},{"left":0.555817,"top":0.322121,"width":0.347386,"height":0.078434}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.0,"top":0.0,"width":1.000458,"height":0.112311},{"left":0.092631,"top":0.322121,"width":0.347386,"height":0.078321},{"left":0.555817,"top":0.322121,"width":0.347386,"height":0.078434}]} | |
{"content":[{"text":"Reading Harrys First Christmas Ebook G Norman \n Lippert.pdf","bbox":{"left":0.081081,"top":0.054111,"width":0.717017,"height":0.063549}},{"text":"Harrys First Christmas Ebook G \n Norman Lippert \n Harrys First Christmas Ebook G Norman Lippert Harrys First Christmas \n Ebook G Norman Lippert Harrys First Christmas Ebook G Norman \n Lippert Harrys First Christmas Ebook G Norman Lippert Harrys First \n Christmas Ebook G Norman Lippert Harry's First Christmas by G. \n Norman Lippert Fan Fiction by G. Norman Lippert • For The Love of \n Harry James Potter Series by G. Norman Lippert Harry's First \n Christmas and Other Tales | James Potter ... Harry's First Christmas | \n Fictional Universes | Harry ... Fan Fiction by G. Norman Lippert • For \n The Love of Harry James Potter Series by G. Norman Lippert James \n Potter Book 3 Pdf, Harry potter 1 ebook free ... James Potter And The \n Morrigan Web 4 G Norman Lippert On James Potter, George Lippert, \n and the Future (part 1 ... Biography Paper Outline G. Norman Lippert | \n LibraryThing This Ended Better Than Expected | G. Norman Lippert's \n ... The James Potter Series : harrypotter Harry's First Christmas | \n Fictional Universes | Harry ... James Potter Book 3 Pdf, Harry potter 1 \n ebook free ... Biography Paper Outline James Potter And The Morrigan \n Web 4 G Norman Lippert James Potter And The Morrigan Web G. \n Norman Lippert | LibraryThing The Tyranny of High Expectations | G. \n Norman Lippert's ... The James Potter Series : harrypotter Timilsina \n Insider The secrets of the immortal Nicholas Flamel full series ...","bbox":{"left":0.081081,"top":0.16183,"width":0.8302440000000001,"height":0.606616}},{"text":"Harrys First Christmas Ebook G Norman Lippert As \n recognized, adventure as well as experience not quite lesson, \n amusement, as well as concurrence can be gotten by just checking","bbox":{"left":0.081081,"top":0.789524,"width":0.807486,"height":0.07957400000000003}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]} | |
{"content":[{"text":"Read PDF Pilates Manual","bbox":{"left":0.142857,"top":0.062362,"width":0.561998,"height":0.09190299999999998}},{"text":"Comprehending as with ease as contract \n even more than extra will come up with \n the money for each success. next-door \n to, the message as skillfully as insight of \n this pilates manual can be taken as \n competently as picked to act.","bbox":{"left":0.152382,"top":0.272309,"width":0.6890289999999999,"height":0.353448}},{"text":"Bootastik's free Kindle books have links \n to where you can download them, like","bbox":{"left":0.152382,"top":0.689445,"width":0.667354,"height":0.1150850000000001}},{"text":"Page 2/8","bbox":{"left":0.387152,"top":0.83752,"width":0.107593,"height":0.05163899999999999}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]} | |
{"content":[{"text":"Disabled","bbox":{"left":0.141176,"top":0.05012,"width":0.084086,"height":0.01592199999999999}},{"text":"The Committee recognises that the legislation applies to persons who are not \n apparently disabled or ill.","bbox":{"left":0.141176,"top":0.083374,"width":0.6894830000000001,"height":0.032548999999999995}},{"text":"Age","bbox":{"left":0.141176,"top":0.133256,"width":0.038109000000000004,"height":0.01592199999999999}},{"text":"The Hovingham Village Hall Committee believes that people of all ages have \n skills experiences and ideas, which are equally valid, and have valid needs, \n expectations and aspirations.","bbox":{"left":0.141176,"top":0.16651,"width":0.683512,"height":0.049176}},{"text":"Ethnic Minorities","bbox":{"left":0.141176,"top":0.233018,"width":0.16247399999999998,"height":0.01592199999999999}},{"text":"The Committee will be alert to any implications of its services and actions for \n potential unlawful discrimination. The Committee will challenge racism in any \n form and will encourage its users to do the same.","bbox":{"left":0.141176,"top":0.266272,"width":0.689043,"height":0.049176}},{"text":"Gender and Sexual Orientation","bbox":{"left":0.141176,"top":0.332781,"width":0.295863,"height":0.01592199999999999}},{"text":"Sexist policies, practices and attitudes (including policies, practices and \n attitudes which may relate to sexual orientation and gender re-assignment) will \n be challenged, and users will be encouraged to do the same.","bbox":{"left":0.141176,"top":0.366035,"width":0.7006709999999999,"height":0.049176}},{"text":"Religion and Belief","bbox":{"left":0.141176,"top":0.432543,"width":0.18162599999999998,"height":0.01592199999999999}},{"text":"The Committee endorses the right of each individual to his or her own religious \n beliefs or the absence of a belief.","bbox":{"left":0.141176,"top":0.463422,"width":0.701793,"height":0.032548999999999995}},{"text":"The Code of Conduct","bbox":{"left":0.141176,"top":0.515322,"width":0.237874,"height":0.018576000000000037}},{"text":"1.","bbox":{"left":0.141176,"top":0.548933,"width":0.016821000000000003,"height":0.01592199999999999}},{"text":"People will be treated with dignity and respect regardless of the group to \n which they belong.","bbox":{"left":0.171429,"top":0.548933,"width":0.687427,"height":0.03254899999999994}},{"text":"2.","bbox":{"left":0.141176,"top":0.598814,"width":0.016821000000000003,"height":0.01592199999999999}},{"text":"People’s feelings and views will be valued and respected. Language or \n humour that people find offensive will not be used or tolerated, e.g. racist \n jokes or derogatory terminology.","bbox":{"left":0.171429,"top":0.598814,"width":0.6874389999999999,"height":0.049176}},{"text":"3.","bbox":{"left":0.141176,"top":0.665322,"width":0.016821000000000003,"height":0.01592199999999999}},{"text":"No one will be harassed abused or intimidated on the ground that they \n belong to a vulnerable group. Incidents of harassment will be taken \n seriously, and the Hovingham Village Hall Committee will undertake \n investigations of any complaints quickly, impartially and thoroughly.","bbox":{"left":0.171429,"top":0.665322,"width":0.6874370000000001,"height":0.06580300000000006}},{"text":"2 of 2","bbox":{"left":0.141176,"top":0.940641,"width":0.05118700000000001,"height":0.016603000000000034}},{"text":"April 2021","bbox":{"left":0.753035,"top":0.940641,"width":0.09115999999999991,"height":0.016603000000000034}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]} | |
{"content":[{"text":"Project:","bbox":{"left":0.12651,"top":0.053504,"width":0.05928800000000001,"height":0.018467000000000004}},{"text":"South Battery Park City Resiliency \n Project Design Services","bbox":{"left":0.245523,"top":0.053504,"width":0.257477,"height":0.03376999999999999}},{"text":"Date:","bbox":{"left":0.575016,"top":0.053504,"width":0.04025599999999996,"height":0.018467000000000004}},{"text":"September 26, 2017","bbox":{"left":0.695801,"top":0.053504,"width":0.14378100000000005,"height":0.018467000000000004}},{"text":"RE: \n # of Pages:","bbox":{"left":0.575016,"top":0.099287,"width":0.07928700000000011,"height":0.03377000000000001}},{"text":"Addendum # 4 \n (1)","bbox":{"left":0.695801,"top":0.099287,"width":0.112205,"height":0.03377000000000001}},{"text":"The following revisions are hereby made to Section IV.A. of the RFP:","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.166982,"width":0.527623,"height":0.019404000000000005}},{"text":"(1) The due date for responses to the RFP shall be changed from September 29, 2017 to October \n 4, 2017 at 3:00 PM.","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.200315,"width":0.7322299999999999,"height":0.03607100000000002}},{"text":"By signing the line below, I am acknowledging that all pages of this Addendum have been received, reviewed \n and understood, and will be incorporated into the Proposal submitted. This document must be attached to the \n Proposal for consideration.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.285379,"width":0.7551270000000001,"height":0.04827999999999999}},{"text":"________________________ \n Print Name","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.407387,"width":0.20592,"height":0.03309000000000001}},{"text":"________________________________________ \n Signature Date","bbox":{"left":0.404592,"top":0.407387,"width":0.3432,"height":0.03309000000000001}},{"text":"Number of pages received: ______________<fill in>","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.453144,"width":0.36685999999999996,"height":0.017786999999999997}},{"text":"Distributed to: All prospective Proposers","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.483599,"width":0.28122099999999994,"height":0.017786999999999997}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]} | |
{"content":[{"text":"Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language \n CHAPTER 302--S.F.No. 3441","bbox":{"left":0.15126,"top":0.094447,"width":0.477775,"height":0.04138700000000001}},{"text":"An act \n relating to courts; limiting testimony of domestic abuse advocates without \n consent of victims; amending Minnesota Statutes 2007 Supplement, section \n 595.02, subdivision 1. \n BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA:","bbox":{"left":0.15126,"top":0.152865,"width":0.695149,"height":0.08558099999999999}},{"text":"Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2007 Supplement, section 595.02, subdivision 1, \n is \n amended to read: \n Subdivision 1. Competency of witnesses. Every person of sufficient \n understanding, \n including a party, may testify in any action or proceeding, civil or criminal, in \n court or \n before any person who has authority to receive evidence, except as provided in \n this \n subdivision: \n (a) A husband cannot be examined for or against his wife without her consent, \n nor a \n wife for or against her husband without his consent, nor can either, during the \n marriage or \n afterwards, without the consent of the other, be examined as to any \n communication made \n by one to the other during the marriage. This exception does not apply to a civil \n action or \n proceeding by one against the other, nor to a criminal action or proceeding for a \n crime \n committed by one against the other or against a child of either or against a child \n under the \n care of either spouse, nor to a criminal action or proceeding in which one is \n charged with \n homicide or an attempt to commit homicide and the date of the marriage of the \n defendant \n is subsequent to the date of the offense, nor to an action or proceeding for \n nonsupport, \n neglect, dependency, or termination of parental rights. \n (b) An attorney cannot, without the consent of the attorney's client, be \n examined as \n to any communication made by the client to the attorney or the attorney's advice \n given \n thereon in the course of professional duty; nor can any employee of the attorney \n be \n examined as to the communication or advice, without the client's consent. \n (c) A member of the clergy or other minister of any religion shall not, without \n the","bbox":{"left":0.15126,"top":0.255478,"width":0.691155,"height":0.6499510000000001}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]} | |
{"content":[{"text":"[First Reprint] \n ASSEMBLY, No. 1653 \n STATE OF NEW JERSEY \n 219th LEGISLATURE \n PRE-FILED FOR INTRODUCTION IN THE 2020 SESSION","bbox":{"left":0.191993,"top":0.10446,"width":0.6159330000000001,"height":0.19211899999999998}},{"text":"Sponsored by: \n Assemblywoman ANNETTE QUIJANO \n District 20 (Union) \n Assemblywoman NANCY J. PINKIN \n District 18 (Middlesex) \n Assemblyman ROBERT J. KARABINCHAK \n District 18 (Middlesex) \n Assemblyman JAMEL C. HOLLEY \n District 20 (Union) \n Senator BOB SMITH \n District 17 (Middlesex and Somerset) \n Senator CHRISTOPHER \"KIP\" BATEMAN \n District 16 (Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex and Somerset)","bbox":{"left":0.185915,"top":0.330359,"width":0.48431300000000005,"height":0.21365099999999998}},{"text":"Co-Sponsored by: \n Assemblymen Calabrese, Johnson, Assemblywoman Jasey, Assemblymen \n McKeon, Chiaravalloti, Assemblywoman Lopez, Assemblymen Kennedy, \n Conaway, Houghtaling, Moen, Benson, Assemblywoman Downey, Senators \n Diegnan, Gopal, Pou and Turner","bbox":{"left":0.185915,"top":0.560379,"width":0.628039,"height":0.082202}},{"text":"SYNOPSIS \n Encourages development of zero-emission \n infrastructure in redevelopment projects.","bbox":{"left":0.185915,"top":0.708236,"width":0.37550100000000003,"height":0.048423000000000105}},{"text":"vehicle","bbox":{"left":0.572376,"top":0.724349,"width":0.05654899999999996,"height":0.015881000000000034}},{"text":"fueling","bbox":{"left":0.639807,"top":0.724349,"width":0.055647,"height":0.015881000000000034}},{"text":"and","bbox":{"left":0.706219,"top":0.724349,"width":0.02823500000000001,"height":0.015881000000000034}},{"text":"charging","bbox":{"left":0.745415,"top":0.724349,"width":0.06876499999999997,"height":0.015881000000000034}},{"text":"CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT \n As amended by the General Assembly on February 24, 2020.","bbox":{"left":0.185915,"top":0.77398,"width":0.5031079999999999,"height":0.03196500000000002}},{"text":"(Sponsorship Updated As Of: 6/3/2021)","bbox":{"left":0.33616,"top":0.877909,"width":0.32802,"height":0.016487999999999947}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]} | |
{"content":[{"text":"Where To Download Eurocode \n 3 Design Of Steel Structures \n Engineering \n Eurocode 3 Design Of \n Steel Structures \n Engineering","bbox":{"left":0.142857,"top":0.031181,"width":0.6821309999999999,"height":0.245326}},{"text":"As recognized, adventure as well as \n experience approximately lesson, \n amusement, as without difficulty as \n union can be gotten by just checking out \n a ebook eurocode 3 design of steel \n structures engineering then it is not \n directly done, you could recognize even \n more a propos this life, in the region of \n the world.","bbox":{"left":0.152382,"top":0.299443,"width":0.6890949999999999,"height":0.26610999999999996}},{"text":"We have the funds for you this proper as \n capably as simple showing off to get \n those all. We have the funds for \n eurocode 3 design of steel structures \n engineering and numerous books \n collections from fictions to scientific \n research in any way. in the midst of \n them is this eurocode 3 design of steel \n structures engineering that can be your \n partner.","bbox":{"left":0.152382,"top":0.597397,"width":0.689092,"height":0.295905}},{"text":"Page 1/3","bbox":{"left":0.387152,"top":0.91876,"width":0.107593,"height":0.025819000000000036}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]} | |
{"content":[{"text":"derisive moniker “fake meat” and significantly higher price, plant-based protein has begun to \n gain public acceptance and market-share. \n So, we go back to the “chicken question” and ask, “why?” \n In our reading we have identified three issues. Like with chicken, some believe that plant- \n based meats are healthier than their animal-based counterparts. To the extent that consumers \n avoid breading and deep or pan frying, there may be some truth to that belief. \n But more importantly, we see a combination of animal welfare and environmental \n concerns as the more significant drivers in this shift in protein sourcing. \n In a vox.com article “How chickens took over America’s dinner plates, in one chart” \n Kelsey Piper discusses the environmental impact of beef production and the animal welfare \n issues involved in chicken production (https://tinyurl.com/56c568e6). \n With regard to the latter she writes: “Most chickens…spend every minute of their short \n lives in crowded, ammonia-filled indoor spaces, as we saw in a recent undercover investigation \n into a farm that supplies chicken for Costco. They’re also bred to grow too fast, putting pressure \n on their joints and making normal chicken behavior impossible.” \n While many farmers are concerned about governmental regulation in the areas of the \n environment, including global warming, and animal welfare, we think the bigger factor will be \n consumer behavior. Over the last 50 years, cost and health concerns were significant drivers of \n the changes we have seen in the meats US consumers purchase. \n As firms involved in plant-based protein production are able to reduce the cost of their \n products, animal welfare and environmental concerns will increasingly drive the US consumer’s \n protein sourcing decisions. \n Farmers who factor health, environmental, and animal welfare concerns into their \n production decisions are more likely to maintain their markets than those who don’t. We already \n see that happening in egg and milk markets. Consumers will pay double or more for products \n that address their health and ethical concerns.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.088894,"width":0.764804,"height":0.45581799999999995}},{"text":"Policy Pennings Column 1076","bbox":{"left":0.380392,"top":0.560894,"width":0.239118,"height":0.01849999999999996}},{"text":"Originally published in MidAmerica Farmer Grower, Vol. 37, No. 322, May 14, 2021","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.595742,"width":0.6730400000000001,"height":0.01849999999999996}},{"text":"Dr. Harwood D. Schaffer: Adjunct Research Assistant Professor, Sociology Department, \n University of Tennessee and Director, Agricultural Policy Analysis Center. Dr. Daryll E. Ray: \n Emeritus Professor, Institute of Agriculture, University of Tennessee and Retired Director, \n Agricultural Policy Analysis Center. \n Email: [email protected] and [email protected]; http://www.agpolicy.org.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.630591,"width":0.764764,"height":0.08819699999999997}},{"text":"Reproduction Permission Granted with: \n 1) Full attribution to Harwood D. Schaffer and Daryll E. Ray, Agricultural Policy Analysis \n Center, Knoxville, TN; \n 2) An email sent to [email protected] indicating how often you intend on running the column \n and your total circulation. Also, please send one copy of the first issue with the column in it to \n Harwood Schaffer, Agricultural Policy Analysis Center, 1708 Capistrano Dr. Knoxville, TN \n 37922.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.733515,"width":0.764804,"height":0.12475799999999992}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]} | |
{"content":[{"text":"Code Adjustments \n If it is necessary to change the transmission code on the RM6000, an adjustment to the receiver AND the transmitter DIP \n switches must be performed.","bbox":{"left":0.049608,"top":0.022197,"width":0.900778,"height":0.072487}},{"text":"RECEIVER DIP SWITCHES- Remove the receiver from the illuminator by sliding the tray out and unplugging the two six-pin \n connectors. Remove the four screws that attaches the bottom panel to the top cover. Remove the top cover to expose receiver \n PCB and dip switch. Refer to FIG. C to locate the DIP switch panel.","bbox":{"left":0.049592,"top":0.107639,"width":0.90083,"height":0.04765100000000001}},{"text":"TRANSMITTER DIP SWITCHES- Remove the 6 screws to expose the remote PCB. Refer to FIG. D to locate the DIP switch \n panel. Do not discard the rubber gasket.","bbox":{"left":0.049592,"top":0.168245,"width":0.899513,"height":0.032499}},{"text":"DIP SWITCH ADJUSTMENT- The four DIP switches have an ON and an OFF position. The default postion is all four OFF. \n Changing just one DIP switch to ON will change the code. MAKE SURE BOTH THE RECEIVER AND TRANSMITTER HAVE \n THE SAME DIP SWITCH SETTINGS.","bbox":{"left":0.049592,"top":0.213699,"width":0.9007580000000001,"height":0.047652}},{"text":"DIP SWITCH PANEL","bbox":{"left":0.382533,"top":0.304104,"width":0.153331,"height":0.017347999999999975}},{"text":"DIP SWITCH PANEL","bbox":{"left":0.681948,"top":0.304104,"width":0.15333200000000002,"height":0.017347999999999975}},{"text":"FIG. C \n RECEIVER","bbox":{"left":0.33126,"top":0.641308,"width":0.099412,"height":0.039046000000000025}},{"text":"FIG. D \n TRANSMITTER","bbox":{"left":0.62126,"top":0.641308,"width":0.14078400000000002,"height":0.039046000000000025}},{"text":"ON \n 1 DIP \n 2 \n 3 \n 4","bbox":{"left":0.421285,"top":0.715979,"width":0.171022,"height":0.08234099999999989}},{"text":"FIG. E \n DIP SWITCH PANEL","bbox":{"left":0.411961,"top":0.841212,"width":0.184712,"height":0.039046000000000025}},{"text":"44259 Nobel Drive Fremont, CA tel (800)327-7877 fax (510)490-3247 www.fiberstars.com","bbox":{"left":0.108824,"top":0.949015,"width":0.782443,"height":0.020818000000000003}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.053826,"top":0.333775,"width":0.470588,"height":0.30303},{"left":0.568627,"top":0.349747,"width":0.287582,"height":0.272727},{"left":0.702023,"top":0.01627,"width":0.241177,"height":0.040606}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.053826,"top":0.333775,"width":0.470588,"height":0.30303},{"left":0.568627,"top":0.349747,"width":0.287582,"height":0.272727},{"left":0.702023,"top":0.01627,"width":0.241177,"height":0.040606}]} | |
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{"content":[{"text":"Download Ebook Chapter 3 \n Supplemental Problems \n Matter Chapter Properties 3 And \n Changes Answer Key \n Supplemental \n Problems Matter \n Properties And \n Changes Answer \n Page 1/28","bbox":{"left":0.142857,"top":0.061618,"width":0.6989430000000001,"height":0.8275410000000001}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]} | |
{"content":[{"text":"INTRODUCTION","bbox":{"left":0.516726,"top":0.04982,"width":0.186944,"height":0.074222}},{"text":"DESIGNING THE PERFECT ROOM.","bbox":{"left":0.516726,"top":0.200046,"width":0.405234,"height":0.07422200000000001}},{"text":"We get it, there are an endless amount of options out there today in terms","bbox":{"left":0.524834,"top":0.447376,"width":0.446886,"height":0.030007000000000006}},{"text":"of furniture, décor, and home goods that it can be a bit overwhelming","bbox":{"left":0.524834,"top":0.494034,"width":0.417937,"height":0.030007000000000006}},{"text":"when it comes to designing your favorite spaces. Through years of","bbox":{"left":0.524834,"top":0.540692,"width":0.406243,"height":0.030007000000000006}},{"text":"designing, creating, and sourcing great furniture from around the world,","bbox":{"left":0.524834,"top":0.58735,"width":0.43821200000000005,"height":0.030007000000000006}},{"text":"and through a bit of trial and error we’ve found 5 easy steps that make","bbox":{"left":0.524834,"top":0.634007,"width":0.42709699999999995,"height":0.030007000000000006}},{"text":"designing any room a simple, and more importantly, fun experience.","bbox":{"left":0.524834,"top":0.680665,"width":0.415284,"height":0.03005200000000008}},{"text":"MONARCH & MALLARD","bbox":{"left":0.848714,"top":0.958624,"width":0.14371500000000004,"height":0.03688899999999995}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.0,"top":-0.13802,"width":0.497812,"height":1.3275}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.0,"top":-0.13802,"width":0.497812,"height":1.3275}]} | |
{"content":[{"text":"CHAIR’S CORNER \n by Caliph Johnson \n Chair, ADR SECTION \n 2000-2001 ADR SECTION REPORT: \n AN AUSPICIOUS YEAR IN REVIEW \n As the 2000-2001 bar-year draws to a close, I am reminded that the \n Section Chair is required to report on the Section’s accomplishment of its mission \n over the past year. As stated in the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) \n Section’s By-Laws, the purpose or mission of the Section is to promote the use \n and quality of ADR in Texas. Therefore, the task at hand is to determine: has the \n Section advanced the use and quality of ADR in Texas, and beyond? The \n answer to that query is as dynamic as the youthful field of ADR, itself. It is as \n varied as the different persons and organizations that are active in, and affected \n by, ADR. This report will approach the task from several different perspectives. \n I. INITIATIVES OF THE ADR SECTION \n 1. FIRST ANNUAL COUNCIL RETREAT \n The first major Section initiative of the year was a planned introspection, in \n the form of its First Annual Council Retreat. The Retreat was held in San Antonio, \n Texas at the offices of Soules & Wallace. The Council, consisting of its five \n officers, thirteen general Council Members (both returning and newly elected) \n and several Past Chairs, held a one-and-one-half day Retreat on August 25-26, \n 2000. \n The goal of the Retreat was to determine what role the ADR Section will \n serve: to the State Bar, to the Section’s membership, to other Sections of the \n State Bar, to other organizations, institutions and individuals, and to society \n generally. Once the direction was decided, the body then set out to reshape the \n Council’s committee structure and roles, and set goals and objectives for the \n coming year. \n Barbara Hannon and Wayne Fagan planned the retreat. The law firm of \n Soules & Wallace generously generously donated the meeting facility in their \n offices, and provided administrative and logistical support. Wayne Fagan and his \n wife Julie graciously hosted a reception in their home. Sam Graham, an Austin \n attorney and mediator, volunteered as facilitator, and deftly led the group through \n the retreat with great diplomacy and dispatch. By the end of the retreat, all \n agreed that it was a resounding success. \n Following the Retreat, there was a brief Council meeting, the second \n meeting of the bar-year. Its first meeting was on the afternoon of June 23, 2000. \n 2. FALL 2000 ANNUAL CONFERENCE: “I’LL SEE YOU IN COURT” \n On September 22, 2000, the Section hosted its Fall Annual CLE \n Conference, “I’ll See You in Court,” at the South Texas College of Law, in \n Houston. This Conference was a huge success. The Section was joined by","bbox":{"left":0.147451,"top":0.087479,"width":0.706354,"height":0.809172}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]} | |
{"content":[{"text":"Read Online 2002 Harley Davidson Dyna \n Fxd Models Service Manual Set Wide Glide \n Low 2002 Rider Harley Super Davidson Glide Dyna F xd \n Models Service Manual Set Wide \n Glide L ow Rider Super Glide \n When people should go to the book stores, search \n opening by shop, shelf by shelf, it is truly problematic. \n T his is why we provide the book compilations in this \n website. It will unquestionably ease you to see guide \n 2002 harley davidson dyna fxd models service manual \n set wide glide low rider super glide as you such as.","bbox":{"left":0.101351,"top":0.021713,"width":0.775729,"height":0.35281}},{"text":"By searching the title, publisher, or authors of guide \n you really want, you can discover them rapidly. In the \n house, workplace, or perhaps in your method can be all \n best place within net connections. If you wish to \n download and install the 2002 harley davidson dyna fxd \n models service manual set wide glide low rider super \n glide, it is completely simple then, previously currently \n we extend the associate to purchase and make bargains \n to download and install 2002 harley davidson dyna fxd \n models service manual set wide glide low rider super \n glide thus simple!","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.39854,"width":0.777786,"height":0.27836399999999994}},{"text":"2002 Harley-Davidson F X D Dyna Modifications \\u0026 \n Maintenance 2002 Harley Davidson F X D Super Glide \n 2002 Harley Davidson F X D Dyna | Stunning Blue \n Metallic Watch this before you buy a Harley Super \n Glide 325763 - 2002 Harley Davidson Dyna Super \n Glide F X D - Used Motorcycle F or Sale 2002 Harley \n Dyna Super Glide Walk around 03 dyna fxd Did I Get \n Ripped Off? 2000 Harley Dyna F X DX Price Reveal... Oil \n Change : Harley Davidson Dyna 2002 Harley Davidson","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.700921,"width":0.7755810000000001,"height":0.22796699999999992}},{"text":"Page 1/7","bbox":{"left":0.419939,"top":0.942745,"width":0.07633299999999998,"height":0.01819700000000002}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]} | |
{"content":[{"text":"File Type PDF Great Gatsby \n Literature Guide Secondary \n Solutions \n Great Gatsby \n Literature Guide \n Secondary Solutions","bbox":{"left":0.142857,"top":0.031181,"width":0.6989529999999999,"height":0.259486}},{"text":"This is likewise one of the \n factors by obtaining the \n soft documents of this great \n gatsby literature guide \n secondary solutions by \n online. You might not \n require more period to spend \n to go to the book \n introduction as well as \n search for them. In some \n cases, you likewise complete \n not discover the broadcast \n great gatsby literature \n guide secondary solutions \n that you are looking for. It \n will unconditionally \n squander the time. \n Page 1/15","bbox":{"left":0.152382,"top":0.319876,"width":0.677333,"height":0.624703}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]} | |
{"content":[{"text":"Calendar Line 1","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.073165,"width":0.13625900000000002,"height":0.016779000000000002}},{"text":"Case Name: \n Case No.:","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.107711,"width":0.10063,"height":0.03420299999999998}},{"text":"James Damore, et al. v. Google, LLC, et al. \n 18-CV-321529","bbox":{"left":0.264696,"top":0.107711,"width":0.342169,"height":0.03420299999999998}},{"text":"This is a putative employment class action alleging harassment, discrimination, and \n retaliation by defendant Google, LLC. Before the Court are (1) Google’s demurrer to or \n motion to strike class allegations associated with plaintiffs’ claims under Labor Code sections \n 1101 and 1102 and (2) Google’s motion for judgment on the pleadings as to plaintiff Michael \n Burns’s claims under the Fair Employment and Housing Act (“FEHA”) on behalf of Asian job \n applicants. Plaintiffs oppose both motions.","bbox":{"left":0.147058,"top":0.159983,"width":0.7427309999999999,"height":0.10390100000000002}},{"text":"I.","bbox":{"left":0.147058,"top":0.281953,"width":0.01116700000000001,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"Factual and Procedural Background","bbox":{"left":0.168235,"top":0.281953,"width":0.28138300000000005,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"Plaintiffs James Damore, David Gudeman, Stephen McPherson, and Michael Burns are \n former Google employees and job applicants Google did not hire. (First Amended Complaint \n (“FAC”), ¶¶ 12-16.) They allege that Google employees who expressed views deviating from \n the majority of their colleagues on political subjects raised in the workplace and relevant to \n Google’s employment policies and business—including diversity hiring policies, bias \n sensitivity, and social justice—were singled out, mistreated, and systematically punished \n and/or terminated in violation of the law. (Id. at ¶ 4.) They further allege that Google utilizes \n unlawful hiring quotas to reach its desired percentages of female and favored minority \n candidates and openly denigrates employees who are male, white/Caucasian, and/or Asian. \n (Id. at ¶ 9.)","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.316802,"width":0.745168,"height":0.173597}},{"text":"Based on these and more detailed allegations concerning events at Google that \n plaintiffs believe reflect its biases against individuals who share their race, gender, and/or \n political beliefs, plaintiffs bring individual Labor Code, FEHA, and related claims. They also \n allege claims on behalf of a putative class comprised of four subclasses: the “Political \n Subclass” of employees and job applicants discriminated against for their politically \n conservative viewpoints, the “Gender Subclass” of individuals discriminated against for being \n male, the “Race Subclass” of those discriminated against for being Caucasian or Asian, and the \n “Hostile Work Environment Subclass” of Gender and Race Subclass members who were \n Google employees. (FAC, ¶ 338.)","bbox":{"left":0.147052,"top":0.508468,"width":0.7471570000000001,"height":0.156173}},{"text":"The FAC, filed on April 18, 2018, sets forth twelve causes of action by Damore, \n Gudeman, McPherson, Burns, and former plaintiff Manuel Amador. On November 30, 2018, \n the parties filed a stipulation agreeing that former employees Damore and Gudeman would \n submit their claims to arbitration, Amador would dismiss his claims without prejudice, and the \n action would proceed as to the claims asserted by job applicants McPherson and Burns only. \n The Court subsequently entered a stipulated order dismissing Amador’s claims and staying the \n action as to the claims by Damore and Gudeman pending arbitration. Following this order, the \n claims pending before the Court are as follows: (1) violation of Labor Code section 1101 by \n taking adverse employment action against individuals for engaging in political activities (by \n McPherson, Burns, and the Political Subclass); (2) violation of Labor Code section 1102 by \n coercing or influencing individuals’ political activities (by McPherson, Burns, and the Political \n Subclass); (3) hiring and workplace discrimination due to gender and/or race in violation of \n FEHA (by Burns and the Gender and Race Subclasses); (4) disparate impact discrimination \n due to gender and/or race in violation of FEHA (by Burns and the Gender and Race","bbox":{"left":0.147062,"top":0.68271,"width":0.7456619999999999,"height":0.2432939999999999}},{"text":"1","bbox":{"left":0.887255,"top":0.949377,"width":0.009785000000000044,"height":0.01677899999999999}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]} | |
{"content":[{"text":"翻 Certified by \n John Matthews ATA in \n JohnMatthews.us Japanese > English \n [email protected] 訳 Translation \n since 1989 \n Business 101 for Translators & Interpreters \n How Do I Qualify to Deduct Mileage Expenses?","bbox":{"left":0.138275,"top":0.09976,"width":0.72281,"height":0.199766}},{"text":"by John Matthews, MBA & CT \n 2013","bbox":{"left":0.620899,"top":0.343775,"width":0.26169600000000004,"height":0.03824300000000003}},{"text":"Deducting mileage expenses is probably more significant for Inez the Interpreter than it \n is for Terri the Translator because Inez travels to the job site almost every day, while \n Terri works at home and only occasionally drives to business meetings.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.3962,"width":0.764278,"height":0.060968999999999995}},{"text":"General Concept according to IRS Publications 463 and 587","bbox":{"left":0.221601,"top":0.50173,"width":0.556873,"height":0.020863999999999994}},{"text":"1.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.534255,"width":0.016430999999999987,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"Mileage expenses are expenses related to traveling from your office to another job \n site. \n Traveling from your home to the office is considered “commuting.” Commuting \n expenses are never deductible. \n Therefore, it essential for Inez to qualify for a Home Office deduction in order to \n deduct mileage and other transportation expenses from her home office to a job site \n like the court, hospital or attorney’s office to perform her interpreting work. \n You can refer to the information on the Home Office deduction in the MICATA \n Monitor December 2012 edition on the MICATA website at www.micata.org .","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.534255,"width":0.735392,"height":0.18112099999999998}},{"text":"2.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.574407,"width":0.016430999999999987,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"3.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.614407,"width":0.016430999999999987,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"4.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.674558,"width":0.016430999999999987,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"Inez the Interpreter – Commuting vs. Traveling to the Job Site","bbox":{"left":0.213366,"top":0.747399,"width":0.5731470000000001,"height":0.020863999999999994}},{"text":"Inez commutes to her office every morning by walking from the kitchen after breakfast \n to her home office in her 2nd bedroom.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.78005,"width":0.764059,"height":0.04081900000000005}},{"text":"After she has commuted to her home office, when she travels to the court, hospital or \n attorney’s office to perform her interpreting work, she is traveling from her office to a","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.865348,"width":0.764494,"height":0.03949900000000006}},{"text":"1","bbox":{"left":0.494592,"top":0.91747,"width":0.010902000000000023,"height":0.020818000000000003}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]} | |
{"content":[{"text":"Download File PDF Simple Solutions Puppy Pads Coupon","bbox":{"left":0.071429,"top":0.030809,"width":0.7392860000000001,"height":0.05251599999999999}},{"text":"Simple Solutions Puppy Pads Coupon \n Getting the books simple solutions puppy pads coupon now is not type of challenging \n means. You could not on your own going in the same way as books deposit or library or \n borrowing from your connections to door them. This is an enormously simple means to \n specifically acquire lead by on-line. This online pronouncement simple solutions puppy pads \n coupon can be one of the options to accompany you in the same way as having further time.","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.136873,"width":0.823584,"height":0.25002100000000005}},{"text":"It will not waste your time. assume me, the e-book will very sky you further situation to read. \n Just invest tiny times to edit this on-line declaration simple solutions puppy pads coupon as \n capably as review them wherever you are now.","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.424479,"width":0.842453,"height":0.10543299999999994}},{"text":"Simple Solution Premium Dog and Puppy Training PadsTop 5 Best Pee Pads For Dogs \n Review In 2020 \n How to Train your Puppy to Stop Biting \n How To Train Your Puppy to STOP BITING You! 3 Things That WILL Work! \n Training Pads Product Demonstration: Lifetime Use \n Training Pads Product Demonstration: Indoor to Outdoor UseBulldogology Puppy Dog Cat Pee \n Pads Extra Large with Adhesive Sticky Tape Review Affenpinscher Potty Training from World- \n Famous Dog Trainer Zak George - Train Affenpinscher Puppy 10 Best Puppy Training Pads \n 2018 Tapete Entrenador \\\"Simple Solution\\\" Training Pads Goldendoodle Potty Training from \n Page 1/7","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.604582,"width":0.8459399999999999,"height":0.3399970000000001}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]} | |
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{"content":[{"text":"Village of Lincolnwood Finance Committee \n Meeting \n Tuesday, March 23, 2021 \n 8:35 AM \n Lincolnwood Village Hall \n 6900 Lincoln Avenue \n Board Conference Room \n Meeting Held Via GoToMeeting \n In accordance with the recently adopted amendments to the Illinois Open Meetings Act \n permitting the Village Board to conduct a virtual Village Board meeting, members of the \n public are allowed to be physically present in the Village Board meeting room in Village \n Hall at 6900 North Lincoln Avenue, subject to room capacity and social distancing \n requirements. Accordingly, the opportunity to view the virtual meeting at Village Hall is \n available on a “first come, first-served” basis. Those members of the public present at \n Village Hall will be able to provide real-time comments in person on the computer \n available in the Board Conference Room. Anyone who does not desire, or who is not \n able, to be physically present at Village Hall can watch the Village Board meeting on- \n demand by visiting the Village website or by clicking www.lincolnwoodil.org/on- \n demand/ or can email [email protected] to receive the \n GoToMeeting credentials for the meeting to participate electronically.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.068281,"width":0.698121,"height":0.45006700000000005}},{"text":"Meeting Agenda","bbox":{"left":0.43098,"top":0.550848,"width":0.13764800000000005,"height":0.02098500000000003}},{"text":"1. Call to Order/Quorum Declaration","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.585697,"width":0.31305700000000003,"height":0.02098500000000003}},{"text":"2. Minutes Approval \n -Minutes of December 17, 2020 meeting","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.620545,"width":0.31568599999999997,"height":0.037030999999999925}},{"text":"3. Discussion Regarding Following Items: \n - Review of the FY 2022 Budget","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.672818,"width":0.346725,"height":0.038409000000000026}},{"text":"4. Other Business","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.725091,"width":0.14664700000000003,"height":0.02098500000000003}},{"text":"5. Public Forum \n Statement Regarding Public Comment \n Anyone who desires to offer public comment during the meeting about any matter \n concerning the Village of Lincolnwood may do so by submitting an email to \n [email protected] prior to the commencement of the meeting, or by \n offering live oral comment at the stated time in the meeting agenda. To offer live \n comment, commenters must email [email protected] to receive the \n GoToMeeting credentials for the meeting to participate electronically. All Emails \n received will be read aloud during the Public Comment portion of the agenda. Emails \n should be kept to under 200 words to allow time for others to be heard and for the Board \n to progress through the public meeting agenda. The Board typically does not immediately","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.759939,"width":0.704313,"height":0.19962099999999994}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]} |
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