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List out all the work schedule for Carsem.
N03 : Monday to Friday, 8am to 5:30pm. N04 : Tuesday to Saturday, 8am to 5:30pm. N05 : Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 6:00pm. N06 : Monday to Friday, 9am to 6:30pm. N07 : Tuesday to Saturday, 8:30am to 6:00pm. N08 : Tuesday to Saturday, 9am to 6:30pm. N6 : Tuesday to Saturday, 8:30pm to 6:15pm. N9: 5 working days 2 days off, 7:30am to 5:15pm , 10:30am to 8:15pm. N10: 5 working days 2 days off, 10:30am to 8:15pm , 7:30am to 5:15pm. AA/BB/CC/A/B/C : 4 working days 2 days off, 6:30am to 6:30pm , 6:30pm to 6:30am. 1AA1/BB1/CC1/A1/B1/C1 : 4 working days 2 days off, 6:30am to 6:30pm , 6:30pm to 6:30am. GG/HH/II/GG1/HH1/II1 : 4 working days 2 days off, 7:30am to 7:30pm , 7:30pm to 7:30am. P1 : Monday to Thursday (4 working days 2 days off), 6:30am to 6:30pm , 6:30pm to 6:30am. P2 : Tuesday to Friday (4 working days 2 days off), 6:30am to 6:30pm , 6:30pm to 6:30am. U1/U2/U3/UU1/UU2/UU3 : 4 working days 2 days off, 7:30am to 7:30pm. V1/V2/V3/VV1/VV2/VV3 : 4 working days 2 days off, 8:30am to 8:30pm. W1/W2/W3/WW1/WW2/WW3 : 4 working days 2 days off, 6:30am to 6:30pm. H1 : Monday to Thursday (4 working days 2 days off), 6:30am to 6:30pm. H2 : Tuesday to Friday (4 working days 2 days off), 6:30am to 6:30pm. H3 : Wednesday to Saturday (4 working days 2 days off), 6:30am to 6:30pm. H6(applicable in S only) : Monday to Thursday (4 working days 2 days off), 7:30am to 7:30pm. 2 H6(applicable in M only) : Monday to Thursday (4 working days 2 days off), 7:30am to 7:30pm.
What is the maximum allowed working hours in a week?
Employees are not allowed to work more than 60 hours in a week inclusive of overtime and 1 rest day per week. Company will monitor overtime and rest day utilization and take appropriate action to address instances deemed excessive.
Why the company is not allowed working hours in a week more than 60 hours?
Continuous overtime causes worker strain that may lead to reduced productivity, increased turnover and increased injury and illnesses.
What are the break times for normal shift employees?
Normal shift employees are entitled to a 1-hour lunch break from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM.
Can normal shift employees leave the workplace for lunch?
Yes, normal shift employees are allowed to go out for lunch.
Can shift employees leave the workplace for lunch?
Shift employees are not allowed to go out for meals per industry practice.
What are the break schedules for shift workers?
Dinner: 1st group (8:00 PM - 8:40 PM), 2nd group (8:50 PM - 9:30 PM), 3rd group (9:40 PM - 10:20 PM). Supper: 1st group (1:00 AM - 1:30 AM), 2nd group (1:40 AM - 2:10 AM), 3rd group (2:20 AM - 2:50 AM). Breakfast: 1st group (8:30 AM - 9:00 AM), 2nd group (9:10 AM - 9:40 AM), 3rd group (9:50 AM - 10:20 AM). Lunch: 1st group (1:40 PM - 2:20 PM), 2nd group (2:30 PM - 3:10 PM), 3rd group (3:20 PM - 4:00 PM).
Are there any specific schedules for continuous or special shift patterns?
Yes, there are specialized patterns such as 4 Days On/2 Days Off shifts (e.g., AA/BB/CC, GG/HH/II) with varying timings like 6:30 AM - 6:30 PM or 7:30 AM - 7:30 PM.
Can the company change working hours or break times.
Yes, the company reserves the right to modify working hours and break times, with prior notice to employees.
What are the meal times for the 1st shift at M-site?
Dinner (Malam): 8:00 PM - 8:40 PM. Supper (Lewat Malam): 1:00 AM - 1:30 AM. Breakfast (Pagi): 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM. Lunch (Tengah Hari): 12:50 PM - 1:30 PM.
What are the meal times for the 2nd shift at M-site?
Dinner (Malam): 8:50 PM - 9:30 PM. Supper (Lewat Malam): 1:40 AM - 2:10 AM. Breakfast (Pagi): 8:40 AM - 9:10 AM. Lunch (Tengah Hari): 1:40 PM - 2:20 PM.
What are the meal times for the 3rd shift at M-site?
Dinner (Malam): 9:40 PM - 10:20 PM. Supper (Lewat Malam): 2:20 AM - 2:50 AM. Breakfast (Pagi): 9:20 AM - 9:50 AM. Lunch (Tengah Hari): 2:30 PM - 3:10 PM.
What are the meal times for the 4th shift at M-site?
Dinner (Malam): 10:30 PM - 11:10 PM. Supper (Lewat Malam): 3:00 AM - 3:30 AM. Breakfast (Pagi): 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM. Lunch (Tengah Hari): 3:20 PM - 4:00 PM.
What is the lunch schedule for the 1st shift in the normal schedule in M-site?
Lunch (Tengah Hari) for the 1st shift is from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM, lasting 60 minutes.
What is the meal schedule for M-site?
1st Shift: -Dinner (Malam): 8:00PM - 8:40PM, -Supper(Lewat Malam): 1:00AM - 1:30 AM -Breakfast(Pagi): 8:00AM - 8:30AM -Lunch(Tengah Hari): 12:50PM - 1:30PM. 2nd Shift: -Dinner(Malam): 8:50PM - 9:30PM -Supper(Lewat Malam): 1:40AM - 2:10AM -Breakfast(Pagi): 8:40AM - 9:10AM -Lunch(Tengah Hari): 1:40PM - 2:20PM. 3rd Shift: -Dinner(Malam): 9:40PM - 10:20PM -Supper(Lewat Malam): 2:20AM - 2:50AM -Breakfast(Pagi): 9:20AM - 9:50AM -Lunch(Tengah Hari): 2:30PM - 3:10PM. 4th Shift: -Dinner(Malam): 10:30PM - 11:10PM -Supper(Lewat Malam): 3:00AM - 3:30AM -Breakfast(Pagi): 10:00AM - 10:30AM -Lunch(Tengah Hari): 3:20PM - 4:00PM.
What is the meal schedule for S-site's shift workers.
1st Shift: -Dinner (Malam): 8:00PM - 8:40PM, -Supper(Lewat Malam): 1:00AM - 1:30 AM -Breakfast(Pagi): 8:30AM - 9:00AM -Lunch(Tengah Hari): 1:40PM - 2:20PM. 2nd Shift: -Dinner(Malam): 8:50PM - 9:30PM -Supper(Lewat Malam): 1:40AM - 2:10AM -Breakfast(Pagi): 9:10AM - 9:40AM -Lunch(Tengah Hari): 2:30PM - 3:10PM. 3rd Shift: -Dinner(Malam): 9:40PM - 10:20PM -Supper(Lewat Malam): 2:20AM - 2:50AM -Breakfast(Pagi): 9:50AM - 10:20AM -Lunch(Tengah Hari): 3:20PM - 4:00PM.
What is the lunch schedule for the 1st shift in the normal schedule in S-site?
Lunch (Tengah Hari) for the 1st shift is from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM, lasting 60 minutes.
How often are employees paid, and when is the salary payment date?
Salaries for Operators and Staff are paid once a month, on the 5th of the following month. Meanwhile, salaries for Executives and Managers are paid once a month, on the 28th of the current month. If the payment date falls on a weekend or public holiday, the salary will be credited on the preceding working day.
How is the salary paid to employees?
Salary is directly credited to the employee's Hong Leong Bank account after mandatory deductions (EPF, SOCSO, Income Tax).
What should an employee do if they find a discrepancy in their pay slip?
Every employee is responsible to check their pay slip and highlight immediately if there is any pay discrepancy to immediate supervisors. All discrepancy has to be claimed within 3 month (HRD0123) and it will be reimbursed through payroll in the following month.
What happens if an employee changes their bank account number?
The employee must inform the HR payroll section immediately.
How is overtime (OT) payment calculated for staff and operators?
HRP Formula: Basic Salary + Total Eligible Allowance x 12 months / (52 weeks x 45 hours per week). The OT amount = HRP X Number of hours worked X Rate of payment per the table below.
What are the OT rates for different days?
Work on Rest Day: OT Rate: 2X, Shift Pattern: if 12 Hours Shift, 6 hours = paid 1 day wage, 8 hours = paid 2 days wages. if Normal/5 Hours Shift, 4 hours = paid 1 days, 5 hours = paid 2 days wages(exclude break/lunch time. Work on Public Holiday: OT Rate: 2X, Shift Pattern: if 12 Hours Shift, Full 12 hours work. if Normal/5 Hours Shift, Full day work. Work on Off Day, OT Rate: 5, Shift Pattern: if 12 Hours Shift, 1 hours. if Normal/5 Hours Shift, 1 hours.
What are the OT allowances for executives and section managers?
Executives and Section Managers from job grade of E4 to M4 that is required to work overtime on Saturday / Sunday / Public Holiday is entitled for Executive OT Allowance per the rate below. OT must be authorized in advance by the employees department manager and site General Manager. More than 15 hours: RM 50 per day. If more than 5 hours: RM 100 per day. OT must be pre-approved and submitted by the 20th to be paid within the same month.
List down allowances for staff and operator?
Allowance Type: Shift allowance, Allowance: 12 hours Shift Allowance, Operator do not been paid and Staff will have RM6 Allowance Type: Shift allowance, Allowance: Shift Allowance, Operator do not been paid and Staff will have RM60. Allowance Type: Shift allowance, Allowance: Night Shift Allowance, Operator will have RM5/night and Staff will not been paid. Allowance Type: Hostel and bus, Allowance: Travelling/Hostel Allowance, Operator will have RM26 and staff are not been paid. Allowance Type: Skill allowance, Allowance: PS1, It will not pay for Operator and Staff will have RM60. Allowance Type: Skill allowance, Allowance: PS2, It will not pay for Operator and Staff will have RM120.
Are there any additional allowances or incentives?
The employee must inform the HR payroll section immediately.
What is the annual leave entitlement based on years of service?
Less than 2 years' service: Operator(8 days), Staff(10 days), Executives and Managers(14 days).
What are the conditions for annual leave?
AL will be credited on the 7th of each month. Earned leave must be cleared per respective anniversary cut off (join date). Only a maximum of 4 days allowed to be carried forward after the cut off. AL must be applied 5 working days prior to leave date.
What are the break schedules for shift workers.
Compassionate Leave is provided in the event of the death of a family member. Employees are entitled to 2 days of leave for the death of parents, spouse, or children (Operators and Staff), while Executives and Managers are entitled to 3 days for the same. For the death of siblings, grandparents, or parents-in-law, all employees across all levels (Staff, Operator, Executives and Managers) are entitled to 2 days of leave.
What are the conditions for compassionate leave?
Compassionate Leave must be supported by a copy of the death certificate. The leave will be granted on consecutive working days, and employees are required to indicate their relationship to the deceased on the provided copy of the death certificate.
What is the marriage leave entitlement?
Only for 1st legal marriage only, 2 days (Operator & Staff), 4 days (Executives and Managers).
What are the conditions for marriage leave?
Marriage Leave must be supported by a copy of the marriage certificate or wedding card. The leave will be granted on consecutive working days.
What is the sick leave entitlement based on years of service?
all employees across all levels(Operator, Staff, Executives and Managers) are entitled when less than 2 years: 14 days, 2 to 5 years: 18 days, Above 5 years: 22 days.
What are the conditions for sick leave?
Only sick leave issued by company panel doctors are recognized. Employes who are granted sick leave should inform their superiors within 48 hours. Failure to do so will result in the employee being regarded as absent from work without notice. Upon full utilization of entitlement, any additional sick leave will be treated as Unpaid MC (UMC).
What is the hospitalization leave entitlement?
For all employees 60 days (Staff, Operator, Executives and Managers) per calendar year.
What are the conditions for hospitalization leave?
Employees requiring hospitalization are advised to refer to in-house clinic for Letter of Guarantee. Upon full utilization of entitlement, any additional hospitalization leave will be treated as Unpaid MC (UMC).
What is Hospitalization leave?
This is exclusive of the number of days entitled for Sick Leave. Entitlement will be given per calendar year
What is the maternity leave entitlement?
98 days (Staff, Operator, Executives and Managers) for up to 5 surviving children.
What are the conditions for maternity leave?
All female employees who deliver a child or children, alive or dead after at least 22 weeks of pregnancy. Employee must inform In-house clinic at least 60 days prior to confinement date. Employee must submit a letter from her doctor stating the estimated date of delivery. A copy of child / children birth certificate to be submitted to HR.
What is the paternity leave entitlement?
7 days (Staff, Operator, Executives and Managers) for up to 5 surviving children.
What are the conditions for paternity leave?
A copy of the child's birth certificate must be submitted to HR.
What is the exam leave entitlement?
All employees (Staff, Operator, Executives and Managers) are allow to take leave for actual exam days (maximum 2 sittings per year).
What are the conditions for exam leave?
A copy of the child's birth certificate must be submitted to HR.
What are the conditions for exam leave?
It must be supported by documented evidence.
What is the study leave entitlement?
2 days prior to the exam (maximum 2 sittings per year). Only applicable for Executives and Managers. Not applicable for the Operator and Staff.
What are the conditions for study leave?
Not applicable for the Operators and Staffs.
What is the sports leave entitlement?
No limit, based on the competition schedule. This Sport Leave is applicable for all the employees (Operators, Staffs, Executives and Managers.
What are the conditions for sports leave?
1 Trial / Practices - not applicable.
What are the purpose of dress code?
All employees act as representatives of the organisation and should therefore be dressed accordingly. The way in which carsem employees dress and present themselves plays an important part in the image that carsem portrays to customers, suppliers and the general public. For this reason, employees are asked to be aware of presentation of them and to adhere to the dress code guideline at all times when representing Carsem.
Who need to follow dress code rule?
Applicable for all employees from Carsem (M) M-Site and S-Site (Staffs, Operators, Executives and Managers.
What are the conditions for sports leave?
1 Trial / Practices - not applicable.
Who is responsible for enforcing the dress code policy?
Department managers and supervisors are responsible for monitoring and enforcing the policy. They are tasked with addressing violations and counseling employees.
What is the procedure for dress code?
This SOP is to give guideline to all employees on Carsem Standard Dress Code. Each employee is required to follow guideline as attachment 1 / sample picture as attachment 2 &
List out the enforcement for dress code?
Department managers and supervisors are responsible for monitoring and enforcing this policy. The policy will be administered according to the following action steps: If questionable attire is worn in the office, the respective department supervisor/manager will hold a personal, private discussion with the employee to advice and counsel the employee regarding the inappropriateness of the attire. If an obvious policy violation occurs, the department supervisor/manager will hold a private discussion with the employee and ask the employee to go home and change his/her attire immediately. Repeated policy violations will result in disciplinary action, as per HRD004
What clothing is considered acceptable for slacks and pants?
Long pants and jeans.
What is the guideline for shirts and blouses?
Formal or casual shirts with sleeves. Collared T-shirts and blouses/sleeveless tops (for ladies). Round-neck T-shirts are allowed for non-office personnel. Clothing with the company logo is encouraged. Sport Team. University. Fashion brands on clothing are generally acceptable.
Are skirts and dresses allowed?
1 Yes, casual dresses and skirts that are at or below the knee are acceptable.
What is the guideline for head covering and hats?
Head Covers or headscarf that is required for religious purposes or to honour cultural tradition.
What types of footwear are acceptable?
Shoes. Boots. Sneakers. ESD Shoes are compulsory for production personnel.
Are employees allowed to wear jewelry and makeup?
Yes, but they should choose suitable colors.
Can employees wear traditional attire?
Yes, acceptable traditional attire includes: Malaysian Traditional Attire. Malay Baju Kurung. Baju Melayu for Muslim men. Indian Saree. Punjabi Suit. Chinese Cheongsam are acceptable.
What types of clothing are not allowed for slacks and pants?
Shorts. Bermuda Shorts. Frayed/Torn Pants. Exercise Pants. Bib Overalls. Only Leggings(non-jeans). Any form-fitting spandex pants.
What types of shirts and blouses are prohibited?
Singlet sleeveless (men). Tank/Tube top (ladies). Low cut tops. Tops with bare shoulders. Bare midriffs. Spaghetti-strap blouse/ Spaghetti strap dresses. Transparent material. Clothing that reveals cleavage, back/chest/stomach or underwear. Clothing for the beach & beach dress. Any clothing that has words, terms, pictures, logos, slogans, political or sexual connotation that may be offensive to other employees is unacceptable. 1 Excessively frayed or wrinkled.
What types of skirts dresses are prohibited?
Mini skirt. Mini dress or skirt that rides halfway up the thigh or Thigh High slits skirt (half thigh).
What footwear is not permitted?
Shoes. Boots. Sneakers. ESD Shoes are compulsory for production personnel.
What types of footwear are acceptable?
Stilettos. Dirty/ Torn shoes. Slippers / sandals/ Flip-flops (exemption for male Muslim employees going for Friday prayers.
What types of jewellery and makeup are not acceptable?
Employees in CLEAN ROOM are NOT ALLOWED to use/wear makeup/bangles.
What happens if an employee violates the dress code policy?
Supervisors will hold a private discussion with the employee to counsel them on inappropriate attire In cases of obvious violations, employees may be asked to go home and change. Repeated violations will result in disciplinary action as per HRD004
What is the notice period for confirmed employees?
-Operators and Staff: 1 month notice in writing or 60% of 1 month base pay in lieu of notice. -Executives and Managers: 3 months notice in writing or 3 months base pay in lieu of notice.
What is the notice period for employees under probation?
Operators: 1 month notice in writing or 60% of 1 month base pay in lieu of notice. Staff: 2 weeks notice or 2 weeks (max 60%) base pay in lieu of notice. Executives and Managers: 1 month notice or 1 month base pay in lieu of notice.
Under what conditions can an employee be terminated without notice?
-Breach of contract of service. -Misconduct after due inquiry. -Breach of Carsem policies, including those outlined in the Employee Handbook.
What are the cessation of employment terms for expatriates?
Terms and conditions for expatriates are as per their specific employment contracts.
What happens if an employee is absent without notifying their supervisor?
Employees must inform their supervisor if they are away during scheduled work hours. If an employee fails to notify the company and is absent for three consecutive working days, it will be presumed that they have resigned, and their employment will be terminated.
What actions are classified as minor misconduct?
-Absent without notice. -Absent before/after a public holiday. -Failure to wear a company badge. -Work negligence. -Being late to work. -Ceasing work before time. -Missing from the workplace. .-Abuse of break time. -Eating in prohibited areas (outside work area). -Resting in prohibited areas. - Work performance not meeting required standards. - Abuse of email facilities. -Littering. - Failure to notify a superior of medical leave within 48 hours. -Rumor-mongering.
What actions are considered major misconduct?
Repeated Misconduct. - Work Negligence Resulting In Quality Issues Or Loss To The Company. -Eating At Prohibited Area � Production Area. -Smoking Inside Premise Excluding Smoking Zone. -Violating Company Rules / Procedures Resulting In Quality Issue Or Loss To The Company. - Violating Security/ Occupational Safety Rules Or Procedures. - Sleeping On Duty. -Threatening Fellow Employees Or Superior Officer. -Stealing/ Cheating/ Dishonesty. -Fighting/ Inciting To Fight/ Assault. - Sexual Harassment (SOP HRD 00111). - Abuse Of Email Facilities To Incite Others Against The Company / Fellow Employees Or To Distabilize Work Environment. - Abusive Language, Insulting Or Derogatory Behaviour. - Indecent Exposure/ Immoral Act. - Rumour Mongering Which Distabilize Work Environment. - Corruption/ Criminal Breach Of Trust. - Strike/ Go Slow/ Boycott. - Insubordination/ Refusal To Obey Reasonable Order. - Abuse Of Authority. - Boycott Overtime Work. - Falsifying/Amending/ Deface Of Company Documents. - Vandalism/ Graffiti. - Divulging Company Secrets/ Proprietary Information/ Confidential Information. - Bringing/ Consuming Alcoholic Drinks/ Intoxicate State While AT Work. -Consuming/ Trafficking/ Possessions Of Drugs. - Willfully Concealing Or Withholding Critical Information From Management Or Misrepresentation Of Facts. - Violation Of Company�s Standards Of Business Conduct.
What are the consequences of repeated minor offences?
Repeated minor offences or those with potentially serious consequences are classified as major misconduct.
Is the list of offences exhaustive?
No, the list is illustrative and not exhaustive.
What locations are included in the Carsem work calendar and schedule?
M-Site: Jalan Lapangan Terbang, 31350 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. Tel: +605-312 3333 | Fax: +605-312 533 S-Site: Lot 52986, Taman Meru Industrial Estate, Jelapang, 30020 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. Tel: +605-526 2333 | Fax: +605-526 533
How is the 2025 work calendar divided?
The calendar is divided into four quarters: Quarter 3 (FY 2024/2025): -January: 24 working days. -February: 21 working days. -March: 30 working days. Quarter 4 (FY 2024/2025): -April: 22 working days. -May: 23 working days. -June: 28 working days. Quarter 1 (FY 2025/2026): 1 -July: 24 working days. 1 -August: 24 working days. 1 -September: 28 working days. 1 Quarter 2 (FY 2025/2026): 1-October: 23 working days. -November: 23 working days. -December: 29 working days.
What are the public holidays for 2025?
-29 & 30 January: Chinese New Year. -11 February: Thaipusam. -31 March & 1 April: Hari Raya Puasa. -1 May: Labour Day. -2 June: Agong?s Birthday. -7 June: Hari Raya Haji. -31 August: Merdeka Day. -1 September: Merdeka Day (Replacement Holiday). -16 September: Malaysia Day. -20 October: Deepavali. 1 -7 November: Perak Sultan's Birthday. 1 -25 December: Christmas Day.
Are replacement holidays observed for public holidays falling on rest days?
Yes, replacement holidays are observed, such as 1 September for Merdeka Day.
Show the Shift Information about Shift schedules that are categorized as Day Shift and Night Shift.
Shift schedules are categorized as Day Shift and Night Shift. Employees should adhere to the timings and policies listed below: - Day Shift: 6:30 AM - 6:30 PM. - Night Shift: 6:30 PM - 6:30 AM (starts the evening before). - Public holidays and replacement holidays are observed as listed. - Rest days and built-in overtime are included in the schedule.
What is the purpose of the Act?
The purpose of the PDPA is to protect the privacy of personal data of individuals.
What is personal data?
-All information collected from a Data Subject pursuant to a commercial transaction which relates directly or indirectly to an individual, who is identified or identifiable from that information. - Personal data which is collected from a public source, i.e., the name and NRIC number of a director of a company search.
What is sensitive personal data?
-physical or mental health or condition. -political opinion. -religious beliefs. -commission or alleged commission of any offence. -other personal data that may be determined by the Minister from time to time. -Sensitive personal data cannot be processed, used, and/or retained without the explicit consent of the Data Subject. Higher standard of care shall be imposed for these data.
List out 7 Data Protection Principles?
DPP General Principle. Personal data can only be processed with the consent of the data subject. Further, the personal data collected should not be excessive in relation to the stated purposes. DPP Notice and Choice Principle. This provides that written notice must be provided to data subjects about the data user's policies and practices in relation to personal data, the kinds of personal data they hold and the purposes for which personal data are used, and the data subject shall be provided with the means to exercise his choice on matters comprised in the notice. DPP Disclosure Principle. This provides that unless the data subject gives consent, or where the disclosure is required for compliance with law, and for the administration of justice, personal data should only be used for the purposes for which they were collected or a directly related purpose. DPP Security Principle. This requires appropriate security measures to be applied to personal data. DDP Retention Principle. This provides that personal data should be kept no longer than necessary. DPP Data Integrity Principle. This provides that reasonable steps should be taken to ensure that the personal data is accurate, complete, not misleading and up-to-date. DPP Access Principle.This provides for data subjects to have rights of access to and correction of their personal data.
List out legal requirements for ESH related government legislations.
Atomic Energy Licensing Act 198 Occupational Safety & Health Art 202 Fire Services Act 198 Poisons Act 195 Pesticides Act 197 Environmental Quality Act 197 Others: Local Government Act 1976, Street Drainage and Building Act 1974, Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 198
What is Integrated Management System?
This Integrated Management System (IMS) is developed in with the requirements from ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System and ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Safety & Health Management System. The purpose of the IMS is to provide the framework to enable environmental safety and health (ESH) risks to be understood, and mitigation measures developed, implemented, and appropriately managed.
Who must attend contractor safety induction?
All contractors who are performing their work inside Carsem (M) Sdn. Bhd. (Both Site). Transporters who deliver raw material to Carsem (M) Sdn. Bhd. (Both Sites). All subcontractors who may be engaged by a contract.
Purpose of contractor safety induction?
To provide standard in the identification of ESH requirements for the contractor who providing service and delivering raw material inside Carsem (M) Sdn Bhd.
who conducts the training of contractor safety induction?
ESH representatives will carry out the training weekly or upon request.
what is the validity of training for contractor safety induction?
Valid for Two (2) years from training date. A contractor pass will be made and given to each contractor to indicate that they have completed the training.
Who must attend New Employee Induction?
All newly joined employees (including operators) have to attend this training before starting work at the company.
Purpose of New Employee Induction?
To ensure all new employees are aware of vital environmental, safety, and health requirements that need to be.
who conducts the training of New Employee Induction?
ESH representatives will carry out the training during the new employee orientation.
what is the validity of training for New Employee Induction?
Valid for the entire tenure of the employee under Carsem (M) Sdn Bhd.
Who must attend Chemical Control and Waste Management for ESH Induction?
All employees who are responsible for handling chemicals and disposing waste materials.
Purpose of Chemical Control and Waste Management for ESH Induction?
To ensure the specific employees are aware of the correct procedures associated with chemical handling and waste management.
who conducts the training of Chemical Control and Waste Management for ESH Induction?
ESH representatives will carry out the training annually.
what is the validity of training for Chemical Control and Waste Management for ESH Induction?
Valid for two (2) years from the completed date of training.
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