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⚠️ Work in Progress! SMB: A Multi-Texture Sheet Music Recognition Benchmark ⚠️


SMB (Sheet Music Benchmark) is a dataset of printed Common Western Modern Notation scores developed at the University of Alicante at the Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Group.

Use Cases:

  • Optical Music Recognition (OMR): system-level, full-page
  • Image Segmentation: music regions

Dataset Details

Each page includes the corresponding **kern data for that specific page. Additionally, it provides detailed annotations for each region within the page.

1. Image

  • Type: PNG
  • Description: Encoded full-page image of the score.

2. Original Width

  • Type: Integer
  • Description: The width of the image in pixels.

3. Original Height

  • Type: Integer
  • Description: The height of the image in pixels.

4. Regions

  • Type: List of JSON objects
  • Description: Contains detailed information about regions on the page. Each JSON object includes:
    • bbox:
      • x: The vertical position on the page (in pixels).
      • y: The horizontal position on the page (in pixels).
      • width: Width of the region (in pixels).
      • height: Height of the region (in pixels).
      • rotation: Angle of rotation (in degrees) for the bounding box around its top-left corner. This angle defines how much the box is rotated clockwise from its default unrotated position.
    • raw: The content extracted from the original dataset before any processing.
    • kern: A standardized version of the content ready for rendering.
    • ekern: A tokenized and standardized version of the content for enhanced processing.

5. Page Texture

  • Type: String
  • Description: The musical texture of the page.
  • Values:
    • "Pianoform"
    • "Monophonic"
    • "Other"

6. Page

  • Type: JSON object
  • Description: Metadata of the page. Fields include:
    • raw: The unprocessed content extracted from the original dataset.
    • kern: The content in a standardized format, ready to be rendered.
    • ekern: The content in a tokenized and standardized format.

7. Score ID

  • Type: String
  • Description: Unique identifier for the original score to which the page belongs.

SMB usage 📖

SMB is publicly available at HuggingFace.

To download from HuggingFace:

  1. Gain access to the dataset and get your HF access token from:
  2. Install dependencies and login HF:
    • Install Python
    • Run pip install pillow datasets huggingface_hub[cli]
    • Login by huggingface-cli login and paste the HF access token. Check here for details.
  3. Use the following code to load SMB and extract the regions:
import math
from datasets import load_dataset
from PIL import ImageDraw

def draw_bounding_boxes(row):
  Draws bounding boxes on an image based on region data provided in the row.

      row (dict): A row from the dataset.
      PIL.Image: An image with bounding boxes drawn.
  # Load the image
  image = row["image"]

  # Create a drawing context
  draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

  # Iterate through regions in the row
  for index, region in enumerate(row["regions"]):
      # Extract bounding box data
      bbox = region["bbox"]
      box_x = bbox["x"] / 100 * row["original_width"]
      box_y = bbox["y"] / 100 * row["original_height"]
      box_width = bbox["width"] / 100 * row["original_width"]
      box_height = bbox["height"] / 100 * row["original_height"]
      rotation = bbox["rotation"]

      # Convert rotation to radians
      rotation_rad = math.radians(rotation)

      # Calculate the corners relative to the top-left corner (anchor point)
      corners = [
          (0, 0),                     # Top-left
          (box_width, 0),             # Top-right
          (box_width, box_height),    # Bottom-right
          (0, box_height),            # Bottom-left

      # Apply rotation around the top-left corner
      rotated_corners = []
      for x, y in corners:
          rotated_x = box_x + x * math.cos(rotation_rad) - y * math.sin(rotation_rad)
          rotated_y = box_y + x * math.sin(rotation_rad) + y * math.cos(rotation_rad)
          rotated_corners.append((rotated_x, rotated_y))

      # Draw the rotated rectangle
      draw.polygon(rotated_corners, outline="red", width=3)

      # Show region data
      print(f"\nRegion {index}:"
            f"\nRotation (degrees): {rotation}"
            f"\nkern: {region['kern']}")

  return image

if __name__ == "__main__":
  # Load dataset from Hugging Face
  ds = load_dataset("PRAIG/SMB")

  # Select a subset of the dataset
  ds = ds["train"]

  # Iterate through rows in the dataset
  for row in ds:
      # Draw bounding boxes on the image
      image = draw_bounding_boxes(row)

      # Show the image and wait for user to close it
      input("Close the image window and press Enter to continue...")


If you use our work, please cite us:

  author = {,
  title = {},
  year = {}
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